diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_301.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_301.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_301.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +I.e. GME may likely go up and stay up. As overstock was unexpectedly successful Gamestop with their transformation may be too. Considering inflation and Gamestops long term transformation there may be no need to sell at all. + +tl;dr + +Read the abstract, it is like a tl;dr but fancier and with a fixed position at the start of the text so that you guys always find it. Also: please do not see my title as a challenge. +I’m from the Washington DC area and have been looking for somewhere within driving distance to invest for cheaper. I was looking at Baltimore on Zillow and there are many duplexes for sale for anywhere from 15-30K. That seems insane to me. I recently stumbled upon a duplex with 2 separately metered, 2 bedroom 1 bathroom units for under 20K. Of course they require work, but how much work could it possibly take to make a deal like this not work? +I'm thinking about getting about investing into AirBnB properties. + + +However, I'm trying to find the right place to start investing? So far, I've been looking up certain locations but I am interested in learning what else should I take into consideration? + + +Thanks for taking the time to read this +There are cabins for sale occasionally near me that are on national forest land. The cabin itself is owned, but the land is government owned and leased. I'm looking at a cabin that is near a popular ski area that is going to expand in the next 10 years. Will a cabin like this appreciate in value, even though the land is leased? +If you had a 5-10 year time horizon to make $1M grow, would you sell a $1M house in the GTA (Ontario) and put the proceeds into the markets? Or bank on the appreciation of the house. The house is a stand alone, unrented asset. Not where I live. +In 2010 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $0.10!” + +In 2011 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $1!” + +In 2013 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $100!” + +In 2014 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $500!” + +In 2016 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $700!” + +In 2017 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $17.000!” + +In 2020 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $20.000!” + +In 2021 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $60.000!” + +Moral of the story, if you want to become rich: put your crypto on a hardware wallet and f*ck off for 5 years. + +At EVERY SINGLE ONE of these timestamps, people thought “im late.. i don’t want to buy at ATH” and you would be filthy rich if you had bought at ANY of these moments. + +Stop stressing, stop the fud, and we’ll see each other in 5 years. + +Have a green dildo day! +I have just seen the following article, which seems to mark quite a big shift in housing law: +https://www.theguardian.com/money/2021/jan/07/ground-rent-scandal-leaseholders-in-england-and-wales-get-new-rights + +Does anybody have an idea of the repercussions of this? +After reading about the most recent [SEC whistleblower award of $31 Million](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-85), one part of the release stood out to me: + +https://preview.redd.it/3sexa9l4rtz61.png?width=1486&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddab7727648bdb179e90662c78ce3421579b6fbf + +&#x200B; + +" The SEC has awarded approximately $873 million to 162 individuals since issuing its first award in 2012 " + +I remembered seeing some fairly large whistleblower awards recently, so I wondered if this year shows any increase over previous years. In this case, you can draw a fairly direct correlation between amount awarded, and the severity of crimes under investigation for any given month/year, due to the fact that the awards are a [percentage of the money collected due to the whistleblowers compliance](https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower): + +&#x200B; + +" The range for awards is between 10% and 30% of the money collected " + +&#x200B; + +So I wanted to see what's been cooking at the SEC since the mini-squeeze in January. It is possible to sort their press releases by year and keyword (whistleblower), and find a complete list of awards this year: + +[https://www.sec.gov/news/pressreleases?aId=&combine=Whistleblower&year=2021&month=All](https://www.sec.gov/news/pressreleases?aId=&combine=Whistleblower&year=2021&month=All) + +&#x200B; + +I have taken the liberty of adding the award amounts for this year, and in a mere 5 months, we have hit **135.2 Million in awards.** This amounts to 15.5% of all awards ever given in 2021 alone. + +Keep in mind that the SEC whistleblower program has been in operation for 117 months (since August 2011), with the first whistleblower award in [August 2012](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEC_Office_of_the_Whistleblower) (105 months). I know months are a somewhat variable measurement unit, but the generalization still gets the point across. + +From there, I wanted to see what the SEC has been doing over the past year, and was shocked to see that almost **HALF** ($413.7 Million) of all of the amount awarded has been given in the past year. + +Of course there is no way to directly link these awards to GME, but it is an awfully big coincidence that in the same year that hedgie fuckery has been brought to the forefront of ape attention, the SEC has awarded 47% of all it has ever given to whistleblowers. To give a frame of reference, 12 months constitutes roughly 11% of the time the program has been active. 47% of program activity in 11% of program runtime... + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/dqrrxrdnrtz61.gif + +There has been a change. A dramatic rise this year. Something is coming. + +We all know what. + +I can feel it in my apey bones! +You all seem like way more financially literate people than me. So I will try my question here. It’s about foreign currency exchanges. + +Right now I earn income in Swedish Krona (where I live) and pay some bills in USD in which I use a money transfer service. + +I can never tell if the USD is stronger or if Swedish Krona is stronger. In fact, I don't even know what that term means. If one is stronger, what indicates it? Does that mean it stretches further if I transfer accounts? + +For example, would the Swedish Krona be stronger one day and I transfer to my USD account and I can pay a little more off a credit card that month compared to a month before but with the same transfer amount? + +I'm so confused! +I hope you are all doing fine on this glorious weekend. + +While staying inside and looking at WallStreetBets is extremely enticing, I would just like to remind all BANG (BB, AMC, NOK, and GME) shareholders to remember to drink water, eat, go outside and get some sun, do some other stuff besides scrolling through reddit, sleep well, and to not sell and hold. + +This is the revolution of our time. Decades of oppression by big hedge funds, manipulating the market when they are wrong, taking advantage of the average investor... + +This all needs to stop. + +"If you're poor, just invest," they say. + +Well look at us now. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: for those looking for a broker to trade: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend\_gme\_thread\_homework\_for\_all\_lets\_stop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend_gme_thread_homework_for_all_lets_stop/) + +Edit 2: DON'T GET DISTRACTED, BUY GME OVER ALL THE OTHER STOCKS, BUT HOLD BB AMC AND NOK IF YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY GME +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/porsche-taycan-ev-outsells-flagship-911-sports-car.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/15/porsche-taycan-ev-outsells-flagship-911-sports-car.html) + +Deliveries of the Taycan hit 28,640, and deliveries of the 911 sports car hit 27,972 during the same period. + +The Taycan, a four-door, dual motor sports car, was seen as a high-priced competitor to Tesla’s newer Model S sedans at the time of its debut. + +While Tesla does not break out deliveries by model, Elon Musk’s electric vehicle maker reported deliveries of approximately 13,180 Model S sedans and Model X sport utility vehicles in the first three quarters of 2021. +In 2019 I made just just over $12,000 and I have around $25,000 in debt, with over $20,000 of that being credit card debt. I'm a full time student going to community college and I work part time making minimum wage plus commission though the amount I make from commission is negligible. I come from a wealthy family but I have been financially independent for about 4 years now. My lifestyle has not changed from when I was supported by them and I never realized just how bad my debt was until I was doing my taxes this year and could see it all together in one place. I'm currently living by myself, though until about a month ago I was living with my girlfriend who was making around $70,000 a year. We've been dating for 6 years so I guess I've also been using her income as if it was my own. She comes from a much more wealthy family than mine and her spending habits are much higher, though still within her means. I've essentially been spending money like I make as much as her which is what got me into this situation. I'm now spending much less than I ever have before but I know that I'm going to need some help with this because I am completely overwhelmed by the situation I've put myself in. Any advice on my situation would be greatly appreciated! + +Edit: I’m currently at work but I see that this post has really blown up, I haven’t had a chance to read all the new comments but I appreciate everyone adding to this post! I should get home at around 9:45 EST and will be able to read/respond then. +Wanted to know how big the derivatives market is, so in 100% smooth brain fashion I Google searched “where information on derivatives markets”. What I wasn’t expecting was to discover a whole ass government website that is barely mentioned on Reddit at all! (as of writing) + +My fellow apes, I would like to introduce you to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/20w1uh1p4ob81.png?width=541&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1988ebdc4022cac196541c1ed47ccecda1e8dae + +I literally learned that this government agency an hour ago exists so here is a screenshot of the ‘Who we are” page and corresponding link. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/70mcsyhs4ob81.png?width=1217&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d34bf86036aaf203840159640c2c1ddae66446 + + + +[https://www.occ.treas.gov/about/who-we-are/index-who-we-are.html](https://www.occ.treas.gov/about/who-we-are/index-who-we-are.html) + +The site itself may be an unexpected treasure trove of DD waiting to be discovered, but today I want to focus on this particular section… + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8z22isav4ob81.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5cba079c8a6e8cc546cb83d8fb734f3da1c381f + + + +[https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/index-derivatives.html](https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/capital-markets/financial-markets/derivatives/index-derivatives.html) + +As you can see; under ‘Popular Links’ to the right side of the page, we have a link labeled ‘Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities’. My fellow apes, this was so much better than what I was expecting. Records going all the way back to q4 1995, summaries of derivative the banks had during each quarter (which you cant get on an 10-Q), and absurd asset to derivative to asset ratios that would make OG degenerates blush. + +I don’t know a damn thing about what healthy ratios look like, but I’m pretty sure that Goldman Sachs’ $124: $1 of derivatives to assets isn’t anything close to it. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aw8g25u95ob81.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=f936119fee178a51ca8a4a0bf7d5803bf4570535 + + + +[https://www.occ.treas.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr3-2021.pdf](https://www.occ.treas.gov/publications-and-resources/publications/quarterly-report-on-bank-trading-and-derivatives-activities/files/pub-derivatives-quarterly-qtr3-2021.pdf) + +It has been months since any substantial DD has been published, and I had believed that there was nothing left to discover. It is my hope that what I have put here is the beginning of a new era of incredible DD into the degeneracy of the big banks. Wrinkle brained apes I pass this off to you to explore!😎 + +See you all on the moon (Not financial advice) + +(Post publish edit: This is the definition of Comptroller from Investopedia - + +"A comptroller, in the United States, is a high-level executive that oversees the accounting tasks and financial reporting procedures of organizations. The comptroller oversees all accounting including accounts receivable, payroll, and loan transactions. The comptroller also supervises the chart of accounts and the general ledger, which form the basis for the financial statements." ) +Hello! Longtime lurker here—love the content. I’m a former high-frequency options trader at one of the big firms in Chicago and wanted to give my two cents of advice for all of you to use. + +1) Professional models are really good. Their volatility pricing, their reaction time—both unreal. Do they get things wrong from time to time? Sure. But unless you’re running serious quant analysis, the good buying/selling opportunities only last a matter of minutes. + +2) Execution is important. If you’re going to trade, trade tight markets with high volume. The tightest bid/ask spreads mean you give up the lowest edge per trade. The best place to look is usually monthly expirations for stock options. For some archaic reason, these options have the tightest bid/ask spreads and are more heavily trades, even close to expiration. The worst are usually Monday/Wednesday expirations. Unless you have a specific reason to trade these Monday/Wednesday expirations, you’re wasting money. + +Those are my two main pieces of advice—thanks for reading! +Here's mine: + +Ever since my first job as a busser when I was 16 at a local Italian restaurant I've been saying "Man, I can't wait till I retire". Most of my co-workers, friends and family thought I was joking and just brushed it off with "Ha, you've got a while to go kid". At the time I was only halfway saying it ironically, but it was based on truth - a desire to not want to do crap I didn't want to do. + +Goofy Side note: I would be paid nightly in crumpled up $1 and $5 bills which I would take home and iron out so it wasn't a pain in the bank teller's butt. + +Anyhow, as I went through high school and college, I switched jobs a couple times, but always kinda had the same attitude - can't wait to retire - same responses from coworkers - was pretty good at saving and a novice at investing at this point. Didn't really have any goals with the money, but at least it wasn't being thrown away. + +Our first day of college, our professor had us stand up and rattle off a goal we had. I randomly said "to retire by the time I'm 30". She literally scoffed and said "well, you better not have any kids". Even though I was (mostly) joking, the way she said that really kinda pissed me off and only strengthened my resolve. + +One Christmas, i guess I was 19, my sister's fiance gifted me a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad, which I view as the turning point in my financial life. It gave me a purpose of something to work towards. I know it's relatively shallow, but for introductory purposes, it fits the bill. + +So now I'm saving more and investing more, but still haven't been properly introduced to FI. + +A few years go on where not much new happens until I graduate from college and get my first job. On day 1, I joked with my mentor about retirement and he ended up sharing MMM with me and since then, I've had FI on my mind as a primary goal. + +Anyway, that's a little of my story on how I learned about FI - eager to hear yours. + +Edit: MMM = Mr Money Mustache +These are my thoughts on things to avoid on the FIRE journey: + +1. Don't invest in individual stocks. If you do make that mistake, try to keep it to around 5% of your investments. Get a broad US index, throw some international index in there if you must. Some bonds are OK too, depends on age. Don't invest in any get-rich-quick scheme. Your friend made moolah in some MLM, crypto, or some fantastical real estate deal? Tell them how awesome they are, smile, and forget that bullshit. Slow and steady accumulation has FAR better odds of success than trying to hit home-runs. Also, don't make money off of disadvantaging someone else...unless you are an asshole it won't sit right with you. +2. Don't look at the markets too often, check accounts once a week just to make sure you weren't hacked. Forget the silly peregrinations of the stock market. Don't look at the news often. Some subreddits are OK. +3. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is dealing with their own shit and these comparisons only serve to make you either feel worse, or to make sacrifices that don't enhance your happiness or well being. Your only competition is you from yesterday, and the only pill that helps with your mental well-being is progress (apart from an actual mental condition in which case please take your prescribed pills!). +4. Don't let money idle in a sub-1% checking/savings account. Get a high-yield savings account to sock extra monies +5. Don't ignore your health. Doesn't mean you have to be adonis or aphrodite, just that you take care of yourself a bit more. +6. Don't ignore nature. It makes a difference to be outdoors and connect with things that are not man-made. +7. Don't have toxic people in your life, including family. It is OK to cut them out! +8. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's not easy to adult, and you are doing just fine. You're doing great! +9. Don't ignore your career. Not all of us inherit or get lucky with some investment - most still earn their FIRE the old-fashioned way, earning and saving. Yes, work sucks - suck it up and try to contribute in ways you enjoy and fuck the office politics and bullshit. If you are truly miserable, start looking around and make a change. No such thing as "loyalty" to your employer (or vice versa) these days, look after yourself and better yourself. +10. Don't get lost in FIRE. Get a plan, set it and then forget it for weeks. Just check in every month or so. +I believe in the current market, ETH is priced irrationally low versus Bitcoin and presents a compelling buying opportunity. Bitcoin does have the liquidity and volume advantage, but Ethereum will start to gain against it as futures and other financial products (most of which are exclusively Bitcoin right now) start to expand to Ethereum. + +If you look at most of the streamlined crypto financial reporting tools, the focus tends to be on Bitcoin and Ethereum- pretty much ignoring anything else. If you view these entities as a leading indicator for the broader market, they are telling us that *Ethereum is and will remain a major financial asset in the crypto space, very likely to increase in public awareness over time*. And of course, ETH is one of only two cryptoassets I'm aware of which the SEC has explicitly deemed a non-security (the other is BTC), which gives it important regulatory treatment which will encourage the creation of more US-based financial products based upon it. + +This isn't just a first place "gold" (BTC) and second place "silver" (ETH) comparison though. ETH is like a "silver" which will only continue to get better and more useful over time, while BTC is a digital gold which will remain relatively stagnant and will likely only have as much relevance as the commodity it now seeks to emulate. *And Ethereum has one advantage Bitcoin will never have- diverse and trust-minimized / trust-less financial and non-financial use cases.* + +ETH is not only used as money today in the decentralized Ethereum economy, but Ethereum is used to create, store, and interact with all sorts of financial assets, and much of that activity which would not be possible without it. *Watch over the next 5 years as Ethereum begins to devour more and more assets onto the chain. It started with ETH, then ERC-20s, then NFT / digital collectibles, then stable coins, and now onto tokenized securities and even tokenized BTC in the form of WBTC. As that happens, economic activity on Ethereum will begin to skyrocket, compared to Bitcoin which is effectively a mono-asset market.* + +And over a 10 to 20 year timeframe, I'm willing to bet that the asset which actually allows for native decentralized finance (that's ETH) has a decent shot at becoming a broadly accepted money, versus something whose monetary premium is derived essentially from memes only (that's BTC). + +*Ethereum is a massive sleeper at #2 with much room to grow, and much world changing potential still to come.* And right now, it's trading at only 12.5% or 1/8th of the BTC marketcap. Unless you're one of those people who believe BTC dominance is going to 95% and all other assets will die, this is a very compelling discount for a savvy investor. + +Very few other chains provide any meaningful economic value to the space, which is why I believe most financial value will accrue to ETH and BTC over time. That's why I remain about 80% ETH and 20% BTC, and continue to be very optimistic about Ethereum and ETH's future. +Dr. T explained that the [best way to protect your interest as a shareholder was to use a “direct purchase plan”](https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath/status/1389318953026002948). It took a while for this idea to gain traction among retail investors, lately being of great interest particularly for people who want to keep some shares _forever_. Since then, a lot of FUD has been spread around, discouraging people from doing this via misinformation. This [incredible post combats a lot of the misinformation](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3owe8/dispelling_the_fud_surrounding_computershare/), allowing apes to grow some wrinkles. + + +Now, the latest FUD comes in this [very, _very_ lazy post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p8t0bu/citadel_and_computershare_in_one_buildingis_there/) that has gathered traction suspiciously quickly. It reads like a conspiracy theory FB post. This is what it says in a nutshell: _So, hear me out: Computershare has an office… IN THE SAME BUILDING AS SHITADEL! Coincidence?_ The hilarity comes in the top comment being a guy saying that _they are fed up_ and NEED to know WHERE they can put their shares safely. They will CALL Gamestop and CALL Computershare. What will Gamestop say? They’ll say to use their fucking Direct Registration System (DRS) which is handled by Computershare. What will Computershare say? They’ll ask if you are an idiot. + + +### Shills are getting lazy + + +[Computershare has 81 offices around the world](https://www.computershare.com/corporate/about-us/locations/our-offices#map_canvas). Their London office, which is in the SAME BUILDING as 50+ other companies, is not even their UK HQ (that one is in Bristol, where Shitadel is not present). It is common for _several_ companies to share offices in a building in financial districts. Shills think apes are idiots, but apes have already grown some wrinkles since this whole ordeal started. Apes can spot shit a mile away. + + +**ta;dr** There's nothing fishy about Computershare. Shills are spreading lazy FUD again. + + +**EDIT:** Adding this link to a discussion about [Dr. T's comparison of stonk certificates to NFTs and how this not only protects investors, but also challenges phantom shares](https://redd.it/p3171l). This makes it really clear why there is constant FUD re: Computershare. + +**EDIT 2:** Thanks for the awards, everyone! +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +This week would be Oct 21 50 strike for .29. I was thinking of selling the .10 delta every week. You have to factor in the fact that, getting assigned amd at 50 bucks is not the worst deal in the world, I mean, that's genuinely a steal regardless and it's a wheel. +I am originally from a large Canadian city, however I got an offer immediately after graduation in a high paying professional services career (consulting/banking) in the US East Coast. I decided to pick up and make the jump, with no contacts or friends in the new city. I am single and have made a ton of friends through work, but little else. + +A couple years later, I make decent money (mid-100's), and I have been offered a corporate strategy job at FAANG, all the way in SF. I'm pretty burned out from my current job, so FAANG would be more relaxed while still paying well (offer is 150-200k). However, it seems very daunting for me to pick up and move again, have no friends, start all over again, and for what? To sit on my piles of money while my friends back home build families and memories? To move cities again when something better pops up in a few years? In addition, it makes it hard to make any large investments in real-estate because I would essentially be planting my flag for the long term. + +Many days I miss my friends and family, but there is frankly very little opportunity to fatFIRE in Canada, especially in tech. I also don't think professional services is a long term solution, due to the stress and hours. Not sure what advice I'm looking for, but a bit of ranting never hurt anyone ;) Perspectives are much appreciated. +My parents never listened to my financial advice (making a will, cutting expenses, etc..). Then all of a sudden, Suzie Orman comes along and they do exactly what she tells them to do even though I've been telling them to do the same stuff a long time ago. + +They even bought one of her packages online that helps you create a revocable trust (you know? That golden briefcase). Has anyone heard of this woman? It seems that a lot of senior citizens idolize her. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/03/verizon-begins-rolling-out-its-5g-wireless-network-for-smartphones.html + +Verizon is activating its 5G mobile network in Chicago and Minneapolis. + +Customers can expect speeds up to 1Gbps, which is about 10x faster than you might normally get. + +Only one phone supports the network right now. +Keep that in perspective. + +This stock can fall much harder. + +90 days ago the analyst still thought we were going to get 40% growth for the next year. And 35% in 2019. Now it looks like Facebook would be lucky to get 25% growth in 2019. The revenue growth has materially changed. + +I would not touch this until it goes to at least $140 +Keep that in perspective. + +This stock can fall much harder. + +90 days ago the analyst still thought we were going to get 40% growth for the next year. And 35% in 2019. Now it looks like Facebook would be lucky to get 25% growth in 2019. The revenue growth has materially changed. + +I would not touch this until it goes to at least $140 +I have set aside 6-months of salary as an emergency fund. + +&#x200B; + +It's currently in a savings account that's attached to my main current account. This feels a little too close to my regular finances, as the accounts sit alongside each other - I'd rather keep it somewhere separate, that earns a little bit of a return, but is v. easy to access if needed (ie. within a few hours). + +&#x200B; + +Where do you all keep yours? +Hi there, + +I just want to add some REITs in my portfolio and I try to find a list of reist dividend aristocrats, unfortunately I can find only a few REITs how are divided aristocrats but not a list to compare en do research before I can add a one or to. + + +Does anyone know where I can find a list of all REIT aristocrats? + +Edit: I have bought O and I am considering to buy ART as well, is this also a good stock? + +Business model looks good and analist are als positive, i have not looked at their financials yet. +Hi! + +I seem to see quite a few careers in the US (being a doctor or a dentist are the two that stick out most in my mind) where it’s common for people to earn 200k+ + +Here in the UK though, I can’t think of any jobs that let you earn that amount of money, except things like politicians, talented investment bankers or people with lucrative businesses. + +What careers allow you to earn such crazy amounts of money? + +Thanks! (and sorry if this is in the wrong place) +My amazing boss just put in her notice today. Personal reasons, but it was a logical decision for her. I've been similarly unhappy and frustrated with the company myself for several months, not just because of Covid and the industry we're in. Covid just made it way worse. Everyone has been jumping ship it seems. I am 1 month away from being halfway through my first pregnancy, and my plan was to stick around through at least after my maternity leave and then start seriously looking around. But now that she's leaving, I am fearing maybe it's time I jump ship now too and at least start looking. + +How unwise would it be to leave now and possibly pay more out of pocket bc of lack of benefits/PTO versus tough it out until May-ish 2022 and find something better? If it helps any, I can easily find a higher-paying job anywhere in my city, so the hunt for a new role would hardly be difficult. It's just that transition and loss of benefits would be extremely difficult on me/us during an already exhausting time (physically at home and mentally at work). Also, my new boss for now will be fine, and if my tasks stay relatively the same I can probably tough it out without much difficulty. It would just be frustrating the whole time. + +Update: thank you all for the amazing and insightful comments! I think I'll stick it out and reconsider choices right before/after the baby comes. Loss of benefits/insurance could be really tough on us, not to mention the job transition in Covid and having to take maternity leave. I think I already knew this was the answer but wanted to make sure I wasn't being a crazy pregnant lady lol +Hey folks, + +I am a data scientist who has been working on applying machine learning and data analysis to build trading tools. I have been thinking of open sourcing some tools and I am really excited to introduce the first tool called **Surpriver**. + +&#x200B; + +[Tool's Logo](https://preview.redd.it/f17h14h5tlk51.png?width=365&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b3432f73beabf606d2c16a64f3217f9cd01c0e8) + +# Introduction + +**Surpriver** is a python based tool which tries to use volume and price changes to look for anomalous and unusual patterns using machine learning and anomaly detection algorithms - more specifically, it uses something called an Isolation Forest for anomaly detection. Surpriver gives you the flexibility in analyzing different granularities of data e.g 1 minute bars, 30 minutes bars, 60 minutes and some more. + +>**Although the tool works on all kinds of stocks, it works more effectively on penny stocks as there are more fluctuations in penny stocks and their patterns.** + +Here is the **basic flow** of the tool. It goes over 5000 stocks and extracts their price and volume data from **yahoo finance**. It then calculates a few technical indicators like Ease of Movement and converts everything into a single vector representation which we call features. These features are then passed to an anomaly detection engine which find unusual patterns by comparing a stock's features with every other stock and ranks the stocks based on anomaly score. The stocks with the highest anomaly scores are expected to move up or down more than the ones with lower anomaly scores. **In a nutshell, the tool looks at 5000 stocks and tries to automatically infer some unusual patterns which** ***can*** **lead to some big moves.** + +You might tell me that there are some existing scanners for this but every single of them are based on manually curated rules e.g if volume is greater than 5 times the average volume of last 5 days, alert the stock. However, such scanners can often fail when market conditions change. **Surpriver is a totally automated scanner that does not need such rules. Also, in order to find anomalies, since it looks at the global view of market movement, it is more robust.** + +# Results + +Let us look at a scatter plot of results from last 2 days of this week. The stocks were analyzed on Wednesday and the plot below shows their absolute percentage change in price in the next two days. + +**Scatter Plot:** + +[Correlation plot showing that when anomaly score is high \(negative values\), the future change for the stock is also higher](https://preview.redd.it/leddxl0sqlk51.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=f10a7b77438db954af0527933904264d0eab965b) + +As you can see in the image above, the anomalous stocks (score < 0) usually have a higher absolute change in the future on average. That proves that the predictions are actually for those stocks that moved more than average in the next few hours/days. One question arises here, what if the tool is just picking the highest volatility stocks because those would yield high future absolute change. In order to prove that it's not the case, here is the more detailed description of stats. + + --> Future Performance + Correlation between future absolute change vs anomalous score (lower is better, range = (-1, 1)): **-0.23** + Total absolute change in future for Anomalous Stocks: **89.660** + Total absolute change in future for Normal Stocks: **43.000** + Average future volatility of Anomalous Stocks: **0.332** + Average future volatility of Normal Stocks: **0.585** + Historical volatility for Anomalous Stocks: **2.528** + Historical volatility for Normal Stocks: **2.076** + +You can see that historical volatility for normal vs anomalous stocks is not that different. However, the difference in total absolute future change is double for anomalous stocks as compared to normal stocks. + +# Results + +I ran this tool on 60 minute bars with a history of 14 bars only. Here are the results for this week. These results were generated on 28th August, you can see how they did in the last few days. + +Results (August 28): [https://pastebin.com/L5T2BYUx](https://pastebin.com/L5T2BYUx) + +Since a lot of folks don't know how to use python, I will be updating the results on the GitHub repository on weekly basis. There are no strings attached. + +# Backtesting - How would have it worked in the past? + +I am pretty sure everyone is going to want to backtest it on historical data. For that purpose, there is a separate section in the GitHub repo that talks about running the tool on historical data and see how it would have done in the future. Please go to the repo to look at those steps. I have also provided some backtested results from the last two days of this week. + +# Limitations + +The tool only finds stocks that have some unusual behavior in their price and volume action combined. It doesn't predict which direction the stock is going to move. That might be a feature that I'll implement in the future but for right now, you'll need to look at the charts and do your DD to figure that out. + +# GitHub Repository + +Link: [https://github.com/tradytics/surpriver](https://github.com/tradytics/surpriver) + +More information on how the tool works is given in the GitHub repository. Please ask if you have any questions. + +# Final Thoughts + +Would love to get everyone's thoughts. Since this is open source, please feel free to make changes and push them. If you have a feature request, just create an issue in the GitHub repo and I will work on it. Also, I am taking requests for more tools that folks here would want. Please comment if there is anything specific that you would like. + +Happy to talk more about how everything works in detail. + +# Is this promotional? No, this is 100% free and open source. + +So we have a few competitors who downvote every single thing we post and report almost all of our posts. This had led to a lot of my posts getting removed. Therefore, for this post, I have specifically gone ahead and asked the mods if this is allowed to post here. + +>***This is not a promotional post or tool***\*\*. The tool resides on github and is literally 100% free.\*\* + +PS: If you want more open sourced tools, just comment with your idea of a tool. I will try to work on it and open source it for everyone. +As boomers die off and millennials become the political power block will they take their inherited homes and defend property values like their parents or will the decades of misery push policies to make housing readily available and cheap again ? + +I'm talking about 10 or 20 years down the road. +Website: https://www.y-5.finance/ + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/Y5Token1 + +Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m89EZZUcp4 + +Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Y-5Finance + +Telegram: https://t.me/Y5TOKENOFFICIAL1 + +The new standard in DeFi tokens, check out Y-5 Finance at the above links. Will be the first to offer a REGULATED TOKENOMICS EXCHANGE. + +From 123-BSC.com: + +The Y-5 team was able to overcome every obstacle faced and successfully grow to 4,000+ holders and $2MM BUSD rewards distributed in its first 2 weeks. The CEO Bradley, leads the operations and has a military and financial background. Furthermore, he is surrounded by trusted advisors who are experienced in the regulatory environment. Y-5 is embarking on a journey to solve the pain-points currently experienced in the industry as well as bring investing in tokenomics projects to the masses via a regulated exchange. On their short-term roadmap, they are announcing innovations of being able to stake tokens while receiving BUSD rewards as well as the ability to receive reflection rewards of any token with a BSC address. + +CEO Bradly’s update on 2022/02/02: + +It has been a very, very busy and proactive 2 weeks with the team and advisory board. We have gone firm on our roadmap and order of our releases. Please note this may be subject to change however, we are now fully engaged to deliver this Y-5 roadmap. + +Our first version of the exchange will be ready in 5-6 weeks. + +We will then move on to the following: + +- Wallet +- fiat on and off ramping +- Stable coin Y-5GBP & Y-5USD +- Token launchpad +- NFT Marketplace +- The Y-5 Chain +- V2 and custom reflections. + +Some of the above will be worked on in parallel. + +Listening to the TG group we felt it was important for the community to have a voice. So are also now a fully functioning DAO, giving the power to the community to submit proposals. You must own over 500B of Y-5 to submit a proposal. However, anyone can vote on any of the proposals submitted. + +https://snapshot.org/#/y-5.eth + + +I’m really excited about and looking forward to the AMA. So please get all your questions ready. I will make sure I answer them all. + +Thank you to all the investors and this amazing Y-5 community. +So my (24F) mum recently sold her home and was unable to get a loan for another home due to bad credit (I think) and is now considering getting a loan under my name. I do not live at the home (I live at my dads). She doesn’t work but has owned a home for 20+ years. She has a deposit of a little over 100K to give as much as I want to help before it goes to zero I am concerned about this damaging my name down the road. + +What are the benefits/risks of doing this for me and what should I be wary of? I do of course intend to buy my own home in future. I have 5 siblings and the home was initially meant to be passed down to us all one day. +I was confused. Most people seem to realise that it's kind of an intrusive question to ask. + +But I made a deal with him. I'll show him how much BTC I have stacked, he just needs to open up his banking app and show me how much money he has. + +Yeah, so he never found out how much I have. Shocker. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Title says it all. My style of trading is looking at short , medium and long term stochastic on 1/2/5 M and combine accumulation/distribution on volume and look for turn around points for scalping SPY. + +If I were to model myself after a baseball player I am more like Ichiro and not barry bonds. I've learned to hate greed and big grand slams and instead go for tons of singles. Very high win rate and ROI of like 7.5% return per trade using options. + +So like I said paper trading is going well. Four months of consistent profit. Now I'm depositing money and here goes nothing but I'm scared. I am a "Trading in the zone" guy like many of you so I feel equipped to be a success. + +How did you transition from going from paper trade to real trading well? +IQST (iQSTEL) is a telecommunication company providing services to the telecommunication, electric vehicle, fuel distribution, chemical and financial sectors. + +Through its subsidiaries it does/has done business with major players including Verizon, Vodafone, Orange, Tata and IBM. + +&#x200B; + +Subsidiaries have links with China as well as up and coming economies in Africa and South America: [http://www.etelix.com/](http://www.etelix.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Financials: + +Market cap of 60m + +Revenue of 35m ttm + +yoy revenue growth of 218% + +35% of shares held by insiders + +Recently reduces debt by almost 50%: [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-reduces-overall-debt-by-48-in-conjunction-with-convertible-debt-elimination-301208704.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-reduces-overall-debt-by-48-in-conjunction-with-convertible-debt-elimination-301208704.html) + +Exceeds forecasted revenue for 2020: [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-exceeds-fy-2020-revenue-forecast-reaching-nearly-45-million-301202501.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-exceeds-fy-2020-revenue-forecast-reaching-nearly-45-million-301202501.html) + +Forecasts 60m revenue for 2021: [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-announces-60-million-fy-2021-revenue-forecast-expanding-fintech-blockchain-and-iot-offerings-on-42-million-telecom-foundation-301200132.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-announces-60-million-fy-2021-revenue-forecast-expanding-fintech-blockchain-and-iot-offerings-on-42-million-telecom-foundation-301200132.html) + +&#x200B; + +Catalysts: + +Agrees to develop EV battery for electric motorbike + +[https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-enters-agreement-to-develop-proprietary-electric-vehicle-battery-for-alternet-systems-revolt-electric-motorcycle-301220308.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-enters-agreement-to-develop-proprietary-electric-vehicle-battery-for-alternet-systems-revolt-electric-motorcycle-301220308.html) + +&#x200B; + +Plans to develop new battery solution for EV + +[https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-to-develop-battery-solution-for-electric-vehicle-industry-301217340.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iqst--iqstel-to-develop-battery-solution-for-electric-vehicle-industry-301217340.html) + +&#x200B; + +IoT Labs, a subsidiary, wins 2021 award for smart appliance product of the year + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/iqst-smartgas-iotlabs-iqstel-wins-153500464.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/iqst-smartgas-iotlabs-iqstel-wins-153500464.html) + +&#x200B; + +IoT is a rapidly growing sector of the economy: [https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/internet-of-things-moving-towards-a-smarter-tomorrow-market-industry](https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/internet-of-things-moving-towards-a-smarter-tomorrow-market-industry) + +&#x200B; + +I am certainly no expert, do your own DD and look for yourself at the kind of work the company and its subsidiaries are doing. + +I have no position as I write this but I plan to get in on Monday. + +Criticism is encouraged, this is my first attempt at writing anything close to a DD. +[Link to interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WxfQ2zKXeA&feature=youtu.be) + +Some key points: + +* Capital markets in developed countries are now in the control of central banks, valuation ratios etc don't matter right now due to liquidity completely skewing risk premiums. +* You don't want to hold cash or bonds due to negative real rates. +* Look for stores of wealth - equities, gold etc +* Limiting factor for money printing is confidence/demand for USD. This only can happen if there is a credible alternative to go into - e.g. crpyto, RMB or some other new reserve currency. +Nothing is a moonshot in ETH’s eyes. + +https://imgur.com/a/rqD56GY + +$4k was a moonshot just one year ago when the price was just $400. Now just a year later and we’re above $4k! + +Lesson learnt: Never underestimate ETH. $40k next year. Here we go! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I guess we're back to the battle for $180? That has always gone so well for the SHFs, no wonder they shorted like mad to get there yesterday. The good news is that Apes *love* discounts, and all of us with buy orders at Computershare are going to extract even more shares from the DTCC's grip. It continues to be obvious that our actions are tipping the scales in our favor - Citadel has their spin-machine working overtime to try to contain the damage caused by their lies becoming exposed, and DRS has led to the lowest dark-pool volume in recent history. Their ability to manipulate the stock we like is waning, and they don't know what they're going to do after Apes have taken control. They still have to close their short positions, but more shares are locked out of their grip each day! + +Today is Wednesday, September 29th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$181.65 / 155,55 €** *(volume: 823)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $182.05 / 155,89 € *(volume: 800)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $179.23 / 153,47 € *(volume: 699)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $179.07 / 153,34 € *(volume: 683)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $179.11 / 153,38 € *(volume: 683)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $179.30 / 153,54 € *(volume: 671)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $180.56 / 154,61 € *(volume: 570)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $180.56 / 154,61 € *(volume: 532)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $180.82 / 154,84 € *(volume: 471)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $180.82 / 154,84 € *(volume: 463)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $180.76 / 154,79 € *(volume: 459)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $179.86 / 154,01 € *(volume: 277)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $180.03 / 154,16 € *(volume: 256)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $179.91 / 154,06 € *(volume: 250)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $179.94 / 154,09 € *(volume: 222)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $180.05 / 154,18 € *(volume: 218)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $179.77 / 153,94 € *(volume: 204)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $179.75 / 153,93 € *(volume: 202)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $179.83 / 153,99 € *(volume: 198)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $180.03 / 154,16 € *(volume: 194)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $180.03 / 154,16 € *(volume: 184)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $179.94 / 154,09 € *(volume: 138)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $179.80 / 153,96 € *(volume: 125)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $179.93 / 154,07 € *(volume: 115)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $180.13 / 154,25 € *(volume: 38)* +- 🟩 US close price: $178.60 / 152,94 € *($180.00 / 154,14 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1678. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Ever since my posts about fractal algorithms, I have been followed by low karma shills and mercilessly and unnecessarily downvoted and messaged. A lot of which, is loaded with suspicious "curiosities". Some - genuinely valuable relevancy was offered. I hope you read it through this **in its entirety** before cultishly blasting me. + +So without wasting much time and effort, I believe I have said what I needed to say regarding the algo in previous posts, but it aligns with a lot of tweets to a tee. + +The poop 💩 emojis are a warning. There is more often than not a very sudden and drastic dip in the near future. Because of the cycle we are currently in during that timeframe. We are trading in the past. They also land DEAD ON a cycle change. + +Edit: I'll add... 💩 tweets are increasing in frequency. This is "taking the dump in the metaverse" (it's not real). As cycles increase in frequency, so does volatility. + +To lend credence to this: RC tweet "hold or hodl". Notice he left something out? It's probably because you shouldn't buy in the near future because GME is about to fall off a cliff relatively soon. Buy when it's cheaper and let them rack up more FTD's to do so. We need to buy up as much of the float as possible - for as cheap as possible. Help is waiting when the time is right. + +Edit: I'm not saying GME is about to drop another 60%. I'm just saying watch for the cliffs, particularly on the open. Let it bottom out because if we fall further the next day, we need to make the cost basis count. + +Why the cliff? The algorithm is following a pattern. A very specific one. Also one that it can't deviate from and will short at ANY cost to stay the course - trending back to more than a decade... Because FTD's cost them nothing and supply is infinite... For the most part. + +-"It's not about "why", it's when, where, and how much" DFV tweet. +I won't get much into this one because it gets much deeper than any of us think... A LOT deeper. This is referring to timing these cycles. -Also the DFV tweet - woman from Seinfeld is also referring to cycles. Stop worrying about "why" the price is dropping. It's fake. Ficticious. Fantasy land! Worry about "when" and "how much". + +-Another DFV tweet regarding shape-shifting. This is referring to the algo. It's hidden in plain sight, just woven through different time scales. To me - it's blatantly visible on the charts. Refer to previous posts. (Did I mention the topic attracted a *LOT* of negative attention/followers?) + +-When FTD's are free and unlimited, you're fighting a battle that can't be won - yet. We are the "child pushing the sumo" tweet. We need to lock the float and buy/DRS as much as humanly possible as we fall, but I also wouldn't buy unless it I could get more for less. Supply and demand is meaningless - for now. We will go down regardless - until we don't. Strong buy pressure may also yield an even harder push down during certain cycles. XRT 600% short interest is indicative of that. This thing was designed to terrorize - don't forget that. The poop tweet should give you a heads up if there is a tasty dip soon. + +-DFV reverse uno tweet is referring to the back half of the cycles. The downtrending cycles. Refer to the yearly chart and my previous posts and you will see. One cycle is very sudden and drastic as it **shape-shifts** to shorter time scales- poop tweet! Sugar daddy - the sweet spot. + +-MSM is openly calling out GameStop for lack of official announcements on turn around plans. There is a reason for the silence. It's a huge "fuck you". When the stars align, announcements will be made. + +Obligatory source: trust me bro... + +Buckle up. MOASS is inevitable. + +And fuck the shills following me, too.🖕 + + 💎🤲🚀 +Hi Reddit, + +My girlfriend (31F) just inherited quite a large sum of money (1 million dollars!) and as a result is now looking to buy a house. She has been renting for quite some time, and I am trying to figure out the cost-benefit for her between investing the money vs buying a house. Here are some details: + +House cost: $600k + +Her current rent: $2000/mo + +If purchased, she could rent out a floor of her new house for $2000/mo! + +She's willing to stay in the area for at least 5-8 more years + +Assuming normal real estate growth in this area over time (a close suburb of Boston, MA). + +While I have been able to learn several key aspects of personal finance just by browsing this reddit (investments, 3 fund portfolio, interest income, etc), I don't know how to weigh this against home ownership. Basically, how can I tell her whether renting vs buying is better, or whether a SMALL vs LARGE down payment on the house (or just buying it outright) is the smartest decision? + +Thanks Reddit! Any helpful feedback would be welcome. + +edit: the inheritance is within a trust fund in her name - taxes paid - so I believe she will get the full $1M amount +Guys, ETH just broke the 1000 EUR level today around 8.30 London time! I was really not expecting that as the price was dropping to 806 EUR yesterday after quite a sharp increase to the 990 EUR level but hey, welcome to the crypto currency world I suppose! Shall we reasonably expect the ETH to rise to the 1.5k this month? 3k by March? I am slightly concerned by the Market cap eth would have if it reaches 3k EUR, it would have the same weight of one of the biggest European company. +I accept gas fee is pretty high on Eth network and this needs to be fixed but Did they seem to forget the one of the reasons we are invested into crypto is decentralisation, if you are holding a centralised coin then what’s the point? So you are just here to make money, right? + +Ethereum values decentralization over everything. +We just need to wait for the solutions, if someone is being impatient they can their ETH at $44000 and f*ck off. +Players, what are your thoughts here? + +I got into crypto majorly because every source out there was selling it as the game changer due to its Decentralization. This to me meant, I am not obliged to share any personal information when doing transactions or my daily business. + +However this is changing. I don’t know if it’s a law, but most exchanges now have a KYC process that every user has to fill up. If you read on matters KYC in crypto, most articles are pegging the introduction of these protocols as necessary. This [article](https://www.financemagnates.com/thought-leadership/decentralized-kyc-protocol-a-gamechanger-for-defi-institutional-market/) in particular, says that KYC Protocols is a game changer in DeFi. How so? Where is the freedom here? The freedom that we were promised when getting into crypto and shifting from traditional banks? + +Are they trying to snatch this freedom and anonymity away from us? I am not buying the hack stories tbh! They just want to keep controlling us. +I was reading about the inflation period around this time and wanted to share a couple insights... + +1. On a top level stocks had negative real returns. This was because multiples crashed; although, earnings grew at 8% and dividend held their own, inflation was 7.8% on average over the period. Stocks yielded 5.6% on average over this period. + +It's important in these times to remember the advice to hold good businesses that can raise prices without losing lots of customers. + +2. P/E multiples on the S&P were cut by almost two-thirds. + +Shiller P/E was about 22 and fell to about 7 over this time period. + +(Shiller P/E is roughly 29 as of today. It's peak was recently at almost 37 in January) + +Keep in mind while valuing business that your average producing company had an average P/E of 7 in a long inflationary period. + +I don't think today's time is the same as then, but it could be and accounting for that risk and knowing what is cheap and what isn't is in our best interest. + +I'm not telling you to sell anything, but if you are allocating new capital or cash this should give you a metric to keep in mind. + +Data is from: A Random Walk Down Wall Street +Hello everyone, +I have a relatively small position in an Austrian bank (erste group bank) and it’s going down with the rest of the market in the recent months. +I bought into it after the covid crash in 2020 and had a pretty good return in dividends since, now I am thinking about reinvesting some of the money I got out of it the last two years. +I know valuing a bank is hard, but I don’t see anything wrong with the company and it always seemed to be quit cheap compared to other banks. + +My question is what do you guys think of banks in the current macroeconomic environment and where do you see risks and potential? +Hello Value Investors, today I am making a post on understanding the current state of the market. I have posted previously under the accounts u/pleasantvibe and u/stonksanalyst (yes this is my third account). These are confusing times, and even the elite experts can't fully make sense of *everything*. But, I'm not pretending to be omniscient, so let's get into it! + +(TLDR is located at bottom of Post) + +The biggest question I've seen asked is why has the market rebounded so quickly? The US GDP took a greater hit in Quarter 2 than the stock market crash of 1929. The single worst economic times in US history followed the 1929 crash, so WHY are we not seeing a hard hit stock market today? Two words, government assistance. The US government has spent **7 trillion dollars** in stimulus for the private sector. In case you haven't heard from anywhere else, that figure is astronomical. Many of you readers may have received this stimulus, whether it was in the form of a $1200 check, paycheck protection from the company you work for, or disaster relief for your business. That doesn't explain the whole story though. Putting money (mostly) in the hands of regular citizens and small business owners doesn't explain a stock price rebound for the world's Fortune 500 companies. Even with that money circulating back as spending, consumer spending is still down 1.2 trillion dollars from the first quarter of 2019. So what are the other reasons? + +Another two words, Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has artificially lowered interest rates to what is effectively zero. Interest rates have been extremely low since 2009, but they were on a recovery track before this injection of capital into the economy. Low interest rates have a variety of different effects on the economy. Cheap loans, higher physical asset prices, and what I believe to be most important for this post, terrible fixed income prospects. Whether it be storing your money in banks, buying bonds or treasury notes, you **cannot even beat inflation** with any of these in the current times. Because of this people who are trying to create long term wealth have but one single option. The stock market. A total stock market index, which simply matches the return of the entire stock market, will out earn a 10-year treasury note three times over. This has brought investors pouring money into the market like a firehouse because there is simply no other option. With more buying of stocks, means higher stock prices because as you all know, as demand of something goes up, so does the price. + +Another key thing to note is the accessibility of the market. In years before the internet where similar situations have occurred in the US and Global Markets, normal everyday folk couldn't simply just take their small earnings and stick them in the market. There were far more barriers to entry. Now with brokerage apps, fractional shares, and even no fee trading, anyone with a smart phone and one red cent to spare can be in the market. This adds as multiplier effect to the inflation of stock prices. + +Finally, I have seen a trend of investors who believe that the government will continue to prop up the economy in times of disaster. While I think it is dangerous to assume such things, regardless, there is a level of confidence building that crashes that we've seen in the past may be just that. A thing of the past. This causes confidence to put your money (or leave your money) in the market even during bad economic times. This adds, yet again, another multiplier to stock prices. + +TLDR: Government assistance and low interest rates have caused people looking for a return that will beat inflation to rush to the stock market. Since the stock market is easier to access than ever, this is why we see stock prices that don't reflect the state of the global economy. + +Happy Investing, + +u/TheMarketMonk +I have been trying to choose between two books all day: Security Analysis or The Intelligent Investor. + +I come from an economics and finance background (econ/finance undergrad, just took CFA L1 and currently a Masters in Finance student). + +I have read that The Intelligent Investor is better for people just getting into investing, so I am not sure which one I would derive more value from. I have a limited time before work and school start up so I wanted to choose one to thoroughly go through. + +Thank you +Hello community, + +I am sure most of you know Joel Greenblatt’s Magic Formula strategy? It’s a great concept and has delivered exceptional returns in the past – 23% annually (1988-2005). Personally, I think it is a great screening tool to generate investment ideas! + +Well, I recently came across an interesting chart provided by the AAII that showed the performance of the magic formula ever since Greenblatt’s book “The Little Book That beats The market” was published. I was quite surprised by the recent performance of the Magic Formula strategy – a drop from 23% annually (1988-2005) to 6% (2005-2019) is quite significant! + +[https://www.aaii.com/stockideas/performance](https://www.aaii.com/stockideas/performance)? + +What do you think caused this drop? I recently did a video on this subject but I’d love to know if you can come up with any other explanations? + + +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-5G-Bmjklg&feature=youtu.be + +&#x200B; + +Best regards +René +Hi - I’m looking for resources to better understand the financial statements and the different entries. I’ve taken accounting courses in college but I’ve largely forgotten the details. Any recommendations appreciated. Thanks in advance! +I feel like r/ValueInvesting is more focused on Graham-Dodd / young Warren Buffet type stocks, is there any subreddit focused on growth at a reasonable price stocks / compounders? If not, maybe it would be interesting to create one. +Hi everyone, I'd love to hear your stories and thoughts on how to meet a partner with similar financial ideals/ goals etc. as it's one of the biggest financial decisions one can make in life. + +I have meet some wonderful people on the dating journey yet have had challenges finding a path forward together financially, namely lack of savings or other investments by mid 30's/ early 40's with the people I've been meeting or in some cases straight up lying about their financial position. + +While I have a decent income right now, it does vary so while salary is a factor, someone's attitude towards saving and investing is more important to me than straight up salary. + +Personally, I just don't want to have to work F/T until retirement age and want to travel a lot more going forward and have found those two goals are something I'd love to do with my forever person. + +1. How/ where did you meet? (city/ country/ online/meetup etc.) +2. Did that \^ have a big bearing on commonalities between you? +3. How and when did you start the conversation about future goals together? Kids? Travel? Marriage? +4. How did you vet that what they were saying was actually true without sounding/ coming across as a controlling a$$hat? +5. Did/ have you stopped dating someone due to financial goals not aligning? +6. If you're in Brissie, any particular hobbies/ clubs/ interests you'd recommend? + +Thank you! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thank you to everyone who posted, it's been interesting to read all your stories. You've confirmed that I'm on the right path and with some minor adjustments on timing of conversations (earlier and light hearted), observation of habits and an open mind to finding goals that excite both parties and that align with my values, it is possible to create something wonderful together even if both people are not currently in the same financial place. I may not be able to stop someone blatantly lying to me about finances, but I can decide my actions afterwards. +The other day my job required me to tell someone that it was in fact legal for his landlord to kick him out with 20 days notice, even though it's basically impossible to find a place in that amount of time here. Guy has a family. It broke my heart because I'm soon to be in a similar situation, and even though I rub elbows with landlords every day, every single one I've talked to says they have upwards of 100 applications every time they list a unit. + +I make good money. My fiance makes good money. We have good credit. We're college educated and stable. We have no kids. We usually make it into the top five and then get beat out by someone who makes more than us. How the hell do people worse off than we are find housing if we can't even find housing? We only need another two or three years to save up a downpayment which puts us at a HUGE advantage compared to most millenials. What do people even do?? +So my gf’s parents want to sell their home. +On the market is goes for $145k. The comps look to match that going as high as $160k. +It’s a 4 bed 2 bath with an unattached office. 0.45 acres. Rent goes for $1275/month. Roof < 5 years. They’re asking for $124k cause they have 84k left on the mortgage and want to walk away with $40k cash. +What do you guys think. +My mortgage payment would be $539/month. +Taxes are $900 +No idea what insurance would be. +Location is Anderson, South Carolina + +my interest rate on 30 year is 3.256% using VA loan. +Hello my dear r/personalfinance redditors, + +First of all, I know that this is a big luxury problem and I am well aware of the privileged position we find ourselves in. Nevertheless, I would be grateful for serious comments with assessments from your side. Also, I'm German, living in Germany, where the houses are standing as well. + +Inherited a semi-detached house together with a family member, built in 2020 for 4 million euros including land costs etc. Of this 1 million equity, 1 million loan 0.5% the first 10 years fixed rate and 2 million euro euribor loan with first adjustment in March '23. + +The houses were value investments, the rental income would be about 250,000 euros gross per year. +Currently only the one house is rented, the tenants are very demanding, which is probably more than understandable with such a rent - but still can be very exhausting. In the other house, we are currently afraid of renting, because we are afraid of rent defaults - and thus expensive rent nomads. Apparently in the price range in the area it has happened more than once, because, for example, entrepreneurs went bankrupt and could no longer afford the rent. + +Throughout the pandemic, the houses had an increase in value of about 1.5-2 million euros. + +There is no prepayment penalty for the loans. We still have liquid assets totaling about 1.5 million euros. With this, we could make a large unscheduled repayment, for example, should the euribor-linked loan interest rate - our main concern - go up sharply. + +At the moment our net income is around 10,000€/month in total. The people who can thus pay the rents in "our" houses on a monthly basis are in a different league financially, at least as far as the monthly cash flow is concerned. + +For us, there are two options: + +A. We sell the houses, settle the loans, come out with maybe 2.5 million gross after settling the loans. Of this, about 700,000 € speculation tax must be paid (which would be omitted from 2030 after the expiry of the deadline), the remaining 1.8 million we divide by two, buy from it perhaps apartment with less rent default risk because higher diversification and rejoice in the money we have been awarded. + +B. We look for a tenant for the other house, use all the rental income to pay off the loan and build up reserves. If the euribor loan becomes too expensive for us, we take our own money to bring it down by unscheduled repayment. +This variant brings us the advantages of no speculation tax, if we hold the object still a few years as well as a very high rent yield (250.000/4.000.000, over 6%) opposite the purchase price. Also, as new construction, the houses don't seem to have too high costs over the next few years (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). + +Now for my questions, are we missing something? Is the math too simplistic? What would you guys do in such an exceptional situation? + +Are grateful for any advice, any opinion. +Basically, I'm confused why market volatility is a thing. If one assumes that the majority of professionals are rational actors, why the large discrepancy in prices on a day-to-day basis if the fundamentals aren't changing? +Hello everyone, so I recently leased my house and the tenants decided to pay me upfront for a whole year worth’s of rent (which is great!). My dilemma now is what should I do with the money? I know I can pay the lump sum to the principal of the mortgage which would mean I would not pay interest on 30k USD over the course of the 30 year mortgage (I got my house last year). This sounds good on paper however my interest rate on the mortgage is 2.75% and I thought I could maybe invest the money elsewhere, which would lead me to a much better yield and thus even if I had to pay the interest the profits from the investment would offset this. + +Any recommendations on what is the best path here? +I'm on the 40% tax bracket but I want to increase my savings quite drastically, so would like to bring in additional money. + +In the past when I was in the 20% tax bracket range I would work in a factory on my days off and weekends to supplement my income, but for £5 an hour now, back breaking work just doesn't seem good value for money. + +What can I do to increase my income? I've thought about selling goods on eBay and gave it a go but that didn't go anywhere. I'm thinking of becoming a taxi driver to increase my income also. + +Any other ideas? + +Edit: I make 63k a year +Now that filecoin just released their ICO. I must know if people are done with Siacoin. Now that Filecoin publicly released their work I found Sia to be an attractive option for multiple reasons. Here's why: + +* Siacoin is a competitor of both Storj and Filecoin. Sia is the only one that hasn't grown in the last month. +* Now that the FileCoin whitepaper has been released they can copy many of its proof features for their own purposes if people give them more money via investment into the coin. They'll have further capacity to hire algorithm experts and become a serious competitor to FileCoin. +* The price is so cheap right now that it would make sense to invest now before everybody else drops in for it. Assuming BTC increases to $5000 it'll correct around that point and people will place their crypto funds elsewhere. Sia seems to be a good candidate. + +Are these reasons for believing Siacoin would be a good bet wrong? Am I missing something? +Iconic is an ecosystem for the financing and offering of businesses’ assets through blockchain technology. Using the potential of decentralized trust to drive by financing promising businesses, Iconic joins the market while its evolution and popularization occurs exponentially. To successfully enter such an effervescent and competitive market, Iconic's ecosystem is presented as the most complete so far, covering all possible phases of an ICO: the offering of tokens; the trading of successfully offered tokens; and the necessary instruments to guarantee the fulfilment of promises and obligations made in the offers. Through the three different parts of its ecosystem, Iconic presents a complete environment for investments in impacting businesses, with security related services and guarantees never seen before in the market. We then call the community through the "Let's move the chains" campaign, offering the Iconic ecosystem to, together, create an integrated, stable and secure path for technology to achieve its full potential. +https://www.joiniconic.com +I've been feeling kind of bearish about the altcoin market the past few days. Here's why, maybe you can change my mind. :) + +* I'm struggling to find a reason for **Litecoin**'s price to be so much higher than other altcoins. +* **Peercoin** has proof of stake and was doing very well after the rebranding and "volunpeer" campaign, but they lost their most effective community builder, John Manglaviti, to a startup. The next version of the wallet software is also months late and will be missing highly anticipated features (cold locking and checkpoint removal). +* **Worldcoin** is in a massive nosedive due to concerns that Sharmbeck may be a scam. +* **Quark** had a nice little bump due to buyers in China, but that has fizzled out now. +* **Namecoin** has had no development for months and its community has faded away to wisps of nothing. +* The **Megacoin** project changed domains from (megacoin.co.nz to megacoin.in) for reasons that aren't entirely clear. What is clear is that Kim Dotcom is in no way affiliated with the project (not there was ever much doubt). Price has been flat to lower for weeks. +* **Doge** is still going great but you start seeing some hints in redditmetrics and on /r/dogecoin that it may be approaching its peak. Disclosure: I have significant Dogecoin holdings and not for financial reasons. +* **NXT** with pure proof of stake and its other advanced features is very interesting from a technological standpoint, but as an investment I don't think it is headed anywhere -- large holders cashing out are going to keep downward pressure on price. +* **NEM** ("New Economy Movement") has somehow managed to raise 40 BTC (~$32,000) in their "IPO." They intend to launch a coin based on a fork of **NXT**'s source code. That was their original plan, anyways, the developers have stayed in the shadows while the money keeps flowing in what could be a major scam... For reference **NXT** raised at most $4,100 in that coin's IPO. +* **Vertcoin** is basically **Litecoin** but with a different proof of work and without Litecoin's community. Great for anyone with a GPU mining rig, but I don't see it going anywhere. There is also the significant risk that other altcoins will adopt its proof of work (Mooncoin plans to do this, apparently) if it proves effective, destroying much of the value. +* **Potcoin**, **Kaisercoin**, **Ultracoin**, **Reddcoin**, etc. ...meh. + +wow, re-reading this, it is so negative. I feel like I'm channeling Hazard or something :( +Long time ago (2000-2009ish) I invested in AAPL. Over that period of 9 years, that investment totaled to about $140K. Now it's worth about $560K (depending on the day) and I'd really like to put it into something more diversified (like an index fund). How should I do this? + +&#x200B; + +* I've maxed out my Roth and 403b contributions every year. +* My AGI last year was 50K. +* It's already setup to DRIP. + +&#x200B; + +I could sell it all at once and then put it into another investment (e.g. an index fund) but I'm leery of the tax implications. Honestly the reason why this happened is because I'm a set it/forget it kind of guy. I rarely look at my investments once a year. Every year I tell myself this is the year that I diversify but then I finish my tax return and go my merry way. + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT: DANG! Thanks for everyone who replied. Even the guy who PM'd me and called me a rich cocksucker. I thought that was funny, but I reported you. Glad I didn't use my "real" account. Also, Brian from Merril Lynch at BofA I don't think it's going to work out with us.** + +&#x200B; + +**I learned a lot about long term capital gains tax brackets. I think I'm going to go the piece-meal route in divesting as well as turning off the DRIP. Just for some clarity, I'm 40 years old. I'm married. I used to work at Apple that's why I have so much of their stock.** + +&#x200B; + +**People tell me to go get a professional. But honestly, I feel you are all professionals in one way or another. I trust all of you. Even you, Brian. And the guy/girl who called me a rich cocksucker (but lets be real...that's a guy talking); I'm always looking for ways to expand my resumé and you gave it to me. I love you all.** + +&#x200B; + +**Special thanks to my agent and my wife. Honestly, I just got lucky. And lazy. It's the best combination. Besides chili peppers and chocolate. Also I love my kids.** +After this latest market dip, I’ve seen a lot of posts that are confused about what to do. + +1. The standard guidance for a long-term investor is to pick an allocation and stick to it. If 60/40 stocks/bonds was right before, it’s probably still right. + +2. When the value of your stocks goes down, that means that you are now under-allocated to them. E.g if you started out with $6000 in stocks and $4000 in bonds but the stocks drop to $4000, your allocation is now 50/50. Rebalancing means you should move $800 from bonds to stocks to recover the 60/40 allocation. + +3. This is not about timing the market. Rebalancing is an infrequent event (and usually left late in the tax year to optimize capital gains). + +4. If you’re panicking, that means your initial allocation was probably too aggressive. The good news is, your new allocation is automatically more conservative. Congrats! +https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/12/29/walmart-wants-to-deliver-groceries-right-to-your-f.aspx + +> Amazon.com is probably further along on this idea than anyone. Using a special smart lock set and an Amazon security camera, the Amazon Key system allows packages to be placed inside your home. Using a smartphone, you can watch the door opened, your package placed inside, and the door closed and locked again. + +> Walmart is testing a similar system in Silicon Valley in partnership with smart lock maker August Home where a Deliv driver puts away your order while you watch him through a smartphone app connected to your home's security cameras. The person gets in via a one-time access code. While the access code and surveillance could build trust, Walmart has perhaps a higher hurdle to get over than Amazon. + + +Hello. I have 10,000 dollars. I want to buy: SCHD - 25%, SPHD - 25%, DIVO - 25%, SCHY - 25%. How do you rate my choice? Have I chosen the right ETF and have I allocated the correct percentage for the purchase? +I've only been invested in ENB and BMO; would like to dabble in other sectors with high-quality dividend stocks. What are your picks or recommendation? + + + +1. Energy +2. Materials +3. Industrials +4. Utilities +5. Healthcare +6. Financials +7. Consumer Discretionary +8. Consumer Staples +9. Information Technology +10. Communication Services +11. Real Estate +The development of a robust donut marketplace has prompted the need for immediate action to prevent [Sybil Attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybil_attack) from undermining ethtrader's weighted voting system. This is a preliminary poll to determine whether or not the community thinks this is a justifiable concern. + +See [Original Donuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/aiq8o7/stop_donut_sales_to_preserve_sybil_resistant_polls/eeppprn). + +Should a method be created to distinguish "earned donuts" from "bought/sold/traded donuts?" + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/aisafk) +I have recently started coding my own crypto trading bots, as a way to remove emotional impulses from my trading strategy and have tested a few designs with various degrees of success. + +I have recently been testing this particular bot with different coins and got some interesting results. While it underperformed on Bitcoin, it actually came in profit during a week of live-testing on XLM. + +Here are parameters that I set for the bot: + +* The bot will be trading Bitcoin automatically if the price has increased by more than 3% in the last 10 minutes. +* We will have a stop loss of 5% and take profit of 8% - this can be improved with a trailing-stop functionality. + + Have you ever traded with a crypto bot or built one yourself? Let me know your thoughts! + +And of course, here is a guide you can follow to build your own along with the open-sourced code: + +Guide: [https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/03/14/how-to-code-your-own-crypto-trading-bot-python/](https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/03/14/how-to-code-your-own-crypto-trading-bot-python/) + +GitHub repo: [https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/Bitcoin-Surge-Trading-Alpha](https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/Bitcoin-Surge-Trading-Alpha) +In counterpoint to u/PWNWTFBBQ ‘s post on the state of DD in this sub. + +##Acknowledge + +* First, let’s acknowledge their accurate point that putting “DD” or “possible DD” on posts is totally open. Anyone can do it. I did it for this post. Is it DD? [**No.**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/483/348/bdd.jpg) + +* Second, this sub is known to have bad actors in it. Shills. Posts of comments. Re-posts. Is there a possibility of diluting the quality of the DD? Maybe. (I’ll go more into this in a minute.) But is there a real threat of low quality DD being posted for ulterior motives? Absolutely. + +* Third, are there assholes on this sub? Yes. Am I one of them? Depends. I mean... we all have bad days. Do some people have a hard time being publicly corrected, or just, corrected at all? Do some people not want to admit to being wrong? Absolutely. + +* Finally, are we publicly playing against semi-disclosed players with undisclosed positions hidden in deep regulatory strata? Yes. Is there a lot of *accurate* information available? Not really. There are excellent *views* here, which are supported by meaningful data, but much of what we are doing is interpretive. My own research-driven, actual DD is included in this statement (I spent my free time today reading HBS research papers on market structure for Part 3 of “The Sun Never Sets on Citadel”. How was your Sunday?) + +##However... + +But let’s get to the question: ***why do we need posts to be marked as DD in the first place?*** + +* I put DD on my posts to show that I did what I thought was research, and I found something which I think the larger community would want to know. That’s it. + +**But it looks like a subset on r/Superstonk think that the DD tag is a signal for** ***reverence*** **for the posts**. To them, DD is a moniker for substance, and they are disappointed when the DD doesn’t meet up to their standards. To them, if the post falls flat, is downright wrong, or worse, the OP is an asshole who doesn’t admit that it’s flatly downright wrong – then it doesn’t deserve the DD. + +&nbsp; + +#I disagree. Full stop. Fuck reverence. + +&nbsp; + +##[Holup](https://i.redd.it/bwyowwbzmqa71.gif) + +1. First, Superstonk DD is effective because of **open accountability**. Meaning, DD is available for review by all. I recognize u/atobitt’s name for his foundational work, even though I have a hard time remembering if it’s 2 “b”s or 2 “t”s when I’m trying to type it out. **His work stands on its own merits, and he includes his sources and references for all to see.** If he does shitty work, anyone can see it, critique it, and understand why it’s shitty. Even u/atobitt is subject to criticism. Nobody rests on their laurels. **Every DD is publicly accountable to anyone.** + +2. Second, Superstonk DD is effective because **we already have a really effective system in place.** Our sub’s best DD is also our most awarded, upvoted, and referenced. If you’re worried about shitty DD getting 100 awards – don’t worry, memes of Legos will get as many before they are both completely forgotten. The best DD rises to the top, stays, gets referenced, shared, saved, printed out, framed, etc. And by the way – not all good DD is the same. Some DD is technical, niche, or isn’t written with everyone in mind. **The most popular DD is popular because it is meaningful to the *whole* community and the *whole* cause of $GME.** + +3. Third, Superstonk DD is effective because of **open contribution.** I didn’t notify anyone when I posted DD. There was no gatekeeper. Several people have pinged me with their DD and the info they are working through. Some of it is legit; some sucks. **I love it all. This sub is about people trying. And trying means we get it wrong.** I welcome feedback on mine (when I’m not an asshole). But I also look back on mine and others and see how **we didn’t quite have the whole picture, but we were better for trying to find it. Even when we got it wrong along the way.** FYI There are really well-written, supported, highly awarded DD posts that point to MOASS happening this past April. They were wrong. But they were right to contribute. + +4. Finally, Superstonk DD works because **we are about community.** I love the low-quality, shitty DD maybe written by a shill or a fourteen year-old with MS paint. (Guys, shut up, I know fourteen year olds are way more competent than to use MS paint unironically). But I love it because subconsciously it trains everyone here, gives us a role, and teaches us what to do. We’ve all seen post after post talking about how people feel a part of this community. It’s important that we all learn not to revere DD because of the moniker, but be better at judging it, getting a sense for the intentions of it. It’s important that each of our judgment on a DD is registered, because it might be meaningful to us in a way. It’s important that we don’t expect others to do the thinking for us. Each of these activities continues to knit our experiences together. + +##Conclusion + +* **I can see many ways how a well-intentioned “DD approval” system would do more to kill the research in this sub than any hedgie campaign ever could.** +* I’m happy to contribute my voice in setting up any new process, but my resources are limited (and everyone knows the mods’ time is too – thank you mods). +* It's one thing if there is an unprecedented, overwhelming abuse of the DD flair that will exceed our mod’s and Satori’s capacity to respond - that is a separate issue. +* But if we are “armchairing” our DD system to say that kids these days don’t write good DD… then find a new slant. The good shit still gets to the top. The bad shit gets 2 front page posts calling it out, with more awards than the actual bad posts themselves. + +Finally, **bad DD is GREAT because it teaches us us that the only real true trustworthy info is BUY and HODL.** + +I am happy to be wrong in my assumptions and views here. But I post this openly, trusting in this community to beat the shit out of my karma if I’m wrong. +I (along with probably most of the country) am about to be hit by a massive price increase in my energy bills. I live in a two bed flat that I share with a housemate. We pay £124 a month(!!) for gas and electricity to OVO energy on their bog standard "simpler energy" tarrif. Our usage is about 245kwh a month for electricity, 2250kwh for gas. That price is going to nearly double from April. The flat is EPC rated as C, and it certainly isn't the most energy efficient, but it just seems ridiculous. + +Is there anything I can do? We are on a variable tariff unfortunately and there seems to be no way to switch on to a fixed tariff without taking a significant price increase (more even than the price will go up in April). + +Has anyone got any recommendations at all for dealing with this insane price increase? Is there anything that can be done? I just can't wrap my head around already paying over a hundred a month for a fairly small flat, and that we will probably be paying almost £200 in a few months. + +**Edit: +That gas usage (I have just realised) is a bit misleading. I just looked at the last couple of months which is obviously winter only. Gas usage in the summer is more like 260kwh. Highest usage would be January this year, 2413 kWh (for 18 degrees on the thermostat during the day, 15 at night (11pm-7am)) +Edited for typo and added bullet point + +&#x200B; + +Hello! Longtime fan of FIRE (doing it before I knew it was a thing). I love the back-and-forth discussions around SWR; it seems like the real answer is "we don't know", since it's always possible that the future will be structurally different in ways we don't forecast. + +Nonetheless, I thought I'd give my 2 cents as an industry research economist. + +As we all know, the 4% is based on historical S&P500 data. The draw is that it's based on a LOT of history, something like 80 years, including tons of ups and downs, wars, technological breakthroughs, etc. However, let me make the case why it might not hold true for people like myself (mid-30's, living in the US, invested in a lot of US equities). + +In a lot of ways, equity prices come down to expected corporate earnings (I say expected, because the price at any given time is a type of forecast of future earnings/cash flows, discounted to present value). + +&#x200B; + +If we look structurally at the US economy, however, it's started to look more and more European (no judgement here!): + +* The workforce is trending older and more educated +* Long-term prime-age workforce participation continues to tick downward +* By many measures (maybe all?), both supply and demand for labor are getting less dynamic + * New business formation rate has decreased, while avg. firm size, quits, hires, time-to-hire/fire are increasing + * Concentration has increased (airlines are an easy and concrete example), leading to less innovation and competition within industries + * Movement by individuals (within or between states) is way down from a generation ago + * Family size continues to decrease + * Increase in occupational licensing (from 8% in the 1950's to roughly a quarter of workers today) + +&#x200B; + +All of these things lead me to believe that the next 30 years of the S&P 500 may look more like the CAC40 (not good for long-term investors). What do I do? Well, I'm happily working, and a long way from FI, so I have the luxury to worry about this in theory, not practice. + +&#x200B; + +FWIW, there's a really strong case to be made that the 4% is probably fine- it boils down 4% still being a lot lower than the average total return, so a decrease in long-term returns from 8% to 6% may still be OK. But hopefully this can at least provide some food for thought for those here that are interested in possible determinants of long-term equity prices. +Lehman brothers was a critical part of the financial system that, when it went down, caused credit freezes that domino'd into more financial crisis. Due to the nature of their business, it makes sense them blowing up could really domino, but.. + +Evergrande is just a real estate developer. Investors will get screwed, sure, but how can this really cause financial dominos like in 2008? The bears seem really excited about this and keep posting articles and charts about how BLK and other US and international firms are the biggest bagolders. But when I look further into this I see that these firms are hardly exposed. It's pennies in their portfolios and probably less than they'd lose on a bad 1 minute candle in the equity markets. + +They quote the $300b worth of bonds that will be worthless, but that's not that much to the global economy, realistically. More wealth is destroyed on a bad day for $AAPL. Additionally these were junk bonds for a long time. Were not talking triple a mortgage bonds that were "too big to fail" and unsinkable like the titanic. + +This all also assumes that the chinese government will sit on their hands and watch a crisis unfold, when that seems super unlikely. Say what you will about the CCP, but they're not gonna let all their stellar economic growth crumble when they have: +1. More power and political will than the US did to tackle such a crisis +2. The ability to plan their economy to recover from any domino effects unlike more "free market" economies +3. Knowledge of previous global housing crashes/financial crises to draw from + +Maybe I'm an idiot but I just don't see how anybody should think this will cause a serious bear market in the US or elsewhere. Chinese stocks are already beat down hard so I can't see those selling off too much more either. I'm inclined to buy the dip if it keeps dippening into this week. I'm lucky to have increased my cash and entered some shorts last week at least. + +What are your thoughts on this? +*Obviously you have some tough bosses that want you to downvote everything positive and spread FUD. I just wanted to say that actually totally cool with me. You see, if you are here instead of getting coffee for them we must be really disrupting them.* + +*Did you ever imagine your hard to get coveted finance internship would result to you having to troll on reddit? Man that would be a re-evaluation point for me ya know? I don't expect you to quit, or stop, or even tell your boss its wrong. You are entitled to the progress you make in your life, and GME will just be a blip on your journey.* + +*I just ask that you remember one thing from all this. The little guy is not your enemy, and you should do everything in your power to defend them. Hell, your'e probably just like us to some degree either now or in the past. The lucrative career path you chose and worked hard for will deliver the tendies, but don't forget the little guy.* + +***When you forget or try to take advantage of the little guy you have to delegate interns to reddit trolling. Don't repeat this cycle.*** +So we are all assuming that the proxy vote will reveal that there are far more than 100% of shares outstanding in circulation. + +We also know that a lot of powerful people are interested in making this go away. One thing they might try is just taking away shares for "market value". This is obviously extremely drastic (compulsory expropriation) and absurdly unfair but I want to point out just how outrageous that would actually be. But if they try it that will be the argument they make to the public. "Everyone gets back fair value". + +The current "market price" is not even close to a fair evaluation. It's like someone trying to buy your car. For 10.000 bucks, which is the going rate in your town for that car. Except in other towns your car goes for 50.000 and the guy trying to buy your car flooded the market in your town by selling thousands of cars like yours for 10.000 or less. This does not mean that your car is only worth 10.000 or that you have any obligation to sell. + +We bought our shares under the fair assumption that each share means ownership of 1/70.000.000 of Gamestop. If there are hundreds of millions of shares we got scammed. If we say there are curently 500.000.000 shares in circulation each of our shares should actually be like 7 shares. So that's a 1000 bucks a share which is also more in line with e.g. Chewy's evaluation. + +That doesn\`t mean I would accept 1000 bucks for my shares, I like them quite a bit more than that and it's a sellers market. But remember if that is ever on the table that it's not just expropriation, it's also expropriation at an artificially lowered price. +An excellent post on the importance of PPF in one's portfolio by Mr Roy /u/rroy1964 of financialsafari + +He is a practicing FIRE guru, He guides the new FIRE aspirants on the /r/FIREIndia subreddit. Please do check out his blog. + +https://financialsafari.wordpress.com/2018/08/28/ppf-investment-is-a-must-for-every-investor/ + +Edit : Added [Part 2](https://financialsafari.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/ppf-is-a-much-maligned-product-due-to-investor-ignorance/)[Where Mr Roy clarifies some queries on PPF] + +Edit2: Added [Part 3](https://financialsafari.wordpress.com/2018/09/01/ppf-investments-what-should-your-strategy-be-now/) what should your strategy be now? + +Edit3: Mr Roy is doing [Q & A](https://www.reddit.com/r/FIREIndia/comments/9byii1/ppf_use_it_intelligently_in_retirement/) at /r/FIREIndia + I am currently 18 and is doing freelance work on Upwork making 1500 USD a month, have a 4-year non-binding contract, I don’t have any rent expenses or grocery cost as I live with my parents, I have convinced them I will not attend any college because I want to dedicate my time in this work and possibly increase income in the next 2\~3 years, + +ps . I got this job 3 months ago + +My current handling of money + +A Credit card against FD of 10k (banks only gives credit card to people aged 21 or more and employed) limit is 9k + +70k in Reliance Shares + +10k in another FD + +120k Cash + +I spend 9k every month by credit card to build a credit history + +Any advice will be appreciated. +> In every major market sell-off in history - and every major buying opportunity - there has always been a pervasive sense that 'life as we know it has changed'. When the downturn is viewed from a comfortable historical distance and with the benefit of hindsight, people invariably look back and say, 'gosh investors were so silly to sell stocks down to those levels; if it was me, I would have been smart and rational enough to know it was a great buying opportunity, and bought when others were selling'. + + +> What has happened at this point is that a previously unknown unknown has now become a known unknown, and consequently is now already factored into investor risk appetite and market positioning, and so it ceases to have much impact on market prices. And this is true regardless of whether the underlying economy is weak or not, because the economy does not drive stocks prices - demand and supply do. At this point, and in contrast to the intuitions most recently-scared investors harbour, a further market crash actually becomes extremely unlikely, and those sitting in cash hoping for more of the same are very likely to have their hopes dashed. + +> This is why markets almost always bottom well before the real economy, and recover in a manner that confounds most investors. Right when the majority of investors have just finished selling down, raising cash, and positioning themselves cautiously and in preparation for the 'coming downturn' and the 'buying opportunities' sure to emerge therefrom, markets start to rally and the opportunities they had hoped and expected to encounter swiftly disappear. The buying opportunities are not created by the economic downturn per se, but investors preparing for the economic downturn by raising cash. + + +> They are left high and dry holding a bunch of cash. They are confused, and perhaps even angry at the market for behaving so irrationally, and ignoring how bad things are in the real economy. They claim investors are ignoring economic realities. They say the rally must be a dead cat bounce. They say bear market rallies are common and investors are being fooled by it. They say investors are too optimistic on the speed of the recovery. They say it's because investors are overly acclimated to 'buying the dip', etc. They use every excuse they can muster to avoid admitting to themselves the sad reality that they may have sold at the bottom, just like patsies do every bear market. What they are really doing is hoping markets go back down so they have a second chance to buy stocks as cheap as they were recently trading, but with so many cashed-up investors similarly hoping for a further pull back, such an outcome is inherently self-defeating. There is simply too much cash on the sidelines waiting for an opportunity to buy the second dip for markets to go down enough to retest their lows. + + +https://lt3000.blogspot.com/2020/05/coronavirus-update-from-unknown-unknown.html?m=1 + + +Tl; dr: Markets bottomed on 23rd March. Anyone hoping for those low prices again - will be left hoping. +Hi r/IndiaInvestments, + +Wanted to check if a Private Limited company established in India is eligible to invest in stocks, mutual funds and commodities (on NSE or BSE). If yes, can this be done by one of the company directors or do the transactions need to go through an investment company? + +Any special taxes applicable in this case? +I have a fairly busy job and as I progress it will get busier, I have started to learn to trade but have not been able to find time to in-depth study and practice, looking for advice with people who do this, my question is both for traders and people who study and choose to invest in stock +Just wondering about this, since the market opened my main stock has dropped by 30 points. My brain is telling me this is temporary just forget about it as it quality and sooner or later will be back to purchase price and higher. + +But just wondering what you guys do? + +There is no news on it as such, for e.g company going bankrupt etc. +I've bought into ETH in early 2016. I joined /r/ethtrader when there was 1800 subscribers. Dips happen. These "end of all crypto" news happen (I.e. DAO hack, ETC fork). + +All I can say is, do your own research, HODL in a cold wallet, and go live life. Noise will always be noise. + +If the "crypto-killer news" was to appear today, everything will drop to $1, trust me, markets aren't stupid. Stop freaking out and just enjoy the ride. +August 2020 I started DCAing when btc was around 10k. Minimum wage delivery driver. Put everything onto a hardware wallet. + +January 2021 holdings already were mind blowing when it hit 25-28k. I discovered Celsius during this time. I removed all the money from my hardware wallet onto celsius, took out loans, redeposited the loaned crypto, and took out more loans against the borrowed crypto. + +Kept delivering food, spent every dollar on BTC . Threw it into celsius and kept borrowing against the assets. + +August 2021 Parents kicked me out of house. I had about $50,000 of btc and e. I didn't want to cash out because I thought it was going higher. So I lived in my car and continued delivering food. I didn't eat, and instead spent all money earned on BTC and put into celsius. + +I lived in my car and delivered food for probably 3 months. + +November 2021, I had about $70,000 and a paid off car. + +December 2021, 1 month after the top, I applied and got approved for multiple credit cards. I balance transferred probably $7,000 and bought the top. + +January 2022, I had $6,000 in a Roth IRA. I cashed out of the Roth IRA and used all that money to put into BTC. + +I learned how to use defi, and transfered some money out of celsius onto defi, and thought I was making money. + +June 2022 comes around, Celsius runs with all my money. All I had left was whatever money I transferred to defi. I took that money, paid off whatever I could, and moved back in with my parents. + +June 2022, I had 0 dollars invested. 0 dollars in cash. $5,000 in credit card debt. + +July 2022 I continued delivering food trying to erase the credit card debt. BTC finds new lows, and I had no money to invest. + +September 2022 I find a sales job and use the money to pay off the debt and DCA into BTC. + +December 2022 I get fired from the sales job for not hitting the numbers but I leave debt free and with 1k cash and 1k dollars worth of btc. + +Today, I am back to delivering food living with my parents with no debt, but only 1k cash and 1k dollars of btc to my name. + +It is the bottom, only up from here, and I am scrambling to try and get back to where I once was. I don't know if I'll ever be able to get to the BTC stack I once had. + +&#x200B; + +Lessons learned: + +I will only buy bitcoin from now on in terms of currencies. + +I will only use a hardware wallet from now on. + +I will try to learn to spend money from now on so I don't see $70,000 melt away for nothing. + +I will try to learn to diversify just a tad bit more so that way the pain isn't as bad during bear markets. + +I will try to resist balance transferring my credit cards, but I truly can't promise myself that I won't do this again in the future, because I really might. (I want to do it right now because I'm convinced we are in a macro bottom) + +I will not rub it in people's faces during bull runs and instead try to be generous to other people. During the bull run, I let everyone around me know (friends and family) that I was right the whole time, I outsmarted everyone, I was too good for a regular job everyone that thought they were better than me can never catch up to me, etc etc. Which was a big mistake and now I am the biggest clown during the bear market. + +Now I think being generous to people in your close network will build trust, and their trust is a valuable asset, so it's like diversification in a way. + +I will try not to watch too many crypto Youtubers. I will admit that watching them did make me money, but it also lost me money. I will try to watch only the quality YouTubers, but also not only watch just 1 or else I might fall into an echo chamber. + +I will try not to stare at charts too much anymore. During the bull run, I would refresh prices like i was checking social media. + +I will not talk to any friends or family about bitcoin. + +I will put some money into a Roth IRA but I will not take it out like last time. But I will still invest a majority BTC. + +I will try to find a job so I can buy BTC +The last few days seem like a turning point regarding the psychology of America. People are now finally ready to hide in their homes until the virus goes away. Almost a thousand people in line at the local Costco waiting to buy a month of groceries. Nearly everyone I talk to is planning to work from home- as long as they have a job- and not leave their house for the foreseeable future. + +Everything is closed. Retail stores and maybe entire regional shopping centers are planning on closing putting millions out of work. People are afraid to travel and be within six feet of anyone but their immediate family. This could go on for six to twelve months. + +How can our society and economy support this level of fear? Won't the stock market drop to incredibly low levels as people hunker down? Why would anyone buy stocks now? +UPDATE 2: I was very honest with my boss and he was very honest with me that my new salary is life changing and unfortunately there was no way he would be allowed to come close to my new salary. It was very amicable and understanding. That being said, I took the new job. I plan on keeping up my software skills and who knows, maybe I'll end up being back in software somehow. That being said, I'm super excited for the new job and all the new experiences it'll bring. + +Update: Thank you all for your input! This blew up so much more than i thought it would. I haven't made a decision but I definitely have a lot more factors to keep in mind. One thing I forgot to mention is that this new job wouldn't start until Feb 2023 . + +Update 2: I want to also clarify that this is a Technical Sales Engineering role, so while it does involve sales, it is sales-adjacent. + +I (23 almost 24, one year out of college) work as a level 1 data engineer at a software company (1000+ employees) making $60k. I realized that I am underpaid for my position. Normally I'd leave immediately but I have a kickass manager who I would follow to the ends of the earth. I have also applied for other data engineering positions, but all interviewers said they were looking for experienced coders. + +My boss has promised me that I will be promoted to level 2 in January, he was actually going to submit the paperwork this month but HR told him it was too late in the year to submit promotional paperwork...The issue is that he also doesn't know how much of a raise I will receive when I am promoted because HR is keeping finances hidden from him as well. Every attempt I have made to get HR to give me an inkling of financial expectations has lead nowhere. This frustration led me to apply for a Technical Sales Engineering job, which I surprisingly got. Money wise, I would be paid 2.5 times my current engineering salary (new salary would be 150k). The issue is that the job would take me out of the software game since it's an electronics company. I want to give my current company a fair shot solely because of my boss and I also want to stay in software, so any advice on how to get HR to tell me what my salary expectations will be? That way I can counter and see what I can get from my promotion before I have to give the job offer an answer by its deadline. + +I also have a side hustle where I tutor students online and make an additional 30k from that but it takes an extra 20 hours of my week. I’d quit that side hustle if I take the job from Company B + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Wanted to clarify my salary amount since there seemed to be confusion. + +Edit 2: A lot of people seem to think this is a purely commission based job so I’ll break down the pay: +$93K Base +20% Yearly Bonus +20%-30% Sales Commission +I’m also getting a $10K signing bonus +I will be paid full 100% of my sales commission for the first two quarters +[Link](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-10/u-s-is-said-poised-to-publish-200-billion-china-tariff-list?utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-markets&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_content=markets) + +Major Index Futures are down about 0.5% after hours. +My sister was in an accident 3 years ago as a passenger in a DUI situation. She was ambulanced to the hospital but only had minor scratches and bruises. Doc said she was lucky to walk away. Hospital bill came out to about $25k. (Yay america) +The drivers insurance was supposed to cover the bill. Fast forward to today, she got a bill from a collections agency for $11.5k that says seriously past due. +My sister is 22 living in Hawaii. No family on island atm and no support network. She can't shell out $11k just like that. Is there anything she can do? Should she keep bugging the insurance company that was supposed to take care of the bill? Should she reach out to the hospital? Or contact the collections agency? +She just wants her credit cleared. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have no experience with this kind of situation so thought I'd ask some people that do. + +Edit: sis dug out some papers from when she met with the state farm insurance guy, turns out she did sign a settlement for 10k. Does this leave her on the hook for the rest? +Parents recently kicked me out of my house a week after graduating highschool - due to increased tension in their marriage and other factors. +Basically I was told to get the fuck out, was given my birth cirtificate, SS card, and passport. The next day while visiting my school counselor my bag was stolen, along with half of my cash. Now I am completely ID'less. What do I do? I have filed a police report but have yet to hear back. I've been sleeping in parks for the past few weeks and am seeking some guidance in the right direction. I do plan to go to community college. +EDIT:http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/3agp1e/update_18_no_id_homeless/ + +Appreciate the PMs, here's a little more info +Since every Tom and Dick seems to be throwing their TA out there, here is mine. + +https://www.tradingview.com/chart/ETHUSD/UcWpGkWV-EthUSD-Repeating-history-Idea-for-monitoring/ + +ETH is basically repeating fractals of previous bubbles over and over. + +That puts ETH at $11k-$12k by March 2019, with a sharp drop afterwards. + +In addition, Gold and Bitcoin charts after futures announcement are almost identical. + +https://medium.com/@obiwankenobit/bitcoin-futures-and-the-ghost-of-gold-81418864c961 + +$80k Bitcoin by December. + +Bitcoin is repeating it's 2013 fractal. + +https://twitter.com/NodeInvestor/status/978887451317035009 +Whilst we are certainly not out of the woods just yet, was anyone brave enough to invest more in share markets when they were all getting smashed in recent times? +A short update on the post. A lot of you commented on my transportation costs and some remarked the gas cost seemed too high. Turns out my car had a faulty oxygen sensor and was not using the gas efficiently.. at all. $330 later that problem has been corrected. Hopefully I'll be able to save some money on gas now. I also moved my auto insurance and was able to save $400 annually for the exact same level of coverage (and one slightly enhanced benefit!). + + +On another note, I mentioned I was in the process of refinancing my house. In addition to being able to shave 2 years off of my mortgage term, I was able to save $180 on my monthly payment. Part of this had to do with the house being appraised higher resulting in a reduced PMI. + + +Still struggling on how to balance my finances while I spend an exorbitant amount of money with my kids in preschool/daycare. These "little" changes will certainly help. +Hey guys, hope everyone's doing well. Spoiler: >!You should be.!< + +I would also like to give a very warm welcome to our new crypto friends! Everyone here welcomes you with open arms and I believe in each and every one of you to hodl through the ups and downs, I know you're used to volatility and this is why I'm so confident that you guys certainly come here with diamond encrusted hands. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/md15dv6wc1171.jpg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ccdd4da006dab99ce4c84087a35afe4c002fc3 + +I'm going to keep this post ape-friendly as there's a lot of new people joining the sub (love you guys) and not everybody will have knowledge of every term I throw at them... we were all at that stage at one point so let's *be excellent to each other.* + +Wow! Isn't this week making your nippies >!throb!<? Mine sure are. So many things are aligning and we're all excited - rightfully so! However, do y'all remember the Zero-Coupon Bonds that were issued on May 4th with a maturity date of June 1st? I sure remember. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n19kgr/zerocoupon_bonds/) put together by u/Magistricide explains very well what these bonds mean. In a nutshell, these bonds are generally issued when expectancies are for interest rates to go down and/or **stock prices plummet.** Damn, that sent a chill through my spine. Usually bonds have a maturity (expiry) date of approximately two to five years... these Zero-Coupon Bonds have a maturity date of less than a month! \~$40billion worth in-fact! That's correct - a '40' with *nine* zeroes after it. This means that people out there seem to be *veryyy* confident that there's to be a market crash before June the 1st - eerily close to the one and only GameStop meeting. Coincidence right? We can settle with that. Another spoiler: >!not a coincidence.!< + +&#x200B; + +[Credit: u\/Magistricide](https://preview.redd.it/z495mx5gd1171.jpg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3258abb1d412de1e3692a019ecf511fb0fbdbc94) + +# What does this mean for GameStop? + +Yeah yeah, we're aware of a market crash incoming and there's been people addressing it for months now... whatever. Well, my fellow friends... there's two absolutely beautiful words that we are aware of - >!Negative Beta.!< + +Quick recap on negative beta... + +Basically, most stocks have a 'beta' value of 0 or 1 (in most cases). This means that they have the tendency to *move* with the market. If the market is going up, that stock is likely going to go up with the market. Simple right? + +Our beloved stock GameStop, however, has a beta value of [approximately -30 (+/- 3)](https://preview.redd.it/m7uvwde29zv61.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=e25298ab4b37ec5ce6d46f8519f399a2b841d1e5). Negative beta indicates an inverse relation to the market, which as you may have guessed, tends to move opposite to the market. If the market goes down, the stock has the tendency to go up. + +This is absurd for a stock and to the people who say that negative beta doesn't matter - you're right (kind of). Excuse me? Let me explain. + +See, you're incorrect thinking that beta values don't matter because they're an indicator of past data. It matters because it tells us how the stock is likely to move in relation to the current market - deriving from both past and current data. + +However, you're somewhat correct because as we all know, GameStop is a heavily manipulated stock and its movement simply doesn't make sense. >!Bullshit, I know.!< + +The thing is... with all the rules coming in place and all the stars aligning, it's becoming harder and harder for them (HF's) to manipulate the stock and the only thing they have left is *time.* I recently made a post about this and how essentially each Hedge Fund Manager has a similar thought process even when they're royally fucked. If you'd like a read, feel free to do so (not compulsory, consent is key). [Link to the post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4dep4/please_read_why_hfs_continue_to_short_more_gme/) + +When the market crashes, what do you think will happen to GameStop? Kenny and co. will lose a significant chunk of their capital value via long positions and what will the result of this be? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yy4nsqivh1171.jpg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae4a5baefe90d3c1aed78163219a04f52e769894 + +I would love to go more into detail but I'm a silly ape and have been indulging some of the best brew known to ape-kind - >!Carlsberg.!< Therefore, I'll leave it at that. Wrinkly apes can look more into these Zero-Coupon Bonds if they'd like to in order to see if they can find any leads. I'm gonna go pass out now. Love you all. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fjsiaw5di1171.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09c1f453326042eb06148377dc13cbac3f7e1f9 +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9k02me1p5uq91.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bb469845f2df840072a6d88ac290b400762aaf3 + +# Chris Clay will be here to answer questions about the GameStop program, Gods Unchained, game development, and the future of web3 games! + +They’re excited to be working with us to celebrate the launch of the [exclusive GameStop PowerUp Rewards Pro program](https://www.immutable.com/gamechangers/gods-unchained-announces-promotion-for-gamestop-powerup-rewards-pro-members). As this program is primarily for North American PowerUp Pros, they’re going to run a giveaway for Superstonk community members alongside an AMA with the Gods Unchained Game Director Chris Clay (u/ImmutableClay) to welcome the wider GameStop and Superstonk community to the Gods Unchained universe🚀 + +## About Gods Unchained + +**Gods Unchained** is a strategic trading card game where you own your adventure. Powered by Immutable X, you can play, earn, trade, and collect NFTs to build the ultimate deck. Players must hone their skills in competitive multiplayer battles in this pioneering web3 TCG led by Chris Clay, former Game Director of Magic: The Gathering Arena. + +**Clay’s Bio** – Chris Clay is the VP and Game Director for the collectable card game Gods Unchained. Formerly Game Director for Magic: The Gathering Arena, Clay has spent his career building projects to stand the test of time. Clay has spent his career pushing the boundaries of technology with early pioneering in 3D character setup and design and laying the groundwork for massive multiplayer games at Turbine. He moved across the globe to join Immutable to build an inclusive and diverse team with a foundation of respect to continue to break new ground by building game economies that benefit both game creators and game communities alike in the NFT space. + +[https://twitter.com/chrisclayplays](https://twitter.com/chrisclayplays?lang=en) + +Is anyone else playing God’s Unchained non-stop lately? Is anyone else coming across Reddit usernames you recognize😅? For me, that’s been one of the most unexpected, exciting things about playing the game, and I’m so happy they’re doing this for us! + +# This post will be collecting questions; I'll make a post on Saturday to spam your wallet address for a chance to win a Legendary card pack from the Mortal Judgement: Light’s Verdict expansion set! + +If you drop your wallet address on this post it will get removed! + +They'll be doing another giveaway on Twitter - + +To follow Gods Unchained on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/GodsUnchained](https://twitter.com/GodsUnchained) + +Join their Discord: [https://discord.gg/godsunchained](https://discord.gg/godsunchained) + +Join their subReddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GodsUnchained/) + +If your question doesn't get answered, don't worry, they've already agreed to do a video AMA with us in the near future! +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +🚀 **Good Morning Everyone!!!** + +Updates are also posted on my [Twitter @ Corno4825](https://www.twitter.com/Corno4825) + +🚀 **Live Thread** + +**3:32 Update** + +I'm ending the Live Thread. I'll start back up tomorrow at r/GME. + +**2:48 Update** + +Sorry. I got caught up in a LoL game (Yes, I'm absolute trash. 10 year addict.). GME has gone down since that blip. + +Max Pain Theory states that 145 is the ideal price. Since we missed Max Pain Theory last week, but maybe this is the goal for this week? + +We'll find out. + +Volume has slowed down again. I hope we get to see some more action before Closing Bell. + +Volume: 12,400,000 + +Current Price: 138.51 + +**1:44 Update** + +Alright, so this is very interesting. Gamestop announced right at 1:26 that it would be looking for a new CEO. + +What I'm assuming happened was that someone with a lot of money waited for this to be announced so they can buy all those shares. Seeing the stock price and volume bump would make people wonder what's going on. They would look for GME news and this would pop up. + +Did the volume and price jump in response to the announcement or as a way to get free advertising on the announcement and hopefully start a rally? + +These are the mind games that fascinate me. I refuse to believe that that price jump up was organic. + +Current Price: 142.11 + +**1:35 Update** + +Okay. That was really interesting. That was over half a million trades in 2 minutes and the price shot up by $5+ . It was a VERY strange blip, and I have no idea what could have caused that. + +GME seems like it's going to pretend like nothing happened. + +That was really weird. + +Volume: 10,200,000 + +Current Price: 143.53 + +**12:55 Update** + +I think it's time for your daily Banjo Mooseheart. + +[https://imgur.com/gallery/yfE3Ky9](https://imgur.com/gallery/yfE3Ky9) + +Banjo is always alert and ready to tackle any challenges in his wake. Here, we see as he continues to be ever vigilant to watch the backyard even when he's posing. + +It's dead. Nothing is happening. + +Current Price: 142.81 + +**12:08 Update** + +See? Another Opening Bell Attack, another recovery (ish), and now we're trading sideways. Just another day in the life of GME. Volumes dead so it's probably going to be boring for the rest of the day. + +Posture check! + +Volume: 8,000,000 + +Current Price: 143.57 + +**11:26 Update** + +Okay. GME has finally stabilized. We're hanging around 143 now. This attack has been pretty successful so far, but there's still a lot of time left in the week. + +GME does seem to have a slight upward trend. We'll see if there's anyone at lunch that's happy to buy GME at a discount. + +GME is on sale everyone!!! + +Current Price: 143.86 + +**11:05 Update** + +Are we done with the attacks now? Can GME recover in peace now? + +Current Price: 142.66 + +**10:28 Update** + +Okay, so it was a small recovery followed by another attack. + +It seems like GME is starting to recover from that 2nd attack, but don't be surprised if a 3rd attack is on its way. + +Volume has died down a bit for the past 20 minutes or so. We'll see if this trend will continue. This has been an interesting day so far. + +Volume: 5,000,000 + +Current Price: 142.03 + +**10:06 Update** + +It looks like GME has hit a rebound! Let's see if we follow the pattern of massive dip followed by recovery followed by sideways trading. + +If that happens, it would be a very unique and never seen before trading day. + +Volume: 3,740,000 + +Current Price: 147.21 + +**10:03 Update** + +That was a $20+ drop. + +As the price went lower, the volume picked up. It seems that GME is trying to fight back, but the HF attacks have been pretty relentless so far. + +GME did hit SSR for tomorrow. + +Volume: 3,390,000 + +Current Price: 143.42 + +**9:47 Update** + +Holy Moly. + +We started with a $2 dip, followed by a $5 spike, followed now by a $10+ drop. HF have made a move and are pushing this price down. We're already at 1,300,000 volume and it seems to be picking up. + +I have a feeling this is going to be a really interesting week. + +Volume: 1,300,000 + +Current Price: 152.71 + +**9:00 Update** + +Premarket, we saw a jump from GME all the way up to 164.90 before dropping back to Friday's close. + +Friday at close, they had 500,000 GME shares available to borrow. As of this update, that number has gone down to 80,000. As usual, expect an Opening Bell attack. + +Though Max Pain Theory didn't go fully as anticipated, the Implied Volatility has gone down, which makes the chance of a gamma squeeze go up. I don't know if we'll see something this week or if the whales plan on waiting for another week of lowering that Implied Volatility. + +Shorts Available (Including Synthetic from ETFs): \~227,000 (80,000 GME + 147,000 ETF) + +Current Price: 157.30 + +🚀 **Morning Report** + +**Option Chain** + +I did a lot of research into the Option Chain, specifically into Delta. Delta is the amount of money the value of an option will go up when the stock goes up by $1. + +I calculated all of the delta of most options available through 2022 (excluding dates with very small Open Interest to save time. + +What I found is that Hedge funds are losing anywhere between $3,883,000 and $10,133,000 every time GME goes up by $1. + +If GME goes back up to $483, Hedge Funds would lose at least $1,261,975,000 if not more than $3,293,255,000. + +Looking at the Option Chain for this week, the graphs do look really interesting. It does seem like there is consistent growth throughout starting at 150 along every $50 increase with a huge gain at 800. I'm not sure if this means that the Gamma Squeeze launch pad has been built, but it definitely looks different than it has the previous few weeks. + +I'll keep an eye on how this changed throughout the week. That might give us an indication of the moves people are making. + +For more in depth look at my thought process of how I went through some of my Morning Update, [please feel free to read this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/movs0h/hedge_funds_might_lose_big_on_the_option_chain/) + +[Excel](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NIBK9ATJLNe_U6ov4M1fDpLdZ5chQJOzcPA14NbaEho/edit?usp=sharing) + +Graphs [1](https://puu.sh/HxBcD/82656c9d4e.png), [2](https://puu.sh/HxBcG/b0c99b9dc2.png), [3](https://puu.sh/HxBcM/5690a77959.png), [4](https://puu.sh/HxBcR/9c6b19bd88.png), [5](https://puu.sh/HxBcR/9c6b19bd88.png) +Should we end on-going weekly subsidies for bridge development (currently valued at 300K Donuts per week being paid to the developer working on it), and instead offer a 500K Donut reward for successful delivery of a bridge? + +1 - Yes + +2 - No + +EDIT: To clarify, this is not an actual vote. The voting poll will launch in approximately 2 days. +The title pretty much…[The SEC has less than 5,000 employees with an average salary of &gt;$200,000/year.](https://www.federalpay.org/employees/securities-and-exchange-commission). SuperStonk has over 700,000 Apes with just an “average salary”. [Less than 400 of those employees at the SEC are part of the “Securities Compliance Examining” department.](https://www.federalpay.org/employees/securities-and-exchange-commission). Over 700,000 Apes are part of our own “Securities Compliance Examining” department. LET THAT SINK IN. Ladies and gentlemen….I appreciate all of you. Before long all of your hard work and dedication to each other and this country and the entire retail trading world will pay off. It’s time. However long it takes is however long I’m in it with all of you. I’m certain we will not give up until things are made right by our lopsided government, banks, SHF’s, the SEC, the DTCC, and whoever else is playing games with our hard earned money. I love this community more than you can even imagine. To the moon to refuel…then to unknown galaxies. + +Edit: I completely understand some, maybe half or more, of the 700,000 are not apes. I also understand that only a small percentage do the DD and the rest lurk. I just don’t know how many so I used the larger number. I like big number and crayons 🖍. +I currently have a chunk of ETH and BTC in a hardware wallet, and have memorized the seed phrase. All physical copies of the seed phrase are destroyed. This money is now mine and no one else's. I could be stripped of all my possessions, thrown in jail, declared an enemy of the state etc... but as long as I still remember that seed phrase the money is MINE. If that's not the coolest way to store value in history I don't know what is. Its like magic. + +If anyone is wondering how I did this, I used a memory castle. This is a great thing to learn and not that hard. The core principle is to attach whatever you want to memorize to something in your long term memory. I just used my childhood home growing up. I take each seed word, and create a silly image of that thing in relation to some part of the home I grew up in. Then I can just imagine myself moving around my childhood home, and I see each of the seed words in relation to something I could never forget (The table my parents did taxes on, the entryway to the kitchen, the fireplace I sat next to in the wintertime etc etc.). + +Cryptocurrency isn't just a way to get rich. Its an incredibly powerful new technology. + +EDIT: Well guys you were right... I was putting on my pants this morning and fell over due to the weight of my massive balls. I struck my head and now my seed phrase is lost forever. At least they can never take away my massive cock and balls. +I am in the process of purchasing a flat in Chiswick. I have an offer accepted at the asking price of £450,000, after offering lower and having a small bidding war with a cash buyer. The other cash buyer may still be interested in the property, their highest bid was £440,000. + +I was aware that the service fees were steep at £5,000pa when I placed the offer, but the block is well mantained with a porter, gardeners and heating included in the fees. + +I am now a month or so into he buying process, with mortgage approved. I have just received an information pack from my solicitor, and a few things raise some big red flags to me, particularly regarding the management company and service fees. + +Red flags: +1) The service fees have raised by 35% in the past 5 years, increasing every year. If they continue at this rate the service fees will cause the property to become very costly to keep up. +2) The freehold company is owned by the management company, and there is no residents association. This worries me as I fear that I will have little power to fight against further increasing service fees. +3) My solicitor found some clauses in the lease which could potentially be used to prevent the lessor from renting the property. She requested that they remove this clause, but the management company refused. +4) The management company has a google review score of 1.7, with many dissatisfied customers. + +Should I be worried? Are these concerns sufficient to pull out of the buying process or reduce my offer? It is my understanding that if I pull out now I would just be liable for my solictors fees. + +My solicitor advised for me to get a private valuation. Are they likely to identify these issues and include them in their valuation? + +Thank you, +Sam +Hi Everyone, + +As the title suggests my wife and I recently discovered that my wife's sister has been accidentally using my wife's social security number for the last 2.5 years (2020, 2021, and 2022). This was the result of my mother in law accidentally giving the wrong number to the wrong daughter, and this was only recently discovered after my wife re-entered the workforce two months ago after being in Grad school during the intervening time. + +We initially discovered the error during my wife's onboarding when the 3rd party payment processor (PayChex) flagged my wife's account as potentially fraudulent because my sister in law's company also uses PayChex and the same social security number is being used by two employees of different names at different companies. + +Adding more complication to the matter my sister-in-law's HR department is proving to be incompetent and refusing to change the social security number associated with her file (they're stating the system won't let them change the number). + +Anecdotally, we've noticed weird things in the past, like my wife owing money in 2021 (yet her sister getting a massive refund), my wife losing eligibility for her student grant in 2020 and 2021 (due to income reasons), and my wife failing to ever receive a stimulus check during the pandemic. This is all water under the bridge at this point, but I assume all these weird events are now tied to the social security number issue. + +Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this problem? I will be filing jointly with my wife next year and want to get this resolved as quickly and smoothly as possible. +Hey guys + +After many hours over the phone to my banks, dictating why i couldn't, shouldn't, buy any bitcoin **with my money** and constantly refusing to withdraw my money from my banks - I had a realization. + +Yes that's right, I have now instead of taking 20% of my money to withdraw I have withdrew 95% of my money and moved all of it into bitcoin and I feel better for it. + +Banks offered no help to the people during covid so i am moving my money into this instead, they aren't having my money. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +EDIT ( + +This is a little edit for how popular this post has become and I thank you for all your comments and advice for me I really appreciate it. But please if there is anything you can take from this post please take this; + +2020 we have already lost **20% value of fiat printing** and if you never invested that year from the crash you have lost another **30%,** + +Plus every year since the housing crash (2008) **fiat lost around 7% a year** (Check s&p 500 growth during that time) also apparently 2021 and beyond **it is speculated we will lose 10%+ a year on fiat currency.** + +how many families are getting screwed who are too busy needing to work and feed their babies, never knowing this information. I feel sick + +&#x200B; +So my company moved me into a temporary apartment in a rather large city, and while i was there I wanted to go to the gym. Because its like the island's private gym and its in the middle of a city, the rates were rather high ($96/month) , so i went to the gym to discuss it with a rep. The guy I spoke with told me that he would charge me $79/month and would make my membership automatically cancel in 1 month as I advised him that this is about when i would be out of the temporary place. Fast forward 3 months (now), and I get an email from the gym stating that I owe them $368 because I signed a 3 month contract + late fees. They have no documentation of the $79 deal that the rep told me about and basically through email tell me paying is my only option. + + +So I call up the gym and ask to speak with the guy I signed up with, and they inform me that he has been fired for manipulating customers into signing contracts and promising them false rates. The woman asks for my story and tells me she will speak with her manager and get back with me. + + +Is there anything I can do here to help my case? I'm a college student and work full time to pay my tuition and really cant afford to pay $400 right now. Any advice is appreciated. + +&#x200B; + +Forgot to add the woman told me that they had been sending letters to the apartment which I had obviously moved out of, thus why the email was the first time I heard that I owed this much. +>Rich Millennials to Financial Advisers: Thanks for the Golf Invite, but You Can’t Invest My Money + +WSJ recently wrote an article about it. + +Have you ever thought of going to money managers? Maybe you tried - what was the expirince? +With the now nearly certain eventual passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, I’ve read that any families with incomes under $400,000 won’t have their taxes raised. + +As part of a family fortunate enough to make more than that, I’ve not been able to find any details on what the tax consequences will be for families like ours. Can someone with better knowledge of the bill in its current form share what we can expect? + +Also curious if there is anything we should be doing before passage to decrease our tax burden before the law changes, assuming some loopholes may be closed afterwards. +I’ve seen a few posts lately about dating. I’m 37 and have about 1.2 million in fairly liquid investments (stocks and cash) and another 1 million in my house and some water front land. On top of that I own a business that brings me around $500-800k a year net (I moved to Puerto Rico for act 20 if anyone is interested). + +Anyways, about to propose to the gf and recently we had the money talk. She actually brought up the prenup early in the relationship because a friend or two of hers did it (family was loaded but not either of the people getting married). + +She totally understands the situation and we are both hoping to be FatFire in the next 5-10 years if all continues as it has the last 5 years. Are there any general guidelines I should consider with making a prenup? Obviously I’ll have to consult with a lawyer but I’ve had a lawyer friend tell me prenups and esp postnups can often be thrown out in court. Does picking a specific state matter or does it matter which state you get married in? Also, generally with marriage, if I own my house and already have s total wealth accumulation of say $2.2 million, will I always be able to leave a marriage with the amount I brought in or can you get taken for half of what you already have? + +Obviously this is a pessimistic type of safeguard to have to prepare for but I cant imagine the stress of losing everything I’ve worked hard for in the last 10 years going up in flames. Hopefully we will ever execute it and we will both live happy ever after with $4-10 million by age 50. + +Any general advice? +https://www.youtube.com/user/agsmandrew + +here is his youtube channel. theres more then just personal finance and its all for free! + +EDIT: +HEY!! +Andrew Hingston has kindly commented with the dropbox link to his stuff in this comment + +https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/4f5i2i/aus_i_do_a_personal_finance_subject_at_university/d272b8q?context=3 +She's into astrology and all that mercury in retrograde stuff, and was telling me about how Pluto is going to be in return or in retrograde for the first time since the creation of the United States on February 22th. + +What Pluto in return means/signals is the fall and collapse of established hierarchy and the rise of a new one, so... + +MOASS confirmed February 22th 2022, you read it here first. + +Carry on. +**This post was originally made for** r/CryptoCurrency **but because they removed it without even making it visible on the sub, and I've spent hours on searching and writing it, I thought I could post it on here, if there's anyone that will really read it; thank you.** + +&#x200B; + +We all hear from somewhere or another from the people we love that doesn't have that much of knowledge about Crypto says things like; "Crypto is a scam" or "it will inevitably going to crash for good" and while it's fun to talk about why things doesn't go like that, they could have one right point that could really put Crypto in the danger-zone, a point that currently pumps things up for one of the biggest coins in the market, + +# ETHEREUM + +ok actually ETHER is the coin, but this post isn't about the ETHER, it's about one thing that maybe the biggest treat to it, that again, maybe, crash it for good. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you everyone's favorite little >!shit!< the : + +# NFT'S + +so you could be little bit surprised, to see me getting ready to destroy my whole night writing this but more importantly trying to come up with an opening to why "ETHEREUM is on an economical bubble" even though the title says you otherwise? Simple, cause in reality Cryptocurrencies are not a bubble; to something consider as an economic bubble you need a recipe, including the ingredients; + +1| Something that could easily manipulate by the sellers. + +2| Something that the people never could've estimated the full price, and + +3| something that people are only willing to own it cause of thinking it would worth more in the future, therefor only getting it because it's currently worthing something. + +When looking into Cryptocurrency's the third one is the perfect match for it and thats why even the people are now reading this on a Subreddit called [r/CryptoCurrency](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/) for making profit, but the golden word on here is the \*"**ONLY"\*.** + +Yes, we can own Cryptocurrency's to sell them for higher prices so only because they worth something, but even if all of us lost's interest in it and want to sell them, CryptoCurrency's wont live what happened to the coins on late 1980's^(1) + +because they are not the products itself, people are not only getting Cryptos, most likely BTC to make an investment, they are using it for online shopping in p2p sites for top privacy^(2), they are using it to manage their own money, rather than putting it to the banks hands, and if we stop looking to the king and turn our head to the queen (what, I think queen is a good name) + +ETHEREUM is the perfect example why Crypto's are not a bubble, because ETHEREUM puts itself in a so strategic place, it makes people to put upon it, you need ETH to use the services that ETHEREUM blockchain has, and it creates a beautiful cycle, + +people^(1) creates a new services using blockchain, + +people^(2) wants to use the service and buys ETH to do so + +people^(3) invests in ETH by knowing people^(2) has to buy ETH... + +The thing is that the biggest people^(2) group for ETH won't always be there and the best example of that is the N.F.T.'s + +so to get why they are a big treat to the ETH, we first need to understand what NFTs are, + +NFT, or **Non-fungible**\-token's are, *quoting from Wikipedia* + +*a unit of data stored on a digital* [*ledger*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ledger)*, called a* [*blockchain*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain)*, that certifies a* [*digital asset*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_asset) *to be* ***unique and therefore not interchangeable***\*.\*[*\[1\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token#cite_note-:32-1) *NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. Access to any copy of the original file* + +so NFTs are actually doesn't got any worth in themselves, no usage, they are things that people tend to buy because they only want to profit from it, because they would think they can worth more overtime...Is this sound familiar, \*nah,\* let's continue! + +*NFTs function like cryptographic tokens, but, unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin,* ***NFTs are not mutually interchangeable, so not*** [***fungible***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fungible)***. While all bitcoins are equal, each NFT may represent a different underlying asset and thus have a different value.***[***\[6\]***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token#cite_note-6) + +so anyway thats why NFTS are not a bubbl- \*oh\*...oh wait a minute I am starting to see a pattern here + +1| So they are "\*\****unique***\*\*" and because of it easy to manipulate the price + +2| They all have "***different asset and thus have a different value"*** so the buyers never can estimate the price, and + +3| something that people are only willing to own it cause of thinking it would worth more in the future, therefor only getting it cause it's currently worthing something. + +And congratulations, you have just become philistine^(3)**!** + +The thing is, NFTs are THE, definition of economic bubble, and it will be going to explode HARD to both the investors of that BLOCKCHAIN's coin and the people who buy NFTs. + +Not believing me? + +Let's take a wild look at some great examples! + +&#x200B; + +[from http:\/\/www.antiquesage.com](https://preview.redd.it/6vqzl2neosj71.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=67ae213568c1f3c0a8be13edd3ac718b5821cf80) + +# THE GREAT COIN BUBBLE OF THE 1980s + +aah, a classic, the easiest to understand, and arguably the funniest to look back! + +So, let's take a look at this beauty! [http://www.antiquesage.com/obscure-certified-coin-bubble-late-1980s/](http://www.antiquesage.com/obscure-certified-coin-bubble-late-1980s/) + +This is the coin value chart, when I mean coin, don't let the Crypto come to your mind! No, what I mean is the real deal old >!ass!< coins. + +Now, I've never had to chance to live in those days but searching up on the internet a bit, it shows that how desperate that the situation was, so basically the spike you see on there was the peak of the hype everyone at that point was going crazy to buy coins because they were thinking that they could sell it for a lot more. The coins weren't even important nobody did want them, everyone who bought it did so to sell it for a lot more, now the thing with the economical bubbles that the one who pays the bill will always be the last investors, while these things doesn't mean nothing for anyone, and when everyone has it at some point, or when the hype is over, they all start to sell it and the market flushes with them nobody wants them, aaand were back where it all started! + +For other examples of economic bubbles; + +(not exactly the same as happened with the coins, but worth the check!) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Company) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South\_Sea\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sea_Company) + +So overall I think Crypto has found a great way to put itself in position to be the thing that people refer while pricing something, rather than getting itself priced and having a risk of being worthless. + +And that is, in my opinion, what makes the NFTs **extremely** dangerous to the Crypto, cause if NFT's continue like that, they will crash so hard alongside with the coin of the BLOCKCHAIN they are build upon. + +References: + +^(1)[http://www.antiquesage.com/obscure-certified-coin-bubble-late-1980s/](http://www.antiquesage.com/obscure-certified-coin-bubble-late-1980s/) + +^(2)[https://www.forbes.com/sites/colinharper/2020/05/19/bitcoin-dark-web-activity-up-340-since-2017-report/?sh=4ef06ae91418](https://www.forbes.com/sites/colinharper/2020/05/19/bitcoin-dark-web-activity-up-340-since-2017-report/?sh=4ef06ae91418) + +^(3)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistinism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philistinism) + +source material'(s) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency\_bubble#2021\_boom\_and\_crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency_bubble#2021_boom_and_crash) + +[https://www.coindesk.com/which-crypto-dapps-are-on-ethereum](https://www.coindesk.com/which-crypto-dapps-are-on-ethereum) + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/09/market-may-be-in-the-biggest-bubble-of-my-career-rich-bernstein.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/09/market-may-be-in-the-biggest-bubble-of-my-career-rich-bernstein.html) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock\_market\_bubble#Examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock_market_bubble#Examples) + +[https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/20/investing/vitalik-buterin-ethereum-billionaire/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/20/investing/vitalik-buterin-ethereum-billionaire/index.html) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible\_token#Environmental\_concerns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token#Environmental_concerns) + +[https://www.pcgs.com/prices/coin-index/pcgs3000](https://www.pcgs.com/prices/coin-index/pcgs3000) +With the Ethereum 2.0 coming soon, I am guessing more and more people will rush into staking ETH, which I believe will create a huge demand for ETH and I am curious what you think about this and what's your price prediction by end of this year. + +&#x200B; + +I've been converting more of my Bitcoin that has getting 3x gain the last few months into ETH. +I have been combing the MLS for over a year now looking for deals. I find that the competition is stiff and the margins are thin. Well I finally got my first rental under contract with an off market deal by literally starting a conversation with a lady I knew from my main job, and was able to negotiate the purchase of her house for $127k and with a current market value of $230k. I'll keep it as a rental and likely refinance some cash it down the line. + +I half feel like it was dumb luck but it's made me want to really start door knocking on neighborhoods I want to invest in. + +What I really want to learn is how people who seem to find a deal every month or 2, what has worked in today's market? Letters, door knocking, wholesalers, etc. Looking to get working on my next deal +I am actively looking to invest in state government backed bonds like Meghalaya State Electricity Board. The yield is very good compared to other investment options and seems like too good to be true. So just want to understand what will happen to my investment if State Government defaults. Are there any Government defaults happened in the past? +Hi All. + +I'm a beginner in stock trading and started out in the stock market back in July. I bought some shares of ITC but did not receive any dividends which was due today. Do I need to register somewhere for the dividends or do they come directly in my bank account? + +Also dividend payout for ITC is quarterly or annual? +I have investing with some discipline in mutual funds and also invested some amount in the stock market. I realized that the former is much simpler and has better rewards. So wanted to understand what is your objective for investing in individual stock? Is it that people are searching for multi baggers and want to get really rich or something else? + + +If I can invest ₹10000 per year in Gold. + +Potentially will sell them in future IF their prices increase + +I know diamonds are pretty much useless as investment and ₹10000 per year can barely buy any diamond. +I found the average holdings of the following famous portfolios: + +* Bernstein's No Brainer Portfolio + +* Coffeehouse + +* Boglehead + +* Swensen Unconventional + +* Ultimate Buy & Hold + +* Permanent Portfolio + +* Swedroe Minimize Fat Tails + +* Ivy Portfolio + +* Rick Ferri Core Four + +* Couch Potato Portfolio + +* 7Twelve + +* All Seasons + +* Desert Portfolio + +* Coward's Portfolio + +* Vanguard LifeStrategy + +* Sharpe World Market Cap Portfolio + +HOLDINGS | Averages | Rounded | Total Markets +---------|----------|----------|---------| +Total US | 20 | 20 | 37 +Large cap US | 4 | 5 | _ +Large cap value | 2 | _ | _ +Small cap US | 4 | 5 | _ +Small cap value | 3 | 5 | _ +REIT | 5 | 5 | _ +Total International | 10 | 10 | 15 +Developed | 2 | _ | _ +Emerging | 2 | _ | _ +International small cap | 1 | _ | _ +Total/Intermediate bond | 18 | 20 | 40 +TIPS | 7 | 5 | _ +ST Bond | 5 | 5 | _ +LT Bond | 5 | 5 | _ +Global Bonds | 4 | 5 | _ +Alernatives/Commodities | 3 | 5 | 8 +Cash | 2 | _ | _ +Gold | 3 | 5 | _ + +In the end, the averages lead to a end result of [37/15/40/8 for US/Intl/Bond/Alt holdings](http://imgur.com/a/OoF2C). This is very similar to the 60/40 most portfolios recommend for best risk/return. + +If you can't make up your mind about which investor's sage advice to follow, this could be a way to follow everyone's advice all at once! + +EDIT: [Backtest with commodities](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&mode=2&startYear=1972&endYear=2017&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&portfolio1=Custom&portfolio2=Custom&portfolio3=Moderate+Portfolio&TotalStockMarket1=20&TotalStockMarket2=37&TotalStockMarket3=39&LargeCapBlend1=4&LargeCapValue1=2&SmallCapBlend1=4&SmallCapValue1=3&IntlStockMarket1=10&IntlStockMarket2=15&IntlStockMarket3=21&IntlDeveloped1=2&IntlSmall1=1&EmergingMarket1=2&TreasuryBills1=2&ShortTreasury1=5&LongTreasury1=5&TotalBond1=18&TotalBond2=40&TotalBond3=32&TIPS1=7&GlobalBond1=4&GlobalBond3=8&REIT1=5&Gold1=3&Gold2=8&Commodities1=3) limited to 2007. Very little difference. + +[Backtest to 2001](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&mode=2&startYear=1972&endYear=2017&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&portfolio1=Custom&portfolio2=Custom&portfolio3=Moderate+Portfolio&TotalStockMarket1=20&TotalStockMarket2=37&TotalStockMarket3=39&LargeCapBlend1=4&LargeCapValue1=2&SmallCapBlend1=4&SmallCapValue1=3&IntlStockMarket1=10&IntlStockMarket2=15&IntlStockMarket3=21&IntlDeveloped1=2&IntlSmall1=1&EmergingMarket1=2&TreasuryBills1=2&ShortTreasury1=5&LongTreasury1=5&TotalBond1=18&TotalBond2=40&TotalBond3=32&TIPS1=7&GlobalBond1=4&GlobalBond3=8&REIT1=5&Gold1=6&Gold2=8), substituting gold for commodities. Slightly better than LifeStrategy Moderate Growth. + +Lastly, [backtest to 1995] (https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation?s=y&mode=2&startYear=1972&endYear=2017&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&portfolio1=Custom&portfolio2=Custom&portfolio3=Moderate+Portfolio&TotalStockMarket1=20&TotalStockMarket2=37&TotalStockMarket3=39&LargeCapBlend1=4&LargeCapValue1=2&SmallCapBlend1=4&SmallCapValue1=3&IntlStockMarket1=10&IntlStockMarket2=15&IntlStockMarket3=21&IntlDeveloped1=2&IntlSmall1=1&EmergingMarket1=2&TreasuryBills1=2&ShortTreasury1=12&LongTreasury1=5&TotalBond1=18&TotalBond2=40&TotalBond3=32&GlobalBond1=4&GlobalBond3=8&REIT1=5&Gold1=6&Gold2=8), substituting ST bond for TIPS. Slight advantage to most diversified average of portfolios in both worst drawdown and final CAGR. + +Backtesting can depend on the time frame you look at so the conclusion is - it all depends. +Im young (22) and still new to investing. I have been investing into SCHD and VTI in a non-advantageous fidelity account for a couple months now. I am looking for growth for the future. Is it pointless for me to have these funds in a regular account? Should I be putting these kind of shares into a Roth IRA instead? Any advice is much appreciated. +I have positions in qyld, jepi, and schd. schd is the clear winner in total return and qyld is the winner dividend yield. Each serves a different function in my portfolio up to this point. I am getting get close to early retirement (about 2 years) and will want pure income so I can retire early. I am curious if, historically, schd still crushes it in total return if I were to sell shares of schd monthly so that the cash generated from both the sale of shares PLUS the dividend match the monthly dividend from qyld (effectively generating the exact same monthly cash flow for living expenses). Has anyone done this type of analysis going back to 2014 (date of inception for qyld) assuming the same starting capital in each fund? +Yo! Hi 👋 After spending about six months in this sub I’m really starting to think there are two trains of thought—ETF route or individual stock route. It’s starting to get slightly challenging because as an individual stock investor the answer is always “ADD SCHD, VOO, VTI” etc. that to me seems more like a Bogglehead approach. Help me understand! +EDIT: To clarify; because I want to retire super young, I don’t want these things in retirement accounts, despite their obvious tax advantages. So, everything in a taxable account for me. + +Would one be better off holding long term growth assets (SPY/QQQ), and allowing the investments to grow more, then take the 20% tax loss and allocate it into dividends, OR, just start with the dividends from the start, where no asset selling has to occur? + +Thank you so much; Merry Christmas +EDIT: To clarify; because I want to retire super young, I don’t want these things in retirement accounts, despite their obvious tax advantages. So, everything in a taxable account for me. + +Would one be better off holding long term growth assets (SPY/QQQ), and allowing the investments to grow more, then take the 20% tax loss and allocate it into dividends, OR, just start with the dividends from the start, where no asset selling has to occur? + +Thank you so much; Merry Christmas +**TL;DR:** We can use very basic and well established statistical models (the Pareto distribution) to estimate how many GME shares each Superstonk ape would have to hold in order for us to own all of GME (or an arbitrary number of shares). If we make some ridiculously conservative assumptions, these models tell us that **Superstonk owns all of GME** (not just "the float") **if 50% of apes hold 5 shares or more**. + +&#x200B; + +I'll admit: this may sound ludicrous and counter-intuitive at first, but please bear with me. And stats apes: please poke holes into my argument below. Also: apologies, this post won't have a lot of fancy pictures or memes. I'm both too lazy and to dumb to include those. + +&#x200B; + +## 0. Preface + +You don't know me. I haven't been super active on this sub, mostly lurking. But check my post history: you'll find that my highest karma comment was a few years ago when I explained to the guys on r/askscience that no, cunnilingus does not count as healthy probiotics treatment. Not kidding. But you'll also find that I have a science background. So while I'm not a hardcore statistics person, I'm definitely a data person. Please read this post with that in mind. + +There have been tons of posts and comments in the past about how "apes own the float". There have been so many different attempts to quantify the number of GME shares in retail's hands, but they've all had their issues. Take for example this post by u/TheCaptainCog : + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzuodo/final\_update\_superstonk\_users\_alone\_hold\_between/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzuodo/final_update_superstonk_users_alone_hold_between/) + +Excellent work, based on a survey among Superstonk users (when the sub was still at around 200k subscribers). In fact, u/TheCaptainCog did a stellar job bc they also linked a lot of previous estimates by other users using different methods. + +Later on, there were the fantastic posts by u/Get-It-Got et al estimating GME retail ownership based on Google Surveys, e.g.: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omdafo/final\_update\_of\_google\_consumer\_survey\_n2200\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omdafo/final_update_of_google_consumer_survey_n2200_at/) + +Reading these posts and several others should give you the warm and comfy feeling that we very likely *do* own the GME float. However, these posts have been criticised based on their data source: consumer surveys of this kind (either among reddit users or via Google) are notoriously shaky and even if lots of people participate, we cannot be sure about cheaters, as even few outliers can skew our numbers. u/Get-It-Got countered this argument by using extremely conservative bins of ownership (binning all XXX and XXXX+ apes into the 101 share group). + +**However, one other thing kept bugging me about survey-based posts: the distribution of shares owned among apes looked off.** + +&#x200B; + +# 1. Introduction: the Pareto Distribution + +Enter the [Pareto distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution). You may have read about it here on the sub before, as several apes have tried to deduct RRP contributions using (reverse) Pareto inference. But enough with fancy words. What's the Pareto? Wikipedia says this: + +>The Pareto distribution \[...\] is a power-law probability distribution that is used in description of \[...\] many \[...\] types of observable phenomena. Originally applied to describing the distribution of wealth in a society, **fitting the trend that a large portion of wealth is held by a small fraction of the population.** + +(Emphasis mine). + +In ape terms: the Pareto distribution is the maths way of saying that **in almost all ways of life, very few people own a lot, and very many people own very little**. + +The Pareto distribution applies to wealth inequality (in many countries, the top 1% own 30-70% of the wealth, whereas the bottom 50% often own <10%). But it also applies to natural phenomena, like the sizes of sand particles on a beach (loads of small grains, few big ones), sizes of meteorites, etc. A lot of stuff in nature and in society follows such *power laws*. + +Coincidentally, **stock ownership** is also generally considered to follow the Pareto. So it is a safe assumption to say that GME ownership follows this rule as well. + +&#x200B; + +**Assumption 1: GME ownership follows the Pareto distribution. There are few holders with a lot of shares, and a lot of holders with very few shares.** + +&#x200B; + +Why is this relevant? Because it gives us a very robust, very simple and very time-tested statistical model to estimate how many shares each GME ape would need to hold for all apes together to own all of GME. + +&#x200B; + +# 2. Some very Conservative Assumptions + +OK, this part is fun. To estimate individual ownership, we need to make a few additional assumptions. + +&#x200B; + +**Assumption 2: There are 78M official GME shares in circulation.** + +&#x200B; + +This is the official number of shares after the two share offerings. For the purpose of this thought experiment, I won't bother with estimating "the float", meaning that I won't be substracting insider ownership, institutional ownership or even the mini-whale that is Keith Gill. We'll make the ridiculously conservative assumption that *all* GME shares would be tradable in the even of MOASS – which is of course not the case. More realistic estimates of the true, freely tradable float are 35M-50M (after the share offerings). + +&#x200B; + +**Assumption 3: Every Superstonk user holds at least 1 share. Every shareholder has joined Superstonk. Or in other words: there are 575k total GME shareholders worldwide.** + +&#x200B; + +I know, I know. This sounds ludicrous. There's plenty of shills and bots on Superstonk. On the other hand, there's plenty of retail owners that don't even have a reddit account. We can use survey-based estimates of worldwide number of shareholders or rely on some actual data points (for example, the two biggest Scandinavian brokers report **>40k shareholders in Sweden alone**; go look up the source yourself, I'm too lazy right now). There are many reasons to believe that the true number of retail GME shareholders is way higher than 575k, but we'll go with this number number for now, just for shits and giggles. + +&#x200B; + +**Assumption 4: The maximum number of shares held by any retail investor is 10,000.** + +&#x200B; + +Again, this is almost certainly wrong (even if we ignore u/deepfuckingvalue). Several apes who joined in 2020 have reported holding >10,000 shares by now (some still back at the previous subs at the time), and you find a lot of (credible) comments on here by XXXX holders. + +&#x200B; + +# 3. Maths Time! + +OK, congrats if you made it all the way here. With the above assumptions, we can now start doing maths stuff. The question is this: + +**How many shares does each individual ape have to hold for Superstonk to own all of GME?** + +The answer is, of course trivial at first: + +78M shares / 575k apes = 135.6 shares per ape on average + +&#x200B; + +Oof. Sounds like a lot? You feel a bit nervous because you're "just" an X or XX ape? Well, this is where the beauty of the Pareto power law kicks in. If share ownership were "normally" distributed (following the classical bell shape, where most people are exactly at the average, e.g. like the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence\_quotient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_quotient)), then indeed, we'd expect that half of all apes would have to own 135.6 shares (but very few would own <100 or >170). That's of course bullshit. + +The Pareto instead assumes that most apes own few shares and few apes own many (maximum 10,000 in our case, see assumption 4). Given the above assumptions, here's what the Pareto predicts: + +&#x200B; + +* The median number of shares per ape is \~5. Meaning: **50% of Superstonk users own 5 shares or less.** +* The 97th percentile is 1,038: **only \~3% of Superstonk users (\~17.8k people) are XXXX holders.** +* The 88th percentile is 94: **only \~11.5% of Superstonk users are XXX holders.** +* The 16th percentile is 1: **16% of Superstonk users hold exactly 1 share.** + +&#x200B; + +**With these numbers, Superstonk owns all of GME (not just the float).** + +&#x200B; + +Now, I don't know about you, but these numbers seem mighty low to me. For one, I believe that more than 17.8k people worldwide hold XXXX+ shares. But whatever you think: under the conservative assumptions made above, this is what retail ownership of GME should approximately look like to own all 78M shares. + +&#x200B; + +# 4. Some Thought Experiments + +Now we can play with these numbers a bit. + +&#x200B; + +First, let's assume that the float is actually just 50M shares. Under what numbers does Superstonk own the float? + +* 50% of apes own 4 shares or less. +* \~2.3% are XXXX holders. +* \~8% are XXX holders. +* 19% of apes hold exactly one share. + +&#x200B; + +Cool. Now what about owning GME twice over (156M shares)? + +* 50% hold 8 shares or less. +* \~6% are XXXX holders. +* \~19% are XXX holders. +* 12% own exactly one share. + +&#x200B; + +If there are 1M retail shareholders worldwide – when do they own GME (78M)? + +* 50% own 3 shares or less. +* \~1.6% are XXXX holders +* \~7.4% are XXX holders +* 20% own exactly one share. + +&#x200B; + +# 5. Conclusion + +We don't really need data (from surveys etc) to estimate what retail GME ownership would look like under different scenarios. There's very strong reason to believe that GME ownership follows the Pareto distribution, because pretty much everything else in life f\*cking does (in particular stock ownership). Using some pretty conservative assumptions, we can estimate the distribution of individual GME ownership under the Pareto model. I don't know about you guys, but for me, all of the above numbers read like massive under-estimates. + +You see where this is going.... here's some maths-based confirmation bias for you: + +&#x200B; + +**We f\*cking own GME.** +The feeling of greed gets so big that i set absurd sell orders and keep putting my sell orders higher because of the greed. HODLing can be hard but imo taking profits is way higher. When i was up 7 times on my vechain i didn't sell anything so now im "only" up 3 times. Whenever i get close to taking profits i always set new orders, did the same thing in 2018 and never sold any crypto in my life.. could have made so much more. And that's why i think taking profits(even if you Just did a 100% gain) are hard as hell. Hopefully i Will learn from these mistakes +Long story short, I just got a mailing from the state Medicaid program indicating I owe $10,000 for the years my husband was in a nursing home on Medicaid. They're just catching up with their cases. This is in addition to old medical bills of his and recent bills of my own. I am totally shell-shocked. This will take every extra cent I have and not leave anything to pay the other debts. Plus, I am in my early 60s and have no retirement savings. I work full time and realize I will be working full time for the rest of my life, but it won't be enough. This evening I've been looking at job listings, but it's very hard to find part time jobs that coordinate with full time hours, and my age is against me. Feeling desperate - can anyone offer any helpful suggestions? I do have family, but nobody has any money, we're all just getting by. + +Not even sure why I'm asking, except that my mind is reeling right now. + +**Update:** I am amazed at the response to this. Thank you all for the kind thoughts and useful suggestions. + +I've talked to the Medicaid caseworker and found that whoever approved my husband's case pulled incorrect information about my own income; thus, it looked like I was $500 below the standard for community spouse maintenance. In fact, my income was above the standard. It's incontrovertible. I relied on that initial calculation for 2+ years, since nobody told me any different. it was an innocent mistake, but still a mistake. + +My only gripe is that they calculate based on gross income, and unfortunately for me, I was paying big bucks at the time for family coverage under group health. I got a deduction for my husband's portion, but not the rest. My actual W-2 income was two-thirds of my gross. + +The bill seems large because it was for many months of room and care in a nursing home. I can assure you the charge isn't exorbitant, considering the cost of care versus what Medicaid programs pay. it's just the time lag in getting the error corrected that is causing it to run up to be so big. + +My plan is to contact the nursing home when I get billed, and ask if I can make payment arrangements. I do feel honor bound to pay this, since it is my husband's debt and I used his funds to pay off a different debt. Weirdly, it made me more philosophical when I realized that, if I had had to pay the nursing home in the first place, I'd be in exactly the same spot because of having to pay the IRS for a similar amount of back taxes plus penalties. So either way, poor financial decisions and some bad luck would have put me in the same bad position. + +Maybe I need to rephrase my post to be: How do I make some additional income now, and fast? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, I continue to be thoroughly impressed with this community. +Where I had expected to find another weekend of FUD, I instead found some incredible DD followed with healthy discussion. +There is *nothing* that the SHFs can do against us that will be able to defeat this kind of dedicated research. +One thing remains certain though: The Shorts never closed their positions, and continue a desperate juggling act trying to hide just how bad it is. +They cannot last forever, but our Diamantenhände certainly can! + +Today is Monday, December 5th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$27.54 / 26,13 €** *(volume: 1177)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $27.54 / 26,13 € *(volume: 1132)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $27.55 / 26,14 € *(volume: 1132)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $27.40 / 26,01 € *(volume: 1131)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,97 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,97 € *(volume: 1108)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 1059)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $27.27 / 25,88 € *(volume: 259)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $27.35 / 25,95 € *(volume: 241)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $27.27 / 25,88 € *(volume: 241)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $27.44 / 26,04 € *(volume: 240)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $27.43 / 26,03 € *(volume: 233)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $27.41 / 26,01 € *(volume: 233)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $27.36 / 25,96 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,97 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $27.38 / 25,98 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,97 € *(volume: 223)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $27.37 / 25,98 € *(volume: 222)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $27.38 / 25,98 € *(volume: 155)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $27.33 / 25,93 € *(volume: 151)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $27.29 / 25,89 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $27.28 / 25,89 € *(volume: 12)* +- 🟩 US close price: $27.52 / 26,12 € *($27.45 / 26,05 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0538. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Good Morning! + +Another day of testing 180 could be ahead of us. I guess we will have to see how badly the 7,188 open calls @ $200 strike want to get paid today. Could be interesting. + +Again Your support has meant the world to me over this last week. I am so amazed at what we have accomplish not only on YouTube but yesterday these post almost made it to the front page. Hopefully we will have even more visibility today. You guys have been so amazing in upvoting and awarding these posts. Thank you so much. + +# Important: please remember that if you haven't contact your broker about your proxy information, you should do so immediately! Not only, are you the owner of a business, but these actions could trigger a share recall by GameStop in order to verify the accuracy of their count. This is a major catalyst... + +&#x200B; + +We will be livestreaming here starting at 9am + +[https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +&#x200B; + +Additionally there is a live audio stream on our discord as well + +[Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, **150**, 152.5, 156.5, 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, **200**, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 253, 256 + +*This Post will read from top to bottom, any images over 20 will be deleted as the day progresses.* + +**Questions are always welcome I will reply down in the comments as often as I can** + +# After Market Wrap PArty ! + +Well we didn't close up it looks like some deep ITM puts tanked the price for the latter half of the day. Here are our closing stats. + +https://preview.redd.it/iyje1h99adw61.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=d764b63f2780e4909e08d9590dfa19107821ffee + +Everybody take a breather enjoy your weekend the stock will still be here Monday. Thank you all again for the support on the stream and in here it's been an amazing week and when in doubt on GME just zoom out we are trading several resistance levels above last week and still looking bullish as all hell. + +[Keep Calm and Stonk On!](https://preview.redd.it/bvsem9rradw61.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=f77b228f9658beba9c2cb5a6a9020c7cb8b0d2a5) + +See you all Monday for more exciting action! + +https://preview.redd.it/fy2kcg72bdw61.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=4edfa87cc4a384f2c1bf09448b4f5ef41f11f402 + +Edit 17 3:28 + +Bounce on that descending support could see price action on volume. Still just sideways low volume looks like the week will end between 172-180. I'll update any dramatic change. + +https://preview.redd.it/zbirg7lx3dw61.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=a04cdafbbd549765549f094ccfb829237d6603bf + +Edit 16 3:05 + +Power Hour? Slow drift downward we could close as low as 172.5 at this rate + +https://preview.redd.it/fw8v44zwzcw61.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=afbd5b71a788caa642a3511cf4d7c8acf00cc112 + +Edit 15 2:38 + +Nothing happening we broke out of that descending but just more chop above 175 + +Edit 14 1:55 + +Descending channel these usually break up. Still consolidating from that last test hitting resistance @ 175 is not out of the question. + +https://preview.redd.it/013z0fkdncw61.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=f03b3791c602593d94b553e93429563d021f4b70 + +Edit 13 1:37 + +Broke VWAP could head down to 175 again. Burned out the bull side on the 180 test. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4xx0t40bkcw61.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=6426bbc8bf58d1d1d172dac85588139cea57851d + +Edit 12 1:23 + +Triple top/ weak head and shoulder. Looks like we've exhausted the attempted push of 180 I can see a dip to VWAP and consolidation before testing again. + +https://preview.redd.it/sjtgu0smhcw61.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=b390f3e4aa99a7751ce67867aaa3a4598b8866af + +Edit 11 12:56 + +The gravitational pull of 180 is strong + +Edit 10 12:42 + +Looking like a failed breakthrough but we will see if the bulls want to hold the line or not could break back to VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/96s9slfhacw61.png?width=1086&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ae6269dc6321fccb464c4dae134270bbc0ad0a7 + +Edit 9 12:03 + +Still running towards that 180 this ascending channel looks strong but the volume is low I would expect it to spike if we hope to clear 180. I think bull side will push for 200 between now and 3pm in order to capture some of the $ from those $200 Calls + +https://preview.redd.it/bec6icqc3cw61.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6f26a3e1aec63fc6060701f45dfc47980c44eb7 + +Edit 8 11:30 + +Bull flag. This can run on volume but without support they usually break to the downside + +https://preview.redd.it/jz8jrldhxbw61.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5d31bdebcbd9defa10b40d721ce1b8c5480a530 + +Edit 7 11:12 + +Moving up to test VWAP earlier than I expected if we get carried by volume we could even test 180 otherwise expect a rejection at VWAP and more chop + +https://preview.redd.it/odq0opddubw61.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2f75bdf9e0cad84b1ac530f1c45d1ccb9c8cd8 + +Edit 6 10:49 + +Weak bounce at 175 could take a while to retest 180 + +https://preview.redd.it/9u2hnj57qbw61.png?width=1138&format=png&auto=webp&s=686bb3900ac0089a4df51d6c9262ef80e5829598 + +Edit 5 10:39 + +Volume backed downtrend could hit as low as 169-172 + +https://preview.redd.it/8bz6dc4dobw61.png?width=1148&format=png&auto=webp&s=df2a488a8e8b2671dc6af242aa8837c9d62be0e5 + +Edit 4 10:22 + +Weak breakout volume is low but way better than yesterday sitting around 1.5MM + +https://preview.redd.it/90nbhz6clbw61.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d32d6d585e8c99363b1a62753a006a3f634817f + +Edit 3 10:11 + +Small descending wedge looking to break up and test again + +https://preview.redd.it/fpmxxiofjbw61.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea4a31ea192fb1638b38278da1da18fc54bd71ff + +Edit 2 9:43 + +Nice early test of 180. Looks like not enough momentum to push through but this is a region I like to be in. If we break the line will update immediately. + +https://preview.redd.it/i3f7rt0iebw61.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5534302577dc6d47e8b64b99768caccbcc12a8a + +Edit 1 9:32 + +If stays steady we could see a AM test of 180, 66k on opening candle + +https://preview.redd.it/qcz9dssccbw61.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d3ccc1764ca4c797fd52357c3c8a78e52287e5b + +# Pre-market Analysis + +Pre-Edit 1 8:45 + +There was a small gap down which it appears that we are in the process of filling. The volume is low but could pick up in pre-market after 9:00. + +https://preview.redd.it/qpniqwg33bw61.png?width=1467&format=png&auto=webp&s=1127e29745803d09d427f60162922efda6389c4e + +*This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* +Title. + +News came in on the 5th of February - sharing from BlackBerry subreddit. Pretty decent sign, not a surprise they were downing the stock just week ago to get it to a lower price. Now more and more come aware of long term potential price for the stock. In the article they mention cloud partnership with Amazon, QNX, Baidu. + +EDIT: Short term thesis - buy; Long term - outperform. For some reason it does not allow me to insert a screenshot. + +EDIT2: [https://i.imgur.com/uRw30As.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/uRw30As.jpg) I hope this link works - screen from ZACKS + +EDIT3: some people are saying ZACKS is not decent source, but the sole fact that it's getting publicity as a normal stock, not a meme, subreddit driven stock is a positive note. I own \~3500 positions at 11.94$ and plan on staying long - just my personal view. +Should one just wait through it? Sell before/during? + +Edit: Thanks a bunch to anyone who shared their thoughts on this! + I can't belive this got 200 + replies! + +I feel like i have learned a lot from this, and i would advise anybody, who haven't experienced a real crisis like one in 08' to read the whole thread. +Not financial advise - 90pct of the apes got it down. But if you actually don’t know why stop loss bad. Read below - not financial advise - + +We all know what happened the last time we went to $350 - they smashed us down by doing a stop loss raid. + +This occurs when they shorted the absolute shit out of it at the top (where it’s weaker in the moment) and caused a chain reaction of stop loss orders to go off. + +It’s like an elevator that looses control and starts to fall - not going to stop easily. + +This is speculative - but I’m sure the people who organized this had that information - let’s face it - a “stop loss order” is an order - so if you have a “stop loss” set - the clearing houses and brokers can see it - and so can DTCC. From their master computer they saw there was enough stop losses to make it crash - this is what they do (Hedgies) - and anyone who wants to argue that DTCC hasn’t shared info with citadel Probably has rocks in their head (speculation still) + +I know everyone says you always need proof - but after watching the way they tried to destroy GME - with illegal activities and everything that has unfolded - I would be willing to bet they knew how many stop losses were open - and used that information for the raid. + +The point is - if you put a stop loss you can set the MOASS back 3 more months - we are diamond handed apes - ape no sell. + +Stay away from stop losses / they can Probably see them and will set apes back 3 months if there are too many open orders. +Hi all- + +I am looking to buy both historical and real-time options market data to feed into a model. I need both the option: Bid, Ask, Vol, etc, and the stock: Bid, Ask, Vol, etc in the same tick. Any suggestions are helpful! +We’ve seen many high growth stocks that soared post covid come crashing down but this one might unite Reddit the most. Whether you hate their stupid valuation, their godawful financial performance or any other chicanery let’s all reflect on the death bells for robinhood + +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robinhood-stock-is-in-a-dumpster-fire-of-a-situation-right-now-says-retail-trader-165941691.html +This is your safe place for questions on financial careers, homework problems and finance in general. No question in the finance domain is unwelcome. + +Replies are expected to be constructive and civil. + +Any questions about your *personal* finances belong in [r/PersonalFinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinance/), and career-seekers are encouraged to also visit [r/FinancialCareers](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinancialCareers/). +Many advertise “no commissions” but they charge fees per contract, so trading options on their platform is not totally free like it is on robinhood. + +I use robinhood and I just can’t believe no other brokers offer completely free options trading. But after researching it looks like RH really is the only one that offers completely free options trading unless I’m mistaken +Curious to see if there's anyone out there who has essentially accumulated 'free' shares through selling Puts and Calls on a specific underlying. How long did it take you and what was the underlying? + +If you haven't quite gotten 'free' shares, what's the most you've reduced your cost basis on a specific stock? +There are so many great articles on Bitcoin, but not enough videos that put the concepts into visuals and link the different layers from "why" to "how". So I tried doing that with a video where I cover everything I learned throughout the years. Economics, Ethics and Technology. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai5z2T4WhWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai5z2T4WhWg) + +About me: I got into Bitcoin 2017 and ofc bought the top. I then diversified into alts and got rekt even harder. I guess this is the natural Bitcoiners starting path. However having my skin in the game I started learning and kept buying. From Andreas talks to The Bitcoin Standard as a start. After that articles, Mises, Hayek and Rothbard. Running a full node, understanding the technology through Mastering Bitcoin. + +Here I am 3 years later. I love this community and the revolution we are witnessing. This video is my contribution. If you like it, please consider subscribing. Thank you! +Hello everyone, + +I am curious how everyone approaches a stay at home mom phase of life. We just got engaged and trying to think about what our mid-term future could look like. My fiancé is a teacher, who wants to continue teaching throughout her life, but potentially she also would like to stay home for a couple of years during the kid(s) first couple years. Just trying to weigh the options well ahead of time. + +Some numbers for reference: I (M25) currently have income of $75k. I started at $46k in finance in a F50 tech company and still work there. with expectations for pay to increase similarly. I have no debt at all. About $58k in retirement, $18k in I-bonds, and 6k in cash. Live in the Midwest. + +My fiancé (F24) has an income of $50k, student debt (yuck) of $40k and car debt of $10k. She has bought into budgeting, and has been ultra committed to paying these off. She expects 3.5 years, if I don't help her out. + +We plan to get married in June 2024, and then a house 2-3 years after that, and then 2 (we hope) kids following. + +I am looking for some advice/tips/experience on the following questions... + +1. What percentage of gross income do you recommend for spending on housing with kids on one income for only a couple of years (mortgage, maintenance, insurance, etc.) ? I understand the conventional 25-30% of gross income or net income to be conservative, but curious if people have experiences stretching that for a couple of years. +2. Furthermore, if anybody stayed at home or had a partner that did, how many years did that last and how many kids did you have? + +I appreciate any insights or experiences you all may have... I am trying to define a savings target and what I need to do to get there. + +Thanks +Hi all, + +I’ve been on a pretty good track, but as I’ve been assessing some of my potential costs in later life, I’m starting to realize my initial targets may not be nearly enough. + +I come from a family where education is highly promoted. My parents paid for all my schooling so I was able to start off on an amazing path and become technically FI Before 30. I was looking recently at the cost of my lower, middle, and high school, and the cost was roughly 25k a year on average over 12 years. With college, I attended a top private university that was another 45k or so a year, with no scholarships. They also offered to pay for medical school Or post grad if I went down that path which is another 70k a year (they didn’t have to since I had all my post grad covered by my company). All in for education alone you’re talking over a million per child. I absolutely intend to do the same for my children since it opened up so many doors, and I feel it’s my responsibility to pass on my good fortune. + +That being said that’s a tremendous amount of savings that would greatly chip away at my prospects of retiring early. I’m curious about: + +1. How much to you plan to spend/save for your child’s education? + +2. Do you think there are drawbacks to spending less on their education at certain points in their life (e.g. private school, post grad) +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +>Crisis-hit Chinese real estate giant Evergrande has suspended trade in its shares on the Hong Kong as investors await news on its restructuring plan. + +>The statement to the stock exchange did not give a reason for the trading halt. + +>Evergrande has more than $300bn (£222bn) of debts and is scrambling to raise cash by selling assets and shares to repay suppliers and creditors. + +>Last week, the company dialled back plans to repay investors in its wealth management products. + +>Evergrande said on Friday that each investor in its wealth management product could expect to receive $1,257 each month as principal payment for three months irrespective of when the investment matures. + +>The company had earlier not mentioned any amount and had agreed to repay 10% of the investment by the end of the month when the product matures. + +>Evergrande said in a statement posted on the wealth unit's website that the situation was not "ideal" and that it would "actively raise funds", and update the repayment plan in late March, without giving further details. + +>The announcement was seen as highlighting the deepening cash squeeze at the struggling property developer. + +>Last week, Evergrande did not make some interest payments on its offshore bonds. + +https://www.bbc.com/news/business-59855881?xtor=AL-72-%5Bpartner%5D-%5Bbbc.news.twitter%5D-%5Bheadline%5D-%5Bnews%5D-%5Bbizdev%5D-%5Bisapi%5D&at_custom1=%5Bpost+type%5D&at_medium=custom7&at_campaign=64&at_custom2=twitter&at_custom3=%40BBCWorld&at_custom4=AE3A5058-6C3C-11EC-A925-FDC24744363C +I'm sure this will inspire confidence in the Chinese stock market... + +http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-bans-stock-sales-major-123555540.html + +**EDIT** - For those interested, /u/upads translated the announcement to English, and it is posted below: + +The Chinese version of SEC announced on 8th July, 2015, in order to maintain stability of the capital market, share holders, especially cornerstone share holders, major share holders who hold more than 5% of a company's stock, directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holdings to stabilize share price, to protect the interests of investors. The document "Notification to increasing stakes for major share holders, directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies", contents as following: + +From China Securities Regulatory Commission to all stock exchanges, their subordinates and related units: + +In order to maintain stability of the capital market, share holders, especially cornerstone share holders, major share holders (people who hold more than 5% of a company's stock), directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holdings to stabilize share price, to protect the interests of investors. Notification as following: + + 1. All major share holders, directors, supervisors and upper management who have sold their stakes within the last 6 months, through stock brokers, fund management companies and related entities, will not be bound by claus 47 of the securities law of china. You are now not allowed to sell. Fuck you. (Claus 47 mentions that you can sell company shares within 6 months of buying) + + 2. For all listed companies which share prices have dropped over 30% the last 10 trading days, directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holding and promise not to decrease their share holding in the coming 6 months. Claus 56 in which companies will have their trading halted if they are insolvent will not be applied here. + + 3. For entities who have owned over 30% of said listed companies and have increased their share holdings by less than 2% of the total company shares, will not be protected by Regulations on the Takeover of Listed Companies where you can reject invitation to increase your share holdings. + + 4. Encourage major share holders and directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies to stabilize their share price by buying in when the share price drops violently. + + 5. Major share holders and directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies will have to disclose their increase in share holdings publicly according to security laws of china, Regulations on the Takeover of Listed Companies, "Administrative Measures for the Disclosure of Information of Listed Companies". + + 6. This notification is valid from today at the time of the announcement. +https://www.wsj.com/articles/softbank-reports-13-billion-annual-loss-hit-by-tech-share-slump-11652339726 + +TOKYO— SoftBank Group Corp. 9984 -8.03% on Thursday reported an enormous $26.2 billion loss on its big portfolio of technology companies in the first three months of the year, as the company took a record annual loss for the second time in three years. + +“The world is in a chaotic situation,” said Chief Executive Masayoshi Son, citing Covid-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “In this chaotic world, the approach we at SoftBank should take is defense.” + +Stinging the company were soured investments in numerous startups in its $100 billion Vision Fund, the world’s largest private investment fund that was raised five years ago with the intent to seed a generation of new tech giants. + +Among the biggest bad bets was Chinese ride-hailing company Didi Global Inc., which has faced regulatory pressure in Beijing. As of the end of the latest quarter, the Vision Fund had lost $9.7 billion of the $12.1 billion it invested in Didi, the company said. + +There is more pain to come: SoftBank said its holdings in publicly listed Vision Fund companies fell by more than $13 billion since its fiscal year ended March 31. + +... + +In all, SoftBank said the Vision Fund has made just $3.1 billion on the $45.6 billion it invested in its publicly listed companies as of Wednesday’s stock market close, a slim return after five years in which the Nasdaq has nearly doubled. + +He devoted much of the presentation to trying to reassure shareholders concerned about SoftBank’s debt levels, telling them that he is closely managing its debt and cash. + +In recent months, the company borrowed nearly $6 billion tied to startup investments in its Vision Fund 2 division—an unusual move for a venture capital fund given the high risks involved—and raised additional money through financial instruments tied to its nearly 25% stake in Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding. + +... + +This earnings report covers up to March 31, 2022. Think about how much more SFTBY must have lost since then... + [https://www.change.org/p/karyn-temple-remove-craig-wright-s-name-from-bitcoin-whitepaper-copyright](https://www.change.org/p/karyn-temple-remove-craig-wright-s-name-from-bitcoin-whitepaper-copyright) + +&#x200B; + + + +On 31st October 2008, the bitcoin whitepaper was released by the creator of bitcoin under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto has been a mystery for a decade, many suspects have come up, but no one is sure. Amidst all this confusion, Craig Wright, a known fraud has forged many documents, including submitting a fake email in a billion dollar lawsuit, has claimed the throne of Satoshi Nakamoto, and when confronted with proof of the claim, has always only given forged documents. A few days ago he crossed the line by filing a copyright for the bitcoin whitepaper, considered sacred for many, this has caused many gullible people to invest in the so called "real bitcoin", Bitcoin SV, by making Craig Wright, the creator of Bitcoin SV look like Satoshi. This is an extremely unethical act conducted by Craig and the real Satoshi cant even dispute the claim as he has been and probably wants to continue stay anonymous. I want Craig Wright's name removed from the copyright of the bitcoin whitepaper +I always catch myself getting out of a trade at lower profits because the whole “1 in the hand > 2 in the bush” only to find out Iv left money in the table. +Anyone has any recommendations for this? +Good Morning Apes! + +So after a bunch of digging last night I sort of ended where I started on the whole furthest date out that this cycle could be defeated. It looks like 9/23 is that last possible settlement date to cover (this covers all t+2 delivery windows). While it's possible nothing happens by that date, it does not mean that futures contracts are dead in the water. It just means that they have either covered it in a way we had not predicted or they did not need more than the number of shares they received via ETF rebalancing and the ATM offer. + +If you want a more in-depth look at this weeks TA [check out the weekly DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pn3ryv/too_many_shares_to_stuff_in_my_cellar_and_forward/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect when this all goes down + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Hours + +Another up day going into futures expiry tomorrow it is likely today represents the last day that rolling was an option. Normally I would think we are gonna close the week at max pain tomorrow with little movement but the ramp was not significantly rolled today and many more contracts were still coming in for tomorrow so at least big money is expecting moves and or forcing the shorts to let any open contracts expire. Thank you all for tuning in, see you in the morning! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yonfhs679xn71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=04d90415717a046b23b9a917434eb7895822a78c + +Edit 8 2:40 + +Double bottom bounce on VWAP on the 15 min + +https://preview.redd.it/72ek4sx7uwn71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=8906cd9e7298d865a6c787a889beb363b6577b65 + +Edit 7 2:22 + +Still consolidation after falling through the EMA but holding above VWAP is goof moving into power hour. The longs still seem very committed to buy calls for tomorrow as contracts are still being opened for the 17th. + +https://preview.redd.it/op88kvk1rwn71.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=38f16684a98e9e8b271b2c8d3fd204a689dda76e + +Edit 6 1:45 + +Slight breakdown from a triple top the gap from 215-220 could be hard to close without some volume. Hopefully we can bounce on the EMA60 + +https://preview.redd.it/cjfzpi4fkwn71.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=01d848b771400f41dcd88f819672ce4e604157cf + +Edit 5 12:69 + +LFG + +https://preview.redd.it/jenixlhzdwn71.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=33525d350ffb6f0d139adf6ffc54ce1d44963c0e + +Edit 4 11:57 + +Turning back around on a volume spike at 208 possible another push for 220 + +https://preview.redd.it/7ksqjh761wn71.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6a58880f604b351cc533ec3bd6a23ba218c5051 + +Edit 3 10:51 + +Pushing up through 210, volume is still sub 1m for the day at 889k + +https://preview.redd.it/8qyvcjw8pvn71.png?width=1607&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cba0fdc9d67a1d11da182c8da25d88f047ff37d + +Edit 2 10:21 + +Third attempt at pushing through 208 + +https://preview.redd.it/02h6ioxxjvn71.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=295e37f66a480234bc472afb7a43c4fc3c2f4fe4 + +Edit 1 9:44 + +Nice start to the day testing 205 + +https://preview.redd.it/mq8qyvfcdvn71.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2901d1a0de23a326a900d8b0c6102f5e204dc02 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +The SPY is coming down in premarket again so given our 7k pre-market volume on GME we may be in for another day of getting dragged around by the S&P. Looks like there are 640k shares available to borrow between IBKR and Fidelity. Even given that GME doesn't look to bad this morning hit it's low and looks like it's turning around for a test of 205 in the early part of the day. + +[pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/t5ri10vs0vn71.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=14d8477fa2d6c2ec46b88f61d97d2c4c8e5323cc) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +I had a plan, if stock x hit eg. 99$, sell it all. It literally touched 99$ and i was thinking alright i just cut my losses, only for it next day to jump...missed out on a good chunk today. + +anyone else have a similar story? i cant tell my personal family or friends because they wouldnt understand... +20 years old just finishing my apprenticeship and coming out on £37.5k salary (feelin like a fraud). I only found out about finance stuff after finding this sub at the end of last year, but its been very helpful thanks! + +Just wanted to check that I'm doing everything right as I come onto full wage. I still live at home in a low COL area, so right now my expenses are low. Although I've had to start going into work again so paying for fuel :/ + +I opened an S&S ISA (global index) and have been putting in £400 monthly and have about £3200 in. I also opened a LISA and have £10,000 in there. As of now I saved 21k in my bank savings. I got a credit card in march which I pay off fully monthly. I auto enrolled into a pension when I started at 16, 4% me and 6% employer, and have about £7000. + +Should I move a lump sum (maybe 10k?) into my ISA as I guess 21k is a bit much for my bank savings? +Are there any insurances I should be getting right now? +Should I increase the amount I put into pension? +Do you think its worth going onto a degree even if I think I will stay here long term? +I never joined the shares scheme which I kinda regret, do you think its worth doing still even if I have an ISA? +Anything else I should be doing? +I bought it 100% financed at $280,000 about 10 years ago. Rate started as a 6% 30-year with 3-year maturity dates where the rates get reassessed. Over the years I was able to talk it down to 4.5%, but I have my next maturity date coming up and I'm worried I could take a beating. Plus, with the way the Fed is fiddling with rates, God only know what could happen. I'm pretty shoestring, so a sudden jump to 8-9% would knock my teeth out. + +I owe $225,00 on it still and it'll appraise out between $300-315,000 (based on comps). My question is, should I refi to a fixed-rate mortgage? Undoubtedly this would bump my rate up to probably 5.5-6.5% territory, but that might be worth the peace of mind. + +If I do refi, what should I look into? 30-year? 15-year, put up where I am right now in the amortisation? I'm leaning toward the 30-year because the lower mortgage payment would offset the increased rate, and free up a small amount of monthly capital (like I said, I'm shoestring) despite having to pay a lot more to lenders over the long haul. +Wondering if anyone has any tips on getting a better mortgage rate in the current climate? It seems like rates start at 3.25% to 3.375%, with significant discounts if you move assets to that bank (e.g. 5/8% off at Citi if you have $2m with them, so 2.625%). I need to look into other securities based lending programs, but probably don’t want to move more than ~700k at the current moment. + +Any helpful insights? It seems like BofA and Chase are pulling back on their mortgage lending in response to COVID19 while Wells and Citi are getting more competitive. Not sure if there are smaller banks that might be more competitive as well. + +House is in NJ, if that matters. +Hi! + +I absolutely love my friends, but they don’t necessarily have fatFIRE as a goal in mind. I would love to meet more new friends who do have that goal, and I was wondering how you met such friends? + +Thanks in advance! + +Edit: thank you everybody for the replies, much appreciated! +I am a full stack dev with a couple of years experience now and wondering if there is anyone else in software who is making some extra money in evenings / weekends doing some kind of freelance work? + +Whether is doing small personal side projects that generate passive income, or build sites for small businesses etc keen to hear how it's going for you and if it's a worthwhile venture :) + +I've always been into making some side hustle money just for splurging and spending and am looking to use my skills to try to hopefully scale it up a bit bigger than I'm used to (flipping stuff on marketplace, some ecommerce stuff) +Hey everyone + +Just got a couple of questions re: HECS: + +* Does the inflation rate currently being 3.8% (as per one of the other posts) mean that our HECS balances will likely rise by that amount at the EOFY? + +&#x200B; + +* If so, I'm guessing its preferable to pay down HECS rather than put the money into a savings account. Heck, the interest rate for my offset account is currently at 2.5% - under this logic, I should pay back my HECS rather than put in extra to my offset. Does this logic check out? + +&#x200B; + +* I max out my super through getting my employer to contribute extra. This brings my income to a level where HECS isn't automatically deducted every month. If I ask HR to start repaying my HECS again (as opposed to me manually doing it), will that reduce my obligation to repay at the EOFY? I'm just conscious that last time I made after tax HECS contribution, I was told by the ATO I still had to repay the amount I would have had HECS been deducted (on top of what I had already paid after tax). + +Thanks everyone! +Might not be the correct sub to post this in but thought I'd post anyway for anybody who hadn't seen already. +Anyone with a spotify premium account can claim a free Google nest mini (£49 normally) for just having premium! And only takes about 1 minute. +So, I'm leaning about tax and I have a hypothetical question about chattel disposal and capital gains tax. For chattels, they're treated as wasting chattels if the expected life is under 50 years and an example given is animals. + +Now, I have a pet Tortoise and the expected lifespan is up to 100 years. Therefore, if I was to sell my Tortoise, would I potentially be liable for CGT or not (ignoring the exempt amount)? + +I'm not sure if the exemption would apply as a Tortoise is an animal and most animals live under 50 years so they're always exempt or of it wouldn't apply due to the long lifespan of a Tortoise. I have no plans to sell, purely curious as to the tax treatment of Tortoises and other animals with a long lifespan. + +Edit: [Pet Tax](https://imgur.com/a/3UuTdHw) of Tortoise in question with the bonus of my study assistant, the cat. Also, the comments are brilliant everyone +**Tl;dr/conclusion:** + +**Looking at it from the level of the individual, a deflationary form of money is fundamentally a superior form of money to an inflationary currency. The rational move would be to hold such a deflationary form of currency, and to swap into inflationary currencies as needed. Given the possibility, it would be attractive for merchants and invididuals to accept payment directly in this deflationary form of money.** + +**While a comparison with gold and the flaws of transacting in gold is often made, these flaws no longer need apply. With the advent of crypto, we have the possibility to create a form of money that has the advantages of gold, without the disadvantages of its physicality.** + +\---------- + +I’ve seen this discussion pop up more often recently, so let’s dive in. In short, the argument goes that currencies need to be inflationary so that people are incentivised to spend. A way to see it is to think of inflationary currency as a hot potato — if you don’t do anything with it and keep it in cash, it’s going to decline in value. Therefore, you might as well spend it or invest it. If you know your food is going to be (ever so slightly) more expensive tomorrow, you might as well buy it today. + +https://preview.redd.it/jqt6kkb272c81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=160fc72058667fe9322a18b346ad8f741c98cf86 + +In a deflationary form of money (for example a currency with a fixed supply) this incentive is absent. Because of this, people will hoard their money, rather than spend it or invest it. With no (or less) money being spent, merchants drop prices to try and entice people to spend. With dropping prices, consumers want to wait longer to purchase stuff, because they expect the item they intend to buy will be cheaper again next month, compared to now. + +What this has to do with crypto is that people will often make the claim that crypto can be seen as a store of value, rather than a currency. Save your money in a fixed supply asset that you know won’t be debased, spend your inflationary currency. Because of this, crypto won’t be used as money. People will hold (HODL) their crypto that is likely to increase their value, while spending their fiat money that will decrease in value. Because of this, no network effect arises for crypto, it remains just a savings (and speculation) vehicle. + +In the hope of having represented the argument of those that believe money should be inflationary correctly, I’ll now dive into why I believe this take is in a sense incorrect, and stems from issues with the specific forms of non-inflationary currency we have seen so far rather than a fundamental issue with deflationary forms of money. + +# Why deflationary money is a superior store of value + +When you have the choice between spending in an asset that is likely to appreciate in value (deflationary) or an asset that is likely to depreciate in value (inflationary) the rational move is to spend in the inflationary asset. You’d prefer to pass on the hot potato. However, as in a typical hot potato game, the receiver would then again prefer to pass on the hot potato as quickly as possible, while preferring to hold a harder form of money. + +The bigger question here is not whether an individual prefers to pay in an inflationary or a deflationary currency. Rather, it’s about why anyone would **hold** the hot potato, when there is the option of passing it on right away. If I’m a merchant receiving US dollars, and I can convert this into a fixed supply form of money right away, that seems like a smarter course of action. If the friction of doing so is low enough, I’d prefer to hold that harder form of money even if I have to convert back into inflationary currency a few days later. + +# Run this process through to its conclusion and the question becomes: who is holding the hot potato, and why? + +The current answer to this is that the hot potato has some characteristics that make it attractive to use and to hold at least some of it. It tends to be more stable than the fixed supply money. While the hot potato money might fluctuate 2–30% against other currencies on a yearly basis, the fixed supply asset currently might fluctuate that much in a day. As an individual or business who can’t afford to see 30% of their spending power wiped out in a day, such fluctuations are undesirable. There’s also the fact that governments like to be paid in this hot potato money and it’s commonly accepted in most places, which gives hot potato money a great network effect. + +# What about people not wanting to spend deflationary currency? + +I believe this argument assumes a flexibility in humans that is at odds with how people live, and that is at odds with what history has shown us. + +Look at how much the average person is making, and at how much the average person is spending. Most people are far more preoccupied with paying their rent, mortgage, buying food and other necessities than they are with the value of their money. As a fun thought experiment — say you need a toothbrush. would you postpone buying a toothbrush if you thought it would be 1% cheaper next month? + +There are very specific examples we can point to here. Technology (and most things in life) get cheaper over time. Say you were in the market for a television. Specifically, it’s March 29th 2020 and we’re thinking an [LG OLED55CX6LA](https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1540272/lg-oled55cx6la-zwart.html) would be great to have. It’s top of the market. We check the price, and it turns out it retails at €2099. A bit steep. + +We decide to postpone our purchase for three months. On June 29th 2020, it turns out we can already get the TV for €1668! Three months later, on September 29th 2020, it’s €1299. A full year later, we can get this exact same TV for €1098. + +https://preview.redd.it/hhlfb2f372c81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=e63ffdb347c51b427ac925bf20e67c7a85a88014 + +Most people are well aware of this, and know that it holds for televisions, entertainment, computers, fridges, dishwashers, and a plethora of other things. Nearly everything gets cheaper if you keep the quality equal. Yet people do not wait infinitely. They buy what they want to have now, or when they’ve saved up enough money (or even use credit to do so). + +This is no fluke. A great piece of research on the “[Rate of Return on Everything, 1870–2015](https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/files/wp2017-25.pdf)” shows that the real rate of return on government bonds & bills has been positive, taking into account inflation (p17), for most countries in the world. Since the 1980’s it has been on average positive for every country in the world. + +https://preview.redd.it/4pvcdf4472c81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=39df26ee074629812708c7cfbefddc91524bc9b9 + +Data for bank savings accounts are harder to find except for specific countries. When we look at specific countries, bank savings that are insured by a government deposit guarantee tend to offer an even higher interest rate than government bonds & bills. + +It is commonly stated that people would postpone purchases and investments under a deflationary money system because people’s money would be worth more tomorrow or a year from now. What the above shows is that there is a safe asset that people can already invest into, with small or large amounts, knowing their money will be worth more in a year from now, yet we haven’t seen a deflationary collapse yet. It shows that people can already have “deflation” work in their favor by postponing buying a new TV, or computer, or a myriad of other things, yet we haven’t seen a deflationary collapse yet. + +# How could a non-inflationary currency work as currency? + +Earlier in this article I mentioned how inflationary currency can be seen as a hot potato that is constantly passed on. The question turns into who holds the hot potato. An even more important question is **why**, fundamentally, anyone would want to be holding the hot potato. + +Thinking about it from a fundamental point of view, I would prefer to hold as little as possible in a form of cash that depreciates. In other words, when I receive payment in inflationary currency, I would prefer to exchange it into hard money as quickly as possible. When paying others, I would convert back into inflationary currency as needed, and pay them. + +However — as this continues and more people think in this way, the step of converting back into inflationary currency makes less sense. If I want to hold my money in a fixed supply currency, and you have a fixed supply currency but are converting to inflationary currency to pay me with, that seems like an inefficient form of exchange. + +As a merchant, I would gladly take your fixed supply currency, and could let you know that I accept this fixed supply currency for payment. It saves you the hassle of converting fixed supply into inflationary currency, it saves me the hassle of having to swap that inflationary currency back into fixed supply currency. + +Full efficiency is gained when we have a form of money that is both a fantastic store of value and a fantastic currency. The two strengthen each other — so why have we not seen this so far? + +# The gold standard and its flaws + +At this point you’re probably wondering why I haven’t touched upon the gold standard yet. It’s an example of a relatively fixed supply currency. Yet as we broadly observe, it is not in use today, while gold does serve as a store of value. Why is that? + +Many economies have had a direct gold-based exchange system at times. Gold (and silver) coins were widely circulated — the Roman aureus was a gold coin, later replaced by the Byzantine solidus. Italian denari, Spanish dineros and the Florentine florin are well-known examples. + +These currencies were used within countries and internationally. Gold is a base layer asset, the value is in the physical gold itself. Because of this, no trust was needed when transacting. A country having a debt settled by another country preferred this to be done in gold, because once paid it was fully settled. There was no debt claim, no need to trust the counterparty beyond the simple exchange. + +However, carrying around gold is inconvenient at best. Amongst other issues gold is heavy and can be stolen. To solve this issue, credible parties (which we today think of as banks) offered to store gold in a secure place, giving a paper claim to the deposited gold in exchange. As long as the credible party was credible enough, this paper claim was “as good as gold”, while being far easier to transport, protect and use. + +However, this also allows banks to lend out this gold to others, in exchange for interest. As long as not everyone comes by at the same time to retrieve their gold, this would work fine, and provides some income for the bank. + +In the interest of keeping this short, Ray Dalio’s “Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail” is a fantastic read. It goes into the next stages of such a system and why we see ebbs and flows in hard money and fiat money. + +The important part for this analysis is why we’ve repeatedly seen the move from using gold as a pure medium of exchange to claims on gold and ultimately fiat. It’s not because gold’s (relatively) fixed supply fundamentally makes it unsound to transact with. It is gold’s other characteristics, such as limited portability/transferability and divisibility, and its security costs, that mean it is not ideal for use as a medium of exchange. + +Gold is heavy to carry around. It’s expensive to transfer large sums, because the risk of it being stolen increases, so you would need to pay for security. It’s hard to divide it down to small amounts — try paying a few cents in gold. Conversely, try paying very large amounts in gold to someone far away. The transport costs would be large. + +# Fixing these flaws + +Say we were able to create an asset that had a demonstrably and unchangeably fixed supply, while fixing the flaws with gold. This asset could be carried anywhere easily, and you would be able to transfer 2 cents as easily as you were able to transfer 2 billion. Such a transfer would be confirmed instantly, while the transaction would not cost you any fees. As in gold, it would be paramount that such a transfer happen trustlessly, and that there is no way for people to spend money they do not have. + +The idea behind cryptocurrency is largely to offer such a form of money. This is one of the reasons a lot of money is flowing into crypto, and that many people are so enthusiastic about it. Bitcoin was a first version of this, but has some flaws. As an example, transferring Bitcoin is not instant, and it costs a fair bit. It’s not extremely divisible, and most importantly does not ensure security. + +Bitcoin’s security comes from decentralization, from many miners competing for the rewards that come with mining Bitcoin. At the same time, mining Bitcoin comes with economies of scale due to the way Bitcoin is designed. In other words, Bitcoin is designed to encourage centralization and loss of security over time. For more info, see [“**Why 99% of cryptocurrencies centralize over time”**](https://senatus.substack.com/p/why-99-of-cryptocurrencies-centralize)**.** + +That does not mean crypto as a whole has failed at this. Nano is a cryptocurrency that offers instant transfers at zero fees, from anywhere in the world to anywhere. It is a fixed supply, and almost limitlessly divisible (up to 30 decimals). As opposed to Bitcoin, Nano does not centralize over time, instead decentralizing ever further. + +In the interest of not making this article even longer, I would link to “[**crypto as a store of value**](https://senatus.substack.com/p/why-nano-is-the-ultimate-store-of-value-and-reserve-currency-3b0318844bc8)**”** and [**“the long-term future of crypto”**](https://senatus.substack.com/p/on-crypto-as-a-store-of-value-bitcoins) for those interested in the ways that certain cryptocurrencies have solved these issues. + +# Conclusion + +Looking at it from the level of the individual, a deflationary form of money is fundamentally a superior form of money to an inflationary currency. The rational move would be to hold such a deflationary form of currency, and to swap into inflationary currencies as needed. Given the possibility, it would be attractive for merchants and invididuals to accept payment directly in this deflationary form of money. + +While a comparison with gold and the flaws of transacting in gold is often made, these flaws no longer need apply. With the advent of crypto, we have the possibility to create a form of money that has the advantages of gold, without the disadvantages of its physicality. + +*If this article interests you, I would first and foremost recommend the article* [***“On crypto as a store of value, Bitcoin’s incentives, and the long-term future of crypto”***](https://senatus.substack.com/p/on-crypto-as-a-store-of-value-bitcoins)*. I would also recommend this analysis of* [***“The theoretical best form of money”***](https://senatus.substack.com/p/creating-the-theoretical-best-possible)***.*** + +*Mostly, I would love to hear comments and feedback. I’ve written this down to improve my own thinking, and am open to hearing where this is plain wrong or where my thinking could be improved.* + +\--------------- + +#### Adding in a FAQ since some questions have been asked many times. + +**Question: Won’t people stop spending money if their money is deflationary? Won’t businesses stop investing?** + +Answer: As it stands today, using those assumptions, all money is prone not to be spent. A great piece of research that I linked in this article is the [Rate of Return on Everything](https://www.frbsf.org/economic-research/files/wp2017-25.pdf). It shows that the real rate of return on government bonds and bills has been positive, net of inflation, for most countries in the world for the past 140 years. Since the 1980s it has been, on average, positive for every country analzed. The same holds for bank savings accounts, though not currently. + +Given that (a) people have been able to safely/easily save or invest their money and get \~4.5% a year (as an example) with (b) inflation being 2% per year, anyone already can make sure they can buy more for their money next year. If I have $1, interest is 0% and deflation is 2%, next year I still have $1, and products cost $0.98. If interest is 4% and inflation is 2%, next year I have $1.04 and products cost $1.02. + +What deflation does is increase the purchasing power of $1 over time. Governments bonds and savings accounts have allowed people to do the same for a very long time. In other words, when we wonder whether people won’t stop spending if their purchasing power increases over time, we might want to simply look at the current situation. + +**Question: Won’t this make loans impossible? If currency was deflationary, a loan would get more expensive over time.** + +Answer: It’s not so much about whether there is inflation or deflation when it comes to whether loans get more expensive. To use an example, we can have Bob take out a loan using an inflationary or deflationary currency, while keeping the net interest rate equal. + +Say Bob takes out a loan of $100 dollars, while his income is $20. If we assume Bob pays interest of 5%, inflation is 2% and his salary increases with 2% per year, then after 10 years his loan will be $162.89, while his salary would be $24.38. The loan is \~6.7 times as large as his income. + +Say Bob takes out a loan of $100 dollars, while his income is $20. If we assume Bob pays interest of 1%, deflation is 2% and his salary decreases with 2% per year, then after 10 years his loan will be $110.46, while his salary would be $16.34. The loan is \~6.7 times as large as his income. + +An alternative way of looking at it is to see what happens to repayment. Bob takes out a loan of $100 dollars, while his income is $20. Bob decides he’ll use 50% of his income to pay off the loan each year. + +With 5% interest and inflation/wage growth of 2%, Bob pays off the loan after \~12 years. With 1% interest and inflation/wage growth of -2%, Bob pays off the loan after \~12 years. + +The major difference in such a system is that there will most likely be a hard lower bound on interest rates. It is unlikely that money would be lent out at 0% or at lower interest rates, because it is possible to get a 0% return by just holding your money. This does likely lead to reduced lending - given that there is for example \~$10 trillion in negatively yielding debt that would not be attractive if money can be stored easily at no cost. + +In other words, there would likely be reduced debt, but there would not be no debt. Whether that is a good or bad thing is worthy of a discussion all on its own, which is why this article mostly focuses on the incentives for an individual, rather than the impact on the world economy as a whole. +Hi Everyone. I am fairly new as a member but have been lurking for awhile. + +Current situation: + +- Beginner to somewhat experienced in investing but + learning fast. + +- 43 years old. +- Moderate risk tolerance. +- Umbrella insurance. +- Using a financial advisor for a small part of my + portfolio to see how I can fare on my own against + them. +- Bought my home for $180k at the bottom in 2011 and it’s worth $400k now. It’s all I need materially but have some interest in mining and turning it into an investment property. Alternative is to stay here and have no stress. Mortgage $1200 and owe $90k. + +- $1.3 M in current liquid assets +- $3.7M in company equity with $2.5 M already vested + and the rest will vest within a year. + + +I want to cash out most or all of what I have to diversify. It seems like an easy decision to do so but I have been told that I should since our IPO but I trusted my gut and didn’t sell and our stock is up almost 1000%. That being said it’s time. + +My thoughts are to sell what has vested and keep about 30% in cash and then put the rest in one of the following scenarios: + +- Put it in FAANG + some other tech/growth stocks + like Microsoft, Okta, AMD etc. +- All ETF like QQQ, SPY, etc +- Mix of the two (most likely) + +The reason that putting this into tech stocks is interesting to me is that it’s kind of the compromise between keeping my very promising and growing tech ISOs and diversification. + +I am looking for some feedback and advice on investing and managing money from those more experienced than me. Thank you and congrats/good luck to you all! +Sorry if bad format, I'm on mobile and in the hospital with my mom. Also apologies for not being super organized, as I'm trying to explain and get as much out as possible. + +My Dad is 66 and my mom is 59. As far as I know, they have never had health insurance. I never even went to the dentist until I joined the military. + +My dad owns a real estate appraisal company that is in their house, and my mom is basically his secretary. She runs all of the errands, pays all the bills, basically everything but the actual appraisals. They are absolutely borderline hoarders and have no real structure with their filing system. They have dozens of three foot high stacks of files, and then they have like 15 filing cabinets that are bursting at the seems. + +My mom had a stroke Thursday night and has been in ICU since. She's not doing very well, and the doctor is talking about sending her two hours away for intense rehabilitation. I flew out here from halfway across the country because I'm military, and because of that I only have so much leave I can burn to help. + +My dad has no idea what to do. He hasn't cooked for himself in 30 years, and he doesn't even know how to work the washing machine. He doesn't know how to pay for any of these expenses, which he has been told this visit alone will be more than $100,000. He doesn't even know how to bay his utility bills anymore. + +Is there any sort of program that can help them? We don't know if my mom will get better any time soon, and I definitely can't afford to help or even be around very often. They live in New Mexico if that helps at all. I'm willing to answer any questions and am very grateful for any help. + +Edit: +I am completely overwhelmed by the resounding response from everyone. I didn't imagine this post getting that much attention. I will read all of the comments when I have a little more down time, but what I have got so far is: + +Have my mom apply for Medicaid +Look for all of their bills and get them on autopay +Talk to hospital financing, a case worker, and social workers +DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING + +I will be sure to try to get through everything soon, as I saw a lot of helpful looking resources. But it is time to get some sleep now. +Over the years I've compared 1 year T Bills to CDs occasionally, and T-Bills always paid way less. What is going on? Seems a no brainer in that I can just buy them from my Vanguard brokerage account and not have to deal with overnighting paperwork around the country to get the highest rates. +Im debating on whether I want to sell my ford shares or not (at a loss) since they stopped their dividend. Currently sitting at 110.995 shares and is the only investment to stop the dividend in my portfolio. I bought some in the mid $4 range when it dropped but most of everything was bought in the $8-$10 range since I dollar cost averaged into it. Ide probably end up buying more Pepsi, AT&T, or a dividend mutual fund. Do you think they will start it up again? Trying to get a feel of what you guys think before I make a final decision. + +If you want to know my goal it is obviously long term DRIP so when I have a house or a higher end car I can have my dividends pay for it, and then when I am in retirement (im 23) I can have passive income in retirement. +I am ready to go all in on dividend investing. It’s it best to go only ETFs like SCHD and DGRO? + +Or pick about 6 stocks and go in on those equally? Something like KO, TGT, JNJ, PG, GPC, MSFT +The Merge will reduce Ethereum's energy impact by up to 99.95 %. That's over [110 TWh of energy saved annually](https://ethereum.org/en/energy-consumption/), or 110 billion kilowatt-hours, equal to the annual energy output of over **15 big, 800 MW nuclear reactors.** Assuming that the reactors are never taken offline :) + +Wondering how many wind turbines that is? In the US, the mean capacity of wind turbines is [2.75 MW](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-many-homes-can-average-wind-turbine-power): large, off-shore wind turbines can have production capacities of up to 8 MW. The typical capacity factor is 42 %. + +This means, that Ethereum's energy savings are equal to the annual production of almost **11 000 wind turbines.** + +Nuclear: 110 TWh / (800 MW * 24 h * 365) = 15.7 + +Wind: 110 TWh / (2.75 MW * 24h * 365 * 42 %) = 10870 +The Merge will reduce Ethereum's energy impact by up to 99.95 %. That's over [110 TWh of energy saved annually](https://ethereum.org/en/energy-consumption/), or 110 billion kilowatt-hours, equal to the annual energy output of over **15 big, 800 MW nuclear reactors.** Assuming that the reactors are never taken offline :) + +Wondering how many wind turbines that is? In the US, the mean capacity of wind turbines is [2.75 MW](https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/how-many-homes-can-average-wind-turbine-power): large, off-shore wind turbines can have production capacities of up to 8 MW. The typical capacity factor is 42 %. + +This means, that Ethereum's energy savings are equal to the annual production of almost **11 000 wind turbines.** + +Nuclear: 110 TWh / (800 MW * 24 h * 365) = 15.7 + +Wind: 110 TWh / (2.75 MW * 24h * 365 * 42 %) = 10870 +Hey all. I’d like to share how I landed a better job last week. + +I have a college degree and am under 30. I work in a school as a classroom aid. Good job, lower pay but since public school staff’s salaries are published in the paper I see that I am making more than several of my colleagues so I try not to be negative about that. It has ok benefits but is only a nine month position (school year only). I have worked four other side jobs in the last four years to make ends meet with my husband. + +Three years ago I applied for a job at the college in town. Didn’t get it. +A little while later I applied for another job at the college. I got an interview! Didn’t get the job. +A little while later I applied for another job there. Didn’t get it. +Three applications at the same place all not resulting in a job? The application intake person in HR must think I’m insane. + +A year ago, I decided to apply for a benefits specialist job with Social Services. I have a good friend who worked a similar job in Colorado. I sent her my application for review. She emailed back with, “I understand why your resume looks the way it does but you need to change some things if you want to stand out. You will not get an interview if you submit this but I know you can totally do this job.” + +I spent the next week with her revamping everything. We talked on the phone most nights or texted and emailed all day long. She sent my stuff to one of her co workers who offered even more insight. I was shocked at the small things I was doing that make me look like not a good candidate. + +I applied. I didn’t get the job. + +I kept my resume obviously and started listening to podcasts about job hunting. I can’t really list what I listened to but I opened the pod cast app on my phone and searched “Job hunting” and “career” or “career change.” If it had good ratings I listened while I walked the dog or did the dishes. I took mental notes of common themes and ideas. + +A few weeks ago another job opened at the college in town. With my new found information and resume, I applied. I got a phone interview. Then I got an inperson interview. Then I got the job!!!! An increase in pay and a huge benefit package and 12 month employment!!! I might be able to quit my side hustles! Plus even if I don’t love this job, this university is known to hire internally for many positions and after a year of employment I qualify for free tuition and could take classes toward a masters. + +The biggest changes I made to how I apply for jobs is as follows: +1) because I graduated more than five years ago and have a degree not directly relating to the job, my education is at the bottom of my resume instead of the top. Skills and descriptions of my strengths are at the top. +2) I removed my address. It’s too easy to be judged for where you live, especially if you live on a poorer end of town which I do. +3) I was honest with my supervisor at the public school about applying. I tired to catch him in person but that was hard so I sent him the job description in a text and said “hey can we meet in person and discuss this opportunity.” Also he is an alum of this college and I realized it would look worse to NOT have him as a reference. This was scary and something i wouldn’t do normally. Who wants to admit to their supervisor they are looking for another job? He ended up being really awesome and encouraging. I am convinced this was a huge boost to my application and likely a reason I wasn’t hired for those other jobs. If you have a good supervisor they will be understanding. And if they get salty about you applying elsewhere they likely aren’t a good supervisor. +4) I usually just try to “be nice” and answer what I think the interviewers want to hear. Instead, I sold my self and was honest in the interviews. I didn’t talk too much (a downfall I realized after listening to several podcasts on how to interview). + +There are likely other things but I hope whoever takes the time to read this is encouraged that I, after FOUR applications, landed a better job. +It's just shocking to see how that number is there even though the price is matching the NYSE USD equivalent (in MXN) + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.bmv.com.mx/es/emisoras/estadisticas/GME-33703](https://www.bmv.com.mx/es/emisoras/estadisticas/GME-33703) + +&#x200B; + +Also, nice how max price was 6,900 MXN. First time noticing that coincidence. + + +Edit: There are 2 theories here that are plausible from what I'm seeing. + + +1. This is in fact shares outstanding from way back in the day on April 30th 2017 with a small rounding error (most i can find for gme back then was 101.30 million vs what's reported on BMV at 101.31 million) and extreme delays on those updates. +2. This might be something more than #1 since most stocks have their shares outstanding numbers updated after 2020 with all the blue chip stocks I looked up. + +So in the meanwhile, I'll keep following up on this to see if there are any significant changes as well as question the BMV (mexican stock market) why their negligence on updating those numbers. +If you need more money and you're a night owl or your schedule allows it, considering an overnight shift may be a good option.. + +Imo, I find overnight shifts to generally be more laid back. No customers, often times you can listen to music/podcasts as long as you complete your tasks. Podcasts are especially helpful for me to pass the time and to not be so in my head. Also, some places add more to the normal hourly pay for it being a night shift. + +I've worked at so many grocery stores overnight in different positions and it's all the same thing - open boxes and put the items on the shelf. Obviously im oversimplying a bit and there are definitely other mundane tasks to the job.. but I find it easier to handle than dealing with customers and actually find myself being more productive with other things/errands I may need to do during the day. + +Only drawback: my sleep schedule is fxxked right now 😂😂 but that's on me because I don't necessarily keep to a regular schedule + +EDIT: a tip - after applying online, go in during a weekday within the first 2hrs the store is open and ask to speak with an overnight manager/member of personnel about any openings for night shift. When they ask you to apply online tell them you already did. **Bonus points if you bring your resume to leave behind with someone. Follow up if you dont hear back after a week. Stores overnight always need help so try multiple stores in your area. Hope this helps! +Hey Reddit - + +Chrome Product Manager here. Just wanted to weigh in on the issue with kryptokit wallet that’s been affecting the community. What happened was this: + + - A malware developer hoping to steal bitcoin keys copied the kryptokit extension codebase in order to build their own malicious extension. + + - The pipelines that we use to detect malware flagged the *real* kryptokit extension as being nearly identical since the vast majority of the effective code and assets were the same, causing the extension to be blacklisted. + + - We noticed the conversation on /r/bitcoin (many of us are enthusiasts, too!) and realized what had taken place. The krypto-kit extension was restored and re-enabled on users machines. + + - *No data was removed from user machines at any point.* + +Obviously this is a learning experience for us and we are continuing to perfect our protections in the webstore. But we wanted to emphasize that we are definitely not seeking to limit Bitcoin extensions in general or the kryptokit extension in particular - but rather trying our best to keep users safe from malicious exploits. + +Thanks for your patience and for raising the problem to our attention. + +Cheers, +Tyler, Bullish + + +Proof: crbug.com/375505 +It's a big agency, let's call them Arnold & Hedvig, and I would love to pay if their service was anywhere near good, but in fact they are hard to reach and they never actually do anything. Last year I already payed them £570 when we signed the contract for "administration costs". +Hey everyone, here's the first part to a series on the basics of Accounting, focusing on how to read and analyze the 3 financial statements. + +This entire series is made up of information I have found online, it is not original nor my own work. I am not an expert and I much prefer relying on the work of respected voices in finance. + +**95% of it is taken word for word from Prof. Aswath Damodoran's lecture slides that he makes available for free. He teaches at NYU and has an amazing Youtube channel with full courses on various aspects of corporate finance. I have also sprinkled in some additional information from other sources like Harvard Business School and others, unfortunately I can't remember all of them!** + +**Part 2: The Balance Sheet -** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/nm4kla/accounting\_101\_part\_2\_the\_balance\_sheet/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/nm4kla/accounting_101_part_2_the_balance_sheet/) + +**Part 3: The Cash Flow Statement -** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/nmweb8/accounting\_101\_part\_3\_the\_cash\_flow\_statement/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/nmweb8/accounting_101_part_3_the_cash_flow_statement/) + +&#x200B; + +>***I have been banned from this subreddit. Some of my posts have been taken down. I won't be able to post on here anymore, I'll have to find another place that will have me!*** + +# The Income Statement + +**What is it?** + +The income statement is one of the most common and important financial statements you’ll come across. It’s also known as the profit and loss (P&L) statement, summarizing all income and expenses over the period of analysis, often shared as quarterly and annual reports. + +**What is its purpose?** + +The function of an income statement is to show a company’s financial performance over the period of analysis. + +**What is inside an income statement?** + +* **Revenue:** The amount of money a business takes in during a reporting period +* **Expenses:** The amount of money a business spends during a reporting period +* **Costs of goods sold (COGS):** The cost of component parts of what it takes to make whatever it is a business sells +* **Gross profit:** Total revenue less COGS +* **Operating income:** Gross profit less operating expenses +* **Income before taxes:** Operating income less non-operating expenses +* **Net income:** Income before taxes less taxes +* **Earnings per share (EPS):** Division of net income by the total number of outstanding shares +* **Depreciation:** The extent to which assets (for example, aging equipment) have lost value over time +* **EBITDA:** Earnings before interest, depreciation, taxes, and amortization + +>*These items often contain sub categories and separate line items depending on a company’s reporting and accounting policies.* + +**Classifying Expenses** + +**There are three different types of expenses** + +**1.** **Operating Expenses** + +>**a.** Expenses associate with the operations of the business.**b.** Direct costs of producing the product/service and other expenses associated with production, including SG&A expenses. + +**2.** **Financing Expenses** + +>**a.** Expenses associated with the use on non-equity financing.**b.** Most often taking form of interest expenses on debt. + +**3.** **Capital Expenses** + +>**a.** Expenses that provide benefits over many years.**b.** For a manufacturing company these can be plant & equipment.**c.** For non-manufacturing companies they can be less conventional and tangible forms. + +**Their Placement** + +>***No images allowed on the sub, so here's a link:*** [*https://imgur.com/WCDqBee*](https://imgur.com/WCDqBee) +> +>📌 **SUMMARY:** Operating expenses associate with operations of the business, financing expenses with non-equity financing and capital expenses with ones that provide benefit over many years. + +# Revenue Recognition + +For most firms, revenue recognition is a simple process, where once a product or service is sold, it is recorded as revenues. For firms that sell products or services over many years (eg. subscriptions) it becomes trickier. + +**Under ASC 606 (new revenue recognition standard):** + +* The new model’s core principle for revenue recognition is to “depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.” +* Thus, for a real estate developer working on a multi-year construction, revenues should be recognized as construction progresses, and for a software firm that enters in a contract over many years, performance obligations will determine when revenues get recognized. + +>**📌 SUMMARY: For most firms, when a product or service is sold, it is recorded as revenues. For firms that deal with long term contracts, memberships, subscriptions etc. revenue is recorded depending on sum and duration - eg. $120,000 for 1 year of service = $10,000/month recorded revenue.** + +# Revenue breakdowns + +As companies enter **multiple businesses and different geographies**, it is useful to know **where they generate their revenues.** + +**Where** are **geographic breakdowns found?** + +* While the breakdown can **sometimes** by provided in **income statements**, they are more likely to be part of the **footnotes to the financial statements.** +* Companies generally break down ***revenues by geography***, though the degree of detail can vary. +* Companies also break down ***revenues by business segment***, though there is an element of **subjectivity to the segment categorization.** + +>**📌 SUMMARY:** Companies generally **break down revenues by geography** with a varying degree of detail and **revenues by business segments** subjective to the segment categorization. Both can sometimes be found in the income statement, but generally they are found in the **footnotes of the financial statements.** + +# Operating expenses: Breakdown + +Operating expenses are broken down into expenses directly related to producing the goods or services that give rise to revenues, i.e. cost of goods sold, and expenses that are related to operations, but which are not as directly tied to revenues. + +**How** are operating expense broken down? + +1. Expenses directly **related to the production** of goods / services that **increase revenues.** These are **netted out** form **revenues to get gross profits.** +2. Expenses related to operations, not directly tied to revenues. These are **netted out** from **gross profits to get operating income.** + +**SG&A Costs** + +1. In many companies, the **largest** **non-operating expense is S, G & A**, a term that can include everything but the kitchen sink. + +>**📌 SUMMARY:** Companies **break down revenues** by how they **relate to production** or **operations.** The **former tied to the increase of revenues,** the **latter not.** + +# Depreciation + +There are three forms of depreciation; **economic, accounting & tax depreciation.** + +1. **Economic Depreciation** + +This reflects the **loss in value (earning power) in an asset, as it ages.** It requires nuance, and will vary across even the same type of assets, depending on how it is used. + +2. **Accounting Depreciation** + +This is more mechanical and is **driven largely by the aging of the asset**, with the differences often being in whether it happens **uniformly over the life of the asset or is more accelerated.** + +3. **Tax Depreciation** + +This reflects what the tax authorities will allow as **depreciation for purposes of computing taxable income.** + +>**📌 SUMMARY: Economic** depreciation reflects **loss in value (earning power) in an asset, as it ages.** **Accounting** depreciation is **driven by the aging of an asset,** **depending** if it occurs **over the life time of the asset or in a more accelerated period.** **Tax** depreciation reflects **what authorities allow as depreciation** for purposes of **computing taxable income.** + +# Financial expenses + +The most common financial expense is **interest expense on debt**, either in the form of bank loans or corporate bonds. + +**Some interest expense is implicit** + +As accountants classify other **commitments (such as leases) as debt, some of the interest expense is implicit**, i.e., it is calculated by accountants **based upon their assessment** of the **debt equivalent value of commitments and current interest rates.** + +**If interest income exceeds interest expense, this number will measure net interest income.** + +In some companies, **interest expenses are netted out against interest income earned by the company on its cash holdings** and **financial investments**, and **reported as a net interest expense**. If interest income exceeds interest expense, this number will measure net interest income. + +>**📌 SUMMARY:** Most **common financial expense is interest expense on debt**, either **bank loans or corporate bonds.** Accountants classify **other commitments (leases etc.) as debt,** making some **interest expense implicit and calculated based on their assessment of debt equivalent value of commitments and current interest rates.** Some companies net out interest expense against interest income earned on cash holdings and financial investments. If **interest income exceeds interest expense, this number will measure net interest income.** + +# Income from non-operating investments + +Income earned from cash & marketable securities are reported different then income earned from cross holdings in other companies. + +**Cash & Marketable Securities** + +**Income earned on cash holdings** (which is invested in marketable securities, like treasury bills and commercial paper in most companies) will be **reported either as a stand alone income or netted against interest expenses.** + +**Cross holdings** in other companies + +* Reporting can vary upon the magnitude of your holding: +* When you hold a (**small or minority**) portion of **another company,** the **income** from that holding will **usually be reported in the income statement.** +* If you hold a **majority stake of another company**, you will generally **have to consolidate your financials.** You will **count 100% of the subsidiary’s revenues,** **operating expenses and operating income as your own.** + +>**📌 SUMMARY: Income earned** on **cash holdings** will be reported either as a s**tand alone income or netted against interest expenses. Income** earned from **minority stake** in a company will usually be reported in the **income statement.** If you hold a **majority stake of another company, you will consolidate 100% of it's revenues, operating expenses and operation income as your own.** + +# Extraordinary Income/Expenses + +As the term implies, extraordinary income and expenses are designed to capture what a company **does not face in the ordinary course of operations.** + +**Extraordinary** items include: + +* **One-time expense or gain** from **sale of assets or divisions** +* **Write offs or charges** associated with **past project, lawsuits or fines** +* **Impairment of goodwill from acquisitions** in the **past** + +**Truly extraordinary** items: + +* If an item is **truly extraordinary**, it should show up **infrequently** and the amount associated with it **should vary**. + +>**📌 SUMMARY: Extraordinary** items and expenses capture what a company **does not face in the ordinary course of operations**. If an item shows up **regularly and consistently, it is not extraordinary.** + +# Income Statement Analysis + +There are **two** **methods** to read and analyze financial documents: **vertical and horizontal analysis.** + +**Vertical Analysis** + +>***No images allowed on the sub, so here's a link:*** [*https://imgur.com/tsbdF73*](https://imgur.com/tsbdF73) + +This method of analysis, as the name suggests, is top – down. You look up and down the income statement to see how each line compares to revenue as a percentage. + +This type of analysis makes it simple to compare financial statements across periods and industries, and between companies, because you can see relative proportions. It also helps you analyze whether performance metrics are improving. + +Vertical analysis isn’t always as immediately useful as horizontal analysis, but it can help you determine what questions should be asked, such as: *Where did costs rise or fall? What line items are contributing most to profit margins? How are they affected over time?* + +**E.g** – here we have the total dollar amounts and the percentages side by side + +**Horizontal Analysis** + +>***No images allowed on the sub, so here's a link:*** [*https://imgur.com/Zkgy21y*](https://imgur.com/Zkgy21y) + +This method of analysis focuses on **year-over-year (YoY) or quarter-over-quarter (QoQ) performance.** + +Horizontal analysis makes financial data and reporting consistent per generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). It improves the review of a company’s consistency over time, as well as its growth compared to competitors. + +Because of this, horizontal analysis is important to investors and analysts. By conducting a horizontal analysis, you can tell what’s been driving an organization’s financial performance over the years and spot trends and growth patterns, line item by line item. Ultimately, horizontal analysis is used to identify trends over time—comparisons from Q1 to Q2, for example—instead of revealing how individual line items relate to others. + +**To perform horizontal analysis you:** + +1. Take the value of Period N +2. Divide it by the value of Period N-1 +3. Subtract 1 from that number to obtain percentage change + +>**E.g –** ***Revenue in 2017 was $4,000 and in 2016 it was $3,000. The YoY change in revenue is $4000/$3000 – 1 = 33%.*** +Just curious as to how yours SO has responded to your pursuit of FI/RE. Do they support it and help or do they resent you for being "cheap"? Maybe your SO has been the driving force and you reluctantly went along with it? I assume that a lot of us weren't on this path when we got married, so such a paradigm shift could be difficult to handle in a relationship. Thoughts? +# Hello everyone! + +Yesterday, /u/EBur3F8h posted a great DD about the consequences of the cascading effects of the impeding margin calls ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndmjjg/the\_infinity\_margin\_call/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndmjjg/the_infinity_margin_call/)), although it was flaired as a discussion – and a great discussion did start in the comments. /u/InterestingJacket222 objected that we could learn about the behavior of institutions among each other from the Archegos liquidation, which I found a very good observation. Indeed it is very helpful to look into game theory. Please let me dive deeper into this to see what we could expect and why we are in a way better position than sheer numbers tell. + +It looks like there’s tons of forum sliding going on with memes today so I expect this post to get buried quickly, but maybe some apes will still get their eyes on it. Please cross- and repost this if that’s the case because I feel this can inspire some confidence in addition to BUY HODL VOTE. + +[This is what I love about this community!](https://preview.redd.it/h1rl5lesqpz61.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=dda163e9a04eb97349a7b96e9b19f9207cfa0ab9) + +One more thing before we get started: To make sure the sources I refer to are available for you, I won’t use embedded links within the text. The links will still be clickable for convenience but to make sure you don’t have to be afraid of phishing links you can just copy/paste them into your browser if you like. + +# Houston we have a problem + +The absolutely brilliant Houston Wade explained in one of his videos that the ideal outcome to defuse the overshorted time bomb is for them to find a way to flatten the curve. Here’s the full video, please go over to him and drop him a like and subscribe because I think he’s one of the smartest apes there are – and he’s very funny, too ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHGFwaRWjNM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHGFwaRWjNM)). + +[They would prefer to flatten the curve](https://preview.redd.it/vmfz7peqqpz61.png?width=1666&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff3b088ce1a638940ace55cc4378b300a94eceb0) + +I think he’s absolutely right, that’s the logical response strategy. In this post I want to argue why I am certain they are not able to flatten the curve and hence avoid high stock prices even if they all want to. They simply won’t have that choice. The answer lies within game theory. + +# A beautiful mess + +I’m sure most of you are aware of the movie “A Beautiful Mind”. The movie is about John Forbes Nash Jr. who discovered the some of the most fundamental theorems about game theory – most notably the Nash Equilibrium ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash\_equilibrium](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nash_equilibrium)). + +If players make an agreement without strict rules guaranteeing the following of the agreement by each single player, automatically the question arises if it is beneficial maybe for one player to break the agreement for his own benefit. If anyone wants to dive deeper into this setting mathematically, please take a look into the Cournot Competition ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cournot\_competition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cournot_competition)), it’s basically the same principle and I think we can apply a one-turn based model to this situation because the stakes of the MOASS are so high that it’s a win-or-die situation. + +If the entire finance industry came together to coordinate, they would have to find the sweet spot at which they all combined win the most, or in our situation lose the least – that’s essentially the Nash Equilibrium. As the market is very intransparent, they would have to disclose their assets to each other and trust in everyone complying. + +First of all, this would be a cartel which is highly illegal, even for them. But it might be safe to assume the system is fraudulent enough to allow that to happen. So can this happen? + +Assuming most of them are very naïve and the others can be certain they stay loyal to the agreement, what will those others do to get their annual bonus payments? They will maximize their own profit by selling first. + +Coming back to /u/InterestingJacket222 ‘s comment about the Archegos liquidation: Let’s say we narrow the players down to Goldman Sachs, Merryl Lynch and Credit Suisse. Goldman Sachs indeed has proven themselves as true backstabbers in the past by frequently being the first to sell out in such a situation. Credit Suisse were the bagholders in the Archegos situation but maybe they’re more careful in the future – especially now that they’re positively spooked. So through this situation alone, we have a huge amount of mistrust between the players before the MOASS even started. + +[Karma, baby!](https://preview.redd.it/f0kmy6dgrpz61.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2019d08abc2fa0332b82bda4d2b8b2754a639528) + +# Miracles + +So we can assume that it is almost impossible for the clearing houses to get a working cartel together to get out of the MOASS breathing together. Maybe not even because they are all bad people, I’m not interested in judging on that – but the stakes in this are so high that maybe only the first to break it has even a chance to survive and get his company and employees to see another day. On top of that, looking forward they can get rid of some competition that way. This makes the likelihood of a cartel forming almost utopian for them to even consider. + +Now, our esteemed Michael Burry already tweeted about the MOASS back when he still was allowed to warn the public: + +[Black swan event](https://preview.redd.it/pe3abbvbrpz61.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f238d757ef4b1d48c7f6c64b05845acd2f39340c) + +So the entire setup for the MOASS already is a black swan event, meaning an unforeseen event that’s very unlikely to occur ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_swan\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_swan_theory)). + +Alright, now let’s pull these pieces together. To do this, we need to apply the principles of Boolean Algebra ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean\_algebra\_(structure)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra_(structure))). This means in essence to cumulate the probabilities of the steps – in this case of a MOASS to happen and of a working bank cartel to form during a margin call. BTW, let’s not forget that there most likely will be lots of cascading margin calls. Just for visualization purposes, let’s say the probability for a MOASS to occur in any given year is 0,1%. This is too high because we’re not talking about a regular short squeeze but about one where the underlying asset is shorted above 100%. These circumstances have NEVER happened before but as the probability obviously isn’t 0 let’s go with 0,1%. For the second part let’s assume 10% - also way too high as argued before but better safe than sorry. + +0,1% \* 10,0% = 0,01% + +So in this overcautious example, we’d still have a 99,99% chance for our tendies. You might object that the MOASS part already occurred and you’re right with that – if you’re really strict you can only take the cartel part. But still we must not forget how unlikely the foundational situation is we are in. Miracles are unlikely but miracles within miracles? Nah! + +**TL/DR:** It is highly unlikely for clearing houses to not eat each other because it would be against their nature and interest. + +**TA/DR:** Hedgies fukd, buy hodl vote + +Edit: Formatting +Lets say you have $100 that you want to invest into your trading. + +Would you put that $100 into a personal account and try to flip it or would you buy for example MFF 10k evaluation challenge? + +I'm curious what your guys preferences are and your opinion on the pros and cons of each. +Back in December, Citi Group FXPB posted they were facing a [180 loss on loan](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-18/citigroup-is-said-to-face-180-million-loss-on-loan-to-asia-fund) to Asian Hedge Fund. So far nothing I’ve read has indicated what was the cause of it and they didn’t divulge anything on their q4 earnings call. + +Anybody here heard of anything? +Silly question, but how do Forex traders make a profit? I'm looking at the highs and lows of currency pairs, and they look pretty underwhelming compared to stocks that can shoot up 100% in an hour. Do you have to put 100K on every Forex trade to make money off the .5% movements, or is there something else Forex traders do? I'm thinking of jumping into Forex trading, but this part is holding me back. +My mom went to the ER, got checked out, was fine, didn't have a ride because it was 2:30am, so the ER just sent her home \*in an ambulance\*. They didn't even call us to see if we could come pick her up. She doesn't have a cell phone or driver's license, but they had our phone numbers on file. In no way did she need to be sent home in an ambulance. The hospital just did it for their own convenience and liability concerns, I believe. My mom doesn't know anything about money and was just ready to go home so she didn't argue with them. + +Naturally, Medicare denied coverage of this ambulance trip because it was medically unnecessary. The ambulance company sent us a bill for $1,500 to drive her literally two miles back to her home. The hospital is basically saying too bad, it's between us and the ambulance company. The ambulance company said we took her home in an ambulance because that's what the doctor said to do. I looked into appealing Medicare's decision but there is no basis for an appeal. What can we do? This is outrageous. +I live in Sydney, turning 30 now. I have saved around 300k which should be enough for a deposit. But I am worried if I buy now, I will be buying around the top. it is really unaffordable by any measure. Maybe it will be better buying in a few years after this government is done. Maybe the next one will seriously thinking about negative policy. What might drive the price to continue to go up? If nothing, should I buy now or just wait? +25%? 10%? None at all? + +On one hand, you're saving time and money by not commuting/eating out etc., but on the other hand you're being paid for your knowledge and skills and therefore where you physically work should have no bearing on what you get paid. In other words, your employer should not profit from your convenience at your expense. + +Thoughts? +I work in finance and currently earn 73k, with an approximate 15-20% annual bonus each year. I’m not enjoying my role at the moment- it’s about an hour commute each way and significantly longer hours than I’ve previously worked (average 10-11 hours a day). I’m also thinking about having a baby in the next 2 years, and not sure how I could maintain this workload long term. + +I’ve been offered a role at a state owned corporation (ie, government but profit making) that pays 76k and is a 15 min walk from where I live. However no bonuses but they do offer 33 days annual leave, plus bank holidays. I’ve never worked for any kind of government organisation but I’m imagining the hours must be better than my current role. + +However the responsible finance person in me is thinking that I should hold out for the equivalent or more money. Do I take the role and accept the $7-10k approximate drop in annual income? +# Hello Apes 🦧 + +*🎵 Guess who's back...* *^(back... back...)* *...back again. B\_T's back, tell a friend🎶* + +&#x200B; + +[ 🎵 Will the real B\_T, Please stand up, please stand up](https://preview.redd.it/up0ziwhkbaz81.png?width=2672&format=png&auto=webp&s=df0473c2b6cad5b6bb8cf5e14772774dddc6c503) + + + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Welcome back to another community update post! Today's agenda is as follows: + +\-Rule 1 Update + +\-Frequent Poster limits + +\-New Mods + +\-Superstonk Discord Update + +\-Banner contest + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Rule 1 - Getting a handle on the Toxicity + +In response to the heightened levels of toxicity and infighting that we have been privy to in Superstonk. I am sure that many of you have noticed this same unfortunate trend, so we are hoping by adjusting Rule 1, we will be better equipped to handle it as necessary. Please take a look below: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fgvrd9lncaz81.png?width=1764&format=png&auto=webp&s=04d2b9ecdd036a0e823bbc1e8abf38a6e155f937 + +It's pretty straightforward, all we are really asking is for everyone to treat each other with respect, and by having this rule plainly laid out it empowers the mod team to tackle especially toxic behavior as it gives us a specific rule to call upon as the removal reason, or in some cases ban reason. + +&#x200B; + +As a reminder, our old Rule 1 was as follows, but we changed it a while ago: + +https://preview.redd.it/ntbkhpbsbaz81.png?width=1796&format=png&auto=webp&s=828ade7dbd2bc3856710a8201b180a058f6fb3c1 + + ... Shortly after, replacing it with: + +https://preview.redd.it/9swqop2ubaz81.png?width=1832&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fff508c91b0cc9b35de61d1bce4f51ce7a655bc + +TL;DR its been tweaked so that we can better enforce *Ape no fight Ape.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Serial Submitters + +Another important change to the sub-rules, though not a restriction that will affect too many people. Limits to the number of posts users can make per day; + +There's one very visible part of the Superstonk population whose posts are reported much more often than anyone else's: it's the excited apes who constantly look for interesting things they can share with the community - the serial posters. + +A lot of you are very annoyed, *and some even hostile*, although I can assure you that they mean well - they only post a lot. + +Until now we had to approach the most reported of the serial posters individually, and there were even temporary bans, as some of you will probably remember. A lot of you felt like a ban was unfair because there's no rule against "posting a lot" - but clearly, something needed to happen. + +We took the discussions with y'all very seriously, and as a result, there's now a 741 automatic post restriction rule in place. This means each approved user to is capped at 7 posts per day (7 posts FOR 1 day) in place. We chose this number because it's right at the sweet spot where just a few people are affected, and the threshold for high annoyance isn't quite reached yet - and it makes my tinfoil tingle. If you attempt to post more than 7 times in 24 hours, your 8th post will be blocked by automod. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Mod Team - New Additions and departures + +As with our previous handful of additions to the mod team, we have had the new members write up a little *hello* to the apes. Remember it's, please be kind and supportive of our new mods, it's not an easy job and they've been working really hard to get up to speed with how we do things on the mod team. They've been so quick to learn and eager to help, it's my pleasure to introduce Will and DeadDevotion! + +[u/DisproportionateWill](https://www.reddit.com/u/DisproportionateWill/) \-"*Heyya! I’m DisproportionateWill, just your run-of-the-mill smooth brain. My history as an ape started in Jan ‘21. Went in for the squeeze, and stayed cause I love the stock. I’m joining the mod team to support the sub in the best way I can. Love you apes! 💜"* + +[u/DeadDevotion](https://www.reddit.com/u/DeadDevotion/) \-" *Kia ora Superstonk!* 🙋🏻‍♀️ *I'm a Singaporean Kiwi apette who has been here since the sneeze in Jan 2021 and wrote the* [*DRS guide for Kiwi apes*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q8jzqp/what_to_expect_after_a_drs_transfer_and_a_buysell/)*. I've sold all my other investments and yolo'ed my life savings into GME and later, some LRC.* + +*Seeing what Wall Street tried to do to GameStop pissed me off and as a gamer myself, I took it very personally lol. I'm now a proud activist investor and I agree with everyone that a reform in the current corrupted US financial system is sorely needed. This is a change that will affect the whole world and we as international apes are very much a part of this fight! I believe that the GME ape community have the power to affect this positive change and I want to do everything I can to support our community to reach that point. Therefore as your Superstonk mod, I'm committed to making sure that the subreddit is here to provide everyone with top quality DD, fresh memes and healthy discussions so that we can hype our way together to tendietown. And what better way to leverage (haha) our investment than a happy, motivated community to support the transformation of our favourite company!* + +*Apes together strong, apes together* ***formidable.***" + +We also had to remove some mods that have become inactive over time. We harbour no animosity for these individuals, they all left on good terms- please don't harass them or speculate on why they're gone with outlandish theories... Life just gets in the way sometimes. We just wanted to share this in case people began to wonder where they went: + +Say farewell to [u/Stonk\_Sandwich](https://www.reddit.com/u/Stonk_Sandwich/) and [u/Cuttingwater\_](https://www.reddit.com/u/Cuttingwater_/) . Thank you guys for all your hard work these past many months, it was a pleasure <3 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Superstonk Discord - Ready for Launch 🚀 + +Now for something really exciting! A huge update on the Superstonk Discord! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2h0cudb8caz81.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0738db4e0acf23e027c4f5a25813c74782ffce8b + +I am very pleased to share with everyone that **the Superstonk Discord has finally launched publicly!** Thank you to everyone for your patience while we ran our stress tests and worked out the kinks. If you'd like to hop into the server and chat with fellow apes, follow the link below! + +[Discord.gg/Superstonk](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Some important things to note: + +\-**The discord mod team, while it contains many familiar faces from the Reddit side mod team, for the most part, it is made up of other Apes. That said, we have vetted them and trust them greatly.** Further, we will be maintaining communication with them no matter what to ensure consistency and safety are upheld across the two platforms. + +\-We have decided to implement a **leveling system within the Discord server**, this allows everyone to take part but keeps some functions locked if you don't use it very much. The more you frequent the server, the higher level you'll achieve and the more you can do there. + +\-Lastly, **we encourage those who don't meet the Karma requirements here, to go take part in the discussion over there** if you've been feeling left out. This is a great place to participate in discussion and share information you may have otherwise been unable to. + +We hope that you enjoy this new platform, please let us know what you think! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Banner Contest - Onwards + +The new Superstonk banner submission contest is almost upon us! (Apologies for the delay) + + + +[ Source: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/u5b3eq\/polls\_are\_problematic\_so\_heres\_another\_poll\_about\/ ](https://preview.redd.it/cmukzprbcaz81.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff0bcfbc9bf22ade96310957d094c1df5a0ac6d) + + + +As you may have seen, the results of our last poll show the majority of the community would like to see a change and we are here to help facilitate that. **Expect a post this weekend outlining submission requirements and contest rules.** + +It will be very similar to previous banner contests and we will even be adding a new flair if you would like to post your image publicly and start building support for it. We will also be adding some of the top contenders previously submitted like the [r/Place](https://www.reddit.com/r/Place/) versions, so please don't feel like you need to be the one to submit those. We know this has been a little overcomplicated so far and we will be doing our best to keep it simple moving forward. + +Future updates on this contest will be done only on the weekends cause you know, during the weekdays we are busy completely re-engineering the global financial system by holding onto a stock in a company we like. Can't wait to see what you got! + + + +https://preview.redd.it/bv2tdaoecaz81.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a58e26670b92f2a6edec86e4fc6dbd0723326ce + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + + And that's it for this week! + +# Don't forget to vote your shares ASAP + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/axur3u2icaz81.png?width=1303&format=png&auto=webp&s=f906140941d3cb56122555cf92f71476c2062042 +In a proposed class action filed in Manhattan federal court, three consumers said the defendants violated U.S. antitrust law by requiring that restaurants charge delivery customers and dine-in customers the same price, while imposing “exorbitant” fees of 10% to 40% of revenue to process delivery orders. + +The consumers, all from New York, said this sticks restaurants with a “devil’s choice” of charging everyone higher prices as a condition of using the defendants’ services. + +[Source from Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-food-delivery-laws/grubhub-doordash-postmates-uber-eats-are-sued-over-restaurant-prices-amid-pandemic-idUSKCN21V2C1?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FbusinessNews+%28Business+News%29) +Latest from [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-retail-investing-robinhood-debt-exclu/exclusive-robinhood-explores-raising-more-debt-to-fulfill-reddit-fueled-order-frenzy-sources-idUSKBN2A13HG) is they are looking for another $1bn on-top of the $3.4bn raised in the last few days. + +If the YOLO trades go wrong and Robinhood is left holding the can, are we in for some nasty volatility? +I’m trying learn what the MACD (moving average, convergence, divergences) but every video and articles I find on it explains it like I have a fucking degree in astrology because the shit their saying is going right fucking over me. + +Can someone please just give me a basic rundown of what it is and how to read it. +Crypto is getting to a point where you either invest in it or get left behind. It is revolutionary and changing the way the world works, so if your slow to adapt you will miss out. Just like when the internet started people were sceptic and didn’t want to take a risk. Anything in life involves some risk and the greater the risk the greater the payoff! + 16 years ago in NZ, it was 9-5 with a 2x15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch. + +Since then I've been working for American companies. For them it's 8-6 with an hour for lunch. The logic being you only get paid for the hours you work, so that's 8 hours a day. + +This is what I work now and my wife says I'm being exploited. It's good pay and I want to please my boss and my wife. + +What's the norm nowadays in a Australia? + +Edit: I'm in a salaried IT job and fully remote, so I feel some obligation to work more and anxiety about losing it (I've been made redundant 3 times and fired once and "contract not renewed" once. In my current job they've gotten rid of 3 people so far this year). + +But on the other hand I think, well they're not really going to be loyal to me when the money hits the table so I'm just wasting my time and health and marriage working extra hours. + +Another edit My contract says "38 hours plus reasonable additional overtime hours as required to complete my work" then it says "8:30-5:30 or as applicable for position" + +It also says I'm under the "professional employees award". I will read this. + +The guy before me got "repositioned" for telling a customer that called him late to F off. + +I guess I'll tell my boss I'm following the contract from now on. + +Thanks to everyone who replied. +\*RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: + +1. 180 financial articles lined up +2. Large Poocoin banner ads will be up +3. ETH bridge will be live +4. Several high-profile crypto influencers will mention us + +&#x200B; + +GREEN CHART has been one of fastest-growing projects of 2022. Since launching on December 28th, the project has reached a peak of **20M market cap, tallied over 6400 holders and 13.4k Telegram members, and has trended on CMC’s Top Gainer’s List and DexTools.** + +&#x200B; + +GREEN CHART’s mission is simple: **to do anything and everything possible to post a green chart.** The project’s vision is to become a hyper deflationary store of value that constantly and passively grows via staking. Some of its roadmap goals include developing a mobile wallet application, partnering with [Shopping.io](https://shopping.io/) to allow users to shop with their tokens, and developing a functional blockchain. + +&#x200B; + +A major reason for its early success has been its **brilliant tokenomics:** + +1. On all sell transactions, GREEN CHART **buys back and burns**. This allows for added buy pressure and an ever-rising floor price. +2. **No reflections or rewards on buy and sell transactions.** The team figures that this actually increases sell pressure because it must inherently have the BNB taken from it, hence adding sell pressure. Absolute genius; I can see micro caps adopting this in the future. +3. **Staking rewards.** This is where the project shines. Holders are encouraged to stake all or a portion of their tokens. They then have an option of choosing how long they want to stake their tokens, with those who stake longer receiving more from a better % APY. As a result, staking deters holders from selling too quickly. + +&#x200B; + +I’ve been impressed with the project’s community. Its Telegram has already grown to 13.4k members, and they are extremely supportive and the most active in participating in daily social media shills that I’ve ever witnessed. The marketing team is led by Travladd (@OfficialTravlad), who has a great track record of helping micro caps, with Bonfire being his best project he’s helped so far (peak MC 800M). **He’s already recruited the likes of Crypto Messiah, Tommy Chong and Snoop Dogg** to help promote GREEN CHART. The project developers, led by Brady, are communicative on Telegram, willing to address concerns or questions brought up in the project group chat. + +**The team is looking forward to launching its Ethereum bridge very soon, which will undoubtedly increase their daily volume.** Statistically, ETH investors invest 5x more on average than BSC investors. + +&#x200B; + +Contract address: 0x5775e60447a0bc86c67c61472476ebf6fcab0d87 + +&#x200B; + +**TOKENOMICS 🪙:** + +\-Total Supply: 100,000,000,000 + +\-75% Community (75,000,000,000) 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻 + +\-20% Burned (20,000,000,000) 🔥 + +\-5% Team (Locked wallet): 🔒 + +\-2.5% Dev (2,500,000,000) + +\-2.5% Marketing (2,500,000,000) + +&#x200B; + +**TAX (Current Promo)**: + +**Buy ⬅️:** 1% (Marketing) + +**Sell ➡️**: 25% (15% Marketing, 4% Buyback, 6% Staking) + +# Staking rewards 🎁: 7 days: 300% APY, 30 days: 500% APY + +&#x200B; + +**Whitepaper:** [https://docs.greenchart.finance/green-chart-whitepaper/](https://docs.greenchart.finance/green-chart-whitepaper/) + +&#x200B; + +**ETH bridge launching soon 🌉** + +**Doxxed Team** + +**Techrate Audit** + +**Listed on CMC & CG** + +**Trending on CMC and DexTools** + +**Recently rebranded (re-designed logo, banners, website)** + +&#x200B; + +Telegram 💬: [t.me/greenchartbsc](https://t.me/greenchartbsc) + +Website 🌐: [https://greenchart.finance](https://greenchart.finance/) + +Chart 📈: [https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0xbf73bb7ec3a9d7dce34869129d51e06d98b74868](https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0xbf73bb7ec3a9d7dce34869129d51e06d98b74868) +The problems with Coinbase are only getting worse and it is extending beyond the suspended wire transfers (which people have waited months for.) I had a 5.2 ETH deposit confirmed by the network never show up in my wallet (yes I confirmed the wallet address) with no response from support. My very next transaction was a "failed buy" which actually went through after my second attempt that went through which cost me in currency price change and service fees to get the funds back to my account. People are getting double/triple charged out of their accounts. + +Coinbase needs to freeze all new accounts and fix their problems. + +Edit: I would suggest not removing your account from Coinbase until you have confirmed that there are no past issues. If you remove your account (or even your linked Bank/CC Accounts and there is a past issue it might make it impossible to get those funds back to your account, or at least a lot more difficult. +One of my dreams for post-retirement life is to start my own non-profit. Can I use funds from a DAF to do this? + +The organization would perform legitimate charitable work, nothing shady like giving "scholarships" to relatives or anything like that. However, I would plan to devote quite a bit of time to it and might want to draw a (reasonable, market rate) salary for my efforts. Is this allowed? Any legal pitfalls to watch out for? +Our son has been referred to be tested for potential autism. Unfortunately even though we are insured privately (Europe) we got an appointment that is scheduled for in 12 months. + +Now I feel terrible for all the children and parents that have to wait that long to be seen by a doctor. I still want the best outcome for my family so we are considering to fly to the US to get our son checked out in the next three months (instead of 12). +Does anybody have recommendations of where we should start looking for qualified doctors and hospitals? Or is the Mayo Clinic our safest bet? + +We are happy to throw money at this "problem", but it hasn't gotten us far in our European country. My husband is convinced that it should be far easier in the US. Is it even possible to get appointments in the US in a timely manner? + +EDIT: Thank you for all your tips, suggestions and sharing your own experiences. They were all very helpful to read through! +I'm not a superstitious person, but I know this is going to come across like that. Here it is: + +When I day trade, I can't seem to see the direction despite all the indicators and months and months of studying i've done. I go long: price plummets. I go short: price sky-rockets. + +When I'm at Costco, I pick the lane that looks the quickest, but it's the longest. The guy that was standing behind me checks out 5 minutes faster than me in the other lane that I didn't choose. + +And it's a regular thing for me, not random. I am doomed to pick the slowest checkout line, every single time. + +It's all in my head, right? Why does this happen? What do I need to change? Or am I just crazy and it's not correlated. +My [42] husband and I [42] are both doing well - we live below our means, have no mortgage on our primary home and have an income property that is cash flow positive, although it does still have a mortgage. + +In theory, we could be in our way to FIRE. + +But one of the things I’m hoping for is to end up quite rich, so that we can help set up our children (and maybe even grandchildren) for an easier life. Nothing insane, but I’d love if we could leave an inheritance in the couple of million dollar range total. + +Do you think that’s a crazy reason not to FIRE? +Hope there are people here, specially senior in tech leadership that can help me with this. + +Profile: Single male 36 (correction: 35) in tech -- 5M NW -- 500k income -- annual expense 150k + +I won the IPO lottery last year. I have $5M NW already, ~$1.4M annual income and $500k/yr moving forward once I hit stocks cliff in two years. Currently L6 Engineer. (That is one level above senior engineer for non tech fats) + +Have been a L6 for 3 years. I am working on a non important project and my team is composed of a few old timers that explicitly declared that they are not motivated to grew in their careers and want to coast. Some of them have close to $10M NW I'd assume. + +I know this is a FIRE community but at 36 years old and 11 years in industry I feel my career is just getting started and I can learn and grow more. I really enjoy the work on complicated software systems. But this company had a massively successful IPO and everyone in my team, my org and even my company is checked out. I don't blame them, they all won the lottery. + +I have golden handcuffs so moving to another company is not a viable option. Moving within the company seems more doable but I might lose this comfortable situation I'm in and ended up miserable for no financial gains or even learning opportunities. + +My dilemma is that staying here and not learning much is easier than risking moving to another team. Moving to another team will only give me a chance of learning new things but it's guaranteed that I will not make more money. + +Also, moving to L7 is overall very difficult industry-wide. Should I even try it? At ~$500k/yer L6 is a very comfortable life. I can keep my skills sharp outside of the team by working on projects I like but in reality I'm not doing it because there is no pressure +After trying to rent for many years, I feel like the reality of renting is far different than what is talked about here. I'd like to give the other side of the story, and share my experience as a long-time renter: + +&#x200B; + +**Beware of buying - you'll have a ton of repair / upkeep costs.** + +Reality: + +*Major Repairs*: I've rented my entire life. Very rarely have I needed a major home repair. I don't understand where this "you'll spend 1-2% a year on major repairs" comes from. The risk of major **immediate** issues can be greatly reduced by a proper home inspection. I understand there are still risks, but these risks are not as great as people make them out to be, in my experience. + +*Minor Repairs*: If you rent a home, you don't magically escape paying the upkeep costs. Every rental company I've rented from expects me to mow the yard, upkeep the yard, clean the gutters, and to take care of trivial repairs under $100. This is probably different for apartment rentals. I actually prefer policies like the ones I've agreed to - I'd rather spend 100 bucks ever month to ensure I don't have a landlord in and out of our (sigh... their) house. + +&#x200B; + +**Buying a home is not an investment, invest your money instead:** + +Reality: + +I don't need to move, and a mortgage payment is just as much as rent where I live. Therefore, I can either put my $1400/mo towards rent, or towards a mortgage. Why is putting $1400/mo towards rent more financially prudent than putting it towards ownership in an asset? + +&#x200B; + +**Other realities of renting:** + +**- Rent prices rise much higher than taxes + fixed mortgage** \- My rent was $950, now its $1495, soon it'll be higher. + +\- **Bad landlords** \- People seem to assume all landlords are great and will pay for everything. The reality is that most will nickel and dime everything, and will just do the cheapest fix possible to get you to stop complaining. + +\- **Lack of stability** \- Want to put down roots? Sorry, the landlord wants his kid to have the house now, you gotta go. + +\- **Sterile environment** \- It is not wise to put money into the house, because it's not yours. Therefore, you house is only as nice as your landlord wants it to be, and things are usually less home-y and personalized as a result. + +\- **Unchangeable -** you can't really re-paint or revamp anything, and it would be a bad idea to do so since it's not your house. + +\- **High security deposits** \- rentals have "closing costs" too. they are called "security deposits". Most can be 1-2k depending on the house, and you will also need to pay your first / last months rent (3-4k), and potentially a non-refundable pet deposit, plus $50/month per pet. I've gotten my security deposit back like 50% of the time, it's definitely not guaranteed, and isn't worth going to court over. + +\- **Random visits** \- hope you don't like privacy because the landlord can pop in whenever they'd like with sufficient notice (48 hours notice is still a huge hassle). + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Final thought** + +*Assuming you don't need to move in the next 3-5 years*, I think it's almost always better to buy. I'd have at least 30k in home equity if purchased instead (I've paid \~ 50-75k in rent over the years). +**Preamble:** The ability of Congress Members to trade stocks has been controversial from the start. There have been multiple stories covering the 2020 congressional [insider trading scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_congressional_insider_trading_scandal) where Congress Members allegedly used insider knowledge to trade large positions in stocks just before the coronavirus pandemic crash. But none of the articles talked about the financial implications of those trades and whether the retail investors could have front-run the market using the disclosed data.  Basically, what I wanted to know was + +**How much did the Senators save by offloading their positions before the crash and could I have done the same?** + +**Where is the data from**: efdsearch.senate.gov + +For my [previous analysis into congressional trading](https://marketsentiment.substack.com/p/copy-top-stocks-of-the-week-614493), I used data from senatestockwatcher.com. But not all the transactions are captured on the website and I wanted to match exactly with the trades reported by famous journals. efdsearch.senate.gov is the United States official website where Senator, former Senator, and candidate financial disclosure reports are available. Some of the data is available as a scanned file and some in normal HTML format. I had to manually transcribe most of the data used in this analysis. + +In case you are wondering about the time delay between the actual transaction and reporting, Congress Members are expected to [report the transaction within 30 days](https://www.citizen.org/article/personal-financial-disclosure-requirements-for-public-officials/). The median delay in reporting that I observed for all the trades was 28 days. + +All the trades and my analysis are shared as a google sheet at the end. + +**Analysis:** + +There are multiple factors at play here. + +Timeline: On January 24, 2020, the Senate Committees on Health and Foreign Relations held a closed meeting with only Senators present to brief them about the COVID-19 outbreak and how it would affect the United States. I am considering this as the start time for my analysis. Any sale made by the senators after this point up to Feb 26 is considered. (I did not consider sales beyond that point as SPY dropped 8% during that week. My assumption here is it’s realistic for any person be it a normal investor or a Senator to panic sell after seeing that drop). For reference, SPY dropped an additional 25% over the next 3 weeks!   + +Senators under consideration: I have considered trades done by 4 senators in my analysis. I have focused on these 4 as all of them were investigated by [Justice Department and the FBI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_congressional_insider_trading_scandal) following the trading scandal. + +1. Richard Burr +2. Kelly Loeffler +3. James M Inhofe +4. David A Perdue + +https://preview.redd.it/x2tks1zpv1371.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=7630f748040d062eb6cff81bde8c07de2497b2bb + +David Perdue sold 44 times ($3.49 MM) in the 33 days following the closed senate meeting. Interestingly James Inhofe only transacted 8 times but the combined value of shares he sold was a whopping $4.12MM. The most ironic part is that Richard Burr who was under investigation the longest and had to step down from the intelligence committee due to the scandal had the least dollar volume in the transaction ($1.1MM). + +**Results:** + +Before we dive into the overall amount saved by the Senators and the retail investor side of the analysis, let’s see what were the best trades made by the Senators during that time period.   + +https://preview.redd.it/c5u292rqv1371.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9f526cb3c4bc68ced13f07c1fd1eddd86021d9 + +David Perdue absolutely killed it with his stock plays. He is present 7 times in the top 10 list and his best play, Caesars Entertainment reduced 83% after he sold his position. Fun Fact: if a stock reduces 83%, it has to go up 488% just to reach back to its initial price. Another interesting observation from the chart is that senators mainly sold stocks related to the entertainment and hospitality industries which were the most severely affected industries due to the pandemic. + +https://preview.redd.it/arf7c6bvv1371.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=d14f4082ae081911ce365331d82a6845278499d2 + +The above chart showcases the amount of money saved by the Senators due to front running the market crash. David Perdue saved an insane $2.2MM with his stock sales. I also kept a multiple of annual Senate salary to showcase the scale of impact they made to their portfolio because of the trades. + +Finally, we come to the million-dollar question. **Was it possible for the retail investors to follow these trades and front-run the crash?** + +This is where the analysis gets a bit tricky. 88% of the transactions were reported by March 3rd but if you consider it in dollar values, only 52% of the transactions were reported (some of the high-value transactions were reported only after the crash). But if you were an astute investor, you could have observed a stark difference in what the Senators were saying and how they were trading. For Eg. [Richard Burr reassured the public that the US was well prepared](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/5/14/21258560/senator-richard-burr-coronavirus-insider-trading-scandal-explained) for the pandemic but then sold $1MM worth of stocks in the next two weeks. I know that hindsight is 20/20 but if you could have connected these two dots, then you could have saved up to **25% of your portfolio** before the crash. + +**Limitations of analysis:** There are some limitations to the analysis. + +a. I have only used one black swan event for the analysis. A better method would be to analyze the stock trading pattern over 3-4 major crashes and see if any pattern emerges. But the current limitation is that efdsearch.senate.gov has only data since 2012. + +b. There is no disclosure for the exact amount of money invested by Congress Members. The disclosure is always in ranges (e.g., $100k – $200k). So, for calculating the transaction amount, I have taken the average of the given range. + +**Conclusion** + +I intentionally left out the party affiliation of the Senators as I did not want our political views clouding our financial judgment. I could not find a single example where a retail investor or an institutional investor or even a hedge fund leveraging this information to make their trades (it might just not be public!). Another possible explanation here is that Senators might just have superior stock trading capability as [none of them were indicted for this and all investigations are closed now](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/us/politics/richard-burr-stock-trades-investigation.html). + +However you view it, this analysis in addition to my [last analysis (which proves that Congress Members have better returns than SP500)](https://marketsentiment.substack.com/p/copy-top-stocks-of-the-week-614493) showcases that there is significant money to be made by following their trades closely! + +**Google Sheet containing all the data**: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DmIpEkMrEWix30whYWkHg_mGypVBMQxYnx_sQYXkwz4/edit?usp=sharing) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor.*  +Leaps are generally considered good in terms of options buying. I agree with this, but is there any reason why someone would want to sell leaps? Because there's obviously people out there selling them. +All I see on here is celebration about how well the S&P/NASDAQ/Dow have done this past year...but no one ever mentions how shitty the USD has done. Down 14% compared to euro, down 15% compared to GBP, down 9% against CAD...seems like a lot of the gains in the market can be chalked up to devaluation of the dollar. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/23/google-to-cut-marketing-budgets-hiring-freeze-expected.html[Google to cut marketing budgets by as much as half, directors warned of hiring freezes](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/23/google-to-cut-marketing-budgets-hiring-freeze-expected.html) +I know this is a dividends community, HOWEVER total return in king. It seems like everyone loads up on JEPI and SCHD, both are good dividend payers, but neither even beat the VOO on a backrest of any kind, let alone QQQ or VOOG. I can see using the 2 if you are 65, retired, and want something to pay you monthly, but other than that, I can't see either being good long term holds +The wife and I have lived and continue to live very frugally. She makes decent coin and I have some solid passive income plus a recent little inheritance gift that takes the pressure off in case of an emergency. It's not a fortune but we could easily live for a couple of years on it given our ability to squeeze a dollar. + +So we actually had a conversation about what we wanted to DO now that working to pay the bills was not our primary concern anymore. We both have a great deal of freedom and it's pretty damn exhilarating for us both. + +She actually chose to keep working because she's one of the rare few who LOVES her job and loves the people she works with. She doesn't really care how much she makes. Not gonna complain about that because it keeps adding to the ol' nest egg. + +But me? I've loved being self employed for years (real estate investments) and now things are set up so that I rarely have to put in more than a day a month with actual 'work', mostly just accounting, the rest of my time is free to do as I please. + +So I'm going to do what I've always loved to do. I'm going to buy and sell classic cars. Not a thousand of them, maybe a few projects a year. Buy nice classics that need a little love, refurbish, refinish, restore and complete them, and then sell them to new loving owners and move on to the next. + +I've done it for 40 years as a hobby but now I get to actually get serious about it. That means buying a big diesel and two/three car trailer. That means building a big shop and maybe even adding a paint booth. That means ditching my old hand me down tools and buying good quality ones when I need them. That means road trips (I LOVE road trips) to the dry areas of the country and hours scanning ads and the countryside for those elusive one in a thousand barn finds. That means bringing a neglected piece of automotive history home and making her back into the glorious machine she once was. And that means a whole lot of fun because it's always been my passion. + +Everyone has a passion and mine has been cars since I was 5 years old. At 56 I finally get to fully indulge that passion and all our hard work and saving has given me the freedom to do it. + +It's all about delayed gratification and self control, but damn, I'm glad I learned those lesson a long time ago. It's payback time and the good times start this week. I'm over the moon excited! Just thought I'd share :) + +My bf and I are missing our connecting flight because of weather delays. American Airlines won't cover a hotel (weather is not a covered as a reason for delay hotel comp) but my Chase Sapphire Preferred cc covers up to $500 for costs incurred. Weather as a reason for delay is covered. It can go towards lodging, food, and personal items you might need to buy (toiletries, ect). We both have this cc and used our points for the original flight, so that's $500 each! Now we have a free night at a great hotel in Chicago! :) + +UPDATE: +First- No, I don't work for Chase, or any other financial institution. I'm just a happy customer that wanted to share some perks for having this card. We didn't even realize it was covered until we called Chase and they told us while we were at the airport. We are frequent travelers and use this card for everything, the points have been completely worth it for us. + +The actual trip: so we booked our hotel in Chicago for the night since we expected to have an overnight delay based on what AA had told us. After 7+ hours of waiting to get on the plane they eventually cancelled the flight to Chicago completely since the crew that was going to fly us out were over their hours. We were trying to get to a wedding as a final destination, and AA couldn't get us there until the next day, evening. We cancelled completely since we'd miss the wedding and would have to get right back on a plane and come home that next morning. We did discuss in length (and read since we had plenty of time at the airport) all the fine print about the delayed flight benefit and know our hotel, ect would have been covered. There was a good amount of paperwork (they email you the form with all the information) and wait time for the reimbursement but that's not an issue for us. + +Unfortunately I can't update on going through the actual process since our trip was cancelled completely. We were refunded everything (airfare, hotels), CSP cancelled the flight and requested the refund from AA since I had originally booked the flight through them. We were bummed to miss the wedding and were actually excited for the free night in Chicago but I'm glad we were able to get everything refunded to us via money or points (depending how you bought it, it comes back the same way). + +Glad to hear CSP has worked out for so many people! :) +I rent in the St George area of Sydney after selling at the start of the year. Had been looking to buy slightly further south west to get close to being mortgage free. + +I just did a search encompassing the following suburbs: Padstow, Padstow Heights, Revesby, Revesby Heights, Picnic Point and Panania. Minimum criteria is 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I dismissed anything that was freestanding. + +The vast majority of the 76 search results were brand new or near to new build. So plenty of choice. + +The last 4 weeks of listed sales for these types of places totalled 3. + +There are also 45 of these similarly specked places on the rental market. + +I’m not much of charts and data guy but if you’re an investor or developer in this neck of the woods I sense you are about to get burned. + +my mom was just completely scammed of everything. she was sent $3,500 from Zelle (mobile banking) and was called from what she thought was her “bank” (she thought it was her bank because they mimicked the banks phone number) telling her it was fraudulent and gave them all her information in order to fix it. once she realized she was scammed she called her actual bank and they told her they have to do an investigation that can take up to 10 days and even then they might not refund any of her money. she is so extremely overwhelmed she is threatening killing herself and selling our house and i don’t know what to do. i’m shaking in fear for what is going to happen as my mom supports my family. so please if anyone has any advice or experience in this please tell me. i don’t know what to do we have no family in the state we live in and this just killed us we weren’t very wealthy before this but now it’s hopeless please help +i’m sorry if this is the wrong subreddit + + +edit : sorry for the confusion but they started with 3500 but after she gave the information they went through her accounts and wired everything she had. they took the money she inherited from my grandpa and everything she had saved up. + +edit 2: you might have gathered i am not entirely familiar with the terminology being used in the thread so i apologize for the confusion. i am learning about all this as i go. thank you all for your advice, every comment has genuinely helped me in one way or another. i am taking it all into serious account and it all has helped me to see this situation in a less panicked and scared perspective. +Started in October 2017. I buy as much as possible from my salary every month. Mostly its 500€ per month. I'm calling this strategy the 'bitcoin retirement plan' which basically means I'm gonna keep on stacking for the foreseeable and at some point my stack should be big enough to comfortable quit the fiat hamster wheel. Five years in, how many more to go? I'm guessing the next bull cycle will make it for me and this journey can serve as a blueprint for others doing the same. Keep on stacking for x number of bear markets + x number of bull markets = this is what you can achieve. I document my progress in a blog with monthly posts. Enjoy reading!: + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-26-september-2022/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-26-september-2022/) +My mom is 55 and immigrated to the states 20 years ago. She has a high school and vocational school diplomas, that date to 1986 in hospitality management from a foreign country - impossible to verify at this point. + +She has been working as a home "caretaker" for the elderly for over 15 years making $10/hr and in the recent years got a job as a Primary Care Technician at a hospital. She currently makes around $20/hr working 12-hour, night shifts, often picking up overtime to try to save up money. At this rate, she won't retire until well into her 70's (and I don't want to scare her with the truth). + +If she was to quit or get fired, her only option is to go back to being a caretaker. Even getting a job at Walmart would yield difficult because she doesn't have a US Standard HS Diploma or GED equivalent. + +Her current work is taking a toll on her, and I'm not sure how I can help aside from financially support. What sort of jobs can she be eligible for? Has anyone been or knows anyone that's been in this situation? + +Thanks in advance for any advice. + +&#x200B; + + +EDIT: Wow thank you so much for all the insights guys! Big thank you. +Hello, I could use some advice from those who know more about managing debt in old age in Scotland: + +I've got a friend who's parent has been struggling since their partner left and stopped helping financially. They're semi-retired, and are the carer for their (adult) disabled child who lives at home, where they have some mortgage remaining on their home. They also have \~£40K in credit card debt at high APRs with 3 companies, debt largely accrued due to the separation and their being extremely dyslexic and financially phobic, making money management so anxiety-inducing that they go catatonic. The largest single card has over £20K on it. + +It took a long time but they eventually divulged the scale of the problem to my friend, their child, and have been asking them for help to the tune of up to £1000 a month to pay it off. After several years of this my friend asked what the debt stands at: The answer was still £40K! All that help was just paying off the interest and has never touched the principle. + +I am angry about this for a lot of reasons; our system is so rigged that it's easy for a neurodivergent person to get themselves into this mess and have no idea how to get out, especially when other people rely on them. Aside from anything else, who gives tens of thousands of pounds of commercial credit to a person who's about to retire on a tiny pension? You'd think there'd be checks and balances for that sort of thing. + +This has come to a head because my friend has just lost their job and can't afford to give their parent that kind of money any more. Even if they could, with this knowledge that the money has always just vanished into the APR and never actually helped the debt, it seems unfair to spend thousands of someone else's cash to not even fix the problem. It is not a tenable situation. + +I'm a people-person, I'm good on the phone and so offered to be the go-between actually on call with the banks or related institutes as we figure this out. But I'm not sure where to start, because I don't know what a solution would look like. I've done some research and learned about things like [Scottish Trust Deeds](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/debt-and-money/help-with-debt/what-options-are-there-for-dealing-with-debt/trust-deeds-in-scotland/) but am unsure where to start. I am a little wary of such programs because they seem to take a chunk of money for themselves as payment (fair) to be a go-between for the institutions and the client, which is something I'd be happy to do for free, if it's something in the realm of possibility for someone without a DipFA. + + Any advice or ideas would be most welcome. + +Edit: Thanks for all the recommendations for StepChange. We've tried putting them in touch with CAB before and not much came of it, so this time we'll be with her every step of the way. +💦 CumRocket $CUMMIES 💦 + +The brand new BSC token with huge plans, CumRocket has reached 2k HODL'ers already after 7 days of being released! +With most of them being in the last 2 days and only a ~3.7 million marketcap... this project is gaining some serious momentum - just wait till they begin paid promotion! 😱 + +CumRocket has formed a team of around 20 members, including an artist, UI/UX Designer, marketers, community managers and multiple developers! +They are serious about making this project work - the creator/developer is a female software engineer who also is doxxed with a following of 24k followers on TikTok (@TLDRFinance). +The team are always active on telegram/discord, and keep everyone up to date with the progress of the project. + +🎉 Their main plans are to expand into the private paid 18+ content sector - think of the OnlyFans of crypto, only creators receive a larger cut! +Creators will be able to upload their private content with fans able to pay in crypto, and tip in $CUMMIES! + +This is bullish for the $CUMMIES token because of a few reasons: +✅ since their main wage doesn't depend on it, models are likely to hold it as an investment and watch it grow +✅ models can earn passive income through the redistributive nature of the token, which has the ability to support sex workers more + +The platform is already a work in progress, with multiple UI mockups created and the aim of making it as accessible as possible (for creators who may be new to crypto, but see the benefits that paying/being paid in crypto gives) +Here's an example of what the login page will look like https://cumrocket.vercel.app/login + +After this platform has been created, an NFT marketplace will be added as another section to the site, where creators can upload their BEST content as NFTs! +Eventually, they would like to bring the tech in for NFT auctions too... + +💰 In the future, CumRocket would like to give dividends to holders and other incentives for holding a certain amount of $CUMMIES! + +Whilst this platform is in progress, they are raising funds for marketing/development costs aswell as creating awareness, through selling NFTs. +CumRocket has already formed a partnership with degenerate.money to showcase their very own 18+ NFT collection called the 'CumRocket Babes' and 'Chad Cards' +These exclusive collections began with animated anime, and now is moving into collaborations with real NSFW influencers! This allows them to form partnerships with these creators before the platform has even launched, so that when it is launched there will be a greater chance of more creators uploading content right away! +CumRocket also provides the option to farm NFTs for liquidity providers! + +Check out their NFTs here: https://degenerate.money/market/l/market.html?category=8 + +⚔️ Tokenomics + +🔥 5% tax on each transaction +2.5% gets redistributed to current holders in proportion to their holdings, 2.5% gets burned forever! + +😋 Just sit back, relax and watch your $CUMMIES automatically increase! + +💦 Website: https://cumrocketcrypto.com/ +💦 Telegram: https://t.me/cumrocket +💦 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Tett4kJsKN +💦 TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMePKXKLW/ +💦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/cumrocketcrypto + +⚰️ Burned dev tokens: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x218a6bf38ab8443e9e6c2d59c45432ceccffeba1ae9e36eb6296b7203496b4e9 + +🔒 LOCKED Liquidity: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=531&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC + +🥞 PancakeSwap (slippage 6%): https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x27ae27110350b98d564b9a3eed31baebc82d878d + +📜 BscScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x27ae27110350b98d564b9a3eed31baebc82d878d + +📈 Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x27Ae27110350B98d564b9A3eeD31bAeBc82d878d + +Binance CumRocket: +https://t.me/BinanceRocketCUMMIES +Despite everyone else on here we aren't rich lol we don't have properties and we rent. I am a stay at home mum until next year, I'm hoping to get a job soon but my son has been so sick we just got back from hospital he has gastro he got from day care and we have been in hospital for 2 days. + +Just looking for tips and tricks to help survive the possible recession coming up any tips to help budget? I've been watching YouTube videos and still end up anxious.. we aren't poor my husband has a great job and just landed his dream job, we do have some savings in the bank but I thought i would see what you guys are doing to keep your head above water. + +Edit: please excuse as I wrote this on my phone the formatting might be off also added better punctuation since apparently it's offending people lol +What do you think? + +# The Bears + +**1. Ray Dalio: Expect a 20% sell-off in the stock market if rates keep rising.** + +"With inflation well above what people and central banks want and the unemployment rate low, it's obvious that inflation is the targeted problem, so it's obvious that the central banks should tighten monetary policy. Everything will flow from that," Dalio said on Wednesday. + +"I estimate that a rise in rates from where they are to about 4.5% will produce about a 20% negative impact on equity prices," Dalio said. + +**2. Scott Minerd (Guggenheim CIO): A 20% decline in the S&P 500 could happen by mid-October.** + +"It's really stark to see the price-to-earnings ratio where it is... given where seasonals are, and how far out of line we are historically with where the p/e is, we should see a really sharp adjustment in prices very fast," Minerd said last week. + +"It appears people are ignoring the macro backdrop, monetary policy backdrop, which would basically indicate that the bear market is intact. We may very well already be in a recession... with YoY core PCE now at 4.6% and S&P 500 trading at \~19x, we should see stocks fall another 20% by mid-October," Minerd said. + +**3. Jeff Gundlach (DoubleLine Capital founder): The credit market suggests both the economy and stock market are in trouble.** + +"The action of the credit market is consistent with economic weakness and stock market trouble. I think you have to start becoming more bearish," Gundlach said on Tuesday, adding that he agrees with Scott Minerd's call that stocks can fall 20% soon. + +"You always want to own stocks, but I'm a little on the lighter side...buy long-term Treasurys, because the deflation risk — in spite of the fact that the narrative today is exactly the opposite — the deflation risk is much higher today that it's been for the past two years," Gundlach said. Gundlach believes the Fed should hike interest rates by just 25 basis points next week. + +# The Bulls + +**1. Tom Lee (Fundstrat founder): Inflation has already peaked and that means you should buy stocks.** + +"Even for those in the 'inflationista' camp or even the 'we are in a long-term bear' camp, the fact is, if headline CPI has peaked, the June 2022 equity lows should be durable," Lee said on Friday. + +August's higher-than-expected CPI report "does not mean stocks have to break below the June lows," Lee said, as he reiterated his view that S&P 500 will rally more than 20% to new highs by year-end. + +**2. Jeremy Siegel (UPenn Wharton professor): Inflation is falling and whoever wanted to get out of stocks already has.** + +"It seems like everyone that wants to be out of the market is out, and everyone that wants to be tactical is short. Therefore the surprises are going to be to the upside... when everyone has sold, only the buyers are left, and the shorts are exposed," Siegel said on Monday. + +Siegel said if the Fed says rates will be higher for longer, "That would be a policy mistake. I think they're going to look at the economy, and I hope they understand what the statistics are and what on the ground inflation is." + +**3. Marko Kolanovic (JP Morgan Chief Global Strategist): The stock market will rally as inflation resolves itself.** + +"Given the lag it takes for rate hikes to work through the system, and with just one month before very important US elections, we believe it would be a mistake for the Fed to increase risk of a hawkish policy error and endanger market stability," Kolanovic said on Monday. + +"Our expectation that the global economy will stay out of recession, increasing fiscal stimulus, and still very low investor positioning and sentiment should thus continue to provide tailwinds for risky assets, despite the more hawkish central bank rhetoric recently," Kolanovic said. +Tesla is closing its office in San Mateo, California, and eliminating an estimated 200 jobs there, CNBC has confirmed, as part of a broader cost-cutting effort at the electric vehicle company. + +At the San Mateo facility, hundreds of employees were tasked with labeling videos from the company’s cars in order to improve their driver assistance systems, marketed as Autopilot. Bloomberg first reported on the office closure and layoffs. + +Two employees impacted by the layoffs told CNBC on Tuesday that they knew Tesla’s lease was approaching its end. The workers asked not to be named because they weren’t authorized to speak on the matter. + +Source: [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/28/tesla-cutting-200-jobs-closing-autopilot-office-in-san-mateo.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/28/tesla-cutting-200-jobs-closing-autopilot-office-in-san-mateo.html) + +**Tesla (TSLA) fell back below $700 yesterday after announcing that it is cutting about 200 Autopilot jobs and closing its office in San Mateo, California.** + +**Do you think TSLA might break below this year’s low at $620?** +A few days ago, a hacker got my mnemonic and stole $1,200 in ethereum from my Metamask wallet in under 100 seconds. The hackers were using a bot to scan for the mnemonic phrases across GitHub, and I accidentally left it in my code on a GitHub repo while I was sending to a Hack Money hack-at-hon. Although there are some coins and tokens left, the bot will siphon any ethereum I have to prevent me from moving my coins, and/or outmatch my attempts by supplying more gas. + +I just want you all to be aware to NEVER have a digital copy of your mnemonic or private key . Especially not online. + +If you are using metamask, randomly generate private keys for new accounts not associated with any mnemonics, and imported onto metamask + + web3.eth.createAccount() + +My compromised address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0x1b3e1786c3f8524ca0f3175b0b37bcc1bee5a6d5](https://etherscan.io/address/0x1b3e1786c3f8524ca0f3175b0b37bcc1bee5a6d5) + +There is still $600 supposedly that's locked in Compound DeFi protocol and if anyone is interested in helping solve this, here is a suggestion someone made for me who we are seeking ways to solve this: + +[https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/83718/how-to-retrieve-erc20-from-a-hacked-address-monitored-by-a-bot](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/83718/how-to-retrieve-erc20-from-a-hacked-address-monitored-by-a-bot) + +I was foolish and this mistake was costly, but I know how to be extra secure when dealing in crypto. I was very upset and scared at first, but I can't dwell on it and I'll move on. No need to stress over thousands when I can focus on making millions. + + +Cleared up credit reports somewhat for husband and I. + +Have done the whole certified letter requesting validation. Somrtimes the original creditor admits they don't have proof and so they are deleting the item from the credit report. Then it gets sold to a new creditor and this repeats a couple of times. + +There is also a collection company who has refused to send any proof. That gets deleted. Then instead of sending a letter before listing on the credit report, they just relist it. + + +What can I do? I would think that the credit bureaus would see a history of multiple relists and multiple deletions (on the bureau's part once the creditor cannot back up their claim) but instead I have to go through the whole 30 day process. Sometimes it gets deleted and sometimes I have to bug the credit bureaus further. + +Getting items deleted is the relatively easy part. Getting them to STAY deleted is the hard part. + +Anyone have any advice for me? + + +See this [blog post](https://elmfunds.com/blog/if-you-want-to-own-property-reits-provide-a-huge-head-start-vs-direct-investment/) by Elm Partners who are a robo-advisor to folks with $250k+ accounts. + +Good arguments: + +* no broker fees +* lower management costs +* tax efficient +* diversified + +Agree? +Interested to hear opinions concerning [algopear.com](https://algopear.com) and if anyone managed to get an algorithm in their marketplace. + + +I am new to this space so I don't imagine I'll be able to make a successful algorithm anytime soon. From my knowledge, They have pretty big partners in the space and [Dr. Tom Starke](https://www.udemy.com/user/qian-zhu-8/) just submitted an algorithm that was approved but other than that I haven't heard zip. +Does anyone have any recommendations on good APIs to pull stock market data? For my preferences I want one that’s free, reliable (gets up to date quickly), but not necessarily too high volume - I plan to start by pulling once an hour or so. I’m curious about all APIs though whatever your need may be! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +[GameStop](https://archive.ph/lBEdM) Corp. plans to reward thousands of employees with stock and pay raises, returning focus to its bricks-and-mortar business as the company looks to become profitable under new leadership. + +&#x200B; + +link to wsj [https://archive.ph/lBEdM](https://archive.ph/lBEdM) +Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday. + +*This list is geared towards day trading. With the small cap stocks especially, I am typically in and out very quickly, only occasionally longer than 5 minutes or so, usually faster scalps.* I am also constantly watching the candlestick charts and observing price action and volume, and you should be doing the same if you want to trade these stocks. Always have a plan when you enter a trade (for profit taking and for taking a loss), and use proper risk management. + +**Main Watchlist (*****over $10*****)** + +* Gapping UP: KOPN, RKT, NCTY, MVIS, RIDE, PERI, RIOT, MARA +* Gapping DOWN: FGEN, INSG, AI, NIO, INO, VUZI, DDD, GME, + +**Small Cap Watchlist (*****under $10*****)** + +1. NNVC: Leading gapper on COVID-related catalyst. Seeing strong volume and price action in the premarket. Premarket resistance around 9.60. +2. INUV: Gapping up on news of Google Services Agreement. Seeing decent volume and okay price action in the premarket. Premarket resistance around 1.64. +3. SOS: Gapping up on momentum from yesterday. Seeing decent volume and price action in the premarket, with premarket resistance around 7.82. +4. AGE: Gapping up on news of merger. Seeing good volume and price action at the moment in premarket. +5. SENS: Gapping up on patent news. Seeing good volume and price action at the moment. Premarket high of 3.93. +6. VISL: Gapping up on news of order from DoD. Seeing good volume and price action at the moment. +7. GEG: Gapping up on news of acquisition. Seeing some weakness in price action at the moment, but still holding over support of 4.50. + +Looking like it will be a mixed open for stocks this morning, slightly in the red overall. SPY is currently sitting just under 389. Hopefully we see some more strength from yesterday, and we could potentially see a push to ATH. If SPY fails to pass through resistance, we could see some choppiness today. Bitcoin is sitting at around 49,000, and Bitcoin-related stocks are doing well in premarket trading. Marijuana stocks are up in premarket, and I'll be keeping an eye on TLRY and APHA. If we do see some choppiness this morning, I'll be watching UVXY to take advantage of it. + +Remember to use proper risk management, make sure you size appropriately for your account, and have a plan for every trade you enter. Happy trading everyone :) +Tether episode may come to a climax soon, if latest buzz in both media and social media is anything to go by. + +Bloomberg has just published a detailed article trying to ideintify the source of the $69 Billion backing Tether, only to conclude that they have not been able to identify the money. + +The only source who would speak to Bloomberg is the person running Deltec bank in Bahamas, who could account for around 1/4th of Tether's money (around $15 BN) but stayed coy when quizzed on the other money. + +Tether has never tried to explain where exactly their money is stashed. If their statements are true, they would be the world's 7th largest commercial paper holder, with almost $30 bn in this..but no one in wall street has heard of them. + +All of this unfolded over the last few months, but just few hours ago the CEO of Tether has deleted his twitter account. + +[Aaaannd its gone!](https://preview.redd.it/s6xbfdja41s71.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=5507093080a9cc41ae9472ea42b193ebea717bb5) + +&#x200B; + +There is massive speculation that Tether may be holding papers from China companies, that would explain why Wall St has no clue about Tether, but at the same time make Tether highly risky as China seems to be heading to a financial crisis. + +&#x200B; + +[SEC may be looking at Tether too. ](https://preview.redd.it/c1mlg33d51s71.jpg?width=1430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feba7c3ec77f50f7b4ff2dbede0693c27745371f) + +Just yesterday, US Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco announced the formation of a task force headed by DOJ to crack down on crypto entities including exchanges, manipulators etc. +Started in October 2017, thought I was late (everybody does), did it anyway. I'm buying every month and updating the charts. I kinda had a vision I will stack myself to million dollars (and euros eventually). The longer my journey has been, the more realistic this aim is getting. I'm documenting this stuff in this blog. Hope it will give you inspiration to do something similar. Don't feel depressed if you 'cannot get a full coin' or some other amount of Bitcoin because 'the price is already too high'. I can tell you I wanted to have 10 coins (in 2017) but I immediately realised its gonna be impossible with my salary. So what? I started stacking the best I can. You can stack the best you can. The outcome will always be better than if you never start stacking. Love yourself, stack some sats! + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-17-december-2021/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-17-december-2021/) +I think RC might be setting shorts up for a one two punch. Launch the marketplace with all amateur creators at first. Watch MSM and other outlets shit on the marketplace and fight the pump. Then release premium partner NFTs and gaming related NFTs and watch MSM really scramble to shine this in a negative light. It will be impossible, they will have the most innovative and real world applicable NFTs available and it’s going to be hard to argue against that. Then we’ll get to watch GME blow right past moon as other investors join in on the FOMO. +***EDIT: I made a follow up to this with actual proof and more spice and valuable contributions from others here:*** [***https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r75566/proof\_added\_for\_my\_other\_post\_about\_popcorn/***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r75566/proof_added_for_my_other_post_about_popcorn/) + +*Unfortunately, for some reason it is being actively suppressed. It stayed at* ***0 upvotes*** *for a while until I added the link in here, as this was already trending in Hot and reached some visibility. Since then it got a few hundred upvotes and* ***more awards than any other post in Rising****, yet it's* ***not showing up at all*** *neither in Rising nor in Hot.* + +## ########## + +I doubt this will get out of 'New' but I'm posting it regardless, since it also pertains to GME and to me is pretty much proof that popcorn is used as a hedge by SHFs or at the least as a divide and conquer technique. + +# Backstory + +Apart from GME I have about 1/4 of my 2-stock-portfolio invested in another stock other than GME. Shame on me I know, but it's **not** one of the other meme stocks. Just a growth stock I'm highly vested and have a personal interest in. I'm not going to name it to avoid any unwanted advertisement and it's also not important. + +Coincidentally it's also a heavily shorted stock and got attacked by a short seller report at the beginning of the year that was total and utter bogus and fell over 80%. The "consultants" to that report, that also gave their badly researched opinion publicly in interviews, started working at the competition just a few months later - go figure! + +# My observation + +So for months now (just as with GME) I've noticed stock bashers all over the place (Reddit, Twitter, Yahoo), with shitty and weak arguments despite it being a relatively new, small and still rather unknown company. Pretty much just like our DD here has shown this being a a classic FUD method of SHFs to drive innovative but small companies into bankruptcy. + +Today of all days - a blood red market where many stocks have fallen some 5-10% due to 1 confirmed Omicron case in the US according to MSM - I'm scrolling through Twitter. And I see a lot of tweets saying stuff like "stock to x digits tomorrow", "stock down to x tomorrow, then bankruptcy" (which would be some -50%), "don't catch a falling knife - dump dump!". You get my drift. + +So I'm kinda looking at their profiles, if bashing that stock is all they do or what their deal is. But I notice two recurring things instead. Instead of just bashing that one stock (or any stock extensively for that matter), what they mostly do is **pump** those 2 stocks (even today when all of them fell the same way): + +* That "previous president" social media SPAC thing -> LOL +* Popcorn: they even identify as "apes" but of course no mention of GME in any of their tweets + +# Conclusion + +Now I don't know what the deal with that "previous president" social media thingy is but the combination of an... + +* obviously paid stock basher for niche stocks, +* at the same time (when all these stocks are falling the same way) promoter of popcorn (and claiming to be an "ape") +* and no single mention of GME in any of their tweets + +...it's kind of telling, what is going on here. +Anyone here have experience or connections in getting French Laundry reservations. I specifically got Amex platinum to make the reservation for our 10 year wedding anniversary but they fell through. We directed our entire trip around going there on our anniversary June 18th, 2021. I’m trying every channel to get seats. I literally will pay $5-10K plus for seating for 2. +What is the biggest financial regret or setback you’ve had? + +Background: I’m 34, close to fatFIRE, and I may lose $100k from a business deal/scammer business partner. Currently working with an attorney, everyone send good vibes it works out in my favor. Have you ever lost a large amount of money from a deal/investment/property? If so, how did you recover? +I've sold out of all my BBOZ today, the employment change was the straw that broke the camels back. + +Watch the market hit new lows now, you're all welcome. +I will be opening a short position in $TSLA today at $2000. + +This is just a quick PSA for those who like to keep tab on my trades and inverse them. + +Happy Friday adlays. +Look. From where im standing. I hold a lot of IBX and for good reason. It's fucking gold if you can hold for longer than a year and a half honestly. Now hear me out. + +HREC is literally any second now. HREC is the ethics commision that signals the go ahead for tendies to come into your pocket. I don't see how it could be turned down if it works on animals. + +So we are talking about a cancer diagnostic stock that could literally replace MRI procedures currently. Do you know how many bags of tendies that is if you buy in now at 8c lmao. MRI and cancer detection is in the tens of billions of tendies. That would most definitely give you a 100-150 bagger if you held tight and everything goes according to plan. + +Do some solid DD for 30 seconds on Google and make your investment decision. Don't be FOMOing and shit when the announcement comes soon and your left with your pants down and dick out. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Craig Wright's fraud continues. Yesterday, he [submitted into evidence](https://www.scribd.com/document/406503654/Fake-email-from-Dave-to-Uyen) an email he says was from Dave Kleiman to Uyen Nguyen asking her to be a director of his 'bitcoin company' in **late 2012**. + +It is provably fake. + +**Craig didn't realize that the email's PGP signature includes a signing timestamp along with the ID of the key used as metadata.** Was the email actually sent **in 2012**? Let's find out! + +The beginning of the signature is as follows: iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJTH+uQAAoJELiFsXrEW+0bCacH/3K + +Converted to hex, it's: 89 01 1c 04 01 01 02 00 06 05 02 *53 1f eb 90* 00 0a 09 10 **b8 85 b1 7a c4 5b ed 1b** 09 a7 07 ff 72 + +We [know](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880) how to find the long ID of the key used and the timestamp of the signature. I've bolded the ID and italicized the timestamp. Looking on the MIT keyserver, we can [find the fake* key](https://i.imgur.com/5ooGihN.png). **The timestamp of the signature is 1394600848, which is March 12, 2014, two weeks before Craig filed to install Uyen as a director of Dave's old company, and almost a year after Dave died!** + +We can double-check with `gpg -vv`. Transcribe the email and paste it in. Here's the output: + + + :signature packet: algo 1, keyid B885B17AC45BED1B + version 4, created 1394600848, md5len 0, sigclass 0x01 + digest algo 2, begin of digest 09 a7 + hashed subpkt 2 len 4 (sig created 2014-03-12) + subpkt 16 len 8 (issuer key ID B885B17AC45BED1B) + +(I'll note, as an aside, that Dave apparently spelled his name incorrectly and put a typo in the subject.) + +*The fake key has the same pref-hash-algos as Craig's fake keys, and were never updated. +I started investing in April (bad timing), and made some poor choices. Was mostly selling CSPs. The quality stocks never came my way, but am staring at assignment on some of the other ones. + +I’m willing to offload bad stocks, and minimize the damage. + +One major mistake is not capping max loss with spreads etc. + + +1. What’s the best way to hedge? +2. Any recommendations on which of these I should just sell away and forget. + +My major holdings: + +Coursera (40% down) [stock] +PTON (sold CSPs which will get assigned) +ETSY (CSPs I rolled over once already) +MVIS, CLOV, PSFE +PLTR ( CSPs sold yesterday) + +Unity +SNAP +TWTR +JD +ETSY + + +I will appreciate all your feedback. + +30k isn’t the end of the world for me, but will be more judicious with my choices in the future. + + I’m open to investing more, so if there are any strategies that won’t do too badly if the market keeps dropping, I’m happy to try them as well. +**ONEMOON** + +ONEMOON is the **FIRST moon coin** launched on the harmony blockchain. ONEMOON was created by MOCHISWAP developers to be a deflationary currency which burns ONEMOON and HMOCHI rewarding HODLERS. 100% of the tokens were locked to a MochiSwap pool to be fully decentralized + +ONEMOON is bringing DEFI farmers over to the harmony platform and allowing users to experience $0.000·001 fees (vs ETH $.308) and 2second confirmation (vs ETH 2minute). ONEMOON is the first coin exposing large audiences to secure sharding with fast consensus and instant finality. ONEMOON is being supported by **MOCHISWAP and Harmony holders** benefit from adoption of ONEMOON. + +5% goes to existing holders of ONEMOON as rewards. 2.5% is used to create permanently locked liquidity between ONEMOON-ONE using MochiSwap LPs The remaining 2.5% is unwrapped, the ONEMOON is burned, and the ONE is used to buy hMOCHI which is also burned. + +So each ONEMOON transaction has the following outcomes:- 5% of the fee is distributed as ONEMOON to existing holders.- 2.5% of the fee is used to create permanent/irreversible locked ONE-ONEMOON liquidity- 1.25% of the fee (the unwrapped ONEMOON side) is burned. + +You can find this token on DEX[ https://one.mochiswap.io/#/swap](https://one.mochiswap.io/#/swap) + +**More information:**[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJNZZ2woglg&lc=Ugxh\_vCgC2iFiNIGD7t4AaABAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJNZZ2woglg&lc=Ugxh_vCgC2iFiNIGD7t4AaABAg) + +**Price and Future growth** + +ONEMOON was launched 2days ago, and has a small marketcap compared to other projects which have already pumped. + +[https://onemoon.watch/](https://onemoon.watch/) See the price chart here + +As of today, ONEMOON is still in accumilation phase. Huge growth is occuring with occasional short term dips. The risk for new investors is minimal compared to other projects which have already had explosive upward moves. + +Reddit-[ https://www.reddit.com/r/onemoon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/onemoon/) **290** **Members** + +Telegram-[ https://t.me/MochiSwapONEMOON](https://t.me/MochiSwapONEMOON) **870 Members** + +**ONEMOON usecase:** + +ONEMOON is taking marketing into its own hands. Harmony ONE is a incredibly robust and developed platform.[ https://www.harmony.one/](https://www.harmony.one/) + +ONEMOON will bring users onto the harmony platform, and use the hype to showcase the incredible technology has. ONEMOON is also used to burn HMOCHI farming tokens, incentivising users to experiment with harmony DEFI free from high ETH fees. + +**How to purchase** + +[https://one.mochiswap.io/#/](https://one.mochiswap.io/#/) + +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuIHvHvFzcU&t**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuIHvHvFzcU&t=1s) + +Buy One Harmony on a Exchange (Kucoin, Binance) + +1. Add Harmony network to Metamask wallet[ Metamask - Harmony](https://docs.harmony.one/home/network/wallets/browser-extensions-wallets/metamask-wallet) +2. Transfer your ONE to metamask to get your ONE address copy Your 0x address from metamask and paste it into[ Explorer | Harmony](https://explorer.harmony.one/#/) +3. Now go to mochi swap and buy Onemoon using ONE harmony[ MochiSwap](https://one.mochiswap.io/#/swap) (12%Slippage) + +Token Address: 0xCB35e4945c7F463c5CCBE3BF9f0389ab9321248F +I browse this sub once a week or so, reading the posts of people celebrating their milestones, and sharing insights about their portfolios and analysis. I enjoy the slow, methodical approach to actual investing here just as much as I appreciate the rapid paced trading that I see in other subs. This sub seems to ground me back to reality - seeing people succeed not by YOLOing into risky options trades, or betting their retirement funds on a handful of meme stocks - but rather just playing the percentages game, and letting compound interest do all the work. + +However, one thing that I’ve noticed developing over the last year or so is this feeling of borderline elitism that some members give off when discussing high yield buy-write funds like JEPI/JEPQ, ETV, CII, etc. “They’re capping your gains by selling covered calls!”, “Don’t put any higher allocation into these funds than you would into a single position!” or variations thereof are frequent narratives against buying them… And for the life of me, I can’t figure out why. + +“You’re capping your gains to achieve higher yields!” Okay? So? That’s… the entire reason I’m holding them. My goal is to seek income from securities, and *that’s the* *point* of these funds. I want income, so I bought an income fund. If I wanted growth, I’d buy a growth fund. For some of these, you get a bit of both, which is the main reason I would buy a fund like JEPQ or ETW as opposed to a safer bond fund like BND, or a riskier growth fund like TQQQ. Ironically, the same argument against buying a buy/write fund could also be made against holding strong dividend companies like O, T, F, etc (which are held by a lot of these funds anyways, but we’ll get to that later). It’s not usually until after companies mature and slow their growth that they finally start paying higher dividends, if any. It’s why Alphabet doesn’t pay a dividend, and arguably why Apple doesn’t pay a higher one. So if your goal is to seek dividends, *seek dividends.* You’ll make more in *dividends* with 100k of ETB than you would with the same investment in VOOV, with roughly the same beta; which leads me to my next pet peeve. + +“Don’t put any more than x percentage into any one of these funds. You have to diversify with individual holdings, too.” I can understand the rationale behind this, I really can; business risk is a real thing, and these funds aren’t guaranteed to exist forever. That being said, these funds are also far better diversified than most of us will ever be, and they’re managed by people who have been doing this professionally for years. They have access to better information, tools, and connections than you or I ever will. Does that mean they’re immune to being mismanaged? Absolutely not. But it does help shift the responsibility of analyzing earnings reports to the funds, not myself. So take a dive into the funds, and reward the ones that do their homework with your money, just as you would with any other company. And if you still really feel like it, you can “diversify” into NASDAQ based funds all you want by buying JEPQ, QYLD, and CII at the same time, but all that ends up happening is you end up buying the same MSFT and NVDA shares, just under a different name. Again, totally your call if you’re that concerned about the fund going bankrupt, but it’s likely overly cautious. After all, I have a strong feeling that JP Morgan or Blackrock will be around for much longer than anyone here will be. + +Anyways, rant over. If you’ve done your homework, and want to purchase shares of a buy/write fund, don’t let some smug internet stranger make you feel like an idiot for buying them. I personally throw as much as I can afford into a ROTH IRA containing JEPQ (for NASDAQ exposure), JEPI (S&P 500 exposure), ETW (global exposure), ETV (predictable dividends, with a secondary goal of growth), and a small position in UWMC that I immensely regret buying at $5 a share (but try to assuage my brain by calling that one a LoNg TerM pLaY). I have DRIP turned on for all of them, and I plan on simply turning DRIP off someday and enjoying the income to pad my measly 401k and Social Security, if it still exists by then. +I like to think that buying dividend stocks is a somewhat low-risk technique. However, during this Covid-19 outbreak, I think it is rather reasonable to think that some of the higher-yield stocks will have trouble paying their dividends. + +I've decided to put my money where my mouth is and double down on my monthly buys (I don't really sell anything ever). Here are my picks for the next two months. Academically speaking, I think if you find an investment you like at say $18, and in one month it goes to $9 during a panic sell crisis, you should now want to buy that stock twice as much. Circumstances have changed, I will admit that, but in some capacity, this is still the same stock I researched months ago. + +Below is a table of my plan. I have executed the first four weeks and have four to go. If a cell is green in the first table, that is the actual amount I invested. White cells are future purchases. At the bottom of the table, it shows the value of that investment today. As of now, I am down 10% across the board. + +$APLE - Hotels + +$LTC - Senior Living + +$GOOD - Commercial Real Estate + +$GAIN - Business Development + +https://preview.redd.it/1d5e47uc24z41.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=b97bf22735cd961d9d4a9e8ee9f9c4643a0d6b09 + +I'd love some feedback. I plan on sticking to my plan regardless, but if you are hesitant to purchase high-yielding dividend stocks right now, this may be a safe way for you to see if the past is something you can count on (meaning buy low, sell high). +I bought into a new portfolio about two months before the downturn started. Great timing. Anyway, I included some IAU. The portfolio is primarily ETFs otherwise. IAU is down much less than all of the others, but I'm surprised it's down and not up. I'd think commodities should be desirable during inflationary periods. Thanks for setting me straight! +**Apparently not everyone seems to know this, but if you use Coinbase, you can switch to Coinbase Pro for free and enjoy lower fees there!** + +Afaik you can't stake on CB Pro, but you can buy and then transfer to regular Coinbase. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit**: Great tip from u/aladdinr for those concerned about the longer transfer times: + +>deposit fiat into the main Coinbase platform (allows you to transfer instantly without the wait period CB Pro has). +> +>Then transfer the fiat (free) to CB Pro. Buy on CB Pro. +> +>Then transfer back to main Coinbase to stake (or transfer to your personal wallet or do whatever you want with the crypto). + +&#x200B; + + +What it do my fellow apes. Listen here and listen good because we will not get another chance at this. Retail investors are gaining the spotlight through these leaks from the class action suit against Robing da hood and various brokers. This is our chance to flip the script and put the pressure back onto the SEC to fucking actually do something about this. + +The Revelations we have seen from these transcripts are damning to say the very least. I don't speak for anybody here but me personally I am outraged. Not only did they lie in front of congress, they've been gas lighting us for 9 months about how they needed to perform those actions to protect us. We all knew it was bullshit, but now we have concrete evidence that Market Makers and Brokerages colluding together to stop the MOASS. They changed the fucking rules when they were losing and they did it together. I will never forget that day and I will never let it go. Neither should you. Yes we have moved on from the dark days on RH however, that doesn't mean we should let it go. We need to bring peoples attention to these transcripts and get as. many eyes and ears and mouths possible, talking about how the biggest players on Wall Street had to literally cheat and prevent you from squeezing them. + +Do not let this go. Do not let this blow over. This is a major financial scandal that should be front page news in my opinion because this goes beyond just GME, this shows their hand that they are not in it to help retail out but only to lie, cheat, steal, and collude in order to win. If me and you were to do this we'd already be behind fucking bars. We may not be able to get people to come in to the waters as deep as apes are, but if we can get normal people to understand January 28th and the obvious collusion by the elite to fuck the little guy, maybe we can put pressure on Gensler to actually produce a meaningful report with meaningful conclusions. + +I am not advocating any group action. Merely encouraging you, as an individual investor who was financially impacted by this financial scandal aforementioned above, to keep being loud and keep fighting. The only reason we're even hearing about any of this is because we didn't roll over and let it go. We continued to fight. And we know damn well that robbing the hood is not the only broker involved in this collusion. If we keep being loud and involved, we will force the other participants into the spotlight as well. + +You all want change? You wanna change the broken corrupt system? This is how you do it. Along with buying and holding as well as DRSing, we're forcing ourselves into a seat at the table. This is our only opportunity to change things and change them for good. After MOASS, if we let them ride off into the sunset, in 20 years we will be right back here again with a different set of circumstances but alas the same corruption. It's a given that we all want our tendies. + +But we need to continue to participate in voicing our concerns and putting the heat on to the regulators. Do NOT let them sweep this all away. This is arguably the biggest financial corruption in history. They not only counterfeit your shares that you own, they all colluded when they were about to lose their own game and changed the fucking rules in the middle of the skirmish. And now have colluded to force retail orders to be executed off exchange and into dark pools. They used every loophole in the book to gaslight you and make you seem like dumb money. And to this day continue to lie , cheat, manipulate and change the rules in the middle of the game. They cheated you out of your money. That in itself is fucking criminal. + +Sorry for the rant guys but I really needed to get this off my chest and I know y'all are the only people who can relate +I know that there would be significant problems when it comes to money supply and monetary policy. But, with that said, how do you respond to the counterexamples of: + +1). At some point, each state in the US had different currencies, and yet, they managed to unite under the dollar later on. Why wasn't monetary policy a problem here? + +2). How did El Salvador and Ecuador adopt the Dollar? + +3.) Most saliently, how in the world was this not a problem for the Euro Zone? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in Advance! +FWIW, I graduated HS with a D- but with a college reading level. +What books would y'all rowdy fancy educated folks recommend for me. Forgive me for the stupidity :( +Most economists appear to support immigration, regarding it as positive, overall. What are some dissenting voices in the economic community? What are their arguments? +In the case of cutting individual taxes (e.g., income tax), there is at least a logical connection between having more disposable income and SPENDING more money. + +However, in the case of corporate tax rate cuts, there is no clear connection I can see, to stimulating the nation's economy. I'm hoping an Economist can explain it to me! + +To clarify: As best I understand, in the US Companies pay taxes very differently than individuals pay taxes: + +* Individuals pay tax on what they EARN. (Income) +* Companies pay taxes on what they do _NOT_ spend. (Profit) + +Yes, I am generalizing. I am purposefully ignoring "depreciation schedules" and I am assuming all company expenses are "Reasonable business expenses." (What is "reasonable" is certainly a bigger question!) + +Assuming my general understanding of taxes in America are correct then it seems to me that cutting the tax rate for a business will do only ONE thing: Make it less expensive to take money OUT of the business! Which maybe will stimulate the yacht industry, but doesn't seem like it would create any meaningful amount of jobs. + +This probably seems like a pretty simple question. If it's already been answered, please refer me to that answer! +In econ class I learned that theoretically the National debt doesn’t matter as countries live forever, the US controls it’s own debt, and has the power of reserve currency, and as long as growth outpaces the money you have to pay on the debt you’re fine + +Is there a badeconomics type of post that dispels all the things most normal people are worried about +I doubt this is a common take among economists, but every once in a while you might get someone like Piketty who says economics has an obsession with math and should have less of it, meanwhile my intermediate micro teacher said economics is “essentially just applied math” and recommends to study as much math as possible. What’s the deal here? Why do some people think economics should have less math? +I apologize for using layman terms, but I think everyone should understand what I am talking about. + +Reagan cut taxes for the rich, based on that notion that they would buy goods and services from the rest of us, and invest in businesses, to make the rest of us richer as well. + +I saw an comment on r/Economics explaining that it didn't work because the economy is not closed off, the rich can invest and their money in other countries. So other countries benefitted from the wealth that "trickled down". + +To me, this explanation seems to make sense. Am I correct or not? +In more detail, I am looking for any economic models that have been developed that attempt to model non-market economies. While anything non-market is relevant I'm looking specifically for models of gift economies/gift exchanges within them, models of migratory economies (nomadic, pastoral, seasonal migratory, etc), and the economics of hunting/gathering cultures. The umbrella term would probably be 'primitive economy' but I don't like that term so I prefer pre-capitalist or early economies. + +Obviously some of these are pretty out of the box, I'm kind of expecting the answer on at least some of it to be a straight "no, it doesn't exist anywhere". I am aware that there is an entire field of economic anthropology but I am looking for economic methods, not Sociological, and I don't know if any of them have attempted to model these economies using an abstract system based in math or some other standardized symbolic logic in the way economists do. If economic anthropology has what I'm looking for I welcome any info from there too. + +Thank you everyone! +How would increased adoption of bitcoin increase price stability? + +I think I remember reading this in some bitcoin information page, but I can't find it now... + +Of course, feel free to reject the premise as well. +I'm specifically looking at nations like Timor Leste, PNG, Cambodia, African nations, Yemen... how do they grow beyond their relatively low economic performance? Singapore's path was not unique but certainly hard to repeat on a larger scale. +1) Have you actually read this book? I’m chugging away at it but it’s such a hard read. + +2) How important is it, and Wealth of Nations to understanding modern economics? + +3) I’ve heard that these books and schools of thought no longer apply to economics, and that now it’s all “data driven”. + +4) Who are you and why do you study economics? + +Trying to make things simple! Thanks everyone and happy holidays +I feel a bit embarrassed asking such a simple 101 question (given that I've done A-level economics and am in my second year of an economics undergraduate degree), but deep in the weeds, the basics are forgotten (also I had an incredibly naff micro teacher in sixth form\*). + +So I was reading Friedmans' *Freedom to Choose* where in the opening chapter they cover the basics of the price mechanism, in particular the conveying of information. + +If demand for pencils go up, manufacturers will be asked to increase output which demands a higher price for the materials across all the industries involved in making a pencil (ceteris paribus). So far so good. + +But say there's a forest fire, which would increase the price of wood (in the same way an increase in demand for pencils would increase its price). Given that the information conveyed by prices tells all actors about demand for pencils, but not the reason for the changes in price, or as the Friedmans put it...: + +&#x200B; + +>The producers of wood, for example, do not have to know whether the demand for pencils has gone up because of a baby boom or because 14,000 more government forms have to be filled out in pencil. + +&#x200B; + +...then how do manufacturers down the line know that the increase in price of wood is associated with a supply shock to the wood industry **and not an increase in demand for pencils.** (The former would reduce a, for example, rubber producer's output and the latter would increase it). + +Thank you for your time, hopefully my question is clear! + +\*(for non-Brits: two years of education between the ages of 16-18) +The electoral college seems to result in a chess match kind of strategy among candidates to win key states. Describe it as you like, but candidates emphasize or basically ignore states based on the size of their electoral vote and the likelihood it will be won or can be flipped. + +The last 20 years has seen more controversy over the electoral college. Two of the five winners of the electoral college that lost the popular vote for the Presidency in US history have occurred in the last 20 years and there are reasonable criticisms of the fairness of elections where the winner of a majority of votes cast does not determine the election. + +There are some criticisms of a popular-vote only campaign that suggest candidates would just focus their energy on populous regions and still ignore other less populous states, sort of the obverse of the electoral vote strategy. The counter to this would be that every vote would matter and candidates might be forced to try and win votes in states they are likely to lose the statewide popular vote. + +Is there a financial economics explanation for why the electoral college might persist? Does it reduce the cost of running for President, allowing campaign dollars to be allocated more efficiently vs. a popular vote campaign? + +Sorry in advance if this is too political science related, but as an actual political science graduate I'm plenty familiar with the political science arguments between the Presidential electoral systems. But I wonder whether the persistence of the electoral college can be explained at least in part by some kind of financial efficiency by reducing the campaign to a group of key swing states. + +Regardless of the economics, I suspect the political influence of the swing states in the electoral college system likely prevents it from every being changed regardless of the financial economics involved. +I find it odd that most economists generally believe that the economy should be handled by profiteers rather than academics. + +Why is central planning so soundly rejected by Western economists? Wasn't it necessary to industrialize Russia and South Korea? +So, essentially, is lending money for banks a risk-free proposition? + +Please tell me if I understand something wrong, I'm new to all this. + +edit: It sounds like I have a fundamental misunderstanding of how banks and loans work. Thanks for the patient, careful explanations. +Suppose that you have an island that imports goods-services for $1B every year, and then it exports some other goods-services but for only $0.9B every year. + +This country imports food for its citizen and petroleum for the citizens to power their cars and homes and factories. + +This nation exports and also consumes the goods-services that they produce, but remember that they are importing about $100M more than it exports every year. + +Here are my questions: + +* is the trade deficit a proxy for the profitability of the entire corporations and businesses on this nation? The way I look at it is this: If all the businesses of this island-nation has to import $1,000M but can only attain net revenues of $900M, then the companies and businesses IN AGGREGATE are losing money and aren't profitable. + +* how is this scenario sustainable or not sustainable? + +Is the following an accurate account of how money is created by commercial banks? + +Central banks literally create money "out of thin air" (via merely expanding their balance sheets at will) to lend to commercial banks; this money, then, is lent by commercial banks to borrowers (eg. households or corporations). Is this how commercial banks create money? +[https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/l2unae/socialism\_causes\_dogs\_to\_crumble\_into\_little/gkailpa?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/l2unae/socialism_causes_dogs_to_crumble_into_little/gkailpa?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/malnutrition-death-rates?tab=chart&country=CHN\~CUB\~USA\~VNM](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/malnutrition-death-rates?tab=chart&country=CHN~CUB~USA~VNM) +Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/e4ymfg/swimming\_in\_debt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/e4ymfg/swimming_in_debt/) + +&#x200B; + +Good evening all + +I posted the above (link provided) and I felt I was at the end of the line. It has only been six weeks since but I feel as if it has been an entire lifetime. + +My OH has been everything that I do not deserve. Supportive, understanding and patient. I know I let her down a lot and kept so much from her over the time we have been together but it's now out in the open. She encouraged me to share the situation doing so, told my parents who have financially supported me as much as they can right now. With their help, I cleared the Satsuma Loans debt (c. 600% APR) and the Barclaycard credit card (which the account is now closed) and it started the road ahead. + +With StepChange my other creditors have agreed to reduced payments (and most have frozen interest) and so far, so good. I have had constant calls from one or two but nothing I can't handle. I expected this the moment I sent off the pack to StepChange. However, StepChange have been so friendly, professional and exactly what I needed. My credit score will obviously suffer soon but it is just a number that I am not thinking about. From mid December my DMP started with all debts upto date with payments. I cancelled all of my direct debits with the creditors mentioned and StepChange collected the first payment last week. I felt very scared and anxious thinking it was a new low, but a week on with the extra money left (and in our joint account with an extra pair of eyes on) it has made such a difference to my/our finances. + +Whilst I have a very long way to go and by no means out of the doghouse yet, I would just like to thank everyone in UKPF that commented and advised on my original post. Without you guys I would not have been able to muster up the courage to head this problem face on and get the help I needed. I am not perfect and never will be with money, or decisions. I have an impulsive side that ruined my life. So from a bloke who considered ending it all an only option at one point, thank you thank you thank you. + +To everyone reading this or other threads in this subreddit in the same position that I and many others have been in, feeling like they have nowhere to go or nobody to talk to - please know that there is support always available to you. There is no shame in opening up to your loved ones, StepChange or on UKPF. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you have the chance to turn it all around. I really do recommend reading all the comments in the original thread. + +CC +My bid was accepted for a SFH for $145,000 and 25%. It is 3 bed 1 bath with a unfinished basement, detached 2 car garage. Built in 2003 in a newer neighborhood with new roof, AC, furnace, and carpet. I don't see much downside to the property except it only has 1 bathroom and we need to buy washer, dryer, and fridge. + +My plan is to use a property management company but also do some basic upkeep myself and coordinate any remaining maintenance..I'm hoping to rent for at least $1300 and that should enable us to cash flow monthly. + +Any advice for my situation (new home of this layout, owning just 1 investment property) is appreciated. I also wanted to share how affordable housing is in some Midwestern college towns. +I put one up the other day in a vacant lot I own and received a call from someone wanting to sell their house. My question is, what do you say to people to convince them to sell their house for less than they could get on the open market? Also, how do you make an offer on a house through the phone without having ever seen the interior of the house? Are the people that put these signs up going to the house and inspecting prior to making an offer? + +&#x200B; + +The house would be worth $165k in 90% shape and I offered him $100k. The house realistically needs $10-$20k in repairs which I explained to him. I also told him we would forgo real estate agent fees, closing costs, etc but he did not seem very pleased with my offer and thought it should be closer to $150k. +Hey r/realestateinvesting + +Small-time landlord, only 11 SFRs properties in my portfolio. The past 5 years, I have self-managed and had never had a property on the market longer than 2-3 weeks in my area of investment. However, my family and I decided to move out of state and felt like we needed to hire a property manager to slowly take over the portfolio. + +It has been challenging and extremely frustrating. + +Properties under their management have taken easily 10-15% loss in gross rent + taking almost double the time to rent at like 4-6 weeks. + +How normal is this? + +I hired one and fired one this summer and this new PM is now following a similar pathway. + +I am beginning to think this is the norm for working with PMs, has this happened with you? + +I love real estate, but starting to have serious doubts if we can scale to large properties with such bad PMs and thinking about either selling or finding a way to still self manage from out of state. + +Any suggestions on what to do or if you have this experience too? + +Edit#1 crappy PMs are the norm. +I am 33m. I’ve been investing since my first triplex when I was 26. My journey is not one of leaps and bounds of success. My first property barely broke even between turnover and repair cost. I used that one and 1031 it into 9 doors 5 years later. + +It’s been a slow grind to accumulate some semblance of a down payment between my day job and rental income + +My question is has anyone been able to get to a level of wealth of say $10,000/mo with this slow accumulation? + +I’ve been expanding into different markets and class C / B deals that have 10% cap rates 1.4-1.6 dcr and an annualized cash flow return of around 10-12%. I don’t anticipate significant growth in these areas but just hopefully steady income. + +Most posts I’ve been seeing on social media are heavily BRRR related or these ridiculous upswings in the market. +My wife and I just started investing in Bitcoin and have 0.2 and we’re dollar cost averaging about $1,000-$1,500 a month in but at the rate that Bitcoin rises I don’t think we’ll ever have a whole coin. +> “We won’t let benchmarks and tracking errors hold our strategies hostage to the existing world order,” Wood wrote. She described the success of the ARK ETFs as one not solely bolstered by fervor for “stay at home” investment opportunities, amid the COVID pandemic, but rooted in identifying paradigm-shifting innovation, from blockchain and bitcoin BTCUSD to electric vehicles. + +> Wood urged investors to maintain their support of the ARK complex and said that maintaining a long-term, five-year time horizon would be the best way to judge the fund manager’s true performance. + +> “With a five-year investment time horizon, our forecasts for these platforms suggest that our strategies today could deliver a 30-40% compound annual rate of return during the next five years,” the ARK CEO wrote. + +https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/cathie-wood-says-stocks-have-corrected-into-deep-value-territory-and-wont-let-benchmarks-hold-our-strategies-hostage-11639795224 +It's been a wild year with some wild opportunities. Some people sat on that opportunity, some people squandered it, others took advantage of it. Let's brag about it. What about you? What's the coolest thing you've done this year with your crypto? + +Did you buy a lambo? + +Did you fund a charity? + +Did you write a smart contract? + +Did you create your own token? + +Did you short something for the first time? + +Did you 10x your portfolio? + +Did you hodl like a champ? + +Did you take an online course about finance or cypto? + +Did you convince a family member or friend to invest without hurting the relationship? + +Did you buy your spouse something awesome with those sweet gains? + +Did you invest in yourself? + +No 10x or lambo for me, but I did hodl like a champ and bought my spouse a spa/hotel stay away for Christmas. However, my brag is that I was able to tip 130 users their first moon despite not being a moon whale (see image below). Others have tipped way more, but I'm still proud to have been welcoming to so many users... and who doesn't love being their first? + +[Visit ccmoons dot com for more interesting moon data!](https://preview.redd.it/52tr87tr8i881.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce03572e40fddd4a73ad4fb51ecd4c8f08abeeef) + +TLDR: Title says it all, my brag is about tipping 130 first moons to users. +# Update (12/8/20): + +For those who missed it, I've upped this bet to include a tattoo on my ass if I'm wrong. But I won't be wrong. + +### [UPPING THE ANTE: If SPY closes below 360 by next Friday I will donate $100 to the top 10 commentors below. If SPY closes above 375 next Friday I will get JPow's face and "Don't Fight The Fed" tattooed on my ass.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/k6z61n/upping_the_ante_if_spy_closes_below_360_by_next/) + +# UPDATE (11/30/20): + +Stock futures are currently at around +0.80%. I'm down as fuck on my positions as most of you already know... + +I stated before I never put more than 10k into short term options plays, which is how I've lasted 20 years in this game. + +These are extreme times. I am now putting that rule on hold. If these futures hold up, tomorrow I am dumping another 10k into my SPY puts and VXX calls. I am literally doubling down to a 20k total bet. + +This extra 10k will be January/February dated since my December timing appears to be early. + +Still conservative strikes: VXX 22c, SPY 350p, TLT 162c + +# UPDATE: CURRENT POSITIONS (as of 11/20/20) + +https://preview.redd.it/wn0f6wuevh061.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f63c8e8577acead459cc55c72f2076974755f2 + +https://preview.redd.it/qiu0oma2j7061.png?width=1626&format=png&auto=webp&s=5aac070daa9c5595cc3e5e3dad2747297e2289c3 + +Hello again. SVM/??? here with another fuckin banger. LET'S GOOOO!!!!! + +# Introduction: + +The market is going to tank. Let me just give a bit of background so you know why my opinion is better than yours... + +I am not a bear. I am not a bull. I go where the market tells me to go, I bet where it tells me to bet. And right now, the indicators are telling me to take a strong bearish position. So that's what I have been doing. + +I've been trading more than 20 years. I was trading the great financial crash while most of you were watching fucking Spongebob or whatever the fuck you kids jerked it to. This is not my primary job, but I make a good deal of cash on the side every month, timing the market and swing trading broad market ETFs. I do my research, I know my shit, and I rarely touch your shitty meme stocks. I'm doing you all a favor of once again sharing my insights into this market, so you too can share in my profits and maybe learn a thing or two. + +I will lay this out as cleanly as I can, offering multiple premises for my bearish bet and explaining them in detail. I've covered some of this in the past, but wanted to consolidate everything and more in one place. **This post will be long. If you want to cry about that rather than thank me for my service, you will go broke soon and deserve it cuz you are a lazy fuck.** PRESSING FORWARD! + +&#x200B; + +**Primary Bearish Premises:** + +**Premise 1: The Market is Massively Overvalued (Macro)** + +**Premise 2: SPY is Topping Off and Running on Vaccine Fumes (TA)** + +**Premise 3: The Fed CANNOT Print Money You Retards (Facts)** + +**Premise 4: Quantitative Easing is Deflationary (Theory)** + +**Premise 5: Credit Markets are Contracting (Data)** + +**Premise 6: Banks are Loading Up on Safe Bonds While Retail Loads Up on Stocks (Data)** + +**Premise 7: Unemployment is Still Sky High (Data)** + +&#x200B; + +# Premise 1: The Market is Massively Overvalued + +There are plenty of small, detail arguments for a bearish position. Covid cases rising, election uncertainty, stimulus failing, and so on. Plenty of others have made this case, so I won't focus on the small scale issues such as these. + +What I want to give you is a larger, macro picture. Because the market is simply overvalued, period. The market has become divorced from the overall economy. I understand tech, and why they have a bullish case for growth in the face of Covid lockdowns... My point here is that you need some REAL WORLD measures to tie "future earnings" down to reality, to prevent irrational euphoria from taking over your mind. + +There are plenty of indicators out there showing that stocks are overvalued. We could talk about insane P/E ratios, about euphoric meme stock flops like NKLA, and so on. The metric I'm going to present here is not new by any stretch. It isn't unique or original. But it is undeniably useful, and carries strong weight, whether modern traders wish to shun it and its originator or not. I'm talking about the Buffet Indicator. + +https://preview.redd.it/oem2uhz714061.png?width=1008&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1f7e97544eba52859b986af68b4b80556660e43 + +For those of you new to this concept, it is simply the total stock market valuation divided by GDP. The point is to compare total market valuations with some hard, trailing, real-world metric, in this case GDP. When market valuations uncouple strongly from actual market conditions, it is a strong signal of irrational stock valuations. And that presents opportunity for those paying attention. + +Note that **this chart has already been detrended down to account for historically rising P/E ratios**, and it still shows a strongly overvalued market, equal to what was seen during the DotCom bubble. That's bad news, folks. + +This is the REAL issue in the present market, and why buyers are becoming exhausted. Covid, instability, elections, stimulus... These are all just catalysts to give that equity bubble a little prick. Only the dumbest of the dumb are still "buying the dip" under current market conditions, which means mostly clueless retail gamblers on WSB. All these perma-bulls are doing is offering liquidity to the institutional investors to help get them out of their positions. In the end, we all know who is left holding the bag. + +# Premise 2: The Market is Topping Off and Running on Vaccine Fumes + +I'm not a big believer in technical analysis. Most of it is bullshit, astrological voodoo if you ask me. But some of it works, and when technical analysis works, it is simply being used as a proxy for assessing market sentiment and emotions. Let's take a closer look at the teaser SPY chart I posted above. + +https://preview.redd.it/h0ndq2a914061.png?width=1808&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fe30a5ad23952719c69c6634debe7fe8c0832af + +As you can see, the market has been repeatedly rejecting multiple new highs. This process was briefly interrupted by positive vaccine news. We breached a new high on Pfizer vaccine results, but even that new high was instantly rejected and resulted in a sudden reversal selloff. The Moderna vaccine news created another short rally, lower than the Pfizer high, and that too was followed by a selloff. **In other words, the market is continually rejecting current market valuations.** As they should be, if you were following the point above. We are running on vaccine news fumes, and those will not last long. If you develop an instinct for these things, you can almost feel it in your gut: The market WANTS to head down. + +If this isn't the top, it is close to it. $366.77 will very likely be the high for SPY for the year, and will soon unwind downwards. + +# Premise 3: The Fed CANNOT Print Money + +I know this will come as a shock to most of you idiots but the fucking money printer does NOT GO BRRRRR. + +The Fed has to follow the laws that govern it's actions. The Fed does not have the legal authority to simply print cash and hand it out. Go ahead and read the Federal Reserve Act, and take a look at the Fed's actions, for proof of this. It doesn't even have the authority to print cash to buy corporate bonds or anything else. + +What the Fed "prints" is called "reserves." + +[ Source: https:\/\/www.stlouisfed.org\/open-vault\/2019\/august\/open-market-operations-monetary-policy-tools-explained](https://preview.redd.it/8ibo0kud14061.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=626a1464cd76296ee9d435a5c69f182e4286f9d6) + +So what, you say? So everything. The key point about reserves is that they cannot be spent like cash can. When a bank gets reserve funds in its reserve account at the Fed, it CANNOT SPEND that money. All the bank can do is use that account as collateral to lend against. Which means **if the banks are not lending, those QE funds are NOT entering the economy.** They might as well not exist. And banks are not lending, as we will see below. + +This is the counter argument to all the ignorant retail traders who will argue that the Fed is "backstopping" stocks, or that the Fed will not "allow" the market to crash. The Fed has no power to print money, and therefore no power to buy stocks, and therefore no power to prevent a crash. The Fed's power is illusory, but enough people buy the illusion to make it effective. That won't last forever. + +Just think about it. If Fed actions and QE really made stocks rally the way people claim it does, why isn't the Japan Nikkei constantly breaking new all time highs??? + +# Premise 4: Quantitative Easing is Deflationary + +Quantitative Easing is not Cash. In fact, QE is deflationary. + +Here is how QE works, in a nutshell. The Fed buys bonds from the big banks. Except the Fed isn't buying them with cash. In exchange for the bonds, the Fed puts funds in a reserve account held by the bank. These reserve funds CANNOT BE TOUCHED by the banks. All the banks can do is use this account as collateral to lend against. + +In fact, it's worse than that. Because the Fed is removing assets from the open market, and not paying cash for them. It is purchasing liquid assets with illiquid reserves. Despite all the Fed's talk about "creating liquidity," what the Fed is actually doing is REMOVING liquidity from the system! + +Why would they do this? Answer: To lower interest rates. Don't take my word for it, the Fed explains this itself! + +[ Source: https:\/\/www.stlouisfed.org\/open-vault\/2019\/august\/open-market-operations-monetary-policy-tools-explained ](https://preview.redd.it/bzl5jfpf14061.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4c96c8e3b741867281f43b5472c634c85cba5bf) + +See, the Fed has to follow the laws that govern its actions. Despite what the public believes, the Fed does not have the legal authority to simply print money and hand it out. The Fed knows that the true source of inflation in a debt-based economy is through **credit expansion.** So the Fed does everything it can to reduce interest rates, both by setting reserve rates near zero and by using QE to drive rates down further. + +Only when credit expansion revives will we begin to see inflation and a true recovery. The Fed knows their hands are tied, which is why they keep hammering Congress to pass more stimulus. + +Perhaps the greatest strength of the Fed is in "forward guidance." The Fed simply uses words to convince the public that money is being printed, that inflation is coming, so that people go out and spend and buy assets. They are playing a trick on the public, and the trick is working. People actually believe inflation is coming, that stocks are being held up by the Fed, that money is pouring into the system. The public is wrong on every count. + +The Fed is trying to contract credit markets in order to lower interest rates in order to eventually spur lending in order to eventually create inflation. But in the meantime, QE is deflationary. As stated above, if reserve funds are not being lent out by the banks, they do not enter the economy, and thus QE serves a deflationary role. Let's take a look at the next premise, that banks are contracting the credit markets. + +# Premise 5: Credit Markets are Contracting + +The question of whether banks are lending or not with their QE reserves is simply a matter of looking at the data. Practically every data source we can point to suggests contracting credit conditions. This means QE reserves are not entering the economy, and therefore are not producing inflation nor holding up stocks. + +**The SLOOS data from the Fed, Oct. 2020:** + +[Source: https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/data\/sloos\/sloos-202010-table-1.htm](https://preview.redd.it/pt6xz8wg14061.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de834db13e36878f58154dbe44010b2777743b0) + +Real Estate lending is booming, you say? Not so.... + +**Banks Lending is TIGHTENING:** + +[Source: https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/data\/documents\/sloos-202010-charts.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/95wkopaj14061.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb6dcc0329897ca807477b5506786e5edba4b70e) + +Note: The decline near the end doesn't represent growth in credit, but represents a reduction in the RATE of tightening. + +**Consumer Demand for Loans is SHRINKING:** + +[Source: https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/data\/documents\/sloos-202010-charts.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/6d29h9dk14061.png?width=935&format=png&auto=webp&s=73842070279db79f47a95b1d5c5b1eaeaef08498) + +**Even Credit Card debt growth is negative!** + +https://preview.redd.it/73j9n0fl14061.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=6328ef22e4a84f0a32b419c35eeacc5238911d24 + +# Premise 6: Banks are Loading Up on Safe Bonds While Retail Loads Up on Stocks + +If you are like me, you look forward to the H.8 data every Friday from the Fed (yeah right haha). A continuing trend in that data, month after month after month, is that major banks in the US have been loading up on bonds with no end in sight. They are piling more and more cash into safe assets, now up to a whopping $4.6 TRILLION in securities. + +[Source: https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/releases\/h8\/current\/default.htm](https://preview.redd.it/tn38ss3p14061.png?width=1219&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dc1c06695685a883599315abc9e36047128e687) + +Meanwhile, retail traders (that means you) keep piling into stocks at all time highs. A record amount of cash was dumped into the market after the vaccine news breaks. I'm just gonna go ahead and call it now. This is the top. + +[Source: https:\/\/www.bloomberg.com\/news\/articles\/2020-11-13\/stock-funds-get-record-44-5-billion-inflows-on-vaccine-optimism](https://preview.redd.it/xogj0z2q14061.png?width=1314&format=png&auto=webp&s=c466b29277d6f047781fd9156bd476b3b1c011f1) + +# Premise 7: Unemployment is Still Sky High + +I bring this up just to reiterate another real-world metric that is gloomy as fuck and yet completely ignored from market valuations. Why are stocks breaking all-time highs when we still have MILLIONS more unemployed than we did this time last year? Hello McFly? + +https://preview.redd.it/jda435zq14061.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=3929064c0e9d6ae120201ad4295e02cca2bdcf45 + +# Conclusion: + +**Shit's fucked up son.** Real world economy is still in shambles. Market is more overvalued than it was during the DotCom boom. Still millions unemployed. The market is topping off and rejecting highs again and again. The Fed is not printing money and not backstopping assets, despite claims to the contrary. We are heading down, folks! + +**Positions:** + +**SPY 350p 12/18** + +**VXX 22c 12/18** + +Also anything else that strikes your fancy. IWM, GLD, SLV puts are all fine (dollar is going to rise). Longer dated TLT calls will print as well due to QE reducing bond yields, eventually. Go longer or shorted dated depending on personal risk tolerance. + +**Timing can be difficult. My strategy is to periodically enter bearish positions when short-term indicators look good, and hope to eventually time the major dump. If things begin to stabilize short-term I exit the position quickly with a small gain or, rarely, a small loss.** + +See: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jkm5jq/the\_bears\_arent\_done\_folks\_these\_diamond\_hands/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/jkm5jq/the_bears_arent_done_folks_these_diamond_hands/) + Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” maintained its hold as the top film in the U.S. for the fourth consecutive week, bringing in $13.3 million from 3,952 theaters and setting a new record as the year’s top grossing film with $196.5 million in domestic ticket sales. + +Shang-Chi” toppled another Disney-released Marvel Cinematic Universe title that previously reigned as 2021’s U.S. box office champ: “Black Widow,” with $186.7 million in ticket sales. However, “Black Widow” simultaneously released on the Disney+ streaming service while “Shang-Chi” is a theatrical-exclusive release. + +Two additional Disney titles continued to draw audiences: “Free Guy” grossed $4.1 million from 3,175 screen in its seventh week in theaters and “Jungle Cruise” brought in $1.7 million from 2,065 theaters from its ninth week in release – “Jungle Cruise” is also playing on Disney+. + + [Marvel's 'Shang-Chi' is the highest-grossing domestic release of 2021 (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/26/marvels-shang-chi-is-the-highest-grossing-domestic-release-of-2021.html) +I often see interesting articles posted in this sub but don't think this was posted before even though it's over a week old now. So many posts related to Tesla these days, I thought the results of this survey carried out by Der Spiegel would be interesting, in particular for Americans who maybe don't read European media. There are graphs/data on the article page itself. + +*Musk Destroys Tesla Image in Germany* (14/12/2022) + +https://www.spiegel.de/international/business/der-spiegel-survey-musk-destroys-tesla-image-in-germany-a-fcc01ca2-d5fe-4c57-ac11-b48a560771f7 + +Germans have a disastrous view of Tesla, with company founder Elon Musk's behavior hardly helping. Whether from a likeability or quality perspective, the Tesla brand is far behind its German competitors. + +Elon Musk, it would seem, is eager to drag his followers into the abyss of conspiracy theory credulity – but is anyone taking the bait? The top dog of Tesla and Twitter has never been shy when it comes to polarizing statements, of course, but even by his standards, the last several days have been disturbing for his willingness to make right-wing positions his own. He went after the U.S. virologist Anthony Fauci, he has made light of people who want to determine their own sexual identity and he has generally declared war on "woke." During an appearance in San Francisco, Musk was booed for several minutes, and actor Billy Baldwin launched a trend with the hashtag #BoycottTesla. + +In Germany, the calls for boycott were hardly necessary. That is the clear message of a survey conducted on behalf of DER SPIEGEL by the public opinion research institute Civey. Some 47 percent of the auto enthusiasts surveyed responded that Musk’s current behavior has had a "clearly negative" influence on their opinion of Tesla. An additional 16 percent said their reaction has been "rather negative." Only 3 percent said they have a "rather positive" impression of Musk’s recent behavior, and an additional 6 percent rated their impression as "clearly positive." The survey was carried out between Dec. 1 to 9, prior to Musk’s most recent outbursts. + +In late October, after Musk took over control of Twitter, a number of public reactions already began indicating that the image of Tesla, the world’s leading electric car brand, was taking a beating. Alena Buyx, chair of the German Ethics Council, said at the time that she was no longer interested in buying a Tesla. "It’s something you can’t do anymore,” she said. + +In the U.S., the public opinion research company Morning Consult reported that Tesla’s popularity has suffered a nosedive primarily among supporters of the Democratic Party, which have traditionally dominated the e-car market. Since the beginning of the year, trust in the Tesla brand had been trending downward only slightly, says Morning Consult, but that Musk’s acquisition of Twitter "acted as a break in the dam." Elon Musk’s polarizing personality, the consulting company found, is negatively impacting Tesla. + +The new survey commissioned by DER SPIEGEL has now revealed the same impact on the company’s image in Germany as that seen in the U.S. – just nine months after the carmaker opened up a new gigafactory outside of Berlin. And in contrast to the U.S., where Tesla seems poised to replace at least some of its disaffected supporters with new fans among pro-Trump Republicans, the same dynamic is nowhere to be seen in Germany. The broad rejection of Musk’s persona is apparent across all age, professional and educational groups in the country and it is independent of gender, region, family status, degree, religion and political affiliation. + +The only exception is among those who proclaim to be supporters of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), with only 35 percent of such respondents saying they had a negative reaction to Musk’s behavior. But even within this group, the negative reactions outweighed the positive (23 percent). + +Even without explicit mention of Musk, only 9 percent of Germans said they find Tesla to be "very" or "rather likeable." Fully 69 percent, by contrast, said they found the manufacturer to be "less" or "not at all likeable." That makes Tesla by far the least popular company among large carmakers with production sites in Germany, a finding once again independent of political party preference. + +The survey revealed more polarization when it comes to Germany’s tradition-rich luxury brands like Mercedes, Porsche, BMW and Audi, which are generally viewed negatively on the left side of the political spectrum, but more positively on the right, with center-left Social Democrats also showing a weakness for Audi. Mass producers like Volkswagen, Opel and Ford, by contrast, tend to be more balanced, or they trigger very little reaction at all. Only Tesla is viewed negatively across all political parties. Musk’s company generates the highest likeability ratings among university students (27 percent), those under the age of 30 (22 percent), voters for the far-left Left Party (21 percent) and civil servants (17 percent). In all cases, though, Tesla supporters make up a clear minority. + +Tesla also isn’t able to rely on its aura of being a technological leader. In response to the Civey question as to whether respondents view the vehicles produced by the different brands as high-quality products, only 21 percent answered positively when it came to Tesla. + +That value puts Tesla at the very back of the pack, behind even Ford and Opel, both of which are also produced in Germany but which belong to foreign companies. Traditional German producers received top marks on the quality question. But Tesla has also been the focus of numerous negative reports in the U.S. when it comes to quality and safety, in part because of the disastrous press its driver assistance system has received. + +The survey does not allow for conclusions to be drawn on general attitudes in favor of or against electric vehicles. Tesla is the only manufacturer on the list to specialize entirely in e-autos and leads the segment both in Germany and elsewhere in the world when it comes to the number of vehicles registered. But other brands are offering more and more battery-powered vehicles. From January to November, 52,000 new Teslas were registered in Germany, according to the KBA, the German agency responsible for motorized vehicle registration. That represents around one-seventh of all fully electric vehicles in the country, with VW hot on its heels. +How do you feel that much of this sub complains about about being priced out of the property market whilst having much of the sub continue to invest in second and third properties? + +I find it ironic. +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/saudis-plan-big-oil-output-225511711.html + +(Bloomberg) -- Saudi Arabia plans to boost oil output next month to well above 10 million barrels a day, as the kingdom responds aggressively to the collapse of its OPEC+ alliance with Russia. + +The world’s largest oil exporter engaged in an all-out price war on Saturday by slashing pricing for its crude by the most in more than 30 years. State energy giant Saudi Aramco is offering unprecedented discounts in Asia, Europe and the U.S. to entice refiners to use Saudi crude. + +At the same time, Saudi Arabia has privately told some market participants it could raise production much higher if needed, even going to a record 12 million barrels a day, according to people familiar with the conversations, who asked not to be named to protect commercial relations. With demand ravaged by the coronavirus outbreak, opening the taps would throw the oil market into chaos. +Like it or not, the banks are here and they are not going anywhere. They will always be here, doing their job which is fine. + +As much as cryptocurrencies have an impact on people, and therefore on banks, it is the governments that will not allow banks to fail. + +There will always be people who will use the banks. + +But due to the influence and growth of cryptocurrencies, banks will have to change their way of business. + +They will have to improve the conditions for their clients, because people now have an alternative, and that alternative sounds good. There are already people who have most of their money in cryptocurrencies, but all of them leave some in the bank or in fiat in case something with crypto goes wrong. + +Banks have been deeply ingrained in our society and our system for a long time. + +It takes time to crypto do the same but it will happen. + +If banks are going to go to war with cryptocurrencies, let them go. We know very well that nothing can happen to them, and competitive and evolving financial system benefits us all. + +&#x200B; +Hello, + +I wouldn't say long time lurker (but reasonable time lurker). I live in a very HCOL area with two young children. I was lucky enough to have made some solid money in my early 30s and I sometime think about RE but in I worry about setting the right tone with two young children (I have had a bit of a puritan work ethic); does anyone here ever worry about that? Not the type of thing I can discuss with my family (excluding my wife) nor friends so curious if anyone here has considered that as a meaningful reason NOT to RE with young children. I think it could mess them up from a long term work ethic perspective if they see me home a lot more. +Received a text from Discover in the early morning hours yesterday for a suspicious charge at a gas station 30 minutes from home. Called them as soon as I woke up and looked like my card had been used at a string of places overnight, racking up about $150. The charges were reversed, card number cancelled, and a new one being shipped. Then about 8 hours later I get a text and email from Amex saying my account is locked due to many login attempts. Went to their website (directly, not through any email links) and sure enough, it was. Unlocked and changed password using my password manager. Then, fast forward about 14 hours, I get an email from Bank of America that my account is locked. Same process. + +&#x200B; + +I'd like to assume this is all just a coincidence, but reality is there may be something malicious going on here. What should I do proactively (if anything) and any guesses as to what may be going on? + +&#x200B; + +**--UPDATE--** + +Thank you all for the suggestions and input. + +I think I've determined that the Discover card fraud and Amex/BoA lock outs are isolated yet related incidents. A critical detail I had not considered was after I got off the phone with Discover early yesterday morning they advised me to change my password on all other online banking accounts as a best practice, which I then did. + +&#x200B; + +I just spoke with a representative from Bank of America who indicated the login attempts did not originate from the online banking website or application but rather a "3rd party system" - they suggested I check any apps I have that integrate with my online banking. After thinking about it for a bit, I remembered I used to use an app to tracking monthly category spending (won't mention it's name as to arouse speculation of advertising again) and sure enough when I opened the app up for the first time in months it was alerting to a "login issue" for my BoA and Amex accounts. My theory is the app was continuously trying to log in to my accounts using an old password - essentially a non-malicous brute force attack of my own doing. I've unlinked the accounts from the app, permanently deleted the account with the app, and uninstalled the app from my phone as a precaution. Time will tell if this was truly the root issue or if it was something else. + +&#x200B; + +While I feel a bit silly about the latter, the Discover card incident was truly fraudulent and is being addressed - nonetheless I'll be keeping a close eye on that account now. As a precaution I've re-confirmed the credit freezes with the bureaus, scanned my computer for malware (finding none), and enabled two factor authentication on my e-mail account. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you all for the feedback and suggestions, this is one of the most resourceful communities on reddit. +I was lucky enough to be able to buy a house on an FHA loan about 2 years ago before the market went bonkers here. My job and debt to income ratio was just barely enough to get it. I was only making $14/hr at my full time job and some extra money with my side hustle business. My wife’s mother had passed away and left her a double wide which we sold to cover the down payment on the house. My wife worked when she could, but she has issues that make it difficult for her to work. + +It’s been miserably impossible to keep up with everything. I don’t think they should have let us get the loan, because we are one big repair away from getting absolutely screwed. If we sell the house at what the market rate is going for, I can pay off my debts (about $16k worth) and have close to $50k left. That’s more money than I’ve ever had at one time in my entire life. I’m scared to not have a place to call home for a little bit while we look, but I’m even more scared of losing the house completely. My car is also 12 years old and knocking on 200k miles, so that’s a ticking time bomb as well. + +Is this the best decision? I don’t know, but it seems like my only one. We’re gonna use the money to put stuff in storage and find a new place to live, definitely renting. The anxiety of being responsible for my own repairs has been hell for me. Going to trade in the car and get one with some more life in it, hopefully. + +I’m pretty terrified, but things were not looking good, and a clean slate with a relatively large amount of cash seems like a good move, and hopefully I can use some of the money to build my business after we get settled and I can finally crawl out of this poverty hole and not get sucked back in. + +Wish me luck! +I currently run a ltd company but due to circumstances outside my control I will have to close it this year. I will be able to get £400k out of the company after paying 10% entrepreneurs relief. I am currently unable to gain a wage from employment due to health issues. + +I own a house out right valued at £350k. I can rent two bedrooms out and achieve £900 a month in rental income. When you subtract voids and council tax this gives roughly £8k rental income a year. + +I am not really a people person but if needs must the rental income of £8k would be a good base to start off with but it would not be enough to live on comfortably. If I could achieve a yearly income of £20k I would be more than happy. + +Assuming I do not get a job that pays a wage how is it possible for me to top up my rental income to achieve my £20k yearly target wage with my £400k cash assets. From reading around investments are not an option as you have to leave the money tied up for 5 years at least. + +Is my only option to use my £400k to purchase property to rent out as that does give a yearly wage? This is something I want to avoid if possible due to the risk of someone trashing the property. At least as a live in landlord I can keep an eye on the lodgers so they do not trash the place. + +Many thanks for reading. + +Edit apologies for not mentioning that I am 35 years old. +Following the current market downturn, I became scared that Coinbase would fail and I would lose all my Bitcoin. + +I always stay up to speed by reading random crypto news. And I just read their statement that clearly said “*In the event of a bankruptcy.....customers could be treated as our general unsecured creditors.*” + +When I came through this [thread](https://www.newsbtc.com/news/company/coinbase-is-on-a-downwards-spiral-and-could-be-taking-your-crypto-with-it/) it made me feel relieved because I knew I did the right thing. It's a good thing I got rid of my cryptocurrency on Coinbase and switched to a hardware wallet instead. Now that I have control over my coins, I feel so much better. + +This is why you should keep your cryptos away from exchanges and be in your possession instead. "Not your keys, not your coins," as the crypto phrase goes. +Citadel found themselves in an extremely important Catch-22 that involves both GME and AMC. + +Before anyone downvotes or disregards this post just hear me out. I very well count be wrong but it makes sense. + +What we know: +Citadel has a liquidity test on Thursday. +Amc borrow rate hit 80% +GME dropped 11% +We are at the end of the MOAW + +How it connects: +Citadels liquidity test coming up is a huge opportunity for them to avoid a margin call. So today to prepare, they short attack tf out of gme to get those liabilities down and sell some tech stocks so boost their assets. This explains the 11% drop and a huge red day for the market. + +By doing this the hedgies also try and convince apes that we are falling out of our MOAW. After reading wardens DD they realized we were hyped and they dropped the price. However Warden did talk about a possible short ladder after the wedge followed by a slow upward trend. Yes hedgies we do read. The drop and wedge went as expected and are perfectly fine. + +This is where amc comes into play. The amc borrow rate spiked to 80% and the price went up 10% or so. The amc apes are hyped and word is likely getting out as GME saw a similar borrow rate spike before the baby squeeze. This is the catch-22. If citadel chooses to short amc to drop the price their interest payments will be huge and their liabilities will increase. If they do nothing and let amc run they will see the same spike in their liabilities. ALL BEFORE THEIR LIQUIDITY TEST THURSDAY. + +IF THEY FAIL THEIR TEST THEY WILL BE MARGIN CALLED AND THE DOMINOS WILL FALL + + +Tl:Dr hedgies fukd, gme is on a fire sale. + +EDIT: Thanks for the support guys, means a lot! To the people saying this is an amc message blah blah blah, it’s not. Check my post/comment history it’s obvious what side I’m on + +EDIT2: People in the comments asking if amc will moon before gme. There is no way to tell. Apes with more wrinkles than me have speculated that it could happen as their last effort to get apes to sell GME. GME is over 100% shorted, and we own the float. GME is much more catastrophic to them than amc. + +EDIT 3: Liquidity test post + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n763vq/dtcc_members_are_having_a_liquidity_check_may_13th/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +I feel like I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel...as in this is now a matter of when, not if. Would love to hear all of your thoughts on what marks this spot for you personally. + +For me, hitting 500k was that marker. Looking back a few years ago, I remember dreaming about hitting 500k as I could theoretically retire at my leanest point if I had to. I’ve blown past it since, and am shooting more for 1.5mil now, but just having the peace of mind of knowing that I’ve essentially “made it” really gives every day a special sheen. + +Let us hear your thoughts! +My cost of living is quite low at the moment and I've managed to save up around $10,000. About $29,000 is in a mutual funds account as insurance money from a serious car accident several years ago. + +Right now I'm trying to figure out how to best use my money rather than have it sit around in the bank. I don't know anything about investing or how to make money with money, so I could use some advice. I hear people talk about making your money work for you and I don't know what that really means or how to do it. + +How can I best use my available funds? +Been wondering what stock selection would be best to make 1,250 monthly income. Just starting to look into stocks for dividend income for my son who is a freshman in college. Don't really understand ETF & wonder if it is better to get stocks versus Etf. Any suggestion are welcome. +My Merrill Lynch financial advisor has gotten me into high yield dividend funds/ETF over the last 8 years. Since I parted ways with them, I am about to sell my shares of the funds but it might be of some interest to r/dividends. I like to find stocks by seeing what high yield stocks are in the portfolio and investing in just individual stocks. + +$SDIV 12.25% yield + +$HYT 9.00% + +$LGI 8.87% + +$PGX 5.46% + +SDIV dropped half its value over the 8 years owning it but I made enough in dividends to cover the lost. LGI is the only one that has not gone down in value since I bought it. I hope this is helpful to some of you. +I just started my dividend investment journey about 2 months ago. This Reddit group has been very informative. How’s it looking? And what advice do y’all have for a newbie? +I an planning on reinvesting dividend for the next 10 years. The goal is to make 100k a year from dividend income to be able to retire. Please help me choose the diversified portfolio. +So I changed to nationwide to get their generous £200 switch offer. I tried to sign up for digital banking when I applied but it didn't work. +Today I received an email saying + +"Unfortunately, we weren't able to set up your Digital Banking profile during your application. Don’t worry, we’ll send your new Digital Banking passnumber in the post, and a **card reader** so you can manage your account on our mobile app, or online." + +A card reader!? I thought they were a thing of the past? + +Can any current nationwide bankers confirm if I need a card reader to bank via the mobile app? +(By bank I mean, pay new and existing, transfer internally' , see balances) + +Thanks everyone! +I find it funny that some of you guys get all offended, or upset when guys like Bill Gates say things like cryptocurrencies are used for drugs, or to hire hitmen... you do realize that they all have agendas correct? + +Even the much loved darling of technology Elon Musk has an agenda, and the old world money system suits him just fine, hence the reason why he always plays down cryptocurrencies, as if they are nothing more than a fringe hobby. + +Then you have banksters such as Jamie Dimon, who see cryptocurrencies as the absolute biggest threat to his empire, and will say or do anything in his power to destroy them. + +People like Warren Buffet, the old world money system, and frauds such as car insurance companies are his thing, so you can't expect him to be a fan of decentralization, where the people would have the power, no no no, Warren likes the system just the way it is. + +In conclusion, stop getting all butt-hurt whenever these old farts bash your favorite coin or token. In a few years they won't even be around, and the world will change for the better against their negativity... because a decentralized world is the future! +Again, same herd mentality in WSB. The same echo chamber phenomenon. + +Yes, some sort of delta squeezing happened yesterday. Lots of nice DD posts out there. + +Still, we could perhaps guess that on 02/26 those call options might be squozen. + +Or... it could not happen. + +We don't know the delta on those calls, maybe they sold them real cheap when GME was at 200, just to hedge. We also don't know if they are covered or naked calls. + +It's clear that redditors money is not moving the needle and that the spike was caused either by covering shorts or call options being delta-hedged. In any case, don't be reassured by other people buying. Accept a squeeze like yesterday's can happen, but **it's completely out of your control or other redditors'. So TRADE ONLY WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE.** + +Right now WSB is *again* showcasing posts of people putting their life savings on GME near the top, and **not a single comment with a hard, concise, word of caution.** + +It's just sad at this point. + +**I've got my 2 shares in**. Idgaf, I can hold. **But I might just as well sell at 150, 200, 300** and buy something nice for a member of my family with the free cash. Realize that is the case with a lot of people. + +There might be the possibilty of a historical squeeze and 10k, 50k, blah blah. But it's a possibility. It's not worth your life savings and your loved ones wellbeing. What if there still is a lot to squeeze yet, but funds keep repeating the cycle of bringing the price down for weeks? Are these people putting their entire savings in GME going to hold until then? No. They will panic and cash out with a loss. + +**TL;DR: Only trade money that you can afford to lose. Herd mentality is very, very scary. Let's be responsible and award comments issuing caution, or report posts that show self-destructive financial behavior.** +Sold ETC for ETH on day 1. Maybe I sold too cheap, but I do not care. I only support and follow the foundation and all other Dapp devs. No way for me to give any support of any form to the hacker or the ponzi scammers, or anyone against our ETH community. + +I have mostly been a hodlor, but ETC at 30+% price of ETH and double volume of ETH are attracting a lot of miners away from ETH, so I figured it's time for me to contribute a tiny force of what I can, to protect our asset and give more buy support and volume by opening longs and starting trading ETH again. +I'd like to quickly make a point. I've seen many posts bashing people for seeking advice on Reddit. + +See the top comment on this post for example - someone asking about a bear case for Google. They deleted the post due to ridicule on THIS sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/uk8csr/bear\_case\_against\_googl\_allin\_with\_15\_year\_scope/?sort=top](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/uk8csr/bear_case_against_googl_allin_with_15_year_scope/?sort=top) + +Anyone bashing people about "taking advice" from Redditors, you're not witty, you're not smart, in fact you lack critical thinking. Reddit is a useful tool to crowd-source ideas. Think of it like a brainstorming session. The point of brainstorming is to gather a multitude of ideas from a diverse set of individuals no matter how good or bad these ideas might be. This allows you to potentially discover, and then investigate different perspectives that you may have overlooked. I'm not saying Reddit should be used as a substitute for published articles, classes, SEC filings, historical data, etc. but it can be an effective tool if used in conjunction with these other more formal tools. + +If used correctly, Reddit can be a powerful tool to use in your research of a stock. It can give you different perspectives which you may have overlooked, and then you can follow up on those perspectives with further research. Don't let anyone on this sub or any other sub for that matter tell you otherwise. Don't be made to feel stupid by insecure people who clearly lack the critical thinking skills that they project on to you. +Since I'm having a few days off and we're in a lockdown I decided to do some simple research on put option selling. I've been selling options for over a year now and was really curious how my strategy would have performed over the past years. + +I tested a few strategies on selling puts: Selling a weekly put on Monday open and buying it back on Friday close. Strike prices ranging from 5% Out of the money to 5% In the money including a closest At the money strategy possible. The puts are sold on the $SPY ETF which also functions as the underlying for this. Start amount was $1,000,000 and I allowed it to sell fractional puts (I know this is not realistic) which allows for a better comparison. + +I got the data of the put options from OptionMetrics and the data of the underlying from Thomson Reuters Eikon. Which are databases top researches use as well so I believe the data quality is good. + +From 01-01-2011 until 01-01-2020 this would have resulted in the following performance for each strategy: + +[Graph 1: performance of each strategy.](https://preview.redd.it/kp3qzi94k4861.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cf8c9dd98d87f10d8e7e034d25dd823e8406923) + +Remarkably not any strategy was able to outperform the SPY ETF over the period of 9 years. something that is also worth mentioning: up until September 2016 some ITM strategies were able to sometimes be above the underlying, but after September 2016 seem to stay behind. After looking in to this it turned out that CBOE introduced (by-)daily options on the SPY ETF around that time, so first I though I made a mistake and that the strategies started selling the (by-)daily options instead of the weekly's, I checked this multiple times but it turned out not to be it. + +From this I went one step further and calculated the returns, after which I deducted the risk free rate to get excess returns for each strategy, which are the following: + +[Graph 2: annualized excess returns.](https://preview.redd.it/yrefcew6k4861.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=52a56bb7b4a4b08ddcd47b6c10b171833431943d) + +The returns look as expected when looking at graph 1. So for the next step I took a look at the volatility of each returns, which look the following: + +[Graph 3: annualized volatility of excess return.](https://preview.redd.it/p9azv959k4861.png?width=931&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d12a2a36b90a1547f246032f04d3ca01cf97327) + +The volatility graph and the excess return graph look pretty much the same so we need some ratio to compare the strategies with each other and with the underlying. I choose to use Sharpe's ratio, which essentially measures the excess return for each unit of volatility (the higher the ratio the better). + +[Graph 4: Sharpe's ratio for each strategy.](https://preview.redd.it/oflgb3q1w5861.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc48a566eaf79653946286ccac969c9e5606b4fb) + +Looking at the graph above it states that some put selling strategies have a better volatility/excess return ratio aka risk/return trade-off than actually owning the underlying. Especially the OTM strategies. The downside is that it would require quite some leverage to equal the same risk (volatility) as the underlying in order to get more return for the same amount of risk. + +The strategy is used is very simplistic (sell-to-open on Monday, buy-to-close on Friday). I don't yet draw any conclusion from this, other than that some put selling strategies could generate a better risk/return trade-off than owning the underlying, but if you don't allow leverage(margin) the actual excess return on that strategy is less than the excess return on owning the underlying. I plan on making the strategy more advanced in order to get a better look at the strategy. + +If you're interested in more of this kind of content, let me know and I make sure I'll share my findings from those as well. + +I am also happy to answer any questions you have! + +&#x200B; + +Edit: updated a new version of this that allows to sell-to-open immediately after it bought-to-close the previous contract: [https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/kn4n9g/some\_more\_back\_testing\_on\_selling\_weekly\_put/](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/kn4n9g/some_more_back_testing_on_selling_weekly_put/) +My current credit score is 721, I started saving for my first down payment around 4 months ago. I have $9,000 in my savings at the moment and is going up at a steady rate. My original plan was to save about $50k and buy 2 homes in the year 2021. I want to raise my score within 760-780 to get the best rates, or atleast somewhat close to the best. My question is, can I do it next year? I want to buy a duplex or triplex with the FHA loan, I don’t have a long credit history other than a school loan from a year ago, which I will pay off in full in a couple of months and a 2 credit cards that I pay off within the month. I’m expecting my credit score to go up when I pay off my student loan, but I also don’t have 2 years of reliable income earned. Last year was like 7k which is really nothing. This year should be a lot higher as I started working full time out of trade school. If I follow through with my original plan I would have 2 years of reliable income earned, but I was wondering if I can actually buy one next year? If it’s best to wait one more year, I’ll continue saving but if I can do it next year, I would like to start then. Thank you for any responses. + +Edit: actually my credit score just got updated this month it’s at 734 now! +I'm new to the game so I don't have any solid contacts yet. I understand that lawyers, contractors, junk guys, plumbers, etc could be great for getting leads on properties not to market yet. How would you all incentivize them if you were in my position? A finders fee? What percent? A portion of revenue generated by a rehab or rent? My intentions are to rehab & rent OR to buy in (nearly) rentable condition & find tenants. Looking at 2 to 4 units for now in mid state NY. Thanks in advance! +Lets say if the flight I am on is losing control and about to crash and Im short selling the stock of the airline company before anyone else knowing about it is it then regarded as inside information or not? +&#x200B; + +**PARTs summary: (will add links as these posts go live).** + +[part 1- january](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v51n1q/ape_historian_post_1_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) + +[part 2 - february](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v51nqr/ape_historian_post_2_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) + +[Part 3 - march +list of great apes and the DD they brought (from jan 2021 to current)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v5bd4u/ape_historian_post_3_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) + +[part 4 - april](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v5cahl/ape_historian_post_4_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) + +[part 5 -may](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v5lkk8/ape_historian_post_5_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) + +part 6 -june 2021: \[here\]{[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vf7r2w/ape\_historian\_post\_6\_of\_17\_the\_great\_summary\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vf7r2w/ape_historian_post_6_of_17_the_great_summary_of/)} + +part 7 still june 2021- \[here\]{[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vf6k36/ape\_historian\_post\_7\_of\_17\_the\_great\_summary\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vf6k36/ape_historian_post_7_of_17_the_great_summary_of/)} + +part 8 august 2021 + +part 9 september 2021 (DRS REALLY STARTS OFF HERE) + +part 10 October -2021 + +part 11- november + +part 12 - December (2021) + +Part 13- January 2022 (the wise ape is here) + +part 14- February 2022 + +Part 15- March 2022 + +Part 16- APril to June 2022 + +part 17 -summary + +Hello everyone, + +Ape historian here with the biggest fricking post to date. the way i wrote this post out was to use my dashboard that i hope everyone now knows about. + +The dashboard is an attempt to share the 1.4MILLION posts and counting over the last 18 months, most of which relate to GME, but only a fraction of those are useful - I am not shitting on shitposts (see what i did there) and the memes - but the actual discussion. + +What the next 5 posts will try and summarise is the cumilation of events as i see them, where this has been made possible by super fast text search - for me to search my database i had to write a query, wait for the query to return, then analyse the results. + +With powerbi, its all live and usually happens in 20 seconds or so. so lets begin. + +I will reuse a lot of work from other apes here and I will try to credit all in the comments. i hope no one minds that i post excerpts and summaries from their posts. + +# + +# january 2021: methodology - go to dashboard, filter for Jan 2021, filter by top comment counts (comment counts work up to jun 2021, after that they dont show accurate numbers- but i am working on a fix which is going to take a while). + +# ape historian summary - yours may be different -GME brrrts from 5 ish to 483. Financial crooks panic, send fud flying, send stock crashing, hope everyone sells. + +&#x200B; + +[january 2021. fun this is MOST of thw UUSB posts are deleted.](https://preview.redd.it/fjmjlyg80p391.png?width=1187&format=png&auto=webp&s=24e35573ee03f1b6dc828033dce94f5e1159a7ec) + +So i tried to access 24 /01/ 2021 "The GME Journey Doesn't End Here" post -expecting to see DD. instead i got this. + +https://i.redd.it/j3pucvsd0p391.gif + +so everyone remembers the crazy fucking time of january right? So i did some digging and found yet more posts. + +i cant link the post here and i cant link the wayback machine link because it posts to UUSB sub but here is the title you can put into my dashboard: + +**"Discord Server Hijacked"** \- thats right -27 January 2021. 2 days before the sneeze. you dont believe me? come look for yourself? thats the title of the post so use the right hand search bar. + +&#x200B; + +[the discord hack of the og uusb sub](https://preview.redd.it/8vm0n2bf0p391.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=815c2507dc0ee847245e54dd56214941779f3da5) + +A day before - look at this post title - "Someone is actively driving attention to non-GME posts on reddit. Don't be fooled comrades. 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀" -also on the UUSB sub. + +by [/u/i\_am\_not\_a\_bird](https://www.reddit.com/u/i_am_not_a_bird/) + +hehe ape historian never forgets. + +as early as january 2021 - the media starts shilling on "sell gamestop" + +&#x200B; + +[og post by troostboost - jan 2021](https://preview.redd.it/uawv50th0p391.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c2b97ff2b72f41817db7d1649fec023338e3e43) + +Another monumental thread with 92 k comments: + +**POST DELETIONS AND WHY THEY ARE A BIG PROBLEM-and they almost worked for a while to prevent DRS from taking off.** + +**"The GME Afterhours Thread: Part 4.20 on 27 January" og uuusb sub. also deleted.-what this does is it makes the post impossible to find, even if the main comments are there.** + +also fun posts to read: The GME Thread Part 3 for January 26, 2020, The GME Thread Part 2 for January 26, 2021 + +the only way i can find it is i did my backups and have the permalinks. and can access the entire comment thread there: + +The average person, will NEVER, EVER FIND THESE POSTS. this is the problem. by deleting posts, they have effectively markd them as hidden, nevermidn that it has 92k comments on it. + +another post i found by [/u/johnnydaggers](https://www.reddit.com/u/johnnydaggers/) is this - and this summarises it so well i am honestly thinking of reposting it. + +post-title-"the real reason wall street is terrified of the gme situation" -go look for it. + +[the excerpt of that post if you wanna read - yeah its backed up by me as well](https://preview.redd.it/2h3arabu0p391.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=2806a9488e46c648df158ec0569b1cfd69088162) + +&#x200B; + +[the graph from that post that shows FTD ratio vs number of companies who DO HAVE THAT #ftd ratio -aka gme is in a class of its own way off to the right.](https://preview.redd.it/odorcsfy0p391.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=aca4fdb195b0873456cb45fcdbf2cff9ccf78bd7) + +**APEHISTORIAN\_Superfind 1** \- [https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) + +funny how the OG link in that post was wiped - [http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html](http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) + +again - if you dont have waybackmachine, the thread ends here. if you dont have all the links, the thread ends fuckng here as well. do you see how crazy this is? + +the COUNTERFEIGHTING stock 2.0 post. if you have been here long enough you HAVE seen this. + +**The excerpt from "An Open Letter to Melvin Capital, CNBC, Boomers" etc.** + +"I was in my early teens during the '08 crisis. I vividly remember the enormous repercussions that the reckless actions by those on Wall Street had in my personal life, and the lives of those close to me. I was fortunate - my parents were prudent and a little paranoid, and they had some food storage saved up. When that crisis hit our family, we were able to keep our little house, but we lived off of pancake mix, and powdered milk, and beans and rice for a year. Ever since then, my parents have kept a food storage, and they keep it updated and fresh. + +Those close to me, my friends and extended family, were not nearly as fortunate. My aunt moved in with us and paid what little rent she could to my family while she tried to find any sort of work. Do you know what tomato soup made out of school cafeteria ketchup packets taste like? My friends got to find out. Almost a year after the crisis' low, my dad had stabilized our income stream and to help out others, he was hiring my friends' dads for odd house work. One of them built a new closet in our guest room. Another one did some landscaping in our backyard. I will forever be so proud of my parents, because in a time of need, even when I have no doubt money was still tight, they had the mindfulness and compassion to help out those who absolutely needed it. + +To Melvin Capital: you stand for everything that I hated during that time. You're a firm who makes money off of exploiting a company and manipulating markets and media to your advantage. Your continued existence is a sharp reminder that the ones in charge of so much hardship during the '08 crisis were not punished. And your blatant disregard for the law, made obvious months ago through your (for the Melvin lawyers out there: alleged) illegal naked short selling and more recently your obscene market manipulation after hours shows that you haven't learned a single thing since '08. And why would you? Your ilk were bailed out and rewarded for terrible and illegal financial decisions that negatively changed the lives of millions. I bought shares a few days ago. I dumped my savings into GME, paid my rent for this month with my credit card, and dumped my rent money into more GME + +(which for the people here at UUUSB, I would not recommend). And I'm holding. This is personal for me, and millions of others. You can drop the price of GME after hours $120, I'm not going anywhere. You can pay for thousands of reddit bots, I'm holding. You can get every mainstream media outlet to demonize us, I don't care. I'm making this as painful as I can for you." + +**They started pushing silver - at a time where silver conversation wasnt even taking off on the og sub.** + +But around 27-29 january shit started to get weird - they started pushing silver. + +post title- "the worlds biggest short squeeze is possible and we can make history"- this was posted on Thu Jan 28 2021 04:14:36 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)" + +# funny how a day after we had a massive run but then MEDIA started saying people moved to silver. so let me get this. how the fuck did they know? did they pick up this post? well there were 7409 posts in january, with 7400 posts in january of 2021. why did they choose silver? you can go back in my dashboard and look that the number of posts about silver and, without triggering automod, not silver was rampant during that time. yet they focused on silver. + +funny that. + +in fact during those 4 days there were 5930 posts made on the old sub. + +&#x200B; + +[and as you can see from this screenshot - a lot more than just silver was being shilled.-this is all the posts from 24 th 29th jan 2021 about GME.](https://preview.redd.it/rljqqpmb1p391.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=91c76d6fc18df3ee16868c9e1bc59b0dab5ade9c) + +and look what we have here - less than 24 hours later we have a story that indeed all of reddit, so literally hundreds of thousands of people decided to move to silver - if you want the data or proof sec- i have all those comments and posts cloned - the vast majority of people were talking about gme, not anything else. + +&#x200B; + +[fud news](https://preview.redd.it/ih7b0y5f1p391.png?width=1104&format=png&auto=webp&s=f040fcc322e49eb237d1c5f76dc7ef168b2b4f7b) + +but in those 4 days, from 25th to 29th of January - aka sneeze day - \~100 posts were made about silver with a total and 6k about gme. + +**APEHISTORIAN\_Superfind 2-** the media lied.-and i have posts to prove it if you sort by top of my account. - i did a post about it here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rz2way/ape\_historian\_series\_msm\_if\_gamestop\_is\_not\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rz2way/ape_historian_series_msm_if_gamestop_is_not_the/) and here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ruet5u/ape\_historian\_msm\_ultrafud\_a\_deepdive\_into\_how/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ruet5u/ape_historian_msm_ultrafud_a_deepdive_into_how/) and here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ruwh47/ape\_historian\_msm\_ultrafud\_part\_2\_a\_deepdive\_into/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ruwh47/ape_historian_msm_ultrafud_part_2_a_deepdive_into/) + +**APEHISTORIAN\_Superfind 3** "CNBC now running Ads promoting that Melvin Capital closed their short positions on $GME" -that is the OG post by [/u/jordanpetersen9](https://www.reddit.com/u/jordanpetersen9/) a year ago plus - that shows that as the stock price plummeted- they sent ads on the TV to say they closed. a day before that they said everyone moved. + +around the same time Robinhood PCOd stocks. + +funny then how those posts started to get deleted off uusb - and then off uuusb new and uuuusbelite + +but some apes persisited like [/u/DownISuppp](https://www.reddit.com/u/DownISuppp/) + +&#x200B; + +[and then the deletions started, trying to control the narrative. or if you still believe it was a conspiracy then how the fuck is MELVIN BANKRUPT a year later? so they didnt close did they.](https://preview.redd.it/psa74r7u1p391.png?width=955&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b04ce2528e74c4af20eaf0984e4f232732e88d0) + +# remember if a post gets deleted, while the comments, where a lot of the good discussions arent delete, the post is no longer searchable - which is why i couldnt find any of this if i didnt have my dashboard of stonkyness + +&#x200B; + +[as we know know that advertisement was pure bullshit - since melvin actually did collapse.](https://preview.redd.it/s02mbjj02p391.png?width=1361&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ca453a9bed6cf5289b88a38960dc9f73deb341) + +literally a year later - you dont usually go brankrupt if you already closed right? right? + +and right around this point where the stock went from 400+ to 40, media started spewing fud, and everythiong is not explainable - the uuusb new and the uuuuusb elite poppe up - with shill posts with 100k+ comments. literally overnight. + +&#x200B; + +[while that original uuusb sub was created, you can see the massive ramp around... january 14th to 28th where suddenly so many accounts joined tot he new UUSBelite. but somehow the majority of the top posts became not GME related, but you guessed it - popcorn. ](https://preview.redd.it/fqccj5k52p391.png?width=1425&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d405dfea80190e1f19cb8608782e16924059048) + +I am not here to shit on any other stock - but i do find it sus how we went from 6k posts about GME between 24-29th january on the OG sub, and you can go back and check and the majority were about gme to a situation where the new sub had a lot of non gme content. i am sure mods across all subs deleted a tonne of posts that were just shitposts. + +combine the **APEHISTORIAN\_Superfind** 1through to 4, which is this one, and you get the following not so tin foil theory: + +* original dd deleted from uusb - even i have trouble finding it. +* posts were getting removed when redditors started saying that melvin did NOT close - the top post that got 100k upvotes was probably "allowed" to remain. +* posts were "deleted" without actually being wiped - but this meant sure the normal person like aka not a redditor couldnt find them. +* if it wasnt for wayback machine and my backups - it wouldnt have been possible to find. + +link to dashboard: [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDljZTA3NGUtMjJiYS00YjQwLTk5MTktM2VlNWQ5ODViYjM5IiwidCI6IjI4YzVlNGJkLTVkNmMtNGI1OS1hMGU5LTBhMjQ0Mzk4OTNiZSJ9&pageName=ReportSection](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDljZTA3NGUtMjJiYS00YjQwLTk5MTktM2VlNWQ5ODViYjM5IiwidCI6IjI4YzVlNGJkLTVkNmMtNGI1OS1hMGU5LTBhMjQ0Mzk4OTNiZSJ9&pageName=ReportSection) + +filter for january 2021 and use the specific word filters in the posts or title to replicate my research here. + +tldr- this is an interpretation of how i see it - please do use the last 18 months of data i have collected and see for yourself if you agree with my short thesis. but my interpretation is that something big was going down - which right now is obvious. but having said that this is still going on then whatever this "big is" - it hasnt finished by a long shot. + +and it hasnt finished because not only are media STILL saying gamestop is shit- 18 months later almost, but they are still spewing completely innacurate information: + +* here is a gem: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v4t0u4/that\_was\_the\_moment\_for\_me\_to\_realise\_that\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v4t0u4/that_was_the_moment_for_me_to_realise_that_its/) +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v3f83p/enemy\_showed\_hand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v3f83p/enemy_showed_hand/) \-the sec video +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2gnp7/dave\_lauer\_on\_twitter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2gnp7/dave_lauer_on_twitter/) +* the actual video that sec published a few days ago - does this not feel like the same vibe as last yer when they publsihed they closed? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v22zvj/the\_official\_sec\_youtube\_channel\_just\_shared\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v22zvj/the_official_sec_youtube_channel_just_shared_a/) + +&#x200B; + +this is going to be the largest post series ever and i hope people do start using my dashboard or by now they are all aware of it + +**TLDR- removing posts - where it was done maliciously or not has in the short term achived a important win - the comments and the discussions werent easy to find - and its not possible to delete the comments if you delete the post.** + +**Forum sliding- as i have shown on the first great migration - does show that indeed a lot of NON GME conversation started popping up - so why does it need to pop up if they alll squeezed and they all closed eh?** + +[standby for part 2 - ape historian.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v51nqr/ape_historian_post_2_of_17_the_great_summary_of/) +Hey, i'm not so much interested/ worried about money but more of a job/career that i won't really have to do anything/is really easy without being boring? +Today felt eerily similar. All stocks with high short intrest were running. I remember a day when this happened before. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. My opinion is we are getting close to some major movement. All the stars are aligning. Let's go to the moon. +Stop complaining about the newcomers. Just stop. Idgaf if you remember skarelli jerkin off mods or seeing the GUh guy’s original post about unlimited margin. You were a normie acting all giddy and curious just everyone else is right now. + +It’s also crazy how people are complaining there’s no other good dd anymore because of the gme hype. Like really dude? Wtf was FAANG all about then? Sector rotation? This sub didn’t talk about anything else except maybe mattresses. + +Here’s another interesting fact. Wsb’s performance astronomically improved when the sub grew bigger. That means dd probably was actually scrutinized by actual people that were learning and not shilled by bots because we actually have a big enough audience to scrutinize properly. Like seriously why are you complaining when we’re winning. + +Yeah I get some of you psychopaths can’t wait to see loss porn and sweet justice on these cocky cringe normies when the storm hits but let’s not forget even deepfuckingvalue started somewhere and asked questions to fuckheads like you. So yes, deal with it. We could actually get some autistic level dd due to the scrutiny. + +Btw, mods you’re doing great. + +EDIT: I turned my $600 stimulus into 19k only on GME. I blew up my account 3 times for the past 3 years. I’m still holding gme calls. Weekly. No shares. So gtfo with that bot shilling. + +Also read the fucking side bar for you newbies. Just because I like calling out hypocrites doesn’t mean I like lazy people. +Okay, even without that cargo ship getting stuck, tech has been getting annihilated in the market. +Healthcare and entertainment seem to be the next big thing, thoughts? +The ultimate way to protect your account and secure profits is to understand the fundamental reasons as to why a currency pair is moving in the current direction. + +Price charts for a currency pair are the byproducts of the Macroeconomic conditions of the countries economy's . + +Understanding the economic & political well-being of the nations currency you are trading will equip you with the proper idea on whether to go Long, short, stay in the position, add a position, etc. + +Subsequently, protecting yourself from "Fake outs", manipulation, etc. + +Follow Economic calendars, and understand the fundamental economics behind each currency you trade. + +Hole this helps +Has anyone been learning forex for a long time, or someone who's just getting started, become profitable with BabyPips course? + +How did your journey go and where are you today, + +do you live the forex dream life, + +what kind of percentage do you make per month approximately, etc... +The concept is very simple but I find myself getting confused. + +When a group of people buy something, demand is generated so price goes up. + +When a group of people sell something supply is generated so price goes down. + +In the Forex market, say I had an unlimited amount of money enough to drive the market in any direction, when I buy a pair, the price naturally goes up. Now when it hits my TP, what am I doing exactly? I have to sell what I bought to take away my money plus a profit correct? My question is does this count as a sell or does this not affect the market? So when I pull my money out does the market then take a dip or keep on rising? + +1. Say I bought a pair and then pulled out at my TP with a profit. Does the market go down because I pulled out? + +2. Say I went short on a pair and since I was selling the market goes down. + +What the difference between 1 and 2? I get the feeling that after you have bought or sold and you pull out you don't affect the market in any way. You only drive the price up or down when you long or short in the beginning when you initially buy or sell. +Hi guys. + +Getting back into trading, I've realized that the two post important factors for this profession are: psychology, and risk management. + +In studying psychology, hearing podcasts, reading, etc, I've realized something that is true about all this: you're not gonna win every time. And you have to deal with that. + +Here's the thing though: if we even dream or think about doing this for a living, well... We will need money to pay our bills... Right? And what if we keep losing money for one month in a row? which, honestly? Could happen, I would assume. And I imagine it has happened even to the very best. + +I would imagine that at that point, it's not a matter of just taking some losses and dealing with it... It's a matter of, well... Either "not being able to pay your bills", or losing so much trading that you have no money for anything else anymore. The markets won't matter, and this is always a risk of doing this. + +I don't know if I'm making any sense here, but I'd like to know what you guys think about all that. Thank you! Also, if you need me to clarify anything I've said, just say the word. +Hi guys, im new here and i have a silly question. I am trading on MT4 but only because thats how i was taught. They told me MT$ was far superior to MT5 for some reason and i only use the app. Can someone point the advantages/disadvantages between MT4 and MT5? I have no interest in starting a fanboy battle, I just want simple objective facts about what makes the versions good and bad in some ways. +I have conducted extensive research into the question, and the have calculated the most appropriate value based on today's metrics and understanding. + +Long story short "Empty Block Bonuses" needs to be limited to approximately $50 Million monthly. If more than $100 Million or less than $5 Million, it should be adjusted. + +To arrive at this value, issuance of New ETH should be reduced from 5 -> 1, IMMEDIATELY, August 1st. At which point it should be reduced in half every 500,000 Blocks (3 months), approximately or at a minimum 1,000,000 Blocks (6 months). + +Regarding the Economics, transaction fees are pegged to $0.25 approximately, while Bonuses are fixed to a % of the Market Cap. Effectively, this means that all Bonuses in excess of $50 Million monthly is wasted, as it creates an unnecessary and undesirous expense with no long term value. It's equivalently the same as burning money. + +Prior to February 28th, the most Ethereum had spent on "Block Chain Security Bonuses" in a given month was $13 Million dollars (Feb, 2017) or $104 Million for all of 2016. This is what I call the appropriate cost for block chain security. However, as it is an unlimited dollar figure tied to the market cap (or daily issuance x spot price), Ethereum spent $41 Million in March, $61 Million in April, $177 Million in May, $272 Million in June, and $104 Million in July - keep in mind this is always in addition to the millions in transaction fees, which is the negotiated fee between miners and holders, and thus constantly adjusted to the correct real world values. + +Any value about $50 Million monthly is pure waste, IMO, or spending 4x more than at any point during 2016. Likewise, the mathematics and the economics of the code create maximum sustainable or useful values of Market Cap / spot prices. Effectively, in the current system of 5 ETH per block, the maximum sustainable value for Ethereum is approximately $120. With the next change from 5 -> 3 the maximum sustainable value will be $200. However, by reducing the cost from 5 -> 1, Ethereum can sustain a spot price of $600. If Ethereum reached $600 today, Block Chain security expenses would change from what it should be (about $100 Million) to $550 Million monthly, until the price of Ethereum went back down to $120. + +However, what you will find is that by changing the rate of Price Deflation from 5 ETH per block to 1 ETH per block, is that Ethereum will become universally sustainable without significant future management involvement, as the rate of Price Deflation will become the lowest or within 1% of the lowest Price Deflationary currency on Earth. Bitcoin has managed this achievement through issuing a guess in 2008 / 2009 as to what the value of block chain will be in 2017. You can likewise time the 'run up' of block chain to periods shortly after where Bitcoin cuts it's expense in half. + +Bitcoin guessed in 2009 what the price would be in 2017. Based on that calculus it came up with 4%. Ethereum is guessing in 2017 what the price will be in 2017. It has significant advantage over Bitcoin in this regard. With certainty, we can expect the price to be more than $100 but less than $300. However, would you dare guess what the price will be in 2025? This is effectively what Bitcoin attempted to do. + +Bitcoin is currently spending $113 Million monthly on block chain security, LiteCoin $17 Million, and Dash $7 to $14 Million depending on a point of view. The maximum a competing coin has spent in a single month at any point in time is approximately $20 Million, for any coin made after 2009. Bitcoin (and Ethereum) are the only coins to have ever spent more than $20 Million in a single month, with Ethereum spending $273 Million in June, 2017, the most spent by any coin in a single month in the history of block chain technology. + +Therefor, based on an extremely sound and reasoned argument, with full appreciation and understanding of the block chain economic systems, I am recommending the following: + +---- + +To add an issuance reduction, I recommend that for block.number >= METROPOLIS_FORK_BLKNUM: + +Let X = 1 ETH (ie. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 wei) - 2.2% Inflation + +Change the block reward to X + +If an uncle is included in a block such that block.number - uncle.number = k, the uncle reward is (8-k) * X / 8 (this is the existing pre-Metropolis formula for uncle rewards with X=5) + +The nephew reward is X / 32 (this is the existing pre-Metropolis formula for uncle rewards with X=5) + +--- + +With the following programmed adjustments to future Bonuses: + +Let X1 = 0.50 ETH after 500,000 Blocks (11/1/17) - 1.1% Inflation + +Let X2 = 0.25 ETH after 500,000 Blocks (2/1/18) - 0.6% Inflation + +Let X3 = 0.13 ETH after 833,333 Blocks (7/1/18) - 0.3% Inflation + +Let X4 = 0.06 ETH after 1,000,000 Blocks (1/1/19) - 0.15% Inflation + +Let X5 = 0.03 ETH after 1,000,000 Blocks (7/1/19) - 0.08% Inflation ... and on going. + +On these dates, after appropriately adjusting the market to the corrected economic conditions, you would find the following expense outcomes. + +8/1/17 - $100 to $900 Spot Price - Monthly Expenses $17 Million to $155 Million + +11/1/17 - $400 to $1,200 Spot Price - Monthly Expense $34 Million to $103 Million + +2/1/18 - $600 to $2,400 Spot Price - Monthly Expense $50 Million to $200 Million + +7/1/18 - $1,200 to $4,000 Spot Price - Monthly Expense $50 Million to $170 Million + +1/1/19 - $4,000 to $12,000 Spot Price - Monthly Expense $41 Million to $124 Million + +7/1/19 - $12,000 to $30,000 Spot Price - Monthly Expense $62 Million to $155 Million + +--- + +While those estimates may seem outlandish, it is the result of creating the most perfect financial system in the history of human existence. Bitcoin perfected the heart beat of the block chain, fixing the time signature regardless to the amount of computer put against it. However, it is unable to eliminate inflation, as it was set in stone in 2009. + +By establishing 1 ETH per block on August 1st, Ethereum will become the least inflationary, most stable asset in human existence. By Feb 2018, the rate of inflation can be set to less than 1%, vs 11% today. Put another way, today every 1 in 9 Ethereum purchasers of average $5,000 US must recruit another user to purchase $5,000 ETH each year to maintain Spot price stability, and cover the costs of block chain security. By July 2018, that will go down to 1 in 400 Ethereum users, and get cut in half every 6 months after that. + +Effectively making the rate of inflation in Metropolis significantly below the rate of birth and GDP, and significantly lower than any other financial system. Bitcoin will be stuck at 4% until 2019 and US Dollar is speculated to be 1 to 3%, while Ethereum will be 0.3%. + +Following the plan above, by July 2018, the market cap of Ethereum will be over $1 Trillion dollars, effectively making it the first world currency in the history of Earth. + +If Bitcoin was to attempt to achieve a similar valuation, it's monthly expenses would necessarily increase from $110 Million to $3.3 Billion, a month. Effectively this stagnates the future growth of Bitcoin, as it is cheaper to create and market an alternative coin than it is to waste over $30 Billion annually for an expense that cost $1 Billion annually just 1 year previous - Put another way, Bitcoin would need to recruit over 6,000,000 new customers of $5,000 annually to sustain the expense, where as under my model Ethereum would need to recruit 151,000 customers annually to sustain a spot price of $12,000 by July 2019 with a $1 Trillion dollar valuation. Currently Ethereum is recruiting approximately 300,000 new customers a year. + +This means to maintain stability under the 5 ETH system, at $150 Spot Price, they need 315,000 New customers annually. Beginning August 1st, at 1 ETH, this goes down to 63,000 annually. As the natural rate is closer to 300,000, this unavoidable escalates the price, which escalates the expense, until it reaches equilibrium around $750, which I speculate would occur by 10/31/17. With the same rate of new customer acquisition as is today, we can achieve a price of $750, simply by controlling expenses, while maintain an expense level which will be the highest on the market, aside 2009's Bitcoin. + +Ethereum can set itself on an unstoppable path to become the global currency by establishing 1 ETH per block on August 1st. You have the math, you have the ability, now apply reason, logic, and intuition and you will discover the future turn of this world. Blessings. + +You can double check my work here: + +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1onjAoS1oBEE4B15i2u_VuXPAG4556v-nPfe7qktrEJU/edit?usp=sharing + +Please make a copy, as it is an editable document which I have backed up in case it is changed down the road, but the document you view may not be the document as intended if others make malicious changes. Thank you for the understanding. + +Link to comment within the EIP 649 board: + +https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/669#issuecomment-315765514 +I turned $200 into $20K since December. At What point do you guys Cash Out? I didn’t take my $100K Profit back in 2018 and told myself that I wouldn’t do it again, but here I am. I don’t know if this an addiction or if this just gives me a serotonin release (I’m convinced that Checking on the Portfolio release the Happy Brain Chemical haha). So seriously at what point should someone take profits? I got paid 2.15 ETH ($300) for a GPU back during The Summer and that turned into ~$4,000. Tell me your Opinion/Strategies and your thoughts. I’d love to hear some opinions and insights. I have no Bills or Debts or loans at this Moment in my Life. +Words, phrases, maxims? Examples include, but are not limited to: + +time in the market beats timing the market + +the first $1m is the hardest + +mang + +baristaFI + +side hustle + +there's always money in the banana stand +I keep seeing comments saying MOASS next year at the earliest. + +Remember one thing: the guy who is in control of the nuclear option bought calls on Bath Company for JANUARY '23, with hiiiigh strike prices. + +That is all you need to know. Ignore the FUD. + +Buy, hold, DRS. + + +Edit: Did not expect this post to gain this much traction. Add me on twitter @LIGMALarry1 +If anybody wants to send me my first NFT, my wallet addy is there 🤣 +I am new to tastytrade methodology and find it extremely difficult to make sizable profit with it. I also doubt that if account is >50k; it might be hard pursuing tt way, that too if you are employed full-time(tracking 20-50 trades). Anyone making profit on your account size larger than 25 or 50k?? Could share your wisdom on how the methodology is implemented in real world?? +I sold a call on my Roth IRA account expiring 7/15 and was ITM that I was hoping to roll over to next week. I just ended up on the less than 5% chance of getting assigned early so now I am on the hook for 25K. The current account balance is only 15K. I cannot deposit 25K on my Roth because there's a 6K contribution limit and even if all remaining assets are liquidated, adding 6K will still not cover it. What are my options? + +Update: The one thing that seemed amiss was that there was a corresponding cash credit (unsettled) as a result of the assignment but it looked like I was not able to use that credit when I tried online. I called the broker and they used that credit to buy the shares and cover the short. I got confused on why I wasn't able to use the credit and thought I needed to use existing cash on hand only. + +Update 2: I'm copying one of my replies below, which sums up what happened. + +It was a case of early morning stupidity more than anything else. As a rough example, I have $5K in settled cash. The assignment gave me $24K unsettled credit and I'm short shares that cost $25K at that time. $24K + $5K should be more than enough to cover but gave me an error when I tried online. I wanted this addressed today because I have no clue when they will force liquidate. So I panicked and my initial thought was how am I going to cover this on a Roth when they're not letting me use the credit, hence this reddit post. Since then, I've calmed down and realized that: + +1. If you have the funds and somehow can't do the trade online, call them and they will do it for you. I was able to buy back at $24.5K so it worked out. +2. Options settle T+1 so I "should" be fine to wait until everything settles on Monday. In hindsight, this would've been the better route. I've never been margin called in my regular account so I don't know how many days I had. Not that it matters, I hope I don't get a trading violation for buying with unsettled funds since I technically did not sell what I bought. + +&#x200B; +We all know basic spreads, condors, ect. Does anyone here trade more complicated strategies that most people aren’t aware of? If so please share the strategy and your experience with it. +I was reading the post about favorite stocks to write weekly CSPs on. Seems like a lot of people love Tesla for this. Personally, due to its cost I have never considered it. But I looked at the premiums and they’re pretty amazing for a weekly contract. With a 200K account you could do three contracts at a strike price $100 less than the trading price and the premium would average about 5.50. That’s $1650 a week or close to $87K a year. Of course, there is loads of risk due to a lack of diversification and also due to Tesla’s ability to make huge moves. But with a buffer of 100 points you would have some warning if it started to dive which would allow you to roll a contract or cover it yourself. + +Just wondering everybody’s thoughts on this. Currently, I’m trading with a 200K account juggling CSPs and CC’s on a bunch of different stocks and ETFs. It requires pretty much full-time management the way I’m doing it. This TSLA CSP idea seems like an easy way to make great premiums/income on a fairly regular basis. I’ve been trading successfully for a living now for about two years. My income has been consistent with effort but I’m not a gambler, so maybe this idea with Tesla is too much. I would love your input. Anyone else trading a bunch of weekly contracts on TSLA? + +Sorry if this is just a dumb, naive post. I’ve been selling covered calls since last January but only started doing CSPs a couple months ago. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +They're also buying out my period of notice, so now I only have 7 days left to work. Luckily I've been maxing out my private and work pensions, and putting as much money as I could into investments and savings. Recently my investments started generating a larger monthly income than my salary (all compounding in the investment vehicle, of course). + +The settlement for the redundancy and notice adds up to 6 months salary, tax free. It's spooky, but I don't think I'll need to look for work after leaving this job. + +I'm more concerned about being bored out of my mind than about the financial ramifications. +Sorry if this is in the wrong channel but it's the best I can think of. Using my throwaway because my main is known among friends. + +Tl;dr: a debt collector is after me for money I do not owe, but ignores my every contact to correct them. What can I do? + +(Edit: thanks all who've commented. General feeling is to write them a standard letter to leave me alone unless they can prove the debt, so that's what I'm doing - have used a template helpfully provided below, sending signed delivery (and the magic words "dispute the debt". After that point if they make further contact without adjustment, I believe that counts as harassment... Even though I'm not sure what to do with that. + +I'm kind of terrified at the thought of this going to small claims court, but apparently I can just send evidence and not go personally? + +Further, a few people have assumed I owe nothing, and to stop saying I'm happy to pay... I did use an energy service and therefore surely owe the cost of the electricity, they just keep failing to charge me correctly. Right? Or should I assume that dies with the supplier?) + + +Will gladly repost elsewhere if someone can recommend a more appropriate channel. + +To briefly explain: I was with an energy supplier who, simply, got my bill wrong. Flat wrong. I refused to pay a bill which is 2-3 times more than it should be. I stated, multiple times, that I would happily pay when the bill was corrected. After filing a complaint and getting no response, I went to the Ombudsman, who found in my favour and told them to correct the bill. + +They didn't; instead, they ceased trading. Because my bill is unpaid, they've passed my account onto a debt collector, who quickly sent me emails and letters demanding I settle the bill. I promptly forwarded my latest email to the supplier, explaining that I can't pay the balance because the balance is completely wrong. + +I emailed the Ombudsman who said that they have no power over debt collectors and because the energy company has ceased trading, the complaint is effectively closed. + +I emailed CAB, who basically said to write to the administrator: who I originally thought was the Debt Collector. Mow I don't know who the administrator is. + +The Debt Collector has now essentially sent me final notice, that they'll take further action if I don't pay within the week... So I: +- forwarded my email (which they never replied to) +- have called them daily since final notice (no one picks up the phone) +- emailed again, every day, asking for confirmation that they're actually getting my emails. + +I don't know what to do anymore. I've been yelling into the void for MONTHS on this, coming up against company after company who seem to have the power to willfully ignore me until I end up with a financial black mark. I'm now desperately following the approach of trying to be as annoying as I can until they respond, but it's not working. + +The only other advice from CAB is to write and send recorded delivery so they can't pretend they don't get the letter. Should I try this? Who else should I be writing to? How do I make this go away? Do I have to go to small claims court, if so when? Are they going to put a mark on my financial record? + +Also, I can't just pay the bill and be done with it. It's partly the principle, partly because then it's more difficult to get the difference back, partly because the bill is at least £1k more than it should be so... Affordability is a problem. + +Please, please help me. +Hey all, + +So my parents gave me $125k and told me to do what I want with it. I know most people might just spend it, but my thought was to just index it in SPY. + +I don know much about options so I thought, are there better options strategies out there than just indexing? + +I did a bit of research on the wheel, but I feel like indexing would give me a better return. + +Thanks! +I will soon hit 30 or “the age of wisdom” as my mother used to say. On the surface, I’m doing quite well: a sales person working in a fair company, always exceeding my objectives. They pay me £35k in fixed salary and about the same amount in commissions. Some people think it’s easy money, but believe me, it never is. I work extremely hard to close every single deal. Partly because I like when a job is well done, partly because I know I’m going to be fairly paid for my effort. + +I know that my sales commissions aren’t guaranteed and therefore should be wise enough to save and invest it. But for reasons that I don’t really understand, I’ve never done it. + +So I’ve always convinced myself that if I needed money, I would just work harder. I knew deep inside this was not wise, but so far it never was an issue. + +My mother was recently diagnosed with renal failure causing further complications. I’ll spare you the details, but she needs me both emotionally and financially because she’s not able to work anymore. + +She always assumed that I’m financially well-off and… I never told her that I’m actually in debt. It has always been a weight that I carried within myself. My personal shame that no-one knows about or could even suspect. + +No matter how stupid I feel for living the way I do, I never managed to live differently. I know I should budget (I do it at work all the time) and live below my means, but I’ve always been too proud to accept that despite working 80h/week, I would still need to check my bank accounts before making a purchase. It would be like admitting my own failure, which I feel forced to do now. + +I need to take care of my mother and cannot put up with the same amount of hours at work. I’m silently going deeper into debt to support her, and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. + +I feel like I’m a real-life idiot sandwich... If only I could undo all these years. Why do we have to fall so low in order to realise what’s important in life? + +NB: Sorry for the rant, I’m feeling really down. +Mrs HugeBalls53 and I have sold up in London and are moving to the sticks. + +To break the chain we sold, moved in with relatives and we complete on our purchase on Friday. + +We’re buying for ~195k less than we sold for and are porting our existing mortgage - so after all fees and initial expenses have been paid we’ll have a bit under 180k cash heading our way. + +The house we’re moving to needs quite a bit of work and we’re estimating we’ll spend 130k on putting things right and a small extension that we want to get taken care of ASAP. + +We’ve about 2yrs left until we can remortgage and when that time comes all the remaining cash will be shovelled in to reduce the mortgage (currently about 300k left to pay). + +We’ll also make the maximum over payments. + +Where do we keep the cash? Just sitting in a bank account? Invest it? Something else? + +We’re both fortunate in that we’re able to max out our ISAs every year so can’t put it in an ISA. + +Ta +Very few people know about my financial situation and those that do just can't comprehend "retiring" at my age, so they aren't much help. Long time reader here, so thought I would try to get some input. + +About me : + +Early forties, single. Probably stay that way, but who knows. HCOL local, but bought in early and small + +Techie. Mega-Corp'ish. Base salary ~$160k, most years $200-$300k total. + +Investments : ~$2M total + +Taxable : $1,050k + +Cash : $200k (I know, I know...) + +401k : $700k + +Roth : $50k + +Home Equity : ~$325k with $75k mortgage left at 2.625% + +Yearly Budget Currently : <$60k. + +I had planned for some time to get to $3M liquid then ride off into the sunset as I was fairly content at my job. Several years ago my group at work got re-org'ed and combined with another group. It quickly became apparent the new group leader didn't want to continue with our pasts market, yet it was bringing in the bulk of the revenue. Defections started quickly and I was thinking I was leaving. Got pulled aside by someone very high in the company and was asked to pull my team under him to continue the previously (highly profitable) charter. Took the chance. We effectively still worked within the same group, but our reporting structure basically gave us the power to continue what we were doing with much less interference and we grew the business over the years. I was kind of a defacto leader, but without the headaches, and I was fine with that. + +Fast-forward to within the past year. Another major re-org, most of the top folks who protected us either left, pushed-out, or moved aside at different times. My effective working group got combined with another group, with their leader the new big boss. Everyone to the top says we want to continue the business I'm working on and keep growing. Upper management asks me to re-join this group from a reporting stand-point and I agree. I expected to be put into some kind of leadership role formally and many in the group kept asking me if I would be the leader of our function. I just rolled with it... Finally get around to talking specifics of the org with the new leader, who had already surrounded himself with "his guys" on his staff. I was told that my new position would literally be at the bottom of the org, 2 rungs below where I was many years ago, and that all my reports would no longer be reporting to me. Literally, the only explanation given was "for better communication". Well I've never worked in an org with worse communication. My new manager literally can't look me in face and I rarely speak with anyone in power within this group. I know I could probably go above heads, but the best case scenario is reporting to the new big boss, who clearly doesn't want me there. So my salary is the same and I still have my equity, figured I would just grind it out for some time. Well, I just don't think I can any longer. I dread going to work and literally am not doing much work at all. + +My position, while valuable to this company, is very specialized. Getting a similar position elsewhere would mean moving half or full-ways across the country, and I don't really feel like moving to the bay area. Could maybe get a local job doing something different for lower salary. Will not be easy to rejoin this industry in any capacity after several years off. + +So financially I think I am good to go for "retiring". Should be at 3.5% withdrawal rate after adding in cost of ACA and taxes on investments. Mortgage would be paid off in a couple of years, so that helps. I will spend much of the cash down first. I don't want to count how many spreadsheets and sims I've made proving to myself this should work. + +I've already traveled extensively and would plan to do more, but at a much cheaper and slower pace. I have several hobbies that I would love to spend more time on. I have a good amount of business ideas I want to pursue, most with low capital requirements. I don't think I could stop working, just want to work on what I want at my own pace. I've successfully started a small-business in the past and worked for a small start-up previously. + +So it sounds all rosy, right? + +Well, here are my worries. I have a chronic auto-immune disorder that could disable me from working/travelling. Right now it is in check, but with >$100k medical spend/year covered by insurance. ACA should also, I hope. Long-term disability at work always helped the nerves with this. But I don't think this is a reason to stay or leave. + +I know the saying is "build the life you want, then save for it". Well, I don't exactly have the life I want in some ways. I'm drinking too much. I'm not exercising enough. My social circle isn't large and much of that is "work friends", but I've always been one to not need many friends and tend to keep to myself. Though I'm not an introvert and can strike up a conversation with nearly anyone. + +I keep thinking that a break from a job I loathe would give me a chance to correct these things. Get a gym membership, do all the other outdoor activities I enjoy. Try to cut back on drinking, if I can't then get help. Making new friends at my age likely won't be as easy, but getting out more to different activities gives me a chance. Hell, will probably update the online dating profile for the first time in a while. + +I want to be free to do whatever the hell I want to do. I'm just a little worried that this freedom will come at a cost. + +Sorry for the novel. Can't talk this over with many, so thought I would see what the internet says. +I am very shaken up, I’m sorry. I’ve been dirt poor and I’ve been very blessed recently and wanted to pass on gratitude. Reddit especially has helped me, so I really do try to pass on the kindness when I can. + +I just moved and the dasher couldn’t find me. They patiently helped me find them since my apartments are kind of big. They didn’t rush me or anything. Blessed me and all. I have severe anxiety and I have bad vision at night, so I genuinely appreciated the patience. I went to tip $100 and got a sign I needed to verify the tip. There’s no option to verify, so I assume to contact support. I tried multiple times, ranging from $100 to $40 to $75 to $20 and it wouldn’t stop telling me to verify until I tried $5. Wtf. + +I contact support and they tell me the policy is that dashers cannot receive more than $30 in tips... + +I gagged. DoorDash has profited millions off the pandemic alone, but dashers to depend on this gig to survive do not deserve a chance of a blessing? I can just imagine how many people tried to tip a greater amount and just gave up tipping all together. It’s aggressively anti poor and I’m genuinely upset. They probably think im a cheap bastard giving them $5 after spending a good amount of time finding me. + +I’m sorry. Rant over but fuck capitalism + +Edit: every other comment tells me to tip in cash and I already gave them a $5, however the $100 was an afterthought since I obviously didn’t plan for them not to find me, so I didn’t get $100 from the ATM in prep. This post is to call out DoorDash limitations during a pandemic. I don’t care if my meal was $20 the dasher shouldn’t have a $30 cap during a pandemic at least, if at all. Even if I did give $100 in cash, doesn’t change the fact that many people work for DoorDash and DD is basically restricting people from potential blessings +The government is pumping out the biggest stimulus* in the history of Australia with Jobkeeper, JobSeeker, business handouts and the like, but are people actually spending? + +Seems like more people are simply saving the money to have more liquidity or are paying down existing debts as a precautionary measure during this crisis. If that is the case, wouldn't that just lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy and drag out this downturn even longer? + +Another thing to note is that it's all well and good to have this money coming through, but when most places are shut down, where is the government expecting people to spend this money? + +*stimulus/spending/whatever semantic you use in your argument +I am 62. I was recently laid off from work after 20 years with the company. No pension from this company. + +Here is the situation if I retire: +Social Security:$1910/month +Pension from previous company: $710/month +Savings: $40K +401K: $300K + +I am thinking about moving the $300K in my 401k to a fixed annuity of about $1300/month for life. Together with my pension and SS, it will amount to almost $4000/month (before Taxes) + +Is there a better option for my situation than the fixed annuity? + +Edit: Thanks for all the great advice! Here are a few more details: + +1. I have been active and healthy (running and gym) all my life. Never smoked. 5'9", 170 pounds. Both parents still living and doing well. + +2. The annuity I am considered will pay the difference between the price of the annuity and the amount of the monthly payments at time of dead to a beneficiary. + +3. Currently renting. + +4. Recently sat down with a Financial Planner. Suggested to put $100K on annuity and rest on one of their investment program, but it was very expensive ($140/month) + + +5. Low tolerance for risk now. + +6. My monthly expenses are around $3500/month right. + +7. 0 debt. + +8. Not supporting parents or children. + + + + + + + +Way too many of you are bullying people just because they are holding coins like shib, doge, etc. Ya'll need to stop with this. It is their own money, not yours. They can hold or buy whatever they want because guess why. IT IS THEIR OWN GODDAMN MONEY AND YOU HAVE NO SAY TO THAT! So stop bullying and making them feel bad about their crypto purchases. Some of them might be new to crypto and some of them bought the coins for fun. No matter the reason, this does not give you the right to ridicule people in this sub. Stop trying to bully people into regretting the coins they bought. You want to invest in coins like bitcoin and ethereum, go ahead but do not forget, just because you are buying a coin doesn't give you the right to bully other people who buy other coins. +The earning potential of software engineers is widely recognised on this sub, but what about the other disciplines? + +I'm an electrical engineer working for a big firm 3 years removed from university and I'm on £34k, wondering how this compares to others to get an idea of my market value. + +More experienced engineers, how does potential look further down the line? Do you consider the field to be well/underpaid? +I'm a film/TV director who is doing pretty well financially, but not as well as the high-powered agents and attorneys who represent me. I'm definitely working a lot and making money for them, and they advocate for me like crazy, but I'm certainly not one of their high-end clients. I've heard that gifts from non-rich clients can cause feelings of guilt in reps, and that a hand-written card is preferred. Also, they get inundated with many gifts they don't want. For a while I was sending $100 bottles of wine that didn't seem to garner much enthusiasm, so I switched to gourmet cookies, which seemed to go over slightly better. The assistants always seemed very appreciative of the wine and cookies I gave them. After doing some research, I've come up with the below options, and I'd love to know which option you would pick in my shoes: + +1. $100 cookie/wine-type gifts for reps, $50 cookie wine-type gifts for their assistants (what I've been doing so far). +2. $50 cookie/wine-type gifts for reps, $50 cookie/wine-type gifts for their assistants (since my reps don't seem to care that much about their gifts anyway--why not save money?) +3. Some variant of 1 or 2 but with the following options instead: Harry & David fruit, olive oil, luxury candles, something else +4. Hand-written cards for reps, $100 Amazon gift cards for assistants (It may seem that the Amazon gift cards would clearly be the preferred choice, but a peer told me that assistants are aspirational, and they like getting the same type of luxury gifts that their high-powered bosses get) +5. Hand-written cards for reps, $50 Amazon gift cards for assistants + +My ultimate goal is to make all of my hard-working and dedicated reps (and their assistants) feel happy and appreciated without excessive spending on my part, since I'm trying to save. The $100 bottles of wine really did feel like throwing money out the window. + +Thank you! (And apologies for deleting and reposting--I worried maybe this was inappropriate for this channel but then saw I got a very helpful comment right after I deleted). +Hey all, + +Pre-Covid, I was meeting several parents of my kids' classmates, and became close with a few. I was amazed at how well some of them do financially with local, main street type of businesses. I work in more of a high-stress/large corporation role, but I saw some other parents making a few hundred thousand per year as business owners selling home renovations, running furniture stores, owning solo graphic design businesses, operating day cares, selling insurance, etc...and they seemed to maintain decent work/life balance. + +Has anyone achieved FI by owning a small business? If so, what did you do, how did you start, and would you recommend it over trying to climb the ladder at a Fortune 500? +Crypto lending platforms like Nexo boast about having [collateral insurance](https://nexo.io/security) for retail deposits. Since they're offering 12% APY on Euro, it looks really tempting compared to my bank's offering. However, I do not understand any of the legalese in their description. Does anyone know if the insurance they describe [here](https://nexo.io/security) actually protects investors? +Hi Everyone, + +I am reaching out to the community because I would like to enter a business venture with a friend of mine and I don’t know how to formalize the arrangement to make sure everything is above board and everyone is properly taken care of. + +So here’s the situation. + +I have to capital that I would like to put to use. I’ve decided I’d like to try my hand at real estate. However, I have absolutely no experience whatsoever. On the other hand, I have a potential business partner who has experience but no capital. + +I would like to propose to him the following arrangement: I put up all the capital, he takes the lead for all the work and we share all profits. + +Let’s illustrate with a hypothetical situation: + +· I put in 100 of capital with which we buy an asset for 75 then renovate it for another 25. + +· At the end of the operation we sell it for 150 + +· I take back my initial 100 and we then split 50/50 the profit of 25. + +· At the end, my partner goes home with 25 and I go home with 125. + +Of course if we end up selling the asset for 90 then I go home with a loss of 10 and my friend doesn’t take home anything. + +How could we formalize this agreement ? Ideally, the solution should allow for some flexibility (like if capital is added by either party during the renovation process). + +Thanks ! + +&#x200B; + +Edits: + +• FYI I'm from Belgium. + +• Additional context: My hypothetical partner has bought 3 properties that he renovated and now rents out. They all cash flow. He just bought his own home and his now building up capital again for his next purchase. He's expecting he'll have enough capital in about 12 to 18 months. +I'll be finishing my bachelor's degree in computer science this July and think about moving to Spain. + +A little bit of context: + +* 21 yo. +* 500 euros salary. ( It's my first job. Working part-time.) +* Monthly expenses have dropped significantly for me since the quarantine ( < 50 euros) - i still live with my parents and give them the Sodexo meal vouchers I get from work. +* I invest about 100eur/month on [EUNL.DE](https://EUNL.DE) through XTB. +* I have about 5.5k eur saved up on my debit card - frugal, don't buy clothes and always cook for myself. +* No debt. + +I'm planning on moving out and switching jobs after I get my bachelor's degree. My employer postponed the annual salary increases because of covid and I won't be able to live with >700eur/month. Switching jobs will probably give me a salary of about 1000+ I reckon but I won't be able to save and invest much then. + +I am highly proficient in English, I grew up in Spain, I can understand and speak Spanish almost perfectly, I have family and acquaintances there. I don't think I will have much trouble finding a job there either. Worst case scenario, I end up getting a job that is not unrelated to my degree. + +I guess the end goal here is to make as much as possible so I can invest as much as possible. + +So what should my plan of action be? + +* Should I start applying to jobs in Spain now? +* Should I leave my job before or after finding a plausible replacement? +* Is this a rash decision? +* Should I postpone my move and save up more? +* Should I not move there at all and instead find a better paying job here? +* What should I take into account before I do this? +I'm in my 20s and I have a three month emergency fund. I also have next to no expenses as I still live with my parents. I would like to start to invest and I have been looking for an all-ETF portfolio that I could let grow for the next five, ten years. + +As I don't want to pay too much taxes I decided to go with only accumulative ETF. But I don't know if my portfolio is balanced enough or not. And how I could improve it. + +I would like to go 1/4 for each : + +ISHARES CORE EUROSTOXX 50 UCITS + +ISHARES CORE MSCI WORLD UCITS + +ISHARES CORE S&P 500 UCITS + +ISHARES MSCI EMERGING MARKETS UCITS + + + +I am looking at EFTs with broad exposure, lets say I want to compare: + +* iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD, fees 0.20% +* Vanguard FTSE Developed World UCITS ETF, fees 0.12% + +The second one is slightly less broad than the first, but has almost half the fees. Would i be justified buying the vanguard on the basis of the lower fees even if it gives me a less diversification? How much does 0.12% vs 0.20% impact my long term growth? +I’m scratching my head some over how to best use the $ in our donor advised fund. When we started funding it maybe 20 years ago, our general goal was to build build build it so that we could do some serious damage (in a good way) somewhere down the road. + +We continue to add funds to it yearly, and also donate out of it in relatively small amounts of $5K to $20K here and there. The DAF balance is now approaching mid seven figures, enough to do significant good damage somewhere, but we haven’t found our passion-problem to attack yet and so continue to build the balance in the account. + +So... for you fatties out there with a decent sized DAF, how did you or do you best make use of it? What’s your story? +This sub seems to really like a good dividend yield. However, aren't dividends the exact same as selling a portion of the stock? I don't really know how to explain this. Also, aren't dividends an inefficient way of getting a return on your investment due to taxes? +Coinbase has posted a blowout quarter a few days ago, with $1.6B net income. This would put them on par with companies 3X their market cap. They've experienced dramatic growth in the last year, especially from institutional investors, but their income is still primarily coming from retail investors. + + +There is obviously skepticism in the market about their ability to sustain this profit level, which leads to a depressed stock price. The risk is another pop of the crypto bubble, which could compress their income and valuation. However, there is also a good chance that Crypto will remain as it is today or further grows, which could lead to sustained or growing profits. There is also some reassurance for the short term in Crypto prices inflating in the last few weeks, which would be a good tail winds for a strong Q3, which would further establish them as a consistent performer. + +The way I see it - if Crypto market collapses, the stock could go down up to 2-3X, as they were profitable even before the pandemic, and there is a large set of believers that will continue back it up. But if it maintains its level or continue growing, there is an upside of 3-10X, depending on what happens in the crypto market. + +Thoughts? + +Edit: If you disagree, it'd be good to share your thoughts instead of downvoting. +I was looking into pfizer and it's a solid company which is in a sort of 'turn around' phase, they've got tons of drugs in the pipeline (20+ in pase 3 if I remember correctly) and a covid vaccine that they think can sell over a 1 billion doses of. Yet it has been trading sideways pretty much. Would live to know your opinions. +Hi, I'm new here +Im a 19 yrs old college student from CA. I am also a swing trader which is different from value investing obviously, and have gotten into investing for a while now. I would say I have some general knowledge when it comes to security analysis. I know there is NO Failure proof formula to determine a companys value, but I was hoping some of you guys would share how you go about determining a companys intrinsic value. +This sub seems to really like a good dividend yield. However, aren't dividends the exact same as selling a portion of the stock? I don't really know how to explain this. Also, aren't dividends an inefficient way of getting a return on your investment due to taxes? +I’ve been learning about discount rates more and I think I understand what they are why we use it and how to determine the company’s discount rate. Correct me if I’m wrong below + +So discount rates are the expected/ required rate of return we want based on the share price. + +We use this to determine what the value of our shares is worth today + +A Suitable method to use would be the capm/ capital asset pricing model which is below + +expected return = risk free rate + beta x ( expected return of the market - risk free rate) + +If there is Any additional info I should know please comment it below. Thanks in advance👍 +*Reposting by request due to recent Ortex news. V2.0 includes updates and changes to help with readability and clarity along with an expanded section about comments, should you wish to submit one (highly recommend that you do).* + +**TA;DR More stuff on record, more transparency. DTCC wants nothing to do with it.** + +**TL;DR The SEC is increasing recordkeeping requirements by enforcing new due diligence and monitoring requirements for investment advisers who outsource covered functions. The proposal clarifies the scope of a covered function and improves due diligence/monitoring standards. However, the DTCC recommends no enforcement action. Go figure.** + +# Intro/Background + +**Terms to Know** + +* **brochure -** Part 2A of Form ADV that discloses information about the firm +* **covered function -** function or service that is necessary for the adviser to provide its investment advisory services +* [Form ADV](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/form-adv) **-** mandatory submission by investment advisers +* [no-action letter](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/no-action-letters) **-** polite way of saying "no" to a proposal +* **service provider** **-** person or entity that performs one or more covered function + +The SEC released a [proposal](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed/2022/ia-6176.pdf) that amends Rule 204-2 regarding recordkeeping requirements surrounding outsourced functions by a service provider. It focuses on the **(1) scope** of covered functions, **(2) due diligence** by investment advisers, and **(3) monitoring** of service providers with whom investment advisers have outsourced certain covered functions. Regulatory assets under management (RAUM) have increased from $47 trillion to $128 trillion over the past decade which increased the demand for outsourcing of certain functions of investment advisers. The increased popularity in outsourcing was not accompanied with an updated Rule 204-2 to go with it, leading to inconsistent and underreported records. + +# Scope + +[Rule 204-2](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/275.204-2) governs books and records including requirements for maintaining and preserving them. The SEC plans to target outsourced functions that meet two elements: + +1. those **necessary for the investment adviser to provide its investment advisory services** in compliance with the Federal securities laws; and +2. those that, if not performed or performed negligently, **would be reasonably likely to cause a material negative impact on the adviser’s clients or on the adviser’s ability to provide investment advisory services** + +They are focusing on what constitutes as a necessary function as many functions have "little to no effect on an adviser's clients" (p. 13). This allows for efficient examination and oversight of investment advisors and for good reason (p. 11): + +[Add this to the list of examples of current capital markets' fragility.](https://preview.redd.it/9lg84tvbmjw91.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=9765616365aebf4276f3e4d8abc77d93e5bfb38d) + +# Due Diligence + +The proposal requires investment advisers do their due diligence **before** engaging a service provider to perform a covered function ^((lol)) by complying with six specific elements (pp. 40-41): + +1. Identify the **nature and scope of the covered function** the service provider is to perform; +2. Identify and determine **how it would mitigate and manage the potential risks** to clients or to the investment adviser’s ability to perform its advisory services, resulting from engaging a service provider to perform a covered function and engaging that service provider to perform the covered function; +3. Determine that the **service provider has the competence, capacity, and resources necessary** to perform the covered function in a timely and effective manner; +4. Determine whether the service provider has any **subcontracting arrangements that would be material to the service provider’s performance of the covered function**, and identifying and determining how the investment adviser will mitigate and manage potential risks to clients or to the adviser’s ability to perform its advisory services in light of any such subcontracting arrangement; +5. Obtain reasonable assurance from the service provider that it is able to, and will, **coordinate with the adviser for purposes of the adviser’s compliance** with the Federal securities laws; and +6. Obtain reasonable assurance from the service provider that it is able to, and will, provide a **process for orderly termination of its performance** of the covered function. + +In addition, "an adviser’s due diligence must reasonably be tailored to the function or services that would be outsourced and to the identified service provider" (p. 42). Investment advisers aren't oblivious to their reasons (or lack thereof) for choosing their service providers so they should be held to a higher standard. **Simply put, investment advisers need to be more scrutinous with outsourced covered functions**. It's not just their DD that lacks standards. Advisers are not held accountable for whether or not clients received their brochures (p. 12): + +[Investment advisers: They automatically receive client brochures, we're good.](https://preview.redd.it/4wi3xg7dmjw91.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=c75e0e69570d87aa5bd4c32b581f7486fda26e88) + +Due to these types of findings, the SEC is putting investment advisers on the hook for not just their own compliance but **the compliance of any outsourced functions by service providers as well**. They plan on enforcing it by requiring + +>...an adviser to make and keep a list or other **record of covered functions** that the adviser has outsourced to a service provider and the **name of each service provider**, along with a **record of the factors**, corresponding to each listed function, that led the adviser to list it as a covered function" (pp. 28-29). + +This would also + +>require that the records be maintained in an easily accessible place **throughout the time period that the adviser has outsourced a covered function** to a service provider, and for a period of **five years thereafter**" (p. 30). + +# Monitoring + +This section is short but the proposal requires investment advisers **keep track of the service provider’s performance and reassess their retention** "such that the adviser can reasonably determine that it is appropriate to continue to outsource the covered function and that it remains appropriate to outsource it to the service provider" (p. 66). Investment advisers should also "continue to take into account all of the **required elements for due diligence**" (p. 68). The proposal also requires advisers **keep records documenting the periodic monitoring** (p. 69). + +[At least someone said it \(p. 67\).](https://preview.redd.it/t98j5f5m5kw91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=7582330ef1e7a643f4499e44f775b3516f501749) + +# Other Supplemental Amendments + +**Form ADV** + +The proposal requires investment advisers to include the following information in Form ADV (p. 73): + +* **name** of their service providers +* **location** of the office principally responsible for the covered functions +* **date** they were first engaged to provide covered functions +* whether they are **related persons** of the adviser +* **information** that would clarify the services or functions they provide + +**Third-Party Recordkeeping** + +The proposal requires investment advisers that rely on a third party to comply with the **same recordkeeping standards**. The recordkeeping function would act as a "covered function" and the third party would act as a "service provider". They also propose to obtain reasonable assurances that the third party will meet four standards (pp. 85-86): + +1. adopt and implement **internal processes and/or systems** for making and/or keeping records on behalf of the investment adviser +2. **make and/or keep records** in a manner that will meet all of the requirements of the recordkeeping rule as applicable to the investment adviser +3. allow the investment adviser and Commission staff to **access the records easily** through computers or systems during the required retention period +4. ensure the **continued availability** of records in the event that the third party ceases operations or the relationship with the investment adviser is terminated + +# Objections by the DTCC + +Below are two no-action letters chosen for review regarding withdrawal (p. 95): + +https://preview.redd.it/1ognbuifmjw91.png?width=1361&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e6c9db601c0e27b824d2008d82bcf2e7237bd02 + +If the SEC adopts the amendments of the proposal, the letters would be withdrawn as they are both against the proposal: [First Call Corporation](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/noaction/1995/firstcall090695.pdf) (September 6, 1995) and [Omgeo LLC](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/noaction/2009/omgeo081409.htm) (August 14, 2009). **Does that second name look familiar?** + +If you recall from [*DTCC and Citadel intimately connected to a firm called Price Waterhouse Coopers which profited 322M from Lehman's collapse*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5yxpd/dtcc_and_citadel_intimately_connected_to_a_firm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), it briefly mentions Omgeo and Susan Cosgrove (DTCC's current CFO). Susan Cosgrove was added to [Omgeo's Board of Managers](https://www.globalcustodian.com/hazel-taggart-and-cosgrove-join-omgeo-board-of-managers/) on March 27, 2013, just over half a year before the company was [acquired by the DTCC](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20131002005729/en/DTCC-Acquires-100-of-Omgeo) on October 2, 2013: + +https://preview.redd.it/u72dzjhimjw91.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=05c36e1f1e28ba893b0fbada5a2a441eac4c828a + +Clearly there was an interest in Omgeo by the DTCC and, judging by the CEO of Omgeo's statement, the interest was mutual: + +>We are excited about the transaction as it enables DTCC and Omgeo to **facilitate a unified strategy around key industry initiatives including the move to trade date affirmation of institutional trades, settlement matching** in DTCC’s subsidiary, Depository Trust Company (DTC), and the adoption of shorter settlement cycles in various markets. + +It's apparent Omgeo and the DTCC had the same strategy in mind in 2013. The same can be assumed today since Omgeo still remains a subsidiary of the DTCC. Therefore, we can consider Omgeo's no-action letter to effectively be the DTCC's. Their letter recommends no enforcement action on three specific rules: + +1. **Rule 204-2(a)(7)** requires investment advisers to make and keep originals of written communications received and copies of all written communications sent by such investment adviser. +2. **Rule 204-2(b)(3)** requires investment advisers in custody or possession of securities or funds of any client to make and keep records to include copies of confirmations of all transactions effected by or for the account of any such client. +3. **Rule 204-2(g)** states records may be maintained and preserved on electronic storage for the required time by an investment adviser. + +Essentially, the rules **require recordkeeping of communications and transaction confirmation and records may be maintained via electronic storage**. Unsurprisingly, the DTCC is against it. What communications and/or transactions do they not want public? Even laughably worse, look at Omgeo's reasoning behind why they don't approve of an electronic document delivery system: + +https://preview.redd.it/bx7af0t91kw91.png?width=1330&format=png&auto=webp&s=f12a23eae45ef62e4b133e46e5723ff8d3e2fe0c + +I'm confused. Would an electronic document delivery system not safeguard their records from loss, alteration, or destruction if they were saved to several local, encrypted server with limited access? Would an electronic document delivery system not make records even more accessible to the SEC's staff? If this doesn't indicate how backwards Omgeo/DTCC operates then I don't know what will. + +To be clear, the three rules mentioned do not have to do with the main amendments proposed by the SEC. However, should Omgeo/DTCC decide to write a no action letter referencing the actual amendments proposed, one could reasonably assume a similar stance when referencing increased recordkeeping and transparency. Regardless, though Omgeo's no-action letter was written in 2009 and only tangentially relevant, because it's still being referenced by the SEC, it still has inherent power. What I mean by that is if the SEC finds their no-action letter compelling enough, the proposal **can be denied**. One way of reducing that letter's power is by [submitting a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tbpe0a/former_sec_branch_chief_lisa_braganca_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in favor of the proposals as they are good for market transparency and efficiency! + +# Commenting + +Beyond agreeing with the obvious, below are some additional points for each section to help supplement your comment with concerns/suggestions: + +**Scope** + +* oversight requirements preferred over simple disclosure of oversight +* prohibit an advisor from disclaiming liability when not performing a covered function itself +* data providers such as providers of security master data, corporate action data, and index data should be explicitly included in the scope of the rule +* amend Rule 206(4)-7 to require advisers to comply with the due diligence and monitoring requirements of proposed rule 206(4)-11 and 204-2(a)(24) for all outsourced compliance functions +* do not exclude affiliates or related persons from the definition of provider + +**Due Diligence** + +* no exemptions from requirements for smaller advisers/service providers or newly registered advisers +* require advisers to prioritize identified risks, create a record of that prioritization, and include a materiality threshold +* require advisers to adopt and implement service provider risk management strategies +* require advisers to notify investment company boards of abrupt termination + +**Monitoring** + +* no exemptions from requirements for smaller advisers/service providers or newly registered advisers +* SEC should prescribe the frequency of monitoring at a pace no more than once a month +* SEC should prescribe the manner in which monitoring is conducted (e.g. third-party auditors) +* identify specific records to be maintained +* require retention of due diligence questionnaires, third party audits, memos, and service provider reports + +**Form ADV** + +* service providers should disclose everything that effects the overall markets +* allow advisers to cross reference private fund service providers that are currently required to be disclosed in Section 7.B. of Schedule D + +**Third-Party Recordkeeping** + +* no exemptions from requirements for third-party recordkeepers +* rule 204-2(l) should apply to any records that are made and/or kept by a third party on behalf of an investment adviser in accordance with fulfilling the adviser’s obligations +* same requirements for registered investment companies for consistency +* require a written agreement between an investment adviser and a third party where the investment adviser relies on the third party for recordkeeping functions +* explicitly require that third-party recordkeepers be reported on Form ADV + +Navigate to the SEC's [Proposed Rules](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml) page and leave your **support** for the proposed amendments: + +https://preview.redd.it/4p79rawkmjw91.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=57faa2e4345157f7d8174b39a125a99db3ac43da + +# While we're on the subject of commenting, don't forget to submit one for [Rule 13f-2 (short position disclosure)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ydxvkl/comment_letter_opportunity_closing_hundreds_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) as the deadline is Tuesday! +All the posts coming out on the number of registered accounts is just the beginning. Imagine where we will be in a week. Two weeks. Three weeks. As the account number goes up, the average holder needs less and less gme for us to own the float. + +Listen and listen close. If DRS is in fact the key to the squeeze we’ve all been waiting for, and based on the rate of accounts being made, something big will happen within the next 30 days. I can’t imagine the fear the SHF are going through as they try to appear strong. I don’t for one second believe they expected this many directed registration. As always, also expect fuckery and crime. + +But what really jacks my tits is the sole fact of how they expect to wiggle out of a scenario where the shares are ripped from their hands and directly registered. We are the catalysts guys. And I have a really hard time understanding how they could possibly win in this reality we’ve created for them, as individual investors of course with no collective motives. + +Edit: I forgot to Mention, DRS if you believe in it. Big or small apes, it all matters. I’m trying to gather some cash to pay for mine, since I’m a Canadian student ape who’s super broke, I have to pay 300$ for the transfer fee. Do what you can. If your able to transfer but your not doing it, this squeeze strays farther from our reach. + +Edit: source for the 250k accounts. + +https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptyxww/speculation_your_computershare_account_tells_you/ +Bloomberg Intelligence analysts identified 50 publicly traded companies—out of the 6,000 they track—worth special attention because they plan to release significant products and services in the coming year or because they face unusual challenges. To assemble the list, the analysts also considered factors such as revenue growth, profit margin, market share, and debt. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/features/companies-to-watch-2018/ +I am recently 18 and want to begin investing. I have done a little bit of research(watched a few podcasts, been on reddit, looked up article,etc.) but, of course with no experience I am still confused. I want to know what I should buy, I have a few hundred dollars that i’m not scared to invest. + +Also, i’ve heard a lot about etf’s like vanguard. As well as dividends, if anyone could tell me any good starting dividend stocks to invest into, or even just some general investing advice that would be appreciated. +I am curious: is someone living from dividends? Or at least managed to reduce full-time job to part time, because if dividend income? + +So far I‘ve been investing mostly in long-term stocks with no dividends, but the idea of continuous cash flow keeps me awake. + +However, I calculated that in order to get approx. $60k/year from dividends (my current salary), one has to buy stocks with a total value of around $1.3 million. + +I doubt that anybody here has this amount, but you never know.. + +So yes, do you have experience with dividend-lifestyle? + +Thanks. +On one side we have BTC which is using PoW, at the moment the current energy cost pr transaction. is 217 kwh. I can do 6-7 transactions before the power usage would exceed my yearly power consumption (1600 kwh) this power cost is currently increasing with the popularity of the coin. +On the other side we have eth which is moving towards POS and sharding technoogy. powercost will be a fraction of what btc uses and the sharding will make the network capable of many many more transactions, + +In my mind I see ETH POS as the stronger coin. +Let me know what you think, could eth replace btc as the prefered storage of value coin in the future? + Why would BTC be a better coin than ETH POS as storage of value, what are the advantages? + +BTC increasing powercost will imo be its downfall. I think this aspect is not debated enough. 6-7 transactions = a years use of power for the average danish citizen is an astronomical amount of energy, + +The upcomming decentralized exchanges running on 0x platform will be a gamechanger having ETH as the main trading pair. + +source: +https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption + + +Be careful of putting too much faith into trading advice with 'proven success' and relying too much on others. You only hear the success stories, never the failures. + +For every Nostradamus, there are 100 who got it wrong.. but you don't hear about them, or from the people who listened. + +Traders never brag about past bad advice. + +It's like if I won the lottery and told you: +"Man, I know the best scheme.... Buy a thousand lottery tickets... or more! Look at *me* now..! I'm R.I.C.H." + +Good on you if you banked big and made a lot during the dip yesterday. + +But good on you too if you chose to play it safe and didn't sell because you believed in the long-term growth of ETH but had no idea about where the 'bottom' might end. + +(I'm not saying the dip is over.. -- who knows?) + +Title pretty much says it all. During the call I did not accept or confirm the existence of the debt, just asked them to validate the the current balance and asked for correspondence to continue in writing. Why would a collection agency be calling me if the debt is already showing as paid from the original North Texas Toll Authority (NTTA)? + +EDIT: Thank you all for the replies. This question was more about getting the debt collector call regarding an issue that ended up not being an issue with a 2 second "check" on their end. That made me think it was a scam and was not sure if this was common. + + +I've already gotten the car title issues taken care of. That was done a long time ago which was partly why I was surprised to get this phone call. I had gotten calls from the NTTA a few months after the sale about unpaid tolls which alerted me of the issues and printed me to get everything handled with the DMV. + + +It was my first and only time to sell a car privately and I had no idea what I was doing so unfortunately I did not take the plates. I did get a bill of sale so that was good at least. +The whole point of the hardware wallet is to keep your crypto safe from malicious third parties. Buying a used, potentially compromised device completely defeats this purpose. + +A coworker of mine just fell victim, and lost all his crypto after buying a used hardware wallet. He thought he was being smart and frugal by saving $30 on a hardware wallet. At least he only lost a few thousand doge and other assorted shitcoins… +6 years ago owning .5 Bitcoin was around $100. Today that would be 24k. + +Don’t think about owning 1 whole bitcoin, it’s about accumulating in these early stages, and yes bitcoin is still early. + +Imagine 6 from now how much a fraction of a bitcoin will be worth. + +Very few people will own 1 whole bitcoin in the future, but you will be ahead of the pack if you start accumulating now while it’s under six figures. 6 years from now when it’s in the millions people will wish they put in what they can at 45-50k. + +we still buy gold all these years later, even though we still have current gold mines running. + +Bitcoin will become more and more scarce as time goes on and eventually owning one fraction of it make you extremely wealthy, simply because of the fact that there will eventually be no more supply and a huge demand. + +Remember the last bitcoin that will ever be mined will be in the year 2140. That would be like if we stopped Mining gold in the 1300s, how much would one ounce of gold be right now? A LOT + +If we stoped printing up money back in the early 1900s, how much would $100 be right now? + +Bitcoin is unlike any other currency/commodity. The supply will eventually run out and those who have even a little bit will control the wealth around the world. +Hi everyone, + +I’m in my early 20s - working full time and I have currently saved over £23k, I also have a HTB which has £3k. I see a lot on the internet and also on Reddit about sticking money into stocks and investments but doing that - you are putting your money in jeopardy and there’s potential risks too. + +Is there anything wrong with just having a savings account that I just keep adding money in every month and saving - I feel like there’s an agenda put out these days that one has to invest there money into stocks, etc. + +Thanks for your time +Hey guys, if any of you guys were waiting for a correction and aren’t buying at these prices, something is just wrong. Please don’t ask should I buy now? When bitcoin is back trading at 65k. You have the chance to buy rn, but won’t because you’re scared and hope we’ll drop more. We just had a 50% correction, and you’re hoping it’ll drop more. Don’t miss this great buying opportunity. Good luck and hodl strong. + +1. What are my options regarding a college savings 529? Can I open one anywhere I want? If so, where? + +2. What are some things I need to know before I open one? + +3. I know very little about 529, can I Invest in a index fund? + +4. Anything else I should be aware of that I have not mentioned? + +Thank you +The wife and I have $2 million in retirement funds, mainly from 401ks which now the money sits in IRAs. About $300k of that money was already taxed before going in. We are both 50. I have a son that has one year of high school left. I pretty much have enough in his college fund to pay for his undergrad. Can I retire in 5 years if I pay my house off by then? I know there a lots of variables. Putting health insurance aside. Thoughts? +So I can get a 4.125% rate loan 100% financed with zero PMI. + +Or I can put 5% down, have 0.05% PMI and a 3.25% interest rate. + +Unfortunately I dont have enough for a 20% down payment. + +The two quoted loans are about 100 dollars difference in monthly payments (the 100% financed being the higher one). + +I'm just now learning about all of this, should I explore more options? Are there more/better options for me? +I’m going to be a first-time father and don’t have any friends that are budget conscious with young ones so I’m hoping my reddit family can help. I’m curious on what to expect for expenses over the next few years that come with having a child. We are well prepared financially, but I’m interested in how it will affect our savings rate and ultimately how to factor it into our FI calculation. What would you allocate per month/year and how will it adjust as the child grows older? + +Thanks in advance for any help! +Hey everyone I have just enough money to get 5 shares of either GOOG or AMZN, question is which one should I get? I plan to do otm CCs on them but not sure which one would be better to do it on. Any opinions of which would be better for CCs after the split? + +&#x200B; + +Update: Decided to choose GOOG, getting 1 sare a week until I have 5 shares and 1 share of AMZN +Am I the only one who thinks there's too many coincidences happening right in front of our faces so quickly? First, an old video surfaces from a Hedge fund manager talking about how the first sneeze was caused by options which spurs all sorts of posts about option plays and crashes Reddit two nights ago. Secondly, AH yesterday and Premarket today is up 20%+ on a speculation piece with no actual references from GS announcing the NFT marketplace, and lastly, the sub that started this all is wall to wall posts about GME and option plays all of a sudden? As much as I want to believe that our journey is finally coming to an end, I can only think back to how many times we thought "This is it" and been deeply disappointed by the outcome. + +I don't have an opinion on options I am a smooth brain who only Buys, DSR, and HODL. Do what you will with your money. I just think there are too many moving pieces that are lining up so quickly and its either a red herring to blame reddit for the increase in price or they're going to crash the price and try to take the momentum out of our sails. Then again, it could trade sideways. +Hello everyone, last few days have been crazy for every ether holders. In this regard, i wanted to adress several questions especially the ETF one. + +- What are your thoughts on an eventual ETH ETF acceptance? Why would ETH would win it when BTC have failed? +- Any events or news except the ETF one that can explain the late ETH uptrend ? +- Will we face a massive dump like the BTC one if SEC reject ETH ETF? +- When will the decision will be announced? + +Thanks ! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. +- Do not create separate posts outside the daily thread which can be identified under the content categories mentioned above. If you do, your post may be removed and/or heavily downvoted. Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! +I'm trying to get an idea of how much spending money is sensible to budget every month (though I understand this would wildly vary depending on your income. + +How much money do you give yourself a month to spend, AFTER you've spent money on: + +\- Rent/mortgage + +\- Bills (utilities, phone, netflix or prime subscriptions etc., but NOT food or travel) + +\- Putting money away into savings accounts or investment pots + +I'm curious as to what people give themselves every month to spend on food, drink and household products, travel, socialising, and general personal spending. How has this changed (if at all) pre and post-Covid? + +EDIT: I just want to say thanks for everyone’s responses. It has put into perspective that I am probably spending a lot more frivolously than I should be, and could be saving quite a bit more whilst still living comfortably. I do live in London but especially during lockdown, there’s no reason why I can’t be putting an extra £300-£400 a month into savings. Thank you everyone! +I like to day trade options and I currently practicing paper-trading on SPY options but my issue is selling too early. I would make some profit but then would sell too early and make like 30% profit on the trade vs 100%+ if I just let it run. What are your techniques and indicators that make you stay on the trade for higher rewards?And if you made the same mistakes, what are your solutions that made you overcome this hurdle? +I thought not. It's not a story r/investing would tell you. It's a r/wsb legend. u/1R0NYMAN was a Lord of the Investors, so autistic and so powerful he could use the Short Box Spread to influence the Markets to create money... He had such a knowledge of the Box Spread that he could even keep the ones he cared about from share assignment. The Box Spread is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so invested in his positions... the only thing he was afraid of was share assignment, which eventually, of course, happened to him. Fortunately, he taught his apprentices everything he knew, before Robinhood Risk Management closed his account while he slept. It's ironic. He could save others from losing money, but not himself. +Posting on behalf of Via u/thatbromatt + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/pniq5l/michael_burry_header_update_a_starting_point_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +Michael Burry Header update: A starting point to wut means + +Holy Shit. I might have uncovered something worth looking more into. I broke open my Crayola 152ct Ultimate Edition this morning to got to work. I've never done DD but have always been inspired by pretending to understand what I'm reading when the heavy hitters bring to light new DD. To give you better context of just how smooth I am, I saw a flair the other day that said PP upside down is dd and thought it was the most genius flair I had ever seen. Kudos to you, whoever you are. With that being said, let's jump right in. + +I am not versed in military technology but from others users in a "whatisthisthing" thread, I took the name "howitzer" where I used "american howizters" and started looking through google images for similar looking howizters. With a long line evolutionary line of varying 'howitzers' I decided to look for ones that matched one I could see in Burry's photo. Namely the overall size of the weapon, the ability to be towed, the tire & wheel similarity, the little 'shields' for lack of a better word (along with their size and shape) that sit between the wheel and the cannon, a rough corresponding time period for the weapon and the older photo, and the size, shape, and juxtaposition of the various tubes that are found around the main cannon. etc. I came up with this [image](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/166281411220814913/) which seemed like a good enough fit for me to search for "155 mm Howitzer" and lead me to a Wikipedia article named [M114 155 mm howitzer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M114_155_mm_howitzer) . When I landed on this page my jaw dropped. + +The main image here looks even more identical to Burry's photo than my google image result. Everything from the tread of the tire and the same exact rim, including only 1 side 'shield' that has a support bar connecting from the shield to a brace at a \~45 degree angle, and the little vertical piece that looks like it allows the infantry to aim the cannon. The article notes it was produced in '42 and saw service during WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam War. + +I felt pretty confident taking "M114 sec" to google but the list of results didn't really seem relevant until I got towards the bottom and finally had a link to a [SEC edgar PDF](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/vprr/1700/17002650.pdf) result which includes googles search result preview of the link and bolds "Due to M114". This document brings to light a Form 1 Amendment 2017-05, Annual Filing for Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC "MIAX". I searched around the document for "M114" but to no avail, there were no matches. + +I kept digging and In the notes to financial statements, it jumped out to me that MIAX had been founded in 2007 as a subsidiary of Miami International Holdings "MIH". A note to this filing for the creation and second equity options exchange, also a subsidiary of MIH called MIAX PEARL, LLC. 2/6/17 Within this document I found a balance sheet for Miami International Securities Exchange, LLC for Dec 31, 2016 and 2015. This particular balance sheet caught my eye because because of its massive amount of liabilities it was accounting for in comparison of its assets. It is p.32 of the PDF and corresponds to p.3 of an independent CPA audit of MIAX and lists 2 line's that grossly stands out above all the others in this balance sheet: + +The first was Accumulated Losses / Total Member's Deficit: 2016: ($247, 992, 811) and 2015: ($216, 489, 680). I followed upwards and then something else caught my eye: \*Due to MIH\*. I am a web developer and there is a digital technology I have used before called [Optical character recognition (OCR)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_character_recognition) which attempts to take PDF's or images and extract the text from that image. The technology generally works pretty well with the exception of hard-to-read fonts or poor resolution images. It's the same technology used if you have ever taken a picture of your W-2 through TurboTax and it attempts to fill out your electronic W-2 using your paper statement, and it asks you to verify the numbers as the technology is generally good, but not always great. + +I think Google in its indexing attempt for this document, misread the line \*Due to MIH\* as Due to \*M114\*. I got curious because MIH in the balance sheet is using a serif-based font which leads to the little hanging marks on some capitalized letters. In this case of the MIH acronym, I could see how this indexing mistake could happen. I kept searching through the document which is when it hit me, the change in font type doesn't happen until you are within the report included by Grant Thorton (the aforementioned independent CPA). + +Everything else is otherwise in a sans-serif based font down to p. 108 of the PDF where it lists out the supported symbols that are traded on the MIAX exchange. + +Is this Michael Burry trying to tell us about this PDF through the M114 Howitzer image?!? + +I decided to keep poking down the rabbit hole this morning instead of working because my tits are too jacked at this point. + +Within the MIAX website, I found a link to members that have joined the MIAX PEARL exchange and cross-referenced it with some of our known enemies along with the most recent Bloomberg terminal screenshot of PUTS found over in [r/DDintoGME](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/) and found some interesting correlations which you might recognize below. You can find a PDF to download [here](https://www.miaxoptions.com/exchange-members/pearl) + +* APEX CLEARING CORP +* BOFA SECURITIES, Inc +* CITADEL SECURITES LLC +* CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES LLC +* GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC +* GROUP ONE TRADING LP +* IMC-CHICAGO, LLC +* J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC +* JANE STREET GROUP (JANE STREET CAPITAL, LLC JANE STREET OPTIONS, LLC) +* SIMPLEX TRADING, LLC +* SUSQUEHANNA INVESTMENT GROUP +* SUSQEUEHANNA SECURITIES +* UBS SECURITIES LLC +* WOLVERINE EXECUTION SERVICES, LLC + +Some other very interesting findings I stumbled upon were, in digging into the parent company "MIH" I came across another [SEC edgar PDF](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/vprr/1502/15021158.pdf) which is 'Application for, and amendments to application for, registration as a national securities exchange or exemption from registration pursuant to section 5 of the exchange act'. + +This document lists a section of Directions of MIAX as directors and board observers on p.4, item 2 of the PDF, for the exchange as of 4/24/2015 with no amendment on date of filing. Some interesting names that caught my eye: + +* Andrew Schultz - Classification: Industry/ERP Director. Type: Head of Strategic Options Business, Equity Rights Susquehanna Program International Group, LLP +* Meaghan Dugan - Industry/Member Rep Director. (Term: Class I - 2017) Type: Director and Head of the Derivatives Product Management Team Global Execution Services Bank of America Merrill Lynch +* Kurt M. Eckert - Industry/Member Representative Director. (Term: Class III - 2019) Type: Partner - Wolverine Trading, LLC +* Paul Jiganti - Industry/Member Representative Director. Type: Managing Director Options Business Development, IMC Financial Markets +* John A. Kinahan - Industry / Member Representative Director. (Term: Class II - 2018) Type: CEO - Group One Trading LP +* Robert D. Prunetti - Term: Class III - 2019 - President and CEO, Mercer Regional Champber of Commerce; President, Phoenix Ventures, LLC + +Guy Dowman - Board Observer. Type: VP & Execeutive Director - Morgan Stanley + +Some of the people under 'Term of Office' have listed their term is staked so long as they are qualified under the Equity Rights Program, which got my curious so I looked into that. The equities rights program can be found [here](https://www.miaxoptions.com/miax-equity-rights-program) and has interesting number of names I also recognize as our enemies throughout the 4 ERP offerings that they have held from 2013 - 2020: + +* Citadel Securities LLC +* Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC +* Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated +* Susquehanna Securities +* Wolverine Trading, LLC +* IMC-Chicago, LLC (d/b/a IMC Financial Markets) +* Simplex Trading + +I feel like there could be a lot more here but this is the thread I started pulling on that resulted from the M114 howitzer search and need bigger brain apes to help me tear this down brick by brick. + +I felt like there was just too many coincidences that kept popping up from this seemingly unrelated search..I'll include once last coincidence that I have no idea wut means but it's another dot that may connect to Burry. In poking around the MIAX site, I came across a section called Regulatory Circulars. I clicked on the [MIAX PEARL Regulatory Circulars](https://www.miaxoptions.com/regulatory-circulars/pearl) and saw there was one filed on Friday that goes into effect today. + +[MIAX Pearl Options RC 2021 44](https://www.miaxoptions.com/sites/default/files/circular-files/MIAX_Pearl_Options_RC_2021_44.pdf) which is pretty short document sent out to MIAX Exchange Members from the MIAX Regulatory Department which states: + +"Coca-Cola Europacific Partners PLC (“CCEP”) will transfer primary listing from the New York Stock Exchange to the NASDAQ Global Select Market (“NASDAQ”) effective Monday, September 13, 2021. As set forth in MIAX Options Rule503(d), MIAX Pearl Rule 503(a)(3) and MIAX Emerald Rule 503(d), the exchanges shall use NASDAQ as the “marketfor the underlying security” for the purpose of Openings on the Exchange." + +I'm not sure of implications that would come with this but it caught my eye because of Burry's boycott coke hashtag in his bio where a few google searches on coke hasn't returned anything for boycotting coke other than a Reuters article which debunked a doctored image of a coke can this past summer that had gained traction across social media which had a racist message on it. +This is the type of question that makes me thankful for this community. + +I planning out building a second home up in the mountains. Outside a major ski town in the West. The lot is pretty remote - up in the mountains- , about 5 miles (20 minutes) down to the highway and 45 minutes from closest mid-sized city. + +We strongly desire unlimited fast internet (~100 Mbps). We use about 1Tb/month in our primary house (4K Netflix adds up quick). Looking at all of the hotspot/satellite options, it doesn’t seem like any options are available that work, mostly limited by a data cap down in the 100 GB range. + +I’m thinking that running cable to the home is the closest option. Looking at coverage maps, it looks like the cluster of homes on the next hill over has cable internet available. + +Has anyone worked with a ISP to run cable internet to their rural home? What was the process and cost? I’m hoping in the 10-20k range as opposed to 100k. +We have seen a decline in US energy prices over the past month or so, especially gasoline prices, which may well be reflected in today's data. Long-term inflation expectations have also fallen sharply, which could be a sign that inflation may have peaked + +https://preview.redd.it/szp8qccysab91.jpg?width=996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71c566fe99d2b32fe07807e4087311b0f262195 +Just thought I'd share something that's really helped me with rebuilding my emergency fund. + +For context: in 2018 I had a full 6 month emergency fund saved up and was well on our way to a house deposit. Then I had a baby, my mum fell ill and died back in Australia, and we bought a flat in London. We've only got about £5k in savings right now, and with full time childcare expenses (£1500 a month!) and a London mortgage, saving for a 6 month emergency fund feels really overwhelming. + +I'm normally the kind of person who obsesses over interest rates and maximising returns, but something that's really helped me now is kind of 'snowball saving' using Monzo. I've already been very into their pay-out-of-pots feature, and whenever I got paid I would sort my salary into pots. I set a goal in each pot of 6 months worth of each bill, and it has really helped me feel like I'm making progress. It's one thing to save up six months worth of mortgage payments, it's another to set aside six months worth of Netflix bills. + +Over the last few months i've filled basically all of my six month 'pots,' and soon I can pour all our savings budget into our Marcus account until I've got mortgage, groceries and childcare covered. Am I earning interest on the Monzo pots? No, but having that cash there is more important to me right now than fretting over interest, and I'm still saving a small amount into my S&S ISA to contribute to longer term goals. + +Just thought this might be useful to someone! + +EDIT: OMG, baby's first gold! Thank you! +At the time of this post (Feb 10, 2021, post-8pm) APHA closed at $28.15 and TLRY closed at $67.80. With the upcoming merger (around May, right?) where APHA will be worth 0.83 for ever 1 TLRY share, that means, should both stocks trade sideways from now until the merger, APHA will be worth around ($67.80 x 0.83 = $56.27). So......if that's the case, that means if you buy the highest OTM APHA leaps ($35c, which is selling at $11.60 which is $1160/contract at the time of this post), and APHA/TLRY trades sideways until the merger happens, APHA will be worth $56.27, which means it will be over $20 ITM of the $35c strike price. And if you bought those APHA at $11.60, which means the break even is at $46.60, you will still be ~$10 ITM, which, for every one contract you buy, is $1000 gainz since the delta will be at 1.00. + +This ALMOST seems like a sure thing. Why not a sure thing? Well, as the merger date gets closer and closer, there is a chance that TLRY will slowly start decreasing in price and/or APHA will start increasing in price to reach an equilibrium. Assuming a bearish stance, imagine APHA trades sideways the entire time and remains at $28.15 until the merger, and TLRY decreases in price to become the same price as APHA (ie: $28.15). which means APHA will be worth $28.15 x 0.83 = $23.36. Therefore, those $35 c strike price leaps will be OTM by ~$11. With the $35c strike price having a delta at .6868, that means a loss of 68.68 x $11 = $755.48 from your $1160 $35c leaps investment (it'll probably be more since I'm not taking gamma into consideration). + +If you wanna be bearish and don't want to risk losing $755.48 out of your $1160 investment. for a $75.548 / $1160 = 65% loss on investment, then this post is not for you because you worry about the loss more than the reward (which should not be that case since we have no problems seeing GME shares waaaaay in the red while diamond handing those shares. ) Perhaps you should step away from weed-stops because there may be a chance the stocks for both TLRY/APHA crash like weed stocks crashed in 2018, which may leave your options expiring worthless. + +However, my thought process is that TLRY/APHA SHOULD not crash soon (not unless it rallies too high too quickly and people think those stock are in a bubble about to pop and wanna cash out their profits before they fell so they won't be left bagholding and start selling which'll cause the stocks to drop which will/may cause panic selling from newbies here in WSB wanting to cut their losses ) before the merger (ie: Democrats are in power and speculation is good that weed will become legalized, and thus, further rallying) which means buying APHA leaps may be a good choice. + +Am I mathing correctly? + +My positions before I get banned. + +https://ibb.co/pngSqjy + +https://ibb.co/fpVczf1 + +https://ibb.co/z5XcJ9r + +If you click on my profile, you'll see that I bought 100 contracts of TLRY at 0.77 a month ago. I've since sold 75 contracts of them as the stock rallied so I could use the profits to buy leaps in other stocks and APHA. Man, had I held till now, I'd be able to sell those contracts for $346k. Oh well, gainz is gainz. + +Here's a screen capture of the APHA contract I yolo'd into using some of my TLRY profits. + +https://ibb.co/2MPH6bK + +Look at those dates. I bought APHA leaps options the day before this post, and the morning of this post. Anyway, who's ready to lose money yolo'ing into weed stocks like I did? + +TLDR: APHA seems like a good choice moreso than TLRY since those Dems are in power and there is good speculation play with the legalization of weed. +A lot of users have been asking this for a long time, and thanks to u/Spart248 (our newest wiki contributor) we finally have a books wiki. + +Let us know what you think of the list of books, descriptions, and formating. Also if you have any book recommendations related to **day trading** please suggest them here with your own description & review. + +[Here's the link to the books wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/book-recommendations) Also if you're just [getting started](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/getting-started-daytrading) in day trading read this wiki. And our [DOM wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/dom-orderbook) + +If you want to be a wiki contributor, message me directly. Thanks! +Canadian here. Thinking about quitting work soon with around 10M. Mid 30s and young kids. I’ve been thinking a lot about relocating to British Columbia, we love it there. Ideally very close to the mountains for skiing. + +I’m worried about community and schooling. It seems like around most mountains, the community is mostly resort staff. And I can’t see any options for private schools but maybe that’s not necessary. + +Are there many wealthy people that do this? How do I get connected to interesting communities like this when relocating? Will we just be isolated and lonely? If so maybe a vacation property makes more sense. +Not trying to sound dumb but at the tail end last year so many people were scared with the news of Evergrande collapsing. It’s the 2nd largest property property developer in China with over $300 billion in debt. Evergrande’s stock is trading at a whopping 13 cents and continues to drop each and every month. Is it not inevitable that this will come crashing down and that China keeps kicking the can down the road? Been thinking about putting long-term puts on HSBC as they have 90% exposure to Chinese securities. Please tell me if this sounds degenerate. I just have a terrible feeling about this. + +Edit: Shares were suspended back in March. However, they have until September 2023 to meet a list of conditions to keep from being delisted. Wanted to keep this as accurate as possible and avoid any confusion. +Just wondering if its normal for a stable coin to be worth four cents less than the dollar that its supposed to be pegged to? + + The live **TerraUSD price today** is $0.961231 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $1,932,677,188 USD. We update our UST to USD price in real-time. TerraUSD is down 3.60% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #9, with a live market cap of $17,938,020,160 USD. It has a circulating supply of 18,661,499,918 UST coins and the max. supply is not available. + +I'm no crypto expert, but this just doesn't seem right to me. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3qa53a187iy81.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a2cf87230f88f7cb444e441765d685ecaebd7ba + +Maybe some of the Genius crypto investors can chime in on what is going on right now. + +should you buy at $0.96 and sell back at $1.00? if it goes back up + +I need some answers. + +Is it time to sell this now? + +Edit: currently sitting at. $0.88. + +Edit-2: now at $0.73. + +Edit-3: now at $0.62 (it's fucked) +Man😒😣 Edit * IF YOU BELIEVE THIS IS A SCAM IM MORE THEN HAPPY TO PROVIDE ALL LEGEL DOCUMENTS TO PROVE MY MATTER * not everyone is looking to scam. Some people are actually going through uncalled for struggles and matters + +[REQUEST] RESOURCES for newly single father + +Single Parenthood officially began that night when I got a phone call from Department of child safety stating my daughter was brain dead and my son was injured badly with a broken tail bone while in the hands of his mother and her boyfriend. I was screaming on the inside for answers and relief, as I think most parents who would go through this do. I cried almost every week for babygirl my sons sister m who passed away 3 days later at St Judes children hospital, Despite these overwhelming and m horrible feelings of disappointment and just feeling lost and resentment, I never lost sight of becoming the best father I could be for my son who’s I’m blessed that survived It was an unbelievable grind for a few weeks following this incident . First of all, there was the matter of sorting out custody/ with the state, Family courts, regardless of what jurisdiction you reside in, use the principle of acting in the best interest of the child. Sure, that can be a bit subjective, but I try to believe the intention is pure. However, this doesn’t mean the system isn’t beleaguered with biases and outdated guidelines established to protect against ‘deadbeat dads.’ Unfortunately, this was exploited in my situation. In Arizona , physical custody fully defaults to the mother if a child is born outside of marriage. Do you understand how much leverage that gives to the mother? From the moment my daughter and som was born, I was a shining example of what a devoted and engaged father should be, and here I was having to prove my capabilities, fight for visitation time and make all these concessions (i.e. increases in financial support, more driving) to establish what should have been rightfully mine from the start. This frustration nearly defeated me and I lost my daughter and my son is forever scared and I consider myself a pretty self-confident person, well as of yesterday June 25th I received full custody of my son from the state of az which that being said I came here today to see if anyone can HELP ME WITH RESOURCES to get a loan ASAP as he was released from state ward and was immediately brought into my custody and being as I traveled and relocated from Cali to az to handle all. I was looking for a personal loan from any online lenders you guys know of or any sites that can help me and my sons situation for a 2-3 days ? +i work for a company who ipo which stock prices dropped by 30%, and will have $400,000 in capital loss. i have about $100,000 in unrealized capital gains in index funds, what is a good strategy? is it just to claim the $3000 every year? + +&#x200B; + +edit: i had RSUs that vested (to event) and released to IPO, because of 6 months lockup, i could not sell. by the time i sold, it went down $400,000, most of the taxes were withheld so I do not owe money, but I do have a capital loss on the record +She seems to be trying the throw everything at the wall and see what sticks approach this time. + +Called it a gamble — + +> “Investing in cryptocurrencies is a risky and speculative gamble, and we are concerned that Fidelity would take these risks with millions of Americans’ retirement savings,” + +Claimed that Elon single handedly pumped BTC by 8% — + +>“Bitcoin’s volatility is compounded by its susceptibility to the whims of just a handful of influencers. Elon Musk’s tweets alone have led to Bitcoin value fluctuations as high as 8%." + +Call BTC dangerously centralized — + +>"The high concentration of Bitcoin ownership and mining exacerbates these volatility risks. One study estimates that just 10% of Bitcoin miners are responsible for processing 90% of Bitcoin transactions and that 1,000 individuals control 3 million Bitcoins – about 15% of the current Bitcoin supply.” + +All this was written as [part of a letter](https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/22/05/27030896/sen-elizabeth-warren-questions-fidelity-on-crypto-401-k-product-what-you-need-to-know) by Warren (and senator Tina Smith) to Fidelity's CEO. The senators gave Fidelity until May 18 to answer questions regarding risks related to cryptocurrency and whether this offering posed a conflict of interest. +I am a 22 year old kid working on getting his career off the ground. For about 2 years now I've had hopes of real estate investing being the way that I achieve financial upper classmen status after I gain a sizable salary from my day job. + +But now, in 2021 with everything that happened because of covid and the housing affordability crisis, it seems as though my dreams have been crushed and that this will be a rich man's game from now on. But a lot of financial guru's don't seem to be too panicked about the future of real estate investing. + +Why is that? Will there ever be a good time for someone in the lower middle class - middle middle class to invest in real estate again? Will prices ever return to a somewhat normal state? Are there other ways that I don't know about that can make it still very possible for someone not very wealthy to achieve wealth through real estate even now? +Seen a bunch of "investors" proclaiming on TikTok how they made truckloads of cash by renting out a place and then including in the contract that they could sublease the property. Then they furnish it, make pro photos and list it on Airbnb for short term rentals which net double or more monthly from what they themselves are paying for it. They all claim that they do a market research of the area of the property and how much a similar property generates etc. Does this sound doable at all, or is it too good to be true? +I am a 22 year old kid working on getting his career off the ground. For about 2 years now I've had hopes of real estate investing being the way that I achieve financial upper classmen status after I gain a sizable salary from my day job. + +But now, in 2021 with everything that happened because of covid and the housing affordability crisis, it seems as though my dreams have been crushed and that this will be a rich man's game from now on. But a lot of financial guru's don't seem to be too panicked about the future of real estate investing. + +Why is that? Will there ever be a good time for someone in the lower middle class - middle middle class to invest in real estate again? Will prices ever return to a somewhat normal state? Are there other ways that I don't know about that can make it still very possible for someone not very wealthy to achieve wealth through real estate even now? +I'm wondering if BRRRR can work in a situation where I would have to put in say 40% down ($320K) on a house that is worth $800K. If I were to rehab it and on refinance leave enough money in equity, would it be profitable to rent out 4 rooms at $900 each? +There doesn’t seem to be much selection on the MLS. + +Do you: +1) Get off market properties from your agent? +2) Find properties on the MLS using Zillow/Redfin? +3) Use websites such as Loopnet or comparable sites? +4) Use real estate Facebook groups to find sellers? +5) Use a different method I’m not aware of? + +Looking forward to hearing some strategies! +i just inherited 700k as i am about to finish high school and i now have the full summer to learn about how to invest before college starts. any recommendations? all help will be appreciated. +Recently. I've been thinking of my financial future and ways on how I can slowly grow my wealth over time. The fact that I'm young is an added bonus of sorts. Therefore, what options do you know to help one do exactly that. +Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. +(Shameless PLUG: Follow me on Twtter for more GME fun: [https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) ) + +**NAVIGATION:** + +[BBC Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkzi5/is_this_the_final_boss_john_petry_and_ken_griffin/) + +[BBC Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzrtsq/billionaires_boys_club_part_2_the_inner_circle/) + +[BBC Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires_boys_club_part_3_the_big_boys_i_just/) + +[BBC Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0isaz/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_4_recess_is_over/) + +[BBC Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o16cbm/billionaires_boys_club_part_5_the_foundational/) + +&#x200B; + +Ok, you apes got me all riled up now after the positive reaction to my last post ([Ref Boys Club Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkzi5/is_this_the_final_boss_john_petry_and_ken_griffin/)) so I've decided to keep digging. + +Let's start with Our New Super Villian Michael "Milky" Milken: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7li64nzrk9571.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bcde810dc36c5dda25784896d52d37d983b9dcb + +Disclaimer: I'm Irish and have no real interest in American pol itics, so I know once I mention this shit's gonna get political, but lets try and not... + +We're all Apes, we're all here for the Stonk... not for Poli tics. + +So... TR UMP pardoned this guy on 18th Feb 2020. + +What struck me about this, was that he had 33 people lobbying Tr ump to get his Pardon. ([Ref New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/01/business/michael-milken-trump-pardon.html)) + +Now, when you click on the link to get the White Houses statement on who these 33 people are, it brings up a 404 error... The statement no longer exists! + +But luckily, this Ape has heard of the way back machine! + +So using the way back machine, we can get the 33 names. ([Ref Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20200313203638/https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-executive-grants-clemency-2/)) + +* **Dr. Miriam Adelson -** Married to Sheldon Adelson +* **Sheldon Adelson -** Tru mps Largest Donor, Casino Tycoon, 28th Richest Person in the world +* **David Bahnsen -** Founder of the Bahnsen Group - Private Wealth Management Firm +* **Tom Barrack** \- Founder of REIT company Colony Capital +* **Maria Bartiromo -** Fox News Financial Journalist +* **Ron Burkle -** Founder of The Yucaipa Companies LLC a Private Investment Firm +* **Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao -** Politician +* **William Ford -** Seriously? Yes, this is the executive chairman of Ford Motors +* **Josh Friedman -** Screenwriter. Wrote the Terminator Movies. Confirmed Simulation. +* **Rudy Guiliani -** Think we all know Rudy +* **Josh Harris -** Founder of Apollo Global Management - Investment Firm +* **Rabbi Marvin Hier -** Founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center +* **Ray Irani** \- CEO of Occidental Petroleum +* **Robert Kraft -** CEO of The Kraft Company +* **Richard LeFrak -** CEO of LeFrak - One of the biggest landlords in New York +* **Randy Levine -** President of the New York Yankees +* **Howard Lorber -** CEO of Vector Group Ltd - A holding Company +* **Representative Kevin McCarthy** \- Congressman +* **Larry Mizel -** EC of MDC Holdings (+ Chairman of Simon Wiesenthal Center???) +* **Arte Moreno** \- Owner of Anaheim Angels +* **Rupert Murdoch -** Again... Seriously? +* **Sean Parker -** WTF? +* **John Paulson -** Oooh Hedgie #1 - Founded Paulson & Co. +* **Nelson Peltz -** Founder of Trian Fund Management - Investment Firm +* **Steven Roth -** Founder of Vornado Realty Trust - The Largest New York Landlord +* **David Rubenstein -** Yup. CEO of The Carlyle Group +* **Larry Ruvo -** VP of Southern Wine and Spirits of Nevada +* **Marc Stern** \- Chairman of the TCW Group - Asset Management Financial Institution. +* **Steven Tananbaum -** Hedgie #2 - Founder of GoldenTree Asset Management +* **Ted Virtue -** CEO of MidOcean (Prior CEO of DB Capital Partners with Oversight of Deutsche Bank) +* **Andrew von Eschenbach -** FDA Commissioner +* **Mark Weinberger** \- CEO of EY (Board of Directors at Metlife) +* **Gary Winnick -** Founder of Global Crossing + +So fuck me Apes... + +This guy has some friend list willing to go to bat for him right? + +Can't even count the amount of Billionaires up there and this is just the list of people issued in the official Whitehouse statement (That mysteriously no longer exists) + +**So... on with the connections.** + +Let's cross-reference our hedgies with our favorite stonk. + +John Paulson Hedgie #1 - Does not have a position in GME according to latest 13F. + +Neither does Hedgie #2, though he does have a small up of a million shares on AMC + +&#x200B; + +**How about our investment firms?** + +Josh Harris at Apollo Global Management decided in Q1 of 2021 that he would trade GME for the first time with a small put position of 150,000 Shares. ([Ref Holdings](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/apollo-management-holdings-l-p#tabholdings_tab_link)) - Similar Timing to Sessa Maybe? + +But other than that... not a whole load more to report. + +&#x200B; + +**How about connections to Kenny Himself?** + +Well there's a SHITLOAD of that... + +Here's just 1 article, referencing 6 of our 33 hitlist in addition to Kenny himself referencing donations to the Repu blican party. (Again... I'll try keep po litics out of this, but this is establishing connections) + +[Reference Forbes Article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/windriver/2021/05/07/open-source-brings-collective-creativity-to-the-intelligent-edge/?sh=7f6db7ab321a) + +(Can you spot all 6?) + +I'm not going to go through ALL of it as there is WAY too much, but it's safe to say... there are a lot of connections + +But here are a few examples to wet your confirmation bias... + +[Elaine Chao and Kenny hanging out at a Milken event with "The worlds most powerful thinkers"](https://www.reuters.com/article/cbusiness-us-milken-conference-trump-idCAKBN17Y26U-OCABS) + +[Kenny, David Rubenstein, Mark Weinberger, Steven Tananbaum all hanging out at the Milken Global Conference in 2017](https://milkeninstitute.org/events/global-conference-2017/speakers) + +[Kenny buys Rupert Murdochs ex Wife's House](https://www.chicagobusiness.com/residential-real-estate/what-will-billionaire-ken-griffin-build-his-huge-palm-beach-estate) + +(Can't make this shit up) + +\+ This Milken Institute seems to be central for a lot of these guys... + +ANYWAY.... + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +On to the shit we care about. + +We've established that there's a Billionaires Boys Club and Kenny is Part of it. + +So let's take the Sessa and Apollo pattern and see if we can expand on it. + +What are we looking for? + +Companies that own Puts, that first reported ownership in Q1 2021 and that have not hedged. + +This gives us this list: + +**Taconic Capital Advisors:** 537,900 shares valued at $102 million + +**Hound Partners LLC:** 241,500 shares valued at $45.8 million + +**CMT Capital Markets Trading:** 241,500 shares valued at $45.8 million (Sounds familiar) + +**Millennium Management LLC:** 163,400 shares valued at $31 million + +**Apollo Management Holdings:** 150,000 shares valued at $28.5 million (We know who this is) + +**CSS LLC:** 71,000 Shares valued at $13.5 million + +**Jefferies Group LLC:** 48,000 shares valued at $9 million (Jefferies? WTF) + +**Ionic Capital Management:** 20,600 shares valued at $4million + +There's more... but that's enough for now. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +The second biggest NEW put position is **Taconic Capital** + +Founder of Taconic, is Frank Brosens. + +Frank Brosens was invited to speak at the Invest for Kids Event in Chicago... + +As was Kenny + +As was Milken + +Reference: [Invest for Kids Event Speakers list](https://investforkidschicago.org/past-speakers/) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +3rd biggest NEW position without a hedge falls to **Hound Partners** + +Couldn't dig up a lot here except this suspiciously convenient article about Kenny having a CURIOUSLY passive stake in TiVo along with Hound Partners, both in a stock that is "Not exactly widely followed" + +[https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b150y1tj6mwz2w/citadels-curiously-passive-stake-in-tivo](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b150y1tj6mwz2w/citadels-curiously-passive-stake-in-tivo) + +On the OTHER HAND... + +(This shit gets crazy) + +Hound Partners was funded by a company called Tiger Management. + +Tiger Management was founded by Julian Robertson + +And... I really can't believe I am saying this but... + +Kenny's Ex-wife, Anne Dias, Managed Money for both Kenny and Julian Robertson!!!! + +WTF... THE ACTUAL FUCK + +Reference: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/female-hedge-fund-veteran-has-contemplated-a-comeback-11559122201](https://www.wsj.com/articles/female-hedge-fund-veteran-has-contemplated-a-comeback-11559122201) + +I don't subscribe to WSJ, so only reading the headline... LMFAO + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Next up to get knocked down... + +**Millenium Management Company** Run by Israel Englander + +Again... a suspiciously convenient example of Citadel and Millennium working in parallel with each other dumping FireEye Shares. + +Reference (Warning... this is a motley fool article. Proceed with Skeptisism. [Link)](https://www.fool.com/investing/2016/05/26/these-billionaires-just-dumped-more-than-1-million.aspx) + +&#x200B; + +And yet again... Milken Global Conference 2010 with Milken, Kenny and Englander + +[https://milkeninstitute.org/article/2010-milken-institute-global-conference-brings-world-leaders-los-angeles-foster-ideas](https://milkeninstitute.org/article/2010-milken-institute-global-conference-brings-world-leaders-los-angeles-foster-ideas) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Apollo** we already discussed. + +But another cross-referencing showed up this article that has Marc Rowan (Apollo Founder), Kenny AND Julian Robertson all donating to Mitt Romney + +[https://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2012/02/01/billionaires-private-equity-ceos-give-big-to-romney-super-pac/?sh=5a6b52443568](https://www.forbes.com/sites/briansolomon/2012/02/01/billionaires-private-equity-ceos-give-big-to-romney-super-pac/?sh=5a6b52443568) + +&#x200B; + +And more form the Apollo leadership team heading out to hang out with Milken and Kenny in 2015: [https://www.cnbc.com/2015/04/24/milken-time-wall-street-jets-west-for-davos-with-palm-trees.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2015/04/24/milken-time-wall-street-jets-west-for-davos-with-palm-trees.html) + +&#x200B; + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +**CSS LLC** was a much tougher nut to crack. + +Smaller company. Smaller position. + +Finra does have a check on them though ([Ref: LINK](https://brokercheck.finra.org/firm/summary/45980)) + +And it shows a single Director: Peter Anthony Ianello + +After doing some solid Googling, it turns out he goes by Peter Ianello and is actually the founder of a different company... OCA Ventures. + +I searched them for a 13F, but doesn't exist. (Ref: [https://whalewisdom.com/filer/oca-ventures-llc](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/oca-ventures-llc)) + +But they are out of Chicago and both Kenny and Peter made it to the Chicago 100 list: + +[http://tullman.blogspot.com/2014/06/who-made-list-techweek-chicago-reveals.html](http://tullman.blogspot.com/2014/06/who-made-list-techweek-chicago-reveals.html) + +A cross-reference with Milken shows that both guys are listed as business speakers for events... but that's meh... + +That's all I could get for this one... but I am even more suspicious of these smaller funds. + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Ionic Capital Management** was a hard nut too + +Founders were not listed in Linkedin, but I found [an article](https://www.globalvolatilitysummit.com/sponsor/ionic/) listing 3 Co-Founders for the company: + +Bart Baum + +Adam Radosti + +Daniel Stone + +&#x200B; + +YET AGAIN... another article talking about Kenny and one of these companies making unusual plays. + +Here they talk about Citadel And Ionic (Specifically just these 2) being bullish on a company called Verb. -- ONLY 4 hedge funds in total were trading this company!!! + +Ken created the largest position and Ionic had the highest weighting. + +And weirdly... in the article... it says both companies had $0 million as their position. lol. WTF. + +Reference: [https://newsfortomorrow.com/index.php/2019/12/22/hedge-funds-have-never-been-this-bullish-on-verb-technology-company-inc-verb/](https://newsfortomorrow.com/index.php/2019/12/22/hedge-funds-have-never-been-this-bullish-on-verb-technology-company-inc-verb/) + +And here... Millenium, Citadel and Ionic all mentioned in a poorly timed position in LATAM Airlines + +[https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/these-hedge-funds-couldnt-pick-a-worse-time-to-buy-latam-airlines-group-ltm-823467/](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/these-hedge-funds-couldnt-pick-a-worse-time-to-buy-latam-airlines-group-ltm-823467/) + +Another unusual trade in NASDAQ:AVCT mentioning Citadel, Ionic and Millenium... + +[https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/these-hedge-funds-couldnt-pick-a-worse-time-to-buy-latam-airlines-group-ltm-823467/](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/these-hedge-funds-couldnt-pick-a-worse-time-to-buy-latam-airlines-group-ltm-823467/) + +Another unusual trade for NASDAQ:GSMG mentioning Citadel, Ionic and Millenium... + +[https://topnasdaq.com/is-gsmg-a-good-stock-to-buy-now/](https://topnasdaq.com/is-gsmg-a-good-stock-to-buy-now/) + +&#x200B; + +This list goes on... but I think you get the picture... + +Been writing and researching this for a good few hours now, so I hope you find some entertainment in it. + +I think the point is clear... and something we all knew all along. + +There is 100% a Billionaire's Boys Club... but it's still fun to connect some of the dots! + +Feel Free to add me on Twitter: + +[https://twitter.com/PaulAllenTweet](https://twitter.com/PaulAllenTweet) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Part 3 on the way... Let's get a little more solid in the connections this time. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Part 3: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires\_boys\_club\_part\_3\_the\_big\_boys\_i\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires_boys_club_part_3_the_big_boys_i_just/) + +&#x200B; + +**BIG FUCKING EDIT: ALL MARKET VALUES ARE AS PER 31ST MARCH 13F FILING DATES** +I mention the app You Need a Budget quite often, so I thought I'd share a win as-of-today. But this also involves describing what it means by the "age" of your money. The concept doesn't really work for all situations, but basically what it means is: + +"How long ago you earned the money you're spending today." + +YNAB uses an average of your last 10 transactions. As in, you get a deposit from work on July 1. And for the sake of ease, let's say your bank account and savings were at $0 on that day. If you spend $50 on groceries today, your money you spent is 9 days old. YNAB recommends stretching things until your money is at least 30 days old, as in you're using last month's paychecks to pay this month's bills. It also means you're not living paycheck to paycheck. + +Well my win today is that my money is **60 days old as of today**. So, I'm using my paychecks from May to pay my bills for July. I don't make much money, but scrimping $5 here and there has added up to a bigger buffer than I've ever had before. +Anyone else get their FIRE tendencies from their parents? My dad has had the same well-paying sales job for 30 years. My parents never had any debts and we lived below our means. + +I was driving home yesterday for the holidays and I saw him on the side of the road picking cans. During my entire childhood, he would pick cans on the side of the road, shaking out the slugs and beer along the way. When I was young enough to not be embarrassed by it, I would tag along with him. Every few months his job would take him 250 miles away to a state that gives $0.05 per can, so he would drive with these huge garbage bags filled with rancid cans so that he could get $40 "for gas." + +You can start to imagine the type of impression this left on me, and to this day I still learn more about his character as I reflect on it. He never outwardly spoke about it as some sort of lesson, but it taught me so much. Some things that come to mind: + +* Never lose the value of $1 +* Success doesn't put you above doing the dirty work +* Actions speak volumes +Made a cool graph on this to help visualize how different variables affect your time to FIRE https://i.redd.it/y5wx9yels9381.jpg + +For this exercise I assumed you can retire when a 4% withdrawal rate covers your annual living expenses. + +Obviously this is a bit of a simplistic model since income and expenses can change. But I think it makes an interesting point, it shows how important your savings rate is and how much less important small changes in investment returns are. Increasing your savings rate means not only do you save more but you also lower your goal FIRE number. + +7% is roughly the average real rate of return after inflation over the last century. I wanted to do a bit a sensitivity analysis with lower returns since so many people are predicting that may happen in the years to come. +&#x200B; + +I FIREd last year at 45. + +Ha! That whole "what happens if you retire at the height of the great depression?" + +I may be testing that. + +However currently things are actually good. Its been a quiet year for me on the home font. + +Since I am FI already I'm not stressed about not going in to work or trying to work from home or hoping not to get laid off. My checking and saving have enough to get me though for quite a while. + +I have basically been on my own "social isolation" for a year. Its hard to have a social life when all your friends and ex- coworkers are busy with employment! I was catching up with all the new release moves until the shutdown. + +I have finally been able to catch up on a bunch of the games I neglected over the past few years. My biggest "splurge" was building a new PC to play the modern games. I enjoyed "The Outer Worlds" and Fallout 4 has been great. Epic has been giving away games weekly so I have a bunch in my library I haven't even had a chance to try. + +My health has actually dramatically improved since I no longer have to deal with the stresses of my old job. I am able to cook at home and not not eat out as much. I lost a bunch of weight and all my vital stats are back in the green! Still plenty of room to improve. I was getting out and doing some exercise before Covid. That has died down and I really should get back to walking a bit more, even if I need to wear a mask. + +My net worth has taken a bit of a hit but I still have enough "slack" in my budget that I'm not stressing. I even picked up a little stock that I feel will do well in the next couple of years. I'm not going hog wild but I'm betting on an eventual recovery even if it takes a while. I have some time. + +My main yearly worry is heath insurance and how to deal with it. Since I can control my conversion from my 401k/ira into my Roth I can have enough "income" to qualify for ACA. That's my current plan until we finally fix the heath care system in this country. + +So all in all its not a super exciting update, but if you are working on FIRE, or just FI, I can say it is worth it! +I live with my partner who is a full time student doing her PhD. I work full time. + +My partner is exempt from council tax as a full time student. The past three years I have been claiming the 25% council tax discount since I have to pay it as a single person. + +However she is coming to the end of her PhD and has only to write up her thesis now. Therefore she has taken on a full time job and will write the thesis in her free time. The university consider he a student still, and she has until May to submit. Does she still count as a full time student therefore allowing me to claim the 25% discount? Or do we need to start paying the full council tax? +I have just started reading this book, and I think it should be like, required reading for FI'ers. It's a systematic approach to going through every item you own and deciding which ones to keep. Once you have ruthlessly done this, in one big "marathon," you will have a "tidy" house - you'll own only objects that bring you joy. This is supposed to improve your mood enormously, which I hope it does (I'm starting this weekend!). From a FI'er perspective, though, I also think it will be a very helpful attitude adjustment . . . It should be much easier to decide not to buy things, once I've gone through the marathon of getting rid of all the shit I already bought but never use! + +I am taking notes as I read which I will post here as a comment later. Has anyone else read this book, and/or gone through the process? Did it help you with FIer? +Salary 60k, just hit 50k in savings. The total amount I am making right now-taking into account what I would be paying for individual health care and losing in HSA and 401k match should I quit- is $68,400. + +I am working as a B2B marketer at a fortune 5 company, and for someone a year and a half out of college it’s pretty much a “dream job.” 4 weeks PTO, okay benefits, company 401k match, work from home Fridays. Nothing compared to the tales my friends at agencies have of being treated like dirt for 27k a year. + +Despite this, as I am sure many here will relate, I am feeling burned out. A combination of a 40 minute commute, occasional HIGH stress days as work, and the feeling of “wait, for the rest of my life I am supposed to request my personal time through a sheet online?” have me feeling like I want to run. + +I have a wedding photography business on the side that I have been growing pretty rapidly while working. As a catch-22, it’s definitely part of the burnout issue as I am shooting 3-4 times a week and the other nights is editing, website development, emails, etc. + +I have 7 weddings booked next year at 1,700 (net after paying a second shooter and expected equipment replacements) and I think I may want to quit my job next June if I can book 25. + +25 weddings would put me at $42,500, plus another ~34,000 if I work half the year at my current job. + +I would raise prices along with my experience and marketing after that aiming to make ~70k a year. I am fully understanding that it is unlikely I would ever surpass my earning potential at corporate , but I guess my main question is has anyone made the jump to a lower paying job that affords you some of what you are looking to do in retirement anyways (booked a wedding in Costa Rica that they fly me to, woo!) Or am I a big dumb idiot who should just suck it up? + + + +Totally optional reading: I love to travel, a huge bonus for me would be the destination weddings I could book. + +My long term boyfriend has a successful landscape/interior design business that I could help with on the business side if I had the time. + +I also have never had an issue filling my time with money saving (love to dumpster dive for food, don't have the time now) or making (would probably find some contracting for the winter months) hobbies. So the downtime in Minnesota winters would be an additional opportunity to make some money or build something new out. + + +EDIT: THANK YOU ALL for your responses. I have read each one (2 or 3 times) and appreciate all of the firsthand advice, calculations, harsher comments, and especially the DM's from others willing to help. Amazed that so many were willing to take time to help me think through things from all angles. + +For now I have raised my prices and I will see if that kills my inquiries, and if it does I will be happy with booking up to 15 for next year at the lower price, outsourcing the editing so I have some free time, and staying at my job. Gave my boss a little gift card for being so great and said no to a shoot next week so I can have a night off...and I won't touch lightroom either! + +“I’m all about the MVP. I want a working product.” --StarShip CTO, Jared Lutz + +[FUD Hour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v11-UltQXmc) lays everything on the line: Is StarBase Wallet better than Safemoon Wallet? YOU be the judge! StarShip is offering $100 USD in StarShip token for EVERYONE who can crash the StarBase Wallet. That’s right: We’re willing to BET you can’t crash it. Check out the link for details on how to claim the bounty [here](https://medium.com/@deploystarship/crashappchallenge-4b6e8cbc3790) + +StarBase Wallet is available for Early Release on the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starbase.wallet)! + +“Your wallet’s **SICK**, my man!” --Pat Cassidy, Top-40 podcast, *Hard Factor* regarding StarBase Wallet + +StarBase non-custodial wallet offers all of the features **you have been waiting for:** + +🕵️Anonymous crypto management with ABSOLUTELY NO personal information stored + +🔒Secure Direct DEX swap featuring ZERO web browser connection + +🌘Dark mode (DUH) + +📈On-demand charting and portfolio ROI + +💲Debit-purchase feature COMING SOON… + +StarShip is launching an INTENSE marketing campaign to bring attention to StarBase Wallet as a MAJOR contender in the crypto-wallet marketplace. Expect StarBase on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit. StarShip is EARLY. StarBase is QUALITY. StarBase is ON-TIME. + +Do you have FUD? Let the team know [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeL542fNBLQILnxkKwIJynD4Zeo2dgNDEgaIvb2WKzPx0arUg/viewform). + +**What is StarBase Wallet?** + +StarBase is a multi-purpose crypto wallet designed to bring life to future altcoin gems. With a clean, unique layout, gone are the days of explaining MetaMask and Pancakeswap to new users. The StarShip Team noticed the problems, and found the solutions. Tailor your profile to your needs, instantly swap tokens, check the charts and manage and track your transactions, all before launching your project on our very own decentralised exchange. StarBase Wallet has the added benefit to StarShip (BSC) holders in that proceeds from the standard wallet fee will go towards StarShip (BSC) buybacks. + +**\*\*\*\*StarBase Listing Competitions!\*\*\*\*** + +StarBase has launched voting competitions! + +Each competition will last 48 hours, and the winning token will have a pinned message with a description of their project and links to their social platforms, in addition to listing on the StarBase Wallet. + +The concept is simple, just gain the most votes to win. Don’t worry if you lose, you can always enter again in the future. + +StarShip isn’t just the company behind StarBase, it’s a community-led family looking to make the lives of crypto traders better, with a fully-doxxed development team. + +Contract address: 0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805 + +StarShip Socials + +| [Telegram](https://t.me/Deploystarship) | [Listing Competition](https://t.me/StarbaseListings) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DeployStarship) | [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/A3x8dm3XHH) | [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeployStarShip/) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/deploystarship/) | + +StarShip Helpful Links + +| [Website ](https://deploystarship.com/)| [Medium](https://medium.com/@deploystarship) | [CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/starship/) | [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/starship) | +The problem in an nutshell: + +Somehow a hacker got hold of my Google account password, and used the debit card I have saved as a payment method on Google Play to download and subscribe to an obviously fake app I have never used to a device I don't own, to charge $199.99 to my account. The hacker then submitted a fake review on the app in my name, and put a filter in my Gmail account to prevent me automatically getting the purchase notification from Google Play (which was, when I found it, all in Russian!). I submitted an Unauthorised Payment claim with google which was eventually rejected because they say they "cannot verify" it, despite not once asking me for more information! + +[I have also submitted a longer post with more details and all the steps I have taken on the Google Support forum: (And if anyone wants to visit and upvote the problem to help encourage a hasty resolution, that would be awesome, BTW...)](https://support.google.com/googleplay/thread/77766813?hl=en) + +I have contacted my bank, but they say that though they will look into it to see if they CAN help, this is something I need to deal with Google directly about. + +What further legal steps can I take to resolve this, and get my money back from Google that was stolen from me using their systems? + +Any and all help and advice appreciated. + +Edit: I am in New Zealand, by the way - in case that helps at all. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The GameStop NFT Twitter account sprang to life with a flurry of tit-jacking tweets and replies, on the same day RRP reached a new all-time-high and Ken Griffin desperately tried to pin blame for Melvin closing on retail investors. These are incredible times we are living in, and I expect today to feature actual *content* on the GameStop NFT marketplace. With just two weeks to go until the Annual Shareholder Meeting, I cannot wait to see what kind of a bullish picture they paint for investors. + +Of course, the media completely ignored the fact that they were singing funeral dirges about GameStop(among other retailers) yesterday, but GameStop made up the lost ground without a peep. It has never been more obvious that they are paid to spread FUD against GME and drive retail investors toward other stocks. Nevertheless, Apes are committed to this company, and I expect the FOMO effect to be in full force once the shorts start liquidating. When this is all played out, I hope for an investigation into the collision between the financial media and hedge funds. + +As we await the big news from @GameStopNFT, will we see any hints from the German markets? + +Today is Friday, May 20th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$99.73 / 94,75 €** *(volume: 3983)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $99.96 / 94,98 € *(volume: 3615)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $99.97 / 94,99 € *(volume: 3410)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $99.98 / 95,00 € *(volume: 3405)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $100.31 / 95,30 € *(volume: 3101)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $100.31 / 95,30 € *(volume: 3046)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $99.93 / 94,95 € *(volume: 3043)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $99.89 / 94,91 € *(volume: 2959)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $99.92 / 94,93 € *(volume: 2824)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $99.92 / 94,93 € *(volume: 2700)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $99.93 / 94,94 € *(volume: 2381)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $100.27 / 95,27 € *(volume: 1698)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $99.98 / 94,99 € *(volume: 1638)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $99.63 / 94,66 € *(volume: 911)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $99.65 / 94,68 € *(volume: 909)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $99.65 / 94,68 € *(volume: 903)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $99.63 / 94,66 € *(volume: 888)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $99.67 / 94,69 € *(volume: 846)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $99.64 / 94,67 € *(volume: 844)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $99.51 / 94,54 € *(volume: 653)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $99.16 / 94,22 € *(volume: 91)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $99.20 / 94,25 € *(volume: 86)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $99.17 / 94,22 € *(volume: 86)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $99.11 / 94,17 € *(volume: 64)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $99.14 / 94,19 € *(volume: 64)* +- 🟩 US close price: $99.19 / 94,24 € *($99.00 / 94,06 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0525. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +This sub has certainly had an uptick in attempts to divide the community, has it not? +From suggesting that there is low engagement to complaining about DRS posts drowning out DD, the goal seems to be to plant seeds of doubt in minds. +Of course, this is classic FUD. +That it comes at this time, when the SHFs seem to be so vulnerable has me incredibly excited for the days ahead. + +With the Ethereum merge in just a few minutes, we are at the cusp of a significant change to how the world interacts with crypto. +We've seen many companies float the idea of using NFTs in products, only to retreat from the backlash of users concerned about the environmental impact of proof-of-work systems. +While GameStop is among several companies who mitigate this by using L2, the fact that one of the largest systems is moving to proof-of-stake will bring a shift of public sentiment along with it. +This is a huge moment in the company's digital future, and they already have many of the necessary pieces in place to drive massive growth. + +Meanwhile, Citadel is putting anything they can find up as collateral so they can survive another day. +HODLing GME is the easiest thing I do each day. + +Today is Thursday, September 15th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$28.18 / 28,21 €** *(volume: 924)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $28.18 / 28,21 € *(volume: 853)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 837)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 837)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 827)* +- ⬜ 95 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 827)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 827)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $28.21 / 28,24 € *(volume: 827)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $28.11 / 28,14 € *(volume: 827)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $28.11 / 28,14 € *(volume: 826)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $28.11 / 28,14 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $28.12 / 28,15 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $28.27 / 28,30 € *(volume: 605)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 600)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 600)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 600)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 600)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 580)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $28.26 / 28,29 € *(volume: 580)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $28.25 / 28,28 € *(volume: 580)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $28.24 / 28,27 € *(volume: 580)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $28.24 / 28,27 € *(volume: 580)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $28.24 / 28,27 € *(volume: 570)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $28.24 / 28,27 € *(volume: 570)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $28.20 / 28,23 € *(volume: 548)* +- 🟩 US close price: $28.13 / 28,16 € *($28.24 / 28,27 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.999. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +My husband and I hit financial rock bottom a few years ago, and after a lot of struggle and stress we're doing much better now. I feel like I still have PTSD about financial situations, even though we can pay our bills and we're no longer in danger of losing our rental house. Any time an unexpected expense pops up or something ends up being more expensive that anticipated, I have to sit quietly for a while and remind myself that we're all right. + +So, even though we are indeed all right, I remember people who used those platitudes to try to cheer us up. Even now, if something surprises me financially and I'm having to go through my expenses and reassure myself that it's still all good, there sometimes is someone who tries to look on the Sunny Side and say, 'Money isn't everything!' + +When I hear those stupid sayings, my thinking is the same now as it was then: It may not be everything, but without it everything else suffers and I'm currently suffering. 'Money can't buy you happiness!' - No, but the ability to pay bills and not worry about how you're going to eat and where you're going to live certainly can influence how happy one is. 'The best things in life are free!' - Yes, my loving husband is truly valuable, but you know what else is worth a lot? Knowing that your life is stable. + +I was thinking about this because it's the time of year when one tends to talk to family and old friends one doesn't see often - except at the holidays - and when they ask, 'So how are you all doing these days?' and if you're honest you say, 'well, we're going through some financial troubles...' please know that if someone tries to make you feel better with a stupid saying - it's perfectly ok if you think they're full of crap. I even give you permission to tell them 'you know, you're full of crap,' if it makes you feel better and you don't mind losing that person for a while. + +Anyhow, enough of this PSA. And now we go back to your regularly scheduled Reddit feed. +As above, for those who earn high incomes and have disposable cash, where are you putting it in these financially uncertain times, with inflation touching 8-9% cash is being eaten up, but at the same time putting it into stocks or crypto could result in even more of a decrease. + +What is your strategy to protect your wealth? + +Edit: I was requested to add figures, my question is aimed at those who earn £7-10K+ per month or have a few thousand disposable at the end of each month to invest with. +I'm seeing posts around on different reddit subs claiming TurboTax's free service is no longer actually free this year, and they try to charge you at the end after you entered your info, is this true? I filed using them last year using their free service and it worked fine, what did they change? If so, any good alternative services to try instead that are free? +I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but something I was wondering about. + +I read an article about a guy that hoarded hand sanitizer and was selling them on amazon and ebay for $70 a small bottle. Also, many other businesses price gouging on toilet paper, soap, etc. They were all fined by the court system. + +How is it any different when you go to an amusement part, concert, etc and they are selling bottle water for $8? +Hello all. +I am a 24 y/o that has been working for a year and upon Friday am receiving a sign on bonus of 10k. I have acquired this debt through the years….7000 on 13.4% credit card, 1500 on a 20% credit card, 28000 (55 payments left) car, and 12000 in federal student debt (u.s) that is being deferred. I’ve managed to save 9000, and am receiving a sign on bonus that is being payed out on Friday which after taxes my check will be 8300. I have about 4000 in my checking account…My question is what should i do: Save, and continue to chip away slowly at debt or take a big chunk out of my credit cards? What would you do? +Invest? Purchase land? Down payment on a home? Savings account? + +Just looking at my options and open to opinions— I want to do something **wise** with the settlement check I received. + +Or to quote Tina Fey from 30 Rock, “I want to learn how to do that thing rich people do, where they turn money into more money.” + +What are the things you've always wanted to know about but have been too afraid of asking? What do you need to retire? Is your financial advisor working on your behalf or just raking in fees? What does it all mean? + +Remember - this is a safe place. Upvote those that contribute, and only downvote if a comment is off-topic or doesn't contribute to the discussion, **not** just because you disagree. + +Consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Info: Married. joint income close to 140k. Own home. Zero debt. We are maxing out 401k and 457b. Maxing out individual iras. Throwing money into 529s for our children. Currently have 100k in savings. + +What to do next? We possibly may move to another home in 5 or so years but other than that no big purchases in near future. + +Mutual funds? Cds? Are we getting into the territory to talk with financial advisor? + +Any advice is greatly appreicated. +My grandpa passed away and left 75k for my sister and I. I have no idea what to do with it. I’m 22. I don’t have any debt nor do I have big bills to pay. I still go to community college. I need help knowing what the next move should be. +Hey all, looking for some financial advice. A couple of years ago, one of my close relatives died and left some of us in the family an inheritance. I don't know what I did to be so deserving in his eyes, but I was lucky enough to be gifted $20,000. I used about $5,000 to pay off school and personal debts. Now I'm just sitting on the rest, unsure of what to do with it, other than hoard it in my savings like a dragon. + +I'm 22 years old, and a recent graduate. I work for peanuts at my job, and I'm wondering if this sum of cash could perhaps be made into something even greater. What are some ways I could go about growing my money and put my relative's gift to good use? + +I've heard of high yields savings accounts but don't know anything about them. I'm wondering if it's a good idea to open one. Also, I'm sure playing the stock market is going to be brought up, but I'm rather risk-averse, and illiterate in that area. I can't even begin tk wrap my head around the current Gamestop situation. +Hello, I've been living in a vehicle for about a year now. I go to trade school about 35 hours a week and I just got a skilled labor job. I can work pretty much as many hours per week as I want and I'll be making about $13/hr after taxes. I have a Pell grant which pays for my tuition and I spend the leftovers on tools and equipment. I have no bills or expenses other than food/gasoline, a gym membership and vehicle maintenance. The Pell grant has made me ineligible for food stamps. Food is a tricky situation for me. Since I don't have any way to store perishable foods, I must either eat out or buy non perishables. Eating dried or canned food everyday kinda sucks after a while so I end up eating out a lot. I know that's an expensive habit but it feels like I don't really have a choice sometimes. I've always been pretty bad with money. When I have money, I feel the urge to spend it which obviously just makes it go away quicker. I have a bank account but the balance has been close to zero for quite a while so I'm not even sure if it's still open. I've heard a lot of good things about this sub so I just wanted to get y'alls advice. Thank you. EDIT: I can't believe how many responses this got, thank all of you so much, there's some great advice here. +Either i understand this or I’m just really stupid. + +For context the vehicle came out to a total of $23,553. The APR as a first time buyer was 14.59% Now i obviously know nothing about personal finance let alone loans and APR but i do know that is ridiculously high, so im not going with this car but i would like to know how this works. + +With my $10,000 down after taxes and fee’s the financed amount came out to $16,001.39. + +@ 48 months the monthly payment is $442.01. + +I apologize if this is very stupid but +442.01 x 48 = $21,216.48. + 10,000 down brings it to $31,216.48. + +So I’m essentially paying this lender $5216.47 to borrow $16,000.01?! Im super confused and probably stupid but if anyone could explain this, i would be very appreciative! + +Thanks +Why wouldn't they? It's too perfect. They are the unofficial car of investors everywhere. They inserted themselves into this whole "to the moon" thing a while ago. I think they are a partner. Maybe even an early one who was in the know before others. +Obviously this is just the ramblings of an intense, crayon induced high, but I feel confident about it for no reason whatsoever. +Regardless, today was a beautiful day and we had our theories confirmed once more with GameStop's call for NFT creators. GME to the moon x1000. I love you, apes. + +Buy 🚀 Hold 🚀 DRS 🚀 Be excellent to each other +I currently have a condo that has doubled in value with the chaos in the current market. I was thinking that while value is high, I take out a home equity loan on my condo and buy a home (ideally a multi-family home). + +Does anyone else have experience with this? +Is it overly risky given most variable rate equity loans? +Is there a better way to get the money for this investment? +Is it illegal to transfer the title of the condo to an LLC? (Mainly curious) +2 simple precautionary steps could save you from being hacked. + +1. Create a shortcut on your desktop or save it as a bookmark in your browser to https://bittrex.com **and only use that to get to the exchange don't trust google to bring up the right bittrex at the top** + +2. If you are on windows find your hosts file, right click it and click on properties. Click on read only attribute and click save. This will prevent anything from modifying this file and creating a redirect to send you to phishing sites. Hosts is usually at %Systemdrive%\Windows\System32\drivers\etc + +edit: I didnt include that osx and linux also has hosts files, but usually require a password to modify them so you should be ok there. +Facebook and Instagram rank in 1st and 4th positions respectively as social media platforms with the most number of users. + +This means that crypto will get exposure in front of billions of people a lot of who will potentially want to follow the wave and enter the crypto market. + +At the time of writing this post, Facebook and Instagram are offering support for Ethereum and Polygon. And while this feature is only available for US based users for now as an experimental phase, it’s looking like it will expand to global usage and soon anyone can connect their wallets to the platforms. + +This will have a MAJOR impact on crypto adoption which is already seeing a boost, especially with so many companies recently joining the NFT and crypto market as a whole. + +The aforementioned Polygon is known for introducing so many traditional and tech companies into the Web3 world. + +Facebook and Instagram are using it for their Web3 activities but so are other major companies like Starbucks, Stripe, Disney, and even Reddit themselves. + +If we keep up this pace of introducing Web2 companies and institutions into the blockchain universe, I’m pretty sure we’ll end up reaching mainstream status way faster than we ever anticipated. + +I can’t wait to see where this Facebook/Instagram NFT implementation will end up looking like a couple of months from now. + +I’m pretty sure that many new users will want to follow the trend and we’ll most probably see a huge influx of new users, especially in the NFT sector. + Welcome to the /r/CryptoMarkets Weekly Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + + + +\*\*\* + + + + The thread guidelines are as follows: + + + +\* Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. + +\* Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. + +\* Cryptocurrency discussion not related to trading should be referred to the r/CryptoCurrency general discussion thread, \[see here\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly\_general\_discussion\_april\_01\_2017/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly_general_discussion_april_01_2017/)). + +\* Follow the golden rule and be excellent to each other. + + + +\*\*\* + + + + Resources and Tools: + + + +\* Consider joining one of the r/CryptoMarkets chat groups, \[see here\]([https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/wiki/chat](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/wiki/chat)). + +\* If you are using RES, please click the subscribe button below to be notified when new comments are posted. + +\* To view live streaming comments for this thread, \[click here\]([https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto)). Account permissions are required to post comments through [Reddit-Stream.com](https://Reddit-Stream.com). + + + +\*\*\* + + + + Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! +There is a divided opinion on how salary sacrificing into super is tax beneficial but unavailable, though many state that they would rather have more funds available to them now rather than have more money only accessible in their 60s. + +I'm one of these people but with the large amount of advice of people saying to max out super contribution, i'm curious to know if there is anyone who was like me thinking 'i'd rather keep the cash i receive to offset my loan/invest rather than keep it for 60 YO me.' and after years have changed their mind wishing they contributed more to their super from their later experiences or situations ? + +Also curious if anyone has changed their mind the opposite way, wishing they contributed less funds into super to have more available now. +One of the things I've always seen as an essential for my FAT FIRE is to have a team of people to improve my quality of life. The dream for me is to have a personal chef, night nurse, regular nanny and some part time people to do tasks like cleaning the house, taking care of the garden etc. Obviously the more you add to the payroll, the higher your number needs to be. + +What people/roles would you have on your FAT FIRE dream team? +As I grow my business towards an exit with a goal of $10M payout, I realized that I'm falling short in one area. + +I basically don't spend any money on clubs/memberships/activities that cost money as I started out poor and frugal. + +I have realized that this is likely costing me opportunities to interact with potential investors/mentors/technical people and thus grow my businesses and get funding. + +I already participate in martial arts and soccer but for whatever reason I'm just not finding the type of connections that I think I need. + +Therefore, I'm expanding my search and am willing to spend a couple thousand a year on recreational activities in order to connect better with potential partners. + +Most classic examples fall into a few buckets: + +(1) the bucket of "find things that rich people do" such as auto racing track days, sailing, golfing, competitive shooting, etc. + +(2) the bucket of "find things that technical people do" such as conferences and technical hobbies like RC planes, etc. + +I have intentionally excluded "network for the sake of networking" events that seem to be an endless stream of wantrepreneur wankery. + +So in the quest to FI, what non-cheap recreational activities are worth it in terms of ROI to get to FI? + +(Location is Silicon Valley) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Before I got into crypto I thought Bitcoin was the greatest thing and that all of the altcoins out there were garbage. Then I got into crypto and started doing as much research as possible and found that there are some great coins out there with real promise to be world-changing technologies. So what did I do? Sold some Bitcoin to buy them. + +And then what happens? Big, fat, old, slow, lame bitcoin just keeps rising and rising and my beautiful alts are standing still by comparison and my ETH is dropping. I hate Bitcoin. + +EDIT: I still have Bitcoin in my portfolio of course. Just wish money was following the best tech right now, which I am confident it will long term. +I've seen people here talk about increasing their spending post-FIRE if investments do well, but I've never seen anyone post about actually doing it. Well I've done it, so I thought I'd share! + +Some quick background (there's a lot more detail in my post history if you're interested). I lean-fire'd about 5 years ago. I pulled the trigger sooner than I wanted to because health issues forced me to stop working. To make money work, I sold my downtown condo and house-hacked in the suburbs. This has gone extremely well for me, and my investments (mostly vanguard stocks) have also done extremely well in this time. + +My withdrawal rate became extremely low, so I decided to try spending more. I'm comfortable with this for 2 reasons. First, I still have a conservative but more normal-ish withdrawal rate now. Second, I can comfortably scale back a lot of my new expenses if I need to. + +My first new expense was a dog. I adopted a dog who would have otherwise been euthanized due to health issues. She is great, and costs me about $2k/yr. + +I got a membership at a fancy gym. I wanted to be able to swim and use a steam room, which I now do \~3x/wk. The only nearby gym where I could do this is $80/mo, so it costs about $1k/yr. + +Groceries have doubled, and are an extra $3k/yr. I'm a part of 3 scheduled weekly dinners. I bring wine to 1, a nice 6-pack to another, and host the third. I also found a frozen dinner I really like that is and healthy. I could replicate it, but it would be a lot of work. $10 each, and I have them about 2x/wk. Otherwise it's still things like bulk chicken, beans, and seasonal fruit/veggies. This could go up a lot more if I start hosting more meals... + +Vacations will be an extra $2k/yr when covid is less of an issue. I have close friends in a few states around me, so every month I'll be visiting someone for the weekend and probably treating them at least to a dinner and drinks. Also, about once a month I'm planning to do weekend trips to the beach. + +Finally, I spend about $2k on miscellaneous stuff. I got a RTX 2060 super right before the shortage. I now replace my shoes before the holes reach my socks :) I buy more gadgets for the house on Amazon. I support creators and journalists I like. etc. + +Overall, this increased spending has definitely had a positive impact on my life, largely since I'm able to do it without creating any new money stress. That being said, I do still have some definite financial limitations. I'm still largely dependent on house hacking, unless I made some big cut-backs or used a SWR higher than I'd be comfortable with. And I wouldn't be able to afford to support a spouse unless we made some extremely significant cut-backs beyond what I'd really be comfortable with. But ya, things are good :) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Not my exact situation, but some rough numbers. Retired with a paid off condo +\~$500k; spending $15-20k/yr (excluding healthcare). Currently in a paid off suburban house with 3 roommates (which gives me $20k of income) +\~$800k, spending \~$30k/yr (excluding healthcare). All in a LCOL city in the US. +I decided to take on the age old question of how many naked shorts of GME are in circulation. This is a sticky question since there is no 'true' way to do the calculation without wild speculation, but I took a crack at it anyways and think my numbers may not be too far off! + +&#x200B; + +As with all my posts, I will detail my thought process so I can be fact checked and disproven if I am full of BS. + +&#x200B; + +Let's begin. + +&#x200B; + +In order to calculate the number of shares for GME, I need to have a benchmark to compare against. There is one true benchmark (in my opinion) that we often use and is very hated around here... popcorn. + +&#x200B; + +I promise you that my inclusion of this stock is worth it and it sheds a lot of light on GME. + +&#x200B; + +A few weeks ago, I performed the math on their sub for how many shares exist and I found something very interesting... + +(*Yes I make posts in both subs. Pointing it out again isn't necessary, unless you want to high five each other for the burns.)* + +https://preview.redd.it/vdrken9cz1v91.png?width=1063&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d52debe560844eb782a3d0db3020596caca7fe9 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/13surqrdz1v91.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=798aac4bc100c4ba373e57ae7891400cf8f60bab + +I used 2/8/2017 as the start date for naked shorting and started applying naked short % vs. volume factors to the curve and settled around 7.5% of all trades being naked. In Jan 2021, I calculated the number of naked shorts to be approximately 400 million (the exact same number that the float was diluted by during the Jan sneeze!!). I then made the assumption that all 400 million of those shares were purchased from the naked positions, and the price in my dilution curve nearly exactly matched the price of the stock (see chart above)... weird. + +Based on this, I continued to plot the dilution curve out until present day: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w62m7g8yz1v91.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9d34405da13e15195bdaa2fadab17007cf056b + +I noticed that around November 2021, naked short selling increased from 7.5% to approximately 50%. I then calculated the number of shares currently in circulation and the number of naked shares is approximately 5 billion (the exact number of authorized APEs) + +&#x200B; + +So what does this have to do with GME??? + +&#x200B; + +Well... Since I believe that I know pretty closely how many popcorn shares exist and I assume the same dilution factors for both stocks, I can hopefully come to a close estimate on how many GME shares exist. + +&#x200B; + +Here is a plot for both stocks over the past year (right when the naked shorting increased from 7.5% to 50%) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z0bd9myg02v91.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=b01074f8d8e4aa8067073c7793cb1afd713614f3 + +I normalized both prices to 1 so it is easier to see the differences. As you can see, GME is dropping at a much slower rate and starts to diverge right as the APEs are introduced. + +The common theory is that DRS is causing this shift, but I am going to argue that GME is simply MORE DILUTED than popcorn and thus 50% of the volume being naked short has a much weaker effect than it does on the other stock. + +&#x200B; + +For popcorn, I calculated approximately 4.45 x the shares outstanding in circulation as of 11/21/2021. Since GME has a much weaker downslope, the percentage of shares outstanding must be greater than 4.45x assuming both stocks are held at 50% naked short volume. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f6d523ya12v91.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=de7d9132f9f1fde8c1224351ca0d6673e04fdee9 + +At 7x the float as of 10/31/2021, GME nearly perfectly aligns. That would put the current number of shares in circulation at: 3.6 BILLION. That is 11.8x the shares outstanding currently in circulation. + +That gives GME a 'true' market cap of approximately 89 Billion USD. + +&#x200B; + +Data was pulled from: + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/](https://finance.yahoo.com/) + +and google searches for shares outstanding + +&#x200B; + +Please critique my method, or just leave a comment. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: fixed a typo + +&#x200B; + +TL;DRS - There are potentially 3.6 Billion GME shares currently in circulation. +I asked this question in /FIRE a while ago and was hoping for a different perspective. + +36 years old and married; I’ve been saving before I even knew what FIRE is. We have approximately $950,000 in Fidelity between regular mutual funds. SEP IRA, and ROTH IRA. We also have a couple years living expenses in cash. We still owe approximately $80k on our house which has a market value just north of $200k. + +I’m a business owner who is depressed and miserable. My wife now works with me and she is equally as emotionally destroyed. Yes, I’ve saved, but I’ve lost my sanity and probably years off of my life in doing so. + +Our business has been closed since the mandated shutdown began and we’re collecting unemployment. You know what? We’ve never been happier! I can’t bear the thought of going back to my personal hell when this is over. + +I have two thoughts: + +1. Go back to hell and keep trying to earn as much as possible with the goal of retiring in my 40’s. + +2. I think we’ve saved enough that even if we don’t contribute anymore, we could still potentially retire in 15 years. I’m considering cutting my business, to less than half, and working a part time schedule that covers living expenses. My wife could get a part time job elsewhere and bring in an extra amount that we could still put to savings. We could still potentially retire early; albeit, not as early, but we could keep our sanity. + +Has anyone been in a similar situation and instead of trading peace of life for chasing more income they actually stepped back and were content to be OK as is? + + + +Of note: my business is service oriented and I cannot automate it, even by hiring others. +&#x200B; + +Netflix Inc.’s co-chief executive officer says his firm remains the “global champion” of streaming, blaming the loss of 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter on inflation that’s prompted households to reduce spending. + +“Every customer is asking the question of the value of a subscription in relation to its cost,” Ted Sarandos said in an interview with French newspaper Le JDD on Sunday. Netflix’s vision to “satisfy the consumer” remains intact, he added, citing the popularity of the new season of “Stranger Things.” + +Netflix has been trying to bring costs under control as its subscriber growth slows. As part of those efforts, the streaming giant has laid off employees, including 150 in May and another 300 in June. + +Source: [https://www.thevesign.com/netflix-ceo-blames-this-for-massive-loss/](https://www.thevesign.com/netflix-ceo-blames-this-for-massive-loss/) + +**Netflix NFLX co-CEO has blamed the loss of 200,000 subscribers in the Q1 on inflation that’s prompted households to reduce spending. Do you agree that theQ1 $NFLX subscriber loss was due to inflation?** + +**Do you agree that the Q1 NFLX subscriber loss was due to inflation?** +I'm a long time reader but this is my first post, because the topic has not been talked about much in this subreddit, yet. Most of you probably know [why it's a good strategy to buy back your sold options at e.g. 50%](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmtb45fY7Y8). I always open a good-till-cancel (GTC) buy-to-close (BTC) order right after selling an option, mostly to not forget about it. + +An advantage of having your BTC order open right after selling the option is that it sometimes gets filled unexpectedly far below the limit price, especially at market open. This mostly happens with low volume / high IV options. It's great, because you can even sell the same option again right after and it's still worth it. I added a screenshot of my exceptionally good fill I got on Thursday. The mid price after market open was $2.35 and it did not get better on this day. I got filled at $0.75 with a limit order at $1.8. + +[NGA Feb19'21 20 Put fill. 15:30 Central European Time \(CET\) is 9:30 EST](https://i.imgur.com/A1nNFUs.png) + +Does this also happen to you from time to time? Is this broker dependent (I'm using IBKR) ? What's your strategy to buy back options? + +edit: better screen shot, link for the overall strategy behind profit targets, rephrasing, emphasized GTC order +Rolled over my old 401k to an IRA and looking to buy some VOO and individual stocks for my long term portfolio. I'm considering selling slightly ITM CSPs (e,g. selling March 70 puts for a stock that trades at 65) rather than buying the stock outright. What downsides am I missing here? + +I can come up with three scenarios: + +1.) Stock goes down into expiration and I'm assigned for a loss (or a slight gain if the stock only goes down a little), but I'm still better off than if I had just bought the stock at time = 0 because I earned the premium. + +2.) The stock goes flat or slightly up but below the strike into expiration and I'm assigned. I'm better off than had I purchased the stock at time 0 + +3.) The stock goes up past the strike into expiration and I keep the premium. I may have been better off had I bought the stock at time = 0 but that is opportunity cost. I then roll over the CSPs to April +Buying the stock and then timing the calls just feels right. For some reason selling puts and tying up the funds just doesn’t have the same appeal. + + +What am I missing here put gang? +I have 101 shares at around $53. In a situation like this, is my best bet to let it ride, and hope my shares aren't called? Or are there other positions I can take to profit off the run up? +I've been selling a csp on amc 2 weeks out for about 60 in premium usually. I sold one a week ago and could now buy to close at $3.50 total (56.5 profit on premium). It seems like it makes more sense to do this and free up the capital so I can write another put that expires next Friday. Is there any reason to wait for expiry on Friday? I can't really think of any +I understand there are monthly dividends and methods to receive a quarterly dividend every month. I wanted to know if there is any major advantage/ disadvantage to exercising one over the other. I have two small dividend accounts so far(fidelity and Webull) I don’t get why someone wouldn’t let just say buy a “buttload” of those monthly dividends like some of the credit sussie stock products out there(some under 5 a share) versus buying more expensive shares that takes a quarter for each dividend disbursement? I have been dividend investing for less than a year. +I received an email that mySupermarket is closing. I used it for a long time to compare products to get the cheapest deals and for the alerts. It really helped me save a lot and budget better. + +This is was the message in the email: + +“Dear mySupermarket users, + +After 14 years of service to UK shoppers, the mySupermarket website and mobile application will be taken down from March 1st, 2020 as we shift our activity toward other business areas. + +We would like to take this opportunity to thank the tens of millions of you who have used our services over the years and who have contributed to its amazing success. + +It has been our pleasure and privilege to serve you and to share this journey with you. + +Thank you and goodbye!” + +Since that is going, are there any other alternatives? +It's like you can't even add \*\*\*\*ing question marks at the end of your topic title without it getting auto-modded and removed. + +And there seems to be a billion key words that they added to the auto mod policy that removes your post. I made a topic that was getting some traction and then it gets deleted because I made a quick edit. I honestly don't know what it was. Y\*\*Tu\*e? S\*\*\*\*ng \*\*pha? + + At this point i'm pretty annoyed am considering just moving to the other place (I guess s\*br\*\*\*\*it and r\*s\*\*ks are banned words? Jesus). The rules are more lax. The quality of posts are pretty much the same as here. + +I literally had to edit this post 5 different times, each time deleting different paragraphs and rewriting it because there seems to be key words that are banned that doesn't even make sense on why they're banned. +We have been under an incredible amount of pressure from parents to buy a house. Like it comes up in almost every single conversation we have now. It’s not like we don’t want to buy a house. If anyone had a look at the house prices in Sydney, you will know it’s ridiculously hard. The whole situation is just making us very miserable. How can we deal with this situation? It’s also frustrating that what we’ve saved and gained from investments have not matched the increase in house prices in Sydney. +Looking beyond the (often misleading) headline figure, here are the typical standing charge and unit rates for the new price cap: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/check-if-energy-price-cap-affects-you + +Standing charges have gone up by 1p per fuel (to 46p for electricity and 28p for gas), while the kWh rate for electricity has increased by 86% from 28p to 52p, and the kWh rate for gas has more than doubled from 7p to 15p. + +ETA: These vary by region; Money Saving Expert will have the full list on this page once they've got it ready. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/what-are-the-price-cap-unit-rates-/ +Shit is about to get real. We are about to experience something no one has ever seen. We have a new currency that is not controlled by any government and not backed by any government. It’s magic internet money. + +However, futures trading starts next week. This is a HUGE MONUMENTAL thing. Futures. Futures are Wall Street wizardry and no one knows how this is going to impact BTC. + +No one. Wall Street is out to make money. They don’t care at all about blockchain, about changing the world, making money accessible to all. All they care about is making cold hard USD cash. + +They are not trading futures to help the cause or make BTC “legit”. They are doing it to make money. + +Next week is going to be scary. Someone is going to make a ton of money, but no one, and I mean no one, knows if it will be us (HODLers and early adopters) or them (the slick traders creating futures to make money). + +The futures will not actually trade BTC, but it will impact the price of BTC. You have to be ready for this. + + +You can be ready in a few ways: + +1. HODL. Ignore the price, ignore the news. Take your hardware wallets, your paper wallets, and put them away and ignore them. The price is going to go nuts. Maybe up, maybe down, but it’s going to be insane. Stick to your plan. HODL. + +2. Set your limits in your exchange of choice. What’s your buy and sell number. Set it and stick with it. The computers are going to make trades faster than the exchanges can keep up with. Remember the 9k dip that lasted for seconds? Imagine a lot of that. You won’t be able to move fast enough. If you want to get in or get out at X, set it now and live with it. + +3. Get out of BTC. Take your profits and leave. You’ve made a ton of money. Take % out and put it into the normal stock market, mutual funds, ETFs, whatever you want. Leave the rest in. Move your BTC into a traditional asset class and diversify. + + +These are your options. You need to take a hard look at yourself, at your wants and needs, your goals, and make your decision ASAP. + + +Futures are coming and it’s going to be a wild ride. If you don’t think you can take the insanity, make your plans now. +Bolstered by the impact of fiscal and Covid-19 stimulus packages, the US Federal Reserve is expected to forecast an improving economic outlook with the labour market and inflation to rebound faster than anticipated in December. + +However, traders will likely be disappointed if they are expecting sunnier projections to translate to changes in monetary policy when the US central bank's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) ends its two-day meeting on Wednesday. + +Reaffirming its extremely dovish stance, the FOMC will hold its funds target range steady at 0%-0.25%, analysts forecast, while the QE monthly purchasing target should remain at “at least” USD 80bln in treasuries and USD 40bn in agency mortgage-backed securities. + +Fed Chairman Jerome Powell is set to stress a change in plans for interest rates and bond purchases is premature while he wrestles with questions on tapering given the choppiness in bond yields. + +While analysts expect the central bank keep rates at current levels through 2023, the recent wave of volatility in money markets has stoked speculation of a break from its holding pattern. The Fed may be forced into a technical adjustment, but virtually no one expects action at this week’s meeting. + +Full Link:https://www.livesquawk.com/report/special_fed-set-to-reaffirm-dovish-stance-with-powell-likely-to-urge-patience +Hi guys, + +I am quite the newbie, but I have been learning for forex in the past year and demo trading besides it as well. Last week I started live and in one week I have gained 15%, which I am quite happy with and I do realize that this won't be standard and that I will have weeks with losses. + +Now the problem that I am dealing with is that this could have been 20% today and it was 20%, but then I started overtrading; getting into stupid trades out of greed to maximize my profit and gain even more although that is never worth giving away a 5% day. + +Do any of you have solutions for this problem or how do you cope with this yourself? I am probably lacking discipline, although that is not the case with other aspects of my trading like keeping up with fundamentals, having a journal and risk management. +OK, so here is my issue. I would like to know how people actually prep for their days trading. Eg, We all know that on any given day / time, the market will offer opportunities on pairs (and that is where we hopefully can make some good opportunistic trades) + +I (probably like many of you) work from my laptop, so it is visually impossible to have (say 28 pairs open)...so by the time I have found a pair/s, the time to trade may have gone by then. + +So, is there a quick way to scan, or website/s that would give me a quick overview of pairs that I should be looking at? + +Any links or ideas welcome guys....cheers +I love to trade and test my stuff but i have really bad sleep problems so i some times sleep 10 hours a day ruining the session times for me so i can't trade and i'm forcing myself to trade late hours do i just stay up all night trade then when i feel like i've had a good session i go to sleep? +Hi all! I am currently a full-time, 22 year old student living in the west coast. Forex caught my eye when I saw and read about many people who accumulated their wealth over their skills of trading. + +I immediately started to research what forex was, and decided to take a stab at the market. I did do a fair share of research on the forex market, but eventually got tired of the constant links to websites of these "online forex gurus" offering me their "secret sauce" for a large check. As a student, I can't even afford half of it! + +Anyways, I initially put in 20, but lost my money pretty quickly in the Gbp/Jpy, an decided to deposit another 40, as a compromise of trying out and depositing into forex for the second and final time. +From there, it's difficult to describe exactly, but I just started making trades on my guess of where the market was going to move. I would just rely on my instinct of watching the market, and by looking at the past history for that pair. I'm a noob, I know. + +Now, I turned my $60 into about $540~ and don't know what to do. I really enjoy trading, but at the same time, now that my account is at $500 dollars, I feel a bit scared that I can lose that money through careless trading. If anyone here has any advice or comments on what I should/should not do, I would really appreciate it! Thanks all + +Tl;dr I'm a noob trader who made $60 into $500 and don't know what to do next + +If you’re serious about success, don’t concern yourself with failure or who’s watching just work harder than everyone else...it’s hard to dislike and not respect those people who dedicate themselves 100%. Life is short enough stop looking at the clock. +I know the difference between the two.But isn’t a credit card better for always knowing how much money you have in your bank account? + +Edit: I’m pretty confused on how billing cycles and all of that timing stuff works. Thank you all, the advice you guys have given me has been amazing, and hopefully other people learned some stuff too. +Just venting my frustration with the current US tax law in hopes that, maybe, we can some how begin a movement big enough to change it. + +It's so frustrating that some of us have to liquidate a part of our current investment holdings, and thus, lowering our overall future ROI, just so we can pay someone who risked none of his own money his share of the pie. + +I am all for paying taxes. It's only right that we pay for the safety and conveniences that our country have given us, but taxing crypto to crypto transactions is just stealing. Crypto to crypto transactions is not capital gains! We should not treat crypto gains like fiat gains because we simply can't walk into a convenient store and make a purchase with the majority of cryptocurrencies that are currently available on the market. It should still be considered within the realm of a long term investments holdings until we cash out to fiat. It's only fair that we're taxed, only, when we cash out to fiat and into our bank accounts where we can actually spend it . Until then, it shouldn't be taxed at all! + +It's frustrating because some of us have yet have the privilege to enjoy our investments in its fiat form, and here we are selling off some of our holdings, cutting into our future overall ROI, putting our dreams on hold, just so we can pay Uncle Sam his share of our hard earned money on a risk that we, ourselves, took. It's wrong on so many level. The US government should reconsider only taxing cryptocurrency investments after it gets liquidated into it's fiat form and into our bank accounts where it'll be spent as part of our income. Until then, Uncle Sam is just being a bully, and what we're sacrificing to pay this bully is just BS. We're giving you your fair share of the pie, Uncle Sam! All we ask is to be fair to us in return, too, please! + +P.S. I think crypto to crypto transactions should still be considered as a long term investment hold since we're not able to spend it like income. +Just wanted to get some advice: + +Currently am getting a promotion at the end of the month which will put me around 90k with a 15% bonus and RSU's. I contribute 7% to 401k. I am currently paying 830 for rent with a roommate but want to get my own place. I live in Chicago. I am turning 27 next month. This place I applied to is 2200 in rent but with utilities and other expenses like internet comes out to 2400ish a month. I have no car and no debt. Rent would be my only expense. I feel guilty for getting such an expensive place but I work from home and it has beautiful amenities which would enhance my living experience in a great neighborhood. I have about 20k saved up. + +I have not signed the lease yet but the application is pre-approved and if I cancel I will lose $500 of the "administrative" application fee. + +Should I feel guilty for doing this for a year while I'm young and am I in a good financial place to be doing this? +I see a lot of stuff going on in here lately. Stuff that honestly should be avoided. But at this point the group is so big that it's impossible to avoid. So for the new people and veterans alike its time to remember that there are bad actors among us. And everyone has the right to feel however they want but emotions can and will be taken advantage of. You can be blinded into making bad decisions. + +These tactics were used and still used to this day against individuals and groups of people who were deemed "undesirable". So before you get into an argument. Or say something you might regret later. Think about who is on the other side of the screen. Is it a fellow member? Or someone acting in bad faith. I imagine I don't have them all but the most common ones. + +**I just want to say we aren't a "group". But even though these are for actual organizations they can still be applied on an individual level.** + +**Common cointelpro methods:** + +**1. Bad-jacketing:** a method wherein negative but not necessarily damning information is put out about an individual, These are not direct accusations but small tidbits of information that put someone in a negative light. Beware of gossipers and people who spread irrelevant negative information without cause. This information can be true or false. + +**2. Infiltration:** Most infiltrators are out to gather information but they can also attempt to disrupt or sabotage organizations. Beware of people who cause a scene, take up too much space or ask inappropriate questions. Watch for people who disappear and reappear with little or no explanation. Ask people questions: Where are you from? How did you hear about us? Who invited you? Why are you here? A genuine person should have quick and easy answers to these questions. + +**(A note about 3 I don't think we have to worry about legal stuff but its still good to keep in mind)** + +**3. Agent provocateur:** Agent provocateurs are a special type of infiltrator; their main task is to goad individuals or organizations into committing overt illegal acts so they can be imprisoned. Beware of new people who make suggestions to commit illegal acts, never discuss illegal actions with people who have not been thoroughly vetted. In Toronto in 2010 anti-G20 activists experienced intense infiltration with a number of provocateurs pressing them to commit illegal acts. Ultimately several were arrested on trumped-up conspiracy charges based on conversations with these provocateurs. + +**4. Undermine public opinion:** This can be accomplished in many ways. Oftentimes the police will share negative information with the news media or assist the media in obtaining negative information. Social media has led to the rise of online trolls who scour online sources for negative information and broadcast it to all of their viewers. The media is very organized and well-connected with police forces. + +**(Again same note as 3 we don't have to worry about this one as much just good to know)** + +**5. Legal harassment:** Spurious criminal charges and civil lawsuits are used to distract or neutralize movements. They may or may not be directly related to front line activities. These matters rarely make it to trial but the constant stream of summonses, subpoenas, depositions, and interviews can cause mental breakdowns.  + +**Anti Cointelpro tactics:** + +**(The main point with this one is that bad actors are dismantled by good questions you don't have to be aggressive)** + +**1. Always work with people you know.** As more people are drawn to the organization always ask them who they know and who brought them. Have conversations with new people, ask them normal questions a person should be able to answer. + +If you believe you have an infiltrator discuss it with people you know and trust the most first. Never take unilateral action, remember it is common to bad-jacket reliable people as informants. Collectively examine this person’s behavior and note all suspicious activity. Confront them privately, collectively and gently with the information and ask them to explain themselves. If their explanation is unsatisfactory remove them from any position where they might have access to vital information. Tell them they can still be useful, just not on the front lines, present them with other tasks they can perform to support the movement. If they refuse or if the evidence is damning remove them entirely. + +**(People with genuine intentions aren't lying to you. If you feel the need to lie about something you probably aren't acting with the best intentions)** + +**2. Tell the truth.** Other people will also be asking you questions, you must be honest and open with those on the front lines. Everyone has embarrassing or shameful information from their past. The media or police will uncover it eventually. It is best to share this information with your cohorts before it can be used for bad-jacketing or as part of a smear campaign. Real Peoples Media was recently the victim of a bad-jacketing campaign after it came to light that one of our associates had a criminal record for sexual assault. We were previously unaware of these charges and it hampered our ability to respond. + +**(The important part about this one is not the legal stuff but the behavior aspect. There is a reason we say be excellent to each other because the bad actors out themselves)** + +**3. Behave impeccably.** The front lines of any movement will be heavily scrutinized and police and media will look for any means they can to bad-jacket or arrest you. Obey all laws that don’t have a bearing on your movement. Obey traffic laws and local by-laws, don’t do illegal drugs, litter, horseplay or fight in public. +What is preventing a hacker or government intelligence analyst from stealing or reverse-engineering your source code? A security-focused O/S, data/internet encryption, air-gapped PC, etc.? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a 1 day ban. +Happy weekend team. I have a general question for Selfwealth people. Is it doable to Bpay into your account from a credit card to earn points, and qualify for frequent flyer bonus points etc? There are Bpay details on the app, just seems like too easy a way to get points. My intention is to just use my credit card to add money, and just pay the card right away (not get into credit card debt to fund this casino). +S'up cucks. + +&#x200B; + +The end of the financial year is upon us and the bleeding carcass of our portfolio's will once again be scavenged over by the ATO. The luckier ones amongst us even have the luxury of an accountant to provide them with yet another level of shame to deal with. + +&#x200B; + +Down at **Mod** HQ, we have been thinking about a way to give a little something back to the community. Also, the dungeon was getting full, so we need a clean out. + +&#x200B; + +Over the last few years, we have had all sorts through this place. + +We have had the **piece of shit coward fucks** who have tried to dodge bans, or made bets and never followed through. + +They are forever consigned to the flames. There shall never be any mercy for them. + +&#x200B; + +But, we have also had some proper staunch fuckers that have made ~~foolish~~ bold predictions and been willing to risk a large wager on them who have come up short, taken their medicine and sailed nobly off into the banned lands. + +&#x200B; + +Well, todays the day you poor shmucks get to divert your attention to someone else's plight instead of your own. + +&#x200B; + +Below, you'll find a short blurb on some of our longest cellar dwellers. In the spirit of u/plucky26, a poll has also been commissioned. Cast your vote, the winner will be released from the shackles of their perma-ban to once again haunt our sub-reddit. + +&#x200B; + +**IMPORTANT NOTE**: *Sadly, you'll not find the artist formerly known as* u/BrilliantMove7, our since departed resident troll among the selections. They have nuked the account, which is a pity because they would have gotten my vote for sure. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 1**: u/AdHot6827 + +This poor fucker took on a [multi leg bet](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mzbigt/comment/gw0by3g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with 100K on the line and tripped on the first hurdle. Currently residing in a cell for one serving a perma-ban, that was upped from the original 3 year ban when they made the bet and doubled down. Ouch... + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 2:** u/Coloneloscoppy + +The only offering not on death row, this perma-bear made a big balls bet on [BBUS](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/r5k2zh/november_is_over_i_lose_long_live_the_bulls_see/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), staking a 2 year hiatus on the market tanking. They were off with their timing and currently locked down for the stretch in a room with green candles while all their bear buddies are rejoicing... + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 3:** u/Tobesity + +I had to go into the basement, behind the forbidden door and into the locked filing cabinet to find this one. Proud owner of the 1 trillion day ban from [survey post death](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lyyt5q/ahahahahahahahahahahahaahaahahahahahaaahahaahahaha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), this user was not granted amnesty in the great '*'lifting of survey bans*'' last year due to the notoriety of their post. Currently dwelling in the deepest depths of the pit... + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 4**: u/gorodemon + +This sick fuck took the gamble on 88E being below 0.015 during the [pump phase](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ml6lt7/comment/gtn8zaa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Ruin cast them into the flames where they have languished ever since, not even water from the failed drilling project could stop the burned flesh smell.... + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 5:** u/LackOk2824 + +The original LKE-Tard. Bet on sub favorite to [touch $2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l2g0sm/to_all_my_lke_autists/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before chrissy and missed the mark, way before Steve exited stage left with tendies a plenty. Sailed the good ship LKE-tard into oblivion and has been watching from the banned lands ever since... + +&#x200B; + +**OPTION 6:** u/unahbs + +Bet a perma-ban on BECKY fav DUSK [getting to $5](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/n89k9x/comment/gxh89f7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Fuck knows why, but they have been locked in the scented candle room downstairs for the last 9 months and it's driven them fucking crazy... + +&#x200B; + +You may now set one of these uber degenerates free... + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/vo1grd) +Can someone please explain to me IHL's proposed issue of securities released a few hours ago? + +It says they plan to issue 10 million shares, but at a price of "0.00001" + +Also says they're to be options exercisable in 2023. Can someone explain what options actually are. +Background: + +Work in tech with about 50% of salary as RSUs. Annually $100K-200K worth of additional RSU dependent on my performance. I can also buy company stock at a 15% discount. Currently have about $300K worth of company stock. + +Say my company stock has consistently grown 10% YOY over the past 10 years and assuming it doesn't change for the next 10 years. Thinking about opening a portfolio line of credit using M1/wealthfront. M1 currently charges 2%. The idea is use the LOC for living expenses and keeping RSUs as opposed to selling them and taking a capital gains tax hit. + +If I stay around 20% total draw on the LOC. Is this a safe amount? My understanding is if I continue to add RSUs into the portfolio, I should be able to draw additional cash depending on growth and still stay at 20% total draw meanwhile only paying 2% interest while my portfolio continues to grow. + +I know there are terms I need to define here such as arbitrage, margin calls, repayment, default recourse etc, But has anyone done this or is currently doing this? What am I missing? + +Edit: Disregarding my base salary income for the sake of this post. Lets say I use my salary for other investments/opportunities/buying RE etc. +According to [**GLHF**](https://glhf.gg/) sources, Amazon will announce today that it has put in a formal offer to acquire Electronic Arts (EA), the publisher behind *Apex Legends*, *FIFA*, *Madden*, and more. + +&#x200B; + +[https://ftw.usatoday.com/2022/08/amazon-buy-electronic-arts](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2022/08/amazon-buy-electronic-arts) +My wife and I do not have any debt and have never missed any payments for anything in the past. + +She received a phonecall from a company called Lowell addressing her by her maiden name and asking for more personal details. She declined as she did not know who they were so they said they would contact her by post. + +Nothing for a few months and then a text from them saying "it is important that we speak to you today" with a reference number. + +From a quick internet search it seems this company is fishing for someone with the same name that has the debt they've bought? + +We are 100% certain we do not owe anybody anything. Are we best off ignoring them or should we contact them. I have never dealt with anything like this before. + +Thanks in advance +I was at a cafe in Houston on my day off from my grueling job after working 10 days. + +Unfortunately, I forgot my headphones and overhead a conversation between two middle aged woman. This is a wealthier, “gentrified” neighborhood in Houston for context. So the typical Karen in her 850k bungalow, coming to get coffee after their yoga session, is common. + +The one woman was “complaining” to her friend that the land her husband bought in Costa Rica (apparently they got a good deal for $200k) will ONLY be able to have ocean views from 2 of the 4 bedrooms for the custom home they are designing. GASP! Luckily her friend was able to console her in her time of need. + +They continue to chat about the definition of first world problems. Private school tuition increases, buying a new car for their daughter. + +Guys, I legit was staring at times with my mouth open out of awe. Obviously I know wealthy people exist. But to hear people talking about multiple homes, luxury cars, so openly without any idea how the other 90% live. My mind was just blown. + +I truly don’t understand where people get the money from. God, a trip alone for a week to somewhere like Costa Rica is a dream. Let alone building a HOUSE there. Jesus Christ. +This is some huge news and is going to drive down the stock market Tomorrow + +I’m expecting to be seeing a lot of red tomorrow on the contingency of his health + +What do you guys expect tomorrow following this news and what now +This documentary is eye opening. I’ve seen a few familiar names pop up (Nomura, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan Chase, B of A) + + ANYWAY! I learned that derivatives essentially allowed banks to make super risky trades which was one of the things that led to the crisis. GG was head of the commodity futures trading commission and helped ban regulations on derivatives. + +My takeaway? Be very wary of those in the financial sector who say they are going to help. they most likely won’t because they have a load of cash waiting for them after they leave office. + +I also learned that a lot of the economics professors at universities are paid by Wall Street to teach deregulation as a good thing + +GameStop is the financial worlds Achilles heel and we have em! It’s so scary to see how much of a hold they have on the world but we have +[one](https://tenor.com/view/benedict-cumberbatch-endgame-doctor-strange-one-one-more-gif-14162332) opportunity to finally break the choke hold the rich have on the world and make it a better place. The fear i have of what the banks are doing is fueling my strength to hold for as long as possible. This is the fight of our lives. To the moon 🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: misspelled some stuff and fixed it +Hello! I’m kind of new in savings and financing. I’m 21 years old and have about 11k in savings and would like to increase it up to 50k or more by the time I’m 25. I usually get $1200 a month, I live with my parents but Pay $500 rent a month, everything else Is paying my car and savings money. + +Any tips that you could give me to reach my goal by the time I’m 25?? +**Join the Telegram for 24/7 support:** [t.me/TacoCatCrew](https://t.me/TacoCatCrew) + +TacoCat is moving to make your wallet fat! Among the sea of coins popping up on the daily, TacoCat intends to bring us all a fun, quality project aiming to revolutionise the Binance Smart Chain! 🌮 🐱 + +In an AMA that just recently took place, the owner of TacoCat revealed that they have secured an absolutely insane advertising deal with a major sports league event, namely; **The NHL Stanley Cup Finals!** This is the first step that TacoCat will take to move into the mainstream and bridge the gap between crypto and the wider populous. The exposure which this event will bring will be crucial to building the brand that is TacoCat, and there are already plans and considerations for further events after this. TacoCat is a serious project! 🌮 🐱 + +During the past week TacoCat has had publications made in Yahoo Finance, Business Insider and many other portals. This legitimises TacoCat as a project and provides more mainstream appeal to investors who exist outside the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. A full time media manager has just been brought on board, and she will be working at creating even more articles and solidifying all marketing efforts into a cohesive whole, to have a unified marketing strategy. TacoCat is taking the time to develop all of this slowly but steadily, and reliably. This is not a pump and dump coin, but rather a long term project being built to last for years! 🌮 🐱 + +TacoCat has developed its own swap on their website to make purchasing TacoCat as simple as possible, given the recent Pancake Swap issues. In addition to this, there are plans currently underway to get listed on an exchange asap to allow ease of access for current and new buyers. This is being actively worked on! 🌮 🐱 + +Another point on the map to look forward to is the Satoshi Street Bets AMA, which is also being worked on currently and should be right around the corner! This will also be a huge event which will be heavily promoted and celebrated, and will be a great opportunity for the community to come together and show off TacoCat to the SSB community! 🌮 🐱 + +There are many exciting things coming like influencers, extreme marketing campaigns and many more. Detailed information, roadmaps and calendars with news and events to look forward to in relation to TacoCat are being worked on right now and will be coming soon! Another thing worth to note is the $1,000 giveaway TacoCat is conducting on their Twitter! Make sure to check it out! 🌮 🐱 + +LINKS: + +💻 Website: [tacocat.life](https://tacocat.life) + +💰 Purchase TacoCat: [tacocat.life/buytacocat/](https://tacocat.life/buytacocat/) + +🐦 Twitter: [twitter.com/tacocatcrew](https://twitter.com/tacocatcrew) + +💭 Reddit: [reddit.com/r/tacocatcrew](https://reddit.com/r/tacocatcrew) + +📷 Instagram: [instagram.com/tacocatcrew](https://instagram.com/tacocatcrew) + +✅ Contract: 0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020 + +**Make sure to visit the TacoCat website to see all of the articles that TacoCat was mentioned in!** + +As always make sure to do your own research before investing. This post is not financial advice! 🌮 🐱 +I recently invested a considerable amount into cro and I am in the believe, that it's an upcoming crypto exchange with quite some room to grow. + +Now with the news about the crypto.com cards the price tanked from 40 to 30ct and I am wondering if that could be a better entry point or if everything is going to waste now. + +I mean, after all they still have great marketing and I can see cro becoming widely used around the world due to such things as the FIFA world cup coming up. + +What's your guys opinion on the future of cro? +I’m a huge fan of biggerpockets podcast and I think they have a lot of useful tools on their website. With that being said, would anyone who has a subscription recommend getting my own for finding deals and conducting analysis for a first time property? (I’m a newbie with little to no experience looking to buy a property within the next year). Favorite thing? Least Favorite thing? + +Additionally, are there any downsides or better resources to use? + +Anything helps! Thanks in advance. +There are lots of rumors going around regarding what the governments response will be. + +What do you think should be done to combat the estimated sharp rise? +Just a question. My BF and I quit the rat race last year to travel full time in an RV. It was amazing. But it woke us up to this whole FI/RE concept because you generally need some passive income to keep it going. + +However, I'm posting here because a lot of people I've met are unaware what a full time RVers life COULD look like. It's not all writing blogs, taking pictures of food and earning money on etsy... Some people actually work or even volunteer in exchange for a full hookup site. So you own an RV and you essentially have no rent for volunteering at a National Park (or state, or campground, or whatever) for 20 hours a week. Some of them will provide a site and pay you, some of them require 40 hours, some of them even pay decent. It's called "workamping" or "workcamping." + +We spent 6 months in West Yellowstone, MT working at a gift shop for minimum wage (20-24 hours a week each, with 3 days off together in a row). Our boss also owned a pair of cabins and we were paid $70 to clean when they were vacated (3x a week, took about 2 hours per cabin). We paid no rent and lived in the most beautiful place, less than a mile from Yellowstone National Park. + +We then traveled for several weeks and went to work for an Amazon warehouse for $11/hr as "pickers" for their Christmas season. They also pay for a full hookup site in a campground. Less glamorous but the $$ was good and we lost weight walking 6-14 miles a day. :) + +I just wanted to share my experience. Maybe some people on here are within a few years of FI/RE and would like to travel the US to parks, this might be a way to do it without withdrawing a full 4%. We made it work with about $5k saved for the whole 9 months (includes 6 weeks on the road traveling, Vegas, etc.). We would still be doing it but we are intent on building up investments so we could work for half the year instead of the full year, have better equipment and make sure it's 100% more sustainable (we have student loan debt). + +I hope this helps someone reading it. +My personal one is VET. Walmart is one of the largest businesses in the world and if they have adopted it in China for food safety use. There is a chance (still may be small) that it gets picked up by Walmart worldwide. + +Give me your reason why a small coin you own could be useful as well. + +Not trying to shill coins or anything btw. Just want to educate myself on other coins and thought I should give an example. +Hi, have lurked for a while - thought I’d seek out some advice. + +I have a £285k, 2.5%, 35yr mortgage. I am 32. +I pay around £1k in mortgage payments, and currently a monthly £120 overpayment (well within the 10% overpayment limit). +This should shorten the term by around 5 years. I’d like to be mortgage free as early as possible. + +Background on me - I could increase the monthly payment to £200-300 if I desired. I also receive an annual bonus so could make a lump sum as well. + +We don’t have any big debts, but no savings either really. I’d use this years bonus to kick start the savings. + +Are mortgage overpayments worth it? +People want to follow is Financial Entertainment and not Financial Education, as financial education is boring, tiring and need discipline and its never ending learning. It requires a process to follow, its something like becoming a medical doctor, you need the dedication, you need the perseverance to be successful. It require certain level for experience to have the basic psychology of a trader, otherwise without even realizing you'll keeping doing the same mistakes again and again, you'll have same drawdown again and again, till you attain the mindset of a trader and to achieve that you need a strict discipline of a trader. A never ending motivation of financial protection. A well learned trader will never over trade to earn huge returns, he'll always trade to protect his capital first, earning is just a byproduct. If you're watching those YouTube videos and thinking its Financial Education and browsing for more(I Do), I guess your just hunting for entertainment. Education would be watching one video again and again till you know the concept clearly and thoroughly practiced before you move to another video(I do even this). I write down the notes and study the video and implement in my trades if I like it. + +Technical analysis is basic most study people should start with, as it not only creates a great learning platform for a stock market trading, it also teaches you discipline. After a while you may also realize as TA is basically a way to be disciplined as a trader, like Religion, it has nothing to do with life itself but teaches to be a discipline in life(Their might be different opinion on it, but lets please ignore the religious discussion). Similarly, most strategies are there to protect your capital as we lack the basic discipline to cut our losses as our EGOs are to big to accept that we are wrong. If you have the GUTS to accept your mistake than you'll have the courage to cut your loss, the very feeling that market will reverse is the very EGO of yours not accepting your mistake. I know most of the times market reverse as soon as you squreoff, but its ok, trust me on this IT'LL HELP YOU WAY BETTER IN LONG TERM. If you stay long enough in market, one thing for sure, market will destroy your ego, it'll literally smash it down and in some cases even the fucking self respect. I am 7+ years in market actively trading, I was always a center of attraction among friends, today I have no friends and I am very high degree of introvert, I have cut ties with everyone. I am not saying market has made me that but I made my choices. TBH I am not even successful, I am somehow managing to feed myself. + +People Believe success rate on trading is at least 10% overall, even certain stats shows that it is approximately 10% people are successful in trading stock market and its true too to certain extent. But trust me in those 10% I bet its at least 5% of successful are those making even with market and not closing in red, I agree its success but lets face it, if you're a trader with that record you're definitely leading a stressful life, you're compromising a lot for very little. In other remaining 5% there are people making good enough to lead a happy life, at least buy a Merc or BMW(just a reference of "success") and doing good enough. They are the larger chunk in this 5%, probably over 4%+ of them. They are the ones who show off in twitter of earing 20L PnL and never show the 15L DD, but said that I am not against anyone or any ideology. In fact those PnLs helped me a lot in my trading career and gave me a belief, I can do it. They are good people sharing success and helping others too. + +Now the main point here is, the Big sharks, the Jhunjhunwalas, the Kedias of morden market, the ones trading in corers, how many are they, trust me they are just handful and lets not deny the fact, we all started trading dreaming to be one of them at least a big fat corerpati, the Fucking successful ones, we all dreamt of earning Corers. But in actual people earning in Corers they are really handful, the really successful ones are really can be counted on fingers(worldwide). And if you're struck in the middle category of traders, is it really worth it, the same amount is paid(+ or -) in any fair jobs, doctors earn couple of lakhs a month, engineers do after certain level, or any higher executive do it, so is it worth to take such high tension career choice as a trader in the name of financial freedom and be monetarily enslaved? Is it worth to give a try and keep trying every fucking day to be a Corerpati and who knows if we'll be Heros or the Zeros(literally). +Requesting the experts and those already using some product(s) to share their experience, pros and cons, tips and tricks, pitfalls to avoid etc + +As digital banking has entered mainstream, the intent is to get an idea of what kind of products are available and how can teens and/or their parents safely opt for one +Zerodha kite was from 9 AM to 11 AM. How to rely upon such brokers who claim themselves to be top 3 in terms of active clients yet don't have reliable service. And main question is, who will take responsibility of losses? +https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/finance/rbi-to-inject-rs-12000-crore-into-system-on-oct-11-to-manage-liquidity/articleshow/66139893.cms + +>The Reserve Bank Tuesday announced it will inject Rs 12,000 crore liquidity into the system through purchase of government bonds on October 11 to meet the festival season demand for funds. + +>The government will purchase bonds with maturity ranging between 2020 to 2030, the RBI said in a statement. + +>The auction to purchase government bonds is a part of the Open Market Operations (OMO) to manage liquidity in the **system which seems to be facing liquidity tightness.** + +..... + +>As part of the OMOs, the RBI will purchase government securities **maturing in 2020 bearing interest rate of 8.27 per cent, 2022 (8.15 per cent), 2024 (7.35 per cent), 2026 (8.15 per cent) and 2030 (7.61 per cent)**. + +---- + +\* Is this India's QE moment? +\* Has this happened before, esp the _"to meet the festival season demand for funds."_ ? +\* Is this some "funny way" of hiking short-term interest rates just after announcing no-change-in-rates ? +Good afternoon r/dividends, + +In the month or so since I took over active moderation of this subreddit, a lot of things have changed. I've made posts before about the changes I have made. However, the subreddit as grown by about 7,000 new users in the last month since I took over (it was \~34,400 when I became a moderator). + +With all these new members means the potential for new ideas to help the subreddit grow and prosper. Whether you want to join the mod team, or suggest a feature or change, I am creating this post to ask what should be done differently (if anything). Pretty simple really. + +I intend to read everything posted in the comments of this thread. + +Thank you for your participation in r/dividends. +How common is it for people to hate their jobs? I went from a dead end retail job (that I loved) to a still kind of dead end but better paying council job. I’m extremely grateful to have stable work, but I can’t say I enjoy my current role. The thought of working there til retirement makes me want to tear my hair out. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +There is a feeling in the air that this is a pivotal moment in the stock market. +We have long expected that the MOASS was going to be preceded by a massive shock to the system, in the form of a crash. +While the year so far has certainly been tumultuous, it has not quite reached a level that I would consider 'crash'. +However, the Fed will be adjusting rates this week, and I have very little doubt that we will see shockwaves. +I honestly don't see any way around it - any number that they throw out is either going to be too high or too low, because nobody knows what is going to fix this inflationary mess. +Nobody is going to be happy, and that will lead to a jolt. + +Naturally, it coincides with a massive FUD campaign to paint GME HODLers in a bad light, as if we are the ones responsible for the crash. +I like the stock. +I mean, who wouldn't? +A company with no debt, plenty of inventory to supply a strong retail and online sales business, as well as a rapidly growing digital technology business. +A company that has shown me time and again that they are on the side of their customers and investors. +A company that has over 50% of the free float held at their transfer agent by investors who are committed enough that they learned about DRSing and actually took action do do so. + +GameStop's investors are not the ones responsible for the crash. +The people who print and dump countless billions of dollars into the markets to line the pockets of Wall Street are. +The short sellers who prey on vulnerable companies and retail investors are. + +This time, we'll make sure they are held accountable. + +Today is Monday, September 19th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$27.98 / 28,11 €** *(volume: 2066)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $27.98 / 28,11 € *(volume: 2066)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $27.98 / 28,11 € *(volume: 2042)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $27.98 / 28,11 € *(volume: 2017)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $27.97 / 28,10 € *(volume: 2017)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $27.97 / 28,09 € *(volume: 2017)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $27.96 / 28,09 € *(volume: 2017)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $27.95 / 28,08 € *(volume: 1407)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $27.95 / 28,08 € *(volume: 1386)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $27.92 / 28,05 € *(volume: 1386)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $28.18 / 28,32 € *(volume: 797)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $27.95 / 28,08 € *(volume: 784)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $28.06 / 28,19 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $28.01 / 28,14 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $28.01 / 28,13 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $28.00 / 28,13 € *(volume: 755)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $28.00 / 28,13 € *(volume: 755)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $28.00 / 28,13 € *(volume: 749)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $28.00 / 28,13 € *(volume: 715)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $28.01 / 28,14 € *(volume: 677)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $28.02 / 28,15 € *(volume: 677)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $27.99 / 28,12 € *(volume: 676)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $28.02 / 28,15 € *(volume: 264)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $28.03 / 28,16 € *(volume: 193)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $28.08 / 28,21 € *(volume: 39)* +- �� US close price: $28.64 / 28,77 € *($28.17 / 28,30 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9954. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Hi everyone, + +I want to start investing in the S&P 500 long term this year, but technically the only sector that seems reasonable to invest in right now is the energy sector. + +What are your thoughts on energy this year? Will it continue going up? + +Also, I want to invest in sectors of the S&P 500 that I believe have growth potential than investing in the entire market such as VOO or the SPY. What do you recommend? Sector investing or entire market? + +Thank you! +Any successful full time day traders with ADHD? I’m guessing those who do have ADHD only scalps? I can’t sit around hours on and just stare at the monitor for even two hours let alone all day. How do you guys deal with it? +I don’t see this enough. If you don’t have any health issues outside your control the best thing you can do is eat right, excercise, and gosh darn it brush and floss your teeth daily! + + +[Here it is](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-buy-a-home?utm_source=e63fab89-81de-44c5-8c5d-7fd9f2403144&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=daily). + +Posted in May but updated recently. Seems very thorough but also easy to follow. Just thought I'd share since I've seen many posts recently about how complicated the whole process is! + +Edit: this link is for England and Wales, but someone in the comments has linked to documents for Scotland and NI +I have to say guys, that I currently love hearing about people that got burned in 2017 who maintained their faith in crypto and are now seeing their patience pay off. + + If you fall into this category, well done for not losing faith. It's been tough but we are at the beginning of a potentially massive bullrun. + + Remember, time in the market is better than timing the market. +# 📲 Telegram: + +t.me/hyperchainx + +&#x200B; + +HyperChain X Is a community driven project that is out of this world! Great design, graphics, marketing and gaming tournaments with other token communities on the “HYPER CHAIN X” platform. This will bring a new “HYPE” to the industry! Backed by a solid team that is active daily in the chat with full transparency is a key factor in these times! + +The team will have LIVE VIDEO AMA’s that will be held in a professional studio a few times a month! This will be hosted on YouTube/Twitch. + + Hyper is bringing E-sports to crypto and building a platform where all token communities can battle each other for 10k+ prize pools with games like for e.g. Fortnite, Leagues of Legends, FIFA21, Mortal Kombat, Rocket League. Gaming is a “trillion dollar industry” and mixing this with the crypto space makes HYPER a serious GAME CHANGER! + +HYPER is launching their crypto gaming platform this Saturday! There will be a token community battle with a BIG token that has more than 200k holders called “PITBULL” Fellow crypto hunters you don’t wanna miss out on this one!! LIVE broadcasting and real eSports casters, raffle lottery tickets and prizepool!!🔥🔥🔥 + +Win 50% of the lottery prize pool! Go to https://gaming.hyperchainx.com + +CREATE AN ACCOUNT, CHOOSE YOUR TEAM AND BUY YOUR LOTTERY TICKETS NOW!! 🎫 + +First battle will be PITBULL VS HYPER! The 22nd of May at 20:00 CEST time! “Clash of the Tokens” + +# 🌏 Website + +hyperchainx.com +So, my mother helped me set up my first credit card, and kept my information. In 2014, she quit working and I started supporting her, believing she would go back to working in 2015. She did not, and until last month, I fully financially supported her. About a year ago, I discovered she had kept my first card open, had racked up $9K on it, but paid it down to $6K. She promised she’d really needed it and was paying it off to close it. +Fastforward, my sister got into law school in the Netherlands, my mother goes with her to get her settled/stay indefinitely. +In an email, letting me know how they are, she casually mentions three credit cards I was unfamiliar with and how I would have good credit by the time they were done. So I called the companies—turns out, between 3 cards she had taken out in my name, as she lived with me bc I supported her, she had racked up almost $25K in debt. + +I literally cannot afford to pay this. When she left with my sister, I discovered additional $1K+ in expenses in my name. +Because we shared an address, one CC company has found this not to be fraud and that I am liable for the debt. My other option is to file a police report. On my mother. Who is out of the country. + + +I do not know what to do. What are my options? Oh, she also cosigned my name to a student loan when she was getting her second bachelor’s degree. + +Options, please. Please. +* The situation  + * I am 37, married with two kids and the sole income. My son who is currently 11, has significant special needs that will require lifelong care. We’ve been really blessed financially and as a result are on track to retire around 51 with a generous income even with the added medical expenses and such we’ve had along the way.  + * Here’s the basic question - does FIRE make sense in our situation? Whenever we retire we are going to have a dependent who may outlive us and would require care and supervision for the rest of his life. Do we push that date back and accumulate assets to support him when we’re gone? Do we retire earlier  to travel (we all love to travel including him) while we're young enough manage his needs and supplement income later with barista or equivalent work? + * I’ve put some of our info below if it helps in the advice you give. I am planning on meeting with a CFP specializing in special Needs but thought I would get some wisdom from the crowd +* Current assets (24% savings rate, no debt besides mortgage) + * 401K pre-tax - $477K + * Roth IRA -$215K + * Trad IRA -  $114K + * Taxable brokerage - $72K + * House equity - $130K + * Cash and “equivalents” -$131K (includes $5K in crypto stable coin, $5k in I-Bonds, and $20k in a 40/60 allocation mutual fund) + * 529 -$76K + * RSU -$60K +* Questions for discussion + * Had anyone here FIREd with an adult child with disabilities living with you? How was it? + * Where to put increase in savings as my income grows and spending stays flat - pretax vs backdoor vs taxable – given the potential for needing to spend more sooner? + * How to handle potential of being FI in the conventional sense but unable to retire? + * What do I add to our FIRE number for the third person? Does it change the allocation or SWR? + * Other considerations? + * States or places better to retire in for this situation? We're looking to move closer to family and to a larger city to improve access to services for our son. + * What would you do in my situation? Would you still FIRE in my situation? Or spend more now recognizing that post retirement won’t be a lot of travel and stuff? + +Edited to add for a couple questions/comments that have come up: + +\- Our son is ambulatory, highly social (far more extroverted than me), likes riding his bike and traveling but he also needs significant help with basic personal care and hygiene so we're in an unconventional position as most people with disabilities with his personal care needs are far less active. He also has no real concept of danger or risk also which means he requires pretty constant supervision as he has the ability to run out into the street but not the sense of the risk that incurs :) + +\- Life insurance and LTD are both taken care of. $3MM of the former on me and 2/3 salary replacement after-tax for the latter. + +\- One of our major goals is to ensure that his sister is not obligated to care for her brother (or any other family member) so we want to make sure we have enough that he's well cared for regardless of what happens to me, to government benefits, etc. + +\- We have a will with a special needs trust that will be created on our death. + +\- Thanks for the stuff folks have mentioned like ABLE accounts and such. Good info to look into. +A fairly common (but not universal) belief among FIRE advocates is that earning money once you are retired is easy. That you can always go back to your old career, or monetize some hobby, or get a part-time job doing something you love, or (at the very least) start driving for Uber. + +Mr Money Mustache is probably the prominent advocate of this line of thinking. + +>Kentucky normally processes 2,000 jobless claims a week but received more than 9,000 claims on Tuesday alone. + +Given we're currently in a largish market crash, how many people are looking around right now thinking, "Yeah, this would be a good time to look for a job if I were retired?" Are there any recent retirees considering going back to work? What work are you considering going back to? +For context here, Wachtell is indisputably the most prestigious m&a law firm in the world. Marty Lipton (name sake confounding partner) invented the poison pill and should be credited with killing the entire hostile takeover era of the 80’s. + +Strine was one of the most influential Delaware VC and Chancellor for 20 years. As chancellor he wrote the book on “specific performance” in m&a agreements and cemented Delaware’s “fuck you” attitude to buyers backing out of m&a agreements like in the landmark IBP vs Tyson case which will likely be the precedent at the core of this trial. + +Savitt is one of the brightest litigators in Delaware history. He’s literally who every big name (incl the likes of KKR) runs to for deal litigation and has a successful track record against activist investors like Ackman and Icahn. + +Edit: this sort of blew up. Would it be better to write a more detailed translation of the legal circumstances in another post? +I have read the rules and believe this is allowed here. Please, I'd really appreciate a hand and you could help some people. + + +I have (semi recently) begun a job at a county jail where I teach financial literacy to inmates. The program, as it was handed to me, was completely awful and the previous person in my position was notoriously incompetent. As such, I am rewriting the entire program almost from scratch, while teaching it at the same time. I have had some financial training and am in the process of getting more, but am still young and (relatively) uneducated on these topics, and many financial trainings do not address the specific needs of my population. + + +One of them is this. One section I cover is identity theft protection, and what to do if your identity has been stolen (affects many of my clients - hard to have your documents in a secure place when you're transient). MANY of the offenders I am working with have committed identity theft themselves. Often, they don't really understand the consequences of their actions, and see themselves as having committed "victimless crimes". They are under the (mistaken) belief that when you steal someones identity and say, take out a loan in their name, that they will easily find out, correct the mistake, get the money returned to them, and have their credit score corrected, and thus the only person you've "hurt" is the bank you've taken the money from. + + + +This is not true. I KNOW this is not true. But trying to look up concrete information on just how difficult it is for people to recover brings up either: sob personal stories, or information on how to protect yourself. + +I hope this is specific enough for this subreddit, but could any of you help me out with a succinct explanation, ideally involving some numbers, of exactly how FUCKED identity theft can make you, even if you find out it's happened and take steps to correct it? I had one guy just about start crying in class when he realized he'd actually tanked a bunch of peoples lives, not just stuck it to the man. I would like this revelation to happen to more people. Plenty of these guys plan on going back to to it once they find a new way to do it and "totally not get caught". + +Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks so much. +I am an air traffic control trainee, 3 months into the 12 month long program. We get paid during training a modest wage of 53k, and it's a brutal program, with many known to quit or 'wash out', and there's a necessity to study outside of your rostered hours. + +Once you get through the program, you're effectively guaranteed a position, and you do 6 months of on the job training at 80k, and then start at 109k as a qualified ATC. From there each year 12-13k is added on to your wage, until maxing out at around 220k (10 years down the line). + +Aviation happens 24/7 and so this job is rotating shift work for all controllers. It's 72 hours a fortnight, and you can expect to have shifts at all times of day, and your shifts will be different week to week. So you can never get used to the same schedule. Reading accounts on r/ATC will tell you of how you can expect to miss family events, holidays, weekends. There is much talk about divorce and short life spans, that it's bad for family life, that it ruins your sleep and health, and is stressful. There is also much talk about the 'golden handcuffs'. Many medications are barred including most that treat mental health issues like depression. The work is done in a relatively dim room (unless you're in the tower stream, which I'm not). Your roster is planned a year in advance, making you feel locked in, and bidding for the time off that you want off for your leave (6 weeks a year when fully qualified) is subject to operational requirements. It's worse in America which the majority of controllers are on r/ATC but Australia isn't exempt from these arguments. + +There are pros on top of the wage that I should mention though, it's stimulating work, and you're a respected member of the community, it's a kind of cool thing to tell people that you do. You leave work at work for the most part. + +I am torn because I know many want for this job, but I'm finding it hard to reconcile with the information that these elements could plague me for the rest of my working life. The field of work is also very isolated - there isn't any other field or company I can go to that directly uses these skills, so any career change down the line is really starting from scratch again. If I could have it ideally, I'd have a job where I can choose my own hours, freelance perhaps, or contract work where I don't feel so locked in and can do contracts months at a time. So then I could have time to travel, pursue musical interests (and tour), things like this. But I don't have any alternative career prospects, my bachelor degree was in biomedical sciences which I have little interest returning to university for further studies with, and all I had done before this was casual call centre work. + +The housing market in Melbourne is so shocking from my outsider perspective. It feels to me that this is the major purpose of money, to get a house. It would be maybe 15-20 years of slaving in this high stress job before I could pay off a house in a suburb that I like. I'm not sure that that's what life is about. + +My question is - does this sound like a good deal to you, would you go down this career path personally? I'm a relatively young guy of 26. Would you compromise your health with shift work to put yourself in a good financial position? And is anyone in a similar position? Thanks +When an IRA or 401K is rolled over to another provider, your investments are typically sold, a check is issued, and sent either to (a) You or (b) the new institution. + +I would caution initiating a rollover right now due to extreme volatility. Let's say that your old plan is liquidated today, right after a 10% drop. The check is mailed out in 5 business days, you receive it in another 3 business days, and forward it to your new institution who processes it in 5 business days. That's 13 business days in which a lot of swings may have taken place, and with funds being liquidated you may have taken a massive loss. I generally don't recommend timing the market, but with rollovers you are out of the market for a few weeks, it may be wise to keep your funds in the current plan and wait to roll over until the volatility has subsided. +I'm 17, and I live with my mom. She's very abusive, sadistic, and narcissistic. She recently just made me start paying rent and stopped providing for me. She says that I'm "almost an adult" anyways. I literally just turned 17 last month... Anywho, she wants me to take all of my hard earned money out of my savings account and give it to her. She said that since I live in her house, she can legally take my money if she wants to. I have a student bank account, so she has access to all of my information. I can't open a bank account on my own since I'm under 18. I have saved $860 since I started working in June. I don't want to send her all of my savings. I need to find a way to hide the money somehow. Can I just send it to my PayPal account or something? +We come back again this week for a new edition of the Terrible Token Tuesdays. We have some really terrible ICO pitches to show you, hoping that you will be relieved to SOMO (Satisfaction Of Missing Out) on those. + +[Petro](https://concourseq.io/Q/Petro) The team does not understand how blockchains work and offers no coherent argument for how Petros are backed by oil. + +[Lendroid](https://concourseq.io/Q/Lendroid) (ICO active) -The founder, Vignesh Sundaresan, has been accused of being the creator of a scam called coins-e.com. No Publicly available Github to show for the alleged smart-contracts that will handle the funds custody. + +[Hybrid Betting](https://concourseq.io/Q/Hybrid_Betting) - The founder Emanuele Frisa seems to also be working as a mountain chalet host, which is a weird occupation for someone trying to revolutionise the betting industry! He also fails to mention that on his Linked-IN (maybe a throwaway account) which has 7 contacts and no endorsements. + +[Wikibits](https://concourseq.io/Q/Wikibits) - Significant Lack of Experienced Team Members, and registering for the Alpha Portal requires user to input their Ethereum Wallet address. Doing so to view the MVP is ridiculous! + +[Krops](https://concourseq.io/Q/Krops) - Company was delisted on stock exchanges and is attempting to distribute tokens to shareholders, which is most likely illegal! ICO is in fact under investigations from the SEC. + +[Infinitum Coin](https://concourseq.io/Q/Infinitum_Coin) (ICO active)- No team, no MVP or Github. Supposedly trying to merge Virtual and physical worlds, it is not clear to us what is the purpose of this project if there is one. + +[AIOM](https://concourseq.io/Q/AIOM) Buzzword salad of Medical, AI, Blockchain and Voodoo Healing. Lots of spelling mistakes and a team of 3 with no experience in the medical field trying to revolutionize it. + +The ConcourseQ team would like to thank M1tzu_79, Skadoosh1, Deez Central Eyes, dvnielng, kerogers, ogcurious, Th3r21ndr0p and all the community for their contributions. + +(all links are to CQ DD pages) +I was thinking about this earlier, and then I just happened to see [this article](https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/this-hedge-fund-is-betting-hard-against-gamestop-stock-are-shorts-playing-with-fire) that comes right out and admits it. Strongly recommend giving that one a read, but [these are the relevant paragraphs.](https://imgur.com/UnU2SSQ.png) + +Shorting GME right now seems to make sense if you don't know anything about GME or market structure, which is the case for a significant number of small-time hedge funds and family offices. One would imagine that large banks, desperate to unload as many of their toxic positions as possible, are trying to pass them off to their prime brokerage clients. It can't even be that hard a sell, given that these small-time fund managers have undoubtedly been drinking the wall street kool aid for a long time now. 100%+(++++) short interest is a distant memory to them, long since swept under the rug of mEmE sToCkS. It might even seem like one of the safest shorts in the market, and shorting it could be seen as a hedge against the incoming crash. How ironic. +Remember everyone, it’s just a perception of loss atm. 1 BTC still equals 1 BTC, or in my case 1 Satoshi still equals 1 Satoshi. + +Head back to your grind, keep earning that fiat, take care of your family and take care of yourselves. + +If you need the funds to survive, fold and use it. If you dont need it, just chill. + +tbh, this post is mostly just to talk myself into a happy place. Alright, back to the grind. + +Cheers all. + +Edit - lovin to good vibes, thanks all. Great to see folks keeping a level head, only investing what they can afford to lose, and waiting out the storm. + +Edit 2 - wow, karma farming downvoters are brutal, so many good comments at 0, updooting just to balance out the universe. + +Edit 3 - for those pointing out that we don’t all have work to go back to, I hear you and I am sorry. Didn’t consider the unintended knife twist the post could be for those hit hard by everything that’s been going on with the job market. + +Edit 4 - my most upvoted thing on Reddit is me reciting my HODL mantra, cool, cool, cool, cool. + +Edit 5 - last edit, I’ve got to give a screaming 2YO a bath. For those pointing out 1BTC was 60,000 and now can only command 40,000. Well yeah, I get that, thanks for the price snapshots, maybe try zooming out on the charts, the lines go up and down. We’re at the razors edge of a new way to carry out commerce, contracts, organizations; this stuff is chaotic and the early adopters are going to suffer that chaos. Anyway, strap in kids, we’re in for a bumpy 21st century. +At this moment i have just dipped my toes into real estate. I only know the basic terms and what to do in certain situations + +EDIT: Thanks to all the people that went out of their way to help me out, i learnt a LOT today +To those of you had to make this decision, which did you choose and why? How did it affect your time and cashflow? Looking back, was it the right move? + +Edit: to be more clear, I mean managing your rentals +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +I just wanted to share what I consider a parenting success story. My wife and I have been giving $20/week to our 11 and 8 year old every Saturday for some time now. Not tied to chores or grades or anything, nor did we put restrictions on what they could buy. Our goal is to teach them about managing their money and what it means to spend it. For a long time, we rarely had to physically hand them paper money because as soon as payday rolled around, they'd want to buy something for one of their digital games. Sometimes they'd even ask for an advance, which we refused. Once you spend the money, it's gone. They'd almost always spend their money on some skin or in-game currency on a game, get bored with that game, and then move onto the next one. Wash, rinse, repeat. + +Recently, my 11 year old has been saving most of his money to buy a laptop. The last time we sent him to the grocery store (we live 2 blocks away in a small town), he even bought his brother a treat because his brother had spent all his money for the week. It has been so satisfying to see him create a financial goal and a plan to reach that goal instead of spending his money just because he has it. It's cost us hundreds of dollars, but I feel it will save him thousands or tens of thousands of dollars by learning this lesson before he lives on his own. We are fortunate enough to have the cash to give to the kids, so I understand this isn't something everyone has the luxury of doing. I wasn't 100% sure how this would turn out, but I am glad we gave it a try. + +Edit: Thanks the wonderful responses and advice. A common question has been if I’m worried about teaching them that they don’t have to work for their money, which I understand. We do require the children to do chores, but we don’t believe in tying their allowance to these chores for several reasons. The first being that we didn’t want to introduce another variable to this lesson. This is strictly about teaching financial management. We also feel that basic chores aren’t something that deserve a financial reward, but rather a responsibility that comes with being a family. We also feel strongly about volunteering in our small town, where many activities and events require community involvement in order to happen. I want the boys to learn that you can work without reward. Finally, we live in a small town in North Dakota. There chores aren’t just basic tasks line sweeping or mowing. One of the things they help me with is shoveling snow when it’s -5. They also help my dad on the farm. I’m definitely not worried about the boys struggling to learn the value of hard work even though we’re giving them money every week. They’ll get summer jobs just like I did when they’re old enough, and we’ll contribute to an IRA for them so they can learn that saving early pays off later. + +I really appreciate all the feedback. Definitely some great ideas to incorporate. Thank you so much! +**THIS LIST HAS MOVED TO THE WIKI AND WILL BE UPDATED THERE** +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/upcoming_news + +&nbsp; + + +Many events in the crypto world seem obvious in hindsight. Case in point the BTC rally influenced by new currency regulations introduced on January the 1st in China and the raising of interest rates by the FED in December. +So let's create a list of upcoming events and try to speculate on the possible effects on crypto trading. +Here goes, '+' is beneficial to crypto, '-' pejorative: + +&nbsp; + +**JANUARY +SUPREME COURT JUDGEMENT ON BREXIT** ++ potential boost proportionally to political turmoil +***** +**JANUARY 20th +TRUMP INAUGURATION** ++ political turmoil, international unrest +- hypercapitalism, business as usual, etc. at least short/mid term +**JANUARY 28th +CHINESE NEW YEAR** ++ possible crypto financial activity in line with new year psychological effect +***** +**JANUARY-MARCH +LAUNCH OF METROPOLIS** ++ obviously positive - even more so if they also include the DAPP marketplace feature +**LAUNCH OF ICONOMI.Index** ++ positive, however it’s possible this is already (partially) factored into the ICN price ++ potential to introduce large, non-technical audience to Ethereum +**LAUNCH OF DIGIX 2.0** ++ positive, however it’s possible this is already (partially) factored into the price +**GNOSIS CROWDSALE (ICO)** ++ one of the more interesting and solid Dapps, possible opportunity +**FINAL DECISION REGARDING THE RULE CHANGE NEEDED FOR WINKLEVOSS BITCOIN ETF** ++ financial product for the non-crypto investor pool, would be a big win for BTC +- if rejected will take a long time to get back on the regulatory table +***** +**FEBRUARY 17-18** +**ETHEREUM EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (EDCON) PARIS** ++ News of key developments in Ethereum and Dapps +**APRIL 23 +FRENCH GENERAL ELECTION** ++ this might lead to further crisis in the EU if the far-right wins +***** +**APRIL** +**PLANNED LAUNCH OF BRASS GOLEM** ++ Boost to GNT token values if on schedule and works well ++ Possibly an introduction of GNT token on exchanges if this doesn't happen earlier +**SOMETIME IN 2017 +FED INTEREST RATE HIKE (POTENTIALLY 3-4 HIKES)** ++ potentially a replay of what is happening now (capital flight from China and emerging markets to crypto +**POTENTIAL BAN OR LIMITS ON CRYPTO (ex. China) +CRYPTO REGULATION (ex. SEC)** +- bad +**LAUNCH OF AUGUR (REP) ++ probably creating an immense amount of media attention +***** +**END OF 2017/BEGINNING OF 2018 +LAUNCH/DELAY OF CASPER + DIFFICULTY BOMB** ++ huge boost to ETH value if successful (~~accumulate 1500ETH to be able to stake~~) +- a delay, uncertainty and especially a failure will have huge negative impact (hard fork to diffuse/delay bomb) + +&nbsp; + +Please feel free to add events in the comments. +Looking forward to your opinions. + +&nbsp; + +EDIT: corrections and suggestions from comments +I've been a strict bitcoiner since 2013 but the more I read and watch about Ethereum I see how it is truly a unique and superior generalized blockchain tech. I'd really like to have a piece of it but I'm kind of broke right now but have a handsome amount of BTC. I'm just wondering how many people here believe in Eth's dominion over all other cryptos, or do people here feel BTC still has a co-operative role alongside ETH? Thanks + +EDIT: Wow top post! Thanks for all the wise words, guys. I ended up just "splitting my stack" for now. +**THIS LIST HAS MOVED TO THE WIKI AND WILL BE UPDATED THERE** +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/upcoming_news + +&nbsp; + + +Many events in the crypto world seem obvious in hindsight. Case in point the BTC rally influenced by new currency regulations introduced on January the 1st in China and the raising of interest rates by the FED in December. +So let's create a list of upcoming events and try to speculate on the possible effects on crypto trading. +Here goes, '+' is beneficial to crypto, '-' pejorative: + +&nbsp; + +**JANUARY +SUPREME COURT JUDGEMENT ON BREXIT** ++ potential boost proportionally to political turmoil +***** +**JANUARY 20th +TRUMP INAUGURATION** ++ political turmoil, international unrest +- hypercapitalism, business as usual, etc. at least short/mid term +**JANUARY 28th +CHINESE NEW YEAR** ++ possible crypto financial activity in line with new year psychological effect +***** +**JANUARY-MARCH +LAUNCH OF METROPOLIS** ++ obviously positive - even more so if they also include the DAPP marketplace feature +**LAUNCH OF ICONOMI.Index** ++ positive, however it’s possible this is already (partially) factored into the ICN price ++ potential to introduce large, non-technical audience to Ethereum +**LAUNCH OF DIGIX 2.0** ++ positive, however it’s possible this is already (partially) factored into the price +**GNOSIS CROWDSALE (ICO)** ++ one of the more interesting and solid Dapps, possible opportunity +**FINAL DECISION REGARDING THE RULE CHANGE NEEDED FOR WINKLEVOSS BITCOIN ETF** ++ financial product for the non-crypto investor pool, would be a big win for BTC +- if rejected will take a long time to get back on the regulatory table +***** +**FEBRUARY 17-18** +**ETHEREUM EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (EDCON) PARIS** ++ News of key developments in Ethereum and Dapps +**APRIL 23 +FRENCH GENERAL ELECTION** ++ this might lead to further crisis in the EU if the far-right wins +***** +**APRIL** +**PLANNED LAUNCH OF BRASS GOLEM** ++ Boost to GNT token values if on schedule and works well ++ Possibly an introduction of GNT token on exchanges if this doesn't happen earlier +**SOMETIME IN 2017 +FED INTEREST RATE HIKE (POTENTIALLY 3-4 HIKES)** ++ potentially a replay of what is happening now (capital flight from China and emerging markets to crypto +**POTENTIAL BAN OR LIMITS ON CRYPTO (ex. China) +CRYPTO REGULATION (ex. SEC)** +- bad +**LAUNCH OF AUGUR (REP) ++ probably creating an immense amount of media attention +***** +**END OF 2017/BEGINNING OF 2018 +LAUNCH/DELAY OF CASPER + DIFFICULTY BOMB** ++ huge boost to ETH value if successful (~~accumulate 1500ETH to be able to stake~~) +- a delay, uncertainty and especially a failure will have huge negative impact (hard fork to diffuse/delay bomb) + +&nbsp; + +Please feel free to add events in the comments. +Looking forward to your opinions. + +&nbsp; + +EDIT: corrections and suggestions from comments +I Am a 1st year Btech Student. After all the Robert Kiyosaki and Napolean Hill books I am encouraged to learn about investing. I know nothing about mutual funds and stuff. Highly inclined to learn on how to read charts and do TA. I am in cryptocurrency trading since past one year and have made a bit money so will like move a bit into traditional investments. +Any online courses/books you guys can recommend? +I'm not understanding current market situation at all - pardon my nOObness but I need some help from the veterans here to understand what is happening. + +Everywhere I see a bear market. I'm invested in stocks, real estate, mutual funds ( India) , mutual funds ( US based equities), cryptocurrencies. My worry is that each and everyone of them is decreasing. + +Now my question is - where is the money going? There must be frontiers of investment which pleb like me isn't aware of. +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-india-goldmansachs/goldman-sachs-upgrades-india-to-overweight-amid-pre-election-rally-idUSKCN1R00CZ + +Crossposted from /u/naidusa post in /r/india +Hi, I'm still learning financial literacy and still trying to make sense of alot of things discussed on this sub and maybe my title wasn't the most fitting but what I mean to ask is, If the first home I can afford is not my future / forever home and is like a small 2bedder, how is that meant to help me buy a larger home in the future ? Even if the value of the 2 bedroom house increases and I sell it once my mortgage is paid of many years later , hasn't the price of all the larger houses I might want to purchase also increased? So even if I made say x amount of profit on the sale, wouldn't the price of the larger house also have increased by around x amount ? And this isn't even factoring into account things like stamp duty and the interest paid on the loan. + +Is it just because I'd only have to take a smaller loan, if I've already got the proceeds from selling the 2 bedroom? + +Much appreciated, thanks +Article for reference: https://bradfordtaxinstitute.com/Content/Sell-Home-to-S-Corporation.aspx + +I recently moved out of my primary house and am now renting in a LCOL area. I was worried that if 5 years goes by and I don’t sell my home, I’ll lose my $250k tax exception on my primary home. My house has appreciated by about $500k since I bought it in 2013. + +A buddy of mine who flips houses in another part of the country said I can sell my house to a new LLC I create and lock the cap gain exemption in now instead of losing it or having to live in the home again for 2 years down the road. Has anyone done this and is it as straightforward as outlined in the article above? + + +Also, I’m currently single but will prob be engaged/married soon and was curious if I can get the full $500k exemption even if my wife isn’t on the deed? If not, maybe I could sell the house to her at $250k over what I paid and she could get her $250k later if we (she) decided to make it her primary home for 2 years. Or maybe she can be part owner in the LLC? Not sure if you can get additional cap gains exemption on the same house as long as the property appreciates over the sale price each time since the cost basis for the new LLC would be $250k more than what I bought it for. +Most of last year, we had a potential crisis brewing with repo, bond yields, and weakening international markets. When the Fed came in and dropped rates three times, and then started 'intervening' in the repo markets, we saw the U.S. markets melt up from October 2019 to January. + +So, basically, this Covid-19 crash brings us back to October 2019 levels when we had all that uncertainty. The foward-looking earnings for Nasdaq entities is now 6% higher than then. Does that, to you, seem indicative of current market health? +California, I am her POA (can't form a trust, POA from local legal aid wasn't strong enough much to my surprise yesterday) can refinance her mortgage. There isn't a possible outcome where my mother will be able to sign a new POA or trust before death. + +Her loan is atrocious (4.75%, 2400 inc. taxes) & more than we can sustainably afford without her monthly retirement (income from divorce will expire with her) & her SSI. Worried about our families ability to pay that with her house tied up in probate for 4-6 months. Immediate family was planning on renting it out as a way to pay for the mortgage & keep the asset in the family. 200k mortgage on a house valued \~ 600k. My mom doesn't have any assets we can sell & we have to spend down approximately 5k to qualify for Medical to pay for her hospice. So after she passes, factoring burial costs, we will take on the burden of the mortgage without funds to float us. I have approximately 6k stocks I can sell to help float, but idk if I will be able to recoup that in any reasonable period & was hoping to save that for retirement (28 years old). + +She barely qualifies for a conventional mortgage refi at the moment \~3.4% 1800/ inc. taxes (high debt i.e. mortgage to income ratio). We were waiting a few months to build my grandma's credit (no credit history) to cosign & refinance with a much rate i.e. \~2.3% no upfront costs on either. + +Now that we don't have the time to wait for that does trying to get a quick refi through on my moms income make sense? + +Close family who would inherit don't make good refi mortgage candidates after probate. Brother (already has mortgage on his own home, lost job due to Covid, went back to school on GI bill), other brother (living on SSI due to disabilities), me (student debt balance surpassing yearly income, work as a server & COVID wrecked my income this year). My brothers wife is willing to be a guarantor ( high income but on brothers mortgage) cause she's an angel, but that isn't ideal. My Grandma is willing to be a guarantor but only makes \~30k (no debt) & her health is very fragile so I worry about betting on that income if we have to wait months on end for her credit + probate. + +All that being said I already have all my moms documents summitted with a local broker from our previous refi attempt before we realized my gram had zero credit. I think it would be fairly easy to get the process going in the next few days. + +I just have zero idea whether that is a good idea or not, or what happens if my mother dies during the process, or how long the loan process will take? If she dies during that process will we be left with additional fees added onto mortgage without the lower monthly bill from completed refi? + +If you have any questions or need more info, to help make judgements let me know. + +Very stressed & juggling a lot right now. Some financial direction or any insight would be extremely helpful. + +Update*: Just got off a call with one of the brokers I had previously been shopping with. He said that there is nothing legally wrong with what I'm doing & that it's exactly what the Power of Attorney is for. He said the turn around for his company was 30 days, & that if my mom dies before the refinancing is complete, it probably ends up null before going into probate. (Rocket mortgage is a great service. Although I was able to find slightly cheaper rates locally.) +There are various threads about savings returns as they increase and people wanting the highest rates. + +As savings rates increase and returns increase, you will start to hit the tax thresholds which will reduce your returns. + +If you are a basic rate payer (up to £50k) you have £1,000 tax free interest income. + +For a higher rate payer this drops to £500. + +Anything above your interest free threshold gets taxed at your income tax rate, so while you might see a 4.5% rate advertised, that doesn't mean you will get 4.5%. + +Banks can't advertise your personal savings rate as it will depend on your individual circumstances. + +E.g. (based on another post) + +>4.5% interest on £40k is £1,800 per year. + +>If you earn under £50k gets taxed down to £1,640 (4.1% effective post-tax). £1,000 tax free, £800 taxed at 20%. + +> If you earn over £50k it's £1,280 (3.2% effective rate). £500 tax free, £1300 taxed at 40%. + +If you put money in an ISA, you might get a higher return even if the headline rate is lower. E.g. for the higher rate payer, putting £20k in 4.5% outside an ISA would get £740 (£500+£240*.6), or 3.7% return, and putting money in an ISA at 4.1% would get you 4.1%. Net return on the same £40k goes from 3.2% outside the ISA to 3.9% when half is in an ISA. + +So make sure to consider whether it's worth putting money in an ISA. Don't just look at headline rates, consider post-tax returns as well. + +Other key points: + +* The banks will report to HMRC how much interest they paid you and HMRC will adjust your future tax code to get their money, it won't be deducted in advance +* The payment timing will impact the tax treatment. HMRC cares about when it's available, not when it "accrues". If you have a 2 year FTD which pays out in 2024 with all the interest at the end, ALL of the interest goes into your 2024 tax year, you don't get half in 2023 and half in 2024. If it's paid monthly then it will be spread. +* Joint accounts will usually be reported 50/50 so you can spread the returns and tax between you and a partner/etc if you have a joint account - but not all banks offer joint accounts. +* You can only open one type of Cash ISA per year, so don't start opening loads all over the place. You can transfer money from one ISA to another though. https://www.gov.uk/individual-savings-accounts +* As pointed out in a comment, premium bonds are also tax free. So the 1.98% (IIRC) expected return excluding large prizes is 1.98%, with no tax. Money at c.1.98% in premium bonds is better than 2% or more in an instant access savings account if you are paying tax. (https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2022/09/ns-i-premium-bond-rate/) +So I have posted a few times here about some bumps in the road on my career trajectory and how my saving early on has worked in my favor. I have a new chapter in my story. + +NW: $1.6M +Age: 43 +Married with one child + +Back story: six months ago I received a glowing letter from my immediate supervisor on how well I was performing. All the metrics the admin types look at, I was doing extremely well. Had a good working relationship with my coworkers too. Was extremely happy at the time. + +Fast forward five weeks: we have a facility closure in my region. I am not being laid off but asked to relocate. It felt like a gut punch and was without question a step down. They told me they would keep me in my current role for another three months, despite being overstaffed, “as a courtesy”. + +In time I was given some schedules and assignments on my way out that seemed punitive and were unacceptable to me. + +How I would have handled this if I didn’t have decent savings: Tuck my tail between my legs and keep working + +How I handled it given my current situation: I got confrontational. I told them this was unacceptable. I provided ample evidence my peers were not given such assignments/schedule in short time. I demanded them to make some changes. They refused. I resigned abruptly and told them to find someone else to do their grunt work. + +Three months later, I have started my own business and found flexible side work I can do from home as I grow the business. New business has been a bit slow to take off admittedly but we are progressing and increasing our marketing strategies. I wish I could be more specific but it would potentially reveal my identity. + +My income is right now a fraction of what it was before, but growing week to week. I did have a moment or two after I was in the early stages of my new career path where I briefly felt panic. But mostly that has not been an issue. + +What has gotten me through those occasional moments: reminding myself that my entire career thus far, saving aggressively for a number of years, was in order to help me in a moment like this. Coming to that realization, I was able to accept the short term drop in income. I recognized that if I let stress eat me up during this time then my entire career saving for the future has accomplished nothing. + +So today ironically I spend zero time stressing about money. Month to month when my income was an order of magnitude higher I was far more meticulous about it all. I have given myself permission to relax and focus on the next chapter. And it feels great. + +Today I work on my own terms. My side gig is enough to support my family month to month and my new business if it takes off will be more lucrative. I still have a lot to accomplish but today I believe in myself and I believe I will look back on my last job and the way things went south as a blessing. +Good Morning Apes! + +Today is a bunch of things, quad witching, Friday, and most importantly of all the day futures contracts expire. It looks like if the intention for holders of any swaps or open futures contracts on GME were going to attempt to roll that yesterday was the last trading day to do so. While there is some confusion if today is the day they have to settle those contracts or not, whatever is open as of this morning will have to be settled by T+2 from today or Monday. With the gamma ramp still very much in place going into market open if settlement were to occur today the potential could be explosive. While quad witching's have been lackluster in the past. We have always gone into them with futures contracts rolled the week before, this cycle is currently not the same as the previous ones. + +If you want a more in-depth look at this weeks TA [check out the weekly DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pn3ryv/too_many_shares_to_stuff_in_my_cellar_and_forward/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect when this all goes down + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Hours + +Well it looks like there was no covering of anywhere near expected volume for the settlement of futures contracts today. Remember that the settlement is still on the table until Wednesday, +Sep 23rd, at the latest. I will cover this more in my DD this weekend. Thank you all so much for the support, and enjoy your weekend! + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/s4kzt2n6e4o71.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=72ef3870f8bbc35c70abd1585d650b698893d3a5 + +Edit 11 3:41 + +parabolic uptrend + +https://preview.redd.it/61woffbw94o71.png?width=1568&format=png&auto=webp&s=030df29e01c150beefdea971ff5e3b7ecc32d889 + +&#x200B; + +Edit 10 3:00 + +little bit of shorting right as we move into power hour, several candles with no volume our average for the day still traded above us at $206 + +https://preview.redd.it/cwlkh8sm24o71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=945ce619a6acefeca6cc3d0c13ce195ecb033617 + +Edit 9 1:42 + +Two large volume spikes first from NSDQ and the second from a large OTC buy + +https://preview.redd.it/v8ilr7joo3o71.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7a23dbfe2cb9a66a2f90d0fd90859a4ff7f06c3 + +Edit 8 1:26 + +and out of nowhere.... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uicnfaexl3o71.png?width=1583&format=png&auto=webp&s=028362010df54606ac023542b222879400998a60 + +Edit 7 1:20 + +Slammed back down after another test at 205 + +https://preview.redd.it/s1dric8sk3o71.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a3af70b42336a85f0bc8264be7a07318d4cbdbd + +Edit 6 11:57 + +Also a very similar inverse h&s like we saw on 8/24 + +https://preview.redd.it/rhpytygx53o71.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb132cb1526e58d08897a6ce03492c02e6e33d16 + +Edit 5 11:55 + +Standard midday shift from the morning downtrend to the afternoon uptrend bouncing at 200 + +https://preview.redd.it/p30imq4q53o71.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0a0b8ae8f33fbef3f82118c3b492f258626c2ba + +Edit 4 11:17 + +More shares borrowed more dip. bouncing around $200 the S&P coming down shorting and low volume are really driving us down to max pain at 200 + +https://preview.redd.it/u2x6ayeyy2o71.png?width=1589&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a0c94b2020abef83ea1925977e38b494759a48a + +Edit 3 10:36 + +Big short, probably a chunk of those borrowed shares from this morning looks like it's gonna try to bounce back at 205 + +https://preview.redd.it/u4pg4qdlr2o71.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3178201a4da89d24d1b784f4e6835f2f5e7b78db + +Edit 2 10:24 + +Still chopping right under resistance the volume from this morning's run has all but died off + +https://preview.redd.it/9yfb6necp2o71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=c12c5c45cfb7a98c9bc98a269c8710bd0f0db134 + +Edit 1 9:56 + +Big ups into some consolidation 500k volume for the first 1/2 hour + +https://preview.redd.it/iskox0bdk2o71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3c2b34489260dd6c1d4ad5a851ae8e7e69a5a63 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +10k pre-market volume so far with three hundred thousand borrowed from Fidelity this morning and 65k available on IBKR it looks like someone is getting set up to suppress some price movement. Much of the OI on the gamma ramp at least up to 250 has not been rolled forward or closed out so if we get some momentum expect that to help accelerate it. A little volatility at market open and plenty of room to the upside to test 210 this morning. It current looks like the 217.50 - 222.50 range is going to be the hardest to cross without decent momentum. + +[pre-market 1M](https://preview.redd.it/op9t3ozi62o71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f892c4f27b14b5c0c8581d084934f37e798e975) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Most of the money is acquired through entrepreneurship. How would you recommend finding and picking an accountant? I have a met a few local CPAs and most seem to be focused on tax prep for the average person. + +I'd like someone who understands people in my situation, beyond just filing the paperwork. Someone who can help me strategize tax minimization. Possibly also someone who is a lawyer so we have lawyer-client confidentiality. + +I also spoke to a partner from a mid-size accounting firm around the NYC area who was sophisticated and he quoted $650/hr. Is this the price range I should expect? Feels like a lot... + +Any tips for where to look to find the right person? + +Thanks!! +How did you exit your company? Did you agree to an earn-out? Did you achieve the performance goals and get paid in full, or did something prevent you from doing so? + +My guess is that a lot of people on this sub have successfully exited companies they founded or joined early enough to be considered one of the key personnel so I thought this might be a good place to raise the topic. + +In many situations, the acquiring company will structure the deal in a way to secure ongoing involvement of the founders and key personnel where a percentage (25% - 75%) of the purchase price is held back and delivered 2-4 years later after performance goals have been met. The problem is that the seller often never realizes those future payments for a lot of different reasons. + +Earlier this year I successfully sold one of the companies I co-founded and am now pretty comfortably in Fat-FI territory (NW over $12M). My goal is to exit my other company in June, and my business partner and I have started the process of taking it to market. As a services company, there is a strong likelihood that the buyer will require key personnel to remain involved in leading the company in the near term. My partner is willing to stay on through a multi-year earn-out, but I am looking to exit asap (dependent upon the terms of the deal of course). This means that I will potentially forfeit my portion of the earn-out which could be as much as $2M or more. There is also a chance that the earn-out is never achieved which means it will have been for nothing (except maybe salary). + +It sounds kind of crazy to walk away from that much (potential) cash.... but the clock is ticking (I'm mid-50s), so it is the classic conundrum: which do I value more? Time or money? For me, it's time. + +I'd love to hear people's stories. Did you have a successful exit? Is there anything you might have done differently? +* **Shares of Madison Square Garden fell after the New York Knicks turned in a disappointing first day of NBA free agency.** +* **Top available free agents like Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving wound up signing with the crosstown Brooklyn Nets, drawing the ire of fans and investors alike.** +* [https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/madison-square-garden-stock-price-reaction-to-knicks-free-agency-2019-7-1028322357](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/madison-square-garden-stock-price-reaction-to-knicks-free-agency-2019-7-1028322357?dlbk&te=1&nl=dealbook&emc=edit_dk_20190702?campaign_id=4&instance_id=10624&segment_id=14845&user_id=df76e39b4b5a7f02b0ac32206323e186&regi_id=78539319_dk_20190702) +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Obviously the big news of the day is that 'book' entry at CS seems to be an important factor when HODLing shares purchased directly through ComputerShare. Converting from 'plan' is quick and easy, and you can even keep fractional shares if you cancel the sell order created when converting. While many shares are book by default after DRS, this is something that might make a big difference to the number of shares withdrawn from the DTCC. + +Apes, today is the final trading day of the week, both in Germany and the US. I look forward to seeing you again on Monday! + +Today is Thursday, December 23rd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$154.05 / 136,31 €** *(volume: 491)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $153.92 / 136,20 € *(volume: 491)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $153.85 / 136,14 € *(volume: 491)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $153.75 / 136,05 € *(volume: 489)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $153.69 / 136,00 € *(volume: 473)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $153.71 / 136,01 € *(volume: 472)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $153.81 / 136,10 € *(volume: 332)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $154.00 / 136,28 € *(volume: 251)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $153.68 / 135,99 € *(volume: 251)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $153.69 / 136,00 € *(volume: 250)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $153.61 / 135,92 € *(volume: 239)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $153.45 / 135,79 € *(volume: 219)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $153.47 / 135,80 € *(volume: 168)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $153.44 / 135,78 € *(volume: 161)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $153.45 / 135,79 € *(volume: 129)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $153.50 / 135,82 € *(volume: 123)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $153.47 / 135,80 € *(volume: 107)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $153.38 / 135,72 € *(volume: 106)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $153.41 / 135,75 € *(volume: 46)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $153.30 / 135,65 € *(volume: 22)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $153.33 / 135,68 € *(volume: 22)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $153.31 / 135,66 € *(volume: 19)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $153.33 / 135,68 € *(volume: 19)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $153.31 / 135,66 € *(volume: 19)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $153.33 / 135,68 € *(volume: 19)* +- 🟥 US close price: $154.00 / 136,27 € *($153.22 / 135,58 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1301. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I love nothing more than a good drive (or lap) in a proper driver's car. I've been driving my current car since 2013, and I love it, but part of me is itching to upgrade. But I'm hesitant. + +I grew up without much money, and in the last year my business has been doing well. I've maxed out my retirement accounts ($6k IRA, $56K solo-401K) and also auto-deposit $500 per week of VTSAX into a taxable account. + +Part of me knows that the responsible thing is to save more aggressively to accelerate accumulation and the compounding effect (I'm <30 so time is on my side). The other part of me says fuck it, life is too short to not drive something more exciting. I'm considering Toyota Supra (new, only because used aren't available yet) or Porsche Cayman (used). Alternatively, I could put a couple thousand into my current car to mod it more to my taste. + +When it comes to large purchases, I always force myself to take at least 30 days to wait it out and see if I still want it. I'm curious if anyone has any other self-imposed rules when considering large purchases - maybe limiting their purchase as a percentage of income or net worth or similar. I'm alternatively considering "rewarding" myself with a new car when I hit an arbitrary net worth milestone. Have you struggled with a similar decision? #firstworldproblems +Hello! I’m finally in a position to save a bit, and need advice on what to do with it besides putting the money into my banks lame savings account lol. I’m 31 and got my first 401k plan 3 years ago. It’s only 3% and they do not match. I make around 56K but I’m single and only owe rent, ($1,350.00) even my car is paid off. I would think I need to increase my 401k, but should I also start an ROI or something else? What’s the best thing I can do? + +Sorry if the answer seems simple, but I’m really clueless when it comes to finance, so I’m asking here for help. Thanks! +5 houses, valued at $100k-$300k each. I rent or Airbnb all of them. I'm wondering if there is a way to get cash out of the houses without selling them. Too young for a reverse mortgage and I certainly couldnt get 5 of them anyway. I'd like to buy/invest into an apartment complex. +Hello all, + +I was curious if I could set up some kind of an investment account for my son that family members and close friends can contribute to at their leisure. + +I have some friends and family members who ask whether they can buy bonds for him, and while I wouldn't tell them no, i do wish they could contribute that money towards an investment strategy that will offer much greater returns than a treasury bond over the next two decades. + +There must be some way to set this up. Maybe using some kind of trust or something. + +I don't even know where to start looking, I've only been investing for about 2 years now. Any direction is appreciated. +As the year comes to a close, I thought it would be nice to take a moment to think about the positive financial moves each of us have made this year. + +What steps have you taken (big or small) to move you and/or your family one step closer toward financial independence? I’ll start with a few of mine. + +2021 Wins: + +1. Fully funded my Roth IRA +2. Husband opened and fully funded his Roth IRA +3. Set up $100/mo. auto investment into daughter’s UTMA account +4. Opened a taxable brokerage account +5. Got our mortgage balance below $50K! +6. Paid off husband’s student loans!!! +7. Continued using YNAB to budget. :) + +2022 Goals: + +1. Get a full-time job. I’ve been a SAHM since our daughter was born, but I’ve dabbled with various projects (currently doing a little trading). I’m looking forward to having a steady paycheck while continuing to trade a little here and there. + +2. Increase my husband’s 401k contributions to 15%. He’s been doing 6% which is what the company will match. If I get a job, we’ll be able to funnel more toward retirement. + +3. Continue to streamline our budget and be more intentional with our spending. I’d like to add more to the “family fun” budget line and decrease spending in categories like dining out. + +4. Continue maximizing our Roth IRA accounts and paying down our home. :) +If we never sell, the price will go up. This isn't manipulation, it's just math. Why sell a goose that lays too many golden eggs? + + +AMC and GME are now historic, household names. Buffett didn't sell AAPL as shares climbed and climbed. He accumulated more every time public faith in the company wavered. + + +There is no price target for me. I will hold these shares until someone pries them from my cold, dead 💎👐. Asset prices will continue to climb, and there will be increasing systemic pressure to invest. When other investors see that we aren't just trying to play these stocks, but that they are icons, trophies in our war chest, they will join with us. I believe that no strategy beats buy and hold, especially when other investors believe that idea too. I won't trade this stock, I believe in what AMC represents: the rebellion against the 0.1% that will refuse to let them off easily for plundering coronavirus relief funds, causing the housing market crisis, and more. + + +62 shares GME, 400 shares AMC and 3 $40 02/05 calls. To my future children reading this in 10-20 years: aren't you glad I didn't sell a single share? :) ����🖐 +As the titles says - British American Tobacco (BTI) vs Altria (MO) + +Which one and why? + +I personally like both but can't decide. They both have negatives and positives imo and are in the same industry. + +Plus I'd feel weird having 2 of the same types of companies... Sort of like having KO and PEP. Just pick one bruh, don't be greedy! Lol. +Hey, so I'm fairly new to investing and after going in on meme stocks and getting stung pretty bad I'm looking to put a bigger percentage into something less risky and with better divisions returns. Was just wondering what kind of monthly or yearly dividind returns you can expect from a fairly small portfolio. Thanks +Hi everyone, + +I appreciate you taking time to read this. +I’m 22 years old and have saved up over 100k. +I’ve been investing since I was 12/13, so I’m familiar with the market itself but there’s still a lot I have to learn with dividends trading. + +Given a lot of folks here have had far more experience, I’d like to ask what would be the best dividend stocks/ ETFS that are good for the next 10, 20, 30+ years out? +Like most, my goal is to live off dividends in the future. +I’ve been contributing my 6k into Roth since I was 18, and will be doing dividend trading on this IRA account. + +Is the general consensus VTI, T, QYLD the best for now? I have been unloading my paycheck primarily into T , and shifting my growth stocks (ARKK, XOM, BA, etc.) towards more passive dividend investing. + +Just wanted to get some perspective. Thank you once again. +Hi AusFinance, + +A friend of mine is a dual Australian and UK citizen. He lived in Australia most of his life and went to Griffith in Brisbane for uni and racked up the standard HELP debt. + +After his degree, he and his family moved back to London in 2014. He hasn’t paid any of the debt back or been contacted about it in anyway. He’s not actually sure how much he has. + +I know there were some law changes in the last few years to prevent people ditching their HELP when they moved overseas. + +He’s thinking of doing a holiday to Australia soon and even considering moving back. + +Any advice on the situation would be appreciated, is he up for a fine for not paying? Do the laws apply to HELP debt before they were implemented? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +OPEC is pushing back against the dollar, which seems likely to set the stage for a massive clash with the Fed. +While there is no way to know how they'll respond, it seems like any possible action is likely to worsen the state of world's economies. +I love that *this* is the subreddit where I can come to learn all about it, and I thank all of you for helping to make the DD what it is. + +Of course, GME continues to have dry-as-a-desert volume. +I'm quite certain that the last month's total volume is a record low. +Nobody is selling, even when the market is bleeding all around. +DRSing shares has clearly had a massive impact, and I cannot wait to see what numbers we reach when the quarter ends this month. + +Today is Thursday, October 6th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$26.65 / 26,88 €** *(volume: 386)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $26.66 / 26,89 € *(volume: 386)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $26.72 / 26,95 € *(volume: 386)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $26.74 / 26,97 € *(volume: 386)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,04 € *(volume: 386)* +- ⬜ 95 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,04 € *(volume: 386)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,04 € *(volume: 386)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $26.87 / 27,10 € *(volume: 305)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $26.65 / 26,88 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $26.60 / 26,82 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $26.67 / 26,90 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $26.51 / 26,74 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $26.34 / 26,57 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,59 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $26.39 / 26,61 € *(volume: 230)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $26.38 / 26,61 € *(volume: 230)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,59 € *(volume: 230)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $26.39 / 26,61 € *(volume: 230)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $26.39 / 26,61 € *(volume: 230)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $26.39 / 26,62 € *(volume: 230)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $26.36 / 26,58 € *(volume: 121)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $26.48 / 26,71 € *(volume: 101)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $26.49 / 26,72 € *(volume: 100)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $26.49 / 26,72 € *(volume: 60)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $26.42 / 26,64 € *(volume: 60)* +- 🟥 US close price: $26.39 / 26,62 € *($26.30 / 26,53 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9915. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I've been investing, trading, gambling for about 5 years now and I've done pretty much every rookie mistake there is. Sold winners from 2016 (Shop,Nvidia,AMD,Paypal) Lost fortunes on chasing that pennystock. Played and lost with trying to time the market, option trading. + +&#x200B; + +I've been very active during these years reading and learning and you be surprised how often people get sucked in to the same stuff you self did once. + +These are 8 guidelines that really helps me and that I've learn to appreciate over the years. + +&#x200B; + +**1.Don't FOMO** + +Yes we all heard it. You know that feeling when people are posting crazy gains on these new stocks, we all saw the EV hype. It's so so easy to get sucked in to thinking, if I just put in some money right now I can get 10-20-50% gains in a few days! It's already up 200% this month, surely it will keep going!? + +This takes some real patience to keep your head cool and realize it could very well be overbought and the downside risk is just a lot higher than potential. + +&#x200B; + +I've seen several sector hypes. We all remember the crypto bubble, the weed bubble and now lately the EV bubble. They all come and go and the more of these you been in from the start the easier it is to realize what's going on. + +&#x200B; + +**2. Cut your losers and let your winners run** + +Buying the dip is great when the market is down but if the fundamentals of the business is bad then usually this will just result in greater loss. On the flipside, if you have a few great picks and nothing fundamentally has changed and it keeps moving in the right direction then don't be afarid to keep adding. + +&#x200B; + +**3. When the overall market is down, you buy** + +No one can predict the market, don't waste time on it. When the overall market is down your stock is literally on sale. Usually every sector is down when the market is down, your stock and business has not changed one bit however, it's just a lower price now. + +&#x200B; + +**4. Don't be afraid of corrections.** + +Yeah it sucks seeing your portfolio down 20-30-40% but realize that stocks always go up, they seriously always do. Just keep your head down, keep buying and play that long game. + +**5. Small amounts can turn into big profits down the line** + +When you get really into investing you seriously start rethinking your life. That new OLED 77 inch? Only 2k right? What do you think that 2000 could be in 10 years? You just want to put every damn penny you got in the stock market because compounding interests are just too good to pass up. So just rethink if really need that new thing now or if it could wait. + +**6. If the company keeps growing, why sell?** + +Taking profit is good however not always the best thing to do. If the stock you have keeps growing and keeps crushing earnings. Why should you sell? Why just not keep it for years, it sure can be tempting but are you sure that money could be spent better elsewhere when it's easily growing in your winning stock. + +&#x200B; + +**7, Never regret that you didn't buy more** + + We all been here. Why the hell didn't I buy more of Amazon? Why didn't I just put my whole paycheck in this stock!? + +You can never do this. It won't lead to anything, you can't fix it and you honestly did the best decisions at the time with the information you had. Realize that at the time this was the best decision, ofcourse hindsight it looks like you could have done a better decision. + +&#x200B; + +**8. Don't sell and buy in again to time a correction** + +This is very hard and with the momentum some growth stocks have these days you might just end up loosing more of that profit even if there is a slight correction. Just keep the money in and stop worrying. +The latest upgrades: + +* Smart contract compatibility with contract to contract calls.  This allows complex dApps to be built that can efficiently and trustlessly interact with other smart contract based dApps to extend functionality and usability.  Additional details and background on this tech can be found [here](https://medium.com/algorand/hello-contract-calling-abff8fc00939).  +* Post-quantum secure **Falcon Keys**, Algorand’s first major milestone on its path towards trustless cross-chain interoperability.  These keys will, in the near future, be used to generate **State Proofs,** a new blockchain infrastructure that will allow Algorand to be trustlessly accessed in low-power environments like mobile phones, smart watches, and on other blockchains. For more background on State Proofs, please see an overview [here](https://medium.com/algorand/algorand-state-proofs-707d64038e35).  + +Developers are now able to build complex dapps for the Algorand ecosystem with smart contract-to-contract calling and network participants can take their first step towards trustless cross-chain interoperability with quantum-secure keys for the upcoming State Proof technology. These network upgrades come on the heels of a $20 million incentive program from the Algorand Foundation focused on developer tooling and[ EVM compatibility](https://algorand.foundation/news/10-million-evm-compatibility-grant), putting Algorand at the forefront of blockchain interoperability and post-quantum security while providing features for even more advanced decentralized applications.  + +These features add to Algorand’s already advanced tech, high performance and robust developer resources. Smart contracts on Algorand can be written in Python or Reach, making it accessible for developers of all skillsets.  + +Algorand has experienced zero downtime since launch, helping it become the blockchain of choice for hundreds of organizations launching DeFi protocols, NFTs, payment solutions, regulated digital assets, and more. The network supports applications that can scale to billions of participants, all on a high-speed, carbon-negative, secure and stable blockchain.  +I don't know why this isn't being talked about more but VIX was climbing fast last week and by all indications it looked like we were well on our way to a hell of a market correction. My understanding of options and other derivatives is rudimentary at best. Please take these questions, discussion and speculation with those caveats in mind. + +It's been speculated by some redditors over in the 'bets sub that a single entity (or multiple entities coordinated by a single entity) performed an absolutely massive intervention in the options market that squelched a negative gamma squeeze and smashed VIX. It's speculated that this was ostensibly to avert an all-but-certain market crash since the profitability of such a manoeuvre is limited at best and carries with it insane risk that no private institution would reasonably undertake. If you search under 'new' for "Market Manipulation" in that sub it's easy to find the thread with this speculation. + +I know what I saw with VIX. It surpassed the value reached during the 'sneeze' and then magically dropped during the afternoon of January 25th for no apparent reason. My question is how reasonable is this speculation? And more importantly as it relates to Gamestop how applicable is this speculation to a short squeeze? The DD around MOASS suggests that a positive gamma-ramp and gamma-squeeze is an important precursor. Is there an inverse method for squelching a positive gamma squeeze? If there is, what kind of confidence can we have that it won't be deployed against our beloved stonk? +The amount of circlejerk in this sub is amazing. The top posts of most recent threads is all sarcasm (seriously, if you don't believe me, just check for yourself). A little over half the posts are serious and people who think they are "clever" with their sarcasm also post meaningless crap. If you don't have anything to add to the conversation, WHY POST? + +Examples: +1. Today's Tesla thread, top post. +2. Vanguard thread +3. Radioshack thread + +Their are countless more. To those who take their time writing out a post with thought, we appreciate you. To those trying to be a smartass with the sarcasm, go somewhere else. + +This is an "investing" subreddit. Not an investing circlejerk. + +Edit: If you're an experienced investor and want to participate in thorough discussion, PM me. We recently created a sub for experienced investors to share ideas and analysis. No BS. +Every few days, I like to stroll over to r/GME_Meltdown and look at the memes they're posting. I am full in on GME and will ride it to the moon. However, seeing comments going over there and berating them for making fun of us is not acceptable. Before u/DeepFuckingValue made it big on GME, people gave him alot of flack and he always stayed cool and humble. We have to be the bigger person here. + +Remember: There will always be people that will make fun of your choices until they are proven wrong. So let's not spread hate, but let them have their fun. Let's try to keep a good face and spread positivity. +EDIT: Just made a tinyletter to send you guys access to the beta and updates directly: https://tinyletter.com/cryptoprophet + +Hey fellow hodler, + +I have been following this sub for a while now, and gone through the emotions of the past dips and rallies. Eventhough most of us are hodling, I have seen a few of you making quick cash from buying more at dips and selling some pieces during rallies. + +I want to take part of this too, but I am too busy at work to day trade or even to monitor ETH price daily. + +So, I have been working on this tool using my background in machine learning / forecasting to detect when there is a rally or a dip - and buy a bit more or sell out accordingly. Basically, I have a forecast of ETH price, with confidence intervals, and whenever the price goes out of the interval - it means that something unusual is happening either up (rally) or down (dip) and I receive an alert. Everything is automatic, both alerts and adjusting the forecast parameters. + +The forecast: http://i.imgur.com/A6AzXZ1.png + +I have had good results with the tool so far and I am thinking of expanding the tool into something I could share (and charge for). + +Let me know if you guys want to be added on the free beta and if you have idea of coins that I should monitor. I am thinking LTC and BTC, I dont have any other positions than ETH so I dont really know other markets trends. + +*Obvious disclaimer is obvious: “Past performance may not be indicative of future results.” +* +What I️ propose is that we use bounty0x to post jobs for real world adoption. + +I’d like to start this off with an offer of my own. $2500 usd equivalent in Raiblocks for anyone who can successfully integrate Raiblocks as form of payment on my big commerce web store. I’ll be posting on bounty0x soon once I figure it out. + +Hopefully someone else chooses to post a task and bounty as well. + +Remember folks... crypto currency is about as valuable as beanie babies if we don’t get real world adoption. +I am lurker of this sub and have seen TONS of posts related to Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency. People focused on looking for longer term investments are most likely not going to invest in Bitcoin or other currencies since they are widely believed to be a bubble. Can we have an automoderator direct these posts to either /r/bitcoin, /r/cryptocurrency, etc? + +I understand that investing is always changing, but until Bitcoin is widely accepted as a national currency, and not just a bubble or something to trade, can we try to put those posts in a different sub reddit? I respect other opinions but I'm curious to see if anyone agrees with me +My wife and I disagree on how to approach our new car loan. We're planning on putting down $10K on a used car and finance the remaining $7-8K. We've been pre-approved for the loan through our credit union at 1.95% interest. Is there any advantage to paying off the loan as fast as possible (3-4 months) as opposed to making the monthly minimums at our low interest rate? We mostly put her entire salary into savings ($3.5k/m), but we are trying to save for a down payment on a house. +Fast growing family and fast growing income over here. Is there ever a point where an HSA isn't a good idea? + +Context, we've had 4 kids in 5 years - so you can imagine on our HDHP + HSA, there were 4 years where we hit the out of pocket max and wiped clean our HSA. In fact this year because the investment portion is down, we might actually not have enough in there to cover an out of pocket procedure. + +It's also a lot of work making sure all the bills are paid for the co-insurance and deductible and my wife keeps asking me is it worth it? Should we have just chosen the plan with no deductible and higher premiums. + +Obviously that ship has sailed but as someone who only has 8k in a family HSA (I've contributed the family max for 4 years straight), she's got a point. + +For folks that have families and use health insurance regularly, is an HSA still part of your FI journey? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: For those outside the US, each birth was around 50k of which we're responsible for the first 3k and then 10% of the overall bill (so 3k + 4.7k). The HSA family max is $7200 for the year. So one birth and you're basically maxed out/wiped clean for the year. +Ok, so I understand that a blockchain is a decentralized, publicly shared ledger that validates transactions/information and keeps it safe. + +I understand why a blockchain would need its own currency to incentivize the completion of the validations. (Proof of work/ proof of stake) + +Where I get confused is with altcoins that aren't the base structure for a blockchain network, but instead is a company that would operate within a blockchain network, yet it still has its own native currency. Example: po.et, blu, maybe funfair? + +When I think about the future I don't see people having 37 different currencies in their wallet depending on what kind of businesses they interact with. So is there some method by which these companies would integrate their native currencies with an existing network? (Ex. Bitcoin, ehtereum?) if so how would they account for the total supply of that coin? If not, how do we get around having 37 different currencies on hand? + +Am I interpreting this correctly or is there something I'm missing? + +In the 2nd quarter of 2020, JPM shocked the market by posting record trading revenue. Yes, record, like never before had the bank ever posted that much revenue from trading in its entire operating history! + +Way to go JP!! + +But in the midst of a global pandemic and an economic shutdown of the likes the world had never seen, how is it even possible for any company, in any sector for that matter, to be breaking performance records? 2nd quarter 2020 was quite literally the worst GDP quarter in American history, and up to 95% of the country was under some form of a lockdown order. At the time, analysts were even going so far as to compare the unemployment rate to what was seen during not just the Great Recession, but the Great Depression itself! + +How is that possible?! + +Well, JPM isn’t just your average company. They enjoy a [unique, and exclusive relationship](https://archive.is/WyOpl#selection-2525.0-2528.0) with the FRBNY, where, in addition to the right to borrow exorbitant sums of money at bargain level interest rates that practically nobody else has access to, the mega-bank also gets to act as the second largest shareholder of its respective district bank, giving the bank direct influence over who sits on the board of its federal reserve branch, which in the case of JPM, is the FRBNY, the largest CB branch in America, representing 55% of all CB banking assets in the country! [Read more](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/14/jpmorgan-chase-jpm-earnings-q2-2020.html) + +But here’s an even better question, one that most people are probably secretly wondering to themselves, but few usually care enough ask.. + +**Is this even fair?** + +Technically those profits were the direct result of unprecedented central bank stimulus programs, so why should JPM’s shareholders be allowed to collect such massive [government subsidized profit](https://archive.is/Z1DJ5) without being obligated to give any of this money back? $14 billion is a huge sum of money to be making while the rest of the world suffers. Shouldn’t there be some kind of cap, or limit put into place for situations just like this? It’s not they’re doing anything spectacular with these [government subsidized profits](https://archive.is/Z1DJ5) anyways, evidenced in a recent report from Bloomberg which showed that starting in 2017, the 4 largest banks returned $1.26 to shareholders over a period of 3 years for[ every $1.00 that they earned in net income](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:TxjTpxsT5BQJ:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-24/bank-dividends-in-peril-with-crisis-veterans-warning-of-trouble+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us) — either in the form of share buybacks or dividends. + +The federal reserve act requires that excess profits earned through the collection of interest on loans are to be returned back to the federal government, so maybe it’s time that we start applying a similar approach to these mega-banks, and finally begin forcing these TBTF financial institutions to share some of these monstrous profits with the general public. + +Is that really so much to ask at this point? + +On top of all of this, lawsuits have even revealed that in addition to being granted the right to collect such mind-boggling [government subsidized profits](https://archive.is/Z1DJ5) without having to give any of this money back, these massive corporations are also working together behind closed doors under the guise of front organizations for the purpose of conspiring to block competition. Yes, they will even go so far as to band together to block companies from accessing key financial services — the very same financial services that are technically only available through them.. + +Yes, so even if you do — somehow, someway — manage to get your foot in the door at this exclusive, secret club, apparently it doesn’t even matter what you have to offer sometimes, because they may just wake up on the wrong side of the bed one day and just decide to block you anyways!! + +Go figure! + +But of course, if it ever comes to the point where one of these massive, [gov subsidized](https://archive.is/Z1DJ5) multi-national banking organizations believes that it is more profitable to simply rip you off rather than do their jobs and take actual risk, have fun trying to sue them for the damages. Just ask [$COOP](https://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=52473279) investors how long they’ve been waiting on their settlement. Or better yet, the teams of [high powered lawyers that allegedly meet in secret](https://archive.is/mpjf3) on an annualized basis to devise schemes so they can combat all of the pissed off companies and people that are constantly filing lawsuits against them! + +Yes, they get together in secret — their lawyers — so you can rest assured that the chances of you being treated fairly are most likely slim to none, especially if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be one of their customers, because if that’s the case, then expect to be automatically [stripped of the right to a fair trial](https://archive.is/dMijU#selection-2729.0-2770.0), forced into mandatory arbitration, and assessed by FINRA — the self-regulator that they [openly admit to owning](https://archive.vn/j7kZs#selection-907.3-907.84) and controlling. + +You can’t make this stuff up!! + +One could even go so far as to argue that it is these very relationships that are providing the foundation for the alarming gap between [the rich and the poor in the United States](https://inequality.org/facts/global-inequality/#us-wealth-concentration). If a small handful of entrenched financial institutions can just simply, at the wave of a wand, subsidize their margins, and their losses, at what point do they cease to be simply ‘private corporations’, and more like extensions of government. +&#x200B; + +[The email I changed the decimals on the interest rate to make it more difficult for fidelity to line up my identity with my reddit account. I can provide proof to mods.](https://preview.redd.it/a2eobpc1m0591.png?width=1736&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbece622f811a042521ba0349b1ed78d79e4b73c) + +Hello apes, I'm a high XXXX holder, got into this Nov 2020. + +I've gotten two emails like this, both times, I didn't enquire about the lending program at all. For the interested parties, these are the shares in a Roth and 401k that \*\*I don't want to\*\* ,"this is the way" DRS. I have other shares I have DRSd. + +The first one, sent beginning April, was promo for their fully paid lending program, didn't mention GME specifically, I had to go on the website and fill out information to find out Fidelity was offering around 3% for GME. I had a talk with the rep to see if they were willing to get their interest rate up. + +I also had a banner in my positions page that provided a link to Fidelities fully paid lending program. + +Now, with this latest email. + +If I lent my shares, that would be providing around 25K a month extra income. That is insanely tempting. So that got me thinking, **how can high XXXX shares be worth their time?** These **rates are too good to be true** and how the large financial institutions must be planning to fuck us because anyone paying that interest rate, let alone the higher rates we have been seeing, is going bankrupt. + +I don't think the shares in my Fidelity 401k and Roth that I bought since 2020 are settled in my account. I think the majority of them are IOU's from the "infinite liquidity"(LMAYO) "service" that Virtu and Citadel provide. If that is the case, **is Fidelity on the hook for delivering their shares and are my non delivered shares Fidelity's liability?** + +In my view, the synthetic/counterfiet shares number in the high 100s of millions. This leaves the financial industry with a huge problem. I believe that the short position on GME is hidden in swaps and a low probability that I have actual shares in my 401K and Roth. + +[A convenient gap in reporting swaps is suspect as fuck and confirms my bias.](https://preview.redd.it/s5vqnym6s0591.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=195ef47fe68925cc71b58944311bf36a4a5dcdba) + +I want to run this by the wrinkle brains. Could the financial industry conspire to fuck people out of their GME shares with this plan? + +1. Load one entity, maybe a prime broker or the one(s) that hold the swap with citadel, with all the shorts possible. +2. Tempt apes with a super high interest rate to lend their shares to said entity. +3. Apes lend to said entity. +4. Entity goes bankrupt, apes loose their shares but receive collateral provided by the Master Securities Lending Agreement. + +This allows the brokerages to drain the short sellers with high interest rates and effectively purchase gme shares for way less than they are worth as brokerage would simply lose it's collateral to the ape lending. + +This would allow brokerages to drain the shorts with high interest rates, helping bankrupting them, and perhaps synthetic shares are lost/destroyed during a default? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nel5uf67r0591.png?width=374&format=png&auto=webp&s=e96d29267e69ae190ba9bf6782e49d15dde2b3a4 + +[From the pdf for Fully Paid Lending Program](https://preview.redd.it/5hyoa4cfr0591.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=c57b584b9b4bfc34ba99422ff6445588924ab90f) +We seldom hear from lawyers who FIRED, so I thought some people might be interested in asking some questions about FIRE and the legal profession. I recently quit my job as a partner in a large east coast law firm after practicing law for about fifteen years. I'm going to be spending the foreseeable future traveling. + +I don't think we see too many lawyers that FIRE, though I could be wrong. The profession tends to attract people who are very conservative, not politically, but in their lifestyle. Law school is viewed as a "safe" path. So people that go down that path often are not interested in strange things like FIRE. It is also a job that requires a very large initial investment: seven years of very expensive college. And, contrary to what many people believe, most lawyers do not make a lot of money. So, in many ways, it is not really an ideal profession for FIRE. But there a few lawyers, primary partners in big law firms, that can make quite a bit of money. If you work very hard, go to an elite law school, get top grades, and are very lucky, you can land a position in a big law firm. If you work hard and are lucky again, you might become a partner and make lot of money, and FIRE very quickly. I have seen partners in big firms get paid anywhere from $100,000 a year to $10 million. I was very lucky, but not approaching anywhere near that high end. + +Pretty much every lawyer I know, however, experienced extreme lifestyle inflation as their pay grew. I avoided this and maintained a comfortable, but very reasonable lifestyle. My spending, in fact, was pretty much always well below that of the typical first year associate. Even before I went to law school, I always knew I intended to retire early. So I saved aggressively from day one. + +When I told my partners I was leaving and not to go to another job, but just to relax and travel, the majority thought I was completely insane. A few expressed some jealousy and gave me (unsolicited) reasons why they could never do the same thing (e.g., alimony owed to ex-wives, kids in expensive schools, etc.). In some ways, it probably is insane, because the potential future income that a partner forfeits by quitting is enormous. + +As for the practice of law, I was successful at it, but I never enjoyed it and, frankly, there are aspects of it that I was quite bad at. The hours and stress are extreme. It was great to me financially, and I do not regret it. But it is not something I would want to do for the rest of my life. + +If anyone is interested, my portfolio is almost entirely stock index funds, more or less mirroring the world market. I'm aiming for about a 2% withdrawal rate, not because I think that is necessary, but simply because I saved more than I really need. I can afford to basically live off the dividends. I will leave what is left when I die to charity. + +If anybody is a lawyer or is thinking about law school, feel free to ask some questions. And definitely feel free to tell me to fuck off. +I get to see all of the equations in my spreadsheets that aren't robust enough to handle a correction, like the one that now assumes I can't retire until I'm 179. +Hello, this is probably gonna be a trauma dump or something of the sort. + +I'm 20(F) and I'm the product of generational poverty. Generations of poverty and trauma was dumped onto me. My mother is disabled, she cannot work and hasn't worked ever since I was born, she is also a single mother. My father is absent, and mentally ill. The only family I truly have is my sister, my mother, and friends that I consider family. Ever since I was young I could tell we were poor, growing up in urban areas that had drugs, teen pregnancy, etc. My mom tried her best to make means work, even if that meant she was only living on disability and welfare. + +I've always envied people who lived.. comfortably. I'd see people in decent basic homes, and feel depressed because I myself, grew up in such bad conditions. I remember going over a friends house and seeing that they had a walk in shower and a big tub, and they looked at me funny and said "it's just a regular bathroom." but to me, it was more than just a "regular" bathroom. + +I'm 20 years old now, suffer with depression and many more mental illnesses. I'm in college and am currently studying social sciences. There are moments where I want to give up and quit, but I know that won't end well for me since I'm desperate to get out of these shackles of generational poverty. But I can't even afford to go to school, I'm in debt, and I have 0 motivation. + +How can I discipline myself and become more motivated? How can I pull myself from these shackles and finally live comfortably? I don't care how long it'll take, I just want it to happen. +I paid 17% of rental income to my property manager last financial year. It's high, but I wouldn't mind so much if the service was better. +Some examples: +The smoke alarms were serviced and one was replaced to due "being expired", but it wasn't and I had to chase that up. +The plumbing went 40% over the quote they got. I had to deal with that. +The water usage was 7 times the usual rate. They just billed the tenants and didnt even question it. + +So am I being unreasonable to think that these things should be their responsibility? And if so, what do you look for in a property manager? +Wanted to open some dialogue up as to how people think ETH will be perceived as a store value during a global economic recession? + +My background: I’m well educated on macro-economics and there are lots of indicators suggesting the USD will buckle imminently due to massive inflation in global housing, stocks and also U.S bonds. + +Quick summary on why I think a crash is imminent: If you look back at the history of ALL Fiat currency it’s a cyclical pattern of debasing, subsequent inflation and then a flock to precious metals when the fiat currency has perceived lack of value. The USD is no different and in recent years we have seen quantitative easing (vast lump sums of money printed into existence) implemented by fed reserve. Initially QE was used to bail out the banks in 08, but recently it’s been required to stimulate a highly unstable and dependent banking system and by proxy, economy. This has sped up inflation exponentially to the extent that world trade deals are no longer being backed against the USD and nations are choosing to trade direct. This is very important as it shows 1. the lack of confidence markets have in the USD and 2. Nations see the opportunity of trading behind the U.S’ back greater than the political consequences. The USD is the lynchpin in global finance, virtually all other currencies are backed against it. It the USD goes down, 90% of nations fall with it. + +There are many other indicators such as the hoarding of precious metals by nation states, the very recent downturn of the two biggest housing bubbles in the world (Australia and Canada). If you follow financial media, you’ll have read about the recent stake increase by George Soros who’s shorting U.S stocks + Buffets recent cashing up. I could go on & on, the evidence is overwhelming….we’re due an imminent (within the year) global recession/crash. + +Whether this will be a quick overnight crash or a drawn out recession is tough to gauge, but once it’s apparent the market will start to back the traditional safe havens (bonds/precious metals). The really worrying thing is that bonds are also grossly inflated right now & once this is realised we’re in for a 100% definitive crash. + +My initial thoughts on the impact on Crypto: Crypto was specifically designed off the back on the 08 crisis and the market understand it’s a viable alternate currency system. We’ve already seen a transfer of wealth into crypto from past use cases of struggling economies (Cyprus/Greece). This is a very positive indicator for the health of the crypto during a fiat recession/crash. + +I believe that if said recession happens, we will see very large gains in the top 10 coins. I think the vast majority of wealth coming in will be backed by an uneducated crypto market and they will subsequently default to Bitcoin. Rationale - the masses currently perceive it as the safer option as it’s a known media commodity and it has the reputation as digital gold. + +This same new market will perceive ETH as being reliant on world trade/business, and I’d infer the short term gains we make will not be as large as Bitcoin. But… we will make gains. BIG gains and over time, once this new market becomes crypto-educated we’ll see the wealth shift to eth. + +Would love some opinion on this. How do you see the crypto space playing out in the event of a recession/crash? Which coins do you think would thrive? Which coins will struggle? Investment strategies? +Yesterday's price action will be quite a memorable one. Very high volume day, a bullish engulfing candle, the closing price was in my price range 6.2-7.2 EUR even though the bottom went temporarily through it on the hacked account news. Maybe there is a pause and a minor retest but there are strong hints this will be a bottom on the weekly chart for many candles, at least 2-3 months, and the minimum targets would be around 9-9.5. I believe 12-12.5 would be possible as well but a little bit stretched. Beyond that, we need to reverse powerful existing forces. Hopefully that will happen one day. + +I still think that the supply problem from mining + ICO is not resolved even though the demand side of the equation has improved at these lower prices. But thats because we hit the big support level. If we hit it again it would be weaker, I guess. So 3-4 EUR is still a remote possibility. But not for now. And maybe this is the true bottom and we will make new ATH. Time will tell. + +Anyway, thats my last 2 cents that I'll spend here. +As for me, i wasn't even involved in yesterday's trade even though i posted a lot. Thus,it made me realize that I'm really wasting my time unproductively. The reason i've been sitting out of the market is a lack of risk appetite/confidence recently. And also the lack of incentives. + +As for the lack of risk appetite, its more psychological than anything else. After all, my gross profit this year according to my spreadsheet is north of 430K EUR with an ATH just below 450K (in September), so less than 5% retracement. But my big problem is with taxes. I didn't think about it before pressing the SELL button when i sold my ETH during the first bubble (around 9 EUR which provided more than 2/3 of my profits, as I bought first in Dec15, its higher than today !!). In my juridiction (Japan) I'll have to pay 50% on that. I'm working to reduce a bit the bill, even reducing that to something like 40% would help a lot obviously, but i don't know if it will work. + +So taking risk with my capital, and having the govt taking 50% of the gains, isn't a good risk/reward proposition...depressing if anything... gains from FX or stock trading is taxed only 20% here...!!! Law might change in the near future, but too bad for me... + +The other thing is my mindset about crypto. I've left my IB trading position 3 years ago, and haven't worked since. Those crypto gains is a nice sum of money, BUT not a life changing one for me, my net worth is one order of magnitude higher. The real best thing it has done for me, is giving me back some credibility to my entourage (and to myself), as I would not have invested in crypto if i hadn't spent time in meet ups, conferences, studying IT/cryptography a bit (online courses) and even meeting ETH devs BEFORE the ICO ! Also, a salary would have been taxed the same, and obviously I can't get anymore a job paying that much these days. + +While a lot of people here have a YOLO mentality, wanting to be crypto millionaires with 10x or 100x or more gains, hoping to repeat for themselves the stories of the likes of Bitcoin Jesus, my mentality is (overly) conservative and I don't want to become a loser of crypto after having made some money, because i need more the "credibility" than i need the money ! + +To avoid becoming a loser once you've become a winner in this game, there is only ONE SURE recipe, its to cash out, something i did already after the first bubble, where from the initial 40K ETH i went back to 10K size in the second bubble, and then even less size after DAO hack (when i flattened my whole portfolio at the time) before resuming trading earnestly again with ETC and BitFinex hack day. Addicted gamblers all end up in ruin because they continue betting the farm until they lose it... + +Given my NET AFTER TAX profits will amount only to a more modest #200K (a bit more maybe if my plan works), i have decided to have a buy and hold position in only XMR + a little bit of ETH, and i own also FCT A-shares (those would be taxed only 20% if there is ever a gain). In the case it all goes to 0, i will still be a winner in this game. + +At some stage later, i might decide to increase my size or even to trade again, notably if I get some good money from other investments than crypto. After all, my crypto holdings is an extremely small percentage of my net worth. [ I own real estate, gold, even some stocks.] But if I trade actively, i want to try to commit 100% professionally, using professional tools (arbitrage bots included), maybe even manage other's people money. and also, stop posting. + +Posting was good for my ego, and also good for my discipline. I never BS you, and writing here my stop levels helped me to execute them with no remorse. "forgetting" stop losses has cost me a lot so many times in my career. + +I also learnt a lot from many posters, even some i liked to mock like etheraddict77 and wish you good luck to all. I think see many good young traders here (special mention to redembr, kustonoy, arbitrage84, thisusernameluvsyou, and also the guys who called right this latest bear market like econoar, O-O-O) I see good quality TA posts, so I know you won't be orphans. It was very entertaining to read you guys. + +I will need to block this site especially during the rest of this month. To make things "worse", the Japanese tax offices considers any crypto transaction as a BTC/JPY etc.... transaction (so ETH/EUR is ETH/JPY + EUR/JPY)... which means i have to sort out all my trades and compute my taxable income all by myself... I've started to program that but only 15% through that. (I don't wanna do that on a spreadsheet, i want to use this as an opportunity to practice my beginner programming skills) + +This is my last post, if I come back posting, I might even use a new account. + +Thank you to all, it was fun, I spent a good time with you all. Good luck, try to make money, but don't forget, don't invest more than you can lose, it MIGHT all go to 0 even if we all hope it goes to 100$ or 1000$, never use leverage, and never short crypto...and believe in TA !!! markets don't need reasons to go up or down, they just need a trend (or it could just be noise)... + +Good bye Hasta la Vista Au revoir Sayonara +that's basically it, i mean how can you not be bullish about GameStop. + +* Business Transformation +* Cash on hand +* growing industry +* excellent management +* hardcore DRS'ed shareholders growing by the day +* customer obsessed retail team +* No debt + +&#x200B; + +I would love to listen to counter arguments, keep it simple - tell me. How are you not bullish about GameStop? +I currently have a single LLC (with just me as the owner)- we will call it KM LLC. + +I bought 5 more rentals (I own 2 already) and I was advised to open 7 LLC’s and put each rental under its own LLC and have each of those owned by KM LLC. So I would end up with KM as the parent LLC and the 7 new ones would be child LLCs. + + +To those who have this as their current business structure: +Has this complicated things for you? +Made it better? +How did you actually specify the parent LLC as the owner? On the articles of organization it just asks for Registered Agent and I don’t think I can just put “KM LLC” there. + +I live in Michigan but interested to hear from you even if you’re not in my state. + +Thank you +I’m from MA. I’m looking at buying a 4 family in the Boston area. I’m thinking Roxbury, Everett, Chelsea, etc. How would I go about finding a good agent that will help me look for a good investment? +So I am long long on SOFI. I bough 100 shares. And I am fine with owning 100 shares of it, I am super bullish on the company in general. So my position right now is at 9.54. I sold 1, one single contract, covered call at 10 strike expiring Mar 18th. So basically If SOFI below 10 by next week, I keep the premiums. Now I also understand that with covered calls, your max loss is infinite, BUT all I have to do is simply wait. Because either, whoever I sold my contracts too, they exercise and I get my shares taken away or they do nothing and the contract simply expires and I keep all the premiums. Please correct me if I'm mistaken. I open to any and all ideas and criticism. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Ever noticed how some stocks seem to move similarly? Of course you have. Wanna know how you can group stocks with similar movements? No? Just me? Well anyway.... here’s a pretty simple guide to help get started on that. + +[https://www.kaggle.com/qks1lver/stock-diversity-analysis-1](https://www.kaggle.com/qks1lver/stock-diversity-analysis-1) + +TL;DR DBSCAN optimization->PCA->Euclidean distance->plot BAM! Clearly very opposite stock groups. + +Happy mining! +"La Repubblica" is one of the largest newspaper in Italy. On saturday, they published an [article](https://web.archive.org/web/20190707070820/https://www.repubblica.it/economia/diritti-e-consumi/banche-e-assicurazioni/2019/07/06/news/lo_schema_ponzi_dei_bitcoin-230492580/) titled "Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme". This is unfortunate, because cyptocurrencies awareness here is very, very limited and many people still get information from TV and newspaper only, so for many this will be the first time they hear about Bitcoin. + +I did my best to [write and record a video-reply](https://turbolab.it/criptovalute-bitcoin-ethereum-litecoin-4904/repubblica-schema-ponzi-bitcoin-video-2085) where I reply to each assertion, but my reach is minuscule compared to the newspaper. + +I kindly ask everyone around here to gimme an upvote to help me spread my reply (please use Google Translator if you can't read italian). Also: please advise anyway you can on how I can increase the visibility of my article. + +Thanks! +https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/how-low-interest-rates-killed-magic-4-retirement-rule-vbbvvdt3c + +For decades, the 4 per cent rule has been the holy grail of pensions. The theory was that whatever your pension pot size, 4 per cent was the “safe” amount you could withdraw each year (adjusting that withdrawal in line with inflation) if you wanted your pot to last over an average 23-year retirement. + +Analysis shows, however, that the rule is no longer sustainable for most savers. Sticking to +a 4 per cent withdrawal rate makes you three times more likely to run out of money in retirement than you would have been a decade ago, according to the pensions consultancy LCP. + +Partly the problem is that people have longer retirements because they are living longer, but mainly it is down to ultra-low interest rates and the quantitative easing that has distorted the pensions landscape, said Myron Jobson from Interactive Investor, a funds platform. + +Pensions are usually invested in a mix of shares, bonds and commercial property. As savers get closer to retirement, their exposure to bonds and cash increases while the exposure to riskier assets such as shares decreases. Record low interest rates have pushed down government bond yields, so savers can’t get anything like the same kind of return from these assets as they did in the 1990s, when the 4 per cent rule was first bandied about. + +In 1995 the benchmark ten-year gilt would yield about 8 per cent, whereas now it’s closer to 0.26 per cent. + +The dilemma +If a 4 per cent chunk is taken out of a poorly performing pension every year, savings can diminish rapidly because the returns won’t make up for withdrawals. Over time your income in retirement will either drop or you will have to withdraw more than 4 per cent, so that you have even less the next year. + +About nine million people who have a total of about £160 billion saved in their pensions will reach retirement age over the next decade, LCP estimates. + +As fewer people have the luxury of a final-salary guaranteed pension income and more make use of the pension freedoms to keep their savings invested and draw down income instead of buying an annuity, the returns from a pot will be even more important. + +Six in ten savers in drawdown with pension pots over £100,000 take out at least 4 per cent a year, according to the Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator. + +LCP said that if 35 per cent of your pot was invested in shares and you withdrew 4 per cent a year, you would have a 1 in 5 chance of running out of money in retirement. Taking 5 per cent each year would double your chances of running out of money, and if you withdrew 6 per cent a year you would have a 3 in 5 chance. + +If you had 55 per cent or more of your portfolio in stocks and shares, the returns are likely to be higher because the risk is greater, thus lowering the chances of you running out of money. However, taking on extra risk as you approach retirement is generally not advised because if stock markets fall, you have less time to recover any losses. + +Dan Mikulskis, a partner at LCP, said: “Too much discussion around managing a pension pot is based on a world which no longer exists. Old rules about withdrawal rates are now dangerously unsustainable and need to be revisited.” + +He said that quantitative easing, where governments effectively print more money to stimulate the economy, has in effect broken the 4 per cent rule. + +Low interest rates also mean that management fees eat up a much greater proportion of the investment returns than ten years ago. In a world of zero interest rates, investors need to take quite a lot of risk just to pay fees and keep up with inflation. LCP found that in 2010 a pension holder paying a 2 per cent fund fee on a portfolio with 55 per cent exposure to equities would have about a 1 in 20 chance of running out of money in retirement. Today the same pensioner would have a 1 in 3 chance of a cash shortage. + +Mikulskis warns that many people end up in what he describes as “the worst of all worlds” — paying too much in charges for a very low-risk portfolio. + +What should you do instead? +The consensus is that you should not rely on a simple 4 per cent principle as a basis for taking income from your pension pot. + +One obvious option is to withdraw less, perhaps down to 3 per cent, which would give you a 1 in 20 chance of running out of money if you had a portfolio that was 35 per cent invested in equities, LCP said. + +The consultant said that people in retirement will have to cut their spending by a quarter to make their pot last as long as it would have ten years ago. + +Adrian Lowcock from Willis Owen, an investment platform, said: “The 4 per cent rule wasn’t supposed to be an absolute, but used as a guidance to understand the impact of withdrawals on a portfolio. Each situation is different and investors need to factor in their personal circumstances when considering their withdrawal rate.” + +He said it’s wise to work out how much you think you will need to live off each year, taking into account the state pension; if you’re lucky, you might find that you don’t need 4 per cent of your pot. Bear in mind that living costs tend to rise later in retirement because of the costs of social and nursing care. + +Keith Churchouse from the adviser Chapters Financial recommends having an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months’ income, to cover you for any drop in investment income. + +Another option is to make withdrawals according to the performance of your investments, ie take more in the good times and cut back when markets plummet, as they have this year. This is known as dynamic drawdown. + +James Norton from Vanguard said that savers should focus on what they can control, such as the costs on their pension. Those entering the workplace now can expect their pension to be invested for 40 years. “When investing for this long, the impact of compounding costs can be corrosive,” he said. + +A £10,000 investment that returns 5 per cent but incurs 2 per cent a year in fees would give you a retirement fund of £32,620 after 40 years. + +If the fee was 0.4 per cent a year the fund would be worth almost double, at £60,400. + +I lost a third of my pot in March, but it recovered + +Andy McDuff retired from his job in magazine publishing four years ago and is now drawing down money from his pension pot, which remains invested. + +Initially, the 63-year-old withdrew 2 per cent from his pot each year, but he decided to increase his withdrawal rate to 4 per cent this year to help to pay for improvements to his house in Winchester. + +While aware of the 4 per cent rule, he said that he doesn’t use it as a guide when deciding how much to take from his pension. Instead, the father of two uses a spreadsheet to estimate how much income he and his wife, Katrina, will need for general expenses, entertainment and holidays. + +Andy has opted for a flexible approach to drawdown, and said that there are lots of variables that affect his income, such as inflation, stock market performance, and bond yields. But the biggest factor is tax — because if he takes too much in one year, his income will attract higher rate tax. Coincidentally, if Andy had taken out more than 4 per cent this year it would have pushed him into the higher tax bracket. + +Does he ever worry about running out of money in retirement? + +“If you asked me in March, it was one of the biggest worries in my life,” he said. Andy’s pension, which has about 60 per cent exposure to equities through investment funds, dropped by about a third after the coronavirus-led crash in March. + +Fortunately this has since recovered, and is now worth more than when he started going into drawdown four years ago. + +He also kept two years’ worth of income in a short-term fixed cash bond, and has some money stashed in Isas. “This gives me comfort that if the market goes belly-up again, I could live on the cash and not touch my investments while I wait for the markets to recover.” +I am looking to invest in more hedge funds because I am seeking diversification from local real estate. Currently, I am invested in [https://www.eaglecap.com/](https://www.eaglecap.com/eagle-portfolio) (Boykin Curry) which I like because they have a long history of earning their fees. And also with [https://www.frontwater.ca/](https://www.frontwater.ca/) (Jeff Kaminker) because he is local to me, his strategy is sensible, and I trust him. I'd appreciate if you could share any compelling opportunities that you know of for similar funds with minimum investment of $2M or less. + +I was considering investing with Pabrai's fund. What I liked about it was the lack of correlation to the rest of my investments. I didn't invest because I was concerned about the strategic positioning of the small caps in India. I believe that we are in a world where it is very tough to be a small cap, and small caps have all the downsides of being a public company, and none of the upsides in my opinion. Large caps have amazing access to capital, marketing advantages, scale etc. Small caps just have the reporting expenses. + +There's also [https://www.turtlecreek.ca/](https://www.turtlecreek.ca/) which I am actively considering at the moment. Need to dive deeper into their performance and find out what the fee structure is, the performance looks very compelling at first glance. A lot of there holdings make sense to me and their alignment strategy gives me some comfort as well. +Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has abandoned his plans to join the board of Twitter, his social network of choice. Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announced on Sunday that Musk remains the largest shareholder of Twitter, and the company will remain open to his input. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/11/elon-musk-decides-not-to-join-twitter-board-says-ceo-parag-agrawal.html +I'm not going to tell you to be more patient about Ethereum development, but I will offer up some *thoughts on why you might be feeling impatient:* + +1) **Most people expect a continual and visible stream of outputs from development, but the reality is that technology development almost always occurs in fits and starts.** The most visible times tend to coincide with those periods of greatest adoption, based upon real utility for end users. Then things go dormant for a while after the market adjusts to that new utility, without much visible evolution or progress around usable capability for users. I don't care what emerging tech you look at, this is almost always the case, and just a few examples: artificial intelligence, virtual reality, 3D printing, etc. A lot of these sectors often boom, and then feel very stagnant for years. But if you look closely, you'll see that infrastructure for the next big boom continues to evolve. + +2) **You may be blind to revolutionary progress, because it feels incremental based upon your shifting baseline.** Go back to 3 years ago and ask yourself if people would be doing any of the following on Ethereum: 1) taking out decentralized stable value token loans via platforms like Maker Dai, or 2) trading digital cats, trading cards, and other in-game items on-chain, or 3) experimenting with a budding ecosystem of all kinds of other decentralized financial services like Compound. You'd probably say anyone telling you such things would be possible was crazy, and indeed, many did. Each of those little incremental evolutions were in fact revolutionary, but you just couldn't see it because functionality continues to build upon each other bit-by-bit. *If you want to see a revolution, put yourself into a coma for 2 years, then come back and see what's being built on Ethereum, based upon your knowledge of today.* + +3) **You're watching one pot, waiting for it to boil, and miss the fact that dozens of others are boiling over right next to it.** Ethereum is a platform- that means its importance is not just defined by its own technical capabilities, but what is built on top of it, and how those things being built on top of it work together. The growth of that platform's functionality and capability is important, but that's not all that's important. The proliferation of dapps, their interoperability, and growing network effects are all important. And there is now a better plan for how to scale that base layer which just needs to be built out. + +That being said, we need to be deliberate and organized in building out that platform, and I do think the dev team understands this and will do so to the best of their ability. Yelling and complaining about it being too slow here won't really help. Nor will simple comparisons to existing software development models (move fast and break stuff in an Agile approach) for less mission-critical systems. Start comparing Ethereum to the progress of other projects in the sector, and then you'll see we're not too far off track. + +I will close with this quote: + +> Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. +> -Bill Gates + +I don't know how many of you will be here in ten years, let alone one or two years, but I think it will probably be worth the wait. +This was as close to a subreddit as I could find for this, but curious to those who've made it big and decided to make the big purchases feel about it. + +Did the Ferrari bring you enjoyment for a week, a month, or still throughout the years? Any regrets about big purchases you may have made? +YouTube is launching a $10-a-month subscription option in the U.S. next week that will allow viewers to watch videos from across the site without interruption from advertisements. Why not just get AdBlock? Well, the service, called YouTube Red, will also provide original shows and movies, a subscription to the Google (GOOG, GOOGL) Play Music service and supports the newly-launched YouTube Gaming app. Is GOOGL coming to media market? +Some of the top posts on this sub are people saying their algo took them from X figures to X+2 figures in a year, which sounds unbelievable. + +Is this a ridiculous outlier? The same way your stock could technically go up several hundrted % at any given moment but that doesn't mean it's even remotely likely. + +I'm tempted to study maths/statistics/coding more if this is all a legit sub and people aren't making/exagerrating this stuff. +On Robinhood the bid / ask spread for Bitcoin is about 0.3%, which doesn't sound like much, but if you make a lot of trades it compounds real fast. + +How do 'high frequency' traders deal with it? +Not financial advise - 90pct of the apes got it down. But if you actually don’t know why stop loss bad. Read below - not financial advise - + +We all know what happened the last time we went to $350 - they smashed us down by doing a stop loss raid. + +This occurs when they shorted the absolute shit out of it at the top (where it’s weaker in the moment) and caused a chain reaction of stop loss orders to go off. + +It’s like an elevator that looses control and starts to fall - not going to stop easily. + +This is speculative - but I’m sure the people who organized this had that information - let’s face it - a “stop loss order” is an order - so if you have a “stop loss” set - the clearing houses and brokers can see it - and so can DTCC. From their master computer they saw there was enough stop losses to make it crash - this is what they do (Hedgies) - and anyone who wants to argue that DTCC hasn’t shared info with citadel Probably has rocks in their head (speculation still) + +I know everyone says you always need proof - but after watching the way they tried to destroy GME - with illegal activities and everything that has unfolded - I would be willing to bet they knew how many stop losses were open - and used that information for the raid. + +The point is - if you put a stop loss you can set the MOASS back 3 more months - we are diamond handed apes - ape no sell. + +Stay away from stop losses / they can Probably see them and will set apes back 3 months if there are too many open orders. +Not sure if this should be flagged as “Possible DD”, but I’m going with “Speculation” to be safe. There’s some pretty heavy speculation in this post, but I’m hoping that the info below helps you understand where this speculation is coming from. + +**Imo, this is very compelling but mostly because no one has told me how dumb i am yet.** (TLDR at the bottom) + +Every day for the past few days, I’ve been making the following comment in the daily chat (and other places) trying to get some wrinkles to help me figure out what the deal is with “earnings announcements” because it’s very interesting and I have no idea where to even start digging. + +**Here’s my comment:** + +>Daily reminder that every runup has been centered around earnings. In particular, it’s been centered around the “announcement” of the earnings date. + +>Every single “cycle” or whatever you want to call it has reached its peak on the day GameStop announces the date for the previous quarter’s earnings. + +>**Every time. Without fail.** + +>Nothing to do with doomps or opex. It’s all focused on that earnings announcement (no idea why). + +>March, June, August, November… without fail. + +>[**March 9**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-2020-earnings) (top of Feb/March run)- earnings announced for March 23 + +>[**June 2**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-first-quarter-fiscal-2021-earnings-release) (top of May/June run)- earnings announced for June 9 + +>[**Aug 25**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-second-quarter-fiscal-2021-earnings-release) (top of august run)- earnings announced for Sept 8 + +>[**Nov 23**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-release-date-q3-2021-financial-results) (top of November run)- Earnings announced for Dec 8 + +>I don’t want to speculate on what this means and I’m the opposite of an options person (own your shares! DRS). + +>That said, if anyone is talking about cycles and they’re not bringing this up, they’re likely missing something imo. + +>Any theory that isnt centered around when the next earnings will be announced, is likely missing something. + +>2020 - Q4 earnings were announced on March 12 + +>2021 - Q4 earnings were announced on March 9 + +>They typically announce on Tuesdays and Thursdays. + +>March 8 and 10 seem like good candidates, but who knows really. Don’t gamble on it. + +>I’m going to keep posting this until some wrinkles catch on and either tell me I’m stupid or someone actually tries to figure out why these announcements matter because I have no idea where to even start. + +>Thanks for reading. + +I really don’t want this to be seen as a prediction of price movement because I have no idea what’s going to happen and I’m very smooth on most things… + +**I’ve simply been trying to figure out why the price runs have coincided with the “announcement of earnings” and not the earnings themselves.** + +I think I have a pretty compelling theory on everything and I would love to hear some thoughts on it. + +Before I get to that, I think it’s important to talk about the timing of everything coming out next week and how it lines up with the quarterly price increases mentioned above. + +An ape pointed out to me earlier that the quarterly run ups usually start about a week before the earnings day is announced. + +DLauer has been hyping up next week as “the end of the beginning” and “a week unlike any other since Jan. 2021.” + +Not only is Dave releasing more info about what he’s working on, but he’s also a guest on Jon Stewart’s GameStop episode next week on March 3. + +March 3 also happens to be the date of the big HBO documentary into GameStop that actually looks like it’s going to be really really good! + +Next weeks just so happens to be exactly one week before when GameStop typically announces their Q4 earnings date (March 8-12). + +**This means that IF… big IF… the quarterly run ups remain consistent with their past behavior… we could be looking at a major wombo combo that starts next week. All leading up to when GameStop announces their Q4 earnings date.** + +- quarterly run up starts +- HBO doc drops +- Jon Stewart ep drops +- Dave makes his announcement (which appears to be related) + +Please don’t gamble on this though. This stock is manipulated to fuck and no one can predict price movements. + +**Ok, so what’s up with the earnings date announcements? Why do they always signal the top of a run?** + +Here is my speculation on this and I would love to know if this is really stupid or not. + +I think what might be happening is people are buying in anticipation for more than just an earning’s call to be announced. + +I think people (not sure who), have been anticipating GameStop to not only announce earnings, but also announce an event or Q&A to happen at or after the earnings call for all investors. + +So they buy up to the announcement, then when it just turns out to be a boring old earnings call, they short it back down. + +That’s my only theory on it. + +Either way, I think there’s something to these announcements and next weeks events sound VERY spicy! + +**TLDR:** Historically every run up has been centered around the earnings report date announcements. We should hear from GameStop about when the next earnings report will be in the next couple weeks (roughly around Mar 10). Run ups start roughly a week before these announcements which would be the exact day the Jon Stewart episode and HBO doc come out. + +Buckle up! + +[Click here to see my 2020 financial summary](https://i.imgur.com/uJZPkfw.png) + +Hi all! I’m back with my annual update – 10 YEARS! First decade down. [Here’s the latest version of the spreadsheet I made](https://drive.google.com/file/d/116ujdZh5sw266f2l4zTGgX964Ri4jeQ5/view?usp=sharing) to budget my spending and [here are instructions](https://imgur.com/a/p6y9Z) for how to use it. Shout out to everyone who has helped me debug this along the way. See you next year! + +FAQ + +- *How is this not a pain?* It’s actually pretty easy. The trick is not to track the money at the point of every individual purchase. Instead, create separate checking accounts for different types of expenses and simply track how much money you put into each checking account per month + +- *Job?* Active Duty US Space Force Astronautical Engineer + +- *Education?* MS Astronautical Engineering, BS Mechanical Engineering + +- *Age?* 33 + +2020 YEAR IN REVIEW: + +- Invested 52% of my net income (target was 45%) + +- Spent 24% of my net income on recreation/fun (target was 25%) + +- Spent of 24% of my net income on living expenses +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Back in October I went to a car dealership to try and finance a used car, unfortunately the insurance was way too high, like $680/mo so I decided not to get the car. Today, my credit karma app shows for the first time that on that day at the dealership my credit got hit 4 times. Probably because they were trying to find an institution to finance me. Is there any way I can remove some of those inquiries? +Basically title. Assuming liquidity isn’t a factor. Let’s assume you want to spend $1m of cash that you can either sell from gains (even worse, 0 basis) or take a loan on (I understand we’re not selling ALL gains, just whatever liquidity you need). For argument’s sake let’s say 20% gains rate vs 2% interest. + +After approximately 10 years, you’ve paid the same amount in interest to the bank than you would have to the IRS, except you still have to keep paying every year! Sure, the exact breakeven time depends on interest deductibility, compounding, opportunity cost of paying now vs over 10 years, etc. But isn’t this strategy effectively betting you will die before the breakeven point? So it’s less relevant for those around 30/40 but makes more sense at 70/80? + +Edit: it’s about the leverage, not tax/cost avoidance per se. Thanks all! +https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/12/29/walmart-wants-to-deliver-groceries-right-to-your-f.aspx + +> Amazon.com is probably further along on this idea than anyone. Using a special smart lock set and an Amazon security camera, the Amazon Key system allows packages to be placed inside your home. Using a smartphone, you can watch the door opened, your package placed inside, and the door closed and locked again. + +> Walmart is testing a similar system in Silicon Valley in partnership with smart lock maker August Home where a Deliv driver puts away your order while you watch him through a smartphone app connected to your home's security cameras. The person gets in via a one-time access code. While the access code and surveillance could build trust, Walmart has perhaps a higher hurdle to get over than Amazon. + + +From CNBC + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/13/this-was-the-best-strategy-for-picking-stocks-the-last-10-years.html + +"Picking stocks with the highest dividend yield was the best strategy last decade, according to Bank of America. " + + +"Stocks with the highest dividend yields quadrupled in value over the last decade, outpacing an equal-weighted S&P 500 by 120%, according to a Bank of America note published Monday. The trailing 10-year performance of stocks with the biggest dividend yields ended last year at its highest level since 2001, according to Bank of America. The firm divided up the S&P 500 into deciles by factors to find the results." +I know everyone says don’t get an apartment. Putting aside investing and making a profit. + +Would you buy an apartment as your first property solely to live in? +As someone who pays for my families insurance today, it is my second biggest budget item for the year. With Obamacare on the chopping block, it will be interesting to see how it impacts the numbers for early retirement. + +Here is NY Times article on it: +[If Obamacare Exits, Some May Need to Rethink Early Retirement](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/27/upshot/if-obamacare-exits-some-may-need-to-rethink-early-retirement.html) + +I’m sure we’ve done this millions of times before. But for new people who rely on experts like yourselves to do this and learn....what are your top three dividend stocks? ETFs are separate. +Good afternoon r/dividends, + +I am reaching out to this community to ask for some investment advice. Advice not for me, but for you the community. + +Specifically on the idea of choosing individual stocks versus ETFs. This is a debate that splits this community straight down the middle. And every month we have a post bringing it up. So here is my solution to this issue. + +Normally I would entrust myself or another mod to write an article for the wiki about it. But unfortunately I do not want to be biased (I know. Big letdown) since I am firmly against ETFs in my personal portfolio (controversial stance). + +So I figure lets bring the community in on this. Four articles total. + +Article 1: The Argument in favor of Individual Stocks +Article 2: The Argument against Individual Stocks +Article 3: The Argument in favor of ETFs +Article 4: The Argument against ETFs + +Anyone may submit ideas and paragraphs of text for this post. If we use even a single sentence of your post, you will be credited both on the article itself and with a beautiful flair that will be a custom text and color, issued once, and never again. + +You could write an entire 500 word essay. Or you can write a paragraph. It does not matter. The mod team (aka u/SouthernCriticism and I) will look through the comments on this thread, and we will objectively editorialize the comments into a cohesive written work. + +If you do not feel comfortable posting your submission on this post, you may send it via modmail. Do not direct message individual moderators. + +Pros of this approach: + +- Once this project is complete, you will never see another post on this subreddit asking which is better (because we will remove them and direct them to your community written articles). + +- Custom flair. + +- The joy and satisfaction of being a winner on the internet. + +The cons of this approach: + +- No clue. + + + +Note: You are free to contribute information to multiple articles with a single comment. These articles should not be focused on excluding the other. + +Copying investopedia does not count. + +PS. This poll is just to satisfy my own curiosity. + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/joy8pw) +iPhone 4 - 2857 BTC +iPhone 5 - 16.6 BTC +iPhone 6 - 2.17 BTC +iPhone 7 - 1.28 BTC +iPhone 8 - 0.24 BTC +iPhone X - 0.16 BTC +iPhone 11 - 0.14 BTC +iPhone 12 - 0.06 BTC +iPhone 13 - 0.02 BTC +All on Polo? Move some to Kraken, GDAX and Bitfinex for example. + +Not going to trade for a few days? Pull it all off the exchanges into your own safe wallet. + +Be responsible, don't expect others to get it right for you! +Just wanted to say that HODL is a strategy I wish I'd never even run into. My portfolio was worth in January 5x what it is today, and anyone who - like myself - didn't cash out between December and April was just naive and greedy. I invested in spring 2017 and was up well over 500% in an 8 month timespan - not getting out then was just stupid. In no world should i have expected better than 500% return in a 10 year span, let alone an 8 month span. HODLing out for a 5000% return was just idiocy. + +I got out on Friday. I made ~15% in my year in ETH. It's not a bad investment, and in most lights would even seem like a good investment, but I'm admittedly kicking myself for not getting out earlier this year when my entire goddamn car could have been paid off with my portfolio. I'm lucky enough to be well off financially otherwise (which is why I gambled on ETH in the first place), but it's going to be a long time before I can forgive myself for passing up on a 500% return after 8 months, particularly as I continue to pay off my car for the next 4 years. + +Don't be greedy. Don't be stupid. HODL is a terrible investment strategy. Take a step back and ask yourself what your end game is and what you think the fundamentals support, price wise. + +Tl;dr Fuck HODL. +Just compiling crazy stories of 2001 and 2008 + +1- A coworker was trading heavy margin in 2001 and got wiped out and owed his broker 80k when the bubble burst. I think he said he was trading aol stock at the time + +2- I personally was trading margin on Apple stock during the 2008 crash and it wiped me out, luckily I had a stop loss and only lost 12k of equity + + +What are your stories ? I recovered a few years later (high paying job and big savings) and came back in the market and made 3-4 times what I lost +A government job that will pay me 40% more but I will be fixed to this place forever and won't be able to move, can only resign! + +I can take that job now in my city with less pay but it's the city I always assumed I am going to spend my life in. +What was that course that you felt it really helped through out your forex career and helped you develop a better understanding of the market and not a course that that basically "obligates" you to approach the market a certain kind of way. Let me hear your opinions! + +(Sorry in advance if my english is bad, not my main language) +You all asked for an update after I announced going live a week ago so here it is. I suck. + +&#x200B; + +Just kidding...kind of. For a short recap of how my week went, my first two trades on XAUUSD put me up about 20% of my initial deposit so I was walking on sunshine. Queue tight stop losses on USDJPY over the next couple of days and overleveraging myself on both pairs and I dropped down to losing about 20% the other direction, below breakeven. The rest of the week has been me getting right back to breakeven then losing money again. Currently down about 20%, but working on it. Now on to what I learned. + +&#x200B; + +1. **Live trading is not demo trading.** Everyone says it, and it is so obviously true. I thought I prepared myself between light crypto trading, lots of trading psychology reading, and 2 years of demo trading but alas, I was not. There was a lot of second guessing and pulling out trades that would have been big winners for trades that seemed potentially more appealing, like when I dropped GBPAUD late last night for a potential opportunity and lost out on some massive pips. Which brings me to my next lesson. +2. **You've got to commit to your strategy and vision.** Had I set more realistic stop losses with volatility and not chickened out of certain trades because of second-guessing and thinking the grass was greener elsewhere, I would be comfortably profitable this week. However, I didn't do that. I adjusted stop losses far too wide or far too tight based off of emotions and lost big on both sides because of it. +3. **Step betting on reversals without confirmation.** This was big this week. I bet on EUR/USD rebounding the 1.15 position with no confirmation and I'm sure you all know what happened there. I had similar big losses on gold due to the same issue. Be patient, wait for that confirmation. +4. **Limits and stop orders are your friend.** I'm a dick and have a habit of placing market orders because I think I'm wise and sagely in the moment and YOLO. And boy did I miss out on some serious extra pips because of it. Paying attention to price action within a trend is key and was evasive from me this week. Which finally brings me to... +5. **STOP CHECKING YOUR TRADES EVERY 5 MINUTES.** Issues 1, 2, and 3 were all somewhat a product of this fault. Constantly checking my phone produced doubts or confidence when it definitely should not have, adjustments where they did not to be made, and driving me insane. Every 4 hours or so is probably the most I need to be checking my phone outside of analysis and order placing when it is that time of the day. + +Hopefully you all can maybe learn something from my mistakes. Either way, it feels nice to address these issues and to write this down and try to keep it in mind next week and still lose money. +Quick preface so you know where I come from: + +I was a professional banker for about a decade, I left banking after working my way up through Consumer Retail CSR, Business Banking Relationship Manager, Treasury Management Project Management, and lastly, THE Internal Wholesaler AVP for a very large regional bank. I've only seen my bank mentioned a few times in this sub, and I'm proud of that fact. I have a background in Design, I also have an MBA... so yea, I'm a weirdo. I'm currently invested in real estate, and do some consulting work for small businesses, but also, have been learning to trade/invest, thanks to all of you! THANK YOU! + +I've also founded, promoted, supported, defended and managed large social media groups; special thank you to the MODS, (even if I don't always agree with them) for putting up with my ass, and doing an extraordinary job; it's impressive to say the least. + +With that out of the way, the obvious thanks is to all of the people that contribute here; it doesn't matter if it's a MEME, DD, Opinion/Speculation or... Diamond Tittties. 👀 You ALL brighten my day, EVERY DAY, and, I freak'n love you! + +R PLACE was new to me, In all my 40 something years... I've NEVER seen anything like it. I know others have said it, but the coordination, support and general concept is nothing less than AMAZING! Everything from the design, to the implementation and maintenance was simply mind blowing. As someone versed in design, I never imagined I'd one day be waiting 5 min to post ONE FUCKING PIXEL!! ::WTF?!?:: While also anticipating my next placement. + +Special shout out to those who don't conform or backdown from ANYONE! That means you guys that took the GREEN CANDLESTICK to the MOON, HODL THE LINE on the UPPER LEFT CORNER, FIXED THE "FUCK NFTS" BS on the bottom of our PLACE when it was attacked and all of those that negotiated and made allegiances to keep us going (although, we all know we don't need no fuk'n allegiance)! + +Anyway, I just wanted to thank you all... you're some scary MF and now I know, even more than I did already, why! Much love APEs! See you tomorrow! +Does your SO know your salary, savings, bonus and monetary status? Especially those of you who are married. + +How does finances work in your household? Did you tell them about your private savings before your relationship? Did you ever use them jointly with your SO? + +If you’re another woman please let me know! Would be great to know what others are doing too. +A friend of mine told me about this and I called up and found out it's true. They don't ask for proof but at some point in the future they'll ask you for proof when it's time to renew. BRK.A is one of the highest priced stocks I've ever seen, but BRK.B is about 160 a share. I bought a couple shares so I don't have to lie to the rep on the phone. So I hope to make a couple bucks on the BRK.B share, and get my GEICO discount. + +The 8% is NOT on top of any other discount you already get, so for example, I already get a 5% discount so I'll get another 3% from the BRK.B stock-ownership. + +GOOD TIMES. + +Original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinHood/comments/65xk98/psa_if_you_own_a_single_share_of/ by /u/UXAndrew +I bet a lot of you who got early in ethereum could have a lambo even if u had $1k invested.. + +I got into crypto in late 2013s when mining was popular, and people were mining altcoins like litecoins, dogecoins...I knew about ethereum in 2014 and had a chance to invest in pre-sale but didn't......left crypto space in 2015.. +I fully didn't understand bitcoin/cryptos in 2013/2014.. now i feel like i understand it.. + +In the end, it's not about lambos, fiat in $$$, or massive massive gains.. It's about the revolution, the people having the power. Revolution is just getting started but people are just thinking in profits and $$$ gains. It's much bigger than that. It's much bigger than your $50k, $200k, or even $MMs gains. + +I'm back again late 2016... i bought ethers at 13$ early this year, again at $20, at $30, at $45, and $55, $65, $75. very small amount if i had invested earlier but I'm buying at these levels because I think there are much higher upside left. + +Every time i'm buying, i'm spending more in fiat and getting smaller numbers of ethers.. why? because I think next 2-5 years will be the greatest there will be for ethreum ecosystem. People are regretting, kicking themselves for missing the train, but the train is going to keep going, and they're going to regret it in 2020. + +I keep telling about my coworkers (40+ year olds) (i am late 20s) about bitcoins and ethers, and they wilt not invest and think it's like stocks. I've been mentioning it every week since early 2017 and don't anymore . + +when people said in 2014 that they will **never** sell their bitcoins - i thought then what's the point if you won't get cash for it? if you don't get rich (in fiat) off bitcoins? now I feel like I understand what it is and what the future holds. I listened to a lot of lectures by milton friedman in late 2016s and it's just clicking. our fiat $ is worthless and will be worthless and that's why bitcoins will keep appreciate in fiat $ value. + +Bitcoin will still likely be the digital gold of the future. in 2030,40, I really believe each coin can be worth 100-200k worth USD minimum. Yes, i know there are fights around Core and BU but i feel like it's just a noise; just like ETC thieves. original bitcoin is iconic and will probably stay the same and act as an ASSET, not a currency as its primary purpose. but an asset that can move around like a currency. + +(Disclaimer: i have 0 bitcoin right now, all my crypto is in ether). +Greatest appreciation in value will probably happen around the apps around ethers. + +I really believe that some apps can be worth than ether itself in terms of marketcap... (though it will be very hard, i assign very low probability to that happening like 10%) but unicorns will be formed. if ether market cap can be 200 billion, some apps can be worth 10 billion, 100 billion, etc. + +I am going to invest in these potential unicorns and grow with the boom. in the end, I will diversify to bitcoins, and **hold my cryptos forever.** + +If there is one thing that I notice in the cryptocurrency community, it's that mostly everybody is worried about the current USD, EURO, or GBP value of coins. However, if the world is ever going to go full crypto, fully decentralize and really put this technology to great use, to get away from centralized banking and oppressive governments, then we must stop valuing our cryptos with FIAT currencies. + +My question is, how do we go about this? How do we overthrow the world's oppressive monetary system? Is it up to businesses to take a leap of faith and price out products based completely on crypto? For example, a loaf of bread will cost, .01 ETH no matter? OR, do we start valuing everything reletive to Bitcoin? + +The biggest issue in the world I see is that there is ridiculous income inequality and cryptocurrencies can help solve that issue, but not if we keep comparing them to FIAT and definitely not if we keep cashing out to FIAT, and definitely not if allow government to regulate the markets. + +Thoughts? +Was it all due to speculation and pumping of the price, or was the DAO really that valuable? +Is there something that ETH had back then that they haven't improved upon now or was ETH just extremely over-valued back then? + +Genuinely curious to the economics behind it, if anyone can put forth a discussion or comment upon why i'd be very grateful! +I lost my job due to my newborn being sick so I pulled him out of school. All of my bills are behind including rent and I feel so bad about not being able to get my kids stuff for Christmas. They are 4,2 and 6 months I been crying every night because as the days whine down I get more sad. I have fallen into a deep depression +China is now charging Fed Ex as being a threat to China’s delivery services. They are responding, in kind, they believe, to our allegations against Huawei. It appears that Fed Ex misdirected some important papers that were to go to Huawei back to the US. + +China will be making a list of US companies they believe will be threats to China. This list will reportedly be made public to the Chinese this Sunday. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-01/china-launches-investigation-into-fedex-xinhua?srnd=premium-asia + +I wonder if Apple will be on that list? +Good Morning Apes! + +I have to run to DMV this morning and get my address changed after my move so I will be a little delayed in the early part of the morning. I want to get this jotted down before I head out. + +I don't expect a lot of price action today, short and put volume has been picking up the last couple days. + +We are currently floating around max pain which is @ 202.50 I expect we will stabilize in this range and with max pain at 185 for next week we may see a slight dip towards the end of the day. + +The floor for the long-term trend today is at 191.06 + +The EMA 160 is at 173.58 + +[GME Technical Trends on the 1D ](https://preview.redd.it/g8qi0dr2g5z71.png?width=2463&format=png&auto=webp&s=c03fe855ac88147339ba9177fd6873052a23ad89) + +If we fall through the long-term trend that we regained last week this presents and excellent buy opportunity and a chance to average down, for those that know how and have bought the shares they are going to buy a test of the EMA 160 presents and excellent opportunity to buy long-term option positions. + +Had a nice [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-Market + +Closed just below max pain and nearly record low volume. This is likely intended to crush IV. A drop below max pain of 202.50 and next weeks max pain at 185 indicate a strong chance to trade a bit lower next week and a chance to average down for many. + +I'm doing a stream with Jaime from Tradespotting and his brother Rocky Outcrop, hopefully this weekend. + +I also intend to finish a couple big DD's outlining this whole theory and the potential for long-term options positions. + +Thank you all for tuning in and I'll see you Monday. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/7nrgkrodf8z71.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=51478860ae673d3d47bbbf33706a5fddc6e8d6ca + +Edit 6 3:18 + +Yup... 715k volume. New Record? + +https://preview.redd.it/4wxw6rwk38z71.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5c8f2d5cda753b2afa5d0405739a84166a103d7 + +Edit 5 2:30 + +80k more volume applied slowly over the last 1:20. The result is as expected and the test subject remains unresponsive. + +https://preview.redd.it/rjqap303v7z71.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=629e6138ddcf287ad401c2dc0c13cce3d429dfb6 + +Edit 4 1:10 + +Still chopping around max pain only 180k volume traded since the last update, 23k volume spike came in with no relative movement. Probably a straddle or similar play. + +https://preview.redd.it/miwuiy3gg7z71.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=b394f2cdaefd8bb4e63c09b8a79e7d882318058f + +Edit 3 11:10 + +Holding the low side of the 200 resistance volume at 362k. I expect they may try to push it down even further by end of the day + +https://preview.redd.it/i271o7n7v6z71.png?width=1589&format=png&auto=webp&s=587789a6f7d2edd47b78c35ca11db12b2b129fcc + +Edit 2 10:00 + +No significant price movement volume has fallen off hard and it looks like they are dropping IV. + +https://preview.redd.it/c6magm6si6z71.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b32851e5bba9fc65041d8e5bc5dbbd38551bd02 + +Edit 1 9:13 + +Still flat, I'm back from DMV and ready to go. 50k shares borrowed from IBKR. + +# Pre-market + +Volume: 3.68k (very low , but I am writing this far earlier than usual) + +Shorts to Borrow: + +IBKR - 200,000 @ 0.7% + +Fidelity - 1M+ @ 0.75% + +Slow morning so far. No arbitrage from the EU markets of note. Not a lot to say this early in the morning but I'll keep an eye open for shares borrowed closer to opening bell. All the other ETF basket stocks are a bit down in the pre-market as well so whatever covering was done yesterday appears to be complete. + +[GME pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/yo3gq2nwh5z71.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7ecd223a9b04b5dd7a74403d012bd7608c586ca) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Robinhood is the Facebook of Crypto trading: + +Trading on Robinhood is not "free", you are the product and pay with your data, if you have your bank account linked to Robinhood, chances are a company called Plaid, which has been sued for illegaly sharing customers data, is collecting your bank account acitivity + +Not only that: + +Robinhood is sharing your trading activity to hedge founds, who ""analyze"" the data and profit of it + +[(source 1)](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/business/td-bank-files-lawsuit-against-plaid-accusing-it-of-trying-to-dupe-consumers-1.5145326) + +[(source 2)](https://finledger.com/2021/08/09/plaid-settled-58-million-lawsuit-over-alleged-consumer-data-sharing/) +Hedgies have done everything to largely ignore us, likely accepting that they won't be able to get us to sell anyway and their prime concern was others jumping on the rocket. + +From FUD articles to bullshit corporate news coverage shitting on us and endlessly referencing gambling sub as if it held any sway. + +The long running approach has been to prevent the common investor from considering this as an option, but as you all know that's recently changed. + +The DRS rug pull was a shot directly at DRS AND at us, couple that with the dip we're seeing and they wanted to mimick a sell off within the ape community which we know is impossible as we're all far too highly regarded to know how to sell, let alone within CS. Legitimately, I haven't bothered to figure out how to sell in CS, figured I'd watch a YouTube video on it during MOASS. + +Anyway, I highly suspect the plunges in crypto months ago, then the manufactured failure of FTX was all them setting the stage for the final game ending rugpull. + +Months of psyops came to a head as they tried to hurt apes wallets, unfortunately for them we've mostly gone with one massive egg in a single basket and that shit doesn't matter to us. + +Their hope on this most recent attack has been to convince us with a DRS rug pull that not only will we not get there but that apes are selling. Next to manufacture a dip (while buy to sell ratios are still through the roof) to make it look like the sell off has lead to an end of this. + +If they're taking shots direct at the most hardened, diamond handed and fanatic investors on the planet they either have to be desperate to end this or to drop the price to avoid margin calls. + +It's not about the legacy investors, the boomers or those on TikTok willing to jump into something with their spare cash. It's about us, they need to target us, it went from large dips not shaking us, run ups not shaking us, months of sideways trading and manufactured boredom not shaking us. Now they're trying to go after DRS in tandem with a bullshit dip. + +If this change in approach from them doesn't show you how serious this is getting for them you're more regarded than I, which at this point I don't know would be a good thing or a bad thing because I'm pretty fucking highly regarded. + +Within the last 2 years I feel like there's been periods of time where they ignored us focusing primarily on the wider world view of GameStop. Naturally early on especially there were violent moves against us but boredom hasn't worked and I think the ever increasing DRS numbers and a cash flow positive GameStop has really shaken them. It's crunch time for them and this needs to end before they do. + +They never expected a bunch of fickle and fearful retail investors to dig in and commit en masse to this play the way we have. We've broken every mold of investor they've ever dealt with. Hell two years ago I would have never expected a random collection of international regards to be so fucking diamond handed. + +Either way, we continue to buy, take advantage of this dip and continue to stack those purple rings. + +Get fucked hedgies. +Some of us who really like to gamble (or just have $20 to invest) are looking for extreme high risk - high reward coin but I am not sure whats the best way to looks for good sub million market cap coins. + +I would guess I won't find "working product/great team" kind of coins at this level but maybe there are ones with actually great ideas, just in infancy stage of development. + +Anyone in this sort of coins? what is your DYOR routine? Also shill it while you are at it +My school has a Subway and a Starbucks on campus and a Wendy's right across the street from campus. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I have class from 5 pm until 9:40 pm. To put it mildly, I was spending way way too much money at Subway for dinner or grabbing a quick coffee at Starbucks because "oh it's only $5!" Or grabbing Wendy's because their 4 for $4 was enough to last me two whole meals. + +So I made a bet with myself. I only had classes on Monday and Tuesday of this week. And yeah, it was hard. That Starbucks was sooo tempting. But I stayed strong! I haven't spent ANY money on fast food since last Friday! Granted, Thanksgiving being on Thursday and having enough leftovers to last me until Monday or so has helped, but I am kinda proud of myself. My roommate has complained all week about being hungry and wanting fast food and I didn't cave in and offer to run to McDonald's for her. I've essentially cleaned out our small pantry and "shopped" our freezer to make my meals before the feast was had on Thursday. + +On Tuesday I'll go grocery shopping and try to go all of next week without buying out. It's a small victory but dang, I'm proud of myself for it. +I just needed to write this down, long time subscriber of r/UKPersonalFinance + +6 weddings this year, 3 stag do's, split up with long term SO, moved out, all expensive life events. Been punishing myself for eating into my monthly savings goals to be able to cope. Been focusing on the money, focusing on the long term sacrifices I want to make... until last week where I just let it all go. I started focusing on the memories I'm making, the experiences I'm having. Stopped worrying about just breaking even for a few months and really embracing the occasions. It's freeing. + +Sure, I'm looking forward to topping up my emergency fund, but I can't take the money with me. Saw someone write here that "money is a tool" and that was great to read. Thanks to this sub for being a great community, but be kind to yourselves. +I hold a small emergency fund as cash in a Vanguard ISA, mainly out of laziness as I also hold a pension there. Vanguard don't advertise what their cash interest rate is clearly (I couldn't find it anyway) so I asked, and the response was; + +>Vanguard currently pays the Bank of England base rate less 0.25%. This means that with the Bank of England rate at 3.5%, we are currently paying 3.25% interest on cash held, this accrues daily and is paid monthly to your Vanguard account in arrears. You will be able to see any interest under 'Transactions' > 'Cash statement'.All holdings in your Vanguard account are subject to our 0.15% account fee, and this includes any cash that you hold. The account fee is calculated daily and charged quarterly. + +So including the account fee you're on 3.1%, which is more than all easy access\* accounts on MSE, and it *should* go up if the BoE rate goes up again. + +\*it's not ***truly*** instant access, but I've had a deposit made to Natwest next day from cash holdings - it's much faster than if you have to sell funds which can take a few days. YMMV. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*UPDATE\*\* + +Several people have (correctly) pointed out the following from the [Vanguard FAQs here](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/need-help/answer/will-i-receive-interest-on-cash-held-in-my-isa-or-general-account); + +>We do not charge a service fee for holding your cash. Instead we currently keep up to 0.20% of any interest we receive on cash held in your account, to cover our costs of administering it. + +To me the wording implies that the 0.2% is only charged to the interest accrued. I messaged this morning to confirm asking; + +>Sorry to be particular, that's 0.2% of the \*interest only\*, not 0.2% of the overall balance? + +to which they responded + +>That is correct, on interest only, not the overall balance + +I *suspect* the service fee referred in the FAQs is the same as the ongoing charges (OCFs) charged on holding funds/investments - although I can't find any wording referring to it as a service charge - so the *account fee* still applies @ 0.15% of the *overall* holdings. + +In which case the effective interest rate becomes 3.25% - 0.15% - (3.25%\*0.2%) = 3.0935%. + +Apologies for missing that and being slightly out, but I think the point still stands. +First of all. I have no idea of anything. I eat crayons and add some crayons for special flavor. + +I am not in any kind a financial advisor. As well I am not liable for the information provided in the following. I'll just post some links and you decide what you want to do, as always. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Burry's bookshelf](https://preview.redd.it/d8zl31dquqr61.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=57376f489832d8dcfe8b34686c1b31088ff47b98) + +We all know that Michael Burry was visited by the SEC to stop tweeting about bubbles, hyperinflation, yadda yadda. In the meantime, his twitter is deleted (was deleted?). Dead end. + +Before this happend, **his profile picture changed into a book shelf -** [**wayback machine, i love you. deleted over there in r/GME**](https://web.archive.org/web/20210331213750if_/https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mh3sar/michael_burrys_new_twitter_profile_and_background/) **- and everybody was like, "wTf iS tHiS biG sHoRt iN jAPanEsE???"** + +I don't know, but the books on the right hand side were kicked off. + +&#x200B; + +Besides that, I was digging in CLOs: basically CDOs (wrinkles from 2008 The Big Short, gotcha) but instead of MBS (mortgage backed securities from subprime debtors), they are filled with leveraged loans/subprime debtor companies. [Investopedia Introduction](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/clo.asp) \- so, same shit as 2008? Pretty, yes. + +**Go and read this Guggenheim Paper about CSOs** (Collateralized Synthetic Obligations, basically derivatives on CLOs): [Guggenheim Paper: The Rise of Collateralized Synthetic Obligations: Beware the Rhyme of History](https://www.guggenheiminvestments.com/perspectives/portfolio-strategy/the-rise-of-collateralized-synthetic-obligations) and [here is some background on CSOs vs CLOs](https://www.quantifisolutions.com/why-invest-in-csos-vs-clos) + +&#x200B; + +[Anatomy of a CSO](https://preview.redd.it/11jmg96eupr61.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=597bd738e753a9efd9982599f2302f34b00d2ecc) + +**"Well, this sounds pretty like pre-2008, dont y'all think so?"** + +Then have a look at this beauty: [Source](https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt1909w.htm) + +&#x200B; + +[Comparison of CDOs vs CLOs. ](https://preview.redd.it/9d5ls4mqtpr61.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce1f3f2428a89bae89e167efc4b2b97a1626c77) + +Market for leveraged loans is rising. The stuff is set-up in tranches. Covenants and debt coverage weaken (20% is up to a debt-EBITDA-ratio of more than 6x!). Equity tranches are held by HFs and Structured credit funds. + +**"Well, this sounds pretty like pre-2008, dont y'all think so?"** + +The SEC released a paper on the "[u.s. credit markets interconnectedness and the effects of the covid-19 economic shock](https://www.sec.gov/files/US-Credit-Markets_COVID-19_Report.pdf)": Especially Chapter 4 is worth a read and re-read. The Summary: + +&#x200B; + +[Summary of Chapter 4](https://preview.redd.it/fwdj9k79vpr61.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=44318c20f4ebaad7963a441e5492356b2f7518d4) + +**Well, cool! As long as no one defaults everything is fine and business as usual.** + +&#x200B; + +I wanted to look into the source of the above graph which is " Fitch Ratings, "Leveraged loans & CLOs in financial institutions", August 2019", footnote no. 3. But then I stumbled upon this [Forbes Article by a Consultant for Bank-Regulation, you could probably say an expert.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mayrarodriguezvalladares/2019/08/10/leveraged-loans-and-collateralized-loan-obligations-have-significant-capital-implications-for-banks/?sh=752260bb6f74) + +"According to Fitch analysts, “A few Japanese banks, particularly Norinchukin (unrated), have been very active in buying CLOs. While banks are often selective with CLO managers, we believe the correlation of CLO investments means the asset class will largely move together irrespective of manager selection. Mid-sized banks are more likely to have riskier positions relative to their expertise and overall financial strength.”  Of concern is that Norinchukin’s CLO holdings are “equivalent to 103% of its CET1 capital and it has accelerated its buying in the past year.”  Japan Post Bank also increased its CLO purchases significantly in 2018, although its overall exposure is lower than Nornichukin's.  Japanese mostly hold their CLOs as available for sale. Hence, those banks with large CLO exposures would be adversely affected by mark-to-market losses if CLO tranches are downgraded." + +&#x200B; + +**"Who is Norinchukin? Never heard of?"** \- [Nevermind, it's only a bank focused on agriculture, forests and fishery with total assets amounting up to 970,752 Million USD.](https://www.nochubank.or.jp/en/ir/annual_report/pdf/ar_2020.pdf) as of 31 March 2020. That should be 970 billion USD which is almost 1 trillion USD, if I am right. Nothing, right? + +&#x200B; + +**"How active is Norinchukin with CLOs?"** + +[As of 1st July 2020, S&P:](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/japanese-banks-warned-of-covid-19-impact-on-overseas-clo-investments-59253681) "Japanese banks, among the world's largest buyers of collateralized loan obligations, should be cautious about their holdings of such securitized products as default risk of underlying loans could be rising, albeit still low, amid prolonged pandemic disruptions globally, experts say. + +Although rising risk aversion have pushed prices of CLO notes down in the secondary market, which has led to unrealized losses for CLO investors worldwide, the Japanese banks are in a relatively better position, at least in the near term, as most of the notes they hold are rated AAA, experts add." + +&#x200B; + +**"Cool, they are rated as AAA. So they are secure."** + +[Same Source:](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/japanese-banks-warned-of-covid-19-impact-on-overseas-clo-investments-59253681): "Japan's top CLO investor, Norinchukin Bank, told a press conference in May that it would refrain from investing in more CLOs. + +The bank, which manages assets for farms and fishing cooperatives, held ¥7.7 trillion of CLOs as of March 2020. It was down from ¥8.0 trillion as of end-2019 but up from ¥7.4 trillion in March 2019. + +**Although default risk of CLOs appears low for now, rising risk aversion among investors had led to an unrealized loss of about ¥400 billion of its CLO portfolio in the March-end quarter.** + +"Of course, there is the big risk of their \[the Japanese banks'\] CLO investments," said Makoto Kikuchi, CEO at Myojo Asset Management Co. *"Chances are high that even highly rated bonds will be downgraded," hit by recessions due to the prolonged Covid-19 interruptions.* + +*S&P Global Ratings recently forecast that the U.S. trailing-12-month speculative-grade corporate default rate will likely increase to 12.5% by March 2021. But if COVID-19 cases resume their rise later this year or early next year, the default rate could go up to 15.5%.* + +*JPMorgan, meanwhile, predicts a default rate for leveraged loans to just below 10% by the end of this year."* + +&#x200B; + +**"Hm. Corona still here. So the predictions might come true? Are there other predictions?"** + +Research from LCD Research: [https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/blog/banking-essentials-newsletter-march-edition-part-2](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/blog/banking-essentials-newsletter-march-edition-part-2) + +&#x200B; + +[Date of forecast: 10 July 2020](https://preview.redd.it/n0jch80pypr61.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=7315b2beb140d3b3f1f2635b8add67fa33d5b5f0) + +Data is from July 2020, unfortunately. Haven't found anything better yet besides this [Fitch Report](https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/fitch-ratings-expects-to-revise-significant-share-of-clo-outlooks-to-stable-22-01-2021) from January 2021. According to them, the short term outlook for CLOs stabilizes. + +&#x200B; + +**What do you think about that?** IMO, I havent checked and prospectus from CLOs, but what would be interesting to know: How does a downgrading of junior tranches affect senior (e.g. AAA Tranches at Norinchukin?) Maybe we can get some wrinkels on here? + +&#x200B; + +**Edit1:** included the pic of Burry's books + +**Edit2:** [Risk of CLO losses keeps Japans banking regulator on alert](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-28/risk-of-clo-losses-keeps-japan-s-banking-regulator-on-alert) \- 126 billion USD = 13 trillion YEN, which was around 15% of all CLOs in 2019. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0ddn7g1wvqr61.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a29b61abc1adf84b0f20390e19147df3d379e8 + +"Whether the highest-rated securities eventually get cut “depends on how bad the real economy becomes,” said Tomohiro Miyasaka, chief securitization analyst at SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. in Tokyo. “It could become more likely if the economy gets worse.” + +Authorities in Japan have been growing increasingly concerned about financial institutions’ exposure to CLOs. Prices could fall as much as 30% should top-rated bonds be downgraded to AA or A at a time of market stress, the Bank of Japan said in a [report ](https://www.boj.or.jp/en/research/brp/fsr/data/fsr191024a.pdf)last October. Rating cuts may also lead to higher capital charges for banks because lower-rated securities would carry a higher risk weighting. + +\[...\] + +Lenders have so far been insulated from CLO price drops because they focus on holding top-rated debt until it matures and don’t need to realize losses until the value of the securities falls by 50%. AAA rated CLOs touched 92 cents on the dollar in March and have since recovered to trade at almost 98 cents, according to a Palmer Square index. " + +Can we talk about why AAA-rated tranches have been excluded? Of course, they are senior etc. yada yada. But we know that Rating agencies do not operate all by themselves. They are paid by the originators, right? A downgrade would lead, for sure, to some dumping of these garbage CLOs on the market which would probably lead to a full-blown sell-off and the start of the "Japanese Big Short". Proof me wrong + +**Edit3:** + +just as I was typign Edit2, u/guywholikesjapan came by and dropped this masterpiece: + +[Competition among CLO Raters may challenge dominance of Moodys](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-25/competition-among-clo-raters-may-challenge-dominance-of-moody-s): " + +**Kroll does not rate the underlying loan assets.** Instead it can use what is available in the form of outstanding public ratings from other agencies, as well as its own work to provide ratings analysis. “We live and die by investor acceptance,” said Noé. “**We approach investors before the issuers and are actively working with some of the largest investors in the market to ensure we are providing them with a valuable service.** You have to get your way on to deals to start with and build from there. We have now achieved this on all the major asset classes in Europe.” " + +Ok, tell me how you can rate a basket of loan assets without rating them or looking at them properly? Did he just say "valuable service" which could be interpreted as "we give you the stuff you need, we'll build a special relationship here..."? + +This is a huge kindergarten: "Mama Moodys and auntie S&P gave me a bad rating, so I think I'll have to go to Daddy Kroll, he gives me the rating I want and the rating I need." + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** + +**CLOs and CSOs on the rise, quality declines, Japanese Banks own huge amounts of CLOs of good quality. Nevertheless, defaults are predicted to rise. There is still a huge conflict of interest regarding the ratings of CLOs (and probably all kind of structured derivatives).** + +**Not financial advise.** + +*Tagging as Discussion because it's not a full-fletched DD at all but maybe the starting point for such.* +Age: 28 + +NW: 600k + +Location: VHCOL + +Employment: FAANG (L6 SWE) + +I've currently been thinking about diversifying some assets from pure equities. For the past 6-7 years, I've been purely a ETF (SPY/VOO) and forget kind of person but now given that home prices seem to be falling across the US, I've been looking to diversify a bit in RE. + +My general train of thought currently is to pick up 1-2 (120-150k) properties **in cash** elsewhere in the United States as a set of properties to begin learning the business. I've been thinking about this since home prices seem to be falling due to a higher interest rate environment. I fully understand that with only 1-2 properties, I am not on any FIRE path. The purpose of this is to learn more about the RE industry with some cheaper properties and eventually scale up if this is a area that I would be interested in. + +Given that interest rates are currently higher than normal, is it worth still getting heavily levered to purchase RE? Are there specific benefits with having a mortgage vs paying in pure cash? + +What is the experience with living in California (NorCal) for example, but managing properties in WY or AZ? It seems like I would have to 100% go with a property manager for these use cases given my current full time job/location. +I went to El Salvador with no expectations. When I first landed it felt hot, lovely. Had to wait for a friend so I grabbed the rental car, where they try and scam you for insurance, and went for a coffee. Friend arrived and we drove to El Zonte a.k.a Bitcoin Beach. + +The drive we thought we were going to be shot, not sure why but you hear stories. We didn’t get shot. Checked in the Airbnb no probs, no hot water though. + +Next day we drive to the beach for coffee and bump straight into Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert, said hi, Stacy was nice but Max was not interested, I probably wouldn’t be to be fair, especially when I’m after a coffee. + +Bitcoin signs everywhere, talked to a bunch of people and some knew about bitcoin but mostly not, felt like just a lot of travellers there passing through. I think all the stuff you see online you assume everyone is walking around with Chivo wallets but it doesn’t seem to be the case, maybe other places it’s like that but not here. + +We contacted some estate/realtor agents and saw two properties just to see what’s available, this place literally has nothing, when I say nothing I mean you’ll need to put water in, electricity, it’s so behind the times that most people here live in tin shacks by the road/river. It seems that there’s chancers there trying their luck to get bitcoiners to buy shacks but there really isn’t any point… the reality is you can’t either, not straight forward anyway as you’ll need a lawyer and even if you buy something you’re not 100% sure you own it, it’s confusing, plus the government has some rule where they can take property off people. + +My thoughts are this won’t be the future of Bitcoin, it’s so behind the times. The people were lovely, beautiful scenery, great weather but realistically this place will take 20 years to develop and in the next couple of years there will most likely be other countries adopting Bitcoin, countries which are already developed. + +El Salvador is definitely cool and will probably the Mecca/pilgrimage place for the future of where it all started to be accepted but I can’t see it being anything but that. I actually hope I’m wrong because it was first and deserves so much more but after visiting and seeing how undeveloped it is I’d be very surprised if people actually go there. + +If anyone has been to San Salvador and people are daily using their Chivo wallets then please comment, I hope there is more use of it as I read millions of people have them but whether they’re active accounts would be interesting to know. + +The last thing I want to say is this trip has made me realise how truly early we are still… one place is using Bitcoin and it’s underdeveloped. I can’t imagine what Bitcoin will be like when everyone is using it… it blows my mind! It’s so early. +I am lucky enough to possess citizenship in Portugal and have seriously considered moving there in the past, but salaries for my industry are so much lower there that I decided to stay in the US. As I start to think about an early retirement (still nowhere close, probably 10+ years away) I am wondering what would happen if I were to move to Portugal after retirement or in some sort of ⠀partial retirement working a low stress job in Portugal. Can I essentially avoid the exorbitant US healthcare costs this way? I realize I'd have to pay higher taxes in Portugal, but still might be worth it? Especially if my income is lower? How will my investments be affected if they are all in US based accounts? Thanks for any advice +This comment from u/issarepost explains exactly what it means to say, “10 million is my floor” and why it is SO IMPORTANT to not sell on the way up, but rather on the way down. Trying to sell at the peak is like day trading, it negatively affects apes, and you’re not Jimmy Neutron, the chance of you hitting the peak is [millions to one](https://youtu.be/IRS5lNpj1l0). + + +“The issue with most apes here is that they do not understand that FLOOR means "on the way down". When people say "$10M is the floor", they equate that to "once GME hits $10M, I'm selling". But what FLOOR means is that once it passes $10M, it will continue beyond your floor, $20M, $100M, $420M and then descend back to your FLOOR of $10M. + +This gives us the ability to exit WAY ABOVE your theoretical floor of $10M.” + + +In conclusion, BUY, HODL, but most importantly, it would benefit yourself and other apes rather well if you sell on the way down, not the way up, as you will have way more time to do so anyway. The MOASS will last for days, possibly weeks. I know we’re gamers, but don’t play yourself. + +*not financial advice, i typed this with my toes.* +My oldest sibling is my sister who unfortunately has a learning disability. She is 40 years old but is mentally around a 10 year old. She does however have a very strong work ethic and has been working away for the last 20 years. She has lived with my parents the entire time and therefore doesn't have any expenses. I didn't know what my parents were doing with her finances but I was very disappointed to hear that her life savings -- $130k -- has been sitting in a checking account this whole time. Big oof. + +So I volunteered to help invest it and help her money work for her. My plan is to keep $20k liquid for any emergency funds she would need and do the following for with her other $110k: + +1. Open a roth IRA and contribute $6k in December 2021 and $6k in January 2022. $12k in next 30 days. + +2. Buy $10k in 7.2% yielding Government Series I bonds in December 2021 and $10k in January 2022. $20k in the next 30 days. + +3. Open a brokerage account and transfer the last ~$80k into SPY, VTI, and SFY to grow over the next 20-25 years. + +Does this plan sound like it would work well for someone in my sister's shoes? Is there another investment vehicle to consider? Any advice on what I could be doing with her regular paychecks as they come in? Just keep throwing them into the ETFs? + +Any insight would be greatly appreciated! +I'm working along side employees at a job site and paid per hour. I have a supervisor. They have total control over where, when and how the job is done. There are many others like me too. + +The pay is good. I like the company and want to convince them nicely that I should be an employee. What's the best approach to take? +Location is Maryland, USA + +My mother in law died this morning after a lengthy hospital stay. She initially had a planned surgery to remove a cancer but encountered multiple complications one after another and she wasn’t able to recover. This was over the course of 5 weeks, 4 of it in the ICU. She did not have Covid. I don’t know if any of that matters for insurance purposes. + +Father in law and my wife are devastated. Mother in law took care of everything for her and her husband financially, bills, insurance etc. so he is at a total loss at what to do. I am certain she had life insurance and decent-to-good health insurance but short of turning the house upside down, we have no idea where to look for that information. + +Looking for advice on what next steps are in coming weeks. + +Am I correct in thinking the life insurance should cover hospital bills? + +Is her spouse even responsible for any hospital bills? Not sure how this works with a surviving spouse. + +Do we find a particular lawyer to go over things like an estate lawyer? Or some other basic legal advice? + +————- + +Financials: father in-law retired two years ago and worked part time until Covid hit. Then laid off. No major debts that I know of. Mother in-law was working for a large corporation up until this point. + +There are retirement accounts and other assets but I don’t even know where to begin to help my wife and FIL. + +Basically want to make sure we don’t get taken advantage of and ensure the best future for him. + +Thanks in advance. +**\*\* CONTRACT LAUNCHING TOMORROW (29/06/21) \*\*** + +The first token to introduce Dynamic Tax Protocol. + +&#x200B; + +The **BIGGEST** reward pool of any token. + +&#x200B; + +iBNB is the first **Dynamic DeFi token** that adjusts tax rates to sustain and rejuvenate supply pools, building upon existing transaction tax systems used by a large number of existing DeFi tokens. We do this by introducing a revolutionary new mechanic: Dynamic Tax Protocol. + +&#x200B; + +iBNB is the first DeFi token to employ **not one, not two, but THREE** individual mechanisms to fill the **reward pool**. This will be by far, the **biggest reward pool generating token of any token out there**. + +&#x200B; + +**⚖️The first DeFi token to introduce the Dynamic Tax Protocol (DTP) ⚖️** + +As a fully dynamic token, DTP will always aim to prioritise 9.9% of the transaction tax to the reward pool. DTP will ensure there is a healthy supply of liquidity to perform trades, such that it can readjust and guarantee the maximum amount of tax directed towards the reward pool. + + + +**📊Whales? Who cares.... Bots? So what! 📊** + +iBNB is the first token to introduce scaling tax brackets for large sells. Big dumpers or bots who try to manipulate the price will be taxed at much higher rates thanks to our scaling tax. Any sell of more than 0.1% of the total iBNB supply token will be rejected REJECTED. 🚫 + +&#x200B; + +**🤲 Giving back to the community never felt so good! 🤲** + +iBNB is the first token to introduce Reward Contributions. A portion of all large reward claims are returned back to the reward pool. Not only does this ensure you can continue to claim a consistent amount of rewards every day, but the whole community also benefits from a healthy reward pool. Remember, all claims over 0.25 BNB are subject to scaling contributions where the more you claim, the more you CONTRIBUTE. + +&#x200B; + +**🔥 Burn baby, burn!🔥** + +0.1% of all transactions are continuously burnt for good! Poof, gone... less supply, more demand 📈 + +&#x200B; + +**🤝 I like buy backs and I cannot lie 🤝** + +The marketing wallet will receive BNB reward claims. We will use these claims to automatically buy back tokens whenever necessary! If there is a lot of unused BNB in the marketing wallet, we will just chuck it in the reward pool! More rewards for everyone! + +&#x200B; + +**🔩Unrenounced contract so we can ensure market stability 🔩** + +The iBNB team has kept ownership of the smart contract. This is so we can update tax %, tax brackets, DTP liquidity swap %, DTP Reward swap %, and more! This is done so that we can ensure the token remains in a healthy state, always! + +&#x200B; + +**👨‍👩‍👦‍👦For the community!👨‍👩‍👦‍👦** + +iBNB is here for you. Any major changes to the tokenomics which come about from the adjustments listed above will be put forward to the community and voted on. This is to ensure trust between the iBNB team and community remains solid. Without you guys, we are nothing! + +&#x200B; + +**📜Smart Contract:** [https://bscscan.com/address/0x830F7A104a3dF30879D526031D57DAa44BF85686#code](https://bscscan.com/address/0x830F7A104a3dF30879D526031D57DAa44BF85686#code) + +&#x200B; + +**🖥Website:** [ibnb.finance](https://ibnb.finance) + +&#x200B; + +**📃Whitepaper:** [bnb-finance.gitbook.io/ibnb-whitepaper/](https://bnb-finance.gitbook.io/ibnb-whitepaper/) + +&#x200B; + +🔒**LP will be Locked for years**. Even our grand kids won't be able to touch it! + +&#x200B; + +🙋‍♂️Team is **Fully Doxxed** (check website) 🙋‍♂️ + +&#x200B; + +Join socials to keep informed! + +&#x200B; + +**Telegram:** [t.me/iBNBfinance](https://t.me/iBNBfinance) + +&#x200B; + +**Twitter:** [twitter.com/iBNBfinance](https://twitter.com/iBNBfinance) + +&#x200B; + +**Discord:** [discord.gg/ibnb](https://discord.gg/ibnb) +Everytime I read a post about someone who FIRE’d or is about to FIRE earlier than me or very close to my age gets me nervous and anxious. + +I know that it is not a race, but I can’t avoid the feeling that I am far from FIRE and other people are getting there. + +Most of the histories are an incentive, but the anxiety has its special place in my head. + +:) +Hey Reddit - + +Chrome Product Manager here. Just wanted to weigh in on the issue with kryptokit wallet that’s been affecting the community. What happened was this: + + - A malware developer hoping to steal bitcoin keys copied the kryptokit extension codebase in order to build their own malicious extension. + + - The pipelines that we use to detect malware flagged the *real* kryptokit extension as being nearly identical since the vast majority of the effective code and assets were the same, causing the extension to be blacklisted. + + - We noticed the conversation on /r/bitcoin (many of us are enthusiasts, too!) and realized what had taken place. The krypto-kit extension was restored and re-enabled on users machines. + + - *No data was removed from user machines at any point.* + +Obviously this is a learning experience for us and we are continuing to perfect our protections in the webstore. But we wanted to emphasize that we are definitely not seeking to limit Bitcoin extensions in general or the kryptokit extension in particular - but rather trying our best to keep users safe from malicious exploits. + +Thanks for your patience and for raising the problem to our attention. + +Cheers, +Tyler, Bullish + + +Proof: crbug.com/375505 +Saving money is the easiest part, it's making money that's fucking difficult. Poverty seems like a curse and I can't get out of it. It's a good thing I'm healthy because if I was i wouldn't be able to afford treatment for anything. My job gives me medical insurance but not dental so I'm lucky in that way. But poverty seems impossible to get out of. I'm black, female, I live below the poverty line and I was wondering what's the best way to get out of poverty without having to sell my vagina? +Keen to get the forums views on what point does childcare vs stay at home parenting become cost neutral, + +In lamens terms, at what point are you no worse off or better off under the below scenarios + +A - Parent stays home 5 days a week and looks after child. No salary. No childcare fees + +B - Parent goes to work and pays childcare for 5 days a week. Earns a salary. Pays childcare fees + +Assume dual income family under both scenarios + +Obviously B makes sense if the difference is significant (everyone has their own view on what that is) but I don’t imagine most people would go with B if it meant an extra 1-2k per annum + +* Also for some reason, I can’t change the post flair. +I am so happy to have found such a great resource. My partner and I are really struggling financially and this has been so helpful in knowing where to start. Every month we spend probably less than a week total not being in our overdraft, and at the end of the month we are always at the very end of them. + +We also get paid at different times - my partner on the 1st, me on the 15th - and all our bills come out before my payday which usually screws us for a few days. The last 2 months, we have borrowed money from my cousin to cover the few days between our loan repayment and my pay. We finally got around to changing the payment date to after the 15th so this won't be as much of a problem going forward. + +I feel like we actually are earning enough money to be making progress on getting ourselves back on track; however our spending is totally out of control and an absolute mess. Food especially is a nightmare for us - I work in a (expensive!) petrol station and buy food there a lot, partner drives for a living and often buys lunch if he forgets to make it. We both have ADHD (I'm the only one diagnosed) so planning, impulse buying, just functioning in general are a nightmare for us. Last month we had 86 transactions for buying food which totalled £650. Only about £100 of that was groceries, the rest was impulse spending and one night out. + +Right now we each have 1 individual account, plus we have 1 joint account. My partner has a £1,000 overdraft on his account, and we have the same on the joint. I don't have an overdraft. We do have savings accounts but they are both empty. We don't have any credit cards but we do have a loan, a car on finance, and a mortgage. Our mortgage payment is about to go up (assuming it gets approved - I'm having big anxiety that it won't) and I am fed up of being constantly broke so it was time to deal with this. + +My idea is actually to create another joint account, one that we don't easily have access to via an app, or cards for, so we don't ever actually "see" the money unless we log on to it. All the money for our fixed outgoings/direct debits etc, plus any "extra" not for spending, gets put in that account where we can't see it, and by extension, can't spend it. Then at the end of the month the extra can go towards paying off whatever is next on the list. + +Money for essentials like food, fuel, etc goes into the joint account where we both see it. "Free" money for us buying whatever we want goes to our personal accounts. + +This is my first time trying to do a budget, please could someone advise if there's anything important I have missed, and/or need to alter. Haven't included anything for clothes as we don't really buy many, or gifts as we can't really afford at the moment. I cut our hair (badly). Will get a couple Christmas gifts for the kids in the family but nothing else this year. + +# Budget + +**Income** + +*Both of our incomes are due to go up slowly over the next few months but don't want to rely on that so basing it off current total.* + +£3,000 + +**Fixed Outgoings (everything rounded up to nearest £5)** + +*These are all auto-payments which I'd like to set up to come out of the "invisible" joint account* + +* Mortgage £450 +* Council Tax £150 +* Car Finance £180 +* Car Loan £160 +* Car Insurance £130 +* Car Tax £45 +* Home Insurance £40 +* Life Insurance £80 +* Unions £25 +* Mobile Phones £105 +* Electricity £105 +* Broadband £30 +* Horse Field Rent £60 + +***Total - £1,560 (thought I would round up to £1,600 to be safe in case I missed anything/we have an unexpected bill)*** + +**Other Essentials** + +*This money would go in our main joint account to be accessed as needed but where we can both see* + +* Fuel £500 +* Food £250 +* Animals £100 + +***Total £850*** + +**Health** + +*This money would go in our main joint account to be accessed as needed but where we can both see* + +* Chiropractor £70 +* Therapy £90 + +***Total £160*** + +**TV and Entertainment** + +*Not sure whether to put this in the invisible joint or the visible one right now.* + +* Playstation subscription £5 (it's annual so I divided by 12 and rounded up) +* Spotify £15 +* Netflix £10.00 +* Misc. for games/cinema etc £20.00 + +***Total £50*** + +**Other/Personal Spending** + +*Personal accounts* + +* £70 each + +***Total £140*** + +# Total outgoings: £2,700 + +This leaves us with **£300** each month to go towards actually repairing our finances. + +Here is where I get a bit confused on our next step. Should we prioritise paying off our overdraft before thinking about overpaying loans? My gut says yes, but I am not financially smart. Also, I know as soon as that money goes to our overdraft, we will see it and spend it. So my thought is, are we better to hide it from ourselves in the "invisible" account until we can completely repay an overdraft and then close it/reduce it to like, £250 max? Right now we have £2,000 of overdraft available to us which is 2/3rd of what we make and it scares me. + +Right now we are also pooling almost all of our money which, longer term, I'd like to obviously be able to both have more money for ourselves, but I feel like we need to improve our financial health first. + +I also feel like allocating money for therapy and a chiropractor is a luxury but I know without those things we will both be miserable and impulse buy harder. And £70 each for spending feels like being tight but my hope is that this is short term pain long term gain. My partner is slightly better than me when it comes to not spending money; however I am the only one who can/will make a budget, sort out the banking etc, and *try* to hold us to it. I feel weird dictating how he spends his money but he says he is happy with what I have come up with. + +This has taken me all weekend to do between shifts and I have hardly slept cause I can't think about anything else, hyperfocusing has it's silver linings I guess though cause at least I am getting done. Yesterday I felt overwhelmed and despairing, then I looked at the previous month's spending, got hopeful that it was doable, then made a budget including future things I needed to think about/factor in (like insurance and tax for our second car which we did annually last year but will need to renew soon and probably won't be able to avoid doing monthly this time), remembered how anxious I was about the mortgage renewal, got overwhelmed and stressed again, decided to post in this group for support, doing so calmed me down a bit and cleared my mind. + +***TL;DR - we suck at money, I made a budget, I have some questions.*** + +1. ***Do I need to change/add anything to the budget?*** +2. ***Should first priority be overpaying loans, or reducing overdraft?*** +3. ***Do those two things come before or after the 1-3 month emergency fund?*** +4. ***Is the emergency fund designed to cover the fixed outgoings and essentials only or the extras like entertainment etc as well?*** +**GM** + +2011- $7.6 Billion Profit + +2015- $9.7 Billion Profit + +**Tesla** + +2011- $254 Million LOSS + +2015-$889 Million LOSS + +---------------------------------------------------- + +GM sold nearly 10 million cars this past year in 2015. Tesla sold near 50,000. + +---------------------------------------------------------- + +It's pretty much the tale of a value stock vs a growth stock. + +**How do you guys gauge Tesla's current price?** +Some information : Each month I can contribute about 232usd to this pie + some leftovers. I am 27yrs and willing to hold and invest forever. I was thinking about adding some dividend etf to the pie too, but I am not sure which one. + +Thanks for any advice :) + +https://preview.redd.it/gmym9dtoj3c81.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4f86cff70c1525bdd685ff5d2c75ba49d2226f7 +Hi everyone 🙋🏻 What is your opinion regarding investing only in Dividend Aristocrats vs investing only in S&P 500 e.g. VOO? Any articles which compare the growth rate of Dividend Aristocrats and VOO? I am thinking if Dividend Aristocrats has a higher growth rate than VOO in long run, why don’t we just invest in those at the same time enjoying the dividend payment as free cash flow +Was looking into SCHD but sadly it's not available in Europe I suppose. + +Are there any good alternatives that I may be able to buy in Europe? + +Thanks a lot in advance! +After doing some research, I wanted to take a stab at the wheel strategy. Decided on NIO as, like many, I see a lot of potential in the company and the EV space as a whole. Started back in October selling the weekly 25 or 30 delta put at the beginning of the week, or sometimes the previous Friday if I was nicely OTM just to get a little extra theta. Obviously I got assigned this week and will now switch to Selling CC’s. My cost basis is at about $40 bucks a share now, so I’m still profitable and looking to keep reducing it. I guess I’m just looking for validation if I am doing this correctly? Even being a meme stock, I think there’s great potential between Biden pushing the EV space and the possibility of global market expansion. Thanks. +Sad noises. My cost basis is 65 and I collected about 250 in premium but will be missing out on a few thousand dollars in profit because I thought that I could pick up some pretty fat looking pennies. +This question is a bit more anecdotal/philosophical than advice-seeking, but as a number of people that post here are often new to investing, I thought it was worth asking some of you that have been around the block for your insight. + +Since I have only been attentive to this world of financial literacy for the last few years, I have largely experienced nothing but this most recent period of prosperity. As capitalism involves both boom and bust, it is an acknowledged risk that there will, at some time in our lives, be a pullback in the economy (knock on desk). + + +For those that lived through that in the past, what is it like? What is important to remember? What were your experiences worth sharing? + + +**Edit: Thank you to everyone who responded. I've been sitting on this post for a while.** +My assets are heavily weighted in real estate so I'm thinking of selling a house and putting the equity (after taxes and transaction fees) into low cost index funds. + +The math seems to indicate that it's about the same. The property cash flows and in the end I can sell the asset. However, with an index fund, I can withdraw about the same amount of cash from in and the principal will still grow, assuming an 8% return. + +Is there an analysis methodology I should look into for comparing the two investments? + +The hardest part is that I can't accurately predict what stock market returns will be, obviously no one can. I use 8% because it seems reasonable but who knows. I feel a little bit more confident about what the appreciation on the house because of where it's located. + +Any advice or suggestions? +What are some things to consider when buying a rental out of state? + +I'm new to real estate investing, but I've saved enough for a down payment. My problem is the market where I live is all but impossible to generate positive cash flow. So I have to go out of state, but this means I'll have to buy the property site unseen and that I'm beholden to a manager to run the place. + +So I've done my research and found a couple options in Cleveland suburbs. All these options are in "B" neighborhoods and from what I can tell from descriptions and photos, all the major potential expenses (furnace, A/C, roof, bathrooms etc.) will be good for the next few years. Running the numbers and padding them on the worst case/conservative side all these options have the potential to generate positive cash flow closer to 2% and 15%+ CoC. + +Still, I'm new to this. I haven't purchased a house other than the ones I've lived in. What are some things to consider when doing this? I'm going to be contacting both a local realtor and property manager shortly, what questions should I be asking? + +Thanks in advance! +I’m asking for my mom, she has an old artsy apartment building in south west Florida. +It’s three units, the water bill is 600 dollars this month. Each unit is on a separate meter so we can see which unit is “leaking water.” +The problem is that the meter is accurate af, no signs or readings of running water when nothing is running. +The city of Sarasota literally said we’re screwed. If a plumber or whomever can’t find the leak they can’t fix it. +Doesn’t the city have obligations to come fix the problem? It’s their meter and their water, so why wouldn’t they? +If I would take out a FHA loan and live in the home for the first year, I would take a negative cash flow because I would only be able to rent out on unit of the two family house. Would this make sense to do financially? Thanks! +What are some things to consider when buying a rental out of state? + +I'm new to real estate investing, but I've saved enough for a down payment. My problem is the market where I live is all but impossible to generate positive cash flow. So I have to go out of state, but this means I'll have to buy the property site unseen and that I'm beholden to a manager to run the place. + +So I've done my research and found a couple options in Cleveland suburbs. All these options are in "B" neighborhoods and from what I can tell from descriptions and photos, all the major potential expenses (furnace, A/C, roof, bathrooms etc.) will be good for the next few years. Running the numbers and padding them on the worst case/conservative side all these options have the potential to generate positive cash flow closer to 2% and 15%+ CoC. + +Still, I'm new to this. I haven't purchased a house other than the ones I've lived in. What are some things to consider when doing this? I'm going to be contacting both a local realtor and property manager shortly, what questions should I be asking? + +Thanks in advance! +I recently moved to the US on a non-immigrant work VISA. Before moving, I was evaluating apartments to rent and found this agency (big agency) that had an apartment (\~$2000 rent) which seemed good enough for me. + + +I went through the application process on their official website. Paid around $600 in application fee + $100 application fee security deposit. The next morning I receive an email saying that the unit I applied for is actually \~$2700 rent. + + +I found that odd because every rent aggregator website also listed it for $2000. I told them the agency that is out of my budget and to refund the complete fee because I would not have applied in the first place had I known the rent was so high. The agency assured me that the refund checks will be mailed to an address I provided. + + +Fast forward to today- After numerous emails and calls, I haven't still received the money. They say they have mailed the checks via USPS but fail to provide a tracking number. It has been 2 months now and I am not sure if I can get my money back . + +What should I do? +If you’re worried about the price, don’t be. + +I have been in the crypto-sphere since about 2014-ish. I originally bought my bitcoin for use on the internet. + +That was what started me on the path to studying and understanding how blockchain works and why it is such a huge deal. + +Blockchain’s main purpose is to securely transfer value without the need for an intermediary. This isn’t a stock or a traditional investment. In fact it’s something that’s never been seen in the history of the world. Throughout the history of money one would need SOME 3rd party (Gov., banks, etc...) to verify a transaction or to give the currency value. Blockchain, or more specifically cryptocurrency completely eliminates this aspect of currency. + +That being said, there is no assets or company backing (some exceptions) any crypto on the market. There is no earnings report that estimates the value; there is no technical analysis in the world that can predict the price; there is no relationship between a stock/bond and a cryptocurrency. + +These virtual assets are a utility. + +Utility in economics is the amount of time and money you save by choosing a certain financial path. For day to day consumers we want to maximize our utility I.e. get the most bang for our buck. Large corporations and governments would like to minimize it to cut out whatever that is not needed to increase the bottom line on their income statement. + +These currencies not only allow society to easily optimize utility for large entities, but for individuals as well. + +Corporations that solely exist to transfer/store value (visa, western union, Wells Fargo, etc...) marginally decrease our optimal utility and suck the liquidity out of an economy. I don’t want to seem like I am attacking these corporations but this is literally the definition of a parasite. Which is an entity that receives benefits from a host while the host is in detriment. These corporations leech this money out of the economy. Sure their workers are paid and this increases their marginal prosperity to consume, but how many jobs are lost to efforts of cost reduction? How much investment is left on the sidelines due to fees and other stipulations these intermediaries create? + +If this leakage of utility and liquidity is patched our global economy will operate at a greater efficiency than it currently is; as there is no forced induction of funds into an industry that’s only function is to transfer/store value. + +Since its established that this IS the future of finance, based on my extremely simplified explanation, the only question now is the question of rate of adoption. + +I have 3 brief points to make: + + 1.) Adoption curves do exist and they are found in a every thing that is used today. Cars, phones, the internet, Reddit, etc. All of these utilities follow the adoption curve ([or S-curve](http://i2.wp.com/www.business-planning-for-managers.com/Worpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/adoption_curve.jpg)) almost 1:1. + + 2.) Fractals are a branch of mathematics that explain the bigger picture by looking at smaller portions of the whole. (“As above, so below”) This is rather difficult to explain, but it is basically repetition that grows with scale. + + 3.) Crypto is nowhere near full adoption, we are in the mania phase of early adoption where all the applications of the technology are being tried and vetted for use in the world. This aspect is known as the Gartner Hype Cycle. +With these points, one puts together a puzzle. [Since Crypto is so volatile and there is little knowledge in the world of it, along with patterns of repetition that appear to be fractal,](https://i.imgur.com/05V81cb.png) we know this is only the beginning of a revolution. + +I believe we are in the beginning stages of the FIRST investable adoption curve to ever face humanity and the research I have gathered thus far supports this thesis immaculately. + +I know seeing these prices short-term hurt you greatly and it feels terrible thinking you made a bad choice. But time heals all and you and I will be the winners in the end. + +This is the internet of value being created right in front of us. In fact blockchain will do to finance, what the internet did for telecommunications. + +Invest in fundamentals, believe in yourself, understand the technology, and don’t ever listen to the media (banks have a lot of money to spread fear to eliminate a threat). + +Sometime this year, we will have another bull run, and this one will not be as large percentage wise. But the value in fiat will be exponentially increased. + + + +Much love, good luck, and HODL. + +P.s. sorry about any errors I’m on mobile and it’s 2 am and I just finished working on a paper. + + + + + + +EDIT: **Those trying to call me out on my assumptions based purely on the fact that my ideas are assumptions, have the fundamentals of economics wrong. THE 10 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS are assumptions in themselves and Econ is a social science!** + +EDIT 2: **Beware that most of us have a vested interest in the success or failure of crypto! Some have long positions, some have short positions.** + +EDIT 3: *Full disclosure I currently have shorts on: BTC, ETH, ADA. I have long Positions in: NEO XRP XMR.* + +EDIT 4: If you have asked for my full dissertation, I will post it in this thread mid-July along with my results from the presentation. + +EDIT 5: I am not telling you to buy or sell. I'm suggesting you hold onto your investments if you have the skin to lose! +Guten Tag (¡y hola!) to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I have never seen the EUR->USD exchange rate so low, which may mean nothing but it seems like another possible signal that things are not well in the global markets. Yesterday the markets bled, but Tesla was hit especially hard. It seems likely to be related to the Twitter deal, but I cannot help but wonder if there is some connection to GameStop. Are any of the SHFs who were long on the car stock in desperate need of cash? I can't help but wonder at the connections between everything, but fortunately I don't spend much time *worrying* about such turmoil. I am invested heavily in the best company on the planet, and there is no discount too deep for me to feel secure. + +As we watch eagerly for signs of the MOASS, please center yourself as necessary to maintain calmness. Emotions surrounding investments tend to lead to difficult lessons. The harder you let the red days impact your emotions now, the more difficult it will be to maintain your floor when the price starts to skyrocket. The ups and downs are a certainty, and while most of us expected the MOASS well before today, it remains an unrealized certainty. The day approaches - there is little chance that the vote will fail to approve the share increase, and GameStop continues to proceed with its plans to revolutionize retail. There will be an incredible level of FUD directed at us. Use this community to keep yourself centered and focused, and may your Diamantenhände HODL strongly through it all. + +Today is Wednesday, April 27th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$129.29 / 121,13 €** *(volume: 393)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $129.13 / 120,98 € *(volume: 390)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $128.99 / 120,84 € *(volume: 390)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $128.92 / 120,78 € *(volume: 350)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $128.79 / 120,66 € *(volume: 350)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $128.51 / 120,40 € *(volume: 346)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $128.48 / 120,37 € *(volume: 338)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $128.70 / 120,57 € *(volume: 203)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $128.85 / 120,71 € *(volume: 195)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $128.82 / 120,69 € *(volume: 194)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $128.90 / 120,76 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $128.93 / 120,79 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $129.01 / 120,86 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $128.87 / 120,73 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $128.83 / 120,69 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $128.88 / 120,74 € *(volume: 76)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $128.90 / 120,77 € *(volume: 76)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $128.88 / 120,74 € *(volume: 65)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $128.89 / 120,75 € *(volume: 64)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $128.90 / 120,77 € *(volume: 53)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $128.92 / 120,78 € *(volume: 46)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $128.90 / 120,76 € *(volume: 45)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $128.66 / 120,54 € *(volume: 45)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $128.40 / 120,29 € *(volume: 44)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $128.50 / 120,38 € *(volume: 44)* +- 🟥 US close price: $127.60 / 119,54 € *($127.61 / 119,55 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0674. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +[First post](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/4m1ln3/resident_physician_with_400k_medschoolgrad_school) + +[Year One update]( https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/6tfii3/1_year_update_resident_physician_to_attending) + +Hello everyone, I figured I would do a yearly update and crosspost to both PF and the FIRE subreddit. + +**THE DEBT** + +Down to 362K as of today. + +I ended up refinancing my loans to a private lender. I debated long and hard about continuing with PSLF, but in the end, the risks far outweighed the potential benefit. There was no guarantee that my loans would be forgiven, especially as my employer was not 501c3 certified. Even though it is considered a non-profit and provides public health services (it is an independent physician group and is not technically part of the hospital), there is nothing to prevent the government from denying the forgiveness claim. I ended up refinancing to a 3.8% fixed rate loan for 6 years. However, I have been paying biweekly instead of monthly, and that has shaved off a significant time off of my payoff period. + +Deciding to refinance was one of the toughest financial decisions I made. It may be possible that I could have gotten my loans forgiven had I stuck with it, but I simply wasn’t willing to take the chance of my loans ballooning to a massive amount (my average interest rate for all my loans pre-refinancing was about 6.8%), and then finding out I didn’t qualify for PSLF. Ultimately, I feel better about paying off loans at a regular interval, and watching the total principle decrease. Although it’s easy for me to say I wish I had started paying off in residency, hindsight is 20/20 and what’s done is done. I’ve made the commitment to get rid of my loans, and to be honest, it feels like a dark cloud has started to lift knowing that they are finally being payed off. + +Again, I have no credit card debt, and pay off everything at the end of the month. + +**PERSONAL STUFF AND EXPENSES** + +Still not married and have no children. I did date another physician this past year, but she ended up moving across the country (which was in the works before she met me). We separated amicably, and I although I do feel sad, it was for the best. My car now has 130k miles, but I’m starting to feel the pull of lifestyle creep. I can’t help but constantly look up newer model cars, and think about how much better my 15min commute would be with heated/cooled seats. I follow Doug Demuro on YouTube, and wish I had a car worthy of being reviewed for it’s quirks and features. I'm still leaning hard towards a CPO Tesla! + +I’ve decided to update my wardrobe once a year, but only around great sales. This year, Macy’s had a great deal around Veteran’s day, where they had an extra 20% off coupon. Ended up purchasing a ton of dress shirts, pants, and shoes for less than $300. I’m subscribed to /r/frugalmalefashion which is where I can keep an eye out for these deals. + +I reduced expenses: + +* Again called my ISP and was able to keep my 50/10 internet for $30. My modem and router have paid for themselves, so again, no rental fees :) +* Ended up joining my brother’s family plan. Cost was an extra $18 to his plan, which I pay off. Over the last 2 years, I've reduced my cell phone bill from $75->$55->$20! +* Kept my Costco executive membership and am using their credit card. This combo essentially pays for itself through the combined 4% cash back, as well as 4% off their gas (which is already about 20c cheaper than surrounding gas stations). + +**THE JOB** + +Received a promotion, with a stipend attached to it. It’s a little more administrative than I thought, but it’s providing me with an opportunity to learn leadership skills. + +**THE BENEFITS/INVESTMENTS** + +* 403(b): 18.5k fully maxed out last year. For 2018 and going forward, I’m spreading the investments over the year. +* Non-governmental 457: 18.5k fully maxed out last year. Again, for 2018 going forward, I’m spreading the investments over the year. +* 401(a): employer contributed. Finally qualified this year! +* Roth IRA: $5500 fully funded the beginning of every year. I have basically been setting aside $211 every pay period so that I can fund at the beginning of next year. +* Emergency fund: fully funded. Ended up closing out my Ally CDs early since their savings interest rate was more attractive than the CD. +* Taxable brokerage accounts: I ended up keeping only the Vanguard account open. I haven’t really been contributing as I have been saving up to purchase a home in the area. I do have 2 individual stocks I purchased near the end of last year which have done reasonably well. I’m a fan of index funds, but these 2 were “fun” stocks to play around with. +* Cryptocurrency: I really wish I wasn’t greedy or had FOMO syndrome. I could have made a small profit had I sold at the peak. Instead, I only have about 25% of my original investment left. My only saving grace is that I did not pour too much into this, and can absorb the losses. Do I truly regret it, though? Not really…I was thankfully reserved enough not to invest too heavy, and I can treat it as a lesson learned (albeit a pricey one). + +**NET WORTH** + +* Since I started calculating this in October of last year, my net worth has gone from -$311k to -$170k. Using excel’s trendline tool, I’m expecting to hit net 0 in September 2019. + +Here’s a [visual](https://imgur.com/a/tsD3VUi) of my net worth, debt load, and investment value since I started tracking in October 2017. + + +**THE PLAN FOR THIS COMING YEAR** + +1. Continue to max out 403b, 457, and backdoor Roth IRA. Once I save up 20% for a down payment, I’ll restart m contributions to the taxable brokerage account. +2. Continue to pay off student loans regularly. Currently I have under 5 years left on my loan repayments (I have been paying a little extra every month in addition to making biweekly payments). Having an auto-debit from my banking account has done a lot to ease my mind. Any extra cash I make will be used to pay off loans. +3. Continue contributing to nephew and niece college funds. +4. Since I have started making massive student loan repayments, I have been able to avoid lifestyle creep simply because I don’t have the money to do so. That being said, although I still live like a resident, I don't have to live like a hermit. I was able to afford a vacation abroad this past year, I continue to have dinners and drinks with friends, and am still able to afford the occasional nice bottle of Japanese whiskey once every few months. + +As usual, thank you for reading this long post! Any suggestions, comments, or criticisms you can provide will be much appreciated! +I'm sure this will inspire confidence in the Chinese stock market... + +http://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-bans-stock-sales-major-123555540.html + +**EDIT** - For those interested, /u/upads translated the announcement to English, and it is posted below: + +The Chinese version of SEC announced on 8th July, 2015, in order to maintain stability of the capital market, share holders, especially cornerstone share holders, major share holders who hold more than 5% of a company's stock, directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holdings to stabilize share price, to protect the interests of investors. The document "Notification to increasing stakes for major share holders, directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies", contents as following: + +From China Securities Regulatory Commission to all stock exchanges, their subordinates and related units: + +In order to maintain stability of the capital market, share holders, especially cornerstone share holders, major share holders (people who hold more than 5% of a company's stock), directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holdings to stabilize share price, to protect the interests of investors. Notification as following: + + 1. All major share holders, directors, supervisors and upper management who have sold their stakes within the last 6 months, through stock brokers, fund management companies and related entities, will not be bound by claus 47 of the securities law of china. You are now not allowed to sell. Fuck you. (Claus 47 mentions that you can sell company shares within 6 months of buying) + + 2. For all listed companies which share prices have dropped over 30% the last 10 trading days, directors, supervisors and upper management will have to increase their share holding and promise not to decrease their share holding in the coming 6 months. Claus 56 in which companies will have their trading halted if they are insolvent will not be applied here. + + 3. For entities who have owned over 30% of said listed companies and have increased their share holdings by less than 2% of the total company shares, will not be protected by Regulations on the Takeover of Listed Companies where you can reject invitation to increase your share holdings. + + 4. Encourage major share holders and directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies to stabilize their share price by buying in when the share price drops violently. + + 5. Major share holders and directors, supervisors and upper management of listed companies will have to disclose their increase in share holdings publicly according to security laws of china, Regulations on the Takeover of Listed Companies, "Administrative Measures for the Disclosure of Information of Listed Companies". + + 6. This notification is valid from today at the time of the announcement. +Why wouldn't they? It's too perfect. They are the unofficial car of investors everywhere. They inserted themselves into this whole "to the moon" thing a while ago. I think they are a partner. Maybe even an early one who was in the know before others. +Obviously this is just the ramblings of an intense, crayon induced high, but I feel confident about it for no reason whatsoever. +Regardless, today was a beautiful day and we had our theories confirmed once more with GameStop's call for NFT creators. GME to the moon x1000. I love you, apes. + +Buy 🚀 Hold 🚀 DRS 🚀 Be excellent to each other +Article from the Economist this past week I haven’t seen any discussion about. References the findings from a report co-authored by 3 folks from Cambridge University and London Business School, forecasting dismal returns for the coming decades. Interested to hear the FIRE community’s take on it. + +> The authors then forecast what Generation Z might expect to earn in the coming decades. To do this, they assume that the real return on equities will be equal to the inflation-adjusted return on a risk-free asset (represented by Treasury bills), which they estimate at -0.5%, plus a “risk premium” for buying equities of about 3.5%, for a real return of just 3%. For bonds, the authors assume the current, negative real yields on the index-linked variety. All of this adds up to annualised returns for Gen Z of a mere 2% on a 70:30 portfolio of stocks and bonds—not even a third of the historical return of the baby boomers. + +[The Economist: Young people stand to make dismal returns on their investments](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/03/15/young-people-stand-to-make-dismal-returns-on-their-investments) +6 months ago I bet ARU would make it to 1$ by EOFY, now my timeline was wrong but my resolve remains strong. Having just about doubled my position and the project looking even strong then ever. BUT a bet is a bet, saying this it's come to my knowledge that eating Australian currency is both highly illegal and dangerous so I have to somewhat change this wager. Now I have a few ideas that I will put in an attached poll and ill let the community decide my fate. + +&#x200B; + +I believe the substitutes should suffice just fine. + +[https://www.strawpoll.me/45422958](https://www.strawpoll.me/45422958) + +Happy punting fellow retards. +**Background:** + +For the last two weeks I tried to comment each day in the premarket thread about BPH until we get the announcement. Instead of just putting a ticker and some rocket emojis, I tried to share my story of holding it... Anyway, I found out Im a lazy fuck and honestly its too much effort for me so I decided to instead share my gains and what Ive bought with the profits. + +Initial bought date: 23 Sept 2020; Holding time: 6 months 2 weeks 4 days + +**Skip if not interested:** + +I initially bought a small parcel around 5c and thought of only holding it within a few weeks. It then hit the ATH (at that time) of 6.1-6.2c a few days after buying. Instead of selling (got greedy) I continued to hold thinking it would rise more soon after... However, you tend to always pay the price of being greedy and so I saw it dropped from 6.1c to 4.3c and eventually down to 3.3c. Due to desperation (and ignorance), I kept chasing the bottom... Instead of cutting my losses, I thought might as well fucking hold until its sure as hell that the permit gets rejected (and also i felt way too deep in it)- so i kept buying the dip. + +The good thing about being banned from the sub around that time when it kept dipping was that I had little temptation into selling and following the FOTW kind of meme stock. So i was just able to focus on what i had in my portfolio... BUT still Fuck me, it was still such a pain not knowing when it would stop dropping and it held the biggest % of my portfolio. Around late Dec and early Jan, I stopped buying and at the same time reduced the number of times id check my portfolio- went from 4-5x a day, everyday to 2-3 times a week. + +Fast forward to late January and it was the most exciting stock I ever hold and held.... Literally woke up to see that BPH was on the run and up 20% first few hours of opening. + +&#x200B; + +**The interesting part**: **Images:** + +Disclaimer: I know its not the biggest gains (I remember seeing that guy who made 1000% from BPH) and some of you probs hold/held more than I did and probably also made more money but heres my gains: + +I wasnt able to screenshot how much I actually held before i started selling but heres what it looked like when it hit the peak-ish. Ive already sold twice on the way up- you guys can do the math of how much I actually held. + +[I think this was when it hit the peak or maybe a day before or after. I already sold twice before this too.](https://preview.redd.it/09mrfpri66s61.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c184f06522f59b9e6b692fe1e817d759b65693) + +&#x200B; + +Ive already sold twice on the way up before it hit the peak- played it safe here. I tried to sell every 10 cents interval but I wasnt able to sell at around 30c cos it never hit my target... \*\*\*Settlement date would be 2-5 days after i sold- depends on the day ie if i sold thursday/friday, settlement date would be the next monday + +[First two sells](https://preview.redd.it/80d2z5fp76s61.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3956c3320a93953d4697510b1d81db95e1df483c) + +**What I bought:** + +With the profits I made, I decided to treat myself. + +[Some new diving gear- BCD and Regs and some fins- Oceanpro F300 Torquay and oceanpro Corsair BCD](https://preview.redd.it/5g8okgalc6s61.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dc66cf5e1d131d3293ad0cb36009002929e4f6) + +[A new board- DHD epoxy BD](https://preview.redd.it/dvyh6yznc6s61.jpg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec9f5d9bababa0a8d8b5ac4d30d70c78648a025f) + +ye i bought a new surfboard and some new diving gear... seems ironic to buy these with the money I made from investing in a company that wants to do offshore drilling and could potentially damage the marine environment and the ocean... + +&#x200B; + +**What I have left** + +Anyway, since it hit the peak I still kept selling and offloading on the way down too. My most recent "sell" was when the support at 10c fell through and my stoploss was triggered. sold half of what was left. Now here is what I have left. + +https://preview.redd.it/n2ltmsixd6s61.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcf73da597d277b13411bf223cf23a05c0b75b6 + +\*\*\*Took this ss on close Wednesday (7 April) before i went off camping- was planning to post on thursday but wasnt able to. Still shows similar price to friday's close anyway... + +I honestly am not sure on what my plan is with BPH now. I could either sell as soon as after the ann- regardless good or bad, or wait once after drilling... Il see how it goes. Might update once in a while. + +&#x200B; + +**Bet Topic:** + +**Ban history** + +Already got banned for 3 months taking a bet about BPH last year saying permit announcement would be released before the end of Oct 2020/ start of Nov... So il try not to do another ban bet again. Almost as if it reminded me of this meme... + +https://preview.redd.it/53lfnna6i6s61.jpg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a847b63bb9f3bad1c0e44e5ed0f182e492d95f5 + +**New Bet:** + +Also to the mods, I am a man of my word. On my last banned, the condition was I get banned and I will have to also shout one round of drinks in the next meet up. Unfortunately, I wasnt able to come to the last one so I will try my very very best to fulfil that condition and come to the next one- a round on me boys! + +Anyway, instead of doing a banned bet, id rather buy someone some kfc. So heres my condition: whether the permit announcement be rejected or extended, il buy a kfc chicken tender box meal to one person once it gets released. + +\*\*Estimating it that it could be within 1 month (or 4 weeks) starting 12 april *(just based on BUY report saying decision is anticipated within 3 months after expiry- 12 Feb)*... + +To remain anonymous for me and the person, Il buy it online through the app and choose closest/ preferred store to pick up order. This way anyone in Australia can also get it. + +&#x200B; + +**Conclusion:** +Literally, the longer you stay in this sub the hungrier you get for anything with a small MC... and holding BPH literally just fed my ever growing temptation of buying more penny stocks. Honestly, I find my gains from BPH to be pure luck. I took on such a big big risk betting against the possibility that it could have been rejected while i tried to keep buying the bottom. Things could have ended up very badly here... You know what they say, The first one is always free and this was my first ever over 10k gain. + +Remember everyone just because i posted my gains (including my previous post), doesnt mean that this stock and share market thing is easy. I only show what i want you guys to see... Also if it was easy, everyone would have done it... Heres a meme to put it into some perspective. + +https://preview.redd.it/kq6l1ysrn6s61.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36fab7beecf5d796e836f54f7a07839f614473e7 + +I tried to put as much images as i can to keep this post as easy reading as possible. Sorry for the long post. +Happy weekend everyone! +Apparently USA going to spend 4.3 billion to enrich their own uranium and also get it from Western allies. Could be another big run on dem asx uranium stocks. Bout time xo +Just getting in to the wheel strategy, I have 50k and I'd like to make a consistent 500 to 1000 a week with premiums, does anybody know of good blue chip stocks preferably ones paying a dividend that have consistently high paying premiums? +Can someone point out what is the reason for the price still being high in value, taken into account that Bitcoin Cash seems to be a better option (according to what i am reading on reddit)? +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Have about $3M in vested stock at previous fundraise that I was waiting for an IPO that was supposed to be sometime this year, but given the market that might or might not be happening. + +Was approached by a company called Linqto that offered to buy at a 20% discount to previous preferred price. Based on public comps I’m guessing that the real discount is probably closer to 30-40% if they were public now, but I was holding out hope that things would get better and that there could even be upside to the most recent preferred price, but that seems less and less likely. Thinking of selling some, but also feel reluctant to sell at lower than the last valuation. Slight complicating factor that long term cap gains doesn’t kick in until November, but I also don’t want to miss out on the chance to sell. + +Current net worth of $1.5M, but most of it is tied up in real estate. I guess the other thing in my mind is if I sold it all at discount that’s still $2.5M gross / $1.25M net, which effectively doubles my net worth, but at one point I was hoping it would be more than that. My mind says I should sell some or maybe all, but my heart says to hold to see if I can get that upside. Curious what you’d do? +I am a 27 year old bank employee. I work for a small business bank. Owned by a very sweet family. I feel proud to be a part of the company. I love our culture, our authenticity, our customers, and our staff. The compensation and benefits, however are another story entirely. + +Recently a rival bank (that has even less employees... It's about half the size) offered me $20000 more per year to come manage their newest branch. (From $35k currently to $55k) This rival bank is building a branch two blocks away from our branch and attempting to steal our customers. + +I know my CEO would feel extremely hurt and possibly a bit bitter if I left. I also know they will not match the offer. What should I do? +Hear me out, + +it seems the majority of books suggested in the two links on the side bar are about designing the rules surrounding a profitable trading strategy. + +Would any of you know of a book or books related to writing an algorithm? Such as a backtester, forward tester, and the other components of a stock or coin trading program? + +I saw a few self published books about this but those could be written by anybody. + +Are there any widely accepted books on this topic? + +I just got Harris's trading and exchanges, but wonder if there are more specific books. + +Thanks! +I read an FT poll recently and the Reddit post For those of you over 35, what financial decision do you wish you had made when you were in your twenties? + +Aparently the most ignored bit of advice from wealth advisor’s clients is to spend more while they’re young and one recurrent regret from the Reddit post was people not spending and enjoying their money when they could. + +What do you think? +**G**ood **M**orning **E**veryone! + +Did you know, we can track **ComputerShare** purchases on the daily chart and can see *approximately* how much affect on price the buying pressure is having on the stock? If you want to learn more, read this DD! + +Firstly I'd like to give a thank you to everyone's favorite Pomeranian (/u/Criand) for giving me a shoutout in his latest ComputerShare DD in the past week! I promise I will give you lots of treats and walk you as soon as I'm done writing this. While I was working on Part 2 of [Dispelling the FUD surrounding ComputerShare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3owe8/dispelling_the_fud_surrounding_computershare/), I decided to take a break and tackle this topic ASAP. The buying pressure on ComputerShare has been so great that we can **actually see it on the charts** and everyone should be keeping track of it. + +**Minor Refresher with Buying on ComputerShare** + +When you place an order with ComputerShare, you are asking them to make a purchase for $X amount of money. They will contact your bank to withdraw the funds. This process takes 2-4 days in my experience. Once ComputerShare has your funds, they pool it with everyone else's money looking to purchase GameStop shares on that particular day. ComputerShare instructs their partner brokerage (many have reported that it may be Merrill Lynch) to buy as many shares of GameStop as possible using the amount of cash that they have on hand. The order is sent as a **Batch Order**, it is specifically a **Market Buy Order** (*slap the ASK*). They will buy as many shares as possible with the cash on hand for **whatever price anyone is asking.** Now some shares will be purchased for a low price and some shares will be purchased for a high price. ComputerShare divides the cash by the number of shares bought and that is the average price for everyone on that particular batch. That means everyone that purchased in that batch will have the same execution price. Within minutes of the batch order being executed (or ComputerShare refers to this as the "Transaction") the average price is reported to you. This means that we can keep track of the batch by keeping an eye on this in real time **and find the transaction on the chart!** Theoretically this can be used to estimate the number of shares batch purchased on any day that we have batch purchase information for. Who is ready to buy the float *again!?* + +**Sidenote: Open and Close Transactions on NYSE** + +Over the past few days there has been some speculation that massive orders at market open and market close on the NYSE are ComputerShare orders being executed. I am not certain of that, but if someone can come forward with evidence it certainly can be looked at. + +## Show me the shares! + +I have made a few purchases on ComputerShare over the past few months. I quickly realized after the first few transactions that I could look up the price I paid on any given day and try to find the time range that corresponded with the price on the chart. After some looking I found that, in my experience, the transaction occurred between 10:00 AM - 11:30AM each time. + +With the sheer number of posts coming in with ComputerShare purchases, I realized we could be tracking this for **everyone**! + +**Tutorial: How to look up the price you paid.** + +Step 1: Log on to ComputerShare (PC or mobile, doesn't matter). + +Step 2: Find your GameStop shares on the summary page and click "Actions". Find the link that says "Transactions" and click it. (You may need to click "View More" first) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gyjjz9u9v8p71.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=47d038419c079d3f32519b10df58f0273ab6cfc0 + +Step 3: Find your completed or pending transactions on the list. Pick out a transaction and click "View Details". + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/famsseqav8p71.png?width=1155&format=png&auto=webp&s=3200ceed8b99bbc2ae2c3b4cb32b9bbe2f0c95f2 + +Step 4: On your transaction details page note two things. The **Transaction date** and the **Price**. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p0wgr4jbv8p71.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e7c6c5cb00b06d4af591a18844ad17fb933ff05 + +Step 5: Head to your favorite charting website (or Yahoo Finance because you're lazy) and look up the chart for that date. Find where on that chart the line crosses your price. Note the time and see if you can figure it out. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1y7x9b9cv8p71.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=06e79042726e0a0c8de5844359eafe9f34bc2b20 + +Bonus points. If you have a transaction currently in progress, please have ComputerShare loaded on the transaction date and check multiple times throughout the day to see if the price has updated. It will say "AWAITING PRICE" if the batch hasn't been made yet. By doing this, you may be able to help pinpoint the time down to the exact minute and/or find the transaction directly on the NYSE. + +**We need more data points for this information. Apes should, hopefully, share the price they paid along with the transaction dates. This information will help us with the following:** + +* What time did the batch order execute? +* How many shares approximately were part of the batch? +* Was there more than one batch order executed per day? + +This information will help us estimate: + +* How many shares are left outside of ComputerShare? +* How long would it take to lock up the float? +* What does organic buying pressure look like compared to manipulation? +* Can retail really affect the price or are we at the mercy of the hedge funds and institutions? + +## Real World Data + +These last few days have been amazing to watch as apes literally flood ComputerShare with transfers and new purchases. Seeing this movement occur has even convinced me to move **even more** of my shares over to ComputerShare and make a new purchase. One of the benefits of the surge in ComputerShare activity is that it is now possible to actually see the movement on the chart without looking too hard. + +**Monday Sept 20, 2021** + +/u/malcolmLS noted that their batch purchase was processed at a price of $200.2384. This corresponds with a batch purchase that occurred at approximately 10:01AM - 10:02AM. The total share volume for those two minutes was approximately 55k shares and caused a 1.55% price increase. While not all volume can be directly attributed to the ComputerShare purchase, I believe it is reasonable to assume the batch order volume was around 40-50k shares on Sept 20th. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3g5imupdv8p71.png?width=789&format=png&auto=webp&s=34a24c245bbf09aad638fc85e5e9820b217b8f98 + +**Wednesday Sept 22, 2021** + +/u/WahidJH noted that their batch purchase was processed at a price of $192.65. They made their post at around 11:57AM, so the batch was executed before this time. This corresponds with a batch purchase that occurred at either: 10:20AM, 10:45AM or 11:15AM. The chart crossed the batch price on upward movement at these three times. While it is likely to have been any of these times, I believe it was 10:20AM (or possibly 10:45AM). The volume at 10:20AM was approximately 65K shares and around 10:45AM-10:50AM it was closer to 100k shares. In either case it moved the price by approximately 1.2%. There very well could have been 2 batch orders on this day, if anyone has a different price paid for Sept 22, please let us know! Either way, there was potentially some massive ComputerShare volume at these times. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/reub5pkev8p71.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3af66dcdbe7ce6333ca5067db32397a51436ae4 + +## Putting it all together. + +In my experience, my shares have all executed between 10AM and 11:30AM. The data points shown on Monday and Wednesday also point to execution between 10AM and 11AM. Anecdotally, several people have mentioned to me that their orders were also executed around these times as well. I think it is relatively safe to assume that price movements around the 10-11AM hour **could** be caused by ComputerShare. It is not likely that ComputerShare sends their batch orders immediately at market open, nor market close. + +Let's look at what has happened the last few days around this time: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tn3rd0vfv8p71.png?width=1644&format=png&auto=webp&s=05a38b00133c02ddae571f007594518d92e97377 + +While not all the days have been overly positive due to an overall downward pressure on the market, perhaps the purchases on ComputerShare can actually be seen having an impact. There has been some nice buying pressure around the 10AM hour on most days. If anything it looks like the buying pressure today actually saved GameStop from closing lower! + +## Share your batch price + +If we can start gathering this data and trying to figure out when the batch orders occurred on any given day it will give us a great means of estimation. But fair warning, if we know when the ComputerShare purchases execute, short hedge funds also know and can apply shorting pressure at around the same time to neutralize the buying pressure. But really, if shorting hedge funds want to start giving ComputerShare buying a discount AND injecting more naked shorts that's good for us! The absolutely worst thing shorting hedge funds could do is cause the price to spike during ComputerShare buying. (Come on SHFs, you know you want to do it!) I am sure that in either case, hedgies r fuk. This knowledge should help us and encourage everyone that **ComputerShare is the way.** + +Here is a table that can help get us started: + +|Date|Batch Price| +|:-|:-| +|July 6, 2021|$196.7116| +|July 19, 2021|$171.2100| +|Aug 12, 2021|$158.4699| +|Sept 20, 2021|$200.2384| +|Sept 22, 2021|$192.65XX| + +Can we start tracking batch prices vs transaction dates? Anyone have Sept 13 - 17 and Sept 21? + +**Note:** This is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor and I am very dumb. I use Yahoo Finance for my graphs, need I say more? You should be weary of anyone asking to share details of your transactions. **Do it at your own risk.** We really just need a handful of data points on any given day and / or confirmation of existing data. Because batches give everyone the same price, the data can be confirmed across multiple people and help identify if there is more than one batch order per day. + +**Finally:** Get your tits jacked. If the float remaining is around 30M and we're seeing batch orders around 50k shares daily. It will take approximately 2-1/4 years to buy the float again. That number doesn't take into account those transferring shares in, which may double or triple or quadruple (witch) the speed. Are you ready to HODL? 💎🚀🌙 When this sucker hits 75M shares outstanding you're gonna see some serious shit. (But probably a lot sooner). + +**EDIT: You guys are great!** I have been supplied with a ton of data points from everyone's purchases. I will be tabulating and editing this post to add the data table around 8PM EST tonight. Lots of data points agree with one another so there is strong indication that these batches are massive once or twice per day. + +&#x200B;