diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_178.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_178.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_178.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +I. Buy & Earn - 37,300,000,000 GMR Giveaway! +The first 373 users who buy GMR greater than or equal to 200 USDT of GMR will be eligible to receive 100,000,000 GMR each. + + +II. Trading Competition - 120,000,000,000 GMR Giveaway! +Users will be ranked in terms of the total trading volume (buy + sell) of GMR. The top 50 users with the highest trading volume will be rewarded with corresponding rewards. + +1st: 14% of the total prizes + +2nd: 9% of the total prizes + +3rd: 6% of the total prizes + +4th-10th: split 21% of the total prizes (3% each) + +11th-20th: split 20% of the total prizes (2% each) +21st-50th: split 30% of the total prizes (1% each) + +Promotion Period: 5/31/2021 04:00 AM – 6/10/2021 04:00 AM EDT + + +Website: gmr.finance + +Telegram: t.me/gmrfinance + +Contract Verified: + +https://bscscan.com/address/0x0523215dcafbf4e4aa92117d13c6985a3bef27d7#code + +Buy on PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x0523215DCafbF4E4aA92117d13C6985a3BeF27D7 + +GMR FACTS + +Days Old: 30 + +Market Cap: $64,000,000+ + +Holders: 177,000+ + +28,000+ Telegram members + +32,000+ Twitter followers + +7,000+ Reddit readers + +7,000+ Discord members + +Trending EVERYWHERE. + +Listed on CoinMarketCap. + +Listed on Coingecko. + +Trading on the following exchanges: + +BIKI COINSBIT BITMART + +Partnership with Turopium ( Over 50M combined subscribers) + +FIFA fridays with @MattHDGamer + +$250,000 Warzone Inaugural Tournament +I posted here three months ago ([Previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/99pqeq/husband_lost_job_where_to_cut_first/)) about my husband losing his job and your advice about where we should cut. You were all sort of brutal (in a useful way) and so I wanted to provide an update and ask a question. + +We put the student loans in forbearance while we were figuring things out ($783 per month). We realized my husband would need to stay home for a while to get healthy emotionally before going back to work, so we pulled the kids out of daycare (saving $2,370 on daycare and aftercare per month). Then we took your advice about looking into how to live below our means and made the big decision to sell our beloved home we had recently built and significantly downsized and moved to the suburbs (mortgage and escrow now $800 instead of $2,675). I'm a little sad about the home but I also feel so much less pressure it feels worth it. + +The question: After selling our home and putting 20% down on our new home we now have $28,000 left over. I previously thought my $5,000 emergency fund was cushy, but you all quickly corrected me there. How much of this $28,000 should I set aside for a real emergency fund and how much should I throw at debts? All my debts are as follows: + +His student loan: balance $57k at 6.8% + +My student loan: balance $34k at 6.6% + +Mortgage: balance $130k at 4.68% + +Auto loan: balance $17k at 2.49% + + +I got invited to my dad’s company’s kids Christmas party with my kiddos over the weekend. At the end they were giving away some of the left over food. I took a huge box full of 2% milk home for my kiddos and I also got a bag of pancakes! +Hey guys. + +I know A LOT of what I'm gonna say here can be considered FUDing. And that's not my intent. I believe in ETH, not as an investment, but as a technology. I'm so freaking excited for the DAPPs to come out, and see smart contracts implemented. And I've seen trememndous gains from my relatively minor investment. So yes, I am a HODLer, but I believe in the tech. + +A couple weeks ago, I posed the question "How do you think crypto would react to an economic crash". And I listed my thoughts and tried to get a discussion going, and got a wide variety of responses back. And this was great. I'm someone who believe an economic recession is brewing: everything is just too good. Real Estate is way up, the market has record days every other day, and crypto is EXPLODING. Heck, I'm not complaining about my gains. Crypto all the way! + +But it was troubling to see that a very hot thread right now is "What will you do when ETH hits $10,000". Most of the threads are humorous in nature: hire hookers, do blow, buy rocketship to the moon, etc. And that's great, because lets face it, part of the enjoyment of this subreddit is the memeing and the kidding and thats why I love being here. Its great getting excited with you guys, and its like comrades in arms when shit hits the fan. + +But it was very troubling how many people thought $10,000.00 was all but guaranteed. It wasn't a question of if, but was it 2018 or 2019 it would happen. And its worrisome because it shows the degree of ignorance of the current level of investors. And we've said that before, many times, but right now it feels like we're in a mania phase. Friends are asking me about crypto. My sister, who I dearly love, has no interest in investing but was trying to understand it because everyone at her work is talking about it. I tried my damnedest to explain to her, but she couldn't understand WHY someone would want or consider crypto so valuable. And I tried the same with my friends, and likewise, they see it as just a get-rich-quick thing. A man who came into my store, a very good and wealthy customer, told me he made most of his money on bitcoins, eth, and litecoins. But when I tried talking to him about ETH's scaling, he confessed he had no idea what ETH even was. + +I know most people don't fully understand WHAT ETH or most crypto is, but only now am I seeing it in my real life. + +It feels like this is all a game of musical chairs. It FEELS like the music has stopped. And my greatest fear isn't that I'll lose my initial investment. When ETH dropped to pennies, I simply wrote the money off as lost. ETH gave me more knowledge in terms of understanding markets, technology, and amusement than any videogame or movie could, so it was money well spent. + +No. My fear is that when people realize Bitcoin ISN'T worth $17,000.00 dollars, we'll see a crash like no other. When the stock market crashes, people are laid off, real estate plunges, like it does every ten years, crypto will see a shakedown like we've never seen before. And the shock will be so tremendous, ETH will be left in the dust. And it won't recover. + +https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/940746391256678400 + +I'm not trying to cherry pick or frame his words to match the narrative. But Vitalik, who understands all this better than God himself, (Hail Vitalik, hallow be thy name), even admits that Crypto as a whole isn't at the level that warrants this degree of price. While I'm happy with the ROI, I'm more interested in seeing the technology succeed. But if crypto is dealt a deathblow, if all this currency turns to ash on the wind and consumer trust is broken on a global level for the next decade... ETH might not recover. + +Pessimistic? Maybe. + +But I'm curious as to what everyone else's thoughts are. +To this sub, I am not a higher earner but to the general public I am. The problem is my last few gigs have been incredibly meeting heavy with my current role at a start up like company consisting of having (I shit you not) nearly 10 meetings a day, sometimes being triple booked and expected to attend all. + +I’m in biotech clin dev if that helps at all. I’m wondering if this is an issue specific to my industry, or just the fact that it’s a startup and leadership is trying to squeeze as much execution out from limited staff? I mean, there are days I cannot physically get anything done unless I multitask during a meeting. And even then, it’s not very high quality work as we’re essentially speeding through the task to get to the next one. + +Also, it’s extremely deadline heavy in where missing any kind of study deadlines will have every exec on alert. Not an ideal environment for the long term. + +I feel like most FatFire members here have a somewhat manageable schedule and sometimes even look forward to work. If I can’t get direct help to take off some of this meeting/workload, what would you recommend? Wondering if an industry or department change within the industry will be a good option + +M/27/240K TC/East Coast +I currently have $75k in VTSAX and because of my low cost of living, I can allocate about $4k every month to purchasing more index funds (VTSAX, VGT, etc.). VTSAX performs an [average of 10%/year](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VTSAX/performance?p=VTSAX). Using a compound interest calculator, I will have [$1,157,288](https://i.imgur.com/Q6G2rFG.png) in 12 years assuming I invest monthly. The numbers don't lie. Is there something I am missing? + Since its’ Q2 earnings call a few weeks ago, Intel Corporation (INTC) shares have plummeted 20% upon announcement of problems with its’ next-generation 10nm and 7nm manufacturing processes. The massive collapse has led to widespread attention among investors, but in reality the situation has been years in the making for those who’ve been paying attention. Today I’d like to look at some of the technical decisions Intel made, why they’ve caused problems and the implications of that on their future. + +**Lithography techniques** + +Lithography is an incredibly complicated process that forms an incredible competitive advantage for those who master it. In simple terms, you put a template of circuit designs (photomask) on a silicon base (wafer) and shine a powerful laser on it [\[1\]](http://www.lithoguru.com/scientist/lithobasics.html). + +Over time, people tried to fit more transistors in the same area – this would lead to increased performance capability, lower power consumption and various other benefits outlined in Dennard Scaling\[2\]. This becomes progressively more difficult over time, as you’re trying to cram transistors into areas thousands of times smaller than the width of a hair. The industry ran into a particularly tricky wall around the 20nm mark, since the size of the laser you used to ‘print’ the circuit design became so relatively big that it couldn’t reliably follow the complicated patterns needed for all the transistors. Two schools of thought developed to address this problem – patterning (using more than one photomask, each with simpler diagrams, and lasering the wafer with each of these templates separately), and EUV (extreme ultra-violet, using radiation with much smaller wavelengths than traditional). Intel saw success with dual-patterning (two templates) on its’ 22 and 14nm process, and chose to go one step further and pursue quad-patterning on its’ 10nm process.\[3\] Meanwhile, its’ competitors TSMC and Samsung chose EUV. \[4\] For reference, Intel themselves have also chosen to pursue EUV for their 7nm process. That might give you a hint as to which was the right choice… + +Other terminology I’ll be referring to in this piece are yield (how much of a wafer is actually useable) and monolithic (the whole CPU is cut out of the wafer as a single piece of silicon) vs chiplets (the CPU is formed from several pieces of silicon stuck together) + +**The problems with 10nm** + +Back in 2013, Intel was in it’s prime. It dominated the CPU market with >90% market share, and was pursuing a tick-tock strategy with its’ chips – every two years you would have a die shrink ‘tick’, then the alternating years you would have a microarchitecture change ‘tock’. In the roadmaps released by Intel, they planned to have their next ‘tock’ of 10nm in 2016. The ‘tick’ – Skylake architecture came, but the ‘tock’ never did. Even today, 4 years after it was supposed to be released, 10nm still isn’t really here. On paper, it was launched with Cannon Lake in 2018 – but the total number of those are in the thousands, if not hundreds. On paper, the ‘mass-market’ generation Ice Lake launched in 2020 but they have incredibly limited supply and offer inferior performance to Intel’s own 14nm offerings. \[5\] The latest update is that desktop and datacentre chips will come in the second half of 2021 – but for reasons we shall soon see it is my opinion that these will yet again be flops. In fact, it is my opinion that 10nm is a total writeoff, and that the design decisions taken at a very early stage have doomed it to failure. When you use lithographic techniques, you are bound to have some defects in your wafer. After all, creating billions of devices tens of atoms in size isn’t going to be perfect. Patterning as a lithographic technique inherently has a higher defect rate than not using it – you’re basically going through the same process multiple times, thus increasing the chance of defect dramatically. As I mentioned earlier, Intel is using quad patterning in 10nm – this means their defect rates are going to be sky high. At the same time, their usage of a monolithic die compounds this problem for high-performance, high core count CPU models. As you can see from the blue wafer below, it’s difficult to draw large squares (high-core count models) that are without defect. In comparison, the red wafer is AMD’s chiplet approach, built on TSMC’s less defect-prone EUV process. + +(Sorry, I copied this post from my blog to not self-promote but I can't insert the relevant pictures here) + +Since you can paste together multiple small CPUs into one bigger one, you use a far greater percentage of the wafer, cutting costs and letting you freely choose however many high-performance chips you want to build. + +Of course, it’s impossible for anyone outside Intel to know the exact numbers for the defect rates, yields and unit costs for 10nm. No doubt they are improving as time goes on,as they always do with a maturing architecture. However, I can say with certainty that + +1. they are currently not yielding at rates that could let them release high core-count server chips in any volume, EVEN AT A LOSS +2. The margins on 10nm will NEVER reach the heights that Intel has traditionally seen. Intel has enjoyed gross margins of above 60% for the last decade. In my opinion, if Intel were to replace their whole product stack with 10nm, their gross margin will never rise above 30%. The maximum price they can release their products at is capped not only by AMD’s offerings, but more importantly their own legacy performance. If Intel attempted to price at a level that would give them healthy margins, their entire product lineup would be outcompeted by their 5 year old 14nm chips on a price/performance basis, and their customers would have no reason to upgrade, decimating their revenues. + +These are bold statements but I believe Intel’s actions over the past few years, and their planned actions over the next few, support this view. + +When you release a new generation of processors, you always want to have it be ‘better’ than the previous generation. This may seem incredibly obvious, but the only exception is when the design has such big inherent flaws that you can’t physically do so. For instance, the Bulldozer architecture AMD released in 2011 performed worse than their own previous-generation Phenom II architecture \[6\], leading to near-bankruptcy of the company, due to the flawed design of maximising core counts from a belief that multi-threaded performance was the future; while having the processor cores shares caches and FPUs, massively reducing the multi-threaded performance of the architecture. Intel finds themselves in a similar situation today. Their design choices made back in 2013 mean that it is impossible to mass produce 10nm high core count chips. This would’ve been fine if their monopoly continued and the mainstream continued to have 4 core, 8 threaded CPUs. Indeed, they are producing Ice Lake laptop CPUs today that have 4 cores. However, the resurgence of AMD with their high core count capable Zen architecture meant that Intel were forced into raising their own core counts to compete – there has been a doubling of core counts across their entire product stack, which is fine on 14nm with its’ double patterning, but not so much on 10nm. The limitations of 10nm mean that current generation chips at the same price point from Intel have 14nm massively outperforming 10nm, with the higher core counts outweighing any density improvements that 10nm brings. Similarly, leaks for the upcoming 10nm Alder Lake desktop and Ice Lake Xeon chips suggest that the maximum number of cores on 10nm,28, will be 33-50% lower than those from 14nm \[7\] – not to mention AMD’s offerings which top out at 2.3x the core count at half the price.\[8\] The persistent lack of chips on 10nm that can outperform their predecessors, despite us now technically being on ‘10nm+++’, suggests that there is a fundamental barrier in the technology that no amount of delays and extra engineering can get past. 10nm is rotten from the very first steps taken. + +**7nm and beyond** + +So now we’ve established just how much of a disaster Intel’s 10nm process is, what about 7nm? It should be better right? After all, its’ built on the superior EUV, rather than SAQP. The market obviously expects it to be Intel’s saviour, given the massive drop in Intel share price was widely attributed to the ‘6 month delay’ in 7nm rollout. While I don’t have nearly as much solid information to go on compared to 10nm, I just want to note a few things. The exact words Bob Swan used in the Q2 call were ‘we are seeing a 6 month shift in 7nm… 12 months behind our internal target… we have identified a defect mode that resulted in yield degradation’. + +There’s quite a lot to break down here. Many people, including analysts on the call, were confused by how 7nm could be both 6 and 12 months behind target at the same time. Have Intel achieved quantum tunnelling of time? The truth is that Bob’s claim of a ‘buffer in planning process’ as the reason, while technically true, is incredibly misleading. In any typical launch of a new process node, you spend a few months getting up to speed – running the foundry through the whole process, troubleshooting, using the produced chips as prototypes to send to OEM partners for them to design products around, etc. You don’t sell the chips produced to anyone. Industry standard is to call this period a tape-out, not a launch of a new process – that’s when you actually produce chips that you sell to people. Bob’s comment translated is that the process is delayed by 12 months, but they’re going to breach industry standard and ‘launch’ 7nm when the first fabs start spinning up 6 months before they have chips in any volume. Sound ridiculous? Well, Intel did the exact same thing with 10nm. Faced with mounting pressure over the constant delays, Intel ‘launched’ Cannon Lake in May 2018. There was 1 CPU in the whole generation, a dual core processor with a clock speed of 2.2Ghz that was slower than the i3-3250 released in 2013 for $20 less than the 10nm part. Not to mention it was nigh on impossible to actually buy one.\[9\] Cannon Lake was an incredibly obvious paper launch, released to appease investors at a time where Intel had just started up its fabs. Ice Lake, the first 10nm architecture you could actually buy (in limited quantities) shipped in September 2019, more than a year after Cannon Lake ‘launched’. This ‘6-month’ delay is nothing more than an attempt to sweetcoat a 12 month delay (assuming no further delays). + +The second part of the comment, relating to a ‘defect mode’, is just as interesting as the first. Intel are attempting to use GaaFeT technology for their 7nm process, though there's conflicting information suggesting they might move away from this if it proves to be too difficult. \[10\] GaaFet, or Gates-all-around-Field-effect-Transistor, is a new and unproven transistor technology that should overcome the technical difficulties current transistor technologies face at increasingly smaller sizes. Unlike normal process shrinks, this is going to a completely new type of transistor and we only have one other comparable in history �� the transistor to a 3D FinFeT technology a few years ago. With FinFet, the research process from having a ‘working prototype’ demonstrating commercialisation potential took 8 years. \[11\] Meanwhile, the equivalent demonstration with GaaFeT took place 3 years ago. + +\[12\] While FinFeT and GaaFeT are different beasts, it is undeniable that the plans from Intel, and indeed all other foundries, are incredibly ambitious. The latest leaks suggest that the ‘defect mode’ Intel have ran into has to do with their GaaFeT implementation. If this is true, you could easily see 7nm being just as much of a disaster as 10nm is. + +Beyond 7nm, there are some positives to be [found.](http://found.as/) As we get even smaller transistors, it will be necessary for both EUV and patterning to occur. It's likely that Intel will have an advantage in this area compared to competitors due to their experience with 10nm. At the same time, they are actively exploring chipletbased designs. They might have been late in realising the benefits, but they've finally come around with their EMIB, Foveros and big.Little technologies, all of which I'll explore in a future blog post. + +**Conclusion** + +I’ll leave it to you to decide what the financial implications of these deductions are for Intel, but suffice it to say the baseline scenario is far worse than what many people envision. There is no doubt that Intel will recover from this fiasco, but at what cost? Will it require yet another management reshuffle? Following in the footsteps of AMD, outsourcing production fully and writing off its’ own fabs? Acknowledgement that they will no longer be able to extract incredible margins from their monopolistic position? + +References + +\[1\] [http://www.lithoguru.com/scientist/lithobasics.html](http://www.lithoguru.com/scientist/lithobasics.html) + +\[2\][Dennard, R., Gaensslen, F., Hwa-Nien Yu, Rideout, V., Bassous, E. and Leblanc, A., 1999. Design Of Ion-implanted MOSFET's with Very Small Physical Dimensions. *IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.*, 87(4), pp.668-678.](https://web.ece.ucsb.edu/courses/ECE225/225_W07Banerjee/reference/Dennard.pdf) + +[\[3\]2019 Intel Investor Meeting Presentation, slide 9](https://s21.q4cdn.com/600692695/files/doc_presentations/2019/05/2019-Intel-Investor-Meeting-Renduchintala.pdf) + +\[4\][TSMC PR release, 10/2019](https://www.tsmc.com/tsmcdotcom/PRListingNewsArchivesAction.do?action=detail&newsid=THHIHIPGTH&language=E) + +\[5\][https://www.anandtech.com/show/15385/intels-confusing-messaging-is-comet-lake-better-than-ice-lake](https://www.anandtech.com/show/15385/intels-confusing-messaging-is-comet-lake-better-than-ice-lake) + +\[6\][https://www.techspot.com/review/452-amd-bulldozer-fx-cpus/page13.html](https://www.techspot.com/review/452-amd-bulldozer-fx-cpus/page13.html) + +[\[7\]https://wccftech.com/intel-10nm-ice-lake-sp-xeon-cpu-28-core-56-thread-cpu-benchmarks-leak/](https://wccftech.com/intel-10nm-ice-lake-sp-xeon-cpu-28-core-56-thread-cpu-benchmarks-leak/) + +[\[8\]https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-epyc-7742](https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-epyc-7742) + +[\[9\]https://www.anandtech.com/show/13405/intel-10nm-cannon-lake-and-core-i3-8121u-deep-dive-review](https://www.anandtech.com/show/13405/intel-10nm-cannon-lake-and-core-i3-8121u-deep-dive-review) + +[\[10\]https://twitter.com/chiakokhua/status/1288402693770231809](https://twitter.com/chiakokhua/status/1288402693770231809) + +[\[11\]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinFET](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinFET) + +\[12\][https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319035460\_Stacked\_nanosheet\_gate-all-around\_transistor\_to\_enable\_scaling\_beyond\_FinFET](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319035460_Stacked_nanosheet_gate-all-around_transistor_to_enable_scaling_beyond_FinFET) +With the Bear Market becoming official, looking at Inverse ETFs for the Canadian markets. + +Which do you like? + +Will you sell your XEQT/VEQT/XYZ to fund or use any reserves to fund? + +EDIT: +1. Not for long-term holds. +Generally, for INTRADAY trading. + +2. Cash is from a large tax refund and a successful porfolio since I cashed out a lot of tech, crypto etc in Nov and bought a lot of oil in Dec. I'll still be holding over half of my maxxed out TFSA in XEQT. + +3. My assumption is a further 15-20% fall in the markets. +/u/tgjv was kind enough to send me this offer: + +>Hey, I just read some of your posts on fatFIRE. + +>Since you mentioned you're not sure that would be enough for retirement, would you be interested in a business that's very profitable? + +>It can be done part time from anywhere with internet access. It has low risks. >And high rewards. The only thing that's needed is capital. + +>The business is international trade. + +>I'm in this business. I have a few clients, but I have no funds. So I thought why not reach out to someone who has funds and maybe we can help each other. + +>If you are interested, I can get into much greater detail and show you the profit potential. + +>Regards, Petar + +They don't even go for email any more! +We brought our 7 months old to ER due to covid and croup then they gave him all the treatment at the ER but his Pedia was not comfortable sending our boy home so she wants him to get observe for 6 to 8 hours. The problem was ER can't let us stay that long so his Pedia referred him to Loma Linda Children Hospital which is 65 miles away from our place. I asked them if we can just bring him there by ourselves but they said if we do that there will be no guarantee he'll have a room so we got no choice but to take their transport which is the ambulance. We've waited around 6 hours before the ambulance arrived and he got transported along with my wife. My wife said our baby was so behave and calm, no supplemental oxygen or other treatment given. It was only plain ride. Now we're getting charged $5400 for that?! His insurance didn't even cover portion of it. What should we do? Can we negotiate the price? We don't want to pay that kind of amount because his ER treatment was cheaper and he got better. Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you + +EDIT: Forgot to mention our state and his insurance. We're from California and he has BC/BS 80/20 PPO health insurance. +Everyone here has probably heard the disclaimer "Past performance does not guarantee future results" more times than they can count. + +Yet, so many people still use or even swear by technical analysis, which is essentially just an interpretation of price movements, and therefore of past performance. Similarly, most financial models are tested using backtesting on a subset of historical price data. + +Clearly, the disclaimer does not match up with real practices. And if those practices were *complete* bogus, no one would be doing them. + +So: How should I view those practices, and how should I view this disclaimer? If past performance *does* indicate future results to some extent, why is not everyone running a strategy à la "Buy when it's 1% down sell when it's 1% up", if it so happens that this strategy works in a backtest? +Basically daytrading has pretty much consumed my life. Been at it full time now for around 3 months and it is all I think about. It's getting to the point where I literally dream about charts on a regular basis. + +I am aware that this is definitely not healthy. Whenever I have a red day - I honestly feel terrible, while I'm noticeably feeling better on green days. + +Just wanted to let this out there since I don't really talk to anyone about daytrading. + +Anyone in the same boat? Anyone have some tips? + +Edit: Appreciate all the responses and glad to see I'm not alone here. + +My keytakeaways: + +1. Take a break every once in awhile and focus on something other than daytrading. +2. Accept losses as part of the game and focus on trading well rather than P/L. +3. Evaluate results at a longer term time frame rather than day to day. +4. Better be a bagholder in a dream rather than IRL lol. +Over the past few years I’ve built up a small real estate portfolio (currently with 3 rental units). Lately a lot of friends, family and coworkers have started to ask me questions about certain real estate topics, trends, what markets to buy or not buy into. For some reason this past year I’ve had those same people try and pitch going in as a partner and buying properties together. My personal preference is to be a lone wolf in this game. Not that I don’t work well with others, but I don’t trust many people and I’d rather keep business and personal separate. Anyone have a good response to someone when they ask if you’d want to partner with them? Obviously the “no” answer is pretty blunt.. but maybe in a nicer way? + + + +I was eating dinner with my family when a private number called me. +It was a customer service manager from Etoro. + +He was very polite, he was very patient with me and he was very understanding of why I am requesting what I am requesting. + +Later in the evening he followed up with an Email, I’m going to leave it in the comments. + +The phone call was much the same of my lengthy email chain. +He made it clear he was calling to apologise for the incorrect information given to me from the support team - they can not provide a letter showing the shares they have purchased on my behalf. The chat help lady had literally stated that they will do this. + +We spoke about Etoro not being able to provide proof of ownership and he confirmed I can not transfer out. His thoughts on the situation were for me to close my position and then move to another broker, I responded by explaining that makes me feel more so that Etoro does not have my shares registered in the first place. +I am not closing my positions. +I questioned what’s stopping them from transferring my shares? I’d be happy to pay the buy/sell difference if there is one. And then they have my shares and move them out. It all works the same. + +This can’t be done he said. And so we went around in circles some more. + +He also said that Etoro are doing their best to keep their customers happy when it comes to GameStop stock and it’s situation. They pushed to make sure their customers could all vote. +I agreed that was really cool of them. As I think about that while I’m writing this now, wouldn’t that provide some tiny evidence that they hold GME shares?? … Hmmmm + +I asked what reasons Etoro would ever have to step in and close trades, to sum it up it seems his answer was it wouldn’t be a decision Etoro would make but more so if the exchange made a decision, which would affect all brokers. + +I explained how Etoro closed my positions in January, I said I woke up one morning and my positions were closed and this was apparently because of a ‘glitch’… I said if that had have been tens of thousands of dollars I’d have been really upset. So in January I actually had to buy back in. +I explained that this, plus Etoro not providing any evidence of registered shares gives me enough reason to lose trust. + +He could only offer his understanding. + +I also explained how I believe there is evidence that brokers are struggling to locate shares for customers who have opted to transfer out. I said it is highly possible certain brokers are taking retail investors money and not purchasing stock at all.. + +Long ass story short.. +I think this phone call was initially made to try and close my case, but I made it clear that I am continuing with my open case with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. +He said I have every right to continue with it even though he doesn’t believe it will get me what I am after. +At the end of the day, Etoro have given me their word that they have registered shares for me. And this simply isn’t enough for me. + +I hope I can to push hard with AFCA. +I am still waiting to hear back from them, and my case is still open with Etoro as it gets pushed up again through management. I am going to receive another phone call. + +Also quick note from my last post, everyone that PM’d me with questions I apologize I haven’t had time to answer. I’ll do my best to reply. And everyone that responded with more helpful tips, thanks so much for every bit of input. + +[Link to original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7w0xl/i_have_made_a_formal_complaint_to_australian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +I was on the phone with Fidelity customer service last week. Long time Fidelity customer here, and I wanted to try my hand at option trading, but I accidentally turned on margin trading and had to call to get that removed. + +Anyway, the rep and I were chatting while he was doing stuff and he mentioned to me that he's been doing nothing but this kind of request because of transferring RH customers that had margin trading on by default and didn't even know until they switched. + +Then he also mentioned that Fidelity had more new accounts in 2021 so far -- in 6 weeks -- **than all of 2020**. + +Now, Fidelity is a large ass company. The fact that they got 10x the normal flow of new customers mostly because of RH doesn't sound great for the future of RH. + + +Puts on RH IPO. +Newb to investing here so sorry if this is a dumb question. In the last 12 months I've been putting 50% of my salary into mutual funds every two weeks. My question is now that the market is down and people are saying it could continue to drop until we officially are in a recession, should I pause my investing or keep things going as normal? +Yo, I'm 20 and have been trading stocks since august last year and have turned £3,000 into £12,000 and want to take half of it now and try and fuck with some Forex but I have had no luck. Stocks are easy to learn from youtube and just pre market scans, but i can't find any good youtube teachers for forex. Could anyone point me to a good forex youtuber or even if there are any courses worth buying (I'm skeptical of courses as most of the time they're making their money through selling the course rather than actually trading, but I'll keep an open mind). + +Cheers. +Hey all, I just joined this sub so apologies if this information is already posted somewhere. I am a 25F who works the typical 9-5 office job, and I cannot possibly imagine doing this for 40 more years. Me and my fiance have been saving money for the last 2 or 3 years to buy a house, but lately I've been thinking a duplex or triplex might be a better idea because we could possibly house hack it. I've had so much trouble finding anything on the market in our price range, everything sells in a day for just ridiculous amounts over the actual value of the house. + +I guess my main question as I'm starting out is, should I keep waiting for this impending "housing crash" to hit? Or just get into the market as soon as possible? + +What credible sources or books would people recommend reading for beginners? +Like I said a few days ago, I have a single triplex [that’s so far been a money pit](https://www.reddit.com/r/realestateinvesting/comments/xcn9zk/expenses_much_higher_than_i_expected/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +Obviously I knew the 2 and 3% rates I bought with weren’t going to last forever, and prepared myself for the 5 and 6% rates. But given the Fed’s sentiment, I’m concerned by the time I have another downpayment saved rates will be 8 or 9% (or worse). + +What’s the protocol for if the rates get that high or higher? Is it loosen cash flow standards for deals? Is it only buy turnkey? Is it hoard cash like a dragon and try to avoid debt altogether? + +I know the answer is some semblance of “buy now, hold on to it, and refi when rates do drop in a few years” but want to be sure I do it smart, A. So that I don’t leave money on the table and B. So that I don’t find myself in a position where I need to refinance and can’t because of market conditions +Proof: https://imgur.com/a/ZhN2Xak + +I had made a bet with some random redditor at the beginning of may that if VET crossed 50c in may, I would donate $1000 to the children's section of my local library. + +VET let me down (I kid, I still love VET), but I went ahead and made the donation anyways (annoymously, and in memory of /r/CryptoCurrency ). + +Edit: Reposted because direct image links are not allowed. Sorry for the confusion + +For the kids! +https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2020/12/16/bitcoin-just-smashed-through-20000-whats-next/?sh=241d5f644d89 + +https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-price-breaks-20k + +https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-price-hits-20-000-for-the-first-time-in-history + +https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/breaking-bitcoin-finally-cracks-20-000-for-the-first-time-ever-202012161344 + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/bitcoin-breaks-above-20000-for-the-first-time-ever.html + +https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/88037/bitcoin-price-breaks-above-20000-1 +>Tesla has cranked up its Model 3 production in recent months, enabling buyers like Mr. Schmidt to get their vehicles after long waits. But as Tesla’s U.S. sales approach those of luxury auto makers like BMW AG and Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz, it has encountered new logistical problems, from delivery and servicing of a growing fleet to balancing supply and demand. + +>Part of the problem is that Tesla, unlike other auto makers, doesn’t have a network of hundreds of franchise dealerships to sell and service its vehicles. Tesla has long touted this as an advantage, giving it more control over the customer experience. But it means Tesla has to pay for service centers and to staff them. + +>Mr. Musk said Tesla has erred by storing service parts at distribution warehouses rather than more locally at service centers, noting a simple repair could take days waiting for parts to arrive. + +>He also has said on Twitter that he wants to bring more collision work in-house. Body shops are a low-margin business and come with high costs to stock the proper equipment and hire trained staff. + +>“It is going to be astronomical,” Dan Brennan, who has owned a body shop in Orlando, Fla., for about 40 years, said of the costs. Mr. Brennan stopped doing Tesla work about a year ago, frustrated with waiting on the company. + +https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/tesla-is-cranking-out-model-3snow-it-has-to-service-them-11549810800 +Am I naive to think the markets will generally pick up as the economies start opening up? Then there will be a second wave of the pandemic which will cause economies to close and price drops. These will start to recover when they re-open again. +I'm quite interested in the vanguard s&p500 ucits etf, but i am a huge noob when it comes to investing. I know people say to buy low but is it not the best time for someone so inexperienced? I understand that this would be a very long term investment. But as everything is dropping it would just be an immediate loss and possibly even worse losses coming for who knows how long. +The psychology of how we trade feels more important than the mathematics of it. Here's what I've learned so far: + +# 1/ Don't lose money + +We should approach a trade as ways to minimize risk and to not lose money than to get tempted by big gains. + +# 2/ You don't know the market + +No one knows the market; You feel it should be XYZ, but it doesn't matter. The market can be fully irrational and one can argue that it's always irrational. + +# 3/ Play all sides of the game + +Continuation of the game - plan and prepare to play all sides of the game. Plan to win in the north, the south, the east and the west. + +Don't hope the enemy only comes from the north + +# 4/ Clear exit plans + +Have a predetermined exit plan for every trade and even have a limit order to buy-back at 50% of profits. This will make it easier to have more win rate + +# 5/ Diversify + +No eggs in one basket. Sell several underlyings. Sell small positions on different days + +# 6/ Detach ego + +Don't get emotionally invested in a trade. Look to get in/out in as robotically as possible + +# 7/ Mechanise / algorithmize your trade + +Look to make your trade entry, adjusts and exists as mechanically as possible. Keep a running "algorithm" that you adjust and just follow the algorithm for every trade. + +This helps reduce human emotion during a trade. + +# 8/ Be consistent + +Follow the same algorithm, entry point, exit point, delta, etc. This will help correct the algorithm and get consistent results + +# 9/ System over goals + +Don't focus on output -- i.e. the amount you make. Rather focus on the mechanism, the system, and focus on optimizing it. + +This will prevent fixation to one particular amount of money + +# 10/ Don't visualize the outcome + +Don't think about the fancy car, home, etc you can buy with the money you could theoretically make. Reduces emotions + +# 11/ Learn from mistakes + +Learn from mistakes. Keep a journal. Update the algorithm + +# 12/ Be humble + +Finally - be humble. No one has conquered the market and even large fund managers have gone bust. Never be too confident +So I've been playing with options for a few months and quickly realizing theta gang is the way to go. I feel like I understand the basics but struggling with where to start. Ive been trying to find a stock sub 20 with an rsi over 70 or below 20 with good volume and iv but I'm coming up short. Is it worth wheeling into something like AAL or maybe even using my tasty works margin and going up to 40 with something like CRSR? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! +Just read the security report from Crypto.com in an official press release issued barely 3 days after the recent hacking. + +I think this is impressive not just for CDC but for the crypto market in general, in building confidence in cryptocurrency. This is so vital considering how crypto is still held in suspicion by many. + +To quote them: + +>Crypto.com is introducing the Worldwide Account Protection Program (WAPP). WAPP offers additional protection and security for user funds held in the Crypto.com App and the Crypto.com Exchange. +> +>WAPP is designed to protect user funds in cases where a third party gains unauthorized access to their account and withdraws funds without the user’s permission. WAPP restores funds up to USD$250,000 for qualified users; terms & conditions apply. + +Some noteworthy things you must do to qualify for the WAPP: + +* Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on all transaction types where MFA is currently available,  +* Set up an anti-phishing code at least 21 days prior to the reported unauthorized transaction, +* Not be using jailbroken devices,  +* File a police report and provide a copy of it to Crypto.com; and  +* Complete a questionnaire to support a forensic investigation. + +The WAPP will begin rolling out in select markets starting 1 February 2022.  + +CDC has also : + +1. migrated to a new 2FA infrastructure, with a longer term plan to migrate to true Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). +2. Introduced an additional layer of security on 18 Jan to add a mandatory 24-hour delay between registration of a new whitelisted withdrawal address, and first withdrawal. +3. Full audit of the entire infrastructure +4. Engaged with third-party security firms to perform additional security checks + threat intelligence +5. And of course, all affected customers have been fully reimbursed. + +[Here's the link to the report.](https://crypto.com/product-news/crypto-com-security-report-next-steps) + +EDIT: Sincere thanks for the awards! +EDIT2: I really didn't expect this to blow up. Thank you all for the awards! I just want to add that, yes I am a CDC customer, but I also hold many other tokens and coins, and I'm well aware of the amount of suspicion and misunderstanding many people have regarding crypto. It's really important that, as time passes, the crypto world shows that it cares, it is relatable and it adds value. That's why I decided to share about this. I am also learning that other exchanges offer similar - but maybe it's not marketed as well. Marketing is awareness. And it's true that the way a service provider reacts to a crisis is key to its public perception. thanks for reading! +OK, so I pulled the trigger and retired to Cambodia. +Almost lean FIRE but i'm rich over here. + +$330 000 CAD in high dividend ETF's = $1200 CAD per month +$28 000 CAD in LRSP = returns reinvested +$75 000 USD rental house in Cambodia = $400 USD per month +$75 000 USD home in Cambodia = -$125 USD per month (water, power, WIFI, cable) +$10 000 USD emergency fund = $0 a month + +So we have about $40 give or take to spend a day over here, which is hard to spend. Beer is 40 cents a can, I just had Pad Thai at a restaurant for $2. Let's just say it's very cheap. We want to put a little coffee shop on the ground floor of our house so we can "barista FIRE" but it's more just for fun to give my wife somewhere to hang with her friends. + +Cambodia uses the USD which sucked when buying our place but whatever. My cell phone plan 4g unlimited is $8 a month. I was paying $120 in Canada. + +Always saved a bit back in Canada but mostly I felt like Canada was becoming very expensive for the quality of life achieved. So I sold my house and moved. There is something inherently pleasing about swimming in the ocean every day, eating truly fresh meat and veggies, and getting a full body massage daily. + + + +Good bye Calgary. + +Shoot me any questions. + + + + + + + + + +If you aren’t 10 years or less from retirement, you should be excited about the upcoming potential recession or market correction. These happen from time to time and historically speaking, every recession is a perfect time to get a decent position in whatever your favorite Blue chip companies are(that is of course if during the recession you have any spare money to begin with). Companies like Apple and Microsoft are recession proof and these current prices are at a great discount. Yes, the market could keep going lower, that’s why dollar cost averaging strategies exist, but please, don’t neglect to invest in this bloody red market. In 5 years, you will be thanking yourself. + +Edit: I’m not a boomer lol. Im 26. The whole idea that I was a boomer bag holder is ridiculous because even if it were true, are people here actually stupid enough to think that a post with 5k upvotes swings the market in any direction? Yes, this might not be the bottom but “time in the market beats timing the market.” I even got made of fun of for not giving individual recommendations yet had I gave recommendations it would have been people getting upset about that too. Lastly, I don’t literally mean eat ramen and invest every dollar you can lol. But whatever, Reddit mob. +My fiancé left me (she wanted to see other people) with 2k in credit card debt, I had 20k in student loans (she had 37k) and I had moved 300 miles away from my family to be with her (she wanted to be close to her family). I was destroyed beyond belief as you could imagine. As soon as she left me I focalized my pain and anger in a positive way. I decided to apply to 82 different jobs near my family. I got 3 interviews, I nailed them all but out of instinct I followed with one in particular. I ended up getting the job so I could finally move out of the apartment with all of her stuff giving me harsh daily reminders of a failed engagement. My pay raise was jumping from 50k to 80k!! I lived in that depressing hell box alone for 2 months while she lived with her parents. When I moved I started changing my financial life. She wanted loans for our wedding (before she dumped me) which I hated but thought, I mean it is our big day. I dropped that crappy debt ideology she thought was ‘okay’ and changed my views! Here we are now, in 6 months since starting my new job, I have my own apartment, my credit cards are paid off and I am down to 10k on my student loans, with a 2k rainy day fund, 1k in my HSA, and with a maximum 401k contribution. + +Advice: My advice for you guys and gals, when you hit rock bottom, remember to bounce hard so you can go higher at a faster speed. Focus your negative emotions (anger and sadness) and turn those thoughts and feelings into productivity. You can do this. Also, disassociate yourself from those who put you into financial stress, its unhealthy and stressful, you will be amazed at your potential when you surround yourself with people who root for Financial Freedom. +Who is ready for another week of hodling? 😁 +I know I am! + +Current price "115 minutes in: 174.94 US-$" + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of camaraderie is critical, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + +Starting: 174.58 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 174.03 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 174.09 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 174.09 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 174.09 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 174.09 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 174.09 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 174.15 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 175.00 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 174.45 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 174.58 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 174.88 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 174.82 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 174.82 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 174.82 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 174.94 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 174.94 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 174.94 US-$ + +The US pre-market is about to open so that's it for the day 🇺🇸 +I wish you all a great start into this week! +Let's give 'em hell 👋 +Personally I just look at their website first. If that is ghetto or uses jargon like "ecofriendly" without any credible explanation of how it will achieve that then I label it a shitcoin. If the website looks okay then I look for the team members behind it. If that is not disclosed I drop its score down a notch. + +So my process is basically: + +1. Website sniff test (is it up and running with a sensical mission statement?) +2. Who is the team (are they capable?) +2. Glance at the white paper + +Is there a faster way to eliminate shitcoins? Does the Market cap tell me anything? What about the crypto groups that are focusing on some other goal like storing medical records--how will their coins perform? + +I also understand that I could also just invest in shitcoins, the price action on some of these losers has been 10x-50x before crashing down...but there is just much higher risk with that type of play even though it worked for a some people. I believe speed of screening is something worth thinking about to narrow down your basket of cryptos +Took a summer job as a camp counselor since it lines up with my current job in a school. Nothing too intensive, just a way to make some extra money during the summer. Anyway, after I accepted, I checked the same posting on Indeed and the camp raised the pay by $5/hr. I'm meeting with the director tomorrow, how do I best ask him to match my current pay to the new rate? I prefer to work at the camp since it'll be flexible and in town so I rather not look for another job + +Edit: thanks to everyone for your input and insight!! Hoping everything works out for the best! + +Update: time conflicts have caused us to reschedule our meeting until Monday, for anyone who is still around I will update then! Thanks for all the advice! + +Final update: After searching on Indeed I have accepted a position at an Amazon warehouse that will offer about $7/hr more than the camp and will give me flexibility to work beyond the summer as well, sorry if anyone was looking forward to a resolution but I made the the decision that worked best for me, cheers everyone! +I know the majority of you apes are rock solid and don’t need to hear this. + +But just a reminder for anyone who’s banking on a rug pull this time since we experienced one the last few runups: past results are no guarantee of future results. + +We humans are blessed but also cursed with highly refined pattern recognition. It sometimes breaks down catastrophically, causing us to perceive a pattern where none exists. + +In our case one of these runups will be the last runup. There’s no way to know which one that will be, but it’s a virtual guarantee that selling into it will be a catastrophic mistake as buying back in will be very costly if even possible. +My Aunt is on her own, Uncle died 11 years ago. She has zero for retirement, but owns a rental property that is paying a measly $850 rent on $430k property value. + +She is awful with finances. I want to help her sell the house, and invest the $400k proceeds into a low cost ETF that pays monthly dividends. I'm wanting something that pays $1,200 - 2,000 per month to better cover her cost of living. + +Any suggestions are welcome, thanks +Why is it that every options trading book looks just like the following: + +How to Get Super Rich Trading Options: +-What is a number? +-What is a stock? +-Here is an option. + *shows graph of price at expiration* +-one basic example, then on to the next trade +-random unimportant side notes about being a market maker +-a few over-generalized, vague statements about strategy, along the lines of "buy low, sell high." +-the end + + +Very little if no mention of: +-how options trade before expiration +-IV1 vs IV2 dynamics +-the interplay between lengths of time and IV sensitivities +-how the passing of time affects delta (and therefore the extrinsic option price) +-which strategies are easiest to manage! How to know when it makes sense to get in or out of a trade! + + +I think the nuts and bolts of what makes ideas actually profitable are mostly ignored. + +I know enough to know what I don't know, and I am getting really frustrated with the quality of education I keep encountering. + +Thanks for reading! +I’m a 59 year old single nurse, who hopes to retire at 65. As of today, LIncoln Financial Group is reporting my 401a and 403b accounts are down 15.48% ytd (10.71% in first qtr). All money is in VTTVX (Vanguard Target Retirement 2025 Fund) for both plans. LIncoln Financial Group picked VTTVX, but I think I should switch investments to stop the hemorrhage. I spent years paying my exes debts off and caring for a disabled son, so I didn’t start putting into retirement until 7 yrs ago. I own my home and have $70,000 equity. I have $15,000 in savings, $13,000 in stocks and funds I manage (down 30% ytd, mostly because I pulled out a few when they peaked high and turned), $18,145 in my 401a and $57,419 in my 403b. + +Thoughts and/or suggestions? Please don’t be too harsh, I know it’s bad. +Hi, I'm a relatively new investor with only a few holdings. I'm looking to diversify into different sectors with high-quality stocks. What are your picks for the best stocks to hold in each sector? + +1. Consumer staples +2. Consumer discretionary +3. Technology +4. Communications +5. Financials +6. Healthcare +7. Industrials +8. Materials +9. Real estate +10. Energy +11. Utilities +My partner died rather suddenly a few months ago. No kids. + +We didn't have life insurance, because we stupidly thought we wouldn't need it in our 20s. Savings got depleted paying for stuff in the aftermath. Household income dropped from $170k to $80k. + +I live in a city where $80k pre-tax is OK for a single person but not a high wage (high cost of living). I could not afford a home here without the second income. I had to make big lifestyle adjustments. I already downsized to a modest 1 bedroom apartment and ditched the car. + +Now I find myself lost. What should I do to build towards a good financial future? I want to find a way to be financially secure on my own. + +I'm worried the $80K isn't going to be enough in the long haul now that I'm on my own. How can I increase that? My current job is OK but I don't see much growth potential down the line. Should I work a side gig? Invest aggressively? Consider a career change? Upgrade credentials? Go back to school? What would give me a good shot at really increasing earnings? I'm willing to work very hard and open to suggestions. + +I have 0 debts so far. As for assets, here's what I have left... + +$200k approx - my retirement savings (maxed out) + +$110k approx - spouse's retirement savings + +$18k - Emergency Savings + +It's mostly in ETFs. Is there a better way I could leverage this money to give myself a jump start at a new life? + +--------------------------- + +EDIT: Because so many people are reacting "but you make $80k, how you can have financial issues", I should explain more. I don't think I'm going to go bust on 80K. I know most families in America are forced to live off much less than that. I know I am luckier than many. I don't want to insult the experience of so many families and single parents who struggle to live off much less. I do live in an expensive city, where 80K stretches less than it might elsewhere. I can pay my bills and get by. But I don't want to live alone in a small apartment all by myself for the rest of my life. I want to be able to earn enough to also save a lot for the future: future home, future 2nd marriage, future family, future retirement. + +Short-term survival is not an issue. But I am worried about the long haul. Now that I am single again and not tied down, this is my chance to make changes. I have a better opportunity to go back to school, move or change jobs now than I will in the future. I'm trying to plan ahead, because I still want to have hope that life can go on after loss!! + +EDIT2: Clearing things up more. To plan for the future I want to be able to save at least 30% of my income. Even more if I can. With high cost of living and reduced income, it seems hard now. That's why I'm looking to increase income. +I was debating if I should post/celebrate this here, but after seeing /r/fierymillennials [lessons learned from a break](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/a5nue9/lessons_learned_from_a_9month_break/), and after posting here in /r/fi for the last 4 years, I thought I'd share some of my lessons from my career (and maybe sneak in a few questions while I'm at it). + +# Where I Am Now + +As the title (and my flair says) I'm sitting right around FI now! Our household consists of me, my wife who's a year younger and our 11-year-old poodle mix, living in the western US. + +I'm a software engineer (full-stack web development) turned Product Manager working a career in tech - but never in what I'd "high tech" cities. Orlando and Salt Lake City have a great tech presence, but they're not exactly in the top 5 (or 10?). + +With around $2m saved up and yearly expenses somewhere between $60-$100k, it's looking like we're in decent shape! Over the last 2-years, our expenses have risen as we got married, fixed up a house, went on 2 honeymoons, moved across the country, furnished a new place and settled in. I'm optimistic it'll drop down closer to the $60k side now. + +Today is my last day at my job of almost 8 years (!). My wife is continuing to work at this time, with me on her insurance We've talked about it, and she knows she could leave as well. Her working right now makes this much more flexible as we test out our spending levels with one of us not working. + +# How I got Here Financially + +Luck. Hard work at times for sure, and lots of planning, but no one retires in their 30s without luck (windfalls or high income) or cutting expenses so deep that your lifestyle borders some hobo-chic. + +My luck came in a few specific fortuitous financial events: + +* Had parents that raised me with a ton of **self-control**. Learning to have money (even if you're not rich) but not spend it from an early age is a huge benefit. +* Went to a **state school for college** and graduated with no student debt. Scholarships and parents paid for everything for the first 2 years, then started working to take over all expenses by the end. I was soooo lucky to not get into the expensive colleges I applied for and have parents who could chip in that $1k/month to live on. +* Started working on **side projects** non-stop starting in high school, which helped my marketable skills continue developing (even if they didn't make money). +* Received an **inheritance** of $100,000 at age 24 when my mom passed away. Add to that another $150,000 from selling her house. That was in 2007, and the $250k promptly dropped to $150k a year later during the great recession. +* Worked, without gaps and saved at least 50% of my income each year from age 24 on. + * Also increased my expenses significantly during that time. +* Went from **startup to startup**, eventually landing at one where I worked as hard as I could (sometimes 90 hours a week). +* That startup was eventually **acquired**, which was a nice $400k windfall. +* The company that acquired us went **public**, which was a nice $800k windfall. + +There's a lot of luck to this. I was on my own FI path before this acquisition with a higher FI date in mind (40 if things went well, but probably closer to 44 realistically). Luck and events completely outside my control brought that date down 4-8 more years. + +# What's Next? + +After years working at startups, I absolutely love creating things and providing value to people. One thing I'm most excited about is the time to learn and build things without the need for them to make money. I've done some side projects, but hope to do many more now. + +Other than that, the usual winter recreation! Playing Red Dead Redemption 2, rewatching all of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, going skiing and traveling to see family. + +Long-term though, time will tell. If our spending is low enough, then we won't need additional income. If it ends up being higher than we expect and we decide we'd rather now lower it, I'd like to find a way to make a little side income without a job through side projects. Luckily there is no rush on that today. We have options, and time to find a passion that makes a little money is one of the best ones. + +I do have a few things that I'm trying to do immediately. I'd be curious to hear how others have handled these: + +* Stop identifying myself by my job role, accomplishments or work. +* Stop setting unachievable expectations for myself. +* Stop trying to optimize every day and be OK with progress. +* Start setting boundaries between side projects and personal life. +* Being OK with the idea that there are days I'm going to wake up where I don't want to do anything. + +These are the immediate things I'm working on in my head right now. + +# What Did I Do Well? + +For things that I had control over at least, here's a few that stand out: + +* I think the number one thing was **making myself invaluable to companies** I worked for. I did whatever needed to be done strategically in the companies - even if that meant changing roles or learning new skills. +* Stuck with **low-fee index fund investing** for 95% of my portfolio long term. I made investing mistakes (oh, hi Bitcoin), but they were limited to at max 5% of my portfolio. +* Tracking spending **quarterly**. +* Didn't try to **over-optimize investments**. Just let time do their thing (helps that this was the best bull market ever). +* Developed a strong sense of **what I wanted out of life** outside of work. I have no shortage of things I want to do. + +# What Could I Have Improved On? + +* I didn't **max out my 401k** for about 5 of my working years. I didn't have access to a 401k for another 4 years. +* My **spending grew** way more than I thought. I should've been looking at my spending monthly. +* My wife and I have been together for almost 12 years, but we didn't fully join our finances until year 11. We knew about each other account balances/debts, but not as much each others cash flow. Would've been useful in planning to know each other's **total spending**. +* Tracking **spending monthly** would've helped see trends faster. +* Creating **another source of income** would have been really nice. +* **Thinking too much about FI** at times was a distraction from other, more important goals and parts of life. + +Whew, that's a lot. It's been 11 years since I started investing and 9 years since I opened a Vanguard account. Without additional lucky (in the form of those windfalls) I don't know how FI would've been possible without drastically cutting spending during my earning years far more than I did. + +That might not be the most optimistic takeaways, but it's an honest one. There's a sliding scale between compromise and luck for retiring in your 30s. I was able to lean more on luck, but that's not a reproducible takeaway. If you do what you can with what you're given that's all you can do - just do your best and be OK with the results. + +&#x200B; + +*Edit* + +**On acquisition/IP money**: From the comments, I realized I did a poor job of taking credit for my part in those events. As a long-time developer, I don't do a great job of taking credit for my accomplishments. As I mentioned in some comments below, I was an early employee at the startup and led the largest team which was responsible for our main product, and was a key part of why we were acquired. + +**On windfall/Why don't you have more money:** I wish I could say I just put the windfall money in low-cost index funds and called it day, but that wasn't the case. I bought a house (which I sold for a $70k loss), lost a bunch of money due to load funds and taxes on trades my financial advisor put me in (before I started managing my own money) and saw my investments drop by almost half in 2008. All that to say that in 2008 my net worth was much closer to $70k. Couple that with a lower income (since I was right out of college) and it's not too much being set aside each year. +Please forgive me if this is a little off-topic, but I was searching around on Reddit for the appropriate sub on life planning, and was encouraged by the response u/anon-e-muss got in this [thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/1ne10e/when_do_you_stop_how_much_is_enough_why_isnt/ +). I’m in a similar situation, and would be grateful for your thoughts. + +ABOUT ME: + +Age: 44 + +Net worth: Around $1.6M: $700K in after-tax accounts, $700K in pre-tax accounts, $190K equity on a $500K mortgage in Manhattan. + +Status: Single, never married, no children + +Education: BA, MBA from top schools + +I value my health, I’m in excellent shape for my age, and my family tends to be long-lived. I make a little over $100K a year as an individual contributor, never management. But my industry has taken a turn that I don’t like, and since I’m getting older, I find myself with younger peers who don’t share the same values as me. + +I’m frugal by nature, and in the past two decades, the most I’ve spent in a year was $50K (and that included starting a mortgage and paying for graduate school.) Without those expenses, I probably spend around $25K. + +POTENTIAL PATHS + +I could retire, but I’m not sure what I would do with the time. I've traveled plenty. I’d probably still want to work. I'd probably spend more time exercising and resting though. + +A few years ago, I was lucky enough to get a three month sabbatical, so I’ve had the pleasure of an extended adventure. I liked it, but I’m very goal oriented, so it turned out like work. Work that was fun, got me into better shape, with fewer unpleasant co-workers — but still work. + +Ten or 15 years ago, I would have immediately set upon planning more travel, but as my youth recedes and death looms larger, I think more about my legacy and effect on the world. + +A NEW LIFE: + +For many people, that legacy is kids. But my romantic prospects have never been great. I’m attractive and personable but I’m not especially gregarious. + +It has passed my mind to retire early and devote myself to developing a social identity in a cheaper city, with the aim of finding a community, a wife, and having kids. I don’t especially like kids, but don’t hate them either. In all the books I've read, it seems relationships are the most important thing in life. + +But I’m not sure how I would go about that. And I may be too old for kids. And $1M is doable for an early retirement for a single frugal guy, but women and children require more money. + +MOVING UP: + +For legacy, I have also thought about finally putting in the extra effort to vault myself into management, and focus my extra time and energy and desire for impact there. It wouldn’t be for money, but for the chance to develop new skills and create that legacy. But I may not have the personality for it, and I grow less enchanted with the industry I’m in daily. + +A NEW PROFESSION: + +A third path would be to go into a new profession. I’m confident of my academic skills. I have considered medicine to help people and have a positive effect on the world — but I already have an MBA. I know I would struggle with the long nights and wear and tear on my health. My career would also be shorter too, but medicine is something you can practice until you die. + +What’s more, after seven to ten years, I might wind up where I am today, still vaguely dissatisfied. + +If anyone’s been in a similar situation to mine, I would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading. +Correction: Ability to pay off debts is called into question* + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/turkish-crisis-rattles-currency-markets-dollar-hits-one-year-high-1533883798 + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-10/turkish-lira-collapses-as-investors-panic-before-erdogan-address + +EDIT: [Now the Lira is down 20%](https://twitter.com/CNBCnow/status/1027913087536558080) after an announcement that tariffs against Turkey are to be doubled +So, my boyfriend and I where looking to buy a house. We are still renting at the time and would like something of our own. But then I saw this cute small renovated house, good for a small family, not to expensive, in really good condition, but to small for the future we pictured. But then I had the idea, this is affordable, what if we buy it to rent it out? But then it occurred to me, we are still renting ourselves. How do people normally do this stuff? How can we stop renting and have something of our own, but still kind of make some profit, I don't get it. Any advice? +https://www.cbsnews.com/news/health-care-administrative-costs-largest-area-of-waste-in-healthcare-spending/ + + +Waste in the U.S. health care system ranges from $760 billion to $935 billion per year, or more than total annual federal defense spending, according to a new study. + +Administrative activities account for the largest source of needless spending, followed by inflated and opaque pricing. + +"The prices of health care don't reflect what would happen in a competitive market," one expert says. +Newbie here, came over from r/personalfinance. + +Due to the pandemic and economic slowdown, my almost-63 year old father was recently laid off from his engineering firm. He's in good enough financial shape that while, even though he was planning on working until 65, he's probably not going to look too hard for another job. Fortunately my mother has been a public employee nearly her entire career so has a nice pension, and they've generally made solid financial decisions so they'll be fine. My dad also faced pay cuts during the 2008 recession, but did not lose his job at that point. + +Watching them go through this experience has pushed me more towards the goal of retiring by the time I'm 60 (or at least have the option). I keep hearing about the struggles people in their 50s and 60s have to find new jobs if laid off, and recessions only make that more difficult. Going through two recessions/economic slowdowns (not sure if we're technically in a "recession" yet this time) before I'm 35, I want to do whatever I can to set myself up for security for the future. I'd hate to be 61/62, lose my job and feel forced into a job I hated or not be able to find anything at all. + +Just curious if other Millennials have had similar thoughts on early retirement based on the economic landscape of our early career years? +I am getting paid **£ 40,447.20** per year for a 3-year training programme at the NHS (until September 2025). My contract is in London and a salary increment will happen in 2 years from now. I am trying to focus on saving & investing at least 20% of my home pay and keep the same quality of life for the next 3 years (with my gf). + +&#x200B; + +Home pay: **£ 2,179.68 - (**After 9.8% pension, student loans, income tax, NINO) + +Savings & Investing: Total: **£570.33** (Emergency Fund, LISA, S&P 500) + +&#x200B; + +Fixed expenses: Total: **£1213.6** + +\- Rent: £700 (Sharing 1-bedroom flat with gf) + +\- Transportation: £200 (tube, trains) + +\-Groceries: £120 (meal prepping on Sunday) + +\- Council tax: £76 + +\- Electricity: £66.61 + +\-Water: £21 + +\-Phone: £17.49 + +\-Internet: £12.5 + +&#x200B; + +Guilt-free spending: Total: **£395.75** + +\- Shopping/Eating out/Date nights: £200 + +\- Coffees/gifts: £60 + +\- Skincare: £50 + +\- Haircut: £40 + +\- Contacts: £30 + +\- Monthly Subs(Spotify,Icloud,Asda): £7.58 + +\-Annual Subs (Amex fee(25),Amazon Prime(40),Blue light card(5),Railcard(30): £8.17 +Dear Reddit, + +I come to you all in personal finance looking for advice. I'm in a very difficult situation and have no idea how to proceed financially. I gave birth to (2) beautiful twins March 13th, and a week ago Sunday I lost my husband in a horrific car accident. He was driving at night and fell asleep (he was commuting 2.5hr each way for a business deal he had in works for his company but wanted to see us every day) and ran into a guard rail or through it, as I've been told, but died upon impact and was pronounced dead at the scene and unable to be revived. + +My husband was the bread winner in the family (35F, and 41M). He just started a new job almost 3 months ago and does not receive any benefits from his company. + +His ex wife is the beneficiary on some financial accounts he has (he was in the process of changing this with the twins being born, not knowing that I wouldn't automatically receive it if something would happen but did not get it done) + +Financial situation right now; I'm on MAT but do not receive enough income to support everything. Here is the breakdown of the expenses: + +Mortgage: $972 +Car Payments: $428.xx + $615.xx (the $600 payment is DH vehicle which payment will be gone within the next month or so after insurance looks after everything) +Food: $550-$600 +Baby Expenses: $1,000-$1,200 +Utilities: $600 +Car Insurance: $391.xx for both + +Of course there's a few things outside of this, but this is the base. DH has no life insurance etc and as I mentioned before some of his accounts has his ex wife as the beneficiary. This month I am short $1,700 from covering all base costs - at the end of the month, I can take the month to move in with my sister and her husband until I get things sorted and list the house to downsize. Any ideas what I can do to help find that $1,700 through husbands accounts etc? I have no idea where to begin. My parents have both passed away, my sister and her husband had a baby not long ago and are financially tight and my husbands family is distant and grieving so I don't want to trouble them. + +Thank you in advance for any help. + +UPDATE! THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR THE HELP! HERE IS EVERY TOPIC TO UPDATE: + +IN LAWS: They refuse to help but it is strictly in the will for them not to receive any custody whatsoever in the event they challenge it, as it is against his wishes. A lawyer said this could be used in court if needed. + +CAR PAYMENTS: Insurance company paid DH loan in full. The dealership I bought my Tahoe is letting me trade it in and receive roughly $4,200 back in equity AND they're going to donate a brand new Equinox to myself and the girls! (I worked for the auto group that owns the dealership, so this was their way of helping when I wanted to trade in for used) it will take a couple of weeks to process everything but I should have a check for $4,200 by the end of May! + +FINANCIAL SHORTAGE: My bank found an insurance claim they could process, which will take a week or so or more for $1,000. My sisters in laws offered $350, and now I'm just $350 short! + +BENEFICIARY: The ex wife agreed to transfer everything into my name but she wants a small cut (sucks, isn't fair... but at least she's willing) she just wants the lawyer fees covered to transfer everything and $1,500 as "goodwill" as she called it. + +This is all I have for an update now, THANK YOU TO ALL THE USERS WHO HAVE HELPED! +This is probably really broad but I'm just confused on it. + +Someone I know has to sell their home to cover care home costs - if this happens why bother owning a home? It feels like some people work their whole life to pay off a mortgage to then have it taken away so is there really much point owning? + +I'm renting currently and looking to buy in a few years, if I can ever afford a deposit. Wondering if I can still have a good quality of life renting, seems particularly in this country owning is the ultimate goal. +Prior to frequenting this subreddit my exposure to public discussion of macroeconomics was mostly reading The Economist, and reading the textbooks and popular writings of Keynesians like Mankiw, Krugman, and [Charles Wheelan](http://www.amazon.com/Naked-Economics-Undressing-Dismal-Science/dp/0393049825/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1310559253&sr=8-1). The only Macro class I took used Mankiw's book. So I thought most economists had somewhat-to-very Keynesian models of the world. + +Then I came to this subreddit and I noticed that many of the frequent and most thoughtful commenters don't think Keynes' models work, and find Hayekian explanations more persuasive. I also noted that linking to articles that argue for additional monetary or fiscal stimulus is a good way to get lots of downvotes. + +So I ask: do I have a mistaken view about what the field thinks about macroeconomics (i.e. most economists think Keynes got a lot right)? Or does this subreddit happen to be frequented by more Hayekian thinkers? + +Note: I am not saying that disagreeing with what most economists think makes one *necessarily* wrong. I understand that macroeconomics is really hard to study in a way that gives air-tight empirical results, so it's not like you can just go replicate a lab experiment a thousand times and settle the matter. +*Edit* +- I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and everyone one of you on here for taking the time to share any advice you were willing to give. + +Sometimes when facing a situation in life you can feel powerless and alone and after almost 5,000 people decided to make this a focus for part of their day I just want to say, no one on this page is alone. + +Thank you all! + + + +I was born with a heart disorder and at 18 I had my first real life threatening scare. My heartbeat dropped so low when I was at a theme park that I couldn’t stand up. I couldn’t understand what was happening and I was scared. Someone called an Ambulance and I found myself at a Hospital where they managed to get me back to safe levels. They couldn’t diagnose what exactly was wrong but referred me to a cardiologist. +Long story short, this episode happened when I was 18 and I am now 21. I have finally been accepted into Medicaid and am going to see a cardiologist. I am doing my best, but I was young, lost and had no guidance. At 18 I couldn’t even fathom what $10,000.00 looked like, then I was told that was what I owed to the hospital. +I am now at the point where my bills have been sent to collections and I am doing my absolute best to understand how I can fix this. I have had a full time job but only make $10 an hour (Idaho) and bought my first small truck on credit to make it to work. +I spoke with a financial lawyer and he told me that I have to file bankruptcy to settle the debt unless I can pay $6,000.00 now. but that I will lose my truck. He said that I may as well go to my cardiologist and get my surgery and add it to the debt and then file. +I just feel like this is a terrible idea and I feel like someone may have some stronger advice for me. + +Does anyone have any advice to navigate this whole situation, I am doing my absolute best to keep moving forward. Thank you for your time. +After showing her Pulte’s Twitter feed she was convinced. She said “it seems like you guys have genuinely good people on your side. Those are the kinds of people I want to align with.” Being kind matters. Being generous matters. I trust all of you to make positive impacts on this world. And I’m happy to stand by all of you. +This is flight dependent (1st on a domestic regional is different than 1st international) but at what point did you start flying first class “routinely”? Assets, income, some other inflection point? +Good Morning Apes! + +Let's jump into it cause it looks like it's gonna be a crazy day. + +Based on the fact that we are already up $6 dollars in the pre-market it looks like they are gonna start taking advantage of their narrow window and begin covering early. They have until Wednesday at market open to cover the breadth of their exposure from those ETF Quarterlies and GME monthlies that expired Friday. Closing $30 above max-pain last week only served to exacerbate that exposure. + +This marks the highest price GME has ever entered one of these exposure windows by about $80. I had some conservative price targets previously of 225 -250 with the floor this much higher I could see us possibly testing that gap at $282 if we cross $300 with volume we could see some fairly explosive potential very early into this cycle. + +Make sure to check out [MOASS the Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/) + +Video on my current theory ... [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +It looks like continued slow covering of gamma exposure today, whittling off what they can before they have to cover a large chunk. Keeping IV and volume low right now is advantageous. If we see a significant run in the pre-market with that would be an indicator of them beginning to cover the larger part of the remaining exposure. Holding 250 into close means that a test of 300 and a fill of that gap at 282 are far more likely. Thank you all for tuning in and I'll see you tomorrow. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/o6gdmsf5p7181.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=e87fe76cf0b3f9a9ff030a203dd09837a07b6f6e + +Edit 5 3:06 + +GME looking to pop this tent. After emerging from it's habitat it has left it's shadow unseen and is ready to taste the crisp autumn air... + +https://preview.redd.it/s1541b8oe7181.png?width=1608&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cc3bd416b70799408b63c7a579f47d47382ece4 + +Edit 4 1:46 + +That small breakout wasn't enough and we are still consolidating on the 240 resistance maybe moving into power hour we will see more upside potential. + +https://preview.redd.it/qwmyio1d07181.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c88fd51e5426928b5da62950591f363c398728b + +Edit 3 12:55 + +Consolidated right back up to the 240 resistance, 12:69 incoming, buckle up!? + +https://preview.redd.it/1xlcw7m5r6181.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=c25138f652832dbdbbb3b8d947442c72bec2d88f + +Edit 2 11:49 + +Coming frown with the drop on the SPY sometimes this correlates with upward price movement on GME afterwards especially during this cycle. + +https://preview.redd.it/odlwbghff6181.png?width=1615&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb3d32b3bee78cf57e55306f606644ad783f673c + +Edit 1 9:54 + +Some consolidation after the test of 240 we broke down from the wedge but look like we are bouncing on the EMA 20 + +https://preview.redd.it/dl5cg8jyu5181.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa90a92e64f37b889fc69b2c9c8244e80e2da57e + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +GME steadily climbing in pre-market and seeing very little resistance at $230 + +Volume: 53.17K + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 150,000 @ 0.6% + +Fidelity - 2,119,560 @ 0.75% (a million shares returned since Friday) + +[GME pre-market on the 1m ](https://preview.redd.it/e4owfuawi5181.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9fdea1c002e7962fc93432450c89f965d90b630) + +Small gap to fill to the downside and a big one up at 282, shares getting returned looks like they are covering, generally no shorting happens until they have completed. I do see that gap below us as an opportunity for them to drop the price and shake some contract holders on a weak order book, before covering, so beware. + +CV\_VWAP is showing a bit more volatility in the arbitrage but no signals so far. + +[CV\_VWAP](https://preview.redd.it/lqnwuwegj5181.png?width=2442&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b688e7964cc2b777270513a05a930132bb388aa) + +&#x200B; + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +When buying or selling a stock it is important to stick to your reasons and not lose confidence in your reasons or stock. You will have losing trades, just like you will have winning trades, neither makes you a genius or a dumbass, it just means you may have analysed incorrectly or missed something. Now what if you are getting outperformed and you want to FOMO to increase your performance, well who is to say the stock wont go down the next night? If we look at it long term Forbes has an interesting article where they discuss an experiment involving monkeys throwing darts at random stocks.[https://www.forbes.com/sites/rickferri/2012/12/20/any-monkey-can-beat-the-market/?sh=6eac673630ae](https://www.forbes.com/sites/rickferri/2012/12/20/any-monkey-can-beat-the-market/?sh=6eac673630ae) + +Now would you put 100k in with a monkey or with say Buffett even though over the past 10 years he has struggled to outperform the market? If you said the monkey…well, you could simulate this yourself and you should be rich soon! But for those of you who said Buffett somehow, presumably you came to this conclusion because he has a proven track record, and you know the effort and knowledge he has put into stocks. So how could a monkey possibly do so well? In the article its explained that out of the 1000 companies the monkeys could choose from, the smaller and less weighted companies had better growth each year. This is because the top 100 make up such a large % that if they do poor it creates a very bias picture, this is also the same in our markets with the big 4 making up 19% of the XJO. The banks over the past year however have each outperformed the market by over double, this means all you had to do to outperform the XJO over the past year is buy the big 4! However, going long term nobody expects the big 4 to outperform the XJO by double every year. + +[https://www.stockmetric.net/asx-indices/asx200/](https://www.stockmetric.net/asx-indices/asx200/)[https://tradingeconomics.com/australia/stock-market](https://tradingeconomics.com/australia/stock-market) + +&#x200B; + +So how does this relate to not FOMOing into random shit you don’t understand but everyone makes money on? Well there will be plenty of chances in the future and as Buffett likes to look at it, you are playing a game of baseball where you don’t need to swing at pitches outside of your strike zone, wait for a pitch in your sweet spot which you understand and then go heavy. Just because someone is hitting home runs in the bottom right of the strike zone, doesn’t mean you will if you swing at them, so have some patience and trust your own analysis. I don’t like penny mining/medical stocks, so I don’t touch them, that doesn’t mean they’re all shit obviously. Use your knowledge and what you understand to pick stocks you understand, and this will stop you from wanting to FOMO. Once you realise every few months or so, there will be something new which everyone appears to be making money on, you should also realise that it will die down and there will also be people bag holding. There is nothing worse than having a large loss in a stock you don’t understand after buying a stock you don’t understand…and I have done that more than enough times. + +The other thing to consider is people like to talk about their wins much more than their losses and for obvious reasons. This means that stocks which are doing great or have already gone on a run are getting discussed while stocks which are fading away or lagging behind are not getting as much discussion, hence why it seems like everyone is making money all the time. Now you might say, but majority of the time theres gains, which is true as the stockmarket isn’t a 0 sum game because it slowly goes up. But lets look at it from a casino perspective, more often than not people lose because its rigged, but you rarely here about the people who gambled their savings away, yet you do hear about the people who won life changing jackpots and so on. Now we all know gambling your savings away isn’t smart, but at the time people aren’t in a logical frame of mind and it can be the same with stocks, so by forcing yourself to be sticking to what you know where the odds are in your favour you have a better chance of winning and it removes the urge to FOMO. + +Holding a stock with some conviction is the exact same! Lets pretend you bought a company you really like, have a full understanding of, management are great and you think its of great value! GREAT…But the share price drops 15%, well does that mean you should sell? This is where having an exit strategy is important and is what you should consider when you first buy a stock and will automatically stop this issue. Because I’m not creative I’m going to steal another Buffett idea, if you look at the price of stocks as a happy/grumpy person either offering you expensive/cheap stocks then you will be less likely to panic. Lets say you buy a house, someone comes and offers you 20% less this week because he is in a grumpy mood, well you wouldn’t sell would you? The house isn’t magically worth 20% less, same for a stock. So if you buy a stock long term and fundamentally nothing has changed then why panic? As saying that its important to have some sort of exit strategy which I went over in the last post to an extent. So essentially have some confidence and pick what you understand! + +Last one is understanding what you are trying to achieve? If you are trying to become a millionaire within the next month and only have 100k….well then you are going to need some insane luck and some insane fooken rockets! So buying the banks stocks over the past year even though they are up around 60% is not good enough? There is money to be made in boomer stocks, penny stocks and mid cap stocks…but understanding what you know and what your goals are is the important thing. This will create confidence in your picks and make you more comfortable with the market. I would suggest playing around with some ideas and strategies and finding what works for you, now sure you will probably end up with a loss, so don’t leverage yourself up or go all in on one idea just because it may have worked a couple times. + +Special mention for the past performance does not equal future performance line investment companies put at the end. This is a good idea and something to keep in mind for your own investing, as with the banks we know they wont have a 60% return each year, same as you should know whatever the latest FOMO trend is wont continue every year and eventually something new will pop up. Late 90’s it was tech, early 2000’s it was property, 2019/20 was BNPL, 2021 so far has been miners…now im sure out of those you don’t have the same expertise in all, so why would you chase all of them? To finish this off with a current example, I know FMG has been getting a lot of mentions lately due to how far it has fallen, but for anyone who wants to look at them you only need to consider 3 things, what is a cyclical stock? What were they 3,5,10 years ago? Do you understand the impact of macro conditions on the stock? If any of the above answers don’t make sense for you like they don’t for me then move on to something you are confident in and do understand, there will be another chance! + +Strategy is figuring out what not to do." -Steve Jobs +I work for a national sales & marketing company out of our Southern California office. Currently, I am living in Orange County and being paid $44,000/year. + +I've been with the company for about 8 months now. Last week, I had the opportunity to spend an entire week with all of my counterparts across the nation. During that time, the conversation of salary subtly came up and we came to a conclusion that we are all making + or - $2k from one another despite living in cities with huge differences in cost of living. + +I did some research and found that in comparison to Boise, the cost of living in Anaheim is 43.8% higher. Employers in Anaheim, CA typically pay 14.5% more than employers in Boise, ID suggesting a comparable salary of $50,379. + +What would be the best strategy to take in order to make a strong case with my employer? How do I start this conversation? Should I suggest the salary that I am more comfortable with? + +I have developed a presentation that illustrates in detail the cost of living in my area as well as a comparisons with other regions. + +tl;dr discovered that my $44k/year salary is the same as counterpart in Boise, ID and will be presenting my case to management tomorrow + +edit: Thank you all for the great advice and new viewpoints. As of now I have decided to not lead with the cost of living argument. I will instead speak to my employer about any opportunities to transfer to an office in a different city (with a lower cost of living index.) If that is not a possibility, I will open up the discussion on the value that I have brought to the company and what I can improve upon before my one year review in hopes of earning a raise then. + +***I am not financial advice and this is not a financial advisor.*** + +I touched base on the market cycle and how that is used to influence retails decisions in my previous DD [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt21h3/deep_dive_into_anatomy_of_a_market_cycle_and_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), which allows big players to extract maximum value from retail in the stock market while exposing themselves to massive amounts of leverage in the process. In this post, I will again be addressing abstract topics in an attempt to tie my last post, plus this one, together to create a big picture of what is going on. + +**TLDR: The fractional reserve system in which the stock market is operating under (but lmao shouldn't be), with self-regulatory organizations overseeing the system, is the reason bubbles in the market form. The federal reserve through its covid response inadvertently forced TRILLIONS of dollars into the stock market which is currently being held in CFDs or IOUs, or literal toxic pieces of shit. If they had not, there would have been a bank run on the US Equities market and it would have been drained of all liquidity from the system - only debt left. This severely under-regulated fractional reserve system is allowed to use YOUR savings account to create fake IOUs and sell them back to you. This is the reason when this bubble pops, the drawdown is going to be absolutely monstrous.** + +&#x200B; + +[fractional reserve banking](https://preview.redd.it/zq4a4473rdr81.jpg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a7e9e88fa46eb1352eab332dc8272fb9a5bbdf) + +In a fractional reserve banking system, when I deposit $1000 into my savings account, the bank by law has to keep a certain percentage of that deposit on hand in case I want it out. If the bank is required by law to keep, for example, 10% of all deposits on hand, then in the event of a bank run where everybody tries taking their money out at once, only $100 of that initial $1000 I put in will be available for withdrawal. The rest is held in debt, or an IOU to the depositors. The Federal Government is on the hook for that other $900 in the event of a bank failure through FDIC, which insures your deposits up to $250,000. + +As I briefly touched on in my first DD, the majority of the value created in the US equities market actually exists in the form of debt, or a liability. For every 1 share you "own" that is held in a brokerage, that 1 share can be loaned out hundreds, thousands, of times to short sellers by brokers (because it's owned by the broker), and those "shares" the short sellers sell on the market are then bought up by retail. By you. By me. That one share "worth" $100 has its value multiplied to a theoretical infinite degree, creating millions of dollars worth of debt in the system that has $100 worth of value backing it - so long as the liquidity exists to continue creating synthetics. + +&#x200B; + +[printer go brrrrrrr](https://preview.redd.it/c2ott6l6rdr81.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ac822ddcd353838551bb08707f0114c1b75b699) + +why is this system existing in the US equities market such a huge issue compared to the same system existing in the traditional banking sector? There is no governing body that isn't a SRO (self-regulatory organization), or **literal private fucking company** holding brokerages accountable to the amount of deposits they hold on file, or leverage in the system, and the repercussions of brokerages not being able to handle the amount of leverage they carry. The best part about all this? A **non-profit**, private organization is supposed to handle my payout in the event a massive for-profit Brokerage fails. + +&#x200B; + +[A private, non-profit organization is I guess going to be able to cover an entire for-profit brokers customer base? OK](https://preview.redd.it/eems0qn9rdr81.jpg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2ac480b4502f2bb6f78337120a65f7a59abd24a) + +Based off the GameStop Class Action Lawsuit, Robinhood's internal documents showed $GME's short interest at 226% (maximum reported short interest). But what does that really mean? + +If the stock has an actual value of 100/share, there is $226 worth of DEBT held in the price of that stock. **And this complete disconnect from actual pricing/IOU SHITSTORM is only accounting for one stock, at the maximum possible reported short interest at that time. What are the odds of the short interest being exactly equal to the maximum allowed? And the worst part is THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANIES IN THE US EQUITIES MARKET ALL WITH SOME DEGREE OF SHORT INTEREST, not counting the tens of thousands of companies that are sitting in the OTC market with an unknown amount of short interest still open on them.** + +How the hell can there be an argument about fundamentals of **any company on the market** and legitimate price discovery, when there is no way to obtain legitimate price discovery and no way of "pricing in" fundamentals? + +&#x200B; + +[well shit](https://preview.redd.it/eyfro4airdr81.jpg?width=1363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d861aa49e5cddafb83866e0bc4df0c3b5f32a86f) + +The Glass-Steagall Act was passed in the wake of October 1929 stock market crash that plunged the United States into the Great Depression. This act separated investment banking from retail banking, so the money you have sitting in your savings account cannot be used for speculative purposes in the stock market. + +In this situation, the Glass-Steagall Act quite literally separated speculators from mom-and-pop savings accounts. Why was this a good thing, and why should it matter? Because you, your mother, father, husband, wife, wifes boyfriend, etcs savings account can now legally be used by JP Morgan Chase in the stock market to short a stock with Glass Steagall's repeal. + +[what the hell is happening](https://preview.redd.it/hxinrfrkrdr81.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=048096655187f6ec8867e4d63b9279ce5efc6e7d) + +What does that mean in the grand scheme of things? + +Your money, which the banking system is federally required to keep x% on hand at any given time, can be used in the stock market at its **liability value - not reserve value - amplifying the potential debt per transaction.** Once it is in the US equities market, the brokers are only required to carry **the single real stock** on hand (shares can be loaned so long as there is "reason to believe that share can be located"), but this debt is paid for **with debt the bank already owes you.** This by definition creates more debt in the system until those shorts close. This is all "regulated" by self-regulatory organizations and private companies, whose leadership team/board of directors often include **members of the bank that is using your money to create this debt to begin with.** [FINRA Board of Governors | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/about/governance/finra-board-governors#Current). + +Yes, Brokers carrying 1 share is an absolute extreme. Many carry millions (remember when Fidelity showed 13 million shares to borrow one random morning)? The point remains the same. There is no accountability matching 1:1 of shares that should exist, and when that share is shorted it's no longer available to be shorted until it is returned. There is no accountability on making sure these shorts get closed out, hence the cellar boxing DD by [u/thabat](https://www.reddit.com/u/thabat/). + +&#x200B; + +[what the fvck](https://preview.redd.it/wiswejpqrdr81.jpg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae0becab0aa9477e4485a9eae0d0357a13fa7c4) + +**How does this tie into my other post?** + +The composite man (whoever that may be), is able to take the full amount of debt he owes me through my savings account and use it in the stock market, where the reserve requirement is set by institutions not regulated by the Federal Government. Is it 5%? 10%? 1%? Who the hell knows - it could just be some arbitrary number that adjusts daily (Hence Robinhood saying they shut down trading on GameStop because they were hit with a 3 Billion reserve requirement from the DTCC one random morning). + +The same composite man is able to manipulate the stock market with the **sheer amount of assets they have available to them at any given time - 90% of every savings account that literally exists as a liability to the bank. He can then with my assets, run retail through the Market Cycle, inflicting maximum psychological pain to create maximum theoretical profit.** I then, as retard retail, buy the synthetic stock on the open market from my broker that has quite possibly hundreds, thousands of other liabilities attached to the single real share from synthetic shares produced via shorting and the ETF market. + +Notice a common denominator here? + +[credit to u\/gme2uranus](https://preview.redd.it/qf9yvy9urdr81.jpg?width=1147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78e67732885d51c6732182681af5348705eda575) + +[I guess I am retard retail after all](https://preview.redd.it/g00a50hwrdr81.jpg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582aa961b7f741cecd134f86fa32b5bf7276aa56) + +Remember from the last DD where I said "it's highly likely that we operate in a completely parasitic system designed to prey on retails emotions by getting them to buy stocks high and sell stocks low. The people with the money (I'm looking at you, Prime Brokers and Hedge funds), are able to manipulate price movement by routing the majority of orders through their dark pools, keeping complete control over pricing of assets so they can enact these mark-up/mark down periods. After all, this is a LEGAL way big players can steal money from retail in the stock market. By buying low and selling high"? **It'd be an absolute shame if the same person able to manipulate the markets was able to use your own money to do it.** + +What is the solution to this absolute massive, giant clusterfuck? Well, there is none. The liabilities in the system are going to exist until they no longer do. How do you reduce your exposure to the shitstorm that is brewing? You take ownership of the asset from the people that have caused this by their own greed. You don't enable the bullshit that retail has enabled in the market for this long. Once your REAL share is taken away, it can no longer be loaned out via brokerages, and worst-case scenario YOU will be the one holding the composite man accountable for his borrows and the stupid amount of debt he is pumping into the system. If **YOU** don't want to loan **YOUR** share, don't. + +&#x200B; + +[Own your assets. Not financial advice.](https://preview.redd.it/upb664tzrdr81.jpg?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1030eeab91abbe1c03c4bb849886d33659ef7ab) + +[And I'm spent](https://preview.redd.it/s9zcwpt1sdr81.jpg?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74d3de12d36e8f6aa7a3115cb6512fe05d27b3c) + +**TLDR: The fractional reserve system in which the stock market is operating under (but lmao shouldn't be), with self-regulatory organizations overseeing the system, is the reason bubbles in the market form. The federal reserve through its covid response inadvertently forced TRILLIONS of dollars into the stock market which is currently being held in CFDs or IOUs, or literal toxic pieces of shit. If they had not, there would have been a bank run on the US Equities market and it would have been drained of all liquidity from the system - only debt left. This severely under-regulated fractional reserve system is allowed to use YOUR savings account to create fake IOUs and sell them back to you. This is the reason when this bubble pops, the drawdown is going to be absolutely monstrous.** + +&#x200B; + +Edit: previous post link added at top +Hey individual investors! Like the title says, I'm curious who thinks we should have a pinned post (or added to the pinned post) with information on the process to DRS IRA shares with access to Computershare. + +I detailed the process I used to DRS thousands of Traditional IRA shares and hundreds of Roth IRA shares to help others learn in this post below. Based on feedback, most would like to see this information readily available on this sub: + +#DRS IRA shares process with access to Computershare: +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wwq1h0/im_seeing_more_interest_in_drsing_ira_shares/ + +I've been asked to post it daily, but do not want to spam it, so I update the process with new info (for example I just added info on how to rollover a previous employer 401k to a rollover IRA) every few weeks or month and repost for anyone that missed it. + +Each time I have posted it I get comments and DMs thanking me for providing info that someone hasn't seen and has been looking for. + +I reposted it yesterday with the 401k rollover info and it was mod removed due to "Mass content sharing" with a note that I am spamming the sub. I understand the rule and do not want to violate it or get banned. What I don't understand is why mods have never commented on my post or replied to my comment or mod mail asking if we could get it pinned based on the positive feedback and request from many in this sub. I know mods are busy and not everything deserves to be pinned, just thought I would ask if it's something that people think would be valuable information to have pinned and maybe mods will see this and give it some consideration. + +So I'm making this post as an effort to open a dialog about DRS IRA shares process being pinned, much like we had a ComputerShare Transfer post pinned. Retirement shares have historically been trapped in brokerage accounts or previous employer 401k accounts and many aren't aware these can be direct registered through a non broker custodian with direct access to COMPUTERSHARE and no tax hit. + +TA:DRS - Can we get a post detailing all the processes to DRS IRA shares with access to Computershare, pinned (or added to the pinned post)? + +💛🍌 + +Edit: one of my favorite comments from the discussion so far is that we need to demystify IRA direct registration. There are still a lot of people unaware that it's possible and just as many questions about it. Pinning it would only further the understanding of IRA DRS in general. Just like this sub did with Transfer Agents, street name shares and ComputerShare before. Let's get this topic pinned for discussion and research. An estimated 37% of the entire stock market is in retirement accounts as of 2016. Dr Trimbath has even said that brokers can and will lend those shares regardless of what the laws say. I for one want to know more about my options for protecting my retirement shares and there are multiple ways we are finding out. + +Edit 2: not a pinned post for a single custodian or even a single process like the one I used. As stockadile said in the comments below "A master link tree document with directions to DRS anything to anywhere." including IRA shares. + +Edit 3: support for a pinned post with ALL methods to DRS including IRA shares is overwhelmingly positive at this point. I've messaged mod mail again. If you would like this information pinned in this sub let's hear it! Mods, please chime in 💜🙏 + +Edit 4: mods responded, see pinned comment, thank you! The guide is on the DRS megathread but 3k + apes are not aware of it, don't see it. I've suggested making a new pinned post or redoing the megathread post to highlight DRS IRA methods in a clear and concise way, discussing the pros and cons. Mods will consider. Thanks everyone for the constructive discussion, hopefully we have an update on this soon. DRS +Hi All + +Between 2015 and 2017 I managed to find some really good investment (gambling would be a better word maybe) possibilities just by lurking a well known anonymous board called /biz/ and reading some news. + +Some of them include: + + +* lithium etf: NYSEARCA: LIT in 2016 January, some lithium companies were mentioned end of 2015 like ASX: GXY which had made really nice returns. + + +* Marihuana legalization in Canada: various small companies were mentioned back in 2016, most of them have made 800 - 1000% returns since then. + + +* NVIDIA: +Nvidia Cards being used for: + - Monte carlo simulations (banking Products) + - AI / Self driving cars + - Crypto mining + +I knew that NVIDIA is a nice gamble back in March 2016 + + +* Crypto: Got into crypto in 2014 with a very low ammount of money as I thought on it as pure gamble + + +My problem this year is that I do not seem to find similar possibilities like I found 1-2 years ago. It is mostly because the board I used to lurk got filled with scammers advertising some useless cryptocoin so basically the intelligent people left that board. + +I am looking now for any other source / forum / board / people whatever to be informed early about possibilities like the ones I mentioned above. I do not care about short term gains or options or anything WSB related. + +So I made this topic to: + +* Discuss if there is anything that is not mainstream yet, Institutional Investors have not discovered, or do not believe in it + +* Find people who have the same interest as me and know that this is basically not investing but more gambling + +* Find some future "megatrends" which are already covered by ETFs but not well known yet + +In case I made the topic in the wrong forum I would be happy if someone points me to the right forum. +In case the name of the board is not allowed to be mentioned here I can remove it of course + +/edit: To give you an idea what I am going to research now is as follows: +I have heard that if a drug company passes the phase 2 test for its newest product then there is a high chance (60% ?) that the phase 3 test will also be passed. I am trying to find out how the price of such companies changes after a successful phase 2 test and whether there is really a high chance for the phase 3 test to be successful. Also what kind of drugs are seen as very positive by the market. + +Wow the topic got really popular, so some quick rules: + +* Please do not mention anything related to insider trading here, I am not interested in it as it is illegal + +* Also do not mention any specific cryptocoins here, that is no the goal of the topic + + + +NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀NO ONE IS SELLING 🚀👩‍🚀 +Context: + +I run a small family business which, last September was defrauded out of £87,000 via APP (authorised push payment fraud) + +Basically it was a fraudulent email sent to one of our staff in accounts who fell for it (cyber crime education is SO important) and sent the fraudster the lump sum on an instant transfer. + +The police, the banks involved (HSBC and NatWest) and our solicitors have been useless. The police basically gave us a crime number and 3 months later told us it had been sent to Hong Kong and we can’t get it back, they also investigated the account holder and said he’s just a mule and is being watched but nothing they can do about him. + +Our solicitors haven’t really been much use, does anyone here know any good finance lawyers who would work under a low win low fee and high win high fee (anything back at this point is a bonus) + +NatWest have been absolutely appalling, and we discovered so many holes in their security after the event it’s scary, we even switched banks after their uncooperation. Their security measures didn’t pick up that it was a new recipient, or the largest amount we have ever sent, and the staff member who did it had only ever made a transaction up to £7000 before. There are many other security issues we discovered but those are the most poignant to me. +They also revealed unbeknownst to us that the junior member staff had full access over our whole company’s funds which was a little scary. + +Advice wise does anyone on this subreddit have any other avenues that we could explore or has anyone else been in a similar situation and the outcome has been different? Maybe some government help etc? + +APP fraud is rife at the moment, and we know lots of people and companies who have been stung. It’s a surprise there isn’t a bigger crackdown on it! + +Apologies for the long post! +Splividend Distribution Megathread is [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +As per the title, can you please comment below if you have not yet Received Your Splividend Shares or are having issues with the shares you did receive? + +Include: + +* Broker +* Country +* Issues you are having with the shares you did receive +* Account Type - Broker, IRA, 401k, Cash or Margin etc. + +Do not Include: + +* Number of Shares +* Any other Personally Identifiable Information + +This is just to get an idea of how much they are struggling to actually find shares to distribute, whether synthetic or not. Not to debate whether we are getting real shares or not. + +EDIT: Including Account type. +So there it is. I'd love to dive in my childhood games, such as Tomb Raider, Hitman, Might & Magic, etc. Might even consider buying an old PS1/2 console to be able to play them. And, you know, take my time to play them slowly :) Do you feel doing the same once you FIRE? If so, what video games are you certainly going to play/buy? +The stock market has been propped up by a handful of mega-cap companies leading into the coronavirus pandemic. + +Historically, such narrow breadth is a poor signal for future market returns, Goldman Sachs said. + +[https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/sp500-concentration-large-cap-bad-sign-future-returns-effect-market-2020-4-1029133505#](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/sp500-concentration-large-cap-bad-sign-future-returns-effect-market-2020-4-1029133505#) +Decided I'm going to start dumping into a lot into high growth biotech stocks, and potentially much more depending on performance. 10y yields rising so much and the market just doesn't fucking care lmao. Have lots of options in US stocks but gonna go ASX as well so I can double dip across time-zones to extract that additional time in market. + +What should I buy? Don't want to hold for more than a couple of months at most + +Edit: + +Made starter purchase (small purchase for now) + +Haven't done any research yet, I'll add more once I do some DD in other stocks + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j5fzbwqa7xw71.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=ece20689cbefa8cea5972804be8a6f1ce7e7b4b1 + +https://preview.redd.it/usec49m57xw71.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04f3dd51698fab0f2d190340c08dac67cf6d1fd + +Another edit: + +Should of bought more...congrats and fuck you to all those owning IHL today. Annoyed that I didn't buy way more in at open with those juicy gains and volume today + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uxvk5xdf5xw71.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee844ffb1d48f741dd9f342afaef7953f96230e9 +https://www.forbes.com/sites/investor/2020/04/23/the-crash-of-2020-is-todays-oil-chart-tomorrows-sp-500-chart/ + +Forbes made this analysis and I have been calling this for a while. Now I will agree that I underestimated the feds buying potential. It did really prop up the market but sentiment has been pessimistic the last week. + +I believe we are, or almost are at the tipping point. + +We could easily see a crash by next Monday. + +I need someone to counter my thoughts and the article above as I need to consider things I haven’t. As state above the fed cannot print forever. +Just read about [this guy](https://usethinkscript.com/d/202-starting-with-7k-personal-challenge) who lost over $100,000 from his trading. As someone who can barely handle a big loss of a few hundred to max of thousands I’m surprised he can let himself lose that much. + +Aside from being able to “flex” that you lost 100k, what goes thru someone’s mind when they lose this much? +I hear extensively that therapy is invaluable for overall satisfaction and life trajectory, especially in HNW and FatFire circles. But I don't know the best way to approach finding the right therapist as I've never participated in therapy before (mid 30's M). + +Re: FatFire relevance, my particular situation may be relevant to others as well - FF but still "working" to a certain extent - basically as much as I want as a consultant to keep my brain active, a level of fulfillment, social relationships etc. I am healthy, exercise regularly and have a happy marriage (don't really have a lot of time consuming hobbies). I would love some healthy perspective on career/life growth, happiness when you have "won the game" - i.e. what's next?, when to keep going/when to stop and how to internally evaluate, relationship growth and engagement etc. + +I have looked into a variety of online therapy tools but a) I am relatively happy overall (probably a 7-8 on a 10 scale), b) don't have time or interest in weekly sessions, and c) don't see many professionals that seem to have relevant experience for this type of situation. + +Would love some thoughts from those with more experience. +I'm going to HODL and HODL and HODL not only because I want to be rich, I mean most of us do, but more to be right. I've read the DDs and spent way to many hours on here keeping my finger on the pulse of things to just give in when the price goes from 10k to 2k before it jumps to 20k and so on. I've been HODLing for months and buying when I can and I'll be damned if I just paper hand at anything less than justice for these fuckers manipulating the market. +We have a house in the US that we would like to leave sometimes for 2-3 months at a time. It’s in a relatively high pedestrian traffic area, so we are uncomfortable leaving it unattended for so long. + +We’ve thought about hiring a house sitter or perhaps doing house exchanges, but we’re not sure what’s the best option. + +What do you all do with your secondary residences? +Do you have a service that you might recommend? + \#LAST MINUTE | Hostile takeover bid by Elon Musk on Twitter. + + It offers $54.20 per share, that is, a premium of 18.2% compared to yesterday's closing. + +In total, $43 billion [$TWTR](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24TWTR&src=cashtag_click) [$TSLA](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24TSLA&src=cashtag_click) +Ripple labs has been funding "research" along with government entities to spread propaganda against Bitcoin and mining. + +In 2021, they funded a hit piece that claims energy prices for consumers in New York has increased by $6 per month because of mining. + +[Claim: Mining drives up household electricity bills](https://preview.redd.it/m0ta2tae4xb81.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=8079d16b0fde7bc74ebd204d4362ff823da26d3f) + +Surely its not the soaring costs of natural gas that is driving up electricity prices, but mining? + +[Since June 2020, Natural gas prices have gone up by 350&#37; in the USA \(Henry Hub natural gas futures rolling contracts\)](https://preview.redd.it/iprxvhfj5xb81.jpg?width=2610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4da2516b82eb585706d4d1af417320b5b82889e) + +[Not just in USA, in UK, natural gas is at decadal highs. ](https://preview.redd.it/v2gl6rmx3xb81.jpg?width=3094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dae03fee6dfbbfaf58df82519db809462d01254) + +Surely, electricity prices that consumers pay have nothing whatsoever to do with inflation, or soaring gas prices that are in decadal highs.. but is due to bitcoin mining?! + +Crude oil WTI futures are currently at 84, for comparison it was around 56 in Nov 2019 (pre pandemic). The last time WTI was above 80 was all the way back in 2014. Increasing crude oil natural gas prices, along with inflation that is at multi-decade high is not the reason for increase in household electricity, but its bitcoin mining that is responsible.. + +[Thats according to this study funded by Ripple in collusion with the Department of Treasury. ](https://preview.redd.it/a4z5aqnyaxb81.jpg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6656489541bece07a0e9b83837d42345157f987c)... The same Department of Treasury headed by another well known Bitcoin hater Janet Yellen, who earned $7m as "speaking fee" from the same banks she is supposed to regulate but has tried to stifle Bitcoin and crypto at every opportunity. + +Research with "financial support" is nothing but propaganda, especially when it's funded by a competitor to bitcoin that lobbies with the government. Ripple continues to be a centralised premine scam created to enrich its founders. + +Ripple has also cozied up with the likes of WEF, the very organisations Bitcoin was created as a fuck you to. [https://www.weforum.org/organizations/ripple](https://www.weforum.org/organizations/ripple) + +As its price and narrative around the shitcoin has stagnated, Ripple is resorting to dirty political tricks to get a leg up. As usual, they will fail. + +The narrative that bitcoin mining companies cause increase in electricity bills in NY is rubbish, as the largest BTC mining companies in New York produce their own energy. Infact the last one to start mining in NY is a hydro electric plant that was unused for years, before they started mining Bitcoin last year. + +[https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Mechanicville-hydro-plant-gets-new-life-16299115.php](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Mechanicville-hydro-plant-gets-new-life-16299115.php) + +The other large mining company Greenidge Generation also produces its own energy. + + +Edit: Buttcoin losers in comments say "reee bitcoin move to POS or govt will ban it" + +Yeah not too bright, the whole point of Bitcoin is that it cant be banned unlike the proof of stake shitcoins you support that can be created out of thin air at the press of a button and shut down at the press of a button. + +Another one who is literally a war monger calling for Ukraine invasion but pretends to care about global e-waste. Lmao. Bitcoin haters are really a funny bunch + + +Edit: Ripple shills keep brigading and claiming where is the paper, of course if you are as bricked as a ripple fan boy you need to be spoon fed everything. Well here is the paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3779720 + +And if you open up the first page of it, says + +> **Benetton and Compiani acknowledge financial support from Ripple’s University Blockchain Research Initiative.** + +i.e this whole "paper" is nothing but a hit piece propaganda sponsored by a competitor + +The other writer of this paper is Adiar Morse, who conveniently works for the Dept of Treasury under Yellen: + +https://newsroom.haas.berkeley.edu/prof-adair-morse-joins-biden-administration-as-a-treasury-department-deputy/ + +Seems like natural career progression - collect funds from Ripple to publish propaganda against Bitcoin, and get hired by Yellen who has been promoting propaganda against crypto for years now. Nothing to see here. + +Final Edit: Jjust look at the number of freshly created "Tin" accounts that have popped up in the comments to shill for XRP. Didnt realize 2017 left so many bag holders. It must be real miserable with these heavy bags that are at 1/3rd of their 2017 ATH, while almost every other coin has gone up hundreds of % and made new highs this cycle. Thats what happens when you become exit liquidity for mccaleb, garlinghouse etc. + +Lol at the shills shouting "REEE ripple is a company XRP is decentralised token". They really did you good with this one small trick. +Thats also the reason garlinhouse drives a shiny car while you are down 50% on your shitcoin investment. + +The D in XRP stands for decentralised. It was always a premined scam token and will always be one. Thousands of tin bagholders wont change this. +This is not entirely on-topic but I hope mods will allow it! + +I usually lurk here but after my recent experience, I wanted to highlight something I think we often ignore but is actually of paramount importance. + +My father who was a really active investor passed away suddenly two months ago and since then I have had a crash course on the whats and hows of handling the aftermath in regards to financial investments. + +One tough lesson we've learnt - PLEASE ENSURE NOMINATION. + +I cannot emphasize how important this is. My dad missed out on just 1 old bank account - we are running around in circles trying to get family tree/legal heir etc to get it sorted ...still WIP, still no idea when it will get done. + +So, folks - add nomination to EVERYTHING you own - bank accounts, mutual funds, demat accounts, fixed deposits, saving schemes etc. + +I know its a morbid thought but go home and check your holdings, your parents' holdings, and your family's, and add if missing a nominee(s). + +The documentation nightmare without it is not worth it, esp. amidst the grief. +https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2018/05/23/tesla-spacex-ceo-elon-musk-media/638253002/ + +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/23/elon-musk-complains-of-holier-than-thou-hypocrisy-of-media.html + +https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-tweets-accusing-media-companies-of-sugarcoating-lies/ + +https://jalopnik.com/heres-elon-musk-ragging-on-the-media-again-which-his-c-1826269050 + +For someone in "production hell", he seems to have oodles of time to spend throwing tantrums on Twitter about how not everyone is fawning over Tesla. If someone at Tesla cared and wasn't a "Yes person", they'd tell him to stop tweeting. Bezos isn't on Twitter all day obsessing over anyone who doesn't say something nice (or is short) Amazon because he's too busy running Amazon. + +I'm a software engineer new to algotrading and from browsing this sub I see TA getting bashed a lot and being treated like pseudoscience. + +Aren't most TA indicators based on math? Moving average, for example, is calculated by taking the average of the last X days or so. Same with average true range, hilbert transform, etc. + +One definition of TA I read is "identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume". Isn't ML based on statistics as well? What makes it less BS than TA? + +Maybe I'm missing something or there's some other area within TA that definitely seems like voodoo. +Should I ask my boss to just make me a full time employee so I can get benifits (insurance) When I started its was only 6 hour days but then I was asked to start coming in an hour earlier when we moved warehouses. She made out the extra hour a day as a temporary thing but its been going on for a few months now. My roomate said I should be getting benefits for working this much. Occasionally I go in for 5 or so hours on Saturdays. + + +Edit: just asked my boss's boss about it and in addition to saying she'll ask HR she also mentioned getting me more hours. Yay! + +Edit #2: its a pretty stand up company and I truly believe they just didnt notice that I was putting in so many hours and wasnt full time yet. My Boss's boss seemed surprised that I hadnt been getting any benefits. + +Edit #3: thanks for the gold and the award! Also my hours are determined by shift. The worst that can happen is that they tell me to return to my normal evening shift. + +Edit #4: Im getting quite a lot of repetitive advice. Please read through before commenting. Im currently at work and cant reply to everyone. + +THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE ADVICE AND LINKS! +Hi all, 30M, single, renting in London. + +Currently working as a civil engineer on a salary of £45k after 7 years in the industry. Over the next 10 years I can expect my salary to rise to \~£65-75k but it will level off sharply after that hence am looking for a career change to software engineering. + +I've looked into self teaching and have found a free online course which if I complete would have me job ready in 12-18 months but requires discipline and self teaching over evenings and weekends which is where I have been struggling. I made the decision to switch \~3 months ago but have struggled to put in the required hours due to balancing with work/social life, and being mentally drained after a work day to learn something new, and hence the course is likely to drag out to a few years. I have been thinking of attending one of the software engineering bootcamps but need advice on the financials. + +Currently have £45k in savings, the bootcamp will cost £8,500, require me to quit my job and is 16 weeks long. My monthly outgoings (rent/bills/spending money) are £2k/month, meaning that in total the bootcamp will cost me £16,500. + +The way I see it is that although expensive, by the end of the bootcamp I will be job ready or very nearly job ready, and beginning my new career, with a starting salary of \~£35k (if not higher). Within 2 years I could be earning £50k+, overtaking what took me 7 years in my current industry, and in 5 years I will be much better off. The downside is a decreased salary for the next \~2 years and the risk that I struggle to find a job after the bootcamp, although I will easily be able to get another job in my current industry tide me over in the meantime. + +The alternative is to continue self teaching while keeping my day job, that way I will not be losing out on a monthly income, but will drag out the career switch process which when I eventually switch jobs I will take a pay cut to \~£35k anyway. This is just kicking the can down the road but with slightly more in savings. + +I know many will advise spending so much money on information that can be found for free, but as people say, with the bootcamps you are paying for the structure and accountability (which I am clearly struggling with) and the careers services. + +Just wanted some feedback on whether it's silly to spend 33% of my savings on a career change or am I right in seeing it more as an investment in my future? +Long story short: I moved abroad with a partner ($$$!!!) and it didn’t work out. Honestly, no regrets - but after the costs of moving there, being unemployed for a few months, then moving back home and re-buying furniture, car, etc - I have literally nothing left besides a couple hundred in savings. Nothing No 401k, no investments. Only good thing is I have no debt/loans to pay. + +I’m 34, single (and not in a rush to change this maybe ever haha), don’t want kids. Live in a large but fairly affordable city making 75k a year. I live alone and am not interested in roommates, so although my rent could be cheaper, I’m frugal in other ways. What are the first few things you would do in my situation besides bulking up emergency savings and joining my company’s 401k? I know nothing about investing but would like to start. +Some people might have read my message yesterday in which I told about Parity making yet another proposal for recovering the lost funds in their bugged contract. Even if you voiced your opinion yesterday on Github, we need your help yet again. Since I believe this is such an important issue, I have cross-posted this so that hopefully as many people as possible will voice their opinion. + +The proposal itself was accepted for discussion and the discussion has now moved to the following location: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/eip-999-restore-contract-code-at-0x863df6bfa4/130 + +I believe using a hardfork to fix a smart contract code bug caused by severe negligence (their code handling hundreds of millions wasn't audited) will set an extremely bad precedent and will ultimately tarnish Ethereum's reputation. This is a slippery slope. Immutability is an extremely important property of the Ethereum Blockchain that should be protected. Please take a few minutes of your time to create a account if you haven't already (you can also use your Github account to login), and voice your opinion regarding this proposal. Thank you. +EasyJet has admitted that a "highly sophisticated cyber-attack" has affected nine million customers. + +It said email addresses and travel details had been stolen and that 2,208 customers had also had their credit card details "accessed". + +The firm has informed the UK's Information Commissioner's Office and is continuing to investigate the breach. + +https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52722626 + +Time to change passwords and keep an eye on your finances. + + Be aware that MasterCard and Visa may put a block on online transactions if your card was used on the easyJet website at some point. This happened to me with a previous credit card where a website was compromised but I was unaware until I kept having online transactions declined (contactless and chip and pin still worked). If this happens, contact your card provider and they will send a new card out. + +Edit: article now updated. +"[Easyjet] told the BBC that it was only able to notify customers whose credit card details were stolen in early April." + +Edit2: Keep an eye out for phishing emails too. If in doubt, only log in to your easyJet account direct from their website and not via an email hyperlink. +First off, GREAT movie. Every finance guy should see it. Entertaining and educational at the same time. + +Forgive me for asking an inexperienced question, but what's to stop someone from shorting the student loan bubble? Isn't it inevitable? Would the returns be the same? + +I can't be the only one thinking this. Figured I'd ask y'all and get your thoughts. + +Thanks and Merry Christmas Eve/Day +Hi AusFinance, + +I am on 100k Inc super atm living in Melbourne, sharing an apartment for 500 per week with partner in the city. + +I was earning this salary 3 years ago, before coming to Australia but due to visa/residency etc had to resort to low wage jobs to get by. I am no longer salty about this and have made my peace with it. However, I have been working super hard to make up for lost time. + +Nearly a year ago I got this 100k job at a big4 audit and it's been good, however my manager has been frank I won't be promoted before 6 more months and the manager pay is like 120k + +I have a job offer to move to Sydney for 150k in the previous job I left. + +Given the high rent and cost of living in Sydney, plus travel costs to come see gf atleast once a month. + +Is it worth it for me? + +Sorry if I missed any details you'd wanna know + +Please ask and I can edit the post. + +I work in Finance/IT and dare I use the buzzword fintech +Started trading my freshman year of college. I was a business major studying a different field. By my senior year I was making an income trading and now I’ve completely transitioned into finance. Got a job with a broker in NYC and I’m getting licensed on Monday!!! + + +Yah yeet dreams come true +[Computershare / DRS Megathread & Guide](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +*Mod note - Info on weekend NFT giveaways & creator posts to come* + +&#x200B; + +1. GameStop NFT Market Place + 1. Available Games + 2. Low Gas Fees + 3. GameStop Wallet + 4. Personal Security Considerations + 5. Official GS NFT Twitter +2. Why an NFT Marketplace? +3. Potential Use Cases for NFTs +4. Ethereum, Loopring, Immutable X, Uniswap & 0x + 1. More Partners, Projects & Exclusives +5. Deeper Dives & AMAs on NFTs & their potential + +# 1. NFT Marketplace (Launching by end of July) + +# [https://nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com/) + +**FAQ -** [**https://nft.gamestop.com/faq**](https://nft.gamestop.com/faq) + +**Marketplace & Wallet Support -** [**https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com) + +# + +[GS Helpdesk or bust](https://preview.redd.it/k5zus8tz9o791.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=b88a737714f3eb2f494c473cb3d987817b11cacd) + +# 1.1 Available Games + +Immutable X Gaming Collections (coming soon) - [https://imxgrant.nft.gamestop.com/coming-soon](https://imxgrant.nft.gamestop.com/coming-soon) + +[IMX Partners & NFT Collections](https://preview.redd.it/rneytgs2ao791.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=d29f394e073d4821ad974964f61568f1f6891dd6) + +>Some of the biggest Web3 games in the world are being built on Immutable X, with more being announced soon. Immutable X has also committed $100M in grants to bring premium Web3 content to the GameStop NFT marketplace. + +* Gods Unchained +* Guild of Guardians +* Illuvium +* Ember Sword +* PlanetQuest +* and more to come + +Find out more about the [games coming to the Marketplace here](https://imxgrant.nft.gamestop.com/coming-soon) + +* [Immutable X is Making NFTs Carbon Neutral on Ethereum](https://immutablex.medium.com/immutable-x-is-making-nfts-carbon-neutral-on-ethereum-620dd0be08ae) + +&#x200B; + +# 1.2 Low Gas Fees + +**What are Gas Fees?** + +>Gas fees are like transaction fees on the Ethereum blockchain. When you make transactions, such as transferring crypto to another wallet or purchasing an NFT, you'll need enough ETH in your wallet for the initial transaction and the associated gas fees. +> +>Gas fees on the Ethereum blockchain mainnet, also known as Layer 1, are known to be high during times of high network congestion. These fees can range from $10 to $1000+ depending on the transaction and all the others with which it is competing in the network. +> +>Gas fees are the reason Layer 2 solutions such as Loopring have been popular, as they were built with the specific intent to bundle large numbers of transactions and reduce gas fees by several magnitudes. +> +>GameStop does not control gas fees, and we do not collect gas fees. The price of gas is determined by the layer of Ethereum network you are using. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408911300499-What-are-Gas-Fees-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408911300499-What-are-Gas-Fees-) + +**What's Loopring?** + +>Loopring is an Ethereum transaction processor and scaling solution. Loopring’s Layer 2 zkRollup solution enables the GameStop Wallet to be cheaper and more efficient than wallets that use only Layer 1 Ethereum mainnet. This means you can buy and sell NFTs, and transfer ETH to other Loopring Layer 2 accounts, at a fraction of the cost of making transactions on Layer 1. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408960430099-What-is-Loopring-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408960430099-What-is-Loopring-) + +Essentially, zkRollups bundle multiple transactions together into one. + +[Matt Finestone, Head of Blockchain at GameStop. Formerly at Loopring](https://preview.redd.it/fpdqoqf6ao791.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7aca485b09766a0115f7f4de8e42715d26a1ece) + +**What is Immutable X?** + +>Immutable X is a layer-2 scaling solution for NFTs on Ethereum. It offers instant trade confirmation and near-zero gas fees for minting and trading NFTs. Users can easily create and trade NFTs without compromising the security of their assets. +> +>[https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-immutable-x-imx](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-immutable-x-imx) + +Don't believe us? Check out how much it currently costs to use Layer 2 at [https://l2fees.info/](https://l2fees.info/) + +[GameStop Wallet](https://preview.redd.it/7f03okl8ao791.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f65dad09d7a518ceb3be701557e9207e906cc14) + +# 1.3 GameStop Wallet + +# [https://wallet.gamestop.com](https://wallet.gamestop.com) + +* Currently available on Chrome-based browsers. iOS app coming soon + +[What's a wallet?](https://preview.redd.it/ir3jk9yaao791.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea58e48d43f272f9ea44ee70558a1397c94700da) + +# [How to: CREATE, SETUP + USE the new GameStop Wallet on (Ethereum's) Loopring L2](https://youtu.be/mrndXX4uTjI) [VIDEO GUIDE] + +[How to make a Gamestop Wallet and activate L2 in Chrome - STEP BY STEP WITH PICTURES](https://redd.it/uzvxyg) \- credit [u/platinumsparkles](https://www.reddit.com/user/platinumsparkles/) + +&#x200B; + +[How to Add Chrome Extensions (GAMESTOP WALLET) on Android Using Kiwi Browser](https://redd.it/uxeah9) \- credit [u/djsneak666](https://www.reddit.com/user/djsneak666/) + +>So Gamestop Wallet is in beta for Chrome extension, and IOS is pending. There is currently no sign of an Android version on the horizon. +> +>Fear not. You can safely use the Gamestop Wallet on Android right now using one of these browsers: + +* Yandex +* Kiwi Browser +* Bromite Browser +* Dolphin Browser + +&#x200B; + +**Don't worry, activating your wallet is CHEAP!** + +* [Getting ready for GameStop NFTs for Dummies — It took me 5 minutes and cost $1.48](https://redd.it/tq6lmk) \- credit [u/PTSDeedee](https://www.reddit.com/user/PTSDeedee/) +* [It took me 5 minutes to create a GME wallet, and $6 to activate L2 on it](https://redd.it/v00vyy) \- credit [u/mmilad](https://www.reddit.com/user/mmilad/) + +&#x200B; + +[Step by Step How to Register ENS to have a cool name on web3 wallet .eth](https://redd.it/uyqqph) \- credit [u/PutPsychological8698](https://www.reddit.com/user/PutPsychological8698/) + +>The Ethereum Name Service, or ENS, is a way to send and receive coins and tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, without having to input your full wallet address. Instead, users can reserve a short name, like 'vitalik.eth' which can be input in place of the wallet address '0x83fcF5241eD5795b8f07C503C25B4c4481928348'. +> +>If you want to reserve your own ENS, head over to [https://app.ens.domains/](https://app.ens.domains/) where you can reserve your own for a fee - as long as it's not taken already! No two wallets can use the same ENS. The ENS registration itself is an NFT that you hold in your wallet, to control the ENS and verify your wallet is the true owner. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/5939992584467-How-do-I-send-or-receive-using-a-eth-address-or-ENS-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/5939992584467-How-do-I-send-or-receive-using-a-eth-address-or-ENS-) + +&#x200B; + +# 1.4 Personal Security Considerations + +**Reminder** \- *GameStop will only ever conduct GameStop Wallet support via their official GameStop Blockchain Helpdesk:* [https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/) + +&#x200B; + +[For everyone who created their first crypto wallet using the Gamestop wallet: some safety tips](https://redd.it/uwl1a4) \- credit u/Mettez + +1. Never share your Secret Recovery Phrase +2. If you want someone to send you anything (coins, tokens, NFTs), you should give them you wallet address. +3. As long as nobody knows who owns the wallet with your 0x.. address, you can't be linked to your transactions/funds. However, as soon as you (for example) post your wallet address to reddit, EVERYBODY can at that point link your username to your 0x.. wallet address. Add to that the infinite searchability of the blockchain, meaning that every transaction ever is permanently stored and can be recalled as long as the blockchain exists. +4. Remember this: whenever any website asks to 'connect' to your wallet (mostly because your wallet app shows a pop-up you can confirm), think really hard if you actually want this. +5. Expect that the device you have the wallet on WILL be under some kind of digital attack eventually. + 1. Never click ANY link you don't 100% trust using the device that has your wallet, it's easy to obtain relative control of your device in this way. + 2. Always doublecheck if you copy-paste 0x addresses if the pasted address is correct. Malware that detects and changes 0x addresses when pasting them is sadly very common, and if you're not extremely careful, you will encounter it eventually. + 3. **Consider using a hardware wallet to setup your Gamestop wallet.** + +[Guide to setting up a hardware ledger for your GameStop wallet](https://redd.it/uwl8um) \- thanks r/RoamLikeRomeo for the share + +[Jacked tits, tight lips](https://preview.redd.it/whw386vdao791.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=98b2efb5496ea7fd5b4bf2bf664c6383cdc0f6f4) + +[The Best Hardware Wallets to Keep Your Crypto Safe in 2021](https://www.securities.io/the-best-hardware-wallets-to-keep-your-crypto-safe-in-2021/) \- from Securties.io, thanks [u/FordicusMaximus](https://www.reddit.com/user/FordicusMaximus/) for the share + +[Crypto Wallets and Decentralized Apps - An Overview](https://redd.it/ux9gch) \- credit u/the77ehlios + +>We can use Cold wallets, with Hot wallet interfaces \[like GameStop\] for maximum security and convenience. For example I have a Trezor hardware wallet that is unplugged. It is connected to \[MetaMask\] (using my cold wallet 0x..... address) and I can use that to interact with decentralized apps (dApps) on the web. When I transact, although I am using a hot wallet addon, I still need to physically press a button on my hardware to approve anything. This is how we know it is working and secure. Tedious but secure. +> +>Only having a hot wallet as our main bank is not advised in the general crypto community. In the future, fees on L1 and L2 will be much cheaper, and it is generally advised to only send funds to purely hot wallets for the sake of transacting, but not long term hodling. +> +>\*note\* It is also not needed or recommended to keep all our assets in a single wallet. + +&#x200B; + +**📚 How do I stay safe from crypto and NFT scams?** + +https://preview.redd.it/xi4rcs9gao791.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=9660aedca4ae0d9ed0574a2f39e4e9a3404ea183 + +# 1.5 Official Twitter Accountㅤ@GameStopNFT + +# [https://twitter.com/gamestopnft](https://twitter.com/gamestopnft) + +**❗️Report fake Twitter accounts❕** You do not need a Twitter account to report impersonation on Twitter. + +[https://help.twitter.com/en/safety-and-security/report-twitter-impersonation](https://help.twitter.com/en/safety-and-security/report-twitter-impersonation) + +**Reminder** \- *GameStop will only ever conduct GameStop Wallet support via their official GameStop Blockchain Helpdesk:* [https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/) + +&#x200B; + +# 2. Why an NFT Marketplace? + +[comment by u\/luckeeelooo](https://preview.redd.it/xpa72637bo791.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=836c05a83347246ea301363a7124ab6b4c60df8d) + +[NFT's May Not Be What You Believe](https://redd.it/uv7s79) \- credit [u/fokh](https://www.reddit.com/user/fokh/) + +>When the consumers learn that they can sell their Shakira album after they get tired of it, more will start preferring all of their new albums or songs as tokens and will migrate to digital fronts that offer them as NFT tokens. \*You could gift it to a friend, or even loan the token out with a smart contract and have it function like a rental. +> +>TLDR; NFT's will change how financial markets and commerce work at fundamental level and current solutions will not not be able to compete long term. + +[Gamestop NFT Marketplace: The Aggregator? What is a marketplace aggregator?](https://redd.it/uhmvqp) \- credit u/Gorillionaire2 + +>I think we've missed an important role that Gamestop's NFT marketplace will play in the space. To better explain, [this article](https://tokenizedhq.com/nft-aggregator/) states: "**NFT aggregators consolidate the inventory of multiple NFT marketplaces and platforms into a single unified interface.** This gives buyers unprecedented visibility of the market, allowing them to compare prices and also acquire NFTs from various sources in one bulk purchase." +> +>Compare this to the message above, "The easiest and simplest way of putting it is - Gamestop will act as an aggregator, providing listings from multiple sources. There are no backbones, no “do X on IMX, process Y on Loopring”. So in effect, Gamestop is attempting to build a service that consolidates multiple NFT marketplaces and in order to compete, they will need to offer access to as many marketplaces/platforms as possible. +> +>TL;DR Gamestop will let you sort NFT collections from a growing list of marketplaces/platforms and place them into a shopping bag to buy in one bulk purchase. + +[NFT-Marketplace - GME might become the biggest Company in the WORLD!](https://redd.it/qkt4n4) \- credit u/ExplodingWario + +>If GameStop manages to just capture about 10% of the Digital Asset market, and further gets about 5% commission from all transactions, we are looking at a revenue stream of 100’s of billions of dollars on par with companies like Amazon, Apple, Google and other giants. In comparison, Apple’s fiscal revenue for 2021 was about 94.5 Billion Dollars. +> +>Sure, competitors will come along, however, I believe that if GameStop plays this right, creators will rush to their marketplace to get their products on it and deliver. + +[Why the NFT Market Could Really Grow by 1,000X - NASDAQ.com](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/why-the-nft-market-could-really-grow-by-1000x-2021-09-05) + +>As soon as digital shopping became just as “good” as physical shopping, everyone started shopping online, and now, the e-commerce industry is on the cusp of becoming bigger than the physical retail market. +> +>As soon as digital entertainment became just as “good” as physical entertainment, everyone started streaming Netflix, Disney+, and HBO Max, and now, the digital entertainment industry is on the cusp of being bigger than the physical entertainment market. +> +>Same with digital advertising... +> +>...As soon as digital replicas of physical industries become “good,” those digital replicas will take over.... +> +>...The investment opportunity, of course, is that the digital asset market today is a fraction of a fraction of the size of the physical asset market. +> +>In 2020, the global NFT market did about $338 million in transaction volume. The global collectibles market – including physical trading cards, games, toys, cars, and more – is a $370 BILLION market. +> +>**That’s more than 1,000X bigger**. By our logic, then, the global NFT market can (and will) grow by 1,000-fold over the next 10-plus years… + +[Comparing Opensea's NFT Marketplace to GameStop's NFT Marketplace (Hint: GME's will be better, here's the data to back it up)](https://redd.it/rcsqzy) \- credit u/pupcolorado + +>This post lays out the data and business logic that suggests GME's NFT Marketplace will be far more successful than Opensea. +> +>Problem 1: High gas fees +> +>Problem 2: Setting up a wallet is difficult and expensive on Opensea +> +>Problem 3: Opensea does not have enough customer support staff to meet support requests + +[Lets talk about NFTs, DAOs, Web3 and the metaverse. How does it work for DUMMIES?](https://redd.it/rqmdyc) \- credit u/Additional-Ad5055 + +>*If you're new to all these, this is a great introductory post.* + +[NFT use cases 2022](https://preview.redd.it/m549nuwbbo791.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=99b118716ddc36ef8203128d14b50e73c2676158) + +# 3. Potential Use Cases for NFTs + +[10 Practical NFT Use Cases Beyond Digital Artworks](https://www.hongkiat.com/blog/nft-use-cases/) \- HongKiat + +1. Ensuring Authenticity of Products +2. Real Estate +3. Medical Records and Identity Verification +4. Intellectual Property and Patents +5. Academic Credentials +6. Supply Chain +7. Gaming Industry +8. Ticketing +9. Artwork Tracking +10. Voting +11. Bonus: the Metaverse + +&#x200B; + +[ELI5: Use-cases for NFTs that aren’t digital art](https://redd.it/rm2oxx) \- credit [u/mia6ix](https://www.reddit.com/user/mia6ix/) + +&#x200B; + +[GameStop’s blockchain and NFT leader discusses using NFTs to allow reselling of digital trading cards and games! This would be huge!](https://redd.it/ohhi49) \- credit [u/BuddyTheDog92](https://www.reddit.com/user/BuddyTheDog92/) + +&#x200B; + +[How Runescape economy shows that blockchain and NFTs work](https://redd.it/skb8po)\- credit [u/Microsoft790](https://www.reddit.com/u/Microsoft790/) + +&#x200B; + +[Notes on the use case of NFTs in the gaming industry, or The Smart Asset DD v.2](https://redd.it/rql2dh) \- credit u/Gradually_Adjusting + +&#x200B; + +[Matthew Ball to talk Metaverse, GameStopverse, Stonkverse, and more! AMA.](https://redd.it/ud4rg2) + +Check out [Matthew Ball's blog](https://www.matthewball.vc/the-metaverse) where he has written extensively about the Metaverse. + +[comment by u\/Thornoaks](https://preview.redd.it/m378n5y4co791.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d7ea5cf632e4e2d68b1474989bba736e8fee004) + +[Web3 is one step away. Store, send and receive cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Explore Ethereum and the world of Web3.](https://preview.redd.it/uxxr8p8kbo791.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1d2d4eaeeea4cfd0bf725b7f83d88fbd0d3cf8b) + +# 4. Ethereum, Loopring, Immutable X, Uniswap & 0x + +# 4.1 Ethereum + +>A blockchain is an electronic ledger (database), which operates independently of a central authority, and is controlled by a network of computers around the world. When a transaction is submitted to the network, it is first verified, and then recorded onto the ledger. +> +>As soon as anything is recorded in this ledger, it is permanently recorded and cannot be altered or modified. The records are shared across all the computers on the network, making it difficult to hack or tamper with. +> +>The first cryptocurrency blockchain to be invented and pave the way was Bitcoin, which followed in the footsteps of the cypherpunk movement, drawing inspiration from crypto projects such as “hashcash” and “b-money”, and Surety. Bitcoin was followed by many others including Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Ethereum, which is the primary blockchain for the GameStop Wallet. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409036955411-What-is-a-blockchain-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409036955411-What-is-a-blockchain-) + +https://preview.redd.it/ycj0dli8co791.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=4560857e08fae33d682e20e4f8a5c5a77b047220 + +>Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed ledger featuring [smart contract](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409044468755) (scripting) functionality. It enables developers to build blockchain applications with business & community logic, and is the foundation for thousands of [Decentralized Applications](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409044468755). Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications (also known as DApps) enable creators to build code, art, and virtual experiences without having to worry about downtime, fraud, control, or interference from other parties. +> +>Ethereum paves the way for a new decentralized financial system based on a user-centric model, where all you need is a [Web3 Wallet](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408952951571) connection to access applications, products, and services that operate in a trustless manner, giving you more control over your money. Ethereum allows anyone to participate in this digital economy, without the involvement of third parties, or the risk of censorship. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409036938771-What-is-Ethereum-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409036938771-What-is-Ethereum-) + +&#x200B; + +# 4.2 What is Loopring? + +>Loopring is an Ethereum transaction processor and scaling solution. Loopring’s Layer 2 zkRollup solution enables the GameStop Wallet to be cheaper and more efficient than wallets that use only Layer 1 Ethereum mainnet. This means you can buy and sell NFTs, and transfer ETH to other Loopring Layer 2 accounts, at a fraction of the cost of making transactions on Layer 1. +> +>[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408960430099-What-is-Loopring-](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408960430099-What-is-Loopring-) + +&#x200B; + +>Loopring's L2 increases transaction throughput and decreases cost, while maintaining complete Ethereum security guarantees. Loopring's zkRollup supports token transfers, orderbook exchanges, and AMM (automated market maker) exchanges. +> +>**From the perspective of users, Loopring allows instant and gas-free transfers, trades, and liquidity provision.** \- [DeFi Pulse](https://www.defipulse.com/projects/loopring) + +Loopring's Blog - [https://medium.loopring.io/](https://medium.loopring.io/) + +&#x200B; + +# 4.3 [What is Immutable X?](https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/what-is-immutable-x-imx) + +>Immutable X is a layer-2 scaling solution for NFTs on Ethereum. It offers instant trade confirmation and near-zero gas fees for minting and trading NFTs. Users can easily create and trade NFTs without compromising the security of their assets. - Binance Academy + +[Highlights from Immutable & BANKLESS Interview regarding GameStop NFT Marketplace](https://redd.it/skhdv9) highlight video - u/ButtFarm69 + +>Robbie talks about the partnership with Gamestop and what it means for the future of NFTs + +&#x200B; + +[Superstonk AMA with Immutable Co-Founder and President Robbie Ferguson](https://redd.it/smp57i) + +&#x200B; + +[Official update from Immutable: enabling the next billion players on GameStop's marketplace](https://redd.it/ux305g) \- credit u/robbieimmutable Co-founder of Immutable X + +&#x200B; + +From Immutable X's Blog - [https://immutablex.medium.com/](https://immutablex.medium.com/) + +[Immutable X is Making NFTs Carbon Neutral on Ethereum](https://immutablex.medium.com/immutable-x-is-making-nfts-carbon-neutral-on-ethereum-620dd0be08ae) + +# + +# 4.4 [What is Uniswap Protocol?](https://uniswap.org/faq) + +>The Uniswap Protocol is an open-source protocol for providing liquidity and trading ERC20 tokens on Ethereum. It eliminates trusted intermediaries and unnecessary forms of rent extraction, allowing for safe, accessible, and efficient exchange activity. The protocol is non-upgradable and designed to be censorship resistant. +> +>Uniswap is an automated market maker. In practical terms, it is a collection of smart contracts that define a standard way to create liquidity pools, provide liquidity, and swap assets. + +&#x200B; + +# 4.5 [What is 0x?](https://www.0x.org/) + +>0x is important infrastructure for the emerging crypto economy and enables markets to be created that couldn't have existed before. As more assets become tokenized, public blockchains provide the opportunity to establish a new financial stack that is more efficient, transparent, and equitable than any system in the past. + +[\\"everything that can be tokenized will be\\"](https://preview.redd.it/7vbe2zkmco791.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b302501ac934da4b1c8679c84ef8f6ded8c746c1) + +# 4.6 More Partners, Projects & Exclusives + +[https://sushi.com/](https://sushi.com/), blog [https://sushichef.medium.com/](https://sushichef.medium.com/) + +&#x200B; + +[PINATA CONFIRMS BEST-IN-CLASS NFT MEDIA MANAGEMENT FOR GAMESTOP NFT MARKETPLACE - GMEdd.com](https://gmedd.com/blockchain/pinata-confirms-best-in-class-nft-media-management-for-gamestop-nft-marketplace/) + +&#x200B; + +*New partners and updates will be added to the stickied comment.* + +&#x200B; + +# 5. Deeper Dives and Speculations - NFTs and their potential + +# 5.1 DD + +[Fundamentals DD - Piñata's Role in GameStop's Marketplace and How It's All Coming Together](https://redd.it/t7p75h) \- credit u/sneakywill + +* Loopring solves the Ethereum gas fee issue with its L2 wallets and NFTs via their zkRollup technology, which divides the high cost of minting one block into potentially thousands of transactions that are instead bundled onto a single block, reducing gas fees by orders of magnitude and therefore legitimizing the mass application of minting and trading NFTs. They handle getting the lines of code stored in your NFT onto the chain without it costing you an arm and a leg, and the same goes for transfers and wallets, and on and off ramping your real world fiat currency onto the chain. +* Immutable X is the front end of the marketplace and they interface with partner companies and creators to get their products onto the marketplace seamlessly. Their APIs make it easy for companies and content creators to connect their products to the blockchain and host their content on the marketplace or within their games. +* Piñata allows off chain file hosting that utilizes a decentralized protocol much like blockchain called IPFS to host large files in a secure and verifiable manor, legitimizing any NFTs that are tied to externally hosted content and preventing the need to sacrifice the security provided by NFTs when they point to large files off chain. + +[But what sort of games will be in the NFT Market place? How will GameStop make any money on NFTs? Come take a dive with the Jellyfish on what is likely to come!](https://redd.it/ofn57e) \- credit u/Dismal-Jellyfish + +>In conversing with folks, it seems some Apes would benefit from what a 'live' game looks like. Before going any further, I do not endorse Axie, think that you should purchase it, or do anything at all with it. Rather, my intent is to walk through the mechanics of the game and economics this game. + +[Comparing Opensea's NFT Marketplace to GameStop's NFT Marketplace (Hint: GME's will be better, here's the data to back it up)](https://redd.it/rcsqzy) \- credit [u/pupcolorado](https://www.reddit.com/user/pupcolorado/) + +>This post lays out the data and business logic that suggests GME's NFT Marketplace will be far more successful than Opensea. + +Specifically: Lower Gas Fees, Ease & Cost of setting up Wallet, Customer Support + +[NFT Market DD UPDATE](https://redd.it/skrm0s) \- credit [u/smdauber](https://www.reddit.com/user/smdauber/) + +>Projected GameStop marketplace GMV (Gross merchandise volume or transaction volume) and estimated revenue. + +[🏴‍☠️🔥Biggest Smoking Gun , Yet. Right Under Our Noses. "0x: ZRX" Tokenized Trading Exchange🔥🏴‍☠️](https://redd.it/ujcjvy) \- credit u/Reverse_Drawfour_Uno + +# + +# 5.2 Speculation / Opinion + +[The possible Loopring partnership is huge, but it's only the beginning! Here's how NFTs will change the gaming landscape forever, and what role Gamestop might have in the midst of all of it](https://redd.it/qtvcxa) \- credit u/ReusedBoofWater + +&#x200B; + +[The upcoming GameStop NFT marketplace. What we know, what to expect and why it's going to be a huge success story](https://redd.it/uwmpp6) \- credit u/knutolee + +&#x200B; + +[Theory: GameStop will be THE company that builds the bridge across the marketing chasm for both NFT marketplaces and blockchain](https://redd.it/rugc39) \- credit u/Keratin_Brotherhood + +&#x200B; + +[I think the NFT marketplace is much more than we may realize...](https://redd.it/rs5w4u) \- credit [u/rondanator](https://www.reddit.com/user/rondanator/) + +&#x200B; + +[I'm CEO of an 8 man company who released an NFT game on the wax blockchain which has made $xxx,xxx so far, and I'm excited by gamestop's move](https://redd.it/rqnceu) \- credit u/Calmer_after_karma + +# + +# 5.3 Additional Content + +[How to mint NFTs on Loopring.io directly to your GameStop Wallet in 20 steps. With pictures!](https://redd.it/uwkq3w) \- credit u/The-Bodhii + +&#x200B; + +**NFT Roundtable** (YouTube) + +>AMA-style roundtable about NFTs, their financialization, and the technology that powers them + +Part 1 [Exploring NFTs](https://youtu.be/qYOFBxS1K9c) | Part 2 [Financialization of NFTs](https://youtu.be/_G3H9k7WfYg) | Part 3 [Technology powering NFTs](https://youtu.be/6X8Y6AyWLnc) + +[Transcript](https://imgur.com/a/d2HM16j) || [Superstonk Post w/ Resources](https://redd.it/rdij9r) +I'm investing heavily in single stocks, especially company stock. It's up over 12 times since I got my first shares 9 years ago, so I'll keep at it for the foreseeable future. + +Paid off the mortgage sooner: peace of mind is better than theoretical returns for us. + +No strict budgeting: we save a big portion of the income automatically, so whatever is left can be spent on anything. We don't track any expenses, I tried it for a few days and it was too much work. + +End game is real estate and not S&P 500. Currently 5 properties would make us FI, 7 would be optimal for redundancy but we're aiming for 10 total properties because you never know what extra expenses you may have in the future and once I FIRE, I won't be working for money ever again. +I see this objection on here often. + +On the surface this makes sense: we don’t want to overpay for something. However this is not true for every circumstance. What if it went up every single day (such as a bank account), then all because it is at an all-time high shouldn’t matter. + +So the question is, how often is the market at an all-time high? + +9.6% of the time! That is roughly 1 day out of every fortnight, the sharemarket has never ever before seen a level this high. That is pretty often. + +Not only is it at an all-time high 9.6% of the time, 58% of the time, it is within 5% of the all-time high. So if you are planning on waiting for a 20%, 30% or even 40% drop, I think you will be waiting a very long time... + +----------------------------------------------------- + +Here is the summary of the results: + +x%|Proportion of the time that the ASX 200 is within x% of the all time high +--:|:-- +0%|9.6% +1%|25.0% +2%|36.2% +3%|46.0% +4%|52.7% +5%|57.8% + +Assumptions: +ASX200 + dividends reinvestment, using Vanguard data post 2010 and 4.5% pa prior. + +[Chart.](https://i.imgur.com/TQCQwOj.png) +I'm a relatively new RN and made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PersonalFinanceCanada/comments/zfk79j/moronic_question_can_i_ever_buy_a_condo_with_my/) in this subreddit. I got some helpful feedback so I did my research in the sidebar and Wealthsimple. Before I outline my financial goals below, I want to state that I take home $4600 after taxes (this will decrease because I just signed up to join OMERS through my workplace. From what I've read, $200 per month will be deducted for the pension). + +I currently pay $1350 on a large room with a roommate. I absolutely hate living with roommates and very much prefer my own place. Home ownership is out of the realm of possibility for me but might happen if I find a lifetime partner who makes a good income. I could rent a 1-bedroom condo but the market rate is $2500 which is very steep. I can try and find a studio within $1800-1900 in Toronto. I rarely eat out because I cook all my meals at home. + +**Savings:** + +I checked my CRA account and my contribution room for a TFSA is $66,000. For the RRSP, it's $20,000. Since I have $100k just sitting in my account, I can immediately open a TFSA account and max it out. And for the RRSP, I can again max it out which will leave me with around $14,000. I can move this $14k into a high savings account and use it as an emergency fund. + +How does this plan sound? I have no debts and will not buy a car because I live in Toronto. I also plan to go back to school to get a Masters in Health Informatics to increase my earnings. +I accidentally overcontributed in my TSFA and used the money to buy a stock, which ended being a poor choice because the stock got delisted and my account went to zero. + +How do I withdraw the excess contribution if there isn't anything to withdraw? +When I moved here about a year and a half ago, I got a nice apartment for about $900 a month, only 15 mins from work. Now I’m looking to move in August and wanted to see what kinda options I’d have, and rent seems to be $1,200 a month minimum in this area now! I pay about $980 and even that’s stretching my budget. $300 avg increase in less than 2 years, almost 30% (is my math right?) + +So now I’m considering moving further away, having about a 40min commute, for about $1,000 a month. I don’t mind long morning drives because it gives me time to listen to a podcast and eat breakfast to wake up a little. But 40 mins seems like a lot and it would be the longest commute I’ve had. + +Which would you do: $1,200+ for a 20 minute commute or $1,000 for a 40 minute commute? Please give me your insight and opinion on this matter, as my mom recommends I just move back in with them for a 1.5hr commute lol. +Hi all, I’m from Texas so I’m not sure if it might be different here. My dad and his partner have an LLC which I’m part of. I’m listed as a company manager. The company fix and flips homes as the main source of income. I want to start holding properties for rental use for personal passive income. My plan is this: 1. LLC buys beat up house (ie:100k) 2. Rehab to increase value using company funds. (So I don’t use my own)50k 3. The company sells me the house for 170k at 20k profit for the company. What I’m thinking is that it shouldn’t matter if the company is selling to me since it’s going to get sold at that price regardless. I’m the one who’s going to deal with paying off the mortgage, not the company. Is there a problem with this? And if so, how would I go about this in a way that works? + +Edit: seems like the answer is yes for the most part. What about if it’s the LLC selling to my dad? Does that change anything? We both want to start holding +I had interviewed at 2 places. One got back to me quicker and I need to start working since I recently graduated and I’m 2 months in and the other company got back to me with an offer 70% more than my current salary. How do I let my manager know I’m leaving with just 2 months on the job? + +ETA: To give a little context. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and it’s from home. +What are our chances of getting a home loan as “low income” earners. My husband and I both make about $60,000 each a year ($120,000 combined) but he is classed as permanent part time and I work two casual jobs that I’ve only just started. One kid. Live in QLD. + +We have a lease that will be up in May next year and by that time I’ll have been working for a year. My husband has been in his job for like 10 years. + +Due to circumstances and medical bills we didn’t have much savings but have managed to save $10,000 so far. Also paying off some credit card debt. + +We live in a regional city where we’ll be able to get a “liveable” house for $300,000ish hopefully. I’m not interested in borrowing as much as we can, I want a smaller house and a smaller mortgage. + +Anyway, what are our chances? I’m willing to apply for any and all government schemes. Wondering about the FHSS and if that’s better than just straight saving the money in an online account? + +I just can’t handle renting anymore! +# The Definition Of Market Manipulation + +>"Market manipulation is the act of artificially inflating or deflating the price of a security or otherwise influencing the behavior of the market for personal gain." - Investopedia + +According to most retail investors this means that market manipulation is when an entity with a huge portfolio that buys or sells a large amount of stock can cause large price movements. This is one type of market manipulation, but not what I want to talk about today. + +&#x200B; + +# How in 1930 Wyckoff Described What's Happening Today + +[Richard D. Wyckoff](https://preview.redd.it/r0dndnl3zk671.jpg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66b39741d9950f15d90c73b5b49e384104492e03) + +**Who Is Wyckoff?** + +>*Richard Demille Wyckoff (1873–1934) was an early 20th-century pioneer in the technical approach to studying the stock market. He is considered one of the five “titans” of technical analysis, along with Dow, Gann, Elliott and Merrill. At age 15, he took a job as a stock runner for a New York brokerage. Afterwards, while still in his 20s, he became the head of his own firm. He also founded and, for nearly two decades wrote, and edited The Magazine of Wall Street, which, at one point, had more than 200,000 subscribers. Wyckoff was an avid student of the markets, as well as an active tape reader and trader. He observed the market activities and campaigns of the legendary stock operators of his time, including JP Morgan and Jesse Livermore. From his observations and interviews with those big-time traders, Wyckoff codified the best practices of Livermore and others into laws, principles and techniques of trading methodology, money management and mental discipline.* + +**Why I'm Including it in This Post?** + +>*From his position, Mr. Wyckoff observed numerous retail investors being repeatedly fleeced. Consequently, he dedicated himself to instructing the public about “the real rules of the game” as played by the large interests, or “smart money.” In the 1930s, he founded a school which would later become the Stock Market Institute. The school's central offering was a course that integrated the concepts that Wyckoff had learned about how to identify large operators' accumulation and distribution of stock with how to take positions in harmony with these big players. His time-tested insights are as valid today as they were when first articulated.* + +Basically in 1930 near his death he started writing books about what he learned during his life to make retail investors understand the market better, illustrating all his knowledge in a reddit post is impossible and today I want to focus only on market manipulation. + +# Who Is The "Composite Man" + +>*“…all the fluctuations in the market and in all the various stocks should be studied as if they were the result of one man’s operations. Let us call him the Composite Man, who, in theory, sits behind the scenes and manipulates the stocks to your disadvantage if you do not understand the game as he plays it; and to your great profit if you do understand it.”* (*The Richard D. Wyckoff Course in Stock Market Science and Technique*, section 9, p. 1-2) + +Based on his years of observations of the market activities of large operators, Wyckoff taught that: + +1. The Composite Man carefully plans, executes and concludes his campaigns. +2. The Composite Man attracts the public to buy a stock in which he has already accumulated a sizeable line of shares by making many transactions involving a large number of shares, in effect advertising his stock by creating the appearance of a “broad market.” +3. One must study individual stock charts with the purpose of judging the behavior of the stock and the motives of those large operators who dominate it. +4. With study and practice, one can acquire the ability to interpret the motives behind the action that a chart portrays. Wyckoff and his associates believed that if one could understand the market behavior of the Composite Man, one could identify many trading and investment opportunities early enough to profit from them. + +# The Importance Of Liquidity + +Let's say a stock is sitting at $20 but a "Pro" thinks it could make it to be worth $40, large investors may not accumulate a high number of shares at one time as this would cause a sudden change in the stock price. Instead they will take advantage of weak market sessions to slowly accumulate their target number of shares. + +Once they have accumulated their target number of shares and want to sell for the same reason as before, they can't unload everything at once or they would affect the market again. + +But how can they unload their shares at maximum profit? Through manipulation. They can do it by making that shady little company look like it will become the next Apple, and they manipulate the newspapers to do it. + +[FOMO](https://preview.redd.it/4ikowb6j5l671.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949686266619575afa3c565a32df772ddf11aa1b) + +They create FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) in small retail investors, and that brings a lot of volume on that stock. If you thought the goal of the market makers was to inflate the stock price through this type of manipulation, you're wrong. + +Consider an institutional investor who bought 5,000,000 shares of a company at $1 that now sits at $3, has a lot more information about that company than you do, and knows that company is bad and likely to release bad news in a few weeks. Everyone knows that in order to sell something you need a buyer willing to pay the price you're offering, so how can he dump 5,000,000 shares of stock unnoticed in a few weeks and get away with it? He's going to start making people think that this company has something very big coming up, that he's going to make a 500% move and you're going to miss out. People start "FOMOing" and bring huge volume to that stock, with more people willing to buy he can sell all his shares faster and get out of that stock as quickly as possible. He doesn't care if the stock makes a 100% move in the meantime because of this sudden interest, he only cares about getting out. And guess what, later on, when the bad news is released, the market maker will be the winner while a lot of retail investors have been burned. + +&#x200B; + +>“You have often noticed that a stock will sell at the highest price for many months on the very day when a stock dividend, or some very bullish news, appears in print. **This is not mere accident.** +> +>**The whole move is manufactured.** Its purpose is to make money for inside interests — those who are operating in the stock in a large way. And this can only be done by fooling the public, or by inducing the public to fool themselves.” + +This was written in 1930! 90 Years ago! Buy the rumour sell the news. + +# Market Manipulation 5.0 And How You Are Helping To Make It Happen + +After what happened with meme stocks in the last month a lot of people started looking to invest, without any knowledge and trusting the advice of people on reddit and other social media many found themselves losing a lot of money on some stocks that look very good. + +&#x200B; + +What is happening now is that some big institutions probably pay influencers and use bots to make some companies look much better than they really are. The problem is that many people trust other DDs (Due Diligence) too much and end up thinking that a stock is really good and they buy some stocks. What's worse is that a lot of times people who have invested in some companies end up becoming like extremists and start "propagandizing" when they see that they are losing money. + +&#x200B; + +Basically what is happening is that I (and probably you too) am noticing a lot of people or groups who buy for example a stock at $10 because it is full of potential (pumped by a market maker) and when they find themselves owning it with a 30% loss they start trying to convince people that it will soon go up. This is ethically wrong and to avoid getting caught in this you should ALWAYS do your research. If you don't know how to research ask the person who posted the sources. + +# How Can You Stop Losing Money On Bad Stocks + +* Don't trust anyone, do your own research +* Ask for sources from those who publish DDs +* Stay away from stocks that come from scam countries +* If you see a lot of people saying a stock is going to go up stay away +* Don't buy a stock that people say will CERTAINLY have good news coming (example: "stock X will get FDA approval next week" usually won't and will fall into oblivion) +* If you're losing on a stock, stop saying on social media that it will surely rebound +* If you buy a stock you MUST stay current on it, you can't just buy and forget about it +* If a stock has a news related to a sector unrelated to it stay away (for example a tourism stock says it will do something in the hot sector of the moment, this is usually done to temporarily pump up the stock) +* SELL THE NEWS + +# Conclusion + +English is not my first language, I hope I have expressed myself correctly. I used information from StockCharts and Financial Post. I know this is a different post than the average one here, so I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any questions write them in the comments or send me a DM! You can follow me here on Reddit to stay updated on my posts! +It's $5.99 a month if you have that proof. + +That's pretty cool for them to do that. So many businesses typically soak the poor for every dime they can get. + +I know - even $6 a month can be too much sometimes. +I'm fully aware that the big boys will play big games, especially in an unregulated new-ish market such as crypto. I get why BTC and others are swinging like they are. I get the mechanics behind it. That's fine. + +What I don't understand is the empty talk...not just here, but everywhere. To the moon, FUD, the "real" bitcoin, attacks, scams, villains. Who gives a shit? If you think rich boys won't play rich boy games, you're naive. It happens in every industry and usually the best solution wins in the end...but the rich always get richer in the process. + +In the end, what matters? The technology and its adoption/acceptance/utility. I have to dig 10x harder to find out what the technology roadmaps look like than I do to find out who big bad Roger is and details of his his evil plans. Who gives a shit about that guy (or any of the other players)? Does b*cash have actual tangible plans to be successful? If so, I'd love a place to see those plans and make my own decisions. I've seen a lot of upcoming BTC developments (and the obligatory "yea in 18 months" replies), but that shows me there are plans and strategies for the next level of the technology. I understand that solid technology requires time to build and implementing a half-baked solution would equal failure. To be the biggest, you can't have those risks. Your big money investors won't tolerate it. + +Oh, Chinese miners somewhat control and sway things and have a monopoly on the ASIC miners? Do we not have the ability to build these (likely in a better, faster, more efficient way)? Everybody is just pointing fingers and crying instead of providing guidance and insight. + +Oh, transaction fees are too high and the "market" doesn't like it? Well, from the way it seems, 90% of the newly invested money is here for the rollercoaster, unrelated to the technology. The "older" money here knows how useful this tech is. Not to mention - if the fees are that significant, can we not get this community involved in supporting education and development? Adoption of segwit addresses reduces fees, right? Are there things we can collectively do to help delivery of LN, Schnorr, other efforts? Let's be a solution to these problems instead of just regurgitating the problems all day. It's like watching CNN or Fox News while trying to actually get educated - won't happen. + +People are also caught up in the religion of Satoshi's "vision" which, like anything else, would naturally evolve as the product and technology evolves. Steve Jobs didn't plan on the iPhone on day 1 either, but if you said iPhone in his early days, you'd be against Steve's "vision". I don't know....just calm down. + +TL,DR: Do you believe in your technology or not? If so, let the power players pay themselves with power moves. Chickens always come home to roost. Let's be educated and united in our belief of the technology. The price will be what we deserve in the end. + +Edit: just learned how to spell today +As post states, I got sick on my two week notice and couldn't come in to the office. I was asked by my boss to stay an extra day because I "was in violation of my two week notice." Is this standard procedure for businesses to do this? This was my first office-setting job so I am unfamiliar as to how this works. +Soo i’m a day trader that plays mostly options, i hardly own shares or invest in mutual funds, ETFs, long term stuff like that. I have a 401k through my job, but that’s it. + +I’m looking into setting up my 2 year old daughter financially. When she turns 18, I want her to be better off than I was when I turned 18. + +I’m looking for advice on what stable long term investments i can throw a 300 or 400 at monthly for 16 years that will yield good returns. I know nobody can predict the future but I have 0 knowledge when it comes to long term investments + +Any input is appreciated +Wrote a post some weeks ago in this subreddit ago about what broker to use and everyone was very helpful, so decided to ask another question to know your opinion. + +Been researching for a while in what index (or indexes) to invest my savings (around 150k USD) and many sources name VTI as the way to go, among others. + +My question is, since VTI is made out so many companies, wouldn't it be diversified enough? Why should I want to add another ETF to diversify it more? +Is there any legitimate reason people choose to invest in SPY over VOO for their S&P 500 ETF? Both perform *virtually* the exact same, and VOO has a lower expense ratio (.03) compared to SPY (.09), as well as a higher dividend yield (1.31 vs 1.27). However, the avg volume of SPY exceeds that of VOO’s by over 16x. Can anyone point to a reason why SPY is much more popular than VOO? +**What is a DAO?** Standing for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, a DAO is an internet-native blockchain-derived investor-directed venture capital fund organization managed by all members. At its core they have an objective to provide a decentralized business model for all future enterprises. Mark Cuban called them “the ultimate combination of capitalism and progressivism.” + +One important aspect is that all code is open-source. This is done with the aim to eliminate human error, manipulation, and third parties, by having an automated crowdsourced process of decision-making. Unlike a company, DAOs have democratized organizations allowing all members to vote for any implemented change. The DA organization is represented by transparent computational rules, secured on the digital ledger across the internet, hardened against forgery by timestamping, and disseminated as a distributed database. The DAO is controlled by the members; no managers or basses are needed. + +>Bitcoin in essence is the first fully functional DAO with programmed rules and functional autonomy through consensual protocol; the miners and nodes signal voting through support. + +**DAOs need four things really;** + +* A set of rules, +* A funding token, +* Voting right provisions, +* A clear structure & roadmap + +|**DAOs**|**A traditional corporation**| +|:-|:-| +|Flat hierarchy.|Hierarchical.| +|Voting required for any changes.|Changes demanded from sole party, voting may be offered.| +|Voting outcome implemented automatically.|Tallied internally and outcome handled manually.| +|Services handled automatically in a decentralized manner.|Human handling, centrally controlled automation, prone to error and manipulation.| +|All activity transparent and public.|Activity private.| + +**Creation of a DAO:** + +* Step one; create a smart contract that once launched the rules can only be changed by coded governance system. +* Step two; sources of funding must be determined and governance must be engaged, typically funded via token sale that come with voting rights. +* Step three; deploy smart contract on the blockchain from which point onward stallholders will decide future organization. The dev(s) have no more influence than any other stakeholder. + +&#x200B; + +**How can I join a DAO?:** Just invest in their token, and boom, you’ve joined. The smart contract token you just bought establishes the DAO’s rules, most likely you have to stake the token or another in the DAO to get voting rights and influence operations. This is typically done by deciding on and creating governance proposals. The fact that you need to stake to create proposals is to prevent spam proposals, and only (typically) proposals will pass if a majority of stakeholders approve (different percentage majority per DAO; specified in the smart contract). + +**What’s the point? Where is the need?** Are we all not internet native, or soon will be? DAOs are internet-native organizations with technological advantages compared to traditional companies. They have and establish a higher level of trust then say, the classical corporate hierarchy. Only the open source code needs to be trusted which is transparent thus auditable and verifiable at any time. This solves the economic principle-agent-dilemma where there may be a conflict of priorities between a group and those making the decisions for the group. The answer is community governance where incentives are aligned. There are charity DAOs, ones for NFT investments, for funding projects by Black women and non-binary artists, for funding women and non-binary crypto founders, some are exclusive social clubs, and others are for-profit business applications. I’ve even seen freelance DAO networks of contractor. + +>**Examples of DAOs:** Aragon, MakerDAO (MKR), DAOstack, DASH, JennyDAO, Jelurida, SharkDAO, DAOhaus, RaidGuild, Proof Of Humanity, Opolis, BanklessDAO, MolochDAO, + +**Downsides of DAOs:** No organization is perfect, decentralized or autonomous or not. This is extremely new technology that continues to attract criticisms over legality, security, and structural issues. As a DAO can be distributed across multiple jurisdictions, there is no legal framework. One may have heard about ‘The DAO’ crashing, as back in 2016. ‘The DAO’ was launched on Ethereum and raised $150 million in ETH (largest crowdfunding effort at the time) but a few days later developers expressed concern about a bug that would allow malicious actors to drain funds, and while a proposal was set forth to fix it an attacker took $60 million worth of ETH. At the time, 14% of all circulating ETH was invested in ‘The DAO’. Chaos ensued and a hardfork was implemented on ETH. Those who disagreed moved to support an earlier version of the ETH network, which became known as Ethereum Classic, or ETC. Point being if any gaps in the contract framework aren’t closed before launch, it can lead to potential theft and money loss. *There is no such thing as a fully D & A organization.* Depending on governance, there are only various levels of decentralization. While the network may have independent but equal network actors, the smart contract rules themselves will always be a centralized loss of direct autonomy; architecturally and geographically decentralized yes but logically centralized on the protocol. Upgrading of code is often delegated to experts who understand techno-legal intricacies of code and are therefore a point of centralization. + +**Future of DAOs:** Despite the potential for DAOs to revolutionize the industry, and be a disruptive force to corporate structuring as a whole, they face security and legality issues. As we all know the SEC claims some blockchain based companies might have made illegal offers of unregistered securities. There is also a lack of understanding about cryptocurrencies from new investors, not to mention the technical competence one needs to understand the computational infrastructure and consensus mechanisms within the smart contract to feel good about investing in it. It’s not all bad though, Wyoming just became the first state to recognize DAOs as legal entities. DeepDAO says there are about 181 DAOs, with an ecosystem’s total assets under management (AUM) of $13.4 billion. + +Somewhere, in some business boardroom, people are trying to figure out how to integrate self-driving cars into DAOs of autonomous taxi drivers. You order an Uber and it comes, no company, just code. +I have been working for Bacardi since 1999, i have and MBA, and have participated in a Harvard 2 month business case study program. other than that my level of education is very real world. + +I was behind the acquisition of Grey Goose, 42 Below, Dewars, and 30% of Patron. AMA + +EDIT: Keep the questions coming! i have to step out for a bit, i will answer more as soon as i get back! + + +I know the SEC's responsibility is to regulate securities and that technically ICOs are not selling securities to investors. However, there is precedent for them to intervene in the past when there is provable fraud. Below is the rough draft I have. Let me know what you think: + +"Hi, I am inquiring about whether it falls within the SEC's jurisdiction to investigate what could be considered fraudulent market manipulation as well as deception to cryptocurrency ICO investors. I will try to keep this as factual as possible: + +The Initial Coin Offering known as Dadi was scheduled to begin the process of token distribution to investors on February 16, 2018 at 12pm UTC. Investors were asked to log into their accounts on the Dadi portal and confirm their receiving wallet addresses. Upon address confirmation, Dadi claimed that they would begin the manual process of distributing the tokens on a first come first served basis. + +What actually transpired was quite different from what they claim. There were over 8000 individual investors in the Dadi token sale. However, the Ethereum blockchain confirms that there were no more than 25 outgoing transactions from the Dadi contract address over a 22 hour time period. The vast majority of these disbursements exceeded the public individual cap of 35,000 tokens; thus it could be readily inferred that the intended recipients of these tokens were private investors. Dadi did not deny that these were indeed private sale disbursements. Their explanation was not they were giving preferential treatment to private investors (in that they would be granted first access to the market with the added benefit of there being a constrained supply available for trading), but rather that all the private investors happened to log into the Dadi portal and submit their confirmations for their token receiving addresses before everyone else. This was met with incredulity by the community. Additionally it does not explain away the fact that it took 22 hours for Dadi to distribute tokens to less than 25 recipient addresses, and then curiously a much larger batch (thousands of disbursements) being sent thereafter. + +It is the core principle of economics that supply and demand dictate price. With only a small supply of the tokens available on the market for the first 22 hours, the pent-up demand for the token combined with its constrained supply would cause the price to be artificially inflated. This allowed the larger private investors the benefit and privilege of selling off or derisking a portion of their investment at a price manipulated to their liking. Then, once demand receded, Dadi would begin disbursement to the rest of the public, thereby drastically increasing the supply and driving the price artificially lower. This is in fact what happened as evidenced by the declining price curve of Dadi on the IDEX exchange perfectly coinciding with the timestamps of the disbursements to the greater public." +As tax filing season gets underway, people are starting to post queries indicating confusion about why their tax software shows a big refund when they've only entered one of several W-2s and then that refund indicator drops to a smaller refund or even says they owe taxes as they enter other W-2s. + +This can happen whether you are a Single taxpayer with multiple W-2s or are Married taxpayers filing jointly who both have incomes. + +The reason this happens is the interim "refund" value isn't really a valid figure, because it is misrepresenting what your income is and how it gets taxed. + +I'll give some numeric examples to illustrate, but first it may help to know that your W-4 "allowances" setting is going to influence how much of the income you earn at one job is going to be considered untaxed by the withholding system as it estimates your yearly tax in order to figure out what to withhold from any particular check. + +In 2017, for Single filers: + +considered not taxed = 2300 + 4050 * allowances + +In 2017, for Married filers: + +considered not taxed = 8650 + 4050 * allowances + +Let's see how this plays out in some scenarios. I'm using 2017 tax numbers here, since right now people are struggling with interpreting their 2017 tax situations. + +--- + +EXAMPLE A: Single filer with two jobs all year + +Suppose you are a Single filer with a 24K job and a 36K job and on both your W-4s you put "0" allowances, thinking that would cause more than typical withholding. Let's say the 24000 job had 2789 withheld and 36000 job had 4589 withheld, which is likely amounts for full year withholding. + +Job 1: 24000 wages, 2789 withheld using S-0 +Job 2: 36000 wages, 4589 withheld using S-0 + +Let's see what happens when you enter just Job 1 W-2 into typical tax software. Here is what the software interprets is happening. + +income = 24000 + +deduction = 10400 + +taxable income = 13600 + +income tax = 9325 * 10% + 4275 * 15% = 1574 + +payments = 2789 + +"refund" = 2789 - 1574 = 1215 (Yay!) + +I put the refund in scare quotes because this is an invalid number, since only one income has been entered. If this were your only income, you would indeed get this amount of refund. And this refund number certainly gets you thinking that the withholding at the first job was more than enough. + +--- + +What happens if instead you enter just Job 2 W-2 into software? Similarly, it would tell you you're getting a refund if that's your only income. + +income = 36000 + +deduction = 10400 + +taxable income = 25600 + +income tax = 9325 * 10% + 16275 * 15% = 3374 + +payments = 4589 + +"refund" = 4589 - 3374 = 1215 (Yay!) + +By the way, the apparent "refund" is the same in this example because in each case the withholding system was told to use "0" allowances instead of "2" allowances, and this made the withholding system imagine your income in each job would be 4050 * 2 = 8100 more than it really was, which causes about 8100 * 15% = 1215 too much withholding to happen for that job considered by itself. + +In other situations, you may find that the nonsense "refund" values you see when you decide to switch the order of entering W-2 will be different, as a consequence of how allowances settings were done and what tax bracket each income seems to put you in. + +Notice that no matter which W-2 you enter, the withholding systems believe that some income is not taxed, some is taxed at 10%, and some is taxed at 15%, but no income is taxed at 25%. This turns out not to be true when you actually compute your tax. + +---- + +Let's see what happens when you enter the second W-2 after entering the first W-2. Now the software has your actual total income information and total withholding information, and the final result is valid. + +income = 24000 + 36000 = 60000 + +deduction = 10400 + +taxable income = 49600 + +income tax = 9325 * 10% + 28625 * 15% + 11650 * 25% + += 932.50 + 4293.75 + 2912.50 + += 8139 + +payments = 2789 + 4589 = 7378 + +"amount owed" = 8139 – 7378 = 761 (Hey!) + +Instead of getting a refund, you actually owe about 761. Yikes! + +---- + +What happened? + +Was something "wrong" with the withholding at Job 2? Not really. No more than what was wrong with the withholding at Job 1. + +Your withholding wasn't actually enough. + +Using Single 0 W-4 settings at both jobs wasn't enough to account for the actual tax, because some of the income really does get taxed at 25% when you "stack" your two incomes together. + +One way of thinking about this is that the withholding systems at both jobs effectively thought of this as how the income falls into brackets: + +considered not taxed: 2300 + 2300 = 4600 (because of use of "0" allowances) + +considered taxed at 10%: 9325 + 9325 = 18650 + +considered taxed at 15%: 12375 + 24375 = 36750 + +considered taxed at 25%: nothing + +In reality, when the two incomes are combined, this is how the actual income falls into brackets: + +not taxed: 10400 + +taxed at 10%: 9325 + +taxed at 15%: 28625 + +taxed at 25%: 11650 + +Although the withholding had a low value 4600 for tax-free space compared to reality of 10400, the withholding had a very skewed idea of how big the tax bracket spaces are, so the withholding systems interpreted more of the income as being taxed in lower brackets. + +It's not fruitful to blame the withholding at each job. At each job, the withholding system is just following the instructions conveyed by "0" allowances, and it is hamstrung by not knowing the total income. Each job treats your income as if it's the only job. + +Solution: This taxpayer should have considered using S-0, S-0 settings but also have extra withholding taken from paychecks to send in about 760 more tax across the entire year. Extra withholding of $30 from biweekly paychecks at one of the jobs would have been enough. However, owing 760 at tax time isn't going to cause this taxpayer any underpayment penalty, because it's under $1000 shy. + +tldr: If your overall withholding was not enough, it's still possible for you to see an apparent interim "refund" value when you enter just one W-2 into tax software. You need to ignore this interim value because it doesn't represent a real refund you could get, since it is not based on knowing about all your income and all your withholding. Also, you should not blame the second job as having faulty withholding. + +*I'll append another scenario in a comment, involving married taxpayers, as this post is already long.* + +Edit: [Link to EXAMPLE B, a married couple](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/7ttim8/some_insights_into_the_answer_to_why_did_my/dtg5k45/) who see two different meaningless "refund" numbers depending on whose W-2 is entered first. +*This is* ***not*** *a comprehensive rundown but should serve as a favorable jumping-off point for others to explore further.* ***I do not know what I am talking about and should not be referenced as a source, reputable or otherwise.*** *Credit to* [*u/Left-Anxiety-3580*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Left-Anxiety-3580) *for the* [*original upload*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sk1hyd/only_viewed_133_times_todaythis_document_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)*.* + +&#x200B; + +**Acronyms to Know** + +CCO - [chief compliance officer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chief_compliance_officer) + +SBS - [security-based swap](https://definitions.uslegal.com/s/security-based-swap/) + +&#x200B; + +**TA;DR** + +[I would not hold my breath.](https://preview.redd.it/psxf3po4fsf81.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=08b894d9be8aaa4025b5104ca1eb17c007aa47e7) + +**TL;DR The SEC has proposed three rule changes that center around preventing fuckery with SBS. Rule 9j-1 addresses the fuckery, Rule 15Fh-4(c) protects CCOs from SBS influence, and Rule 10B-1 deals with the reporting of large SBS positions.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Introduction + +The document aims to accomplish three things: + +1. **Re-propose Rule 9j-1** \[Prohibition Against Fraud, Manipulation, and Deception in Connection with Security-Based Swaps\] +2. **Propose Rule 15Fh-4(c)** \[Protection of the Independence and Objectivity of a Security-Based Swap Entity’s Chief Compliance Officer\] +3. **Propose Rule 10B-1** \[Position Reporting of Large Security-Based Swap Positions\] + +Note: The comment period ends in 45 days (March 21, 2022). It is paramount to voice any concerns you may have as this is the best way ~~(that we know of)~~ for the SEC to know what people think about market regulation changes. + +# Update March 11, 2022: At [45:53](https://youtu.be/9nvuL0mevRk?t=2753) when asked, “What actions can retail investors take to enact change?”, former SEC Branch Chief Lisa Braganca specifically answered, "…investors should submit comments" + +**If you would like to comment:** ~~Once a pruned ape writes the DD for this, I highly recommend you put aside some time and give it a read so you have a relatively solid understanding of these rule changes. It will show the SEC you took the time to digest the material and they will take you more seriously for it. Win-win.~~ Please be professional. No matter how low you think of governing bodies, nothing good will come from name-calling. + +u/QuarterBackground stated the [following](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skaxc8/comment/hvknibp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): + +>... these rules do not become official regulations until after the comment period, commissioner vote, and Federal Register publishes. I spoke with a woman from SEC who said there is a backlog of the Federal Register, which is delaying approved rules. Also, ... she said comments are still considered after commissioner approval and the SEC can change approved rule to align with certain comment requests! + +It looks like there is a bit of red tape before rules are approved. However, the SEC cannot ignore a matter if enough comments are submitted. If I were you, I would submit comments earlier than later. + +&#x200B; + +# Rule Changes + +**Re-proposed Rule 9j-1** + +[p. 17](https://preview.redd.it/fsrtlzm1bsf81.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=a45f2234534e44f8ebf8b9009b9355fad4475a5c) + +[p. 13](https://preview.redd.it/myyeso05bsf81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b1b3ef58da1e89cddb0f428b8c6c4f9d0566d43) + +The rule includes an anti-manipulation provision similar to **17 CFR 108.2** (it’s illegal to manipulate the price of swaps, among other things). It also says a person with insider information about a security cannot avoid liability by buying/selling the SBS and a person cannot avoid liability in connection with a fraudulent scheme involving an SBS. ***No shit.*** + +**Proposed Rule 15Fh-4(c)** + +[p. 19](https://preview.redd.it/nqjm2zh7bsf81.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a399b8430479ce00c0a71cbf796c47b6ee04871) + +This rule prevents personnel of an SBS Entity from harassing the CCO. + +**Proposed Rule 10B-1** + +[p. 22](https://preview.redd.it/zdawqb9absf81.png?width=939&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6624c53131d33331fa5633e572d1083478a669b) + +This rule requires public reporting of certain large positions in an SBS and positions in any underlying security/loan (or any related instrument) of the SBS. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Further into the Document (This part I skimmed.) + +**Rule 9j-1 / Rule 15Fh-4(c) (pp. 28-53 / 53-58)** + +History, criticisms/concerns, scope, liabilities, and undue influence over CCOs. + +**Rule 10B-1 (pp. 61-94)** + +Definitions and thresholds, information/structured data requirements, and cross-border issues. + +**Economic Analysis (pp. 111-176)** + +Economic considerations, baselines, costs/benefits, alternatives. ***Will need wrinkles for this part. There are many data points and it seems exciting.*** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Confirmation Bias + +[2008 never ended \(p. 13\).](https://preview.redd.it/kihiw01fbsf81.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=e85091fb405507feab67618da362b732bf8f7000) + +[Does this look familiar?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +Edit: Possibly 6.48% due to intermediate calculation rounding. + +The unadjusted CPI-U rose from 287.504 in March to 296.808 in September of 2022. The new I-Bond Rate will be 6.47% for new purchases from November 2022 – April 2023. The Current rate of 9.62% is available for new purchases through October 2022. + + +This will be confirmed by the treasury in the coming weeks +My husband and I are halfway through finishing saving for our house deposit. We currently live in a tiny 2 bed flat and want to move outside the city, to a house more suitable for a family. I’ve quit my job recently to take care of our 2 toddlers. I am also recovering from some mental health issues so I had a break from work. We’re relying on one income for now, with my mum-in-law giving us some money from time to time.  +  +My problem is that I have been tight with our budget and I feel so guilty spending money on activities, holidays or the fun stuff. I’m starting to think if I’m being a bad mom for depriving my kids of those experiences. Looking at how much things are for rent, groceries, utilities makes me so overwhelmed that I’m thinking of just going back to work to help out with finances even if I’m not mentally ready yet. I also thought of using money from my mum-in-law but then again, I would feel embarrassed if I’d tell her we spent it going to the movies or bought some new toy, etc. + +Will I ever find a balance between spending for our needs and some enjoyment in life when we have very little income? +So my previous apartment complex is trying to get me to pay $500 dollars in damages. I took many pictures of the apartment before I moved out and told them I was not going to pay any fees unless they provided proof of the charges. I left my apartment spotless although due to moving out after the office closed, I was not able to do a walk thru with the office staff. It was a small one bedroom and they charged me $350 alone for the carpet, which was clean and is only in the bedroom! So I am quite positive they are overcharging if they even changed the carpet out all. +They sent the bill to a collections company who called me and I explained to them the situation and told them I wanted to dispute the claim. They still call me everyday but I have been ignoring the calls because they still are trying to get me to pay the $500, but I checked my credit report last week and they put a collections for the amount of $9. +Before I call the collections agency and ask questions, is there a way that I can justify paying the $9 dollars on my credit report, even if it was a mistake on their end? + +I have been in an okay situation for the last 2 or so years - not great, I have an okay paying job (for now) and still have student loans and a car loan, but I have emergency savings that will last me a few months. + +I come from a very poor upbringing - a single mother with 3 kids on low income everything. It's a rare moment to be proud of where you come from when you grow up poor. But today I went and picked up groceries for the next 3-4 weeks for my partner and I and spent less than 80$ - but I knew exactly how to do it. It was like being on autopilot. I grew up on rice, beans, and cottage cheese. If we were lucky and my mom got extra tips from waitressing or a new client (personal trainer during the day) we would have chicken or beef, then she would make a stock out of the remains and would make the best tortilla soup. She made everything last, stretched every dollar, and worked her a$$ off. + +Today I realized she taught me survival skills. Growing up poor is really hard in many ways. But it teaches you so many lessons on happiness, and survival, and how to prioritize your dollars when it matters most. For everyone that is going through hard times financially, you definitely are not alone. But if you can learn to live when you're in poverty, you can certainly learn to thrive when you are financially stable - and you WILL see the other side of this! + +Knowing how to cut out all unnecessary items out of your life is a skill that you only learn when you are forced to do it. Right now, I'm okay, but even the looming threat of job loss or furlough is enough to subconsciously enter survival mode. I am perfectly content with my rice, beans, and cottage cheese. It tastes like my childhood, and only costs $0.44 including spices per meal. + +Update: Wow! Sorry everyone! I turned off notifications on my phone during the pandemic so I’m not on it all the time. I’ll be replying to all of you shortly. + +Edit: Someone asked what I bought and thought it would be good to share - I eat MOSTLY vegetarian, and my partner is vegetarian so it makes it super easy to scrap meat, which is expensive. Here is what I bought: + +Eggs, 60 ct - $9.17 ($1.83/dozen) + +Stir Fry Frozen Veggie Mix , 5.5lbs - $9.79 ($1.78/lb) + +Onions, 3lbs. - $0.69 + +Flour tortillas, 2pkgs. - $2.56 + +Black beans, 10lbs. - $10.41 (1.04$/lb) + +Salsa, 2 jars. $3.38 + +Shredded cheese, 1lb. - $2.88 + +Rice, 10lbs. - $4.23 + +Tofu, 4 lbs - $5.39 ($1.34/lb) + +Apples, 3lbs. - $3.00 + +Bananas, - $2.00 + +Butter, 1lb. - $2.39 + +Oatmeal, 1 carton, - $2.39 + +2 pkg rice flakes (drunken noodle noodles) - $4.24 + +Fish sauce (large size) - $3.89 + +Brown Sugar, 2lb. - $1.32 + +Limes, 2lbs - $3.88 + +Oyster Sauce (lg) - $6.79 + +Cottage cheese, 2 24 oz - $3.38 + +Came out to 77.75$ - had a few coupons that applied at checkout that basically waived the tax! to be frank I have a lot of other ingredients at home (for example, soy sauce, salt, spices, pasta, cooking oils, polenta, pasta sauce bought on sale, frozen fruit and meat for me) but this will last us a very long time! I'm sure your Walmart will have a this stuff and priced around the same. I cook a LOT of Asian and Mexican dishes. + +To assemble the bowl of wonder in the title, cook rice as you see fit, and simmer beans with some bouillon (cheaper than store bought stock - I use Better than Bouillon No chicken Base, vegetarian gf limits my bone broth roots), an onion (diced), green bell peppers (diced), any spices you desire eor can geet your hands on, and jalapeno. Combine rice beans and cottage cheese in a bowl, put some hot sauce or whatever else you desire, enjoy! + +Be safe out there! +I've been an instinctive saver my whole life, but over the last few years escalated my efforts toward reaching early retirement. I live cheap, and I get around mostly on the subway, by bicycle, or by Uber/car rental every now and then. I'm doing pretty well for myself, but live cheap so save a few thousand dollars each month. + +&#x200B; + +This week I got a phone call I was not expecting. My mother, who is young (pre-retirement age), eats well, exercises, doesn't drink, takes no medications, etc., has been diagnosed with cancer. Stage 4. She is optimistic, and I'm hoping for the best. But I know the odds. + +&#x200B; + +It's extremely difficult to reach her via transit (different city, 2 hrs away). The day after hearing the news, I hopped on AutoTrader. Found three local cars that met my criteria. Test drove them. Within four hours of opening up the cars listings, I found myself the owner of a new (to me), reliable car, which will get me back and forth from me to her whenever I want. Didn't blink an eye at the $23k check. Easiest money I ever spent. + +&#x200B; + +This has been a shitty and harsh reminder of two things for me: first, that saving money to retire early is a worthwhile goal, because none of us know how long we'll be on this Earth. And second, that by living within your means, you're setting yourself up to be able to handle life's curveballs just a little more easily. I take a lot of comfort in knowing that I can drop everything at a moment's notice, and hop in a car that I can count on getting me where I need to be within a couple hours. And I'm glad that I don't have the added stress of wondering how I'm going to afford to travel back and forth over the next weeks, hopefully months, and perhaps even years if I'm lucky. +How do you handle FOMO? + + +I started investing last year, with my entire investment currently being in Vanguard Global All Cap, as it seems a good place to start and it’s easy to just fire and forget, which works for me. + +However, seeing how the market has acted this year, with things being valued at what they’re valued seemingly being pumped up through hype, it always brings that what if feeling when looking through them (e.g. Tesla, NIO, PLUG) + +How do you deal with this? Have you joined in on the rallies and profited? Or do you stick to your plan for the long term and take advantage when opportunities are clear? +I recently invested in to rightmove and since doing so it has risen about 10% but a couple of years ago the price was super high and then it fell off a cliff where it has been for quite some time now. However, I've read some things that sound promising for rightmove and it appears to be in a good position from what I can understand to grow in the long term, I'm wondering what you guys think? +I won't go into detail but I just got informed I got a big chunk of tax-free, legal money. I have always lived paycheck to paycheck and never had to think about what I would do if I had money to spare. + +Even obvious stuff will be appreciated. + +I don't think I really want to buy anything. + +I've read some wiki stuff but it don't really say too much other than "don't rush it" and "tell no one" (which I guess I do now on this throwaway account). Should I just go to a bank and ask them what to do with it? + + + +I will not answer PMs, just here. + + +edit: I just want to say thank you for all the great tips and research material! You guys are the best, I never thought I would be getting this much help so quickly! I'll take my leave for right now and do some deep thinking based on what you have said. Thank you very much again. I'll check in a bit later! +If you need more money and you're a night owl or your schedule allows it, considering an overnight shift may be a good option.. + +Imo, I find overnight shifts to generally be more laid back. No customers, often times you can listen to music/podcasts as long as you complete your tasks. Podcasts are especially helpful for me to pass the time and to not be so in my head. Also, some places add more to the normal hourly pay for it being a night shift. + +I've worked at so many grocery stores overnight in different positions and it's all the same thing - open boxes and put the items on the shelf. Obviously im oversimplying a bit and there are definitely other mundane tasks to the job.. but I find it easier to handle than dealing with customers and actually find myself being more productive with other things/errands I may need to do during the day. + +Only drawback: my sleep schedule is fxxked right now 😂😂 but that's on me because I don't necessarily keep to a regular schedule + +EDIT: a tip - after applying online, go in during a weekday within the first 2hrs the store is open and ask to speak with an overnight manager/member of personnel about any openings for night shift. When they ask you to apply online tell them you already did. **Bonus points if you bring your resume to leave behind with someone. Follow up if you dont hear back after a week. Stores overnight always need help so try multiple stores in your area. Hope this helps! +Posting from a throwaway because I speak for more than one person. + +Every time I come to this sub and try to post something constructive, I always get downvoted. Whether it be explaining certain concepts, pitching a stock (yes with analysis, not just blindly), talking about how to take on risk, or asking about certain concepts, I always get downvoted. The so called "unpopular opinion" + +This sub is a fucking joke. Everyone here acts like mutual funds, ETF's are god's creation. Ask a stupid question? Get down voted to oblivion. Pitch a stock? "NO blah blah longer run ETF will outperform." + +Who subscribes to this sub? A bunch of 50-60 year olds about to retire? Also, the fact that the most upvoted post this week is a comic about a financial advisor and fees speaks volumes about the type of people here. I'm pretty much done spending my time here. The discussions that happen in r/personalfinance and r/finance are way more friendly. + +tl;dr People down vote opinions they disagree with and that's why this sub will remain shit. + +Edit: Mods shadow banned me...wow. +PLEASE PM me if you are interested in joining a new subreddit that isn't a circlejerk of Vanguard lovers. Debating on whether to keep it a private sub... + +Edit 2: I have made a private subreddit. Starting to respond to PM's. If you are interested in a private subreddit with higher quality content and you haven't PM'd me yet, send me one. This new subreddit will only thrive if people post quality content. I will work hard to post quality content as well. Sorry, I won't allow people who are beginners to join but come back when you have developed a skill or have gained knowledge in a investing sector. The bar has to be set somewhere. Let's bring on the POSITIVE constructivism with a huge slice of financial expertise with variation. + +Edit 3: Don't forget to PM me your background, that would be helpful. ANY expertise in the area, please list. Portfolio return, education, etc. Consider it a resume. If you intend to lurk, then the new sub is not for you. TO CLARIFY THIS IS NOT SOME SORT OF ELITE CLUB. I'm just not going to allow people who are clueless. + +Final Edit: Wow, I am floored by the response. I'll try to respond to everyone within the next day or so. I hope we all can create a more positive sub for investing. +**Edit**: In this post, by manipulation I don't mean that in a bad way necessarily by the Fed. The Fed is just using a tool(liquidity) that affects EVERYTHING in the market (they're not trying to affect ONLY GME by controlling liquidity) and GME , being prone to a short squeeze, also is affected by it to an extreme. The Fed could be using this as a way to make sure the squeeze happens in an orderly manner and doesn't completely destroy the economy in tandem with the treasuries market and other economic variables on a more macro scale in my opinion, which would further prove what other users DD are saying about the squeeze being controlled until an opportune time to let it rip. + +**Edit 2:** Fixed some phrasing for clarification + +# **Edit 3:** DEBUNKED: +A friendly redditor has just pointed out to me(thank you btw u/hikurashi83) in the comments that in terms of the data, the DD does not hold as by going into some of the points further back in the month there are some dates (such as from 5/14 to 5/17 where the RRP amount decreased, but we ended up having a run up) + +&#x200B; + +Hello fellow apes! I'm sure everyone isn't surprised that we saw some more manipulation today on GME; multiple apes had called it out days ahead in advance. Make no mistake, if there was no effort to tank the price today it most likely would have signaled some alarm bells for the squeeze. + +Naturally, I wanted to look for some more answers other than "dang hedgies short attacking the stock again!" because I felt conflicted about having that as an answer. It makes logical sense for that to be the case yes, but it also makes logical sense that this is out of the hands of Citadel at this point from how fucked they are as the Fed is controlling the wheel and waiting for a prime time to let the squeeze happen, as multiple DDs have pointed out before. The thing is, there was no such confirmation that the Fed is manipulating GME compared to the hedge funds themselves shorting the stock into oblivion... at least until today. + +I think its completely possible that by using reverse repo agreements, the Fed is able to take GME by the horns day by day until they feel it is right to let the squeeze happen. + +# The Goodie Gum Drops: + +I was scouring the subreddit for more info as I always tend to do before writing some DD, and I came across a nice [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nn6tf3/day_3_of_the_correlation_tracking_between_rrps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by u/PolarVortices, who is tracking the correlations between RRPs with GME's/AMC's price (give them some love!). + +As they say in their post, there is no DIRECT correlation that the price of GME/AMC has an influence on reverse repos or vice versa, they just appear to be moving together. This would indicate that they aren't necessarily influencing each other, but its possible that some outside force is controlling them BOTH, in the same way. + +Then there was something that they said that caught my attention: " Repeating yesterday's sentiment, the RRP's and the stocks appear to be linked, whatever is causing RRP's to increase or decrease appears to be tied to the movement of the stock." + +IMMEDIATELY my detective senses started tingling. What would cause the RRP's to increase or decrease? Well the logical conclusion would be whoever is in control of the RRP agreements, and who is in control of the RRP agreements? That's right, the Fed. + +# But how is the Fed managing to do this? + +That's the million dollar question, my fellow ape. In order for the Fed to "control" the price of GME such that the RRPs and GME's price are moving together, they have to use some umbrella variable that affects them both in the same way, but first we need some confirmation that the Fed is manipulating GME through Reverse Repos, specifically the overnight agreements. + +This is where another thing u/PolarVortices said that caught my eye: "May 28th reverse repos decrease and GME closing price decreases, the day to day direct comparison model is the only one that is still true." + +Wait, which model? Hm, the day to day direct comparison model. Very interesting.. and with the correlation strengthening it lends credence to the idea that the Fed is controlling the volume of the RRPs in such a way that GME and the volume of the RRPs travel together. + +That would mean in order to find out what is causing this correlation, we have to find out what exactly the Fed is doing in the ON RRP agreement that is causing GME and the volume of RRP to move in the same direction. + +Well, in the ON RRP agreement, the Fed takes cash from a counterparty in exchange for an asset like a treasury bond, with the intent to repurchase it at the agreement's maturity. + +Hm.. so the Fed takes cash away and then gives it back the next day and usually they would do this agreement at 1:15pm. This means that, the maturity of the ON RRP agreement and the opening of a new one for the next day should happen at around the same time. Okay, so then at like 1:15 there should be a big movement to the up or down right? (depending on whether they added more or less to the volume of RRP's in the agreement) + +[Well look at what we have here... Today at 1:15pm there was a new reverse repo agreement, and the price tanked afterwards.](https://preview.redd.it/8uluekai5y171.png?width=1632&format=png&auto=webp&s=03d30be5638bfd2547fba15e1b2c824bbe669f63) + +What happened in this new reverse repo agreement? + +[The volume of ON RRP decreased...](https://preview.redd.it/22onykcm6y171.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=87d8c5fa4afb25fdd0142f8d3202b467f2df526e) + +So after the overnight agreement began the priced tanked. Since the Fed took away less cash than the day before on its RRP agreement, it seems there is more liquidity in the market. When there is more liquidity in the market, then the price of GME tanks. That should mean the REVERSE is true. Let's try to confirm this: + +[The day before yesterday \(May 27th\), at 1:15pm a new agreement started, and after that the price gapped up by a significant stretch.](https://preview.redd.it/1rhm7fguay171.png?width=1454&format=png&auto=webp&s=06824a8e254d0ce178e10b4738fa095df9d1fcfe) + +and what happened with reverse repos? + +[The volume of RRP increased..](https://preview.redd.it/lgty439uby171.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a8e3310e9830574a5982326ed907dd32daa785) + +So, what does this mean? It means when the Fed takes away more cash from the market via reverse repo agreements, thereby decreasing the liquidity in the market, the price of GME gaps up, almost like... a controlled squeeze. + +# Conclusion/TLDR: + +So far as I can conclude (and I could be wrong here, this post is more speculative than anything else), *liquidity is the main umbrella variable that allows both the price of GME as well as the volume of reverse repos to travel together in the same direction.* When liquidity is removed, both the price of GME and the volume of RRP increases, and when there is more liquidity, both the price of GME and the volume of reverse repos decrease. This would be how the Fed could indirectly control the price of GME, while also explaining the correlation between the price of GME and the volume of Reverse Repos to some extent. + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +And again, thank you guys for reading through my (possible)DD! :) I shall be in the comments as usual as long as I am awake and make some edits if needed. + +Links: + +[Repo and Reverse Repo Operations - Federal Reserve Bank of New York (newyorkfed.org)](https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/tomo-results-display?SHOWMORE=TRUE&startDate=01/01/2000&enddate=01/01/2000) +**Now I'm not claiming I was the first person to ever mention a 'fake squeeze'. Of course I wasn't...though I feel due to the traction of one of my posts, the idea become more talked about in the sub. I feel partly responsible (if not fully) for this.** + +&#x200B; + +There is such a lack of information that we have no idea what a fake squeeze will be. I've seen a lot more talk about this recently and would like to remind apes of some very important points that were talked about before, that I feel have been forgotten only a month later. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR at the bottom for you smoothies. I want to be clear here at the start... there is too much evidence that a fake squeeze would be kamikaze suicide. There are too many factors to spark a squeeze once the price starts going. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +The initial post was under the guise of the FUD PATROL. I was hoping to sniff out FUD and remind people not to blindly follow MSM. (Still very important). + +&#x200B; + +[So I started here](https://preview.redd.it/u4kw8f748wz61.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=db94bff639678866a758e67d19c7a8206ce6fa73) + +&#x200B; + +Within this I explained how potentially Melvin could be a sacrificial lamb. That their 'failing' could mean a price jump to $300-400 and a narrative pushed stating that was the squeeze. I mean, for non-apes who only know a short squeeze as $483, it wouldn't take much convincing not to FOMO in...I mean, a short squeeze is defined as $483 for Gamestop...right? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I then followed up with this post, to give some factual basis to the idea. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/krpdsmng9wz61.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fb3f2616924ecac7b483c3a99a8d5730dc71406 + +*TL;DR: Citadel were massively exposed to Melvin and could not afford for them to liquidate. They could now have short positions on these stocks and use Melvin as a sacrifice to push them to liquidate. This would create another controlled squeeze as Citadel make money on the short positions and also borrow (and short) all the stock Melvin is buying back.* + +&#x200B; + +Essentially, Melvin's biggest holdings were being shorted to oblivion. It was clear someone was looking to profit off of their failing. I theorized the above... + +&#x200B; + +# Now after a month or so, it's clear that this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Now the reminder: + +# Day trading: + +&#x200B; + +One thing I massively overlooked was day traders. That if people figured there would be another huge drop in price, they could sell their shares and buy more back at a lower price. + +My intention? To highlight that $400 **IS NOT** a squeeze and to HODL through the dip (should there be one). I wasn't just educating diamond hands ( they're diamond hands for a reason.) It was to educate anyone new who didn't understand. + +Personally, I don't think apes will day trade. Though temptation of 'well it doesn't matter if it's only me' could kick in and next thing you know, hundred of apes are paper handing at $400 trying to get a better deal. + +**TL;DR: Don't fucking day trade.** + +&#x200B; + +# Margin Calls and buying pressure + +&#x200B; + +This is obviously a more prominent point as to why a fake squeeze would be difficult. Margin calls and true covering sets off the chain reaction to squeeze apes asses to the stratosphere. + +Apes do not know where margin call territory is. It can only be assumed based of the obvious resistance levels that the sell walls are built at (*cough cough 180).* + +The only development really I see in the past month or so is the DD regarding dark pools. This has obviously suppressed FOMO and buying pressure, allowing a controlled movement upwards. Though again, margin calls and covering cannot be controlled. + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR: Controlling the price up would potentially mean triggering margin calls. That's risky business. Buying pressure from FOMO has shown to be suppressed in dark pools.** + +&#x200B; + +# ITM options + +Options traders. Shares become in the money. Said traders exercise their calls. Potentially adds buying pressure. Each price milestone means contracted share purchases. Harder to suppress the thing from lifting off. + +**TL;DR: Call options exercised make price go boom.** + +&#x200B; + +# + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +# TL;DR - + +The likely scenario is in fact **HEDGIES ARE FUK.** They clearly look weak each price milestone and try and drive it down. How in the name of DFV do you think they are going to be able to control the price upwards? + +How do you feel the upwards price isn't going to slowly crush them harder and harder? + +Now unless shorts are really trying to be smart ( **I don't think they are, look at how they're doing hahaha**), they could be faking this price action and making it look as though $180 is their 'fail point'. That is highly highly improbable. + +&#x200B; + +**The reality is clear. A controlled squeeze could not be contained. Too many factors fuk shorts if the price was to rise and could only create a snowball effect.** +So I just thought an interesting metric could be the period between those two points, because due to the obscure nature of crypto for many people this might be years, and because the number of people having heard about it but not bought in is sure to be much greater than those actually invested. Ultimately, those are standing on the sidelines and are potential users. + +Just trying to better estimate when the next bull run will be ;) + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/a6yqy4) +>[Comcast](https://data.cnbc.com/quotes/CMCSA?view=franchise) has agreed to sell its stake in Hulu in five years to Disney and give up its voting rights immediately. + +>The company could either sell it at a valuation $27.5 billion or whatever Hulu is appraised to be worth in five years. + +>As part of the deal, Disney has agreed to pay Comcast for its Hulu content for the next five years. + +>NBC channels will be on Hulu Live at a higher rate than previously agreed. NBC will also be able to run the same content on its own streaming platform which is expected to launch in the spring of next year. + +>NBC will be charging less than $12 a month for non-pay TV subscribers. For pay TV subscribers the service is free. + +>Currently, NBC gets paid $500 million a year for its library content on Hulu. + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/14/comcast-has-agreed-to-sell-its-stake-in-hulu-in-5-years.html +TLDR: DRS is fucking Citadel up. The brokers who use PFOF are the slowest brokers to DRS your shares. Citadel pays the most for PFOF by FAR. This points to Citadel flexing on brokers. DRS is also reducing darkpool volume. This is not financial advice. + +&#x200B; + +**What is PFOF or Payment For Order Flow?** + +* Where venues/vendors with the processing means (aka Citadel Execution Services, Virtu Americas) pay money to brokers for routing their retail buy and sell orders to their internal system instead of sending it to the exchange. + +**Why would brokers do this?** + +* Because they get very well paid to do so by such vendors + +**Why would vendors pay for my trade?** + +* Vendors like Citadel use this information to trade ahead of clients (e.g. Robinhood) and get preferential pricing for themselves +* Vendors also use PFOF to be able to view all sides of the trade and to track exactly the sentiment and movement of the retail market + +THIS IS BIG MONEY FOR VENDORS AND BROKERS ALIKE, ALL AT THE COST OF RETAIL. + +According to [daytradingz](https://daytradingz.com/payment-for-order-flow/), $1.82b in total was paid to brokers to sell your trade information to vendors in only the first half of 2021. This is projected to be an increase of 39% YOY. + +&#x200B; + +[daytradingz](https://preview.redd.it/0cxks4cogcr71.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c98eae7e8cc945bedb7b08ff59bce903c8b8bd7) + +&#x200B; + +**Ok, but surely it cant be that profitable for vendors?** + +* Citadel alone paid for $760m in the first half of 2021 for PFO +* This represents 42% of total PFOF for this period + +[daytradingz](https://preview.redd.it/5ra9rjmchcr71.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=9236a3620e5d089c5677418d5b9dfa676365460a) + +According to [Tokenist](https://tokenist.com/deep-dive-citadel-securities-track-record-anti-transparency/), Citadel Securities trades 13.4% of total trade volume (for December 2020). This is comparable to the major exchanges of NYSE and NASDAQ. How much of this is from PFOF? no idea but I would say the large majority. + +[qz.com via tokenist](https://preview.redd.it/h871mw03icr71.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=93b827fff6bd0747fc31a37a93776a080d24f36b) + +**Hmmm interesting. But how does this affect DRS??** + +* If you have been paying attention to this sub for the past week, you will have noticed that people have been having trouble with their DRS times being pushed out beyond reasonable times, in one case up to 6 weeks. +* These delay times have been **company** wide. + +There is correlation between the companies accepting PFOF and their delay. Lets group a few of them. + +|Company|PFOF|time to initiate DRS| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Vanguard|No|0-10 days| +|Fidelity|No|Most 0, up to 2 days| +|Chase|No|?| +|IBKR|Unsure|Unsure| +|Robinhood|Yes|Lol. no one trades with RH| +|TD Ameritrade|Yes|4-6 Weeks| +|Charles Schwab (owns TD)|Yes|1-4 Weeks| +|E-Trade (Owned by Morgan Stanley)|Yes|3+ weeks| +|Webull|Yes|?| + +&#x200B; + +**Wow, ok, so there's a link. Why does this matter?** + +* Its at this point I implore you to search on this sub and watch the 8min segment of a talk with Marc Cohodes. He sheds the light perfectly on how systemic Citadel is and how their fingers are in ALL the stock market pies. Not only do they see their trades, they see all our trades. + +The below graph that u/stonkkingsouleater posted on another sub shows the impact that DRS-ing is having on the darkpool and NYSE volumes, as a percentage. + +https://preview.redd.it/92hg9xcqlcr71.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1af9961e94d75480ecd337f1a0723643d77f47b + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +More research below. Due to the restrictions on cross-posting and linking in this sub, the below has been screenshot/ctrl-c ctrl-v, and is the research of u/Fwellimort . They posted their DD 7 months ago. + +https://preview.redd.it/0tj8aeegecr71.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c212f61a65d71c69379f6fdd6518ae11b83cab + +https://preview.redd.it/t02een8hecr71.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8ea6cd3b122e22ff0e487e0cb19ee6112bb3920 + +* Robinhood [https://cdn.robinhood.com/assets/robinhood/legal/RHS%20SEC%20Rule%20606a%20and%20607%20Disclosure%20Report%20Q4%202020.pdf](https://cdn.robinhood.com/assets/robinhood/legal/RHS%20SEC%20Rule%20606a%20and%20607%20Disclosure%20Report%20Q4%202020.pdf) +* WeBull [http://public.s3.com/rule606/webull/](http://public.s3.com/rule606/webull/) +* TDA [https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en\_us/resources/606\_disclosure/tdainc-TDA2055-q4-2020.pdf](https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en_us/resources/606_disclosure/tdainc-TDA2055-q4-2020.pdf) +* Schwab [https://content.schwab.com/drupal\_dependencies/psr/606/2020-Q4-Schwab-Quarterly-Report.pdf](https://content.schwab.com/drupal_dependencies/psr/606/2020-Q4-Schwab-Quarterly-Report.pdf) +* Chase [https://mta.ihsmarkit.com/app-v2/public-report-library/public-report-library-view/JP%20Morgan%20Securities%20LLC/202](https://mta.ihsmarkit.com/app-v2/public-report-library/public-report-library-view/JP%20Morgan%20Securities%20LLC/202) +* IBKR Pro/Lite [https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Registration\_v2.formSampleView?formdb=3074](https://gdcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Registration_v2.formSampleView?formdb=3074) +* Vanguard [https://nms606.karngroup.com/vgrd/606a/2020Q3/588e3c62ff](https://nms606.karngroup.com/vgrd/606a/2020Q3/588e3c62ff) +* Fidelity [https://clearingcustody.fidelity.com/app/literature/item/9901330.html](https://clearingcustody.fidelity.com/app/literature/item/9901330.html) +* Merrill Lynch [http://public.s3.com/rule606/bofas/](http://public.s3.com/rule606/bofas/) +* TastyWorks [https://assets.tastyworks.com/production/documents/sec\_rule\_606\_report\_q4\_2020.pdf](https://assets.tastyworks.com/production/documents/sec_rule_606_report_q4_2020.pdf) +* E-Trade [https://content.etrade.com/etrade/powerpage/pdf/q4-2020-606a.pdf](https://content.etrade.com/etrade/powerpage/pdf/q4-2020-606a.pdf) +* Ally Invest [https://www.ally.com/resources/pdf/invest/order-routing/4th-quarter-2020-606-report.pdf](https://www.ally.com/resources/pdf/invest/order-routing/4th-quarter-2020-606-report.pdf) +I've made it to my forties without ever taking out a car loan, but I'm also in a great career, mortgage, have a family, and am tired of driving 15-year-old beaters. I ordered a vehicle back in November that's finally coming next week. Because it's taken so long, I've saved up about half of what it would cost to buy the vehicle outright in the interim between socking money away, stimulus, and work bonus. I'm happy with the APR I'm being offered, but is there any reason I shouldn't put all of this $$ down up front and only stick to a 20% downpayment or so? I like the idea of keeping my monthly payment as low as I can and paying off the car as quickly as I can since I've never had a car payment and I've never met someone who wasn't counting the days until their car was paid off. I don't invest or play the market, so any money I don't put down is only going to sit in my savings account in the meantime. +A - It's embarrassing how quickly this FUD spreads around the crypto circles. This stupid bill has been up since May 25th. It hasn't even been voted on. And even when it is voted on, the language of the bill changes nothing for your average crypto user. + +The only reason anyone is talking about this is because ZeroHedge decided to run an irresponsible article without context. + +B - Regulate digital currency? They'd have to turn off the internet. All I need to transfer bitcoin is to give someone the private key. I can text it to them. I can read it over the phone. I can hand them a slip of paper. The government can only realistically slow down fiat transfers on exchanges. + +And in that unlikely scenario, I welcome our new crypto economy. + +Everyone needs to chill the fuck out. This is embarrassing. + +(Extra embarrassing that the mods stickied this bullshit in the first place) + +------------------------------------------- + +Edit: Mods removed the stickied post. Which was smart. + +For clarification: this isn't commentary on the price dip - the market is the market. This is regarding the wildfire of crazy unsubstantiated theories about government regulation that lit this place up in the early hours of the morning. Yes, crypto loves rumors, but this one was stupidly easy to disprove. +Hi everyone bob here, + +While I'm still tinkering with some other theories, this ~~came across my desk~~ was shared with me outside the Wendy's I frequent, and BOY was it tasty! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/610lcdxvqjq81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e69878ed854457b602113cbce695bc59e8645525 + +First thanks to those wrinkly apes that helped me out with the data here... [u/alert\_piano341](https://www.reddit.com/u/alert_piano341/), [u/turdfurg23](https://www.reddit.com/u/turdfurg23/), and a guy I only know as Kain on discord... + +**Relevant DD**: + +* [There are 71,119,269 MORE Shares Loaned than Returned since July 2017 according to Ortex. One of many smoking guns. BUY, HODL, DRS.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqsslh/there_are_71119269_more_shares_loaned_than/) +* [u/turdfurg23](https://www.reddit.com/u/turdfurg23/)'s daily posts are BOMB - check them out on the think tank to keep updated with what's happening. + +Ortex data shows shorts never ~~covered~~ closed their positions. What's more, is it looks like we're setting up for a TSLA style squeeze - just much MUCH harder... + +**Let's take a look at a simple calculation for accumulated shares on loan shall we?** + +First, what is **accumulated shares on loan?** Easy, it's the amount of shares that were loaned out and never returned. + +Second, what is **Shares Outstanding**? Easy too! Its simply the amount of shares available (in total) for any given company. For GME, this number is about 76,000,000 right now. + +To put it all together, i analyzed a few different stonks I like, one I don't and also one for a control to the group. I'm looking for just how much of the **shares outstanding (SO)** is **accumulated shares on loan.**.. we'll call this **the percent of SO on loan.** + +AAPL, Apple Inc - Our Control Group + +Looking at our control first, I chose AAPL. We all know the company, and it's one of the largest in the world. So just how much of the **shares outstanding** are **on loan** for Apple, inc? + +[If you guessed under 0.5 percent, you would be correct for most of history.](https://preview.redd.it/870tnu3xqjq81.png?width=3194&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a1e3eeda88514e837ffd6d21af8a59618dcce8e) + +We are only now starting to see AAPL with a heavier (🙄) short interest - methinks due to the market fears and it being a large part of the S&P500. + +Next, let's look at something that squoze recently... Tesla + +# Introducing the long form of squeezing shorts - TSLA + +[u/elonmusk](https://www.reddit.com/u/elonmusk/)'s company looks to have experienced (and is still experiencing) a long form of squeeze outcomes. Without splits, that stock is worth a lot more than the price you would pay for a share today. How much more you ask?... well 5x more! That would be like buying TSLA for over 5k a share today. If you're reading this, you are probably **in GME before the stock split.** + +[We're at 30&#37; before the run up started, it hasn't stopped.](https://preview.redd.it/n5j3tssyqjq81.png?width=3192&format=png&auto=webp&s=9660b670406c401a3a24993daf0ca7d552f9beef) + +The short interest is hovering around 15% of shares outstanding - NOT THE FLOAT of TSLA. holy shit that's a lot of eventual buyers.... + +# Other "Meme" basket stocks and the basket itself... + +**Starting with the 🍿 of choice for hedgies...** + +&#x200B; + +[You can even see the position flip! - we're nearing 50&#37;, but the float is UUUUGE, so that will limit any run IMO.](https://preview.redd.it/ug1n67h0rjq81.png?width=2546&format=png&auto=webp&s=3be5a774bf595b4ac6232f1a6150500213e22286) + +Interesting thing I see here is the position flip seems to account for 10% of the SO - so someone flipped, but there is still heavy short interest on popcorn... + +Check out my DD on position flips. I'd link it for you but the mods here are a bit overzealous about linking to content outside their own personal echo chamber. Check my profile for the deets or see it over on the think tank, which by the way is a great fuckin place to find DD if you're hungry for some wrinkles. + +# What about BBBY? RC likes BBBY, (and so do I) ;) + +[about 30&#37; now. Interesting it wasn't as heavily shorted during the sneeze as other stonks.](https://preview.redd.it/ah0ttvf3rjq81.png?width=2862&format=png&auto=webp&s=26199b00531120e2e434ccfd4a5fc94d37afe256) + +What's got me jacked about BBBY is the RC buy in. Dude's a savage. I'd date him. Anyway, I think this will layer in a potential FTD squeeze in early to mid April for BBBY (no the spike after buy in wasnt from him... it was likely FOMO) Hell, i know i fomo'd in like a motherducker. + +# What about the basket of all baskets, XRT? + +[This motherfucker really likes to turn our whole world upside down.](https://preview.redd.it/u9zuh6j4rjq81.png?width=2577&format=png&auto=webp&s=0624ea9f446f93262fe720c7ad3f61a460ab0b8f) + +Data from XRT is from [u/turdfurg23](https://www.reddit.com/u/turdfurg23/)'s research and the help of some other apes providing the short data. + +# Here's VTI for comparison. curious that xrt is ALL negative... + +[some negative SO after the dip in 2008. positive after. possibly from over shorting into the recession?](https://preview.redd.it/vq1uaph5rjq81.png?width=2580&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e565d4474fd9f0f013785acc13088955741b6a8) + +# And now on to my main squeeze (heh) GME: + +[over 100&#37; during the sneeze \(duh\) and at 93.58&#37; right now.](https://preview.redd.it/kc7fylf6rjq81.png?width=2957&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6920fb8017f8537b3693d9a00ba55adf10839a6) + +If you look back and recall the numbers of the example squeeze in TSLA, your nips might be rock fuckin hard right now. I know mine are as I type this out. HOLY SHIT this is gonna be big. + +**TADR**: From here, i think we either MOON like everyone expects us to and we get to witness the Mother of All Short Squeezes, or we run a longer form TSLA style squeeze (but to a larger gain - probably at least 2x (edit: (also remember the 5x split) ) that of TSLA) and realize the Mother of All Long Squeezes (MOALS??) + +u/catsinbranches had this to say about GME which I thought fit here really well: + +>So, here’s an interesting tidbit to consider with this data. There are 71M shares “officially” on loan, and 76M shares. There are also 9M shares (or more) DRSed, and 11M insider shares. +> +>Those 20M shares DRSed / owned by insiders are unlikely to be loaned out… but for 71M shares to be on loan, that means that of that 20M, 15M would have to be on loan AND all of those shares held in brokers that are supposedly “not borrowable” because they’re held in cash accounts, will 100% of those would need to be on loan. +> +>This seems like pretty conclusive proof of naked shorting and /or that shares that are not supposed to be borrowable are actually still being loaned out anyway. + +&#x200B; + +**Shorts never CLOSED, and the squeeze is on - TSLA rise will look like peanuts when we're through!** + +# Speaking of nuts.... Here's how I like to think of the shorts: + +[Get your mayo ready, we're coming for you.](https://preview.redd.it/h5aamth7rjq81.jpg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51053074ca17cf63d53e5a09d4cfd4d46ae59b3f) + +&#x200B; + +Source Data Sheets: + +* [VTI](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g6iHTiXsn0gEI__XHnQFYt1tgaU7HgX21RTW40p06Ig/edit#gid=439760137) +* [XRT](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16i_iqpiWNA3BN4mc6l1Sjq3rB1HIkzclbDAgbzea1Ck/edit#gid=1510637223) +* [Popcorn](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AVV0rRuGnkoWnSyhCx52o44d_FORCb27mRBATwMtZkw/edit#gid=177405281) +* [GME](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GidBv-fykqRih6WfbkEceJgGS1ybE2ZdPNn5ROG26Kc/edit#gid=1528712640) +* [BBBY](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1opworWDC0r1uQ8v7fkH3geByNgKaS_VvGG3G1IIOCC0/edit?usp=sharing) +* [TSLA](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HMNh4WG5caJbsOhCssv6yqmzPTeWoCI3XMZxMDNBVb4/edit#gid=2003361305) +* [AAPL](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XtZYgL53sHHs7LdRy3xFQe-dgDPaFlEvxhN4VPwa2GE/edit#gid=0) +Hi all, + +This price action…. This is odd, isn’t it? We didn’t expect it to blast through some of the historical support, as u/gherkinit and others have shown in his daily post. + +I can’t see this separate from the 300k puts that expire Jan 21. I don’t know how, but either they are using naked puts to pre-hedge the expiring puts, or they are in the process of rolling them over. Either way, this is another naked bunny that comes from their hat. + +For the Q1 2021 apes this isnt the first time they got through this. This won’t demotivate, in fact, it will motivate most apes. But I believe that by explaining the current price action, we can help the newer apes (first time?). + +Any thoughts are welcome. +Hey, + +I've been a big Formula 1 fan for the last 5 years now but I've never gotten the chance to attend any races. + +I'm interested in attending one this year or in the 2022 season and would love any tips/guidance from people who regularly attend events? + +I'm a big fan of the singapore street circuit so am thinking of attending that race but would be open to any other races. + +Since I'm going to be travelling to attend the race, I'd like to get a bit more of an inside look so I'm thinking of getting Paddock Pass for one of the days. + +Do you recommend getting Paddock Pass for all 3 days (seems like it's ~10k) or getting Paddock pass for a single day and then getting a different seat for the other days? + +If I get Paddock pass for a single day, is there a day you'd recommend? + +Obviously race day is the most expensive, but I'm thinking that I'd get more access on the free practice day since the team staff will be less stressed out compared to qualifying / race day? + +It seems like there's also local hospitality options with specific teams, but I haven't been able to find much on that. + +I'd love to hear any insight that you guys have. + +Thanks! +Hello all you beautiful people/apes/apettes!!! I don't know about YOU all, but my week was ROUGH. You know how it is when you come back from a TINY break and your boss unloads some bitch-work on you which you KNOW you have to just trudge through... So there I am, cleaning up my boss' yard (because she's too important to pick up after herself), and I realize that a stray cat has been sneaking in and shitting EVERYWHERE, and holy shit there are fleas, and then the stupid bitch-work that was supposed to take 30 minutes turns into a + +# FULL ON FUCKING WEEK-LONG CATASTRO-FUCKFEST BECAUSE OF COURSE THIS IS MY PROBLEM NOW BECAUSE THAT'S HOW BOSSES FUCKING ARE + +[Don't let her looks fool you, she's an absolute slave-driver. I'm working 100 hour weeks with no overtime pay over here](https://preview.redd.it/2ow0h2mqike71.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb14d72ed60ee84d71d7a344b2f7fd96df9fd77) + +Anyway, I FINALLY managed to grab a moment to myself, and figured I'd share my latest crayon drawings with all my friends. Because we're getting to the point in the story where there are just SO MANY WORDS and seriously NO LIKIE READ, so let's have the prologue in the form of a picture-book🖍 + +# Once upon a time, there was a glitch. + +Only it wasn't just ONE glitch, they were EVERYWHERE. *wtf???* we all asked in unison. Slowly we realized that these were NOT glitches, but **ACTUAL TRADES USED BY BIG-MONEY INVESTORS called** [**"inter-market sweeps" or "sweep-to-fill orders"**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sweeptofillorder.asp)**!!!** + +https://preview.redd.it/q1x5myrsike71.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd2e268199c0c03848013bc1957bfa1f1ec48354 + +[This post covers sweeps in detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ok1bta/the_intermarket_sweep_aka_the_straight_upanddown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more. Turns out there were other strange things afoot as well- [crossed](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crossedmarket.asp) and [locked](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lockedmarket.asp) markets!! [Crossed markets are discussed further in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/onka1q/when_kenny_sneezes_the_market_has_a_seizure_part/), not gonna lie my brain STILL hurts. + +https://preview.redd.it/yz2orknuike71.png?width=1405&format=png&auto=webp&s=2898d30a9a77dd9a2b36f1a6c8553ec0b5189f7a + +But we started to wonder... is it real? Can we trust these things that we see? Perhaps it was all... *just a dream???* Fear not, for we discovered that [ALL level 1 data provided as real-time quotes can be trusted as **valid and accurate sources of data** in this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omegu8/when_kenny_g_sneezes_the_market_has_a_seizure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +https://preview.redd.it/9c6jv6lvike71.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=be148a1f50dff25f247f510dbbe2313dbac67f8b + +Would nicer data be nice? Surely. But what we have **is accurate**. Finally we realized that these market sweeps, aka "glitches," were trades used SO INCREDIBLY COMMONLY that hardly a trading second passes without someone sweeping something somewhere. [Sweeps and price movement action is discussed in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/opb59e/when_kenny_sneezes_the_market_seizes_part_iv_lock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and finally us poors can finally start to understand WHAT in the hell is happening when GME's price nose-dives for no apparent reason... + +# It's because of all these things that we retail traders don't get to see, and for the most part, don't even know exist. + +https://preview.redd.it/nr4nzhfwike71.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c66b410821d5d28f46d2620d38470c49c2615a6 + +If you're like me and you're wondering **WHY** any *reasonable* hedgie would over-pay by $10 just to buy some stock 0.05 seconds faster, let's look to options traders for some answers! Here's an article on [Yahoo Finance called "What Is an Options Sweep?](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/options-sweep-160559278.html)" which is mostly fluff but does say, + +>"Sweep orders indicate that the buyer wants to take a position in a hurry, which could imply that he or she is anticipating a large move in the underlying stock’s share price in the very near future." + +Here's a [Nasdaq.com article about how a financial advisor might use sweeps](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/how-financial-advisors-can-use-options-sweeps-2018-01-24) to make quick profits: + +>Traders and stock scalpers buy very quickly and often sell for profits within seconds. They benefit because others respond at a slower rate allowing the traders to sell to the late-comers. + +And HERE is some spiffy software I'm going to pay for *some day* called [**FlowAlgo**](https://flowalgo.com/) that advertises sweep detection: + +https://preview.redd.it/h38evx4yike71.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=32f1c2d6aa3125000e919241d7798a0c6707292b + +[**FlowAlgo's video of price movement after detected events**](https://flowalgo.com/?wvideo=ublt3iwqml)**-** gets VERY spicy about midway through. CLEARLY sweeps are a huge part of daily trading... if you can afford the $$$ to see them. Regardless, they seem to cause large price movements wherever they go. Which finally brings us to today! To understand the next crayon drawings, let's talk about something new.... + +# the Head and Shoulders pattern!!! 🤷‍♀️ + +So, in a series of tweets, [Burry on June 20 '21](https://twitter.com/BurryDeleted/status/1406698535697911814), and then [Burry on June 24 '21](https://twitter.com/BurryDeleted/status/1408179586106601478), Dr. Burry tweeted something about football, hair, shampoo, and \[CENSORED\]: + +[He might as well have asked me \\"what have i got in my pocket?\\"](https://preview.redd.it/d4u6019zike71.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d4afa39251768a74400d230b2d08f129e157b81) + +And I swear to god I am ***literally*** that dense. However, at SOME point, I learned that what dr. Burry was talking about was actually a chart formation called the "[**head and shoulders**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/head-shoulders.asp)" (also, meet the weird-yet-uncomfortably-attractive cousin, the "[**inverted head and shoulders**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inverseheadandshoulders.asp)"). + +Turns out this little bugger is a pretty powerful pattern! [**Samurai Trading Academy's "7 Best Price Action Patterns"**](https://samuraitradingacademy.com/7-best-price-action-patterns/) **ranks our little head-and-shoulders as the** ***most*** **predictable trading pattern in existence:** + +[emphasis mine 🖍](https://preview.redd.it/20f5y8b2jke71.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=2833b65079ac82dd55a66e6cb27328c74a9290ae) + +So if you see a mysterious figure start to form as you're watching some stock's price movement, it's **NOT** the slender man finally coming for you, it just means the stock has a high chance or reversing whatever price trend it was on. OBVIOUSLY we are going to see how this has played out in GME's history. Let's look at what happened 3 days ago on 7/28... + +https://preview.redd.it/ay3tpuf5jke71.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef10337f00dd2538a29c9f424ce35a4f002ab8b5 + +Um. What the hell? Indeed! Here's what us retail traders got to see: + +https://preview.redd.it/ebzq6ge6jke71.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=c498822ac861e26f366dbdd67bb189f17a4bf857 + +So somehow **in the first 30 minutes of trading** a chart pattern with an 83% chance of breaking out UPWARD just takes a huge old shit for no apparent reason, and there's not even a large volume associated with the downward break? + +yeaaaaaaaaaa..... time to peek behind-the-scenes at that 30 minutes of stupidity: + +[oh look, a shit storm!](https://preview.redd.it/ld5frgg7jke71.png?width=1524&format=png&auto=webp&s=896c48faed5b637a4e29b23b137cb49fc0b6cc01) + +Let's ONLY look at large volume trades (100 shares or more) to see how they affected the price movement: + +[mmmmmm. yeeeaaaaaaa.](https://preview.redd.it/8qfiqqj9jke71.png?width=1564&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c9575e7281fb1e9b08bb0048fd4a85f417435e0) + +Many of the most severe downward cuts that the price makes have sweep to sell orders on top of them. So, sweeps seem to be highly correlated to violent price movement. + +Where have I seen this before... oh, I know, the birther of my rage, 4/12 anyone?? Here's what us retail plebs got to see: + +[you can see the eggplant even though i didn't draw it, admit it](https://preview.redd.it/nygv4rqbjke71.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=8df2b46dc13a6bfb77009dd1abd007549f362bb1) + +**And here is what we DIDN't get to see in that first half hour:** + +[kenny and gabe playing price-blasters](https://preview.redd.it/w76y88pdjke71.png?width=1773&format=png&auto=webp&s=62ee4de0edc23afa7dde52aa969d8f719d0a6293) + +SO.... was there a head and shoulders forming before this shit-tastrophe?? *But of course!!* + +https://preview.redd.it/r20yfmxfjke71.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=624cb3399664716fc0cc02f4a2dd1c01200f46a8 + +Okay old news though. Let's see the last time GME pushed into the $300s... + +https://preview.redd.it/gb8xyztgjke71.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2f51eebe13e2d83053dce229c51b586637037f9 + +What a happy little bugger!! But... wtf... + +# Since June 7th, not a single head and shoulders pattern has resulted in an upward break for GME. Probability be damned.* + +\*I have wrinkles suggesting that true head and shoulders may take 45-ish days, so these may not be TRUE head and shoulders but perhaps baby men saucer-types instead. Will get updated probability for baby-men-saucer-type chart pattern asap!! + +[A shit was taken the morning of June 21st](https://preview.redd.it/ha9d4z3ijke71.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=46ab1c22ee3d9bb0ebb0b16b82fc728616cc6654) + +[Two shits were fired on june 23rd and 24th](https://preview.redd.it/k2cjt1kjjke71.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0dd98603435ead7c93fe7122361096099b60058) + +[An especially spicy shit on july 6th after a long holiday weekend](https://preview.redd.it/n045l19kjke71.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=668879da6267041f16d89bfa9dbd827c6d5424b0) + +Will I go through the individual shit-storms that killed each of these patterns?? OF COURSE!!! But I'm at image limit, so expect further detail in APPENDIX A, coming soon!!! But, speaking of probabilities- ~~with the failed head and shoulders we started the post off with, that makes.... 4 patterns in a row....~~ (edits!) Crayon man, who shat the bed just a few days ago, took over a month to form and is more representative of a true head and shoulders pattern, and I'll therefore assign it the full 83% lift-off-chance. The red man of rage that shat everywhere on 4/12 also took over a month to form- also probably legit. Happy orange bugger, who *actually* got to lift off in the end of May, took over a month to form as well. The chances that *all* of these guys would have gone off, at 83% a pop, is 57.2%. Chance of *two* popping, but not one? 11.7%. The chances that *only one* would successfully break upward out of the three? **2.4%.** + +As for the little guys.... To be safe, we'll assign the last 3 baby-head-and-shoulders patterns that formed over the month of June the same chance of upward breakout as a "double bottom," 78% according to [Samurai trader](https://samuraitradingacademy.com/7-best-price-action-patterns/). + +# 3 successive patterns that have FAILED to break upward after completing. There is (edit!) 1.06% of that happening due to random chance. 💩 + +To calculate the chances of fuckery, we must define fuckery... + + Fuckery = 100% - [random chance of thing happening] + +Therefore, mathematically.... + +# The chance that fuckery has affected price movement since June 10th is equal to.... 98.94%. It's science. + +To add to that, the shorts are relying HEAVILY on sweeps during the first 30 minutes of the trading day. What's so special about the first 30 minutes?? Well... for a NYSE-listed stock....... *everything.* There are some [key differences to how the NASDAQ and the NYSE decide how to price their stocks](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/03/103103.asp). Because for the first and last 30 minutes of trading, the NYSE sets its prices using the "auction method," where ***only people on the actual trading floor get to participate in the auction***\*.\* Seriously. [Read more about the auction method on investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/091113/auction-method-how-nyse-stock-prices-are-set.asp). Please, for me, because I literally have no clue how this works, my bullshit circuit breaker just tripped, brain reset imminent in 5... 4... 3..... + +# TLDR: while hedgies have been laughing and calling them "glitches," straight lines in charts are actually caused by trades called MARKET SWEEPS. These are VERY commonplace and one of the main tools shorts use in concentrated shit-storms to fuck with GME's blast-off. hi kenny 💕😘 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d565ascljke71.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=3501b1b89a3d28d3edc643639b567314dd4b3fcb + + 🖍🖍🖍 CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT 🖍🖍🖍 + +I may put these visualizers onto a .com website and I could potentially profit from ad revenue if there is sufficient clickage. I would do this in the hopes that maybe some day, when I eat Ramen, it will not be because I HAVE to... + +BUT BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO 🖍🖍🖍 + +p.s. seriously, fuck fleas, and fuck them hard +The companies were: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zbq6iymucb851.png?width=388&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a8c994ba4cd5bc45e1896976023caf2eab06d29 + +How was June for you? +ETHBTC just finished 9 straight weeks of downtrend. Same thing it did in 2016 before it reversed. Same RSI level. + +https://i.imgur.com/tWSTJq4.png + +Bitcoin dominance up 8 straight weeks. Currently being held back by the 200 week moving average. + +https://i.imgur.com/YMlXWw7.png + +If this isn't the bottom on the ratio for this multi-year cycle it's *very* *very* close, like within weeks. We may never see this low of a ratio **ever** again. +I noticed that all the big bank stocks lost a lot of value on January 14th, but GME hasn't risen until around January 20/21 a week later. + +Over the last week (5 days) the big banks lost a lot of value: + +**Goldman sacks: -7.58%, JP Morgan: -7.53%, Citigroup: -11.75%, Wells Fargo: -8.46%** + +All are also negative in Fridays after hours + +TICK TOCK and buckle the fuck up!!! (how do i enter emojis on pc?) + +Edit: 🚨🚀🚨 + +https://preview.redd.it/50l6laf98e671.png?width=1361&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b6ae1fdb8f261a000571da093568dadb2bef3b9 +Maybe this belongs in r/tifu. Ugh. When our first of three children was born 12 years ago, my wife set up a 529 plan with a healthy chunk of money in it. Over the years we dropped more and more healthy amounts in, as we were able. As additional kids came along, we set up new accounts and added money as aggressively as we were able, thinking we’re doing all the right things to prepare for our kids’ educations and futures. Sounds responsible, right? + +Here’s the big mistake. I didn’t look at the accounts at all, and just assumed they were growing in a healthy, compounding way. 12 years later we should be in a really good spot! Looked this week while preparing for convos with a new FA. I was shocked. The accounts had barely grown beyond our contributions. Looked a little closer. She had selected the very, very least aggressive growth option, basically the money was sitting as cash collecting no interest. At all. For 12 years. FML. I’ve seriously felt like throwing up all weekend thinking about this. + +I’m not great at calculating these things, but I think it’s somewhere between $150k-$220k (considering compounding interest) we’ve left on the table by collecting almost no interest over these years. I’m completely devastated. Not too upset with my wife, btw, mostly with me for not being involved, not checking progress, and blindly trusting. Would love to hear that I’m actually an idiot because I’ve miscalculated the growth we’ve missed out on. Maybe just a sympathetic word of encouragement or pat on the back? + +TL;DR - Dumped money into 529 for 12 years that was not accruing interest and missed out on a whole lotta growth. +We have a luxury property in Hollywood Hills. Rent is $12k/mo. For the past two months our tenant has not paid rent, and the three months before that, we have found that the rent money fraudulently came from another account (thus banks are trying to retrieve those three months). + +Tenant of course is asking for $110k to move out. He has “a guardian” we must talk to since he has “depression and suicidal thoughts.” The guardian states he is a lawyer but we recently found out through research that he is not. + +This tenant apparently is making a business out of this as he is concurrently being evicted out of another property according to our lawyer. + +Our attorney is stating this can take 3-6 months. The worry is the property. We made a ton of improvements to it prior to this individual moving in and our maintenance people reported that kitchen cabinets had been “cut out and thrown into the yard.” Additionally they report that the property is filthy. + +We posted a 24 hour notice for a property inspection but the tenants are declining. Any advice is appreciated, our house is essentially being taken hostage and actually costing us a fair amount of money. Thank you! +I came to the realization today that it is very possible that I may never sell. As I watched the price tank, and unrealized gains disappear for what feels like the bajillionth time, I began thinking about what a legit price target would be if MOASS doesn’t play out (not saying it won’t, it’s just a thought that crossed my mind… I’m only human) + +With that I came to the following realization: >!WE CANT LOSE!< + +Think of everything that would need to occur for us to throw in the towel: +1. Apes would need to get bored. Now I don’t know about you guys, but I still fire up my N64 sometimes and try to finally beat Goemon’s great adventure (fucking hardest game in the world, but then again I’m smoother than my wife’s naughty bits on date night with her boyfriend) **This and** + +2. Every executive that came over from Chewy, Amazon, and the likes would have to be wrong in their decision and jump ship. With that much talent I’m confident GameStop can pivot and handle whatever the markets throw at it. **This and** + +3. Looping would have to announce a partner that isn’t GameStop. This not only wouldn’t make sense given how many hints they’ve dropped but could also be suicide. (How many of you will hold your LR.C if the mysterious partner isn’t GameStop? Think of NFTcon but with assets involved) **This and** + +4. RC would have to talk the board into making terrible investments and blow through all of our cash on hand. (RC is a genius and I don’t think Larry Cheng would let happen even if RC did decide to have a stroke) **This and** + +5. GameStop would have to do something to make all of us stop purchasing everything that we possible can from the greatest company on this planet. (At this point I would get my haircut at GameStop if they sold haircuts) + +Not really at TLDR but long story Kenny *short* if we don’t already, we will eventually own every morsel of this company and I feel bad for any short that has to negotiate with my petty, autistic ass. Until then, I’m happy to own a piece of this incredible company. + +*Fuck you, and I’ll see you tomorrow* + + +**Edit: Thank you for all the awards and if possible I would replace the word probably with definitely. I just use the word probably a lot in my everyday vocabulary** +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +So, prior to halt, volume was like 5-10k gme/sec. Now cruise controlling around $180, no volume. My 50c: they realized open market fomo is for real, so halt was activated to allow setting internalization levels to whatever necessary to keep price at $180. We think it is "the battle for $180". Fuck this meme, this isnt a battle. $180 is just what they have decided for cruise control. War of $180 meme is a plant to keep their cruise control plausible. ___The weird thing today is NOT difference in price pre- and post halt. It's difference in VOLUME. Almost all became internalized post-halt.___ + + +This was to suppress major date, and give another cycle. Digging their own grave even deeper, all in good faith of SEC and DOJ. Keep pitching out those IOUs around $180, while if price were left to be truly discovered, there would be no GMEs to be found anywhere close to $180. They are ok with just digging the whole so large it will soon reach Hades, and SEC and DOJ too, in hope of US public having to eventually carry it on their own backs. The most disgusting thing here, is how all know about it, and how they still allow it. + + +How hard can it be to have one market, where price is whatever number where bid and ask meets, where all is allowed access at exact same times, and all have access to same data, when you cannot sell something that does not exist, and not be allowed to issue stocks without the company's consent? How is burgerland run? Wtf is this, Romania? + + +Muh 103 weeks GG will, at most, make a 3 min clip about "PFOF" and "muh you see, market plumbing...". While real people are getting fucked over, 24/7, for decades. No offense, but fuck America's current oligarch rulership. It's all fake. + + +___Please: no matter what happens. How many lambos you get, or not. Right here is a reward of GME events that we will eventually treasure more than an odd lambo or two: they have revealed their nature, and the nature of the system. Whatever happens, let this be a reward of all this. And let's promise ourselves, to not waste this knowledge. Realize - it is us, or them. If no one does anything about this, then we know. Hopefully, we will have justice and trusted markets again. But if not, bury this knowledge in your heart and act accordingly.___ +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Link: [https://www.afr.com/street-talk/zip-co-underwriters-in-talks-to-price-equity-raising-20220227-p5a014](https://www.afr.com/street-talk/zip-co-underwriters-in-talks-to-price-equity-raising-20220227-p5a014) + +Text: + +Zip Co and its bankers had the crystal balls out all weekend, trying to predict this week’s sharemarket moves so they could launch a capital raising. + +It is understood the payments group held talks with a bunch of institutional investors late last week and across the weekend, seeking to line up backers for a $100 million to $150 million equity raising. + +Zip co-founders Peter Gray and Larry Diamond have been in talks to acquire ASX-listed Sezzle. + +The deal was slated to launch as early as Monday via Bank of America and Jarden’s equities desks, the investors said, although remained subject to market conditions. + +Funds raised would be used to acquire ASX-listed Sezzle and help try to grow the combined business, which would have a bigger presence in the United States. + +While Zip’s had capital markets support when it needed it in the past, it’s a tricky time to be trying to price a deal and raise equity. + +The company’s shares are hugely volatile, consistently up or down 5 per cent or 10 per cent in a trading day, while the wider market backdrop is also volatile thanks to Russia’s move on Ukraine and expectations of interest rate rises globally. + +There’s also some investor concern about instalment payments’ businesses globally, their growth projections and market valuations. + +Zip shares have dropped 12.3 per cent in the past week, 49 per cent this year and 80 per cent in the past 12 months. Sezzle shares are off 82 per cent since this time last year. + +Investor sources said they were still waiting to see the final proposed price and terms - and indeed whether the offer would go ahead as planned. They’re expecting a $100 million to $150 million deal at a discount to the last close. + +Investors said the fact the Nasdaq index was up 1.6 per cent in the US on Friday night, and that Australian SPI futures were pointing higher, was helpful. + +Zip confirmed it was in talks to acquire Sezzle in January and has delayed its half-year results twice, to Monday. + +It pre-released a bunch of numbers last week, including its first half revenue and customer numbers, which should in theory have made it easier for the company and its bankers to price the proposed raising. + +**Scale play** + +The M&A component is expected to be pitched as a “bigger is better” tie-up. Citi analysts said last month that the proposed deal would increase Zip’s scale but was an expensive way of acquiring customers. + +“While a potential acquisition of Sezzle would increase Zip’s US consumer base by \~50% to 8.5 million, it would still be the 4th largest (potentially 5th) player in the US in terms of active customers,” Citi’s analysts said. + +“We see the consumer base as largely complementary with Google Trends data pointing to Zip more skewed to US East Coast vs. Sezzle to the Mid-West. + +“However, we estimate that there is a 15% consumer overlap, with our consumer survey pointing to \~30% overlap in consumer interest while SimilarWeb’s data pointing to a \~10% overlap between the two websites’ audience.” +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +I like to pick my trades with an Atchisson AA-12 Fully Automatic Combat Shotgun and I have no intention of changing that. However I am trying to learn enough about the market to at least point it in the right direction and stop blowing my feet off. + + +So my question is, why has LRS seemingly shit itself? + + +I know the market is bleeding at the moment but it would be helpful to know the other factors at play. Current hypothesis include: + +* The directors exercising LRSOC has triggered some paper hands. Does this count as share dilution? The options were already out in the market so I would have thought no. +* The Morningstar Quantitative valuation has got people spooked into thinking the stock was way overpriced. +* It is currently fairly priced and the last high was just from hype pumping up the stock, we won't see much growth until they start pulling that special white powder from the ground +* Markets fucked, money printer go brrr + +In 248k @ 0.080, Thanks to some dumb fuck T+2 decisions (Was in @ .068) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Not too sure what to flair this but put it as Hole in the Ground because of Mining. + +RSG, actual mid cap resources company put out recently that their mining lease has literally been stolen from them by the Government of Ghana. No reasons given, and honestly I doubt that they will ever see any compensation from the Ghanese. + +Sovereign Risk (Mining) is a topic that most don't understand, but in laymans terms is referring to the jurisdiction of an asset and the inherent risk that it has. Countries like Australia, USA and other "Western" first world countries are considered to be inherently less risky due to similar legal systems, and liberal governments that rarely interfere with private capital. + +However, many mining assets are found in far riskier jurisdictions such as Africa. The market often puts a higher premium onto assets that are located in safe jurisdictions, and the reasoning is due to sovereign risk. Not always does this kind of government shenanigans occur but it does happen, and the risk that it can is why the market always takes sovereign risk into account. + +So if you own a miner with an asset in Africa or other high risk jurisdictions and its a great asset, but then you look to a say Australian or Canadian peer with a similar or worse deposit and you wonder that asset is valued more than your African one? This is why. + +My 2 cents, if your co has a asset in Ghana I'd be looking into the developments of RSG with interest. + +https://preview.redd.it/5hhijn1e6yo61.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=5924504833aad84fd4126310874cd3d6c4fd3464 +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Another year.. and another episode of Solana going down. + +Today it went down for a few hours in the early morning Asia time, and it took almost 4 hours to bring it back up. + +The Solana community blames it on a DDOS attack. Lol + +[Solana down. ](https://preview.redd.it/5xnds1jz9m981.jpg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c0a705d5bb19abebf46aeabed847a9d26c206a) + +As the meme goes, the D in Solana stands for decentralisation. + +A network that goes down this often will never be able to attract serious traders. + +Imagine you are trading on margin and get liquidated because the network was down.. this happens in centralised exchanges. Solana now natively brings this kind of user experience to the blockchain where you can experience network failure on the chain. What a wonderful innovation. + +Blaming it on attackers is just dishonesty. A well designed blockchain is not supposed to have attackers, its supposed to keep producing blocks based on the parameters of the network, not take a break because someone spammed transactions. + +Edit: So Sol shills have attacked this post, here is some more "proof" + +Coinbase blocked withdrawals as a result of Solana network going down + +[https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/clt85xbsqc1n](https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/clt85xbsqc1n) + +status (dot) solana.. LOL at using Solana's own status page to say the network didnt go down. I guess SOL shills love to remain in their centralised fairyland + +Edit 2: + +Turns out status dot solana page is lying to its own users. If you go into the Solana official groups, you can see dozens of people complaining about failing transactions, missing balances, transactions not being processed etc. + +&#x200B; + +[\\"Cannot harvest anything\\"](https://preview.redd.it/l926nxtz0o981.jpg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eafd1eb1bdaf1b88d13bb48c7d06d78879536ba4) + +&#x200B; + +[TPS was low](https://preview.redd.it/qejmp4421o981.jpg?width=1342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1fb3cd2d451519dc382cb6045a50b1da6dc827) + +&#x200B; + +[Apparently Solana are censoring this story on their own groups, but people were discussing it to find solutions in validators server](https://preview.redd.it/iiph0k751o981.jpg?width=1264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3bc3ba6d37f434f4b13f5f04fb3445b71a0b6a) + +&#x200B; + +[LOL](https://preview.redd.it/28gtppbs1o981.jpg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4cf9a607034d4ea5faa8870211d19ad5633f1d) + +Users are repeatedly questioning the validity of the status dot solana page that shows 100% uptime even when the network was down, and even Coinbase flagged it as down. + +This is why you dont use a service's own status page to come to conclusions especially if it masquerades as a decentralised blockchain, but in reality is just a glorified database. + +Edit 3: This post is brigaded from the Solana sub. Hundreds of Sol shills are trying to pretend the network wasnt down. Ironically, on Sol sub itself, someone agrees that not only did the network go down, but had to be rebooted too. This is hilarious lol, the network was rebooted but status dot solana shows 100% uptime. Well played, centralised tricksters. + +[From Solana's own sub - user there agrees the network went down and had to be rebooted. ](https://preview.redd.it/8437dvtr2o981.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2e5e78b307be3a9bf41726d267d1be349c3d54) + +Many more LOLs if you go tough the Solana forums especially the validators groups + +&#x200B; + +[\\"the network IS indeed fooked\\"](https://preview.redd.it/4h45qqhb6o981.jpg?width=1312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90243e1a55f05986e3a05242f914db6e8e7616d0) + +[Absolute LOLs. A validator complaining about the utter lack of transparency on whats going on, while the devs pretend everything is great](https://preview.redd.it/4q5lahyl6o981.jpg?width=1842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0187b37d1d9e70fdc440b4c5b38cfa3a735ce785) + +TL,dr? Not only did the network go down, as shown by Coinbase status and many complaints on Solana groups, the Solana devs and community managers also tried to suppress whats going on and the Solana status page flat out lies to users. + +I would honestly have not bothered going deep into Solana territory, but thanks to the 100 shills who attacked this post, we have all the juicy skeletons coming out of a SOL closet.. what a joke of a database. +I've been studying arguments both for and against buying btc over eth and have compiled some thoughts. Feel free to tear my arguments apart or add to them. + +* Currently (and in the future as far as I can tell), BTC does not and will not ever have staking mechanisms unless there's a hard fork (which seem to be rejected by the community historically) +* This means that to make money beyond token appreciation, one would need to invest in mining equipment and engage in ongoing upgrades or face diminishing returns and dealing with obsolete hardware over time. +* Mining becomes prohibitive and not worth it for the vast majority of btc stakeholders +* Meanwhile when ETH moves to PoS, decentralized staking will allow a large number of eth holders to stake on decentralized platforms like rocket pool +* Essentially this democratizes rewards by creating a co-op whereby the holders become partial owners of the entire network (huge incentive to stay in) +* Since ETH is building a foundation for dapps and is pretty much already the standard, network volume will grow exponentially, benefiting most token holders +* As such, there is inherently more value in holding and staking eth vs holding btc, especially as exchanges cool off on the btc interest rewards, which imo are unsustainable +* There is more intrinsic value in a token that is "put to work" constantly vs a "cold" token like btc +* EIP1559 means more eth will be burned than issued ona daily basis, making it deflationary +* ETH holders collectively become a decentralized bank of sorts, benefiting from transaction fees and other staking incentives by contributing to validators and smart contracts (eg liquidity pools) whenever they don't need the money right away +* There's no rational reason for institutions to use BTC as a store of value when ETH can be staked in real world applications to generate income. + + +Personally, I expect ETH:BTC market cap ratio to flip within 5 years, and once that happens I expect BTC's value to significantly slow down or even start to reverse as the opportunity cost from not holding ETH would become too expensive. +The comment section has done a fantastic job of expanding on this topic, the post includes comments from the comment section from fellow apes like you that really clarifies this whole conversation far beyond what I expected it to be. At the very least please read the comments highlighted in the post, it is a varying mix of views that highlights the different perspectives and facts surrounding this topic that might even give you a wrinkle! + +[The sentiment that GME requires market collapse is a trap, legal or otherwise, by hedge funds.](https://preview.redd.it/9wbid61vuye71.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd7e1640edb69c6edf62202983e9481ca6b1d8b7) + +&#x200B; + +All GME requires is for shorts to ~~cover~~ close. From day one, that is what GME's thesis has been. The amount of posts with sentiment that, "once the market collapses, gme is gonna moon" is sentiment that only paints us in a bad light and gets spotlight off the center of the thesis. Which is: + +&#x200B; + +Shorts did not ~~cover~~ close. Once Shorts ~~cover~~ close, GME moons. + +&#x200B; + +Apes, any sentiment that could be seen as memeing the collapse of the economy, put that meme energy and pressure towards the hedgefunds ~~covering~~ closing their shorts. Because we do not need the economy to collapse for shorts to ~~cover~~ close. The responsibility does not lie on the collapse of the economy to make them ~~cover~~ close, they can ~~cover~~ close anytime they want. + +&#x200B; + +They are just choosing not to. + +&#x200B; + +Shoutout to u/DrZombieZoidberg for pointing out in the comments shorts need to CLOSE not cover. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +u/WeLoveTheStonks offers a counter perspective, which I respect. + +>The amount of posts with sentiment that, "once the market collapses, gme is gonna moon" is sentiment that only paints us in a bad light and gets spotlight off the center of the thesis. + +Your logic for this post doesn't make any sense. Part B happening because of Part A, does not paint us in negative light. It is simply stating an opinion that is void of nefarious intent and based solely upon DD arrived at after months of peer review. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +u/AltoniusAmakiir says it best + +>The fact is that the market collapse is separate and inevitable. Could a GME squeeze be the wind that blows down the house of cards? Yes. But the economy won't be collapsing because of GME, it will be because it was setup to collapse already. If a major squeeze happened during a more stable economy the economy would be fine. It's not the squeeze but the overleverage and rampant speculation that are to blame. + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +u/Cacoo correcting me on the OG thesis of GME + +I feel your intent but I have to call this out: + +>From day one, that is what GME's thesis has been + +This is not accurate. The thesis was that GME was an undervalued company with an opportunity to perform a successful digital transformation. GME still remains an undervalued company. + +Short interest is just an additional appeal of investing in the stock. And yes, all shorts are eventual buyers, it's just a matter of *when* (except in a successful death spiral of the company leading into bankruptcy, but with no debt, GME will not be going bankrupt anytime soon). + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +u/Exceedingly brings a reality check to the post, it is very well put and I respect the adherence to the truth of the situation. The user is responding to a question I asked in the comments. We were going back and forth, but I hope this olive branch of highlighting this comment will show good will. I removed the first sentence so it reads better. + +>I'm an individual investor holding a stock I like, if hedge funds happen to have naked shorted meaning they need my shares back, then they can either pay their borrow fees forever or close the short position by buying my shares for a price I consider fair. +> +>I'm not causing a market crash, the illegal naked shorting did that. But at this point hedge funds cannot close their shorts without causing a crash. They've simply created too many synthetics, so this is all on them, not me. +> +>But the truth remains, no crash = no MOASS. The MOASS without a crash is simply any old short squeeze, not the mother of all short squeezes. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +u/Wiezgie Explains how the crash and MOASS are related + +>The money that will literally pay for the shorts to close will come from selling off all other stocks, which will cause them to drop. +> +>Even further, their short position is gauranteed to not only make the shorts bankrupt, but also cause the fed to literally print money to cover all the synthetic shares that arent even supposed to exist. +> +>Hence why GME Moon = Market collapse PLUS hyperinflation + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +u/Regular-Box-6648 + +>Since the passing of this 300+ page ruling recently we know for sure they have regulation in place that allows GME to squeeze without immediately tanking the rest of the market. This requires cooperation from the shorties and some other entities though. If they don't - not our fault. The path has been paved for them. + +u/bhostess in response + +>This. They have been given the opportunity to lose without killing everything, they decided to say, "fuck you" instead. + +&#x200B; +New to investing here. I shot myself in the foot big time buying SCR on the day the bill passed, and obviously it's been all downhill from there. I learned a hard lesson here,so I'm wondering what you all think is on the horizon for SCR. I'm worried the gov will intervene before they even get their sports betting product out there, which would essentially wipe out their stock. +https://www.livemint.com/market/ipo/pepperfry-expects-to-join-unicorn-club-soon-to-launch-ipo-after-booking-profit-11622477426633.html + +With the Zomato IPO being in the news lately, I was wondering if there is any money to made in these IPOs. After all, India has the third largest number of unicorns in the world. So we should be seeing more such IPOs in the future. What would the seasoned investers here say? +MoonWookiee is a good looking shitcoin with really decent looking liquidity fundamentals. +Contract verified on BSC scan already. +They are waiting for DessertSwap audit before pulling the trigger. + +Presale is done on a **custom smart contract**, which sounds ok but also impressive. I am actually happy about this cos Unicrypt and DXsale been killing new project launches sometimes. + +Presale is also very limited, so shouldn’t be much problem with early dumps. + +Tokenomics look simple, sort of. 10% tax. + +✅8% semi-auto liquidity. + +✅2% reflected to holders. + +As far as I can tell. There is an objective 30% liquidity ratio of the market cap, and excess WOOK is burned, and BNB buys MORE WOOK (which pumps the price), and then burned, which pumps it again. +This is similar to what everrise tried to do, but as far as I can tell, RISE was exploitable and WOOK has improved to not be exploited. + +Audit, MADLABS backing, and renounced contract. Small presale and better than RISE liquidity plans? Feels kinda good right + +✅TELEGRAM: t.me/MoonWookiee + +✅TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MoonWookiee + +✅WEBSITE: https://moonwookiee.com/ +Just found out that there is at last a way for us europeans to get exposure to some of ARK Innovation's ETFs. Currently there are 3 trackers ("ETPs") available, for ARKW, ARKG and ARKK. They basically replicate the performance of the original ETFs. The cost is 0.35% per year on top of ARK's regular fee. +Until ARK produces KIDs for the european market, this is as close to the real thing as we can get. +The company that offers these also offer 3x leverage options, but in a very volatile environment that seems very risky to me. I'll personally stick with 1x. +Anyway, just posting this here because I know many people just like me were eagerly waiting for something like this. And entry seems to be as low as it's likely going to get, at the moment. +Btw I found two of the ETNs on Degiro. I think they're also on Lynx/Interactive Brokers. +Sorry for spamming, because this is the 3rd post I'm making on here in half an hour, but I'm just sooo frustrated. :( + +I go in Instagram often, which isn't going to make me happy, but it's free, it's the only thing I can do. + +But I'm so f~~ucki~~ng tired of watching 1/2 people on my instagram traveling 3 times a year, doing all the festivals, having fun and such. And I've only seen two places this summer: Work, and home. + +I've been inside for almost the whole summer. And I'm still broke. + +How do people go to Tomorrowland 3 weekends in a row, then travel to some far country? +I can barely afford to sit at home. +I know that Instagram isn't always real, but I do see those people not being at home, right? They aren't using photoshop to trick me into thinking they're not at home. They are really in a far away country, and they are really at a festival. Doesn't mean they're happier, but they at least have that. I ain't happy too, and I'm stuck in my home. + +Do all these people have doctors or lawyers or politicians as parents, or am I just that poor? + +I'm really not happy living this way, and sometimes it feels like waiting for life to be over :( +I'm in my early 30s and married with a young child in a HCOL city. We want to have a second kid soon. NW is $7MM. Asset allocation is $2MM house, $1MM mortgage, and $6MM in index funds. Expenses are \~$200k/year (post-tax). My wife is a stay-at-home mom and is pursuing some creative passions. + +I sold a start-up to FAANG. I hated the first couple years at the acquiring company, but after switching from management to the engineering track and a new org, I got super engaged in work. After a couple years of grinding, I was promoted to Principal/Staff/L7 (the top \~2% of engineers). + +Most days work gives me purpose and I enjoy it. But I have major trouble balancing work and family. Once I'm focused on a goal, I become super anxious until I achieve it. This self-induced stress causes me to ignore everything else, which is terrific for productivity and toxic for relationships. Both my personality and company culture make it difficult to "coast" at 40 hour weeks. + +We live on the west coast, and our extended family lives in Chicago. I'm considering quitting and moving closer to family. I'd love to be able to get to know my parents as an adult, and my gut tells me I'll regret not living near family while my parents were healthy and my kids are young. But I'm scared to pull the trigger. My main anxieties are: + +1. The tech job market in Chicago appears to be non-existent outside of finance. If a black swan event happens and I need to get a job, I don't think I'll be able to find anything as meaningful/lucrative as my current position. If the job pays less, I need to work that much longer. +2. Chicago winters +3. Eventually I think I want to start another company. I'd be starting my network from scratch. + +We can afford for me to quit in our current city. For people who've relocated to L/MCOL areas, I'm wondering how that's worked out (did you miss the life you left?). FatFIRE also tends to attract people who are passionate about work, and I'm curious if you missed the job after quitting. + +Hoping for a push one way or the other. + +UPDATE: I sincerely appreciate all the thoughtful comments. We're going for it. My parents couldn't be more excited. I'm going to float working remotely. + +One thing that surprised me is that while the housing costs in Chicago are much lower than my current city, the property taxes are much higher ($30-35k/year for a $1.5MM house in the north suburbs). +Adjusting capital losses from one crypto asset against gains from another asset is pretty common.. except according to the Indian government, this is not allowed either. + +[Answer provided by government](https://preview.redd.it/1t638a1qeqo81.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14251f74b2aab05532ad5525079a7cda9a5bacf7) + +Moreover, if you are mining, you cannot treat the mining infrastructure investment as costs. + +This nonsense is on top of a flat 30% capital gains taxes and 1% TDS. Moreover, as per the full laws, you cannot carry forward losses to another year as well. Now it seems even in the same year, you cannot adjust it with gains from another asset. + +The government is on a path of de-facto killing crypto by over regulation. If you make the taxes so high and the compliance so expensive, no one will ever invest in crypto - that seems to be the thought process of this utter shit government. + +# 🖕 +I feel like most folks have heard of the answer, and never believe it, until it happens to them. + +But for those who haven't fatFIRED, and dream of it / working towards it, please share your feelings pre / post fatFIRE for us! +Motley fool is the worst lol they'll have one article bashing a stock then an hour later tney're praising the stock. Now they're constantly attacking stocks that are highly discussed on Reddit lol who are they trying to help? Hedge funds or every day investors/traders? +Please seek other investment advice although it is getting continuously harder to find reliable information. + I am a Software Engineer. I don't have too many expenses. Been putting money straight to savings account. I want to start making more money on the side. How should I invest it? + +EDIT: Thanks everyone. Didn't expect to get so many responses. Thanks for advising me. +Please remember Zen is not just a word, it’s a mindset. The stock price is effectively missing 7 digits so I don’t know what everyone is going nuts about. + +Don’t forget that MSM is going to paint anything it can as “the squeeze” and say it’s over before it even gets to $40. + +No cell, no sell. +Hi everyone, + +My girlfriend has gotten a big shock in her payslip this month she has been charged £955 in tax on a gross pay of £1100. + +She has been told to speak to the HMRC from her employer as they are stating this is what they have been told to tax her for this month. + +Please see below for the breakdown of tax + +Gross pay £1100.14 + +Tax £955.34 + +National insurance £45.74 + +Pension £23.57 + +Net Pay £75.49 + +Her employer has just changed to a new payroll system which raises concerns because this clearly isn't correct. Her pay has always had the correct tax taken from previously. What makes me think this is an error with their new system is that from checking an online tax calculator her deductions should be £75.76 which is too close to her Net pay for me to think this is a charge from HMRC. + +What makes things worse is i'm currently away for work and she's crying at home and I can't be there for her right now. Shes going to call HMRC tomorrow and i've told her to call citizens advice also. + +Is there anything else we can do or any reason this could happen? Shes not self-employed and never has been so I can't think of any reason this would happen +Is there anyone here that is very rich, say 20 million+? If so, you could have quit long ago, why didnt you? Do you find any more life satisfaction with 20 million than 5 or 10? What about from the intangible benefits that come along with corporate and economic power? + +Context: when discussing my FIRE plans with my very wealthy father and telling him I want to retire at 5 million, he said he's glad he didnt. For a number of reasons that are atypical of the philosophy I usually see in this sub. He says if he had done this, he would have: +1. Missed out on the most enjoyable and fulfilling years of his career when he was an exec. +2. Not have the lake house and beach house that we admittedly all get a lot of material pleasure from +3. Not be on the board of a lot of local non profits and generally be recognized as a member of the elite that as snobbish as that sounds, makes him feel accomplished, respected and ultimately satisfied with his life. + +I feel its unlikely anyone here agrees with him, but sometimes I wonder if thats because we want FIRE because we are so impatient being stuck in middle management and at the middle or low of our careers even if they are relatively well paying. I also think there's some element of sour grapes involved and a desire to get out of the rat race for being scared that we cant achieve the top level in the economic hierarchy, so may as well pretend not to try/care. + +I dont like working, but Ill be the first to admit its largely because Im lazy and would rather be playing video games or sipping pina coladas on the beach instead. Does that mean FIRE is the best long term choice for my fulfillment and life satisfaction though? +There have been some recent posts about Dividend ETF's. Lets do a quick look into them and see what we find. + +We will look at these ETFs: + +$SPHD - Invesco S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility ETF + +$VIG - Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund ETF Shares + +$VYM - Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund ETF Shares + +$DGRO - iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF + +$SCHD - Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF + +$NOBL - ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF + +$VTI - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF Shares + +$SPY - SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust + +Show Me the Money! + +The first thing i look at when investigating a stock, is its returns. Nothing matters, if the returns are crap. You are only investing to grow your money! + +To compare these all, we will calculate total returns since 2014, which is the year the youngest of the group ($DGRO) started trading.. We will end on JANUARY 27, 2020. Right before the CoronaVirus took its toll on the stock market. The last 10 years have been pretty darn BULLISH, so these are what they did in an awesome market. We Dollar Cost Average from JAN1, 2014. + +**scroll to the right to see more info** + +|SYMBOL |STOCK\_RETURN| DIVIDEND\_RETURN| TOTAL\_RETURN | Expense\_Ratio| +|-------|------------:|----------------:|--------------:|--------------:| +|$VIG | 138.924% | 6.638% | 145.592% | 0.06%| +|$SPY |138.406% | 6.474% | 144.906% | 0.09%| +|$DGRO |136.503% | 7.252% | 143.791% | 0.08% | +|$VTI | 136.866% | 6.369% | 143.258% | 0.03% | +|$SCHD | 131.518% | 9.955% | 141.489% | 0.06%| +|$NOBL | 133.146% | 6.987% | 140.146% | 0.35%| +|$VYM | 123.147% | 10.269% | 133.426% | 0.06%| +|$SPHD | 116.164% | 12.869% | 129.051% |0.30%| + +&#x200B; + +I sorted them from Highest total returns, downward. Did you notice that the dividends paid out are an inverse to their total returns? + +Every dividend investor is different. We want dividends for different purposes. If you are at retirement age or near it, you want high paying dividends to pay your expenses. If you plan on selling at some time, you may want to keep an eye on stock returns. + +$VIG wins out on total returns, but its one of the lowest dividend payers. And i just realized this, but $VIG is on par with $SPY, and even beats out $SPY on Expense Ratio! + +$SPHD, although has returned the lowest in total returns, has given out the highest in dividends. Its probably why lots of people like it. They love the decent dividend checks! If you are trying to squeeze out every cent in dividends, then its $SPHD. The expense ratio is high, compared to the others, which is probably why its stock price hasn't gained much. But you aren't planning to sell it, so who cares. + +$NOBL is probably the worst value on the list. Mediocre all around, with the highest expense ratio. + +$SCHD seems to be the all around winner. Fairly high total returns. Fairly high dividend payouts, and fairly high stock returns, if you ever need to sell. And for those of you, who think expense ratios matter, its one of the lowest at 0.06%. + +Now im curious about $VIG and $SPY. They both have been around for a while. Lets compute from 2006, the year $VIG started trading. (14 years of investing) + +|SYMBOL |STOCK\_RETURN| DIVIDEND\_RETURN| TOTAL\_RETURN | +|-------|------------:|----------------:|--------------:| +|$SPY | 186.508% | 16.540% | 203.118%| +|$VIG | 181.768% | 16.641% | 198.467%| + +$SPY wins on this one. Although $VIG wins out on dividends paid by just a little bit, the stock returns on $SPY are much better. If you are a screamer of Expense Ratios, then pick $VIG..returns are very similar. + +Edit: I just added $VTI - Vanguards Total Stock Market Index ETF. + +Many people like $VTI because of its low 0.03% expense ratio. But if you compare the returns on $VTI vs $VIG, $VIG wins out. Even though $VIG has a larger expense ratio, its stock returns and dividend returns are better! Looking at expense ratio is secondary to its returns. +There have been some recent posts about Dividend ETF's. Lets do a quick look into them and see what we find. + +We will look at these ETFs: + +$SPHD - Invesco S&P 500 High Dividend Low Volatility ETF + +$VIG - Vanguard Dividend Appreciation Index Fund ETF Shares + +$VYM - Vanguard High Dividend Yield Index Fund ETF Shares + +$DGRO - iShares Core Dividend Growth ETF + +$SCHD - Schwab U.S. Dividend Equity ETF + +$NOBL - ProShares S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats ETF + +$VTI - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF Shares + +$SPY - SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust + +Show Me the Money! + +The first thing i look at when investigating a stock, is its returns. Nothing matters, if the returns are crap. You are only investing to grow your money! + +To compare these all, we will calculate total returns since 2014, which is the year the youngest of the group ($DGRO) started trading.. We will end on JANUARY 27, 2020. Right before the CoronaVirus took its toll on the stock market. The last 10 years have been pretty darn BULLISH, so these are what they did in an awesome market. We Dollar Cost Average from JAN1, 2014. + +**scroll to the right to see more info** + +|SYMBOL |STOCK\_RETURN| DIVIDEND\_RETURN| TOTAL\_RETURN | Expense\_Ratio| +|-------|------------:|----------------:|--------------:|--------------:| +|$VIG | 138.924% | 6.638% | 145.592% | 0.06%| +|$SPY |138.406% | 6.474% | 144.906% | 0.09%| +|$DGRO |136.503% | 7.252% | 143.791% | 0.08% | +|$VTI | 136.866% | 6.369% | 143.258% | 0.03% | +|$SCHD | 131.518% | 9.955% | 141.489% | 0.06%| +|$NOBL | 133.146% | 6.987% | 140.146% | 0.35%| +|$VYM | 123.147% | 10.269% | 133.426% | 0.06%| +|$SPHD | 116.164% | 12.869% | 129.051% |0.30%| + +&#x200B; + +I sorted them from Highest total returns, downward. Did you notice that the dividends paid out are an inverse to their total returns? + +Every dividend investor is different. We want dividends for different purposes. If you are at retirement age or near it, you want high paying dividends to pay your expenses. If you plan on selling at some time, you may want to keep an eye on stock returns. + +$VIG wins out on total returns, but its one of the lowest dividend payers. And i just realized this, but $VIG is on par with $SPY, and even beats out $SPY on Expense Ratio! + +$SPHD, although has returned the lowest in total returns, has given out the highest in dividends. Its probably why lots of people like it. They love the decent dividend checks! If you are trying to squeeze out every cent in dividends, then its $SPHD. The expense ratio is high, compared to the others, which is probably why its stock price hasn't gained much. But you aren't planning to sell it, so who cares. + +$NOBL is probably the worst value on the list. Mediocre all around, with the highest expense ratio. + +$SCHD seems to be the all around winner. Fairly high total returns. Fairly high dividend payouts, and fairly high stock returns, if you ever need to sell. And for those of you, who think expense ratios matter, its one of the lowest at 0.06%. + +Now im curious about $VIG and $SPY. They both have been around for a while. Lets compute from 2006, the year $VIG started trading. (14 years of investing) + +|SYMBOL |STOCK\_RETURN| DIVIDEND\_RETURN| TOTAL\_RETURN | +|-------|------------:|----------------:|--------------:| +|$SPY | 186.508% | 16.540% | 203.118%| +|$VIG | 181.768% | 16.641% | 198.467%| + +$SPY wins on this one. Although $VIG wins out on dividends paid by just a little bit, the stock returns on $SPY are much better. If you are a screamer of Expense Ratios, then pick $VIG..returns are very similar. + +Edit: I just added $VTI - Vanguards Total Stock Market Index ETF. + +Many people like $VTI because of its low 0.03% expense ratio. But if you compare the returns on $VTI vs $VIG, $VIG wins out. Even though $VIG has a larger expense ratio, its stock returns and dividend returns are better! Looking at expense ratio is secondary to its returns. +Hi Everyone, + +I've been dipping in and out of this subreddit for a while now and to be honest I've been quite critical. I feel there is a lot of miss-information flowing between new traders and not a lot of direction that will actually help people trade. This is my attempt at offering something back. + +# Scalping & Why You Should Care + +Every trade starts as a scalp. You're looking for a good entry and you want the market to move on side as quickly as possible. Regardless of what trading you want to do, you should learn to scalp. + +Scalping is the art of reading the order flow and identifying short term momentum. It's not 1 tick 100 trades a day. Unless you're a bot or a massive player, you're expecting to make 2 - 8 ticks (more in illiquid markets) and you're absolutely not setting a designated profit & loss taker. + +# What Moves The Market + +Size. For the most part, it's big players throwing a lot of money in one direction that moves the market. Their action at 1 price point might dictate the direction of the market for the next hour. More often than not, it dictates the direction until they hit someone else big who pushes it back the other way. Retail traders are just following the wave created by the big players. That is the essential part of scalping. + +Have you ever wondered why the market can move so sharply in one direction for an hour and yet still close the day only a few points off where it started? That's a large player selling the market down and then maybe even the same player buying it all the way back up again. You can't predict that in a swing trade. You didn't know that player was going to turn up that day to do that. This is why scalping is an effective way of trading, because I don't care who turns up or what they do as they do something to move the market for me. + +# How Do You See Big Players? + +Order flow is the only way you're going to trade this effectively. I know many of you like to use charts, but you cannot do this effectively with them. Let me show you why. + +Below is a trade I took today in the treasuries. On the left is ZN and the right ZB. I also have ZF off to the left, but wanted to cut down the size of the screenshot. + +If you've never seen a DOM, this will look confusing. I suggest going and watching a video from John Grady on the DOM, I can't explain it better than he can. Here is an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viBGTEGFF1k&t=238s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viBGTEGFF1k&t=238s) + +The screenshot below shows you what you can't see in charts. In real time, I can see a big player finally crushing through the edge of the volume profile after 40 minutes of teasing with it. If you entered earlier, you got wiped out when the market drove up. If you were watching the order flow, you knew that was likely to happen because you could see sellers fatiguing on the edge of the profile and they needed a retracement before going back through it. + +This screenshot is the essence of scalping. I don't make the trade decision, the big guy did. All I did was decide to join him for the ride. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qy2k0pfu5aw51.png?width=1214&format=png&auto=webp&s=de06b04e484d67824d0b8a231658805512d0dc85 + +The market dropped 11 ticks very quickly from this point. That's $30 per tick. I didn't grab all of that, but I got a decent pay out. + +To exit my trade I looked for the opposite conditions that lead me to join it in the first place. A big buyer stepping up to slow and halt the market fall. In this case I actually got out a bit early, but the beauty of scalping is that I can keep jumping in and out as long as I've got momentum. + +You won't see that big buyer in your chart, because you won't see the 5k contracts printing in at 1 price point where they've dug their heels in. By the time you've made the decision from your chart, the market has already moved against you. + +If this trade hadn't pushed any lower, I would have exited immediately. I might have taken a 1 tick loss. That means I would have been risking 1 tick to make upwards of 11. + +# Closing thoughts + +In my opinion, I don't believe TA really works. I don't believe it works because of what I see when I trade in the DOM and I know TA isn't showing that. + +I do believe that some people have a natural gift with charts and they're essentially reading this price action through the bar jumping up and down. I'm sure it can be done, but I also believe it's a lot easier to just view the data in the DOM in the first place. + +There are no indicators for what I've shown you in that screenshot. Even if there was, by the time you've checked 3 indicators you've missed that move. Jumping on that move after it's gone is dangerous. That market may have only dropped 3 ticks and rallied right up against you. + +Finally, if you open a trade and it doesn't start moving your way, you didn't get the right entry. You can't get it every time and that's why we scratch trades. It doesn't have to move instantly with you, but if you can't see momentum going your way then scratch for a commission cost and move on. Wait for that big player. + +I didn't make money until I forced myself to only trade when I see size on that DOM. That size only really appears during the open hours as well, so now I only trade the open 2 hours. + +If you got this far down, thanks for reading. I hope it helped. +Hello, my dad got money stolen from his 401K account and we're trying to get legal or financial advice on what to do. + +Here is what he said happened: + +"I received an email from my 401K company, The Contractors Plan. I received a text notification from my 401K company that a loan has been approved and that a direct deposit will be sent to someone's banking account. + +I called my 401K company and told the rep that I did +not apply for that loan. She said it was too late and that I can write a check to them to cover the loan. + + +The next day, I called in to inquire about the case. She told me that the deposit went to totally different bank that I do not use, +Well Fargo. She told me that it was a mistake, and that my $15900 will go back to my 401k account this upcoming Friday. + + +However, the manager later called me and told me that her 401k company cannot do anything to help me with this case now. +She told me that it is my now my responsibility to call the police and file a report. + + +I then went to a Wells Fargo Bank and explained what happened to my 401k account. I gave them a print out of some information about the person that received my 401k money. + + +The rep there told me to have The Contractors Plan company to file a claim by writing a letter of indemnity to Wells Fargo. +After that I emailed my 401k manager the notes that Wells Fargo Rep told me. + +However, I do not know what to do now." + +*edit 1: we filed a police report for the 401k identity theft! they will contact us again in 24 hrs* + +*edit 2: we contacted the Wells Fargo Fraud Department. They said they couldn't do anything.* + +*edit 3: we've filed a report to the FTC for Identity Theft* + +*edit 4: we've contacted the US Dept of Labor about the ERISA violation for improper protections, they will call us soon* + +————————————————————————- + +*edit 5: I am so overwhelmed by the support everyone’s given us!! Thank you so very much everyone!! What a crazy day.* + +*We’re planning on contacting the FBI, State Police, and an ERISA specialist District Attorney.* + +*We might even talk to the news station about this. This is honestly so fucked up. Imagine losing your whole life’s savings in a blink of an eye. I’m glad my dad is still relatively young and that I can take of him, but for other older folks this could be their worst nightmare.* +I wonder why developed economies like US and Western Europe are facing such high inflationary pressure as compared to EM economies like India and China? Is the ‘helicopter money’, approach followed by FED real culprit? +There's a popular [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/WouldYouRather/comments/au5w9p/you_give_a_begging_homeless_man_5_only_for_him_to/) asking this question, and everyone is saying the inflation would destroy the economy and wouldn't actually help anyone. Sounds too simplified to me, but I don't have any real knowledge in economics. So what would be expected to happen? Would it hit everyone the same way, or is there a difference in how the rich, middle-class, or the poor would be affected? Difference between rich and poor countries? +If you are investing in a US index fund, then you are basically betting that the US economy will be healthy in the future. + +Thats essentially the same bet you are making if you invest in treasury bonds. If the US economy isnt healthy . then the US government wont be able to bring in the tax revenue to pay off its debt. It can still pay it off by printing money, but that will just cause inflation so you still effectively get negative returns. +I was introduced to FIRE via Mr. Money Mustache as soon as I started my working career at 22, making $32,000 BUT blessed with no student loans. At the precipice of this change from college to career, I felt such doom for what lay ahead. My biggest concern was the lack time off for the years and decades to come. Learning that two weeks of PTO (vacation AND sick) were going to be the parameters in which I could explore the world, connect with family, and recover from illness was depressing to say the least. Really, I think it was this fact alone that made FIRE speak to me so strongly. And so I started to save. As much as I could stand. During this time, FIRE hit the mainstream media and many articles rebuked the movement. I read several encouraging people in their twenties to travel, make memories, and not to worry about a retirement that may never come. Well, like I said, I only had two weeks of vacation, so travel was limited whether I had money or not. Still, over the years I got to visit some pretty cool places-Japan, Iceland, Alaska. I wasn't crazy frugal. I went out to eat plenty and allowed occasional indulgences. Overall, I was just very mindful of how I spent my money. I truly considered each and every purchase. Carefully. Really, savings became automatic. First, by maxing out my IRA. When I got a new job making a little more money, I added maxing out the HSA. And now, at 28, maxing out a 457 in addition to that. For my entire working life, I have had no idea what it's like to live off my actual salary, because I have always saved a relatively large percent of it. I have a decent chunk of change now, and combined with my partner, we hope to have over half a million invested in retirement in the next few years. + +But we are nearing the precipice of another change: babies. Like when I was 22, I look out at what's ahead with doom. Not the part where I get to raise and love my children. The part where I get a mere 12 weeks of parental leave (and, I have the audacity to use the adjective 'mere' here-because for many people in the USA, this is great. But compared to the world.....), my husband gets six, and then we both return back to working 40 hours a week while paying $2000 a month in child care cost. Per child. And what about providing for my children? Of course, I see great value in frugality. But I also see great value in highly nutritious organic food, family vacations, and activities for the children. I simply don't see a future in which I can continue to save the same amount for FIRE and have the life I want with my children. For the past year, this has depressed me greatly. The one goal I thought I had, I felt like I was going to fail. + +But wait. Does it have to be this way? We could very realistically have half a million invested at the time of our first child's birth in three to four years. Half a million at age 32, compounded over 30 years, with additional contributions of just $150 a month, will result in 3 million saved at retirement. Aha. Coast FIRE. Maybe we don't need to work full time. Maybe I don't need to continue saving at the same rate. + +I thought I was saving for freedom. Instead, I was saving for options. + +Mr Money Mustache's case today today further highlighted the conclusion I have come to: + +"On top of that, I’m a big fan of the idea of **preparing for parenthood** in advance, if you are young enough to have this luxury. In other words, do the 12-hour days and buckling down and hardcore saving in your 20s as a [gift to your future self](https://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2014/11/11/are-you-giving-the-shaft-to-your-future-self/). That way, when you start a family around 30, both parents can afford to work part-time and share the burden of the real hard work: babies." + +It really has been an immense privilege and luxury to save such a healthy amount and live a life I'm completely satisfied by. I am grateful to have been born into a MCOL region. I am grateful to have been with the same partner this whole time who has similar financial values as me. I am grateful we both graduated from college with no debt. I am grateful our public sector jobs pay relatively well here, compared to the horrendous salaries I hear in other parts of the country. I honestly can't imagine having children without these kinds of savings. I am grateful but I am also mad. It doesn't have to be this way. The stress parents are under in this country is wrong and disproportionately affects low income workers. Politically, I hope we can start to value parents, parenting, and children in the USA ASAP. I honestly think if we had less savings, I would consider going without children, even though it is one of my greatest desires. +&#x200B; + +* **June 10 Option Flow Data:** [https://pastebin.com/mhme02mt](https://pastebin.com/mhme02mt) +* **Source:** BlackBoxStocks. + +I just want to say, i hope that slightly more wrinkled apes than me can take a look at this data and give their opinion on what we're seeing here. I'm pretty sure this is Married Puts / Synthetic Creation. + +I'm 99% convinced this is what's going on here, but i'd feel better if a wrinklier ape could corroborate what i'm seeing here. + +https://preview.redd.it/62n1kbz14n471.jpg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a700be2c7332ecc10a2c4806cfb4141b1177d9 + +# Their telegraphed punch + +Yesterday June 10 they telegraphed their moves as clear as day when they performed the 2 trades marked in red. Basically they did these 2 huge trades as clear as day for everyone to see. My [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques\_Tits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Tits) + +Here's their 2 large moves. We're going to anal-yze them further below. + +[\( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o\)](https://preview.redd.it/2mzmc506tm471.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a55b98516da3b035a83b5940b31413a89cd6097) + +&#x200B; + +# Let's Zoom In + +Let's check those 2 trade spikes for 3000 contracts on the PUT & Call Sides. Looks suspiciously a lot like married puts and/or creation of synthetics. + +[\( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o\)](https://preview.redd.it/ouvjh8f8um471.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd8facc0b3da83d5bc3c5044dfe0c919794d3783) + +&#x200B; + +# Let's Anal-yze + +* **Days to Expiry:** 1 Day (To keep contract costs low) +* **First Trade Timeframe:** 12:32:22 at a spot price of $242.95 +* **Second Trade TimeFrame:** 12:46:11 at a spot price of $237.52 + +&#x200B; + +[\( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o\)](https://preview.redd.it/rbnljgjlum471.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de11a1510cbb84779aa8ccaef19611585daaa3b) + +[\( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o\)](https://preview.redd.it/oqpaeh65vm471.png?width=2349&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bbd5fbf06b919d1a98044e0741900f2e4f7c9d9) + +LOOK AT THIS SHIT. CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# GME Minute Chart - Orders Execution Point + +[\( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o\)](https://preview.redd.it/x65y33uoxm471.png?width=2106&format=png&auto=webp&s=498a029ebbbbb3d1cb12f982fddf4899d12f43d1) + +But wait. The price of GME was already dropping before they even did those orders. Why? ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Max Pain - Intra-Day and Intra-Week + +Regular Max Pain on websites like swaggystonk is calculated using the Open Interest on options at the end of each day. It averages 5 days worth of Open Interest and gives you literally an average. It's a useless metric in my opinion. + +I went and took each day's open interest data and already showed in my previous DD that it's an accurate measure of GME's daily price movement. + +Right here i'm going even deeper, into intra-hour(Intra-Day really) Max Pain and this... it explains the downwards price movement as well... + +&#x200B; + +**June 10 - Hourly Max Pain** + +[Sorry for the sloppy graph, but i wanted to get this shit out as soon as possible. Some other ape can visualize it better for you. ](https://preview.redd.it/1kku2s6a1n471.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=38531b2f0f164a21ab3f69ac5501ac4463060584) + +The gist of it is that above you're seeing the max pain price based on option open interest for EACH HOUR in the DAY. The Max Pain range here as you see matches almost perfectly yesterday's trading prices. + +Also here's another graph showing the Hourly Max Pain for the 9'th... and to be honest when i saw this i shat my pants and realized why they hedgies shat their pants too... you'll see... and it explains their desperation in doing illegal shit like married puts... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**June 9 - Hourly Max Pain** + +https://preview.redd.it/kwf6aoku1n471.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=b23d6162218e3b562d4dbff21e4df20dea78ba3a + +Yeah you're reading that right. Intra-Day HOURLY Max Pain 2 days ago was $333-$446. If i was a hedgie, i'd be shitting my pants too. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Conclusion + +I haven't got a system to calculate intra-day hourly Max Pain on the fly, but i think i'm gonna build one. I think i've discovered a market dynamic that they're aware of but we aren't (weren't). + +I think they've used Options to manipulate GME's price down in order to perform their can kicking and to save up a bit of cash on premiums. (Remember coke rat crummer's lessons on how to manipulate the price of something in order to buy in at a sweeter price). + +So yeah, apparently the shares they're borrowing are not being used to actually traditionally short... I strongly believe they are using them to as many covered calls as possible (Perhaps even all of them fully covered) and to do this Married Put / Synthetic shit... + +But if you're borrowing shares to do this shit with... you're just can kicking... If only there was a rule out there to fix all this... (Oh there was but it's sorta kinda almost maybe gone) + +&#x200B; + +**Please** + +I truly hope a wrinkly option ape can take the data i attached and use it better. I also have the full option data for the past 2 months for the ENTIRE market in a 90 Mbyte file. Ask me in a PM and i shall provide. + + +**Pretty please** + +I have conflicting information on whether married puts are legal or illegal. So far i'm leaning towards the side of illegality. If someone wrinkly can confirm this for me, i'll submit FINRA, SEC and FBI tip, but i need to be sure before i do so. + +&#x200B; + +[Random SR-DTC-2021-005 Shitpost](https://preview.redd.it/v3nhyt593n471.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8b0552b2dce52344b2e0dce09af24ba705bdd8) + +Tagging u/buttfarm69 for posterity. + +Also, my [Jacques\_Tits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Tits) + +( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) (Related, it's my face throughout finding what i found and writing this post) + +^(I'm gonna sit back and relax for a while because this has my brain revving beyond the red-line thinking how i might have figured out the borrow rate manipulation as well as a bunch of other shit that i might literally be able to prove... I'll be checking my phone here and there but i expect to be out of action for the day after this shit..........) +Hi there, being a tiny bit bored with just investing in dividend stocks I started wheeling mid last year with a war chest of \~10k$. + +Amongst others I picked $CLF and while it went decent for a few weeks selling CSPs on a weekly basis, I got assigned around at the end of Oct'21 (yellow arrow). This was mainly my mistake as I was rather unexperienced at that time. Anyhow, I could continue to sell CCs for a while but it quickly turned into bag holding. Thats OK-ish, as CLF is a decent stock. Then the stock price started to increase again since the end of Jan'22. + +And now, and that is I think the main mistake in my wheel strategy: I started to sell a CC as soon as it was barley possible. More specifically I sold a CC (25 strike) that was only slightly above my cost basis (greenish area) and an expiration date about 8 weeks in the future just to get a tiny bit of premium. And guess what happend? Instead of loosing value, the options value increased and is now deep in the money. + +This makes me wonder if this wheel strategy even works. I would have made a nice profit (\~700$) by just selling CLF at the current price. Instead I am now sitting on a Call with a 25 strike which I sold for a tiny premium. + +I have the feeling that I am mostly either bag holding and then missing the big move. Did you experience a similar situation. How can this be avoided? Is it maybe the wrong stock for such a small account? + +https://preview.redd.it/22h4n8nehhs81.png?width=1865&format=png&auto=webp&s=26dd295baf48c59ce9e3e8061c01511a9b86d869 +So, I bought a small sum of blackberry (about 4% of my investment portfolio) in August at 6.55. I bought it because of a lot research that amalgamated in "I think this company is not dead, may return to profitiability, and is therefore undervalued". I sort of expected to hold it for a few years and see what happened with the possibility of it maybe turning into a multi-bagger, but also at peace with the fact the money might waste away to nothing. + +Today it popped, in large part due to what I can only describe as a pump and dump scheme created by the Robinhood investors over at /r/wallstreetbets and all other corners of the internet. Anyone who pays attention to this stuff is likely familiar with the fact that this year, many companies that allegedly have no value have popped (and subsequently deflated) due to what is nothing more than really social media and forum campaigning (Hertz comes to mind). + +What do I do? My theory is that this newly minted price is entirely artificial. However, I still do believe in the company and WANT it in my portfolio longterm. I'm considering selling ASAP with the idea that eventually these types of price explosions always correct at some point, and re-buying to keep some of this profit, but I know you can't time the market. Curious if anyone else is in my situation and has their own thoughts. + +Mods can remove if this falls under the category of general discussion, but I think this qualifies for it's own post only because this is an unusual situation. +Longs this is what each of us have been waiting for. The original DD is becoming a reality. When Ryan Cohen said buckle up, this is the type of setting he was foreseeing. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see even more shorting, and heavy corrections coming. You have all held this long, I expect no one to blink an eye. + +Everyone stay safe, drink plenty of water, and prepare for your lives to change forever. See you all on the other side. +We Just Got Listed On - [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/moonpirate) Today! I'm so excited to be on this pirate ship headed straight for the moon! yarrrrrrrr! + +New App - [Pirate Wallet Tracker](https://wallet.pirateswap.app/) + +Time Square NY - [Billboard](https://twitter.com/MoonpirateBSC/status/1390094246632435713?s=20) + +MoonPirate - Rum and Beer + +On Week 3 58,000 Pirates Strong + +100% LP Tokens Burned + +PIRATESWAP PLATFORM + +BLOCKFOLIO, STOCKTWITS & DELTA LISTED & APPROVED + +MoonPirate is a completely community-run Crypto Liquor project that was launched on April 16th. This is a unique, long-term project with real potential. + +✅ Double Audited + +✅ Distillery Contracted + +✅ Community-Owned & Managed + +✅ Based Admin Team & doxxed AMAs twice a week + +Also, in a Juicy medium article. + +1.PirateSwap - Real use case. PirateSwap will allow investors to purchase MoonPirate directly on the website, without having to go to PancakeSwap. + +2. Pirate Pixels (NFTs). They are launching a Pirate Pixel collection on NFT trading platforms, 1 Pirate Pixel per week. All money raised from it will be given back to the holders. + +3. They hire a WARHAMMER illustrator to draw MoonPirate art and it's sick. It's on the medium article as well, but it's being auctioned as an NFT, and all proceeds will go to donating to Kids Cancer Project - Pirate Day. + +4. MoonPirate is now getting not only in the rum game, but ALSO INTO BEER. It's an IPA with a hint of tropical flavors, being launched in a Brisbane, Australia pub. Photos also available here, and the pub information is all REAL and on Google. + +5. Wallet Tracker APP- allows you to track your wallet and see all transaction in a nice clean easy to read format. + +Contract Address + +0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 + +[Ownership Renounced](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x761054a6b262d484be39099639a9b89465805c18f2a97f4b94a53726c1d7bc6d) + +[LP Burned](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc4189bc138d0b1f02a88d65014ff7605f8d10e6e27e12783c28db326a56c7e18) + +Links + +[Website](https://www.moonpirate.finance/) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/MoonPirate) + +[Twitch AMA](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1000423822) + +[Chart](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66) + +[Discord](https://discord.gg/QC2BsrZJ) + +📰MEDIUM article, lots of juicy info below 📰 + +[https://moonpirate21.medium.com/edition-2-chanteys-consolidation-and-new-coastlines-451b71925ef8](https://moonpirate21.medium.com/edition-2-chanteys-consolidation-and-new-coastlines-451b71925ef8) +It’s that time of year when we often give Christmas bonuses to our hired help - nannies, housekeepers, etc. This year we are also having some construction work done on our house and the workers will be there Dec 23. I’m curious to hear from others with household help. What do you typically give as a Christmas bonus? Do you do a flat amount, a percentage of the job, one month’s extra? + +We are particularly thinking of the contractor who is doing a $17k job on the furnace/AC/ducting. They have a three man team and I’m trying to figure out an appropriate amount as a Christmas bonus. + +Edit: Thanks for the suggestions! We decided to give them $200 per worker, since it’s a one off contract. +For the past 4 years I've been trying to become a trader. First I was just buying the dip in stocks after earnings, if the particular company was solid. The logic was that looking at the chart back then, the market doesn't go down by much, and the stock will eventually go back up. If it dipped even further I simply waited it out. I typically closed the position after a 10% gain. I always went all in. I scored some great gains this way. + +However December 2018 scarred me deeply. Desperate to make money that month I bought a dip, even though I didn't believe fully in the company and the chart wasn't very convincing either. At the end of December I closed my position, erasing all my year's gains, to protect my principal. A few hours later Powell announced that he changed his mind about the interest rates, the market started to rebound, and in a few weeks my closed position would break even. + +That's when I realized I know nothing, and I suck. I was just being lucky the whole time. + +The whole last year I was scared to get into any position. It didn't help that I started following Sven Henrich. I spent the whole year staring at charts stressed to take any action. I made very little money last year. + +This year, yet again I got in although I wasn't completely convinced it was a good idea, but I felt pressure to make money. A few days later, the coronavirus news started to get louder, and eventually it came here and the market collapsed. I was down almost 40% at one point on my position. + +Nevertheless I didn't take the loss and now I'm back at the same level and in cash as I was at the beginning of the year. + +Now, I'm trying to do some trades (this time with options, as they require much less capital) but even if I'm prepared to trade with much smaller positions, I just can't get myself to pull the trigger. Just like last year I just keep staring at charts for days. + +If lets say I want to buy calls on QQQ , which is logical given the market rebounding, I start questioning whether it's not too high, whether I shouldn't wait for a dip, and I end up missing out on great moves. I stare at the chart going up and down all day, and can't formulate any solid justification for myself why should the price go one way or another, and so I keep staring at it all day long paralyzed to take any action. + +Selling cash covered puts in this environment, when we have an unpreceded shutdown of whole economies, seems super risky, as a downturn may come any day. + +How can I make myself a successful trader, that's able to earn money consistently on a monthly basis? +For the past 4 years I've been trying to become a trader. First I was just buying the dip in stocks after earnings, if the particular company was solid. The logic was that looking at the chart back then, the market doesn't go down by much, and the stock will eventually go back up. If it dipped even further I simply waited it out. I typically closed the position after a 10% gain. I always went all in. I scored some great gains this way. + +However December 2018 scarred me deeply. Desperate to make money that month I bought a dip, even though I didn't believe fully in the company and the chart wasn't very convincing either. At the end of December I closed my position, erasing all my year's gains, to protect my principal. A few hours later Powell announced that he changed his mind about the interest rates, the market started to rebound, and in a few weeks my closed position would break even. + +That's when I realized I know nothing, and I suck. I was just being lucky the whole time. + +The whole last year I was scared to get into any position. It didn't help that I started following Sven Henrich. I spent the whole year staring at charts stressed to take any action. I made very little money last year. + +This year, yet again I got in although I wasn't completely convinced it was a good idea, but I felt pressure to make money. A few days later, the coronavirus news started to get louder, and eventually it came here and the market collapsed. I was down almost 40% at one point on my position. + +Nevertheless I didn't take the loss and now I'm back at the same level and in cash as I was at the beginning of the year. + +Now, I'm trying to do some trades (this time with options, as they require much less capital) but even if I'm prepared to trade with much smaller positions, I just can't get myself to pull the trigger. Just like last year I just keep staring at charts for days. + +If lets say I want to buy calls on QQQ , which is logical given the market rebounding, I start questioning whether it's not too high, whether I shouldn't wait for a dip, and I end up missing out on great moves. I stare at the chart going up and down all day, and can't formulate any solid justification for myself why should the price go one way or another, and so I keep staring at it all day long paralyzed to take any action. + +Selling cash covered puts in this environment, when we have an unpreceded shutdown of whole economies, seems super risky, as a downturn may come any day. + +How can I make myself a successful trader, that's able to earn money consistently on a monthly basis? +TA;DR +Formal complaint with BaFin about splivvy fuckery results in official, written response claiming my shares were delivered. Only for accounting reasons is the splivvy "shown as a stock split industry wide" which is also due to the fact a splivvy would've been a taxable event in Germany (i.e. be glad you didn't have to pay taxes?!?). Still in conversation with them. + + +My fellow simians, + +After BaFin (German SEC) made an official statement with regard to the splivvy fuckery going on (in which they essentially told German brokers to get their shit straight or else...), I contacted my German broker cumdirect, to get confirmation that I received real shares and a splivvy and to ask where the shares came from. +Btw. if anyone is up in arms why I still use a broker, I don't really. I left less than 1% of my position with cumdirect and ibkr exactly for this kind of thing to see what happens and what can be unearthed from it. 99% of my GME position have been DRSed since last year. + +Cumdirect answered "No splivvy, stock split, we confirmed several times with WM Datenservice (who all brokers in Germany rely on apparently), stock split was the correct process". + +I figured no sense in arguing with them and directly put in a formal complaint with BaFin, since this 100% contradicts their official statement from a few weeks ago. + +To my surprise, BaFin actually answered me and also took my complaint serious. To my even bigger surprise, I used the complaint as a 2 for 1 to also get BaFin to speed up the DRS process of my fake splivvy shares because I had first feedback from cumdirect indicating they are trying to drag this out for months, yet again. A year ago, I tried the same thing with BaFin and was met with the usual "not our responsibility, we can't give legal advice, file a formal complaint with your bank/broker". This year they completely took it to heart and actually applied pressure on cumdirect who immediately changed their tone, apologized and promised to process my transfer asap. Weird ... + +Anyway, the response to my formal complaint at BaFin came in a timely fashion and in a formal and serious tone. +The lady told me that a) my broker confirmed to her that I received my new "young" shares and b) that the splividend is "economically leaning on a share split" and is "being portrayed industry-wide as a stock split". Which would be purely for accounting reasons because, for example, a splividend would be a taxable event in Germany (i.e. be glad you don't have to pay taxes pleb?!?)... + +The response honestly left me a bit dumbfounded. I explained to the lady (and am currently awaiting a response) that a) how can she confirm that I received my shares if a stock split was carried out (for whatever reasons) instead of a split dividend and no one is willing to confirm or deny if the shares were delivered by the DTCC? +And b) I do want to pay my taxes and have not given anyone my permission or instruction to get creative with their accounting to minimize my tax exposure... + +I told her that from where I stand the first thing to clarify is a simple yes or no answer: Did the DTCC deliver shares for the split dividend to the EU clearing house (Clearstream) or its subsidiaries like WM Datenservice? +If yes, then why was a stock split carried out contrary to the company's instructions and who gave the order to do so? +If no, was the entire industry that BaFin is supposed to supervise, knowingly or un-knowingly complicit in this scam (i.e. just sleeping on the job or sth more nefarious)? + +I am in the meantime in contact with the major financial crimes unit of my provincial police, who were very interested and complimented me on being so informed but said they would await the response of BaFin to my current inquiries and to contact them after I received it. +I am also trying to get in touch with the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (finance ministry) who is the supposed supervisor of BaFin. To my dismay they disconnected me several times by phone today without talking to me properly. I will try again in the coming days and if all fails will have to write them a letter that might take months to get a response... + +/EDIT +In case anyone feels "trust me bro" vibes here, I am prepared to upload or copy/paste the official statements from BaFin (mail correspondence) but would like to finish the process before doing so. Also might use an alt-account to post that because I am honestly not sure how much exposure of my real person is safe in all this ... + +/EDIT 2 +Sorry to dillute this with one of those "my oscar moment, thank you for the gold kind stranger" -things.But +I've been on reddit, mostly lurking, for over a decade. And while reddit was/is a great place online on its own, for various reasons, I do wanna point out that Superstonk is something absolutely special to me. +I have not posted and/or commented much over the last decade but may have gotten gilded or a bestof nomination once or twice. +But I have NEVER received as much overwhelming support/positive feedback as with this post here on superstonk. + +One of you crazy bastards even gave me reddit Premium. PREMIUM!!! I mean that means I can get into that fancy subreddit only the PREMIUM 1% have acces to, innit? After all these years .... The lounge... + +And the last few years got me so fucked up that my first thought when I realised someone gave me PREMIUM was: +"Am I getting shilled here or sth?" +... + +Like did I accidentally say/do sth that actually helps this becoming another Epstein scenario? +I never had that many upvotes ... + +But I don't believe so. +I don't believe this will be another Epstein case, where it is painfully obvious what insane injustice is happening in the world, yet it gets "twice suicided" and then simply forgotten with the next crisis rolling around the corner. +We made it through the Rona and are about to make it through the Ukraine bullshit as well. I believe this time will be different. +I believe this time, too many are watching because we have the Internet, we have reddit, we have Superstonk. +I believe in you guys, and myself. +I believe in GME, DFV, Cohen, Drs. Trimbath, our boy Dave, the banana in the ass guy, you know it's too many to list, and all are equally important. +I believe this is too big to sweep under the rug and this will result in change, in reform, in betterment. +And hopefully, at least some form justice... + +Thanks for all the gold and with your leave, good simians, I shall make my way, posthaste, to the lounge where I will pull up a stool next to Obama and Bernie and try to get them into a conversation with Snowden. All while Woody is trying to get us back to talking about rampart for the rest of the evening. + +Cheerio! + + +/EDIT 3 +This is obviously not financial advice, nor advice on how to obtain reddit PREMIUM. +I like the stonk, DRS, HODL +https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-06-23/robinhood-traders-will-have-fun-until-they-get-wiped-out + +One time when I was sitting in my college dormitory, I heard a whoop of joy from down the hall. My dormmate announced that he had just made $500,000 trading in the stock market, after having invested only a few thousand dollars. When I asked him how he did it, he grinned and simply said: “Call options.” I spent the rest of the day reading about how this marvelous financial instrument could be used to make a fortune in a day with just a small initial stake. + +Of course, my lucky dormmate doubled down on his investment and ended up losing most of his money when the dot-com bubble burst a couple of months later. + +This saga illustrates the danger of day trading, especially with leveraged instruments such as options. After the 2000 tech bust, day trading declined, but the coronavirus pandemic seems to be driving something of a renaissance. Goldman Sachs Investment Research reports that the percent of trading volume in the stock and option markets from small trades has increased a lot since January, while discount brokerage TD Ameritrade reports that visits to its website teaching people how to trade stocks have nearly quadrupled. Robinhood, a trading app that offers zero-commission trades and a simple, video-game-style interface, had 3 million new accounts opened in the first quarter. Half of its new customers are first-time investors. Many online communities are filled with the standard elements of day-trader culture -- stories of fabulous fortunes gained, hot tips, trading systems and theories and so on. + +Coronavirus probably isn’t the only reason for the boom in day trading. Brokers realized that they could offer zero-commission trades and make up for it with interest earned by lending out their cash balances. Mobile apps made trading easier and more fun than ever, and allowed new traders to start off with small amounts of cash. A new generation of speculators has no painful memory of the dot-com bust. + +But whatever the reasons, the new day trading mania is not likely to result in a happier outcome than the last one. There are many theoretical reasons and a wealth of empirical evidence to suggest that most day traders are wasting their money. + +One of the most important concepts in finance -- and yet seemingly one of the hardest to understand -- is that there are two sides to every trade. For a day trader to make money, someone else has to lose money. In the most optimistic case, the loser could be a normal person who needs to put money in or take money out of their retirement account, and who therefore doesn’t worry much about the price at which they buy or sell. But most trades are not this. Instead, day traders are usually buying and selling either from each other, or from algorithms programmed by skilled, experienced financial professionals. If it’s the former, their trading is a zero-sum game. If it’s the latter, human day traders are very likely to lose because the people who program trading algorithms are typically very smart, and their computers can spot market-moving developments faster than people can. This is why professional human traders have been increasingly driven out of the market. + +A related problem is the idea of slippage. Day traders might think that because they’re paying zero commission, their trades are free. But when a day trader places an order, a trading algorithm somewhere quickly figures out that they want to buy or sell, and raises or lowers the price accordingly, so that the day trader gets a less favorable price. + +Another reason day trading is a bad idea is that people often fail to understand when they’re winning and losing. If the market as a whole goes up (as it has recently), many stocks will be winners. That can make a day trader feel like they won, even if they would have made as much or more money if they had simply bought an index fund and held onto it. This is especially true right now, when correlations between stocks are very high -- in this case, meaning many stocks are rising or falling together. + +Finally, day traders often don’t understand the amount of risk they’re taking. Call options of the type my college dormmate bought, for example, are a form of leverage -- you might make fabulous riches, but you’re very likely to lose your money. One young novice investor tragically committed suicide after seeing his account generate large losses; though he probably misread the account statement, this incident drives home the point that investors may not be prepared for how much money they can lose with the trades they’re making. + +A large amount of empirical evidence confirms that most day traders lose money. A very large 2004 study of Taiwanese day traders, for example, found that more than 80% lost money. A tiny number -- about 0.03% -- earned consistently large profits, but the odds of possessing this kind of skill are slim. Most studies of day traders in the U.S. and Finland yield similar results -- a few traders are consistently good, but most lose out. + +Day trading might therefore be a fun way of gambling for those who are locked inside waiting out the pandemic. But if regular Americans start betting large amounts of their money on individual stocks and options, they’re courting financial ruin. If you want to day trade, the best thing to do is to bet only a small percent of your money to learn whether you’re one of the few who has the skill to beat the market. Day trading should be treated like an expensive video game, not like a way of getting rich quick. +Hello Great Apes of the world! 👋 Today's dip has tested our resolve, and we have exceedingly passed the test. The FUD machine was turned to the max. Nevertheless, Apes held. Apes bought. Apes sustained ourselves on God-Tier DD, Elliot Waves Theory, Exponential Floor, and Ortex share counts. Let us now gather and watch low-frequency updates from a single German exchange as we prepare for the US pre-market to open! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀### + + +- 🚀 [US pre-market is open!](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/) 🚀 +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$232.93 / 191,43 €** +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $233.06 / 191,52 € +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $233.06 / 191,52 € +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $232.30 / 190,90 € +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $231.51 / 190,25 € +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $232.14 / 190,77 € +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $233.33 / 191,75 € +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $233.42 / 191,82 € +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $233.27 / 191,70 € +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $232.78 / 191,30 € +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $234.03 / 192,32 € +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $232.75 / 191,27 € +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $232.84 / 191,35 € +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $236.43 / 194,30 € +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $234.43 / 192,65 € +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $234.46 / 192,68 € +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $234.30 / 192,55 € +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $234.67 / 192,85 € +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $234.12 / 192,40 € +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $232.93 / 191,43 € +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $233.30 / 191,73 € +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $233.94 / 192,25 € +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $226.70 / 186,30 € +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $238.96 / 196,38 € +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $236.65 / 194,48 € +- 🟥 US close price: $220.39 / 181,12 € *($230.50 / 189,42 € after-hours)* + + + +FAQ: To generate this data, I'm capturing current prices in Euros at https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie and converting to USD. Today's EUR -> USD conversion ratio is 1.216847. I created a simple C# application that assists me in scraping this data and updates the post automatically. + +I'm not trying to permanently take over this tradition, just keep it going for fun on days when u/DerGurkenraspler doesn't start the thread at the normal time. They have been unexpectedly absent recently, but I will gladly bow out of this role when they resume updates. + +Many apes are concerned for our German friend. While I have not heard directly from u/DerGurkenraspler, I have heard from someone who had been in contact with them previously that it seemed likely that they are okay, but have some external factors that they need to focus on. +Hi yall, I bought some bitcoin a few months back because my friend told me how it was the future and I needed to buy them. + +It’s not working out how I thought it would at all. + +How do I go about getting a refund. It was quiet an expensive purchase so I’d like to get my money back. + +I have a few other coins I would like to get refunds on, the one with the dogs on them doggy coin and shib in you coin. + +I have asked all around the local shops in town but no one seems to know anything about them. I have tried phoning my friend that told me to buy them but his phone must be broken because when he answers he can’t hear me. + + +Thanks in advance +Who would be willing to share their DCF spreadsheets for stocks they have valued? + +It's a crazy idea but if we shared our work collectively we could cover a lot of ground. It would help others learn how to do this and it would help all of us to invest wisely. + +I have up-to-date google sheets for AMZN, RH, LYFT, TSLA, ZUMZ, VRNT, CRM and APPF. and a host of others that have become stale. + +We would need to have a place to store, search, update and comment on these spreadsheets. + +Is anyone keen? +#### Summary + +* Stock: *Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) common equity* +* Market cap: $43.0bn +* Rating: *Reduce* +* Price: $1,590 +* Target: $1,192 + +[Three-year investment performance](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3569ecc9-a69c-4d4f-9797-ea1f5f4bdaaf_1200x742.png) (*source: S&P Capital IQ*) + +••• + +#### Setting the stage + +*Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.* (NYSE: CMG) owns and operates fast-casual Mexican restaurants. The company makes money in two ways: First, they sell burritos, burrito bowls (a burrito without the tortilla), quesadillas, tacos, salads, and drinks. Second, if the customer wants their order delivered, the company charges them a fee for either handling or outsourcing the delivery to a third party. The company started in Denver, Colorado, in 1993 and now has 2,918 U.S., 44 international, and four non-Chipotle restaurants. + +Over the last few decades, demand for Mexican food in the U.S. has exploded. Mexican food is now the most popular ethnic food in the 27 South-Western-most states, while Chinese is the most popular in the 22 to the North-East, and Thai is the most popular in Alaska. Migration and changing consumer tastes drove these trends. Hispanic migration to the U.S., especially the South West, grew significantly from 1970 to 2020. The most significant proportion of new arrivals were from Mexico. According to The Pew Research Center, the Hispanic-American population grew by 2.3% per year, going from 9.6m in 1970 to 62.1m in 2020. This rate was much faster than for the total population, which grew at just 0.8% per year. Hispanic-Americans are now 19% of the total population. These expats introduced new tastes, techniques, and food cultures to the places they moved, and demand took off. + +[The Hispanic-American population has grown](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F12ecf3b5-8224-4de7-a067-bce890bf5c73_1200x742.png) (*sources: The Department of Homeland Security, The Pew Research Center*) + +Rising demand made way for increased supply, and new Mexican restaurants opened. Over the last decade, the number of these restaurants in the U.S. has grown at 2.5% per year, going from 38k in 2012 to 47.5k in 2021. Moreover, people are eating and spending more at these restaurants. In 2012, the Mexican restaurant sector turned over $42bn. In 2021, it did $67bn. Chipotle rode this wave by expanding aggressively to grow and take market share. In 2012, the company brought in $2.7bn in revenues giving them 6.5% of the market. In 2021, they brought in almost 3x that, $7.5bn, and had 11.3% of the market. + +[Chipotle expanded & took market share](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F962fe981-0fec-4c88-a029-5c3e27af6cff_1200x742.png) (*sources: company financials, Statista*) + +This growth came from the company opening new restaurants, attracting more customers, and raising prices. From 2012 to 2021, the company opened 1,556 new restaurants on a net basis, while revenue per restaurant increased from $1.9m to $2.5m. However, growth isn’t free, and new restaurants require capital investment. In 2012, the total amount of operational capital invested in the business was $1.8bn, or $1.3m per restaurant. In the decade since, the company has ploughed $2.65bn net of depreciation, or $1.7m per new restaurant, back into growing the business. This reinvestment was aggressive but efficient. New restaurants didn’t cannibalise sales from existing ones, and the company’s revenue to capital ratio averaged 1.5x. + +[Reinvested aggressively but efficiently](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F637ad56e-b66d-4517-bd59-235cf3f5b03c_1200x742.png) (*Adjusted invested capital includes capitalised leasehold commitments. source: company financials*) + +It hasn’t been all smooth sailing for the burrito chain, though. Salmonella, norovirus, Clostridium perfringens and E. coli outbreaks between 2015 and 2018 destroyed the company’s profitability and reputation for fresh, sustainable, and healthy fast food. After eating at Chipotle, more than 1,100 people got sick over those four years. The Justice Department charged the company with violating federal law by adultering food and fined them $25m. In 2016, following the 2015 E. coli outbreak that closed their 43 Oregon and Washington restaurants, the company hired a new head of food safety and upgraded its food safety program. Changes included having all employees wash their hands every half hour, having two employees verify food sterilisation instead of one, and using pressure to pre-treat ingredients. + +[Profitability was walloped in 2016](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1daaed95-6156-4101-9665-231ff8f54b25_1200x742.png) (*Adjusted operating margin includes the effect of capitalising leasehold commitments. source: company financials*) + +These health scandals meant the company wasted lots of food, driving the cost of goods up. But the most significant increases were in labour and distribution spending to support the new safety processes and marketing to bring customers back. In the four years leading up to the 2016 scandal, the company spent an average of 23% of revenue on labour and 11% on other operating expenses, including distribution and marketing (1%). These expenses have averaged 27%, 15%, and 3% in the years since. + +[New food safety protocol drove labour & distribution costs up](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbeaa18c2-822b-47ca-93db-450911b27568_1200x742.png) (*source: company financials*) + +Chipotle has effectively put these scandals behind them, improved food safety, and won back customer trust. The company’s gross profit margin, which fell from 38% in 2015 to 29% in 2016, has steadily crept back to its pre-scandal level and is in line with its six largest listed peers (*McDonald’s Corporation*, *Starbucks Corporation*, *Yum! Brands Inc.*, *Domino’s Pizza Inc.*, *Restaurant Brands International Inc*, and *The Wendy’s Company*), but is better than 70% of all listed U.S. restaurant businesses. + +Paying for the food safety program has meant that Chipotle’s operating margins, although they’re in the industry’s top quartile, are still below pre-scandal levels. In 2015 they were 17%, but in 2021, despite recovering from their 2016 low of 2%, they have only recovered to 11% and are far below the average of their large peer set. The difference between the company’s margins and its peers’ margins was 3% before the scandal. Since then, the gap averaged 21% but shrank to 16% in 2021. + +[Chipotle's operating profitability lags its large peers](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa0ad4416-bba7-4432-9f1f-044d5686ffb3_1200x742.png) (*source: S&P Capital IQ*) + +This difference is caused by increased costs and by the owner-operator model. Of the 50 largest fast-food businesses in the U.S., Chipotle and *In-N-Out Burger* are the only ones with no franchise model at all. All the others are predominantly franchised. For example, *Taco Bell*, often considered Chipotle’s biggest rival, has 93% of restaurants run by franchisees. As a result, when costs go up, the *Taco Bell* restaurant franchisee bears the cost while the parent company, *Yum! Brands Inc.*, continues to collect royalties. On the other hand, Chipotle has to eat all the costs itself. Operating a restaurant is a dramatically different business model to rent and royalty collection. + +••• + +#### Story & valuation + +>*Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. is a U.S.-focused Mexican fast-casual restaurant owner and operator. Economists expect the domestic market for Mexcian restaurants to grow at 6.7% per year, while Chipotle will expand its market share by opening new restaurants; they’re targetting 250 next year. Improved scale and a focus on operational efficiency within the restaurants and through distribution will help contain costs. However, inflationary pressures will build, and Chipotle will have to continue raising prices. The scale and pricing power will power margins up to the top decline of the industry, but they will never be as high as the big franchisers.* + +***Growth:*** Economists forecast the U.S. Mexican restaurant market to grow from $67bn in 2021 to $93bn by 2026. Management expects to open between 235 and 250 additional restaurants next year, an increase of 8.5%. The attractiveness of the Chipotle brand and the quality of the product will help them continue raising prices at or above the inflation rate. By adding new sites, improving operational efficiency to service more customers per site, and growing digital sales, the company will be able to expand its market share from 11% to 16%. I forecast the company to grow at 14.5% per year and almost double its revenue to $14.8bn by 2026. + +***Margins:*** As the business grows, the increased scale will reduce the relative size of their fixed costs. Labour and distribution costs will decline relative to revenues. Moreover, by not franchising, the company will maintain control of the brand and quality. As they distance themselves from the food-safety scandals of the past, the company will be able to maintain pricing power and reduce the amount it spends on marketing. By not franchising, they capture all the profitability, but margins will remain tethered to the operator’s model, and margins will never hit the heights of the big franchisers. I forecast operating margins to climb to 22.1%, putting them in the top decline of U.S. restaurant businesses. + +***Reinvestment & taxes:*** The company produces $1.69 per dollar of capital invested in operations. I expect they will maintain this capital efficiency as they expand. The management has a history of selecting appropriate locations for new restaurants, and the economics of opening new sites will not change dramatically. Further, the rise of digital ordering and delivery will add sales without consuming large amounts of capital. I forecast that Chipotle will need to reinvest $4.3bn into growth assets over the next five years. I also model the company’s tax rate rising from the current effective rate to the geographically weighted underlying marginal corporate rate of almost 27%. + +***Free cash flows:*** The company will remain FCF generative and not need to raise capital. It also has $29m of net operating losses that will act as a small tax shield. + +***Cost of capital:*** The company is a restaurant operator that has more operational leverage (0.45x) than most in the industry due to not franchising. The company generates 98.5% of its revenue in the U.S. and the remaining 1.5% overseas, exposing it to some additional though tiny country risk. Based on the company’s interest coverage ratio after capitalising leaseholds correctly and imputing the interest expense, I have assigned an A2/A credit rating and the corresponding 1.3% chance of distress. I estimate the company’s cost of equity is currently 7.93%, its after-tax cost of debt is 2.48%, and the debt-to-equity ratio is 7% giving it a WACC of 7.57%. + +***Add non-operating assets:*** The company has $1bn in cash and equivalents. It also has investments I value at $454m. + +***Less debts & other claims:*** The company owes $3.5bn to landlords, and there are 364k stock-only stock appreciation rights, which I have valued as options, outstanding. + +[Valuation output](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc42b5e1d-6d42-4c0b-9208-87c914f4b717_1654x1414.png) (*source:* [*Valuabl*](https://valuabl.substack.com)) + +Each share has an intrinsic value of $1,192 and at the current price, $1,590, the investment has a 25% downside. + +••• + +#### Sensitivity analysis & rating + +>*Monte-Carlo Simulation is used to model uncertainty by assuming that the inputs to the valuation model will come from probability distributions around the estimates.* + +[Monte-Carlo simulation output](https://cdn.substack.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F35ca963f-6b48-4701-ad54-6df550e1e85c_1200x742.png) (*source:* [*Valuabl*](https://valuabl.substack.com)) + +*Buy •••••• 10th:* $626 +*Add •••••• 30th:* $891 +*Hold ••••• 50th*: $1,121 +*Reduce ••• 70th:* $1,442 +*Sell •••••• 90th:* $2,105 + +The current price of *Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. (NYSE: CMG) common equity* is $1,590 and is at the 77th percentile of the Monte Carlo sample of intrinsic values. For this reason, it has a rating of *Reduce*. The shares are slightly overvalued. I do not already own these shares, but if I did I would be trimming my position. +I have been mulling over options on how to best allocate my money and use it for a down payment on a home. I was hoping to put around $20k into my RRSP before March 1st 2022 and then withdraw $35k for the first time home buyer purposes. I did read however that a group RRSP may not be able to do this. Does anyone have any experience with doing this? The main reason I wanted to go this route was because I would be able to get a solid tax return if I were to put a lump sum of cash into my RRSP and then use all of the money for a down payment and closing fees. + +&#x200B; + +If you think there are better ways of going about doing this please let me know. +So I just had a conversation with a friend of mine about the current state of inflation and he said: + +"It time economists look at the reality and not stock market and job numbers." + +"Avoiding reality and looking at numbers is the entire job of an economist lol" + +" The job of the economist seems to be to ignore everything that's happening and parrot the economic scriptures. Low unemployment, millions of job openings, high inflation, wage increases below inflation? Sounds like it could be interesting to research on how this is happening, but economists will ignore it because they already have their conclusion." + +And frankly iam starting to agree with him. + +I mean what do economists really do? Do they just like read economic theories and make theories of their own? How do they affect and contribute to the real world economy? + +I mean what's the job of an economist exactly? To just study the economy or actually do soemthing? +Hey guys, let's try to clean up this sub a little bit. There's a ton of posts filling up the front page all about GME and AMC and other stocks that are, or are potentially going to squeeze. Let's consolidate all discussion on these names into this thread and keep the individual posts outside to a minimum. + +I'll leave the existing posts up but I think we need to all work together to make sure this sub stays orderly as we have grown over 175k subscribers in just the last two days. There are a lot of bots and spam and we're doing our best to remove them but I think consolidating all these legitimate posts about this stuff into a a daily thread will help a lot. What do you all think? I can make a new one of these each day for the next little while! + +THANKS!! +I'm already what I consider fatFIRE. I had an exit from my startup a few years back, leaving me with approx 7.5M USD (10M CAD). I've been more than happy with this and I'm working about 60% of the time because it keeps me somewhat grounded and I still feel like I need to do something. + +I just had an unsolicited offer to buy some startup shares (different startup) for 1.5M. The company I worked for is a unicorn as of last summer and they'd be purchasing shares for a premium to that valuation. I still think there's about 2-3X if I wait for a full IPO, however. + +Is it worth it to sell the shares now? I don't \_need\_ this money, and I currently live in a medium-expense city in a house that's as big as I'll even want. I don't need fancy cars/watches/etc. I would probably end up re-investing this cash in either venture funds or the markets. + +I'm leaning towards not taking the cash and just waiting for a nice IPO pop (and then maybe buying something nice with the proceeds). + +What would you do? +I'm having a moment. I'm forcing to accept that the psychology of market cap and exchange listings is self perpetual and the money driving this market is *really* dumb. + +I'm bothered by the fact that noobs constantly talk about market cap rankings yet pay no attention to the fact that it's easily manipulated by supply. + +I know that any sustained increase in price is harder to maintain over the long term when there is hyperinflation or a massive base supply compared to average daily trading volume. + +I know projects like this crop up every day and I'm almost tempted to release a coin with 100 billion supply and a $2 spot price (**edit:** *an absurd scenario that could be achieved via secretly hoarding nearly 100% supply with multiple accounts and listing on an obscure exchange*) with <$10 daily trading volume just to stress my point. + +I'd probably become rich through by selling my stacks to noobs fomoing in though, and that daily volume would probably rise very fast... + +Yet I see hype for certain projects that occupy top 50 positions with questionable long term value. + +My portfolio has been doing well but it sucks to see a certain token not ranking higher even though it's fundamentally a top 10 project in my eyes. + +If it's base supply was 10x higher it would probably be a top 10 coin right now. I know for a fact it would be top 20 on that premise looking at its recent trading activity. + +I hope this market matures to understand what a flawed metric marketcap is in evaluating cryptocurrency (and its not just for the reasons I've stated). If anyone wants to help me build a site for a metric much more useful than marketcap please DM me. +11/19 update - TELL ME THEY ARENT AFRAID OF $230! + +TL;DR - Hedgies are very very afraid of $230 and have been so all year, and we are just a 6.75% move away from it. + +Greetings Apes, I'd like to give you a bit of hopium tonight. An optimistic possibility that we might be $12 (a 6.75% move up) away from the hedgies grabbing their ankles and packing their boxes. I previously wrote about this in my [What If Machine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzpein/the_what_if_and_why_machine/) post, but this should summarize the idea in case you just want to smile. The one big detail you need to know is what life was before rule 002 went into effect and what life is now. + +Rule 002 is 24/7 surveillance on margin. It went into effect on June 23. Before 002, hedgies would have margin checks monthly, on monthly option expiry dates (3rd friday of each month). They could fuck around all month and as long as they looked good on that date it was "move along, nothing to see here". When 002 went into effect, marge was allowed to call on any day, not just monthly expiry. So now if the price runs above their threshold, they have an hour to get it back under control or marge is showing up with her big leather belt to turn some hedgie ass red. (Edit, I realize I didn't clarify this but some apes are bringing it up in the comments. Marge calls after an hour being above the threshold. Yeah we'd all like immediate calls, but there's also some sense to why an hour is built into this rule). + +So what is this threshold? Let's look at a few pics. Vertical lines are option expiry dates. + +[Feb option expiry to March option expiry \(white dots are weekly closes\). 1 hour chart](https://preview.redd.it/yy93c988sgx71.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=6befb2b097695f144bb61c56a8989a71a18f1759) + +This gives us Feb 19 to March 22. Yes we got above $230 for a while, but check out what they pushed the price down to right before the March option expiry. Crazy price attacks to get under the $230 line on March 19th. Ok, lets see it again. + +[May option expiry to June option expiry](https://preview.redd.it/tw9x81eqsgx71.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7a79e6369087231ee0048414769c9797e7c48fe) + +Again, they timed the peak to land right in between expiry dates. So we spent a few weeks over $230.....but look what they slammed the price down to before the next expiry. Right below $230. 2 days after, 002 goes into effect and suddenly we had the long slow bleed summer of super low volume because the hedgies desperately needed to be able to control..... + +[Aug 24 up to Today!](https://preview.redd.it/rdvhrtmotgx71.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=632989266a6404de7225de065fa510ff3ffc0160) + +August 24 and the week afterwards saw us run all the way up to......$230. We touched it for a few nice minutes the morning of Sept 1. Then we spent 2 months getting punched back down again. But then today..... + +[This morning \(11\/3\) from 9:45 to 10:55 \(EST\). 1 min chart.](https://preview.redd.it/7mhngr3vugx71.png?width=864&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6c695750c062d9ab72bf5d20d8eae50cad2cd24) + +The price crosses $230 at 9:49am and is pushed back below is 50 minutes later at 10:39am. So fucking close to that hour I can almost taste time and it tastes fucking tasty. Ok let's answer a few questions you may have. + +**So MOASS at $230?** + +Maybe. This post really just sums up that there's been a price we've been pushed below multiple times this year and that crossing it now with 002 in effect is very interesting. If they are applying pressure to the same point all year that makes me feel like whatever they have been afraid of since January hasn't gone anywhere. They just were smart about avoiding it. We sustain above $230 and I'll be interested to see what happens. + +**What about $350, shouldn't that be the line?** + +Maybe. Maybe that is a price they start to get a call at, but like I point out they time that peak right in between expiry dates. $350 might just be the point where they had enough time to get back down again. Given that we are right at the $230 line, that's where my focus is. + +**Bullshit the rules do nothing, no one does anything, system corrupt.** + +First, that isn't a question. Second, ok then explain why $230 is what they keep retreating back to. Why is the price we saw them hide behind in March and June the same price they are fighting to get under in Sept and Nov? If they aren't afraid of the rule, why bother spiking the price back down at all? Would make sense to keep it high so apes can't afford to buy as many shares. Why on earth would they try to give us a sale unless they NEEDED the price to stay down. + +**Can you jack my titties a bit before you go?** + +Hell yeah I can. Let me put on my war cry font. ahem... + +# Hedgies are afraid of the exact same thing right now that they've been afraid of all year and it stands to reason that nothing changed and they didn't close. They've run, they've hid, they've tried in vain to attack, and next they'll cry. Ken's bullshit "One more day" line is what this has all been about. Well here's my line hedgefucks and why all the lies and fuckery didn't work. + +# If hedgies are still fighting, hedgies are still fucked. +i'm reading 'the breaking point' by james dale davidson. in one of the final chapters, he says the following (US figures): + +&#x200B; + +*" Say you made $500,000 in one year and saved $100,000. Then, a year later, you earned nothing but spent the $100,000 that you had saved. It would be misleading to say that your total income over the two years was $600,000.* + +*Equally, if you merely secured a loan for $100,000 in the second year, that would not make your income $600,000. Borrowing money and treating that as growth mistakes the nature of growth and overstates the actual vitality of the economy."* + +*" If you follow Degner’s lead and subtract the annual government deficit from GDP data, you see that much apparent growth is only the statistical trail of revenue shortfalls, borrowing, in Morgan’s terms, against the “energy economy of the future.” "* + +*"since 1980, there have been fifteen years with negative GDP growth, and the average GDP growth has been -0.3 percent. Without deficit spending, the GDP has actually been negative since the Reagan administration "* + +and + +*" The process of ricocheting between deflationary slumps in commodity prices and episodes of partial recovery in which tepid economic activity resumes, supported by unprecedented amounts of fictitious capital conjured out of thin air, will probably cycle at greater amplitude as the system evolves toward collapse. Contrary to headline economic reports, the end of economic growth is happening now. "* + +he paints a very grim picture of our future, predicting we may find ourselves in a post-apocalyptic 'mad max' type scenario sooner rather than later. + +&#x200B; + +edit: because my post received so many views (and i just got done reading the book) i'm going to post the author's summary from the final chapter: + +1. A continued plunge of Energy returned from energy invested (cost to extract fossil fuels) from one hundred to one in 1930, to thirty-seven to one in 1990, to fifteen to one in 2010, and just ten to one by 2020 implies that middle-class living standards and debt levels in advanced economies like the United States are unsustainable. +2. This suggests that collapse will prove to be a long-term process, not merely an episodic tribulation. +3. You can expect “the world of day-to-day realities and that of make-believe well-being” to increasingly part ways—to steal Mikhail Gorbachev’s characterization of the last days of the Soviet Union. Every effort will be made to infatuate you with bogus statistics supposedly indicative of robust economic growth. +4. As Kenneth Boulding suggested, an all-but-inevitable consequence of the growth stall is an increasing, relentless effort by special interests to make government an institution for redistributing income away from the weak and toward the powerful.[14](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) +5. Upward mobility will decline as government legislates greater prosperity for the powerful. Incumbent firms will tend to enjoy greater artificial economies-to-scale so over time they will tend to capture greater market share so long as they enjoy political protection from startups. +6. Continued production from legacy fields opened during periods of greater EROEI suggests a gradual falloff of hydrocarbon energy inputs. But the overlay of cyclical movements over a secular decline imply the reverse of the picture of economic growth described by Henri Pirenne. Rather than “an inclined plane,” it would resemble “a staircase”—every step of which is liable to fall abruptly rather than rise “above that which precedes it.” Recoveries from cyclical downturns will continue to disappoint expectations informed by the modern experience of rapid 3.25 percent growth in advanced economies. +7. Dimitri Orlov suggests that the timing of collapse can be estimated by determining when a significant drop in energy consumption took place. He says you can then calculate how long the “collapse clock” is yet to tick by dividing the total wealth of a country’s people by the economic shortfall of the economy. The gag will continue until the government “has managed to strip citizens completely of everything they have.”[15](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) +8. Eventually, there will be a Breaking Point, the inevitable crisis foreseen by F. A. Hayek—a collapse or “rapid decline in social-political complexity,” as described by Joseph A. Tainter. Tainter points out in *The Collapse of Complex Societies* that what “may be a catastrophe to administrators” need not be to others. People who have the opportunity or ability to produce their own food resources may avoid this catastrophe.[16](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) In 1980’s “The Role of Climate in Affecting Energy Demand/Supply,” MacKay and Allsopp point out that Europe and North America then used about 17 percent of their total energy for food production (while developing countries currently use 30 percent to 60 percent of their energy in food systems).[17](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) A collapse in net energy availability would therefore presumably be a disaster for hundreds of millions or billions of people with uncertain access to food. Institutional transformation at, or subsequent to, the Breaking Point is likely to be a tangled process, shrouded in make-believe continuity, confusion, and lies. +9. After the Breaking Point, depending on how far energy inputs fall, there could be a dramatic drop in the carrying capacity of the temperate economies. As Tim Morgan points out in *Life after Growth,* most work in today’s economy is powered by exogenous sources. Morgan writes, “Of the energy—a term coterminous with ‘work’—consumed in Western developed societies, well over 99% comes from exogenous sources, and probably less than 0.7% from human labor.” He concludes, “A sharp decline in EROEI could bomb societies back into the pre-industrial age. . . . The reality is that energy is completely central to all forms of activity, so the threat posed by a sharp decline in net energy availability extends into every aspect of the economy, and will affect supplies of food and water, access to other resources, and structures of government and law.”[18](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) +10. I would expect governments to become less democratic in form as well as substance. Remember, industrial democracy emerged after the Industrial Revolution to complement the organization of power at a large scale. As government institutions devolve, the poor, being a much larger percentage of the whole, will be reimagined with much less income redistribution. +11. State-sponsored old age pension systems are likely to collapse post–Breaking Point. +12. Fiat currencies will likely be replaced with money based on gold and/or silver, perhaps in competition or in conjunction with some crypto-currencies like Bitcoin. +13. The heavily regulated corporatist economy is likely to give way to a more free entrepreneurial economy, post–Breaking Point, as governments will lack the resources to bribe electorates and reward crony capitalists. +14. I expect a proliferation of sovereignties with governments organized on a smaller scale. This will permit a more entrepreneurial stance by the leaders of city-states and microsovereignties, much as the late Lee Kwan Yew devised new options in governance that made Singapore one of the richer jurisdictions in the world, without becoming what Jane Jacobs construed as a “monstrous hybrid.” +15. As net energy availability from hydrocarbons declines, the importance of solar energy conversion, by plant photosynthesis and direct radiation, will grow. Under those conditions, one would expect higher living standards in upland regions of the tropics where the impact of the climate requires less energy-intensive remediation. According to MacKay and Allsopp, more than one-third of all energy consumed in industrialized North America and about one-half of the energy consumed in Europe is used to heat homes and commercial buildings in winter and, to a lesser extent, cool them in the summer.[19](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/sxghxh/are_we_living_through_a_slow_economic_collapse/) +16. An interesting question is how enormous amounts of computing power now available will shape the evolution of the stationary, declining state in the future. With luck, perhaps it can help expand the percentage of the population who can live well to as much as a talented tenth. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Title says it all. Everyone that's complaining about the current situation should move their business over to Bitstamp for stated reasons. Plus they are fully regulated and licensed in Luxembourg, which means multiple audits every year, and they hold most of their holdings in cold storage. I think it's one of the best exchanges for Bitcoin's ecosystem. + +I'm not shilling for them, my reason for posting this is because I want to motivate users of this sub to stop just complaining and start being more proactive - we should all show our fuck you to those exchanges that doesn't care by moving our business to those that care. +EDIT: Would you take a job with an 18% pay cut if it meant you could live 3 minutes away from work? + +Assume your current job entails a 2 hour (roundtrip commute). It pays more, but the stress isn't worth it. On the other hand, the new job pays less, but it is closer to home (total 5 minutes roundtrip commute). Lets assume you can afford the pay cut. Would you take the new job option? + +EDIT2: All, thanks for your comments, thoughts, contribution, and sarcasm. Great discussion all around. Planning to give my 2-week notice this week. +I’m just really jacked up right now lol. Every position is gone (except for one share in a company I will never sell to “remind me” of a bad decision lol) and I’m completely all in on GME. The thing is, it’s not just about the short interest or the craziness of the situation regarding decades of corruption between banks, hedge funds, and the fed. I truly believe in the man. Ryan Cohen. I am absolutely certain he will shape GameStop into something far beyond what we’re expecting to see in the company. He’s a god damn genius, and my only regret is I didn’t see it sooner and go all in at a more attractive price point. Regardless, I’m all in now. + +Let’s fucking go baby!!! +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pj2s5v72pak91.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ef0730a96075cb8f9c5aba5f8463a5c8c0570c4 + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/wz95zv) +[ Wazzzzzzuppppppp](https://preview.redd.it/zb98vcfp1ar71.jpg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cbc01d0f68bf68fcd09d391bc82397b0a5f773) + +# NEW Rule 9 - Portfolios and Positions + +* Full positions can be posted if they are directly registered in your name. Any positions from “street name” brokerages will be removed. +* Buy orders (including through brokerages such as Fidelity and TDA) can be posted. (If using a brokerage, do NOT show your full position or account number) +* Do not post screenshots or details of your gains or losses. (ie. Exited positions displaying gains or losses from sale) These posts will be removed indiscriminately. + +# Explanation + +We want to make it clear up front. EVERY. SINGLE. APE. BELONGS. IN. THIS. FIGHT. We stand tall, side by side--it doesn’t matter how many shares you have, you are my brother, my sister, my friend, my neighbor. For the past two weeks, we incessantly debated the best course of action to take because this stance is such a big change from our previous “NO POSITIONS.” At the end of the day, the mods have seen a very positive reaction from Apes regarding the posting of positions. I know for me, it REALLY GETS ME FUCKING JACKED because I know that each one of these buys is chipping away at the old regime of the hedge funds and banks and brokerages fucking the hard working people who are the backbone of the world. Fuck you, Kenny, it’s MY share, and I want it NOW. So I’M gonna register it in MY name. No IOU, no FTD, no phantom share, no FAKE ASS BULLSHIT THAT YOU’RE TRYING TO FORCE FEED US. We have had ENOUGH. And AH! I’m jacked! JACKED to the TEETS! + +[I'm bouta go Super Saiyan 69 ayyyy](https://i.redd.it/oud4hqys1ar71.gif) + +As always, DYODD (do your own due diligence) when you see a big position/buy order. Always take these positions with a grain of salt. Your value and worth as an Ape is not dependent on how many shares you have; it’s dependent on what you bring to the community. Do you contribute DD? Are you a MemeLord? Do you spread news and information? Do you read and upvote/downvote posts? Have you been on the ground to give us a visual? SIZE DOESN’T MATTER \[in this case 😉\]! We’ve all done our part and THAT’S what matters. + +https://preview.redd.it/7cbsjnru1ar71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6278e5ee35f233a3f5384c4aa156a201b91783b8 + +If anyone is caught belittling another Ape because of position size, they will be banned accordingly. True Apes won’t even MENTION their position size when trying to explain a thesis because it DOESN’T MATTER. You should judge an ape on the merit and content of their post/comment, not the size of their account. We all come from different socioeconomic backgrounds so our capacity to buy shares are totally different. If you have more shares, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re more invested. This whole thing has become about so much more than money. It’s about equality, it’s about fairness, it’s about getting to play at the same tables as Big Money. Remember, Apes Together Strong. We take that very seriously. + +https://preview.redd.it/aycq943w1ar71.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e461e735867e990accb8a651175e99eba2a7026a + +Because of this, the mods will NOT be verifying any of the positions because it puts a lot of undue stress on us as a team. We have seen time and time again that the Apes know how to spot FUD and we trust the community to self-govern in regards to the positions posts and buys. Keep in mind that these types of posts are to serve as HYPE for the community so don’t turn it into something it’s not. Also we want to reiterate, if you are caught faking a post, you will be banned accordingly. + +We hope this clears up the confusion you’ve had regarding this rule and our current stance as a moderator team. If you have any questions, we’ll try our best to answer them but please bear with us while we grow and adapt to the changing tides of time. + +**FLAIR REMINDER:** + +>💻 ComputerShared 🦍 + +If you wish to get the above flair, please comment the following code in any Superstonk post (all lowercase letters will also work): + +!DRS! + +# MOD REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY + +We are looking to streamline the current Pinned Post system and make it easier for new apes to digest information. The Mods are requesting that the community put together a GameStop for Newbies and Smoothbrains post. It should be TLDR of the GME thesis and Computershare thesis. It should also include stuff like an Ape glossary of commonly used terms/acronyms, general social guidelines for posting/commenting on the subreddit, explain karma requirements, and basically anything else that you guys think a new Ape would benefit from knowing. You don’t need to reach out and ask our permission for this. If you can put one together, just post it and if it gets enough traction, we’ll work with you to refine and broadcast it for the community. + +# LAST NOTES + +Reminders because we are still having issues: + +https://preview.redd.it/tpvl3cmy1ar71.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fbffea8731870fd7865e59c544de35421568c6 + +[you will be banned if you do that here](https://preview.redd.it/49moeabz1ar71.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821eb65a974989bee38676fccfb170b2571ae0d0) + +[ A lot of good, innocent people are gonna be hurt during this. Be respectful. Don't fucking dance. ](https://i.redd.it/tma3ehlkgar71.gif) + +# Thank you and have a lovely week! + +# --XOXO the Superstonk Moderators 🦍💎✋🚀🌕🐳🚽🦙🐸🍦 +That's it. That's the whole argument. My wife shouldn't have to turn down decent paying jobs because she'd lose her current insurance that covers everything. I shouldn't have to sit down and do a fuckton of math and figure out if x insurance would cover everything at a y pay and if y is greater than or less than Z pay. She shouldn't have to figure out if sacrificing healthcare is worth the pay and I shouldn't have to convince her that it's not because I value her more than fucking nice things like having enough food for the month. + +And I especially shouldn't be stressing that all the jobs are raising their wages and her insurance won't raise their income limits so eventually she's going to lose her insurance no matter what and because life is like this, that will be the time she gets cancer again. I'm just so fucking tired of this. +The big boys have been making some very strange investments lately. Things out of the ordinary. Bill Gates is now the largest owner of farm land in the US. Warren Buffet who has traditionally avoided gold and silver just bought over 500 million dollars in gold. One of his fathers biggest lessons to him growing up in the depression was have Tangible assets. Elon musk invested heavily in Bitcoin which goes up when the market goes down. Even at 5 year lows hedge funds are shorting stocks. I know we all expect turblance in the market coming out of this pandemic. Did we really see the bottom in March though? With the m1 money supply skyrocketing and no end in sight. It seems like the plan is print our way out. With price gouging laws and national pandemic declaration, it would be illegal to adjust pricing on most goods until after the pandemic is lifted. Like gasoline and water during a hurricane. Stores can't adjust the price even if the demand is outpacing supply. Things we have seen increasing in price are things like used cars (up 10%,) houses (up 8.8%,) which wouldn't fall under that pandemic protection. + +Pandemic protection aside. The money supply is going crazy. Inflation seems to be massive in some sectors and non exsistant in others. But it's mostly in open parts of the economy the inflation is happening. More money chasing less goods. The market is still volatile and personally I don't think we've seen the worst of the lows yet. I think once the pandemic is over and the money printing slows (2 years is my guess) we'll see massive spikes in the cost of goods that will rock the middel class to the point where they are subsistence living on 60k. $15 minimum wage will be worth less or the same as the current $7.25. This means almost no money spent on luxuries and companies failing. They can't just double everyone's salary while also loosing a giant portion of sales. + +Maybe I'm overthinking it? It just seems like the upper crust of society who generally have friends in the know about big events, like congress selling off stocks after the corona pandemic meeting and right before announcing lockdowns (insider trading.) With billionaires buying recession proof assets and professional traders shorting the market at higher then normal rates, It seems like a giant dip + inflation that will be felt by all walks of life is coming in the future. + +Edit: I'm riding the bubble to the top to make some money in the mean time. Still I don't see it lasting over 2 years. I think the bottom on this one will be worse then 08, and that rivalled the depression. Massive Inflation (not hyper inflation) plus a crash in the market would absolutely decimate the economy. Both would be damaging alone but combined I can see real potential for something worse then the depression. + +What are you're thoughts on these odd asset purchases by the wealthy? What are your thoughts on the money supply and inflation? What are your thoughts on a second big crash like March 2020? Criticism is welcomed. But don't forget. Everyone who said the sky was falling in 08 was laughed at by their colleagues on wall st. They were the only ones who made money in the end. +Hey, i would like to learn investing. What books should i read ? What are the best ways to learn ? Do you think that with effort it's posible to beat the market? +**TA;DR: 🦍🚫💥🦍 Be kind. Let Apes enjoy things.** + +I love the good parts of this sub. I love the thoroughly well researched DD, the crayon drawings, the memes. I love that we work together to help each other learn and poke hours where appropriate. + +But God, **I am sick to death of everyone and everything being called a goddamn shill or distraction.** + +People who post good DD that isn't debunked are not shills. People who post well intentioned DD that is wrong somewhere and happily incorporate the new information we give them are not shills. New people asking questions, even questions that are in the DD because they don't know which DD it's in and we have like 50 book length works, **they aren't shills either!** + +**A toy drive isn't a fucking distraction!!!** What happened to the days when people would buy up like 10 switches and donate them to a children's hospital? What about the time we all adopted apes and some of us left our donation names as things like Hedgies R Fuk? What happened to having fun and being good people while we waited for our ship to come in? + +I'm still the same person, so IDK why some of you seem to have changed. IDK why this sub seems to have changed. But I'm telling you now, knock it off. You're making Apes look bad. You're ruining the fun while we're trying to pass the time until the squeeze really kicks off. We don't know when the fuck that will be. Yes, DRS could get it started sooner, but that'll happen when it happens. Not every post needs to be a purple circle. + +If y'all keep acting this way, you're gonna chase off a lot of potential new Apes who would eventually DRS at least some of their shares. Yes Buy, Hodl & DRS what you can when you can. But accept that not everyone is going to do that. Especially if y'all gonna be the fun police. And what ever happened to the idea that Apes own so much of the float that even if some can't DRS for any reason, that there's still so many shares out there we'll be fine? + +Apes, I love most of ya, but we need to return to our roots a little bit. I know we're all frustrated. We all thought the squeeze would be over by now and we'd be vacationing among the stars, but it didn't happen yet. And it will. So please, take a deep breath and be kind to each other. 🦍🚫💥🦍 +I got invited to my dad’s company’s kids Christmas party with my kiddos over the weekend. At the end they were giving away some of the left over food. I took a huge box full of 2% milk home for my kiddos and I also got a bag of pancakes! +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/28/amazon-amzn-q1-2022-earnings.html + +Amazon reported earnings after the bell. Here are the results. + +Loss: Loss per share of $7.56 + +Revenue: $116.44 billion vs. $116.3 billion expected, according to Refinitiv + +It is not immediately clear if the reported earnings per share are comparable to analyst estimates. Analysts were expecting earnings of $8.36 per share, according to Refinitiv. +💥 CHEEMS INU 💥 + +&#x200B; + +LIVE AMA - TWITTER SPACE TONIGHT @ 9PM EST / 0200UTC + +&#x200B; + +💵 DOING OVER $1,000 IN GIVEAWAYS - AND FREE CHEEMS NFT GIVEAWAYS!!! + +&#x200B; + +👉🏽Please join us for our first live twitter space tonight ! We will + +Be discussing things such as our famous MemeTools Utility, + +our newly launched burn mechanism, and live Q&A's !! + +&#x200B; + +Cheems Inu is the next biggest meme token in BSC. We will be giving every meme token a run + +for their money with our unstoppable and original Utility - Meme Tools - Learn more about it in our Live + +Twitter Space AMA tonight ! + +&#x200B; + +Tokenomics - + +Buy Tax - 10 % + +Sell Tax - 15% + +\* 50% of ALL taxes are BURNED out of existence ! + +&#x200B; + +Cheems Inu started with a 4K Market Cap and hit an All Time High of 24M ! We have constant marketing happening around the clock ! + +We were also listed on Hotbit prior to being listed on CMC and CG ! CRAZY, what other projects have done that?! We strive for excellence here in Cheems + +and try to do the things that NO other token has done in order to achieve nothing shy of pure excellence ! Please don't wait, swing into our community to find + +out more about Cheems Inu and where we are headed ! + +&#x200B; + +TWITTER - u/CHEEMSINU + +TG - [t.me/cheemstokenbsc](https://t.me/cheemstokenbsc) + +Website - [Cheemsinu.net](https://Cheemsinu.net) +Banano($ban) is going to the moon + +1) buy [https://nano.trade](https://nano.trade), Mercator, or vitex +2) it’s like doge but less hairy and more potassium +3) It has a finite supply of 2 billion + coin burns +4) huge dancing banana 🍌 meme potential +5) You get in on the ground floor, we’re just starting to take off. +6) it’s a fork of nano. Nano confirmed more transactions in 1 day than bitcoin, litecoin, and ethereum combined and did not go down. +7) banano potassium good for ape brain. +8) bananos are green, there is no mining involved. +9) doge is inflationary. Banano is deflationary. It’s clearly the better meme coin. +10 ) since transactions are free, it’s the perfect currency to train young monkeys on crypto(if you have kids) +11) we just passed 1 cent and are up ~157% over the past week. +12) Did I mention it’s fast? Under 1/3 second per transaction. + +TLDR; feeless transfers, finite supply, and coin burns! + +[https://banano.how](https://banano.how) + +Edit: we’re quickly selling out of bananos, smaller exchanges may be needed until nano.trade refills. + I decided to create a net worth and budgeting spreadsheet during this time of social distancing. For the net worth sheet, I made a rough draft then decided to create a final draft. The final draft is a big improvement over the rough draft. It is like night and day. + +Rough draft: [https://imgur.com/a/u0W7c7U](https://imgur.com/a/u0W7c7U) + +Final draft: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S6UoFAsLo5GefDB57epFGUcqWWM6FTlcD4Yb4jpCx2I/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S6UoFAsLo5GefDB57epFGUcqWWM6FTlcD4Yb4jpCx2I/edit?usp=sharing) + +I color coded the different types of assets to make it less confusing. It will add up your net worth after you type in all your assets and liabilities and calculate the change to see if your net worth went up or down every month. I also added a credit score section just to keep track of that. + +Here is the spreadsheet I made for budgeting: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W0f1718yOr49Rr3awiXhKpecwjcwYDUFt71a3vXxpco/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W0f1718yOr49Rr3awiXhKpecwjcwYDUFt71a3vXxpco/edit?usp=sharing) + +This one I got off of somebody else on Reddit. I just made a couple of improvements to it. I am only 18 so I am very new to this whole saving every penny thing. I live with a very stubborn family who does not think rationally about money. I hope these spreadsheets can help you like they are helping me right now. + +P.S: I know some people will say "Just use Mint or YNAB". I can understand what you're saying but I don't like to use them because: + +* It costs money +* free version of Mint has ads +* Mint will send you a lot of emails +* Mint and YNAB are not perfect. With a spreadsheet you can customize it to your liking + +In my opinion, if you input everything manually, you are going to do a better job of keeping track of it and you will be better at managing your money. It's like being in a classroom. Students who just take a video of the teacher/professor won't do as well as the students who write down what the teacher is saying. +Hello all, + +I've noticed that despite having over 700,000 readers, this sub only gets about 5-8 posts per day—an extremely low rate of posting for how many people are here. + +Instead, virtually all discussion gets locked up in the daily discussion threads, which tend to get about 700 to 1000 comments each. + +I feel this makes it very difficult to browse, as the daily thread post titles indicate nothing about what's in the comments. It also makes search almost totally useless, as reddit's search only looks at submissions, not comments. + +In other words, this is a poor way to organize content. The stated purpose of daily threads is for anything that 'doesn't warrant its own post', but that has resulted in the vast majority of all discussion getting clumped into a few posts—even hundreds of topics that *could* warrant their own threads, but are instead buried in a vast ocean of comments on a single post. + +For example on today's daily thread, there was an interesting string of comment asking about Traditional vs Roth TSPs. But guess what? That sub-thread is going to be completely undiscoverable in the future (at least using reddit search). + +Suggested alternatives: + +* Loosen, in some way, what qualifies for its own thread +* Choose weekly discussion topics to help group comments around a certain topic together. +* Along with the previous bullet, a meta thread could be maintained to help the community brainstorm topics they'd like to see discussed. +I had some really weird interaction with some shills the last days. I wanted to suggest bringing in GameStop social media people to either open a dedicated sub or take on mod positions in here but got downvoted to hell. After I talked to some people in private about this idea (because shills kept following me around and downvoting everything I typed). I realized this is much more feasible then I thought. It would require reaching out to GameStop itself, they will know best if that's something they wanna do, or if there are actual objections. I realize this will probably get downvoted in seconds, because shills have not given up on taking over moderation. And its clear how shills go full ham on this. They maybe wanted to feint a migration by big numbers, but that's not how any of this works, so there is that. + +Also that "lets vote with upvotes" is so disingenuous, because they know that they can just overload upvotes with bots, but I'm sure real people already know. + +I'm just gonna sit tight and let this wash over, They are fucking scared out of their minds, because of the exposure. I think mods should pin a post that this sub is overloaded with shills for the foreseeable future, just a heads up for people who get here. + +SothisismoreofatesttoseeifIgetdownvotedagaincheckmypinnedpostforaprimecollectionofshills. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I guess I'm not getting downvoted anymore, OR my idea was genuinely that bad LOL + +EDIT2: jsmart has an AMA as hes resigning as a mod, I think Ill stop engaging with this clusterfuck and step outside, this will sort itself out eventually. I would suggest that everyone, just follow individual people that you know you can trust. See you boys and girls + +and remember the DD is done, hedgies are fuk, BUY AND HOLD <3 + +EDIT3: The Gamestop mod thing was a suggestion to solve the mod drama situation. As I have seen how the mods dealt with all the shit and we are basically back to normal there is no need for a solution anymore. You can stop DMing me now its ok, I know it was a shitty idea. And no I'm not "spamming" GS with horrible ideas. Damn some people really get high by shitting on other people it seems. BTW I don't contemplate suicide, I'm fine thanks automod <3 +**All the tactics Hedge funds are using to crash GME prices were revealed as far back as 2014 in this article:** + +[Anatomy of a short attack](https://seekingalpha-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/instablog/11442671-gerald-klein/3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16119453107704&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fseekingalpha.com%2Finstablog%2F11442671-gerald-klein%2F3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack) + +**TL;DR:** +**Ladder attacks to drive the price down, Media assults, Brokers pulling margin, Paid bashers, Diversion attempts - all tactics seen in recent weeks were predicted by this article from 2014** + +----------------------------------- + + +Transcript if website crashes due to traffic: + +----------------------------------- + +**Anatomy Of A Short Attack** + +Abusive shorting are not random acts of a renegade hedge funds, but rather a coordinated business plan that is carried out by a collusive consortium of hedge funds and prime brokers, with help from their friends at the DTC and major clearinghouses. Potential target companies are identified, analyzed and prioritized. The attack is planned to its most minute detail. + +The plan consists of taking a large short position, then crushing the stock price, and, if possible, putting the company into bankruptcy. Bankrupting the company is a short homerun because they never have to buy real shares to cover and they don't pay taxes on the ill-gotten gain. + +When it is time to drive the stock price down, a blitzkrieg is unleashed against the company by a cabal of short hedge funds and prime brokers. The playbook is very similar from attack to attack, and the participating prime brokers and lead shorts are fairly consistent as well. + +----------------------------------- + +**Typical tactics include the following:** + + +**Flooding the offer side of the board** + +Ultimately the price of a stock is found at the balance point where supply (offer) and demand (bid) for the shares find equilibrium. This equation happens every day for every stock traded. On days when more people want to buy than want to sell, the price goes up, and, conversely, when shares offered for sale exceed the demand, the price goes down. + +The shorts manipulate the laws of supply and demand by flooding the offer side with counterfeit shares. **They will do what has been called a short down ladder.** It works as follows: Short A will sell a counterfeit share at $10. Short B will purchase that counterfeit share covering a previously open position. Short B will then offer a short (counterfeit) share at $9. Short A will hit that offer, or short B will come down and hit Short A's $9 bid. Short A buys the share for $9, covering his open $10 short and booking a $1 profit. + +**By repeating this process the shorts can put the stock price in a downward spiral.** If there happens to be significant long buying, then the shorts draw from their reserve of "strategic fails-to-deliver" and flood the market with an avalanche of counterfeit shares that overwhelm the buy side demand. Attack days routinely see eighty percent or more of the shares offered for sale as counterfeit. Company news days are frequently attack days since the news will "mask" the extraordinary high volume. It doesn't matter whether it is good news or bad news. + +Flooding the market with shares requires foot soldiers to swamp the market with counterfeit shares. An off-shore hedge fund devised a remarkably effective incentive program to motivate the traders at certain broker dealers. Each trader was given a debit card to a bank account that only he could access. The trader's performance was tallied, and, based upon the number of shares moved and the other "success" parameters; the hedge fund would wire money into the bank account daily. At the end of each day, the traders went to an ATM and drew out their bribe. Instant gratification. + +Global Links Corporation is an example of how wholesale counterfeiting of shares will decimate a company's stock price. Global Links is a company that provides computer services to the real estate industry. By early 2005, their stock price had dropped to a fraction of a cent. At that point, an investor, Robert Simpson, purchased 100%+ of Global Links' 1,158,064 issued and outstanding shares. He immediately took delivery of his shares and filed the appropriate forms with the SEC, disclosing he owned all of the company's stock. His total investment was $5205. The share price was $.00434. The day after he acquired all of the company's shares, the volume on the over-the-counter market was 37 million shares. The following day saw 22 million shares change hands - all without Simpson trading a single share. It is possible that the SEC has been conducting a secret investigation, but that would be difficult without the company's involvement. It is more likely the SEC has not done anything about this fraud. + +Massive counterfeiting can drive the stock price down in a matter of hours on extremely high volume. This is called "crashing" the stock and a successful "crash" is a one-day drop of twenty-percent or a thirty-five percent drop in a week. In order to make the crash "stick" or make it more effective, it is done concurrently with all or most of the following: + +----------------------------------- + +**Media Assault** + +**The shorts, in order to realize their profit, must ultimately put the victim into bankruptcy or obtain shares at a price much cheaper than what they shorted at. These shares come from the investing public who panics and sells into the manipulation. Panic is induced with assistance from the financial media.** + +The shorts have "friendly" reporters with the Dow Jones News Agency, the Wall Street Journal, Barrons, the New York Times, Gannett Publications (USA Today and the Arizona Republic), CNBC and others. The common thread: A number of the "friendly" reporters worked for The Street.com, an Internet advisory service that short hedge-fund managers David Rocker and Jim Cramer owned. This alumni association supported the short attack by producing slanted, libelous, innuendo laden stories that disparaged the company, as it was being crashed. + +One of the more outrageous stories was a front-page story in USA Today during a short crash of TASER's stock price in June 2005. The story was almost a full page and the reporter concluded that TASER's electrical jolt was the same as an electric chair - proof positive that TASERs did indeed kill innocent people. To reach that conclusion the reporter over estimated the TASER's amperage by a factor of one million times. This "mistake" was made despite a detailed technical briefing by TASER to seven USA Today editors two weeks prior to the story. The explanation "Due to a mathematical error" appeared three days later - after the damage was done to the stock price. + +Jim Cramer, in a video-taped interview with The Street.com, best described the media function: + +When (shorting) ... The hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful, because the truth is so against your view, (so the hedge funds) create a new 'truth' that is development of the fiction... you hit the brokerage houses with a series of orders (a short down ladder that pushes the price down), then we go to the press. You have a vicious cycle down - it's a pretty good game. + +This interview, which is more like a confession, was never supposed to get on the air; however, it somehow ended up on YouTube. Cramer and The Street.com have made repeated efforts, with some success, to get it taken off of YouTube. + +----------------------------------- + +**Pulling margin from long customers** + +**The clearinghouses and broker dealers who finance margin accounts will suddenly pull all long margin availability, citing very transparent reasons for the abrupt change in lending policy. This causes a flood of margin selling, which further drives the stock price down and gets the shorts the cheap long shares that they need to cover.** + +----------------------------------- + +**Paid bashers** + +The shorts will hire paid bashers who "invade" the message boards of the company. The bashers disguise themselves as legitimate investors and try to persuade or panic small investors into selling into the manipulation. (Click here for Confessions Of A Paid Stock Basher). + +This is not every trick the shorts use when they are crashing the stock. Almost every victim company experiences most or all of these tactics. + +----------------------------------- + +**Analyst Reports** + +Some alleged independent analysts were actually paid by the shorts to write slanted negative ratings reports. The reports, which were represented as being independent, were ghost written by the shorts and disseminated to coincide with a short attack. There is congressional testimony in the matter of Gradiant Analytic and Rocker Partners that expands upon this. These libelous reports would then become a story in the aforementioned "friendly" media. All were designed to panic small investors into selling their stock into the manipulation. + +----------------------------------- + +**Planting moles in target companies** + +The shorts plant "moles" inside target companies. The moles can be as high as directors or as low as janitors. They steal confidential information, which is fed to the shorts who may feed it to the friendly media. The information may not be true, may be out of context, or the stolen documents may be altered. Things that are supposed to be confidential, like SEC preliminary inquiries, end up as front-page news with the short-friendly media. + +----------------------------------- + +**Frivolous SEC investigations** + +The shorts "leak" tips to the SEC about "corporate malfeasance" by the target company. The SEC, which can take months processing Freedom of Information Act requests, swoops in as the supposed "confidential inquiry" is leaked to the short media. + +The plethora of corporate rules means the SEC may ultimately find minor transgressions or there may be no findings. Occasionally they do uncover an Enron, but the initial leak can be counted on to drive the stock price down by twenty-five percent. The announcement of no or little findings comes months later, but by then the damage that has been done to the stock price is irreversible. The San Francisco office of the SEC appears to be particularly close to the short community. + +----------------------------------- + +**Class Action lawsuits** + +Based upon leaked stories of SEC investigations or other media exposes, a handful of law firms immediately file class-action shareholder suits. Milberg Weiss, before they were disbanded as a result of a Justice Department investigation, could be counted on to file a class-action suit against a company that was under short attack. Allegations of accounting improprieties that were made in the complaint would be reported as being the truth by the short friendly media, again causing panic among small investors. + +----------------------------------- + +**Interfering with target company's customers, financings, etc.** + +If the shorts became aware of clients, customers or financings that the target company was working on, they would call and tell lies or otherwise attempt to persuade the customer to abandon the transaction. Allegedly the shorts have gone so far as to bribe public officials to dissuade them from using a company's product. + + +------------------------ + +**Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, this is not my work I'm just copy/pasting the article(bolding the most relevant parts, and re-ordering sub-chapters)** + +**I'm long GME** +I’m not sure if I’m just not understanding how dental insurance works, but I paid for the $832.00 out of my pocket. I logged into my dental insurance claims and it looked like this + +Total billed charges $832.00 +Humana discounts $409.00 +Benefit exclusions $76.00 +Amount Humana paid $201.40 +Your share $221.60 + +Am I just not understanding this? I paid them approximately $200 as a deposit before I even had the work done then I paid them $676 at the time of service… that’s well over $800 directly out of my bank account. + + I’ve received no refunds from them and the claim was paid on 7/5/21 + +Edit: thanks all, I’m going to call the office on Monday. + +Here’s a nice little summary of the comments if someone happens to come across this thread and needs a break down + +Courtesy of u/jace191 + +“While paying out of pocket sucks, so does being a small dental practice that has to go after tons of patients for unpaid bills. Sometimes even verifying patient benefits isn’t enough to ensure they will get paid - for example let’s say you see an Endodontist and a Periodontist in between when they verify your benefits, and your appointment for fillings. The insurance MAX is hit, and the dentist is out all that money IF you decide not to pay. So right now, your dentist hasn’t done anything wrong, and it’s a standard practice. How they react when you request the refund though is going to be very telling. If they balk or delay, call your insurance and report the provider (like others have stated). + +In the future, not only can they pre-verify your insurance, but they can submit an actual pre-authorization ahead of the procedure. Then you will know exactly your portion (it essentially is an EOB without a date of service) and likely won’t have to pay in full.” +As I'm slowly getting to FATFIRE numbers I'm having a hard time changing my thinking. Until recently, I was always focused on making more money in my job, doing side gigs, etc. because as I get a check from a client I visually see the reward for that work. Until this point, working harder and grinding longer than others made me successful to this point. + +I'm now realizing that day to day maybe I should be more focused on maximizing the money that I've accumulated vs doing little side gigs. + +This came about when a friend of mine pointed out why are you so interested in doing little side gigs for a few extra grand when more focus and maximization of your investments would make you way more than that. Really put things into perspective that I'm maybe working harder and not smarter? + +Did this occur with any of you as you started to get to Fat numbers? How did that mental shift play out into your day to day work life? +I had been investing for 2 weeks when the price hit $480 in January. I had read a few DDs, learned the definition of short selling, but that was pretty much it. My appetite for risk was low but I believed in the squeeze just enough to hold until I saw red in my account. It was the first time I had “lost” money in stocks and it was fucking scary, so I pulled out. + +I feel like I was a completely different person back then. I actually looked to the mainstream media to tell me when the squeeze was over! But when we saw that DFV had doubled his position, I knew something was up. I started reading DD again, and a week later I had a position 2x larger than I had before. I transferred to Fidelity, where I plan to diamond hand every one of my shares until every HF short on GME has collapsed in on itself like a dying star. + +The months of reading DD, researching new topics and wrapping my mind around how huge this squeeze is gonna be has sealed their fates. They made a bet that retail would give up the second we faced any conflict, and it was the worst bet ever made on Wallstreet. + +I also wanna thank all you apes who held the line during the first squeeze. You truly have diamond fucking balls/vulva. Us baby apes wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you! +Hedgies can take up 5 days to meet their margin call, if they can't and their assets are liquidated then we can expect the price to jump and other hedgies receive margin calls which could take UP TO another 5 days. + +My SPECULATORY hypothesis of a WORST CASE SCENARIO: +It's possible that shitadel and friends would use this 5 day gap to fake the squeeze. Imagine this: +Hedgie A gets margin called -> assets liquidated 5 days later and gme jumps XXX% -> other hedgies get margin called and price is currently in the 1000s -> shitadel n friends short the living shit with everything they've got in hopes of dropping the price to sub 100 -> five days later, GME drops enough to be within the threshold for shitadel n friends to not have their assets liquidated -> repeat until only diamond handed apes are left -> price goes to the tens of thousands but ceiling is limited. + +HOWEVER, if we BUY & HODL the price would never drop below the margin call threshold. Which will shoot the price to Andromeda. + + +OUR JOB IS SIMPLE! BUY AND HODL!! + + +Sauce: +https://www.finra.org/investors/learn-to-invest/advanced-investing/understanding-margin-accounts + +This is just my opinion and is Not Financial Advice. +#If you don’t want to read this wall of text and just want to see the results, the [Infographic/Graph Comparison Is Here] (https://i.imgur.com/zAsGc8E.jpg) + +------------------------------------------ + +#INTRODUCTION + +Back in January, I heard much of the community complaining about the influx of noobs and how the cryptocurrency community has changed for the worse. I wanted to answer this question. **Has the community changed? And how has it changed?** Fortunately, I could answer this question quite easily. Simply repeat the Reddit cryptocurrency survey I did in October 2017 and when sharing the results, put an emphasis on comparing what has changed rather than the subreddit vs subreddit comparison I did last time. + +------------------------------------------ + +#PURPOSE + +While the main purpose of these surveys is to track changes in the reddit cryptocurrency community over the next few years, I have a specific question I wanted to answer with this most recent survey: + +***Has the community changed over the last few months and is the community perception that the community has changed for the worse correct?*** + +The responses in the survey to the question “How do you think the reddit cryptocurrency community has changed in the last 3 months?” clearly showed that there was a general perception that the community has more noobs, more shilling and less rationality. + +All of responses to this question can be seen here: https://pastebin.com/xLhfthkS (Not all the responses were serious ones) + +------------------------------------------ + +I will break down the results summary into 3 parts before coming to the conclusion: +1. What’s Changed +2. Possible Changes* +3. Interesting Statistics + +*Please note that the “possible changes” may be a result of sampling error rather than actual changes in the community and so these perceived changes should be taken with a grain of salt. + +------------------------------------------ + +**What’s Changed:** +The proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users who are aged 25 or under has increased from 33.2% to 43.7%. + +The proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users who found out about crypto from a friend is up from 20% to almost 29% between October 2017 to January 2018. + +Less cryptocurrency subreddit users are into crypto for ideological reasons in 2018 than in 2017. The number of people in crypto for ideology dropping from 82% to 75%. + +The proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users who have invested 91-100% of their money into crypto has surprisingly dropped significantly from 18% to just 11% while the number of people who have invested less than 10% of their money has risen from 22% to 29%. It is also interesting to note that the number of people who didn’t want to share this information has dropped from 32 participants to 20, backing up the earlier conclusion that cryptocurrency subreddit users are less interested in crypto ideology such as anonymity. + +The proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users who own alt coins outside the top 10 coins by market cap (at the time of each respective poll) has risen from 61% owning such alt coins to as much as 75%. + +The proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users with alt coins outside the top 10 making up over 20% of their portfolio has risen from just 22% to 44%. It is very evident that alt coins have become much more popular. + +------------------------------------------ + +**Possible Changes:** +There is a greater proportion of females in the space. Females now make up 7% of cryptocurrency subreddit users, up from 4.5%. + +Less people consider themselves traders and more people are HODLers. 75% of cryptocurrency subreddit users consider themselves HODLers, up from 70%. + +A smaller proportion of cryptocurrency subreddit users have invested in an ICO before, down from 27% who have invested to 22%. + +While there has been a significant shift in the results with significantly more cryptocurrency subreddit users now being from North America and less from Europe and Asia than before, I believe that this is down to error from the method of sampling involving making posts in the daily discussion of relevant subreddits, leading to people from different timezones being more likely to see the post in peak times than others. I did however try to reduce this error by posting at approximately the same time for each survey. + +------------------------------------------ + +**Interesting Statistics** +Over 90% of cryptocurrency subreddit users are male. (Some users even identify as attack helicopters) + +83% of cryptocurrency subreddit users live in either the USA or Europe. + +80% of cryptocurrency subreddit users have a university degree (a college degree for any US readers) or are currently studying at university/college to get a degree. + +The most common way cryptocurrency subreddit users found out about crypto was by being told by a friend, so spread the word! + +25% of cryptocurrency subreddit users consider themselves crypto traders. + +24% of cryptocurrency subreddit users are not in crypto for any ideological reasons. + +Most cryptocurrency subreddit users consider it likely that they would mention cryptocurrencies to a friend. + +Approximately 50% of cryptocurrency subreddit users have some sort of prior experience in the stock market. + +Unsurprisingly, November and December 2017 were the biggest months of growth for crypto in 2017. + +When told to rate themselves on a scale of 0-10 on whether they are into crypto for the money or for the tech (0 being only money and 10 being only tech), users tend to be in crypto more for the money than the tech. However, this is only a very slight tendency. + +Two thirds of cryptocurrency subreddit users have deposited an *initial investment* (not current value) in crypto valued somewhere between $501 and $20,000. + +45% of cryptocurrency subreddit users have invested less than 30% of their savings into crypto. I think this is alarmingly low. However, it is possible that many people have mis-interpreted the question as how much of their current savings is in crypto rather than their initial investment. Still, I’d like to remind you all of the importance of only investing what you can afford to lose. + +As of January 21st 2018 (as with all of these stats), over 80% of cryptocurrency subreddit users have made a profit from their crypto investments. + +The average cryptocurrency subreddit user rates their knowledge of blockchain tech at a 6 or 7 out of 10 (10 being a comprehensive understanding). + +Over 55% of cryptocurrency subreddit users say they have read a whitepaper the whole way through. + +Bonus graph: [Do you have a favourable opinion of Tether?] (https://i.imgur.com/S4KEM1i.jpg) + +------------------------------------------ + +#Conclusion +As previously mentioned, around new year through til February, some of the community was showing a growing dislike towards perceived changes in the community with many people complaining about the influx of noobs who came for the money and nothing else. + +**Are these complaints justified?** + +**Yes** – ***Kind of.*** + +This survey has shown that a large portion of the community is new and has joined since November 2017, with about 20% of the community comprising of people who have joined between November 2017 and January 21st 2018. It is also evident that the community values the ideology behind crypto less than it did just 3 months prior with the number of people not in crypto for ideology rising from 17% to 24%. + +So, given this trend, we know one of two things: +* The community as a whole is less bothered about the tech and ideology during bull runs due to the influx of new people. +or +* The community as a whole becomes less bothered about the tech and ideology over time due to the technology slowly becoming more mainstream. + +It could also be a combination of the two above points. However, I cannot tell until I complete the next survey which will be in April. For the sake of the survey, April will hopefully be another months of slow growth or sideways movement. This way, we can see if the “noobs” who the community seem to suggest came from the bullrun leave the community, or if they stick around/are replaced by other new community members. Depending on the results, we will be able to tell if the community is merely less bothered about blockchain tech and ideology during bullruns or if this is a long term trend where the community slowly become less interested in these things over time. + +So why did I respond with “Yes – Kind of”? Because we need to be welcoming if we want to grow as a community, so we shouldn’t be complaining about them. We were all new once and why would any newcomer want to stick around in a toxic community? Even if the community isn’t what you want it to be anymore, it will change over time whether you want it to or not as cryptocurrencies can’t be a new and novel technology with insane price volatility forever. + +------------------------------------------ + +That’s it! I will be taking this survey again 3 months after I shared the form for this one (January 21st) So keep an eye out in the daily discussion threads in r/Cryptocurrency, r/ETHTrader, r/Bitcoin and r/BitcoinMarkets around the 20th of April if you want to take part in the next survey! My aim is to keep track of the changes in this community over the next few years with this quarterly survey so that we can see how the community changes over time. + +A big thank you to everyone who participated! Especially the 75 of you who filled in both of my surveys! <3 I should be back in about a month looking for responses for the third survey, so keep your eyes on the daily discussions in r/CryptoCurrency, r/ETHTrader, r/Bitcoin and r/BitcoinMarkets! + +If you want more, you can see the previous survey where I did a subreddit vs subreddit comparison [here.] (https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7gid7w/the_results_of_the_big_reddit_cryptocurrency/) + +I’d like to finish with the words of one of the survey participants. + +> [The community is] Actively trying to kill rival Cryptocurrencies to the point that it is greatly hurting the perception of the market. *We need to be united,* even with coins we don’t personally like. + +------------------------------------------ + +#Links +[Raw spreadsheet data] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1clxCHXoF7z4LpNPlh7V2nu-Z3F1n-ZnwFYOVhiAIYyQ/edit?usp=sharing) + +[Response form] (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeeiPznhM5A6eD4Erum_l3yXa4rnkfZpElQXtHkc2S4U1J5PA/viewform?usp=sf_link) (this is the default google forms summary) + +[Previous survey] (https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7gid7w/the_results_of_the_big_reddit_cryptocurrency/) + +------------------------------------------ + +#TL;DR: +The community *has* changed during the recent bullrun, but it seems as though people are exaggerating the problem and we need to be a welcoming community, not one which points the finger and any newcomers for “ruining the community”. + +------------------------------------------ + +#Donations +This post took me over 20 hours of work to make so any donations are *greatly* appreciated, but don't feel obliged! + +Bitcoin: 3N8gWGeJnu7z4fro4WsFpvPscbFQe17RUD + +Ether/ERC20: 0x4EE0463376B17dABbf819f963E06f6B393bE55De + +PM for other coin wallets + +------------------------------------------ +I've worked as a web development contractor for 7 years and have learned that there might be some interest in imparting a bit of that knowledge. + +If anyone has any questions they'd like answered, please get in touch. + +**Edit:** Wow! This became quite a popular post! As much as I hate the word, I've got another dev based in London that is interested in 'coaching'. Would anyone be interested in a bit of hand-holding as they make the move? Please PM me if so and we can figure something out that works for you. + +**Edit #2:** Thanks for all the replies. It appears as though the information is valuable but there isn't so much interest in coaching. That's fine, I like to test these ideas out. I'm going to unsubscribe from replies now as I think the thread has covered plenty of areas of uncertainty. There are also responses from a few people in here with contracting experience. Please feel free to PM me if you'd like any further questions answered. +Hello, I have a elderly friend who has roughly 30k in savings just eroding. They want to generate safe returns on this money with zero capital depreciation and ideally some decent growth. They will eventually use some of this money for income generation. + +What’s the best approach here? Is there a safe dividend play via etf that would fit? Is there something else that may work better? +[Link here](https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/apra-tightens-lending-rules-to-target-property-boom-20211006-p58xlh?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=nc&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR2KDIHWjQAWKHd26cUi6-JEHKe_2qvzgi2g8XOhWmH8V0RhVPtuPog3tp8#Echobox=1633470703) + +Apparently APRA is going to raise the serviceability buffer from from 2.5% to 3%. + +Is it just me or will this hurt the average FHB? Increasing the buffer decreases the amount you can borrow. Which is great except major cities like Sydney/Melbourne have one bedders starting at 600k in most suburbs (and yes I know there is more to Australia than the major cities but a lot of people still live there)... +I'm 21 and this is my first phone contract / plan on my own. It's only me; one line. I have Verizon now which I upgraded to from Cricket. I went from a Galaxy S7 to a Galaxy Note 9. + + +I have unlimited data, unlimited talk and text, and the payment for the phone itself. That all adds up to about $140 every month, which my friends are saying is insanely high. Am I naive and getting ripped off? + + + +Edit: Itemization. I also was misleading in my post. My current bill is about $132/monthly. It would be about $150 *if* I upgrade to unlimited data is what I should've said. Anyway: + + +5GB data plan: $40/month + + +"Smartphone line access:" $20/month + +"Device payment agreement:" + + + +Device payment agreement: $41.66/month + >6/24 $749.88 remaining + + + +Here's what I found that I don't need or even know I had. "Total mobile protection" $15/mo and Verizon Cloud 500GB $5/month + + + +Surcharges & taxes are the rest. + + +It all adds up to $132.37 each month +So looking at the 1 min chart for spx I saw at 9:36 that there was a reversal candlestick at the end of an uptrend and afterward got a confirmation candle proving that a downtrend was coming. + +If I got anything wrong I would like to be corrected and I am not trading anything I am just analyzing screens and charts +I'm shipping my car from the East coast to the West coast. Total of $1045 and I only paid a $125 deposit to the broker, with the remainder to be paid to driver after shipment. + +I scheduled a car shipment to occur on May 13th and even paid an extra $100 to get it within a day or two of the exact date that I wanted. I won't get to the West coast until May 19th so I didn't want to ship my car too early. I explained my situation to the broker and he agreed that we should ship it around or after May 13th. I also warned him that the car cannot come before May 19th because no one will be there to pick it up. + +This was booked about two months in advance. I signed a contract with a broker and the date of shipment (or first available date) on the contract was May 13th. + +Two months later, broker emails me on May 8th saying, "driver will be contacting you soon to schedule pickup." No dates or times listed. I thought cool...we are getting closer to the date so makes sense that the driver will call me and confirm the May 13th date. I had some wiggle room for a day or two before or after that. I literally only replied "Thanks!" + +May 9th I'm out of town for my boyfriends graduation. I get a voicemail and missed call from a driver. Decided I will call him back after the graduation festivities. A hour later he calls again and I pick up. "Can I pick up the car in about an hour?" "Uh...I actually scheduled it for May 13th." "I will only be in town today." "I can do it earlier than the 13th but I need a heads up. I can't make it there in an hour." Driver gets pissed and said he has been trying to call me since yesterday. "I have no voicemail or missed calls from you on yesterday. Only today. Plus I am out of town anyway." Driver said I need to tell broker to rebook me with someone else. I happily agree. + +5 mins later broker and the dispatcher for the driver call me, pissed. Broker said that he emailed me the day before and I agreed to a pickup today. Angrily I said, "I did not agree to this. Your email said nothing about May 9th. Not to mention we signed the contract for May 13th." "Well, you have to be on the west coast by the 21st " (wrong date buddy) "so we need to ship the car early." That's bullshit because if you ship it this early I won't be there to pick it up. + +I then ask him to look at the email he sent me. There was a very long pause and he couldn't find the email. He said he is on his phone so he has to wait until he is at a computer. I told him that I am flexible but a few hours notice is not enough time for me and he needs to send a driver who can accommodate the date I agreed to. + +After the call I follow up with an email to both the broker and the dispatcher. Dispatcher just confirmed that the driver can't do it after today. Haven't heard anything from the broker yet. + +Should I just cancel? Is this typical of a car shipment company? Why would the broker think it is OK to book me 4 days before the agreed contract date when we agreed on May 13th and I paid an extra fee for this date? I am fed up and just want to book with another company. But I paid $125 for this incompetent broker and might lose my deposit. Contract says I lose the deposit after driver has been dispatched. Advice? + +***Edit: just want to add that I am somewhat flexible and told both broker and dispatcher I can do anyday May 11th onwards but May 9th and 10th is too early for me.*** + +***Edit 2: just got another call today from another driver who wants to pick up the car today in a few hours. Broker is an idiot. I told the driver that I really don't understand why the broker even called him, I already told him I can't do anything until the 11th. Driver called broker for me then called me back. He said that the broker said my next option would be to get someone to pick it up on the 15th and deliver on the 22nd. OMFG finally some common sense. Told him that would be perfect! Emailed broker to summarize the phone call and told him to go ahead and book me with the driver on the 15th and/or just wait until next week to schedule me. No response yet (now my 2nd email in a row) but let's see if he puts me with the driver who can come on the 15th.*** +I am 24. At my job, I get around $1300 bi-weekly. In addition to this, I’ve been doing instacart on the side which is usually at least $200 a week. I have the following expenses per month: +1. Rent - 1173 +2. Bi-weekly car payment - 164.19 +3. Savings Deposit - 500 +4. Dog Fund - 125 +5. Optimum, utilities, etc - 110 +6. Food - 200 +7. Gas - 120 +8. Misc expenses - 200 + +My total savings is $5,000. I also have around $1,350 in stocks between the utility company I work for and a few in fidelity. I already have money being taken out of my payment for the 401k. + +I have no other loans beside the car. I have about $21,700 left on the car loan and the interest rate is 3.74% + +I have about $650 left over after all the listed expenses. + +Would it be better to put the extra money into the savings account or put it towards the car? Ultimately, my plan is to move out of my apartment into a condo once I generated enough savings to make the 20% down payment. + +Update: I just wanted to thank everyone for commenting. +Much to my shock and surprise, I have been recruited into a very high paying entry level position at the mines. I honestly did not expect to get it. I was made redundant a month ago from a bad, commission only sales job, and have been looking so desperately for work that I signed up to drive for Uber Eats. The job I've gotten is FIFO, one week on, one week off. I have completely depleted my savings at this point and my car is on it's last legs. What are my best steps going forward? This is more than double what I've ever earnt in my life. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Yesterday, the crypto community noticed announcements about MyEtherWallet supposedly changing their name to "MyCrypto" based on posts on Twitter. + +There have been no other announcements through other official MyEtherWallet channels, and the MyEtherWallet Twitter has now made a post suggesting that their Twitter handle was compromised and changed without their knowledge. + +It is unclear at this time whether MyCrypto is an official project of the MEW team or not. + +It is also unclear at this time if MyEtherWallet, or other social channels have been compromised. + +While there is currently no other signs of a hack and it seems like this is an internal split among employees at the company - we're advising the community to try and avoid MyEtherWallet and MyCrypto until this situation can be resolved. + +Always remember that entering your private key on a malicious website can compromise your wallet. + +**What should I do if I used MEW recently?** + +You're probably fine. Once again, there is no clear indication of a hack at this time. + +However, it may be worth while generating a new wallet and transferring assets to that new wallet via another service such as MetaMask. + +**What can I use instead of MEW?** + +If you are uncomfortable using a local wallet such as GETH or Parity, then you can consider using the MetaMask addon. + +**When will we know that MEW is safe to use?** + +It's unclear at this time, we're still trying to find official updates. The moderator team will do our best to update you when we have more news. + +Stay safe! +I'm currently planning to attend beijing normal university in China and I'm really having a hard time to decide what I want to do next. + +My current top picks are: + +- Ecological Enviroment Protection and Management +- Comparative Educational Policy and Administration +- Leadership and Management in Higher Education +- Public Administration +- International Education and International Communication + +Do any of you have any tips on how to make a decision? or do any of you have experience with one of these options? + +I can pick any of these masters with my bachelor's degree, my acceptance only depends on my motivational letter. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + Hello [r](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/)/CryptoMoonShots Let’s talk about Fox Finance $FOX 🦊🦊🦊! + + +Current Market Cap: 8367486 (10/04/21 17:00 - Now rapidly rising) + + +**What is it?** + + +$FOX finance is an auto-staking token on the Binance Smart Chain, which grants rewards for its holders. Each transaction (buy and sell) incurs a 12% transaction tax from which 6% goes to liquidity and 6% distributed to holders according to their stake. + + +**Liquidity is locked** on a daily basis rolling for 4 years. + + +1T daily burn for the first 50 days. Additional regular burn of liquidity to try and keep as close as possible to 10% circulating supply. The burn address is also a "HODLer" so it gets a share of the 6% tax based on its stake which is currently about 4% - but this will grow exponentially.**Check the burn wallet on BSC scan:** 0xFAd8E46123D7b4e77496491769C167FF894d2ACB?a=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 + + +We are really starting to notice the momentum now, and the number of FOX wallets and numbers participating with our social media has really started to take off. We currently have **10,543** holders and growing. **In celebration of reaching 10k holders, we have just (today!) announced an art NFT competition.** We are now accepting submissions of artwork with the theme of FOX FINANCE and with the milestone of our incredible community and 10k holders in mind. The winning entry will receive 80 BILLION FOX. Runners up will receive 10 BILLION FOX EACH. The winning piece of art will be forever immortalized as an NFT that we will mint and action off for charity in your name, and in the name of FOX. + + +On April 5th, we hosted an AMA ("Ask me anything") on our Discord where our great leader and founder L1sak revealed his public identity and told us to expect **FOX FINANCE to be granted LLC public entity status** within days! After becoming increasingly disenfranchised with the current state of the cryptocurrency culture and with BSC in particular, his vision is to legitimize the space and offer holders a project that is legal, trusted, open and offering lucrative investment opportunity whilst also giving back to the environment and the natural world. + + +**Our ERC-721 NFT contract is now deployed and fully functional on mainnet!** We are one of only a few projects on the BSC network to have achieved this thanks to the Sion42x Silicon Valley mastermind and all-round legend. We have just teased a beta of our upcoming NFTs, which will start with HODL badges and other memorabilia - but we have paired up with some amazing 3D and AI artists - watch this space! Congratulations Roy (@waarismijnpost) for being the proud winner of our first public NFT! + + +Our model incorporates a constant flow of **"FOX IN ACTION"** campaigns on our website foxfinance .io. Wallet-drop prizes are awarded for all holders who perform certain tasks like charitable giving, planting trees or using metal straws instead of one-use plastic. Our founder hopes in the medium-longer term to streamline these campaigns and integrate them into iOS and android App development to make this more accessible for the general public. **#foxinaction** + + +**Check out our Twitter page a 25 Billion $FOX giveaway before it closes.** (foxfinancebsc) + + +We have recently become integrated with Trust Wallet (logo showing) and have beta integration with Metamask (working more consistently on PC's at the moment). + + +I'm a HOLDer since the start and have volunteered as a forum mod on Telegram, which I have to say has been a pleasure and it's one of the most buzzy and active telegram communities I have had the pleasure of joining. + + +**Youtube video release! (German Speakers) - Kryptowährung News - Alles zu Kryptos & Aktien - go and check it out!** + + +We are pairing up with influencers and content providers (with thorough no-bot screening) from all over the world and expect a constant stream of marketing via Twitter, TikTok, Youtube and Google Ads alongside other exciting possibilities we are not ready to announce yet. + + +Thanks [u/SION42x](https://www.reddit.com/u/SION42x/) for compiling below + + +**SAFU?** + + +Liquidity is locked: [https://deeplock.io/lock/0x3027AD7781700A03496613377152dBa78C38fa55](https://deeplock.io/lock/0x3027AD7781700A03496613377152dBa78C38fa55) + + +This is no pump and dump. The owner did not take advantage of the ATH, and the admins are all HODLing with everyone else. We really want to see this coin grow and to fund our tech roadmap to make this a real project for change. + + +**ROADMAP PLANS** 📈 + + +Here’s what’s on the horizon: + + +**NFTs** \- We have two different types of NFTs. One is a standard, mass-minted NFT that we hope to use for HODLers, airdrops etc. These have launched and are already being offered to FOX contest winners via our social media campaigns. These include fun things like FOX graphics and GIFs. The other type of NFT we want to start pushing very soon are more unique and include things like 3D printable FOX content, AI art, and more collectible style FOX merchandise. I'm really excited about this one! + + +**Charity Matching and Escrow** \- This is important to us. It’s how we plan to get money to the organizations that need it for our mission. We’re working on escrow contracts and other possibilities for collecting FOX donations, possibly with matched by liquidity from NFT auctions. We are working with our legal team to get this approved and in place as soon as possible. These donations will go directly to charitable wildlife and environmental organizations, possibly through The Giving Block, a crypto donation provider. We have several community members who have already donated to WildlifeAidUK, World Wildlife Fund and Saveafox. At the moment, Binance Smartchain does not have the NFT auction infrastructure in place for the kinds of things we are looking to do. At the moment, they are closed markets. Bakeryswap and NFTKey are the biggest - but no open markets, no API's and no projects made to work on it for marketplace building. We are hoping to build a decentralized platform ourselves for NFT interaction, exchange and auction. + + +**Admin Dashboard** \- Right now things like Airdrops and prize disbursements aren't easy on BSC. It's mostly done manually with wallet to wallet transfers or interactions through the contract done by someone with credentials. The goal here is for us to have a dApp that combines contracts and web3 code to make it easy to do mass airdrops, awards, NFTs, etc. + + +Website: FOXFINANCE . IO + + +Contract address: 0xFAd8E46123D7b4e77496491769C167FF894d2ACB + + +Telegram: Foxfinancebsc + + +Twitter: foxfinancebsc **#FOXINACTION** + + +Discord: djEbkq2q + + +bscscan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb#balances) + + +How to Buy: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb) (slippage 12-15%) + + +Chart: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb) + + +DYOR - this project was only released on March 16th and remains in an early stage of development. We have an organized and dedicated team working to consistently deliver on our roadmap promises, but it would be reasonable to expect higher market volatility at this early stage. We have applied for Coin Market Cap listing and have confirmed that our application is all in order - we are waiting on this and hope to hear some good news soon. We have built a large level of ground-level support, legitimacy and technical roadmap completion BEFORE listing and we hope that today's recognition will be an explosive force multiplier for FOX value growth! We have listened to the community regarding requests for an audit to be completed, and this is currently one of our top priorities - we will announce further news on this in telegram and discord. Please be aware that there are other tokens with a similar name listed - please be sure to use the correct contract address or direct link above. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Since we live in Texas, I believe that these should still be intact and unsold. I confirmed that these existed on the missing money site suggested through the government and am waiting for a response from the state of Texas. My mom lives in my grandmothers (now my mom's) house which is the address the unclaimed property is listed under. I'm wondering how much these shares are valued at now? This could really help my mom who is struggling to pay off a lot of debt accrued in the last 10 years. Any additional steps I should take? + +EDIT: Much larger response on this than I ever could have expected. Hopefully this brings about some awareness to others and many are successful in claiming their own small or large sum of unclaimed funds that are out there. I'll update as I go through the process but am hoping for the best (full value of shares) expecting the worst (smaller value of shares if sold prior to my claim). Cheers to anyone finding money for themselves or their loved ones. Who knew my grandmother could pick stocks eh? +i’m 17 years old, and recently just bought a 2021 Corolla LE with about 16K miles, for $24,000 dollars. I put 2,000 down and had a 6.9% APR. My monthly car payment comes to about $450 (I make 1300 a month). I had the car for one day and i’m already unsure if i made a good decision. on one hand it’s a known reliable car that will last be a lifetime, on the other hand it’s a asset that I will have to pay off for the next 60 months. + +I bought the car with enterprise and they have this 7 day buy back plan, i’m considering taking this route and just buying a mid 2000s car that i will pay off in a year. is this a good option, or should i stay with the corolla? + +EDIT: car is under my dads name, I’m just the one paying. also insurance is taking care of by my parents. + + +EDIT 2: some more things to add. I am grateful enough to have no financial liabilities besides the car payment. i have a very secure job and can work as money hours as I like. parents are willing to match payments if I keep doing well in school. while the loan is for 60 months I will pay extra to shorten it out. +They want people to think “wow, all these people are direct registering their shares but the price is dropping, so that must mean DRS isn’t the way to go…” + +They’re trying to make it seem like we are wrong and we screwed up by transferring our shares. But we didn’t. We’re on the right path. + +Yes, the majority of us understand this but we are not their demographic target. They know who they’re targeting and it ain’t us - this is more for those who are new to this. + +Buy, Hodl and DRS! Ignore the price. This is the way! +I know efficiency is important especially when trading short ticks, which leads me to believe C would be the optimal choice. Then again, it’s probably easier to do in python, especially the machine learning path. +Anyways, of all languages what would you suggest to be best for this kind of task? (Combinations can be suggested too). +>This is refined and reformatted version of my previous [MOASS Thesis Summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nletnn/gme_the_mother_of_all_short_squeezes_moass_thesis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that can be found in the [DD Beginners Guide Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), and includes some new formatting and concepts. This one will replace it if it is well-received (either the post of the contents, either way, the link will take you to the right info). +> +>This content is still a slight work in progress and is not perfect (working to expand a couple newer sections), so feel free to offer suggestions. + +# I. IMPORTANT LINKS FOR NEW MEMBERS TO r/superstonk + +* [APE Security Protocol (how to secure and protect yourself online)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsgv3d/ape_security_protocols/) +* [DD Beginners Guide Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) + +# II. INTRO / INTENTION OF POST + +The core intention of this post was to frame the MOASS Thesis in a way that was understandable to individuals inside and outside of the community (especially those who are relatively new to the market). It also is intended to serve as a reference to leverage if you are ever trying to explain to someone why you think it is a good investment option. + +This post will give a *relatively* simplistic breakdown of the current situation and landscape of GameStop Stock (GME). It will summarize the theory that GME's price will soon reach astronomical levels during a massive short squeeze, AKA "The Mother of all Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis". The bulk of this post is a breakdown of the market terms and concepts that will need to be understood in order to fully comprehend the who-what-when-where-why-how. + +# III. Personal note + +Feel free to use the contents of this post however you want. Don't worry about asking for permission to copy it, cross-post it, translate it, refine and use it in your own posts, etc. + +Leave a comment if you have any questions. If you prefer Chat or do not meet karma requirements, you can hit me up on chat as well + +>Note that, while I may have a good grasp on the concepts broken down in this post, my background is not in finance, investing, or trading, so there may be some questions I do not have the answer do (especially if they are not called out in this post) + +I have found myself more active on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) than I ever really expected to be, so feel free to [follow me](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) if you want things like the below: + +* Antagonizing Market Adversaries, MSM Shills, etc. +* Meme-ing with SuperStonk and the other Apes in the community +* Getting Notifications for Future DD I post + +**Disclaimer** + +>This writeup is NOT intended to serve as a source of proof/evidence behind this theory, and it operates under the assumption that the theory is valid and that the conditions it is built on are valid. Credit for the DD this Thesis is based on belongs to the broader retail community inside and outside of r/superstonk. I personally contributed very little beyond synthesizing and summarizing the thesis and mechanics in a digestible way to help enable others to get the word out, and I am not an expert on really any of these topics despite having some knowledge in them. + +# IV. TL;DR (Also at Bottom) + +1. Toxic Market Participants have built up massive [short positions](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) made through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) +2. Retail caught on to this strategy and discovered it can backfire if the company being shorted does not go bankrupt, especially if shares are bought and held indefinitely +3. Rules and regulations have implemented by the DTCC and its subsidiaries have been geared towards preventing market collapse, as well as to minimize the ability to perform illegal trades (naked shorting) +4. The SEC is also doing more to enforce compliance with the "rules" +5. The manipulators are at the mercy of a vicious trade cycle (t+21 FTD Cycle) that is forcing those with naked short positions to perform actions to [cover](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp) (buy back shares that are short), or risk regulatory consequences +6. This act of rapid covering drives up the price, making it more expensive to cover during the next cycle if the share price continues to increase week over week +7. Eventually, the prices of GME will get so high that prime brokers/clearing houses will have no choice but to [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) these participants which most likely will not be affordable due to the nature of [Short Squeezes](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp), causing them to default +8. The [Prime-Brokers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) will then take on the position, and if the Prime Brokers cannot cover them and also defaults, the NSCC will be next to attempt to settle all positions left over based on their [Recovery and Wind-down Plan (p42)](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) +9. If NSCC cannot afford to close everything with the money reserved for this type of situation, they the Fed must navigate the remaining positions (potentially via printing money/bailout) + +# V. KEY CONCEPTS + +These terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/), "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME. + +Table of Contents for Key Concepts + +1. Stocks Concepts + 1. Share/Stock + 2. Synthetic Shares + 3. Outstanding Shares + 4. Restricted Shares + 5. The Float + 6. Annual General Meeting + 7. Shareholder Votes +2. Trade Positions + 1. Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock + 2. Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock + 3. Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock +3. Market Participants + 1. Retail Investors + 2. Institutional Investors + 3. Market Makers + 4. Prime Brokers + 5. Clearinghouses + 6. MSM +4. IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS (MOASS) + 1. Fails to Deliver (FTD) + 2. Margin + 3. Margin Calls + 4. Margin Calls Who Calls Who + 5. Short Squeeze + +# 1 - STOCKS CONCEPTS + +## 1.1 - Shares/Stock + +[Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#shares) are the smallest unit of a Companies [Stock](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#stocks) + +* Stocks and Shares are often used interchangeably +* Technically "shares" would represent how many of a specific company's stock, where buying multiple "stocks" would main that shares of multiple company's were bought + * ex. I bought 2 stocks; 10 shares of GME, and 60 shares of AMC +* There are different [classes of shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/class.asp) that are distinguished on their voting rights, sales charges, and other factors + * Classes of shares have relatively complex dynamics, but I will not go further into them here, as it is not as relevant to GME/AMC + +## 1. 2 - Synthetic Shares + +[Synthetic Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/synthetic.asp) are the financial instruments that get produced through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) + +* Not to be confused with [synthetic options](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/08/synthetic-options.asp) positions, which are legal/legitimate trade strategies that "simulate" the profits/losses as if the trader actually held those shares +* Synthetic shares entitle the owner to all of the same rights as an investor owning a non-synthetic share +* Cases where there is an excessive amount of synthetic shares point to the possibility that a stock is being abused or manipulated +* Cannot be easily measured due to limited public transparency at the Market Maker and Prime Broker level + +## 1.3 - Outstanding Shares + +The number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) encompasses the amount of issued shares held by all shareholders (both private and public) + +* It is possible for there to be more shares outstanding through Naked shorting, which produces Synthetic shares +* The number of issued AND synthetic shares outstanding is very difficult to measure, as they are only recorded on the books of the market makers generating synthetic shares and the prime-brokers they trade through + * These parties are not incentivized to be transparent and actively obscure these numbers, as the practice of naked shorting excessively is fraudulent and illegal + +## 1.4 - Restricted Shares + +[Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) include the number of issued shares held by insiders of the company + +* These shares are not publicly traded on the stock market + +## 1.5 - The Float + +[The Float](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/floating-stock.asp), or Floating Stock is the number of shares of stock that are available to be publicly traded (the number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) minus the amount of [Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) that are owned by insiders). + +* In theory, the number of shares owned by [retail investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/retailinvestor.asp) and [institutional investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) should not exceed the float +* GME’s float total is currently \~[56.89 Million](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) shares (as of 6/10/21) + +## 1.6 - Shareholder Votes + +[Annual General Meetings](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/agm.asp) basically is an annual meeting that allows shareholders to vote + +* Votes are cast for things like + * Appointment of directors + * Executive compensation + * Dividend adjustments + +# 1.7 - Shareholder Votes + +[Shareholder Voting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/votingright.asp) is a right extended to shareholders holding shares in the stock that entitle the owner to vote on cooperate policies + +* Examples of what votes are cast for + * Appointment of directors + * Executive compensation + * Dividend adjustments +* [Overvoting (info in the middle of this page)](https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/proxyprocess/proxyvotingbrief.htm) + * When there is an overvote (like GME on 6/9), the votes will be normalized to a number based on the amount of shares that are held by DTC + * The official 8K form cannot be officially submitted with an overvote + * When this happens, the SEC and Company are notified + +# 2 - TRADE POSITIONS + +## 2.1 - Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock + +When an investor buys a stock they are considered [long](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/long.asp) on it (this is the type of position most people associate with trading stocks) + +* Not to be confused with a [long-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longterminvestments.asp) investment +* In other words, holders of long positions have a **positive** number of shares +* To [close](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/closeposition.asp) a long position the owner would sell their shares on the stock market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a long position is: + +1. Buy the stock +2. Hold it until the price of it increases to a desired amount +3. Sell it for a profit + +## 2.2 - Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock + +When a short seller shorts a stock they hold a [short position](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) on the stock, or owe the party they borrowed from however many shares they shorted + +* Not to be confused with a [short-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shorterminvestments.asp) investment +* Investors with short positions effectively are *in debt* or *owe* the number of shares that they have shorted and can be considered ***negative*** on the stock +* To close that position, short-sellers must buy a number of shares equal to the size of their short position (buying to close a short position is known as [covering](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)) +* Short positions must be reported to regulators (unlike naked short sales) + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a short position: + +1. Borrow a share owned by a lender +2. Sell the stock that was borrowed +3. Gaining the cash based on the price it was at the time it was “shorted” +4. Pay interest as a percentage of the stock's value +5. Since this is a percentage the cost of interest increases if the stock's value increases +6. Hold the position until the price has dropped to a desired price +7. Buy the stock on the open market +8. Ideally the stock is bought back at a lower price than originally borrowed for so the investor can pocket the difference +9. Return the share back to the lender + +## 2.3 - Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock + +[Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) effectively allows a Short Seller, working with a market maker, to short a stock using a without having a borrowed share like normal short selling + +* Naked short sales do NOT have to be reported the same way as normal "Short Sales" and can be "hidden" + * Failures to Deliver the shares that were "fake-borrowed" to the buyer are on of the main ways to find evidence of naked shorting +* Due to a loophole and lack of oversight by regulation, Naked short selling can be used to manipulate the price of certain stocks + * This type of trade illegal outside of specific situations involving Market Makers +* Naked shorting was targeted for tighter regulation during the financial crisis of 2008 but enforcement has unfortunately not been effective in preventing it from manipulating the market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a naked short position (kind of complex and involves two specific parties for 2 initial trades called a married put) + +1. A Short Seller "A" buys 100 shares from a Market Maker "Z" who can technically sell them without locating them + 1. Market Maker is Naked Shorting the stock, and the Short Seller is receiving 100 synthetic shares +2. Short Seller "A" now buys a [Put Option](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/putoption.asp) (1 options contract is worth 100 shares) from Market Maker "Z" who is the [writer](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/writing-an-option.asp) of the put + 1. Writing/selling a put nets +100 shares to the Market Maker, which results in the -100 shares that were naked shorted to be neutralized, so the Market Maker no is at a neutral position (Market Makers generally try to remain net 0 on trades + 2. Short Seller "A" now has 100 shares that can be short sold (they "borrowing" the synthetic shares the Market Maker effectively printed out of thin air), and one put contract that they can make money on as long as the price goes down +3. The steps or the short seller are basically the same as a normal short sale now (2.2 steps 2-8), however, interest from the Short seller does not need to be paid to a lender (no one is formally lending it) + 1. The premium from the put being purchased from the Market Maker is how they benefit + 2. Short Seller "A" now has a short position that they can cover simply by buying 100 shares, which would cancel out the synthetic short position + +# 3 - MARKET PARTICIPANTS + +## 3.1 - Retail Investors + +* Retail Investors, also known as individual investors, are your average investors (not a company or organization) +* Referred to as the "Dumb Money" by Wall Street and the "professional" financial community +* Reddit communities + * Notable subreddits + * r/Superstonk + * r/gme + * r/amcstock + * r/wallstreetbets + +## 3.2 - Institutional Investors + +[Institutional Investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) are organizations that invest on individuals' behalf + +* Examples of Institutional Investors + * Endowment Funds + * Commercial Banks + * Mutual Funds + * Hedge funds + * Pension funds + * Insurance companies + +## 3.3 - Market Makers + +* [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) are very different from "Investors" and are a bit harder to explain but basically are there to increase [liquidity](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liquidity.asp) in the market +* When you buy and sell stock those trades are often going between you and a market maker +* Market makers get "special rules" that enable them to keep liquidity in the market when there is low liquidity +* Naked shorting is one of the options Market Makers have when navigating a trade that other investors do not have + +## 3.4 - Prime Brokers + +* A [**Prime**\-**Broker**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) is a bundled group of services that investment banks and other financial institutions offer to hedge funds and other large investment clients that need to be able to borrow securities or cash in order to engage in [netting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/netting.asp) to achieve [absolute returns](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolutereturn.asp) +* [Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/broker.asp) vs [Prime-Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) + * A broker is an individual or entity that facilitates the purchase or sale of securities, such as the buying or selling of stocks and bonds for an investment account. A prime broker is a large institution that provides a multitude of services, from cash management to securities lending to risk management for other large institutions. +* [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) like go through Prime Brokers + * The Prime Broker is who would Margin Call Shitadel if their short position gets too large or they bleed too much capital + +# 3.5 - Clearinghouses + +[Clearinghouses](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/clearinghouse.asp) are intermediaries between buyers and sellers + +* Finalize transactions +* Regulates delivery of assets +* Reports on trading data + +# 3.6* - MSM (Mainstream Media) + +Though not a traditional market participant (as in they are not trade/financial entities) the [MSM](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/media_effect.asp) is worth noting due to its role in influencing the financial atmosphere and landscape + +# 4 - IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS (MOASS) + +## 4.1 - Failures to Deliver (FTD) + +* [FTDs](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp) occur when a buyer of a stock ends up not having the money to purchase the stock that they traded for OR, **when a short seller does not own the stock at the time of settlement** +* FTDs are one of the main check-balances to naked shorting, so very high amounts of Failures to Deliver are indicative of this + * Spoiler: GME and AMC have tons of FTDs reported + +## 4.2 - Margin + +* [Margin](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margin.asp) is basically credit that that an investor can use to buy more stock +* When you buy on margin you must stake the assets you have already purchased with your own cash as collateral +* The amount of Margin you can have depends on the value of your collateral +* The value of your collateral and cash but meet the margin requirements in order to continue to buy on margin +* Keep in mind the value of your collateral can change if the price goes up or down and if the value of your collateral/cash drops below the margin requirement you will received a [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) Another way to think about it: + +1. Imagine I have $1,000 in stock +2. You obtain a personal loan for another $1000 +3. To get the credit you stake your $1000 in stock (if you default it goes to the lender to cover your debt) +4. You buy $1000 more stock with that loan (you now own $2000 in stocks, half in cash half on margin) +5. You will pay interest on the $1000 on margin but if your investment makes more money than the interest then you are still profiting +6. If your investment turns bad (lets say the price of your stock falls 50% and you are left with $1000) your lender can forcibly close out your positions (everything you bought in cash and staked as collateral along with what you bought on margin so that they can get the $1000 they loaned you back) + +## 4.3 - Margin Call + +* A Margin Call is a notice indicating you have a specific amount of time to deposit enough of your own funds to meet your margin requirement (if you cannot meet the requirement the lender is entitled to sell all of your holdings to recover what you borrowed + +**Margin Examples:** + +>This is a slightly complicated scenario that can be a little hard to follow. Give it a few reads if it doesn't make sense the first time, but basically, Margin is a credit line that you can use to buy more assets (effectively a loan backed by collateral and cash in your own account). If you buy assets with it, you have to pay back what you borrowed, whether the value of your investment goes up or down (if the investment goes up in value, you make more than you normally would, but if the investment goes down in value, you lose more than you otherwise would have without margin). +> +>This gets even more (or less maybe) complicated when you have short positions AND long positions, like most institutional investors. To have short positions, I still need to have margin, but I do not need to use it to buy stocks, It can act as a buffer if I have a short position on a stock that is increasing in value (with a short position, if the price of something I short goes up, I am losing money), and if it gets too high, it can run against my margin line, causing a margin call. + +**GAIN: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes up to %25 per share, and I sell all 20 shares, I just profited $500 (+$25 on 20 shares) + 1. In this case, closing the position clears me from the margin debt, as I am no longer using it in an open position + 2. If I had not used margin, I would have only walked away with $250 in profit ($25 per share on 10 shares), but instead I made $500, and paid back the credit, plus a little bit of interest. +5. Yay. + +**LOSS: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes down %25, bringing the value per share down to $75 a share, the value of my total position is now $1500, and the value of my non-margin assets is $750, which is below the margin requirement (keep in mind, I borrowed $1000, so that is still the amount I have to pay back) +5. My lender will give me a margin call, indicating I have two business days to deposit 50$ into my account in order to meet the margin requirement + 1. If I have the cash to deposit the extra $50 would take my assets to $800 ($750 in stock XXX + 50$ cash) + 1. If the price of stock XXX recovered to above $80 per share, it could also satisfy the requirement + 2. If I do not have the cash to deposit, then I am in trouble, as after two days, they are allowed to liquidate (sell) the assets I bought with my own money, as well as the assets I bought on margin + 1. Let's say this happens, all my borrowed assets are sold first to cover my $1000 loan (since the price of stock XXX was only $750, it only covers $750 of my $1000 margin line + 2. I now have $750 left in assets of Stock X, but I still owe money from margin, so my lender is entitled to sell $250 work of my shares in order to get their full $1000 back + 3. I am now left with $500 total ($750 in 10 shares of stock XXX - $250) +6. Not Yay + +**LOSS: Short and Long Positions** + +**THIS IS THE RELEVANT ONE TO GME/AMC** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin +3. Instead of using the margin to buy more, I instead short 10 shares of stock YYY which is at $50 a share currently (giving me $500 in extra cash), which I use to buy 5 more shares of stock X + 1. I am now long 15 shares of stock XXX valued at $1500 and short 10 shares of stock YYY valued at -$500 (negative $500) for a net value of $1000 + 2. No margin is actively committed to open positions, and I am still using my $1000 +4. Now, lets say a short squeeze happens involving stock Y, causing the price to skyrocket to $200 per share + 1. My short position is now -$2000 (10 shares of -$200 each) +5. My net account value is now $-500 ($1500 - $2000) which is now using my margin, and because my account's value is no longer above $800, I no longer meet margin requirements so I get a margin call +6. If I cannot balance my account, the lender will liquidate my $1500 in stock XXX in order to pay the -$2000 I owe, leaving me with -$500 left in debt + 1. I have now defaulted, as I cannot pay the $500 +7. Now that I have defaulted, the lender who gave me margin owns my short positions, meaning they are now short whatever was left + 1. The lender can now navigate the short positions however they want (they can hold them and hope the price goes down, and cover to close them, or they can close them immediately, costing them the whole $500 I still owed) +8. GUH! (Translation if you are not WSB: Ah @#$%) + +## 4.4 - Margin Calls Who Calls Who + +* Margin calls happen at levels 1-4 when the cell to the left cannot meet margin requirements + * Broker Margin Calls Retail Traders + * Prime Brokers Margin Call Brokers, Hedge Funds, and Market Makers + * The NSCC Margin Calls Prime Brokers +* Defaults roll up left to right + * If Retail Trader defaults, Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Broker, Hedge Fund, or Market Maker defaults, the Prime Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Prime Broker Defaults, the NSCC must take on Position + * If the NSCC Defaults, the Fed must take on the position + +|Level 1|Level 2|Level 3|Level 4|Level 4| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Retail Trader|Broker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Market Maker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Hedge Fund|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| + +## 4.5 - Short Squeeze + +* A [Short Squeeze](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp) is a market event that occurs when there is a large short position on a stock whose price rapidly increases higher than expected, normally due to a catalyst +* During the short squeeze, the losses of those who have short positions continue to increase higher it goes + * Since they **owe** shares, the cost to cover their position increases depending on how high the price goes (there is theoretically no limit on how high a stock can go) +* As market participants who are short on the stock buy to cover, supply decreases and demand increases, causing the price to increase even more rapidly +* While short sellers are scrambling to cover their positions, the rapid price change may entice investors who are not short on the stock to buy it in order to make a quick profit + * Again, lowering supply and increasing demand + +# VI. The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) + +# Explanation + +Now that we have gone through the many important terms, we can get to the theory behind MOASS. + +Due excessive short-selling and naked shorting of GME by certain market participants (primarily large hedge funds and market makers), retail investors and long institutional investors collectively own a number of shares that exceeds the the float. The amount of shares that are currently owned is theorized to range roughly between **200%-400%** of the float **if not more**, meaning that 100%-300% of the float has a corresponding short position (mostly naked shorts). For context, most stocks generally have around 1% Short Interest, and 10%-20% short interest is considered to be excessive, let alone over 100% of it. + +Short sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position + +* The only way to do that is to buy the shares owned by the investors who are long + * in the meantime Short-sellers are paying interest on that short position until it is closed proportional to the cost of the shares, which bleeds their capital over time +* Unfortunately for the short sellers, the owners of the shares **ARE NOT** obligated to sell their shares. + * The short-sellers, however, **ARE** obligated to buy in order to close their position (or else keep paying interest) + +So what happens if no one is selling the shares they are “long” on, but short sellers need to buy them? + +* Supply and Demand + * With very little supply and high demand, the price of a stock can increase far beyond its fundamental value + * If short sellers receive a margin call due to no longer meeting their margin requirement and are unable to meet it in time, their assets will be forcibly liquidated by their lender in order to pay back the margin, as well as close out the position if the borrower defaults + +If you are wondering why an organization would abusively short a stock like this if they eventually have to cover their positions: + +* If a company goes bankrupt or gets delisted from the stock market: + * The short sellers DO NOT have to close the position + * All of the proceeds from the short sale effectively disappear from their books + * They do not even have to pay taxes on this profit + +Short positions amount to the total number of long positions minus the float, meaning (based on the theorized range) that somewhere between \~56-170 Million shares will need to be bought in order to close all short positions + +* It is expected that the members with short positions (hedge funds and market makers who have been naked shorting the stock) will be unable to cover their short positions, resulting in a situation where their lenders, all the way up to the clearinghouse (DTCC) will have to sort out the positions +* If the DTCC/NSCC is forced to unwind the positions, it is widely believed that they will rapidly cover short positions at whatever price they are available for (this is how their systems are said to handle a member default), liquidating whatever assets are necessary from the defaulting member + +# Consideration + +This is a totally unprecedented situation, so, in truth, there is a lot of uncertainty around what wind-down will look like once this gets to the Prime Brokers (major banks) and NSCC, as well as around how high the price peak will reach. There is a real risk of broad negative impact across the entire market because of this and the current Repo Rates and margin debt. + +A few things I think are safe to assume are: + +* Before anything happens that will cap or negatively affect the MOASS, all of the Hedge Funds and Market Makers who conspired to manipulate the market will likely have been bankrupted and eliminated from the market landscape by then +* Prime Brokers will have been dealt a massive blow (like Credit Suisse after Archegos Collapse by way worse) that should hopefully ensure regulators tie up every loophole that was exploited to manipulate the market and harm it +* The peak will reach higher than any other short squeeze in history and will likely never be beaten in the future (EVER) + +# VII. Final thoughts... + +This is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to [the Legendary Keith Gill AKA u/DeepFuckingValue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Gill), [Ryan Cohen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Cohen), [Michael Burry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Burry), and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions. + +In some schools of thought, it is thought that these participants over-estimated how "reasonable" retail investors can be (who could be dumb enough to hold a stock as it fell from almost $500 to $40?). In truth, these manipulators didn't understand the demographic they were fighting with. Gamers are some of the most stubborn people on the planet. These are individuals who will sink tens of thousands of hours into the same video game because "they just like it". Well, "we like the stock", and to us, the adversaries on Wall Street just are just another "boss". We may have needed to retry a couple times, but we always win eventually. On top of that, they pissed off reddit, and under no circumstances, should you ever piss off reddit. + +At this point, if you are still reading this, know that it is up to you to decide your next move, whether that is to do some due diligence of your own, walk away, or say screw it and buy a few (or a lot of) shares just in case we are right. Many of us have set our floor (minimum amount of acceptable gains) at $20,000,000 per share, and you might think that is crazy, but in truth, we know we can pick our own price if we hold long enough. We don't care if anyone else buys or not, because we know the outcome is inevitable. Time is running out for the toxic market participants involved, and even the news can't hide that we are on the brink of a massive market event that will ripple through the entire global financial system, and we will probably never see an event like this again in our lifetime. + +**This is a fight Wall Street, Shitadel, Melvin Capital, and ever other toxic party is not going to win against the "dumb money"**. Chances are this will truly be "**THE MOASS**", meaning there will never be another like it in our lifetime (or ever). While the conditions in play (the ability for big money to brutally manipulate the market) enabled what may end up being the greatest transfer of wealth in history, actual reformation to prevent a landscape like this from forming again is probably best long term (I say this as a pragmatist, and am honestly very far from an idealist). If you want to influence reform, Buy, Hold, Vote. If you are just here for the tendies, Buy, Hold, Vote. + +# VIII. TL;DR + +1. Toxic Market Participants have built up massive [short positions](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) made through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) +2. Retail caught on to this strategy and discovered it can backfire if the company being shorted does not go bankrupt, especially if shares are bought and held indefinitely +3. Rules and regulations have implemented by the DTCC and its subsidiaries have been geared towards preventing market collapse, as well as to minimize the ability to perform illegal trades (naked shorting) +4. The SEC is also doing more to enforce compliance with the "rules" +5. The manipulators are at the mercy of a vicious trade cycle (t+21 FTD Cycle) that is forcing those with naked short positions to perform actions to [cover](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp) (buy back shares that are short), or risk regulatory consequences +6. This act of rapid covering drives up the price, making it more expensive to cover during the next cycle if the share price continues to increase week over week +7. Eventually, the prices of GME will get so high that prime brokers/clearing houses will have no choice but to [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) these participants which most likely will not be affordable due to the nature of [Short Squeezes](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp), causing them to default +8. The [Prime-Brokers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) will then take on the position, and if the Prime Brokers cannot cover them and also defaults, the NSCC will be next to attempt to settle all positions left over based on their [Recovery and Wind-down Plan (p42)](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) +9. If NSCC cannot afford to close everything with the money reserved for this type of situation, they the Fed must navigate the remaining positions (potentially via printing money/bailout) + +# IX. STILL TL;DR + +Margin Calls happen across the market and force all market participants with short positions in GME to cover or go bankrupt if they cannot afford to. The NSCC's systems that will settle positions after mass defaults liquidates all short hedge funds and covers as much GME as it can. If the NSCC cannot pay everything, it fails up to the Fed and JPOW to print money to settle the trades. + +# X. Hedgies, velkommen til helvete. Vi kommer for tårene dine. + +**START EDITS LOG** +edit: 6/10/21 12:28PM ET +Added google drive link but switched with one drive so it wouldn't display who is looking at the file (unless they are in incognito) + +edit: 6/10/21 1:08PM ET +Updated link to a onedrive anonymously shared link (shouldn't show who is viewing it, but you might consider accessing the link via an incognito window). +[https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AF%2D4Ar3%2DZkRC6ZE&cid=A204BFD088578646&id=A204BFD088578646%21106&parId=A204BFD088578646%21103&o=OneUp](https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AF%2D4Ar3%2DZkRC6ZE&cid=A204BFD088578646&id=A204BFD088578646%21106&parId=A204BFD088578646%21103&o=OneUp) + +edit: 6/10/21 1:51PM ET +Minor typo (extra bullet). Removed from 3.4 (prime brokers). + +edit: 6/10/21 2:10PM ET +IMPORTANT NOTE - Feel free to share and distribute as appropriate if you feel there is value in doing so (and obviously only if you are comfortable doing so). Like I said, I don't care about credit, but I do care about getting exposure of GME, naked shorting, and the manipulation in the market. +We have been getting hit with shills and FUD inside and outside the community courtesy of the SHF's tactics. Getting the good information we have out (passively, I am not saying to push it on people or to be intrusive) is one of the few tactics we have against the SHFs outside of 💎🙌. They weaponized social media and MSM; so can we (but with DD, not shilling and perpetuating FUD). + +**END EDITS LOG** +Occasionally I hear of mobile home flipping as being a great cash flow source or serious profits. Sure, it doesn’t seem glamorous but also seems like a lot of work. Does anyone have experience or advice on how this has worked for you or a good source for info on this topic? + +Thanks! +One of my clients is Enrique Abeyta -- super cool and interesting guy. He has been in the hedge fund business for over 25 years, but also owns *Revolver* and *Inked* magazines -- so kind of a heavy metal head. I was reading through one of this client newsletters today because I'm doing a project for him, and this REALLY stuck out. I thought I would share it with you guys as I thought it was an amazing psychological trick. + + + +>I spend a lot of time thinking about human behavior and psychology and how these relate to investing. +> +>One of the most influential things I ever learned about psychology came from a book I read about Japan while studying as an undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. +> +>Growing up as a teenager in the late 1980s, Japan was the place to be. The country’s economy was booming, and people were buying up every piece of real estate they could. +> +>Japan even began to seep into U.S. pop culture… For instance, legendary comic book writer and film director Frank Miller incorporated many elements of Japanese culture in his *Daredevil* comic book series. +> +>As a 17-year-old, I became enamored with everything related to Japan – from ninjas to comics to sushi and everything in between. +> +>Naturally, this played a significant role in my choice for my college majors… So in addition to majoring in finance at the Wharton School of Business, I decided to double-major in Japanese. +> +>The Japanese major required the most credits of any major at Penn. In addition to the language classes, it immersed us in the country’s culture and literature. +> +>Of everything we read, the work that resonated with me the most with me was Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s classic book from the late 1600s, titled *Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai*. +> +>The book is somewhat controversial because it was considered to be one of the underpinnings of the fascist regime of Japanese army general Hideki Tojo and Japanese imperialism. +> +>Tsunetomo wrote the book during a period when traditional samurai culture was being suppressed. Critics argued that the book represented a nostalgic view of samurai culture, rather than a realistic one. Despite the controversy, it’s still a fascinating read that distills the psychology of intensely violent periods in human history and how we as humans deal with the psychological stress of conflict. +> +>The most important concept from *Hagakure* is the idea of “living though one was already dead.” In short, this meant that being an effective warrior required a mindset where you believed you were already dead – and therefore, you wouldn’t fear death. +> +>This allowed samurai warriors to act freely and rationally during combat, which improved their mental clarity and reduced their chances of dying. +> +>This is an incredibly powerful idea, and one that you can use to become a much better investor. Let me explain… +> +>As you go to buy a stock, you decide how much of your portfolio to put into it, based on a number of factors (liquidity, earnings growth, potential catalysts, etc.). +> +>But as I’ve written before, as investors, we buy *stocks*, not *companies*. Stocks have far more volatility than their underlying businesses do. In other words, while the value of the business may not fluctuate a lot, the stock can. +> +>It stands to reason that if the stock you buy goes lower – assuming there’s no real change in the business’ fundamentals – you should make it a larger position. (This is the reasoning behind the principle of “buy low, sell high.”) +> +>“What the heck do samurais have to do with all of this?” you might be wondering. +> +>If you go into buying a stock with the mindset that you’ve already lost money on it – in other words, that you’re living as though you’re already dead – then if it actually falls, it won’t feel nearly as bad. +> +> **By accepting the possibility of failure and thinking like a samurai, you’ll be in the position to make better investment decisions.** +I'm new to trading, and I've been using Questrade for about 2 weeks now, but thought their fees were expensive. + +So I looked did some research, and it seemed like everyone was saying Interactive Brokers is better with much better commission rates. So I made an account with IB. + +Now that I'm looking more closely at their fee structures, it seems like Questrade is much cheaper for some trades. + +Questrade: +$0.01 CAD per share with a minimum of $4.95 and *maximum of $9.95*. + +Interactive Brokers: +(Tiered pricing assuming I'm trading less than 300,000 per month) +US Stocks: $0.0035 USD per share with a minimum of $0.35 and *maximum of 1% of trade value* +Canadian stocks: $0.008 per share with a minimum of $1 and *maximum of 0.5% of trade value* + +Examples: + +1) Canadian stock: 2500 shares, $1.06/share + +Questrade commission: $9.95 + +IB comission: $13.25 + +2) Canadian stock: 10,000 shares, $0.50/share + +Questrade commission: $9.95 + +IB comission: $25 + +3) US Stock: 330 shares, $17/share + +Questrade comissions: $4.95 + +IB comission: $1.16 USD + +4) US Stock: 10,000 shares, $ 8/share + +Questrade comissions: $9.95 + +IB Comissions: $35 USD + +5) US Stock: 800 shares, $30 /share + +Questrade comissions: $8 + +IB comission: $2.28 USD + +6) ETFs + +Questrade comissions: Free to buy + +IB comission: Not free + +So it seems if you want to buy more than 2900 of US stocks or more than 1250 of Canadian stocks for a trade or any ETFs, Questrade is a lot cheaper. + +ALSO, Questrade's advanced market data packages are rebatable, and you get better prices if you get them. Not sure about Interactive Broker's data packages. + +I may not be interpreting their fee structures clearly. + +Can anyone explain why IB is considered a lot cheaper? +It seems I always deal with a large amount of anexity whenever I go to make a larger purchase (buying a slightly nicer/ fun to drive car because my commute is long, buying new carpet because mine is 20+ years old etc). On paper I can afford these things, but when it finally comes down to making the purchase, I normally can't deal with spending the money I have been saving. + +What do you guys think? +Gary Gensler pulled the ultimate power move today, by posting the 2 minutes of footage CNBC deleted. + +Ryan Cohen posted a meme of his face over Victoria's secret models that was posted here. + +I might be pretty smooth brained, but I feel like they're both trying to send us a message + + +https://preview.redd.it/hhcpa71ludc91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5dc2cad836d69fc0796e4080695cc30d365be5c + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/w28q7f) +Just what the title says, How would you invest 3k a month for at least a 12 months to maximize your return? + +Edit; just want to clarify, I'm asking what you particularly would do. I know I didn't put enough of my individual situation here to get the best plan for me. I'm just interested in what the minds here would conjure up. Would you pay off your car, all credit cards, pay down or off your mortgage, refi your home to invest in investment properties, index funds, crypto, real estate, angel investing, hard money lending, mutual funds, debt or equity small business investing.... Whatever. Could pull it all out in the end or only pull half out to reinvest somewhere or live it in for a life time or any combination of any of it. Also thanks for all the comments so far and love the disscusions. + +- Which bank do you recommend for savings account or fixed deposits? +- How's your experience with wealth management services? + For example, you can discuss your experience with Citigold / CitiPriority, Kotak Privy League, DB WealthPro, Axis Burgundy, ICICI Bank Wealth Management etc. + +- What bank offers the best forex rates? + +- Discuss the quality of the bank's mobile apps and the services they offer. + +- How are the lending practices at your bank? Did your home loan / car loan / education loan get approved on time + + Were you required to purchase additional products (like insurance) to avail a loan? + +--- + +You can also ask for a general review of a particular product or services that you have been researching: + +> Is bank X good? Is it recommended for basic services no-frills accounts? + +but please avoid asking for personal advice. + +The discussion is meant for consumption by a broader audience. + +For advice regarding your personal situation (like _My family is pressurising me to take a home loan, what would you suggest?_), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended. + +Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +I currently work in a sales role where I work 6 1/2 days a week and always take work home with me. I really like the job and next year if I continue on the course that I’m on I’ll be earning 110k but that is working my ass off. + +Yesterday I got a call from a client asking me if I wanted to go work out at a mine site driving trucks on a 7/7 roster earning 110k a year and then it goes up each year after. + +Has anyone left a job they liked to go out to the mines ? Did you enjoy it and would you recommend it ? +I don't know about you but trust is a massive thing for me. Especially when it comes to the products I use and invest in. They have lied about their circulating supply TWICE and have blatantly committed fraud. Their responses to this was literally just a "whoops, well looks like you caught us". This is an absolute joke in my eyes. + +I have literally sold all my SOL, I've bought a bag of MATIC and I'm never going back. It's more decentralized (SOL has proven to be extremely centralized), The team can actually be trusted and it's just an overall better chain IN MY OPINION. + +Yes I know Solana has a higher market cap but I feel like in the long term, Polygon will be flipping it. Are you really so obsessed with making a quick buck that you'd invest in a project who's developers have blatantly lied to your face and have disrespected you on multiple occasions? I don't know about you but I'm not about that life. Respect yourselves, They only get away with this crap if we let them. +For the first time, well known Bitcoin maximalist [Tuur Demeester]( https://twitter.com/TuurDemeester/status/849309045928468481) has given Ethereum some reasonable respect and attention - but be skeptical + +Demeester is a well-known maximalist, Technical Analysis B.S. pumper dumper, and he’s is not opposed to spreading misinformation in order to deter Ethereum’s success. While I would love to think that he’s finally coming to terms with the reality of the blockchain space, I remain quite skeptical. But coming from the position that everyone deserves more than second chances, I feel his [recent Medium post]( https://medium.com/@tuurdemeester/im-not-worried-about-bitcoin-unlimited-but-i-am-losing-sleep-over-ethereum-b5251c54e66d) is as close to even handed I’ve seen these highly biased maximalists get. Maybe he’s begun [bargaining](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model), or maybe this is just another ploy to setup a pump-dump ETC scam. We’ll see. + +To my surprise, there are several risks and benefits he highlights with Bitcoin and Ethereum that find very reasonable. However, while more even handed than normal for maximalists, there are quite a few holes in his medium post too. Here’s a few. + +> Ethereum is “Less backwards compatible” + +I’m not sure what is meant by this. Without additional details, I can see arguments that support and reject this notion. + +> “On track towards a more centralized future” + +If anything, Ethereum’s platform allow “decentralize all the things” far more than Bitcoin. Also, the Devs are quite a large consortium now, no longer an group lead by the Ethereum Foundation alone. The fact that these different groups get along and come to terms doesn’t mean they are centralized. + +> “Transaction finality is less certain” + +If this is in reference to the DAO exploit fix, I’ll repeat a reference that highlights Bitcoin nonsensical arguments of Code is Law. The [CVE attack](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=822.0), which while we could split hair as to whether it is the same thing, it is clear it means that Bitcoin, in its history, rolled back the entire fucking blockchain to fix an exploit. Ethereum never rolled back the blockchain; Etheruem only “reverse” a transaction. During Bitcoin’s rollback, mined coined were invalidated! Even those not attributed to the exploit. They literally rolled the blockchain back! Code is Law? Immutable? My ass! Now, Bitcoin’s rollback was needed, but my forceful language is to express how fucking stupid the Ethereum criticism is. Both were smart, community voted and decided, actions. + +> “Core dev Vlad Zamfir: Ethereum isn’t money, safe, or scalable” and the “different visions” + +Vlad also noted that Ethereum “might be” safer than other blockchains, arguing that the entire space is experimental (this is quite a misrepresentation of his argument) + +> Inflation unknown + +“unknown” doesn’t mean no information. The inflation rate is known to be [trivial](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/5izcf5/lets_talk_about_the_projected_coin_supply_over/dbc66rd/). This is the biggest strawman argument I’ve seen from maximalists. Value is supply and demand, and given the expected trivial issuance, Ethereum may end up deflationary. + +**These are just from my quick read. The Flippening will happen. It can't be stopped anymore. It is great to see someone as maximalist as Demeester starting to come to terms (maybe). But what am I missing?** + +What do you think about intel stock in a dividend growth perspective? +Current yield 2,5% with 16 years of dividend increases +Payout ratio of 28% +P/e is 12,6 (very low in this expensive market) +Price to last years free cash flow is just over 12 too +Also intel is amongst other thing in the chip industry and with the current chip shortage this leaves room for growth. +And last but not least intel uses a lot of it’s free cash flow to buy back it’s own stock for, example in q1 the spend over 2billion buying back there shares +First, a bit of information about my dad: We are european, he is around 50 years old. He is a matemathician and a teacher, so he is a knowledgable person. + +So, I was explaining to my dad the existence of these dark pools. + +Now, I didnt mention GME, citadel or anything concrete. Just pointed out their existence and how unfair it is. + +At first he didnt seem to believe it but after I showed him a Reuters article about it he was extremely surprised. + +He had no idea this could even possibly exist. + +Essentially what I wanna say is, people know crime when they see it, we just need to show them it exists first. +SWEL(CSE) / SCNNF(OTC) / SWEL(AQSE) / 484 (FRA) +Sativa Wellness Group Inc. +370,523,901 fully diluted shares +Current SP: 0.125 +Projected SP: 0.50 +Market cap: $46.3 million +Projected market cap: $185.2m + +First of all, for all of you thinking this is a cbd play.. keep reading. Sativa Wellness has decided to create a new revenue stream through opening covid testing facilities in the UK. They are an Official Government Partner in UK for Covid-19 testing. There is an average of 11,000 covid-19 infections a day in the UK. On January 9th, 2021, there was 59,900 new cases. Covid-19 is not slowing down. + +On november 9, 2020, Sativa Wellness announced a private COVID-19 testing clinic in their own Goodbody Wellness store in Bath, UK. The clinic provided PCR tests for travel and work as well as antigen test with 15 minute results. Check website below. + +On december 8, 2020, they announced significant success for Covid-19 testing in Bath, UK, and have decided to expand by opening a second clinic in Bristol UK. This clinic will also be opened inside a Goodbody Wellness Store which is owned by Sativa Wellness. They offer the same tests as Bath UK. Check website below + +On Feb 22, 2020, they announced that both Bath and Bristol stores managed to book £27,000 ($46,000 canadian) in a single day in Covid testing revenues. *Having a proven model in Bath and Bristel*,they have rolled out an additional 8 clinics all throughout the UK. +The locations are as followed: +Bath, Bristol, Swindon, Exeter, London, Reading, Cardiff, Newport, Southampton, and Cheltenham being the 10th clinic which is being opened today (feb 23, 2021) +It is safe to assume that both tests will be available for purchase at the 8 new locations. Check website below + +Now these tests run between 55£ ($97 canadian) all the way up to 155£ ($274 canadian). Emergency and express tests costs more. This is directly taken from the website: + +“The PCR lab test is a swab sent for analysis at an accredited laboratory to test for the presence of COVID-19. A certificate delivered direct via email and SMS is provided to permit travelling and pass immigration. The test is 98% sensitive if the virus is found on the swab and has a 48-72-hour turnaround. The test cost £155.” + +“A rapid antigen test is also available, which checks whether you are carrying the COVID-19 virus and could be infectious to others. Sensitivity is 92.5% and Specificity is 99.8%. Results are available in 15 minutes and the test costs £75.” + +“Finally, an IgG and IgM rapid antibody test costing £55 is available which tests to see if you have already had COVID-19 and have developed antibodies. The test has an accuracy of 98.3% and results are available in just 15 minutes.” + +Check websites below. + +OK so now here is my take on this. I like numbers. I love numbers. They have stated that the 2 stores pulled in $46,000 canadian in a single day. I am going to assume that this number includes both clinics meaning each clinic pulled in $23,000 a day. Lets assume the average price of $150 canadian per kit (range is $97-$274). $23,000 per day /$150 per kit = 153 clients per day on average. + +Now the number of clients doesn’t matter but what matters is the revenue! 10 clinics (all currently open) x $18,000 a day (instead of $23,000, lets underestimate) = $180,000 a day. + +180,000x30 days=5,400,000 per month +5,400,000x3months=16,200,000 per quarter +16,200,000x4quarters=64,800,000 per anum + +If they are able to upkeep $18,000 in revenue per clinic per day, then the revenues per anum would be more than the current market cap of 46,300,000. Keep in mind we assumed that the $46,000 a day was split in 2 to yield $23,000 per store rather than $46,000 per store. We are also underestimating using $18,000 as our model rather than $23,000. If that news release meant $46,000 per store, then double all the revenue projection numbers.. 129,600,000 per anum. (Most likely not of course) + +Keep in mind that Sativa Wellness owns these Goodbody Wellness Stores in the UK. These clinics are opened up without having to make any acquisitions or spend a lot of money. Maybe a couple of the 8 recently opened clinics are in partnership with another corporation.. that i am not too sure. + +Anyways, revenue projection per anum is potentially 64,800,000 with 10 clinics doing $18,000 canadian a day. Numbers are under-estimated and could potentially double if i misunderstood the news on Feb 23, 2021. + +Also keep in mind that this does not include revenues from the stores or their CBD products. + +What would you value a company that is technically already enroute to make 64,800,000 per year? I think atleast 3-4x of current market cap. $46,300,000 x 4 = 185,200,000 with revenues of 64,800,000 really does sound reasonable. + +**Current price. SP 0.125 Market Cap: 46.3m + +**Projected price SP: 0.50 Market Cap: 185.2m + +This estimation was projected using very conservative numbers. + + + + + +Additional info NOT tied to the revenues above: +(This is all a bonus to everything stated above) + +Fully licensed for cultivation, extraction, formulation sales and exports including a medicinal CBD license in Poland. + +Cost-effective extraction facilities able to process up to a combined 76,000kg of biomass per month + +Facilities include: +Stillcanna Origin in Romania +Stillcanna Nexus in Poland + +Only 1 of 3 companies in Europe to have EU-registered high CBD content strain of hemp. + +Patented microelement fertilizer. + +Brands include: +Goodbody Wellness +Goodbody Botanicals +Goodbody Hemp +Goodbody Clinic +Goodbody Corporate Sanitization Solutions + +Accredited BCMPA member + +Able to provide solutions for the production, manufacturing, branding and distribution of high-quality CBD products + +Novel Food Application submitted for oil-based food supplements, gummies, soft gel capsules and sports recovery gels, as well as wholesale bulk CBD ingredients. + +CBD Product listing with the “Health Store.” +The Health Store is the longest established and most respected distributer in the health food industry, who supply over 800 stores in England and Ireland and a further 130 overseas retailer stores in more than 30 different countries. The Health Store will list the full “Goodbody Wellness” premium range – CBD with Vitamin D, to target their independent health and wholefood stores. + +2021 to yield 50,000kg of CBD + +——————- +Nov 9, 2020 +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/sativa-wellness-group-launches-covid-120000399.html + +Dec 8, 2020 +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/sativa-wellness-expands-covid-testing-120100339.html + +Feb 23, 2021 +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/sativa-wellness-group-announces-launch-193800898.html + +News and Test prices on The Globe and Mail +https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/stocks/SCNNF/pressreleases/662705/ + +Goodbody Wellness covid prices +https://www.goodbodyclinic.com/ + +Share count/investors info +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/cbd-medical-cannabis-investor-information/shareholder-information/ + +UK Covid numbers +https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/ + +Active Testing clinics +https://www.goodbodyclinic.com/book-covid-tests + +Additional info links +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/operations/cultivation/ + +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/operations/extraction/ + +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/operations/brands/ + +https://corporatesanitiser.com/ + +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/uncategorized/sativa-wellness-secures-significant-product-listing-with-the-health-store/ + +https://sativawellnessgroup.com/uncategorized/novel-food-application/ +My employer has told me I will be receiving a lump sum payment from this job keeper payment. He’s told me when he transfers it into my account I will need to withdraw it and give it back to him at work? When my employer applied for the job keeper payments, asked everyone to sign the forms while we were at work. He filled the form and then asked for our signatures. I should have read what I was signing but he made me feel like it was nothing and I could trust him. I feel he is being really dodgy. Our work has picked up again and he has stopped all EFTPOS payments and only accepting cash...my guess is to show the government business has “decreased”. +Hello Everyone! + +Ape help ape. + +Howdy all! I've been immensely happy for the good reception this has been getting, and for all the people helping in their needs. I'm just so happy for that. Now just like I always ask, is everyone holding up okay? Still very much turbulence in the world right now, as well as personally for some. Alot of people have been having things rough. It's okay to take a breather! Maybe do a little yoga, in, out! Ahhhhh! + + + IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! DUH NUN NUN NUN DUN DUH DUN DUN DUN DUN! So earlier this week, Ryan Cohen filed for the right to sell some of his bath stock within 90 days, leading to wild speculation of many things. If this means anything, who knows for sure. But it does tell you that Ryan still is acting out his plan for GME, and that soon tendies and generational wealth will be here for all. So then after all this happened, Ryan did end up selling his bath stock yesterday, showing that GME is and always was the one true MOASS play. I'm excited for what the next few days will bring! + +Now on to the fun stuff. Anyone need food or essentials? Please reach out to the community and speak up! No shame. Many here can help make sure that you and your loved ones are good. There is no reason anyone should be without. Ive seen so many comments of people in tough times, it just absolutely pains me to see this. I don't know how to even do this. I'm sure we can find a way in keeping this responsible and anonymous. Anonymous is the word, no one is asking for anyone to be doxed here. + +No one should be without. We're all family here. Even if this helps a few people then it's worth it. + +If you need help, if you're struggling, please ask. We are all a community, and there's no shame in seeking support if you need it. Also you don't need to be in the same area, hopefully you can find someone/people to help! If you just need to vent that's fine too. + +Just wanna go over a few ground rules for this post. Feeling frustrated and tired here IS okay, but spreading FUD is not. A little leway will be given but outright **saying you sold** (true or not) is not the best to post and **WILL be considered FUD.** No fud please. Basically not spreading of fud and not talking of selling and you'll be good. Also helping out is absolutely okay, and welcomed, but I think the line has to be drawn at posting things like official charity links and gofundmes, at least here in the comments. Also remember that while this is an online community, we are all individual investors. But also remember that needing help is okay and you're not alone. + +As for the critics, not everyone who's struggling is over leveraged. Alot can change in a year or even just a few months, and you just never know what people are truly going through. Also many people who have no idea what's happening with GME currently are feeling the effects of the state of the economy right now. A little compassion never hurts 😄. + +Cheers everyone 🍻, and hope everyone has an awesome weekend 😊. + +Use your gut and ape help ape! WAGMI. And remember, Power to the Players 🥢! DRS! 🦍❤️ + Stay cool! Don't lose hope, not just in moass or Ryan Cohen, but never lose hope in yourself! Love everyone. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/16/us-retail-sales-september-2019.html + +>The Commerce Department said on Wednesday retail sales dropped 0.3% last month as households cut back spending on motor vehicles, building materials, hobbies, and online purchases. That was the first and biggest drop since February. +I've worked at this company part time for the last 5+ years. Recently I noticed that my paychecks were usually between 30 minutes to an hour short of the actual hours that I worked. I don't have copies of the times I clocked in and out, but I used my google maps location history which told me the exact times I arrived and left work. + +I've checked about 6 of my recent paychecks and this was true for all of them. + +It only results in a loss of about $10-$15 each paycheck. But assuming that this has happened for the past 5 years, the total is probably in the range of $600-$900 that I've lost because of this. + +I want to talk to my boss about it, but I want to be prepared beforehand. + +What's my best course of action? + + +Edit: Wow I did not expect this many replies. + +To answer a few common questions: + +I usually work 5-6 hours each shift and don’t take a lunch. When I do take one, it’s unpaid. I take one paid break each shift. + +I know that google maps data isn’t the best evidence, but I typically walk straight into work after I arrive and leave right after I clock out. I don’t park far so maybe the times are off by a few minutes each time. I only work 3 times a week and this does not add up to the time that I am missing each paycheck. + +I’m not sure if they are rounding or not, but I read up on it and my understanding is they are supposed to round in a way that is neutral (+/- $0 average loss) or in a way that benefits me. Since there is a consistent loss of hours, if they are rounding they are only rounding down and not up. + +I’m usually scheduled from 9 to 2, but I typically leave anywhere from 2-3 so my hours worked are usually more than what I am scheduled. + +I am employed in California. + +Edit 2: Some people are mentioning that I should only get paid from 9-2 if that’s what I’m scheduled. It is encouraged for people to stay late at my company and many times I have no choice. It is understood that you will get paid for your time if you stay late. So this would not be the reason for the missing hours. + +Edit 3: I clock in immediately after arriving at work. It maybe takes me 2 minutes to walk to and from my car. After I clock out, I usually leave right away as well. If I take a lunch, I have to clock in and out for that also. + +Regardless, I know that google maps isn’t sufficient evidence and I will manually track my times with pictures for the next month or so and make sure of it before I say anything to management. + +I definitely did not expect this many replies but I appreciate all the information and advice. +Ive been bullish for a long time despite even the pandemic. I was confident the FED would do the right thing and raise rates, and the government would chill the fuck out with the spending. (Monetary and fiscal policy). + +Well, after seeing inflation data and the governments response, I’m bearish. Biden blames Russia 100% for inflation. There is zero talk of cooling spending, he even said “I’m sick of the American people saying government spending causes inflation”. Fact, high government spending is one of the many parts of demand pull inflation which is what we are experiencing; unless he has discovered a new facet of Keynesian economics. + +Now there are [speculation] talks of an invasion of Taiwan, if that happens we are definitely fucked because thats where almost all of our silicon comes from. (This is the most speculatory part, it is a risk that needs to be considered though) + +Inflation is going to get worse. The government is not going to do shit as they’ve indicated. Since 2008 the government solution to everything is to throw money at it. The fed isnt going to do shit, theyve literally fucked themselves into a corner. They cant raise rates, we wont be able to pay for our debt. (I mean raise them significantly. Not fucking .25%) + +I think we are in for a horrible fucking quarter with where gas prices are. The spike in gas prices solidified my bearishness: when gas prices are up literally everything under the sun costs more.Companies will need to raise prices more, consumers will become priced out and more frugal, demand will fall, stagflation. + +This being said I am holding still, but I will be waiting a couple months before buying more. Especially after Q2. + +Also, why are NO politicians holding the FED accountable right now? Ive seen nothing in the news cycle about it. + +Oh yeah lets not forget the housing market is absolutely fucked right now. + +Edit: a lot of you seem to think 8% inflation is good for stocks. LOW inflation (2%) IS good for stocks and economic growth. HIGH inflation is VERY bad for the economy, head math: prices go up, value of money goes down, consumers buy less. Bad. +https://i.redd.it/z6w30uf7y3661.png + +Original post: +https://www.reddit.com/r/interactivebrokers/comments/kg4fzy/summary_of_differences_between_iblux_ibie_and/ +I've recently learned there are ways to get ether besides buying it. For example, I saw Cent (beta.cent.co). I then saw coin-hive.com. While the latter uses Monero, it still opened my eyes to the potential. My question is, what are ways you've seen to "earn" ether. Mining doesn't count ;) +Started buying into the ETH hype around the 4100 mark. Went up to around 4700 and kept me buying more and more. My DCA is heavy at this point and all I see is red every day. I feel like I am the only person who came onto this trend at the worst time possible. Fml +It’s free work. Done 500x faster than they ever could. They would of never found the 1M puts or if anything it would of been years. + + I can’t imagine being a HF and having a absolute machine like this sub coming after you. They dig up peoples personal past(Fieri DDD episode for 100k), spy on you at night while you’re pacing in your office, and find every single move you’re doing before you can say “more Mayo pls”. + +RIP these SHF. + +Trading is a tough game isn’t it? +I was bored and always wanted to know what random numbers would look like as a chart. + +I wrote a small app that creates fake charts for a "fake currency". The data points for that currency is all randomly generated. I generate years worth of data and depending on how long the generation process goes i can create hundreds of "years" worth of fake data. Really simple, you roll a number between 1 and 100, if it's greater than 50 you plus 1 and the day was positive, if it's lower than 50 you minus 1 and the day was negative, really rudimentary. + +If i re-run a new generation i get a new fresh, completely different chart that looks just as "real" ish as the previous. Some trend up, some trend down, some range, some have wild swings just like any other free floating real world currency chart. Without getting to far into the computer science involving truly random numbers, this is just a flip of a coin really. + +Granted, in real life reserve banks can support their currency by placing barriers of orders to protect key areas, they can also push and pull the currency to keep the local economy stimulated as needed or adjust the cash rate to enable traders to do it for them, but they can only do that for so long or until another reserve bank can ease their pressure at extreme levels. This element of real world trading isn't random and is intentional to keep the system together, so it isn't modeled in my specific app obviously. + +The difference between my fake data and real life is **fundamentals**, people need to eat, sleep and buy things and run business, but there is also so much of that going on and at different intervals, it can also be assumed random to a point. + +**CHARTS - Price starts at 0 which is 1 to 1 ratio.** + +FAKE example 1. Ended negative. ***10,000*** **data points.** + +[Even RN-JESUS KNOWS WHAT A TREND IS! AUD\/USD ANYONE????](https://preview.redd.it/srd13chuf0k31.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6aacdd470e14457cca57ee7ebf55aa34dddacd) + +FAKE example 2. Ended Positive **10,000 data points** + +[THIS IS WHAT I WISH THE POUND WOULD ACTUALLY DO](https://preview.redd.it/wkimvlfkg0k31.png?width=1399&format=png&auto=webp&s=a469e03f23ea22b65905f9f1b475f6694ec41706) + +Fake example 3. **500 data points**. + +[$14 dollar Resistance, $-30 dollar support.](https://preview.redd.it/zdr4d4rlq0k31.png?width=1397&format=png&auto=webp&s=c91d46834d49fb319467792203ee7057fedede75) + +Fake example 4. **1000 data points.** + +[Chop Chop](https://preview.redd.it/zccs86ttr0k31.png?width=1387&format=png&auto=webp&s=08d6953014708d9c493deb97c58ab43399d6cd14) +I have owned a couple properties for a few years now. I have spent those years doing improvements and maintenance myself. I have found with a little ambition and the rectangle of knowledge there really isnt much that someone can't tackle themselves. Obviously certain safety related tasks should be left to the professionals but most of the time that isnt the case. For instance last night a tenant mentions they cant get the water to shut off in the shower. They had to shut it off in the utility closet at the service valve. Told them I would be there first thing this morning. Stressing about it last night and then doing research before even looking at it it sound like a shower valve canister. I go there this morning and sure enough the canister is bad. A 5 minute youtube video and an $86 canister (thanks covid supply chain economics) I put the new one in and good as new. + +Now I have no professional training at all. All self taught and using building codes, books, manuals etc. Everytime I fix something I gain confidence and ability to tackle stuff myself as opposed to paying someone and arm and a leg to get to it eventually. Tenants appreciate it because I can take care of stuff quickly and most of the time successfully. + +Basically I am saying for all the owners you can do this yourself. You dont need to pay someone and cut into your profits. Its incredibily enpowering when you do as well. I know there are some people who dont want and dont have to deal with it themselves and that is great too. I know for me personally I view it as a dollar I am not paying someone else is a dollar in my pocket. + +Has anyone else gone through a similar evolution where they do things now that they would never dream of doing before? +Hello everyone +Im a 25 year old guy, i just got my first job after grad school, and while i am a firm believer in financial planning and being responsible, i cant help but want ro buy a lot of the things i wanted over the years but could never get (new laptop, phone, piano, travelling..) because i grew up poor and was always very responsible with the little money i had so a big part of it is celebrating and enjoying the fruits of my labor after years of struggle. + +So my question is where do i draw the line financialy between being responsible and having fun ? + +Thank you in advance for your answers. +I’ve been seeing a lot lately on investing sites, other subs and listening to podcasts, all steering people away from dividend investing. Many of them site not picking individual stocks, tax issues and lack of growth. So what’s up with all the negativity towards it? + +As for me, I plan to stay in with my strategy to generate a stream of passive income. Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts are and if they are seeing or hearing the same things? +As a newbie investor and trader I've been googling all these stock gurus and most of them are pretty shady. I was checking a twitter account called fake Guru or something, and there was a video of a stock guru showing off his new Mercedes, then he said off camera "Mom.. where is dad's car keys?" LoL + +Anyway, googling these stock "gurus" brings me to reddit 97.4% of the time. And everybody says "if you're a millionaire, why bother with these youtube videos?" + +~~If that's the case, if Warren Buffet is a billionaire, why does he write books to teach the masses? Is he also a scam? Obviously not. So what's the problem with making youtube videos if you're a successful trader? ~~ + +Edit: just found out that apparently warren buffett never wrote a book. + +P.S. I agree that most of these guys are scams. It's just that argument that confuses me. +I searched on reddit but this hasn't been discussed much.... many of us have to pay taxes on capital gains from trading stocks and/or fx, and one way to save money on taxes is to set up an offshore company in a tax haven country and open a brokerage account using that business name. in theory it's quite straight forward and setting up an offshore company doesn't cost that much considering how much taxes you ultimately save. How many of you use an offshore entity to pay zero tax? or is this topic prohibited on here? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Not everything discussed here may not be applicable to a US citizen + +Important: I'm not 100% sure but looks like even if you set up an IBC in a tax haven jurisdiction such as Belize, most licensed brokers incl. IRBK refuse to accept an IBC these days. However, if you're not a US citizen/resident, registering a Wyoming LLC may be a good alternative to save taxes because to non-us citizens/residents, the US may be the ultimate tax haven because under the FATCA the US only takes and lacks in reciprocity, and the US does not participate in CRS. That's not to guarantee that the US will refuse to hand over your info to your country's tax authority upon request. (e.g., Finland requested the US for info in the past). If you can't relocate to a tax haven, as of this writing, you can still set up a company in UAE/get residency for around USD20k. Local banks don't have to disclose your info under the CRS scheme because you will have residency in UAE and considered a UAE entity, but you have to go to UAE to open bank accounts and visit there every 6 month to maintain residency. +Cryptocurrency seems to be posted here so much and personally, as someone who's traded cryptocurrency in the past, it doesn't really seems like a great asset class to trade with algorithms because exchanges go down so often and there's so much blatant market manipulation etc. + +It just seems like anyone trading crypto is asking to get ripped off; and I'm not saying this as someone new to this, I've traded cryptocurrency before and I'm familiar with the general market microstructure of it. + +I think a couple months back there was a sticky asking if the mods should ban cryptocurrency posts; while I do think the cryptocurrency spam is annoying, there are some interesting posts about cryptocurrency which are fine. + +Anyway since I don't want to be someone who just complains without offering something in lieu of complaining here's some interesting stuff I've researched about alternative data which people in this sub may find interesting. + +* [Deloitte Report about alternative data](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/financial-services/us-fsi-dcfs-alternative-data-for-investment-decisions.pdf) +* [Citi report about alternative data](https://www.cmegroup.com/education/files/big-data-investment-management-the-potential-to-quantify-traditionally-qualitative-factors.pdf) + +It seems like machine learning actually works really well with these types of nonlinear/multidimensional datasets, which is really cool. + +I guess one thing is that the average person on this sub who just trades retail with algorithms probably cannot afford these expensive datasets, but there are certain datasets you can build yourself or find online which may yield some results when paired with a more conventional trading strategy, so it's still relevant to most people on this sub. + +Hope everyone finds this stuff as interesting as I do. +Stocks surged to the highest levels since early March after promising early results for an experimental vaccine sparked speculation economies could snap back quickly. Crude oil advanced and yields on Treasuries rose. + +The S&P 500 jumped 3.2% after Moderna Inc. said its vaccine tests yielded signs it can create an immune-system response in the body. Companies that would benefit from a return toward more normal economic activity rallied. Carnival Corp. surged 15%, while Delta Air Lines and Live Nation Entertainment climbed more than 13%. Energy producers popped 7.5% and real-estate firms added almost 5%. + +The risk-on rally comes as more economies around the world and within the U.S. ease restrictions that created one of the steepest downturns since the Depression. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stressed the central bank has more ammunition to combat weakness. The Stoxx Europe 600 jumped the most since March, while indexes in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea all posted modest advances. + +“Powell addressing that the Fed is not out of ammo combined with positive vaccine trial data has set the markets off to the races,” said Matt Miskin, co-chief investment strategist at John Hancock Investment Management. “It just shows that sentiment can change so quickly in times like these.” + +Gold traded at its highest price in seven years before retreating, while West Texas oil rose above $30 a barrel for the first time in two months as producers in the U.S. and elsewhere continued to cut activity. + +While Powell said the U.S. economy’s recovery could stretch to the end of 2021, he added that policy makers are “not out of ammunition by a long shot.” Several European countries ended bans on short selling, as they continued to report the lowest number of daily deaths from the virus since March. + +“The market is very tied to measuring the success of these economic reopenings,” said Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist for Charles Schwab & Co. “A successful vaccine would really make those reopenings very successful. The market is excited about that news although it would be a long time until the vaccine is developed.” + +Edit: forgot to add link to [source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-17/pound-slips-asian-stock-futures-trade-mixed-markets-wrap?utm_source=url_link) +# Intro + +Sharing my experience here on how credit card has been useful for me and how I use it to manage expenses. This is not a recommendation of any sorts and there is no affiliate link here nor am I getting paid for anything here. Also I understand that there have been several posts, but I hope that this post combines everything into one place. + +# Background + +In Monika Halan's - Let's talk money book, she recommends that everyone should track their expenses so that ultimately we spend less. Spending less can be considered as an outcome of expense tracking, but regardless we should track our expenses so that we can make whatever decision we want with that data. She recommends doing so by creating an income account and a spending account. This is a good idea but the problem is that I cannot find a bank account which offers zero balance account with unlimited transactions (RBI limit). I would be happy to be proven otherwise. So this led me to using Credit cards for all expenses (almost all, see below) and use my salary account which gives me the good benefits of zero balance, free cheque books, no hidden charges. + +# Other Advantages + +Other than expense tracking, credit cards have the obvious below advantages - + +* Credit free period. You can earn Savings account interest in this period. +* Reward points. +* Can be used for emergency spending. This should be done with care. I typically use it since the emergency funds I use (liquid and overnight) do not have instant redeem. I did this tradeoff for safety btw which is a separate point of discussion. +* Charge back/Unauthorized transaction protection. +* Can improve credit score for cheaper loans. +* Other offers such as zero cost EMI etc., + +Note that credit card should mainly be used as an expense tracking tool rather than being used for splurging. IMO, spending more than you earn can happen even without a credit card and it indicates a deeper behavioral issue rather an issue with Credit cards themselves. The credit free period, reward points etc., should be a criteria to choose which credit card rather than to use credit cards themselves. + +# How to choose a credit card? + +This is probably the most important topic. There are are tons of cards out there but choosing a credit card should be simple, + +* No annual fees. Regardless of how much you spend, there should not be any fee. Any card that says fees are waived off after spending X amount encourages you to spend beyond what you need. We have enough headaches in life and spending for saving should not be one. +* Not 100% based on our income and spending i.e our bank account. This is very hard. Most CC vendors give cards based on our income and spending. But there are cards which offer a decent credit line say 3 lakhs without much headache. This is needed since we might retire, we might choose to take a career break etc., +* Consistent cashback/rewards. Most CC will encourage use to spend more i.e if you spend 10K then 1% is the cashback whereas if you spend 20K then 2% is the cashback. Cashback/Rewards should be independent of how much we spend. +* Simple way to redeem rewards. We should be spending more to claim the rewards. As simple as that. +* No fuel surcharge and no other hidden charges. +* Other facilities - Chip based security, wireless payment etc., on top of the above points. +* Edit : Protection against fraud as /u/[lifeversace](https://www.reddit.com/user/lifeversace/) pointed out. + +Based on the above points we can rule out cards that give, + +* Air miles, Points that can be spent on fuel and other specific type of reward points. Nobody is flying now because of covid, but even then this is encouraging you to spend more just to claim your rewards. +* Other so called exclusive reward cards that tap into your mind to feel special. Free airline lounge, exclusive club access and all that useless stuff which again make you spend more. +* CC's which have entry barrier because of income. This is the most laughable part of it. Companies earn money from what we spend. This elitist mindset of having x amount of income to qualify for a card is absurd. It is logical if someone gets a lower credit line because of lesser income. + +Considering these factors and after years of credit card usage I found Amazon pay ICICI credit card to be the best. Why? + +* Consistent cashback. Yes Amazon pay CC has a bias, it gives 5% for stuff bought at amazon but I buy a lot from amazon anyway. It gives 2% flat for bill payments done via amazon pay. I pay for gas cylinder, mobile recharge, broadband bill, insurance premium (both life insurance and vehicle insurance through Acko which has additional cashback), electricity bill and more through it. This I usually spend regardless if I have a CC or not. 1% for everything else. +* No fuel surcharge non sense. This has a decent limit which I have not crossed. Surcharges get credited as reversal which is essentially zero charges. +* Not linked with my bank account and very less linked to spending pattern. The credit line offered to me is around 3.1L per month which is not much considering my monthly salary (not bragging but the idea is to decouple) . I would not say I shopped on amazon a lot. In total I have spent close to 3.5 Lakhs over the last 9 years in my Amazon account which includes Mobile phones, Cameras and other stuff that I have bought. This is definitely not a lot. +* No joining fees/annual fees and no entry barrier other than what I spent in Amazon regularly. +* Clean cashback. They get added to my amazon pay wallet which I can again use for paying my bills or spending on other stuff. But the choice is mine. + +Love to hear the thoughts of this community on this. +This is an old war strategy from the old Chinese book called “Thirty-Six Stratagems” , the second one of it. + +Wiki: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty-Six_Stratagems + +This is the translation of this strategy: + +Besiege Wèi to rescue Zhào + +When the enemy is too strong to be attacked directly, then attack something he holds dear. Know that he cannot be superior in all things. Somewhere there is a gap in the armour, a weakness that can be attacked instead. + +The origins of this proverb is from the Warring States Period. The state of Wèi attacked Zhao and laid siege to its capital Handan. Zhào turned to Qí for help, but the Qí general Sun Bin determined it would be unwise to meet the army of Wèi head on, so he instead attacked their capital at Daliang. The army of Wèi retreated in haste, and the tired troops were ambushed and defeated at the Battle of Guiling, with the Wèi general Pang Juan slain on the field. Note that this campaign is also described explicitly in the Art of War of Master Sun Bin the younger. + +The idea here is to avoid a head on battle with a strong enemy, and instead strike at his weakness elsewhere. This will force the strong enemy to retreat in order to support his weakness. Battling against the now tired and low-morale enemy will give a much higher chance of success. +[ Wazzzzzzuppppppp](https://preview.redd.it/zb98vcfp1ar71.jpg?width=1427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9cbc01d0f68bf68fcd09d391bc82397b0a5f773) + +# NEW Rule 9 - Portfolios and Positions + +* Full positions can be posted if they are directly registered in your name. Any positions from “street name” brokerages will be removed. +* Buy orders (including through brokerages such as Fidelity and TDA) can be posted. (If using a brokerage, do NOT show your full position or account number) +* Do not post screenshots or details of your gains or losses. (ie. Exited positions displaying gains or losses from sale) These posts will be removed indiscriminately. + +# Explanation + +We want to make it clear up front. EVERY. SINGLE. APE. BELONGS. IN. THIS. FIGHT. We stand tall, side by side--it doesn’t matter how many shares you have, you are my brother, my sister, my friend, my neighbor. For the past two weeks, we incessantly debated the best course of action to take because this stance is such a big change from our previous “NO POSITIONS.” At the end of the day, the mods have seen a very positive reaction from Apes regarding the posting of positions. I know for me, it REALLY GETS ME FUCKING JACKED because I know that each one of these buys is chipping away at the old regime of the hedge funds and banks and brokerages fucking the hard working people who are the backbone of the world. Fuck you, Kenny, it’s MY share, and I want it NOW. So I’M gonna register it in MY name. No IOU, no FTD, no phantom share, no FAKE ASS BULLSHIT THAT YOU’RE TRYING TO FORCE FEED US. We have had ENOUGH. And AH! I’m jacked! JACKED to the TEETS! + +[I'm bouta go Super Saiyan 69 ayyyy](https://i.redd.it/oud4hqys1ar71.gif) + +As always, DYODD (do your own due diligence) when you see a big position/buy order. Always take these positions with a grain of salt. Your value and worth as an Ape is not dependent on how many shares you have; it’s dependent on what you bring to the community. Do you contribute DD? Are you a MemeLord? Do you spread news and information? Do you read and upvote/downvote posts? Have you been on the ground to give us a visual? SIZE DOESN’T MATTER \[in this case 😉\]! We’ve all done our part and THAT’S what matters. + +https://preview.redd.it/7cbsjnru1ar71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6278e5ee35f233a3f5384c4aa156a201b91783b8 + +If anyone is caught belittling another Ape because of position size, they will be banned accordingly. True Apes won’t even MENTION their position size when trying to explain a thesis because it DOESN’T MATTER. You should judge an ape on the merit and content of their post/comment, not the size of their account. We all come from different socioeconomic backgrounds so our capacity to buy shares are totally different. If you have more shares, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re more invested. This whole thing has become about so much more than money. It’s about equality, it’s about fairness, it’s about getting to play at the same tables as Big Money. Remember, Apes Together Strong. We take that very seriously. + +https://preview.redd.it/aycq943w1ar71.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e461e735867e990accb8a651175e99eba2a7026a + +Because of this, the mods will NOT be verifying any of the positions because it puts a lot of undue stress on us as a team. We have seen time and time again that the Apes know how to spot FUD and we trust the community to self-govern in regards to the positions posts and buys. Keep in mind that these types of posts are to serve as HYPE for the community so don’t turn it into something it’s not. Also we want to reiterate, if you are caught faking a post, you will be banned accordingly. + +We hope this clears up the confusion you’ve had regarding this rule and our current stance as a moderator team. If you have any questions, we’ll try our best to answer them but please bear with us while we grow and adapt to the changing tides of time. + +**FLAIR REMINDER:** + +>💻 ComputerShared 🦍 + +If you wish to get the above flair, please comment the following code in any Superstonk post (all lowercase letters will also work): + +!DRS! + +# MOD REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY + +We are looking to streamline the current Pinned Post system and make it easier for new apes to digest information. The Mods are requesting that the community put together a GameStop for Newbies and Smoothbrains post. It should be TLDR of the GME thesis and Computershare thesis. It should also include stuff like an Ape glossary of commonly used terms/acronyms, general social guidelines for posting/commenting on the subreddit, explain karma requirements, and basically anything else that you guys think a new Ape would benefit from knowing. You don’t need to reach out and ask our permission for this. If you can put one together, just post it and if it gets enough traction, we’ll work with you to refine and broadcast it for the community. + +# LAST NOTES + +Reminders because we are still having issues: + +https://preview.redd.it/tpvl3cmy1ar71.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fbffea8731870fd7865e59c544de35421568c6 + +[you will be banned if you do that here](https://preview.redd.it/49moeabz1ar71.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821eb65a974989bee38676fccfb170b2571ae0d0) + +[ A lot of good, innocent people are gonna be hurt during this. Be respectful. Don't fucking dance. ](https://i.redd.it/tma3ehlkgar71.gif) + +# Thank you and have a lovely week! + +# --XOXO the Superstonk Moderators 🦍💎✋🚀🌕🐳🚽🦙🐸🍦 +I’m about to enter into negotiations with my employer regarding my emigration to the UK (probably Yorkshire). Worst case scenario would be me earning the GBP equivalent of my current salary: £2700pcm before tax. In South Africa it’s decent money, but how far would that get a single guy working from home in Yorkshire? + +Edit: Thank you so much for all the replies!! Greatly appreciated. Consensus is that I should be asking for £50k to £60k pa. +I’m a British citizen, so no visa etc. +Job is a software dev for a Canadian company. Where I live is irrelevant to them. Yorkshire is a personal choice. +$BOTS – Bot Ocean is a highly undervalued gem that has massive events coming soon! + +&#x200B; + +[https://botocean.com/](https://botocean.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Bot Ocean democratizes the algorithmic trading market by giving you the tools to navigate your way through the market and earn assets while our bots do their job. + +&#x200B; + +Simply put, Bot Ocean is bringing trading bots to the masses with a simple drag and drop UI, CEX & DEX trading, Social Trading, and Live Bot Trading. + +&#x200B; + +On the platform you will be able to see various trading strategies, their performance and risk level, and then be able to choose which fits your style best, all while making massive gains. But the platform hasn’t launched yet, you just found a super early GEM. + +&#x200B; + +And for the BOTS Token, it provides - + +&#x200B; + +\-Discount on transaction fees + +\-Discount on different strategies + +\-Early access to strategy index funds + +\-Personalized newsletter and research reports + +\-Exclusive features in the analytics section + +\-Membership access to Token holder groups + +\-Early feature access + +\-Option to become a Governor in the DAO + +So the BOTS token to Bot Ocean is what BNB is to Binance. + +Speaking of Binance, they know good investments when they see one, and although its unconfirmed by the team, check out the wallets holding BOTS on Etherscan. + +[https://etherscan.io/token/0xf9fbe825bfb2bf3e387af0dc18cac8d87f29dea8#balances](https://etherscan.io/token/0xf9fbe825bfb2bf3e387af0dc18cac8d87f29dea8#balances) + +Huge things are scheduled for this project down the pipeline, Beta Version of the platform is scheduled to be released by the end of March. + +Q2 – Beta Release and then Final Product Release + +Q2 – CEX listings + +Q3 – Expansion to international markets + +Q3 – Licenses for custodial investments + +Q3 – New features integrating the token + +&#x200B; + +And did I mention, this was the project chosen for the very first IDO on Poolz and the first DApp on the Orion Protocol. + +&#x200B; + +PARTNERS: + +HYVE - [https://hyveworks.medium.com/](https://hyveworks.medium.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Orka Labs - [http://orkalabs.com/](http://orkalabs.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Poolz - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-announces-its-initial-dex-offering-ido-on-the-poolz-platform-4fc6f489a9c6](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-announces-its-initial-dex-offering-ido-on-the-poolz-platform-4fc6f489a9c6) + +&#x200B; + +Orion Protocol - [https://blog.orionprotocol.io/botocean](https://blog.orionprotocol.io/botocean) + +&#x200B; + +Coinvision Research - [https://www.coinvision.co/p/botocean-automated-trading-directly](https://www.coinvision.co/p/botocean-automated-trading-directly) + +&#x200B; + +Insured Finance - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-partners-with-p2p-insurance-marketplace-insured-finance-32be859d9898](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-partners-with-p2p-insurance-marketplace-insured-finance-32be859d9898) + +&#x200B; + +Bridge Mutual - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-partners-with-decentralized-insurance-platform-bridge-mutual-8ec53e86358f](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-partners-with-decentralized-insurance-platform-bridge-mutual-8ec53e86358f) + +&#x200B; + +PAID - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-announces-paid-network-as-new-strategic-partner-and-legal-advisor-efd4f89b49a7](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-announces-paid-network-as-new-strategic-partner-and-legal-advisor-efd4f89b49a7) + +&#x200B; + +Ferrum Network - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-onboards-ferrum-network-as-strategic-investor-and-staking-provider-1dc689d8a734](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/bot-ocean-onboards-ferrum-network-as-strategic-investor-and-staking-provider-1dc689d8a734) + +&#x200B; + +LINKS – + +[https://botocean.com](https://botocean.com) + +Telegram - [https://t.me/botocean](https://t.me/botocean) + +&#x200B; + +LinkedIn - [https://www.linkedin.com/company/bot-ocean/about/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/bot-ocean/about/) + +&#x200B; + +Dextools - [https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x71000582ec4914629a61ec95f22f764aa7e3b8a5](https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x71000582ec4914629a61ec95f22f764aa7e3b8a5) + +&#x200B; + +CoinGecko - [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bot-ocean](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bot-ocean) + +&#x200B; + +Medium - [https://botoceaninc.medium.com/](https://botoceaninc.medium.com/) + +&#x200B; + +WHERE TO BUY – + +&#x200B; + +[https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0x71000582ec4914629a61ec95f22f764aa7e3b8a5](https://info.uniswap.org/pair/0x71000582ec4914629a61ec95f22f764aa7e3b8a5) +**EDIT: THANKS FOR ALL OF THE INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS. I READ EVERY ONE, EVEN IF I DIDN'T REPLY.**Female, with no health conditions, will be 66 in March(full retirement date 66+2months, so, June 1,2021). I started Medicare this January and have a no-fee Advantage Plan. I have a total of just over $400,000 in all of my accounts total (403B, savings, mutual funds, small IRA). When I retire, I will get $2400/month SS. **MY PLAN:** pay off the mortgage of $25,000 now. Quit my job (currently at $60,000/yr) in April or May 2021, use my personal leave time (300hrs) for income until SS kicks in (June) and come away with a bigger cushion in savings from excessive leave time they will pay out (I own a house, I want a bigger cushion!). My budget says I can actually *live* on the SS with a $1000/month draw from 403B, giving me $40,800/yr to live on (and that's with over budgeting). Yes, I'm aware that I will forfeit the "8%" increase if I were to wait until I'm 70 to draw SS. But doesn't it make more sense to do it this way? If I were to pull out $40,800/yr (to live on) from my $300,000 retirement fund to live on, I'd spend $142,800 of it (almost half) just in those 3.5 years. With *this* plan, I'm only using $3500 from my retirement plan $$. Thoughts? Opinions? + +ONE MORE THING: although I'm healthy, I work in a frontline position in a hospital, I'm being exposed to COVID, with "proper" PPE, many times a shift. Yes, I've started my shot series. We are being overwhelmed with COVID at this point. For the past few years, I've always said I had 2 goals: #1. don't get hurt #2. don't get fired. *Now* I add #3. don't get sick. + +EDITED to add: the house is worth at least $180,000 and I'm always considering selling, and yes, I should downsize. I'm already working reduced hours (33 hrs/week). And I can easily live off of that. I'm not a shopper, I'm not a spender, I've always been frugal and quite frankly, have most everything I need. My biggest budget allocation will be food, I feed myself very well, at home, with restaurant meals only 2-3 times a month (even before COVID). + I want *out* of the environment I'm walking into constantly. I think this is my way out. + +EDIT (AGAIN). wow, awards! +What are your thoughts on Alibaba (I’ve never seen an opportunity this interesting personally but would like some feedback) I’ve held the stock for a month and a bit and have been increasing my position ever since. I’m still starting out in investing (16) but I got a fair value of $330 after my DCF valuation. I am also very interested in some of the big tech giants in China that have seen investors selling because if regulatory concerns with the CCP. + +Thanks 😎 +Personally, I love Disney. I think their brand and their contents are just perfect, and somehow I feel emotionally attached to the company because I grew up watching Disney movies, buying Disney products and going to Disneyland. + + +I didn't make a full valuation but I will, and right now I feel it's overvalued. However, we don't know how to value Disney, because the company wants to increase its revenues from Disney+, which I'm sure will become more important than Netflix. The brand power of things like Star Wars, Disney cartoons (unmatched), and Marvel are just incredible. And I’m sure they will acquire more brands to fuel their tv shows which are usually better for streaming platforms. + +I feel like their Disney+ business isn't really "priced in" in Disney, and they still didn't produce many new shows/movies for the platform. Netflix PE is 90, Disney (adjusted) is 40. + +What do you guys think? Am I being too emotional, or do you believe this can still be considered as a "value" stock, compared to its tech competitors? Or the actual price already reflects this? I'm still on the fence on this. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/fords-stock-falls-as-dividend-likely-to-be-suspended-analyst-says-2020-03-19 + +Another cautionary tail to add to GE for those who think buying big "Names" with a good dividend cant possibly go wrong. Ford stock now down 75% from its post GFC high in June of 2014. +A while back, [I commented](http://www.reddit.com/r/finance/comments/1qe0ga/work_in_finance_can_you_describe_a_typical_day/cdbwgie?context=3) on a thread asking for Finance people to describe a typical day. Since then, I've received numerous PMs asking for advice. I figured I would post an AMA here to gain more visibility and see if there are any lingering questions our there. Fire away! + +~~**edit 1: It's 11:15pm PST and I'm going to bed. Will be back in the morning to answer questions if you've arrived late to the party**~~ + +~~**edit 2: Back and answering questions as of 8am PST**~~ + +edit 3: The questions have died down, but feel free to shoot me a PM. Happy to answer! +SCHD seems to be the favorite ETF on this subreddit so I analyzed it's performance and it seems to have not only a good dividend yield, but very competitive capital appreciation. What is even more impressive is that the ETF doesn't seem to have exposure to the mega huge tech companies such as AAPL, AMZN, NVDA, etc. but still performs quite closely to the S&P 500. Is the excellent performance due to the quality screen employed by SCHD? Or is it something else? Also, does SCHD have plenty of international exposure on it's own due to the presence of multinational companies or would it be prudent to also purchase SCHY? +As the title suggests. My partner won't spend our money. We have a joint account. Engaged. Joint home. Joint baby. In short we're committed to each other long term. + +I appreciate this may come across as relationship advice needed, but I think intrinsically the issue is money? + +All our bills/various pots, go out first thing in the month, so anything left after that is for us to enjoy. I've continually tried to encourage them to get into the habit of using it, but I'm struggling to get them to, without doing it for them directly. + +I currently organise stuff for us to do jointly, and I spend a bit on my own hobbies. But other than telling them every week they need to book/buy/ do something, even if they eventually do, they still end up using their own current account anyway. + +I do earn more, and maybe this contributes to the problem, but I really (and I mean really really) push home the point that everything is jointly ours. So if this is it, I'm unsure how to further overcome it (open to suggestions). + +I'd really appreciate some friendly suggestions on anything I may have missed, financially or otherwise which would help overcome this issue. + +Edited: spelling and pronouns +On his Twitter, WSBGod was making daily posts until March 20, now there's radio silence. We know he caught the beer soup cancer (see below). I've pinged him and heard no response. You best believe he would have posted after the last 2 crazy fucking days. + + +* **March 16**: "I wanted to let y'all know that as of this time I do believe I've been infected by the virus. I'm self-isolating at home, saving the limited test kits for others who need them more than I do. Don't worry about me tho, gonna take a lot more than this to bring ol' WSBgod down!" +* **March 19**: "When I breathe I can hear my fucking lungs crackling. Can't wait until this is all over and I can celebrate with some fresh kush again." + +I seriously think our lord & savior has passed unto the shadow realm. If so, let me be the first to pour one out for him and say this: you lived and died like a fucking legend. + +Side note: I spoke to Vanguard. He won't have margin to exercise, so they'll close out his position and his account will probably sit there with a fat 20M+ until it gets sent to probate and his family members kill each other over it. + +Fuck. + +If you're out there, you glorious bastard, I hope you're okay. + +$SPY 150 7/17 +# IHL jostling for equal second + +^((others have to wait till the weekdays, each post is taking more time than expected)) + +**Contents:** + +1. Disclosure +2. Overview +3. What's next +4. When to buy +5. When to sell +6. Summary +7. The trade + +**1.** **Disclosure:** Not held ^(but should consume (?)) + +**2. Overview:** This is what IHL's chart looks like as of today. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7jafx3lanks71.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d18ad336ba2cf704e56f4457781da6c46a1bbbf + +This is what it means. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/km20dxrbnks71.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=405298feeb86490a1855df5d140a4e1cccf30213 + +All good growth stocks exist within a growth channel where prices oscillate between the ceiling and floor which are represented by the ascending 'parallel' green lines **(Item 1).** The longer the price stays between them, the more the share price grows over time. + +* *Something worth noting is the break of floor (support) of the growth channel during the COVID dip with a 73% retrace in IHL's share price. If we were being technical (pun intended), the breach of a support would justify redrawing the support line but in subsequent dips, the original support line was validated (****Item 2****). This means the COVID dip is treated as an outlier.* +* *I have highlighted these validations with the double upward green chevron (*»). *This is further evidenced by the confirmation of the RSI trend in* ***Item 5*** *which ignored the RSI dip in* ***Item 2***\*.\* +* *In other words, the long-term upward trend is* ***intact*** + +IHL has experienced 3800%+ growth from late 2018 while remaining within the growth channel. It spent approximately 2 years trading between 3c and 11c before breaking out to the upside. + +Generally when a stock enters the end of a trend, it experiences more violent price action. We can use IHL's price action during March 2020 as a prime example where it continued to drop for 7 consecutive months and culminated in capitulation. + +Is IHL there today? The retracement in the share price suggests IHL is not (recent price chart looks more like a slippery dip rather than a falling off a cliff). However, IHL is certainly within an accelerated stage of growth as demonstrated by the share price's position above what I call the pivot line (**Item 3**). The pivot line acts as a guide, acting as resistance when the share price is below, and acting as support when share price is above. As the pivot line is steeper than the floor of the growth channel, we can infer stronger buying momentum with dips in share price more aggressively bought up. IHL's share price has remained above the pivot line for around a year. + +* *Because of the volatility of IHL's share price, I could not identify a 'hyper-growth channel' on the daily chart and instead found a trendline that the share price respects as evidenced by the green circles on the line.* + +We do see some buyer exhaustion with the rapid sell-off from the last pump in share price with the share price resting on the pivot line (**Item 3**) and RSI resting on support (**Item 5**). Furthermore, the price has retraced \~25% from its ATH. However, this is expected given the recent run in share price from 24c to 45c (+87.5%). + +**3. So what next?** + +If we look at the recent history of IHL, it has relied on the pivot line before launching to new highs (**Item 3**). If macroeconomic trends continue and IHL makes more money from selling cannabis, we could certainly see IHL recommencing it's upward journey to **45c+** (**Scenario 1**). In this scenario, it will probably try to exit the ceiling of the growth channel. It is possible to exit and if it does, the share price will go parabolic. However, I have only seen this happen for Ethereum (ETHUSD). The wiser strategy is to take profits at resistance and free carry. + +If China lets Evergrande implode and global markets sell off in fear, then I expect IHL to drop to the 300 SMA at around **21c (Scenario 2)**. + +* *Keen-eyed readers may notice I have used a different length for my moving average in this analysis. This is because each stock has a personality and respects different lengths better. In this case, the daily 300 SMA was the best respected SMA by IHL.* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fl1lxl3enks71.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=3acdea0243e8174cd230ebf26c848e3c5aa9e11a + +In my opinion, Scenario 2 is much less likely than Scenario 1. + +Remember, the trend is your friend until it isn't. + +**4. When to buy** + +In the short term, IHL presents a buying opportunity as it is sitting on the pivot line (**Item 3**) with RSI at support (**Item 5**), both of which have been historically validated. + +However, of concern is that the MACD is not clearly signalling an imminent reversal (**Item 7**) (the gap between the blue and red lines is not closing fast enough). Furthermore, recent candles have been wicked with buyers trying to break the 35c level every day only for sellers to beat them back down over the last three consecutive trading days. This is a bearish sign in the short-term. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dscceeofnks71.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1e0939f0986ce857b675239374678690a5c6558 + +As a buyer, I would wait till the price action around the pivot line is clear. Generally a daily wick down to the pivot line with intraday reversal is a good time to enter with volume breakout. For example, barring good news, IHL might dump Monday morning to 32c or below on low volume. It then reverses on the back of strong volume to close back above 33.5c by the end of the day. In this situation, I would buy **just before market close or at open the next day.** + +* *Volume is important as it validates price movement. More volume on the upward movement in the intraday reversal indicates buyers are stepping in. If the price reverses up on low volume, I would be very skeptical, put on my tinfoil hat and cry manipulation.* + +You can also take a bet and buy on the pivot line (T+2 time?) hoping it holds (as it historically has done) or wait for confirmation which de-risks your position (paragraph above). + +**5. When to sell** + +If I was a holder, I would look to take profits at the dynamic upper resistance but would also pay attention to the price action around the pivot line. + +* *The upper resistance is dynamic as it is an ascending trend line. This means as time passes, the value of the upper resistance increases. This would mean your optimal sell price increases as well.* + +If RSI breaches the support line **(Item 5)**, MACD continues further to the downside **(Item 7)**, or pivot line is breached **(Item 3)**, I would be derisking (not necessarily selling all) my position as this would be the beginning of a *downtrend*. + +**6. Summary** + +IHL has had a fantastic run. It is currently retracing from ATH and the share price is sitting on historical support. The short-term price action suggests some downside but assuming support holds, IHL is expected to hit a new ATH sometime by the end of the year. + +**7. The trade** + +Buy at **30.5c** (for overextension of selling) and sell at **49.5c** for 63% profit. Free carry if you wish. + +No stop loss recommended. Watch price action around pivot line and act accordingly. + +# Feedback is appreciated and always happy to answer questions about TA etc + +Edit: Images fixed +I was expecting the value of bonds to go up during this October correction. Is there a reason they lost in value along with stocks? Could we loose this inverse relation in the near future? + +Thanks. +So if you are 100% VT you basically have 45% in VXUS. 75% of VXUS is VEA so you would basically have 33.75% in business friendly Europe. Then 11.25% in emeging markets. Out of the emerging markets about 5% is in China. So all in all, why VT I don't get it honestly some1 explain +Can someone explain the difference between the two? + +One of my friends has a financial advisor who handles all his stocks, and he doesn’t feel the need to lock up all his money in a tax advantaged account. And he makes claims about all the returns he gets from it. +I'm a 20 year old working my first stable job, but I only make $9\hour and I'm trying to save up a down payment for a used car. + +I work 35-40 hours a week, but I end up spending about $120-$160 a week on bills, leaving me with around roughly $100 give or take. + +But I always end up broke by Wednesday. + +So, basically what I'm asking for are tips on frugality. Any help would be appreciated. +So help me understand this. My mortgage is at 5% interest, CDs only pay 3% interest . Am I better off paying down my mortgage (interest is a write off anyway) or investing? Currently considering ibonds (9.62% interest). Any ideas on how to grow my money over the next few years? +We are 50. We are thinking of retiring at 57. We have about —— in 401k and IRA, ——- in Roth IRA. We now make too much for a Roth IRA, so after maxing our 401k contributions we invest in post tax accounts. The plan is to live on these ~~post-tax~~ investment accounts until from 57-60 and then pull from our 401k’s and IRA’s. + +Is there a better choice today than continuing to max our 401k’s? In theory we would back door convert a little bit each year from 57-70 while our income is lower. + +Thanks. + +**edit** + +Thanks everyone. Things I learned: +1. Investment accounts are not called “post tax” +2. Starting in 2024, the 401k catch-up contribution will go to a Roth vehicle (Roth 401k maybe?) +3. So far I’ve been cavalier about my back door contribution plan, and I need to do some homework on what exactly the conversion entails. Specifically around having both 401k’s and IRA’s. Good thing I asked early and have a few years to figure it out. +4. Rule of 55. Which looks awesome but has some very specific requirements. Simple easy-to-understand requirements, but stringent nonetheless. +5. Generally, my plan is sound, but I have more homework and probably will tweak it a little. +This is a dumb question I know but what is the strategy for ‘cashing out’ of investments? I’ve been putting money away for a long term goal (specifically to fund the gap between age 55 and my pensions being accessible). + +This is a > 15 year investment although of course some of the deposits will be in year 13/14 etc as I am buying every month. + +At some point I will hit the ‘magic number’ I need and/or need the money for its intended purpose. Do I just monitor the investments and the day it’s above £xx,xxx just click sell and that’s it? There’s a chance this could be a peak before I need it of course. + +I feel like given all the cost averaging etc to mitigate risk going in the approach of just saying ‘sell all thank you’ seems too simple to be true. + +I will be using the cash over a short period (3 years ideally) so too short a timeframe to leave it invested and withdraw 1/36th every month after 55 I think. + +Thanks! +I've seen commentary suggesting that we're experiencing a dead cat bounce, and many posters have decided to delay buying until the fall or winter. + +I have recently become in position to be an aggressive buyer and I was looking to begin this next month or July at the very latest. + +While I am glad that I read these comments before I went on a buying spree, I don't have the benefit of having a thesis behind me inaction outside of "people on reddit are saying they're waiting". + +So I was hoping that more experienced investors could share their insights on why they don't think we've reached the bottom. + +I would definitely like to know if these opinions are shaped in comparing this economy to past economic situations, technical analyses, or something else. Ideally, this would be a great learning opportunity for me, so I am hoping that people don't mind sharing their opinions on this so I could do my own due diligence by vetting the responses. + +Thanks in advance. + +ETA: I am not looking for people to tell me what to do. I have my own sense of what the market is doing, but that still doesn't stop me from wanting to learn why others may see the market differently. + +This isn't a "tell me how to think" post. It's also not an effort to time the market. + +I only want to understand people's thesis. That's it. Not seeking financial advice. Only conversation. + +I genuinely want to understand the lens that others see when they interpret this current market. Doesn't mean I will agree with everything...but that doesn't mean I can't be interested in why people think the way they do. +I don’t think these shitty hedge funds understand my mindset and quite possibly everyone’s mindset. know one thing shitty hedge funds, government, sec, dtcc, whoever. you fuckers drag this shit down to $40 again and i will be selling my car and many other things to buy as many shares as i can possibly afford to purchase. this is a dangerous game you’re playing, and i will happily play it with you! + +so to the shitty hedge fund interns, kenny, steve cohen, plotkin, stock advisors, government officals, sec officials. + +make the move and see what will happen ;) +Hey Gang ! + +Here are the top 25 high IV stocks (**full list** [**here**](https://theoptiongeeks.com/high-iv-options-trading/) \- it's free !) using this criteria: + +* US-listed stocks only +* Optionable stocks only +* Stock price >= $5 +* Market capitalisation >= $1 billion +* Current implied volatility >= 80% + +(data from October 12) + +&#x200B; + +[options trading list](https://preview.redd.it/7i55p7k3v6t71.png?width=1978&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfe374a7623a09145a09d72df4aad2d59e167aab) + +&#x200B; + +**Follow me** to get weekly updates + +&#x200B; + +I really appreciate your feedback and comments to improve the list ! + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\***High IV Stocks are VERY RISKY !!** We provide this list for informational purposes and do not guarantee its accuracy - This is not financial and/or trading advice - ALWAYS DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH \*\*\* +TLDR: Brokers saw that SHFs/DTCC were going to put blame on them, make them liable for fake shares, so are admitting they issued a normal split to defend themselves in court. I think the hedgie attack plan was to put blame on brokers for gambling retail money, invalidate splividend shares held by brokers, act like a shocked Pikachu, and get a seat at regulatory table for a new web3 exchange after market crash. It's almost like the GME/MOASS playbook, but in reverse, which makes sense. + +Since the Splividend, there's been a lot of obvious BS. But what stands out to me this week is how brokers are all stating, in writing, that it was carried out as a regular split. On ex-dividend date, there was a lot of, "Dividend vs split is semantics," or, "That's correct, it is a stock split via dividend," from brokers. I think the explicit admission of them just splitting existing shares is because they see the writing on the wall. I also think it's why there were suddenly no compliance officers to speak with the last few weeks. + +Think about it. You're Fidelity, and you obviously know by now you were supposed to receive 3 shares from DTCC for each 1 you had, but you didn't. You might have known ahead of time too. But now we're in a recession. You're starting to doubt the DTCC will have your back, or that SHFs will be solvent in the future. You've realized that whatever you say is going to be subpoenaed for lawsuits & investigations. + +Now you're subject to Herod's law: Damned if you do, damned if you don't. By stating that they issued a regular split, they essentially alleged fraud and/or incompetence upstream. So it could be with DTCC, Computershare, or GameStop. But we know GameStop issued the shares, so cross them off. We know DRS shares got dividend, so cross off Computershare as well. + +My theory is that brokers saw they were going to get thrown under the bus. There is no way they put in writing that they didn't issue a dividend unless it's for self-benefit. They are protecting themselves from something really bad. + +I think the planned scapegoat narrative was going to be, "These brokers got greedy with all the speculative retail money and Ponzi'd the dividend shares, irresponsibly issuing worthless shares. See? This is why Citadel was trying to protect retail. We knew this would happen!" Then they would try to invalidate the Splividend shares held with brokers. "Not our fault your broker lied to you. Your splividend shares are gone, go sue your broker. Oh wait, they're insolvent! Told you retail guys not to gamble." + +By explicitly saying they didn't receive/issue dividend shares, which is worthy of a massive fraud investigation itself, they preempt that scenario. Though I imagine Citadel et al will still try, because they need the game to end with someone else holding the hot potato. + +Honestly, I think Citadel and them are willing to tank all the brokerages and position themselves to control the next big web3 exchange and look like the good guys. Then they can get out, blame the collapse on someone else, and keep the game going in a different format with control over retail. + +If you think about the ways that strategy would benefit them, it makes a lot of sense. And if that were their strategy, brokers would be facing an existential threat. So admitting to complicity in fraud is the better option. Why wouldn't they just say, "Yep, issued splividend as intended,"? Unless the whole thing comes crashing down, they'd get away with it. So someone at the brokerages has determined a true crash is likely enough to admit to existence of fake shares. +I actually made a post earlier today talking about how close I was to being a whole coiner. I was using leverage to try increase my position and was very dedicated to making it. Instead of people wishing me luck and supporting me taking the risks I essentially got shot down and mocked so I just decided to delete the post but I have 1btc now anyway so yay :) +So many people complained about missing out because a transfer took to long, they didn't have enough to buy as much as they wanted, they were late to the party, etc. Why the change of mind now? It popped, its crashing, its doing what Cryptos do, you asked for your chance to buy in cheaper so here you are. Maybe it'll go down more, maybe you'll miss the bus again. Who knows, it's your choice, but don't be hypocritical asking for it to fall then complain when it does. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Had a light bulb moment after chatting with a friend about spending money for no good reasons! + +Most of the time when ppl (like myself) buy stuff, it’s really to satisfy the feeling of searching , seeing something you like, and being able to purchase it. + +What if we convert that “something” to things that can be more sustainable and useful AND someday can grow your wealth? + +In my case, S&P 500 ETF! Or it could be any investment vehicle that have more stable growth. + +Hope you like this idea! +I wrote [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mmltsq/why_do_we_have_coins_and_tokens_a_quick_primer/) article yesterday, to explain how a coin comes into play on the blockchain. I later realized that a lot of people may not know the differences between a “coin” and a “token”, so I’m going to explain that here! + +Let’s start off with what a blockchain even is! A blockchain is just software that is open source and distributed across many computers. These computers that run the blockchain software are considered “nodes”, and they keep track of the blockchain ledger, and any coins, tokens, and transactions associated with it. + +The “coins” on the blockchain are just data (ones and zeroes) that is already written into the software. Using Bitcoin as an example, all 21 million Bitcoins are already in the Bitcoin software, and ownership of these coins is designated through the use of public and private keys, which gives the owners access to their Bitcoin on the blockchain. Also, with each new transaction block that is mined, new Bitcoins are awarded to the miners that processed these blocks. I touched on this whole process in my [previous](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mmltsq/why_do_we_have_coins_and_tokens_a_quick_primer/) post. + +In other words, “coins” on a blockchain are just part of the software itself, and are there from it’s inception. + +Tokens work a bit differently, in that they’re smart contracts that are deployed onto a blockchain, and are not innate to the blockchain software itself. Using Ethereum as an example, a token (such as an ERC-20 token), is something that a user creates, and deploys onto the blockchain software via smart contracts. When a token is added to the blockchain, the creator of the token is able to write the rules for how a token will work i.e. the max supply, tokenomics, burn rate, functions, etc. All of this is handled in the smart contract portion of it’s creation. Tokens do not have their own blockchain, so they have to abide by the rules of the governing blockchain i.e. Ethereum. + +Hopefully this helps to explain the differences between a “coin” and a “token”! +Had a couple moderate problems with digestion, lungs and PTSD that all added up to 100%. Honestly, I feel pretty fine and wish I could continue my military career. I really loved the Navy lifestyle and the people I worked with. I'm allowed to work without losing disability. + +I had my whole life planned out. Career in the Navy then get out at 38 with a decent pension and FI in a low cost state. Well, now I'm ahead of schedule and getting that pension now. But it's not as exciting as I thought it would be. It's daunting. What if I just fall apart without structure? What if I start drinking and just going on reddit all day? It's hard to have goals because all of my goals and work were predicated on setting myself up for "the good life" and advancing my Navy career. + +Some things about me. I'm 24. Have a bachelors in basket weaving. Recently took the GRE and scored 165/169 after about ~300 hours of study. Thinking about using GI bill to go to a good school in...something. I have a shitty online undergrad though. + +I'm also considering traveling around for a few years. Maybe live out of a van in drive around the country for six months visiting AF friends and family. I could easily afford living out of the van and Air B and Bs. + +Or, I could travel the world. I have about 200k in reserves. Even if I just slightly overspent by income budget I could do all sorts of things. Go live in Thailand like a king for a year. Go bum around South America. + +Or, should I go back to work? + +Anyone experienced anything similar? Somehow this FI freedom is crushing me a little bit. +First post but I felt compelled to say something after a fun day. + +Whenever I log on, I smile from ear to ear at some point during my scrolling. Some days are tough, some days are bittersweet and one of these days will be "the day". Until then, thanks for this adventure and all the lols. + +The list of stupid things that are "inside-jokes" could be a million pages long! + +Roll call on key words, phrases, etc: + + +Peace out <3 +I'm sharing this because I thought it was not possible for someone like me to achieve this. I know a lot of people buy homes and it's not that big of an achievement to some people but I come from a benefits family, and of the 12 people in my generation I am the only person that is a home owner. Worked rough manual labour jobs from 15 to 23 where I retrained myself to a creative field. + +I had a bit of a rough few years - saved a deposit once but spent it all caring for my mum before she passed away. + +I had to save £15,000 again from scratch - did around £10,000 of that self-employed just working every hour I could. I literally went into a weird hyperdrive period where all I did was work and made as much money as quickly as possible. + +My self-employed history was really not great before this stage - I made quite good money but my profit wasn't that high due to a lot of travel. Nobody would lend to me at all. And my credit score was pretty fricked as well with a missed credit card payment. + +I went out and found a £25,000 job, sold pretty much everything I owned, lived like a monk (literally treated myself to splashing out £5 at the corner shop every Saturday and saved everything else) and once again had my deposit. After 6 months re-applied for the mortgage and along with my partner we were able to borrow around £230,000 with Halifax through a local broker. + +I am by no means a financial advisor but if you're like me and don't have parents or inheritance to help you buy a home here are the main ways I did it: + +* cancel your monthly subscriptions (saved around £50pm) +* cancel or lessen your Virgin/BT package (saved £30pm) +* stop buying takeaways (saved £50pm) +* sell everything you no longer use or need (made around £3000) +* if you're self-employed with shitty looking accounts or profits then just get a job for 6 months (the minimum time lenders wanna see you in a job) after you've worked like a mad man to make good money. +* try to get your credit score up but don't worry too much - speak to a local mortgage broker, not a national corporation! + +I'm happy to answer any questions anyone might have about the whole thing if you think I could help! + In March Mark Cuban said that the Dallas Mavericks will start with NFT ticketing the upcoming season. With the start of the NBA season, we are seeing the first signs of mass adoption of NFT tickets collectibles in the NBA. This week Miami Heat announced that every ticket holder will receive a limited edition NFT of the FTX arena, after the ticket is scanned. When a twitter user called out Mark Cuban that he is suprised Miami Heat beat the Dallas Mavericks to NFT tickets. Cuban responded with a couple of tweets suggestion NFTs for the first Dallas Mavericks home game. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n0mmki1lafv71.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b5d7b0940ded38236cc4ddf8b0fe3dd42788e37 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n6lr2lbnafv71.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b18d88fd101e8ba453825afc9c77d8b85eaf286 + +**Benefits of NFT tickets include:** + +**Collectible** \- Tickets become tradable digital collectibles (NFTs), with a variety of awesome possibilities for fans & event organizers. (most adoption of NFT tickets is currently happening in this area)) + +**Increased profitability** \- Total control and insights over the primary & secondary market. Take in the profit that would have gone to scalpers. + +**Unrivalled data** \- Clear, verifiable data on ticket ownership, vastly improving marketing efforts. + +**Pre - financing events** – using tickets as colleteral to finance events leveraging the benefits of DeFi and NFTs + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d4r8ulwoafv71.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=31ef497952d3fd7ce699d761555fcb71b6ee2f00 + +&#x200B; + +**Cuban** + +Cuban has said the Mavericks were trying to find a good option for turning our tickets into NFTs. He is interested in increasing the revenue from ticket sales and maximizing the experience for fan using NFTs. The possibillity to ask royalties on NFT tickets is a great feature to increase revenue from ticket sales by getting a royality on secondary market sales. Cuban noticed season ticketholders will sell their tickets for a few high demand to pay for their wholse season ticket package. With a royality fee on NFT tickets sold on secondary market sales, the Mavericks will profit aswell from secondary market sales. + +**Adoptiong is already happening** + +major ticketing companies like **Ticketmaster and Seatgeek** are actively working on implementing NFT ticketing. Ticketmaster recently launched a FAQ for its NFT ticket marketplace. Seatgeek hired a blockchain executive as VP of engineering and Seatgeek plans to roll out NFT ticketing for the NFL and NBA. + +Which projects are working on NFT ticketing? + +**GET protocol – 50m usd (+- rank 600 coingecko)** + +**GET protocol** has been working on blockchian ticketing since 2016 and had its ICO in 2017. GET protocol offers existing and new ticketing companies tools to easily implement NFT ticketing. GET protocol has recently crossed the **1 million NFT tickets sold** mark. **9 ticketing companies** are using GET protocols NFT ticketing solution so far. The recently announced YourTicketProvider, which sells 2 million tickets annually. What I really like is that all tickets can be tracked on NFT ticket explorer. + +[https://explorer.get-protocol.io/](https://explorer.get-protocol.io/) + +&#x200B; + + + +https://preview.redd.it/v7b8rqugafv71.jpg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae023a3ce84d6d12725d291e56b8f7f51bbd940 + +Furthermore, the tokenomics of GET protocol create value for tokenholders. Ticketing companies that use GET protocol for NFT ticketing need to buy GET from the openmarket. The GET tokens that paid for usage of the protocol get transferred to the DAO. Tokenholders decide what happens with the funds of the DAO (burn the token, marketing etc). This proces is currently done manually. Automated on-chain tokenomics is currently in the last test phasing and will likely be announced at the end of the month. A technical overview of the flow of tokens used as fuel for the GET protocol can be read from the link below. + +[https://docs.get-protocol.io/docs/dao-token-economics-overview](https://docs.get-protocol.io/docs/dao-token-economics-overview) + +I am not aware of any other crypto projects with an own token that focus on NFT ticketing and have significant adoption. There are some projects without a token focus on NFT tickeing, like YellowHeart and NFT.kreds + +**sources** + +**Miami Heat season opener** + +[https://www.local10.com/sports/2021/10/22/everyone-seated-at-the-miami-heat-season-opener-received-a-free-cryptocurrency-nft/](https://www.local10.com/sports/2021/10/22/everyone-seated-at-the-miami-heat-season-opener-received-a-free-cryptocurrency-nft/) + +**Ted Leonsis** + +[https://sports.yahoo.com/ted-leonsis-sees-blockchain-future-095533212.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/ted-leonsis-sees-blockchain-future-095533212.html) + +**Mark Cuban** + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-mark-cuban-wants-turn-151934328.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-mark-cuban-wants-turn-151934328.html) + +**Seatgeek** + +[https://sports.yahoo.com/seatgeek-talks-roll-nft-prototype-095538749.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/seatgeek-talks-roll-nft-prototype-095538749.html) + +[https://sporttechie.com/seatgeek-hires-blockchain-executive-as-vp-of-engineering/](https://sporttechie.com/seatgeek-hires-blockchain-executive-as-vp-of-engineering/) + +**Ticketmaster NFT ticket marketplace** + +[https://help.ticketmaster.com/s/topic/0TO6Q0000000xDgWAI/nft-marketplace-support?language=en\_US](https://help.ticketmaster.com/s/topic/0TO6Q0000000xDgWAI/nft-marketplace-support?language=en_US) + +**Yourticketprovider news 2m NFT tickets** + +[https://www.iq-mag.net/2021/08/your-ticket-provider-nft-ticketing/](https://www.iq-mag.net/2021/08/your-ticket-provider-nft-ticketing/) + +(ticketing magazine) + +**Polygon partnership** + +[https://medium.com/get-protocol/scaling-the-nft-ticketing-use-case-globally-get-protocol-x-polygon-7d5094864a80](https://medium.com/get-protocol/scaling-the-nft-ticketing-use-case-globally-get-protocol-x-polygon-7d5094864a80) + +**Chainlink VRF partnership** + +[https://medium.com/get-protocol/get-protocol-integrates-chainlink-vrf-to-further-improve-blockchain-ticketing-solution-864c7056e73d](https://medium.com/get-protocol/get-protocol-integrates-chainlink-vrf-to-further-improve-blockchain-ticketing-solution-864c7056e73d) +Interesting development... + +https://www.rgj.com/story/money/business/2018/01/23/industrial-park-houses-tesla-gigafactory-nearly-sold-out-after-blockchains-deal/1059002001/ + +" Blockchains LLC, is purchasing 64,000 acres at the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center, with the deal expected to fully close by the first week of February, said Lance Gilman, principal and director of the industrial park. + +The industrial park that plays host to Tesla, Google and Switch in the Reno area is almost sold out as a blockchain software company is finalizing plans to buy more than half of its land. + +The company specializes in financial services, security, software and apps using blockchain technology — a secure digital ledger or record that is typically associated with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Blockchains LLC specifically deals with the Ethereum blockchain, which anchors the second-biggest cryptocurrency in the world. The Ethereum cryptocurrency is only trumped by Bitcoin in terms of market cap." + +" Blockchains will use 150 of the acres it purchased at the industrial center to build a campus park that will house the company’s headquarters, Gilman said. What the company will do with the rest of the land remains to be seen. + +“I believe they’re going to showcase to the world everything that the blockchain technology is capable of,” Gilman said. “Now will they do all the work themselves or work with other developers to house other users? Only time will tell.” + + +Outside of the obvious such as banks and REITS what are your favorite dividend stocks to hold for the long term? + +After tons of research I'm finding my favorites to be Enbridge and Algonquin Power and Utilities. Let me know your favorite plays. +“It looks like the Reddit Raiders are at it again,” says Michael Pachter, analyst at Wedbush Securities. + + +No, Michael, we are not "at it". + +We're not doing anything. We're simply holding and the world is moving to catch up to us. + + +And it's very dishonest to say the cause of this rise is somehow our actions when there is so much DD available to journalists, reporters, traders etc... the "not financial advice" opinions and research on reddit is all openly accessible to anyone. There is no subscription required or corporate interest in misleading people (Did you hear the fool who said you should invest in Air Canada over AMC today?) + +Painting us as this evil cabal moving the markets at our whim is the most disengenous claptrap I've ever witnessed. Everyone is here because they hold the stock and they like the stock. The end. + + +We don't have a game plan, there is no we. We don't have billions of dollars and bailouts waiting for us. We don't have control over the markets, able to manipulate buying and selling pressure. + +There is amateur technical analysis and a dude who stuck a banana up his technical analysis. + +Personally, I like the stock. +VIX has been dying and options premiums are drying up everywhere I look. Meme stocks are still ok, but I'm not trying to play with stocks I don't like. + +What is everyone playing currently? + + +**EDIT**: Will someone with a better understanding of the VIX explain why it's so low even though indexes are swinging 1% a day on average? You would think being in this high volatility environment would lead to high options premiums but the exact opposite is happening. Not exactly sure why. + +**EDIT 2**: Some great replies and discussion in this thread! I learned something new and will adjust future strategy. +Edit: I have become aware that Zillow has already launched paid listings in several markets. I guess it's going well. + +2020 has been a strangely good year for companies in the real estate business with demand for homes in many cities jumping. Record low mortgage rates and flexible remote work policies have led to many buyers but few sellers. In June, homes were sold at their fastest pace since [2018](https://www.zillow.com/research/active-to-pending-fastest-pace-27382/). Both Zillow and Redfin have [resumed](https://www.geekwire.com/2020/redfin-zillow-resume-home-buying-businesses-scattered-markets-citing-real-estate-rebound/) buying homes through their iBuyer ventures. Redfin went from laying people off to hiring aggressively. + +Now, Zillow is further monetizing their rental marketplace by making landlords in certain markets pay [$40/mo to list vacancies](https://twitter.com/AyeshaSelden/status/1278817946882789379). + +If they don't completely drive away landlords with this move, it looks like a smart way to improve margins at a time when landlords are struggling to find tenants and prospective shoppers are doing almost all of their shopping online. While it's only select markets for now, if it's successful enough I'm sure they'll expand the policy to other markets. +For those people wondering how much they should strive towards making without having to live paycheck to paycheck, [the MIT living wage calculator] (http://livingwage.mit.edu) is actually pretty accurate. I field tested it against my own numbers/estimations and came up with pretty similar results. For instance, it lists a livable wage in West Palm Beach Florida to be 11.30 hourly. After deducting taxes and estimated cost of living, I came up with a comfortable $300 a month "discretionary" income in which you could use to pay off debt, save, or any other goals. Check it out and tell me what you fellow "numbers geeks" think! + +Edit: added hyperlink + +Edit 2: wow this blew up overnight! Welcome to the thread folks! + +Edit 3: I've had some non-US users ask if they did any studies outside the US, which they haven't (at least not that I'm aware of). But you can always run your own numbers. The "simplified" equation is rent + groceries + all other monthly living expenses times 12 = minimum post tax annual salary that you would need to survive. You can then extrapolate from there using your local tax laws to figure out the equivalent hourly wage. +https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm + +You can see a very specific breakdown per item here: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.t02.htm + +>The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.2 percent +in March on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.8 percent in February, +the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, +the all items index increased 8.5 percent before seasonal adjustment. + +>Increases in the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food were the largest +contributors to the seasonally adjusted all items increase. The gasoline +index rose 18.3 percent in March and accounted for over half of the all items +monthly increase; other energy component indexes also increased. The food index +rose 1.0 percent and the food at home index rose 1.5 percent. + +>The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.3 percent in March following +a 0.5-percent increase the prior month. The shelter index was by far the biggest +factor in the increase, with a broad set of other indexes also contributing, +including those for airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical +care, and motor vehicle insurance. In contrast, the index for used cars and +trucks fell 3.8 percent over the month. + +>The all items index continued to accelerate, rising 8.5 percent for the 12 +months ending March, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending +December 1981. The all items less food and energy index rose 6.5 percent, the +largest 12-month change since the period ending August 1982. The energy index +rose 32.0 percent over the last year, and the food index increased 8.8 percent, +the largest 12-month increase since the period ending May 1981. +I'm wondering what professional or social organizations have benefits for someone on the FatFire journey that continue to deliver meaningful purpose back to you once you've FatFired? It would be great to learn from others about groups they've joined that helped them network, find business opportunities, find a sense of belonging, and give back to their communities. + +Have you benefitted from joining something like the Freemasons or Knights of Columbus? Taking part in charities or your religious community? Toastmasters? I think back to the Dutch Golden Age where wealthy merchants were all part of charitable organizations that gave back to their communities but also served as a networking channel for strengthening one's business (many of the group portraits of this time are of people that led some sort of community group). + +I'm a 33/M, work in FAANGM equivalent with side ventures that bring in additional revenue, on the path to FatFire. As I continue to build wealth towards my goals, I've started to think more about planting the right seeds with the right communities so that when I retire, I'm not a miserly Scrooge McDuck, but have a network of like minded individuals who serve a purpose greater than furthering one's own wealth. During COVID, I moved from a HCOL city where I had an excellent alumni and professional network to a MCOL city where my network is far weaker but the city is growing fast. I want to become more integrated with my new community, meet other business leaders in the area, and be a part of something that gives back. Looking for any ideas that help further the FatFire journey and that will be a part of my life post RE! +I've been buying this stock all year ranging in price from $106 down to $90, average price of about $96. + +I sold it all today. After analysis, I'm just not sure wtf this company is doing anymore. I've been a big fan of Apple since 2008 when I first bought my Macbook Pro, then iPhone, and pretty much everything after that. + +This company is a shadow of its former self. Sure they generate tons of cash, but 90% of that is overseas. They are borrowing money to pay dividends. The company seems to get more loaded with debt by the year, which was never the case under Jobs. + +I honestly don't like companies that buyback a ton of stock. This tells me Apple is out of ideas. Tim Cook is robbing this company blind. + +They've been spending a fortune in R&D, yet all we have new under Tim Cook is a Watch that collects dust on the nightstand. Sure, they are looking into cars, but....cars??? + +The Mac line of computers never seem to get updated anymore, yet they'll release 3 iPad size versions and a couple of iPhone versions in a year. I just read a report that Mac sales are on a decline and they've lost what little market share they have, mostly due to the lack of upgrades to the hardware they used to be on the forefront on. + +This combined with declining sales of their bread and butter iPhone? Yikes + +Judging by WWDC recently, Apple is truly out of ideas and lost its way. Stickers in the messaging app? Ok. Default apps would go a long way for me but whatever. + +Plus, I have to wonder why the stock is so cheap. I've been picking it up all year as I've said, but I think investors realize there's no real future with this company anymore. They've got stagnant. I've owned the stock off and on since 2009 so I've made some gains, but I was hoping this round would be the last who-rah. + +This stock has done nothing even in the face of the Brexit rally of the past couple of weeks. Zilch. No where. Sideways. Whatever you want to call it, Apple is lagging behind the market and I'm not just talking about the stock market. + +The fundamentals of this company has drastically changed. + +Perhaps...PERHAPS, once I see this stock in the low 80's and Apple shows some sign of innovation and a new product or two, that'll be the appropriate time to pick it up again. + +But for now. I'm out. Good luck to whoever took my trade at $97.40. +Yes, I know, many people will say that "it's secret", and it's OK not to answer, I respect that too... ☺ + +However as much as I understand, Forex Trading is usually based on chance, so there is no "100% winner strategy", just better and worse ones. And if someone can trade with an above 50% success, that should make profit on the long term. (\*edit: Yeah, as others say Risk-Reward also plays a big role; I mean above 50% like profitability, so if you calculate all the wins & losses proportionally; or simply like 50%+ profitable days / weeks / months, or something like that.) + +So if you want to answer: + +**► Which are your favorite assets to trade?** (e.g. classic forex pairs like EUR-USD, crypto, market indexes, etc.) + +**► What is your usual Entry / Exit strategy?** + +**► Risk-Reward ratios?** + +**► Favorite brokers?** + +**► Other general advice?** + +Thanks in advance, and have a nice day! ☀️ + +\------------ +I browse this sub to get information about Canadian stocks, but the top post is a screenshot of a Facebook post and people engaging in pointless arguments about housing. This has been an increasingly common pattern in recent weeks. + +These posts aren't any more useful than discussions about microcaps, which are understandably banned on this sub. Honestly, I would prefer those discussions over rants about housing that inevitably won't go anywhere. Keep that stuff to /r/canadahousing. +>This is refined and reformatted version of my previous [MOASS Thesis Summary](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nletnn/gme_the_mother_of_all_short_squeezes_moass_thesis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that can be found in the [DD Beginners Guide Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), and includes some new formatting and concepts. This one will replace it if it is well-received (either the post of the contents, either way, the link will take you to the right info). +> +>This content is still a slight work in progress and is not perfect (working to expand a couple newer sections), so feel free to offer suggestions. + +# I. IMPORTANT LINKS FOR NEW MEMBERS TO r/superstonk + +* [APE Security Protocol (how to secure and protect yourself online)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsgv3d/ape_security_protocols/) +* [DD Beginners Guide Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) + +# II. INTRO / INTENTION OF POST + +The core intention of this post was to frame the MOASS Thesis in a way that was understandable to individuals inside and outside of the community (especially those who are relatively new to the market). It also is intended to serve as a reference to leverage if you are ever trying to explain to someone why you think it is a good investment option. + +This post will give a *relatively* simplistic breakdown of the current situation and landscape of GameStop Stock (GME). It will summarize the theory that GME's price will soon reach astronomical levels during a massive short squeeze, AKA "The Mother of all Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis". The bulk of this post is a breakdown of the market terms and concepts that will need to be understood in order to fully comprehend the who-what-when-where-why-how. + +# III. Personal note + +Feel free to use the contents of this post however you want. Don't worry about asking for permission to copy it, cross-post it, translate it, refine and use it in your own posts, etc. + +Leave a comment if you have any questions. If you prefer Chat or do not meet karma requirements, you can hit me up on chat as well + +>Note that, while I may have a good grasp on the concepts broken down in this post, my background is not in finance, investing, or trading, so there may be some questions I do not have the answer do (especially if they are not called out in this post) + +I have found myself more active on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) than I ever really expected to be, so feel free to [follow me](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) if you want things like the below: + +* Antagonizing Market Adversaries, MSM Shills, etc. +* Meme-ing with SuperStonk and the other Apes in the community +* Getting Notifications for Future DD I post + +**Disclaimer** + +>This writeup is NOT intended to serve as a source of proof/evidence behind this theory, and it operates under the assumption that the theory is valid and that the conditions it is built on are valid. Credit for the DD this Thesis is based on belongs to the broader retail community inside and outside of r/superstonk. I personally contributed very little beyond synthesizing and summarizing the thesis and mechanics in a digestible way to help enable others to get the word out, and I am not an expert on really any of these topics despite having some knowledge in them. + +# IV. TL;DR (Also at Bottom) + +1. Toxic Market Participants have built up massive [short positions](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) made through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) +2. Retail caught on to this strategy and discovered it can backfire if the company being shorted does not go bankrupt, especially if shares are bought and held indefinitely +3. Rules and regulations have implemented by the DTCC and its subsidiaries have been geared towards preventing market collapse, as well as to minimize the ability to perform illegal trades (naked shorting) +4. The SEC is also doing more to enforce compliance with the "rules" +5. The manipulators are at the mercy of a vicious trade cycle (t+21 FTD Cycle) that is forcing those with naked short positions to perform actions to [cover](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp) (buy back shares that are short), or risk regulatory consequences +6. This act of rapid covering drives up the price, making it more expensive to cover during the next cycle if the share price continues to increase week over week +7. Eventually, the prices of GME will get so high that prime brokers/clearing houses will have no choice but to [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) these participants which most likely will not be affordable due to the nature of [Short Squeezes](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp), causing them to default +8. The [Prime-Brokers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) will then take on the position, and if the Prime Brokers cannot cover them and also defaults, the NSCC will be next to attempt to settle all positions left over based on their [Recovery and Wind-down Plan (p42)](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) +9. If NSCC cannot afford to close everything with the money reserved for this type of situation, they the Fed must navigate the remaining positions (potentially via printing money/bailout) + +# V. KEY CONCEPTS + +These terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/), "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME. + +Table of Contents for Key Concepts + +1. Stocks Concepts + 1. Share/Stock + 2. Synthetic Shares + 3. Outstanding Shares + 4. Restricted Shares + 5. The Float + 6. Annual General Meeting + 7. Shareholder Votes +2. Trade Positions + 1. Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock + 2. Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock + 3. Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock +3. Market Participants + 1. Retail Investors + 2. Institutional Investors + 3. Market Makers + 4. Prime Brokers + 5. Clearinghouses + 6. MSM +4. IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS (MOASS) + 1. Fails to Deliver (FTD) + 2. Margin + 3. Margin Calls + 4. Margin Calls Who Calls Who + 5. Short Squeeze + +# 1 - STOCKS CONCEPTS + +## 1.1 - Shares/Stock + +[Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#shares) are the smallest unit of a Companies [Stock](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#stocks) + +* Stocks and Shares are often used interchangeably +* Technically "shares" would represent how many of a specific company's stock, where buying multiple "stocks" would main that shares of multiple company's were bought + * ex. I bought 2 stocks; 10 shares of GME, and 60 shares of AMC +* There are different [classes of shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/class.asp) that are distinguished on their voting rights, sales charges, and other factors + * Classes of shares have relatively complex dynamics, but I will not go further into them here, as it is not as relevant to GME/AMC + +## 1. 2 - Synthetic Shares + +[Synthetic Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/synthetic.asp) are the financial instruments that get produced through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) + +* Not to be confused with [synthetic options](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/08/synthetic-options.asp) positions, which are legal/legitimate trade strategies that "simulate" the profits/losses as if the trader actually held those shares +* Synthetic shares entitle the owner to all of the same rights as an investor owning a non-synthetic share +* Cases where there is an excessive amount of synthetic shares point to the possibility that a stock is being abused or manipulated +* Cannot be easily measured due to limited public transparency at the Market Maker and Prime Broker level + +## 1.3 - Outstanding Shares + +The number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) encompasses the amount of issued shares held by all shareholders (both private and public) + +* It is possible for there to be more shares outstanding through Naked shorting, which produces Synthetic shares +* The number of issued AND synthetic shares outstanding is very difficult to measure, as they are only recorded on the books of the market makers generating synthetic shares and the prime-brokers they trade through + * These parties are not incentivized to be transparent and actively obscure these numbers, as the practice of naked shorting excessively is fraudulent and illegal + +## 1.4 - Restricted Shares + +[Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) include the number of issued shares held by insiders of the company + +* These shares are not publicly traded on the stock market + +## 1.5 - The Float + +[The Float](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/floating-stock.asp), or Floating Stock is the number of shares of stock that are available to be publicly traded (the number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) minus the amount of [Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) that are owned by insiders). + +* In theory, the number of shares owned by [retail investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/retailinvestor.asp) and [institutional investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) should not exceed the float +* GME’s float total is currently \~[56.89 Million](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) shares (as of 6/10/21) + +## 1.6 - Shareholder Votes + +[Annual General Meetings](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/agm.asp) basically is an annual meeting that allows shareholders to vote + +* Votes are cast for things like + * Appointment of directors + * Executive compensation + * Dividend adjustments + +# 1.7 - Shareholder Votes + +[Shareholder Voting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/votingright.asp) is a right extended to shareholders holding shares in the stock that entitle the owner to vote on cooperate policies + +* Examples of what votes are cast for + * Appointment of directors + * Executive compensation + * Dividend adjustments +* [Overvoting (info in the middle of this page)](https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/proxyprocess/proxyvotingbrief.htm) + * When there is an overvote (like GME on 6/9), the votes will be normalized to a number based on the amount of shares that are held by DTC + * The official 8K form cannot be officially submitted with an overvote + * When this happens, the SEC and Company are notified + +# 2 - TRADE POSITIONS + +## 2.1 - Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock + +When an investor buys a stock they are considered [long](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/long.asp) on it (this is the type of position most people associate with trading stocks) + +* Not to be confused with a [long-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longterminvestments.asp) investment +* In other words, holders of long positions have a **positive** number of shares +* To [close](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/closeposition.asp) a long position the owner would sell their shares on the stock market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a long position is: + +1. Buy the stock +2. Hold it until the price of it increases to a desired amount +3. Sell it for a profit + +## 2.2 - Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock + +When a short seller shorts a stock they hold a [short position](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) on the stock, or owe the party they borrowed from however many shares they shorted + +* Not to be confused with a [short-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shorterminvestments.asp) investment +* Investors with short positions effectively are *in debt* or *owe* the number of shares that they have shorted and can be considered ***negative*** on the stock +* To close that position, short-sellers must buy a number of shares equal to the size of their short position (buying to close a short position is known as [covering](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)) +* Short positions must be reported to regulators (unlike naked short sales) + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a short position: + +1. Borrow a share owned by a lender +2. Sell the stock that was borrowed +3. Gaining the cash based on the price it was at the time it was “shorted” +4. Pay interest as a percentage of the stock's value +5. Since this is a percentage the cost of interest increases if the stock's value increases +6. Hold the position until the price has dropped to a desired price +7. Buy the stock on the open market +8. Ideally the stock is bought back at a lower price than originally borrowed for so the investor can pocket the difference +9. Return the share back to the lender + +## 2.3 - Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock + +[Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) effectively allows a Short Seller, working with a market maker, to short a stock using a without having a borrowed share like normal short selling + +* Naked short sales do NOT have to be reported the same way as normal "Short Sales" and can be "hidden" + * Failures to Deliver the shares that were "fake-borrowed" to the buyer are on of the main ways to find evidence of naked shorting +* Due to a loophole and lack of oversight by regulation, Naked short selling can be used to manipulate the price of certain stocks + * This type of trade illegal outside of specific situations involving Market Makers +* Naked shorting was targeted for tighter regulation during the financial crisis of 2008 but enforcement has unfortunately not been effective in preventing it from manipulating the market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a naked short position (kind of complex and involves two specific parties for 2 initial trades called a married put) + +1. A Short Seller "A" buys 100 shares from a Market Maker "Z" who can technically sell them without locating them + 1. Market Maker is Naked Shorting the stock, and the Short Seller is receiving 100 synthetic shares +2. Short Seller "A" now buys a [Put Option](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/putoption.asp) (1 options contract is worth 100 shares) from Market Maker "Z" who is the [writer](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/writing-an-option.asp) of the put + 1. Writing/selling a put nets +100 shares to the Market Maker, which results in the -100 shares that were naked shorted to be neutralized, so the Market Maker no is at a neutral position (Market Makers generally try to remain net 0 on trades + 2. Short Seller "A" now has 100 shares that can be short sold (they "borrowing" the synthetic shares the Market Maker effectively printed out of thin air), and one put contract that they can make money on as long as the price goes down +3. The steps or the short seller are basically the same as a normal short sale now (2.2 steps 2-8), however, interest from the Short seller does not need to be paid to a lender (no one is formally lending it) + 1. The premium from the put being purchased from the Market Maker is how they benefit + 2. Short Seller "A" now has a short position that they can cover simply by buying 100 shares, which would cancel out the synthetic short position + +# 3 - MARKET PARTICIPANTS + +## 3.1 - Retail Investors + +* Retail Investors, also known as individual investors, are your average investors (not a company or organization) +* Referred to as the "Dumb Money" by Wall Street and the "professional" financial community +* Reddit communities + * Notable subreddits + * r/Superstonk + * r/gme + * r/amcstock + * r/wallstreetbets + +## 3.2 - Institutional Investors + +[Institutional Investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) are organizations that invest on individuals' behalf + +* Examples of Institutional Investors + * Endowment Funds + * Commercial Banks + * Mutual Funds + * Hedge funds + * Pension funds + * Insurance companies + +## 3.3 - Market Makers + +* [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) are very different from "Investors" and are a bit harder to explain but basically are there to increase [liquidity](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liquidity.asp) in the market +* When you buy and sell stock those trades are often going between you and a market maker +* Market makers get "special rules" that enable them to keep liquidity in the market when there is low liquidity +* Naked shorting is one of the options Market Makers have when navigating a trade that other investors do not have + +## 3.4 - Prime Brokers + +* A [**Prime**\-**Broker**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) is a bundled group of services that investment banks and other financial institutions offer to hedge funds and other large investment clients that need to be able to borrow securities or cash in order to engage in [netting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/netting.asp) to achieve [absolute returns](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolutereturn.asp) +* [Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/broker.asp) vs [Prime-Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) + * A broker is an individual or entity that facilitates the purchase or sale of securities, such as the buying or selling of stocks and bonds for an investment account. A prime broker is a large institution that provides a multitude of services, from cash management to securities lending to risk management for other large institutions. +* [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) like go through Prime Brokers + * The Prime Broker is who would Margin Call Shitadel if their short position gets too large or they bleed too much capital + +# 3.5 - Clearinghouses + +[Clearinghouses](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/clearinghouse.asp) are intermediaries between buyers and sellers + +* Finalize transactions +* Regulates delivery of assets +* Reports on trading data + +# 3.6* - MSM (Mainstream Media) + +Though not a traditional market participant (as in they are not trade/financial entities) the [MSM](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/media_effect.asp) is worth noting due to its role in influencing the financial atmosphere and landscape + +# 4 - IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS (MOASS) + +## 4.1 - Failures to Deliver (FTD) + +* [FTDs](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp) occur when a buyer of a stock ends up not having the money to purchase the stock that they traded for OR, **when a short seller does not own the stock at the time of settlement** +* FTDs are one of the main check-balances to naked shorting, so very high amounts of Failures to Deliver are indicative of this + * Spoiler: GME and AMC have tons of FTDs reported + +## 4.2 - Margin + +* [Margin](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margin.asp) is basically credit that that an investor can use to buy more stock +* When you buy on margin you must stake the assets you have already purchased with your own cash as collateral +* The amount of Margin you can have depends on the value of your collateral +* The value of your collateral and cash but meet the margin requirements in order to continue to buy on margin +* Keep in mind the value of your collateral can change if the price goes up or down and if the value of your collateral/cash drops below the margin requirement you will received a [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) Another way to think about it: + +1. Imagine I have $1,000 in stock +2. You obtain a personal loan for another $1000 +3. To get the credit you stake your $1000 in stock (if you default it goes to the lender to cover your debt) +4. You buy $1000 more stock with that loan (you now own $2000 in stocks, half in cash half on margin) +5. You will pay interest on the $1000 on margin but if your investment makes more money than the interest then you are still profiting +6. If your investment turns bad (lets say the price of your stock falls 50% and you are left with $1000) your lender can forcibly close out your positions (everything you bought in cash and staked as collateral along with what you bought on margin so that they can get the $1000 they loaned you back) + +## 4.3 - Margin Call + +* A Margin Call is a notice indicating you have a specific amount of time to deposit enough of your own funds to meet your margin requirement (if you cannot meet the requirement the lender is entitled to sell all of your holdings to recover what you borrowed + +**Margin Examples:** + +>This is a slightly complicated scenario that can be a little hard to follow. Give it a few reads if it doesn't make sense the first time, but basically, Margin is a credit line that you can use to buy more assets (effectively a loan backed by collateral and cash in your own account). If you buy assets with it, you have to pay back what you borrowed, whether the value of your investment goes up or down (if the investment goes up in value, you make more than you normally would, but if the investment goes down in value, you lose more than you otherwise would have without margin). +> +>This gets even more (or less maybe) complicated when you have short positions AND long positions, like most institutional investors. To have short positions, I still need to have margin, but I do not need to use it to buy stocks, It can act as a buffer if I have a short position on a stock that is increasing in value (with a short position, if the price of something I short goes up, I am losing money), and if it gets too high, it can run against my margin line, causing a margin call. + +**GAIN: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes up to %25 per share, and I sell all 20 shares, I just profited $500 (+$25 on 20 shares) + 1. In this case, closing the position clears me from the margin debt, as I am no longer using it in an open position + 2. If I had not used margin, I would have only walked away with $250 in profit ($25 per share on 10 shares), but instead I made $500, and paid back the credit, plus a little bit of interest. +5. Yay. + +**LOSS: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes down %25, bringing the value per share down to $75 a share, the value of my total position is now $1500, and the value of my non-margin assets is $750, which is below the margin requirement (keep in mind, I borrowed $1000, so that is still the amount I have to pay back) +5. My lender will give me a margin call, indicating I have two business days to deposit 50$ into my account in order to meet the margin requirement + 1. If I have the cash to deposit the extra $50 would take my assets to $800 ($750 in stock XXX + 50$ cash) + 1. If the price of stock XXX recovered to above $80 per share, it could also satisfy the requirement + 2. If I do not have the cash to deposit, then I am in trouble, as after two days, they are allowed to liquidate (sell) the assets I bought with my own money, as well as the assets I bought on margin + 1. Let's say this happens, all my borrowed assets are sold first to cover my $1000 loan (since the price of stock XXX was only $750, it only covers $750 of my $1000 margin line + 2. I now have $750 left in assets of Stock X, but I still owe money from margin, so my lender is entitled to sell $250 work of my shares in order to get their full $1000 back + 3. I am now left with $500 total ($750 in 10 shares of stock XXX - $250) +6. Not Yay + +**LOSS: Short and Long Positions** + +**THIS IS THE RELEVANT ONE TO GME/AMC** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin +3. Instead of using the margin to buy more, I instead short 10 shares of stock YYY which is at $50 a share currently (giving me $500 in extra cash), which I use to buy 5 more shares of stock X + 1. I am now long 15 shares of stock XXX valued at $1500 and short 10 shares of stock YYY valued at -$500 (negative $500) for a net value of $1000 + 2. No margin is actively committed to open positions, and I am still using my $1000 +4. Now, lets say a short squeeze happens involving stock Y, causing the price to skyrocket to $200 per share + 1. My short position is now -$2000 (10 shares of -$200 each) +5. My net account value is now $-500 ($1500 - $2000) which is now using my margin, and because my account's value is no longer above $800, I no longer meet margin requirements so I get a margin call +6. If I cannot balance my account, the lender will liquidate my $1500 in stock XXX in order to pay the -$2000 I owe, leaving me with -$500 left in debt + 1. I have now defaulted, as I cannot pay the $500 +7. Now that I have defaulted, the lender who gave me margin owns my short positions, meaning they are now short whatever was left + 1. The lender can now navigate the short positions however they want (they can hold them and hope the price goes down, and cover to close them, or they can close them immediately, costing them the whole $500 I still owed) +8. GUH! (Translation if you are not WSB: Ah @#$%) + +## 4.4 - Margin Calls Who Calls Who + +* Margin calls happen at levels 1-4 when the cell to the left cannot meet margin requirements + * Broker Margin Calls Retail Traders + * Prime Brokers Margin Call Brokers, Hedge Funds, and Market Makers + * The NSCC Margin Calls Prime Brokers +* Defaults roll up left to right + * If Retail Trader defaults, Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Broker, Hedge Fund, or Market Maker defaults, the Prime Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Prime Broker Defaults, the NSCC must take on Position + * If the NSCC Defaults, the Fed must take on the position + +|Level 1|Level 2|Level 3|Level 4|Level 4| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Retail Trader|Broker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Market Maker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Hedge Fund|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| + +## 4.5 - Short Squeeze + +* A [Short Squeeze](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp) is a market event that occurs when there is a large short position on a stock whose price rapidly increases higher than expected, normally due to a catalyst +* During the short squeeze, the losses of those who have short positions continue to increase higher it goes + * Since they **owe** shares, the cost to cover their position increases depending on how high the price goes (there is theoretically no limit on how high a stock can go) +* As market participants who are short on the stock buy to cover, supply decreases and demand increases, causing the price to increase even more rapidly +* While short sellers are scrambling to cover their positions, the rapid price change may entice investors who are not short on the stock to buy it in order to make a quick profit + * Again, lowering supply and increasing demand + +# VI. The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) + +# Explanation + +Now that we have gone through the many important terms, we can get to the theory behind MOASS. + +Due excessive short-selling and naked shorting of GME by certain market participants (primarily large hedge funds and market makers), retail investors and long institutional investors collectively own a number of shares that exceeds the the float. The amount of shares that are currently owned is theorized to range roughly between **200%-400%** of the float **if not more**, meaning that 100%-300% of the float has a corresponding short position (mostly naked shorts). For context, most stocks generally have around 1% Short Interest, and 10%-20% short interest is considered to be excessive, let alone over 100% of it. + +Short sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position + +* The only way to do that is to buy the shares owned by the investors who are long + * in the meantime Short-sellers are paying interest on that short position until it is closed proportional to the cost of the shares, which bleeds their capital over time +* Unfortunately for the short sellers, the owners of the shares **ARE NOT** obligated to sell their shares. + * The short-sellers, however, **ARE** obligated to buy in order to close their position (or else keep paying interest) + +So what happens if no one is selling the shares they are “long” on, but short sellers need to buy them? + +* Supply and Demand + * With very little supply and high demand, the price of a stock can increase far beyond its fundamental value + * If short sellers receive a margin call due to no longer meeting their margin requirement and are unable to meet it in time, their assets will be forcibly liquidated by their lender in order to pay back the margin, as well as close out the position if the borrower defaults + +If you are wondering why an organization would abusively short a stock like this if they eventually have to cover their positions: + +* If a company goes bankrupt or gets delisted from the stock market: + * The short sellers DO NOT have to close the position + * All of the proceeds from the short sale effectively disappear from their books + * They do not even have to pay taxes on this profit + +Short positions amount to the total number of long positions minus the float, meaning (based on the theorized range) that somewhere between \~56-170 Million shares will need to be bought in order to close all short positions + +* It is expected that the members with short positions (hedge funds and market makers who have been naked shorting the stock) will be unable to cover their short positions, resulting in a situation where their lenders, all the way up to the clearinghouse (DTCC) will have to sort out the positions +* If the DTCC/NSCC is forced to unwind the positions, it is widely believed that they will rapidly cover short positions at whatever price they are available for (this is how their systems are said to handle a member default), liquidating whatever assets are necessary from the defaulting member + +# Consideration + +This is a totally unprecedented situation, so, in truth, there is a lot of uncertainty around what wind-down will look like once this gets to the Prime Brokers (major banks) and NSCC, as well as around how high the price peak will reach. There is a real risk of broad negative impact across the entire market because of this and the current Repo Rates and margin debt. + +A few things I think are safe to assume are: + +* Before anything happens that will cap or negatively affect the MOASS, all of the Hedge Funds and Market Makers who conspired to manipulate the market will likely have been bankrupted and eliminated from the market landscape by then +* Prime Brokers will have been dealt a massive blow (like Credit Suisse after Archegos Collapse by way worse) that should hopefully ensure regulators tie up every loophole that was exploited to manipulate the market and harm it +* The peak will reach higher than any other short squeeze in history and will likely never be beaten in the future (EVER) + +# VII. Final thoughts... + +This is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to [the Legendary Keith Gill AKA u/DeepFuckingValue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Gill), [Ryan Cohen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Cohen), [Michael Burry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Burry), and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions. + +In some schools of thought, it is thought that these participants over-estimated how "reasonable" retail investors can be (who could be dumb enough to hold a stock as it fell from almost $500 to $40?). In truth, these manipulators didn't understand the demographic they were fighting with. Gamers are some of the most stubborn people on the planet. These are individuals who will sink tens of thousands of hours into the same video game because "they just like it". Well, "we like the stock", and to us, the adversaries on Wall Street just are just another "boss". We may have needed to retry a couple times, but we always win eventually. On top of that, they pissed off reddit, and under no circumstances, should you ever piss off reddit. + +At this point, if you are still reading this, know that it is up to you to decide your next move, whether that is to do some due diligence of your own, walk away, or say screw it and buy a few (or a lot of) shares just in case we are right. Many of us have set our floor (minimum amount of acceptable gains) at $20,000,000 per share, and you might think that is crazy, but in truth, we know we can pick our own price if we hold long enough. We don't care if anyone else buys or not, because we know the outcome is inevitable. Time is running out for the toxic market participants involved, and even the news can't hide that we are on the brink of a massive market event that will ripple through the entire global financial system, and we will probably never see an event like this again in our lifetime. + +**This is a fight Wall Street, Shitadel, Melvin Capital, and ever other toxic party is not going to win against the "dumb money"**. Chances are this will truly be "**THE MOASS**", meaning there will never be another like it in our lifetime (or ever). While the conditions in play (the ability for big money to brutally manipulate the market) enabled what may end up being the greatest transfer of wealth in history, actual reformation to prevent a landscape like this from forming again is probably best long term (I say this as a pragmatist, and am honestly very far from an idealist). If you want to influence reform, Buy, Hold, Vote. If you are just here for the tendies, Buy, Hold, Vote. + +# VIII. TL;DR + +1. Toxic Market Participants have built up massive [short positions](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) made through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) +2. Retail caught on to this strategy and discovered it can backfire if the company being shorted does not go bankrupt, especially if shares are bought and held indefinitely +3. Rules and regulations have implemented by the DTCC and its subsidiaries have been geared towards preventing market collapse, as well as to minimize the ability to perform illegal trades (naked shorting) +4. The SEC is also doing more to enforce compliance with the "rules" +5. The manipulators are at the mercy of a vicious trade cycle (t+21 FTD Cycle) that is forcing those with naked short positions to perform actions to [cover](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp) (buy back shares that are short), or risk regulatory consequences +6. This act of rapid covering drives up the price, making it more expensive to cover during the next cycle if the share price continues to increase week over week +7. Eventually, the prices of GME will get so high that prime brokers/clearing houses will have no choice but to [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) these participants which most likely will not be affordable due to the nature of [Short Squeezes](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp), causing them to default +8. The [Prime-Brokers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) will then take on the position, and if the Prime Brokers cannot cover them and also defaults, the NSCC will be next to attempt to settle all positions left over based on their [Recovery and Wind-down Plan (p42)](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) +9. If NSCC cannot afford to close everything with the money reserved for this type of situation, they the Fed must navigate the remaining positions (potentially via printing money/bailout) + +# IX. STILL TL;DR + +Margin Calls happen across the market and force all market participants with short positions in GME to cover or go bankrupt if they cannot afford to. The NSCC's systems that will settle positions after mass defaults liquidates all short hedge funds and covers as much GME as it can. If the NSCC cannot pay everything, it fails up to the Fed and JPOW to print money to settle the trades. + +# X. Hedgies, velkommen til helvete. Vi kommer for tårene dine. + +**START EDITS LOG** +edit: 6/10/21 12:28PM ET +Added google drive link but switched with one drive so it wouldn't display who is looking at the file (unless they are in incognito) + +edit: 6/10/21 1:08PM ET +Updated link to a onedrive anonymously shared link (shouldn't show who is viewing it, but you might consider accessing the link via an incognito window). +[https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AF%2D4Ar3%2DZkRC6ZE&cid=A204BFD088578646&id=A204BFD088578646%21106&parId=A204BFD088578646%21103&o=OneUp](https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AF%2D4Ar3%2DZkRC6ZE&cid=A204BFD088578646&id=A204BFD088578646%21106&parId=A204BFD088578646%21103&o=OneUp) + +edit: 6/10/21 1:51PM ET +Minor typo (extra bullet). Removed from 3.4 (prime brokers). + +edit: 6/10/21 2:10PM ET +IMPORTANT NOTE - Feel free to share and distribute as appropriate if you feel there is value in doing so (and obviously only if you are comfortable doing so). Like I said, I don't care about credit, but I do care about getting exposure of GME, naked shorting, and the manipulation in the market. +We have been getting hit with shills and FUD inside and outside the community courtesy of the SHF's tactics. Getting the good information we have out (passively, I am not saying to push it on people or to be intrusive) is one of the few tactics we have against the SHFs outside of 💎🙌. They weaponized social media and MSM; so can we (but with DD, not shilling and perpetuating FUD). + +**END EDITS LOG** +**UPDATE:** + +I ended up not receiving that call that my previous bosses wanted me to take to talk to me. They never called! Instead, they texted about an hour before that scheduled call, asking me what the username and password was for the text service we use, and to reply ASAP, as they "need to get this figured out so we can get everything in order. It's just a mess over here. Can we schedule a time for you to come in to show us how this works?". I replied that the password can be located on the drive, and nothing more. I ignored the request to come in, as they would not be paying me (I'm sure of it). Got a simple "thank you" text back and that was that. In addition, I made up a quick list of marketing/consulting services and sent them my price list, as well as an offer to train them on the software for a certain hourly rate. I received no reply back once I sent that email, and I'm not expecting one. + +***The good thing to come out of this***: + + I have realized how valuable my services actually are. With everyone commenting how successful they were contracting their services, I have decided to *really* buckle down and do this thing. Starting today, I began brainstorming website/company names, and plan to purchase a domain and get to designing a website very soon. I have had so many people in the past requesting my services, but I never had a landing page to show them with my work and what I offer. So, all in all, even though my business relationship with that employer has been severed, I expect to jump ahead personally. + +I realized that I have to stand up for myself. Under NO circumstances is it OK to give away my services for free, no matter the status of the relationship. It felt empowering saying no for once, and makes me value myself more. + +Anyway, I really wanted to thank everyone again for their meaningful advice. I didn't think this post would blow up this much, but thank you to everyone who put in their two cents! + +&#x200B; + +\---------Original post------------- + +Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but it seems like sort of a financial problem too! + +Sorry in advance for the long post, but I am frustrated. + +I was a marketing manager for a small physical therapy business and I was recently laid off due to Covid19 without warning, meaning no time to gather my work materials or explain to my bosses what I was currently working on. I was one of two people in the marketing department (the second person worked both front desk and marketing) but I was the one who knew the ins & outs of all of the software being used, and we were also planning to rebrand in April (new logo, name, business plan). + +I have been a little frustrated during this whole process, as AFTER they laid me off, I offered to come in for 5-10 hours a week (I did work 40-45 hrs) and receive partial pay, since I knew the owners did not know anything about marketing, and this is a crucial time for website updates, virtual meetings, and IT problems, all of which I could work on or solve. However, they told me no. + +So now I am in the position of being called/texted nearly every day with them asking if I can log into the software and show them how to email, explain to them how to navigate complicated software, and pretty much make them a new marketing plan for the pandemic & having to go completely virtual. Now, at first I didn't mind giving them a few tips, but it is now getting out of hand. Like I said before, I wake up to emails & texts with in depth questions, most of which I would reply "I am not entirely sure. all of that information would be on my laptop at the office." and the proceed to give them my username and password to my laptop so they could log on. + +A few days ago my boss texted me asking if I could call her and a colleague and explain the email marketing software I use for our email blasts, as well as explain how to edit the website. Seeing as I don't want to offer my services for free (this would likely take hours to explain) I replied with "It's a really complicated process. I can give you the user and Password, but this would be something I would really have to sit down to explain/do. I am available to come in tomorrow or Friday if needed for a few hours", to which my boss replied, it's ok, we'll keep in touch. + +Now, fast forward to today, I receive ANOTHER text, asking to call me tomorrow to explain the same processes/systems asked about in the previous text. I haven't replied, and I don't know what to do. I feel guilty not helping them, but I know that if I offer my advice for free, they will likely take advantage of me and my skills. However, if they do hire people back after this, me working for FREE out of my own time could put me ahead of others when it comes to the re-hiring process. + +Any advice? Has anyone had a similar problem in these times? +I am in the early stages of exploring the idea of selling my rental. I have owned this property since 2005 and have been renting it to the same tenants for nearly 9 years. They are currently month-to-month (60 day notice if they don't wish to renew) When should I involve them to let them know my intentions? I am not certain I will sell but I am considering it. It doesn't seem right to spring this on them at the last minute after a decision has been made and I'm getting ready to list. This would be the first time I've sold a property with tenants so I'm inexperienced in this regard. +This article goes to the issue that's IMO been behind real estate here for two decades. Covid has turned the looming issue into an unfolding situation. + +[https://theconversation.com/when-houses-earn-more-than-jobs-how-we-lost-control-of-australian-house-prices-and-how-to-get-it-back-144076](https://theconversation.com/when-houses-earn-more-than-jobs-how-we-lost-control-of-australian-house-prices-and-how-to-get-it-back-144076) + +(Edited to include link lol) +**I feel like it's been opposite day for weeks now.** + +Everything I did today that'd make sense at a technical level I did the opposite and I killed it today. + +Vix chilling around 30? Fucking SPY calls that bitch. + +BABA analysis for puts over the week? BABA calls. + +Promising earnings from DOCU and what happens? The shit drops by 40%. + +The only thing that seems to be reasonable is Apple which, well, it's apple and at this point, who fucking knows. The market is literally running a zig zag right now and might as well be a casino. Bet yall $5 bucks SPY will be over 470 by 1 Jan 2022. Why? Because I don't have a fucking clue why. Just because BALLOONS AND ELPHANTS. + +With all that said, I'm pretty sure the markets are at a new low of inefficiency. There may be some plays that can be interpreted, but even plays put out by whalestream have been getting murdered and they've been killing it for months now. + +Does anyone have a source they go to that can follow this madness and make something of it? +TLDR: Gamma spikes were firing all over the market today like little bombs, all while the market was tanking... The GME gamma spike from yesterday came back down, but we have a lot to look forward to! Not much reading. Lots of pretty graphs to look at! + +Before I dig in... I just have to give a big thank you to this community. This is really special place, filled with the best people, and I'm really proud to be a part of it and contribute however I can. + +***Chart Update*** + +Here's a follow-up to my post from yesterday: [Gamma Signals Firing Again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqwtms/gamma_signals_firing_again/) + +I expanded the GME chart below to further back to 11/2/2020, so you can see more of the spikes as GME starts to move up, and you can see what I mean when I say they start coming in clusters. + +[GME Log Base 10 Scale, 11\/2\/2020 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/hg45aqzr46371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=54a5121e3391051e3f800512cc9f56dfcaecd2a2) + +I didn't share this with you yesterday, because I didn't want to distract from GME, but yesterday there were gamma neutral spikes happening all over the market, like little bombs going off. I shared these with u/Criand last night, and we were wondering if the recent wind-down rules coming into effect was starting a little chain reaction. Then today, the whole market was red! I'm not sure what it means yet, but feels like the market is becoming more and more unstable. + +Here are a few of the charts from the tickers that were also set off for today. Usually, there's like... one or two a day, and I copied 15 below! + +But first, a quick refresher! + +***Quick Recap*** + +My work is built on the idea that the market is largely unpredictable, but one particular kind of behavior is certain - hedgies like to hedge. It's written into their algorithms. Specifically, they like to delta hedge and gamma hedge. This work tries to profit on this one particular type of buying/selling behavior. I have a little data dictionary at the bottom if you need a refresher on terminology. + +***Back to the graphs...*** + +Reminder, this is not to distract you from GME, just to show you what I mean when I say it was strange that these were all firing at the same time today. + +I don't know how... or even if... these tickers are all connected, but they definitely do share some interesting timing/patterns. + +&#x200B; + +[AMC 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/52bmcwgq56371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=25e650dcebecc63e513c6a741e5235da31fcddad) + +&#x200B; + +[ABNB 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/pl4cqly7g6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=65d7d72d6f2ce01c09e29d93824f8814a6b08958) + +&#x200B; + +[RKT 1\/4\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/ggp9r0h466371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae5be1250eda029ec639fd75814cb9ba3e7a3a14) + +&#x200B; + +[BLNK 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/f7syzd0zf6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c75c9850d95f4438843baa38a8fcc081ddd2378) + +&#x200B; + +[LMND 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/mu4aiuz2g6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fce5a6af885c0258daca54c833fe8d6b70d8e64) + +&#x200B; + +[FUBO 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/pw56e3b776371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=e26a1ac31911646be8ed66853fc660e8feb67165) + +&#x200B; + +[PLAY 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/rmbrwdcc76371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9ca5760688cf194e26d62c8b6c551267cfaa67c) + +&#x200B; + +[CCIV 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/9zdhg0rf76371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=6325b7f3e95913e820acf5ab69b131330922c2d0) + +&#x200B; + +[BBBY 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/b9ng41yne6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d81ace4143a8e683459e8ecc5b83f0fe15e2ff1) + +&#x200B; + +[TLRY 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/ekt4974te6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae3ccd4c5b983cd94f23c4ad96e78166779dc410) + +&#x200B; + +[NVAX 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/vd4bsp0ye6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=d56b5d48a6f350f2c4798c68e871576ca87cda29) + +&#x200B; + +[WKHS 1\/4\/2021 - 6\/3\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/klv2kiq1f6371.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fcfc574683e383bb710bd646623a9982884c4da) + +Again, eyes on the prize. I doubled down on my GME stocks today, and I have no doubt these tickers are just the warm-up act for the big show. There are six new tickers firing tomorrow from my top 140, down from 15 in my top 140 today. Still a lot more than usual though, and I'm exciting to see what happens! + +***Data Dictionary*** + +* Delta Neutral: price that creates a total market delta of 0 across all GME options (all expiration dates) for a given date. General observation is it acts like a theoretical floor (although the price can go lower, as seen in February). My theory is that as the underlying approaches the delta neutral, call options go on sale. As people buy call options, MM have to buy the stocks which increases the price. Most stocks like to hang out above the delta neutral, some dip below and create pressure that can shoot them back over the delta neutral (like what happened in February), and some like to hang out below (like the VIX). +* Gamma Neutral: price that creates a total market gamma of 0 across all GME options (all expiration dates) for a given date. General observation is it acts like support/resistance between the delta neutral and the underlying, and typically bounces around between the two prices for most plan (like we have seen with GME since April). It also goes crazy in periods of high volatility (as you can see by the infinite spikes). +* Max Pain: price that creates largest loss for option buyers and largest gain for option sellers. This is a controversial topic because underlying prices can drift towards this point. There are typically large areas around the max pain that doesn't make a lot of difference to the profits for option buyer/sellers. It can be used to help gauge where the equilibrium of the options data is, but there is often a wide range around this price point that does not meaningfully affect MM profits. + +Disclaimer: I'm just a person that likes to play with options data and builds models to trade for a hobby. I have no experience trading professionally or offering any advice to anyone. Nothing is certain in trading. It's all probabilities and what increases/decreases your chance at a profit. This is just one indicator for one type of price movement, and there are many other indicators that can help you make investment decisions. +Now, 1,000 workers build seven days a week on two shifts in an effort to start churning out lithium-ion cells by late 2016. Elon Musk is set to inaugurate the Gigafactory with a media briefing today, followed by an exclusive tour and party for Tesla customers on Friday. +**Question:** + +For people that are on/above their higher end FAT FIRE numbers, how do you structure your existence? Is the administration of living across multiple countries and keeping yourself tax efficient worth it? What countries do you reside in and how does it impact life, esp if you have kids? It is isolating? Are there people that do this for you? Currently looking at some combination of Portugal/US/Canada/Australasia/UK + +\[deleted personal details as less interested in my situation than what other people are doing\] +Hi everyone, new to trading options. I would like to check with more experienced options traders to see if I have the right idea. + +My scenario: I have 1000 shares of a stock that is currently $45. I want to sell it at $50 to exit the position (just reducing the size of this position) and I believe it will hit $50. If it doesn’t, I’m okay with holding it. + +I want to sell 1000 shares at $50, so I am thinking of selling 10 covered calls for the highest premium I can find: January 2024. I want to sell these shares anyway so I think this would be a way for me to collect some extra cash. Will this work? Is there anything that I’m missing? + +I’ve been selling way OTM covered calls but none of the calls have expired in the money so I have just been collecting the premiums. + +Thank you in advance! +As the side bar of this subreddit says "We are selling options to WSB degenerate using #thetagang strategie!". I think the data I am collecting will be interesting to many of the members here. + +I have been analyzing comments and posts on reddit to determine what stocks are mentioned the most. This week I am looking at the options contracts that have been mentioned on the subreddits we track. Specifically, I am looking at contracts expiring this Friday 12/18. The data collected for this analysis was collected from 12/04 – 12/10. For Friday’s expiration there are 448 contracts and 714 mentions of these contracts. Quite an increase from last week which is pretty exciting. Though, I mostly attribute this to improvements in the machine learning models we are using to identify stocks and contracts. The most popular contracts this week are the PLTR 30 Call and the LAZR 30 Put. + +The goal here is to track what reddit is following and to see how reddit preforms. There is this notion that retail investors often fail to beat the market. This is why financial advisors recommend that you buy into the major ETF’s such as SPY. As historically there have been few people that manage to beat the major Index’s year over year. My hypothesis going into this week is that I should bet against the trends on reddit as typically the retail investor is wrong. + +As of week 1, I would have profited $1710 betting against reddit [Last Weeks Recap](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTickers/comments/kbcc6x/weekly_results_what_if_you_sold_the_most_popular/). I will continue to track my progress each week. + +I just want to emphasize it does not matter if I am right or wrong. More importantly this research is to identify if there are any trends worth following. + +Call Data + +* Out of the 448 contracts 356 are calls (80% Long) +* 70.8% of the calls are out of the money +* The out of the money Calls are an average of 23% out of the money. +* The in the money calls are an average of 26% in the money. + +Put Data + +* Out of 448 Contracts 92 are puts +* 67.4% of the puts are out of the money +* The out of the money puts are an average of 18.7% out of the money +* The in the money puts are an average of 22% in the money + +On both the call and put sides the out of the money contracts are an average of 20%+ out of the money. I am not that surprised as there is a lot of yolo culture on reddit. It is surprising to see the number of contracts that are out of the money in general. Out of the 448 contracts only 134 are in the money as of last Friday’s close. + +The most popular calls that are in the money are: + +* PLTR 20, 22, 26 +* TSLA 600 + + +The most popular puts that are in the money are: + +* LAZR 30 +* CRSR 35. + +The most popular calls that are out of the money are + +* PLTR 30, 32, 35 +* TSLA 630, 650, 700 +* ARKG 100 +* NIO 50 +* SPY 380 + +The most popular puts that are out of the money are: + +* LAZR 25, 20 +* SPY 350 +* PLTR 25, 26 +* SNOW 330 + +My hypothesis is that the majority of these contracts will be losers. Based on the data I would be looking to sell the PLTR 32 and TSLA 630 calls and LAZR 20 / 25 Puts. I will update with the premium prices first thing tomorrow morning at market open. + +Edit: + +[Data updated daily](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTickers) Got a few questions about data via DM. If you are interested in more frequent updates. + +Premium As of 11:A.M. Monday Morning: + +* TSLA 630 $3710 +* PLTR $40 + +* LAZR 25 $130 +* LAZR 20 $ 20 +Genuinely curious and looking for guidance. Why does everyone hold JEPI in such high regard? It’s a pretty new fund and its dividend seems to fluctuate a lot month to month +For those that lived through the crisis and had skin in the game back then, what was it like? Did you hold your position? Give in and sold? Or was brave enough to buy when it was low? +I hear a lot about buying and holding no matter but it is easier said than done. +Edit: Per a commenter, maybe "Taking profits" should be in quotes technically speaking, I immediately re-deploying it. + +\------------------- + +I've been doing some restructuring of my rental portfolio of 20 units this year. Probably have a few other posts worth of interesting stuff from the process, but what I wanted to share was that I just signed closing docs on the sale of a SFH rental I've owned for 4 years. I purchased it for 64k at the end of 2016. My original down payment was about $13k. It was operating in the black during the time I owned it with fairly low-maintenance tenants who took care of it. However they moved out around Thanksgiving to get their own place and I decided the market was so frothy it would be a good time to try and take some profits. + +I owed $69k on it as during the 4 years I owned it, I cash-out refi'd all my original down payment (and a bit more) out of it while reducing the monthly payments. My broker is very good and we decided to spend some money to get top retail dollar out of the property. We put all new windows in (century home with a lot of crappy old windows), totally refinished the real hardwood floors under all the nasty carpet, and new doors and paint throughout among other upgrades. I spent $16k but it looked really nice. + +We listed it for $135k. We debated listing for $130k vs $135k for a bit based on comps. What happened shocked even my broker. We had multiple offers within a couple hours of listing and 20 showings the 1st day which was in the middle of the week. We ended up with 4 offers within a couple days, all of which were above the ask price, 3 of which were above it significantly. We ultimately went with a buyer who offered $155k, and agreed to waive the inspection. Closing date was 3 weeks after it went on the market. + +So basically after all the expenses I am clearing 70K+ in profits, on top of the money I already pulled out of the property previously. I sort of can't believe the appraisal came through but this market is insane. + +I am taking the profits and using it as the down payment on a commercial $290k building, so I basically do not have to come up with any down payment money out of my own pocket, it's all being 1031'd from the sale of this one. I close on the new purchase in a week once all the funds have settled. + +TL;DR - 64k rental 13k of my money down. Cash out refi my money out, play with house money for a few years. Good tenants profitable little rental. Sell for ridiculous returns and 1031 into a bigger better property. (New property is half leased already to an insurance company so I'm going into it with a tenant who covers the mortgage, and a lot of upside.) +Bought a couch online in January. Spoke with a guy on the phone who assured me it was interest free if paid within the timeframe. He had to reduce the original timeframe (from 18 months to 12 months I believe) somehow to make it work, but literally said the words "I don't want you to have to pay any interest. This is the better deal." + +&#x200B; + +I've been making auto payments for 6 months, never looking closely at my bill until recently. I noticed I've paid over $100 in interest so far. I called Synchrony and they said the way the store sent it over shows the 9.99% interest is intentional. They told me I need to contact the store. + +I called the store and they told me I have to go through Synchrony. Now I'm not sure what to do. + + + +**EDIT: Good news. I just found an old voicemail from the guy I spoke with on the phone. He clearly says 18 months 0% interest. He goes on to explain that the original 24 months we discussed would have actually been 9.99% interest, but that he is going to get me the 18 months 0% instead... so it sounds like it was an honest mistake, but I do have the voicemail as proof!** + + +**EDIT 2: It is now supposedly taken care of. The furniture store claimed they had sent it in their notes as 0% 18 months. They just spoke with their Synchrony rep who said that it should be fixed within 2 billing cycles. ** +I asked a question in r/askconservatives about what their solutions are for the childcare shortage and rising costs. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/askaconservative/comments/qg9u7n/what_is_the_conservative_solution_for_fixing_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +I was surprised to receive several comments saying ultimately they feel that it isn’t a problem, families should return to having stay-at-home-moms, and women should leave the workforce. + +The idea they stated was that if women leave the workforce that’d lead to a labor shortage which means that incomes would go up and men would be able to support a family on one income. + +I’m not sure where this leaves work visas or relocating businesses to other countries. And I don’t understand what kind of effect it’d have on the costs of goods and services + +I’d really love to hear from an economist’s perspective on this highly hypothetical question, with all personal politics and religious views aside. + +What would happen to our economy in today’s day and age if women went back to staying home to raise families instead of working? +According to U.S. News & World Report, college graduates from the class of 2019 borrowed $30,062 on average, accounting for $6,300 more than borrowers from the class of 2009. + +While this is a 26% increase, an inflation calculator shows that the dollar itself inflated 19% from 2009 to 2019. + +However, what I wonder is if this tells the true story. Does the way we calculate inflation accurately minimize the increase in cost (assuming it doesn't account for inflation, just an example, not the point of the discussion), or is it perhaps flawed/biased in a way that doesn't accurately represent the actual costs presented to consumers. + +Thanks! +Is there any basis for the common claim on reddit that the youth of today has it much worse than previous generations? And if that's the case how true is the common sentiment that milennials have gotten screwed over by previous generations? +The former Chief Economist of the Senate Budget Committee said that we could afford the Green New Deal because "the federal government can afford to buy whatever is for sale in its own currency" and that "inflation is the limit." + +The Twitter thread is [here](https://twitter.com/StephanieKelton/status/1093575469440618496) + +I DO NOT mean for this to become an ugly political debate over the Green New Deal or anything else. I mean this as a serious question regarding spending and inflation. + +How far could we go over say a few decades? $50 trillion? $100 trillion? $1 quadrillion? Am I misunderstanding what she's saying? +When scrolling on my T212 portfolio I noticed a button on the bottom I haven’t seen before called “Securities lending” after clicking it I saw a whooping 99% of my GME shares where lent out. And 80% of my Movie shares. On all other shares this was 0%. So I think they badly need every share. + +https://preview.redd.it/i6uamx1tcyj71.jpg?width=3103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a69b25df9afd2dd17b7425a37db92149cd6409a + +I’m super smooth, so don’t want to make to many conclusions, if I say something wrong, please correct me, and I’ll put it in the edit. + +There was some more info about the securities lending on their site. It said a few remarkable things: + +https://preview.redd.it/oeseaau1dyj71.jpg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4793035e11168dc5c98e3bdbb116eb36b72b7474 + +**“we require collateral in the form of US Treasury Bonds”** +Wow! This shows how much this is connected to the entire market. If its true, whenever I buy GME they will buy some US treasury bonds to cover their stock borrow. Meaning that whenever they run out of collateral, they have to sell their bonds and the whole US treasury bond market would collapse!? + +Collateral has to be 102% (If thats the case on T212, I probably think that will hold true for all brokers) maybe some wrinkled apes can calculate how much collateral they then have to hold, and compare that to the price of GME, and see at which price we can potentially see a squeeze? (not sure here) + +Also what a most apes already thought dividend wont necessarily cause a recall of all shares but: **"you’ll still receive a payment equivalent to the due dividend in the form of a manufactured payment"** not sure if the hedgies or broker will have to pay this. It will be a nice move to take some of that collateral, and the dividend we can put right back into buying moaaar. + +Finally a little sentence on the voting **“Voting rights CANNOT be exercised for lent out shares”** + +Well I assume our shares where lent out way before and during the voting, so probably the whole voting they setup was a fake shenanigan, and our votes where never counted. + +I’m pretty mad too, because if I buy a share on any of these platforms, and they use it to instantly short the same stock, they’re actively betting against me their customer, and I can’t even move the price with my buys. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Edit 1:** about the voting rights, I went to look at the cached page before the voting occurred, and there was no mention of not being able to vote then with lent out shares. So they might have adjusted the rules, to prevent a vote from ever happening again. They just borrow all your shares, and you can't vote.LINK: [https://web.archive.org/web/20210127214836/https://helpcentre.trading212.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011023038-What-is-Share-Lending-](https://web.archive.org/web/20210127214836/https://helpcentre.trading212.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011023038-What-is-Share-Lending-) + +**Edit 2:** For those who want to see how many of their shares are lent out. You do that here: + +https://preview.redd.it/ocar6sujjyj71.jpg?width=1594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838a25d1de5fa4e1c0ff315fa285d6e31fc5e25c + +**Edit 3**: If you're a UK ape you can avoid your shares being lend out by buying through your ISA account. I'm not from UK so don't know more about it, but look into it! + +**Edit 4:** If any wrinkled-one can shed some light on the treasury bond collateral that would be great! Seems huge to me, but maybe it isn't + +**Edit 5:** I read a lot of people saying, move to another broker. I know! But its not easy finding a good broker in Europe, they almost all practice this share borrowing. I just read on DeGiro that they themselves are responsible for the collateral!! [https://www.degiro.co.uk/about-degiro/safe-and-reliable](https://www.degiro.co.uk/about-degiro/safe-and-reliable) When the squeeze happens none of these brokers will be able to pay out, and we'll see a lot of brokers go bust or being bailed out. This will affect not only apes, but everyone having shares there.Etoro currently does not practice share lending, but they also practice a lot of shenanigans (closing positions without consent) and site froze up in januari. I just want my fkin shares without fckery!! +[Source.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/powell-fed-open-to-private-sector-collaboration-in-possible-digital-dollar-134913548.html) Article pasted below for convenience. + +&#x200B; + +**Powell: Fed open to private sector collaboration in possible digital dollar** + +Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Monday that the Fed is open to collaborating with the private sector on a possible digital U.S. dollar, but reiterated that the central bank has not committed to actually launching one. + +“We will have lots of conversations with industry and stakeholder engagement, and that’ll help us in our work on digital currencies and cross-border payments,” Powell said in an International Monetary Fund panel. + +Powell said private sector initiatives like Facebook’s Libra project have accelerated central banks’ interest in setting up their own digital currencies. + +But Powell cautioned that the Fed faces “difficult policy and operational questions,” such as the monetary policy implications of a digital dollar. Powell also listed illicit activity and cyber attacks as risks. + +“I actually do think this is one of those issues where it's more important for the United States to get it right than it is to be first,” Powell said. + +Powell pointed to the importance of the U.S. dollar in the global economy, noting that the majority of the $2 trillion Federal Reserve notes in circulation are held outside of the country. + +Powell emphasized that any possible digital dollar would serve as a “complement” to physical cash — not a replacement. + +&#x200B; + +**Real-time payments** + +The U.S. finds itself lagging other countries on payments infrastructure. The Bank of Mexico last year launched a Cobro Digital (CoDi) system that allows users and merchants to transact in digital pesos using QR codes. The People’s Bank of China recently began user testing a digital renminbi, which would allow transactions even without connection to the internet. + +Although the Fed is not committing to launching its own digital currency, the Fed is charging ahead with its efforts to bring real-time payments among financial intermediaries. Services like Venmo and Cash App offer quick peer-to-peer payments, but check clearing still takes days for funds to arrive at one’s checking account because of aged infrastructure connecting the nation’s banks. + +The Fed hopes to stand up a FedNow system to allow 24/7 real-time payments by 2023 or 2024. Kansas City Fed President Esther George, one of the leaders on the initiative, said the project is “on track” with that timeline. + +Although many central banks are researching digital currencies, only about 10% say they will actually issue one of their own in the short-term, according to the Bank of International Settlements. +https://sea.ign.com/nintendo-switch/193861/news/switch-pro-reportedly-cancelled-as-nintendo-shifts-focus-to-next-gen-console + +> Rumours of a Nintendo Switch Pro console have been swirling in the video game industry and the gaming community for years. However, it seems that Nintendo is ready to move on from the portable console. +> +> According to Digital Foundry's John Linneman, many developers acknowledged that a "mid-generation Switch update" was initially planned, but Nintendo opted to focus instead on building a new console. Nintendo has yet to officially announce its next video game system, and Linneman said he does not expect it will be released until 2023. +*Disclaimer: I was invested in LUNA and UST so I'm talking from experience here* + +I just want to say to everyone using crypto social media in this past day, please please be very gentle with your words. There are **a lot** of posts on Reddit talking about people losing their life savings, feeling "weirdly detached" from seeing their money vanish in thin air, and everyone panicking... + +... and even then, you see other people commenting stuff like "I feel better about reading these posts, I would never trade leverage, my funds are safe". + +**This is not the time to boast about your good decisions in other people's misery posts.** People are attempting suicide. With people in this state, all it takes is a single comment reinforcing their "dumb" decisions for someone to take their lives away. + +Please, please be gentle with your words during this time. Offer help, offer your presence if they need to talk. + +We can talk about strategies and good/bad decisions after the fire is put off. For now, let's just be human beings and support whoever is feeling lost in this shitstorm. +Welcome to Day 1. + +Ebola + ISIS + interest rates + Greece + foreign unrest + overextended markets + last season of True Blood = critical mass has been reached. + +Enjoy the ride folks. + +Remember not to buy back until they are all wondering if this is the end of money and the world as we know it, and people are weeping in the streets. +I have lost over 15-20k trying to learn to trade in the last year. I’ve accepted that with my gambling tendencies and previous history with that issue, trading has become too hard to overcome the mental barrier between trading with a plan and filling my gambling habit. Luckily I have a high paying job right now so it’s not the end of the world, but that’s a car purchase right there that I lost due to horrible risk management, over positioning way too early on (10+ contracts in $TSLA for example), and purely emotional trading. Each loss got worse as I tried to earn back what I had previously lost. I’m sure I can’t be the only one who has done this. + +I need to stop. I need to focus on keeping my hard earned money to support my future family. I have not told anyone in person of my big loss, neither my girlfriend, family, or friends. It hurts to think the pain it may cause them to know of this. + +If anybody has tips on getting over a gambling addiction, please do share. I’ve tried quitting trading a few times and always came back saying “I’m so close!”. This time I’ve deleted all programs and trading apps. Liquidated my account into my savings. Unfollowed trading instagrammers. Deleted discord. + +Just needed to vent. You’re all welcome for my provision of liquidity to the market :) but I must be done. I may be back someday, but through a program such as paper trading or TopStep Trader where I’m not risking my own capital. + +Thanks for listening to my Ted talk and God bless! +We know the day is coming, when the vast majority of human labor is replaced by robotic and computer automation. But for the vast majority of the human population, labor is all they have to offer the market. How will they survive this economic revolution? + +Retail work is already disappearing, instead of shopping in a store we're ordering online and someday soon we'll simply download designs and print products ourselves. The only traded goods will be the raw materials to print with, and the designs. + +What will become of the laborers? If the world remains capitalistic (I'm not advocating socialism, or capitalism for that matter) how will we earn a living when our only marketable contribution is replaced? +🍑 PAWGNation 🍑 + + +🍑 $PAWG 🍑 + + +PAWGcoin is disrupting the viral meme coin market by providing a cryptocurrency that powers transactions between content creators and content enthusiasts of tasteful noods. + + +The roadmap is centered around the creation of a platform for content creators and consumers where creators can create and offer exclusive NFTs and NSFW content to their fans. All NFTs and content will be available for purchase with PAWGcoin! + +&#x200B; + +Content Creators will have the tools to upload pictures, GIFs, and videos, determine the amount available for purchase, and have the ability to set a $PAWG price or allow fans to place $PAWG bids on their NFTs. + + +Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 + + +Contract Address: 0x19B60612F9A93359bca835A788A334D4157E675B + + +Tokenomics: + + +\- 4% to holderss + +\- 4% to marketing wallet + +\- 2% auto liquidity injection + +&#x200B; + +Partners: + + +\#1 TYGA + +\#2 LANA RHOADES + +\#3 Abella Danger + +\#4 Mia Malkova + +&#x200B; + +Updates: + +\- Coingeko listing + +\- WhiteBit listing signed + +\- Kucoin applied + +\- CMC incoming + +\- Bigger members incoming soon + +&#x200B; + +Links: + +&#x200B; + +TG: [https://t.me/pawgcoinbsc](https://t.me/pawgcoinbsc) + + +Website: [https://www.pawgcoin.io/](https://www.pawgcoin.io/) + + +Buy: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x19B60612F9A93359bca835A788A334D4157E675B](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x19B60612F9A93359bca835A788A334D4157E675B) +My core assumption here is that people who need that next paycheck have to worry about being perceived as a "problem," making them less likely to speak up when they see something wrong at their workplace. + +Has anyone here become a rabble-rouser after hitting their number? For example, organizing a union or calling out workplace harassment. If you already have your FU money, it seems like a perfect time to make things better for people. +Last year, my then 12 year old daughter started a lawn mowing business and after paying for expenses, taxes and the spending money she used was able to put $1850 into a Roth IRA. Because the oldest was no longer mowing our own lawn, her then 10 year old sister mowed our lawn and was able to contribute $150 into her own Roth IRA. + + +I overheard them grumbling about the upcoming lawn season so I put an excel spreadsheet together which used random market returns between 5 and 9% (conservative and adjusted for inflation) and showed them how much money their accounts would be worth at different ages - if they left it alone, if they contributed the same amount each year - if they gradually climbed to the max - etc. + + +Their eyes lit up. They are excited. I'm a realist. I know that they will still grumble and that there will be points where they simply don't want to get out of bed to work but I also know that they know why they're doing it and know they can get out of the race. + + + +I was charged $25 for something that was clearly not my responsibility from a company and while my time is obviously way more valuable than spending 20-30 minutes to contest it but I fought it primarily due to principle. The company went back on some guarantees and I was annoyed and decided to fight the charges. + +Do you have a minimum where you care enough to fight something or it doesn’t matter? +I was reading through a recent thread regarding how much of one's yearly salary people had spent on car purchases and one consistent theme came up in the comments regarding just buying a cheap old Corolla and saving your money by not buying new. + +You all know the drill, if you've been around here for a while you see the debate around cars and finance, buying outright or leasing. + +Now I wanted to mention safety when it comes to cars. + +Go ahead and watch this for 3 minutes. + +https://youtu.be/xidhx_f-ouU + +I'm not saying don't buy a cheap reliable 98 Corolla and I'm not saying buy brand new but if you watched that video you decide what price you put on safety. + +I can tell you personally from my work in emergency services that the person in the 15 Corolla probably walked away with a headache whereas the person in the 98 Corolla is in hospital with a broken bone or two or that hit could very well be fatal for the person in that vehicle. + +Safety in vehicles has come a long long way since late 90s early 00s + +Not telling you what to do, just consider safety with your car purchases. My recommendation is to only buy a car with a 5 star ANCAP safety rating. + +I hope you find this helpful. +I'm a realtor of two and a half years. My wife and I have wanted to upgrade for awhile as our house is getting a little cramped with our three kids, but we have less than $90k left on it and its in good shape. For our next home, we would want a 4 bedroom, 3 bath and in our area that's anywhere from $270k-$320k. We could sell our current home for maybe $140k. She nets $27k a year, I net around $46k-$50k, and our current mortgage is $579/mo with a 2.3% IR. + +Out of sheer curiosity and education, we spoke with a lender I know well who proceeded to explain how we could qualify and afford a $280k-$300k loan and my wife took that as a green light. + +The smartest thing, to me, is pay off this mortgage (we have no other debts), see where the market is in a year or two, then rent out our current house while we upgrade. Is that a terrible plan that I'm just not seeing, or am I just trying to fight an emotional battle with numbers? The last thing I'd want to do is buy too much house after also throwing away a good investment opportunity. + +Edit: we currently live in a 3BD/2BA, 1300sqft in Arkansas, USA. I'm 29 and my wife is 39. + +2nd Edit: I just want to thank everyone for their advice, good wishes, and the time they took to respond. This has really helped me have an all-around look at the situation and given me some healthy ways to talk about and walk through it with my wife! God bless everyone, and I hope it helps others as well! +As a new member of this community, I'm wondering what other subreddits you all follow that are relevant/useful to this community? + +Hope this is helpful to others as well. +Can anyone recommend the best mainstream uk banking app? The main requirement is that it doesn’t require a card reader to make payments. Ideally let’s you do things like change payment references in-app. + +Currently with Nationwide and they are so antiquated it really is time to move. + +Edit: thanks for all the replies everyone. Having been doing research into the suggestions, I think I’ll go with Starling. I’ll keep my nationwide one open as the flexplus has some rather insanely good value insurances that cost a lot more to get elsewhere. The only downside is it means I can’t use the switching service to move everything automatically, I’ll have to move all payments/payees/etc etc over by hand so that the source account doesn’t get closed :( +After reading the Mr Beast bet over in WSB and reading an article on how monkeys out perform Fund Managers, I’m going to invest $1000 into whatever you guys decide, being the top replied comment in the next 48 hours. + + +Will post proof on Wednesday or ban me. + + +FAQ: + + +Q. Why only $1000? + + +A: I'm a broke Uni student + + +Q. Why are you doing this? + + +A: I'm bored and I think it's funny + + +Let's see what you've got ASX Bets +The proposal, called the Stock Buyback Accountability Act, would levy a 2% excise tax on the amount corporations spend to buy back their own stock—a common practice that returns funds to shareholders without generally requiring taxes. + +In recent decades, cash-rich companies have used buybacks to reward stockholders and share-incented employees. Apple (ticker: APPL) spent over $400 billion on buybacks in the last 10 years, while Microsoft (MSFT) spent nearly $130 billion. Since 2017, annual spending on buybacks by companies in the S&P 500 index totaled $650 billion each year, on average, according to an Aug. 6 report by J.P. Morgan quant analyst Dubravko Lakos-Bujas. Some 20% to 30% of those buybacks were funded with debt—the rest with corporate cash. + +Brown and Wyden said the 2% excise tax would make corporations think twice about allocating capital to buybacks, instead of hiring or capital investment. Spending by the S&P 500 companies on buybacks rose 11% from this year’s March to June quarters, said J.P. Morgan’s Lakos-Bujas. Capital expenditures rose 6%. Spending on dividends slipped 3%. + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2021/09/10/a-2-tax-on-stock-buybacks-is-being-proposed-by-democratic-senators-to-offset-their-35-trillion-budget-plan/?sh=289dd3c07270 + + +$ULTRA is continuing to break record after record - reaching 22k holders and over $60M marketcap in under 7 Days. The hype surrounding this coin is unreal, resulting in many comparisons with Safemoon. + +With so many milestones already reached, the team is already hard at work. They have a new Whitepaper coming very soon, a second audit by Certik is already underway for this week and there's a completely redesigned version of the website in the works. + +Marketing wise, the team has already secured multiple high tier influencers which will start rolling out soon. At 34,000 holders, which is already smashed most of their milestone’s, we will see the deployment of plane banners and billboards, as well as an NFT market and a dApp. + +What's making me most bullish about this coin is the seemingly very well-connected team, who else does a CG listing at launch? They're following through on promises, the whitepaper actually showed where money is going, they seem to know what they're doing and have connections, no gimmicks, constantly getting the coin added to new platforms, complete transparency with their goals. + +There's currently a dip making for a very nice entry point - take notice though, this won't last for long considering the coin tends to go ballistic during prime hours. If you've watched this coin break ATH after ATH while waiting for a decent entry, this is it, this is your chance. + +Breaking news incoming as I write this a ‘Big Whale’ called Randal who has invested 500k this morning and is a sure sign of faith in such an early project, could this be the next Safemoon? + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://ultrasafe.finance/](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Pancake: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) +So to my understanding - + +1. you buy house with a mortgage + +2. rehab + +3. Rent + +4. Refinance with a new mortgage with: + + a. better rates to reduce debt service payment + + b. Hope the value of the house has gone up so when you refinance, you can pull out more cash than you had put in originally + + +My questions are: + +1. when you refinance, and the bank is willing to loan out 80% of the new value, will you only be able to keep the difference in your pocket? So for example, if i bought a house for $100,000 (20% down) and refinance it with a new value of $150,000. The new refinance loan would need to pay off the original loan ($80,000 mortgage) in full and i keep the rest ($40,000 in profits) in my pocket? and I can use this money for whatever i want - a new property or a new car? +2. So when people do this for multiple properties - technically they need to pay for the interest for the cash they pull out. aren't there risk involved in this, for example, what if they dont have any tenants for 2-3 months? or is that a small risk to be concerned? but assuming there's always tenants, the tenants would be the one paying off the loan payments while you keep the cash and hope the home value appreciates more. is that the gist of the refinance profit strategy? +With AT&T's (T) new dividend per share dropping by nearly half to 27.50c per share for 2 quarters in a row, is it no longer a good hold? I'm unsure on what this would mean for yield, but I would imagine it would still return approx. 6% seeing as their share price has also halved across the pandemic? + +What are people's thoughts on AT&T as a bag to hold? +I owe taxes for last year and I owe a significant amount on credit cards. I have received some money does it make more sense to pay off three out of the four credit cards and make payments on tax bill or pay off taxes and continue to chip away at credit cards. +My thoughts: + +1. Stock levels will increase until the end of 2019 then increase in 2020 due to seasonal factors and 2015 5-year interest-only mortgages expiring. +1. Investors will not return in the numbers required to create strong growth conditions. +1. As stock increases and demand remains the same, clearance rates reduce and so do prices. + +Detailed: + +1. Stock will increase every month in line with the previous decade in [Sydney](https://www.corelogic.com.au/sites/default/files/2018-07/2018-07-30-pulseimg2.jpg) and [Melbourne](https://www.corelogic.com.au/sites/default/files/2018-07/2018-07-30-pulseimg3.jpg) until the end of 2019. + +1. Stock will increase in 2020 compared to 2019 as the [2015 interest-only loans expire](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/images/sp-ag-2018-04-24-graph4.gif) and these borrowers: + + (a) [are in negative equity from 2015 prices in 2020 and can't afford a lump sum LMI payment](https://www.finder.com.au/refinancing-a-home-loan-without-equity), and/or + + (b) are [unable to refinance with the major banks as they can't show how they can pay interest + principal when the loan expires](https://www.apra.gov.au/sites/default/files/APG-223.pdf) (para 36), which was not required when they sought the loan in 2015 but has since been implemented, and/or + + (c) they can't afford to refinance to lower tier lenders as their interest rates make it prohibitive. + +1. By example [in Sydney median prices have fallen to 2015 or lower prices in Epping, Petersham, Alexandria, Peakhurst, Croydon, Northmead, Hunters Hill, Georges Hall, Double Bay, Granville, North Ryde, Homebush, Hurstville, Camperdown, and Brighton-le-Sands. +](https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/property-prices-in-these-sydney-suburbs-have-dropped-to-2015-levels-001138331.html) Note this is 2 months old and prices continued to fall for those 2 months. + + +1. Rolling over to Interest and Principal increases the repayment by [30-40%.](https://amp.afr.com/news/economy/rba-flags-dangers-of-480b-in-interestonly-loan-resets-over-the-next-four-years-20180413-h0yppv) [\[2\]](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/sp-ag-2018-04-24.html) + +1. These loans make up about 1 in 20 of **all** new mortgages originating in 2015. So for every 20 dwellings sold in 2015, 1 will be in this situation in 2020. That is a lot as a proportion of the market returning to market. This figure is derived from ~40% of loans in 2015 being IO via the RBA: + + >["The share of outstanding housing credit on IO terms increased to almost 40 per cent by 2015." +](https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/smp/2018/may/box-c-the-expiry-of-interest-only-loan-terms.html) + + and [this graph](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2018/images/sp-ag-2018-04-24-graph4.gif) from the RBA showing ~15% of 2020 IO loans originate in 2015. + + Roughly ~15% of ~40% is ~6%, putting about 1 in 20 of **all** 2015 Australian mortgages in this situation. + +3. The clearance rate will trend lower as more stock comes onto the market but more demand does not. + + [Foreign investment which made up a bulk of residential real estate investment from 2012-2018 has fallen significantly using the figures from FIRB.](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2019/images/sp-gov-2019-03-06-graph7.gif) Without the same level of demand to satisfy the 2019 and 2020 growing volumes clearance rates must come down unless owner-occupiers and first home buyers pick up the slack. They can't because they can't afford the median prices in Sydney and Melbourne, on average. They can afford entry-level properties but cannot put a price floor beneath the average/median price or higher. + + Without this injection of foregin capital the ROI/ROE on residential real estate is very low yielding in the Sydney and Melbourne markets. Without this, you see growth like before 2012 on these graphs, [Example one](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Capture-709-660x446.png), [Example two](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Capture-51-660x448.png) and not the graph subsequent from 2013 onwards, which was [reliant on foreign investment](https://www.rba.gov.au/speeches/2019/images/sp-gov-2019-03-06-graph7.gif). +This suggests 0% to -3% growth without foreign investment compared to 8% to 15% growth with it. +>[The ABS House Price Index for Australia shows that +nominal house price growth was running at 9% over +the year to September 2014. This compares to 8% +over the year to June 2013, 0% to June 2012 and +-3% to June 2011. Growth in Sydney over the year to +September 2014 was nearly 15%.](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/au/Documents/financial-services/deloitte-au-fs-mortgage-report-2015-050718.pdf) + + FIRB 17/18: ["In residential real +estate, there was a decline in New South Wales’ share of approvals, which was offset by +increases in Victoria and Western Australia’s shares. The decrease in residential real estate +approvals by value was driven by a drop in new dwelling related approvals. Like other +similar economies we have seen a decline in proposed investment from China as Chinese +authorities have tightened capital controls. ... While Chinese demand for residential real estate has fallen, China still accounts for a +majority of residential real estate approvals."](https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/79/2019/02/FIRB-2017-18-Annual-Report-final.pdf) + + China is still the biggest residential real estate investor but it's down from $31,912m in [2015/2016](https://cdn.tspace.gov.au/uploads/sites/79/2017/04/1516-FIRB-Annual-Report.pdf) to $12,668m in 2017/2018 (it's lower now in 2018/2019) a reduction by 60%+. The market will require something like $20bn new investment to recreate that level of activity. That isn't realistic. Some country, or a number of countries, would need to increase their investments far higher than they have over the past 10 years. For e.g. the USA as the 2nd biggest investor would need to increase its investment well over 300%. + +1. Domestic investors won't pick up the slack where the foreign investors left-off for a few reasons + + (a) ROI/ROE won't be there to attract bubble-like investment without the foreign investment creating strong growth to encourage domestic investment. + + (b) Yield will remain low over 2019/2020 with the oversupply of properties still coming onto the market. + + (c) There's not enough domestic investment to replace that which came from foreign investment in 2012 onwards. The short-fall in demand will remain. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Hello AusFinance, + +I am still in process of getting my Australian driving license and I am baffled to see the car prices in the market. I am looking for Mazda CX-5 and the drive-away 2016 model that is being sold in the market is $28K, while the new Mazda CX-5 is $33K. This is an unexpected blow to my budget that I had set for settling in Australia. What are the reasons for such inflated car prices? Why such a meager difference in the new and the used cars? Any solution , how to financially plan buying a car, or should I drop the plan of buying the car altogether. +DFV's actions in this saga make it perfectly clear to me that he will hold all the way through the MOASS. I have zero doubt about that in my mind now. + +We already know he's not in it for the squeeze, never has been. Check out his [GME bull thesis on youtube](https://youtu.be/GZTr1-Gp74U), where he lays it all out perfectly: he believes in GameStop's transformation. *He likes the stock*. He knows it'll be worth several thousand even after the squeeze, and he's just helping us Apes along the way. + +He sees the deep fucking value. + +Remember what he did. He doubled down on 50k the day after appearing in Congress, he held the options *until the very last moment*, only to reveal he yolod another 50k on top just to double down again on the double down. + +Those additional 50k weren't $12, those were regular $150 shares. Go figure. + +He's literally stock Jesus and **I'm 100% positive that he is going to hold his shares all the way through the squeeze.** + +He's not like Ken, he doesn't need to be the #1 richest fucker in the world at the expense of everyone else. He's already crazy rich, he'll be so much richer with GME growing, and he's only getting started. + +He's gonna help apes succeed. By doing what he does best, what he's always done. He's the most diamond handed ape there is, and has proven that over and over and over again, against all resistance.💎🙌 + +----- + +DFV's final update is the most incredible move I have ever seen, and I am ready to yolo every cent I have left come monday. It made me realize there's a game even bigger than the MOASS, **and betting on that game will both maximize the squeeze, and still make everyone rich by holding.** + +It comes down to this: + +Helping Apes succeed with MOASS will make GameStop the #1 Company in the world. DFV knows that, Ryan Cohen knows that. This means that GME is the most amazing long-term opportunity for *value investors* in the history of mankind, and MOASS will amplify that by another fuckton. Now, who is the greatest value investor of our generation? Bingo. DFV stands to hold 200k shares of **that** company. DEEP value, in a post-MOASS economy. This is the bigger picture. + +[Abundance is Coming](https://i.ibb.co/5jdtp5y/newapeorder.jpg) + +*That potential* is worth so much more to him than any specific dollar amount. It's why DFV will be the next Warren Buffett. + +> "*that's good cause I'm a value investor, so I don't need to be precise*" - DFV + +Even money is fleeting, GME is not. It's simply the best place to hedge against whatever is about to come. + +DFV is a *value* investor, never forget what that means. + +[Cheers!](https://i.ibb.co/fYRs345/whatifitoldyou.jpg) +Winners Split the Pool of Donuts for the correct answer. Here's how you can participate. + +How it works: + +* Go to the Reddit Redesign +* To participate, send the amount of donuts you wish to use in the contest to /u/CommunityFund_ethtrd +* The poll will be open for two days. This is to prevent people from waiting until the last minute to enter the contest. +* The people who select the winning answer will receive the donuts they sent to the Community Fund back. +* The losers will not get their donuts back. +* The winners will also split the donuts from the losing options proportional to the amount they originally sent. +* Price Will be to the nearest dollar on Coinbase Pro at the close of the 1 minute candle at Noon PST. Winners will be notified shortly after. + +Hope you enjoy the contest! /u/internetmallcop (Reddit Admin) will be available to answer questions. + +This is the first contest mode poll we've created and we hope to have as many people participate as possible in order to flush out the system, provide feedback, and demonstrate the possibilities of how fun contest mode polls can be. The more we learn from this, the more features we hope to incorporate down the road in future contests. + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9r3hks) +I don't usually talk about stuff I own because there's nothing more annoying than someone pushing their book, but the Value sub deserves some content about actually profitable companies that aren't mega-caps everyone has heard of before. + +So, Toro (TTC). Suggested to view their most recent [investor presentation](https://www.thetorocompany.com/static-files/7acef58a-e61d-4c3a-9f1c-2557ebf93ce7) for more detail on what I'll overview below. Market cap: $9 billion; enterprise value $9.9 billion. + +### The Business + +Most famous for their lawnmowers, Toro is actually about a 75% business-to-business seller. In addition to several brands of zero-turn mowers (Toro, Boss) they make earth moving machinery, underground construction equipment (Ditch Witch), and water-efficient irrigation systems. + +The company has been around for over 100 years but in recent decades took a turn toward growth, expanding in the professional category in a big way. + +They're also tech-forward, with robotic self-guided mowers and automated golf fairway maintenance systems (recent acquisitions: Turf Lynx and Left Hand Robotics). As landscaping firms look to economize on labor, these sorts of tools get more attractive -- and it's much easier/safer to design a self-driving lawnmower than a self-driving car! + +### Moat + +- Toro is a preferred supplier for professionals due to their reputation for reliability. 100+ year relationships with some golf courses as exclusive supplier. + +- Widely distributed dealerships and service locations. Easy access to replacement parts matters because downtime is expensive. Landscapers standardize on one brand platform. + +- Durable capital goods are usually very cyclical, but mowers are high-use, wear out fast, and the grass grows every day whether the market is up or down. Replacements and repair part demand is inelastic. + +- Toro invests heavily in R&D and can then spread the technology developed across a wide range of products. As an example, their electric-only landscaping products are based on a battery system that lets them run all day with one charge. Expensive to develop, but now their whole product line can use it. California is banning the sale of gas-powered mowers starting next year, and Toro has the most serious professional-grade battery powered lineup out there. + +The moat is not just theoretical, as Toro has operated with ROIC of ~18-25% consistently for the past decade. They make excellent returns on capital and acquisitions have been targeted well. + +### Value Opportunity: + +Temporary issues are hurting profitability but those won't last forever. + +Supply chain issues have pushed down Toro's [net margins](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TTC/toro/profit-margins), which are normally in the 12% range, to about 9%. Due to semiconductor shortages, mostly, and inability to run production lines at fully capacity. When supply chains eventually ease, margins will return to normal, earnings will go up by ~30%, and the stock should follow. + +Toro has also had to deploy cash toward building up working capital, having enough parts and replacements on hand to handle supply issues, and as that again eases their FCF will rise. This is a very good business trading at temporarily depressed prices. + +Toro has been growing cash flow and revenue at about 11% per year. Dividend yield (1.39%, 33% payout ratio) is reasonable, plus opportunistic share buybacks. I anticipate a 12-15% yearly total return on Toro shares for the next 5 years, with only modest risk. + +### Risk + +- Debt level is elevated due to a recent acquisition, though still easily covered by cash flows. (last quarter: $8m interest expense vs. $171m operating income). + +- Supply chains may continue to be screwed up for a long time, causing margins to stay down. + +- Toro's bolt-on brand acquisitions have been managed well, so far, but they might overreach and screw it up in the future. They've historically traded at 20-25 P/E, but poor execution may cause that multiple to go down. + +- Every rich person might quit playing golf and let the courses return to scrubland. + +Welcoming your thoughts and criticism! Naturally, this isn't investment advice and you should research before putting money at risk. +BTC has been constantly over 60k for the last 16 days, back in April it could only hold it for about 4 days! that's pretty insane to me! but some people now are just taking 60k for granted and being disappointed that it is not going up, come on guys let it run it's course, is healthier this way, you can't compare it with all those crazy moonshots going around. + +Slow and steady wins the race 😎 give it 3 months and see how all those coins are doing, then see how BTC is doing!!! you might still be in time to take profits and put some in BTC!!! ~~not financial advice, just to be sure~~ +How to go about putting the money which has been allocated for savings/investing? + +How to decide how much to put where? + +We will create two categories or my preferential term Baskets (or Buckets). + +**Basket 1:** Money which can be needed in next 5-7 years + +**Basket 2:** Money which is needed after 5-7 years. + +**Why 5 years?** Because that is the cycle of our national elections! Just kidding. It is just an arbitrary number but 5-7 years is a reasonable. If you like 7 years, keep it 7. *Like my username is 7 letters long, so I can keep it 7 years!* + +&#x200B; + +# Basket 1 + +Aim: money which is needed within 7 years. + +What to use: Franklin Corporate Debt fund – Direct option. Why: well diversified. Excellent management team. Expected rate of interest is around 8-9% per year but it would fluctuate. However, over 3-4 years, it should stabilize in that range. My own return in this fund till date (since 8 years) is 8.13%. + +# Basket 2 + +Aim: money which is needed at least after 7 years. + +What to use: Now this is a little more complicated, so we will go **step-by-step**. + +&#x200B; + +Part A: Some terms explanation needed first (The whole post is [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/2umjqg/investing_reframed_eli5_series/)). I have put it here again, because I fear that a link may be distracting. + +**Cash** \- The money is with you physically. The closest equivalent is a Current / Savings account in a bank. + +**Bonds -** You are giving your cash to someone who will provide you regular payouts at fixed intervals and give you back a predecided lumpsum at the end of the period. Sometimes, you can skip the payouts and ask for them to be given at the end of the period only (eg, compounded growth option of fixed deposits or bonds). So, when you invest Rs 1000 in a 9% FD for 1 year , you are basically giving 1000 now with the promise that the bank will give you 1090 at the end of 1 year. + +Depending upon the quality and return-back capability of that someone, the net lumpsum and payouts vary. So, a govt backed bank / agency will give you a lower lumpsum with a very higher degree of probability that it will return you the money than a small private business. + +Stocks/Equities (=something related to Sensex/Nifty) - You are giving cash to someone to hand over to you a part of a company so that you can get the payments (called dividends) declared by the company. There are no guarantees of the amount or the interval of these payments. There is no fixed time interval or a lumpsum at the end of a time period (effectively holding period is infinite). + +To assess these payments, a higher level of understanding is required (higher as compared to above options) to assess the quality and probability of the company to provide those payouts in the future. + +Part B: + +For long term money (>7 years in this case), we will keep money in two parts, so two parts within Basket 2. These parts are Bond/Fixed income and Equity. And we need to decide on the amount of split between the two groups. + +The simplest way to divide between the two groups is an equal division also called as 50:50. Divide equally and that is it. No calculations needed. Easy, simple and quite optimum. + +The amount labeled as Basket 2 can be put into the following funds: + +1. Fixed income group: Franklin Income Opportunities fund – Direct option. Similar fund to basket 1 fund but a different name and character. +2. Equity group: After lot of pondering, I have zeroed on PPFAS LTE fund – Direct option. Excellent ethics. Good team. International diversification is a uniqueness, which I wholeheartedly agree. Good customer support. + +**An example** of how will go about. + +Income = 50,000 a month (easier to calculate things that way). Savings amount = 25,000 a month (50% target rate). + +Since, we haven’t really done any major calculations regarding money needed within 7 years, and money needed beyond 7 years, we can start with again a split of 50:50 between baskets 1 and 2. + +Basket 1: Franklin Corporate Debt fund – direct option = allot 12,500 per month. + +Basket 2: Franklin income opportunities fund – direct option = allot 6,250 per month.PPFAS LTE fund – direct option = allot 6,250 per month. + +More terms: + +**SIP (systematic investment plan)** – this is a way to invest a fixed amount of money on a particular date periodically. They can be applied to any mutual fund, and is not applicable only to equity funds. They can be started for the all the above 3 funds. + +Mutual Fund – please [refer to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/2nh30p/mutual_fund_eli5_series/). + +**More Questions:** + +1. How long to continue the above combination? For 3-4 years at the least. Ideally 5 years. +2. Should I increase the money when I get a raise next time? Of course. When your income rises to say 60,000 then increase the amounts to 15,000; 7,500 and 7,500 per month. +3. Which date should I put the SIP date on? Put it 7 days after your normal salary day. So, if you receive your salary on 1st, then put SIP on 7th. Why? Because sometimes the salary gets delayed, and then your SIP will get skipped. Don’t worry, they will not charge you money for that skipping. +4. Why equal divisions? I am smart enough to calculate the exact ratios. Well, if this series has woken you up to that level of smartness, indeed do those calculations but do start investing within this month onwards, rather than doing all those calculations only. Stop the action paralysis and get a decent start NOW. Rather than an optimum start some months/years down the line. +5. Why these funds only and not any other? Because I am saying these funds are good enough for long term holding. I have personal experience with each of them. Pattu can vouch for them as well. +6. What if I need to plan out 80C investment also? Opt for Franklin india taxshield and use it for complete usage of 80C limit. + +**To summarise the approach (across 4 posts):** + +1. Have 1 bank account with netbanking enabled. +2. Keep some amount of money in that account, while rest of the money should be moved to a liquid fund. Or FD, if the tax rate is less for you (10% bracket max.). +3. Get a health insurance, if not done yet. +4. Get a life insurance. +5. Do less spending. +6. Don’t get a credit card. Have a debit card and use cash. +7. Target a savings amount (50%, 30%, 10%, whatever and gradually either increase that or increase income and keep that ratio intact). +8. Put 3 SIPs, 7 days after salary credit into account, for the relevant amounts. +9. Do this for next 3-5 years. + +Ping me after 5 years for what to do next!! + +**Addendum:** + +Why such a plan combination? This is for those who want to know more intricacies of the choices. + +1. We have got 3 debt funds and 1 equity fund, across 2 AMCs. Much easier to start and manage. Eventually, when there will need for switches between these funds, then it remains easy. +2. They can be either 3 Franklin funds and 1 PPFAS fund or 2 Franklin funds and 2 PPFAS funds. The ethics of both the AMCs is top notch. There are other funds who may have funds with better returns, but I don’t trust them (read ICICI and HDFC) as much as I do these 2 AMCs. +3. The debt management team of Franklin Templeton is top-notch. There will always be problems like IL&FS recently and JSPL in the past (in the latter, Franklin’s funds suffered a permanent loss), but this is where diversification helps. +4. All the funds are either well diversified or invest in high rated papers. And the expense ratios of these funds are on the lower side (whatever they are charging is giving real value). +5. Till 1-2 crores of amounts, I don’t see any real need to have more funds than these. +6. Why the choice of Franklin Taxshield for 80C? because it is better to have a decent good choice of taxsaver and currently out of the two recommended AMCs, only 1 has a tax saver. +7. I don't like PPFAS fund, since I have not heard about them. Can you suggest another fund? Reluctantly, Franklin Bluechip fund - direct option. + +&#x200B; + +[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/9ltgni/for_someone_who_is_absolutely_at_level_zero_in/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/9lusap/for_someone_who_is_absolutely_at_level_zero_in/) and [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/9lyeye/for_someone_who_is_absolutely_at_level_zero_in/) +I think EPF suits my needs currently so I don't really want to discuss it's merit. Just wanted to know if any newly or recently employed people are going for VPF. Also, for the more experienced folks, how has been your experience dealing with EPFO for withdrawals? +A few months ago, the meme-coin Shiba Inu (SHIB) was pretty much in the spotlight. The cryptocurrency rose astronomically within a short period of time, and crypto investors' interest in the project was gigantic at times. Shiba Inu even made it into the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies. However, the price of Shiba Inu has since plummeted, and the hype and interest surrounding the project seems to have completely evaporated as well. + +&#x200B; + +**Google Trends** + +In fact, last year Shiba Inu was so popular that it topped CoinMarketCap in terms of searches. Also on the Google, there was a huge search for, for example, "Shiba Inu" or "Buy Shiba Inu" all over the world. + +&#x200B; + +However, this search volume on Google has totally dried up in the last 90 days. Google Trends shows that a peak in terms of interest was reached on October 29 last year. Since then, this search volume has plummeted by a whopping 92%! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9lts5dtmyve81.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=e667ddbf9ad93d831e1f3d6f02d518bcc574f8c3 + +**Shiba Inu Price** + +The price of meme-coin did not manage to perform much better in recent months. Since the all-time high set at the end of October 2021, the SHIB price has dropped more than 75%. In fact, at the beginning of January, Shiba Inu's market capitalization plummeted by more than $3.5 billion in just one week. + +&#x200B; + +Although the team at Shiba Inu is still working hard behind the scenes to get the project back on track, this seems to have become quite a task. Here and there SHIB still gets listed on a new crypto exchange, but the extreme price appreciation we saw in the past seems to be a thing of the past so far. + +&#x200B; + +Of course, Shiba Inu is not the only cryptocurrency that is performing poorly at the moment. Due to the high uncertainty in both the crypto and equity markets, most cryptocurrencies are deep in the red. Nevertheless, the demise of SHIB can be called an outlier. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Shib holders and fans, stop attacking me for pointing out your coin has had its day and people have moved to the next Doge/Shib, jeez, chillax and accept the bad investment choices you made +Hello! + +So my SO just inherited ~200k from a family member and it's causing her a lot of anxiety. She had planned for about 5k, and well...got a bit more. + +While this is probably a good problem to have, we both grew up relatively poor (I don't think anyone in my family has even heard the words 200k before), so we both don't have much to stand on. Also, I make about 50k in my job, she's somewhere around 35-40k. + +Here's what we briefly talked about with doing with the smaller sum, and I figured we'd stick to that: + +We both have some student loan debt with high interest rates (10% for me, 7.8% for her), they're both small at this point (<5000), but we both figure it'll help us in the long run. Paying these off seems the most intelligent and likely outcome. (We both do have more loans outside of that, but we're both up for public service loan forgiveness due to our field) + +She bought a new car, as mine is getting beyond old, and we both walked through the process of finding a car that will serve us well for the new 10 years. Paying this off doesn't seem too much of an issue. + +She has a small amount of credit card debt, so that'll probably be the first to go. + +Outside of that, we don't have a house payment (due to our field), and I'm debt free (Once again, outside of student loans). We don't see ourselves buying a house in the next 5 years, although we do see a wedding on the horizon. + +Thoughts? Even if we spent all of this money on our loans/the car, we'd still at least have 50+k left, and that's being incredibly conservative. + +We've talked about stocks, we've talked about savings accounts, we spoke briefly about a financial planner....but we could really use advice. + +Help us, personal finance, you're our only hope! + + +33 year old with 4 rental properties that generate $5500 a month ($3200 profit) and I have about $50k I could use to start a dividend portfolio. Essentially, when I am between purchasing/paying off rental properties I want to invest my rental income into a dividend portfolio and build a different stream of income. + +I don't plan on reinvesting the payouts since I can use them to pay off mortgages and I have a Line of credit with a bank so I can purchase a property with 100% finance and won't need a down payment/rehab costs. + +So far it sounds like a good plan is to have around 5-10 different stocks in my portfolio. $O, $T, and $VYM are the ones I see the most. + +Anything else I should be focusing on? Or should I just go based on the top 10 on the aristocrat list? +Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but it doesn’t make any economic sense to me how in some markets you can buy a home for 100k then rent it out for like $1,000 a month. Doesn’t it just make far more sense to buy in these markets? +Hi everyone, a majority of friends and family live in Denham Springs and East Baton Rouge and 75% of us have lost everything. We are in the 500 year flood zones, so i would say only 10% of us have flood insurance. I know that FEMA will come in and issue grants of up to $32,000, but what else is there to do to recover financially from this? +It has never quite hit me that something like this has the potential to wipe out not only our homes, but our lively hood. How do we afford to erect another house? Do we have to get a second mortgage? We have so many questions this early on and are still wading though the waters and waiting for them to recede to even start accessing damage and do clean up. What are the most important steps we need to take early on to start the rebuilding and recover process for both our home and our community? + +Thanks for any help and recommendations. + +Edit: Thanks for the overwhelming responses from well wishers and informative posters. I am going to share this information with as many as i can in the coming weeks. Just a side note of something we have observed through this time is how essential taking care of your neighbors has been. 90% of the recovery in my part of East Baton Rouge was done by volunteers in private boats, jetskis, canoes and kayaks. Huge financial losses incurred by everyone, but such a minimal loss of life is something to always be thankful for. Stay safe out there! + +Edit 2: This post is not just for my own personal knowledge. I placed it up for others in my area and future flood victims to see. There are always going to be events and challenges in life that will extend beyond your scope of knowledge and level of preparedness. Note that I firmly believe in having FLOOD INSURANCE, no matter where you live. However, know that most people like many of my family and neighbors were told as they were building or bought there house that they did not need it. 95% of these houses are no where near the rivers that are flooding. They are over a mile away. Its a tough sell on a lot of people to have the foresight for this type of event. It not just the obvious larger rivers, or small ones that are causing the floods.Its the innocuous little lakes in neighborhoods,creeks backing up and ditches overflowing. It is a hard lesson for many people to learn. As you see future events and tragedies unfold, always maintain a healthy layer of optimism and don't be quick to make sweeping generalizations. So much time and energy is wasted in negativity when so many people are without a bed to sleep tonight and have lost everything. Note again, I FIRMLY believe in FLOOD INSURANCE and all of the other things that shield you from a catastrophic financial hit like this...I visit this sub quite often.It just so happens i don't make all of the financial decisions for my parents,relatives, and neighbors. I hope this post will serve as a tool for those who need it during a time of need and as an informative warning for those who think they are immune to natural disasters. No matter how off the possibility, you should always be prepared and protect yourself physically and financially to the best of your ability. Peace of mind is a hell of a thing when you are being airboated out of your home. + +P.S. This is an informative post and a vital resource. Lets keep it that way. Think a little longer before you post something like " Don't live in a flood plain. " You don't know the area,you don't know the people, you don't know their situation or why they are there. All that should matter is providing support and relevant information to people who need it. + +Thank you a million times to everyone who has given their time,expertise, and opinion. Shining a little light on how to navigate the recovery process has been a relief in so many ways. + + +Hi all + +Need some advice here as I am dumb as you will see below. + +I sold some covered calls at $26 (exp 11/5) on LCID few weeks ago and today it skyrocketed to $38 as I make this post. + +I am actually not willing to have shares called away but closing the CCs will be a big lost and it will also meant I have to close my $15 LEAPs which of course skyrocketed as well. + +My original plan was to sell CSPs if I get assigned on my CCs. But now with the share price up 40% in a day, I am clueless what to do in this situation. + +I am holding my shares at $25 average. +What will be the best move for me now? + +Thanks in advance. +As the traffic across cryptocurrency subs starts to spike again, it's clear that there is an influx of both new and returning users. I wanted to take a few moments to highlight some of the most common scams in the crypto space to help keep you and your investment safe. + +While not all projects who fall into these categories are scams it is important to be aware of the issues and proceed with caution. Many legitimate projects can have frequent partnerships for example, but, its important to examine them closely. + + +# Google Docs/Surveys: + +One of the scams that commonly swoops up a number of victims is the common "*help with this survey*". Usually the attacker poses as student or someone doing research and asks a series of questions about your crypto holdings. + +There are two attack vectors here: + +1. Google docs can be connected to multiple Google apps and include things like Google App script which can be leverage in spam attacks, malicious redirects, or to trick you into downloading malware. + +2. Google Forms, which is used for surveys, has the ability to let the admin check the box "collect user emails" on their survey. In this case, even without entering your email address Google Forms will provide the email address of any Google account you are actively logged into on Google, Gmail or in the Chrome Browser. This allows attackers to specifically identify you (possibly even your real identity) as well as use your email in future phishing attacks. + +To help prevent this type of attack on our subreddit, we don't allow Google Doc surveys, even from legitimate requesters. Surveys would need to be approved by moderators and use platforms that are non-email collecting and not connected to scripting apps (such as SurveyMonkey). + +# Pump and Dump Groups: + +Are "Pump and Dump Groups" profitable? Yes. + +But, they are profitable for the people running them. Not for you. + +Pump and Dump groups (often branding themselves as professional crypto "signal" groups) claim that they have awesome "technical analysis" skills and will pick winners. They'll show you charts of all these great trades they've made. + +Many are free groups on Discord, but some will even ask users to pay (claiming this is what makes them "legitimate"). + +The truth is, there is no insight that these groups have. They look for small market cap coins and buy in themselves. They then announce it to the pump group where everyone starts to buy in and the price skyrockets due to low liquidity. During this time the group admin sells their holdings. + +To those who got in early enough, a little bit of profit is made. But, their profit and the profit of the admin actually comes from the rest of the group who is stuck 'holding the bag'. + +To the rest of the group, its easy to feel "*oh man that was a great call, if only I had got in earlier*" and they repeat the process. + +Signals, insights and even TA are psuedo-science at best. If anyone had it figured out in a way that would work more than 51% of the time, the modern economy would be even more broken than it currently is. + +The best you can do is use actual trading signals as input on top of your own research to make investing decision and avoid shady pump and dump groups. (After all, if someone really unlocked the magical analysis to help make 30%+ returns on all of their trades, why the hell would they need your $100 to share their signals? They'd be too busy sipping Mai-Thai's on their private yacht!) + +# ICOs: + +Are some ICOs legitimate? Yes. + +Are most ICOs legitimate? No. + +Most ICOs have no product, a team incapable of building the product their pitching, and are proposing to build something that industry doesn't even need. + +But, unless you are an expert in that industry, or an experienced venture capital/private equity investor you likely don't have the skillsets to evaluate those gaps. + +So ICOs make flashy websites, name drop the places where all their talented engineers used to work (likely as interns) and do whatever they can to convince you to buy their token. + +It's far too easy to make those sites, last year, someone even made an AI driven parody website that shows you how easy it is to generate ICO sites. (https://yetanotherico.com/ - every time the page is reloaded it is a new fake ICO). + +Even ICO rating services are all "pay-to-play" and should be ignored. + +In a world with IEOs and Token Sale Management tools, there are very few (some - but, very few) valid reasons to do an ICO. + +IEOs don't guarantee a project is any more legitimate, especially on some lower tier exchanges, but at least their is an additional level of vetting. + +ICOs were sketchy to begin with, but, given they are no longer the standard distribution method in the industry you should be even more skeptical of them. + +# Fake Partnerships: + +Some cryptocurrencies have the idea that if they just keep on appearing in the news you'll cave and buy them and they can keep everyone happy. + +Reddit and Twitter are constantly inundated with cryptocurrencies claiming they have a 'big partnership' with 'brand x'. + +These usually equate to: + +1. One local division of the brand, had a low-to-mid level regional manager trial the blockchain product while the bulk of the company had no idea. +2. The company is using a fork of the blockchain for their own private stuff which will never impact the public price. +3. The blockchain got into an incubator or accelerator program run by that company. +4. The blockchain competed in a startup contest or tech contest with or by that company. +5. The blockchain is a customer of that company. (i.e. We run on Amazon AWS, therefore we list Amazon as a partner for helping to provide security to our nodes!). + +You should be skeptical when projects produce frequent partnership announcements. + +On our sub, we only allow partnerships that are announced via the official company website and not via third-parties or the blockchain projects site/community. This helps to curb a small portion of these issues, but, you still need to do your own research in-depth to understand the nature of these partnerships. + +# Volume/Transactions: + +The last major common scam is volume/transactions. + +Many projects like to "paint the tape" and "wash trade" which are methods of manipulating the trades of their token to look like there are lots of buyers and sellers at an increasingly high-price, when in actuality there are very few. Many exchanges are complicit in this because they feel the higher volume makes them look legitimate as well. + +Do **not** rely on steady price increase, or high-volume to tell you if a project is legitimate, especially when it is only highly traded on low tier exchanges or if all of its volume is highly concentrated to specific exchanges. + +The other volume issue is transactions. Blockchain projects love to brag about the number of transactions they do per day, the number of wallets they have or the number of tx/s they can process. + +At the end of the day, any project worth their weight in salt can write a script to spam transactions to the network at almost no loss, and they can mass produce wallets quite easily. + +Plus, since every blockchain processes "transactions/operations" differently it's extremely hard to compare these directly. + +Many projects will claim that this is mass adoption, or that they clearly have the highest user base or most real world use cases because of these results. You should always take them with a grain of salt and do further research. + +When projects are truly the most-used, or biggest in their field they don't brag about it, because they don't need to. They have become the de facto representative of that industry. If someone is telling you they are the best, the most used, etc it is usually puffery designed to bolster their position. +I plan to make this my first car, I plan to use it everyday I go to work, run errands, or cruise. I plan to take care of this car as best I can if I get my hands on it. Is it worth it? I’ve been driving my grandmas car for 1-2 years now, I have my license and all. Any tips? + +Edit 2: I will try and use my parents car as long as I can, who knows, I might Inherit it in the future. seems like saving is the best thing I could do rn at my age and with the income I make. I’m still reading all your comments tho :) +If EPF is a part of 80C and EPF alone is being deducted by company and fulfilling 1,50,000. Then there would be no need to do PPF or other options from 80C to save tax, because EPF has exhausted total 1.50L, correct? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I’ve paid a few very old debts in recent days. My unemployment was delayed ten weeks and when it finally came through it was literally more money than I had ever had at my disposal in my entire life. I don’t think most people would consider the amount of money I received to be \*that\* much money. But it shook me a little. + +Suddenly, with the snap of the government’s fingers, I was able to make a twelve year old debt disappear so I could get the piece of paper that proves I did in fact earn the bachelors degree I should have gotten when my now teenage son was a toddler. + +Suddenly, I was able to repay two months’ rent on an empty apartment to the predatory property management company Premier. A company who makes a fucking killing exploiting tax breaks for providing “low income housing” that is substandard and still far too expensive for many of its residents. A company that regularly overworks and undertrains it’s property managers so empty apartments sit open and they get to extract profit from the most vulnerable in our communities instead of paying their workers to do the job needed swiftly and fill the damn apartment. + +Suddenly I had the back up I needed to look at my credit report and call about an unknown $644 medical debt. To call my health insurance and see if they could help bring that down. To navigate the fucking labyrinth of people I needed to tell my story to in order to get the basic fucking information about how this debt was created. + +Guys. I am EXHAUSTED. + +I know that it’s controversial to say that when Black and POC folks are being literally fucking trampled. I’m not looking for sympathy. I will be ok. I just had to fucking write something just in case any of you find yourselves, like I did yesterday, just fucking drained after a day of phone calls that felt like whack-a-mole. I couldn’t figure out why I felt like I’d just been put through the fucking wringer but I think I know now. + +Doing the work to repair one’s credit can be painful and difficult. It can be so hard that it is re-traumatizing. Living in poverty is trauma. Dealing with institutions that systematically make you feel less than and actively separate you from the resources you need to survive and thrive is traumatic. + +A LOT of people are struggling financially because of the pandemic, but some of us have suddenly gotten enough money to make a dent in what was previously a hopeless cause — our financial well being. It was something so profoundly out of reach that we simply put it out of our minds. No amount of budgeting or sacrificing or side hustling was going to make the money we needed appear because that’s not how poverty works. You are so deep in the hole that getting out of the hole isnt even a coherent thought that makes sense. You’re just trying to keep the dirt from completely enveloping you. You’re just trying to keep breathing. + +PLEASE — my internet stranger friends who are doing the hard work of requesting your credit report, of calling these collection agencies, of remembering the circumstances around why you couldn’t pay, of re-living the shame around not having enough money to protect your future self from debt — UNDERSTAND THAT THE STRUCTURES IN PLACE TO KEEP POOR FOLKS DOWN ARE MUCH MORE POWERFUL THAN A LIFETIME OF MISTAKES ANY ONE PERSON CAN MAKE. + +There is nothing wrong with YOU because you do not have enough money to provide for yourself, your family, and keep some aside for emergencies. + +I of course understand that there are exceptions — some people do squander their resources. But the vast majority of us poor folk try incredibly hard to live on an absolutely TINY amount of money. We sacrifice everything we can and then go deeper and sacrifice things we can’t. We have learned to put a wall between our own sweet, vulnerable selves and the SHAME of not being able to pay an important bill. We forget about it because we HAVE TO. We throw away the multi-colored 2nd and 3rd and 4th notices because we have NO OTHER CHOICE. We hang up on bill collectors because we literally do not have $10/month with which to bargain. + +If you find yourself suddenly in a position to do the hard work of paying these companies that have fucked you over, or overcharged you, or that you don’t even fucking remember why you owe them money any more, and you find yourself overwhelmed, or anxious or confused and you can’t quite understand why you’re having such a large reaction to “just” paying a bill... I beg you, be gentle with yourself. Being poor is scary. It is stressful and painful and difficult. You are strong and brave and WORTHY of having ENOUGH. + +We are not here on this planet to feel BAD about circumstances beyond our control. Pay those debts, and hold yourself gently while you do it. Take a day off between debts. Allow yourself time to decompress and grieve for an economic and legal structure that incentivizes those with money and penalizes those without. You didn’t create it and it’s not your fault that you are at its mercy. I see you. I’m here. If you need support, please reach out. You are more than your fucking credit score. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: grammar +Title says it all. A month ago I was paying 13 cents a transaction and even that felt expensive. Now, buying crypt of the necrodancer on steam(where I do most of my bitcoin shopping), I paid a 23 cent transaction fee. So, are there any solutions in the pipeline or are users just going to take it? Is there a better peer to peer network I should be looking at? Etherium(sp?)? Litecoin? None of these have the network effect yet, but I could see myself moving if there was a better(more affordable) payment network. How is this going to be the currency of the poor and unbanked if all the poor are ever paying is fees? +The city where my property is located reached out offering around 10k for about 3000sqft of my land to do some waste water work. I don’t mind selling, but wondering if there’s room for negotiation and/or getting a lawyer would be wise. They said they are offering market rate price and that another state agency has approved to make sure that it’s fair to the seller. Anyone with experience or advice around this? Thank you +So if we assume that the wealth is very concentrated (which it effectively is when the top 10% own 73% of the wealth, etc.) then the majority of wealth in circulation is from loans from this initial wealth. + +However, when the banks loan out the money they do so at interest (as they have to, otherwise there would be no incentive to loan it at all), but how can there ever be enough money in circulation to repay all of the interest if all the money in circulation is also from loans and so is also amounting interest itself? +Oh man do I have something juicy and tit-jacking for you! This is so insane I can barely believe it but it’s hard to deny. + +##MAIN THESIS## + +This is a daily chart of GME plotted against BRK.A. + +https://i.imgur.com/ntCwQ26.jpg + +I submit that **BRK.A is a leading indicator for GME price movement.** Similar movement usually follows a week or two later (it seems to be around 6-10 days to me but maybe sometimes longer, i have quants working on the data, this is a brand new finding of mine). BRK peaks, GME peaks later. + +Since at least May 2021, BRK.A price spikes have led GME price spikes, but for every single GME spike after the June one, we have peaked 6-10 trading days after the preceding BRK.A peak. + +Look at BRK in May: spikes up, then GME follows. August: BRK spikes up, GME follows. October: BRK spikes up, GME follows. December: BRK spikes up...GME....🚀🚀🚀? + +It works on dips too. BRK.A dips just a bit before GME dips. If you look, even the smaller fluctuations in price movement track pretty well. Even the FLOORS track, with BRK.A retracing its floor after each of its peaks, and GME retracing its floor after each of its peaks. + +##EXAMPLE## + +Here's an example if anyone wants to follow me on the chart. I used TradingView set to 1 day candles. + +- BRK.A was trading sideways in late July, then had a run up and hit a high on 8/11. Our price movement followed in lockstep around 9 trading days later with a giant green candle on 8/24. Then, on 8/12-13 BRK.A dipped a bit, but bounced right back up and almost retraced the high, a movement echoed by GME on 9/2 (though we beat our 8/24 high slightly). + +- Then, starting BRK.A dips down, hitting a low on 8/23, then rebounding to a lower peak than previously. Our corresponding move can be seen at GME’s opening low on 9/9, rebounding to a lower peak on 9/16. + +- Then, starting on 9/2, BRK.A dips a lot, hitting a low on 9/22, bouncing up on 9/27, then dropping back down to the previous low on 9/30. GME’s corresponding movement can be seen starting 9/17, hitting our low on 10/6, rebounding on 10/11, the dipping again. + +- Then, BRK has a run up peaking on 10/26. Followed by GME’s November run up, peaking on 11/3. The second November spike gets a bit murky because they seem to move together, but then look at what happens next. + +- Then BRK.A starts its dip on 11/23, hitting its floor on 12/1, then on 12/1 it basically exploded upward like crazy and is still going. It hit a peak on 12/16 and retraced a bit, then went back up and is still going today. We follow with our dip, back to our floor. And then, if this pattern holds…🚀🚀🚀 + +There have also been **significant anomalies with BRK.A** this year: a huge increase in volume, no FTD’s since March 2020, and weird after-hours price glitches/spikes. + +##WHYYYYYYY## + +This is my own personal tinfoil, but ever since Bill Gates went on CNBC back in Feb or whatever to talk shit about GME ([video link thanks to u/dcarmona](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVBdyYynDNE)), I’ve been suspicious that he and/or his best buddy Warren Buffet might be involved somehow in the GME saga. Like, CNBC didn’t just call up Bill Gates and get him on the show. It’s Bill fucking Gates. He asked them to come on. and he looked pretty worked up for Bill. I’ve seen a good number of Bill Gates interviews, and would say I’ve never seen him like that. Check out his body language, the crossed arms, the sideways looks before he talks, he just looks uncomfortable. It made me sus. + +I do not have a clear mechanism for WHY BRK would be acting as a leading indicator. One theory is that shorts are using BRK to pad their books. Pump the BRK price, then sell and cover GME run ups/fails/swaps/etc, then short back down, pad the books with GME repeat? + +Another possibility is that Buffet is helping out some Wall Street pals. Some Buffet documentary I saw months ago said that in 2008, Lehman Bros tried to get Buffet to bail them out, because he was known on Wall St as a guy you could go to if you needed cash. maybe Kenny needed a “payday loan”? I dunno. + +More work on this may be forthcoming. But I literally realized this tonight after looking at this comparson numerous times. Some quant oriented folks are going to run some numbers too, so I may have more to report in the future. + +## TO APE CAN’T READ ## + +BRK.A seems to be a leading indicator of GME price movement. BRK.A goes up, GME goes up a little while later. BRK.A currently going way up, GME may be on the launchpad if this pattern holds. + +##EDITS## + +- u/Human_Ad5404 (who doesn’t have enough karma to post in our sub, please go upvote their posts because they are a true ape) reminded me that **MICHAEL BURRY** had numerous Buffet books in his Twitter banner. Everyone remember Burry’s Twitter banner? + +- Also, see u/Alert_Piano341's [excellent comment on some other BRK anomalies](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rw79so/berkshire_hathaway_is_an_indicator_of_gme_spikes/hra6ehw/). + +- A few people in comments have said “correlation does not equal causation.” No, it does not, and I do not mean to imply causation here. I’m merely pointing out that BRK seems to hit peaks before GME hits peaks, and dips before GME dips. Any “why” is pure speculation at this point 🤷‍♂️ +Even crazier but possible is $1000 ETH. That is $100 Billion market cap. Only 4-5 times BTCs current valuation. Sit tight until Proof of stake is implemented. You won't regret it. +I need some advice. I have to move soon. House prices are high so when I sell I'll have 60 to 80k of equity that will be in my pocket. I can't buy another house right now due to personal reasons. I need to rent because I may need to move again. Here is the plan + +I buy 100 apple stocks and sell weekly covered calls and hopefully get 150 to 200 per week. Hope I don't get assigned but if it's getting close I can do the wheel thing? I need to learn more about that. + +I would take the 150 or 200 out of my account per week. I assume I would need to pay taxes on this so I would set aside 25% the rest I can use to pay help pay rent. I need income because child support is more than what my mortgage was on a 240k house. WTF right. + +Tell me why my plan sucks and how I could improve. Thanks!!! +A new NFT mint of a cool controller design has been added (1 day ago) and deployed on Loopring + +https://preview.redd.it/rsvlflsnflm81.png?width=3621&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4300f3ae76e62f0c434e4e1b0cdad2e6fc8dbc1 + +Check out the NFT here:[https://explorer.loopring.io/nft/0x3e99985a629b690b2ac425af369e98fd4ddccf81-0-0xbbfad93eb30d24c02fc91dbba7b786e1e3b0a1f9-0xea49ea0a3d3f484cbd532a02eedced1a7f7144e73a2e1e4fbc0ddf18a5f62777-0](https://explorer.loopring.io/nft/0x3e99985a629b690b2ac425af369e98fd4ddccf81-0-0xbbfad93eb30d24c02fc91dbba7b786e1e3b0a1f9-0xea49ea0a3d3f484cbd532a02eedced1a7f7144e73a2e1e4fbc0ddf18a5f62777-0) + +If you check out the meta-data: + +The artist/content creator identifies as POPE + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fucm36gpflm81.png?width=3169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b34c53a974432b24e5637173fa5252ece8272e6 + +If you search on Twitter for Pope + Gamestop you find this guy who has a huge following as a creator:[https://twitter.com/POPeART\_](https://twitter.com/POPeART_) + +He loves designing controllers: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iugf9ulqflm81.png?width=1531&format=png&auto=webp&s=04e9fe94ff968e77c3a1acfaf5fd62e6fbe2a6cf + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e705yhbrflm81.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbce87653af94abf64ffe2a290a224515f02ce3a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x5kof28sflm81.png?width=1523&format=png&auto=webp&s=23fd8f8d7a4ebc4317af400439c89da98720af3d + +The meta data has a new structure field called ROYALTY which does not exist on Loopring now/ there is no way to mint this NFT with that data. **There must be a new front end GameStop feature.** This enables creators to get a cut of every future sale of their NFTs. + +https://preview.redd.it/kdvww7rvflm81.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0535a8a62756bf3cd29dff4bec33d890bb100cc + +&#x200B; + +**The NFT contract is also Looprings... Which means GameStop is using their ZKRollup and the Loopring Exchange.** + +https://preview.redd.it/esw44zowflm81.png?width=1537&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0cc157fd6ad4a66b39bfd0eceb9ea16106387b3 + +This highly suggests that GameStop has built a **front-facing marketplace application (wallet)** using the **Loopring Protocol** and the **GameStop Application will use Loopring Exchange.** + +For those who do not know... Fees are generated based on transaction volume on the Loopring Exchange and paid to token holders (LRC). + +**TLDR:** + +There are now new NFT mints being deployed on Loopring. +One of these NFT mints has meta data connecting it to a content creator named POPE. +The NFT is that of a Gaming Controller, which is very similar to other types of artwork by this creator POPE. +The NFT metadata has NEW data (royalties) which you can not create with any existing Loopring interface- it must come from a hidden/secret application (Gamestop). +The NFT metadata also indictates this NFT is being created using the Loopring Factory Contract. +From this we can determine that this means GameStop will use Looprings ZKRollup AND thus the Loopring Exchange (Where the trading happens). +This gives us an idea now on what kind of intergration GameStop has with Loopring- they have built their own GameStop wallet and web app but it is all based on Loopring Protocol. + +**It appears things are actually very close!** + +If GameStop is launching with Loopring NFTs and on the Loopring Exchange then these are not actually compatible with IMX NFTs... It means either IMX or Loopring will later have to integrate with eachother. Is Loopring the main partner? It seems so! + +**Edit:** +I also strongly believe that the **NFT Royalty feature** is one of the big reasons the entire **Q4 thing didn't happen**. It's a pretty essential component of NFTs, giving benefit to creators forever, but it was never in the Loopring NFT design. This kind of feature would be very complicated to add. + +Now that we are seeing active minting we know all the features are done, tested and working. + +Remember Dwangs Tweet in January...! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zkrpwknxmlm81.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b7d7e0f15f2a62834c0e6001e27bebbbc6669e8 + +...and lastly a plea to Loopring Discord mods... I was blanket banned in a Bot sweep. Would be awesome if I could be unbanned please. One of the mods kindly DM me... +To preface this post, full respect u/dilkmud0002 for digging into shit. I'm all for it. + +And please don't take this as an attack, because it's not. It's just highlighting some issues with your theory and feel free to debate me on it if I'm wrong. + +From my understanding, the main issue you are highlighting is this: + +&#x200B; + +>They gave Handil a Sr Secured Loan for CTS - Handil did not have the assets - its Fraud - they are trying to scrub this - take screen shots - + +&#x200B; + +With the "CTS" meaning the: Christmas Tree Shop. + +BUT... + +It's not fraud for one company to give another company a loan to buy an asset, with the asset being the collateral of that loan. + +That's the same thing as a mortgage. + +You don't own the home before the bank gives you the money for it... but they still use the home as collateral to secure you the mortgage right? + +After you have purchased the home, the repayments on the loan are what the collateral are securing. + +Same thing for Pathlight... + +* Pathlight Gives Handill a loan +* Handill buys the Christmas Tree Shop +* And the Christmas Tree Shop becomes the collateral on the repayments from Handill to Pathlight. + +Nothing wrong with that unless I'm missing something... and PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I AM? + +Also... + +Pathlight is def a Vulture fund and def worth looking into. + +This is part of the wider picture that I've been talking about in my DDs. + +It's not just about naked shorts... the big boys at the table are the Private Equity Companies IMO... ESPECIALLY if we can PROVE that they are using Hedge Funds to Naked Short Companies so that they can buy them for pennies on the dollar... and then drive them to Bankruptcy after loading them with debt... selling off all their assets... and then draining their blood in Bankruptcy court. + +I agree with you here. Pathlight should be looked at. + +But in your letter to the DOJ, you specifically stated: + +&#x200B; + +>This moved $250 million to BBBY books, which the shorts used to sell more synthetics. BBBY was supposed to be cellar boxed with the rest of their portfolio - its on their site - every single company tehy touch is dead. + +&#x200B; + +And while I haven't checked through these companies... there is nothing ILLEGAL about vulture funds. They know how to skirt the lines of the law. They are allowed to drive companies into the ground for profit. + +What would be illegal is if they were working with shorts to Cellar Box them... but just because they moved $250 million to BBBY books, doesn't mean that capital was used to sell more synthetics?? + +BBBY is not a market maker so that makes no sense? + +There would need to be ties between Pathlight and proven naked shorting for this to be illegal... and since there has YET to be any conviction of Naked Shorting itself... its not tied to Pathlight... + +NOW... where I agree with you, is if the DOJ did look into it and found a connection between Pathlight and Market Makers... then shit would go down. + +But it still wouldn't mean it was BBBY that was creating the Synthetics. + +**JUST MY THOUGHTS - I COULD BE WRONG.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vkzffyt8qjm81.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8216eb7fecb9da46d4581e8724a730965be5edd2 + +EDIT - Responding to u/dilkmud0002 \- Again, fair play buddy for having the conversation. This is not meant as an attack. Debate is good. + +&#x200B; + +* BBBY owned The Christmas Tree Shop (CTS) when the Loan was originated +* Pathlight Issued a Loan to Handil Against CTS +* Handill Bought TCS with the loan From Pathlight +* Handill Repays the Loan to Pathlight with CTS as collateral + +Now lets repeat that using my analogy. + +* Bill Owns his house when the mortgage was originated +* Bank of America Issues a Mortgage to Tom against Bills House +* Tom buys Bills House with the Mortgage from Bank of America +* Tom Repays the Mortgage to Bank of America with Bills (Now Toms) house as Collateral + +It's the same thing buddy. You don't need to own the house to use it as collateral to buy the house. Same way you don't need to own an asset to buy an asset while using that asset as collateral against a loan. + +Make sense? + +Of course you can create a loan that's backed by assets you are purchasing??? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I've been saving to no end for a house deposit and finally moved in a month ago today. I've had a 7k pay rise at work effective 1/7, and buying bits and bobs for the house that we didn't have cash for resulted in a credit card bill of £1200. + +I got paid today, and including back pay for my pay uplift (pay rise is contingent on completing an NVQ, which I did a few months ago but the pay rise isn't instant) I took home £2001.74, which has meant I've got enough to cover the mortgage, bills, food, a £1200 credit card bill, and... + + +*I've got money left over*. + +A whole £280. 😂 Next month I should have whole grand left over after bills. + +Probably comes across arsey bragging about it, but not even 2 years ago I was on 8k a year in 15k of debt... some weeks I didn't even pay NI (!). I keep not believing it, it's mad. +Hi, I'm an international student in Sydney, Australia, currently renting in an apartment with my friend. We're both struggling financially. I am right now jobless, while my friend is holding two jobs. To make things worse, my landlord is now asking us to pay a year's worth of internet bills, worth over $1000. This much money we can't source in such short a time. + +This was NOT in our previous agreement, as it was stated by him that the previous owner of the apartment paid for the internet bills because of good will (fellow countryman). + +I have begun looking for written proof, in text messages and internet correspondence, where he said that internet payment is unnecessary but so far, nothing. Any and all advice on how to dispute this payment is highly appreciated. + +UPDATE: Hi everyone! My landlord decided to waive the internet fee. However, my internet will be disconnected and I have to pay for my own ISP from now on. Will reconsider moving after my lease is up. Thank you for all your help! + + +I help my grandfather with his finances now that my grandmother has passed. He has a payout of 35k (from life insurance)that I want to invest for him. He doesn’t need that money immediately but it may be needed in the future if his care needs increase. I don’t want the money to just sit there in a savings account but he can’t afford to take any risks with it either. It needs to be accessible too. Thoughts? +My family consists of my mother, my dog, and I. I'm a college student (my college is tuition free) and my mother works 40 hours per week. We have an small apartment that we rent and make about the same as her actual job, the thing is her job is closed during quarantine and they are paying her the minimum salary (about 145 usd per month), the rent we get is about 560 usd per month, but we pay my dorm rent which is 145 usd per month. + +We actually owe my dorm's past month rent, and we are losing our main income next month, it's estimated that quarantine in Mexico will last until July. I'm a CS student, but I think I lack skills for getting a job, I'm also having online classes. What should we do? +I bought a house in Florida with my BF when I was 22. Fast forward we broke up and I was leaving the state so we agreed he'd keep the house, pay the mortgage and I'd eventually sign my half of the house over to him. +In the years since I'd brought up going ahead and getting my name off the mortgage, but he passed away this fall before that happened. He didn't have a will and since I was a co-owner it won't go through probate - I now own the home outright. +His parents are paying the mortgage and are in the process of looking for a lender so they can buy the house (for the amount still owed to the bank - I do not want to make any money off of this home and I will not budge on this so please don't try and convince me otherwise). +So my question is do I need to do anything different on my 2021 taxes? I believe he had been claiming the house to get a tax break, but since I don't live there I'm assuming I cannot do that. I feel like I don't need to do them different, but I wanted to make sure so I don't mess it up and make this whole process more complicated once his parents find a lender and are ready to buy. +Thanks! + +UPDATE: thank you all for the advice and kind words. I'm reading everything, but we're now reaching enough comments that I won't be replying to everyone. What I'm taking away is that I shouldn't have to do anything different for MY 2021 taxes (his parents/estate still need to make sure his 2021 taxes are filed) but when it's time to make things official for them owning the home, we'll be hiring a CPA who can help navigate the sale and 2022 taxes. +STOP + +Just stop. Calm the fuck down. Yes... It's happening. Finally right? This is your one chance that you need to get right and it's finally here. But it's okay because you've already done everything you needed to do in your life to maximize your focus and minimize any distractions on the GME MOASS. All you're focusing on now is YOUR floor and YOUR exit strategy. This is only possible because... + +You've already: + +Properly transferred your GME shares to a proper broker (with cash only) who won't fuck you over and will honor your decision on when and what to buy or sell any of your assets. Get that peace of mind secured and stick with a solid broker. + +Taken care of your work situation. Don't quit your job. FOCUS. You have to prepare for the possibility that it's very plausible that we may wait another several months before GME pops. Don't set yourself for failure because you're already checked out. Stop daydreaming about the house or car you'll buy and get your work done. Stay on top of that shit so you have your steady flow of income to support your daily needs. Prioritize your daily and monthly bills and budget your money to ensure you can allow yourself to take care of short term emergencies. Any extra money you have left can be comfortably used to buy some GME. As difficult as it may be (believe me I know), save the daydreaming for the weekends. Get your finances in order and snap out of it. SNAP. OUT. OF. IT. Okay? Good. + +Taken care your your health. Eat right and get some decent sleep. Drink some fucking water you soda drinking degenerates! Be at your best physical and mental condition so you can properly be at your peak when encountering the MOASS. Be physically active when you can during your busy day and REST. Yes... Sleep. Go to bed and strengthen your mind and recover your body. A healthy mind and body will maximize your decision making for the MOASS. In reality, true wealth is good health. It'll be really nice to have good health with all MOASS money. + +Identified who your true friends and close family are. You might already be encountering toxic people in your life. Those people might already know about your positions in GME. There may be a real possibility that you may need to cut some close friends and family out of your life because of the life changing money you will earn. You know your situation best... Be prepared for the worst and have a plan to diplomatically distance yourself from those people until the dust settles and your MOASS money is under control. Recognize what being used looks like and try not to put yourself in that situation. Hopefully all of your friends and family will be your best supporters, but the reality is, people sometimes change with big money. Please do some meditating on this and allow yourself to be surrounded by good people. This should be done regardless of whether you have MOASS money or not. + +END + +Obviously the MOASS hasn't happened yet. But I thought it was important to run a mental exercise with everyone here to get your mind thinking about the bigger picture. Please take care of business and put yourself in the best possible situation to deal with the MOASS. Good luck everyone. + +Buy and HODL. Not financial advice, do what you want +I’m looking to purchase my first house with the intent to live in it short-term and then rent out after a couple years. In the area where I’m looking I can get a new/new-ish home for $220k-$250k about a 20 min drive from downtown proper. A similar size home downtown that is much older (1920-1960) would cost around the same, maybe a little more, and would be completely remodeled. I personally don’t love the frame and look of the old houses but I’m trying to think of it from an investor point of view. In general, does it matter? This is a growing city and I’m planning on holding long-term. +Justin Sun made a point about not selling anything and then it turns out he did sell 6 billions. And then he claimed "Ah it's another Justin Sun who's a close friend investor it's totally not me guys!". + +No, not from the 34B, but Justin Sun did still sell. That's dishonest. + +The proofs are overwhelming. + +The lack of disclosure about Peiwo is dishonest. + +The false promotion of game.com is dishonest. Etc etc. + +And claiming he "locked away" the 34B, when they are not, is dishonest. + +More very in detail proofs about Justin Sun's 6 Billions exit scam are posted by brilliant researcher u/buttcoinbanker check his history. + +Not having used yet any of the 34 B is not the same as "locked away", which, through its phrasing, is *Intentionally* meant to make people believe it's locked by contract. + + + The same way SafeMoon popularized the redistribution to holders feature we see being used today by almost all defi tokens… EverRise has a chance to do the same with their proprietary automatic buyback feature and pave the way for other tokens to implement this feature… + +​The way is works is a 6% transaction fee is stored in the contract and used to buyback coins through pancake automatically. The transaction is triggered after ever sell…. With this brilliant coding, you will never see 2 sells in a row! + +The devs turned on the feature to buy 1 BNB on every sale today and the results were amazing. + +With the huge SteveWillDoIt announcement, this token is about to MOON. + +​Why should you invest in Everrise? + +​EverRise token holders are not only benefited through static rewards but also by the Buy-Back process of the contract. As part of Buy-Back process, contract takes care of buying back some of the tokens and burn them whenever a sell happens. In a nutshell, 98% of the time, you will not see 2 sell transactions at any time and there will never be three sell transactions continuously at any time. + +&#x200B; + +Chart : [https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC7D43F2B51F44f09fBB8a691a0451E8FFCF36c0a](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC7D43F2B51F44f09fBB8a691a0451E8FFCF36c0a) + +Buy on PancakeSwap : [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc7d43f2b51f44f09fbb8a691a0451e8ffcf36c0a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6FCd82B45784A245AE85ca31ab54cc5302999392) + +Whitepaper: [https://www.everrisecoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/EverRise-Pitch-Deck-1.pdf](https://www.everrisecoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/EverRise-Pitch-Deck-1.pdf) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/everriseofficial](https://t.me/everriseofficial) +With the very public losses from Melvin, even being a promoted post on WSJ, as well as Citadel and now Point 72 reclaiming their bail out money when Melvin is already bleeding heavily this just seems too convenient. + +With continued losses by Citadel and undoubtedly Point 72 they've likely clawed back their funds in their own self interest. Given the state of Melvin this seems likely to be a case of Melvin bleeding out and being thrown under the bus. I think that is very much what is happening here. + +But, instead of simply allowing Melvin to thunder into the ground in a puff of fire and smoke I believe larger players have taken on some of all of their burdens in their short positions. They will likely allow Melvin to die a very public death with the next run up, likely using that as the excuse for it. + +"The price increase was due to Melvin closing positions" you know, the ones closed last year...Anyway, we see a run up, Melvin dies, maybe even some other smaller obscure funds. Then MSM pumps once again that this is all over (again) and to forget about GameStop... + +Until we see key players bankrupted and in the case of some major players some being in cuffs along with phone digit numbers this isn't over. If we see very public displays of first level bosses know we have much further to go and not until we cap end game bosses is this truly coming to its conclusion. +Hello friends, + +Dual income, 3 kids in VHCOL (Northern Cal), and wanted to share our road to fatfire. My wife is a nurse practitioner ($145k) while I work as a Napa winemaker ($120k). I also launched a successful side wine brand SMLLC that is growing rapidly. Total investment was about $200k. + +2019: launched my brand (2 barrels), small loss. Household net income $250k. + +2020: doubled production to 4 barrels, small loss. Net income $260k. + +2021: doubled production again to 8 barrels, small loss. Sold out in less than a week. $280k approx net income. + +2022: increased production to 20 barrels, sold out the ‘20 vintage in a few days. $350k net income. + +2023: increase to 24 barrels. Contracts in place to sell out ‘21 vintage. $400k net income. + +2024: remain at 24 barrels per year. Contracts in place to sell out ‘22 vintage. $543k net income. + +I really enjoy my work and want it to remain fun so I plan to keep the business manageable around $600k net so it doesn’t become “work.” I could scale but don’t want to be traveling constantly doing sales. It’s just me doing everything with my wife helping a bit here and there. + +Just thought I’d share a different road to fatFIRE. I will probably do this for another 30 years since I love it so we will be quite FAT in the near future. + +Edit: Feel free to PM me if you want to learn more. I love this industry and am happy to answer questions and mentor anyone looking to take the leap. Lots of FIRE folks like to dip their toes in the water/wine. +If not, would you guys think a bot that did this would be helpful? I'm a new member to this community and it seems every day there's tons of DD posts about stock XYZ and you do your own DD and find there's nothing really new and the only catalyst is the person spamming about it to hope they cause a pump so they can sell. I think having a response to the post with this info would help new people from getting burned. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/02/amazon-hq2-publicity-grab-backfiring.html + +Amazon’s HQ2 search has gone from publicity boon to publicity nightmare. + +After pulling out of New York following protests and resistance, Amazon is now facing protests from several politicians and activists in the Northern Virginia region, where it plans to build its second headquarters. + +PR experts say it’s becoming clear that Amazon could have avoided all the negative publicity if it had just run the bidding process quietly, instead of spinning up a year-long media cycle. +How in the world are normal people supposed to afford buying a house here (US) right now? + + +I make 65k a year, as a 32 y/o male. Single, no kids. The cost of a house, 3 bed 2 bath with a small yard, in a decent neighborhood where I live is 400k. It was 230k 5 years ago. + + +I just don't see how I'll ever be able to afford one without finding a job in the middle of the boonies somewhere and moving. I wasn't able to get a decent job making a livable wage until a couple of years ago, so I'm behind on the savings. Besides a 401k for retirement, I have a standard investing account with my broker that currently has 15k. I expect I'll probably be making around 85k in a couple of years, but even with that and my credit score (760 last time I checked) I don't see how I could manage a mortgage at that cost. + +It's like a rocket blasted off with all the current homeowners to the moon, and I was too late to jump on because I wasn't making enough money at that time. It's really bumming me out. + +Edit: For those giving suggestions, I appreciate it and will consider them. For those offering empathy, I definitely feel it and thank you. For those saying that I’m not allowed to own an average house as a single dude on an average income and should change what I want, I can’t help but wonder what your mentality would be if the housing market was like this 10 years ago. +The paragraph in question was included the Gamestop's 424B5 Prospectus and has garnered a lot of attention lately, [it can be found at the top of page 16 of their 424B5 prospectus filed on June 9, 2021](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119312521186796/d192873d424b5.htm). It reads: + +[GameStop's 424B5 filing June 9, 2021](https://preview.redd.it/vyqd82qm7eb71.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae53e21b9ee232205c4f39e562b0cdc7257ba388) + +When I copy and paste this paragraph into EDGAR's full text search at [https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/), I get the following results from the last 5 years of filings: + +&#x200B; + +[5-Year Search of EDGAR Filings](https://preview.redd.it/63ugy6yl9eb71.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=79da36b14087311c130844d9b407046ebfc114d9) + +The full search results can be found here though I encourage you to copy the paragraph yourself and run the search again, just to be sure I didn't screw it up: + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522If%2520a%2520depository%2520for%2520a%2520series%2520of%2520securities%2520is%2520at%2520any%2520time%2520unwilling%252C%2520unable%2520or%2520ineligible%2520to%2520continue%2520as%2520depository%2520and%2520a%2520successor%2520depository%2520is%2520not%2520appointed%2520by%2520us%2520within%252090%2520days%252C%2520we%2520will%2520issue%2520individual%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520in%2520exchange%2520for%2520the%2520global%2520security%2520representing%2520such%2520series%2520of%2520securities.%2520In%2520addition%252C%2520we%2520may%252C%2520at%2520any%2520time%2520and%2520in%2520our%2520sole%2520discretion%252C%2520subject%2520to%2520any%2520limitations%2520described%2520in%2520the%2520applicable%2520prospectus%2520supplement%2520relating%2520to%2520such%2520securities%252C%2520determine%2520not%2520to%2520have%2520any%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520represented%2520by%2520one%2520or%2520more%2520global%2520securities%2520and%252C%2520in%2520such%2520event%252C%2520will%2520issue%2520individual%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520in%2520exchange%2520for%2520the%2520global%2520security%2520or%2520securities%2520representing%2520such%2520series%2520of%2520securities.%2522](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522If%2520a%2520depository%2520for%2520a%2520series%2520of%2520securities%2520is%2520at%2520any%2520time%2520unwilling%252C%2520unable%2520or%2520ineligible%2520to%2520continue%2520as%2520depository%2520and%2520a%2520successor%2520depository%2520is%2520not%2520appointed%2520by%2520us%2520within%252090%2520days%252C%2520we%2520will%2520issue%2520individual%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520in%2520exchange%2520for%2520the%2520global%2520security%2520representing%2520such%2520series%2520of%2520securities.%2520In%2520addition%252C%2520we%2520may%252C%2520at%2520any%2520time%2520and%2520in%2520our%2520sole%2520discretion%252C%2520subject%2520to%2520any%2520limitations%2520described%2520in%2520the%2520applicable%2520prospectus%2520supplement%2520relating%2520to%2520such%2520securities%252C%2520determine%2520not%2520to%2520have%2520any%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520represented%2520by%2520one%2520or%2520more%2520global%2520securities%2520and%252C%2520in%2520such%2520event%252C%2520will%2520issue%2520individual%2520securities%2520of%2520such%2520series%2520in%2520exchange%2520for%2520the%2520global%2520security%2520or%2520securities%2520representing%2520such%2520series%2520of%2520securities.%2522) + +(The search timed out on me a few times, re-running the search usually worked for me) + +&#x200B; + +If that wasn't enough, I went back and ran the search again using the full timeframe, which is all filings on EDGAR since 2001, and it returned 100 results. + +The earliest use of this paragraph can be found in in the filing screenshot below, all the way back to 2003. + +&#x200B; + +[Colonial properties Trust S-3 filing in 2003 \(https:\/\/www.sec.gov\/Archives\/edgar\/data\/0000909111\/000104746903019338\/a2111807zs-3a.txt\)](https://preview.redd.it/crsl8zz3feb71.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3f6d6e7ad6fa0180f7686c9ed8ad0eecdb211e5) + +[That filing is in plain text (ASCII)](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000909111/000104746903019338/a2111807zs-3a.txt) but that whole "Book Entry Securities" looked a lot like Gamestop's "Book Entry Securities" section, so I copied both into Word (Had to clean up the ASCII text in word to correct line endings) and ran a blackline for differences between the 2 documents. Minimal changes. + +&#x200B; + +[Text compare between Colonial Properties Trust S-3 filing in 2003 and GameStop's 424B5 filing this year.](https://preview.redd.it/19qem54qheb71.png?width=971&format=png&auto=webp&s=322efe85a61d8893ff20a59a9f6918c5ee8c3482) + +&#x200B; + +I don't really want to make any conclusions here but it really seems that this whole section is boilerplate text, it may have been written by a law firm for their clients and it keeps appearing in these registration statements/prospectuses year after year. +Do you guys honestly think the bank or government gives a flying fuck whether or not you can pay back your student loans when entry level jobs require 5 years work experience and you just graduated? "Fuck you, you knew what you were doing, pay up." is what they would say. How about credit card debt you took out because your kids needed some new clothes or food and now you are stuck with growing interest rates? "Too bad, so sad, pay up, or else prison." Ever take a trip to the hospital for emergency surgery? A price tag of 150 grand for 3 days use of their facilities. "Sorry about your accident, now pay us whatever we want." How about YOUR mortgage THEY gambled away and in turn, caused a recession? "Yah, my bad, but according to OUR calculations, YOU actually OWE US now pay up." + +#Now the tables are turned. + +Why should I give a flying fuck whether or not they can cover all the shares they shorted? Whatever comes around, goes around. Fuck you pay up. + +"B-b-but that money doesn't exist." Doesn't fucking matter, make it exist and pay up. + +"B-b-but stocks can't go that high." You shouldn't shorted it that much then, pay up. + +"B-b-but this will destroy the economy." I don't wanna hear your sob story, pay up. + +"B-b-but infinity pool will make all money worthless." Too bad, so sad, pay the fuck up. You knew what you were doing. You did it anyways. Live with your consequences is what you would tell us. + +We will give you the same amount of mercy as you gave us. Find the money and buy back every single fucking share you shorted. + +#It's only fair we hold you to the same standard you held us. +I don’t know if this is the right thread to post such question but as the title said, I’m wanting to get into real estate and my primary focus is cash flow from tenants. With that being said, I need to purchase houses for that. My credit score isn’t exactly the best but is a good credit score a be all end all sort of thing? Should I improve my credit before starting real estate? All advices are welcome + +Edit: thank you for all of the advices. I definitely need to learn more. The real reason I want to do this is because I am tired of working for someone. I want to be the only person who holds myself accountable. And of course, financially independence. I know this is not a get rich quick but life’s a marathon, not a sprint. I hope everyone here will be successful! Whatever your definition of it means +My partner and I purchased an up and down duplex in May that has come with its fair share of issues- cockroaches, mold, mice, and animal droppings have all become regular characters in our dealings with this property. We have done significant work on the unit over the last two months, and had plans to owner occupy the upper unit starting this month. + +Our main limiting factor to move-in was the installation of a stand up shower unit in the bathroom. Every local contractor we called seemed to be booked, and we were getting desperate because our previous lease was about to end and the unit did not have a working shower. Off of a recommendation from a hardware store chain in the area, we found an available plumber (let’s call him Joe) , who claimed he had a job fall through for the week and therefore could come and do the shower the following day. We couldn’t believe our luck, and based on pictures and experience Joe referenced about previous jobs, as well as the fact that he was on a list of trusted local pros from a national hardware store, we went with him. There were multiple small issues with the install that made us question him (tools breaking and him having to leave to get new ones, forgetting to caulk some of the gaps, not trimming the walls of the shower walls to fit the space), but the project did get completed in about a week. Joe seemed to take an extreme liking to my partner, and actually invited us over to his home for a Fourth of July party (we didn’t end up attending). We were able to move into the unit as planned on July 3rd, and took four total showers between then and Sunday afternoon. + +Our tenants, who were out of town for the holiday, came back Sunday night to find their bathroom lighting fixtures hanging from the ceiling, which was now caving in, their bathroom floor covered in a few inches of water, and water damage to the walls in their unit. Joe, who offers 24 hour emergency service, did not respond to any of our calls or texts. After calling a different emergency plumber last night, he removed the ceiling from the bottom unit, and we found that Joe cut the drainage pipe too short and didn’t glue it, and therefore each shower we took in the upper unit over the weekend basically drained right into the lower tenants’ ceiling over the bathroom. After calling our insurance company, they basically said that we are responsible for finding the insurance information for Joe. This is an issue as he has totally ghosted us despite multiple attempts to contact. We need to get this figured out as soon as possible for our (very gracious and wonderful) tenants, who are currently living in a ceiling-less bathroom. + +What are our options here? Is there any way we can find this information without going through Joe directly? Is our insurance company leading us down the wrong path? Can we take any action against this guy? This is our first property, and with everything that has been an issue in the unit, it really does seem like one step forward and two steps back. Any help would be so so appreciated! Thank you in advance!! + +TLDR: Plumber did poor work that caused damage in one of our units, and our insurance company is telling us that we need to find out his insurance information to get coverage for the damages. Unfortunately, the plumber is not responding to any of our attempts to contact, and we need to get this figured out and repaired ASAP because our tenants currently have a large hole in their bathroom ceiling! +So I woke up this morning, drinking coffee, look at my etrade account, spit out my coffee. Somehow my account value increased by more than a factor of 10 overnight (cuz I was lookin at it yesterday). Upon closer inspection I noticed I had a fuckload of SPY shares. There is nothing in my transaction history to reflect this besides a couple shares I bought back in May. + +WTF is going on? + +A) Is this a fluke? +B) If so will this just be corrected on monday? +C) If not corrected, do I have to report this, or would I be getting myself in trouble if i just sold that on monday? +D) Did some secret wealthy friend of mine just gift me this? I feel like such a thing would still be reflected on my transaction history. + +Thanks +Mainly referring to hospitality venues. + +Does everyone think venue owners should just reflect additional weekend costs on their standard menu pricing, or do people prefer their “weekday discount”? +I really do. + +I've been doing GME DD since February. Here's a list of theories i wrote that all came true but no one noticed. I hope this confirms to you that i'm indeed a time traveler and that i've at least left my mark. + +&#x200B; + +**1 Week Ago:** + +* [Failures to Deliver & Options Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/npoe3u/failures_to_deliver_options_analysis/) (Predicted the $300 mini "flash crash" 1 day before it happened. + +&#x200B; + +**3 Weeks Ago:** + +* [Theory: FTD Reset Cycles, what's coming next](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ne0a9n/theory_ftd_reset_cycles_whats_coming_next/) (Predicted/Verified the start of the shorts unwind) +* [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/t15y2iPt-GME-FTD-Reset-Cycle-Update/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/t15y2iPt-GME-FTD-Reset-Cycle-Update/) (Predicted all short unwind days) + +&#x200B; + +**4 Weeks Ago:** + +* [Theory: Are we already in runaway train mode or in for one last weak shakeout attempt?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf68lm/theory_are_we_already_in_runaway_train_mode_or_in/) (Predicted the start of the shorts unwindings) + +&#x200B; + +**1 Month Ago:** + +* [I don't to tout the horn without knowing anything, but, i think "they" got margin called today.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5trot/i_dont_to_tout_the_horn_without_knowing_anything/) (Predicted the margin call day) + +&#x200B; + +**2 Months Ago:** + +* [GME possibly moving from Russel 2000 to Russel 1000 in June.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mdau40/gme_possibly_moving_from_russel_2000_to_russel/) (Warned of the Russel 1000 2 months before it was "relevant" and was given shit for telling apes not to ignore important things like this) +* [So... I tallied up open interest for Calls and Puts on GME and found out something cool...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mkmjwh/so_i_tallied_up_open_interest_for_calls_and_puts/)(Foreshadowing May month's mega moves) + +&#x200B; + +At this point i'm dry of DD. I think GME is a done deal. I'm gonna lay back and watch the shitshow unfold as a silverback ape. All my theories have come true and at this point i see no point in doing more DD in something that's a done deal. + +I could do DD and tell people what days will be up or down days, but that'll just give people the opportunity to day-trade GME, so no, you can't have that piece of information. Let's HODL and watch this go into the multi-millions slowly or fast (I think slowly). + +Let's see how diamond handed and zen you are. + +Godspeed. +I realize I have been spending an excessive amount on groceries which is especially disheartening because I feel like I regularly have to throw out food bc I don't realize it's expired. Usually I get bored of eating the same thing every day so I buy more stuff without taking full stock of the food I already have at home. I bet if I look in the back of my freezer I have forgotten food that is still good to eat. + +I have plenty of food to make it so I won't starve (much of my pantry is pasta and sauce) and I desperately need to cut down on my spending. I would like to get to the point where I clean out my pantry and freezer before buying more food. +UPDATE:  + +Hello hello! + +So I wrote this [post back in November](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/dq7kev/fire_happiness_1_year_into_fire_and_miserable/). + +Tl;dr of the post: I wasn’t happy with FIRE, so I set lofty goals of all the things I wanted to do/change about my life and posted to Reddit. The original post blew up way more than I expected and I got some incredible feedback (some good and some bad) + +Here’s my update post to see how my experiment went and where I am today. Happy to answer more in comments too. + +**Summary** + +**The good** + +* Started dating someone. Did some great traveling.  +* Discovered a great insight. Most of the items that I did e.g. Gym, writing, meditation, etc. didn’t feel good in the moment. I also didn’t feel that great afterwards. There was no ‘workout’ high, I didn’t feel more relaxed after I meditated, etc. HOWEVER, the interesting part is whenever I reflected back on those days, they were almost always better. My takeaway being that even if it doesn’t ‘feel’ better, doing those mind/body wellness exercises do make a difference. YMMV. +* I started consulting for my friends company. This was a huge win for me since it was part time, paid well, and actually led me to work on a really fun project. She built a great business but started scaling too fast and her whole company was basically on Google Spreadsheets. I migrated her to airtable and rebuilt her processes. It was great to put my skills to work, even if it was a rather small project. BUT another fun thing came out of it was there was an opportunity! Currently, there's no ability to invoice inside of Airtable! ~~So I built~~ I ideated, wireframed, and speced' custom software so if you have airtable, you can connect with stripe to charge, itemize invoice, and track all of it to airtable. I had a blast building this (teaming up with an engineer, I'm not a coder). I'm currently working on finishing up the beta and putting it into a SaaS in the next month or two. Maybe it’ll generate 0 dollars, maybe it’ll generate 6 figures, who knows but it was fun to scratch my own itch.  +* A forbes article was written about me from the original reddit post  +* A lot of people reached out to tell me they were in the same situation which really made me feel connected to the world in some strange way.  +* A lot of people asking about partnering up (which was flattering) +* Helped a couple people with some basic advice on their startups +* Got a LOT of inbound messages about how they were in the same place which was incredibly comforting. A lot of times when you're + +**Bad** + +* Boredom strikes: I downloaded instagram again and started redditing again (I detoxed myself on both). I've found i've been spending a lot more time on both, especially in the mornings not getting out of bed. This is probably the biggest drag to my day. It makes me feel I’m wasting a lot of time +* I didn’t finish my goal of 30 days working out, meditation, etc. I knew it was going to be hard because I was traveling and I still didn’t prepare well enough. This is a good opportunity for improvement. +* I generated a lot of ideas but I still don’t have something I want to devote 100% of my time to.  +* Still hard to give myself permission to not be working 24/7.  + +&#x200B; + +**Lessons learned:** + +* I was thrown into the deep end with RE. Definitily FI is of course a worthy goal. I continue to remind myself how lucky I am that I'm in this position. That said, I give myself permission to allow myself to not be content during the moment. But I can't stay in that space too long. I need to reframe as grateful while allowing myself space to not always be vontent. This has helped. +* Have faith in the universe that it'll work out. This is a hard one and I think important. When I felt 'stuck' it felt like there was no way out. Reframing in faith that it'll work out, would've made it easier for me to get out of the hole in the first place. Being scared of the hole just makes the hole deeper. Sometimes that fear is 80% of the hole that you're in. It was for me. +* I've done a better job figuring out what motivates me. When I reflect on why my friends project is fun for me, I've identified the following reasons: + * I'm helping my friend get out of spreadsheets and operate in a scalable way. Her business is now operating 2x better. In other words, **I love adding value.** Kind of obvious when you write it, but it wasn't so obvious for me. + * I'm being mentally challenged + * I'm solving problems that are hard and even though I don't know the solution, I know I can get there. I think that's pretty fun (although probably not sustainable in all projects) +* Empathy — when reading my post a significant amount of people said the same thing, you should be happy, or you are clearly missing something else in your life. Honestly, if i had read my post, i would've said the same thing. I clearly pictured me saying the same exact thing with the feeling that I know exavtly what the other person needs. I realized, that thought process doesn't serve me. There were a lot of people who (understandly) jumped to conclusions and thought they knew the situation. I'm not sure how I can retain this insight of not judging too fast or being empathetic moving forward but it was a good lesson. + +Overall, I think my experiment was a success in that I wrote down what I wanted and got what I needed. On the flipside, there's so much more I can do. The biggest WOW for me is that I wrote intentions down and real change happened. **Setting intention AND taking action is a meaningful way to make change.** + +I'm thinking I should start another experiment to get more results. + +tl-dr; did a 1 month experiment and results turned out way above my expectations. Learned a lot. Still room for imporvement. Looking forward to doing a similar experiment.  + +Hope this was helpful/interesting! Happy to answer any other questions + + +Edit: I designed the software (idea, wireframe, product specs) engineer did the coding. Thought that was clear in engineer coded it. ITT: A lot of people who haven't gotten credit for building things. My apologies! +Some interesting stats from the economist- the median American family of retirement age has $12,000 in savings. If we narrow that population to Americans with access to retirement accounts (401k), that number increases to $100,000. One other startling statistic was that even though 70% of Americans have access to retirement accounts, just over 50% use one. Just some interesting stats I figured I would pass on. Source is http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2017/04/cash-strapped-pensioners (sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile) +Hey boys and gals, back for another round of DD? Don’t mind if I do. Probably a good day to post this since my last play (AFL) jumped 18% today... + +**Ticker:** CI1 + +**Current SP:** 0.034 + +**Market Cap:** 42 million + +**What do they do?** + +Credit Intelligence is a debt restructuring and personal insolvency firm that has operations in Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia (but only recently in the latter two). They basically provide what I’d call ‘personal bailouts’ (I have no idea if this is a legit term) for people who are going bankrupt or about to go bankrupt by consolidating individuals or business debt into one loan that’s much easier to pay off. They also do credit funding and personal loans for people/organisations, for those that can’t quite afford that extra box of tendies on the weekend or need a hotel quickly cause their wife’s boyfriend kicked them out. + +They’ve acquired 4+ companies over 2020, including 2 in Singapore, Chapter Two Holdings in Sydney (this was their entry to the Australian market) and 60% of YOZO Finance Pty Ltd, which is basically an automated debt-approval system that uses The Power of AI – ooh fancy! Apparently up to 90% of personal loans are knocked back due to poor admin, customer errors or lack of knowledge, and the latter aims to find those customers who want loans and actually DO qualify but are just too stupid to fill out the form correctly, bringing them into the business. Recently they have entered a Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) space for consumers who have been hit hard by COVID-19, but still want to purchase recklessly. All this is to say – there’s some interesting expansion, backed by solid business decision-making. + +**Financials:** + +The financials are fucking excellent and honestly get me slightly hard. + +Revenue of $13.6M in FY19/20, compared to $6.04M in FY18/19 – growth of 125%. + +Profit (after tax) in FY19/20 of $2.5M, compared to profit of $524K in FY18/19 – growth of 384%. + +Earnings per Share (EPS) sits at around 0.25c, a growth of 333% from last financial year. + +They’ve also paid a dividend each year for the last two years, of 0.05c per share in FY18/19 and 0.10c per share in FY19/20. These aren’t particularly notable numbers (compared to other high-dividend stocks) but it’s pretty rare for a penny. + +Assets ($16.2M) exceed liabilities ($14.2M) so there isn’t some hidden speed bump. + +Again, you are getting all this with a current market cap of $42M, which is a bargain if you ask me. + +Most of this growth appears to have come from acquisitions and organic customer growth, but it’s definitely worth noting how impactful COVID has been on the sector in general (positive – see below). Based on continued growth through acquisition and moving into expanding markets, the Board has predicted that this growth will continue, and considering their track record (hit each of the guidance targets for last 3 years) it’s probably worth taking their word for it. + +**COVID Impacts** + +So this one seems pretty obvious to me, and I don’t claim to have any insider knowledge. But essentially, as people lose their jobs due to COVID, their debts and other liabilities remain; without continued stimulus packages at some point there is a certain percentage of the population who will require a company like CI1. I don’t have any facts or figures here other than the above financials, but to me it’s clear that this company is well-placed to capitalise on COVID-related stressors that are affecting consumers and businesses. + +**The chart:** + +It looks like this: + + + +[ooh lines we love lines](https://preview.redd.it/v379l5jgzn961.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf1bad223db7635658b559fa7e8e091d3087bd48) + +I put the yearly chart up because it’s important to note that at the same time last year, the SP was 50% what it is today (ie. 100% growth in SP over the year). There is massive volume around 17 December 2020, and a significant jump in SP around that period, which seemed to largely be as a reaction to the announcement of the acquisition of YOZO. We could possibly be due for a pullback considering the SP was relatively stable for the prior 3 months. + +Interestingly the Financials for FY 20 were released on 30 November and the market barely reacted to it at all. + +It’s worth noting here too that the Board/insiders own around 64% of the company, which isn’t incredibly tightly-held, but still enough to give the unwashed masses confidence. The CEO owns 33% and has been buying shares on-market throughout 2020 – a good sign. + +**Potential downsides:** + +The three big ones I can see are: + +\- There has been significant shareholder dilution throughout 2020, with an increase of around 22% shares on issue. + +\- Recently increased SP of 50% - ie. now might not be your best buying opportunity. + +\- Massive growth may be either a lot or a little to do with COVID, and it’s difficult to tell what that means long-term (disregard this if you plan to hold for 2 weeks then sell at a 5% loss like the true autist you are). + +**TL:DR**: Established Asian/Australian BNPL future-giant with exciting numbers and massive growth opportunities, capitalising on COVID financial misery. Get a fucking 🚀 up ya +Hi all, + +It's been about 6 months now since the last portfolio update ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/qy0oiq/portfolio_update_user_request/)) and I've had a few messages lately asking about it so here's an update... + +Reminder... the number in brackets next to any ticker mentioned is my average purchase price so you have a feel of my time of entry and risk level if still holding the stock today... and this is my portfolio I am sharing with my thoughts about each stock, it is not a list of stocks I recommend buying or selling today. + +&#x200B; + +**Highlights since last update:** + +\- **FFX** and **IVZ** have been the superstars lately. They were already a large part of my portfolio before and now even bigger. I've held both of them for quite some time and it's been nice to see them play out as anticipated. + +\- Sold out of **KSL** at $0.88 which was around what my average entry price was. Picked up a fair few dividends along the way for the year and a half or so that I held it. In the end, given the acquisition of Westpacs PNG business wasnt approved by the PNG government, the growth has been slower than I was after. I still think it's a great dividend stock though... but I was after more growth to go along with it. I still mention it to people who are after dividends and don't worry too much about growth. + +\- Sold out of **AFL** at $0.455 back in mid January. Average entry price was around $0.36 so it was a nice profit in the end. Reason for selling was slower growth than I was after. They hit some speed bumps on the acquisition side and I was more hoping they would be aggressive and loop through a cycle of raise funds, acquire businesses, repeat. It's a much higher risk strategy but it was how I hoped it would play out - but the directors have gone with a slower and more organic growth approach. + +\- Sold out of **PSL** at $0.035 average. My average buy in was around $0.044 so took a loss here. Their initial drill results came in and although they were not terrible, they were below expectation and the company stopped the program early to re-assess. I keep them on my watchlist to see if it may be worth re-entering once they've sorted out a clear way forward. + +\- Sold out of **HMD** at $0.28 average when it was receiving a pump back in November on news of trial success. They did get up around $0.31 so I missed the top but sold on the way back down. My entry price here was $0.10 so it was a really nice profit. I always intended to hold these long term but the week I sold I needed money for another investment so decided to take the win here and reinvest elsewhere. + +\- Other highlights include entering **MAY** through their last cap raise at 12c. Sold shortly after at 16.5c. Entered **NC1** at around $1.08, sold this last week at $1.19. + +\- Following participation in the recent raise, I'm now firmly in the T20 for **AAU**. It is my favourite stock at the moment and still one I'm actively adding to my position. + +&#x200B; + +**Portfolio, in order of value of holding (highest to lowest):** + +**RF1\_** ($2.72) - Listed Investment Trust that has performed extremely well the last couple of years and surprisingly pay a great dividend too. I have always reinvested the dividends and have topped up as well on occasion when the share price is around the NAV. Happy to hold and invest more going forward as long as the Regal team keep producing results. I think as this bull market winds down and market indexes hover, it will be harder to make $ and will take some quality stock picking. Regal invest in individual stocks on both the short and long side so I'm confident to hold through all parts of the market cycle. Average holding price increased from last time due to buying more and DRP participation. + +**IVZ** ($0.035) - Have held this since 2019 and mentioned it here on reddit very early when it was around 3-4c. Oil and Gas exploration play. I work in the industry and am very confident in this one. 2D seismic now complete, drilling contractor confirmed. Just waitining on funding announcement and the wells are due to spud from June. I like it, a lot. I would also prefer they don't farm out any of the project and keep their full ownership and raise money at market instead - particularly if they can do the raise at 18.5c+ In a success case it's a $500M-$1B++ company. In the case they don't hit hydrocarbons, we go to 0. I participated in their last 10c cap raise both through the insto/soph side and the SPP too so it increased my average to more around 3.5c now. High risk play this one but I'll be free carried going in to the drill to reduce my risk. [PAC Partners have a research note](https://pacpartners.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d840bc7fc0c9b4c680a242d0a&id=459ab2c52f&e=a01a082afb) placing it at $0.32 pre-drill and $1.40 on a success case. + +**FFX** ($0.28) - Gold revenue and a future lithium project. Participated in the soph raises and the recent raise to holders. Mid-long term hold for me. Interested to see how the market values FFX and LLL once they demerger takes place shortly. They have done a surprisingly great job on the gold side, setting it up to increase production up near 200kozpa in the coming couple of years. I'll be holding on to both the gold and the lithium companies once they've be split off. + +**AAU** ($0.066) / **AAUOB** ($0.007) - This one has been rather up and down, I entered around 6.4c, it went up to 11c shortly after and now it's back around my entry price. I'm still super excited about this stock, I talk to Brian (the chairman) and some other major shareholders on a regular basis and I've continued to add to my postion to now be firmly in the Top 20 shareholders list. They have a lot going on for a company that today has a market cap of just $23M odd... A very low capex/opex gold project due for FID later this year and construction commencing next year with a >US$400M NPV at current gold/silver prices just for the open pit mine, with upside of underground mining later on. A $40M legal claim that they are favoured to win. A new porphyry gold project that has been described as a "company maker"... another new project to be announed very shortly that already has existing exploration and resources associated to it... There is mothballed plant/equipment owned by AAU in the Dominican Republic that would cost $80M odd if it was built new which AAU is looking for a new home/project for... They have a deal with the Cuba state mining company whereby they are basically fed projects to review and acquire them for free in exchange for carrying some exploration and development costs... so there are always more projects in the pipeline. AAU have the goal of becoming a significant multi-metal mining company based in Cuba and seem to have all the pieces to make that a reality in the coming several years. Near term news flow should include an update to the scoping study to include recent drill results, progress on the offtake agreement with one of the worlds largest trading companies (who also operate currently in Cuba), news of another new project to be awarded to AAU, more drilling results on their current gold/silver project, early exploration results on the new projects in Q3, financing news and eventually a DFS and FID on their gold/silver mine in November. A lot going on here and I'm happy to hold. Hopefully the market starts to wake up to the potential here as they continue to tick boxes and de-risk their project(s). Recent video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BumTg_YWif0). + +**LMG** ($0.035) - I was lucky enough to get a big allocation of shares and freebie options in their 2.5c raise. After that raise they quickly ran in to the teens. I sold some on the way up. Still holding all the LMGO. Added more in the last raise at 10c but didn't get very many. I think they'll maybe fluctuate in the 8c-12c range until there is news they have sorted out the funding for the plant and more clarity around the expansion + overseas plant. Could be a $1-2B company in the coming years if they can execute. Also potential they get some government assistance/funding/loan which would really put a rocket under them. Happy to hold and see it all play out over the coming years. + +**WAK** ($0.18) - This is a bit of a no brainer patience play in my opinion. They are fully funded to build their Kaolin processing facility which should be operational soon (currently commissioning). Nice margins on their product and most of the Stage 1 production capacity is already sold. They have done a raise recently which I participated in to accelerate Stage 2 which doubles production. Following this, they can either expand to double the plant capacity again (Stage 3) or just pay out a nice dividend for a very long time. I expect the share price to be 30-40c++ by the time they are in full production for Stage 1 if there are no issues with the commissioning of the new processing plant. They have the potential to be paying 10c dividends in a few years time if they complete the Stage 2/3 expansions as well. + +**GBR** ($0.039) - when I last posted on here they were around 4c and I said I expected them to hit 15c+ on positive results... they ended up going over 20c but have come back a bit now. I've sold off a few on the way up but happy to keep holding for them to define a big resource and hopefully sell it off to a gold major. Haven't sold or bought more since the last update I did. The recently did a raise to fund a lot more drilling this year and hopefully they have a nice fat JORC by year end to either put up for sale or commence plans to start mining it. Easy hold for me at least for the remainder of the year to see what JORC they come up with. + +**SER** ($0.042) - didn't meet my expectations on their drilling results to date but there's still some promise so I've kept holding, only stock I hold currently in the red. Not sure if I should take the loss here or keep holding. They have a nice portfolio of exploration projects but need quite a bit of funding to get after them... CR soon probably... I'm on the fence with this one. + +**MM1** ($0.20 but I got them issued for free as part of the A40 split) - to be honest I just keep these as a reminder of the massive failure that my Tawana/Alliance/A40 investment was (at one stage I was around $600k up on paper, I did sell a few on the way up and back down but it ended in administration and worth 0 - I took a six figure loss on it). Reminds me never to fall in love with a stock and to take some off the table when you're up big. + +&#x200B; + +I hold some other stocks in a more long term portfolio and SMSF (like AMZN, and some ETFs)... but they're boring so won't mention here. + +As mentioned in a previous post, my target is a \~$4M portfolio (not including SMSF) and a house without debt so I can retire early, ideally when in my low-mid 30s. I'm around 2/3 of the way there now. The last 24 months has been an especially amazing ride with multiple stocks in my portfolio running 2-10 bags. If IVZ have a positive outcome and AAU are able to execute their plan, I should reach my target by end 2023. + +&#x200B; + +**Crypto**: most of my crypto is staked and earning interest, I hold in order of value highest to lowest: CRO, BTC, ETH. I still like CRO ([crypto.com](https://crypto.com)) and I hold their Icy Visa card too which gives 5% cashback on all spend. A lot better than 1 Qantas point per dollar spent... + +**Other:** I have 2 investment properties. 65% LVR. + +Happy to discuss other stocks in the thread if you like too or if you have recommendations of stocks to research... many stocks I've picked up were found from reddit. +My 41 year old brother who is mentally challenged received it from an accident he was a passenger in a couple years ago. He was in the hospital for a few days but is all healed up and fine now. All his medical bills were taken care of through Medicaid and Medicare. He is a functional adult that works a part time job supplied to him by the county, he doesn't make much but it gives him something to do. He also receives social security. He lives in a group home and he's doing ok money wise so he doesn't need it now. The rest of my family is not very smart about money. Me and my wife do ok and are in a good spot so they brought the check to me to handle what goes on with it. How can I save this or invest it for him to make it last as long as possible? We live in Ohio and I looked into the STABLE program so it wouldn't affect his SS, but it looks like you can only put $15000 a year into it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! + +Update: Not sure if this is the right way to update or not, so I'm just going to do it this way and see what happens. First off thank you to everyone who took the time to comment with advice on this matter. The internet and Reddit can be such a positive tool for helping. The advice I received on here led me to do a ton of more research into the specific suggestions. I also reached out to talk to his county provided SSA which is basically an advocate supplied to him by the county. I also touched base with the insurance company to make sure that all Medicaid and Medicare liens had been satisfied. And I have an appointment set up with an estate lawyer that has experience with Special Needs Trusts. I feel this may be the best option for us, and I will discuss all of this with the lawyer including taking care of end of life expenses for him. I tried my best to respond to as many comments as possible, but it started to get a little overwhelming to try and keep up. Once everything is set up I will probably come back and either update this post again or, make a new post and link this one. +Hi, I have been working at my first post-grad, big boy engineering job for just about 2 years now. I have been thinking of leaving since roughly August but haven't put serious effort into finding a new place (yeah, yeah, not the brightest move). I was put on a performance improvement plan at the beginning of 2021 but have missed my marks and it is looking like they will let me go. + +&#x200B; + +Part of the reason I haven't looked for other places is that I am not sure that I am set on engineering. My internship and current job were both not great experiences for different reasons and I am worried about being able to find a middle ground, if that is even something I want to continue doing. I was lucky enough that I don't have student loans so my only expenses are rent, car payment, and staying alive, which I have enough saved for almost a year. + +&#x200B; + +My question comes down to would it benefit me more to leave now with nothing lined up but be able to say I left rather than being let go, or keep working until I get the axe to get those extra pay checks and potential unemployment benefits? And what things I can do to prepare in the meantime. There is also the third, more ideal, option of me holding out and finding a different job before the axe, but I am not holding my breath on that at this point. + +&#x200B; + +Let me know if this is the wrong sub for my question or if you know of a better place to ask. Thank you in advance! + +Edit: since many people were asking, I work in manufacturing and an electrical engineer. +For VWCE its on going cost is 0.22%, while if you look into the KIID in 2020 its performance matches perfectly with the benchmark with +16%. This is where I don't understand, is the performance chart excluding the TER? Or the TER could be offset by the fund? + +https://www.justetf.com/servlet/download?isin=IE00BK5BQT80&documentType=KID&country=NL&lang=nl +After seeing the discussion in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/m4qlhm/people_in_it_software_dev_what_do_you_do_and_how/) I wanted to have a similar discussion for those folks in engineering fields (chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical etc). It feels like everyone on reddit works in IT (myself included) and I don't see many engineers popping up in job/salary discussions. It seems like a really diverse field with a lot of career directions so I'm interested to get a deeper look into the big wide world of engineering. + + +Like the other thread, I would love to hear from all pay/experience levels, not just the top earners. +$BOLT is a new deflationary token that's only 6 days old with a super low market cap of $2.6 million! Super early with incoming catalysts such as getting listed on CoinGecko at any moment now. New staking, lending, Defi application for $BOLT holders. Dev's are planning on a full ecosystem of Defi products including staking, farming, lending, gaming! + +&#x200B; + +How it works: + +&#x200B; + +"There are a total of 156 cycles, each cycle has a TAX amount on buy/sell. The TAX starts at 5% and scales to 12% per cycle. The fee gradually increases as 1.275M tokens are burnt. Cycle comes to an end when we reach total 1.275M tokens burnt, 50% of the burn amount is distributed to holders, and 50% goes to permanent burn. Each new cycle starts at 5% tax. + +&#x200B; + +By holding ThunderBolt "$BOLT" token through deflationary cycles, there will be a dramatic increment in holdings and value + +&#x200B; + +The cycle life depends on volume of buy/sell and send transactions. In the early stages, we will go through cycles rapidly. The more cycles ThunderBolt finishes, the more volume it will take to finish new cycles. For ThunderBolt Holders this implies that early reception and holding gets compensated exceptionally, as ThunderBolt Rebases continue compounding and Total Supply continues to get diminished." + +&#x200B; + +Additionally with release of their Defi products, like games and staking/lending apps, the transaction volume will increase dramatically and make rebase cycles trigger faster! + +&#x200B; + +The dev's are very active and responsive to the communities questions in their telegram group and are fully transparent about their plans and goals. The project is still very early and the team is barely beginning ThunderBolts marketing campaign. + +&#x200B; + +Roadmap: + +&#x200B; + +Smart contract ✅ + +Website: ✅ + +Pre-sale ✅ + +Dashboard: ✅ + +Pancakeswap launch: ✅ + +Marketing campaign ☑️ + +Bitmart Listing ☑️ + +Future roadmap ☑️ + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: + +[https://t.me/ThunderBoltBurn](https://t.me/ThunderBoltBurn) + +&#x200B; + +Contract Address + +[https://bscscan.com/token/0x01ec3200a0895f2c92a9e38a104362442d77658b](https://bscscan.com/token/0x01ec3200a0895f2c92a9e38a104362442d77658b) + +&#x200B; + +Audit Report: + +[https://thunderboltfinance.io/ThunderboltReport.pdf](https://thunderboltfinance.io/ThunderboltReport.pdf) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned. +I've built and launched [FDscanner](https://fdscanner.com/) about 3 weeks back. It's an option screener that allows you to screen by 15+ metrics including IV, %OTM, stock technical/fundamentals and more. + +Yesterday, a new feature called the Put/Call skew was launched, and Put skew is something you guys can use. + +Put skew is defined as price of exactly **10% OTM puts/10% OTM calls**, for next month's expiry, which is 6/19. (After 5/15, it will be calculated for 7/17 expiry) + +The price of exactly 10% OTM call is calculated by interpolating the midpoint price of the 2 call option strikes surrounding 110% share price, and the same is done at 90% share price for 10% OTM put. + +The put skew can be viewed here: https://fdscanner.com/putskew + +A put skew of 2.2 means 10% OTM puts are 2.2x the price of 10% OTM calls for 6/19. + +As we are here to sell premium, we should be selling high put skew stocks, though we should do DD to figure out why there's a high skew in the first place. + +Interesting observation is, a ton of blue chip stocks like KO, MCD, AAPL, ranks at the top of put skew. + +Any feedback or suggestions on the feature is welcome! I built this feature because I saw [OTM visa puts costing 3x as much as calls](https://www.reddit.com/r/fdscanner/comments/g94qla/visa_9_otm_put_costs_3x_as_much_as_9_otm_call_515/) a while ago. +\>EDIT1: Seems some of you are screaming FUD at the Share Recall Date... Now im not saying it's 100% on date 'x', what I am saying is ALOT of brokers are already putting out record dates! + +EDIT2: Record Date according to some brokers = 15th April, also the same day which Proxys get sent out to shareholders. And what happens on the 20th is anyones guess. Recall? Cool. But who cares. We know why this is happening and that's what counts! Don't get tied to dates, don't expect anything from them. But nonetheless it is important to know what is happening currently! + +EDIT3: This fellow ape explains it just like it is, and why this Recall will be different from the one in 2020: + +>Last time GME was in a much weaker position with less interest for a share recall. More institutions refrained from voting. It still popped from 2 to $6. +> +>This time around there’s much more interest from retail, with many share recalls going around. More institutions and whales are going to be interested in voting too. With much stronger interest, this time the recall could be a much better catalyst. - /u/honeybadger1984 + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt5rq/420\_share\_recall\_explained\_why\_its\_important\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt5rq/420_share_recall_explained_why_its_important_that/) + +TDA: [https://i.imgur.com/q99378Y.png](https://i.imgur.com/q99378Y.png) + +WealthSimple: [https://i.imgur.com/ai6Duju.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ai6Duju.jpeg) + +ETrade: [https://i.imgur.com/pKeoZP9.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/pKeoZP9.jpg) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +With all the hidden messages from Ryan Cohen with his bear smoking a bong (hint: 4/20) and DFV tweeting the 20th century intro (hinting at the 20th) also additionally Vanguard confirming that a share recall is about to commence on the 20th and is being sent out to shareholder on the 15th they will want the price as LOW as possible since they will have to go into the Market and buy those shares they shorted to return them to the holder. + +If you compare it to the Share Recall in April 2020 then they are doing the same right now. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v02g4n5hbrs61.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=37463f5c44adf9577dac5e5c211d970acd92ebc5 + +Just look how the last Share Recall of GameStop went back in 2020 April. Shares had to be recalled all until the 20th of April. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7qof6wlqbrs61.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=667e08d6f4097ae60c938169cf6c700c31bc461b + +Im not going too deep into the analysis in how exactly they played this out but you can see they drove down the price 50% from 5$ to 2.50$ just to drive it up again by buying the shares that had to be recalled! + +When they hit 6.50$ my guess is that they went off the gas, and let it go down a bit just to buy the rest later. I could also be mistaken, since you see the Price went up and down on those days quite a bit. So selling could also be something that negated the buying pressure making it go sideways. + +But with all the apes buying and hodling every fucking dip there is. I doubt we will see under 100$. This would just be the most flaming fire sale... + +# ALL I WANT TO SAY WITH THIS IS, DON'T PANIC SELL. YOU WILL REGRET IT 1000000000% +Hey people, + +I’d love to know about the journey on which you’ve been on throughout your trading career. I want to hear it all, whether you’ve been doing it for 16 years or just the 1! Tell me if you’re now a full time trader. I look forward to it! +EDIT 3 - I think this has moved well passed the point of on-topic advice about strategies and FI/investing and into the realm of "try X job" or "you made bad choices for this lifestyle, op!" - And it could probably do with a locking? Would love to keep it up and available though as i have saved a ton of very useful comments to peruse through in the coming days! Thanks again, all contributors! + +EDIT 2 - This has evolved. I can honestly state that I came here for some investment insights or help being pointed in the right direction to learn more, but it has taken on a form all its own. A few users mentioned it doesn't seem like it belongs. I think it did at first, but through the dialogues I have shared with the users perhaps not so much anymore. You have taken your time to break things down for me and be very specific while sometimes not holding back about your personal feelings toward my lifestyle. I mentioned in a comment that I view all feedback as constructive because to me, it is. I appreciate the tips and help and the personal anecdotes. Another user has mentioned that it seems the investment issues have been answered, and I agree. But I don't want this post to be removed by mods because I think it holds a lot of very valuable information about new/low-come trajectories that other users could find helpful. I know it helped me and has given me a ton of content to dive into over the next few days as I refine my strategies. From career advancement to personal advice to common-sense and cheers of encouragement; this has been a great experience. I have tried to respond to as many questions or comments as I could because I appreciate all the effort, but I likewise don't want to make the post seem spammie or hovering over someone else's valid questions or submissions. Thanks a ton to all who shared their opinions and advice with me. This is an amazing sub! + +Original: + +This is very different than most posts but nothing ventured.. + +The first bit of information: i make in one year what most posters seem to make in one month. I just did my taxes a bit ago and have added up my entire life's earnings. It is less than what a lot of you make "on the side". And i am well older than most. + +I'm 36 and i average about $14,000 USD per year. I have made $123,000 in lifetime earnings. I live in (at least pay taxes and on paper) the USA. + +My lifestyle is also vastly different than most. This is where i usually get ridiculed and verbally abused by inconsiderate x-uppers but the basics around my survival have been focused on experiencing life and the planet as much as possible. I have been homeless, and hungry. It has not always been a fun road. I WWOOF and couchsurf and volunteer in positions in places that provide me accommodation and food and have swung around the world on shoestring budgets in low-cost places for almost a decade. For most of the previous few, I was involved in adventure-tourism stints in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. I took tourists out camping and experiencing nature in exchange for a bunk in a basement and 2 square meals a day. I saved tip money/etc. I always save as much as possible - despite how little it is. + +Most of my income is generated in the summer months working educational exchanges and STEM camps around the US on case by case bases and earning around 7-10k in a few months. The rest i earn doing extremely random things that have zero stability or saving the scraps here and there. On average i am guessing i can save up/scrounge together about $200 in extra income per month from various jobs or day-labors. + +I currently have about $10,000 in cash spread out over a few bank accounts. I have no savings accounts or any investments. I have never contributed to a 401k or have any windfalls. I live out of a backpack, hold no property, do not own a vehicle, and my most expensive item i have ever owned has been whatever laptop or mobile phone i utilize. + +I have ~$60,000 in student debts that have been accumulating interest (they started around $40,000) but since i have never made enough to pay them back, they are currently on income-based resulting in zero monthly payments. I tried to break these down immediately after graduation and managed to dent them by $5,000 but it was ineffective and they still ballooned well past that within a few years. I have since abandoned ever being able to pay them off. I am only in year 3 of income-based. I will probably be looking at 17 more years of this lifestyle if i have any hope at all to see them gone. + +My degree has never resulted in anything positive, and i have abandoned that as well. Please don't assume i am lazy or a leech. I had submitted 1,873 job applications in 2 years. I tracked every single one, and wrote custom CV and covers for each. I could probably compile them into a compendium of failure but i have all documentation and saved rejection e-mail etc. It just never worked out. I'm not hurt about it. I just faced reality and had too much economic hardship so turned to my life on the go, for lack of a better phrase. I pay taxes. I do not use or abuse any services. I do not even have low-income healthcare. I utilize zero government services. Again, this is a serious post and not one to degrade those on less stable positions than yourself. + +That's the background and $ info. Here's my FI/RE question: + +I do not need much. If i could somehow generate about $500 in monthly income at some point that would place me in the FI department. I know i do not have near the capital to make that happen. So the issue here is that most posts concentrate on maximizing investments/etc. What can a polar opposite to the high-income/diverse-investment crowd in this sub do, to get to their place/version of what this sub is about? If anything - point me to resources, but again i searched and it doesn't seem to include someone like me. + +Much appreciated. +**The latest jobless numbers came in bad while the stock market keeps pushing forward, is a stock market crash coming soon? Let’s talk about this and the latest stock market news** + +Hey everyone! So let’s start with the recap off Friday as we saw the broad market [SP500](https://ibb.co/HD8WbDT) leading the way up 0,88%, with the [DOW Industrial](https://ibb.co/sCt0FJj) close behind up 0,83% and the [Nasdaq COMPOSITE](https://ibb.co/dDhWbBG) also gaining a decent amount, up 0,7% with all 3 big indexes closing at all-time highs. + +We saw more than ¾ of the [stocks](https://ibb.co/CB6cSMn) advancing despite below average volume as companies either small, mid or large cap value or growth [stocks](https://ibb.co/qCNqN5G) were gaining except large-cap growth. + +The best gaining [sectors](https://ibb.co/d6f58Mf) were Energy and Materials up over 2% while Utilities finished 1% down on Friday, as Utilities were the only sector to finish the week losing significant ground, with Consumer Discretionary also dropping just 0,12%. With the rest of the sectors in the green, Energy, Health Care, Technology and Communication being the biggest gainers finishing the week up over 2%. + +[Utilities](https://ibb.co/Bz8TnvP) have been hit hard in the last year as residential consumers and small businesses have been able to defer paying power bills, this will continue to hold down the sector for now with the debt still increasing. + +The VIX also dropped more than 2% on [Friday](https://ibb.co/18qjBx7) and finished the [week](https://ibb.co/7KyfPxQ) over 5% down as the [HEAT MAP](https://ibb.co/sKhhfx6) from Friday shows us that there were plenty of gains to be made especially in the Energy Sectors as well as Financials, with the big companies from the Tech and Communication sectors doing worse than the rest of the market. + +For the week though this [HEAT MAP](https://ibb.co/92hRtQL) shows that Apple was one of the biggest gainers alongside Semiconductors and Energy Names while Health Care companies like JNJ and Pfizer also did very good. + +The big indexes all finished higher for the [week](https://ibb.co/b3Gb4HN) with the SP500 up 1,7%, the Nasdaq Composite up 2,1% and the Dow up 1% with renewed hopes for a stimulus package being back on the table. + +Here are the most interesting economic [reports](https://ibb.co/j84CkLT) for next week, it will be a light week in terms of economic data but still, the market may be volatile and trends may change depending on some of the results. + +So, on Friday [November JOBS](https://ibb.co/r0JPtCs) came in much lower than anticipated, coming in at 245K vs de 610K in October and 469K estimated while the unemployment [rate](https://ibb.co/M9mNBMT) dropped to 6,7% a bit better than expected and down from 6,9% in the past month. Still there are over 10million people unemployed, this number more than doubling since the start on February. The [net addition](https://ibb.co/F54hcKb) of jobs in November was the [smallest](https://ibb.co/dWKmZWH) since May as government jobs were the [worst performing](https://ibb.co/F54hcKb) while transportation and warehousing jobs continue to increase, as big companies … aka Amazon has hired almost 3thousand people per day this year. But the bad news is that [long-term](https://ibb.co/HFZFhyC) unemployment is approaching the peaks from the Great Recession and that is not good news for the economy or the stock market as over 3,9 million people have been out of work for at least 6 months. + +So, this is pretty bad news as mortgages in [forbearance](https://ibb.co/NLcDmYP) just slightly declined this week, by just 39K with more and more plans planned to expire in December, over 1M more exactly, more than 40% of active cases. + +This may finally put some extra pressure on the Congress to agree to a relief package maybe even passing it alongside the government [funding bill](https://ibb.co/1qkTnsD) that is still debated and has over 300 issues that the parties don’t agree on. + +This is becoming more and more obvious as [cases](https://ibb.co/6y9FTjV) in the US continue to rise, coming in over 200k in the last 2 days and the economy will soon feel the pressure from this, I expect the next month or two of economic data to not be so good, this may be the time the market sees a 5-10% correction before moving on higher on more positive things like the availability of the vaccine, the passing of the torch In the Presidency and a possible relief package. + +Yes, this will continue to add to the [US DEBT](https://ibb.co/QjSPcdB), but even though I don’t have any partisan views, a good structured relief bill would do wonders for the economy as a bridge to when the vaccine will finally be widely available. + +Yes, I know that the global debt is set to reach $200 trillion but the DEBT-to-GDP [ratio](https://ibb.co/LhWkxKJ) is projected to slowly go back down in the next couple of years. + +Other numbers that came in on Friday were [Factory ORDERS](https://ibb.co/xm7JJ2Q) which came in better than expected at +1%. While a new Redfin report indicates an increase in [average home prices](https://ibb.co/pXYNGcz) year over year of 16% with the number of pending home [sales up](https://ibb.co/2nw00m3) almost 30% over last year while new listings of home sales is [up just 9%](https://ibb.co/v3nyLPZ) since 2019 and dropping rather fast in the last months with sales of homes going for all time-high [prices](https://ibb.co/gmvRPd7) at 99,5% of the asking price as the real estate market keeps booming along. + +The other number that came in on Friday and was not so good was the [trade deficit](https://ibb.co/42nsy2W), which widened even more in the last month by almost $2B. + +So next week is again pretty slow in [earnings reports](https://ibb.co/Xkr4f4P) with the most interesting ones on being Chewy, GameStop, Adobe, LuluLemon, Dave&Busters, Costco, Oracle and Broadcom. + +I own a small stake in all of them except Oracle and GameStop. I don’t see such a big growth opportunity with Oracle while GameStop I believe will struggle to turn around the business with very though e-commerce competition. + +We will also have a number of new [IPOs](https://ibb.co/0jQWwTf) this week from DoorDash, AirBNB, C3.ai, Hydrofarm and Pubmatic. The first 3 are more interesting for myself but I will only take a first look at AirBNB and at what price that stock goes public to maybe get some action, I think we will a much bigger price than the 44-50$ price range to begin with for public trading. I also expect the same thing to happen with DoorDash which has already raised the IPO [pricing](https://ibb.co/Y8VSCpV) to 90-95$ but I am not very interested to buy that stock, as this type of economy has hugely benefited them and it might see a decrease rather than an increase in the next couple of years. + +So, guys I still believe the stock market has upside in front of it, especially in the next 2 years, but you should tread careful for now, I think a possible correction might be just ahead before we move on higher, as you can see in this [CHART](https://ibb.co/9g0bJdj), a wedge formation is continuing to from with more and more tension, I believe there is about a 6,5% possible downside to the market at the moment before eventually getting back on track next year and going toward the 4000 level. And especially with the most recent jobless numbers in the US, I would try to diversify a little more especially with some EAST-ASIA exposure in countries like South Korea, Singapore and China also. + +Thank you everyone for reading! Hope you enjoyed the content! Be sure to leave a comment down below with your opinion on the stock market! + +Have a great day and see you next time! +Guten Tag to all of you Great Apes across the world! 👋🦍 + +Our Diamantenhände HODLed through the first day of GME on the Russell 1000. Reverse-repo participation continues to be enormous, usually rising in the last week of a quarter, which this happens to be. Let's see where the German markets take us on 29/06/2021. Join apes around the world to watch low-frequency updates from a single German exchange as we prepare for the US pre-market to open! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$219.00 / 183,68 €** +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $219.06 / 183,72 € +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $219.11 / 183,78 € +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $219.17 / 183,82 € +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $219.17 / 183,82 € +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $219.14 / 183,80 € +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $217.54 / 182,45 € +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $216.61 / 181,68 € +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $216.64 / 181,70 € +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $217.48 / 182,40 € +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $216.04 / 181,20 € +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $218.46 / 183,22 € +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $214.79 / 180,15 € +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $214.85 / 180,20 € +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $214.91 / 180,25 € +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $214.64 / 180,03 € +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $214.64 / 180,03 € +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $214.64 / 180,03 € +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $214.67 / 180,05 € +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $214.35 / 179,78 € +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $214.55 / 179,95 € +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $214.55 / 179,95 € +- ⬜ 10 minutes in: $214.23 / 179,68 € +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $214.23 / 179,68 € +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $214.29 / 179,72 € +- 🟩 US close price: $213.25 / 178,86 € *($214.08 / 179,55 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: To generate this data, I'm capturing current prices in Euros at https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie and converting to USD. Today's EUR -> USD conversion ratio is 1.19230013. I created a simple C# application that assists me in scraping this data and updates the post automatically. + +~~Today I am testing an alternate method of fetching data, using quote data from Yahoo Finance APIs to calculate an average of 7 German exchanges and volume. Those results will be posted in the comment section.~~ + +Many among the Diamantenhände community are concerned about the well-being of the originator of the series, u/DerGurkenraspler. I also am worried, as I have tried to make contact many times and haven't received a direct response. Over the weekend, DerGurkenraspler appears to have deleted their Reddit account. While this gives me hope that they are alive and well, it seems to be a certainty that they will not be resuming their role as the originator of the series. I've been serving as guest-host since their unexpected absence began and I intend to continue to post updates, but dearly hope that DerGurkenraspler is well and sincerely thank them for the effort they put into building the worldwide community that lives on. + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I have just got my feet wet with my first multi-family, and look towards acquiring more and potentially even getting back to construction. I am an Electrician by trade, and know there is a lot of knowledge on the table I may be missing. I’ve tried reaching out to a few CPA’s that aren’t taking new clients. + +I am curious if anyone else with rentals, found tax advantages that were major in helping them in general, and even in scaling their business? +Just trying out the **new polling feature** that is exclusive to our community! Remember to switch to the new Reddit design if you want to try it out. + +&#x200B; + +This question is gauging community consensus on what they believe is the best stablecoin available today. The options may not be complete, please bear with me. If you have one that I missed, post it in the comments. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Question: What is your preferred stablecoin? (You can say why in the comments)** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9om1hb) +There was already post like this in a past but i want to ask this myself. +Im 20years old. +No job,I have mental disability wich is mild aspargers. +As in the title my mom is a debt.i already gave her around 742.25dollars (3800 złoty in country i em,Poland)from my health rent.she never payed me back.Thing is she was never good with money and getting a credit card with just get her.well especialy me in more debt than she we are. + +She alreadu sued for bankruptcy and got what she wanted. +She hase 2 jobs.One at the Nursing Home,she also takes care of an old lady wich is her other job.She hase psyhology degree.Thing is she never shares with me about what going on with her final life and how the fuck she keeps getting in more dept,she now guilt trips me that i rejected her offer. + +After the news from yesterday of insiders selling nearly $500M of their stock, Peloton has announced today that it will be halting bike production for the near future. + +Peloton is down nearly 20% intra-day due to this news. The stock is down 80% in the last 6 months. + +Ironically, it was the Peloton shareholders who were taken for a ride. + +From CNBC: + +>Peloton is temporarily halting production of its connected fitness products as consumer demand wanes and the company looks to control costs, according to internal documents obtained by CNBC. +> +>Peloton plans to pause Bike production for two months, from February to March, the documents show. It already halted production of its more expensive Bike+ in December and will do so until June. It won’t manufacture its Tread treadmill machine for six weeks, beginning next month. And it doesn’t anticipate producing any Tread+ machines in fiscal 2022, according to the documents. Peloton had previously halted Tread+ production after a safety recall last year. +> +>The company said in a confidential presentation dated Jan. 10 that demand for its connected fitness equipment has faced a “significant reduction” around the world due to shoppers’ price sensitivity and amplified competitor activity. +Hi all, + +For some context, me and my dad have saved up enough to purchase a Tesla Model 3 \~74,000 AUD. We've put down 300 dollars deposit and are waiting for it to come (should be about 3 months now). + +I've been kicking myself for not getting into electric vehicles for the rise in petrol prices ($2.30 now for 91 which is ridiculous), driving costs are now sky high and it's getting harder to fill up the petrol tank or take the family for a road trip on a day off. + +However, all things considered, I'm beginning to get cold feat. The vehicle we have on pre-order is great, its the long range model which I think is about 600 km. The technology however appears to be rapidly advancing; I heard there's a 1200 km model being developed which is planned for a 2023 release! + +Do you think it's the right time to buy a Tesla or electric car? Or do you think we should wait till prices cool off and a longer range model hits the market? + +Thanks +One theory I've heard as to why home prices soared this year is it was partly due to the money printing. The Fed was using this newly printed money to buy billions in MBS each month. They are slowing down those purchases and will stop sometime in March. + +&#x200B; + +Will this have any affect on home prices? + + +I know raising interest rates could slow down home price increases (in theory) but I'm not sure about the Fed tapering their MBS purchases. Couldn't banks/investors simply sell their MBS to Fannie/Freddy instead? + + +Any insight into the Fed's taper actions affecting home prices would be much appreciated. Thanks!! +I'm honest with my friends and I trust them not to judge me but having to ditch on regular small things like dinners or movies I feel compelled to tell them that they're still dear to me and can't afford to do that fun thing with them + +Of course there's always free things we can do as friends like bike rides and back yard fires, it would crush me if anyone offered to pay for me, I hate feeling in someone's debt +Epicurus was one of the most important philosophers of the ancient world, but unfortunately since his philosophy was not compatible with Christianity (he believed the soul died with the body) most of his writings were destroyed by early extremist Christians, and he fell out of favour, which led to him not being as well-known today. + +He preached living a simple life, not chasing wealth, status or fame, but rather pursuing more meaningful ends - spending time with friends and family, in nature, appreciating life. + +He actually FIRE'd in 307 BC, leaving the social life of Athens to retreat to 'a garden' to live the simple life with his friends. + +You can read more about him on wiki, I suppose, but here are some quotes: + +* If you wish to make Pythocles rich, do not add to his store of money, but subtract from his desires +* He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing +* It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble +* Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance +* Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for +* The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity +* Of all the means to insure happiness throughout the whole life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends +* I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know +Generally I’m not a fan of market timing and have a pretty conservative investing approach (basket of ETFs) BUT I just got a large windfall (10s of millions) made from a decade of work and investing it all at once with the market at an all time high seems dangerous, even in a diversified portfolio across asset classes. + +How would you think of investing it? Get into the market over 6 months? A year? Longer? + +A different strategy? +**Are you BINGUS'D yet ?** + +This might be your last chance before **$BINGUS** goes through the roof once again ! + +Sometimes, a few words can tell more than a million, and so this is how I am going to try to proceed in this post: + +**$BINGUS** is three weeks old now. After an extremely strong start, it took a couple of days off in order to recover before resuming its relentless ascension. + +Today, **$BINGUS stands at around 12M MCap** with a new, very comfortable price floor for early adopters, while keeping plenty of room to grow. As it stands right now, a 10x is a very realistic expectation to have. + +Community wise, **$BINGUS** is strong to say the least. It reached over **3000 telegram users** earlier today, and enjoys being **held by over 8300 people**. The community is bursting with activity, and the team is also extremely active and helpful. There is always something going on, and the global ambience is just incredibly enjoyable overall ! + +**$BINGUS** also has, as it was stated multiple times over the past few weeks, and incredible roster of partnership such as **EMMY NOMINATED** [**Rocky Kanaka**](https://twitter.com/RockyKanaka/status/1383161598378864640)**,** **BILLBOARD TOP100 RAPPER** [**Bbno$**](https://imgur.com/a/5jnDXIG) and even [**MoistCr1tikal**](https://youtu.be/BrfZfBxGx8U) himself. If that's not enough for you for some reason, then be aware that there is another **ENORMOUS ANNOUNCEMENT coming in the next few days**, something that might one of the biggest partnerships ever made in the realm of cryptocurrencies. Bullish to say the least ! + +But we can't talk about **$BINGUS** without mentioning its charity program. So far, **they have made around 20'000$ worth of donations to various animal shelters**, as their number one goal is to make a difference in the Animal Welfare cause ! Their [**last donation**](https://imgur.com/gallery/wjYnZQ9) **of 10'000$ was a huge step in that direction,** and it is definitely only the beginning. + +Last but not least, how not to mention the **recent listing on CMC and CG** ? That alone has been a huge even, but to add to that, we could also mention the fact that a part of the **team is doxxed (including the founder of the project Mike Cerisano)**, that the liquidity is locked, that **$BINGUS is fully audited, and that it is also an LLC,** basically guaranteeing safety to all the people who would like to invest and help $BINGUS in its noble cause ! + +This is already longer than I would have wanted it to be, but if there was one thing to definitely remember is that while the project has passed 10M MCap not long ago, the work the team has put in so far is proof that the potential is only getting bigger and bigger ! + +Of course as always, please DYOR and only invest the money you are willing to lose ! Thanks for reading me ! +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Relevant links:** + +🐱 [**Website**](https://bingus.finance/) + +**😸** [**Telegram**](https://t.me/bingustoken2official) + +😺 **on Reddit:** [r/BingusFinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/BingusFinance/) + +💬 [**Discord**](https://discord.com/invite/qKdZdd558F) + +📸 [**Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/bingustoken/) + +🕊 [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/) + +**🥞** [**Buy on PCS ( Slippage to 3%, make sure to be on the V1 !)**](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xdA20C8a5c3B1AB48e31ba6e43f0F2830E50218D8) + +**⚙️** [**BSC Scan**](https://bscscan.com/token/0xda20c8a5c3b1ab48e31ba6e43f0f2830e50218d8) + +**📈** [**Charts**](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xdA20C8a5c3B1AB48e31ba6e43f0F2830E50218D8) + +💰 [**Last donation (10'000$)**](https://imgur.com/gallery/wjYnZQ9) +I was hired and told I'd be working remotely full time. However, 5 months later, my former director leaves his job and I'm told to come in to office full time. They say it will be temporary for half a year, but no exact guaranteed timeline - and because of my work equipment they will give me an office which makes me think this is going to be permanent. The problem is living costs are substantially higher as I have to move and live in the city how. Is this something I should I bring up? Any suggestions how to word this? + +Additional info: I'm moving from a suburb in VA to DC North. Coworker (who's been here longer) is allowed to still work remotely except for weekly meetings. They're giving me time to relocate (not off, just telecommute time) which means they know this is going to be a move. + +Update: Wow. Thanks for encouragement everyone. PF has spoken. Gathering data ammo to make a call. God I hope I don't lose my job. + +Update 2: Called and went to voicemail. To be continued tomorrow... + +Update 3: Manager called me back. They were not willing to offer any compensation. They also told me what I suspected all along... My position will no longer be remote, but in-office, even though they admitted they did offer me that (against HR's preference) hiring me. They eventually want to fully bring our team to on-site. I asked if after half a year of this will change, they said no it will not (contradicting the previous statement). + +They said they'll give me time to think about it. I am thinking if it's worth living in an area I don't like, and kissing goodbye to half my paycheck for rent (done with living with strangers in DC... Most are cool but the few bad eggs you run into really ruins your life). + +Update 4 and privacy the last: Sharing a place - not even my own - is breaking 35% (if I want my commute to be an hour or so every day). I know that's a deal breaker for the redditors who are telling me to leave... Seriously, screw DC. What this has taught me is always stay on your toes. +Today is my birthday. I am 28. What advice would you give your 28-year-old self? Do you have any regrets? What would you have done differently? I am asking because I know that there is a lot I am unaware of in terms of finance and life knowledge. And I know that when I am 35 I will look back at 28-year-old me and wish I would have done lots different. +I’ll go first: Work from home. + +Went in to the office today. Absolutely hated it. Live about an hour & half away (south east melb) and traffic/trains/people in general just seem chaotic. + +Once in office, see coworkers that ramble & talk about the most random and useless stuff… 😂 + +Did 1 hour of work. Went home. + +I would probably never work a role that’s not WFH/go in when you want. My company’s been great at this, and aren’t stupid enough to try outsource (we work with big ASX companies who have & audit their financials - hilarious how a 20m saving becomes a 50m expense after 🤷‍♂️). + +Monetary value: 25k-35k. Assuming same role, I’d need to be paid that much more to go in regularly. + +That was just one. I have many others (flexible hours, good leave policy, great coworkers & management) all which I value for similar amounts above. +As title says, I applied for a personal loan to the value of £7500 for a car with the intent to pay £3000 of it back immediately in order to reduce the term or monthly payments. This would allow me to get a better APR. This route was recommended to me on this sub and seemed like sound advice. + +Little bit about my finances: + +Age: 23 + +Salary: £22,000 + +Rent: £237.50 per month + +Existing debt: Outstanding £1950 on current car (@ £53 per month) and student loan (not repaying yet) + +Credit cards: Amex Platinum Cashback, 0% credit utilisation as of time of application. Prior to application never more than 15% utilisation or £200). + +Missed payments: Never + +Dependants: None + +Concerns: MSE credit club shows nothing of concern. + + +Anyway, I was finally accepted today after 11 days but with a 24.90% rate instead of the 2.8% suggested. Now I have no idea what the hell to do as I can’t accept this. We have put down a holding deposit on the car twice now £200 total, refundable on cost of car, which is valid for another 10 days. + +I’m tempted to go through the dealerships own HP finance provider as we got accepted very quickly when we last got a car a year or so ago (upgrading now as tiny Citigo not sufficient as we’re having a baby). + +I feel slightly panicked and scared that finance company that the dealership work with will quote a similar amount, especially as they have ties to Santander. Although we should be able to provide them with a £3000 deposit towards the £5995 total cost of the car. + +Or should I go elsewhere for a personal loan and just try take out a smaller loan rather than trying to get the lowest interest rate? I’m also wary of all of the hard credit checks that will be going on if I shop around too much. + +Thank you for all of your help. + +Update: I’ve now applied through the dealership in order to get a better deal. They also offered an extra £500 on top of my P/X price, so now I’m being paid £500 more than I paid for the vehicle almost a year ago. + +Sorry to everybody that feels like I’m making a life changing mistake and risking my family of financial ruin by committing to £70 per month, or £35 each between my fiancé and I. I feel like there’s a real issue with many users of this sub when it comes to looking at finances outside of a vacuum. I’d rather drive a safer, more comfortable, more reliable and fuck it, better looking car and pay for it with the money I work for everyday. I guess people on grad salaries shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy their money or have the peace of mind that their car isn’t going to break down every day and leave their family stranded. + +Must be sad to feel such raw disgust to see lower income individuals with nice things. I’ve always wondered, do you and your partners take turns doing dishes in the bath or do you both get in and do them? + +P.S, what’s up with this whole buying a car at 1/4 or 1/3 of my salary? The yearly cost will equate to around 1/29 of my salary. Half the car cost, over four years, £749 per year. Not to mention increasing salary. Again, consider the bigger picture. + +Thanks to those that actually answered my question rather than roasting me for spending 3.5% of my salary on a safe and reliable car for my family. + +Edit: No I don’t want to get a £3000 car. Give over. +No joke - one friend is putting big money into airlines, another wants to do index funds because he wants to find something that performs better than his savings account, and another two more say they want to just put a bunch of money on "something good that will make money when it goes back up now because it's gone down." + +Once the people who've never used a brokerage or have any understanding of the market in general start buying in, that's the biggest sign we're in the latter half of that Buffet saying - "...be fearful when others are greedy." + +People are being greedy as fuck, with no idea what they're doing, and money they should be saving for when things get *really* bad, and it's honestly sort of scaring me. They've seen the market only go up and rebound, read of tremendous success all around. They're putting their full faith in the government to handle this in a way that benefits everyone, and have no concept of how fast those two nickels they're rubbing together in anticipation could become bare, bloody fingertips. + +SPY 200,190,190p, 5/15 & 6/30, SLV 15c for 1/2021 +Do not underestimate the cost of home repairs when making a home-buying decision. My mortgage is $300 less than my rent was, and $500 of it is principal. So in theory I'm netting $800 per month. But how wrong I was. We've owned for 4 months: + +* New floors $10k whole house. (Turns out the previous owner was using wall plugs to mask a horrific dog smell stained into his carpets) +* Baby's room was 4-6degrees colder than the room downstairs with a thermostat. Energy upgrades ran us $4k. +* Personally spent 1.5k on various projects of DIY so far. +* Gutters haven't been cleaned apparently in years. The soffets behind them are rotting out and must be replaced. $2k. +* Electric panel was a fire hazard and had to be replaced. $2.5k. + +** Edit because people keep commenting pretty judgementally about it* To be fair, some of this was caught in the inspection. Old utilities. Possible soffet damage, and a footnote about the electricals. We were able to recoup some of this cost in "sellers help" but we maxed out at 5k after the initial contract negotiations ** + + +By the time we hit the 1yr mark we will easily have sunk 20k into this house, very little of which will increase the value. The house was cheaper than others on the market and now I know why. When you include all the fees of buying and selling, I can easily see how it takes 5-6 years for home ownership to really pay off financially. +I want to start making options markets (automated) on the side and hopefully grow the money over a long period of time + +I already know how being long the asset offsets the delta of a put and short the delta of a call + +&#x200B; + +But how do MMs hedge against theta and vega + +Do they just hope that there's no major moves in volatility and that that they can get an option off of their books within a day? + +And when that doesn't happen they just hope that the gains cover the losses? + +&#x200B; + +Or are there other instruments MMs use +I have a dead simple investment strategy - when I get liquid cash I put it directly into 70/30 VTSAX/VTIAX. + +It's all in vanguard today which is fine - they have good customer support and a decent interface. + +However I feel like there must be some institution/private bank that will let me park these funds and get at least some type of perk - specifically I'm thinking about fancy lending or hell even free HBO max or something. + +I know there are a lot of private banking options (I'm aware of JPM's and First Republics) but I'm not sure if they'll be fine with just holding onto super low fee funds from vanguard. +28 years old--net worth \~$2.1 million. Earned, not inherited, but I was incredibly lucky...right place right time. + +Nearly my entire NW is in equity etfs, and I don't employ a financial advisor (I understand the irony of saying no thanks to an advisor and then coming to reddit for advice lol). I entered a PhD program so my income has gone down to 35k, which is sufficient to cover my living expenses as I don't live large. When I return to the workforce I essentially plan to coastFI my way to fatFI. + +I feeeeeel like I should be contributing to an IRA, but the $6k maximum contribution limits it's utility as far as I can tell. According to my calculations, if I earn 6% per year and were to be taxed 20% every year on the gain, the next egg will be $9.4 million when I am 60 years old. This compares to $9.5 million if I max out my contribution every year and that portion goes untaxed. + +Is it this simple? Frankly I don't really care if i have 9.4 or 9.5 million when I'm 60. All else equal I'd prefer not to have my money tied up in a retirement account. But I'm not a personal finance wiz. Am I missing something? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: felt like I had done some research but did not know there was no penalty for early Roth withdrawals and this seems to basically resolve the question--zero downside to contributing to a Roth IRA. Thanks all +The end is near. + +A month ago we had 54% DRS'd. + +Now we are 59%. + +If that trends keep up we will be done with locking up the free float in 8-12 months. + +It has been a long journey, but we can now see light at the end of the tunnel. + +I for one, am looking forward to see what is going to happen. +There’s been a lot of discussion around downturns and severe corrections upcoming in the markets. Would anyone ever consider early withdrawal to protecttheir savings, especially with the COVID rules passed around decreased penalties, or are there other ways to adjust an account to help it better weather the storm? +>"The markets are overvalued and we are due for a correction." + +*Based on what?* + +This claim is ***constantly*** espoused on this forum; the only supporting evidence being that the markets are at an all time high, or that we haven't had a crash in [Current_Year-2007] years. + +If securities are always overvalued in a bull market and "on discount" after a crash, *when are they ever reasonably priced?* + +For a subreddit that prides itself on not timing the market, people sure seem to have an instinct for the "inevitable impending correction". What am I missing? +In short the entire deal is great for us on paper but the reality is that there are 4 tenants that are living there for cheap rent that don't want to leave. Three of which are on month to month leases while the other is on a 1yr lease and just signed it. All of them will be asked to leave and while they are there they are costing us money (but still paying rent, which is less then a break even). Additionally, these people really don't want to go. I have no experience with something like this, I feel like if I come in there all Trump-like and start kicking people out, I'll get some undesirable outcomes. + +The only outcome we want is for the tenants to vacate, all the units will be STRs. + +Any thoughts? Advice? +[Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nk5cvm/youre_gonna_need_to_file_a_13h_after_you_finally/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from 1 year ago. Re-posting as I think it's quite important and there's a lot of new people here who may not have seen it. All credit to u/whats-left-is-right. I suggest you go through the comments of that post too. + +**TLDR:** 10 days after selling $20 million of stock in a day or $200 million in a month you are required to file with the SEC as a large trader by submitting a 13H. **Get a professional advisor (legal, taxes, finances...) when the time comes so you don't fuck up.** Ideally you should start scouting them as early as possible as good reputable ones will be in high demand. + +Source: [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/large-trader-faqs.htm](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/large-trader-faqs.htm) + +# BASICS + +**What is an NMS security?** \--> GME + +https://preview.redd.it/ok9m5aruvd691.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b21f75b158efec4c4c2ede1db0d489ef9ffd9e7 + +**Rule 13h-1(a)(i) - What is a large trader?** \--> you with your GME shares in one or all your different brokers + +https://preview.redd.it/ssdp0lynwd691.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=4add7328ca5ef428b0481d98b38c6d7bded5c93a + +**Rule 13h-1(a)(7) - At what level to add the data?** \--> Aggregate transactions across all brokers that are equal or greater to the specified levels. + +https://preview.redd.it/vxtgjxuxwd691.png?width=659&format=png&auto=webp&s=13d00b9d6b9b6853c8aecf70968dea3e5d3bc06c + +**Rule 13h-1 - Calculating the threshold** \-> If your total transaction value across all brokers adds up to the threshold, you gotta file one + +https://preview.redd.it/64rc34pkxd691.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=f749eeb995634b1c46695b18d1cfcb29e5905e8a + +**What are the "specified levels"? -**\-> 20 million in 1 day or 200 million in a month + +https://preview.redd.it/mpsvsu17yd691.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f57fc8e806e2eaed26a1e7f1e2d268cf080342d + +**What is a LTID?** \--> A personal number you use to tag all your transactions (irrespective of broker) + +https://preview.redd.it/nisbqcbb4e691.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=639d1c000cab977dbe4f7dd945986d514192b39b + +# When should you file? + +> "Rule 13h-1(b)(1)(ii) specifies that an annual filing must be made “within 45 days after the end of each full calendar year” + +It does not mention "10 days" in the original link, but this other [SEC pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2011/34-64976.pdf) mentions this as well as [IBKR](https://ibkr.info/article/1842) page. + +[SEC pdf](https://preview.redd.it/4ewuf2v92e691.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=76e288a8e3e1a77c52bb3a1372fadc3a347ee9f6) + +[IBKR](https://preview.redd.it/vpacx46q0e691.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5ec2bfc19b3e458768b333fd558921c3fc760ce) + +Unlike Kenny, don't fail to deliver. + +# How to gain access to the EDGAR system? + +Submit a form ID, get credentials/password, then you can file 13h through EDGAR. All very boring stuff, so if you sniff crayons leave that to professionals unless you really know what you're doing. + +https://preview.redd.it/r2jfdb1c3e691.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=af7b921189f8ecb531956ce96195a8b053e56e86 + +**You file your 13-H, now what?** \--> You get your LTID + +https://preview.redd.it/ayp2ppof4e691.png?width=865&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ca4bbfd92d31ff2d606ce9315a7f03b6beabdc2 + +**LTID format** \--> 8 digits + 4-digit suffix + +https://preview.redd.it/zyf6axw55e691.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=e487344d007d506193256ae34d80355302d8b96e + +**What happens if I don't have an LTID?** \--> You broker assigns you one + +https://preview.redd.it/0239aig75e691.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=004df7599a9b2bf323a56ee581355e6b8960d9aa + +**I am an international ape do I need to file one? ->** Yes -- Assume you have to unless you verify otherwise. Essentially, if you're not in the US but use a broker that's in the SECs system your still required to file a 13H but you may file a different form asking for exemption. + +If you feel your head is exploding by now, its OK, take a break, you deserve it, and listen to this remix [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRf4AXTKVEs) as hedgies are falling and crypto is crashing. +