diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_295.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_295.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_295.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Update: + +I have sent the UHaul rep the following email: "I just feel like 1) I am getting overcharged by the gas station 2) you guys are coming after me when it should really be the respective innsurance companies ( UHaul and the gas station) resolving this.  What is the point of purchasing the safeplus insurance when renting the truck then? " + +The response I received: " We are not coming after you for anything.  We were just letting you know that the limits were exceeded.  I do see the Super Safemove coverage was purchased.  My apologies for not catching that earlier.  There appears to have been a glitch in the system that did not report the coverage on the claim, so I went back to the U-Haul contract to confirm the coverage.  Since that is the case, we will have our consulting team review further.  We would be primary for the additional charges beyond the $15K so no need to set up a claim with your primary carrier at this time.  We will work with the gas station to resolve and have our consulting team handle the claim with them. + +Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention.  So sorry for the inconvenience.  Sincerest apologies.  We will resolve for you.  Let me know if you have further questions." + +&#x200B; + +\-I feel a lot more reassured. Hopefully everything goes well. I sincerely appreciate all the comments and advice you guys have provided. Thank you everyone + +&#x200B; + +I am in a terrible predicament and did not know where to start. Several months ago, my girlfriend and I have borrowed a Uhaul truck under her name and have driven across the country. While I was driving during the trip, I had accidentally backed into to a gas pump causing damage (but no leakage of oil, etc). We immediately called the police and filed a report. Fast forward to last week, I have received a mail from the insurance representative from UHaul saying that the maximum amount they can cover is $15,000 and any excess above that I will be responsible for. The invoice they have received for the damage was $85,000. I am a graduate student with a 6 figure debt with minimal income and I do not know where to start with this. I feel like the whole world has crumbled under me and feel hopeless. I appreciate any advice. Thank you so much all in advance. +I’m in the process of transitioning to fatFIRE during the next 6 months and I will then stop working entirely. I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for good reads regarding personal development, finding new meaning in life, or other interesting topics. + +For context, I plan to take take some well needed time out, travel, nurture relationships, catch up on hobbies etc, but I’m looking for any books that may have helped others find new directions or greater satisfaction in life. + +For the purposes of the above question, I’d like to avoid any reads solely focused on financial planning/investing etc. + +Many thanks! +Have you ever spent a disproportionate amount of time to save a measly amount of money? Do you regret spending that time? +Or alternatively, if you chose/are choosing not to spend time to save this money. +Interested to hear everybody's experiences. + +Personally, I do way too much research and product comparisons when buying relatively cheap things. +Lay some knowledge on me. I’ve heard a lot of talk going on about the market switching from growth to value, but what exactly makes it value stock? Is it just it’s P/E or is there more too it? What value stock is on your radar ? +Looking back at the December 2017 CMC: [Historical Snapshot - 03 December 2017 | CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20171203/) + +70% of the top 100 are no longer in the top 100 + +Over 60% are out of the top 300 + +7 have fallen out of the top 1,000 + +10 projects are no longer available + +2,000 created crypto projects failed so far (9,677 still listed on CMC) + +While the hype seems to be on the meme projects and longshots, remember that 99% of projects in existence will become useless and have no value down the road. If you want to roll the dice on a true gamble then by all means, but if you're over-investing in these projects I hope you realize how big of a risk you're taking, especially in the long run. + +These are truly exciting times, and anyone who is just now getting into crypto is still early (in comparison to the rest of the world). If you're planning on becoming a long term HODLer, then find projects that aim to solve real-world problems, and are leading the way in there respective space in the ecosystem. +Hello everyone, I recently landed a new job that offers a 401k plan and since my situation is very peculiar I thought it might be useful to ask here. + +I am 27, I am a foreigner and I work for an international organization based in the US. + +The 401k plan offered by my institution is managed by Principal. Now, I know how mostly people with negative experiences tend to leave online reviews so most review websites are not a representative sample, but feedback about Principal really looks too bad to be ignored. Multiple articles, posts and reviews online describe questionable business practices, very high fees and misleading behaviors systematically adopted by their staff (I found a post on Reddit that summarizes them exhaustively https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/l3wwdn/worried_about_my_principle_401k_lots_of_bad/ ). + +On top of that, my employer will contribute to this 401k plan the equivalent of 5% of my salary every year no matter how much I contribute (meaning that even if I put 0 dollars they will put this free money every year on the account). + +Last, since I know 401k plans have meaningful tax implications in the US please keep in mind that given the special legal status of my employer I DO NOT have to pay taxes on my salary while I would DO have to pay taxes on capital gains and earned dividends should I decide to open a brokerage account. + +Here’s my question: should I trust Principal and contribute 12-15% of my income to their 401k plan or is it better if I invest in a brokerage account and leave only my employer’s contribution in the 401k? IRA, HSA and other options are forbidden to people with my visa. + +I assume that even if I don’t get the immediate tax benefits of being pushed down to a lower bracket I would theoretically still enjoy the tax free growth of capital gains and dividends, correct? + +Thank you very much! + +EDIT: +Thank you very much for taking some time to respond, everyone was very helpful and I really appreciate it! + +Today I spoke with someone from the financial advisory department of my organization and I was told that I can choose a Roth 401k option which they explained that in my case will be tax free both in and out (no taxes on contributions since my salary is not taxable and no taxes on distributions since it’s a Roth plan). Honestly I am quite tempted to contribute something like 10% of my paycheck to this plan since I would basically enter tax free money and take out tax free money when I turn 60. Even if I won’t be living in America and I will need to pay taxes in the country I will be living in by then, probably the tax free grow will make it worth it. +I also looked into the issue of capital gain taxes with a brokerage account and in my specific visa case it would be a flat 30%, not exactly ideal. What do you think? +I’m in a position where I am able to max out my 401k and contribute up to the limit of $19,500 into my account, but I am not sure if that’s the best route to go. I’m wondering whether it’s best to only contribute 10% which is what my company matches and put the rest in a Roth IRA and other investments. + +The only reason I may want to contribute the full $19.5k is because if I do, I won’t currently have any income being taxed at 32% federally because minus that amount I’ll remain at a max 24% and pay taxes on my retirement fund later in life. Because if I do take the money, that $19.5k will be taxed at 32% which IMO is very high compared to the 12-24% the rest of my income is taxed +I’ve received a job offer for role with a seemingly great company. It’s a ~22% raise from my current role. The raise seems like a no brainer on paper, but it’s a hybrid role and I’m currently fully remote with a single car (married with kids) so a new vehicle will be a must. Additional costs or fuel, insurance and monthly toll fees. + +My current role enjoy and I really like my manager and the team I manage. But I’m definitely compensated below market value. + +Thoughts or suggestions on if the new role and increase makes sense to take (or not personal finance advice on how to navigate the decision?) +Hey, basically the title. I have had both a niece and nephew born this year and I want to surprise them when they turn 18. I’m only planning on putting aside a few hundred bucks a year per kid. What’s my best bet for getting a decent ROI for something like this? +Couple things to note, haven't lived on my own yet, been always struggling with money and come from a somewhat poor family, finally got a decent salaried WFH job and realized my household isn't the best for me mentally. + +Today, I've used YNAB to do a potential budget and it seems a bit high, looking for any insight into this please. + +I reside in Chicago if anyone is experienced with the cost of living here. + +I am 31 and it's a bit embarrassing still living with parents but I WFH and have saved **$80,000** which is in my checking, **$9,000** I moved into a HYSA Discovery Savings Account and **$8,456.92** in my 401k which I do **3%** **match**. + +Below are my expenses - **rent**, **groceries**, **electric**, **gas**, expense are the only thing I guessed on, alongside. If I do get my own phone line if I move away from our family plan I am anticipating $60 phone bill. + +Does this seem accurate? What can I afford or not afford in terms of renting, I am also considering just purchasing a condo, house over renting and wasting more money. + +Please help, I don't think it's doable solo, I have anxiety. + +**EXPENSES:** + +|**CATEGORY**|**EXPENSE PER MONTH**|**REMAINING BALANCE**| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Internet|$100.00|| +|Netflix|$13.99|| +|Hulu|$2.99|| +|Student Loan|$142 (resuming March 2022)|$10,861.10| +|Auto Loan|$250.00|$4,403.05| +|Amazon Prime|$12.99|| +|Medical|$55.00|$1,195.30| +|Car Insurance|$486.06 per 6 months or $81.01 per month|| +|Rent/Mortgage|$1,500.00|| +|Electric|$150.00|| +|Phone|$60.00|| +|Gas/Heat|Unsure|| +|Water|Unsure|| +|Groceries|$400.00|| +|Spending/Fun Money|$300.00|| +|**TOTAL: $3,3067.98**||| + +**STUDENT LOANS:** + +|LOAN TYPE|CURRENT BALANCE|CURRENT INTEREST RATE| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Direct Subsidized Stafford|$3,576.79|4.660%| +|Direct Subsidized Stafford|$4,371.07|4.290%| +|Direct Subsidized Stafford|$2,913.24|3.760%| + +&#x200B; +I’m wondering how people who’ve lived below their means and have had recent accelerated income and NW changed their life style? My context, I worked at a small tech company 5 years ago making ok money $110k/year. Moved to a FANG making 450+, wife also tripled her income to 250+ (DINKs) We’ve always been frugal, saving basically nothing to 1.2MM in a couple years, received another +1MM in cash from the sale of my old company a few weeks ago. We’re not sure what to do, other than keep working and saving for retirement. We have made lots of new friends over the last few years that have lots of money, how do people avoid the pitfalls of keeping up with others while trying to be frugal. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The long-awaited inflation report is due out today, and Apes are ready to see just how fraudulent the system is. Will they report less than 5.5% inflation? Are they going to fudge the numbers to make things look okay for another month? It is plain to see that things are not well in economies across the world, in large part due to this kind of corruption. Regulators everywhere want the impending financial collapse to start on someone *else's* watch, and to be able to claim that it wasn't their fault. Sadly, this game of hot potato is just going to get hotter until it does start to collapse. + +While the regulators fear that day, Apes tend to look forward to that day. Many expect that when the markets sharply correct, the balance sheets of the SHFs will fall enough that they'll be margin called, forcing them to start closing their short $GME positions. While it is possible, it is not guaranteed. As long as these same institutions are able to hide their fails-to-deliver through crazy options contracts and borrowed shares, they'll be able to delay another day. The surest way to stop them is to DRS shares from the DTC vaults into Computershare. They cannot withstand the pressure that puts on them, and Apes continue to drive up the pressure. + +Today is Wednesday, October 13th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$175.43 / 151,82 €** *(volume: 635)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $175.04 / 151,49 € *(volume: 287)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 281)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 281)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $175.16 / 151,59 € *(volume: 279)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $175.17 / 151,60 € *(volume: 274)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $175.29 / 151,70 € *(volume: 274)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $175.43 / 151,82 € *(volume: 226)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $175.46 / 151,85 € *(volume: 221)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $175.38 / 151,77 € *(volume: 216)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $176.37 / 152,64 € *(volume: 182)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $177.17 / 153,32 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 170)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $175.91 / 152,24 € *(volume: 169)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $175.90 / 152,23 € *(volume: 138)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $175.91 / 152,24 € *(volume: 124)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 116)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 116)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 106)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $175.65 / 152,01 € *(volume: 103)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $175.92 / 152,25 € *(volume: 93)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $175.98 / 152,30 € *(volume: 73)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $176.11 / 152,41 € *(volume: 58)* +- 🟥 US close price: $175.82 / 152,16 € *($175.98 / 152,30 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1555. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +CNBC article [link](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/22/options-trading-activity-hits-record-powered-by-retail-investors.html) + +This 1% stat is bonkers, I would have guessed closer to 10% (which is still really bad): + +&#x200B; + +>For example, 11% of Robinhood’s monthly active users made an options trade in the first three quarters of 2021. Meanwhile, fewer than 1% executed a multi-leg options trade, which involves two or more transactions at the same time. +> +>“Everybody in the business knows that if you’re only buying out-the-money calls, then you’re likely going to lose money over time,” said John Foley, CEO of Options AI. “The question of democratization shouldn’t be ‘can I trade options?’ but ‘can I have straightforward access to the options strategies that Wall Street uses?’ The playing field is not level right now and no one is really focusing on that.” + +That means very few options traders are "graduating" to level 3. They're either going broke buying OTM calls (eventually) or going elsewhere to do smarter trades. I know Options AI's focus on spreads means 80%+ trades are multi-leg. My guess is Tasty's and ToS is more multi-leg than single but no clue what level. But RH's 1% is mind-boggling. + +And options regulation is antiquated in that it encourages this behavior. + +The fact that you have to do a bunch of dumb single-leg trades in order to get to the multi-leg spreads (and better yet credit spreads) for the same or better costs and higher probabilities, makes no sense. + +It guarantees that most people's initial experience with options sucks. It's like a casino saying "to graduate to playing odds on the craps table, or better yet a game of skill in the poker room... you first need to lose a bunch of money doing YOLO bets on single numbers on the roulette table." + +Institutional options flow is 75% of the market and it's almost all multi-leg (and if single leg it is usually against an equity position). With RH being so much of the retail trading that other 25% would be like a mirror image of institutional flow, and not in a good way. +Original Post: +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/plnnzd/i_beleive_coinb_is_involved_with_citadel_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Due to me editing in a link including the word + C----B--- leading to the CPO's profile on my last post with over 2000 upvotes the automod deleted my post as it was getting good traction in this sub. Anyway + +So after hearing a bit about CB on here and how CB's CPO used to work for Citadel I decided to dig a bit. + +I checked out CB's subreddit (r/coi-bas-)and noticed every single post is about people being locked out of their accounts, some for weeks, and funds taken out or missing crypto. And there are new posts every few minutes. + +After reading a few posts I came across a link someone had posted. It led me to a Facebook group called CB Corruption/Scandal Awareness with about 1500 members, they are currently pursuing legal action against CB and everyone in the group have their accountts locked or stolen. + +I Reached out to the Admin of the FB page and spoke to him for a good hour. I explained our situation with citadel and friends and how the CPO is now working for CB. + +I told him about the naked shorts, zombie stocks, the liquidation weve been seeing in the stock market and crypto and the important dates where we've had large spikes. + +He had never heard of citadel or any of what's going on and after reading my long ass explanation he was absolutely shitting bricks. He has told me that everything I said, and the dates involved are when his members had the most problems with their accounts and that there were way too many coincidences involved. They had done their own research but were missing alot of the puzzle pieces. + +He told me that so many dots were now connecting and he was basicly flipping out. He offered me a platform to make a highly detailed post for his group members but I havent posted one yet as I'm not sure how to unload this much information to people who have no idea or never heard of any of this without sounding like I'm crazy. + +As far as CB users know. CB has been feeding them this story about hackers hacking into their phones and chips in their phones to hack all their accounts. This is the narrative CB has been pushing apparently and they always thought it could be BS. + +Their customer support is non existant, some accounts have been locked 8 weeks or longer from what I've seen and their users are FURIOUS. + +The SEC shut down CB's Lending program they wanted to launch this month and threatened to sue them if the went through with it. The CEO made a huge stink about this on twitter calling the SEC corrupt and trying to turn its users against the SEC. + +I dont know much about crypto, but can this lending program be used to create counterfeit crypto? Is that even a thing?? I need more wrinkle brains to figure this out. + +I beleive CB is about to take everyone's money and implode. + +Edit: Earlier today a certain coin dropped very quickly, and I was told many accounts were unable to trade + +Edit2: If a mod or someone great we all trust with DD wants to give this Admin an interview I can try and make it happen. +EPS miss, revenue miss, higher costs expected due to labor and it's down almost $200 after ER. I'm getting tempted to reduce my exposure to AMZN, my biggest holding and over the last year a huge underperformer. It's been great to me but it's been stuck in this range forever, and seems more likely to exit the bottom of the range than top. Also, the company has had 0 good news since Bezos left. Starting to feel like I own Sears in the 50's. +Listening to NPR's Planet Money, they seem to have a thesis that prices are high because everything is stuck on a boat. My local gravel quarry has raised their price for a load of gravel, a commodity I need for my rural driveway, from $280 to $300, and November 1 it goes up another 10%. As I told the delivery driver yesterday, "I'm pretty sure none of that gravel is stuck on a boat somewhere." My local utility, Ameren, is asking the public utility commission for an 11% raise in rates. I'm pretty sure none of that electricity is stuck on a boat somewhere. Social Security has pegged CPI inflation at 6%, but apparently the CPI doesn't buy wire, lumber, copper pipe, steel tubing, nails, paint, furnaces, or anything else you use to fix a house, all of that stuff is through the roof. + +It seems we are entering a period of inflation, whether short or long term remains to be seen. What are some wise financial behaviors in a period of inflation? Should you pay off a mortgage or pay it later? Make large purchases or put them off? What kinds of investments do well in inflationary periods? How should someone on a fixed income behave financially? What industries tend to thrive, or suffer? +I saw a comment saying that you shouldn’t haggle over a few thousand dollars because you could lose a good house. This is true, however in my experience it actually worked out for me a lot. This story is from a couple months ago. + +So basically my broker set my limit at 730k but said if I had to I could go 750k. + +Now one particular Saturday morning, there was a clashing auction for 2 houses I was interested in. I went to the more expensive house and was in the final 2 parties bidding, but it got passed in. I firmly stopped at 742.5k when negotiating with the agent/owner post-auction (passed in). They wanted 750k and I did not budge one bit. The other guy won it for a price I did not know. Also this was a big day for my NBA team in the playoffs and I was actually watching on my phone while waiting for the agent to talk to the owner. Yeah I’m a cooker, focused on NBA on potentially the biggest day of my life thus far (financial acquisition wise). Anyway I left that auction quite disheartened. But I watched the rest of the game in the car and my team won (yay). + +Same day later in the afternoon, I went to another inspection for a house I liked that had been passed in and was open to offers, and suddenly me and another interested party broke out into a mini-auction bidding war. I was in the kitchen and they were in the driveway, and the agent kept coming to us separately, secretely gauging our best offers. I crept up to 707k and firmly stopped there as I personally thought the house was worth no more than 700k tbh. The other party won the house with a higher offer that I didn’t know. + +So I went home pretty sad for narrowly missing 2 houses, and partied with my mates all night. Next morning I woke up slightly hungover and thought to ask the agent what that house went for, the one I didn’t go to the auction for. He said it passed in and asked whether I wanted to come see it again today and put an offer down. + +So I went, and snagged it for 685k under building and pest clause (but it was fine so I’m all good). I absolutely love it. + +Later I found that the house I went to 742.5k for, sold for 745k, and the house I went to 707k for, sold for 710k. So basically in one day I dropped two houses for 2.5k and 3k respectively, but ended up securing a cheaper house that I love. And seeing what happened with interest rates, thank the lord I didn’t go to my limits. + +Wild weekend, a bit of luck and a bit of stingy-ness / hard limit for given house. +Im 29 making 135k my wife is 27 she makes 58k yr. We both have some college education but no degrees. We have 3 kids ages 1,3 and 10. We started out young as you can see ... and against all odds we beat the stereo type given to teen parents . We are both go getters and are always thinking of ways to make our selves more successful. We have a very good relationship and try to raise our kids as best as possible. + +We own a house valued around 190k. I owe about 92k on it and have around 10 years left to pay it off on a 15yr mortgage. I currently have 132k In my 401k, 8k in Roth IRA, 66k In stocks. About 3k in savings, wife likes to spend so I never have too much in the bank . I’m about to get a promotion and will be making anywhere from 180k- 220k per year. + +My wife wants to quit her job when I get my promotion. We would be loosing her salary which as stated is about 58k a year. She is a very smart and has been in management position since she was 23. She tells me she is tired of workin dealing with the stress that comes with her position and then getting home to care of the kids by her self . She says she is burned out and feels we make enough money for her to quit. She wants to dedicate her self to the kids and enroll them in more activities and so on . I totally understand since I work in the oil field so I’m usually gone 2 weeks at a time and I know it must be hard on her balancing work and time for the kids. I also think it is very important for the kids to at lease have the full attention from one of us but at the same time I feel my wife still has a lot of potential to better herself. I feel she is a very smart person and would throwing her future out the door. + +Our plan has always been to Pay off my house and rent it. Once the house is paid off we wanted to buy buy our dream home which is in the 350-450k range. I know my job in the oil field is not the most stable but that is why I want my current house paid off before We purchase our dream home, If I were to lose my job and went able pay my mortgage on the bigger house, I will always have something to fall back on that is paid for. Im very good at my job and I’m actually one of the youngest persons to take the position I will be taking soon so I feel I’m in a good position that even if it were to drastically slow down and there were to be a large amount of layoffs I’d still have a job. If everything were to go well I also want to star investing in businesses such as food trucks, retail clothing, real state ect....I still don’t know exactly what but once I have enough money saved up I want to be able to make my money into more money and make myself economically stable to the point where I can quit working in the oil field and be able to go home every night to my wife and kids. I want to know what is the right thing to do? Should I let my wife quit her job and be a stay home mom? If I do I will it be a huge set back on the things We had planned out for the future?Am I thinking too big too fast? Is there a better way to set myself up for the future to become more economically successful? Any feedback is welcomed good or bad ! +Is having a position in every canadian banks a bad choice? I’m looking for high dividend payers and I’m in for the long run, what do you think about that? (I do not only own these, I also have stocks in other sectors) +Good morning guys! This year I have challenged myself to become further educated on finances and investing. I have started my DIY Investing with Wealth and absolutely love it! + +With knowledge I have gained, yesterday I made the realization on my invests through a bank are 1% admin fee and then the fee that's not show on my statements of 1.99% MER on the Mutual fund for a total of 2.99%. + +When this was originally set up, this additional 1.99% was never discussed and for anyone that hasn't ecplorered this should! + +My statement that reported my yearly fees was only 1/3 of what I actually paid... + +I am now investigating the idea of moving these investments to wealthsimple Trade... + +I did a compare of the Mutual fund i have vs the comparable V/Xgro and they beat the returns every year... +Summary of Globe Analysis “ Bank dividend yields are hard to ignore. But here’s why you should” Dec 3, 2021 + +> If you’re buying bank stocks for their dividend yields, you might be looking at the wrong feature. + +- best dividend yield 2018 was BNS (4.6%) and CM (4.7%) + +- three year total returns including dividend reinvestment was BNS (17%) and CM (30%) - bank average was 38% + +- BMO yield in 2018 was 3.9% and had 48% three year return + + +- NA yield in 2018 was 4.1% and had 63% three year return + +Why? + +- BMO three-year annual profit growth of 42.3 per cent. National Bank profit growth of 39.7 per cent. + +- BMO’s ROE has expanded by 1.7 percentage points over the past three years. National Bank’s ROE rising 2.3 percentage points. + +- BMO three-year revenue growth of 18.2 per cent and NA 24.6 per cent. Compare that to Scotiabank and CIBC where revenue growth lagged at 8.6 per cent and 12.1 per cent. + +- BMO dividend payout ratio 41% (low), NA dividend payout ratio 39% (lowest) + +Conclusion, growth matters more than yield. + +Edit - article is about how best to choose a dividend stock, not about accumulation stage +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedijp/drscomputershare_megathread_082022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +The market manipulation is alive in well. If it’s not the FED, it’s the institutions. IMO the second quarter is going to be hell for the markets. Once earnings come out for any companies that had any foot print in Russia, things will get ugly. +Was listening to Bigger Pockets Episode 500 with Robert Kiyosaki, and he mentioned something to the effect of how terrible of an investment a 401k is. Got me thinking. I realize it depends on a number of independent factors, but how many of you have forgone 401k investment and gone 100% toward alternates like real estate? +I get a 6% match dollar per dollar, so I of course have always done that, but now max it and have my wife max hers as well. Tax implications being the biggest reason, but real estate offers a number of other solutions around taxes anyway once you truly know what you’re doing. Has me wondering if I should be utilizing anything past the match toward more real estate. I always liked the idea of leaving my job with a decent chunk in 401k and just knowing it was growing there for a rainy day while real estate covered my living expenses a couple decades. I wonder if I’m being too simple. +Didn't know if I should post this on #nostupidquestions but I see that my market has a lot of multifamily properties that evidently have been flipped. Would u recommend purchasing and renting these out? The prices are actually pretty reasonable but I feel that with the flips, there could be some potential underlying problems that may not have been fixed as they focused on the interior and exterior makeup instead. + +Edit: I saw this is in an area home to recent shootings, will likely pass on it. Thanks for feedback! + +"if passed by voters this fall, Denver’s citizen initiated Ordinance 305, “No Eviction Without Representation” would levy a new tax on landlords, of $75 per residential rental unit, to fund universal tenant legal representation for those facing an eviction or threat of eviction in the city." + +"The new tax will be collected from residential landlords in the form of an annual $75 excise tax per unit. This tax will be applied to all individual, non-exempt, residential properties leased by the landlord per year. " + + +Well, lovely. +Any guesses on the likelihood of it passing? Its only 75 bucks per unit, but... + +In general, I support legal council for both parties, but lets be honest, most evictions are just and the result of something the tenant did. Tenants have rights that should not be trampled, but they already can cost a lot of money to landlords. + +It seems drastically unfair. +Is this legal? + Yummy coin is on a mission to end world hunger. Each time Yummy coin is traded, a charity is receiving donations. Yummy coin sets out to transform the crypto industry by giving back while creating a coin that benefits charity and it's holders. A win-win for everyone. Sound Yummy enough? + +[🔥](https://emojipedia.org/fire/)**$2M Marketcap under 2 Hours** [🔥](https://emojipedia.org/fire/) + +\*A 100% fair launch token on Binance Smart Chain $1.8M marketcap in 2 hours!\* + +Yummy coin is on a mission to end world hunger. Each time Yummy coin is traded, a charity is receiving donations. Yummy coin sets out to transform the crypto industry by giving back while creating a coin that benefits charity and it's holders. A win-win for everyone. Sound Yummy enough? + +We’re the first deflationary token on Binance Smart Chain that automatically swaps our charity wallet funds (3% of each transaction) into BNB, so you never have to worry about coin dumps from our charity funds. + +\##🐥\*\*Telegram\*\*: \[TELEGRAM\]([https://t.me/yummycoin](https://t.me/yummycoin)) + +\##🌐\*\*Info Links\*\*: \[WEBSITE\]([https://www.yummycrypto.com/](https://www.yummycrypto.com/)) +Helo, I am a 20s male. I have 60k in savings just sitting there, willing to invest 40k. I wanted to invest in March but then covid happened and everything crashed so as a new investor I didnt feel right investing then. Lately though the stocks keep going up and up. Tesla, Apple, NVDA, MSFT, AMZN, all time highs. I want to get in now but im scared the bubble(if there even is one) will burst right when I get in. COVID surging, possible Biden election win, China trade war all reasons for a drawback. Yet I cant stop hating myself for all these missed gains. Any seasoned vet willing to give me some advice. I literally felt sick to my stomach today seeing Tesla at 1200, coulda 3xed my money if I bought the dip. +https://www.forbes.com/sites/maddieberg/2019/02/19/the-greatest-investor-youve-never-heard-of-an-optometrist-who-beat-the-odds-to-become-a-billionaire/#2ef1328222e8 +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Hello fellow apes. This post lists 25 different reasons to believe that short-interest is very high. I am sure that many of you are aware of most of these reasons, but I wanted to review the last 6-months of GME trading to compile a good list for newer apes, or for anyone you are looking to convince that there is still more good things to come in regards to GME and the possibility for it to short-squeeze + +I comment a lot more than I post, and I read even more than I comment. I have been reading and researching and writing about GME since December, and I hold XXXX shares. This is not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor, and I highly recommend you do your own DD, and make investments at your own discretion. This post is unsourced, but is based on many posts that have occurred over the last six months. + +I am also sure that there are more reasons to believe that short-interest is high. If I missed some, please add your reasons in the comments, and I will add any pertinent ones to the list below. + +*The market lacks transparency when it comes to shorts, and especially synthetic shares (naked shorts). These 25 reasons to believe that short-interest is high cannot be construed as factual evidence, but remain suggestive and speculative in nature. However, a large quantity of 'coincidences' produces a higher confidence that these correlations do indeed point to a deeper, but concealed truth: GME short-interest remains very high, which is the thesis of this post* + +--------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#25 Reasons Why GME Short-Interest is High + +- GME Form 10-K warning about the possibility of a short-squeeze +- High reported short-interest via Finra (20-40% is still high) +- S3 and others changing their short-interest formulas to produce theoretical caps of 100% SI +- GME shares being hard-to-borrow for at least 5 months now +- Back in February, GME's reported SI decreased as the price went down. That's the opposite of what would happen if short-interest decreases +- The DTCC admitting that the Jan run-up was not due to margin calls +- Strong correlations in price action between GME and ETF price movement containing GME +- Websites such as iBorrow showing available shares to borrow go from millions of borrowable shares to either 0 borrow able shares or millions less than the original amount shown, on a daily basis since February +- Borrowable shares for ETFs also reaching near zero availability pretty much every day since February +- Massive coordinated MSM campaigns in January and December telling everyone that GME either already squeezed or that all shorts had been covered +- A large number of FTDs for months now +- Here's a big one: When whales sell shares, they NEVER sell huge chunks of shares greater than a certain percentage of the average trading volume for that stock. If they were to do that, for buying or selling, they would be losing a lot of money on their trades due to flooding the supply/demand for the stock at that given time period. For instance, if a whale puts in a 1M share sell order, there may be 800K shares waiting to be sold compared to just 200K buys (if not less). Some shares might be sold at the executed price, but most shares would be waiting for buy orders. To put it simply, the stock price would go down as the shares waiting for buy orders were executed, and thus the whale would end up tanking the stock price as they were selling, making the trade far less profitable. So, whales and institutions instead sell or buy in sets of smaller quantities to have a better average sell or buy price for their trade. This makes large short-selling trades easily identifiable. Large volume sell orders are antithetical to good financial practices if the entity is trying to make money. Based on volume alone, I would say that there have been at least 50 1M+ small-window time frame sales within the last 3 months, that suggest short-selling attacks +- So far, we have not seen any long institutions (through 13D SEC filings) selling large amounts of shares of whom we suspected to be holding shares. More data will be verified on May 17th (admittedly, this doesn't have anything to do with shorts, but it would change share availability and the short-float %) +- OBV has remained very high for months now. This suggests that the true value of GME stock is being suppressed so long as price action continues to not match OBV. There has been around 3-4 months of OBV not matching GME price action. Selling would induce a positive correlation between GME's price action and OBV, so this suggests that GME has been and is still being regularly affected by shorting pressure +- Bloomberg and Finra have both reported institutional ownership greater than 100% of outstanding shares, suggesting the presence of naked short-selling +- The possibility of married puts and continued methods for resetting FTDs alludes to large short-interest +- Price action. GME saw very clear gamma squeezes based on large volumes of call options (in January) from $20 to $40 per share, then again from $55 to $75 per share, then $90 to $140 per share, then $150 to $300 per share. For these last two gamma squeezes, HUGE amounts of call options were bought, and for two days straight (I believe), every single available call option was ITM by the end of day. Back then, everyone was trying to figure out what it was the short-squeeze or just gamma squeezes, and by the end of it, everyone was well-acquainted with the concepts of gamma squeezes, and was certain that a series of gamma squeezes propelled the price upwards, not a gamma squeeze. The chart now looks like it was straight up, but that is not true. The day charts saw several flat periods from $35 to $55, which went up and down, and a flat period (one day I believe) in the $60-$79 range, and even the climb from $100 to $150 was fairly steady and even had dips. The point being, the January run-up was NOT indicative of a short-squeeze in regards to price action +- Continuing to the Feb/March run up from $40: There was very high option interest from $50 to $100, which saw a significant gamma squeeze once GME crosses the $50 threshold. GME spiked to $175 then settled back at the $100-$120 range (from my memory). More options (tons more) were bought, chaining all the way from $150 to $800. Again, it became clear that a huge number of call options between $150 and $300 could create another gamma squeeze. And so, within a week or two, GME crossed $150 and immediately flew upwards past 150, then past 200, then past 250, and eventually 300. I would consider gamma squeezes near these three marks. None of the price action was indicative of a gamma squeeze, although some shorts may have certainly covered. The push back at $343 was massive, again going back to what short-attacks look like, it was clear that short-sellers saved up either shorts or shares or both and hit GME with upwards of 4 to 5 million in sell-orders +- Price action. GME saw very clear gamma squeezes based on large volumes of call options (in January) from $20 to $40 per share, then again from $55 to $75 per share, then $90 to $140 per share, then $150 to $300 per share. For these last two gamma squeezes, HUGE amounts of call options were bought, and for two days straight (I believe), every single available call option was ITM by the end of day. Back then, everyone was trying to figure out what it was the short-squeeze or just gamma squeezes, and by the end of it, everyone was well-acquainted with the concepts of gamma squeezes, and was certain that a series of gamma squeezes propelled the price upwards, not a gamma squeeze. The chart now looks like it was straight up, but that is not true. The day charts saw several flat periods from $35 to $55, which went up and down, and a flat period (one day I believe) in the $60-$79 range, and even the climb from $100 to $150 was fairly steady and even had dips. The point being, the January run-up was NOT indicative of a short-squeeze in regards to price action +- Continuing to the Feb/March run up from $40: There was very high option interest from $50 to $100, which saw a significant gamma squeeze once GME crosses the $50 threshhold. GME spiked to $175 then settled back at the $100-$120 range (from my memory). More options (tons more) were bought, chaining all the way from $150 to $800. Again, it became clear that a huge number of call options between $150 and $300 could create another gamma squeeze. And so, within a week or two, GME crossed $150 and immediately flew upwards past 150, then past 200, then past 250, and eventually 300. I would consider gamma squeezes near these three marks. None of the price action was indicative of a gamma squeeze, although some shorts may have certainly covered. The push back at $343 was massive, again going back to what short-attacks look like, it was clear that short-sellers saved up either shorts or shares or both and hit GME with upwards of 4 to 5 million in sell-orders +- A decreasing float. From GME's recent SEC filing in regards to the shareholder meeting, we now know that the true float, just in regards to insiders and the top 6 institutions, is 26M shares. (Or was it 23M shares? I don't remember). The value commonly used before (both conservative estimates) was 50M shares. So roughly, the short-float % has doubled in value compared to all previous metrics and calculations made +- Continuing to analyze short-float ratios as it relates to the true float, retail buying interest has only increased over the last four or five months. There have been many attempts to identify how many shares retail investors own. Conservatively, based on data from brokerages, subreddits, and polls, it has been shown several times that retail investors alone own at least 25M to 30M shares, essentially 100% of the float. This would both prove the existence of naked shorts (aka synthetic shorts), which are illegal, and would also mean that the short-float % is... irrelevant. If there is any float at all, which there has to be, the float would then have to be comprised of a mix of synthetic shares and real shares, with some number of investors actually owning synthetic shares. So, the short-float % cannot be known until the synthetic share problem is sorted out... this is likely to be accomplished via the shareholder meeting proxy vote. So make sure and go out and vote! +- Buy/sell ratios have been through the roof on GME for months now, as shown by different brokerages, most of which have been Fidelity. This is not indicative of short-interest on its own, nor is it indicative of greater volume than selling volume. However, consider this: It is a lot easier to buy shares than sell shares. Retail investors can continue to join into the movement by buying GME shares, but if someone is attracted to the bearish argument for GME, they are extremely limited to shorting GME. Many have been margin called. You can only sell a share if you own a share, so short-sellers are not motivated to buy shares, rather, they are motivated to short. Thus, the sell-side of buy/sell ratios is likely not large sell orders, but smaller sell orders and/or shorts. Because this level of price-action has been kept up for months now, large sell orders over-powering the high ratio of buy/sell orders would have certainly exhausted share reserves by this point. Selling runs out of ammunition, but buying is unrestricted, until shares literally run out. However, short-sellers do NOT want liquidity to run out, because zero liquidity would lead to margin calls, so likely naked shorts will be taken out as liquidity reaches zero, in order to add more shares to the float. Anyways, so buy/sell ratios are comprised of small sell-orders (likely those swing trading or retail paper-hands taking 5% profits) or shorts. But price action has remained stagnant, bouncing between resistances and floors in a narrowing wedge for the last two months. So, this must mean that: 1) the sell-orders are in fact larger in volume, but have to be comprised of large short orders, not large sell orders, or 2) buy orders are being routed through dark-pools in order for buy/sell ratios to come out closer to even, thus maintaining a steady price, or 3) long institutions are holding down the squeeze by selling or shorting in order for the DTCC to be ready to handle such an event +- Ryan Cohen's tweets. Of course, highly speculative, but he wouldn't have a reason to mislead shareholders unless he thought that a short-squeeze was a real possibility, and/or that short-sellers are in some serious trouble. In addition, DFV clearly believes a similar story, although I am sure he has less information that RC +- Decreasing volume. While decreasing volume does not suggest a large short-interest, the price action of GME over the last 3 months does suggest that a large number of people are buying up the float and are holding. People expect GME should have a much larger price tag, and thus, people are willing to buy and hold. GME is becoming increasingly illiquid, and yet the stock price remains flat. The entire scenario regarding sentiment and price action suggests that high short-interest is the very thing that retail and institutional longs are holding for. The stock price is artificially low due to a large volume of uncovered shorts, and likely, a large volume of uncovered naked shorts + +*These reasons are listed in no particular order. Some of them are sort of similar to one another... I was trying to get a 'nice' number of reasons, sorry! + +----------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Please share any additional reasons why short-interest is likely high in the comments below + +edit: grammar edits, but I didn't finish editing... gotta run for Mother's day +[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/20/tesla-tsla-earnings-q1-2022.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/20/tesla-tsla-earnings-q1-2022.html) + +&#x200B; + +[Tesla](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/TSLA) reported earnings after the bell. Here are the results. + +* **Earnings per share:** $3.22 vs $2.26 expected +* **Revenue:** $18.76 billion vs $17.80 billion expected + +Shares rose as much as 5% in after-hours trading. + +Automotive revenue reached $16.86 billion, up 87% from the same period last year. Automotive gross margins jumped to 32.9% with Tesla reporting gross profit of $5.54 billion in its main segment. Regulatory credits accounted for $679 million of automotive revenue for the quarter. +I sued BFL and won. Since I live in California, I had to hire an attorney in Johnson County KS. I won by default with damages and atty fees awarded, as BFL failed to show at trial. + +My case is a matter of public record, case 13LA09619 + +BFL has now failed to respond to their loss of the suit and we are looking for ways to collect via lien, direct bank account deduction, etc. In addition we will be shortly expanding a second lawsuit based upon the proof of fraud whereby our bitcoins will be returned to us via a court procedure known as 'recession' [where the court orders that you are returned to the same position today that existed before the fraud occurred] and will seek to secure our bitcoins by way of a replevin order. + +These processes are time and money consuming, but as BFL continues to ignore the court orders, their fines and fees are increasing from the date of our original judgment. + +The chief obstacle for execution of a recession and replevin order is the notion that bitcoins [even though digital] are a type of property that can be 'seized' or returned, by an action provisioned under instructions given to a sheriff acting on orders from the court. + +Of course, we crypto-geeks know that this can be easily accomplished, but BTCs are a new "unknown" to the US jurisprudential system, and our attorney has to guide them through the process and allow them to conclude that "this can be done". + +If anyone is interested in filing suit against BFL remotely, I have an EXCELLENT attorney-- and since he has already won the first suit, it is a foregone conclusion he can win yours. + +Now the caveat: BFL is very skilled at moving its money and its accounts around the various banks in Leawood Kansas. Our investigator has determined that they had accounts in certain banks which are now closed, but we suspect that they are no longer using the registered corp-name BF Labs Inc as the corporate name on the account they use to pay their local employees-- and they DO have to pay their employees somehow. + +Speculation is that they have moved to using ADP or another third party payroll system and have masked their accounts. + +We are pursuing a subpoena to force a court appearance by Sect/Treasurer Jody Drake to disclose the location of assets. + +Anyone wishing information on the progress of the suit and information regarding process and procedures can contact me at info at coinpositive dot com. + +This has been an expensive process, but BFL should not be allowed to defraud the public. + +If you found this helpful, you can donate mBTCs to this address: +14nu944b3Lpe1yPEAzCoaTyMrs6rsPNbtM + +Or mLTCs to this address: +LL1LPKCkxJwQpyKphtKqkBoVE7xXi1eZzd + +I will try to help as many who ask. +God Bless and Happy New Year + + + +I'm passive investor with 5% of my portfolio in Emerging Markets (index). I've been thinking lately that it's not really worth it to invest in these stocks. Emerging market economies may indeed enjoy higher level of GDP growth than developed economies, but their corporate governance is substandard, corruption may be rampant, and the rule of law inconsistent. The result is that much of that growth is captured by insiders rather than by the public investors at large. + +While the market is undoubtedly aware of the problems and presumably takes them into account when setting prices, I'm not confident the market can accurately price in unknown information (for example, we don't really know what goes on in China). Emerging Mkts is pehaps one of the few areas where active management makes sense. Indexing assumes the market is efficient, that assumption may not be true in some emerging markets. + +I feel index investors are better off focusing exclusively on the US and other developed markets where we will get a fair shake. Large corporations like MCD and Coke already have exposure to emerging markets, and unlike locally traded shares, their financials are not suspect. +I've been buying Bitcoin every month since October 2017. I've never sold any Bitcoin. I wanted to document my journey from 'no savings fiat bro' to 'nice stack free man bitcoiner'. I document my journey in this blog. Hopefully it will inspire you to grind some extra hours in your fiat mine, to stack some extra Bitcoin while you can, and to hold that precious Bitcoin even when the bear market tries to tell your lizard brain "you failed, now sell it all". + +I can do it. You can do it. We can all do it. Let's stack some motherfucking sats! + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-20-march-2022/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-20-march-2022/) +So background, I'm 20 y/o, my father died 13 years ago and he gave my mother a lot of money in his will. Of that money she gave my sister 100k on the premise that she wouldn't spend it, only hold it. Several years later, and after she spent 30k, I get cut a check for the rest, 70k. So here I am with a check written out for 70k and everyone in my family says that if I deposit this check I'll get screwed out of the money by the government. I was going to open a new savings account with that money and leave it there, because I don't intend to spend it, but them saying that leaves me hesitant. Is what they are saying true, and if so is there anyway around that? + +Edit: +So to clear up a few things, we do, in fact, live in the United States. My sister was given the money to hold after my father died because my mother trusted her to not spend it, obviously that didn't go too well. I asked my mother if he had a will and she said that didn't have one written out, she just split the money like he asked her to. I deposited the check this morning, and was told that the whole thing should be free and clear on the 22nd. Apparently the savings account comes with a free financial advisor, I'm planning on talking to them to see what's the best way to use the money, and I plan on learning about finance as much as possible so I can avoid situations like this later on. +Good Morning! + +Today is the day we approach the end of that Bull Pennant we have been staring at all week. I'm excited to see if there will be some price action today. This week has been tough, GME's been basically sideways everyday but IV is dropping and that's never a bad thing. So one more day into the fray, my friends. + +Lastly, almost all major brokers now have their proxy material available. If you own a company you should be making your opinion heard. Vote. + +If you want to find out what VWAP means check out the stream on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +And for our live audio feed you check out the [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, **150**, 152.5, 156.5, 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, **200**, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 253, 256 + +*This Post will read from top to bottom, any images over 20 will be deleted as the day progresses.* + +**Questions are always welcome I will reply down in the comments as often as I can** + +# Post Market Wrap up + +We ended today up 0.04% here are the stats. Not much action today but good times all the same. + +NSCC-802 is delayed I don't know why but I'll look into it. + +Thank you again guys for all your support it's been so fun hanging out here on reddit and over in YouTube and Discord with all of you. Really helps pass the time. + +I will have the forward looking DD and accompanying video out this weekend so keep your eyes open for that. Until then Vote, Hodl, and see you on Monday! + +Gherkinit, + +https://preview.redd.it/hy8q0aqt8rx61.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7dfd04d5014cefec5174a5228c57af7520ffd5e + +P.S. Almost forgot here is the wedge not quite broken out on the daily but Monday could be interesting. + +https://preview.redd.it/ck1s51xi9rx61.png?width=1213&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ddf1824b7d53d4549f103ff81fbaf3ce7391692 + +Edit 13 2:47 + +Looks good for the whole day + +https://preview.redd.it/mlbxck9zuqx61.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cbd4766c9300304ad295e968e80b240e79c06e5 + +Edit 12 2:17 + +I wanna give everyone good news but... + +https://preview.redd.it/betkzi2rpqx61.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b597bd8276b9d99adb1192574a074f6606aa58a + +Edit 11 1:26 + +Head and shoulders + +https://preview.redd.it/0qs0ol3mgqx61.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=961f25aa24b7ceff440f38c79368e5c5eef35f5d + +Edit 10 1:14 + +I guess under 162.5 was not were someone wanted to be. Testing 167.5. + +https://preview.redd.it/xhonuroieqx61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=695f11e935a0386d414653cc4cf5a355809186e8 + +Edit 9 1:03 + +The Rip' + +https://preview.redd.it/k97ej4rjcqx61.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=6adca8aa2c660bc8f686d036a4bd02ea4c4d0c77 + +Edit 8 12:40 + +Moving up to test 162.5 which is also max pain for this week + +https://preview.redd.it/k0oxfhcd8qx61.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=7278ae92ba0082aa19a48d3dafb223764cfaba3c + +Edit 7 12:18 + +!!!! 1 Million Volume !!!! + +https://preview.redd.it/yicnawbl4qx61.png?width=1494&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff4af0208ab835a12926cb63eb5a67f56224f995 + +Edit 6 11:38 + +Above VWAP again but still below 1M volume + +https://preview.redd.it/flvtn3qbxpx61.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=28831f68c5fef5846a03558ce8c65abb31ccd1d7 + +Edit 5 10:45 + +The VWAP shuffle continues as we inch our way above on no volume again. + +https://preview.redd.it/6rjgnmclnpx61.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad703441a1a9601fda3572ed9f0d3b184884bf2 + +Edit 4 10:25 + +Fire sale as the head and shoulders continues to break down + +https://preview.redd.it/qnpbo57dkpx61.png?width=1217&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd979abadc7ad4946290f4d01d7758f3bfdc4e7a + +Edit 3 10:02 + +Head and shoulders forming if we break below VWAP look for a dip 50k more shares borrowed. + +https://preview.redd.it/p5fxcnh7gpx61.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f615b0ef567bb0702357f58bdebd389825aa891a + +Edit 2 9:55 + +Nice uptrend volume is increasing + +https://preview.redd.it/5n0cni50fpx61.png?width=919&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fe649e2fac993850866b9be5908c8a0d8d0224a + +Edit 1 9:45 + +Above VWAP, we had some volume come in, we could continue upward as long side attempt to put the massive call volume in the money. 230k Volume. + +https://preview.redd.it/e0u0319rcpx61.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=8956c1b3b1ba402e7883962e165cb29c553b4492 + +# Pre-market Analysis + +More sideways trading in the pre-market, small variation but I think we will open were we closed. 300k shares to borrow on Iborrowdesk. 12.5k Vol traded. + +https://preview.redd.it/ayq7vdy51px61.png?width=1121&format=png&auto=webp&s=33cda997344d882b4d4e36bb6b5b805aa01243cc + +TTM Squeeze is ready to blow + +https://preview.redd.it/ucsejudh1px61.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=4902bb6a86f02c7e4e331dd79e5f90a89f88ef45 + +Lastly here is some wedge and some MACD to get your VWAP ready. If we go up in price the MACD will cross back over again today. + +https://preview.redd.it/3xgf5yss1px61.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a7cd58675cfb2210c5ccc461965ee53b79dc25c + +*This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* +NFLX is has gone from $420 to $295. Increased competition from Disney's new streaming service Disney+. However, I don't believe Netflix is going away anytime soon. Is this a good buying opportunity? +I've followed MANA for a while now. + +Over the last 9 months they've had an average of 200-350 daily active users. + +For a game that's worth $8bn it's MASSIVELY overvalued. + +Only this week has their userbase increased to over 1k but I don't see that being sustained due to how expensive Land sales are - which are at a very low volume btw. + +You can see the active user data yourself here: + + +https://catalyst-monitor.vercel.app/ + + +Compare this to a game like VRChat who's got 1m daily active users. VRChat is only worth about $1-2bn based on their last funding round. + +There's no logical reason that a metaverse game with only 0.1% of the userbase of VRChat is worth 4x more than it. + +This thing pumped due to Zucks little speech, but before that it was never close to it's ath from before. It's a dead metaverse waiting to be dropped. + +You've been warned. + +Edit: + +To be clear. You can't buy fucking VRChat tokens. It's a Non-blockchain project. I'm not shilling VRChat cuz you can't buy it. I'm highlighting just how idiotic Manas market cap is compared to better projects. + +Edit 2: + +Both founders have left the project and cashed out the majority if not all of their holdings. + +Take that as you want. + +Founders leaving: +https://today.in-24.com/business/amp/130485 + +https://ar.linkedin.com/in/eordano +I feel really proud of this. + +I’m not a very good budgeter. I have a history of living beyond my means rather radically, but my current job only pays once a month, so I’ve gotten into the habit of ensuring that all bills are paid immediately when direct deposit hits. That way, even when I do run out of money (again, not budget-saavy), rent/utilities are paid, groceries have been purchased, and transportation is already funded. + +My credit history isn’t great. I’ve defaulted on my student loans and have a couple outstanding utilities (low amounts—need to address) so I took out a secured card to rebuild credit and have some emergency funds. I paid my first bill over a month early and my credit scores shot up! They’re not perfect by any means, but improving. I’m happy about this. + +I’m starting to see the light of the tunnel of poverty by assuming more fiscal responsibility, and I’m hooked. Very proud of myself. Thanks for reading. :) + +(PS: I’m a Reddit-lurker who finally created an account just to share this!) +The posts are just not conducive to a positive environment. Especially these relationship posts there just bs. Checked out poster claiming to be a woman who's boufreind is buying gme, turns out in a previous post he was a 32yr old asking if forcing his 23 yrgf to use the pill made him an asshole. Can we please. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Let say I was in position yesterday and I closed it with 6k profit after price target reached but if I had just kept that position open for a few hours I would have made another 14k... all the signs was there. Rising wedge and volume decreasing... Now I know that profit is profit but I just can’t get that 14k over my head. I should be happy I made 6k but my mind is thinking that I lost 14k. I couldn’t sleep well with that 14k on my mind. Please any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks. +Looking for some if I could go back and do it again type of advice from people with more experience than me. + +Is it a good idea to buy a 1 bedroom/condo in early 20s instead of renting? Has it paid off big time for any of you? + + I’m a 24 year old guy living in nyc the past year. I have a good wage where I’m maxing out my 401k and Roth while enjoying a bunch and having a great social life. + +My family is from a little town a ways away from the city and always nags me that I’m throwing money away by renting and living here and that I should move home and buy something (I work remotely). I get this advice especially from my dad who has only invested in real estate rentals his whole life, basically nothing in stocks. + +It’s starting to wear me down a bit and I’m considering moving back with parents to save for a down payment for a year or two on a 1 bedroom/studio condo or cop-op. I know I’ll be pretty miserable there because I’ll have no social life but seems like it may be worth it financially. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I am in my early 30s, current net worth around $1 million. + +I am going to keep the details vague. I have recently learned that when a relative passes away, I will be inheriting a very large sum. The relative in question is in poor health and nearing the end of life. This is a grim subject. I truly hope they live for many more years and, when the time comes, enjoy a peaceful end to their life. + +However, I feel that I have a responsibility to myself and my family to have a plan for when the day comes. Is there anything I should do to prepare for this event? Due to the size of the estate, I imagine it will be in probate for a long time. + +Edit: thank you to all who have given me helpful information. I now realize that “probate” is not relevant for my situation as the assets are in a trust. Other relatives have been convinced that “the estate will take a long time to settle” and that it would be years until we saw anything, but it sounds like that is relevant to the IRS, not to the beneficiaries. Everyone in the family is slightly in shock and none of us are knowledgeable about inheritance laws. + +The most helpful pieces of advice I’ve been given on this thread are (1) to start researching tax and estate attorneys now and save their contact info for when the day comes. Also (2) to communicate more with my relative’s estate planning team to get some clarity on the details, if possible. +Want to stay in NYC for culture and liveliness but want access to greenery and tranquility, golf and tennis and hiking. + +Has anyone had the same issue and made it work? What has been your approach? Suburban house and pied a Terre in the city or vice versa? Thanks. + +https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/being-a-law-firm-partner-was-once-a-job-for-life-that-culture-is-all-but-dead-11565362437 + +I’m a junior transactional associate in BigLaw that, in light of the article above (see article text pasted below), is looking to identify a practice area(s) that (i) will allow me to develop a set of transferable and valuable skills that I can utilize both inside and outside of the legal industry (ii) entails some degree of meaningfulness, which my current gig seems to be completely devoid of and (iii) will one day allow me to pursue a job where I will not be on call 24/7, while also providing a solid income. I see three different paths: + +(1) Healthcare/FDA regulatory/technology transactions — these fields seem to be areas that will only keep growing, and are in industries that are highly regulated (which creates opportunities for lawyers); or + +(2) Bankruptcy/shareholder activism — these areas probably offer the best chance of developing a skill set that is somewhat transferable to the (potentially more lucrative, but less stable) financial industry, though query whether its worth putting my eggs in an industry that is arguably declining and very competitive; or + +(3) pure litigation — stay in a law firm throughout my career given less flexibility to go in-house, maybe some options open in the litigation finance field. + +Assume that I’m more interested in (2) and (3) given that I have a strong finance background, and much prefer memo/opinion writing, team meetings, client interaction, strategic thinking, and public speaking over marking up agreements for hours on end. However I do find biotech fascinating, and my gut is leaning towards (1), mainly due to the fact that I feel pursuing something in the healthcare/tech world will: + +(i) be contributing more to society (helping a biotech company get a drug approved seems more net positive for society than working for an activist and/or distressed debt hedge fund (think Carl Icahn or Paul Singer)) and + +(ii) will provide me with a greater chance of ultimately obtaining a 9-6 job that pays $200k+ at some point in my career (and hopefully $300k+ once I get more experience and after factoring in equity, bonus, etc). Conversely, the bankruptcy/shareholder activism/litigation routes seem to be contained to the continual biglaw grind, which as the linked WSJ article above (and included in the comments below) notes, may not be something one can bank on indefinitely (or would want to). + +Any and all advice is much appreciated from this community. +Sounds pretty nuts right? + +If you invest in stock market, you will always see 🐻 posts because *pessimism sounds oh so smart.* + +There will be no shortage of "market crash incoming" and people waiting on the sidelines because of the crash scare. + +Dow Jones tripled over the last 10 years. No one will make posts about that back in 2011 saying "I think by 2021 we will see Dow Jones at 30,000." If they do, people think they are nuts. + +On the other hand, S&amp;P 500 going to 10,000 is in fact, not that big of a deal. At current level of 4,000, it annualizes to about 9.5% per year. This is in line with how S&P 500 have performed over the years. + +When businesses keep growing and stocks keep pushing all time highs, there will always be people saying that market is crashing soon along the way. Invest accordingly. Don't invest money that you can't lose. Don't use margin. Set aside your emergency fund. Buy index funds or great companies that you know. The hardest part is sitting tight. +Long-time lurker, first time poster. + +I’m curious how others deal with projecting their NW, given that we don’t live in a perfect vacuum where you can assume 10% returns, since we’re in the middle of cycles and this can inflate (or deflate) your number? + +For example, if I ran my calculations in mid-March, my projections for my NW would be ~55% lower than they are right now, holding the same amount of shares of stock. + +I realize this is a more extreme example, but how do others account for this? Can you have years where you consider it to be negative progress due to a bear market, even though you’re still adding cash contributions? + +My best guess for this is keeping an accurate tally of how much cash was actually contributed to the accounts to see how you could expect your NW to change over time. I haven’t followed this closely but it’s probably worth the exercise. +Mum died New Year's Day, what a way to start the year. Left her to sleep in, it being the holidays and all, she slipped into a diabetic hypo, rolled off the bed, got tangled in the bedding and suffocated. I slept through most the day and didn't find her until I got up just past midnight and noticed nothing had moved in the flat at all. At least that's what I presume happened by how I found her. Autopsy from the coroner's will verify that. + +But she paid literally the bills, rent, food, utilities, what have you. "Little" sister's (16) caring has been thrown into question, I'm jobless and have less than three digits in the bank. I've no qualifications due to not taking school and college seriously when younger (now 25) and a lack of motivation has led to me working only a couple brief stints since leaving school. I woke up, ate food, played games and such, went to bed and merely existed any time in between. Hardly a life of any sort. So far the only people to know of it are my dad (who had been invited over for New Year's), my nan and my little sister's nan and the landlord. I can't inform anyone else as all the numbers are on my mum's phone which I couldn't access due to not knowing her pin (her brother's birthday but I don't know that date) and the police having taken it along with her blood reader and meds, pending investigation. + +I have some limited access to her bank account through her card but I have no idea the state of her account. I know it to be at least over 15k simply because mum was having some work done in the back half of the house, floors laid and cupboards installed, and the costs of that were racking up. I guess that's a project to be left unfinished now? I don't know. Landlord gave me a phone number to a [funeral directors](http://tcribb.co.uk/) and said to contact them, that they can offer advice but if that costs money at all, well I've got 30 quid myself and some unknown amount in my mum's account and I'm screwed beyond that. + +My dismally small world has been totally shattered and I haven't the faintest idea where to even begin to start trying to pick up the pieces. My sister still doesn't even know, being the rebellious independent type, she hasn't stopped by the flat since a day or two before New Year's. I've tried contacting her but haven't had a response and probably won't until she comes home looking to get some money from our now absent mum. + +^^^^also ^^^^everywhere ^^^^I ^^^^look ^^^^is ^^^^my ^^^^mum's ^^^^little ^^^^things ^^^^that ^^^^she ^^^^got ^^^^herself ^^^^over ^^^^the ^^^^holidays ^^^^and ^^^^it ^^^^fucking ^^^^hurts ^^^^to ^^^^look ^^^^around ^^^^and ^^^^see ^^^^them + +I live in Virginia. I am 26 years old. My credit is horrible. I financed a 2016 Honda fit a year ago from Carmax. My payments are $442 a month. +The amount financed is $15,189, I’ve made 10 payment so far of $442. +The amount remaining is $14,405.. +out of $4,420 I have paid so far.. $784 is what was applied to the principal. I am baffled even though I shouldn’t be. It was my choice. I’m just looking for the best thing to do now. I know at the end of this I will be paying close to 30k, and I want to do my best to not blow $3,640 every 10 months on interest and only $784 go towards the principal. I don’t want any judgement..just advice. I put myself here. Thank you. +If I'm being questioned by my boss and I'm in charge of a project or a team, having answers is kind of paramount to me keeping my job. The fact that these assholes could not answer whether or not they back the biggest oil conglomerates, or if they actively helped people during a pandemic (things they should absolutely know) is a farce. + +This only pushes me to hold for galaxies. +I’ve been averaging up and then averaging down and then averaging up and then averaging down. I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere. And I convinced five of my friends and my wife to buy ❤️gme❤️ last year. And YES!!! I bought more this week and I have no timeline. 💎💎💎💎🖐🖐🖐🖐. Dear shorties, I can easily hold for at least 20 years.💎💎💎💎🖐🖐🖐🖐 +I’ll be making $40k a year starting in 2022. After benefits and taxes I’ll be making basically $2422 a month. I currently pay $700 in rent but that may actually be going down in the new year. The rule of thumb is 20% of monthly income, but what about after that $700 is taken out for rent? Thanks! +I am new to financial planning and wanted to see what my options were about life insurance. I don’t plan on marriage or having kids, I don’t plan on wanting to leave my family any huge amount of money, and plan on leaving money aside for my funeral when the time comes. I don’t have any huge amount of debt outside of student loans. Would I still need to consider getting life insurance at any point in time? Would it be wise to purchase it at all? What would be the best option for the future going forward for myself? +I'm planning to start a club at my high school, next year about personal finance, so I can create more financial literacy, and add something to my resume. Me and a classmate are planning the basic curriculum that we are going to teach next year. What personal finance concepts should I include in my basic curriculum? Would the wiki for this sub be enough to start planning it, or are there any other essential concepts you recommend for me to include? + +Edit: I want to thank everyone for taking time our of their day to give me actual helpful suggestions that seem to be very well thought out. It's going to take me a while for me to sift through all the comments and see all the advice I got, but please know that this is extremely helpful stuff and I appreciate it a lot, and I will definitely be using most if not all of these useful suggestions when planning my curriculum. +Hi, so I'm quite new to the whole algorithmic trading concept, but I've been dabbling with it for a few weeks now and I would like you guys' opinion on an idea. + +So, when I am buying options normally, I find it difficult to find well priced options and decide on which strike and expiry to choose. I had the idea of using Black Scholes model and the TDA api to make a bot that finds the most underpriced options relative to Black Scholes pricing and gives out a list, kind of like [www.optionsprofitcalculator.com](https://ww.optionsprofitcalculator.com), but slightly different. I'm sure this has definitely been thought of and done before, but I'd like to try it out as a fun experiment so that I won't just be going in blind when buying options. + +Please let me know what you think of it! + +TL;DR Bot that finds most underpriced options. +I'm wondering if some people here can share some resources on technical analysis for stocks they found useful either in (1) it taught them how to trade more successfully, or (2), it inspired their current strategies? For the sake of what format the 'resources' can be, it can be books, college lectures, Twitch streams, Youtube channels, Udemy courses, or anything really, I don't mind. +Hey guys! Looks like I'm several hours late to my own AMA, but here it goes. I sort of have an excuse. [I was hanging out at a beautiful lake in the mountains of Slovenia](https://twitter.com/RootofGoodBlog/status/884792524501655558). + +I retired at age 33 back in 2013. A couple of years later my wife joined me in early retirement. We live in Raleigh, NC, have 3 kids from age 5 to age 12. During the school year from September to May we stay in Raleigh and then during the summers we hit the road for a big family vacation. [Currently half way through vacation in Europe for 9 weeks](http://rootofgood.com/summer-family-vacation-europe/). + +I worked as a civil engineer for about 10 years before retiring. My wife worked for an investment bank as a financial analyst. Each of our salaries topped out around $70,000 each, and we routinely saved 50-75% of our income. + +Raw stats: current net worth is $1.85 million, with $1.7 million of that being our investment portfolio. We [budget $40,000 per year](http://rootofgood.com/budgeting-in-retirement-2016-edition/) but don't always spend that much. I blog at ["Root of Good"](http://rootofgood.com) and over the almost four years of blogging, the income from it has grown to the point that it covers most of our routine living expenses. This was unanticipated and I don't currently have a plan to spend more money as a result of this new source of income, but I'll tackle that issue in the future if the revenue stream continues. + +Housekeeping: I'll be hanging around for a couple of hours, let's say 5 pm Eastern and trying to answer what I can. Otherwise I'll follow up in the next few days as time allows. Of course I'm in the middle of a cool vacation and there are waterfalls, river valleys, scenic views, and mountain trails that demand my attention, so I'll do the best I can do. :) + +Update: It's 6:15 pm Eastern, and 12:15 am in Slovenia where I'm at right now. Time for bed! I'll check in over the next few days and follow up as I can. +On Friday, I forgot to close my‍ NEGG 30-35 call credit spread. I quiet $1000 credit for it, NEGG closed at 30.50, so I could have closed it for net $500 profit, but I simply forgot to do it. Needless to say, for several days now I've been having anxiety cranked to the max, unable to think about anything other than how ruined I will be if I get assigned and NEGG opens significantly higher on Monday. Over the weekend, I found out I had indeed been assigned a thousand shares short, which could easily wipe me out if there were any significant gains over the weekend. I placed a premarket order to buy back 1000 shares at 31 and it has now filled at 30.97, so I'm now clear. I cannot begin to describe how relieved I am. This could very easily have ruined my life. I never ever want to ever go through this ever again. Buy to close your spreads, no matter how far out of the money they are the day before expiry. Pin risk can and will get you eventually if you get complacent or just plain forgetful. +You can take a random redditor's opinion for whatever grain of salt you want, I'm just going to speak what I know and think and not share why or how I know or think that way. Up to you, but I'll try to inform you on what to look for to make your own decisions. I'll bullet point it at the end for brevity. + +I'll preface the following with this: Putin is a true believer. He's an orthodox, Russian-nationalist nutjob who, as he has gotten older, has become more and more fanatical about his personal belief that he is destined to reunite all of Russia as it was before 1922. He has spoken and written about this numerous times. He blames Poles, in particular, with a genocidal fanaticism, for pulling Ukraine away from Russia. When he's cool headed, he makes a legal case for reunification of the Baltics, Belarus, and Ukraine to Russia. When he's less cool headed he tends to scapegoat Poles and a select minority of Ukranians whom he associates with Nazis and neo-Nazis. But - like the confused ravings of a madman similar to Hitler a-la pan-Germania - Putin spends a lot of time blaming Poles and Jewish Bolsheviks for depriving Russia of its once formerly great pan-Russian-Empire. +I'm getting pretty convinced, but It's a little premature for me to buy puts just yet - because Russia can't act until the snows melt down but before the ground melts which puts major action on the scale of Ukraine around mid March to late April. + +This isn't the first time that Russia held drills on Polish border either - so it's a slight premature. However, the composition of the drills is more important. + +Previously it was just paratroopers, mostly because Russia wants to signal that in any fight where NATO's ready response force and Poland decide to counterattack Russian supply lines would themselves be met with a counterattack on NATO lines of communication running from Warsaw through Brest, Pinks, Mazyr and Gomel. + +Before any action in Ukraine, Russia must ensure that they can accomplish a "Fait-Accompli" and they cannot do that easily in Ukraine and it certainly cannot be done if their own supplies are attacked. + +Russia operates from railroad supplies, so their way of war is **ENTIRELY** different from the US in particular. Westerners are very familiar with airdrops, armored columns and highway logistics. US truck fleet is significantly larger than Russia's. Logistics are "days of operation" not miles travelled and so for the US the days of operations from a logistic train is about 2x that of Russia's and Russians are limited from railhead to trucking and the depots in this case are very vulnerable to real retaliation, unlike anything the US saw in Afghan or Iraq. + +So I cannot stress enough how important it is for Russia to preempt any closeness to combat operations by making a stand at the Polish border. + +What I'd really be most worried about is any time any artillery gets within 30km of Poland. Particularly Brest. + +And the main drive would come from Brest, Belarus to Lutsk, Ukraine. It has to come from there. Russia cannot afford to lose the railhead at Lutsk. + +I'll be watching for artillery, in particular, being moved into Brest, in particular. And if anyone can confirm its presence. Hard to get information sometimes on the outside. + +Rolling stock is also important, if it's being staged closer to Bryansk or Kursk. + +If these things start to happen then our chances for a literal madman to make an attempt at forceful reunification of "Grosse Deutschland" - I mean..."Bolshoi Russkii" will have gone up significantly. + +And make no mistake. Russia believes they can do it in a Blitzkrieg. + +* Russia makes use of massive and mobile artillery units +* Russia needs to secure Polish border first +* Brest - Lutsk - L'viv is the line to watch. +* Rolling stock build-up in Bryansk/Kursk is important to watch. +* Composition of military drills near Polish border. If Paratroopers it's a statement. If artillery/armor it's war footing. For real, not drill. +* Russia will not move its armor/artillery to Polish border without knowing that's what it means to anyone with half a brain in their head. +* Which Biden doesn't have. +Hey Pals, + +I am 22, net about 45k yearly, have no debt and no real month to month expenses (live with my parents), currently sitting on about 10k and looking to invest in some property, is it a decent idea taking out a mortgage to buy an investment property at this age? + +Edit : Holy shit, went to bed and woke up with a ton of comments, thank you everyone for the advice!! The House Hack duplex idea seems like a great idea, will definitely look into this! +Hey guys. + +I want to preface this with the fact that I am at this point feeling like FI will be a lot more important to me than RE. This is mostly because I feel like it would take a LOT of money for me to actually walk away from my career and start living off of my investments. I really think 2.5M is my FIRE number, a number I could realistically achieve by age 50, but even then... + +2.5M x .04 = 100k per year. My expenses are around 3k per month right now, and kids will be out of the house by the time that I would be 50, but even then 100k seems tight to do the things I WANT to do in retirement. + +If I take 100k out of investments, that will likely leave me with 6k per month after taxes. 6k - 3k expenses (living a little large) - $1250 for insurance and misc health related things = $4,250 so I would have around $1,750 left per month. Now maybe I am just wrong, but is this enough for someone who basically wants the option of traveling constantly to other countries and wants the option to be able to do some luxurious things in retirement? Maybe I should shoot for 4M just to have a ton of breathing room? It is important to me to leave behind a large inheritance. + +I am a lawyer with my own firm and feel it could also be nice to just start severely limiting the number of cases I take at 50 and cut my income from 300k per year to something more like 60-100k per year. Basically I could have a part time law practice and just travel when I feel like it. I rather like what I do. Thoughts? Anyone else feel this way? +As we all know, AMC is the [second most shorted stock in existence](https://www.highshortinterest.com/), behind only GME of course. However, the actual situation between the two companies could not be more different. GME was never really at risk of bankruptcy. GME always had more cash than debt and was paying back debts ahead of schedule, because it has a flexible business model where it can easily close down underperforming stores, which GME did in large numbers this past year. In place of the underperforming stores, GME is expanding furiously into e-commerce. With RC now at the helm strategically, its future is bright. + +AMC is in the exact opposite situation. It operates theaters, which it cannot close down without permanent, serious consequences. There is very little room for AMC to cut operating losses during the pandemic. There is no e-commerce pivot. It has theaters, and that's it. For a while now, AMC has been teetering on the edge of a cliff, facing a massive debt load and mounting operating losses, while hedge funds were relentlessly building short interest on its stock like a flock of locusts. AMC had been just a step away from Chapter 11 several times. The shorts almost won. + +****This is where we come in.**** + +The recent rise in AMC's stock price is not just a middle finger to the short interest hedge funds. It is a lifeline to the **real world** operations of AMC. A few days back, one of AMC's debt holders [converted $600 million worth of debt into stock](https://deadline.com/2021/01/amc-entertainment-silver-lake-swaps-debt-for-equity-as-cinema-chains-stock-surged-1234682417/), and there were additional share offerings and other debt conversions. + +>It an SEC filing this morning, AMC said it will be issuing around 44.4 million shares of Class A common stock to Silver Lake and related noteholders in the transaction, which will reduce its debt by $600 million. + +>Earlier this month, AMC stockholder Mudrick Capital Management also swapped AMC debt for equity, in this case 14 million shares, plus another 8 million as a fee for separate loan. + +>As part of its recently announced fundraising, AMC yesterday finished issuing a further $300 million of equity at $4.80 a share. + +>It’s been a wild ride for the nation’s largest exhibitor but CEO Adam Aron told Deadline Monday that the chain should have cash enough to ride out the year. + +Now, a valid concern might be that the additional stock offerings will increase float and ease the pressure on the shorts. But that didn't happen! The good news aspect of these moves significantly outweighs the additional float. With the freedom to raise capital and reduce debt load, the threat of bankruptcy is all but gone. The shorts will not win anymore, it's just a matter of how much they lose. + +This movement is legitimately saving a real American company. This is not patriotic jingoism. AMC, by the nature of its business, employs US residents and supports local economies across the entire country. AMC is a huge corporation but at the same time extremely local and intimate. The vast majority of its screens are in the US, with a solid representation in Europe as well. Yeah, the popcorn is overpriced, but at least it's going into the pockets of US residents and circulating in the local economy. + +And the enemy? Bloodsucking vampire hedge funds who literally produce NOTHING and do NOTHING except amass capital through underhanded and despicable means. + +This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to smash those hedge funds and save a beloved company at the same time. + +This is not financial advice. I just love the stock, and hate hedge funds. +Hi, + +Just wondering if anybody knows. + +Why is indexation applied before your compulsory payments are made? + +My employer withholds a % to give to ATO for compulsory HECS payments every 2 weeks. + +Why is this money then given AFTER indexation rather than before? + +Is this some sort of scam? Is there a way that I can make the compulsory % repayment myself, instead of having my employer withhold that amount? Or is there a way to make the employer pay the % as I get my fortnightly pay? - just seems odd to me this isn't standard that your compulsory repayments are provided BEFORE indexation. +My few cents to this topic, since PayPal will do it anyway sooner or later. + +EDIT + +Based on the comments: + +* **Coinbase** +* **BitPay** +* **Circle** +* **Ripple** +* **Google** +* **bitreserve** +* **Venmo** (belongs to Braintree -> PayPal) +* **We are the next PayPal** +* **Dwolla** (was a hot candidate) +* **Stripe** (in the pipeline) + + + + +Started in October 2017. I buy as much as possible from my salary every month. Mostly its 500€ per month. I'm calling this strategy the 'bitcoin retirement plan' which basically means I'm gonna keep on stacking for the foreseeable and at some point my stack should be big enough to comfortable quit the fiat hamster wheel. Five years in, how many more to go? I'm guessing the next bull cycle will make it for me and this journey can serve as a blueprint for others doing the same. Keep on stacking for x number of bear markets + x number of bull markets = this is what you can achieve. I document my progress in a blog with monthly posts. Enjoy reading!: + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-26-september-2022/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-26-september-2022/) +Hello everyone, been kinda lurking on this sub lately. Found a lot of useful DD and met cool people. Decided I wanted to post a coin I’m very bullish on. + +- Harmony ONE is a blockchain-based platform, built to solve the riddle of delivering both scalability and decentralization at no expense of one another. +- Right now it has 2 second finality, yes 2 SECONDS. +- Its fees are extremely cheap, like practically fee when using it to do transactions. +- The team behind Harmony are amazing too, I’m not gonna list their names and accomplishments because I want to focus on the coin right now, but definitely recommend looking them up! +- Harmony’s MC is roughly 1.1B right now, price is .1233 at the moment. +- Harmony has been partnering up with some big names and announcing new partnerships almost every week now. Some big names are Animoca, Quidd, SWFT, and so many more. + +- Staking, it’s 12% APY. Absolutely insane. +- All in all the team and coin are doing great things, the only thing it lacks really is community. Harmony just needs more exposure and adoption in the crypto world. A lot of people are predicting $1-$1.50 during this Bull run. I’m not gonna put any prediction of mine, because I’m a long term holder and the staking alone is amazing. I hope everyone decides to do some DD on this coin! Definitely recommend at least adding to the watchlist! +Well, TLRY came crashing down half its price, thank goodness I had the sense not to trust it. But meanwhile, CGC and CRON are both keeping steady, with CGC looking better than CRON. What are your thoughts on these two? +&#x200B; + +**Fire token** is an amazing investment for who is trying to make a great return on the BSC market with some safety. The project seems **unrruggable** thanks to the bad functions that they removed from the traditional contracts. For example, it is impossible for the devs to update the **trading fees**, which makes safer for holders. In many cases the other projects increase the fee astronomically. Another important factor is the marketing fund the project have created an account to receive funds from 2% of every selling transaction with goal of financing marketing expenses. For the first time there is a project that is taking marketing so serious that they plan to do big things with marketing funds. Currently, the marketing account has over 60.000.000 fire tokens, which represents a decent value for marketing expenses. + +&#x200B; + +Currently, the Fire token has **6,847 addresses,** which is a lot for a token that was released 2 days ago. Moreover, their market cap grew from $300K to an ATH of $10M though it has a lot of room to grow more and more. + +The team revealed that they plan to invest on farms for staking and NFTs in order to give a great utility to the fire token. Moreover the community also recommended donating funds to people who got affected by fire from forest and summer burnings. + +&#x200B; + +I really believe that this token has a lot to offer and a lot of room to grow. I hope to be a long-term holder. I just want to advise you guys to keep track of the fire token and invest only after doing a careful research. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for your time. + +&#x200B; + +More info: + +Website: [https://firetoken.xyz/](https://firetoken.xyz/) + +TG: [https://t.me/FireTokenxyz](https://t.me/FireTokenxyz) +How many times have you thought you were onto the next BIG project... Only to get wiped out by bots, honey-pots, rug pulls and more? 😤 + +Your hard-earned cash scooped up by some derelict children with less business sense than an authentic Japanese store selling products made in the USA! + +The era of community tokens is here, and it's only getting bigger. + +But ... + +That growth is unfortunately generating countless opportunities for scammers to clean you out. + +So how do you invest your money in a safe, effective and rewarding manner where you can go to sleep at night, without stressing about waking up to a dead coin? + +The answer is simple. + +MoonRetreiver - the first BSC Risk Assessment Platform that aims to take the community token niche to a whole new level. + +🦴 No Rug Pulls From Now On + +A solid multi-featured rug-check system is in place to invest safely. + +🦴 Never Miss Important Transactions + +Track specific wallets and keep a close eye on burn and developer wallets. Follow your favorite wallets and copy their movements! + +🦴 Track All Market Movements + +Always stay up-to-date. Keep track of the market movements and chase opportunities. + +🦴 Secure Your Future Investments + +No more blind investments! MoonRetriever will assist you to choose the safest early-released tokens and presales. + +🦴 Upcoming ILO launchpad + +With automatic LP lock and Team Token lock as well as project screening to ensure the safety of our FETCH holders. 100% safe ILO’s for everyone! + +I think it's worth noting some of the achievements and updates they've had in the first 3 days of existing: + +&#x200B; + +\- They had an incredibly successful launch hitting a $20M market cap in the first few hours + +\- Despite being a few days old during one of the biggest crypto dips they've had in a long time, they've held our community base and MC strong at around $4 -$5M + +\- Already approaching 10k holders + +\- They're doxxed, fully audited, Gov issued ID's and all. + +\- Trended #1 on [Coinhunt.cc](https://Coinhunt.cc) (next availability for promote section booked for 28th May) + +\- Huge marketing plans on the way (Top tier influencers, comps, etc.) + +\- Sneak peek of their platform and UI/UX, check it out!! + +\- Community is absolutely amazing, so supportive, respectful and fun. + +\- Super active team members, almost 24/7. + +... and so much more! + +With the market coming back today we've already been climbing back up. + +&#x200B; + +Join their TG & say hi to the community, please only use official links. + +Official website: [www.moonretriever.com](https://www.moonretriever.com) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/MoonRetriever](https://t.me/MoonRetriever) +# The ReChain community has made this an amazing launch, thanks to everyone who participated. + +We are officially on **DAY 2,** and our marketing campaign will start immediately; our ads have been posted on PooCoin and will have influencers on board, so stay tuned! + +We have a lot of surprises and giveaways coming and sneak peeks of our new features! + +The team is doxed and is hosting an AMA for the new members who missed last night's. + +AMA: Saturday at 9 pm EST + +Get ready; the team will be more than happy to answer all your questions! + +**I don't think people realize the potential this has from a product perspective. Having simple notifications for new users will help people not lose out on money they forgot about just thinking about all those shitcoins that are just sitting there at .000000005, and then all of a sudden, some bot starts pumping it. You should know! And get your investment back!** + +All the links to the project will be posted below; Admins in TG are active and ready for you + +🔳Tokenomics : + +🔸Name: Rechain Finance + +🔸Symbol: $RECH + +🔸Blockchain: BEP-20 + +🔸Total Supply: 1T + +*2% redistribution, 2% reinvigoration, 6% burn on transactions.* + + + + +🗾 **Contract Address:** 0xF4DB3Dd2046D05D81980be2e65eA325597F0743b + +🗾 **Chart:** https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xF4DB3Dd2046D05D81980be2e65eA325597F0743b + +🗾 **Pancakeswap:** https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xF4DB3Dd2046D05D81980be2e65eA325597F0743b + +**🔳Official Links :** + +**🔻website:** https://www.rechain.finance/ + +**🔻Tg Group:** https://t.me/Rechainfi + +**🔻Tiktok:** https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeHLetKP/ + +**🔻Discord:** https://discord.gg/GumVvtcK + +**🔻Twitter:** https://mobile.twitter.com/ReChainFinance + + + + +&#x200B; + +⚪️*The first all-in-one trading Defi toolkit.* + +*Rechain is the first decentralized toolkit that notifies holders of the movement of their tokens.* +1. CNBC really did fuck up and show their hand a little. +2. Shills doing their best to build a positive impression of Melissa Lee (build trust so we believe what she says, when she's still just a CNBC shill). +3. Shills doing their best to manage the event by stuffing the pipe with memes so we get sick of it. +4. Shills doing their best to leverage the event by using it to forum slide. + +Edit: after more thought it’s text book PR damage control: + +“What emotion is your target demographic feeling?” Joy/excitement. + +“How can we redirect that emotion to our advantage?” Make them give our key news anchor the credit for it. + +It happened, the DD is still the DD, CNBC is still in the pocket of hedge funds, etc etc. Let's move on. +I have seen time and again that the FTSE Global All Cap index fund from Vanguard is seen as the 'go to' investment from many on this subreddit. + +I entirely understand the reasoning behind it, namely global diversification which includes small, medium and large firms. + +However, why is it that American investors are almost universally in favour of investing in the S&P500, or other "USA - Dominated" index funds? + +Whenever I see mention of something such as the Vanguard Lifestrategy funds, the highest rated comments always mention the risk of a UK bias, since these funds tend to hold around 30% of equity in the UK stock market, which has led many (from what I have seen on this subreddit) to treat these with some degree of additional caution. + +Never have I had a conversation with my American friends in which they have said, "I do sometimes worry about the lack of diversification since I am invested mostly in the S&P500." + +I suppose my question boils down to, why are Americans so comfortable in investing in their home market, while UK investors are told time and time again of the need for global diversification? + +I was a new January ape who like most jumped into the “meme stocks” peepee first throwing money at anything and everything pertaining to the subreddit that shall not be named. + +I invested all my elon dog coin gains into GME, Popcorn stock, and the other two ones. I’ll be honest most of my money went into popcorn stock. I knew nothing about stocks, investing, or what exactly I was getting myself into. + +Since January I’ve slowly nursed my smooth brain wrinkle by wrinkle to the point that I can now read a entire TL/DR of a u/criand post in one sitting. + +But last week significantly made me doubt my initial convictions in movie stock for many reasons. + +GME as of last week. + +-Russel 1000 + +-Talks for the S’and’P 600 possibly + +-ATM offering finished + +-Debt free + +-140% REPORTED short interest in January confirmed + +-NFT project possibly announcing something July 14th.(?) + +After evaluating all this I had to take a second and rethink where I was putting all my eggs and if I was putting them in the wrong basket. + +I looked at Movie stock and GME long and hard all weekend long. I couldn’t help but think if I was a hedge fund, I would much rather be short Movie stock. + +That’s not to say Movie stock will not make people money, it made me a good amount, I just feel the potential is definitely in GME’s favor. + +Downsides to movie stock from a obsessed ape with too much free time. + +-Large amount of outstanding shares at ~501 million. GME has 70.8 million, makes much harder to cover as retail most likely owns float many times over. + +-CEO is sketchy, AA made a deal to sell shares directly to HF. Like wtf? I hated that and that was a huge red flag for me. Also begs for shares all the time like a little portnoy. Also chose to sell 20 million shares at once right at the run up to 72 bucks killing all momentum. GME sold over a 5 week period in contrast. + +-Still has 4.4 billion dollars in debt. + +-Business highly dependent on covid. + +-Nobody on Movie stock subreddits knows anything. All my learning has been done on this subreddit. This I think will have a impact as I’d rather hold with some wrinkly apes on the ride up. + +-most days shows GME having 92% buying, with movie stock fluctuating between 50-60%. + +-no Ryan Cohen + +-no DFV + +-Why are snacks so expensive? + +After much thought I decided I will be selling nearly all my movie stock and movie stock option contracts to go all in GME. I believe this is the safest play for me and this is in no way financial advice. + +EDIT: I’ll even provide proof tomorrow so y’all know momma ain’t raised no vlad +I got slack for saying to sell one share - there’s a chance this stock will never come back to earth - + +If infinity pool is real it won’t drop - all I’m saying is don’t expect this to be like the vw squeeze or a squeeze in a text book that shows the chart drop after + +They sold like ten floats and if ppl refuse to sell more than 90pct of the total shares - shorts might not ever be able to fully close and the price can stay crazy high - + +Sell one share crazy high and then the stock you own will keep going higher - does anyone here also think the shares will always be crazy high or am I crazy high? +*TL;DR: Sus wants OCC to act as its personal insurance/rainy day account in the event they get caught at the Casino betting more than the house. They are avoiding margin call just as much as Citadel. If 003 passes, they not only get margin called along with Citadel, they are subject to the exact same panty raid that will befall Kenny and all his belongings in his golden kingdom. Sus only has a kingdom on paper, and as long as the rules stand as currently written. If you change the rules, they are no longer players in the game. Their comment seeks to stop that.* + +In the hours and days following my post [Susquehanna is Sus](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/mli9vf/susquehanna_is_sus_the_missing_michael_burrys/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) going up, we have learned, in short, that they are [V sus.](http://imgur.com/a/EzZB2vv) + +Then I read the Susquehanna International Group comments on SR-OCC-2021-801 🧐 Which was [passed today.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-91491.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiQxrPNvu3vAhVbbc0KHQzvAXYQFjAAegQIBxAC&usg=AOvVaw3XnWmA5OCyUF1ZoToM3B8L) + +So let’s talk about OCC 801 first. What it *DOESN’T* do is margin call anybody. Let’s be clear about that. The margin call rule is the **NSCC**801. The 801 of today is not a standalone catalyst. What it *does* do is open for discussion the rule (003) that will build a firewall of protection around OCC’s other members; i.e. protection from the flames of a burning hedgie(s). + +Members of the OCC pay into a community pot. If any player gets sent directly to jail, the OCC draws from this free parking loot bag and pays up the damages, as a hedge of protections and form of insurance for all the “innocent” members. OCC is the custodian of this account. + +Now, members still have access to however much they’ve contributed to this pot, but what SR-OCC-2021-004 does, is starts talking about an auction process for liquidating Kenny boy’s assets to pay his debts instead of pulling from OCC funds first, which is a big statement. That, in my opinion, will be the catalyst. + +Ok so I’m getting sidetracked. We came here to shit talk Susquehanna. + +They decided to bitch about SR-OCC-2021-801/003. + +But... I thought we were talking about OCC-801? Why moar numbers, pink?!?!? 😭 + +Because think of it this way. OCC-801 is Pikachu. OCC-003 is [Raichu](http://imgur.com/a/Z5d1tH9). So 801 is the first evolution of the rule. (Which was approved by SEC today!) The middle of this evolution is the discovery period wherein the public can make comments. THIS IS WHERE SUS COMES IN. And eventually the evolution completes with the passing of rule 003/Raichu. This is extremely generalized but you get the idea. The fact that Sus commented means that 003 is now delayed until May 31 (*DO NOT GIVE A SECOND THOUGHT TO THIS DATE OUTSIDE OF ITS INTENDED MEANING*). This rule was originally set to automatically take effect in April. + +So Susquehanna International Group filed a comment. That means the train is fucking halted until the issues raised are addressed. What are the issues raised? I won’t bore you with their unnecessarily big words. Basically; + +Sus wants OCC shareholders to get burned the worst and carry the most consequences (and pay the repercussions) in the event of a member default, instead of the member themselves being the one burned to the ground. Remember that free parking pot of money? Sus claims that violates one of OCC’s rule - 17A(b)(3)(F)- and pretty much is under-regulated and carries too much incentive for the OCC to keep in the current account, as is. (Essentially saying it becomes a net positive on their books, thus benefitting the shareholders by making the OCC appear more fiscally valuable on paper.) Sus claims the money should rightfully be moved to a more restricted, controlled account, which does not contribute to the OCC books, and only pays out in the event of a member default. + +This comment is a desperate attempt to find issue where there should be none. They attempt to pin it on the fact that SLDs would raise the fees per transaction. What they’re really saying if you read between the lines is, please don’t pass this rule. If you pass this, we r fuk 2. + +All this comment did was perhaps bring about a minor amendment to 003 before its passing. It also kicked that can down the road to May 31 before it will automatically pass, but I have no doubt it will enact much sooner *because it can be approved and enacted at anytime*. OCC is lining up their hedge of protection from the hedgie fire by approving the rules in this way. They are literally building a moat around their castle. + +In my opinion, the OCC is frantically trying to get their moat built before the fire rages. That's why we're seeing stale price action and volume right now. They are delaying the inevitable while they get these ducks (rules) in a row. Signing off on the 003 rule is essentially saying "ok we've done all we can to prepare. We're ready." They have duct tape over the hole in the titanic. Or maybe it's flex seal. Either way, the titanic is still going down. + +**Remember the scene in the Big Short where Dr. Burry is trying to exit his positions but the bank won’t call him back for days because they are setting themselves up a lifeboat before allowing anyone else on. This is precisely what we are witnessing now.** +I was wondering this today. I’m quite frugal and thrifty but I have enough money not to be, and still have plenty left over. In a sense, I don’t have to be thrifty at all. But I still am. + +I was trying to figure out why. Since all savings eventually must be spent, being frugal surely must only be about delayed consumption and spending anyway? Or passing money to others who may spend it themselves. + +So I just wondered. What’s the point of being too frugal, buying cheap stuff when you don’t need to, or foregoing things you don’t really need to forego, with only a limited span of healthy years allocated too all of us, which any time could be taken away. +Has anyone here quit their job to pursue mid/long-term travel? I'm 24 and have been on payroll working different jobs since I was 16, I've got a degree in IT and work in the field earning around 90k as a BA. I have about 130k invested in ETFs, no major debts (20k hecs) but also kinda no life experiences outside of work. I'm an avid traveller but only ever go for two weeks max at a time. I guess accruing time off is where it becomes a challenge. I'm planning to go to Europe for 3 months so would ideally quit my job, travel, come back and search for jobs, ideally contract roles, rinse and repeat. Am I crazy or is this a viable option for me? + + +**Edit: wow I'm overwhelmed at seeing all of these positive responses. I believe the best course from here would be to try and get some leave without pay and hope for the best, if I can't get it then oh well, I'll quit and still travel. Best to make the most of the youth I have left and who knows what might unfold along the way :)** +So I'm 30 and new to investing, and the general wisdom of the DIYers out there is that you're probably gonna screw it up if you do too much yourself. With that in mind I decided to invest in a simple ETF (VGRO yay!) and perhaps when I know more I'll start to branch out into individual stocks (Scratching the surface, I really like BAM), but I'm not certain that's for me. +&nbsp; + +My question was how hands on is too much, and how much value am I getting from paying the MER for VGRO vs its holdings (the ETFs it holds, not the 12000+ individual stocks). Basically I modeled out how much I would pay in fees over 35 years with a few assumptions. +&nbsp; + +* I retire at 65 +* I never sell to try to time the market +* I always max out my TFSA contribution limit +* TFSA contribution limit increases by $500 every 5 years +* At age 45 I switch to VBAL (60/40 stock/bond split) +* At age 55 I switch to VCIP (20/80 stock/bond split) +* VGRO AAR: 8.25% +* VBAL AAR: 7.89% +* VCIP AAR: 6.72% +* The MER never changes +* I can rebalance through purchasing only, so I don't incur any fees for selling +&nbsp; + +Since historical data for these ETFs isn't available I used [this website](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-asset-class-allocation) to track the 15 year returns for each asset allocation type. + +&nbsp; + +Now these aren't hard rules (regarding portfolio types and time frames) and I'm not sure what exactly is the best way to begin to transition from one portfolio type to another, but considering that's at minimum 15 years away this is a decent model for the evolution of my portfolio over the next 35 years. + +&nbsp; + +If I bought each broad ETF outright I would pay $32,692 in management fees (0.25% MER). If I instead purchased each ETF that VGRO, VBAL, and VCIP hold I would pay $22037 in management fees (~.15%-.17% MER). A difference of $10654 or about $304 per year over the 35 year time frame. So is $304 a year worth it for me to have a completely hands off portfolio? I think so since the more involved I am the more chances there are for mistakes to be made, potentially costing me more than the 10k difference. + +&nbsp; + +Interestingly though, about 2/3 of my total management fees were paid in years 26-35, and it was almost $1000 a year difference in year 35. Considering the point of saving for retirement is to actually *use* the money in retirement, it may make sense to switch to managing things slightly more hands on somewhere between years 26 and 35 or in retirement. 35 years is a long time for me to figure that out though. + +&nbsp; + +So I guess my question to all of you is: Are my assumptions reasonable and do you agree that the 10k difference in management fees is worth it in order to be a bit more removed from the process, reducing chance of error? + +Edit: And if you're interested the total investment was ~~$217500~~ $262500 and the portfolio was worth $1,138,209 in year 35. +I started with my company’s 401(k) plan at the beginning of last year. I’ve been putting approximately $600 in per month. They match at $0.40 up to 8% of salary. That match is supposed to hit at the beginning of Q2 this year. I contributed around $10,000 to the account last year. + +As of now, my 1 year performance is -15.6%. From January 1st to December 31st of 2021, I only had a return of +0.7%. It seems like this should be much higher considering the market’s performance last year. + +When I set up the account, I elected to have the highest risk, highest reward options as I’m quite far from retirement. The funds the account is invested in are as following: + +American Funds EuroPacific Growth R3 (RERCX) - 36.66% + +American Funds Growth Fund of America (RGACX) - 17.96% + +Davis New York Venture Fund Class A (NYVTX) - 20.23% + +Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities Fund Class A (GGOAX) - 11.79% + +Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Fund (GCMAX) - 13.35% + +It seems like things are way far off from what I should be seeing. Am I just crazy, or is there actually something wrong here? + +EDIT: + +Here are the available investment options for our plan: + +Guaranteed Income Fund*¤ + +PGIM Short-Term Corporate Bond Fund- Class A + +PIMCO Real Return Fund Class R + +PIMCO Total Return Fund Class A* + +Franklin High Income Fund Class R + +Invesco Equity and Income Fund Class R + +Invesco Comstock Fund Class R + +Davis New York Venture Fund Class A* + +American Funds The Growth Fund of America Class + +R-3* PGIM Jennison Growth Fund- Class A + +Goldman Sachs Mid Cap Value Fund Class A* + +Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities Fund Class A + +PGIM Jennison Small Company Fund- Class A + +American Funds Capital World Growth and Income +Fund Class R-3 + +AB Sustainable Global Thematic Fund Class A + +American Funds EuroPacific Growth Fund Class R-3* + +Davis Financial Fund Class A +I’ve read a bunch of the old posts on public vs private schools and I wanted to get others thoughts on a specific point between the two. + +A few colleagues and I were talking about the ‘value’ of an elite private high school. For reference, we all live in a HCOL area with phenomenal public schools so it’s not a question of getting the best education. However, their argument was that I’m paying for the connections / bonds my kids (and maybe me with other parents) will make throughout their school years. One of the guys (my employee) went to an elite private HS and then a prestigious private college. The other two have kids my age, and both said they plan on sending their kids to elite private schools. + +As a background, I went to a small ruralish HS with barely overly 100 kids per grade. It’s wasn’t a very good school with only a handful going to the top state school caliber school. I feel while I worked hard to get her I am, I was extremely lucky to meet a current partner. Without meeting him, I guess I wouldn’t be nearly where I am today without some other kind of luck. I have only a few friends from HS I would consider ever reaching out to business wise. I probably should have networked better in college but I was too busy going out. So I feel I have almost zero people I could reach out to in the business world from high school while my employee has a ton of friends from high school in the same business world. + +The question is… will the $50k a year be worth the ‘extra luck’ for my kids with the connections they might make assuming all else equal (they will work hard and be driven either way)? Or is it better to just give them the equivalent money? A few comments on previous posts touched on this topic so I was curious what others have experienced themselves or through their kids. +Not sure if this belongs more in r/relationships, but I'm guessing this is the more appropriate forum. + +My wife and I have been married for 11 years. We have 2 kids together, an 8 year girl and a 3 year old boy. She is an amazing mother, a fantastic partner, and the only person I want to FIRE with. We are in our mid-30's, and we just crossed the 1MM networth mark this year. 850K in investments, 220K in home equity. + +I've always been a frugal person, and I've doubled down on this since discovering the FIRE mindset a few years back. My wife has been incredibly supportive about this whole mindset despite her wanting to live more in the present given that there's no guarantee we'll make it to XYZ age. + +One continuous point of contention is our house. We paid 455K for it in 2010. The house also comes with 10K a year in taxes. I think if we were to put the house on the market today, we would get right around what we paid for it, despite finishing the basement and improving the landscaping. As a result, I cannot stop seeing the house as anything more than a money pit with a negative rate of return. We have wood siding and it's been 7 years since we painted it, so the paint is starting to chip. We're the corner lot, so it would be nice to plant some large trees around our short fence for more privacy. The landscaping's not great and we have too many weeds. + +My problem is that I don't want to do any of it because I would rather invest the money in something with an actual return. However, I also understand that we should have some pride in our home and take on the normal costs of home ownership. My wife asked me just the other night - what's the point of buying a house if you don't want to do any upkeep on it? Our house is average for our neighborhood but appearances matter, and my wife doesn't feel good inviting people over when there's paint peeling by our front door. We get into a cycle of her suggesting an improvement, me hemming and hawing and being incredibly indecisive, her giving up and saying forget it, me feeling very apologetic and responsible for being so frugal, and then me giving in due to guilt. + +I want to break the cycle. We have the money for home improvements. We have the money for a larger house. Would appreciate any advice on how I can have a healthier view of money and home ownership. I don't think my wife is irrational and I don't want my frugality to ruin our marriage. + +EDIT: Thank you for taking the time to read my post and share your thoughts. I've read through all the posts and it's definitely given me a better perspective on how to view the house as a home, and how to see things more from my wife's point of view. Now it's time to go home and try to mend things with my wife. + +This guy stole $11 million from someone’s Schwab account while in prison. All he needed was a copy of a driver license and utility bill. + +He got caught because he tried to buy a $4 million house in cash (coins) + + +https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/utah-resident-indicted-operating-fake-charities-falsely-claimed-donations-would-benefit + +Since this is a FIRE subreddit, I’m sure those who fired or on your way to fire would have millions in the bank. + +Did you do anything extra to secure your money? +I worked for about 10 years in the Maquiladora Industry in Mexico, and that was enough due to the poor work-life balance, 12 vacation days per year and at least 48 working hours per week, Mexico has the highest working hours in the world. + +Maquiladoras are established in Mexico to take advantage of the low wages and proximity to the USA. Mexico has one of the lowest wages in Latin America. In 1999, the net wage for the average maquiladora worker was $56 USD per week, and twenty years later in 2019 the net wage is no more than $65 USD. + +In addition to the low wages and disregarded labor standards, the living and health conditions around these factories are beyond belief. Many people live in a squalid grid of dirt streets, rotting garbage, open sewers with unsafe water, overburdened or non-existent schools, violence and crime. But do not misunderstand me about maquiladoras, any other sector is about the same or worse; in 2019 the official minimum wage is less than 9 USD per day. There is tremendous inequality, Mexico is on the bottom 10 countries on wealth distribution (Gini Index 0,49; World Bank, Taking On Inequality, 2016). + +When you focus on what you want, work hard and take the opportunities life offers, there is a possibility it will improve your life overall, and it did to me. I am a chemical engineer who climbed up the organizational ladder quickly, at age 29 I got my first management position. That gave me the possibility to buy a condominium by the beach and pay it off in three years, I bought in cash a nice Audi and saved a decent amount of money; I was living a pretty comfortable life. But I was unhappy, not even a $80K job a year, at age 33 could buy me happiness. However, it did buy me something – the ability to say goodbye. + +Lifestyle design is all about changing the way we live so that we can fulfill our passions and experience life now. I am striving for early retirement from not fulfilling jobs. One of the best ways to start on that path is to substantially reduce non-essential consumption to be able to effectively retire early. + +I do not want to retire from work. I just want to retire from work that no longer challenged or motivated me. I still want to continue working on interesting projects and learn new things. I want to do more good in the world. I want to tackle inequality, environmental issues and the unsustainable lifestyle of most people. Thus, I have sold my car, and got rid of most of my possessions to focus on experiences and sustainable living over consumption. + +If you could live on $1000 per month ($12,000 per year) and you made 6% annually from safe investments, you would only need to have $200,000 saved to retire. ($200,000 X 6 % = $12,000 per year) Alternatively, if you only have $100K saved and could make $500 per month from passive income like rental income from your condominium, or some internet business, then you could effectively retire now. There are many countries where you can live on 1000 USD a month. + +I believe this kind of freedom is at the heart of what drives my generation. No, not everyone wants to get rid of his possessions or live on 1000 USD a month, but we want to be able to do what we want to do and still provide a worthwhile product or service to society. We want to have a purpose, and when we cannot get it in our current environment, we are willing to make a change. + +Tremendous inequality and disparities in access to resources are factors that pose serious threats to human rights and to the world. It is obvious something needs to be done, we need to rethink how we live and what kind of planet we want to inherit to future generations. + +While there is life, there is hope for a better and equal world. + +Victor +I found this sub about a year after becoming invested in r/personalfinance and changing my financial situation around. Prior to r/pf I was making ~35k/year, I had just bought a 27k car, and was spending half of my income on rent. I was a financial mess, and I have zero excuses given I grew up in a relatively financially-savvy home and have a functioning brain (sometimes). + +In my time reading r/fi, there is a very common theme I see here: + +1) A significant amount of people here are engineers - software or other. + +2) A good amount of the people here who aren't engineers comment on the fact that they aren't engineers and don't know how to pursue FI without those high-paying jobs. + +There is no denying it, those jobs are rather sexy at the moment. I have family and friends who work in programming, and the offers they get with nice salaries, stock options, benefits, etc. are definitely enviable. Now, in 20 years when there is an absolute glut of programmers and no one to come out and fix your leaking shower, perhaps the salary of programmers will decline and plumbers will be the next hot career. Who knows, but hopefully anyone reading this now will be retired in 20 years regardless! What I call tell you, though, is that sales will *always* be hot. + +For those of you not programmers or engineers by trade, allow me to make the case for a career in sales with my own personal story. + +I graduated with a relatively worthless degree in science that would probably earn me gainful employment in the range of ~$16/hour. I'm a fairly introverted guy and the idea of sales never once crossed my mind until I was offered a job out of college in that industry. The base was decent and I took it. + +In these past few years I have been an average performer. I do not prioritize work over my personal life in any way. Despite that, I have routinely accepted job offers with more and more responsibility. I attribute most of this due to my ever-present pestering of recruiters to make sure they are aware that I exist. In that time my salary has gone from ~35k to ~45k to ~60k to ~90k. I recently interviewed for a job paying ~150k, but I turned down the final interview as I didn't like the product and want to grow within my current company. + +Here are a few misconceptions I have learned about sales along the way: + +* You have to be attractive, outgoing, smooth-talking, and a slime-ball to do well. + +Allow me to tell you that I am not good looking, I am average at best when it comes to talking with others, I am not quick-witted, and I am 100% transparent in how I deal with customers. 100% of my success in sales so far has come down to how I analyze my territories, and how I approach deficiencies in them. I am very analytical in this, whereas most people in sales tend to just go out and do busy work. It's very, very easy to be the person who is busy all day and still has lousy numbers. For example, I grew my territory 8x above my quota (80% growth vs. a target of 10%) last quarter simply because I went after the obvious sales. I found customers in my area that were buying less than I thought capable, or customers that had stopped using us for no reason. Many of my colleagues spin their wheels trying to squeeze a few bucks out of current clients when they have other clients that can easily triple their buying. My manager is very similar to me in that he is not "salesy", he's shy and very straightforward in how he deals with clients. He is now the sales manager for our company, and the last guy you would expect to be in sales just by speaking to him. + +Similarly, the days of lying your way into a sale are over for anyone who wants to be involved in high-paid sales (tech, medical, etc.). People have reputations to uphold, and the industries are small enough that most reps in lucrative industries will bend over backwards to make a customer happy. When I up-sell clients, I am 100% honest in why I recommend a more expensive product. When I discuss competitors, I do not lie and disparage them, but rather focus on my strengths. Conversely, I am constantly hearing from clients that a competing rep came in and lied about my product. How far will they go in sales? Probably not too far. + +* Sales is a serious grind, takes everything out of you and leaves little for life:work balance. + +Very industry-dependent. Sales, like many careers, really can be as hard or as easy as you want. Right now I work in a sales position where the accountability is fairly watered down. My work:life balance is incredible. My previous sales job was selling one product to one customer, and then moving on to the next. It was incredibly stressful because you were always looking for that next customer, and it was very clear how well you were doing (did I sell one machine that month?). + +* Only the uneducated wind up in sales, no one respects them, and the pay isn't great for most people. + +Okay, maybe half-true. Most people who end up in sales kind of fall into it, and a lot of them fail out of it because they don't respect the job/career. I don't think anyone really goes to school thinking they want to get into sales, but I think that's a shame. The entry-level sales jobs are a bit of a grind, you're a cog in the machine and no one really does respect you. Once you get a few years under your belt, however, things change. Job offers become more lucrative, the products become better, and the clientele you deal with begin viewing you less as a sales rep and more as a consultant. Next week, for example, I have been invited out to a physician's office to help guide him in creating a new practice based around some of our products. He has a vision and wants my help in how to make it become a reality. I'm not a salesperson anymore to him, rather I'm a consultant helping him build a practice. + +Pay-wise, sales is nearly unbeatable IMO. A general account manager-type position (dealing mostly with established books of business) can reasonably earn you 75-120k/year for not much work. The "hunter" who wants to go out and cold call, find new business, etc. can earn twice that or more in the right position. It is not uncommon for the highest paid employees in a company (outside of C-level) to be the salespeople, yet people often seem to have this misconception that sales is the unfortunate fallback for people who can't find a good job. It definitely does not have to be that. + +* Only the superstars succeed, everyone else picks up the scraps. + +I am definitely not a superstar. Only in my most recent position have I started doing well in sales. By all accounts, I'm a very average performer. My linkedin doesn't even have one bragging point on it (How much I beat quota by, what my ranking was, etc). I still get recruiters on the regular offering me more and more high-paid positions. As I said previously, I have tripled my salary in a few years, and I am now getting offers for more jobs that quite literally increase my current salary by 50-100%. Once you're in, you're in, and as long as you aren't a total slug about going to work, you can reasonably expect to move up in pay fairly routinely. + + +Here are a few other things that I find to be truly awesome about my career: + +* I set my own schedule. I wake up when I want. I go out to clients when I want. I come home when I want. I have no office to report to, no one watching how often I take breaks, etc. Hit your numbers and you have absolute freedom in many sales jobs. + +* I have an account management position and the work load is honestly light enough that I could pick up a second job. I'm field-based, so keeping two jobs separate from each other would be fairly easy. + +* It's the only career (that I can think of) where not only is being money-grubbing okay, it's encouraged. I tell employers that $$$$$ is my motivation and it makes sales manager hungry to hire me. + +* It's difficult to get bored in a sales career (for me, at least). If I don't like my product, I can change industries, companies, whatever. Each day is different - some days I do lunches with customers, some days I work on studying up on our products to understand them better, some days I just stay at home and do territory analysis/emails/etc. Again, the freedom is exceptional. + + +Of course, no career is without cons. Here are the negatives that I have personally encountered: + +* Some people really do view you as a lowly sales rep. Just the other day I went into an office to visit a physician who recently started using our products. She proceeded to chew me out in front of the entire office (with patients around us), telling me how rude it was to show up unexpectedly, how it was none of my business to meet her, that she had no interest in meeting a sales rep, and that her MD credentials meant she didn't need to talk to people like me (literal phrasing). I apologized for showing up unannounced (which is not uncommon or even frowned upon in 99.99999999% of sales calls I go on), and then told her that her manner of speaking to another human being was unacceptable. I walked out telling her that I was always available to help if necessary. I won't let anyone treat me like a dog, even if it's a customer, but you will find some that insist upon it. + +* The pressure to hit numbers can be tremendous. In my current job, one of my colleagues just hit his numbers for the first time in four years. In my last job, I missed my numbers for 3 months and wound up leaving for my current job as I felt the impending firing was coming. Clearly the pressure to perform is employer-dependent. This is somewhat avoidable depending upon what type of sales you get into, though (account management is far less demanding that business development roles). + + +Anyways, it's a slow day today and I felt like making a post about why a career in sales can be viable. Obviously it's not for everyone, just like programming or being a plumber isn't for everyone. It is without-a-doubt a viable career path towards FI for those who take it seriously, though, and it is one of the few career paths where a six figure salary with little necessary education is a reasonable expectation. Feel free to ask questions, challenge me, etc. +Ive been employed 3 years at my current role as a senior dev, only given 2.5% pay rise from my base over said 3 year period; this pay bump doesnt even track inflation. covid has also pushed up the average wage, where by my current salary = mid level rates right now. One recuriter told me recently wages have risen because covid put the brakes on migration. + +on monday i have an end of year review where i will ask for more money. ive been researching avg salary numbers for my field and def underpaid right now. + +im wondering what site i can use to get the best statistics for salaries in my field. im a dotnet dev, >10 years xp. i manage a team . location is sydney + +i could potentially get 150k + based on the cold calls from recruiters. just looking for reliable stats to put my case forward. + +im at 107k right now +**TL:DR - Ryan Cohen is singlehandedly creating systemic change to the finance industry, destroying malicious SHFs by completely eliminating abusive naked shorting on a whole basket of victimized securities; a result of bringing them onto the GME peer-to-peer blockchain exchange. This has been the plan since August 2020.** + +Lets rewind to August 2020, well before the coining of the phrase "meme stock". Tesla was the retail darling and the crypt toe scene was priming for it's most recent bull run. Some weird guy name DFV was being ridiculed by the main sub for playing a dying B&M. And then this happened: + +&#x200B; + +[RC Ventures SEC Filing dated August 28th](https://preview.redd.it/2d5utxlk60m81.png?width=1643&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf355a001454155f574c3ddcfc704fe120f156a5) + +Ryan Cohen bought his first position in gamestop, nearly 10% of outstanding shares. His first shares were bought between August 13th 2020 and August 28th 2020. What else happened during this time frame? Oh right, the climax of a short squeeze of epic proportions, where the stock ($OSTK) ran 5,000% in the span of a few months: + +&#x200B; + +[Pretty cool, but no MOASS \($OSTK\)](https://preview.redd.it/pfv7rylxb0m81.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d8e09efd116d88372106865e08367c5ba47316) + +You might say hmm, that's a nice coincidence, but what does it have to do with RC's decision to go all-in on GME? Well, I believe it has **everything** to do with it. This stock in question is Overstock, which I'm sure most apes are familiar with. In case you aren't, it's a security which suffered from abusive naked shorting for years. It's former CEO, Patrick Byrne, was one of the few to speak out against wall street, specifically about naked shorting against his company. Unfortunately he became a quite controversial figure, and stepped down as CEO following revelations that he had been in an intimate relationship with Russian spy. Anyways, I digress. The point being is that Patrick tried everything to shake the shorts on his company, eventually invested into blockchain companies, including tZero (sound familiar?) and issued the world's (afaik) first crypto dividend in an attempt to shake off the shorts. Despite the subsequent lawsuits, his company ultimately won the litigation and set the precedent of crypto dividends in the future. + +You may say "OK Great, but I still think this is a coincidence. RC didn't buy into GME because of Overstock". Well let me inverse that logic. Let me ask you, if you saw the run that OSTK went on, assuming you have enough time and assets, **why wouldn't you replicate the squeeze but with a deeper value, more heavily shorted stock?** If you were to do this, the most logical stock to replicate this on is **the most shorted stock on any American exchange.** And guess what, at the time, Gamestop was the only stock shorted **more than 100%** of it's outstanding shares. That, along with it's proximity to tech/blockchain sector (to allow for plausible deniability of price manipulation and a reasonable strategic pivot into the blockchain space) made gamestop the obvious choice. + +&#x200B; + +But Ryan is smart and had second mover advantage. He saw Overstock's squeeze as a temporary fix, merely a band-aid on a systemic issue. See Overstock is still a heavily shorted stock. Sure it's trading at a valuation several multiples higher than before, but one could make the case that it's still manipulated and true price discovery hasn't occurred. It's price movements correspond more with the meme basket than SPY. With a crypto dividend, the SHF could merely pay a cash equivalent for the dividend and call it day. Good for a little squeeze, a little temporary relief. Ryan's not one to do anything half ass, RC wanted to stop naked shorting once and for all. If only he, or his spouse, knew someone working on cutting edge tech to address this: + +[Credits GMEDD. RC's spouse's first name redacted in this image for privacy reasons. ](https://preview.redd.it/5jq6wuvsh0m81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0bb7530a32a1188422e5a30990403f9ab2b4398) + +Finestone hmmm... now why does that name ring a bell. OH RIGHT. Matthew Finestone of Loopring. Wait no, he left for a once-in-a-lifetime perfect-timing, far-reaching opportunity at Gamestop. Matthew Finestone, a former **Bond Trader and Fixed Income Trader** at an Investment Bank, with a **Market Structure Background.** Loopring, a company which has patents to **prevent front-running transactions on decentralized exchanges**. I think most of us at this point are familiar with the theory that loopring's role with gamestop is to provide a decentralized stock exchange. If you aren't please read this incredible DD by u/bosshax: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t7ghsf/gamestop\_loopring\_tokenized\_peer\_to\_peer\_stock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t7ghsf/gamestop_loopring_tokenized_peer_to_peer_stock/) + +If this theory is correct, this would eliminate **ALL NAKED SHORTING** of the security. Trading of GME would be limited to 76M shares at any given time, and more importantly, there would actually be price discovery of the security, something which the NYSE CEO has even admitted isn't happening right now. + +Ok, so we'll have MOASS if we bring GME onto a decentralized exchange which GME facilitates. End game right? Well, like I said, RC isn't someone to do anything half ass. He dislikes naked shorting so much that he's looking for systemic change. Don't believe me? He said it himself yesterday: + +[Letter to BBBY](https://preview.redd.it/5786rbebl0m81.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=19722b37249b7e97644d245ef1dc54048afc562e) + +The great thing about a decentralized stock exchange, once the infrastructure is there it's very scalable. Any stock would be to trade on it. Which companies would be most incentivized to do this? Ones targeted by predatory shorting of course. A company like BBBY. Or maybe even just their successful Baby brand. Really, any of the meme basket would be silly not to join this exchange. + +How would bringing these victimized securities over to the blockchain be reflected in the price of the security? Let me give you a hint: + +[RC's BBBY $80 Strike Calls...](https://preview.redd.it/qgse9t88n0m81.png?width=1901&format=png&auto=webp&s=470a2be3d5f947000e7a51313bfb19d6860ef657) + +Now that's a CHAD move if I ever seen once. I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop here. + +**TL:DR - Ryan Cohen is singlehandedly creating systemic change to the finance industry, destroying malicious SHFs by completely eliminating abusive naked shorting on a whole basket of victimized securities; a result of bringing them onto the GME peer-to-peer blockchain exchange. This has been the plan since August 2020.** +[Original Post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/301lwy/170k_in_student_loan_debt_im_not_a_doctor_lawyer/) + +Here's my one year update for ya'll! Please see my original post for budget and loan details. + + +I'm excited to say I'll be making the final payment on the private student loan (Navient) with the highest interest rate TODAY! **I DON'T HAVE THE WORDS TO DESCRIBE MY EXCITEMENT** In fact, I'm so close to crying (happy tears!) while writing this... + + + +The principal amount in 2008 was $7,350.00. At 8.5 interest it ballooned to just under $9000 last year (despite having made payments since 2012). At the recommendation of you fine Redditors, I started the avalanche method to all my private loans last year. This method allowed me to make more than double the minimum payment on the Navient loan. The last three months I've put more than 4x the payment towards it plus my tax refund. Literally--every penny I could! And with the help of my super-super supportive partner, we're paying it off entirely TODAY!!! + + + +Additionally, my partner and I decided to move out of our expensive apartment and move in with SO's parents to REALLY tackle my private student loan debt. Our goal is to pay off the remainder of my private loans in the next two years, which will be roughly $60k. It's a lofty goal, but we're motivated!! We will essentially live off one income and the other income will be applied to the private loans. Our first focus will be the Chase loan at $35k with an 8.25% interest rate. My parents have also offered to help which will hopefully speed up that two years :) + + + +Thank you SO MUCH r/personalfinance for your guidance and support. Despite the amount of debt, I truly feel IN CONTROL. I also think it's important to emphasize that I'm not doing this alone. Without my partner I would not be able to make this much progress. I am very aware that my situation is not the norm and know that many out there are not as lucky. + + + +TLDR: I currently have a little over $160k in private and federal student loan debt. I'm paying off one of my private loans TODAY! And I've developed a new goal to pay off nearly $60k in TWO YEARS. +Do you keep it cash, use the premiums to buy shares of stock, or something else entirely? + +edit: I purchase 1 share of the stock I made the trade on, and keep the rest cash personally +Not sure if this is the best sub or not, but here goes anyway. + +My husband and I are looking to move, but want to keep our current home to rent out. This will be our first experience trying to invest in real estate. What advice do those who have been landlords have? We are really pretty clueless at this point. +So the short story is i just turned 30 and work as qn inspector in many low income homes in my area. Ive been looking for an opportunity to acquire some investment properties since i am familiar with the business but i am pretty nervous about making a potential purchase this large. An old man ive done inspections for is looking to sell his properties and is willing to finance with 10% down and may go as many as 10 years with around a 6% interest rate. There are a few nicer ones that i would probably flip when the time was right but most are low income, even section 8 type units. 4 buildings of duplexes. 1 triplex. And the rest single family units. 28 total that would be drawing a rent revenue. I have looked at the county website and gotten as much information as possible and have estimated that the average rent for these units would be close to $525 per month. I just dont really know how much I should offer him and how i should decide how high to go. I know he was offered a year ago 300k for everything and he turned it down. He has since sold 3 duplexes for 90k and 3 sf homes for 60k. Im thinking my initial offer at the moment is around 375k and maybe go as high as 550? Ive stressed over this alot the last few days so any help would be greatly appreciated. +I’m debating if I should continue to list my rental or list it up for sale. Has anyone else had a hard time finding tenants for their rental? I’ve been a landlord for almost ten years now and this is the first time my rental has been listed for longer than two months. Is anyone else having a hard time finding a tenant? I know more than a handful of people who own property that they rent out, and I don’t know that many people. Is the market saturated with rentals now a days? I’ve been watching my local market and I see many units listed for rent for over 60 days. + +Sorry. Forgot to post my location. USA. Chicago. North side. +Long time lurker, splitting time between here and FatFire. 32M, married with young kids, $1.1M NW, Midwest. + +Tech has treated me well, reliable income of $300k and saving and investing half in stock market, but reaching point of serious burnout and becoming more and more interested in transitioning out of my sales career and into real estate, eventually. + +My question, have any of you followed a similar path? What is your story? Any guidance you’d share with someone in my shoes? Best resources to get started? + +My dream is to walk away from corporate life by 40 and I’d sincerely appreciate any advice this sub can offer. Thank you! +It’s apparently owned by Mark Zuckerberg, The Rock, and Obama. I’m not sure on the details because there’s really not much information on it and no one is talking about it, but it is supposed to be able to teleport people through the blockchain like in Star Trek without any gas fees + +I read the white paper and I really believe in the tech. I’m hearing they’ve also got some really neat time travel projects on the go. Not to mention every Facebook user will get a free Loopring bandana or keychain (while supplies last) + +The market cap is only $10,000 right now and the dev team is fully doxed. They’re also the same people who created the original Palm Pilot and were instrumental in the development of the new Root Beer flavour of Pop Tarts. I’m not kidding when I say I think it could 1000x time easily by the end of December. + +Of course, as with anything, DYOR. But I’m shocked not a single person is talking about this revolutionary coin. +People need to realize, that at the current (and still raising) popularity of Bitcoin, bigger blocks wouldn't help much if at all. + +The thing is, it is very easy to fill blocks. If blocks aren't consistently full, users can effectively set fees to as low as they want and miners will include them anyway. Maybe there's going to be some delay, maybe not. Nice and dandy, but it doesn't work for long. It worked for BTC because the number of users was tiny. And it will work for altcoins, as long as they are tiny. But as soon as a given altcoin gets popular enough to be even remotely significant, it will hit the same wall. + +As soon as there is more demand than room on the blockchain, some transactions will be left-over and start piling up: the mempool will keep raising until some people are priced out. Some users will say: "well, that's too much, I'm not going to do that test transaction" or "I'm going to use an altcoin for this". There is a "cut-off cliff of pain". I estimate that this pain-price point to be around $10-$20 and kind-of fixed. Exactly between "too expensive for paying for any coffee" and "super-cheap way to make international wires". Where rich users are fine paying, but smaller users have been cut-off. Bitcoin got there already. That's why it's nearing $20k/BTC. That's what many of you wanted, right? + +**Tip for people with small amounts stuck**: get your wallets ready and maybe, if you're lucky, there will another time when network will calm-down a bit (around new year maybe? or maybe when Coinbase finally start supporting SegWit, etc) and either: consolidate all your small outputs into one bigger TXO (segwit one!), or send to an exchange during that time so at least you can sell it. Just three weeks ago we had a period of 2-5sat/B transaction clearing out. + +Anyway, there is no other way. We can't have billions of people on-chain. If we had 8MB blocks, we would still fill them up, until some people wouldn't be able to compete with the fees. Maybe we would buy ourselves a month or two. + +Also: I've heard many people complain that using the coins is most important, and better for Bitcoin than holding it. It's absolute rubbish. The value of Bitcoin is set by how many people are willing to HODL it at a given price-point, not how many people are willing to spend it. "Spending" Bitcoin is just a transfer of Bitcoin from person A, to person B - nothing in the system changed except current owner of some coins. It's even worse if B automatically sells for fiat immediately. Holding BTC means that your consider it worth more than a current market price. Bitcoin could totally work and be worth millions per piece, even with transactions at $100, as long as people consider it safe and worth holding. As long as I can spend $100 once a year to increase my BTC-retirement-fund, and then spend $100 once a year, once I retired to cash out to some local currency, I'm all good. + +Now, I now it sucks if you're not rich, and you can't toy with it, and keep sending between wallets etc. And you feel like altcoins are better etc. And it's true - ATM many altcoins a cheaper way to send small sums of money around. But saving / investing... let me tell you how it looks from my perspective... + +I am a software engineer in Sillicon Valley. I have a well-paying job, I eat $20-worth of sushi for dinner, pay $10 every time I trade stocks, pay $3k each month for rent. I can invest $10k in BTC without thinking too much about it. And I'm not telling you this to make you jealous. The wealth inequality is so vast! That's just reality and I think it gives some perspective. I know as I wasn't born here. And I'm no one special here. I'm a nobody. I can't even afford a decent house here. (hindsight is always 20/20, ha) + +And there are thousands of software engineers like this. They receive and trade stocks on a weekly/monthly basis, worry about the overpriced stock market, overpriced housing, pilling up cash that they have no idea what to do with. Do you think they care if Bitcoin transaction costs $10? No, they don't. And how many people who complain about $1 fees will take to invest as much as a person like me can? Hundreds. And as I said - I'm nobody. A CEOs here can drop $1MM on Bitcoin, just because they feel playful a given day, or they got jealous of some other CEO friend told them how awesome they are doing with BTC, during a golf game on Saturday. And they wouldn't worry about 50% correction much if at all. And do you think these people buy value-phones and look for good deals on economy-class cars? Do you think they have time to research which altcoin of the day has low transactions? Come on. They will all think something like: "let's put 0.1% of my cash into this magic internet money and see what happens. I want that Bitcoin thing too.". + +So, you're free to have your own opinion, but if you ask me, for time being, the people who can not afford to transmit Bitcoin too often will and should just hold it, transferring it when it's relatively cheaper, and use altcoins for playfull spending etc. Just don't expect too much return on your altcoin holdings. I expect Bitcoin to consistently keep growing the fastest, while altcoins keep multiplying. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or an iPhone vs hundreds of Android spin-offs thing. I use Android, but do I believe someone will dethrone iPhone? Nope. + +In a sense... you want to invest in Apple stocks, even if you can't afford to drop $1k on an iPhone yourself. Because of people richer than you that can, and will. + +And if it makes it any better, I know that LN will solve it all for us. We just need to wait a couple of months.. a year maybe for it to be more common. And I've been through all the early hacks, crashes, MtGox, great depression, forking drama... years and years of problems. And Bitcoin being too popular is like the smallest problem I've seen so far. The problem that smaller coins would like to have, haha. Being patient and some educated faith is what you are rewarded for. + +**Edit**: I woke up, and I have to work, so I'm just going to address some common themes. + +Obviously I created this account as throw-away. Duh. + +I already can send quickly money for free. I send my friends money with Google Wallet every day. And in many countries in Europe free wires were a thing for like 10 years now. And for purchasing stuff I am very happy with credit cards. They give me points and stuff. If someone thinks Bitcoin can compete as a "payment processor", then I don't know what to say... Wake up, Bitcoin in itself was never really that great at it. Bitcoin won't be a payment processor for the masses. It will be an alternative monetary and banking system. And on top of it, we will get cheap payments and such. + +**The reason** why I hold Bitcoin is that I have something that can't be taken away from me. Through theft, inflation, confiscation, economic crisis, banking collapse, unjust court order, you name it. Noone can prove I have it, noone can take it away. I can keep 1% of my wealth in this weird *thing* and sleep better at night. Other reasons are secondary, though sure... speculation on the price is a nice thing. + +LN networks are going to work. As a software engineer, I understood how Bitcoin works since I've read the whitepaper and did some research. I've always admired how simple it is. Cryptography part requires expertise, but that's OK. LNs are very elegant and simple too. On a daily basis, I work and improve systems that are way, way more complex than BTC + LN. +Pre:TLDR - it’s super long, if you aren’t full retard and want to understand this, read it. If you don’t have the brainpower, there a TLDR. + +I'm a Loan Officer for one of the larger retail lenders. Here’s an overview of how the Fed gone and fucked over mortgage lenders. + +Credit for the content below should go to Barry Habib of MBS Highway. + +THE CORONAVIRUS MELTDOWN +The current coronavirus crisis is having a critical impact on the mortgage industry, which could potentially make the 2008 financial crisis pale in comparison. The pressing issue centers around capital that's required by Mortgage Lenders to be able to function and meet covenants that are required for them to continue to lend. + +HERES HOW THE MORTGAGE MARKET WORKS +Let's begin with the mortgage process. A borrower goes to a Mortgage Originator to obtain a mortgage. Once closed, the loan is handled by a Servicer, which may or may not be the same company that originated the loan. The borrower submits payments to the Servicer, however, the Servicer does not own the loan, they are simply maintaining the loan. This means collecting payments and forwarding them to the investor (Fannie/Freddie/Ginnie), paying taxes and insurance, and answering questions, etc. While they maintain or "service" the loan, the asset itself is sold to an aggregator or directly to a government agency like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae. The loan then gets placed in a large bundle, which is put in the hands of an Investment Banker. The Investment Banker converts those loans into a Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) that can be sold to the public. This shows up in different investments like Mutual Funds, Insurance Plans, and Retirement Accounts. + +The Servicer's role is very critical. In order to obtain the right to service loans, the Servicer will typically pay 1% of the loan amount up front. The Servicer then receives a monthly payment or "strip" equal to about 30 basis points (bps) per year. Because they paid about 1% to obtain the servicing rights and receive roughly 30 bps annual income, the breakeven period is approximately 3 years. The longer that loan remains on the books, the more money the Servicer makes. In many cases, the Servicer may want to use leverage to increase their level of income. Therefore, they may often finance half the cost of acquiring the loan and pay the rest in cash. + +SERVICER DILEMMA +As you can imagine, when interest rates drop dramatically, there is an increased incentive for many people to refinance their loans more rapidly. This causes the loans that a Servicer had on their books to pay off sooner…often before that 3-year breakeven period. This servicing runoff creates losses for that Mortgage Lender who is servicing the loan. The more loans in a Mortgage Lender’s portfolio, the greater the loss. Servicing runoff, or even the anticipation of it, can adversely impact the market valuation of a servicing portfolio. But at the same time, Lenders typically experience an increase in new loan activity because of the decline in interest rates. This gives them additional income to help overcome the losses in their servicing portfolio. + +But the Coronavirus has caused a virtual shutdown of the US economy, which has created an unprecedented amount of job losses. This adds a new risk to the servicer because borrowers may have difficulty paying their mortgage in a timely manner. And although the Servicer does not own the asset, they have the responsibility to make the payment to the investor, even if they have not yet received it from the borrower. Under normal circumstances, the Servicer has plenty of cushion to account for this. But an extreme level of delinquency puts the Servicer in an unmanageable position. + +I'M FROM THE GOVERNMENT AND I'M HERE TO HELP +In the Government’s effort to help those who have lost their jobs because of the Coronavirus shutdown, they have granted forbearance of mortgage payments for affected individuals. This presents an enormous obstacle for Servicers who are obligated to forward the mortgage payment to the investor, even though they have not yet received it. Fortunately, there is a new facility set up to help Mortgage Servicers bridge the gap to the investor. However, it is unclear as to how long it will take for Servicers to access this facility. + +But what has not been yet contemplated is the fact that a borrower who does not make their first mortgage payment causes the loan to be ineligible to be sold to an investor. This means that the Servicer must hold onto the asset itself, which ties up their available credit. And with so many new loans being originated of late, the amount of transactions that will not qualify for sale is significant. This restricts the Lender’s ability to clear their pipeline and get reimbursed with cash so they can now fund new transactions. + +MARK TO MARKET +This week - Due to accelerated prepayments and the uncertainty of repayment, the value of servicing was slashed in half from 1% to 0.5%. This drastic decrease in value prompted margin calls for the many Servicers who financed their acquisition of servicing. Additionally, the decreased value of a Lender’s servicing portfolio reduces the Lender’s overall net worth. Since the amount a lender can lend is based on a multiple of their net worth, the decrease in value of their servicing portfolio asset, along with the cash paid for margin calls, reduces their capacity to lend. + +UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES +The Fed’s desire to bring mortgage rates down isn’t just damaging servicing portfolios because of prepayments, it’s also wreaking chaos in Lenders’ ability to hedge their risk. Let’s look at what happens when a borrower locks in their mortgage rate with a Mortgage Lender. Mortgage rates are based on the trading of Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS). As Mortgage Backed Securities rise in price, interest rates improve and move lower. A locked rate on a loan is nothing more than a lender promising to hold an interest rate for a period of time, or until the transaction closes. The Lender is at risk for any MBS price changes in the marketplace between the time they agreed to grant the lock and the time that the loan closes. + +If rates were to rise because MBS prices declined, the Lender would be obligated to buy down the borrower’s mortgage rate to the level they were promised. And since the Lender doesn’t want to be in a position of gambling, they hedge their locked loans by shorting Mortgage Backed Securities. Therefore, should MBS drop in price, causing rates to rise, the Lender’s cost to buy down the borrower’s rate is offset by the Lender’s gains of their short positions in MBS. + +Now think about what happens when MBS prices rise or improve, causing mortgage rates to decline. On paper the Lender should be able to close the mortgage loan at a better price than promised to the borrower, giving the Lender additional profits. However, the Lender’s losses on their short position negate any additional profits from the improvement in MBS pricing. This hedging system works well to deliver the borrower what was promised, while removing market risk from the Lender. + +But in an effort to reduce mortgage rates, the Fed has been purchasing an incredible amount of Mortgage Backed Securities, causing their price to rise dramatically and swiftly. This, in turn, causes the Lenders’ hedged short positions of MBS to show huge losses. These losses appear to be offset on paper by the potential market gains on the loans that the lender hopes to close in the future. But the Broker Dealer will not wait on the possibility of future loans closing and demands an immediate margin call. The recent amount that these Lenders are paying in margin calls are staggering. They run in the tens of millions of Dollars. All this on top of the aforementioned stresses that Lenders are having to endure. So, while the Fed believes they are stimulating lending, their actions are resulting in the exact opposite. The market for Government Loans, Jumbo Loans, and loans that don’t fit ideal parameters, have all but dried up. And many Lenders have no choice but to slow their intake of transactions by throttling mortgage rates higher and by reducing the term that they are willing to guarantee a rate lock. + +Furthering the Fed’s unintended consequences was the announcement to cut interest rates on the Fed Funds Rate by 1% to virtually zero. Because the Fed’s communication failed to educate the general public that the Fed Funds Rate is very different than mortgage rates, it prompted borrowers in process to break their locks and try to jump ship to a lower rate. This dramatically increased hedging losses from loans that didn’t end up closing. + +EVEN STEPHEN KING COULD NOT HAVE SCRIPTED THIS +It’s been said that the Stock market will do the most damage, to the most people, at the worst time. And the current mortgage market is experiencing the most perfect storm. Just when volume levels were at the highest in history, servicing runoff at its peak, and pipelines hedged more than ever, the Coronavirus arrived. +Lenders need to clear their pipelines, but social distancing is making it more difficult for transactions to be processed. And those loans that are about to close require that employment be verified. As you can imagine, with millions of individuals losing their jobs, those mortgages are unable to fund, leaving lenders with more hedging losses and no income to offset it. + +WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW +Fortunately, there are many smart people in the Mortgage Industry who are doing everything they can to navigate through these perilous times. But the Fed and our Government needs to stop making it more difficult. The Fed must temporarily slow MBS purchases to allow pipelines to clear. Lawmakers need to allow for first payment defaults, due to forbearance, to be saleable. And finally, the Fed must more clearly communicate that Mortgage Rates and the Fed Funds Rate are not the same. We have faith that the effects of the Coronavirus will subside and that things will become more normalized in the upcoming months. + + +So, that’s what’s going on - I’d love some input on the best way to use this info for trades. Personally I think that mid-sized loan servicers with minimal diversity are most at risk. Quicken isn't publicly traded, Wells Fargo is too big for their mortgage servicing alone to cripple them. + +Edit: adding this - There are three main issues: +1.) margin call +2.) inability to sell recently originated loans with a forbearance in place prior to the first payment +3.) a servicer still needs to pay Fannie/Freddie/Ginnie even if someone with an existing loan is in forbearance + +These can combine to be a huge cash burn. The fix for #1 is just that the Fed stops buying MBS but the second two require legislation. + +So, what servicers are at risk? + +EDIT MADE: I’m an idiot and the original post contained some figures for commercial MBS servicing by banks. + +Originally I proposed a ticker weighted in CMBS and someone pointed out I’m an idiot. A couple people have commented COOP - Mr. Cooper has a $548B servicing portfolio, which is massive. They aren’t a bank and are solely a mortgage lender/servicer, so I do like that play. + +So, 10/16 COOP 5p + +TL;DR: If you want to know details of how residential mortgage loan servicers are at high risk due to CARES Act, theres about 20 mins of reading. Or, just know they are at high risk unless the government fixes some shit they broke. +Hey all. Age-old question: is it more prudent for me to hold VFF and ACB (losses presently around the 60-70% mark) until they "possibly" recover or sell, put the losses behind me and invest what little I have left in balanced ETF's? Thank you! +Hey guys Facebook is getting hit very hard today especially. + +There is currently an outage if the app and all there similar sites(Instagram, WhatsApp) which is bad news + +Also a whistleblower coming out saying Facebook Is caring more about themselves instead of the public’s best interest. Isn’t that the mission of every company though, to Benefit their bottom line? Doesn’t literally every public for profit company do the exact same thing? + +What’s your thoughts on this dip and the long term outlook of Facebook? + +I Currently own shares in Facebook +This will be relatively short and to the point. Just wanted to say, without doxing myself, that as someone who has worked with Jon Stewart in the past: he’s the real deal IMO and someone that actually gives a shit. + +After the absurdity that everyone witnessed last January with GME, the first person who I wished would jump on the story was Jon. Not because of his comedic chops… though he has that in spades… but his honest to goodness empathy that I’ve seen displayed firsthand towards people who are in the right and getting a bad deal. + +Thanking Jon in the past for his working with the 9/11 first responders, and fighting alongside them to get the care they deserve. You know what he said to me? “No, It’s the least I can do”. He treated it like an honor in as humble a way as possible. Something that made his efforts that much more meaningful to me. + +Working alongside him for awhile, I never saw anything but that humble nature (and natural joke telling ability) and as weird as it sounds, the guy genuinely made me want to strive to be the best version of me I can be… like a comedic Fred Rogers without the sweater and puppets. + +No I am not “close friends” or anything like that, but when I say that I am so happy Jon is part of the conversation I hope you understand it comes from a more grounded place. + +What a time to be alive. +Thanks guys for helping me learn how to save my money in smart ways. Conservatively buying ETFs and SPDR funds and putting money into high yield accounts has been awesome. Made $0.02 of interest from my bank accounts and $0.81 off of my stocks today! It really isn’t much but I didn’t have to work at all to earn that money, feels nice! + +Edit: Thanks for all the advice, I got a lot of valuable information from you guys. I’m definitely gonna work on moving out of earning minimum wage. I’ve got a pretty well paying internship available for me over the summer, but in the meantime, I’m checking for jobs near me that pay higher. +I want to preface this post by saying I am a 20 year old living in Australia with limited financial knowledge. + +My situation is that I have been lucky and inherited 65000 dollars from an Irish relative who passed. The money was originally inherited by my uncle in Ireland before he transferred it to my parents where it is sitting in one of their accounts waiting to be given to me. + +I am a university student with a job and I am able to pay for my immediate expenses with the money I earn. I have university debt and I am only half way through my degree. I want to place the money somewhere that I can leave it while I educate myself better about finances and what I want to do with the money. I would like to be able to access the funds though should a situation arise as my situation is not completely stable. + +Right now I feel as though I will likely open a new savings account and place it there. + +I want to know what people here would do in my situation? + +Are there options I am not even aware of? + +Are there any risks I should know about when moving money around? + +What is the best area of finance to educate myself in for the immediate future? + +Thanks in advance and apologies if my post is poorly formatted or naive, I sadly am very inexperienced when it comes to finance. +To be honest I live a medioka life with a medioka job and thought it's worth the risk for a better quality of life than this one in a couple of years or so if things go to plan..🙈 +I'll make this pretty quick, I'm 24 and I had been making $10 an hour for the past year and my wife has been making $13. We're doing okay paying our bills but didn't have much to save. I just accepted an offer 45k a year at the same org (I love where I work), and I'm wondering what to do when our emergency fund is saved up. We do not have an emergency fund that can sustain us for 3 months, so that is our top priority. + +We've lived well below our means, even while I got paid $10/hr and she got paid $13/hr. We are working off our student loans and have 33k left. My question is, once that emergency fund is saved should we aggressively pay off our debt until it's paid off and then save for a house? OR save for a home and pay off debt less aggressively at the same time? +I had decided weeks ago that I was not going to dump more into gme, but I have been finding myself buying more shares out of spite. Spite for the hedgefunds and upper class, spite for the rampant wealth inequality of the world and shit governments that seem to rule in every country... This is the first time ever I have felt like I am able to "vote" with my money. There is electricity in the air, the MOASS is coming and I am so ready for it. +Been investing 4 years now. Made couple dumb early mistakes and happily learned from the them (HUGE.CZN and other pot stocks for example). VET was in for a bit and got out just in time after losing 18%..........but still holding AQN from these early mistake days and it has been performing for me at 34%. + +Reading thru the daily comments, this name always pops up. WHY? Seeing a lot of traders with less then 100 share positions etc being swayed into this name, makes me want to to get out of it. Holding in FRESP so don't care about time, just not sure where to take profit on this name, and I don't do or care about DD since I'm almost all ETF's now. +Good Morning Apes! + +Right out of the gate in PM today we saw a massive drop in price on GME dipping us down to 169 (bullish) and now are looking at almost 58.6k volume in the pre-market. This is the highest pre-market volume in quite some time and a good indicator that we are gonna see a pretty interesting day play out. ETF FTDs are due today as their T+3 settlement window makes their T+35 settlement day one day later than the standard settlement period e.g. October 14th. I'm gonna stand by my price targets for the week even though it didn't hold for long yesterday it still hit. + +[186.45 Support \/ 192.27 Low \/ 207.67 High](https://preview.redd.it/mb1os37vyzu71.png?width=2437&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d28c57f897af11e12c23d71d5aabbaacb57bca1) + +*\*This is just to give a rough estimate of where we will likely see the majority of our volume trade today and an idea of how high we could spike if they cover FTDs, I'll note with the bid/ask as wide as it is, it's possible we could go higher however with FTDs 87% lower than last year's corresponding cycle I do not expect this.* + +For more information on this and my futures theory please check out my weekly DD. + +Check out this weeks analysis here: [Weekly Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qa8xem/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_week_1_futures_wrapup/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Well lots of ITM put interest posted up today If you guys have been following my videos and DD on this theory that usually indicates they are done covering. There may some gamma exposure next Tuesday with the last expected fail date on the 26th but I am not expecting a lot more covering of these FTDs in the near term. I will go more in depth with this in Sunday's DD. Thank you all for tuning in and have a great weekend. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/vaipqy8562v71.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8328149ac4011a81d1c3db71dd23b149d5d22ed + +Edit 6 3:11 + +Finally coming back a bit from that chop along the daily EMA 160 max pain still at 182.5 so there is plenty of reasonable room to the upside into close. + +https://preview.redd.it/a3g5r8mjw1v71.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=f655d64cc417a4f8fa515f3e634db5769bf2a1b3 + +Edit 5 1:56 + +Triple bottoming at 169 looks like our support for the day. Lots of bots joining the stream chats saying things like "sold my GME to buy DWAC" or "sell your GME to buy DWAC" seems super sus, thought I'd let people know. + +https://preview.redd.it/u0qnc7qej1v71.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=009c02f78dae731086f14467107e4f66b856253b + +Edit 4 11:53 + +At least we know no one is selling + +https://preview.redd.it/k1eijqe8x0v71.jpg?width=533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c54953c016f895476c63e9dfe3be58b5f2fa84f + +Edit 3 11:38 + +Volatility spike to the downside hitting exactly 169.16 the exact low from this morning + +https://preview.redd.it/znj9a42ju0v71.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0378ad6781c9387823a27033deeddcfd4e37bad + +Edit 2 11:31 + +Going lower after the failed bounce on 170 we have no dipped near the pre-market low at 169. Max pain still at 182.50 + +https://preview.redd.it/svucpnqdt0v71.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d03a2be5b26a41af3f53c5863495f558e4f9ab5 + +Edit 1 10:31 + +Hard push down this morning probably some selling from speculators closing out long options contracts and definitely some shorting indicated by shares borrowed. Still dropping looking for some support but GME's borrow rate is now up .01% to .07% + +https://preview.redd.it/yq9dff9qi0v71.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a4934f416129b2f98d24fec337fb814977805fe + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +As noted above the volume is significantly higher this morning at 58.6k than normal and climbing. IBKR with + +[🤔](https://preview.redd.it/d9xqlifizzu71.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=44d772894fd373a1af9de8085602471a58eef78f) + +and Fidelity with 1.349m available. There is a gap up around 189 that we could potentially fill. All FTDs due still from yesterday need to be closed by market open at 9:30am. At 4am today a large sell dropped our price to 169 and we have since bounced back now trading just 2% down from yesterday's close. If the intention was to dip before covering then today is looking promising. + +[GME pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/fvyw8p6j10v71.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b521e1bf0cf191454b847562ed8c5b2bc7e58c6) + +This is the largest pre-market price movement since earnings. So a check on CV\_VWAP is in order. + +&#x200B; + +[Large arbitrage spike this morning outside of the rolling average but not yet hitting that first signal line. I'll check throughout the day especially if we see more dramatic price movement.](https://preview.redd.it/3i2djopj20v71.png?width=2402&format=png&auto=webp&s=d051a7b67e8647ea981de2174c9e2a307e5e0249) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Mortgages and other investments aside. + +Update: Thank you all for the insightful discussion - I've got a bit of reading to do! I decided this year would be the year that I sort my shit out and get financially literate and secure so I'll be asking plenty more questions. +Thanks again! +I see the pros and cons to each but ultimately like the spontaneity that ownership allows for and the idea of building memories at _my_ place instead of _someone else’s_. + +With that said, the idea of maintaining and managing a second home is a little daunting and renting allows me to explore different places. +No matter how secure you think your btc is, it could be obtained by a $5 wrench. + +Its only as secure as your pain tolerance. + +Just say “not enough” if asked. + + +**🛡 ANNOUNCEMENT OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 🛡** + +**With a well-defined token utility, responsive team of developers/admins, and dedicated marketing plan, the** [**Shield Network**](https://www.shieldnetwork.io/) **($SHILD) project has seen inspiring growth. The project has everything in the making to become one of the most valuable Binance Smart Chain projects in 2021 and beyond. At only $18M market cap, it presents one of the most promising investment opportunities for a market saturated with pump-and-dump and "safe" coins that lack utility.** + +**Emphasizing the Shield Network team's recognition of the need and value of transparency, the team has begun holding weekly AMA sessions.** [**The first AMA is available on the team's YouTube channel**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcPZ_1eoFUQ)**. The team is currently planning an AMA for today at 22:00 UTC and has** [**posted a survey for both community members and prospective investors to ask questions**](https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/83F2QW8) **about the roadmap, launchpad development, and marketing strategy.** + +**From a marketing standpoint, the Shield Network team has completed the contract and payment with the Clear Channel Group for a one week New York City Times Square digital billboard advertisement that will begin TOMORROW on May 3rd. The 90 x 154 feet billboard will run for 5 minutes per hour, is located in Times Square off of 47th street, and is noted to have 157,000 impressions per week (Clear Channel statistics)! A group of community members has also self-funded a month-long billboard campaign in San Juan, Puerto Rico and will be hosting a giveaway for those that can be the first to take a selfie with the ad. Additionally, upon request from the community, the Shield Network team has setup a community-funded marketing wallet to allow for additional marketing opportunities. In just a few days, the community raised nearly $6K. The team opened a Telegram community poll to gauge how the community would prefer the funds be allocated with the expectation of making a final decision as a group during the upcoming AMA.** + +**To date, the Shield Network token has been listed on Coin Market Cap, Coin Gecko, Blockfolio, Delta App, and Stocktwits!** + +**As with any new token, the team encourages prospective investors to do their own research, learn more below, and only invest when you're comfortable doing so!** + +\----------------------------------------------- + +**What is the Shield Network project?** + +Shield Network is an upcoming project created on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), aspiring to create a safer cryptocurrency market for everyone. The project token ($SHILD) is a deflationary currency with a 2% tax on every transaction – 1% is removed or “burned” from supply and 1% is redistributed amongst current holders. As with all deflationary tokens, the Shield Network token can only increase in rarity. Perhaps even rarer, the Shield Network has a central goal that extends past creating a token just like the rest. + +Shield Network strives to become the principal token-auditing platform in which every token is meticulously and methodically audited to expose scam projects, guarantee safety to investors, and instill confidence in the market as a whole. + +The Shield Network team has recognized the need and value of transparency, which led to a recent release of a [complete TechRate smart contract audit of the Shield Network token](https://www.shieldnetwork.io/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Shield-Network-Full-Smart-Contract-Security-Audit.pdf). Moreover, the team is finalizing negotiations with Certik, the gold standard for market audits, to complete a follow-on audit sometime in May. The development team openly polled the community before committing to the Certik audit and the corresponding funds required from the developer wallet. + +&#x200B; + +**Who is the team behind the project? What is their vision?** + +The Shield Network is a dedicated team consisting of 6 developers from Norway with several others serving in a moderating capacity. Their vision is to make the cryptocurrency market a safer place for all investors. + +With the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency, the market has been flooded with new investors who often invest with limited or non-existent knowledge of the proliferation of scam, “rug-pull”, or “pump-and-dump” projects. The number of these exploitative projects has grown exponentially and will continue to do so as the market expands. Failure to vet such projects would lead to a detrimental risk to new investors that would damage the perception of the cryptocurrency market. + +Shield Network foresees scam projects as a problem that will never go away, but one that can be mitigated. That is why Shield Network will be creating the first pre-launch token auditing platform that will give investors the ability to invest their money in new projects with confidence and assurance. + +In addition to building a pre-audited launch platform, the project will seek to focus on establishing and helping the community. Their intent is to provide investors with advice on how to trade and invest in a safe manner, minimize risk and losses, and ultimately, maximize gains. The team believes this to be much needed in the cryptocurrency space and hopes that their efforts will create a positive impact throughout the cryptocurrency community. + +Team doxxing remains a worthwhile concern from prospective investors, and the team has committed to doing so sometime in the future once everyone is in agreement and they're comfortable doing so on both a personal and professional level. + +&#x200B; + +**How will the Shield Network auditing platform function?** + +The Shield Network auditing platform consists of a three-tiered Shield Pad launch system: + +*Tier 1 – Guardian Launch* + +* All token projects launched in Tier 1 are guaranteed by Shield to be 100% safe. +* Projects will be required to have their lead developer undergo KYC verification to Shield. +* Projects will be audited and deployed by Shield. +* Projects will have development funds held by Shield. +* Shield will provide 24/7 developer support and a marketing manager for project launches +* *Tier 1 projects will only be accessible to new investors who hold a minimum (to be determined) number of Shield Network tokens.* + +*Tier 2 – Audited Launch* + +* All token projects launched in Tier 2 are meticulously and methodically audited by Shield. +* Projects will be required to have their lead developer undergo KYC verification to Shield. +* Project audits will ensure that the contract is safe and the tokenomics work as marketed. +* Projects will have time-locked development funds to prevent “liquidity stripping”. +* *Tier 2 projects will only be accessible to new investors who hold a minimum (to be determined) number of Shield Network tokens.* + +*Tier 3 – Decentralized Launch* + +* All token projects launched in Tier 3 are completely decentralized. Shield recommends that potential investors do their own research before investing. +* Projects will have 50% of listing fees used for Shield Network development and 50% of listing fees used for buying and burning Shield Network tokens. +* *Tier 3 projects are open to all new investors with no minimum required holding of Shield Network tokens.* + +&#x200B; + +**How is the Shield Network project valuable to investors?** + +The Shield Pad auditing platform has multi-faceted investment value. First and foremost, the Shield Pad will be a safe and trusted platform for investors to find project that have been thoroughly vetted before reaching the market. Secondly, it rewards token holders with early access to investment presales. Next, it will function as a marketing tool for new projects due to access to the large Shield Network investor base. Finally, it provides the Shield Network project with an income stream via listing fees to fund other aspects of the project. + +&#x200B; + +**What is the Shield Network tokenomics?** + +The Shield Network tokenomics are characterized by three features: + +* Auto Burn – 1% of Shield tokens in each transaction are “burned” or removed from circulating supply forever. +* Frictionless Staking – 1% of Shield Tokens in each transaction are redistributed amongst holders. +* Automatic Liquidity Pool (LP) – Every trade automatically contributes toward generating liquidity locked inside the Pancake Swap LP. + +Tokenomic Breakdown: + +* Total Supply = 1 Trillion +* Burned on Minting = 33% +* DxLocked = 47% +* Presale Tokens = 20% + * 80% of the presale supply will be added to the liquidity pool and locked by DxSale for 5 years. + * 20% of the presale supply will be used for marketing and expansion. + +&#x200B; + +**What’s on this year’s roadmap for Shield Network?** + +**Q2** + +* Shield Network Launch +* Listing on Pancake Swap +* Website and Social Media Accounts +* Marketing Campaign +* Community Building +* Listings on Coin Market Cap, Coin Gecko, and Blockfolio +* PriceBot + +**Q3** + +* Development of Pre-Auditing Launch Pad +* Expand Team via Hiring of Additional Solidity Developers +* Marketing Push +* Establish NFT Partnerships + +**Q4** + +* Audit Contracts +* Large Marketing Campaigns +* Charity Donations +* Create NFT Marketplace + +&#x200B; + +**How can I invest in the Shield Network on PancakeSwap?** + +The Shield Network token is now available for investment on PancakeSwap using the following steps: + +* **NOTE: PancakeSwap Version 1 (old) should be selected at bottom of browser.** + +1. Buy BNB (Smart Chain) on Binance or any exchange that supports BNB (Smart Chain). +2. Send BNB (Smart Chain) to either your TrustWallet or MetaMask wallet. +3. In your wallet browser, visit [shieldnetwork.io](https://shieldnetwork.io) and click the 'Buy Now on PancakeSwap' button. +4. In the top corner of your browser, select the Binance Smart Chain Network option. +5. Connect wallet. +6. Swap any BNB (Smart Chain) amount of your choice for Shield Network (SHILD) tokens. Be sure to set slippage (gear icon for settings) to >2% to account for deflationary fees and potential price volatility. +7. After swap confirmation, a pop-up notification is seen on the page. If the transaction fails, do not panic, return to settings and increase your slippage percentage. +8. To view your Shield Network tokens, add a custom token to your TrustWallet/Metamask account by using the token contract address: 0x0e690ee6fcc26bc09fed2d2287268c23d4a81e42 +9. Congratulations, you've purchased your tokens and are now a part of the team! + +&#x200B; + +**How can I learn more as a prospective investor/project?** + +**Website:** [https://www.shieldnetwork.io](https://www.shieldnetwork.io) + +**Telegram:** [https://t.me/shieldnetwork](https://t.me/shieldnetwork) + +**Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/shieldnetio](https://twitter.com/shieldnetio) + +**Discord:** [https://discord.gg/52MhgkNsBG](https://discord.gg/52MhgkNsBG) + +**Instagram:** [https://instagram.com/shieldnetio](https://instagram.com/shieldnetio) + +**YouTube:** [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9e3NXZGHxrVpudNILWLCfQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9e3NXZGHxrVpudNILWLCfQ) + +**Medium:** [https://shieldnetwork.medium.com/](https://shieldnetwork.medium.com/) + +&#x200B; + +**Shield Network Contract Address:** 0x0e690ee6fcc26bc09fed2d2287268c23d4a81e42 + +**BSC Explorer:** [https://bscscan.com/token/0x0e690ee6fcc26bc09fed2d2287268c23d4a81e42](https://bscscan.com/token/0x0e690ee6fcc26bc09fed2d2287268c23d4a81e42) +British fund manager Ruffer Investment Management has shifted around $675 million of its clients’ fortunes into bitcoin, an investor memo seen by Reuters showed, in one of the largest signals of rising institutional interest in the digital currency this year. + +The firm, which manages 20.3 billion pounds ($27.3 billion) in assets on behalf of more than 6,500 investors globally, described the allocation as “a small but potent insurance policy against the continuing devaluation of the world’s major currencies”, the memo said. + +The allocation represents around 2.5% of its total assets, the memo said. Ruffer referred Reuters requests for comment to its media relations agency, which did not immediately respond to enquiries. + + + “Bitcoin diversifies the company’s (much larger) investments in gold and inflation-linked bonds, and acts as a hedge to some of the monetary and markets risks we see,” Ruffer said in the memo. + +[https://de.reuters.com/article/ruffer-cryptocurrency/uk-fund-firm-ruffer-piles-675-million-into-bitcoin-in-defensive-move-memo-idUKKBN28Q1M7](https://de.reuters.com/article/ruffer-cryptocurrency/uk-fund-firm-ruffer-piles-675-million-into-bitcoin-in-defensive-move-memo-idUKKBN28Q1M7) +So i've been doing some research and I still cant figure out in what currency should buy the ETF (any of them). + +I have USD on my account but I'm based in Europe. Should I convert it to EUR or it doesn't really matter? But will it matter 30 yrs from now when I cash out? + + +Thank you in advance. +Hi folks, I have recently got a great offer from my company in Ireland to work remotely anywhere in Europe (due to time difference) and I've decided that I would like to take it. The salary would be decent for someone my age in Ireland, but the problem here is that we have a housing crisis and rent is outsized. However, in Spain, where cost of living seems to be about half the price of Ireland, I could live very well and be better able to save and purchase property. + +What I am more confused about is how taxation would work. I've looked up similar threads online but the general advice is just to seek help from an accountant. There is talk as well of rules changing now that Covid has created a lot more fully remote positions, but it seems remotely working in another country is still a bit niche and the guidance is not super clear. + +So far, I've seen two main scenarios. One is that my company would need to register as a business in Spain so that they could automatically deduct taxes and social security from my wages to pay directly to the Spanish government. This seems great for me, but a pain for them. The other option is for me to become an autonomo/contractor in Spain and invoice my company for my services, then I would be responsible to deduct my taxes/etc and pay to Spanish government. This would be easier for my company, but would be more of a pain for me, and I would worry that being self-employed could lead to implications if I do want to get on the property ladder over the next few years. + +I know there are double-taxation treaties and I did see one post that seems to imply that since my income was entirely Irish-sourced from a company with no business/clients in Spain, that I could potentially pay taxes on my income in Ireland but not social security, which I would then pay in Spain instead when I manually filed taxes each year, plus the difference in income tax as Spain has slightly higher tax. This seems like an OK option, but I don't know if it's actually plausible since I would be tax resident in Spain (I plan to live there for at least a few years). + +I know I'll probably need to get accountants involved anyway, but does anyone have any insight that I've missed? Have any of you worked remotely in Spain for another EU country? Will it be prohibitively expensive or difficult for my company to register in Spain if they needed to? + +Thanks in advance for any advice! +Hi All! I am looking for a clean and simple solution to track my wealth in terms of investments and savings. There are plenty of tools to track the ETF/Shares performance, but I am looking for something more generic where everything can be included. +Hello, + +I am 37 and based in the EU. I would like to do a lump-sum of about $100k in low-cost accumulating ETFs and keep them for about 15-20 years. + +So far I am leaning towards 80-20% equities-bonds in the following format: + +* Equities: 70% SWDA, 10% EMIM +* Bonds: 20% ITPS + +Any concerns about this allocation? + +I don't really understand how one needs to choose the right ETFs for the bonds allocation. Based on the fact that SWDA is mostly US leaning, should I be adequately looking at US bonds to counter balance that? + +How exactly should I choose say between the following bond ETFs: + +- iShares Core Global Aggregate Bond UCITS ETF EUR Hedged (Acc) (IE00BDBRDM35) + +- iShares USD Treasury Bond 3-7yr UCITS ETF (Acc) (IE00B3VWN393) + +- iShares USD TIPS UCITS ETF USD (Acc) (IE00B1FZSC47) + + +Thanks in advance. +**How is this one different than the other “I just crossed $1,000,000” posts?** + +1. I’m not working a high paying job. I actually FIREd 5 years ago and am living off my investments. +2. Last year I lived in 4 different countries and traveled to 11 others +3. My expenses for 2019 were 70% less than the average American in a MCOL city +4. I’m still eating out, being social, and traveling extensively + +I did a [Q3’2019 Spending update](https://www.reddit.com/r/leanfire/comments/dobzp3/overseas_fire_spending_update_q3_2019/) a few months ago. Based on the feedback of that post, rather than just review my Q4 2019 spending, I did a full year review: this breaks down my spending, my income, my investments, and a brief pro/con of places I lived. + +**2019 Highlights** + +* $1,000,000+: invested retirement assets as of Jan 2020 +* 5: Number of Years FIREd +* 11%: Year over Year growth to reach One Million Dollars +* 2.6%: Withdrawal Rate as % of Beginning of the Year balance of Retirement Savings +* $22,000: Annual passive income generated from invested retirement assets (cash flow only, excludes appreciation) +* 15: Number of countries visited +* 0: Number of 10-second handstands held (was my goal for the year) + +**UPDATE**: As of February 29th, I am no longer a member of the 2 comma club. But F\*ck It, I took a long time getting this information together and writing this post. I’m not shelving it because of a bad cough named after a crap beer. + +Besides, I think it’s even more relevant. Though my Net Worth has dropped due to market volatility, I’ve diversified enough that my WR doesn’t change. The passive income from my investments is still 1.8X my annual expenses. + +The changes I have made in 2019 have given me additional levers to pull and reduce my spending level even further if there is a protracted market correction. + +**2019 Year in Review** + +Homebases: + +***Q1: Medellin, Colombia*** + +PROS: Medellin has become one of my favorite cities. The weather is literally the best I have ever experienced: not humid, spring temperatures, no bugs, [mountain views](https://imgur.com/NE20EZx), lots of green. Cost of living is lower than many places I have lived in SE Asia. + +CONS: While SIGNIFICANTLY safer than 25 years ago (Pablo Escobar died 1993), you still have to take precautions (take cabs at night, be extra vigilant of your belongings, never take your eye off your drink, etc) that I wouldn’t take in any of the other cities I lived this year. + +***Q2: Vienna, Austria*** + +PROS: Voted the most “Livable city in the world” for the second year in a row, it’s easy to fall in love with Vienna. The city is drop dead gorgeous. Public transportation is extensive. The culture and arts scene is world class. + +CONS: It’s expensive. It’s still cheaper than a MCOL city in the US (roughly equivalent to Kansas City, Mo), but about twice the price of Medellin. Also, it’s a Schengen Agreement country, which means US Citizens only get 90 days out of every 180 days to live there (or any of the 26 other European Schengen countries). Schengen is a pain in the ass visa situation for me, which led me to applying for a Retirement Visa in Spain this year. Results and process to the Spain Visa to be posted in the near future. + +Additional cities visited: Slovenia, Croatia (Dubrovnik), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar). Austria’s central location in Europe allows for easy trips via bus, train, and cheap flights. I took a one week trip through the Balkans to [Dubrovnik while watching the final season of Game of Thrones](https://imgur.com/CrTW2Pt). + +***Q3: Sofia, Bulgaria*** + +This was the [subject of my last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leanfire/comments/dobzp3/overseas_fire_spending_update_q3_2019/), so rather than repeat, you can read up on what Sofia was like. TL;DR- Bulgaria is extremely underrated: beautiful mountains, [sunny beaches](https://imgur.com/OqUPVtJ), and low cost of living. + +Additional cities visited: Austria (Vienna), Czechia (Prague), Serbia (Belgrade), Bulgaria (Plovdiv and Rila). + +***Q4: Limassol, Cyprus*** + +PROS: Sunshine for days. Seriously. Cyprus averages 340 sunny days a year. We lived a [15 minute walk to the beach](https://imgur.com/a/7NAWhNQ). Cypriots are very friendly folks. Had the workings of a social circle forming, which makes any place 10 X better. + +CONS: It’s expensive. Also not worth the cost, which makes any place 10 X worse. COL is roughly equal to Vienna, but has none of the advantages. Urban sprawl is a significant issue. Walkablility is restricted and public transportation is scarce. Food choices are limited (every meal involves meat on a stick). Our shared flat was $450 per month and I felt like I was [re-living my impoverished college days](https://imgur.com/IME4AKU). + +Other cities visited: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (Kyrenia), [Israel (Jerusalem)](https://imgur.com/3ETPzLf), Palestine (Bethlehem), Italy (Rome), USA (Las Vegas). + +**Income:** + +|(In USD)|**Full Year 2019**| +|:-|:-| +|Dividend and Interest Income|10,383| +|Rental Income|19,111| +|Rental Expenses|(8,090)| +|Misc Bonus|933| +|**Annual Income Average**|**22,336**| +|*Monthly Income*|*1,861*| + +***Dividends and Interest:*** Earned roughly 1.7% in dividends and interest. I have moved about 18% of my funds into VYM, a Vanguard High Yield ETF, which pays about 3.3% in dividends. This was a mid-year move, so 2020 should have a higher amount here. + +***Rental Income:*** I had zero vacancies this year, which both increases my income and decreases my expenses. I like my renter, hopefully she will re-up this year with a modest 3.5% increase. + +***Rental Expenses:*** + +Homeowners Association (HOA) Dues - $4,211 + +Property Taxes - $2519 + +My two biggest rental expenses and I have no control over either. The dues covers maintenance, insurance on the property, a movie theater, pool, hot tub, gym, billiard room, and racquetball court. + +Management Fees - $1077 + +I changed property managers last year, and it’s been great. My new manager charges me 5% per month plus one month of rent if we have to find new tenants. Other than an occasional email to approve a maintenance request, this income is truly passive. + +Renters Insurance - $140 + +Cleaning and Maintenance - $1410 + +***Misc Bonus:*** I received $900 as a sign up bonus for rolling over my 401K to a Merrill Edge IRA. But the bigger story here is I lost THOUSANDS because I was a lazy dumba\*s and kept my previous 401K in my prior employer’s plan for 5 years. This cost me $90 a month in 401K fees to T. Rowe Price. $90 a month FOR 5 YEARS. It’s my own fault for not paying attention. Sometimes I wanna kick my own ass. + +As an added bonus, my account with Merrill boosts my cash back reward on my Bank of America card to 2.6%. + +**Expenses:** + +|(In USD)|**Total for 2019**|**Per Month Avg**|**% of Spending**| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Food|4,303|359|35%| +|Housing|2,735|228|23%| +|International Flights|1,741|145|12%| +|Health Care|1,064|89|9%| +|Fitness|959|80|8%| +|Shopping|715|60|6%| +|Transportation|461|38|4%| +|Entertainment|122|10|1%| +|Utilities|62|5|1%| +|**Total Spending**|**12,163**|**1,014**|| + +*\*Note expenses above are only my costs. My girlfriend and I shared expenses. Her share is NOT included in the numbers above.* + +My expenses for 2019 are the lowest I have ever had. 2019 is the first full year I have had a girlfriend living with me and splitting my living expenses. Having a partner really drives my COL lower than I expected. She pays for 50% the rent and 40% of the food budget. In addition, I don’t go out partying as much, so my alcohol and nightclub budget is drastically reduced. With the side benefit of watching her wake up and smile at me every morning, this was a major savings bonus. + +***Top 4 Expenses:*** + +***Food:*** Continues to be my biggest expense, even with the GF paying 40%. No way around the fact I’m a wanna-be fat ass. I detail why my food budget is expensive in the [Q3 post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leanfire/comments/dobzp3/overseas_fire_spending_update_q3_2019/) Check it out for details. TL;DR- I eat a protein heavy diet (equivalent to FIVE 4 oz (114 g) steaks a day) and I avoid simple starches (potatos, rice, pasta, etc) that could fill me up on the cheap. + +***Housing:*** For four months this year, we were house sitting in Vienna. I would not choose to live in an expensive city, but my girlfriend is Austrian and she has family about a one-hour train ride away. House sitting provided me the opportunity to keep my housing costs low (I estimate our flat would have [rented for around $1,000 per month](https://imgur.com/eRhbM52)), while living in a beautiful expensive city, and at the same time making my girlfriend happy. Definition of a WIN/WIN. + +Excluding house sitting, we spend between $320 to $500 per month TOTAL ($160 to $250 each). In LCOL cities such as [Medellin, Colombia](https://imgur.com/uOZfx27) and Sofia, Bulgaria, $500 per month covers shared housing in desirable upper-middle-class neighborhoods. + +***International Flights:*** + +Two trans-Atlantic and one trans-Pacific drive the bulk of this cost. Flights within Europe continue to be shockingly inexpensive. Deal of day for me was the $45 round trip Cyprus to Israel flight that allowed me to visit the Middle East for the first time in my life. + +* Medellin, Colombia to London, England = $370 +* London, England to Vienna = $65 +* Dubrovnik to Vienna= $77 +* Vienna, Austria to Varna, Bulgaria = $20 +* Varna, Bulgaria to Larnaca, Cyprus = $30 +* Cyprus to Israel (round trip) = $45 +* Larnaca, Cyprus to Skopje, Macedonia= $19 +* Skopje, Macedonia to [Rome, Italy](https://imgur.com/a/vHNjNBQ) = $20 +* Rome, Italy to Las Vegas, Nevada $230 +* Las Vegas to Manila= $375 + +***Healthcare and Insurance:*** + +* Travel Health Insurance = $680 +* ACA Subsidized US Insurance = $230 +* Out of Pocket = $154 + +These numbers do not include my HSA contribution of $3,500. I count that as a long term investment, not an expense. + +I discussed my healthcare strategy in my prior post, but to recap, I have a three tier approach: + +1. Use Local Healthcare for out of pocket costs. As a rule, I can get all routine checkups and medical tests done cheaper overseas. [Out of Pocket Health Care Costs](https://imgur.com/a/98uoXPN) +2. Travel insurance is my transition safety net. If something more significant happens that can’t be handled in a country I am living in, travel insurance is used to stabilize me and get me to the US. My travel insurance, which covers me WORLDWIDE (except the US) is $680 per year. +3. US insurance for anything catastrophic. Once my travel insurance brings me back to the US, "Obamacare" takes over. I have an ACA subsidized High Deductible Silver plan. This plan allows me to invest in Health Savings Accounts (HSA). I rarely use US medical care. But \*knock on wood\*, if anything catastrophic happens, my ACA is my fallback. + +As part of the Spain Retirement visa I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I am required to have Spanish Private Health Insurance. I have a future post I’m writing on cost and coverage of Private Health Insurance (non-government-subsidized) in Europe vs. Worldwide Travel Insurance vs. US Health Insurance. + +**Invested Assets:** + +\*Amounts rounded for privacy + +|Retirement Accounts (Trad. IRA, Roth IRA, HSA)|END OF YEAR 2019| +|:-|:-| +|VTI|315,000| +|VYM|130,000| +|QQQ|110,000| +|Other|160,038| +|**Total Retirement Accounts**|**715,038**| +||| +|Real Estate|285,000| +|**Total Invested Assets**|**1,000,038**| + +***ETFs and Index Funds:*** The bulk of my investments are ETFs. 78% of my retirement assets are in three funds: VTI (Vanguard Total Market ETF), VYM (Vanguard High Yield ETF), and QQQ (Invesco QQQ NASDAQ 100 ETF). + +I am still in the process of transferring and consolidating my positions. There is \~$160,000 in random funds from a previous account that will be moving into the funds above in 2020. + +***Real Estate:*** 28% of my retirement assets are in a single unit condominium rental with no mortgage. As mentioned previously, the rental generates \~$11,000 in cash that pays for my living expenses. + +***Real Estate Value***: I update my real estate value once a year since there isn’t an accurate real-time way of getting appraisal costs. Sales of identical units in my condominium complex drive the estimated home value above. + +**2019 Key Lessons Learned** + +***Hitting the One Million Dollar mark felt good, but it does not fundamentally change anything I’ll be doing.*** + +I’m tracking well under the 4% SWR benchmark. I’ve lowered my sequence of returns risk with five years of Early Retirement. I don’t plan to “reset” my SWR and my annual spending is unlikely to change. + +**​**Compared to a MCOL city in the US, I am saving about 70% in living expenses. I don't make sacrifices in my standard of living. In some countries, my reduced monthly expenses still includes maid service and dining out once a day. + +***Hitting One Million Dollars gives me more of a cushion.*** + +Even if the market continues to fall, I won't panic and make significant withdrawals from my retirement funds. I have set myself up for 2020 to reduce expenses further to prevent selling into a downturn.  + +As an example: + +* I’m ready for a home base. I don’t plan to stop traveling, but I’m looking to make Spain home base for the foreseeable future. Living in a new country long term will mean less international flights and more domestic day trips. International flights were one of my Top 3 expenses last year. +* Shopping and Food expense can be reduced. Every move I have has a "start up cost", as I buy a new blender, knives, pans, bed linens, towels, and cooking supplies. Settling down will reduce my upfront costs. + +**2019 Summary** + +It was a good year. Got a girl. Got the cash. Earned $22K in passive income. Spent $12K, while traveling to 15 countries. For 2020, I’m looking forward to getting my Spain retirement visa and for the Coronavirus to F\*ck Off. + +Ask me any questions you may have. I'm in the Philippines ATM, so expect a time zone delay. + +If you want additional details and pictures of about FIRE overseas, including quality level of accommodation, affordability of restaurants, level of social life, and Cost of Living, jump on my site. Not spamming my link here, just google or check out my user name. +I'm Mid-level in my career (non-engineer) but in tech. Currently work at a large, old school tech company. + +Currently mid-interviews for several companies. My options seem to be mid-level positions at a unicorn ($170-200k+pre IPO stock) at either a high-growth unicorn or junior/mid-level at FAANG (TC $300k). It's clear of those two, FAANG wins in the short-term. However, since I'm still young, I'm trying to play the long game. At a Unicorn, I can move up quickly, get to a director level in the next 2-3 years, manage a team. Then could either stay (depending on TC), move to another Unicorn in a much more senior role, or potentially move to FAANG at a much higher level. I know climbing up the career ladder at FAANG is pretty slow if you start low, so I'm thinking that waiting until I have more experience and then can get in at a more senior level is a better long-term investment. + +I am not necessarily considering a Unicorn because of the IPO opportunity (though of course it would be a nice bonus), as i know this is a risk, I'm more intrigued by the opportunity to move up quickly with a fairly decent base salary (that i couldn't get at earlier stage startups). Any advice? +I feel like most of the content over there is just about how everyone can “do it”. While some people who take the time to be rational and plan things out can make it big with real estate investing, most people there are just encouraged to take any deal they see because it’s the first step to become financially free....then they post about all of their nightmare problems and wonder where they went wrong... +Hi all! Purposefully leaving some details blurry for privacy reasons. + +**THE PROPERTY:** +Property is a 4-plex with 3 more detached units withOUT a kitchen/sink. Total of 7 living units but I believe only 4 (the original 4-plex in the lot) have kitchens/sinks. It is located in the **US in a very remote but also very touristy location.** Average tourist day tour in said location is about $500/day/person for a kayak/boat/fishing/flying trip. It is expensive to get here so the people that do get here tend to have money. Aside from tourists, the town itself is small. All 7 units in the property are 2-bed 1-bath and are rented by the entire apartment for $400/night during the summer season (May-September) and for $100/night for the Winter season (October-April.) 2021 revenue will be \~ $200k. Maintenance costs are about $10k/yr. + +**OWNER & WHY THEY ARE SELLING SUCH A CASH COW:** +Owner is very close to retirement age. Has owned the place for 5 years, when they built the other 3 units aside from the original fourplex. Owner is not from here and their cancer has now returned for the 3rd time. With their first grandchild being born several states away, they no longer want to deal with the property. Want to move somewhere less remote with good hospitals nearby. They waited one last summer to rake it in, and are now ready to cash out, sell, and move far away. + +**ME AS AN INVESTOR** +I'm a noob. The property is expensive and more than I would qualify on my salary alone. As such, looking into buying this property with my boyfriend as my legal partner. We both make about $150k+/yr each for a total income of $300k+ (my compensation can go even higher based on commission, his can go even higher based on overtime.) I recently bought a 4-plex in another state that'll bring in about $30k/yr so I'm an owner-occupied FHA there. My partner hasn't bought anything ever. We both have no debt. + + +**QUESTIONS** +If the $200k/yr revenue is true, this seems like the deal of a lifetime. Mortgage would be about $50k/yr and even with maintenance and management, we'd cash flow easily north of $100k/yr. So... + +\- What am I missing? +\- What questions should I ask? +\- Is this too good to be true? +\- Cash on hand, we can put about 10% down which is short of the 20% the property requires. We could get a gift from family for the other 10%, but aside from that, any other financing options? Creative financing? +\- Any other words of wisdom? + +The place is very remote and my best guess as to why investors are not jumping in all over the place is due to the remoteness. Deal was not in the MLS or zillow and seller is selling without a realtor. We found it through a super local ad. +How much of your own money did you start your journey's with? + +I don't have deep pockets so I would be starting with as little as possible if possible. +What’s your favorite book on real estate investing and why? The detailed information? The writing style? The motivation it provides? + +To start, mine is *What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow...And 36 Other Key FInancial Measures* by Frank Gallinelli. I am a metrics nerd so I thoroughly enjoyed how deep he went into almost every important number to consider when analyzing a real estate deal. +First of all I'm not suggesting people should buy or sell their crypto right now this is simply just some simple facts and my opinion. + +I need to preface this by saying the crypto space is in a much different place than it was in at the end of 2017. More people are knowledgeable about blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency industry at large. It's come a long way in a short amount of time. + +However every winner is bound to pick up a few "glory chasers" on their way to stardom. Everyone loves a winner, especially a money making winner. And just like seemingly everyone became an overnight Golden State Warriors fan when they found amazing success with the splash bros, the same happened with crypto the last year+. People who were in the past making fun of it were suddenly asking what's the best way to buy Bitcoin. Everyone wanted in. Now many of the tag alongs who were only interested in the gains are jumping off, predictably. + +I see so many shills on this sub commenting something along the lines of "now is the time to buy" and regardless of their intentions I feel like an extremely volatile time like this is not a very appropriate time to give out biased opinion based suggestions of whether people should be buying or selling. + +Maybe this is the exact time to buy who knows but it's certainly not a time to risk money you can't afford to lose, given the history of Bitcoin. + +------------------------------------------------------- + +According to Yahoo Finance Bitcoin peaked in value on: + +**December 16th 2017** when it was valued at **$19.716** per coin. + +Then the crash began. + +Bitcoin didn't reach it's true floor until a **year later**: + +On **December 15th 2018** when it was valued at **$3.191** per coin. + +In the span of a year it lost **~84%** of it's peak value. + +It took **three years** for Bitcoin to get back to it's late 2017 peak: + +On **December 16th 2020** it finally reached the $19.716 mark again, closing out the day @ $21.310. + +No two crashes are the same. Some take years some take months others a single day. We have no idea what's going to happen but sure as the day is long this is an extremely volatile time so please be careful both with your own currency and what you recommend other people to do with theirs. + +**Edit:** + +Please take care of your mental health. If you're really going through it, talk to somebody about it, anyone, or write it in a note or on a piece of paper. Just getting the thoughts out helps. Exercise and puppy videos also don't hurt. This will all pass, it's just a matter of time and patience. +This post is not intended to spread fud, please don't take it that way. What's that saying, those who won't learn from history are doomed to repeat it or something rather. It's better to least know a little about what happened last time and be mentally prepared if it should happen similarly this time. The turn around will hopefully be quicker this time. +I have been able to save up **$180,000** since I started working 4 years ago on my moderate \~70k p.a salary taking advantage of living with my parents (last year I had saved 45k from my 78k gross salary). + +I had been looking at houses/townhouses (First home buyer, owner occupied) occasionally but now I have a time frame of 9 months to find a place its getting abit more serious; I have had a loan pre-approval meeting with the CBA and only been **offered maximum 450K.** + +I had been looking at places in the 700-800k mark in western sydney which were still close to work and easy enough access into the CBD. Now realising I will have to adjust to only being able to go a 600k place it's looking like I'll have to live further from work and a longer commute to the CBD. + +I would have thought I would get well above a 450K loan. I had tried to save up as much as possible, barely had any social life and have taken no annual leave/holidays in the past 4 years yet it still seems I haven't made enough. + +Was I just being unrealistic in my hopes of a 700-800K place? +**GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME**), today issued an irrevocable notice of redemption to redeem $216.4 million in principal amount of its 10.0% Senior Notes due 2023 (the "Notes") on April 30, 2021. This voluntary early redemption covers the entire amount of the outstanding Notes. + +Notes will be redeemed by the Company using cash on hand, at a redemption price of 100% of their principal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest up to, but excluding, the redemption date of April 30, 2021, plus the applicable premium due to holders of the Notes in connection with an early redemption. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-of-senior-w5ybgb8wwsvj.html](https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-of-senior-w5ybgb8wwsvj.html) + [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-rise-of-a-mom-and-pop-investors-in-the-stock-market-will-end-in-tears-warns-billionaire-cooperman-2020-06-15?mod=home-page](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-rise-of-a-mom-and-pop-investors-in-the-stock-market-will-end-in-tears-warns-billionaire-cooperman-2020-06-15?mod=home-page) +I don’t know much of the details (probably could answer my own question if I did), but i have heard a lot about Robinhood failing as a platform, and that “when a product is free, you are the product”, etc. Wealthsimple is another example of a commission free brokerage app, so what is the difference? Thank you +I’ve been researching and learning about ETFs for a little over a year now. I was wondering, what in your opinion would be the best ETFs to hold until January 2024? Currently I’m looking at QQQM (although I think…we’re in tech bubble???) , VTI, VOO, and VT. Feel free to reply with any sector ETFs as I’m not disregarding their potential. +22yo. Was thinking of VTI, but I’m a horrible trader/gambler so I’d like to go for the safest long term route. I put in about $1000 a month. Should I sell all SPY, and put it all (including gains) into a different etf that will have a better chance of thriving past the coronavirus era. Please don’t kill me and I appreciate your time and answers +Hey Guys, + +Im new to the Reddit community, and trying to get some feedback regarding currency hedging with ETF investing. Would love to hear your thoughts? :) +Im 30yrs old, and just started my investment journey of buying and holding for the long term (making semi-annual contributions) a small handful of diversified ETFs. My core ETF is VDHG, and I'm looking at adding NDQ. +From what I've researched it seems that over the longggg term (15+yrs), being unhedged generally provides better results than hedged. But I'm wondering if it would be even better to have both NDQ and its Hedged version HNDQ, and then buy in to either depending on where the Aussie Dollar sits vs US Dollar. I also understand that its better to buy in the hedge ETF when the AUD is appreciating and when its dropping buy into the unhedged version. + +My stratergy; +The long term average of the AUD is approx 72 cents, and its rarely below 55cents and rarely above 90cents. If AUD sits at 72cents I'd buy 50%NDQ/50%HNDQ. For every cent the AUD dropped I'd buy 3% more Hedged eg 71cents = 47%NDQ/53%HNDQ, 70cents = 44%NDQ/56%HNDQ ... until at 55cents I'm buying 0% unhedged and 100% hedged. Obviously, the opposite would apply for when the AUD rises. +Would this be a better long term strategy to maximise returns than just investing exclusively into NDQ? And/or, do you have a better way of dealing with currency flucs with long term ETF investing. +Would love to hear your thoughts! +Cheers, +BW +I am buying the vanguard VWCE accumulating and I wonder how does the accumulation work? + +For example if the dividends paid aren't enough to buy an additional unit of ETFs, what happens? Do they stay on the platform until enough are accumulated to buy an extra etf? + +Additional question: how do I find out when are dividends paid? + +Any information is appreciated 🙂 +Can I get some advise on my portfolio. Will be a set and forget with weekly top ups over a long period of time (10 years +). + +VUSA 25% +VHYL 25% +EQQQ 25% +RBOD 5% +ECAR 5% +INRG 5% +SGLN 5% +ESPO 5% + +Thanks! +I just started learning about Investments and I'm trying to educate myself on personal finances. I leaned about ETFs, but so far what I understand is that they are pretty good to keep your savings and beat the inflation, however they aren't that suitable to generate an additional income? Am I getting it wrong? Except maybe if there's an ETF with riskier companies, where the profit (and the loss) can be bigger? How are you using this instrument? +[From what i read](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/global-markets-wrapup-1-2022-01-06/), the last FED meeting signaling the possibility of raising interest rates and limiting bond purchases was probably the main reason for the stock market drops in the last week. + +I wonder why raising interest rates is bad for investors? And why did the declines mainly affect companies from the IT sector? Or maybe there were other factors behind the drops in IT? + +And Finally, what can we expect from the S&P 500 when the Fed realizes its announcements? + +I'm quite new in this, I'll be grateful for any help trying to understand the situation. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9rly7vd2i8s71.png?width=1402&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bf18b75521bfb227d780b518200218c4102e421 + +ARKX (ARK Space Exploration & Innovation ETF) has been buying PRNT pretty much every day for the last few weeks. I'm still a noob so I would appreciate an explanation as to why they're buying it and whether or not it's even legal...because they're driving up the price of their own fund. +With ARKX becoming available tomorrow, which space & defense ETF do you think is a better long term hold? I realize investing in space and ARK are controversial, but wanted to hear thoughts. Both have a 0.75% ER and I'd imagine both would invest in SpaceX whenever it becomes available. + +&#x200B; + +ARKX holdings: [https://ark-funds.com/wp-content/fundsiteliterature/holdings/ARK\_SPACE\_EXPLORATION\_&\_INNOVATION\_ETF\_ARKX\_HOLDINGS.pdf](https://ark-funds.com/wp-content/fundsiteliterature/holdings/ARK_SPACE_EXPLORATION_&_INNOVATION_ETF_ARKX_HOLDINGS.pdf) + +UFO holdings: [https://www.procureetfs.com/media/pdfs/Fact\_Sheet.pdf](https://www.procureetfs.com/media/pdfs/Fact_Sheet.pdf) +Been doing a lot of reading and research when it comes to ETFs and feel like I’m definitely starting to understand it more and more. But, I’m a believer in you can’t beat the info you receive from people actually doing it. So that brought me here. + +Any Information that you think would be valuable to someone in the beginning stages would be greatly appreciated! +I have about 18% of my portfolio in ARKK, and bought at wrong time. Should I continue to hold or dump? I have a long-term investment horizon but watching my portfolio dump down in value has been challenging. Thanks. +Hi yall, +I (28 yrs old) am thinking about quitting my job and living off my savings while studying and completing the CPA exam. +I currently make $62k a year (for 3 years). +I have about 8 months cash saved up and am planning on the cpa study time to take about 4-5 months if I treat it as a full time job. +My concerns are re-entering the workforce afterward (if I pass and worse, if I fail). Anyone have any advice to broach future employers about the significant time gap? + +My current boss is quite toxic so I'm not expecting a good recommendation no matter how/why/when I leave. + +A lot of jobs that I review and am interested in really hold this accreditation to be needed so it's a matter of when not why. I've tried to study while working but did not react well to the work of the day and studying at night. I also know my current position has no further progress. + +*to clarify, yes my position is toxic and I will be in the search for a new position regardless. I acknowledge both studying and working can be done as hundreds have (seriously, congrats to you). I forsee this as the opportunity to concentrate on the test full time so I wouldn't have to do both. +I signed up for a gym in July of last year. I went to the gym yesterday for a workout and noticed the entrance was chained up. I went to all their socials and they had not once given a heads up that they were suspending their operations. I have about 11 months left on my membership and have reached out to their social media pages with no luck. I tried calling my CC company but they said the charge was too far back to dispute. What are my options? +The report that Maxine Waters released last week clearly highlights this fact. Who from Apex Clearing was at the Congressional Hearings? Has Robinhood been vindicated? I don't remember any testimony from the CEO of Apex Clearing, Bill Capuzzi. Will Apex be liable for the losses by retail investors? Is there any mentions of a class action lawsuit? +There's a lot of talk of a bubble or crash. Much of this conversation focuses on valuation. While important, high valuations are a necessary but not sufficient conditions for a bubble. Said another way, high valuations are one side effect of a complex disease. We can't diagnosis or understand the severity of the disease without knowing more. Here's a list of other important bubble related issues. What do you think? What did I miss? Do you think we're in a bubble? + +* Animal Spirits matter and they're the hardest to measure. Especially since we're all biased. I'm a pessimist when it comes to the market I tacitlly believe people think like me. When I see these valuations, my first thought is BUBBLE. Remember, there's alot of optimists out there thinking FREE MONEY. Know which you are, correct your view and try to be objective. Also know that optimists will turn into pessimists (vice versa), but it takes time/data to change someone's mind. +* No binary thinking. Nothing in the world is black or white; the market is not up or down. I see a lot of comparison to the dot com bubble. No one seems to bring up the fact that prices climbed and then hung at or around record highs for the better part of a year. Yes we're probably in a bubble, but its reasonable to think we'll hang here for a while. The upcoming year has brighter prospects than the previous one. +* Most times there isn't a catalyst for a crash, even in hindsight. Don't drive yourself crazy looking for one. +* Know the story. While it's true it's hard to find the catalyst, know the story of your potential bubble. IMO, it's interest rates in our current case. COVID caused many people to look to the future and writeoff the present. They were enabled by low interest rates. Investors funneled into future looking companies which, by definition, were less harmed by COVID and relatively more attractive in a low rate environment. We all must watch the rates and the yield curve. This may not be the catalyst, i.e. not likely to have one large rate increase/yield curve steepening that will crash the market. But inflation will grow, rates will grow slowly and then eventually, the story may unwind. + +A lot of my thoughts stem from Robert Shiller's work. He's got great short books on these subjects. Recommend Animal Spirits to start. + +Finally, stay sane and solvent. If you're going short, use options ... When you buy a put you at least have defined risk bounds ... Same is not automatically true for shorting. +*Disclaimer: This is my own speculation and opinion to kick off a discussion about Apple's future.* + +No one here is a stranger to Apple's monstrous cash generation and profitability. It's been a behemoth of a stock and has basically guaranteed impressive returns for those long on it. With around a 2.1 trillion dollar market cap, it is the largest in the world. But has it gotten too big for its own good? + +Apple is more or less known only for its iPhone and I don't know how anyone else feels but with the latest iPhone 13, nothing really feels much different or innovative. Better battery life? Camera? Storage? That's cool I guess, but nothing new that would make it stand out from its competitors. Apple has seen declining market share in the smartphone sector and it's a brutally competitive market. Nokia used to completely dominate the market back in the day and suddenly it became non-existent as it couldn't keep up with the innovation. It's like they got so cocky they were at the top and it backfired on them hard. I feel Apple is in a similar position where they are overestimating their strength with their absurd product prices and new releases like the iPhone 13 being more of the same. This is not sustainable. + +Because Apple is so tremendously huge, it also makes it difficult for them to grow further without delving into something completely new that at the same time is big enough to move the needle. If Apple keeps doing what it's doing with new watches, air pods, iPhones, tablets, or what have you where not much is changing and they keep charging outrageous prices, they are bound to lose consumers. I don't think their die-hard, cult-like fans can or will keep them propped up. + +In my opinion, if Apple wants to facilitate further growth over the next 10 years, they need to do something insane. They have the cash. We've heard talks about an iCar; that is something radical that will drive growth if pulled off successfully. But it's extremely difficult, risky, and timely to get into that business. They need to do it right, otherwise I would expect hefty share price decline over the years. + +I genuinely think Apple's a fantastic company but I don't like the current direction they are heading and I have a hard time believing they are going to continue to grow as they have been if they continue doing the same stuff they've always been doing. I want to see them branch out to something completely revolutionary. + +What are your thoughts on Apple's future? + +EDIT: Really appreciate all of the discussion and counter points being raised. Learning lots! +My parents are convincing me to invest together as a family. They want us to split the cost and try our luck in either real estate or dividend investing, but we can't decide which. We are weighing the benefits and drawbacks of both options. + +My father suggested that we consider real estate investing because it has been shown to be beneficial in the long run, and if done correctly, it can generate lucrative returns for us. While having our money in the market will undoubtedly require less energy and effort from us, dividend investing will undoubtedly require less energy and effort from us. + +I'm not very knowledgeable about this and I really want to support my parents' plan so I've been researching and looking for various platforms that can assist and guide us through our investment journey. I came across [Hedonova](https://www.hedonova.io/?r=1), [Fundrise](https://fundrise.com/), [Carl Inc.](https://moneymade.io/discover/carl-inc), and [Yieldstreet](https://www.yieldstreet.com/) but I'm not sure which one to use. Is it possible that some of you already experimented investing through these platforms? + +I don't want this to go to waste because I want to ensure that it will be a reliable source of income for my elderly parents. + +I'm excited to hear about your own experiences and specific recommendations for a better strategy. +Digital Yuan is completely trackable, controllable and reprogrammable by the Chinese government. It will be used the monitor the purchases and wealth of the people. You purchased the wrong book, invested in the wrong Crypto, sent a bigger amount of money to someone with opposing political opinions to the CCP? Better be lucky they didnt notice. The Chinese Government is a fool for thinking that the citizens wont notice their plans. This might backfire and bring more people to use the true power of Crypto, shifting power away from the CCP. +I got a call from my uncle who just got notice he’s being evicted cuz his landlord is selling the property, and cousin who’s rent just increased by 750$ on top of the 1,250$ it already was. My uncle says it’s “carnage” in the area he is currently living. People left and right are having their rents jacked up. I’m shocked that it has happened so soon after the moratorium ended, and sad that it’s going to affect millions of people around USA and probably around the world at some point. Hodling till the current floor is reached and selling one share and keeping the rest for the I.P. +Seeing countless posts that Gamestop will be crashing with the market. + +Welcome to this weekends FUD campain. Let me explain why this is bullsh*t: + +1. Gamestop is the perfect hedge because Apes own the float and Apes don't have margin pressure. +On Friday Gamestop decreased because of shorting, not because the whole market bled. + +"The whole market is going down that is why Gamestop is also bleeding" saying is FUD! + +They might need to short it further as the market crashes (to reduce margin pressure) but with every new short they create additional margin pressure, once they need to role or cover ETF or options exposure. + +Correlation does not mean causation! +They use the market crash topic to continue shorting. + +2. A market crash has the potential to force shorts to close. Easy as it is. A failed margin call can be the beginning of the MOASS + +3. Rollover period: We know that they still have to roll to avoid fail to delivers in the millions of shares. As Gherkinit and other speculated they might even need to cover their options and ETF exposure (which they did not last week) on Monday. + + +Gamestops share price declines only in two cases: +1. Retail sells which is not happening +2. Marketmakers and Short hedgefunds short more and can avoid buying. + +They are a few institution long, but without proof of them selling additional shares saying that they cause a bleed is also FUD. + +TL;DR: +Any "the market is crashing that is why Gamestop is crashing" with it is bullshit, because apes sit on the long site of this stock. A stock is not "just crashing". There is always a short sell or real sell necessary (or some sort of forbidden darkpool fuckery with a small volume of shorted shares) + +PS: and turning the buy button off, was, based on the true reasons, illegal, not legal. + +Edit: I am not saying Gamestop will only go up or give you any date. I simply don't know. What I am saying is that "the market goes down must mean that GME goes down" is not a valid reasoning in my opinion +About Me: + +* 26 years old +* Net Worth: $127K +* Savings (including emergency fund): $23,500 +* 401K: $88K +* Index Funds: $9K +* Roth IRA: $6500 + +I’m about to accept a job offer with my same company to relocate from the Bay Area to London. The problem is I'd take a $45K paycut for the move (the salary is non-negotiable). I'd be going from $170K/year to $125K/year. + +I’m so excited to live in another country, and I think this will be a great career move to gain international experience. However, I’m extremely anxious about the paycut. I've saved a lot so far and I'll still be making a great salary - just not as much as I could be. + +Has anyone here taken a paycut to relocate internationally? Did you think the tradeoff was worth it? I’m really motivated to achieve FI as soon as I can, but I would also hate to look back on my life and think about the "what ifs" if I don't take it. + +_______________________ + +EDIT: Thank you to everyone who commented on this! Appreciate your insights, especially people who've made the move themselves - really helpful to hear your thoughts. + +Also an FYI - I'm a woman - not sure why so many people assumed I'm a guy! Also I work in a non-technical role (so no, not a software engineer). +Amendments that could result in banning mining and trading of crypto assets issued through POW have been introduced at the last minute into the MiCA proposal to be voted on Monday. This would be disastrous for Europe and its residents. + +If you live in Europe, you can make a difference - contact your Member of European Parliament (MEP) and let them know that you oppose a Bitcoin ban in Europe + +Look up your MEP here : https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/home + +E-mail, call or tweet your MEP and tell them: + +“An outright ban of proof-of-work assets will cripple the EU market, encourage circumvention of law, worsen consumer protection, and push the industry outside the EU – all with no benefit to the environment! Please ask the ECON Committee to oppose Amendments ALT A and ALT G.” + +If you have enough time, a call and personal rephrasing of the above is preferred. + +Thank you for your support of financial freedom + +Pascal Gauthier (Ledger CEO) twitter thread : https://twitter.com/_pgauthier/status/1502406715811192836 + +Ledger post : https://www.ledger.com/blog-stand-for-financial-freedom-our-position-on-micas-proof-of-work-ban + +Pierre Person (french MEP) twitter thread : https://twitter.com/Pierr_Person/status/1502356083175735307 + +ADAN report : https://adan.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022-02-08-Adan-EU-POW-Ban-Position-1.pdf + +MiCA proposal : https://bitcoin.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/MiCA-Compromises-v9-9-March-2022.pdf +I studied my ass off for this damn test and I was feeling way more confident, but not over confident. Going through it already before I still knew this was a beast of an exam. I actually scored lower too. I got a 70% the first time and 67% the second time. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm at a crossroads right now and highly disappointed with myself. I'm just trying to shrug it off for now and see whether my employer will sponsor me for a third time. I have my fingers crossed. + +DAMN! +A new amendment was introduced last minute that would make it essentially illegal to participate in PoS networks, or running a Lightning Network node. + +Ask your senators to vote YES on Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment to the infrastructure bill, and vote NO on the Warner-Portman amendment. + +I said something along these lines when I called: + +>I’m calling today to ask that Senator [Name] vote YES on Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment to the infrastructure bill, and vote NO on the Warner-Portman amendment. +> +>The Warner-Portman amendment would ensnare regular citizens of [state] in a regulatory hell of being forced to register as brokers rather than just as investors. This would be functionally impossible to do and would deprive [state citizens] of legitimate investment opportunities. The language will not bring in any extra tax revenue…the only effect it will have will be to drive innovation and profits in the most innovative area of finance overseas, depriving citizens of [your state] of jobs and punishing them for making regular investments. +> +>Please vote YES on Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment to the infrastructure bill, and vote NO on the Warner-Portman amendment. + +Info on the amendment: https://twitter.com/jerrybrito/status/1423429377459736577 + +Your senator’s phone number can be found here: +https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm + +#Even easier: https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/stop-the-senate-from-sneaking-through-total-surveillance-of-the-crypto-economy/ + +This website directly connects you to your senator with a script you can read off of! + +Save crypto, do your part. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I'm 27 and I finally feel like I have come to a point where I can start saving even a little bit. I can realistically save $1000 a month from my two jobs income that give approximately $3,000 a month after bills and what nots and I want to start seriously saving for the future. I only heard of a Roth ira account from people I know around me at work but I don't know anything about it . I went to a bank to ask the teller and they gave me a business card to call them when ever I'm ready but I just want to know what exactly is a Roth ira account and is it a good thing to have and what requirements I need to have before opening up one. +What with the spike and expected fuckery, please remove your stop losses on your open positions. + + +Hedgies have access to this info via many brokers and it can be used to dip the price that could trigger auto stop losses, meaning your positions will be closed. Don’t let this fuckery happen. + +Stay safe. Stay stronk. Stay ape. + +Edit: thanks for the awards, apes. But save that money for even a fraction of a moon ticket, or a bag of space nuts for the journey. +I work at a brewery as a bartender. We were the first brewery in America to accept Bitcoin. We started in December of 2013. We got a lot of press because of it. The brewery is called Philadelphia Brewing Company. We had a ton of people come in with Bitcoin when we first started accepting it but it has been a long time since the last time. + +We got a new P.O.S since then and haven't set up any way to receive bitcoin. Last night however, someone came in who remembered all the hype and asked me if he could pay with Bitcoin. Said it was on "his bucket list". I told him he was in luck. I had him send it to me and I just paid cash into the register. + +After the transaction, which we were both pretty amped about as I've never received crypto in the wild and he had never sent it, I told my boss what happened and he immediately told me I was in charge of making sure we can accept Bitcoin going forward. + +That's how adoption works in the real world. +OK so here's my situation. My wife and I bought a new construction home in August 2020. We split the mortgage payment and I payed the rest of the utilities. Cool. Well, my wife passed unexpectantly this past May. We both had life insurance policies, but not enough to pay off the house or anything like that. I did manage to pay off all of my credit cards and my vehicle, with about 50K left in the bank. + +The mortgage payment is about 2/3 of my take home pay. After utilities I'm left with about $500 every month. I have been given the opportunity to begin night shift at my job, which would increase my take home pay about $500 a month. + +I really love my house, my neighborhood and my neighbors. My cul de sac is pretty tight. Would it be in my best interest to sell out and find a better situation, or live on a tighter budget and stick it out? + +Mortgage is $2038. The balance of the loan is $305,000. IR is 4.375%. I make about $60,000 a year as a state government employee. + +Edited. Numbers added. +It puts things into perspective. What even is money if it can come and go so easily? Crypto is so relentless in how volatile it is, sometimes you wonder if you'll wake up and be more successful than you ever could imagine. + +Does anyone else relate? I got back into this ages ago, and I've gotten so used to the market, I don't even care when I see my money fluctuate that much. I'm just like, oh, cool, another day. I made 10k or lost 10k over night on a trade, who cares. + +It's amazing that it can be like that, I never thought I would see my income streams be that worthless but exciting at the same time. It's truly exciting but at the same time as of late I've learned to check out since we've been on a downtrend. My main holdings are in alts so I'm seeing more volatile movement, I'm really big on LUNA and AVAX- I think they are extremely promising projects, I also love Ethereum for obvious reasons like Smart Contracts. + +I can't even imagine people who wake up each day and lose or gain 1 mil, 5 mil... and to think it's just perspective. +So I just read [this article](http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/the-great-american-bubble-machine-20100405). I know, I know, I'm a little late to the party. But I heard it was good so I gave it a read. Here's what I got out of it, about the housing bubble: + +1) Goldman Sachs created tons of bad mortgages they knew wouldn't pan out + +2) They organized them into CDOs, which masked the fact that a lot of the mortgages were crappy + +3) Somehow Moody's and S&P rated them highly + +4) They got AIG to insure them against their own CDOs + + +My question is, why did the assessment companies not see that these were bad deals? Were CDOs so new at the time that they didn't know how to really analyze their risk? Were they bribed or something? + +Did AIG insure the CDOs because they trusted the assessment companies, or did they think they were worth it independently? + +Thank you! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +I started working for the NHS in 2017 and was auto enrolled in the pension scheme. Recently I've started looking into it more, and found out that the pension is linked to state pension age, meaning that I will be at least 68 before I can get it (but it's likely I'll be older). + +I've always been told that the NHS pension is the best out there. However, I was told this by people who were able to access their pensions at the age of 50. Now that I will have to wait at least an extra 18 years, I don't know if it's worth it anymore. I don't know if I'll physically be able to keep working until I'm almost 70, but I'll have no choice because I won't have any state pension or private pension to fall back on. + +Is it really worth paying into the NHS pension anymore? If not, what are the other options out there? Feeling quite disheartened at the moment that I'm probably gonna go straight from working all my life in the NHS to being wheeled into a nursing home with no real retirement to enjoy in between. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Option Expiration Month #1 Update + +Bottom line: on an absolute basis, it is a big fat non-event, even though the individual trades were going crazy. Crappy diversification is diversification nonetheless. + +The total P/L from all these trades in the past month or so is a whopping.....drum roll....$5. I did not pay any commissions on Webull, but if I did, it would be around $10 at 65c per contract, so I would be at -$5 net net. + +So, is this a profitable strategy? Maybe, if you think that breaking even by dealing with delisted stocks and biotech shitty small caps cratering 80% in a single day is an OK alternative to losing 7-8% in SPY over the same period of time. Is it sustainable with a larger account? Probably not, but that is what the experiment is all about. Onward and upward we go. + +A few notes: + +ENDP got delisted. The options market dried up as only closing trades were allowed. Someone panicked and bought back the put at $1.4, a cost much higher than theoretical value, for an instant loss. I bought back mine at an instant gain of 10 cents, an instant equivalent loss to the seller. Yes, the markets can be irrational at times, and I fully believe that this is due to the sheer ignorance and hubris in the new wave of option market "traders". + +PYPD shared poor study results and the stock cratered 80% in a day. If I were heavy into this stock, my account would blow up. If I were short unsecured puts, not only would I blow up, but I would end up owing more than expected. Things were going well overall until that point, and it looked like I would collect 10% total monthly premium, but this single loss wiped out all those other smaller premiums from other trades. It was not even that much in premium, as I collected $25 on the option sale. So this would be a situation of a steamroller running over me while I was picking up $5 bills on Wall Street. I will end up being a bagholder on this one, because I see that there is some explosiveness in the stock. I am not sure if selling the Oct $2.5 call is with as it pays $10 per contract, which would make my cost basis $2.15. We shall see how I manage this one. + +CLNN is an open trade, and I am still unable to find a catalyst for this one by October expiration. Last month, the premiums were juicy for no apparent reason. Sooner or later they will share some news, but I am honestly not sure when. My cost basis on that one is going to be $1.1 if I get assigned, since I collected 50 cents on the Sep options, and another 90 on Oct options. + +The rest of the stocks are non-events, or bags that I will stop holding next week when I find new/better opportunities, if their calls are not offering good premium to complete the wheel. + +That is all for now, hope you guys enjoy reading the updates, good luck to all, and cautious trading! + +Name | Avg Price | Side | P/L | Note + +AVYA 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $0.50 | 0.06 | Sell | 12 | Worthless + +AVYA 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $1.00 | 0.25 | Sell | 25 | Worthless + +BBBY 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $3.00 | 0.03 | Buy | | BTC (bought to close) + +BBBY 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $3.00 | 0.17 | Sell | 14 | + +CLNN 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $2.50 | 0.15 | Buy | | BTC (bought to close) + +CLNN 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $2.50 | 0.65 | Sell | 50 | + +CLNN 10/21/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $2.50 | 0.9 | Sell | 10 | Open + +ENDP 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $0.50 | 0.2 | Sell | | + +ENDPQ 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $0.50 | 0.3 | Buy | -10 | Delisted + +IMPP 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $0.50 | 0.16 | Sell | -1 | Baghold + +MNMD 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $1.00 | 0.3 | Sell | -20 | Baghold + +PRTY 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $1.50 | 0.15 | Sell | 15 | Worthless + +PYPD 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $2.50 | 0.25 | Sell | -100 | Baghold + +VRM 09/16/2022 00:00:00 EDT Put $1.50 | 0.1 | Sell | 10 | Worthless + +&#x200B; +How do you all identify better (or additional) stocks to wheel on? + +I'm currently wheeling on 16 stocks. Everything is going fine, I'm making more than what I need, but I would like a simple/straightforward way to identify possible stocks that are more profitable than my current wheels to either replace or add to my portfolio. + +I'm thinking something like a screener I run at the beginning of the month, or something that would give me a list of potential candidates that I could then explore deeper and adjust my portfolio accordingly. + +Anybody doing this currently? What tools/criteria do you use? +Hello, + +A few people liked my last post on selling steep PLTR skew for a long-decay, low risk, high upside spread. As it was the first time some people saw that kind of trade, I wanted to make a post on another opportunity a little more complex with a little more explanation. + +**TSLA June/Sept Risk-Reversal Calendar Trade** + +Here is $TSLA vol smile of bid/asks across strikes: + +[$TSLA Vol Smile June and Sept '21](https://preview.redd.it/cf7m25tw8up61.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c998a0f23c877b4dc6147ff6bd86d0d64017722) + +Note that June skew is pretty steep in comparison to Sept. This has been driven up by a large seller of the June 1000 calls; a big player dumped 20k+ over the past two days, along with sellers of the 850 call causing June upside vols to basically implode. Market makers simply don't want to hold that much call skew in that area, so they begin to mark it fairly low as they accumulate more. As it stands now, these are the cheapest vols on the TSLA board. + +TL;DR SO FAR: June 850 call area is the cheapest vol across the TSLA surface. + +**How steep is June skew relative to Sept, and how different is that slope across tech names?** + +Let's take a look at the 1stdev down put vol, minus the 1stdev up call vol, across the term structure. + +At the top (purple), we have QQQ. Because of implied correlation, the ETF's surface should have higher skew and lower ATM vol than the average of the components. The next highest June skew is TSLA (note that the skew is normalized by ATM vol. If it weren't, TSLA would seem to have a much, much higher put skew). + +[Tech Stocks IV Skews](https://preview.redd.it/aoqllozp9up61.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6f4415ca8edcb6688ea0769c4bfb64577f01d85) + +In red, I've marked the skews we should want to sell. In green are the months we should want to buy skew. Although I've only executed the trade in TSLA, I think it would be fair to hedge the trade with a similar but opposite spread in QQQ; selling the risk reversal calendar hedges out some of our skew term risk. + +[More TSLA Vols](https://preview.redd.it/reha4zwaaup61.png?width=1508&format=png&auto=webp&s=128dcf8f7d27343d5da8924f21ea51d197fefe40) + +&#x200B; + +[The trade, visualized](https://preview.redd.it/buz3kzfmgup61.png?width=1498&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff3f5bb69fc0a82bb84663dd31abe5ded01072c1) + +The premise of the trade is this: **Due to recent June upside vol sellers, the June skew slope is too steep relative to the months around it in TSLA. We should sell the steep skew and buy the flatter skews, with the prediction that the June skew will revert & flatten out more, relative to other months.** Based on other tech stocks, the June/Sept skew slope is fairly flat. My fair value or target IVs for the June RR will be the Sept RR vols. + +**The Trade** + +&#x200B; + +|Option|Qty|Delta|Vega|Spline IV|Target IV|Edge ($)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|June 400 P|\-5|\-9|.53|79.2%|74%|$2.75| +|June 850 C|\+5|\+16|.70|63.2%|66%|$3.36| +|Sept 350 P|\+5|\-9|.68|73.8%|73.8%|\---| +|Sept 1050 C|\-5|\+16|.99|66.8%|66.8%|\---| + +The trade here is to buy the Sept Put in the June/Sept Risk-Reversal Calendar: buying the RR in Sept and selling the RR in June. I collected $2.88 in premium for putting this on, I'm long a tiny tiny bit of gamma and collect about .04/day. There's $6 of theoretical edge in this spread. I have no opinion on the direction of Sept skew, only that it's a fair hedge vs the June skew. If skew goes higher or lower across the board, I shouldn't have too much risk on here. + +&#x200B; + +**Exit Plan** + +If everything goes according to plan, I'd like to take this off for $5 profit. Gamma position won't get too bad unless TSLA crashes to 500-450 area. In that case, I would be fine with buying in gamma as we downtick, by way of rolling the short to a lower strike. It's also possible that we downtick favorably, as this spread is locally long gamma and the June/Sept vol spread could tighten on a dip. Selling the QQQ June Sept RR Calendar would also provide an even tighter hedge on tech stocks crashing. If HFs dump more of the June skew calls, I would consider putting more calendars on, as long as the RR Calendar edge is becoming more favorable. If the vol spread doesn't tighten back by at least $3, I am also fine holding this over earnings, although I will look to recalc my earnings move exposure once we get closer to end of April. +I believe that my body will not have any connection to "me" or value after I die and I'd like to minimise costs so that my inheritors get my money rather than some funeral director. + +I organised the funeral for my mum last year and it cost around £7k. Which is fine because those were her wishes and it was paid for by her money. But not what I want for myself. + +I understand that donating my body to medical science would get rid of the corpse for free, possibly paying the cost of transportation. The drawback is that they might not accept the body depending on the state it ends up in. + +The fallback might be cremation with a firm like [this one](https://www.simplicity.co.uk/arrange-a-funeral?media=SIMPBINGAT&msclkid=7e8ec3908a9f12e3cb289d830dc55592) who quote "from £995." Still a bit more than I'd like. + +I plan to write up a plan for my death and a new will and I want to minimise funeral costs. +I was talking to a friend from High School who is 64 years old and had achieved incredible career and financial success. He was a senior executive at a number of very successful large organizations including a long-time role as a Senior Vice President C Suite role at a Fortune 50 Company. + +I told him I thought it must have been great moving up the corporate ladder and making all that money. He said, **"No, it was hell and incredibly taxing. My move up the corporate ladder was full of workplace bullying, gaslighting, extreme office politics, inept managers, and jobs with impossible standards. It sent me to a therapist, a sleep clinic, and divorce attorneys."** + +If you experienced extreme career success that allowed you to invest and save millions of dollars was the career challenge worth it? + +PLEASE.. Don't tell me that your success was just based on successful investments and discipline. I am talking about true wealth only available to people who really had remarkable career success and made lots of money to put into those investment accounts! +I often have shifts with a lot of downtime that allows me to use my laptop. I was wondering if anyone had any practical ideas for things I could do online during this downtime to make some extra money? +Title pretty much sums it up. Mrs wants to buy a property and I’m sitting here pretending all is fine when I know for well interest rates are the single greatest driver of property price inflation and they are at the floor. + +How do I get over the fear of leveraging in to what many call a super heated bubble? + +*EDIT* + +I should clarify. I’m not worried about the repayment side of things. I’m worried about being stuck in a property due to negative equity when/ if this “bubble” corrects/pops. +Im trying to take advantage of all the cash rebates banks are offering. I just received my $4k from Westpack. +How long should I wait to refinance to another bank? The mortgage broker said to not do it before 1.5 years into the loan. But I have a suspicion that this information might have to do with his commission. He said that it might effect my credit, however was not able to really elaborate on what that actually means. +I tried to post this on /u/rensole's thread but the stupid automod kept deleting it because it was too long. + +The part about the share recall is wrong. When you lend a share you more or less don't actually own it [1]. Shares are considered beneficially owned for the purpose of the shareholder meeting if they're owned by the record date [2]. Whoever owns the shares by the record date (4/15) has the right to vote [3]. If a share recall was to occur, they have already done so. + +This makes sense because consider the following: If I lend my share out and a short seller sells it on the open market, it would be a double vote (for 1 share) if both me *and* the person who bought the share on the open market had the right to vote; only one of us gets to vote for that individual share [4]. The only way one could have the ability to vote is to actually own the shares, which would have been done via a recall (or never lended at all), which must have been done by 4/15. + + +[1] *This is because your share is sold on the open market when it's sold short. The owner of your shares is whoever bought the share sold short.* + +[2] *"Whoever owns the shares on the record date, whether that be the initial investor or the investor that bought the shares on the open market, is the one who has voting rights." - Investopedia* + +[3] *"Depending on who has the shares during the record date, that person gets the voting right. So if the loaned-out shares are not returned to the original owner by the record date, they do not get voting rights, only the investor that bought the shares when they were loaned out from an investor's margin account for the short sale does. Again, this is part of the margin account agreement." - Investopedia, Fidelity* + +[4] *To make things simpler, imagine there is only one share in the world, and I hold it. I decide to lend it to a short seller who sells it to you on the open market. Now you own the share. If I do not call it back by the record date, you have the one vote in the world, but if I do call it back, the short purchases the share back from you, and now I own the one vote in the world. If shares lended out still counted as a vote, then both you AND I have a vote, leading to 2 total votes in a world of one share.* + +Sources: + +Investopedia : https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/05/shortsalevotingrights.asp + +Fidelity: https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/mqz9ne/hot_topic_gamestop_corp_gme_proxy_voting + +--------------------------------- + +Additionally: + +I've discussed this a lot on this subreddit and I have gotten in many a debate about it. Let me clear some things up: + +*"That only applies to margin accounts."* - Short selling requires a margin account. + +*"The actual rule is 10 days."* - No, the 10 day rule is talking about how soon the record date could be placed, not about when to recall shares. + +*"You just have to own the shares by the record date."* - When your shares are lent out, you no longer own them. That's why you can lose shares if they're lent out and a borrower defaults. That's why share borrowing doesn't create extra ownership in the system. + +*"Why haven't we seen crazy price action yet? Is squeeze dead?"* - No, the thesis still remains. **All shorts must cover.** I do not know why we haven't seen any crazy price action. Maybe BlackRock recalled (only 9M shares though have voting power, which is 5M less than the 14M I saw on FINRA/Morningstar) weeks before and they just delivered over time. Maybe they used borrowed shares from ETFs. Maybe they didn't lend at all. Who knows! + +I leave you with this fun idea: **What happens when Gamestop receives ~200M (just a guess) proxy votes, despite having only 72M (or whatever it is) shares outstanding?** + +**~~I believe that there is a chance that Cohen and the gang know that this will happen, and are *counting* on it as well. If such a scenario were to arise (and this is towards the end of my knowledge, maybe someone else can share their wrinkles) a share *audit* would occur, which would force a calling back of shares like a *fucking tidal wave.~~* [Could that be why Cohen and the gang are asking people to vote as quickly as possible?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwmgne/important_im_sure_everyone_has_seen_that_the)** + +P.S. Enjoy the break /u/rensole! + +EDIT - Similar posts that might explain it better: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwj1ko/clarification_on_gamestop_record_date_shares + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mws33j/voting_rights_date_of_record_failure_to_deliver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (Towards the bottom). + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mra4xq/superstonk_discussion_april_15_2021/gunvaq9/ + +EDIT 2: I was wrong about a share audit. I am still researching what happens. I believe a crypto dividend might be the only way. +I am **currently** pursuing a course in mathematical economics at the **Undergrad** level but I studied maths only till 10th standard in India (equivalent to GCSE in UK). Even the little math I studied I am finding it hard to recall. I am very good at basic math ops like addition, subtraction etc and can understand the basic linear equations and stuff. But beyond that, IDK much. + +I have looked at many books for mathematical economics. Books by Alpha Chiang, Knud Sydsaeter, Simon Blume, Micheal Hoy are advanced for me. Mike Rosser and Veerachamy (an Indian author) are too rushed for me and don't really go through the absolute basics properly. + +I really liked Ian Jacques Mathematics for Economics and Business and it is easily the most lucid book I have encountered till now. I just loved that book. But it's missing topics from my college's mathematical economics course like Set theory. So I am at a loss when it comes to that. + +So yeah that's my question. What is the best mathematical economics book from the absolute beginning to the advanced topics? Something that's very patient with the basics and would make me competent enough to deal with the advanced topics. And also something that covers all the major topics needed for mathematical economics (set theory, relations and functions, principles of logic etc)? + +**PS:** I don't mind long books (as in lots of pages and sums). I just want something that's very patient, is lucidly written and gives me enough practice. +This question is asked in the context of the UK, which is facing a particularly bad energy crisis mostly due to natural gas shortages. The government recently reduced the household energy price cap to £2,500 per year. Since the big UK energy companies are forecast to make £170 billion in excess profit over the next 2 years, presumably a price cap in itself shouldn't lead to them going bankrupt. My question is, if energy is artificially cheap, this means more households than otherwise will be able to pay their bills and will restrict their energy usage somewhat less than they otherwise would - so could we ever 'use up' our energy supply and face power cuts? Do we have enough energy to go round and if we don't, could large parts of the economy suffer if they are unable to use electricity due to shortages? What if the price cap were lower - could factories and things become unable to function due to energy shortages? +Wouldn’t GDP become more stable? As people could spend in future periods even if they stop working. I ask this question because of the Financial Independence movement…. I feel that mainstream corporations don’t really want this because a shorter career length would mean less control of the labour market. Thoughts? +I know they have 3 banks that are authorized to print money, and the government makes coins and $10 bills, but how does the government prevent banks from simply printing a lot of money and causing inflation? Does it have anything to do with their fixed exchange rate? +With the withdrawal of major insurers from the exchanges, is this a sign that the Affordable Care Act is failing? Do their economic arguments for withdrawing make sense? What impact would this have on the entire health insurance industry? +It seems the Chinese system is doing well at economic growth and maintaining the power of ruling elites, so why does not North Korea tries to imitate it? Or maybe they are trying? +So this might be a strange question so let me give some context. I've read that Jeff Bezos will likely become a trillionaire in 2026, which means he has an awful lot of money. He definitely has more money than he can possibly spend and has more than any human being needs. + +Meanwhile, this world faces many issues that money could solve. Combining the financial capital of the hundred richest people in this world could probably end malaria, supply third world countries with sustainable energy and give all US homeless a house. + +However, the money now hoarded by these billionaires, essentially has no real effect on the economy (it's just sitting there, it could as well not exist). This got me thinking. If all billionaires would suddenly spend all their money on cheritable things, what would the effect be compared to a central bank creating the same amount of money and spending it on these very same projects? Would the inflationary effects be the same? And if so, what's the difference between taxing the billionaires so we can provide citizens with for example health care versus a central bank creating money in order to provide citizens with that same healthcare? + +(I'm generally quite confused with money, as essentially it's worth 'nothing'. To me it seems to define how some individuals have more economic power than others, allows resources to be allocated more efficiently, but in essence, it seems weird to me that only if we had 'more money' we could solve humanitarian issues. It's confusing because apparently we have enough resources to solve humanitarian issues, but only if we have 'enough money' we can use these resources to solve these issues. Is that simply because by spending money on solving humanitarian issues we forgo resources that would otherwise be spent building yachts for example, or is there more to it than that? + +Sorry for asking two questions, but I think they are somewhat related.) + + +Hello, I hope you are all well; I will start studying Econ later this year. However, I was concerned about the minimum wage issue, and I have not found a reasonable proposition for a minimum wage law. + +I always listen to interviews and read articles on the minimum wage. They always say that the evidence supports the fact that increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour will most likely not lead to unemployment. + +I want to ask why is this the case? It seems that noticing that unemployment did not worsen in some states after a $15 MW is not good enough to justify higher MW in other states. Are they considering the jobs that had not been created because of a minimum wage and if so, how do they do it? + +Increasing the minimum wage does not seem to damage the ones who are already holding jobs, but what about the people who need a job but are not skilled enough to get paid $15? It seems to me that it is near impossible to calculate how many projects did not continue because the costs of hiring employees are high. + +I would like to know your thoughts on this as, to be fair, the studies have left many critical factors behind, and they are not strong enough to support the case for a minimum wage. +This question might too basic for this forum but figured I'd give it a shot. + +I was reading [this article from NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/01/business/economy/biden-currency-trade.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage) and I'm having trouble understanding this paragraph: + + +>At its simplest level, the trade deficit represents a kind of leakage from the U.S. economy: Americans buy more in goods and services from abroad than the rest of the world buys from the United States, and the country takes on foreign debt to pay for the difference. If Americans bought more domestically made products and fewer imports, the spending would create jobs for U.S.-based workers and require less debt. + +First sentence makes sense. We buy too much stuff from other countries, and we run a trade deficit. How does the author make the jump to "and the country takes on foreign debt to pay the difference." When i think foreign debt, I think of the us government selling bonds and other countries buying those. Is he talking about another form of foreign debt that I'm not aware of? +According to Wikipedia, Afghani exchange rate to USD was 39 at 1950, now it is around 80. On the other hand, Iran's Rial exchange rate to USD was 70 at 1979 and now it is around 260,000. +Hi all, + +I am new to this sub and I apologize if this is against any rules or the wrong place for this kind of question. If it is, please refer me to the correct sub and I will remove my post. Thank you for your patience and understanding. + +I am a college senior who just changed majors to economics. I really enjoy the classes both micro and macro and wanted to know what kind of career paths people have taken with an Econ degree. I hear there is good mobility through things like finance and if I want to do something Econ related I should get a PhD. Just wanted to hear what other people have done so I know where to look come Job application season this fall. Thanks all! +I found this video (https://youtu.be/fpb-qJv6dBs) recently . At around 9:10 mark, they say “if everyone put their money in a cbdc, then fractional reserve banks could potentially be out of a job. This could affect consumer growth as they can not rely on consumer deposits to finance their loans. This would be particularly pronounced in the developing world.” + +What does this mean? Why can’t a central bank digital currency have a digital fractional reserve bank? I understand that existing banks may go under. But won’t new ones take their place? Or is the video merely saying that the developing world will be left behind because of slower technological growth? +I'm great at math when being taught it and can understand what's going on. Last year in college I took calc online because I had no time to fit it as in-class and it was straight READING for hours along with a chemistry course and other courses, while working. Needless to say, I did not learn a thing in calc and was more worried about completing all my work on time for both Chem and calc (which those 2 together were torture). + +Now I'm my Econ classes, I am able to understand the formulas and graphs, but as for deriving them, and understanding the calc portions of it, I am lost. + +Is it necessary to fully understand the calc portions? If so, what parts of calc is most important for this subject and should I teach myself? +Hi Reddit. This question has been bugging me for a while. Iraq's Central Bank has an account at the US Fed, and to this account enters money Iraq makes from selling its own oil. China has a central bank, and this bank holds USD in reserves. My question is, do Iraq, China, and other states hold USD reserves in an account at the Fed? Or do they hold USD in the physical vaults of their own central banks? I am confused by the details, physically, of we mean when we say "country X is holding Y amounts of dollars." Where are these countries accounts located? Within the sovereignty of their own borders, or inside the US Federal reserve? Thank you for any help - reading material on this topic are appreciated! +So it is generally accepted that [banks don't lend deposits](https://www.hks.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/centers/mrcbg/programs/senior.fellows/2019-20%20fellows/BanksCannotLendOutReservesAug2013_%20(002).pdf) (document by S&P explaining that). Page 8 reads: + +> Banks don't lend out of deposits; nor do they lend out of reserves. They lend by creating deposits. + +Over here in Germany that insight is perhaps generally accepted among institutions like the Bundesbank (national bank) and ECB and very specific academic circles but in general literature that you get to see in school or in brief documentaries/reports on TV, in magazines and so the myth that banks would lend deposits still proliferates. + +The question why banks pay interest on deposits of their customers is usually answered with banks requiring money (of customers with deposits) to lend money to potential debitors. This is of course false. So why do banks _still_ pay interest on deposits? In the end customers that don't end up taking loans at the bank don't really net the bank anything. The bank provides a service not only for free but also pay the one that receives the service. Is it solely for the potential that the customer could take up a loan, i.e. customer retention or advertisement? +For example, GDP per capita for countries like Portugal, Turkey, and Poland grew extraordinarily from $11,734 to $24,949, $3,142 to $10,941, $4,991 to $13,996 respectively in just 7 years! +Also, how is that possible that the GDP growth per year did not even exceed 10% in almost all years while the actual GDP doubled if not tripled in as little as 7 years? +Does it have to do mostly with the value of the US dollar diminishing by A LOT in comparison to those countries' currencies? +It seems like if the US went full open borders then what would happen is this wage pressure would simply subside...the only reason it exists is a lack of available labor. +I'm speaking within the context of the US or any comparable nation I suppose. Many people, particularly on the political left, cite income inequality as a grave and growing threat. Are there any economic reasons to agree or disagree? And if so, what causes this inequality? +Went to a restaurant on Friday, they happily accepted Amex payment. Went the next day, they say that they don't accept Amex. This has happened with a couple of places. Is there a reason why businesses do this? +Edit: [Updated Information Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/55ue9i/update_left_ups_after_25_years_not_old_enough_for/) + +Long story short, I started UPS when I was young (18) worked for 25 years, saved a lot of money, left the company and helped open a liquor store. UPS sent me a notice that they're going to offer a buyout of my pension (I knew this was going to happen - just a gut feeling). Under the plan, I could have started drawing when I was 55. For easy math and rounding, if the last estimate I got from them said 1000 bucks a month, and I live to 85, that'd be about 360,000 they'd be paying out. + +Couple of questions: +1) Any idea what the formula might be for the money? +2) I know if the pension doesn't go RIGHT back into a retirement plan of some sort (IRA) I'll get hit with 20% tax and since I'm not 59.5, another 10% penalty AT LEAST federally... anything I missed there? +3) I read some of the older buyout posts, and when I get more information I'll try to add it in. + +More details about me: +*I'm 43 +*Have a very small HELOC I used to build a big-ass garage (because cars) +*Small loan for a vehicle for my kid to use in college +*No other debt. +My wife has an settlement annuity due to a very bad incident a long ass time ago that pays monthly until her death, with 5 year lump sum payments that become very significant. + +Think that covers it. + +Edit: because I can't reddit very well, fixed line breaks and stuff. (sorry) +This Fund has 5000 Different bond issues, from the S&P 500 companies. The chart, the fund, tracks S&P 500 debt. + +YTD the SPY debt is down 5.46%. On an annualized basis its more than 20%. + +[https:\/\/www.proshares.com\/our-etfs\/strategic\/spxb](https://preview.redd.it/5u71lv5tabp81.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=d73f57abfc57fcb444b69b1e07e75d14aef716ed) + +[https://www.proshares.com/our-etfs/strategic/spxb](https://www.proshares.com/our-etfs/strategic/spxb) + +[https:\/\/www.proshares.com\/our-etfs\/strategic\/spxb](https://preview.redd.it/0257nmn0abp81.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4ccc1c7f7405bc8ba9ec0d22cd4fea3b1117669) + +This fund never lost money before... + +[https:\/\/finance.yahoo.com\/quote\/SPXB\/performance?p=SPXB](https://preview.redd.it/kios73b4bbp81.png?width=1838&format=png&auto=webp&s=259c5f27b84029e611113bac3b60698b62877ae6) + +The 10 year average on these bonds is a 6% return. For decades, these U.S companies issued new debt, to pay off old debt. Rates went down, bonds were never redeemed, they instead issued new bonds to pay the old ones off. + +(This is similar to the FED, and the way that they printed more treasuries... printing new debt to pay off old debt) \*The Longer Treasuries tell the same story - Look at "TLT". + +Imagine this... Your'e a normal dude who racks up $4,000 on a credit card. But instead of paying off the card with your cash, you get another card to pay off that one. Then another card to pay off that one. They did this for 40 years. + +[https:\/\/am.jpmorgan.com\/us\/en\/asset-management\/adv\/insights\/market-insights\/guide-to-the-markets\/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6L7Z5s3e9gIV1Rx9Ch3QjASXEAAYASAAEgJ9A\_D\_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://preview.redd.it/ini5nm4wdbp81.png?width=1712&format=png&auto=webp&s=20187ec4f6eff12a9b9ae4ebe2b6aab1b00e0316) + +You don't have to invest in these companies. Game Stop has almost no debt and is actually about 25% cash and merchandise. Thats the difference. + +The FED refuses to raise rates because it will crush the Bond Market. These corporations will actually to have to buy back their issued debt (because they cant refinance now rates are going up, because they will get less interest for the same quality or better bond); the trillions needed are not there... Which means the dividends are no good... + +It has gotten to a point - where these companies... are issuing debt to pay their dividends. My theory is this... + +TLDR: **The SAP 500 Corporate Bond market is starting to crash. At some point... companies will have to use their cash to buy back bonds... This will effect the dividends - Once the dividends are effected these stocks will trade to a more fair value and crash. Other Corporations wont be able to redeem their debt - due to bad planning/covid... etc... and then you will start to see a bigger wave of corporate debt defaults in the coming years.** + +It just another thing that can f### this whole system up... Greedy banks issued too much debt and most of it is garbage. The US companies bought shares with the bond money, pushed their stock higher - and their CEO's got big bonus's. + +This should alert even more conservative investors. + +**The qtr is almost over and they cant paint the tape any more - Stocks and Bonds are falling and the investor community is starting to wake up.... I don't think its much longer now....** + +After thought: If inflation is 10 percent - who wants a bond that pays 6% - Inflation has messed up the whole system because a 6pct balanced pf wont beat inflation - All bonds, stuck in low yields are trapped - (Also bonds pay no where near 6pc today) +I was just doing bit of research when i stumbled across an article where it stated that the average net worth of Canadians is $678,000 approximately. Is it true or i am super broke? Secondly if house prices are taken into consideration, does it only count the payed off mortgage or the price of the entire house? +I'm tentatively planning on retiring this year at age 36. I am a little concerned that retiring will change my relation with my friends/family. Can anyone speak to this? What was your experience making this transition? + +Some additional context: Financially, I'm a multimillionaire now so I'm probably considered at least comfortable and potentially a little wealthy at this point. I've been pretty successful investing in the past (bull market mostly though) so I have the feeling that I likely can keep growing my wealth to being more than comfortably wealthy even as a retiree. I am concerned about this because I am probably much better off financially than most of my friends. They are very concerned about money and finding good deals (oddly enough, our roles have reversed...that is the way I was 10 years ago and now I rarely price compare when shopping. Instead I think about what is going to save me the most time.) + + +One thing I was thinking I could do is just tell people that I'm a contractor now and pretend that I get freelance/contract jobs to stay a float. +User ControlTheNarrative found a significant glitch that could’ve caused many to be in debt hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, if the wrong person was to have used this glitch then they could’ve brought serious damage to overall stability of Robinhood and effectively put tons of peoples money at risk. + +CTN went in debt $50k but brought awareness of a serious glitch that could’ve brought serious financial harm to the whole economy. So far the damage has only been done to a select few martyrs. + +Give my boy a Nobel Peace Prize for saving the economy. + +A true legend. A true hero. A true autist. A real life Robinhood. + +Don’t let the media tarnish his image. We need to control the narrative. +As the title suggests... I am in the worst mental state I have ever been in my life. The failure to generate profits, combined with the losses I have sustained, which amount to 7% of my account in 2 trading sessions are devastating. I've been trading for 2 years and tried so hard to become profitable. But my mind would always prevent me from succeeding because of my fear. I managed to get my losses back and go little above my initial investment and then on previous Wednesday everything got destroyed. I became way too emotional, traded AMD without a plan and lost so much. Then I traded yesterday for small profit and today I lost again...in AMD another 650 dollars. Had I kept my shares in both cases none of this would happen. I dont know what to do anymore, I just want to end it all, this game has made me suicidal to the point of no return. I thought I knew how to trade, I had an 80% win rate but I was always failing to keep my winners and now my losers have killed me. I dont know what to do anymore, I feel awful, and it has a terrible effect on my behavior as well in general towards my wife and kids. I have become an awful husband and parent constantly depressed and alienated/ agitated. +So I need help understanding something regarding Bitcoins limited supply. If 90% of the Bitcoin mined gets bought up by investors who are all HODLING, then how does the price go up? + +Hypothetically speaking, if no one is willing to sell, then how goes the value go up? Also, how exactly is the price determined on the exchanges? +We’re looking to apply for a Home Loan in the next 3-6 months or so for PPOR, subject to COVID-19 market impacts etc. Never had a mortgage before. Irrespective of good time to purchase or not, this question is independent of that. + +Have been saving a decent deposit for a while, one thing I can’t get a good handle on is how to prepare for the analysis of the past few months of account statements. Are there any particular spending habits that get scrutinised when statements are reviewed? If so, what’s the best way to ‘clean them up’ and how long for before application and settlement? + +We’re going to be able to comfortably service our target repayments plus house running expenses as I’m saving that per month already and have been for a while now, while also paying the equivalent of the mortgage again in rent payments. Just want to give ourselves the best chance of approval and a decent rate. + +Thanks for any advice! +Helllo fellow Eth-humans! Just popped by to remind you that this game is an .. **easy entrance to the world of cryptocurrency for many who are not as into cryptocurrency as you guys are** : + +CryptoKitties is one of the world’s first games to be built on blockchain technology—the same breakthrough that makes things like Bitcoin and Ethereum possible. Bitcoin and ether are cryptocurrencies but CryptoKitties are cryptocollectibles. You can buy, sell, breed or trade your CryptoKitties like they were traditional collectibles, secure in the knowledge that blockchain will track ownership securely. + +Your can read more here: +https://www.cryptokitties.co/faq +I remember a few months ago in Australia, they just enacted a law that allows police to hack your device, access your social media pages and accounts to add, gather, change, or remove data, and even take over your social media accounts without a judge's request. + +The new orders gave police the power to hack into suspected offenders' computers and networks, seize control of their internet accounts and identities, and disrupt their data. + +And I was wondering, would decentralized social media, for example, be able to fix this? So I read an [article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lawrencewintermeyer/2021/12/16/can-sofisocial-media-defitopple-facebook-and-twitter/?sh=6f83a75c1c8d) online that talks about decentralized social media and it could do something using privacy-enabled blockchain projects to combat this? + +The way I see it, it almost sounds like some CCP thing or from a movie called 1984. I can see why governments would want to remove your social media stuff, but why would you want to change or add to it? Is it so they can accuse you of anything and then claim they caught you red-handed? +There are around 100 million blockchain wallets out there. This is an extremely small amount considering that it's only 1.28% of the total population. + +Yes, we might not be early compared to people in 2010, but being the first 1% to adopt Crypto is still very early. Crypto still has the untapped potential of the 99%, and in that sense we are indeed early as we have tens, if not hundreds of trillions to go. +In 2010 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $0.10!” + +In 2011 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $1!” + +In 2013 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $100!” + +In 2014 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $500!” + +In 2016 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $700!” + +In 2017 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $17.000!” + +In 2020 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $20.000!” + +In 2021 we had: “Bitcoin breaks $60.000!” + +Moral of the story, if you want to become rich: put your crypto on a hardware wallet and f*ck off for 5 years. + +At EVERY SINGLE ONE of these timestamps, people thought “im late.. i don’t want to buy at ATH” and you would be filthy rich if you had bought at ANY of these moments. + +Stop stressing, stop the fud, and we’ll see each other in 5 years. + +Have a green dildo day! +Ok, so yesterday I made a post about the indicies are heading towards their pre-pandemic levels (i.e S&P500 below 3400, Nasdaq below 10000) and I still hold this opinion that we're probably gonna see these levels in a couple of months. However I think the markets are oversold currently because Nasdaq dropped almost 1000 points in a week and at this rate we will see those pre-pandemic levels only within a month or 2 at max. But then what happens? I mean, recession in next year is quite possible but this means that the markets should continue to drop throughout the year. BUT it can't continue to drop at this pace otherwise it will down a lot more than the pre-pandemic levels, at this rate we might be going back to 2015-16 levels this just seems absurd. I think markets are overreacting and oversold right now and I'm considering an entry for a short term position in a good company like $GOOG or $KO. Thoughts? +I was totally blindsided and financially unprepared so here's what I did: + +1. Applied for unemployment although it took 3 weeks before I got it. +2. I called my credit card companies and asked them to implement my credit card protection program. This covers my minimum monthly payment until I get a job. I used the cash I would normally spend on this to supplement my basic needs since I'm now without a paycheck. **REMEMBER**: You must report this as income when you do your taxes. Otherwise, you will be hit with a heavy penalty**. ALSO:** You won't be able to use that credit card during this time. Keep that in mind. +3. Called the loan company for my car and asked if I could put the next payment due to the back of the loan. I paid $30 in interest only for that month. Be prepared to explain how you plan to pay your next month's payment. I needed the cash, so I used that month's $500 car note to supplement my basic needs. +4. Applied for TANF. No shame in my game. My daughter has special needs and as a result of such, they gave me a $3K grant to cover my mortgage and utilities. +5. I said these words every single day for 30 days. " How can I make more money today." and " Everything I'm seeking is seeking me." Every time I got an idea, notion on inkling about getting a job or making money I acted on it. +6. I saved every dime from a rebate or coupon. I keep a piggy bank in my kitchen, laundry room, car, and bedroom. I throw my change in them and when my money gets funny, I cash them in at Coinstar. Everyone laughs at me about this, but it's enough for gas and grocery money. Especially if you know how to make struggle meals. +7. I now have a great job working from home. So guess what? I called my insurance company to insure my car for pleasure since I won't be driving to work. It went down from $140 to $96/month. See #5 New job offers a home warranty program to employees at $24/month. I'm currently paying $89/per month. Again, see #5 +I hope you never get fired, but if you do I hope this helps you. +*"The incoming hyper inflation will create an extremely bullish cryptocurrency market which will attract more and more investors to join."* + +**source**: inferkit website + +**A report from Kotaki Fund (the biggest Japanese HF) indicates that cryptocurrencies will rise to an unprecedented level of maturity during late 2022.** + +A leaked internal memo from Kotaki Fund mentioned that the Presidency of Lanayru has drafted a plan for cryptocurrency adoption and that they are in contact with countries that have already being using cryptocurrencies. + +It is also implied that an International Monetary Fund equivalent with cryptocurrency backings is in the works since early 2020 and that stock and crypto market already have a symbiotic relationship. Their funds have been spent for evaluating the situation in cryptocurrency and creating social-economic alliances. + +This is a very positive sign to investors, the probability of Bitcoin to overtake more traditional currencies is very high in more and more countries. The leaks also imply that last year's exits from traditional stock market investments (several executives have closed their positions) has something to do with ICF (International Cryptocurrency Fund). + +\----- + +The above post is a gibberish work of fiction with no ties to reality at all (at least not intended). + +**If by reading it you felt reassured and confident in the future of CryptoCurrencies and your investment choices, you may have been a victim of confirmation bias.** + +* **inferkit** (the mentioned source) is an AI - text generation site. It was partially used to create this gibberish text. +* **Kotaki** is the name of a train station in Japan +* **Lanayru** is a region in the video game Zelda Breath of the wild +* "**International Cryptocurrency Fund**" is a made up term (as far as I know) + +**This was created as an educational example to showcase the danger of fake news and confirmation bias and not to bash CC.** +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[Daily Discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22&sort=hot) | [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22&sort=hot) | [Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22&sort=hot) | [Education & Data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22&sort=hot) | [News & Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22&sort=hot) | [MEGA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22&sort=hot) | [Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&sort=hot) | [HODL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) | [Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22&sort=hot) | [Fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&sort=hot) | [Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22&sort=hot) | [Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22&sort=hot) | [Art & Writing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22&sort=hot) | [Stonky Pets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22&sort=hot) | [SuperstonkBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22&sort=hot) | [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=hot) | | [Moderator](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot) | [Red Seal of Stonkiness](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +I am not talking of investing in bull market vs investing in bear market. I just want to know if you can time your investments since the NAV alloted is at the end of the day. So, for example, during the crazy volatility during Friday, were mutual fund managers able to use any tricks or they held stocks they already had and only sell from time to time. + +To further simplify my question, do fund managers behave like daily traders who are active during volatility? + +As an investor, what about this strategy. + + +You have one liquid fund and one equity fund. Lets say you have crossed 1yr and have no exit load. During bull phase you take the money out and push it to the liquid fund and wait. Then when market falls, you put the money back in. Do investors do this or fund managers take care of this? +At the beginning of this year, I opened a MF Utilities Pvt Ltd ([mfuonline.com](https://mfuonline.com)) CAN account and started investing. + +Yesterday, I placed two separate orders for which I paid via ICICI netbanking. Payments for both orders has been debited from my account and the bank confirmed the transactions too. However, for one of the orders, the payment shows pending on mfuonline while for the other one it shows confirmed. + +Has anybody here faced a similar situation and if so what was the resolution? I am sure I will lose the NAV for yesterday for one of those investments now. + +EDIT: The payment seems to have cleared now. It is showing the transaction with a bank confirmation number now. However it looks like I’ll get tomorrow’s NAV for one order and today’s for the one that went through. +Im writing this post because i got two calls today with regards to a credit card benefit package. + +My dad got a call first, and thereafter I did. + +Here is what happens: + +Someone will call you saying that they want to talk to you regarding your credit card. They wont let you naswer and will immediately go on to say that you have a very good "goodwill" with the credit card because you have made your payments on time, and for this reason, the bank is willing to give you some amazing "benefits and gifts" which you will receive on your registered address within 10 working days (when my dad got the call the guy said one week). + +After that they will tell you to please verify on the "recorded line" whether you have a visa or mastercard. + +Both the conversations did not go beyond this point because i quickly realised what they were trying to do. The first time i simply cut the call. + +However, the second time I spoke to a woman named priyanka, and asked her where they were based. She said in tilak nagar in delhi and she was speaking on behalf of HDFC bank. I asked for her actual address, and she said one minute, made me wait for like 15 seconds and then cut the call. + +Now, I know most of you guys might be very familiar with credit card fraud, and these kind of activities, but this is something that I just experienced and thought to share it here. If incase you do get such a call try to extract information from them, they will get scared. + +This is the number i got the call from : +91 78359 72162 + +Tell whoever you can. +Im writing this post because i got two calls today with regards to a credit card benefit package. + +My dad got a call first, and thereafter I did. + +Here is what happens: + +Someone will call you saying that they want to talk to you regarding your credit card. They wont let you naswer and will immediately go on to say that you have a very good "goodwill" with the credit card because you have made your payments on time, and for this reason, the bank is willing to give you some amazing "benefits and gifts" which you will receive on your registered address within 10 working days (when my dad got the call the guy said one week). + +After that they will tell you to please verify on the "recorded line" whether you have a visa or mastercard. + +Both the conversations did not go beyond this point because i quickly realised what they were trying to do. The first time i simply cut the call. + +However, the second time I spoke to a woman named priyanka, and asked her where they were based. She said in tilak nagar in delhi and she was speaking on behalf of HDFC bank. I asked for her actual address, and she said one minute, made me wait for like 15 seconds and then cut the call. + +Now, I know most of you guys might be very familiar with credit card fraud, and these kind of activities, but this is something that I just experienced and thought to share it here. If incase you do get such a call try to extract information from them, they will get scared. + +This is the number i got the call from : +91 78359 72162 + +Tell whoever you can. +I will tell you guys the whole story. +My friend from college whom I lost contact with suddenly contacted me after a month he asked me if he can suggest my name to join their business I said why not sure. + + +Then later he called me for an interview not a formal one they met in a cafe and interviewed me. After knowing everything about me they explained about the business that the main head here has the global distribution rights (GDR) and they manipulate the market using different techniques(which they didn’t told me). And offering to buy a stake worth of 4-5lacs and they are telling me they had returns over 100% in just 6 months. I asked them more questions like how this works and everything. They are asking me to show me bank balance first and they will arrange a meeting and explain everything. + + +It seems to be fishy because my friend I lost contact over 5 years suddenly came into contact . And he is not telling everything. + +Please tell me is this scam? If you need more data please comment. + +Edit 1: They also said that after buying that stake. I can earn based on my intelligence on the market. And they are telling me that they get money from the companies they work with. + +I asked about their digital foot print. I found nothing. + +Edit 2: Thank you everyone for advices. I decided not to invest in his business. I feel like I dodged a bullet. + + It definitely seemed like a MLM/ pyramid scheme. I tried to get as much as information I can get from my friend but he didn't said anything. I also asked him to show me paychecks for proof he didn't showed me and said that they are personal and he cannot show them. I contacted my other friends from college he contact them also. I think I'm the first one in my circle he got very close and asked me attend meetings with them and discussed about money. +With all the talk of an impending US recession and GDP growth slowing down even further, why does the market seem to be happy ? + +The Finance minister has already mentioned that income tax will not be cut in the near future, yet the market seems fine. Any inputs ? +I am not talking of investing in bull market vs investing in bear market. I just want to know if you can time your investments since the NAV alloted is at the end of the day. So, for example, during the crazy volatility during Friday, were mutual fund managers able to use any tricks or they held stocks they already had and only sell from time to time. + +To further simplify my question, do fund managers behave like daily traders who are active during volatility? + +As an investor, what about this strategy. + + +You have one liquid fund and one equity fund. Lets say you have crossed 1yr and have no exit load. During bull phase you take the money out and push it to the liquid fund and wait. Then when market falls, you put the money back in. Do investors do this or fund managers take care of this? +My dad purchased a two wheeler via a two wheeler loan. But we want to change the bank account since the minimum balance for maintaining the account is very high (10k INR). Is it possible to change bank accounts while we still pay the EMI? Or I have no other option but to stick to the current bank until the loan gets paid? +Salutations APEs! My pee was purple and I took it as a sign. It's time to get fucking serious and build some cool shit. + +[https://www.computershared.net](https://www.computershared.net) + +&#x200B; + +[Mmmm donuts...](https://preview.redd.it/dj08k7cq44u71.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=856c698bb8aaa8f55d93679aa0b740a3d2686f18) + +If you didn't know, I wrote software a bit over a month ago to start parsing through screenshots posted to Reddit. Since then, I've amassed a lot of data. A TON OF DATA. + +I've been poasting updates to Reddit, but generally, you all hate them b/c I suck at communicating. So I decided to create something that's easier to consume, a fucking web application. + +I started in on this from scratch on Friday evening... spent probably 12 hours on it, and threw it out there on the internet. + +Is it full-featured? No. Some shit isn't working yet. Give it some time though... it will be awesome. + +But the important shit is working, working very well, and it's awesome. If you want to learn more about how the methodology I use to estimate how much we've DRS'd, check out my post here: [https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/q7o6ra/drs\_infographics\_faqs/](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/q7o6ra/drs_infographics_faqs/) + +Anyway, stay tuned because I'll continue working to add new graphs and other metrics/insights. + +# Nerd stuff + +It basically started when I checked google domains and saw computershared.net was available! Grabbed it and started planning. + +Professionally, I'm an AWS Cloud Engineer, so naturally I went to AWS to build this thing. I started porting my server code over to Lambda, but didn't finish in time. So all of the heavy lifting is still done by servers in my garage. + +But now I push data into DynamoDB. Did you know you can hook APIGW directly up to Dynamo? You can, and it's awesome. I still needed a Lambda for some of the stuff though, like calculating standard deviation, etc. + +All that was left really was the frontend code. It's been YEARS AND YEARS since I've built a website... so I didn't use react or anything else... just vanilla Javascript, CSS and HTML. + +Assets are stored in S3. Then I put CloudFront in front of the bucket, minted a certificate with ACM, and pointed Google Domains at CloudFront. Et Voila! + +&#x200B; + +Cheers Apes! + +BUY HOLD DRS + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I forgot to mention how often the data updates. I manually review each record next to the image to ensure that computervision extracted the correct value from the image. It takes a while, and I usually do it in the evening. UTC 0:00 is probably when data will be updated, daily. +What do you think is the reason for them to not allowing you to buy crypto? Is it because they care about you and don’t want you to lose money? No. Banks don’t give a shit about you. + +They’re scared of losing control. +I've been using MakerDAO for a couple weeks now and have been locking up my ETH as collateral to make some profits. + +Their **System Collateralization Ratio** has been very consistent the last couple weeks. Personally, I have been withdrawing some DAI while prices have gone up, and used the DAI purchased to re-buy ETH and repeat. + +&#x200B; + +I've noticed that when prices go up, I end up buying more eth to re-invest. If I was able to realize this, I'm sure there's a lot of smarter people that have been doing this for a while. HERE'S WHY I'M PREDICTING DEMAND ON CHRISTMAS EVE: + +* Big spending on "insert here" holiday has historically been wrong. How many Chinese New Year's and Wall Street Bonuses will we anticipate before we realize crypto isn't controlled by a holiday? +* Following that logic, who's to say there won't be a bull run on Christmas Eve? +* Here's my reasoning for the run. Don't be afraid to comment with your opinion: + * Everyone is expecting some kind of bounce back. The first time ETH had $1 billion in volume in 24 hours was when ETH was valued at $150. After that, ETH would break $1 billion in volume once a week. + * From 1/1/2018, there has not been a day where ETH has had less than $1 billion of volume in 24 hours. And that was when ETH was more expensive, at $1300 in January 2018. + * ETH has comparable trading volume to the ATH this year, but the difference is ETH's current market cap 1/10 the ATH. That is an extraordinary amount of demand. + * On MakerDAO, average collatoralization % has historically been around 250%. With the very quick run up we've had tonight, the average collatoralized % is over 400%, because people have not been paying attention to coin prices on a Sunday, because hey, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. + * The second they realize how much prices have jumped up, when they look Christmas Eve Morning (I check coin prices a couple times a day, so I'm sure others do too.), they'll want to use some of their profits to withdraw more DAI to buy more ETH, and re-invest their ETH into their MakerDAO account. Sound familiar??? + * This brings me back to one of the earlier bullet points of high ETH volume. The $1b in ETH volume has been from normal trades/exchanges/etc. NOW, we have a group of people motivated to constantly repurchase ETH when prices go up (yes, I'm talking about people with a position on MakerDAO). + * Serenity, network effects, locked up supply for POS validations, etc... + +&#x200B; + +Disclaimer: All of this information is already available online. Sources: + +MakerDAO collatoralization %: [https://mkr.tools/system](https://mkr.tools/system) + +ETH historical volume: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/historical-data/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/historical-data/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I have been selling CSP's on Microsoft over the past couple of months, and with the recent downturn in Tech stocks I'm left with 100 shares of MSFT at around $315. I have now been selling CC's on it and have collected around $500 in premium so far. + +With the questionable state of the market right now, would it be smart to take some meat off the table and sell a $300 CC for around $800 premium, and if it expires ITM, I would be left with only a $200ish loss after premium collections. + +Or should I just keep selling $315 strikes near my break even and wait it out? + +Thanks +I actually tried to google this on my own and the answer wasn't immediately apparent. + +You own 100 shares of XYZ with a current price of 100. You sell a CC against those shares. Doesn't matter what strike, really, but call it ITM at 96. + +On the same underlying, with the same expiration as the CC, you open a put credit spread, say with 95 and 90 strikes. + +I am interested to know if this has a name. +Sup theta gang! Longtime lurker here, and loving this strategy. + +Ive been practicing this strategy on my main brokerage account for a year and added nice modest gains. I want to now apply some to my Roth IRA account. + +Due to income threshold limitations after getting married, I am no longer allowed to make contributions to my Roth account. Investing in “safe” ETFs has not been worth it. I only have $14,000 in this account and cannot take money out to put money in, so I want to approach this with a new strategy. + +What are some ideal theta plays to work in a Roth IRA? Realistically this money won’t be something I retire off of unless I can increase balance, so hoping to sell puts this year to grow the balance before switching to lower risk growth stocks after a couple years of collecting premiums. + +Anyone else trade options in their Roth IRA? Which stocks (under $140 strike) have juicy premiums not super risky? Any advise is much appreciated. +In response to this thread: https://np.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/6e1xhz/maryland_my_mother_died_last_night_at_47_im_24/ + +I thought there was a FAQ for this topic here, but I don't see one in the sidebar. Did I miss it? + +Her situation is pretty simple. +Only income is from Social Security. +Only bills that I can think of are the basics (rent, electricity, cable/internet). + +My thought (I have Power of Attorney) is that I'll have her check deposited to an account (maybe even her existing account, and removing her from it), that I will pay her bills from. +She has a credit card that she can use for groceries, gas, and incidentals, that I would pay as well. + +I feel like I'm missing something though. Any advice? + +UPDATE: +The scammer didn't get in as I thought... apparently, they asked for a password, she didn't know it, and they gave up... I was trying to find out what exactly was taken, and in doing so, found nothing amiss. We had a long talk about "if ANYONE contacts you about money or accounts, get their name and number and let them know I will be calling them... if they refuse or argue, it is because they are scammers." +Welcome to this month's Rate My Portfolio megathread. Here, others can chime in on your portfolio with their thoughts, keeping the rest of the subreddit clean, and giving you the ~~confirmation bias~~ sanity check you need! + +Top level comments should aim to be highly detailed (2-3 paragraphs). Consider including the following: + +* Financial goals and investment time horizon. + +* Commentary on the reasoning behind your current and desired allocation. + +The more information you can provide, the better answers you'll get! + +Top level comments not including this information may be automatically removed. If your comment was erroneously removed, please [message modmail here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadianInvestor). + +--- + +Please don't downvote posts you disagree with. If a comment adds to the discussion, it warrants an upvote. +Almost a year and a half ago I stashed enough cash for two weeks of bus fares in the top of my closet. Some unexpected expenses came up and I'm too sick to cycle to work like normal and I was contemplating on how the hell I was going to afford to get to work when I remembered the stash I had made specifically for this situation. +Like the title says, I lucked the fuck out and won 276,000$ on a Georgia scratch-off lottery ticket. Well, it was 400K before taxes. Anyways, I have 155K left out of the 276, plus 17K that my sister owes me for the car I bought her. (It was spent in good ways, for things that help me and help my family long-term) Anyways, I was wondering, what are some safe investments to put some money into for the next few years while I'm in college? Is it better to have all the money in one bank account or multiple? What are good percents to get on savings accounts? What is the best way to "store" that amount of money? +Looking for any low cap coins that might make it into the top 100 or 50. Curious if anyone has any that they have been looking. + +Edit. you guys have definitely given me some homework. Please pass the adderall + + +Some of you may have already seen my posts about what the Justice Department wants to do with KYC on DeFi. So you'll understand when I say that the normal responses to regulatory threats of "VPN/anon brah/DeFi" won't work. + +1)They are creating the framework to extradite non US citizen for developing anon DeFi smart contract. \*\* + +2)The US is also the only country that sues and prosecutes non US citizen for offering unlicensed Securities and Commodities to US citizen.\*\* + +What seems to be a Patriot act warpath of 4rth amendment violation, surely coincidentally has the effect of making it impossible for small start ups domestically and all foreign start ups to compete with legacy american institution. Only a small handful of centralized crypto exchanges can afford this type of KYC being proposed. Mostly only legacy banks can, and it is my belief that the banks want to run and operate and control Security Token Offers, US regulated Commodities, all on \*their\* DeFi backdoored with \*their\* kyc feeding into a dragnet surveillance for the nsa/fbi,etc. + +They are weaponizing The banking secrecy act, to achieve \*what appears\* to be an ulterior desire to weaponize Security and Commodity laws. There is no way a non US citizen developer can truly keep a US customer from accessing their DeFi app if it isn't on a proprietary chain like BSC. + +a) No startup can afford Bank Grade KYC surveillance, especially a DeFi app. It's an economic death blow. + +b) It's nearly impossible to get a crypto approved as a security, in fact none have been, and the approved commodities aren't real crypto on chain. The US will not create a framework, and is acting in extreme bad faith on this. + +c) It creates a deliberate incentive to force people to use Centralized exchange to wrap proprietary chain tokens to gain access to gated DEFI (BSC) + +d) The cost of attaining a SEC or CFTC approval is incomprehensibly expensive to the point of breaking the industry. + +I personally think the EU parliament should look at this as an invasion of privacy, data, and an assault on free trade, a form of anti-trust abuses. The United States is willfully attacking foreign countries ability to compete on an open source protocol and marketplace with it's dangerous interpretation of anti-money laundering laws and unfair applications of security and commodity laws. + +&#x200B; + + + +\*\*regarding recent proposals by the Financial action task force on changing the definition of virtual asset service providers to individuals, multisig key signers, owners, and operators from "companies" and "custodians" as was defined previously, largely ghost written by the US Justice Department\*\* + +\*\*Existing SEC and CFTC Precedent and Laws on Sueing non US citizen for offering products to US citizen\*\* +Edit : I sold today when it went back up to 260. See my comments on this thread: http://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6jp2j9/im_not_selling_update/ + + +I have to admit. Right now I am scared. + +I am 20,000 in debt currently with 88.88 ether. I did all the calculations this morning including taxes. + +I logged into Gemini and saw the price was currently 260. With my current assets minus liabilities if I sold at 260 that would leave me with 0 debt and about $1500 to my name. + +This was very tempting. I even plugged up my ledger nano s and did a test transaction of .001 ether to gemini. I almost pulled the trigger. + + +I am not selling my ticket to the moon, even if it breaks me! + + +We are hitting 500 guys and gals. Do not let this FOMO on this sub get to you. EEA3 is right around the corner, so is the cash inflush from GDAX (which who knows how long that could take) + +Also we have been getting a lot of mainstream media attention lately. You know most new buyers go to coinbase and how long it takes to get verified. Also once you get verified how low the buy limits are. Lots of new fiat will be entering the market soon. + + +HODL! +[https://youtu.be/QAmNjJRtLGo](https://youtu.be/QAmNjJRtLGo) + +It will be the best 45 minutes you spend today. Lots of good perspective on privacy versus scale, private versus public chains, the overall investments being made into blockchain, how its being used today and what the future may hold. What's even better is how obvious it is they are all about Ethereum, as seen in their references to sharding, snarks, L1/L2, casper, etc. Sorry if this was posted earlier. +The area where I am located (New Hampshire, Portsmouth) has very low supply of apartments and condos for sale which aren’t recent high-end construction. + +However, it does have a lot of them for rent, and the cap rates are extremely low (4%-ish). + +So I am wondering, how unreasonable would it be to contact dozens of landlords who own condos/duplexes and are looking to rent them out and ask if they would sell off market? + +My ideal outcome is seller financing with low interest for a few first years at market price with a payoff in 4-5 years, or discount off market. If neither is achievable, I don’t see how buying in the area makes sense as you would cash-flow very negative. + +But for example if a property is listed for $370 000 at cap rate 4%, then selling it with 5% seller financing will literally pay as much or more without dealing with tenants. I would think if you don’t expect appreciation in the next year(s), it might not be a bad deal for the owner. + +Anyone had success with this tactic, especially lately? +23 year old graduating College next year with a starting salary of $65,000. No debt and My Moms home is paid off and I plan on living there for quite a while. She's allowing me to use 80k of her money to invest and I was wondering if you were my age what would you do? I plan on using a FHA loan and putting 3.5% down on a SFH that cashflows at least $300+ dollars and if that works out plan on buying more. I heard there is PMI which can add additional cost to the mortgage so is it better if I put down at least 20% or is it worth the leverage power? +Are there any better options out there for getting mortgages/loans to get rental properties? + +Own 3 houses currently, one is a primary, one was a primary, and one was purchased as investment with 20% down. + +Saving up the 20% takes a very long time and I would like to expand my portfolio faster. + +I wanted to take out a HELOC on my primary residence but paying That off in addition to another Mortgage doesn't seem like the best option. + +Any advice? Any methods I'm not looking into? Any other loans I could use? What are my options? +Reddit usually bashes on people bragging about their portfolios, but I actually want to hear about success stories of young (<30yo) investors out there who have managed to build a decent real estate portfolio (>2 houses). How many houses do you own, what price ranges, and how did you get there? + +I’ll start: partnered with a family member and currently own 8 properties 50/50, each worth $200k-$450k. Huge debt but managed to build a six figure yearly free cash flow between the two of us (not each) +&#x200B; + +[EXPERIMENT - Tracking 2019 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Month Twenty-Eight - UP +653&#37; ](https://preview.redd.it/w2ssdfq9d9z61.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=b619a8369a7433f348c00664900fa63a207a1536) + +***The full blog post with all the tables is*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-28)***.*** + +Welcome all to the monthly report for my homemade 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Funds. This group contains **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, EOS, XLM, USDT, LTC, BSV**, and **Tron.** + +\---> **YOU GET A MOON AND YOU GET A MOON**: actually, just one of you. *42 Moons to the first person to name the artist and title of the hidden song in this post. Why 42? To encourage Special Membership: that's worth about $5 (42\*.12) at the moment, enough to treat yourself to a month of* [*r/CryptoCurrency*](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/) *special membership!* If you've already won this month, give it to someone else, por favor. + +**tl;dr:** + +* **What's this all about?** I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, haven't sold or traded, reporting monthly for over 3+ years. Did the same in 2019, 2020, and 2021. ***Learn more about the history, rules, and FAQs of the Experiments*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/about/)***.*** +* **April Winners and Losers** \- **XRP** wins by a ton, **BTC** loses first month ever. +* **Overall since Jan. 2019** \- **ETH** flipped **BTC** this month and is now in the lead. *Both are up quadruple digits since Jan. 2019!* Top Ten portfolio up +653% (vs. S&P's +67%), all coins in the green. **EOS** worst performing, but still up +147% (over double ROI of S&P). +* **2018+2019+2020+2021 Combined Top Ten Portfolios are returning 513%.** + +## Month Twenty Eight – UP 653%   + +[2019 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio Summary](https://preview.redd.it/brdkzaznf9z61.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=21d9296a3829085ffed48ac37c997215332058c1) + +The 2019 Top Ten Portfolio followed a strong [March](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-26) with an even stronger April: it gained about 175% this month.  Only one crypto finished in the red (**Bitcoin)** and **XRP** easily outperformed its peers.  This portfolio continues to be the second best performing of the four, trailing the first place [2020 Top Ten Portfolio](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-16) by 300%. + +## April Movement Report, Ranking, and Dropouts + +Here are the ups and downs this month for the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio: + +Ups: + +* **XRP** – up three places (#7→#4) +* **Bitcoin Cash** – up four places (#14→#10) and back in the Top Ten +* **BSV** – up one place (#29→#28) + +Downs: + +* **EOS** – down two places (#24→#26) +* **Litecoin** – down two places (#9→11)   +* **Tether** – down one place (#4→#5) + +&#x200B; + +[ 2019 Top Ten Rank - 50&#37; out of the Top Ten ](https://preview.redd.it/q0dvbpasf9z61.png?width=289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c45f36d0ddf57b3c0beb3d9dda2e93ddff7399e4) + +**Top Ten dropouts since January 2019:** After twenty-eight months of the 2019 Top Ten Experiment 50% of the cryptos that [started in the Top Ten](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-one/) have dropped out.  **EOS**, **Litecoin, BSV, Stellar,** and **Tron** have been replaced by **Binance Coin, Doge, Cardano, UNI,** and **Polkadot.** + +**BSV** and **EOS** are the only 2019 Top Ten cryptos that have dropped out of the Top *Twenty*.  + +## April Winners and Losers + +***April Winners*** – It wasn’t really close this month: **XRP** easily outpaced its peers, up +172l.   **Bitcoin Cash** finished in second place in April, up +72%.  + +***April Losers*** –  Here’s something you don’t see everyday: **Bitcoin** had the worst performance of the month.  Since all other cryptos were well in the green, **Tether** is the second worst performer of April. + +## Tally of Monthly Winners and Losers + +Which crypto holds the most wins or losses over the life of the project?  Here’s a snapshot of the winners and losers over the first twenty-eight months of the 2019 Top Ten Experiment: + +&#x200B; + +[ 2019 Top Ten Ws and Ls ](https://preview.redd.it/zxowm2wvf9z61.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=05894cb5a921a6fc25fb3494f8b67313ab2eb329) + +**Tether** still has the greatest number of monthly victories (7) followed by **BTC** with five. This tells us 25% of the time (i.e. seven times out of twenty eight months) every crypto in the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio has finished the month in the red (although many of **UST’s** victories happened in 2019). + +April marks the first time that **BTC** has finished a month at the bottom of any of the [four Top Ten Portfolios](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/). This makes **EOS** the only crypto without a monthly loss in the 2019 Top Ten Experiment. + +## Overall Update – BTC gives up lead to ETH, all cryptos well in the green, EOS worst performing + +April saw **Bitcoin’s** lead evaporate completely.  **Ethereum** not only caught **BTC** this month, but established a substantial +600% lead.   + +And that $100 investment into first place **ETH** on [January 1st, 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-one/)?  It’s currently worth $2,190. + +After twenty eight months 100% of the cryptos in the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio are either flat or in positive territory. Not counting stablecoin **Tether**, the worst performing crypto is **EOS**, which is still up +147% in a little over two years.  Compare that to the ROI of the S&P (see below). + +Although the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio is up +653%, April saw it fall even further behind the Experiment’s top performing Portfolio, the 2020 Top Ten’s massive [\+952% gain](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-16). + +## Total Market Cap for the Entire Cryptocurrency Sector: + +[ Total Market cap +1638&#37; since Jan 2019 ](https://preview.redd.it/f9w1g0e6g9z61.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=25dab2e01c58d068a56321ce6d40eff17e7ed01e) + +Although the Top Ten Portfolios are starting to generate a nice ROI, it’s nothing compared to the overall market cap.  If you were able to somehow capture the entire cryptocurrency sector since [January 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-one/), your ROI would be +1638%.  That’s still a bit behind first place **ETH**, but much better than the rest of the cryptos and much better than the Top Ten approach. + +After reaching the $1T milestone in February, we’re at $2T just a few months later.  We also have a nice seven month streak of month-ending total market cap record highs going. + +## Bitcoin Dominance: + +[BitDom at a 2019 Top Ten Experiment Low](https://preview.redd.it/ta851489g9z61.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bc5846a1e8ce3623285cf0fa70d3ddbaf74af7e) + +**BitDom** plummeted in April and is now at the lowest point in the history of the 2019 Top Ten Index Fund Experiment.  For context, the table above shows the progression over the last twenty eight months with **BTC** domination ranging between 48%-70%.   + +For what happened last time **Bitcoin Dominance** fell into the low 40s and 30s, check out the [2018 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-40). + +## Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2019: + +[ 2019 Top Ten Portfolio ROI ](https://preview.redd.it/ednkm73eg9z61.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8665a0fa4c54848e3c25121d7064fa353032ea6) + +The 2019 Top Ten Cryptos Portfolio gained almost $1800 in April.  After twenty-eight months the value of the initial $1000 investment is **$7,527**, up +653%. That makes six straight months of record returns for the 2019 Portfolio. + +Here’s a table summarizing the monthly ROI over the life of the 2019 Top Ten Index Fund experiment, which provides a pretty good sense of the journey to this point: + +[ 2019 Top Ten ROI Summary ](https://preview.redd.it/00hz2syfg9z61.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=30db892f73f182a6a598ad8e34e69c183b675cb4) + +Mostly green, but still with its share of significant dips.  For example, a little over [one year ago](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-15/) the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio was up only +6%.  + +At +653%, the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio is the second best performing [out of the four Experiments](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/).  First place is the [2020 group](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-16), which has pulled well ahead of the pack, now up +952%.   + +Over the years, it’s been back and forth between the 2019 and 2020 Top Ten Portfolios, but the last couple months have seen the 2020 Top Ten pull farther and farther ahead: it is now holding an almost 300 percentage point lead over the second place 2019 Portfolio. + +## Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios + +Speaking of other Top Ten Portfolios, let’s put them all together now: + +* [2018 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-40): up +56% (total value $1,556) +* [2019 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-28): up +653% (total value $7,527) +* [2020 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-16): up +952% (total value $10,522) +* [2021 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-4): up +393% (total value $4,927) + +Taking the four portfolios together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line:  + +**After a $4,000 investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies,** the combined portfolios are worth **$24,532** ($1,556 + $7,527 + $10,522 + $4,927). + +**That’s up +513%** on the combined portfolios, another record high for the Top Ten Index Fund Experiment project. + +Here’s a table to help visualize the progress of the combined portfolios: + +[ Combined ROI of all four Experiments ](https://preview.redd.it/hqwluvwjg9z61.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=df09520fc213b1b9feeb14c654ad332da8a299d2) + +In summary: ***That’s an +513% gain by investing $1k on whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st for four straight years***. + +## Top Ten Index vs. Top Five Index + +Inspired by a suggestion from one of our blog readers, let’s take a look at how the 2019 Top Ten approach would compare to a hypothetical Top Five Index. + +A Top Five 2019 Index would mean investing $200 into **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH,** and **EOS.** + +[ An alternate reality: what if it had been the Top Five? ](https://preview.redd.it/yxeui0dmg9z61.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c2d35b748d260eafd723850bfaa48963a3bde48) + +After twenty eight months, a Top Five Index would be worth **$10,077**, returning **908%**. That’s compared to the **$7,527** (**+653%**) of the 2019 Top Ten.  + +So at this point in the 2019 Experiment, going with the five largest caps at the time would have been the better approach, by far.    + +Alright, that’s crypto.  How does crypto compare to the stock market? + +## Comparison to S&P 500: + +I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of the experiments to have a comparison point with traditional markets.  Another month, another all time high for the S&P. + +Since the S&P 500 Index is up 67% since January 2019, the initial $1k investment I put into crypto a little over two years ago would be worth $1,670 had it been redirected to the S&P 500 in January 2019.  + +Even though an extremely solid return for traditional markets, that +67% return is nearly *six hundred percentage points behind* the return of the 2019 Top Ten Portfolio over the same time period. + +But what if I took the same world’s-slowest-dollar-cost-averaging $1,000-per-year-on-January-1st-Crypto-Index-Fund-Experiment approach with the S&P 500? It would yield the following: + +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1564 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1670 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1290 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1110 today + +Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line for a similar approach with the S&P:  + +**After four $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, my portfolio would be worth $5,634** ($1,564 + $1,670 + $1,290 + $1,110) + +That is up **+41%** [since January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) compared to a **+513%** gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios, a difference of 472% ***in favor of crypto.*** + +Here’s a table providing an overview of the four year ROI comparison between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P: + +[ Crypto vs. S&P: crypto far ahead](https://preview.redd.it/b9s070stg9z61.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=668119a0e97044f6d80a15cc0f649d6e7730cd26) + +The 472% difference is by far the largest gap since I began tracking this metric in early 2020, even with stocks at all time highs. + +## Conclusion: + +With **Bitcoin** first monthly loss and **BitDom** at a 2019 Top Ten Experiment low, it’s starting to feel a bit [dangerous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8b4xYbEugo).  Will the crypto market go through the same **BTC** run up, altcoin run up, total market crash as 2017/2018 or is this time different? + +To both old-timers and newcomers: thanks so much for taking the time to read and for supporting the Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiments. I hope you find the updates helpful in terms of perspective as you navigate this strange and exciting crypto landscape.  + +Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects tracking the Top Ten cryptos as of [January 1st, 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-40) (the OG experiment), [January 1st, 2020](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-16), and most recently, [January 1st, 2021](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-4). + +In the meantime, think long term, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose, buckle up, and enjoy the ride! +I have savings, about 10x the remainder of my car loan. My APR is 4% on the loan. I have a mortgage and no other debts. I do use a CC to accrue airline points (will I ever use them?!) and to keep the credit cycle alive in my life; I pay the entire balance every month. +Can I take a small portion of my savings and invest? I’m pretty scared of financial crisis so I’ve been sitting on my savings. TIA! +Ive just received some money from a relative who sadly passed. I used the money i got to pay off my school bills but now i dont know what to do with what i have left. I have about $10,000 left, should i invest it? what are those growing bank savings accounts? should i get one of those? im sure ill use it within the next two years but id like to make the best of it. x thanks reddit +Hello everyone, + +This is my first time posting here. I would like input on my current personal finance situation. + +My life situation is as follows: I'm in my early 30s and I live at home with my parents. I live in a HCOL area. My parents marriage is unstable right now and if a divorce happens I feel the responsibility to take care of my mom. My dad has been the breadwinner since I was born and my mother is a house wife. + +That being said, I have a contract job as a STEM major and work for a middle sized company. I can save about 20k per year. My expenses per month is about 1k. + +Here is a breakdown of my finances: +No debt or student loans + +Emergency Fund = 18K + +Checking Acct= $300 + +Roth IRA= 17k + +Brokerage acct 3K + +My long-term goal (4 to 5 yrs) would be to buy a house, minimum 4 rooms. Around my area homes are around $500K and above. I would like to get a 15 yr mortgage. + +Am I on the right track? I know there are a lot of variables but I'm trying to do my best. + *My contract job does not offer 401k for contract employees. + +Edit::: Thanks for your responses. I make about $40/hour and I have about 1 month working. Thank you for the advice regarding my emergency fund. I saved that much because it was a combination of a downpayment and expenses in case my dad left. However, I am considering investing the 18k to my brokerage acct (VFIAX). I am still unsure what the future holds, but I do want to get a permanent position after my contract ends and see what is the best strategy to get home later on in life. +Hello everyone.I'm quite new to value investing so I'm looking for some backup to be sure my first investment will be a success :)I've been looking at TCEHY recently. Their "products" are very good. They own things like WeChat (everyone in China uses that, so it has a billion users), League of Legends (about 100 million players), Call of Duty mobile and many more. The company is amazing and so is the CEO.All their stats look simply beautiful. Revenue, ROIC, EPS, FCF growth rates are hitting the roof. They look too good to be true. I think they are significantly undervalued and they will soon explode.What do you guys think? Is it a strong buy for you too? +I want to know some of your guys thoughts on both these Miner stocks long term. They both look decent value on paper and provide and extra margin of safety with the dividend being high on both. Is there anything I should be aware of before splitting money between both? + + +Hi guys! + +So most of you have probably read this piece from Buffett on owner earnings many times before: + +*These represent (a) reported earnings plus (b) depreciation, depletion, amortization and certain other noncash charges such as Company N's items (1) and (4) less (c) the average annual amount of capitalized expenditures for plant and equipment, etc., that the business requires to fully maintain its long-term competitive position and its unit volume. (If the business requires additional working capital to maintain its competitive position and unit volume, the increment also should be included in \[c\]. However, businesses following the LIFO inventory method usually do not require additional working capital if unit volume does not change.)"* + +Now I get the part about maintenance capital and the noncash charges, but I read many different ways of including the changes in working capital and I was hoping to hear your opinions on how you use it. Do you add / subtract the changes in working capital that you find on the cash flow statements from the owner earnings? Or do you calculate the percentage of changes in sales and multiply that by the changes in working capital and then add or subtract that number? Or how do you account for these in your calculation? + +I would love to hear your thoughts on this! +Hello everyone, any advice, tips, tools, recommendations on how to value growth stocks that are not profitable yet? how to think and value these stocks +Peter Lynch makes investing sound simple when he says you must follow the earnings of a company. + +And it makes a lot of sense. + +But I'm curious what everyone thinks is the best metric for earnings? + +Is it EPS? EBITDA? Net Income? FCF? + +It seems that all the above have limitations. So what do you think is the best metric to use? +Looking at pg. 107 of my copy and it's covering his purchase of The Washington Post: + +&#x200B; + +"If we make one last assumption, that the Washington Post has the ability to raise real prices by 3 percent, the value of the company is closer to $350 million. Buffett also knew that the company's 10 percent pretax margins were below its 15 percent historical average margins, and he knew that Katherine Graham was determined that the Post would once again achieve these margins. If pretax margins improved to 15 percent, the present value of the company would increase by $135 million, bringing the intrinsic value to $485 million." + +&#x200B; + +This is where I'm lost. Where do you throw the 3% and 15% in? Do you just calculate gross margins and make what seems to be conservative assumptions about what the company can really do? How do you adjust for those growth assumptions and estimations? I'm trying to do this for a company I think is undervalued and I have zero clue if I'm doing it right. Do I just increase my calculated gross margins up and then try and make it work from there? +Restoration Hardware (RH) is a luxury furniture retailer. Think of it like an extremely expensive IKEA store. Since the pandemic lows last year the stock has seen an 850% increase in price, from lows of \~$80 to now trading at $650 and highs of $730. + +This is a stock that Warren Buffet owns, and has recently bought more of at a reported price of $596 in their last filing. [https://dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=BRK](https://dataroma.com/m/holdings.php?m=BRK). If someone else can include their insights and explain why this stock is a good investment at these current levels, I would greatly appreciate it. However, I just haven't been able to understand why, as I believe there are more downsides to this stock making it extremely overvalued. + +So why would Warren Buffet buy more of this stock? + +1. Strong competitive MOAT, Buffet likes buying luxury names in which the company can raise the prices and people will still buy the product and service. +2. Return on Equity is extremely high (110%) albeit fueled by high levels of debt. Operating margins of 20%, Return on Capital Employed is 27.75% in 2020 (a massive increase from 11% in 2019) and a steadily increasing operating revenue. +3. With low-interest rates, wealthy people are buying more houses and RH fills their need to furnish their homes. + +Negatives: + +1. RH is extremely overvalued. With a DCF valuation, the price of the stock should be around $290. While it is currently trading at $650. High valuations including P/FCF of 25.25, EV/EBITDA of 24.25, P/E of 47.18,P/B of 23.09, Debt to equity of 1.89 +2. Here's a kicker, since RH's massive rally (increasing it's share price over 850%), the cost of goods sold has remained FLAT since 2019. In 2019 the cost of goods was 1,520,076 while in 2021 the cost of goods sold was 1,523,095. If the company was growing at such a pace to justify this massive price influx, we should also see consumer spending in their cost of goods sold increase as well. Not only that but there were no new stores opened since 2019. +3. Many of you probably haven't even heard of RH before, and google trends don't lie. Restoration Hardware has been slowly declining in google search results for the past 2 years. They own multiple websites rh.com , [rhmodern.com](https://rhmodern.com), [rhbabyandchild.com](https://rhbabyandchild.com), [rhteen.com](https://rhteen.com) in which only [rh.com](https://rh.com) is searched while the rest are completely dead. +4. Shift in upper-class spending: It is also believed that RH saw an increase in sales during the Coronavirus because the upper class had nothing to spend their money on, and wanted to upgrade their living area while they were stuck at home, however, with the vaccine out and more people traveling, we should expect to see wealthier people spend less money on furniture and more into traveling and entertainment. +5. Lastly, rising interest rates will significantly hurt RH in the future. From their Annual filing, "We have historically relied on the availability of debt financing as one primary source of capital in order to fund our operations, including borrowings under our revolving line of credit. We have all incurred indebtedness to finance other strategic initiatives.." With the expectation of rising interest rates, the future growth of RH will be significantly dampened, and RH should have seen a drop in price similar to how tech stocks dropped due to fear of interest rates rising. Not only that but if rising interest rates occur, it would affect the housing market, which would also affect RH. "An increase in interest rates may dampen growth in the U.S housing market and may depress consumer optimism about the U.S housing market and home buying in the higher end housing market" + +Now I'm probably wrong if Warren Buffet continues to increase his position even at these high prices, and if someone can correct me, I would appreciate it. But at this rate, I may just buy some puts on this stock. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/16/us-retail-sales-september-2019.html + +>The Commerce Department said on Wednesday retail sales dropped 0.3% last month as households cut back spending on motor vehicles, building materials, hobbies, and online purchases. That was the first and biggest drop since February. +I'm European and my long time girlfriend has double EU nationality in combination with an emerging market nationality. I'm not fatFIRE'd yet but on the way, and have made most of my money through entrepreneurship, investing and smaller scale private equity deal(s). + +I'm thinking about building up a property portfolio in my girlfriends home country. It is a somewhat unbanked country but she is from a good family with solid banking relationships. Her parents have a property portfolio with 30+ apartments. + +Mortgages are not very accessible (often high interest but that also has to do with local currency risk). The local currency has dropped about 20% against the euro since COVID. + +For those that own property in an emerging market, what was your main driver for building a portfolio there? I feel like in most Western EU markets (and especially the one I'm living in) property is overpriced and the yields are too low (2-4% gross) for me to invest, even with access to substantial debt. I can leverage significantly through my banking relationships but it just does not make sense. + +We have visited several times and whenever I'm there I can feel the "growth" of society. I have travelled extensively and that is not very common in the developed world. + +I'm assuming, as the country develops further, the overall middle class will grow and this will push property prices higher. As a secondary to that, if the banking system develops further, this should (?) have a positive effect on the mortgages people can get. More easily accessible debt generally pushes up asset prices. + +All thoughts and feedback welcome +Hello, + +I've been interested in FI for a long time now and have investigated many avenues that a person can take to reach that state. However, I seem to have trouble morally reconciling many issues that arise when people talk about FI. + +For instance, in real estate, many people recommend finding multi-family units, fixing them up, raising rents, and letting it appreciate. + + I understand the model, but as a person who now feels that life is ludicrously expensive, I can't seem to reason away the fact that by doing this I would be making life even harder for my would-be renters. Also I'd be contributing to the larger problem of gentrification and destroying the middle class. + +I've also looked into Amazon FBA, affiliate marketing, self publishing, etc. and those come with their own host of moral issues. + +So I guess what I'm wondering is if there is any way to be financially independent without being morally bankrupt? + +Thanks. +So, for anyone who follows Elon Musk on Twitter, you know he has a favorite account. He interacts with it more than any other account, because it constantly strokes his ego. And this account is constantly encouraging Elon Musk to pump Dogecoin. He has obliged on several occasions. + +Some people have even speculated that "@itsALLrisky" is Elon Musk himself, because he interacts with that account. I had a simpler theory: Elon Musk is a horny narcissist who loves the idea that this hot woman has centered her life around him and Dogecoin. Elon, bro, you got played. + +https://preview.redd.it/06ydr0kaaqx61.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=6218ec5863997c3f0d2ad53ee9ecc55ab4633dd7 + +I tracked down the original profile photo on Instagram. It's a model who never once has posted about dogecoin on her IG page. I added the side photos to the image thread for proof that I found it. That particular photo of hers, the one used by "@itsALLrisky" went viral on Tumblr. I found that people with fake accounts love it because of the partially obscured face. + +Then I checked to see who "@itsallrisky" originally followed on Twitter. A bunch of young tech bros. The first person "@itsALLrisky" followed is "Mike," a drop-ship marketer and digital ads tech bro. + +Interesting. Either this model created a Twitter account to pump dogecoin. Or some tech bros stole her photo and successfully used her image to catfish Elon Musk into pumping Dogecoin. + +Today I went and looked at the pre-2019 Twitter history for "@itsALLrisky" back when this hot model answered by the name of...can you guess it: "Mike," the very first person followed by "@itsALLrisky" who happens to be a digital marketing pro. + +Elon's tweets have added billions to the market cap of Dogecoin, so I think it's relevant news that he's been catfished into pumping dogecoin by some tech bros. Dogecoin is a multi-billion dollar honey trap. Watch out for bears lol 🤣 + +Supporting screen grabs: + +[https://imgur.com/a/yuJYKGy](https://imgur.com/a/yuJYKGy) +First, a disclaimer: I’m still new, and there are a lot of YouTube traders out there. Some are great, while others are iffy at best. I cannot tell anyone which ones are legit and which ones should be avoided, but it doesn’t take long to understand that not everyone on YouTube who claims to be a trader should be taken as a valuable source for education, so please use your own judgment before deciding to take any of their advice. After all, if only the top whatever percent of traders make money, what are the chances that all of these YouTube traders do? + +That being said, I particularly enjoy a handful of them and have taken quite a bit from them… + +- Matt Diamond is the one I modeled my scalping strategy after. +- Humbled Trader is one who taught me how to use certain indicators as well as gave me a glimpse into her life as a full time trader. +- ZipTrader also taught me about indicators, chart reading, and certain trading fundamentals to follow (e.g. buying at confirmation). +- UKspreadbetting is helping me work on the psychological barriers that are affecting my trades. +- ClayTrader gives no BS trading education on a variety of Trader 101 topics. +- Vincent Desiano is a source I turn to for better understanding of everything technical (e.g. trend lines, key price levels, breaks and retests, etc.) + +Yours? +On my long road back from self-induced financial woes (as Dave Ramsey would say, I've paid A LOT of stupid tax), I made a couple of things out to be priorities. One of them that has helped me tremendously, that I know many others use, is having a "floor" number in my checking and savings accounts (i.e., a dollar amount that I will absolutely not go under, short of a catastrophic emergency). + +When I first started on the road to financial recovery about eight months ago, that number was $100, and it was really important to me. No matter what, I wouldn't spend a dime if it meant I would go under that amount. With work and time, it rose slowly: first $200, then $250, then to $500 (which was awesome), then $1,000 (which was unheard of!). This took me four months. + +In the last month, that number has climbed significantly (for this guy, anyway) because I'm doing the right things: I moved to a dirt cheap roommate situation, started using the bus almost exclusively (with Uber as an occasional treat), stopped all of my frivolous spending, picked up extra hours, took every labor gig I could find on Craigslist, etc. My number amazingly hit $2,000 today! + +I can't believe I made it to that point. Rent is paid for the month, there's food in the fridge, all of my other bills are accounted for in the next two paychecks. + +It's been a long road......tiresome, stressful and often disappointing. But I've made it this far, and I'll keep fighting. I just really wanted to share that here, because I'm someone who lurked for a long damn time before being able to step up and try to help others. So, to those of you (who are many) that have helped in ways big and small, thank you and keep fighting! + +edit: Thanks for the love and support, people! That is exactly why I wanted to post this in the first place, to try to return some of the good vibes and encouragement I've gotten from this board and community over the last many months. You guys are the best. +[DTCC Twitter](https://twitter.com/The_DTCC) + +[Today I ask:](https://twitter.com/Jabarumba/status/1516053373837254658) .@The_DTCC How can the #DTCC argue that Dark Pools are not being abused when #ElonMusk bought $3 billion in $TWTR, with no appreciable price movement, then after he files his 13-G, the stock moves double digit percentage points? Is this how $GME #GME is being suppressed? This is not price discovery, it's crime, right? + #DRSGME + +(actual tweet edited for size) +Title. + +I have seen so many posts about people mistyping addresses and losing their crypto recently. I am posting this again before some dude inevitably does the same thing again. + +Paying fees twice is worth the peace of mind. If you're sending a small amount and it's a crypto with high fees (BTC, ETH), I'd either leave it on an exchange if it's there, wait until ETH 2.0 if it's ETH, or just send away if its so small that you won't get bummed out if you lost it. + +Anything else and there should be absolutely no excuse for you not to send a dummy transaction. +Fellow US Apes, + +&#x200B; + +After 4 months of my investment in GameStop, I suffered and aged a lot but learned important lessons and discovered a new family. I love you all Apes and we will win this fight together! + +&#x200B; + +However, + +I'm convinced now that the **American Stock Market is a disgrace** and the entities that were supposed to regulate it, let Hedge Funds steal from the American people and destroy thousands of innovative companies yearly. + +&#x200B; + +[Wall Street Hedge Funds](https://preview.redd.it/k4vuen6ivjw61.png?width=3243&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c2395501df32feae66d61eea010d2321092321a) + +&#x200B; + +**These Vulture Funds:** + +* Can create shares out of the thin air and sell them (Naked Short); +* They can easily manipulate the price of the stocks: + * Using the payment for order flow; + * Use dark pools to execute buy and sell orders ; + * They own the financial news media (Marketwatch, Motley fool, others...); +* And SEC employees are paid to do nothing. I have never seen so much incompetence and lack of shame in a governmental institution; +* NYSE is worthless and silent. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[RC, DFV & All Apes](https://preview.redd.it/s4asj4g8wjw61.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b88b92995f4ebb7a8a9020f4affb1472c8ee4075) + +&#x200B; + +**GameStop** was saved by Ryan Cohen, Roaring Kitty and millions of apes around the world that invested their money in the company + +&#x200B; + +I am prepared for a long fight and will keep buying GME Stock every month with my salary until the shorts go down + +&#x200B; + +For me, my shares of GameStop are worth much more than money now. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +>COME AND GET MY GME SHARES SHORTYS. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +[Me tomorrow!](https://preview.redd.it/3c8k3rrtxjw61.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=058c12d29b02e03f187409b7c1c659cbac2f8d60) + +Europoors are with you. + +Love you all Fellow Apes! + +Hello follow apes 🦍 this **DD/TA** post is a combination of my own smooth brain chart TA and the analysis of a professional trader and Youtuber named Andrew a.k.a **Trading Sciences** *(link at the end of the post)* **Elliot Wave Theory/Options Chain** Analysis. + + +This is going to be short and straight to the point as I want a maximum of Apes to understand what +might happen next week with our favorite stock. Please keep in mind these dates and prices are not set in stone, but will give you a general idea of where we could be going and what might end up happening this month. 🚀 + + +&#x200B; + +# Part I : MOAW (Mother Of All Wedges) + +What Is a Wedge? ([source](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/wedge.asp)) + +*A wedge is a price pattern marked by converging trend lines on a price chart. The lines show that the highs and the lows are either rising or falling and differing rates, giving the appearance of a wedge as the lines approach a convergence. Wedge shaped trend lines are considered useful indicators of a potential reversal in price action.* + +In this picture the ***Yellow lines*** represent our ***MOAW*****,** the **green line** represents the approximative price where ***Elliot's Waves*** converge it's also a great resistance/support. **The blue line** was made using our lowest and highest point from **January 27th** to try and illustrate how explosive the stock can be in the right circumstances in this case I was estimating a price of around **600$,** triggering a massive **gamma squeeze** in the process and putting insane pressure on the short sellers. + +I've try to draw this wedge using different prices and the result all pointed in the same direction, as you can see we we will be breaking out the giant **Doritos** somewhere around the **end of next week**. + +[Doritos and crayons](https://preview.redd.it/zx322414hlw61.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=3773edd19aeecc37a25cc00cc792552d8aa634bd) + +# Part II : MacDaddy + +Moving average convergence divergence (**MACD**) is a trend-following momentum **indicator** that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security's price. ([source](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/macd.asp)) + + +As some of you might have noticed the MACD on the daily timeframe has been green for 3 trading days now, if we look at our last two run-up it took 7-8 trading days from the time the **MACD** turned green to the time it peaked, if history repeat hitself we would hit another peak somewhere around thursday/friday right on schedual to break out the Doritos. + +&#x200B; + +[MACD](https://preview.redd.it/btwqsz07hlw61.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=afa64fd31dbc5a33fa3188d749c95a4a9b6dd583) + + + + +[3 days after MACD crossover](https://preview.redd.it/945rp457klw61.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=950cb872e243ba97dca84c39c9dd80b700a6ad53) + + + + +[wen moon?](https://preview.redd.it/dk7uajibklw61.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d1a61f75d6a71ba9db85b083bdd3277364b3ba9) + +# PART III : Elliot Wave Theory + +In his [***video***](https://youtu.be/GDeMralCaiY?t=130) Andew predict the price action, he explain in detail that according to **Elliot Wave theory** we would hit a stock price of approx. **216$ish** erly next week *(Green line in the first picture/ Green circle in the picture underneath)* +following a possible correction, where apes would buy the dip en masse as usual. From there, it's impossible to predict the exact price but according to his analysis it would be around **800$**\+**. (Keep that in mind for the next part)** + + +[Elliot Wave](https://preview.redd.it/du60t9adklw61.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=340a1ccbf40b3d22b215ea1df749723e5fe348ee) + +# Part IV : Gamma Squeeze + +A “gamma squeeze” is a trading terminology that refers to massive call buying leading to higher stock prices, which leads to more call buying, a higher stock price and so on. + +For a gamma squeeze to start, a group of small retail traders or one big trader betting that a stock will rise buy short-dated call options in the underlying stock. + +Once they buy these call options, the investment banks and intuitional investors that sell them essentially become short the underlying stock. + +Should the traders buy more call options, market makers and institutional brokers will be forced to buy more shares of the underlying stock to hedge their short position. + + +Just like a short squeeze, as the price of a stock begins to go up and traders increase their call positions, market makers are forced to buy the underlying the stock thus pushing its price higher. + +**Investors selling or writing the call are hoping the price will fall, but like going short, the downside can technically be limitless because the stock can keep on climbing instead of dropping to zero.** + +**If a stock has low liquidity, the latter can cause the share price to rise even further, forcing brokerages to purchase even more shares as the value of their exposure increases further as the share price gets closer to the strike price of call options.** + +Wheter its 200$/300$/400$/600$/800$ doesn't matter, Hedgies are fucked. By looking at the picture below I hope you understand why they fought so hard to keep the price below **180$** this week. if you want more in depth explanations on this, watch the video I [linked](https://youtu.be/GDeMralCaiY?t=461) below at the **7:41** mark where he compares GME to other stocks and tell us why this is very bullish. +Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but in theory if we go above 200$ it could create a domino effect of FOMO/***gamma squeeze*** that will then trigger a ***MOASS*** completly annihilating short sellers in the process. + + +[Options go STONK!!!](https://preview.redd.it/6skqhhleklw61.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=e15133270aecbbe6907f096da66635064ecf0575) + +***TLDR :*** +Buy and HOLD. MACD, giant Wedge, Elliot Wave Theory and Options are extremly bullish for next week. I Know TA is not 100% reliable on GME, this is only my personal opinion and not financial advice. + + + +***Trading Sciences video on EWT/Options :*** +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDeMralCaiY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDeMralCaiY) + + +Only reason this will work is because I know most APES by now have hands as hard as [**💎**](https://emojipedia.org/gem-stone/) and would never sell at a low price. Remember the upside is limitless 🚀 +I apologize in advance for mistakes as english isn't my first language. + + +# +Think of this, THE FLOAT IS LOCKED BY DRS SO THEY ARE TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO SELL BY SHORTING THIS HARD, THEY NEED OUR SHARES, THEY ARE DESPERATE. + +DRS IS THE WAY AND IS CLEARLY WORKING. They need our shares, our shares we hold + +Buy, lock that shit up, hold + +ALLY AND APEX NO LONGER SUPPORTING DRS + +THIS IS THE ENDGAME + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +HOLD MY APES + + +HOLD + +Not financial advice obviously +The title explains the situation. I've saved about 40k for a down-payment and would like to transition that money into my investment portfolio. My idea is to DCA it into an index fund like SPY. + +**My questions are:** + +1 - From what I have read recessions last from 10-24 months. My thinking was to invest 5-10% a month so I can invest my entire downpayment on the down turn of the index and hopefully capture the gains on the other side. What % of my money should I invest monthly to optimize towards investing all of my down-payment money during the recession? + +2 - What index fund would you all suggest? + +3 - My current expectation is to be back in the home shopping market in about 2-3 years. Would the above strategy work for that timeline? +I have seen a few posts about the new index fund offering from Motilal Oswal. + +1. NIFTY 500 +2. Nifty Bankex +3. Mid cap 150 +4. Small cap 250 + +All 4 index funds are available for SIP and lumps purchase and at an **expense ratio of 0.38%** (Not the lowest, but still not bad) + +[https://www.motilaloswalmf.com/mf/indexfunds/](https://www.motilaloswalmf.com/mf/indexfunds/) +EDIT since I can't edit title now: March, not Feb. + +Hello, + +Right now the interest rate on FD is 4.9% in ICICI. At the same time the liquid fund of ICICI Prudential: https://www.moneycontrol.com/mutual-funds/nav/icici-prudential-liquid-fund-direct-fund-growth/MPI1216 has a one year return of 3.93%. + +Now I understand liquid funds are evaluated from a PoV of liquidity and safety over returns, however in 2021 it takes 1 day to liquidate a FD in ICICI/HDFC etc. online and given the banks are systemically important it's as safe as safe can be. + +My question then would be, what am I missing here in terms of why one should prefer a liquid fund over a bank FD? + +Should one instead be looking at this as a choice between keeping the money in a bank account vs liquid fund instead of FD vs liquid fund? If yes, assuming one won't have a "very urgent" cash requirement where they need funds under a day, should one keep the "mostly liquid" part of their portfolio in FDs over liquid funds right now? + +What are the other evaluation criteria that I'm missing? + +I thought about indexation but since these investments aren't meant for compounding over a long horizon and would certainly be liquidated at the 365 + 1 day mark, as I understand it the indexation factor wouldn't be high enough to make much of a difference. More than likely one would pay STCG instead of LTCG too if they don't take it to the full 365 day mark. +Anyone that was in eth Dec 2016 should post what it was like. It was brutal. Those that held were greatly rewarded. Here we are again a brutal crypto winter with a 70% correction..... Post your thoughts. I will remove Fud. +Hey guys. + +I know A LOT of what I'm gonna say here can be considered FUDing. And that's not my intent. I believe in ETH, not as an investment, but as a technology. I'm so freaking excited for the DAPPs to come out, and see smart contracts implemented. And I've seen trememndous gains from my relatively minor investment. So yes, I am a HODLer, but I believe in the tech. + +A couple weeks ago, I posed the question "How do you think crypto would react to an economic crash". And I listed my thoughts and tried to get a discussion going, and got a wide variety of responses back. And this was great. I'm someone who believe an economic recession is brewing: everything is just too good. Real Estate is way up, the market has record days every other day, and crypto is EXPLODING. Heck, I'm not complaining about my gains. Crypto all the way! + +But it was troubling to see that a very hot thread right now is "What will you do when ETH hits $10,000". Most of the threads are humorous in nature: hire hookers, do blow, buy rocketship to the moon, etc. And that's great, because lets face it, part of the enjoyment of this subreddit is the memeing and the kidding and thats why I love being here. Its great getting excited with you guys, and its like comrades in arms when shit hits the fan. + +But it was very troubling how many people thought $10,000.00 was all but guaranteed. It wasn't a question of if, but was it 2018 or 2019 it would happen. And its worrisome because it shows the degree of ignorance of the current level of investors. And we've said that before, many times, but right now it feels like we're in a mania phase. Friends are asking me about crypto. My sister, who I dearly love, has no interest in investing but was trying to understand it because everyone at her work is talking about it. I tried my damnedest to explain to her, but she couldn't understand WHY someone would want or consider crypto so valuable. And I tried the same with my friends, and likewise, they see it as just a get-rich-quick thing. A man who came into my store, a very good and wealthy customer, told me he made most of his money on bitcoins, eth, and litecoins. But when I tried talking to him about ETH's scaling, he confessed he had no idea what ETH even was. + +I know most people don't fully understand WHAT ETH or most crypto is, but only now am I seeing it in my real life. + +It feels like this is all a game of musical chairs. It FEELS like the music has stopped. And my greatest fear isn't that I'll lose my initial investment. When ETH dropped to pennies, I simply wrote the money off as lost. ETH gave me more knowledge in terms of understanding markets, technology, and amusement than any videogame or movie could, so it was money well spent. + +No. My fear is that when people realize Bitcoin ISN'T worth $17,000.00 dollars, we'll see a crash like no other. When the stock market crashes, people are laid off, real estate plunges, like it does every ten years, crypto will see a shakedown like we've never seen before. And the shock will be so tremendous, ETH will be left in the dust. And it won't recover. + +https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/940746391256678400 + +I'm not trying to cherry pick or frame his words to match the narrative. But Vitalik, who understands all this better than God himself, (Hail Vitalik, hallow be thy name), even admits that Crypto as a whole isn't at the level that warrants this degree of price. While I'm happy with the ROI, I'm more interested in seeing the technology succeed. But if crypto is dealt a deathblow, if all this currency turns to ash on the wind and consumer trust is broken on a global level for the next decade... ETH might not recover. + +Pessimistic? Maybe. + +But I'm curious as to what everyone else's thoughts are. +Hi guys at r/CryptoMoonShots. The last TikiTalk AMA hyped me so much, that I have to share the news with you... + +For $TIKI hodlers it is and will be even more Happy Hour all-day: + +☝️ u/realtikitoken is the FIRST ever Token, which pays hourly $BNB auto-rewards + +✅ BTC + BUSD (stable coin) rewards soon + +✅ #Staking imminent + +✅ #Certik Audit imminent (TIKI is already listed on the Certik website) + +✅ Auto-Reinvest soon + +✅ Conversations with big - that means very well known - centralized exchanges (CEX)! + +Details About TIKI Token: + +$TIKI is the first of its kind, a unique automated BNB reflection token, enabling holders to benefit greatly from hourly automated reflection straight into their wallet, how convenient 😎 Holders can also easily view and keep track of their reflections through an eye catchy Tiki Dashboard. The Dashboard also allows holders to view forecasted reflection based on not only future volume but also on forecast of reinvested rewards. + +To be clear: Tiki is not a SafeMoon Fork or a copy of another project, they have their own contract and this is the first of its kind! You know what this means... ;) Another excellent element of this project is the dev team, who are constantly and consistently finding ways to better the token through unique innovation, always attempting to differentiate Tiki from other coins on the market. + +Tokenomics: + +\- 1 Billion Total Supply + +\- 10 % Auto BNB Distribution + +\- 5% LP + +Telegram: [https://t.me/tikicommunity](https://t.me/tikicommunity) + +Website: [https://www.tikitoken.finance/](https://www.tikitoken.finance/) + +YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5bEBcgJ0O5vZRMf3rUa\_A](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu5bEBcgJ0O5vZRMf3rUa_A) +The concept: create a bank account. Every time you are offered insurance coverage or extended warranty coverage on a product or service, don’t purchase that coverage, but instead deposit that money in your self insurance fund. + +Every time you have something break that would have been covered had you purchased the warranty/insurance, deduct from the account to pay for repairs/replacement. + +I’m betting that just about everyone would have a significant positive balance in the account over time. + +Edit: not recommended for health insurance. + + +Obviously, the most talked about news of the week was Facebook’s huge earnings disappointment, which lead to a nearly 19% drop in value for the company’s shares yesterday. With that being said, I’ve seen a lot of people now talking about getting into $FB because it’s now at some sort of discounted price while still being the same solid company. + +I’ve often wondered the same thing in similar positions, whether to get into a good company that had a disappointing earnings report and is now trading at a discount to the previous price. But what I’ve often found, and what I believe to be the case here, is that we should shift our attention to another company in the same sector. After all, in the interconnected world we live in, macroeconomic forces have a huge impact on our investments. + +What I mean is, if you were a buyer of $FB before this earnings release, than you know that the core business you are buying is Facebook’s online advertising services. So instead of getting into $FB at a discount, why not get into a company that has produced a higher quality advertising business! This is not a revolutionary call, but my suggestion right now is to get into $GOOGL. + +As Warren Buffett has said (you see me quoting him a lot here because we should all be investors, not traders), “it is better to get a great company at a fair price than a fair company at a great price”. Facebook is a quality company now being offered at a discount. But if we are investing, than it seems prudent to turn our attention to the far better business at this time. + +Alphabet offers EIGHT - count em, eight - platforms that have over a billion users, meaning advertisers have far more diversity of services to choose from to advertise their products. Facebook just has one, or maybe one and a half if you count Instagram. Facebook has warned that profit margins are going to continue to decline through 2020, while Google has shown remarkable stability in getting revenues to outpace costs. Google posted nearly 24% yoy growth in the advertising business in Q2, and, the hardware and cloud services business that is being counted on to drive Google into the future, saw a robust 36.5% yoy improvement. In addition, traffic acquisition costs for Google were down just slightly as a percentage of advertising revenue, even though total costs did rise. + +This may be an opportunity to get into $FB, but I think the real upside play here is in $GOOGL. + +Stack that paper friends. + +LONG GOOGL LAST $1276.90 + +AF + +The government said cleaners can go back to work. + +Someone mentioned to me they have told their cleaner to stay at home and carried on paying their cleaner during this period. Should we all be doing this if we can afford to? + +Do you think that it is right to expect your cleaner to return to work? Is having a cleaner a luxury? +Edit: apparently this is trending as one of the most controversial posts on all of Reddit today. Nice! Bananas for everyone! + + +Good morning you fucking degenerates! + +Literally never traded options before and I want to throw a few thousand at making money from DWAC dropping off a cliff. Why? Because there are very few things that would bring me greater joy than Tweeting a picture of my brand new Tesla that I purchased with the profits I made betting against the MAGA financial army and the late to the game bandwagon bag holders who followed them. + +I am absolutely ok with losing every penny of this play. How can I do the most damage? + +For context, this is out of character for me. I’m a middle aged, middle class father of 2 with about 4 years of investment experience. I buy and hold. About 5/6 of what I hold is moderate risk, market growth equities and ETFs. Nothing really exciting at all, except that I bought into 4 Chinese tech companies when everyone said to get out (don’t sleep on JD, BABA, Tencent, and Baidu!). I’m up some and down others, but doing better than average so far. + +I do research into the companies I buy, determine what I think a fair value is, and set rules for entry and exit. After a few very silly decisions in the opening days of my investing, I no longer panic or FOMO buy. Its about the process, the structure, and the research. + +Except for this…. + +I’ve wanted to take some of my income and make more aggressive plays for bigger returns. Slow and steady is responsible but terribly boooooooring. What better way to debut than taking my biggest financial risk on the most inflammatory stock in history? + +Inspire me, apes! +EDIT 3: There are a number of comments stating various degrees of info or “warnings” from Fidelity and this only represents my specific experience yesterday. + +Fidelity is still my broker and this is not meant to be anti-Fidelity in any way. + +EDIT 4: “Liquidity” as many have pointed out, doesn’t really mean what the rep implied on the phone. Computershare is NOT a broker so the “liquidity” (in this I am assuming they mean the money needed to fulfill the order) doesn’t come from Computershare. It comes from the buyer. + +PLEASE CORRECT ME if I am misunderstanding, but essentially, “liquidity” isn’t really a concern and may just be CYA stuff. + +EDIT 5: as u/TheHobo101 pointed out, “liquidity” most likely just means Computershare doesn’t sell your shares instantly or quickly because they aren’t liquid. + +If you take your tendies to a Credit Union, here is a great post on what to look for: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peq62s/credit_unions_and_how_to_research_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +**Original Post:** + +When Ian answered and I told him I wanted to DRS, he asked me why (not literally "why", but "why" in the call-center-lingo way). I repeated myself basically and he said that before they can process the request, they need to go over some "information" and "warnings" first. + +Information: + +* "Fidelity doesn't short Game Stop" and "Fidelity isn't involved" +* "Fidelity doesn't lend your shares." + +Warnings: + +* "Computershare doesn't have the same liquidity." +* "Computershare has a selling limit" - Funny enough that they think $1M is possible +* "Computershare isn't meant to sell or buy" paraphrased a little but that what the gist +* "Computershare has fees for trading" + +**I did not bring any of these topics up.** I literally only said "I would like to direct register my shares with Computershare". + +He also made a couple of offhand comments implying that people may have the wrong understanding of Fidelity and they had to update their website to reflect those details. Sorry I don't have it verbatim, so I guess you just have to trust this idiot. + +I have pretty bad phone call anxiety especially when it's something I am not confident in, but I kept seeing how easy it was so I gave it a shot. + +Ian wasn't rude or pushy, but it wasn't as "seamless" as my anxiety hoped for. I admit I was a bystander at first, and part of my lack of action was anxiety. I didn't want to justify or navigate this at all when a "professional" is telling me otherwise. + +&#x200B; + +Anyway, all but 5 shares are heading to Computershare so I can finally sleep at night knowing I aint a bystander. + +EDIT: Someone asked me about Computershare’s Fidelity’s comment. https://i.imgur.com/ZvzwPHx.jpg + +**I am merely posting so they can get their doubt quelled but I think this could appear as FUD so stop reading here if you want.** + +From u/janetfknsnakeholes +Text: + +*Ape, I’m a hardcore lurker and suck at being a karma whore so I cannot post. + +In your post, the Fidelity rep warned that CS did not have the same liquidity. I looked at their balance sheet (I don’t really know which number to look at) but I don’t think they have a trillion dollar balance sheet like Mark Cuban said to find. + +So now I got some fear in me that they may not be able to pay out when it gets really high. I got 230 heading over from vanguard and wanted to do the rest once they showed up, but now I’m hesitant. + +I don’t recall any posts mentioning CS balance sheet or a liquidity issue. Can you ask the brethren if anyone has done research into this or should I not worry since CS shares aren’t supposed to be sold?* + +EDIT 2: +Response from u/alex_co + +https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pxkynz/_/heopyxp/?context=1 + +Text: +*Commenting on the edit from the post: +Computershare doesn’t need the trillions in assets to pay us. The money comes with the shorts, dtcc, fed. Computershare isn’t the one paying for the shares, just like Fidelity and Vanguard wouldn’t be paying you. They’re just the middlemen between you and the buyers. +The trillions in assets is simply to ensure they won’t go bankrupt, as could happen with Robinhood. But CS is not going bankrupt because they don’t engage in any sort of risky trading. They simply manage stock shares. They aren’t an investment firm. +But none of that should matter if CS shares are for the infinity pool and shouldn’t be sold. Selling CS shares only inhibits the MOASS. At least until all non-CS shares have been closed.* +https://www.wsj.com/articles/luckin-coffee-probe-concludes-chairman-knew-or-should-have-known-of-fabricated-transactions-11593953644 + +An investigation into the accounting misdeeds at Luckin Coffee Inc. has concluded that the company’s chairman knew—or should have known—about the fabricated transactions that inflated the Chinese coffee chain’s sales last year, according to a person familiar with the matter. + +A report detailing the internal probe also said that Charles Lu, Luckin’s co-founder and chairman, didn’t fully cooperate with the investigation, the person said. + +The monthslong probe was conducted by a special committee of Luckin’s board with the assistance of law firm Kirkland & Ellis LLP. It found evidence that Mr. Lu had knowledge of certain related-party transactions that weren’t properly disclosed, the person added. + + +Mr. Lu, in an emailed response to a request for comment, said: “Rumor! Not true!” A Luckin Coffee spokesman declined to comment. + +WSJ NEWSLETTER + +What's News +A digest of the day's most important news to watch, delivered to your inbox. +What's News +I would also like to receive updates and special offers from Dow Jones and affiliates. I can unsubscribe at any time.I agree to the Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice. +SIGN UP +Three-year-old Luckin, an upstart rival to Starbucks Corp. in China, listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market in May 2019. It revealed just 11 months later that more than $300 million of its 2019 sales were fabricated. The company’s American depositary shares are in the process of being delisted from the exchange, and Luckin’s market capitalization has fallen below $1 billion, from more than $12 billion in January this year. + +The Wall Street Journal reported in May that a group of Luckin employees began creating fake sales transactions before the company’s IPO, by booking sales of vouchers that could be exchanged for cups of coffee. Some of the vouchers were purchased by individual accounts, but the vast majority were bought during the second half of 2019 by a number of little-known companies, many of which had links to Mr. Lu, according to documents reviewed by the Journal and people familiar with the matter. + + +In addition, a company with ties to Mr. Lu was recorded in Luckin’s systems as a supplier of raw material and received payments from Luckin that were approved by its former CEO, Jenny Qian, the Journal’s reporting showed. + +On Sunday afternoon, a crucial Luckin shareholder vote took place in Beijing that crystallized a fight for control of the company’s board. Mr. Lu, whose status as Luckin’s controlling shareholder has been under threat, had put forth resolutions to remove four directors, including himself and representatives of two other Luckin shareholders, and replace them with his nominees. The result of the vote wasn’t immediately known. + +Last week, Luckin said an internal probe into the accounting misconduct was substantially complete, and that sales were inflated from April 2019 through the fourth quarter—confirming the Journal’s earlier reporting. + +The company said it has decided to terminate a dozen employees who reported to Ms. Qian, the former CEO, or former chief operating officer Jian Liu and who knew of or took part in the scheme, and subject another 15 employees to “disciplinary actions.” + +Luckin said funds supporting the scheme were funneled to the company through a number of third parties associated with its employees or related parties. It said 1.34 billion yuan ($190 million) in costs and expenses were inflated last year, and it is in the process of “terminating relationships with all third parties involved in the fabricated transactions.” + + +The company didn’t detail Mr. Lu’s role in the scheme, but said directors proposed to remove him at a board meeting last week based on “documentary and other evidence identified in the Internal Investigation and its assessment of [his] degree of cooperation in the Internal Investigation.” + +Mr. Lu managed to retain his seat last week, as the board needed a two-thirds majority to push Mr. Lu out. Three of its eight board members who are also executives of Luckin voted against Mr. Lu’s removal, according to the person familiar with the matter. + +On Sunday, the extraordinary general meeting that Mr. Lu called to reconstitute Luckin’s board was held in a sprawling commercial complex guarded by tight security. Journalists were barred from entering and told by security guards not to congregate. + +Mr. Lu’s control over the company is in doubt as creditors including Credit Suisse Group AG have moved to seize and sell a chunk of his shares to recoup a $533 million margin loan that he defaulted on. + +A court in the Cayman Islands last month granted an application by banks to wind up entities holding Luckin shares owned by Mr. Lu and his sister, and another related court hearing is scheduled for July 6. + +A representative from KPMG, the court-appointed liquidator, attended the shareholder meeting in Beijing, according to people familiar with the matter. +It's very interesting how many oldschool traders stopped posting in this sub after it got full of people that don't do due diligence... amazing how this new people buy iota or neo without a clue, timing markets and jumping on hype trains will only lose you money. + +Bitcoin is old technology with governance issues and huge fees, litecoin doesn't have anything to offer, ripple is centralized. What else do you need to know? if you are here and don't even know what a GENERAL PURPOSE blockchain is and the meaning of turing complete you should proceed with extreme caution. + +If you want good advice also listen to u/Mr_Yukon_C... + +EDIT1: By the way, I sold because I needed to (personal matters) not because I was trying to time the market, although knowing ETH's history selling over 390 is very probably not a bad thing... ...of course the price is going over $1k soon enough... +There seems to be an endless supply of subscription boxes - snacks, meals, meal kits, booze, underwear, beauty, spices, toys, pet treats, sandwiches, polyhedral dice, tea. + +Often when I see them mentioned here it's pointed out that you pay a massive premium for a relatively minor convenience/treat. But are there any that are particularly worthwhile? + +**What subscription boxes do the financially conscious subscribe to?** +Cnn, bbc, the guardian, Ap, nbc all called it in. Biden is the 46th president! Trump will protest for sure and this may drag on until December, but I don't think things will change. + +What do you think will happen on Monday? I think more green!! +[https://www.afr.com/property/residential/one-quarter-of-sydney-home-sales-pulled-from-auction-20221113-p5bxsf](https://www.afr.com/property/residential/one-quarter-of-sydney-home-sales-pulled-from-auction-20221113-p5bxsf) +My Friend has his condo rental on the market for over a month now. Most applicants are a dud. But there's this couple who have great credit, great financials and history, Everything checks out. ----but they only need 6 months. + +Reason: They have a job offer to another city this coming july. + +They offered to pay $100 more in rent. My friend asked me about this, but unfortunately, I dont know anything about condos (I avoid HOAs like a plague). + +Anybody with condo experience give their thoughts about this? +https://www.tflguide.com/this-time-its-different/ + +Sir John Templeton, the investing pioneer had famously said, ‘This time it’s different’ statement is very dangerous. It is very apt for investors – if you often start hearing ‘This time it’s different’ you should start getting worried. + +Why do people say ‘This time it’s different’ ?? Because there’s no other way to prove that they are right. This time it’s different can have many interpretations in the markets – + +4 most dangerous words in Investment world + +1) Making the same mistakes again + +Investors tend to make the same mistakes again or make the mistakes other investors made earlier. They do not learn from mistakes. When markets are rising, they feel that “it will be different this time” and do not remember the crash earlier. + +For example, in the year 2000, the dot-com bubble and some market manipulation led to the indices zooming upwards. Retail investors bought stocks at high prices. Then the Sensex lost 2000 points in 3 months leading to big losses for retail investors. They did not evaluate the market well. They went along with the herd to buy stocks without understanding the fundamentals. + +In 2007, FIIs invested a huge amount in India, this led to a rise in the stock markets – valuation ran much ahead of the fundamentals. Investors again made the mistake of buying at high prices with the reasoning that “this time is different” as there are no dot-com movements and big institutions are investing. Media started publishing articles India needs Infrastructure & real estate blah blah so ‘This time it’s different’. In 2008, the stock market crashed and investors lost again. + +No body was ready to invest in 2008 end because they thought ‘This time it’s different’ – the world is going to end. + +Investors feel that this time it is different and they will not make the same mistake again. But this is a delusion. Investors will lose money when they believe without any concrete evidence that ‘this time it’s different’! + +2) Historical Returns are important + +Past performance is not indicative of future returns – Most mutual funds and investment houses put forward this disclaimer. But past performance (I am not talking about recent past but historical data) is an important parameter to consider while investing. You cannot ignore historical performance by saying “it is different this time”. It gives some idea of the investment and the trend of returns given by the investment. + +3) Valuations always matter + +There will be different bubbles and market conditions that will come and go. But the valuation of investments will remain in place. At different times, the market will be influenced by different conditions. But if your investments have been chosen after careful research, solid fundamentals and good management, the investments will stay on course in the long run. But be frank retail investors don’t have such capacities. It will be better if they have their investment policy statement & stick to that in all season. [ PE Ratio is one of the valuation methods – there are many others ] + +4) Human Greed + +Usually retail investors are not able to overpower greed and fear when they invest. This is not different in any part of the world. They try to put all their money in one outperforming asset. They do not exit (rebalance) from the asset at the right time in a bullish market expecting more and more gains and end up losing money. Others fear losses and do not invest in the market at all till their friend bought a car after selling scooter. Some people hold on to bad investments as they are scared of losses. + +It is good to want to optimize your returns and be cautious in the market. But at different times there will be different reasons for volatility in the market. It is important to recognize that and attach the requisite importance to valuation. + +--- + +I would just emphasize point #3, as IMHO it is the foundation for this post. Most people who believe "This time it's different" believe that how we fundamentally value the market has changed. Sometimes this is an opinion based upon research, but many times it's simply because the people uttering the phrase don't know anything about investing, and thus don't appreciate or understand what fundamental valuation is. +Hey everyone, + + +Last weekend my Dad revealed that he has inherited a HUGE windfall (\~£500,000) from an incredibly wealthy elderly relative this summer. My Dad had no idea he was even part of the will prior to the death. He always got on well with this relative, but the inheritance - and it's size - was a shock to everyone. + +Dad has since said that he wants to use the money to have an awesome retirement and look after his four children (myself being one of them). I figured this would be the point he'd reveal the financial advice he'd been given, but it turns out he's spent the past couple of months Googling his way to a plan. This made me nervous and I asked why he didn't go to a financial advisor. He mentioned the high fees and told us a tale of his auntie getting ripped off many years ago. He seems pretty adament to take matters into his own hands and I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle getting him to consult an advisor. He's very stubborn and highly values his independence. + + +Luckily, especially for a stubborn person, he often has great judgement and is SCARILY good at upskilling himself on topics, especially for a 70 year old. I just hope he's got this one right. + + +With that said, he's agreed to share his plan with you guys and is excited to hear your thoughts. So Reddit, given this crazy scenario is this plan insane, or does it make sense? + + +Current financial situation... +70 years old, retired, widower +4 kids, all in their 30s +£250k property (no mortgage left) +£550 a month income (state pension) +£35k savings (sat in a low interest current account, boo) +No private pension (boooo) +\~£500k crazy inheritance (it's currently sat split across a few current accounts, under the £85k limit) +\~£500 monthly outgoings (he has an incredibly low maintenance man who's pretty frugal) + + +Additional context from Dad, 'I smoke a ton of cigarettes so I might not make it past 80. Nevertheless I've budgeted to live to 90 and have put a 2 year carehome fund aside in case I lose my marbles'. Quite morbid, but I love his honesty. 😂 + + +The goal: Have enough money to live on & maximise money that goes to the kids + + +So without further ado, here's the plan he's cooked up... + + +Part one: Setting up the kids + + +Dad said that he's now liable to pay considerable inheritance tax (a problem our family has never had before) as his assets are worth \~£800k. He's already set out the house to the kids in his will, which he tells me gives him a tax-free allowance of £500k. He then said he'd like to gift each kid £60k (£240k between the 4 of us) in January 2021 and hopes that the '7 year rule' means that we avoid inheritance tax on this money (given he lives to \~78). This sounds WAY too good to be true, but he assured me it's the case. Is it? + + +Part two: Money to live on + + +For the rest of the money (\~£270k), Dad reckons it's best to open up Vanguard accounts and throw it into the LS40 fund split across 3 products: + + +1. S&S ISA - He currently has no ISA but wants to max the £20k limit every year until he runs out of cash or dies. This shields him from CGT he tells me. + + +2. SIPP - This sounds crazy, but he reckons he can put £2,880 into a SIPP each year until he's 75, despite having no taxable income? He then said the government will top this up with another £720 each year for free, again in a wrapper shielded from CGT. + + +3. General account - for the remaining balance (£200k+) he wants to throw it in a general account and use this to pay himself £1,500 a month. He reckons at this run rate the cash will last him until he's \~90, assuming inflation is 2% and returns of 5% a year (unsure where he got these figures from, but they seem reasonable). + +He also thinks he won't have to pay CGT on the drawdown, as although his annual withdrawals will be £18,000, the vast majority won't be profit. Is this correct? + + +Aaaand that's the whole shebang. It sounds smart from my perspective, but I'm not a financial advisor. Reddit, what are your thoughts? I know it's a TON of context, and an incredibly unusual situation, but I'm at a loss for what to do. I'm going to try my best to drag him to an advisor in the new year, but I'm not hopeful! In a year with so much pain and heartbreak I feel guilty asking for help in what is a VERY privileged situation, but I'd hate for him to balls anything up. Any help would be much appreciated. +As someone who works in a large UK bank, just trying to spread awareness of an issue that is still ongoing. I would appreciate if you pass this message on to anyone who is more vulnerable as it seems to be targeting them. + +Phone calls are being targeted towards vulnerable people from various sources informing the customer that they have a £600 foreign transaction on their account and to call back on a certain number. The called DOES in some circumstances have certain personal information regarding the account holder. This has been ongoing steadily for a few months now and we just had our first major victim to it, a large amount in tens of thousands sent to a Moroccan account via an electronic BIC/SWIFT transfer. Haven't yet heard back exactly what has happened to the funds. It appears the victim provided online banking login details and also verified the login themselves via our 2FA method. + +Usually these things are localised, but we (being a Scottish based branch) have had customers from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk, Dundee, Newcastle, Liverpool and Leeds all notifying us that they have been called. All customers who have notified us so far are 60+, not sure if that's just targeting of the calls or just younger people being more likely to check online banking and ignore the call. + +In summary: + +* Foreign transaction +* Value £600 + +If you could please pass on to anyone that might be too trusting and susceptible to things like this, that would be much appreciated. +I’ve seen many stories about traders making tons of money on the market, and I know that those big hedge funds have quantitative specialists. + +I tried automated trading on Forex back in 2011 and failed miserably, I used only tech analysis and some primitive indicators, such as MA, RSI, momentum and few others. After that fail I had an impression that making profits on the market is only an option for big companies (I’m not talking about long term investments here ofc). + + +However, recently I started to see some activity in this area and I started to think that I might be wrong. Is there anyone here who has been profitable for at least a year with automated trading systems? +Hi, + +Someone suggested I post this here. CME charges $2000 for their complete data set on EOD WTI options which goes back to November 1986. I am new to options and will be using the data to learn. + +Thank you. +Hi, I am new to this field, although I am of a programing and ML background. + +My data source is currently MetaTrader 5 (it has a ready to use libraries for Python) ... + +I was about to start building my own framework for backtesting and live trading etc.. But then discovered that there are lots of such frameworks on python, so I got lost very fast what to use... For example, this list contains too many of them.. [https://github.com/wilsonfreitas/awesome-quant](https://github.com/wilsonfreitas/awesome-quant) + +My aim is to use MT5, and build first some simple trading strategies, and gradually move to use ML via Pytorch, on charts of 1M and higher, mostly locally, no plans to do it on cloud or so. + +So, are there a standard libraries in this field that may suit my plan, or it is better to go ahead with my own framework? Thx. +I've been collecting price+stats information from Yahoo, TD, Robinhood & IB. None of them have an api call for company earnings events with date+time+before/aftermarket. I can always resort to scraping the date/times from TD's website or [earningswhispers.com](https://earningswhispers.com) but I really just want a nice reliable api call. (Free, that is :) ) + +So where have you been getting your earnings dates? + +Thanks. + +PS. I also stream some data from IEX and I didn't see an earnings event on the corporate actions docs either. [https://iextrading.com/developers/docs/#iex-corporate-actions](https://iextrading.com/developers/docs/#iex-corporate-actions) +# About $CTRM + +**Castor Maritime Inc. (CTRM) is a global shipping company specializing in the ownership of dry-bulk vessels.** + +It was first admitted to the NASDAQ in the month of February 2019 at a share price of USD7.10. It has grew steadily reaching a high of $19.00 at a point. + +It invested heavily in the emerging seaborne shipping markets early in 2020. However, due to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, it fell to an all-time low of $0.11. + +This is also partly due to the COVID-19 restrictions set on the seaborne shipping industry which accounts for almost 80% of CTRM’s trading volume. + +# Why you should invest in $CTRM + +With the new vaccine rollouts, COVID-19’s end is in sight and the seaborne shipping industry is well positioned for a comeback. + +CTRM recently acquired new dry-bulk vessels and is **aggressively expanding** and by improving their fleet and increasing their market share. + +CTRM’s share price has been steadily increasing. The high Beta ratio of 1.54 can be highly attributed to the sharp decline in price due to the reasons mentioned before. + +President Biden has signaled his willingness to address climate change and the dry-bulk vessels that CTRM is using have a lower carbon footprint. This means that while other shipping companies are consolidating, CTRM can continue its aggressive expansion. + +# Financial Statement Analysis + +**CTRM’s financial statements are pulled from Yahoo Finances.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dq3i98x2ukf61.jpg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33673aee228afe04a89720f3472bd75bb2078d9d + +CTRM’s gross profit can be seen to be steadily **increasing** over the years. This is due to the constant increase in the revenue to the company. + +CTRM’s pretax income has been **increasing** from 2017 to 2019. However, it is having a loss this year. This is partly due to the COVID-19 restrictions and its acquisition of the new dry-bulk shipping vessels. + +CTRM’s net interest income has drastically **increased** from 2019. This means that they have paid back a lot of their debts and is deleveraged. This reduced the risk of the company as a whole and the shares of CTRM. + +From the Financial Statement as a whole, we can see the effects of CTRM’s aggressive expansion with the increased expenses overall and the rewards of it with its increased profits. + +# Conclusion + +The seaborne shipping industry is poised to make a great comeback at the end of COVID-19 and CTRM is at the head of it. In the industry itself, CTRM also has an advantage over other companies due to its low carbon footprint vessels. With a current share price of $0.65 to $0.70 it is a **good buy** and I predict that it will hit at least **$1.00 soon and $5.00 at the end of COVID-19**. Although it is currently not a large company, its continued aggressive expansion will soon put it as a force to be reckoned with. + +**I am not a Financial Analyst, and this is not financial advice. This is purely my opinion on CTRM. I am currently close to $1000 invested in it and plan on investing more.** +I was reviewing my November Robinhood statement and saw some strange activity - buying, cancel buys (BCXL) and selling small amounts of GME and BB, landing me a whopping $0.27 profit. This definitely wasn't me and I don't even have BB in my portfolio at all. I have a very boring portfolio with standard stocks, no fancy options ever. This is the only month this has ever happened. + +I figured it was some strange fraud attempt and did all the usual security stuff, but then noticed two even weirder things. 1) There is NO other indication that this activity ever happened. No notifications, no emails, nothing in my "history" and 2) my partner had the same weird micro transactions on his account in November, too. + +Uhhh, what? Can other people check if there was random activity recently in their accounts that ONLY showed up on their statement? What is this? + +EDIT: Waiting for confirmation from RH, but I’m pretty sure me and my partner’s issue was a trade correction from trades I made earlier in the year. I don’t hold the stock anymore but I did in the past and so did he. I suspect this is the case for most folks who had a similar issue, though some say they NEVER held the stock so… good luck with that. + +All that said, it’s incredible that RH wouldn’t inform users that they would be doing this, because as a lot of other commenters thought, it looks a lot like fraudulent trading! I’m a very casual, low stakes investor so RH worked for me. I’ll definitely be changing brokerages now. Better late than never. +Anyone have experience with this? I have a 2021 AMG Mercedes GLE 63 that is now having "software issues" for the third time preventing it from starting. State law says after the fourth they have to give me a free replacement, but at this point of 9 months of ownership I'd just as soon accelerate that if possible. +There are two parts to this post: + +1. General discussion on fatfire incomes + housing in VHCOL areas +2. Advice or insights for my particular situation (since /r/personalfinance won’t be helpful and /r/richpeoplepf is so small) + +For those of us living in VHCOL areas and looking for a nice house to raise a family, in the right area for minimizing commute, etc., it can get really expensive and eat up a ton of even a healthy budget. And it makes for very high transaction costs if your housing needs change, you want to pursue a career opportunity in another city, etc. How does your home buying and budgeting strategy change when you have a high income but in an expensive area? + +Personally I am on /r/fatfire more because of our high-ish income and controlled, thoughtful spending and less because we want to retire early. We don't have very expensive hobbies or tastes (besides having children), so it feels important to spend more to get the right home in the right location. + +On to the advice section and background for my situation: + +- Early 30s, live in a 2 bedroom house in Seattle in a neighborhood we really like, but with a new baby the layout issues and lack of good guest space have quickly become apparent, so we are wanting to upgrade to a bigger and more functional space in the next couple years before having another baby (but are not yet uncomfortable per se). +- We found a modern 3 bedroom house we like in a neighborhood close to the one we’re in now that we are considering buying for about $1.4M. It checks enough boxes to be “good enough” to work for us for 10+ years. +- I have some reservations about whether or not our desires would change in a few years and we would be looking at moving again. I really want to avoid the transaction costs of selling a $1.4M+ house after only a few years. One example of those concerns is that my reverse commute is not great unless I leave early, and it could become worse in a few years, depending on traffic. Another example is that with the house I’m currently considering buying, the middle school and high school are highly rated, but for some reason the elementary school is not, and I’m not sure what to make of that. I don’t want to buy a house in the city just to decide to move to the suburbs for schools in 5 years (even though currently the suburbs aren’t interesting). +- My income is about $220k + $110k RSUs plus wife's $70k for a total of about $400k. I could expect another promotion in the future that would earn another ~$100k, but the timeline is not predictable. +- $300k equity in our house, $450k in retirement accounts, $650k in taxable accounts. +- Currently save about $70k/year into tax advantaged retirement accounts and haven't been spending any of my RSUs. Childcare will be expensive, so that’s not totally figured in to our budget. +- I think we can afford $1.75M (seems to be the price of a house that checks more boxes) because we don’t spend a ton normally, but 1.4 feels a lot more easy and comfortable. +- I have lost interest in early retirement as I have progressed and found fulfillment in my career, but it is important for us to feel secure financially and not really worry about spending money. + +So, what does /r/fatfire think? In summary, my biggest concern about buying this “good enough” house is a fear of changing our minds in <5 years, value dropping significantly due to recession, and having high transactions costs of $100k+. I would wait things out another year, but it seems like similar houses at that price point don’t really exist. +If I'm being questioned by my boss and I'm in charge of a project or a team, having answers is kind of paramount to me keeping my job. The fact that these assholes could not answer whether or not they back the biggest oil conglomerates, or if they actively helped people during a pandemic (things they should absolutely know) is a farce. + +This only pushes me to hold for galaxies. +To begin with [PROOF](http://imgur.com/a/7yqTV) + +This was the meeting described in [this post from 3 months ago](http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/comments/1arzzd/1er_here_that_won_an_auction_benefiting_the_rfk/). It turned out that due to health problems the fishing trip got boiled down to a long dinner conversation, but that was ok because I can not fish worth a damn. + +As a preface, I was given this opportunity because /u/m0rph3u5 thought my project [The Technocopia Plan](http://code.google.com/p/the-technocopia-project/wiki/About_Technocopia) would produce an interesting conversation. + +The meeting began with a discussion of robotics. One of the contracts my company does is for control systems for [neurosurgery frameworks](http://aimlab.wpi.edu/research/) (skip to 0:33 in the video). A friend of his has cerebral palsy so i was able to discuss with him how the robotic assisted therapy works. From there we segued into robotics and automation of the economy. + +I laid out the basic thesis from [Race Against the Machine](http://www.amazon.com/kindle-store/dp/B005WTR4ZI) in that the rate at which we are eliminating jobs is faster then a human can be trained for any new job. I then further claimed that projects like the Technocopia Plan and [Open Source Ecology](http://opensourceecology.org/) will leverage the community of labor to design the new manufacturing backbone. On top of that, the Technocopia plan is aiming to eliminate mineral sources in favor of carbon based materials synthesized from CO2 (and other air gasses plus trace minerals from seawater). The result will be free and open designs, free and open manufacturing equipment, and free and effectively infinite (emphasis on effectively) material source streams. (since this is not a tech sub, i will spare you all the details of how that will work) + +The response was surprising. In response to "It seems we just have more people than are needed to make ever increasing productive capacity, and that divergence can only accelerate thanks to the technology coming online now", Mr Volcker responded "You have put your finger on the central problem in the global economy that no one wants to admit". This confirmation from the top of the banking system literally made my heart skip a beat! (I have a heart condition, so that was not hard though) + +We then discussed ideas like disconnecting a citizens ability to exert demand in the economy from employment, since it is now clear that there is no longer a structural correlation between them. We discussed Basic Income and the Negative Income Tax (Milton Friedman), as transitory frameworks to allow for the development and rollout of Technocopia abundance machines. As a confirmation that Mr Volcker was not just nodding along, when i misspoke about how the Friedman negative income tax, i was quickly and forcefully corrected. I had accidentally said everyone gets the same income, but what i meant was that everyone got at least a bare minimum, supplemented by negative taxes. This correction was good because it meant he was not just being polite listening to me, he was engaged and willing to correct anything he heard that was out of place. + +Over all, Mr Volcker was a really nice guy, and somewhat surprisingly, he was FUNNY. He made jokes and carried on a very interesting conversation. Even if he had not previously been the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, i would have enjoyed my conversation with him. + +Thank you to /u/m0rph3u5 and Reddit for making this happen! + +*EDIT spelling + + + +[Here's the Video](https://vimeo.com/183016901). IMO, because of the target audience, he's not "preaching to the choir" here, and that makes this a pretty good video to share on social media. +Being a option seller today's down of Zerodha web/app caused me good amount of loss, as last days before expiry are very crucial for us. I think Zerodha should acknowledge this and apologise by giving up its all brokerage gained for today. Btw already opening an account with upstox, I hope 🤞 they would be better than this. +Let's suppose I have a one time corpus plus a monthly SIP that I am planning to invest, with the intention of using that money 15 to 20+ years later. Most articles suggest keeping equity at 70-80%, and the rest can be in debt. + +I understand that some debt is suggested to reduce the risk, but we expect equity to give higher returns over a twenty year horizon. Therefore, what is the downside in investing 100% in equity, and rebalance with increasing debt proportion towards the later part of the time horizon? +Let's suppose I have a one time corpus plus a monthly SIP that I am planning to invest, with the intention of using that money 15 to 20+ years later. Most articles suggest keeping equity at 70-80%, and the rest can be in debt. + +I understand that some debt is suggested to reduce the risk, but we expect equity to give higher returns over a twenty year horizon. Therefore, what is the downside in investing 100% in equity, and rebalance with increasing debt proportion towards the later part of the time horizon? +The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterised by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilisation of new technologies. It is the trend towards automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes which include: + +* Cyber-physical systems (CPS) / Cyber security +* Cloud Computing +* Ai +* Advanced Robotics / automation +* Big-data +* 3D printing +* Quantum computing (hypothetically) +* Robotic process automation (RPA) +* Semi-conductors +* Biotechnology / Healthcare +* IoT manufacturing +* Renewable energy +* Manufacturing / Mining +* Crypto (I have no experience in this besides some small positions in BTC and ETH, feel free to drop any DD and knowledge) + +Of course there's discussions which one are part of the industry 4.0 so I might be missing a few. + +since I believe that we are still at the start of this revolution, I want to invest in promising companies related to those industries. Some companies already have proven themselves, others are still in the 'startup' fase. + +**Hereby a list of the companies from which I think are the best or will be the best in the corresponding sector. What sectors and which must-have companies am I missing?** + +**Note:** some sectors are very broad so they might overlap. + +&#x200B; + +* **Cyber-physical systems (CPS) / Cyber security** + * **CrowdStrike - $CRWD** + * Offers a broad spectrum of solutions with the main goal of cyber-security. Some well-known clients where they have solved hacks are Sony Pictures and the DNC (Democratic National Committee). The company is the market leader in the cloud-based endpoint security segment and is also expanding into 5G network security. + * **Cloudflare - $NET** + * Offers a wide range of network services to companies around the world. Cloudflare's intelligent global network spans more than 200 cities in more than 100 countries. It provides network security and improved network performance and reliability to an increasing proportion of the total Internet used. More than 15% of the internet is used via Cloudflare + * **BlackBerry - $BB** + * They are working on AI powered cybersecurity + * They also work on QNX. QNX is a real-time embedded OS that controls software systems in (modern, especially EV) cars and forms the basis of solutions such as BlackBerry Radar, an IoT based asset tracking system for the transport sector. + * Spark Suites: Spark provides visibility and protection for all endpoints, including personal laptops and smartphones used for work. It uses AI, machine learning, and automation to provide better cyberattack prevention. + * **SUMO LOGIC - $SUMO - DD from** u/FlynnPierce + * SaaS platform focused on data analytics and they will likely be the first to be able to call themselves a cloud-native solution for continuous intelligence. To be fair, they themselves pioneer this concept of “continuous intelligence” where companies can have real-time insight and communication with their data. + * On March 10, 2021 they acquired DFLabs to enhance their cyber security offering, and claim that the SOAR system they inherit from the acquisition is 10x more effective in improving security operations productivity. + * Benefits over competitors: design and ease of use, scalability and oriented quality. + +&#x200B; + +* **Cloud Computing** + * I'll include Amazon and Microsoft since they deserve a spot in this list. But Amazon and Microsoft are already some of the biggest in the world and make all sorts of stuff. It's entirely possible their innovations will be integral to aspects of the 4th Industrial Revolution, but it may also only be a relative drop or glass in the larger bucket that they currently represent. + * **Amazon - $AMZN** + * **Microsoft - $MSFT** + * **Cloudflare - $NET - See DD in previous category** + * **Fastly - $FSLY - Need DD** + * **Digital Ocean - $DOCN - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Ai** + * **Google - $GOOGL - Need DD** + * **C3Ai - $AI - Need DD** + * **Nvidia - NVDA - Need DD** + * **Intel - INTC - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Advanced Robotics / automation** + * **Teradyne - $TER** + * Focusses on industrial automation, semiconductor testing, wireless testing and storage testing. Customers are Samsung, Qualcomm, Intel, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments and IBM. **Some of their business units are:** + * The System Test Group: they build test machines for printed circuit boards and hard drives + * LifePoint: test machines for manufacturers of wireless modules and consumer electronics. + * Universal robots: provides collaborative robots (cobots) that work side by side with production workers. UR-cobots automate tasks such as machine loading, packaging, gluing, painting, polishing and assembling parts + * Mobile Industrial Robots: offers autonomous mobile robots for the management of internal logistics (for loads under 1,500 kg). These robots are currently used in the transportation, healthcare, pharmaceutical, metal and plastics, fashion, technology and food industries. + * AutoGuide Mobile Robots manufactures modular industrial mobile robots (for loads up to 45,000 kg). These high payload robots are used for assembly, material handling, storage and distribution across multiple industries. + * **Cyberdyne - $CYBQY - Need DD** + * **ABB - $ABB - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Big-data** + * **Palantir - $PLTR** + * This is the way + * **SalesForce - $CRM** + * Big data CRM (big data customer relationship management) refers to the practice of integrating big data into a company's CRM processes with the goals of improving customer service, calculating return on investment on various initiatives and predicting clientele behavior. + * Salesforce is the leader in the CRM sector. Recently, Salesforce has acquired the big data firm “Tableau” for $15.3 billion and Slack for $27.7 billion, adding muscle in its fight with some major leaders. Moreover, the integration of Salesforce CRM and Big Data will enable businesses in analyzing customer patterns and preferences. + * **SnowFlake -$SNOW - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **3D Printing** + * **Desktop Metal - $DM** + * Co-founders are MIT alumnus Ric Fulop and 4 other MIT professors. + * They have a new patent called "single pass jetting". It takes most 3D printing machines several times to print one layer, Desktop Metal can do it in one go. This makes them by far the fastest in the entire industry (up to 4x faster) - Speed ​​means lower costs, what DM printers can do in 1 day, takes other printers 3-4x that time. + * They have secured a global distribution network of more than 80 partners in 60 countries offering their Live Parts software as SaaS. Live Parts is an AI software that allows users to automatically generate printable object designs. The program allows users to enter specifications for an object and then create a computer model that can be printed. As a result, they are assured of huge income in addition to their hardware + * Today, Desktop Metal announced that it launched Desktop Health, a line specifically devoted to healthcare-adjacent products. The line encompasses a number of different technologies, including binder jetting, bioprinting and various materials. + * **Nano Dimension - DD is from their website** + * Nano Dimension’s DragonFly System is a one-stop solution for agile hardware development and innovative circuit design across a wide array of industries. It empowers companies to securely control entire development cycles through in-house additive manufacturing of PCBs and non-planar electronics with speed and precision, while reducing R&D costs. With it’s Lights-Out Digital Manufacturing (LDM) printing technology, this is the industry’s only comprehensive manufacturing printing platform for round-the-clock 3D printing of electronic circuitry. + * **Markforged - $AONE - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Quantum Computing** + * **IonQ - $DMYI** + * A quick introduction to QC: a normal computer exists of bytes, so 0 OR 1, a QC has qubits, so possibly 0 AND 1 at the same time. In theory this will improve the computational power of computers in a massive way and therefore QC wil be able to solve different classes of problems + * The qubits that make up QCs are prone to error given the fragile nature of the quantum states. There are 2 quantum states: ion trap (IonQ, Honeywell) and superconducting qubits (IBM, Google). These have about a 0.5% chance of an error during a so-called 2-qubit gate operation ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum\_logic\_gate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_logic_gate)), thus limiting the complexity of the computation you will be able to do. + * So a lot of research is being done to improve these physical error rates, but an improvement of more than 0.01% seems to be difficult. This is where error correction becomes important. People have come up with error correction codes that can tolerate error rates and create a much lower error rate by creating what's called a logical qubit. ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical\_and\_logical\_qubits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_and_logical_qubits)). + * It takes a lot of physical qubits to make 1 single logical qubit. Most researchers believe that with a few hundred to a few thousand very good logic qubits you can solve very impactful problems in the world and thus create significant value. IonQ expects to achieve this in 7 years ([https://ionq.com/posts/december-09-2020-scaling-quantum-computer-roadmap](https://ionq.com/posts/december-09-2020-scaling-quantum-computer-roadmap)) + +&#x200B; + +* **Robotic process automation** + * **Blue Prism - $PRSM - Need DD** + * **UiPath - $UIPTH (IPO later this year)** + +&#x200B; + +* **Semi-Conductors:** + * **ASML Holding - $ASML** \- ASML makes the machines to produce semi-conductors. It's the absolute leader in this sector. It's currently the largest supplier of photolithography systems for the semiconductor industry. + * **Intel - $INTC - Need DD** + * **Advanced Micro Devices - $AMD - Need DD** + * **Nvidia - $NVDA - Need DD** + * **Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg - $TSM - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Biotech / Healthcare** + * **Crispr Therapeutics - $CRSP - Need DD** + * **Beam Therapeutics - $BEAM - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Internet of Things manufacturing** + * **PTC - $PTC - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Renewable Energy** + +&#x200B; + +* **Construction / Mining** + * **MP Materials (NYSE: MP) - DD from** u/FlynnPierce + * is a rare earth mining and processing company who owns and operates THE ONLY rare earth mine source in the US. This resource provides the essential metallic and magnetic raw materials used in most modern technology from Electric Vehicles to windmills and robotic arms. Yeah. That’s HUGE. There is obviously a massive need for these resources going forward and MP is the only chance the US has of competing with China in this demand. Of course, China operates in a market condition where they can exploit working conditions and the workforce in ways that American companies cannot, and MP claims to engage in their mining activity sustainably. Noting that MP (Mountian Pass) Mine is in California, we can assume they are doing their best to remain in compliance with a green energy future. MP NET INCOME Q4 2019: 1M MP NET INCOME Q4 2020: 24M + +&#x200B; + +* **Crypto** + * **Bitcoin** + * **Etherium** + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT 1: 'm not from the states so I can't buy any of Cathie's ARK ETF's** + +**EDIT 2: Added MP Materials (mining / construction) and SUMO (cyber security) to the list** +With my tail tucked between my legs, I want to share my experience with an "award-winning stock advisory" service... + +**Upsells, Upsells, Upsells** + +First and foremost, moving to a paid tier means almost nothing. Members receive the same info you'll get for free on the blog and YouTube channel. + +I cannot believe I fell for their marketing. If you go to their website, you already know the stocks they push to their paid members. + +**Who's the Fool?** + +After becoming a member (Stock Advisor + Rule Breakers), guess who is the fool? Me! + +Despite paying a $409.54 membership fee, everything I seem to want is still behind a paywall. I feel like I paid money so they could send me marketing videos. + +**Performance so Far** + +Now for the best part...I have been a member for 9 months (since Feb 27, 2021). Stocks have been on a tear during this time. The S&P500 is up 19%. + +I purchased 4 stocks that Motley Fool was pushing as "Rule Breaker Buys" when I joined. Three are massive losers. + +* TDOC - 22.74% +* SNBR - 27.83% +* TWLO -12.31% + +That is unbelievably hard to do in this bull market. + +This service has literally cost me thousands of dollars in about-to-be realized gains. That doesn't even include opportunity cost. + +And I managed to lose this money in the ultimate bull market. + +**It's Me. I'm the Fool.** + +Don't be a fool like me. Read /r/personalfinance instead. + +**Disclaimers** + +* While I used a sizable account to test Motley Fool, it's still a small portion of my overall portfolio, which is much more wisely invested. +* Motley Fool recommends a portfolio approach rather than just buying 4 stocks. *My bad*. But their recommendation requires so many stocks across so many sectors, you might as well save the heartache and buy a total market index. It's the ultimate cop-out to the vision of "outperforming the market" they preach. +Rate 4.25%, monthly payment of $290. Remaining balance $14,000 + +I make 73k a year and live at home for free right now while I pay off student loans (rate is 3.6% on those). + +I’m thinking of refinancing the auto loan, but I’m not sure if it’s even worth my time or if I should just pay it off and roll the $290 into what I pay on my student loans every month. + +I just want to see what others would do. Interest is like $55 a month on the loan so realistically I don’t think it would save much when I could just lump sum pay it off right now. +I'm literally out of options at this point so I figured maybe someone has been in my shoes or knows where I should go from here. + +I'm 18 and I graduate high school in May. I'm already accepted and admitted (not enrolled) into a pretty good college. It's in-state, has a great reputation, and is really good for the field I'm going into (public health). Going to college is extremely important to my family and me. My dad passed pretty recently and he left me a modest amount of money (around $10,000) but I have to use it towards getting a degree. + +Here's where the issue comes in. I recently went to an event for admitted students and after going to some panels about financial aid my mom and I realized that...I have no idea how I'm going to afford this. My GPA is average at best (3.6) and I have a really good ACT score (32) but that hasn't helped me at all because I've only received about $4k in scholarships from this college and my yearly cost is $21k. I qualify for a federal unsub loan for $5.5k and I'm getting literally nothing in financial aid because my family is upper middle class (there is absolutely no way they're going to be able to pay for my college though, both financially and because that's just not how they are). + +I've applied for over 100 scholarships since August but I'm pretty average as a student apparently so no dice there (I have decent community service hours, AP classes, ETC). I'm also a minority but that hasn't helped me at all. I really don't know what to do at this point- how is everyone else managing to pay for this? Going to this college has been my dream since middle school. I have been collecting apartment supplies and already have a roommate lined up. I'm just kind of at a loss here and would appreciate any advice or even just some words of encouragement. Thank you in advance. +In 2022 I’ve contributed money to a government 457b (Roth and Traditional), maxed out a Roth IRA, and saved money in a Target Date Fund through Charles Schwab (not IRA). The target date fund I opened separately doesn’t seem like the smartest place to save my money. + +In 2023 I’m hoping to max my 457, a Roth IRA, and build up my emergency fund to 6 months. Is the best bet to save anything extra for other things like vacation/home/etc or keep contributing extra to the CS target date? Can the money in the target date stay there or is there a better place for it? + +I feel very anxious about never being able to retire and can hyper fixate on this. I am not over any income limits (that I’m aware of). + +TYA! +25 years ago, Bill Gates wrote an article title "Content is King" where he mentioned that years from now, the next big companies will be the ones that don't currently exist. + +25 years ago, we didn't know that Cloud Computing, Electric Cars, or Semiconductor Chips will grow to dominate the market as they have done. + +Fast-forward to 2021, companies such as Google, Tesla, and Nvidia have became stocks with some of the largest market caps in the market, all in the space of 2 decades. + +Very interested to hear what people believe will be the type of companies or industries that will go on to dominate the market over the next decade and beyond, both on the technology and manufacturing sides. +Got a notice a little while ago that I was ID'ed as being able to benefit from a class action lawsuit that got settled. I filled out the form and expected to get about $75. That was 6 months ago. Just opened up the mailbox on Saturday and received $632! Totally awesome and unexpected. I guess they didn't get a lot of responses back and gave people a larger share of the pie. It is worth it to fill out those lawsuit settlement forms when they come once every blue moon. And yes, the lawsuit/settlement is legit - I had my lawyer cousin double check the case for me before sending in my info. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +What are some key signs to look out for to know when the end of the recession is or when inflation has hit the peak? + +Essentially, when will the market go up +So like does everyone here keep meticulous detailed records of every time they open and close a position for tax reporting purposes? + +I kindof assumed my broker would send me a bunch of paperwork around February next year that I could enter into turbo tax or something, but now im seeing mixed answers after a quick Google search. + +Halp. + +I dont wanna go to prison. +Hi all. Kinda of new to theta gang and had a question on covered calls. So I let’s say I have 100 shares of a stock and I want to sell a covered call. Why am I targeting 0.3 delta when I could go for a higher delta and get more premium? At the end of the day, it’s just going to get called away and I can just re-buy shares and sell more calls right? +Just started two weeks ago. Only doing cash secured puts / wheel at the moment. + +What do you guys do on these Green Day’s like today ? I couldn’t find any positions to open, premiums too low. + +I sold some really nice puts last week on the red days. + +Edit: *1 day later* => *red day* => *opening nice positions for decent premium* +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Hello everyone, i am new to investing , i have saved 20k and i want to invest in dividends but only in canadian banks. +Should i buy individual stocks or an etf? If individual which ones should be on my list. +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/telus-investing-17-5-billion-140000495.html + +How is telus planning to rase this fund? Will there be a stock dilution and with this much debt how will they pay their dividend? +Firstly, if this is against the rules please remove this. I'm not promoting a channel because I don't have one yet, just gauging if people would even watch. I have actually never made youtube videos at all hah. + +I love this community, I've learned a lot here and I've started to give a little back to the very new people. I've only been trading a little over a month and I'm learning lessons every day in the market. I wonder if people would be interested in some fairly short videos of me putting on some trades, talking about enter/exit strategies, then talk about the trade as it progresses and finally management and closing/trades. + +Would you be interested in this? + +Edit: I’m legitimately overwhelmed by the response here. Thank you all for your input. Just to clarify something, I am not *teaching* how to trade options here. Think of this as a vlog trading journal that you can grow with over time. I plan on explaining some concepts and why I make the decisions I do. So far every trade decision I have made has had some lesson to be learned from it. I’m doing this for 2 reasons: to help other people who are going through the same and to have a video log of my trades. I currently keep a paper log too but this will help me see my own thought process evolve over time. + +Thanks again! I’m gonna start working on this tomorrow so if you want updates give me a follow on here and I’ll post some updates to my page. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fords-stock-falls-as-dividend-likely-to-be-suspended-analyst-says-2020-03-19 + +Another cautionary tail to add to GE for those who think buying big "Names" with a good dividend cant possibly go wrong. Ford stock now down 75% from its post GFC high in June of 2014. +Sonova Holdings: SONVY or SONVF + +Biden recently issued an executive order to speed up the roll out of OTC hearing aids. And hope to start implementing otc between March-July 2022. + +The hearing aid market doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of investment activity compared to other health industry markets. There is an undeniable growth in the market share since this past year. In 2017 Congress passed a law that allows for over-the-counter hearing aids to be sold in the US because hearing aids are not covered in the ACA or Medicare. +Hearing aid corporations have been very much against this idea of OTC hearing aids because they feel that hearing loss is very complicated (and it is). Most hearing aid companies saying that they have no interest in developing an otc hearing aid. Similar to OTC glasses you can buy at the pharmacy. + +Sonova Holdings is a behemoth in the hearing health industry and this past May 2021 they recently purchased a smart tech headphone/earbud company called Sennheiser. This purchase is in preparation for the OTC hearing aid rollout next year. +Some other notable companies they own are: +Phonak (pediatric hearing aids) +Unitron (micro hearing aids) +Advanced Bionics (cochlear implants) +AudioNova (Europe’s largest hearing aid retailer) + +The acquisition of Sennheiser will definitely raise the bar for sound quality targeted toward hard of hearing individuals. The biggest dilemma in hearing loss is identifying which frequencies need to be amplified and which ones don’t. + +Pro: OTC hearing aids will reduce the stigma with hearing technology and open the door to costly prescription hearing aids. OTC is only intended to mild to moderate hearing loss. Individuals with persistent hearing loss will eventually need prescription hearing aids. 25 [states](https://www.asha.org/advocacy/state/issues/ha_reimbursement/) have supplemented the ACA with hearing aid coverage mandates for children and 5 of those states also cover adults. Insurance coverage for hearing aids continue to expand. + +Con: otc hearing aids could potentially take a large portion of the market share. Larger tech markets like Apple might try their hand at OTC Hearing Aids. There’s still stigma with hearing loss. + +Disclaimer: I don’t work for any tech company. I have a 6 year old who wears cochlear implants (CI). He was born deaf and at 9months old had a surgical procedure that inserted electrodes in his cochlea to make him hear synthetically (he speaks and hears really well). The first thing a parent or CI patient is told to do is to choose 1 of 3 Cochlear implant brands to have for the next 30 years. So you get very familiar with all of the brands from all of the initial research. I’ve been keeping my eye on the market for some time. + +Some other corporations on the market are: +Demant A/S +Cochlear Limited +(Fixed) ~~Forgive me for the formatting & naked links~~ but I'm on mobile and this needs eyes and more wrinkles than I have on it ASAP so I can get back to eating crayons and throwing poop at the TV when Jim Cramer comes on. + +This article excerpt is one click from the landing page for the DTCC under category "DTCC Connection" and titled "FMIs Have a Crucial Role to Play in Advancing DeFi" By Jennifer Peve, DTCC Managing Director, Head of Strategy and Business Development (See Edit 2 for a light dig into her that makes her our first female villain in the GameStop saga) + +[Direct link here](https://www.dtcc.com/dtcc-connection/articles/2022/october/03/fmis-have-a-crucial-role-to-play-in-advancing-accessibility-of-defi) + +Article excerpt from 8th paragraph after they try to convince you you need SOMEONE to address the concerns / problems they just spent the first 7 paragraphs convincing you there would be.... + +*Consider smart contracts that manage tokenised securities. While smart contracts could technically operate without any ‘owner’ and be truly decentralised, security and governance risks inherent to this model remain. There is also the possibility for FMIs to manage the smart contract, much like the approach DTCC is developing with its Digital Securities Management (DSM) service. Pending regulatory approval, DSM will employ technologies that allow for tokens to be held in a decentralised manner, with DTCC still providing governance and oversight, enabling more efficient processing and regulatory compliance.* + +The guys that couldn't get a stock dividend right want to be in charge of a system that doesn't need their institution? No thanks, I'll take a couple of genius code monkeys hopped up on Jolt soda that can write scripts to replace them. BYE! + +Then [here's a link to the PDF of the publication](https://www.eurofi.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/regulatory-update_prague_september-2022.pdf) called "EUROFI Regulatory Update" September 2022 issue that Jenifer Peve drew from that goes into much greater detail. It's a 80 page PDF but only a portion of that is addressing this issue. Page 65 is the beginning of the crypto section and page 71 is the start of DeFi and tokenized securities. + +Just a quick skim of this is throwing up a lot of red flags. Basically it looks like the DTC and others are positioning themselves to be custodians and guardians over tokenized securities and other defi products that if built and implemented correctly would need virtually none besides the initial rules and parameters programmed in to conform with laws, rules and regulations. It also seems they want to incorporate banks into the process. Saving their rich friends and systems they can keep market manipulation in place. + +I just stumbled into this while I was grabbing a link to their website for an older holder lady I'm friends with (who bought and DRSd her shares!) that was asking me what the DTCC is and I didn't want to cuss so I was going to send a link. + +Most of you are smarter than me. I just either stepped into crap or I just crapped myself and I'm too dumb to realize it. One of the two. This could be their plan to retain control and if so people need to know so they can do something about it. + +I hope I've just got crap running down my GameStop sweatpants and not just found another round of this battle. Let me know what you think. + +Edit: Got home on the desktop and cleansed up naked links and fixed a couple typos. I also noticed that Jenifer Peve misspelled both "tokenised" and "decentralised" showing that it surely will be neither. + +Edit 2: IMPORTANT please see [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xzalob/comment/irmo1d5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) where I did a little dig into Jennifer Peve and what I found. I could use some help here before anything gets scrubbed. + +#EDIT: DEBUNKED u/atobitt just clarified that he had gotten the information wrong, and that he had made a mistake with mixing up Citadel's Master Fund with its Global Fixed Income Fund. Thank you to the fellow apes who have pointed this out to me in the comments! + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nr70hj/oh_im_boosting_this_up_this_was_posted_approx_8pm/h0fdlz7?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 + +Hello my fellow apes! It's definitely been a while since I last posted; I've been trying to catch up on some schoolwork I have for a summer class and I finally got some time to crank out something. + +(Post that I was referring to further in: + https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqyy5a/whuh_really/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Usually when I type out posts like these, I try to base it off of information from other fellow apes that I feel needs more attention just so there could possibly be more eyes on the subject, as well as an interpretation that can help stimulate some further insight into the possibilities of the data whether it be from me or from some fellow apes in the comments. + +As I was scrolling the sub for info, I had come across a post pointing out from u/atobitt himself confirming that Citadel's Master Fund had essentially liquidated a HUGE chunk of its assets(he had even commented on the post for some more clarification, and I think EVERYONE should check the post out and see what you think on the whole thing). + +The whole idea, as far as I understand it (and u/atobitt please correct me if I'm wrong here), is essentially that Citadel's Master Fund is made up of the ownership of around 80% Cayman Island accounts, that originally had 123 billion$ in assets total in the fund as of December 2020. When he looked up the assets of the Master Fund from April/ May 2021 (and I'll provide the sauce he provided in his comment), he found out it currently has around 2 BILLION in assets left. + +I would like for you to understand the gravity of what was just said here. 121 billion in assets, from Citadel's Master Fund that contains a majority of ownership from CAYMAN ISLAND accounts, went poof. Gone. Caput. Liquidated. + +You might be asking me, "well where the hell is that money now?" and here is where my interpretation of things come into play. Just for further clarification, this is NOT what u/atobitt said, this is just how I'm interpreting the data he has presented to us; but I believe Citadel got margin called, and couldn't put up the collateral to further keep their short position. Let me explain what I mean by that. + +When someone gets margin called, as long as you can post collateral, you can continue to do WHATEVER the fuck you want. Citadel has likely been margin called multiple times at this point. It's when you can't keep up with the collateral that forced liquidations happen. Now I already hear some questions on that: + +1. If they were "forcefully liquidated" why haven't we seen that reflected in the price? +2. How the hell are they still able to short the stock like they have been if they are being forcefully liquidated? + +To answer that first question, I'm going to clarify on what I meant a bit. By getting "forcefully liquidated" I mean they are currently in the process of getting forcefully liquidated. The "covering" part of the liquidation hasn't happened yet and would possibly happen on T+35 of whenever they didn't meet the margin call (IF the DTCC is the one liquidating them, it would be a delay of up to T+ 35 compared to the normal T+5). However, just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it isn't reflected in the price. + +Over these past couple of weeks, less shorting has been happening and its been harder for them to keep up with the price. This much can be evident by the lift off in price we're having in meme stocks overall. We knew that they had less fire power, and we knew that it was getting more expensive for them to maintain their position, we just couldn't point our finger to anything that would solidly prove that without a doubt. I think the data u/atobitt provided can provide proof that Citadel had been liquidated of a lot of their assets, and now the trigger finger is on the DTCC to pull on T+35 (and remember NO dates, this is not financial advice, but if this were to happen it would happen in the within the next month or two.) + +To address the second point, we have to remember that Citadel is not the only one shorting GME and other meme stocks. There are multiple hedgies involved in this, so its possible that the reason we have still been seeing shorting to the extent that we have in spite of Citadel being in the process of forced liquidation is because the other hedgies are helping to keep the price down until they can't possibly kick the can down any longer on T+35. + +CONCLUSION/TLDR: + +The data that u/atobitt has provided us apes with regarding the 121 billion liquidation of Citadel's Master Fund, could possibly mean (in my interpretation of what he has presented) that the DTCC has taken over of a lot of Citadel's assets as a result of a failure to meet a margin call, and that we are in the process of seeing them being forcefully liquidated, which won't happen until T +35 of whenever they didn't meet the margin call. + +Again, I would like to point out that it is completely possible that this IS NOT true as there are other ways to make sense of this, I am not claiming this is fact and I welcome all criticism against the points I've made here so we can all learn more about the subject and grow as a community. :) + +As of right now when I'm typing this on my phone its 5am, so after I'm posting this I'm probably going to head to bed. Thank you all for reading through this (possible) DD and I hope you have a great rest of your day! + +Sources: + +Regarding the T+35 I kept mentioning, I couldn't find a specific source but I found a comment that explains more on it by a nice ape here: + https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_capitalists/comments/nqre8a/Have_margin_calls_started%3F/h0d1661/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 + +The sauce u/atobitt linked to in his comment: + +https://m.imgur.com/gallery/hBcGmXv + +Edit: fixed some phrasing for clarification + +#EDIT 2: I have been seeing some comments asking me why this post is kept up despite it being debunked: + +In general, I like to keep all of my posts up for transparency's sake, and on the off chance that someone who reads it can gain something from it, whether it be from my actual post or what was said in the comments. I don't want to just straight up delete the post just because I'm wrong when the comments could always have more useful information as well as discussion happening. In a way, I find the comments sometimes to be my favorite parts of posts for always having useful info as well as seeing what people think on things, and I'm glad that a subreddit like this has a community that can provide this in spades. Anyways, I'm just rambling at this point but in any case thank you for reading! +Listen I know everyone has their own reasons (moral, investment strategy, whatever) but it always surprises me how few people that post their portfolios/annual totals/etc. Don't own MO. it's my biggest position +"""The tendies are coming, the tendies are coming" - Paul Revere" - Homedepothank69" - Homdepothank69 + +Apes, I have more excellent news. This is a continuation of my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mjf7mg/gme_dd_on_april_2020_similarities_to_today/) on the similarities between April 2020 and today, so please read that before reading this. This post will be shorter and more speculative but still based on DD. This is essentially just Uncle Hank adding more pieces to the puzzle that I put out the other day. As always, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. This post is going to be about how the recent announcement that GME may sell shares makes a vote and recall more likely based on GME's 10-k filing. + +I usually post on WSB but had trouble posting there, and I refuse to post on GME after what they did to our four heroes, so I am posting on here, standing in solidarity with our four heroes. Thank you to u/rensole u/wardenelite u/redchessqueen99 u/heyitspixel for all you do. I truly appreciate your posts and I know that everyone else does too! Finally, just wanna give a quick shoutout to the mods at r/GME for destroying the sub! Your brains are truly smooth, AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY. + +**GME share announcement** + +The announcement can be found here: [https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/33c3ed1d-f47e-403f-81f7-9b75d3cf1adc](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/33c3ed1d-f47e-403f-81f7-9b75d3cf1adc) + +This announcement states that GME is reserving the right to issue or sell up to 3.5M shares or the equivalent of $1B of stock (they stated that both of these are maximums). It is important to note that at this time they have not issued or sold any shares, they are simply reserving the right to do potentially do so in the future. Again 3.5M shares or $1B in value are MAXIMUMS. They may not even sell or issue any stocks at all or may sell/issue a lower amount than the above. + +**10k Filing** + +The filing can be found here: [https://news.gamestop.com/node/18661/html#i3ad65c8584a445ee94e4314f67ce616c\_109](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18661/html#i3ad65c8584a445ee94e4314f67ce616c_109) + +Thank you to [u/keebs107](https://www.reddit.com/u/keebs107/) for showing me this. + +I want to make it known that this is not a new filing. This has been released for about two weeks. In pertinent part, the filing states: + +"There have been significant changes to our Board since June 2020 as previously reported in our periodic reports filed with the S.E.C., and we expect to experience additional changes to our Board at our 2021 Annual Meeting. As of the date of this Form 10-K, the Board has not determined the definitive slate of nominees for election at our 2021 Annual Meeting but currently expects that the following incumbent directors will retire from the Board at the 2021 Annual Meeting: Lizabeth Dunn, Paul Evans, Raul J. Fernandez, Reginald Fils-Aimé, William Simon, James K. Symancyk, Carrie W. Teffner and Kathy P. Vrabeck. See Item 9B. Other Information of this Form 10-K. Turnover among our Board may disrupt our operations, our strategic focus or our ability to drive stockholder value. If we fail to attract and retain new skilled personnel for our Board, our business and growth prospects could disrupt our operations and have a material adverse effect on our operations and business." + +2. + +"***The market price of our Class A Common Stock has been extremely volatile and may continue to be volatile due to numerous circumstances beyond our control.*** + +The market price of our common stock has fluctuated, and may continue to fluctuate, widely, due to many factors, some of which may be beyond our control. These factors include, without limitation: + +•“short squeezes”; + +•comments by securities analysts or other third parties, including blogs, articles, message boards and social and other media; + +•large stockholders exiting their position in our Class A Common Stock or an increase or decrease in the short interest in our Class A Common Stock; + +•actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial and operating results; + +•risks and uncertainties associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; + +•the timing and allocations of new product releases including new console launches; + +•the timing of new store openings or closings; + +•shifts in the timing or content of certain promotions or service offerings; + +•the effect of changes in tax rates in the jurisdictions in which we operate; + +•acquisition costs and the integration of companies we acquire or invest in; + +•the mix of earnings in the countries in which we operate; + +•the costs associated with the exit of unprofitable markets, businesses or stores; + +•changes in foreign currency exchange rates;" + +*(Notice how "short squeezes" is the first thing they list and that they use it in the PLURAL).* + +3. + +"In particular, a large proportion of our Class A Common Stock has been and may continue to be traded by short sellers which has put and may continue to put pressure on the supply and demand for our Class A Common Stock, further influencing volatility in its market price. Additionally, these and other external factors have caused and may continue to cause the market price and demand for our Class A Common Stock to fluctuate substantially, which may limit or prevent our stockholders from readily selling their shares of our common stock and may otherwise negatively affect the liquidity of our Class A Common Stock." + +4. + +"***A “short squeeze” due to a sudden increase in demand for shares of our Class A Common Stock that largely exceeds supply has led to, and may continue to lead to, extreme price volatility in shares of our Class A Common Stock.*** + +Investors may purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock to hedge existing exposure or to speculate on the price of our Class A Common Stock. Speculation on the price of our Class A Common Stock may involve long and short exposures. To the extent aggregate short exposure exceeds the number of shares of our Class A Common Stock available for purchase on the open market, investors with short exposure may have to pay a premium to repurchase shares of our Class A Common Stock for delivery to lenders of our Class A Common Stock. Those repurchases may in turn, dramatically increase the price of shares of our Class A Common Stock until additional shares of our Class A Common Stock are available for trading or borrowing. This is often referred to as a “short squeeze.” + +A large proportion of our Class A Common Stock has been and may continue to be traded by short-sellers which may increase the likelihood that our Class A Common Stock will be the target of a short squeeze. A short squeeze has led and could continue to lead to volatile price movements in shares of our Class A Common Stock that are unrelated or disproportionate to our operating performance or prospects and, once investors purchase the shares of our Class A Common Stock necessary to cover their short positions, the price of our Class A Common Stock may rapidly decline. Stockholders that purchase shares of our Class A Common Stock during a short squeeze may lose a significant portion of their investment." + +The above snippets show that GME is going to need to get an entirely new board for the annual shareholder's meeting and that the company is BRUTALLY aware that its shares are EXTREMELY shorted. This is kind of like when Porsche "warned" the market during the VW squeeze. + +**Significance of these documents** + +Together, I believe that the above documents are very significant for the future price of GME. The 10k filing is significant because it essentially confirms that they will need to do a vote. The statements, "There have been significant changes to our Board since June 2020 as previously reported in our periodic reports filed with the S.E.C., and we expect to experience additional changes to our Board at our 2021 Annual Meeting," and "the Board has not determined the definitive slate of nominees for election at our 2021 Annual Meeting but currently expects that the following incumbent directors will retire from the Board at the 2021 Annual Meeting" confirm that there will be significant changes to the board at the annual meeting, which means that a vote will be necessary. I'm gonna take a guess and say that Cohen will do what Hestia did last year and will try to nominate someone of his choice, which will force a vote. The filing also makes it blatantly clear that GME is aware that it's stock is extremely shorted and could be short squeezed again (they said "short squeezes" in the plural form). This is essentially GME covering themselves so they aren't liable for trying to manufacture a squeeze and is similar to Porsche warning the market about the VW squeeze. + +The share announcement is even more significant. As stated above, the share announcement states that they can sell 3.5M shares or the equivalent of $1B in value. The price at close on Friday (using that because that would be their reference when they released it) was 191.45. 191.45 x 3.5m = $670m, which is 67% less than their maximum of $1B in value. $1B / 3.5M = $285.7, which represents the price of 3.5m shares being equivalent to $1B in value. Now, why is all of this advanced calculus confusing maths important? It shows that GME is waiting for the price to go higher. GME did not sell or issue any shares after this announcement. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that they plan on selling/issuing at a higher price than $191.45 (if that was their target price they would've just done this instead of reserving the right to do it). GME was also probably aware that this announcement would tank the price of the stock, so they are confident that the price will recover and go well above $191.45. Why are they confident? The 10k tells us. As the 10k confirms, GME will need to vote on basically an entirely new board of directors at their annual meeting, which, similar to last year, will require a vote (see my last post on why the vote created a share recall that made the price rise almost 3x). They are also warning the market about the potential for a short squeeze to cover themselves. Think about it this way: why would GME not actually issue new stock at this time knowing that simply announcing that they might issue new shares will make the price drop? Because they believe that it will go up above 191.45 in the near future. Why? Because they are going to call for a vote, which will create a share recall and thus a short squeeze (again, see my post for how this happened last year in April). + +Finally, this makes even more sense because of Ryan Cohen. Let me be clear, this announcement is not him abandoning us and using our diamond hands to get more money for his company. Cohen is on our side because he knows that our support is what is best for his company. Cohen wouldn't have tweeted about bears choking or getting smoked/taking a hit. He is well aware of the squeeze potential and wants to maximize it to help his company, which is why they simply reserved the right to sell shares and didn't actually sell them today. + +**TL;DR** + +The recent 10k filing shows that GME is essentially replacing its entire board at the annual meeting. This will require a vote. The recent share announcement was simply GME reserving the right to sell shares. The fact that they didn't sell any means that they believe the price of the stock will rise above 191.45. Why? A share recall due to a vote, which is similar to what happened last year. The company is also aware of the high short interest in their stock. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Given how prevalent vanguard accounts and investments are and recent debate in this sub around ESG and sustainability, thought this would be of interest. + +https://stocks.apple.com/Afstoy98SSJS8g2su3BVrkA + +Edit: to be clear in light of some comments, the reference to ESG above is only loosely related as pretext for posting. Not saying this necessarily has any relation to ESG standards or ESG investments at vanguard or otherwise. +I was doing some reading and came across employers paying off student loans and how a lot of employers are doing this etc. but that it can create some tax nightmares for the employee. + + +Within the last month my employer (501 3c NP) paid out over a couple million towards wiping out a bunch of employee debt. Myself I got 50k wiped out. They were advised it would incur no tax increases towards us. + +I am in our administrative office and I heard the director talking about it and that our cpa may have misunderstood them, they were also outright paying for some folks to go to school. + +Did they screw up? Will those of us who had payments made going to have to pay taxes on this?? + +They sent the checks directly to loan handlers. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +**100X is one of the few coins still holding the line after elon FUD . 🦧** + +Multiple buy transactions of upwards of 40k USD. These wallets held Safemoon, Bonfire, and other hype tokens. One Hundred X is winning the market. Constantly dropping new content as an asset of their marketing wallet, this thing is about to explode. + +**Something about Ken (CEO) is different! 💸** + +This guy has knowledge about the industry that a lot of people don't understand. He's seeded deep connections with major influencers that are partnering with 1OOx. Already sponsored 2 boxing fights, 3 NFL players, and is racking up views all over youtube including reputable influencers like Steven He. + +**And the tech part is crazy 🧠** + +Helping smoothbrains buy on BNB is a huge problem for these memecoins. A lot of people have been promising wallets and the ability to buy, but the demo 1OO x just dropped made this techie pretty excited. The user flows are well thought out and it looks like the team might not be total degens - + +**The chart is looking saucy and ready to pump 🍜** + +After an all time high of 82M there was an ELON FUD re-tracement to 30M. My degen braincells telling me fomo is coming + +**They have the biggest plans of the year 🍆** + +Ken isn't one to hedge bets. He keeps repeating: + +Netflix/Streaming Service Special + +Kucoin & Binance Listing + +Mobile App (Buy 1OO X from debit and CC) + +launch Pad + +NFT Staking + +If the team gets even one of these things right, SafeMoon levels are just the beginning. They already released the best App demo of the year in their telegram - "in links" + +**Why is it workin? 🏗** + +This coin has the best tokenomics of the year 3% burn, 5.5% LP, 1.5% marketing. Basically it's giving an unlimited growth budget while constantly burning tokens and raising the LP. No donations needed. Just constant growth. + +**how to buy?** + +📈 cmc : [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/100xcoin/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/100xcoin/) + +click on the link , copy the contract address and buy from pancakeswap or probit . + +**📊Heres some stats to get you fired up 🔥** + +May 10 - 38k Holders + +May 11 - 44k Holders + +May 12 - 49k Holders + +May 13 -51k Holders + +May 14 - 53k Holders + +That is an insane 50% growth rate over ONLY FIVE DAYS. + +This puts us right on schedule for 70% weekly growth and a multibillion dollar valuation within 4-7 weeks + +**Hop in. We're going back up** . 🚀 + +**Telegram** \- [https://t.me/joinchat/i9GObX3DmskzNGYx](https://t.me/joinchat/i9GObX3DmskzNGYx) + +PS : go to tg and type /contract . +The volume the last two weeks indicates that the rollover hasn't/isn't happening. I think the runup was from everyone anticipating the rollover, so MMs had to hedge the gamma ramp that occurred. Max pain was $200 and gme closed at $202 fri. Rollover must be done by the 9th, which only leaves 3 trading days. I don't think sHFs can cash cover their losses in that amount of time, so my theory is that sHFs might be looking to Settle/let the contracts mature on the 16th. Ive been spending hours trying to figure out how settlement day actually works. Does the buying happen on the 16th, or is a slow process that takes a week long run up, or a fortnight after???? +(THIS IS MY QUESTION PLEASE HELP) + +The investment banks will be the one holding the bag, not the sHFs. The investment banks are the ones who created the swaps so they hold the risk. They're referred to as 'synthetic brokers' because the reciever of the swaps contract gets all the benefits(or negatives) of holding a position, without actually holding the shares (or selling them short). + + I havent read anything regarding this theory other than most people think it is impossible for sHFs to let contracts expire, as the investment banks (and the likes of chicago mercantil exchange ((cme)) would have to buy all the shares at the market. Boom! MOASS! + +In short, I think we may see a lot of blood next week. People will become discouraged, then the weeks ending the 17th and the 24th we'll see a monster ramp when everyone is least expecting it. + +EDIT: I think it's important to consider how FTDs can effect settlement. u/taimpeng pointed this out. Thank you! Here's his DD on how September looks more like last December, than any of the other rollover periods we witnessed. This would mean that nothing would really happen on Sept. 16th, but there would be a bajillion FTD's and GME would be placed back on the NYSE Treshold Securities risk list. + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pe5k74/setting_expectations_according_to_the_theory_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + + +Hello from SuperstonksQuants (HomeDepotHank69’s quant group)! For those of you who were not around, u/HomeDepotHank69 posted a series of excellent quant posts a while ago, and formed a group of quant-oriented apes to tackle some difficult questions. His account is now deleted, but we’re trying to keep his spirit alive. Some of us (including myself) have not been active for a few months for a variety of reasons, but there are still a lot of wrinkles there working. I found out recently that my original post on statistics was removed, so I’d like to post an updated version here. + +But first, I want to quickly remind everyone to keep up your privacy! Several of my fellow quants got ‘attacked’ on social media after they posted some personal information. As far as I know, nothing too serious has happened, but as we get closer to MOASS they might start using dirtier tactics. + +***Tldr****: Standard correlations (Pearson, Spearman, etc.) are misleading when trying to compare stocks. We found a fairly simple way to fix the issue by transforming the data using differencing first, then running cross-correlations or rolling correlations on the transformed data. A fellow quant ape,* u/orangecatmasterrace*, created a shiny app so everyone can compare tickers without needing any coding experience:* https://orangecatmasterrace.shinyapps.io/stonk\_app/ + +&#x200B; + +This is a longgg post, so here is a table of contents of sorts: + +*1. Introduction to statistics* + +*2. Standard correlations* + +*3. Major issue with standard correlations when looking at stocks* + +*4. Removing autocorrelation from the data* + +*5. Proof of concept* + +*6. Rolling correlations (not included in my original post)* + +*7. Tool so you can do it without any coding!* + +&#x200B; + +This is not only my work, but of many other SuperstocksQuants members (particularly u/orangecatmasterrace, u/xpurpleamyx, and several more that requested to remain anonymous). My qualifications - I teach statistics at the university level. + +Now, on to STATISTICS! + +**Introduction to statistics** + +One major strength of apes is our determination to find the truth from actual data, not relying on fb posts from our uncles. Statistics is just a method for working with data, and to answer the question, *how confident are you in the effect*? This is a big deal when you are making claims about worldwide illegal activity, so we want to make the tools available to all apes. + +I am on the low-level analysis side, and wanted to bring you all up to speed on how to answer questions like: *Is X related to Y?* This is one of the most common types of questions we receive, so that is what I have been focused on. It turns out, this is more complicated to answer than you might think. If you google how to see if two stocks are related, even Yahoo Finance will tell you to run a correlation. *Standard correlations are misleading due to the type of data we are working with.* + +That being said, I will start with the most common type of correlation, the Pearson’s correlation coefficient, so we can talk about stats in general and then move on to my recommendations on what to use. + +**Standard correlations** + +A correlation is used when you have two continuous variables (like two stocks), and you want to see if they are related. The standard correlation combines two things: how well the two variables move together (covariance) and how spread out the data is (variance). THIS IS AMAZING, correlations are seriously clever. However, every statistical analysis comes with assumptions (the fine print) that even peer reviewed publications sometimes miss. + +The most common correlation analysis is a Pearson’s correlation coefficient. When you run a Pearson’s correlation, you get two numbers labeled *r* and *p*. The *r* is a value between -1 and 1, the absolute value of which reflects the strength of the relationship, and the sign indicates the direction (positive – as one variable increases, the other increases; negative – as one variable increases, the other decreases). Here are some visual examples (the x and y axis are your two variables, such as GME and XRT). + +&#x200B; + +[Source: https:\/\/statistics.laerd.com\/](https://preview.redd.it/7asf8iottpe81.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae71c363ec7d3c673082c22e7716f5b13d96b8ec) + +As we can see, when two variables move together, their *r* is large (left graphs) and if two variables are not related, then *r* is close to 0 (right graphs). + +From your *r* and the size of the dataset, you can get a *p-value*. This is a value you get from most statistical analyses (not just correlations) that answers that question I mentioned above, *how confident are you*? The *p-value* is a number that ranges between 0 and 1. The lower the value, the more confident you can be that the effect exists. For correlations, the lower the value the more sure we are that the two stocks (or whatever) are related. + +In more detail, the *p-value* is the probability that you found the effect due to chance (sort of). That is, there is always some probability that two stocks will vary together just due to random chance, rather than because of some underlying market manipulation. The *p-value* helps us find that probability. + +As your *r* gets farther from 0, the smaller your *p* is likely to be. In the graph above, you would find the lowest *p-value* for the two graphs on the left, slightly larger for the two middle graphs, and a *p-value* close to 1 for the two graphs on the right. + +**Major issue with standard correlations when looking at stocks** + +Let’s try some real data. If I look at the Pearson Correlation between GME and the popcorn stock, I find r = 0.71, p = 2.2 e -16. That’s a p value with more zeros than I even thought possible! Now let’s look at something that should not be correlated, GME and SPY (r = 0.78, p = 2.2 e -16). They are basically the same. They are so similar I had to continually check my code. This is certainly not true for all stocks, I just found it to be a good example. \[Note: these values are from my original post and may have changed slightly since then\] + +*Why might this be?* + +All statistical analyses come with fine print, or **assumptions**, that must be met for the analysis to work. At the bottom of this linked page, there is a nice list of the assumptions for Pearson correlations, along with explanations: https://statistics.laerd.com/statistical-guides/pearson-correlation-coefficient-statistical-guide.php + +*The biggest issue with stock data is it breaks the independence assumption (assumption 3).* The independence assumption basically says that each observation within a variable should be independent of other observations in the same variable. + +If we return to the correlation figure above, typically each ‘dot’ or each data point comes from one ‘participant’. For example, say I have 15 apes and an all-inclusive banana buffet. I measure the size of each ape and how many bananas they eat. I’d likely see something similar to the upper left graph (the larger the ape, the more bananas they eat). A crucial aspect of data like this, is that the number of bananas eaten by one ape does not depend on the number of bananas another ape has eaten. That is, one dot or one data point does not depend on another. + +In stock data (or crypto), this is not true. The opening price on one day depends on the price on a previous day. This type of data is called *time series data*, which just means it changes over time. One way statisticians talk about this is called *autocorrelation*, which is simply that data points in a variable are correlated with others in that variable (it is correlated with itself). + +\[DISCLAIMER: I am not an expert in time series data. I have been doing a lot of research lately to try to catch up. If anyone has a better method than the one below, please let me know!\] + +**Removing autocorrelation from the data** + +There are a few ways to deal with this, but we ultimately decided to remove the autocorrelation from the data and do our statistics on the result. The methods used are not developed by us. They were found from an excellent graduate student statistics class at Penn State (https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat510/lesson/1) and from this online text book by Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos (https://otexts.com/fpp2/index.html). + +We tried A LOT of different methods (filtering data through ARIMA models, transforming data using various functions, etc). The resulting data from many of the methods could only be used specifically for correlations, and there are a lot of other tests we want to do. We decided on a simple transformation that does a great job (though not perfect), called differencing. The result will sometimes have small autocorrelation left in the data, but it is simple, clean, and hopefully I will convince you that it works for our purposes in the next section. + +Differencing is typically used to stabilize the mean of a time series, so you can focus on fluctuations (what we are interested in). It is a transform where you subtract the previous observation from the current observation for all data. So difference(t) = observation(t) – observation(t-1). There is a lot more to discuss about this, and I would be happy to answer questions, but here I want to move on to the evidence that this method works (this post is long enough as is). + +**Proof of concept** + +Before showing the proof of concept, I want to go over one additional issue with stock data, that the relationship might be delayed in time. For example, if I thought Put OI was related to changes in GME price, that relationship might be delayed a day or two (e.g. high put OI on day 1 results in a change in GME price on day 3). In statistics we call this lag. To check for lag, I use cross-correlation, which is basically running correlations on the two variables while adjusting the lag. The graphs I’m about to talk about all use cross correlation. + +Now to proof of concept. If you’ve stuck with me so far, congrats! I know this is a lot. + +Let’s look at some graphs. On all graphs below, the left panel shows price data, and the right shows the cross-correlation results. The results are shown as a bar graph with lag on the x-axis (days in this case) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (*r*) on the y-axis. If a bar crosses the horizontal blue line, it is significant at the *p* = 0.05 level. + +To help with interpreting the data, I messed around with the mini squeeze from GME in January (happy anniversary!). The following is correlating that data with itself with different lags/transformations, which means that the *r* = 1 in every result. + +https://preview.redd.it/0l40iqniwpe81.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=036f994ac014c05a61b39301f2674881fc115fdc + +Let’s take this one at a time. In the first set, No lag (pos), the two time series are perfectly matched, so we see a large positive r at lag = 0. Likewise for the No lag (neg), but now the time series are exactly opposite from one another, so we see a large negative r at lag = 0. The bottom three sets adjust the lag between the two time series. As we adjust it, we see the largest r at different lags (seen as the large bar at lag = 10 or -10). For all of these, lag indicates the number of days. That is a high r at lag = 1 means the two stocks are related to each other offset by one day. + +Coooool cool cool so we know the method (difference the data, then run a cross correlation) captures lag with idealized data, now let’s look at how GME relates to the popcorn stock and SPY like we did with standard correlation to see if all this work is actually worth it. As a reminder, a standard Pearson’s correlation found an extremely strong relationship between GME and popcorn stock (as expected) as well as between GME and SPY (not expected). + +https://preview.redd.it/7tvpbtaexpe81.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311b17b2a49f709c26e524de08cf393c4d529743 + +This is what I was hoping for! GME and popcorn stock show a strong correlation at lag 0, yet GME and SPY show very little correlation across the time period. I tested a bunch of other stocks (and simulated data) that shouldn’t be related, so now I feel confident that the method works (if you want more information, please let me know). Here are some additional comparisons I made in my original post just as examples (have not been updated): + +&#x200B; + +[Question 1 from \/u\/homedepothank69](https://preview.redd.it/pkxv9latxpe81.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c7e6e94aee8bd28a3e0483a77bcbd68e8c103b) + +**Rolling correlations (not included in my original post)** + +So far the technique works pretty well to answer the question, *are X and Y related*? Another question you might want to ask is, *at one point in time did X and Y become related*? The hedgies use a crazy amount of BS to manipulate stocks, and they seem to change their strategy fairly regularly, so it’s good to know at what time they use one technique or another. This is where rolling correlations come in. Basically, you run a correlation for data between day 1-20, then you run it for data between day 2-21, and so on. In this way, we can find roughly when the two became related. + +**Tool so you can do it without any coding!** + +A fellow quant ape, u/orangecatmasterrace, is a wizard at shiny apps and converted our code into an easy to use browser app. Here is that link, as well as his original post on correlations: + +https://orangecatmasterrace.shinyapps.io/stonk\_app/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1a73z/hi\_apes\_we\_need\_to\_about\_a\_little\_thing\_called/ + +All data is scraped from yahoo finance when you enter the request, so the data is always up to date. As discussed above, the data is differenced first before running the analysis. They used the code for a rolling correlation, so you can enter any ticker over any time period and find out when they became correlated (if ever). Here is just one example, GME vs. popcorn stock: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gyvpyviiype81.jpg?width=1889&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02d03694c4686d678dbce014020ebde313e8d303 + +On the left you can enter any tickers you want to compare, as well as the date, along with other preferences. On the right are the results. The top shows the price of the two tickers, and the bottom shows the r value across different dates. So GME and popcorn were not related at all until the mini squeeze in January. After that, they have remained correlated for the whole year. + +I won’t discuss any speculation on what all of this means, rather the purpose of this post is to make sure you have the tools necessary to answer the questions you want. I hope all you lovely apes will share any interesting relationships you find! +We've talked in-depth about a progressive flat tax (high zero bracket taxable income) but he refuses to budge from his stance that everyone should pay an equal share. He doesn't seem to understand how or why that would put more of a burden on the people making less money and believes that people are only in the situation they are in because they choose to be and won't do anything about it. + +He actually used the "bootstraps" arguement last night, as well. He's a really intelligent guy and he wasn't combatative about my viewpoints, he just won't accept facts or other opinions. +This will be relatively short and to the point. Just wanted to say, without doxing myself, that as someone who has worked with Jon Stewart in the past: he’s the real deal IMO and someone that actually gives a shit. + +After the absurdity that everyone witnessed last January with GME, the first person who I wished would jump on the story was Jon. Not because of his comedic chops… though he has that in spades… but his honest to goodness empathy that I’ve seen displayed firsthand towards people who are in the right and getting a bad deal. + +Thanking Jon in the past for his working with the 9/11 first responders, and fighting alongside them to get the care they deserve. You know what he said to me? “No, It’s the least I can do”. He treated it like an honor in as humble a way as possible. Something that made his efforts that much more meaningful to me. + +Working alongside him for awhile, I never saw anything but that humble nature (and natural joke telling ability) and as weird as it sounds, the guy genuinely made me want to strive to be the best version of me I can be… like a comedic Fred Rogers without the sweater and puppets. + +No I am not “close friends” or anything like that, but when I say that I am so happy Jon is part of the conversation I hope you understand it comes from a more grounded place. + +What a time to be alive. +25M. A relative has offered me a job in the mines earning around 95k per year and after 12 months increasing to 135k. 12 hour days, 7 days on 7 days off. Drive in Drive out. + +But for some reason I’m not overly keen to take it? + + +My current financial situation isn’t the greatest. +5k savings, 10k super, 50k Student loan (nz). 15k personal loan (debt consolidation). My goal in life? Own a house in the outskirts of a city. Raise some kids with my partner. Travel. Just normal stuff. + +I currently work in warehousing, in Brisbane earning 65k. Normal 9 - 5 gig. Easy stuff. + +But honestly I’m trying to see the pros and cons. The biggest pro being taking home a extra 600ish per week. Cons, working/relocating in the middle of nowhere. With that, rarely seeing family due to cost of travel. Demanding Job in a hazardous environment. + +Share your experiences please or offer advice. Or downvote lol. + +Edit: I appreciate everyone’s responses positive or negative they all help with perspective. Probably 2 major details I missed out is 1. You don’t get to stay in camp so after your 12hrs you drive home. And drive back to the mine site. 2. You have to relocate to the small mining town. 9 hours out of Brisbane. +With EOFY around the corner and performance reviews underway, I’m curious to know whether AusFinance members are expecting a pay rise for FY 21/22? + +To share my own context, I work in the legal industry and despite the initial COVID doom and gloom last year, my firm reports they are doing much better than expected financially. In saying that, I didn’t receive a pay rise or bonus last year as it was still relatively early in the pandemic and a cautious approach was taken, so am super keen to make up for lost ground. After working hard and having a really good year, I’m hoping to get close to a 10% salary increase. Time will tell whether that’s realistic! It’s difficult to know what to expect or push for in the current climate. + +Keen to get insights into what others are experiencing in their own industries. +Hey, +Looking for any experienced traders' advice as I have a lot invested in crypto so the recent crashes are concerning me. I sat through the other dips and bought in more which served me well, but this time even all my go-to 'safe-haven' coins don't seem to be rebounding... + +Update: I've pretty much split everything between XMR ---> ANS. Planning to Hodl here. Ironically, ANS was what was killing me the past couple of days but it seems to be the only crypto holding its ground at the moment. +Has anyone else's company already started talking of scaling down their head count? I've had two senior people at my company mention it as a possibility already, and I've had it suggested to me to find as much work to do as possible to up my chances of not being cut. + +I saw this coming; but I'm surprised at how quickly everything went from "Yay, we should expand" to "Who's next up for the chopping block?". + +Throwaway used to reduce my chances of joining the dole queue. +There's a true **cult**ure problem within and without the United States. + +Let's remember that old adage "follow the money." And that leads to, summarily, one place in the here and now: Wall Street. + +The *Wall Street regime/network* is directly tied to: + +* propping up and perpetuation of the military industrial complex +* propping up and perpetuation of the prison industrial complex +* lobbying against healthcare reform +* manipulation of honest companies +* fostering and encouraging ignorance of climate change +* skewed/corrupted banking policy and basic inflation +* outright criminality; i.e. fraud, theft, national and international bribery and lobbying, etc.. +* national and international destabilization via "profits over people" culture and dogma + +We will look back on the Wall Street regime and network the same way we do genocidal nations/regimes in 10, 20, 50, 100 years. Of that, have no doubt. + +In case it's not obvious to anyone, we're talking about [banal evil](https://philosophybreak.com/articles/hannah-arendt-on-standing-up-to-the-banality-of-evil/) ultimately. + +>...was instead a rather bland, “terrifyingly normal” bureaucrat. He carried out his murderous role with calm efficiency not due to an abhorrent, warped mindset, but because he’d absorbed the principles of the ... regime so unquestionably, he simply wanted to further his career and climb its ladders of power. + +For what it's worth, I've found that the Jon Stewart episode about this issue is *excellent* in introducing people to the whole thing. If you're looking for an easily palatable way to educate people, then here you go. + +>[How Redditors Exposed The Stock Market | "The Problem With Jon Stewart" ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP74RBTE8kI) + +Fwiw, at 7:00 there's a graphic that's easy to understand and the main reason for even mentioning the video. + +Here's some of the [second half](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZfcjV-8pjQ). +According to the Prime Directive 15% of annual gross into retirement is a reasonable goal. I've seen posts that tell people that 15% isn't nearly enough and they should also be maxing out their $6k Roth and $20.5K 401k every year on a pre-tax salary of 76K? That's nearly 50% of take-home. + +I'm all for saving but this seems a wildly unrealistic, how could someone on that salary plan for other goals (non-retirement savings, a down payment etc) when going all-in on retirement? I'm currently putting 17% of my gross salary into retirement, and all retirement calculators I've used say I'm on track. I understand people have different goals and no advice is one-size-fits all, but should I really be feeling bad with what I've saved? +*(Edited for not drunk...well, less drunk now.)* + +I'm at my local NJ BBQ and somebody mentions a Wallstreet play to the gang. So, I mention GME and what I did. This turns into, 'you did what?!' So I told them it was working out pretty good so far and I get hit with various MSM FUD from the group. So I showed several men the evidence in my brokerage account. + +A lot of follow up from them with, 'Holy Fuck man!' etc etc + +So a long drunken explaination of GME ensues; SHF, naked shorting, the basic DD, andin less than 30 minutes later- a consensus formed. + +5 new apes will be posting sizable positions on +Monday morning. + +My job here is done. Not all heroes wear capes. 😂 +Just for some context, I'm a new homeowner (1 year under my belt) and I rent the other rooms at my house. I'm looking to buy a MF in about a year. + +I know that issues with problem-tenants isn't something that can ever be completely avoided. People can be dumb, lazy or just not care about a house that doesn't belong to them. + +That said, I know that there must be some things within a landlord's control to minimize risk of catastrophe. One of the things I've had in mind are ways you could "dummy-proof" a house. + +Example: I work in HVAC, and its no secret that most people don't change their furnace filters nearly enough. A lot of people who *own* their homes neglect this, and it's even worse with renters. So to mitigate the risk of extra ware on the furnace, if I buy a rental I will 1) change the filter box to house a 4" filter (needs to be changed much less frequently) and 2) I'll require my tenants allow me to do a semi-annual maintenance on the mechanicals of the house. Boom, no chance for the furnace to die prematurely (and less of a chance of a midnight phonecall for no heat). + +I'm still very much in the brainstorming phase, and I'd very much like to hear anyone's thoughts on how to make your rental fool-proof. + +Or similarly, maybe there are things on a prospective rental you see as "too easy to end in catastrophe." Something that a normal home owner might not have an issue with (because they'll take proper care), but that you'd avoid on a rental. Would you see a house with a hot tub out back and turn away immediately, because there are too many things that could go wrong? + +Thank in advance! + The **Semiconductor Sector** has generated more than just solid gains so far this year, chip shortage has helped accelerate sales of semiconductors, sending the stock prices of companies that design and sell chips skyrocketing. +In the last couple of weeks, I thought about adding a Semiconductor company to my portfolio, I decided to focus on AMD, NVIDIA, and INTEL, but because it might be a long post I decided to post in parts, the next post will be bot AMD so stay tuned. + +**If you think there is a company in this sector more worthwhile looking into, I'd be happy to hear some suggestions.** + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: youtube - cha cha video](https://preview.redd.it/avit8vg2dgr71.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a7f6bd2f815eaffa877381a845b1f0061e66ccb) + +# Nvidia ~ $NVDA + +>"Nvidia is a platform story. We think there are many tentacles of future growth opportunity for Nvidia inclusive of the data center momentum that they are seeing today" - Wells Fargo analyst + +Nvidia is a big winner of many of the big tech events of the past year, including the global chip shortage, cryptocurrency volatility, and mining, the relentless fight by PC gamers to find RTX 30 series graphics cards in stock, and rising demand across segments-from work-from-home laptops to data centers. During it all, NVDA stock has continued its relentless climb, adding over 60% to its value so far in 2021. + +# Q2 Earnings + +Almost all the company's business segments registered eye-popping growth in the 2nd quarter of fiscal 2022. The company reported a record Q2 revenue of $6.51 billion. This was up 68% year-over-year, which handily beat forecasts. Gaming revenue — all those RTX 30 series graphics cards — hit $3.06 billion, up 85% YoY. Datacenter revenue also set a record at $2.37 billion. Adjusted earnings of $1.04 per share (compared to 55 cents a year ago) also beat estimates. + +# Crypto Market dependence + +When of the negative points in NVDA Q2 earnings is that CMP sales came in well under the company’s estimates. CMP is a graphics card that was designed specifically for the cryptocurrency market. When the price of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin fall, crypto mining rigs power down. Miners stop buying GPUs. + +For Nvidia, this was felt in Q2. The company had projected it would sell **$400 million** worth of CMPs in the quarter. Instead, it sold just **$266 million.** + +# Future Growth In the Gaming Segment + +NVIDIA's 80%-plus market share of gaming graphics cards will be a big tailwind for the company. Its video gaming revenue more than doubled last quarter to $2.76 billion. Jon Peddie Research estimates that the market for discrete gaming GPUs could jump from $23.6 billion last year to more than $54 billion by 2025. NVIDIA's dominant market share means that it could win big from the additional revenue opportunity. + +# Arm Deal + +Nvidia is in the process of acquiring ARM Holdings from SoftBank for approximately $40 billion, which would be a game-changer in its data center segment. The acquisition is currently held up in the approval process, but Nvidia told investors on their recent earnings call that the deal should get done. Denial is certainly a risk for Nvidia's stock price, so it's something to be aware of. recently Chinese and British regulators have had serious concerns about the acquisition and could block it. + +# Advanced Micro Devices ~ $AMD + +AMD has been making a comeback for years with a fast-improving lineup of chips addressing the laptop and PC markets, as well as hardware for data centers and the cloud computing services built on them. AMD is on track to record 50% revenue growth in 2021. The company's market share gains in the client and server CPU (central processing unit) markets, as well as the growing demand for graphics cards, have helped it to raise the guidance. + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: wccftech](https://preview.redd.it/faswa7u5dgr71.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fdf6382da174aa1c34fff4ffb72dab7abaa7f2) + +# Q2 Earnings And Growth + +On July 27, AMD recorded 99% YOY revenue growth, to $3.85 billion, operating income of $831m (380% change YOY), and Net income of $710m - 352% YOY growth. The company consistently winning market share from Intel. Video game platform "Steam" reports that AMD's share of the client CPU market has now exceeded 30%, a massive improvement from three years ago when it held just over 16% of the market. + +[ AMD website - q2 Financial results](https://preview.redd.it/jjeh28b8dgr71.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=1194ec52ebd44ff97c9ae9686ff69f63d4787d4b) + +# Video Games Potential Growth + +Video game consoles have been in hot demand since last year, Sony could end 2021 with sales of 17.9 million PS5 consoles, up from last year's 4.5 million units. The PS5's sales momentum could remain strong with Sony expected to ship over 33 million units in 2022, 50 million units in 2023, and 67 million units in 2024. Meanwhile, sales of Microsoft's Xbox Series X are expected to jump from an estimated 3.3 million units in 2020 to 12 million units in 2021, and 37 million units in 2024. + +**AMD** supplies semi-custom chips to both Sony and Microsoft for their latest consoles. Nvidia, on the other hand, supplies chips for **Nintendo**'s Switch consoles. The Japanese video gaming company estimates that it could sell 25.5 million units of the Switch in the current fiscal year that ends in March 2022. + +# Xilinx Acquisition + +AMD's $35 billion merger with Xilinx is expected to be completed by the end of this year.the merger will allow AMD to expand the chips it offers the customers and it will take on Intel. The merger could make AMD one of the biggest tech companies and could expand its market share significantly. + +# Intel ~ $INTC + +Intel’s stock has underperformed the market in recent years, It’s struggled with R&D, manufacturing, and management issues. the stock gained 15% in the past 3 years while the PHLX Semiconductor Index's gain of approximately 130%. + +Intel fell behind **TSMC** in the race to create smaller and more advanced chips. and lost market share to **AMD** in PC and data center CPU markets. + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: INTEL](https://preview.redd.it/sxqjttladgr71.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b541cb7bc838e7c7ddb580196ebc1e085bedce22) + +# New CEO = New Future? + +Intel’s new CEO, Pat Gelsinger, set his eyes on reclaiming the process lead by 2025. Gelsinger plans to achieve that goal by spending tens of billions of dollars on new foundries, upgrading the company's plants, expanding its third-party foundry services to pull orders away from TSMC, and attracting government subsidies in the U.S. and Europe to resolve the ongoing chip shortage and eliminate the industry's production bottlenecks in Asia. + +If Intel achieves all those goals, its growth could accelerate over the next few years and make it a compelling long-term investment again. + +# GPUs War + +Intel generates most of its revenue from PC and data center CPUs and abandoned the high-end GPU market amid fierce competition from **Nvidia** and **AMD**, but it's now trying to bundle its new GPUs with its CPUs. Intel could challenge Nvidia and AMD in the laptop market with its DG1 mobile GPUs, pursue the desktop market with its DG2 GPUs, and enter the data center GPU market with its top-tier Ponte Vecchio GPUs. + +# Financial Comparisons + +[Market Size](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Market%20Cap?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. INTC: $217.009B +2. NVDA : $511.284B +3. AMD : $121.722B + +[ when NVDA surpassed Intel's size this year - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/9eho4lgddgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf57bcdd0bb2180a81cf108ed7e915083c40e14) + + [Gross Profit](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Gross%20Profit?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- After Q2 + +1. INTC: $11.21B +2. NVDA : $4.21B +3. AMD : $1.83B + +[ Intel is still the most profit from the 3 - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/o22mslredgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af2393607bca2cf54c50dec08a431b9a1072917) + + [Return On Equity](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Return%20On%20Equity?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- After Q2 + +1. NVDA : 11.23% +2. AMD : 10.05% +3. INTC : 5.94% + +[ ROE Comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/rke5xokgdgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=731149f0f5ffd48f43fd507caef9ceb7f3d2b710) + + [Gross Profit Margin](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Gross%20Profit%20Margin?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. NVDA: 64.78% +2. INTC : 57.07% +3. AMD : 47.53% + +[ Gross Profit Margin - JIKA.IO](https://preview.redd.it/pvsephuidgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a3338bce9df16268b6d4d0daa7664bca647c6c6) + + [Net Profit Margin](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Net%20Profit%20Margin?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. NVDA : 36.48% +2. INTC : 25.78% +3. AMD : 18.44% + +[ Net Profit Margin - JIKA.IO](https://preview.redd.it/s7kcpl7ldgr71.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=83614a344ab55c1d8686da128e837c21c3dd1e3c) + +# My Conclusion + +In my opinion, Intel is pretty much out of the race, even if the new CEO will shake things up, Intel will take a long time until climbing back up. + +I think that the better choice is between the fast-growing semiconductor stocks, **NVIDIA** or **AMD**. Given that AMD's growth pace was better than NVIDIA's in Q1 and Q2 and is likely to keep up that momentum for the remainder of the year, it looks like the better option right now. AMD also looks like a better buy for those looking for a growth stock at a reasonable valuation. + +&#x200B; + +>***Personal note:*** *Feel free to diagree and express your opinion about the post.* + +**Sources:** +[Jika.io](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Revenue?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- Companies comparisons +[Motleyfool.com](https://motleyfool.com/) \- stocks news +[nasdaq.com](https://nasdaq.com/) \- news and information +[amd.com](https://amd.com/) \- investor relations +[investor.nvidia.com](https://investor.nvidia.com/) \- investor relations +It puts things into perspective. What even is money if it can come and go so easily? Crypto is so relentless in how volatile it is, sometimes you wonder if you'll wake up and be more successful than you ever could imagine. + +Does anyone else relate? I got back into this ages ago, and I've gotten so used to the market, I don't even care when I see my money fluctuate that much. I'm just like, oh, cool, another day. I made 10k or lost 10k over night on a trade, who cares. + +It's amazing that it can be like that, I never thought I would see my income streams be that worthless but exciting at the same time. It's truly exciting but at the same time as of late I've learned to check out since we've been on a downtrend. My main holdings are in alts so I'm seeing more volatile movement, I'm really big on LUNA and AVAX- I think they are extremely promising projects, I also love Ethereum for obvious reasons like Smart Contracts. + +I can't even imagine people who wake up each day and lose or gain 1 mil, 5 mil... and to think it's just perspective. +For those who have done the hard yards to get onto the property ladder, 1) how long did it take you to save your deposit and 2) did you do anything to help accelerate the saving process (ie first home saver accounts, crazy stockmarket bets etc)? +Here is the start... + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/walmart-hit-with-wrongful-death-lawsuit-by-estate-of-worker-who-died-of-coronavirus-2020-04-06?mod=home-page](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/walmart-hit-with-wrongful-death-lawsuit-by-estate-of-worker-who-died-of-coronavirus-2020-04-06?mod=home-page) + +&#x200B; + +The last few weeks, I was expecting a boatload of these suits to come in against retirement homes, and other REITs related. This is why I've avoided them, even though my girlfriend has been strongly bullish on those sectors. She claims they have insurance coverage for that sort of thing so it won't hit them that hard. I have my doubts though... + +&#x200B; + +Question is, how much you think WalMart may suffer from lawsuits? I imagine a lot more are coming. Or one huge civil action. +This is the second "rate my portfolio" thread, as requested by u/eitherorlife. + +Top level comments must be highly detailed (at least 2-3 paragraphs). + +If you feel comfortable, consider including the following: + +* Financial goals and investment time horizon. + +* Commentary on the reasoning behind your current and desired allocation. + +The more information you can provide, the better answers you'll get! + +Top level comments not including this information may be automatically removed. If your comment was erroneously removed, please [message modmail here](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadianInvestor). + +--- + +Please don't downvote posts you disagree with. If a comment adds to the discussion, it warrants an upvote. +I’m currently holding TD eSeries for the Nasdaq, US S&P500, CA S&P500, and international. + +I’ve been considering switching to a XEQT or VEQT ETF and just let that grow with a monthly contributions + +TD charges $9.99 per commission. Which adds up quickly. For those of you that switched, + +- what broker did you switch to? + +- What ETF did you replace your eSeries with? + +- How was the transfer experience? + +- What should I be mindful of? +I think I understand the basic premise, that you can set up an order to save you from some losses in the case that you aren't actively monitoring the market and your portfolio, but I have some questions that I haven't found answers for in this sub. + +Why are there two different prices, the Stop and the Limit? I understand the Limit order is the price you would like to sell at, but I don't really understand the purpose of the Stop order. It activates the Limit? Why not just submit a Limit order and be done with it? + +Secondly, I always see Stop-Limit Orders being referenced in the context of selling shares to protect your losses, but I'm wondering about other uses for them. Can they be used to sell shares when the price goes up to your specified limit to automatically cash out at a price you would be happy with, eg. If this stock price goes up by 10% sell X amount of my shares? + +Do people here use these order types? Are they useful? Are there any useful strategies for using them or considerations you think are worth noting? +I'm 50, have roughly 55k in bank and am able to add roughly $2500/month to this after bills are paid. + +I am aware that I am starting very late, but poor life choices / student loans in my younger years prevented me from being able to save anything. + +What advice would you give that could build upon this over the next 15'ish years as I work towards retirement? + +Thanks for any and all advice, it's much appreciated! +The cannabis industry is still in its infancy in my opinion. Anyone like any of the ETFs right now thinking to the future for the possible dividend growth? +I bought CAT today at $222. I am planning on holding forever really. They have an excellent dividend. I am also encouraged by the support for their industry slowing winding its way through Congress. I have just never spent this much money at one time on shares in my trading account. I used money already made from other trades so I didn’t break the bank buying. We never know what stocks will do but I am having some buyers remorse. + +Edit: I also hold SCHD, SPYD, VYM, OKE, SCHY for other dividends. +[A Bet was Made. +The Debt was Paid. +Punishable By The 24k Banana.](https://vimeo.com/762423643) + +*“I mean it’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost, 10 dollars?”* + +WRONG + + +This mouth watering, scrumptious, Back-of-Throat Tickling Gourmet 24k Banana set me back a whopping $52 USD! 200+mg of 24k Gold. Mmmm… Tasty. + +Even Bill Gates is going to have a hard time affording one of these bad boys after he closes his $GME short position. + +As a Gambling Ape, I would have preferred to win this bet. But I digress. Fortunately, for all of us here, we are not wrong, we are early. Shorts ‘R Fuk. And thy Tendieman shall eventually come and Kenny’s mayo-y Debts shall be paid. + +While making & editing this video, I decided to learn how to mint an NFT using Loopring.io & LoopExchange.art (obviously I would have liked to use the GameStop Marketplace, however I’m not an approved Creator). + +At any rate, I’ve successfully minted my first NFT Collection. It was fun making it & actually learned quite a bit in the process. It’s called ***Punishable By Banana***. Here they are: + +--- +👉[PBB Ink'd Mint X420](https://loopring.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVwBa17row92eDW6iZcuJwCJrWyTARvioK641mXmpTztB) + +👉[PBB Colored Comic Mint X100](https://loopring.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUCuTzPbwoREPkj4nKFWTwMvHZ3ymGNJ8ZtycsWySYmvc) + + + +--- + +Because everyone here at Superstonk is Super awesome, I’ll be giving away (FREEEEE) 420 of the *PBB “Ink’d”* mint. For the *PBB Colored Comic* mint, there will be a Limited 100 Batch available. Feel Free to comment your address, or just go to [LoopExchange](https://loopexchange.art/) and search *'Punishable By Banana'* on there for the NFTs. + + +💎🍌💎 + +MoonSoon**™** + +BUY. DRS. HODL. +In his latest Twitter post PlanB has linked a PDF with his most recent article about "quant trading". + +https://preview.redd.it/9b3pd2rvuhg91.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd83cf49fc6f34eec5e70d86ffdbdad1dfca0786 + +In the article he describes a simple quant trading strategy that will turn 3.5 dollars invested in 2011 into 5M dollars in 2022, just by using 4x leverage and watching monthly RSI. The rules are extremely simple: + +https://preview.redd.it/e1335iudvhg91.png?width=1329&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecbcf6842f7ae7b58abfb2faf06be0a15c734404 + +https://preview.redd.it/7cmm0ua8whg91.png?width=1353&format=png&auto=webp&s=44d4ce87599edc133b3c94198c84056d0c5c1329 + +https://preview.redd.it/zpoca489whg91.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9bf7d7f2ad79ef99cbe2bfd0f754b723e0010e6 + +So quick - enter 4x long BTC now if you want to be millionaires in the future! I did that and feel wealthy already! +(Apologies for the length. And sorry if this isn't the right forum for this, but I've read that the normal fire forum isn't really the best place for this - they seem to be the "drive a 15 year old corolla, eat rice 6 days a week" type of "retirees") + +Very late 30s. Spouse and I make good incomes (combined a shade over 300k/yr) in relatively stable industries - but not in "potential for fuck you money" industries. 1.5m in assets, exclusive of a house owned outright. No kids. + +So, we don't have nearly enough in assets to fatFIRE now. We could probably FIRE it if we were thrifty, but, then again, that just feels like a path to boredom. + +So, that just prompts a very philosophical (admittedly very idiosyncratic) question: what the fuck do we do with ourselves? + +**bust ass to fatFIRE?** . We've been too risk averse in investing, so we have missed a lot of appreciation over the past 3-4 years. We don't face any realistic possibility of a truly massive windfall/income increases. So that just seems like we're a point where, many more years of aggressive earning/promotion-striving/saving/investing, we're just gilding a FIRE lilly at best, not really able to attain fatFIRE... + +**continue chugging along, just doing our jobs and saving on our way to normal retirement?** our lives aren't that bad - our jobs are cushy enough where, yeah, we're on the clock 40-50 hrs a week but that's it. and, as I hinted at above, in some ways it's the most financially sensible way to spend a chunk of the week anyways (since we're not at fatFIRE 'do whatever you want and you can do anything to keep yourself constantly entertained' levels). but, this is dissatisfying in itself since we'd presumably be engaging in "lifestyle creep" kind of spending to some degree which ties us to our jobs (i.e., we don't really "have" to work, but would be forced to by circumstances) + +&#x200B; + +anyone else wrestling with this? we're basically at the point in our lives where we're comfortable, secure, but not comfortable enough and not secure enough. sure, we have material aspirations that we could try to attain, but, then again, there's no real need to attain those aspirations, either. + +*tl;dr: we could probably retire tomorrow and live a very middle-middle class lifestyle, but we're not able to retire tomorrow and live in the manner to which our current incomes would support. what do you do?* +Update: +----------------- +Link to day 2 post +https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7h4cny/give_bitcoin_this_christmas_ill_start_with_25/ + + +&nbsp; + +Main post: +----------------------------------- + +For the 25 days up to Christmas I will donate 1 Bitcoin to a good cause suggested by r/bitcoin. +It can be a charity, an open source project, a crowdfund or anything else. + +&nbsp; + + +When submitting a suggestion it would be great if you could link to a donation page with a Bitcoin donation address if available. +This will allow others to find and donate to causes they wish to also. + +&nbsp; + + +Each day I'll pick from the suggestions, likely the most upvoted one. +I'll ignore any scams. Also I think that it would be best to have 25 individual donations so I will pick a different one each day. + +&nbsp; + + +I would like to encourage everyone here to try and donate anything they can too. +Either to the same causes I do, others suggested that I didn't donate to, local charities or family and friends in need. +Especially if the recent price increase has been good for you. + + +&nbsp; + +I will try to send donations as fast as possible but there may be times where I have to do more research or checks to verify the suggestions are legit. + +&nbsp; + + +Proof of funds: +Message: "Give Bitcoin this Christmas" +Address: 34WbSyrtibUJiFbRa7ukLC8RGdFMnQRn4b +Signature: I8vZgsyOb1CKbTjo/Mravp03yIFnC94GNTVYOkBbhIUPUajfKPg4nh8zj7dWu5qzev2nsAtByLwpHHDnVwyAxsI= + +&nbsp; + +Lastly, if you wish to give but don't have the time to check Reddit for the next 25 days you can send Bitcoin to the address above. +I will divide the extra Bitcoin sent to that address by 25 and donate it to each of the chosen causes on the 25th or the 26th. + +&nbsp; + + +P.S. Please make sure that any donation websites or addresses posted are legit before sending Bitcoin as unfortunately +we usually have to deal with a lot of scammers when doing giveaways. + + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-the-longest-u-s-bull-market-has-failed-to-fix-the-nations-public-pensions-11554888600?mod=mhp + +*Sums owed to retirees are accelerating faster than assets on hand to pay those future obligations* + +Maine’s public pension fund earned double-digit returns in six of the past nine years. Yet the Maine Public Employees Retirement System is still $2.9 billion short of what it needs to afford all future benefits to all retirees. + +“If the market is doing better, where’s the money?” said one of these retirees, former game warden Daniel Tourtelotte. + +The same pressures Maine faces are plaguing public retirement systems around the country. The pressures are coming from a slate of problems, and the longest bull market in U.S. history has failed to solve many of them. + +There is a simple reason why pensions are in such rough shape: The amount owed to retirees is accelerating faster than assets on hand to pay those future obligations. Liabilities of major U.S. public pensions are up 64% since 2007 while assets are up 30%, according to the most recent data from Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research. + +Public pension funds have to pay benefits—their liabilities. They hold assets, which grow or shrink through a combination of investment gains or losses and contributions from employers and workers. Those assets generally rose faster than liabilities for five decades starting in the 1950s because government was expanding and the number of retirees was smaller. + +In the 1980s and 1990s, double-digit stock and bond returns convinced governments they could afford widespread benefit increases. + +But the value of their holdings—their assets—began to fall in the aftermath of the dot-com bust in the 2000s, and the 2008 financial crisis followed soon after. State and local retirement systems lost 28% in 2008 and 2009, according to the Boston College data. + + +“The first thing you have to do is make up what you lost,” said Sandy Matheson, executive director of the Maine Public Employees Retirement System. “And it takes years. And then you have to make up what you didn’t earn on what you didn’t have. It’s a pretty steep climb.” + +Some were able to keep up with those payments. But others weren’t as they struggled with lower tax revenue and increased demand for government services in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. New Jersey made less than 15% of its recommended pension payment from 2009 through 2012. It now has a little more than one-third of the cash it needs to pay future benefits—despite robust investment returns in recent years. + +State Treasurer Elizabeth Maher Muoio said New Jersey is on “the long road to addressing our unfunded liability after years of neglect.” + +Many states and cities reduced benefits for new employees after 2008. But deeper cuts often met resistance from judges, unions and angry constituents—even in some of the most indebted states. + +The Illinois Supreme Court in 2015 threw out cuts by the legislature that were expected to save tens of billions of dollars. Kentucky’s legislature last year declined to approve the governor’s proposed cuts to cost-of-living increases for retired teachers after protests brought thousands to the state capitol and forced cancellations of classes in several school districts. + +Maine, which has made more progress than many plans in addressing its unfunded liability, did cut cost-of-living increases for both retired and active state workers. They earn a median pension of $27,000 after 25 or more years’ service and don’t receive Social Security. But that cut shaved only $1.6 billion off the fund’s unfunded liability, which now stands at $2.9 billion. + +Demographics became another problem as baby boomers aged. The number of pensioners jumped thanks to longer lifespans and a wave of retirees over the past decade, while the number of active workers remained relatively stable. + +**Maine’s fund serves about the same number of active workers that it did in 2008—a little more than 51,000—while the number of retirees has jumped 32% to about 45,000. Many funds are experiencing the same trend.** + +The Maine pension fund, which back in the early 1980s assumed a long-term investment return of 10%, now assumes a rate of 6.75%. If that rate were just 1 percentage point higher—where it was about 10 years ago—the projected $2.9 billion shortfall, most of which must be paid off over the next decade, would drop by more than half to $1.1 billion. + +The decision to lower the rate was based on discussions with the fund’s actuarial and investment consultants and a goal of keeping costs predictable, said Ms. Matheson, the system’s executive director. “There’s also an element of better safe than sorry.” +For me it’s Tesla. They were a disruptor in the automotive industry but their QC is getting quite poor and dare I say it, other brands are starting to make superior products. I definitely don’t see their reign lasting forever. + + +Edit: This has been super interesting now that it’s gained a lot of traction so I wanted to clarify a few things about my stance on Tesla. + +Yes I know Tesla leads the market in self driving, but they may not forever. No single tech company dominates the market for forever, so who knows how long their run might last, could easily go on another decade or two but I sure wont bet on it. I do think they have two huge strengths, however. 1) The ability to keep up with demand better than almost any other automaker and mass produce electric vehicles 2) Brand loyalty, almost like Apple in a sense. With all that being said, their P/E is absurd and I feel like one day the stock may be exposed for what it is. Does that mean I’m willing to short it? Not at all, I’ll just never directly buy any. + +Some of these answers have been amazing, and made me realize I’d buy Tesla way before a few other companies. Not sure why it came to mind before HOOD, TWTR, WISH but I wouldn’t touch any of those with a ten foot pole. +From the article: "over the 15-year investment horizon, 92.33% of large-cap managers, 94.81% of mid-cap managers, and 95.73% of small-cap managers failed to outperform on a relative basis" + +https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/more-evidence-that-its-very-hard-to-beat-the-market-over-time-95-of-financial-professionals-cant-do-it/ +[https://ark-invest.com/big-ideas-2021/](https://ark-invest.com/big-ideas-2021/) + +If you want to read their thoughts on some "big ideas" in 2021. 112 page pdf... enjoy! lol +A buddy at work put $10k back in 99 in Amazon which I think is around 600k now. He is going to sell once he retires and use to buy a new house + +What would be your 25 year bet if you made one now ? +It's been a wild year for all of us. The mods decided to put down our favorite moments of the year. In no order. + +&#x200B; + +/u/Letsburn00 + +\-[I'll always remember the first post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/fiuhqa/welcome_to_asx_bets_like_wallstreetbets_also_like/)We discussed a lot about who would do what and how we'd announce. In the end, the first welcome was simple. We spent most of our time casually leaving mentions of /r/ASX_bets and buying out of the money put options. At the time, they almost all came up profitable. Those were the days. + +\-[Back when we were less than 3000 people, deep into one night. Plucky went off his meds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/hg30o5/plucky26_is_now_banned_for_5_days_for_too_much/)He was banned for a week, but that very strange night will always be something I remember. + +&#x200B; + +/u/The_lordofruin + +\-Despite the final outcome of the BRNpocalypse. [The meme response to the banning of Fernal was a great momen](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/isfdif/ladies_and_gentlemen_you_got_em/)t to see as people put their balls on the line and it came to a great outcome. + +[\-The purge will always be a warm moment in my heart. It was insane, but we got a mod out of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/hkg3bb/10k_members_we_now_begin_the_purge/) + +&#x200B; + +/u/Username-taken82 + +\- Way back, when the markets were writhing in chaos, BBOZ and BBUS ruled the sub and this was the [shit post we needed](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/fvqaej/already_priced_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It still cracks me up every time... + +\- BRNageddon and the [Melvin Ban Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/j3snfk/today_for_crimes_against_rasx_bets_melvin_butters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), purely because BRNageddon was my first weekend as a MOD and it was eye opening, to say the least. + +\- The [Salty Toppings Competition](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/iv4d0v/asx_bets_6_month_old_celebration_begin_the_salty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), the first collaborative project the current Mod team did together and the resulting donations to charity were one of the great things about this sub. + +\- I also really enjoy the good **DD** pieces, where the high functioning part of the spectrum starts to take over and you Autismo's really churn out some quality work + +\- This Sub's pathologically inexplicable self abusive, unshakeable loyalty to **Z1P** and the dude who [thought stocks expire after a day](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/inyquu/noob_question_plz_dont_flame_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Brings a tear to my eye every time. + +Literally. + +&#x200B; + +/u/Phantom_Hax0r + +\- Where the hell do I start? Went from lurking for years, reviving my old reddit account and joining the madness, nek minnit I'm a wrangler for the mad(lad)house. + +\- Posting the Purge daily leaderboard updates was so much fun, getting to write little summaries of the day's big moments and play with Excel to make shit work properly was a blast. + +\- Some of my first exposure to the sub was during the Great BNPL Spaz-out of 2020, with [a particularly bad day summed up in this excellent post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/hqxdpk/barnseys_bnpl_market_updates/) + + +If you have any of your own best moments. Post them in the comments. +Hi Gang, + +MyGov is up this morning and people who are eligible are able to withdraw up to $10K for this financial year, any takers willing to take up this offer and place it on a penny stock ? Fucking AusFinance bunch of pussies waiting till 65 to retire. +*Each week I’ll be picking a random ASX stock that I’ve rarely seen discussed online – and that I do NOT hold – that you voted for, for us to dive into for some Due Diligence (“DD”).* + +*This is for us to have a look at what it does, comb over their financials, and in the end discuss whether or not we’d buy into it. Not all of these stocks may be sexy or appealing; the whole point is to shine a light on what companies are doing out there on the ASX which never get much coverage – for good or bad.* + +*The main purpose being to add some more variety in coverage to the standard blue chips or meme stocks we see pumped day in and day out, and hopefully discover some hidden gems or innovative companies on the Aussie market... or at least less stinky forms of dogshit.* + +*Here’s this week’s Random Stock of the Week.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Company name:** Autosports Group + +https://preview.redd.it/ytcoe0o9mhh81.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=a594d7775551eded7d7d4ba17ce33d37e8593e15 + +**Ticker:** ASG + +**Industry:** Automotive Retail + +**Headquarters:** Leichhardt, NSW + +**Market cap:** \~$380m + +**Current share price:** \~$1.88 + +**P/E ratio:** \~9 + +**1-year Performance:** \+2.73% + +**What they do, smoothbrain version:** Where Lambo? Here Lambo. + +**What they say they do, wanky version:** “More than selling cars; while Autosports Group is best known for our landmark new car showrooms, we have a less visible but no less important side to our business in service, parts and prestige/luxury used cars.” 🍆👋 + +**What they do, actual version:** Quite simply; they sell new & used cars across a bunch of dealerships across the country, then charge people to keep those cars running smoothly and make quite a lot of bank off it – particularly in the current climate. + +[INVEST IN LAMBO TO GET LAMBO – WHAT COULD GO WRONG?](https://preview.redd.it/8y87h77dmhh81.jpg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67044a47d8644555f8bdf1e2457147b6f74f0b98) + +**Autosports Group (ASG)** are an automotive retailer, parts & servicing company that operate over 40 dealerships across Australia, as well as a handful of used-car outlets and collision-repair facilities. + +The company sells a wide range of car brands, mostly oriented around the mid-to-high-end of town. They sell vehicles from the likes of Aston Martin, Audi, BMW and plenty of others even including – yes – Lamborghini. + +ASG derives the bulk of their revenue from car sales & financing, however they also make a significant amount of coin off the servicing and selling of parts for these vehicles as well. + +https://preview.redd.it/zki7r8ofmhh81.jpg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88684cef2d5b65c768482eeb1248e5dee05dee78 + +As of their most recent messaging to the public, the company is targeting a profit split of 55% from car sales and 45% from these other “back-end” services, with the latter actually providing the better margins of the two for the business. + +In addition to the inventory of cars they sell, much of ASG’s asset profile comes by proxy from real estate. That’s because they continue to acquire new dealerships which sit on significant sized lots, which in turn grow in value as real estate prices have blown up. + +Simply put: the company is an acquisition-beast, having acquired a ton of new dealerships in flagship locations throughout their listed history, allowing them to bring on additional brands to now cover pretty much all of the major “luxury” car brands available to consumers. + +https://preview.redd.it/86trqtyhmhh81.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=637d97ed0fa418098b903a1d3f9179d826d76daa + +The company IPO’d on the ASX back at the end of 2016 at $2.35 a share, and has had a pretty tumultuous time on the market since – largely due to no fault of their own. + +A lot of this has been simply because of bad luck. They’ve made largely smart acquisitions that immediately contributed positively to the bottom line, however one-offs appeared and caused dips in share price. + +Just as the company was picking up momentum in 2017-18, a fluke international issue caused by – seriously – *stink bugs* caused the implementation of quarantine procedures for international transport vessels containing their car shipments. + +With these transport ships being quarantined due to the “Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs”, delivery delays mounted & resulted in a loss of revenue. + +Soon after, global authorities implemented a new “Worldwide Light Vehicle Testing Procedure” to crackdown on vehicle CO2 emissions, which led for further increased pricing & supply delays for the company. + +I’m not sure what else the company did to piss off God, but as if that wasn’t enough just as they were rebounding in a positive way, Covid-19 came out of the blue and smacked ASG down yet again. + +The initial fear around Covid unfortunately also resulted in the sharpest decline in new-car sales in 23 years – of nearly 50%. + +https://preview.redd.it/cnq5u0ykmhh81.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3cf6d2fd500d2d14cc9edf11dbbba9f45eb82e2 + +It’s ironic looking back at this now, considering how strongly the domestic car market (and the prices of cars in general) rebounded in the following few periods, but at the time people were panicked. The company also had to close down dealerships during peak Covid lockdowns, and stand down 35% of staff temporarily. + +This has massive knock-on effects to their parts & servicing business as well, as people were bunkered at home and getting their cars serviced was the last thing on their minds. + +To their credit, the board actually voluntarily reduced their salary by 40% during this period; a nice sign of solidarity that would give Gerry Harvey a heart attack. + +Since then, the trend for ASG has been steadily upward, as society has opened up more again, and the car market has boomed. Still, there are some headwinds working against them in terms of supply, making for a mixed situation for the company at time of writing. + +ASG is based in Leichhardt in Sydney, went public in November 2016, and have returned -1.19% p.a annualised since listing (including dividends). + +**What looks good:** + +* As mentioned, this company has a massive appetite for acquisitions, and it forms a core part of their growth strategy. They have a knack for making purchases that begin contributing positively to their bottom line in short order, as most dealerships are pretty much already set up & good to go with minimal alteration costs required. +* Their tumble in profit figures are also misleading in raw form, as they not only had these weird one-off mini-disasters happen to them, but also decided to recognise an impairment charge of $109.2M to smooth things out during Covid uncertainty. +* ASG has a strong ownership profile, with retail just over 10% and basically ‘along for the ride’. The rest is made up of private companies, instos, & management/directors with director James Pagent still owning just over 20% of the business (and even more if you account for his family’s trust). + +https://preview.redd.it/plwgp2homhh81.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf2a63369b90202890159236b2f43e355c6e3b83 + +* Likewise, these Top 20 holders have engaged in a good amount of on-market buying over the company’s history, which shows confidence in the numbers. +* They consistently do well growth-wise in general, achieving a respectable 10% revenue CAGR since listing. +* Also as mentioned, the land value of the acquisitions they’ve made – not only the direct revenue from sales – has also gone up. This is almost a semi-real-estate ASX company by proxy. +* The turnaround post-initial-Covid has been very strong. ASG has seen revenue growth of over 16% due to the strong market conditions for car buying & margins, with 27.5% increase in gross profit as well. + +https://preview.redd.it/bu0xo45rmhh81.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=9febf89154f3c51acec2d1771dd7d212a5a79a5c + +* This was due to a nearly 30% growth in new-car revenue; the company is also hoping this will have an onflow effect for service/parts revenue as well. That’s ideal, because… +* … it’s actually the auxiliary services (parts & servicing) that produce the best margins; lockdowns impacted them, but the numbers in this category immediately bounced back as soon as lockdowns ended. +* ASG every year show continued improvement in gross margins across all revenue streams, while lowering operating expenses as well for a double-whammy compound effect on profitability numbers. +* They’ve currently got a strong cash balance of nearly $97m vs. $38.8m in 2020, meaning they’re primed to make yet more acquisitions should they choose to. +* Fundamentally, people want to see/touch/test-drive cars in person before buying. Such a large purchase means that despite lockdowns, Covid issues etc. people still make the effort to go to the dealer and don’t look for competitive/online solutions nearly as much as other products – this gives them something of a moat. + +[IF YOU’RE SPENDING A TON ON A CAR, ODDS ARE YOU WANT TO TEST DRIVE IT FIRST.](https://preview.redd.it/okag35jtmhh81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04acb387cba6581ef9b926b58008445d728e56c2) + +* Their ‘Used Vehicle’ strategy is also working, providing higher margins than the total business as a whole; the only issue has been a lack of stock. Plus, with the market for new vehicles being delayed, this has had a cascading effect to make used cars more desirable for people as a backup (and at higher prices). +* On a base level vs. the (limited) competitors in the auto retail industry on the ASX, they are ‘undervalued’. Motorcycle Holdings (MTO) in the chart below is a motorbike retailer so not exactly like-for-like; the others however are direct competitors: + +https://preview.redd.it/890nuzrvmhh81.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=65d8c9afa1b108249376fdad69ff018f7b4479bc + +* ASG have also done a good job of consolidating some of their dealership sites that they rent instead of own, reducing the costs of leases/renegotiating old leases & saving a couple of $ million expenses annually. + +**What doesn’t look good:** + +* There’s no avoiding it – the company has generated negative returns since its IPO, and still currently sits below its initial list price at time of writing. Again, while this was pretty much due to issues of no fault of their own, anyone who doesn’t do a deep dive might look at the chart and give it a “no” at a glance. +* Supply chain issues are the greatest obvious headwind against ASG at the moment. While we don’t yet know how badly they’ll end up affecting the company, we’ve seen enough blowouts in other sectors to remain suspicious of the final impact they’ll have on the company’s upcoming report. +* These issues aren’t just with pure shipping, either. It’s great that demand is high, but not only is it becoming harder and harder to fulfill orders on time, but global semiconductor shortages are contributing to car manufacturers being unable to even produce vehicles in the first place. +* This is a fucking high-debt business. Like, a lot of debt, given the company’s size & revenue. Sure, it’s good that property is the main reason, and their debt has reduced significantly year on year… but still, interest rate rise issues are looming. + +https://preview.redd.it/ve911i4ymhh81.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=95cec760cede25922b3aae80979f2eff88700e04 + +* 2020 broke their share price momentum; it still hasn’t fully recovered, and in general this feels like another ignored/under appreciated stock in general that might not perform share-price wise reflective of the company performance. +* The automotive sector in general receives little love or attention on the ASX, despite them being mostly fundamentally sound. For whatever reason, it’s simply not seen as a “sexy” industry to invest in even despite all the bitching & moaning people have been doing about rising car prices. +* ASG’s RoE (Return on Equity) figure is kind of ‘meh’, hovering anywhere between the 3 – 10% mark depending on the year. 10% is fine, and if that’s the standard moving forward then great; lower, and you can find much better performers elsewhere on the market. +* The share register being tightly-held by insiders means it’s illiquid; tougher to get in or out, and just low trading volume in general. A.k.a, if you want regular daily movements to excite you, this will no doubt be ‘boring’. + +**Summary** + +In all, it looks like this is a company that doesn’t really do any dumb shit, and has mostly just been simply unlucky and/or ignored by investors. + +ASG have done pretty much all the “right” things since listing; there’s just been a number of bumps in the road that have smashed sentiment and prevented it from gaining proper momentum. + +Due to the macro-market conditions at the moment however, I can’t see a world in which this company’s next report (due just a couple of weeks after writing this, in fact) doesn’t impress. + +There’s precedent for this bullish sentiment, which is something you might not expect: the historic link between luxury car sales, and house prices. + +This “wealth effect” (when people are/feel like they are making big $$ because their houses go up in value) has a direct knock-on effect to splashing out and buying luxury cars, and the same when the opposite happens: + +[QUIK MAFS: IF AUS HOUSE PRICES = 🚀, THEN LUXURY CAR SALES = 🚀🚀](https://preview.redd.it/ma7auvl1nhh81.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce6c27ea20f8534778e8c1776f44abe75fa3ba72) + +The data from this study is a few years old, but the trend is basically that when Aussies see their homes pumping, they switch into baller-mode and buy fancy vehicles. + +With how much houses have skyrocketed in Australia in the past couple of years, if this trend holds then ASG will be a direct beneficiary. + +In addition, you’re generally in a better place as a business when it’s lack of stock that’s an issue, and there’s no shortage of demand for your product. Both are "bad", but I know which I’d rather. + +ASG have also made an effort at diversifying both geographically (especially growing their presence in VIC, which is now booming more since lockdowns eased) & via new brands in their portfolio. + +**Conclusion:** The fact that this is still not even back at its IPO price despite all the growth they’ve had screams ‘undervalued’ to me, and if it weren’t for the fact we’re just about to head into uncertainty regarding interest rate rises & lingering supply issues, I’d probably buy in. + +As it is, it’s probably something to sit back and watch for updated financials, but don’t be surprised to see its share price jump up a bunch on its next report. The question will be if it can hold over the longer term, but they're still positioned well for the near future. + +They’re focused on making acquisitions that are easy bolt-ons and add to their bottom line straight away (they recently bought another Land Rover dealership just prior to writing this), and generally don’t spend cash on stuff that ends up being a stupid money sink. + +They look better-priced than their sector peers, they pay a decent dividend (when they’re not getting derailed by Stink Bugs), and they have plenty of cash to splash if they want to. + +Debt is our main red flag, but they’re paying it down and not buying stupid stuff with it, either. + +Poor ASG just can’t seem to catch a break, as one mishap after another out of their control has rolled into the next pretty much ever since they listed. + +Will shipping costs / further supply delays end up being yet another spanner in the Lambo-rim works that keeps their share price from properly taking off again? + +We won’t have to wait long to find out. + +**Link to web version:** [https://ausinvestors.com/asg-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/asg-stock-of-the-week/) + +**Vote for next week's Random Stonk of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/poll](https://ausinvestors.com/poll) + +**Links to previous Stonks of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/) + +**Company website:** [https://autosportsgroup.com.au/](https://autosportsgroup.com.au/) + +**MarketIndex page:** [https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/asg](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/asg) + +Feel free to add your own opinions on ASG in the comments below. + +Would you buy this stock? Why or why not? Feel free to vote in the poll. + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/sr4j16) +For those multimillionaires out there how did your lifestyle change going from $1m to $3 or $5m/$10m, in net worth? Did you dramatically inflate your lifestyle? I’m curious to see how spending changed as you achieved those larger milestones. +I (US citizen) got married to my wife (Turkish) in Turkey and received a good amount of gold coins and other gold based gifts (necklaces and such), as is the custom. Not exactly sure what the proper name for them is but my wife roughly estimated the total value to be about 10k. What should our next step be? We're planning on returning to live in the states but not sure of what to do with the gold. How does one get an accurate value on gold? How do we bring it back effectively? How do we take this and grow it? Lots of questions, but any advice would welcome. Starter here, please be gentle. Thank you! +I’m 40, working full time for an e-commerce company, have kids. Can spare about 7-10 hours a week. How long is it likely to take to learn & master the basics (from 0), get all my tools setup, draw my own daily strategies, and be able to make a reasonable amount of money (say $0.5 to 1K) each week? Thank you all in advance! (Edit 1: I’m currently only a long-term investor, and equipped with only the basics. I have around 13K currently invested im ETFs and some stocks) + +Edit 1.5: Yes I see having an amount target is quite naïve, better expressed as a % growth. + +Edit 2: Some really valuable & thought-provoking insights, sincere thanks to everyone! Timeframe in the comments range from 3 months to 25 years :)) Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but an undeniable appeal for those who have the patience & wherewithal. Will need to do a whole bunch of reading up!!🙏🏼 +So we just ran up to 293 and then dropped to 267.. I think they just went stop loss hunting and tried to trigger a flash crash. + +The volume candle for the run up was 418,000.. the next red candle was 1 million volume. + +I think they were trying to trigger trailing stops and hope to trigger more stops.. if that was what they just tried to do holy fucking fail. + +Also I must say I am absolutely positively retarded and I could and probably am completely utterly wrong but that’s just my two cents. If that’s what they were trying to do good job apes on removing stops. I think they got some of the trailing stop loss day trader paper hands but we got them by the ducking balls + +Let’s gooo +Morning everyone, + + +Sorry for the really niche post but the main nursing sub is very American based and this sub is well Australian financed centred so here I am and not sure if the folks at the main Australian sub would be any help here. + + +Anyway, I am in my final year of my nursing degree and working as a ward orderly and AIN in NSW health and I will be honest I am having my doubts and not sure if all of this is worth it anymore since this is my future. Maybe its because this sub is getting to my head but it feels like everyone here is on 150k a year and I don't think I will ever reach that even on RN 8 or as a manager. I know the pay is above average compared to other fields but for all the shit we go through such as deaths, tragedies, heavy work loads, responsibility of someones life and even violence from patients I am not even sure if its worth it anymore while you have some white collar office workers on 150k or more. No disrespect to white collar workers I know you guys work hard for your money. On top of that I feel like I need to own high tier 6 figures to even have a chance of owning a property in Sydney or Melbourne. + + +So now I'm considering studying to get into a more lucrative field, not sure what but something that pays much much more. But I'm in my final year and at 26 I feel like I would have wasted my time and I'm so close to the end now. Truth be told the only thing keeping my in this field is babies and children whereas I have long lost my patience and tolerance towards the adult population. I probably am already showing signs of burn out and compassion fatigue when working with adults. + + +So is it worth it ? Any financial or even career tips for a third year student ? Sorry for the poorly structured post, I just finished a nightmarish shift and dead on the inside. + +PS +How do I maximise my income quickly ? I know as a new grad I will be paid peanuts (no surprise there) but I want to increase my income ASAP and willing to work for it. +I have been doing tons of research behind trading, trading strategies, the automation process of strategies, as well as what may or may not work. Yet I cannot seem to understand why Technical Analysis is hated on (lack of a better term). I have seen some of you say it does work and others saying it doesn't. I've read books stating why it works, and I have seen research and results on why it doesn't in an automated sense. + +My current understandings: + +1. Technical Analysis is a mathematical form of time-series analysis +2. It is lagging, the calculations tell us what has been happening not what is happening +3. It is essentially price action re-drawn (in some cases) +4. TA is powerful and useful, when used right +5. Humans are better at trading with TA than are algorithms (I think, at least from what I have done research on) + +To me, TA seems like it should work wonderfully once combined with an extensive set of instructions or rules. I am currently building a program to test this in Python, haven't gotten to the actual testing phase yet but this question has been on my mind and I felt the need to ask. + +I would like to know more about technical analysis, how you guys here either do or don't use it and why (of course without revealing any secret sauce, I am seeking a deeper dive into the information in this topic) A list of sources, articles, whatever they may be that may be helpful in any way to read upon. A description to clarify. Anything really. + +Thank you for your time and help! +Hello, the reason I'm opening this discussion is that for a while I've been thinking about building forex/stock trading automation system(something like a bot but in a more sophisticated way). I have a decent python experience with over 1 year of hands-on deep learning and general purpose projects so it is valid to say I'm quite experienced with tensorflow 2.x, keras, numpy, pandas, matplotlib and most of standard python libraries. I'm currently learning c++ for performance needs that cannot be met with python alone. I've been intending to use my background to create a trading system I have not thought of specifics but my general overview of a problem solution might be to create a combination of deep learning models and maybe some reinforcement learning techniques as well(which something I'm currently learning). The question is do you think of a criteria to get best outcomes in terms of prediction accuracy and be able to deliver something that might turn profitable at some point? I have not started working on the project yet but when I read about the topic in kaggle and general machine learning forums, the idea of forex bots/ auto-trading systems is sometimes met with skepticism: some argue it's nearly impossible to create something useful and some others claim that they were successful to create deep learning models (my best guess is RNN/LSTM architectures) with variable accuracy(60-90%). I don't think experimentation will hurt, I mean I can start working something out and figure out the best results for myself but I thought it's a good idea to ask for guidance from those who have similar/better background/experience as/than myself as well as others who might have tried already and hear the feedback first. What do you think? +If you're feeling blue cause of all the red, I have some confirmation for your bias right here. :) + +You shouldn't need it, cause the [004](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ.htm) news should have every part of your body totally jacked. + +Since we just had such a blood-red day I wanted to check the current option Open Interest to see how much of todays selling pressure was from Naked Shorting. Well, we know Apes certainly aren't selling, so its gotta be bare nekkid! + +This is an update to my previous post on Married-Put Remnant Forensics [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nacqtm/may_update_on_the_marriedput_forensic_analysis/) If you haven't read that, read it first for the context of this post. + +**TLDR** Short Interest increased by another 5% last week to 155% of the float and there may be even more shorts hiding in short-term put options for an additional 17% short interest. + +No, seriously, go back and read that first one then come back. + +Let's go! + +**Updated Calculated Short Interest from Married-Put Remnants** + +GME Shares outstanding: 70.77M + +GME Float: 47.75M + +Irrational Puts from now until Jan 2023: + +Option Expiry | Open Interest Apr 18 | Open Interest May 11 | Open Interest May 28 +:--|:--|:--|:-- +Apr 16 | 7,067 | 0 | 0 +Apr 30 | 6,124 | 0 | 0 +May 14 | 135 | 683 | 0 +May 21 | 3,648 | 3,990 | 0 +May 28 | 150 | 412 | 484 +Jun 4 | 0 | 64 | 211 +Jun 11 | 0 | 11 | 108 +Jun 18 | 0 | 1,046 | 1,458 +Jun 25 | 0 | 13 | 28 +Jul 16 | 299,922 | 303,927 | 303,679 +Oct 15 | 14,736 | 19,223 | 19,285 +Nov 19 | 22,760 | 22,601 | 22,527 +Jan 21, 2022| 220,355 | 224,653 | 226,991 +Jan 20, 2023 | 43,984 | 46,136 | 45,859 +Total puts | 619, 458 | 622,769 | 624,608 +Shares short | 61.88M | **62.27M** | **62.46M** + +**Ok, what does fox say?** + +The number of naked short shares implied by Married Put remnants has increased by the equivalent 184,900 shares in just the last week. + +* Ortex has 'exchange reported' Short Interest at 11.82M shares. + +* 4,600 put contracts have expired since the previous post but there is still a net *increase* of 1,839 contracts. + +* Combining the calculated Naked Short interest of 62.46M with the official 11.82M short interest, we get 74.28M shares short or *155.6% SI*. + +So, the Short Interest has *increased* by another ~5% over the last week while GME went from $146 to $168. (Wow. Apes are crushing!) + + +**The Great Put Embiggening** + +Thanks to u/Full_Option_8067 for digging up the options chain from January! + +Back on January 15th the open interest for sub $20 Jan 2022 Puts was 22,278 which today has over 223,653 puts. +The March sub $20 Puts was 29,374 and today that has ballooned to 224,653 puts. + +Yup. No real suprise here, the baby-squeeze on Jan 28th sorta marked the beginning of the marry-them-puts shenannigans to drive the price action down down down. + +Could this indicate naked shorting was occuring back in Jan? Possibly and probably. Certainly not to the extent it is today or at least the means to short GME were not predominantly Married-Put naked shorting. + + +**The Wedding Planner** + +Considering the Put part of a Married-Put trade is NEVER gonna be used, it makes sense to minimize the cost the these types of puts. If you look at the January 2022 put options, the $0.50 strike costs just 2 cents! Two freaking cents! I guess even hedgies don't like throwing money away if they don't have to. + +This explains why the pattern for these is densely clustered around just two Option dates a super-low-strikes. July 16th and Jan 21, 2022. These are the most cost-effective places to dump irrational puts. Only one problem, they stick out like a sore thumb. This got me thinking, where else can they hide shorts? + + +**When you make an Assumption ...** + +When I wrote my original post on this topic I picked $20 as the cutoff strike price to delimit rational from irrational puts. I did that by eyeballing the double-distribution of puts across the Option Expiry dates and found a valley. Normal stocks don't have such exaggerated double humps and instead call/put action *generally* creates a nice camel hump pattern around the current stock price with the sporradic YOLO or fatfinger bet outliers. + +That was a bad assumption and the more correct way to do it would be to define irrational puts by their implied volatility or more directly by their cost-effectiveness, knowing that anything spent on the cost of that put option is totally written off. + +BUT, you can't just load up on *half a million* $0.01 put options in July at a $0.50 strike! That's gonna stand out like a big turd on the sidewalk, apes or somebody might notice that. You gotta spread those puts around a bit. So they grabbed 148k at $0.50 strike, 30k more at the $1.00 strike and well ... that's really not very well spread out. In thier defense, only the July 16 and Jan 21, 2022 Option Expiry dates have these ridiculous strikes so if there really wasn't a lot of other places to spread these turds out. + +**Shotgun Weddings** + +After snorting a few more crayons and reconsidering what an 'irrational put' is defined as, the next most obvious place to look was ANY puts that are really cost-effective with high-implied volality. (i.e. fat chance in hell of hitting that strike price.) + +Of course, SHORT TERM put options! + +Perfect place to hide more turds. You can get them cheap cause of the greeks, very often less than ten cents for the contract! Yeah, they expire within days, but there is a solution to that: Let them. Buy more next week. + +Let's look at the irrational puts for the next couple of months option expiry and filter for *ten cent* put options with 200%+ Implied Volatility: + +Option Expiry | 10 cent puts, high IV +:--|:-- +May 21 | *75,971* +May 28 | 2,717 +Jun 4 | 1,036 +Jun 11 | 306 +Jun 18 | 1,948 +Jun 25 | 36 +Total | 82,014 + +Boom! This Friday, nearly 76 thousand *worthless* puts expiring. Go look at the put option chain yourself [here](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME/options?expiration=2021-05-21-m&moneyness=allRows). Seriously, look at it. Does it make any sense? Dirt cheap puts with over 300% IV all the way up to a $80 strike. Who would buy an insane option like this? Anyone here think GME is going to drop by half in two days? Yeah, me either. + +That's potentially another 8.2M shares short, bringing our calculated Short Interest up to 82.5M shares short or 172.8% Shorted of the float. + +How can we confirm they are rolling short-term puts as part of married put trades? We should know Monday, cause the total open interest for irrational puts needs to be maintained in order for them to continue under the pretense of using this as a *legal* means of naked short selling. And this is a ton of open interest that's gotta get rolled. The OI for next week is a mere 2,717 contracts so if we see massive amounts of irrational puts Monday, there you go. + +**Could the Short Interest be even higher?** + +ABSOLUTELY. + +This calculation does NOT include short shares created directly using legal Market Maker provisions and have not yet been covered (T+21) by that Market Maker. This calculation does NOT include legal short shares created using the re-borrowing method. (See 005 below.) This calculation does not include shares shorted via the ETF's. (62 [ETF's](https://www.etf.com/stock/GME) hold 10.5M GME shares and that undoubtedly all been shorted.) + +**Conclusion** + +Hedgies r fuk. They're digging an even deeper hole with every passing day. Every time I look at it there are more shorts. Naked shorts, everywhere. And I don't think we've found them all. There could be millions more hidden using 005 re-borrowing and millions more in rolling FTD's. I will not be surprised, if it turns out the real number was closer to 1,000% SI. + +I do believe they are limiting themselves to only *legal* mechanisms for shorting the stock. Otherwise we would *not* see all the evidence they have left behind, like open puts, FTD reports, 13F's, etc. Which is probably a wise decision, when they get busted, none of them will actually go to jail. + +The rate the SI in increasing is clearly unsustainable. The DTCC needs to margin call them ASAP. Every day they delay increases the cost by ~21 thousand shares, or about $210 million a day if the moass geometric mean is $10k. *cough* or higher. ;) + +**Sources** + +[Citadel 13F - Fintel](https://fintel.io/i13f/citadel-advisors-llc/2021-03-31-0) + +[Original Post on Married Puts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgj0j1/the_naked_shorting_scam_revealed_lending_of/) + +[DTC-005 Original Doc](https://zenodo.org/record/4718936/files/005%20-%20SEC%20SR-DTC-2021-005-2%20-%20submission%20of%20rule%20finding.pdf?download=1) + +[DTC-005 Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mi8mo9/legal_interpretation_of_the_proposed_srdtc2021005/) + +[Share Borrowing Program](https://smithonstocks.com/part-7-illegal-naked-shorting-dtcc-continuous-net-settlement-and-stock-borrowing-programs-have-loopholes-that-facilitate-illegal-naked-shorting/) + +[Barchart Options](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME/options?expiration=2021-05-21-m&moneyness=allRows) + +[Stonk Tracker](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com) + +**Required** + +🚀🚀🚀 +Hi all -- I'm currently in my early twenties (a recently college graduate) looking to buy my first property in the Southern California market (to rent out and become cash flow positive). + +I strongly believe the way to succeed in a time like this is to find off-market properties. One method I have begun doing is to zoom in on an area, go on the Craigslist "Apt For Rent" section and look for posts with not a lot of effort put into them -- the type of properties that are owned by small investors or people who have an extra property. I then proceed to call them asking if they are looking to sell their property. + +Now I've done a few cold calls and they have gone fine, but I wan't to make sure my approach is optimized. What I currently do is basically tell them that I am a young real estate investor looking to jump into the market and then proceed to ask them if they are looking to sell their property. If they say no, I ask them if they have any additional properties they are looking to get rid of. + + +I'm curious if it's a good idea to jump into the business side right away? Should I tell them that I'm young? Should I tell them that I intend to use their property as a rental property? Basically my questions is what information should I share on the call which will optimize my chances of them being open to talking to me and possibly selling their property. + + +Any help is appreciated! +I blame all the YouTube House hack videos. Idk why people are still buying at these numbers. There is no profit in my area. A 2br is gonna pull 700 to 900 max in rent. All the duplexes listed are going to run you 1800month with 20% down on 350k purchase price. These same homes were 150k 3 years ago. + + + +I know I know. Prices have gone up but damn. If you house hack your still paying half the mortgage and if you rent both side you'll barely pay the mortgage. God forbid something breaks. + + +Numbers are all jacked. Crazy times. + + +End rant +Everyone wants this to happen -- but it may not, and getting too hyped could be setting us up for a big letdown. + +Regardless of what happens with this potential catalyst (NFT dividend, or NFT for buying/selling used digital games, or whatever), the new plan is the hodl plan. + +Shorts have to cover regardless. +Crypto twitter is going wild this weekend. Huge implications with these associations. + +Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank outed as one of FTX's top supporters leading up to the bankruptcy filing (probably a partner in crime). The person revealing this is actively receiving death threats. + +Would not be surprised to see massive volatility in crypto within the next 24-48 hours. + +https://twitter.com/Bitboy_Crypto/status/1594493946431930368?t=WjP7d7XDW7iz-b1rIwBpLw&s=19 + +Former Citadel employee Brett Harrison emerging as bigger figure in all of this than previously thought. Apparently, has worked closely with the Fed and CFTC. He stepped down as FTX.US president on Sept 27th (probably knew what was coming). Also, ran FTX stocks and FTX.US derivatives. + +https://twitter.com/digitalassetbuy/status/1594458715822125056?t=PJNSk3U0C9Z9R6aJDT1PWg&s=19 + +https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/27/crypto-exchange-ftxs-president-brett-harrison-stepping-down/ +Hi all, been lurking here for a while but this is my first post. + +I'm 26, no debt, rather low but steady income (£26k), and a little bit of savings (£2k and growing each month by a minimum of £400, with the aim to eventually grow it to £12k emergency fund). + +I'm so happy I've been lurking this subreddit for a while before this entire recent hype. Reading about it made me very tempted to jump on the bandwagon and invest some small amount into these memestocks in hope of it blowing up to a dreamy proportion. + +But the more I was thinking about it, the more I remembered all the sensible advice I've read here beforehand. So instead of throwing this little bit of my hard-earned money into these, I've opened my first S&S ISA with Vanguard, with a monthly £100 contribution into FTSE Japan UCITS ETF! + +Now, I'm of course open to having a chat about how stupid/smart you think choosing this particular fund is, but I just wanted to share with you how happy I am making this first step and investing my money for the first time, considering I'm coming from a very underprivileged background. And this wouldn't happen without all you lot, sharing your advice and experience here, just like that, for free. + +So yeah, thank you all very much, especially for your incredible Wiki! +I am technically FI if I run the numbers, but I’ve been having a hard time imagining actually pulling the trigger as you can see from my other posts. + +But today, I had a little breakthrough. My wife had to work so I was home alone with the kids and busy playing games with them, serving meals, and popping next-door to clean up a rental property in progress. It was a very simple and non-glamorous, +semi-to low-productive day, but it was so slow placed and screen free. I just felt so human. + +I’m now heading out for a jog in the afternoon sun now that this nasty cold snap has lifted. I’m starting to feel like I actually want more days like today. What is this feeling? +That’s right people. It’s rigged bitches. CCP has intervened and prevented not only short selling, but selling over a set amount of shares at once. + +The fucking ship is going down—SOON. Any of you still in disbelief and buying the dip and holding Chinese stock are going down with it. Oof. + +YANG and FXI all the way to the end of March. Sorry guys, these poor bastards are in for a fucking world of hurt beyond measure. +Good morning Apes! + +If you guys regularly follow along and haven't had a chance please check out my latest DD's + +[Buy and Hodl: The Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pj90o7/buy_and_hodl_the_guide/) + +[T+69](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pk1g5d/t69/) + +I think reading this is inherently important as we stare down this week of expected price action to give a better Idea of what apes are looking at moving forward and why the strategies employed by retail are so effective. + +I will be streaming earnings after market close today and doing a follow -up Q&A. But please make sure to drop by GameStop's official stream and drop a like and subscribe. + +If you want a more in-depth look at this weeks TA [check out the weekly DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pjci7o/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_forward_looking_ta_for/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-Market and Earnings + +Well we closed up the day right at 200 just shy of the gamma ramp. I still expect that significant covering must be completed by 6:15pm market time, tomorrow. Earnings were far better than expected while EPs came in slightly under expectations that loss per share was definitely outweighed by the positivity of what that money was used for; + +* 3 confirmed new order fulfillment centers +* A new customer service center here in the US opening in Florida +* 25% growth in quarterly profits +* 50% reduction in losses since this last year +* New hires in the technology side of the business +* Shit we didn't even lose money on the jet +* NO FUCKING SHARE OFFERING !!!! + +If the SHFs were banking on spinning this negatively they are gonna have a hard time. I honestly couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. They are spending money to turn this into the business we knew Cohen would create and are making massive leaps in that progress. Yes I saw the 10Q... + +>To the extent aggregate short exposure exceeds the number of shares of our Class A Common Stock available for purchase on the open market, investors with short exposure may have to pay a premium to repurchase shares of our Class A Common Stock for delivery to lenders of our Class A Common Stock. Those repurchases may in turn, dramatically increase the price of shares of our Class A Common Stock until additional shares of our Class A Common Stock are available for trading or borrowing. This is often referred to as a “short squeeze.” + +Tomorrow should be an interesting day, thank you all for tuning in the amazing support and 10k subscribers, you have all been an amazing part of this journey for me and I will never be able to express the extent of my gratitude. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/oyi47yafscm71.png?width=1967&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b68016e11a709faeb0db7e50fde60191740ca4e + +Edit 6 1:44 + +Failed that test at the trendline and are now sitting just under VWAP with lower volume + +https://preview.redd.it/dpbbtqjygbm71.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3cff511ee65510986b3f1da45f2b7ff82e672b7 + +Edit 5 12:69 + +Crossing VWAP now... volume picking up + +https://preview.redd.it/o7a638pgabm71.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4257ad33e3e953a02a636a6a9923e200b870abe + +Edit 4 11:43 + +Uptrend breaking...well...to the upside. Bullish divergence is good. With T+69 indicating we should have 3-5 million volume today if that volume is buy side we could see some nice price action still + +https://preview.redd.it/733xnmnevam71.png?width=1551&format=png&auto=webp&s=91b09eb108ac68b061c01dec3abfcad13b111827 + +Edit 3 10:54 + +All they are effectively doing right now is allowing the gamma ramp to drop even lower, calls at 205/200/195 rolling in now + +https://preview.redd.it/k51osipmmam71.png?width=1539&format=png&auto=webp&s=2328ab836da0cd0a79e1a0e959cae89e5be3c1be + +Edit 2 10:23 + +Still dipping steady downtrend for now on lower volume currently @ 1.1M + +https://preview.redd.it/ttbsz46xgam71.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5c33e00c647358dc884caa29803ba52297998c5 + +Edit 1 9:49 + +Quick test of 205 failed out of the gate either volume dies for the rest of the day or we bounce off this short attack and try again + +https://preview.redd.it/ersdta01bam71.png?width=1566&format=png&auto=webp&s=3761caf1ccf0c5a0a96d42c352aaad00f784957e + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Volume currently at 24k with another hour till market open this actually looks pretty good. However the shorts are definitely ready to stamp out any FOMO that may come in with earnings. There are 235k shares borrowed this morning and another 818k available between Fidelity and IBKR. We still have an unfilled gap around 211-214 which could be relevant if we start climbing. The shorts really put themselves in a tricky position yesterday by not holding the price up at 210 a little better. Allowing long funds and retail to buy cheap weeklies in the 200-215 range further filling in the low end of that gamma ramp. + +[pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/9j2q0h3iy9m71.png?width=1549&format=png&auto=webp&s=52446c8dc07368a7c884dd3f06d6a383542a738a) + +No notable arbitrage this morning\* + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +I've been able to alter my payments on some debts and bills so that I'm paying off more at a time. And it's reached a point where I feel like I'm challenging myself with a "if I pay this much, I'll get done in this amount of time" and it's so satisfying. + +Today, I finally managed to get below $4000 on a credit card that has been above $4000 for literal years due to inability to pay off in large amounts until recently and it's sooo exciting. And all I can think is "if I make X amount of payments at $Y, I'll be done by Z!" + +It's the weirdest rush ever. + +(Then there's the looming fear that one wrong decision will land you in financial hot water again. I'm looking at leaving a secure job for somewhere I'll be happier but have no guarantee at finding a new job. But I think everything will work out.) +edit 2: this got way more responses than I ever thought it would, THANK YOU EVERYONE! I see how it seems i am jumping the gun but I have no plans to bring this up until an offer is made. I was just shocked at what HR told me (they advised I review the guidelines on our intranet to understand what my max offer would be after asking me salary expectations!!!!). I am moving on to the next round of interviews and will def keep everyone posted on what the outcome offer is, if at all interested lol. it seems like the best move it to take the job/title and move on, regardless of the outcome of negotiations. + +I live in NYC so all employers have to post their salary ranges publicly. I currently make 55k and the range for the role I applied to is 73-90. I have all the experience asked for and its the natural step after my current position. This is my move from an entry position to mid-level position. I was told that there are internal equity guidelines and my increase can only go so high. So I asked, "will it still fall within the publicly posted range?" and she said "I dont know your income so I cant say, but usually its about the end of the range". But, I ended up looking at the compensation guidelines and it says the max I am eligible for is 20% (since this is a big jump in salary bands) but they try to offer somewhere in the middle. So 10%? I would only get a 5.5k increase despite them offering external candidates 73k minimum? That is a 13k difference and doesn't feel right to me. + +I find that extremely insulting. Do I have any leverage considering I can see the range posted? It was on an internal listing too. Thoughts/advice? + +edit: with that being said clearly the salary increase prospects in this field are dismal and I will likely take this position because I need these skills in order to leave this field. but still wanted some advice. TY :) +Teacher in IL retirement planning + +I’m a 27 yr old teacher in IL. We do not contribute to social security but we have a pension through the Teacher Retirement System. I technically cannot retire with a full pension until 67, but can retire with a penalty at 62. I have a Roth IRA that I’ve maxed out since I started teaching at 23. Should I be doing more to contribute to my retirement? Looking for advice from other teachers who are retirement planning. +I’m living in Los Angeles and have been considering purchasing my first home in the next year after a significant pay bump and an inheritance. But looking around, I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around why rent prices have lagged so far behind housing prices. + +For example, the house I currently rent (just moved in 3 months ago) costs $3500/mo but is valued at around $1.3m based on comps in the area. Even when interest rates were low, a mortgage payment/taxes/insurance would be almost double my rent on this same house. + +I get that renting is “throwing your money away” (it’s not really) and that a mortgage is going towards building equity…but does it make any sense to buy when renting the same home is so so much cheaper here? + +Please refrain from “leave California” comments. +My work went through a merger. They released my 401(k). After taxes and penalties, I estimate I should have 30k left over. I’m not interested in keeping that money in the 401(k) account. I’d like to open a taxable account and focus on building a dividend growth machine. + +I’m also open to putting it all in monthly dividend paying stocks as well. I’m also open to playing the short game and taking advantage of companies that are on sale. + +Does anyone have any advice or strategy they like? Thanks in advance! +>Nvidia shares have climbed 20% this year but the stock is still 45% below its high from 2018. + +>Analysts expect the company to report a drop in revenue as it works through excess channel inventory. + +>**Earnings:** Excluding certain items, 81 cents per share as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +>**Revenue:** $2.20 billion as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/16/nvidia-earnings-q1-2020.html +Hi everyone! Not sure this is the right place for this question but I’m going to try my luck and hope for the best I guess, so here goes… + +Approx 6 years ago, my brother wanted to buy a property but affordability was an issue so he asked me to be on the mortgage and as a joint owner etc on land registry. I was 21 at the time and didn’t think it was a big deal as I had no immediate plans to buy my own property. + +I’m in a position now to buy my own property and to be able to afford it on my own so I want to remove myself from “his property”. The property was purchased for 165k and is now worth approx 260k, I’m not bothered about the equity etc as I’ve never paid the mortgage or lived in the house so not really my money in that sense. I don’t want to keep my name on this property because then if I buy my own house, it’ll be classed as an “additional property” which means more SDLT and will impact my affordability on another mortgage. How can I remove myself from this property and not have any penalties etc? My brother earns more than enough to afford the mortgage (approx 110k) on his own so doesn’t need my name to be on there either. + +Any help is appreciated! +So. I'm 28 years old. While I've technically been alive during a recession, I've never worked through one. I was in college during the 2008 crisis, and was in junior high / middle school during the dot com crash. + +Any perspective would be invaluable, but I'm also interested in the perspective from freelancers, as I'm a freelancer myself. I imagine most "normal" people would worry about layoffs, so would the equivalent for freelancers be clients dropping because they can't afford to pay for your services? + +Also, is a recession as scary as it sounds? Like... what's the practical financial impact on your life? + +Right now, everything is great. I'm able to pay off my debt (student loans, no CC), put money in investments, maintain my emergency fund, and reward myself. Because I'm a freelancer, it's taken me about 3-5 years to reach this level of stability, but now it feels great, and it's really worrisome reading about all these predictors of an upcoming recession. + +Side note -- do you think we'll see another crash as bad as 08 in our lifetime? + +Thanks in advance for your time and responses. + + +Holy shit that is a lot of information to take in. So many numbers thrown at you, it’s definitely difficult to digest it all in the first go. Also, definitely lots of thoughts and opinions that were generated from the late 20th century. + +My question is what did some of you do to better understand/wrap your heads around it? I’m definitely gonna give it a reread but I wanna make sure I’m extracting the best and most important information from it +I'm renting my own flat and I'm trying to figure out how to keep my monthly food budget as low as possible without making myself miserable and starving myself. + +My net income is £1,300.00 every 4 weeks (this will soon be going up to £1,430.00). + +My rent and bills total £1,097.39 a month which leaves me with £204.41 to spend on food and household essentials. + +I'm trying to keep my monthly shop under £40.00 but I'm finding that really difficult. I'm finding that I end up using up the whole £204.41 by just existing. + +I want to have a little disposable income so I can actually buy furniture for my flat and start saving. + +Outgoings; + +- Rent £595.00 (Very small 2 bedroom flat in a small block of 4 flats. 2nd bedroom is occupied by my son and his things. No external storage and limited internal storage space.) +- Energy £50.00 (Electric only flat. Economy 7 PAYG.) +- Water £25.00 (Water Meter.) +- Council Tax £95.00 (Plymouth. Band A. Single occupant discount applied. Council tax reduction request was rejected.) +- Broadband £22.00 +- Mobile Phone £20.39 (Locked in a SIM only contract for the forseeable future) +- Child Maintenance £160.00 (Correct amount calculated by the CSA website for having my son stay with me for betweeen 52 and 104 nights a year. Mutual agreement with the mother.) +- Loan Repayments £56.00 (Won't stop until 2026.) +- Bus £74.00 (28 day bus ticket bought on the Plymouth CityBus App. Allows for unlimited travel in zones 1 and 2.) + +What is a reasonable monthly shop budget? Is it possible to keep it under £40 or is that unrealistic? What kind of foods should I go for? I'm already making an effort to pick the cheapest options and I've started shopping at Aldi. Is the answer making batches of pasta/chilli/curry? Any good techniques to help me stay under budget? + +Thanks in advance. +I’m looking to move to Florida in the next month or so as I have a large amount of a liquid asset that I’ve held for a long time that I am looking to finally sell. I’m single and 28 years old so the move for me is pretty easy. Has anyone attempted this for the sake of saving 10-15% in taxes? + +Are there any tax professionals you would recommend speaking with or is as simple as moving there, living there for at least 7 months and having all your information changed (drivers license, etc.) + +Any advice would be really appreciated! +Edit: Resolved. I spoke to my landlady about feeling unfairly singled out because of my current situation, and showed her the current total in my savings account. This seems to have put her at ease and we've agreed to review the situation on a month to month basis. Many thanks to all who contributed. + +OP: + +Hi y'all, so just a quick one... + +I live with my landlady as a lodger (no written contract necessary), and am recently unemployed (25 days). I haven't found work yet and my landlady is getting paranoid that, because I'm still unemployed after 3 weeks, I won't be able to pay the rent in January. So she's asked me to pay it upfront with December's rent. + +Now I'd like to respectfully refuse that request as I feel it's completely discriminatory and unfair of her to ask me to pay double rent when nobody else in the house has to based solely on the fact that I'm currently unemployed. I've tried to assure her that I have more than enough savings to cover the rent in the event that I don't find a job within the next six months even, but I work in an industry where it's fairly easy to find a job so that won't be an issue (truth be told I've been enjoying being a slob these past few weeks as I haven't had more than a week off at a time in the last seven years or so!). + +But I just wanted some advice as to whether I'm obliged to actually pay the double rent given that I don't actually have a written contract, or whether I'm within my rights to respectfully refuse her request? +Just wanted to tell everyone that's I'm sad about how the market has turned. + +It sucks to see 2 years worth of progress hit the crapper because you keep holding on just one more day, and every call you make lately seems to be the wrong one. + +But we're all in the same boat together, we're holding onto our companies and riding through the storm. We all lost a lot and we're all borderline depressed. It's going to get better and we all know that, we're just bummed that we couldnt use this to make MORE money because we added more funds on the drop a few weeks ago, but, It's gonna go back, we're still gonna make money, even people who held after the recession doubled their funds 8 years later. That's just tuition to the school of hard knocks. The difference between you and them and you are an active investor who is learning from this experience. Think of how much you will learn down the road from this. Sure you could just hold, but take time to learn about what these past two years has taught you about trading and how much more you've put in the market since then. + +We're all drained by the upsets this year, but we're also all learning together. That's what this subreddit's for. Hang tight brothers and sisters, we're gonna be better when this is done. +[From this BBC article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50174367) QuickQuid is about to close due to *regulatory uncertainty*. + +If you have an open complain with them, you might receive a fraction of the compensation you're entitled to; please check and stay vigilant. + +Note: I've deleted my original post and reopened it due to an error in the title, sorry about that. +Been living in NYC for a while, and have built up a decent sum of money. Not interested in settling down here though, and want to find somewhere a bit cheaper to live. My brothers/sisters also actually want to move, so it's going to be a whole big family event! + +The thing is, I have no idea where to actually move or how to choose. The requirement is basically just that it's within a 5 hour drive of NYC, has relatively cheap housing, and has similar-ish weather/natural disasters compared to NY. That's a ton of places though, and I have no good way of picking. Is there really any good way to pick though? I've tried finding some lists online of good places, but every list seems to have different places. I guess that means picking any of them would be fine, but it's a big decision so i'm looking for the best way. + +Has anyone here done something like this already? How did you choose? Any good resources for finding a place? +The current bearish news cycle about China and Elon is temporary, like any news cycle. But this is not the end of the bull run. There is too much good news right around the corner. Here’s a snapshot of what’s to come and why it’s worth waiting for: + +• This month - Bitcoin network implements the Taproot upgrade, laying the foundation for Bitcoin-native smart contracts and DApps. Expect to be reading about new progress in Bitcoin DeFi in the months and years ahead. + +• July 2021 - Ethereum network implements the EIP 1559 upgrade, lowering transaction fees and drastically reducing supply issuance. This very likely creates a supply shock that drives Ethereum price up. Expect massive FOMO before and after this upgrade. + +• Latter half of 2021 - ZKRollups and Optimistic Rollups being productized in major Ethereum DApps to drastically reduce transaction fees. Uniswap is already publicly beta testing use of Optimistic. + +• Late 2021 - Institutional adoption news will continue to break and might include Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, updates on Visa’s Ethereum based crypto platform (announced last March), and much more. + +• On-going all year - Inflation across the planet driven by pandemic monetary policy that is compelling trillions of dollars of global wealth to clamor for safe haven assets. + +There’s a bright future just beyond this minor bump. China’s crackdown on crypto in advance of their launch of Digital Yuan was always expected, and their restriction on mining is great news for Bitcoin, reducing the mining concentration in Sichuan that has long been a concern among Bitcoin critics. As for the Elon sideshow, I’ve always thought the cars that Tesla employees engineer are better than the tweets their boss manufactures. The Bitcoin bull run started before Tesla bought and will continue after. + +Keep calm and buy the dip. +A recession is within a year away. I know we can’t be sure of that, but it is so likely that is worth planning accordingly. + +Now, for the first time in my life I have acquired significant savings, 200k specifically, and it is sitting in a comm bank savers account doing nothing but earning a few dollars a month. + +I’m starting to worry that I should be doing something else with it, not just to potentially profit but also to avoid loosing out when the recession comes. I imagine it will be moderate-to-extreme in severity and that Aus, with its near total lack of meaningful industry and complete reliance on financial speculation (which will crash) and resources (which China won’t be buying) could make this country one of the major losers amongst the OECD and the idea of my savings being in Aud is freaking me out... and with one of the worst governing parties in the OECD I imagine the reaction will be some form of QE that will massively shift wealth towards the banking sector and super rich, ie everything the rest of the world learnt is a disaster but which Aus will do anyway. Does anyone have an alternative theory? + +Either way my goal is to buy a nice house in the northern suburbs of Brisbane and still maintain a nest egg that I can continue investing, and I just wonder if anyone has any tips for me or generally on how to survive or even profit from the next recession here in Australia. Will houses come down by 1/3rd or more? Will the Aussie dollar be strng relative to nearest competitors? Is there anywhere safe to store savings in case it plummets? +WELL achieved record quarterly revenue of $10,227,000 during the 3 months ended March 31, 2020 representing 38% YoY growth, with an Adjusted EBITDA(1) loss of $245,932. + +WELL EMR Group digital services revenue was $1,704,299 for the quarter representing 918% YoY growth. These revenues are predominantly high margin recurring SaaS revenue from the Company's OSCAR EMR(2) related services. + +WELL's VirtualClinic+ telehealth service is experiencing strong growth as the Company has now onboarded well over 800 healthcare practitioners since launching at the beginning of March and has now surpassed over 1,000 virtual booked appointments(3) per day. + +The Company's clinical revenue is proving to be highly resilient as the corporate owned clinics continue to remain open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and WELL's physicians were able to leverage WELL's fully OSCAR EMR compatible telehealth platform, VirtualClinic+. + +WELL has expanded its EMR footprint to over 1,500 clinics and more than 8,000 physicians with the acquisition Oscarservice Inc. dba Trinity Health Technologies ("THT") in the first quarter and the subsequent acquisition of MedBASE Software Inc. ("MedBASE") on May 1, 2020. + +https://stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2020/05/15/well-health-reports-record-revenue-in-first-quarter-2020-with-918-increase-in +We come back again this week for a new edition of the Terrible Token Tuesdays. We have some really terrible ICO pitches to show you, hoping that you will be relieved to SOMO (Satisfaction Of Missing Out) on those. + +[Petro](https://concourseq.io/Q/Petro) The team does not understand how blockchains work and offers no coherent argument for how Petros are backed by oil. + +[Lendroid](https://concourseq.io/Q/Lendroid) (ICO active) -The founder, Vignesh Sundaresan, has been accused of being the creator of a scam called coins-e.com. No Publicly available Github to show for the alleged smart-contracts that will handle the funds custody. + +[Hybrid Betting](https://concourseq.io/Q/Hybrid_Betting) - The founder Emanuele Frisa seems to also be working as a mountain chalet host, which is a weird occupation for someone trying to revolutionise the betting industry! He also fails to mention that on his Linked-IN (maybe a throwaway account) which has 7 contacts and no endorsements. + +[Wikibits](https://concourseq.io/Q/Wikibits) - Significant Lack of Experienced Team Members, and registering for the Alpha Portal requires user to input their Ethereum Wallet address. Doing so to view the MVP is ridiculous! + +[Krops](https://concourseq.io/Q/Krops) - Company was delisted on stock exchanges and is attempting to distribute tokens to shareholders, which is most likely illegal! ICO is in fact under investigations from the SEC. + +[Infinitum Coin](https://concourseq.io/Q/Infinitum_Coin) (ICO active)- No team, no MVP or Github. Supposedly trying to merge Virtual and physical worlds, it is not clear to us what is the purpose of this project if there is one. + +[AIOM](https://concourseq.io/Q/AIOM) Buzzword salad of Medical, AI, Blockchain and Voodoo Healing. Lots of spelling mistakes and a team of 3 with no experience in the medical field trying to revolutionize it. + +The ConcourseQ team would like to thank M1tzu_79, Skadoosh1, Deez Central Eyes, dvnielng, kerogers, ogcurious, Th3r21ndr0p and all the community for their contributions. + +(all links are to CQ DD pages) +**Link:** https://coinventory.net/ + +**Preview:** + +* https://i.imgur.com/yKsGwOY.gifv +* https://i.imgur.com/Wp0sZ7Y.gifv +* Importing investments: https://i.imgur.com/dmrypf7.gifv + + +Let me know what you think :) also let me know ideas for new features! +u/letsdoit2310 + +u/positive_eagle_ + +u/kingking933 + +u/flyingjat + +u/national_menu7082 + +u/kbot09 + +u/wise_emergency5898 + +u/fury_radar53 + + [u/fitbhai](https://www.reddit.com/u/fitbhai/) and u/karan51ngh interact with these accounts a lot as well + +are you wondering why some random posts with 80 upvotes have 250 comments? these people are spamming random comments and upvoting each other to farm donuts and defraud others out of their fair share . + +they are all from India as well (just check their profiles won't be hard to find evidence of this) + +3 more (unrelated to the ones mentioned above as far as I'm aware) + +[u/Turbo\_Fox\_Fucker](https://www.reddit.com/user/Turbo_Fox_Fucker) + +u/[NewMarionberry7703](https://www.reddit.com/user/NewMarionberry7703) + +[u/oro\_na\_bani\_stara12](https://www.reddit.com/user/oro_na_bani_stara12) + +added a few more, credit to u/ethovian08 + +https://reddit.com/link/p3sdij/video/g15hqzk6c6h71/player + +[this breaks rule 6 of ethtrader](https://preview.redd.it/1p1irxi5b6h71.jpg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cedaa1893d09f095a40efec891b4098d0047a7) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0enzf4r9b6h71.jpg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0cc6796a24af8fdd74babf543cc9f48d2ddca60 + +[as you can see it's always the same guys replying to each other ](https://preview.redd.it/utmex2idb6h71.jpg?width=473&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9f69963adb9c24542f235af92d84d3c975ccd6) + +https://preview.redd.it/dpe3q9ejb6h71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=889b294892ad385d3485e4e26d39bc703007f672 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wklgid1nb6h71.jpg?width=1003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c65995baf89f14d6a1e424bc86e7b5bd7545b75 +I mean let me try a quick recap: + +- Shorts short the shit out of GME trying to bankrupt. They come close. + +- RC buys 9M Shares and [saves the company](https://i.imgur.com/zLrq53N.jpg). Price rises. + +- Hedgies refuse to cover.. too expensive. + +- Gamma Squeeze. Price go brr. + +- Robinhood does a reverse brr. + +- [DFV Doubles Down](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lnqgz8/gme_yolo_update_feb_19_2021/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). Ape buy and HODL. + +- Gamma Squeeze. Price go brr. + +- Dirty Naked Shorting, [Darkpooling](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mcfq4e/shitadel_other_hedgies_are_trading_over_525/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). HF Tactics. [GME vs Non Meme Stonk ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mq5598/a_lot_of_requests_to_post_a_comparison_of_level_2/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Ape HODL. + +- [No Volume](https://imgur.com/a/ic5WQgo) . A MONTH PASSES. + +- Price Dropping Artificially. Apes do an expose. [Citadel Has No Clothes](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). [House Of Cards](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- [DFV Exercises Calls and Doubles Down Again](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/msblc3/gme_yolo_update_apr_16_2021_final_update/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Ape buy dips and HODL. Buy/Sell Ratio ALL buys. Price still dropping. [Lookie Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdqw3/gme_buy_order_to_sell_order_ratio_of_465/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). + +- Big Players Moving. ‘Mom and Dad’ (DTC,DTCC,OTC) see how dirty naked shorting is. Is writing new rules to do a protect. [Great Overview. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msh5mt/a_brief_overview_of_recent_filings_from_the_dtc/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) + +- GME files 14A reveals true float is HALF of what apes thought in DD. Apes must OWN FLOAT. GME asks apes to reveal their shares. [Post theorizing float even lower.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxqhl5/everyone_freaking_out_about_the_float_being_26m/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) + +- [We know Shorts must Cover](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mw1txe/shorts_must_cover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). + +- Apes see the squeezeth doth draw closer. + + +It’s coming. We know it. I feel bad for those who don’t see it or refuse to look. I for one am JACKED to the TITS. + +I’ll see you all on the trip to the 🌙. In the meantime let’s just do what apes do best. Buy and HODL. 🦍🚀🚀🚀💎🙌 + +Oh, and be excellent to each other. +Russia’s invasion of Ukraine enters its second week Thursday as fighting continues across the smaller country. + +There were conflicting reports about which side controls the city of Kherson. Ukrainians still control capital Kyiv despite Russian efforts to overtake the city. Port city Maripol and Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second biggest city, experienced heavy shelling Wednesday. + +Specific accounts of military activity are difficult to confirm as the situation on the ground in Ukraine can change quickly. + +Dmytro Kuleba: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine + +>Russian army is firing from all sides upon Zaporizhzhia NPP, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Fire has already broke out. If it blows up, it will be 10 times larger than Chornobyl! Russians must IMMEDIATELY cease the fire, allow firefighters, establish a security zone! + +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/03/russia-ukraine-live-updates.html + +https://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/futures +Good Morning Apes! + +Well let's figure out what happened yesterday. First it was definitely ETF FTD covering but I'm still unsure as to how. ETF FTDs were due last week by Thursday and while there were some married put/call setups on the options chain I didn't see enough interest on the weeklies to explain that many FTDs. Yesterday was however the settlement date for my last futures cycle date on October 28th, I will honestly have no idea if those are correlated until the FTD report comes out for 11/1 - 11/15. Other ETF related assets yesterday... + +[Other ETF stocks yesterday scaled for price GME, M, JWN, BBBY, NAKD, EXPR, etc...there are a bunch more ](https://preview.redd.it/s9qsqycmf6x71.png?width=2452&format=png&auto=webp&s=704efc3209495b719242f5a399d17cf6ed73fda2) + +So, there was also probably so FOMO due to LoopRing running and it's possible ties to GME. + +In addition we had an amazing technical setup with MACD, ADX, TTM Squeeze and BBKC all signaling a break to the upside plus a solid bounce on the EMA 120. + +[GME on the 1D timescale](https://preview.redd.it/2x2rnr03h6x71.png?width=2449&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d2ce550b7dfec0ec42623715fc29377906cf5f6) + +I am still looking for the current FTD report for the first half of August as the SEC has appearently failed-to-deliver it. If it comes out today I will be looking for an FTD spike on the 13th confirming that futures fail, and looking for evidence of increasing baseline FTDs due to DRS. + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the clips on my YouTube channel. + +Check out this weeks analysis here: N/A + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-Market + +So with the FTD data out I'm looking to dig into some of that tonight and will update tomorrow, the FTD spike on the 13th confirms at least the first fail of my futures theory, so that's exciting. I'm not sure if the current price action will sustain throughout the week but it looks good and we are holding that long-term trend. Also best closing price. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/3bol28yxn8x71.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=71fc061351c8f9e797b26122be715c62da545025 + +Edit 6 2:07 + +XRT ripping GME ripping nothing to see here nice bounce off that consolidation and looking at a possible test of 210 again. + +https://preview.redd.it/mb9j9vp738x71.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=23ed6801e211c078b81138b4fdd0f3d05db107a6 + +Edit 5 1:04 + +Sorry for the late update... We failed that upper test at 210 and tested again coming off that double-top we fell onto VWAP regained some support and have picked up a lower volume uptrend. If volume comes in we look well positioned for another test at 210. + +https://preview.redd.it/ztdye18cs7x71.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=57871f4e7dbf73f0c5ee0324e57cae798ac49a1b + +Edit 4 10:40 + +Increased volume indicating a buy-in possibly institutional, failed the test at 206 coming down for some consolidation and to find a support + +https://preview.redd.it/tyfb89w627x71.png?width=1603&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f9e47c31efde9ffd26e12861697c68c4a1b1233 + +Edit 3 10:18 + +GME with a nice bounce and some volume coming in + +https://preview.redd.it/tll37mtay6x71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e4898319cf803be22127f551346e2f69e517da8 + +Edit 2 10:14 + +Volume dying off as we failed the test on the EMA60 back below VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/tgceij6ix6x71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dc245eab9511707facc7d70d21da9df104e5544 + +Edit 1 9:51 + +Looks like they are done covering, 100k shares borrowed from Fidelity minutes before open and a big push down to 192. it looks like we found some support however and can probably claw back into that trend line. + +https://preview.redd.it/il19erslt6x71.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=a19c363c168144bcb99da848cdc0f076ea8a87f5 + +# Pre-Market + +GME -0.54% on 16.32k volume + +Shares to borrow: + +IBKR - 50,000 + +Fidelity - 621,724 + +GME is still holding that upper trendline and we do expect some more gamma exposure to play out today because it's T+2 from 10/29 options. In addition LoopRing is still ripping and media sentiment tying the two together is bullish. + +Ideally we will see GME trade some volume above that trend and cement it as a support once again. + +[GME pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/jzxq8qt3k6x71.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb0c5637d3bb68d887f30c44400b351cd615363e) + +*\*no significant arbitrage* + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +The disruption is great, and I really can't wait to see most of it. Few things however, would make me happier than seeing a competitor who wipes out ticketmaster. Just offering this up as an idea for anyone looking for a project. I am sure you have a market. No one likes ticketmaster. +I previously posted on the performance of people who retired in Jan 2000 with a portfolio of 100% S&P 500 using a fixed SWR. I thought I'd update it with recent Corona-performance because why not... + +* [Portfolio values over time by SWR](https://imgur.com/a/i5vAe19) (edit: corrected graph. In the original I left out the 3.5% SWR) +* [Remaining portfolio by SWR and retirement year](https://imgur.com/a/xlf7Fzr) + +Notes: Info through Feb 2020 is from ERN. S&P 500 is down \~17% so far in March, so I added that in for March. I did this update in \~5 minutes, so there may be some errors. + +Edits: + +* This incorporates dividends and inflation. +* If your portfolio included bonds then it would have performed much better. vblax, vanguard's long term bond fun, is barely down on the month. But vnq, vanguard's reit, is down\~30% in the past month. And vwo, vanguards emerging markets fund, is down \~30% in the past month. Those 4 funds make up most of my portfolio, so even though I'm decently diversified, I'm still down \~25% over the past month +* Fixed the 3% and 3.5% SWR lines. ~~I accidentally pasted the 3% data into the 3% column and the 3.5% column. So the 3% line is actually what is showing as the 3.5% line, and the real 3.5% line is between that and the 4% line. I'll fix it when I'm back at my desktop this evening...~~ +I posted this in satoshi bets first but I value this community more. + + +Don't take this as an attack, but here's my opinion on Hoge. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than just an elaborate pump and dump. Here's why: + +1. What problem does it solve? Nothing, it doesn't really do anything innovative or special +2. A great community also really means nothing. Not to drag anyone in the community; I really do believe everyone in it is great and have good intentions but to generate a high enough \*sustainable\* market cap, that's not a good enough reason. +3. Trying to generate hype from getting listed isn't a good enough means to merit its current market cap. What's the point of getting listed if you provide no real solution to a real problem. It simply doesn't seem to solve any problems in the space. +4. It seems just to have a deflating supply with an initial high supply in order to create a very "cheap" price so that people can speculate more while saying "hey less supply" when in reality, it'll take a pretty long time to shave off a good portion of the remaining supply. +5. The price has skyed recently due to pure fomo, and these buzz headlines of doge, defi, burning supply, "low" price, cexes, etc... +6. It has no means to sustain organic growth nor act as a vehicle of a sound investment. + +That being said, I never said it is not a good trading opportunity. It is just a poor long-term investment. You can make money on useless coins but not long term. Be careful to everyone buying this. Take profits, do not put more than you can lose, and good luck +I work a dead-end job and don't plan on going to college but I do about 55 hours a week and take home 1400 dollars. I was planning on putting close to all the money I make into jepi/jepq. In theory if i do this for 2-5 years I'll have more than enough in dividends monthly to live for free and be able to spend my time and money somewhere else. Is this a genuinely sound idea? Just pump all my mulla into these 2 etfs. I pay 850 in rent and another 400 in food monthly. I have no other use for money. What do you guys think? I plan on letting the divs compound for 2-5 years also. I understand being I'm young growth could actually be more attractive but I don't want to. I already gave 20k in these 2 etf 50/50 ratio +TL;DR - watch the link at the bottom and try to tell me we’re not VERY fucking close. + +I think we can tend to forget that Ryan is just as pissed as we are, probably even more. I’d be willing to bet a GME share that at some point in his time at Chewy someone from A M Z either said something or did something (along with shorting his company) that he took personally, and has made it his personal mission since then to get revenge. + +I think this was it for the SHF. They have no more ammo. I don’t have any DD to back that up, but I don’t know what else to say. + +The SEC already has what they need, what they’re doing now (which all apes should participate in) is damage control. They need to blame someone as they’re picking up the pieces. + +The gloves are off now for Ryan. He’s carefully planned this for who knows how many years. Thursday starts it out. Even we are going to be blown away by the earnings and DRS numbers, and I do think we’re going to get an announcement. + +I’m throwing my ape shit at the wall here, but I think tonight we’re going to get the most tit jacking tweet yet. My guess is it will be just a clover. If it’s a clover and a bag of money or a gold bar I think I will have to go to the ER because my erection will have lasted longer than four hours. + +If I’m wrong then it’s tomorrow… + +Edit: Welp, even someone as dumb as me gets it right every once in a while. My emoji theory was busted but my god if that’s not the most tit jacking tweet yet… WAGMI apes don’t you worry. + +Edit: GUYS WHAT THE FUCK https://youtu.be/_fIs35a89tU this was the first search result for “dumb stormtroopers” on YouTube. Sorry for not using the shorted url but what the fuck WE TOOK THE MONEY BRICK BY BRICK +This month, researchers at Goldman Sachs released “The housing downturn: A bigger deal down under and up north.” Through the end of 2023, the paper predicts a crash-like drop in home prices in New Zealand (–21%), Australia (–18%), and Canada (–13%). For comparison, the U.S. housing bubble saw home prices drop 27% between the 2006 peak and the 2012 bottom. - [from Yahoo Finance / Fortune](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/housing-crash-canada-australia-zealand-185910379.html) +A few days ago I was on a call with one of our VPs. 3 of us (him, me and a project manager who works for me) were the first on the call and we were waiting for others to join. I knew he was leaving the company soon, so I asked him where he was going next, just making small talk. He said "actually, I'm retiring." + +Turns out he's 48 years old and got into FIRE about 7 or 8 years ago when he got married - his spouse got them to save 50% of their income, and now he's done. He started telling me about the whole FIRE concept and I said "oh, I'm well aware, I'm going the same route myself" and we chatted about blogs we like to read, etc. etc. + +I don't really talk about FIRE much at work, so it was a pretty cool random run-in with someone else who was not just going after the same goal, but who had reached it. The project manager, who is mid-20s, said something after the call like "can we just talk about <VP> retiring at 48 and not thinking it's weird?" and so we got to talking about FIRE as well - turns out she's already more than maxing her 401k, so a good start, and I pointed her at this sub and a few other resources. She now seems super into the idea, which is also neat. + +I'm not the type to bang the FIRE drum to everyone I know, but it was awesome having the opportunity to have that conversation with a couple of different people. :) +Hi, I am potentially being gifted a substantial amount of stocks. From what I have looked at if I sell them I will need to pay 15% taxes as they are mostly long term capital gains on the part of the gifter. + +My intention is to immediately sell the stock upon receipt which, minus the taxes should just barely cover paying off my mortgage. (Like with less than $300 left over) + +I hope this is the right place to ask some questions, if not do let me know. + +My questions are: +1. Am I understanding the sale of the stock correctly? +2. If I sell the stock in 2020 but pay the house off in early 2021... is that a problem? +3. I can’t quite figure out if paying off a house introduces an additional tax burden? +4. Has anyone done something like this before? I’m not a stock person and don’t know the first thing about this process. + +Thanks! +So my wife and I bought a house, and with our circumstances, it's a little overwhelming how expensive things just got. Some info: the house we got is within my budget and income:debt ratio. But I still have a lot of debt that I don't want to fall behind on. Any tips on saving for new homeowners? Or am I lacking on too much information +Hey everyone. So I (24M) am looking into getting a new car. I currently have a Honda Pilot with 230k miles on it and just need to upgrade to a more reliable vehicle as the transmission is on its way out. I’m estimating taking out about a 10K loan in order to purchase a new vehicle. Currently my wife and I are saving for a house in the NoVa area (so not exactly cheap), but are looking to buy a house in the next 5 years or so. She has about 8k left in her vehicle loan and would need to co-sign for me because I am still building my credit (669) and she has excellent credit (753). Currently our combined total salary is about 65k-70k before taxes. Is it a good financial idea to get this loan, which will eventually end up helping my credit but initially will bump my score down as well as my wife’s? Or should I buy a $5000 car outright off Craigslist and have that last a few years? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Welcome to a new week in the GME Saga! +We have seen some extraordinary events in recent weeks, and something has me feeling like this will be a week when we experience more. +With ultra-low volume, banks on the cusp of insolvency, currency devaluation against the dollar, and extreme uncertainty in energy markets, any jolt could send shockwaves. +Though I know not when that jolt may come, I have little doubt that the stage is being set with each passing day. + +Once again, I realized that it's been far too long since I've increased my position, and look forward to correcting that today. +I frequently fall into the trap of feeling like I have all of the GME I could possibly require when the MOASS comes. +Though I certainly have no intention of selling any shares for less than life-changing sums, there is still plenty of reason to increase my position. +For one, there is literally no other investment that I like more than GME, especially in these times. +Can you imagine investing in anything else?The money I have to invest is losing value at an alarming rate at this level of inflation, but there is not a bond or equity other than GME that I trust. +When we buy and DRS our shares, it bolsters the strength of our existing shares that much more. + +Just like Apes are stronger together, our GME shares are as well. +Let's lock the float in ComputerShare. + +Today is Monday, October 10th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$25.34 / 25,87 €** *(volume: 2105)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $25.41 / 25,94 € *(volume: 2099)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $25.47 / 26,00 € *(volume: 2085)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $25.46 / 25,99 € *(volume: 2007)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $25.51 / 26,04 € *(volume: 1865)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $25.52 / 26,05 € *(volume: 1860)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $25.52 / 26,05 € *(volume: 1842)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $25.57 / 26,10 € *(volume: 1439)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $25.65 / 26,18 € *(volume: 1439)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $25.50 / 26,03 € *(volume: 1289)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $25.59 / 26,12 € *(volume: 1244)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $25.45 / 25,98 € *(volume: 1044)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $25.33 / 25,85 € *(volume: 1040)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $25.21 / 25,73 € *(volume: 1010)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $25.23 / 25,75 € *(volume: 1010)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $25.33 / 25,85 € *(volume: 1007)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $25.33 / 25,86 € *(volume: 793)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $25.28 / 25,80 € *(volume: 723)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $25.34 / 25,86 € *(volume: 668)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $25.34 / 25,86 € *(volume: 642)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $25.34 / 25,86 € *(volume: 642)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $25.34 / 25,86 € *(volume: 598)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $25.33 / 25,86 € *(volume: 468)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,74 € *(volume: 446)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $25.21 / 25,73 € *(volume: 313)* +- 🟥 US close price: $25.35 / 25,88 € *($25.38 / 25,91 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9797. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +To be honest, I don't fully read any DD anymore since 5-6 weeks. + +I read the first 5-10 lines to see what it is about but all of it boils down to: + +1. the HF are fucked +2. no one knows how much the stock is shorted +3. no one knows a date +4. no one knows what the trigger will be +5. no one knows who is all in it + +So why should I care about that much uncertainty? + +I am well aware of the situation we are in. + +I follow the chart every day to see how it moves. + +If I can afford it, I buy some more shares (on a proper broker). + +If the price is below my imaginary sell point (life changing money) I won't sell. + +All this drama, all this idolizing, all this deep dive research, all this personal confirmation bias, all this attention whoring is so annoying, that it became really stressful to lurk here. + +I don't care who you all are. + +I don't care why you all hodl. + +I don't care if you are a fire fighter or a mom or in a hospital. (all the best for you) + +I don't care what you will do with all your tendies. + +I don't care what the DTCC or the SEC are doing (obviously nothing). + +Edit: And stop the all caps bullshit! + +&#x200B; + +The only thing I care about is, one day will be pay day for the HFs and then I will be there and watch them bleed. + +&#x200B; + +Whoever finds typos, can keep them. +Link: https://www.wsj.com/articles/silicon-valley-vs-wall-street-can-the-new-long-term-stock-exchange-disrupt-capitalism-1508151600 + +tl;dr: "Silicon Valley’s high-tech denizens complain the public stock markets are marred by a narrow focus on short-term earnings and profits, now they are doing something about it. Its key feature: a system in which the voting power of shares increases the longer investors own them. Firms listed on the exchange would need to use such a structure, often called 'tenure voting,' while abiding by numerous other rules, such as a ban on tying executive pay to the company’s short-term financial performance." + +Thoughts? + + +Over my 10+ year career and [my path to FI](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/ois7f6/road_to_fi_from_180k_to_13m_nw_in_10_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) , I have averaged around a $90,000 salary. I recently calculated how much I missed out on by paying off my student loans, saving up cash for a house, spending money on things I shouldn’t have, etc. While we have done well, and we have been relatively diligent about investing early and often, I calculated how much we missed out on by not investing as aggressively as we could: + +We would have $1.5 million more in our portfolio! The recent bull market has been insane (almost 600% since I started investing), and I could have put in a few hundred thousand more early on instead of paying down around $200,000 in student loans and saving up cash for a house (which we didn’t end up buying). Sometimes kick myself for not pushing harder because I would already be financially independent. All in all, we are at peace and thankful for how things have turned out, and one can’t change the past, but I can provide this information to help you young investors in the future. I base my benchmark against VTI/VXUS which is my portfolio (i’m not concerned with BTC or picking Amazon in 2010). This might be good motivation for those you investors who are thinking about buying a new car instead of investing. Today is very likely the best day to start investing aggressively. Time in the market gets the results. + +Best wishes on your path to FI! If you are young and reading this, the decisions you make now have a huge impact on your future. Invest early and often! Your future financially independent self will thank you 😊 +Decided to have a look at what we could learn about the Tether hack from the blockchain, the coins are still moving around so I may edit this later as this develops. + +It actually starts with this wallet here: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/12f4885dad525cc1 + +Look familiar? Go to the last page, that was the wallet used to steal 19000BTC from Bitstamp back in January 2015 (and which was still receiving coins from Bitstamp as recently as September, well done guys). + +This wallet made two transactions, the first is fairly innocuous but I'll come back to it later: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/txid/7b46c7e412b1f1e93ff0aa67232457dde3fb6e91f4c61e025a97e56290049050 + +This address then sends out a further 0.01BTC: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/address/1LBQpqUTEmdPTH8adaV6xS8KQt6FGCD3xD + +The following morning it sends 0.01 to the address that was several hours later used to empty the Tether wallet: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/address/31okFF1rUu8jjPEVuajycTRBp82Nteo4Mv + +I'm not quite sure why they would make a deposit like this to it hours before - perhaps to test that everything is working? + +*Edit: I think these payments were to ensure that they had BTC available to pay the fees needed to move that Tether as soon as they got it* + +At 10:53, the wallet makes several transactions transferring 23 million tethers from the tether wallet: + +https://omniexplorer.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=31okFF1rUu8jjPEVuajycTRBp82Nteo4Mv + +Then at 11:10 they transfer another 7.9 million tethers. A further 50,000 tethers are transferred over at 11:54. + +At 12:01, 5BTC (the bulk of the bitcoin in the tether wallet) is transferred over to the same address: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/txid/e7e09cd092a5febdcae6b2ec76b06389c29298ed237dd1f210e1e54f096f1f92 + +These tethers are then transferred over to the address in the Tether announcement as their relevant blocks are confirmed. + +https://omniexplorer.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=16tg2RJuEPtZooy18Wxn2me2RhUdC94N7r + +The 5BTC is also transferred to this address in amounts of roughly 1BTC per transaction: + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/address/31okFF1rUu8jjPEVuajycTRBp82Nteo4Mv + +Following the BTC along, you arrive back at an address from before, which is confirmed to be part of the wallet holding the stolen Tether: + +https://blockchain.info/tx/eeaf8b9c6288c28c481d6e37d687b5c42b0222fb3d8a73bdca81c1a12243c579 + +It's worth noting that this same address was just used to create an Omni token called lioncoin: + +https://omniexplorer.info/lookupsp.aspx?sp=2147484016 + +The BTC from the tether wallet ended up in these addresses: + +https://blockchain.info/address/1HtmVRdFRqPScH7Ud6UFR6HUcndksjVmua + +https://blockchain.info/address/155KG55pRsV1Y9jdwwynfGHGqR9cqPKToB + +https://blockchain.info/address/1M8b8BNMEMFFem9UQpZydoespHzXjAnC9t + +I will update this post as more develops. + +*Edit 1* + +This wallet from the Tether and Bitstamp hacks seems to be owned by the same person who took 12000BTC out of Huobi in late 2015, interesting... + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/002d28cac852fc7d + +*Edit: Huobi are saying this is not a hack, so who knows why 12000 or so bitcoin was withdrawn from their exchange and combined with the coins from bitstamp [see here](https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/002d28cac852fc7d) before being passed through several more wallets and onto BTC-e in batches of 1000 or so.* + +Before he was taking thousands of BTC off exchanges and sending it to BTC-e, he also used to sell much smaller amounts on Localbitcoins. + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/02f08eddae4ba788 + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/f4b4c44dd6a146fd + +https://www.walletexplorer.com/txid/0e9ae0a86dafc3a8dde0578871e51212c1e962ebf5a3306904b4e2eca25e0ba6 + +So Localbitcoins guys, if you have a log of who was using [this address](https://www.walletexplorer.com/address/1EvTV4ySZbwwsRfL6T723cg1iiFASJbqH3) back in 2015, you've got the hacker ;) + +*Edit 2* + +So I was [asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7eho5y/tether_was_hacked_by_the_same_person_who_hacked/dq558sd/) whether this could be an inside job. + +Well, maybe? I don't think there's enough evidence from chain analysis alone to draw a conclusion. + +Some of the transactions which funded the lioncoin address came from an old Bitfinex wallet, and [some came from the bitstamp hack address](https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/6b1a2139799a82b8). Bear in mind that this is [part of the same wallet](https://blockchain.info/tx/eeaf8b9c6288c28c481d6e37d687b5c42b0222fb3d8a73bdca81c1a12243c579) that the stolen tethers were sent to. + +Also if you look at the [tether address](https://omniexplorer.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=3BbDtxBSjgfTRxaBUgR2JACWRukLKtZdiQ&page=1) you'll notice that when other blocks of tether were released they were quickly transferred to the Bitfinex wallet, with this 30 million being the exception, that said in prior months they had regularly left millions of tether in this address for days at a time, so this isn't necessarily a red flag. + +It could be that the attacker had access to the main tether issuance address (3MbYQMM etc) or it may just be that they noticed the 30 million tethers sat on the wallet that they could manipulate. Presumably Tether know whether or not they intended to make [this](https://omniexplorer.info/lookuptx.aspx?txid=dbde10653dd7f459260c11e2a80ae887f7c72e5bfd22f5d908b489dd430be764) transaction. Without knowing that we can only speculate on whether the compromise went beyond the address that was emptied. + +*Edit 3* + +There is a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tether/comments/7ei568/tether_return/) in which a /u/bitconexfoier1 claims to have bought 10M tethers, and provides an address that [received 10 million tethers](https://omniexplorer.info/lookupadd.aspx?address=13kyHqsbtZpRHDNSdXWniJiCZPvRtMjVao) (now invalid) from the hackers. [archive link](https://archive.fo/408n8) +If you’ve been in the market before 2015 you’d know exactly what I’m talking about. The vast majority of the market was decentralized and people only use CeFi by choice. + +The way the market is structured right now, we reached points where we’re forced to use CeFi sometimes. + +This is something very sad to witness because crypto was created in the first place as a space and tool for normal people like you and I to be able to fight centralized authorities. + +We all saw what happened to the poor people over at Celsius. + +Also people over at Bancor got affected with the withdrawals being blocked. + +I could keep going on and on because as I said, a lot of people have so much money on CeFi platforms now. + +We used to say that scams in the DeFi space are giving crypto a bad image because it’s “unregulated” but the way I’m seeing is that CeFi right now is giving crypto a MUCH worse image in the public despite being regulated. + +Let’s not forget all the benefits that come with DeFi and aren’t available with CeFi. You could take out a loan any time of the day regardless of who you are or where you’re from and your funds are controlled by you and you ONLY. + +The only drawback that DeFi has when being compared to CeFi are the high gas fees. But that’s being fixed with time. + +L2s and other scaling solutions are making a lot of development when it comes to the DeFi and DAO spaces with some L2s like Zksync working on DAO specific scalability tools like the on they’re developing for Bitdao right now. +There’s also the fact that Ethereum’s introducing sharding soon. All of this combined along with the development in the L2 space will make DeFi and DAO fees redundant. + +I really hope that people snap out of this CeFi BS because this goes against everything that crypto stands for. + +The main value behind crypto is that it can’t be controlled by a single authoritarian entity so we have to keep these ideals safe. +I agree with this thread here: +http://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4op537/schadenfreude_jealousy_and_the_vocal_minority/ + +This guy raised some excellent points. + +I am speaking out as a long-term ethereum holder because I believe that there is a silent majority here of holders that is being drowned out by the vocal minority of jealous haters, trolls and shorters. + +Money brings out the very worst in human nature. The bitcoin maximalists and competitors and those who missed out at the ICO are very much enjoying the suffering here. Many of them are definitely trying to bait us to make the wrong decision, in order to remove their competition and profit. + +Ethereum must do what is in the best interest of ethereum; not what is "pure" or "just" in the warped mind of a crypto purist who is scared of their bitcoin/crypto investment devaluing against ethereum. + +If the bitcoiners could have fixed the mt gox fiasco so cleanly with a fork, they would have. They didn't have that option because it went over the course of years and was too mixed up by the time it was discovered. + +So many strawmen arguments and double standard/ hypocritical arguments from those disruptive bitcoin trolls. Too many to count. Bitcoin have forked when it was in the best interest of the majority before too (when the supply was inflated 100000x overnight by some random bug). We can now fork because it is in super majority's interest. We can fork. It's in our best self-interest to fork. We should fork. + +We are not forking to save DAO holders. The reason to fork is to remove 5% of the eth supply from someone who stole that supply and views ethereum as a "shit coin". The reason to fork is to not allow a distribution of a large magnitude to a malevolent actor. The reason to fork is to protect ourselves and our future. + +The truth is that they are highly threatened by the chance that ethereum will overtake bitcoin and errode their investments. They are here pretending to care and telling us to not act in our own best interest in order to undermine us, in order to disrupt us and ultimately, in order to destroy us. + +Please miners. I urge you to ignore the concern trolls and the shorters and the crypto purists and the bitcoin maximalists. Please do not let these trolls muddy the waters. Don't let them try to create the impression that the community is divided. Please act in your own best interests and the best interests of Ethereum. Soft fork and remove the control of 5% of ether supply from the exploiter. Then we can discuss what to do at length. + +Good luck to all. Regards. + +NW: 7 M +Combined salary this year: 1.3 M +We are in mid 40s. + +Both of my spouse and I grew up in household where money absolutely wrecks many things (relationship, bickering over inheritance, fraud, marriage). + +As a result, we are frugal to the max (my spouse is more so to the point where he said he probably died of hunger in the previous life). + +Last night, we fought over heater. I want to turn on central heater and he wants to turn on individual heater in the room. The elephant in the room is : he is projecting that I am accusing him being cheap (he said he could read it in my eyes). I am indeed hurt that we wasted one night on negative energy for something so minuscule and yes, I think he is trying to save money and being cheap (he claims he’s not). + +He is not financially secured no matter what. We love each other so much but this has been one of the main source of fighting (I want to spend and not worry so much about little things, we earn it and him, still trying to save every penny). It depressed me sometimes that we will make 1.3M this year and we argue over $3/$5 stuff. + +I know his upbringing makes him who he is today. There were a lot of trauma that caused him to be like this. In the beginning when we had nothing, his foresight to live below our means lead us to where we are today. But now , we are in our late 40s, if I don’t enjoy my money now, what’s the point of stashing them? + +We have tried therapy but he doesn’t want to go. I just want to be normal stuff. Like buying furniture, making our house look nice (ie our furniture is 10 years old and yes, we fought when I trashed a broken chair). What type of book or therapy that might help us? +Throwaway because poverty is embarrassing. + +2 years ago I started the process of applying for disability because of cancer and PTSD. I lost my hair, I lost my job, I lost my apartment. Since then, my wife and I have been living out of a suitcase and relying on the huge hearts of our close friends and family. + +Between doctors, lawyers, and at one point 4 people and 2 animals living in a studio apartment, I don't remember what privacy is. But after 2 years of undignified fighting, I got my disability. + +And on February 1st we’re picking up the keys to our new apartment. + +On February 1st we’ll have a home again. + +Edit: oh wow, thank you for the gold kind stranger! Wasn't expecting that. I'm in the middle of moving so I wholeheartedly appreciate everything everyone has said! I'll respond when I'm not exhausted from it all. But thank you for your well wishes. +I've seen it commented and posted a few times now, and it caught my eye because it's out of line with what we've always chanted, Ape No Fight Ape. But I think the recent situation is going to be, or is currently, getting spun a certain way. + +Due to the recent drama, and the outcome of said drama, there has been a significant upswing in posts saying things along the lines of "I don't even like any of you, I just like the stock" "some mod drama isn't going make me sell, I don't care about anyone else" and things along those lines. Some are in reference to the recent departure tweet, but I've also seen it tacked on to other comments. + +The mantra has always been, Ape No Fight Ape, Be Nice to New Apes and teach them, be the change you want to see mentality. + +Now, Due to the mod drama, we no longer care about our fellow investor/ape/people? We are only out for ourselves? I think the statement is getting distorted, we don't care about Shills, FUD spreaders, or manipulation/control tactics of any kind. + +I feel like this forced statement of "I don't care about anyone but me" is trying to sow the seeds of doubt that people are only out for themselves, that people wont hodl, that they will sell on the way up because they only care about their own gains. They could push FUD and fake position posts saying they got out early because they don't trust anyone else and don't want to be a bag holder. + +People always ask/say "HAH, you think THIS is going to make me sell? Drama won't make me sell" + +But you have to remember, these tactics aren't a direct correlation. Its not expected that drama=sell, they would set up and take very small, very incremental steps to push sentiment/narrative the direction they want it to go. + +Large scale it could be, first is don't trust the mods, next is don't trust fellow hodlers, then it's don't trust the thesis/MOASS. Within each of those steps is many many small options and steps to accomplish that. + +I STRONGLY feel this is just one of many small facets. + +Screw that. I Care About all of you. About everyone. I want all people everywhere to have a happy and bright future. Even the people we compete against in this epic tale we've been living, I hope they have happy, bright futures and lives. To want anything less means we don't deserve what we are fighting for. + +I personally choose to buy and hodl, buckle up, and wait for the bright future I see from Gamestop. Watch what they do, everything else is a distraction. + +Not financial advice, just a concerned ape <3 +I usually avoid areas where there seems to be a lot of hype built up but with the potential of more legalization and MJ seeming to begin to stabilize after TLRY last week it seems that there could be a good opportunity but i’m having trouble convincing myself of buying or not and wondering if it’s anything more than FOMO. +The 200EMA is at 568.23USD and we only dropped to 726.43USD which means we're still overvalued according to those calculations. The SMA which doesn't weigh as much on the recent movements puts the 200DMA at 481.26USD which should be a huge bouncing point for ETH. I still believe we're going to see something between those numbers sooner or later during this bear market. + +BTC dropped to -2,65x from ATH and ETH hasn't dropped lower than -1.95x. BTC should be more resistant anyways due to it being number 1 and also a honey badger so we're probably in for a bigger ETH drop than what we've seen. It's still 245USD from the 200SMA. The market doesn't care anyways. + +Not trying to spread FUD, I'm trying to provide some simple Technical Analysis. Remember to always watch the benchmark (which at the moment is BTC) and that a healthy market is a better market. + +Edit: This subreddit really needs to calm down. It's about trading ETH right? So input from both sides should be useful. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hello Apes and hedgies, this is my first attempt at a TA and i will be utilizing technical indicators. + +So for those of you who do not know what the MACD or RSI are, strap the fuck up, put on your got damn helmet, tell your wife's boyfriend to bring a banana smoothie and lets see if we can put a few wrinkles in your brain. + +&#x200B; + +**THE MACD** + +&#x200B; + +So the MACD stands for Moving Average Convergence Divergence. It is a trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of a security's price. The **MACD** is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average (EMA) from the 12-period EMA. I'll explain this in a much more simpler way later on in this post with nice lines. + +&#x200B; + +**THE RSI** + +&#x200B; + +The RSI or Relative Strength Index is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis that measures the magnitude of recent price changes to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset. This is generally measured between the numbers 70 and 30. The higher the RSI gets to 70, the more overbought the security is considered. The lower to 30 it is, the closer it gets to being in what is called oversold territory. + +&#x200B; + +Now i know some of you might have some crayons in your nose rn preventing some wrinkles from forming so this is where you are going to want to pay attention. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[current RSI and MACD](https://preview.redd.it/qurwnd2x57q61.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b11dabddb3c430d4a7be6b9fd6a9ed8dc110dd6) + +So in this pic above, is the current MACD and RSI on the 1 day time frame. The RSI shows it is about 50, which is neutral. meaning it is not overbought or oversold. The MACD on the bottom is the real important kicker. You see how close those lines are together right now? Got damn that is what makes an Ape cry. This is indicative of a breakout. It has been consolidating around the same price, which deflates the RSI from overbought to neutral. In the bottom the bars going up and down below the midpoint shows the momentum of the security. Obviously red downward means downward trend, and green is vice versa. What is important is the far right how close the lines are. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xxc0xape67q61.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f67f9e4a093ae8d67ebf00095811fbd4b43522 + +This image shows you the MACD and RSI on the \*last\* breakout that we had. Back in earlier March it broke up to 348 before being absolutely fucking dumpstered harder than Lebron when he yammed on that one white guy. As you can see, the lines again right before breakout are practically touching. When the volume is almost not even visible above the neutral line, and it's alternating back and forth, the stock is getting ready to either fucking rocket to got damn mars, or tell you what the earth's core is actually made of. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v1hs1l3t67q61.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=78546e0cb8cdbf23b62b9cedb4c7518ec212e314 + +This is yet again another example of the MACD showing great consolidation, and little to no major movement, and then fucking \*BAM\* that shit shoots up faster than a smack addict getting a free score. The close lines and minimal volume is \*KEY\*. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ae0zxgk377q61.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce4b7b779155d92aa6f8fb4a1c43c7b68a58fd6 + +This is when it broke out at the end of January. LOOK AT THIS GOT DAMN MACD AT THE BOTTOM. Do you see how fucking close the lines are? Can you tell what happens next? Of course you know what the fuck happened or you wouldnt even be here reading this trash ass post right now. + +This is not financial advice and i'm just a crayon eating ape trying move up to fucking markers. + +TLDR: MACD and RSI says moon soon + +Edit: The yellow line is the MACD line and the red line is the signal line. When the MACD line crosses it upwards the momentum is up meaning price increase. Obviously vice versa on a downward cross. +I've held on as tight as I could, years of faithfully riding the waves. Right now I just need the money, what a horrible time to need this option. This hurts but I don't think I can avoid it much longer +The biggest SCAM in Crypto history is going on right now and they're using PR, YouTube and Telegram to get the crime done. + +Do a search for Mehracki on Google and look at their articles. + +Then do a search on any project from boostx.finance (they are all scams) + +Logarithmic Finance + +Firepin + +Seesaw Protocol + +Parody Coin + +Calyx Token + +Securipop + +PacmanFrog + +Aquas Protocol + +Quitriam + +Automish Token + +Acranup Network + +Explorachain + +Mehracki  + +These are all the projects I found that are scamming people right now live as we speak using PR to drive people to their telegrams and their bogus websites to scam people. + + +here are all their domain names + +. + +Here are the defanged URLs + + +hxxps[://]www[.]boostx[.]finance/ + +hxxps[://]paymentsnow[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]seesawprotocol[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]securipop[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]firepin[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]automish[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]capricefinance[.]com/ + +hxxps[://]acranup[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]aquasis[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]calyxtoken[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]explorachain[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]securipop[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]parodycoin[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]pacmanfrog[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]quitriam[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]logarithmic[.]finance/ + +hxxps[://]mehracki[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]cashfi[.]app/en + +hxxps[://]gnox[.]io/ + +hxxps[://]mushe[.]world/ + +hxxps[://]sanzooz[.]finance/en + +hxxps[://]cylum[.]finance/ + +hxxps[://]planetfinance[.]io/ + + +They are claiming a "pre sale" for a fake token, people send their money, they release a fake token that no one can cash out, have users connect their crypto wallets to a scam website and then wipe out their entire wallets. + + + +The longer they remain up and running, the more people get scammed. + + +Everyone report to the FTC, icann.org, Telegram, YouTube and everywhere else you can and do not connect your wallet to any of those. + + + + +Reporting links + + + +https://www.icann.org/complaints-office + +https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/ + +https://www.ic3.gov/Home/FileComplaint +For those of you that own homes or maybe started down the FIRE path later in life, do you consider paying down your mortgage to be part of your saving/investing plan? +I have about £60k I want to invest over a 6 year+ time period with monthly contributions of £1500. + +A financial adviser from a place called St James Park will be visiting tomorrow to discuss how to invest the money. + +Is there anything In particular I should be asking about aside from fee's and fund performance / anything to be wary of - quite new to all this. + +Thanks + +EDIT: yes - sorry St James Place! + +EDIT 2: Thanks everyone! Looks like tomorrow is going to be brief and somewhat awkward! +DEA Takes Some CBD Off Schedule 1 As Aphria, Cronos Group, & Aurora Expand US And Canadian Operations. + +&#x200B; + +[http://fortunenewswire.com/dea-takes-some-cbd-off-schedule-1-as-aphria-cronos-group-aurora-expand-us-and-canadian-operations/](http://fortunenewswire.com/dea-takes-some-cbd-off-schedule-1-as-aphria-cronos-group-aurora-expand-us-and-canadian-operations/) +I'm helping my dad who is planning on finally liquidating stock that my grandpa purchased in a company back in the 80s. His 1$ shares are now 30$ each in 2020 and it's a dividend paying stock that is around $800K in total share value now. We haven't really done something like this before and wanted to see if there was any ideas regarding a smart way to go about it with taxes etc. Do we just eat the long term capital gains tax, which is sure to be pretty huge? any help or comments on the matter appreciated + +Also, my dad owns the stock now, not my grandpa +I came across [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkEq-YVn8Ew) which lays out how little of our lives we actually spend doing what we want to do. It made me very grateful that I've discovered financial independence, and that I've bought myself an extra 20 years to do what I will. I don't have a very clear picture of how I'll spend that time, but I guess I have about 10 more years to figure it out? +Hi! Long time browser, first time making a post. + +My boyfriend and I are both 22, and currently earn \~£55k between us before tax, or roughly £1750 each per month after tax/pensions/student loan. We moved from London to Manchester (for various reasons, I'm born and bred London and was sick of it, and he's a Northerner and prefers it up here). + +We're currently renting a flat in the city center and our combined outgoings (rent, council tax, all bills) are \~£500 each. After rent and bills, and then travel/phone bills/gym and Spotify memberships and personal and food outgoings, we put a combined total of £1700 into our savings account every month (£800 from me, £900 from him). + +We've been looking at houses roughly in the £200-250k range. But the more we look, the more we see absolutely ideal houses for about £290-300k. Having done a few mortgage calculators online it seems that with our current £65k deposit we could be accepted for a £235k mortgage, with repayments around £1000 per month. + +I'm wondering whether it's too much of a risk to commit to repayments that high? I tend to be overly-cautious about money which is usually good, but I don't want my cautiousness to deter me from potentially getting a perfect home and regretting going for the cheaper option a few years down the line. +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/burger-kings-impossible-whopper-heres-what-eaters-had-to-say-210643438.html + +“The reason why is the texture,” he said. “It’s very hard to mimic, in a lab, the way real meat is... I do love Beyond, but Impossible beats it because of the texture.” + +Another diner echoed the same sentiment. “I like Impossible better [than Beyond]. It tastes more like meat. I gave up red meat about 10 years ago, and the one thing I missed the most was hamburgers. The Impossible burger brings back that nostalgia.” + +However, competition isn’t the only issue that the alternative-meat producers are facing. Customers have already begun reporting shortages at their location restaurants that serve Impossible burgers. Yahoo Finance reached out to Impossible Foods to ask about how the company plans to meet the spiking demand. +Jet, the Amazon-killer startup that is raising a new round of funding, is running out of cash. + +An earlier report from Fortune indicated that Jet was raising a $500 million round led by Fidelity. + +Jet hasn't closed the round of funding, which could be as much as $550 million when it's finally complete. Fidelity is in talks to contribute a $90 million investment, leading the round. + +I ordered two bicycling related products from Jet with free shipping, from what I could tell the transaction completed but I was never charged and never got the stuff. Now they send me spam on a regular basis. + +Do you even use it? +I have a strategy based on earnings data where I have created an indicator to go long or short and I want to be able to calculate the portfolio return as if each security was held for X days after the earnings date where the indicator is calculated. (So my data set is essentially: Ticker, calculated custom indicator, and earnings date; I also have daily pricing data in SQL in case I can’t use an API). I am having trouble backtesting as most packages I have found are based on Technical analysis indicators. The other main challenge is that since companies report on different days my portfolio can change daily, and the period held (earnings date + n days) will be different for every stock but I need to track the performance of the portfolio at least at the monthly level. Most of my experience is in R and Python ( but I’m open to other solutions) but I am by no means an expert in either. Thank you in advance for your time and help! +I bet one could find out the latest meme stocks before most of their userbase does, allowing one to predict momentum in terrible Chinese equities and US Chipmakers. + +Just a funny thought. Anyone here done something similar? +I️ work in sales for a large technology company and I️ had the best year of my life last year, specifically the month of November I️ sold just over my goal for the year from a large account I️ have been working with for 5 years that I️ finally got to go. I️ was due for the largest paycheck of my life in January, than they pushed it back to February, than March, than April, and finally this month they decided I️ exceeded my goal by to much and cut my commission in half. I️ can’t find anywhere in my hire paperwork that this is allowed, anyone have any insight into how I️ can fight this? I️ spoke with my boss and my old boss who is my bosses boss now both of which I️ have a good relationship with. They both said that this shouldn’t happen and are speaking with accounting. Other than talking to my boss is there anything I️ can do? + +EDIT: first off thank you all for your time and advice. It has been extremely helpful in formulating a plan to move forward. I have been saving all communication with my boss as well as reaching out to coworkers that also had big years to see what happened to them. In addition to this, I️ have been going back and forth with my bosses all morning and they seem confident that I️ will get paid. I️ asked for a time frame and they are saying this month. + +EDIT 2: Just got off a call with my boss, his boss, and the head of accounting. The head of accounting claims it was a mistake that they now have safe guards in place to ensure that it will not happen again and that I will be issued the rest of my paycheck today. As an apology my boss decided to half my goal for the year. I️ really couldn’t be happier with the outcome given the circumstances. Thank you all for the advice, despite my story ending well I️ would HIGLY encourage anyone in a similar circumstance to document every interaction and go over your comp plan with a fine tooth comb. +I understand the whole maintaining 'full employment equilibrium' thing. But what's the point when stimulus/easing is not sustainable? + +As artificially-stimulated spending is always more wasteful than free market spending, what's the point? I see it like this: Take the pain, now or later. But when you postpone it, you create market inefficiencies and inevitably, corruption as biased politicians choose favorites and winners. + +Tell me why I'm wrong. +One of the posters on here asked that I look into a podcast format for some of my personal finance content. I thought that was a great idea and so I’ve been recording episodes of The UK Money Podcast! + +In most episodes I cover a concept of investing or a type of tax wrapper or something, and I look to link this to things that are going on in the world. I also talk about news in the world of personal finance, specifically for listeners in the UK. + +I would love to know the kinds of questions you have and topics you’d like me to cover in the pod, so please let me know! + +Here is the latest episode on [Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-uk-money-podcast/id1540841651?i=1000504085004), [Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/show/06YWaIKKa7Nm5NZARFb2D2?si=uyIB4QUfTGafRsq4y8Bssw) and [Google Podcasts](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS8xNDkxMjk1LnJzcw?sa=X&amp;amp;ved=0CAQQ27cFahcKEwjwlY3UlJHuAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ). It’s available on all your other favourite podcasts apps as well. + +RSS feed for those who’ve asked https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1491295.rss + +UPDATE: Thankyou everyone for such a great response! I will definitely have to give a shout out to UKPF on the next episode! + +Cheers +I only started thinking about financial independence (FI) when I turned 30. From that point forward I was obsessed with that very thought of being financially free and not having to work for a living. I remember driving to work on weekdays and seeing some people playing a round of golf in my neighbourhood while I was focused on making it into work on time. Now I do understand that not all those people were financially independent, but just the thought that some might have been was enough to get me thinking what it would be like having that freedom and I started working towards it. + +Fast forward about 15 years …and I'm now at the point where I've reached financial independence (44yrs) through real estate investing and to be honest with you, early retirement scares me. I could be one of those people playing golf while watching those people driving their cars going to work and hoping they will make it on time. (full circle, it seems). This is a very short post, and I haven't gone into much detail about it but I've concluded that being financially free is great but it is not everything, I find that it's setting goals and working towards achieving them that makes me happy. Looking back I think that it's the work it took to get to FI that made me truly happy. Being productive and doing what you like, and I also understand that for some people, going to their work as an employee truly makes them happy because they are passionate about what they do. I've heard that this applies to about 1/5 of the workforce and I certainly wasn't part of that group. + +I don’t know why but now that I've reached this FI point, it is not as appealing to me anymore, I don’t have the urge to retire early mainly because I want to set other goals. Perhaps this is retirement if you look at it this way. Doing what you enjoy while not having to work for someone else and having the time and resources to do it. + +Just wondering if anyone of you who have reached FI, and felt this way and what were your conclusions? +With a run to close out the week and the fed and Trump trying to boost confidence, do you feel like the market will once again drop on Monday or do you feel like it will bounce back with its momentum to end the week. +Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Just a thought. When comparing dividend growth (less than 2% yield) to slow growing stocks/etfs with a 4-6% yield and 8-10% yearly return, wouldn’t compounding be more effective in the slower growing? + +My thought in this.. one lump sump sum in each, then just reinvest dividends.. the slower growing would have higher yield and with the slow growth you’d be able to reinvest that dividend at a lower price than that of the low yield with high growth. Over let’s say 20-30 years you would have compounded much more of the slower growing than the fast growth. Especially when it comes to number of shares. + +I’ve been told when you are younger (I’m 26) you need to invest in growth names rather than slow growers. + +Is the return of the growth stocks with small dividends reinvested that much higher than the slower growing stocks with higher yields? + +I haven’t found a calculator to actually find a final number. This is just a thought as to why everyone says to invest in growth names when you’re young. + +Let me know your opinions +I have seen so many people talking about O as their major investment. I thought I would compare that to 2 dividend investments that I hold, ABBV and SCHD, backtesting 3 different portfolios with 100% O, ABBV and SCHD respectively in each portfolio. + +Link to backtest - [Portfolio Visualizer](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2022&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=true&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&benchmark=VFINX&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=O&allocation1_1=100&symbol2=ABBV&allocation2_2=100&symbol3=SCHD&allocation3_3=100) + +May be I am missing something here, but in none of the metrics O come out on top, with dividend reinvested ABBV and SCHD beat O hands down in final value. If you are looking for income, ABBV beats O hands down. so my question to people who invest in O, apart from monthly dividend, is there any other redeeming quality to O? + +Thank you for your input and looking for a healthy discussion! +As per title +Mortgage is $500k. Owner occupier. + +Is there anything I should do or can do with this increase in value to grow wealth for my family's future? + +Thank you +One of the first things I learned when teaching myself how to trade was not to use stop loss orders. There are tons and tons of articles detailing lots of reasons why you shouldn't use stop loss orders and why "professionals" don't use them either. +With that piece of information I went to the market convincing myself that I when things turn ugly I will simply hit the sell button. Didn't go that way. Hitting the close button is hard. Specially when you have 90+ profitable trading days. You feel you can't be wrong. +My account always look the same: very long stair with a free fall at the end. +After erasing all my February profits in 1 day I promise myself I will let the machine decide over my incompetence to close losing trades. + +What is your take on stop loss orders? Any advice for someone like me? +Hi all, + +Throwaway for very, very obvious reasons. + +For background, I'm 22, male, white, go to a highly ranked state school, study computer science and statistics, will be working at a large multinational bank as a Data Scientist once I graduate, and I was just recently diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum, but more accurately as having Aspergers. + +Beside the possibly-on-the-spectrum Silicon Valley startup legends, I realized I haven't ever really heard / know of people on the spectrum who have done incredibly well for themselves. + +My questions to the spectrum-identifying /r/FatFIRE community are what has your career progression looked like over the years? What challenges did you face in particular? Did you find that your condition was more of a blessing/curse/non-issue? Any ideas/philosophies/books/approaches/heuristics/etc that you found useful in your journey? + +Thanks in advance! +My mom passed away in April 2020. She had two IRA accounts. One goes to me 100%, with contingent beneficiary as my grandmother (who pre-deceased my mom). The other is split equally between me and my two siblings. They way it stands, I’m getting 75% of the total, while my siblings are getting just 12.5%. Needless to say, the sibs are not thrilled, and I don’t think the inequity was intentional. + +I’m trying to figure out the least complicated way to split the inheritance more equitably. I can’t disclaim any of the “big” one, or it would go to the estate. Can I set up some sort of trustee-to-trustee transfer, to divert some of the funds to my siblings, without incurring taxes myself? I don’t want to have to get into withdrawals and taxes and gifts, etc. + +Thanks in advance!! +Going by P/E ratio for valuations is essentially boomer lingo in this market environment. It does seem concerning how far ahead these valuation are getting though, as far as the big tech names go. + + + "Elon Musk was surprised at the price increase of Tesla stock as his personal worth rose by $36 billion yesterday (October 25). Shares of Tesla ([TSLA](https://www.channelchek.com/news-channel/Raw_Materials_and_the_Scalability_of_Tesla%E2%80%99s__Vision)) jumped by 12.7% to $1,024.86. This equated to a market capitalization of $1.01 trillion." + + +"**Risk to Index Investors** + +Tesla now has a price-earnings (P/E) ratio of 332. The automotive industry P/E ratios generally fall between 10 to 30 depending on expected results. In the broader market, there are very few trillion-dollar companies.  They are the top five companies by market cap in the S&P 500, Apple, Microsoft, Google parent Alphabet, Amazon, and Tesla. In the aggregate, they are worth $9.3 trillion. That's almost 23% of the benchmark S&P 500 [US stock index's](https://www.channelchek.com/news-channel/Why_Index_Funds_Could_be_a_Mistake_in_2020) total value. Add in Facebook, which is a bit short of a trillion and these six stocks have a 25% influence over the S&P 500 movement." + + +[full read](https://www.channelchek.com/news-channel/Tesla%E2%80%99s_Strange_Influence_on_the_Markets) +I created a spreadsheet showing CAGR averages/percentiles for S&P500 with inflation and dividends: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y906\_xwOLaKXYXq1AfXFFZizZz79HRKz9GwaoxbQu1o](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y906_xwOLaKXYXq1AfXFFZizZz79HRKz9GwaoxbQu1o/edit?usp=sharing) + +If you just want to see a screenshot of the summary, here you go: [https://imgur.com/a/DFvmhYb](https://imgur.com/a/DFvmhYb) + +\--- + +I created this to verify numbers I keep seeing thrown out on what the 'average' return of the market is. Other sources may not include inflation or dividends, and may give an average that's based on an unrealistic number of decades. And it's more informative to know what the range of returns. + +So, since I'm considering Coasting for the next 20 years, I can expect my retirement money may realistically grow by 3.4% - 10.2% annually, and it is possible to see returns approaching the historical worst case 0.8%. + +EDIT: + +\- 2020.07.08 Updated screenshot including 1-year stats +https://techcrunch.com/2022/07/02/tesla-ev-deliveries-fall-nearly-18-in-second-quarter-following-china-factory-shutdown/ + +Tesla delivered 254,695 electric vehicles globally in the second quarter, a nearly 18% drop from the previous period as supply chain constraints, China’s extended COVID-19 lockdown and challenges around opening factories in Berlin and Austin took their toll on the company. This is the first time in two years that Tesla deliveries, which were 310,048 in the first period this year, have fallen quarter over quarter. Tesla deliveries were up 26.5% from the second quarter last year. The quarter-over-quarter reduction is in line with a broader supply chain problem in the industry. It also illustrates the importance of Tesla’s Shanghai factory to its business. Tesla shuttered its Shanghai factory multiple times in March due to rising COVID-19 cases that prompted a government shutdown. + +The company said Saturday it produced 258,580 EVs, a 15% reduction from the previous quarter when it made 305,407 vehicles. Like in other quarters over the past two years, most of the produced and delivered vehicles were Model 3 and Model Ys. Only 16,411 of the produced vehicles were the older Model S and Model X vehicles. Tesla said in its released that June 2022 was the highest vehicle production month in Tesla’s history. Despite that milestone, the EV maker as well as other companies in the industry, have struggled to keep apace with demand as supply chain problems persist. +http://espn.go.com/blog/detroit-lions/post/_/id/18138/by-being-frugal-financially-early-on-ryan-broyles-believes-he-has-set-up-his-future + +> He came up with a budget. Broyles said he and his wife, Mary Beth, have lived on $60,000 a year, "give or take," throughout his career. Everything else has gone to investments, retirement savings and securing Broyles' post-football monetary future. + +> Broyles immersed himself in the financial world. In March, he went to Washington, D.C., with New Orleans running back Mark Ingram to speak to students about financial planning. He worked with VISA and the NFL on promoting a Financial Football video game in classrooms to help teach financial security and planning in both D.C. and his home state of Oklahoma. + + +I bought the house across the street for me, a 4 bedroom 2 and a 1/2 bath ranch For $320000. I've been receiving rental applications and I got a section 8 housing voucher application for 3500. I listed the property for 2400. And I've already decided that I'm not going to accept it. But if they're approved for 3500 does that mean I could charge them 3500? +Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I’m putting my house on the market and once it’s sold I’ll be sitting on a good chunk of change. But here’s my dilemma do I rent or buy? I keep hearing I should wait to buy when the economy takes a turn, but no one can really predict when that will be. Also, I’ve never rented before so it’ll be a little odd. I’m still willing to do so if that means I’ll end up getting a better bang for my buck later down the line. If the economy does take a turn, then I’ll be able to buy 2 homes. One for residential and one as an investment property. +20 years old, been making about $35k for 2 years now at my job. No debt whatsoever. Car is paid off, insurance is $100 a month. I have very low expenses and park over 50% of my take home pay. Credit score is 740. I have $15k in savings and a 3% down payment would be about $4500 excluding closing costs and whatnot. + +Can I buy a $150k multi family home in upstate NY with 3% down under a FHA loan? Or any other assisted loan for that matter? What are my odds of being approved for a loan? +Planning to rent out one unit and live in the other. + A lot of you are thinking of selling if this hits 1k. I’m not selling at 1k. 1k a share would EXTREMELY good for the hedgies, as they can afford to buy your shares at 1k and survive another day. Due to the low volume trades we’ve been witnessing and the stock maintaining above 300 (couldn’t even break 250 on friday with 3 hours of our asses getting slammed sideways by ladder attacks) I’m confident if this holds we can outlast them to MINIMUM $4,000-$20,000. + +Considering that fidelity and vanguard can support the volume, i’m further confident that Monday is going to be a shit show for the hedgies. + France’s competition watchdog has fined Google 220 million euros ($267 million) for abusing its market power in the online advertising industry. + +The French Competition Authority said Monday Google had unfairly sent business to its own services, and discriminated against the competition. Google has agreed to pay the fine and end some of its self-preferencing practices, the watchdog said. + +The investigation found that Google gave preferential treatment to its DFP advertising server, which allows publishers of sites and applications to sell their advertising space, and its SSP AdX listing platform, which organizes auction processes and allows publishers to sell their “impressions” or advertising inventory to advertisers. Google’s rivals and publishers suffered as a result, the regulator said. + +Isabelle de Silva, president of the French Competition Authority, said in a statement that the decision is the first in the world “to look at the complex algorithmic auction processes by which online advertising ‘display’ operates.” + +She added that the investigation revealed processes by which Google favored itself over its competitors on both advertising servers and supply-side platforms, which are pieces of software used by publishers to manage, sell and optimize ad space on their websites and mobile apps. + +“These very serious practices have penalized competition in the emerging online advertising market, and have enabled Google not only to preserve but also to increase its dominant position,” said de Silva. + +“This sanction and these commitments will make it possible to re-establish a level playing field for all actors, and the ability of publishers to make the most of their advertising spaces.” + +Google announced in a blog on Monday that it will be making a series of changes to its advertising technology. + +“We recognize the role that ad tech plays in supporting access to content and information and we’re committed to working collaboratively with regulators and investing in new products and technologies that give publishers more choice and better results when using our platforms,” wrote Maria Gomri, legal director of Google France. + +The investigation comes after U.S.-based News Corp, French newspaper Le Figaro and the Belgian press group Rossel filed a complaint against Google. + +Regulators across Europe are clamping down on the major U.S. tech giants amid concerns that they wield too much power on the bloc’s 700 million plus citizens. + +Last week, Facebook was hit by two antitrust probes from regulators in the U.K. and Europe. + +The European Commission has launched probes into Amazon, Google and Microsoft over the last few years, while the U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority has also launched probes into Google and Apple since it became an independent regulator in its own right in January following Britain’s exit from the EU. + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/07/google-fined-by-france-for-abusing-online-advertising-position.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/07/google-fined-by-france-for-abusing-online-advertising-position.html) +Hello World, German Markets are about to open so allow me to be your Guest Host today. + +While I hope u/derGurkenraspler is doing well. + +Current Price:"115 minutes in 168.61" + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? + +I too trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price in dollar. + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? + +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? + +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! [https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) + +Can you post the volume too? + +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +0 minutes in 167.73 + +5 minutes in 167.67 + +10 minutes in 167.89 + +15 minutes in 167.92 + +20 minutes in 167.89 + +25 minutes in 167.78 + +30 minutes in 167.80 + +35 minutes in 167.80 + +40 minutes in 167.74 + +45 minutes in 167.73 + +50 minutes in 167.80 + +55 minutes in 167.75 + +60 minutes in 167.75 + +65 minutes in 168.77 + +70 minutes in 168.55 + +75 minutes in 168.76 + +80 minutes in 169.51 + +85 minutes in 169.40 + +90 minutes in 168.91 + +95 minutes in 168.88 + +100 minutes in 168.51 + +105 minutes in 168.51 + +110 minutes in 168.51 + +Well as usual it has been an honor guest hosting the diamantenhände today. + +I don't know if I will see you tomorrow it all depends on how well our OG-Ape u/derGurkenraspler + +is. u/Forthegoodpeople has also PM'd me about how he noticed unusual high amounts of Volume in germany these past few days. + + [https://imgur.com/gallery/NwKT5JR](https://imgur.com/gallery/NwKT5JR) + +[https://i.imgur.com/G22Gysqh.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/G22Gysqh.jpg) + +maybe one of the more wrinkled brained apes can make some sense out of this. + +# As always BUY HODL and VOTE + +# 💎👐 +No matter how many posts you see here or how many questions you ask. There is only one thing that will make you successful, that is SCREEN TIME. + +Unfortunately there are no shortcuts. Yes, you see many people who have just started found some good luck,but on the other spectrum there are multiples more struggling. + +What may work for others, may or may not work for you. You need to find your own edge, and the only way of doing that is SCREEN TIME. I cannot stress this enough + +Do not envy those who have just started trading and found some luck. You will have to sit in front of those screens for hours, test out indicators, backtest strategies for months, years before your day comes. But it will come. + +Not sure any of the above is helpful or not but I thought I should share seeing tons of comments, posts regarding new accounts, strategies etc. + +TLDR: LOOK AT CHARTS , SCREEN TIME IS THE KEY , NO SHORTCUTS +We have 4 teenagers (2 sets of twins). One is getting his license in a few weeks and with after school sports and his job, we’ll need another car. My husband pays all household bills, I pay for whatever I need and all things kid related. My car loan has been paid off for some time now, but it’s not time for me to get a new car because I still need a 7 seater. But now I’m thinking, if I give him the 2010 minivan and lease myself a smaller SUV, does that make the most financial sense? Normally I work 2 jobs but this year I’m working only 1 and making only $2k a month. I just don’t know what to do +(This turned out to be a extremely long post, I hope anyone will read it. I had to get this off my chest.) + +&#x200B; + +As the crypto market is still stumbling and trying to recover it just hit me... + +&#x200B; + +January 14th last year was my last day everything was normal to me. + +&#x200B; + +I invested in crypto for the first time in May 2017. Bought some more in the following months, I eventually poured in 90% of my savings. Then we bought a house in August of 2017, we'd get the key halfway in November. Tons and tons of work had/has to be done in this house, so I really started focussing on crypto. Me and my wife were also expecting twins, so I HAD to get certain things done before June 2018.. + +&#x200B; + +I went up 60% of my investment in a few days when CFD (Confido) boomed. I was lucky enough to be there on Etherdelta when it became available, bought the first loads people sold after ICO. Took me a few hours of trading, but I had profit! Instantly cashed the profit, because we had to pay a few K's before I could get the key, so I was close to fucked but I just made it out alive. Especially as I saw they exit scammed and I saw my portfolio drop by nearly 70%, but luckily I had the money I needed. + +&#x200B; + +In the next months I made some good choices, bought Snovio at 0.004 cents and saw it raise to 40 cents I believe, my investment wasn't huge but the return was insane. Could have much bigger, but I sold slowly as it kept rising to be safe. Other big coins were Raiblocks, Oyster Pearl. Crypto took over my life, every waking hour I was trading / reading / looking up on coins I could invest in etc. I saw a growth I could not imagine, I had about 2000 in and saw it grow to 32-35k. Cashed out a bit, saw prices drop, invested again and so on. It was insane because I was doing 3-4000 trades and sending so much money around all the time, I had the time of my life. + +&#x200B; + +Naturally I had a cash out goal because this entire project was to fund our renovation of the house, which is about 50-60k. As, I think, any human being seeing my investment grow so much I dreamed much further. At 30-32k I decided I HAD to cash out because this was not substainable, it went up way too fast for my liking and almost everything did in my portfolio. Our life was pretty good, without cashing out crypto we were able to live pretty good. We could go out for dinner atleast twice a month, spend money on things we liked and still have leftovers. + +&#x200B; + +I decided to cash out on January the 14th of 2018. I couldn't at the time, though. I had been working and was chilling with my boss and some other people in a bar (I work in a restaurant, so happens fairly often). Tomorrow I would go and cash out, take my money and see how it'll go. + +&#x200B; + +On monday January the 15th we had to get our scan at the hospital to see how the kids were doing, had to go there every 2 weeks. We'd finally learn about the gender! Went there in the morning. The nurse seemed troubled, went to find another nurse to check again. The legs were too short of both of our children and there were some other things I can't even remember, we had to go to a specialized hospital to further investigate. Sadly we had to wait until Friday the 19th... One thing was sure though, something was horribly wrong. + +&#x200B; + +Of course we were completely crushed, I felt like our entire world just collapsed. Luckily we have family that instantly came to us to talk about it. I saw my wife go from the happiest person on earth to being deeply depressed. We held on to the thought hospitals can make mistakes, everything will be fine.. + +&#x200B; + +Friday the 19th came and they took 20 minutes listing the faults of the kids.. Except she said 'now I have to check the other kid..'. That took 10 minutes and I told the nurse to stop. Both kids had a skeleton abnormality (I hope google translate did that properly), some organs weren't on the right place, arms/legs were too short, most feet/hands did not have 5 fingers (some had 7 or 3). + +&#x200B; + +They had no chance of survival, January 31 they were born dead. We had them cremated a few weeks later. + +&#x200B; + +Damage had been done.. Our world was messed up, it was one huge haze and I honestly wish I'd wake up from this nightmare. I completely forgot about my coins, on January the 15th my portfolio started dropping too I found out later.. And rapidly. I think I checked it around january 25th. Not all was lost, though. I was able to take a month off work and continued some work in the house (I just had to do something), paid by crypto. Throughout the next few months I was able to pay out a few K's here and there, I think I paid out about 600% of my investment but I still lost like 22k of that portfolio growth. + +&#x200B; + +I was extremely strong for my wife for the next months, when she crawled out of her depressiong around may 2018 I started feeling bad. Halfway in june I was at work and completely lost what I was doing, already had some anger issues (suddenly exploding towards people). Then I got a panic attack and this was it. I went home and went to a doc, it was a burnout. The 6 months after this have been hell, I went through extreme depression. I couldn't get groceries, couldn't handle full rooms of people, had trouble getting even out of bed because I was extremely tired and anger issues (I destroyed 2 of my PC desks, punched a hole in the wall and stuff like that. Nothing towards my wife thank god). + +&#x200B; + +After that came thoughts of that I should commit suicide, because I had no life. Thankfully I could never do this to my family and I wouldn't even dare to make that final step. But the thoughts were there. Even though it has been my job now for 15 years, I couldn't even cook anymore. Gaming has always been my number one hobby, that brought no joy. I isolated myself, but thank god I have family that forced me to open the door or go to them. + +&#x200B; + +Next to that came the expenses which have been on-going since February last year. We got hit by some big bills, when I got sick in january that took a pretty big hit in my salary. I now have a little over 700 of crypto, absolutely no money in the bank (minus, even). Can't buy anything I enjoy because we're still struggling from the disaster that was 2018. I still need 50k at least for the house, but maybe one day.. + +&#x200B; + +Fast forward to december, this was my turning point I think. Went to a therapist and found out work stress was also a major issue. I've been getting progressively better since the first week of december. I quit my job in that week. I'm talking major steps in the right direction and I'm feeling better almost every day. + +&#x200B; + +Tomorrow the 14th of january will be my first day at my new job and I couldn't be more excited. + +&#x200B; + +The point of my post is that I see so many people stress/worry about their coins/investment. I even see people fight to defend the coins they believe is the best and protecting them to no end. + +&#x200B; + +While money is a handy thing to have, I am absolutely fine with where I am. We're struggling as I mentioned above, but just feeling better is worth more than a million dollars. I learned the value of other things than money. I was able to take a month off work to be here for my wife, without crypto none of that was possible. While the crypto money had a completely different destination, I could not be happier on what I have spend whatever I cashed out on. + +&#x200B; + +Remember that your portfolio could raise insanely fast in the future (or drop...), but stay sane. There are far more important things in life, don't invest more than you can afford to lose and you should be ok. Don't lose sleep over your coins, don't be stressed. It can all be fun and glory until you get smashed from a completely different direction like I told you above. + +&#x200B; + +For those who made it this far, thank you for reading. This was a tough post for me, I had to get it off my chest.. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Wow I’m overwhelmed by the amount of posts/PMs! I read them all but it’s impossible to respond to everyone. + +It might be unclear, I got a few hostile PMs about this which I won’t even bother to respond to; I pulled out about 250-300% profit on my crypto investment so this isn’t quite the tragic investment story you make it seem to be. In fact, I’d be far worse off if I didn’t make the investment at all ! +Hello, can I max out both my 403b and Roth IRA in the same year? +My accountant said no because I have maximized my contribution via my employer’s retirement plan. My employer also contributed $8500 to my 403b through matching. +I am under the income limit for Roth IRA so I thought I am allowed to contribute and also max out my Roth IRA? + +Update: +He responded and said he thought I was asking about buying traditional IRA for deduction. Thanks everyone! +Looking at which cities I can get to a major international airport within about 2 hours. Obviously low cost of living, low state taxes, and ideally not in the middle of nowhere are nice. + +Off the top of my head, Athens GA seems like a candidate near ATL. Any other recommendations? +Can somebody confirm or deny my understanding of this: + +Successful dapps like crypto kitties means more transactions on the ethereum network, which means more users which means more miner fees from transactions which eventually means more $ value of block rewards (either pow or pos) which in the case of pos means higher eth token price? + +If the above is true, how do scaling solutions such as raidrn fit in? Would the profits go to Raiden holders instead of eth holders? +Hello, I've been lurking on this sub for a while I figured I'd share my story and maybe someone may find it a little helpful. + +In the summer of 2013 I was delivering pizzas with a BA in polisci/sociology. My gf (now wife) was bringing home about $400/wk and we were over $15k in CC debt. One day I was offered a job as a hospital security guard, full time pay plus (shitty) benefits so if course I accepted. The only catch was it was the overnight shift but what choice did I have? + +In a strange sort of coincidence, 1 month into that job my wife totaled her car (no injuries). It dawned on us then that with her working days and me on nights we didn't need 2 cars. Huge $$ saver!. + +5 months into the security job I applied for and got a job within that hospital on the adult psychiatry unit (night shift). The increase in pay was substantial and the benefits were SO GOOD that my wife and I got married A YEAR EARLY just so she could get on my benefits! That was 5 years ago and last week I was promoted, same hospital, still on the night shift and will be getting another substantial increase in pay. + +We still only need 1 car, my wife has since changed careers and we had our 1st baby last March. $1000 in savings, some CC debt but just looking back it's crazy to see how things have changed. Going to night shift was very worrisome for me but it truly has been a life saver. +I’m 23 year old male living in California and I’m very interested in the stock market. I have no experience and little to no knowledge in the stock market, economics, investing, or finance but I’m an avid reader and am very interested in learning about this world. What are some good books I should read as essentially a complete beginner? +[Here is a link to my S&P Returns Analysis that I keep referencing below](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/sp-returns.php) + +--- + +Each stock has a different mean daily price increase over its total trading interval, along with an average standard deviation. + +[For instance, the average TERM standard deviation of movements for AMD is 3.75%](http://lavancier.com/stock-data.php?ticker=AMD&interval=20000). + +[Though for KO, it is only 2.45% for it's TERM standard deviation.](http://lavancier.com/stock-data.php?ticker=KO&interval=20000) + +The average annual return for KO has been 14%, whereas for AMD it has been -3.73% since inception. + +So I did some simulations using normal distributions to try to lamely simulate mass market movements. It wasn't to be too accurate since I didn't program skewness or kurtosis. + +I programmed in the following in R: + +---- + + random <- rnorm(30000, 0.0004, 0.04) + random <- rnorm(30000, 0.0004, 0.02) + random <- rnorm(30000, 0.0004, 0.01) + random <- rnorm(30000, 0.0004, 0.005) + +---- + +The 0.0004 is the mean daily increase of the S&P over the past 21 years. The actual std. dev. of movements is 1.2% in that interval. + +I simulated the curves and then took the residuals, multiplied them out as daily increases/decreases, and got the following charts: + +1. [No standard deviation of movements](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/0_5/meanval/1.png) + +2. 0.5% standard deviation of movements + + a. [Simulation 1](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/0_5/1.png) + + b. [Simulation 2](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/0_5/2.png) + + c. [Simulation 3](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/0_5/3.png) + +3. 1% standard deviation of movements + + a. [Simulation 1](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/1/1.png) + + b. [Simulation 2](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/1/2.png) + + c. [Simulation 3](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/1/3.png) + +3. 2% standard deviation of movements + + a. [Simulation 1](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/2/1.png) + + b. [Simulation 2](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/2/2.png) + + c. [Simulation 3](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/2/3.png) + +3. 4% standard deviation of movements + + a. [Simulation 1](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/4/1.png) + + b. [Simulation 2](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/4/2.png) + + c. [Simulation 3](http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/4/3.png) + +---- + +As you can see, the amount of noise changes, but also does the outcome. Samples with larger standard deviations decreased significantly more over time than those with smaller standard deviations. + +At this point, my thought for why this exists is the following idea in math regarding multiplied returns: + +Stock A Movements: +0.005%, +0.005%, +0.005% = 1.01507% increase + +Stock B Movements: +0.0010%, +0.005%, +0.00% = 1.01505% increase + +Stock C Movements: +0.0015%, +0.005%, -0.005% = 1.01498% increase + +So even though the mean is the exact same for all sets of movements, the increased standard deviation in Stock C means that it will actually increase less over time than Stock A and B. + +--- + +This looks like a tiny difference, but this is a sample of three days. In my samples above, it was 30,000 days which would be 120 years of trading, however there would still be a noticeable difference in year end totals. + +--- + +[Here's the different outcomes over a 250-day trading span](http://i.imgur.com/D4WHKVP.jpg). This shows that the larger the std. dev., the lower the return even with the same average daily increase over the interval. + +---- + +**EDIT:** I have spent a bit simulating this over long intervals and found that there is essentially 100% certainty that this is correct. [Here's a chart and the figures of a 30,000 day trial](http://i.imgur.com/FbIOziK.jpg) + +Of course, the positive return on the last one is what I would just consider "noise". Distributions of random values aren't always going to give a perfect result because randomness doesn't result in perfection. The point is however that it is very, very close. This means that a low standard deviation such as 0.25%/day means it will essentially have no effect at all on the price over long periods of time. The largest changes are at 2% and 4%. + +**EDIT 2:** Here's the [travel path](http://i.imgur.com/60Bs3Fu.jpg) of the different lines. The beige is 4% SD, blue is 2%, red is 1%, and green is 0.5%. + +For some reason 0.25% didn't make it's way on the chart. Unsure of why. + +**EDIT 3:** I believe this concept is similar to beta-slippage. + +---- + +**TL;DR:** Stocks with higher a standard deviation of movements underperform (comparatively by risk) in the long term due to math. + +##**This is the perfect example:** + +The exact same stock price movements (simulated). The same days increase and decrease. The mean is the same as well. The only difference? The red line has a standard deviation of 1 and the blue has a standard deviation of 3. While at the end of the 10,000 simulated trading days the red line settles near where it started, the blue line has lost almost all its value. + +http://lavancier.com/marketanalysis/simulations_stdev/sd1vssd3.png + + +----- + +Since I have to go right now and I can't really discuss for a few hours, let me just clarify an important part of this: + +I am not saying that more volatile stocks underperform. Performance is based off the average daily increase in the end. What I am saying is that the disparity between mean daily movement (as taken by a simple sum and divide operation) and the daily log returns increases with increased standard deviation. The daily log returns will decrease with a higher standard deviation and same mean. This is perfectly shown in the last picture link that compares the same trend with a 1% and 3% standard deviation. + +Also no, this has not been tested with heavy skews, however it does hold true with for instance the S&P 500 which only has a very mild skew. It also holds true with AMD which has a more moderate albeit still not horribly significant skew. + +More research is to come. + +--- + +As someone has pointed out, previous research on the matter has been done before. Here's a relevant excerpt: + +http://www.capitalideasonline.com/images/effectsofvolatilitygrelinsjan28,06.jpg +I'm Power of Attorney for my grandmother and she is starting to show signs of Alzheimer's and dementia. She's lived by herself in Florida and its getting to the point where it's not safe for her to be alone. I'm planning on bringing her to NJ where she can stay with my in-laws for the holidays but at some point I have to figure out Assisted Living. Would it be better for her to go in Assisted in NJ or bring back down to FL? + +Everything is in a Revocable Living Trust and she seems to have a decent amount of money. $300,000 house, $200,000 in stocks, $150,000 in CD's and Savings. She won't qualify for Medicaid so how's the best way to pay? Can I start moving money into my accounts? Should I put the car in my name? I would like to keep the house for my own retirement someday. + +Thank you for any advice. +Hi there, + +I work for a large business in the UK and they provide corporate credit cards to employees who travel frequently. + +Up until now, the statement has been settled by my employer and I am just required to submit an expense report reconciling to the statement. + +In a few months they are forcing everyone with a corporate card to move to a new card where the employee will be personally responsible for paying the card statement and we have to submit expenses reports in time to get payment from the employer (so that we get the funds BEFORE we have to pay the bill). + +This has upset a lot of people, but I assume they are allowed to do this. + +Will this have any kind of impact on my credit score? The current scheme obviously didn't as it was employer liability, but now the direct debit will be from my bank account and if I pay late that will be linked to me personally? + +All advice / experiences of this kind of corporate card scheme appreciated! +This afternoon I got an email that I didn't examine closely enough: + +http://i.imgur.com/90IS0z3.png + +I clicked on the link and saw this: + +http://i.imgur.com/akHBaYk.png + +I looked at the URL, saw that it was properly signed SSL, and logged into my account using 2-factor. I was absently-mindedly playing with my toddler and my usual suspicious warnings didn't go off. I got my 2-factor phone call so I thought everything was fine. + +However, the page timed out after entering my 2fa code, and I knew immediately something was wrong. I logged into my account and immediately saw a pending transfer for the entirety of my coinbase account (this happened 10 minutes ago): + +http://i.imgur.com/vKSwTL8.png + +I got on chat and told them to stop the transfer immediately, and incredulously, I was told to send an email to support@coinbase.com. I then killed the API auth token and sent an email with 'CANCEL TRANSFER NOW' as the subject line, probably within 2 minutes of it happening. I got a response back from support after 5 minutes ago, seemingly from the same person as on chat, asking some generic questions but not saying anything about my cancelation request, which is infuriating. I followed up by sending screen shots over and asked about the status of my cancellation and have heard nothing. + +Currently, Coinbase has simply disabled my account (I can't log in any more), but I have had no update on my situation. + +Parts of this are insane to me: + +1. Coinbase has authorized an API application that uses their same logo and name. +2. I can grant something API access that bypasses all account limits on my account (I had 2-factor turned on for transfers) +3. Coinbase support, at least so far, has been disappointing. + +Update 20141110: My account is now unlocked and my full BTC balance has been restored. Thanks Coinbase! +I work at a brewery as a bartender. We were the first brewery in America to accept Bitcoin. We started in December of 2013. We got a lot of press because of it. The brewery is called Philadelphia Brewing Company. We had a ton of people come in with Bitcoin when we first started accepting it but it has been a long time since the last time. + +We got a new P.O.S since then and haven't set up any way to receive bitcoin. Last night however, someone came in who remembered all the hype and asked me if he could pay with Bitcoin. Said it was on "his bucket list". I told him he was in luck. I had him send it to me and I just paid cash into the register. + +After the transaction, which we were both pretty amped about as I've never received crypto in the wild and he had never sent it, I told my boss what happened and he immediately told me I was in charge of making sure we can accept Bitcoin going forward. + +That's how adoption works in the real world. +[Heres my monthly budget](https://i.imgur.com/OXlb9q3.jpg) + +Currently overpaying my mortgage which is fixed until mid 2024 so that the hit of interest rate hike won’t feel as hard when my fixed rate is up, although debating putting the £100 in to a savings account instead + +The £200 investments is £100 each into a distribution Vanguard S&P500 & FTSE100, currently just through Trading212. Would you suggest sticking with T212 or am I best using another platform? This is something I’m doing for retirement so potentially another 40 years of contributing. Not sure how good T212 would be for long term? + +£500 into NS&I premium bonds as I want my accessible cash to be the same value as my stocks portfolio. Currently have roughly £22000 in stocks and £10000 in NS&I premium bonds. End goal of purchasing another house In the next 4-5 years with the cash. + +Any money left over currently just stays in my bank account and is used for treating myself, I’ve spent the majority of my life saving and am enjoying having money to splurge with without caring. Maybe the best option for this is an easy access savings account though? + +I don’t currently have a car as I have a company vehicle with private use but I am on the hunt for a new place to work so will potentially be losing access to a company vehicle. What sort of monthly cost is it to own and run a basic car? + +Being quite new to homeownership, I’m aware that there are bank accounts that reward you for paying bills/direct debits but this is something I don’t currently take advantage of. Could anybody suggest my best options for this and anything else that I could be using to my advantage? +[Twatter Link](https://twitter.com/theproblem/status/1499761588219392001?s=21) + +Jon Stewart is doing an AMA here on Monday to continue the pressure on the fuckery going on in Wall St. Check out his latest episode of The Problem with Jon Stewart regarding the stock market. +How do you use technical analysis to get the best odds of selling puts and be able to close the put a few days later hopefully for a win? In this macro environment, I don’t necessarily want to do the wheel. +I’m having a hard time deciding between investing 70% of my capital and selling spreads with the remaining 30%, or just wheeling the whole portfolio. + +The issue is I only have $15k, and wheeling even AAPL would take 90% of my capital. + +With spreads I could reduce my risk down to just 3-5% per trade while keeping most of my cash in boomer/growth stocks. + +This would also generate many more occurrences. + +I like the idea of owning stock and feel like going long and trading with 30% would be more profitable long term as it’s hard to beat the market. + +However wheeling would be more consistent growth. + +Do you guys diversify with stocks & options or just options trading? +Word of caution, there are plenty of people on this forum that thrive in getting people to panic or push their bearish view on them. + +I don't know where house prices are going to go but the environment isn't as bad as the narrative that people are spruiking on this forum. + +First of all the RBA will be watching closely in how the economy manages the increase in rates. As per Dr Lowe's statement, wage growth would require to increase substantially for inflation levels to be sustained once supply chains are back on track. No one wins by the RBA jacking up rate to 8% in 12 months. Its just not going to happen. Which brings me to point number 2. + +The neutral cash rate (neither stimulating nor contractionary) is 2.5%. So if you're comfortable servicing a 4.5% interest rate then you'll be fine. Yes the rate might temporarily go higher to "cool" the economy, but it would require real wage growth for this to be sustained for a longer time. Wage growth obviously makes servicing your debt easier and this means the value of debt is essentially eroded. + +So most people have their mortgage serviceability assessed at 5.5% or higher which is a full 1% higher than what the "neutral" mortgage rate is. + +Lets talk about APRA. It is the banking regulators responsibility to ensure banks aren't taking on systemic risks. They are quite happy with how the banks have been lending which can be seen by their lack of introduction of the Countercyclical capital buffer. This buffer is introduced when APRA gets a wiff of systemic risk taking, which isn't the case. + +Savings rates and deposits are through the roof meaning a large proportion of Australians have tucked away savings during the pandemic and this gives them a very nice buffer. This isn't overly surprising. People, in times of uncertainty, tend to take a conservative approach and reduce their spending or bank the stimulus checks. This happened en mass in 2020/2021. + +Speaking from experience, APRA has been engaging with all the banks and making sure they aren't taking on excessive risks. This means they've been keeping a close eye on how much of banks portfolios are in "risky" mortgages which includes high LVR loans. Investment loans, interest only loans and also loans with debt-to-income ratios of 6 times or higher. + +We are currently sitting on record low default rates in banking. This is obvious because of economy stimulus measures in 2020 and into 2021 but also record low interest rates. Default rates WILL increase because they can't stay on record lows forever. This won't be a surprise to anyone. Will this be a huge systemic issue and will it crash the housing market? I highly doubt it. + +In the organisation I work the view is that house prices have to cool. What has happened to the housing market just isn't sustainable. But the consensus is that the market will cool maybe 10% or so, certainly not the 30% to 50% drops that I've seen suggested on this forum. + +Please take this post with a grain of salt. I don't know what will happen. Admittedly compared to many other posters I have a far less pessimist view of how this housing 'crisis' will unfold. But hopefully I've expressed in layman's terms why I feel this way. + +Keen to hear other peoples views and remember its okay to disagree. +With CPI on the increase and 117k still owing on my HELP loan, it got me thinking. Will the government deduct from my super if I retire with money still owing? +Remember folks, unless you're some sort of high flyer, if the hiring process is more like a sales pitch to you than a trial to prove your value to the organization, it's probably not something you want to do. + +Red flag 1: Yesterday I got an email and then a phone call about a job opportunity. Either I had clicked on an "apply now" thing on Indeed.com for a vague posting or they found my resume, but the short description about the job on the phone was that I'd be assisting members of labor unions, credit unions, and professional associations learn about their benefits. The "interview" was to be today. I figured this is probably nothing I'm interested in, but on the face of it so far, it seems like it could be legit. + +Red flag 2: Form letter confirmation email sent immediately after phone call. It states "Attire: Business Professional, Business Suit." + +Red flag 3: Arrive to location, find two people waiting outside the entrance to the suite inside the building for the same interview time. + +Red flag 4: Wrong entrance (other entrance I had seen had different company name on it). We are escorted to another entrance where several others are in line to check in. A lady in pleather pants and gaudy heels is escorting folks to the back as they sign in. + +Red flag 5 (I should really have left by now, right?): I am given a "personality profile" multiple choice question sheet to complete. I am also asked if I have something to write with, as though it is a deep and urgent concern. + +Red flag 6: Upon completing check-in, I am ushered into a presentation room with maybe 40 total people in the audience. These, I realize, are my fellow "applicants," but I really feel "rube" is a better description. + +Red flag 7: Observing the other applicants, it's clear they are a broad mix of ages and backgrounds. Some are are clearly folks that can at least present themselves professionally, but others are clearly not able to do so, either because they lack the means or social mores. From their chit-chat with one another, it doesn't seem like many of them are the kind of people I have a lot in common with other than the need employment. + +Red flag 8:The presenters enter, four men and one woman. Man 1 has spiked, gelled hair buzzed on the sides, but it isn't artfully done. He is wearing a loudly patterned suit. Man 2 looks much better dressed and groomed, but has two rings on his right hand, including a pinkie ring with some large emblem on it. Man 3 is reasonably dressed, but Man 4 is wearing a shiny, patterned suit; a pique shirt that is monogrammed; ostentatious cuff links; and a shiny, chain bracelet. His hair is also spiked with gel and buzzed on the sides, though it's better done and fits his build better than with Man 1. Man 1 looked like someone who just didn't know any better, but on Man 4 is was straight up "bruh." Upon standing it becomes obvious that Man 4's suit is tailored to his body but still bunches at the shoulder oddly, indicating that he probably ordered it from a made-to-measure website rather than a bespoke clothier in person. Man 4 is also not wearing a tie. Upon removing his jacket while speaking, it is clear that Man 4's shirt is actually too small for his bulging biceps. + +Red flag 9: I never get a chance to assess how the woman was dressed, because she never presented. If she did interact with the audience, it would have been after Man 4 finished speaking, but I left when it was clear he was winding down and was asking each person in the audience what they liked best about he presentation. So it looks like the entire leadership team of the org are somewhat douchey-looking guys. + +Red flag 10: We are all asked (again) if we all have something to write with. + +Red flag 11: Multiple company names are thrown around. I was recruited by the Hartwig Agency, but the job is for Surace-Smith, an agent of American Income Life Insurance Company, which is also owned by Torchmark Corporation (edit: all of this is legit, but it was not clear from the beginning who the employer actually was). + +Red flag 12: The company's business model is to sell expensive insurance benefits to members of labor unions, credit unions, and professional associations. In their sample material the full annual premium of the benefits package they market is $1,600, but they pitch is as only costing $30 a week. There is lots of "think about your family / children / these benefits can be passed on to them when you're gone" talk, but it's stuff like funeral insurance, supplementary health insurance, and mortgage pay-off insurance. In other words, stuff that is expensive and should be taken care of with a simple term-life policy that's way, way cheaper for the consumer. In short: this business model is somewhat unethical. + +Red flag 13: During the presentation the company's success is hyped up. A lot. Lots of talk about their growth and about their revenue and stock price. An impressive chart showing 1996 to now is shown. They talk about how Warren Buffet owns a lot of it. No mention is made about the plummet in value the company's stock price experienced in 2014, only about half of which is accounted for by a stock split, or of how growth has been significantly slower since then. + +Red flag 14: A description of who they are looking for is given in the form of the "Seven Cs." We are urged to write down the Cs and to contemplate which is most important to us. Later, the five Ps are also brought up in terms of how to get clients to purchase their product. + +Red flag 15: They claim to be rated in the best placed to work by a Cleveland newspaper. A search shows they are not, or at least not in the top 75 of the most current ranking. + +Red flag 16: Man 3, the presenter on "technology," extols the virtue of their system in which "representatives" (those hired) use laptops to show what is essentially an interactive video as the primary pitch to potential customers rather than have to make the pitch or explain anything themselves. Later is it implied we will need our personal laptops for this. + +Red flag 17: Compensation is entirely commissions based, and it is further revealed that it's a pyramid scheme. After the first 3 months, representatives can train other reps and get a match on their commission. As you age into the company, these matches increase in size and become tiered. We're told that as the folks we once trained have trained other folks and they start making sales, we earn a match on that commission too. + +Red flag 18: When they talk about the charities they support as a company, I only recognize one (FCA), and they all appear to be faith-based. + +Red flag 19: Man 4 removes his jacket during his presentation, revealing a shirt that was too tight. He hands his jacket to the one woman, who hasn't spoken to us at all. She places it lightly on his chair back. Man 4 proceeds to sip on a large can of energy drink during his presentation. + +Red flag 20, and perhaps the biggest: Man 4 encourages audience members to pay ~$250 for the various online training courses and license application fees to be legally able to perform this job in the state of Ohio with a credit card. He had strong recommendations for which online training site to use - to the point that I suspect the company owns that site. He makes it clear that "this isn't for us, this is for the state. We don't pay for this because this is a licence that you keep and will put on your resume." + +Red flag 21: At the conclusion of Man 4's presentation (by which time Men 1-3 have left), he asks each audience member to say their name what they liked best about what we've all just heard. At this point I simply leave, uninterested and feeling dirty all over. + +Red flag 22: As I exit the office, the lady at reception is very concerned about getting my name before I leave. + +Edit: OMG, GUYS, THEY HAVE A HYPE VIDEO!!! + +http://www.suracesmith.com + +Edit 2: Minor typo fixes and some small changes for clarity of reading. +If you base your worldview on the frontpage of r/investing and r/wallstreetbets, it's a pretty scary time. That's why we'd all do well to remember some great advice from the legendary investor and quencher of hunger Warren Buffet - oops, I mean, Buffett. + +Anyway, Warren Buffett said, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." + +Well, it's looking pretty fearful out there right now. Buffett has done pretty well for himself and the wise heed his advice. +Hi, + +I couldn't find any good info about the 70% (or 90%) tax exemption for new tax residents in Italy. On the Internet, I can find only news but nothing specific. + +Here's what I mean: [https://www.clearygottlieb.com/news-and-insights/publication-listing/tax-breaks-for-workers-moving-to-italy-new-official-guidelines-released](https://www.clearygottlieb.com/news-and-insights/publication-listing/tax-breaks-for-workers-moving-to-italy-new-official-guidelines-released) + +Is there anyone who has experience with that? Can you recommend any tax consultant/accountant who could answer my questions? + +Cheers + +By the way, I'm not sure if a post like this violates the rules here but the link isn't available. If it's not allowed to ask for contacts to accountants here, sorry for that! +Hi everyone, + +I am new to investments, and I have a couple of questions. I just opened my DeGiro account, and I am planning to start investing. I will have every month between 500€ - 1000€ monthly. Additionally, there will be between 5K€ - 15K€ of additional income that I would be able to invest every year, but not on a regular basis. + +My plan is to Invest 500€ every month + 70% of additional income in ETFs and to use everything else into buying stocks directly. +Because I am in the tech field, and I have good knowledge of some tech companies, I would be mainly buying tech stocks. +Now we come to the question. What are good ETFs with Global, EU, and US portfolio that are not tech heavy? Something like S&P500 but without tech companies. +Also, what is your opinion on this strategy? What could be done differently? +Important information is that I plan to invest in the long term. I'm not planning to touch these stocks for at least 10 years. Another one is that I live and pay taxes in Germany. +Thanks for the answers :) +*TLDR: Any good ways to diversify risk when investing in real estate and are there any platforms that you use that offer fractional investment (but you actually own the property)?* + +&#x200B; + +As a stock and crypto investor for a number of years now, lately I have been thinking of taking the plunge into real estate. Mortgages are so low nowadays that they make it really easy to buy something and even if you rent the property out you're likely to be cash positive in the end. The issue here is that I'd be contracting a relatively large mortgage by myself and I wouldn't really be diversifying risk in any way. + +I also know there are crowdfunding platforms in France and Germany like Bricks and Realty that seem to offer relatively high returns. Are those even worth taking a look into? One thing I didn't like about those at first glance is that you don't seem to actually own the property, but just the ususfructus (essentially the right to make profit out of it). Does anyone know if that is a big deal? + +A third option to mitigate risk is to get a few friends and invest together outsourcing the management of the property to a real estate company (although contracting a mortgage might prove to be a pain when multiple parties are involved). Is this completely crazy? Has anyone tried something like this before or know a company/solution where I can somehow co-invest and actually have ownership over the property? + +Some people over at BEFire suggested I look into fractional investments in luxury vacation properties but it doesn't really seem to make much sense, as a rental unit in let's say Brussels, Berlin or Vienna would generate more "bang per buck". + +Thanks in advance! +Hi everyone, I've (31M from Italy) started studying the ETF market and I would like to invest in ETF + bond (safe). I've watched Investing Demystified by Lars Kroijer and documented on some general terms and concept on Investopedia. + +&#x200B; + +To buy ETF I will use Degiro, to buy Bonds I will use my home banking (AFAIK there's not Degiro style for bond). + +&#x200B; + +What I would like to improve is my knowledge to understand which is the best-suited index for my investment type, which ETFs (based on the index) is the best one (there are so many and it's a little bit confusing) and what I should look into to track the best performance/cost (also, which site should I use to track those performance?). + +&#x200B; + +What I would like is to make a list of content (books, videos, articles) that allows me to get more knowledge about it. Could you suggest me some? +Hi team! +I'm still trying too choose between VWCE and IWDA+EMIM+IMAE. +Now, when VWCE is on Degiro core list, it became more attractive. All 3 iShares ETFs are also free. +I have a Dutch account and VWCE is available on XET and MIL only. +Do you know if I will have to pay higher fees for buying/selling on XET than if buying iShares on Amsterdam exchange? +Thank you and appreciate any advice! +Hello. +Since i use (also) Trading212 and there are no shorting and options trading, I am curious about inverse Etfs. +Has anyone here used them as a hedge, say, in march when market was falling? +Can they be used if some very bad news hit and you expect the market to fall for about a week or two? +Is it safe to hold them for more than 1 day? An example of the etf: Xtrackers S&P 500 2x Inverse Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C. I would appreciate any info. Thanks +Hello! + +Bonds noob over here. I'd like to buy U.S. treasury bonds (since interest rates are up). Which ones should I pick on Interactive Brokers? + +How does it work overall? Can you actually lose money on a bond? (its price falling, or similar?) I guess not, since at maturity I just get my capital back with interest. Right? + +Sorry but the info online if confusing. +As the title suggests, I'm from the US and have been living and working in Germany for about a year now. When I was in the US I maxed out my 401k and put most of my savings in a Vanguard index fund. + +So two questions, would it be worth it for me to also max out my BAV? My company is starting a matching program in January but I've seen a few posts saying that it under performs against inflation. It's also possible that I'll move back to the US eventually, though at the moment I have no plans to do that in the next 5 years. + +Also, does anyone know how I might continue investing in index funds from the EU? First there is the issue of me being American as the only bank that has let me open an account is N26 and second it seems that there are laws that restrict this investment as a private citizen ie not a professional or high net worth investor (at least judging by initial research, I honestly do not know that much about the EU market). Any advice/suggestions? + +Thanks in advance :) +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/08/robinhood-gets-fca-approval-to-launch-stock-trading-app-in-the-uk.html?&qsearchterm=robinhood + +Robinhood has been granted broker authorization from the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority. + +It’s been building out a team in London led by former TransferWise executive Wander Rutgers. +So here it is, three more days and October begins, which marks one year of trading for me. I figured I would contribute to the forum and share some of my experience, a little about me, and what I've learned so far. Whoever wants to listen, that's great. This might get long so buckle up.. + +Three years ago, I was visiting Toronto. I don't get out much, but my roommate at the time travels there occasionally. He asked everyone at our place if we wanted to come along for a weekend. My roommate has an uncle that lives there and we didn't have to worry about a hotel because his uncle owns a small house that's unlived in which we could stay at. I was the only one to go with. Anyways, we walk around the city, seeing the sights and whatnot. + +My friend says to me "where next?" + +"I don't know, you're the tour guide" + +"We can go check out Bay Street" + +"what's 'Bay Street?'" + +"It's like the Canadian Wall street! If you haven't seen it you gotta see it!" + +Walking along Bay, I admire all the nice buildings and architecture, everything seems larger than life to me. I love things like that. The huge granite facades with intricate designs and towering pillars to make you think, *How the fuck did they make that?* My attention pivots to a man walking on the sidewalk opposite us. His gait stood out among everyone, he walked with such a purpose.. He laughed into the cell phone to his ear. In the elbow-shoving city environment, he moved with a stride that exuded a power which not only commanded respect, but assumed it. *I bet HE can get a text back, hell he's probably got girls waiting on him.* This dude was dressed to kill, a navy suit that you could just tell from across the street was way out of my budget, it was a nice fucking suit. *I want that.* His life, across the street, seemed a world a way from my own. I've worn a suit maybe *twice* in my life. For my first communion, it was too big for me, I was eleven or whatever so who gives a shit, right? I'm positive I looked ridiculous. *The other time?* I can't remember. + + *I want that. I want the suit.* I want the *wealth*, the *independence.* *I want the respect and power, and I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about it.* + +Cue self doubt. + +*Well, He's probably some rich banker's son. That's a world you're born into. I don't know shit about it. \*sigh\* keep walking..* + +&#x200B; + +A year later, I'm visiting my parents at their house, they live an hour away from my place. My dad is back from Tennessee, his engineering job was laying people off and he got canned... Or he saw the end was near and just left... I don't know, hard to pay attention to the guy honestly because he kind of just drones on and on. (*"Wait, so your mom lives in Michigan, but your dad moved to Tennessee... for a job?"* Yea man, I don't fucking know, not going to touch on that one.*)* The whole project was a shit show that was doomed to never get done, the way he tells it. And he's obviously jaded from multiple similar experiences at other life-sucking engineer jobs. My mom is a retired nurse practitioner who no longer works because of her illness. I ask him what he's doing for work now and he tells me he trades stocks from home. I didn't even know you could do that. I didn't know "trading" was a thing. I thought you just invest and hope for the best. + +"Oh that's cool, how much money do you need to do that?" + +"Ehh, most say you need at least $25,000 as a minimum" + +"Oh... guess I can't do that..." + + + +Six months later, I get a call and it's my dad. We talk a little about whatever. Off topic, he starts asking if I'm happy doing what I'm doing (I was a painter, commercial and residential) I tell him yes but it's kind of a pain in the ass and I don't see it as a long term thing. Then he gets around to asking if I'd like to come work with him. He basically pitches it to me. I'm not one to be sold on something, I'm always skeptical. So I ask all the questions that any rational person would ask and he just swats them away with reassuring phrases. He was real confident about it. But basically he says for this to work, I have to quit my job and move back home so he can teach me how to trade and be by my side so I don't do anything stupid. *"**~~My Name~~* *, you can make so much money."* I say that I can't raise the $25,000 because I'm not far above just living paycheck to paycheck. "I can help you out with that." Wow, okay, well... let me think about it. + +My "maybe" very soon turned into a "definitely." So over the next six months, I continue to work my day job painting, and I try to save up what I could for the transition (it wasn't a whole lot, I sucked at saving. I was great at spending though!). My dad gives me a book on day trading (which I will mention later) and I teach myself what I can about the stock market using Investopedia. Also in the meantime, my dad sends me encouraging emails. He tells me to think of an annual income I would like to make as a trader, and used "more than $100,000 but less than a million" as a guideline. He tells me about stocks that he traded that day or just ones that moved and describes the basic price action and the prices to buy and sell at. Basically saying "if you bought X amount of shares here and sold it at X price here, you could make a quick 500 bucks!" I then use a trading sim to trade those symbols and try to emulate what he says. Piece of cake. ;) + +*Wow, that's way more than what I make in a day.* + +He tells me not to tell anyone about my trading because most people just think it's gambling. "*Don't tell your Mom either."* He says most people who try this fail because they don't know how to stop out and take a loss. He talks about how every day he was in a popular chatroom, some noob would say something like, "Hey guys, I bought at X price (high of day or thereabout), my account is down 80% .. uhh I'm waiting for it to come back to my entry price.. what do I do??" + +*Well shit, I'm not that fucking dumb. If that's all it takes to make it is to buy low, sell high, and always respect a stop then I'll be fantastic.* + +By the end of September, I was very determined. I had been looking forward everyday to quitting my painting job because while it used to be something I loved, it was just sucking the life out of me at this point. Especially working commercial, you just get worked like a dog. I wasn't living up to my potential with that job and I felt awful for it every minute of every day. I knew that I needed a job where I could use my brain instead of slaving my body to fulfill someone else's dream. *"Someone's gotta put gas in the boss's boat"* That's a line my buddy once said that he probably doesn't know sticks with me to this day. + +*It ain't me.* + +So now it was October 2018, and I'm back living with Mom n' Pops. I was so determined that on my last day of work I gave away all of my painting tools to my buddy like, "here, I don't need this shit." Moving out of my rental was easy because I don't own much, 'can't take it with ya.' Excited for the future I now spend my days bundled up in winter wear in the cold air of our hoarder-like basement with a space heater at my feet. My laptop connected to a TV monitor, I'm looking at stocks next to my dad and his screens in his cluttered corner. Our *Trading Dungeon.* I don't trade any money, (I wasn't aware of any real-time sim programs) I just watch and learn from my dad. Now you've got to keep in mind, and look at a chart of the S&P, this is right at the beginning of Oct '18, I came in right at the market top. Right at the start of the shit-show. For the next three or four weeks, I watch my dad pretty much scratch on every trade, taking small loss after small loss, and cursing under his breath at the screen. + +Click. + +"*dammit."* + +*Click.* + +*"shit."* + +*Click. Click.* + +*"you fuck."* + +Click. + +This gets really fucking annoying as time goes on, for weeks, and I get this attitude like *ugh, just let me do it. I'll make us some fucking money.* So I convince him to let me start trading live. I didn't know anything about brokers so I set up an account using his broker, which was Fidelity. It was a pain and I had to jump through a lot of hoops to be able to day trade with this broker. I actually had to make a joint account with my dad as I couldn't get approved for margin because my credit score is shit (never owned a credit card) and my net worth, not much. Anyways, they straight up discourage day trading and I get all kinds of warning messages with big red letters that made me shit myself like ***oooaaahhh what the fuck did I do now. Did I forget to close a position?? Did I fat finger an order? Am I now in debt for thousands of dollars to Fidelity?? They're going to come after me like they came after Madoff.*** Even after you are approved for PDT you still get these warning messages in your account. Some would say if I didn't comply with "whatever rule" they'd even suspend my account for 60 days. It was ridiculous, hard to describe because it doesn't make sense, and it took the support guy on the phone a good 20 minutes to explain it to me. Basically I got the answer "yea it's all good, you did nothing wrong. As long as you have the cash in your account to cover whatever the trade balance was" So I just kept getting these warnings that I had to ignore everyday. I hate Fidelity. + +My fist day trading, I made a few so-so trades and then I got impatient. I saw YECO breaking out and I chased, soon realized I chased, so I got out. -$500. *Shit, I have to make that back, I don't want my dad to see this.* Got back in. *Shit.* \-$400. So my first day trading, I lost $900. My dumbass was using market orders so that sure didn't help. I reeled the risk back and traded more proper position size for a while, but the commissions for a round trip are $10, so taking six trades per day, I'm losing $60 at a minimum on top of my losing trades. Quickly I realized I didn't know what the hell I was doing. *What about my dad? Does HE know?* One day, in the trading dungeon, I was frustrated with the experience I'd been having and just feeling lost overall. I asked him. + +"So, are you consistently profitable?" + +"mmm... I do alright." + +"Yea but like, are you consistently profitable over time?" + +......................... + +"I do alright." + +*Silence.* + +"Do you *know* any consistently profitable traders?" + +"Well the one who wrote that book I gave you, Tina Turner.. umm and there's Ross Cameron" + +...................... + +"So you don't know any consistently profitable traders, personally.. People who are not trying to sell you something?" + +"no." + +................... + +*Holy fucking shit, what did this idiot get me into. He can't even say it to my face and admit it.* + +This entire life decision, quitting my job, leaving my rental, moving from my city to back home, giving shit away, it all relied on that. I was supposed to be an apprentice to a ***consistently profitable day trader who trades for a living.*** It was so assumed, that I never even thought to ask! Why would you tell your son to quit his job for something that you yourself cannot do? *Is this all a scam? Did my dad get sold a DREAM? Did I buy into some kind of ponzi scheme? How many of those winning trades he showed me did he actually take?* ***Are there ANY consistently profitable DAY TRADERS who TRADE FOR A LIVING?*** *Why do 90% fail? Is it because the other 10% are scamming the rest in some way?* Completely lost, I just had no clue what was what. If I was going to succeed at this, if it was even *possible* to succeed at this, it was entirely up to me. I had to figure it out. I still remember the feeling like an overwhelming, crushing weight on me as it all sunk in. *This is going to be a big deal..* I'm not the type to give up though. In that moment, I said to myself, + +***I'm going to fucking win at this. I don't know if this is possible, but I'm going to find out. I cannot say with certainty that I will succeed, but no matter what, I will not give up. I'm going to give all of myself to this. I will find the truth.*** + +It was a deep moment for me. I don't like getting on my soapbox, but when I said those things, I meant it. *I really, really meant it. I still do, and I still will.* + +Now it might seem like I'm being hard on my dad. He has done a lot for me and I am very grateful for that. We're sarcastic as hell to each other, I love the bastard. Hell, I wouldn't have the opportunity to trade at all if not for him. But maybe you can also understand how overwhelmed I felt at that time. Not on purpose, of course he means well. But I am not a trusting person at all and I was willing to put trust into him after all the convincing and was very disappointed when I witnessed the reality of the situation. I would have structured this transition to trading differently, **you don't just quit your job and start trading.** Nobody was there to tell me that! I was told quite the opposite. I'm glad it happened anyway, so fuck it. I heard Kevin O'Leary once say, + + *"If I knew in the beginning how difficult starting a business was, I don't know that I ever would've started."* + +This applies very much to my experience. + + + +So what did I do? Well like everyone I read and read and Googled and Youtube'd my ass off. I sure as hell didn't pay for a course because I didn't have the money and I'm like 99% sure I would be disappointed by whatever they were teaching as pretty much everything can be found online or in books for cheap or free. Also I discovered Thinkorswim and I used that to sim trade in real-time for three months. This is way the hell different than going on a sim at 5x speed and just clicking a few buy and sell buttons. Lol, useless. When you sim trade in real-time you're forced to have a routine, and you're forced to experience missing trades with no chance to rewind or skip the boring parts. That's a step up because you're "in it". I also traded real money too, made some, lost more than I made. went back to sim. Traded live again, made some but lost more, fell back to PDT. Dad fronted me more cash. This has happened a few times. He's dug me out of some holes because he believes in me. I'm fortunate. + +Oh yeah, about that book my dad gave me. It's called A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online by Toni Turner. This book... is shit. This was supposed to be my framework for how to trade and I swear it's like literally nothing in this book fucking works lol. I could tell this pretty early on, intuitively, just by looking at charts. It's basically a buy-the-breakout type strategy, if you want to call it a strategy. No real methodology to anything just vague crap and showing you cherry-picked charts with entries that are way too late. With experience in the markets you will eventually come to find that MOST BREAKOUTS FAIL. It talks about support/resistance lines and describes them as, "picture throwing a ball down at the floor, it bounces up and then it bounces down off the ceiling, then back up." So many asinine assumptions. These ideas are a text book way of how to trade like dumb money. Don't get me wrong, these trades can work but you need to be able to identify the setups which are more probable and identify reasons not to take others. So I basically had to un-learn all that shit. + +Present day, I have a routine in place. I'm out of the dungeon and trade by myself in my room. I trade with a discount broker that is catered to day traders and doesn't rape me on commissions. My mornings have a framework for analyzing the news and economic events of the particular day, I journal so that I can recognize what I'm doing right and where I need to improve. I record my screens for later review to improve my tape reading skills. I am actually tracking my trades now and doing backtesting in equities as well as forex. I'm not a fast reader but I do read a lot, as much as I can. So far I have read about 17-18 books on trading and psychology. I've definitely got a lot more skilled at trading. + +As of yet I am not net profitable. Writing that sounds like selling myself short though, honestly. Because a lot of my trades are very good and are executed well. I have talent. However, lesser quality trades and trades which are inappropriately sized/ attempted too many times bring down that P/L. I'm not the type of trader to ignore a stop, I'm more the trader that just widdles their account down with small losses. I trade live because at this point, sim has lost its value, live trading is the ultimate teacher. So I do trade live but I just don't go big like I did before, I keep it small. + +I could show you trades that I did great on and make people think I'm killing it but I really just don't need the validation. I don't care, I'm real about it. I just want to get better. I don't need people to think I'm a genius, I'm just trying to make some money. + +Psychologically, to be honest with you, I currently feel beaten down and exhausted. I put a lot of energy into this, and sometimes I work myself physically sick, it's happened multiple times. About once a week, usually Saturday, I get a headache that lasts all day. My body's stress rebound mechanism you might call it. Getting over one of those sick periods now, which is why I barely even traded this week. I know I missed a lot of volatility this week and some A+ setups but I really just don't give a shit lol. I just currently don't have the mental capital, I think anyone who's been day trading every day for a year or more can understand what I mean by that. I'm still being productive though. Again, I'm not here to present an image of some badass trader, just keeping it real. To give something 100% day after day while receiving so much resistance, it takes a toll on you. So a break is necessary to avoid making bad trading decisions. That being said, I'm progressing more and more and eliminating those lesser quality trades and identifying my bad habits. I take steps to control those habits and strengthen my good habits such as having a solid routine, doing review and market research, taking profits at the right times, etc. + + + + So maybe I can give some advice to some that are new to day trading, those who are feeling lost, or just in general thinking *"...What the fuck..."* I thought that every night for the first 6 months lol. + +First of all, **manage expectations.** If you read my story of how I came to be a trader, you can see I had a false impression of trading in many aspects. Give yourself a realistic time horizon to how progress should be made. Do not set a monetary goal for yourself, or any time-based goal that is measured in your P/L. If you tell yourself, "*I want to make X per day, X per week, or X per year"* you're setting yourself up to feel like shit every single day when it's clear as the blue sky that you won't reach that goal anytime soon. As a matter of fact, it will appear you are moving further AWAY from that goal if you just focus on your P/L, which brings me to my next point. + +**You will lose money.** In the beginning, most likely, you will lose money. I did it, you'll do it, the greatest Paul Tudor Jones did it. Trading is a skill that needs to be developed, and it is a process. Just look at it as paying your tuition to the market. Sim is fine but don't assume you have acquired this skill until you are adept at trading real money. So when you do make that leap, just trade small. + +**Just survive.** Trade small. get the experience. Protect your capital. To reach break even on your bottom line is a huge accomplishment. *In many ways, experience and screen time are the secret sauce.* + +**Have a routine.** This is very important. I actually will probably make a more in-depth post in the future about this if people want it. When I first started, I was overwhelmed with the feeling *"What the fuck am I supposed to DO?"* I felt lost. There's no boss to tell you how to be productive or how to find the right stocks, which is mostly a blessing, but a curse for new traders. + +**All that shit you see, don't believe all that bullshit.** You know what I'm talking about. The bragposting, the clickbait Youtube videos, the ads preying on you. "I made X amount of money in a day and I'm fucking 19 lolz look at my Lamborghini" It's all a gimmick to sell you the dream. It's designed to poke right at your insecurities, that's marketing at it's finest. As for the bragposting on forums honestly, who cares. And I'm not pointing fingers on this forum, just any trading forum in general. They are never adding anything of value to the community in their posts. They never say *this is how I did it.* No, they just want you to think they're a genius. I can show you my $900 day trading the shit out of TSLA, but that doesn't tell the whole story. Gamblers never show you when they lose, you might never hear from those guys again because behind the scenes, they over-leveraged themselves and blew up. *Some may actually be consistently profitable and the trades are 100% legit.* That's fantastic. But again, I don't care, and you shouldn't either. You shouldn't compare yourself to others. + +**"Everyone's a genius in a bull market"** Here's the thing.. Markets change. Edges disappear. Trading strategies were made by traders who traded during times when everything they did worked. *Buy all the breakouts? Sure! It's the fucking tech bubble! Everything works!* I'm sure all those typical setups used to work fantastically at some point in time. But the more people realize them, the less effective they are. *SOMEONE has to be losing money on the opposite side of a winning trade*, and who's willing to do that when the trade is so obvious? That being said, some things are obvious AND still work. Technical analysis works... sometimes. The caveat to that is, filters. You need to, in some way, filter out certain setups from others. For example, you could say, "I won't take a wedge pattern setup on an intraday chart unless it is in a higher time frame uptrend, without nearby resistance, and trading above average volume with news on that day." + +**Have a plan.** If you can't describe your plan, you don't have one. Think in probabilities. You should think entirely in "if, then" scenarios. *If X has happens, then Y will probably happen. "If BABA breaks this premarket support level on the open I will look for a pop up to short into."* + +**Backtest.** Most traders lose mainly because they think they have an edge but they don't. You read these books and all this stuff online telling you "this is a high probability setup" but do you know that for a fact? There's different ways to backtest, but I think the best way for a beginner is manual backtesting with a chart and an excel sheet. This builds up that screen time and pattern recognition faster. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSIRv_eajzI&t=1230s) shows how to do that. Once I *saw* someone do it, it didn't seem so boring and awful as I thought it was. + +**Intelligence is not enough.** You're smarter than most people, that's great, but that alone is not enough to make you money in trading necessarily. Brilliant people try and fail at this all the time, lawyers, doctors, surgeons, engineers.. Why do they fail if they're so smart? *~~It's all a fucking scam.~~* No, a number of reasons, but the biggest is *discipline* and *emotional intelligence.* + +**Journal every day.** *~~K no thanks, bro. That's fucking gay.~~* That's how I felt when I heard this advice but really that is pride and laziness talking. This is the process you need to do to learn what works for you and what doesn't. Review the trades you took, what your plan was, what actually happened, how you executed. Identify what you did well and what you can work on. This is how you develop *discipline* and *emotional intelligence,* by monitoring yourself. How you feel physically and mentally, and how these states affect your decision-making. + +**Always be learning.** Read as much as you can. Good quality books. Here's the best I've read so far; + +Market Wizards -Jack Schwager + +One Good Trade -Mike Bellafiore + +The Daily Trading Coach -Bret Steenbarger + +Psycho-cybernetics -Maxwell Maltz + +Why You Win or Lose -Fred Kelly + +The Art and Science of Technical Analysis -Adam Grimes + +Dark Pools -Scott Patterson + +**Be nimble.** Everyday I do my research on the symbols I'm trading and the fundamental news that's driving them. I might be trading a large cap that's gapping up with a beat on EPS and revenue and positive guidance. But if I see that stock pop up and fail miserably on the open amidst huge selling pressure, and I look and see the broader market tanking, guess what, I'm getting short, and that's just day trading. *The movement of the market, on an intraday timeframe, doesn't have to make logical sense.* + +**Adapt.** In March I used to be able to buy a breakout on a symbol and swing it for the majority of the day. In the summer I was basically scalping on the open and being done for the day. Volatility changes, and so do my profit targets. + +**Be accountable. Be humble. Be honest.** I take 100% responsibility for every dime I've lost or made in the market. It's not the market makers fault, it wasn't the HFTs, *I pressed the button.* I know my bad habits and I know my good habits.. my strengths/ my weaknesses. + +**Protect yourself from toxicity.** Stay away from traders and people on forums who just have that negative mindset. That "can't be done" mentality. *~~Day trading is a scam!!~~* It can certainly be done. ~~Prove it, you bastard.~~ I'm posting to this particular forum because I don't see much of that here and apparently the mods to a good job of not tolerating it. As the mod wrote in the rules, they're most likely raging from a loss. Also, the Stocktwits mentality of "AAPL is going to TANK on the open! $180, here we come. $$$" , or the grandiose stories, "I just *knew* AMZN was going to go up on earnings. *I could feel it.* I went ALL IN. Options money, baby! ka-ching!$" Lol, that is so toxic to a new trader. Get away from that. *How will you be able to remain nimble when this is your thought process?* + +**Be good to yourself.** Stop beating yourself up. You're an entrepreneur. You're *boldly going where no man has gone before.* You've got balls. + +Acknowledge your mistakes, don't identify with them. Y*ou are not your mistakes and you are not your bad habits*. These are only *things that you do*, and you can take action necessary to *do them less.* + +It doesn't matter what people think. Maybe they think you're a fool, a gambler. You don't need their approval. You don't need to talk to your co-workers and friends about it to satisfy some subconscious plea for guidance; *is this a good idea?* + +*You don't need anyone's permission to become the person you want to be.* + +They don't believe in you? Fuck 'em. ***I believe in you.*** +It's time for some annual reports! This weekend I am sitting down with Nike and Texas Instruments. From the financials, they look solid, time to dig deeper. + +How about you? What are you looking at this weekend? +I have about $4000 in debt and $8500 in savings. I was originally going to pay off my debt over time, $300-$400 biweekly but now I'm wondering if I should just take care of it now and if it would help me in the long run. I despise having to put the entirety of my paycheck towards stuff like that. My paychecks are about $750 and my credit card interest is 12.99%. I recently lowered it from 15.99%. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I have just paid off my debt completely. Thanks for input, everyone!! + +EDIT AGAIN: Thank you for everyone who has and continues to respond with positivity and support! So glad other people have decided to make the same decision and become debt-free! +Hello today I waited 4 hours continuously being told my flight was delayed until they eventually told me it was canceled at which point I spent another 4 hours waiting in line at the service counter to be told that there is no refunds and they have already rebooked my flight at a different airport 3 days from now. I don’t need this flight they booked me and I don’t need travel points for a future flight. The person at the kiosk told me that I could call JetBlue but they will only give me travel points for the future at most. I called my credit card company and they told me they’ll open a dispute if a refund is not issued within 10 days. I just want my money back, my trip is ruined, is there anybody who has any experience with something like this and can maybe tell me what I should do next? + +Edit: to add to this I did have a whole trip planned with an Airbnb and theme park tickets already booked. We had a whole group of us going together and we were all given different flight times at different airports later this week. I genuinely can’t believe this is even legal. + +Edit again: turns out it may not be that legal lmao +They will make fake shills acounts. +They will make fake screenshots or photoshopped big whale sellings. +They will use the media to say so and so sold n to exit now +They will use the media to say to exit at 1k it is the ceiling +They will use the media and shills to say 10k is our exit sell sell sell +They will try everything to get us to dump our shares. +Fuck em, Ape just like the stock. +Logged on to Fidelity and saw my QYLD down four grand. Then noticed the dividend payout of .4994. + +That's a pleasant surprise. More than double my expectation. + +I guess the five grand I'll get paid next week makes up a little bit for the paper loss. + +It'll be interesting to see if the price meanders back or is gone for good. + +Any thoughts? Was this all ROC? Does it matter? +**KEY POINTS** + +* **Nordstrom shares are trading nearly $20 a share lower than a $50 a share buyout offer it rejected as too low two years ago.** +* **The slide doesn’t mean the company won’t be able to recover.** +* **Part of the pressure on its shares is Nordstorm is making the investments it needs to survive, and being punished as a result.** +* [https://cnb.cx/2xHyZsj](https://cnb.cx/2xHyZsj) +There's a few things happening right now, but I don't truly understand any of them. + +1. Why were funds shorting Gamestop? +2. Why did people just now begin to take an issue with those short positions? +3. Why did Elon Musk choose to Tweet about it and what did that do? +4. What is happening with funds being propped up now? Why? By whom? +5. Why is this happening? What I am understanding: [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) is a bunch of redditors willing to throw down $100-$1k on stocks that they're directed towards via the top-post on their sub. Usually just drops in the ocean, when they all coalesce, it forms a damn iceberg. Is there more to this sub than that? Am I missing a key strategic uniqueness of it? + +EDIT: I know, I misspelled Gamestop in the title - my bad. + +&#x200B; +With so many new money joining the Crypto revolution I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring and give my 2 satoshis on how to prepare for the long dark (I.e. Bear Market). My gut tells me we're on the cusp - could be days, weeks or even months till the big correction but make no mistakes: It will happen. + +Last bear market i got burned pretty badly blindly 'hodling' my bags, many of which were were shitcoins which suffered way more than the big boys (Bitcoin, Eth). I made a 95% loss and still have half the bitcoin equivalent to what I originally bought 4-5 years back. I'll not be making the same mistakes this time that's for sure. + +My survivors tips to the Bear market: + +1. Don't panic, have a strategy & stick to it - this one is universal for Bull/Bear markets, but in the context of the Bears we think more of stop losses and slowly buying back in. Set your targets, entries & exits as well as investment horizon. There's a huge opportunity there to short in a bear market and accumulate more (Dollar cost avg in is v useful), but if you are OK riding out 90% losses for a few years by all means hold, that's up to you. + + +2. Don't put in more than you're willing to lose - if you're in this position now, you should consider scaling back positions. Stop losses & sell orders are your friends (re: point 1, this fits into your exit strategy), this will help avoid you going beyond your risk tolerance. + + +3. Think long term - "bear markets never last, only tough people last", it's going to feel rough seeing 20% losses every day for a week on your favourite crypto. No matter how solid the whitepaper, team and tech crypto is still in its infancy. FOMO only seems to apply to coins going up, but coins going down while you hold FIAT is probably even better if we think about where crypto will be in 5-10 years. + + +4. Take care of yourself - last bear market suicide hotlines were pinned on basically all the crypto subs, it was a dark period for many who had lost their life savings etc. Imagine a bad day of losses currently and multiply that by 100x (it's shit in a bear market if you're hodling). I think 1-3 will set you up to weather the bad times, but this tip is really just to reinforce the point that we're all human and money/crypto is NOT as important as our mental health. + +Any other old timers in crypto feel free to add anything else to this - hopefully this Bull market keeps going for a fair while, but planning the Bear attack feels prudent right now. BoL +It's common knowledge here that the SOL network goes down frequently, gets hacked, doesn't work etc yet people still continue to invest in it. And yet again it was attacked YET AGAIN recently! If traditional banking was this flakey the government would haul it over the coals and watch it burn. + +Yet people still invest in this centralized chain. + +Litecoin for example (and I am sure there are many other examples that people can name) has had 100 percent uptime with literally no hacks or exploits, yet people instantly dismiss. + +It brings me to the conclusion that we don't really care about fundamentals in the crypto space, only juicy profits. + +So it brings me back to the original point of this post, why an earth are people investing in SOL when it is the least secure and reliable chain in crypto? +Cash on hand: $1.4M liquid +NW: $9.1M +15% + +How much cash do you all keep and why? + +For me, I’m already heavily invested in equities and not sure at this point what to invest in. +(I can verify my NW and age if necessary for the mods ) + +My current life position is that I have a liquid NW of \~$12M, I'm in my 20s, never worked a 'career' job in my life, and don't have any tangible skill set. I'm working on my bachelors in business tech from a very average school in the States. As you can imagine, the NW is just luck not skill. + +The issue as I see it is that I'm not sure how to break into society without the valence of a salary. Everyone I know is either going to grind to become higher members of society (M.D./Lawyer/CPA/CFA) or are going to grind it out for comparatively low discretionary spending. Either way, on my current path I won't really fit in. I won't have the skill-set/title to be useful to the circles of working professionals; and I really can't see myself grinding 40 hour weeks for $50k a year just so I can meet people at work. I already find it hard enough to motivate myself for my classes. I think with my current path I'll be 50 and outside the circles of both the upper-class skillwise and the middle-class lifestyle wise. + +I realize this is an incredibly lucky 'problem' to have. I am by no means trying to pity myself but simply asking for insight. + +My options as I see it are: + +1. Finish school and get a regular ($50k-80k) office job and see if I like working for the sake of working. +2. Try to go to Med/Law school for the sake of broadening myself and becoming useful. Though my grades aren't great so I think that would be a risky and time consuming investment. +3. Spend my time working towards a skill for the sake of enjoyment (sport, art, chess). However I see this quickly becoming monotonous unless I discovered something I could compete at a high-level in. +4. Try and maximize my NW until I eventually have become useful to others simply for being able to accept the risk of being a an angel investor. + +And just in-case it needs to be said. I am happy for my luck; do not see this as me being upset with my position. + +TL:DR Unskilled kid with money that isn't sure how to fit into a society that largely works and obtains accredited skills for the sake of a salary. +So many arrogant fucks here love talking technical analysis when they can't even do basic fraction arithmetic much less understand Ito Calculus. Fucking clowns, all of them. + +Shut the fuck up and do your trades. If you really need a number you can't even derive to tell you whether you should buy a stock or not you deserve losing all and hanging yourself. + +Newsflash, the stock market never made sense nor will it. Best you can do is trade shit you know about and feel still hasn't been spotted by the bandwagon of smooth brains on subreddits like this one or r/stocks . Or alternatively manipulate the market like the rich investors you look up to do. Warren Buffet's dad was a politician, if you think that shit didn't help that fat fuck then not only are you retarded but also delusional. + +Now stfu about volatility and RSI. If you actually knew what the fuck was going to happen you'd be chilling in Hawaii with a fat titty chick not on Reddit posting "technical analysis". +First of all I think this sub Reddit is great, some really good information on offer to people of all types. + +To be upfront I'm a qualified and practising IFA, but nearly half the age of the average adviser. I've got maybe 30 years left of working in the industry until retirement, which in my opinion has predominantly been very old fashioned, manually done, and I feel is likely to need to change massively in the future to keep up with what people need and want. + +I know I am likely to get some biased opinions on here as this is a personal finance board. But I'm really interested to hear people's thoughts and opinions on Financial Advisers and Advice in general, or even opinions of people you know if it's even been brought up? +I saw a thread today, and multiple in the past. + +I've worked for 3 of the 4 major carriers in the states. Here are some best practices: + +- If your account has the option, add extra security of having to verify the 4-8 digit passcode every time you go to a store or call in + +- Have customer service leave a PRIORITY NOTE on the account stating "No one besides the account holder is authorized to swap sim cards - account holder must be in store and verify 4-8 digit passcode" + +- Setup a sim pin in case your phone is ever stolen. Scumbags will put your sim card into another phone and if they have any of your info it is basically game over. + +- Create a FREE number with Google Voice. Google Voice is a free call forwarding app which allows you to call and text while not charging you. While my number is actually 1234567890 I have a GV number that is 0987654321 and I give that out to banks/whatever. Google Voice numbers cannot be sim swapped. Even if you are sim swapped, the person doing so will have no access to your Google Voice account. + +Stay safe. +**TLDR Summary:** Had credit cards stolen. Reported to CC companies and—thanks to reading previous PF posts—subsequently reported the theft to police. Police were unexpectedly motivated and ended up identifying and arresting the thief. + +**Takeaway:** File a police report if your credit cards are stolen! Worst thing that happens is the police take the report and do nothing, but at least you have documentation for the CC companies. Best case scenario, police actually care and end up arresting somebody. + +\----- + +**Full Story:** In November 2020, I was returning items at a Lowes and apparently dropped my wallet in the parking lot without immediately realizing it. About 10-15 minutes after leaving the Lowes parking lot, I realized I didn't have my wallet, so I promptly returned to the store. I quickly scanned the parking lot near where I had parked but didn't see my wallet. I then went into the store to the customer service desk and asked if anyone had found/returned a wallet. Someone had! + +But when the Lowes staff member gave me my wallet, I could immediately tell that several credit cards were missing. I told the Lowes staff member and she told me that someone had brought the wallet in from outside so she couldn't really vouch for what happened before it was brought inside. + +I went to my car and immediately started checking the accounts of each missing card and locking them so they couldn't be used until I was able to fully report them as lost/stolen. The first few cards I checked had no pending charges, so I thought I was in the clear... + +But the very last card (a Chase Ink card) I checked had two large pending charges: over $1,000 at the same Lowes where I'd dropped my wallet and over $600 at a nearby Wawa convenience store. I called Chase and reported the fraudulent charges—which were immediately removed pending their fraud investigation. While I was on the phone with Chase, I got an email notification that someone had tried to use one of my locked credit cards. In total 4 credit cards were stolen but only the 1 Chase Ink card was successfully used fraudulently. + +After I reported all of the relevant credit cards as stolen with the credit card companies, I initially figured I was done and went home. But the next day, I thought more about all the experiences I've read here on the PF subreddit. I'd read several threads about credit card companies denying fraud claims—even obvious fraud claims—and didn't want to be stuck in that situation. More generally, I figured I was the victim of a crime so the police ought to know. + +So I reached out to the local police department in the same jurisdiction where the Lowes is. Much to my surprise, the police were very responsive (I live in suburbs of Philly). I gave a verbal report to the police over the phone and then followed-up with an email summary so there was a written record--which card was used for what amounts at what time, etc. + +A few days later, the police reached back out to me and told me they had identified a suspect (via security camera footage) and would be making an arrest in the coming days. They ended up arresting the suspect (a Lowes employee) the day before Thanksgiving (karma!). + +**Epilogue:** I participated in the court proceedings virtually, which was weird—being on a Zoom call with the same person who stole my credit cards. The credit card thief pled guilty to the charges in exchange for entering a first-time offender diversionary program. Essentially, if she were to meet all probation requirements and not reoffend for a certain amount of time, her criminal convictions would be expunged. But...I subsequently discovered that she was re-arrested shortly after her court proceedings for additional thefts/identity theft. +At the current low low low 8 billion valuation the market is saying that: + +- Gamestops 1,4 billion dollar cash reserve is responsible for 17,5% of their marketcap 🤡🤡 +- Gamestops cash reserve and inventory is responsible for 35% of their total marketcap 🤡🤡 +- Gamestop is only worth 1,6 times their yearly revenue. 🤡 +- Gamestop is worth 0,47% of Amazon including the NFT marketplace, new e-commerce expansion efforts 🤡 +- Gamestop is worth 17% of Roblox including the NFT marketplace, new e-commerce expansion efforts 🤡🤡 +- Gamestop is worth 42% of Chewy despite GME adressing a much larger market 🤡🤡🤡 +- Gamestop is worth 13% of Snapchat 😂🤡🤡🤡 +- Gamestop is worth 60% of Opensea NFT marketplace despite Gamestop becoming an NFT marketplace WITH AN ENTIRE E-COMMERCE AND INTERNATIONAL RETAIL BUSINESS ON TOP 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 + +If you're bullish on GME you shouldnt care about pricedrops. They allow you to buy something undervalued cheaper. The more the market undervalues something the better the profits you can make. You should love it honestly. + +# On top of that the more and the faster we DRS! + +I think Gamestop is very undervalued, so Im buying. A LOT and Im DRSing it all 🚀💃 + +# Learn to love the dip +Good Morning Apes! + +I was pretty happy with the earnings call. + +Long term investment in growth especially with inflation on the rise is absolutely worth the hit to the EPS share number, and with the consistent growth of net sales I don't think it will take long for them to reverse this trend once they have built an infrastructure they are comfortable moving forward with. + +The growth of the inventory and diversification of products is exactly the kind of move I would expect from good management during these economic conditions. It looks like some of the c-suite are putting that e-commerce knowledge to good use and expanding product lineups to offset shortages. + +Any e-commerce company worth their salt is going to prioritize logistics, I know it doesn't sound fancy, but speed of delivery to consumer in this day in age is one of the most important capital investments GameStop can make. These systems are expensive to build and roll out but once fully operational are not only highly profitable but inexpensive to maintain. Getting this capital spent before additional increases in inflation means that they are doing something now that could cost far more in the future and inflation can increase the value of these assets. So while it's impact on EPS is daunting for now having this "priced in" in the future means the turn around to positive EPS could be rapid. + +Lastly something I wanted to address, I've seen a lot of people rambling on about Ryan Cohen not registering his shares because they do not appear in the Computershare count. + +**This is false**, Cohen's shares are registered to his holding company. + +Cohen's share buying and subsequent illiquidity is what highlighted much of the cycle I have discussed in my recent DDs. + +Finally for the people that say I'm anti-DRS, while we may not share the same viewpoints on DRS, I have never downplayed it's importance or significance. In fact I have repeatedly pointed out it's benefits and dismissed FUD surrounding it (ex. charlie's most recent rabbit hole). I have never discouraged anybody from DRS'ing their shares. Many of my audience have DRS'd some or all of their shares. But I won't actively pressure or bully anybody into doing what they don't want to do and I am **not a financial advisor**. All I can do is simply highlight the benefits. + +This clip assembled by u/BongKing69 should provide some clarity (this clip is not monetized) + +https://preview.redd.it/lv1kd7w7zi481.png?width=1271&format=png&auto=webp&s=170fceefbd519baaa255413304e71362f82ed567 + +[Options and DRS](https://youtu.be/tReNorPwDCM) + +Make sure to check out [MOASS the Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/) for a better idea on this theory. + +Video on my current theory... [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +Pretty rough down day today, largely due to significant put volume flowing in. If they have a significant amount of exposure to cover in the next two weeks they will, as they have historically, drive the price down as low as possible before beginning to cover. This happens every time. Since they spent most of the day returning shares borrowed yesterday and buying puts it is pretty obvious this is being accomplished through bona fide market making, so we can expect the usual exposure in T+2. In the meantime this price point and lowered IV still present an excellent opportunity to pick up more before we bounce back. + +https://preview.redd.it/7itoqqj24l481.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=d34c4b06446b0b4e6aa9b8e076194d41648fc98e + +For those of you that feel the need to attack me or clip statements out of context to prove your point I do not think your actions are having the desired effect...I have never been unreasonable and have always been willing to discuss my opinions on things. I will not respond to harassments or threats. I always welcome anybody to provide evidence, or data to support their argument and am willing to consider it. I believe that educated and informed decisions are the best decisions and bullying people and attacking them because they do not share similar views or ideology is not what this community was built on. + +Thank you, + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/0vlapsmh3l481.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63d2101fcab4a820afab3993d694d309b6f08fa + +Edit 3 1:09 + +Still holding the at the support but any notable buy pressure is being shorted back down. Max-Pain is currently at 180. Stark difference in volatility vs. September earnings. + +https://preview.redd.it/9huasoj95k481.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=28decbb72993a0b4f4c655739e015569f03d1e9b + +Edit 2 12:03 + +Still chopping on the low support at 162.50 volume is high but price action is not reflecting that + +https://preview.redd.it/46bh71jhtj481.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=857b79da81177955e644ba9c17099a990a28005e + +Edit 1 10:30 + +Heading for a second test of that 162.50 resistance we could potentially drop through this but buy pressure is much higher in that range. + +https://preview.redd.it/wta4bh9scj481.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=db605263c78c1965755b594a6fd2ede6f0dc9679 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME currently sitting just below the EMA 200 I expect a fairly strong bounce once some volume comes in. Historically we do not sustain dips this low for long. Remember this price point is significant especially if it holds, as this is the average bottom line for retail cost basis, is a huge opportunity to load up on shares and with the crushed IV far dated options and/or LEAPS. + +Volume: 78,420 + +Shares to Borrow: + +A significant chunk of the 1.4 million borrowed yesterday have been returned. + +IBKR - 200,000 @ 0.5% + +Fidelity - 739,628 @ 0.75% + +\* another not here to dispel some misinformation Fidelity has listed GME as hard to borrow since March this status is not a new development. + +[GME pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/707hdduo0j481.png?width=1509&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0d507b2eb183dbeb8f07dff63574296763c93c) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Just recently sold my house which was fairly large and we were only using half of it. me and my spouse paid off all of our debt of around 40k and now we have a really big down payment for the next place. Although were in our 20s i want to down size to a 3 bedroom 1100 sq ft home which we can get with a mortgage thats going to be around 40-50k less than we previously had. Were also renting super cheap now and plan to save as much as possible for the coming months in the meantime. To me it feels like i just set myself up for such a stress free life but alot of people didnt agree wity this decision because i should be "upgrading" not "downsizing" +I need about $15K on top of the student loans I will be borrowing to get through the two year anesthesia master's program I will be attending soon. I have $32K in my 401K and I was considering just cashing it out. I know it is a big No No to do so but I will be making close to $150-200K after I graduate with a 100% pass rate and 95% job landing for new graduates. I know I will take a huge hit on penalties and taxes but the money would really help me get by to be used for living expenses and bills. Is this a bad idea, or is it worth it, since I will have a large income in my future that can easily rebuild my 401k? +I'm turning 62 this year, and thinking about when to draw SS. Right now, I'm leaning towards drawing it this year. Here's my reasoning: Most of my brothers-in-laws died in their 50's & 60's. Dad only made it to 62, and never got a dime from SS. I just get a nagging feeling that I may not live a long life. Drawing it now would allow me to give more to charity. + +On the other hand, drawing SS at 70 results in a 75% higher benefit compared to drawing at 62. I have assets and really don't need the money now. What do you think? +I have had a st George account for over 20 years now. I have used it for many reasons over time but mostly because I chase lower interest rates on home loans and they don’t always have branches near me or at all. + +I transferred 30k~ from an offset account of mine to st George. I called them to tell them that I was coming to take the money in cash but understand it may not be at the branch. This turned into a 25minute phone call with them grilling me about the usage of the funds. I was very forward about why it was being used but I was told they need their managers approval. I asked them to call me back once they had it. + +I waited two days and no phone call back so I called the branch again and let them know I would be coming in 2 days from now at 1:00pm to get the money. Ended up going on again about manager approvals etc and I ended the call fairly abruptly that I would be there at 1 to get the money in two days, please have it ready. + +I show up at 1:00pm as I told them and approached the teller and mentioned my “appointment”. At this point my patience was actually a bit short and they started asking me all the same questions again and providing all the warnings etc. After over an hour of talks with the teller, the on site manager, and multiple phone calls with other st George staff, I started to become frustrated. No raising of voices or anything just very blunt and direct with responses. + +I told them that they had all the information I had to provide and I would sit in the chair until they have the money. 10 more minutes past and I was called over to get the cash. At this point I was actually nervous now because people are not stupid and could hear the conversations being had over a 75 minute period. Leaving the bank I could not stop thinking about how it actually gave people time to know what I was there for and actually do something about it on the long walk back to car. + +Overall it was about 3 hours just to take 30k out of the bank. Anyone else found it to be a punish to get cash out? +Btc under $60k was surprising tbh, now it’s hovering at mid $40ks. Eth at under $4k was a thing of the past, yet as of now it’s under $4k. Wtf is going on. I understand this market is relatively tiny $2-3t compared to equities at $300t and every move by whales causes identifiable ripples whereas in equities markets move based on government action or global news. Rarely in equities do whale action influence the market as a whole unless those sentiments are accepted universally. In crypto, specially with the big 2, we have major supply issues. 80% of btc holders don’t sell, so 20% are moving prices. Eth is even more consolidated where only 11% is available for trading. Eth has a burn element as well that takes away supply. 90% of btc has been mined and there are only 21million of these for the whole world to share. Network adoption is supposed to be growing faster than the internet did according to Raual Pol or however you spell his name. So wtf happened. I know crypto has already had major gains this year. It’s obvious some people take profits. But so many more have come in. Btc stayed above $60k for a good while after reaching its recent ath. There was seemingly enough support to keep it there until the next pop. Eth is the darling coin of crypto land and let me repeat only 11% is available for trading. +So wtf is going on? Are leveraged accounts being squeezed. Too many immature young people borrowed money to buy crypto driving up prices artificially and current valuations were over inflated? What the problem is? + +Edit: Thank you for the various awards; I’ll need to figure out what’s what, but thank you. + +Edit (another one): there are a lot of responses about holiday and Christmas selling. However, my take is we’re not in a vacuum with same buyers and sellers. Where are the people/institutions with loads of cash waiting to come in on these dips. I’m sure many are buying, but not enough to keep prices stable. I guess January will be more telling, if the dips continue this whole thing needs to be reassessed. + +Edit (final): I appreciate all the comments and awards. This thing really blew up and it seems a lot of people had the same sentiments. I read pretty much all the comments, of course I couldn’t respond to all of them. From what i could put together, there were a lot of responses on whale manipulation and I’m not sure I agree with that, but of course I can see whales taking advantage of the situation; that’s what whales would do, but that’s what anyone would do. Macro headwinds with fed action is a big concern. Bear v. Bull, or dips in bull markets? Dips are expected, this is normal. Personally I think China and India with their anti crypto rhetoric is much bigger than people think. +Good Evening Everyone! + +I want to get my tits jacked for this coming week but I'm going to keep my expectations tempered as I think we are in for another week of sideways trading and getting dragged around by the major indices. To wit, if the market drops significantly, with the current events going on (BofA, Evergrande, Debt Ceiling, etc... it's not unlikely) GME will drop with it, to a point. + +This last week saw 9.86 million volume traded and a price decrease of - 4.46% ($-8.25). + +[GME 5D performance](https://preview.redd.it/d1ybyugqibr71.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8a777bf263801357ab00cfa33a2a669fbc221cf) + +With the Russel 1k, S&P 400 and other major indices all down this week as well it seems aside from some extra interest on the short side we are tracking pretty closely with the market for now, with the exception of Thursday which I'll discuss in a minute. + +[SPY 5D performance](https://preview.redd.it/5ktvwbe6kbr71.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=e393560a5eccd11696d6e91f9d6dba5b3717c053) + +So why flat? + +Well I'm am patiently waiting to see if my theories on the Futures Roll Over anomalies plays out and to see if FTDs from that event begin to pile up beginning on October 13th. If you want to see more on that theory you can check out these two videos. + +[Fast Version](https://youtu.be/r7LMjf_p0XQ) + +[More in-depth live cut](https://youtu.be/F68fQLHn0Zo) + +I will live stream a walkthrough of this [DD of this on my YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) for those of you that don't have the time to read through this, or have visual impairments/reading comprehension issues. Then do a quick Q&A for about 15minutes. I t will also be archived for future viewing. This will be on at... + +9:30pm EDT/UTC-4 + +# Part I: WTF happened Thursday 9/28 + +Well remember that 10m volume that we expected for Tuesday last week in order for them to keep [u/Dr\_Gingerballs](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dr_Gingerballs/) FTD pipeline nice and clear ([Per his T+69 theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pk1g5d/t69/)). Well that sudden burst of volume Thursday (T+2) may have been the settlement period for the FTDs that they failed to clear. We are going to wait to confirm this when the FTD data comes out from the SEC on the 15th of October. + +# Part II: Technical Analysis + +We actually have a decent bounce signal on the EMA 120 this week as you can see here ... + +[Bounce Setup on the descending wedge on the EMA 120 ](https://preview.redd.it/gozflz5hpbr71.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdd8f8e355512ae2ec572bba1035d71dd8ea4093) + +Historically this zone between the EMA 120/160 has been a reliable indicator of previous bounces + +[Previous bounces between the 120\/160 EMAs](https://preview.redd.it/v12taczlqbr71.png?width=2462&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d136c6531a5712c949071ae7bd9d1e7bdc1fb86) + +However with my low expectations for volume this week and general market uncertainty I expect our price action to play out something like this, as a best case scenario. + +[Bullish price action with a flat market and a bounce off the 120 EMA](https://preview.redd.it/aimgmkkitbr71.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6224a7f83a45a7718eb86bbeb49752101fa3748) + +If we see a correction continue in the market I expect something more like this to play out. Bouncing of the EMA 160 instead. + +[Bearish Price action with a continued correction and a bounce on the 160 EMA ](https://preview.redd.it/jppomq7vtbr71.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=b98af1f38b28531c4afdcdf35ffcd2963675741b) + +Max Pain moving into tomorrow is sitting around 180 I expect that will rise if we see a nice bounce on Mon/Tues, if not it will drop leaving us closing out the week somewhere between $170-175. + +**Section 2: Oscillators** + +**MACD / Stochastic RSI / ADX-DMI** + +Everything here pointing at flat slightly down week, these do not indicate any significant momentum to the downside but they do show a slight downward trend is expected. + +\**MACD and ADX are not a good predictor of a bounce. So while they appear bearish they have no bearing on the previous sections analysis. StochRSI however could see a bounce off oversold as it approaches 20.* + +[Oscillators on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/wsrx1qjmwbr71.png?width=1523&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e8537289378cd39fb813da182d5b0f8b4d4d820) + +**TLDR;** + +While we are set up nicely for a bounce a dip in the market can drag us down due to low volume. As usual or bid/ask spread continues to grow wider and illiquidity remains and issue leaving room for violent upside potential to occur at anytime. A prediction of a flat week does not mean that we cannot run at the drop of a hat and even though I expect them to cover any FTDs at the latest possible date they can be covered at anytime during the t+35 cycles. + +# Section 3: The Market + +With 19 days of bearish divergence on the SPY this is not looking good for the next couple weeks and we are rapidly approaching that 3rd Monday of October. With the negative news still shifting sentiment to bearish I expect the markets to continue to chop and possibly lose even more ground over the coming weeks. As news from BofA breaks, the Debt Ceiling remaining unresolved, and the China/Evergrande situation plays out. It seems inevitable at this point that the market is going to come down it's really just a question of when. + +It's inability to regain $435 this last week indicates further weakness as we now enter a new week inside a correction zone for the first time. + +These are the price points I'm looking at to indicate the severity of the correction. + +[SPY correction zones 1D](https://preview.redd.it/740gu60j1cr71.png?width=1530&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a0834aa576e11b6dcb2a6043ae3dbc220423042) + +The Schiller P/E is down about 1 point from last week + +[P\/E 10 from 10\/1](https://preview.redd.it/szmr30bt1cr71.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f8246807c5047c9ab21d737db4542955ee40d69) + +# Conclusion: + +The market may and most likely will continue it's downtrend, likely pulling GME down with it. Some decent volume from a possible bounce will likely see GME push back a little to the upside similar to what we saw last Thursday. Simply biding time this week as I wait for my theory on these future cycles to play out and. I suspect towards the middle of this month we will begin to see a significant increase in FTDs from the failed futures rollover and continuous DRS of GME shares. But the first data set from this will not be available till the 15th of October, unless we get a surprise inclusion on the RegSHO Threshold Securities List, which I am watching for. + +5-7 More Trading days till I expect any significant movement from this... + +https://preview.redd.it/fbt56rmt3cr71.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=439f19aeb3598435d9ec93d16578987c1f312642 + +If you want to see more information on this subject matter feel free to join me in the : + +Daily Live charting (always under my profile [u/gherkinit](https://www.reddit.com/u/gherkinit/)) from 8:45am - 4pm EDT on trading days + +on my [YouTube Live Stream](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) from 9am - 4pm EDT on trading days\* + +or check out the [Discord](https://discord.gg/BGmjnrvHnw) for more stuff with fellow apes + +**As always thanks for following along.** + +🦍❤️ + +\- Gherkinit + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwkjqGd8NC4 + +This documentary is phenomenal. It was produced in the UK, but it has loads of practical advice for investors of all nations. It interviews Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard, David Booth, founder of dimensional fund advisors, and several Nobel Prize winning economists. It is really a great practical guide for someone starting out on how to view the markets and make their own decisions regarding how to invest. Enjoy! As always, feel free to comment or start a discussion below! +Bid Bith and Biyond. + +&#x200B; + +[They announced they are buying back 1 billion dollars worth of their stock before the end of the year.](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/bed-bath-beyond-bbby-up-on-kroger-deal-share-buyback-plan-2021-11-03) + +And what happened when this was announced on November the 3rd of 2021? Their stock jumped from $16.62 to $30.21, GME went from $207 and licked $255. So what happens when Bid Bith and Biyond buys back $1,000,000,000 worth of stock? Because these stocks are shorted in the same basket, GME goes to the moon as well. All happening before the end of the year. +My mom has about $500,000 in savings and is getting pretty advanced in years. She wants to make sure I get this money and not the government or a nursing home someday. She gets enough yearly money in pension that she doesn’t need it to survive or pay for future costs. +What is the best way to get this money in my name so no one else can potentially get it when she dies or becomes very ill? +MSM is once again trapped in a web of its own lies. By saying we will get bored they’re publicly admitting what we already know. A huge and growing group of retail investors is passionately involved with and interested in GME. + +Passionate, interested investors don’t sell their positions they hold their positions and buy more. + +Has the interest level changed at all in the last three months? Maybe it’s increased, but it certainly hasn’t decreased. + +So how do we account for a 50% loss of market cap, a halving of the share price, in an environment where institutional ownership has increased and retail has remained ultra-interested the whole time? It can only have been short selling, and with the new narrative that at some point in the future we’re sure to get bored MSM has admitted as much. + +Edit: some comments are saying institutional ownership has decreased. My understanding from Bloomberg terminal screenshots as well as posts talking about state pension and retirement funds adding in is that institutional ownership has overall increased. Anybody got feedback on that? +**4/30 UPDATE:** + +They are expecting it to be refiled next week. This is a week later than the last ETA. Will follow up with them next week + + +_______________________ + + +This is an update to my previous posts in regards to direct contacts with the DTCC. Check my post history if you want to see those. + +\-They confirmed that all changes were "technical formatting". Nothing of substance should be changed from the initial filing. + +\-The rule will be effective immediately after filing, however its important to note the "SEC has the ability to abrogate for a period of time". I don't have any other details here, maybe someone else can elaborate on how that would work. + +\-May also be worth noting that filing was made to "clarify operation processing descriptions in our rules. The drafting of this change started before the recent market volatility" + +&#x200B; + +As I've stated in previous posts I will not be posting screenshots of the emails for legal purposes. I'd be more than willing to verify them with a mod for credibility. +I often see 1% profit of total account per day as a goal. Or: $50,000 account, ~500/day goal. + + +I've also seen never risk more than 1% of your account per trade. That means if I see a stock, I'm only putting 500 in? + +That means I need 100 successful trades and no losses to meet the 1% goal. + +So there has to realistically be hundreds of trades a day? + +That doesn't seem right to me. Seems better to put 10, 25, even half of total in as long as there are stop losses. + +Is this correct? +So i'm one of those Autist's that bought 8000 shares of NVX at an average price of $1.341... WTF do i do boys? Strap in and hope that daddy Elon can take me to the moon 🚀🚀🚀? Or buy high and sell low 😂? + +God i'm a retard... +Hello, everyone +I need some advice on investment +This is my first time doing investment. I want to invest my 1000 that I have saved from my lunch money. Please give suggestions and how can I trade in phone. + + +Thank you +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +A month ago, u/FameLuck asked you to pick dog stocks in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ybisk7/the_first_asx_bets_dog_race/), but you cunts managed to pick the best-performing portfolio in the past month when compared to 100 randomly generated portfolios. The red line is the dog portfolio which consists of the 30 dogs with the highest upvotes weighted by their upvotes (see portfolio weights and raw data [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qcw3fyd1LnWHd30jy9sPz6_zQIIw3lvtga9DUCvBc74/edit?usp=sharing)). The grey lines are randomly generated 30-stock equal-weight portfolios. (There are about 2000 stocks on the ASX, 30 stocks is randomly picked to form each equal-weight portfolio). It is clear that the "dog" portfolio is actually the portfolio you want. Moral of the story: Inverse this sub and make an absolute killing (jk ... maybe). We'll see what happens in a year. + +https://preview.redd.it/bigttx0f732a1.png?width=1660&format=png&auto=webp&s=3284be683d6d89e20545cd1c6026b165a1e57203 +Alright guys, Christmas came early and we get to watch EM1 fucking tank tomorrow; where do we think this is going to bottom out? + +Do we still get juicy HC posts of retarded boomers still trying to pump this dog shit? Let’s discuss + +Also to any of our fellow retard holders; Godspeed and get your market sell orders in right tf now +Hope to feeling some love here from the ASX community now that you have full transparency on what who and how... + +Not sure this is a good idea, but hey understand the sentiment that everyone would like to know why someone is advocating a stock... here you go + +[www.linkedin.com/in/arnelutsch](http://www.linkedin.com/in/arnelutsch) + +Happy to connect + +My current holdings on ASX:CNJ, DRE, LTR, GAL + +on TSX SCLT, USHA, URNM and UUN + +on NSE JOBY, FREYR, ORGN + +always long, never trade. Happy to share trade details via DM. + +https://preview.redd.it/uwhucdv7mhg91.jpg?width=6600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d11fcaccd4d099d6d80ef4fba5200a94b4bd387 +A few days ago I received an unexpected check for about 14 thousand dollars from the US Treasury (long story, tl;dr SS backpay), and it is currently sitting in my savings account. I leave for basic next month, my contract expires in July 2022 (3yr 22wk). I was thinking I should put this money into a cd or some other low-risk investment that I can also have access to once I am out, in case I need it. What do you guys think are some good options for me to consider? Thank you in advance! + +EDIT 2: Thank you all for the advice! +So I’ve seen far too many posts here praising SCHY without any discussion of the potential risks or downsides of investing in this ETF. + +I would like to present the bear case for this ETF and explain why I believe it will underperform from both a price appreciation and dividend growth perspective. + +First, it’s important to note that the underlying index which SCHY tracks is the Dow Jones International Dividend 100 Index. + +This index has has a 10 year net total annualized return (price appreciation + dividends - currency conversion) of 7.37%. + +For comparison, the DOW JONES 100 US Dividend Index returned 14.30% annualized (total return) over the same time. + +This is freaking huge. That’s nearly 2x the annualized rate of return. + +Now, it wouldn’t be fair to consider these two indices as equals because one is grounded in the US and the other provides international exposure. This is a fair point and a little bit of international exposure is warranted in a well-constructed portfolio. + +HOWEVER, there are far better options for international ETFs which will likely offer superior total returns. In particular, I STRONGLY recommend etfs tracking Asia (in particular China) as this is where economic growth is greatest. I would look into CXSE which is an ETF that tracks Chinese securities with <20% state ownership. Top holdings include big-names like BABA, TCEHY, JD, etc. + +Now, while this won’t provide you much dividends (the yield on the aforementioned ETF is fairly low), it will provide very high total returns. There’s a reason why some of the most successful investors and hedge funds in the world are so heavily invested in China (and BABA/TCEHY in particular). + +Later, once the etf has grown you can sell it and convert the funds to a dividend-paying index. This method will sacrifice some dividends now for a greater dividend yield in the future as long-term total returns should be greater. + +I also strongly believe that SCHY will be limited in its ability to grow its dividend payout over time. Looking at some of the top holdings we see Deutsche Post (3 year DGR of 3.3%), UL (3 year DGR 5.19%), GSK (reducing dividend after spinning off assets), Sanofi (3 year DGR of 2.1%). +The list goes on and on but basically the index holds a bunch of companies that have low dividend growth rates as a consequence of their high payout ratios. + +Just some food for thought. If you really want international dividends then this is definitely the ETF for you but if you care more about total return then I would suggest looking elsewhere. +20% dividend increase + +35% free cash flow payout ratio + +Huge $60 Billion government backlog on defense contracts + +18 year dividend growth history + +5 year dividend CAGR 20% + +Lower PEG ratio than LMT (less of the growth is priced into the current valuation) + +2.23% forward yield + +Ex-dividend in a week + +Still 18-20% below pre-COVID high. + +Enough said. I’ve been preaching people to invest in this company for the longest time. +I have been investing for some years just to try it out i suppose, and its been both upp and downs. However I am pretty happy with my outcome so far, especially with the dividends. I recently landed my first job after graduating uni so now I am looking to invest more long term with a stable income. I have about 10-20 kSEK available for investing monthly and would like some help with focusing on the right stocks/etfs, as you can see most of the dividends are in Q1/Q2. Since I am an EU resident PRIIP/KIID applies which is a bummer. +Being with you for that brief moment is the most incredible thing that happened in my entire life. I never realized how fortunate and happy I am hearing your voice. The thought of you being by my side comforts me and proffers a whole new meaning to my life. + +The sound of your voice is like music to my ears, a peaceful song that calms me to sweet dreams. When I look into his eyes when you spoke, I watched him die inside and everything else became beautiful and colorful. The soft murmurs of your enchanting voice lifted my spirits and calm my weary heeds. Your warm "boom!" puts me in a daze. I imagine your radiant smile at having gotten past the call vetters, and it scatters away all my anxieties and ambiguities. + +No words could ever express the merriment that I’m enduring right now. Yes, I am blessed and that’s because I have DRS in my life. But you have given a new meaning to my life, and I could not picture a show without you in it. Loving you was the most classic thing that ever occurred to me. You have an exceptional place in my heart, and no one could ever replace it. I will forever cherish you. + +Yours always + +Ape +The proposal, called the Stock Buyback Accountability Act, would levy a 2% excise tax on the amount corporations spend to buy back their own stock—a common practice that returns funds to shareholders without generally requiring taxes. + +In recent decades, cash-rich companies have used buybacks to reward stockholders and share-incented employees. Apple (ticker: APPL) spent over $400 billion on buybacks in the last 10 years, while Microsoft (MSFT) spent nearly $130 billion. Since 2017, annual spending on buybacks by companies in the S&P 500 index totaled $650 billion each year, on average, according to an Aug. 6 report by J.P. Morgan quant analyst Dubravko Lakos-Bujas. Some 20% to 30% of those buybacks were funded with debt—the rest with corporate cash. + +Brown and Wyden said the 2% excise tax would make corporations think twice about allocating capital to buybacks, instead of hiring or capital investment. Spending by the S&P 500 companies on buybacks rose 11% from this year’s March to June quarters, said J.P. Morgan’s Lakos-Bujas. Capital expenditures rose 6%. Spending on dividends slipped 3%. + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/09/10/a-2-tax-on-stock-buybacks-is-being-proposed-by-democratic-senators-to-offset-their-35-trillion-budget-plan/?sh=289dd3c07270 +Hi, + +One of my friends has been claiming that he made millions using quant trading. So, around a month ago, I decided to figure out what is all this about. + +So far I read 4 books on quant trading. The more I read the more I realized he was full of shit. Nothing he says adds up. He makes mistakes even describing some simple algorithms. + +Then I started searching about the success rate of day traders and quant traders. After spending half a day reading multiple articles, news, blogs etc, it seems like less than 2% of the people are actually making money from day trading unless they are part of big corporations. The number seems to be the same for quant trading. + +So, how many of you actually make money from quant/algo trading? + +Thanks +Hi, + +One of my friends has been claiming that he made millions using quant trading. So, around a month ago, I decided to figure out what is all this about. + +So far I read 4 books on quant trading. The more I read the more I realized he was full of shit. Nothing he says adds up. He makes mistakes even describing some simple algorithms. + +Then I started searching about the success rate of day traders and quant traders. After spending half a day reading multiple articles, news, blogs etc, it seems like less than 2% of the people are actually making money from day trading unless they are part of big corporations. The number seems to be the same for quant trading. + +So, how many of you actually make money from quant/algo trading? + +Thanks +As someone coming at this from the math and computer science side, Im looking for a book that can help me catch up on the finance side. What exactly is a derivative, how to read a balance sheet, etc etc. Any recommendations? +As an intro, I'm a regular over in the r/personalfinance community. I offer advice more regularly than I receive it, (aka, I know my way around finances) but I'm curious as to the motivation behind this particular drive. + +I'd like to better understand the drive to reach FIRE vs living with a more luxurious lifestyle while working. To some extent I get the main drivers of more free time to do what you want and no fear about being let go, but what I'm curious about is what drives people to sacrifice both now and in the future in order to obtain certainty. + +A person who chooses FIRE is ultimately choosing less overall income(which is fine), I'm just curious as to the reasoning to make that a goal. I guess my main question is, why "FIRE" vs just "FI"? Is FIRE just for people who hate their jobs while FI is the real goal? + + +Are there really a lot of 30 somethings who are retiring early and actually not working? Or is the "RE" just a technicality where you could retire early? But you're still doing work, just not fearing not having a job? + + +I'm not trying to judge, I'm really looking for honest answers as to why I should be trying to stop earning $175k a year and be FI, let alone FIRE when I don't hate my job. +Some of the greatest advice I ever received as a young adult was as follows: +> Whenever you decide to not do something, instead of saying, "I don't have time to..." say, "I am not making it a priority to..." + +So something like "I don't have time to cook dinner" becomes "I am not making it a priority to cook dinner." + +The main purpose of this serves to show you what you value in terms of importance in your life, but I also find it is a helpful reminder that you are in control of your life. If you woke up and wanted to go to the Grand Canyon tomorrow, you could do so. There are a lot of priorities/excuses you could use to not do it (I have kids, I have to go to work, etc) but none of those can actually stop you from waking up and making your way towards the Grand Canyon. Maybe you have enough money and you can fly, maybe you can only drive, maybe you have to walk or hitchhike. Obviously there are some restrictions like being in prison or not having a passport or whatever, but you get the idea. You have the power to control your life. You choose to go to your job, you choose to eat what you eat, you choose to save your money. I believe a majority of the people in /r/fi grasp this concept as the whole purpose of financial independence is taking control of our finances to push up retirement/freedom by multiple years or even decades. That being said, lately I have noticed a lot of animosity towards the success of others backed up by poor excuses that I usually only see from /r/pf members or in the yahoo finance comment sections. + +* *He only is successful because his parents let him live at home for 2 years until he found a job* + +* *If I could have had scholarships and a part-time job I could have done that too* + +* *Not everyone can just magically start a side-hustle making 100K/yr* + +* *Where does the 50K he starts with come from? I'm betting his parents gave it to him. Another typical spoon-fed 2X year old who doesn't understand real life* + +The list goes on and frankly it's a little disappointing to see in this sub because I think we're better than that. The entire point of /r/fi is recognizing that we CAN make a difference in our lives. We study IRAs, 401Ks, backdoor loopholes, tax advantaged accounts, investment strategies, etc so that we can beat the system. We work harder than our coworkers studying these things and I bet if any of them came to you and called you lucky to have money saved you would be offended because you simply took advantage of your situation and you made sacrifices along the way that they never will know about. You built your own path to financial success while they spent all their money on a new Audi S8 and a huge house they can barely afford. + +At the age of 12 years old I found a business game online where the winners at the end of each week could win cash prizes. I had always loved the idea of making money so I sat down and studied the game and worked harder than anyone else in the game and after a couple of years I made a couple of grand that I used to buy myself an XBOX 360 and some other fun toys. + +When I was 15 I was playing a Facebook game called "Warbook" and was able to work my way into the top 100 players or so where my kingdom was making exponentially more gold than a majority of players. I recognized the opportunity and sent an email off the the game maker to see if he would allow me to sell gold. He didn't care and I made over 2 grand in 2 weeks before everyone else in the game caught on and flooded the market to where I just didn't care to proceed. + +As a junior in high school I Googled "Top 10 paying jobs" and chose to study Computer science out of that. + +After college I was working my IT job and decided I wanted to earn more so I looked into potential side hustle opportunities. I researched/attempted flipping items on Ebay, re-selling wholesale/repackaged items on Amazon, building mobile apps, website creation jobs, etc. Eventually after failing to get multiple side hustles off the ground (a lot of times due to lack of interest after much research or effort), I found something I liked in streaming video games on Twitch. I found enjoyment and saw potential and so I sat down and began working hard on building an environment/layout/stream that viewers would enjoy. It took a little bit to really get off the ground but I've been able to find success and it's a profitable side-hustle for me now. + +As some of you may know from my [Build the life you want, then save for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/58j8pc/build_the_life_you_want_then_save_for_it/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=financialindependence) post, I made many sacrifices along the way to make my Twitch stream successful and those drove me to learn about creating a successful life outside of financial success too. + +Regardless, now that I have found some Twitch success do you know what I hear every day from other people trying to make streaming work? + +* *You just got lucky to get into streaming 2 years ago. Nobody unknown can make it big anymore* + +* *I just don't have time to stream like you do* + +* *You probably just knew some big streamers and got their viewers to come to your channel. I wish I had connections* + +The list goes on. And yet every day I see new streamers starting up who work hard and grow their streams into something bigger. Just like every day I look around this sub and see people posting who have taken control of their lives and the opportunities they were presented and made the most of them. Some of them were able to figure it out easier than others, some of them started with a boost, some of them failed less than others, but none of them quit because they saw someone else succeed. None of them said, "He was just lucky, I could never be that successful." Instead of comparing paths they looked at their own situation and figured out what they could do. + +It's like looking at Madonna and being upset that she is successful because she has an amazing voice. "Well if I was born with that voice I'd be successful. She doesn't even know how lucky she got." Her path to success is not the only path and it's not your path either. Do you think Bill Gates would have never amounted to anything if his parents didn't send him to private school? Do you think Elon Musk would ever settle for a 9-5 job at an accounting firm? I like to think not. I imagine they are people who were going to find a path to success no matter what situation they were put in. They didn't let any excuses get in the way and they made their own priorities. Just like the members of /r/fi don't accept the notion that you have to work until you're 65 or can only save 5-10% of your income max. + +Maybe you can't start a consulting gig making 100K/yr. Maybe your parents didn't let you live with them while you were looking for a job. Maybe you don't have the voice of an angel. So what? Try streaming on Twitch. Try reselling items from Goodwill. Try something brand new! Gary Dahl sold pet rocks to become a millionaire in a year. Rather than finding jealousy from this, find motivation. Let's celebrate those around us and create a positive environment where we can support our goals and realities. Life isn't always fair and we don't all start at the same place, but if you are sitting somewhere reading this right now you probably have started ahead of a lot of people in this world and should be grateful for that. Don't throw that away because you're too busy making excuses or worrying about your neighbors. You control your life, you choose your actions every day, and you build your own path to success. +Any experience on fire claims here in the UK, how losses are quantified, and how much of this comment rings true on this side of the pond would be appreciated! + +https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/43iyip/our_family_of_5_lost_everything_in_a_fire/cziljy3?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 +https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/mortgageshome/article-8560157/Now-City-watchdog-tells-banks-reject-loans-took-break.html + +Have i made a mistake? I took a 6 month mortgage holiday even thought i didn't need it to build a bigger safety net as i had just bought the house. Anybody has any experience with taking a mortgage holiday and then applying for a new mortgage? +I am pretty much a sole grocery shopper at Tesco. Moreso out of habit and how close it is to my house. I know Lidl is often cheaper for many products and I would like to explore what you think are the best value and quality items in Lidl that I could maybe look to combine regularly to get the grocery bill down. + +E.g. I know the ice cream and nuts are decent there. What else? Soaps etc? + +I prefer to get my meat from the local butcher. Are there any things in Lidl I should always look to get? +A lot of people have been asking me about the different types of bitcoin addresses they see in wallets and the difference between each of them. Understandability, for a nontech person, it can be a bit confusing to see different types of addresses in their wallet and what all of it means. + +Here is a simple breakthrough of the types of addresses you see in your bitcoin wallet. + +**Legacy:** This is the original form of a bitcoin address that has been in existence ever since bitcoin. + +A simple way to recognize these addresses is they all start with a "1". + +Example: + +> 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2 + +Issues: + +* Case-sensitive +* High transaction fee due to the large size + +**Segwit:** The second version of the bitcoin address helped save in transaction fees by reducing the transaction size. + +All of these addresses start with "3". + +> *347N1Thc213QqfYCz3PZkjoJpNv5b14kBd* + +Issues: + +* Case-sensitive + +**Native Segwit:** The third edition of a bitcoin address. These addresses further reduce the fee and offer better usability by eliminating case sensitivity. They even offer an error-detection mechanism. + +All addresses start with "bc1" + +Example: + +> *bc1qar0srrr7xfkvy5l643lydnw9re59gtzzwf5mdq* + +Issue: + +* A bug was reported in its error detection mechanism +* Not very common with crypto exchanges + +**Bech32m:** An updated version of native segwit, bech32m fixes the error that was in its previous version plus it supports taproot \[a latest bitcoin technology development\] + +Issues: + +* It's a new development so support is very limited. + +&#x200B; + +**Address compatibility:** + +By design, all addresses are compatible with each other. It's the wallets where the bitcoin address support varies. + +Most popular wallets support all 3 address types, while some others only 1 or 2. It's best to pick the wallet that supports all 3 and will also provide support for bech32m in the future. + +As for the address, bech32/bech32m offers the lowest fee. + +&#x200B; + +*Source:* [*Blockonomics - Types of Bitcoin Addresses*](https://blog.blockonomics.co/what-are-the-types-of-bitcoin-addresses-and-which-one-should-you-use-459cbe8ce46c) +Thinking about the best way to maximize gains during the massive up move and minimize losses in case of a massive down move. I decided to decrease my capital use and switched to weekly ATM put credit spreads, take advantage of the up moves for high return and if there is a crash the loss is small and limited, what do you think? +I am new to tastytrade methodology and find it extremely difficult to make sizable profit with it. I also doubt that if account is >50k; it might be hard pursuing tt way, that too if you are employed full-time(tracking 20-50 trades). Anyone making profit on your account size larger than 25 or 50k?? Could share your wisdom on how the methodology is implemented in real world?? +A lot of you probably here about why you shouldn't be selling CCs at strikes below your original buy price. Well that is true but only to a certain extent. This all depends on what you're doing with the premium you get from your calls. Let's use this example. + +I bought WISH at $13.16 a few weeks ago and have been selling weekly calls and CSPs with margin for a few weeks. in total I accumulated $445 in profit from the premiums. Instead of pulls some money out to reinvest or for personal expenses, I've decided to just leave it where it is. Doing this, I've lowered my cost basis from $13.16 down to $8.71. Now as of right now, WISH has currently dropped to around $11. Technically this is a loss of about $200 and if I sold a call at $11.50 or $12, I'd still be losing money if I ended up getting assigned. But would I? Remember, because I kept my premium I earned where it is, that's allowed me to look at my new cost basis at $8.71. If I had to sell at $12, I'd still be making back my original investment plus some profits because I'm factoring in my $445 in earned premium. + +The lesson here is that it's ok to sell calls below your original buy price as long as you're keeping the premium you've earned over time in your account, that way you can physiologically look at it as lowering your cost basis. That is the key. You can still technically do this even if you've reinvested your premium elsewhere or spent it on personal goods, but the psychological effect of seeing it as not losing money is going to be much stronger if you keep your earned premium where it is. +This isn't one of those "I just quit my job to travel the world and enjoy life" posts. + +Rather, it's a story about options- and how being confident and financially secure takes the stress out of what might be one of life's otherwise most stressful situations, and opens other doors. + +Last year, I got the highest paying job so far of my career. Unfortunately, things hadn't been working out. I was enjoying the work a lot less than the type of projects I had worked on in the past. My workload was too light - and multiple talks to my bosses (I've had four in one year) never addressed anything... because each boss was only around a few months, tops. Meanwhile, there was a lot of other churn in my department. Aside from the bosses cycling, nine other employees around me were suddenly fired and replaced. + +It was a weird time, and a weird place. I kept my head down, tried to stay content, and kept putting away the paychecks. I resolved to stay at least a full year, for various financial incentives. + +A week ago from last Tuesday was my 1 year anniversary there. That Friday, I realized it wouldn't keep working. I had a talk with my current boss to tell him about some of my discontent, and see if we could address those problems. He told me that he could tell I was burnt out- and that if I wanted to stay there, I needed to be "drinking the company kool-aid 100%". It's a fast-paced environment and he needs employees to be fully on board. He asked me to promise I could do that. + +It was clear that having expressed any discontent was a Bad Thing, and if I didn't want to be in the next round of sudden layoffs, I had to radically alter to fit the company. + +I thought about it for a few moments, and then told him "I don't think that's going to happen. I'm not going to fit in with the culture here." + +He obviously wasn't expecting that response, and asked me what I was planning to do. I offered to work another four weeks, to see out the current project I was working on, and said that I'd give official notice with two weeks remaining. +He got back to me last Wednesday with a pre-approved deal from HR: I'd give three weeks' notice that day, exit in early April, with health insurance for the whole month, and they'd give me an extra week of severance pay. + +Last week was productive. I'm already starting the interview process with two companies I would love to work for. + +Thinking about how this went, compared to prior tail-end experiences with employers... it's incredible how easy a decision this was, and how easy the exit from the company is shaping up to be. + +Ultimately, I can attribute it to the way I've changed my life in the last few years. I've become more frugal, with low fixed costs. I'm not attached to my living situation (I was on a month to month lease), have few physical things tying me down, and I've saved a quarter-million in the bank (well, Vanguard, but you know what I mean). + +I still need a job. I'm not anywhere close to FI yet. +But I can afford to make sure I have a job I enjoy, rather than one I hate, and I'm parting with this company on better terms than I had expected possible. + +So, thank you/r/FI, for helping me to realize that this kind of self improvement was possible in the first place. +hello. + +i do not qualify for tv licence, i simply do not stream or watch live news/tv at all. + +&#x200B; + +i keep getting these "threatening" letters of inspectors visiting my property soon. is this even legal? can they step inside? just curious about this +Three Arrows Capital’s bankruptcy filing states that the location of both co-founders Su Zhu and Kyle Davies is currently unknown, and they are no longer in Singapore. + +Below is the screenshot from the bankruptcy filing + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v1oocbc8lqa91.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=864427668f0652563c01a3b609c609dd53d45ac7 + +If you want to read the complete Bankruptcy filing report, visit [here](https://www.scribd.com/document/580739357/show-temp#download) + +&#x200B; + +* The document also states that Three Arrows Capital managed $3 billion in digital assets as of April 2022. +* Bankruptcy filing also requests a stay on planned seizure of Three Arrows Capital assets +What forums/feeds/tools are ya'll using when a stock blows up like EYES or OBLN a week ago. Seems like there's just this big pile-on into a stock and I always find out about it way too late. +The company I work for has always done our annual bonus in March/April. Mine is usually about $10k-12k. This year they’re offering a 40% “bonus” bonus if we defer payment until the fall. So I’d get roughly $4k-4800 more. I was going to use it to pay down debt and am not sure whether I should take it now or later. I’d also of course need to work until the time of payment as well. So I couldn’t go anywhere else. +Despite [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) claiming to have near 0 exposure to the fallout of FTX it's been discovered that they had, over the course of the last year sent multiple very large 10-40m stablecoin transfers to FTX totaling **approximately $1bn.** + + +[https:\/\/etherscan.io\/tokentxns?a=0xadd6d754b48a7eb4b4a71651722666093f7bc5d9&p=1](https://preview.redd.it/vv8k9gr3csz91.png?width=1338&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46d953d20027f3114af51a5dadff0503ff84a7f) + +Transactions can be seen on the etherscan link: [https://etherscan.io/tokentxns?a=0xadd6d754b48a7eb4b4a71651722666093f7bc5d9&p=2](https://etherscan.io/tokentxns?a=0xadd6d754b48a7eb4b4a71651722666093f7bc5d9&p=2) + + +Multiple confirmed wallet addresses from [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) sending stablecoins to FTX in very large numbers over the course of the last year, possibly to farm the high interest rates they were offering at the time but regardless this seems a lot more "involved" with FTX than they initially claimed. + +There's 3 pages of transactions here, scroll through to see the full amounts. + +I'm not going to speculate about whether or not these were client funds or their own but I find the whole thing incredibly weird and don't understand why they would be using FTX to trade. Regardless, I don't trust any of the exchanges right now and strongly reccommend everyone withdraw and self custody to be safe. + +Any exchange that is fully reserved will have no issue should users choose to withdraw. +already down 7%. LOL, tommorow is gonna be a blast. don't catch any falling knives. + +oh yeah, paypal, already down nearly 85% reports tommorow. The slightest miss and we're gonna have fun tommorow. + +Google's parent company Alphabet ([GOOG](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOOG?p=GOOG&.tsrc=fin-srch), [GOOGL](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GOOGL)) reported first-quarter sales that were roughly in-line with estimates, with the tech giant showing resilience in its key search advertising and cloud businesses. However, earnings came in lower-than-expected as costs mounted, and growth in the tech behemoth's YouTube business slowed sharply compared to last year. + +Shares of Alphabet dropped more than 4.5% in late trading following the results. + +Here were the main metrics from Alphabet's report Tuesday afternoon, compared to consensus estimates compiled by Bloomberg: +Basically I bought a house in April 2014 for 123k. The county assessed it May 2015 for 175k. I know that's way too high - my home was built in 1955, is the same size as all the homes in my neighborhood, has not been significantly upgraded, etc. Other homes in my neighborhood assess for 80k-125k. I filed an appeal when I got the notice in the mail and basically never heard back. Calling the county about 2-3 months later, the woman on the phone told me sometimes appeals take several months and not to worry. Now however they seem to have no record of an appeal. I'm scrambling to do more research, and realize now I should have filed a homestead exemption, even though I'm not 100% sure what that means. I had a really terrible real estate agent. + +Should I get a tax attorney? Will the county work with me at all since I'm now 6 months out of the assessment period? This assessment has taken my mortgage from $870/month to $1400/month. My take home pay is only $2400/month, and I'm paying $800/month in student loans. About $380 of the new mortgage rate is the tax shortage. I simply can't pay this amount, and I doubt I can sell my house with this insane overblown assessment. + +Please help! I apologize if this is the wrong sub, /r/realestate looks to be more for purchasing new homes and investing. + +**EDIT:** Holy tits everybody, thank you so much for all the great advice. I got several PM's that were very helpful, and I was able to contact a tax lawyer. LOOONG story short (I've been on the phone pretty much all day and had to leave work early), what the county did to me is super illegal. The law in my state is that they are supposed to keep the same tax rate based on your closing price for a full calendar year after a home is sold. This is why my appeal was thrown out - someone at the county thought it was a mistake, since I shouldn't have even been reassessed that early. The Appraisal Supervisor called me on his cell phone and basically bent over backwards promising to get it fixed. So I will be reassessed again in May and will be able to file a proper appeal then, but I should not be charged extra tax from being behind for 2015. The lawyer I've been working with was recommended by a friend, and did not even want to charge me since my case was so cut and dry - I just didn't have the right person's contact info. The next county meeting is on January 21st and my property tax will be fixed then - my lawyer told me if it's not, contact him and we will have a field day suing the county. I was also contacted by a couple of local papers who want to use my specific example to write about Dekalb's extremely messed up property tax process. I'm not sure if I want to do that since it looks like everything will work out and the few higher ups in the county I've talked to today have been very nice. + +Also, I have filled out my homestead exemption. Thank you to everyone who explained to me how that would help me. This is something I should have gotten from my realtor, but again, she was an absolute garbage person. I met her once, and then she'd send her unlicensed 19 year old niece to let me in to properties. I was planning on firing her, but then I found my house and just decided to close and be done. She was let go from her real estate office not long after, I was not the only person having issues and she was having her niece do work that was not legal for an unlicensed non-realtor. + +It will take 6-8 weeks after January 21st for the tax change to take effect, and then what I overpaid will be refunded to my bank. I should get a check at the end of the year. I already have been working on an enormous spreadsheet breaking down every property in my neighborhood - I am going to wreck the county's shit with hella facts next year when I am reassessed. I have definitely learned a lot in the past two days. I love you, reddit. Thank you. + +**EDIT EDIT:** I really appreciate the PM's calling me a liar. Super cool guys. I actually provided a screenshot from the bank breaking down where the $1,400 is going in an earlier comment, [you can see it here.](http://imgur.com/f0aSnWK) I know I've typed out a lot, but no I am not paying $600 in taxes every month. The difference includes a shortage since taxes are paid by your bank out of your escrow account. So I'm basically being charged for being short this year and for estimated taxes next year. Imagine a rotisserie chicken... +Due to the insane used car market I'm seriously considering selling my car, mostly for financial reasons. I've moved to the inner west of Sydney this year and expect to be here for at least a few more years, so I don't see myself as needing a car very much for now. Currently I think I can sell my 2015 Honda Jazz for around 16k when I bought it for 12k in 2019, so it's very tempting for me to do so + +I've seen the car share service goget and could see that as being a great alternative instead of having to pay all the costs of owning one. + +Any tips/advice for this? +https://fourpillarfreedom.com/the-trinity-study-updated-for-2018/ + +I know this isn't news but I see current posts of people citing the 4% fixed SWR over a 30 year period too much as well as scenarios of a 100% equity portfolio. +Today my partner and I went to bid in our first auction. We were hopeful. We’ve been in the market a few months and felt ready to tackle an auction after placing a few private offers. + +The range was 630k - 690k. + +We were happy to go to 710k. We felt confident. Finally a house we loved that was within our price range. + +The bidding begins and we are blown out of the water within 2 seconds flat. I’m not even kidding. “680! 700! 720! 740!” + +Just like that. We were out. Didn’t even get to throw a bid out there. Can’t even cross that off my bucket list. + +It sold for 835k - almost 200k over the reserve. Couples and families in the crowd were as shocked as we were. + +So I’m calling out to all FHBs that have been in the same situation but have since managed to find a house. What were your experiences like? In need of some hopeful/happy stories because this process is getting tiringgggggg! +The Securities and Exchange Board of India warned mutual funds for charging under various heads and defeating the very purpose of direct plans. + +“We have observed during our inspections of mutual funds that the difference in the TER (total expense ratio) between direct and regular plans is not exactly to the extent of distribution expenses and commission paid,” SEBI Chairman Ajay Tyagi said at the Association of Mutual Funds in India’s Members Summit in Mumbai—the market regulator uploaded the speech on its website. Such practices, he said, are not desirable and defeat the very purpose of direct plans. + +To prevent misuse by fund houses which charge additional expenses under other heads, the regulator recently specified that all fees and expenses in a direct plan in percentage terms under various heads including the investment and advisory fee shall not exceed the fees charged under such heads in a regular plan. + +“The numbers I am seeing with respect to direct plans are not very encouraging,” Tyagi said. + +The regulator also expressed disappointment over the awareness about exchange-traded funds. “Not much progress has been made in encouraging investments in ETFs,” he said, adding that use of technology can play a important role in raising awareness about both direct plans by mutual funds and ETFs. + +[*BloombergQuint*](https://www.bloombergquint.com/mutual-funds/sebi-chief-warns-against-additional-charges-in-direct-plans) +Hey guys, need your advice on choosing a bank that i can transfer my funds ONLINE from india to my trading account in US without the lrs and fema bullshit. + +I have previously remitted funds from my corporation bank a/c manually (meaning doing the paperwork and a forex bank manager doing the transfer), but it gets frustrating. + +So, are there any good reliable banks with minimum issues that i can personally transfer my funds online? +I work at a FAANG company, and I receive RSUs as a part of my compensation. Although I am optimistic about my company stock, I sell my RSUs as soon as they vest. + +Some reasons I do this is because: + +1. **It prevents concentration of wealth** \- Too much of a good thing isn't usually good, and it holds true for stocks as well. I don't want my net worth to dance to the tune of one stock. I'd prefer to diversify into a basket of stocks like an index. +2. **It avoids skewing my asset allocation** \- I have a ratio of equity to debt I want to maintain for my retirement corpus, and not rebalancing by selling RSUs will tilt my corpus towards equity and increase volatility. +3. **Employer does bad = I risk losing my job & my corpus** \- If the company I work for falls into troubled times, I face the double whammy of my corpus going down due to a falling share price, and a risk of losing my job. I don't want to be unemployed and penniless. + +Sure my returns might go down by diversifying, but I don't want to risk a high volatility for a chance to have higher returns. I'd rather sleep peacefully. + +Cut to today. I have been selling my RSUs for the past few years, and was curious to compare the returns of holding vs diversifying. + +Here's the graph of how it looks like: + +[https://imgur.com/a/REedk5C](https://imgur.com/a/REedk5C) + +Comparing to two broad index funds: + +1. Nifty 50 - The difference if **-49.69%** +2. US Total stock market (VTSAX) - The difference is **-36.25%** + +Another surprising aspect is that diversifying has been the better choice throughout the vesting period. Although it was never my intention of diversifying to get a better return, but sure it makes me smile a little, and I thought I'd share it here. + +&#x200B; + +I got this graph using [Andre Nader's RSU Dashboard and Equity compensation tracker](https://andrenader.substack.com/p/rsu-dashboard). How have your RSU vests performed compared to the index? + +*Shameless plug to my Substack if it doesn't count as promo -* [*https://fullstackfire.substack.com/*](https://fullstackfire.substack.com/) +In my opinion leaving your crypto in an exchange or a lending platform is way safer for most people. Especially for beginners and "casual investors". + +How many times how you heard of a popular exchange like Kraken, Coinbase, Gemini etc getting hacked? Probably not many. But how many times have you heard of someone losing his seed phrase? Millions of cryptocoins are lost because of that reason! I know that the whole "not your keys, not your crypto" might sound appealing and nice but I feel much safer having my crypto on an exchange and an lending platform than having a piece of paper than can get lost, burned or stolen! +**Hello all!** + +I am posting to bring to your attention an SEC filed on September 17, 2021: [DTCC-FICC GOV1161-21](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/9/17/GOV1161-21PDF.PDF). We seem to have forgotten about these sus SEC filings, but don't despair, I haven't! This filing announces the following firms will be added as **SPONSORED MEMBERS** of the government securities division effective Sept 23, 2021, and **State Street Bank and Trust Company** will be the Sponsoring Member for these firms. + +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Liquid Reserves Fund +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Liquid Reserves Plus Fund +* Goldman Sachs Funds, plc - Goldman Sachs US$ Treasury Liquid Reserves Fund + +Given this is a DTCC-FICC SEC filing containing ‘Goldman Sachs’, ‘Liquid’, ‘Reserves Fund’ and ‘State Street’ all in one document, I was skeptical and went digging. + +## **Goldman Sachs Asset Management website** +- It appears these firms’ objectives are for [both capital preservation and income](https://www.gspcs.com/content/dam/gsam/pdfs/international/en/fund-literature/monthly-fund-update/mfui_ulrp_acc_en.pdf?sa=n). It's also interesting that their management team, [Global Liquidity Management Team](https://www.gsam.com/content/gsam/uk/en/liquidity-solutions/fund-center/fund-finder/goldman-sachs-us$-liquid-reserves-fund.html#activeTab=overview), has more than 30 years of liquidity management experience and $250 billion in assets under management. + +## **Bloomberg’s websites** +* First, the firm's ticker price vary considerably relative to AUM. + + * [Goldman Sachs plc - US$ Treasury Liquid Reserves Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSUTLRI:ID) + + * Ticker: $1 + * AUM: 49,037,813,000 + + * [Goldman Sachs plc - US$ Liquid Reserves Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSULQTA:ID) + + * Ticker: $10,656.99 + * AUM: 29,815,030,000 + +* Second, one of these firms appears to be *way* over-leveraged and is super sus: [Goldman Sachs – PLC – GS US$ Liquid Reserves Plus Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSUSDIA:ID). Two of its holdings account for 727.76% of the fund! Both of which are under the ticker symbol ‘JTDB 0’ + + * Ticker: $10,501.38 + * AUM: $1,304,589,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 421.80%) + * JTDB 0 09/13/21 (BP933995:COR % of Fund 306.06%) + +* A quick google search for ‘JTDB 0’ revealed another Goldman Sachs firm appears to be over-leveraged with the same investment: [Goldman Sachs plc – Sterling Liquid Reserves Plus Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/GSSLRIA:ID) + + * Ticker: $10,162.69 + * AUM: $31,896,000 + * JTDB 0 10/04/21 (BQ259925:COR % of Fund 448.95%) + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 212.52%) + +## But it's not just Goldman Sachs +* [T Rowe Price Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/TRZWX:US) seems to also be invested, but at a much more modest and reasonable amount of 2.93% of their fund. + + * Ticker: $5.09 + * AUM: 5,303,935,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 1.81%) + * JTDB 0 09/13/21 (BQ259925:COR: % of Fund 1.12%) + +* As well as [PIMCO Global Managed Asset Allocation Portolio](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/VPVGMVV:US), with ‘JTDB 0’ account for 6.7% of their fund. + + * Ticker: $12.57 + * AUM: 456,797,000 + * JTDB 0 09/21/21 (BQ009469:COR: % of Fund 6.7%) + +## So, what is ‘JTDB 0’? + +* Japanese Bonds +* Here are some similar bonds with differing dates. + * [JTDB 0 01/28/19](https://cbonds.com/bonds/470691/) + * [JTDB 0 11/29/21](https://cbonds.com/bonds/1116541/) + * [JDB 0.1 09/20/21](https://cbonds.com/bonds/249469/) - This one may be the same as the above firm in question ‘JTDB 0 09/21/21’ but I can’t seem to confirm the ticker identity. + +## **TLDR** +I am posting this to get more eyes on recent DTCC-FICC filings announcing the sponsoring of sus firms that involve Goldman Sachs and State Street. Moreover, there appears to be some odd investments within these liquid reserve funds, specifically ‘JTDB 0 09/21/21’, which appears to be a Japanese Domestic Bond that account for >700% of Goldman Sachs Liquid Reserves Plus Fund and Sterling Liquid Reserves Plus Fund. The significance of this is unclear but I was hoping to bring this to people’s attention to see if this reflects looming liquidation by Goldman Sachs or some other firms. + +Buy. Hodl. DRS! + +*edits for formatting +We have known all along... the huge heaping pile of dogshit wrapped in catshit known as synthetic shares, phantom shares, or IOUS - they aren't real shares until you DRS and put them in your name. + +During Jan 2021, FINRA reported a short interest of 226% + +The SEC 'meme stock report' showed 122% + +Link - https://www.sec.gov/page/sec-staff-release-gamestop-report + +What does the short interest mean? + +According to Investopedia: + +"Short interest indicates how many shares of a company are currently sold short and not yet covered. + +If a company has 10 million shares of stock outstanding and 1 million shares are sold short, the total short interest is 10%." + +GameStop once had 76 million shares outstanding. The official reports showed 122-226% which means 92-171 million shares were sold short.↘️ + +But we all know mathematically it is easily over 1,000% meaning the reverse is also true: + +#There are easily over 1 billion synthetic shares. + +Link - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdf1gs/reminder_reported_short_interest_si_will_never/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +And you know what happens when shorts close? Buy back which creates Massive price action movement 🆙 + +Shorts are really the dumb stormtroopers of the Galaxy. + +SHFs have doubled down on every opportunity to short and have dug a grave so far deep that it's made them sell their condos, penthouses, and move to Florida because they know domino bankruptcy is coming. + +The DOJ has opened an investigation and made a public statement they are pursuing RICO charges for securities fraud. + +This week we received the smoking gun that the DTCC intentionally coded it wrong on the instructions to international brokers for a FC-02 - stock split, NOT an FC-06 for stock dividend, according to their own handbook from the official DTCC website. + +Ryan Cohen has made it clear: + +"Ask not what your company can do for you - ask what you can do for your company." + +It's clear as daylight. + +Submit reports to SEC and DOJ. They want a paper trail to pursue this for RICO charges. + +The MOASS is in our hands, nobody is going to hand you a million dollars on a silver platter but you have been given the keys to do it. + +DRS your broker shares to prove that you own your shares. Document and screenshot any taxes incurred by broker's doing a stock split on your account. Package that all up and send it: + +DOJ + +https://oig.justice.gov/hotline/submit_complaint#:~:text=You%20may%20report%20waste%2C%20fraud,Drug%20Enforcement%20Administration + +SEC + +https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html + +The music has stopped. + +This is the final piece... The last DRS wave before the MOASS. + +Share price will jump into the thousands to prevent fomo buyers and skyrocket into hundreds of thousands triggering halts. This is a once in a lifetime event and it will not be televised but what you do today will live in history. + +Make it count. + +Buy DRS hodl +🟣o7🟦👑💎🙌🚀♾️🏊‍♂️ +I'm seeing posts around on different reddit subs claiming TurboTax's free service is no longer actually free this year, and they try to charge you at the end after you entered your info, is this true? I filed using them last year using their free service and it worked fine, what did they change? If so, any good alternative services to try instead that are free? +*I made a throwaway account as you can easily identify who I am on my regular. + +Hello everyone, I hope I’m posting to the right place. As stated in the title, I was kicked out and currently homeless. My mom kicked me out because I don’t agree with her political opinions. She’s very conservative, and I told her that even if I don’t agree with her own opinions, I still respect her. Today hit the breaking point where she told me that Covid-19 is fake, and I argued back. She lost it and told me to find somewhere else to live. I called my dad (they’re divorced), but he isn’t letting me stay with him. + +I am really lost, I feel like I’m at the lowest point in my life and I have nowhere to go. I do have a savings account with $1,500 in it, but no credit and she took my car away. I paid for the car completely but it’s in her name and told me that if it goes missing she will report it to the police. I had a friend come pick me up and take me to work. I work as a manager at a pizza chain making $10.50 an hour, but my paychecks are only around $600, which is hard to live off. + +She didn’t give me my birth certificate, or social security card, and told me I need to “get it myself”, which I don’t know how to. Currently I have plans to stay at a friends house, but I don’t want to rely on others constantly. I am thinking of moving into dorms at my university, which I wasn’t planning on it before as I lived 15 minutes away but now I am thinking of just being in debt for the next couple of years if that means I can have a place and food. + +I need advice, and any is appreciated. I’m sorry if my spelling or grammar is terrible, I’m just a wreck right now. + + +*Edit-Hi everyone, I haven’t replied to comments yet, but I plan on it when I have more time. To those who have been inboxing me/plan to and tell me to “suck it up and stop being a brat” for disagreeing with my moms political opinions. There’s been many years of emotional abuse, and this is just unfortunately the breaking point. You have no idea how someone’s life really is, and all I ask for is to please keep hateful comments to yourself. Or those who have told me to live with my dad, he’s going through a very rough patch, and has recently faced homelessness himself. I cant rely on him to care for me when he barely can for himself. Thank you for all the kind and helpful comments. + +*Edit 2- Many people keep asking where I’m from an I was hesitant to state but I live in Cleveland, Ohio. +My wife and i have been renting a room in my MIL's home. She also lives in the home which is located in a highly sought after socal beach community. + +Both parties are interested in my wife and i taking over the house, which includes the mortgage (600k). The current value of the home is much greater than the mortgage, so we are not sure of the legal ramifications. + +She has a bad loan rate due to her own debt/credit score and we are wondering if we should co-sign a refinance with our credit score & income while putting us on the title or if we conduct a non-arms length transaction that includes a major gift of equity?.. or another option? + +She doesn’t want anything from us except the ability still to live there after we take over. + +Thanks for any suggestions! +So Ben parted ways with his old videographer and went on his own. First couple episodes sucked but this one is much better. Funny and some interesting “back of the envelope “ analysis done throughout the episode. Thought the sub would like https://youtu.be/Ys_WOKw9rFg +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I can't be alone in continuing to think of the price in pre-split dollars. +As such, I simply had to take the opportunity to buy below $100. +While I do not doubt that the SHFs will try (as usual) to make a statement about earnings with a massive price drop, I still love every share I've purchased in the double-digits. +I cannot wait to see what kind of a discount they offer. + +Of course, they may have overextended a bit with their recent smear campaign against Ryan Cohen. +Could it be any more obvious that their media shills have no idea what they are talking about? +They are grasping at straws, hoping that something will stick. +The unfortunate truth is that some of it will. +It doesn't change anything in my mind. +Ryan Cohen has masterfully changed the course of GameStop's history. +Each day that we HODL is another closer to the day that the SHFs cannot sustain their position, and start to fall. +Every share that we DRS brings us another step closer. + +As we eagerly await the latest official DRS numbers, let's celebrate the worldwide movement that brings us all together. + +Today is Wednesday, September 7th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$25.25 / 25,44 €** *(volume: 4480)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $25.27 / 25,45 € *(volume: 4285)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $25.42 / 25,60 € *(volume: 3205)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $25.42 / 25,60 € *(volume: 3202)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $25.42 / 25,60 € *(volume: 3171)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $25.42 / 25,61 € *(volume: 2965)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,41 € *(volume: 1005)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,41 € *(volume: 915)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,41 € *(volume: 795)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,41 € *(volume: 589)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $25.22 / 25,41 € *(volume: 556)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $25.21 / 25,40 € *(volume: 554)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $25.08 / 25,27 € *(volume: 541)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $25.07 / 25,25 € *(volume: 541)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $25.10 / 25,28 € *(volume: 412)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $25.09 / 25,27 € *(volume: 392)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $25.10 / 25,28 € *(volume: 391)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $25.10 / 25,28 € *(volume: 341)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $25.10 / 25,29 € *(volume: 281)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $25.11 / 25,29 € *(volume: 281)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $25.09 / 25,27 € *(volume: 256)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $25.08 / 25,26 € *(volume: 240)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $25.07 / 25,25 € *(volume: 240)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $25.07 / 25,25 € *(volume: 235)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $25.09 / 25,27 € *(volume: 218)* +- 🟥 US close price: $25.14 / 25,32 € *($25.19 / 25,37 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9928. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I've been lurking r/investing for a while and everyone there keeps making it sound like the next financial Armageddon is litterally happening so I buy puts on TQQQ two days ago and vaporizes my account. Fuck them. + +So I go on this sub and everyone's making a million dollars on MSFT calls so I buy all the calls I can at market open and now I'm down 40% in the past 30 minutes. I hate you all. + +*Update stock bounced back a little bit so I closed my positions up 0.05% (+$12) +Don’t know why anyone hasn’t brought this up yet, so I will. + +As of June 30th the 13-fs show citadel and Susquehanna both loaded up on bbby shares, probably after they drove it down to mid single digits. Why the fuck would Ryan Cohen want to stay in bbby when he knows the two megalodons shorting his gme stock and making markets are buying millions of shares of bbby before they drive it up???? Anyone?? + +Exactly, take your money and run Ryan..bring it back to the one true idiosyncratic stock that will break these mother fuckers. Gme. Drs. Zen. + +I expect a tweet and a big gme buy order soon as well as a few catalysts to light the ignition. + +Cheers +$GME + +Few key points to its history so far. + +1. When she runs, she runs nice +2. When she runs in AH, that's a banger in the next morning +3. Tomorrow trading at $250 - $300 is not a meme +4. F in the chat to everyone who made fun of that guy yesterday who bought 18k in GME 250c options +5. This guy is already printing like a mofo and if tomorrow does what I think it may do, we need to see the update post. + +Calls on that guy. + +I have been super annoyed with GME lately, not even going to lie. + +But this is nice. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zksq62e1l0p81.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=c658815d0e8e1f45749790e191c5bd8816932885 +Title. + +We are seeing them crank the cheat bar from a 20% to 100%. The normal level of cheating has been getting the blind eye from retail/ the general public but now that HF's are literally cornered we are seeing their true nature and capabilities. They can literally "manufacture money". + +They prey on us apes by continuously manipulating stocks and shaving off the top to add to their excessive wealth so they can buy 200+ million dollar apartments, buy politicians, and probably evade tax. + +Seriously what the fuck is the point of investing if we basically are just hoping that we are apart of the HF's high tide that brings tendies to keeps the illusion everything is all dandy. + +The fuckery with RH was the icing on the cake. First of all if a product is free YOU are the product, and on top of this when the SAME thing that they do to us starts happening to THEM they fucking cease purchasing. + +Apes Strong +Both my wife and I have corporate cards through our companies. I've been at 3 different companies where I've had one and it always worked the same: I use the card, send the statement to my boss for approval, and the company pays the bills. + +My wife's company always had her use her own credit card (and earn the rewards points), submit a reimbursement request, and then receive a check and pay off her card. It meant that sometimes she paid a bit of interest, but generally the points outweighed the few times that happened. + +Both of these methods seem fine to me, but her company was recently acquired and last year they instituted a corporate card policy. I assumed it was the same set up as mine, but over lunch, she explained that it actually works like this: + +1) She uses the corporate card (earning no points) + +2) She is required to make an on-time payment to the card out of our personal accounts. + +3) She submits a reimbursement request and the company sends her a check. + +4) I asked what happens if she doesn't pay it and she stated that her credit will be damaged if she pays late. The company is taking 2-3 months to provide reimbursement because they said the expense has to be in the past to get reimbursed, so when she pays for a flight and hotel room in March, she has to wait until March for the money. WE'RE PAYING THE INTEREST ON IT DURING THAT TIME! + +I was freaking livid when she told me this. I'm still seething and feel like calling her company to tear a new one in whomever thought this was okay. We're paying their interest, losing yield on those dollars, getting no points, AND taking the credit risk? Twenty years in banking and I've never heard of this! + +Her company has net assets of $1.5B so it's not some small, family-owned thing. They're making hundreds of employees do this. Feels like it can't possibly be legal. Has anybody heard of this before? + +EDIT: It sounds like this is more common that I ever would have thought. Thanks to everyone for the info and for mostly agreeing that's it's a gross thing to do. That helps my mindset about it. +Hi everyone, u/FullyCommittedMaybe here. Long-time-no-post. Speaking of which, I hope this meets the criteria for its own post! I've been collecting data for just over 3 years, and I finally reached a big milestone, so I figured I would spend a minute longer than usual and share real-life (albeit anecdotal) results of my mortgage vs. investment experiment. Up front, I do want to acknowledge that I have been *very fortunate* in many ways, and of course that your milage may vary. + +**Background:** in January 2019, I set the goal to pay off (or have enough money to pay off) my mortgage by 1/2025 (as you might have already guessed...I beat the timeline by more than 2.5 years). I moved into the house 4/2016, so the original target would have been quite early relative to your typical 30 (or even 15) year plan, but I wanted to be aggressive. I was 31 when I set the goal, and I owed $130.5K at 2.875%. + +At that time, there were regular comments (maybe there still are?) in the daily discussions with folks asking which was better -- pay off the mortgage early? Or keep the mortgage and invest surplus income in an attempt to outpace the mortgage interest rate? My gut told me to pay off the mortgage...I'd have plenty of money to invest once the payment was gone, I'd be 100% debt free, and I'd sleep better at night knowing I owned the house. But I just couldn't pull the trigger knowing that I had a great income, my interest rate is mega-mega-low, I am (sort of) young, and I can easily take on (what I would consider to be) a relatively low risk. I chose to invest the money, and I'm so glad I did. As of this month, I have enough to pay off the mortgage. So, how did the investments do vs. had I paid down the principal and saved the interest? + +**Results:** + +*Scenario 1:* If I had made payments as usual (no side-investments, no extra mortgage payments), I would have paid: + +* $130.5K principal +* $24.7K interest +* **$155.2K total** + +*Scenario 2:* If I had used what I'm calling my surplus income ($88.8K over 39 months) to pay down the principal early (and made the payments on the same dates that I made my investments), I would have paid: + +* 130.5K principal +* $7.7K interest +* **$138.2K total ($17.0K better than Scenario 1)** + +*Scenario 3* (what I actually did): I made regular investments over the course of the last 39 months in VIGAX and VTSAX until the account was large enough to pay off my mortgage (after capital gains taxes). + +* $30.5K principal (regular mortgage payments) +* $10.9K interest (regular mortgage payments) +* $88.8K investment +* **Total "paid" by me**: $129.7K +* Total growth: $21.0K (which will generate roughly $3.2K in taxes) +* If I sell, pay taxes, and pay off the mortgage in full today, I will have $6.1K remaining +* **Total cost to me (since I have $6.1K remaining) = $123.6K ($31.7K better than Scenario 1, $14.7K better than Scenario 2)** + +**Takeaways:** + +1. Given the market is down YTD, this is perfect timing to conclude and reflect on the experiment. Many of my friends and family feel that there is too much uncertainty in the market to put a large chunk of extra cash into it. COVID, gas prices, attempted reversal of a presidential election, war, etc. Lots to be afraid of, and the news will always remind you of that. But the gains of the last few years (which were, admittedly, tremendous) overshadow my YTD results in a big way. I'm glad I did not miss out on all those gains! +2. My investment loss is -$12.5K YTD in this investment account. So even with all the uncertainty and the losses, I still came out way ahead in the long run. I know this is only a 39 month experiment, but it's a good reminder that my personal philosophy is to focus on long-term strategies. +3. The reason the title says "Final-ish Results" is because I am not cashing out. In scenarios 1 and 2, the payoff dates would not yet be here. The money still has time to grow (or shrink!) before I hit the payoff dates in those scenarios. My suspicion is that it grows and I'm even further ahead. +4. Obviously I am fortunate beyond belief in terms of the market, income, stimulus, etc. Just want to acknowledge that one more time. +5. Looking back, it seems silly that I ever considered *not* doing this. It is such a small risk relative to the potential reward, in my opinion. + +What did I miss? Any questions? I do not have Reddit on my phone anymore so I will check in on this post later. Good luck out there, everyone! +(edit) Fleshing this out with more detail as per a few suggestions in thread and inbox. + +On the light side of FAT, and even lighter after this year ravaged my equity holdings, but am still easily at Net = 25x my annual spend as a home owner in a HCOL US city. I've worked most of my career outside of the US, and I'm 90% moving out of US at some point immediately pre- or post- RE, not for financial reasons, but for personal growth, adventure, and a desire to live somewhere that more closely aligns with my values & outlook. + +Have spent a few years doing remote research (Intl Living, multiple expat communities), and believe Costa Rica & Panama to be lead options for me, particularly as I've been fluent in Spanish a number of times and could easily get there within a month or two of immersion. Am extremely interested in Costa Rico due to the blue zone aspect, and was recently approached regarding luxury development along the Gold Coast area/ Figuring roughly 1-to-1 trade on housing, and trying to re-jigger my MonteCarlos, but can't figure out the inputs for FAT CoL in Costa Rica. + +Might anyone share knowledge or reference/sites for self-learning on FATfire cost of living in Costa Rica? I can find multiple "budget" cost of living articles, but have struggled for what more luxurious cost levels might be for the GoldCoast area (relo w/ home purchase vs visit). Appreciate any insight. +I was thinking about the so-called Star Trek economy/post-scarcity economy in which inexhaustible energy sources are used to produce material goods cheaply and instantly. Once it comes to pass, everyone can "retire early," even if they haven't saved anything. Some futurists think we are headed in that direction. So my question is, if this type of economy came to pass after you put in the effort to aggressively save and retire early, would you have any regrets about working hard to RE when others didn't strive to save anything? How close are we to such an economy? Will it come to pass in our lifetime? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +We (mid-30s, two kids, 30m NW) are moving back from the NYC area to the UK. Throwaway for obvious reasons. I have a few questions + +1) We LOVE FAT suburban America. Are there any good FAT bits of the UK outside of central London? I grew up there but tbh my friends 1.5 mil house with a pool seemed the height of luxury to me. Ideally with amazing schools too and commutable to central London. Some time on google throws up places like St George’s Hill but I can’t tell if it’d be mainly a bunch of folks who looted various third world countries before decamping to London… + +2) How do I throw money at the relo experience to make it better? Eg relocation consultant? + +3) Any recommendations for someone to help on the tax side? My employer will pay for big4 but they’re pretty mediocre… + +Deliberately not posting to fatfireuk because it’s nearly dead … and because I basically want to take suburban America back with me when I go home… + +Any hints / tips massively appreciated. +I placed an online order for in store pick up for like $500. In error, they placed a bunch of around $500-ish holds on my CC until the card was full. I tried to pay off the about $300 balance that was on the card already, but lowes immediately put another hold on there. The CC company says there's nothing they can do because the transactions aren't completed. They report that they are 7 day holds. Lowes says they're looking into it, but that if I want to pick up my stuff I need to pay them in a different way. + +So I'm sitting here with with CC with a $0 blanace that I can't use for potentially 7 days. I also have a couple bills about to go through on this card. I'm facing fees in multiple directions. Is Lowes responsible? Is there anything I can do about it? + +Edit: Thanx everyone. Looks like Lowes.com might do this a lot. So buyers beware. +I have posted a few analysis in the past, and quite a few of them were wrong. I used the flair DD because there isn't much definitive difference between "Possible DD" and "DD". Also, I think the flair "DD" causes apes to assume it is immediately THE TRUTH. To prevent false information from entering into superstonk, any submitted DD should have a "Speculation" flair until peer reviewed for accuracy. The "Possible DD" and "DD" flair should be removed and only mods should have the power to grant it. +These last couple weeks watching the users here drop countless NFTs for free is amazing. Seeing how they've evolved in just that short amount of time with JUST THE WALLET being released is insane. Community members stepping up and creating tutorials for how to mint and publish games. + + +The marketplace isn't even out yet and people are already gaming with NFTs on GameStop's platform. This community is building it and they will come. It's inspiring. It reminds me yet again why we're going to win. + + +Good luck Kenny boy, we're coming for that mayo 🔥 +I'm about halfway through Henry Hazlitt's book *Economics in One Lesson*. As far as I know, the arguments made there have never been properly refuted (if someone has, please post a link). Then why do policy-makers and pundits constantly contradict its conclusions? (Don't mind me, I'm just an Econ newb) + +BTW, you can read the book for free here: [jim.com/econ/](http://jim.com/econ/) +Not even your family , friends or colleagues . Humans are the most jealous of all creatures and everyone would come to you for a share of your pie once they know it. +So in the commentary of chapter 6 it is written... + +“ if you’d bought 100 shares of Microsoft when it went public on March 13, 1986, your $2100 investment would have grown to $720,000 by early 2003. And finance professors Jay Ritter and William Schwert have shown that if you had spread a total of only $1000 across every IPO in January 1960, at its offering price, sold out at the end of that month, then invested anew in each successive months crop of IPOs, your portfolio would have been worth more than $533 decillion by year end 2001.” + +What do they mean by **investing anew in each successive month’s crop of IPOs** ? +As per the latest rule of IT, upto 10 lakh dividend is free from tax. So investing wisely can earn a good amount of money each year without paying a penny in tax. + + +Ill share my findings on how this can be maximised + +1. Govt stocks like coal india, balmer lawrie, indian oil, metal stocks like vedanta give good dividend. However the investment required to get any deal of tangible income as dividend remains high. For ex, coal india gives minimum dividend over last 5 years of Rs 6, so with this calc, you need around 50,000 shares to get income of 3 Lakhs which at current LTP is around 1 crore corpus for rolling returns each year. + +2. Liquid ETF can be used to get interest in the form of dividend which accordingly is not eligible for tax upto 10 lakh limit. On paper this looks better than liquid MFs which are subject to tax.So invested amount of 1 crore in liquid ETF can earn you roughly 6 lakhs as tax free income each year. However liquid ETF returns are on lower side, compared to Liquid MF and UST MFs. Also, I am not sure if other risks are associated with liquid ETF (of course its traded so buy / sell price and liquidity will always matter) + + +3. Not sure if CPSE etf gives dividend , cant find any info on this. However its full of gov stocks which are known to provide stable dividend. Also SBI Nifty50 ETF gives around Re 1 as dividend + +4. I have never explored dividend option of MFs, does it have scope of good returns too? Especially debt or liquid MFs dividend option + +Please share any other avenues you know to maximise this +I started trading around 2004 and went full time end of 2015. Mostly futures looking at volume profiles and order flow. Made ends meet but could never really make big bucks. Also, never managed to automate enough the approach hence too many emotions into the game. But mostly, tired of not having a salary not fully depending on my motivation, tired of having "floating income", tired of working alone. Moving back to a corporate life. + +Failure? Probably yes, but I wouldn't be happy if I wouldn't have tried it. I learned to know myself, how of a wimp and greedy bastard I am but also how much energy can I put into this. I shouted, I jumped for joy, I cried until progressively emotions went down, although not enough. + +I took a step back once I realized it was becoming more an addiction rather than a job and that the quality of my life and the work life balance itself was going downhill. I don't exclude coming back to a part time trading, but for the moment I miss having a boss, having colleagues, having a fixed salary :) + +Good luck everyone +I am assuming, if interest rates go up then prices of houses go down. However because interest rates are up, less people are able to borrow because of which the rents will go up. Am I right in this assumption? + +Also, would this assumption be consistent across all states? + +Cheers~ +If I am able to pay for everything I need with debit, why should I ever have to use a credit card? + +I have seen side comments on this sub about people preferring credit to debit. Why is that? + +Apologies if it's a stupid question, but please ELI5 +Ever since the results of the earnings call came out after hours on Wednesday, GME investors have been bombarded relentlessly with toxic negativity from all sides. Make no mistake, this is very much a calculated ruthless attack to break down your resolve. To make you give in to despair. Don't let them win. + +Focus on the positive. Here are two main positives from the earnings call that should literally put a big fat smile on your face: + +1. We finally have positive free cash flow! Not only does this indicate good financial health for GME, it also indicates that GME's management team, including CEO Furlong and Chairman Cohen, are capable of executing plans successfully and achieving their stated goals. They are the captains of our ship and now we know they're capable of steering GME through the storm to safety! +2. DRSed share numbers went up! 500,000 additional GME shares were direct registered between end of July and end of October! That's great news! Now, the bears will twist it and say it's bad news because it's not a higher number but that's short sighted thinking. We have to consider the larger macroeconomic setting. Truth is, people are hurting all over the world. Persistent high inflation means many many people are struggling just to make ends meet. Credit card debt levels are at the highest they've ever been and savings rates are at the lowest they've ever been here in the USA. It's remarkable that the number of direct registered shares even went up! Seriously! + +So never forget to focus on the positive! Here's a news article that further reminds GME investors to focus on the light and ignore the darkness: + +[https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/gamestops-q3-earnings-review-look-on-the-bright-side](https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/gamestops-q3-earnings-review-look-on-the-bright-side) +Chewy, Inc. (NYSE: CHWY) ("Chewy"), a trusted destination for pet parents and partners everywhere, has released its financial results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2021 ended August 1, 2021, and posted a letter to its shareholders on its investor relations website at [https://investor.chewy.com](https://investor.chewy.com). + +Fiscal Q2 2021 Highlights: + +\- Net sales of $2.16 billion grew 26.8 percent year over year + +\- Gross margin of 27.5 percent expanded 200 basis points year over year + +\- Net loss of $16.7 million, including share-based compensation expense of $25.6 million + +\- Net margin of (0.8) percent improved 110 basis points year over year + +\- Adjusted EBITDA of $23.3 million, an increase of 50.5 percent year over year + +\- Adjusted EBITDA margin of 1.1 percent improved 20 basis points year over year + +"We have now crossed the halfway point of 2021, and our results once again demonstrate the strength of our business model and the incredible bond between pets and pet parents," said Sumit Singh, Chief Executive Officer of Chewy. "Our business remains healthy, with second quarter net sales up 27 percent year over year, driven by a 21 percent increase in active customers and a 13 percent increase in net sales per active customer. Customer engagement is growing, and we are confident in our ability to deliver strong results while navigating uncertain market conditions due to the ever-evolving COVID-19 pandemic." +I am not american but I ended up in an american ER on july 2nd after I had a medical emergency during a vacation in the USA, I was asked for all my info and to pay 100 as "good faith" to prove I'd pay since my insurance didn't go through, I was also told my bill would likely be only around 100 more since it was only a short visit that did not requiere any medical tools or rooms, I was only there for tooth pain so they simply looked at my tooth and gave an antibiotic. +I gave them my address and specified several times it was in a different country, I was also asked for my hotel address but was told they would be able to send the bill to my real address. +I never got the bill and called them but was told it wasn't ready yet and to keep waiting, finally 2 weeks ago I was able to use the online payment portal and I saw a 800 dollar bill, as advised I called to ask for an itemized statement sent to my email, I was also told that they didn't save my real address and they had sent the bill to the hotel hence why I never got it but whatever, good thing is they got my email right. +Well, I never got the itemized statement sent to my email either so I said fuck it ill just pay it but it now says my pending balance is $0.00, is this normal? Was it send to collections despite it only being 2 weeks after I was able to see the balance due? +The combined valuation of Microsoft and Apple is $2.499 trillion. The total market cap of all companies listed on Germany’s stock market hovers at $2.244 trillion. + +CRAZY +Guten Morgen (¡y hola!) to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, events truly feel like they are coming to a head. Last week we saw some serious jolts to the markets, along with many indicators that we are about to start seeing some enormous institutions start to fall. I can't decide if the housing market or the total return swaps will be blamed for the crash, or if it will be Evergrande or another factor. Whatever it is, I expect it to be very impactful, and it very well might trigger margin calls that get the MOASS going. + +Whatever happens, I am completely at peace with my HODLings of GME at ComputerShare. No matter what banks go insolvent, which brokers go broke, ComputerShare is going to have every share safely held in my name. As we continue to look forward to next months' annual meeting and the results of the vote, it is comforting to have such security in the face of so much uncertainty. + +Today is Monday, May 2nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$124.62 / 118,23 €** *(volume: 502)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $125.22 / 118,81 € *(volume: 457)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $125.16 / 118,75 € *(volume: 315)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $125.17 / 118,75 € *(volume: 314)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $125.16 / 118,75 € *(volume: 308)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $125.05 / 118,64 € *(volume: 308)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $125.14 / 118,72 € *(volume: 306)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $125.06 / 118,66 € *(volume: 297)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $125.07 / 118,66 € *(volume: 290)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $125.19 / 118,78 € *(volume: 277)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $125.15 / 118,73 € *(volume: 276)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $125.08 / 118,67 € *(volume: 276)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $125.20 / 118,79 € *(volume: 270)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $125.33 / 118,91 € *(volume: 265)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $125.37 / 118,94 € *(volume: 205)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $125.46 / 119,03 € *(volume: 204)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $125.43 / 119,00 € *(volume: 204)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $125.41 / 118,98 € *(volume: 199)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $125.42 / 118,99 € *(volume: 194)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $125.42 / 119,00 € *(volume: 182)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $125.44 / 119,01 € *(volume: 181)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $125.36 / 118,94 € *(volume: 152)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $125.37 / 118,94 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $125.32 / 118,90 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $125.19 / 118,78 € *(volume: 51)* +- 🟥 US close price: $125.07 / 118,66 € *($124.90 / 118,50 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.054. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Howdy r/personalfinance! My fiancé is 8 weeks pregnant. After quite a lot of talking and hopping back and forth we've decided to continue with the pregnancy and start a family. Off of our income we could raise a child and support ourselves but I absolutely do not want to wreck myself financially or live the rest of our days in poverty. + +Between the two of us we probably pull in 40k a year before taxes. I'm set to begin training for a higher position in the next couple of weeks which should boost our income by another 7-13k in time for the baby. + +She has debt from when she was younger. 600~ credit card debt. 3,500 in car loans. About 700 in hospital bills. + +My total debt is about 1250. Unpaid hospital bill and a debt in collections over a terminated contract with my mobile provider. + +We only pay 150 a month for rent for now. Expected to be 500 in a month or two. + +I personally bring in about 500-600 dollars a week (paid weekly). The baby is expected to be here in October. What can I do with this weekly income to start getting prepared for this baby? + +I'm extremely nervous. This is going to be one of the biggest jumps I'll ever make. I don't have a car. We're living in her parents guest house. I need to get the ball rolling immediately. + +I just don't know where to begin. Please help guide me. I know for a fact that there's a lot of things I should've started doing as of yesterday. I just don't have guidance on the matter. + +Tl;dr - Fiancé is pregnant. 40k a year combined income. I make 500 a week on average alone. Current bills only 150 a month for rent. I don't have a car. What should I start doing immediately. +After 15 years here, I've decided to leave. Would have done so last year to dodge Brexit and make the admin easier but covid happened... +I arrived in the UK as a young adult meaning my entire professional career has happened and been taxed here. I also now have dual British citizenship. +I'm not feeling well equipped to make the right financial decisions on my own with regards to: what to do with my savings here and the best way to transfer them over to Europe, what to do with my vested RSUs (best to cash them now in GBP and move to EUR bank account later or can it wait and they be cashed in EUR after I've moved without a double tax?), tax implications of moving, UK pension, potentially becoming a landlord to keep my flat here etc. +Are there tax/financial advisers/accountants that specialise in those types of international moves? Googling results so far have been: UK only professionals who don't really know about EU financial implications or biiiiig fortune kind of advisers (I have some savings but I'm far from being that level of wealthy). +Any recommendations/advice would be most welcome! +Not sure how many people are aware of this. + +I didn't know until reading about it today. + +Seems like everyone here should be aware of the change in ownership. + +Edit: + +The actual sale is not confirmed. However a new CEO was put in place in the days before the hack, this is coming from the @etherdelta twitter feed. +I was also unaware they began advertising the token sale prior to the hack. + +I first read about these developments in this comment thread which has more sourced info: +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7n1owu/scam_of_the_week_etherdelta_token_ico/dryfa3u/ +After about four months of trying it’s become evident my real estate agent just isn’t cutting it. I’m a first time home buyer and went with someone I know from my work and I now regret that. She doesn’t go to showings with me and she doesn’t seem to have a realistic approach to finding me a home in a competitive market as I haven’t even gotten close to having a good offer. + +I want to try someone new. We never signed a contract but I don’t know the best way to get rid of her. Should I just text her saying I no longer want to work with her? And seeing as how she has put in a good amount of work over the past 4 months, should I send her some sort of compensation for her time? I feel bad knowing she gets no compensation since she has done a decent amount of work for me. She’s just not the right agent for what I need. +There has been a recent flurry of posts trying to reassure newbies that thisisfine.jpeg. Whenever there is a dip, some old hands decide to help out/motivate/karma-farm/act high and mighty... + +These feel-good posts are all well and good, but once you've seen one, you've seen them all. So I'm going to *try* and add a bit more substance (though I am aware of the irony that I'm basically doing the same thing, only with better grammar and more references to peer-reviewed journals). + +Informative posts tend to get downvoted to hell though, so who knows if this will even be seen. I spent a bit of time trying to put it together, so if you think it's useful, please do give an upvote for visibility. + +##Tl;dr If you play it safe - with boring strategies, such as dollar-cost averaging, diversifying in high-cap tokens, and taking advantage of compound interest - you will probably still get massive return on investment. + + +Also, as I get older, I'm starting to realise a few years isn't *that* long. Traditional financial investment might make you rich over 30-40 years. I believe crypto can do it in 5-10. This might seem like a lot, but it's not. Stop thinking in days and weeks and start thinking in months and years. +. + +**First, some data on trading:** + +[The average individual investor underperforms a market index by 1.5% per year. Active traders underperform by 6.5% annually](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=219228) + +[Profitable day traders make up a small proportion of all traders – 1.6% in the average year.](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/529c/ce873471d616cb0778e224fa8060785f13d6.pdf?_ga=2.168609569.1460452885.1606468814-1953133549.1606468814) + +[The typical day trader loses +money by a considerable margin after adjusting for transaction costs](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download%3Fdoi%3D10.1.1.533.2044%26rep%3Drep1%26type%3Dpdf&ved=2ahUKEwijwLr5s6LtAhUTWsAKHe1xBgEQFjALegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw2pVZbTXvySyiRdLNkb6WQS) + +Furthermore, the authors of the second study write that "inconsistent with models of rational speculation and learning, we document that the aggregate performance of day traders is negative". + +This is all about regular stock trading, but you get the idea. +. + + +**Second, some anecdata about crypto friends:** + +Maybe academic papers aren't your thing. Fair enough. + +Back in 2017, two friends of mine got into crypto and we started a WhatsApp group to share tips. One friend invested steadily into Bitcoin and a few alts. The other friend invested heavily into altcoins and traded every day. In a bull market everybody thinks they're a genius. He made a lot of money then lost it all. In 2018, he tried to carry on trading, but this was now a bear market. He lost even more. + +Fast forward to this year, and he's now anti-crypto. Regrets all the money he lost. Thinks it's all a scam. At the first sign of recovery, he converted the dregs of his altcoins to BTC, sold via Coinbase and left the chat. If he'd held on for another month or two he might have recouped some losses, but he didn't. + +My other friend carried on DCA'ing into BTC and ETH and is now up considerably. +. + + +**Third, some cognitive biases** + + +[Survivorship bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) means that we concentrate on the people who win. See some smug bastard proclaiming his shitcoin profits in the Daily? He won. What you don't see are the hundreds of Wojaks who tried different trades and lost. Badly. You are more likely to be one of those sad fucks. Sorry. + +[Hyperbolic discounting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbolic_discounting) is the preference for immediate payoffs to greater payoffs at a later date. Crypto is seen as a "get rich quick" scheme. If you're new to this game, reset your expectation to "get rich more slowly than I'd like, but still fairly quick all things considered" scheme and you'll do just fine. +. + + +**Next, some info on Dollar Cost Averaging:** + +[Buying $100 of Bitcoin every month for 3 years starting 3 years ago would have turned $3,600 into $5,413 (+50%)](https://dcabtc.com?sd=2017-11-27&sda=3_years&f=monthly&d=3_years&ac=10000&c=false) + +That might not sound like much but the point is that *even if* you had bought bitcoin near the absolute peak, you would still be 50% up by now. That is INSANELY good. + +Let's play around a bit more. + +[ Dollar cost averaging Bitcoin biweekly from 07/09/2016 to 11/27/2020 gave 526.26% ROI](https://www.bitcoindollarcostaverage.com) and you would now own 4.3 BTC. 2016 was early, but it shows how a little time in the market works. +. + + +**Can you beat the market by buying the market?** + +[Check out the top ten crypto fund posts.](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/) +The answer is... *probably*. + +There is a lot of data to comb through here and I bloody love this guy's monthly updates. They're honestly the best posts on this whole subreddit. + +I hope he doesn't mind me attempting to summarize, but the main points appear to be: + +* BTC and ETH have generally outperformed the other picks +* Crypto is still beating the stock market +* (This depends on buy-in times) +* Despite it being a three-year bear market +* The upside in a bull market is huge. +. + + +**Longterm predictions** + +Mathematical analysis of crypto gets a bad rap. John McAfee famously got it wrong. But that doesn't mean it's all nonsense. Patterns tend to repeat. + +[Here are various predictions for a $100,000 Bitcoin.](https://www.moonmath.win/) + +The logarithmic regression band shows a steady upward trend, with decreasing volatility. It's a reasonable assumption that this will continue. There will be bubbles, there will be corrections, but BTC will continue going up. And if you iron out the swings, it will give greater returns than any other asset class. Crypto as a whole will also go up and other coins will give even greater return. These will be hard to predict. Diversifying a small amount into a few other coins will give some exposure to this effect without too much risk. +. + + +**Finally, some thoughts on compounding** + +OK, not your keys, not your crypto. + +But... Someone once said compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world and the key to wealth. + +The reason for the boom this summer is DeFi. For the first time, it's possible to earn interest on crypto. There are risks involved, but it is a force multiplier that can massively improve your success, and it would be remiss of you to not consider it. + +Compound interest is great on its own. But using compound interest to accumulate more units of an asset that is itself appreciating, will accelerate the process dramatically. + +Consider the following: + +* You bought one Bitcoin at $10,000. +* You HODL for ten years and it reaches $100,000. +* Go you. + +Or: + +* You put that Bitcoin into DeFi/CeFi +* You get 6.5% compounding interest. +* You HODL for ten years and BTC reaches $100,000 +* But you now have 1.91 BTC +* You have $191,000 +* That's 19x your initial buy-in. Nearly twice as good as just HODLING. + +I urge you to play around with [a compound interest calculator](https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/finance/calculators/compoundinterestcalculator.php). + +If nothing else, it should show you the value of thinking in longer timeframes. + +Currently, the best bank accounts are offering under 1% interest. Which means you're actually losing money after inflation. On the other hand, staking is coming to Eth and DeFi isn't going anywhere. There are risks with DeFi, and using crypto custodians is philosophically at odds with the dream of pseudonymous digital cash. + +That's for you to think about. But use the calculator above, plug in some numbers, and see where 12% interest gets you in 20 years. Even if you just used fiat, that would get you pretty far. Now think about getting even 5% return on Eth or BTC. Now think about what 1 BTC or 1 ETH will be worth then. Factor in dollar cost averaging on top of that. And you're risking it all chasing pumps every day? + +Slow down, and consider the safe, boring, options. You might be surprised where you get to in a few years. + +*Edit - A few people have pointed out, rightly, that I underplayed the risk of DeFi. I agree that lending your money to a custodian or a random smart contract is a risky play. But the potential of compound interest over time is an exciting development in this space, and possibly safer than day-trading. But only if you're comfortable. DYOR into DeFi and PoS coins.* +During the housing crisis of 2008, home values plummeted. Not because the homes built in 2008 were lower quality builds, but because the banks over-leveraged the houses. The over-leverage eventually caught up to them and the whole system eventually collapsed, but time heals all wounds and what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. The housing market is now stronger than ever. Anyone who bought a house during the 2008 housing crisis is now better off because of it + +Now in 2022, Bitcoin prices has plummeted. Not because there’s anything wrong with the blockchain, but because the exchanges over-leveraged their crypto assets. The over-leverage eventually caught up to them and the whole system eventually collapsed, but time heals all wounds and what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. Bitcoin will become stronger than ever. Anyone who buys bitcoin during the 2022 exchange crisis will be better off because of it + +EDIT: Just wanted to clarify that I’m not saying Bitcoin is the same asset class as real estate. The message I’m trying to convey is that bitcoin is a victim of institutions over-leveraging, similar to how real estate was back in 2008 +The argument is that rich people save most of their money whereas poor people spend most of it, therefore if you transfer some money from the rich to the poor it will increase spending and thus stimulate the economy. +I'm from Australia and a lot of websites are saying "$35 billion wiped off Australian stock market" +Could someone explain to me why this is how and how much of an affect it would have on my life? +I’m a soon to be college graduate who’s noticed that while salaries in big cities are very nice, the housing isn’t up there with them. Someone making $100k in the Valley may not have the same standard of living as someone who lives in Austin. A big part of that is because of the housing cost. + +What can be done to make housing more affordable in high job market places? +I always hear about droughts and water shortages in the American west. Farmers, residential consumers, industry, etc are asked to consume less, and frequently debate about who has proper claim to use the water, and who is causing the problem. + +But, don't all of these groups buy their water from a water company or government? If water is becoming scarce and we need to convince people to use less of it, shouldn't the price of water rise, such that farming and golf courses in the desert wouldn't be profitable? I never hear about this as a solution to water crises, so I'm guessing there must be some problem that I don't understand. +I get why board members of corporations might prefer workers not unionize, \(profits could likely decrease due to works asking for higher wages/benefits, better/safe work conditions, which come at a cost\). But are there examples of how unionized workers could fuck things up for themselves? + +For example, if I wanted to unionized myself and my coworkers, what historical lessons should I learn from? How should I not fuck up the business that I rely on for my wage? +Hello I try to inform myself about economics but everywhere I look it seems that economists are disagreeing about everything. There's even a circle of economists in my country that are against finance, austerity and that sort of stuff. So I'm basically in front of disagreements on almost everything and I don't know what do to. I mean I'm used to it, I study philosophy where there are even more disagreements, but economy is at the center of political decisions and have a big impact on society (it's true of ethics in philosophy though) so it's more of a thing you don't want to mess up with. + +What should I do ? +I've been following some of the news regarding the COVID virus and it's effects on economies around the world. + +If it causes economic supply and demand shock at the same time, in equal or proportionate measures, what does that look like? People consume and produce less, but will it have serious negative effects on the *people* themselve? Does quality of life decrease if consumption and production both decrease together? +I was having a chat with a friend, and I mentioned that Trump's tax cuts seemed to help primarily the richest Americans and largest corporations, and that despite his populist rhetoric, Trump's tax policies seemed to favor the rich. He replied that Trump's tax cuts stimulated growth in the economy which, coupled with the massive amount of repatriated capital, offset the deficits and any harm to the "average American" that may have been caused. + +Neither my friend nor I are economists, and we're having a friendly chat. I'd like to get economists' opinions on this, in an understandable manner (close to ELI5), along with a few sources to buttress the claims made and for additional reading. +Hi, I would like to know if my statement is right. "All tax is ultimately paid by the end consumer". + + Lets say you tax a company producing something, then this is a cost for the company and it will transfer the cost to the product eventually. + + Even if you tax corporate earnings, then as an investor, you will ask bigger returns to compensate, otherwise you will sell and go somewhere else. A company could also fire employees to go back to acceptable earning levels, but eventually this will mean lower productivity (increases cost) or lower quality which is also paid by the consumer. + +Eventually, all tax is paid by the consumer in one way or the other. + +Is this right? +I kind of sympathize with the Austrian business cycle theory, but these austrians totally reject empirical evidence, and present their arguments as a matter of fact way, without any data to back their claims up. They believe in rabid free markets, yet the freest markets in the world, like for instance hong kong, have bigger wealth disparities between the rich and the poor, about 1 in 5 people hong kong are living in poverty, 1.37 mil below the poverty line. + +&#x200B; + +Another thing I see with Austrian economics, is that it seems to be promoted like a cult, and people like Peter Schiff, who I don't know if he really is an honest actor, or just a charlatan, looking to profit of off 'gold'. + +&#x200B; + +They also downplay the severity of how an economic collapse will play out if fed raised rates and went on a gold standard, millions of people will be severely worse off if this were to happen. + +&#x200B; + +So my question is, is austrian economics bs, and what are your quarrels, if you have any, on austrian economics. +Both sides of the argument seem to have their own set of facts, and i’m completely clueless as to who is right. It seems like the numbers both sides use are more or less legit but it always feels like they’re being presented in a cherry picked way meant to persuade rather than inform me. + +I just visited a politics post (I’m aware reddit is left to the point that their dissenters are often just obliterated rather than listened to) titled “The rich get richer and richer still: soaring inequality in the US and why it matters.” A sentence from the article: “Evidence of extreme and rising inequality in the US is quite overwhelming.” Once and for all, are these statements not only technically true but intellectually honest too? As in there are no crucial details being conveniently omitted? Is there definitive evidence that inequality is extreme and rising in the US, and that it is harmful to the economy? +The two-period model I studied as part of a course in monetary economics claims that a 0% inflation rate is optimal, as it is non-distortianary and therefore the entire budget set will be consumed. Is there any empirical research which suggests this isn't the case? I know that inflation will induce agents to spend and lower the savings rate, but an economy also needs savers, so their savings will be invested by commercial banks. Is there any particular reason why most central banks now target a 2% inflation rate as opposed to 0%? Has anyone come across any econometrics research linking inflation to GDP growth? +During the whole election cycles, it was repeated that if Trump wins his wildcard/unpredictable stances would causes the stock market to crash. Yet, it is at a record high? What is happening; were companies and people sitting idle waiting for the election to end? +Long time lurker here. I'm coming to the prime age to start travelling and hostelling (just turned 18) so I'd like to know, how do you travel for cheap? + +Any tips or tricks? Obviously staying in a hostel and travelling during off-peak times is the best way to save some cash, but does anyone have any other interesting hints and tips? How long do you stay for? How many times a year do you travel? How much does your average trip cost? Favourite site for finding cheap flights? What do you eat? Do you indulge in the local cuisine or cook your own food? What do you do about travelling between places within the same country (where getting a plane wouldn't be viable)? + +Or even do you think travelling is overrated and you'd rather stick that money in a global index tracker? + +Any responses would be appreciated :), + +Jack. + + +EDIT: thanks for all the replies, really appreciate it :) +I’ve been crunching some numbers and I feel like I’m off here. Basically I’m finding that if I sell a near the money call on $T every single week for a year, I’d do quite well. I’m basing it on current prices which are of course subject to change week by week, but $T has moved so slowly. So let’s say I own 1,000 shares of T. I bought them for $29.95 each (price as of today). So my account value is $29,950. I sell 10 call contracts at a $30 strike price (currently .43) for this week (4/23 expiration). So I make $430. For this example, I won’t re-invest but these numbers could get even better if I re-invest. Now let’s say the shares expire worthless just under $30 again by end of week. So I rinse and repeat. Another 10 call contracts, another $430. If the stock moves sideways and this process repeats weekly for a full year - that’s north of $22,000 in collected premiums. Add on top of that the dividend. Which, by the way, I would not sell covered calls contracts during the ex-dividend weeks so we’d need to subtract 4 weeks from the year — roughly $1600 in premiums based on the above examples. Anyhow — am I missing anything here? Of course it could shoot up or shoot down - but it’s been spectacularly boring and sideways moving. +We all know why jepi and divo are great etfs, be because they hit that sweetspot we all want, share appreciation, plus a heavy dividend. We'll the question is, what other etfs do that for you? Schd is great but it's slightly over leveraged for more growth than dividends. Bonus points if it pays monthly for maximum compounding. Thank you very much +I instantly hit him with “I’m not a financial advisors but this is what I’d do....” + +Hello everyone. First time posting here and I’ll keep it simple. My father told me he’s got more cash on hand now than he has every and doesn’t know what to do with it. He’s a physician so his income has been solid. He sold two rental properties. With both those things being said he told me he has $100,000 sitting around in a savings account. + +He plans on retiring in 5 years at the age of 65. I suggested setting up a dividend portfolio that he could DRIP the next five years and eventually have a nice return/dividend income. He told me he didn’t to be too risky so I suggested ETFs. + +This is what I came up... + +500 VYM +200 O +200 QYLD +200 BND +200 HNDL +200 MO (because I like this stock) + +If anyone has time to provide helpful insight, that would be great! +Just want to thank this sub for many lessons along my way that I wouldn't have learnt without it + +Also posting as a reminder for how I feel right now, as I can't really tell anyone in real life yet as I can't actually buy for a year still, I've sort of suddenly hit my target earlier than I thought I would - but I'm really excited and proud! + +A few months ago I opened a cash LISA, and just put 4k into it before the end of the tax year. I did know that it had to be open about a year, but I bc of my circumstances I thought it would take that long for me to be in a position to finish saving, so I put that in before the end of this tax year, with the intention of putting in another 4k over the next year and then a last 4k I already have in another savings account in april 22 to max that free Gov money. + +Long story short, it turns out I have somehow managed my money better and saved way more than I expected to since then and have actually now got 20k saved without even needing the lisa! + +Slightly frustrated with myself for not having just opened one with a quid ages ago, but I was planning on using a Help to Buy instead and have 2600 in there, and only recently realised that I had enough cash savings to dump into a lisa and get more than the 200 a month would have got me in the expected timescale, one of the lessons I have got from this sub! And it does work out on some level as I'd absolutely love to buy my currently rented flat, so I'm hoping to make an outright offer to the landlord and he bites, so maybe it's good I wait and check I still feel this way after living here a while longer. + +Sorry for the super long post haha, but I just realised all this and am doing a lil happy dance to myself - cheers guys x + +Edit: grammar +Edit: I've got 20k without the lisa bonus, not without the 4k I've put in, I've not got that knocking around spare lol so I do need to wait on that + +UPDATE ish? : Once again you guys have helped me realised something that I was too caught up in to notice myself, and I cannot thank you enough! I have figured out I still have until Wed to cancel my LISA transfer, so I'm going to ask my landlord tomorrow (today) if he'd be interested in selling for when my tenancy is up in August! If he is then I'll cancel and go for it this summer! + +UPDATE: If anyone is interested, I asked my landlord if he would potentially consider selling in summer, and he said he "definitely will consider" and will need to speak to his solicitor/financial advisor but to leave it with him and he'll "confirm in due course", which I feel like is the most positive response I could have realistically hoped for!! +I also managed to cancel the LISA transfer; MoneyBox customer service was down to a tee, genuinely cannot believe how easy that was. 40 seconds on hold before getting through to a human, and he talked me through the app to change the deposit to just £1 and that was actually so easy I was embarrassed that I'd called the phone line! So I can kick start the lisa first year incase anything falls through with the flat and I could use it down the line instead, but I've got my 4k back to keep my deposit ready for potentially buying in July!! Thanks all +and if you don't love it - I hate you forever + +Salutations Apes! I saw a dead pixel on my screen and I took it as a sign. [computershared.net](https://computershared.net) needs some love. + +I wanted to give Apes the ability to chose their own adventure. Now you have more options for how you want to represent GameStop's shares. + +By default, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Other Institution Holdings, and Insider holdings are subtracted from the total issued shares. Then the amount of shares DRS'd by Apes is compared to what's left, and shown in Computershare Purple. + +[Default View](https://preview.redd.it/dyb0nfucnuw71.png?width=1269&format=png&auto=webp&s=df20813d6c1c7c6baab4827df8d0f47773ff656d) + +If you don't want to see those other colors clogging up your donut, uncheck them so that you can view the proportion of Apes to Remaining. + +[Ape Completion View](https://preview.redd.it/oezvfhf2ouw71.png?width=1276&format=png&auto=webp&s=2518bbabc317f4c86bd62a1257810b9240c73742) + +&#x200B; + +But u/jonpro03, I hear you say, I disagree with your assertion that Apes don't need to lock up ETFs and Mutual Funds! + +No problemo. Uncheck those options to show how far we are from locking those up too. + +[Complete excluding ETFs and Mutual Funds](https://preview.redd.it/hb3yy91fouw71.png?width=1261&format=png&auto=webp&s=97e608fbd418d05fd3f98d74b6b918a8e34cf71d) + +# But wait! There's more! + +What if you sincerely believe that the past week is the most accurate representation of APE behavior and you want to view/use this week's statistics to predict the float. Change the selector at the top right. + +[Statistics Range Selector](https://preview.redd.it/q9mk6k3bpuw71.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=b86e59c79ec9e6af348e2738567d2e34b3cf590f) + +&#x200B; + +And I also added a graph to show how many posts v. how many accounts [computershared.net](https://computershared.net) has tracked. + +[Posts v. Accounts](https://preview.redd.it/qubnh1yrpuw71.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa39af30ed56aab09a66a0bd9dc4db07f6d23546) + +Anywho - I'm going to go Halloween with the family now. Enjoy! +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The pressure seems to be increasing on the Institutional Shorts, with new revelations daily about the scope of the DOJ investigation and the list of organizations that are being investigated growing to include bigger players. Meanwhile, they clearly continue to pursue their hopeless efforts to keep their short position from being margin called, especially as many of their long positions have had an awful start to the year. While they struggle daily, Apes simply have to HODL and DRS to ensure that our shares are unavailable for manipulation. Our Diamantenhände are well-practiced, and we have plenty of time to watch as their house of cards falls. + +Today is Friday, February 18th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$124.96 / 109,90 €** *(volume: 1689)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $124.86 / 109,81 € *(volume: 1665)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $124.96 / 109,90 € *(volume: 1660)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $124.96 / 109,90 € *(volume: 1660)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $124.89 / 109,84 € *(volume: 1660)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $124.89 / 109,84 € *(volume: 1660)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $124.96 / 109,90 € *(volume: 1659)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $124.76 / 109,72 € *(volume: 1646)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $125.08 / 110,01 € *(volume: 1395)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $125.10 / 110,03 € *(volume: 1395)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $125.13 / 110,05 € *(volume: 1395)* +- ⬜ 65 minutes in: $125.27 / 110,17 € *(volume: 1390)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $125.27 / 110,17 € *(volume: 1390)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $125.23 / 110,14 € *(volume: 1390)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $125.18 / 110,10 € *(volume: 1326)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $125.18 / 110,10 € *(volume: 1305)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $125.13 / 110,05 € *(volume: 1303)* +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $125.13 / 110,05 € *(volume: 1269)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $125.13 / 110,05 € *(volume: 1269)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $125.11 / 110,04 € *(volume: 1267)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $125.10 / 110,03 € *(volume: 1266)* +- ⬜ 15 minutes in: $125.41 / 110,30 € *(volume: 1066)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $125.41 / 110,30 € *(volume: 858)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $124.84 / 109,80 € *(volume: 850)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $123.79 / 108,88 € *(volume: 189)* +- 🟥 US close price: $123.41 / 108,54 € *($124.30 / 109,32 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.137. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I am looking for term plan online. I went to coverfox and started checking different insurers. i am aware that each one uses different underwriting techniques , so the slight variation in premium is expected. But i got results with more than 100% premium difference for the same plan. Should i go with cheaper one(AEGON) or with known one (SBI)?. + +Here is the screenshot of coverfox quotes: [https://ibb.co/sPHr7jy](https://ibb.co/sPHr7jy) +Hi, I had a big exit a few years back and am going stir crazy. I’m really curious to know what routines, structures, time management etc people use so that they make time for the things they enjoy (or to investigate what they may be). I did have my own office to escape to once. Had its benefits but felt a bit lonely at times. Am considering getting one again. + +I spend my time on the following and I’m probably too responsive to all of it - the wealth takes a bit of management, I’ve got a portfolio of a dozen or so rental properties (managed by an agent but still a pain), ongoing development of my own house, if I stay at home I pick up task after task from my wife and kids (some of which is perfectly reasonable of course). + +Sometimes it can feel like a full time job I never consciously applied for and which I don’t like as much as running my business previously! + +All thoughts and ideas gratefully received. + +Thank you. +This sub was built on speculative options plays, where people would slap their nuts on the table and say “this stock is going to triple by next week or I’m going to lose $10k” and if they were right, they made a shitload of money. No one cares about the 4 shares of whatever stock you own and the price you bought it at. You sound like morons asking what 3/12 means when someone is talking about an options contract. Autism I’m okay with, we’re all a little reeeeeeeee, but stupidity is curable. You can go on investopedia and in 5 minutes learn enough information to not be a complete moron and flood this sub with garbage posts and comments. + +This isn’t a safe space. This isn’t a school. This is trial by fire and if you say or do something dumb you deserve to get roasted for it. If you want to learn go to a different sub. This sub is for austists and degenerates. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Don't even ask the question. The answer is yes, it's priced in. Think Amazon will beat the next earnings? That's already been priced in. You work at the drive thru for Mickey D's and found out that the burgers are made of human meat? Priced in. You think insiders don't already know that? The market is an all powerful, all encompassing being that knows the very inner workings of your subconscious before you were even born. Your very existence was priced in decades ago when the market was valuing Standard Oil's expected future earnings based on population growth that would lead to your birth, what age you would get a car, how many times you would drive your car every week, how many times you take the bus/train, etc. Anything you can think of has already been priced in, even the things you aren't thinking of. You have no original thoughts. Your consciousness is just an illusion, a product of the omniscent market. Free will is a myth. The market sees all, knows all and will be there from the beginning of time until the end of the universe (the market has already priced in the heat death of the universe). So please, before you make a post on wsb asking whether AAPL has priced in earpods 11 sales or whatever, know that it has already been priced in and don't ask such a dumb fucking question again. +[Senate revisions](https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/12.11.21%20Finance%20Text.pdf) + +I was holding out hope for another reversal, but looks very unlikely now +I was googling $INND earlier today and found this negative review. + +Jodie Brown 1 review 2 weeks ago Do not do business with InnerScope!! We provided cleaning services and they do not pay their bills!! They promised payment and will not return calls or messages. They are just trying to ignore us and walk away. Do not do business with them!! + +I was digging deeper after I saw they stopped paying / returning calls. Seems like a shady business practice, especially for one with such ambitious goals. + +They have a C- rating on BBB. They gave a customer a 30day trial. The customer didn't like the product and ended the trial. INND kept charging him and stopped answering his calls. + +They have almost no presence on Amazon despite boasting about their partnership. The 5 reviews that are on amazon look fake. Poor seller rating on Amazon + +They claim to be partnered with Walmart. i don't see any updates about the Kiosks in over a year. + +Overall, I'm seeing enough red flags to suggest they won't deliver on half of what they are promising + +\*\*EDIT\*\* + +I'm now looking at all their reviews online. 90% of the positive reviews appear to be fake. the negative reviews have consistent themes. Spotty performance and no customer service. Their sales are so minimal RN for customer service to be this bad. How could they possibly manage all the new customers and inevitable complaints? + +From Walmart: + +"The hearing aid is noisy, does not amplify sounds in the correct frequency range and worst of all, I cannot contact the supplier of the device. I get a run-around on the telephone from one offer of medicare insurance, to car insurance to other items and a human never answers the phone." + +[https://www.walmart.com/ip/Alpha-3-Hearing-Aid-Smartphone-Enabled-Premium-Hearing-Device-Patented-Noise-Blocking-System-Right-or-Left/723285115#reviews](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Alpha-3-Hearing-Aid-Smartphone-Enabled-Premium-Hearing-Device-Patented-Noise-Blocking-System-Right-or-Left/723285115#reviews) + +[https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/roseville/profile/hearing-aid-repair/innerscope-hearing-technologies-inc-1156-90048319](https://www.bbb.org/us/ca/roseville/profile/hearing-aid-repair/innerscope-hearing-technologies-inc-1156-90048319) + +[https://www.amazon.com/InnerScope-Hearing-Technologies-Amplifier-Cancellation/product-reviews/B07CN437Z7](https://www.amazon.com/InnerScope-Hearing-Technologies-Amplifier-Cancellation/product-reviews/B07CN437Z7) +I feel like John Oliver should do a main story on the SEC and DTCC and the whole Gamestop drama. He loves shit like this and it would bring more mainstream attention to the ongoing fuckery that is Gamestop. Lets get Johnny boy on the side of the Apes! +With the influx of people joining the crypto world, myself included, I found that the most prominent trend right now is the countless cookie cutter youtube videos stating that coin x will 100x and coin y will 1000x... + +These videos are extremely harmful to the community itself, people would randomly hop on exchanges and start buying the stated coins without doing any kind of research or trying to actually understand the projects they represent. This turns this whole revolution into a quick money making scheme and deviates the real story and goals behind the crypto revolution... + +Please share your thoughts on this subject! And for the people who just buy whatever coin is being pumped on youtube please do your research ! +I’m talking your plastic pineapples stuffed in a shoebox somewhere. + +I never keep any physical cash on me and have been thinking lately that might be an issue one day. Obviously the cash isn’t working for you while it’s in your wallet but do you guys bother keeping some around for emergencies? + +Note flagging security concerns and if you’re answering you might want make sure you’re not identifiable. +This was a difficult decision. I bought back in 2013 and these returns are more than I could have hoped for back then. The prospect of freeing myself from educational debt was simply too great to pass up and I can now start my career debt-free. + +I'm still in it with 0.4 BTC leftover, but I just felt compelled to add my story to the mix we've seen on the sub so far. If you're in a similar situation to me, just remember that in some circumstances it takes as many guts to sell as it does to hold. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Two young fish swim along in the sea. They meet an older fish who casually greets them: “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” The two youngsters swim on for a bit, before one eventually turns to the other and asks: “What the hell is water?” + +Robin Wigglesworth, the financial writer, relates this story as an illustration of one of the most pervasive phenomena in modern day capitalism, one so ordinary and widespread that we don’t see it or think about it much. It’s called index investing and it has changed everything. + +In a new book — Trillions: How a band of Wall Street renegades invented the index fund and changed finance forever — Wigglesworth reminds us quite how extraordinary this rise has been. Over the past decade, 80 cents in every dollar put into the US investment industry has ended up being channelled through only three groups: BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street. Together, the three index giants own more than 20 per cent of all US-listed companies and account for 25 per cent of the shares that are voted on. About $26 trillion is now invested passively worldwide, blindly and mechanistically put into the shares of companies purely according to their membership and weighting in share market indices. Tracker funds, invented in the early Seventies, are coming to dominate the investment world. + +Low fees, low trading turnover and the sheer difficulty of lastingly picking winning stocks mean that passive funds have relentlessly outperformed the actives. Billions of dollars that used to go into the pockets of the financial services industry now boost the pension pots and savings portfolios of ordinary people. Paul Samuelson, the Nobel prize-winning economist, placed the invention of the index fund alongside the wheel, the alphabet, the printing press, wine and cheese as one of mankind’s greatest achievements. + +It wasn’t always so obvious. The first index funds were met with derision and hostility. Why on earth would any investor settle for average, it was asked? One financial research group dubbed them “unAmerican”. In 1977 Institutional Investor magazine declared: “Indexing is likely to be an idea whose time will pass.” + +Jack Bogle, regarded as the father of index funds and the founder of Vanguard, managed to raise a paltry $11 million for his first passive fund in 1976. But the innovation was soon to explode in popularity. Today Vanguard manages more than $7 trillion. BlackRock is even bigger, at more than $9 trillion. State Street, another US corporation, is the third player in this dominant triopoly. + +Sadly, this is an area where the City largely failed to seize what was to be a gigantic opportunity. Legal & General is the closest we have to a premiership passive house, with a respectable £1.3 trillion of assets under management, but its share of cake is far shy of any of the Big Three. + +Barclays, in a moment of genius in 1995, bought the fledgling Wells Fargo unit in San Francisco, developing some of the most interesting passive products including iShares, combining it with the former BZW to create Barclays Global Investors. But it sold BGI to BlackRock in 2009 for a mixture of cash plus a 20 per cent stake in BlackRock and then sold that stake in 2012. It turned out to be a costly mistake. Barclays, which admittedly desperately needed the cash at the time, has waved goodbye to something like £25 billion (my estimate, not Wigglesworth’s) by selling out in those two stages. BlackRock today weighs in at $128 billion, its share price more than quadrupling since 2012, and Larry Fink, its chief executive, is lauded as the modern day king of Wall Street. How different things might have been. + +There have long been criticisms made of passive. Paul Singer, the hedge fund manager behind Elliott Management, describes passive as a “blob” that is “in danger of devouring capitalism.” Passive houses are “lazy, inattentive stewards of assets”, who encourage corporate sloth and waste, he argues. + +Not all of this can be dismissed as sour grapes. The index funds have become gigantic and the tail is starting to wag the dog. It’s no coincidence that the quadrupling of the Tesla share price coincided with the period just before and after it entered the S&P 500. + +Indices are largely weighted according to the constituent companies’ market value. That has the distorting effect of pushing up the valuations of the largest companies. Twenty cents in the dollar invested in US trackers goes into the shares of the biggest five stocks. Ten years ago, the biggest five accounted for only ten cents in the dollar. + +Shares in Elon Musk’s Tesla quadrupled as it entered the S&P 500 It can, in theory, become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The sheer scale of flows into index funds can swamp the effect of active managers who see individual company valuations getting frothy and sell. “Active managers are in effect competing against a rival who controls and influences the yardstick of success,” Wigglesworth suggests. Constantly shovelling cash into the shares of companies purely according to their size, rather than their future prospects, cannot be a good idea if everybody does it. Index funds are at best the free riders hitching a lift on the work done by active managers. At worst, they may be puffing up a bubble. + +The passive houses are acutely aware of how their dominance and influence are starting to raise suspicions and are responding. Last week BlackRock announced plans to hand its institutional clients the power to cast votes on the resolutions of companies they indirectly own through BlackRock. At a stroke voting power over $2 trillion of assets passed a little bit closer to the actual owners at the end of the investment food chain. + +Wigglesworth has written an important book. Passive has mostly been a boon, but its impact in future may not be so benevolent. Investors, companies and regulators need to apprehend the water they are swimming in. +Prefaced from Bloomberg Opinion: + +Flooding in the coal hub of Shanxi province have driven prices up to $234 a metric ton as the government tries to kickstart extra production, further measures are needed to prevent more generators cutting off their turbines and causing blackouts through northern China’s winter. That means a crackdown on the factories that still consume the majority of electricity. Industry makes up 25% of grid demand in the U.S., in China it’s 59% — more than all the country’s homes, offices and retail stores put together. Cheap power has been essential for development in China. The problem now is that coal is very expensive. The world relies on cheap Chinese power for making its goods. About half of all metal is produced in China and, a fifth of all oil is refined there. Energy-hungry products from aluminum to solar panels depend on the country's low industrial power tariffs to keep their prices down. With electricity costs for dual-high industries set to rise, we may not have seen the end of the inflationary pressures flowing through the global economy. That’s where renewables come in. At the same time that price curbs are being removed from industries, capacity curbs are being lifted from zero-carbon power generation. With zero-carbon electricity already cheaper than most existing operating coal power plants, those changes may be just the spur to wean China from solid fuels. + +For those with Bloomberg: + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-10-13/china-s-energy-crisis-will-go-global-if-renewables-don-t-replace-coal](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-10-13/china-s-energy-crisis-will-go-global-if-renewables-don-t-replace-coal) + +So how can Western Investors safely get in on the transition? +Almost all the information I find online is happy to explain what an index fund is and why you may want to invest in them. Can't find anything that explains the how. None talk about the mechanics of the funds. Very possible that I am not using the correct vocabulary when searching. + +Business Insider states: + +>[When you invest in an index fund, you're buying shares in all the companies that make up the index.](https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/what-is-an-index-fund) + +Is this strictly true? When I purchase units in a fund, Vanguard Global All Cap Index Fund for example, am I actually buying shares in the companies the fund tracks or am I actually buying part of a fund that derives its value from shares? + +If it is the second option, when I invest am I actually buying anything tangible or is it more like a promise, *if the underlining company shares go up in value we will give you a share of the profits.* + +I have just started learning about investments and having a hard time understanding how these funds actually work and what, as an investor in such funds, am I actually buying. +I was mostly convinced about the media manipulation. All the stuff we've talked about and seen, but there was a part of me thinking that we was just in an echo chamber, parroting ourselves. Until today. All day I've seen a news article on yahoo with the title "Trader arrested as Gamestop soars" . I know because I clicked the article about 20 times. I was confused as it was just a story about a Japanese guy getting arrested years ago. I kept clicking the story thinking something was bugged. But now after market closes the title has changed. To how the gamestop situation echoes a situation years ago when someone was arrested. The intent is clear. Scare people away from GME. It reeks of desperation. They're grasping at straws. Apes we are winning. + is everyone still extremely bullish on it? Talked to their recruiter about the product openings and it seems like they are definitely ready to build an NoFreakingThing market place and expand their e-commerce presence with a focus on loyalty. I like the sound of it even though others I’ve talked to feel kind of meh on it from an industry standpoint. I understand the vision though and believe they can deliver as long as they have the right team. It seems like GME really is considering the fact that people like the stonk. + +What’re you’re thoughts on GME going forward? Can you see them as a major player in the space NoFreakingThing and/or the new FB name? It seems kind of obvious to me for them to really dig deep into those spaces but I guess everyone doesn’t get it yet. + +Update: https://twitter.com/marketrebels/status/1479204098457186304?s=21 +Most people who invest in single-family homes will tell you: Never pay full price. And I get that! But I am having a hard time figuring out where and how to buy houses at anything less than full market value. + +Somethings I have heard are: + +**1) Foreclosures** + +I have called multiple banks in the area and asked about foreclosed homes. All I get is a whole lot of "what are you talking about?" type responses. Nobody at any of the larger banks in the area seems to understand what I am asking. But they'd be happy to help me open a checking account or apply for a credit card! + +**2) Sherif Auctions** + +I have called the sheriff in the county where I live and all of the bordering counties and asked about real estate auctions. I get the same kind of responses I get from banks. "Sorry sir, I'm not sure what you mean. We don't do auctions here." + +**3) Tax Liens** + +I do plan to invest in tax liens, but from all I have read, these hardly ever result in you owning the property. + +**4) Websites that Supposedly List Foreclosed Homes** + +Using Google, it's not hard to find websites that say they list foreclosed homes. But when I try to use them, all I find are the same homes listed on Zillow, which are just MLS listings. Some of them want you to pay to see their lists, but for obvious reasons, I am hesitant to dish out my credit card number. + +**5) Lots and lots of Google Searches** + +... which turn up "guides" that turn out to just be a sales pitch. "If you pay me, I'll teach you how to find amazing deals on houses!!!" Yeah. B as in Bull. S and in (you can figure it out). + +\---- + +So what's the deal here? What is the secret handshake to get into the club? Where is the magic source? What am I missing? +Am I bugging out? + +Kind of doing a YOLO here, I’m investing my retirement fund from my old job worth 22k in real estate. +I’d probably take out 15-17k and move the rest to a self directed IRA. + +I was looking to purchase a multi family property under 100k in the Midwest i.e Ohio/Wisconsin area. + +Possibility of cash flowing $700 a month. + +Is this the right play here? I feel as if the market has been a hit or miss at times and would rather be able to have my money work for me a bit quicker. If the numbers add up correctly. +TLDR: 33M, 800k NW, negotiated a half time job (6 months on, 6 months off) to allow for traveling. I'm stoked! + +Wanted to share my tale, as I love reading success stories and my journey has some twist and turns. Some details are obfuscated to protect my innocence :) + +### Some Background +2004 - Start in internship (during transition between High School and College) with a large defense contractor. My salary for an intern is great ($18/hr) and I'm given retirement benefits. Immediately start sinking 25% into my 401k. +