diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_288.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_288.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_288.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +My expenses aren’t much but include +Public transportation- 114 dollars a month +Fun stuff- 50 dollars + +Savings categories as I put them are +College- 60% of what is left +Just in case- 25% of what is left +Other- 15% of what is left + +So in the case of 100 dollars being left after expenses 60 in college, 25 just in case, and 15 in other. + +Is this a good start? + +Edit to add; ok so was not expecting this to get this big. +Something I’d like to say +- I am not in any way going to be opening up an investing or any other type of account until I come of age. The reason why I say this is because when they kicked out my brother in July of 2020 he was 17 and they drained his bank account including all of his savings. + +- the college category. A lot of people are giving different advice and here is the simple truth. I don’t know if I’m gonna go to college or not but I do know that whatever I decide to do is going to require some type of training and said training will more than likely require money. + +- as for the people saying to just have fun I do. I enjoy reading, skiing, soccer, camping, rock climbing. Anything that keeps me out of the house. + +I will try to read all responses but there are a lot. And thanks for the awards. +During the past 12 months, Tesla had 25B in revenus. + +Meanwhile F, FCAU,DAI,HMC,GM,HOG made 755B in revenus together. + +Elon is a great speaker, but y’all puting crazy amount of trust in him. + +Overvalued, change my mind. +(Apologies if this has been covered here before.) Four years ago, one of my siblings alerted me that my Dad’s satellite TV bill had crept up to about $160/month. A single premium channel (to get his Westerns,) but otherwise, not Hong specials He lives in a rural area without a cable alternative, so we looked at new-customer incentives from the other main satellite TV provider. + +My Dad is (now) 82, 77 at the time, and I really didn’t want to put him through learning a whole new system. But, advised him that the competitor offered the same channels for about half the price, and that we should explore it, & he agreed. + +Contacted his current provider to see if they could match the introductory price of their competitor, they would only come down 15%. Thanked them, hung up, discussed with Dad, and called them back to cancel. + +Called back, got into their cancellation queue, and got a live person very quickly. I was insistent that Dad was extremely happy with his service, but that he is retired on a fixed income, and that we were canceling solely on price. After a 4-minute “let me talk to my manager” wait, they agreed to nearly match the 2-year introductory price of their main (and only) competitor. The discount was good for one year. Dad got his bill slashed from $160 to $90. + +One year later, his bill reverted to $160, as they said it would. We called back in through the cancel queue, went through the same as outlined above, and they again reduced the price to match their competitor’s introductory price. We’ve done it successive years since. I’m sure the account notes note that we’re making the same ask each year, but the metrics in the “cancel my service queue” appear to offer those staff members very different options on discounts. + +My main takeaways: When you make this call, you have to be very ready and willing to actually walk away and start with a new provider. Have on hand all the current info on competitor’s intro offers. And, most of all, always be extremely polite and focus on price as the sole reason for moving on. +Gonna use an example apartment with a $650k purchase price. North west Sydney location (Hornsby) about 20km from the city. Building around 14 years old. No pool/gyms. Block of 50 plus units. + +Apartment sold for $530k in 2014. + +Strata is $4k~ pa +Water is $400~ pa +Council rates $1k~ pa. Total Roughly $6k pa + +Let’s say 110k deposit. 540k mortgage at 1.98% fixed for 3 years. + +Weekly repayments of P&amp;I around $450. + +Plus $105 more a week for all strata costs. + +This equates to 28k a year. I’m guessing 2/5 is interest. 1/5 is strata costs and 2/5 is principal. But it’s probably lower. +I am about to make my first mortgage payment and I was under the assumption that I will be paying principal + interest. I have already paid for 12 months of home insurance as part of my prepaid costs. My lender is asking me to pay them the monthly homeowner’s insurance payment for the following year (2023-2024) and the monthly property tax payment in addition to principal + interest. Is this normal? + +Edit: thank you to everyone who commented! My takeaways from your responses are that it is normal, but that paying through escrow is not required. I contacted my lender and told them I prefer not to make payments through escrow. I was losing the home insurance discount if I paid monthly rather than yearly, so it made more sense to me. And I don’t want to risk them underestimating my property taxes. + +Edit 2: because my phone keeps blowing up with messages, I now understand that the insurance + tax payments are held in escrow and paid to the respective parties annually or bi-annually. However, my lender is still quoting me the higher monthly insurance rate instead of the fully discounted annual rate. So I still prefer to not escrow my payments. +The pages of WSB are filled with it: loss porn. + +I myself have wrecked my account with ludicrous calls/puts, speculation stocks, or jumping on the bandwagon right before is soars off the cliff. Every one of these has taught me a valuable lesson, and makes me think twice before doing anything similar. + +My question is: what large losses have you endured using thetagang strategies? What lesson would you give your younger self to prevent it from happening again? +Hi, for some background to my unique work life at a start up. I (21 M) run a a youth MMA gym and my boss/mentor and the start up capital and owner of the studio has been training me to take over our and operate the school. + +He taught me how to sell, manage members, teams, financials, marketing, and network with the chamber of commerce. + +He recently offered to buy my car (that I almost exclusively use for business purposes) off of me and give it back to me as a company car. Any suggestions on how to do this? +Hello Apes! My wrinkle brain friends u/zinko83, u/MauerAstronaut, u/Lennixus, u/criand and several others have recently written some excellent DD's and posts on recent developments in wrinkle-brain GME theory, namely these excellent posts on [volatility swaps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qmtt6q/volatility_variance_dispersion_oh_my/), [options hedging using variance swaps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qoz68k/how_variance_swaps_can_explain_oi_in_far_otm_puts/), as well as u/Leenixus' [excellent Dick-Dick today](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/quj97o/gme_evidence_of_predictable_cycles_gme_explained/) + +If you haven't seen these, please take a moment and go read these DD's that explain how shorts continue to mess with our favorite company and how we can predict price action within some degree of accuracy. To sum it up quickly, here's a quick quote from u/zinko83's post on variance: + +> Hedge funds sell variance making them short, which in turn requires them to hold a portfolio of long OTM options to hedge the short swap. This should be making lightbulbs turn on, if it doesn’t go check Citadel Advisors, Susquehanna, Simplex holdings and see they hold not only puts but calls come back and stare at the replicating above, it will click eventually. + +And from u/mauerastronaut’s post on variance swaps: + +> GME options chain is indicative of the “Replicating Portfolio” used to hedge short variance exposure. This portfolio involves long puts and calls, short forwards and a rather small position in shares. Assuming open naked shorts on GME, willing counterparties for short forwards would be market makers or prime brokers trying to get around close-outs through deemed-to-own clauses. Short variance exposure can explain many events that happened this year around the stock, but not correlations to other tickers. We believe it to be a major driver of GME’s stock price. +It is suspicious that the options chain looks like this in such an obvious way, since doing a complete hedge usually burns the premiums collected, and also is sending very clear signals which investment firms usually try to circumvent. + +> Whales bet that banana wouldn’t go up and down a lot, but it did. Open banana options suggest this, and maybe help explain where fake bananas came from. Banana value moves because whales are trying to not get fukd. Whales normally are not that obvious, which tells us something. The question is what. + +In light of this new information, I have taken up the rather daunting task of trying to bring everyone up to speed, and dispel some FUD, with some basic options education. This post will mostly be a beginner’s level introduction, ELIA style, then progress to more advanced knowledge in future posts. + +**SECTION 1: DON’T PANIC** + +I know some of you reading this are already freaking out and typing replies containing all sorts of hedgie-promoted FUD about how options are “free money for Kenny” and all the anti-options FUD apes have been saying for months. In light of the new information on volatility / variance swaps and futures/options expirations, we now know that completely avoiding options is likely making it easier for shorts to pull off their variance hedging/replicating portfolio vega-hedging strategy. I would also add that DFV used some options, sooo... + +Please note a few disclaimers: + +- **I am NOT telling you what to do.** + +- I am NOT telling you to buy GME options. Shares and DRS always comes first. + +- I want get rid of emotional bullshit and FUD and just learn some basic options FACTS for a moment. Form some new wrinkles, then you can make your OWN investment decisions and do whatever you want with your money. + +- DO NOT DAY TRADE GME (or GME options). + +- This is not financial advice, I eat crayons, etc. + +A few other things this is NOT: + +- This is not an exhaustive, complete guide to options. It’s impossible for me to cover everything there is to know on options and I’m too smooth anyways for that. This is a distilled “What Apes Really Should Know” GME-focused summary of what I’ve learned from other wrinkles, books, and websites over the past 9 months. +- This is NOT expert or financial advice. I’m a physician by trade, not a financial advisor. But I’ve learned a few options basics and can speak ape since my brain is fairly smooth, financially speaking at least. +- This is NOT going to be presented formally with fancy-ass words and shit. I got my medical degree at Costco and I eat crayons. This is for smooth brains. If you want a more technical, formal options intro, head to the options sub and read their FAQ or something. I’m probably going to trigger some wrinkles telling me certain things aren’t quite right, or are oversimplified etc. I know, but we’re starting SLOW for crayon eating apes who stick bananas in their ass here, so I’m simplifying things as best I can while still being reasonably accurate with specific regard to how I view GME options. Theory relating to options plays on other stocks may he slightly different, though the basics will be much the same. +- I am not a cat. + +Ok, down to business. + +**SECTION 2: BEWARE OF THE LEOPARD** + +There is ONE part of the anti-options FUD that is (generally) true for Apes and it is this: + +**DO NOT BUY FAR OTM CALLS** + +This is important, so I will say it again louder: + +##DO NOT BUY FAR OTM CALLS## + +I know those $900 GME calls look enticing cause they’re cheap, and if MOASS actually is today you’ll make a stupid amount of money. But if you’re off by even a minute, it’s free money for Kenny. Just don’t do it. There are better...options (😏), as we shall discuss. + +**SECTION 3: CALLS & PUTS** + +There are basically two kinds of options: *CALLS* and *PUTS*. Calls are bets that the stock price will be above a certain amount (the “strike price”) by a certain date (the “expiration date” or “expiry”). Puts are bets the stock price will be below the strike price by the expiration date. If the stock price moves above your call strike price, the call is then said to be “In the money” (ITM). If not, it’s “Out of the Money” (OTM). Also, one option represents 100 shares of stock, so when it says the price for a GME call is 22.90, its really 22.90 x 100 = $2290…for one call (which represents 100 shares). + +Let’s do an ITM/OTM example real quick to reinforce the concept: GME is hovering around $200 right now. Let’s say I am confident it is going up within the next month. I could buy a $210 call (currently OTM, because the strike on the call of $210 is more than the current price of GME of $200). If GME goes to $225, my call will then be ITM. Make sense? Puts are the same, but for decreasing price, but since stocks only go up, who buys puts? + +When you buy an option, it has an expiration date. If your option is “out of the money” on the expiration date, you’re fucked and you lose what you paid for the option. Thus, when you buy a call (or put) you REALLY want it to be “in the money” before 4pm on your expiration date. The further in the money, the more profit you’ve probably made. + +**Rolling**: No you’re not on MDMA, rolling an option is when you decide that your expiration date is getting too close and your stock might not make it to the price you want, so you basically sell your current call and by another one that expires at a later date. It will cost some additional premium to do this, but if done correctly (well ahead of time), it isn’t too bad. [Here’s a great Investopedia article on rolling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ). + +**SECTION 4: WHAT’S AN EXIT STRATEGY?** + +There are two ways to close an options position. You can sell the option, which is probably the most common choice. Or you can *”EXERCISE”* your option (this is what DFV did with his call options) and buy 100 shares per call (or sell 100 shares per put) at the strike price of the option. So, if DFV bought a $5 call in early 2020, then exercised it in April 2021 when GME was $150 (or whatever it was), he got 100 shares for $5 that are now worth $150, quite a deal. + +This concept of exercising options is VERY important to understand. If you go buy a $900 call for GME, nothing’s gonna happen. As a call gets closer and closer to being ITM, market makers start hedging the sold calls by buying shares, in case the call becomes ITM and gets exercised. This is called “delta hedging” and we’ll get to it more later, but basically ITM options are bad for Kenny, and EXERCISED options are WORST for Kenny because then he has to buy and deliver shares. Yes, they can be fake/rehypothecated shares, but then you can DRS them and END GAME. + +You’ve all seen the video of Thomas Peterffy on CNBC talking about retail “asking for their shares in January”. He was referring to the fact that during the peak on Jan 27-28, there were so many millions of ITM calls, that had the call owners EXERCISED their calls and asked for their 100 shares per call, it would’ve created a sudden, huge demand for shares and triggered the MOASS (and the collapse of the entire system). + +With regards to SELLING of options, I would say that if you don’t plan to exercise them, either due to lack of funds or personal preference, I would err on the side of selling your options for a fairly early profit and then using the profits to buy shares. Options aren’t quite as liquid as shares, tend to have wide bid-ask spreads, and can be a bit harder to sell. If you wait until your option costs 300,000 per call, you might not have any buyers left at that price. It is common in the non-GME options trading community to set hard rules for exiting an options trade. For example, some traders always exit an options trade if it is at +30% profit. They take their 30% and run. I think for GME this is a bit low generally, but for myself, I am likely selling my calls by the time GME gets to the $300-500 range, then buying more shares with those profits. I would not personally recommend holding your calls until GME looks like a phone number, because there may not be buyers of the calls at that stage. If you plan on EXERCISING, then diamond hand those ITM calls to the expiration date like DFV did. + +**THE SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED FOR TONS OF ITM CALLS TO BE EXERCISED ALL AT ONCE** + +This is because there is no limit to how many options get sold. It’s common for more options to be sold than shares exist. If all those options were ITM and everyone exercised, there’d suddenly be more shares than exist for the stock (on top of the shares that have already been sold), and the system would go supernova. They shouldn’t be able to sell more options than shares exist, but the SEC are basically lazy, PornHub-addicted criminals so here we are. + +**SECTION 5: GREEKS, IV’s, and MATH** + +This is a BASIC intro. I am not going to cover every detail of all the options greeks, and I don’t understand it all myself anyways. But you don’t really need to know every single thing about all the option greek shit for GME purposes. There are, however a couple of super important topics to cover regarding these mysterious terms. + +- **Implied Volatility (IV)**: This one is IMPORTANT. IV is basically a measure of the volatility of the stock. Ideally, you want to buy GME calls when the IV is LOW. LOW = cheaper calls. If you buy when IV is very high (like right before earnings), your calls will rapidly lose value when volatility declines after earnings and you’ll suffer “IV CRUSH”, a sudden drop in options value due to IV dropping rapidly. You can look up IV using options scanners built into many trading apps. Lower is better for buying. BUY THE IV DIP basically. + +- **Theta**: This is probably the most important greek for Apes imo (though I’m sure others will debate this). Theta is basically TIME. Theta=Time. As time passes, your option becomes worth less and less. This is called “theta decay.” But you still make money on the call if the amount the price goes up above your strike price outweighs the decrease from the passage of time/theta. Further dated options cost more because there is more time for your prediction to come true. + +- **Vega**: Vega is worth knowing about because it is what they are hedging with their variance/volatility swap replicating portfolio of options. Vega is a measure of how sensitive the option is to Implied Volatility. It is the change in the price of the option for each point change in the IV. + +- **Delta/Gamma**: If you want to know more about these, go read [this investopedia article](https://www.investopedia.com/trading/using-the-greeks-to-understand-options/). They’re just not that important to our discussion at this stage IMO. + +**SECTION 6: CALL GME MAYBE** + +Now that we’ve covered some basics, let’s walk through my thought process of how I might buy a GME call myself (not financial advice, just an example): + +First, I’m going to fire up an options strategy site/app like www.optionstrat.com (I like this one personally but there are many of these that are similar). I’m going to use their strategy optimizer, type in my favorite stock, pick a date (I like going a few months ahead to be safe) and see what it says as a starting place. From there, you can play with various options and see how it changes the profit graph. Good way to visualize different variables IMO. Here’s what it might look like: + +https://i.imgur.com/6cG2u0H.jpg + +Next I’m going to hit “open in visualizer” so we can see how these different variables change the outcomes. + +https://i.imgur.com/CSJv0Sb.jpg + +See the slider right below the pretty graph that says “days to expiration”? I moved it all the wsy to the left, basically showing the value of the option today. The x-axis (across the bottom) shows the price of GME, and the y-axis (on the left) shows your profit/loss. Note this is for one call. You can click the green bubble that says $190 and change the quantity. + +See that vertical blue line in the middle? That’s our break even point. Watch what happens to the graph when I move the date slider halfway to towards the expiration, to 1/1/22: + +https://i.imgur.com/PUofFLq.jpg + +See how the blue line and all the green stuff shifted to the right? This is theta decay. If GME is still the same price, you’ve lost money. Play with the sliders. Move the strike price around and watch the graph. Move the date around. Get a feel for how the curve changes. + +**ITM vs OTM** + +My opinion is that for GME specifically, ITM calls have some nice advantages over OTM calls. + +First, ITM calls offer more downside protection, especially if you buy the ITM call at a time when stock price and IV are lower (buy the dip). It is important to note that you should try to go as deep ITM as you can reasonably afford to protect against dips. I’m as bullish on GME as anyone, but right now at around $200, it’s possible that they could drop the price back to $190, potentially making your $190 or $195 call OTM and worthless (if it expired that day). Safer to pick an ITM price where GME won’t ever go again. For example, when GME was $170 a few weeks back, I picked up some $150 calls, because I’m pretty darn confident we’re never going back down that low. + +Second, and perhaps most importantly, ITM calls promote “delta hedging” by the market maker. Let’s imagine what happens at Kenny’s house when you buy that $190 call. Suddenly there’s a new call sold that is ITM. That’s 100 shares he could be forced to deliver to you AT ANY TIME if you ask for them. He will likely buy those 100 shares to hedge that possibility. I know shills will show up and say “but he might NOT buy them, no one is making him”, and that might be true, except that most institutions do delta hedge and we’ve seen times when a high number of ITM options drove the price higher due to this, and it’s a safer bet than buying OTM calls that might expire worthless. Also if we buy OTM calls and the price does gradually move up towards them, the market maker will *gradually* delta hedge as the price gets closer to ITM. But ITM calls should be hedged when the call is bought. + +There is however a BIG downside to ITM calls: they’re expensive. That being said, the way I see it, they’re way less expensive than 100 shares, but they give you 100 shares of leverage. So even though that $190 call for feb costs $4000, it makes Kenny buy 100 shares at $199 each = $19900. More stock volume, price goes up. AND it fucks with his variance hedging strategy, by making it harder to balance the vega equation on his volatility swap. + +Ok, I have an idea what price I want, now what date? Nov is too soon for me. Theta will kill me. When in doubt, be like DFV. DFV bought like $4 calls or whatever they were with an expiration date around ONE YEAR ahead. A year later the price was like 30 times his $4 strike price. That’s what I want. So I might buy a $170-180 call for Jan 2023, with the confidence that sometime between now and then, GME’s price will be like $500+ and my calls will be worth bank like DFV’s. + +Look for lower IV if you can. If you can’t find a low enough IV it’s ok to wait. Nobody “needs” GME calls. + +I want a GOOD ENTRY PRICE. This is actually really important. I always do limit prices on options purchase orders, and I fight like Warren Buffet to get that call for the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE I CAN. Sometimes you have to be PATIENT and wait for it to drop. Calls often have a wide spread between bid and ask, so getting a call for closer to the bid price can really make a difference to your profit. Don’t be lazy and enter the midpoint price. You can often get a call for around 1/4 of the way between the bid and the midpoint. I’ve even sometimes turned around and sold it immediately for 1/4 of the way between the midpoint and the ask, for a small profit. Do not overpay for your calls. + +Decide how many calls you want. I have a LOT of shares. XXXX ape here. Know how many calls I have right now? Around thirty total. Shares always come first IMO, but I do believe, based on DATA, that options drive volume, which drives price movement. + +Buy. Hold. Profit. We’ll get more into selling calls vs exercising later. Either way, it’ll get converted into more shares, so WIN. We will also discuss more advanced strategies in the future like selling covered calls and cash secured puts, but those are their own posts. + +**SECTION 7: LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, and EVERYTHING** + +There is so much more we are going to cover apes. This is just the beginning of a great journey and we will learn more together as we proceed to more complicated topics in future posts. + +TLDR: DO NOT DAY TRADE GME. SHARES ALWAYS COME FIRST. DRS. After all that, if you have a few bucks left over, it might not hurt to buy a couple ITM and near-the-money calls once you understand how options work and the risks/benefits thereof, including increasing GME’s traded volume and fucking with the short’s variance hedging strategy. + +Edit: An awesome ape (u/mskamelot) mentioned that it’s a good idea to paper trade before throwing real money at options. I totally agree. Never hurts to practice before you play in the game. TDA has a great paper trading, but you can paper trade options all over the place to practice. I’d also add, not to YOLO your life savings on options if you don’t know what you’re doing (or ever). If you’re new and wanting to play with it, start off with one single call or something. Again, not financial advice. + +Edit 2: Another wrinkle had a good question about whether you can buy options on a margin account or if it has to be cash. For most brokers, you can trade options on a cash account, BUT you can usually only buy calls or puts, not SELL calls/puts. But since we’re mostly concerned with buying GME calls that’s all we really need here. Or, you can do what I do and have one account (mine is TDA) that’s only for options and non-GME trading that is a margin account, while your GME shares are kept in cash accounts (or DRS’d). I should also add that you have to be approved for options trading with your broker, which usually involves answering a series of questions like “I have experience with doing this”. Based on this they’ll approve you for different “levels” of options trading, which are basically based on risk. Level one is like basic stuff described in this post. The more advanced levels will be things like spreads or “iron condors” and stuff like that. + +Edit 3: Well, this blew up. A lot of apes are asking about how it works if the price goes up. Ok. Let’s say, as an example (not financial advice), you buy a $200 Feb call for $4k. Then next week, the price goes up to $400 and your call is now worth $24k. At this point you have 3 choices: +- Hold your call longer and hope it keeps going up. +- Sell the call for $24k and use your $20k profits to buy shares +- Exercise the call for $20k + your 4k premium = $24k for 100 shares now worth $400 each = 40k. Not a bad deal. + +I think most apes without insane money in this situation would just sell the call and use the profits to buy shares. But not financial advice. Just trying to illustrate how it works :) + +Edit 4: Wanted to post this link the GMEDD value analysis of GME. It’s important, and whether you are interested in learning more about options or not, it’s a good analysis of our company: https://gmedd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/GMEdd-GameStopValuation-16Nov21-1.pdf +No ones talking about shorting robinhood. In order to do that you must first buy RH. This sub is purely for GME. Please remove the spam. Remove the Posts claiming users are going to short robinhood. Remove the posts claiming the shorting posts are FUD. Remove these dumb posts. THIS SUB IS FOR $GME. Any pro/anti sentiment about other stocks or stocks about to IPO please remove and mute the authors temporarily from posting. + + +Fin. +1. I know one should always do individual research. Just like to check in on the community so I don't just get stuck in my own head. + +2. Can't stomach IOTA anymore. Finally in profit now, and will cash out -> that means reinvest. I see it might go further up. But after using it for some time, I just can't justify it being such a big part of my portfolio. The concept spoke to me. But not the reality of it as of now (compared to a lot of other products/platforms). + + + +Been looking at Stratis, Waves and Lisk (don't seem to be too overpriced in the market), getting some more "expensive" Ethereum, OmiseGo (erc tokens put me off tbh, but feel free to disagree). + +I currently hold NEO (like everyone else), XRP, ETH. +Every day I see a new animal being promoted as a “deflationary moon shoot”. This is getting a bit ridiculous.... be a bit more creative at least. + +EDIT to add more visibility to the response from u/Beechbone22 + +“All are literal pyramid schemes. If you take how a pyramid scheme works and translate into a smart contract, what you get is literally these shitcoins. You pay an entry fee and shill the coin everywhere. You get a cut of others' entry fees. It's all great and the price action is excellent until the guy at the top takes his profits plus your entry fees and dumps on you. HOGE, Grumpy and whatever are no different in any way, shape or form. The fact that it's audited means absolutely nothing because nobody is disputing the smart contracts' safety. They're doing exactly what they advertise. It's the financial logic behind it that's a pyramid scheme. The newest trend is to slap on a miniscule donation to an animal charity and say that it has a use case. At the end of the day they're all RFI clone pump and dump coins. When the music stops somebody is left holding tokens that have their fair value, which is zero. You can make money this way, but it's an incredibly idiotic gamble to basically hope you're early enough and sell off before the inevitable dump comes as the guy sitting at the top eyes his 10 million x profits, thinking about when to sell. This is the starter pack for the shitcoins: + +- Name it after an animal, or safe-x or y-moon + +- Zero use case, no platform or dApp, doesn't solve any problems at all + +- "Deflationary tokenomics" with fees being redistributed to holders, burned or locked in liquidity + +- Animal charity + +- "Have you missed shit, crap and dung? This for you, we're still early! It's gonna do at least x100" + +- Price is mooning! Until someone dumps hard the next day and price goes down 90% + +- Devs are doxed / They locked liquidity for 80 years” +It's nice to see an article that suggests that retiring early increases longevity: + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanlookjr/2019/07/08/want-to-live-longer-retire-early/ +>Chipotle Mexican Grill plans to retrain all of its restaurant workers nationwide on food safety after nearly 650 customers became ill [after eating recently at one of its Ohio restaurants](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/07/31/chipotle-closes-ohio-restaurant/869779002/). +> +>The company confirmed Thursday to USA TODAY that it would launch the training next week after the episode in Powell, Ohio. +> +>“[Chipotle](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/06/27/chipotle-close-55-65-stores-year/740245002/) has a zero-tolerance policy for any violations of our stringent food safety standards and we are committed to doing all we can to ensure it does not happen again," CEO Brian Niccol said in a statement. "Once we identified this incident, we acted quickly to close the Powell restaurant and implemented our food safety response protocols that include total replacement of all food inventory and complete cleaning and sanitization of the restaurant." + +[USA Today](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/08/16/chipotle-mexican-grill-food-safety-retraining/1008398002/) +Hi, im a 17 year old person from Denmark. +I Currently have saved up about 7000,- dkk (About 1000$), and would like to invest them in something. I dont really have a lot of expreience about it, so would love some input or sugestions. +The money isn't something im gonna need anytime soon, so the investment could be a semi-long one. (2-4 years) + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance. -Jacob + + +note: Sorry if there is a few mispellings etc. English is not my first language. + +Hi everyone, I will be moving from France to Singapore, and was wondering what was the best way to manage my monet, knowing I will be paid in Euro in France, so I need to transfer money each month. +Some people told me to get Revolut Premium (8€/month) so I can transfer Euro to my revolut account, then buy SGD, and then transfer them to a local account I will need to open. +But I was wondering, can I use my Revolut card, with SGD on my French revolut account, to pay for everyday things ? Or will that have high costs ? ( I could not really find the answer on their website). + + +Thanks for the help! +Hi, + +Let me explain the situation. My father bought an apartment in Ukraine a couple of years ago to have a more-or-less reliable source of income from rent. Right now it is about 250$ gross or 220$ net. Unfortunately, the value of this apartment has dropped ~45% since them. + +Because of a very unstable political and economical situation in Ukraine we are thinking that maybe it is better to sell it (real estate agent told us that the price would be around 45-50k$) and then transfer money to me (the Netherlands) to invest in somewhere. The question is, would it be possible to invest it somewhere safely and to be able to receive regular (monthly/quarterly/sa) returns that would be at least 80% of what is brings now (200$+)? + +Any advice is appreciated. + +Thank you. +How do you know when you’re ready to go full time into day trading? I’ve wanted to and I’ve been trading for about a year and I’m not sure. Last year I made 41% of my full time salary trading and this year I’ve already made 62% of my salary only 3 months in so I’m fairly confident I could pull it off but I’m unsure +Currently China stocks are beaten down and have a low PE, and prices are declining. + +China's goal is to double its GDP by 2035, and presumably this means that in 2035 the Chinese stocks should do well. + +I was considering Dollar-cost-averaging into the [Franklin China ETF](https://www.franklintempleton.com/investments/options/exchange-traded-funds/products/26362/SINGLCLASS/franklin-ftse-china-etf/FLCH) over the coming 12-18 months, to take up a relatively small position(6%) in my portfolio, which currently has no emerging-markets exposure. + +Presumably, this gives me diversification, value and expected growth all in one? + +Is this a good idea? +Right now, year to date 2020, many value stocks are 20 - 40 % behind growth stocks, in terms of stock performance. +I know some stock market history, but if we look at the past 200 years, in which periods have value stocks outperformed growth stocks? And Why did this happen? +Today, we are going to be taking a look into stock repurchases along with some data points from S&P Global. It is interesting that stock repurchases are truly a more recent phenomenon in the world of investing especially with the lower and lower rates becoming a factor. As with most things in the financial world, when it is done correctly it works amazingly, but in the hands of the wrong person, it may drive a company out of business. I hope you enjoy the quick read and please let me know if you have any questions in the comments. + +If you would prefer the explanation in video form you can find my Youtube video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWu5dDb3Jmg). + +If you would prefer the explanation with the embedded pictures you can find my substack post [here](https://joshsinvestmentideas.substack.com/p/share-repurchases-explained). + +**What is a stock repurchase?** + +You may be wondering what is a stock buyback and how is it initiated by a company. From Investopedia, “A stock buyback, also known as a share repurchase, occurs when a company buys back its shares from the marketplace with its accumulated cash. A stock buyback is a way for a company to re-invest in itself. The repurchased shares are absorbed by the company, and the number of outstanding shares on the market is reduced. Because there are fewer shares on the market, the relative ownership stake of each investor increases” ([Link](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/02/041702.asp#:~:text=A%20stock%20buyback%2C%20also%20known,on%20the%20market%20is%20reduced.)). Think of it like this, if you own 10 shares out of 100 total outstanding shares, you own 10% (10/100) of the business. If the company buys back 20 shares, you now own 12.5% (10/80) of the company simply by holding the shares. The goal of buybacks is to reward investors with a bigger slice of the ownership pie so that you will continue being an owner of the business. However, there are many papers that seem to reference that management may put the importance of share repurchasing for investors’ sake while letting the overall company and employment deteriorate. + +Now, the stock buybacks can be done with a few methods, but the two I will mention are a tender offer or on the open market. The tender offer allows the company to request a portion of shares from the current holders at a specified price range with which the current holders can accept or decline. The open market method just means that the company will use the day-to-day outstanding shares that are trading hands to buy shares. Sometimes a company may issue an accelerated repurchase(ASR) notification along with a share repurchase program. Below is an example of a share repurchase program along with an accelerated repurchase program. + +[Share Repurchase Announcement Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/3Tx6KdD) + +**The History Behind it** + +Now, stock buybacks were not always legal and they were only legalized in the early 1980s. “In 1982, the SEC enacted Rule 10b-18, which provides a “safe harbor” from liability for manipulation under the Securities and Exchange Act if a firm performs its stock repurchase consistent with the conditions of the Rule. At the time of its enactment, consistent with the anti-manipulation provisions of the Securities and Exchange Act, the Commission intended what became the Rule to be a scheme of regulation that limits the ability of an issuer to control the price of the issuer’s securities’”([Link](https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2019/07/18/petition-for-rulemaking-to-revise-rule-10b-18/#:~:text=In%201982%2C%20the%20SEC%20enacted,the%20conditions%20of%20the%20Rule.)). Essentially what this rule change did is that it opened the flood gates for corporate executives to use stock buybacks as a way to enrich the shareholders and themselves. + +You can see here what that has looked like just in the last 20 or so years: + +[Buybacks screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/gKN0CaA) + +On top of that, S&P Global put out a research article in which they talked through some different points of a buyback versus dividend portfolio. “From 1994 through 2018, changes in share repurchases and acquisitions were more significant than the other two methods, and this was especially true in 2008 and 2011. In fact, share repurchases follow the economic cycle with increased or decreased activities when the market is up or down. This is not surprising, as free cash flows are often thinner in tough times, and capital expenditures and dividends are usually higher priorities in company spending.” ([Link](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/documents/research/research-sp-examining-share-repurchases-and-the-sp-buyback-indices.pdf)) + +[Dividends, Buybacks, Acquisitions, and Capex Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/C68PzAq) + +It is definitely interesting to see the Buyback index versus some of the other SP 500 indices as well. You can see that the standard deviation is larger, but returns per year are higher for the buyback index instead of the dividend yield portfolio. Also, the shareholder yield is calculated by adding up the dividends and buybacks as a percentage of the total market cap. I would definitely read through the S&P report to get a better understanding of the different graphs and charts because it is a simple and interesting read. + +[Dividend Yield vs. Buyback Portfolio Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/s53QPEY) + +[Source of Total Return Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/1LWrKFN) + +“As buybacks tend to follow the economic cycle with increased or decreased repurchase activities in up or down markets while dividend payouts are normally more stable over time, the S&P 500 Dividend Yield portfolio tends to outperform in down markets, while the S&P 500 Buyback Index may capture more upside momentum during bull markets.” + +While there are more pros and cons than what I am pointing out I thought I would present a few: + +**Pros** + +*Financial Flexibility* + +Now one of the big pros for a company, is that since they typically issue a disclosure for the share repurchases, that does not mean that they are required to repurchase all of it within a certain time period unless it is an ASR. Also, since a company may get some of its cash from issuing equity, this allows them to essentially keep the money “within” the company while giving shareholders a bigger slice. Whether they are issuing shares for stock-based compensation or using the proceeds to pay for a project, it means they are going to be able to issue fewer shares later on to get the same proceeds (assuming the stock price goes up). + +*Tax Efficiency* + +Now a great part about stock repurchases is that are not taxed at all since all of the gains will be made through unrealized capital gains on the stock price. If you receive a payout via a dividend, you will be receiving the cash that was already net of tax from the corporate level and now will be taxed depending on your income. + +[Taxes for Dividends Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/2emTBgc) + +*Increased Stock Ownership and Price* + +As mentioned earlier, if the company buys its own outstanding shares your ownership of the business continues to grow. Also, if everything else stays equal, but the outstanding shares the stock price goes up. The way this happens is that imagine if a company is worth $1 Billion dollars and there were 100 million shares outstanding. If the $1 Billion valuation remains the same, but the 100 million shares were reduced to 80 million shares your shares would go from $10 a share ($1 B / 100 M shares) to $12.5 a share ($1 B / 80 M shares). + +**Cons** + +*Opportunity Cost of the Cash* + +One of the big issues that many point out is both from the company and social level in terms of the opportunity cost of where that money goes. In terms of the company level, many view companies that are buying their stock back are not investing in future projects or making acquisitions which may hinder future growth for short-term returns. One way to look further into this is to look at the R&D spending and listen to earnings calls or conferences where management talks about their corporate strategy. While it is important that they are concerned about the shareholder’s value, it is very important that they continue to grow the company rather than giving up market share for the sake of buybacks. From the social level, many view that the capital allocated for buybacks may be better spent on compensation or community spending to help society. While these are not black and white issues, it is important you learn about the management to understand what they prioritize. + +*Agency Problem* + +Another issue that I read about, was the fact that the shareholders really have no say in whether or not a stock repurchase occurs. Now, if that c-suite and directors are holders of the company stock it may appear that the values should be aligned, but that assumes they see repurchases the way we investors view investing. If they are buying an underpriced stock or do not see a project with equal or more return it is worth repurchasing the stock. If they are buying a massively overpriced stock and ignoring key investments this will spell trouble in the long run. Take a look at Intel, they eroded their market share with the old CEO instead of investing heavily in R&D to make sure they stay in front (Pat Gelsinger seems to be starting the turnaround, but only time will tell). + +*Deteriorating The Balance Sheet* + +These three cons probably all go hand in hand with each other, but the last con I wanted to point out is that a company may take on debt to repurchase stock. While the idea is to take out cheap debt to boost equity prices, it is probably not worth deteriorating your balance sheet for the sake of financially engineering your stock. It may work for some companies in the short term, but as business owners, we are trying to find companies we gain value from over the long term. An example of repurchases gone bad was when the airlines decided to use billions of dollars in cash to buy back their own stock which ultimately hurt their balance sheet and liquidity. When COVID happened at the beginning of 2020, the government had to bail out most of the major airlines because of their irresponsible capital allocation. + +**Conclusion** + +In conclusion, stock repurchases can be very useful and rewarding when they are used under the right company and at the right time. One point to look for in a company is management that is properly allocating its capital and is not trying to do one last hoorah before the company comes crashing down. There may be opportunities where a company issues a dividend, issues a stock repurchase agreement, and is contributing to its own growth through R&D or acquisitions. You want to be in companies that view the business how you want the business to be run and if you do not like how the business is run then you can look elsewhere. Do not automatically think a stock repurchase is a good thing. + +Happy investing and thank you for reading! +[Watch this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5dVsw-IBuI) It's very short. + +&#x200B; + +Peter Lynch says to buy what you know. He says the person who has inside knowledge on a business or industry and see opportunities and value where professional investors may overlook them. I've been buying VZ more lately, liking the dividend and its leading efforts in expanding its 5G. + +It occurred to me how much I've heard that "Welcome to Verizon Wireless" voice lead off when calling clients at my job. I've made thousands upon thousands of calls. Far and away, this is the most common thing I hear. I see the Goliath that is VZ's customer base every day, and only just now did it really hit me that this is *stock information* I've not considered when determining how much I want to buy VZ. I was even buying T more before the Discovery-Warner spinoff was announced, but I had the information right there that VZ is the stronger telecom with the stronger moat to own already. + +The lesson? Pay attention to what you see at work. Work is where business happens. Businesses thrive on value. Whether your insider's edge is qualitative of quantitative, use it. +It's been about a year or so since I started this personal project. It's not fancy and it's been a lot of hard work. + +Using Google sheets, years of Value investing learning & this [WiKi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_S%26P_500_companies) list of S&P500 companies, I have searched the S&P for undervalued companies. + +Out of all 500 companies, I have found only 13 to be 'undervalued' at the time of writing. With well over half of those companies being massively in debt or with significant issues causing an undervaluation. + +Building on this, **what do you think will trigger the next mass sell-off?** + +Perhaps raising interest rates, SPACs, or even something completely left-field. + +Interested to hear your thoughts :) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Word + +Edit: Tbh the 13 aren't worth mentioning as most are poor companies. Think Ford & Newell Brands. Big debt, collapsing economic moats - From a comment of mine in this thread. +I've found a small-cap stock that produces an invaluable product that I feel has potential; it's a small company and it's starting to get off the ground. It's P/TBV is about 2.77 which isn't even terrible for a growth stock, however, I do not know enough about value investing to pick a margin of safety when there is practically no way for the stock to be trading at a discount during it's growth phase. + +For the records, I was studying this stock on August 2nd and had a reminder to check their financials that were being released on August 14th. The stock price since I checked it to now has increased by 19% compared to the S&P 500 climbing only 2.9%; another stock I analyzed for value investing purposes climbed 12% compared the similar 2.9%. + +Very happy with myself as I'm learning the process and I've gained some confidence, but frustrated I don't know everything I need to know about strategy so I can make a move. For all I know, the stock is still a good buy but maybe I'm too scared and naive to make a move due to the poor P/TBV. +Can someone please explain to me what’s happening with the chip shortage? I’ve heard a lot about it, but that space is not in my circle of competence. I know it’s affecting the production of new cars, computers, etc. But I would like to know specifically what’s going on. Thanks! +Right now I have 25.75% dedicated to 3 small caps (QDEL, MED, NXST). I decided to penalize the percentage I allocate to a small cap stock by -30% compared to if it were a large cap. + +I'm afraid 25.75% may be too high, especially with the volatility in the market right now. + +(I'm 100% individual stocks btw; 15 stocks) + +Thoughts? How much do you allocate to small caps? +Hey you all, in the recent Buffet share-holder letter he states (when talking about BNSF) "*Your railroad had record earnings of $6 billion in 2021.* ***Here, it should be noted, we are talking about the*** +***old-fashioned sort of earnings that we favor: a figure calculated after interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and all forms of compensation****. (Our definition suggests a warning: Deceptive “adjustments” to earnings – to use a polite description – have become both more frequent and more fanciful as stocks have risen. Speaking less politely, I would say that bull markets breed bloviated bull . . ..)*" +Can some one point out to me the metric he is referring to that he clearly prefers and why is this the case? Much Thanks! +Some consider Howard Marks to be one of the greatest investors of our times. Yet, whenever I listen to his podcasts, read his newsletters and books, I fail to see the brilliance. What I see is a bunch of platitudes on cycles and investor psychology, like this quote from Mark Twain about history "not repeating itself but rhyming" repeated ad nauseam. Also, don't need to be a genius to recognize that we are in the latest inning of the market cycle ... What am I missing about him ? Or does he keep the secret sauce for himself such that the public figure does not give justice to his talent as an investor ? +[https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/06/tech/google-stadia-release-date/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/06/tech/google-stadia-release-date/index.html) + +&#x200B; + +>The system, which was originally announced in March, will act like a Netflix for video games. Google says it will eventually allow people to play games directly over WiFi from any TV with Chromecast, computer with a Chrome browser, and Google Pixel phones. There are no downloads as the games themselves exist on Google cloud servers. That means Stadia can also sync game progress across devices. + +&#x200B; + +>Google is only releasing a limited version of the system in November, however. Stadia will work on TVs with a Chromecast dongle or Chromecast support at launch. Those on computers or mobile devices are out of luck until 2020. + +&#x200B; + +>Stadia will launch in 14 countries in November, including the **United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, France, and Italy**. Google plans to expand it to more countries next year. + +&#x200B; + +>Next year, Google will release a regular streaming subscription called Stadia Pro, which **will cost $9.99 a month** and include access to 31 games and counting, including Destiny 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Borderlands 3, and Rage 2. +I go to college in Nevada and have been selected to meet with Warren Buffett in Omaha and will have the opportunity to ask him some questions. What do you think I should ask him? + + + + +Edit: Thanks for all the cool questions. I will update you guys on how it goes down. +And I feel really bad about it. + +This major retailer had identified that it generated more revenue, not through new customers, but targeting new and current customers that wanted products that they needed to use high interest credit to afford. + +They were using third party credit data to identify those that had OK credit but not great, so they could rack up the interest. This was part of their marketing brief for all digital / targeted marketing. + +Probably better suited for TrueOfrMyChest but thought you guys might appreciate it more. Don't ever go down the credit route - its designed to line the retailer's pockets. +Hi all, + +I am getting fed up of London estate agents and property developers/maintainers playing games on hard-working home buyers. Why isn't there any scrutiny on these lot on how they do business? + +It ranges from anything such as charging people to get "early bird" alerts on new properties coming on the market to falsely and outright lying on other "bidders" who have made bids on a property you are about to buy. + +The property developers/maintainers are now charging extortionate amounts on servicing the places to live when really you don't see much in terms of actually doing the work. + +It feels like these lot are taking advantage of the property demand/boom in London and milking people dry as much as they can. + +It makes me hate London even more and doing business with these rotten people sucks. +This subreddit is a haven for high earners so wanted to create a thread for average/medium income people to share how they are finding things these days and if they have any tips for managing my money related anxiety. + +On 37k, have bought house (fixed rate & remortgaging next March) bought house in 2021 to just starting to save money again. + +I have around 2.5k in savings and owe around 2k on a credit card that is interest free until January (was used to furnish house) + +I own my car outright and only pay for petrol and maintenance. + +Each month I stick 150 on the credit card, 300 into savings and around 2-300 on my everyday spending credit card (paid off in full every month) + +I have a trip to New York for me and my partners joint 30th coming up which I think will wipe most of my savings. I was in two minds about booking it due to this but as the rest of my money is under control I thought it would be fine. These are big life moments that we need to celebrate + +Because of the recent house purchase, Ive only now built up a decent amount of money again and I’m worried about this trip eating all my savings. Every penny is planned out each month and I don’t live an overly lavish lifestyle. I have nothing on finance and debt is limited to that credit card, so really I’m in a okay position. + +Today I had to spend about 400 quid on a new suit for a few weddings I have coming up (I’ve relied on the same suit for the last 5 years and it was getting very worn out) and some new shirts for work as we’re heading back into the office. + +I don’t really know what I’m saying or looking for, but I think any large purchases or outlays are really stressing me out these days with just the general cost of living crisis and I’m really just looking for some reassurance that whilst my situation isnt perfect, it’s not bad either. And maybe a little bit of advice as to how to be sensible with money whilst still enjoying life and stop stressing out over it +My previous post received way more views and comments than I ever thought. + + + https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8sr8tx/my_desire_to_fire_has_opened_up_some_very/?st=JIPVRLET&sh=5d95f716 + +A few people asked me to elaborate on my “Work Smart” philosophy instead of the usual putting your head down and grinding mentality that is the norm to advancing. + +Before I begin, I have only used this in a corporate setting and cannot guarantee this will work in other work environments, however most of this will sound simple once you read it. + + +Let’s start with Internships + +So you land an internship for the summer and you have 8 weeks to leave your Mark with your employer. + +Work Smart +1) Use your time to do as much research as possible to understand how the business works and what are some common challenges. + +2) ask a lot of questions from long time employees about their day to day and learn from them. + +3) work hard to make people’s lives easier by figuring out a simple solution to a simple problem that annoys everyone. Trust me we all have small issues that we can never get to since we’re occupied with other things. + +4). When given only basic tasks to work on, make sure to do then the best way anyone can and take it upon your self to get involved in more complex tasks. Approach this from a “I am really interested in helping solve this issue”. + +5) Schedule meetings with influencers to get to know them and ask them questions about how they became successful. 2 things ring true wherever I’ve been + 1) people like receiving sincere compliments. + 2) people love to talk about themselves. + + +6) Make sure to be helpful at least once to the people that have the ability to hire you. + +7) Ask your boss to advocate for you and get you a full time offer or part time work during school. So many people just never bother to ask or make it known that they are hungry and want to continue working. + + +Don’t do this + +1) treat an internship like summer camp. +2) Expect to be told exactly what to do. +3) only hang out with other interns or people your age. +4) leave exactly at 5 if you’re working on an interesting project. + + +So many interns at my company don’t realize that they are in a competition to maybe fill in 1 spot. As managers we are looking for the brightest and the best and if you don’t stick out to us then you won’t get a shot. + + +Entry level job + + +So you’re hired full time and now you must do the work. + +Work Smart + +1) you just landed an MBA class of the real world where they pay you to learn. So make sure you learn something new each day or your Day was a failure. + +2) There are no problems only solutions. When you approach your manager with a problem or issue always start with a solution and let your manager decide if you should implement it. + +3) Be confident even if you’re wrong. No body’s perfect and your manager probably has a lot on their plate. Having an employee that comes to me with a solution and takes some chances on their own in order to make my life easier is a breath of fresh air. Granted there are big decisions that need multiple perspectives and sign offs but do the work yourself and come to your manager confidently with a solution. + +4) manage up. Your sole job is to make your manager look good and earn more money with the hope that they cut you a slice. Make sure to help your manager look good. + +5) Don’t take credit for things. We hate credit hogs and can see right through them. We know who does what and even if we miss a few things it won’t matter. Just keep on solving things the reward will come because no one will replicate what you do. + +6) make sure your peers are involved in your ideas and win them over to your side. This is not a to the death competition. You are all a team so get the rest of the team on board to your ideas and then present them with the team to management. This shows that not only can you come up with solutions but you can also build a consensus. + +7) Do the next level up job and don’t take the credit. I believe that we should all be working the next job we want. When it’s time for promotions we know who has the skills to move to the next level. + +8) Develop relationships with key people that will mentor you and help you advance in your career. + +9) Understand the big picture and be a team player. + +10) if you’re ultimate goal is to be a leader then start leading now. A title does not make a leader successful rather people need to gravitate to you. Leading without a title and having people want to follow you is the recipe for a true strong leader. + + +There are many more things but I feel like this rant is long enough. I hope this makes sense and helps some of you. +It came for the meme stocks, weed stocks, SPACs, penny stocks, small caps, midcaps, high multiple stocks. I didnt speak since I owned none in that category. + +Now REITs, utilities, large cap stocks are tanking 20% from earnings or just the overall fear of Fed raising rates. People keep saying wait until the bubble pops but it feels like we are already in the middle of it. It just doesnt have a name like the other periods. +https://clep.collegeboard.org + +The CLEP exams are run the CollegeBoard, the same company that does ACTs. Depending on the school’s policy, [can be searched here](https://clep.collegeboard.org/school-policy-search), after passing the test (usually only requires 50-60%) the school will usually give you 4 credits per tests. At a cost of about $85 per test, this is a great alternative for those early generals instead of paying hundreds per credit for the class. + +And as I’m sure most of the military knows, you guys get to take them for free! +My point is that more growth = less divi. In addition to less money from dividends, you’ll lose dividend money as soon as you cash out on some of that growth so is there really a point of going this route? +Here is a [video summaries Doordash IPO S1 Filing.](https://youtu.be/4WGu4UiaqO0) + +Hopefully it will be useful to everyone since Doordash IPO is next week. + +\#’s of class A shares offered: 33M +IPO price: $75-$85/share +IPO date: Dec 8 2020 +Ticker symbol: DASH + +Risk Factor: + +1. Incurred net loss every year since inception +2. Net losses: $667M (2019), $149M (Sep 30 2020) +3. Expect cost to increase over time and loss will continue +4. Competitors: Uber Eats, Grubhub +5. Potential reclassification of Dashers as employees instead of independent contractors + +Upside: + +1. 18M consumers, 390k merchants, 1M Dashers +2. Has the largest market share in the US (Sep 30 2020): Doordash: 50%, Uber Eats: 33%, Grubhub: 16% +3. Huge market opportunity: US consumers on Doordash platform is less than 6% of total US population. Gross order value (GOV) of Doordash is less than 3% of off-premise spend at restaurants and other consumer foodservices in the US. +4. Growing revenue: $885M (2019), $1.9B (Sep 30 2020). + +Lock-up Agreement: (discussed in the video). +If you had just held onto it after it crashed from $1 to $0.75, and after it crashed from $20 to $2, and after it took a year to go up to $200 and then crashed to $73, then shot back up to $1,000 and then crashed back to $200, then took 3 years to head to $19,000 before crashing to $3,500, then held onto it for two years for it to reach $50,000, you'd have $500 million by now, what an idiot +bogged finance an actual decent coin/project. So I heard about this project on this sub. And decided fuck it why not. So I put a bit of money in it. + +I've risked a couple dollars into it and its been good. Bought some more this morning. + +While being on this sub I've seen so many trash coins and lost money trading it. I've seen all the safe coins (safemoon, safestar, safemars, safepluto and I reckon their more coming). I also seen the rug pull (TDI). + +I know we all want 10x in a day but in a space of a day coins like that can do 10x and then dump below where they originally started. + +I've held bog for about a week now and I've seen my money double it's and exponential growth coin and I see it has space to grow further. It's already listed on coingecko. + +Its currently at about $4.5 so much more realistic compared to all these coins with 10 zero and $10 is worth like a billion of the coin ( like really you think it is going to get to 0.0001 ?) + +Bog is an actual safe coin. Not something that's going to give you anxiety on whether the coin you bought has gone from 0 to 0 or 0 to 0 +* Would that have any impact on the US economy? +* Would that have any impact on the German economy? They still own that gold, even if the Fed "lost" it. It should not be Germany's problem. +* Would the global economy collapse? +**Edit:** +Ex-mod u/Chared945's has spoken up about [his forced removal](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ygu9wi/comment/iub680s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +Ex-mod u/jsmar18's comment about [the gaslighting situation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ygu9wi/comment/iubn81e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) within the mod team and [his resignation letter](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsmar18/comments/yfn4bw/superstonk_resignation/) from the team. + +Evidence for the internal issues of the mod team can be found on the latest post of u/Gentaro's user profile. + +**TLDR:** I personally experienced and witnessed workplace bullying within the mod team where people were suffering for months and became extremely distressed and then forced out of the mod team. I called it out and also tried repeatedly to ask for accountability but the mod team didn't want to admit their mistakes and kept doubling down on their denial and deflections. I realised that there are serious moral, ideological and cultural differences between me and the team so I left. + +\------------------ + +I was on-boarded as a Superstonk mod on the 30th April. My mod permissions were removed on 17th August and I left the mod team officially on the 8th of October. + +Ever since I spoke up in the comments on [Gentaro’s post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yau97d/transparency_in_the_sub_v2/), I saw that many members of the community are concerned about what’s happened with the mod team and with my situation. I waited a week to see if the mod team would walk the talk about providing transparency to the community but they’ve disappointed us yet again. Instead, I’ve seen genuinely good, caring apes get silenced or roasted in the comments just because they cared enough to want the mod team of the biggest GME community online to provide transparency instead of legitimate concerns being swept under the rug. + +And since the current mods have repeatedly insisted that they’re [not stopping ex-mods from speaking out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yc7mb3/comment/itknnb0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and there’s [no NDA imposed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ya3ia3/comment/itae7ms/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on us despite immediately permabanning me for leaving the mod team, l will share my side of the story here. + +# My full story + +I was bullied out of my position as a mod without anything approaching a reasonable process and in my case, the only “offence” I’ve committed was respectful disagreement. I found the Superstonk sub rules to be inconsistent and enforced arbitrarily early on because this made it difficult for me to do my job as a new mod who’s still learning. And because I was worried about the sub, I voiced my concerns and opinions regarding the inconsistencies and internal processes of the mod team whenever they arose. + +My main concern being, it is very difficult to do any proper moderation without clear, well-defined rules. When I started as a new mod, the sub rules were way more vague than it is typical on Reddit (e.g. No Improper Content). This is worrying to me, given that there were constant problems with inconsistent moderation and it'll look like the moderators are either biased or not doing their jobs enforcing the rules. It also leads to inefficiencies (as happened with the DRSGME’s fundraiser website situation). I've tried to express this openly with the mod team early on but nobody paid any attention to what I said perhaps because I was new. So I approached various senior mods in the team about my concerns only to be flat-out ignored by them time and time again. + +An admin mod did eventually get back to me after six weeks, and they responded to my feedback about the mod team processes with “if you’re really so unhappy, maybe you shouldn’t be modding this sub”. Whether I was right or wrong about the mod team's problems, the fact that an admin immediately responded to respectful feedback in such a dismissive way clearly demonstrates that the people in charge are not interested in considering different ideas in the first place. + +I was later told by another admin mod that some people in the team have raised concerns to them about the way I “express discontent” but since it’s not a “pattern of behaviour'' they observed, they invited me to have a “chat” about improving team communication instead. I then expressed that I do actually have my own concerns to talk about but I needed time to prepare for it and since I was also dealing with personal issues at that time, I was in no capacity to address this immediately. But I’ve tried my best to always be in communication with the admin mods and update them about where I’m at until the 17th of August when they suddenly, without prior warning, removed me as a mod from the sub and forced me into the #hiatus channel of their Discord server where I was isolated from all mod team discussions. After I was forcibly ejected, the admin mod tried to justify it as me “failing to meet my deadline” and “unresponsive to requests for a mediation to address interpersonal conflicts”. + +I was completely blindsided. For perspective, please realise that after I was on-boarded, we went three months without having a single mod meeting (which was supposed to happen every two weeks) so the idea that there was a hard deadline was surprising to me given how it was never clearly communicated and the general lack of a consistent schedule or communication made the actions of the mod team that much more confusing to me. + +I tried to appeal this to the admin mods and explained how I was never communicated any hard deadline, nothing was ever formalised, I had no idea at all I had any interpersonal conflicts so serious that required a full-on mediation and that at no point I was ever warned that my modship was in jeopardy. Again, I was ignored by everyone I reached out to. + +Unfortunately I’m not the first mod to be removed suddenly for vague criticisms like “we don’t like how you communicate and disagree” or “we feel that trust has been broken” despite no actual bad acting, with knee-jerk reactions and abuse of power. + +The workplace bullying I’ve personally experienced and witnessed happened to others in the team disturbed me greatly. What I can share is that I’m not the only ex-mod who was forced into hiatus, and the mod team’s poorly managed mediation process had failed badly for them. These ex-mods were very distressed by their whole ordeal and it was terrible to see how much they’ve been affected by it. + +On the 27th of Sept, the admin mods got back to me about my own situation after the two ex-mods were removed (within two weeks of each other) and tried to force me into a so-called mediation which didn’t sound like a mediation to me so I questioned them about it, and then they acknowledged it was actually a “tribunal” and an ultimatum, where I would need to “win over members of the mod team as a whole” because a quorum was needed in order for me to be let back into the team. They also said that I will need to earn my privileges back into the team and must prove to them that I’m “consistently demonstrating the ability to discuss things in a productive way and exercising sound judgement”, only then may I be restored to the lowest rank junior mod where I can only post removal messages and sticky comments to the sub. They emphasised many times that this was a non-negotiable for me. + +But there was no way I was subjecting myself to such a disingenuous tribunal and be judged by the whole team because of the failures of the mod team processes and poor management. I called repeatedly for the admin mods to take accountability for the broken processes which led to my situation, and the (imo) unjust removal of the two ex-mods. Instead, they kept doubling down on refusing to acknowledge or take accountability like SHFs who made a bad bet, and continued to paint me as an unreasonable person who was combative, rocking the boat, creating a hostile environment within the team and being difficult to work with. + +Their reasons for my tribunal also read like a haphazard collection of minor incidents that were only dug up after-the-fact and taken out of context, or straight-up unfounded accusations to justify my removal as a mod for reasons listed [here](https://imgur.com/a/HkSFd4x). + +I also found out later that they had created an entire Discord channel that I wasn't privy to specifically to discuss about me in a Them vs Me dynamic. + +At this point, I’ve been isolated, humiliated, gaslighted and continuously made to feel invisible and unheard for months. This bullying has affected me alot emotionally and mentally because they made me feel like I deserved to be treated this way and it took a toll on my health. While I’m not without fault and have told them that I own my part of the problem, it was concerning to me that the admin mods refused to take any accountability for their mistakes and poor management while the other mods in the team seemed content to just take whatever the admin mods say at face value and kept making excuses for them despite also having witnessed all that has happened right in front of them. + +More than that, it was extremely disturbing to me that these people found it so difficult or even offensive to just do the right thing and extend kindness, understanding and compassion to mine and the other ex-mods’ situations because we’re still humans behind the keyboard. + +I realised that the mod team and I have serious moral, ideological and cultural differences and I simply could not work in a team like this. I wrote a respectful but honest leaving message, dropped it in the mod team server and left the server on the 8th of Oct. Almost immediately after, I got notification that I was permabanned from Superstonk when I didn’t do anything at all to justify it. I was informed later that I was unbanned but unlike publicly stated, the admin mods were absolutely adamant about keeping the ban because I might start “drama” and had to be convinced by the others to reverse this knee-jerk reaction. Some of the mods who reached out to me before in the pretext of friendship just stopped replying to me when I asked for help about my permaban. I was then made aware that the admin mods had told everyone on the mod team not to engage with me in DMs and ignore me (a couple of good ones didn’t care and continued talking to me anyway). Jsmar18 left the team shortly after ([his resignation statement](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsmar18/comments/yfn4bw/superstonk_resignation/)). + +The admin mods like to pretend that the mod team is some Fortune 100 company and always used a lot of corporate language and weird corpo behaviours which never sat right with me, especially when the internal processes are so broken in reality. It also worries me to see how recent events over the last few days have shown that the mod team is STILL refusing to provide transparency, banning people for petty reasons, manually approve [low karma accounts like Ellajax741](https://imgur.com/a/65fekMK) who commented just to attack me, removing posts and actively deflect efforts in the comments that were calling for transparency as being [focused on mod drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ydeqgv/comment/itrr371/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and “[cringy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ydeqgv/comment/itsdep6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)”. + +I don’t enjoy being in the spotlight. I was also not the type of mod who will show my face or advertise the fact that I'm a Superstonk mod on Twitter. And I most certainly don’t want to risk myself getting doxxed and harassed online. All I wanted to do was to lay low, do my job as a volunteer janitor of the sub and focus my efforts on helping the community as best as I can. But I’m speaking up now because I feel that the community deserves to know my account of what happened that 4 mods were removed in 3 weeks. + +I'm grateful to the members of the community who voiced their opinions openly and subjected themselves to deflections, gaslighting and got downvoted into oblivion because they questioned the authority of the mod team and called for transparency, truth and accountability to the community. The fact that good apes are being treated like this is disgraceful. I’ve had many kind and supportive apes DM me, some of whom I’ve helped while I was a mod, others I’ve never spoken to before, especially after I spoke up on Gentaro’s post. These apes gave me the strength to share my full story after I felt so sad and defeated because I thought that the community doesn’t care about the problems of the current mod team. This has very real world consequences and it's so important for us to be able to discern what's actual FUD and what's worth caring about. I don’t know what’s going to happen now but apes together strong. Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments. + +Thank you all for reading my story. +Are there any tips/techniques for presenting an offer to a seller that would make a lower offer more appealing? IE seller finances the deal for a couple years at a higher than current interest rate and profits off the interest earned as well as the balance of the mortgage. +I like their calculators but im not interested in upgrading to pro. Can we get a list of alternatives or is everyone just using their own excel sheets? +Please dont forget to put these + +1. Your health insurance company name +2. How friendly were the telephone operator and the claims formality ? Did they pester you for adding all minute details ? +3. Would you recommend it to your close friend? + +Hi All, + +I had been reading about momentum investing lately (including the videos by Prof Pattu and IVM podcasts) and decided to devote the weekend to come up with a simple screening methodology that will give me 5-10 stocks to invest for a period of one month. + +I applied the following filters:- + +* Current market price should be more than 10% of the past 100 days average price. +* Standard deviation of daily return be less than 2% +* Past six months' annualised returns be higher than 10% +* Number of days with positive daily returns be higher than 55% + +The screening, unsurprisingly, gave me stocks with beta mostly in the range of 0.43 and 0.8, which I kind of take as a confirmation of the criteria used being correct. + +Would request the sub to punch holes in the screening and help me improve the process. + +Edit: Adding the results... + +&#x200B; + +|SBI Life | +|:-| +|Berger Paints| +|IGL| +|Abbott India| +|Pfizer| +|Tata Chem| +|CRISIL| +Hey guys, I am working on this excel sheet - "Comparison of Indian Mutual Fund Direct Plan Platforms". Please do let me know if any one of you use these platforms and have some information to share. + +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NuKe5i_iWog1wARI1ttiZ7bngBCCvPCMNTzGqhNFMmU/edit?usp=sharing + + +I've looked around and tons of these companies either seem like shells or aren't doing any business yet (shells). So, + +What we'd stocks are the most legit? + +And is there an ETF that is decent? I don't like putting money on individual stocks, especially in such a volatile climate. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-16/robinhood-said-to-be-raising-new-funds-at-about-8-billion-value + +> Robinhood Markets Inc., the online brokerage that's suffered repeated outages during recent market turmoil, is close to raising new funding at valuation of about $8 billion, according to people familiar with the matter. +Keen to have a reddit gauge about which sectors are impacted the most by COVID pandemic in the last two weeks. Maybe people can share tips for getting a new job or getting by while the wave is surging. + + +*Edit from comment:* + +Hey OP, could you perhaps edit your OP to add that The Salvation Army (+ many other orgs) provide immediate financial support including food vouchers to those in need. I believe there's an office in every CBD. This could be tide impacted people over until Centrelink makes the first payment. + +https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/need-help/ + +https://www.redcross.org.au/get-help/emergencies + + + +"Australians who are laid off as a result of the coronavirus outbreak will be allowed to pull money out of their superannuation, Scott Morrison announced on Sunday. + +Withdrawals will be capped at $10,000 this financial year, and a further $10,000 next financial year, and will be tax-free, the prime minister and his treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, said. + +The withdrawals will be available from April to those eligible for the coronavirus supplement as well as sole traders whose hours or income has fallen 20% or more as a result of coronavirus." + +https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/mar/22/australia-is-easing-superannuation-access-for-those-worst-hit-by-coronavirus-but-can-we-afford-it +Alright boring day, so perfect timing to write something ! + +*Last friday i published a picture of Deep Put Options, without giving an explanation ,; as requested here we go!* + +**Buckle UP!!** + +First pic: + +&#x200B; + +[Total Open Interest Puts at every date](https://preview.redd.it/8p7mwyxo2h471.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9e55243802ed4eb79be34f495bc8255207e206) + +*Here you have the Total Open interested for every dates  available in Deep OTM Puts. As you can see I just stopped counting at 5$ strike and we have already 45M Shares under contract with the biggest day July 16 and Januray 21 on those two days we have 29M shares just at 0,5$ strike!! We have other strike going untill the current price so you can add dozens of millions, but i just wanted for this purpose to focus on the deepest so useless ones.* + +**Who wants to buy so much deep OTM puts, for sure the price will never go there, so why losing money in premiums?** + +Second Pic: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mftm8d0v2h471.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=da546d3f4b178dfe8ed2d340941f49a42c5d320e + +*In this second pic, I wanted to see if it was a common practice, as you can see we dont have those numbers in other stocks even the others “Meme” ones !* + +*(here I stopped at the 6th strike for each stock)* + +**The theory is simple, you are looking at our dear shorts..... How do that? \`Receipe:** + +one **Hedge Fund** \+ one **Market Maker** *( good we know two of them!)* + +one short “covered” by an **ITM Calls** (many post about those ITM Calls bought) + a **long Put OTM** + += Et voila! + +of course you can add the official SI reported + ETF shorted and with all that you have a better view on the real SI% + +As I am not English speaker, I will copy some part of an interesting old article explaining the RECEIPE and talking about those Deep OTM Puts to cover shorts. + +&#x200B; + +From [**TradeSmithDaily**](https://tradesmithdaily.com/investing-strategies/the-drop-in-gamestop-short-interest-could-be-real-or-deceptive-market-manipulation/)**:** + +&#x200B; + +**The way the hedge funds made it appear as if they covered their shorts, even when they really didn’t — involves trickery in the options market.** + +*The tactics involved are not a secret. In fact, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) knows all about such tactics, and published a “risk alert” memo on the topic in August 2013.* + +*The* ***SEC memo*** *is titled “Strengthening Practices for Preventing and Detecting Illegal Options Trading Used to Reset Reg SHO Close-out Obligations.” You can* [***read it here via the SEC website***](https://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/options-trading-risk-alert.pdf)*.* + +*The memo contains a dozen pages of highly technical language, but here’s a quick rundown:* + +* ***If short sellers are facing a squeeze*** *because shares are hard to buy, or scrutiny for holding an illegal short position, they can* ***create an appearance of having closed*** *their short position through the use of deceptive options trades.* +* *A hedge fund that is short a stock* ***can write call options*** *on a stock — meaning t****hey are now “short”*** *the call options,* ***having sold the call*** *options to someone else (typically a market maker) — and simultaneously* ***buy shares against the call options***\*.\* +* ***The shares*** *bought against the call options could be* ***“synthetic” longs*** *— meaning they are* ***not part of the original share float*** *of the stock — as sold to the hedge fund by the market maker that takes the other side of the options trade.* +* *This works because, if a market maker buys options from an options writer,* ***the market maker has legal privileges to do a version of “naked shorting” as part of their hedging function.*** *This is necessary, under the current rules and the current system, for market makers to protect themselves when facilitating options trades.* +* *As a result of the above transaction,* ***the hedge fund that sold short calls was able to buy synthetic long shares against the calls.*** *(A synthetic share is one that has a long on one side and a short on the other but wasn’t part of the original float.) The synthetic long shares are the other side of the naked shorts, legally initiated by the market maker, so the market maker can hedge.* +* *The hedge fund that bought the shares* ***can now report that they have “bought back” their short*** *position via buying long shares — except they actually haven’t! The synthetic shares they bought are canceled out against the short call positions they initiated, a necessity of the maneuver by way of the market maker’s hedging of the call position they bought from the hedge fund.* + +&#x200B; + +It gets very complicated, very fast. But the gist is that **hedge funds can use tricks to make it look like they’ve covered their shorts — even if they haven’t truly covered, and can’t, for lack of available float — by way of exploiting loopholes** that exist due to an interplay of reporting rule delays, market maker naked shorting exceptions, and legal practices of synthetic share creation (new longs and shorts made from thin air) relating to market-making. + +Below is a section of the SEC memo (from page 8) that gets to the heart of it: + +***“Trader A may enter a buy-write transaction, consisting of selling deep-in-the-money calls and buying shares of stock against the call sale. By doing so, Trader A appears to have purchased shares to meet the broker-dealer’s close-out obligation for the fail to deliver that resulted from the reverse conversion. In practice, however, the circumstances suggest that Trader A has no intention of delivering shares, and is instead re-establishing or extending a fail position.*****”** + +\*\* + +In short (no pun intended) these tricks **“help hedge funds maintain short positions** that, legally speaking, they weren’t supposed to have because the shares were never properly located”. Which triggers alarm bells when we consider the extraordinarily **high amount of FTIDs/Failed to Deliver** Shares ([Where are the Shares?](https://wherearetheshares.com/)) and **Michael Burry’s** (now deleted tweet viewable here [Cassandra](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130030954/https://twitter.com/michaeljburry?lang=en)) about how when he called back shares he lent out, brokers took weeks to actually find them with the implication they could not be located. + +&#x200B; + +On the Other side those Short ITM Calls and the Puts written are never delivered so what happen T+ 21 ( now we know what happens those days ) and what if Not deliver at the proper date? T+35 to go buy on the market the equities.... + +This explain also why we have those pics on **T+21 and T+35 days.**.... they are just delaying the inevitable by reseting the clock but between each delivery day they keep shorting... Tic/Tac...... + +**TLDR:  SI% Higher, hidden behind short calls ITM and long Puts OTM.**  +The shills and excessively smooth brained have conditioned you to think MOASS will be a sudden, one time event, and everything will snap back to reality abruptly. You think Ryan issues a NFT dividend, we ascend into the stars, the price comes crashing back down to earth and our favorite store survives. + +Except Ryan is using Gamestop to change several different aspects of life. A marketplace where digital media can have supply based value (and resale value) is only the beginning. Shifting investments to the blockchain will prove so successful for protecting Gamestop from malicious shorting attacks, it will spread. We will see a new parallel to the NYSE in the marketplace Gamestop designs. One where every share must be accounted for at the moment of sale. Gamestop will host the largest investment marketplace in the world. One not limited to individual countries segregated markets. + +But thats not all... I think these are just preliminary steps toward Gamestop developing the Oasis as anyone who has seen the film Ready Player One knows it as. A digital world where you can bring all of your digital assets and utilize them at your will. Assets can be used across platforms. One day these micro-transactions in our games will get you assets beyond just that one game, but instead you can take them anywhere. This world and its economy will explode in a similar magnitude to crypto, creating a digital work environment, and a massive opportunity at growth. + +Gamestop isnt going from 6$ -> 69,420,000 -> 20$ + +Berkshire hathaway is an investment firm working inside the marketplace. Gamestop will BE the marketplace in this new era. Stop comparing them to Amazons retail value... we are blowing past that. Past the value of the entire portfolio of wall street. We are heading toward managing a globally accessible, digital economy... the US dollar in its entirety is maybe the closest thing to the size we are looking at. Even that is a modest comparison. + +Guys, Gamestop isnt stopping at the moon. Ryan has prepared a layover for those who get scared by their first trip in space and need a little bit to collect themselves, but the rest of us already have tickets to Alpha Centauri and beyond. + +Imagine thinking you are the champion that sold all of your shares at the peak of 69,420,000, just to watch gamestop shares become the gold standard in the new economy. Dont kid yourself about buying back in on the backside guys. There wont be a backside to this trip. + +Knowing this, it occurs to me that every single Sunday evening such as now, I can relish in the deserved hype coming just hours away. + +Edit: not going to call you out individually, but I see both the shills AND the excessively retarded found their way to my post. I appreciate when you put the makeup on yourselves 🤡 +InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc. provides hearing aids and its hearable, and wearable personal sound amplifier products to retail hearing aid dispensing community. The company engages in the provision of manufacturing and direct-to-consumer distribution/retail of hearing aids, personal sound amplifier products, hearing related treatment therapies, doctor-formulated dietary hearing supplements, and proprietary CDB oil for treating tinnitus. + +**Pros:** + +* They are a stable company with real products and real reviews. You can buy their hearing aids at places like [Walmart](https://www.walmart.com/browse/health/hearing-aids-amplifiers-accessories/innerscope-hearing-technologies/976760_1005860_5455166?cat_id=976760_1005860_5455166_5260629&facet=brand%3AInnerScope+Hearing+Technologies) or [Sears](https://www.sears.com/health-wellness-daily-living-aids-hearing-aids-accessories-hearing-aids/b-5008949?Brand=InnerScope%20Hearing%20Technologies&filterList=Brand). +* Their products are [FDA approved](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/05/30/1513836/0/en/InnerScope-Hearing-Technologies-Receives-its-FDA-Class-I-and-II-Importers-Clearance-on-their-ALPHA-Brand-Hearing-Aid-Device-Products.html). +* The president, Matthew Moore, is very active on Twitter and is 3rd generation in the hearing device industry. He knows the technology and its target very well. +* Mass production ready. [Can easily produce up to 10000 devices per month](https://i.imgur.com/hy85aQg.png). +* [Hearing aids market to grow exponentially and hit $14.45 Billion by 2020](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/11/09/2122531/0/en/Hearing-Aids-Market-to-Grow-Exponentially-and-Hit-USD-14-45-Billion-by-2020-Derive-Gains-from-Innovations-in-Hearing-Aid-Devices-says-Fortune-Business-Insights.html) with more than 52 million people in North America that need hearing aids but don't have it. +* They provide [cheaper but high quality alternatives](https://i.imgur.com/sPZIW6e.png) when compared to $EAR. +* There is a [law already passed by congress in 2017](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/14/health/elderly-hearing-aids.html) that allowed shops like Walmart or Walgreens to sell hearing aids that is awaiting for the FDA regulations. The deadline for these regulations was August 2020 but it was delayed because of the pandemic. There is a big pressure for FDA to create these regulations and this can happened in the upcoming weeks or months. +* $INND is expecting a [1000x](https://i.imgur.com/4U9TJaK.png) sales growth when the this over-the-counter law is in effect. +* They have other products like daily multi-vitamins that you can buy on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855GL3J1?ref=myi_title_dp). +* Will [not](https://i.imgur.com/TctUbAL.png) do a reserve split. +* With a market cap of $25 million, it still has a lot of room to grow. +* **Their unattended** [Automated free hearing screening Kiosk & Point of Sale Kiosk](https://www.innd.com/hearing-screening-kiosk) **that they plan to deploy to groceries stores and helthcare locations.** + * [InnerScope Hearing Technologies signs an Agreement with Pursuant Health Inc. to launch its Hearing Loss Information Center to all 4,618 of Pursuant Health’s Wellness Screening Kiosks inside all Walmart and Walmart Neighborhood Market locations nationwide by June 2020](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/03/30/2008289/0/en/InnerScope-Hearing-Technologies-OTC-INND-To-Launch-Hearing-Loss-Information-Centers-In-Kiosks-At-4-618-Walmart-Locations-Nationwide.html). + * They've had this deal to launch this service inside +4000 Walmarts for quite a while that has also been put on hold because of the pandemic. + * These kiosks are a gamechanger and will put them in a unique position, way ahead of the competition. + +**Catalysts:** + +* [Becoming current in the next 50 days, with the removal of the STOP sign](https://i.imgur.com/n8x3Y9h.png). +* [Will uplist to OTCQB and plans to uplist to a bigger exchange after that](https://i.imgur.com/n8x3Y9h.png). +* OTC law will be in effect anytime now. +* Will announce [retailer partnerships](https://i.imgur.com/DYYDtSZ.png) in the upcoming weeks with big playes. +* They've said there might be some acquisitions, + +EDIT: For anyone wanting to buy it on the UK or Europe, check out Interactive Brokers. There are some options for USA traders on the comments. +Hey guys new here. I’m 22 years old still live with my parents and I have a full time job making around $500 a week due to Covid-19 I’d normally be around $700 or $800 but no matter how much I try to save I always end up living check to check and I hate it. I have expenses like my truck note that is $620 and insurance that is $250, phone, etc. What’s a good technique to save money you guys have used to climb yourselves out of debt or just free up some room ?? +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/paypal-and-microsofts-employee-holiday-gift-thrill-working-parents.html + +PayPal, Microsoft and others are giving the gift of child care this holiday season so working parents can attend holiday office party and shop after hours. + +The online payments company and tech giant have teamed up with Bright Horizons, a provider of employer-sponsored child care. + +Microsoft and PayPal believe this initiative will raise productivity and create stronger relationships at the office +I kind of wish the fundamental turnaround story was getting as many posts and conversations as the squeeze story because I think more serious investors would be attracted to the turnaround story and throw their money in the ring to help make this rocket launch. + +Painting superstonk as a qanon cult is all about casting doubt on the central squeeze premise. Because the squeeze premise has devolved into a he said she said. We know we’re right but the hfs are painting an entirely different picture and have the entire media apparatus at their disposal. + +It’s a lot harder to employ that qanon strategy against the fundamentals driven premise though, since the fundamentals premise doesn’t rely on or care so much about short-term fluctuations in price. We all know those short-term fluctuations are due to fuckery of all kinds but those outside of our bubble don’t know that and have a harder time believing it because they haven’t swallowed the red pill yet. +A few months ago, due to what I still can’t explain, the parental controls on purchases on the android device stopped asking for a password. My 8 year old son discovered this while playing Roblox and went on a Robux buying spree to the tune of $427. We only caught it because of the confirmation emails a few days later. We were only able to reclaim $115 from Google. He lost the device, and his favorite game, for a long time. + +Fast forward to today. I have been giving my son $5 a week for chores into a custodian trading account. I luckily I picked a few good stocks and he has a nice little ~$300 Disney Trip fund for toys, swag, etc. I told him I was going to spend his savings on buying RBLX. I explained to him about market cap, shares outstanding, float and he understood 0 of these things... But I also explained that putting $300 into a game vs $300 into a game company were different things and (inner monologue: while probably over priced at the moment) it may grow his Disney Trip fund while he supports the company that has brought him so much pandemic joy. He was totally jazzed about this prospect and investing in general. Also... payback... sort of. + + +EDIT: A few more details for the surprising amount of negative posters below, especially for a light-hearted story about both of us learning money lessons. + +* I am not shilling Roblox stock we collectively own 4 shares. +* Of course any major losses would be covered. No children's dreams were ruined in the making of any financial lessons... yet. +* He did have to earn back his mistake through increased help around the house. +* I own a lot of DIS in my own accounts. +* I match his own bday, card, etc contributions 1-1 to his account as an additional incentive to invest. +If I have a mortgage that is a few times my income, and my income isn’t quite rising with inflation, is inflation good or bad for me overall? At what point do different circumstances change the calculus here to a net benefit/detriment? + +Apologies if this is a silly question .. +This diamond handed, big balled, monster of an investor (who is not a cat) is going to trigger the largest transfer of wealth in human history and force meaningful Wall Street reform. Apes can easily make sure he wins the reader’s poll and when the squeeze squozes, there will be no question that he deserves the actual award. + +Side note: his 200,000 shares increased in value by $6+ million today. 💎🙌💎🦍🚀🌕 +Hello people, I have a really weird dilemma. Basically I recently moved into this flat where the gas meter looks to be stuck. I tried to enter my readings on the website, but it said something like "your reading looks wrong". So I then decided to wait until the first bill. My provider estimated the units I used which was literally £5 (plus obviously standing charges). +So my question is: should I tell my provider that I didn't pay enough or should I carry on a bit longer to take advantage of this situation? What would you do? +[Charts](https://s21.postimg.org/lxhwep02t/untitled.jpg) + +Used this US gov CPI calculator for each year: https://data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/cpicalc.pl + +Pretty proud that inflation adjusted spend was relatively flat over the last decade. + +EDIT: + +1) Someone asked about our tracked [savings over this period also](https://s11.postimg.org/yuay3aj9v/untitled.jpg) + +2) Excel is my primary tracking tool + +3) Someone asked about our [current monthly budget](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5wb2jr/kept_my_monthly_expenses_over_the_last_20_years/de98gv2/) +In 50 years on this Earth, I've never managed to get a savings account to have more than a few hundred bucks. + +Since January 2021, I've managed to save nearly $20,000 (all now in my Fidelity account, tied up GME shares), by cutting out buying stupid shit, stopping drinking, not driving as much, eating better (and less takeout), not giving as much of it to Jeff Bezos, etc... + + +If nothing else, this community of like minded apes have managed to make me do something that my parents, school, countless bank managers and wife have never managed in all the years -- save some fucking money! + +Well done you lot! Thanks to all of you! +My grandfather taught me everything I know about investing, saving, and finances. He was brilliant and changed my life for the better. Some of his wisdom deserves to be shared. + +**1. Figure out your goal and then find someone who has achieved that goal. Ask them for advice. Mirror their dedication and follow their lead.** + +My goal was to become financially independent as early as I could. My grandfather retired early and it allowed him to plan his own day and see his family anytime. It made a huge impact on my life and I wanted to be just like him. I let him know my plans at 15 and asked for his mentorship so I could retire by 35. I wanted to copy his success so I took all the advice I could get from him. + +Find that person IRL or online. Don't follow trends and try to come up with some novel way of getting rich quick. Spend that time and energy figuring out your goal and mapping the steps to get there. Have your mentor give you advice on your plan and how to get there. + +**2. Invest in what you know, not what you think you know.** + +As soon as I understood the concept of the stock market and "owning" pieces of companies, I wanted in. I wanted to own Disney. It had a huge impact on my life with so many happy memories for me from films to vacations. They were innovative and I understood their business. Disney was going to continue to grow for years and years. I begged to have the stock. For Christmas, my grandparents gifted me 1 share of Disney stock in a frame. It was beautiful and meaningful and the perfect present. My grandfather offered to assist me buying more Disney stock once I was able to work part time. When the companies annual report arrived I was thrilled. There was so much information about the company that I never knew. It talked about future plans for the company that I was blown away by and a lot of terms I didn't understand. It took me two months to get through the report cover to cover and understand it, but my knowledge about cash, capital, debt, investors, voting, shareholder value, profit and loss, and legalise expanded exponentially. I thought I knew everything about Disney but I didn't know shit. I wanted to own Disney stock because it was cool, nostalgic, a company aimed at my demographic, and looked like it was doing well. I bought stocks on my gut, which is stupid. + +I bought the remainder of my Disney stock based on research. Real, actual comparisons to competitors, the market, and long-term growth strategy, instead of my feelings. Investing is not feelings, it's analyzing current and historic data and doing due diligence on a company. Don't follow the crowd, pick based on gut feelings, or buy things that are trendy. Do your homework. + + +**3. High Risk, High Rewards** + +My grandfather made me buy some safe bets. Lots of long term growth mutual funds and market index funds and of course some Fannie May with 6% returns (back in the day). + +I hated it. I wanted to buy stocks and make a shit ton of money ASAP. If I wanted to buy stock, I had to basically do a book report and presentation to my grandfather to convince him it was a sound investment. When I was 18 and controlled my account I was going to buy soooooo many stocks. I was so naive. My grandfather taught me that a sound investment isn't made in 30 minutes. If I didn't do research and understand what I was buying, I shouldn't buy it. I didn't have to become an expert, I just had to understand my risk. If I couldn't take the time to understand it, I shouldn't be buying single stocks. Instead, I should be buying funds put together by professionals. + +On the occasions that I did my homework, found a company that I wanted to invest in, and made a convincing argument, he'd make me also talk to his broker. Usually they disagreed with me. They challenged my assumptions and made me fight for the company. I always came away learning something new. + + +**4.Just because a stock is right for you, it's not right for everyone.** + +My grandfather and his broker never liked the stocks I picked. I was going after tech companies. As a retiree, my grandfather wanted low risk, consistent return investments. His broker was middle aged with a family and was a little more aggressive but knew nothing about the tech sector. When you buy stocks based on assumptions, you are gambling. When you buy stocks based on research, understanding, and potential, you are investing. Most of my picks had potential but were extremely risky. Since I was young and didn't have a family to support, I could be very risky. If I lost all of my money, I could just keep working and replace it. The smart thing to do in my situation was to be 80% hig risk and 20% low risk. I wanted growth but there were many investments that would provide safe, but low risk returns. I could take chances, but I couldn't be stupid. No one knows the future, so prepare for it with diversification. + +My grandfather taught me to never just take others advice. Your situation is unique. He would never invest in these tech companies. My investments were very risky and he would not buy them. That didn't mean I shouldn't buy them. My situation was different than his, therefore, my investments should be as well. Most of my investments turned out to be great and give me great returns, but some kicked my ass and made me learn something new. + + + +**Tl;dr Investing takes work and practice. Buying stocks is a risk, but with due diligence and research you can lower that risk and make better investment decisions. Follow successful people.** + +Edit: Trying to fix formatting +I've been trading a while. I feel like one thing that is stopping me from being better trader is that I am impulsive and impatient when it comes to trading. + +Only if I trade my set ups and nothing else, that will be 3\~4 trades a day. But I can't seem to break away from habit of just taking random price action trades for 1\~2 points and keep repeating it. + +Anyone struggling with this problem or overcame it? Would also love someone to keep each other accountable if anyone needs to overcome this problem as well. + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT: Thanks for your insights guys! Really appreciated it.** + +**By the way, I started a server of discord for people who's trying to overcome trading mistakes like me to get together and keep each other accountable. If you want to join, dm me!** +I understand the frustration with the Gherk ban, I enjoyed his daily TA every morning too. But, the amount of pushback the mods are receiving is absolutely unnecessary regardless of how you feel about Gherk. + +I encourage you all to take a minute to just think about everything this sub has accomplished up to this point, and all that the mods have done for us. + +Just to name a few: + +They refused to sell themselves out to the media, and followed what we voted for them to do. + +They have done *insane* AMA's which have not only given us more understanding of the market mechanics, but brought us so much authenticity. Authenticity is extremely important in a sub like this. Also, if you look back at the awkward live stream AMA's from last year, you'll see just how far we've come. (Huge props to u/jsmar18) + +The mods have put on awesome events like the GMErry ChristMOASS holiday charity event. That was fucking awesome for our community, for GameStop, and for all of the people it may have helped. + +They purge countless reposts all day long. Every time a big news article drops, everytime certain people tweet, and we've all witnessed when Papa Cohen tweets. I sort by new often, they put in work. + +They go out of their way to make sure the DRS thread is pinned. DRS isn't the only way, but it's the only *guaranteed* way to expose counterfeit shares. + +Most importantly, they allow us to question each other and have different opinions than each other. If they didn't moderate so fucking well, we wouldn't have the growth that we have. + +Being upset about one person's ban is one thing, taking it out on the best mods on Reddit is another. If you're upset, please take a step back and think before posting something stupid. + +There is going to be real market change and reform because of this sub. Think about how incredible that is. Our voices are making a *huge* difference. I am looking forward to everything coming next week. + +Stay zen brothers. We moon soon. We fix broken market soon. 🦍🚀🟣 + +Edit: Thanks for the awards. ♥️ I also want to remind everyone that checking post history can tell you a lot about someone. I'm not going to call any specific people out, but there are some majorly sus post histories on some of the commenters here. They tend to all be trying to stir up distrust in our mods... +Newbie in investment. + +Can you please help where I can find 1 year forward PE ratio for sectors and stocks + +Do you think this brings value in decision process ? +I was reading the discussion on [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/v7fx3m/_/) about wealth management and most of the commenters suggested index funds. + +Is it really a good idea to invest all your equity investment appetite to index funds if I am not really good at or don't have the time to research stocks? + +I have other bluechip SIPs but now I am having an increased income and deciding between high investments to index funds. +With amazing bull runs come the fear of a bubble where nobody likes to be trapped. Let's dive into the 16th century where the first sign of speculation leads to a bubble. + +The story begins in 1539 where a botany professor from Vienna brought a collection of plants from Turkey and planned to sell them. A thief stoled the tulip bulbs and sold them at a lower price. With time Tulip gained popularity and with increasing demand prices were hiked and Tulip became expensive. Flowers were observed to have different stripe patterns and with varieties came speculation. People started buying extra-large stockpiles to predict the rise in price. Every one imagined that the passion for tulips would last forever. + +Everybody was tempted to join and buy tulips and earn profits. It was highly valued that people started selling their land, jewels, or their personal belongings to buy tulips which made prices touch astronomical levels. + +[Price Chart (Tulip Bulb)](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/11/58/e611587a5f8836d38b8853f14cf56cf2.gif) + +Apparently, as happens in all speculative crazes, prices eventually got so high that some people decided they would be prudent and sell their bulbs. Soon others followed suit. Like a snowball rolling downhill, bulb deflation grew at an increasingly rapid pace, and in no time at all panic reigned. Rolling down it went so down that it almost became worthless. So not every shining star completes your wish, so better avoid FOMO and invest in things that really make sense rather than investing what the buzz says. + + + +>“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.” - Warren Buffet +I believe this will be the final entry in what is, now, a month-long emotional rollercoaster. The previous posts can be found here: [first](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/8co3an/i_might_be_kicking_the_bucket_what_do_i_need_to/) and [second](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/8gjq68/update_re_i_might_be_kicking_the_bucket_what_do_i/). + +First and foremost, I’d like to take a moment and thank this rather amazing community. Our world can be pretty rough, harsh words are abundant, and apathy is never in short supply. Some scared, ignorant guy asked for help at a particularly challenging juncture and you people went above and beyond. I received some really great recommendations about financial preparedness, but I also received comprehensive insight concerning the legal, administrative, and even emotional aspects. So many of you just reached out to say something kind. I can honestly say that I was overwhelmed by your collective kindness; I did my best to respond to each of your comments and PMs and I apologize if I missed yours. + +Now, some of you asked to be updated regarding my condition, how things panned out, etc. So, [good news, everyone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8IVI0sZ6F8)- I probably won’t be dying anytime soon, at least not because of my unwelcome guest. I received a second MRI that focused on the area, a battery of tests and labs, and a number of consults with experts in the fields concerned (endocrinology, ophthalmology, neurology, etc.) and everything points toward me probably being fine. The blob doesn’t appear to be cancer and it doesn’t currently have any affect on my quality of life. That being said I’ll have to keep a closer eye on things because there will always be some threat to my vision and endocrine system, but it's marginal and I’m completely happy with how things turned out. + +I strongly recommend visiting the previous posts, specifically the second, and at least skimming the parent comments. Some final near-incoherent ramblings to round off this post: + +* Life changes quick. We all know some jagoff that’s compelled to make a tragedy about themselves and share similar sentiments on social media, despite not really even being involved in the situation. People like that have really cheapened a valuable lesson. My life was going amazingly until some guy told me I may very well be fucked. + +* Be an adult and address this rather simple aspect of life/death. It takes minimal effort and resources and it will spare your loved ones a ridiculous amount of inconvenience. Take care of it while it’s optional because it really sucked to deal with it while under the gun, so to speak. I had nightmares just about every night for the past month centered on my wife. It was some real Sopranos shit; I’d usually see her having a complete breakdown over a pile of scattered papers because I left her hanging. Death didn’t really bother me because I couldn’t get over the pain I would have caused. + +* Go see an estate planning attorney. These guys make a relatively simple process even simpler. More importantly, they’re familiar with laws that vary from place to place and they have experience with aspects of the post-death process that many of us may overlook and would otherwise prove to be pitfalls. + +Feel free to reach out with any questions or if you need some help with this stuff. Thank you r/personalfinance, you're the fiscally responsible parents that I never had. + + + +Someone asked for the short version of things I learned. In no particular order: +* Sit down with an estate planning attorney. It's totally possible to do all this by yourself, but there are a ton of pitfalls and unforeseen issues that could render your efforts useless. Individual circumstances need to be accounted for. + +* Do everything you can to avoid probate (some of the other points will help with this). Virginia has a painful 18 month process and that's bull shit. + +* Do everything you can to avoid probate because the court will take a considerable amount of the value of whatever goes through probate. This can really fuck your S/O because it counts value, not equity. It doesn't matter if you've only made two payments on your $300,000 home, they're going to want a percentage of that $300,000. +* Figure out a way to make the transfer of your money seamless. Joint accounts are the easiest, but carry inherent risk. You can also set up a "pay upon death" protocol with your bank. Your successor just has to prove you're dead and then the bank will initiate the steps in place to move the money to the person you identified. + +* Do not make someone a co-owner of your car because that puts all joint property at risk in the event of a civil suit stemming from an accident. + +* Some places/institutions have different levels of joint ownership, account owners, etc. and you need to verify which one(s) you have set up. A ton of people told me about how X added Y as a joint owner only to find out Y didn't have the rights they were meant to have. + +* Figure out a way for your S/O to have the login information for *everything*. Social media and banking stuff is obvious, but there's a ton of things that aren't so apparent because you login so infrequently (401k, utilities, insurance, etc.). There's a lot of ways to do this digitally or physically. + +* Redundancy is critical with valuable documents. Some people lost important documents at critical times and it caused heartache. + +* If you're going to use a safe deposit box, make sure your S/O has access. People wrongly assumed they'd be able to and the S/O had to go through a lot of legal trouble. + +* Don't just plan for your death, plan for that area in between. Set up an advance medical directive and a power of attorney. Remove the burden of having to decide when to let you die from your S/O. Let them focus on grieving and not making heavy choices. This will also stop them from racking up piles of unnecessary medical debt when you wouldn't want them to. + +* At least one copy of your advance directive and power of attorney documents should be readily available in your home so that your S/O can act quickly. You can also file a copy of your advance directive with your hospital. + +* Make sure your S/O orders a bunch of death certificates. Every institution will want one and having to order one will really draw out a process. They're not cheap, but (apparently) the cost is well worth it. + +* Verify the beneficiaries of your various trusts, policies, etc. Apparently a few people have neglected to update those documents over the years and current spouses don't appreciate previous spouses receiving piles of your money. + +* Plan your funeral. This makes life easier for those that survive you and you can save a fuck-ton of money. Aside from stopping your family from being guilt-ed into buying fancy shit you wouldn't have wanted in the first place, you can also pre-pay and receive a decent discount. You can also prohibit specific people from coming to your funeral (apparently some guys ex-wife showed up to his funeral and made a bad day worse for his current wife). + +Put in offers for several places now and have apparently come up just short each time. Each time the place has sold for less than what I would have offered had I known what the other offers are. I'm not willing to just blindly offer potentially $20k over what I think a place is worth, simply because I don't know what the other offers are, but as a result, I end up just missing out. + +I have asked explicitly "what are the other offers?" and "what would the vendor sell it to me right now for?". Immediately I'm met with vague, evasive answers or uncomfortable mumbling about not being able to give specific details, etc., etc. + +My question is: why the hell can't the real estate agents answer these questions? + +Additionally, why do I have to wait until a particular day "when all the offers are in" to find out if my offer is good or not? Why can't I just make an offer and get an answer straight away? I feel like this whole process is a complete joke. + +One last thing, does anyone know of a way that I can bypass the REA and go straight to the vendor? I feel like that might solve some of my problems. + +Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. +Hello! Longtime lurker here—love the content. I’m a former high-frequency options trader at one of the big firms in Chicago and wanted to give my two cents of advice for all of you to use. + +1) Professional models are really good. Their volatility pricing, their reaction time—both unreal. Do they get things wrong from time to time? Sure. But unless you’re running serious quant analysis, the good buying/selling opportunities only last a matter of minutes. + +2) Execution is important. If you’re going to trade, trade tight markets with high volume. The tightest bid/ask spreads mean you give up the lowest edge per trade. The best place to look is usually monthly expirations for stock options. For some archaic reason, these options have the tightest bid/ask spreads and are more heavily trades, even close to expiration. The worst are usually Monday/Wednesday expirations. Unless you have a specific reason to trade these Monday/Wednesday expirations, you’re wasting money. + +Those are my two main pieces of advice—thanks for reading! +When investing in dividends, have anyone come across strategies. Where the goal is to get dividend payment, in the amount of the original share price. For example, MO is at 50 per share. The dividend yield is at 3.60. +So If I buy 14 shares time the 3.60 equals the 50 dollar dividend payment. + +Let me know if I'm crazy. +We've been sitting here speculating on all the possibilities of what could launch MOASS, I don't think anyone ever said Bed Bath & Beyond would (possibly) be the catalyst to end all catalysts. This is just too fucking hilarious and far fetched to be real. They got fed up and said "fuck you hedgies, we're taking our shit back and you can suck a fat one!" and inadvertently brought the entire basket up with them, costing hedgies (probably, not sure which of these they've gone long on hoping to use as distractions) billions in a single AH session. + +Anyway, as many other, wrinklier apes have said today, all indicators are showing continued upwards movement, we've broken bullishly out of the MOAW and now BBBY comes out of left field throwing haymakers. + +My tits are too jacked, might need to seek medical attention. Can't fucking wait for premarket. + +As always, love you apes. Eat healthy, drop bad habits, keep these fucking titties jacked and get enough sleep. See you beautiful bastards on the moon. +I was just gazing at the VIX chart. I'm still getting decent premiums but I'm having to look increasingly hard for opportunities, and I won't be trading some of my favorites next month because I think the risk/reward just isn't favorable enough. + +Preparing for the future, low vega means structures incorporating diagonals/calendars, right? What are some of your favorite strategies? +A poster posted one of their dangers: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/hdyddu/the\_lesser\_known\_dangers\_of\_credit\_spreads\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/hdyddu/the_lesser_known_dangers_of_credit_spreads_i/) + +This is what happened to be + +* I had a $6 call spread on SPY for 5000 shares - max risk of $30000 +* Both legs end up in the money +* The short leg of the call spread assigned before the ex-dividend date and the long spread got exercised after the ex-dividend date +* I lost the $30000 (expected) +* In addition - I lost \~$6k since there was a $1.3 dividend for each of the 5000 short shares +* I called my brokerage and they said things are working as expected since the short shares were settled on the dividend date + +In total, I lost $6k more than the max risk because the short leg was settled. + +I don't know what to do; Is there any recourse to recover the $6k? +Rather than an x/y axis of time/price, imagine that you are in a time machine that can travel into the future to see what things will be like when we gain more adoption and then go back in time to buy up all the juicy coins at discounts. I can't believe the amount of FUD and discouragement I see in this sub. Is it caused by mostly noobs? Do you not actually believe in the technology you're investing in? If not, please sell and get out. You're not an early adopter and you don't need to be here. If you are an early adopter and not some noob looking for a lambo, then you're obviously here for a reason. Remember what brought you here to begin with and start stacking those coins like it's the Summer of 2017! +\- Loopring said they had an announcement worth 10x quarterly reports that would come out before the end of Q4. Today is the last day of GameStop's Q4. + +\- RC has got back into the twitter game + +\- Longest Gamestop gone without a public update in the past 10 years if no announcement today (apart from October 2021) + +\- ZeroHedge (Come on guys - it's not FXhedge - stop getting confused as their names are similar!) claims that Goldman are front running a crash & squeeze + +\- yaD sdrawkcaB + +\- My anus is itchy + +Any more for any more? + + +EDIT 1: Bloody hell - 3% BORROW RATE +I’m 17 years old and want to get a new PC. I’m a senior next year and I have about $2500 in my bank account. I work weekends and make about $80 a week. I have a Surface Book laptop already that I use for schoolwork but it doesn’t have a dedicated GPU so I can’t play games on it. I have a Xbox One X but want to go to PC for just better quality in gaming. I like playing competitive shooters and have played games games like cod, destiny, Overwatch and Fortnite on Xbox. I would like to play csgo, fortnite, and overwatch on PC and try using mouse and keyboard because I know you can aim better. My parents are also saying they will pay for my college. I’ve also done a lot of research for a couple months now on all the PC subreddits and seem a lot of YouTube videos about building. I’m looking to spend about $700 for the PC, $200 for a 144hz monitor, and the rest for a better chair. I’m still deciding if I should build my own but I’ve seen some great deals online for prebuilts. I don’t know if I should spend the money or save it for college and other expenses. Is it reasonable to spend $1000 for my own entertainment? +Hi all, +I’m not sure if this type of post is allowed, so please delete if necessary. I could use some support and guidance, after what feels like a devastating few weeks. + +Just a few weeks ago, before this chop, I was flying high as I’m sure many others were. I had accumulated some healthy options winnings, over the last several weeks and felt like I was in a good place to hold my ITM calls with May DTEs. I was strategic about my buys, and many were very much green. Some 100%+. + +The first red day sucked, but I told myself it was a healthy pullback. Buy the dip is a common mantra and it’s what i did. And here’s where I just don’t understand what the hell happened to me. Red days started piling up and I just held. Telling myself that the rebound was around the corner and I had until May, July, and Jan 2022. Convincing myself that the worst was behind us. 3 red days turned into 4, 5, and the next thing I know I’m down all my gains. You’d think I’d sell right? No fucking way. A slew of monster green days was just around the corner. Finally, after last Friday I sold all of my May calls, and held my July and Jan 2022 calls. Both red now... (ARKK 1/22 $97c -$50 &amp;amp; ARKG 7/16 $94c -$3,699) My ARKK I was up $2k now down $50, my ARKG I was up $500 and now down almost $3700. Since ARKG has a few months left, I feel like I have to give them more time, but this is fucking stupid I know... + +So here I sit, lost all of my gains. I’m -25% overall on my account. My wife doesn’t know, and I want to scream. It’s like I just sat back and watched as the world burned and did nothing about it. Which is weird since I normally respect my stops. + +Those of you who blew up your accounts, how did you get back on the horse? How did you handle the humiliation? I know I need to take a step back, but I’m still holding these stupid call options. Someone please kick me in the ass. + +Thanks for listening. + +Edit: thanks everyone for the advice and encouraging words. I truly appreciate it. I realize I’m handling this like a little bitch, but it stings and there’s some value in community and sharing. Especially during these times of isolation. This situation will certainly lead to some self-reflection of my own human faults. My emotional relationship and emotions around money, my inaction during times of distress, fallacies and biases that cloud my judgement and decision making, and my overall emotional state when things are stressful in the market all require some in-depth analysis. All I know is that I can’t and won’t quit. I’ve come too far to just give up. I will step back for a few days/weeks and develop a strategy to recoup my losses. Whether it’s selling theta or just holding boomer commons, I’ll figure this shit out. Someway somehow. Thanks again ✌🏼 +I have no idea what this "legal order" could be. So I'm looking for advice. From some research online it sounds like if this legal order was legitimately my fault then I should have been contacted by the irs or a court. I'm hoping its a mistake. + +In the mean time my checking account is at 0 dollars and I have bills to pay. I called and they said they can't tell me anything about it until their legal department opens on Monday. I'm a bit scared of moving money into the account because the levy that caused the legal order may be much higher than what was taken. Again I have no idea what caused it. + +My plan is to open up an account at a local credit union and start moving money in there (really not happy to have to sell stocks at this time). + +Does anyone have advice or experience with something like this? + + +UPDATE: It was virginia taxes that they thought I owed from after I moved out of the state that should be sorted out. Clarity is nice. Timing sucks. + +Moral of the story:. When you move out of a state (especially to a state without income tax) update ALL your financial accounts asap, or the federal irs might report your income to that state. +Disclaimer: I am not a professional mechanic, do not work in the automotive industry, but am very familiar with how cars function and have done many extensive repairs on my vehicles throughout my life. + +This is mainly an example of how over the top the price of most car repairs are and to show how much money can be saved by doing the work yourself. + +A few years ago, we purchased a used SUV for 10k cash. Everything seemed fine with it when we test drove it, etc.. Within a few weeks of owning it, the check engine light comes on. To me, it felt like it was running fine, didn't worry much about it. My wife, on the other hand, was very worried, so we agreed to take it in to a local dealership for a full inspection. We left the dealership with multiple pages of repairs that were 'needed', total quote for repairs $9k. Things that needed fixed/replaced included rear shocks, front struts, control arms, brakes, fuel injectors, spark plugs, and the list went on. The price for parts wasn't even half of the $9k estimate, most of it was in labor. My wife was pretty upset, because of what we just spent on the vehicle, and the fact the mechanic told her we were driving a death trap until the repairs were done. + +I knew the mechanic was exaggerating, and was pretty sure a lot of the recommended repairs weren't necessary, but decided to figure out how to do everything myself and give my wife some peace of mind. + +Long story short, I got online, did a little research, found all of the parts and appropriate tools for around $950. About half of that was for all new fuel injectors, which I didn't even feel needed replaced. Once all of the parts and tools arrived, I was able to do all of the work in a weekend. I did have to take it in for an alignment which added to the overall cost, but in the end, we saved nearly $8k. + +Ever since that experience, I've wondered how often people just agree to what a mechanic says needs done and pays such a ridiculous price. Cars aren't as difficult to work on as most people think, and it's a great opportunity to save a ton of money if you're willing to learn how to do the work. +I am looking for sources that analyze the trade war. I understand that there is a compromise between in-depth analysis and fresh events' news; a balanced approach would be great. Thanks. +Despite that USA is richer than most of Europe, why do we have expensive health care and college tuition and almost no vacation time? +Are our poor people richer than Europe's poor? +Do Europeans pay significantly higher taxes? +What are the trade offs? +Cars and houses are nothing alike, but I don't fully understand the economic principles. The housing crisis indicators seem to be the same as what we're seeing with cars today: + +Supply chain issues -> car prices are inflated thousands over MSRP -> people buy these cars -> supply chain catches up and supply normalizes a year from now -> people are stuck with auto loans higher than the cars are worth. + +The major difference is that cars have always been depreciating assets, so you're basically always underwater for the first few years of a loan. Is there some component that protects the lender from losses on car loans in a way that it didn't on housing loans? I guess I'm just curious because all of these cars selling $5,000 over MSRP are going to depreciate more heavily than the normal curve when supply normalizes. +The pandemic has shown that the most valuable members of society, delivery guys, medical services, cleaners, etc., are the lowest paid. So the notion that someone’s labor isn’t worth a [minimum Living](https://livingwage.mit.edu/metros/35620) wage is ludicrous to me, as their labor is **essential** for the functioning of society as a whole. **Is income tied to the value of Labor?** If not, how can we determine who gets what income? +Hi Economist Wizards. I’m an engineer simply trying to understand the systemic risk of aggregate margin debt. Some people say it’s a warning sign of doom, some say it’s no big deal. I know the data for august will be released soon, but what does it mean? Is there any way to tell what assets that debt is for and how its creditworthiness is rated? Thanks! +So I’m trying to learn about the monetary base, and I have a pretty good idea about how banks work, but the Fed is just confusing me. + +So the Fed buys treasury bonds from the Treasury. The fed conjures up new money to pay for it, so now the fed holds bonds and the treasury has cash that it can do whatever with, increasing the monetary supply. I know this is what increases the fed’s balance sheet as well, buying assets. + +What I don’t understand is what happens next. I thought the debt was held by the public and financial institutions, so how do they get the bonds? Does the fed sell them? If so, what does the fed do with all this newfound money? Does it dissolve the money and decrease the money supply to the level it was before the debt was issued? But if that’s the case, why would the fed even want to reduce its balance sheet? + +Wouldn’t selling the bonds just create an endless cycle of perpetually growing debt that’s impossible to ever pay off since the interest plus the principle grows faster than the principle, inevitably leading to the bankruptcy and downfall of the US government? +This is something that's confused me for a while. As best I can tell there is, at minimum, a sizeable portion of the female population that would buy clothing with pockets if they were easily available, no sizeable portion that would intentionally avoid them, and no significant expense to adding them. Why hasn't simple supply-and-demand made pockets for women the standard? +A charity I volunteer at gets weekly food donations from the supermarket. Stuff that's about to go out of date etc. The donations are a wonderful side-service we can offer; giving food to donees (opposite of donors) who don't have much money to spend on groceries, or anything else for that matter. + +Previously we tried to estimate how many of our donees were seeking food donations. Then we divided the weekly goods equally (as best we could) against that estimate, bagged up the divided goods and gave them away to donees as requested. + +However, the donees started looking inside the bags, and if someone else got something in their bag that they didn't, a chocolate cake for example, they got upset and wanted to swap out onions for someone else's chocolate cake etc. Some donees declined getting bags of donations if they felt cheated out of a chocolate cake, and in some weeks we had to bin stuff that was refused by donees, after the goods pass their use-by date, started to rot in the case of fresh produce, and so on. + +Lately we have tried piling everything up on a table, and, at a scheduled time and date, allow the donees to 'take what you want'. That way - if they wanted chocolate cake, take some chocolate cake. If you want onions, take some onions. However some donees got greedy and brought big boxes to take away as much as they could, making other donees upset. + +I am at a loss how to give out the food donations. + +Economists - what is the best way to distribute the food donations? Noting that the charity is philisophically opposed to putting a price on donated goods, we only give donations out for free... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Hello everyone, I'm collecting a YouTube channels list about Economics on my website. Now I have 5 channels: + +Financial Times + +jodiecongirl + +Peter Schiff + +The Economist + +New Economic Thinking + +Any other awesome channels to be added? Thank you! + +Edit: Thank you guys. Now we have 7 channels on https://www.channelshunt.com/subcategory/Economics/ Some of them are not good enough but I still keep them to let the users choose. But I deleted Peter Schiff now. +Hi! I'm currently making my list for university (only 9 days left...), and Econ is ranking pretty high on what I *want* to study. The only problem is - a lot of people are saying its not a lot of jobs. Honestly I got the impression about it being the opposite, that its pretty versatile and opens quite a few doors... But yeah, a lot of people says its better to go for the "BACHELOR IN ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION" (at the same time the news are writing that too many gets this degree, which is something I've also thought about as a lot more people take that, compared to a pure economics degree). And I'm also not that interested in finance etc.. + +So, does any one here have a bachelor/master in economics? What kind of job do you have? How does your workday look like? Do a degree in economics open up for international work? + +(I was thinking about posting it in grad school panel, but I'm not sure its the same, as we don't have grad school here; you either have to take a bachelor (3 years) then master (2 years) og a 'full master' (5 years)). + +I feel that I may have some misunderstandings about economics and want to see if I can clarify them. I personally don't understand why debt for a country is good, especially in levels that we've achieved where debt is 100% greater than GDP. I don't understand how removing the power to print money from a government and giving it to a central bank is good. I don't get why inflation would be good. I don't understand how we can have negative rates around the world with Japan considering helicopter money and yet economists (really the FED) say that our economy is doing fine. + +I only conclude that I MUST not actually understand and must have false ideas fixed in my mind. Please help me understand what those false ideas are and what the truth is. + +If you have any helpful links to perhaps a debate of an economist vs. someone who holds these false ideas feel free to post them. +Also, what can be done to fix the cons of unions? + + +Can you provide examples of when unions helped/hurt a country/industry and why it happened? + + +Are there differences between public and private sector unions that affect their usefulness? + Ok I was under the impression that US teachers are underpaid and Biden's increasing funding is needed. But studies from American Enterprise Institute says that claim is wrong.[https://www.aei.org/articles/the-truth-about-teacher-pay/](https://www.aei.org/articles/the-truth-about-teacher-pay/) Is AEI's claim that teachers are not underpaid accurate?[https://www.aei.org/articles/no-teachers-are-not-underpaid/](https://www.aei.org/articles/no-teachers-are-not-underpaid/) +Also, what can be done to fix the cons of unions? + + +Can you provide examples of when unions helped/hurt a country/industry and why it happened? + + +Are there differences between public and private sector unions that affect their usefulness? +1. Japan has [long history of budget deficit](https://tradingeconomics.com/japan/government-budget) +2. But the [Yen has strengthened consistently since 1970](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/EXJPUS). +3. Then why does everyone keep saying that the US dollar will be weakened because of budget deficit? +I understand cities often have higher property taxes than rural areas. I am asking, why don't cities have a higher property-tax specifically earmarked because they are cities and more desirable? Not because there's more Civic buildings, more Parks and Rec offerings, Etc. But simply because it's a more desirable neighborhood? +So I literally know nothing about stocks aside from the fact they exist, and “buy low sell high”. I jumped on the bandwagon with funds I can afford to lose. But I don’t *want* to lose them if I don’t have to. What is a realistic expectation for the stocks in title? When does this rocket ship have to start making its return trip back to Earth? I’m no DFV, this isn’t my retirement, but if I can walk away with some more money to put towards my kids college funds, that’s a win for me. Just don’t know how far this ride is expected to go... + +Obviously no advice given is “financial advice” but I’ll take what you guys can offer + +Edit: stupid autocorrect + +Edit 2: thank you all for your advice. I like the “just set a personal number and walk” idea. Again this was never my retirement plan, but hopefully just a way to add a little more to the nest egg. For the time being I’m holding with all of you. Regardless of how this plays out, this has been an exciting adventure. Good luck to us all!! + +Edit 3: thank you whoever it was. First award ever! Hope it was only a freebie and you’re saving all real money for the stonks +https://www.thestar.com/amp/news/gta/2020/03/04/did-free-cash-drive-people-to-quit-work-not-according-to-a-new-study-of-ontarios-basic-income-experiment.html + + + +I posted this article because I feel like it parallels one of the main benefits of FI – More freedom to pursue jobs and activities that you deem as higher value. + + + +To briefly summarize, there was a pilot project in Ontario that saw roughly 4000 people receive universal basic incomes (UBI) over the course of 13-17 months. It would have been a 3-year study, but the provincial government decided to scrap the program half-way through. So take the results with a grain of salt. That said, the items that stuck out as most interesting were that: + + + +1. Three quarters of people continued to work while receiving UBI. + +What does this tell us? It could mean that these people derived value other than money from their jobs. However, I'd say it's difficult to definitively conclude that since participants were aware that this was a short-term study and that after 3 years, the UBI would stop. Work would be necessary for them once the UBI stopped, and if they quit their jobs now, they'd be three years "behind" in their savings/careers. The amount of UBI paid (generally $17k CAD /year per person, $24k CAD /year for couples) may have also been a factor as to why most participants continued to work. + + +2. Of the three quarters of people who continued to work, more than one third were able to move to higher paying and more secure jobs. + +This to me is the most telling. It seems like these people were able to take more risks in their jobs to move to better positions, or were able to leave precarious/toxic jobs and move onto something better. Anecdotal accounts of that are within the article. I think this is the point that mirrors FI the most. Without having to worry about your next paycheque as much, you have more freedom to explore your "highest and best use", or at least find better employment. You're no longer beholden to a bad job. I've seen members on this subreddit express the same sentiments – freedom to find better employment since money is no longer an incumbrance. + + +I'd be curious to get people's views on this article, or UBI in general. How would UBI impact FIRE, if at all? +Because at the end of the day, the squeeze has not squoze. + +You are short. I own the float. Your existence is in my hands now. mine. And you dropping the price like this, makes me laugh at how cute you are. + +I come from crypto, I lose 5,000% on the daily. (I have proof if I'm allowed to post btw) + +You dropping the price to 200 will never affect me, you dropping the price to 100 will never affect me, you dropping the price to 5 cents will never affect me. + +I know my DD, I know my worth. + +You cute little innocent bear, I will show you the way. + +**I hate posts that talk about price,hate hate hate, because usually good or not they promote fud, im sorry i just couldn't help myself.** + +**I genuinely noticed myself evolving and i have to let it out.** + +**I'M A DIAMOND-HANDED MOTHERFUCKER THAT DOESN'T CARE ABOUT A CURRENCY WHICH IS GETTING INFLATED FASTER THAN THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I JERK OFF IN A DAY.** + +PASS OVER THE RED CRAYON APE, ILL SNORT IT AND SHIT IT OUT GREEN. + +**I AM AN APE** + +**I AM A DIAMOND HAND** + +**I PLEDGE TO PUT MY LIFE IN FRONT OF A BLAZING FIREBALL IF I HAVE TO.** + +**I LOVE YOU** + +&#x200B; + +*APES FORMATIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN* +Using Freetrade basic account. +What criticism might you think about, regarding me doing this action? + +What fees might I incur other than losing money. Hopefully that doesn't occur. +Whenever we are told about Trading212 we are reliably told you are protected by fscs up to 85k, great. But when you go on to the fscs website it says this is for cash, not investments. + +So what happens if Trading 212 disappears and I am holding 85k worth of investments, not cash? Can I claim? +I’m late into investing and don’t plan to trade, but only buy and hold shares for few years. + +T212 is the cheapest, followed by Freetrade.io for US shares (in my point of view, especially due to fx rates). + +In the worst case scenario, what happens to my S&S ISA held in T212? What about shares outside of the ISA? +Basically some bloke at work has put 5,000 into a dbswiss account? I just feel sceptical for him because in all honesty he has made profit but he's not physically withdrew any money as of yet. + +The second thing if it is legit and he's making money like that I want in. + +Update: I'm not really sure how this works but thank you all for your input, has been very insightful. +I have been looking at several companies as I mull what I might invest in next (majority into ETFs every month with a small amount into individual companies). + +Is it just me or are the majority of 'big' companies above their pre-pandemic price? I could kind of understand this if the company really profited from people staying at home (e.g. streaming services), but it appears that this is true of a lot of companies which have not been able to function as norm during Covid times (e.g. Marriott International). + +I understand the expectation that lots of companies will benefit from pent up demand, but surely to an extent the income from that demand is needed to cover the losses incurred during the pandemic? So how are the shares worth more (or equal) to their pre-pandemic price? + +Maybe I am missing something really obvious here? +When a company announces they have a covid vaccine, i believe their share price will increase dramatically. + +Lets assume they announce this when the stock market is closed in an evening I will then want to buy some stock in that company. + +Can I just jump on freetrade and do an instant trade? Will the price I buy at vary significantly? Can I set upper limits? Will freetrade just cancel my order because the price changed so much and I'll miss out? Should I use an alternative website? Trading 212? +In my early 20's and I'm starting to research how I could invest my spare income. I'd like to invest it in something that, if I wanted, I could use the interest/dividends as an additional monthly income without losing the invested value over time (hopefully some growth). This ay be ambitious. + +S&S ISA looks to be the most tax-efficient in the long run, is dividend growth investing using FreeTrade a good idea or should I just go ahead with a Vanguard ISA and if you think so, any suggestions on which fund? + +Is there anyone else that does this? If you are happy to share, i'd like to hear how you go about it. +Investing noob so apologies if this is dumb. + +https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/cm.mkt.lcap.cd?end=2018&most_recent_value_desc=true&start=1975&view=chart + +According to the worldbank.org link above, Global stock markets are valued at ~$68 trillion, and China's market is worth ~$6.3 trillion. This indicates to me that in a globally diversified portfolio, around 9% should be allocated to Chinese equities (6.3 trillion / 68 trillion * 100). + +However, according tot he vanguard website, the Vanguard Global All Cap fund that I see promoted on here often has only a 3% allocation to Chinese equities. + +Is there a reason for this difference, or is my reasoning flawed? + +Cheers! +Has this sub been hijacked by Vanguard ? +Nearly all recommended investments are into Vanguard products, if I may I'll tell you how my Wealthify products are doing. + +£400 invested June 2019 ( investment style confident ) up 4.96 % + a £40 reward payment. + +£2,500 invested December 2019 ( investment style adventurous, ethical fund ) up 1.65 % + +Fees over a year are about 0.8 % taken monthly. +They have a refer a friend scheme were I and the friend both get £50 if the friend invests a minimum of £500 for three months. + +I have no professional association with Wealthify, I'm just a small time investor. +Hi guys hope everyones staying well. I'm looking for some help. I had £5000 of savings which I'd amassed over many years, which I thought would be best used to short the ftse 100 and 250 on the 23 of March. Yep. At the very bottom. And to make matters worse I have held it thinking the market would go down again. + +I know it was a very stupid decision but I am looking for help to try and make back some of the money I've lost. Genuine advice on good ideas to trade and help from someone would be really appreciated. I'm a junior doctor and have had an awful few weeks, losing this money is just the icing on the cake. + +Also, FYI I'm still holding the shorted ETF lol. Should I let go? + Published: Sept. 23, 2021 at 7:08 a.m. ET + +Chinese authorities are asking local governments to prepare for the potential downfall of China Evergrande Group, according to officials familiar with the discussions, signaling a reluctance to bail out the debt-saddled property developer while bracing for any economic and social fallout from the company’s travails. + +The officials characterized the actions being ordered as “getting ready for the possible storm,” saying that local-level government agencies and state-owned enterprises have been instructed to step in only at the last minute should Evergrande 3333, +17.62% fail to manage its affairs in an orderly fashion. + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/china-asks-local-goverments-to-get-ready-for-possible-collapse-of-evergrande-11632395321?mod=home-page](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/china-asks-local-goverments-to-get-ready-for-possible-collapse-of-evergrande-11632395321?mod=home-page) +Hi, so I'm dead broke right now, working on getting some short money just for necessities by selling stuff. I was meant to go to uni this year, got a student account, and used my arranged overdaft to pay for my rent a week before I started. (I was naively thinking my student loan would cover it, but I didn't get a loan). + +The uni didn't let me in due to some issues with my qualification certificates. Which is beyond annoying and unfortunate, basically they didn't tell me that I couldn't come to uni right before it started. Regardless its left me -1k in my bank and a struggle to get by. So any budgeting tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. A few questions: + +Are payday loans worth it? + +What's a good way to save? + +How can I be more disciplined when it comes to spending? + +(Edit) I am working too. Forgot to mention that. +[https://groww.in/blog/list-of-upi-apps-for-ipo/](https://groww.in/blog/list-of-upi-apps-for-ipo/) + +so i was applying for zomato IPO and i had successfully placed the bid as well a few days ago + +to my dismay, i was unable to make the transaction as my bank account is not listed in the above list + +&#x200B; + +please make sure your upi handle and bank account both are listed under this list + +note the website is of groww but the list is mandated by Sebi +This Chinese proverb is extremely applicable to crypto today. If you believe in it long term, you’re not close to too late. Even looking back one year you can see that + +All these posts and comments saying “I wish I got into crypto earlier. I missed the boat”. You didn’t. The boat hasn’t even left the dock yet +The family has had a large windfall, how can this be used in the next decade to place everyone in a position to live their best life? 600k settlement that needs to create passive income for 5 adults long term. Real estate investing? Wholesale? Buying and flipping? Stock? Or something I haven’t even heard of? +Any advice or even advice on where to find these answers would be appreciated +A little bit of background first. + +I'm a 22 y/o male living with my girlfriend in an apartment about 25 mins from Pittsburgh. I just graduated with my master's degree last summer, and started my full time job in September. My salary is $50k/year and receive bi-monthly paychecks of about $1,450. After all of my bills and necessary expenses I have about $100 - $200 leftover to save / invest per pay. I have a 401k which contributes about $155 per pay period (including match). + +What kinds of things should I be doing to start wealth building early? Where should I be putting my money? Any tips or advice on anything related are welcome. +The family has had a large windfall, how can this be used in the next decade to place everyone in a position to live their best life? 600k settlement that needs to create passive income for 5 adults long term. Real estate investing? Wholesale? Buying and flipping? Stock? Or something I haven’t even heard of? +Any advice or even advice on where to find these answers would be appreciated +I think I did my back door Roth correctly. Can someone confirm? + +&#x200B; + +1. Opened a Traditional IRA with my brokerage (first time opening a Traditional) +2. Transferred 6k from my taxable brokerage account money market to the Traditional IRA. +3. Had to fill out a ROTH IRA conversion form and mail that off. +4. I then converted 6K over to my current ROTH IRA account. interest on my brokerages accounts take place on the last day of the month so I transferred money to the Traditional IRA on the 1st of the month and that was then converted to the ROTH IRA right away. So no interest accumulated in the Traditional and it sits with $0.00. This conversion was done with after tax income. This went in as a 2020 contribution. + +I think I did everything correctly. Hoping so. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Respectfully, I am aware you purchase funds (stocks, ETFs, etc once you have money in a ROTH). I am just wanting to make sure I did the transfer part accurately. I mean the money transferred in there, I see it, so I know the money made it to where I hoped it would end up. I just want to make sure tax wise or whatever, that I did all the other things properly. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks to all for the kind replies. +My fiance and I are childfree. Hence, we aren't sure how things will work when it's time for us to move in to a retirement home, particularly if one of us is very sick or has dementia. We're just so used to how things have worked in our families: the kids handled it. So what can we set up so that we're taken care of when we can't care for ourselves anymore? +And I'm nowhere near the expert here to lead the discussion but I'm trying to get a post through automod so we can have a forum for those who are. + +I'm very concerned about the rapid collapse in bond yields. As of this writing the 30 year treasury has continued its recent collapse down to 1.93%. Money is fleeing to safety very quick...so what are we missing? + +Until the last couple days I've been telling myself the goldilocks story, that the falling yields are signaling a nice growth story without inflation risk. But in the last few days the moves have become large enough to look like a true flight to safety (to my eyes). + +I've come up with two possibilities: + +1) The risk to growth worldwide is significant and after a brief reopening burst we are headed back into deflationary pressures. + +2) There is a massive geopolitical risk (fallout from covid origin?) that smart money is positioning against. + +What do you guys think is going on? +I have been planning for a while to invest out of state to get my first rental property, (I’ve been doing so much research and prepping these past 2 years) since sunny California is ridiculous right now. Did you get a rental property first? Or your own personal Property first? How did you go about it? Tell me about it. Thank you!! +I've got a 10k account, willing to risk 0.5% on every trade. My Stop Loss is usually at 130 to 160 pips. Is there a way to calculate the lotsize I want to use? +Sorry, new to this. +**The deal would be the biggest LBO ever and has echoes of another troubled deal from the past** + +If investors ever needed a clear signal that this is the top of the market, they now have one. + +Walgreens Boots Alliance [shares surged Wednesday](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/walgreens-stock-surges-again-after-report-company-was-exploring-a-deal-to-go-private-2019-11-05) after speculation that the U.S.-listed drugstore group has been considering a $70 billion take-private deal. + +If private equity can pull it off, it would be the biggest-ever leveraged buyout, dwarfing the $45 billion take-private transaction of energy group TXU in 2007, which occurred just a year before the financial crisis rocked global markets and prompted unprecedented intervention by global central banks. + +Financing a buyout deal of the scale of Walgreens this time around will be a big challenge. + +For one, Walgreens [WBA, -3.19%](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/wba?mod=MW_story_quote) already has $15 billion of debt on its balance sheet. A potential bidder would need to add more leverage to fund the purchase. That would leave the drug retailer particularly vulnerable when the credit cycle turns — which is looking increasingly likely. + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/walgreens-possible-70-billion-buyout-is-a-clear-sign-the-stock-market-rally-is-about-to-end-2019-11-06](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/walgreens-possible-70-billion-buyout-is-a-clear-sign-the-stock-market-rally-is-about-to-end-2019-11-06) + Hope conditions improve when the earnings coming out. + +*Wall Street is bracing for a busy earnings week, with quarterly reports due from* [*Apple Inc.*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/apple-gave-investors-more-than-100-billion-last-year-how-much-more-is-coming-11650654829?mod=home-page&mod=article_inline) *Facebook parent* [*Meta Platforms Inc.*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebooks-meh-year-could-get-better-it-just-isnt-11650656197?mod=home-page&mod=article_inline) *Google parent* [*Alphabet Inc.*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/amid-a-storm-in-tech-sector-google-is-staying-relatively-dry-and-happy-11650658503?mod=home-page&mod=article_inline) *Amazon.com Inc. and Microsoft Corp. among others. Investors will also keep an eye on Twitter Inc. which reports earnings Thursday and on Sunday* [*was reported to be re-evaluating Elon Musk’s takeover bid*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/twitter-taking-a-second-look-at-elon-musks-takeover-offer-11650830958?mod=home-page&mod=article_inline)*.* + +*On Friday, the Dow shed about 981 points, or 2.8%, marking* [*its worst daily percentage drop since Oct. 28, 2020*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-futures-drop-and-bond-yields-climb-following-hawkish-comments-by-feds-powell-11650622790?mod=home-page&mod=article_inline)*, according to Dow Jones Market data. The S&P 500 index  slid 2.8% and the Nasdaq Composite Index  tumbled 2.6%.* + +*For the week, the Dow was down 1.9%, the S&P 500 fell 2.8% and the Nasdaq dropped 3.8%, according to FactSet.* + +*Fed Chairman Jerome Powell added to the worries of jittery investors Thursday by* [*signaling support for a larger, 50-basis-point rate hike*](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/powell-backs-moving-more-quickly-on-interest-rate-hikes-11650562888?mod=mw_latestnews&mod=article_inline&mod=article_inline&mod=article_inline) *at the Fed’s May meeting.* +So I keep seeing this annoying commercial on TV, it says "bank with Chime banking and get paid two days early so you can do more of the things you love!" + +&#x200B; + +and they have people in the commercial saying stuff like "I use Chime banking and I get paid earlier, so now I can do more things" and "now I can go out with my friends" and "Now I can buy stuff I like." + +&#x200B; + +Now... Correct me if i'm wrong, but, even if you get paid two days, earlier, and spend the money, you will still be broke.I mean pretty much just your payday cycle moves back two days, and pretty soon you will be right where you started, just two days earlier. + +&#x200B; + +Who in the hell would fall for this crap? +Unfortunately being in an echo chamber makes it very easy to fall into scams or just really bad investments. Even if you think crypto is the future, even if you think those against it are neanderthals who don't understand anything and will never be loved, it's probably still a good idea to search out the best arguments against what you're investing in. + +The biggest falls are the ones we don't see coming. Whether it's specific coins or crypto as a whole, you can't see the storm coming if you're adamant on looking the other way. + +Truth is only reached by looking at things from opposing points of view. If you're only looking with one eye, that's not a three-dimensional view, it's a biased one. +Is it possible to have a put credit spread, sell the long leg of the credit spread on the buy end, and have cash collateral to keep the short leg of the sell put? I almost confused myself typing that. Just curious if one could potentially reduce the bleeding on a credit spread by getting assigned some shares +Hi everyone, I’m 21 years old in college, and I’m looking to opening an account focused on trading for Dividends. Was wondering who do you guys trade with? + +I currently trade with Fidelity for my Roth IRA, so was leaning towards trading with them as well. + +Another question is I’m looking to put in $250 every two weeks with my paycheck, is that a good start? + +Thanks for any input and responses! +Hi I’m a 20 yr old with quite a bit of cash on my hands and obviously want to collect that true passive income from aapl,O,Mcd,Msft,HD,AVGO, and so on. I love my stocks that I have now and are wanting to add some high growth stocks such as tesla, nvda, google, amzn and fb. Can I get some opinions and thoughts. Anything helps thank you. +I'm lucky to be in a position of liquidity now where I can invest in some alternative asset classes that I had previously ignored like VC, PE, and hedge funds. Unfortunately, my personal network doesn't extend very far in these spheres. My banker suggests deals for me occasionally but I haven't pulled the trigger on them. Frankly, I don't think I'm being offered close to the cream of the crop. + +I want to invest $5M-$15M in alternative assets (depending on risk profile of what I choose, correlation to existing portfolio, etc.). I'm thinking maybe a VC fund of funds, for example, may be worthwhile (despite extra layer of fees) if I could get in touch with a great one with great access--since I don't quite have the liquidity level to diversify sufficiently via direct investment in each segment. Same possibly applies for PE and hedge funds and so on. + +How did you all get access to these investment classes? Any tips for my situation? Thanks! +As I grow my business towards an exit with a goal of $10M payout, I realized that I'm falling short in one area. + +I basically don't spend any money on clubs/memberships/activities that cost money as I started out poor and frugal. + +I have realized that this is likely costing me opportunities to interact with potential investors/mentors/technical people and thus grow my businesses and get funding. + +I already participate in martial arts and soccer but for whatever reason I'm just not finding the type of connections that I think I need. + +Therefore, I'm expanding my search and am willing to spend a couple thousand a year on recreational activities in order to connect better with potential partners. + +Most classic examples fall into a few buckets: + +(1) the bucket of "find things that rich people do" such as auto racing track days, sailing, golfing, competitive shooting, etc. + +(2) the bucket of "find things that technical people do" such as conferences and technical hobbies like RC planes, etc. + +I have intentionally excluded "network for the sake of networking" events that seem to be an endless stream of wantrepreneur wankery. + +So in the quest to FI, what non-cheap recreational activities are worth it in terms of ROI to get to FI? + +(Location is Silicon Valley) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Don't get obsessed. Reading charts and discussion all day can become an obsessive behavior. It's fun to invest your money and look at the numbers go up, but investing too much of your time and attention and emotional value on those numbers can be detrimental to your health and behavior (which can lead to bad trading decisions when you know you should be hodling anyways). + +Try your best to recognize if you're focusing too much on this stuff, and take a step back from it if needed. Make sure you're filling your time with other things. + +It's easy to get caught up in all of this, especially if you're new to it. My girlfriend has had to tell me a few times to "quit looking at that thing" because I'm constantly opening the Coinbase app and checking the price. Over time, you place too much emotional value on these numbers and even though I'm a long term holder, the dopamine/rush you get from seeing the numbers go up but the negative feelings when seeing the numbers go down is a bad sign as well. This is my experience but I'm sure many others go through this too. + +Just throwing it out there. Best wishes! + +**Edit: I just want to clarify that I am NOT saying you shouldn't be learning, absorbing yourself and learning about Ethereum, cryptocurrencies, blockchains, etc. Learning is absolutely fantastic and I obviously encourage it as much as possible. The point I am trying to make is to keep on that track and try not to fall into the pit of obsessively looking at the numbers and basing your happiness/sadness on fluctuations of the charts. Finding yourself opening your Coinbase app every five minutes or staring at the GDAX charts for hours just to see the numbers. *That* obsession.** +Here is the list: + + 0x00c12ff00b7b2340a006e8d7f91ef42b5c3ec48f: 100 ETH (used 0 ETH so far) + 0xfb6494df0cf00f566feba0f2389ea16c4838e290: 250 ETH (used 249 ETH so far) + 0x5b8d84105a7a1c34ed556e835a37be4d6c535463: 275 ETH (used 275 ETH so far) + 0x00085d09967848b3878467669388811515739a52: 100 ETH (used 0 ETH so far) + 0xc6090117186ae093f528689927e0c6b4738fb291: 650 ETH (used 650 ETH so far) + 0xe93c3f5548e6967046c56aadea1a8a9afa90c33e: 650 ETH (used 650 ETH so far) + 0x3d95674e5a52b39b5f9a3633c88690de9585fcc6: 500 ETH (used 500 ETH so far) + 0xe547f9d6cf793d197dab8cf4f2a8c8c7f9ba63b8: 500 ETH (used 500 ETH so far) + 0x9d61fe8c9c766be8a12d2405da18797059a59036: 350 ETH (used 350 ETH so far) + 0xad02aee7353c4d5c35a05725aba811d4ea88ae4a: 350 ETH (used 350 ETH so far) + 0x005fac7a59e2008acc2c8e132faa8dde606ed0cb: 1000 ETH (used 1000 ETH so far) + 0x007c5b29b40ed7fd691b0cd2430751f9e4831697: 2000 ETH (used 2000 ETH so far) + 0xeb68aa2764b4a9a943658b2e61db4c902b2ebf85: 7693 ETH (used 7692.99 ETH so far) + 0xa65e9fec4f892ef6e9fe3888ed9b0eb6aab1f0fd: 6000 ETH (used 5999.05 ETH so far) + 0x2840c1162114780f3b617b030621022571c2bcb0: 25000 ETH (used 25000 ETH so far) + 0xfe5fb336166cc6e55af9ae922ebc952f3de42327: 25000 ETH (used 25000 ETH so far) + 0x2d0efca5e73e90c7707931678dfaef38c068ac10: 1500 ETH (used 1500 ETH so far) + 0x00e3fd9efefafdd1032b2540c02d45aa68c3d587: 5000 ETH (used 5000 ETH so far) + 0x00f1ca994227a6ed2fdc86f68a7cd72f95fd873a: 680 ETH (used 680 ETH so far) + 0xcc89405e3cfd38412093840a3ac2f851dd395dfb: 500 ETH (used 500 ETH so far) + 0x00d3b51fe558ee09c3ba4f9a3eb10053f855b2eb: 11757 ETH (used 11757 ETH so far) + 0x008fdad031b1236c58561477a585d7ce7df834c4: 550 ETH (used 550 ETH so far) + 0x0080cdc66a5a0d17745de6e12fbc5fecb6b5460a: 3000 ETH (used 2999.9 ETH so far) + 0x00ac1c84d1d0a2eaf6e8f504c7c96e6e82cb6333: 30000 ETH (used 29999.9 ETH so far) + +I have been looking a bit at the source code for the Status ICO. When you send ether to the contract you either end up in the buyNormal() function or in the buyGuaranteed(). buyNormal() enforces a maximum gas price of 50 gwei, but buyGuaranteed() does not. + +The list of guaranteed buyers and their associated limits have been set beforehand by calling setGuaranteedAddress(). This function also emits an event GuaranteedAddress(). I created the above list from those events. I haven't checked yet how many of those buyers have already made use of their limits. + +If you are a 'normal' buyer: The contract definitely enforces 50 gwei maximum gas price and also rejects your transaction if you already sent another one less than 100 blocks ago. So if you feel like 'trying again', you should probably switch to a different address or wait 100 blocks. + +**Edit**: I updated the list with amounts that each address made use of. Looks like it's mostly done - so from now on it's even playing field regarding gas prices and anything over 50 gwei won't work. +[I made an algorithm that averages 0.4% a day over 7 years.](https://imgur.com/JhXSLHf) + +It's very simple, it doesn't evolve, there are only ~400 transactions over the time period and there is only one decision being made per day. In fact, it's so simple I laid it out in Excel. + +The returns look awesome but the risk also looks crazy. 2017 has a drawdown worth 50% of the portfolio. I have a feeling if I ran this it would just implode in months or I'd become so chicken shit that I'd watch one of these drawdowns happen and pull out the money. But at the same time this is a greater than 100% CAGR over 7 years, how do you pass that up? + +Should I just go ahead and run it or work at decreasing the risk? +Been a TSLA investor since 2017. This week I made the decision to pull out of the company (over 1,500 shares). After being up 800%+ at one point, I left after it came crashing back down to ~180%. I did not incur a loss, I am just not walking away with retirement levels of money that I could have possibly walked away with a mere year ago. Dumb? Maybe. Did I need to sell? No. Does it give me peace? Absolutely. + +Being a TSLA investor was interesting. Elon has always been Elon and I believe the company is indeed positioned for long-term growth (even now). There were plenty of ups and downs, but I never 'doubted my vibe' and the Elon antics up until the latter half of 2022 I would have described almost as eccentric. The guy was an idiot from time to time, but was definitely doing something right. Tesla is competitive, innovative, and is a leader in the EV space. Long-term, the company has a ton of upward potential. Emphasis on the word 'potential.' + +However, there has been a change. Things with Elon have certainly become more radical and it seems that every single day there is a new headline that is slowly destroying the brand. Now, before we get into the whole "but Elon isn't Tesla!" let me tell you the incredible importance of consumer sentiment and branding. + +I do not imagine Tesla ever being divorced from Elon Musk. When you think "Tesla" you cannot escape thinking "Elon Musk." It is like trying to think about Microsoft without thinking or mentioning Bill Gates or some other strong brand-to-noun association. Go ahead and do yourself a favor and search Tesla now and see what comes up. Headline after headline is about Musk. This is not good for the brand, especially considering their consumer segment is actively being isolated. + +Now, one must ask: why do people buy things? There's a wide array of reasons, but I believe fundamentally it boils down to the value and reputation of the product. The value has a mix of factors that range from price, functionality, importance, etc. and reputation can be understood as how the brand is perceived, how the consumer is perceived as a result of owning the product, and how the consumer feels owning the product. This is where I lose the belief in the growth potential despite the positioning. Simply put, I do not think consumers are going to feel good about buying a Tesla with the negativity surrounding Elon. + +A mere year ago, if a person bought a Tesla or owned a Tesla, what would this say about a person? How would that person feel about that purchase? Tesla was the cool, sophisticated brand that was essentially symbolic of changing the world. Just look at Tesla's mission statement: "Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through increasingly affordable electric vehicles in addition to renewable energy generation and storage. Tesla is accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy." + +Where is this brand now? How would a person feel now? Ask yourself, if someone pulled up in a Tesla what would you think about them? What feelings would it invoke? + +Often times, we want to distance ourselves from feelings and sentiment and put an enormous emphasis on reason, facts, and data. This is not necessarily wrong, but this is certainly also not unique to the financial realm and TSLA has a history of this as well. We had people putting in orders for vehicles that were not being produced, people YOLOing their life savings into the stock because they believed in the future growth of the company before the company was seriously competitive, an unprecedented cult-like following that boosted the stock and gave the company an incredible amount of capital, and so on. Yet, when we look at TSLA now and think about the projected growth, why think people will actually want to continue to buy this product? Who is going to spend the money of a luxury vehicle to suddenly be associated with a person that people are increasingly viewing in a negative way? Not me. Apparently not my friends or co-workers either who were previously considering a Tesla and now want nothing to do with it. And apparently not my friend who is a Tesla owner and is starting to feel embarrassed for driving one. We can talk about how "dumb" these people are, but we cannot escape these are legitimate and valid sentiments toward the brand that have real costs associated with them. + +The sentiment cannot be captured in a graph right now. You have no data points on the would-be consumers because they are now never-were consumers. This data is only going to show in their sales. If sales continue to go up, then it seems reasonable to say that consumer sentiment has not reached a level where people feel so negatively about the product that they stopped buying. What I am suggesting here is that it my belief that this will inevitably happen because of the intimate link between Tesla and Elon. Tesla could get a new CEO, change leadership, etc., but I do not see them escaping this link and I believe it will ultimately be the detriment to the brand. Sales will not completely stop, but the growth projections that the stock relied heavily on I believe will certainly slow a lot sooner than shareholders anticipated and if it ever does reach previous target prices of $250+, this will not be for a long time. + +I'm not bullish or bearish on the stock. I do not think the company is going to suddenly vanish and the stock will drop to <$50 (at least I hope not for many of the investors I know). However, I also do not think the growth will be as aggressive as it once could have been and this is going to limit the stock in many ways. If we factor in slowed growth from the recession, one must keep in mind that this is just more time for Elon to further damage the brand between now and when people are in better buying conditions. What's next? Apparently removing Twitter's suicide prevention feature. Maybe tomorrow it's denying climate change and next month will be another stock sell off after yet another promise of not doing so. Though, ultimately, this is no longer my problem. The integrity of my financial future is no longer jeopardized by a guy that is becoming increasingly unhinged without the board properly exercising their duty to act in the interest of shareholders. + +My thoughts on being a TSLA investor is what my mother used to say: it's been real, it's been fun, but it hasn't been real fun. +So while I don’t have as much as some people here, I’m still doing pretty well for myself. However not many people in real life know this. + +I was recently laid off, no big deal. I saw this coming and look forward to my unpaid, impromptu sabbatical. I’m planning to the take the time to do some travel that I’ve want to do, but haven’t had the time to. + +Well today at Thanksgiving dinner this came out. Most people where like OMG, that sucks. People of course had advice, and my uncle was telling me that I should rent out a couple of rooms to help pay the mortgage. I don’t want people to know my financial status, but I’ve tried telling them I am fine. + +My parents were kind of upset that I didn’t tell them sooner, but the reason I didn’t is becuase I didn’t want them to worry. + +Anyway I thought folks here could relate. +One of the most overlooked stocks on the American stock market is Dropbox. I personally love it. It's got a lot of potential and the recent drop in price opens up an excellent opportunity for new investors. + +# Dropbox at a glance + +So, why should we care about Dropbox? Simple. It's a well-performing business that keeps beating analyst expectations. In fact, Dropbox does not have a single earnings or revenue expectations miss since they floated on the stock market! Yes, Dropbox's growth may be slowing down a tiny, tiny bit, but it is still double digits. This growth is likely led by the overwhelming switch since last year to working from home. A lot of people are also starting their own small businesses and they need solutions like Dropbox to help them organise their files, documents and so on. So, the question is, what does Dropbox actually do? Their flagship product, Dropbox, is a cloud storage solution similar to Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud and so on. Essentially, you can store files on Dropbox and synchronise and share them across PC, mobile, tablets and so on. However, Dropbox is actively striving to become a workspace platform or a smart workplace. Over the last three years they have also acquired HelloSign and DocSend that provide even more capabilities to its users. HelloSign provides the ability to send, receive and manage legally binding electronic signatures, whereas DocSend allows you to securely share documents with other people or businesses, track their usage, provide NDAs, meaning Non-Disclosure Agreements, eSignatures, watermarking and so on. Overall, these three services provide the backbone of the Dropbox product offering. However, Dropbox continues to look for new ways to improve and expand and have recently introduced three new features: Capture, Replay and Shop. I am really interested in the Shop feature, I think that has a lot of potential, but it's still too early to tell. If it goes well though, it could become a very successful marketplace for digital content. + +# Earnings, revenue and key metrics + +This all sounds really good, but let's look at the numbers. Always look at the numbers before you invest ***especially*** these days when there are so many companies that talk a lot, but have nothing to show for it. Like a lot of modern tech companies, the Dropbox business model revolves around subscriptions and that means it is relatively predictable. As long as users are satisfied with the product, they will continue using and paying for it. In Q3 of 2021, Dropbox had over 700 million registered users with 16.49 million paying users up from 15.25 million last year and those include both individuals and business subscriptions. Dropbox's business model focuses on converting existing users into paying users and we can see it's obviously working from this increase of 8.1% in the number of paying users per year. What Dropbox also does is upsell to existing users and nudge them to upgrade to premium plans, purchase additional licences and so on. As they say though, the proof is in the pudding. Over the last year, Dropbox has managed to increase the average revenue per user to $133.79 compared to $128.03 last year, which is a steady increase of 4.5%. When combined with the increase in paying users, that results in an increasingly profitable business and, as a result, Dropbox shows consistent growth every single quarter. Dropbox had 9 consecutive quarters of rising earnings, but broke their streak in the latest one. Q3 of 2021 showed a tiiiny dip from $0.40 to $0.37 dollars EPS, but that is still up 42% since last year. On the flipside, their revenue has grown every single consecutive quarter since they floated on the market with an average revenue growth of 12.5% to 19% year-on-year. Dropbox's revenue for Q3 was $550.2 million compared to $487 million last year so an increase of 12.9%. We can also see a decent increase in Dropbox's free cash flow of 18.4% to $221.5 million in Q3 of 2021. + +# Expectations + +Going forward, analysts expect that Dropbox will see a 9.8% increase in revenue next year and a 6% increase in earnings. This doesn't sound like much, but it follows after one of Dropbox's best years so far. Plus, analysts keep pushing their expectations up, which, again, means that Dropbox is performing better than expected. That's important because that's what drives the share price up! There have been 7 Q4 earnings revisions in the last 90 days and all 7 of them have been upward revisions. There has also been 9 revenue revision for Dropbox's full-year 2021 revenue in the last 90 days, 8 of which have been upward revisions. Overall, this bodes well for Dropbox's performance. + +# Leaner operations + +Also, I've noticed something which a lot of investors and analysts are overlooking right now, but it is extremely, extremely important in my opinion. The operating expenses of Dropbox have barely moved since December 2019 while their revenue has grown by 26% and their free cash flow has increased by 80%. Lean operations are what good tech businesses are all about so this is a really, really big plus for Dropbox in my books. Dropbox has high gross margins, currently 81% compared to the 80% last year and improving operating margins with 29.3% right now versus 23.0% last year. + +# Founder is still in business + +Another bullish argument for Dropbox is the fact that the founder Andrew Houston still owns almost 30% of Dropbox. That's a massive stake and shows his commitment to the company even though he did sell 9% of his total shares on 17th Nov. That's his only sale in the last 2 years though. Founders having a big stake in the company usually means that the company is still in the growth stage and the share price still has room to grow. + +# Financial position + +Then, let's take a look at Dropbox's cash position. They are flush with cash, absolutely loaded! They currently have $1.93 billion in cash and cash equivalents which is more than their debt of $1.37 billion which means that Dropbox is in a really good financial position considering that they are also profitable. Plus, Dropbox is not actually paying any interest on its long-term debt! The reason why is because they raised money using convertible notes without any interest. Instead, those notes give the loaner the opportunity to convert the notes to shares of Dropbox at the price of $35.35 and $38.25 per share. So, what is Dropbox doing with its cash? Well, first of all, they have been buying back shares. In fact, Dropbox has managed to reduce shares outstanding by 8.6% since the start of 2020. Just during the last quarter, they've bought back $181 million worth of shares! Second, they're using that cash to acquire new companies to fuel additional growth. Acquisitions can be a double-edged sword sometimes, but Dropbox has made it work so far. As I mentioned before, Dropbox bought HelloSign in February 2019 and DocSend in March 2021. The two acquisitions boosted Dropbox's capabilities and now allow them to offer a complete, full suite of self-serve products to its users. + +Alright, I hope that by now we all have a pretty good understanding of what is the current situation with Dropbox. Two main questions now remain. One, is Dropbox trading at a good price. Two, what do we need to watch with Dropbox? + +# Valuation + +Let's look at the valuation first. Currently, Dropbox trades for a PE of 17.6 calculated using the adjusted EPS compared to the sector median of 25.3. Dropbox's forward PE is 16.5 which again lower than the sector median of 24.96. Finally, its PEG ratio is 0.53 and anything under 1 means that the stock is undervalued. The price-to-sales ratio of Dropbox is 4.66 compared to the sector's 4.08 and their forward price-to-sales are 4.36 compared to 4.14 so that's slightly higher than the median, but not by much. Dropbox also said that they expect $1 billion dollars in free cash flow by 2024, which gives us a forward price-to-free cash flow ratio of just 9 which is really, really good. Overall, Dropbox looks undervalued by several indicators right now. In terms of valuation, SimplyWallstreed gives Dropbox a fair value of $53.5 dollars based on its free cash flow. My personal EPS valuation of Dropbox gives me a more conservative figure of $40.2 dollars. Finbox's 10-year Gordon Growth model gives Dropbox an average valuation of $35.4 dollars which is near the analyst consensus of $34.5. Obviously, these are not precise targets, but the main point is that Dropbox currently appears really undervalued gives its current price of $24.7 dollars. The price of Dropbox surprisingly dipped 20% over the last 5 weeks which was strange. There was no actual obvious reason for it as Dropbox reported strong results and actually raised guidance going forward. To me, that's just a great opportunity to get a great stock at a discount! + +# What to watch with Dropbox + +Before we finish this off, I want to mention a few things that we need to keep an eye on with Dropbox. First of all, we need to monitor the number of paying users and the average revenue per user as we need to see steady increases there for Dropbox to justify the investment. If those numbers start to stagnate, it may be time to get out of Dropbox. Another figure to watch is the stock-based compensation. In 2020, the total stock-based compensation was $505.9 million which was more than the adjusted earnings of $409.1 million for the entire year! Dropbox is obviously no longer a startup, but it is still in a growth stage so that type of stock-based compensation is normal, but it's still good to keep an eye on it as it dilutes stock ownership. A lot of people have missed the fact that Dropbox has stock-compensation clauses for its CEO, Andrew Houston, connected to its stock price. More precisely, those stock prices are $30, $35, $40, basically on every $5 dollar increment so the more Dropbox's price goes up, the more stock-based compensation Andrew Houston will get. Finally, it looks like institutions are bullish on DBX, but a bit less so than before. The current put-to-call ratio is only 0.8 and that's up from 0.42 during the previous quarter. Essentially, a put-to-call ratio below 1 means that funds think Dropbox will go up. If that ratio goes significantly above 1, then that's one sign of bearish sentiment on the side of funds. Also, it looks like the institutional ownership of Dropbox has gone done from 84% in the last quarter to 76.6% right now. Personally, I think that's because Dropbox hit an all-time high in the latest quarter and funds took the opportunity to take some profits so I'm not that worried about the reducing ownership. + +So, that's all I have to say about Dropbox for now. What do you think? Are you bullish like me? +Anyone else facinated about our culture of debt in Australia? + +Credits cards max, car loans and don't even get me started on GE money (Harvey Norman) and AfterPay. + +The thing I find most curious is how people who are good money manages need to keep this a secret and almost play the dumb person. + +I drive a POS a Mitsubishi Colt and the concept of knowing every fortnight I could rebuy the same car (second hand obviously) in cash gives me immense utility. Yet to others this is a sign of failure. + +What's the go? Do people not understand what they are doing? Is it a instant gratification thing? + +I don't feel it's education, most of my friends are all in the educated white collar category on great money. The problem is great money isn't so great after credit card repayments, car loans and your $620 a week inner city rent. +I would just like to share my entire journey as I tracked my entire financial journey religiously for the past 5 years. In addition, I would also like to share my background to give everyone the how my upbringing shaped me as a person regarding regarding the focus on finances and such. + +[Nice Looking Graphs](https://imgur.com/a/OCPX7Zj) + +[More Nice Looking Graphs](https://imgur.com/gallery/SQqBIp2) + +**TL;DR**: Born in China and immigrated to Canada when I was 5, where I lived for 12 years and then immigrated to US w/ my family and went to school for petroleum engineering. Graduated right at the crash of the oil industry, so went back for PhD in mechanical, but left early to work for a manufacturing company in the Midwest US by graduating with MS. + +26 years old (turning 27 this October), single, in MCL in Midwest. I will list my income numbers, net worth by end of each year and job titles below. + +**Annual Income / Net Worth / Job Title** + +* 2014 - Mid-2016: $8,000 /\~$1,000 / Part-time Cashier +* Late 2016: $13,000 / $14,479 / Graduate Research Assistant +* 2017: $27,000 / $32,797 / Graduate Research Assistant +* Mid-2018: $19,000 / $34,106 / Graduate Research Assistant +* Late-2018: $46,000 / $56,048 / Systems Engineer +* 2019: $96,000 (due to OT) / $112,412 / Systems Engineer +* 2020: $87,000 / $185,656 / CPE Engineer +* Present: $90,000 / $221,459 / CPE Engineer +* Will start as $92,500 + profit sharing = \~$97,000 in June as a Senior CPE Engineer in mid-June + +**What I learned throughout my journey**: + +1. Don't trust what your college orientation department chair tries to present when they try to persuade you to join their major. When I was in the orientation, I chose petroleum engineering b/c they said 100% job placement and salary was high. That was in 2012, when crude oil was $120/barrel. When I graduated in 2016, there was no jobs in the O&G industry, since in 2015, there was over 100,000 layoffs in the O&G industry due to the price collapse. In hindsight, I should have done more research than to trust the college department chairs. +2. Learning finances is important and will definitely put you ahead of the game if you learn early. Early mistakes, such as playing with stocks increases tolerance to risk especially if you make sure to minimize your allocation. By forcing myself to learn finance, I got good at it and helped me make the right decisions after college. +3. Make sure you are always learning, especially if you are in a decreasing industry. I am going to start a MS in CS part-time starting this fall, since my industry is slowly dying in US and I saw what happened to other industries that didn't try to adapt (ig. O&G). +4. In general, during your college years, it will be better to move out of your home if you can afford it, so it forces you to make more friends. However, preferably you go to a state school, so that you would not be paying an insane amount of money. However, I don't recommend to go to a community college unless you are in a financial predicament. You don't make much friends in community college and getting a job requires a network. The network you can build in college is much larger if you have 4 years over 2 years. I do recommend to take as many AP classes as you can though. + +**My upbringing**: + +I was born in China to a fairly upper middle class family. My dad was a Chemical Engineer and my mom was an accountant. However, my family thought that competition in China was way too fierce, so they decided to immigrate to Canada. (US at that time was too difficult) Even now, most students in China study about 6 hours/day outside of school starting from grade 1. + +He finished a PhD in Chemistry in Canada. During this time, we moved about every 3-4 years, basically every time my dad got a new job. During this time, my family was definitely poor. My dad's annual salary during the beginning was about $22,000 CAD for a family of three. All the money saved in China was still nothing compared to COL in Canada, so it was struggle. Basically, I grew up wearing patched up socks, not asking for any gifts. + +I still remember that for my birthday presents, I would ask to to go to a restaurant so that I could let my family have an excuse to spend some time to enjoy good food. It was really just a struggle until I went to HS, where I noticed that we were not renting anymore and lived in a condominium in the penthouse. Eventually, my dad moved to the US, since the competition in Canada was too fierce due to the constant influx of high skilled immigrants. He got a 40% raise, so my family later moved there with him after he built a house with a contractor. + +I went to the average state university in the town, since the better college that I did get accepted into costs about $20k more in tuition + I had to pay another $10k for room and board. I decided to live at home and save money. I didn't really have much of a life during university, since I studied full time and did chores at home to live for free. Fortunately, my family helped with tuition and paid about $22k, so that I would graduate with no debt. In addition, my parents gifted me a free car (worth about \~$12k) when I started grad school. Before everyone says wow, the agreement I have to 10% of my after-tax income until I have a family and then 3-5% indefinitely. For reference, I have already paid back $21k. Eventually, when I finished grad school, I moved out. + +**Present**: + +I now WFH since of Covid-19. I prefer a hybrid approach, since my commute is only \~20 minutes and the office was newly renovated just 3 years ago. I don't really spend a lot of money each month, since I am fairly frugal. The only major expenses that I recently did start is Betterhelp for Therapy. Once I formally join my company, I expect to find another therapist that could be covered by insurance, so I don't pay $288/month for it. I invest about 50% of my after-tax income now. I am also preparing to start a part-time MS in CS this fall, so hopefully that will go well. + +**Current Monthly** **Budget Breakdown**: + +1. Rent: $680 (live with a roommate) +2. Medical: $318 (therapy + short-term medical insurance + dental) +3. Grocery: $285 (pretty much the same) +4. Tuition: $200 (had to take pre-req classes for MS in CS) +5. Transportation: $169 (usually $250 with no pandemic) +6. Personal: $100 (fluctuates) +7. Subscription: $60 (internet + Youtube premium) +8. Restaurant: $50 (due pandemic) +9. Set Aside for parents: $592 + +**Job Progression:** + +During college, I was not very good at applying to internships. Due to the oil crash post 2014, I could not get an internship. Therefore, I only worked a part-time job as a cashier in an home improvement store since it was the only job I could get at the time. When started grad school, I basically worked in an emissions research lab, which provided valuable experience. + +I managed to get a contract system engineer job right out of college. It had no benefits, vacations, but since I was only 23 at the time, I could still stay on my parents insurance. During this time, I worked 3 different positions in 3 years. I was a W2, so the company did pay the taxes. + +Eventually, my client in the large company suggested the idea of conversion and since I turned 26, I had to pay for insurance, which was fairly expensive for catastrophic short term plan. I used this to negotiate a raise, which I did receive in addition to benefits. The new company also offer tuition reimbursement, so that should also help me. + +**Next Steps**: + +I am hoping to finish the MS in CS in 5 years, since I don't think I can juggle more than one class/semester and workload. This is more of an insurance policy after getting burned in the O&G industry. Perhaps, it is also the time to spend more time finding a SO, but that is outside the scope of this post. + +**Edit 1**: + +Thank you everyone who gave me awards. + +**Edit 2**: + +I think I managed to finish replying to all the comments. I will probably check up on this tomorrow if there is more questions. + +**Edit 3**:I added more graphs, since everyone commented on my graphs. Everything is done in Excel :) + +**Edit 4**: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLTCQ5OenXQI6fertwuPiisyd8rYnYcb/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lLTCQ5OenXQI6fertwuPiisyd8rYnYcb/view?usp=sharing) Link for Excel document (generic). You will have to download as excel workbook for pivot tables to work. +Someone explain this to me...happy to admit if I'm missing something. + +**Assumption 1**: Bitcoin has value because of its use of a currency, given that it avoids middlemen and traditional barriers of exchange. + +**Assumption 2**: Since supply is limited, Bitcoin will increase in value over time, with Demand continually increasing with adoption, population growth and economic prosperity. + +- So Bitcoin essentially gains value when people use it as a currency, HOWEVER, Bitcoin also incentivizes people not to use it as a currency, since it is increasing in value over time (if you spend it, you lose the return you would gain by holding it). +- This means that people who hold Bitcoin want other people to spend the currency, but have no incentive to do so themselves. This creates an unsustainable system given that people either spend their currency and miss out on return or hold their currency and hope others miss out on the return. +- Therefore, the above assumptions CANNOT BOTH HOLD. At least one of them must be violated. +- Bitcoin either doesn't have value as a currency, in which case the value is either inflated or from some other source (though given its infrastructure for its use with transactions, this seems unlikely) OR Bitcoin will NOT increase in value over time, in which case...why are we hodling? + +*edit*: The above is based on a core economic assumption that deflation is bad for economic prosperity. + I can wait 3 more for 3k ETH to turn into 30k. + +ETH is up 1500% in last year. (from $200 to 3k, 15x) + +I’m below 30 I’m not in a super rush to be a millionaire. + +Go outside , enjoy your family and friends, stop checking charts 24/7. Have a nice day. +Let's show them how much we really like the stock, let's destroy that $1000, let's zoom past $5000 and then let's get out of this universe, going to the moon was plans of the past, we're far too good for that, let's explore in deep space. + +Love the sight of fear in the mornings, watching the news every day seeing they're trying to make us crumble, do they not know diamond is too strong to shatter (I ain't no scientist so if I'm wrong forgive me) + +Good luck this week people, keep them 💎🤚 and remember, together apes strong 🦍🦍🦍🚀🚀🚀 + + +Also not financial advice, I just really like the stock +A grandparent of mine started running out of funds about a year ago, they are in their 90s and unmarried. They took out a couple of credit cards and spent on them (nothing lavish, food, electricity, etc...) knowing they wouldn't be able to pay them off. They currently make the minimum payments, so nothing has hit collections yet, and they don't have enough money to pay these off even if they wanted to. + +They are in the middle stage of dementia. It seems increasingly likely they will pass sooner than later, but it's also possible they linger. + +So, I am curious if this is something I need to worry about, both for their sake, and selfishly, for my own. I am not signed on any of the debt, but I also know debt collectors will sometimes hassle family. +I made a post sometime last year about an energy bill I received after leaving a 2-bed flat I rented for 4 years with one other person. We paid ~£120/month on average over the 4 years so were surprised to receive a bill for £3600 in unpaid gas + electricity charges incurred over the course of our tenancy. Several people on here brought up back-billing so I raised this with the energy company. We went back and forth with them for months with further delays in correspondence due to the pandemic. The best they ultimately said they could offer was a repayment plan for the full amount with interest. Someone then suggested I contact the ombudsman, so I submitted my complaint online not really expecting anything to come of it. + +About 3 weeks later the energy company write to apologise for incorrectly billing me and they had now revised the £3600 figure to factor in back-billing. They also offered to apply a further discount as a goodwill gesture so were happy to settle at £600 if we no longer pursued the case with the ombudsman. We really just wanted to be done with them so we agreed to settle at £600, but the tone of the letter suggested they genuinely felt we had them over a barrel. We paid the £600 and haven’t heard from them since. + +TL;DR - what is an ombudsman and why are energy companies so afraid of them? +Every year in December we start to get 5-10 posts a day asking this question. Rather than have a ton of clutter in the sub I'm going to be stickying this post until the end of the month. + +A mutual fund is essentially just a basket of individual stocks/bonds/whatever. Within that basket the fund managers are constantly selling/buying and receiving dividends. The IRS has special rules for mutual funds which allow them to not pay taxes on the capital gains/dividends generated provided they pass through almost all of the proceeds from said activities to the shareholder within the calendar year. So dividends are often paid on some set schedule but capital gains are generally retained within the fund till the end of the year(because losses can reduce gains but can't be distributed to a shareholder). + +So on to why your fund dropped: in mid December everyone starts distributing these gains and as we know when a fund makes a distribution its NAV drops by an equal amount. For example a fund that was trading at $10 and had It's value made up of $9 worth of stock and $1 worth of cash to be distributed now no longer has that $1. So it'll drop by 10% because of that fact. Don't worry, you didn't lose any money because the $1 was paid to you in cash(and in most cases reinvested in the form of buying more shares). + +There isn't any value created or lost in a distribution(except to taxes) it's just a necessary taxable transaction that must occur because of how mutual funds are structured. Etfs are technically subject to this as well but since most follow passive cap weighted strategies they don't usually have capital gains realized to distribute. + +Please note we'll probably be deleting any threads on the subject to keep the clutter down. + +Also please feel free to add whatever questions/comments you have to this sticky. + + +Here's a quick way to see what capital gains estimates/distribution dates are for most funds: + +https://mutualfundobserver.com/discuss/discussion/35512/2017-capital-gains-estimates + + +Ctrl + f your fund family. Chances are it's on one of these two pages. If not, google search "______ funds capital gains distributions 2016" +Sensex doesn't make sense. Banking stocks are soaring. + +But what happens when the defaults start to occur? + +There's no doubt a significant portion of borrowers are already bankrupt due to COVID-19 + +Demand has been increasing, but is it sufficient to off-set the losses caused by the pandemic? + +The bubble is about to burst perhaps? Or am I missing something? +Hello all! Back to explain how to trade and swing stocks that have ongoing/ending dilution streaks with upcoming catalysts. In this example I will be using BBRW, a stock that has a catalyst for June 29th (earnings) and has current dilution. + +The strategy here is to buy in as close to the end of dilution as possible. Why? Well dilution adds more shares into the outstanding share count. This is the cause for a lot of OTC stocks 'bleeding out' over time. Dilution charts are easy to spot, and the easiest way to see is first - look at their last 10-k's. In each 10-k they should detail current note convertibles. These are the shares that can convert and dilute. Now why is this mostly OTC? Well OTC stocks don't have the access to funding like NYSE/NASDAQ so instead they go through banks/lenders/private investors by taking out notes. These notes have maturity dates meaning until that date they can not be converted into shares. However post maturity date they can be converted all at once as I shall show later on. + +Let's take a look at BBRW now. Their 10-k filed in April for the year ending 2019 shows a total of 10.3 million outstanding shares. This is a very small o/s. But digging further we reach the section with matured notes as follows: + +https://preview.redd.it/y4vz4jfu9y551.png?width=1899&format=png&auto=webp&s=7898bf30bfe17dca4fe0094912b58fb59838e757 + +As you can see, 136 million shares can be diluted into the o/s at anytime. These notes have all matured and can be thrown in the pool whenever the note holder decides. + +So how do we tell when dilution is ending? Well we watch the o/s. At April 1st OTCmarkets reported the o/s to be 34.595 million shares. At May 1st OTCmarkets reported the o/s to be 55.38 million shares. By June 1st OTCmarkets stated there were 130.3 million shares outstanding. This is an addition of 120 million shares over the course of 5 months. So cool, how about spotting the rest of the dilution since the catalyst is the end of june? Well that brings us to t-trades. T-trades are after market block sells or buys by individuals/banks/lenders. These can be seen on time and sales and typically print 3-15 minutes after close. I have attached 3 pictures all showing t-trades of BBRW from THIS WEEK (yes the week of 6/14) + +&#x200B; + +[13 million t-trade](https://preview.redd.it/7sg582tgay551.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf906b92faed1c4ab887a42963db7a4c137ad84) + +&#x200B; + +[5.5 million t-trade](https://preview.redd.it/7srtjdghay551.png?width=1884&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c9d7559a743df1d27050f1dc97960f141946e14) + +&#x200B; + +[7 million t-trade](https://preview.redd.it/7hlos8xhay551.png?width=1905&format=png&auto=webp&s=eed1822aeff616f659b62188717891715440f0ff) + +In total, around another 26 million shares have diluted into the market after hours. This means the current o/s should be around 156 million shares, an increase of 146 million from December 29. But wait, this is more shares than the 10-k stated! Well...Thats because the variable notes convert in terms of $$. So the shares are being converted here for a smaller share price which means more shares are being sold. However, this does mean that dilution is very close to an end and this is where we buy in. Right before/after dilution ends is when stocks really gain momentum. This week the market has handled the dilution fairly well for BBRW. I imagine we might have 1-2 more t-trades but that would be it. I expect post dilution BBRW to have an o/s around 170-180 million and we will see on July 1st. + +One last thing. Dilution can happen during trading hours. VERT is one of the most prominent diluting Market Makers. If you buy into the ask and VERT seemingly has unlimited shares its most likely because they are diluting and have a large chunk just hidden at that price. Always be weary and check filings! + +Side note - The catalyst for BBRW is earnings, play the hype for this - if dilution ends it could see a great run. If not we should still have the volume to get some nice gains..as always use stop losses though, especially with otc. Hopefully this helps. If you have questions feel free to ask here or on discord, username is Archer on the pennystocks discord. +My rent just went up $180 fucking dollars per week! Thats more than my weekly stonk money. I'm screwed. All I do is work, I cant work any harder and I'm now $180 poorer per week. This life of toil was made bearable by retarded dreams of my stonks and savings rescuing me from this bullshit. Now I cant even do that. The next Air b&b that calls me ( AND EVERY SINGLE ONE AFTER THAT) will now be paying double as penance for their greed. +Hello + + In your opinion, which books/training/seminars would be suitable if you want to further educate yourself in the field of day trading/technical analysis? I've been investing in stocks for two years now and have been able to gain important experience. But I will also learn daytrading because that interests me. My goal is not to get rich overnight, with this attitude you are more likely to lose your entire capital on the stock exchange. But it would be nice if I could earn money with it part-time. I would be happy to hear your answers or your own experiences. Thanks :) +Currently a dog coin is #4 in terms of volume, and has more volume than all except 2 "legit" coins in top 100. There is more capital trading and putting their money into this meme than there is in several other altcoins that have better technology, or innovation or actual adoption and use cases. + +Many prominent alts are quite low or crushed in terms of their crypto trading pair. Many Defi / dex coins are faring poorly, many are below their ATH. Obviously, a lot of interest and money has gone towards trading these dog coin scraps over other projects. As a result, alts havent really taken off. + +Last time a dog coin barged its way into the top 10, the entire market crashed 20-30% in a matter of days. The parallels are just too obvious with May. Back then, the entire market was lifted by a rising tide from December to Feb, but as soon as a dog coin entered top 10, things became frothy and sure enough, we saw -10%/-15% days and volatile corrections as many big whales started seeking the exit door. + + Of course, past is not indicative of future performance, but often rhymes. A shitcoin entering top 10 with massive volume can easily be seen by big money investors as a sign of a frothy and unhealthy market, and they may choose to play it safe by taking out their profits. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The news about Credit Suisse seems to have inspired many institutions to place enormous bets against the bank. +The world markets seem to be certain that we will soon see the bank collapse. +Whether it is purely based on the rumors that we have seen, or if it is based on deeper deeper knowledge remains to be seen. +However, one thing that I do not expect to see is for Credit Suisse to emerge from this intact. + +The jackals that once tried to destroy GameStop are coming for Credit Suisse. + +I have little doubt that Credit Suisse is holding a massive short position against GameStop, either directly incurred or as a bag-holder. +However, I believe that they are unprepared to fend off the attacks from hedge funds and other institutions. +Companies like Citadel who are going to incredible lengths to raise capital can see an opportunity, and by all accounts are taking it. + +Where they failed with GameStop, they seem likely to succeed with Credit Suisse. + +Credit Suisse's liabilities far exceed their capital, unlike GameStop. +Credit Suisse's shareholders are fleeing, whereas GameStop's are DRSing to HODL more securely. +Credit Suisse's customers and clients are running to safety, where GameStop is expanding into new markets. + +GameStop continues to be strong even in these wild times. +We once again set a record for low volume. +The partnerships they have forged this past year are rapidly expanding, positioning GameStop's marketplace for incredible growth. +As we continue through this week, I rest assured in the company I like. + +Today is Tuesday, October 4th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$26.12 / 26,75 €** *(volume: 3859)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $25.99 / 26,61 € *(volume: 3853)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $25.91 / 26,54 € *(volume: 3847)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $25.90 / 26,53 € *(volume: 3832)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $25.90 / 26,52 € *(volume: 3832)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $26.12 / 26,75 € *(volume: 3827)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $26.08 / 26,71 € *(volume: 3710)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $26.07 / 26,70 € *(volume: 3378)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $26.01 / 26,63 € *(volume: 3363)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $26.13 / 26,76 € *(volume: 3257)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $26.14 / 26,77 € *(volume: 2551)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $25.79 / 26,41 € *(volume: 1957)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $25.71 / 26,33 € *(volume: 1948)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $25.71 / 26,33 € *(volume: 1908)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $25.69 / 26,31 € *(volume: 1857)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $25.49 / 26,11 € *(volume: 547)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $25.50 / 26,12 € *(volume: 544)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $25.50 / 26,12 € *(volume: 539)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $25.49 / 26,11 € *(volume: 492)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $25.49 / 26,11 € *(volume: 246)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $25.50 / 26,11 € *(volume: 219)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $25.50 / 26,11 € *(volume: 216)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $25.48 / 26,09 € *(volume: 179)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $25.51 / 26,13 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $25.51 / 26,13 € *(volume: 107)* +- 🟩 US close price: $25.38 / 25,99 € *($25.23 / 25,84 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9764. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I saw this blog post today: http://whitecoatinvestor.com/financial-independence-is-not-the-holy-grail/ + +At first I was like "Yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man", but in the end he seems to say that people should put the most emphasis on what makes them the happiest, and if that's not working, then OK. + +It is interesting that he would say this though, as someone who's making $300k+ from his job and at least another $300k+ from his blog. +This is in response to another post that seemed to largely miss the point of a common quip seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ark0rz/about_that_5_cup_of_coffee/ + +In a nutshell, that post - and the bulk of its upvoted comments - seemed to advance the idea that forsaking a $5 Starbucks coffee every is more about being frugal, and that folks should indulge if it truly makes them happy. However, there's a huge disclaimer I think is missing from that narrative. While some do push frugality to the limit, that's not at all what the "$5 Starbucks" advice is about. + +When people come here for budgeting advice, rarely are they looking for ways to simply sock even more money into savings. They're looking for advice because their budget is in the red, they're not saving anything, or they simply don't know what to do. That's when the common quips come up - quit buying $5 Starbucks every day, don't eat out/drink out as often, only buy used cars, etc.. The reason these (and others) come up so often is because they are, very commonly, the usual pitfalls that are sinking peoples' budgets. With the limited information we usually have to work with, telling someone to over-correct is often the easier/safer bet than suggesting they do something that will under-correct the problem. + +When anyone sets up a budget, the proper way to do so is by starting with mandatory expenses (rent/mortgage, utilities, food, etc.), then moving on to necessary expenses (clothing, grooming, transportation, savings, etc.), and then finally addressing discretionary expenses (fun money, etc.). At each level you look at ways to minimize your expenses, usually because increasing income isn't an option. + +**And here's the kicker.** When people are giving the advice to avoid spending $5 on coffee, what they're really saying is to avoid spending $5 out of your mandatory budget. $5 Starbucks is a discretionary expense - not a mandatory expense. This is the huge, unspoken disclaimer hidden behind that quip. + +When it comes to discretionary spending, do whatever you want. Buy that $5 Starbucks. Buy a brand new car. Go traveling. Invest in a MLM pyramid scheme. While everyone is going to have their opinions on how you spend that money, those are the opinions that are worthless. It's your life, and it's your lifestyle. Have fun - but only with your discretionary budget. + +Personally, my wife and I spend a big chunk of our discretionary budget going out to eat. We established a baseline budget that we know we can fall back to - no cable, cooking cheap meals at home all the time, etc. - and then everything that goes on top of those sums ends up coming out of our discretionary category. + +If you don't have a discretionary budget, or you don't have enough in your discretionary budget to do $5 Starbucks every day, then you simply cannot afford it. Frugality has nothing to do with it. At that point you have three options: (1) look at ways to reduce your mandatory/necessary spending even more to give you enough discretionary budget, (2) don't get Starbucks as often, or (3) find some way to reconcile with yourself that spending $5 on Starbucks means you won't be able to afford rent this month. + +TL;DR + +It's not at all a question of frugality - it's a question of whether or not you have enough discretionary budget to afford it. If you do, then go ham. + +**EDIT** + +Holy crap, thanks for the gold guys. + +I want to reiterate that **the $5 Starbucks quip isn't really about Starbucks**, or coffee even. It's a metaphor. Avoiding $5 Starbucks can apply to any small, but recurring luxury expense that people either can't afford or try tucking away in anything but their discretionary budget they have left. It could be Starbucks, or sodas, or a daily pack of cigarettes, or a new car vs. old, and . . . well . . . anything. + +I also want to point out that discretionary budget isn't something you allocate for - it's something you may or may not be left with when you're done with the rest of your budget. +I fixed my energy deal in October and it runs out in 2024, edf have told me I should overpay now to build credit to offset the difference when it runs out, is this worth doing or not? +So first off, I'll say that I don't know anything about investing or stocks or anything before this problem happened today. + +Basically, my dad has been putting our life savings into e-trade and said that he's making us a lot of money and that we're set for life. I had no idea what he's talking about and he's my dad and I'm a minor so I just listen to what he says. + +Today, he came downstairs with a very stressed look on his face saying that e-trade closed his account and all our savings are gone. This is absolutely devastating for our family and especially my mom who worked real hard for that money. + +So my dad says etrade called him up and it was about a margin call or something like that. They were asking him to put more money into that account and my dad wouldn't. My dad started arguing his position and basically lost his temper. So I guess etrade closed his account and we lost everything. + +Now, can someone explain to me what happened? What can I do to help my family? Is there anyway to get the money back? We're really poor and my dad's an idiot but I don't know how to get him to stop doing this. + +**UPDATE:** +hey guys, im back. i have a bit of an update. my dad's okay now. he's trying to explain what happened and he's using the scam excuse. i dont believe him but he doesnt like to be wrong. he says he'll get a lawyer or report etrade to the SEC and im just nodding along with him and trying to make him feel better. no use arguing with him over what i know now as it'll only make things worse. +But, i did ask him for our etrade username and password so i can go into the account. but i dont know how to read it. how do i save it in a way that i can get you guys to analyze it for me? +Good Morning Apes! + +Today is the second day of T+2 exposure from last week. Given that we closed slightly under max pain exposure should have been minimal but it is possible buy pressure is picking up with all the interest now on the 23/24th of November and Loopring's recent performance, it could be that we are seeing retail buying in larger numbers. + +The last few days we seen an a slight uptick in non-block orders (less than 100 shares) hitting GME's order book. Indicative of retail purchasing. + +This puts additional pressure on the market makers as they attempt to hedge gamma exposure. + +Remember that if... + +https://preview.redd.it/3ym96t7nqyz71.png?width=1534&format=png&auto=webp&s=87909dd211befdaf1b61ccd37a94679bce600781 + +Currently 15,478 calls are ITM for Nov. 19 expiration on GME, that's an equivalent of 1,547,800 shares that need hedged. Plus all the ETF calls as well in the 106 ETFs GME is in. + +Even from a technical standpoint we have a nice bounce on the EMA 30, possibly moving up to test that upper trend. + +[GME technicals on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/g28zc0rapyz71.png?width=2413&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad93fb796e56ecac82a63f2447be8224fca5ac16) + +So while traditionally this is a period of price decline it does appear that we are building a strong floor at 200-205 and could hold this till the expected action next week. + +They are however doing an excellent job bringing IV down, this is important when it comes to stabilizing their variance swaps. + +For those of you waiting on my current DD it is taking a bit longer than expected and I want to make sure the anybody who assisted along the way is credited properly, I should be done shortly, probably tonight. In the meantime a lot of it is covered here ... [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-Market + +GME closing out the day. That big bump on XRT may have been some short basket creation as we saw two moderate sized shorts come in right before close to reverse the upward drift. But lower IV...yay! Thank you all for tuning in see ya tomorrow. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/7r0lvmjkv0081.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=c015a5008c98285f7b0bd6b19c8819dec884341e + +Edit 5 2:35 + +Holding VWAP, also some weird volume over on XRT 👀 + +https://preview.redd.it/hohg24aof0081.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8e55b8cf92acd6c10f19da93dca44b0539cfa37 + +Edit 4 1:43 + +Picked up a little support on VWAP but the bounce back was weak and indicates more downside. + +https://preview.redd.it/a6k8lfga60081.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=acbc0039aaa5ea3f0a3a3e063f67db33f16a53cd + +Edit 3 12:30 + +Coming down from the test at 212 buy pressure finally let off a drop below vwap likely means covering for the day is done. + +https://preview.redd.it/qf0eb3g4vzz71.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=78946e08bd5604fcd5e76359e727c49803c07092 + +Edit 2 10:30 + +Nice bullish reversal on the 1m Coming up almost to open, remember our resistance to the upside is 210 + +https://preview.redd.it/9fjnx4n38zz71.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd0623e83100888e2d1aa99dc465ec56543c264e + +Edit 1 10:01 + +Opening short into a triple top it looks like more declining price action into the afternoon + +https://preview.redd.it/31gx87jt2zz71.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=84d313129d6e9de2d279b62b7b1048a486c0763b + +# Pre-market Analysis + +Push down at open has already been reversed testing 210 before market open. Some 100k shares have already been borrowed this morning. I expect some shorting. + +Volume: 13.06k (about equivalent to yesterday) + +Shares to borrow: + +IBKR - 150,000 @ 0.7% (share borrow rate dropping is generally a sign of a downtrend incoming) + +Fidelity - 1,312,556 @ 0.75% (Fidelity's rate rarely changes) + +[GME pre-market on the 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/88q0b2doryz71.png?width=1610&format=png&auto=webp&s=f81461ec1dac387ef3ffe567cc0f88cd03facfae) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +* **TL;DR: In June 2017, Seeking Alpha published an article about an "infinity squeeze" on now-meme stock Dillard's. Bloomberg terminals showed nearly 70% of the float was short. This was the same year that Carl Icahn and hedge funds began to short malls in CMBX.6 ("the big mall short").** +* **Many said Dillard's real estate properties were worth more than the company itself. This may have been 1 reason why Dillard's was shorted so heavily.** + +EDIT 1: Will be adding more info/edits to this post on and off. + +What brought me to this rabbit hole was reading u/fungiz 's post on Sears Canada today. + +https://preview.redd.it/d41co6ivvwh81.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea032a62dc2c47fc953ceeb79df147916bf9325c + +After reading their post, I tried to dig into Sears Canada and its stock history in 2017-2018, around the time that it had been delisted from the stock market. + +I wasn't able to find much information on Sears Canada's free float that year (to determine whether it may have factored into heavy short volume and FTDs still showing up now, years later), but I did find an interesting 2017 article on a fellow meme stock: Dillard's. + +https://preview.redd.it/gx20a3fzvwh81.png?width=1093&format=png&auto=webp&s=07d817c48ab1e07055ce486eab3408963a840360 + +In July 2017, Seeking Alpha contributor Richard Pearson discussed how Dillard’s might be set up for “an infinity squeeze”, with several enticing Bloomberg Terminal screenshots to match. + +At the time, 9 million out of the total float of 12.88 million shares had been shorted. **This was nearly 69.9% (nice) of the float that had been shorted!** + +In August 2017, only a few weeks later, the company was also expected to buyback 1 million shares. This would have driven the short interest as a percentage of float even higher, perhaps to more than 100%! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nnqduit4wwh81.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf05e8b834d2f3f3e6098bf71f41624235f7c6af + +Pearson compared the possibility of Dillard's short squeeze to the infamous 2008 VW spike: + +>“**Dillard's now appears perfectly set up for an " infinity squeeze " which could be triggered at any time.** The most famous example of an infinity squeeze was that of Volkswagen AG ( VLKAY ) in 2008…Hedge funds suffered estimated losses of as much as €30 billion that week, while Porsche reportedly made a profit of €6 billion …” + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6zfugbh7wwh81.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=cceca039cada829ae1db8e19d34a3bae08a8ca62 + +Coincidentally, one of the hedge funds that had been wrecked during the VW squeeze was Greenlight Capital. David Einhorn's fund had lost money in 2008 on VW, but had gone long on Dillard's in 2017. + +&#x200B; + +With Greenlight's acquisition of more shares in Dillard's, it may have even pushed the "effective float" to as low as 4.4 million shares able to be bought and sold on the stock market. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kodtesr9wwh81.png?width=1014&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a52aee677db5db47dba81f6cf575e38256b31c + +You can track the historical FTDs around this time using the chart below: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/puyv2q0fwwh81.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09f5da6ef9d41f16f8818a40f5f675ec15dd88f + +In the chart above, you'll notice that I included the market cap of Dillard's prior to the meme stock squeeze in 2021. + +&#x200B; + +Although I wasn't able to find out what it's short volume looked like around the time of Pearson's article, I did look up its short volume from early 2019 until today using data from Chart Exchange: + +&#x200B; + +[From January 2, 2019 until today, February 14, 2022, Dillard's short volume has hovered around 60&#37; consistently](https://preview.redd.it/42crzqqe0xh81.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05baaec5435ee083f621199b726159afcf783f3) + +But despite the detours of Dillard's short volume and FTD exposure around 2017, I was more interested in the commercial real estate angle from Pearson's article than even the retailer's obscene short interest. + +&#x200B; + +Why was that? **Pearson said that as of July 2017, Dillard's market cap was at $2 billion. On the other hand, Dillard's real estate (all of the mall space that it had been using for its stores) was worth well more than that at $3-4 billion.** + +The fact that Dillard's real estate was larger than the market capitalization of the company was a eye-opener to me. **I kept digging and found out that Ted Weschler, one of Warren Buffett's best performing managers at Berkshire Hathaway--went long on Dillard's in Oct. 2020 in part because its real estate was worth more than the company itself.** + +&#x200B; + +[u\/DMoneyFree discussed Weschler's acquisition of 1+ million shares in Dillard's here in the stocks subreddit](https://preview.redd.it/eidf4b6gwwh81.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2bc81c9ed8c83d3837b6d54514bf21219561e7d) + +Weschler wasn't the only one to echo the real estate appeal of the company. In August 2017, mere weeks after Dillard's had a reported short interest of nearly 70%, hedge fund Snow Park Capital took a 2% stake in the company. + +&#x200B; + +Snow Park's analysts said that based on the valuation of its real estate ALONE, Dillard's was worth $200 a share. In fact, they suggested at the time that Dillard's should even discuss selling off its pieces of real estate to prop up its books. + +&#x200B; + +In addition, despite **operating nearly 300 stores, only 26 (!) of Dillard's were leased. The vast majority were owned outright. Snow Park called out the company for this, saying “Dillard’s is essentially an underleveraged real estate company…masquerading as a low productivity retailer.”** + +&#x200B; + +[From Pt. 4 of \\"The Big Mall Short\\"](https://preview.redd.it/ki49jjydxwh81.png?width=2964&format=png&auto=webp&s=768dc43fcdf0c041d46f41ae1d9dcdd34d9fa22c) + +One of the big reasons why Dillard's high short interest in 2017 stuck out to me is because it might relate to some other research that I looked at with respect to commercial real estate and the "big short" against mall loans in a bundle called CMBX.6. + +In a previous post, I had talked about how big players like Carl Icahn and Apollo Global–who tried buying GME in 2019-- alongside Mudrick Capital, Canyon Capital, and MP Partners all looked to short malls in CMBX.6. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/juga14rxxwh81.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa70d8550b877f7fee8ee2f853fc905bdcfc2a6 + +After looking through the malls in CMBX.6, I found that GME showed up more than any other major retailer. + +&#x200B; + +Anchor store Macy's was 2nd, but Dillard's also showed up in many of the CMBX.6 malls that were shorted. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mv8wmu2zxwh81.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=0de8f522be41c41f2dc14dbaa77da701bc7d7641 + +Putting all this information together, we can see that in the same year that CMBX.6 was shorted in 2017, Dillard's also had heavy short interest at the same. **This was all happening as many knew that Dillard's commercial real estate was worth more than the company itself.** + +In either case, this was just another commercial real estate link I found connected Dillard's to meme stocks and the greater "mall loan"-slash-commercial real estate picture. **Based on both what we see here for Dillard's (70+% short interest), as well as previous Baker Street Capital slide decks and the Memento S.A. letter on Sears' high short interest (as high as 227%), it made me realize that commercial real estate factored heavily into both of their stories thus far.** + +On that note, finding this out about Dillard's will definitely make me want to keep digging into the commercial real estate side of the loans given to GameStop (some of which I've covered in previous posts) and hope to see if it factored as well into its heavy short interest pre-sneeze. + +&#x200B; + +* **TL;DR: In June 2017, Seeking Alpha published an article about an "infinity squeeze" on now-meme stock Dillard's. Bloomberg terminals showed nearly 70% of the float was short. This was the same year that Carl Icahn and hedge funds began to short malls in CMBX.6 ("the big mall short").** +* **Many said Dillard's real estate properties were worth more than the company itself. This may have been 1 reason why Dillard's was shorted so heavily.** + +EDIT 2: Words, bolding, pictures n shit + +EDIT 3: Editing this to be more clear, so it doesn't sound and flow like utter shit lol + +EDIT 4: Sorta conclusion added! +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Februrary 22, 2021 makes it 2 years since I retired from my job in automotive engineering. + +You can find last year's post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/f7q7lo/one_year_update_38m_fired/ + +Now for this year's expenses. First the charts from Mint: + +[**Expenses Overview**](https://i.imgur.com/oliMMe6.png) + +[Food Expenses](https://i.imgur.com/juadwnF.png) + +[Healthcare Expenses](https://i.imgur.com/D5i78Sw.png) + +[Shopping Expenses](https://i.imgur.com/MF7PfsC.png) + +[Home Expenses](https://i.imgur.com/kfeEZII.png) + +[Utilties](https://i.imgur.com/U44lXAr.png) + +[Auto Expenses](https://i.imgur.com/sWmMKqM.png) + +[Taxes](https://i.imgur.com/P0RU665.png) + +[Entertainment](https://i.imgur.com/Vc7sTCu.png) + +Main Takeaways, last year I estimated that $22,700 was a reasonable real-world number for my annual expenses. I ended up spending $28,600 last year. About $4000 of that was some shopping splurging in January of this year for a new TV and computer stuff, because my financial situation was looking pretty good and I could spare the expense. Otherwise I was right on target with my estimations. + +For Healthcare, I did not take any ACA subsidies up front, and actually decided I'd rather do a larger Roth Conversion Ladder ($20,000) and convert some long term capital gains over to cash, thereby blowing up my AGI. In order to get a subsidy I'd need an MAGI of under like $35,000, which just wasn't going to work for me. + +**Investments:** + +I'll include my numbers at retirement, at 1 year, and as of today. I guess I'll start a table. + +Vanguard Investments: + +Type|Retirement Day|1 Year|2 Years +:--|:--|:--|:-- +Traditional IRA|$299,000|$348,000|$380,170 +Roth IRA|$14,500|$18,150|$70,236 +Brokerage|$18,400|$22,900|$37,108 +Total Vanguard|$331,800|$389,100|$487,515 +Other LTCG and Bitcoin|$145,000|$291,000|$1,315,000 +HSA Investment|$6000|$7400|$8760 +Cash|$20,000|$9000|$135,000 + +(Note on the Roth IRA, I don't think I had done my $20k conversion when I made the post last year. So that was $18,150, +$20k for 2020 Ladder, +20k for 2021 Ladder already done. So $58k, then ~$12k in gains makes the $70k.) + +So, it's been a pretty good year. Even with me losing about $60,000 with a bad GME play. Still holding that loser though, diamond hands and all that. + +With the Bitcoin run this year I've implemented my "rule" again. Every time the price goes up 20% I sell one off. So far I've sold at $33k, $39.8k, $48.2k, and then yesterday at $57.8k. This is going to mean a pretty big tax bill this year, but I want to "realize some gains" and get that money out into something a bit more stable. + +I'm doing a Roth Conversion Ladder of $20,000 to fill up the standard deduction and 10% tax level. All of the tIRA and Roth IRA are 100% VTSAX (1 year returns of about 20%). My Brokerage is $28k VTSAX and $9k (ow, it was $69k) of GME. + +**The Living Part** + +Not much of an update, just doing my thing. TV, video games, reading, doing puzzles. The weekly D&D game with my buddy and his wife (and his 18 month old baby) is a big highlight. Quarantine sucks, I've only seen my other friends twice this past year. Once was helping a buddy move house, and the other was a (carefully social distanced and completely outdoors) winter day-trip to the cabin to do some wood chopping. + +If you want to read more of that live stuff, look at last year's post: it's all the same. + +**I went back to work!** + +Oh yeah, I did go back to work last year. Well, kinda. I had signed up to work the 2020 census back in December of 2019. Thought it would be a fun thing to get me out of the house in the Spring. Well, then 2020 happened and census got pushed out. I got the call in June. I did the week of training (all paid), and then worked the first day. It really sucked. First it was hot as balls, and also no one was answering the door. Of the 35 cases I worked I talked to 5 humans and completed 2 surveys. The second day was even worse, and after an hour of walking that day's route I just walked home, texted my field supervisor, and quit. I ended up making a total of $575 for the like 20+ hours of training and then 3 hours of walking around before I quit. + +I've found that I **really** don't like being told when and where to be someplace, and what to do. Maybe if it wasn't in the middle of June and in a pandemic I might have had a bit more fun. But it wasn't fun, so why would I subject myself to something I don't want to do. That's kind of the best part about financial independance. I don't let people make me do things I don't want to do. ::shrug:: For this reason I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to a 9-5 job. + +That's it. I guess I'll repeat the TL:DR from last time: 39, FIREd, Money's looking right, Life is feeling right, everything is fine +How old were you when you made your first million and how? It's encouraging to see/hear other's success stories and also very informative and motivating! +Release a NFT dividend. I am having a hard time understanding why they don’t just end this right here, right now. Their stock is being heavily manipulated each and every single day. While Kenny and his bozos are constantly doing what they can to manipulate the stock, to control the stock, and most of, if not all these tactics are highly illegal… just end it. Release a dividend, that, may I add, was upheld in court over when overstock did it. Like it’s not even a mystery, it’s out in the open how fucked the SHFs are. I don’t get it. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-14/trump-slams-fed-again-says-stocks-should-be-5-000-10-000-higher + +Says interest rate hikes have prevented GDP topping 4 percent + +President has nominated two loyalists to fill empty Fed seats +My DRS was approved on Oct 21st, submitted on the 5th. As a test, I did not call, threaten FINRA complaint, I just wanted to see. It is now December 5th and they still have my shares. I'm calling them first thing tomorrow morning. Not that I had any doubt, but this just really drives it home that they either don't have the shares or are refusing to complete the action until the person calls to complain or threaten action. + +Edit 1: Busy at work, going to have to postpone until I can get time to call. + +Edit 2: Not sure this is probably burried at this point. It is now December 14th, nearly 2 months after my DTS transferred was approved and confirmed. Vanguard has still not been able to actually transfer the assets, they blame this on processing time which of course is bullshit. It is my opinion that they do not have, nor are able to get, any actual shares and are prolonging the process as long as they can who knows at this point. I've literally been jaded into thinking everything is fuckery. +Hello all! + +Does anyone have any experience using a property mainly for Airbnb rentals as an investment property? + +What are some of the advantages/disadvantages of an Airbnb property over a long-term renter property? +Been interested in real estate investing for a long time but hesitant to act. Have a steady and stable career. I’m thinking a duplex would be a good starting spot. I could live out of one half and rent the other half out. Is this a good way to start? Is there a better way? I currently reside in an apartment so the duplex would give me a way into my own place. +I am a 22(M) and I just opened a retirement Roth IRA account with sofi. I am currently a first year medical student with no additional income outside of my student loans. + +My question is how does a Roth IRA account help me make money in the future? I understand it is tax free but if I’m just saving my own money and putting it there what’s the difference between having a Roth IRA and just stuffing my money in the mattress until I’m 60? +SPY seems to have run further than what is healthy from my point of view. The underlying macroeconomics do not support the recent move up and I believe we've gotten ahead of ourselves here. + +That being said, the market can be a pain for quite some time for shorties and we might see even further upside. A short at 410 with SL at 425 could be a good play though. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ekscyovefv1a1.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=b11f70e7fabab849f8c9a5267711a3cdd2870dab +For example, two thresholds I know of are: + +3.8% Net Investment Income Tax, which applies to all investment income if MAGI > 200k single / 250k joint. + +Mortgage Interest Deduction applies to only the first 750k of debt. + +What other thresholds should fatFI and fatFIREd individuals be aware of? +It’s easy to get caught up in the “buying crypto is investing in your future” mindset that’s often repeated here and convince yourself that you’re making wise financial decisions with any crypto purchase you make. + +I come from a family of gambling addicts and I’m very aware of the tricks they play, often on themselves, to convince themselves or others that they’re not actually gambling. “This is my entertainment” is an often repeated excuse they tell themselves as they’re transferring money out of their bank a 2nd time. “I’ve put in so much time that statistically I’m bound to win at any moment” is another lie they tell themselves. These are all signs of gambling addiction and I see it everywhere here. Just because you’re buying crypto does not mean it’s not gambling. + +Please try to think objectively about what you’re doing and don’t let yourself lie to yourself. +Has anyone had any experience with getting scammed? Were Monzo helpful when it came to getting reimbursed? Fell for an awful one the other day and lost a lot of money and feeling really anxious about it. Still going through the process with Monzo and don't know if I'm going to end up having to take the L or if I'll get reimbursed. + +A fraudster had acquired my card number, expiry and security code somehow. They then put through a suspicious £0.22 payment in Texas without me even realising. The next day I get a text from a number entitled "MONZO", saying that I will shortly receive a call from 0345-blah-blah regarding recent activity on my card. Sure enough I get a call from this number and it's a guy pretending to be Monzo. He says he's calling regarding suspicious activity on my card and asks if I could check my account. Sure enough I see a fishy £0.22 payment in Texas and he's got me thinking he's legit after a couple of bogus "security checks" (post-code, first line of address etc), as well as having knowledge of suspicious activity on my card. + +Being the idiot that I am, this well-spoken guy somehow convinces me my Lloyds has been hacked and that I need to transfer my money from my Lloyds to my Monzo so it is secure, and that I need to activate Apple Pay on my Monzo which I will use for payments in the meantime whilst he cancels my card and sends me a new one (did I mention that I'm an idiot?). Being the idiot that I am I transfer the money from my Lloyds to my Monzo and then next thing I know a huge payment (in the thousands) has been paid using Apple pay on my Monzo card in Dubai and the guy hangs up. + +Monzo have been helpful so far and it's ongoing, but they presumed that they sent me a text with a verification code for the purchase (I received no such code or text). I can guarantee that had I received a text or in-app verification code in order to authorise a huge payment in Dubai, I would not be out of pocket right now and this would never have happened. + +Do you think I have a chance at being reimbursed? How negligent is too negligent? +So I'm coming up on a year of day trading the markets, and now my trading has really started to take off and I'm able to trade with a lot of confidence with the strategies that I have developed over the past few months. I thought I would share some of the most important things that Allowed me to be successful and hopefully this helps anyone that is struggling right now. So my wins have been around 1-2% with $5000 of equity, so anywhere from 50-100 dollars per win. I'm only up $750 but what was important to me was the consistency and I plan to size up later if I continue with this success. + +1) Trade with the trend + +Ive said this in a previous post, but I can't stress this enough... TRADE WITH NOT AGAINST. Trading reversals is not a great way trade, don't try to catch a falling knife. If a stock is trending down, look for a short position, and if a stock is trending up look for a long position. This step alone increased my win percentage by a lot. They way I trade is only short. First I look for any bad news catalyst in the premarket, and/or stocks that gapped down a large percentage overnight. Then I wait around 10-20 minutes to confirm a downtrend, and enter short during consolidation/pullback. I exit my position when the trend begins to slow or the stock hits another consolidation period. + +&#x200B; + +2) Trade the most likely not the biggest + +Almost all of my wins were not from the biggest move that the stock had made that day, but from moves that I know are most likely going to make me money. I'm sacrificing some profit to be right more often. When your trading strategy tends to have higher win percentages rather than bigger individual wins I've tended to see that my mind stays clear and I don't make irrational moves without thinking them through. This also means trade only the best setups. If there isn't a proper setup to trade, then don't trade it. If you go red on a setup that you knew wasn't great, you will regret it immediately. Being even is way better than being red. + +&#x200B; + +3) Recognize when you are right and when you are wrong + +I personally struggled with this for a while, until I consciously thought about selling a position. Ego plays a big part in this and you need to understand that even the best traders are wrong sometimes and the reason they are so great is because they know when they are wrong and can keep their mistakes small. My problem was the opposite, because I feared losing money so much that when my trades went even slightly red I would panic and sell out. But of course, the move would happen right after I sold out and I would have made money on the trade. For a few of these 13 green trades I was red for upwards of 10 minutes but I knew that my entry was just poor, but the move was still going to happen. Use your knowledge to truly figure out if you were correct or wrong. + +&#x200B; + +Hope this helps! +Hello all. I’m in my mid 20s and still living at home with my parents. I have around 70k in my savings but kind of found myself in a “what am I saving for?” Moment. 44k is for student loans that will be paid off in January (why I’m living at home, but woohoo debt free from student loans!). I do have an investment account that I feed money into once or twice a month (mainly mutual funds, ETF’s, IRA account as well). I guess I’m just asking why am I holding onto this money? I would like to skip an apartment and move right into a house, but is that something worth saving for in my bank account? Should I look into other smaller investments? Should I pay off my car? + +I’m pretty lost with this but I am a good saver with money. Just need to put more of it to work for me. +If anyone has any suggestions, tips, stories, etc please share! Quite overwhelming and is leaving me confused! +It might be just me, but all the problems Status and Bancor brought to the network killed the hype for many and made investors (which aren't white collar guys in Goldman's office, but probably guys like me and you who invested some savings in cryptos) less eager to invest. + +Let's face the reality: + +-not a single crypto out there has a real case use safe for Bitcoin. + +-blockchain technology is cool but extremely limited in real spreaded adoption for payments, blockchain gets bigger and bigger and bigger + +-not a single network doesn't clog once high volume of transactions happen in the range of few hours. And they want to build dapps, smart contracts and super computers over it? We are in the embryonic stage of blockchain technologies. Please. + +-those fuckers that got hundreds of millions in ETH and Bitcoin are probably the first selling since a week or so getting the price down. + +-so many tards gave thousands and thousands to those ICOs based on hope and hype, without reading a single line of code or thinking IF the ICO itself had any use (especially thinking about ETH's tokens). 140 millions to Bancor to solve the "problem of the two wants", wow. + +I still believe cryptos are the future, ain't gonna say if you should sell or hold, I think anybody telling you to sell or hold is just pursuing his own interest, not yours. I know that if I got into ETH below 60 $ I'd be selling everything tho. + +So please: + +-stop buying those ICOs unless you **really understand what's the ICO about**, stop speculating, 90 % of speculators lose money in the financial markets and you want to make money in cryptos? Good luck. + +-**study**, **study study**. You need to understand what you're buying, what you're investing into. I'm sick of reading about people taking loans to invest in what they don't even understand. + +Cryptos are the future, but rest assurd that 99 % of those cryptos will die after the real bubble will pop (the last days are just shakes), ETH will probably die, banks will probably invest in their own blockchain (like R3), Visa will develop its own, ecc, ecc. + +We don't know how the future looks, but for your own good and savings **stop buying what you don't understand**. + +ARK is cool, sidechains, can connect to other blockchain, yeah cool. **And what's the fuckin utility!??** I asked this to many ARK supporters not one of them explained me what's the use of those sidechains. + +SIACOIN is cool, wow, such real case use. Sia promises 2$ for a terabyte/month of storage. Did any of you ask himself "would I invest in a 50$ terabyte hard drive and keep it up all year to see a return after 2 years"? Oh,and you have to include bandwidth. And redundancy. Oh, and the Solomon-Reed algorithm will make 1 TB of files much bigger. Did you ever check how expensive is getting 1 TB on a different (regular service)? Online NAS or Virtual Machines? Did you know that Bandwidth is free on Dropbox up to 200 GB/day? And that you get unlimited storage for 15$ a month? And tons of services and much less risk than Sia network? And by the way, hosting on Sia is actually between 2.80 and 5.70 per month, without any redundancy. + +Really, I could make a case for plenty of coins out there, and I can be sure that 99% of people don't understand what they're buying yet they put thousands into it. + +I'm sorry but it just sickens me to read all of these "It will go up, bla bla, I'm holding, we've been there bla bla bla", you're not making any valid point, you're still speculating rather than asking yourself "what's the real **value** of what I'm buying/holding?". + +Please realize that all of those cryptos have close to **zero** value, but a huge price. Call stuff what it is. Price is a price, value is a value. + +edit: What's up with all the downvoted comments? +The market clearly is not providing enough jobs of the sorts needed. I see pro-market people blaming the unemployed for not reskilling...but they can't afford to, and in what? Blaming the unemployed sounds like the market is failing there, too. + +I see UBI as a direct indication that market fundamentalism has failed and has to go, and I would be curious to know others' thoughts. +**UPDATED AND RESOLVED! No need to continue replying. Not sure how and if I can update the title of my post...** + +&#x200B; + +**Wow I honestly didn't expect to get this many replies or for this topic to be so controversial. Maybe it's because this involves both a financial and moral stance? Well anyways, thank you to everyone who provided advice, personal experiences, and educated information.** + +&#x200B; + +**I walked in, kindly let my boss know I wanted to resign, and walked out. We were always polite to each other, so she guessed that I was uncomfortable based on my uncertain reaction on Tuesday. She has offered to compensate me for the days I haven't been paid yet. Overall it was a civil resolution. Based upon comments on this post, I will likely list the $200 under "additional income" when tax season comes around and be done with it. I have GAD and was freaking out about this more than most people would (hence the commenters telling me I'm making a big deal about it and to stfu lol), but hearing the support/affirmations from you other commenters has really helped. Thank you again so much for your input and I hope this post is helpful to anyone else who stumbles across this situation!** + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT: I noticed people are still commenting about how I made the wrong decision and lost a perfectly good job, but rest assured, I am fortunate to have another flexible PT job lined up that offers a higher wage, benefits, mileage compensation, and full-time opportunities. They also put their employees on payroll and enforce the necessary paperwork. :D** + +&#x200B; + +\~ + +&#x200B; + +2 weeks ago, I landed a part-time job at this small, private after-school company for kids. It is only a 6-9 hours a week gig for $12/hour. I live in the Los Angeles, California area. + +&#x200B; + +**Red flag 1:** On day 2, I realized my boss didn't give me any of the typical paperwork. So I confronted her and asked her for the I-9 and W-4. She said she would give it to me at the end of my shift, but when that time came she said she couldn't find it and said she would give it to me my next shift. + +&#x200B; + +**Red flag 2:** After that, she asked if I would just prefer to be paid in cash because "it's easier for me and for her," and that's what she does for other student workers. I'm not dumb and understand that is considered working under the table, so I declined and insisted that I would prefer to be on payroll for taxing purposes. She agrees and says okay. + +My next shift comes, and I ask for it again. She spends 15 minutes hunting for it and printing it. I'm already a bit suspicious, but she comes through and gives me the forms. I fill them out and bring them my next shift, and she takes them. + +&#x200B; + +**Red Flag 3:** Pay day is on the 30th of the month, so I pick up my check after my shift on the 2nd. At the end of my shift, she brings me to another room and passes me a personal check of \~$200 with the company name on it. I ask what happened since I was expecting a pay stub, and she said that she wants me to fill out a 109-9. I did some snooping on reddit and know that's for independent contractors. She said I am not an employee because I "choose my own hours as a student." But I don't. I listed my availability for when I'm not in school (like any other job), and told me the time that work for my given schedule is on Tuesday, Thursday at 3pm, Saturday at 1pm. She also gives me directions on what the kids need to be working on and dictates the schedule for the day. So in essence I am an employee. I was surprised, flustered, and not sure about what to do. I accepted the check, but have not cashed it out because I don't know how to go about reporting it on my tax return since she didn't deduct SS or Medicare. + +&#x200B; + +I plan on quitting today under the notion that I found another job that pays higher and is more convenient (I am in the final steps of interviewing for that job technically, but I just really want out of this place) and that I will work my shift today since I'm not putting in 2 weeks and didn't give a heads up on quitting. I just don't want things to get complicated legally or tell her my discomfort about her essentially tax evading. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice on my situation and what to do today and with the personal check would be greatly appreciated! (I'm 22 and a college student). + +&#x200B; + +tldr; My boss led me to believe I was being hired as an employee, gave me a personal check, then told me I was an independent contractor. Not sure what to do with my check, how to file it, or the best way to go about quitting. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Updated to W-4. I kept the term 1099 because that's what she told me (lol), but I understand that it's a W-9 that I would have to fill out! Thanks for the corrections everyone. +This is potentially a repeat of what we saw in 2020, when markets crashed and then recovered as we got vaccine programmes in place. + +Unless this is literally the end of the world, life will go on in one way or another, and markets will adapt and continue to do their thing. I suspect crypto markets will do exactly the same. And if we are watching the end times, well what have you got to lose? + +This could present a great buying opportunity if the same pattern occurs again. + +The challenge is of course trying to get in at the best price. But if you work on the basis it's a flash crash, timing is probably not hugely important. +It's honestly outrageous that the top bankers, billionaires and government officials have been recently ramping up their rhetoric against Crypto for absolutely no reason. I mean for fuck sake, central banks are going as far as to blame Crypto for a global financial crash that hasn't even happened yet. + +Earlier today, Elizabeth Warren said + +> Stablecoins pose risks to consumers & to our economy. They’re propping up one of the shadiest parts of the crypto world, DeFi, where consumers are least protected from getting scammed. Our regulators need to get serious about clamping down before it is too late. + +She wants to "clamp down" on Crypto for giving the average citizen the slightest amount of privacy while completely ignoring the fact that banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air to give to billionaires as bailouts because of the bills SHE SIGNED. Not even a fifth of the US stimulus packages actually went to working people and families. + +They know they've fucked up the economy and people are already switching to better alternatives. No one wants to sit and watch while their money is being eroded because the banks' cant stop giving billionaires bailouts. + +DeFi isn't the one that poses a risk to consumers or the economy and DeFi didn't bring 60% of the current dollars in circulation out of thin air. This is honestly infuriating how low politicians and bankers can sink these days trying to scapegoat Crypto for their own failures. +It's honestly outrageous that the top bankers, billionaires and government officials have been recently ramping up their rhetoric against Crypto for absolutely no reason. I mean for fuck sake, central banks are going as far as to blame Crypto for a global financial crash that hasn't even happened yet. + +Earlier today, Elizabeth Warren said + +> Stablecoins pose risks to consumers & to our economy. They’re propping up one of the shadiest parts of the crypto world, DeFi, where consumers are least protected from getting scammed. Our regulators need to get serious about clamping down before it is too late. + +She wants to "clamp down" on Crypto for giving the average citizen the slightest amount of privacy while completely ignoring the fact that banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air to give to billionaires as bailouts because of the bills SHE SIGNED. Not even a fifth of the US stimulus packages actually went to working people and families. + +They know they've fucked up the economy and people are already switching to better alternatives. No one wants to sit and watch while their money is being eroded because the banks' cant stop giving billionaires bailouts. + +DeFi isn't the one that poses a risk to consumers or the economy and DeFi didn't bring 60% of the current dollars in circulation out of thin air. This is honestly infuriating how low politicians and bankers can sink these days trying to scapegoat Crypto for their own failures. +I'm 43, my husband is 44. Our goal is FI/RE when he's 50. He has a government job, I am self-employed. We have no debt except our house. Our investments are rental properties that will be paid off by the time my husband is 50. + +We live pretty frugally. We just paid cash for the first nice car we've ever had--a 2014 Camry. My previous car is a 98 Taurus that I paid $500 for. (It didn't look bad and it had AC.) We live in a 1750 square foot town house that will be paid off before he's 50 too. + +My problem is that our kids (15 & 13) act like they're embarrassed by our house and our life style. They say things like, "we finally don't look poor since we have a nice car." The thing is, our house is in a nice neighborhood. We have nice furniture. It's not like we live in a dump. Yes, it's on the small side for 2017 standards, but not rediculously small. + +How do you reconcile your lifestyle with your kids? Is this something I have to chalk up to kids being a-hole teenagers? + +I've tried to explain to them that we don't want debt and that we want to leave them a legacy. They'd rather have a McMansion and a BMW. + +I feel like I've failed!!! + +Edit: Thank you for the advice. + +I think I probably should fill in the rest of the story. My in-laws lived very well. Nannies, gardeners, maids. Great education, great opportunities, lavish Christmases, multiple country club memberships. They are basically at the end of their lives now, and are completely broke. My father-in-law is in a sub par memory care facility because that's what he can afford. My mother-in-law is basically in the same boat. Neither of my brother-in-laws have any assets. They both rent huge homes, have car payments, and their kids had to find alternatives to college (I know college isn't for everyone, but these kids are really bright). They are spenders who have nothing. + +My family: didn't finish college, drove shitty cars, modest Christmases, never played golf ever. They're multi-millionaires. They invested in real estate and just worked hard. I'm not worried about them. They're retired--although they work. But they work dream jobs that are fun for them because they just want something to do. + +Obviously I can't tell my kids the details about my in-laws as the justification for FIRE. But it's one of the reasons I dig my feet in when my kids bitch about their friends getting renovations to their homes or moving to a bigger home, and why can't we do that. I've explained to them about car payments and lines of credit, assets vs. liabilities, but I guess they can't understand as kids. + +I probably should include them in our budgeting so they can see where the money goes. They both have jobs. My son mows lawns and worked over the summer at a country club tending the grounds. He has quite a bit saved up and has his own checking account. My daughter babysits and petsits and she's cleaned the house of an elderly neighbor. They have to pay for their own movie tickets and skate night tickets and junk food and cell phone repairs. + +They really don't lack for anything. Any sports, any activities they want, they get. Plus tutoring and music lessons. Maybe as parents you just can't do anything right for your teenage kid. + +Maybe they're just going through teenage angst. And there is a lot of pressure for them to fit in. I just want the best for them. + +Thank you again for your advice. I do appreciate it. +There are many ways to profit from a stock falling if you believe in a bear thesis. You could simply short the stocks, paying interest and maybe buying OTM call options to hedge, you could just buy put options, you could sell some call spreads ... but which is the most efficient one in terms of expected payoffs? what factors should one consider when deciding what strategy to pick? +Recently my wife’s grandmother passed away and had a house with around 17 acres of property. The house was reversed mortgaged. Her son inherited the house but doesn’t want it or the property. I might have a potential buyer set up and the son is willing to sign everything over to me if I want it. What advice would y’all give because I don’t know what all will be involved with this especially with a reverse mortgage plus what tax issues can arise from being given everything? Should I pay a small amount or is it better to just be given everything? Should I even deal with it?New to this and you can use a good bit of advice. + +Edit: having read what all y’all are saying it seems it would be to much of a headache to deal with +Fairly new to owning homes and making good money. We grew up dirt poor in the SF Bay Area and my mom was too proud to accept government assistance despite living below the poverty line. + +Now I make 150k base plus 300-400k a year in stock (at least for the next 3 years, will know more in Feb after my stock refresh). Combined income, assuming my wife continues to work, is 220k base, same stock. + +Input +We own a home that could sell for 850k but have a 490k loan. Would like to hold it and rent for $3500 a month. + +We are interested in buying our next home for around 1.1-1.5m which is pretty much the norm out here for an updated, decent home (sadly). Just unsure on the best method. + +Currently have 200k liquid with another 300k in the home we could tap. Ideally want to purchase our next “forever home” as this one was a starter and not in the best area. Concerned that lenders will see the 490k note on the first home and won’t take in the account my RSU as income. + +Am I crazy to think they’ll only look at base? I’m reading they take 70% of the 52-week average but I’m entirely new to this. + +Currently saving 80% of our income and living off the other 20%, but even that is probably too much. +So many events this week where all the industry leaders will participate and I think that ETH will be the most interesting crypto to talk about. +I´m sure some good news will show and some nice projects will be presented. + +For example if you look at CONSENSUS 2017 Sponsors list you will be more than positive this week: +http://www.coindesk.com/events/consensus-2017/sponsors/ +I’m (25F)looking at moving out as I’m losing my mind living at home. I’ve held out as long as I could but I feel like I need to just bite the bullet and go for it before I literally kill myself. + +Anyway I’m looking at Reading as it’s commutable to my work (if I need to go in 1 or 2 days a week). £800 seems like an ok price from what I’ve seen for a semi-spacious 1bed flat. + +I’d only go for a studio if it was large and house shares are out of the question. + +Would I be making a stupid financial decision by going for this or should I hold out longer until I’ve been with my boyfriend long enough to share rent? + +Current savings: +£10k untouchable in a LISA +£2k in a Marcus +£3k to pay off my car (nearly there so I haven’t included the car payment in the monthly as I’m hoping to have paid it off before moving) + +Take home is £1640 + +Rent + bills around £900?? + +Food £200 a month MAXIMUM + +Savings £200 a month + +Petrol - depends on work but £100 a month max? + +Not sure what else I’d need?? I’ve never lived alone or rented anywhere before. I also have no friends and my main hobby is reading so it’s pretty cheap. I’m good at saving so if there’s an event etc, I can stick to super noodles/ really cheap food to save up. + +Would you do it? + +Edit: I’ve seen some 1 beds for £600-800 so the lower end does look like an option if this changes anything. + +Also to stop with the other questions, I’ve been sexually assaulted in the past which is why I don’t feel comfortable living in a house share/with strangers. + +I’ve only been with my boyfriend for 6 months so that’s not an option yet but might be in a year or so. + +Final edit: I get it, I can’t afford anything. +Seeing this price of $12,500 is a bittersweet moment. + +I had been hodling my BTC since I bought in at $24 per back in 2013. No selling off, no weak hands. Buying in was just a very lucky move rather than any great insight. + +However, six weeks ago at the beginning of November I was seduced by the talk and the prevailing sentiment of a coming "flippening" over on r/btc. Consequently, when the price of Bitcoin began to drop, I was foolish enough to believe that the r/btc guys might be correct -- that the future would be Bcash and that legacy Bitcoin was heading into a death spiral. I sold all my Bitcoin at $5,600, and bought Bcash at $2,400. Double whammied. + +I have decimated my assets by a very considerable amount by listening to a bunch of shills and fools -- some of whom I now realize to have had a devious agenda. I am now preparing to sell this Bcash at $1440 and buying back into the real Bitcoin at $12,500. I cannot believe that I have been such a clown, and am feeling quite butthurt about my idiocy. I have destroyed my wealth by listening to fools. + +I post this only as a cautionary tale to anyone else who might be duped and deluded by the counsel and "advice" over at that toxic dump that is r/btc. +The other day someone mentioned to me that I was a bit frugal. That got me thinking about the relationship between my personal consumption and investment. I wondered whether it would be a good idea to invest in companies that I personally did business with. I figured that these companies would either have such a strong service/product or position in the market that a long-term investment would be justified. So I tested it. + +The first thing I had to do was determine the criteria which companies needed to meet to get a spot on my list. The following is what I decided upon: + +* Purchases must be notable or recurring. Notable would be defined as single purchases exceeding $250. Recurring purchases would be purchases made at least once annually. *Edit: I am looking at my historical purchases from the period surrounding the beginning of the analysis, not current purchases* + +* Companies will only be included on the list if I am able to associate their brand with their product or service. + +* Retailers will be included in cases where their brand is relevant to my patronage. + +* Companies must be public, Canadian or American(or indirectly available on either country's markets), and listed at the beginning of the modeled period. + +After compiling a list of companies, I looked at the growth(or loss) they experienced over the last 5 years. In my model, I would invest approximately $1,000 into each of the listed companies, rounding to the nearest whole number to determine the number of shares purchased. For example, if I could buy 9.6 shares of $DIS with my $1,000 I would record an investment of 10 shares, while if I could buy 23.26 shares of $KO with my $1,000 I would record an investment of 23 shares. + +**American Stocks** (priced in USD) + +Company | Book Value | Portfolio Value | Growth or Loss $ | Growth or Loss % | Dividend Payouts +:--|:--|:--:|--:|--:|--: +Disney (DIS) | $1,040.80 | $1,330.10 | + $289.30 | + 27.80% | $79.60 +Google (GOOG) | $1,113.74 | $2,843.18 | + $1,729.44 | + 115.28% | - +Coca Cola (KO) | $995.90 | $1,348.95 | + $353.05 | + 35.45% | $169.28 +Lowes (LOW) | $963.17 | $1,597.83 | + $634.66 | + 65.89% | $103.48 +McDonalds (MCD) | $989.00 | $2,135.20 | + $1,146.20 | + 115.89% | $198.00 +Microsoft (MSFT) | $1,008.55 | $3,930.47 | + $2,921.92 | + 289.71% | $187.68 +Netflix (NFLX) | $1,017.60 | $5,530.50 | + $4,512.90 | + 443.48% | - +P&G (PG) | $1,021.56 | $1,479.60 | + $458.04 | + 44.84% | $167.52 +Visa (V) | $1,017.45 | $2,981.85 | + $1,964.40 | + 193.07% | $58.65 +Walmart (WMT) | $1,007.16 | $1,395.84 | + $338.68 | + 38.59% | $122.40 +Amazon (AMZN) | $1,140.48 | $6,027.89 | + $4,887.39 | + 428.54% | - +Berkshire (BRK.B) | $1,031.87 | $1,551.83 | + $519.96 | + 50.39% | - +Ebay (EBAY) | $999.17 | $1,527.66 | + $528.49 | + 52.89% | $22.96 +Facebook (FB) | $1,026.61 | $2,609.36 | + $1,582.75 | + 154.17% | - +Honda (HMC) | $994.20 | $781.20 | - $213.00 | - 21.42% | $134.10 +Hershey (HSY) | $1,037.80 | $1,589.40 | + $551.60 | + 53.15% | $131.70 +Intel (INTC) | $997.50 | $1,852.80 | + $855.30 | + 85.74% | $169.20 +Nestle (NSRGY) | $1,015.95 | $1,398.41 | + $382.46 | + 37.65% | $152.36 +Nvidia (NVDA) | $992.70 | $12,297.60 | + $11,304.90 | + 1,138.80% | $122.85 +Total | $19,411.21 | $54,209.65 | + $34,798.44 | + 179.27% | $1,819.78 + +We saw average annual growth of 35.85% on our American investment. By comparison, the $SPY index saw average annual growth of just 10.6% over this same period. + +**Canadian Stocks** (priced in CAD) + +Company | Book Value | Portfolio Value | Growth or Loss $ | Growth or Loss % +:--|:--|:--:|--:|--: +Air Canada (AC) | $999.54 | $3,245.67 | + $2,246.14 | + 224.72% +A&W (AW.UN) | $985.71 | $1,219.35 | + $233.64 | + 23.70% +CIBC (CM) | $956.70 | $1,219.35 | + $118.30 | + 12.37% +Canadian Tire (CTC.A) | $1,053.76 | $1,159.12 | + $105.36 | + 10.00% +Empire Company (EMP.A) | $984.96 | $1,016.32 | + $31.36 | + 3.18% +Husky Energy (HSE) | $1,017.87 | $287.12 | - $730.75 | - 71.79% +Intact Financial (IFC) | $989.45 | $1,684.32 | + $694.87 | + 70.23% +Telus (T) | $1,022.12 | $1,182.43 | + $160.31 | + 15.68% +TD (TD) | $986.40 | $1,346.58 | + $360.18 | + 36.51% +Total | $8,996.51 | $12,215.91 | + $3,219.40 | + 35.78% + +We saw an average annual growth of 7.16% on our Canadian investment. By comparison, the TSX Composite Index saw average annual growth of 3.06% over this same period. + +**Observations** + +In both Canada and the United States, the stocks chosen based my consumption *crushed* the market indexes they were compared against. The American stocks saw >3x greater returns than the $SPY while the Canadian stocks saw >2x greater returns than the TSX. + +Only one chosen stock in each market saw a decrease in value over the modeled period. Across both markets, nine stocks more than doubled their value. A majority(56%) of chosen Canadian stocks outperformed the Canadian market over this period. A majority(58%) of chosen American stocks outperformed the American market over this period. + +**Guesses** + +If I had to guess, I would attribute the success of the chosen stocks to any combination of the following: + +* Dominant position in their respective industry. + +* Offering an essential product or service. + +* Providing an innovative product or service. + +* Positive or improving brand perception + +I'd really like to hear some comments about this. Let me know what you think, maybe even try it for yourself! +Hi all + +I know no one has a crystal ball and no one can know for sure, but what are YOUR thoughts on how high the RBA could feasibly jack the cash rate up over the next few years (before a massive collapse of the economy and too many people defaulting on loans etc?) + +(For context I’m a first home buyer going into an auction tomorrow. The minimum monthly repayments at my maximum bid limit are okay at 6% interest rates but would be incredibly hard or near impossible to pay at 8%. I think the rates will be 5.5% by Nov this year. But at what value do you think they will plateau? - by the way I’m in Adelaide and apparently prices are incredibly unlikely to drop here lol) + +*Edited to add: I appreciate everyone’s responses very much! Thank you all!!!* +There are some companies today that, at a glance, might just seem too big to fail (say, google, microsoft, apple, amazon, alibaba, etc). + +This made me wonder, have there been examples in the past of similarly large companies that everyone/most assumed couldn't fail, but ended up crashing down and staying there? I'm not necessarily asking about companies that had comparable assets, but rather about companies that were similarly perceived by many as "too big to fail". +I'm trying both TDAmeritrade and Webull to get approved for level 3 options, but I can't get any higher than level 2 on Webull and level 1 on TDA. I have margin accounts on both, high risk tolerance, speculative, extensive knowledge... but on Webull I have to put less than 1 year experience since I'm only 18. I put more than that on TDA and they only approved me for level 1 so maybe they know that's a lie. Is it possible for me to trade credit spreads at all or is it just impossible at my age? + +Edit: so I'm getting fucked in the ass by everyone in the comments, maybe I should've been a little more clear but I'm not actually trying to use margin here, nor am I trying to sell naked. You need a margin account to be cleared for level 3 options. (credit spreads and debit spreads) I want access to theta strategies besides CSPs and CCs. I'm well aware of the risks of early assignment and trading on margin. +And it seems to be working as can be seen by the recent slowdown in new accounts. If apes believe that MOASS is imminent they’ll likely get nervous to initiate a transfer to ComputerShare to DRS and I think there’s a couple reasons behind this: + +1. If their shares are in limbo while the price is skyrocketing they won’t be able to sell and will miss out. + +Don’t fret over this as this event will likely take weeks. If you are truly holding for phone numbers, it can’t get to that type of level in the 3-4 days it may take to DRS. + +2. If people see all of these hype posts that MOASS is tomorrow then complacency can set in and there’s no need to DRS. + +This, I believe, is the easiest and biggest weapon apes have to put pressure on SHFs. We’ve all seen that borrow rates have started to increase recently and that can be correlated to DRS. The less shares in PfOF brokerages, the harder it is to find shortable shares. + +I know Fidelity told me that they don’t lend out any shares without your permission, but I believe that as much as I believe the current short interest being reported. + +DRS is the way. This is not financial advice. DFV is not a cat. +Yield is 10.45%. Pays monthly. If you set up your DRIP and reach 100,000 shares you can be paid around $20,000 a month. Doesn't seem like it has a ton of growth potential. Is there a better monthly paying dividend stock than QYLD? +Don't get me wrong. If I could go back in time to November ATHs and sell everything, I definitely would. But obviously that is impossible. + + +What's frustrating is how the market has dropped quite a bit to the point where it's not feasible to take profits, but the uncertainty also makes buying the dip foolish. If the market could just fully crash and get over with it, I would feel much better about buying. But currently, I think it's very possible for BTC to tank down to 20k right after I get tired of waiting and buy this dip. + + +These types of highly unpredictable and abnormally volatile markets are throwing me off, and I'm waiting for some more predictability, whether it's positive or negative price action. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedijp/drscomputershare_megathread_082022/) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +So he had cancer, had chemo+radiation, then eventually surgery. The tumors were removed, but it's possible they will return in a few years. The bills are very likely in the hundreds of thousands or more. I saw ONE single old bill that was $80,000 on its own. + +Now the hospital provided a payment plan where most of the bills would be covered, and then he'd have to pay some amount monthly pretty much forever. This is available to people who do not have insurance, and have less than $2000. It was assumed that he took this plan. I just found out today that he did NOT, and he's just not paying the bills. His wording was something like "well if I don't have the money, then I can't pay the bills". He believes they'll just be like "oh I didn't realize! Sorry, debt forgiven!" + +After looking up what happens, it seems that debt collectors will eventually show up, sue him, and then take ownership of his properties until the debt is paid. Is that correct? + +What should be done right now? I mentioned putting the house in my name or something so they can't take it. He genuinely thinks the debt just goes away if you are poor. I live with him, the house is in his name. He's 65 and has income from social security. Not sure if it is significant, but he is also basically mentally disabled. I don't know if he's been diagnosed ever, and he does not have any disability checks, but it is VERY noticeable. Think of it like he's Homer Simpson, except not funny. I'm not sure if that could come into play somehow, like collecting a debt from someone who is mentally disabled idk. + +Fairly panicked at this revelation since I'm not in a position to just get up and move if something crazy happens. The treatment was a long time ago, then there was a lot of waiting around. The surgery was just a few months ago. +So I recently started working with NAB and was looking through some of the staff benefits. One of them is that NAB will cover 75%of uni fees if the degree is relevant to your job and you have approval from the boss. +Has anyone ever done this? Curious what degrees might be included and how difficult it is to actually get the approval +My wife and I are in our mid 30s. We both went to art school and we spent our 20s working low-paying creative jobs, but we always lived below our means, saved what we could, and paid off debt immediately. + +In 2019, we decided to make some significant changes. We wanted to build a more stable financial foundation for our family. After lots of careful consideration, I decided I would go to law school, earn a JD, and get a job in corporate law. I knew that I wouldn’t love the work, but it would pay well and I felt confident that I would be able to attend to a top-tier school and check all of the “success” boxes along the way. I was always good at tests and school nonsense. + +Sure enough, cut to Feb 2020, I had accepted a spot at Columbia Law School, my wife had found a new job in NYC, and we were prepping to leave our home in Texas. + +But, Covid. + +For multiple reasons, we decided not to move to NYC during the first Covid wave and I deferred my spot at law school for a year. Then, out of the blue a job at a major technology company fell into my lap when an old coworker recommended me for the role. The pay was about 250% what I had been making before the pandemic. A few months later, my wife also found a job at a tech company. Suddenly, nine months into the pandemic our household income had jumped 3.5x. After a couple small promotions, we’re now making more income than we ever imagined—about $530k USD in base, equity, and benefits in 2022. We have no debt other than our mortgage. We own one shitty car outright. + +We also just welcomed our second child. + +So now we’re wondering what to do next. + +We have about 100k in cash. We moved into a new house in our high COL city and put 28% down. Our mortgage is about $6k/mo. We are maxing out our 401ks. We have ~350k in brokerage accounts, almost all of it in stock index funds. Another ~100k in vested employer stock that we’re holding for the capital gains advantage. Thanks to an extremely generous gift from a distant relative, our kids’ 529s are probably funded sufficiently assuming the stock market performs at/near historical averages for the next 2 decades. We are saving about 40% of our adjusted gross income. + +Should we try to get a rental property? Connect with a professional money manager? Until now, I’ve done everything myself and followed super simple common sense principles. + +Our goal is to be financially independent as early as possible but we’re not looking to FIRE our whole lives. + +We have a pretty high risk tolerance and we’d entertain any opportunity to generate passive income. +My wife and I both work for a school district and just had a little one in March. My wife is off work until the next school year (end of august) and we are trying to figure out if we can afford her staying home but I really don’t think we can make it work. We already live a low expenditure lifestyle. I make about $2700 a month, my wife about $1600. Mortgage is currently $600 but has went up about $40 every year the last 3 years so I have budgeted $650 for it. Electric/gas is $400. Cell phone is $100. Internet $45. Grocery/household items is $500. Garbage is $27. Health Insurance is $70 a month (yeah I know). Student loans are $340. Gasoline for the month is about $100 right now. We have a few streaming services but I’m assuming we cut those out. That leaves us with about $470 extra each month. Currently we only have one vehicle (paid off) that now has over 100,000 miles and probably should start looking for another (I don’t like the idea of leaving them home alone with no vehicle). The vehicle is also still in my FIL name from when my wife got it as a teenager and they pay the insurance on it. If my wife goes back to work, we found a babysitter that would be about $500 a month. Since we both work for the same school district and my wife is actually on a different contract, her insurance is less and I can deny my insurance. Her insurance is about $28 a month and I get $8000 for denying it. I know my wife would love to stay at home but looking at our finances we aren’t sure if it’ll work. I don’t know if anyone has any ideas of how we could make it work. +~~This will probably be a great example of what I mean.~~ (Goodjob guys) If you really scan this subreddit, any post by either a company, a real project, or a self post is always downvoted. + +But only news articles maintain high upvotes. Half of the users here think every fucking post is a scam... It's bullshit. + +Literally one of the worst subreddits for user discussion or user feedback. + +Go look around at the most downvoted comments, half of them are actual people with actual responses like + +"Looks really nice" -19 downvotes when a user is complimenting some new app. + +Yet you find posts like + +"Your obviously too young for this and possibly retarded" +55 upvotes. + +This place is utter trash at this point. + +We get it, you lost money, but no need to shit on every single person. +So the Federal Reserve is going to hike rates to cool the economy and inflation. Inflation itself will tamp down demand, and so will the rate hikes. Housing prices are already inflated, add in some rate hikes, the demand for housing should drop some, or at least not go up anymore. + +Unemployment numbers suggests a strong economy right now. So the rate hikes should not cause too much issue. At most mild recession. + +I am thinking of 2 scenarios regarding the stock market: + +1) rate hikes till neutral (2%) or slightly above neutral (2.5-3%) and inflation gets controlled. Inflation and rate hikes are milder than believed. Stock market stabilizes and rebounds from current level and the doomsday scenario that some are parroting here, doesn't occur. + +2) rate hikes way higher than neutral because inflation hard to control, PE compresses, stock market crashes. Inflation then gets under control and US economy enters severe recession. The Fed starts to lower rates again, PE expands again, those companies that survived the recession would see their stock price go back again. + +I think in either scenario the stock market will do fine over the medium term, whether its 2 or 5 years, and well in the longer term. If someone wants to invest today instead of waiting until the picture on rate hike and inflation clears up, they should not use margin at all and they should not use options, unless the stock market does crash and the price of good companies becomes absurdly good. But they must be absurdly good that only then do leveraging thru margin or options becomes far less risky and far more rewarding. + +Otherwise, simply having cash invested will allow you to take advantage of scenario 1 if things aren't as bad as thought, or ride out scenario 2. Having 100% cash will allow you to take advantage of scenario 2 but you may miss out on a good portion of scenario 1. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🥢 [4:1 Split/Dividend Megathread](https://redd.it/vtvbl8) + +>On July 6, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company”) issued a press release announcing that its Board of Directors had approved and declared a four-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend. Each Company stockholder of record at the close of business on July 18, 2022 will receive three additional shares of the Company’s Class A common stock for each then-held share of Class A common stock, to be distributed after the close of trading on July 21, 2022. + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Is there an API or website I could scrape that will give me a list of NASDAQ companies, and I can compare the list to a locally stored one to check for new listings - so that I can invest and catch the initial boom of the company as they're listed? +I did a househack duplex with a VA mortgage (0%) down no PMI. At the same time I got a 18 months 0% APR credit card to cover live in flip type stuff (new floors, new appliances, paint job, fence, etc). Now I have a credit card balance of about $22,000. + +I’m doing an IRRRL on the property to add central A/C to the property and then pay a couple of out grand out of pocket (because it’s a duplex and is above the $6,000 IRRRL limit energy efficiency amount). + +Now comes my play. I’m thinking about taking out a 401k loan to pay off the credit card (0% APR on the credit card ends next month). + +The idea would be to repay the 401k loan back in about 9 months with a VA Cash Out Refinance on the duplex. Then use the additional money to buy another property. + +My risks are missing out on stock market returns for 9 months. But I won’t have to pay 21% interest on the credit card. + +After the Central Air install, I’ll have about $90k in equity in the property. + +Is this a bad play? I don’t think so myself, but I would be interested in what y’all think. Thanks! + +Also I’m going to AirBNB the property after I move out. It’s in a good location and has lots of attractions. +Hello everyone, + +I'm planning to buy my first rental property. Any advice? +I'm curios on what others are doing to get tenants, or features to make the rental property more appealing, etc, and maybe money saving tips. + +Thank you! :) +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/landlords-challenge-new-yorks-rent-control-law-in-federal-court-11563274921?mod=hp\_lista\_pos3](https://www.wsj.com/articles/landlords-challenge-new-yorks-rent-control-law-in-federal-court-11563274921?mod=hp_lista_pos3) +My husband and I bought our first home in August of 2020. We moved from southern California, where we had been renting a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. Our total \~monthly bills (read: average) at that apartment were: + +* Rent: $1645 +* Internet (we had no options, we had to use the one carrier they provided): $85 +* Utilities: $80 +* Gas: $20 +* Electric: $150 +* Total: **$1980** +* *Edit: At someone's suggestion, I went back and my old apartment is renting for $2,550 right now*\*\*.\*\* + +In September of 2019, we moved to Utah. We moved into my husband’s parents basement, where we paid them a minimal amount of rent and then aggressively padded our savings (32K at the time) to save for a 20% down payment while we house hunted. We started looking at homes in February of 2020, and we toured over 30 homes before putting an offer on ours (we had had an offer accepted on a home prior to this, but that one fell through when the sellers promised to replace the roof before closing and then didn’t). We bought our house (5 bedroom/2ba, split level) in August of 2020, with a move-in date at the end of August. The house was priced at $310,000. We offered 315K. The appraisal came in at 313K, so the price was dropped to that. We paid $63,000 as our down payment on the home (20%), leaving us with $5000 to do some renovations and $10,000 of an e-fund. + +Just to cut to the short of it and for the sake of comparison, here are the current \~monthly (read: average) bills: + +* Mortgage payment (including insurance and stuff): $1266 +* Internet: $50 +* Utilities: $100 +* Gas: $50 +* Electric: $150 +* Total: **$1616** + +I will say that we now also put $300 into a “home improvement” savings, to cover things like roof/AC/furnace/etc. type of stuff. With that factored in, the total would be $**1916.** + +We spent a solid week before moving in going in a doing some renovations – we repainted the whole house, we knocked out a wall separating the living room and the kitchen, and we removed a closet in one of the downstairs bedrooms. Then we moved in in September of 2020! So it’s now been about two years of us living here. Here are all of the expenses we’ve had, since I often see posts/comments/questions about what kind of expenses come up when you’re a homeowner. + +*A disclaimer\* that when we moved here 3 years ago, my husband started learning how to do handy work. 18 or so months ago, he got a job as a warranty specialist, so now he does a lot of handy work for a living. That also means that he tends to have a lot of tools that not everyone would have lying around. This is all relatively new, though – within the last 3 years. I’ve also learned how to do a lot of handy stuff as well! Unless noted otherwise below, all labor was done by us.* + +*\*I added this disclaimer, so if you want to be like "well not EVERYONE can do XYZ," you can rest easy. I know. That's why I put it in here.* + +I’m pretty frugal by nature, and I track every penny that we spend on a budgeting spreadsheet. So I happen to have all of our expenses saved in a handy dandy excel dating back for the last like 8 years. Here are all the ones related to our home since we have bought it. I have **bolded** ones I believe to be necessities, as most of these are just things we really wanted to do. + +August 2020: + +* **$1,132**: Repainted the house. This includes all of the paint and rollers. We painted the house ourselves, going over every night after our kids went to bed and painting for like 5+ hours for a solid week. The house when we purchased it had seafoam green, blood red, baby pink, baby blue, and checkerboard walls. They had let the kids pick out colors and let the kids paint. Sooo this was necessary for us. I bolded it because I truly believe anyone would have found it to be necessary. +* $289: removed a wall between the kitchen and the living room, opening up the upstairs, and removed a closet from a downstairs bedroom. We demo’d everything ourselves and then patched with drywall and mud and repainted. We left spots in the flooring that we covered with patches of carpet we found in the shed, because we were planning to redo all the floors eventually. So we had some random carpeted spots in the floor for a while where those walls used to be lol +* **$507**: Fridge. Moved all our stuff in and realized our fridge didn’t fit through the front door. So I sold our fridge for $800, and we went to a used appliance store (where we got the fridge we just sold) and spent $507 on a different fridge. Technically, this was actually a positive $$ for us, but I’m including it anyway. +* $416: new router. There already was one, but I wanted a really good one. The internet we have is fiber utopia, which is apparently super good. With me working from home a lot, I wanted a good router. So we invested in this super nice hawk something or other. It’s been really great. +* $424: new bed frame, we had been wanting a new one for a long time but decided to wait until we bought a house to make the plunge. +* $52: our house came with a hot tub that had no water in it, so my husband researched how to balance the whatever and got some product to refill the hot tub +* $0: lawnmower. We got one from a buy nothing group. +* **$300**: got a used washer and dryer off FB marketplace. They’re super nice. +* $30: Got a free new BBQ off fb buy nothing group, and got a propane tank to put in it. + +November 2020: + +* $1016: we have a big backyard, and we also have two little kids and two dogs. I wanted a dog run type deal, so my husband got poles and fencing stuff and cement and, with the help of youtube, put up a fence with a gate to block off the dogs from going into the larger area of the yard when we’re not back there. We also got a bunch of wood to block off under the deck, so that we can store bikes and things under the deck with less weather damage. +* **$50**: dryer stopped working. I YouTube’d it and took the whole thing apart and spent $50 on a reader that let me know if the heating element wasn’t working, only to find out that a small piece had come unplugged inside the dryer behind the barrel lol so I didn’t even need to spend the $50 but here we are. + +January 2021: + +* $126: we needed specific clasps for the fence gate, so we finally got them and completed the fence in January. + +February 2021: + +* **$682**: new dishwasher. One Sunday morning, our dishwasher randomly stopped working. It was suuuuuper old. Normally, I’d be of the mind to get one at a used appliance store, but I was not in the mood this day and we had the budget so my husband went to buy a new one. + +March 2021: + +* $75: our backyard slider didn’t have a screen door and it was annoying. So we got one and installed it. + +April 2021: Some BIG renovations incoming! + +* $285: we got a fake fireplace entertainment unit for our TV +* $367: we got a murphy bar to hang in our kitchen +* $225: we replaced the blinds in the kitchen window and also got a new blind for our slider since it didn’t have one +* $0: we replaced all the blinds in the house with cordless ones, there was a blind company running a promo for households with kids under the age of 6 to get one free cordless blind. All our local friends with kids didn’t want only one blind so I asked if I could have theirs, and with that we were able to replace the blinds in all 6 of the windows in our house that had old ones +* $5207: we recarpeted 4/5 bedrooms in the house. We removed all of the flooring ourselves and took it to the dump ourselves, they charged $2/sq ft for removal so we just figured we would do that. This covered materials and installation for all the carpet, the laminate, and the damn stairs. The stairs cost almost as much as all the carpet combined. We did laminate throughout the house outside of the bedrooms. We went to flooring liquidator for all the flooring, and picked a laminate that had been discontinued. +* $4080: we redid our kitchen. We completely gutted it (again, demoing ourselves to save on $$) and restructured the room. Because we had removed the wall when we moved in, we had more room to work with and got to put an island in! This was the cost + installation of the cabinetry. We got a 5% discount for being a referral. +* $2085: the cost + installation of the marble countertops +* $152: the sink +* **$234**: above-range microwave, which we had to install ourselves and was quite a bitch to do. (I am marking this as a necessity because the microwave that came with the house NEEDED to be replaced). +* $170: kitchen faucet +* $474: the other odds & ends that came with demo-ing the whole kitchen and all of the flooring in the house, as well as dumping all the materials +* $300: after the flooring was installed, we redid all the baseboard and casing (having ripped it off during demo). We got the baseboard from the flooring liquidator and then painted and installed it ourselves + +May 2021: + +* $300: we had to get an extra case of flooring to finish the landing where our split stairs meet. +* $382: we replaced our front door +* $101: we replaced the casing on all of our doors when we did baseboards, but some doors needed specifically small casing. +* $538: an accumulation of other hardware store costs, including paint and brushes for the casing, caulk, film for the front door window, etc. + +September 2021: + +* $500: we removed all of the shrubbery from in front of our house, leveled the dirt, and then covered it with white marble rock. +* $616: we removed the ugly brown stair banister in our house and then replaced it with a half-wall. + +October 2021: + +* **$4448:** we replaced our furnace, since it was super old. It was due. + +November 2021: + +* **$216**: we started a subscription with a company who comes out annually to do routine maintenance on the furnace, water cooler, AC unit, and the air ducts. This is the annual cost. +* $65: we got a trampoline off FB marketplace for the backyard + +April 2022: + +* $1447: we replaced 11 internal doors inside the house. We purchased the doors and then painted them, cut doorknob holes and hung them ourselves. This cost includes the doors and the paint and the new knobs. + +September 2022: + +* **$3500:** new roof. Our roof was 22 years old, so it was time. There was an interesting loophole that allowed us to get the room on the cheap – the base cost of the roof ($7100) was given to our homeowners insurance. We paid for the upgrades – which was choosing the better shingles and adding a ridge vent. Because we had a windstorm knock off some shingles, we were able to process a claim to our insurance. Insurance was going to cover replacement of the shingles, but the shingles were discontinued, so they had to replace the whole roof. The roofing company duked it out with the insurance company, so we didn’t really manage any of that. +* $450: we removed all the red tanbark that lined the edge of our property, leveled the dirt, and covered it with the same white marble chips we did the front of the house with + +October 2022-November 2022: + +* $5042: we are currently in the process of redoing both bathrooms. This is the cost so far of the downstairs bathroom. This cost includes demo (we removed a small wall with built-in shelving to expand the room), vanity, toilet, tiling, bathtub+walls, paint, baseboard and casing, faucet, and electrical reworking. The bathroom is 90% done, only thing left to do is get a mirror and hang it up! Then we will work on the upstairs bathroom. So, more to come! + +Total of all of the above: **$35,601** + +Total of necessary costs: **$9,937** (Dividing this up over the 25 months we have lived here comes out to $397/month, so a little more than we are currently saving for the big necessary purchases) + +That (necessities) comes out to about **$4,769/yea**r: 1.5% of the house's original purchase price. + +Upcoming: + +* $600: Water heater replacement: we plan to replace this once the downstairs bathroom is done. This is the cost of the heater itself, we will be replacing it. +* \~$5000: redoing the upstairs bathroom. We will be hiring someone to rough-install the walk-in shower because of the marbling around the window - my husband wants nothing to do with it lol +* \~$??? we have a messed up chunk of driveway we ultimately want to fix + +As of today, the house is worth $439K on Redfin (a $126K increase), not accounting for any of the renovations we have done. We did get a blind offer of about 430K several months ago from someone who I think was just trying to buy a home in the area. + +I think it is worth noting that I absolutely fucking love living in a house and being a homeowner. We have a big backyard and live on a nice street where our kids can ride bikes up and down while we chill in the driveway, we don't have to worry about noisy neighbors or landlords or anything. When something breaks we can just fix it without waiting for maintenance. We can change what the house looks like, paint, decorate, etc. I really really enjoy it. I moved like 22 times before we bought this house. I hope we can be here a long time! + +So there you have it! Those have been our home-related expenses for the last two years. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I tried to edit this yesterday, but the post got removed and then put back. + +So a lot of people seem to be like...upset? about our kitchen renovation? Lol. We got quotes from several places and ended up going with the one we got recommended from a friend and picked cabinets that were on sale. We demo'd the kitchen and took down all the cabinets/counters/flooring/etc. ourselves and disposed of it before they came to install the other stuff, which saved $$. Our kitchen also isn't huge, and flooring for the kitchen is under the flooring cost because we did those things at the same thing. I have the invoice for the cabinets + install (and also the counters, the floors, etc) but hopefully this will be enough to get people off my back about it haha. The second page has the taxes added and the $200 delivery fee, which got it to that 4K number. + + [https://i.imgur.com/F7qJwR2.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/F7qJwR2.jpg) + +Also, the roof was 10K total. Insurance covered 7,100, which is the cost of just the regular roof replacement. We paid the 3K for upgrades. If insurance hadn't covered the roof, we wouldn't have gotten the upgrades, we just did that because insurance paid for the replacement. And yes, wind damage is common in utah - this is the second claim we have had to file for wind damage. +While i know next to nothing about stocks, My career is centered around medicine, and when I saw Mitesco Inc. getting pumped around on tik tok and this sub, I decided to take a look. It only took one look for me to realize this company was essentially doomed, they were trying to have clinics run solely by nurse practitioners and not doctors, this practice is already illegal in a handful of states, and the states where it is legal have many law suits against nurse practitioners for missing diagnoses that any ordinary physician could see. + +I decide to share why I thought this was a bad company. + +Since i shared that Mitseco has gone down 20% and practically stalled. + +Immediately I was hit with angry replies, "they have insiders buying up stock!" "Their business was acquired by walgreens, have know idea what you are talking about!" + +I don't particular mind this I am glad to have a dialogue. When I posted FLT.V, i moreso just wanted to chat with some people, saying things like "just bought $10 000" doesnt help anyone, lets talk about the company. + +There is a desire to pump these stocks as hard as possible, but we should really be looking at companies which have true potential not now, but 2-3-4-10 years down the line. + +Downvoting people who are cautious or apprehensive only does worse to the cause of this sub, and potentially builds up a pump and dump hive mind. I get it though, recently someone mentioned zosano, I bought at 1.4 and sold the next day for 2.6 when it was in a freefall. I've made money off of the pump and dumps so I understand the appeal. But we should strive to allow for negative viewpoints of the company to sit center stage, put cons in your dd, analyze negative comments, dont dismiss them. +Is this a viable strategy for easy gains? For example the March 8th SPY 378 put has a 104$ priemium, or .275% gain. +This is extremely likely to expire worthless. + +SPY has 3 dates to trade a week, so do this consistently and 25% yearly profit seems easy. +am I missing anything with this strategy? +In theory if you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars you could easily make .25% every 2-3 days. +Doesn't this all feel familiar? I think the majority of our community is fortified against the noise, but some older and newer members may be feeling the emotional drain of holding such a solid investment. + +I have now been holding GME for almost six months. Not as long as some, but more than most. I bought in right before and during the January run up. Then watched it crash. Then crash some more. I sat on an 80% loss, and questioned whether I got too wrapped up in a "pop culture" moment. + +I wasn't devastated because GME was maybe 7-10% of my portfolio at the time. I literally just got in the day before it really ripped. I saw all the articles about shorts being closed, everything being over. "Thanks for coming to the game. We're taking your ball and going home." + +Then, I started seeing some push back. First on /r/GME then here. I thought to myself, am I witnessing mass coordinated bullshit to protect an elite group of people? No, I was told. That's what tin foil hat people say. Yet, the evidence was there. The Jim C. "The Street" interview. The fines and penalties for the illegal shit that "doesn't happen because it's illegal." + +I started reading the original DD on here. Then the follow up DDs. I respected the peer reviews and critiques. I stood up, raised my head high, and said "the price is wrong, bitch." + +My dad and brother constantly tried to convince me I was being fooled, MSM tried to convince me I was being a fool, Meltdown™️ tried to convince me I was retarded. The thing was, I already knew I was retarded. + +Then Dave, Wes, Susan, and others showed up. Would these professionals risk their credibility here if they didn't see some truth in what we were observing? I didn't think so. + +I am now 100% invested in GME. I am 100% convinced this is a once in a lifetime investment opportunity. I am 100% certain my only regret was not committing earlier. + +Is this downward trend a little demoralizing? Sure. But this is like the third or fourth fucking time for me. At this point it can be a little demoralizing because it keeps dragging on, but I know the conditions that prepped the rocket are still in place. + +As time has dragged on I've seen the severe dilution of this sub. Some of it is organic due to growth, some I do believe is orchestrated. The sheer number of posts being made, duplicate posts, tea-leaf TA that is nearly always wrong. The times it's right may be good TA, may just be a coincidence. There is an effort being made to dilute the strength of this sub. I think many of the OG apes have stepped back from engaging, I know I have. + +I just wanted to reach out and say that if you're beginning to question things, that is another party achieving their goals. I could have sold numerous times for huge profits. I could sell tomorrow for a good profit. I'm not going to though because this is still playing out. + +The original DD is still applicable. We just need PAY-SHUNTS and 💎🤲 +Hi guys, so I’m just wondering at what people feel is worth spending more money money for a higher quality product or with spending a lump of money but will save you money in the long run? + +I’d love to hear what everyone does, I myself always spend a lot on my work boots as I spend 16 hours a day in them and I also. Try to pay car insurance in full +Been seeing a lot of NFT dividend hype pick back up lately and I’m excited to see it. One of, if not, the main reason GameStop is in the position is because of such a fiercely loyal shareholder group. We literally saved the company with RC leading the plan of attack, and to not give us the biggest thank you for doing so, a dividend, would really surprise me. + +All the possibilities floating around are all great: plots of land in the metaverse, some coins per share, royalty ownership of the marketplace, etc. + +Aside from the dividend though, I am just so excited for this marketplace launch, it’s going to be fucking awesome. + +Edit: also worth revisiting RC’s last year 13d filing, tweeted from DFV [“he’ll also take additional actions to protect shareholders if necessary](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1341062386388758529?s=20) +Thanks u/human_ad5404 +The ride-sharing companies are subsidizing rides and overspending on technology, and soon their very business model may be upended in California. + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-path-to-profitability-for-uber-and-lyft-looks-more-like-a-dead-end-2019-09-20](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-path-to-profitability-for-uber-and-lyft-looks-more-like-a-dead-end-2019-09-20) +I've been working on two AIs that help me predict the max peak in the next two months. From one of them I see nothing better than a coin flip while the other seems to be doing well. + +&#x200B; + +How long should I wait to before I can start pulling confident statistics on my results? (Would my strategy have paid off and if yes how much) + +&#x200B; + +Total they do roughly 2 to 5 predictions a day and they've been predicting since late November. + +&#x200B; +How would you route that order? Could you place an order that big? If you buy certain % of a company you have to submit it to the sec first, right? How would a retail investor do that? If you hire a firm to do that wouldn't they try and talk you out of doing it that? +Hi i have been trading forex for 2 weeks and read some books about strategies but not sure what strategy would help a beginner with a 1000 pound bankroll? + +Also, some tips would be helpful :)) +As some of you may have heard we have discovered short sellers hiding their shorts by OFF EXCHANGE TRADING or better known as OVER THE COUNTER (OTC) TRADING. OTC trading allows smaller companies who may not meet the requirements to be listed on an exchange to still be able to trade shares of their company. In addition to that trades happen directly between two parties without the supervision or regulation of an exchange. Larger companies that are already listed on an exchange have been known to Over The Counter Trade due to there being no regulation and no supervision on OTC Trading. + +FINRA, a private regulator contracted by the government to regulate certain aspects of the market keeps track of OTC trade data. Though FINRA is considered a regulator they don't really do any regulating, it seems all they do is help track data. Each day they publish data on short selling volume for On Exchange Trading as well as Off Exchange Trading (OTC). They also track what is called Short Exempt Volume. What is Short Exempt? + +Short Exempt simply allows shorters to short a stock on the down-tick despite SSR being in place, rendering SSR useless. What allows them to do this? Who knows, there are certain circumstances that are very vague as to why a short seller can be Short Exempt. It just seems those circumstances don't actually matter and are so vague that no one can actually regulate it. + +With that said, they have been shorting AMC by the millions by OFF THE EXCHANGE TRADING. Not just by way of short exempt but also regular shorting as well. In addition to that short exempt trading is happening on the exchange too. Yes that's correct, it seems like SSR is a crock of shit as we all have expected. + +&#x200B; + +So look at it like this...... + +&#x200B; + +We are getting shorted on the exchange. We are getting shorted off the exchange. We are getting shorted by short exempt on the exchange. We are getting shorted by short exempt off the exchange. I still believe they are doing this OTC Trading for more than just an extra way to short AMC and avoid the SSR rule. Although those are huge I think there is more to it. + +So lets take a look at some numbers from FINRA data to see what we have been missing..... I'm also more focused on Short Exempt shares because these are the shares that are not included in any data you are seeing on these finance website & the ones they are trying to hide. + +Below is last months total volume of OFF THE EXCHANGE shorting of just 1 TRF (Trade Reporting Facility), and there are multiple TRF's. Notice the Short Exempt Number; 11,551,305.. Those are shares that have shorted avoiding SSR as well as shares that until finding this data is not reported on a website like, say, fintel. 11.5 Million Short Exempt shares we were not counting. That was just last month. We are approaching 30+ million shares they have hidden and we have unaccounted for in our typical "fintel" type data readings to date. + +&#x200B; + +[ Monthly OTC short selling data](https://preview.redd.it/gdh9mo5exzo61.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0abc947638831b671c137d4ed75c927c860dd57) + +[https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/trf/trf-regulation-sho-2021](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/trf/trf-regulation-sho-2021) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +All of these documents are public and I want you guys to explore them on your own. Lets take a look at yesterday short sell volume. AMC was on SSR, but that didn't matter because they were short exempt. + +**Here is the data from 3/23** + +OFF THE EXCHANGE SHORT VOLUME + +Short exempt: 901,579 + +Short: 10,149,821 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +ON THE EXCHANGE SHORT VOLUME + +Short exempt: 228,009 + +Short: 4,112,999 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Consolidated (Total) + +Short exempt: 1,129,588 + +Short:14,369,526 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +The day prior (Monday) we had 1,324,424 Short Exempt shares shorting AMC. We have been having an average of 1.5 million a day (7.5Mil a week) shares that we have not been accounted for in short volume. Everyone has been wondering if, and how they have been shorting during SSR. Yes they have still been shorting on downticks during SSR, this is how they have been doing it and here are the shares they have been using to do it. + +PLEASE TAKE A LOOK FOR YOURSELF. I myself am only sharing what is available to you. I do not claim to no it all or anything at all. I just ran across something doing my own personal DD and instead of just keeping it to myself I felt it my duty to share it with you all. If you're like me any data that can build my confidence that this is not a dead cat I'll gladly accept. I have not even fully grasped all this info nor do I fully understand it all. I spent all day and all last night reading and going through data just to gain a basic level of understanding of what is going on behind the scenes. I'm getting this convo starting and helping get any info that's helpful out there, you take a look at it yourself do with it as you see fit. HERE IS THE LINK TO THE DAILY DATA: [http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html](http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html) + +At this point my interpretation of this is desperation. They are scraping for short shares from anywhere they can. Much like a high school kid getting his ass whooped they have their eyes closed, head down, and are just swinging at the air. Trading OTC & Short Exempt is a move most were not aware of but I think there is more to it. There is more at play here for them, to be listed on NYSE but to be shorting AMC Off The Exchange with 0, zero regulation. I have yet to figured it out, and someone else may be able to figure it out, but there is more to why they are OTC Trading millions of shares each week. + +They are more shorted than we thought by about at least 7 million additional shares a week. They have been piling up to 30+ million shares short they have hidden and we have unaccounted for. A squeeze is inevitable, but only if we continue to buy and hold. With everything I've seen AMC is the #1 squeezable stock right now, but a stock dont squeeze itself. Gotta keep buying and holding. + +No one is going to regulate them. The sec is not going to stand up for us, the dtcc is not going to do their job, congress won’t help. So we must stand up for ourselves. This is how we protest, this is our occupy movement. We buy, we hold, and we aren’t fucking leaving! + +Ape strong together 🤙🏾 + +\[Don't be a troll, no one likes those. If you see any errors or find something in the documents I missed just DM ya boy!\] +I’d like to hear what all the investors out there would do with this small amount to make it grow as efficiently as possible. My mind goes to stocks but with how the market is right now, maybe that’s not best option? + +Long term i would think to have it grow into an amount enough for a down payment on a property and then rent the property out for an income. But how would you get it to enough? + +Another idea I have is maybe to invest it into some sort entrepreneurial endeavour? Either yourself or someone else? + The hearing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWg731-3id8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWg731-3id8) + +**TLDR: Bullish and interesting** + +**Question 1 from Diana Degette to Ari Juels** + +**Is there a way to do Proof of work without wasting energy or electronic waste?** + +He answers that there is no other way but there is always Proof of Stake (he shills it at every occasion) + +**Question 2 (same speakers)** + +**Do people have incentives to go to the cheapest energy to mine?** + +Yes but there is always proof of stake (Diana Degette shuts him saying they'll come to that later) + +**Question 3 Diana Degette to John Belizaire** + +**Why the energy consumption is a feature not a bug?** + +=> The energy consumption is here to protect the network and lock in the value. + +**Question 4 Diana Degette to Steve Wright** + +**Sometimes Renewable are not the cheapest right?** + +Yes + +**Question 5 Diana Degette to Brian P. Brooks** + +**You mention that proof of work can't shift to proof of stake why?** + +The proof of work makes a big value compared to other industries per consumption of energy. **Proof of Stake poses problems of security because of the holders but proof of work is more resilient and more decentralized** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New Character arrives: David McKinley [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_McKinley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_McKinley) + +Cries about the hearing being a distraction from real problems. Says that states without renewable are discriminated because of renewable. He is mainly ranting. + +**He asks: could miners rely on renewable to Greg Zerzan** + +Answer: Yes as long as it is cheap and as long as the US is a net exporter of energy. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Back to Frank Pallone who asks: The concern about high power consumption and the future of it to Greg Zerzan** + +Greg Zerzan speaks about data centers using also a lot of data. + +**Frank Pallone asks why the 0.5% of energy consumption is credible to Ari Juels** + +Derived from Hashrate. + +Frank Pallone asks Steve wright how can we make sure consumers don't pay more because of miners. + +The dude lags hardcore and I can't get a grip of what the fuck he said. Seriously this is a US congress hearing and I have a better connection that this dude. (the congressman didn't understand too and asked for a written answer LMAO) + +**Cathy McMorris asks of Zerzan how blockchain can empower the consumer?** + +He explains how it makes people control their data which undercuts Facebook, google and all other Big tech companies. + +**McMorris explains how the job boom of blockchain is outpacing other industries and asks about the value from these jobs?** + +Zerzan explains how cryptos are the blood of the blockchain and that these experts are needed to make the cryptos and blockchain work. + +**Mc Morris asks Steve wright (the laggy boy) what are the negative impacts of crypto mining** + +He says his community is scared by unregulated currencies and that they are skeptical about these technologies but doesn't answer the question. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New character: Anne Kuster [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie\_Kuster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie_Kuster) + +She explains how many assets exist and how the industry is growing and helping the world. She questions the sustainability. She explains that some leaders in the POW are trying their best to be green and to make big projects to develop a better power grid. + +**She asks Brian P. Brooks What are the innovation in the future of the crypto mining?** + +Brooks explains how crypto is not about tax evasion or money laundering, he explains how bitcoin is the most decentralized crypto and that there is value in decentralization. He explains how companies in this space are starting to fight against the giant in tech. + +**He says, decentralization is safer, fairer and the future.** + +**She asks John Bellzaire what are the exiled miners from China searching in the US ?** + +He explains that miners who have suffered from 'the great unplugging' have been searching for a free market with a real ecosystem (insurance companies etc) rule of law and are trying to thrive in the larger US economy. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +NEW DLC CHARACTER: Neal Dunn [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal\_Dunn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_Dunn) + +Is very pro crypto, says he accepts crypto campaign donations. He wants to 'let the market decide'. He says that they should help crypto to thrive instead of regulating it. + +He asks Brooks **how halving will help miners who are more efficients and to be more energy efficient?** + +Brooks explains that these halving are seen as the next big rise in the crypto sector and are pushing progress in a lot of other sectors such as cooling industries. + +**He asks Brooks how chips technology is benefiting from Bitcoin POW.** + +Brooks explains how they have pushed specialized chip tech forward and that they made leaps comparable to the tech leaps produced by the Space program. + +**He asks brooks if miners in other countries are dirtier, isn't the solution to welcome them in the US?** + +Brooks answers yes. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +NEW DLC CHARACTER: Jan Schakowsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan\_Schakowsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Schakowsky) + +**Focuses on the old plants re-opened and how economics can push the miners to fossil fuels. (She seems very old)** + +**Asks about that to Steve Wright:** + +He answers that as coal is less and less demanded due to regulation, the prices get lowers and some may be interested in these products. + +Asks John Bellzaire about cleaner sources and says she is skeptical about crypto and about the fact that they use fossil fuel. (she is anti crypto I think but yay) + +John Bellzaire answers that Crypto brings huge capital which help with the transformative of the grid and of the zero carbon footprint. The capital deployed in clean energy is currently virtualy infinite because of subsidies and of crypto capital. + +She says that they should hope Bellzaire's vision comes to fruition + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + + **Morgan Griffith asks if Southwest Virginia could profit from the fact that it has cold temperatures to Brooks.** + +Brooks says yes. + +**He then asks the same to other people who say all yes**. + +**He voices concern that congress should not regulate the crypto space out of existence and asks Brooks what he thinks about this.** + +Brooks answers that Bitcoin's value is not about the market cap of Bitcoin but about the transactions and about the fact that Bitcoin is the bedrock of the crypto ecosystem. So Bitcoin should be protected. + +**He asks Zerzan if China ban on crypto shows an anti freedom stance.** + +Zerzan says that crypto is freedom and some people don't like freedom. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New character: Paul Tonko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_Tonko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Tonko) + +Says that a lot of miners are interested in the energy in New York. **Asks Bellzaire if it is possible to ban crypto miners from fossil fuel?** + +Bellzaire explains that this could be feasible through carbon tax credits or financial incentives to develop flexible load environement. + +And that they could also incentive Green energy producer to team up with miners. + +**He then Asks Juels if consuming excess energy from renewable has opportunity cost** + +Juels answers by saying that he needs to repair something that was said: Mining rigs are more efficient over time but it doesn't mean that the energy infused has been reduced. And doesn't answer. + +**The law maker ask again why he believes that this excess energy is wasted when used on POW?** + +Juels answers that **it is because proof of stake exist and that the concerns about the centralization of POS are very theoretical. For him it is not proven yet that the validators could break it. He says that this energy could go else where gives a very bad answer.** + +**\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** + +New character: Scott Peters [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott\_Peters\_(politician)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Peters_(politician)) + +**Asks to Brooks is it possible to reduce consumption with better equipment?** + +Brooks says that yes, in fact the energy efficiency of energy/ hash has improved dramatically and that the industries benefiting from Asic have gained a lot thanks to the funding in R&D funding from miners. + +**Asks to Juels why he says that it is in fact not reducing consumption or being more efficient.** + +Juels explains that he doesn't measure energy consumption / hash but per transaction and in that sense Bitcoin is very energy intensive. He also says that the lightening network is not used a lot and in its infancy and remains to be seen how succesful it is. (lol talks about millions of people using it daily...) + +**Asks to Bellzaire how his vision of flexibility translate in application.** + +Bellzaire answers that these datacenters decentralized could help with algorithms and other problems not only POW but bringing valuable applications. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New Character: Kim Schrier [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim\_Schrier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Schrier) + +**Asks Steve Wright how they managed cost of energy to help consumers while allowing mining.** + +He answers that they have bought reserves and made contracts with miners (I can't understand him well) + +**The law maker kim schrier is saying: Do you think that despite the ransomware, the drug and human traffics, are crypto really bringing value to humanity? (what a moron)** + +Steve Wrights says it depends, and it depends on regulations, **he wants a mechanism to be sure crypto is not used in the wrong way (decentralization is not about this).** + +**She then asks him about a dam contract with canada which is totally unrelated.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New Character: Lori Trahan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori\_Trahan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lori_Trahan) + +**Directly asks Brooks if the number of miners is important.** + +Brooks answers that it is not that important **at least less than in proof of stake** since POW can't be tricked and the lottery makes collusion impossible but **proof of stake allows for collusion and modification of blockchain.** + +**She Asks Juels about proof of stake consolidation and is it a real alternative to POW.** + +Juels says that the concern is not about POS or POW but about centralization and that POW is not better in that front. Juels says that the real concern is about the rich being richer but that most problems are unrelated to POS or POW. (He is cheerleading for POS) + +**Asks juels what is the danger of centralization** + +Juels explains that the problem would be an overtake of the blockchain and a control of the transactions. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New char: Tom O'Halleran [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom\_O%27Halleran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_O%27Halleran) + +**Asks Wright the difference between datacenters and crypto mining as consumers of energy.** + +Wright answers that data centers were better prepared to approach the energy industry and that Bitcoin miners were unprepared + +**The lawmaker asks what growth in jobs is made in these industries** + +Bellzaire answers that the jobs produced per energy is not known by him BUT that they are creating high value jobs such as data technicians and that the value is high. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +New Character: Darren Soto [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren\_Soto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_Soto) + +&#x200B; + +Says that Crypto is very mystifying and that Crypto can be a future, a currency, a commodity, and a security. This committee is the first to have passed bills to establish these kind of definitions and also taxation rules. He wants to make sure that Crypto is not used by terrorist and wants way to claw back some of the money. + +Says he is concerned with the energy use and how coal plants are re-opened because of Bitcoin. He says that, if crypto is the currency of the future, we can't destroy the planet to make it work. + +**Asks Juels how Data oracles can make blockchain more efficient?** + +Juels says that oracles are not making these more efficient it is not their role. He says that Smart Contracts are actually at the core of this. He says that blockchain are not connected to internet and that the oracle is the link between blockchain and offchain systems. 'the eyes and ears of smart contracts' + +**Asks Brooks what the gov should do to encourage less energy intensive efforts?** + +Brooks answers that the market is the best answer, it depends on a lot of costs and Bitcoin is an energy derivative which can be used to understand the best role of energy at a current time. + +**Brooks also says that his companies are talking to wind farms and solar farms, not coal plants. The anecdotal stories of coal plants are not the reality. The vast majority of Bitcoin miners are providing a base load consumption to Green energy producers.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +The thing concludes with Degette saying that they are happy with answers today and want to know how in the future if miners are located in the US how will the energy spending evolve. + +She says that the testimonies were of the utmost value today. +Several exchanges seem to be sending funds back and forth as capital for reserves to show, that is, to show how much reserves they have once they share their wallet addresses to the public. See the other big threads here for details. + +Please make sure that your funds are off the exchanges. Even CZ from Binance is hinting that this is a clear sign of problems and he might very well know more than us: + +https://preview.redd.it/u6g462215oz91.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=40940a290ddf7748ba2dfb9fd958eacd12bf1060 + +This comes after CZ said that they previously had a policy not to comment on competitors publicly, but that CZ would change this behavior going forward in protection of the crypto space: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ioxamy4q5oz91.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=44ef26d7d72b750aed66de18ee0f7862fd3a8abb + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mglocvcs5oz91.png?width=545&format=png&auto=webp&s=9022d8abff33e672fdd883a4dc5738f15664f24b + +How is this real life? If this would be a movie I would not believe the story. Every day there is more craziness. +Two years ago my wife (F44) and I (M49) were cranking away towards FIRE by maxing out my 401k (~$500k) and our IRAs (mostly Roth totaling ~$150k). We had $15k for emergency savings, a taxable $50k in VTSMX, and combined incomes approaching $200k. Remaining mortgage was ~$95k on a home worth ~$210k. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +**We had to decide, what to do with our extra savings? Do we invest it or do we pay off the house?** + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +We decided to pay off the house. Every spare dollar went towards that effort and that goal provided incredible clarity as to where our money should go. + +*Two months after paying off the house, my wife lost her job because the company was facing financial hardships.* + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +**And it was no big deal.** She was able to take 4 months off to finish projects around the house, regroup, and find another job. It was wonderful and gave her a chance to experience what FIRE could be like. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +There's a lot of debate as to whether or not people should pay off their mortgage early, but for us in our circumstances, it made sense to do so and we're so happy we did. I don't get emotional about money but when I made the final payment via a phone call to the bank and the woman assisting me said "congratulations", well let's just say it was a damn good feeling. +I am in my late 30’s and just got my first senior management position earning around $300-$350k total comp. I am also in the running for the president role in about 5 years which should be about 200k or so more. +I am married with 2 kids, my wife earns around 65K. Our current NW is $1.1M. +My house is paid off and am 80K short of paying off an investment property that generates $15K a year net. + +What are some things that I could do to position myself for fatFIRE? + +Outside of my 1 investment property I do not have any side hustles, should I find one or focus on my career? + + + +I’ve been reading this sub for quite some time and I feel like I get a ton of interesting info here. I totally understand the huge level of attention paid to SCHD. I’ve owned it myself since 2013 and have both added shares occasionally and DRIPed over the years. I recently started placing a significant chunk of cash into JEPI (age 54 and building my income machine). Reading about it here definitely drew my eye to JEPI. So I get why it has such a huge cheering section. + +That said…what I don’t understand as well is the constant stream of comments and posts from folks who say that they are piling a large percentage of their portfolio into O. + +I’m not slamming O at all. I’ve also owned it since 2013. Have trimmed in the 70s a couple of time and bought in the 50s a couple of times. Keeping it on the DRIP always. It’s a very well-run company and a solid investment. + +But I also own and really like WPC, and I see it mentioned so seldom here. Higher yield than O, and a lower P/FFO. Also a triple-net lessor. So in the same space, but with more diversification both geographically (even pushed into Europe) and in terms of its properties (industrial, retail, warehouse, storage etc). O is much more concentrated in single-tenant retail. I recognize that O is a div aristocrat and a monthly payer, but WPC has a very solid payment history as well. + +I feel like there other very interesting plays in the REIT space as well. Like RQI and RFI, for for example (for those who are comfortable with CEFs). + +So why the intense interest in O here, seemingly to the exclusion of most everything else in the REIT space? + +Again…not being critical at all of O. Just wondering why it seems to be so glorified in this sub, seemingly almost in a knee-jerk fashion, while I see so little discussion and promotion of other options in the REIT space. + +Thoughts? +XLM is at 64 cents, I'm wondering whether to go in as I've been eyeing this coin up a lot just before it's mooning phase and felt like I missed out, but I'm not very tech savvy, I'm just curious as far as development stage how far is this thing in? Is it comparable to ripple like many people say? Will it be sticking around for long? It seems like the market is saturated with over priced coins at the moment, do you think this is a safe one to hold in case of another huge correction? +XLM is at 64 cents, I'm wondering whether to go in as I've been eyeing this coin up a lot just before it's mooning phase and felt like I missed out, but I'm not very tech savvy, I'm just curious as far as development stage how far is this thing in? Is it comparable to ripple like many people say? Will it be sticking around for long? It seems like the market is saturated with over priced coins at the moment, do you think this is a safe one to hold in case of another huge correction? +Just curious on what passive income ideas the community have tried and failed or isn't working as well as you expected. + +Edit: wow this blew up overnight. very informative because all I see is survivor bias in most of the posts about passive income stream. thanks for sharing. I've had ideas to do some of the things you guys mentioned. +Hey guys! Hope your new year is going well. Happy to share that I finally secured long term income, which makes planning for what debts to tackle next much less stressful. + +Currently my plan was the old fashioned debt snowball, going to start with the smallest debt (roughly $800) to my largest debt (>$6000). + +The card that has a $6000 balance was by Discover and was charged off due to non-payment. Discover calls me multiple times daily and now I want to actually be responsible and take care of this debt. on the app, Discover is offering a 25% forgiveness if I pay the agreed amount ($5500) in 3 months, which I won't be able to afford. Is there any way to get better terms than this? + +My biggest shortcoming last year was the amount of money i spent eating out, literally spending an average of $1000 every month on food. This year I'm trying to limit eating out to $100 a month, and cook everything at home. + +Do you guys have any other pointers or advice that could help me with this? Should I pause contributing to my 401k (6%, thats the most the company matches) and company stock (5%) until everything is paid off? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for reading! +I find Ben Thompson to be one of the smarter observers out there. + +He says ... + +"There are five myths about Meta’s business that I suspect are driving this extreme reaction; all of them have a grain of truth, so they feel correct, but **the truth is, if not 100% good news, much better than most of those dancing on the company’s apparent grave seem to realize.**" (emphasis mine) + +What do you think about his hypothesis and debunking of META myths? + +Does this in any way change your opinion on investing in META? + +Source: [Meta Myths](https://stratechery.com/2022/meta-myths/) + +Disclosure: I own a handful of META shares +My dad graduated with a finance degree right at the peak of the 2008 financial crisis. He has lived through, analyzed, and observed people getting wiped the fuck out. I’m currently 15 with a $5k robinhood account (all my money). I approach him with companies I think will do well all the time. The problem is, for every reason I state the investment will do well, he gives me 5 reasons the investment will go to shit. Sure he tells me “It’s your money do what you want” and “you need to be an independent thinker” and I agree, but deep down I feel compelled to listen to him cause you know, that’s my dad. Then I hop into Wallstreetbets and see people partaking in incomprehensibly retarded one DTE call options with huge profits, wishing that was me. Such a strange feeling. Does anyone else experience this? +Edit: My dad did not have me at 22. Both of my parents moved from Bulgaria, so they started their college education in their mid to late 20s +Edit 2: No, I am not related to Vlad Tenev +Edit 3: I am aware this is WSB, if I wanted actual financial advice I would’ve posted this in r/investing +Alright boring day, so perfect timing to write something ! + +*Last friday i published a picture of Deep Put Options, without giving an explanation ,; as requested here we go!* + +**Buckle UP!!** + +First pic: + +&#x200B; + +[Total Open Interest Puts at every date](https://preview.redd.it/8p7mwyxo2h471.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f9e55243802ed4eb79be34f495bc8255207e206) + +*Here you have the Total Open interested for every dates  available in Deep OTM Puts. As you can see I just stopped counting at 5$ strike and we have already 45M Shares under contract with the biggest day July 16 and Januray 21 on those two days we have 29M shares just at 0,5$ strike!! We have other strike going untill the current price so you can add dozens of millions, but i just wanted for this purpose to focus on the deepest so useless ones.* + +**Who wants to buy so much deep OTM puts, for sure the price will never go there, so why losing money in premiums?** + +Second Pic: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mftm8d0v2h471.png?width=1160&format=png&auto=webp&s=da546d3f4b178dfe8ed2d340941f49a42c5d320e + +*In this second pic, I wanted to see if it was a common practice, as you can see we dont have those numbers in other stocks even the others “Meme” ones !* + +*(here I stopped at the 6th strike for each stock)* + +**The theory is simple, you are looking at our dear shorts..... How do that? \`Receipe:** + +one **Hedge Fund** \+ one **Market Maker** *( good we know two of them!)* + +one short “covered” by an **ITM Calls** (many post about those ITM Calls bought) + a **long Put OTM** + += Et voila! + +of course you can add the official SI reported + ETF shorted and with all that you have a better view on the real SI% + +As I am not English speaker, I will copy some part of an interesting old article explaining the RECEIPE and talking about those Deep OTM Puts to cover shorts. + +&#x200B; + +From [**TradeSmithDaily**](https://tradesmithdaily.com/investing-strategies/the-drop-in-gamestop-short-interest-could-be-real-or-deceptive-market-manipulation/)**:** + +&#x200B; + +**The way the hedge funds made it appear as if they covered their shorts, even when they really didn’t — involves trickery in the options market.** + +*The tactics involved are not a secret. In fact, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) knows all about such tactics, and published a “risk alert” memo on the topic in August 2013.* + +*The* ***SEC memo*** *is titled “Strengthening Practices for Preventing and Detecting Illegal Options Trading Used to Reset Reg SHO Close-out Obligations.” You can* [***read it here via the SEC website***](https://www.sec.gov/about/offices/ocie/options-trading-risk-alert.pdf)*.* + +*The memo contains a dozen pages of highly technical language, but here’s a quick rundown:* + +* ***If short sellers are facing a squeeze*** *because shares are hard to buy, or scrutiny for holding an illegal short position, they can* ***create an appearance of having closed*** *their short position through the use of deceptive options trades.* +* *A hedge fund that is short a stock* ***can write call options*** *on a stock — meaning t****hey are now “short”*** *the call options,* ***having sold the call*** *options to someone else (typically a market maker) — and simultaneously* ***buy shares against the call options***\*.\* +* ***The shares*** *bought against the call options could be* ***“synthetic” longs*** *— meaning they are* ***not part of the original share float*** *of the stock — as sold to the hedge fund by the market maker that takes the other side of the options trade.* +* *This works because, if a market maker buys options from an options writer,* ***the market maker has legal privileges to do a version of “naked shorting” as part of their hedging function.*** *This is necessary, under the current rules and the current system, for market makers to protect themselves when facilitating options trades.* +* *As a result of the above transaction,* ***the hedge fund that sold short calls was able to buy synthetic long shares against the calls.*** *(A synthetic share is one that has a long on one side and a short on the other but wasn’t part of the original float.) The synthetic long shares are the other side of the naked shorts, legally initiated by the market maker, so the market maker can hedge.* +* *The hedge fund that bought the shares* ***can now report that they have “bought back” their short*** *position via buying long shares — except they actually haven’t! The synthetic shares they bought are canceled out against the short call positions they initiated, a necessity of the maneuver by way of the market maker’s hedging of the call position they bought from the hedge fund.* + +&#x200B; + +It gets very complicated, very fast. But the gist is that **hedge funds can use tricks to make it look like they’ve covered their shorts — even if they haven’t truly covered, and can’t, for lack of available float — by way of exploiting loopholes** that exist due to an interplay of reporting rule delays, market maker naked shorting exceptions, and legal practices of synthetic share creation (new longs and shorts made from thin air) relating to market-making. + +Below is a section of the SEC memo (from page 8) that gets to the heart of it: + +***“Trader A may enter a buy-write transaction, consisting of selling deep-in-the-money calls and buying shares of stock against the call sale. By doing so, Trader A appears to have purchased shares to meet the broker-dealer’s close-out obligation for the fail to deliver that resulted from the reverse conversion. In practice, however, the circumstances suggest that Trader A has no intention of delivering shares, and is instead re-establishing or extending a fail position.*****”** + +\*\* + +In short (no pun intended) these tricks **“help hedge funds maintain short positions** that, legally speaking, they weren’t supposed to have because the shares were never properly located”. Which triggers alarm bells when we consider the extraordinarily **high amount of FTIDs/Failed to Deliver** Shares ([Where are the Shares?](https://wherearetheshares.com/)) and **Michael Burry’s** (now deleted tweet viewable here [Cassandra](https://web.archive.org/web/20210130030954/https://twitter.com/michaeljburry?lang=en)) about how when he called back shares he lent out, brokers took weeks to actually find them with the implication they could not be located. + +&#x200B; + +On the Other side those Short ITM Calls and the Puts written are never delivered so what happen T+ 21 ( now we know what happens those days ) and what if Not deliver at the proper date? T+35 to go buy on the market the equities.... + +This explain also why we have those pics on **T+21 and T+35 days.**.... they are just delaying the inevitable by reseting the clock but between each delivery day they keep shorting... Tic/Tac...... + +**TLDR:  SI% Higher, hidden behind short calls ITM and long Puts OTM.**  +It’s a tough time for most. I found this on my feed and thought I’d share it: [https://twocents.lifehacker.com/its-time-to-live-on-a-budget-even-if-youre-financially-1843180219](https://twocents.lifehacker.com/its-time-to-live-on-a-budget-even-if-youre-financially-1843180219). + +TL;DR: + +* A post-pandemic recession is a real possibility. +* Don’t take your current income for granted. It’s not guaranteed in the future. Stretch your dollars as long as possible. +* Save money now even if there are sales or hard to pass deals. 100% of the money you don’t spend is money you save. +* Try budgeting for 30 days to see how much you can trim. The exercise will help prepare you for when you *really* need to budget. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +As we enter the final day of another week in the GME saga, I want to take a moment to share my appreciation for all of the Apes who have taken the time to research DRS, and especially those who have taken the additional step of contacting their broker and sending some portion of their holdings to ComputerShare. + +For quite a while after The Sneeze in January, all the focus was on building an understanding of the mechanisms by which the SHFs were able to control the price, and understanding the connections to movement of the stock. We researched new rules, rallied to vote our shares, bought the dips, and stopped day-trading and option plays. However, I personally didn't start to feel like Apes had direct control until we started seeing the purple rings. + +Every share that is transferred to ComputerShare is a real, non-phantom original. It can no longer be rehypothecated into dozens of phantom shares. Its removal from the DTCC vaults increases the ratio of phantom shares for each real share that remains. As we approach the point where the float is held in ComputerShare, that ratio will go parabolic - each and every share removed will represent hundreds or thousands of phantoms. + +I cannot wait to see what happens then. + +Today is Friday, November 12th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$202.17 / 176,41 €** *(volume: 1360)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $201.98 / 176,25 € *(volume: 1359)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $201.94 / 176,21 € *(volume: 1356)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $202.01 / 176,28 € *(volume: 1355)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $202.03 / 176,29 € *(volume: 1305)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $202.00 / 176,26 € *(volume: 1304)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $202.10 / 176,35 € *(volume: 1293)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $202.14 / 176,39 € *(volume: 1293)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $202.03 / 176,29 € *(volume: 1288)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $202.08 / 176,34 € *(volume: 1288)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $202.10 / 176,35 € *(volume: 1250)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $201.62 / 175,94 € *(volume: 1170)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $202.76 / 176,93 € *(volume: 433)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $202.70 / 176,88 € *(volume: 404)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $202.76 / 176,93 € *(volume: 402)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $202.87 / 177,03 € *(volume: 381)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $202.93 / 177,07 € *(volume: 379)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $202.96 / 177,10 € *(volume: 363)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $203.00 / 177,14 € *(volume: 362)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $203.00 / 177,14 € *(volume: 357)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $203.00 / 177,14 € *(volume: 352)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $202.96 / 177,10 € *(volume: 352)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $202.87 / 177,03 € *(volume: 252)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $203.09 / 177,21 € *(volume: 217)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $203.59 / 177,65 € *(volume: 112)* +- 🟥 US close price: $204.32 / 178,29 € *($204.55 / 178,49 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.146. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Last year **Overstock ($OSTK)** issued a crypto dividend (hmm, wonder why GME paid off all its debts early, they can now issue dividends). + +By creating a custom crypto dividend this would force **ALL** shorts to cover due to the fact *Ole Ken sucks toes, Melvin gobbles gilfs, and Vlad the queer beer* wouldn’t be able to provide the crypto as *only GameStop could provide the crypto.* + +So let’s do some simple meth *ahem* I meant math 😳 on Overstocks little teaspoon of a comparison fucking squeeze. + +$OSTK on March 13, 2020 was trading for **$3.23** and just five months later on August 21, 2020 it went up to a *juicy* **$121.09** damn that’s a sexy squeeze right? 🌚 + +[Overstock before the squizzle ](https://imgur.com/gallery/mDUE43j) + +[Overstock after the squizzle](https://imgur.com/a/IqxHQnR) + +Well guess fucking *what* mate the short interest was only fucking 13.8%...there was **5.8 million shares shorted out of 42 million** + +So that’s a *3,749%* increase in price. + +*Hehehe, here’s where the fun begins* + +So let’s take the minimum amount of short interest we have based off institutional holdings and all other calculations us *wrinkle brained chimpino apes have done* and let’s assume the minimum short interest calculation we have to work with is only **140%.** + +Now we’d have a **38,033.33% increase at GameStops current fucking price.** + +After hours close as of 4/16 is at $160.99 so using these calculations for the **minimum** projected squeeze target is **$61,229.33**. +*Hot damn this isn’t even including FTDs, OTC shares, all the other bullshit hedgies have thrown into our glorious oven where the tendies are being fucking baked and seasoned to perfection.* **Assuming all the other seasonings for our tendies our projections of 1-10-100 million are NOT “unrealistic targets.”** + + +Now let’s also take a look at the ticker **$DGAZF** + +The stock had a short interest of **45%** and went from a mere $400 a share all the way up to **$25,000** a share. + +[DGAZF Squizzle dawg 😎](https://imgur.com/a/9JUYdra) + +So, take a chill pill, a boner pill, maybe some whiskey or rum, or suck a big 🐔 (*if you’re a shill*) and wait for the **largest redistribution of wealth in history to occur.** + +I also want to discuss how there’s a large influx of shill posts trying to stir drama for no reason or karma farming posts that have no true worth. *Take a step back before posting and ask whether we can take something away from your post or you’re just going on a pointless rant.* + +**Let’s get something very clear: when someone says that their FLOOR is XXXXXX that does NOT mean it is the CEILING, PLEASE KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A FLOOR AND A CEILING.** + +*Thank you DFV for staying true and giving the 99% hope. I’ve lost my job this pandemic and it’s been tough mentally but once this rocket takes off I will never forget the unity we’ve had on this sub...I will get a tattoo as remembrance once we hit over $25,000. I vow to make the world a better place, as well as many other 💎🙌🦍 So cheers everybody, here’s to new beginnings, a brighter future for the world as we know it, and let’s never forget where we came from.* +My mother stole my SSN and Economic Impact Payments. + +I need help trying to find out what to do. My mother used my SSN to collect my stimulus checks. All of them. And unfortunately due to everyone wanting to get paid, I can’t get ahold of anyone. The police won’t help, the irs doesn’t have an open phone. What can I do? She’s also doing this to my disabled sister. Help. TYIA. + + +Edit: Thanks to everyone for posting. To add info, you all do realize how scary it is to have the police against you? Follow you? Help the ex-husband of your fiancé? I had an incident where the police (my fiancé’s ex-husbands friends) showed up at my house at 11 PM, without informing dispatch or anyone (we checked), saying I had robbed my mothers house. My fiancé and sister weren’t supposed to be there to verify where I was the entire weekend, and this officer has a history of making every thing an “altercation.”… idk if that tell you anything about where I’m at. +it just seems like an unnecessary hurdle for people to get access to housing since they don't check for income at lease renewals. + +take this for example + +January 1 - apply to $800 apartment and you need to gross $2400. you get approved + +July 1 - lease renewal, they are raising your rent to $1100 and don't bother checking if your income has magically raised to $3300 during this timespan + +plenty of their tenants are paying 50% of their income or more with all the rent raises. + +&#x200B; + +don't get me wrong, i fully understand ***on the tenant's end*** wanting to aim for something 1/3 of your income, but sometimes that can be a hurdle. for example, a lot of homeless people are actually employed. they will live in hotels that take up all of their income because their income doesn't qualify for an apartment that'd be half the price. being poor is very expensive. +So I have found out recently that my parents never got legally married, they only had a cultural wedding. My state does not have common law marriage so they would be considered single in the eyes of the IRS (based on what I've read). My parents have always filed as married filing jointly, however, and they have never run into issues. + +Now my dad wants to leave from my mom, so would it be okay if they both start filing as single from now on? Or are there implications since they have filing jointly for the past 20 years? + +Edit: Thanks for the replies everywhere, I appreciate the information, it has been helpful. I thought I should clarify some things. My parents are first generation immigrants so that is why they didn’t understand that they needed to go to courthouse. They really thought their cultural wedding was all that’s needed. I guess no one ever told them otherwise or asked for a marriage certificate because they haven’t run into any issues (yet). I’ll be discussing this with a tax attorney. Thanks again for all the help! + +Edit 2: I should have clarified that they had their cultural wedding in the US, not their country of origin. + +Edit 3: a couple people asked, this is in CA. Sorry I should’ve stated that originally. + +Edit 4 (FINAL): After I posted, I reached out to my county clerk to verify if my parents were married or not. They got back to me and it looks like my parents were both wrong, they actually ARE legally married. I’m pretty annoyed that they somehow forgot and lost their marriage certificate. More so that they sent me on this goose chase, but at least that simplifies things. Sorry, I feel like I wasted a lot of people’s time lol. I learned a lot from this though, so thanks to everyone who replied! +Much of the focus around inequality for millennials has been on negative gearing, house prices and stagnant wages, but one aspect that I think has been overlooked is long service leave reform. + +In the current working culture, the idea of staying with the same company for more than 10 years is becoming far less likely. Even if you enjoy your role, in most cases the only way to earn market rate is to change jobs. + +This means many younger workers will go their entire careers without ever qualifying for long service leave entitlements. + +There are already examples of LSL entitlements for industries where it is unusual to remain with the same employer for more than 10 years. In these cases, entitlements are paid through a levy regardless of the current employer. + +A good solution would be employers paying a small additional contribution to an employees super, then every 10 years you are eligible to withdraw the equivalent of 2 months wages from your super and take 2 months leave from your current employer. +I feel like nobody wants to really talk about it. When we purchased our property I made sure it had no Asbestos. It was built in 2005 so Asbestos was phased out at this point. Given the government has been so focused on public safety I always wondered why they didn't provide funding for people to remove asbestos safely. The fellow below lost his wife to Asbestos and regularly posts about the economy including the risks related to buying, renting and renovating homes with Asbestos. + +https://youtu.be/GEN76ET29Zs + +Edit: appreciate people say it's all good but just listen to some of his videos on his point of views. What you got to lose? I mean we are talking about our health here. Also read some of the comments. Plenty of people saying they have been impacted by Asbestos. + +Edit 2: a comment from one the YouTube posters.... + +Matty Reardon5 days ago + +"I'm infected with asbestos. I'm 35 and it happened 5 years ago doing NBN work for Telstra. I have zero recourse until I show symptoms. It's a joke. When you show symptoms you have a few years left at the best. I'm sorry for your loss". + +Walk the World notes... + +"Undisturbed is a myth, as it deteriorates in place - the industry plays that tune to disguise the true impact" + +And another poster with some dark humour + +"I do not mean to appear callous, it seems buying and flipping homes is deadlier than COVID." +I am following up on those high growth stocks that went crazy during COVID years (2020, 2021). + +DocuSign quarterly revenue pre-covid, Q4 2019, was 275Mn$, with a share price of 75$ + +DocuSign quarterly revenue posted last week, Q2 2022, was 622Mn$, with a share price at 60$ + +It went up +10% after earning release. + +[https://snipboard.io/2D6vyc.jpg](https://snipboard.io/2D6vyc.jpg) + +&#x200B; + +I think it is time to start accumulating the high-growth tech/software stocks with a really strong market fit product. I don't think this company is going to stand alone at this valuation, it will be acquired by a big tech (SalesForce, Microsoft, Google... who knows) It is too cheap. +ETH peaked just under $5k during the last bull run. If the issuing rate were to be the same as the last bull run, during the next bull run, then I would expect the new ATH to be around $10k. However, the merge has changed things. + +You may have noticed posts recently stating that ETH is now deflationary post-merge. This change of course happened after the last bull run. So, assuming the issuance will be less during the next bull run, compared to the last bull run, the new bull run price must be much higher. + +So what are your ETH price predictions for the new bull run. $15k? $20k? + +Personally I think it will peak at $12.5k. +With inflation being as high as it is, cash that is held in a savings account is losing even more value than it normally does. However, with stocks down, bonds down, gold down, crypto down, and now real estate coming down... where are people putting their money to outpace inflation? +This is not a request for handouts. This is not a request for relationship advice. This is a request for advice on how to get my finances ready to provide for addition(s) to the family. + +Background: +The mother and I have been living together for a few months, been together for over a year. We hadn't planned on having kids yet, wanted a few years to get our savings up, our careers going, etc. +Boom. Preggo. +We thought we were careful, she was on the pill, it wasn't the right point on her cycle, etc. +Oops. +Only telling you guys this so you do not think I'm some stupid kid who didn't know where babies came from, or that I didn't consider the consequences, etc. We were careful, but apparently not enough. +Termination not an option. While neither of us is religious, she was conceived under similar circumstances so understandably has strong opinions on abortion. + +We both make ~$20k a year in the animal care industry. I'm a vet assistant ( the guy who sticks the thermometer up your dog's butt) and she is a receptionist at another animal hospital who moonlights at a pet hotel. +We have debts. I have roughly $7000 left from a student loan to help pay for a BA in History that I'm not using , about $8000 on a car loan, and no credit card or medical bills. Don't even have a credit card. Credit is rated "fair" due to not having enough pulls on the credit or something. +She has a car loan (roughly the same amount), medical bills (almost paid off), and a fair bit of credit card debt left over from when she was a clueless teenager. +She lives paycheck-to-paycheck. She can cover her bills and that's about it. +I make enough to cover my bills, help a little with hers, and put aside a little for emergencies ( current savings account at ~$1000). +We had been saving for an emergency fund, a wedding, and a foot surgery that would put he out of work for a few weeks (not possible now due to pregnancy). +We already run a tight ship. Live in a small 1br apartment with 2 dogs and a cat. Don't eat out often, fast food once or twice a week, date night at a sit down establishment once a month. + +The Point: +How can I better my finances to provide for this family? + +What are my resources for government assistance ( not really sure where to begin looking, actually)? + +Do I fast track my debt elimination, or do I get ready to borrow more (ex: get a credit card)? + +What should I set my savings goals at now (pregnancy threw old calculations out the window, kind of lost now, honestly)? + +Actually, any advice financially would be appreciated right now. +Keep in mind, twins are a possibility, her family has a history of it. + +tl;dr- Unexpected pregnancy, keeping it(them?). $40k combined annually.Live in Phoenix, AZ. Barely above paycheck-to-paycheck. Do I borrow more, or pay off debt? What are my new savings goals? Government assistance? No Idea what I'm doing. +Although I was something like 6 years away from having PMI removed, I got it removed this month. With the increase in home values, I reached out to my Mortgage Provider. Learned I needed to + +* Have no late payments +* Have the loan for at least 2 years (or less if significant improvement has been made) +* Have a Loan to Value ratio of 75% or below. + +Under the new market value of my home, I saw all categories would be met. + +Next step was to pay $325 to get the home appraised through the bank. This process just involved somebody coming over to take some pictures. Took about a month to get the results back. + + +Results had a Loan To Value ratio just above 75%. Saw that paying a little less then my monthly payment to principal would bring me under 75%. Waited for this payment to post and called the back again. + +It became clear the back didn’t have people make it to this step often, because the bank did not really know what to do from here. After a week of back and forth PMI was removed and I saw my monthly payment drop. + +Overall this was a few hours of work and saved me over $8k over the life of what PMI would’ve been. +The situation in Canada is interesting for the crypto community. Namely, it shows how a government deals with cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (BTC) in a situation where it is trying to seize financial resources. And in recent days it became clear that Canadian authorities are not so sure what to do with it! + +&#x200B; + +**Canada is on the heels of truckers and supporters** + +In Canada, a large group of truckers protested for a long time by blocking cities, border crossings and bridges with their trucks. The action could count on quite some support in Canada and worldwide. The truckers received many donations, also in the form of crypto. After Prime Minister Justin Trudeau activated the controversial and draconian Emergencies Act, authorities were able to freeze bank accounts and obtain data without the intervention of a judge. This is to deal with the support and consequences of the protest. + +&#x200B; + +**Freezing Bitcoin Wallets** + +So in recent days there have been plenty of articles in crypto news about how Canadian authorities are going after the truckers. But remarkably, they don't seem to fully understand how crypto works. Nunchuk, a wallet developer recently received an order from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to "freeze" bitcoin wallets of truckers and "release data." Such actions are obviously impossible for a wallet developer. In a response, Nunchuk let the court know: + +&#x200B; + +*"We do not collect user identification information other than email addresses. We also do not have keys. Therefore, we cannot "freeze" our users' assets. We cannot "prevent" them from being moved. We have no knowledge of "the existence, nature, value and location" of our users' assets. This is by design."* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v6gyr02lzfj81.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=2efad357efd1325441c51876beedd8ad958bbd34 + +If one has bitcoin in one's own wallet, no one can access it unless they have access to the private key. Keep this private key safe at all times and do not share it with anyone. +Ok, quick little analysis here Apes, to go into a bit of detail on what we ALL already know. + +MSM spins shit. + +Today we will be picking on [Barrons.com](https://barrons.com/) with their Article titled: + +Fed Says Meme Stocks Pose Risks to Financial Stability + +Source: + +[https://www.barrons.com/articles/fed-meme-stocks-financial-stability-51636420320](https://www.barrons.com/articles/fed-meme-stocks-financial-stability-51636420320) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Before we jump in... take a second to Follow me on Twitter here: [https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +And check out some Youtube Videos I made here: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYjNfatgzl-TRm-ffNfnZdQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYjNfatgzl-TRm-ffNfnZdQ) + +Why am I begging for followers and views? + +Because it means more people will see my content! Duh... + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Ok, Paragraph 1. As a Journalist, this is their opportunity to try suck you into the article, so they are going to try and get the juicy stuff in before providing some background. Here's what Barron's had to say to try and draw in its readers: + +>The Federal Reserve said stock market volatility linked to a surge in new investors who share tips on social media and invest in meme stocks could be a risk to the financial system, according to the central bank’s latest [twice-yearly](https://www.federalreserve.gov/publications/files/financial-stability-report-20211108.pdf) financial stability report. + +The points to reference from this paragraph: + +* Market Volatility LINKED to a surge in new investors could be a risk to the financial system +* And we share TIPS + +Well lets take a look at this twice-yearly financial stability report shall we? + +QUICK CTRL F for the word "Tips" + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/slmn6244nly71.png?width=413&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b9a85eaf2bb4ea8a4f0f0ac09ff7b44f188aceb + +Hmm... NO RESULTS FOUND!! But how could that be MSM? You SAID they are sharing tips according to the FED??? + +Maybe it was just 1 Tip they shared was it? + +(Insert just the tip jokes) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iibvfpj8nly71.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=dad004895dccc72cbf9e5251a245cba5857531db + +Ahhh.... 6 results! NOW we are getting somewhere... + +BUT WAIT... each one of these results are in reference to the word "Multiple" + +So there is ACTUALLY NO MENTION OF TIPS OR SHARING OF TIPS IN THE WHOLE REPORT!?? + +Then why say that? + +Oh... you are not quoting the report with that statement... you are merely IMPLYING it from the context of the report ya? + +Ok well lets look at where you might be pulling that context from shall we??? + +SEEMS LIKE THIS MIGHT BE IT: + +>The widespread use of large, open social media platforms has also shaped how some retail equity investors communicate about markets. Recent academic papers have shown that social media can increase the information flow to retail investors as well as the amount of “noise” in markets from retail investor trading.10 In addition, social media can contribute to an “echo chamber” in which retail investors fi nd themselves communicating most frequently with others with similar interests and views, thereby reinforcing their views, even if these views are speculative or biased.11 More generally, social media platforms allow a single comment or post to reach millions of people and potentially affect market sentiment dramatically within a short period. + +So you read this as WE ARE SHARING TIPS... + +And you tell your MILLIONS OF READERS that this is what we are doing??? + +What it actually says is: + +* Retail investors get more information +* This is leading to an increase in Noise in the markets +* Retail Traders meet like-minded Traders online which gives us confirmation bias (Whether right or wrong) +* And that a single post can reach millions of people and change market sentiment + +FUCK YOU FOR LYING TO YOUR READERS!! + +Let's see how else you lied shall we? + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Market Volatility LINKED to a surge in new investors could be a risk to the financial system + +\- This is your big claim. The GOAL of the article. + +You even quote the report here: + +“more frequent episodes of higher volatility may require further steps to ensure the resilience of the system.” + +Which was actually MISQUOTED... AND... taken out of context. + +Your quote MISSED the word "Financial", the quote should have been: + +>More frequent episodes of higher volatility may require further steps to ensure the resilience of the financial system. + +And taken in context with the SENTENCE BEFORE THIS: + +>Third, the risk-management systems of the **relevant financial institutions** may not be calibrated for the increased volatility or financial losses that could result from the trends highlighted here. More frequent episodes of higher volatility may require further steps to ensure the resilience of the financial system. + +So let me get this straight... because IT'S ACTUALLY HARD NOT TO LAUGH!!! + +So what you're telling me, is that the report actually said: + +Hedgies are fucked. They MIGHT not be calibrated to handle the Apes. + +And you try spin this to: + +Apes are putting the entire financial market at risk? + +lmayo... + +And how about this paragraph from your article: + +>Swings in the prices of popular meme stocks such as [GameStop ](https://www.barrons.com/market-data/stocks/gme)(ticker: GME) and Popcorn Entertainment (popcorn) so far have had a limited effect on financial stability, the report concluded, but new, younger investors tend to have higher debt and often use options, two factors that could exacerbate losses in a downturn. + +(Quote inserts Popcorn to bypass automod. u/Mods potentially disabled keywords like this for quotes?) + +IMPLYING that our use of options is what could exacerbate the issue? + +When actually taken in context, this is Fed issuing a warning about leverage for new traders which might pose a risk to them... and more focused on protecting inexperienced traders: + +>However, a few areas should be monitored. First, younger stock investors tend to have more leveraged household balance sheets. The median leverage ratios of younger retail investors are more than double those of all investors, leaving these investors potentially more vulnerable to large swings in stock prices, as they have a larger debt service burden. Moreover, this vulnerability is amplifi ed, as investors are now increasingly using options, which can often boost leverage and amplify losses. + +AND... speaking of options BTW... Did you know that THIS IS WHERE THE BEST PFOF RATES ARE PAID? + +So you are telling me that companies like Robinhood have been incentivized to get more traders USING OPTIONS... + +That PFOF has brought in a surge of new investors, who are now wisening up and turning on those who brought them in, in the first place? + +Seems like Karma to me motherfuckers! lmayo. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Follow me on Twitter here: [https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +And check out some Youtube Videos I made here: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYjNfatgzl-TRm-ffNfnZdQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYjNfatgzl-TRm-ffNfnZdQ) + +Why am I begging for followers and views? + +Because it means more people will see my content! Duh... + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +FUCK YOU MSM: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j28ytl26mly71.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=23715ebec3d06d32449d517b240b6fdd57cc4ba6 +As someone who has dabbled in NFTs and web3 for about 1.5 yrs now, I wanted to concisely highlight why I am so bullish on the marketplace and perhaps more importantly the WALLET gamestop has created. + +1. the gamestop wallet is superior to all counterparts (Metamask, coinbase etc.) + +here’s why: + +when you buy an NFT you have to pay a gas fee to mint (create a record for) the associated data onto the blockchain. these fees can be high especially if many transactions are trying to be processed simultaneously (more transactions at once = higher demand for hardware/ GPUs to enable transactions to be processed) + +people have developed more efficient ways of doing transactions by enabling transactions to occur on a separate “layer” (network- such as Polygon) from the ethereum blockchain (thereby lowering gas fees). + +in the past (before gamestop) if you wanted to do a cheap/ efficient transaction on layer2, this usually required you to first swap your eth for the designated layer2 network’s “coin” (eth to polygon). only then could you use your polygon to pay for the layer2 transaction. + +**many of us have felt the frustration of trying to efficiently swap our eth back from this network (polygon to eth). it adds a time delay, confusion and obstructs the onboarding of new people into web3.** + +the gamestop wallet resolves this issue: +when you create a wallet, there is a layer 1 “folder” and a layer2 “folder” associated with your wallet address. if you want to do cheap transactions, you simply buy eth, and move it to your layer2 “folder”.. + +gamestop’s greatest accomplishment IMO is that they don’t force the YOU, the USER to swap your eth for loopring (layer2 coin). instead, the annoying nuances are handled on the backend. (eth to LRC; LRC to eth)… + +you just need to buy eth, move to layer 2 “folder” and buy your nfts on layer2 for virtually no gas…. + +when you are ready to move your nft to layer 1, you simply transfer to your layer 1 “folder” and can pay gas fee then, at your convenience (and when gas is low) + +2. the gamestop NFT marketplace is already a huge success: + +the @gamestopNFT marketplace (while still in beta and with a limited view of all of the collections it will offer) has done ~$1million in volume per day; outperforming coinbase marketplace’s summative volume, within the first 48 hours of going live. + +from the beta version of @gamestopNFT marketplace, gamestop has offered us a limited glimpse into the types of media its platform will include. these range from music to comic series, to tv series… gaming players and weapons that are interoperable/ rigged for the metaverse (ex: CYBERCREW NFT), as well as art. + +something to keep an eye on is that some collections on the @GameStopNFT marketplace are licensed by “GME Entertainment, LLC” 👀 hmmmm.., wut doing #gamestop ??? + +TLDR: +the wallet @gamestop has created is the most user-friendly and functional wallet i own. this wallet will enable the onboarding of millions of people (taking away the need to swap coins before layer 2 transactions) and will provide the necessary framework/infrastructure for gamefi on the blockchain. + +what they have created is a revolutionary and structurally-sound bridge between web2 and web3 + +**EDIT: MOASS IMMINENT** +I'm curious to hear about peoples business dealings that have gone bad. There are a lot of warnings on this forum about where and when to be wary of abusive relationships (most recently I saw warnings about rolling over equity with a PE group that wants to buy someone's company), but I haven't seen many firsthand stories about actually being ripped off. I'd love to hear more so that I can maybe be a bit more shrewd in my own business dealings, and hopefully others will find the thread helpful. + +Minority shareholder in a company and you didn't get the promised payout? Employee theft? Business partner emptied the account and left the country? Please share. +40 in February felt like one of the scariest times to buy, when it was in fact the best time to buy. We might not get much better of a dip than this. Added X today, sitting at XX. Every red day I add more. I'm not a wealthy individual so adding in the 300s was harder to justify, the more they naked short this price down the easier they make it for apes like myself to add to their position. See you never once the MOASS happens ;) +*Ok, this may be huge or it may mean nothing depending how you interpret the content of this ruling, so I will go ahead and summarize this because I think it's relevant to GME.* + +[https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/05/14/2021-10173/self-regulatory-organizations-ice-clear-credit-llc-order-approving-proposed-rule-change-relating-to](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/05/14/2021-10173/self-regulatory-organizations-ice-clear-credit-llc-order-approving-proposed-rule-change-relating-to) + +This is a 22 page SEC approval of the proposed changes brought up by ICE Clear Credit LCC (“ICC”), a covered clearing agency. So what is a *Covered clearing agency?* It is a registered clearing agency that provides the services of a central counterparty or central securities depository. In order to address counterparty risk, members must provide collateral to ICE Trust \[ICE Clear Credit LLC since July 16, 2011\] to cover their obligations under cleared CDS (credit derivatives). Members must also make initial and ongoing contributions to a guaranty fund that can be used by ICE Trust in the event of a member default (Forrester et al 2009). + +As published on their website, "*Financial resources held at the clearing house, including margin and clearing member guaranty funds, total more than $33 billion.* + +*ICE Clear Credit's current margin on deposit is $46,399,000,000. In the event of a default, only the margin of the defaulting clearing participant and defaulting customer may be used for default management. In the event the resources of a defaulting clearing participant are insufficient to cure the default, the below financial res*ources are available to ICE Clear Credit: Minimum Total Assets available $3,213,000,000". + +Back to the SEC approval. ICC was asking the SEC to update and formalize the ICC Recovery Plan and the ICC Wind-Down Plan in case of credit losses, liquidity shortfalls, losses from general business risk, or any other losses **in the event that it comes under severe stress**. The Recovery Plan discusses the tools that are available to ICC to address a situation where ICC experiences liquidity shortfalls triggered by a default of one or more CPs (Citadel and Co?) and has insufficient liquid resources in the proper currency to meet payments obligations. . The first step of the recover plan starts with the Default Committee, which is responsible for assisting ICC during the execution of certain default management and recovery procedures and convenes upon the declaration of default. They basically meet as soon as s\*\*\* hits the fan (in this case, a hedge fund/member gets margin called). + +Their proposed Wind-Down plan provides a plan for orderly wind-down of ICC in the event the actions described in the Recovery Plan fail. If ICC runs out of money, the obligations are transferred to another clearinghouse, or ICC is sold to another entity. + +This is the summary of the 22 page ruling and hopefully others can offer their insights on this. +What do most of your portfolios look like? Are you 100% individual dividend stocks? Or do you have gold, bonds and other asset classes in your portfolio? +The tech giant is forming a partnership with Fiat Chrysler (NYSE:FCAU) that will initially focus on making 100 minivan prototypes. The partnership also catapults Fiat to the front of the self-driving pack, after being viewed as lagging in rapidly advancing driverless technology. +http://seekingalpha.com/news/3178875-google-fiat-make-self-driving-vans-together +So We all know Acitivion might be bought out by MSoft for $95 a share. + +The risk here is obviously the buyout goes south, and the price goes back to pre-buyout levels. + +I was planning on buying shares and selling ITM covered calls, weekly, all the way until the deal finishes or fails. I might buy far OTM puts using the premiums with the strike price of before the run up as a hedge. + +&#x200B; + +I believe the price will remain flat until some kind of decision comes out. + +Do you think it's a viable move? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I’m thinking primarily of financial assets/instruments but could also be real estate or business investments. At what point did you make the decision? And how did it work out? + +I’m seriously considering this option. I’m in my late 30s, have about USD3.7m in investable assets and an after-tax salary income of USD200k. + +I don’t particularly like the day job and have toyed with the idea of leaving office politics behind and focusing on my investments full time as I suspect that I might hit my fatFIRE target of USD5m+ just as fast this way (through investment outperformance). +[Here](http://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/122jbk/does_this_student_loan401k_plan_make_sense/) is the original post. And [here is a graph](http://i.imgur.com/YXgU7jD.jpg) of the result. + +The spikes you see on the graph are from selling my "fun" stock (thanks AAPL and GILD), bonuses, tax returns, and 2 extra paychecks a year (from being paid every 2 weeks instead of twice a month). + +Once I got the ball rolling, motivation kicked in and I couldn't wait to update my spreadsheet every month. I maintained a $10,000 emergency fund throughout the whole process, but dug into that fund to pay the final $2000 with the idea of replenishing it next month. +It feels great to have that monkey off my back. + +BTW, I make low $100,000s and have 3 kids and a stay-at-home wife. +__________________ +Edit: Lots of comments below about how easy it must to pay off that much debt with a 6-figure salary. A couple of points here: We live as frugally as possible - no cable, no land-line, shop at thrift stores and Aldi, we drive a 15 year old corolla and a 10 year old minivan, rarely eat out, take vacations, etc. Sure, I was able to knock down the debt quicker than most, but the same principles of PF still apply - don't live beyond your means, budget, prioritize debt, etc. + +Also, there are questions about whether I would have been better off hanging on to that debt and investing the money instead. Just looking at interest rates vs rates of return, the answer is obvious in hind-sight. However, I really wanted to be debt-free and was willing to sacrifice a bit of future return to make it happen. The added security, plus knowing that my wife and kids wouldn't be saddled with that debt if something were to happen to me, makes the decision to pay it off aggressively worth it in my mind. Now I plan to replenish my emergency fund and contribute heavily to retirement to help make up some of the difference. The amount I was putting to the student loans is getting rolled right into retirement (and getting a bit more aggressive on the mortgage); we'll continue to live our frugal lifestyle. + +Edit 2: For anyone asking for a link to the blank spreadsheet, you can find it here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/x7x53o +Fill in the starting balance at the top of the "balance sheet" tab and update the shaded columns every time you make a payment. It will calculate the remaining balance, total paid, and percent of debt remaining. You'll want to tweak it so that the graph only displays the cells with actual data in them. + +Edit 3: Just to clarify, I still made 401K contributions up to my employer match (6%). So I was still investing the equivalent of 12% of my annual salary while aggressively paying down these student loans. I didn't walk away from any free money. +&#x200B; + +STATERA (STA) + +At present the focus of discussion in telegram and elsewhere is the token price. This project launched out of obscurity just over a week ago and has already made those lucky enough to get in early a lot of money. There was no ICO and consequently no hype at all for Statera so getting in at the ground floor was more a matter of luck than judgement, although the conspicuously loud buzz on Biz/4chan was a major clue. + +With information about the project now emerging on various platforms, the stage is now set for the most discerning investors to evaluate the potential rewards and potentially take this higher. Will the token retrace from here? quite possibly yes. Nobody really knows though, because while the gains have been parabolic, Statera is the first of its kind. + +Within a day or two, while the token price has increased 20x or more, the balancer pool, ie the fund itself has tripled. Some of this has been people adding to the pool in order to gain a high percentage of an expanding fund, the rest has been organic growth through ever increasing volume of trade. At some point in the the next days and weeks if price action continues north and the pool keeps steadily accelerating in size, there might be a perception shift. People could begin to ask themselves whether this fund, currently sitting at 150k in value might really be the embryo of something far larger. + +While experience in the crypto space might have instilled pessimism, even cynicism towards the idea of project durability, even a basic comprehension of the mechanics of this project just might make people think twice this time. + +There are always other factors at play not least trust - trust in the team, trust in the code, trust in the other applications that it utilizes. Theoretically however, it is hard to argue with this value proposition. + +Brand new technologies often create opportunity which couldn't be imagined before, creating a leverage effect for early adopters. Already widely used technologies now have a range of new uses upon it's invention. + +Deflationary tokenomics are a relatively recent phenomenon in cryptocurrency and have already produced some fascinating experiments, although nothing so far has been of any real consequence. While the idea of ever decreasing scarcity is a neat trick for maintaining value, it is ultimately the utility of the token and the allure of its network which renders the token truly valuable, or otherwise. + + By purchasing such a token and holding it long term, you are still unavoidably placing a bet on its future utility, because scarcity alone only makes something more valuable if it has any agreed upon value in the first place. + +Statera is a deflationary token which has undeniable utility right out the gate because it is the instrument that ''fixes'' value in a perpetual harvest. The invention of the balancer pool in conjunction with a previously niche blockchain invention (deflationary tokens) has created something which seems likely to expand the reach of both of these creations. + +DYOR and decide for yourself. + +Disclaimer - This might be a theoretical free lunch. Free lunches in the real world are still liable to be stolen or spoiled by circumstances beyond of your control. +Yes. I know people love bashing RH for all the reasons. I predominantly trade spreads and I actually rather enjoy their interface for that. + +Ever since the GME non-sense, they implemented an auto-close on options at ~1hr before market close on expiration days. Prior to that, had no issues with this. + +This isn't the first time but hopefully the last as I'm officially migrating. A favorite vehicle of mine is running put credit spreads. These were specifically on RKT. Will typically do a 0.5 width, receive a ~.15 credit and set my own orders to buy back at 0.03 range. Yesterday rolls around and my short-leg is OTM by over 15%. I am completely fine with letting them expire worthless and taking the full profit/risk. I open these spreads typically 50-100 at a time. I had about 50 spreads still open at 3pm, they auto close them at a buyback of .04 - .08. Costing me a couple hundred. + +RH was good to learn on. Time to graduate. + +Anyway. That's my story. +I'm an American citizen living abroad and looking into buying investment properties in Europe for vacation homes / short-term rentals. This would be my first real estate purchase. + +I know each country is different, but in general, is there anything to look out for? Where would you find experts to help navigate the purchase? Would it generally be better to start a business in the country of purchase and buy it under the company? Would I be getting a loan locally, or from my US bank? I'm just not really sure the best place to start. +Recently stumbled upon the BRRR technique and trying to figure out how it applies to my situation: + +9 months ago I made my first real estate purchase: a 1200 sq ft 2br 2ba with a separate 1br 1ba cottage for $264k. With 20% down, my loan came out to about $211k @4.75%. + +I put $30k into the cottage (bathroom + plumbing reno) and it’s now rented for $1150 + utilities. The main 2br 2ba house is technically my primary residence, but I keep a (rental) apartment in a nearby city and split my time. I airbnb that house when I’m not there, which has averaged about $1900/ month. + +So all in all it’s currently cash flowing ~$1k/ month and I have a free home in the woods that I can spend a few weeks every month when I need to get out of the city. Not bad, but I’m eager to keep the ball rolling! + +I spoke with a lender and got some interesting info... he says I can refi my existing loan to 3.75% and lower my month payment by ~$150/ month. From there he suggested looking into a HELOC of $50k or so for the next down payment... said payment on the loan would be ~$200, so that in the end I’d be paying only $50/ month more than I pay now, but have access to $50k for the next deal. Does that make sense? I feel like I am missing something. + +How does the appraisal on the renovation work? What can I expect in terms of a new valuation, and what kind of cash will I be able to extract out of this? What kind of hidden costs are there in refinancing? What are potential pitfalls that I should look out for at this stage of the BRRR technique? + +Edit: removed “cap rate” since I’ve clearly misused that terminology and people are getting hung up on it. +Just started mortgage and sorting my finances out. My wife and I are debt-free (apart from the mortgage) and have some emergency savings. + +I'm quite confident that I could use a credit card for day-to-day spending and pay it off in full every month. I'm not doing that at the moment. + +It occurred to me that I could keep a few pennies by using my credit card for every day spending, while the money I would have spent on the debit earns interest for a few weeks in an instant access savings account. + +\*Then\* I had a look and a bunch of credit cards have various reward schemes, but I don't shop at Sainsbury's or fly much (and never with BA). + +So for someone with a modest income and outgoings, is it worth using a credit card for spending? +Sorry for the semi-clickbait, as becoming a whale is not really an option for everyone, but I do believe it was an option for many. + +**Part 1** + +I tracked this whale historically back to the beginning starting 2012 with a named bitcoin wallet + +[Bitcoin Wallet 1099663](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/wallet/1099663) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/bitinfocharts.com\/bitcoin\/wallet\/1099663](https://preview.redd.it/p1yqa09wnh581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a29928826dd3920d7affc5c965e0dc2a3d6aed) + +As you can see, he started accumulating bitcoin on 06.05.2012 for a whopping $5.06 each. + +I think that was a really bald move, as it was already up 5500% compared to 2010 and it was also down more than 80% compared to the Peak of 2011 which was 29$. Anyway, our whale decided to go full ape in and invested not less than $350 000 in. It is a lot of money for sure, but not like a “retire with a Lambo” much money. In 2012 having $350 000 savings put you somewhere between the top 10% and top 5% depending on your income. + +After the initial investment our hero had to buy some pizza or pay some amazon delivery so sold some of his investment just to get it closer to the legendary 69.420btc and I think he was on the way, but then he realised BTC is here to stay and stopped selling his precious digital gold. + +# Edit: For some reason, half of my post disappeared so let me fix it. + +Cont: + +**Part 2** + +On 09.04.2013 he decided to move his funds to another wallet. + +[https:\/\/bitinfocharts.com\/bitcoin\/address\/1HQ3Go3ggs8pFnXuHVHRytPCq5fGG8Hbhx](https://preview.redd.it/kt7uiey4ci581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a9b23ba089a05b6ed99f42fdaada296a3761a9d) + +By 2013 his investment was up to 3500% which is not bad in a year I guess! + +But our hero is not a spending type of whale so he just went into full HODL. + +Between 2012 June and Today(14.12.2021) Which is a whopping 9+ years he only sold twice. Probably to cover some expenses, but really nothing fancy, considering the amount of money he has. + +Sold 1: + +&#x200B; + +[Expensive pizza 1](https://preview.redd.it/fyqk9il6ci581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=438e141b34302fe3ed36e0e9bd0a45c74b587f04) + +Sold 2: + +&#x200B; + +[Expensive pizza 2](https://preview.redd.it/x70qnod7ci581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=2878e31627f2c4e981dcaaa133f50de9ef24b697) + +I can’t copy his full history for that period as it is a very long time, while he was doing nothing just sitting on his thousands then millions then multi-millions. + +**Part 3** + +In 2020 our Whale moved his asset to a new wallet again and continued his sacred crusade to not spend any bitcoin and HODL. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/bitinfocharts.com\/bitcoin\/address\/bc1qa5wkgaew2dkv56kfvj49j0av5nml45x9ek9hz6](https://preview.redd.it/eyfsp7ubci581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=f93bd483649343b305a726cf8fd2fb19efdea0ce) + +On the day 05.11.2020, We arrived to a new Milestone as our Hero was celebrating his first Billion and joined the Top \~0.001 wealthiest people on Earth group. + +Since that nothing really happened. He is still hodling and peaked at $4.5 Billion 08.11.2021 + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/bitinfocharts.com\/bitcoin\/address\/bc1qa5wkgaew2dkv56kfvj49j0av5nml45x9ek9hz6](https://preview.redd.it/dxntyjzaci581.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=5316f94af37a128ebf8106091730904965e24be6) + +So just to put it in perspective and also TLDR. + +Mr. Whale invested $350.000 in 2012 and in 9 years he accumulated 120 000% gain, without spending almost anything from his initial investment. Probably he is not reading but I hope he knows, to get there where he is Diamonds hands are not enough, you need balls of steel as well. + +\-Fortune Favors the Brave- + +Edit: Yes I made a spelling error, but I won't fix it now as many people made a joke! I'll take it like a champ. + +Edit2: Those Who says "he was already" rich, cannot really grasp the difference between these 2 number: 350 000 and 4 500 000 000, but let me help you calculate: 128571% Gains. How many of you have that? +Sources: + +http://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-tip-toes-into-banking-business-1469093403 + +http://www.reuters.com/article/us-amazon-com-wells-fargo-student-loans-idUSKCN10125S + +WFC and Amazon entered into this partnership today -- "Wells Fargo, the largest U.S. bank by market value and the second-largest private student lender by origination volume, will shave a half a percentage point off the interest rate on student loans it extends to applicants who are members of Amazon’s Prime Student." + +"Wells Fargo had $12.2 billion in student loans outstanding at the end of 2015, compared with $11.9 billion at the end of 2014. One of the largest private lenders, the bank sold substantially all of its government guaranteed student loan portfolio in 2014." + +As a huge fan of WFC, I am worried by their pursuit of the student loan market. I don't know how competitive they can remain with the rise of smaller innovative business models like SoFi. Moreoever, I'm also worried that the bank sold substantially all of its government guaranteed student loan portfolio -- I think this was a risky move granted student loan repayment is so dependent on the economy, and that millennials, as as a group, aren't doing too well. + +In regard to the actual partnership with Amazon - I think it will largely be a wash. I don't think it will have much of a dent on bringing in new customers. As a former student loan borrower myself, half a percentage point in interest was not enough incentive for me to make any significant decisions on choosing lender, if other terms (like deferral) were not the most favorable. Still, its nice to see my favorite bank partnering with amazon. + +Thoughts? Comments? + + +Hi all, + +&#x200B; + +I am starting researching everything "buying a house" as I am looking to buy in the next 6 months - and wondered whether you could help with some questions: + +&#x200B; + +1) Mortgage affordability - It seems to vary bank to bank, but generally speaking is between 4 - 4.75. Is the amount banks are lending X your salary impacted by Covid currently? I.e. Is there a consensus that more banks will open up 4.75x mortgages to first time buyers as the market settles? (I did see that Barclays used to provide up to 5X salary - but doesn't seem to be offering this now..?) + +&#x200B; + +1a) I am looking at maxing out my mortgage affordability. I.e. 4.75 x 72,000 = 342,000. What are the pro's and cons of this? (P.s. I'm looking to buy in London) + +&#x200B; + +2) Bonuses - I receive a discretionary annual bonus every April, which generally speaking is around 15-20% of my salary. I.e. Salary is 72,000, bonus is usually 10,000>14,000. My bonus last year was 10,000 & my bonus will likely be 10,000 > 12,000 this year. It is completely discretionary, but have received it every year for the past 5 years incl. during the Covid year. How will banks review this as part of affordability? + +&#x200B; + +3) Deposit - I will have at least £50,000 for house purchase, although am looking to use 40,000 for the deposit - and 10,000 for the stamp, mortgages fees, anything else. Does this seem sensible, or would I need more than 50,000? (I invest heavily into S&S ISA currently, so tempted to taper this down in the next 6 months to support the purchase) + +&#x200B; + +3a) Based on a few articles I've read, 10% deposits will return into next year - and the cost of borrowing should fall. I appreciate that this is speculative, but any major concerns budgeting for a 10% deposit? + +&#x200B; + +4) House Prices - A bit more of a speculative one, but hoped I could get some thoughts on this too. I am looking to purchase in London around 375,000 > 395,000. If I purchase centrally, I can get a 1 bed flat - but a bit further out, I could get a 2 bed terraced, semi-detached etc. I am thinking that post March Stamp duty, that prices might fall slightly or at least stall. What is the consensus for London with work from home policy etc? Will people be moving out of London, will London market still continue to be strong?...I am a bit concerned around the strength of the market as some of the covid factors play out. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance! + +Dan +u/prsmike has correctly pointed out that the above scene from the tweet is different. [https://twitter.com/GMEdd/status/1407901613424054276?s=09](https://twitter.com/GMEdd/status/1407901613424054276?s=09) + +Good evening apes, + +Gather round. Finally I can contribute to something here that I know about. Too smooth brained for FTD cycles but just wrinkled enough for South Park references. As a Canadian I understand Terrence and Phillip since we speak with the top halves of our heads. + +~~This is the full scene to Ryan Cohens tweet:~~ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF0J8dFy2gE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF0J8dFy2gE) + +Jump to 0:40 if you can't spend 39 seconds of your lives watching quality content. Notice anything? Kenny farts on a match and DIES. KENNY DIES. Further, Kenny died in every episode until [Season 5](https://www.cbr.com/why-south-park-doesnt-kill-kenny/): Kenny's death was a running gag in every episode. + +What other related South Park related tweet is there? How about this one: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2s5zbh79db771.jpg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b128f327e55543b35bc82a1a9cbe5d0c094aa19b + +Reference: [pissing off south park kids with fart dolls - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVEAA8NWIGA) + +I FART ON YOUR GRAVE. That's a direct quote from the show and game. Hmmm.. What else? Cartman says DUMB ASS a lot. Ryans been hitting the South Park binge, a man of excellent taste. + +I don't believe the fart tweet was related to T+21 at all. Our very own RC has been hitting us with a lot of South Park references in his tweets and I intend to investigate this further. + +The only thing left is for Ryan to tweet "OMG THEY KILLED KENNY" but that would be too blatant. My bias is confirmed and my tits are jacked. + +**RYAN IF YOU'RE WATCHING HIT US WITH A TWEET ABOUT SATAN AND SADDAM.** + +https://preview.redd.it/cci4coaneb771.jpg?width=307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b468385eeb5399c99528ac280a61eca26e38dd0 + +What a glorious day for Canada...and therefore the world. + +Edit 1: How did I miss RUSSELLS SALT at 1:00. Tits even jackder + +Edit 2: u/SanchoUSA has pointed out the clip is exactly 4:20!! + +Edit 3: Tits literally at 3:20 + +Edit 4: Buckle Up Buckeroo [Buckle Up Buckaroo - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL-kcDm6uzs) + +&#x200B; +It is generally considered a bad idea to reveal your net worth to others. There are many risks e.g. you may make yourself a target for outright theft. People may also keep begging to borrow money from you. You may also be a target of frivolous litigation. Any small misdeed from you is more likely to result in you being brought to court as the cost-benefit and risk-benefit analysis looks more favourable if you are wealthy. + +At work, I have been in many situations where I am nice to colleagues and develop good friendships with them. Then the next day they are no longer nice and are pressuring me for work because of pressure put on them from their manager. The bottom line is that even those you think are close to you, under the right circumstances, under enough pressure, can turn against you and use or exploit you. The applies not just to work colleagues but even friends, family, and perhaps even spouses or children. + +As such, is there any point revealing your net worth to anyone? Is it a good principle in life to never make yourself vulnerable to anyone, even those most closest to you? +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, if there is one thing I am certain of, it is that Ryan Cohen knows *exactly* what he is doing to us. +There's simply no way that it isn't intentional on his part. +Every tweet is going to be dissected, scrutinized, theorized about, and logged into the annals of the MOASS. +When Ryan Cohen visited Carl Icahn and staged a photo in front of a ComputerChair, he knew. +Now we get to speculate as to what it all means. + +Of course, there are the theories that it's not about GME at all - that Ryan Cohen and Carl Icahn could be collaborating on a different project. +It actually makes a lot of sense. +However, I don't think that it is wrong to have our tits jacked right now, whether it's GME or something else. +We've seen just how close to the brink the Hedgies are riding, and I have no doubt that Mr. Icahn giving a solid jolt to *any* of their exposed positions could send the whole house of cards crashing down. +As we continue to HODL with Diamantenhände, the institutional shorts must be dreading the days ahead. + +Today is Wednesday, October 19th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- ⬜ 120 minutes in: **$26.37 / 26,81 €** *(volume: 764)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 764)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 748)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 724)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 724)* +- ⬜ 95 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 722)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $26.37 / 26,81 € *(volume: 722)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $26.44 / 26,88 € *(volume: 663)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $26.44 / 26,88 € *(volume: 662)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $26.44 / 26,88 € *(volume: 662)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $26.56 / 27,01 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $26.78 / 27,23 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $26.79 / 27,24 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,26 € *(volume: 218)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,26 € *(volume: 218)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $26.79 / 27,24 € *(volume: 182)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $26.79 / 27,24 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $26.79 / 27,24 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $26.80 / 27,25 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $26.81 / 27,26 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $26.83 / 27,28 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $26.85 / 27,30 € *(volume: 162)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $26.85 / 27,30 € *(volume: 43)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $26.77 / 27,22 € *(volume: 41)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $26.86 / 27,32 € *(volume: 29)* +- 🟩 US close price: $26.67 / 27,12 € *($27.00 / 27,45 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 0.9835. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I currently work for a large construction company for their IT. I currently get paid $39,000 a year that includes basic benefits. I also must drive an hour a day to get to and from work. + +On Friday, I got offered a job that pays $60,000 a year (W2 and no benefits). I also will be working from home. + +Contacted my current employee HR and see if they could bump my pay up to $46,000. I will hear about it on Monday. + +I have never made so much money before. Not sure how the new salary without benefits would be. + +What do you guys think on the matter? +Please tell me I am mistyping his name. /u/TaxmanKeith + +If he truly is gone, this is a tremendous loss for the community. He was a great poster and super helpful. + +Someone tell me he moved to a different name? I hope the IRS didn't tell him to stop posting on here. + + +Dear fellow apes, + +Did I just eat too many crayons or did I find something fishy? Please help me! + +Oh and please forgive me, I am not native to english just native to crayons, data and tendies. + +So this morning I tried to look for daily short volumes and stumbled upon [FINRA´s data page](https://www.finra.org/finra-data/short-sale-volume-daily). + +Thinking "yummy, data, data" I downloaded all the data I could find about GME und was wondering why the heck there were three volumes for each day: + +&#x200B; + +1. NYSE Volume +2. NASDAQ Chicago Volume +3. NASDAQ Carteret (south of NYC) Volume + +Alright, so I plotted all of them in my old fucking Spreadsheet. Do you see what I saw? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/utpg6fid4ys61.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=398c8fd8d9dd620c03a35d167d25cd90d92c6eec + +&#x200B; + +Ok, a whole lot of data, I know. Let´s zoom in to the last days: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/93gjjmlm4ys61.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=5453e26e4010d5c69ea77e634d15a81a1b13de80 + +WTF?? **Looks like the price decline in the last days seems to correlate with more trades through the NASDAQ Data Center in Carteret, NJ**. (For you mathematicians out there, correlation coefficient is -0.6, so pretty hight). + +So I google what is going on in Carteret and at first only find that they are pissed of by a possible transaction tax. Alright, why again? Further googling and my mind goes Boom! + +[This article nearly fucking my apely brain.](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/time-is-relativity%3A-what-physics-has-to-say-about-market-infrastructure-2020-04-09) + +I try to do a summary but **please, smarter ape brains, you can do a lot better in trying to find out what this all means for GME, Dark Pools and HFT fuckery.** + +It seems like the Data Center in Carteret is heavily involved in + +* High Frequency Trading +* **Uses his short physical distance to the NYSE for a time advantage of some nano seconds to capture incoming orders to manipulate buyings and sellings** + +In the last days, many much smarter apes than me found out about Dark Pools induced price manipulation. + +***Speculation:*** **It might have to do with this data center in Carteret. We need to find out more about it i think. Is Citadel involved?** + +[One slideshow of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute seems to explain how that could work.](https://intelligence.org/files/csrbai/wellman-slides.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uvhmytl36ys61.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78ff60a7376290a7aa908ce0c1accb5b5a624e2 + +&#x200B; + +**The second interesting fact that I recognized was an enlarged short percentage via the infamous NASDAQ Data Center in Chicago (Hello Kenny, is that you???)** + +**So yes, fuckery seems to go on. I personally hold onto the stock like my wifes boyfriend to her sweet body....** + +&#x200B; + +TL;DA: ***Something fishy going on in NASDAQ Carteret Data Center.*** [Read this fucking article](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/time-is-relativity%3A-what-physics-has-to-say-about-market-infrastructure-2020-04-09)***.*** + The title pretty much explains it all. They are a crypto company so hold mostly crypto assets and pay all employees/contractors in crypto. I'm planning to use Coinbase as I have a wallet but want to know if there will be any hidden fees that magically slice £100 off my weekly pay as soon as I try to withdraw to my bank account. + +The specific crypto they are using is USDT (Tether) which seems quite stable. The actual crypto itself is quite unimportant since our contract stipulates that they pay £xxxx equivalent in USDT at the time of payment. So as long as between them paying and me converting to GBP (probably on the same day) there isn't a huge crash I shouldn't stand to lose much due to market fluctuation (I think). +Bitcoin as an inflation hedge worked very well for those who understood a few years back. No product or currency is an inflation hedge when the market already understands and feels the inflation impact. + +Just had to get that out there +I am 6 years away from retirement and have worked hard to raise a son solo, own a home, have a great pension (Canada), and a solid financial portfolio. + +Problem? Been dating someone for two years who has a pension income but is terrible at saving money, ex: he borrows money to vaca. He was debt free one year ago after selling his house and is now 10 K in debt from daily living. And pulls in over 3500. a month in pension... note: he is very generous with me.... + +How to reconcile different values...? +I’m 30, I’ve been living pretty frugally so I’ve maxed out my 401K and Roth IRA for the past 5 years, so my retirement fund is about $100K. I was reading how much I need to save to retire, some sources have listed in the $2+MM range, but is this too much? The average life expectancy in the US is 78, so if I retire at 65, I need about 13 years of living expenses and if I own a home and have no mortgage, I can live on about $1500/month. I saw the average social security payout is about $1500/month, so why do I need something like in the millions to retire? + +I also figure I’ll be working till 65 because I mostly work now and wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t work, so no plans to retire early. + +Thanks! +So recently I learned that all of my grad school classes are going to be online from this Fall-Summer. This means that I can complete my classes remotely. After that, I’m assuming my final semester (Fall 2021) will be in person and I’d definitely have to live near campus which is ~7 hours away from my hometown. Tuition for the whole program is estimated to be around $18k and I don’t have any loans from undergrad and have around $3k prepaid money left for college. + +Housing near campus would be a little less than $600 a month including utilities and I currently have $11k in savings. My parents might help a tiny bit if needed and I also get $200 a month (not from them) to spend on whatever I’d like. Usually it’s food. I also don’t have a car so no gas expenses there. If I stay at home, I wouldn’t have to worry about rent or food costs. + +I know I’ll probably get a biased answer here since you all think in the most financially beneficial way but I really need help making the best decision. On one hand, my stinginess with money is telling me that the obvious choice would be to stay at home, work while taking classes, and save money. + +On the other hand, I would feel happiest if I lived near campus this year so that I could have my own independence, allow myself to personally develop even further, spend time with my friends, and improve my mental health because I’m tired of being around my family. I also believe that I would perform better in class since I wouldn’t be bothered by them and have time to myself to study and do my own thing. I also hope to get a part-time job or internship to make a bot of income if I move close to campus. Time and happiness is something I won’t be able to get back and I know that once I graduate and get a job I could earn back the money I would spend by furthering my education. + +What do you all think I should do? I’m kinda leaning more towards moving close to campus but I don’t want to regret that decision if I could’ve just saved money by staying at home. Help :( +What would be the best place to put savings of 50k for our child? He’s a newborn so still several years till college. Low risk but some gain? Thank you! +Some people are more creative than others. Maybe this should be on my FIRE plan as well. + +https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/431576-man-goes-viral-with-plan-to-retire-to-a-holiday-inn-instead-of +http://www.forbes.com/sites/mayakachroolevine/2016/11/14/how-this-28-year-old-retired-in-nyc-with-a-net-worth-of-more-than-2-million/#3772c0de491d + +Pretty interesting read in Forbes today. I came to the FI movement a little later in life (started at 32), but it's cool to hear how others are doing it young and it gives me hope I can finish up quickly as well. + +I'm not sure I could live in an apartment with slanted floors though. I'm too old for some things. Anyone else have thoughts? +&#x200B; + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-428.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-428.pdf) <READ THIS!! + +https://preview.redd.it/wmxl5vrg52v71.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9f6aace2c15b8d34bd6c4d0224a800ec653859 + +https://preview.redd.it/evzea8th52v71.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b83931c05c3f04b8d2af1b7e6bfdfdf1bbbbf7f + +The second scenario is when all the participants race to be the first out when buying back FTDs. I dont imagine this has ever happened before or won't this time because...there are way too many FTDs. + +**If Gamestop has been getting shorted since 2012-2013, there are a shit ton of FTDs out there. You're guess is as good as mine. The volume since 2013 overall in GME is roughly 10.5 Billion shares traded and that is about 110 million shares per month. Thats a shit ton for an 8 year monthly average.** + +**ALL RETAIL SHAREHOLDERS OF ALL STOCKS have been preyed on** + +These FTDs exist Market Wide Who Knows how old... "archaic" is mentioned more than once + +This thing with the FTDs is quite important. A lot of people have spoken about it that WE deeply researched investors, know of, but the not the average individual. There are a lot of us who really are starting to understand that, as [u/Atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/Atobitt/) said "this is a 50 year ripple effect" due to the nature of taking everything you can...eventually, no matter how you write the equation, the money runs out to steal. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kf0vcyzl52v71.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=453eecedba299aa23e3b1881c699490e55d3ad68 + +# The market is established for fraud to flourish using FTDs + +There seems to be a history of regulatory agencies and bodies avoiding the issue of the fraud being committed in the stock market. There are many complaints and the SEC seems to do nothing. If they put a new rule in place...it has a new loophole. And that's the endless game you play at the SEC. They protect the financial institutions that are apart the pay to play schemes. There are a lot players in this club, and we're not invited. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If you haven't caught up on it see how naked selling is a very old technique of theft. + +# Mississippi Bubble, South Sea Bubble, Tulip Bubble, and then see what happen in newspapers right before the 1929 crash October 24th. + +[https://mshistorynow.mdah.ms.gov/issue/john-law-and-the-mississippi-bubble-1718-1720](https://mshistorynow.mdah.ms.gov/issue/john-law-and-the-mississippi-bubble-1718-1720) + +[https://www.britannica.com/event/South-Sea-Bubble](https://www.britannica.com/event/South-Sea-Bubble) + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dutch\_tulip\_bulb\_market\_bubble.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dutch_tulip_bulb_market_bubble.asp) + +Newspapers from 1929 are very interesting reads:[https://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/557056](https://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/557056) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Jim Decosta Outlines How this Done, but before I get into that.. here's how you can help me dig through this SEC archive and on their site and I search like this: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tkjjxwyp52v71.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc9c83a98d348ea80794222e5393e0c9152accd + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +# So back to Jim Decosta in this recorded comment to the SEC chair..I believe. This particular comment is 142 pages long. It's extremely detailed in the process of hiding FTD's. Jim even explains how they were able to obtain accurate Fails numbers. + +There is A LOT more to read on this than I can post in images. + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-428.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-428.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j1dmfakt52v71.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c9c232ded289e091733bcfcf398f4efcfb35626 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0bvnflhu52v71.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=b83e72728a8b363add80a85a8f48e005ba9ca0e5 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y3q0syav52v71.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=747894dee95abdadfaf5e3ae6a1cd9f80ad7bda5 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0h6bs97w52v71.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=29c84296e4c524fba763acc919f7ab02657b4774 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hujoktdx52v71.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=777eeb7adaa32966a4e81eb3c386bd997e7e735e + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lo5v51ey52v71.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=f873e0ee1cb23376c10ecf089aa4f2cbf1bb8cee + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qup6en7z52v71.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b6575bac2c893897a4fe40eaa912c71caeba084 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sfvm5d0062v71.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d76f6c3071f55a0681c0a65bc01dfc17cd785f9 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/noys46e162v71.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=c76d5f0bf1f54528eea5a775de5d27b8ff6a9bf2 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mzy14d9262v71.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=28d8488ceaa7cfcef672d026c0240e842f19f6a1 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qsbbfm0362v71.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=085e760dbd78062c982c01570ba76166724a5017 + +I can go on and on and on about this but Jim really states it so much better than I can. What I think is important is that these documents be seen as much as possible. The information inside these letters and comments to the SEC already has the evidence of the crimes from years before and nothing has changed for the criminals since then. I think it's coming very soon... as soon as something so big happens it forces their hand. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +The International Association of Small Broker Dealers and Advisors Complaint:[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-12-06/s71206-88.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-12-06/s71206-88.pdf) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Here is a complaint that Overstonk was on the RegSHO list for 500 days straight + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-12-06/s71206-826.htm](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-12-06/s71206-826.htm) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Another Complaint.. + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-19-07/s71907-377.htm](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-19-07/s71907-377.htm) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Snippet about synthetic shorts + +[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-4011.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-09/s70809-4011.pdf) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**2016 comment to SEC about synthetic shorts being unlimited:**[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-21-16/s72116-6.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-21-16/s72116-6.pdf) + +"**Short sales with unlimited supplies of synthetic securities borne from sham transactions do not contribute to the underlying fundamentals of the economic system**, which; a) cause inaccurate reporting to the marketplace, investors and regulators, and b) raise the probability of systemic risk from over-leveraging, which impedes assets segregated under consumer protection regulations and the fundamental underlying net capital that supports a firm’s financial stability. + + **Ex-cleared transactions (trades not sent to the national clearance and settlement system, including pre-netted, compressed, summarized and internalized trades) have become a detrimental loophole in the national clearance and settlement system that can affect the real net capital of a firm (causing inaccurate reporting) and/or the segregation of securities for the protection of investors. The mounting number and value of ex-cleared trades could produce systemic risk for the settlement system**" + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +PSA- only b\*t accounts say "cumulative" or "aggregate" when talking about FTDs + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Computershare is the way. DRS is our only logical means of supplying ourself with one course of Remedy...one of them + +**That being said, it's time to put a magnifying glass on these FTDs and FTRs Fails to Receive. All of retail trading is infected with FTDs and naked selling of securities. How else would predatory shorters stay afloat without naked selling? We KNOW of 192 million recorded FTDs of GME since 2014...what we dont know is how many FTDs exist just from naked selling securities to unknowing retail investors...** + +# #SECknows <------ is it coming up on google yet? + +***EDIT: Is there a lawyer ape that can put together a FOIA request for all FTDs and FTRs since 2007 for GME?*** + +# Part 3 - SHORT SELLING, DEATH SPIRAL CONVERTIBLES, AND THE PROFITABILITY OF STOCK MANIPULATION + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qdwzrw/the\_everything\_ftd\_dd\_part\_3\_short\_selling\_death/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qdwzrw/the_everything_ftd_dd_part_3_short_selling_death/) +There is a lot of good discussions here about winning stocks but can we also see some discussion around wrong picks, losses and strategies to recover from them? + +It would be greatly useful to newcomers like me. +Hi guys, I have an Apple News+ subscription and usually make notes on articles I read. I thought why not make post on those notes for anyone/people who aren't as stupid as me to pay for news articles. Also would be a great opportunity to actually have people to discuss these topics with. If you guys like these I'll do more of them in the future. + +# What will happen to house prices? + +As the country prepares for lockdown 2.0, hopes of a neat V-shaped economic recovery — in which we promptly recover from a crash — have all but disappeared. + +https://preview.redd.it/3mi3qwgo0oq51.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=252b4118a988d04bd7866b81e0933ad74a325bf4 + +Events such as the replacement of the furlough scheme — an estimated 4.8 million to 5.3 million people were on furlough in July — with the job support scheme in November, Brexit in December and the end of the stamp duty holiday in March could potentially derail any recovery, and dampen the housing market. + +Howard Archer, chief economic adviser to the EY Item Club, an economic forecasting group, is downbeat. “We never forecast a V-shaped recovery — we were always more pessimistic,” he says. “Consumer spending is up and there has been a marked pick-up in the housing market. But now Covid cases are rising and there is the possibility of another lockdown, the EU and UK’s Brexit negotiations are not going well and we don’t know by how much unemployment is going to rise. So it looks like there is no way that the economy will maintain this recovery.” + +Although there appears to be a disconnect between the dire economic data and the robust housing market figures, the two are inextricably linked. However, the economic data has been suppressed by the government’s job retention scheme, and the housing market has been buoyed by a temporary cut to transaction taxes. + +The Bank of England’s latest forecast, made last month, is that unemployment could rise from 4.1 per cent to about 7.5 per cent by the end of the year. + +The mortgage payment deferral scheme, through which almost two million borrowers took a holiday from paying off their home loans, is also coming to an end. The Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association, which represents 43 banks and building societies, says its members expect up to 5 per cent of borrowers coming off payment deferrals to go into arrears (money that is owed and should have been paid earlier), and 1.5 per cent to be able to afford to pay the interest only — and with interest rates already at a historic low this doesn’t bode well for the housing market recovery. + +There hasn’t been a recession without an associated fall in house prices. When unemployment rises, household incomes fall, people struggle to pay their mortgages, there are more forced sellers and repossessions, more houses are put on the market, and desperate sellers are more likely to accept a discount, all of which pushes property prices down. — Simple economics. + +Neal Hudson, an independent housing market analyst, says: “Following previous recessions, mortgage lenders are keen to keep repossessions to as low a level as possible. Lenders and policy makers are aware of the danger of flooding the property market with repossessions, or forced sales, which would put downward pressure on the market. Recent buyers are among the safest we have ever seen, mostly on repayment mortgages and stress-tested to a high degree.” — Unlike 2007/2008 buyers who were not stress-tested to anywhere near the same degree (increased liability to foreclose). + +Lenders simply don’t need to lend to riskier buyers because there are so many equity-rich ones in the marketplace. + +Regarding Brexit if we go to a World Trade Organisation trading agreement there will be a knock-on adverse effect on the economy. + +After Brexit on December 31, the next big hurdle is March 31, when the stamp duty cut and Help to Buy in its present form come to an end. Pressure is mounting on the chancellor to extend the stamp duty holiday in some form — previous changes to the tax show that it tends to skew the market by pulling forward transactions, causing a rise in sales followed by a dramatic fall. + +The stamp duty cut arguably wasn’t needed since the housing market was already riding high on pent-up demand. Hudson says: “The timing was terrible — it would have been far better to launch it in the autumn. I suspect he will try something in March. The question is will anyone be willing to come into the market who hasn’t done so already?” — once that demand is satisfied there is little reason for ongoing growth. + +Properties that will be almost impossible to shift are the 216,000 flats wrapped in flammable cladding and up to 1.5 million that are unmortgageable because they cannot prove their walls are safe. + +We will have polarisation between those who will thrive and those who will not survive — we haven’t seen the full impact of this yet on the housing market. People talk about a V-shaped recovery, but a more compelling outturn would be K-shaped recovery, with the rising slope of the K representing those who kept their jobs and saved money during lockdown, and the downward slope representing those who lost their jobs, took a pay cut or were furloughed. + +Whichever curve they are on, everyone is acutely aware that the government’s pandemic interventions need to be paid for — there has already been talk of a rise in capital gains tax. +Hey uk bois + +What's everyone's view on post covid situation . Personally I'm looking into the aviation and cruise company's to hopefully pick back up. Also I'm I stupid in thinking the FX market will see a rise due to the currency trades in the summer time ? + +Just speculation from a dumb fuck but would love to hear other people's views +Hi guys + +I have about 20k in a Trading 212 ISA, but I am seriously considering switching to vanguard for this year and transferring the 212 balance across. 80% of my holdings are with vanguard ETFs anyway. I know t212 is Fscs protected, but I can't help thinking with all the stuff about lending shares, introduction of fx fees, people reporting issues around withdrawing money, would my long term savings be safer elsewhere? Or am I overthinking this. + +Cheers +Wanted to share my favourite ETF's pick to hold for next 20 years. This portfolio will be drip fed every month and T212 shows an average return of 12.57% as of now but I expect around 18% YoY growth on average. I have also tried to reason my holdings so feel free to comment if you disagree with my justifications. With this portfolio being drip feed, market corrections won't be detrimental to it as my cost price would average out. + +For numbers sake, if this selection returns 12.57% with £500 drip fed every month and £1000 initial investment, after 20 years, the value will be just over £500,000. Now if I'm right and it returns 18%, it will be worth almost £1 Million. All of these can be found in your ISA so you won't pay tax on the profits. + +I also have a T212 Pie of Tech Heavy stocks and will post that shortly as well. + +-- Edit: + +Some of yous think the return is too high and I do agree that it's quite optimistic. I'd love to hear the counter arguments rather than 'hur durrr too high'. Although optimistic, I am well aware that the returns can me much lower or even negative. + + +**iShares Global Clean Energy - 20% Weight** + +With companies like tesla investing heavily into renewables, we have seen big oil companies like Shell and BP diversifying into renewables, I expect this ETF to perform very well. We are now seeing the EV and AI revolution and all of these require energy and fossil fuels are running out + +**Vanguard S&P 500 ETF - 10% Weight** + +Over the past 90 years, the average return of S&P 500 is 9.8% and just in the last 10 years, its 13.6%. Because of this, I feel like S&P 500 is a safe investment to hold as it gives me huge diversification in various different industries so a poorly performing industry wont tank my entire portfolio. + +**iShares S&P 500 Information Technology Sector ETF - 15% Weight** + +Personally, in the last 5 years, we haven't had massive breakthroughs is in the technology sector. Don't get me wrong, the advancements have been amazing in the tech field but I feel like next 10 years are going to be much better. We are starting to have AI breakthroughs, Cloud technologies, Electric Vehicles and smart everything. All the major industries have tech in one way or another. + +**iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technologies ETF - 15% Weight** + +EVs are the future and big players like Google, Nvidia, Intel and Tesla are heavily invested in autonomous driving technology. Governments are starting to ban the sale of ICE cars and huge economies like china are seeing massive growth in the EV sector. + +**Vanguard FTSE All-World ETF - 10% Weight** + +With this ETF, I get exposure to global innovations and don't have to rely on single economy. While the returns are lower, I expect this to be a solid growth ETF. + +**iShares Developed Markets Property - 10% Weight** + +I also didn't want to fully rely on the stock market so with a bit of property market exposure, I wont be left holding bags if something like the dot com bubble or 2008 property market crash happens again. I'm sure some sector will bubble up and burst at one point. + +**iShares Healthcare Innovation - 10% Weight** + +With massive technological advancements, there will be many medical breakthrough as well. Artificial Intelligence can boost research, exoskeletons and artificial augmentation, Neuralink like tech, gene therapy are some of the healthcare sectors that could take off in the coming years + +**iShares Automation & Robotics - 5% Weight** + +Almost every company is pushing for automation and this sector could also see massive growth, almost every aspect of Tesla is more than 75% automated, Amazon is in similar as well with checkout less shopping centres, drone deliveries, autonomous driving etc + +**iShares NASDAQ 100 - 5% Weight** + +Unlike the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100 is very tech heavy and since most of the other ETFs also relate to tech in one way or another, this one hold a lot less weight. Nasdaq 100 also has a better return rate than S&P 500. +Hi guys + +I have about 20k in a Trading 212 ISA, but I am seriously considering switching to vanguard for this year and transferring the 212 balance across. 80% of my holdings are with vanguard ETFs anyway. I know t212 is Fscs protected, but I can't help thinking with all the stuff about lending shares, introduction of fx fees, people reporting issues around withdrawing money, would my long term savings be safer elsewhere? Or am I overthinking this. + +Cheers +The title pretty much covers it, I am 21 years old and just been given 10K to invest in an ISA. How would people use this money, i.e Just index funds or stocks, invest all now? save some cash and invest more later? + +&#x200B; + +I am using [hl.co.uk](https://hl.co.uk) and they have some premade portfolios you can use as well. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice is appreciated, I am new to investing. +https://leverageshares.com/en/insights/leverage-shares-launches-record-42-new-etps/ + +I know leveraged products aren't hot topics on this sub but I thought it might interest some who want access to cheap leverage via the LSE. + +Also the list includes a Berkshire Hathaway Tracker ETP (BERK) which might catch the eye of some who want BH in an ISA/SIPP tracked in GBP. + +Personal opinions aside, easily available 5x leverage on underlying ETFs is eye opening and pretty ground-breaking across the global markets let alone the LSE. +**EQTEC plc. (£EQT)** + +*Sector: Utilities/Clean Energy* +*Price: 1.45p* + +*Market Cap: £122m* + +*Insider ownership: 33%* + +*Inst. ownership: 8%* + +**TL:DR - Biowaste company - turns waste to fuel using gasification. Expects to become profitable this year. Few upcoming projects. Chart looks promising (possible reversal).** + +---------------------- + +EQTEC plc, a waste-to-value company, licenses and sells its gasification technology that generates green energy from waste in Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Its gasification technology produces energy from various feedstock, such as municipal, agricultural, and industrial waste, as well as biomass and plastics. + +The company also supplies gasification reactors and equipment; and provides engineering and design services. In addition, it generates electricity through wind; develops and operates biomass heat generating projects; and operates as an energy utility. + +---------------------- + +**Financial Summary** + +The company expects revenues will rise to around €15mln in 2021 from €2.2mln in 2020, shifting it into the black. + +The increase in revenues, together with an expected contribution from EQTEC Capital, are forecast to generate positive underlying earnings (EBITDA), making 2021 EQTEC's first year of profitability. + +Revenue in 2020 grew to €2.23mln from €1.69mln in 2019 while the loss before tax widened to €5.84mln from €3.58mln, partly reflecting an increase in administrative expenses to €3.69mln (2019: €2.67mln) and employee share-based compensation in 2020 of €1.30mln. + +The company ended 2020 with cash and cash equivalents of €6.39mln, up from €482,392 a year earlier, after it raised £10mln during the year from an oversubscribed placing of shares. + +**Recent News** + +EQTEC achieved financial close on the acquisition and planned recommissioning of the 1MWe EQTEC Italia MDC plant on 18 June 2021. + +**Technical Analysis** + +[Chart](https://www.tradingview.com/x/Y0YZcgVY/) broke out of a falling wedge yesterday, signalling a possible reversal, with bullish engulfing of the last candle. +**TLDR: Has anyone heard of "tail risk hedging", if so what do you think of it, and how would it manifest itself in a regular retail investors portfolio?** + +I've read Nicholas Taleb's *Skin In The Game*, follow him on Twitter and read most of his blog posts. I'm a fan, mainly because he's not afraid to go against the grain and be unpopular. + +For a bit of context, Taleb is a former trader who called the 2008 financial crash (and made money off it), writes books on randomness and uncertainty, and is heavily critical of the way the financial industry evaluates risk. + +This recent story revealed how the fund Taleb advises returned 3,600% in March! + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-08/taleb-advised-universa-tail-risk-fund-returned-3-600-in-march](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-08/taleb-advised-universa-tail-risk-fund-returned-3-600-in-march) + +From my understanding, Taleb truly believes that "past performance is no indication of future results", and so thinks investors need insurance at all times against inevitable crashes that can come with or without warning. + +This video also goes into more detail on the investment philosophy: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mfnSM0k9jY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mfnSM0k9jY) + +To me this approach seems like a really sensible way to insure your portfolio and lower risk, while also exposing yourself to potentially big returns - the holy grail?! + +My thinking is that this would take the form of put options in your portfolio, but keen to hear what others think. + +Has anyone come across "tail risk hedging" / got any thoughts on it? + +Thanks in advance. +So I’m relatively new to investing in UK equities(still using the LSE’s simulator) and what I’ve observed is the GBP and the FTSE 100 usually have an inverse relation. I’ve understood the reason for this and thus would like suggestions as to how do y’all hedge against the rising GBP in today’s volatile market. Is it by buying any specific ETFs or FTSE 250 stocks (companies with primarily UK earnings)? +Thanks and sorry if it’s a relatively basic question +Won't this dillute the strategy over time, depending on how big their following is? + +Isn't it a bit disingenious, since the person selling the strategy doesn't need to worry about it being dilluted, since that person is getting lots of sales anyway. +But his followers will get a diluted strategy that they paid lots of money for. +And they will all basically compete to get filled at the same areas. +Is the market too big for this to even matter? Or will the market always improve in a way that most strategies will get diluted over time due to competition and successfull strategies will always keep changing over time? + +I guess it's just supply and demand? Demand for trading strategies, and whenever that strategy fails to work due to the supply, the demand for it will diminish? +This seems to be a continuation of an article a while back where WSJ looked at retirees with over $2M. + +Pretty interesting, especially since some of the things that these retirees are doing are not common consensus here (but others definitely are, like geoarbitrage or an emphasis on travel), but they appear to be doing great overall. + +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/heres-what-a-1-million-retirement-looks-like-in-america-11671890735?mod=markets\_featst\_pos1](https://www.wsj.com/articles/heres-what-a-1-million-retirement-looks-like-in-america-11671890735?mod=markets_featst_pos1) + +ETA: Thanks u/Hactually for the unpaywalled version: [https://archive.vn/CrKop](https://archive.vn/CrKop) +Good Morning Apes! + +It looks like we are gearing up for another test of 225 in the pre-market already moving in for what will be our 5^(th) test in the last 6 days. This is really starting to feel like the new 180. Again todays price action will largely depend on if we can break that ascending resistance and hold or not. Currently the big fear for the SHFs is the gamma ramp sitting above 225 dude to the sideways movement OI at 9/3, 9/10, and 9/17. + +[low\/mid\/high ranges for today](https://preview.redd.it/cue20vx543l71.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=a77fca00d9c1546bc780db5d8d7676cf52b19fdb) + +If you want a more in-depth look at this weeks TA [check out the weekly DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pe5nhp/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_forward_looking_ta_for/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +[Exit DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) for those that want an idea of what to expect + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (previous ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180.5, 182.5, 185, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (new ATM offering) 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Hours + +Still not tracking expected price movement. But green on the day I'll take. Moving into tomorrow above max pain with the vast majority of the options chain rolled out to 9/17 we might actually see some movement on a Friday. They keep pushing this out day by day but that means when they do cover they'll have less time to do it. Less time means more volatility and with that ramp in place this strategy seems like a losing one. Thank you all, see you tomorrow. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/zxc6e6cfc5l71.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e6554f48a381fe8caa0a60da4402e1b9f1250e0 + +Edit 6 1:57 + +Continuing to chop it seems like they are buying on one candle then shorting the next very odd movement + +https://preview.redd.it/ktkcz59up4l71.png?width=1567&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3ab4fdcc09715d343afc7c154f2a9aa78b91f94 + +Edit 5 1:00 + +Sometimes we need to manipulate the markets a bit, throw it the old curveball + +https://preview.redd.it/lliau8vlf4l71.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=34e2cd9be7616a546980b79c4bdc88b6d92f0e46 + +Edit 4 12:11 + +Almost returned to neutral, but the volume just hit a million. I expect we will have a difficult time passing 215 without a bit more. + +https://preview.redd.it/sr8lrsh074l71.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd2144c26dbf44b37ba2645bddf207cf11654875 + +Edit 3 10:58 + +broke down from the ascending channel this will either for a H&S or bounce on the 60EMA/VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/ocsycp8wt3l71.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=f02e4b7c4e3e23dc29af5c8ef8c51eaa82c1d47e + +Edit 2 10:06 + +As bullish of a reversal as we are gonna get on this low volume but it looks good + +https://preview.redd.it/llza5jcfk3l71.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=999f4f51a285f0484f93829ef0dc86e8200abb71 + +Edit 1 9:41 + +$5 dollar drop right out of the gate, volume at 190k + +https://preview.redd.it/44pd3qozf3l71.png?width=1555&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f6822824d4594ca090d7fb49e870fbff5f0f20 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +18k Volume with 15k shares available to borrow. It appears that the 130k shares borrowed from Fidelity yesterday have been returned. We have a nice open gap in premarket to fill up to yesterdays VWAP around 219. If we do I expect we will yet again see an early test of 225. + +[pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/e85g8xv553l71.png?width=1532&format=png&auto=webp&s=600cd9e557665c0dfa1d5b37997319c2dfad91e6) + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +After fatFIRE, becoming an angel investor and starting your own VC could be a good way to pass time. Has anyone done this? + +What does it take to become an angel investor and to start your own VC firm? Aside from having capital, do you also need certifications? How do you find startup investment opportunities? Networking? AngelList? Meetups? + +If anyone can share their story, it would be appreciated. +I have read a lot of the previous posts here about healthcare, but I'm not sure they exactly fit my situation. Throwaway account because I need to give some identifying details. + +* I'm in Chicago. + +* I have no friends, family, or coworkers connected to the medical industry at all. + +* 8 years ago I developed a painful condition that almost caused me to leave my career. I tried lots of doctors, but I think I may have been hampered by not having any idea what I was doing. I eventually gave up and figured out workarounds to live with my condition and work despite it. I could never get a doctor to actually give me a diagnosis, I kept having clean tests, which made me a difficult case and my doctors always seemed rushed. + +* Despite the pain I knocked my career out of the park and I'll hit my number easily in the next year, unless I get too sick/injured. + +* In the last few weeks I have developed a new, probably but not necessarily unrelated pain problem in a different area of my body. I have again gone for a few tests, all of which were clean. I'm getting flashbacks to my last experience, and I can't live with two problems like this. A lot of my life is already oriented around workarounds to my first problem. + +I'm wondering if I should try concierge medicine, especially since I felt like no one really had time to actually focus on my case. Spending the money is no problem. But concierge or not, in the other threads here the advice everyone keeps giving is to already have a doctor you trust to give you a recommendation in confidence, but I don't have one. + +Well, there must be at least one FatFIRE physician in Chicago in here right? That can refer me to a GP or concierge practice that is the real deal? Or at least tell me who to avoid? Maybe specific tips for when your problem is that you can't get a diagnosis? +I have my first $1M+ tax bill coming (state and federal) because of an unnaturally good year (investment capital gains). I know that I'm going to get dinged for not paying it per quarter. But is there anything special that I need to do outside of transfer that cash into a bank account from my brokerage and then authorize the money transfer from my bank when I file my taxes electronically? Ie, at that amount of money, do I have to do anything beyond what most people normally do? In particular, I'm curious if there's any gotchas like max transfer from my bank, max amount that I can do with e-filing, etc. I've already worked out the details with my brokerage. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Okay everyone take a deep breath before spamming how PayPal is going to slaughter the rest of the BNPL market. + +Now, the thing is this BNPL market has grown so rapidly in such a short time that the big names, APT & Z1P mostly, are interchangeable in conversation for BNPL. Now this is really important for product recognition and is an edge that they have over PayPal who to the best of my knowledge are offering their BNPL offering under the PayPal name which will take time to change their brand imaging away from just basic online payments. + +Honestly, big fish coming into the BNPL sector just shows how strong the potential growth is. And while Z1P including Quadpay has ~3 mill and APT has ~7 mil users, at this point in time PayPal has 0 BNPL users and while they have ~286 mil the age of the service no doubt means that a lot of those are inactive ( I know mine is) and the demographics of the users will play a large part too. + +My dumb fuck guess is that come next quarterly reports for all our BNPL babies, they will continue to show the massive growth that us retards have come to know and love. + +Sidenote: I hold OPY, SZL and big daddy Z1P (evidence on my post from yesterday) +Side-sidenote: not financial advice +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +If I'm being questioned by my boss and I'm in charge of a project or a team, having answers is kind of paramount to me keeping my job. The fact that these assholes could not answer whether or not they back the biggest oil conglomerates, or if they actively helped people during a pandemic (things they should absolutely know) is a farce. + +This only pushes me to hold for galaxies. +The DD is done. Besides the helpful rediscovered posts like the one we found this weekend, everything has been said. I think it is time to do helpful AMAs for future millionaires/billionaires. Let's not give a platform to people who at this point are just looking for self-promotion and shilling. Can we please have AMAs with fiduciaries, tax lawyers, estate lawyers, real estate professionals, etc? + +Edit: how fucking obtuse can people be? Read the whole fucking post! We don't need anymore DD to know what's going to happen. Yes, we welcome the newly rediscovered DD but that's not going to make a difference at this point. Do you know what's going to make a difference, educating yourself too early rather than too late on how to safeguard your money. How's that FUD? How's that forum sliding? How's that counting your chickens before they hatch? Educate yourselves, dumbasses!... Or not, and lose everything you've been holding for, in the blink of an eye. There's a reason why lottery winners are broke within a decade, because they are as dumb as the people in this post saying we shouldn't learn about how to handle wealth. +I thought I'd see what people do alongside their actual job to boost their income. With Christmas looming I thought now would be the time to ask. + +This could be tips, blood donations, buying/reselling things. I just thought I'd ask as this is one of the most sensible subs I'm subscribed to. + +For example I buy computers from Gumtree, craigslist, or Facebook then fix them up and sell them. Making £50-£100 profit per machine depending on what needs replacing as some people dont know what to do with them. + +I read a reddit comment about another redditor who uses /r/borrow and loans small amounts with reasonable interest amounts to other redditors and makes a steady amount there. + +A friend of mine has a rare blood type (really recommend finding out what blood type you are if you don't know) and donates it frequently for cash in hand. + +So what do you do /r/personalfinance? + +&#x200B; + +This paragraph is straight gangsta. + +GameStop recognizes that the stock price has risen in the past couple of years and in doing so, has priced out many people who wish to buy in but can't. They recognize that a stock split will reset that price for common share down to a desirable level and one that will allow many, many more people to buy in. + +GameStop is essentially saying (and telling hedgies), you think this is a lot of people buying our shit now, wait till we split this mother fucker, dropping the price down and watch thousands more people FOMO in and really fuck your short positions up. + +Power to the Players + +https://preview.redd.it/a8et6yg9b3t81.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=d950dac6881c0f40059e55c619d110a53ef5b1ad +Im a 23 year old university student. My dad is buying a new property (shop) and wants to put it in my name, instead of my other siblings. + +How will this affect me moving forward? specifically, will it prevent me being able to get a ''first time buyer mortgage'' + +I haven't got much knowledge of this stuff, and im in the middle of university exams so i would appreciate some help. Thanks. +https://www.wsj.com/articles/rishi-sunak-extends-lead-in-race-for-next-u-k-prime-minister-11666607256 + +https://imgur.com/a/1o1WGDO + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rishi_Sunak + +Sunak worked for Goldman Sachs and later as a partner at the hedge fund firms the Children's Investment Fund Management and Theleme Partners. +[https://www.afr.com/property/residential/one-quarter-of-sydney-home-sales-pulled-from-auction-20221113-p5bxsf](https://www.afr.com/property/residential/one-quarter-of-sydney-home-sales-pulled-from-auction-20221113-p5bxsf) +Here's the link: https://ethlots.com/ + +Feel free to ask us questions or comment. Here's a link to the contract to verify: https://etherscan.io/address/0xca30a6938d8a2c70c547a694755bf6d81e04b2ea#code +Guys, ETH just broke the 1000 EUR level today around 8.30 London time! I was really not expecting that as the price was dropping to 806 EUR yesterday after quite a sharp increase to the 990 EUR level but hey, welcome to the crypto currency world I suppose! Shall we reasonably expect the ETH to rise to the 1.5k this month? 3k by March? I am slightly concerned by the Market cap eth would have if it reaches 3k EUR, it would have the same weight of one of the biggest European company. +In the last few months, I’ve been reading a lot about how AI and Blockchain can fix the global supply chain crisis we have been experiencing since the pandemic started. I've also been attempting to make sense of the crypto jungle and distinguish between the not so useful tokens and genuine future-oriented projects that will positively impact our lives. It's really fascinating to see AI getting adopted gradually on blockchain. + + +I’m looking into [VeChain](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/the-top-5-things-to-know-about-vechain-and-its-supply-chain-crypto-2021-06-29), [Oraichain](https://coincodex.com/article/14652/oraichain-introduces-20-version-of-its-verifiable-random-function-service-on-fantom-network/) and [IOTX](https://iotex.io/). However, how practical is this? Should we expect to see large corporations publicly embrace this concept soon? +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Basically, rent is due today, the 1st. I have a stable job and income, however, my work lost/misplaced my paycheck last week. I would’ve had more than enough to cover my rent this month, if I had my check. I don’t have any idea when payroll will fix the issue. + +I have no idea when I’ll get my check by. My rental lease states that if rent isn’t due by the 5th of the month, there’s a 5% late fee. However, does this mean I can still get evicted if I pay before the 5th? Should I call my apartment complex and fill them in? I’m super embarrassed about it all. I’ve never been late on a payment. + +UPDATE: thank you everyone for the great advice! I ended up calling my leasing department and explained the situation and they were super understanding about it! Basically she said that my rent technically isn’t considered late until the 5th and even if I still somehow don’t get paid by then, that we could figure something out! I plan on talking with my payroll department tomorrow afternoon and getting an answer on where my missing check is. They either mailed it, or it’s stuffed somewhere random! +**Today...** + +[https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2022\/03\/07\/russia-ukraine-bill-ackman-says-world-war-iii-likely-already-started.html](https://preview.redd.it/lb28am0e02m81.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=24436b4e7ca47b8c8bbfa37f832bfad3caf8e170) + +**Old news...** + +https://preview.redd.it/igs9s3gh02m81.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=94938f42c415d1065071df2a2cd077f2ec7f4364 + +[https:\/\/www.cnbc.com\/2020\/03\/25\/bill-ackman-exits-market-hedges-uses-2-billion-he-made-to-buy-more-stocks-including-hilton.html](https://preview.redd.it/a4i7xx3p02m81.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=273f8a67951be75dc455fbe3302648e6a4d5cae9) + +**TLDR: Ackman and CNBC spooked the markets and he made over $2bn going short During Covid - today he is "trending number 1" on CNBC and talking WW3... Market Manipulator Ackman going for Round 2....** +Looking to put up 20% to the most reasonable one. +&nbsp; + +But please do not tell me that your coin/token is anything worth while when only thing going for your coin/token is a concept. +&nbsp; + +Tell me why it's unique, it has a bright future, and how much % you invest in it! +&nbsp; + +EDIT: rip inbox +Welcome to the open discussion thread. + +This space is reserved for open discussion or questions on research and news on economics. + +Talk about economics among yourselves. +>AMD processors and graphics chips will be used in the infotainment systems of newly updated Tesla Model S and Model X electric cars, which are expected to go on sale in a few weeks. With AMD's more powerful chips, Tesla owners will be able to play cutting-edge video games in their cars—when they're not driving, of course–and see maps and other items in more detail. +> +>"The work (Tesla) is doing is truly pushing the leading edge of what you can put into a car," Lisa Su told *Fortune* in an exclusive interview before announcing the Tesla deal on Monday at the Computex computer show in Taiwan. She described the effort to make in-car dash systems as powerful as high-end PCs "part of the broader trend that computing is everywhere." + +[AMD confirms it’s powering the gaming rig inside Tesla’s Model S and Model X - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/1/22462660/amd-tesla-model-x-s-plaid-ryzen-radeon-rdna-2) +Hi everyone! I started trading a little over a year ago with my own funds but am considering doing a funded account for higher capital. Could anyone tell me the pros and cons of being (or trying to be) a funded trader? +All, + +So I have an interesting situation. A rep at a reputable financial institution inadvertently liquidated my life 401k. It’s currently in a money market account — still pretax. They have offered to compensate me for my loses in the market but do I put it back in immediately at the higher cost? (not to me since, it’s being supplemented) Wait for another correction? Think cash is king and ride the bear— attempt to catch the falling knife. Dollar cost averaging? I would not be thinking about any of this but it’s “cashed out” so the opportunity is there. Let me know what y’ll thinks. +Because high volatility lets is sell premium for more money we should love this market, but I wonder how many are currently making big money. I know I am happy to breakeven these days. I guess I need to sell more calls!!! +Still relatively new to thetagang but would like to give my 2 cents when it comes to theta farming based on what I've learned throughout the last few months. + +As the title suggests, waiting is the hardest part; not just in theta gang but trading in general. Ideally we should have our trades planned out before market open and wait for the setup to come to us based on whatever our strategy is. But most of us, myself included tend to fall into FOMO or get trigger happy whenever we stare at our screens for an extended amount of time. + +I find that the best way to counter this is to just step away. Not saying you have to turn off your computer or log out of your app but just try to not keep staring at it. Those 1 or 2 cent moves will take what seems like forever to reach your ideal target. Set an alert and go do something else. If it hits great, we're in business. If not, there's always another day or another trade. + +For those who journal their trades, look back at some of that data and compare the rate of success for trades where you actually followed your plan versus the ones where you pulled the trigger early/late, or just willy nilly. I can almost guarantee that if your strategy is sound, chances are the patient trades will have a higher success rate. + +Sure, there will be trades that you'll miss out on but this shouldn't phase you. You've formulated a plan and executed it flawlessly. Whatever happens afterwards is no longer your concern. Besides, who says you can't regroup and redraw a new plan for reentry later on? Point is, don't FOMO and take a moment to organize your thoughts. + +I hope this helps! The idea itself is pretty simple and basic but takes discipline and mental fortitude to execute, both of which can be strengthen. +I’ve deposited about $800 into my brokerage account. After 2 weeks the total account is at about $940. Im obviously happy that my accounts value is positive however how can I grow a small account quicker. I don’t have near $25,000 to use to open a marginal account and with my cash account I can only trade once every 2 business days (Webull) which makes growing the account slow and tedious. Any tips/ comments would be much appreciated. Hope everyones having a good night! Looking forward to Monday!💪🏽 +i'm sure we have all heard the analogy that day trading is like casino gambling and that your time and money is better spent "betting it on red". i get the cynicism of day trading, but this is one of the worst excuses i've ever heard. poker and blackjack aside, when you walk into a casino the odds are predetermined and are already against you. usually the house edge is around 1% meaning that out of 100 games, you'll win 49 and lose 51. statistically meaning you will lose all your money in the long run. when you enter the stock market, without knowing a single thing about investing, you already have better odds than the casino. the base level of investing (shares) the stock can either go up or down, therefore meaning you can only buy or short a stock, meaning that you have a 50% chance of making money. so already your odds are better than a casino which invalidates the analogy as a whole. + +NOT SAYING DAY TRADING ISN'T A FORM OF GAMBLING. day trading and pretty much everything in life is a "calculated gamble" and ultimately a self fulfilling prophecy. when you drive from point A to point B, you are taking a risk that you know how mechanically how to drive the vehicle and that you understand all the laws regarding driving (stopping at a red light etc) but you also have to hope that everyone else driving on the road also knows how to drive and knows the laws. that everyone will stop at a red light. same thing as trading. + +but continuing as for why day trading and investing as a whole is worth your time is you can create that "house edge" for yourself through systems. find a strategy that you have conviction in and make it work. we are all different, therefore, every strategy will need to be defined by you and your way of thinking (obviously). + +more importantly, the reason for you to not do something shouldn't be "another person told you not to do it". if you want to become a day trader or just an etf buy and hold, THEN DO IT. don't let these people come and tell you what you should do with your time and money, yet you guys do. + +&#x200B; + +keep your head up and live your life the way you want to, not the way others want you to. +# Hindsight is 20/20 + +What's the point of reviewing dead charts? Well, the main benefit of studying the past is that it helps you learn to identify things better in the future. **You first need to master analyzing price action on pause before being able to spot—and act upon it—in real-time.** A similar exercise is when athletes review film before a game. Day trading is no different; it is **a high-performance skill.** + +Investing legend William O'Neil used this approach decades ago. So did retail swing trading phenom Quallamagie. Both studied thousands of past charts and **searched for what the biggest movers had in common.** After defining a list of objective criteria, they developed a system to trade individual stocks using a standard methodology. The rest is history. + +I started out as a swing/position trader before getting into day trading. I consider that experience as **part of my edge** since I am familiar with the entries/stops used on higher timeframes. You know—**the FOMO and Max Pain areas**. I like to day trade stocks where a pattern is triggering on the daily/hourly chart, such as a **pullback, reversal, or breakout.** Other times, I look for pattern/trend failures which result in panic exits. This knowledge **helps narrow down my scanners to tickers that have potential to make clean intraday moves.** + +# It Takes a Lot of Money to Keep Price Moving Along + +When a stock has a compelling daily/weekly chart, institutions are looking to buy/sell millions of shares. **They can't get filled all at once.** Therefore, they do so in increments during pullbacks and rallies at favorable prices. When **big players are loading up or unwinding positions**, this causes a stock to drift in one direction for the entire day (or longer). Many of you know this as a ***trend***. + +How can we tell a stock is trending? Easy: add a 20/21 SMA/EMA and **gauge the slope**. Is the line going northeast or southeast? Is price staying above or below the sloping MA? If the answer to both is *yes*, then odds are the ticker is trending. + +[Classic trends with pivot structure making HH\/HL \(uptrend\) and LH\/LL \(downtrend\)](https://preview.redd.it/eek2bf6yy34a1.png?width=693&format=png&auto=webp&s=2066a55207dc70a59fe9b6150e80c6b243bcbcb2) + +If you want to gauge the health of a trend (losing steam or getting extended) then add a smaller MA. The 8,9,10 SMA/EMA work well for this purpose. Now observe the distance between the small and big MA. **Are they parallel?** If so, **this trend will likely continue until there is reason to believe otherwise.** I call parallel MA's the **Highway to Heaven** (uptrend) or **Highway to Hell** (downtrend). Let's abbreviate that to **H2H**. + +[8\/20 MA's parallel and equal distance apart](https://preview.redd.it/5c3ywve3z34a1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=78f1cc0532525922f0e749cc063707fa87fe2941) + +# Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS) + +Here's a brief checklist I use to decide whether a stock deserves a spot on my watchlist: + +1. Is the **daily chart compelling** (pattern triggered, trend failing, surprise gap, earnings, etc.)? +2. Is there **void on the higher timeframes** for price to gravitate into? This is also known as the ***path of least resistance.*** (I've posted 3 videos on how to find levels—please see my post history). +3. Is a strong stock **surfing above the rising MA**, or is a weak stock **bobbing below the declining MA**? + +If all the above conditions are met, then **I stalk for an entry near the 20 MA**. To make my life easier, I **only trade two patterns** which follow the trend: the first are **pullbacks**, which [I posted about here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/ynzqoz/pattern_recognition_part_ii_how_to_buy_the_dip/) + +[Long Setup following pullback; Short Setup following rally](https://preview.redd.it/j84d3tt4z34a1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=874d9d465e173a7f5d23de6d04d5b0f2f6389612) + +The second pattern takes time to develop. After a big run or drop, price needs time to rest and will go sideways. This is called a ***consolidation***. When the candlesticks coil into a tighter and tighter range, a big move is likely to occur. These high-volume plays are often referred to as ***continuation breakouts and breakdowns,*** which [I posted about here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/xmcp8j/become_a_pattern_recognition_machine_an_obsession/) + +[Note: there are countless ways to trade breakouts. Some traders even put their stop below\/above the entry bar for better reward-to-risk potential.](https://preview.redd.it/ahuq13p5z34a1.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=f13ee9fe7c7fe366f3bcefd72f2357b262f057e4) + +Let's combine everything we've discussed above. Price should be on the correct side of the Highway to Heaven or Hell. There are two directions and we're only looking for two patterns. Therefore, **my job is to wait patiently until one of these four setups appear** (in reality there are more due to variations). + +[The four setups in relation to the sloping and parallel MAs](https://i.redd.it/kha6jai6z34a1.gif) + +# Applying Concepts to Real Charts + +Here are **24 tickers from last week.** Some I traded, others I'm sharing because they are good examples. Let's run through them while keeping the checklist in mind: + +**1. Compelling daily chart** + +**2. Void between levels** + +**3. Highway to Heaven/Hell** + +**4. Pattern for entry** + +Prepare your fingers for zooming and scrolling... + +# $ZIM Gap down and took out multi-week support + +[Nov 28, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullbacks and breakdown](https://preview.redd.it/jfnrdqg8z34a1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=492aa88b9cefc4cf37f0dd26a2576cf51336cfca) + +# $PBF Gap down and lost prior pivot low + +[Nov 28, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullback](https://preview.redd.it/nb7hv9y8z34a1.png?width=847&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d55481e8cdf93de421a0a78f329b0dcef1d4b6) + +# $TRP Breakout failure and lost yesterday's low (Y-LO) + +[Nov 29, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullbacks and breakdown](https://preview.redd.it/0vurnmp9z34a1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=59638ebbd4d2211b81ee8deb6175a11ac56a56d1) + +# $MANU Continuation after inside resting bar + +[Nov 29, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullbacks and breakouts](https://preview.redd.it/g3vdz7uaz34a1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=6012ff60528c4c3604cb7bc12fa111e1af7fdea5) + +# $SBLK Gap down and reject Y-LO + +[Nov 29, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullbacks](https://preview.redd.it/67ssdpibz34a1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=8051d51606c79e58d088749fed934e96919fcfa9) + +# $NFLX Two-legged pullback triggered over Y-HI + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullback and breakout](https://preview.redd.it/8bna9xccz34a1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=f21b815c1048a537841e203c0f7ec27028f1bb70) + +# $BBWI Pullback triggered over Y-HI + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullback and breakout](https://preview.redd.it/h7d7dspcz34a1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eeef05d94e9cff9e541f6ed3495a45d280fabdd) + +# $INTU W-Pullback over yesterday's high + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullbacks and breakout](https://preview.redd.it/jljm7c6dz34a1.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=02743b59cd63b49848c7818356126cb68c23a3f4) + +# $ZIM Day 3 continuation following gap down from above + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullbacks](https://preview.redd.it/jobig94ez34a1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=324a5cea935453bcae1eda46c5303e1da9d05b6f) + +# $BBW Gap up to pivot high and bounced off prior pivot + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullbacks and breakout](https://preview.redd.it/h0qk52kez34a1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=c45b4333b46b43a20d30bd6260ef8fd19b556152) + +# $HPE Pullback triggered over Y-HI + +[Nov 30, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullback and breakout](https://preview.redd.it/sfq6n92fz34a1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=84bfeaef841906803921661d652c237362f7ba51) + +# $DAR Breakdown below last week's support/Y-LO + +[Dec 1, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with pullbacks](https://preview.redd.it/1kx9xgyr544a1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a0b41fd8a5e9c2b01a74ccac2c0820be0a5732b) + +# $CM Double pullback failure and took out pivot support + +[Dec 1, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with breakdowns](https://preview.redd.it/anxycs2lz34a1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=527c84ba4c59a925555c9e4b42fff3499f7c73be) + +# $W Continuation from yesterday's gap up reversal + +[Dec 1, 2022 - Intraday uptrend with pullbacks and breakouts](https://preview.redd.it/c0ui1schz34a1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=69773fb879d631660a73aa0f6b67dc8ff7d0e3ef) + +# $BAX News play; lost pivot support and Y-LO + +[Dec 1, 2022 - Intraday downtrend with breakdowns](https://preview.redd.it/rof9e4lhz34a1.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8f3145cf0b08dca1cc4e5225f2b5a6c6ff48d71) + +# Reddit has an image limit—remaining charts are linked below. + +u/T1m3Wizard combined all 24 charts [into this one link.](https://imgur.com/a/AymPv6x) Thanks! + +[~~$GIII Monster gap down into no man's land~~](https://imgur.com/a/ejgKrgr) + +[~~$NTNX Base breakout (A+ Setup)~~](https://imgur.com/a/ZLly4o4) + +[~~$GLBE Day 2 reversal follow-through into prior gap~~](https://imgur.com/a/s8VIm21) + +[~~$SPLK Gap up to prior pivot area~~](https://imgur.com/a/ee22H0U) + +[~~$DINO Uptrend disintegration~~](https://imgur.com/a/eYvbcwh) + +[~~$FLR Base breakout at the rising 20 MA (A+ Setup)~~](https://imgur.com/a/gRhtQEU) + +[~~$FRO Day 3 continuation after pullback and inside bar~~](https://imgur.com/a/YVDEuB1) + +[~~$MRVL Gap down to support and bounced; room to fill gap~~](https://imgur.com/a/guER9CE) + +[~~$PBF Continuation after inside resting bar~~](https://imgur.com/a/t4nAFy5) + +# Screen Time = Training to be a Pattern Recognition Machine + +Thank you for reading this far! That was a lot of charts and repetition. As Jesse Livermore said: + +>*Nothing new ever occurs in the business of speculating or investing in securities and commodities.* + +Does every 'good' daily chart lead to an all-day trend? *No.* But I have found that when the higher timeframes are aligned, day trading is a lot easier. **Trade the best and leave the rest.** + +This has been a high-level summary of what I look for, day-in and day-out. It is a framework that I use to approach the markets—**a process with over 10,000 hours of screen-time behind it that suits my personality.** I hope the information is useful for your own trading journey. Cheers and all the best :) +How many times do you say I don’t want to sell because $100 looks nicer than $90 or $1000 looks nicer than $800? The market doesn’t give a shit about your P/L. You have to take what the market gives you. The profits will add up. Try to avoid watching your P/L when trading and trade based on price movement. +I had about £45k in cash and I have been purchasing about £300 per week of World trackers over the past 2 years but this drip feed is so slow and I I worried about inflation. Would it be better to just use everything I have left over about £16k to buy a world tracker in one go +So I am in my early twenties and in my senior year of college. I am planning on returning to complete my masters degree in criminology and I have always had a goal to fly. My career plans entering school were to go into federal law enforcement and those plans have largely remained the same. I don’t have any student loan debt and I’m currently working for $15 an hour as an EMT at my school. + +I started to look into what it would take to fly an air ambulance or be a part of a company such as LifeFlight as a pilot of a fixed wing aircraft. I became aware that all the positions require an ATP among other qualifications. I have always wanted to fly but was turned away a from my dreams of flying for a more stable career in law enforcement. Now, I am beginning to explore other options. + +The program I’ve been looking at is through American Airlines where I would take out a loan for $100k (roughly) and be guaranteed an interview at a regional airline upon graduation. Is it worth taking out this loan to purse this career? +Hi everyone. Looking for some advice as to how to best approach the situation I'm in. I have been working in crypto for several years now and a company that I worked for compensated me (in addition to regular salary) with their self-issued crypto token. Initially the offering was worth about $800k after a 2 year vesting period but that's shrunk to about $175k. I have $120k vested and would like to exit before any further retracting of the market. The company retains first right of refusal on the sale of this token and have agreed to buy it back at the current market rate. + +I currently max out all of my tax advantaged accounts, 401k, FSA, and Roth IRA. Have a couple debts that are nearly paid off. I am also getting married this year, and our combined income comes to about $260k gross, the taxes we'd pay on the sale would be 9.9% state and 24-32% federal. In 12-16 months, we'd like to use this money as a down payment on a house. I hope to park the money somewhere safe that can earn a little in that amount of time, while minimizing the tax hit. One also has to consider the fees involved in selling crypto somewhere like Gemini is 1%. + +It's looking like after taxes (unless there are other options) the final dollar value I'd realize is around $64000, a lot less than the original value but better than nothing. Should I just drop this in a savings account? I have a betterment account that manages the Roth IRA, should I just use a "conservative" portfolio savings account there? Thanks for any and all advice! +This might be a dumb question, but everywhere I look I’m told that the maximum mortgage someone should take out is 2.5x their annual income. So 60k a year (approximately my income) would be a 150k house. I’m 26 years old and I just bought my first house this year, starter homes don’t sell for 150k where I live, my mortgage is around 220k. So naturally I thought wow I’m going to be broke but I guess I have to bite the bullet. What I’m confused about is, I’ve managed to save over 12k this year, plus 403B contribution of 6%, plus going out to eat and buying two new tv’s repainting whole interior of house, and also the 20k down payment on the house. I know this year we got stimulus money so that might be a factor but even still. So now I’m a bit confused, where is this 2.5x annual income number coming from? It must be either extremely conservative, or assumes everyone is in massive amounts of debt, or is there something else I’m missing? +We all know the worst nightmare is to have a recession during the first year of retirement. I've been reading on variable withdrawal rates and there are countless approaches. I'm curious to hear from people who went through this. What was your plan? How well did it work out? What, if any, do you wish you had done instead? + +My rough idea is to build some cash buffer through CD ladders, enough for about 3 years of expenses. And to withdraw between 0-5% based on market returns and total portfolio value. Curious to hear your thoughts! +For starters, I realize this can be a tough question to answer because fatFIRE may not have even been on your radar at the time. But for those who have already made it or are close to fatFIRE, where were you at financially in your mid 20s? What would you do differently if you could go back in time? + +For context, I discovered FI out of college, and more recently have started to set my sights on fatFIRE. I’m 26, make around $140k a year, no kids, and have a NW of roughly $200k. SR is around 70%. Reading through this subreddit, you see some insane NWs. My question is really to help put things into context and give me some hope that fatFIRE is actually a possibility :) Thanks all! + + +# Introduction: + +Welcome back to my weekly stock analysis. Disclaimer: I am not invested in this one + +Texas Instruments Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) + +Sector: Semiconductors (Technology) + +## Company Strengths & Risks: +TXN is a semiconductor company out of Texas. Most of its revenue comes from analog chips and processors. I am nearly certain most students have seen or heard of this company. That calculator we all loved so much. Texas Instruments boasts 12% free cash flow growth, 26% CAGR, and 46% share reduction all from 2004 to 2020. To give an oversimplified explanation of semiconductors, they are the little chips used in technology, everywhere from gaming and graphics cards, to cell phones, to cars, to medicine, and so much more. + +Strengths: +- double digit dividend growth rate +- 15 year dividend growth history +- Good ROI and ROA +- industry will always be necessary (in my opinion) + +Risks: +- underleveraged +- low yield +- surplus of competition + +## Financial History and numbers + +TXN: +Numbers from [Seeking Alpha](https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/TXN/dividends/dividend-growth) as of Aug 08, 2021 + +Numbers from [Macro Trends](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TXN/Texas/revenue) as of Aug 08, 2021 + + +Stock | TXN +-----------------------------|-------- +P/E Ratio | 24.1 +Stock price | $192.96 +Current Annual Payout/Share | $4.08 +Yield | 2.11% +5 Yr Div Growth Rate | 21.83% +3 Yr Div Growth Rate | 18.05% +1 Yr Div Growth Rate | 14.12% +Years Of Growth | 15 +Current Payout Ratio | 50.95% +Free Cash Flow / Share | -0.2376 +Revenue (ttm) | 16.762B +Debt / Equity Ratio | 0.52 +Debt / EBITDA | 0.67 +EPS | 8.01 +ROI | 34.20% +ROA | 34.40% + +These metrics appeal to me especially looking at the growth and return potentials. A low yield, 15 years of dividend growth, double digit growth rates, low payout ratio, and revenue trending upwards points to good growth. The free cash flow can be explained by material shortages and supply chain issues due to covid. Due to the fact that semiconductors don't need vast products, leverage can afford to be lower. This means to me that TXN can afford to take on more debt if needed. + +I will now use the 3 year dividend growth rate to project further + +Year | TXN +------------------------| ------- +2022 | 4.82 +2023 | 5.69 +2024 | 6.71 +2025 | 7.92 + +For another way, let's use historical payout ratio to project out. + +YEAR | TXN +----------------------- | ------ +EPS estimate 2021 | 8.01 +EPS estimate 2022 | 8.22 +2021 dividend | 1.75 +2022 dividend | 1.79 + +## Final Thoughts: +I have said it once last year, I will say it again, semiconductors are one of the few growth areas that I cannot imagine a world without. All technological advancements can be traced back to semiconductors. The biggest issue is the surplus of competitors. If you don't want to pick one (or five), I don't see how a semiconductor etf will be a bad investment (not a financial advisor, not financial advice). + +Weekly price estimate for a future date, via consulting the crystal ball: +Predicted price for TXN for Dec 19, 2021: 235.15. There is no factual basis that I will give. + +I hope someone out there found this post interesting. Please supplement this with your own research. + +Thank you for reading, please give me feedback so that I can increase my standards for future analysis posts. If I have made a mistake, please correct me. Or if you have one that you want an analysis on, I might pick a comment to do an analysis of if I don't have any spice stored for the week. +Hi guys, + +I’m just been wondering if I should keep holding and buying $MSFT. I have been buying a share every other week but I feel like I could put that money elsewhere. My original plan was to have $AAPL and $MSFT 100 shares each by end of year as a personal short term goal. ($AAPL at 80 shares now and $MSFT 17 shares). I was thinking of selling $MSFT and put it into $SCHD and $VTI. + +Edit: thank you for those who commented!! I will keep and continue buying MSFT!! +# Introduction: + +Welcome back to my weekly stock analysis. Disclaimer: I am not invested in this one + +Texas Instruments Incorporated (NYSE: TXN) + +Sector: Semiconductors (Technology) + +## Company Strengths & Risks: +TXN is a semiconductor company out of Texas. Most of its revenue comes from analog chips and processors. I am nearly certain most students have seen or heard of this company. That calculator we all loved so much. Texas Instruments boasts 12% free cash flow growth, 26% CAGR, and 46% share reduction all from 2004 to 2020. To give an oversimplified explanation of semiconductors, they are the little chips used in technology, everywhere from gaming and graphics cards, to cell phones, to cars, to medicine, and so much more. + +Strengths: +- double digit dividend growth rate +- 15 year dividend growth history +- Good ROI and ROA +- industry will always be necessary (in my opinion) + +Risks: +- underleveraged +- low yield +- surplus of competition + +## Financial History and numbers + +TXN: +Numbers from [Seeking Alpha](https://seekingalpha.com/symbol/TXN/dividends/dividend-growth) as of Aug 08, 2021 + +Numbers from [Macro Trends](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TXN/Texas/revenue) as of Aug 08, 2021 + + +Stock | TXN +-----------------------------|-------- +P/E Ratio | 24.1 +Stock price | $192.96 +Current Annual Payout/Share | $4.08 +Yield | 2.11% +5 Yr Div Growth Rate | 21.83% +3 Yr Div Growth Rate | 18.05% +1 Yr Div Growth Rate | 14.12% +Years Of Growth | 15 +Current Payout Ratio | 50.95% +Free Cash Flow / Share | -0.2376 +Revenue (ttm) | 16.762B +Debt / Equity Ratio | 0.52 +Debt / EBITDA | 0.67 +EPS | 8.01 +ROI | 34.20% +ROA | 34.40% + +These metrics appeal to me especially looking at the growth and return potentials. A low yield, 15 years of dividend growth, double digit growth rates, low payout ratio, and revenue trending upwards points to good growth. The free cash flow can be explained by material shortages and supply chain issues due to covid. Due to the fact that semiconductors don't need vast products, leverage can afford to be lower. This means to me that TXN can afford to take on more debt if needed. + +I will now use the 3 year dividend growth rate to project further + +Year | TXN +------------------------| ------- +2022 | 4.82 +2023 | 5.69 +2024 | 6.71 +2025 | 7.92 + +For another way, let's use historical payout ratio to project out. + +YEAR | TXN +----------------------- | ------ +EPS estimate 2021 | 8.01 +EPS estimate 2022 | 8.22 +2021 dividend | 1.75 +2022 dividend | 1.79 + +## Final Thoughts: +I have said it once last year, I will say it again, semiconductors are one of the few growth areas that I cannot imagine a world without. All technological advancements can be traced back to semiconductors. The biggest issue is the surplus of competitors. If you don't want to pick one (or five), I don't see how a semiconductor etf will be a bad investment (not a financial advisor, not financial advice). + +Weekly price estimate for a future date, via consulting the crystal ball: +Predicted price for TXN for Dec 19, 2021: 235.15. There is no factual basis that I will give. + +I hope someone out there found this post interesting. Please supplement this with your own research. + +Thank you for reading, please give me feedback so that I can increase my standards for future analysis posts. If I have made a mistake, please correct me. Or if you have one that you want an analysis on, I might pick a comment to do an analysis of if I don't have any spice stored for the week. +I just called Fidelity and initiated the transfer of 100 shares to CS. Still XXX at Fidelity. + +As I was doing so, the phone agent said he had some bullet points he needed to read before we could proceed. (paraphrasing) + + +• Holding shares at a transfer agent makes them harder to buy/sell and is more cumbersome/complicated than a retail broker +• Holding shares at a transfer agent does not remove them from short-sellers + +• There is no public plan for an NFT dividend, or other. + + +"I just have to read those to you. I have it all set up, I just need to hit 'Enter'. Would you still like to go thru with the transfer?" + +"Go ahead pull that trigger. Do it." + +~~~~ + +I think Fidelity is CYA with these NFA disclosures, essentially. + +Could be nothin', but I found it amusing. + +💎🙌🦍🚀🌕 + +Edit: based on comments, it looks like this rolled out at lunch time today! +As I see it there are two especially interesting points that make the crypto market differ from something like the Dow or the Nasdaq: + + +**1) Hight percentage of money earned vs. money invested** + +Everyone of us can look at their crypto worth and say how much of that was earned vs. invested. I think for the crypto market as a whole this figure is rather high, mainly because the whales (say, 500K+) more often than not did get so fat because they got in early, not because they invested 100K to begin with. + + +**2) Crypto investors are rather young** + +This is just a wild speculation on my part simply based on my observation that I was not able to convince a single person over the age of forty to invest in crypto. Of course, to grow up with computers as a normal part of life helps to go this special step further and grasp the concept of crypto. + + +Now, what does this mean? I wrote it in the title: I am tempted to think we are in a situation comparable to one in which a new continent is discovered and vast arrays of land are sold off on the cheap. Why? Because of 1) I think the pressure to take out the money is not too high, you may take out your initial investment and still leave a lot on the market. Same goes for 2), because when you are young you are less likely to need a lot of money for an ex-wife, a wife, a mortgage and four kids (which is, to be honest, exactly what I use *dem mad gainz* for). So I think we have long way to go before the crypto market *as a whole* will be a popping bubble in which drones of investors are eager to cash out. + + +What do you think? What do these factors mean for the crypto market? + + +TL;DR +Investors in the crypto market as a whole are rather young and have earned a lot in this market (compared with something like the stock markets), reducing the pressure to cash out - so the party is just getting started. + +--- +Edit: + +Thanks for all the contributions! Two points I would like to put up here: + + +**3) (/u/manimoa) Crypto users tend to distrust the traditional financial system and therefore hesitate to convert back to fiat** + + +**4) (/u/sandball) A lot of crypto users have a strong emotional attachment to their investment vehicle, expecting huge gains and thus being unwilling to sell before a big rise has happened** + + + + + +https://help-eu.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415769531419-Tokenized-Stocks +5 captures +9 Nov 2022 - 13 Nov 2022 +OCT NOV DEC +Previous capture 13 Next capture +2021 2022 2023 +Logo +Sign in +FTX EU Tokenized Stocks +Search articles +Tokenized Stocks + +EU FTX +Updated 1 month ago +BROWSE +Disclaimers +None of this is investment advice. +Much of the below analysis ignores any difference between equity prices on different venues, and ignores the effects of fees. It also ignores slippage, and generally assumes that all transactions happened at theoretical prices instead. +While this does generally describe how tokenized stock trading on FTX works, it contains approximations and should not be taken as precise. +In general, FTX reserves the final right to interpretation of all actions on its platform. +This document may become out of date at some point and fail to reflect updated policies. +FTX reserves the right to restrict usage of its tokenized stock trading as it sees fit. +Users should trade tokenized stocks at their own risk. +Brokerage services with respect to tokenized stocks on FTX are provided by FTX Switzerland GmbH. +Tokenized Stocks, like the rest of FTX, are not being offered to US users or other prohibited jurisdictions, potentially including Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and/or other jurisdictions. Users must pass sufficient KYC checks in order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX. For more information, see here. + +FTX Switzerland GmbH (previously named Canco GmbH) is authorized to provide brokerage services for tokenized stock trading. + + +What are tokenized stocks? +Equities are stocks that trade on traditional regulated exchanges. In addition to tokenized stocks, FTX may be offering tokens on ETFs, futures, currencies, or other similar products. + + +How is this trading regulated? +FTX Switzerland GmbH is a financial intermediary permitted to offer these products. All FTX users who trade tokenized stocks may also become customers of FTX Switzerland, and pass through it's KYC and compliance. Furthermore, all trading activity may be monitored for compliance by FTX Switzerland. FTX Switzerland custodies the equities at a third party brokerage firm. FTX Switzerland, instead of FTX Trading Ltd, FTX Digital Markets Ltd or other affiliates, provides the brokerage services. + +In order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX, you must be at least KYC level 2. Once you are, you can go to your tokenized stocks KYC page to submit your information to FTX Switzerland. You must also not be a member of one of FTX's restricted jurisdictions, including the United States; FTX collects KYC documents and IP addresses from its users. FTX does not operate in its restricted jurisdictions. + +FTX and FTX Switzerland may also collect further information from prospective users, and may require passing a test in order to trade. Further compliance measures may be used as appropriate. + +Users are also encouraged to consult their personal and local situation in order to determine whether trading tokenized stocks on FTX is right for them. + + +What exactly is traded on FTX? +FTX itself lists tokens on the equities. For instance, ftx.com/trade/eu/TSLA/USD is a market to trade tokens on Tesla stock. + +These spot tokens are backed by shares of Tesla stock custodied by FTX Switzerland. They can be redeemed with FTX Switzerland for the underlying shares if desired. In the future, there may be other ways to withdraw the tokens from FTX. If you are interested in getting set up to redeem the stocks, please email support. + + +Who can trade tokenized stocks on FTX? +In order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX, you must be at least KYC level 2. + +All FTX users who trade tokenized stocks must also pass through FTX Switzerland's KYC and compliance. Once you are KYC 2, you can go to your settings page to submit your information to FTX Switzerland. + +You cannot trade tokenized stocks on FTX from any of the banned jurisdictions, including the United States. Note that the set of allowed jurisdictions is subject to change. + + +How do you trade tokenized stocks on FTX? +Mechanically, you trade tokenized stocks the same way you trade other spot markets. Fees, API calls, and GUI instructions are all the same. + +In order to register for tokenized stocks trading on FTX, go to https://ftx.com/eu/tokenized-equities-kyc to submit your KYC information to and become a customer of FTX Switzerland. + +Following that, you may be asked to answer some information on your trading experience. + + +How long does KYC take? +First, you must be KYC 2 on FTX. That can take up to a day. + +Then, you submit your KYC information to FTX Switzerland. That could be quite fast, but generally takes a couple business days. The process takes substantially longer if you submit incomplete or unclear KYC information. + +Note that if you have an institutional account on FTX, KYC with FTX Switzerland will likely take at least a day or two. Individual accounts are often faster. + + +How are corporate actions handled? +Holding tokenized stocks on FTX entitles users to dividends, etc. of the underlying stock. FTX will pursue all reasonable actions to have the tokens on FTX reflect the corporate actions of the underlying equities, including through dividends and stock splits. It is not anticipated that the shares will exercise their voting rights but FTX Switzerland may do so in its discretion. + +For US listed products, the dividends on FTX will be paid out at 2pm HKT on ex-date. At this time US equities are closed, and it's between after-hours and pre-open trading. + +We will continue to investigate but for now dividends will be paid out gross of tax, and it will be up to each user to understand the tax consequences of any dividends they receive. + +Dividends will generally be credited to your account around 2pm HKT. + +In the event of an unusual circumstance we will endeavor to have a fair and reasonable resolution. + + +What hours to tokenized stocks trade on FTX? +24/7! Note, however, that the the liquidity of the underlying assets may vary over the course of the day and week, and that might end up reflected in the liquidity of FTX's markets. + + +How do tokenized stocks interact with balances on FTX? +Tokenized stocks are spot tokens, like BTC/ETH/FTT/etc. They can also be used as collateral for futures trading on FTX, with a collateral weight of 0.85 (total) and 0.80 (initial). + + +How do futures on tokenized stocks work? +FTX also lists futures on tokenized stocks, including tokenized futures. + +Tokenized stock futures will track FTX spot markets as their index. They will work the same as futures on other FTX products, with the following conditions: + +1) In the case of an ordinary dividend, the futures will not have any adjustments + +2) In the case of many other corporate actions, including stock splits, significant spinoffs, etc., futures will adjust, either by changing denominators or by turning into a future on the whole basket in the case of spinoffs. + +3) FTX reserves the final right to determination. + +4) Futures expire to their index (generally the FTX spot markets) over the relevant TWAP period. + + +Trading futures on tokenized stocks on FTX requires the same KYC procedure as trading tokenized stocks themselves. + +Note that stocks can be highly volatile and illiquid, especially when their primary listing exchange is closed. Please exercise your judgement and caution when trading futures on tokenized stocks. Any risk that you take in your trades is your responsibility to manage. You might be liquidated if futures prices change. +I’ve been thinking about a post I read here recently. Basically, someone said they started buying stocks six months ago and have been in the red since until finally breaking even this week. As a beginner, it’s so difficult, because you’re excited and you understand the market returns 7-10% per year vs. nothing as cash. So six months later, when your carefully selected stocks stink, it feels bad, man. + +I am here to tell you to HOLD your ridiculous stock, and to wrap your head around the idea that a LOT of people have been at this for a very long time. Your stocks are doing badly because people years before you thought the same thing you did: this is a great company! And they doubled, tripled, whatevered their money, and are now selling. This results in you having an unrealized loss or reduced unrealized gain that only becomes real IF YOU SELL. But you don’t have to realize it. Because you haven’t lost money. Your stock has simply lost its SHORT-TERM momentum. + +One of my recent stinkers has been TSM which I bought at the literal top in February. There are lots of stocks like this in tech, renewables, anything ARK. Same with crypto. And all for the same reason – people are cashing out! An analogy would be sitting at a slot machine right after somebody else just hit the jackpot. Bummer in the short term, but it’s still a good machine! Back to TSM, here’s a scenario: Imagine someone buys at the literal top in January 2018 @ $46. Then the stock drops and is stuck below that for 20 months straight until October 2019 when it finally breaks above $46. From there, it hangs out around the low 50s for several months until July 2020 when it nearly TRIPLES in value peaking above $140 in Feb 21. Sure, the pattern mimics what happened in the broader market, but that’s the point. A TSM holder would be up over 250% today. That's sure better than 7-10%. + +Right now, my human emotion is thinking “boo-hoo, I am still down now while others are doing well.” But that’s not what matters. For most people, buying individual stocks isn’t a game of making a quick buck. It’s a game of being capable, consciously and financially, to wait it out – sometime for years – for these kinds of gains. This concept was never explained to me, but I think it’s an important lesson for beginners so they don’t sell a good thing and get taken advantage of when they miss the rocket emoji. +Interested to know from some of you, because when me and my husband sit down and try to work out how to make this possible, it seems he would need a £40-45k a year salary? Just seems crazy. +Married couple with 1 kid, combined net worth of $1.6M. Annual income $500K combined evenly split. We are in our mid 30s (34, 37) + +We have 1 kid and will have probably 1 or 2 more. We live in a HCOL area, plan on sending our kids to public schools. We will likely buy a house around $700K to $1M in the far future for a good middle/high school district in the burbs. + +We save about 50% of income, our biggest expense is food - and we love to travel. But otherwise we are not big spenders! Having come from low income families - we both have good work ethic and savings habit, and are grateful for the life we are able to have today. + +Our biggest drive to make more money is probably financial insecurity and not because we want or buy anything luxurious. We visit Michelin star restaurants and stay in nice hotels once or twice a year, that’s the extent of our expenses and they total <$10K/year. + +The thing we want the most is TIME - time with ourselves, kids and families. But both of our jobs are stressful (we work in tech) and we are both counting down the days until we retire, though we probably won’t be able to until working for another decade or so. Our pay is probably either maxed out or it’s gonna be very hard to accelerate further. + +I realize we are very fortunate, but I keep thinking maybe there is another way to live life that doesn’t involve frantically spending the majority of our times in an office. + +QUESTION: should I attempt to start my own business, or should one of us work at a lower pay but less stressful job just to give us some breathing room and flexibility? How can we make sure our life isn’t as frantic despite making a lot money? I am worried time will fly by and our kid will be grown and we would regret not doing the things we wanted because we cared and focused too much on work. We are too tired on the weekend to do anything fun. + +Do I have grass is greener on the other side syndrome, or should I really think about maybe reevaluating my life for lesser pay but more time and freedom? + +EDIT: I am so grateful for the conversations this post has generated. Based on the feedback, I am immediately getting a biweekly cleaning maid and will attempt to adjust my work schedule so I can leave work early. I will also take more vacations even when I’m not going anywhere. + +It’s good to be reminded that I have the power to change my own life. If I have the time, I will also start working on a side business or a consulting opportunity (but first step - get the baby to sleep through the night.) + +I am also comforted by the fact that we are not alone. Many families are struggling to think through the same trade-offs. So thank you, everyone! +Hi guys, first time poster here! + +I am an extremely lost 29 year old female, and feel like I’m drowning when it comes to my finances. I have a good job earning £27k a year, and I rent a flat on my own. After all bills (household, phone bills, pet food etc) I have just over £200 a month. That £200 is for my food and ‘spending’. I’ve done a budget on a excel sheet but I’m always ending up in my overdraft because the £200 doesn’t go far. I’ve cut out all subscriptions and shopped around for lower bills and there is nothing more I can lower. + +I also have a £3k personal loan I got to consolidate some debt a while ago which I pay £100 a month towards, and my credit card is maxed out at £500 which I’m struggling to pay. I also don’t have a penny in savings because I’ve never had enough money to save. + +I literally have panic attacks thinking about how I’m never going to be able to buy a house. + +Luckily I’m not much of a socialiser, but I would just love some extra money to maybe buy some new clothes once in a while. + +I work 50+ hours a week so can’t get another job so just don’t know what else to do!! Maybe to just feel like I’m not alone?? +Hi all! I have been reading about ETFs lately and I made a list of some good ETFs which I would like to invest in for long term (30 years). Well not all of them for 30 years but at least some of them. + +&#x200B; + +Here is the list of ETFs I am looking at: + +1. Vanguard Health Care ETF (VHT) + +2. Vanguard Information Technology ETF (VGT) + +3. Vanguard Consumer Staples ETF (VDC) + +4. Vanguard Utilities ETF (VPU) + +5. Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ) + +6. Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) + +7. The iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF (IEFA) + +&#x200B; + +The problem is that I use Degiro as my broker and it does not let me invest in all ETFs. Is there a way to invest in them? OR alternatives available to them on Degiro? + +&#x200B; + +Would appreciate help from the community. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance. +I am a non-EU citizen studying in France since 6+ months, I'm creating a Degiro account and already declared my fiscal residency in my home-country but for France I don't know if I am one (I don't have a residence permit yet, just a visa) I also don't have the french tax ID. + +Thank you. +I come from a poor country, where financial education is nowhere, and people's way to life is to raise kids who will hopefully take care of you when you're old. 8 years ago I got my first contract abroad, and since then I have a high level of income. Unfortunately, due to my ignorance, the best I could come up with in terms of managing the money smarter, was building an emergency fund. Financial markets and investments were something way too distant for me. + +Last couple of years I spent developing myself, and one of the main areas were finances. This is when I came to realization that I lost 6 years without investing a penny into my future! How dumb I feel currently! + +During my learning process I was experimenting a lot, and lost some money already (I knew that would happen, and I was fine paying for the experience). I was copying "best" investors on eToro just to see them go negative the moment I start following them. I invested in Scalable Capital robo broker just to observe how it bought at highest price before the pandemic, and sold at lowest at its peak, and still far from recovering. And so on. + +This is what I look like right now: + +- Married, have two kids. Wife's not employed. Renting an apartment. Leasing a car. +- Net income €4.4k. My current lifestyle is below €4k, which leaves me with at least €400/month for investments. +- Work at Amazon, and already maxing out my private pension plan (€280/month), since it gets tax benefits and 15% employer contribution. +- 16 AMZN stocks granted as RSUs. Amounts to ~€41k. +- €37k in home country CDs (yield 5-10% annually), which I'm about to close. +- €14k in Scalable Capital robo broker at 24% VaR, which is roughly distributed 70/30 between equities and bonds. +- €3k in Scalable Capital Broker, invested in VUAA. +- €27k lended to friends, who can't pay off the debt currently. + +I'm looking for ways to reorganize it all, and currently looking at something like this (while hoping to hear your opinions and advices): + +1. AMZN stocks was the main driver in my portfolio, as it grew significantly over the past few years. However, it's high risk and suffers from diversification. Should I sell or keep them? If sell, where should I invest them to? +2. I'm frustrated with the Scalable Capital's robo broker performance. I've been with it since August 2019, and it's down -14%. Should I keep it until it gets back to positive or should I close it and invest in an ETF instead? +3. I want to build a two-/three-fund portfolio. Is VUAA a good ETF to be investing into in that regard? Or shall I be looking for something else? Once I close my CDs, where would you recommend putting money in? What could be included in such a portfolio? +4. Based on my situation, what else would you do? + +There're some "should I or should I not?"s in the text, but I'm actually looking for advices or recommendations or an approach you would've personally taken. Any feedback is highly appreciated! +Hello wonderful Redditors, + +I will be starting my PhD in Belgium soon, and seriously need some advice on investing. With 7k euros saving and a 2k1 scholarship per month (that's how they hire cheap labour), what are my options? Given: + +\- I'm 27 atm, non-European citizenship. + +\- My spending limit per month is 500 euros. I live cheaply, no wonder. + +\- My budget for investment ranges from 1k to 1k3, depending on the next bullet point. I hope to get a job after my PhD, which means to invest for a total period of 20-25 years. + +\- I plan to have a medical procedure in the time scale of 3 years which might cost somewhere between 20k and 30k. I don't know if it's better to save this amount in cash or to withdraw it from my portfolio later. + +\- My level of experience in investing is newbie. I learned some basics (types of assets, diversification, taxation, risk, gain) but just general knowledge. + +\- I don't want to be really risky, though aim for an interest rate of 10%. Is this too high of an expectation? + +From other posts in this sub, Degiro seems to be a good option for Belgian residents. I also read somewhere that capital gain has zero tax, can someone please confirm this because it's too good to be true. + +Thanks everyone for reading my post. English is not my first language, so hopefully nothing irritates your eyes lmao. +I started a new company and will be taking a <$100k salary for the next 1-2 years after several years of high income. Our family’s annual expenses are around ~$200k, and I plan to withdrawal from investments to fund the difference. + +I’m wondering if I should max out pre-tax contributions (401k, HSA, etc) to try to reduce my W2 income as much as possible. Potentially I can keep total income < $80k yielding a 0% cap gains tax (though I have a feeling my portfolio’s contribution to AGI makes this a pipe dream). I’m also deficient in tax advantaged investment space. However, I’ll need to withdrawal more money from investments to fund the difference in expenses. (But that SWR rate seems negligible, especially if it’s just for 1-2 years) + +What does fatFIRE think? Any other optimizations? + +About Me - in my 30’s, 6M NW, 2 kiddos +[credit to Kingsnakejones](https://preview.redd.it/5euszwfc9d1a1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=03ca47815b9979c51c1947ada2f24dbec6c49f74) + +# [🟣Youtube Link🟣](https://youtu.be/xFQmiLWiv5Y) + +Paul joined us for his THIRD AMA and we're so grateful that Computershare has continued to keep communications open with us, answering some really complicated questions that only a transfer agent can answer. Thanks to anyone who left a question in our question thread! + +Quick access hub:[ Quick Access Hub - Computershare https://www-us.computershare.com/QuickAccessHub](https://www-us.computershare.com/QuickAccessHub) + +Sign up for text messaging:[ Text Message Service (computershare.com)](https://www-us.computershare.com/SMS/#OptIn/SMSEnrollment?src=sms) + +&#x200B; + +Timestamps & Questions + +[00:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=0s) Intro + +[00:14](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=14s) We asked you recently - Can a broker initiate a transfer of (GME) shares out of an IC shareholder account without their permission? Your answer was: No. A broker should only initiate a transfer of shares where authorized by its client. A broker must provide (on the electronic transfer request) the transfer agent with the shareholder’s registration details, the number of shares being transferred and unique shareholder reference number to initiate the transfer, details only the shareholder should know. Can you expand on what the unique shareholder reference number is? + +[02:22](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=142s) Will the current limit sell price rise as the stock price rises, and how will that work? + +[05:21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=321s) In our first AMA you informed us you were looking at what you can do to raise the selling limits. Can you give us an update on this? + +[06:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=393s) Can people request the verification code (when setting up an account) be sent to an email address rather than a mailing address? + +[07:31](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=451s) If we set up a TOD beneficiary to our account, how does that work? Is there any difference for international investors? + +[08:17](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=497s) How many bank accounts can each Computershare account have? The same question for international investors. + +[09:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=555s) When will European investors be able to easily deposit funds from their European Bank accounts? + +[10:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=609s) Could you talk about which processes online require multi-factor authentication? + +[12:42](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=762s) What information can I access quickly for my account? + +[14:15](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=855s) How’s electronic delivery moving along? + +[16:09](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=969s) What security measures are in place to detect and deflect DDOS attacks that might occur on the website? What compliance standards from a data security and integrity point of view does Computershare have to adhere to? + +[17:26](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1046s) In terms of staffing or processes, how much has Computershare been affected by this Global influx of investors wanting to be registered owners? + +[19:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1177s) Have you had any media inquiries asking questions about GME investors? + +[20:53](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1253s) What’s the largest percentage of a company you’ve ever seen direct registered? + +[21:43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1303s) Could you explain the difference between a forward stock split and a stock split via dividend in terms of how they’re distributed? Can you explain how a transfer agent distributes shares for a stock split via dividend vs. how a broker would distribute these shares? Could you also tell us how a transfer agent distributes a forward stock split vs. how a broker would? + +[28:48](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1728s) If an executive is given shares as part of their compensation, are those shares normally held in DRS form? + +[29:46](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1786s) Knowing that the DTC can ‘draw down’ shares that are owed to them according to the FAST balance, can you specify instances where that happens? + +[31:01](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=1861s) Is there a policy regarding logging into our online Computershare account in order to keep it active? + +[34:29](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2069s) Are there any plans for a mobile app? + +[35:04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2104s) DRS shares that do not have their cost basis information sent over by brokers are labeled as non-covered shares. Non-covered shares by definition, are shares that are purchased pre-2011. Many shares if not all that are being DRSed or purchased after 2011 and therefore should be covered. We have many cases of brokers sending over incorrect cost basis information. Are there regulations in place to make brokers send over the correct cost basis information? + +[36:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2178s) Can you tell us some key things to look for when it comes to choosing a custodian for IRA shares? Are there any warning signs we should look out for when researching custodians? + +[39:11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2351s) Why can't trust accounts or LLC holdings be opened directly through Computershare? + +[41:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2493s) What prevents Trust Account holders from being able to sell online? + +[41:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2517s) Can I register my IRA account or shares from my IRA account? + +[42:35](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFQmiLWiv5Y&t=2555s) If people have their shares direct registered in an IRA through a custodian, can the custodian reverse the DRS process? + +&#x200B; + +[FULL TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2ejeh/superstonks_3rd_ama_with_paul_conn_president_of/) +As with all Burry tweets, the wording is very specific and deliberate. Think of both the email tweet and the Excel sheet tweet, he is providing evidence that he is OG about cellar boxing and the 04-05 timeline which was unearthed this weekend. Now is he providing evidence he is OG on GME specifically and the wording is very important: although we love the company, right now we are in this play for the MOASS, long-term holding is for later. I believe holding LONG and holding for a SQUEEZE are two different plays and the distinction in his language is trying to communicate this, without having the SEC and FBI visit again. + +He also uses the word RATIONAL. Nothing that is going on in the market and that is being brought to light is rational, it is manipulation and illegal. + +Lastly the hashtag is going to get trending (hopefully) judging by the level of interaction with his tweet even now. Why tag GMESQUEEZE if not to tip your hat off that this is the play. +Hi. + +Some of you know me, some of you don't. If you DO, I ask that you not shill for me in the comments below, so we can stay within the rules of this sub. + +This post is for the newbies, it is written as such, if you already know what delta hedging is, this post isn't for you. If you *don't*, well, lads and lasses, this is for you. + +We need to understand a few basic things here, and in keeping with the spirit of this post, we're going to keep it dead simple. + +Market Makers (the big dogs behind the scenes, facilitating your yolos) DO NOT CARE if your options plays pay out for you. They would be crazy to take on the level of risk that selling you an unhedged call or put would represent. These guys make money in other ways. So how can they not care? Simple, they hedge. Generally speaking, they buy enough shares when you buy a call so that even if you win hugely, they simply sell the shares they bought when you bought the call, and remain risk neutral. (Edit, I've been asked to explain that market makers make money by recouping the difference between the bid/ask spread. While this seems small, they do a LOT of it.) + +Why does this matter? + +Well, it matters because it introduces *leverage*. Which simply means it amplifies the effect your money has on the stock market. + +As an example of how this works lets makes up a company. We'll call the ticker ABC. And we'll say the share price is 10 bucks. You, as a degenerate yolo artiste, only have 100 bucks to play with, and you think ABC is going to the mewn. + +Now, you could do the boomer thing and just buy 10 shares of ABC (we'll call this scenario A), but a lifetime of minimum wage and renting a closet for 5k a month has done strange things to your risk management, so you decide to buy calls instead. You go to whatever broker isn't fucking robinhood and take a look at your options - and there you see it. For that SAME 100 bucks you can buy ten calls and leverage a hell of a lot more shares. (We'll call this scenario B) So you do it, you buy the calls. + +How does your choice effect the underlying stock? + +In scenario A, you bought ten shares, you increased demand for the stock by 10 shares, and this does almost but not exactly nothing to the price. + +In scenario B, you bought 10 calls, you made Mr. MM buy a lot of shares to hedge your bet, and you increased the demand for the stock by a much larger number of shares. (This is an over simplification, but that's what we do here) Which does *something* to the share price. Even if it's pretty small. +(Edit, as I said, this was an over simplification but I've been asked to address it. Market makers use a number of metrics to determine how many shares they need to hedge your bet. It is a lot, but it is almost never 100 times your call options) + +Now, if you're part of the "We like ABC stock" gang, and 20 thousand of you buy 10 calls... Well, I forgot my calculator, but suffice to say you've just invited market makers to buy a FUCK TON of shares. Just this, without any actual change in earnings, outlook, of fundamentals on ABC, puts tremendous bullish pressure on the stock *for the term of the option* + +And THAT my friends, is the market we find ourselves in. Talking heads on the news continue to talk about how "CraZy thE p/E raTiOs haVe bEcomE!!!" Without mentioning what is actually driving this phenomenon. + +Its options. Specifically since March. + +So with that I'll tell you something pretty goddamn spectacular. The stock market has become a *derivative* of the options market. Earnings don't matter, fundamentals don't matter, past performance doesn't matter. The OPTIONS matter. + +This has happened before, in a very different way. You know how there was a lot of noise in 08 about all the housing derivatives? We're there again, except for instead of CDOs it's happening with with the shares of the biggest companies in the world. + +Want proof? Go look at 10 day spy chart, right now. Then go look at a GME chart. Look what happens to spy, tick for tick, as GME rises and falls. When the entire options meme market is focused on one ticker. + +So what do we do about it? Nobody knows. I do know this, GME was only the *beginning*. Retail knows it has the bull by the tail now. What happens when the stock market becomes a lagging indicator of the sentiment of retail bull chads? + +I don't know, but it's going to be *spectacular*. + +Edit, much of the thinking around this post comes from months of conversation with a friend of mine. She's pointed out since I posted this that she has written this up in a way 10 of us will understand in her latest blog post - which can be found here: https://nope-its-lily.medium.com/options-degenerate-marketplaces-part-1-b0ddf1c96fa6 +Good Morning Fellow Apes, + +Today is OPEX T+2 + +https://preview.redd.it/08nmgqjx5lj81.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=38b87d09f8619a43d0ff0638aa49cd1d2cbcf49b + +**while settlement of obligations can drag into tomorrow or even tomorrow at market close** (like Feb 2021) usually today is the day that sees the most price action and with Cohen's tweet last night I'm actually jacked to the fucking tits. + +This might help explain it further. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sz6ord/69\_shortsaarghfuk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sz6ord/69_shortsaarghfuk/) + +So let look at that expected price range from this weekends DD... + +&#x200B; + +[My highest confidence price targets are between 125-148. If call buying continues the price could drive high as OTM calls are purchased driving Gamma Max up. ](https://preview.redd.it/zdwzvzyj7lj81.png?width=2451&format=png&auto=webp&s=975b960506499bb33e737869af3c34de6f10ffd6) + +[Gamma Girl's latest update ](https://preview.redd.it/bydhph0s6lj81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9e91166ca947a7d7dd34c046c842d5ba60de9d) + +Delta and Gamma Neutral climbing + +**DIX pics** + +[Dix up significantly ;\) from yesterday well over the 10 day average. Asymmetric risk is elevated. ](https://preview.redd.it/220c7z688lj81.png?width=2477&format=png&auto=webp&s=333e1bf306be3dc071692685fe31774ad9da8b24) + +[IV30 sitting at about 110&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/sj0e7exf8lj81.png?width=2486&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab4bef306536b72571a71c9c661d03958324a2b) + +[Naive GEX sitting at about $3.9m or 32,500 shares hedged for each + $1 in price](https://preview.redd.it/kjb9h5kk8lj81.png?width=2480&format=png&auto=webp&s=1856201ac3801d67d98ce7118b2e03dbf20b096f) + +[1hr trend looking very strong in the premarket](https://preview.redd.it/awdpx654alj81.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=a45856d016057e126b0e374841dddb90be32d106) + +I also want to take a moment to warn people about cheap weekly options that expire Friday 2/25. Since they can begin covering at EOD Thursday these contracts could lose as significant amount of value before the price rises to a level where they are profitable. They are cheap for a reason and with a 4 day trading week the risk is enormous. + +As always don't attempt to trade options unless you understand the fundamentals and have some skill exiting high volatility events. Options present significant risk and while you can only lose the money spent upfront on premium you can lose 100% of that money. + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +46, 92, 98, 100, 104.50, 116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +This failure to cover presses price action into a narrow window tomorrow, this could mean significant volatility\*. They can Use dark pools as they did last year to offset their T+2 settlement requirement. For those saying it's over, wrong and incorrect, that is false. T+2 settlement is a 3 day window. + +[Monday was a holiday. The \\"T\\" date was Friday. ](https://preview.redd.it/yni3fxquenj81.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cbe27060055c1aa7fde05c00a0354984446020a8)[Rule 204](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm#:~:text=Rule%20204%20%E2%80%93%20Close%2Dout%20Requirement,of%20like%20kind%20and%20quantity.) + +Thanks for tuning in. + +\- Gherknit + +https://preview.redd.it/so6x3cx2fnj81.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=00f4c038fa489029afe10837f4cc91e438e2783a + +Edit 6 3:02 + +Stabilized at 15.50 slight uptick volume is still inconsequential, the day before the august run we had 1.094m volume. Yes, still bullish as fuck. + +https://preview.redd.it/f8cwez4q2nj81.png?width=1556&format=png&auto=webp&s=a64f025054fa9df95d701a92a2028f88a223f942 + +Edit 5 2:25 + +Market is still sliding GameStop holding ground but slipping slowly, now slightly below our intraday low. Waiting for a market correction before covering seems to be the explanation here they do have through tomorrow because of Monday's holiday. + +https://preview.redd.it/xby3fkzyvmj81.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=beb54bac7cef427b0b9e83055d805ed7986dedfd + +Edit 4 12:59 + +Little consolidation off our test at 121 they are fighting for max=pain/gamma neutral right now. The lack of covering is bullish, because they are pushing that exposure into a narrower window to cover. + +https://preview.redd.it/ysxsakawgmj81.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecd040575f17c3388c0a5a920c65575d08216f3a + +Edit 3 + +Inverse H&S on rising volume, LFG! + +https://preview.redd.it/968fzdpc5mj81.png?width=1585&format=png&auto=webp&s=21bf4a596a905866a5102a288b2a3c18d1c9c9f1 + +Edit 2 + +Did an ok job of resisting that massive downturn in the market just now, outperforming the S&P again today. Possible bounce on 116.50 again. + +https://preview.redd.it/um5hguw8tlj81.png?width=1568&format=png&auto=webp&s=068dd2d49d9a97be32d61dc69bb3c4f0babd7402 + +Edit 1 + +Slow start to the day with only 287k volume traded so far. 200k shares returned to ibkr + +https://preview.redd.it/kprilgqvnlj81.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9af81ccefcd5cb86aceed704b5849f940435b2 + +# Pre-market Analysis + +Nice steady price climb right from market open I think if they are gonna cover OPEX obligations today this is a very nice leading indicator of that. + +Volume: 22.04k + +Max Pain: $120 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 2,000 @ 1.8% + +Fidelity - 72,482 @ 1.75% (went up again yesterday) + +[GME pre-market 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/2nd0ettualj81.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=8958005b13a1a95c03b3a160f43edb7281c82a19) + +TTM Squeeze + +https://preview.redd.it/usnlw1f3blj81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=f36f011950e01d72a5f9ec6e3e88a55e09905a37 + +CV\_VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/qbgz8widblj81.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d08b8faab18b8682043ae6c9b763a26571ef215 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I love seeing the healthy discussion among this community about the DD, and how solid the foundation behind our investment choice is. I love that Apes feel comfortable sharing opinions that, at one time, would have led to an immense downvote brigade and accusations of FUD, when the underlying idea of their viewpoint is an entirely valid idea that many of us have had. It is a very healthy exercise to share challenging ideas and have an open discussion about those ideas. It helps us to strengthen our foundation, and that growth is the reason that so many of us are here after nearly a year since The Sneeze. + +As we look toward that anniversary, there are many expectations for what this month will bring, which of course means that there will be incredible pressure on the SHFs to ensure that our brightest hopes for this month are diminished. There are no guarantees of what this month will bring. That said, I feel that we have an opportunity in front of us to break the SHF control of the price, purely through the power of Buy, DRS, HODL, Repeat. + +Today is Wednesday, January 5th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$148.87 / 131,99 €** *(volume: 422)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $148.74 / 131,88 € *(volume: 369)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $148.67 / 131,81 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 363)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 354)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 352)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 352)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 346)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 317)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,73 € *(volume: 317)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $148.52 / 131,68 € *(volume: 308)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,73 € *(volume: 193)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,72 € *(volume: 159)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,72 € *(volume: 119)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 88)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $148.45 / 131,61 € *(volume: 76)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $148.47 / 131,64 € *(volume: 48)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 48)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $148.43 / 131,60 € *(volume: 47)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $148.47 / 131,64 € *(volume: 44)* +- ⬜ 15 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 27)* +- ⬜ 5 minutes in: $148.40 / 131,57 € *(volume: 25)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $148.40 / 131,57 € *(volume: 25)* +- 🟩 US close price: $148.91 / 132,02 € *($147.60 / 130,86 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1279. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +No magic happening here (except a sharp rise in crypto). Just daily simple living and savings. I think the image speaks for itself. + +24M, Civil Engineer + +https://i.imgur.com/Rdaai7j.png +G’day. I seen a few folks post about how they are never selling because they won’t have to. Why? I know…the moon. But do I have to sell my 🚀 to fund my moon base? Or is there a way to get filthy rich and HODL. GME wallet? Idk. I’m an idiot trying not to miss a bit of gravy. +15 year finance industry veteran, 2x finance degrees... I’m buying heavily right now. Currently at 1.2 beta, moving to 1.5 over coming weeks. + +The stock market precedes the economy; the current decline in stock indices is preceding the expected decline in economic growth (GDP). Since the stock market and the economy are slightly out of phase, it’s not uncommon for the stock market to begin rebounding as the economic data worsens. + +The reason I’m posting this is, if you see that the market is down 30% now, it’s easy to think “wow it’s really going to go down in 2,3,4, etc months when this hits unemployment, GDP slows down, etc” but the reality is the market is reflecting that future data now, so it may be strongly rebounding just as economic data is at its worst. + +Great example is 2009, the US economy was in shambles but the S&P finished the year up 26%. Yes it had a lot of room to run (-37% in 2008). 1987, a rapid market collapse similar to 2020, finished the year positive 5.25%. + +Stay strong my brothers and sisters. + +“At the bottom, stocks will be cheap and no one will care." -Bob Farrell + +edit: new tweet 3/19 + +@walterdeemer + +1/ In my experience, support levels and downside price objectives don’t work well in a decline like this; the market is likely to reverse out of the blue at a now-unknowable level. + +2/ The news will still be bleak when it does, and will remain bleak throughout the bottoming process and during the early stages of the next bull market. #WallOfWorry +Money is nonsense but society places a much higher value on protecting the wealth of rich people than providing utility to everyone. That’s why Bitcoin’s store-of-value functionality is so valuable. ETH, unfortunately, is dragged down by this annoying thing called utility. + +ETH price will grow as it gets more users and provides more utility. This is what we saw all year: DeFi over the summer brought us to $400 and the launch of ETH2.0 brought us to $600. For better or worse, ETH has to prove it’s worth. Ironically, ETHs price was higher in 2017 before it was useful because without known utility it became a vehicle for speculation. + +Remember: Utility ≠ Value. Gold has a higher market cap than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Apple combined. + +The ETH/BTC ratio is a reflection of what society thinks is important. I don’t expect that will change until society changes. +💎💎 NICHEMAN 💎💎 + +His power is Appealing to smaller audiences - Elon musk via Twitter 🐦 + +🚀 Sitting on 2 million market cap crazy growth potential +⚡️ Website: https://nicheman.space/ +Telegram: t.me/NichemanBSC +Twitter: https://twitter.com/NICHEMAN_BSC +Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NICHEMAN?utm_medium=android_app&amp;utm_source=share +🥞 https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xF27580F6a58FF785c60B7c15fD394AB442aAA451 + +ANTHEM: https://youtu.be/EPvJa2N2ea8 + +Nicheman is developed for the investors/enthusiasts who always wanted to own a coin that is community-driven, fairly launched and gives good returns. This coin will cater to the needs of small investors which are often ignored by other projects + +✅ Fair launch +✅ liquidity locked +✅ ownership renounced ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ +✅ Audited by techrate ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ +✅ 80% of the supply burned ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ +✅ 4000+ holders +✅ dedicated dev team and community +✅ 1.2k💸 already donated to Autistics United Canda +✅ application of CG AND CMC under review + + +💎 💎All this in 3 days span💎💎 + + +How is it Fair launch? +This is a totally fair and community driven launch. There is no way to rug this project. +All Dev Tokens have been burned, no one owns any token before sale. +Liquidity Locked by Dxsale for 5 years as soon as the sale has ended. +Contract ownership will be renounced immediately after sale. + Elongate has not disappeared during this crash. At this point we have donated just under $3 million to charities and have developed many partnerships. We have large Youtubers (One with 20m subs) soon to be on board with us and tomorrow is the long hyped date for the start of a large marketing campaign. + +1. We have just launched a brand new website [https://www.elongate.cc/](https://www.elongate.cc/) +2. We have passed and been certified with a high Certik score. +3. We recently live-streamed a 1 on 1 interview with Kimbal Musk, as we partner with his charity Big Green. +4. We made a LOT of connections with important people at BitcoinMiama2021 this week. +5. A large gaming brand with 3m followers on Insta and twitter is interested in working with us for their Esports division. +6. We were also just listed on LBANK a (top 20) exchange with a large asian market. + +Alex (the guy that does all our twitch streams, AMA’s, charity donation parties, and is one of the faces of elongate) announced a hint in the form of an encrypted message as to what’s to come for elongate. + +After our discord community came together, with hours and hours of trying to decipher this message, they finally decrypted it, and it was verified by Alex to be true. The message reads: “June 7 amounts to well over a 9 million dollar marketing package and we’re getting it for less than a quarter of that because we have very connected people with exclusive access. Go big or go home.” + +This is the time. Elongate is a strong long-term investment, this marketing package started on June 7th so get in while its ongoing. #ELONGATE4CHARITY + +We can be purchased on PancakeSwap, Bitmart, and now LBANK. + +Token address: 0x2A9718defF471f3Bb91FA0ECEAB14154F150a385 +Monthly living budget [here](https://i.redd.it/k7vatuirpmx91.png). + +1. Budget is for a middle aged couple (myself + wife and a cat). We are under the MM2H VISA (old requirements). +2. Our portfolio is made up of VTSAX/VTIAX/VBTLX. We live off the dividends for now, since our expenses are low enough that we don't need to sell anything. We never pursued a dividend strategy and we are not using one now. It it just happened that current dividend payouts are more than enough. We do not object to selling assets to finance our lifestyle. +3. The rent is for a seafront luxury condo in Penang. It is way oversized for just the two of us, but I wanted the location/view. [Here is the listing for similar units for rent in the same complex](https://www.iproperty.com.my/rent/tanjung-bungah/all-residential/?propertyId=041e3d16ec93403e9e2b17a251420306&property=The%20Cove%20Condominium). Many units listed are already furnished. I got an unfurnished unit and bought the furniture I needed at the local Ikea. +4. We are sensitive to heat and yet we hardly ever have to turn on the AC. One of the main reasons why I picked this grossly oversized condo is location: It is cool and breezy. It is sunny out but I am sitting very comfortably in front of the computer with just the windows open and a ceiling fan running. As comfortable as one can be. +5. We are home bodies and we don't drink/smoke/gamble, which significantly reduces our monthly expenses. +6. We eat mostly local produce and local sources of protein. We don't try to replicate a Western diet here, which would significantly increase grocery costs. +7. We do not own a car. We rely on public transportation, electric bikes and car hailing services to move around. All the basics are within walking distance (2.5 km radius) of our home, including dentist, health clinic and big box dept. store . Only if we need to go to a hospital or a mall we would need a car or public transit. [This is what walking in this neighborhood feels like.](https://youtu.be/jQgFx31Pzr0) +8. Over the past 8 months we have come under budget every month by about US$400. +9. Any money that was earned outside of Malaysia can be brought into the country tax free. In other words, earnings from foreign investments and pensions are not taxed in Malaysia. +10. We have a separate discretionary budget for things like leisure travel. That budget varies depending on the value of my assets. As of right now I set my discretionary budget to zero. + +Why malaysia? + +\- Weather (summer year around) + +\- English speaking and laws based on the English legal system (former British colony) + +\- Violent crime is incredibly rare. + +\- Best bang for the buck in Southeast Asia. Excellent infrastructure (roads, power grid, hospitals, Internet, airports, etc...). In terms of development Malaysia is comparable with Portugal or Poland, but priced only slightly higher than Thailand or Indonesia. + +\- [Excellent food](https://youtu.be/yp3PjiPOowc) + +\- Well located in Asia makes it easy to travel around + +\- Not subjected to any major natural disasters + +\- Easy to get retirement VISA (no longer the case as of 2022) +I want to take around 1000 dollars and make decent and steady growth on it. I can do CC, CSP, and buy calls and puts in my TDA account. I know a lot of the options but want to hear what you would do. +Hello, long time, first time. Will just ask my home buying question: + +Person A and Person B are in a de facto relationship. + +Person A. Salary $95,000. Savings $10,000 + +Person B. Salary $135,000. Savings $105,000 + +Person B can afford a property for roughly $680,000. Is there any way Person A can help, in an official manner, so that: + +A) They can afford a larger sum to purchase a home? + +B) They both have official claims to the home, albeit with Person A's claim being a lot less should the two ever separate. + +The only joint account the two have is for spending (i.e. groceries, meals etc) + +I promise I'm not doing a finance 101 degree and this is to help cheat on an exam! +“It’s a means to an end. The value of bitcoin isn’t the currency, but the technology. I think once the world becomes more accustomed and attuned to the platform of bitcoin, the noise will go away, and the currency will go away too. The real transformation is the idea of taking all barriers down and having it be ubiquitous. Whatever currency or commodity you want to transact in, you can, and you can do it for free. That’s pretty revolutionary.” + +Source: https://fortune.com/2015/04/06/nike-cio-bitcoin/ + + +Thoughts? +As the title says. I tried to get a refund from Bulb's website for around £300 but the Bulb website refuses to give any refund saying: To get a refund, your account needs to have enough credit to make sure you don't go into debit during the year. + +Is it worth taking it up with Bulb (their chat service never works) or should I just lower my monthly payments to zilch? +Now that the FDIC is being talked about again, does anyone remember if there was a DD about handling tendies immediately preceding MOASS? + + +I know to split it up into as many accounts as possible to maximize FDIC insurance, but what about before those checks reach our mailboxes? How would Computershare handle that money? Will it be protected in the event of a complete economic and financial system failure? +I had a kid with my girlfriend, we are still very much together but due to my job I’m out of the country most of the year so she lives at home with her parents in MI to have a support network, + +With that said- I pay for all of my child’s (and most of my girlfriends) bills, food, diapers, clothes, have him on my healthcare, etc. I send her spending money and pay her parents a form of rent of around 250-300/month and pay for their meals out on occasion. + +With tax season approaching I am aiming to use Foreign Earned Income Exemption due to me being gone so long and combined with the Child Tax Credit to get myself in a good place financially. + +Her parents are now telling me I would be committing “tax fraud” by claiming my kid since he and my girlfriend live with them. + +Please advise. Just want some preliminary advice before I contact a CPA. +Maybe too early to say —- but remember a few people who were talking about retiring on a lean budget through a mix of low cost +of living areas / high withdraw rates / super frugal living. One I remember being specifically intrigued by was a guy who was living in the southeast, living off the land a lot, and had $500k with a 5% withdraw rate. + + +Very interested in hearing how these people are planning on dealing with recent market developments. Thanks. +***i Do not care about what other people think about me bringing my lunch from home. It’s what I think. That’s it. + +I have decided to just stop spending every dollar I have and save money and try off my debt even more. +I’ve decided to take my lunch to work and I’m struggling with feeling like a cheap skate etc +But I know I need to do this for my future and actually have money in the bank! How can I change my thinking? +And yes I have the barefoot investor book. +So I'm 18 working part time while at uni. Been with Bendigo bank with a student account the whole time. The app is really basic and I've seen a lot of people signing the praises of UP bank? Is there a catch to it? Thanks :) +Hi + +I am a salaried guy. I received a tax notice saying that "There is inconsistency between salary income in return and Form 26AS". The amount in 26AS is the total salary and the amount entered in tax return is the value in " Income chargeable under the head 'salaries' \(3\-5\)" from Form16B after removing HRA and Transport Allowance which has been accepted by my organization. + +I had uploaded my form16 to cleartax which automatically picked up this value. + +Is this wrong? How do I go about responding to this issue. The amount in question is approx 80000 rupees. + +Should I hire a CA? + +Edit: reached out to cleartax and they refused to help. Need to hire a CA for initial 999 for them to respond. Would it be better to go for neighborhood CA or take professional CA from cleartax +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. +[This news have been circulating since yesterday](https://www.financialexpress.com/money/salaried-taxpayers-beware-know-how-bengaluru-case-turned-income-tax-departments-eyes-on-you/1138394/). + +One should always correctly report their incomes, and pay proper taxes as mandated under Income Tax act. + +But this goes beyond that. + +Most of you must have heard it by now, ITR-1 would be asking various details of annual income breakdown, as reported in Form-16. + +Earlier, up to AY2017-18, form-16 wasn't mandatory for tax filing. But from this year on, it would be. + +Also to be noted, that any claims of tax deduction would be viewed as an attempt to under-report taxable income; especially if Form-16 doesn't have it. + +Say, your HR asked you to submit IT declaration proofs in January or February, but you waited to complete your ELSS until March end. + +Then your form-16 would have the 80C ELSS part missing. + +Same goes for people who claim preventive health check-up fee of 5k u/s 80D, or HRA. + +I personally know people who work at companies where HR departments are so anal about it, they usually reject HRA exemptions, despite employees filing HRA claims, with signed rent receipts. + +Sometimes it's for rent agreement not properly done, or even employee screwing up the Assessment Year (most people can get confused about FY and AY, especially the last minute rush in filing). + +These kind of things, if claimed during filing, could potentially raise eyebrows in the IT department checks. + +At any rate, your 26AS would have total salary information from your employer(s). + +--- + +As per the linked story, this whole thing happened because some employees, working in Infosys and a few other IT service companies, filed revised returns, showing loss from house property; claiming refund. + +But because of these incidents, IT dept. now threatening all salary class people. +I am thinking of buying a small plot of land. Rs 1 to 3 lac maximum. Preferrably the land will be kept for future appreciation in prices where I can resell it or have a developer build an apartment. + +Now I was wondering, whether there is any way to utilize the land and earn a regular monthly, quarterly or yearly passive income from it. I am not rich, so having my money tied up without generating any income is something I would rather avoid. + +Obviously setting up a house and renting it out would be the best decision but I don't have that much access to money to do so. The same goes for setting up a factory or business--I don't have that money. + +The only thing that comes to mind is, hiring someone to grow something like a mushroom where the profit is then split up (or some similar sort of arrangement). Regular agriculture would be too low return given the plot of land is too small (which is reflected in price). But I am out of ideas at the moment. + +Can someone suggest some low cost, practical ideas? +I am a full time employee and I don't have much time in my hands to read about stocks. + +So my main investment is MF. I have started investing late and I am still a beginner + +So far my MF investments are - +1. UTI nifty index +2. Ppfas +3. Pgim midcap +4. Tata digital fund +5. Elss - mirae - as per need + + +Discontinued - Axis bluechip + +While I plan to do manual SIPs in the above 5 MFs, I do want to select some good stocks as a side investment. So far I have selected - + +- Asian paints + +- reliance / HUL + +- TCS / Infosys / happiest minds + +- Deepak Nitrite / aarti industries + +- irctc + +- HDFC + +- campus + +My dilemma is on one hand, the consistent compounders are being invested in by the MFs I have invested in, but on the other hand, I do want to have them in my profile rather than going for only midcap and smallcap as these are good stocks and I can't let go of them from my stocks. But this is going to have a lot of overlap. + +So how do you invest in MFs and stocks + +nb - only for educational purposes, this post is made. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I'm a frontend developer, so my main programming language is JavaScript, I've been following and reading about the stock market and algorithmic trading for a long time and recently decided that I should give it a try, and this is how I'm planning to learn. + +1- invest a little bit of money into the stock market manually, mainly to understand it better and learn. + +2- using IEX cloud for historical and live data and IB for executing transactions start backtesting and developing basic algorithms in javascript + +3- when I have a better idea of what I'm doing and I start to feel limited by JavaScript performance transition into python or an all in one platform like QuantConnect + +So the idea is rather than learning python, trading and algorithmic trading all at once to learn each one then move further. + +But with my very limited knowledge, I'm not sure if that would work or whether it's a good way to move forward, therefore I wanted to ask for guidance here. +First Off, I admit I don't know what I'm doing, I thought this would be like TDAmeritrade, except with automation. + +To me, Ninja Trader is just one big commercial. I'm trying to convince myself it's not a scam, but it's hard to get past the surface of it. Every time you login to their site, even the help forums, you are blasted with more opportunities to spend money on their 'Award Winning' software. + +They said I could hook up to TDAmeritrade and automate my trading there, but then I find I need to buy a license ($1000 - $1500) to do so. + +I thought I would be able to backtest my strategies for free, but in order to backtest, you need to buy a subscription to get the data, that's $40 a month. + +They advertise 'free' webinars to show you how to get setup. But so far every webinar I've watched turns into an infomercial for one of their ecosystem partners ($500 for a package of custom indicators, that you don't know if it's going to work for you or not) + +I have gotten to the point where I have a live account (Dorman Trading) for futures, but don't know what to do with it, and without any data feeds it's pretty useless, even for manual trading. + +I have not yet paid for the lifetime license, so I can still back out and withdraw all my money. + +Sorry for the rant. I've seen a few posts here on Reddit where people said it's working for them and good for them, but maybe this post will save someone else some heartache. Nothing ever comes easy. +I want to get into investing with a focus on AI stocks, However, my dad’s advisor linked me to an article that says [an ETF could get me the best returns](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/younginvestors/09/etfs-ideal.asp) given my age group and time of investment.. While I understand the appeal, I also read that I should look for more [industry outliers that focus on developing core AI tech](https://frontierresearch.com/artificial-intelligence/?r=1), which will end up with me getting individual stocks. + +Here are my considerations: + +* **ETF:** I’ll be putting money into a group of potential performers. + * **Options: ROBO, ARKQ, LOUP** + * I also read that ETF offerings usually tackle subsets of a niche market. This means I’ll get a slightly diverse tech portfolio without removing my AI focus. + * I wouldn’t own individual stocks in the companies in each ETF though, right? +* **Individual Stocks:** I’ll have the flexibility of navigating the market with them. I can also solely focus my budget on companies I want. + * **Options: C3Ai, Match, AMD, Apple, IBM** + * Since ETFs will likely not include some newcomers or more niche companies like C3Ai, I might benefit more if I get them as individual stocks. + * Also these are just a few options I had from an initial search, so if you have others in mind, please let me know! + +What do you think? Thanks! + +[I’ve tried comparing their current performance a few days ago, and I’m still torn with my current options. What do you think? ](https://preview.redd.it/jfw4mdb84iv71.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=b606a617ad5c0cecd3a1f18a73d9c38fedcbcad9) +Just to keep the numbers easy, let's say that you've been at this for awhile, and your portfolio is already at some nice, round, relatively large number, like $100,000 or $500,000. + +**What percentage cash do you keep set aside?** Forget about your emergency fund, your checking account buffer, stuff like that. I'm talking about money that is sitting in your brokerage account money market settlement fund. Money that could you invest immediately if you wanted to, but you don't because you're keeping it aside, waiting for something. And what is that something you're waiting for, before you pull the trigger? Is it: + +$1000 out of $100,000 = 1%? + +$5000 out of $250,000 = 2%? + +$25,000 out of $500,000 = 5%? + +**What's your number?** +I want to get into investing with a focus on AI stocks, However, my dad’s advisor linked me to an article that says [an ETF could get me the best returns](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/younginvestors/09/etfs-ideal.asp) given my age group and time of investment.. While I understand the appeal, I also read that I should look for more [industry outliers that focus on developing core AI tech](https://frontierresearch.com/artificial-intelligence/?r=1), which will end up with me getting individual stocks. + +Here are my considerations: + +* **ETF:** I’ll be putting money into a group of potential performers. + * **Options: ROBO, ARKQ, LOUP** + * I also read that ETF offerings usually tackle subsets of a niche market. This means I’ll get a slightly diverse tech portfolio without removing my AI focus. + * I wouldn’t own individual stocks in the companies in each ETF though, right? +* **Individual Stocks:** I’ll have the flexibility of navigating the market with them. I can also solely focus my budget on companies I want. + * **Options: C3Ai, Match, AMD, Apple, IBM** + * Since ETFs will likely not include some newcomers or more niche companies like C3Ai, I might benefit more if I get them as individual stocks. + * Also these are just a few options I had from an initial search, so if you have others in mind, please let me know! + +What do you think? Thanks! + +[I’ve tried comparing their current performance a few days ago, and I’m still torn with my current options. What do you think? ](https://preview.redd.it/jfw4mdb84iv71.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=b606a617ad5c0cecd3a1f18a73d9c38fedcbcad9) +I want to start with $100/month to go into my portfolio. My goal is to reach $200/month from dividends. What would be good stocks to invest in? And should I do it on Robinhood? Or another brokerage app? I’m fairly new to it, so any help is appreciated. +Hi, first I want to say that I really love this community and all the valuable advise you can find here. So thank you in advance. Now to my question :) + +I bought a house on an off payment plan. This means the house is still under construction and handover will be in 2 years. I made a 25% down payment and will start with 5% payments each three months from next year April ongoing. Until handover I only pay 50% of the total price. After handover I continue paying for 3 years with around 5% each three months. + +I can afford the payments but I was wondering if it would be better to take a mortgage with around 6% interest and 30 years (I know it’s a high percentage but apparently normal in the UAE but feel free to share the percentage with which it would make sense) to make my monthly payments lower and be able to invest the money I can save each month in an index fund/ETF (I am in VOO, don’t pay any tax on it)? +I have about $3M in some Admiral index funds at Vanguard. I've been afraid of moving them to the ETF equivalents in the past year due to having to pay taxes on the gains. But given that they are all under water now, is this a good time to move them? Are there any negative consequences of this? + +I want to move them to the ETF versions mainly as I have heard that ETFs result in lower cap gains recognized. +I have been working in the Bay Area for 20 years. Slowly worked my way up in tech. Bay Area middle class. Starting to think about retirement but stressed that I have not made enough to be able to retire and travel the world with my retirement income. Planning to live on my investment income starting age 55. +TC 700K (including RSU vesting). NW 6M hopefully will bring that up to 8M by the time I retire. +Part of my FatFIRE plan is the perfect waterfront property. I found it. Here is my challenge and I am hoping this group has insights where Google has failed me. + +The property is held in a single purpose LLC which has been inherited by the present owner. The owner is outside the US and wants to sell but seems anxious on the US taxes they will owe. + +Is there any value in buying the holding LLC rather than the property? Perhaps with some earn out terms that help with tax efficiency for the seller? + +I have googled to no avail and perhaps am using the wrong terms. + +Edit: thanks for the feedback. Looks like I should do two things: not buy this LLC, but set one up for my other properties, transfer all my secret liabilities into it, and sell that! +Hey everyone. I've been trying to do more online shopping at GameStop and visit their website regularly, and I only just now realized that you can buy digital games on Steam through the GameStop website. This may already be common knowledge, but it was new to me so I figured I'd share. + +I don't know if they have some kind of deal with Steam vis-a-vis sales, but at the very least it's more traffic for the site, so I recommend that everyone make your Steam purchases through GameStop when possible! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I sometimes feel intimidated by the amount I need to know and the amount that others know. I’m wondering where I can learn some of the stuff that isn’t super basic without feeling overwhelmed. +Spent the past decade building more than one business. + +The combined revenue was 10+ million annually. + +Unfortunately, my wife was cheating while I was building, which ultimately created a divorce. The process was costly, emotionally painful, and very distracting. I ended up fire-selling the businesses and splitting the assets with the Ex-Wife. Currently, my NW is down to 300K from well above 3M on paper pre-drama and fire-selling the businesses. + +I'm finding it hard to find the motivation to get started again. In all honestly, I have the know-how, the network, and even enough cash to get something going pre-seed round but I'm having a difficult time believing in my abilities and feeling motivated again. + +Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? Any recommendation or external perspective is welcomed. +Been lurking for 9 months. Many interesting topics so thanks to all the posters. I’m at a crossroads. What would you do if you were me? + +40 yrs old. Married. 4 kids. Live in FL. Finance. 25mm net worth ... $5mm house and $20mm of investments. Make about 2-2.5mm per year (pre tax). Spend about $400k per year on living expenses. Feeling super burned out with work. Business is tough. Would you suck it up since the money is good or walk away since life is short and savings are already healthy? Thank you. +Recently GameStop told us some 5,200,000 shares have been DRS'd as of October 30th, around $1b worth of shares. + + +I saw some excitement and I saw some negativity in some posts. + + +I think some Apes are worried about us not being able to DRS the float and they really shouldn't be and here's why. + + +While GameStop did their share offering they released some 8,500,000 shares into the market and guess who bought all those up? Retail. + + +Institutions show no large significant changes in their long positions of GME. So it was most definitely retail investors. + + +Retail investors gave the company $1.7B + + +Think about that for a second. We as a group of individual investors who happen to like the same stock invested our own money and gave the company close to $1,700,000,000. + + +In case you forgot the ATM share offerings were completed in April and June of this year, well after the January "sneeze." + + +So no, retail hype did not die down after January. Retail apes did not "forget" about GameStop. We didn't get bored of GameStop. + + +Retail diamond hands only got stronger. We most definitely own the float and the sentiment through the year shows it. + + +Sources below. + +https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program + +https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-0 +Seeing all of the DRS posts is very encouraging. And seeing all the shills talk about how it's not that effective or whatnot makes me laugh. Because funnily enough they aren't entirely wrong... for now. More on that. + +Do you remember in high school math class learning about exponential growth? I remember seeing a problem with a lily pad in a pond. On day 1 you start out with 1 lily pad. Every day afterwards, the number of lily pads double. On day 30 the pond is full of lily pads. + +Then on what day is the pond half full? Day 15? After all isn't 15 half of 30? Nope. Day 20? Nope try again. Must be day 25? No, wrong again. The correct answer is day freaking 29. That's right it took 29 out of 30 days to fill the pond halfway. And only 1 to fill it all the way... + +This is the power of exponential growth. It starts out very negligible with seemingly no impact. But then, it happens all at once. + +It's the same thing with registering shares. When an ape registers 15 shares with the float at for example at 50 million. That ape takes a very tiny bite out of the float. But the next ape that registers 15 shares may be registering the same amount, but that ape takes an ever slightly larger portion (percentage wise) of the remaining float. As this process continues to repeat, the impact of each subsequent ape grows ever so larger. Until that impact becomes very, very noticeable. + +This is why I ignore shills that talk about how DRS has very little impact. Sure, exponential growth always starts very slow. And then happens all at once. + +EDIT: A number of apes seem to doubt exponential growth for Computershare. All I am going to say there is to look up what an ***s*** ***curve*** is. + +I am not a financial advisor. This is NFA, blah blah blah. +Following up from last week's "Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth," this Lucas paper was published in the same issue of AER: P&P. + +Abstract: + +> This paper describes a growth model with the property that human capital accumulation can account for all observed growth. The model is shown to be consistent with evidence on individual productivities as measured by census earnings data. The central hypothesis is that we learn more when we interact with more productive people. + +Link: http://pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1257/aer.p20151065 + +Ge.tt Link: http://ge.tt/8dRTDTM2/v/0?c +Silver Bullion Market is one of the most manipulated on earth. Any short squeeze in silver paper shorts would be EPIC. We know billion banks are manipulating gold and silver to cover real inflation. + +All of the best mines for silver have already been depleted in recent years. There is a severe supply shortage developing. At the same time, demand is skyrocketing. Solar panels, electric cars, electronics and many other products need more silver than ever. + +Both the industrial case and monetary case, debt printing has never been more favorable for the No. 1 inflation hedge Silver. + +Inflation adjusted Silver should be at $1,000 instead of 25$. + +Why not squeeze $SLV to real physical price. + +Think about the Gainz. If you don't care about the gains, think about the banks like JP MORGAN you'd be destroying along the way. + +Tldr- Corner the market. Gold Ventures thinks its possible to squeeze $SLV, FUCK AFTER SEEING $AG AND $GME EVEN I THINK WE CAN DO IT. BUY $SLV GO ALL IN TH GAINZ WILL BE UNLIMITED. DEMAND PHYSICAL IF YOU CAN. FUCK THE BANKS. + +If the brokerages close trading on $SLV or various silver miners, we can continue to squeeze the market by purchasing physical silver at online or local silver/gold dealers. It all trickles into COMEX to squeeze supply. + +Disclaimer: This is not Financial advice. I am not a financial services professional. This is my personal opinion and speculation as an uneducated and uninformed person. + +Follow On Twitter at Galactic\_Trader + + Tweet this post to your followers on Twitter or other social media. Ask them to Retweet. + +https://preview.redd.it/udnojohal3e61.jpg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5be503e801daf878567cf4a520e9e2beea241ed +I'd love to work hard and live frugally, but I'm struggling. + +I struggle to get out of bed sometimes. I struggle to cook and often eat UberEats instead, which is such a waste of money. Some days I just want to give up, drink or gamble my sorrows away, or watch movies all day. + +Is it possible to be financially successful whilst living with depression? +I myself have 10% of my holdings in a Developed Country Bond Mutual Fund. (Early 30`s). I also have cash holdings. + +It currently seems common for people to be 100% equities. Is that the new normal? + +I know bonds pay very little currently, but they serve as a means to rebalance if the market collapses. They can also help to hedge against inflation. +So an idea hit me as I was[ reading a post](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2019/08/29/you-are-a-pension-fund-of-one-swr-series-part-32/) by Karsten ("Big Ern") over on his blog EarlyRetirementNow. I'm not sure if this has been proposed before, but I couldn't find anything from a quick Google search, so here's the idea: + +In the post, Karsten makes a point that funding a pension fund for one (or two) people is actually more difficult than funding a pension fund of 1000 (on a per capita basis), and that this forms a significant part of what makes early retirement so difficult. I'd recommend you read [the post](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2019/08/29/you-are-a-pension-fund-of-one-swr-series-part-32/), as he explains it more, but the idea is very simple: you may live a very long time, so when planning for retirement that is a risk you need to prepare for. It's unlikely you'll live to 100, but the fact that you maybe just might, requires that you consider such a possibility. This requires that a safe withdrawal rate for a typical early retiree is very conservative, as one has to plan for time spans potentially on the scale of 50+ years. Taking this into consideration is extremely inefficient though, as you more than likely won't live so long, and so many early retirees will probably end up leaving a sizeable inheritance if they're properly managing their risks because a bias towards over-saving (too much money, but too many years worked) is a much better outcome than a bias towards under-savings (running out of money and thus spending your golden years eating cat food). This reasonable fear and corresponding response, of planning for the tail-end events, is probably not too unfamiliar to anyone who has thought about early retirement. + +But now the question that comes to my mind is: why are there so many people out there that are all doing what is essentially the exact same thing: creating a personal pension fund -- but in what is the most inefficient way possible -- as individuals? Why not band together, take advantage of the law of large numbers, and manage these tail-end events in the same way that insurance companies and pension plans have done for literally hundreds of years? That being: Sure, I don't know how long any given individual in the plan is going to live, BUT we have actuaries with tables that provide very strong estimates of how many in a given group containing X number of people will be alive in Y years, with increasingly high confidence for larger values of X, and using those figures, you can estimate with high likelihood how much assets will be needed to fund the fixed income stream. As Karsten points out in the post, given a pension plan with 1000 retirees and holdings that track a typical market return rate, the historical safe withdrawal rate is around 6% -- with the worst off cohorts being somewhere in the mid-5% range! That's a pretty significant premium, considering that this figure is coming from a conservative member of the FIRE community, who usually places his personal safe withdrawal rate in the range of 3.25 - 3.5%, below the 4% figure typically prescribed. + +That's somewhere in the ballpark of 50% - 100% higher of a safe withdrawal rate! This means if everyone banded together, it would be possible to retire at the same level of life quality, while still controlling for longevity risk, with only about half to three-quarters as much in assets! + +Considering the mix of talent in the FIRE community, from software engineers to financial advisors, it doesn't seem like a stretch that if the right people contributed their expertise, creating such a fund via an open source effort would be feasible. Such a fund could potentially be accomplished with little to no operating expenses -- which by default would make them incredibly effective over the current highly profitable (and arguably predatory) annuities sold by insurance companies who take a large slice off the top in these sorts of operations. + +Of course, there are some drawbacks that come to mind. For one, the way this fund works wouldn't be magic -- the fundamental mechanism driving its feasibility is the fact that some members won't live so long, and so by contributing to such a fund, not only do they get less money out of it than they in theory should get, but they also lose out on the ability to pass on an inheritance. I really don't think this is a deal breaker though. People who contribute to such a fund obviously wouldn't need to contribute 100% of their money to it, they could simply build an estate separately which could be passed on as an inheritance if they're interested in doing such a thing. And the fact that they would get less money from the fund than they put in isn't all that big of a deal, as this is the same thing that underpins any sort of insurance -- you're controlling for tail-end events by potentially paying for something you may not end up needing, but if you do, is beneficial and massively discounted. + +Another aspect to consider would relate to how the assets are managed. Again, although this feels like it could be more of an issue since there are ostensibly large variations in the FIRE community as to what assets different people own, the big idea isn't really all that different. It's pretty clear that passive investment returns through owning the market are the winning strategy for your typical FIRE retiree. Although some may push towards small-cap value, others gold, cryptos, or whatever the hell, just sticking with a Boglehead-type portfolio is something I think many people could easily get behind. With some cocktail of Vanguard (or similar low-fee) ETFs capturing a balance of world equities and bond markets forming the core position of the fund, I'm sure that could make everyone relatively happy. There could even be, as a part of the open source effort, a portfolio management system, perhaps with some sort of democratic process, for managing the fund's holdings. It may not be perfect for everyone, but the withdrawal rate provided by the compromise would still easily beat the alternative of the individually managed pension fund. And here we do find an additional benefit for the early retiree, as such a pension plan would largely eliminate the sequence of return risk, since the date one provides assets for the fund would become less significant to the fund's performance the larger the fund is, thus exposure to risk factors for the theoretical pension fund would stay relatively constant throughout its lifetime. I'm sure such a topic could be analyzed to death though. + +Another issue would have to do with people actually trusting the fund, as well as various legal / business obligations. What is probably the most difficult part of it all would be amassing a significant enough number of people for such a plan to work. An exit strategy would also need to be devised for those who want to take part or all of their assets out of the fund. Measures would need to be taken to allow for complete transparency to all members as to the fund's management. Details of such things would certainly be provided through a charter / prospectus / terms & conditions of some sort. I could also imagine that the typical FIRE community member would live longer than the average Joe because of better health and education, so the actuarial calculations would need to be run quite conservatively and with a consideration for such nuances. There's definitely other details to iron out, but as far as I can tell, none seem all that insurmountable. + +It may be a moonshot, but I just can't get the idea out of my head given how this hypothetical pension fund could be so incredibly beneficial to the early retirement community. + +Definitely open to hearing criticism. + +Any thoughts on the FIRE Fund? + +**TLDR:** What if we make a pension fund for the FIRE community to control longevity risk? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thanks for all the responses I've been getting! It's interesting to see how some similar ideas to this have been tried, and I'm really not all the surprised as it isn't all that groundbreaking of an idea -- this thing called insurance (hah!) -- and I think Vanguard's Managed Payout Fund definitely catches my eye. I'm curious though if these products are all that competitive with a self-managed FIRE portfolio, as I would hope this idea would be. +Assume some currency pair is traded with a 1 pip spread. Now I place two orders at the same time: 1) a buy limit order to buy at 0.2 pips above the current highest bid and 2) a sell limit order at 0.2 pip below the current lowest ask. Assuming the two will get filled within a few seconds, I will make 0.6 pips (minus commissions around 0.4 pips). + +Is this a viable strategy? It is possible that some market maker will their limit orders at a more attractive price than me, but then my orders will still get filled, after their orders, and I'll still make the profit. So what's the catch here? +I have had no success at all when using technical indicators as inputs to my neural net. + +I have tried MACD, BB, moving averages, RSI, CCI, MFI, AO, VWAP and some others but none of them are better than just training on raw returns. In fact they all make my model perform worse (except for RSI which doesn't make it worse but also not better). + +Has anyone else had similar experiences? I'm guessing it's because a deep neural net can infer these relationships from the raw prices/returns anyway so adding them as inputs introduces no new data to the network and just further overcomplicates things. + +Edit: It could also be because I'm training on crypto instead of traditional stocks or because I just don't know enough about the indicators to use them properly. +1. Debt free + +2. Cohen in charge of the board (chewy bested amazon in the digital pet products war) + +3. Amazon's best ecommerce people joined the board + +4. Crypto-Currency and Blockchain personnel added to the team + +5. Esports transition + +6. Monopoly on brick-and-mortar video game sales in the U.S. coming out of the pandemic + +7. 300% increase in revenue from e-commerce sales addition + +8. Possible dividend and share recall during earnings and vote coming up + +9. Gamma Squeeze shown to be highly likely by analysts this week + +10. Negative beta ensures protection against a falling dow jones +Trading while working sucks. All I can think about at work is coming back home to hop into the market to do what I actually enjoy doing but a lot of the time by the time I am home its either at close or near close. I occasionally end up screwing up my system/plan because of the psychological annoyance of not being able to participate in the market by feeling completely rushed, as I may not have another oppurtunity to participate the next day. + +Ive gotten to the point where I am just above consistently breaking even and I am consistently adding profits piece by piece to my account and am also currently working on a Prop account. What I have been spending the past year and a half on are paying off slowly but I feel like I am slowing my progression from my Job. I know patience is super important that I am probably battling my ego with this, telling my self I need to be at a certain level because its where I really want to be but consistently being unable to do what you actually enjoy and having the progression of trading consistently slowed down is aggrevating. + +Want to get other peoples opinions and suggestions on trading with a job. If you had one, how'd you manage trading with it? What do you recommend to people to do who are in the same boat +It’s now been 3 years since I FIRE’d and time for my annual update. As usual, I’ve got a TL;DR at the top, but encourage you to read the post for a more detailed view. + +# TL;DR + +* 38/M SINK renting in the SF Bay Area, formerly in IT Consulting and FIRE'd in January 2019 with $1.1M +* Net worth increased in 2021 from $1.61M to $1.90M (as of January 1st) +* Bought my first car, a new 2021 Hyundai Kona SEL +* Spent $25,500 out of $33,600 budget which is 1.34% WR actual and 1.77% WR at planned expenses - this doesn't include the car I bought or taxes (see details for rationale) +* Spent 105 nights away from home on road trips, visiting family, and other fun stuff +* Volunteered at a queer summer camp and guided an 11 day backpacking trip for queer youth +* For further background, check out my original post and 2 updates: [FIRE Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/adj08l/35_11m_luck_stumbles_dedication_and_thrift_an_11/), [Year 1 Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/f261kn/update_1_year_in_and_loving_it_35_11m_luck/), [Year 2 Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/kwgb0v/year_2_fire_update_corona2020_edition_35_11m_luck/) + +The next three sections are broke into Finances, FIRE'd Life, and 2021 Highlights and 2022 Plans. + +# Finances + +**Income** + +* Dividends in Taxable Accounts: $16.5K +* Long Term Capital Gains: $11K +* IRA to Roth IRA conversion: $2.5K + +To keep my income within my projected range for ACA subsidies, I reduced my Roth IRA conversion, but plan to max the standard deduction in 2022 and onward. + +**Taxable Account Optimization** + +When doing my 2020 taxes, I noticed that there was a tax drag of $500/year from the bonds in my taxable account, so I sold VBTLX from my taxable account which caused $11K of LTCG. + +I kept some cash from the sale, but the rest went into VTSAX. I didn't end up rebalancing anything in my retirement funds because I'm at a very low withdrawal rate and decided to keep a higher proportion of equities. + +**Tax Mistake and Future Tax Planning** + +2020 was my first year of doing conversions, and I messed up because I was sloppy. I had planned to do it quarterly, but only did it the first quarter, and then totally forgot about the previously converted amount and converted the full planned amount in December which led me to be $3000 over my planned amount. This led to a $550 excess payment for my ACA premiums (which eventually got refunded because of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) along with an extra $350 Federal and State taxes. + +Last year federal and state taxes were about $1700 with $550 of that being a ACA penalty, but planning better, getting my conversions right, and removing the bond tax drag, my estimated tax for 2021 should be around Federal: $0, State $450. + +**Dodging a $30K Tax Cannon** + +Luckily I chose to use underlying funds instead of Target Date Retirement Funds in my taxable, not becauseI had great foresight, but because I wanted to save the expense ratio cost. [Read what happened at the end of 2021 to Target Date Retirement Funds](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/rsidow/vanguard_target_date_funds_dropped_as_much_as_14/). + +If in my taxable accounts, I had been in VFORX instead of a mix of VTSAX and VTIAX, **I would have generated $195K of capital gains and about $30K in taxes that I had not planned for.** Not only is it a ton of taxes that I hadn't planned for (15% tax rate instead of 0% tax rate), but it also would have caused me to lose all my ACA subsidies but also pay ACA, Federal, and State penalties. + +*Lesson Learned -* Be careful about having anything besides underlying funds in your taxable accounts. The underlying funds aren't immune to unexpected distributions/capital gains (as I'm writing this, VTSAX has 56% of its NAV unrealized gains), but it is certainly less likely than with a "fund of funds" whether they are active or passively rebalance. I am considering converting my VTSAX into VTI and it'll be something I'll look into before the end of 2022 + +*Do you think there is enough of a risk in VTSAX in my taxable account to justify converting it into VTI?* + +**Expenses** + +[Table of 2021 Actual and Planned Expenses](https://imgur.com/a/167WUvv) + +Notes: + +* Monthly food costs were in the $200-$250 range during the depths of the pandemic, but went up to pre-pandemic levels of $500-$700 with going out more often with friends, spending on friends who have less, etc +* Rent - Yes, that is my rent in the Bay Area. I live in a 2BR with a roommate and it is an older 1970's apartment that isn't in the city. If I lived in a newer unit, lived by myself, and/or lived in SF proper, I would be paying more, but I made consciouschoices to not do so. +* Taxes aren't included in the expenses - I never tracked taxes as expenses in my earning years and for consistency of tracking purposes keep them separate +* The table above doesn't count the purchase of my new car. I think of it similar to "One Time Cost" similar to corporate accounting practices so I didn't include it in my yearly expense and instead call it out separately since I likely will have this car for at least 5-10 years. Insurance, maintenance, registration, repairs, gas, tolls, parking, etc. have been included in my costs this year and going forward. +* Health Insurance - See below for details on health care expenses + +**Baby You Can Drive My Car** + +I've really never owned a car in my life (relying on biking, transit, taxis/Lyft, rental cars). But with rental car prices going through the roof and wanting to do some more domestic travel while COVID safety measures were in place, I decided to get a car. I bought it after only 2 weeks of research which for a purchase of this size and my historical analysis paralysis, is remarkably fast. The frugal side of me told me to look at slightly used cars, but with supply chain issues, and distortions in the car market, the right decision was to buy new and I bought a brand new 2021 Hyundai Kona SEL in April 2021, right before the car market started to get real bad. The car was $19K before taxes/fees and $21.5K after everything. It was taxed/assessed at $24K and I got a $3500 MFG rebate and $1600 off the sticker price. + +I still mostly bike around town, and only use the cars for longer trips or when there is inclement weather where biking wouldn't be enjoyable. It has removed some friction for some trips I wouldn't have taken otherwise so overall it has been a net positive but also hasn't made me reliant on the car. + +**Healthcare** + +Have a specific section for this, because people always have lots of questions and/or are skeptical on how ACA can be used while RE. I continued with the Silver 73 CSR HMO plan in my area which was $36/month for 2021 with an AGI of $30K. The total net premium cost for 2021 was $280 after my premium dropped to $1 for a lot of the year because of various relief legislation. In 2022, the premium went up to $78/month for 2022. + +NOTE: The health insurance premiums didn't doubled, just my portion. For 2020/2021/2022, the monthly premium before subsidy was $450/$470/490 with roughly the same subsidy across all years. Given the trend, it looks like the increases remain reasonable. If they do get excessively high, I have flexibility with my conversion/withdrawal strategy to control my AGI, but given that I'm at a 1.8% withdrawal rate for my budget, I've got plenty of wiggle room so I'm not too concerned even if it does jump a lot more. + +# FIRE'd Life + +**Overall** + +I am still very much enjoying FIRE'd life. A few former colleagues have asked me if I was interested in a consulting/full time gig in my previous field. I contemplated it for about 1.3 seconds before I politely declined. + +My biggest "FIRE-world problem" is finding friends that have as much time as me. As I mentioned in previous posts, I try to do things on my own during the weekday mornings/afternoons and then leave the remaining time to be flexible and meet up with friends. But it would still be nice to have people who have more time than those who are working 9-5 and so I decided to look online to meet like-minded people. + +**FIRE Dating** + +I signed up for the [Fire Dating](https://firedating.me/) website, not really expecting much out of it. I met a great guy who I've been seeing regularly and met a boardgamer that I've had over a few times for board game nights. I've also been chatting with some others who are already FIRE'd and hope to meet up with them in the future. + +**Retirement Transparency** + +I've started to be more open to telling people about the fact that I'm FIRE. It doesn't take a genius to figure out "hungn3 hasn't worked in over 3 years, I wonder what's going on". I had the cover of the pandemic for a bit, but I think it is one of those things where I need to be more upfront with people, but still be sensitive to how/what I tell people in different socio-economic environments. + +So far the reaction has been generally positive, with no reactions in the "negative" category. Most often it is "oh, you don't think you'll ever go back to work?" type of questions. + +**Life Events** + +My roommate moved out while I was out of the state and volunteering on a backpacking trip. I considered very briefly living alone in the entire 2BR, but that would be an extra $11K/year. With the amount of time I'm away traveling, volunteering, or doing whatever else, it made zero sense to pay more for the amount that I use it. I tallied up how many nights in 2021 I didn't spend at home, and it was 105 (this is despite not doing any travel for the first four months of the year while I was waiting for my vaccine). I expect that my time away from home will be a lot more than 105 nights in 2022. + +I was luckily able to find another roommate pretty quickly with a friend who wanted to save on housing costs by moving out of his 1BR and it's worked out nicely for the both of us. + +**Hobbies** + +* Played a lot of board games on Tabletop Simulator, but also started hosting board game nights again after being vaccinated. Logged 324 plays across 56 unique games with Spirit Island being my most played with 92 plays. +* Learned how to cross stitch and "play" the guitar (I'm still pretty bad) +* Went back to the theaters starting in August when they reopened and saw 15 movies in theaters. It is such a joy to watch things on the big screen again, especially in a true IMAX theater. +* Started doing indoor gym climbing and doing more outdoor climbing, but still need to do a lot to get back to pre-pandemic fitness + +**Volunteering** + +* Volunteered at a queer summer camp for 1 session (10 days) +* Guided a backpacking trip for queer youth - I could have been paid \~$110/day for this, but I declined and told them to keep it for youth scholarships (11 day trip + 3 days of prep) +* Volunteered for Inspiring Connections Outdoors (2 days) +* Served on the Board of Directors at a queer summer camp + +# 2021 Highlights and 2022 Plans + +**2021** + +* Saw my sister for the first time in 2.5 years and met her kid (first time uncle!) +* Was called "such a good role model for queer youth" by Rebecca Sugar <swoons> (this happened via a friend who spent time with her and told her about my queer summer camp work) +* Ate a bean and cheese burrito with green chile at Al and Bea's in Los Angeles +* Won multiple Ascension 20 Heart Run with Ironclad in Slay the Spire +* Learned to cross stich and made this [Climbing Chalk Bag](https://www.reddit.com/r/celestegame/comments/mmzrmd/crossstiched_celeste_onto_a_rock_climbing_chalk/). +* Took a 10 day car-camping road trip to Joshua Tree, Death Valley, and Pinnacles +* Volunteered at a queer youth Summer Camp and led an 11 day queer youth backpacking trip + +**2022 Travel Plans** + +* East coast roadtrip for \~3 weeks +* Brazil for \~6 weeks +* Summer camp for 2 months +* Lots more of climbing/camping trips + +**2022 Goals** + +* Shift my previous goal of visiting all national parks. I still want to get outside more and visit national parks, but I'm not going to do it simply to get things checked off the list. +* Climb outdoors >20 days and get more comfortable leading sport routes +* Spend more money. After a few years of low spending, mostly because of COVID, I want to try and enjoy as much as possible (COVID permitting). + +Hope you enjoyed my post and feel free to ask any questions in the comments below! :-) +Hi r/personalfinance! + +&#x200B; + +Just wanted to make folks aware of this since I didn't find hardly any information at all about it on the interwebs or on Reddit. + +&#x200B; + +I received a letter in the mail on June 5th with the title "Important Notice of Unclaimed Property Action Required: Response By 08/15/2020". It was a letter saying that due to a sale I made on Amazon in August of 2014, I had an unclaimed balance of $55.57 that was due to me. It talked about how I needed to verify my address, claim the funds, then sign and print my name. It said that if I didn't claim the funds, then the funds would be sent to the state agency of my last known state of residence, in this case South Carolina. + +&#x200B; + +It was a very legitimate looking letter, as I'm sure all good scams tend to be, but I thought this was suspicious already for two reasons: 1) free money is always suspicious unless it's a 401k match from your employer (thanks pf) 2) I recently saw a post on here or maybe r/all were someone talked about looking up through your state agency to see if you had unclaimed property funds. While the process itself IS legit, I used that system and didn't find any unclaimed property for myself or any of my immediate family. This was maybe a month ago when I made that search, so I thought it was weird that I would all of a sudden get this letter. + +&#x200B; + +It wasn't impossible for me to have unclaimed money from 2014 either; I made an Amazon Payments account to resell textbooks I had purchased while I was in college, but knowing college me, I would have made dang sure I got $55 pretty immediately because I was broke. + +&#x200B; + +Long story short, I called Amazon customer service who then contacted Amazon Payments. They assured me that they DO NOT conduct business in this way, that the funds would have been credited to my account or I would have gotten an email about it. I got a follow up email from my customer service representative asking me to forward a picture of the letter on to their fraud/phishing department. + +&#x200B; + +I just wanted to let everyone know that this is in fact a scam. I saw one other post after extensive googling about this and it was from two months ago, so this might be a recent thing, but this is NOT from Amazon. They only ask for your printed name and signature but I'm sure someone could do plenty of things with both of those. + +&#x200B; + +Tldr; Amazon Payments customer service confirmed that unpaid/unclaimed property letter was a scam. + +Edit: seems like there's a lot of conflicting information here but I'm just going to wait until the end of the year and check my state agency's website. Amazon themselves sent me two separate emails saying this was a scam, picture links are in the comments. My bf pointed out sketchy things about the letter too, like the fact that the letter was printed in greyscale and didn't look like something Amazon would have an official stamp on. Also, there's a letter "Z" badly hidden/printed behind bubble number 3. I'm just going to play it safe on this one, if I hear of any updates I'll edit here but in my opinion I'm saying this is a scam with the information I have, and I'm going to play it safe. Thanks to all who responded +Long time lurker here, my father dropped some insights on me today about his journey towards financial independence and the mistakes he made on the way and I felt I should summarize and share. +___ + +A little background + +My father came from a low income, paycheck to paycheck family. He watched both his parents work soul sapping jobs for measly pay and vowed he wouldn't live that way. +He worked hard/made some smart decisions and reached financial independence in his early 30s and retired at 45 (He is 56 now). +___ +Sound like the poster child for financial independence right? + +I thought so too but today he confided in me that he is unhappy and wishes he had done things differently. He worked hard to reach FI but felt he missed out on the prime decade of his life in the process. + +He gave me two guidelines to prevent his mistakes: + +(Note: These guidelines actually run contrary to a lot of the wisdom on this sub but bear with me, it's not about throwing FI out the window it is more about leading a more balanced life.) + +1) **Everyday be doing something that makes you smile or be thinking about something that makes you smile.** + +Some people love what they do for a living and that's great but most people don't. We spend a huge portion of our lives working, even if we do reach RE, and it doesn't make sense to to subject ourselves to misery today in order to reach happiness tomorrow. + +So, + +Do something that makes you smile everyday: If you hate your job and could be doing something you love, do it, even if this means earning less and postponing FI/RE. But, if you can't be doing something you love, which is the reality for many that's okay too. You still have to do something that makes you smile though. How you do this is up to you, it could mean saying fuck it and taking a sick day to go on a road trip with some buddies even if it means you can't save up as much this month. + +Reality is different though, we all have rainy days or days we just have to grind and get the unpleasant things done. This however doesn't mean you can't be doing things that make you smile. A great source of happiness is progress towards your goals. A common goal of everyone on this sub is to reach FI/RE, problem is humans are inherently shortsighted and progress towards financial independence is to distant to generate happiness on a daily basis. How do you combat this? Set short term actionable goals that you can see and feel the results of. This could be your related to your FI goals (e.g don't go to starbucks this week and put that $20 bucks saved into savings) or it could be for other life goals like fitness or relationships, whatever you want as long as it helps you get through those unpleasant days with a smile on your face. + + +2.) **The often spouted phrase: "Surround yourself with like minded people" in order to be successful is bullshit. It is more important to surround yourself with friends and family.** + +It depends on your definition of success though. If you think success means having a lot of money then sure go ahead and prioritize your professional relationship, but if you think there is more to success than that then don't neglect your social support network. + +My dad burnt a lot of bridges with friends and family in the pursuit of financial success, and it didn't come back to bite him until much later. The truth is the types of connections you make and nurture to aid your financial success are not the ones that stick around. What's the point in having financial freedom if you have no one to enjoy it with? + +___ + +My main takeaway is that it is easy to focus to on the end goal (FI/RE) and forget about the journey. In the end your happiness is paramount. + + + + + +Hi everyone. My partner and I have almost completed on a house. We expect to complete by the end of the month at the latest. We want to get new furniture and other stuff for it and want to get this on a credit card. I currently have a Virgin credit card with a limit of £6800 and haven’t used any of the balance. The 0% interest period ended about two years ago. + +What’s the best way of going about getting a new card? I think these are my options: + +1. Should I spend whatever I need to on the virgin one and then see if I can transfer the balance to a 0%? + +2. Close down the virgin card and then apply for a new card with 0% interest rate for around 24 months. + +3. Spend a negligible amount of money on the virgin card before we move in (like £5 or something) and then transfer that balance to a new 0% card and then start getting new stuff for the house on the new card. + +Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks. +First of all: i am not FIREd and have actually only been pursuing this for about one year BUT over the past year I built a small source of passive income (that is not investing) which covers my monthly rent (I'm 26m, no debt, no spouse/children). + +So, covid. I work in mobility and am based in Europe which essentially means my company is fucked. We had to shut down all operations in the italian market and the situation is likely to get worse everywhere else in the next couple of months. I am not gonna lose my job, probably, but many of the projects I was working on have been put on hold and I'm likely gonna be asked to reduce my working hours or take some unpaid time off, which is okay... because I don't need the money. Even if i were to be laid off tomorrow I would still be able to cover my expenses with just my side income and the extra free time would even allow me to scale it further. + +So I just wanted to post this here because... I kinda feel already financially independent. Doesn't mean that i don't have to work to live, I don't have a lot of money invested, and two of my three sources of income (my office job and my investments) are currently fucked but the other one is not and this alone gives me a huge sense of freedom. + +Diversify, folks. + + +EDIT: My source of income is Print on Demand (POD), and I recently started looking into affiliate marketing as well. +His "speculative" trading tax on transactions would also make trades less liquid. (And those are just the taxes that directly impact investors--his other proposals would indirectly hurt investors since the economy will take a heavy hit). + +Whenever I bring up this issue, people either don't care (Bernie supporters) or they laugh at the idea of Bernie actually getting elected or having his tax plan approved. + +I'm finding it a bit hard (if not impossible) though to plan for long term investment and retirement when we have a leading candidate that wants to destroy the markets and punish investors. + +What are your thoughts on the investing environment if Bernie gets elected? And how are you strategizing your portfolio in case these tax proposals do go through? + +EDIT: Well, this blew up. Thanks to those that had insightful and analytical things to add to this discussion from an investing standpoint, and for not letting the baseless political bullies control this thread. This was interesting. +I like strategies where I have as little input into the interpretation as possible, I can find key S&R for targets and such, but entries, exits and such I like to leave to my strategy. + +Has anyone used Helping Ashi, perhaps with Parabolic SAR or something similar for stops and had success? Thinking of testing it out and seeing what results I get in backtesting. + +Also up for discussing how a strategy like this could be managed. +I'm gonna hand out some harsh truth to people who think it's brave to not pay taxes. Listen you're not fighting the government by refusing to pay your taxes, you're fighting your fellow countrymen who aren't as fortunate and privileged as you are. + +You think you have earned your wealth all by yourself and the rest of the people in society can go fuck themselves. well that's not how society works, your taxes helps government services that you directly benefit from (but choose to willfully ignore) continue to function, you ignore this crucial part because it doesn't serve your interest. + +Once again I'm asking you to pay your share and stop being a selfish prick, end of rant. +I have been maintaining my credit history perfectly for the last 6 years. I have never missed a single payment for my loans or my credit card. Some time ago, I had applied for a new credit card which got rejected and I was surprised which led me to check my CIBIL score from their website and found it to be an abysmal 628. When I further checked, I found two unknown loans linked with my account. One was a commercial vehicle loan and other was a personal vehicle loan and both the loans don't belong to me. + +These loans have missed a lots of payment which is affecting my CIBIL score. I had raised a dispute in their portal and now more than 2 months later, the status is still pending. + +How do I remove these unknown loan accounts attached to my name? The CIBIL raise dispute portal doesn't seem to be doing anything. Please advise. + +P.S: Please let me know if this not the right subreddit! +Have been looking to buy a 2 bhk flat in a tier 1 city.Supposing I have the money loaded,would post covid be a right time for me having been put off by builders not willing to give big discounts even with plenty of unsold inventory,to stick a rusted knife into these fat ass builders and get the bargain of a lifetime? +Any inputs from those tracking the real estate scene would be appreciated. +I have been maintaining my credit history perfectly for the last 6 years. I have never missed a single payment for my loans or my credit card. Some time ago, I had applied for a new credit card which got rejected and I was surprised which led me to check my CIBIL score from their website and found it to be an abysmal 628. When I further checked, I found two unknown loans linked with my account. One was a commercial vehicle loan and other was a personal vehicle loan and both the loans don't belong to me. + +These loans have missed a lots of payment which is affecting my CIBIL score. I had raised a dispute in their portal and now more than 2 months later, the status is still pending. + +How do I remove these unknown loan accounts attached to my name? The CIBIL raise dispute portal doesn't seem to be doing anything. Please advise. + +P.S: Please let me know if this not the right subreddit! + + +My partner and I own and operate a small home improvement company in a high cost of living area. We mainly work for landlords, doing turnovers, small fixes and total renovations. We have no employees and do all the work ourselves. We've been in the construction industry our entire lives so we have a pretty decent idea of what we’re doing. We’ve been in business together since 2019. + +Our industry slows down a lot in the winter. Instead of taking the time to regroup and work on our own house or do personal projects and hobbies, we decided to look into buying an investment property. Neither of us wanted to work for the rest of our lives and both of our families had real estate investments in some form or another. The first thing we did was identify an area to invest in because we could not afford to do so locally. We live in a very HCOL area (NYC metro area) so we looked for places where we could reasonably drive to and that we would one day be ok with living in ourselves. We settled on a smaller city in upstate NY after visiting the area and checking out the local housing stock. + +We bought our first investment property December 30, 2020. It was a 3 Bed / 1 Bath up and down duplex, same layout in both units. We inherited a tenant in the upstairs unit who was paying about 60% of market rent. The downstairs unit was disgusting, cat pee soaked into the subfloor and the entire unit had been sprayed this horrible beige color (over every outlet, huge drips, like wtf) - it hadn't been updated in decades. Lots of neglect. It was perfect (for us). + +Day one we cleaned and sealed the subfloors (literally we were at the house scrubbing less than an hour after signing the closing docs). We slept in a hotel that night then went back the next day and started the real work. We gutted the kitchen and bathroom, installed all new floors throughout, fixed everything in the common areas (basement, walkways, driveway, etc), painted, etc. Basically we fully renovated the first floor unit. We would spend five days up there (sleeping on an air mattress and not showering, eating meal prepped food from the microwave) then go home and work on our business, which worked for us because we made our own schedule and work wasn't as busy as it is in the warmer months. + +We finished after 5 weeks of work spread out over three months. We spent 7k on materials and supplied our own labor. We got it rented out in April of that year to a postal worker and her girlfriend. They've been good tenets and still live there. We rented it for $900 per month and haven't raised their rent. + +Side note - in December of 2021 our second floor tenant on our duplex moved out and we spent December and January redoing the second floor unit. New kitchen, bathroom gutted down to studs (replaced all the plumbing in that horror show), refinished the wood floors, new doors, paint, etc. We rented it out in February to a young couple with a dog for $1050. Up from $650 from the previous tenant. We spent $12k on this reno (should have been 8k but we ran into window / siding and plumbing issues we had to hire out - blew the budget but I’m glad we did it right). + +We bought our second one via private sale from our plumber in November of 2021 for $40K. He had owned it for five + years and was mid flip. It was a small two bedroom single family home on a double lot (that is technically a separate lot but we have it all fenced in as one for an extra huge backyard). We didn't start working on it (other than securing it and making sure the utilities and heat were working) until February of 2022. + +The house was mostly gutted but had great bones. We did the same thing we’d done the previous year, though this one was a lot more drywall work that either of us wanted to do. We spent 5 day stretches up there and finished the house in about three months. We built our first deck and really made this house a luxury unit. We spent $21k in total on materials and again all the labor was provided by us. + +We had it rented within a month for $1250 to a college educated couple whose credit is almost as good as ours. They’ve been awesome tenants so far, I really hope they stay for a few years. + +We are currently under contract for a 4100 square foot triplex in the same area for $100k. It's my favorite so far. The house was built as a triplex in 1901 and is just beautiful. All new windows but tons of original woodwork and charm. The heating system is fried so the first thing we’re doing when we close is replacing radiators and maybe replacing the furnace. It’ll be a fun few days until we get the heat working and can turn on the water. This house really doesn't need as much work as our others but redoing three kitchens and three baths will be expensive and will take a lot of time. There is one three bed / 1 bath (the entire first floor - it also has living room, den, dining room, and a laundry room bigger than the kitchen - it's massive), a two bed / 1 bath and a 1 bed / 1 bath. + +It's going to be another crazy winter with long hours, bad conditions, and lots of work but I’m honestly looking forward to it. My partner and I are a special kind of crazy but we’d rather be doing this than our day jobs. We call it dusty camping. It's liberating in a way. + +When all is said and done and the triplex is fully rented we should be able to rent out the three bed for $1400, the two bed for $1100, and the one bed for $900 (it's in the downtown so the area is very desirable). We anticipate 30k in repairs to have it at the same standard as our other units. + +So in three years we will have gone from zero to six units. We will have invested approx $270k and will be netting about 40k per year in rents. We bought everything in cash so we have no debt. I know it's not the traditional road to real estate riches but we’re very happy with where we are. We’re very debt averse but know we will eventually have to finance something, if we want to continue to grow at this pace. + +Starting out our plan was to have 60k in net income to supplement our lifestyles. We didn't want to work all the time (like we do), we wanted to have the time to adopt some kids and be really involved parents. I want to be the mom on the school trips and volunteering with the PTA. We thought it would take ten years to get to a point where we could make it work. In six months we’ll be 2/3s of the way there. + +I will say that we are uber privileged and got a great head start. We’re both college educated but never had student loans. We live in an expensive area and don't pay rent. My partners' parents are in their 70’s and 80’s, one has Alzheimer's pretty bad and the other has Parkinson's, they own multifamily housing, so we live above them for free but are also their full time caregivers. They don't drive and are immigrants so we handle all paperwork, bills, food shopping, doctors appointments, socialization, etc. Part of the reason we’re funneling every cent we make into ‘passive’ income is so that we can take care of them. We live like college students and save like 90% of what we make. We’ve never been on a vacation that wasn’t camping and still drink PBR. All three of our tenants have nicer cars than us. + +If you're just starting out my advice would be to just go for it. Jump in. And don't be afraid to be unorthodox. Our friends and family think we’re insane. We’ve made tons of mistakes but we learn from them and our process gets smoother with every project (we’ve got the living situation down pat - air mattress with 6 inch foam pad. I’ve been cooking up a storm making dozens of frozen meals so that we don't have to eat expensive garbage food while working.) + +Anyway that's our story so far. We’re turning 32 this year and hope to be done working full time in the next few years. Sorry for the length of the post but I did warn you in the title. + +TLDR: Went from zero to six units (three properties) in three years. $40k per year in net cash flow. Did all renovation work ourselves like the insane people we probably are. +My partner and I did some 5 year planning. This is what we're looking to do! This isn't meant to be a brag session. And I know its just a plan but I figured people might enjoy getting a look at whats going on in my business right now. + +In 2017 we rolled our profits from our little old sweaty startup into a real estate development and we finished construction of a self storage facility in Ithaca NY. We spent $2.4M (75% financed by a local bank). We purchased an additional property in October of 2018 across the street for $400k. I own 40%. My partner owns 40%. Investors own 20%. + +Its nearing stabilization ($55k in revenue in July and $12.5k in expenses for $42k in EBITDA) or $12,500 for each Dan and I in cashflow and $15,500 each in income. It's a great asset and it's going to be hard to part with that monthly recurring revenue. + +But the plan is bigger than that so we have it [listed for sale](https://www.loopnet.com/Listing/1401-Dryden-Rd-Freeville-NY/16683427/). + +We got an [offer for $4.9MM](https://sweatystartup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/IMG_D771D5BA0DFC-1.jpeg) a few months ago but we're aiming for the $5.2MM mark. We're getting a lot of interest and have had action lately. + +That sale would spit off about $880k each for my partner and I to reinvest. To differ the taxes into the future we'd do a 1031 exchange and find "like kind" assets to purchase with the income. + +**IF we sell it here is our plan.** + +\-- + +We'd plan to bank $380k (less after taxes) each for a rainy day or a smoking opportunity in the future or just as an insurance policy. So we'd have $1MM between us to reinvest and grow our real estate holdings. + +We'd locate five or six poorly managed but high potential storage facilities at a total value of about $4MM. Leverage about $1MM in cash and borrow another $3MM on the assets. + +The facilities we’d target would be between 10,000-25,000 rentable sf each in secondary markets (20,000-100,000 population). Small enough properties and cities that the big dogs like Public Storage aren’t in the market to buy them and drive the cap rates down to 5-6. We’d manage them remotely (without a full time manager in an office on site) and contract with a local cleaning company to do the onsite punch list weekly. + +Since we can manage them remotely while others have more overhead we could buy them at what would be an 8 or 9 cap for others but is a 11-12 cap for us. + +That means EBITDA would be about $460k a year. $156k a year would be interest payments and $84k would be principle ([$3MM at 5.25% over 20 years](https://sweatystartup.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/IMG_FD7F51DD05AF-1.jpeg)). + +So that would be $220k a year in free cashflow and $304 in income on our $1MM investment. + +We’d get to claim $145k a year in depreciation reducing our taxable income to only $159k a year on that $304k in income. + +The assets would appreciate by about 5% a year which is $200k a year in equity we’d have on top of the cashflow. We think we can get it appreciating much faster with our management. + +So we’re seeing about $504k in value and only paying taxes on $159k a year. + +That would start the snowball. About 3 years later after raising rents pretty aggressively and achieving $550k or so in EBITDA we'd sell the portfolio for a 7 cap on trailing 12 month cash flows. + +Sell for $7.8MM. That would turn our initial $1MM cash in investment into about $3.8 MM in 36 months. + +The best part is that we'd have the ability to do another 1031 exchange to differ all of the tax on that appreciation and then buy $15.2MM worth of storage facilities at a 10 cap which would generate $1.52MM a year in EBITDA. + +But we'll take it one step at a time. + +\-- + +We also will have made a great return for our initial investors who bought in and owned 20% of our first facility so they would happily re-invest the proceeds ($1MM) into new developments with us. + +They bought in on a pro-rata basis. Meaning if they put in 5% of the project costs they got 5% ownership. They took a second position to the bank. We then financed our ownership through the bank and took the debt service on ourselves. + +So while we're going around buying and building our own profile we'd also build 2 more development projects in really great markets. We'd build them for about $2.5MM each, own them for 2 years during lease up, and according to our projections these buildings, similarly to Ithaca, would be worth about $5MM each. + +We'd sell these to realize the appreciation again and likely use the investor money to build more and our profits to buy cash-flowing assets like the plan above. + +Any feedback, positive or negative, is appreciated and thanks for reading! +Genuine question. We’ve done all the DD that shows how far this can go. But there will be sellers up to the $200k point (RIP), so I’m wondering what information we can use to evaluate the situation as it unfolds. I ask this because I have persuaded friends to buy GME who aren’t on Reddit and I want to be able to provide reassurance to them during the squeeze that “it ain’t over yet”. I’m completely diamond hands regardless, but I’m guessing things are going to be happening very fast during the squeeze, it will be good to know what to look for so we don’t feel in “no mans land”. + +Cheers Apes 🚀 💎 +Throwaway for obvious reasons. + +I accumulated Bitcoin from early 2013 till 2017 and all bought and traded around to 100 Bitcoins. + +Did a lot of Crypto Trading in that timeframe, specially on btc-e.com, a Russian crypto gambling and trading site which was seized by the US Government. + +Thankfully I had a good nose and traded all LTC I bought there to BTC and send it to myself 2 weeks before the site was shut down. At the time that was around 17 Bitcoins. Never leave your coins in an exchange. + +Then 2017 came and i was a financial idiot at the time. Well after trading some more real money for some Coins I had a + of 2.350 Million Dollars. + +And I didn’t sell anything but my investment of around 90k. + +Now I think It was a stupid move. One of my main causes then was the Tax money I owned in some trades and I would have payed around 400k+ in Taxes which I would have liked to avoid. Maybe you can guess the country. Still – it was retarded and I know it. On the other hand, If I always had done everything from the book I would have never had such an uprising. + +It also was the 5th or 6th time I had witnessed a crash. Same business as usual I thought, money can get blurry even if it´s in this magnitude. + +Well, to now. January of 2019. I still have around 400.000 Dollars in Crypto, payed my taxes I owned form Crypto and iam very fortuned in life in general, so I guess I don´t mind as much as I should. + +Now why do I still hold? + +After seeing the manpower that was poured into Bitcoin and Blockchain development, the Education that was offered and the overall praise of Bitcoin in general – I want to hold. + +I believe with the next halving in May 2020, the real Bullrun will come if the Stars align. When some form of governmental recognition and an easy to use application for buying is in place till then, we will see a hopefully meteoric rise. If average joe can buy Bitcoin easy with an App and the Media picks up the hype. + +On the other hand, maybe the damage is done and no one cares anymore. But Bitcoin is still the same it was one or two or ten years ago. + +Nothing changed, it just got better. + +Just my story, you can make of it what you like. + +&#x200B; + +\-EDIT- + +&#x200B; + +I didn´t expect to log on this account anymore but damn, you guys are amazing. Thanks for the mature and kinds words. + +And thanks for the 6000 Satoshis, you guys are crazy. +I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. + +Random average people are getting [50 billion dollars](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/chase-bank-50-billion-debt-glitch/) either withdrawn or deposited into their accounts. + +Some are getting it only withdrawn, which would be an extra 50 billion dollars in assets to the bank, no? + +Others are getting 50 billion dollars added to their account, but on hold for 70 years. Seems like a neat way to balance out the charges, while having everything tilt in the favour of the bank. + +I fail to see a glitch that simultaneously withdraws that amount from one account while also depositing that amount with the caveat of it being on hold for decades. This is blatant book cooking at worst, and at best is a major error in the banking system. + + +Apologies for formatting, I am on mobile. +Please keep this conversation separate from the concept of lifelong monogamy or a wedding ceremony. Those are agnostic to the state financial contract that you sign with a spouse at a separate time and place in private. You can behave and represent yourselves socially as husband and wife or whatever else you please without this contract in states that don’t have common law marriage. + +If you are a wealthy individual, or especially if you are on the path to being a wealthy individual (meaning post-marital assets and income will be large) what do you truly gain by getting into this agreement instead of just going about your relationship otherwise? + +The only meaningful tangible perk to me would be if I was marrying someone from a foreign country and would stand to gain residency privileges. Smaller privileges include SS inheritance and some power of attorney perks that could likely be handled by a lawyer separately anyway. A perk for chubby could be the tax benefits in certain cases based on income. Trivial compared to divorce costs. + +I’m eager to hear both sides of this coin as a well-off high earner in my early 30’s who is currently heavily turned off by the idea of a marriage contract. + +Do most couples struggle to even have this conversation? Is the societal norm so powerful that people don’t even think about it? Or am I completely missing something. It just seems like such a poor decision for the majority of situations. +My wife and I (both late 20s) are looking to sell everything and travel for a year with our daughter (currently 2) starting August 2023. This plan is contingent on a consistent reopening of travel. I am coming to FI since there aren’t many subreddits with great information about “slow travel” (the subreddit is pretty dead) and the last relevant thread was 9+ months ago. + +I am currently a Dentist, practicing in the states, and my wife stays home with our daughter. Our NW is around 1.7M. 1.35M in taxable brokerage accounts, 100k in cryptocurrencies, 100k in home equity, 40k in cash, 30k in retirement accounts, 30k in paid off cars, and 20k in bonds. Most of our NW is derived from luck. Currently have 1.5 more contractually obligated years to work, and then we are free and clear. Only debt is attached to our house. I have a revolving collateralized LOC of 200k with a $100 balance to keep it active. + +We are feeling pretty burned out going through undergrad, dental school, and these last few years working, and feel like we want to take a hard pause to spend time as a family. I have lived abroad in the past and we have travelled together. I understand some of the difficulties of long term travel. However, I have never travelled extensively with a child. Our daughter will be nearly 4 when we plan to leave the states and head to Europe. + +Our current projected spend is roughly 5k per month. This is consistent with a 3.5% withdrawal rate, and I think it is a pretty generous budget. + +Lodging: $2,000.00 + +Food: $1,200.00 + +Health Insurance: $100.00 + +International Travel: $300.00 + +Local Travel: $550.00 + +Activities: $250.00 + +Self care: $200.00 + +Phone/ Data: $60.00 + +media: $50.00 + +Visas: $20.00 + +Gifts: $80.00 + +Storage facility: $120.00 + +Total: $4,930.00 + +Our current itinerary is to stay roughly 1 month in each city starting in Edinburgh -> Prague -> Budapest -> Slovenia -> Croatia -> Istanbul -> Jerusalem -> Florence -> French countryside -> Spain, and fly home from Barcelona or leave the Schengen zone and continue our travels. Our itinerary is very flexible at this point, and is centered around European Shengen zone rules. We love the idea of going to Istanbul, but worry that going from central Europe to Istanbul to Israel, back to Europe could be a lot of travel. Would it make more sense to keep the trip a bit more centralized? + +We plan on renting a car for several weeks in each of the locations to explore some of the smaller/ less travelled sites. Any advice on specific destinations that we should include? I feel pretty confident that we aren’t just larping/ grasping at straws. In my head, our plan seems pretty solid, but I can’t shake the feeling that I am overlooking something. We plan to purchase our flights 6-8 months in advance using CC points, and pre-purchase our first month’s airbnb/ car rental. We also anticipate around $2500 on hiring a moving company to put our stuff in storage. + +All advice, encouragement, or personal anecdotes are welcome. +Hi! + +First time posting here, but I quit my job due to unexpected and unavoidable circumstances. (I'm a 20 year old college student and no longer had a viable way to get to work nor did I live in the area any longer). I had to quit and I couldn't give my two weeks. He told me that he is withholding my last paycheck until I return the office key IN PERSON. He wouldn't let me mail it in or give it to my coworker knowing that I no longer lived in the area and didn't have a car. Anyways, I turned it in a month and a half ago and he still isn't paying me my last paycheck. Is that legal since I didn't give my two weeks?? He is claiming he doesn't have to pay it to me. It probably isn't a large amount but being a broke college kid, I would like the extra money. + +Thanks for the help! + +Edit: Wow! Thanks guys for all the insight. I understand that it varies depending on state so if it helps, I live/work in California! + +Edit #2: Thank you guys so much for the support and advice! Just wanted to clear a couple things up, I went back to my old office within a week of quitting to return the key as he asked. I told him the day I was coming to return the key and held my end of the promise. I've been trying to contact him since (its been two months since I've quit) and he has been incredibly flakey. I will contact the Department of Labor today! + + +Full-time traders who trade for a living, what made you choose this profession and what made you stay? + +I’m expecting to see answers like: “to make money,” but there are plenty of occupations that yield high income without having to risk losing equity. + +What was it that made you think that trading is right for you, despite all the uncertainty for success? +Hi, I want to point something out about the 'quiet period' that expires this week. + +It states **RC Ventures** won't do anything until that time period. It says **RC Ventures** can increase its positions to 20% holding.... meaning that about 6,500,000 shares can be purchased by **RC Ventures. RC Ventures** is a separate entity from RC and from Gamestop. We need to think on that. That could close the final gap if that entity was to buy those shares. + +Right now, according to DRSBot and [computershared.net](https://computershared.net), there's somewhere between 21M and 23M shares to be locked. (Yeah, people need to DRS COME ON!!!) Anyhow, we'll say 22M shares are left..... + +SO, if **RC Ventures** decides to buy 6.5M shares.... That brings us to 15.5M still available.... That brings us to only 20% outstanding. Let's remember that the VW squeeze happened when there was still 25.9% available.... :D **HOWEVER,** don't think you shouldn't be DRS'ing. Keep pushing!!! There's no guarantee that **RC Ventures** will buy those shares. +As I’m getting older, my wife I (early 30s) continue to question whether our side hustle / weekend gig is still worth it. We both have 9-5s that pay pretty well (around $250K combined), but we’ve hustled on the weekends as wedding bartenders for a number of years. With each year that goes by, our income goes up, and leads us to dilemma - is it still worth it? + +Bartending weddings has been a lucrative side hustle, we average about $300 each per wedding (tips can be generous at the venue). When we both work, we get paid double which is great. Overall we average $8-$10K total in bartending side hustle income per year and work 15-20 weddings. The wedding season is saturdays / sundays from May - October, so we pretty much get half the year off. + +I’ve had this side hustle for a while now, and typically apply the extra income to investing or specific spending goals (first home, engagement ring, car down payment, student loan pay down, etc). I’ve really gotten ahead financially because of it. It’s been great to do something with the extra cash, but of course comes with a cost: our time. Giving up many Saturday nights in the summer to work weddings is a big time commitment that takes us away from everything else. + +Since our income has increased substantially in recent years, it led us to question whether we should continue (and at what point we should stop). When we were at lower income levels, we loved the side hustle because it was a larger percentage of our income. Earning $10K on the side / $100K (10%) from our 9-5 a few years ago made us feel rich and like we were getting ahead of the game. With the recent job changes and pay increases, earning $10K / $250K regular job income (4%) makes us feel like it’s a drop in the bucket and not as worth our time. + +Some pros to continuing the side hustle: +- Extra $10K / year to invest or save for future home or baby expenses +- Small social group at wedding venue we’re friends with +- Working limits our weekend spending on other things +- Good workout with all the lifting / working +- Can be gratifying when ppl are nice and generous + +Cons +- Give up weekends, see friends / family way less during wedding season (miss out on events). This is reason #1 for the wife. +- Physically demanding job +- Some bad nights (Certain crowds don’t tip as much) +- Working on weekends makes us exhausted during the week + +When does a side hustle / part time job become not worth the time due to regular career earnings? Should we keep going to stack some more money to invest, or should we call it quits since our income is higher now and we want our weekends back? Should we keep pushing, or are we being too greedy when our income levels are solid? + +FYI - wedding bartending is an AMAZING side hustle for those looking for one. + +Edit - stats: + +Taxable brokerage: $160K +401K (both pretax and Roth): $209K +HSA: $27K +529 plan (for future kid): $8K +Student loans: $20K @ 3.25% +Car loan: $26K @ 3.39% +Rental property equity: $117K +Primary residence equity: $103K + +Total NW: $578K + +Savings rate (all investment) of 40% per year, all investments are in S&P 500 index funds. + +Edit 2: thanks for all the comments and advice. the general consensus is the side gig money is not worth the time at this point in my life. Need to value my time more. Appreciate it! +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-05-16/rich-retirees-are-hoarding-cash-out-of-fear + +This oughta get your blood boiling. + +"Browning’s suggestion is that financial planners urge their thriftiest clients to make big purchases–like a second home or a fancy car–before they retire, out of their pot of savings. The idea, he said, is 'training people to spend.'" + +Really, Nana? You want to be prepared for worst case scenarios, leave an inheritance to your grandchildren, and make donations to causes you care about? Screw you, buy a Mercedes, you're ruining this for everyone. +I have been seeing a lot of exuberance from people talking about 20-50% returns with some implicit expectation that things will be this way for the forseeable future. + +I think that most people in their 20s and 30s have not seen the impact of a global recession. The momentary dip in March seems to have convinced many people that when the market drops, it recovers relatively quickly. I have been reading about folks who have netted 2M at 29 or whatever and are counting on doubling their money or more in 5 years. Or people are all in on TSLA. Admittedly, you see that more on wsb, but there might be some overlap. + +I am dating myself, but I was at my peak growth during the 2008 recession. I was doing what I loved at the time, but more so my timing was incredibly lucky as I had 4 years of funding at our burn and business was growing. I saw so many people come back out of retirement and forced to look for jobs, even in lucrative industries like medicine, tech &amp; finance. I knew someone who worked at AAPL and had a 90% LTV on their primary home and was counting on options to make mortgage payments. Relatively successful people who overextended and overlevered themselves had to foreclose. I have a family friend who had retired as a senior leader at an auto firm trying to find jobs he would have scoffed at in the past. I saw a successful physician neighbor come out of retirement, sell multiple nice vehicles and go back to work at a big hospital, coming back late at night in scrubs looking completely worn out. + +Relevance to FatFIRE: I would claim one of the important aspects of FatFIRE is the ability to withstand 30-40% reduction in your NW for a 4+ year period and still be able to shrug it off. + +Would be interested in hearing fun and/or horror stories from people who lived through dotcom, 2008, etc. + +Goal: Inject some realism and hopefully help some folks think through risk. IMHO the test of FatFIRE is when you can easily RE when the market is at the bottom without a second thought. + +Hopefully, this doesn't come across as preachy. I apologize if it does. Would hate to see some of the newer multi-millionaires here not structure their portfolios to withstand some amount of risk. +My bill is $1200. The minimum payment is $27. + +I can pay 50% on this month's due date. I can then pay another 25% on the 1st of August and the remaining 25% on the 15th of August. + +The rate is 27.24. Does this mean I'll be paying 27.24% of $600? I've always paid the full balance so I'm not familiar with how this works. + +Thanks! +EDIT: thank you all so much for the helpful advice! I've decided that my mental health is more important and if I study hard I know I can land a good job that will allow me to pay the loans back. I'm going to see the financial advisor on campus soon to find the best loans for my situation. + +I don't want to go very deep into the situation at home but what matters is that my father is very emotionally abusive and controlling, and his crazy rules are really starting to affect my college education. + +Some information about me: + +- I live in Florida. + +- I'm currently on my third year of public college getting a bachelors in Computer Science and a minor in Translation. + +- I have only been living in the US for 4 years and I've been a permanent resident for about 2. + +- My tuition is fully paid by financial aid but I don't get much in refunds. + +- I have a part time job that gives me $10/h and 20h a week. + +- Out of my biweekly paycheck of $400, about $100 goes in taxes and health insurance benefits, so I'm really getting $300 every two weeks. + +- Dorms go for 2k to 3k per semester. + +I have been applying to other jobs but it's really hard to find something that will allow me to keep studying and still pay enough. +I'm really desperate to move out but my father would probably cut contact with me if I told him that I want to live on my own and I don't know if that is something I'm willing to risk because I have a little sister (12) and I don't want her to be alone. +The only thing I can think of is getting loans for the rest of my time in college and telling him that they're grants for housing. He wouldn't be very happy about that either, but at least it would just seem like an opportunity I got and not me doing whatever it takes to get away. +I know taking loans is getting myself in a financial hole but I don't know what else to do. +https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20191007005406/en/GE-Announces-U.S.-Pension-Plan-Actions + +BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GE (NYSE:GE) announced today that it is taking three actions related to its U.S. retirement benefits as part of its strategic priority to improve its financial position: + +Freezing the U.S. GE Pension Plan for approximately 20,000 employees with salaried benefits, and U.S. Supplementary Pension benefits for approximately 700 employees. + +Pre-funding approximately $4-5 billion of estimated minimum ERISA funding requirements for 2021 and 2022. + +Offering a limited time lump-sum payment option to ~100,000 eligible former employees who have not started their monthly U.S. GE Pension Plan payments. +Every few days/weeks I see a post asking basic questions about private equity, hedge fund, or venture capital investments. + +As someone who works at an endowment/foundation and invests in these types of funds for a living, I thought it'd be fun and potentially worthwhile to do an informal AMA and answer any questions people here might have about fund-level investing. + +I do have some knowledge of direct investing through co-investments the firm I work for has done but others who work in PE/VC/HFs that do direct investments will have better answers. + +A few general observations I have had from reading posts on this board: + +* Not all hedge funds are trying to beat the S&P 500. If a fund is has 50% net exposure to the S&P and returns 8% in a year the S&P returns 10%, this is still a good year for the fund. If you do not understand what I am talking about, would encourage you do to more research before investing in hedge funds +* The success you have had to get you to a NW level where you are considering this investments likely stems from at least some "edge" you have developed in your career. Can you really look at yourself in the mirror and say you have an "edge" in investing in these types of funds? Other than for bragging rights, have to ask yourself if you will be able to invest in above average funds, let alone top 10/25% of funds. This is especially true if you believe there to be any adverse selection in terms of the funds you actually have the opportunity to invest in. If large ($1+bn AUM) endowments and foundations struggle to get allocations to top funds, why in the world would some $10mm doctor/lawyer/entrepreneur in NYC/SF/Seattle/LA get an allocation? +* Do you have any real idea of what your risk tolerance is? Does that match your portfolio? I have seen a lot of posts asking about whether to make a certain investment. While undoubtedly certain investments are better than others, one of the MOST IMPORTANT questions to ask is whether a given investment fits within the risk framework. If preservation of capital is more important than maximizing upside, having your portfolio be all in on equities makes no sense, much like having your 401K as a 30 year old be 90% bonds also makes no sense. +* You are not diversified just because the asset classes (stocks, bonds, etc.) you invest in are different. I have friends in the Bay Area talk about how they are diversifying away from their salary/RSUs by investing in real estate or doing seed investing. While that might be true on the surface, in the end they are still massively long Bay Area tech and these investments will be more correlated. Imagine losing your mid-level engineering job, having all of your paper equity become worthless, and your multi-million dollar Palo Alto home's value stagnate all at once. +* Unless you are getting a valuable wide array of services beyond just investment advice, it's hard for me to understand why people use wealth advisors if your net worth is <$10mm. Sure it's flattering that someone who works at a big name firm wants to spend time talking to you about your investment objectives and offer up some hedge fund/private equity products, but the fees are a huge drag for investment advice that is in all likelihood mediocre/non-alpha generating. Just run some scenarios about a 1-2% annualized decrease in investment returns does to your portfolio over 5/10/20/30 years. + +hi. throwaway account because I’m quite embarrassed and in URGEND need of advice. It’s quite long but if only one person gives a serious, well meant advice on this, Id be more calm. + +so I moved to the UK (London) 2 years ago for University, meaning I don’t have a British citizenship. I have been struggling with finances like everyone who’s a part time worker and student in London. + +I live with my boyfriend, 32 and student, of 1,5 years in a double room with a small garden in a shared flat which costs £975 p.m, rented from an Agency. In the ad it said All Bills Included which is why we wanted to move there but turned out they had an electricity key and gas card which we only found out about AFTER moving in (our flatmate told us). so they said we could email them and they would deduct it from the rent but we can only top up £60 which will be repaid by the agency, anything above we have to pay from our own wallet and it’s hard to keep up since our other flatmate pays for it whenever needed as well, so we never asked for it to be deducted and just paid £20 every now and then for electricity and gas, despite us being majorly surprised about this additional cost. + +I was being furloughed from my part time job at a hotel as waitress at the end of February and didn’t get paid for the month of March as they had still to figure out how to pay their employees (80% of salary was established later). I usually make around £500-550a month, depending on the service charge and tips. I also receive child support money from my dad each month (€420 which is usually around £380). Meaning in total in a normal world, I receive around £930 each month from child support and salary, and my mom would send me my family support money from my country, which is £400, so I would have usually £360 left to spend on groceries or whatever I need. + +I got my first furloughed leave payment in April (80% = around £300-350 each month), already making a huge difference in what I receive. On top of that, my dad would be late on his child support payments a couple of months since April due to the current world situation, plus is girlfriend lost her job, so they’d have a reduced income as well. My childhood dog had to be put down in the meantime as well and my mom was less able to support me due to the vet costs, it led to an overall debt in rent since June which amounts to £1,100 as of right now. + +I have told our landlord in June what the situation is and that I will return to work as a flexible worker in August, receiving 100% of my payment again. He said not to worry, they understand due to the current situation and that I should stay in contact. + +In July, I was late on rent again, but I thought he would know what is going on and that by end of August, I will have paid everything off. On Friday, I received an email of my landlord, threatening that if I don’t pay in 10 days, I will be either taken to court and pay all costs including theirs or a debt collector will visit and I pay for their visits. + +I am scared shitless. We contacted our guarantor, my boyfriend’s dad, but he can’t help us really due to his brother dying in Africa a few weeks ago and him having to pay the funeral. We will have a phone call with him today and hope he can at least ease the debts a little bit. + +My boyfriend finishes his education in a week and we would the be eligible to receive Universal Credit which we planned to apply for but that would be way too late. I have replied to my landlord, if anybody wants to know the details (maybe somebody with legal knowledge), I am happy to message. Tomorrow, I will change my bank account type to maybe receive a loan but I’m not sure if that could be accomplished in time, or even if. + +We have a telephone appointment with Citizen Advice Bureau tomorrow, in the hope of receiving some advice on how to go forward but each minute goes by with no solution, I get more terrified. I am so upset, I don’t know how they can do this in this situation. I gave them my last money and have nothing to live with right now, I can’t even buy toilet paper, I shower each time after I use the toilet. Could really use some smart advice. +Welcome to the live megathread for the Lucy Komisar AMA! Today's focus will be on the SEC. Gonna be a great one-- don't miss it! + +**Catch the live stream here:** [**Lucy Komisar - AMA**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuPizlDY0Ys) **(4:30pm Eastern)** + + Just a heads-up we have decided that it would be best to have a single live chat. This means we will be refraining from having a youtube chat so all the action can be here. Also, having the automod to help us moderate this chat helps keep it from getting too shilly. + +Enjoy! + +^(\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_) + +^(Please note: this chat will be locked half an hour after the stream) +First time poster, I hope this post is OK with the rules. + +I know that will seem weird to a lot of you. And I don't even have what most people would call "savings". It's just that for the first time in decades I'm going to have something left at the end of the month. There's never been a period in my life when I haven't been struggling. I was born in poverty, left home at 15 when it became clear the abuse would end up killing me. Never had a chance to get an education. I've been working minimum wage jobs since forever. Problem is that I was born with a disability and my body will only let me work short hours. Longer shifts mean spending the next day in bed with pain so bad in my joints and back that it makes me puke at times. Anyway. I work retail so I kept on working during the pandemic, and I made the same as usual and spent the same as usual. But with the stimulus check and a bonus from my employer I actually have about $1400 sitting in my bank account. This has never happened to me before. I'm on a very tight budget all the time so this feels kind of weird and I wonder what I should do. I know how ridiculous it must sound to you but I don't know what I should do with this money. I'm very ignorant with money and the people around me are no better. + +Probably my best bet is to save it in case of an emergency, but when money's so tight all the time everything and nothing qualifies as an emergency. I guess my question is if it makes sense to save what feels like a lot of money (but probably isn't) or if I should throw some of it at some issues. At my age I shouldn't be needing advice on this but I really want to avoid blowing through this money stupidly. + +I make about $13000 a year. I have no debt. My monthly expenses are: rent, utility bills, groceries, bus pass, cell phone, Netflix. No car, no eating out, no hobbies that require money. No "fun" money besides Netflix. If you need more detail just let me know. + +Thanks for reading, any advice will be very welcome. + +Edit: this is blowing up, thank you for all your comments. I'm trying to answer to everyone but it's going too fast! Thanks a lot. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +As the title states, I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. I recently found out that my co-worker is making $2/ hour more than I am (Dental Hygienist). We were all explicitly told not to talk about wages when we received raises in the past/ got hired, but now that I know (think I know/ someone else let it slip), I want to approach my boss. I am hoping to say something along the lines of: + +>I recently heard that Jane makes $2/ hour more than I do, and I have been with you 6 years, I am the office sterilization officer, do the orthodontic cases, and am always willing to try and learn new techniques/ machines. I feel a little betrayed by this fact and think it is only fair that I at least match this wage, but ultimately believe I deserve more based on what I do do around here. + +Is this even an appropriate thing to approach my boss about? I'm not technically supposed to know what Jane makes and I feel weird about the whole thing, but I know if it is true I won't be able to just keep working. + +Thanks! +Back when I was poor (pre-financial independence), I used to drive some sad looking cars. I kept the car going through a combination of grit and rubber bands, anything to keep it on the road for just a few more months before it completely died on the side of the road. + +Now that I am well off financially, I still struggle with the idea of buying a new, or just slightly used car, when my mechanic can help me get just a few more miles on the old car. + +At 150K miles or more, I may be spending more money on repairs than the cost of just getting a new car. + +Has anyone else here done the math of keeping a car past 150K miles even though they can now afford a new one, now that we are financially independent? + [https://www.livemint.com/mutual-fund/mf-news/why-it-s-a-myth-to-say-that-equity-is-safe-in-long-term-1562653481120.html](https://www.livemint.com/mutual-fund/mf-news/why-it-s-a-myth-to-say-that-equity-is-safe-in-long-term-1562653481120.html) + +&#x200B; + +Read this, and as someone who has recently started putting in my savings as SIP into Nifty 50, and plan to do so for the next 15-20 years for my retirement savings, this is giving me some worry. + +Thoughts? +Happy Sunday Evening Apes! + +EDIT 3: 10:50 AM EST + +Some apes have discovered things! Which was the purpose and intent of the post. Thank you all for reading and giving some insight into WUT DOING version 69.3. It appears that these filings are in relation to capital being raised by Citadel through investors. 🤷‍♂️ Who the hell would invest in Citadel at this point? 🤮 I dunno...but they definitely have more cash on hand now to do whatever they wanna do with it. + +So, the biggest takeaway: this is NOT liquidation...but it IS a Girl Scout cookie sale amongst their investors to raise capital for whatever they need 💴 for. + +I've taken a break from exploring afterlife options (in Assassins Creed Valhalla) to my phone blowing up from Twitter posts. The Twitter posts look like they could contain some juicy stuff...so I'm looking to crowd pool some hive minded Apes that understand SEC filings. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/te4ysysm1d271.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c4122558f45b187c005e78db614e74ebb8eb5d0 + +According to the following link from the SEC below, Citadel (under 11 different names) posted sale forms for hefty amounts of securities totaling **28 billion** on Friday. There haven't been any filings of this type since approximately 1 year ago, spaced amount among the funds. I'm not sure if this is an annual type filing, since there are years skipped on these filings. (I would guess not). + +CITADEL TACTICAL TRADING LLCCitadel Equities Fund LLCCitadel Wellington LLCCitadel Global Fixed Income Fund LLCCitadel Candlestick EIF LLCCITADEL TACTICAL TRADING LTDCitadel Equities Fund Ltd.Citadel Kensington Global Strategies Fund Ltd.CEIF LLCCitadel Global Fixed Income Fund Ltd.CEIF Partners LLC + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522CITADEL%2522&dateRange=30d&category=custom&forms=D](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522CITADEL%2522&dateRange=30d&category=custom&forms=D) + +Example: + +Bottom right corner shows some of the dates for the Recent SEC Filings on [https://whalewisdom.com/filer/ceif-partners-llc](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/ceif-partners-llc) + +https://preview.redd.it/h13s1xvyzc271.png?width=3759&format=png&auto=webp&s=721eb438fe403f716e174f30773a56ae40e7a098 + +Citadel Tactical Trading for example, looks thus far to be on track to exceed all previous years in security sales already (As of May). + +Source: [https://docoh.com/company/1456739/citadel-tactical-trading-llc](https://docoh.com/company/1456739/citadel-tactical-trading-llc) + +https://preview.redd.it/tb8pl4gd0d271.png?width=1709&format=png&auto=webp&s=b18bd6fe7331cd4a839cad7c45b0ccbe7057f749 + +The filings themselves are checked as "amendments" in some cases to securities dating back as far as last decade. The "amendments" may actually contain the source of the security name if the date corresponds to the original purchase date? Just a thought, since it appears they do not have to disclose the names of securities sold. + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522CITADEL%2522&dateRange=30d&category=custom&forms=D](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522CITADEL%2522&dateRange=30d&category=custom&forms=D) + +[The security above appears to have been first entered in April of 2008. All of these appear to be long positions that have been closed. ](https://preview.redd.it/9qqu4gex0d271.png?width=2518&format=png&auto=webp&s=8488e9470ac90cdd37e0de883b8b8b720af7c186) + +I'm not an attorney, expert at legal shit, or even an internet sleuth. I'm just a regular Ape that likes the stonk. + +https://preview.redd.it/z4pg3vne1d271.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=db611c6538cccd1bdac9e3e50c6be90b9c2f19ad + +I couldn't pass up this opportunity to at least bring these sales to light. They deserve to be investigated since an Ape dig some digging and spent his time for us.Thanks to the Ape that flagged me down on Twitter. Won't post his info here since there's people advising against that these days. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yei8rkp02d271.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c256d443873a8eb113b3d6d4c7e31833b9f152 + +Open to any/all theories on this one. + +Tag anybody you think would know what's up here. + +Do your think SuperStonk. What is Shitadel up to this time? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vi4cyf672d271.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c46d4c25853934135564b2eadd351f83db3e472 + +Edit 1: I found a comment on another post which only had one of the filings. Everyone piled on thinking Citadel was liquidating, etc. It appears that this may just be an annual filing and normal business. Below is a screenshot from an SEC Filing Ape that knows his shit. I've asked him to look at my post to see if there is anything else to this...since the dates are not lining up and 2021's sales far exceed all previous years to this point in each of the funds. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uqo9s28n6d271.png?width=1703&format=png&auto=webp&s=be754dc6c43e8f878f9bbd0832879532f0d57b38 + +Edit 2: 12:04 AM EST 5/31/21 + +There are lots of Apes assuming that this is a yearly filing. I also have wondered if this was an annual liquidation/selloff of assets. However, that doesn't appear to be the case. +When I scroll through each of the 11 different funds, I see different dates (and multiple sales) in some years. Image below is one example from Citadel Equities Fund II [https://docoh.com/company/1727632/citadel-equities-fund-ltd](https://docoh.com/company/1727632/citadel-equities-fund-ltd) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/b1gq5f6lrd271.png?width=1701&format=png&auto=webp&s=fca695ad8cdf02224db23bb5e91a720cda285290 +I understand the frustration with the Gherk ban, I enjoyed his daily TA every morning too. But, the amount of pushback the mods are receiving is absolutely unnecessary regardless of how you feel about Gherk. + +I encourage you all to take a minute to just think about everything this sub has accomplished up to this point, and all that the mods have done for us. + +Just to name a few: + +They refused to sell themselves out to the media, and followed what we voted for them to do. + +They have done *insane* AMA's which have not only given us more understanding of the market mechanics, but brought us so much authenticity. Authenticity is extremely important in a sub like this. Also, if you look back at the awkward live stream AMA's from last year, you'll see just how far we've come. (Huge props to u/jsmar18) + +The mods have put on awesome events like the GMErry ChristMOASS holiday charity event. That was fucking awesome for our community, for GameStop, and for all of the people it may have helped. + +They purge countless reposts all day long. Every time a big news article drops, everytime certain people tweet, and we've all witnessed when Papa Cohen tweets. I sort by new often, they put in work. + +They go out of their way to make sure the DRS thread is pinned. DRS isn't the only way, but it's the only *guaranteed* way to expose counterfeit shares. + +Most importantly, they allow us to question each other and have different opinions than each other. If they didn't moderate so fucking well, we wouldn't have the growth that we have. + +Being upset about one person's ban is one thing, taking it out on the best mods on Reddit is another. If you're upset, please take a step back and think before posting something stupid. + +There is going to be real market change and reform because of this sub. Think about how incredible that is. Our voices are making a *huge* difference. I am looking forward to everything coming next week. + +Stay zen brothers. We moon soon. We fix broken market soon. 🦍🚀🟣 + +Edit: Thanks for the awards. ♥️ I also want to remind everyone that checking post history can tell you a lot about someone. I'm not going to call any specific people out, but there are some majorly sus post histories on some of the commenters here. They tend to all be trying to stir up distrust in our mods... +Hi all, + +Could not find the 100% correct sub to post. + +A client has purchased an item from our store, requiring a % deposit before it was ordered. + +The item came in and client picked up item, but person did not follow up for the remainder of payment. + +I've tried to contact person, but no avail. What are my options? Only have name, contact no. and emails. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, it feels like events are quickening, with each day in the Institutional Shorts' struggle to survive costing them another whack of the MOASS piñata. Yesterday opened with another highly-concerning inflation number, showing that the Fed's monetary policies continue to drive the US economy toward the brink of disaster. Meanwhile, Ortex again showed GME at 100% utilization (as well as a short squeeze signal, for what it's worth) and we saw an early price-bump back above $130. Meanwhile, Credit Suisse reported an enormous loss for 2021, and Melvin Capital continues to have a downright awful year, possibly having been margin called yesterday. + +All of these things show how volatile the situation going forward is for the SHFs. They are up against unstoppable forces - GameStop is in an incredibly strong position to revolutionize retail, with an enormous warchest, a team of high-performing true-believers, an enthusiastic customer base, and partners lining up to join their movement. Our Diamantenhände have brought us this far, and *nobody* is selling. DRSing your shares will keep the pressure on, and we may soon see exactly what a squeeze with the float locked in ComputerShare looks like. + +Today is Friday, February 11th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$119.74 / 104,67 €** *(volume: 1478)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $120.31 / 105,17 € *(volume: 1409)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $120.32 / 105,19 € *(volume: 1355)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $120.35 / 105,21 € *(volume: 1352)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $120.35 / 105,21 € *(volume: 1352)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $120.44 / 105,29 € *(volume: 1297)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $120.55 / 105,39 € *(volume: 1294)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $120.62 / 105,45 € *(volume: 1294)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $120.62 / 105,45 € *(volume: 1285)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $120.62 / 105,45 € *(volume: 1278)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $120.74 / 105,55 € *(volume: 1269)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $120.58 / 105,41 € *(volume: 1214)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $120.34 / 105,20 € *(volume: 1213)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $120.31 / 105,17 € *(volume: 1210)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $120.31 / 105,17 € *(volume: 1175)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $120.31 / 105,17 € *(volume: 1175)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $120.28 / 105,15 € *(volume: 1168)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $120.28 / 105,15 € *(volume: 1166)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $121.42 / 106,15 € *(volume: 576)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $121.45 / 106,17 € *(volume: 574)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $121.51 / 106,22 € *(volume: 522)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $121.51 / 106,22 € *(volume: 202)* +- ⬜ 10 minutes in: $122.11 / 106,75 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $122.11 / 106,75 € *(volume: 107)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $121.71 / 106,40 € *(volume: 106)* +- 🟥 US close price: $122.47 / 107,06 € *($121.39 / 106,12 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1439. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I’ve never understood why 1-2% risk is always preached why not 0.5% (it’s a good rule to protect beginners and used by investors) + +But after developing a system and having sufficient data for maximum drawdown expected then adding a buffer is there a specific formula made so you can change 1-2% risk rule according to the data. + +I think there is a formula that’s been mentioned but I forgot the name. Wondering if anyone knows what I’m talking about or if you’ve adjusted risk based of historical data + a buffer to protect capital? +I took a break from trading (2 years) and i want to get back into it but i want to do it right this time , i took the break to have a fresh start and i believe im ready to go for it again , any advice on how to start so i can b in the right path. +It’s figuring ourselves out that makes it hard, and arguably one of the hardest ways to make money. Trading just taps into a man’s most vulnerable areas and surfaces them. Trading takes whatever you are weak at and displays it on stage. + +There’s something special about this. Trading can truly make you a better person if your disciplined and emotionally intelligent enough. +repost from privacytools sub. + +&#x200B; + +There’s a reason why brave is generally advised against on privacy subreddits, and even brave wanted it to be removed from [privacytools.io](https://privacytools.io/) to hide negativity. + +Brave rewards: There’s many reasons why this is terrible for privacy, a lot dont care since it can be “disabled“ but in reality it isn’t actually disabled: + +Despite explicitly opting out of telemetry, every few secs a request to: “variations.brave.com”, “laptop-updates.brave.com” which despite its name isn’t just for updates and fetches affiliates for brave rewards, with pings such as grammarly, softonic, uphold e.g. **Despite again explicitly opting out** of brave rewards. There’s also “static1.brave.com” + +If you’re on Linux curl the static1 link. curl --head + [static1.brave.com](https://static1.brave.com/), + if you want proof of even further telemetry: it lists **cloudfare and google**, two unnecessary domains, but most importantly telemetry domains. + +But say you were to enable it, which most brave users do since it’s the marketing scheme of the browser, it uses uphold: + +>*To verify your identity, we collect your name, address, phone, email, and other similar information. We may also require you to provide additional Personal Data for verification purposes, including your date of birth, taxpayer or government identification number, or a copy of your government-issued identification* +*Uphold uses Veriff to verify your identity by determining whether a selfie you take matches the photo in your government-issued identification. Veriff’s facial recognition technology collects information from your photos that may include biometric data, and when you provide your selfie, you will be asked to agree that Veriff may process biometric data and other data (including special categories of data) from the photos you submit and share it with Uphold. Automated processes may be used to make a verification decision.* + +Oh sweet telemetry, now I can get rich, by earning a single pound every 2 months, with brave taking a 30 percent cut of all profits, all whilst selling my own data, what a deal. + +In addition this request: “brave-core-ext.s3.brave.com” seems to either be some sort of shilling or suspicious behaviour since it fetches 5 extensions and installs them. For all we know this could be a **backdoor.** + +Previously in their privacy policy they shilled for Facebook, they shared data with Facebook, and afterwards they whitelisted Facebook, Twitter, and large company trackers for money in their adblock: [Source](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/facebook-twitter-trackers-whitelisted-by-brave-browser/). Which is quite ironic, since the whole purpose of its adblock is to block.. tracking. + +I’d consider the final grain of salt to be its crappy tor implementation imo. Who makes tor but doesn’t change the dns? [source](https://ramble.pw/f/privacy/2387) It was literally snake oil, all traffic was leaked to your isp, but you were using “tor”. They only realised after backlash as well, which shows how inexperienced some staff were. If they don’t understand something, why implement it as a feature? It causes more harm than good. In fact they still haven’t fixed the extremely unique fingerprint. + +There’s many other reasons why a lot of people dislike brave that arent strictly telemetry related. It injecting its own referral links when users purchased cryptocurrency [source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23441605). Brave promoting what I’d consider a [scam (archive)](https://archive.vn/cAGpe) on its sponsored backgrounds: etoro where **62%** of users lose all their crypto potentially leading to **bankruptcy**, hence why brave is paid 200 dollars per sign up, because sweet profit. Not only that but it was accused of **theft** on its bat platform [source](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18734999), but I can’t fully verify this. + +In fact there was a fork of brave *(without telemetry)* a while back, called braver but it was given countless lawsuits by brave, forced to rename, and eventually they gave up out of plain fear. It’s a shame really since open source was designed to encourage the community to participate, not a marketing feature. + +**Tl;dr:** Brave‘s taken the fake privacy approach similar to a lot of other companies (e.g edge), use “privacy“ for marketing but in reality providing a hypocritical service which “blocks tracking” but instead tracks you. + +*Yes brave is certainly better than chrome for e.g, but its not the best option either, as an alternative for ios: snowhaze or firefox is great, on desktop librewolf or hardened Firefox is also good.* + +Edit: wow this blew up! To be clear I copy pasted the post from the privacy tools sub, I am not the author. Also some of you are way too triggered. +Hi everyone, I just want to make every one aware of a serious issue that hit home. There's a bunch of guys who pitch "financial freedom" to old mom and pops and take them for every penny of their retirement savings, make them refinance their homes and leave them high and dry. + +&#x200B; + +The main guy used to go by the name of Mo Jiwani. He did the same scam in BC, got caught, came to Ontario, found a lawyer by the name of Jonathane Ricci (who was suspended from Law Society for fraud) who hid his identity and doctored his IDs to change his name to Sai Mohammad. He then teamed up with some guys from Landmark Education by the name of James Destephanis and Glenn Estrabillo who targeted those looking for mentoring and guiding through life..at their most vulnerable...The story broke here a few months back. Check the link below. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/9u4yys/the\_1plus12\_scam/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/9u4yys/the_1plus12_scam/) + +&#x200B; + +Here's some new development from Global News. If you or your family/friends have been impacted by these guys, make sure to speak up now before it's too late. Best of luck all. + +&#x200B; + +[https://globalnews.ca/news/5096794/toronto-investment-company-1plus12-facing-lawsuits/](https://globalnews.ca/news/5096794/toronto-investment-company-1plus12-facing-lawsuits/) + +&#x200B; + +[https://globalnews.ca/video/5119905/toronto-based-investment-company-under-legal-fire](https://globalnews.ca/video/5119905/toronto-based-investment-company-under-legal-fire) +Remember folks, unless you're some sort of high flyer, if the hiring process is more like a sales pitch to you than a trial to prove your value to the organization, it's probably not something you want to do. + +Red flag 1: Yesterday I got an email and then a phone call about a job opportunity. Either I had clicked on an "apply now" thing on Indeed.com for a vague posting or they found my resume, but the short description about the job on the phone was that I'd be assisting members of labor unions, credit unions, and professional associations learn about their benefits. The "interview" was to be today. I figured this is probably nothing I'm interested in, but on the face of it so far, it seems like it could be legit. + +Red flag 2: Form letter confirmation email sent immediately after phone call. It states "Attire: Business Professional, Business Suit." + +Red flag 3: Arrive to location, find two people waiting outside the entrance to the suite inside the building for the same interview time. + +Red flag 4: Wrong entrance (other entrance I had seen had different company name on it). We are escorted to another entrance where several others are in line to check in. A lady in pleather pants and gaudy heels is escorting folks to the back as they sign in. + +Red flag 5 (I should really have left by now, right?): I am given a "personality profile" multiple choice question sheet to complete. I am also asked if I have something to write with, as though it is a deep and urgent concern. + +Red flag 6: Upon completing check-in, I am ushered into a presentation room with maybe 40 total people in the audience. These, I realize, are my fellow "applicants," but I really feel "rube" is a better description. + +Red flag 7: Observing the other applicants, it's clear they are a broad mix of ages and backgrounds. Some are are clearly folks that can at least present themselves professionally, but others are clearly not able to do so, either because they lack the means or social mores. From their chit-chat with one another, it doesn't seem like many of them are the kind of people I have a lot in common with other than the need employment. + +Red flag 8:The presenters enter, four men and one woman. Man 1 has spiked, gelled hair buzzed on the sides, but it isn't artfully done. He is wearing a loudly patterned suit. Man 2 looks much better dressed and groomed, but has two rings on his right hand, including a pinkie ring with some large emblem on it. Man 3 is reasonably dressed, but Man 4 is wearing a shiny, patterned suit; a pique shirt that is monogrammed; ostentatious cuff links; and a shiny, chain bracelet. His hair is also spiked with gel and buzzed on the sides, though it's better done and fits his build better than with Man 1. Man 1 looked like someone who just didn't know any better, but on Man 4 is was straight up "bruh." Upon standing it becomes obvious that Man 4's suit is tailored to his body but still bunches at the shoulder oddly, indicating that he probably ordered it from a made-to-measure website rather than a bespoke clothier in person. Man 4 is also not wearing a tie. Upon removing his jacket while speaking, it is clear that Man 4's shirt is actually too small for his bulging biceps. + +Red flag 9: I never get a chance to assess how the woman was dressed, because she never presented. If she did interact with the audience, it would have been after Man 4 finished speaking, but I left when it was clear he was winding down and was asking each person in the audience what they liked best about he presentation. So it looks like the entire leadership team of the org are somewhat douchey-looking guys. + +Red flag 10: We are all asked (again) if we all have something to write with. + +Red flag 11: Multiple company names are thrown around. I was recruited by the Hartwig Agency, but the job is for Surace-Smith, an agent of American Income Life Insurance Company, which is also owned by Torchmark Corporation (edit: all of this is legit, but it was not clear from the beginning who the employer actually was). + +Red flag 12: The company's business model is to sell expensive insurance benefits to members of labor unions, credit unions, and professional associations. In their sample material the full annual premium of the benefits package they market is $1,600, but they pitch is as only costing $30 a week. There is lots of "think about your family / children / these benefits can be passed on to them when you're gone" talk, but it's stuff like funeral insurance, supplementary health insurance, and mortgage pay-off insurance. In other words, stuff that is expensive and should be taken care of with a simple term-life policy that's way, way cheaper for the consumer. In short: this business model is somewhat unethical. + +Red flag 13: During the presentation the company's success is hyped up. A lot. Lots of talk about their growth and about their revenue and stock price. An impressive chart showing 1996 to now is shown. They talk about how Warren Buffet owns a lot of it. No mention is made about the plummet in value the company's stock price experienced in 2014, only about half of which is accounted for by a stock split, or of how growth has been significantly slower since then. + +Red flag 14: A description of who they are looking for is given in the form of the "Seven Cs." We are urged to write down the Cs and to contemplate which is most important to us. Later, the five Ps are also brought up in terms of how to get clients to purchase their product. + +Red flag 15: They claim to be rated in the best placed to work by a Cleveland newspaper. A search shows they are not, or at least not in the top 75 of the most current ranking. + +Red flag 16: Man 3, the presenter on "technology," extols the virtue of their system in which "representatives" (those hired) use laptops to show what is essentially an interactive video as the primary pitch to potential customers rather than have to make the pitch or explain anything themselves. Later is it implied we will need our personal laptops for this. + +Red flag 17: Compensation is entirely commissions based, and it is further revealed that it's a pyramid scheme. After the first 3 months, representatives can train other reps and get a match on their commission. As you age into the company, these matches increase in size and become tiered. We're told that as the folks we once trained have trained other folks and they start making sales, we earn a match on that commission too. + +Red flag 18: When they talk about the charities they support as a company, I only recognize one (FCA), and they all appear to be faith-based. + +Red flag 19: Man 4 removes his jacket during his presentation, revealing a shirt that was too tight. He hands his jacket to the one woman, who hasn't spoken to us at all. She places it lightly on his chair back. Man 4 proceeds to sip on a large can of energy drink during his presentation. + +Red flag 20, and perhaps the biggest: Man 4 encourages audience members to pay ~$250 for the various online training courses and license application fees to be legally able to perform this job in the state of Ohio with a credit card. He had strong recommendations for which online training site to use - to the point that I suspect the company owns that site. He makes it clear that "this isn't for us, this is for the state. We don't pay for this because this is a licence that you keep and will put on your resume." + +Red flag 21: At the conclusion of Man 4's presentation (by which time Men 1-3 have left), he asks each audience member to say their name what they liked best about what we've all just heard. At this point I simply leave, uninterested and feeling dirty all over. + +Red flag 22: As I exit the office, the lady at reception is very concerned about getting my name before I leave. + +Edit: OMG, GUYS, THEY HAVE A HYPE VIDEO!!! + +http://www.suracesmith.com + +Edit 2: Minor typo fixes and some small changes for clarity of reading. +I fully understand the financial reasons why people want to own a home. +Also, kids aren’t happening for me for personal reasons I won’t disclose here. +Basically the title. Health insurance, child care, and college appears much cheaper over there than it does in the US. Has anyone actually done this and moved over to Canada? I am personally looking at Vancouver, Canada. +Any downsides and regrets? + +Update (sept 5): After reading some of the comments, reason would be primarily lifestyle change. I am currently in California and the smoke plus lack of water is scaring me (secondary reason). +I’m in my late 40s and planning to exit a company I co-founded. Long story short, I was a minority equity holder in a business that we sold to a PE firm just over a year ago. + +&#x200B; + +**My financial situation:** + +\- $11.5 MM liquid (95% post-tax money) + +\- $1MM in home equity and about $1MM in mortgage debt + +\- \~$2MM still in the business (combination of what I “rolled forward” in the PE transaction and my vested incentive equity since the PE transaction). My expectation is that this will grow to $3-4MM by the time I get liquidity. The absolute worst case I could imagine is that the business falls apart and this is worth $1MM when I get liquidity. + +&#x200B; + +**My personal situation:** + +Two teenage kids…headed toward an empty nest in just under 3 years. Wife has been a stay-at-home mom for the past 17 years and has no desire to start working outside the home. It feels (to me) like she’s heading toward a “what am I supposed to do now?” situation as the kids are significantly less dependent on mom for day-to-day support. + +From a work/life balance perspective, my past decade has been pretty unbalanced (toward work). Our marriage is good, our kids are happy and well adjusted…but I have some regrets about how heavily the business has figured into my life overall. My hobbies, friends and overall well-being have probably suffered a bit. + +&#x200B; + +**My goal:** + +Build a “next chapter” professionally and personally. I’m hoping to deploy \~$1MM in private company investments (was thinking 4-6 investments total) that provide a nice return while also giving me an opportunity to advise / participate at an operational level in the businesses I invest in. + +Another option I’ve thought about is pursuing an “operating partner” role within a PE firm – someone that can be deployed into a portfolio company as an advisor or for project-based work. + +No matter what I do, I’m trying to keep “work” to under 20 hours per week so I can also focus on building a “next chapter” life with my wife. + +&#x200B; + +**My question(s):** + +*Has anyone here gone down either of these roads? How did you get yourself in a position to see investment opportunities (angel funds, entrepreneur community events, etc)? Has it been fun? Has it been lucrative?* + +*Has anyone here made the “empty nest” transition around the same time as retirement? How has that gone? What suggestions would you have for someone about to go through it?* +Question as in the title, but basically want to understand tech business paths outside of engineering that got you into FAT territory. + +We have a less mature tech market in Aus - and people comparatively make less money than in the US - but it is growing quickly with some household tech companies surfacing now. + +I'm in middle management and have come up through a digital marketing background in small to medium size tech businesses. I've missed the boat in terms of significant options that were offered in the early days at my current company - otherwise I'd have a slightly different story - but make $160 - $210k AUD a year based on bonuses. + +I'm 25. + +Most linear path is CMO, and I'll otherwise keep chipping away at that. + +Just interested to know paths people took to get where you are now. If there's specific competencies you developed (eg I have project/product management experience, so that is an option to pivot, as is sales as my targets are always heavily aligned with or directly responsible for growth / revenue and I feel I could do more if I wasn't behind a computer screen etc). + +Thanks! + +*Apologies to those that prefer discussion from people that are already FAT. It is my target - my numbers probably don't translate to much in USD but we generally make less money here and it's not as HCOL as SF or NY. Our (married) household income puts us in at least the 90th percentile in Aus, and we have decent NW for our age if it really bothers anyone. +I understand that the IPO will raise a significant amount of money, but is there any report on what alibaba is planning to do with the 20 bn raised through the IPO, and what are its implications? +Long story but I own a house in a fairly high demand area and I want to walk away as quickly and discreetly as possible. + +I have a family member living with me (no lease) and theyr financially and emotionally abusing me and I'm prepared to run away with a single suitcase in the night. + +Any advice? Theyr a 2 week on 1 week off worker in the mines if that helps + +[Edit] I thought selling like 40k below market value would make it easy, the house has potential to realise an extra 100k with a new kitchen/bathroom too +HI all, + +My car got towed and i went to the place to get it out. they told me i need to pay in cash. + +I told them that california state law says a tow company has to accept credit card as well. + +I don't have the money in cash right now which is why i want to use my credit card. + +What can I do? Not sure how I can work for the next few weeks until i get paid without my car. + +can i call the police on them? +## UNITED STATES + +* [**Job openings**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/job-offers) missed expectations but remain near record highs (Actual 7,009 | Expected 7,085) + * High demand for health care workers is a big cause for this +* Inventory of unsold homes is at its highest rate since 2011 +*  Democrats took control of the House while Republicans gained a few seats in the Senate to keep their majority  +* [Futures point to a triple-digit gain for the DOW](https://www.investing.com/indices/us-30-futures) + * historically stocks have performed well during periods of political gridlock +* The Fed starts a two-day meeting with a decision on interest rates due by Thursday + +## OTHER + +* **German** investigators raided the Munich office of **BlackRock.** Authorities are believed to be looking into a tax-avoidance scheme known as cum-ex +* **German** **manufacturing** orders are down but not as much as expected (Actual -2.2% | Expected -2.8%) +* Rising **oil** **prices** helped two controversial state-run oil giants.  + * **Russia's** **Rosneft** nearly tripled their profits while **Brazil's** **Petrobras** saw a 25-fold rise in net profits + * However, crude oil and gasoline have been down sharply as of late +* The **Russian** **stock** **market** is recovering after a sharp sell off +* **Unmployment** rates in **New** **Zealand** were a nice surprise (Actual 3.9% | Expected 4.4%)  + * **Wage** **growth** was also better than expected (Actual 1.4% | Expected 0.8%) +* **Australian** **construction** activity has seen a steep slowdown  +* Global business activity PMI points to a global slowdown in GDP growth  + +## CHINA + +* [China is making good progress courting customers in Eastern Europe ](https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinas-newest-bid-for-influence-runs-through-the-wests-backyard-1541435003) +I've been collecting option flow data for the past couple of months. + +I've been anal-ysing yesterday's option data and i saw what looks like married puts and or can kicking. Upon closer inspection, i'm convinced they've kicked the can & created 1-2 million synthetics. + +I'm writing the DD now in understandable format but it will take me some hours to get it done. I can't tell you how jacked i am right now. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fords-stock-falls-as-dividend-likely-to-be-suspended-analyst-says-2020-03-19 + +Another cautionary tail to add to GE for those who think buying big "Names" with a good dividend cant possibly go wrong. Ford stock now down 75% from its post GFC high in June of 2014. +These are some of the biggest companies on the ASX, and all have been putting in imo major distribution set ups. Distribution is the process of active selling by major market operators. It's followed by a mark down. Distribution is obvious if you look for it and shows up some key characteristics. The normaly process of distribution is a stock trends/is marked up. It hits an initial point of preliminary supply/selling. Bulls push it further until a buying climax occurs (max bullishness). A selling reaction occurs until a point of automatic buying reaction which creates a distribution trading range. A further secondary test of bulls establishes there is active selling and the price falls again showing a sign of weakness. Bulls attempt to push the price higher through upthrusts, these upthrusts get sold off and show further signs of weakness. Towards the end (right hand side) of the trading range the price can often attempt one final break out rally which fails, further weakness is seen, a final weak rally establishes the last point of supply (this often marks the channel for the subsequent downtrend). Breaks of uptrend channels/wedges are also often seen during distributions. + +IMO the market leaders in all the major ASX companies have been putting in tops since around November 2020, and a mark down phase should be after the market attempts one final break out rally in April. + +https://preview.redd.it/z1p4doo6k9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdabcc50fa3db7da6e19ea1b87c042171f7cd528 + +https://preview.redd.it/n9zucel7k9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=0548c3046229b54f97c1d0dd0e42f261b182a3e8 + +https://preview.redd.it/44chgb09k9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=9adc13b159bf05ae3eb42cdd833e8f8d2a10c36b + +https://preview.redd.it/3pldb848l9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=3058cd49e0c3f315a5d7b3d024081ff8f3bf84d8 + +https://preview.redd.it/2uplra99l9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=224551e80600b3d242fb2098fd710f26b6e7d299 + +https://preview.redd.it/chnb1c66l9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=eac2a4bc3e0e483c470ce02c01a8fec0c70d590f + +https://preview.redd.it/fuk87q4jm9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=719f94caa4a06d280c572b84a6a27d9bf74df08d + +https://preview.redd.it/zqyzfcbfn9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=168e8225c9909080a3e8c7396af84775c487b977 + +People who are new to trading and learning about patterns like head and shoulders etc might also recognise what look like head and shoulders patterns in some of these charts. This is because the BCLX/UT/LPSY aligns with the two shoulders and head from that pattern. Understanding it as a distribution though gives a better understanding of what the market is doing and why. + +The distribution trading range also has to be compared against a re-accumulation trading range since that also consists of range bound trading but is followed by a mark up. The key difference is the presence of quick sell offs of upthrust and signs of weakness in the trading range as these show active selling which pushes the price below prior supports. In reaccumulations tests of the support zone are bought up by the market and the trading range tends to be much more stable and less volatile. + +Also if you think whatever spec company you are putting your money into will be safe during a market wide sell off suggest you go back and look at how most of the spec sector did during Feb/Mar 2020. + +Finally taking a look at the XJO shows a couple of bearish set ups. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iwbe1rk7u9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=1074bfe9638f0ffbd1d4f4d3283a22a6dc0dfb1a + +This broadening wedge set up which I first identified a couple of weeks ago is still in play. The important thing to note is that in the larger set up before the market attempted to make a further 'break out' which in reality was a fake out into the supply line. Note the first rejection occurred in January when many people were still dismissing any potential impact from Covid (Trump and his loons going on about it being contained), market had already well distributed from July 2019 to Feb 2020 before the COVID crash which in reality just completed the broadening wedge set up established from the start of 2018. A similar broadening wedge set up with a rally into the supply line in April (just as everyone gets 'bullish' because the market is rallying) then gets sold into and the market breaks. + +For those who started trading in the last year anyone who was bearish in late 2019/early 2020 was mocked as a "permabear" who "never make money". + +Imo the market is getting to pull back to the long term GFC trend again in the middle of the year, which should provide a really good time to buy the dip. As the charts below show. Daily chart shows how the completion of the broadening wedge would find support, then a weak counter rally, the complete the fall into the trend channel. This aligns with a very long term trend line support (ie the GFC trend line which has been established at multiple points including last september). + +https://preview.redd.it/or7dmn6jv9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=138a89037ed6f2b95971be994370291301f9ecd5 + +https://preview.redd.it/3hh4c42gv9r61.png?width=1475&format=png&auto=webp&s=9414966527229e8ec6bd84086433a2f4ec34162b +Keytruda will reach peak sales of USD$24B by 2026.[https://www.evaluate.com/vantage/articles/data-insights/long-term-forecasts-confirm-keytrudas-dominance](https://www.evaluate.com/vantage/articles/data-insights/long-term-forecasts-confirm-keytrudas-dominance) Bisantrene as a platform drug has the potential to surpass this. Buyout transactions often occur at a minimum multiple of 4.8% + (average of industry peer is around 5.6x) + +Whilst i don't think RAC will have time to prove up this much before pharma swoops with an offer - to achieve that range which would = SP $873 per share at an estimated dilution of 200m shares. of course a transaction could Occur at any stage between now and then. (most transactions are done before phase II, some even at Pre-clinical) + +I think we can comfortably get to 10% as a minimum of this by the end of 2022 (Approx 18 months) as we will have trial readouts from all 3 pillars - Approx $17b buyout (immunomedics drug trodelvy was acquired by gilead for USD $21B for triple negative breast cancer which only effects a small portion of this indication) this is Pillar 2 for RAC however we have historic phase II/III data showing safety and efficacy on Breast cancer as a whole. + +Remember the forty seven transaction was for a small indication of AML and was acquired for USD$4.9B + +&#x200B; + +Most buyouts are for a drug that treats 1 - 2 indications, and has limited data of trials in humans. RAC doesn't have this problem, Bisantrene is going after a range of cancers and has been used in over 2000 patients successfully. + +&#x200B; + +What do you think this is worth to BIG PHARMA?? Sky's the limit if a couple of them want it + +&#x200B; + +**From the RAC Chief scientific officer =** + +**Success in Pillar 1 may mean Bisantrene achieves higher revenue that Keytruda.** + +**1. Keytruda faces competition.** **There are a whole lot of PD-1 inhibitors coming on to the market all in competition for patients. Pricing is comning under pressure.** + +**2. Keytruda only works in a minority of patients and we can’t predict well which ones.** **If inhibiting FTO makes Keytruda work significantly better in patients, and we can’t predict well in which patients, then bisantrene would just be given to all patients along with Keytruda.** + +**3. Newer drugs sell for more than old drugs.** **This is just the way the industry works. Bisantrene would be considered a new drug.** + +**4. The potential uses of bisantrene is far more than just as an add-on to Keytruda.** **Inhibiting FTO has a potential role to play in a range of different cancer treatment resistances (TKIs for example). If bisantrene works as a FTO inhibitor in the clinic then the market potential is massive.** +The overview: +Current SP - $0.043 +MC - 120M +Volume - 19,243,213 + +VML are a rare earth mining company focusing on their Nechalacho project in Canada, and aims to produce a minimum 5,000 tonnes of contained rare earths oxide (REO) by 2025. +They recently signed an off take agreement with Reetec for this, with the option of expanding the production to 5000 tonnes per year for 10 years. + +The nechalacho site is an existing rare earths site, which hosts a resource of 105 million tonnes at 8.9 percent REO. So there's no guess as to what they are getting. Payment terms and profit sharing between VML and reetec are already in place. + +This week VML announced a drilling plan to confirm that they can meet the 5k tonne 10 year agreement. That is huge. + +VML are currently mobilising their mining equipment, with approval by Saskatchewan government, and will be done by end of March. Production of REO to meet the Stage 1 agreement will begin CY21. + +You can read the recent ann here - https://vitalmetals.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2021-Feb-Vital-Commences-Drilling-to-Define-Mine-Plan-at-Nechalacho.pdf + +In my opinion, VML are ticking all of the boxes and taking a very sure and confident approach. With a low buy in price I think there's great potential for short terms gains, but more importantly, long term for those willing to hodl. + +As always DYOR! +Hear me out, as I’m really a 🐂 not a 🌈 🐻 + +But the clearing houses halted trading on multiple stocks today in the US, most notably on GME. + +They did this because they [don’t have the liquidity and stocks to survive a short squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l7fw0x/i_used_to_work_merrill_heres_what_likely_happened/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +The degree to which clearing houses and market makers e.g Citadel are panicking is huge. If one of the clearing houses or major market makers goes down, it could very easily pull the whole market down with it. + +While I’m in on GME for 19 shares, and queued up my TSLA shares to sell to fund more GME tonight... I do think if this squeeze truly 🌙‘s that we could see a major market correction and potentially it be the trigger for a bear market. The market is over valued by all measures - and sure there’s nothing better to buy because rates are so low and bonds are worthless... and if the right spark hits it, things could collapse like last March. + +Crap, I do sound like a 🌈 🐻 +Hey guys! + +Long time BTC holder here and pretty new to Reddit. + +Sold a small chunk of my portfolio at ATH and made a killing compared to what my initial stake was, and yes should have sold it all at ATH and bought now. If someone has a crystal ball, tell me where I can buy one! + +Anyways, I just wanted to share that today I bought BTC for my daughter, from some of my fiat from my “winnings” + +I hope BTC becomes what it has the potential to be one day, then it’ll be an awesome start to her adult life. I have to figure out conditions though, I don’t want her partying it away. + +And no, this is not an April fools joke! I’d just like to share our story, me and my wife are pretty exited about it! + +PS: I’m not a native English speaker, so pardon if there are any spelling mistakes. + + +Edit; Lockdown! +Edit2; thought I’d also mention that we will do other investments for our daughter also. We set aside a fixed amount from our salaries every month! +[Source](https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2021/may/housing-prices-surpass-bubble-peak-measure-value) 5/24/21 + +[Price-to-rent has surpassed that of the last housing bubble peak. ](https://preview.redd.it/ou04wrrwfoa71.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=7db8f70f87ffb22f587b480862959c73ba61a8ac) + +# Some interesting excerpts from the report: + +>The nationwide house **price-to-rent ratio, a widely used measure of housing valuation that is analogous to the price-to-dividend ratio for the stock market, is at its highest level since at least 1975**, as shown in the figure. Rapid house price appreciation since last May, combined with a slowdown in rent growth, resulted in a surge in this ratio. **By February 2021, the national house price-to-rent ratio had surpassed the previous peak reached in January 2006; in March 2021, the ratio was 1% higher than its level at the peak of the housing bubble. This suggests the average house now sells for quite a bit more than its “fair value,”** + +This report is from May. Remember, [we just covered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ohy4mi/inflation_alert_rent_prices_are_spiking_as/) that rent prices are now also spiking. + +Measuring House Prices … + +>There are many different house price indexes for the nation as a whole as well as for particular regions, states, counties and metropolitan areas.[3](https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2021/may/housing-prices-surpass-bubble-peak-measure-value#) There is no perfect house price index, so I constructed one for this article by combining two high-quality indexes: (1) the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Purchase-Only House Price Index for the United States, and (2) the Freddie Mac House Price Index. The FHFA index is methodologically superior to many other indexes but it has a relatively short history of about 30 years. The Freddie Mac index is similar methodologically but draws from a smaller sample each month. Its primary advantage is a longer data history (about 46 years). More details on the indexes are in the [appendix](https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2021/may/housing-prices-surpass-bubble-peak-measure-value#appendix). + +… and Rents + +>I used the shelter component of the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) to measure the imputed rent paid for owner-occupied housing. Owners’-equivalent rent of residences (OER), a subcomponent of the shelter index, is a closer match to what I want to measure, but its data history is not as long as that of the shelter index. As detailed in the appendix, the shelter and OER indexes produce nearly identical conclusions, so I used the longer data series. +> +>**With these data, we can calculate a ratio of house prices to rent; with the earlier assumptions, we can also point to a ratio indicative of fair value for housing. During the entire 46-year period shown in the earlier figure, the average value of the ratio is about 78. As of March, the nationwide house price index was about 30% higher than the estimate of fair value produced by this approach**. + +Also + +>Will This Time Be Different? +> +>Are we experiencing another housing bubble? Should we expect housing to play an important role in the next downturn? **The risks facing households, the financial system and the economy appear less serious now than they were in 2006**. Most importantly, homeowners today have greater home equity and less mortgage debt, on average, than they did then. But the elevated level of the house price-to-rent ratio surely merits caution and further study. + +The more we cover all of this data together, the more it seems the following is going to stop the stock market from growing in its tracks: + +* The end of the eviction moratorium +* Requirements that mortgage/credit payments be resumed +* End of extended unemployment benefits +* Resumption of student loan repayments (thanks for the shout in the comments u/Delstragoy) +* Federal debt limit battle which may result in less government stimulus (not to mention we are entering election season and both sides are going to want to point the finger at each other for blame on economy blowing up) +* The Fed may be actually being serious about tapering QE +* Upcoming bankruptcies of more firms +* Regionalized labor disruptions due to Covid + +Add that to the inflation monster that has been unleashed? + +https://i.redd.it/3znnehbbjoa71.gif + +[ Thanks for dropping by and taking a dive! Please let me know if you have any questions or areas to explore, happy to try and help! ](https://i.redd.it/yoe034rfjoa71.gif) +Scratching my head over this. + +Just bought a house and want to fence in the backyard ASAP. Lowes guy said he could offer 24 months 0% financing if we applied for a Lowes credit card. We could pay for the fence out of pocket but would rather use 0% financing if possible, so I went ahead and applied for the credit card annnnnd....application denied. + +What the heck?! I went online and checked my credit again (even though I'd just checked it) and it's excellent. 800+. All my outstanding debts (car payment, mortgage) are in good standing. My income is good (100k+/year) so why would I be denied? My partner thinks it has something to do with the the house purchase being too recent but I can't think how that would make sense. Any ideas?? + +EDIT: Just adding to respond to everyone who asked about my credit...that isn't the issue. I checked multiple sources yesterday and again today because I got worried. Credit is good, no fraud. I also happen to know it's good because we dealt with this when we were getting a mortgage, so there are no problems there. I also have no debt apart from a car that's almost paid off and obviously the house, etc, and overall debt to income ratio is excellent, and bought the house with my partner who also has excellent credit and income, etc. +Hey guys, I'm trying to make ethical/responsible decisions here and not sure what to do. + +I have about $20k worth of credit card debt and it's taking a long time to pay off, and it feels pretty overwhelming. + +What doesn't help is that I've had my own businesses that I've been running on my personal cards (I know, stupid moves) and I haven't been able to pay them off. + +I left my businesses and expect to start a full-time job soon maybe about $60k/yr after taxes. I like the idea of a fresh start because spending a year barely scraping by and just paying off the debt really sucks. Should I just suck it up and live frugally until it's paid or file for bankruptcy and start over? + +Thanks for your insight guys + +EDIT: Thanks for all your advice guys, I will make a budget as soon as I get a job and go from there +Ill try to keep this short and as informative as possible. + +As the title says, I don't want to work forever. So, I am here looking for the next steps I need/should be taking to ensure I will be able to retire (earlier the better!) and know that I will be comfortable and able to enjoy life, as im sure we all want to. + +So, I am 32, currently a home owner, with (IMO) decent savings, 401k, and a somewhat newer Roth IRA. +My wife and I live a mostly frugal life style, while still doing things that we enjoy doing with the occasional "splurge" type vacation or purchase. + +Combined, we gross about $120k right now. +Not sure if it matters, but incase it does, 780+ credit score. +Currently at about 100k equity in our home, we recently refinanced for a better interest rate (3.125%) owe about 175k still. +Currently pay an extra $300 on top of our $1037 monthly payment. Once we finish paying off her car (mine is "free and clear"), we want to up that $300 to $600, which should have us set to be mortgage free in about 16 years. (I know there are "better" ways to invest our additional principal payment, but if I knew what/how to do that, I probably wouldn't be here lol) +We have about 14 car payments left. +Last year we had to spend about $20k in home repairs, but we are fortunate enough we could pay all that up-front. Looking like we will need a new roof this year, so probably another $10k there (hopefully no more, but I havent priced it yet). + +Savings account - $35k. (Would be higher, but home repairs...) +Employer 401k - $36k. I contribute 12% of gross, employer match (up to) 6%. (My contribution is set to increase 1% every year) +Roth IRA - started last year, will be able to max at annual $6k, got about $4500 last year. + +Our "emergency fund" (savings account) is where I think I need the most help. $35k is way more than we need for 6 months of bills paid with no income. What should we be doing with our "extra" cash? I've seen quite a few mentions of a brokerage account, but I am completely unfamiliar with what that is, or if its what we should do. + +Would it be a good idea to use a financial advisor/planner to help us invest, since neither of us know what we're doing? + +Planning for the now is a tedious enough task as it is, and then add into the mix trying to figure out what (else) to do to secure us financially for the future and my brain turns into scrambled eggs. (Too many options/variables for my simple mind lol) + +TLDR: Make enough money to invest or do something else with (rather than earning pennies in interest), but have no idea where to start or what to do with our "extra" cash flow. + +Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to help a fellow human out! + +If I missed any pertinent info, please let me know and I will add anything I need to. + +>Updates: +Boosted my 401k contributions to 25%, will get me to cap, or very close. + +Bumped up Roth contributions to ensure 6k cap. + +Paid off auto loan! Yay, no more interest! + +Reading posts, financial blogs (MMM, Mad FI-entist, etc) and listening to podcasts (easier than reading a book while working lol) A LOT. + +Have a game plan to reassess our finances in a few more months to further cut costs and add/bulk contributions to retirement plans or start a brokerage account. + +>A big thank you to everybody who has commented and all the great advice! THANK YOU ALL! +I was mainly using Tesco Bank as my current account and I really like their iOS app as it was simple yet allowed me to do everything I needed easily. However, that's closing soon so I need to switch to another account. Since interest rates are low everywhere I guess I should pick one that has a good mobile app/website. I like to see a breakdown of my transactions and make the odd bank transfer. + +I've have accounts with various banks but I don't use them actively for my 'everyday' usage. + +Any suggestions? Would especially be interested from those that have used different banks. +Hi all, I was reading a post on another sub of someone sharing their expenses for last year when it got me thinking about my own and it hit me: this month marks 5 years that my wife and I have been using YNAB! So I decided to take some time and reflect and figured I would share. By all means let me know if there are things I miss in this data! + +For starters, wow what an absolute change 5 years has made and not just financially. YNAB itself brought upon us the concept of budgeting and tracking out finances when up until that point our lives had consisted of a "buy it, figure out how to pay for it later" mentality. Thankfully we were never really big spenders so we started from a decent spot. Secondly, looking at this it's relatively easy for me to see life changes along the way. From renting to mortgage, from having non-mortgage debt to having none. Life uh, finds a way. + +Let's start at the top and look at total spending over the past 5 years https://imgur.com/LVlo2DY + +Nearly $500k, ouch. Breaking it down further though it looks like 32% of that went to Savings which is our largest top-level category followed by Monthly bills(ouch again). Debt was a pain and everyday expenses really added up as well. Instead of looking at raw totals though I think taking a look at how things have changed over time is better https://imgur.com/geobw9v + +Apologies but it looks like YNAB does not include a legend so here is what the colors mean: + +* Red - Monthly bills +* Orange - Everyday Expenses +* Green(Beige?) - Savings +* Blue - Debt + +A couple of trends/events I am able to pluck out of this: + +* Non-mortgage debt was eliminated mid-2018(yay) meaning up until that point it was much more than a 17% expense that the totals had shown +* Monthly bills were pretty bang on until mid 2016. Correlates with a cross country move. Everyday Expenses took a beating for a couple of months as well +* Monthly expenses spiked in mid 2017 and haven't really come down. This reflects the transition from renting to owning +* Savings is highly irregular. Spikes I can mostly explain as IRA contributions.. but the more frequent minor irregularties not so much The last couple of years the bulk of the savings comes in the first couple months of a new year when contributions can be made + +That provides a pretty good high-level overview, let's take a peak at the 4 different master categories individually. Starting with savings +https://imgur.com/pfTyopB + +Sounds about right, looks like IRA contributions have made up about 50% of the category. I'm also assuming this has some 2014 contributions in there as well given the totals. After that the totals seem to get a bit smaller with other things we have saved up for including purchasing a home, going on vacation, gifting and donating and thankfully we really haven't had to use our emergency fund all that much in the last 5 years! Woohoo. What in the world is going on with Services/appliances/Electronics though? I did a little digging and it looks like it mostly breaks down thus: +* $15k landscaping and house projects +* $5.5k "we bought a house now we need a washer/dryer/lawn mower etc. for it" +* $5k one-time luxury purchases +* $4k electronics (phone's/TV/routers etc.) +* $2k furniture +* $2k misc services (plumbers/chimney sweepers etc.) + +I would not have guessed we spent that much on electronics. Holy hell. :\ Moving on to the next category: Monthly bills https://imgur.com/iaHtkvS + +Right off the bat: putting a roof over our heads is expensive. To the tune of nearly 82% of the entire category over the last 5 years. Second observation.. these subcategories are all over the place. "Electricity" and "Utilities"? Oh right.. we basically got lazy sometime in 2016 and decided to stop tracking electricity and lump it in with gas/garbage/water in the "utilities" category. Looking closer at utilities: + +* Nearly $4.5k is from LP.. which just began in 2017 with the home purchase. We need to switch, that's ridiculous! +* Another $1k in natural gas for the previous 2 years(MUCH CHEAPER) +* Rest mostly electric with water/trash combining for not even $50/month over the period + +Nothing else too exciting about this category. Next up.. every day expenses https://imgur.com/leMPHm7 + +This one I'm kind of proud of. This is where I feel like we have a lot of control over our spending. Right off the bat, our largest expense is groceries consuming nearly a quarter of the entire subcategories cost. Over 5 years though, that comes out to around $400/month. Not too shabby if I do say so myself! The next highest, homegoods is a bit high for my liking as is miscellaneous but they are what they are I suppose. For our budgeting homegoods is basically things like cleaning supplies, paper products, decorations, health and beauty and so on. Misc are things like car registrations, haircuts, credit card fees, amazon prime etc. For the last year we have only budgeted $50 a month for this category, although looking at purchases from a few years ago it looks like we were just throwing random junk in here that belongs better elsewhere. Maybe I'm not so proud of this master category. Oh well, live and learn I suppose! Last observation: pets are cheap, awesome. Sub categories are clothing/work expenses/and laundry from when we used to have to go to a laundromat. + +Now the last category, and my least favorite: debt https://imgur.com/bytFahV + +As previously mentioned this was tracking non-mortgage debt. That came down to 2 types for us, a car loan and the dreaded student loans. Actually, I think this category is the one to be the most proud of. We paid off $70k in student loan debt in 3 years. Hell ya. I know that there was at least another $30k dent put in the 3 years before that as well. Took longer than we had hoped, but in the end it's good to have that boat anchor off of our necks. Other than that, not really much to see/say for this category. + +Well.. this post got uh.. long and a bit of rambling. I apologize. I more or less did this live. A couple of big takeaways. + +* Tracking your spending like this not only has the power to change your behavior and life, it also allows you to reflect on the life changes that occur and how they impact your finances. The spending over time chart is my favorite I think +* Refinement along the way is key. When you begin your budget categories may be too granular for you or not granular enough. Tweak as you go and keep moving forward +* There are always things you can do better and things you rock at. Your assumptions may not always match the facts. The way to tell is to first have the data and secondly to analyze. Short of that you're just guessing. I know I wish I had started sooner to see what the 5 years before this looked like +* Plan long term where able with your budget. This is not reflected in the numbers posted, but initially we used to plan 1-month ahead in our budget. Then we need a new car. Or furniture. Or <insert expensive thing we had not saved for over the last x months>. The result: scrambling to find the money and spiking the funding of a subcategory for that month in order to cover the expense. Now we try to plan ahead all of those purchases, even the ones that are many years out like a new vehicle so we can spread the cost out over time +* 5 years is a loooong time. +Hi everyone, + +My goal for 2022 is to buy my first property and it’s a bit daunting with not having any experience. I am curious about commercial (multi family) but I recognize I need more money and experience before I can get there. I would love to hear about your personal experience at purchasing your first property and where you are now. + +- How much money did you have saved for your first property ? + +- What type of property (units, condition, cost) + +- What type of job/income did you have at the time? + +- How much real estate do you own now? + +Any other advice or helpful info is greatly appreciated ! +**DEBUNKED** + +Ty u/RyanMeray For the Following info. + +&#x200B; + +>I think it's important we nip this M1 graph in the bud. I learned this several weeks ago but hadn't seen a reason to share it here specifically, so here we go. +> +>[https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/h6\_technical\_qa.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h6/h6_technical_qa.htm) +> +>"Recognizing savings deposits as a transaction account as of May 2020 will cause a series break in the M1 monetary aggregate. Beginning with the May 2020 observation, M1 will increase by the size of the industry total of savings deposits, which amounted to approximately $11.2 trillion. M2 will remain unchanged." +> +>Hate on the fed all you want, but the amount of money they printed isn't as much as people have claimed. + +&#x200B; + +**~~TL;DR:~~** ~~Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain~~ + +[~~M1 Money Supply~~](https://preview.redd.it/y0c2l2hmbmd91.png?width=2311&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddf0d03cf942606f9fd0345fe67f5f7387f3af66) + +~~First we have M1 Money supply. This is basically cash. M1 means super liquid. Money in checking accounts type liquid. Treasuries aren’t included, neither are savings accounts. As you can see, this went from 4 Trillion to 16 trillion overnight. 12 Trillion overnight. You can’t do that without repercussions.~~ + +&#x200B; + +[~~M2 Money Supply~~](https://preview.redd.it/5yxfbp4obmd91.png?width=2320&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a595bef733fe0853679efa6b67b38026df74f8a) + +~~Next we have M2 Money supply. The higher up the M’s you go, the less liquid the money. M2 means it can be turned into M1 cash but isn’t cash, so there is a bit of delay. Also it should be noted that M2 includes M1. Which means that we can conclude that most of the spike in money came as a result of increase in M1. Which means the FED created a bunch of very liquid cash. Of which around 1 Trillion went to the Tax payers. But what about the other \~7 Trillion? On a totally unrelated note, the stock market had a very sharp V like recovery. A strange and unrelated coincidence.~~ + +~~An interesting note here is that we can see it took around 35 years, from the 70s to 2008 crises to go up to 8 trillion and around 10 years to double it. But then whats this, we went another 8 TRILLION in 2 years? Putin please stop, you’re killing us here. Someone get him away from the print button.~~ + +&#x200B; + +[~~RRP Chart~~](https://preview.redd.it/rr0amjtpbmd91.png?width=1772&format=png&auto=webp&s=d00ea00a8600461cc3657a996011724acc874fcb) + +~~Finally we have the beautiful RRP. The Reverse Repo facility the Fed created to create a dam from all the cash overflowing into the market. Every night the Fed pays Money Markets to store cash with them, rather than anywhere else. Usually Money Markets have to find a place to invest that’s safe and the money isn’t locked in for long term, and stays liquid. No reason to look around the market when the Fed is offering such a safe place to keep the money and get steady returns. So the money stays away from the rest of the market, while still getting a nice little risk free return. Totally not a problem surely. The Fed pumping in billions is bad but having 2+ trillion hit the market would be worse. No way this is a problem, these guys are pros, they totally know what they’re doing. 2008? One time mistake. Everyone gets one. Move along.~~ + +~~So if someone else starts talking to you about Bullwhip effect and how that means we’re going to go from inflation to deflation because supply is going to shoot up like magic, please slap them. We’re in this mess because the Fed couldn’t find the off switch for the free money printer. Not supply chain. The supply chain problems don’t help, but those are details compared to printing TRILLIONS OVERNIGHT! Of course the government and central bank would love to have everyone talk about supply chain issues. Anything to avoid blame.~~ + +&#x200B; + +[~~https://preview.redd.it/8wv137vrbmd91.png?width=2842&format=png&auto=webp&s=cee6854adc5a442126cba1b0cdea8b49b8e4e7a7~~](https://preview.redd.it/8wv137vrbmd91.png?width=2842&format=png&auto=webp&s=cee6854adc5a442126cba1b0cdea8b49b8e4e7a7) + +~~BONUS CHART: Here is Inflation in historic context. As you can see, we were above what inflation was heading into the great financial crises all the way back in October. Well before Russia invaded Ukraine and provided a convenient excuse to the central banks.~~ + +>*Milton Friedman famously said, “* ***Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output***.” +I've been doing alot of DD on Crude oil and Natural Gas and it appears that Natural Gas has been doing better this year, however, it has been slumping this past month, Further, Oil has been more consistent the past six months and has been doing better the past month. This winter has the potential to be very cold with La Nina and other global disasters. Thoughts/feelings? +The current Space Exploration ETFs (ARKX and UFO) are kinda worthless as they both are mostly firms that only vaguely stand to gain from space tech. ARKX even has John Deere in it's portfolio because they're doing work with GPS mapping of farms. That plus the high fees of active funds means you're better off assembling your own collection of space stocks. In order of their dependence on space: + +1. SPCE (Virgin Galactic just got FAA approval for space tourism). +2. VACQ (Rocket Lab makes small rockets for on demand satellite launch in New Zeeland. Warrants available). +3. HOL (Astra also makes small space rockets. Warrants available). +4. IRDM (Iridium Communications makes satellite electronics). +5. LMT (Lockheed owns Rocketdyne and is an aerospace R&D giant). +6. BA (Boeing is the largest single NASA contractor at this time and is aerospace R&D giant). +7. Northrup-Grumman (They own Skunk Works and is another R&D giant). +8. Other aerospace R&D heavy firms to look at include Spirit, Textron, General Dynamics, and Raytheon. Also any aerospace company stands to indirectly stand to gain from advancements in aerospace technology as they all stand to expand the quantity and quality of the aviation industry (everything from maintenance contractors, to small parts makers, to fuel distributers). + +Numbers 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all featured prominently on the DFEN 3x Aerospace and Defense ETF. This stock alone is a large chunk of my portfolio but I can't recommend it as they get that 3x leverage by putting 21% of the ETF portfolio into high risk swap agreements (not suitable for most investors). + +It's crazy though, a defense giant portfolio tracks space exploration better than any space exploration ETF. It's also crazy that many companies on the cutting edge of modern technology are classed as industrials and value stocks rather than tech firms. Guess what that means? The options are cheap and many are undervalued... But this might be the wrong sub for that. + +Disclaimer: I directly or indirectly own everything on this list except IRDM. My long term strategy is to simply keep trading bullish positions on all these and simply weight the portfolio in favor of my current picks. This is my main long strategy, and don't ask what my main short position balancing this is. +I was looking at Lyxor MSCI Russia UCITS ETF and I ~~think~~ speculate that while the threat of Ukraine invasion was looming over for several years, the stock market reacted only after they started some military set up near Ukraine earlier this year (attached a screenshot). + +We have a possibility of a similar conflict with China and Taiwan. In many of my investments, China and Taiwan constitutes a good portion of investment and I am quite worried as to what will happen if another conflict arises. + +Should I trust the index to do their magic when such a situation arise (and still live with the philosophy of invest and forget) ? Or should I be actively looking on to the situation and sell in case things go south ? +Hi guys +I am twenty two years old +I want to build growth ETFs portfolio for a long term - 10 to 15 years. +I thought about: +25% VTI +25% VUG +25% QQQ +25% QQQJ +What do you think? +Thanks for helping + +Preface by saying this could be bs. + +Looking at how undervalued the Hang Seng index (suffering from regulatory issues, lockdowns etc…) (trading below book) and the less inflated Western European stocks, would you say now more than ever it’s looking like a good time to add some international market to your portfolio? + +I was always very skeptical going for VTI and chill but living in Hong Kong at the moment, I struggle to see how an index like HSI that lost 35% in 2021 and another 25% YTD is not poised for a huge jump on China opening up? I got a 100k HKD position in a HSI ETF and so far am up by 6%. + + +I would love to discuss this topic with you. + +Thanks! +Then wouldn’t it make sense that they didn’t roll out by the 9th like they have in the past? And with this Monday being the third week of September the same week that Lehman brothers collapsed due to the credit default swaps everything would line up perfectly for a moass event this coming week. Plus next week is quad witching and ridiculous open interest on spy puts. +It's ridiculous seeing some of the posts in here. This subreddit has become 10x worse to read in the past couple weeks now that alts have been going crazy and new dumb money is entering. People that make money off things like TRX and XRP become so ridiculously defensive of their coins or feel the need to clog every thread about how they got in at so-and-so price with so-and-so money. How are you contributing to any discussion by posting about how you bought 100 TRX at 10c and now you've made another $10? + +Some of you make a bit of money and you go insane, growing some weird emotional attachment to your coin. Every coin subreddit is a cancerous mess of parrots shouting to each other about going to the moon, "wish I bought earlier." No actual discussion or useful information, just "we're all gonna be rich!" + +Just take a second and consider whether what you're posting is actually worthwhile, or are you just making a bit of fast money for the first time in your life and want to brag about the $100 you made today in [random chitcoin]. I mean, go to any thread and look at the animosity in it. "FUDDERS!" "I'm laughing to the bank." + +Most of you probably think you are some noble altruists, money would never corrupt, and you make $100 and go insane. Just stop. + + +So, as we saw, Chamath tweeted this out yesterday: + +https://preview.redd.it/rg6beraj94j61.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a8d856b0f5cd6555679698a546e83d260265665 + +Many people quickly rushed to brush this off, as he could be talking about a many number of things. + +However, there is sufficient evidence pointing to the fact that he is indeed talking about GME. + +On the 28th of January, he tweeted [this very long thread](https://twitter.com/chamath/status/1354883159603597312?s=20), discussing short squeezes, and how fucked it all is: + +And then... two days ago he posted this tweet: + +https://preview.redd.it/4nawf0g2a4j61.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=3029f8e3dc4c2f5fcdd36e139843ec38af8f08f2 + +We also know that he is on our side of the table, as he has been very vocal and adamant on news stations defending us. I highly suggest you go to YouTube and watch these, automod won't let me link them. + +He also replied to someone on Twitter with this: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pfr5cagfa4j61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5a2e47ff1c79e23a42d3350d739f1a6ea11bd7 + +**Today there was a whale who bought 300,000 shares (13M worth).** This could very well be him. If it is him I bet he is scratching his head wondering why the buy didn't push the price up. Soon, we may see what Papa Pali has in store for us. +Decided check the Daily post on the three days in the past around the last bitcoin bottom and see what people were discussing around that time. Links to daily post and screen shots of some of the top comments below. + +December 13, 2018 + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a5qn7z/daily\_discussion\_megathread\_december\_13\_2018/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a5qn7z/daily_discussion_megathread_december_13_2018/) + +One day before the bottom + +[Daily - Dec 13, 2018](https://preview.redd.it/gmnuogoea2091.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=0df4f1db64c599631d81f0d41efb2098845743c2) + +December 14, 2018 + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a622hm/daily\_discussion\_megathread\_december\_14\_2018/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a622hm/daily_discussion_megathread_december_14_2018/) + +The day Bitcoin hit it's bottom of $3,236.36 + +&#x200B; + +[Daily - Dec 14,2018](https://preview.redd.it/2y5gzfhza2091.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=043acb24d8895c2eb7271b7f08749d832c5b7797) + +December 15, 2018 + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a6cue5/daily\_discussion\_megathread\_december\_15\_2018/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/a6cue5/daily_discussion_megathread_december_15_2018/) + +The Day after the Bottom, starting the ride to the top + +&#x200B; + +[Daily - Dec 15, 2018](https://preview.redd.it/f7meeksnb2091.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b93be41969b21b9408ec9152e9404f7844607bb) + +Surprisingly the comments don't look that different from what you see today, some saying it's going to fall some more, others saying this time it's different. The one thing that is clear, nobody knew that bitcoin would not reach $3.236.36 again, this was the best time to buy. + +Are we at the bottom now? +I have live data that I would want to analyse, ideally like tradingview allows. + +Is there any website or tool that plots live data better then pythons plotting tool? +Hey - I'm a 19 YO student in NYC. I heard some stuff floating around about how buying at close and selling at open is an easy way to beat the market. I thought I might might backtest this to see whether it is true - so I took an hour to work through a notebook and write some code. Interestingly my backtest seems to confirm this - in fact specifying an average alpha of 35% across 1000 randomly defined trading intervals in the S&P500 index. I feel like if it was this easy to beat the market, it would've been done - so I was hoping to get your guys' thoughts. + +&#x200B; + +Here's a link to the notebook - feel free to rip down my code and point out any mistakes. + +&#x200B; + + [https://github.com/harttraveller/bcso\_strategy/blob/master/backtesting.ipynb](https://github.com/harttraveller/bcso_strategy/blob/master/backtesting.ipynb) + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +My thoughts: + +1. Stock levels will increase until the end of 2019 then increase in 2020 due to seasonal factors and 2015 5-year interest-only mortgages expiring. +1. Investors will not return in the numbers required to create strong growth conditions. +1. As stock increases and demand remains the same, clearance rates reduce and so do prices. + +Detailed: + +1. Stock will increase every month in line with the previous decade in [Sydney](https://www.corelogic.com.au/sites/default/files/2018-07/2018-07-30-pulseimg2.jpg) and [Melbourne](https://www.corelogic.com.au/sites/default/files/2018-07/2018-07-30-pulseimg3.jpg) until the end of 2019. + +1. Stock will increase in 2020 compared to 2019 as the [2015 interest-only loans expire](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/images/sp-ag-2018-04-24-graph4.gif) and these borrowers: + + (a) [are in negative equity from 2015 prices in 2020 and can't afford a lump sum LMI payment](https://www.finder.com.au/refinancing-a-home-loan-without-equity), and/or + + (b) are [unable to refinance with the major banks as they can't show how they can pay interest + principal when the loan expires](https://www.apra.gov.au/sites/default/files/APG-223.pdf) (para 36), which was not required when they sought the loan in 2015 but has since been implemented, and/or + + (c) they can't afford to refinance to lower tier lenders as their interest rates make it prohibitive. + +1. By example [in Sydney median prices have fallen to 2015 or lower prices in Epping, Petersham, Alexandria, Peakhurst, Croydon, Northmead, Hunters Hill, Georges Hall, Double Bay, Granville, North Ryde, Homebush, Hurstville, Camperdown, and Brighton-le-Sands. +](https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/property-prices-in-these-sydney-suburbs-have-dropped-to-2015-levels-001138331.html) Note this is 2 months old and prices continued to fall for those 2 months. + + +1. Rolling over to Interest and Principal increases the repayment by [30-40%.](https://amp.afr.com/news/economy/rba-flags-dangers-of-480b-in-interestonly-loan-resets-over-the-next-four-years-20180413-h0yppv) [\[2\]](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/sp-ag-2018-04-24.html) + +1. These loans make up about 1 in 20 of **all** new mortgages originating in 2015. So for every 20 dwellings sold in 2015, 1 will be in this situation in 2020. That is a lot as a proportion of the market returning to market. This figure is derived from ~40% of loans in 2015 being IO via the RBA: + + >["The share of outstanding housing credit on IO terms increased to almost 40 per cent by 2015." +](https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/2018/may/box-c-the-expiry-of-interest-only-loan-terms.html) + + and [this graph](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/images/sp-ag-2018-04-24-graph4.gif) from the RBA showing ~15% of 2020 IO loans originate in 2015. + + Roughly ~15% of ~40% is ~6%, putting about 1 in 20 of **all** 2015 Australian mortgages in this situation. + +3. The clearance rate will trend lower as more stock comes onto the market but more demand does not. + + [Foreign investment which made up a bulk of residential real estate investment from 2012-2018 has fallen significantly using the figures from FIRB.](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2019/images/sp-gov-2019-03-06-graph7.gif) Without the same level of demand to satisfy the 2019 and 2020 growing volumes clearance rates must come down unless owner-occupiers and first home buyers pick up the slack. They can't because they can't afford the median prices in Sydney and Melbourne, on average. They can afford entry-level properties but cannot put a price floor beneath the average/median price or higher. + + Without this injection of foregin capital the ROI/ROE on residential real estate is very low yielding in the Sydney and Melbourne markets. Without this, you see growth like before 2012 on these graphs, [Example one](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Capture-709-660x446.png), [Example two](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Capture-51-660x448.png) and not the graph subsequent from 2013 onwards, which was [reliant on foreign investment](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2019/images/sp-gov-2019-03-06-graph7.gif). +This suggests 0% to -3% growth without foreign investment compared to 8% to 15% growth with it. +>[The ABS House Price Index for Australia shows that +nominal house price growth was running at 9% over +the year to September 2014. This compares to 8% +over the year to June 2013, 0% to June 2012 and +-3% to June 2011. Growth in Sydney over the year to +September 2014 was nearly 15%.](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/au/Documents/financial-services/deloitte-au-fs-mortgage-report-2015-050718.pdf) + + FIRB 17/18: ["In residential real +estate, there was a decline in New South Wales’ share of approvals, which was offset by +increases in Victoria and Western Australia’s shares. The decrease in residential real estate +approvals by value was driven by a drop in new dwelling related approvals. Like other +similar economies we have seen a decline in proposed investment from China as Chinese +authorities have tightened capital controls. ... While Chinese demand for residential real estate has fallen, China still accounts for a +majority of residential real estate approvals."](https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/79/2019/02/FIRB-2017-18-Annual-Report-final.pdf) + + China is still the biggest residential real estate investor but it's down from $31,912m in [2015/2016](https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/79/2017/04/1516-FIRB-Annual-Report.pdf) to $12,668m in 2017/2018 (it's lower now in 2018/2019) a reduction by 60%+. The market will require something like $20bn new investment to recreate that level of activity. That isn't realistic. Some country, or a number of countries, would need to increase their investments far higher than they have over the past 10 years. For e.g. the USA as the 2nd biggest investor would need to increase its investment well over 300%. + +1. Domestic investors won't pick up the slack where the foreign investors left-off for a few reasons + + (a) ROI/ROE won't be there to attract bubble-like investment without the foreign investment creating strong growth to encourage domestic investment. + + (b) Yield will remain low over 2019/2020 with the oversupply of properties still coming onto the market. + + (c) There's not enough domestic investment to replace that which came from foreign investment in 2012 onwards. The short-fall in demand will remain. +Full disclaimer, I am not a car person. I have no emotional attachment to my current car, or cars in general. I know this is the exception to the norm, especially when it comes to others around my age group, the late 20s. + +Here are a few subjective reasons I feel that financing a car, new or used, is one of the worst financial decisions a person can make. + +----- + + +**Cars are a depreciating asset.** + +And I use the term "asset" very lightly. In reality, a car should ultimately be called a liability - it costs a large amount of money to maintain each year, whilst depreciating in value - a liability is something which costs you money. + +How many people do you know that have a purchased a new car and resold within a year at the same price, or higher, than they bought it for? Zero, zilch, none. + +The truth is that as soon as you sign the paperwork at the car dealer and drive out of the showroom, you instantly lose 15% of its value. After 5 years? You're looking at a 55%+ loss. There's no need to argue on the specifics here - sure each car is different; high-end cars might hold a better resale vale, speciality cars maybe you lose 10% instantly, not 15. The point is that ultimately you are buying a depreciating asset - a new car will depreciate immediately - and further depreciate every single year you continue to own it. + +* Cars depreciate in value, rapidly. + +* Cars should be considered an asset. + +* A car should be called a liability, because that is what it is. + +------ + + +**Buying a car in general, yet alone using financing, is not an investment.** + +Buying a car is not an "investment". I get that a car is often a necessity/used for work purposes etc., but calling it an investment is wrong. Paying interest for something that is *losing* value means that you're getting hit and losing money from two sides - first, repaying the ridiculous high interest rates that car financing comes with and second, losing on the depreciation of the car over time. + +* As your car ages, it loses its value rapidly. It will never increase in value. Therefore, + +* A car is not an investment. + +------ + + +**High interest rates.** + +Ask yourself, why are interest rates on car loans so high? It's because lenders know what they are doing - they are lending to you on something that is *depreciating* in value - therefore it is much higher risk than other forms of loans. You might end up paying $50,000 total for a $30,000 car! When it's time to sell, that same car is now worth $10,000, so guess what, you lose again! Car loans are high risk for lenders, and you will pay for it with higher interest rates. + +* Car loans have higher than average interest rates. + +* You lose money twice - first by paying interest and second by the drop in resale value. + +------ + +**Opportunity cost.** + +Opportunity cost in economics is the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. For example, you can make 3% interest saving money in a bank, the *opportunity cost* of making that decision is that the sharemarket returned 8% that year - essentially the opportunity cost of deciding to leave your money in a bank rather than invest - was a 5% loss on your money that year. + +The opportunity cost in spending $10,000 on a good quality, small second hand car means you can't use that money to invest, for example, or perhaps take that overseas holiday you've been eyeing. + +There is an opportunity cost in everything we decided to choose in life. Your $10,000 used car helps you get to work to earn an income, if you didn't have the car your opportunity cost might mean you have no job, or a lower paying job. So in this case you've made the right choice. + +Now let's relate this to a brand new car, with a car loan in 2018. You buy a $30,000 car and over 7 years you pay back your loan, with interest, costing a total of $50,000. The year is now 2025 and your car is now worth $10,000, if you're lucky. That loss of $40,000 is your opportunity cost of making that decision. Say you had $10,000 in cash 7 years ago and you bought a cheaper used car outright. Over the next 7 years you managed to save $40,000 that otherwise would have been spent servicing the loan. That $40,000 investment at an average of 8% return per year, for 7 years, equals a total gain of somewhere around $15,000-$23,000 (depending on a variety of factors of course and gradual stock purchase over time). So the year is again 2025, your car is now worth $2,000 and you have cash in your pocket of $55,000-$63,000. That's up to $65,000 in assets (!) as opposed to your one car asset worth a measly $10,000. + +* $65,000 is more than $10,000. + +* There is an opportunity cost in every decision, financial or otherwise, that we make. + +* Buying a new car, with a loan, is always a terrible opportunity cost. + +----- + +**Used cars are just as good.** + +I get it, people have an emotional attachment to cars. They buy on emotion. It's not limited to cars, we live in a materialistic society. It's just a shame that cars are one of the more expensive material objects that we buy based on an emotion. + +If you buy a used car, with your own cash, you are already better off financially than anyone else that has bought a new car. I'm not saying it's necessary to buy used cars your entire life - if you've saved up your own hard-earned money and have bought some actual assets, go for it! Buy a car if it makes you happy! Hell, it's your money. + +What I am trying to say is that purchasing a used car with your own money is the best financial decision you can make when it comes to buying a car, it's the best opportunity cost outcome assuming you need a car in the first place. Buying a new car is not a wise financial decision and buying a new car with financing is the worst financial decision you will possibly ever make. + +* Save your own money and buy a used car when you can afford it. + +* Buying a new car is not a wise financial decision. + +* Buying a new car with financing is the worst possible financial decision. + +For those who are FI, what are your top examples of how you've used your money to make you life more fun, rewarding, or joyous? + +Looking at my bank account, I feel like I'm sitting on a world of possibilities and am looking to learn from others how I can use money as a tool to make my already awesome life even better. I've covered the basics with good health, regular travel, time with my family, and giving to charity. What are your suggestions for taking life to the next level of cool? + +For scope, we're talking 7 figures invested. + +Hi + +any reason why trading 'safe' put options eg:0.2 delta on margin is a bad idea? I have been trading simple options for about an year and just recently started researching Margin account. + +example: selling puts on AAPL every two weeks at 0.2 delta is going to give me credit of 80$ every two weeks. if I use margin this looks like free $ - thats close to 2K$ per year for little to no risk. + +yes. there is a possibility of market crash and I can get assigned - I can either roll my option at that time or buy it back at a loss. what am I missing? + +appreciate your insights. +I'm almost 35 and am starting to become more interested in FIRE. Wife and I have about 600k in various retirement funds and are both maxing out 401k contributions every year. We have 2 young children though so they won't be done with college for about 20 years lol. So I guess 55 seems like my target age. We should have between 2.5 - 4 million I suppose depending on the market. + +What's everyone else's plan? +I'm considering one and wondering what the onboarding process is like, what information I need to gather in advance, questions to ask, etc. Is there typically a zoom call to interview each other or something? + +I understand the investment niche well and have followed them for some time. But are there any due diligence best practices an accredited individual can do? + +Anyone here invest with hedge funds and what was your experience? Or if you've worked at one what should an applicant know in advance? + +Edit: Not interested in comments about industry wide hedge fund performance. +Time in the market is better than timing the market etc etc + +But I really thought we were going to see a lot worse than we got back in March, but the markets seem impervious to bad news. Looking back now, I could have easily have made 40-50% gains on pretty much anything in that time. + +Instead I chose to hold mostly liquid cash for most of that time, and now I am hesitant to start investing back into my funds. + +How do you cope with the feeling of missing out? +So I’ve been doing some research on greatland gold and so far it seems like this price will only go up from here. Gutted I only found out recently about it and missed the chance to buy earlier. But what’s your opinions on it? Is it a buy for you or a pass? +Hello all, + +&#x200B; + +I've just searched through the subreddit and can't find any discussion of this in the last year, but forgive me if it's a subject that's been done to death. I'll briefly present here my reasoning, positive and negative, on Moonfare. + +&#x200B; + +I'm poised to invest 50k Euro (the minimum) in the core Moonfare portfolio, which is global in nature and seems likely to invest in good quality funds. It's a fund of funds and in that sense has some diversification, albeit limited to buyout funds. + +&#x200B; + +The investment will be between 1 and 5% of my net worth, so not trivial, but not a terrible amount to lose if, by some chance, all the funds have failed after 5-10 years. + +&#x200B; + +The big objection I've heard on Reddit and elsewhere is that the fees are too high. The underlying funds have standard 2/20 fees and Moonfare for small investors like me add on a 1% entry fee and then 0.8% per year. The media reports of 0.5% annually are only accurate for much larger investments. + +&#x200B; + +In return for that fee, Moonfare allow 'commoners' like me to have exposure to PE without the downsides of listed PE, and in addition Moonfare claim to have a rigorous selection process for the funds they invest in, so they theoretically are contributing some active management. + +&#x200B; + +The fees are undoubtedly high, but is this is a red herring? If (a) there's no other good way to get access to PE, (b) PE generally offers significantly higher returns than stocks, and (c) PE is uncorrelated or weakly correlated to the stock market, then maybe I should swallow the fee as a reasonable price for uncorrelated returns, especially as it's difficult to be optimistic that the next 5-10 years will see stellar returns from stocks. + +&#x200B; + +The only other significant objection I've heard is that the opportunities Moonfare does and will invest in are in some way worse than those offered to entities not taking money from small, barely-HNW, investors. I'm completely unable to assess this at the moment as I lack PE experience and it's difficult to find out how quickly the best (whichever they are) PE funds are fully subscribed by non-Moonfare-type entities. + +&#x200B; + +I'd really appreciate reading some other people's thoughts on this. +Hi guys, + +I’m a beginner passive investor and wanted some tips to greatly improve my current portfolio. I’ve been told it’s not diverse and I do believe that with the help of some of you really experience investors I’ll be able to pull the most profit out of this portfolio. + +My main question is, I have £3000 to place into this portfolio, and was wondering what would stocks/ETFs would really allow me to make the most out of the portfolio already including the stocks and ETFs I have already. + +I have attached a link which shows my current portfolio: https://imgur.com/a/cVupd0B + +As a side note I was also wondering if it’s worth selling NVIDIA and possibly re buying when the share price drops again as yes the return value isn’t much but the percentage is. + +Thanks for the help! +I was about to link it for convenience but I wondered if there are any pitfalls anyone know about? + +I guess it means Yahoo can access in some for to my 'private' eToro account? On the face of it, it seems riskly but the convenience facttor appeals to me! +Seriously, just don’t. + +If like me you joined a couple crypto-related subreddits, I bet you get some random chat invitations, more often than not by less than 1-week old accounts. + +They are all scammers. DO NOT ACCEPT THEIR INVITATION. +Ignore them happily and go about your day. +Stay safe +Hi everyone. My wife passed away in April after a very short fight with cancer. We didn’t have wills (she was 43 I’m 39, we didn’t think we needed them yet) so have had to apply for probate which has finally been approved. + +Now I can start dealing with the life insurance policies I need advice on what to do with it. + +I’m currently 39 (40 in august) with a salary of \~45k. + +No mortgage or other debt + +25K premium bonds + +20k in 123 current account + +\~100K life insurance/employers insurance/Pension due once I've gone through all the paperwork. + +I haven't really got any goals in mind - I cant see me wanting to move house, expensive holidays don't appeal. Retiring early would be nice but don't think that's realistic with the amount I've got. +I'm curious what other Fat Fire folks do for their kids education when you travel? I don't mean just go on vacation but travel indefinitely from place to place. This would be 3-4 month stays in various locations in the US mainly. These are mostly high end tourist destinations. + +Their current school allows "remote learning". But it's obviously not the same as the social interactions and development that occur in a physical school. On one hand my wife and I want to travel but also have two kids under 10 and don't want to uproot their lives/ development every few months. + +Any suggestions or advice on how to do this thoughtfully other than permanent home school would be greatly appreciated. + +Thank you in advance! +I'm curious what other Fat Fire folks do for their kids education when you travel? I don't mean just go on vacation but travel indefinitely from place to place. This would be 3-4 month stays in various locations in the US mainly. These are mostly high end tourist destinations. + +Their current school allows "remote learning". But it's obviously not the same as the social interactions and development that occur in a physical school. On one hand my wife and I want to travel but also have two kids under 10 and don't want to uproot their lives/ development every few months. + +Any suggestions or advice on how to do this thoughtfully other than permanent home school would be greatly appreciated. + +Thank you in advance! +How did so many companies manage to build cars successfully? It seems like the barrier to entry is exceptionally high and the initial players should have consumed most of the market share. + +Was there government intervention? +Were hearing a lot of discussion surrounding free college at US universities with most saying it’s not feasible economically. This certainly appears to be the case. How can other countries, mostly European, sustain this? Is it due to receiving funds through the EU or a strong reliance on international students? +I'm currently an undergrad in economics and everyday I feel like I'm getting farther from the interest that had made me choose this field. The math has been overwhelming me, and I'm struggling to not let it hinder me. + +Just wanna ask what your motivations are and maybe, by reading it, I could also reignite the interest. Also, on days the make this field difficult for you, what kept you going? +This question is inspired by this LinkedIn post [about how France minimises food waste](https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6473570358527172608). + +Since France forces supermarkets to donate excess food to food banks, would it be more economical for a supermarket to slightly under-stock and risk missing out on a few sales, instead of over-stocking and being forced to donate excess food to food banks for free? + +Would under-stocking necessarily lead to stampedes at supermarkets, or would customers be more willing to try less popular items? +About to finish my Phd thesis, and as a non-native English speaker, I wonder which sounds better, I welcome any new title suggestions: + +The Behavior of European Stock Returns Under Regional and Global Geopolitical Uncertainty + +or +The Behavior of European Stock Returns Under Global and Regional Geopolitical Uncertainty + + + + +My thesis has 3 main chapters +1- long term relationship between European stock markets and Regional and Global Geopolitical Uncertainty +2- 1- Short term relationship between European stock markets and Regional and Global Geopolitical Uncertainty +3- The ability of Regional and Global Geopolitical Uncertainty to forecast European stock markets +It's a bit of an odd question for a proper term so I'll present the story that led me to think about it. + +At one store, milk is $3, but the produce is bad so I will purchase none. + +At another store, milk is $4, but the produce is good so I will purchase produce there. + +Is there a term for my unwillingness to go to the cheaper milk store to save $1? + +Is there a term for the $1 difference in milk prices between the stores, assuming the other store knows I'm willing to pay this extra $1 to be able to purchase both milk and produce at one location? + +It feels too easy an broad to call it price discrimination because my shopping preference is between two products instead of one, and that cost increase is based on my preference for produce which varies from time to time. The stores are also right next to each other which means I can't really account for travel time as a big factor. + +Thanks! +For those firms stuck trading rubles these days, why would any market makers buy rubles when there is presumably very little demand for it? What is the process for offloading currency like the ruble now? Does this weirdly benefit the sanctioned country and help blunt its impact? +Got into a bit of a tussle about this but the alleged economist refused to explain, so I’m here because this has genuinely got me thinking. + +Is it genuinely feasible to do this? To just continue running a deficit without worrying about running a surplus at any point (&therefore cuts)? What effects might the level of deficit have on the potential consequences beyond just postponing them? + +I understand the soapboxing rules so please do just answer the above question. However, I’d like to state my prior assumptions to see if I was wrong or not, or if there is nuance missed in specific places etc. My assumptions are that a government cannot reasonably expect to run a never-ending deficit (I.e. never plan to or attempt to run a surplus) without dire consequences. I had assumed that there would eventually be problems around paying back debts, including potential debt interest hikes, inflation & interest rate increases, and potentially recession from any defaulting or currency devaluation. However, the more I think about this the more I wonder if it necessarily true. +Those who went to do PhD straight from undergrad, how difficult was it to get accustomed to PhD without a master's degree? How big of a jump would it be to go to PhD straight from undergrad? How difficult would a PhD be if I went straight out of undergrad compared to completing a Master's and then going for PhD? +I'm pretty new to this so I understand if this seems stupid but I'm confused with why the new UK budget includes an increase to the corporate tax rate. I remember companies leaving the UK post Brexit (due to the implications of remaining in the UK, hence extra bureaucracy when it comes to Eu related things), surely increasing the corporate tax rate is going to incentivise companies to leave, something that seems to concern many people due to potential job losses. Again I'm really new to this so idk if this is a stupid question. +I'm currently in my final year of economics undergrad (Bsc), and I'm tempted to try my hand at more maths/comp sci masters courses though I have no real background in either and I'm not entirely convinced of my ability. Firstly, would I be able to get into one of these courses with a degree in econ? I'm thinking perhaps a two year masters instead of one to give me a better chance, also are there any resources any of you would recommend to compliment my degree (like other qualifications I could do outside of Uni around maths/comp sci) if I can't do a masters? +**Short version** + +Been FIRE for 10 months and it's been extremely challenging for me. I've lost my drive to do activities, learn, etc. and I simply feel unfilled. When I was working, I felt mostly satisfied so this is a departure. To stop being complacent, I created a 30 day challenge to live my ‘dream RE life’ and update the community. If I can help other people prepare for a FIRE life than thats a win too.  + +**Long version** + +**The short story on how I FIRE'D** + +While there's a decent amount of posts on the journey to FIRE, there's less posts or relevant content (at least to me) about life after FIRE. After needing to work from 16 years old and finally not having to, the adjustment has been incredibly difficult. In hindsight, it's obvious that the transition to FIRE would be hard. After all, we're trained to work our whole lives and then to suddenly not have somewhere to be is jarring. I don't think people understands what that transition means, I certainly didn't. + +In January, I received a windfall from a tech startup close to $2M and for the past 10 months I've been FIRE. I expected to feel free and happy as this is what I *thought* I wanted my whole life. However, it's been incredibly challenging. While it IS fantastic to feel 'free', my sense of purpose, my ambition, and my drive has gone to the wayside. My fuel for living my best life is nowhere to be found. + +**The context** + +Way back before reddit existed and before I knew about FIRE, I had always known I wanted to be free. I've had this romantic idea for years that it'd be fun to travel the states (and the world), see new places and live the ultimate life of self improvement. It's my version of, "Travel, read, take up hobby, etc" that you always read after someone congratulates you with the proper ‘go fuck yourself’. But I haven't achieved any of my plans. I have all this time to travel, get in great shape, start a new business (that's fun for me), meditate, morning pages, create better habits etc etc. and be the person I want to be without my prior excuse of 'I have no time'. How come I can't make progress on the above? Between reddit, podcasts, and tv there's an infinite pool of distractions and doing meaningful 'work' takes a backseat. My motivation is gone. When all you have is time, procrastinating goals to tomorrow becomes a dirty habit. After all, you have all day! + +**The challenge** + +Well today, I decided for the month of November, to live out my romantic idea. For the next 30 days, I'm going to create my 'dream' life (the point of FIRE!). To create my dream life, I need to be fulfilled in all aspects which I've broken down to: Personal, Relationships, Business, Fun. + +**Personal** + +* Morning pages — M-F +* Gym 4x / week +* Morning routine — M-F + * Meditation + * 1 8oz glass of water first thing in morning + * Eat a healthy breakfast +* Eat 1 vegan meal per day +* I wanted to commit to taking a last minute trip but since I'm going to NYC and Hawaii in November this would be a bit much. Maybe if I do this again next month? +* Go to the beach 6x + +**Business** + +I've spent most of my career starting companies. I think doing another one would be fun. I currently have 3 ideas that I think are compelling. My goal is to try and validate/invalidate these ideas. My goal is to validate/invalidate at least 1 of them this month. Since I'm RE, none of these will be fulltime, at least for now. + +**Spiritual** + +* I already put meditating above, but I'll see if adding yoga as a place to go for working out instead of just the gym. +* Research 1 charity a day to see if anything resonates with me so I can figure out how I want to help other people to give back. + +**Relationships** + +* Do 1 relationship building project — I'm fortunate to have a great group of friends and we always hang out with each other and have been for the past 10 years. My goal is to come up with a project that will be beneficial to everyone. Can be small, but something meaningful +* Go on 4 dates — I'm on the hunt for a partner which is a big priority for me. I should put more dates as I have more time, but I think I should stick to focusing on myself for now + +**Fun** + +I need to make sure I don't just watch tv or play Settlers of Catan (both of which I can do for hours no problem). + +I'm so lazy but once I get outside, I have fun. + +* Go climbing 1x +* Goto an escape room +* Cook a fancy meal with my instant pot and invite a friend/date + +**Why post to reddit** + +Probably for validation! But seriously, the point is to a) hold myself accountable b) practice vulnerability (which is scary) and c) help others who resonate with what I'm going through (or can see themselves resonate once they reach FIRE) learn from all the mistakes / wins that I'm going through. After all, to me, the point of FIRE is to be happy on your own terms. + +Also if you have any ideas of what YOU do and/or are currently doing, I'd love to hear. + +**After 30 days** + +Hopefully after the next 30 days, I’ll be closer to understanding fullfilment and I’ll post on if I kept at it, if it was fulfilling, and some good suggestions that worked for other people that are FIRE.  + +Thanks for reading! I can also post my FIRE stats if interested.  + +Happy Friday! + +&#x200B; + +\*\*EDIT: I should clarify I didn't RE by choice. It was a circumstance of the tech exit. I probably would've kept working. So I guess the real issue is how to get motivation when you're FI. +Looking through balance sheets, we notice an item called deferred income tax. + +* If in the assets side, it means the business has overpaid taxes in the previous years. +* If in the liabilities side, it means the business has underpaid taxes in the following years. + +If it has overpaid taxes, I believe that it will get some tax reduction in the next fiscal year. + +**But why would a company overpay taxes considering the time value of money? Wouldn't it be better off investing in its projects or at least earning the riskfree rate in liquid securities? Why would it be giving the government "free money"?** + +I noticed Coca Cola has deferred income tax in the asset side and it never really made sense to me. +Hey guys I could really use some insight as to how people go about finding a moat. To find one, do you first form a hypothesis as to what the moat could be, for example scaled economies shared, and then you try to find evidence to prove it? Also what evidence would you look for to confirm scale economies shared? Please no pedantic answers I really want to hear your process and to learn from it. Thank you :) +BRK.B has a PE of 6.58. They dont pay a dividend but they buy back shares. Is the stock undervalued? Am I missing something? Only thing I can think of is if people believe housing is going to crash then their profits would be affected. +I was reading that Graham had a limit of I think it was 3 years and that if the stock did not rise to his view of intrinsic value within that frame he would sell even if he thought it was still undervalued. How do you determine after several years to sell or hold a value stock that the market isn’t recognizing the value that you see? Is it purely based on what other opportunities are out there for your capital? +I heard a podcast with Town where he mentioned he and also Buffett use option trading to buy long term stocks they want at $20 when they trade at $23 etc. +Phil Town mentioned he can only win in those situations, no matter on which direction the stock goes? How do they do that? +Does someone has a link where they explain that? +Hey guys I could really use some insight as to how people go about finding a moat. To find one, do you first form a hypothesis as to what the moat could be, for example scaled economies shared, and then you try to find evidence to prove it? Also what evidence would you look for to confirm scale economies shared? Please no pedantic answers I really want to hear your process and to learn from it. Thank you :) +I understand that a P/E ratio tells me how much I should be willing to pay for $1 of a company's earnings. I understand that it's also a rough way to tell how long it'll take for your investment to pay off (i.e. A P/E of 12x suggests that it may take 12 years for my investment to pay off, though this isn't written in stone). What does EV/EBIT mean? If a company is trading at 5x EV/EBIT for example, what does that tell me as an investor? + [https://www.amazon.com/Berkshire-Hathaway-Letters-Shareholders-2017-ebook/dp/B00DUM1W3E/ref=sr\_1\_2?crid=3VBCWH4YJZKFZ&dchild=1&keywords=annual+letters+to+shareholders&qid=1593742421&sprefix=Annual+letters+to+%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-2](https://www.amazon.com/Berkshire-Hathaway-Letters-Shareholders-2017-ebook/dp/B00DUM1W3E/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3VBCWH4YJZKFZ&dchild=1&keywords=annual+letters+to+shareholders&qid=1593742421&sprefix=Annual+letters+to+%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-2) + +I am finally starting to read this massive of books (which is the annual letters of Warren Buffett to shareholders. I definitely recommend this book to those who want to get deeper into understanding Warren Buffet's actions. In his shareholder letters, he explains why he took the decisions he did with Berkshire Hathaway. He explains why he invested in things that would lower the costs of Berkshire while disassembling and selling unprofitable plants and operations that were costing more money and going out of favor, and replacing them with more lucrative ones. He also explains how he managed to buy acquisitions of good businesses on the cheap and how he expanded Berkshire's operations through that. He also explains about the necessity of increasing profits, while being solvent and responsibly financing. + +Has anyone else read his annual letters? Are there similar books that we should be reading to increase our knowledge of valuation and or business? What are your favorite books of valuation or insight into business and entrepreneur that we can use as value investors? +Are gold mine stocks actually a buy opportunity now? + +I know Buffet just dumped this stock, but why? Isn't gold suppose to be the upcoming inflation hedge? +I've been a member of this sub for a few weeks now, and I'm always interested to see how often Vanguard is mentioned in posts. Literally any post about investing, pensions etc comes with several people recommending Vanguard - and lots of people asking for advice are saying "I'm thinking of putting my money into a Vanguard fund". + +For clarity, I have no problem with or criticism about Vanguard (no opinion either way) - I'm just curious as to why it's so frequently mentioned when there are [literally hundreds](https://www.advratings.com/top-asset-management-firms) of other fund managers out there, none of which seem to ever get mentioned by name in this forum. + +Is there something very particular about Vanguard that makes it so popular here, or is it just the echo-chamber effect? Is it just because it's the biggest (in terms of AUM) after Blackrock? + + + +📷CG AND CMC \*COMING SOON\*📷 +So you know, AUDIT HAS BEEN COMPLETED +✅ LIVE ON LIVE COIN WATCH [https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/FullSendCrypto-FULLSEND](https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/FullSendCrypto-FULLSEND) +✅ 100% organic community gowth +✅ 3.5k in the TG Group +✅ Website is published +✅ Whitepaper available for those to view and see the plan +✅The team is doxxed/publicly known +FullSendCrypto Is a DeFi Protocol centered on two key areas within the project; +The Full Send Trading App will consist of our Open Source Decentralized Trading Platform, whereby trading algorithm developers can publish their trading bots on the platform and users can purchase access to unlock the Trading Bot of their choice, in the asset class or market of their preference.  +Profits will be split between the Trading Bot Developer who published, and the Liquidity Pool for the Full Send Token. +Other major implementations: +\\- Learning platform for crypto-noobs +\\- NFT shop +Another function they are working on is trying to partner with the real life NelkBoys, FullSend legit! +\\- Incorporating FullSend store onto the App +\\- Utilizing FullSendCrypto to make purchases on FullSend merch, app, website, etc… +Website: \[[www.fullsendcrypto.net](http://www.fullsendcrypto.net/)\] +Telegram: [https://t.me/FullSendCrypto](https://t.me/FullSendCrypto) +Hi guys. + +Firstly just to say - I imagine many are now struggling financially due to COVID-19 so apologies if this post comes across in the wrong way. + +Is anyone changing their outlook on their work/life balance since this pandemic hit? I'm seriously contemplating going part-time once this is over (assuming it is eventually over). More time off to relax, catch up with those important people in my life, maintain a healthy body and mind etc etc. + +I'm lucky in that I have a flexible job so I can adjust my hours quite easily. If I went down to 20 hours a week I would take home around £1500 a month after tax, NI, student loans, pension and transport costs. While it may mean fewer holidays etc I'm thinking it could be worth it. + +Are any of you thinking about changing your lifestyle too or have any of you done this already? + +Thoughts? + +Thanks +The amount is just over $10,000. I'm planning just to write them a check for the amount. Is there anything I need to know about before I do it? + +I read somewhere that gifts over a certain amount need taxes paid on them, and it looks like federally that limit is $14,000. I should be fine there unless Oregon has it's own rules that I don't see. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +With an 80% jump in margin use among individual investors over the last 2 years, how much margin do you currently have (as a percentage of your portfolio)? And at what rate? Do you plan on reducing your margin amount as rates increase this year and if so, how/how much? + +I.e. I’m currently borrowing about 47% of my portfolio’s value in margin (not including retirement accounts, which you can’t take margin out on). I plan to reduce this to about 25-30% by year-end depending on the speed of rate hikes. + +It’s interesting to consider how high margin debt is (918.6 billion as of 11/30) as rates start increasing this year; is there any relatively recent empirical research exploring individual investors’/funds’ sensitivity to rate hikes in terms of margin? This could be an interesting start: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-indicator-flashed-warnings-in-2000-and-2007-and-its-buzzing-now-11640865332](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-indicator-flashed-warnings-in-2000-and-2007-and-its-buzzing-now-11640865332) + +Overall, margin is still only about 2.5% of the S&P 500’s total market capitalization so I suppose nothing really alarming could stem from margin use itself, but I’m curious as to how others are adjusting their margin usage as rates increase + +tl;dr Lots of margin usage, what does yours look like? + +Edit: Some brokerages like Robinhood do provide margin at pretty low rates (2.5%). Would that change your answer? +Hello my brother and I made a partnership and purchased 2 small trailers on a nice corner lot of land in the city. We paid 60k. We are getting 450 each house so 900 a month. I plugged everything into a cap rate calculator and got like a 16% cap rate. Just curious if we have made a good decision. +I looked at cryptomarketcap and saw the usual top 10 but want to see what other ppl are seeing potential in... +I want to at least throw in 1k on each and hodlr and see what I get. +Also, for info/research, can u guys ELI5 some and see if its a scam so others maybe wary of it... +What do you think is the reason for them to not allowing you to buy crypto? Is it because they care about you and don’t want you to lose money? No. Banks don’t give a shit about you. + +They’re scared of losing control. +Update2: It looks like the sale ended in just 3 blocks/35 seconds! + +Update: [Contract has successfully bought into the sale!](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x01054608322676da83a80993654253307f32a852589de6028f1b189d403b6f71) + +The [Decentraland ICO](https://decentraland.org/) is happening in less than 10 hours. You can avoid the crowd and rest easy by using my [Decentraland ICO Buyer Contract.](https://etherscan.io/address/decentraland.icobuyer.eth#code) Simply send ETH to decentraland.icobuyer.eth before the crowdsale and sit back while my contract takes care of all the hard work of buying into the sale and sending you back your tokens! + +My contract works by placing a 1 ETH bounty on a function which buys tokens during the ICO. Anyone can call the function once the ICO has started to claim the bounty, although they'll be competing with me to be first! + +Users who want to remove the 1% fee on their purchased tokens can send 0 ETH (or any amount up to .001 ETH) to my contract within an hour of my contract purchasing the tokens. This will perform a manual withdraw without the 1% convenience fee. However, note that the Decentraland developers likely will not be unlocking their token immediately. Avoiding the 1% fee is still possible by making a manual withdrawal just after the tokens are unlocked. + +I've had a [$6,000 bug bounty](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethdev/comments/6u6yir/bug_bounty_for_decentraland_mana_ico_buyer/) posted for half a day now, but that doesn't mean you should just throw your ETH at my contract! Exercise caution and recognize that there's always risk to using smart contracts. + +Users should only send ETH from an address that they own the private keys for. For example, MEW, Mist, and Parity are all fine, but you can't send from an exchange. To interact with my contract from an unsynced wallet, I recommend using a gas limit of 250,000 for each transaction. Users can withdraw their funds at any time before the ICO starts by sending 0 ETH (or any amount up to .001 ETH) to my contract. Once the ICO starts, more advanced users seeking the 1 ETH bounty can call the "claim_bounty" function, which actually buys the tokens, by sending a 0 ETH, 250,000 gas, 50 Gwei gas price transaction with '0x02f58015' as the transaction data. + +Previous Deployments of my ICO Buyer contract: + +[Bancor](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6ghqp0/never_miss_an_ico_again/) - 425 ETH handled + +[Status](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6iavc3/never_miss_an_ico_again_status/) - 3200 ETH handled + +[TenX](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6j5c3u/never_miss_an_ico_again_tenx/) - 2100 ETH handled + +[DAO.Casino](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6k6gix/never_miss_an_ico_again_daocasino_bet/) - Canceled + +[CoinDash](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6nrxk5/never_miss_an_ico_again_coindash_cdt/) - 1365 ETH handled + +[District0x](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6nzwh4/never_miss_an_ico_again_district0x_dnt/) - 4145 ETH handled + +ICO Buyer Slack Invite Link: https://join.slack.com/t/icobuyer/shared_invite/MjI5MTY0Nzc2ODM2LTE1MDMyNDIxNjEtYzY4N2U2MDZjYg + +**Contract ENS Address:** decentraland.icobuyer.eth + +**Contract Hex Address:** 0x4Dc868D79611C2bdcA51dEE62873EB3A31423B47 + +**Contract Code:** https://etherscan.io/address/decentraland.icobuyer.eth#code +In 7 years of running an investment portfolio, I have never been able to successfully chase outstanding debts from tenants who have absconded. Now with COVID and arrears, there's a high risks of tenants doing the same thing. + +Has anyone had experience in successfully getting debts paid? I have tried the lawyer route before and they charge thousands of dollars to send fancy-worded letters to documents that never produce results. + +Are there other options to go with? +&#x200B; + +I FIREd last year at 45. + +Ha! That whole "what happens if you retire at the height of the great depression?" + +I may be testing that. + +However currently things are actually good. Its been a quiet year for me on the home font. + +Since I am FI already I'm not stressed about not going in to work or trying to work from home or hoping not to get laid off. My checking and saving have enough to get me though for quite a while. + +I have basically been on my own "social isolation" for a year. Its hard to have a social life when all your friends and ex- coworkers are busy with employment! I was catching up with all the new release moves until the shutdown. + +I have finally been able to catch up on a bunch of the games I neglected over the past few years. My biggest "splurge" was building a new PC to play the modern games. I enjoyed "The Outer Worlds" and Fallout 4 has been great. Epic has been giving away games weekly so I have a bunch in my library I haven't even had a chance to try. + +My health has actually dramatically improved since I no longer have to deal with the stresses of my old job. I am able to cook at home and not not eat out as much. I lost a bunch of weight and all my vital stats are back in the green! Still plenty of room to improve. I was getting out and doing some exercise before Covid. That has died down and I really should get back to walking a bit more, even if I need to wear a mask. + +My net worth has taken a bit of a hit but I still have enough "slack" in my budget that I'm not stressing. I even picked up a little stock that I feel will do well in the next couple of years. I'm not going hog wild but I'm betting on an eventual recovery even if it takes a while. I have some time. + +My main yearly worry is heath insurance and how to deal with it. Since I can control my conversion from my 401k/ira into my Roth I can have enough "income" to qualify for ACA. That's my current plan until we finally fix the heath care system in this country. + +So all in all its not a super exciting update, but if you are working on FIRE, or just FI, I can say it is worth it! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Just a quick reminder that since Germany starts DST a few weeks after the US, this week I'll be updating for only one hour starting an hour later than the usual start time. We'll be back to the normal schedule next week. + +Apes, there are many signals that are starting to make my MOASS-sensor tingle. Something about the confluence of rising share borrow rates, rising RRP utilization, rising volume, and rising DRS FUD makes me feel like we're in for an exceptional event in the near future. Could I be wrong? Absolutely! Am I excited nevertheless! YES! + +First, on the topic of RRP: we've seen in the past that this number tends to spike at the end of each quarter as large institutions move cash around so their end-of-quarter reports don't have to show positions that they'd rather not have exposed. This often shows up as a spike in the last week, but particularly the last few days. Over the past few weeks, we saw RRP utilization dip down toward $1.5T, but it's already moving back toward its all-time high. That it is already spiking tells me that there is a lot of unwinding to come, and we may see new records starting this week. Does RRP have anything to do with GME or the MOASS? Possibly not, but there is no denying that it shows the insane levels of cash that have been injected into the markets, and much of that cash will end up in our accounts when we sell a share or two. + +Second, the borrow rate: while I am convinced that the SHFs don't *need* to borrow shares in order to take additional short positions against GME and drive the price down, I do feel that it is nevertheless an indicator that can't be ignored - the fact that the rate is going up tells me that there is *demand* at the higher borrow rate, and there are still people out there who think it is wise to short GME. + +Finally, the levels of effort going into convincing Apes that they shouldn't worry about DRSing their shares is the most tit-jacking thing I've seen. Trying to correlate 'Subreddit engagement' with DRSed shares is ridiculous. There are dozens of extremely plausible reasons why engagement would be dipping, but I can assure you that it is not because Diamantenhänded Apes who went to the effort of getting shares in their own name are losing interest. This has been a long road, and many Apes simply don't have the time / energy to participate at the level that they once did. That does *not* mean that they have lost their ability to HODL with Diamantenhände. It may not be easy for all Apes, but for me, the decision to HODL every share I own is the easiest part of my day. I dedicate huge portions of my day to this community, but I have not once logged into ComputerShare to consider how committed I am to HODLing those shares. + +There is no question. DRSing your shares is peak Diamantenhände. + +Today is Tuesday, March 22nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 60 minutes in: **$95.52 / 86,54 €** *(volume: 1643)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $95.54 / 86,56 € *(volume: 1271)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $95.56 / 86,57 € *(volume: 1268)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $95.54 / 86,56 € *(volume: 1265)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $95.50 / 86,52 € *(volume: 1239)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $95.52 / 86,53 € *(volume: 1223)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $95.51 / 86,53 € *(volume: 1222)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $95.53 / 86,55 € *(volume: 1219)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $95.47 / 86,50 € *(volume: 1155)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $95.35 / 86,38 € *(volume: 802)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $95.34 / 86,38 € *(volume: 631)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $95.31 / 86,34 € *(volume: 558)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $94.62 / 85,72 € *(volume: 157)* +- 🟩 US close price: $94.20 / 85,34 € *($94.45 / 85,57 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1038. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_state + +It seems a lot of people in this subreddit did not really study the history of the Soviet Union and the countries modeled after it - and it's leading to a lot of arguments whether some state is "Communist" or "Socialist" (case in point: http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/dhf6f/communism_thing_not_working_out_so_well_in_north/ ). + +A central tenet of Marxism-Leninism is that of _the withering away of the state_. Since people in the old Tsarist Russia were not considered ready for this dramatic development, Lenin - and other Communist leaders copying him since then - instituted a dictatorship of the proletariat creating a constitutionally Socialist state where the state controlled the means of the production. The Soviet Union - and other states lead by Communist parties - call themselves Socialist states because that's what they are in the old-fashioned definition of that word. The state never withered away in any of these countries and thus they never became communist. + +It's true that they're often led by an entity called the Communist party or that the end-goal is often Communism, and no one will disagree with that, but it's stupid to have an argument over whether a country is Communist or Socialist when people use different definitions of those words. Historically, none of these countries ever attained Communism, which is the utopia they were all officially striving for. + +It seems to me that a lot of people here object to using the word "Socialism" for describing these countries because this word is typically used tauntingly in American political discourse to refer to various left-wing ideologies popular in Western Europe such as Social Liberalism or Social Democracy. As a European (in fact, from the country with the highest tax-burden in the world) I can safely say that we don't consider ourselves to be Socialists. You may call our societies Social Democratic or welfare states, but please don't call us Socialists - that just sounds like something Bill 'O' Reilly would say. +@ABCSharkTank + +The Shark Tank has never had a Blockchain start-up despite years of applications I assume, I’m sure the Sharks would love to invest. + +It would be a good way to explain basic Blockchain concepts to the masses. + + +This is for a part-time job. Over 1,000 hours last year making just under $20k. + +The other day he tells me he was supposed to be offering a 401k option. Now he wants me to sign paperwork, seeming to be encouraging me to opt out since he won't be matching. + +I have two questions. Is there any point in considering a 401k through this job if there will be no matching contributions as opposed to starting a 401k on my own? + +And secondly, should I be concerned that going into my 4th year with him, my boss is just now mentioning that he was supposed to be offering a 401k plan? + +I've been meaning start an IRA but am still unsure if a Roth or traditional is best for me. + +I'm 38 and my other job made me roughly $23k last year, so about $43k total. Currently living rent-free with girlfriend so am able to put a good amount into savings, but that may not last forever. + +I don't currently have any any retirement plans. +Robinhood is the only broker that has $0 option contract fees. Most other brokers charge $0.65 per contract. + +For people like me who sell one contract per ticker for 1-2% ROI weekly options (picking up pennies in front of a steam roller gang), the $0.65 contract fee actually results in a substantial decrease in ROI. + +However, it is often said that there are wider spreads on Robinhood to compensate for free options. Does this mean that the quoted bid price on Robinhood is lower than the bid price on every other brokers? If your bid is reduced by even $0.01, this translates to $1 and therefore surpasses the the $0.65 contract fee on other brokers. + +I found a WSJ article titled [Why "Free Trading" on Robinhood Isn't Really Free](https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-free-trading-on-robinhood-isnt-really-free-1541772001). It does not say that the bid prices are explicitly lower. However, it said that Robinhood basically has shitty "Price Improvement" compared to other brokers. + +I guess when you place an order to your brokerage, it will bundle your order with other people and sell it to high speed traders in bulk and get some kind of discount. Apparently your brokerage may or may not pass that discount to you in the form of a "price improvement". + +I currently use Schwab. In the past when I would place a sell to open order, on occasion I would see a note saying I had a "price improvement". I'm pretty sure it does not always happen; for example in my last 5 trades this Monday I did not see it. But if you get a price improvement of even 0.01, that translates to $1 per contract, so you have already beaten the $0.65 contract fee. However, I am positive that you do not always see a price improvement. + +*My question: is there any way to try to quantify by how much the price improvement feature of other brokers offsets their $0.65 contract fee, or how much the lack of the price improvement feature of Robinhood increases the price of trading on Robinhood?* + +It seems to me that you don't really know if you are going to get a price improvement or not. If you are not going to get a price improvement, it seems trading on Robinhood will be cheaper. If you get a price improvement, even $0.01, trading on any other broker seems to be cheaper. +Do you use hedges to mitigate tail risk, such as we had in March this year? + +If so what do you use - e.g. purchased puts, purchased VIX calls? + +How do you size the hedge? Is it better to buy lower delta and more contracts since we are dealing with tail risk (essentially inversing [TT Hidden Size of Risk Study](https://www.tastytrade.com/tt/shows/tasty-extras/episodes/the-hidden-risk-of-size-10-12-2020))? +Hello, I'm a bachelor's student (got my degree) and I want to apply for a master's degree at my university which that master's degree is made for students to dig deep into macroeconomics and modeling, and econometrics advanced macroeconomic and international macroeconomic. So I want as much information I can get about these subjects, I prefer if someone has any YouTube channels that explain economics theories (modern and old ones) or any books, articles. Etc... and thanks in advance! +Graduated 15 years ago, and in college I believe they taught us that the economy continually gets more productive - producing more goods and services so there is more for everyone. In theory, these productivity gains are driven by innovation. + +This seems like decent theory, but is it the way the country actually works? The allocation of the benefits of innovation do not seem to be well distributed, which makes it seem like their are certainly winners and losers. + +If a manufacturer automates, the winner is the executives and the losers are employees that will get laid off. + +Also, with the allocation of global capital, if a company takes the profits it makes in the US and invests in emerging markets, there is no benefit for the working class. + +I fully understand I don’t know what I am talking about 😊. Thank you for any insight. +Obvious downsides are that this would cause inflation, currency weakening, and that inflation tends to be regressive in nature. + +But you could do it rather than having the apparatus to collect tax, and then have your own policies on how to redistribute. + +As I understand it Argentina printed 4% of GDP last year and currently has inflation of about 50% per year. +I have been reading about the land value, and I am thoroughly convinced it is literally a *perfect* tax. It is so perfect for a few reasons. + +- All taxes coming out of rent meaning that funding concerns wouldn’t be a thing. + +- it would simplify the tax system because it would only be an LVT and maybe severance and a few pigovian taxes + +- it has no deadweight loss meaning that it may generate *more* revenue then current tax schemes as land becomes more productive and thus demand for land goes up increasing rents. + +Why aren’t we hammering the government to introduce a land value tax to replace all other taxes except those on negative externalities (ie carbon taxes, sin taxes etc)? + +Am I missing something? A land value tax seems too good to be true here. +Based on current trends it seems that the difference in wealth between the richest and poor only seems to increase. Is there any evidence to suggest that this will stop at some point? What are some common arguments for and against the long-term sustainability of capitalism? + +Just seeking to be informed, not looking for an answer. Correct me if I made any wrong assumptions. +Since we focus so much on the numbers around here (albeit for good reason!), here's something I was wondering. + +What does your "enough" look like when you describe it without using financial specifics at all? + +For example, this + +>"1MM NW, 4% SWR, sub-400k ~1500 sqft house with ~7500 sqft lot in LCOL or MCOL area with no mortgage, <1 mile from Main Street, 1 dog, 2 cats, 3-5 chickens, 1 paid off used car, 0 debt, 20hrs/wk volunteering time, 2 budget travel trips per year, $100/month fun money." + +could be described without numbers like this: + +>"A small, easy-to-maintain home with a good-size backyard for family and pets (a lot of them!). Ideally in an area where we'd be able to use bikes for day-to-day travel - I don't need or want to be in a big city, but I'd like to be near the center of town. I'd spend my time learning new things, traveling, or getting involved locally." + +When you "build the life you want" for FIRE - without the numbers - what is it you imagine? + +(Or for those already FIRE'd, what's the "enough" you found?) +https://help-eu.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/4415769531419-Tokenized-Stocks +5 captures +9 Nov 2022 - 13 Nov 2022 +OCT NOV DEC +Previous capture 13 Next capture +2021 2022 2023 +Logo +Sign in +FTX EU Tokenized Stocks +Search articles +Tokenized Stocks + +EU FTX +Updated 1 month ago +BROWSE +Disclaimers +None of this is investment advice. +Much of the below analysis ignores any difference between equity prices on different venues, and ignores the effects of fees. It also ignores slippage, and generally assumes that all transactions happened at theoretical prices instead. +While this does generally describe how tokenized stock trading on FTX works, it contains approximations and should not be taken as precise. +In general, FTX reserves the final right to interpretation of all actions on its platform. +This document may become out of date at some point and fail to reflect updated policies. +FTX reserves the right to restrict usage of its tokenized stock trading as it sees fit. +Users should trade tokenized stocks at their own risk. +Brokerage services with respect to tokenized stocks on FTX are provided by FTX Switzerland GmbH. +Tokenized Stocks, like the rest of FTX, are not being offered to US users or other prohibited jurisdictions, potentially including Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and/or other jurisdictions. Users must pass sufficient KYC checks in order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX. For more information, see here. + +FTX Switzerland GmbH (previously named Canco GmbH) is authorized to provide brokerage services for tokenized stock trading. + + +What are tokenized stocks? +Equities are stocks that trade on traditional regulated exchanges. In addition to tokenized stocks, FTX may be offering tokens on ETFs, futures, currencies, or other similar products. + + +How is this trading regulated? +FTX Switzerland GmbH is a financial intermediary permitted to offer these products. All FTX users who trade tokenized stocks may also become customers of FTX Switzerland, and pass through it's KYC and compliance. Furthermore, all trading activity may be monitored for compliance by FTX Switzerland. FTX Switzerland custodies the equities at a third party brokerage firm. FTX Switzerland, instead of FTX Trading Ltd, FTX Digital Markets Ltd or other affiliates, provides the brokerage services. + +In order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX, you must be at least KYC level 2. Once you are, you can go to your tokenized stocks KYC page to submit your information to FTX Switzerland. You must also not be a member of one of FTX's restricted jurisdictions, including the United States; FTX collects KYC documents and IP addresses from its users. FTX does not operate in its restricted jurisdictions. + +FTX and FTX Switzerland may also collect further information from prospective users, and may require passing a test in order to trade. Further compliance measures may be used as appropriate. + +Users are also encouraged to consult their personal and local situation in order to determine whether trading tokenized stocks on FTX is right for them. + + +What exactly is traded on FTX? +FTX itself lists tokens on the equities. For instance, ftx.com/trade/eu/TSLA/USD is a market to trade tokens on Tesla stock. + +These spot tokens are backed by shares of Tesla stock custodied by FTX Switzerland. They can be redeemed with FTX Switzerland for the underlying shares if desired. In the future, there may be other ways to withdraw the tokens from FTX. If you are interested in getting set up to redeem the stocks, please email support. + + +Who can trade tokenized stocks on FTX? +In order to trade tokenized stocks on FTX, you must be at least KYC level 2. + +All FTX users who trade tokenized stocks must also pass through FTX Switzerland's KYC and compliance. Once you are KYC 2, you can go to your settings page to submit your information to FTX Switzerland. + +You cannot trade tokenized stocks on FTX from any of the banned jurisdictions, including the United States. Note that the set of allowed jurisdictions is subject to change. + + +How do you trade tokenized stocks on FTX? +Mechanically, you trade tokenized stocks the same way you trade other spot markets. Fees, API calls, and GUI instructions are all the same. + +In order to register for tokenized stocks trading on FTX, go to https://ftx.com/eu/tokenized-equities-kyc to submit your KYC information to and become a customer of FTX Switzerland. + +Following that, you may be asked to answer some information on your trading experience. + + +How long does KYC take? +First, you must be KYC 2 on FTX. That can take up to a day. + +Then, you submit your KYC information to FTX Switzerland. That could be quite fast, but generally takes a couple business days. The process takes substantially longer if you submit incomplete or unclear KYC information. + +Note that if you have an institutional account on FTX, KYC with FTX Switzerland will likely take at least a day or two. Individual accounts are often faster. + + +How are corporate actions handled? +Holding tokenized stocks on FTX entitles users to dividends, etc. of the underlying stock. FTX will pursue all reasonable actions to have the tokens on FTX reflect the corporate actions of the underlying equities, including through dividends and stock splits. It is not anticipated that the shares will exercise their voting rights but FTX Switzerland may do so in its discretion. + +For US listed products, the dividends on FTX will be paid out at 2pm HKT on ex-date. At this time US equities are closed, and it's between after-hours and pre-open trading. + +We will continue to investigate but for now dividends will be paid out gross of tax, and it will be up to each user to understand the tax consequences of any dividends they receive. + +Dividends will generally be credited to your account around 2pm HKT. + +In the event of an unusual circumstance we will endeavor to have a fair and reasonable resolution. + + +What hours to tokenized stocks trade on FTX? +24/7! Note, however, that the the liquidity of the underlying assets may vary over the course of the day and week, and that might end up reflected in the liquidity of FTX's markets. + + +How do tokenized stocks interact with balances on FTX? +Tokenized stocks are spot tokens, like BTC/ETH/FTT/etc. They can also be used as collateral for futures trading on FTX, with a collateral weight of 0.85 (total) and 0.80 (initial). + + +How do futures on tokenized stocks work? +FTX also lists futures on tokenized stocks, including tokenized futures. + +Tokenized stock futures will track FTX spot markets as their index. They will work the same as futures on other FTX products, with the following conditions: + +1) In the case of an ordinary dividend, the futures will not have any adjustments + +2) In the case of many other corporate actions, including stock splits, significant spinoffs, etc., futures will adjust, either by changing denominators or by turning into a future on the whole basket in the case of spinoffs. + +3) FTX reserves the final right to determination. + +4) Futures expire to their index (generally the FTX spot markets) over the relevant TWAP period. + + +Trading futures on tokenized stocks on FTX requires the same KYC procedure as trading tokenized stocks themselves. + +Note that stocks can be highly volatile and illiquid, especially when their primary listing exchange is closed. Please exercise your judgement and caution when trading futures on tokenized stocks. Any risk that you take in your trades is your responsibility to manage. You might be liquidated if futures prices change. +**Edit 1: Data Dump** + +**Edit 2/3: More pages, omitted a few pages for brevity (13-18, 24-26). I trimmed out precious metal data feel free to look at the link to see missing pages.** + +**Edit 4: Thanks for the platinum award! But, save your bananas for GME! :)** + +**Edit 5: Thanks for the other awards too! You all are too kind. :)** + +**Edit 6: Holy cow this thing blew up! Thank you all for reading. :)** + +**Edit 7: Formatting issues fixed** + +&#x200B; + +Good morning all! You may or may not have seen [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ni7hm1/sp_500_inflationadjusted_earnings_yield_falls/gz1pv8w/?context=3) by u/Takeshiro regarding a Bloomberg Tv screen shot. + +&#x200B; + +[Look Familiar?](https://preview.redd.it/1bkbya29hu071.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=48b9ea680165eaf5ecbd1a34412c217f6f7014be) + +I was able to find the [source material](https://archive.org/details/BLOOMBERG_20210521_110000_Bloomberg_Surveillance) (take a look at 7:50 and 7:51 time stamps) with audio and Dave Wilson (one of the hosts) points out data from Crescat Capital's monthly investor letter. Well I found it for you guys, [take a look](https://www.crescat.net/may-research-letter/) **(or look at the attached images if you don't like clicking links).** + +I have absolutely no idea what the implications of the data here is, I just want to put it out there for people to look at. + +&#x200B; + +For Cautious Apes: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/77054ob4gu071.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=49e1aaae5c3a4677e9b999ef9ffb932547a935cf + +https://preview.redd.it/85barjv4gu071.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f4532736c15cdb024103339da36c09048496063 + +https://preview.redd.it/ipl6ia75gu071.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c23817fd97e2c252d6207d2be20e563c107f8d8 + +https://preview.redd.it/jwi4i2i5gu071.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=a33768e0b7a81267f33164883f63c374daadcc6f + +https://preview.redd.it/feds6ws5gu071.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6c794afced5c8ad4e9b9d6703ff0a1a76cbb907 + +https://preview.redd.it/0pflm4c6gu071.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=efde4cfc51ff72d6edc4f126d70bcbf520af9f23 + +https://preview.redd.it/b54tstm6gu071.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=b652aa4da1ec7e0d3dac00c3fb2497a0bbf5b050 + +https://preview.redd.it/09g7n2y6gu071.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d34b4abe60fa96f616a4e630ed1807f20a4493a + +https://preview.redd.it/j2bn3097gu071.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=5abbea461a96e0247b91df41b73c9718ea341e1c + +https://preview.redd.it/5a5doys7gu071.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6646c38d25dc7c3f44c63132188c6e4176f0a7 + +https://preview.redd.it/32ps3z28gu071.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=d545d0f25f3d462a5d38b5c206ba7345341dc771 + +https://preview.redd.it/7iio0gg8gu071.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa042f6c3b8c7d6cbc93a4f480694722372ce6df + +https://preview.redd.it/qs0dp069gu071.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=750e5f8b194c7d4cbc835a42add8a0c0c6261ee4 + +https://preview.redd.it/1ukkn0r9gu071.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=94dc48a0627dfd9ee2b641c294ba8542e21c5f1c + +https://preview.redd.it/2379cl7agu071.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=2059b5cd404f7a951355f48bd81edd06c82f7bf8 + +https://preview.redd.it/ngnu9axagu071.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c7e5cf79de673113d20523172e285af3eba8289 + +https://preview.redd.it/pfn798kbgu071.png?width=611&format=png&auto=webp&s=50a72cc3792f1495f38dec5c0e7229ba9d46f3d1 + +https://preview.redd.it/mqzehu6cgu071.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b3f76561d2c3c26bd0c5f7af5b1688c2dd34da5 + +&#x200B; +Hi, me and my partner got an offer accepted on a house back in April, anticipating the rate rises we tried to move the mortgage application swiftly through our broker. + +He assured us he locked the rate with the bank (this when the BoE base rate was at 1%, which now has increased to 1,75%). After many weeks dragging his feet he now informed us that our application was rejected by the bank since he missed the application period. + +The only option now is to reapply and be subject to the current market rate (significantly higher, prohibitive to us now), or walk away. What are my options regarding some kind of compensation from the broker firm? + +Feel helpless and totally done by this bellend who has ONE job to do! +United States: My friend says he went to this accountant and they amended past years and went from owing the IRS to them owing HIM. He lives a normal life style, doesn't have a mortgage, doesn't go to school, basically it should be a 1040ez. The accountant has to be lying about what they are reporting right? Would he ever get in trouble if he were caught or is the liability all with the accountant? +What if we revived that spirit a little? Re-educate ourselves, make these great DDs more accessible to new comers. See if anything can be updated or challenged… Cuz like Kobe said so well.. “The job’s not done.”… I don’t see the tendies in my account yet. + +It could be interesting to bring back legendary DDs, one at a time,.. make them the DD of the week or something like that. Pin it for everyone to see. Give more or less a week for everyone to read it and discuss in the comments. + +Post the new DD of the week on fridays maybe?.. it also could help counter the weekend fud campaigns as more focus could be shifted from useless noise to apeducation. Finally i’m suggesting this to superstonk mods instead of becoming the “DD of the week” guy cuz i’m not interested in karma / awards farming through fantastic work done by superstonk legends. But i do think we can all gain a wrinkle or two, whether by making sure baby apes read valuable DD or by refreshing an old ape’s memory. + +Anyways, just a suggestion. Any appetite? +AMSTERDAM, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Inflation in the Netherlands jumped in September to its highest in decades, driven by skyrocketing energy prices, the statistics agency (CBS) said on Friday. + +Consumer prices, harmonised to be comparable with inflation data from other European Union countries (HICP), rose to 17.1% this month after August's jump to 13.7%. + +Energy prices in the euro zone's fifth largest economy were 114% higher than in September 2022, while food prices jumped 10.5%. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/dutch-inflation-leaps-17-boosted-by-high-energy-prices-2022-09-30/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/dutch-inflation-leaps-17-boosted-by-high-energy-prices-2022-09-30/) +Apologies if this is a dumb question, but wouldn't solar panels always be a profitable investment? All the calculations I see in regards to the profitability of solar panels look at initial cost Vs time to generate the same value of energy. However I never see any mention of the increase of house value getting solar panels provides. I would assume that installing solar panels would increase the house price proportional to the value of the panels, which would massively swing the equation towards installing them. + +Obviously this is only viable if (1) the property's roof gets sunlighg, and (2) the owner would ever be considering moving/selling their property. + +Am I missing something here? +I realise that the banner on this subreddit can be bought with 'donuts'. It is therefore little more than another posted comment, with which some may agree, some disagree. But appearing as the banner gives the appearance at first glance that this is somehow an official stance of the subreddit. + +So I'd like to say 'not in my name' about the current banner I'm seeing. It reads: "WE DEMAND CONSTANTINOPLE. ANY FURTHER DELAY IS INEXCUSABLE. DO NOT MAKE PERFECT THE ENEMY OF GOOD!!" Yes, in caps (shouting). + +First, Ethereum devs don't owe you anything. You have no right to make demands. Being rude and shouting will get you nowhere fast. + +Second, I want Ethereum to remain safe. The last thing we all need is some rushed update with a bug no-one spotted that has catastrophic effects, possibly destroying Ethereum and all confidence in it. + +Third, if you are not happy about progress in Ethereum's development, then learn how to code, become a developer, and contribute to its development. +Equity futures seem to have many advantages over stocks when it comes to day trading. + +No day trading rule. Shorts don't require borrowing shares. Tax advantages (in the US). Less slippage. Cheap, consistent, fixed commissions. + +So why stocks and not futures? +I can’t be the only one with this conflict. We’ve been together almost 3 years. Right before we met, I made a decent investment into crypto. By now, I’ve made good money, but it’s not like I’m rich or anywhere close. I really just want to keep holding and going to work every day as usual. + +The reason why I haven’t told her; she is the arbiter of paychecks. Her financial responsibility is similar to if you handed a 9 year old your life savings and sent them into Toys R Us unattended. Money spending and savings is just about the only issue of contention between us. If I showed her the account, I’m afraid of the “conversation” that would follow. + +I have to tell her some day, I know. Personally, I don’t think the day is quite near. We might fumble through another crypto crash, but I believe the market has a lot of growing to do. The longer I wait, the more awkward it’s going to be when I finally tell her, but, the larger the account. + +I don’t want to start spending all of this money, but I also don’t want to feel like a liar to the woman I’ve been with. I have one friend I’ve told this to. He asks if I even love her, and of course I do. + +Were you in my shoes, what would you do? +These are my thoughts on things to avoid on the FIRE journey: + +1. Don't invest in individual stocks. If you do make that mistake, try to keep it to around 5% of your investments. Get a broad US index, throw some international index in there if you must. Some bonds are OK too, depends on age. Don't invest in any get-rich-quick scheme. Your friend made moolah in some MLM, crypto, or some fantastical real estate deal? Tell them how awesome they are, smile, and forget that bullshit. Slow and steady accumulation has FAR better odds of success than trying to hit home-runs. Also, don't make money off of disadvantaging someone else...unless you are an asshole it won't sit right with you. +2. Don't look at the markets too often, check accounts once a week just to make sure you weren't hacked. Forget the silly peregrinations of the stock market. Don't look at the news often. Some subreddits are OK. +3. Don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is dealing with their own shit and these comparisons only serve to make you either feel worse, or to make sacrifices that don't enhance your happiness or well being. Your only competition is you from yesterday, and the only pill that helps with your mental well-being is progress (apart from an actual mental condition in which case please take your prescribed pills!). +4. Don't let money idle in a sub-1% checking/savings account. Get a high-yield savings account to sock extra monies +5. Don't ignore your health. Doesn't mean you have to be adonis or aphrodite, just that you take care of yourself a bit more. +6. Don't ignore nature. It makes a difference to be outdoors and connect with things that are not man-made. +7. Don't have toxic people in your life, including family. It is OK to cut them out! +8. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's not easy to adult, and you are doing just fine. You're doing great! +9. Don't ignore your career. Not all of us inherit or get lucky with some investment - most still earn their FIRE the old-fashioned way, earning and saving. Yes, work sucks - suck it up and try to contribute in ways you enjoy and fuck the office politics and bullshit. If you are truly miserable, start looking around and make a change. No such thing as "loyalty" to your employer (or vice versa) these days, look after yourself and better yourself. +10. Don't get lost in FIRE. Get a plan, set it and then forget it for weeks. Just check in every month or so. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +I love seeing the healthy discussion among this community about the DD, and how solid the foundation behind our investment choice is. I love that Apes feel comfortable sharing opinions that, at one time, would have led to an immense downvote brigade and accusations of FUD, when the underlying idea of their viewpoint is an entirely valid idea that many of us have had. It is a very healthy exercise to share challenging ideas and have an open discussion about those ideas. It helps us to strengthen our foundation, and that growth is the reason that so many of us are here after nearly a year since The Sneeze. + +As we look toward that anniversary, there are many expectations for what this month will bring, which of course means that there will be incredible pressure on the SHFs to ensure that our brightest hopes for this month are diminished. There are no guarantees of what this month will bring. That said, I feel that we have an opportunity in front of us to break the SHF control of the price, purely through the power of Buy, DRS, HODL, Repeat. + +Today is Wednesday, January 5th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$148.87 / 131,99 €** *(volume: 422)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $148.74 / 131,88 € *(volume: 369)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $148.67 / 131,81 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 363)* +- ⬜ 100 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 354)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 352)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 352)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 346)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 317)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,73 € *(volume: 317)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $148.52 / 131,68 € *(volume: 308)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,73 € *(volume: 193)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,72 € *(volume: 159)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $148.57 / 131,72 € *(volume: 119)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $148.54 / 131,70 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 88)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $148.45 / 131,61 € *(volume: 76)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $148.47 / 131,64 € *(volume: 48)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,59 € *(volume: 48)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $148.43 / 131,60 € *(volume: 47)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $148.47 / 131,64 € *(volume: 44)* +- ⬜ 15 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,62 € *(volume: 27)* +- ⬜ 5 minutes in: $148.40 / 131,57 € *(volume: 25)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $148.40 / 131,57 € *(volume: 25)* +- 🟩 US close price: $148.91 / 132,02 € *($147.60 / 130,86 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1279. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +A lot of times we on r/fatfire have to face tradeoffs between how we spend our time and how we spend our money. A very interesting intersection of this I’ve been thinking about is around different forms of paid childcare. + +I recently came upon an excellent summary of research on different child outcomes based on being cared for by a family member, nanny, in-home daycare, or daycare center. Which scenario is (on average) best for child outcomes depends dramatically on the age of the child. https://criticalscience.medium.com/on-the-science-of-daycare-4d1ab4c2efb4. Basically there is substantial downside to daycare, particularly >30 hours a week, until a child is about 2.5 or so. And in-home daycares surprisingly (to me) have better outcomes than daycare centers. (A lot of results flip once the child is >3). + +I was pretty floored that this research isn’t better known (I’m pretty well educated and hadn’t heard any of this). My husband and I believed all the pros about daycare “it’s great for socialization!” and seriously considered it for our infant even though we could afford a nanny (which we ultimately ended up going with). + +This research has also pushed us to reconsider our FIRE timelines since we currently have young children. + +I feel like I can’t tell any of my parent friends or family members about this research because I’m not sure that they can afford to do differently. However, I wanted to flag it for this community of FatFired or FatFire-bound parents who might be facing childcare decisions. + +Why is this FatFire relevant? A couple of areas / some food for thought: +- if you can afford it, consider having a relative watch your young children or, barring that, a nanny +- if daycare is the best option for you, # of hours a day really matters +- making different decisions for different ages of kids matters a lot. The negative impact of 45 hours a week of daycare on an infant are fairly large (behavior negatively affected) vs. the positive impact of 20 hours a week of preschool for a 3 year old (academics++) +- if you’re trying to make tradeoffs between your FatFire number vs. working an extra 1-3 years and have young children in the house, the impact can be substantial +I am 34 and married. Combined we make $140k. We have a 1 year old entering daycare and another kid on the way. Daycare is $1000+ per kid, if you are unaware. + +We currently take $100/week out of our paycheck to invest in stocks. Realistically, we won’t increase this for at least 5 years, with daycare costing what it does. It’s possible we will have to reduce it. + +I have approximately $28k across about a dozen stocks at the moment. All pay at least a 3% dividend and IMO have limited downside in the long term. Dividends pay me about $1375 per year at this point. + +My thought process is, these dividend payments will keep money flowing into my brokerage account and allow me to keep reinforcing my existing positions and opening new ones without having to sell off any positions. It’s nice knowing that even if I have to reduce contributions to the brokerage account from our paychecks, I will still be generating some money to invest further with. + +Thoughts on this? +Warren Buffet says diversification is protection from ignorance, and the best way to have market leading returns is to over allocate your portfolio if you’re confident in your selections. + +What’s your largest position for 2022? What percentage of your portfolio is it? What makes you confident? + +For me right now I’m big OXY and OXY/WS for 2022 with 300 and 429 shares respectively, about 16.5k. This is ~18% of my portfolio. I’m a fan of the company because they’re paying down billions in debt each year, and having worked for a highly leveraged company in the past I know how fabulous that can make earnings going forward. Each quarter they get 10’s of millions more profit for future quarters due to less debt repayment. They also have over 10 billion in FCF this year if oil stays at its current heights and lots of tangible assets if inflation gets out of control. Lastly, I like that the dividend is small - when it increases in the future it’ll be a stock price catalyst, and it’ll help keep my taxes lower in the meantime. +Hi everyone, I'd love to hear your stories and thoughts on how to meet a partner with similar financial ideals/ goals etc. as it's one of the biggest financial decisions one can make in life. + +I have meet some wonderful people on the dating journey yet have had challenges finding a path forward together financially, namely lack of savings or other investments by mid 30's/ early 40's with the people I've been meeting or in some cases straight up lying about their financial position. + +While I have a decent income right now, it does vary so while salary is a factor, someone's attitude towards saving and investing is more important to me than straight up salary. + +Personally, I just don't want to have to work F/T until retirement age and want to travel a lot more going forward and have found those two goals are something I'd love to do with my forever person. + +1. How/ where did you meet? (city/ country/ online/meetup etc.) +2. Did that \^ have a big bearing on commonalities between you? +3. How and when did you start the conversation about future goals together? Kids? Travel? Marriage? +4. How did you vet that what they were saying was actually true without sounding/ coming across as a controlling a$$hat? +5. Did/ have you stopped dating someone due to financial goals not aligning? +6. If you're in Brissie, any particular hobbies/ clubs/ interests you'd recommend? + +Thank you! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thank you to everyone who posted, it's been interesting to read all your stories. You've confirmed that I'm on the right path and with some minor adjustments on timing of conversations (earlier and light hearted), observation of habits and an open mind to finding goals that excite both parties and that align with my values, it is possible to create something wonderful together even if both people are not currently in the same financial place. I may not be able to stop someone blatantly lying to me about finances, but I can decide my actions afterwards. +I know BTC is breaking ATH, but I'm equally as happy to see ETH above $4k again. To everyone who bought ETH at or above $4k and held on, good job and thanks for not selling. The hodlers and the long term bulls are the ones who prevent large crashes by holding on tight and buying more as things dip. + +BTC may have pushed off the flippening by a few more years, and I'm happy to see BTC crushing it, but I do love seeing $4k ETH. See you guys at $5k and if $3k happens again before $5k, then make sure to buy a bunch more. I know I will. +Citadel has taken a huge blow because of their BBBY short position. They lost a fuck ton of money today (actually it's just their assests that have a lower value now, but that doesn't matter). To continue to be able to cover their GME shorts, they have to lower GME price. Ryan Cohen is firing at them. If he continues to shoot at them, the critical mass will be reached at some point, where citadel can't cover anymore and has to close. + +This is all the confirmation I need, because I am fucking retarded. + +HODL +I got my first job out of college paying 30k, less than minimum wage where I'll be living (job is not in the city limits), and while the work and title will be great for my resume/portfolio, even with extremely frugal living, I will have to live paycheck to paycheck. Even if I find a roommate (which is up in the air right now), I wouldn't even be able to max a Roth IRA. I still plan on doing some extra freelance work, but I'm not going to budget for money I don't know I'll have for sure, and that might be an extra 5k if anything. + +I am waiting on a decision from a job likely paying over 20k more (fingers crossed), but I'm sort of trying to mentally prepare myself for what my life will be like without a year of saving or working toward FI (and having to sacrifice a lot of my free time as well). I'm also not looking forward to having to look for jobs again in a year, but I can't sustain 30k long term, especially after the 7 months of grueling job search I just did, literally the most emotionally depressed I've ever been. + +I'm also a bit concerned about overworking myself to make extra money. This job is going to work a little overtime (sports environment), and working freelance on top of that, I'm concerned about sacrificing my hobbies (namely studying Japanese and exercising) that give me great energy and sense of agency over my life, as well as sacrificing time with friends, and work life balance is significantly important to me, and I am not about hustle culture if I don't have to be. Idk, it's a confusing mix of emotions I'm trying to figure out, because I am also very excited to start this, if the other job doesn't pull through. But yeah, it would be really reassuring to hear other stories and how you get through periods of low pay financially, but mostly mentally/emotionally. + +Also, just fyi, I have about 10k saved, between emergency fund, savings, roth, and checking, all basically just as a cushion for now. +Hello +Throwaway account and apologies for formatting - on mobile etc. +So I'm due to get married next year and I've recenently found out my partner is having severe money troubles. I don't know the full extent of it yet but it appears to me she's got herself into a mess with store cards, constantly being overdrawn and payday loans. I think she's talking to someone currently about an IVA. +I can't be sure on any of the details because she doesn't yet know I know - I'm not here for relationship advice and I will be speaking to her in due course about it and doing everything possible to help - including making sure she gets proper professional help. +My question is though, worst case scenario and she's got CCJs or even gets made bankrupt in the future - how would that impact on my credit history as her husband? +Would I have any trouble getting a mortgage in my own name for example? +I'm also slightly concerned about my job - which is in financial services where I'm routinely credit checked and any issues would almost certainly impact on future career opportunities. +Thanks in advance + + +Update. Thank you to everyone who's posted. I'm happy to provide an update (if that's allowed) once I've spoken to her about it - which will probably be tomorrow evening (the 5th) +I paid a marketing company £4,500 who were then going to run a campaign for me and then charge me £4,500 further based on my onboarding of a certain number of clients that they were convinced they would be able to achieve. There was a 6 month window for this. In the 6 months I repeatedly chased them up and got loads of excuses. The campaign wasn’t even run in those 6 months. I chased them for a refund for 3 further months and got more excuses. Eventually I took them to small claims court which they completely ignored. The small claims court have now issued them with a CCJ. What do I do now? I’ve already paid for the small claims court which has put me further out of pocket. Now the next steps seem similarly expensive and have absolutely no guarantees. I’m starting to wish I’d just gone to their office and kicked off as at least it would have been over and done with by now! I suspect their offices are just a servicing address so I’m not sure a bailiff would be able help much. What’s the best thing to do next? +I saw a similar post from a 19 year old just now, and figured I'd do the same. I'm sure I'll receive a lot of the same advice, however he wanted to trade full-time and I think the two year difference is enough to create a new post. I've learned a decent amount about trading recently, and opened a demo account a few days ago. I only registered the micro-lot account with $300.00 because that is probably what I will start with(might do $500.00 depending on how the trial goes). So far I'm doing very well, but I also realize that my returns are anomalous. I have $8.52 realized profit, and $11.02 unrealized (waiting on take-profits to hit, which I feel confident about). This is over 3 days so far, but I'm sure I won't always be this lucky. + +&#x200B; + +I'm a senior in high school and am applying to colleges. I want a finance degree and will pursue a job within that field. I plan on that job being my primary source of income, but want to have more than one stream of money coming in. I have little-no expenses currently and I have a part-time job. How can I capitalize on my current situation to be the best trader I can be? + +&#x200B; + +Also.. How far do we think EURUSD will drop? +Dont have a job, but parents give me some money every month. Thinking of saving it and investing them into currency. Already have some money invested into stocks. Want to earn some quick money from forex. Worth the risk? +Having a friend really press me to sign up to a training program referal type scheme and its just not sitting right with me. They keep saying how every free source of information is controlled by the banks to make the individual fail from the get go and that they will teach me how the banks trade for a sum. + + +Sounds like its all way to convenient and tbh everything I've learnt so far Ive learn from free webinars and sources, even on top of that it seems like its like most other markets and cautio must be taken regardless. + + +Would appreciate thoughts and opinions. +I just ask because a lot of people nowadays are expecting people to have big tech jobs, their own business, or something else along those lines. + +I would love to know what people here do for a living +I emailed Tom Sosnoff asking about the status of the long rumored Tastyworks API and got this response: + +" Thanks Duncan! Our API should be out by the end of this summer. But we’re going to be pushing out back testing software in the next couple weeks that I think you’ll really like! We’ve been playing around with it internally and it’s awesome! We’ll have more info on coming this week! Enjoy the weekend! " + +Pretty exciting news! +From Saturday's Wall Street Journal article on AMC: + + +"As the (AMC) stock rocketed the next day, day traders exhorted each other not to sell, flashing images of diamond hands on social media to signify the strength of their commitment. But back among AMC's long-standing investor base of Wall Street players, there was money to be made. Silver Lake, which held a $600 million investment in the company's bonds, immediately capitalized on the rally by converting the debt into equity and liquidating its entire position, capturing a $113 million profit." + + +When I read this I was really pissed, until I read on and saw what it meant for AMC . . . + + +"Silver Lake's quick decision amounted to a material gain for AMC. 'It was immediately beneficial...cause we got rid of $600 million of debt,' Mr. Aron said." + + +"Mr. Mahmoodzagedan, AMC's investment banker, said, 'The retail investor (that's you beautiful smoothbrained retards) clearly had more faith in the long-term viability of this company than a lot of the institutional investors did.' That, he said 'gave the company a major life-line. The retail investor really helped create that bridge to a post-pandemic future.'" + + +Remember this for when they haul you in front of a Senate Inquiry like they did DFV. "We save American companies. Wall Street short sellers destroy them. I am not a cat. I am the savior of American businesses." +Hi all, this is just something I can wanted to share! + +I've recently left my first job after university. My final paycheck from the previous company was less than half of what I expected to receive and I won't be getting my first pay from the new job until the end of August. + +Thanks to my emergency fund this isn't a huge ordeal, as I don't need to worry about paying the mortgage, any bills, getting to work or asking to borrow money to see me through until the end of August. + +I'd like to thank the UKPF community, if it wasn't for finding this community a couple of years ago I could have been in for a tough month! +I lost my job due to COVID around June time and I can't find anything else for the time being. + + I'm currently sitting on £800 in credit card debts, a maxed out overdraft (£1000) and I'm receiving UC which is only £400 which covers my bills per month. + +&#x200B; + +I need to work ASAP. I have experience in production/admin/factory work. Any recommendations? I'm in the midlands. +Started this for her on her 4th birthday 14 months ago. Initial of $100 and another $50 every month since. She’s been buying only companies she knows, Apple, Disney, Netflix, Tesla, McDonalds, Dominos, Tyson Foods, Nike, Starbucks, Target, etc… She’s down 8% but that’s better than me for the same time frame. Dollar Cost Averaging and big profitable companies FTW! I should just buy $1K every month of the same thing as her. Just today she asked if she could buy stock in the hotel we’re staying at because the pool is awesome. $50 of Marriot! +MSM is once again trapped in a web of its own lies. By saying we will get bored they’re publicly admitting what we already know. A huge and growing group of retail investors is passionately involved with and interested in GME. + +Passionate, interested investors don’t sell their positions they hold their positions and buy more. + +Has the interest level changed at all in the last three months? Maybe it’s increased, but it certainly hasn’t decreased. + +So how do we account for a 50% loss of market cap, a halving of the share price, in an environment where institutional ownership has increased and retail has remained ultra-interested the whole time? It can only have been short selling, and with the new narrative that at some point in the future we’re sure to get bored MSM has admitted as much. + +Edit: some comments are saying institutional ownership has decreased. My understanding from Bloomberg terminal screenshots as well as posts talking about state pension and retirement funds adding in is that institutional ownership has overall increased. Anybody got feedback on that? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +You guys want to fuck with the hedge funds and Market Makers? +Are you sick of these 'Dark Pools'? +Are you done with the bullshit fake shares? +Sick of [Fails-to-Deliver](https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm) on your GME and AMC shares? +Sick of Payment For Order Flow? +Are you tired of short ladder attacks, and naked shorts? +Do you own 'meme' stocks? + + +Ask yourself "Can \[you\] follow a 3 step plan to cause mass problems for anyone who does this type of illegal market manipulation that hurts retail investors?" + + +I mean, there are no guarantees + +https://i.redd.it/bl0p5v7k1pg81.gif + +# Step 1. + +Open up several new brokerage accounts on : Charles Schwab, Fidelity, IBKR, Etrade, TD Ameritrade + +# Step 2. + +Transfer all your shares to one of the other brokerages you have an account at. + +# Step 3. + +When the shares clear.. go to Step 2 and Do it again, faggot. + + +[wsb retard after step 3.. \\"What was step 2?\\"](https://i.redd.it/2naekfh83pg81.gif) + +&#x200B; + +# Now you ask "Why the fuck would I do this?" + + +This will force these brokerages to actually handle your shares and move them to other brokerages, if those shares don't actually exist, then they will have to buy them and move them... Keep doing this every few days/weeks, to keep the MM on their toes. They will have to document all the moves to the SEC. If enough people do this for the meme stocks, it could force margin calls on hedge funds that are over leveraged. Hard to manipulate when those shares keep getting named to a new brokerage/owner every few days. + + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +^(Warning, this is not legitimate advice. This is the crazy rant of a madman. There are risks that your shares could end up in limbo for extended periods of time, and during that period you will not be able to buy or sell. I just like stocks.) + + +Can one of you wrinkle brains explain why this would not work? +Stop brigading the DTCC on Twitter with copy-pasted grammatically half-assed wannabe comments. You wanna look like a Russian botfarm? Well, you're on the right track then. + +&#x200B; + +Stop the low-effort trolling of DTCC, FED, Citadel etc Twitter accounts. We're here to ask questions and hold people accountable for fuckery, not to look like a bunch of pissed teenagers with social media accounts. + +&#x200B; + +IN PARTICULAR, stop harassing individual employees of any of these firms (as has been suggested in some posts here). Very few people deserve to be in the eye of a shit storm for their company's policies. + +&#x200B; + +This is how you loose the goodwill of bystanders. This is how you provide a negative narrative for media outlets. This is potentially even how you open yourself to legal measures and the sub as a whole to being shut down by Reddit. + +&#x200B; + +I am all for asking questions and publicly shaming institutions like the DTCC or Citadel. But this is not the way. Let's be smarter than the average Nigerian prince, please. + +&#x200B; + +I really think this is the latest pathetic forum sliding attempt by the shill army. Don't fall for it, don't jump on the bandwagon. We're above that. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: added "copy-paste" on top to make clear that I'm in particular referring to those low-effort spam comments, *not* polite and legitimate questions and holding the DTCC etc accountable on social media in general. +I am all for letting people struggle through hard times to a certain point. Im also against “economic outpatient care”. I did have my college paid for, but other than that I worked hard long hours for all I have and never inherited a dime. + +All that being said, I find myself helping my teen niece a lot with her private education. She has mild learning disabilities and a crappy family life. Her mom is a narcissist and dad a deadbeat. They had her by accident, and got married and divorced within a year after she was born. She knows all this. Her mom remarried a narcissist who was emotionally abusive towards them both. The problematic story goes on and on. + +Her mom wastes money on frivolous business ideas like her most recent, a specialized type of rural cafe that can not possibly turn a profit. + +If she kept working her regular remote corporate job and instead spent that divorce money on her child’s education, she could afford it. + +If I don’t help, my niece will end up working in this cafe living with mom in community college which doesn’t have the program she wants. My sister has brainwashed her into thinking student loans are very bad. My niece is mathematically challenged and believes her. + +My niece dreams of going to college for a specialized program she’s good at. Those programs are located far from her home in a different state. I took her to visit those colleges and she really wants to go. + +So, due to my sister’s idiotic and selfish nature, and the fact I love my niece, I am helping financially. I don’t want to see niece ruin her live living in a rural area she doesn’t like working for her mom. My niece sees many college dropouts in the family, who don’t do well in work either and live off the government, and would likely do the same. + +One grandma is also helping but she’s not as financially able to as I am. + +I wish I could force my niece’s dad to work and help, and force my sister to quit wasting money on $150 haircuts, nails and frivolous business ideas. But she never will until she goes broke which she eventually will at the rate she’s going. Plus she has health issues so may actually die before she spends it all in a few years. Who knows. + +What annoys me is my sister has no qualms about letting others pay for her kid. It does not bother her. I’d have too much pride and work two jobs, cut out the extra car and fancy haircuts, if I were in her shoes. + +Does anyone else help family kids who otherwise would not get an education? I do not know anyone else who does this. + +She would end up like her deadbeat dad if she did not get an education in her chosen field of study - which she is good at. I am fairly sure of that. + +I would think many people are in this situation but I have yet to meet any. +This is truly one of the most interesting token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Yeah, besides all that rug shit, meme coins without utility and launchpad-tokens, there are also a few gems like this with a great use case! + +Don't get fooled by the name, even it's a nice one, ngl. + +☀️ So, what is it for? + +SpaceCorgi is a auto staking (just hold inWallet, 1% Reflection to all holders), deflationary, utility token. + +SpaceCorgi is building a pet orientated, currency ecosystem with a lot of business and charity partnerships already in place and incoming! + +Pet-Services, Online-Shopping, Food Subscriptions, all that can be paid with SCORGI now or in near future. + +At first sight I was like: "No, they need resources, a big network and a lot of experience to reach their goals." + +But, what if I told you, they have this capabilities? I'm not only stupidly shilling this token here, I have done a lot of research by myself and have to say: SpaceCorgi have some serious fundamentals. + +There are three Developers, two of which are on the "30 under 30"-Forbes List. They already doxxed themself to some influencers and will reveal their identity after the first CEX listing. They are working in real business (crypto related) and have already experience in dealing with huge S&P500 Companies. That is a lot of business capabilities here. + +So, why I'm choosing this coin above all others? + +Because no other token has as many selling points as SCORGI, e.g.: + +\- 3 passionate DEVs (with two of them in the forbes list). They are transparent in all decisions and doing group-internal AMA every week. + +\- Admins in Telegram are kind, very responsive and there 24/7. + +\- Already got 2 legal entities (US AND UK)! + +\- Connections to CEX and S&P500companies. Beautiful business capabilities. + +\- Real world business and charity partnerships already made. + +\-Online Shopping with SCORGI Payment incoming. + +\- Through the continuous building of partnerships and incentives to pay all the pet related stuff with SCORGI, the volume will rise and the reflection to the holders will grow. Thats great for long term holders! + +\- First CEX listing is going to happen soon. + +What do you think? Take this ride to the moon with me! + +A bit more background on SpaceCorgi: + +💥Founded by TWO members of Forbes "30 Under 30" list + +💥Already has established partnerships in the pet service community + +💥Soon to be accepted as payment by Scoopers, the “Uber” of dog waste removal (see for yourself: https://scoopers.club/2021/05/05/80640/) + +💥Very active dev team and TG communities + +Here are the relevant links: + +Website: [https://spacecorgi.finance](https://spacecorgi.finance) + +📱TG: [t.me/SpaceCorgiDiscussion](https://t.me/SpaceCorgiDiscussion) + +✅Contract Address: 0x5a81b31b4a5f2d2a36bbd4d755dab378de735565 + +🥞Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5a81b31b4a5f2d2a36bbd4d755dab378de735565](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5a81b31b4a5f2d2a36bbd4d755dab378de735565) +I’ve been holding **SpaceCorgi ($SCORGI)** since a couple hours after it launched almost three weeks ago, sometimes even adding to my bag throughout and... I was still blown away by the AMA earlier today. + +I don’t wanna say “surprised,” as the team has been showing its strength throughout, but it was more informative and compelling than I could have imagined. + +In these days of uncertainty and volatility, I’ve become more convinced than ever that it is the projects with real-world use cases, strong road maps, and a community of diamond handed investors will be the ones that last. To me, SpaceCorgi checks all these boxes. It showed its potential early, hitting a $20M market cap pre-crash, and despite it all, is still sitting at a $3.5M MC—still a great entry point in my opinion. + +**SpaceCorgi** distinguishes itself from most projects posted here because it combines memenomics (and the associated moonshot potential) with real-world utility and unparalleled leadership. The project is founded by a three-person development team, two of which have appeared on Forbes’ “30 under 30” lists. This team has worked with (and are currently working with) a number of Fortune 500 companies, and have insight and credibility that will enable partnerships with existing companies. I believe their drive and connections can lead this project to fulfill its full potential. + +The team has disclosed their Identities to a number of partners and influencers under NDA’s/KYC and plans to publicly reveal after the first CEX listing. This first CEX listing will be on WhiteBit, which is confirmed to be upcoming. SpaceCorgi is already listed on CMC and CoinGecko! + +A bit more background on SpaceCorgi: + +**Founded by TWO members of Forbes "30 Under 30" list** + +Already has established partnerships in the pet service community and Soon to be accepted as payment by Scoopers, the “Uber” of dog waste removal. + +**Here are the relevant links:** + +**Website**: https://spacecorgi.finance + +**Subreddit**: r/SpaceCorgi + +📱**Telegram**: https://t.me/SpaceCorgiDiscussion + +📈**Chart**: https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x5a81b31b4a5F2D2a36BBd4d755dAb378dE735565 + +✅**Contract Address:** 0x5a81b31b4a5f2d2a36bbd4d755dab378de735565 + +🥞**Pancakeswap:** https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5a81b31b4a5f2d2a36bbd4d755dab378de735565 +Basically I was underpaid (something was not on the system correct when the system changed). + +After 2 weeks of chasing I got most of the money, I was forwarded the email asking accounts to pay me. The email said ‘XXXX is owed about £90’ so I received £90 when it should have been £94.50. + +Just seems very lazy on their behalf not to see how much I actually am owed. After all the effort I went through to get the money owed just seems like they will think I am being petty. + +Thoughts? + +**UPDATE** + +It’s being added to my next pay. Freddos on me boys, they are still 10p right? +OK 2011 seems a bit arbitrary, but it's the low-hanging fruit of being 10 years ago. Going back through the Bitcointalk forums of around that time, I'm struck (as anyone would be) by what would be BTC in the amounts of many millions of dollars today mundanely being presented as trade for real life objects or rewards for online tasks. + +The "Class of 2011" don't owe us and certainly not me as a curious Redditor anything at all; I'm sure many are living quiet and very secure lives, I'm genuinely glad. Nor am I hunting for failure porn, although I know there's a lot of genuine "None of us knew" stories. We know Pizza Guy but perhaps it's difficult to fully comprehend how many people don't possess access to their Bitcoin from that time. + +I guess I'm interested in knowing if there's people who were into BTC back then and perhaps kept some coins but aren't multi-millionaires still on the sub. I know it can't be a binary proposition from that time, lambo or rekt, as always with life there'll be a mid-zone of people's experience. + +Or maybe not? Was BTC sucees then to now more of a zero-sum game than I suspect? I have no idea. As always guys thanks for indulging my curiosity, cheers. +Salutations apes! I hope this message finds you well. + +If any of you saw my previous post you might remember my Europoor perspective of the turning tide a couple months back. If its here [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nuniy1/the_tide_is_turning_in_us_mainstream_discourse_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). (please excuse my retardedness if this didn't work as intended. + +As explained in previous post i understand how propaganda works. Something previously mentioned in my comments i have a couple of wrinkles on how UK financial regulation and compliance work as this is what i do for irl work. + +I'm going to apply my knowledge on both these subjects to let you all know what I see and have seen happening in the past few weeks, and what I'm worried about. Please note, i will not be talking about what happened with the mod drama, as ultimately this is insignificant outside of this sub. + +1. + +The narrative changed, and we forced it. + +The *naked shorts yeah* comment on cnbc really did open a can of worms and pandoras box within journalistic discourse, as we've seen with Charles Payne's interviews over the past few weeks on prime time TV. This is not withstanding the numerous written articles I've seen produced. + +I've seen a sentiment to disregard these messages and articles because of their sauce (my preference is a proper bernaise with my tendies, there's just something about tarragon with chicken) but the facts of the articles is still 100% true, else they wouldn't publish. There's always a lot of conjecture and padding with the articles *deliberately* written to confuse and obfuscate. + +This can almost always be attributed to an editorial line, this is why most articles seem to contradict themselves, and you see a lot of people doing mental flips to explain away basic fact, this is called cognitive dissonance. + +The reason we encounter *so many * "boomer" "seasoned" yadda yadda investors believing this is because the MSM were in the past genuinely trustworthy sources, when they did actual journalism, before advertising and "promoted articles" (read press release/propaganda) became the norm, especially within local papers. (but that's a whole other thing about journalistic integrity even outside stocks etc. We live in a world of propaganda) + +We forced the hand and now the owners of the media are in damage control. They're going to pander to us like no tomorrow. To placate us and make us feel like we took a win. At this point the HF and institutions are willing to take a small L to keep us off their backs so they can continue with the casino they've built. + +Do not fucking let them. Keep up the pressure and shouting out the *VERIFIABLE* bullshit that if happening. + +As mentioned im a Europoor, and therefore have zero influence on US markets, its up to you guys to appeal to your representatives, because if the US financial markets sneeze. The rest of the world catches a cold. + +However. With what we know now, if the US sneezes right now, global markers are going to catch a cross breed of covid and syphilis. And as any other deviant knows. You ain't getting rid of syphilis and it leads to madness. + + 2. + +My irl work has me worried for the state of markets. + +I can't go into too much detail on this, as it would be very easy for me to lose my job and not be able to continue my career in financial compliance. + +However; + +What i can say is that I'm seeing a hell of a lot of new financial instruments being produced, which provide next to no safety net to average people. There's a reason Blackrock are buying up housing, and it's happening in the uk too. + +We're having people who agree on a price for a +property who have mortgages in principle being usurped by entities who noone can identify buying up in cash. Alot of these properties are then sitting empty. + +Theres something big brewing within the global economic system, something r/superstonk and the legends u/atobitt u/criand et al have started to scratch the surface of. + +TLDR + +The MSM narrative changed, but only because we forced it to, and the ramifications of the ill health are unavoidable. We're approaching a time of extreme instability and we must protect are communities from the global forces. + +That can only be done through local organisation. And i would encourage every ape to become active in helping their local communities NOW before the shit hits the fan. + +I love you all. + +Ps. Shoutout to u/broviet_v2. I wish you'd post again. + +Peace and love apes. + +Edit, user tags cus me spelling is dreadful +Granted, I could be very wrong, as I'm very new to the game. + +But from watching a ton of videos showing how various indicators predict price direction, 100% of them do the following: + +"Hey, let's look at this EMA line. You see how the price broke through it and continues to ride above it? That means it's trending up and it's probably a good time to buy. Now see how it quickly dipped below the EMA line and is now consistently below it? That means the EMA line became the new resistance." + +Uhhhh ok... so we're just gonna gloss over the "dipped below the EMA" part? If the price can just randomly dip below that EMA at any point, then what the hell is the point of all this? It's like saying "to run without falling, just keep running, and when you fall that means you fell." ...Great. + +I see them do the same shit with all the different "indicators." + Hello all, + +Longtime lurker, I’ve read though a handful of the wikis on investing, planning, retirement as well as the flowchart. Not sure where this belongs though. I apologize in advance for the long post, especially if I bounce around a bit, but I want to give an accurate picture of my situation to you fellow internet strangers in hopes of getting some advice. Thank you for reading.. + +I'm 40 years old. I lived and worked abroad for over 10 years and saved up a decent chunk of change (\~200k). However life beckoned and I recently moved back to the states. The primary reasons being: + +1. Girlfriend’s father passing away - her mother was grieving alone and gf wanted to be closer to her. + +2. My own parents are also getting older and on their own. + +I have a degree in accounting, with absolutely no work experience in the field. During college, I caught a serious felony and upon graduation, I was unable to procure employment in that or any related professional field.  It's a super class X felony, drug related, and requires governor clemency to be taken off my record, which I had applied for in the past, but was rejected.  Hence my living and settling down abroad for 10 plus years. I was able to work abroad only because the laws in that country were more lax back then regarding FBI background checks. I also managed around a few loopholes to allow me to slip thru the cracks so to speak. + +Since moving back, I have bounced around various dead-end jobs (construction sales, warehouse work). The gf is no longer in the picture, which really sucks because she was the primary reason we uprooted and moved back. Things were going great abroad - stable job/income, overall good life and now it’s not. But that is neither here nor there. + +I have roughly 40k in a bank IRA, 115k in a checking account (it was in a one-year CD which recently matured), no debt aside from misc credit card purchases (balance paid in full monthly), car paid off, no rent or mortgage - live with parents. + +Currently unemployed but have been self-studying computer programming the past few months. In the near future I would ideally like to enroll in a coding bootcamp if and when campuses actually open up (I’m more for taking in-person classes rather than online.) Hopefully be on my way, working in the field by early-mid 2021. + +If you made it this far, I appreciate you taking the time to hear me out. I guess my main concerns are really nothing this subreddit hasn’t heard before, although the circumstances leading to this stage in life might be a bit unconventional. What should I do with this 100k that is just sitting in my bank account? I don’t plan on moving out anytime soon and I have no major financial commitments. I have no health insurance. Although I am in good health with no medical conditions, it’s an unsettling thought that one small mishap can wipe me out financially. + +Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything I should expand on. Thanks again! +Just a quick post coming from someone that has co-signed twice and gotten burned twice. Shame on me for not learning my lesson the first time. If you co-sign for someone, you assume the same level or responsibility for that debt that they the primary does. The account lands on your credit report the same way it does theirs. If they stop making payments, those late payments land on your credit report and you're responsible for the debt just as they are. + +This probably happens most commonly with family members and significant others, but I'm sure there are examples as well of friends co-signing etc. It's not worth ruining one of these relationships if things take a wrong turn, so just don't get involved. It's better to have a mini battle up front to the tune of "I understand where you're coming from, but I just don't co-sign / it's not something I'm comfortable doing" and not get involved rather than a major possibly relationship-ending battle if it doesn't go well. + +If I had a top 10 list of my biggest credit-related regrets, looking back the 2 times I co-signed for others would be extremely high up the list, if not at the top. + +If anyone would like to share some co-signing horror stories feel free to do so! + +Edit: A few requests throughout the thread have asked me to share my story so I figured I'd add it to the OP with an edit. So I got burned by two exes, about a decade apart. Both had subpar credit, although at the time I didn't really understand credit at all as in why it was subpar (payment history issues, etc). The first one didn't burn me too bad, as there was only maybe a year or so left of ~$250 payments. You all already know the script... we broke up, payments ceased, I took them over. A decade later I was much more reluctant to co-sign after my first experience, but the person I was with at the time was having major dental issues... constant pain that went on for weeks and months. It got to the point where co-signing (Care Credit to get the work done) seemed like the only option. Again the relationship didn't work out and I was left holding the bag. Burned twice, so definitely shame on me. +The same people who put out these articles are deeply invested in unsustainable commodities and don't give a fuck so long as it benefits them. Don't be fooled by the media; while I agree that some coins are more innovative in how they mine, bitcoin is still the one that's going mainstream and that's what scares the hell out of them. + +Why are they so scared? Bitcoin is step one in curbing wealth inequality since it will be a lot more difficult for any institution to manipulate. They won't be able to just turn on the money printer to pump their stocks, meaning that we will no longer see the stock market grow while the consumer price index stays relatively stable (basically what I'm saying is that they put more money in the stock market while the money supply of everyday people stays the same, increasing wealth inequality). + +Back to my main point; bitcoin mining isn't being run off of oil and coal like all of these other companies news agencies don't seem to have a problem with. They're scared for different reasons. + +Edit: I just realized that I misspelled hypocritical in the title, but can't change it. I'm well aware of it though. +Ok guys, I'm going to list a few of my investments in small caps so you can make your little research and maybe throw some bucks on one of them: + +**Authorship (ATS)**: 2.5 million usd market cap. Launched beta platform a couple weeks ago (ugly interface but they are just laying and placeholding stuff to work on a better UI as next step). Already has books for sale, great team, a fucking gem in an ocean of shitcoins. + +Your obvious choices on Kucoin: **Bounty0x (BNTY), Oyster Pearl (PRL), SelfKey (KEY), True Flip (TFL)...** + +**Adshares (ADST)**: small cap wants to cut the middle man on online ads, it has its competitors, but I think those guys will deliver a solid product. + +**Blockpool (BPL)**: a blockchain as a service company, with a main blockchain using BPL as utility token and custom side chains for their clients (other companies). Great team, working product, a working fork of ARK. + +**Bulward (BWK)** a low cap cryptocurrency with a great roadmap and thriving community, you should check this out, it survived steadily during last two weeks bloodbath. + +**Luxcoin (LUX)** another privacy coin, a little bit bigger than Bulward but probably the best coded privacy coin out there. + +**CryptopiaFeeShare (CEFS)** one of the few coins that actually pay dividends if you hold. Price looks expensive (0.6 BTC for 1 CEFS) because there are only 6,500 CEFS (and 21 million BTC). Small cap. If you think Cryptopia will grow (and I think it will with 99% chance) than you should grab this one. A "safe" bet as long as small caps go. + +**DOT coin (DOT)**: This coin is used to purchase Cryptopia's services at https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Paytopia. Yes, a working coin, a working market, a growing exchange and lost in the middle of an ocean of shitcoins. + +~~**Upfiring (UFR)** if you are late for Sia Coin's train, grab this one. File sharing on blockchain. Risky though.**~~ + +edit: a redditor in comments pointed out this might be a scam p&d coin. I'm not sure but I didn't like what I read so sold what I had of UFR. + +And of course, your more hard to get (because they are trading os less famous exchanges) but maybe the most possible mooncoins: **CRED, PFR, NIMFA, GMT, BBT and EXRN.** + +Well, this post is only to point you some of what I believe are quality low cap coins with huge upside potential. Now you have what you need to go and make your own research into tell. I would be happy if you come back later with your opinion (good or bad) about one or more of the coins I listed. + +See ya! +How profitable is it to buy (or build) unique rentals? How does that compare to a regular real estate investment (not vacation)? + +How profitable is it to buy (or build) unique getaway homes as opposed to regular investment homes? + +How profitable is it to buy land and then put up unique rentals? + +I’ve just become curious with the idea of renting out extremely unique rentals on Airbnb. How profitable is this? Unique homes such as ones listed in this link: +[examples](https://www.livelikeitstheweekend.com/unique-airbnbs-2019/) + +As you can see it’s not your typical Airbnb, not your typical cabin, or country get away. These are really unique, some would say a few would qualify as ‘luxury’ unique getaways. Not a regular house or apartment or cabin. + +How profitable would it be to buy land, build one of these homes (or purchase if it’s a trailer and totally re-vamp) and then rent out? + +Also please note: it doesn’t have to be an actual *house* like most of the things in that list - it could be a simple glorified luxury trailer, or something other than what you would consider a typical home, but with added luxury and uniqueness. + +I’ve compared a few places in different areas and they all seem to be fully booked for the most part up until March/ April, and most nightly rates are anywhere from 200-500+ a night... even in the middle of no where. + + +And since these are so unique, it’s not like there’s a saturated market of unique Airbnb getaways either.... +And they always seem to be booked out for months in advance... + +Thoughts? + +And I guess just for discussion: how would ^ that compare to a regular investment property where it’s long term rentals (apartments, small homes etc)? I know there’s an actual necessity for long term rentals as opposed to fun vacation homes... so just wanting some opinions on if this could actually be profitable or if I’m just being too hopeful... +Hi, this is my 2nd property, and I am screening prospective tenants. I had said small pets welcomed. + +However, this person has an 50 lbs dog which they are calling as Emotional Support Animals. + +What should I ask for? Im sure you guys have received applicants with such clauses or claims. + +I am afraid they will tear up the place and make the whole place a stinking mess. + + +What are your thoughts? How have your dealt this? +I'm not trying to start a huge debate, I want to genuinely understand and I won't argue with the answers you give. + +Every other business is having their income affected in some way. But landlord are chugging along like nothings changed and still demand full rent from business and residential tenants. + +These businesses have just as much expenses as you, it's their investment and most of the time, main source of income. They are making it work with very little revenue to zero revenue coming in. Residents lose their jobs and have no other income either. Obviously, people's incomes are being affected but when it comes to landlords having to give up revenue, you guys come out talking about all your expenses and financing costs as if no other business is dealing with that. + +**What makes you deserving of special treatment? Do you feel superior to your tenants and small businesses?** +Hi I have a 200k saved for investing and would like to take a plunge into the real estate investing market. I would like to flip homes to build savings. I am new to the real estate investing in Nashville and surrounding areAs and am concerned that a realtor would take advantage and give me false ARV. I am very picky and want to be safe as far as numbers go. Any advice will help to calm nerves but I feel like in my position I have read it all and am ready but contacting a realtor is my first step which I believe could be my downfall if I get false ARVs . +Been trading full time for 2 years now, ask me anything! + +I’ve seen some posts here about how you can’t live by trading. There’s indeed people that live only by trading. + +Edit; I’m trading the forex markets only. +My husband and I bought our first home in August of 2020. We moved from southern California, where we had been renting a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. Our total \~monthly bills (read: average) at that apartment were: + +* Rent: $1645 +* Internet (we had no options, we had to use the one carrier they provided): $85 +* Utilities: $80 +* Gas: $20 +* Electric: $150 +* Total: **$1980** +* *Edit: At someone's suggestion, I went back and my old apartment is renting for $2,550 right now*\*\*.\*\* + +In September of 2019, we moved to Utah. We moved into my husband’s parents basement, where we paid them a minimal amount of rent and then aggressively padded our savings (32K at the time) to save for a 20% down payment while we house hunted. We started looking at homes in February of 2020, and we toured over 30 homes before putting an offer on ours (we had had an offer accepted on a home prior to this, but that one fell through when the sellers promised to replace the roof before closing and then didn’t). We bought our house (5 bedroom/2ba, split level) in August of 2020, with a move-in date at the end of August. The house was priced at $310,000. We offered 315K. The appraisal came in at 313K, so the price was dropped to that. We paid $63,000 as our down payment on the home (20%), leaving us with $5000 to do some renovations and $10,000 of an e-fund. + +Just to cut to the short of it and for the sake of comparison, here are the current \~monthly (read: average) bills: + +* Mortgage payment (including insurance and stuff): $1266 +* Internet: $50 +* Utilities: $100 +* Gas: $50 +* Electric: $150 +* Total: **$1616** + +I will say that we now also put $300 into a “home improvement” savings, to cover things like roof/AC/furnace/etc. type of stuff. With that factored in, the total would be $**1916.** + +We spent a solid week before moving in going in a doing some renovations – we repainted the whole house, we knocked out a wall separating the living room and the kitchen, and we removed a closet in one of the downstairs bedrooms. Then we moved in in September of 2020! So it’s now been about two years of us living here. Here are all of the expenses we’ve had, since I often see posts/comments/questions about what kind of expenses come up when you’re a homeowner. + +*A disclaimer\* that when we moved here 3 years ago, my husband started learning how to do handy work. 18 or so months ago, he got a job as a warranty specialist, so now he does a lot of handy work for a living. That also means that he tends to have a lot of tools that not everyone would have lying around. This is all relatively new, though – within the last 3 years. I’ve also learned how to do a lot of handy stuff as well! Unless noted otherwise below, all labor was done by us.* + +*\*I added this disclaimer, so if you want to be like "well not EVERYONE can do XYZ," you can rest easy. I know. That's why I put it in here.* + +I’m pretty frugal by nature, and I track every penny that we spend on a budgeting spreadsheet. So I happen to have all of our expenses saved in a handy dandy excel dating back for the last like 8 years. Here are all the ones related to our home since we have bought it. I have **bolded** ones I believe to be necessities, as most of these are just things we really wanted to do. + +August 2020: + +* **$1,132**: Repainted the house. This includes all of the paint and rollers. We painted the house ourselves, going over every night after our kids went to bed and painting for like 5+ hours for a solid week. The house when we purchased it had seafoam green, blood red, baby pink, baby blue, and checkerboard walls. They had let the kids pick out colors and let the kids paint. Sooo this was necessary for us. I bolded it because I truly believe anyone would have found it to be necessary. +* $289: removed a wall between the kitchen and the living room, opening up the upstairs, and removed a closet from a downstairs bedroom. We demo’d everything ourselves and then patched with drywall and mud and repainted. We left spots in the flooring that we covered with patches of carpet we found in the shed, because we were planning to redo all the floors eventually. So we had some random carpeted spots in the floor for a while where those walls used to be lol +* **$507**: Fridge. Moved all our stuff in and realized our fridge didn’t fit through the front door. So I sold our fridge for $800, and we went to a used appliance store (where we got the fridge we just sold) and spent $507 on a different fridge. Technically, this was actually a positive $$ for us, but I’m including it anyway. +* $416: new router. There already was one, but I wanted a really good one. The internet we have is fiber utopia, which is apparently super good. With me working from home a lot, I wanted a good router. So we invested in this super nice hawk something or other. It’s been really great. +* $424: new bed frame, we had been wanting a new one for a long time but decided to wait until we bought a house to make the plunge. +* $52: our house came with a hot tub that had no water in it, so my husband researched how to balance the whatever and got some product to refill the hot tub +* $0: lawnmower. We got one from a buy nothing group. +* **$300**: got a used washer and dryer off FB marketplace. They’re super nice. +* $30: Got a free new BBQ off fb buy nothing group, and got a propane tank to put in it. + +November 2020: + +* $1016: we have a big backyard, and we also have two little kids and two dogs. I wanted a dog run type deal, so my husband got poles and fencing stuff and cement and, with the help of youtube, put up a fence with a gate to block off the dogs from going into the larger area of the yard when we’re not back there. We also got a bunch of wood to block off under the deck, so that we can store bikes and things under the deck with less weather damage. +* **$50**: dryer stopped working. I YouTube’d it and took the whole thing apart and spent $50 on a reader that let me know if the heating element wasn’t working, only to find out that a small piece had come unplugged inside the dryer behind the barrel lol so I didn’t even need to spend the $50 but here we are. + +January 2021: + +* $126: we needed specific clasps for the fence gate, so we finally got them and completed the fence in January. + +February 2021: + +* **$682**: new dishwasher. One Sunday morning, our dishwasher randomly stopped working. It was suuuuuper old. Normally, I’d be of the mind to get one at a used appliance store, but I was not in the mood this day and we had the budget so my husband went to buy a new one. + +March 2021: + +* $75: our backyard slider didn’t have a screen door and it was annoying. So we got one and installed it. + +April 2021: Some BIG renovations incoming! + +* $285: we got a fake fireplace entertainment unit for our TV +* $367: we got a murphy bar to hang in our kitchen +* $225: we replaced the blinds in the kitchen window and also got a new blind for our slider since it didn’t have one +* $0: we replaced all the blinds in the house with cordless ones, there was a blind company running a promo for households with kids under the age of 6 to get one free cordless blind. All our local friends with kids didn’t want only one blind so I asked if I could have theirs, and with that we were able to replace the blinds in all 6 of the windows in our house that had old ones +* $5207: we recarpeted 4/5 bedrooms in the house. We removed all of the flooring ourselves and took it to the dump ourselves, they charged $2/sq ft for removal so we just figured we would do that. This covered materials and installation for all the carpet, the laminate, and the damn stairs. The stairs cost almost as much as all the carpet combined. We did laminate throughout the house outside of the bedrooms. We went to flooring liquidator for all the flooring, and picked a laminate that had been discontinued. +* $4080: we redid our kitchen. We completely gutted it (again, demoing ourselves to save on $$) and restructured the room. Because we had removed the wall when we moved in, we had more room to work with and got to put an island in! This was the cost + installation of the cabinetry. We got a 5% discount for being a referral. +* $2085: the cost + installation of the marble countertops +* $152: the sink +* **$234**: above-range microwave, which we had to install ourselves and was quite a bitch to do. (I am marking this as a necessity because the microwave that came with the house NEEDED to be replaced). +* $170: kitchen faucet +* $474: the other odds & ends that came with demo-ing the whole kitchen and all of the flooring in the house, as well as dumping all the materials +* $300: after the flooring was installed, we redid all the baseboard and casing (having ripped it off during demo). We got the baseboard from the flooring liquidator and then painted and installed it ourselves + +May 2021: + +* $300: we had to get an extra case of flooring to finish the landing where our split stairs meet. +* $382: we replaced our front door +* $101: we replaced the casing on all of our doors when we did baseboards, but some doors needed specifically small casing. +* $538: an accumulation of other hardware store costs, including paint and brushes for the casing, caulk, film for the front door window, etc. + +September 2021: + +* $500: we removed all of the shrubbery from in front of our house, leveled the dirt, and then covered it with white marble rock. +* $616: we removed the ugly brown stair banister in our house and then replaced it with a half-wall. + +October 2021: + +* **$4448:** we replaced our furnace, since it was super old. It was due. + +November 2021: + +* **$216**: we started a subscription with a company who comes out annually to do routine maintenance on the furnace, water cooler, AC unit, and the air ducts. This is the annual cost. +* $65: we got a trampoline off FB marketplace for the backyard + +April 2022: + +* $1447: we replaced 11 internal doors inside the house. We purchased the doors and then painted them, cut doorknob holes and hung them ourselves. This cost includes the doors and the paint and the new knobs. + +September 2022: + +* **$3500:** new roof. Our roof was 22 years old, so it was time. There was an interesting loophole that allowed us to get the room on the cheap – the base cost of the roof ($7100) was given to our homeowners insurance. We paid for the upgrades – which was choosing the better shingles and adding a ridge vent. Because we had a windstorm knock off some shingles, we were able to process a claim to our insurance. Insurance was going to cover replacement of the shingles, but the shingles were discontinued, so they had to replace the whole roof. The roofing company duked it out with the insurance company, so we didn’t really manage any of that. +* $450: we removed all the red tanbark that lined the edge of our property, leveled the dirt, and covered it with the same white marble chips we did the front of the house with + +October 2022-November 2022: + +* $5042: we are currently in the process of redoing both bathrooms. This is the cost so far of the downstairs bathroom. This cost includes demo (we removed a small wall with built-in shelving to expand the room), vanity, toilet, tiling, bathtub+walls, paint, baseboard and casing, faucet, and electrical reworking. The bathroom is 90% done, only thing left to do is get a mirror and hang it up! Then we will work on the upstairs bathroom. So, more to come! + +Total of all of the above: **$35,601** + +Total of necessary costs: **$9,937** (Dividing this up over the 25 months we have lived here comes out to $397/month, so a little more than we are currently saving for the big necessary purchases) + +That (necessities) comes out to about **$4,769/yea**r: 1.5% of the house's original purchase price. + +Upcoming: + +* $600: Water heater replacement: we plan to replace this once the downstairs bathroom is done. This is the cost of the heater itself, we will be replacing it. +* \~$5000: redoing the upstairs bathroom. We will be hiring someone to rough-install the walk-in shower because of the marbling around the window - my husband wants nothing to do with it lol +* \~$??? we have a messed up chunk of driveway we ultimately want to fix + +As of today, the house is worth $439K on Redfin (a $126K increase), not accounting for any of the renovations we have done. We did get a blind offer of about 430K several months ago from someone who I think was just trying to buy a home in the area. + +I think it is worth noting that I absolutely fucking love living in a house and being a homeowner. We have a big backyard and live on a nice street where our kids can ride bikes up and down while we chill in the driveway, we don't have to worry about noisy neighbors or landlords or anything. When something breaks we can just fix it without waiting for maintenance. We can change what the house looks like, paint, decorate, etc. I really really enjoy it. I moved like 22 times before we bought this house. I hope we can be here a long time! + +So there you have it! Those have been our home-related expenses for the last two years. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I tried to edit this yesterday, but the post got removed and then put back. + +So a lot of people seem to be like...upset? about our kitchen renovation? Lol. We got quotes from several places and ended up going with the one we got recommended from a friend and picked cabinets that were on sale. We demo'd the kitchen and took down all the cabinets/counters/flooring/etc. ourselves and disposed of it before they came to install the other stuff, which saved $$. Our kitchen also isn't huge, and flooring for the kitchen is under the flooring cost because we did those things at the same thing. I have the invoice for the cabinets + install (and also the counters, the floors, etc) but hopefully this will be enough to get people off my back about it haha. The second page has the taxes added and the $200 delivery fee, which got it to that 4K number. + + [https://i.imgur.com/F7qJwR2.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/F7qJwR2.jpg) + +Also, the roof was 10K total. Insurance covered 7,100, which is the cost of just the regular roof replacement. We paid the 3K for upgrades. If insurance hadn't covered the roof, we wouldn't have gotten the upgrades, we just did that because insurance paid for the replacement. And yes, wind damage is common in utah - this is the second claim we have had to file for wind damage. +I started working when I was 13. Dishwasher at a private club. By the time I was done high school I was running the small kitchen at the halfway house during the summer and on weekends and nights during school working as cook in the main dining. This taught me 3 things. + +1. How to spend money wisely. +The head chef, who is still there bless him, taught me how to do the weekly food orders from the suppliers when I was 15. I had to know what we needed, what we had, and how to aquire it. And I learned how to cook like a mfer. + +2. That wealth is for the most part perceived. Anyone reading this can get a credit card and spend 10000 and feel rich for a day. But then it ends. And then your ducked with a 10000 bill. The people that saw you spending money didn't know your situation. They assumed you could afford it. The same way you'd assume if you saw them spending money. Never trust that someone has wealth because you see them in the company of wealthy people. + +3. That if you work hard, and actually try, that you can accomplish any plan you set your mind to. + +I planned to attend university, work hard and spend wisely. + +That mind set kind worked. I was still only 18. What seemed like obvious things to me then are now painfully learned lessons that remind you not to take anything too seriously. But even with some bumps, and some luck, I was working a desk job at 22. 30000 a year. And that's when I learned my next lesson. + +4. Have a plan. And really want it. Set it up. And then go live your life. + +Retirement at 65 when you love your job is a death sentence. If you love your job, I don't begrudge you that happiness at all. I envy you. But no one here reading this wants to work at 65...so...what will you be doing? + +Plan towards that. If you're 25..what would you be doing on a Thursday afternoon in February when your 45? + +If you're answer is paragliding in the alps...that's gonna cost ya. If it's watching the view while eating cheeto's. Budget accordingly. + +When I started my desk job at 22..the first week I looked around the office. I looked for who had it best. Not the manager who was always dealing with stuff. Not the administration people. But I did see a guy who came and went as he pleased and drove a bmw. The sales guy. + +I knew I wanted to be done at 40. That I wanted a family. A house to call our own. And theven security of never having to ever live poor. + +So I set up a budget and forced savings from there. And promptly ignored it for the next 15 years. + +I will say this...I do have a pension, something rare in today's day and age. But by being part of a db plan, setting up max matching contributions when I first started and waiting until when we earned higher incomes before taking advantage of RSP room, we're now at 500k in savings with about 750k in house equity and a pension income from age 60 onwards of about 3k a month. + +What I did wasn't flashy, but it got me to the point where I think I could choose whatever path I want. + +Which is really what all this is about. + + +Like am i missing something or did everyone holding strictly stocks get royally fucked losing 10% of their money every year? + +Wondering cause a guy with a good looking tie on TV said inflation is comming +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/04/ford-plans-to-nearly-double-production-of-its-new-all-electric-f-150-lightning-pickup.html + +Ford on Tuesday said it plans to nearly double annual production capacity of its upcoming electric F-150 pickup to 150,000 vehicles per year at a plant in Michigan. + +The company cited strong consumer demand for the pickup as the main reason for the plans to increase production. + +Ford’s production plans come ahead of the automaker beginning to take actual orders for the vehicle on Thursday. + +Ford is slowly catching up on the EV production and becoming a major EV producer. The PE is currently only 32 and it is much more reasonable compared to other EV producer. Investors should keep holding F as ford should have another amazing 2022. +Hey guys. So I signed up for stock advisor since Amex has an offer where you get the yearly fee back as an account credit. Immediately on logging in, the very first thing it shows me is a page trying to upsell me to a service called Rule Breakers that costs 4 times as much. Seems like a massive red flag and dirty tactic since all the marketing before signing up focused on Stock Advisor. As to the stock picks themselves, it shows a very small handful of picks some of which seem pretty strange. New York Times, Pinterest, and Lemonade for example. + +Any thoughts/ Experience? +This question is inspired by those who claim that alternative energy sources like wind and solar are not really viable because they depend on government subsidy. But whenever we talk about the comparative price of oil, how often do we incorporate the cost of seizing and defending the oil fields? +First, please don't turn this into another flame war thread between Keynesians and Austrians. + +My question pertains to the period after WWII but before the 1973 oil crisis. During this period, the industrial economies allied with the western world adopted Keynesian economics. + +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_age_of_capitalism + +This included the following expansions in various countries: + +* Germany: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirtschaftswunder +* France: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trente_Glorieuses +* Japan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_post-war_economic_miracle +* Italy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_economic_miracle + +This period saw the US public debt as a percentage of GDP decline from over 110% down to around 30%. The US also saw an unprecedented rise in the middle class. In the UK, the average unemployment rate during the period was 1.6%. France had a 1.2% unemployment rate. Worldwide, the world GDP increased 4.8% per year during this period, compared to 3.2% from 1980 to 2009. This also happened in spite of very large tax rates, government intervention in both fiscal and monetary policies, the adoption of universal healthcare in many European countries, and so on. + +My question is simple: how do Austrian economists explain the economic success of this period in their models? +Just saw this on twitter, [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1579982/000110465921003837/tm212832d1\_485apos.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1579982/000110465921003837/tm212832d1_485apos.htm) + +Cathie Woods and team is filing for a Space Exploration ETF, ARKX. I think obvisouly $SPCE will be in it, thoughts on any other? Still going through the doc myself. + +And anyone jumping on? +Hi people. + +Sorry if this is the wrong place, but there doesn't seem to be any proper advise and when I called they said it's closed until Tuesday due to the bank holiday unless you're signing a new claim. + +Break down: + +Girlfriend is from the Philippines but has a Spanish passport too + +Was starting a new job (finished 21st Feb and was due to start April 1st) + +That's now been deferred until start of may (but now worried it might not ever happen) + +She had gone home to see family in-between and is now stuck in Manila + +Still having to pay rent for her place here + +Made a claim for universal credit which got denied because she isn't here + +Was told to speak to foreign and commonwealth office - which essentially told me to get lost she's not English and had no one for me to go to next + +I'm at a loss and wondered if anyone was going through a similar situation. + +Any help would be appreciated! + +Edit: she's been working here for two years and paying tax and NI the whole time for those who seem to have a gripe. I'm sorry I'm not here for a debate just the facts. + +Edit2: Thanks to those who have contributed and appreciate that others are going through it too. I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers when I initially posted this, just in a situation that I thought others might be too and needed help. + +- If you are currently a foreign resident of the UK, but currently resided outside it, you do not seem to be able to claim Universal Credit. I do not know if there any others, I tried contacting them today but they are closed until Tuesday for the bank holiday which is fair enough. + +- The FCO (Foreign Commonwealth Office) will specifically answer to UK citizens and tell you to contact your national Foreign Office. From the looks of it, look to contact all your applicable nations. + +- If you are currently having to pay rent do not just stop paying. You can be sued still. First look to contacting your landlords. One of the comments below outlined a form to contact them: 'Please check out the London renters union 'rent suspension' template. Get your girlfriend to send this to your landlord asap. Hundreds have found this to be successful. Remember you have leverage in this situation. It may even result in a reduced rent settlement in the worst case scenario. it's very simple to understand - your landlord would rather have some money than none.' + +I found an article on Vice that takes you through it and shows someone's situation through it too. Bit waffley but good. + +https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/pke448/how-to-stop-rent-during-coronavirus + +Another kind redditor suggested Acorn which is a tenants Union as means of information and support. Their website looks to be good too: + +https://acorntheunion.org.uk/coronavirus-latest-information-for-renters/ + +Good luck stay safe! +I know most of you scoff at the idea of storing BTC on Coinbase, but I am not nearly as technologically inclined as most of you. Each storage suggestion I read looks to me like this: + +1. Download armory and Electrum and run armory from an offline underground bunker. + +2. double encrypt using Eorepadaeuium with 4 USB drives running Linux UEc.3f3.c2q1 + +3. backup with Efekjwsf and wefkjlfe + qt and create a public key, private key, and semi-private key. + +4. print private key and public key, but not semi-private key. Laminate printed copies and store in a vault along with 3 of the 4 USB drives. But be sure not to run EFkjlwef foeropwerk. + +5. Use a submarine to bury the vault in the ocean. + +6. A hacker who is %1000 times smarter than you is watching your every move and will steal all your bitcoin if you slip up. + +More near computer illiterate people like be are going to be buying BTC, and Coinbase seems like the safer and simpler option. +I was hired by Mark in June 2011 to help him handle the crazy inbox at Mt.Gox during bitcoin's initial rally. In January 2012 I was asked to become Mt.Gox's CEO, a process which led to my dismissal in May 2012. My statement along with other ex-employees helped lead to the Tokyo Metro Police's arrest on embezzlement and "illegal manipulation of accounting" + +We plan to eat pizza in front of Mark while he is in Prison... + +Ask me anything. + +Edit: I haven't logged into this account since I left Mt.Gox. I have *A LOT* of hate mail between now and then... sorry to all those people who reached out that I had no chance to respond to. I feel and echo your frustrations. + +Edit 2: I literally fell asleep answering questions last night. I'll do my best to get back to everyone. + +**Edit 3: I've had a few PM's and comments about taking what I've seen and making it into a book/script/movie etc. If I did this, I think it's only rational to put any proceeds/earnings towards the customers who lost their money to Mt.Gox. Anyone who is willing to work with me on this (including ex-Mt.Gox employees), also on a volunteer basis, I'd be glad to hear from you.** +Most of you have hard of the OW which is owned by the DTCC. The OW is where FTDs go to die. They are supposed to be paired with other participants through the OW but it seems they are just…. Disappearing. Cause you know, another dark entity capable of impacting the stock market that is self regulating screams free market. Especially when they created a warehouse for failed obligations. Billions and trillions and quadrillions of money stolen from market participants. + + +What can we find on the OW? I get a 404 link when digging into their learning center that discusses the OW. It also seems the OW has all pieces in place to identify the entities that are FTD. The data they state they use and have “promotes transparency” meaning they know who is doing what. To make it simple. They know who continually ftds. How much. Etc. + +Quote: Obligation Warehouse (OW) is a non-guaranteed, automated service of NSCC that facilitates the matching of broker-to-broker ex-clearing trades and provides Members with the ability to track, manage and resolve their failed obligations in real-time. + + +Quote from 2019 Article: "Instead of complying with the rule, however, DiIorio alleges that Knight circumvented it by manipulating an obscure process within the machinery of the nation’s clearing system known as the “Obligation Warehouse.” + +Last one promise: "The Obligation Warehouse instead simply asks the buyer and seller of these ex-cleared trades if they “know” the transaction. If they both agree, the trade gets confirmed with a journal entry — and the buyer receives their stock purchase. It actually shows up in the buyer’s brokerage account." + +I lied last one: "Those trades can sit in the Obligation Warehouse forever, in theory. But the “aged fails” — essentially orphaned naked short transactions — remain on the naked shorter’s balance sheet as a liability to be paid later." + +Who can use the OW? All NSCC Members can use the OW service. Full service broker dealer Members are required by FINRA Rules to use RECAPS. + +Links: +https://www.dtcc.com/clearing-services/equities-clearing-services/ow + +Blog discussing the OW and how its interesting to say the least + +https://tremendous.blog/2022/02/23/how-dtcc-makes-fails-to-deliver-disappear/ + +2019 Naked SHortselling by KNight: https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/ + +Key: OW - Obligation Warehouse / RECAPS* (updated per comment posted), FTD - Failure to deliver + +Whats an FTD? + +Failure to deliver (FTD) refers to a situation where one party in a trading contract (whether it's shares, futures, options, or forward contracts) doesn't deliver on their obligation + + + +TL;DR: obligation warehouse is where FTDs go to DISAPPEAR. It is owned by the Dtcc and they make income from settling client and customer trades. Their clients and customers are market participants so there is a massive conflict of interest when they can cover for clients who are bad actors as they control the data as well. + + + +Sorry for formatting. Writtin on mobile + +Edit: added key + +Edit 2: ty to the ape who reported me as suicidal. I didnt realize i needed help or is that you Kenneth? Are you projecting. + +EDIT 3: Adding Article from 2019 discussing Knight Capital MM naked shorting penny stocks. Utilizing OW as well and 2 new quotes +I’ve struggled with this since I first got a job at 14 years old- Started paying rent as soon as my first payment came through. Am I the only one or is that something everyone does? + +I’m finding it more and more difficult to save my money recently- my parents demanding £150 a month rent from me (Increased from £70/month) when I don’t even have my own room (Sharing with my 15 year old sister) let alone stay in the house that often (I try to get out as often as possible) as well as insisting that I pay £65 a week for driving lessons. + +I can only work 16hrs a week (Sat+Sun) at my current job since I’m also a student and my only free day is dedicated to revision. +I don’t go out very often for anything besides college. I don’t drink or eat out at restaurants because they’re pretty expensive. + +I don’t spend on myself, other than for £3 meal deals a day and my transport/travel costs to get to and from education. I don’t tend to buy any food at work for my breaks. + +I have just over £900 to my name that took a long time to save. My parents aren’t even proud of me; rather I pay them their one day overdue rent… I intend to put it towards a car, however, my parents won’t let me buy a car (I couldn’t give you an answer as to why).. + +Is there any easier way to break down my money or still be able to afford my rent, lessons and transport/food and actually be able to live like a nineteen year old girl?? I feel like my whole life relies on whether or not I can afford something. + +I never get to go out with my friends because I simply can’t afford it; my social life is pretty wrecked. +I don’t intend to go to university because I simply can’t afford it either. +I was having a conversation with a pregnant colleague about her financial planning for after she comes back from maternity leave with her second child. + +She said that the combined childcare costs for the 2 kids would be approx £900 a month. A second mortgage was how she described it. + +How the fuck do people afford that? + +I'm an engineer myself, traditionally a well-paying job which I earn more than the UK median salary for. And while I can support myself comfortably the idea of supporting another small human while paying childcare costs so I can go to work to pay my childcare costs in mind-boggling. + +Are uber-high childcare costs completely unsustainable? Will we see masses of 30ish year old women leave the workforce in years to come because it's not worth working? +My annual pay increase letter came in. I work for a bank at Senior manager level and I got 2.72% which is way below inflation. + +What's been your payrise like and what is your level at work? +Thanks to MagicalSmitten for the original post of the trio at the World Cup, which led me to find a wrinkle or 2 and dive into why in the world these 3 could possibly all be hanging out together. Apes, this is just my own personal speculation with what little wrinkle I have. I hope that a smarter APE can help fill in some blanks in comments or another post. + +In OP post linked at the bottom, we see Elon, Ken Griffin the financial terrorist and Jared Kushner the former Senior Advisor/Son in law to DT. + +Here is as much as I feel clear enough to speculate or point out... + +There was a post earlier this week tracking Mayo Force One which showed a long stop in DC and an airport that is usually reserved for high level government persons. Was he travelling with Kushner, or DT or to see them at that time. Why would he need to see them before the game. Wonder how long they travelled together? I need to find that post and review the timeline of his travels. 🤔 + +Kushner, after leaving the government, founded a private equity firm (Affinity Partners) that derives its investments from the Saudi governments sovereign wealth fund...and some others but that is the one important to this saga. Need to dig deeper into Affinity Partners. + +Elon is hanging out with Kusner, yeah yeah...I'm not sure what part Elon plays in this, but we know he hates the SEC and probably is happy to do what he can to help others fuck the SEC. Twitter maybe playing a part since he's looking for a buyer, Kushner would have an interest since his father in law started Truth Social, maybe Truth Social buyout, Ken Griffin helping to financially back it too... we know he loves buying dumb shit 🤔 + +Back to Kushner and Ken Griffin being pictured together. I speculate this event is used as a "bump into each other on accident' type of setup. They appear together but have plausible deniability bc well they both just love soccer???? /s ... I don't buy it. + +I theorize that Ken Griffin maybe be so fucked by retail that he is trying to get bailed out by the Saudis money and is cycling it thru Jared Kushners equity firm to 'clean it' and help buy Ken Griffin more time. In exchange they sell some of that good ole American data from Twitter to sweeten the trade? How? Not enough wrinkles, but maybe a less smooth brain Ape can help piece it better. I do know that Kushner with his experience with both the government and thru the private job with his father in law surely knows how to move cash around from weird places and make it look innocent. + +We need to be on high alert for fuckery. Ken Griffin going to the Saudis for cash flow to manipulate the US economy is a big big red flag and desperate move. + +Let's keep on him. Hope that Mayo Force One tracker keeps us updated on his movement. + +I just like the stock even harder now. + + +OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zpafks/ken_elon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button +* Flairs are mandatory, please reply to this thread if you believe another flair could be added. +* Accounts are required to be 3 months old to make a new submission. (No karma requirement, we'll see how it goes). +* Various spam filters. +* Weekly chit chat thread on repeat schedule. (Lets see if I configured this right!) +For me, and other people here, I think Intel is an obvious longterm buy and its valuation reasonably offsets the risks involved. I feel like I am not considering something that other people are. I know that its new factories can fall behind schedule, there is competition from companies like AMD, and the industry is cyclical. But even with these concerns, the valuation seems to more than offset this. + +What company do you think is so obviously undervalued, that you think you are missing some risk factor or other consideration? +Not sure if this should be flagged as “Possible DD”, but I’m going with “Speculation” to be safe. There’s some pretty heavy speculation in this post, but I’m hoping that the info below helps you understand where this speculation is coming from. + +**Imo, this is very compelling but mostly because no one has told me how dumb i am yet.** (TLDR at the bottom) + +Every day for the past few days, I’ve been making the following comment in the daily chat (and other places) trying to get some wrinkles to help me figure out what the deal is with “earnings announcements” because it’s very interesting and I have no idea where to even start digging. + +**Here’s my comment:** + +>Daily reminder that every runup has been centered around earnings. In particular, it’s been centered around the “announcement” of the earnings date. + +>Every single “cycle” or whatever you want to call it has reached its peak on the day GameStop announces the date for the previous quarter’s earnings. + +>**Every time. Without fail.** + +>Nothing to do with doomps or opex. It’s all focused on that earnings announcement (no idea why). + +>March, June, August, November… without fail. + +>[**March 9**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-year-2020-earnings) (top of Feb/March run)- earnings announced for March 23 + +>[**June 2**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-first-quarter-fiscal-2021-earnings-release) (top of May/June run)- earnings announced for June 9 + +>[**Aug 25**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-second-quarter-fiscal-2021-earnings-release) (top of august run)- earnings announced for Sept 8 + +>[**Nov 23**](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-release-date-q3-2021-financial-results) (top of November run)- Earnings announced for Dec 8 + +>I don’t want to speculate on what this means and I’m the opposite of an options person (own your shares! DRS). + +>That said, if anyone is talking about cycles and they’re not bringing this up, they’re likely missing something imo. + +>Any theory that isnt centered around when the next earnings will be announced, is likely missing something. + +>2020 - Q4 earnings were announced on March 12 + +>2021 - Q4 earnings were announced on March 9 + +>They typically announce on Tuesdays and Thursdays.