diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_17.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_17.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_17.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/641cdxk65ab81.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=1591e6dbd23ba5722162843fb8404e0cd6668631 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zfq8js685ab81.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=70a45667f5e36887edb1ece8e1c36ef443ccb0d2 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2rubna8a5ab81.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=8586ad71c8666ebe0487380d00e54694baedd2ee +# 0. Update + +Edit: Ah here we are after cinco de buyo. No big price move was made. That's some good shit if you ask me. The prediction was that we'd see a price surge again **if they delayed FTDs once more**. The fact that it didn't happen today - no Deep ITM CALLs or PUTs occurred today - is reason to believe **this is almost over.** If Net Capital theory is correct, there's two possibilities here: + +A) They raised enough capital to kick it to the next threshold on May 17. Remember, only 50% will be accounted for as of tomorrow. More time to try to hit the price down. + +B) They **went net negative** and it's over. They were unable to reset FTDs. Only a matter of time before things start unwinding. + +I also see some exciting stuff being posted today. Two caught my eye: + +**DD pointing to theoretical margin call price has been passed three days in a row.** + +**We also possibly saw 1m+ in volume evaporate in after hours. Interesting shit**. + +So once more - see you soon moon. + +# 1. Preface + +**I am not a financial advisor.** + +**Take it all in, and then** **question what you read. We want all perspectives here. Criticism of DD is what makes this subreddit so amazing - it helps us re-evaluate our theories.** + +I also love dates. I think they should be promoted more **as long as there is data behind it**. Picking arbitrary dates based on Tweets, yeah, I can see a problem with that. But it really feels like we can pinpoint this shit down. And if it's wrong - you know what - we come back and re-evaluate everything. It helps us grow, learn, and find new perspectives. You no longer look at data one way, you take a new approach. + +I have never done a TLDR but let's put it this way:💎🤲 =💣=💀🐻 + +TLDR in picture form: + +https://preview.redd.it/vjttbykab1x61.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce91afc315f2e1872aa8043a9eb941fee53669c5 + +Edit: a real TLDR: + +Deep ITM CALL + OTM PUT options expiry causes MMs (Shitadel) to have a debt due to them pushing FTDs out. The debt must be resolved quickly or they could become net negative, violating a Net Capital rule. If they violate the rule they essentially lose their MM privileges because they don't have enough capital for their positions in the event of a default. + +Day 0 = 0% of debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 7 = 25% of debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 14 = 50% of debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 21 = 75% of debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 28 = 100% of debt accounted for in calculations + +They appear to not want more than 50% of the debt accounted for and try to push FTDs out between day 0 and day 13 because once day 14 hits the 50% could bring them net negative. + +Day 13 coincides with the spikes I've been observing: + +Feb 5 -> Feb 24 + +Feb 19 -> Mar 10 + +And what might be coming: + +April 16 -> May 5 + +# 2. Recap + +[I posted the other day theorizing a link between certain option dates and a spike the second Wednesday following expiration.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n2dkw2/scoobydoo_and_the_deep_itm_calls_of_april_16_is/) For example: + +February 5 Options Expiration -> February 24 + +February 19 Options Expiration -> March 10 + +April 16 Options Expiration -> **May 5** + +What happened on February 24? We spiked up. Significantly. + +What happened on March 10? We climbed up. Significantly, until a flash crash brought us down. And there's pretty good evidence that points to the flash crash being caused by nearly 80,000 PUTs from July 16, 2021 being exercised on March 10th. + +What happened on May 5? We'll find out. But I'm sure I'll get a bunch of shit spam comments if it all goes downhill lmao. + +# 3. Theory Hole + +I was claiming that the link was due to T+13 forcing of FTDs by the broker, but that isn't necessarily true. /u/keijikage identified that: + +>T+13 only counts if it is on the threshold securities list (10k shares FTD + > 0.5% of shares outstanding). HOWEVER...there may be some nonsense going on around net capital" + +We haven't seen GME on the threshold list since February 3rd. So the T+13 FTD delivery theory seems to be out the window. **However, the pattern still stands. And boy does this new information look spicy.** + +# 4. The Link Between Options and Spikes Still Exists + +There's no doubt in my mind that we're witnessing a pattern here, and that it will repeat. Each spike in price **has** to link to a date in the past - that's where I started going down this rabbit hole. I mean, shoving a few crayons up my nose like Homer Simpson might have also influenced me. + +https://preview.redd.it/kwr9wb8o30x61.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=57af9773746a233aeb9486f978437507e413034b + +In my last post, /u/beyond-mythos pointed out a wonderful source of information - another DD with crazy amounts of data for Deep ITM CALL purchases: [The SI Is Fake I Found 44,000,000 Shorts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mhv22h/the_si_is_fake_i_found_44000000_million_shorts/) + +The DD poured through data finding that FTDs were hidden in very specific options with Deep ITM CALLs. What dates enticed the shorters so much? \*queue ominous music\* **dun** **dun** **DUN**... + +https://preview.redd.it/11gjaljq70x61.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f1d295244e648846d7afd9cac6c1b1fe32ce193 + +February 5, February 19, March 19, April 16, July 16, January 2022, and January 2023. I got absolutely **JACKED** when I saw that there was evidence pointing to the exact dates I wanted to link to the spikes: + +**February 5 and February 19**. + +Now you're probably asking, hey, I see March 19 on that list. Why didn't it spike on April 7?! Don't worry, because it's going to need a little bit more explaining in this post. I'll get there just bear with me. + +You also might be wondering, "Ok what the hell are you looking at these Deep ITM CALL purchases for?". It is because **we're theorizing that FTDs are being hidden through this malicious options practice.** And on the other end of the spectrum, it's theorized that the SI% is being hidden through PUTs which also expire on these major dates. Both old and new shorts and being stuck in PUTs. + +The DD also posted the following table, and I absolutely love [u/dejf2](https://www.reddit.com/user/dejf2/) for this glorious artwork. I'd pay at least 10 and a 1/2 Shmeckles for it. It shows the amount of deep ITM calls which were purchased not only for certain expiration dates, but when those purchases were made. + +https://preview.redd.it/i5xh3f2350x61.png?width=1933&format=png&auto=webp&s=8594466c3aa5675ebffdb39a8364e18c4f39d7f3 + +You can see that they went absolutely nuts purchasing these Deep ITM CALLs on the January runup (dark red highlight) because liquidity was AWFUL. Robinhood pulled the plug on buyers, and let the buy pressure dry up while the HFs and MMs swapped FTDs to later dates because there were so many shares that had to be delivered. **The retail buy pressure is the whale that is now splashing larger and larger FTD waves until the MOASS.** + +So thank you Robinhood, the floor was $1,000 back then but now there's going to be so much more money sucked out of the 1%. + +https://preview.redd.it/wmlo5r9yc1x61.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d786347ecdf326c3c940538547b93d76f7a72d0 + +I did a rough calculation of the cumulative amount of Deep ITM CALL purchases for these dates ONLY with the red-highlighted area: + +|Option Expiration Date|Cumulative Deep ITM Call Purchases (Red Area Only / January Runup)|Number of Shares Equivalent| +|:-|:-|:-| +|**Combined**|**287,000**|**28,700,000**| +|February 19, 2021|51,000|5,100,000| +|March 19, 2021|4,000|400,000| +|**April 16, 2021**|**143,000**|**14,300,000**| +|July 16, 2021|31,000|3,100,000| +|January 2022|58,000|5,800,000| + +Fucking... **WHAT?** In the January runup alone they had to purchase at least 287,000 Deep ITM CALLs to handle FTDs? That's equivalent to 28,700,000 shares. Hello float - or should I say more than the float - since it's now estimated that the float is around 23,000,000. Remember that this table is ONLY for the red highlighted area, so the total number upon option expiry is greater than the rough calculation table. + +Let's look at the dates and their significance: + +* February 19 had **51,000** purchases. Two Wednesdays later, March 10, we see $GME climb to a price of $350 before being smacked down. +* March 19 had **4,000** purchases. Two Wednesdays later, April 7, nothing. Hmm. Well, it certainly isn't a lot of CALLs in comparison but it should have done something - right? Even a tiny bump instead of the red day on April 7? Don't worry. I'm almost there. +* April 16 had **143,000** purchases. Two Wednesdays later, **May 5**, we'll find out! Take a notice the magnitude of deep CALLs that were purchased for this day compared to February 19 - big fucking oof if the price spike happens again. +* July 16 had **31,000** purchases, and January 2022 had **58,000** purchases. So obviously they wanted to spread out the FTDs among all the dates but for some godawful reason poured into April 16. If this does indeed pop again on May 5 but doesn't trigger the MOASS, we can expect it to pop following the next major Deep ITM CALL option expiration date. + +But this doesn't really explain why the spikes occur two Wednesdays following option expiry. + +# 5. Ok, If Not T+13 From FTDs Then What Is Causing The Movement? + +/u/keijikage pointed out a **tasty rule.** [Net Capital Requirements For Brokers or Dealers - 240.15c3-1](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.15c3-1). + +In summary, 240.15c3-1 is a net capital rule which: + +>...is designed to ensure that a broker-dealer holds, at all times, more than one dollar of highly liquid assets for each dollar of liabilities (e.g., money owed to customers and counterparties), excluding liabilities that are subordinated to all other creditors by contractual agreement. The premise underlying the net capital rule is that if a broker-dealer fails, it should be in a position to meet all unsubordinated obligations to customers and counterparties and generate resources sufficient to wind down its operations in an orderly manner without the need of a formal proceeding... +> +>...**A broker-dealer must ensure that its actual net capital exceeds its required minimum net capital at all times.** \- [Source](https://www.mercatus.org/system/files/peirce_reframing_ch6.pdf) + +More ape-speak, this rule makes it so that if a Market Maker (Shitadel) wants to continue operating and not get ass-fisted by the SEC, they cannot carry a debt that makes their capital net negative. Otherwise, if they default, they're an idiot and have insufficient capital for the positions to pay out. How do you carry a debt? Let's say you are all nice and happy, shorting GME without a care in the world because you're a moron, operating net-netural, when suddenly a shitload of FTDs pour on you all at once. Oh shiiiit. I owe those shares and am carrying a debt! What do I do? Hmm I can either: + +1. Raise some capital **or** +2. Sweep those FTDs under the rug using some sneaky sneak tricks. I'll pay that shit later, hoping the price of the stock is much lower and thus my debt calculation doesn't bring me negative. + +What did we see every time a spike-up occurred? More **god damn Deep ITM CALLs being purchased. Because they're hitting the (2) button and kicking them further down the road**. + +You know how much time they have to solve this net capital issue? **Not long**. The following is from rule 240.15c3-1 I linked, towards the bottom. + +https://preview.redd.it/4dsve3w3d0x61.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=b88384871b2de08e37b92826df32f5e5c1322707 + +This is my interpretation, please correct me if I am wrong. **Every 7 days that pass by, their debt is subtracted from their capital at an increase of 25% each tick. In other words, each 7 days your debt is 25% more accounted for:** + +Day 0 -> Net Capital = Capital - Debt\*0.00 = 0% of the debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 7 -> Net Capital = Capital - Debt\*0.25 = 25% of the debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 14 -> Net Capital = Capital - Debt\*0.50 = 50% of the debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 21 -> Net Capital = Capital - Debt\*0.75 = 75% of the debt accounted for in calculations + +Day 28 -> Net Capital = Capital - Debt\*1.00 = All debt accounted for in calculations. + +\------ + +>Example A (Good Situation): +> +>Imagine you have $100. Then suddenly you get a piece of paper saying "your debt is $90". +> +>Day 0 -> Net Capital = $100 - $90\*0.00 = $100 +> +>Day 7 -> Net Capital = $100 - $90\*0.25 = $100 - $22.5 = $77.5 +> +>Day 14 -> Net Capital = $100 - $90\*0.50 = $100 - $45 = $55.0 +> +>Day 21 -> Net Capital = $100 - $90\*0.75 = $100 - $67.5 = $32.5 +> +>Day 28 -> Net Capital = $100 - $90\*1.00 = $100 - $90 = $10.00 +> +>All good! You're still net positive. **This must have been what occurred for March 19 option expiry. The debt was insignificant! So much more time to spread out some Deep ITM CALL purchases. There was no way that they'd cross the net negative threshold from only 4,000 Deep ITM CALLs + PUTs.** + +\------ + +>Example B (Bad Situation, Shitadel): +> +>Imagine you have $100. Then suddenly you get a piece of paper saying "your debt is $250". +> +>Day 0 -> Net Capital = $100 - $250\*0.00 = $100 +> +>Day 7 -> Net Capital = $100 - $250\*0.25 = $100 - $62.5 = $37.5 +> +>Day 14 -> Net Capital = $100 - $250\*0.50 = $100 - $125 = -$25.00 +> +>Whoops! You're now net negative and you violated the rule and only when 50% was accounted for. Bye bye. + +\------ + +It's important to note that the debt is **based on current market price of the security. So if GME is trading $170 then the debt is based off of $170. If it drops to $150 the next day, then the debt is based off of $150. They want to kick this down the road until the price is really low. Probably in the $20s range. They're absolutely fucked.** + +So, Day 0 they'll see the debt but might not need to worry about it. If it's not a problem, such as Net Capital having no chance to go negative, then they're fine. Whatever. They won't violate the rule and they can go on being a happy Market Maker. But if it **is** a problem which would bring them negative and violate the threshold rule, then they'll start panicking. They want to resolve this **before** the threshold occurs which would make them net negative. + +The fact that 50% of the debt is subtracted at T+14 is very curious. **That implies they (Shitadel) can't risk the debt even being 50% accounted for**. So it must be an absolutely massive position. Let's walk through February 19 expiration as an example: + +1. February 19 options expire. Deep ITM CALLs and possibly married PUTs expire that were used to hide FTDs and shorts. **Day 0. Their Capital does not account for the FTD and short position yet.** Well... they can try to drive the price down and hope that the debt calculations don't carry them net negative. +2. Day 7 arrives on March 2. The FTDs and shorts are 25% accounted for. Maybe they'll start shifting some stuff out by purchasing new Deep ITM CALLs between March 2 and March 9 since the price doesn't seem to be going down as fast as they want. +3. Day 13 arrives on March 10. Oh **SHIT**. They can't let Day 14 arrive or else 50% of the debt will be accounted for and they'll be net negative and thus violate the rule. **So they start to move out a ton of FTDs to later dates by purchasing more Deep ITM CALLs.** (If you reference the purchase anomaly chart in my previous post, you'll see tons of Deep ITM CALLs are purchased on the spike dates and run-up dates) +4. Day 14 arrives on March 11. All is well in the world (for now) because their debt has been moved out. + +Edit: But...why exactly does the price move up? On Discord, "Assets" has a great possible explanation. Assets - you are the best. ❤️ + +>1. You are obligated 100 shares through FTDs. +>2. You buy an ITM Call and Sell an OTM put. +>3. You short 100 shares of the underlying saying that it's actually covered by your ITM Call. +>4. You exercise your call and you are credited 100 shares. +>5. You tell your broker that you wish to cover your shorts with 100 shares and you tell the clearing house that you wish to satisfy your FTD with the same 100 shares. +>6. Both parties take the same shares and both parties look to the market maker to satisfy those 100 shares because you said they were good for it when you exercised. + +>You've succesfully shorted and reset the FTD. + +Apply this to the other major option expiry dates and you get the same picture. They want to fix this issue by the second Wednesday following option expiry because the massive amount of Deep ITM CALLs caused their debt to be too significant to carry the full 28 days. It brings them net negative by day 14. At least... that's the theory now. ;) + +Let's finally apply this logic to our wonderful, beautiful, April 16th date which is the option expiration date of when a dumpster load of Deep ITM CALLs have been purchased: + +1. April 16 options expire. Day 0 +2. Day 7 arrives on April 27. +3. Day 13 arrives on May 5. They (in theory) don't want it to hit day 14 when their net capital would be negative due to accounting for 50% of the debt. **Whatcha gonna do this time, Shitadel?** + +\------ + +* Perhaps this is what /u/Suspicious-Singer243 was observing in [The March To Zero Liquidity](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n3ehw0/the_march_to_zero_liquidity_volume_or_bust/). The Market Makers are about to have a net capital bomb go off. They NEED to eliminate their debt by wiping out their FTDs that have appeared once again in order to become net neutral. They were able to swipe the FTDs under the rug on January 13, the January run-up, March run-up, and a few times here and there since then. But if 005 is enacted before the next pop then **they have to deal with this massive 143,000 order from April 16 without delaying it any longer. RUH-ROH RAGGY.** +* Of course while I'm writing this, I see that May the Fourth could indeed end up being the Golden Ticket day per /u/Door_Public. It's very likely that 002/801 go into effect tomorrow. **I've been thinking we'll see 002/801 as well as 005 enacted and within 24 hours a price spike would occur. If I see these rules go into effect tomorrow, I will NOT be able to sleep.** [May the 4th Be With You](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n49zl5/srnscc2021801_confirmation_may_the_4th_be_with_you/) +* [Bank netting accounts coming into effect by May 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mur8bz/srdtc2021004_the_dtcc_and_jp_morgan_theyre/) +* [US Treasury Issuing 0% Bonds on May 4 and Maturing June 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1hus8/the_poster_discrediting_the_0_40_billion_dollar_4/) + +\------ + +See you on the moon. If not this week - sometime soon. ❤️ +I see I received the inconclusive flair, I guess that is fair because there are still a lot of questions unanswered. What I find a bit sad is that the mods didnt reached out to me for more information. + +Friday Etoro dropped a bombshell that they had around [1.5% of all GME shareholders](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmos5k/what_the_actual_fuck_did_etoro_just_say/) on their platform. + +People took this information with a bucket of salt, because how was it possible for Etoro to possibly know this. for them to know this they must either a) know the total amount of GME-shareholders across all brokerage firms or b) someone legit provided them with this data + +According to the screenshot below (not mine, please ape come forward so you can get the credit: -> it was u/jd94jd) and u/silver-reserve-3764 (please check his post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np9k08/etoro\_update\_so\_far/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np9k08/etoro_update_so_far/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for more information) is doing a following up with etoro. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Edit11: I have received a lot of flack for** u/jd94jd **being my source because apperantly he is active on GME\_meltdown. so let me clear some stuff up. was he active yes, did he engage with members on that subreddit yes he was, did he inquire an counter argument yes he did.But what has been ommitted from this is that he is banned on GME\_meltdown.Also it is healthy for an investigation the gather all sides of an argument, I lurk at GME\_meltdown all the time to look for counter DD I can investigate.and by the way, you know who else is active on that subreddit and engages in arguments** u/atobitt. **Does that make him a shill? ofcourse not, because there is nothing wrong with discussing this with anyone.** + +Got the screenshot from the [GME Timeline](https://gmetimeline.com/) If you dont know the site, please check it out. its an incredible summary by date of all things related GME, I use it to keep me up to date with this new information and DD around. + +[First conversation regarding the 1.5% number](https://preview.redd.it/n0e50pukvg271.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=3890044abf807dd727de85d95b8d0495649e4dee) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit 5: Alright have been in contact with the original poster of the screens (*u/jd94jd*)* + +*He can Confirm the following, He had this chat-convo with etoro last Friday (****28th of May, 2021****)He is speaking with Etoro as you are reading this to confirm that Etoro indeed has 20 Million customers/clients (*[*20M clients are on Etoro*](https://imgur.com/a/s5QJoie)*)* + +*Also to Clarify this once and for all. the 1.5% is the amount of* ***SHAREHOLDERS***. *that Means 1.5% of the total count of all GME* ***INVESTORS***\*, Etoro does clarify this in their conversation with\* u/jd94jd *as can be seen here* [*https://imgur.com/a/X2S6NMt*](https://imgur.com/a/X2S6NMt) + +*Also the question on how the calculated the 6.71% has been asked to verify and clarify this.* u/jd94jd *is awaiting their answer on this matter. The request has been escalated and he is waiting for the response by mail, The moment it comes in we will share this with you.* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit6:* u/jd94jd *has been an absolute trooper, he has provided me with an excerpt of his conversation with Etoro* [*which can be seen here*](https://smallpdf.com/pdf-reader?job=1622483718788)*. you can see that the etoro support agent can not reveal to much but* u/jd94jd *is all over him like some sort of rabid ape trying to use the correct syntax to get some answers.* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit10: Me and u/Silver-Reserve-3764 have been in contact with u/jd94jd and he provided us with the [following conversation](https://imgur.com/a/77rsmZy) he has with eToro, about TSLA and how they come up with number of owners of TSLA on their platform, and what that number represents.you look at this and form your own conclusions... but it seems to me that if they say that this works for TSLA then it works the same for GME + +So if you follow the linke you will see the following: + +**Question:** *Ok, so would it be ok to run through a quick example?* + +*For example, if you had 10 million registered accounts, and the sentiment said "10% of our investors invest in this stock" that would mean 1 million people invest in the stock?* + +**Answer:** *Yes you're Correct, is there anything else i can help you with?* + +**Question:** *Are you 100% sure? sorry about all the questions, it is just very important* + +**Answer:** *Yes I'm definitely sure* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +So Gamestop themselves provided Etoro with that 1.5% data, + +Along with the knowledge that 6.71% of Etoros userbase has GME. + +&#x200B; + +[https://preview.redd.it/ksbd4yfkwg271.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=de99df2f930e57711e0c04e685a08364ddd19bb3](https://preview.redd.it/ksbd4yfkwg271.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=de99df2f930e57711e0c04e685a08364ddd19bb3) + +Maff time + +Etoro has around 20M clients + +6.71% of 20M = 1.34M GME investors on Etoro (1.342.000 in total) + +1.34M = 1.5% of all GME holders which means there are 89M GME investors. (89.466.666 in total) + +So there are more investors of GME then there are Shares out there. + +Edit14: Maybe 89M investors looks incredible huge and hard to fathom, but if we take a look at he world population: 7.9B people. if we substract the percentage that is under 18 ( 29.3% ) we get 5.585B people. ([source)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_world) + +89M possible shareholders / 5.585B people able to buy stock \* 100 to get a percentage = 1.59% of the world population would be a shareholder. + +So on a world scale the number 89M isnt that large. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit12: I want to clear something up here, the main counter argument I receive is that 6.71% of 20M must be wrong because eToro only has only 1.2M funded accounts, if that is true then eToro blatantly lies about there active user base. (source:[https://comparebrokers.co/etoro-review/)Also](https://comparebrokers.co/etoro-review/)Also) when opening a Trading account on eToro, you must make an deposit of $200 doesnt this mean that in fact all of those accounts have Funds.So what does the term "Funded accounts" mean anyway, + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit13: according to the following [article](https://www.tradingsitereviews.com/best-funded-accounts/) a funded account means the following: + +***"What Is a Funded Account -*** *Many companies are ready to provide traders with fully funded trading accounts. Not every trader has sufficient funds to start trading on exchanges. Companies are looking for traders that already have their own winning strategies and can use different trading tools to make a stable profit. As a rule, day traders must go through an assessment phase. In order to get a funded account and the right to use it for trading on exchanges, traders usually need to prove that they can trade successfully either using simulated accounts or by attending trading courses. After completing an evaluation phase, a trader may start earning from day one and obtain his share of the total profit.* + +*Funded accounts are divided into several types according to the choice of assets being traded."* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit9: I see a LOT of suggestions that the real active number of eToro users with GME is around the 96.660 holders(*[Confirmation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/npmaym/some_accurate_data_straight_from_etoro_api_calls/)*).* + +*If 96.660 are 1.5% of the total number of hodlers, then we have total of 6.4M shareholders.if 6.4M is correct, then we with an 12 shares on average would give us more then the number of issued shares.* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*EDIT: if we take our 89M Gme holders and apply the average of 14.5 Shares per holder (provided from* [*Nordnet data*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nnngl6/update_dd_i_did_the_math_latest_nordnet_and/)*) we have a minimum of 1.29B shares. this is pure assumption. if we take an absolute conservative number of 2 we still have 178M shares, which is also batshit insane.* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*EDIT2: Added link to GME timeline* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit3: alright I see a lot of "etoro allows fractional shares" lets put those numbers to work. it has been stated that the real float is around 21M these are the shares that are not held by insiders or institutions. That means if we divide the 21M with the 89M holders we still own the float even if the average is 0.23 share per holder..* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit4: please even after this post, it is still important to exercise your right to* ***vote. (Buy the dip, Hodl, VOTE)*** + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit5: See above in post* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +*Edit6: posted some correct exact values as people where starting to complain that the title is missleading as it isnt over 89M (Surprise Apes.. it is.. I was just lazy and rounded down to get some handy whole numbers)* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit7: I am trying to answer as much of your questions as possible (in the comments and in DMs) I also received a shitload of shill questions, troll actions and some threats... so we must be on something good here! But for now I am trying to enjoy some free time that I have left. Most questions are answered in the post. If I receive some new information I will update this asap. Thnx for all the awards and Upvotes, I will see you all on the moon. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit8: changed some Grammar and words, because for some reason my english is terrible. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit9: added the suggested number of GME holders on eToro (still awaiting confirmation) (96.660) + +&#x200B; +So they claim to be "Neobank." If you are like me who is thinking to get a Fi money debit card because they advertise "ZERO MARKUP CHARGES" please read this full post. + +Well, I am into digital marketing and have been using Paypal for the last 9 years for doing international transactions(Mostly in USD), they have a flat fee of 4%(conversion charges), which is obviously too much. Also, even if you use a savings debit card on an international website, the markup fee is 3.75%. + +So recently I came across this fancy "Fi money" debit card ad during an IPL match, I was instantly interested and downloaded their app to open my savings account, it was a quick process and I was really impressed, within 10 days I got my debit card delivered. + +I got my card delivered in the 1st week of October, I guess. As soon as I got the card, I transferred some 2 lakhs into my fi savings account and I tried to make a payment to [pond5](https://www.pond5.com/)(we purchase licensed videos from them every year), it was a payment of $2400. So I tried for 4 days payment was not going thru, god knows what reason, and I raised a complaint to the Fi customer care, they initially asked me to wait for 24 hours for a resolution, then next day, they asked me to wait for 72 hours. After 4 days somehow the payment went thru, I did not bother about the complaint. Keep it in mind it was a complain about "payment not going thru." + +As soon as pond5 received the payment, they activated my account, everything was going fine until 22nd October, I received this email from pond5: + +>"Our Finance told us there was a chargeback on your payment - this means your bank took the money back. Unfortunately while there is no payment the subscription is inactive. Could you please check with the bank if they can cancel the chargeback? Maybe you just need to confirm that this was a safe transaction or something like this. If they cannot cancel the chargeback, then I think the best way would be for you to pay by bank transfer." + +And pond5 blocked my videos account, my projects are stuck halfway, resulting in me revenue loss. As I am traveling these days, I got a chance to contact Fi money customer care on 26th October, i simply asked them to cancel the "chargeback" request. They asked me to wait for 2 hours and then 24 hours and then 72 hours. I waited, I called them today after 4 days, they still don't have any updates and on insisting too much, they said, there will be an investigation, it may take 55 days(as the update they got from the Federal Bank) + +Now I am in deep shock, I am stuck halfway, my money is stuck halfway. Also, I am not being able to complete projects on deadlines, which has resulted me in revenue loss. + +Please think forever before putting money in your "Fi money" savings account. They don't have any control over your savings account, for all the queries they raise complaints to Federal bank only, and they take forever to resolve your complaints!! + + +Hey everyone, I’ve been investing on BSC for a while and I want to share something new with you. To be honest, I’m usually very objective and dispassionate about investments, but something about the PinkPanda DeFi community has made me much more excited about it than anything before. + +It’s a utility coin for a mobile app on both iOS and Android that will support decentralized trading on BSC with 5x leverage. Like, TrustWallet but much much more powerful. And they released the FIRST VERSION OF THEIR MOBILE APP after only a week of development! I’ve never downloaded an app so fast tbh. If this doesn’t prove the credibility of the devs, nothing does. ALSO: the founder is doxxed. + +And, of course, the chart. It’s a thing of otherworldly beauty. It goes up a shit ton, corrects a bit, and then keeps going up a shit ton more. The momentum is insane. Check it out yourself--you’ll be shocked. + +Now, as I mentioned, the community is the best thing about this coin. Please just humor me and TRY IT--hop into the Telegram chat and see for yourself. These pandas are OBSESSED and are constantly chatting, shilling, and buying. + +Why does everyone like pandas? Because they’re calm, reassuring, steady, and cute. So is PinkPanda imo. I don’t go to sleep worrying about my money. I sleep peacefully knowing that the Panda community has got my back. + +Obvious stuff: contract renounced, LP locked, doxxed founder, audited by Dessert Finance. + +💬 TG: https://t.me/PinkPandaDefi + +🌐 Website: https://pinkpanda.finance + +🚀 Contract: 0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 +I know a few, like me, were curious about this ETF that was announced last month. Good news! It starts trading today! + +https://harvestportfolios.com/etf/harvest-clean-energy-etf/ + +It has a total of 40 holdings at the moment and a MER of 0.40%, which is in line or better than other clean energy ETFs like ICLN, QCLN or PBD. + +Few things I noted from their ETF factsheet: + +- it seems way more regionally diverse then most other ETFs in that sector with only 27% in the US and 12% in Canada. + +- it's biggest holding are all pretty much at 2.5% which means it seems to be an equal weight ETF (40*2.5 = 100%). I like the no big holdings compared to QCLN that has 9% in one stock and ICLN with 11% + +- It doesn't seem to invest in electric cars. I don't have their entire holdings, but going off of categories and their top 10, I don't see electric vehicles. Batteries yes (Plug Power for example), but not cars. (That one is important to me holding CARS TO it'd be a bit redundant). Still needs to be confirmed. + +EDIT: The PDF confirms it is equal weight. Also all the holdings are there, but only their logo which is a weird choice. + +>The Harvest Clean Energy ETF invests in a portfolio of the 40 largest Clean Energy Issuers +selected from the Clean Energy Investable Universe. The universe includes Equity Securities +that are listed on select North American, European and developed Asian stock exchanges that +are categorized as renewable energy or renewable energy generation. The portfolio is equally +weighted and follows a systematic process in selecting the top 40 largest Clean Energy +Issuers measured by market capitalization and is reconstituted and rebalanced semi-annually. + +https://harvestportfolios.com/wp-content/uploads/why_invest/Harvest_Clean_Energy_ETF_Why_Invest.pdf + +EDIT EDIT: [Video that goes into details of what this ETF is and how they choose companies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYG92Xxx7qg&feature=youtu.be) (Disclaimer: its not my video, I just thought it was a good analysis of the fund and answered a lot of questions people had in the comments below) +Is it dumb to put the 150k I have in the bank into index funds to wait out the insane bidding wars in houses right now? + +To be a buyer in this current housing market gives me daily anxiety. I loath it. I don't want to participate in it. + +No option seems good. I'm looking for advice. + +I don't know if I would stay in the house I am buying forever or just one year as I'm in a relationship with someone studying to be admitted into a medical residency and we might have to pack up and move across the country for their job. But I also don't know if we're definitely staying together. The next year is the test to determine that. I am buying the house solo and I would rent it out if I had to move. + +Anyone have any advice on what to do with the money I have in the bank and/or if I should buy a house or not. + +Thank you +I know that my family is fortunate and we have weathered the pandemic better than most. I often choose to have food and groceries delivered to my house, so this holiday season I committed to leaving really large tips for the delivery drivers. When I place the order, I enter a normal tip and then after delivery I increase it to at least $50. The work they are doing is not always easy, and I hope I can make someone’s day and contribute to them having a happier holiday season! + +Edit: Thank you for the awards! +Hello all! I’m new to this sub. My family will be coming into money from a settlement. Once our lawyer is paid we’ll have about 700k to work with hopefully. We know we want to use ~200k for a house cause we are in a rental we’ve outgrown right now. We’d also like to set aside 80-90k for new vehicles that will last for our family. + +We’d like to find someway to invest possibly 200k of what’s left. Preferably something that will gain interest and keep financially stable for years to come. Any advice is welcome! This is all totally new to us. +Italian guy, single, early 30’s, currently living in Milan and earning 30k Gross. + +I have 3 job offers + +Frankfurt 50k € gross +Luxembourg 60k € gross +Basel 87k CHF gross + +Germany has more tax but is cheaper than Lux/ Swiss + +Lux has a good salary and low tax + +Swiss is the highest but most expensive + +I want to live alone. + +In which city will I have more buying power. + +Which offer is the best? +How cheap/frugal do you have to be? My father’s net worth is at least $10 million mostly in real estate and he works an average job and lives in a small condo in a middle class neighbourhood. He refused to buy an air conditioner this past summer when I visited saying it will be over soon and I almost died from the heat. Ugh. Does anyone know someone like this? Do you have to be like this to get high net worth with a middle class job? +Praise be to Yeshua + +#ETH-USD Trading Update #2 + + +##This is the second update regarding the ETH-USD trading activity on June 21st, 2017. You can read the first update here. + + +##GDAX is just over two years old and has grown to become one of the world’s leading digital asset exchanges. We launched our first version of margin trading earlier this year and have generally seen strong customer demand and positive feedback. + + +##Our long-term ambition, however, is to be a leader among all exchange platforms and we are committed to serving as the most trusted provider to the world’s largest institutions and professional traders. We are confident that all trades this week were executed properly, however, some customers did not receive the quality of service we strive to provide and we want to do better. + + +##We will establish a process to credit customer accounts which experienced a margin call or stop loss order executed on the GDAX ETH-USD order book as a direct result of the rapid price movement at 12.30pm PT on June 21, 2017. This process will allow affected customers to restore the value of their ETH-USD account to the equivalent value of their ETH-USD account at the moment prior to the rapid price movement. + +##To clarify: +- For customers who had buy orders filled — we are honoring all executed orders and no trades will be reversed. + +- For affected customers who had margin calls or stop loss orders executed — we are crediting you using company funds. + +- We view this as an opportunity to demonstrate our long-term commitment to our customers and belief in the future of this industry. We will follow up directly with affected customers about this process next week. + +https://blog.gdax.com/eth-usd-trading-update-2-216a3b946ef6 +I have been paying $10/trade for past decade and think it is time to get off this highway robbery. Every year it costs me several grand in just trading fees and limits my trades severely. + +Those of you who have moved away from the Canadian banks brokerages to free or very low cost brokerages, which brokerage you like best? Questrade/wealthsimple trade/ IBKR....?? And do you ever worry about being left high and dry of brokerage goes down as in bankruptcy? +I'm paying two times my suggested monthly rate, and the extra money almost entirely goes to interest on the loan. If I paid off my loan at the suggested or minimum rate, I would be giving FedLoan (now Nelnet) 50-150k extra in just interest. Even just lowering my current almost 7% loans to 1-2 % would mean thousands of dollars back in my pocket at the end of this. I've been paying $700 every month it was not paused since the start of 2018, and my $65k loan is finally down to $55k.. I'm all for full forgiveness to get us to the level of most other countries in the world, but if nothing else, the interest rate is what really traps a lot of people my age. I have friends who just gave up and are accepting that they will have payments for the rest of their lives because they have no real way to get over the interest building up. +I have seen a lot of VEN shill lately and I belive it's one of the best to get into out there. Currently, I am down by $100 in IOTA and this thing is doing nothing at all, should I sell now and get into VEN? + +or maybe 75% VEN 20% ICX? +Recently, [I made this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/smg7ev/what_are_5_stocks_youd_like_me_to_research/). Later, I followed up [with this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/sr24fm/you_gave_me_5_stocks_to_research_here_are_the/). From those suggestions, the 5 stocks this time are: CLF, CROX, INTC, KR, and THOR. The format shall proceed like so: + +* Summary of Operations +* Strategy +* Growth and the Future +* Valuation + +While deeper analysis is possible for some of these, the goal is a concise elevator pitch, in line with what Peter Lynch recommends when making decisions to buy or sell. I included everything that I thought should satisfy a curious investor. **Edit: $1.5 billion in CLF piece. Was a typo.** + +^(Also, should have clarified last time. Each of these valuations assumes a 10% discount rate.) + +# CLF + +**Summary of Operations** + +Cleveland Cliffs (CLF) is a leading, American steel manufacturer. It employs a vertical operation, with enterprises that mine iron ore or acquire scrap metal. These raw materials are processed down the line into steel products, and excess raw materials are sold to other producers. Customers primarily use their products for: + +* Automobiles +* Infrastructure and manufacturing, which includes electrical power +* Distributors and converters +* Other steel production + +Additionally, most of these customers are North American. About 45% of sales are under fixed-price contracts that typically last a year. + +**Strategy** + +Their vertical model makes them self-sufficient among the community of steel manufacturers and gives them a competitive advantage. For example, when the semiconductor shortage reduced automobile production and thus steel sales there, they were able to redirect of their steel volume to other customers. Even so, they experienced a decline in revenues from a major event like COVID in 2020. + +Nevertheless, the recent acquisitions, vertical model, strong relationship with employees, and ability to adapt to new products, make CLF a strong business. + +**Growth and the Future** + +There are many factors to consider here. On the one hand, government spending on infrastructure will directly benefit CLF, and as more of the worlds urbanizes and develops, more of the world will need CLF’s goods. + +On the other hand, loosening of beneficial trade restrictions could let in cheaper steel products and capture part of their market. Increase in fuel costs (they rely heavily on fossil fuels for electrical needs) and the rise of lighter alternatives to steel in auto-manufacturing could depress sales. + +These considerations in mind, modest growth seems possible. + +**Valuation** + +With recent acquisitions, annual free cash flow of $1.5 billion seems possible. + +* Growth Assumptions: 5% +* Intrinsic Value Per Share: $27 + +# CROX + +**Summary of Operations** + +Crocs, Inc. is a producer of casual footwear, mainly known for their product, the “croc,” a clog known for its flamboyantly bizarre appearance, high comfort for the foot, and low cost for the buyer. + +Over the last five years, the company has both grown its revenues and operating margins, with a majority of sales (62%) occurring in the Americas. It sells its shoes to wholesalers, through its own retail stores, and through digital sales (the latter of which experienced significant growth after COVID). Its production is globalized, but most of it occurs in China and Vietnam. + +**Strategy** + +Crocs’s strategy is centralized on the strength of its brand and patents. The recognizable nature of the croc, supercharged with marketing and merchandising opportunities, make it unique in the world of shoe sales. Not very many brands, down to a specific type of shoe, are this well known. The croc is cartoonishly ugly, the kind that makes it fun to wear, as if to say to everyone, “I don’t care about what you like; I care about what I like.” This conceit is further bolstered by the comfort of the shoe and its practicality (waterproof and odor-proof). + +The balance sheet is leveraged to finance growth. Debt-equity is high at 1.94, but the Current Ratio is a good 2.63. Its long-term debt is about $680 million, worth at least a few years' free cash flow. + +**Growth and the Future** + +Crocs is optimistic about its growth. It believes it can *quadruple* revenues by 2026 by focusing on its expanding digital sales, a strong marketing campaign, and deeper penetration of Asian markets. It believes the size of the casual footwear market is about $30 billion with no clear leaders and thus primed for a conquest. + +Owners will benefit from its buyback campaigns. Since 2018, buybacks have reduced shares in circulation by about 16%. + +**Valuation** + +* Growth Assumption: 15% +* Intrinsic Value Per Share: $77 + +# INTC + +**Summary of Operations** + +Intel is the world’s largest producer of semiconductors and computer chips, offering a diversified product portfolio for different computing needs: personal, server, cloud, graphics, Internet of Things and so on. + +In 2021, Intel reported $79 billion in net revenue and about $12 billion in free cash flow. Dell, Lenovo, and Hewlett-Packard account for 43% of their net revenue. By region, China accounts for 27%, and Singapore and the U.S. each about 18%. + +**Strategy** + +With its healthy balance sheet and high cash generation, Intel sustains its own operations without taking on debt or needing to dilute shares. The company uses this cash to expand its manufacturing capabilities, in order to meet the demand of the current, global chip shortage and operate at a tremendous economy of scale. + +Since Gellsinger returned as CEO, he has stepped up commitments to capex and R&D. This caused free cash flow in 2021 to be notably lower, as were the number of buybacks that had been increasing earnings per share the last five years. Gellsinger believes previous management neglected the underlying fundamentals of the company, hurting product quality and the brand. Recently, smaller semiconductor manufacturers have been capturing market share from under Intel’s nose. Still, it retains the bulk of that market and has significant financial resources that competitors do not have, which Gellsinger intends to employ and turn the company around in the 2020s. $20 billion will be spent to develop the largest chip factory ever seen, right outside of Columbus, Ohio (among other projects). + +**Growth and the Future** + +Intel is a solid company, but the growth from these capital investments will take about five years to realize, which lower free cash flow for now. It’s unclear how these will materialize into strong financial results. Gellsinger is right to focus on the fundamentals, and there is certainly demand to fill, but a big “What if?” remains. Can these intense expenditures produce growth for a company that is already quite large? + +The weakening of the brand is the problem. AMD and Nvidia could continue to grow as well and could offset Intel’s gains over the next decade. Where they lack scale, they have quality and are going to be first in line to satisfy chip demand. + +The decline in buybacks is concerning too. While an accounting tactic, it did return value to shareholders. + +**Valuation** + +* Growth Assumptions: 5% first five years, 9% second five +* Intrinsic Value Per Share: $40 + +# KR + +**Summary of Operations** + +Kroger is the second-largest grocer in the United States (also the owner of Harris Teeter). While mainly a retailer for other food producers, it does have its own store-brand lines for some of its products. It also owns many small grocers that operate under their local names. + +**Strategy** + +The business is partly vertically integrated with its own store brands that are either produced by Kroger directly or by contracted third parties to Kroger’s specifications. Otherwise, Kroger mainly sells goods provided by many different brands. Further vertical integration comes from fuel sales on site to make stops more convenient and integrated. + +Otherwise, the company steadily expands horizontally (about 3% compounded growth) by building or acquiring new stores (occasionally acquiring other grocers). Digital sales and data analysis have been lowering costs and enabled Kroger to use its scale to meet customer needs like never before, allowing them to maintain revenues in the face of COVID. + +**Growth and the Future** + +Kroger is a profitable and stable company. Its size, customer appeal, and the perennial need to eat food give it a decent moat to grow steadily over time, but this is unlikely to be a multibagger. Its frequent share buybacks are where most of the returns will come for those who are long on the company, and since it is rarely exuberantly priced, the buybacks are unlikely to be wasted cash. + +**Valuation** + +* Growth Assumptions: 3% +* Intrinsic Value Per Share: $25 + +# THOR + +**Summary of Operations** + +Thor Industries is the largest manufacturer of recreational vehicles (RVs) in the world, mainly through subsidiaries that they have acquired (many of which were in the last few years). It records the operations of its businesses under three segments; North American Motorized (21% of revenues), North American Towable (50%), and European (26%). “Other” operations account for the last 3%, and they mainly sell parts. + +Despite having so many subsidiaries, their approach to them is very hands-off, preferring to let the management work out their own relationships with suppliers, dealers, and employees. Subsidiaries even continue to compete amongst themselves. The nature and purpose of these acquisitions, therefore, is a curiosity. + +The balance sheet is decent but somewhat leveraged. Operating cash flows have grown about 16% per year over the last decade. Much of this is continually reinvested into new PPE or further acquisitions. + +**Strategy** + +Like automobiles in general, RVs are a cyclical and seasonal industry. Factories are typically designed with the ability to increase and reduce productivity in response to demand with flexibility and without much incurred cost. + +Nevertheless, the strategy of this company is the sum of the strategies of its subsidiaries. Thor is not stating any vision of leveraging its size and scale. This is strange, considering the concerns it’s expressed in its risk factors (see annual report) about both suppliers and dealers continuing to consolidate, potentially putting Thor in a vice that could depress its margins. + +The company seems like an investment mogul whose specialty is the RV industry. That’s not bad per se, but returns will depend on the acquisitions being at low cost relative to the earning power of the asset. + +One proactive thing I can see is that their website has a handy interface to match you with an RV product out of their many subsidiaries, based on a handy Q&A feature. They also acquired a supplier called Airxcel in the last quarter, which they hope will meet supply needs, but it’s unclear how much they will continue to acquire with such integration in mind, given their decentralized model. + +**Growth and the Future** + +Much of the company’s growth has therefore been enabled by horizontal acquisitions over the past decade. With the current market share that it has (over 40% in towable and motorized segments), there are not many more opportunities for consistent growth by this method. + +Growth would then depend on an organic rise of the RV market. When you think it about it, there is no way this market should be anywhere close to the one for normal cars. RVs are more akin to luxury items and have narrower uses. While it is similar is in its cyclicality, but COVID had caused a recent and anticyclical spike in demand for RVs, as customers find these products are generally a safer way to travel or have vacations, which the recent regime of lockdowns and social distancing have made difficult or worrisome. + +It’s then a question of if this results in a paradigm shift, where these new customers continue to buy and use RVs well after the pandemic after developing a fondness for them. Otherwise, revenues will plateau or crash in the near future as quickly as they ballooned. Conservative growth assumptions are warranted. + +**Valuation** + +* Growth Assumptions: 7% first 5 years, 0% second 5 +* Intrinsic Value Per Share: $36 +Hi all - + +Looking for some options and advice... + +My wife and I have over the last 10 years made bad decisions and accumulated $101K in credit card debt. About $50K of that has been living expenses while I was in school. We have 3 kids and a house we love. + +No car loans (company vehicles). HELOC with not much available. Never missed a payment on any obligation but the stress is building and taking its toll. She makes $100K, I make $75K. Our minimum monthly credit card bills are $1,800. We've played the balance transfer game and most of the debt is at about 5% currently with $25K at 18%. 1st and 2nd mortgage is $3100. + +&#x200B; + +Options we've considered: + +1. Stop making CC payments and ruin our credit. Hope for settlements at about 30% after 6 months or so. +2. Chapter 7. Don't really want to do this option as in our state we have a cap of $150K homestead exemption and we have about $300K in equity in our house. +3. Refinance the 2nd and roll all the debt into a new loan but not sure how willing banks are now that housing has started to fall +4. We have $260K in an IRA. We could take $100K out of that to pay off the CC debt, however, the penalty, tax, and fact that we would be selling the investments low with the stock market the way it currently is. + +&#x200B; + +Any options I'm overlooking? Considerations? + +THX! +Should I invest in VOO (Vanguard S&P 500) or VEU (Vanguard FTSE All-World)? Which one is better and why? I am investing for the very first time and I would like to invest 50% on my assets into one of these two. My investing horizon is 5+ years. Thank you for an explanation! +Hi guys, +I'm new to crypto and altcrypto. I was checking the market, and I saw Cardano. +I feel the community and devs are amazing, the project is new and looks very promising. +So, the question is: should I invest 2000$ on ADA? Do you think it can reach (at least) 1$ to Dicember? +Thanks! +Right now I'm selling AUDUSD and it's still running. Based on my analysis, this currency pair will keep going down until 0.66800 level where it will form a double bottom. From there becoming a millionaire will be so much easier as there will be a lot of demand, hence once it has hit that level I will be on a lookout for LONG setups. The reason for this I believe is that this level is the original value of the year 2022, thus people are selling it because it's already overvalued and smart people want to buy it at the lowest price possible this lowers the price even more +In the last 24 hours Tether, the creator of USDT, has minted $1,500,000,000 worth of USDT out of thin air. + +Nowhere it is documented where the money which was just created comes from and where it actually went. + + + +Before 2019 Tether claimed 100% of its reserves would be backed by actual cash + +Suddenly in April of 2019 Tether claimed only 74% of Tether would be backed by "cash and *cash equivalents*" + +A pie chart (yes, this is how they want to proof their reserves) released by Tether in 2021 revealed that only 2,9% would be backed by cash + + +How much of it is actually backed of the $1,500,000,000 they somehow created in less than 24 hours? You can probably guess + +[(source 1)](https://www.ft.com/content/529eb4e6-796a-4e81-8064-5967bbe3b4d9) +[(source 2)](https://whale-alert.io/transaction/tron/1a23f7a875deb2120f7efca0b426772737c3d2fc1f51b07ba9f9418d8027552f) +[(source 3)](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/tether/) +Getting blackmailed into contributing to a repair that was not caused by us. To make matters worse this email is 6 months old. They never fixed the clothes line lol. Rent was increased from $600 pw to $650. This was triggered us to buy a house and we are moving into it next year in 2023. I had other experiences like this but this one took the cake for us. We had been in the property for 18months prior to this email. We rang some local consumer groups and it's not illegal. Just unethical as they put it. +I am a Citizen of Lebanon, and like many other countries in the region our currency has seen a lot of its value lost in the forex market. We are going through a financial crisis that is originating from a liquidity crisis. + + +Currently, our currency is pegged at 1515LBP/1USD. + + +Our banks used to allow us to have USD deposits that we cannot withdraw except through forced conversion and capital control at 3900LBP/1USD. + + +Unofficially, our currency is being traded at around ~9000LBP/1USD, this fluctuates daily. + + +In addition to that, the USD accounts in the banks have supposedly all been sucked up by the central bank. There is an estimated 17 billion USD in foreign reserves there that the central bank is not touching (yet), but the real value of depositors is estimated at 60 billion USD+. + + +My question is, our central bank governor has recently said he will remove the 1515 peg of the LBP; what would happen in that case to the currency? + + Will it go beyond the unofficial rate of 9000? + +What are the steps to removing the peg? + + What will we see as citizens as this is happening? + + + +EDIT: The central bank is also subsidizing wheat, fuel, medicine and more for about 300 million USD a month +LIKE THIS SO HE SEES + +WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT! + +But why not join the fight? + +Nows a great entry point and someone like you getting behind this will sure to have a positive impact just by your name alone. Including the fact that you also have the cash to make a huge influence and move the needle!!! + +This could lead to several billionaires getting involved (financially) and uniting with the people leading to the destruction of these HF MFers. + +Let us apes 🦍 come together over this rocket 🚀 and secure a safe flight for all. + +May the tendies be with you ! + +POS: 279 shares + +Edit: thanks for the awards but go buy $GME it’s on discount (not financial advice) +I turned in my car lease today and they offered me a $250 check and cancelled the turn-in fee. I asked them why and they gave some bullshit answer of “we like to help out our customers.” + + +I’m totally okay with this since I was fully prepared to pay the turn-in fee, I’d like to know why this happened if anyone has any idea. + + +Car: 2021 Honda Insight + + +Update: FML +*Edit: There's a lot of great responses and info about my questions in the comments! Will try to incorporate that into the post as I go, or make a followup tomorrow!* + + + +First off, my position: 1900 shares of GME @ 30, plus 5 calls @ $250. Peak value was nearly 500k. + +https://preview.redd.it/96g5d07z45f61.png?width=1007&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e983f8d1a6b56bcf4201d32a56b0c2535886d5b + +*This is not financial advice, I'm not an expert, etc* + +\*\*WHY SHOULD WE STILL HOLD?\*\* I know there's a lot of sentiment around solidarity, and sticking it to the man, and 'fuck it, I'm down so much anyway'. NONE OF THESE ARE GOOD REASONS TO HOLD. I'm here to talk about the actual reasons to hold. + +Here's our biggest problem: **Misinformation** + +There is a lot of information being spread around like manure. Mostly unread, mostly un-disseminated, basically just a whole bunch of positive sounding claims meant to serve as confirmation bias. + +How do we ensure we're not just buying into bullshit? **By determining exactly what data we have available to make decisions as of right now**. That is what I intend to review (and hopefully gather from you apes) here today. + +**A REVIEW OF THE FORCES ACTING ON GME** + +1. **Fundamental Value:** This isn't relevant right now. GME is presently a $20/share company, even with Ryan Cohen shooting magic rainbows out of his ass it's not worth more than $60 until they actually start changing their business model. When that happens the value will go up, for now 30% above expected online revenue growth doesn't mean shit in the bigger picture. +2. **Momentum:** This is the biggest reason we hit $500/share, and the biggest reason we're still at $90, way above fundamental value. Here's something to consider: **Momentum, not the squeeze, is why the share price is where it is -** rather, the growing global awareness of the squeeze provided the evidence needed for everyone to rush to get onboard. But, people are also idiots. Momentum can change directions quickly from an upward to downward pressure, and can be easily manipulated, as we've seen. +3. **THE SHORT SQUEEZE:** What actually causes the high short interest to result in raised share prices? Short sellers who are actually (not theoretically) pressured into closing their positions at an overall loss, and en masse. If most of the shorters can wait out or hedge against their losing positions, then there never has to be a mad rush to buy up shares at whatever price. *Do you actually think Melvin Capital was at any point margin called?* If/when they exited, they did so in an orderly fashion that best served their interest, to the point that they were straight up given a multi-billion dollar bailout by their competitors! These people don't play by the same rules as you, you fucking braindead monkey. +4. **The Gamma Squeeze:** Last Friday, for the second Friday in a row, a vast majority of calls expired In The Money, and a bunch of call owners were owed shares by today (T+2 rule). The theory behind the gamma squeeze is that call sellers didn't have good risk models and didn't hedge their calls well enough, and so didn't actually own enough underlying shares to hand over, and now need to rush to buy them at market price. Could that be why there was a massive spike from 80 to 150 this afternoon? Maybe. **But a gamma squeeze can also backfire**. All those people assigned shares may not have the tens of thousands in cash ready to buy, or the margin to borrow. That means all those shares get dumped back on the marketplace. +5. Straight up motherfuckin dirty illegal manipulationOh, best believe it happened, and is still happening. Just to review the hits: + 1. DTCC and/or Retail brokers prevent buying, artificially suppressing demand for Thu price drop and locking up people's money till they could transfer elsewhere. + 2. Sudden increases to margin requirements and severe margin calling + 3. A massive media campaign to announce shorts closed positions and everyone is in Silver + 4. Retail brokers cancelling orders, restricting limit prices, enforcing unwanted stop losses (eToro), + 5. Illegal coordinated short ladder attacks to drive down price and fish for stop losses and paper hands. + +&#x200B; + +**OK, BUT YOU KNEW ABOUT ALL THIS. WHAT'S IMPORTANT NOW IS** + +***WHAT EVIDENCE DO WE ACTUALLY HAVE ABOUT THE CURRENT STATE OF PLAY?*** + +&#x200B; + +No, really, I'm asking. Our advantage is in our ability to crowdsource information. I will edit and update this list as information is shared. Meanwhile I'll try to flesh out a framework as best I can. + +**Argument #1: The Squeeze is not Squoze because Short Interest is still high** + +* Claim: As long as the Short Interest exceeds the Float, there is a supply problem for short sellers. This *may* translate into pressure from lenders on short sellers over time, driving the squeeze. +* Evidence needed: What is the current short interest? + * S3 partners provides estimates using a model, and as of today claim it is only **51% of free float**:Source: [https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1356317744300490752](https://twitter.com/S3Partners/status/1356317744300490752) + +https://preview.redd.it/7e4mes1qf5f61.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfb3da83d0aaaeb2256e11bf7a3e3eaf8b31de90 + +&#x200B; + +* Ortex data provides another estimate using another model, and as of yesterday claims it is only 27 mil shares, only a million shares difference from S3Source: [https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts](https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts) + +https://preview.redd.it/yo2s5e2cg5f61.png?width=1691&format=png&auto=webp&s=d83701a452b5aaa079e3a3948cecbbb3feb77b5a + +&#x200B; + +* **REAL DATA:** The SEC releases reported short interest twice a month. The most recent data we have is from Jan 15, and wasn't released to the public until Jan 27.\*\*On Jan 15 the SI was 131%.\*\*The next report for Jan 31 won't be available until Feb 9.Frankly, we can't rely on the REAL data, because it's delayed too long to be relevant. +* Evidence needed: What is the actual free float? + * I still need help finding this. I know 71 Million shares have been issued overall, but a lot of that is locked up in institutions that would have to report any selloffs within 3 days. If 27 million shorts still need to close, how many shares are readily available? + * Yahoo Finance puts Float at 46.89 mil shares, FWIWSource: [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) + +**Argument #2: There hasn't been enough trading volume for shorts to possibly close** + +* Claim: assuming \~27 mil shorted, not enough shares exchanged hands since the price blew up to close those positions. +* Evidence: Someone explain to me how this isn't enough volume for shorts to cover. Mark Cuban said pretty much the same thing in his AMA today. + +|Date|Trade Volume| +|:-|:-| +|2/2 Tue|77.8m| +|2/1 Mon|37.3m| +|1/29 Fri|50.5m| +|1/28 Thu|58.5m| +|1/27 Wed|93.3m| + +**Argument #3: Short Sellers will are under pressure to close, so the squeeze is coming** + +* Claim: Short sellers are bleeding money trying to outlast us with their losing positions, and will eventually prefer (or be forced) to close out the loss rather than be caught in the squeeze. +* Evidence needed: Shorts are (on average) in a losing position at current share price ($90), and can't just close right now at profit +* Evidence needed: Any external pressure on shorters to close their position at a loss rather than waiting us out for the price to drop further + +&#x200B; + +**Argument #4: Market manipulation shenanigans didn't work, and retailers didn't sell off en masse, creating the liquidity shorts need to close cheaply.** + +* Claim: Price dips happened during low volume trading (short ladder market manipulation etc), and the longs are holding fast. +* Counterevidence: THE MOTHERFUCKING $300 PRICE DROP YOU DUMB FUCKING NUGGETS +* Evidence: This popular screenshot of Fidelity's order ratio:Source: [https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml) + +https://preview.redd.it/5jnmtl00l5f61.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e676fbd3e0811f826463f14d4b9c12971ed6b2 + +* Counterargument: Order counts don't mean shit. For every share traded there is a buyer and a seller. So 100k buyers buy one share each, and 40k sellers sell 3 shares each. Or 20k buyers place 5 buy orders for one share each, and there are less buyers than sellers overall. WHO KNOWS? This strikes me as very insufficient evidence for bullishness, serving only as confirmation bias for bagholders. +* **Evidence needed:** Something more concrete that better proves that more shareholders held than sold. +* Evidence needed: other brokerages data on buy vs sell orders. Fidelity is just one broker, and a retail broker at that. Hedgies don't trade with Fidelity. + +&#x200B; + +**Argument #5: The biggest dips were driven by short-ladder attacks during low volume periods** + +* Claim: the decrease in price from 500 to 90 is mostly fueled by artificial suppression of demand and fake selling (short ladders), and not so much by change in momentum. +* Evidence: At this point its guesswork based on limited evidence provided by redditors. Essentially, round share numbers sold within microseconds at fractional prices + * [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la682h/visual\_representation\_of\_a\_short\_ladder\_attack\_4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/la682h/visual_representation_of_a_short_ladder_attack_4/) + * [https://i.redd.it/qoyvz8grr3f61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/qoyvz8grr3f61.jpg) +* Counterargument: short ladder attacks are straight up not real, conspiracy theory confirmation bias invented by WSB itself: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/latax6/short\_ladders\_are\_not\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/latax6/short_ladders_are_not_real/) +* Evidence needed: I've seen but can't find better video evidence showing the stream of rapid trades at fractional prices and round share counts (100 shares at a time), could use that. \\ +* Counterargument: The artificially reduced volume from Robin Hood and other brokers limiting access has now been largely removed, as RH allows 100 shares and by now people had time to transfer funds to another broker. Damage to momentum was done, but if there is still a valid thesis it should just mean people can buy the dip, right? +* Evidence needed: That the price dips over the last 48 hours haven't been accompanied by massive trading volume. I'm seeing a lot, especially compared to Thursday's artificial suppression: + +https://preview.redd.it/77a0euotp5f61.png?width=1884&format=png&auto=webp&s=62b0af04608cb5fb235895d8bbd03b9e19a00588 + +&#x200B; + +**Argument #6: 'You are here on the VW short squeeze chart'** + +* Claim: See how the famous VW short squeeze also had a massive price drop before it blew up? That's us right now. +* Evidence: A single, solitary chart + +https://preview.redd.it/mx6fs2f5r5f61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=60cc9096c46097b7328c59c2572b3466e5241131 + +* Counterargument: the VW scenario was not the same as the GME play. VW share liquidity plummeted literally overnight when it was revealed that Porsche had bought up 90% of the float (check me on that fact, I'm repeating secondhand info). See the big dip AFTER the squeeze? How do we know we aren't *there*? +* Evidence needed: IDK, some kind of coherent explanation of why VW dipped like that, and why a similar dip would be expected in the GME Play + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Will edit with more, my primate fingers are hurting from trying to press the keys and my handler needs to readjust my helmet. +The QQQJ, or The NASDAQ Next Generation 100 Index, has outperformed the QQQ since its debut last year. The annualized geometric return of the QQQJ up til now greatly outperformed QQQ. I'm looking at QQQJ recently, and am thinking of adding some into my portfolio. But then I was troubled with the concept of QQQJ. + +Here it is... + +Since QQQJ is the "The NASDAQ Next Generation 100 Index" or the next 100 stocks that will likely get into the QQQ in the near future, doesn't that means i will always have the stock that can't get into the QQQ? For instance, CRWD or ZBRA are some of the top holdings in QQQJ; if I am bullish about these companies and anticipate their further integration with the QQQ, shouldn't I just buy the QQQ instead? + +From a long-term holding perspective, the stocks I like in the QQQJ will eventually leave the QQQJ and enter QQQ; some underperformed stocks in the QQQ will get kicked out from the QQQ and may enter QQQJ. Eventually, again from a long-term perspective, the stocks in the QQQJ will always be the ones not good enough to be in the QQQ. Am I right or am I having a blind spot? + +Please help me LOL. +I know the apes who write the posts about not panicking and not setting dates etc etc have our best interests at heart, but at some point you got to realize that no one is nervous, no one is selling and no one is tired, and if they are... WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE!! Anyone who has come this far and is now wavering because of a few predictions that didn't come true are PAPER HANDS and we don't want them here. They will only hurt us during the MOASS so I say let them be scared and unsure and let them bail if they so choose. But flooding the feed with these virtuous posts about staying calm and not leaning into expectations is just annoying. I'm sorry if this an unpopular opinion but its starting to get out of hand. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Tired is referring to tired of holding out of fear of the MOASS not happening. But of course we are all very very tired of the bullshit and market manipulation, or late night video game sessions, both acceptable tired states. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: Wow, this got way more attention then I expected, the shear amount of up-votes should be a clear indication that apes are front lining this battle and are absolutely pre-pared to go the distance. LOVE YOU ALL +*eta some stuff at bottom of post* + +So I'm sitting in this hospital bed just waiting for the labor to progress. The reason I'm writing here, even though it's unfortunate I have to think about this at this time, is because I'm currently in a different state (united states citizen) from where I live/am employed- so I'm pretty sure my insurance isn't going to cover jack for this whole ordeal. I'm worried about just how much this bill will be. I've already told the doctor that if it is safe to do so I would like to leave asap (after the baby is delivered of course) to prevent further charges. I'm still considering not getting an epidural to save that cost as well, although mentally I'd much rather not feel any more pain with this nightmare. + + +I won't know just how much I'm facing for a while, but I'm sure its safe to assume we're looking at a lot, possibly 10k+? That's just a guess though. I wouldn't be shocked if it was well more, considering what US hospitals charge for everything. + + +I also have never planned a funeral. ...we were thinking cremation, and I'm sure the funeral home can give us a quote when the time comes. No seperate ceremony or anything. I hope it isn't too steep. + + +So, I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any helpful advice with regards to saving a bit of money on these types of things and/or the best way to manage what will surely be quite the financial burden most effectively? Me and my husband are both employed, and I will definitely try to pick up as many shifts as possible extra (RN). My husband is a bit more limited since he's a professor/musician and where we live isn't the most happenin' place for him to pick up some decent gigs for extra cash. We have a mortgage and 3 kids at home so obviously those things are still a factor. + + +I'm just so lost... I guess I'm just hoping for some sort of guidance with this type of thing. Anything. I never thought I'd be in this position...and everything feels so crazy. I guess this is the only thing I might find answers for in this whole mess, and I sure would appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance for your time. + +** So while I was in labor, it obviously became much more painful and I just could not keep up with my replies. I was reading though, and I want everyone to know that I did read every single reply and I went back to the post to catch any replies that do not show up in my inbox. I will respond here. I'm not sure I can reply to everyone individually, as so many of you reached out- and I can't express enough thanks for that. +- many of you also have unfortunately had similar experiences and I'm so, so sorry for your loss. And thank you for allowing your experience to help another. + +**I did end up getting the epidural for thos who were concerned. I am still in the hospital, and the doctor will probably see me later this morning (I couldn't sleep much, It's 3:45am currently). + +**I put someone in charge of calling funeral homes, as so many of you had great suggestions with that and finding a place that could offer an at cost (and some places, free or close to it). Unfortunately/Apparently in this area only 2 places even accept stillborn babies, and 1 was about 2k before the urn and they told us you HAVE to buy at least some certain type of urn. Many of you have said that is not true, but this person did not argue with them, she just gathered the info. The other isn't much better, but apparently I don't have much choice either. I will call them tomorrow as I can manage a more stern demeanor when inquiring about specific things/dealing with ruthless upselling. + +**a kind redditor (and another looked up some more generalized info) who works in insurance actually extended a helping hand and is offering me some more personalized (without personal info) guidance, which is so nice and will hopefully lend some answers while we get to figuring out the nitty gritty of it all. + +**I've had a few troll messages, and if you are one please know that I'm an adult who knows when and how to ignore- luckily it doesn't get to me but I do hope you reconsider your actions when messaging others as they may not be as stable/prepared for such a thing, especially when dealing with profound tragedy. + +*I'm quite tired atm, so I will update again later. Thank you all for your help, suggestions, condolences, etc. Much love to you all. +[S&P 500 Since 1950 - 7 crashes](https://www.tradingview.com/x/v3WOgbWL/) + + +Hi guys just wanted to put things in perspective for you all since some of you seem to be quite nervous with the recent week of stock movement. + +I've summarised a list all stock market crashes since 1950. There has been 7 stock market crashes since 1950, averaging one every 10 years. + +The stock market crashes ranges from inflation (10%+), to oil price rises (4x) due to war, dot com bubble, housing market collapse, covid-19 etc. + +The graph is a log graph meaning that the space changes are proportional to the percentage change. This is useful for looking at long term charts since the % change for a dollar increase is smaller as the index value goes up. + +The S&P 500 has averaged a compound annual growth rate of 8.22% since 1950. This is illustrated by the trend lines, and as you can see the S&P 500 is trading right in the middle of the range (the two blue trend lines). + +I noted a few reasons in the box for each crash for a brief understanding of why it had happened. Note, that the only one with a 'fear of overvaluation' was only the dotcom crash where the PE's were over 200 and many companies were just cash burning shells with massive negative free cash flows. + +I'm not saying a crash / correction won't happen, but i just wanted to put things into perspective and give a bigger picture of the overall stock market since pretty much before all of us were born. + +By no means am i an economist but I didn't include anything earlier than 1950s because that was pre WW2/WW1 - before the US was a superpower / the global financial hub / USD = world trade currency etc. + +Edit: some of you noted that its only 8.22% if you bought at the start but I want to clarify that yes and no! Yes for the people that literally buy in once once at the beginning of 1950. + +No because if you buy throughout the years (DCA every month let's say) you'll buy within the range - both lower and higher range! So it's more or less 8%! For example during 1960s-1980s the sp500 traded sideways! So if you constantly bought in those 20 years, the accumulation of money in this period would have a higher CAGR of > 8% because of where it is in the range. Just follow the lines! It makes it easier. There's roughly same amount of periods above and below the middle trend line. + +Edit: Changed enron scandal to lehman brothers as some pointed out my mistake. + +Edit: Further Log Graph explanation (why log is preferred) If the scale has a large range (i.e. 100 to 3000) then log should be used because its important to show the % changes as opposed to the point changes. A 1 point increase in the SP500 now is only 1/3811 = 0.02% whereas a 1 point increase 10 years ago was 1/1000= 0.1%. It's important to look at it in terms of % change because companies grow in terms of % as well. For example you don't quote apple has grown its business by 30 billion this year ( random number), instead you say apple grew its sales by 20% this year. Its so that its comparable. +Hi folks, who according to you is as inspiring, contrarian, wise, polymath, and successful, as Buffett & Munger are? I’m looking for younger thinkers to read their opinions and frameworks. Not so much in terms of investing, but more broadly in terms of decision making, à la Poor Charlie’s Almanack. + +Best to you folks +Again and again I see people saying that + +* Those who are successful wont share on reddit. Those who ARE successful will not share anything even to their friends. And so on... +* OR those who share their success simply lie. It's easy to be the best algo-trader in the comments since no one can validate the claims made. +* OR people even thing it's all is a scam + +Do they exist? What's your story? +I'm a new investor just started about month ago. Here is a thing I'm really struggling with is my money being invested in to make the most and will I regret decisions. SO I have been putting 70% into ETFs (VTI, XLK) then the rest in crypto but I'm afraid a year or two from now I'll wish I would've taken advice from person a) or person b) and put it all in on a crypto, or stock, or something. + +An example say investor a) was putting his money into ETFs over the last 5 years (quite a bit of money) investor b) put this same money into bitcoin when it was say at 500 dollars per coin. neither one of them changed their investment path the bitcoin person clearly amassed a fortune through luck where the ETF person probably built their wealth but with 15% annual returns nothing like the bitcoin investor. Investor a) now has a lot of regret and hindsight is 20/20 suddenly he has to deal with the present options of continuing his slow progression towards compounding gains or worrying about what the next BTC opportunity is. + +this are theoretical but I see this being my problem in investing IS my money in a position to make me the most ? Can you guys help me justify my positions ? i want to continue on this 70 30 ETF/crypto portfolio. +I am in the process of choosing my pension fund monthly investment strategy. Everywhere I look, the suggestion is to blindly invest to certain ETFs that are very generic. I understand that this minimizes risk, but I am having second thoughts about lending most of my money to certain countries and sectors. + +I feel my money is power that can change the world minimally, and I'm looking for investment opportunities that fit my standards. I would like to + +* avoid certain industry sectors that are controversial (weapons, pornography) +* invest more in certain industry sectors that I want to see moving forward (green energy, sustainable agriculture) +* invest more in EU than other areas, if possible even a bit specifically to my country (Greece) + +I still want to diversify my portfolio to minimize risk, but the weight should be given to these choices. I still want to follow good practices, but want to feel well ethically. I am OK with taking a couple percent units hit in the end. + +What ETFs or mutual funds do you suggest to invest in? Is my logic flawed? Is it too risky for a pension investment strategy? What are your criteria for picking ETFs? + +Thank you! +I am in the process of choosing my pension fund monthly investment strategy. Everywhere I look, the suggestion is to blindly invest to certain ETFs that are very generic. I understand that this minimizes risk, but I am having second thoughts about lending most of my money to certain countries and sectors. + +I feel my money is power that can change the world minimally, and I'm looking for investment opportunities that fit my standards. I would like to + +* avoid certain industry sectors that are controversial (weapons, pornography) +* invest more in certain industry sectors that I want to see moving forward (green energy, sustainable agriculture) +* invest more in EU than other areas, if possible even a bit specifically to my country (Greece) + +I still want to diversify my portfolio to minimize risk, but the weight should be given to these choices. I still want to follow good practices, but want to feel well ethically. I am OK with taking a couple percent units hit in the end. + +What ETFs or mutual funds do you suggest to invest in? Is my logic flawed? Is it too risky for a pension investment strategy? What are your criteria for picking ETFs? + +Thank you! +# 0. Preface + +I am not a financial advisor, and I do not provide financial advice! Everything within this post is my opinion and observations. They should be taken with skepticism. So grab a crayon my friends! June has started off absolutely wild! + +TL;DR: Hedgies are close to meeting [their doom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw_cdqQHGA8). DOOOM. + +[I've been labeled as \\"Doomsayer\\" by my friends.](https://preview.redd.it/umrwsell4r271.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=43c58c358fa9130c22b5b6f5b81430992a9583fa) + +**Actual TL;DR: June 1st has kicked off with the DTC, ICC, OCC auction and wind-down plans officially being in place. This means it is OK to launch the rocket because those three entities are now protected. We're seeing very similar price movements and gamma squeeze signals compared to the previous T+35/T+21 runup that occurred from February 24th to March 10th. This means that we could very well see another gamma squeeze of similar or greater magnitude which would begin to go parabolic around June 9th.** + +**Note: This does NOT mean that a gamma squeeze WILL be coming. This is data supporting the fact that it COULD be coming. Do not take this as financial advice, and be aware that if you day trade you could miss the rocket.** + +# 1. June Kicked Off A Few Things + +Here's a list of things you might have missed (save for OCC-003) that are now in place as of **June 1st**. Which further supports that the MOASS is getting close! + +&#x200B; + +* JP Morgan opened [MORE netting accounts](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/5/25/MBS987-21.pdf). + * These are piggy banks for sucking up assets of defaulting members in the auctions of the DTC, ICC, and OCC. I wonder who JP Morgan is going to consume? + +&#x200B; + +* DTC, ICC, and OCC wind-down and auction plans now all in place. + * [OCC-003](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-92038.pdf) was the final one to join. Welcome, OCC! All three entities are finally ready for the bomb. + * I**n my opinion this means that the rocket is ready for takeoff because these entities are now protected.** + +&#x200B; + +* ICC [index swaption](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dowjonescdx.asp) discounts started through [ICC-014](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/icc/2021/34-91922.pdf). + * Think of this as an index like SPY/QQQ/VIX/etc. that watches for the potential defaults of others in the financial world. + * The base swaptions are just like options, they give you the right but not the obligation to buy (or sell) insurance. But, this rule is for the **INDEX** discounts - meaning it is a bundle of these swaptions among a bunch of entities. + * The ICC must be preparing for members of the index to be going on the brink of defaulting, or defaulting. From my interpretation, these discounts give others a cheaper hedge against defaults, and potentially get to scrape by instead of going under. This won't save the guys who are in too deep, it just helps everyone else to remain afloat after this market bomb goes off. + +&#x200B; + +* ["Trading halt" rule amendments](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/no2ogw/two_approved_amendments_to_trading_halts_as_of_528/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) were passed May 28th, and are therefore in effect as of June 1st. + * The wording of these amendments are VERY interesting. And the timing is VERY interesting. Take a look. + * They will allow halts "**In the event of a series of quotes, orders, or transactions at prices substantially unrelated to the current market for the security or securities"** + * E.g. They are preparing for people to be placing sell orders on securities/stocks that are **WAY** far away from the current trading price. Sound familiar? Like if GME is trading at $260 and a sell order comes in for $100k, $500k, $1m, $10m, etc? Yeah. **Very curious** why they'd push this amendment out. + * **Edit: This is most likely to have a slow burn upward in price on the standard +/-10% within 5 minutes trading halt. Don't worry about what has yet to happen. Only time will tell how this plays out!** + +&#x200B; + +# 2. Similarities To The Previous T+21 T+35 Runup + +It's quite amazing to look at everything right now and see the similarities. We already know that the T+21 loop is confirmed. It's like poetry. GME hits a beat in a cyclical manner every 21 trading days, and it is evidence that shorters are stuck in an endless dance. \[Can we really look at T+21 and think that "they have covered their short positions"...?\] + +If we can see patterns emerge from T+21, we can most likely see patterns emerge from T+21 and T+35. And so far, the current T+21/T+35 looks shockingly similar to the previous T+21/T+35. + +One similarity is the resurgence of gamma squeeze signals. + +The amazing ape /u/yelyah2, and I'm sure many others, have been [identifying signs that a gamma squeeze could be coming](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlrtul/gamma_squeeze_could_be_coming_soon/): + +[Figure 1: Gamma Neutral Values; From \/u\/yelyah2](https://preview.redd.it/q69cchm7kq271.png?width=1128&format=png&auto=webp&s=811f48c1afbefe1b70605994fc49a5e9a8070b77) + +The most important data point to keep an eye on here is the yellow that spikes up/down. This is the "**Gamma Neutral**" value. + +>The **gamma neutral price** is the underlying price that creates a **total market gamma of 0 across all GME options** **(all expiration dates)**. It is often associated with high volatility, and sometimes (especially in GME's case), it's associated with gamma squeezes. - /u/yelyah2 + +In other words, if you see Gamma Neutral spike up to the thousands and GME is currently trading in the hundreds, that means a Gamma Squeeze **could be** coming. Because the price needs to shift up to that amount in order to return gamma to 0 for a low-risk hedge. I'd definitely recommend reading their work on their findings! + +You'll see that in the first purple circle of Figure 1, Gamma Neutral spikes up on **February 24th**. Gamma Neutral then slams back down a few days later because the pressure was killed off. About a week later, March 5th, Gamma Neutral spikes again and remains high until the flash-crash of March 10th. Up until the flash crash, GME went on an absolute run in price and was starting to go parabolic. + +Take a look at the second purple circle of Figure 1. The same spike up/down over the course of a few days occurred again starting **May 25th**. Oddly similar to **February 24th**'s spike up/down, right? Both brief anomalies initiated on T+21 dates. + +Between March 10th and May 25th, **Gamma Neutral hasn't spiked up at all,** despite there being two additional T+21 cycles between: + +* March 25th (T+21) +* April 26th (T+21) + +Huh. What could have changed this time on May 25th? + +[Enter T+21 and T+35](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf22qz/theory_on_the_ftd_loop_missing_link_a_t35_surge/). The mechanics aren't fully fleshed out for why T+35 happens, I mean it's all based on patterns we see, but T+35 most likely applies to [Net Capital](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4h832/major_deep_itm_call_option_dates_a_massive_net/). Net Capital being that the shorters must adjust their short position debts after a timeframe of their debts being discovered, or risk going net negative. This must be done in order to not default, because going net negative would trigger a margin call. + +These T+35's initiate from three major option dates: + +1. January 15th, 2021 (--> February 24th) +2. April 16th, 2021 (--> May 24th) +3. July 16th, 2021 (--> August 23rd) + +So, we're not looking at purely T+21 days, but a [wombo-combo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD_imYhNoQ4) of T+35 and T+21 which could very well be the reason gamma squeeze signals are flashing again. **Per my theory, a T+35/T+21 occurred last week, May 25th, due to April 16th options expirations. And the previous T+35/T+21 occurred on February 24th.** + +COOL. So it appears that T+21/T+35 cycles can cause gamma squeezes due to the extra pressure on the shorters, and that might be why we're seeing a resurgence of the Gamma Neutral squeeze indicator this cycle. Oof, not a lot of data points, but hey. **I like the patterns**. 👀 + +Moving forward, let's take a look at the price movements over the past few days. Of note: + +* The purple call-out boxes are pointing to T+21/T+35 cycles (Feb 24, May 25). +* The red call-out boxes are pointing to purely T+21 cycles (March 25, April 26). + +[Figure 2: GME Price Activity; Similarities Between Feb 24 T+21\/T+35 and May 25 T+21\/T+35](https://preview.redd.it/jfeq0m27vq271.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a8d9f5925ed265cd3673714d95adc9b600140e) + +Starting back at February 24th, all the way to the left of Figure 2, you'll see the purple callout box pointing to a purple box around the actual prices of GME. The lower bound of the box starts at the close price of February 24th, and the upper bound of the box ends at the close price of March 2nd, which is 4 trading days later. I used 4 trading days because, well, that's how many days we have seen since May 25th so far. I've applied this same method to all other T+21 dates and plotted their respective boxes. This is a visual to show you the behavior of the price following T+21 and T+21/T+35 cycles, and the differences between the two. + +You'll notice how on the T+21 days between February 24th and May 25th (**red callouts**), that the price was anchored around the same closing price of T+21 and not much upward pressure was applied. Meanwhile, the T+21/T+35 cycles (**purple callouts**) have had breakaways from these prices and are gaining much more momentum. The prices following T+21/T+35 have more support and are doing that beautiful bull-flag pattern that TA apes love. Further supporting that we're in a potential runup to a gamma squeeze in the near future. + +[Can't stop. Won't stop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzGwKwLmgM). GameStop. + +The similarities of the price movement so far are quite hype, because this is **on top of the resurgence of the gamma squeeze indicators**. + +With all of the DTC, ICC, and OCC auction and wind-down plans being in effect as well as the other items I identified in Section 1.... man. It seems too good to be true right now. + +For fun, I plotted in blue ("10 bars, Nd") the gamma ramp timeframes in Figure 2. Check out when the next parabolic move like March 10th could occur. **June, frickin' 9th**. Sound familiar? Shareholder meeting? It's probably just coincidence, but damn. Good timing. Also haha 6/9. Nice. + +Further possible support is this post by the amazing ape /u/isnisse. They have identified that a [breakout could be coming on June 10th](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np3cyg/the_tables_will_turn/). They've used a really clever approach to guesstimate the breakout. Definitely take a look! Confirmation bias overloaded once I saw this. + +One last thing to note before moving on is **the number of consecutive green close days that have followed May 25th**. We have not seen that before, where there's a ton of support following T+21 or T+21/T+35, even back for the February 24th cycle. + +Are shorties losing their grip? One metric I was watching for the longest time was Deep ITM CALL purchases, which could also signal that their DOOOM is near. + +# 3. The Death of Deep ITM CALLs? + +In my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1lny/ive_estimated_the_current_si_based_on_the_si/), I was thinking that these Deep ITM CALLs were being used to satisfy FTDs. Now I'm not entirely sure - it could be used for that purpose, certainly. But it could simply be that they were used to delay the FTDs rather than satisfying them as people were predicting for the longest time. If that is the case, then the shorties are most likely losing their grip, as shown by the increase of volumes in meme stocks across the board. The <insert offensive word> is about to hit the fan. + +I'm grabbing this figure from /u/broccaaa's post [The Naked Shorting Scam](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdgf5/the_naked_shorting_scam_in_numbers_ai_detection/) which compares Deep ITM CALL Volumes to FTDs: + +[Figure 3: Deep ITM CALL Volumes Vs FTDs; From \/u\/broccaaa](https://preview.redd.it/c490umhwqq271.png?width=1907&format=png&auto=webp&s=93f449a5150c398e9a88e857a937677e239fae70) + +When FTDs skyrocket, Deep ITM CALLs are eaten up. You see this occur extensively in January due to the mini-squeeze that occurred from massive FOMO of retail around the world. And then a resurgence of these Deep ITM CALL anomalies in the February 24th to March 10th runup due to more FTDs appearing. + +Ever since March 10th, these Deep ITM CALL purchases have slowly decayed and died off. User /u/Dan_Bren had been posting about these anomalies for weeks, and weeks, until suddenly - the anomalies stopped. The only significant purchases that have been made since the Deep ITM CALLs died off have been for Deep OTM CALLs and Deep ITM PUTs. + +* [Deep OTM CALLs were purchased](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nafcuh/a_couple_deep_itm_puts_and_lots_of_otm_calls_were/). Possibly a big entity expecting the price to pop by July 16th. +* Deep ITM PUTs were purchased as well (same link). [We got a warning that they could be used to flash crash the price on May 28th](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmxze3/flash_crash_warning_4000_618_300_puts_bought_last/), and sure enough, it happened. + +So what does this mean? The give-up on Deep ITM CALLs could be many things. + +Perhaps there's no more liquidity to use them? + +Maybe they came up with a better way to delay FTDs? + +It could be too expensive and they can't delay FTDs any more? + +Maybe, by some weird reason, DTC-005 is actually in effect and blocking this practice - which makes the FTDs come to fruition these next few weeks? + +The resurgence in meme stocks across the board makes it look like they're losing their grip and its simply too expensive for them to delay it any more. The volume, in my eyes, is not shorts covering but the volume is due to the FTDs beginning to pour out into the world. + +The peddling of AMC could be that is their last and only option. To divide and conquer. Their best chance now is to try to pull GME apes into AMC because, despite it being shorted heavily as well, it is a much higher float and lower price. Therefore it would be easier to contain and take control of. They have to try to push AMC because all their other efforts failed. That being said, when GME goes off, AMC, KOSS, and other meme stocks will most likely squeeze as well. But - GME is the backbone, and only as long as GME remains strong will every stock experience a squeeze. + +The latest T+21/T+35 cycle is prepping a gamma squeeze, just like what we saw from February 24th to March 10th. It's surprising how similar things are looking so far, especially in the price movement and support staying in the $260s as of after hours of June 1st. + +It's even scarier that the gamma squeeze, if it happens, would start to go parabolic exactly on June 9th. + +Ryan Cohen - did you know? **DID YOU**? +My immediate family were very proud and I guess relieved that they don’t have to worry about me and I’ll be ok if anything happens. + +My friends weren’t happy. (Of course they verbally said they were) I can feel that they’re jealous in the little comments that slip through and they probably think I don’t deserve it. (They have higher academic degrees and has more prestigious jobs, why should I be making/keeping this much money?) + +What has been your experience? +I am 37 years old, have an income of 94k a year where I've been employed for 2.5 years. Bought a house during the pandemic worth $530k of which I pay $3000 per month. I took out a personal long of $75k to give as a down payment. + +There were several reasons why I did this... + +* I could never save enough money because I have 3 children and my wife does not work.She is not planning to anytime soon, and I like my kids to be involved in team sports and extra curricular activities, which oh man, it's costly! +* I was already paying $3000 in rent, in Washington state, where things got expensive fast.Quality of life was bad, so we've decided to by somewhere else. +* Neither my wife or myself have people in our lives willing to give us start up money for a home. + +My wife and I drive older cars in which we don't pay a monthly installment on. On student debts, I have 75k worth. I don't have to pay anything now because of the pandemic, but that will end soon. + +On credit card debt, I have about 10k. But I have two other credit cards which I owe only abut $100 each. + +My questions are... + +1 - How do I start to think outside of the everyday struggle of paying bills and staying afloat? I contribute to my 401k but not by very much. + +2 - Is it wise to use the 0% apr offers from the other cards (which I do get) to pay off the credit car with 10k in debt? + +3 - Would it be a good time to seek professional help from a financial advisor? I can follow directions pretty well, but just need the counsel of someone who has seen people get out of this loop. + +4 - If you've been there, what steps did you initially take to get out of this situation? + +5 - According to the local market, my home has been valued at more than $600k. Should I refinance given the house to try to lower the mortgage? + +My ultimate goal is to have some money put away ($20k), not owe credit card debt and hopefully not be so stressed out about taking a trip with my family. Please provide me with some guidance and direction, as I feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start. + +EDIT: To everyone that has responded or commented to my questions, a big thank you. I had a very tough conversation with my wife yesterday. I’m still processing all the points of view I was exposed to here. But this morning I started cutting down on superfluous costs and writing budgets with my wife. We’re talking about selling the house, but we’re trying to find a way for us to keep it. Mainly by her getting a job asap. If that doesn’t work, then yes, we’ll definitely sell. Again, a big thanks and sorry that I haven’t responded to some of your super thoughtful comments. I am after all overwhelmed, but grateful there are total strangers who for a moment, put yourselves in another’s shoes and try to give out your best to them. +My wife and I managed to reach an investing goal today of $1,000 in annual dividends. I know that is small potatoes to a lot of folks, but to us, it's a pretty big deal. We just started this journey about six months ago. Our overall yield is 4.84% and we have a little over $22,000 invested in the dividend portfolio, not counting what's in our Roths and a few other, smaller investments. + + +Anyway, I thought it might be fun for people to shout out and celebrate your achievements, if anyone would like to. It's just nice to tell someone sometimes. +Listen, I get it SCHD is a great ETF. But there are many great ETFs and stocks that offer great dividends and growth. Please when someone ask a question or wants a discussion stop just saying SCHD. We get it, there are post it’s appropriate for. I personally invest in it and understand it’s great but….this sub is meant for investors looking for constructive conversation and ideas. When someone post “what’s your favorite dividend paying company?” We shouldn’t see SCHD. It’s spamming ladies and gents and we are making it boring to interact here. I know I’m going to get some hate replies in this but I figured I would say it because many people feel the same way. Like I said I invest in it and it’s great, it’s just sometimes people are looking for something different with their dividend strategies. +Edit (6/7/2021): Made some significant additions and refinements to the content here (had to cut a bunch due to character limit :( + +>Thanks u/redchessqueen99 and the Mods for choosing to drop the coveted " Not-A-Cat Golden Bananya Award" award on this. Too bad the primary contributor on this was my financial advisor who is a cat (I just plagiarized him) + +[Gooby wearing a captain hat \(don't remember why\)](https://preview.redd.it/nso6dqcr1v371.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dbc6532556c7429a7976d75d71f204be5a3b7bf) + +# Personal note + +Feel free to use the contents of this post however you want. Don't worry about asking for permission to copy it, cross-post it, translate it, refine and use it in your own posts, etc. + +Leave a comment if you have any questions. If you prefer Chat or do not meet karma requirements, you can hit me up on chat as well + +>Note that, while I may have a good grasp on the concepts broken down in this post, my background is not in finance, investing, or trading, so there may be some questions I do not have the answer do (especially if they are not called out in this post) +> +>Also, there is always the possibility some info in here is not quite right, so if you see something off, let me know and I will fix it + +I have found myself more active on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) than I ever really expected to be, so feel free to [follow me](https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=HCMF_MaceFace) if you want things like the below: + +* Antagonizing Market Adversaries, MSM Shills, etc. +* Memeing with SuperStonk and the other Apes in the community +* Getting Notifications for Future DD I post + +Finally, I am of Norse ancestry and love coming up with catch phrases that I later translate to Norsk (Norwegian). I stamp this post with the below: + +>Hedgies, velkommen til helvete. Vi kommer for tårene dine. + +# Intro + +This post will give a *relatively* simplistic breakdown of the current situation and landscape of GameStop Stock, or GME as it is known on the New York Stock Exchange. It will summarize the theory that it will soon reach astronomical levels during a market, or the Mother of all Short Squeezes (MOASS) Thesis. + +The core intention of the post is to summarize the MOASS Thesis and the key market concepts associated with it for investors who are not fully up to speed on it, as well as those who are newer to the stock market in general, and are interested in investing. + +**That being said, this writeup is NOT intended to serve as a source of proof/evidence behind this theory, and it operates under the assumption that the theory is valid and that the conditions it is built on are met.** + +For those who intend to dig further into the evidence supporting the theory, there is a massive amount of research and due diligence on r/superstonk that has been performed and documented around this theory that can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), though it is recommended to use this post to get a basic understanding before digging into the Due Diligence. + +Here is the chart at time of last edit (6/7/2021) + +[Price breaking out BOLL Bands \(key indicator that price movement is getting strong pressure upward\)](https://preview.redd.it/imigm50evu371.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d269e45128a37586852f383e65346df656a5745) + +# Important terms to know before getting into the “Explanation” + +These terms are key to understanding the theory and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/), "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME. + +## Long Position / Buying/Selling Stock + +* Not to be confused with a [long-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longterminvestments.asp) investment +* When an investor buys a stock they are considered [long](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/long.asp) on it +* In other words, holders of long positions have a **positive** number of shares +* To [close](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/closeposition.asp) a long position the owner would sell their shares on the stock market + +The basic idea behind obtaining long position is: + +1. Buy the stock +2. Hold it until the price of it increases to a desired amount +3. Sell it for a profit + +When people think about buying and selling stock they are generally talking about opening and closing long positions + +## Short Position / Shorting/Covering Stock + +* Not to be confused with a [short-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shorterminvestments.asp) investment +* When a short seller shorts a stock they hold a [short position](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) on the stock. This is essentially the polar opposite of a long positions (kinda) +* Investors with short positions effectively are *in debt* or *owe* the number of shares that they have shorted and can be considered ***negative*** on the stock +* To close that position, short-sellers must buy a number of shares equal to the size of their short position (buying to close a short position is known as [covering](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)) +* Short positions must be reported to regulators (unlike naked short sales) + +The basic idea of obtaining a short position on a stock is: + +1. Borrow a share owned by a lender +2. Sell the stock that was borrowed +3. Gaining the cash based on the price it was at the time it was “shorted” +4. Pay interest as a percentage of the stock's value +5. Since this is a percentage the cost of interest increases if the stock's value increases +6. Hold the position until the price has dropped to a desired price +7. Buy the stock on the open market +8. Ideally the stock is bought back at a lower price than originally borrowed for so the investor can pocket the difference +9. Return the share back to the lender + +## The Float + +[The Float](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/floating-stock.asp), or Floating Stock is the number of shares of stock that are available to be publicly traded (the number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) minus the amount of [Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) that are owned by insiders). + +* In theory, the number of shares owned by [retail investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/retailinvestor.asp) and [institutional investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) cannot exceed the float +* SPOILER: GME is believed to have ownership amounting to 200% to 400% of the float if not more due to a something called [naked shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp), which is a key part of the thesis that is covered more later +* GME’s float total is currently \~[56.89 Million](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) shares +* It is important to note that institutional investors own \~25M-30M of the floating stock +* If institutions were to hold during MOASS (not a guarantee though many are expected to), then the amount of shares publicly would be somewhere around \~25M-30M. This means there would be even less supply when the short sellers finally have to cover + +## Retail Investors + +* Retail Investors, also known as individual investors, are your average investors (not a company or organization) +* "Dumb Money" + +https://preview.redd.it/haqavhb34v371.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8815fbf9c98e7d7ff6bcda1f121c318c6c5e0c66 + +## Institutional Investors + +* Institutional Investors are organizations that invest on individuals' behalf +* Examples of Institutional Investors +* Endowment Funds +* Commercial Banks +* Mutual Funds +* Hedge funds +* Pension funds +* Insurance companies + +[Just a couple of the \\"good guys\\" \(there are many more \\"bad guys\\"](https://preview.redd.it/9yk0w1ywyu371.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=205e9cfa487fe12d25ffc7425f3f9c0aff595817) + +## Market Makers + +>I'd encourage you to read the Investopedia entry for them for more clarity + +* [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) are very different from "Investors" and are a bit harder to explain but basically are there to increase [liquidity](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liquidity.asp) in the market +* When you buy and sell stock those trades are often going between you and a market maker +* Market makers get "special rules" that enable them to keep liquidity in the market when there is low liquidity +* Naked shorting is one of the options Market Makers have when navigating a trade that other investors do not have + +## Naked Shorting + +* Naked shorting effectively allows a Market Maker to short a stock without having a borrowed share like normal short selling +* The result is similar to a short sale +* Naked short sales do NOT have to be reported the same way as normal "Short Sales" and can be "hidden" +* GME is expected to be shorted around two to four times the float, despite the fact that [Short Interest](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortinterest.asp) only accounts for \~20% of the float, meaning most of the shares are shorted via naked shorting +* This type of trade illegal outside of specific situations involving Market Makers +* Due to a loophole and lack of oversight by regulation, Naked short selling can be used to manipulate the price of certain stocks +* Naked shorting was targeted for tighter regulation during the financial crisis of 2008 but enforcement has unfortunately not been effective in preventing it from manipulating the market + +[#NakedShorting](https://preview.redd.it/zmv6atr7wu371.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=63a9385035982eddffb0a06a848020379f383136) + +# Prime Brokers + +* A [**Prime**\-**Broker**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) is a bundled group of services that investment banks and other financial institutions offer to hedge funds and other large investment clients that need to be able to borrow securities or cash in order to engage in [netting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/netting.asp) to achieve [absolute returns](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolutereturn.asp) +* Broker vs Prime Broker + * A broker is an individual or entity that facilitates the purchase or sale of securities, such as the buying or selling of stocks and bonds for an investment account. A prime broker is a large institution that provides a multitude of services, from cash management to securities lending to risk management for other large institutions. +* Market Makers like Shitadel go through Prime Brokers + * The Prime Broker is who would Margin Call Shitadel if their short position gets too large or they bleed too much capital + * Prime Brokers are the entities that + +https://preview.redd.it/p81afmc5wu371.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bee9f7781e0f9844197f88f5071875bfab9f7cc + +## Synthetic Shares + +* [Synthetic Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/synthetic.asp) are the financial instruments that get produced by Naked Short sales +* Often referred to as "Counterfeit" shares (though they may be called this they are just as legitimate as a non-synthetic share) +* Synthetic shares entitle the owner to all of the same rights as an investor owning a non-synthetic share +* Cases where there is an excessive amount of synthetic shares point to the possibility that a stock is being abused or manipulated + +## Failure to Deliver + +* [FTDs](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp) occur when a buyer of a stock ends up not having the money to purchase the stock that they traded for OR, **when a short seller does not own the stock at the time of settlement** +* FTDs are one of the main check-balances to naked shorting, so very high amounts of Failures to Deliver are indicative of this + * Spoiler: GME and AMC have tons of FTDs reported + +## Margin + +* [Margin](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margin.asp) is basically credit that that an investor can use to buy more stock +* When you buy on margin you must stake the assets you have already purchased with your own cash as collateral +* The amount of Margin you can have depends on the value of your collateral +* The value of your collateral and cash but meet the margin requirements in order to continue to buy on margin +* Keep in mind the value of your collateral can change if the price goes up or down and if the value of your collateral/cash drops below the margin requirement you will received a [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) Another way to think about it: + +1. Imagine I have $1,000 in stock +2. You obtain a personal loan for another $1000 +3. To get the credit you stake your $1000 in stock (if you default it goes to the lender to cover your debt) +4. You buy $1000 more stock with that loan (you now own $2000 in stocks, half in cash half on margin) +5. You will pay interest on the $1000 on margin but if your investment makes more money than the interest then you are still profiting +6. If your investment turns bad (lets say the price of your stock falls 50% and you are left with $1000) your lender can forcibly close out your positions (everything you bought in cash and staked as collateral along with what you bought on margin so that they can get the $1000 they loaned you back) + +## Margin Call + +* A Margin Call is a notice indicating you have a specific amount of time to deposit enough of your own funds to meet your margin requirement (if you cannot meet the requirement the lender is entitled to sell all of your holdings to recover what you borrowed + +https://preview.redd.it/cf25o9zu0v371.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=934a471bad29cb194afa7bb8f6dd40d222c57324 + +**Examples:** + +>This is a slightly complicated scenario that can be a little hard to follow. Give it a few reads if it doesn't make sense the first time, but basically, Margin is a credit line that you can use to buy more assets (effectively a loan backed by collateral and cash in your own account). If you buy assets with it, you have to pay back what you borrowed, whether the value of your investment goes up or down (if the investment goes up in value, you make more than you normally would, but if the investment goes down in value, you lose more than you otherwise would have without margin). +> +>This gets even more (or less maybe) complicated when you have short positions AND long positions, like most institutional investors. To have short positions, I still need to have margin, but I do not need to use it to buy stocks, It can act as a buffer if I have a short position on a stock that is increasing in value (with a short position, if the price of something I short goes up, I am losing money), and if it gets too high, it can run against my margin line, causing a margin call. + +**Positive Margin Example (Long Positions only):** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes up to %25 per share, and I sell all 20 shares, I just profited $500 (+$25 on 20 shares) + 1. In this case, closing the position clears me from the margin debt, as I am no longer using it in an open position + 2. If I had not used margin, I would have only walked away with $250 in profit ($25 per share on 10 shares), but instead I made $500, and paid back the credit, plus a little bit of interest. +5. Yay. + +**Negative Margin Example (Long Positions and Short Positions):** + +**THIS IS THE RELEVANT ONE TO GME** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin +3. Instead of using the margin to buy more, I instead short 10 shares of stock YYY which is at $50 a share currently (giving me $500 in extra cash), which I use to buy 5 more shares of stock X + 1. I am now long 15 shares of stock XXX valued at $1500 and short 10 shares of stock YYY valued at -$500 (negative $500) for a net value of $1000 + 2. No margin is actively committed to open positions, and I am still using my $1000 +4. Now, lets say a short squeeze happens involving stock Y, causing the price to skyrocket to $200 per share + 1. My short position is now -$2000 (10 shares of -$200 each) +5. My net account value is now $-500 ($1500 - $2000) which is now using my margin, and because my account's value is no longer above $800, I no longer meet margin requirements so I get a margin call +6. If I cannot balance my account, the lender will liquidate my $1500 in stock XXX in order to pay the -$2000 I owe, leaving me with -$500 left in debt + 1. I have now defaulted, as I cannot pay the $500 +7. Now that I have defaulted, the lender who gave me margin owns my short positions, meaning they are now short whatever was left + 1. The lender can now navigate the short positions however they want (they can hold them and hope the price goes down, and cover to close them, or they can close them immediately, costing them the whole $500 I still owed) +8. GUH! (Translation if you are not WSB: Ah @#$%) + +# Margin Calls Who Calls Who (I Think) + +* Margin calls happen at levels 1-4 when the cell to the left cannot meet margin requirements + * Broker Margin Calls Retail Traders + * Prime Brokers Margin Call Brokers, Hedge Funds, and Market Makers + * The NSCC Margin Calls Prime Brokers +* Defaults roll up left to right + * If Retail Trader defaults, Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Broker, Hedge Fund, or Market Maker defaults, the Prime Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Prime Broker Defaults, the NSCC must take on Position + * If the NSCC Defaults, the Fed must take on the position + +|Level 1|Level 2|Level 3|Level 4|Level 4| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Retail Trader|Broker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Market Maker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Hedge Fund|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| + +# + +[GUH](https://preview.redd.it/ukfc5srx0v371.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f55eeab5afa6a9e998007828785815cb502de0f2) + +# Short Squeeze + +* A [Short Squeeze](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp) is a market event that occurs when there is a large short position on a stock whose price rapidly increases higher than expected, normally due to a catalyst +* During the short squeeze, the losses of those who have short positions continue to increase higher it goes + * Since they **owe** shares, the cost to cover their position increases depending on how high the price goes (there is theoretically no limit on how high a stock can go) +* As market participants who are short on the stock buy to cover, supply decreases and demand increases, causing the price to increase even more rapidly +* While short sellers are scrambling to cover their positions, the rapid price change may entice investors who are not short on the stock to buy it in order to make a quick profit + * Again, lowering supply and increasing demand + +# The Mother of All Short Squeezes (MOASS) – Explanation + +Now that we have gone through the many important terms, we can get to the theory behind MOASS. + +Due excessive short-selling and naked shorting of GME by certain market participants (primarily large hedge funds and market makers), retail investors and long institutional investors collectively own a number of shares that exceeds the the float. The amount of shares that are currently owned is theorized to range roughly between **200%-400%** of the float **if not more**, meaning that 100%-300% of the float has a corresponding short position (mostly naked shorts). For context, most stocks generally have around 1% Short Interest, and 10%-20% short interest is considered to be excessive, let alone over 100% of it. + +Short sellers must eventually close, or cover, their short position + +* The only way to do that is to buy the shares owned by the investors who are long + * in the meantime Short-sellers are paying interest on that short position until it is closed proportional to the cost of the shares, which bleeds their capital over time +* Unfortunately for the short sellers, the owners of the shares **ARE NOT** obligated to sell their shares. + * The short-sellers, however, **ARE** obligated to buy in order to close their position (or else keep paying interest) + +So what happens if no one is selling the shares they are “long” on, but short sellers need to buy them? + +* Supply and Demand + * With very little supply and high demand, the price of a stock can increase far beyond its fundamental value + * If short sellers receive a margin call due to no longer meeting their margin requirement and are unable to meet it in time, their assets will be forcibly liquidated by their lender in order to pay back the margin, as well as close out the position if the borrower defaults + +If you are wondering why an organization would abusively short a stock like this if they eventually have to cover their positions: + +* If a company goes bankrupt or gets delisted from the stock market: + * The short sellers DO NOT have to close the position + * All of the proceeds from the short sale effectively disappear from their books + * They do not even have to pay taxes on this profit + +Short positions amount to the total number of long positions minus the float, meaning (based on the theorized range) that somewhere between \~56-170 Million shares will need to be bought in order to close all short positions + +* It is expected that the members with short positions (hedge funds and market makers who have been naked shorting the stock) will be unable to cover their short positions, resulting in a situation where their lenders, all the way up to the clearinghouse (DTCC) will have to sort out the positions +* If the DTCC/NSCC is forced to unwind the positions, it is widely believed that they will rapidly cover short positions at whatever price they are available for (this is how their systems are said to handle a member default), liquidating whatever assets are necessary from the defaulting member + +# Final thoughts... + +This is the GME MOASS thesis. GME is a stock that stands to hit an unprecedented price point due to the fact that manipulators of the market have failed to bankrupt GameStop thanks in huge part to [the Legendary Keith Gill AKA u/DeepFuckingValue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Gill), [Ryan Cohen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Cohen), and all of the GME investors who took part in this saga. It may not be today, this week, or even this month, but one day soon, these toxic participants have no choice but to buy the stock to close out their short positions. + +In some schools of thought, it is thought that these participants over-estimated how "reasonable" retail investors can be (who could be dumb enough to hold a stock as it fell from almost $500 to $40?). In truth, these manipulators didn't understand the demographic they were fighting with. Gamers are some of the most stubborn people on the planet. These are individuals who will sink tens of thousands of hours into the same video game because "they just like it". Well, "we like the stock", and to us, the adversaries on Wall Street just are just another "boss". We may have needed to retry a couple times, but we always win eventually. On top of that, they pissed off reddit, and under no circumstances, should you ever piss off reddit. + +At this point, if you are still reading this, know that it is up to you to decide your next move, whether that is to do some due diligence of your own, walk away, or say screw it and buy a few (or a lot of) shares just in case we are right. Many of us have set our floor (minimum amount of acceptable gains) at $20,000,000 per share, and you might think that is crazy, but in truth, we know we can pick our own price if we hold long enough. We don't care if anyone else buys or not, because we know the outcome is inevitable. Time is running out for the toxic market participants involved, and even the news can't hide that we are on the brink of a massive market event that will ripple through the entire global financial system, and we will probably never see an event like this again in our lifetime. + +**This is a fight Wall Street, Shitadel, Melvin Capital, and ever other toxic party is not going to win against the "dumb money"**. Chances are this will truly be "**THE MOASS**", meaning there will never be another like it in our lifetime (or ever). While the conditions in play (the ability for big money to brutally manipulate the market) enabled what may end up being the greatest transfer of wealth in history, actual reformation to prevent a landscape like this from forming again is probably best long term (I say this as a pragmatist, and am honestly very far from an idealist). If you want to influence reform, Buy, Hold, Vote. If you are just here for the tendies, Buy, Hold, Vote. + +# TL;DR + +Toxic Market Participants and Hedge Funds have massive naked short positions open that they are unable to close because retail traders are refusing to sell. The FTD Cycle forces participants with naked short positions to obscure their short positions and uses bizarre options strategies to satisfy FTDs, which costs money to do. Since they cannot close these positions until retail traders sell, any participants who are subject to interest will continue paying it based on the interest rate and value of the stock. The Market Manipulators are just about out of capital, and new regulations and DTCC rules are making it more difficult for them to control the price movement of stocks like GME and AMC. + +Eventually, the prices of these stocks will get so high that prime brokers will have no choice but to margin call these participants, who will likely be unable to settle all positions, causing them to default and make the prime broker take on the position. The prime brokers will then try to settle the positions, but if they are not able to unwind the positions either, they will default up to the NSCC, which will attempt to settle all positions they took on based on their Recovery and Wind-down Plan. If they cannot afford to close everything, they basically default to the Fed, who will most likely print money to address closing the positions. + +Super TL;DR + +Margin calls happen everywhere and force all shorts to cover their positions or go bankrupt. The NSCC Omega Brrr Cluster liquefies all hedgies and covers as much GME, AMC, etc. as they can. If the NSCC cannot pay everything, it fails up to the Fed and JPOW to print money to get us out tendies and hedge fund tears. + +# Hedgies, velkommen til helvete. Vi kommer for tårene dine. + +# Hedgies, welcome to hell. We come for your tears. + +>Looking for brokers that won't be like RobbingHood and screw you over during MOASS?[https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend\_gme\_thread\_homework\_for\_all\_lets\_stop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend_gme_thread_homework_for_all_lets_stop/) +***‘A large market correction, should one materialise, would encourage more professional selling that could overwhelm the buy-the-dip retail investor.’*** + +That’s **Mohamed El-Erian, Allianz’s chief economic adviser**, explaining in [an op-ed for the Financial Times](https://www.ft.com/content/e50812f0-51c1-4f8c-9072-21eb0eb8cb9d) how action in the options pits should be taken as a warning by retail investors who have been cashing in on the stock market’s relentless push higher in recent months. + +“The seemingly endless rally… gives the impression that prices are endorsed and supported by the entire professional investment community,” he said. “After all, despite the vocal concerns over valuations having split away from underlying corporate and economic fundamentals, few fund managers have been willing to challenge the market by placing outright shorts. “ + +However, “sophisticated investors” are expressing their cautious views with the use of derivatives, and El-Erian says the mom-and-pop types should take note. + +“It is hard to overstate the extent of today’s risk-taking in U.S. financial markets,” he wrote, pointing to the explosive moves in a small number of high-flyers, such as Apple [**AAPL,** **+3.98%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/AAPL?mod=MW_story_quote), Tesla [**TSLA,** **-4.67%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/TSLA?mod=MW_story_quote) and Amazon [**AMZN,** **+1.39%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/AMZN?mod=MW_story_quote). + +“Much of this could be seen as market deepening were it not for one troubling fact: corporate and economic fundamentals have yet to reflect a sustained and convincing recovery from COVID-related damage,” he said. The rebound in consumption is slowing, initial jobless claims are back to the 1 million level for a second straight week, bankruptcies are rising, and, according to El-Erian, it’s looking like these short-term disruptions are about to become long-term scars. + +“Rather than a well-thought-out bet on the future, stocks reflect many investors’ resolute faith in a consistently favourable and predictable liquidity environment,” he wrote. “It is a backdrop anchored by reliable stimulus from central banks.” + +On the surface, the same can pretty much be said for what we’re seeing in the derivatives market, but there’s more to it than just that. + +“The fear of missing out on an unceasing equity rally has increasingly been expressed through call options,” El-Erian said. “Those who would normally short the market on concerns of excessive valuations appear to have no desire to be steamrollered once again by favourable liquidity and the strong ‘buy-the-dip’ conditioning that comes with that.” + +He pointed out that buying call options limits risk and gives traders the ability to take strategic shots at capturing rallies. At the same time, the smart money is hedging bets with downside “tail protection” to guard against the inevitable sharp declines. That’s why we’re seeing the VIX volatility gauge [**VIX,** **-1.09%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/VIX?mod=MW_story_quote) decouple from equities, another sign, according to El-Erian, that retail investors are particularly vulnerable when the sellers take the upper hand. + +Read More: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-pros-are-getting-ready-for-a-market-crash-retail-investors-not-so-much-top-economist-warns-11598970447](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-pros-are-getting-ready-for-a-market-crash-retail-investors-not-so-much-top-economist-warns-11598970447) +Last Tuesday, I did something irresponsible for the sake of my mental health and quit a job where I was miserable, without another job lined up. As the sole income provider this was a huge gamble, but I had an interview on Friday that I was feeling really confident about. + +I should pause here to note two things: 1) I'm a codependent, and avoid conflict like the plague. 2) I am this way because of my childhood, being raised by my narcissistic mother. My former boss was exactly like her, hence why I left. + +So, I killed the interview on Friday. Met the two attorneys I would be working for. They are amazing and offered me a job at the end, but said that they would need the senior partner's approval first, so to wait for his call. + +I got the call this morning. We went back and forth a little bit. My starting point was $X, he wanted to offer X-$7k. He noted that health insurance is 100% employer-contributed, and not only was I getting 2 more weeks of PTO than my last employer, but I would get PTO on my bday (this is actually an awesome perk because mine almost always falls around a federal holiday, which means the potential for a paid 4-day weekend). + +I said meet me at X-5k, so he said he'd do X-7 but cut me a personal check each month for gas allowance. When I incorporated that in, I was almost sold. My husband told me to ask for an additional $50. What's the worst he can say, No? + +Well, codependent me was terrified to ruffle the feathers. But I thought, although beggars can't be choosers, I'd potentially miss out on an extra $600 a year for the sake of not hurting someone's feelings. + +So I asked. And he actually said that he was taken aback, and felt like I was nickel and diming him! But you know what? I stuck with it. I said, "Yes, well, I am very eager to start, so if you can meet me there, I can start tomorrow." He said he had to get back to me. + +And wouldn't you know, he did. I got that extra allowance. I stuck to my guns. I put conflict aside to make sure he knew right off the bat that I know what I am worth. And it felt amazing. + +You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. And let me also just add that it feels really good knowing you're earning a salary you can support a family on, and that you made it happen by being assertive. It's just a huge weight off my shoulders, that I won't have to worry about whether I can pay all the bills on time. + +ETA: thanks for the gold! :) +This seems to be a big issue in Europe right now. Per the title of the post, which is a quote from the first link, it seems the consumer does not pay for a KWH something like the average it costs to produce it, but the maximum. The links I post are from the UK but apparently Greece has a similar wholesale market that has similar dynamics. Can anyone here comment or link to a source that explains how this happens, what are the reasons the electricity markets work this way? + +[https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jan/opinion-renewables-are-cheaper-ever-so-why-are-household-energy-bills-only-going](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2022/jan/opinion-renewables-are-cheaper-ever-so-why-are-household-energy-bills-only-going) + +[https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wbTG0FLHK2IJ:https://utilityweek.co.uk/rema-reform-is-coming-but-the-scale-is-up-for-grabs/&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=bg&client=ubuntu](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wbTG0FLHK2IJ:https://utilityweek.co.uk/rema-reform-is-coming-but-the-scale-is-up-for-grabs/&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=bg&client=ubuntu) + +[https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-launches-biggest-electricity-market-reform-in-a-generation](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-launches-biggest-electricity-market-reform-in-a-generation) +# + +# 🚀The much anticipated relaunch of Vival happened yesterday after the Devs stealth launched the token to combat bots. The relaunch and airdrop to V1 holders was a success and Vival is now Live for trading. + +# The Revival dApp also went live with its own DEX and Staking Pools. The dApp is so clean and easy to use. 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Holders of $VVL are taken in as family members of the Revival DeFi ecosystem given a say in the direction that the ecosystem takes. + +Vival is **low supply and is tax free** allowing for trades and transfers to take place without losing any of your position. Take charge in the future of DeFi with Vival! + +👉 **Give me some information about the team of Vival!** + +✅Same team from Revival, as it is part of their ecosystem + +✅Core team doxxed and active 24/7 + +✅Official partners of DessertSwap finance + +✅Huge community events and giveaways + +✅Games, movie nights + +**📈Revival ($RVL) Address BSC:** + +0x7eaee60040135f20f508a393ca400ded339d654e + +**📈Vival ($VVL) Address BSC:** + +0x4666e77fa1a7f6749e48b533ef500587b094f61c + +**🌟Is their other project $RVL listed on Coinmarketcap or Coingecko? Yes! 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I did it myself and they responded flawlessly. + +**🌐 Website**: [*https://revivaldefi.com*](https://revivaldefi.com/) + +**📱 Telegram**: [*https://t.me/revivaldefi*](https://t.me/revivaldefi) + +[**🎮**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/pyw3w0/welcome_to_the_minififatoken_doxxed_dev_90_burn/)**Discord**: [*https://discord.gg/revivaldefi*](https://discord.gg/revivaldefi) + +**🕊 Twitter**: [*https://twitter.com/RevivalDefi*](https://twitter.com/RevivalDefi) +&#x200B; + +# 0. Preface + +Hello apes - I am not a financial advisor and I do not provide financial advice! + +There's some misconceptions that the price should be blasting off into the stratosphere due to apes direct registering. Of course, I have seen posts and comments pop up wondering why the price is going down, with some negative sentiment carried with it. I also see concerns that they could "keep infinitely shorting" with just one share not registered, which is not necessarily true. + +I'm going to provide you my reasoning why you should relax and be Zen. Which in turn gives a possible explanation of what may have driven the January sneeze: a choke on the clearing house which the shorters could not keep up with. + +Keep in mind that this is not fact, and everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. Hence "possible DD". But in the end, we're all just throwing shit at the walls and discussing to try to figure this out. + +TL;DR: >!I love you!< + +# 1. Direct Registered Vs DTC Owned (Brokerage/Beneficial/Street) + +Computershare released [a great FAQ page](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) with a flow chart showing how stock ownership is partitioned. We're only really concerned with the "Outstanding Shares" portion, so I've highlighted it from the chart they provided on what to focus on: + +[https:\/\/www.computershare.com\/us\/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies](https://preview.redd.it/o0qfzrevxqr71.png?width=1386&format=png&auto=webp&s=43be7fda5b7e3b105f8205c9b1b6c4f55b006292) + +You can see that "Outstanding Shares" is broken down into two subsections: "Registered-ownership shares", and "Beneficially-owned shares". + +* Registered-ownership shares is essentially all executives, retail investors, insiders, and others who direct registered their shares with the company via the transfer agent so that GameStop knows their ownership. +* Beneficially-owned shares is essentially the float. These are shares all under the DTC which they've produced a chain of "beneficial ownership" to lead to the shareholders. Say you buy under Fidelity. You are a beneficial owner of Fidelity's shares, and Fidelity is a beneficial owner of the DTC's shares. **It's a long chain but the key point is that the DTC is the outstanding owner of the shares**. + +The "Outstanding Shares" for GameStop happens to be 76.49M while the float is approximately 61.83M. This is the total number of shares currently issued out by GameStop which are either in circulation (float) or locked up (direct registered). \[[Share Statistics Source](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/)\] + +What's important to understand here, and even given by Computershare themselves, is that Registered-ownership shares cannot be borrowed. They also state this on [their FAQ page](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies)! This is because the shares are in **your** name when direct registered, and not in the DTC's name any more. While you're under a brokerage, you do **not** own the shares, the DTC does. So it's free game for them to be played with, legally. + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/computershare\/status\/1445478903070429184?s=21](https://preview.redd.it/e67jmpinarr71.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=42d1e3c36181d2246b920bd0d1594c4ae6773555) + +Now you may be thinking, hey, I can just shut off my lending at my brokerage and they won't lend my shares, right? + +And you're probably correct - they won't lend the beneficially owned shares that you "own". However, the brokerage doesn't own those shares themselves and are still a beneficial owner of the DTC's shares. So while you may turn off lending, the DTC themselves can still offer up the shares they own and paddle them around to the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers who need them. All for the sake of liquidity (hooray). + +Along with this, if the broker had [internalized your order](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py33nd/i_am_going_to_say_it_brokers_are_breaking_the_law/) and given you an IOU rather than actually purchasing your share, then they **really** aren't lending out your shares since those shares don't even exist. + +So, you can assume that your "shares" under a brokerage aren't being lent out, but the shares that the DTC still owns (which you're in a chain of beneficial ownership of) **are** being lent out. + +**In other words, turning off share lending in a brokerage account doesn't do shit**. + +Otherwise, this thing would have blasted off to the moon long ago given the thesis that apes own multiples of the float. Surely if turning off share lending helped as everyone thought - the entire float would have been restricted by now? Nah, not the case. Not unless retail direct registers the float will the float officially be restricted from the DTC so that they can no longer lend the shares. + +Which leads to me breaking the initial Computershare chart down into basically a vertical fill bar. It's completely arbitrary but I made it for the sake of trying to convey how direct registration effects the borrowing power of the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers. + +The purple is the "Direct Registered" block. These are shares that cannot be borrowed. + +The red is the "Beneficially Owned" block. These are shares owned by the DTC and can be freely borrowed. Your brokerage account is under the red block, and the main purpose of DRS is to move those shares out of the red and into the purple. + +[Share Ownership Breakdown of Direct Registered Vs. DTC Owned](https://preview.redd.it/vf2hmro0vqr71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=9409c1315752d56f5703e4b535318f90cd0bea81) + +# 2. Effect of Direct Registering On DTC-Owned Supply of Shares + +Whenever an ape direct registers their shares, be it through DRS or DSP, the purple box increases in size, and the red box decreases in size by equivalent amounts. There will **always** be 76.49M shares accounted for when it comes to ownership. No more, no less. + +If an ape registers 100 shares, then the purple will increase and 100 shares are direct registered in their name. At the same time, 100 shares are removed from the red and the DTC loses them. + +How can you register? Mainly two methods, both involving the transfer agent, Computershare. These methods are Direct Registration System (DRS) and Direct Share Purchase (DSP). It really just depends on the current state of the shares, which I discussed [here in detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pyqtlc/theres_some_confusion_of_drs_versus_dspp_both/) if you're curious for it being more fleshed out. But generally speaking: + +* DRS is for shares that have **already been purchased** and are under a brokerage. You open up a brokerage account, buy 100x GameStop. You have beneficial ownership under the broker (and by extension the DTC). Since they've been purchased you have to do some kind of transfer to swap ownership, and must therefore use the Direct Registration **System** to [move them from "street" to "book" name](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html). +* DSP is for shares that have **not yet been purchased**. You go through Computershare and utilize their DirectStock Purchase system to go and purchase a share from the lit exchange and then place it into your name, bypassing the brokerages "beneficial ownership" stage. If you've seen Computershare posts stating "DirectStock", then you can assume that the ape purchased new shares through Computershare. + +[Effect of DRS and DSP on Stock Ownership](https://preview.redd.it/rt6pkrbivqr71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56775b0836e319abc827b19c632ef9424ec8cdf) + +You can imagine that the above is what GameStop and Computershare sees all the time. Computershare is tracking the ownership of shares and adjusts this record keeping constantly. + +For the past 9 months, GameStop probably knew that their stock is owned many times over. The problem is that they have **absolutely no proof** based on their registration numbers. From their and the SEC's perspective, 61.83M shares are still unowned. + +Until that red box drops to 0, GameStop has no real reason to cry foul for manipulation. And maybe that is what they're waiting for - for the entire float to be registered before making any moves. But even then, that isn't to say that GameStop has to be the one to make the moves once the float is fully registered. I believe that direct registration itself will eventually lead to a critical point where the MOASS may ignite on its own without their intervention. + +Consider this. Why did the January sneeze happen? We have pretty good reason to believe that they easily suppress retail buy pressure to prevent price discovery (see the past 9 months of crab walking). So why not just route all of retail orders from January in such a way that retail buys don't influence the price? That should have been easy enough for them to accomplish even with the mass amount of retail FOMO. + +This is where I get the feeling that, despite not a lot of shares being direct registered at the time, there was a massive choke on the supply vs. demand of the shares that were being borrowed and the clearing house could not keep up to allow the shorters to continue to suppress the price. + +# 3. Supply Vs Demand; It's Going To Take A Lot of Shares + +Let's break down the vertical fill bar chart a bit further, by dropping in an arbitrary yellow "demand" block. This yellow block represents the amount of shares that they are borrowing and in need of to either short the stock or reset FTDs. + +Standard supply and demand means that as long as your maintain a fair supply compared to your demand, you need not worry about the underlying item becoming expensive or hard to obtain. + +And the key to think of here is that while they may have millions of shares to borrow from, those shares still need time to settle before being added back to the "pool" of supply that they can borrow from. We see this through statistics from sites like [IBorrowDesk](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME) when the available shares goes from 1,000,000 to 500,000 and then eventually back to 1,000,000. There's some downtime as the borrowed shares must settle before being replenished. + +[Supply Vs. Demand of Available Shares to Borrow Against Under the DTC](https://preview.redd.it/d3ejsukg3sr71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b6c07b2fe05a9105922dd6bad0f0ebc290e8970) + +Which means that, no, even if they have one share available in this pool, it cannot keep the game going forever because it cannot be used infinitely 24/7. If they're in need of millions of shares and can only get their hands on one share every couple of days while it settles, they're screwed. + +Meaning that there can be a critical point where the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers have **too** much demand for the DTC's supply of shares such that the supply can't keep up. They'd snap up the shares as soon as they replenish, pushing the stock into a hard-to-borrow scenario, while being unable to get enough shares they need to keep things from blowing. + +# 4. Conditions for the January Sneeze + +Go back in time to January's sneeze. The stock had massive retail FOMO around the world, resulting in RobinHood themselves having an [enormous margin call of about $3 billion](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/investing/robinhood-gamestop-vlad-tenev/index.html) due to having to post liquidity for the **new trades that had yet to settle**. + +We all know what happened next, but the point here is that an insane amount of money was pouring into meme stocks (since the total margin call can't be attributed to only GameStop) on **one** brokerage alone. This was not inclusive of Fidelity, TDA, Webull, and many other brokerages around the world. + +The really big problem for them is that if all shares were already owned by the time the January sneeze occurred, then they had to short to match the retail buys for the sake of liquidity. They **must** match a buyer with a seller, in which they could short to match the buy side. Odds are good that retail buys during this time were matched with short sells, and continued on for the following 9 months, as attributed by the short volumes we see every day. + +And in order to short to match the retail FOMO buys, they'd need to borrow against the DTC's supply of shares. But due to the massive amount of buy pressure and the downtime of shares having to settle before being able to be borrowed again, demand shot through the roof. The supply vs demand curve was brought way out of whack. + +[January Conditions on Available Shares to Borrow Against Under the DTC](https://preview.redd.it/htw5wel93sr71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=e742524195578ecedddff34a71252486c03a5c92) + +The clearing house gets choked because they're unable to settle these borrowed shares fast enough, and the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers are scrambling to borrow every single share the moment they pop back up. + +The downtime of shares being unable to be borrowed while settling can result in actual price discovery as there are no shorts (sells) to match the buy side, and any internalized orders by the brokers could have been caught up in [Net Capital requirements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7g9mn/net_capital_and_t21/) which choked them into being forced to buy the shares on the market for those IOUs in a snowball effect. + +Desperation kicked in, and they needed a massive pressure release to bring the demand (yellow bar) back down. They shut off the buy button for the meme stocks across the board, allowing the borrowed shares to settle, so that they could then easily hammer down the price with a considerably smaller amount of demand. + +And that sneeze was all without direct registration. It was mostly pure retail FOMO that pushed the supply vs demand curve to a critical pressure point, resulting in the shorters unable to keep the pace with the supply of shares under the DTC. Which implies that, even without the same amount of FOMO, that if the supply of borrowable shares gets constricted it can lead to similar conditions of "gamma squeezing" the stock. + +# 5. Direct Registering Pushes Towards the Same Conditions + +As retail registers their shares, it pulls those shares away from the DTC. Everyone loses their ability to borrow from those shares and the supply under the DTC starts to constrict. + +You may have been expecting direct registration to immediately start pushing the price upward, but that is not the case, considering all of the above about supply versus demand of the remaining float. + +Hypothetically, the supply could be the current float numbers of approximately 61.83M and the demand could be 10M. If those borrowed shares settle fast enough, then the demand could stay steady around those numbers. Absolutely no pressure on the shorters at the time being, allowing them to crab walk the price. + +Now consider if apes registered 31.83M shares. The supply would still be rather high at 30M while the demand remains at 10M. That would still be well away from pushing the stock into a hard-to-borrow scenario, and there's no pressure on the SHFs, Brokers, or Market Makers despite half of the float being registered. The borrow rates can also remain steady since there is plenty of supply compared to the demand, and they can expect the shares to settle in time. So, just because we're not seeing anything substantial yet does not mean it's not working. That is very important to keep in mind. + +Darkpool volumes decreasing is something to consider, though I'm not getting **too** hyped about it. I believe it's mostly occurring due to new purchases of shares via DSP, or brokers being forced to buy shares for their internalized IOUs due to apes DRSing shares. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just a short-lived decrease in dark pool volumes which will increase again after some DRS and DSP FOMO lays off. The main metrics I'm watching to determine direct registration effects are FTDs and borrow fees. + +[Effects of DRS and DSP on the Supply Vs. Demand Curve](https://preview.redd.it/9g3q2nisvqr71.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc4ba181b2fb8a07747ded748f5a1ef7a35d5899) + +It is undoubtedly known that apes are registering, given the flood of posts every day of Computershare screenshots. But it's important to understand that the positive price effects won't be noticeable until that critical point of supply vs demand is reached. + +At which point the shorters will start to struggle matching retail buy pressure via shorting the stock and resetting FTDs. The price can begin to climb, FTDs can pile up, and the borrow rate can increase. As more shares are registered and the DTC's shares push towards 0, the SHFs, Brokers, and Market Makers begin losing all of their power to manipulate the price. + +The Market Makers won't even be able to utilize their loop-around of being able to "reasonably locate" shares, since the DTC won't own any more. The Market Makers can certainly apply that loop-around if there's currently no shares available to borrow but they can expect the shares to settle within a "reasonable" timeframe. But if the DTC has no more shares, then they cannot apply the "reasonable locate" loop-around any more. + +It's also important to remember that while they may be naked shorting to provide liquidity to the markets via these rules, what they're doing isn't exactly illegal. The system allows this as long as they can legally borrow against the DTC shares. + +That being said, if they keep borrowing shares once those shares are all gone from the DTC, then they are **definitely** doing illegal shit. But at that point, GameStop will see the float registered and they can take action. The shitshow ends. + +But again in closing - this is still just my hypothesis and is not 100% factual. I mainly wanted to post this because of the concern in fellow apes that I read when browsing comments or posts. Maybe this made you apes a little bit more Zen.💓 + +This is not a call to action to register your shares, it is purely informative. Be sure to do your own research. But in my opinion, DRS is the way. 🟣🚀 + +[Crush the FUD](https://i.redd.it/b3bfwfyvorr71.gif) +I calculate that it has cost me 50K worth of potential gains on other securities by tying up my investment capital in GME and NOT SELLING to buy back in lower. So many plays that would have made me loads of money. + +And you know what? That's fine by me! Why? Because I trust the board. Most of all, I trust the CHAIRMAN. I trust that they realize and appreciate the immense sacrifices that each individual investor has made to help resurrect GameStop from the ashes, for the BILLIONS of dollars in capital that investors helped to raise when they needed it most. For all the late night/early morning lineups at "dying brick and mortar" retail outlets, for all of the inventory flying off shelves. + +But most of all, FOR HODLING THE FUCKING LINE! + +Dreams of MOASS may have brought many of you here, but I'm of the opinion that without a decent moral compass and a slight bit of conviction, you wouldn't have held this long, and through this much bullshit. And I think that goes for Ryan Cohen too. + +I think the Chairman is a legitimately decent human being, who wants to see justice done just as much as you do. + +So far, you and I have taken an entire YEAR of our lives to better understand something that 99% of the world ignores or exploits. To try and FIX a system BROKEN beyond comprehension. + +Dare I say, TO TRY AND MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE. + +For as much as this is about the money, it's also about being on the right side of truth and justice. + +And to do that, we need to liquidate these slimy fucks down to their last penny. + +It's possible that the series finale of Hedgie's r Fukt, may now be upon us. The board placing their final touches on what every one of you DESERVES. + +NOT JUST THE GREATEST COMPANY TURNAROUND EVER, BUT JUSTICE! + +A COMPLETE AND UTTER YEETING OF SHORTS FROM OUR STOCK!!! + +I can feel it in my bones. + +The endgame is coming. + +FULL FUCKING CIRCLE. + +I leave you with this image + +[https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20200430203434-image001.jpeg?auto=webp&quality=95&crop=16:9&width=675](https://assets.entrepreneur.com/content/3x2/2000/20200430203434-image001.jpeg?auto=webp&quality=95&crop=16:9&width=675) + +And this tweet + +[https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1350877969816956934?s=20](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1350877969816956934?s=20) + +&#x200B; + +derpsy out + +Edit: Wow, what a response. Best community on the internet, hands down. Also would like to take this opportunity to say to all the shills and MSM parrots out there, that I will be on the right side of history when this is all said and done. I hope you are too. +I’m in my mid-30’s and I just sold my business. I received $11.5 million post-tax. Here’s my plan. Please critique. + +I have a multi-year employment agreement with the buying company so I won’t need any cash flow from my investments for a few years, at least. + +At the end of my working commitment, my goal is to have $250k/year to enjoy life and another $250k/year to invest back in my personal balance sheet. + +1 - I’m going to use $500k to buy a new house +2 - I’m going to set aside $1 million for future business endeavors +3 - Invest $5 million in an 80/20 stock/bond ETF portfolio. I’m leaning towards a robo advisor with tax loss harvesting. + +I’d like to invest the remaining $5 million in rental property, as I have some experience in the space, but I don’t want to take an active role in the investments. + +I’m looking at trying to invest in 10-20 deals as an equity partner. Anyone have experience in real estate private equity? + +I’ll share my journey here over the next few years! + +(This is my first reddit post ever, I look forward to a lot more!) +Just need to write this down somewhere, because this year has been pretty nuts. + +Jan 1 Net worth was 3.4M, today is 5.2M. Low point was 2.8M in March at the bottom of the pandemic pull back. + +Income was a huge contributor of course. Our fatFIRE number has been 6M for quite some time, I never imaged we’d be able to close this much of the gap in a single year. + +There’s no way we’re pulling the trigger for years, but this run up has made me feel like we’re going to make it. + +Yeah, yeah brag post. I can’t talk to friends an family about this, need to unload. +Why simply buy *shares* in such an excellent, diversified company, when we can just... *buy the company*? + +Delecta Ltd (DLC) + +**Market cap:** $6,051,727 + +[https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/dlc](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/dlc) + +There are 62,000+ of us dumb cunts on here, meaning it would cost less than $100 each to buy all of the company's outstanding shares on the ASX. + +Our mods would make an excellent board, free uranium dildos for our wives' boyfriends to use on her, basically no downside really 🤔 + +*Edit 1: here is a more accurate estimate...* + +Let's value all of company's shares at $0.015 (latest sell price is $0.007) as the "premium" for this premier, amazing company: + +$15,129,318 total for shares, from what I can see they have roughly $8 million in assets, so say \~$23 million total, let's call it $25m due to paying a premium for their ownership to want to give away rights to their famously high-grade dildos. + +**$25,000,000 ➗ 62,300 = \~$400 per member here to buy ownership of DLC, including existing dildos + dildo warehousing + 1 x heavily used excavator they use for mining** + +*Edit 2: I... can't believe I actually need to clarify, but... this is a joke and I do not recommend buying shares of this godforsaken company. If you buy a bunch of shares, the SP will go up and would make it more expensive to* ***theoretically*** *acquire anyway 🤦‍♂️* +I look forward seeing how this whole thing turns out between the lil guy and the hedge funds but more so I’m enjoying the fact that pretty much every stock around it is slowly dropping over this past week thanks to both the lil guy and the hedge funds all focused on a small selection of stocks. Soon it’ll be time to refill the dividend tank and gather more high quality long term growth regularly paying stocks + +Like Warren Buffet says, buy when everyone else doesn’t want the stock. Since they’re all too busy buying and holding, staring at each other across the metaphorical trenches of a select few stocks I’m just going to gather myself more ownership at a value price and I look forward to the end of the year dividend increases I’ll get :) +Hello beautiful apes, + +I have some things to share with you that I feel we need to internalize as a community. This is not hopium, and it is not FUD. + +This is somewhere in the middle. Giving a realistic perspective on what's actually going on. And it is important that we grasp the severity of the real situation so no one gets trapped anymore. + +And the real reason why MOASS is finally upon us. No hype baiting, no calls to action, no dates. + +Just sharing my perspective with some strong opinions, speculation, a fun story, and some pictures of charts. + +There are 3 sections. + +**Section 1: Addressing today** + +**Section 2: Story / Thought Experiment** + +**Section 3: Review of charts with lessons learned.** + +&#x200B; + +Let's get into it. + +&#x200B; + +**Section 1: Addressing today** + +I know today sucked. I'm mad that I was right. I was hoping it wouldn't be a rug pull. I was hoping the subtle call to action with a time sensitivity that came out of nowhere promising the moon if you do this **one thing**... would be true. + +But we need to learn from this. + +I posted 2 posts prior to this one saying to be skeptical about it. + +But because neither post went with the narrative being spun, it didn't get any traction. I tried to warn to be cautious of the options trap. + +My only thought was.. this looks too perfect. It has to be a trap. + +Because MOASS will just fucking happen.. It won't be laid out on the charts. It won't be a subtle bread crumb that we find. It won't be predictable. Someone's not going to come out of nowhere and say "GUYS LOOK AT THIS THING I FOUND IN THE CHART AND IT WILL HAPPEN ON THIS DAY AND ONLY THIS DAY BECAUSE XYZ"... + +It will be a sudden violent shift up. It will be a fucking Tsunami that hits everyone by surprise. It will be an asteroid in the dark. A black hole that swallows the entire financial sector and there's not a damned thing they can do to stop it. And not a damned thing any one of us, neither individually nor collectively can do to make it happen any faster. + +The only thing I as an individual investor can do to secure the investment that I believe in, is to buy, hold and make sure that share is in my fucking name by direct registering it. That's all. Nothing else. + +Options.. somebody show me one law that states MM must hedge with **shares** which drives a gamma squeeze? + +Someone show me a law that states the calls being exercised must be purchased on a **lit exchange**, and can **not** be a synthetic fake share that they internalized? + +BY ALL MEANS if you want to buy calls, and exercise them.. Go for it. That is your right as an investor. Make your bets. And exercise your rights if you feel inclined. + +But make sure those shares are DRS'd once you receive them. Because if you're exercising with the idea that it will create a gamma squeeze, that won't happen. Not when they control the whole system. + +This whole game, the system of rules and regulations and agencies to protect investors and the media are all controlled by them. They are created by them, for them. + +The call battle was lost today due to people trading options on emotions. Not logic. + +They used emotions to bait people into buying calls and pulled the rug from under them. + +*NONE OF THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. I'M JUST AN IDIOT WHO PUSHES BUTTONS AND EATS CRAYONS AND WRITES IN CAPS SOMETIMES.* + +If you're brand new to this game, this story will help you understand what's really going on behind the scenes and realize that the game is already won and there's nothing we can do except BUY, HODL and DRS. + +&#x200B; + +And here's why I believe that: + +&#x200B; + +**Section 2: Story / Thought experiment** + +Let's imagine a group of con artists comes up with a game. A game that they designed to make themselves money. + +In this game you have two teams. + +The group of con artists, and the suckers. + +In order for the con artists to make money, they need suckers to play the game. + +Let's call this game "The Long Con". + +A game that goes on forever as long as there is a sucker to play it. + +The game is simple. The suckers give the con artists money. And the con artists pretend they took it fairly. + +If some suckers realize it's rigged and move on, no big deal because as long as there are enough new suckers to entice, the game can literally be played forever. + +This game must appear fair, else the sucker would not play it initially. + +Why would you play a game that you know is rigged? + +So the con artists devise rules and regulations and sets up traps for the suckers. + +**What happens if the sucker figures out the game actually is rigged?** + +Well the sucker might consider finding loopholes in the rules of the game to create a fair advantage. The sucker might realize that if they force the con artist to play by the rules set out, the sucker turns into a winner overnight. + +So the con artists figure out that the suckers are on to them. + +At this point, what is the most logical thing for the con artist team to do? + +Change the fucking rules. Duh. + +But they can't just completely change the rules because that is basically the con artist team admitting: + +**"We're conning you, it's all a big sham, all of us are in on it"** + +So instead they create confusing changes and block out access to data, and PRETEND to play fair so that the suckers continue to play the game. + +They get their friends to dress up like the suckers to infiltrate and create confusion. They pay off the media to get the suckers to believe what they want them to believe. They play very sneaky so that they can still come out ahead. + +The one advantage they have over the suckers is that the suckers don't yet realize the whole fucking thing is a sham. That the truth would be so mind blowing to the average sucker, it can't possibly be the truth. + +If the average sucker realizes what's going on and tries to warn other suckers, the rest of them are so brainwashed to believe the game is real that they'll fight tooth and nail claiming the con artists must follow the fake rules which were created by the very same con artists... + +Without this illusion, the con artists could never continue the game. This illusion is what allows them to gaslight everyone. It allows them to move in the shadows the way they do. It allows them to say one thing and do another. + +People truly believe the con artists are at risk of things like "punishment" and "fines" and "jail time". And that's why the game can't possibly be rigged. + +They keep this narrative going by paying people to take the fall every once in a while. If one of them gets too greedy, they hit them with a small fine as a slap on the wrist. + +A joke. + +*"Haha look we caught you. Pay $200 do not pass go. And be more careful next time. By the way, you wanna go play golf next weekend? This time we're taking YOUR private jet. Okay see you soon. Hey tell my goddaughter I love her for me."* + +If one of the con artists in the group decides to turn on them, this gives them the perfect opportunity to show the world how "just" the system is and throw the book at them. Of course the only reason is to save themselves. So that the system as a whole continues to thrive on baiting suckers. So the secret doesn't get out. + +The truth behind these actions is to create a sense of trust within the game. Even if the suckers know the game is rigged to a degree, they still feel that at least some of the con artist team must be held accountable. And their portfolio is up $40k so they feel they've beaten the system. + +It tells them: *"See suckers!! Look!! One of us fell down!! We DO bleed!! And some of you won! Keep playing the game. We're not ALL in on it, swear!!! ;)"* + +But that random +$40k in a random sucker's account isn't "beating the system". It's a bribe. + +It's hush money. Because in truth, the only way to win big at this game is to know that it is rigged. And if you're making money, you're not going to want to tell anyone how exactly you're doing it in fear of the algorithm changing on you. Because if everyone knows your strategy, it's not gonna work anymore because everyone's doing it. + +So they'll let a few of the suckers win. In fact it's a business expense. It's an advertising cost. It draws more suckers in. + +Because for every sucker who wins $40k, there's another sucker who lost $80k. + +It's not a zero sum game. That is an illusion. If it were a zero sum game, the con artists wouldn't make any money. They'd just be exchanging and facilitating. Not hyping, baiting and rug pulling as active participants. + +And so the con artists realize that the suckers decided to play smart. The suckers found a loophole in the rules and hold the con artists accountable. They shine a light on the fuckery and put the con artists in a bad spot with 3 choices. + +&#x200B; + +1. Play fair and lose big time. +2. Reveal that it's all a con. +3. Restructure and figure out a way to continue the con. + +1 and 2 are out because if they play fair, they lose everything. And revealing it's a con sends them to prison or starts an uprising. + +So for the con artist team, option number 3 is the most logical and obvious choice. + +**Because** they own the systems and servers that the game runs on, and **because** they own the media outlets that spin the narratives where the majority of the suckers get their information from, and **because** they write the laws they *pretend* to follow, and **because** they themselves are the counter-parties that are allowed to work in secret and investigate themselves, and **because the suckers believe them,** they can appear to be losing when in fact they're winning. + +What do you do when you own everything and your sucker is on to you? + +If you can't shake their resolve. You can't change their minds. They know they caught you red handed. They're holding on and not letting go. Somehow they're still playing the game? + +You use that to your advantage. + +In many Martial Arts, you use your opponent's energy against them. If an enemy punches you, you can grab their arm and pull them in the direction of the punch and trip them up. + +That's what the con artists decide to do. + +They spin a narrative that they're fuk. They leave breadcrumbs for the suckers to find, and reveal a bit of the game that the suckers already figured out. They make everyone think the whole game is at risk over one thing when in reality it's not. Because the rules are fake, and they own the court. + +The only thing at risk is everyone realizing how rigged the game is and take their ball and go home. + +That is what they're actually afraid of. + +So how can they use this to their advantage? + +By drawing the game out longer than expected. + +The suckers appear to be wise. They are a worthy opponent. The only thing the con artists can do in this situation is draw it out and make them weary. Not because they're fucked on this one glitch, but because this one glitch could show the world that everything is fake. + +They plan to draw it out as long as they possibly can. Pretend they're losing and giving ground slowly. The suckers think "YES! We're winning! They can't keep this up forever!! Because of the **rules**!!!". + +This keeps them at bay for a while. It makes them zen like. It makes the suckers complacent so they don't start an uprising. The suckers who caught on to the scam are finally at peace with waiting. And the rest of the suckers think it's a conspiracy. + +Hopefully at some point the wise suckers will lose interest or morale. But the con artists know they won't. So instead they set up traps for the suckers. They use psychology to make them give up one thing in place of a promise of a better thing. + +They make the game interesting. A game that you constantly lose at is no fun. So they let the suckers win every now and then. Every 90 days or so. Just to keep up appearances. + +This is done so that the rest of the suckers continue playing the game. + +The main problem is that the suckers are getting smarter, and starting to realize what's going on and did something they never expected. The pulled a move called DRS. This was put in place many years ago and they forgot to destroy it. They left it in so they could play for fun against each other but they never expected the suckers to use it. + +So the con artists eventually realize the game is up. At the rate and speed the suckers are waking up, it's impossible to contain it forever. + +At some point, they have to pay the suckers the money they're owed. They have to admit defeat on this one glitch, this one loophole, so that they can continue for generations to con everyone else. + +But how do they do that when the suckers won't let go? The suckers know the true value. They aren't suckers anymore, they're acting like fucking **Apes**. + +How can the con artists get rid of them? + +What do you do if you've exhausted every avenue? If your game file is corrupt and there's no fixing it? + +**You start a new game.** + +You let the apes have what they want eventually, but then you devalue what they want so that you stay in control. + +The con artists have to take the ball to a new court with a new currency and blame the apes for destroying the old one. + +But the only way you'd be able to do this is **slowly**. You can't do it all at once because then no one's gonna play your new game. They'll play their own games. No one wants to play with a cheater. There's a reason aim bots are banned. + +The only way to survive an explosion is to get away from the blast radius. And if it's a super nova, you'll need a LOT of time to get away from it. + +If the blast goes off before you're able to get away safely, you're done. + +So then now we see the true game being played here. + +At this point it's anyone's game. The con artists can win if they get enough time. The apes can win if the explosion happens sooner than the con artists expect. + +But since the apes only moves are to wait, DRS and spread the word, and the con artists control everything.. + +Certainly no other action the apes can do would be able to set off the explosion themselves. + +The con artists know this and can use this by making the apes THINK that some other action can be done to win. And this action turns out to lower the ape's account holdings and raise the con artist's. They tell the apes to buy into a call option because "**Look it hurts us!!**" and then pull the rug. + +Over. And over. And over. Slowly raising the floor to make the smart apes think they're winning and to deter any other suckers from joining in before they're able to start a new game. + +Because one of the ways the con artist lose is if every sucker turned into an ape and DRS everything. It's best for the con artists to work together and keep that contained until the final rug pull. + +I know this story is long, and seems bleak, but there is a third player we haven't mentioned yet. + +One the con artists are terrified of the most. + +The Chairman. + +The Chairman is a rogue agent. A hybrid. He's educated on the con artist's tactics, but is not one of them. He has power according to the fake rules. And he knows the con artist tricks. He knows it's a game of politics, he knows it's all a ruse and he knows exactly how to force them to play fair. + +And he has one chance to set off the explosion and beat the con artists at their own game. + +The Chairman can only use his move once. And if he uses it at the wrong time or prematurely, it can fail and they'll devour him. But if he pulls it off, he will be a legend among the apes. And he will be the most powerful player in the game. + +The Chairman knows the con artists are playing the long game. He knows if he gives them too much time, he won't be able to play his move. But he also needs time himself to make sure that the move is air tight. So that the move will work. + +The players who were once suckers, are now apes. And the power will shift hands to the players if the Chairman pulls it off in time. The apes just have to be patient. Trust that the Chairman has a trick up his sleeve. And not fall for any of the con artist's traps. + +For once the Chairman entered the game, the con artists knew they were truly fuk. And the only way they can buy enough time to make a new game, is if they get the apes to lose interest. And the only way to do that is to knock them out of the tree BEFORE the Chairman speaks. + +And then once and for all, when The Chairman plays his hand, the Game will Stop. + +&#x200B; + +\--------------------------------- + +Side note: If you thought the story was a bit tin foily, I invite you to read some of my previous DD. I can't link because I'm afraid automod will delete me lol + +But click my profile, sort through top posts of all time and read the top 6 posts. + +Rolling in the Deep Dive + +Proof of Rolling in the Deep Dive + +Cellar Boxing + +The Loop Capital, Magic Johnson, Credit Suisse and Citadel connection + +Zombies + +AND BY THE WAY... I was the first person to come to the conclusion that Gamestop had sleeper agents on the inside. BEFORE RC kicked all those guys off. I posted the theory in the Mall Creep Bets sub and got death threats over it. The mods even made me my own flair. "Shitpost masquerading as DD" because they're compromised. + +I might not have gotten ALL the specifics on that theory but I was totally on to something. I speculated and turned out to be right. Just not in the exact way I thought. + +And if all that DD is true, then what I'm saying now, although impossible to prove, just seems like the most logical conclusion. + +If they allow for exemptions of rules, if they cellar box companies and the SEC knows and doesn't do shit, if the largest hedgefunds are allowed to collude to naked short and hide FTDs, if they're allowed to play zombie stocks without retail on a private side market, the only logical conclusion is that the whole fucking thing is a giant scam and these morons fucked up and got Ceiling Boxed. + +\------------------------------- + +**Section 3: Review of charts with lessons learned.** + +With that story in mind.. + +Look at this chart for a second. Internalize it. + +&#x200B; + +[Rug pull.](https://preview.redd.it/sns1xiyo5f181.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=8125cf2fff9cab0397336f832c14e3b9e28cbf5f) + +In the entirety of GME history, this to me is by far the worst drop. + +*"Wait what do you mean... January was $500 to $40..."* you say? + +I'm not talking about price action. I'm talking about strategy. + +Let me explain.. + +&#x200B; + +[January](https://preview.redd.it/fpx8ey4fge181.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a1b810cde664349a724c93ff2e5a08013f4470) + +&#x200B; + +This is a battle. You see the hedgies struggling to stay alive. This is the moment the suckers turned into apes. You can just feel their desperation in every candle. This is what it looks like when they're losing control. A bunch of run ups and a bunch of dips. Chaotic. It's a fucking mess. + +It's not slow up then fast down. It's not a rug pull. It's something that caught them by surprise and they're desperately attempting to contain it. + +When I look at this chart, I see: + +[\*Insert deep fake of Kenny\*](https://i.redd.it/66w9h0sehe181.gif) + +Now let's look at February: + +&#x200B; + +[February](https://preview.redd.it/w5kiyljrhe181.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=0870e886908d1a28fd139c21bee702cf2594cc17) + +&#x200B; + +Look at the difference. It's a jump up, but it's not chaotic. It's controlled in a channel. Like an impulse wave. Smooth transitions. You see this kind of thing on any stock. Jump up then correction and settle at mid point. + +Hedgies expected apes to fold in the 30s/40s and they thought they won. Then the jump to $200 was them paying off their can kicking with the roll overs. + +Apes had no fucking clue what was going on, they just knew shorts never covered and figured "Oh it's back on, this must be MOASS" and people jumped into calls again. + +I think it was at THIS point, hedgies knew they were fuk. Because they never expected it to go this far. This is when they decided to change the rules. + +They thought retail was dumb money and would have folded, and by the time they had to roll over their swaps and all that bullshit they did to can kick, they figured it would have been around 4 to 5 dollars and this jump from $40 to $200 would have been $5 to $25. + +But instead, apes held. The suckers didn't fall for the tricks. The suckers forced the con artists to play by the rules. And the con artists finally realized at this point what was going on and the position they were truly in. + +But the apes still didn't realize all the tricks the con artists had up their sleeves, and the con artists used this to their advantage. + +Enter March: + +[March](https://preview.redd.it/btyr5yr4jf181.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=3329da46295df237ac656309ef524b43212498fd) + +This I believe was a test. A controlled test. I don't believe they were at risk of "being margin called" because they're all fucking in on it. I think this was a test of a new system. A new strategy to create more suckers and a way to keep the game going just long enough to buy some time to start a new save file. + +Selling calls on the way up, and buying them back from paper hands. Selling puts on the way back up and buying them back from paper hands. You better fucking believe they made bank off this. + +This was not a move to shake paper hands from the share tree. Because nobody sold. + +This was a move to fuck all the calls and the puts and keep the premiums. + +They weren't hedging shit. + +[Feb to March](https://preview.redd.it/hp6naerjke181.png?width=1287&format=png&auto=webp&s=183b1044f805745a68cdc4a3ceb228fa9ae05545) + +Look how controlled this is. + +How smoooooooth. The chart is so clearly in an up trend. You'd think "Oh shit this is it!!!! MOASS". + +But nope. + +&#x200B; + +[Rug pull.](https://preview.redd.it/ptlr6ivoke181.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd0200e509874411334507a6dee599596909dc19) + +It was a success. The con artists figured out a new way to trap the suckers. + +I remember the exact moment it dropped from $348.50 to $117. + +I rolled my eyes and said "Fuck you Kenny, this is short attack to catch all the stop losses and it's going back up". + +Which it was. And it did. But it never recovered from this dip. This was the last time we saw $348.50 + +We all thought they were being margin called and $350 is when shit gets real. When in reality, they want us to think that. + +What's actually going on is they're setting up bull traps for options every 90 days and making bank and throwing all the idiosyncratic risk in the FTD warehouse. Hoping they'll never have to worry about it because they're planning on starting a new game. + +And when I say "they" I don't mean just Shitadel, I mean all'em. Every last one of the short hedge funds and the DTCC, \*insert every other 3 and 4 letter named organization\* and SEC is allowing it because the SEC is just playing good cop bad cop until they can get away from the blast radius. + +Laying bread crumbs for apes to find. Pretending they're at risk when realistically this is just an annoyance to them. This is a glitch in their matrix. A window to their fuckery market wide. + +Yes they place bets between themselves and call those bets "swaps". Yes they have wars here and there among the whales. But at the end of the day they're all sitting behind the same table laughing about it like Monopoly. + +You can owe a player trillions in Monopoly if you just keep playing the game and letting debt pile up and the banker keeps printing more money. + +"*Okay you get another free pass. Just pay me a little bit of interest right now.*" + +No one's really at risk because it's just pretend. + +We are interrupting something bigger than just one stock + +Enter RC: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mxud86cxlf181.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=21df23903038bf91cf9e832204015c748c2afe87 + +&#x200B; + +When RC did the share offering, he started it right before the rug pull was going to happen. He knew they're controlling it and letting it go up slowly and he lowered the price with the share offering before they got a chance to rug pull. + +They figured "*Okay cool we don't have to short this, he did it for us*" and thought he was pulling an Adam. They thought this was good for them but they didn't realize how badly they fucked up by raising the price and making the rug pull cycle so obvious. + +Instead of using that ammo to short it at the rug pull, they did this and spread it out longer. + +https://preview.redd.it/s06w12etmf181.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c8157b5f162f04781dc3e3fea159714b6909b3a + +They probably thought he was so stupid by doing that for them. Giving them more time. + +&#x200B; + +[August](https://preview.redd.it/oq47q9d2nf181.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=f25ffde9500cb33b4442dbd50493f7ac1ae83dfe) + +This in August was also intentional. They just faked people out and broke some ankles. + +You see the green dildo, you're thinking *"Okay this is it. Let's go!!! Buy calls and then buy puts because this bitch going up and straight down again."* + +Nope. Flatlined on both sides. Expectations were up or down, not sideways. It was a sideways fake-out and they made bank on the Theta decay of far OTM YOLOs. + +Which leads us to right here and right now: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x5lhxzqknf181.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6385b55fed2a50b1c100ae849703cf12e4670ce + +We're in the end game. Again. + +But this time it's for real. + +Time is running out on both sides of the fence. + +Not because marge is calling, they don't give a fuck about that. + +It's for a few reasons instead that we're now in the end game. + +Apes are smart as FUCK right now and DRS is fucking working. + +What I mean by "working" is that they're being boxed in. + +Instead of Hedgies Cellar Boxing the suckers, the Apes Ceiling Boxed the con artists. + +Forced their fake margins so tight that they can't hold out for too much longer without revealing the game is completely fucking rigged. + +And that means they'll be pulling more desperate moves. Like infiltrating and telling everyone to buy options for a rug pull. And other various shit we've yet to see. + +Hedgies running out of time before the game starts looking completely fake and their getaway plan fails. So they're speeding up their plans and making wilder volatility so that the options look enticing as Apes fall for the bait. + +Chairman running out of time to make his move because hedgies are speeding up their plans because Apes Ceiling Boxed the hedgies. + +It's a giant roller coaster of emotions and a series of events that intertwine which will make the most amazing movie you've ever seeen. + +Hedgies fucked up by letting RC get that share offering in before the rug pull. It allowed him funds to develop what ever the fuck he's developing which will change the game entirely. + +They thought "*What the fuck is he gonna do with a billion dollars... Buy more games lol fuck off*" + +There was no way to predict he would create a brand new stock market out of nowhere lmao how do you go from a game retailer to a crypto innovator? + +And hedgies realize more and more people are catching on, and so what ever is going to happen is gonna happen soon. On both sides. The infinity war has begun. + +Not because of options or swaps or rules or margin or what ever bullshit, but because the game is, was and always has been fake. And if they don't do something soon, the entire world will know it's fake. + +&#x200B; + +[The chaotic](https://preview.redd.it/j1tv5e5qkf181.png?width=912&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b88451eaae14e48b60615315a636cfa9d930ea1) + +[The controlled](https://preview.redd.it/19lxikvskf181.png?width=1859&format=png&auto=webp&s=6776e2a7864f9587fc363113a33435e3c1a38866) + +[The share offering](https://preview.redd.it/xb92ekavkf181.png?width=1778&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf783c9640a172354be6ab2d258d2959a8b10700) + +[The sideways fake-out](https://preview.redd.it/lm0qx6kykf181.png?width=1710&format=png&auto=webp&s=7132080ade543bfa11f39508e7423b5ed0fa1016) + +[The fucking endgame](https://preview.redd.it/rbrutyp1lf181.png?width=1603&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a2015a8e2a9e5135d31c19c74d022ac3b023a96) + +I'll leave you with this.. + +Study the chart looking at it from this angle. We're always looking at a few bits at a time, scrolling sideways. When you look at it in separate pictures like this, you can see something is totally different about this rug pull. It's the most violent and intense since January. + +June doesn't count since it was RC, not the hedgies. + +Notice also how the August sideways fake-out looks just like February. It's controlled. Not losing grip or fighting margin. + +Notice how the recent run up to 250 and then rug pull to 213 are more concentrated, violent and chaotic like January instead of slow angled runs with huge top wicks. + +I believe MOASS is upon us. And I have absolutely no fucking clue what that means, what it'll look like or when the peak is, or what day it'll go above $1k or $10k or $100M. This is an unprecedented, never witnessed before event. It could be a huge pre market spike to $100k or it could be a violent 6 month struggle with crazy volatility. But I do know the show has finally begun and we're done with sideways trading. + +Hedgies got more tricks. And RC gonna announce some shit. And the chart is gonna go nuts. Not on any specific day or week. It's going to be completely unpredictable. We could see $50 dollar days and $3k days and $100k days and $100M days and brokers might end up offering fractional option shares as part of their rug pull plan. + +No one can tell you what's about to happen next. + +The pictures tell the story better than I ever could. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR Stop giving into hype. Buy your shit, DRS your shit, and let RC do his shit. It's gonna be fine. + +*This post is not financial advice, it is wild speculation based on my highly medicated and retarded opinion and you should not listen to me.* + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I just got notified that this post is at #22 on r/all + +Congrats you fuckers, you made this post go world wide and hedgies worst nightmare will come true. Remember, in the story, the only way for the con artists to lose before Chairman plays his hand is if everyone woke up all at once and DRS. + +Not financial advice of course. Just a story. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: + +I was invited to a Discord a few months ago and Criand and Gherk and pretty much every DD writer were in it and we'd randomly talk here and there. Never a real conversation, just you know random Discord shit. + +And after this post blew up they kicked me out. + +Take that for what it's worth. + +Edit 3: + +I gotta be honest that kind of hurt. Like I never called anyone out and specifically said they were shills. Sure I implied the possibility because everyone's possibly a shill over the internet LOL but... For some strange reason I thought some of those guys in the group were becoming my friends. + +I don't have a lot of friends and I don't trust many people easily, and my trust goes away quickly when someone does something shady. + +But these guys seemed really cool. And never had an issue with them and never said anything bad about them. But all of a sudden this post blows up and they kick me out. + +So I'll just have to conclude either I'M a shill. Or all of them are shills. Whoever was pushing the options narrative REALLY hated this post enough to cellar box it with down votes, and to ban me from a server for absolutely no other reason. No warning, no "Hey let's talk about it", nothing. + +I had expressed my concerns the whole week about options and they all fought me tooth and nail and I won every debate because at the end, they couldn't answer my questions properly and my prediction came true and theirs didn't. + +So...I wasn't exactly saying it before but yeah in my opinion they're all shills now because of that. + +Or I'm the shill. One or the other, can't be in between at this point. + +Because the only other reason they'd kick me out is if they thought I was the shill. + +But let me ask you one thing... Who's using their platform for self promo and who's not? + +Who's got a YouTube video link in every post and who literally doesn't give a fuck and just spits the truth? + +Who says things that end up not being true and moves the goal post, and who says things that seem wild and crazy but then end up being true? + +Who makes money off the apes exposure and attention and who sits here for hours doing this for no reward? +I was reading the Black Mirror Wikipedia page when it said “The series was expensive for Channel 4, as the anthology format meant there were no economies of scale.” I looked up what an economy of scale meant and the video made sense in the context of making bread, but how does it apply to a show? I guess it means the higher budget of the show should mean it makes more profit, but how does an anthology not apply to that? Is it because the episodes aren’t continuous and don’t build up to some bigger thing? +Late last month, INR 714 were deducted from my PayTM wallet for a Zomato order even though I hadn’t placed the order. This was the second time this had happened to me — the first time was in January and the reversed charged was reversed. Anyway, this time it happened I contacted both Zomato and PayTM on Twitter and let them that I had not placed that order or authorised that transaction from my wallet. What do you know, both of them failed to offer an adequate response that offered even a moderately acceptable response. Both of them said something to the effect of ‘The service has been delivered. Not our problem. Contact the other company’. + +I eventually dropped it with Zomato, because I figured this was more of a PayTM concern since a random stranger was able to use my PayTM wallet without the requisite authorisation. Every time I texted them they sent me the following: + +“We would like to inform you that your transaction of Rs.714.0 to Zomato media Private Limited under order \[Order number\] was successful. Kindly note that the delivery of products or services solely depends on merchant's service and delivery policy. So, we request you to coordinate with Zomato media Private Limited for confirmation of services/product delivery. We have noticed that you have linked your wallet with the merchant. In case you want to view or make changes to any linked app or subscriptions on your Paytm account, kindly follow the steps below” + +I eventually wrote to the Ministry of Electronics & IT and was asked to write to PayTM’s cyber cell first and then advised to report the matter to MHA’s Cyber Crime cell in case Paytm refuses to address the problem. + +So, I wrote to PayTM’s cyber cell. I kid you not, they sent me the same reply I mentioned above for over a week. I tried explaining to them in every possible manner that I had not authorised this transaction or offered access to my wallet to the person who had placed the aforementioned order. Of course, they continued to ignore every piece of information and proof I provided and instead gave me the same reply every single time. Made me want to tear my hair out, honestly. + +Anyway, a week later, I turned to MHA to report the problem. It has been a couple of days. Does anyone know how long this could possibly take to be addressed? I have removed all my card details from my Paytm wallet of course, but unfortunately I am still compelled to use it because my employer routes the food coupons-thingy through Paytm now or I would have deleted my account the first time it happened. So, for now, I am stuck using the food wallet amount pretty much as soon as it is credited for the fear of it being misused yet again. + +Also, any advise for how to deal with this further? + +**Edit 1: Added screenshots** + +Here are some screenshots. + +1. [Payment notification](https://imgur.com/a/ov86DyU) +2. Zomato reply: [1](https://i.imgur.com/HOjhr8e.png) | [2](https://imgur.com/a/h9COO8K) +3. [Further details shared by PayTM](https://imgur.com/a/UTML1mY) + +P.S.: This is the first time I am posting images to Reddit. Please let me know if am going about it wrong. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 2: Some updates:** + +1. Wrote to my HR to let them know about the issue with PayTM. Received a "contact your bank" kind of reply from them. So, there's that. + +&#x200B; + +2. Got a call from PayTM cc today -- for the first time since this shit started and my God, to say that conversation was infuriating is a massive understatement. The executive didn't know why it took so long for them to call me about this, said he only received this today -- you know, instead of saying he will try and find out. Tried giving me the same BS about how my PayTM wallet can't be deducted unless it is linked to Zomato and stuff. Told him had he or anyone else in the team cared to read anything I have said since 21 March, they would know this was not placed from my Zomato account. I then explained it to him again and told him I never received an OTP. As soon as he heard the OTP bit, he told me I wouldn't receive an OTP if my account was already linked. Of course, I explained to him again that if he would have paid attention to what I am saying that that wasn't the case and that I never received an OTP at any point that I couldn't account for. Also, told him that a complaint with MHA's cyber crime division had been filed. Also, told him he should make his seniors listen to this call so they can see how God awful a job he was doing -- the guy was endlessly defensive and instead of patiently listening to what I had to say, he continually kept talking over me. Gave me the same BS explanation everyone from PayTM has been giving thus far, even after I told him that I had clearly said in my emails that this explained NOTHING. + +&#x200B; + +New update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/mkftre/unauthorised_transaction_from_paytm_wallet_for_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +&#x200B; +Final update below***** + +This could age terrible but I am convinced the market will not survive another two weeks. Why you might ask……..Kids + +I’ve been tracking school district corona virus dashboards. I haven’t found a district in a major metropolitan area that hasn’t seen a significant increases in both student and faculty populations since opening. I’m talking some as high as 10% current infections less than 10 days into the school year. Politics aside……shutdowns are coming at least for many schools. Which in turn creates the issue of who will watch kids. Hospitals are maxed out in several parts of the country. Politicians trying to look tough saying they are keeping their states open will all crumble when the news cycle is flooded with pediatric covid cases. Nobody wants to see kids on ventilators. Politicians are suppose to kiss babies not kill them. + +This will send markets reeling. This is a terrible reality and not the catalyst I want, but the train is headed down the tracks. + +TLDR: schools open - covid transmission wildfire - hospitals already close to capacity - shutdowns coming - crash coming + + +Edit: obviously very speculative and not meant to debate covid anything. I get some of the hate towards the post. Im looking at this from the perspective of the data shows the game should be over but it’s not. There are multiple counter parties that will be playing damage control from MOASS if they can survive and so any story that can provide some cover or deflect from the fuckery that brought us here would be welcome. Shit this would be the easiet narrative to play the victim card for traditional Wall Street making retail traders the terrible pandemic profiteers. + +Edit 2: this is not financial advice and should not be used to make investment decisions. + +Edit 3: my timeline may have been too tight but today we have seen article claiming delta cases have peaked. I think this is the setup for the gut punch. I’ve seen some districts with very concerning increases today and yesterday. Some as high as 500 new infections reported in a single day which is very alarming. UTSW for example is preparing for hospitalizations to be 3x higher than the surge last year but the market is claiming delta has peaked. Disconnect + +Edit 4: well ICU utilization is now higher than any time since the start of the pandemic but no talk of shutdowns. I might be wrong on this being the catalyst but the situation is grim. Stay safe. Try not to need a hospital for anything. + +Edit 5: Well it’s been 10 trading days since I made this prediction and the market hasn’t crashed. I sincerely apologize if anyone had their hopes riding on this post. This I’m afraid is just another scary indication the market is detached from reality. I’ve never seen multiple school districts of over 50k students running a 10 day average of over 10% absentee and the NICU / PICU utilization is at historic levels. I’m not convinced we have peaked based on numbers I’m seeing vs what the news is touting but again as far as my prediction I was wrong. After MOASS my commitment to doing something substantial towards ending childhood hunger in my area stands. +I'm a fairly frugal person, I try to live as though I'm on welfare and put the rest away for a rainy day. I suggested others do the same and questioned why giving people money in the hopes that they spend it is best for the health of the economy as a whole. + +I got hammered in another thread for this for two reasons: one, working class and unemployed people generally don't have the money to invest, so they are by and large, consumers. Secondly, we need to spend money to keep the service and retail sectors afloat, because that's where all the low entry jobs are for people who are presently unemployed, - so if we give money to poor people, they will spend it at businesses, so they will hire new workers from that pool of unemployed to cope with the demand. + +So why doesn't this logic apply for investing? Let's say I put my money into a renewables and technology ETF, that generally invests it into new technologies. Maybe I average a 5% return on my investment compounding over 40 years. But the industries now have capital to expand their manufacturing and hire new workers so in theory, my investment is creating jobs the same way as my consumer spending is isn't it? Why am I being told to buy useless shit like clothes and burgers and Cafe made coffee which lose their value immediately after consumption. I traded my time and my labour for a good that's removed from the economy immediately, so why is this considered better? +I work as a banker and today during my annual performance evaluation my supervisor asked me what my long term plan was and if I planned to stay in banking or if I was going to switch to working my rentals full time in the future. I feel like employers see real estate investing as a risk to losing employees because it leaves our options open. It seems like most employers want employees who are desperate for a pay check and not financially independent. + +End of rant +**Edit: People are confused about my statement on cash deposits creating an asset for the bank. When you deposit cash in the bank, you give them money, which is an asset. They are obligated to repay you that money, and thus a liability is created to offset the asset.** + +**If you lend me $5 dollars, I will have to repay that $5 (liability) when you ask me for it. However, I still have $5 and that is an asset. This is how the balance stays in balance.** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Hey everyone, + +It has come to my attention that my connection between Bank of America experiencing an outage and the implementation of a new capital requirement are **NOT** connected. I made the assumption that customer deposits (which creates cash as an asset) were being factored into their risk weighted assets. However, this is NOT used to calculate capital requirements. + +This means there is no connection other than these events occurring on the same day. I learned about this after speaking with u/[Crippled-Mosquito](https://www.reddit.com/user/Crippled-Mosquito/). You can see our conversation [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q1mcz7/titanic_20_inaccuracies_some_corrections/hfhi246/?context=8&depth=9). + +This was an act of me finding a source to confirm my prior post, without being as diligent as I have been in the past. There is no excuse for this, other than my own excitement. Obviously, I have removed the post because it contains more misinformation (and straight-up falsehoods) than anything else. + +Kudos to u/[Crippled-Mosquito](https://www.reddit.com/user/Crippled-Mosquito/) for providing the wrinkle. I'm not able to see every comment or respond to every argument, so I'm very thankful for a sub that can keep pushing for the truth. + +I'm sorry for dropping the ball, but I'll always own up to my mistakes. + +Cheers +Hi. Just like a PSA. I have friends who recently became landlords and despite my advising them strongly they needed to run background and credit checks, they didn't. Guess how that turned out. I used to work as a property manager and the reality is most folks who turned up, couldn't get approved. I learned quickly not to judge a book by its cover. Lots of lovely, polite people with horrific rental history, credit or criminal past. Let the big complexes who are desperate for tenants be the ones who deal with the bad credit, terrible tenant history, criminal history folks. There are many people out there just hunting for a private landlord who doesn't check and as soon as they're in, they won't ever pay again. My friends looked into their history after the fact, yeah, this is their M.O. exactly. They'll never see a dime meanwhile they're paying the mortgage and water and now for the eviction which will take months. + +Check. Every time. No exceptions. + +ITT: People acting like locking your doors amounts to theft. + +Thanks for the graphic, long death threats. FO. + +Also, lots of people PMing me about having bad credit themselves. Look LOADS of landlords rent to folks with less than perfect credit / criminal history / landlord history / income. Honestly I suspect most do. The ones I've worked for DEFINITELY do. The folks that almost no one will rent to are the ones who force an eviction immediately after moving in, never intended to pay once they got tenants rights and trash the house on the way out and do this REPEATEDLY. I promise they're out there. Tons of folks do this shit. I get we have a housing crisis but its just insane to think we solve this by having every person who has property to rent play craps with their kids college fund or their retirement savings. + +Also, I get it losers. The proletariat is going to rape my eye holes while I watch my family bleed out. You don't need to keep messaging me that. I've already gotten the message. I suspect you're the same assholes out there trashing houses, destroying people's nest egg / retirement funds / kids college funds / lives. + +If y'all don't want to fear the front page, upvote this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ideasfortheadmins/comments/dm2e8u/ability\_to\_turn\_off\_inbox\_for\_a\_time\_or\_until\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ideasfortheadmins/comments/dm2e8u/ability_to_turn_off_inbox_for_a_time_or_until_i/) +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/b3i7n3a7ku271.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae38980b0a7c0526af6ea8228c456fba4cb69cd4 + +Listen Apes, we need to talk. I know we all love confirmation bias. We all love to predict the movement. + +**We are great at spotting out FUD, wrong information and debunking it. Yet these myths and wrong information have been accepted by the community for months. It encourages day-trading due to ''forecasting'' the stocks movement, hence being bad for us.** + +But when I check the daily, every few comments mentions one of the above. + +I am going to go for a quick one here. No memes, no jokes. + +Tell me: Do you recognize any of these? + +\----- + +**''OMG THEY BORROWED 700 TRILLION SHARES, EXPECT A DIP''** + +Probably the number 1 comment on the daily. This metric is completely useless right now. Let's just assume that the numbers are correct - which I don't believe btw - please answer to me: + +How do you know what happened when the number decreased? **Anyone?** + +**Does it mean they will use the shares to drop the price? NO!** They could have used the shares to satisfy a different short position, to satisfy FTD, to delta hedge a call or the numbers could have dropped simply because shares were removed from being available to borrow. You doubt all numbers, yet you believe these figures blindly. + +To clarify: this is not 'covering' in terms of reducing the number of open short positions. It is kicking the can down the road. I am just pointing out that borrowed shares aren't necessarily being used to drop the price. + +\---- + +**''OMG VIX IS SPIKING - LET'S GOOO'' or ''WHY IS GME RED BUT VIX IS SPIKING?''** + +One of the most favorite comments on r/Superstonk. [Vix is a volatility index that tracks the option activity and is designed to reflect the volatility of the U.S. stock market in the next 30 days:](https://www.cboe.com/tradable_products/vix/) + +>*The VIX Index is a calculation designed to produce a measure of constant, 30-day expected volatility of the U.S. stock market, derived from real-time, mid-quote prices of S&P 500® Index (SPX℠) call and put options. On a global basis, it is one of the most recognized measures of volatility -- widely reported by financial media and closely followed by a variety of market participants as a daily market indicator.* + +It is not connected to GME. Nor does it imply that GME does anything. + +\--- this leads me to: + +**''MARKET RED, NEGATIVE BETA SO GME BRRRRRR''** + +This one gives me a headache. **Correlation does not** imply causation. Just because GME has been performing quite the opposite to the market, does not mean it will do so in the future. And most of the time GME had a correlation to the overall market in the past few weeks. + +\--- + +**''WE ARE DOWN 2% IN PREMARKET ON LOW VOLUME, BLATANT MANIPULATION!''** + +Just no. Premarket has low volume, hence the price moves in one or the other direction quickly due to the lack of liquidity. A wider spread implies movement. Not every movement downwards is manipulation, yet every movement upwards is normal behavior. Stocks move both ways, especially in pre market. + +\--- + +**''Short Volume = New short positions''** + +Same explanation as shares borrowed. It does not mean new short positions have been opened. + +\--- + +**EDIT: ''SSR IS ON, LET'S GO''** + +SSR doesn't mean jack shit for us. You can still short the stock, just limited to shorting on an uptick. Seriously, this doesn't change anything. + +\---- + +**Just buy, hold and vote and educate yourself.** + +🚀💎 +According to this [Website](http://www.currentmarketvaluation.com/models/buffett-indicator.php) + +&nbsp; + +>The Buffett Indicator is the ratio of total US stock market valuation to GDP. As of January 14, 2021 we calculate the Buffett Indicator as: + +&nbsp; + +Aggregate US Market Value: $47.6T + +&nbsp; + + +Current (Estimated) GDP: $21.5T + +&nbsp; + +**Buffett Indicator: 221%** + +&nbsp; + +>By our calculation that is currently 82% (or about 2.7 standard deviations) above the historical average, suggesting that the market is Strongly Overvalued. It has not been around this level since the Internet Bubble of the early 2000's. + +&nbsp; + +>**Criticisms of The Buffett Indicator** +It is important to call out that no single metric is illustrative of the entire market, of course. The primary criticism of using the Buffett Indicator as a valuation metric (and particularly in late 2020 using it as a metric to justify the overvaluation of the market), is that it does not address the state of non-equity asset markets. + +&nbsp; +Recently my father's LIC Money back policy policy matured and he received a return of around 126000 INR, although he considered this a success even after investing an amount 6560 every year for 20 years, I was skeptical around the return. + +So I decided to compare that with returns of other famous investment vehicles like Nifty 50 and Gold. + +There was a moneyback from the policy every 5 years considering that, here is the result of such comparison from 2001 to 2021 + +**Summary:** + +Return on Gold : 12% + +Return on Nifty: 15% + +Return on LIC: 5% + +(calculation attached with [G Sheet)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIk18XIZS9JhP8TnAjFdTbKqTYME3vcEAA2FRl6OKoI5_ZuICzje6KtgAuKS9qNmoMxkzglYXCElYe/pubhtml#) + +**Note:** The comparison is made with absolute data based on actual dates and values + +If you want to calculate the same for your ULIP/ LIC, here are the steps to follow: + +1. get Nifty date wise NAV from VRO + +2. Gold price date wise from Google + +3. LIC returns in actual + +4. feed to a spread sheet like Excel and use XIRR formulae + +Thanks to u/crimelabs786 for helping out with the calculation +Since March, the Federal Reserve has printed around $3 trillion and used all of that money to buy U.S. treasuries and corporate bonds, effectively bailing out the failed investments of wealthy investors (similar to how the Fed bought mortgage-backed securities in 2008 while ignoring the homeowners who lost their homes). + +**If this $3 trillion were instead distributed directly to households, each household would've received \~$24,000**, an enormous boon given that the bottom 48% of U.S. households have a *negative* net worth, and 60% of Americans can't cover an emergency $500 expense [\[1\]](https://inequality.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/BILLIONAIRE-BONANZA-2017-Embargoed.pdf). + +Why does the Federal Reserve only use its magical printing press powers to bail out Wall Street and rich people, while ignoring the broke masses? If the Fed really wanted to stimulate the economy, why not distribute this printed money directly to the people instead of to buying financial assets from Wall Street banks and rich people? (Even Milton Friedman coined the term [helicopter money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helicopter_money) 50 years ago.) + +*EDIT: Please do NOT downvote comments simply because you disagree with them. The purpose of the downvote button is to downvote off-topic, irrelevant, and/or toxic comments that do not add to the discussion, not to censor opposing viewpoints. As I write this each of my responses to the top 3 comments in this thread have been auto-hidden due to all the downvotes, which is absurd and makes it practically impossible to have any real balanced discussion. Clearly I'm not the only one curious about this topic, let's not censor the discussion.* +In addition, just hyper political polarization in general. Are these just general ways elites use to divide a population? + +Edit: high inequality. In the sense that the wider the gap gets, the more susceptible/probability a society is to this. +Been a lurker for years, posting for the first time today. Before we get started, I just want to thank everyone here for the wealth of knowledge available week after week. Using a throwaway for anonymity, I work/live on the internet (YouTuber) and would like to keep my finances private. Happy to verify with mods as needed. + +Late 20's, fortunate enough to be a content creator on YouTube my entire professional life. Working 70+ hour weeks means hoarding cash and no time to spend it. Here's my current snapshot: + +**NET WORTH: $8,700,000** + +* Investments (CPC): $5,000,000 +* Cash: $2,100,000 +* Home/vehicles/etc: $1,100,000 +* 4x rental properties: $500,000 + +**ANNUAL INCOME: $1,500,000** + +* Varies between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000, see that continuing for at least few years +* Annual spend: $100,000 +* Currently DCA'ing $75k/month into the market + +I signed up for Chase Private Client in the early 2010's when I first started finding success. I already banked with Chase and passing money off to an advisor made it much easier to focus on my craft. Fast forward a few years, thanks to /r/fatFIRE, I'm aware of just how badly I'm being killed in fees (1.25%+). I'm also well aware I need to deploy the cash, but after such a volatile year, it's intimidating to make any big moves. + +Looking for thoughts/suggestions: + +* Is it time to cut CPC? (I assume the answer here is yes) +* Should I look into a fiduciary (one near me with 0.6% fee)? A robo-advisor? Or is it truly as simple as dumping everything into a three fund portfolio at Vanguard? +* With the current heat of the market, would you still lump sum it all at once? Or DCA? +* Should I throw it all in a Robinhood account and trade weekly options? +* Any other insight is very much appreciated! +It's a common misconception that I’ve come across so I just wanted to put this out there for people who may just be getting started! + +Cheap or expensive is determined by valuation. + +That's it from me! Thank you for this community and I wish us all well in our intelligent investing journeys. +Six fucking percent for a week of work. That's what realtors want in this market. 3% for the buyer's agent, 3% for the seller's agent, and all they have to do is take some pictures and put that shit up on the internet. It's galling. You have a $500k house and want to sell it? Well, not without paying $30k to some shithead with an MLS account! And it only gets more galling the richer you get. The transaction cost on buying and selling homes is just really, really fucking high when you use an agent. + +And Zillow knows this, and they know people are sick of paying realtors $3,000-$10,000 per hour to sell their homes. + +Today, I just sold an investment property to Zillow. They offered me the Zestimate (their own pricing model which is publicly available on their website), which is great because it's how I valued my house anyway. People are always on Zillow looking to see what shit costs, and they just offered me what they said the house was worth. + +They charged me about $10k in seller concessions to for repairs and shit, which is higher than you might pay normally, but this is directly in line with my own estimations for what I would have needed to do to sell the house. + +Finally, they charges .1%. POINT ONE PERCENT as a transaction cost. So at the end of the day, I got exactly the price I expected, I didn't have to deal with anybody's bullshit (buyers, agents, showings, cleanings, contractors, staging, pictures) and I basically did the whole thing online. + +Their tech is also very good. Smooth docusigning, good customer service, even remote/Zoom notary services. + +They are going to spruce this house up and then they are going to sell it on their own platform to another buyer. Even if they don't make a profit, what they just did is FUCK TWO TO FOUR REALTORS out of their commissions. + +It's like Sony taking a loss on their hardware to get market share. This is how Zillow is going to win. It was easier and cheaper and I dont' feel slightly fucked. But realtors are fucked. I think Z has earnings on 8/5. I'm thinking about an option play but I don't know. My wife bought like 15k of their stock for a long term hold in her roth, so that's all we've got for now. What do you think? +Hey guys. + +I was literally fired less than hour ago, and this subreddit is the first "person" I'm telling. + +I just want to point out how incredibly important savings are. I am 24, and this was my first real job. I am fortunate to have saved $5,000 in savings (enough for about 4 to 5 months expenses) and that isnt even considering unemployment and my last check. + +This is a huge reason why I didn't cry when I was fired lol. It didn't feel like my livlihood was gone. + +That is all, just a PSA. + +Edit: Thank you all for the comments and support, I really appreciate you all! + +Edit 2: As the comments have pointed out, I was laid off and not fired! I appreciate the distinction now +Wife and I ran the numbers and we are on track for $10-$12 million net worth in about 5 years. We’re thrilled that our hard work and sacrifice is paying off, but it also becomes clear that we could push the envelope a little and retire with $50+ million in the bank in 7-10 years after that, like many of you have. My question is… why? So, for those of you fighting for $50+ million NW, what are you fighting for that requires that much money? Luxuries? Security? Access? Inheritance for kids? What motivates you? +My question in the title is basically the whole question. It seems either naive or deliberately obtuse to simply call Capitalism an "Economic System", when it's forces touch on everything the definition of communism is, and possibly those forces as great if not great an impact. Is there a reason for the definition being so simplistic, or is the definition completely wrong and Capitalism is certainly a "philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology"? +> Several customers of online brokerage platform Groww got a rude shock, finding their investments in liquid schemes redeemed without their authorisation and re-invested in a New Fund Offer. +> +> Kanika Gupta, one such affected investor, said that her entire investment in ICICI Prudential Mutual Ultra Short Debt Fund Direct was switched to a new ICICI Flexi Cap fund without her knowledge on July 12. Incidentally, the NFO of ICICI Flexi Cap closed the same day. + +https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/stock-markets/unauthorised-switch-leaves-mutual-fund-investors-in-shock/article35476572.ece +There’s an intersection where I live where there’s a Shell and an Arco across from each other. Every time I’ve been there, the Arco has had lower prices than the Shell. How does the Shell station stay in business? +**UPDATE**: I've now been permanently banned from /r/cryptocurrency for calling them out for this post. Wow! The mod who banned me is the one who deleted the post in /r/CC - he said it's for brigading by linking to the deleted post below, which he himself deleted! + +----- + +poster /u/Far-Scholar9028 uncovered insider trading over at Coinbase and decided to document it on /r/cryptocurrency: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/u207fe/nancy_pelosi_works_at_coinbase/ + +at first their post was randomly locked by moderators [as I reported here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/u2dqzh/rcryptocurrency_just_locked_the_post_on_coinbase/). + +The post has now been **completely deleted** despite multiple news sources [starting to report on the story as well](https://decrypt.co/97631/ethereum-trader-400k-tokens-coinbase-before-public). + +I will post the original (now deleted) post from /r/cryptocurrency below, but I'm again paging OP /u/Far-Scholar9028 and the company /u/coinbase and top mods at /r/cryptocurrency /u/jwinterm and /u/crypto_buddha to please help explain what happened. + +16 hours ago Coinbase asset shared this medium link to their twitter. [https://blog.coinbase.com/increasing-transparency-for-new-asset-listings-on-coinbase-e06f2edb095e](https://blog.coinbase.com/increasing-transparency-for-new-asset-listings-on-coinbase-e06f2edb095e) + +Transparency for potential new asset listings on coinbase. There is an address that bought a few of the shitcoins listed on there 6 hours before coinbase posted their medium onto twitter. Here is the link for the address. [https://etherscan.io/address/0x1c84a6d53f8950cd06a4016e5f547a089dd7b6fb](https://etherscan.io/address/0x1c84a6d53f8950cd06a4016e5f547a089dd7b6fb) + +[Here are the tokens that can be found in the wallet](https://preview.redd.it/xlaw6l6wt3t81.png?width=1338&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=08ba9c08fc3f3283e11741511426f754b2d43585) + +Guess what, + +https://preview.redd.it/lm8jipt3u3t81.png?width=525&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=a363294668d9ced2530c649f3125da06a070e358 + +[6 hours before the release, this address bought a good amount of Krom](https://preview.redd.it/w54ipipau3t81.png?width=1326&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=fdf52973095339d22866da1b1e076d93fe392518) + +[Next is NDX](https://preview.redd.it/997tgirmu3t81.png?width=543&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=1e337010d244ec2fa806cbdb1148f2b264e6e041) + +[Same again, bought it around 7 hours before.](https://preview.redd.it/yf0i2v8qu3t81.png?width=1331&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=03fd1aa8f3c9a1d4dfeb62277130e5d125041803) + +[RAC is next, god damn who ever this is, is either the luckiest or is insider trading](https://preview.redd.it/vo502c14v3t81.png?width=513&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=bd3822b8a829a1fa0ae6b71e7411a27a028f0b51) + +[13,377 tokens bought around 8 hours before medium was shared.](https://preview.redd.it/rqt3x39bv3t81.png?width=1324&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=02901684e49daa73db5b10dd779dbe578fb80c71) + +There are 3 more tokens in the wallet, and it is the exact same story. Someone needs to be fired from coinbase, this shit is illegal tbh. What do you guys think? Either this person is lucky with the shitcoins they choose to buy or they had insider info and bought accordingly. + +[I mean whoever this is has probably gained more than 30&amp;#37; in a day from their antics. Interesting](https://preview.redd.it/j95kbxnsw3t81.png?width=608&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=dc7f3ae3fce318fbc39a0f830634c9c33ff1e000) +So I recently bought a duplex in the northern Seattle area for $570,000. My mortgage payment is around $2,800 a month. Just found a renter and am charging them $1,700 a month and I am living in the other unit. The unit that I found a renter for has just been remodeled which is why I’m renting it out for more money, however the property needs some work and my unit is a bit dated. + +Also, there is a water in the crawl space issue, windows leak in my unit, part of the fence is falling down. Kind of making it sound like a dump but it’s really not all that bad. The unit that’s being rented out is in excellent condition. The trouble is, I’m not great at that kind of work and don’t have the cash to immediately fix it. Obviously the water in the crawl space and leaky windows need to be fixed ASAP, but I’m thinking about waiting on anything cosmetic. #buyersremorse + +I make around $75,000 a year and don’t know what this means for my investing strategy going forward. Would it be better to put my money into the property - remodeling my unit, updating the exterior, landscaping, etc. and then diversifying and putting more money into the stock market/ other investments, or to start diversifying ASAP and worry about making this property more “perfect” later. FYI I currently put 8% of my money into a 401K and my employer matches 75% of that, I’ve been doing that for the past 4 years. + +Any investment advice/direction would be greatly appreciated! + +EDIT: I do recognize that the issues need to be fixed FIRST. My question I have is, after any immediate issues are fixed. Should I continue making cosmetic changes on the property to increase the value of the home, or instead put that money towards other investments like the stock market. Thanks for all the replies, and thanks to all the people who think I’m on the verge of financial ruin lol +I have had a lot of conversations in the last couple of days with loan officers. + +Every lender I've spoken to is forcing point buy-downs. I got quoted 9.3% total closing costs on a $75k loan ($100k purchase price). 9.3%! How is this even legal to quote on a QM loan? + +I stated I don't want to buy down the rate, please give me a higher interest rate if you have to. I'll take an 8 or 9% interest rate. Nope, they won't negotiate. + +One of my lenders I currently use quoted me at a 5 point buy-down. + +&#x200B; + +Wtf is going on? +Within 4 months, I managed to turn $8k to $110K and since then it’s been all downhill. My portfolio would go down 10% in a day then go up 20% the next week. Last week my account was at $65K and I was slowly building my account back up, then loss after loss after loss happened, and now my account is at $17K. I feel sick, and can’t even tell my family about it cause they’ll give me crap for it saying I should have pulled some out. I’m a junior in college, so the money I invested was from my school refund check from covid. Now I can’t even day trade for 90 days or until my account is back up to 25k+. I feel so depressed cause of it and don’t know what to do. +His reasoning is that it will boost my credit and increase my likelihood of getting approved for a mortgage in the future. + +I've only recently begun building credit (713 currently), from a small student loan ($1.5K) and monthly credit card payments. Is he correct by saying that I will experience future difficulty if I don't have a significant loan/repayment on my credit history? + +Say that I can find 0% financing - should I keep my car payment in an HYSA and just make the monthly payments? + +Edit: I didn’t expect this to get as many responses as it has! Thanks for all the feedback all - once I’m off work I have a lot to look forward to reading. +Data Link: [https://www.kaggle.com/miguelaenlle/massive-stock-news-analysis-db-for-nlpbacktests](https://www.kaggle.com/miguelaenlle/massive-stock-news-analysis-db-for-nlpbacktests) + +Scripts: [https://github.com/bot-developer3/Scraping-Tools-Benzinga](https://github.com/bot-developer3/Scraping-Tools-Benzinga) + +In my previous [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/gt3o2d/i_compiled_reuters_news_data_for_3500_stocks/) I provided only the data for Reuters articles but not the actual scraper, so here is the scraper: [https://github.com/bot-developer3/Reuters-Scraping](https://github.com/bot-developer3/Reuters-Scraping) + +Here's the Reuters Data: [https://www.kaggle.com/miguelaenlle/reuters-articles-for-3500-stocks-since-2017](https://www.kaggle.com/miguelaenlle/reuters-articles-for-3500-stocks-since-2017) +Is Farmageddon Taking Over Crypto??? + +[Farmageddon.farm](https://Farmageddon.farm) is the only site you'll need to service all your crypto needs! Trade from any dex available, manage any farm from any platform, take advantage of local pools and farms and their HUGE APRs, let the team educate you on how to maximize your ROI through yield farming and staking in pools, and best of all - they've made SIMPLE! + +Farming cryptocurrency is relatively new, and this team gets it! No one wants to risk their hard earned tendies by clicking the wrong button. The Farm Team created a one click staking mechanism that ensures your tokens are staked properly. Not only can you farm projects that have been integrated through [Farmageddon.farm](https://Farmageddon.farm), but you'll also be able to access ALL farms from ALL platforms. Whether its Pancakeswap, Apeswap, other mainstream platforms, or ones not so well known, you can manage EVERYTHING in one place! + +Now that they've mastered the farming game, Farmageddon has their sight set on the NFT market. After selling out their first NFT collection in under 72 hours, the Farm Team is launching a new marketplace to mint, buy, sell, and manage your NFTs! They will be offering special opportunities to stake your NFTs to earn tokens and receive perks on [Farmageddon.farm](https://Farmageddon.farm). + +There's too much to say about this team and the project they've brought to life. Do not miss your opportunity to get ahead of the game! You can find for information on their website at [https://farmageddon.farm/#/](https://farmageddon.farm/#/) or their telegram at [https://t.me/FARMAGEDDON\_TOKEN](https://t.me/FARMAGEDDON_TOKEN). + +See you on the farm! +As a background, I am a 29 year old married man who made some terrible financial decisions that left me with a large student loan, high car payments, 26k in medical debt, and several thousand in credit card debt. + +For the last few years, my wife and I have employed the hardcore mindset of personalfinance: Have an emergency fund, put every dime you have towards debt, and grind until it's gone. I took this to heart. We have a decent savings, we nearly eliminated our entertainment budget(thanks netflix!), I got in shape, we made money on the side(working the flea every weekend), and we made slow but steady progress. + +I am proud to say that as of last month, I have completely eliminated all my short-term debts. My car, my medical debt, all my credit card debt, is officially at zero. + +However, I still have 86K in student loans. I am now almost 30, married, and living in an apartment. + +After all my bills(including rent/student loans) my wife an I have a monthly surplus of 2.5K USD. + +I know the right thing is to continue putting every dime I have left over into student loans, but I can't do it anymore. For the last several years our lives have been putting every cent I have towards debt. It's been painful and boring, and the only thing that kept me going is the joy of seeing those debts get knocked off one by one. All free time has been netflix, gaming, and working the flea market on weekends to pay off this debt. + +After several years, I am tired, stressed, and feel like my life is going nowhere. I have been a slave to the results of my bad decisions and debt. All my student loans add up to $600/month. I can live with $600/month of my salary going to student loans, but I can't live the next three years of my life in this shitty apartment putting my dreams of a house and family/kids on hold. + +I've done my budget a hundred times. We can have a modest house and still have a monthly surplus of $1800. We have a modest savings to cover any large expenses. We have enough to cover overages, save, and put money towards the house to pay it off a decade early. Having a kid will take some compromising, but another 3 years of my life is just not worth $600/month. + +I know am making the wrong decision financially, but I believe I am making the right decision for my sanity. I don't know if I'm looking for reassurance that I am doing the right thing or need a new perspective, but it feels good to vent. + +EDIT: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone to responded and offered advice. I tried to respond to everyone in the beginning, but it was overwhelming in a good way. Thank you again to everyone, and I believe I am making the right decision to move forward with the house plans. + +Thank you again, it is much appreciated and means a lot. +I'll keep the post short and try to best summarize the deal without going into detail. There was a triplex listed for $146k in our target market where we ideally look to buy units at $50k each. Very clean neighborhood in the "B class" range. + +Immediately scheduled a showing and had our realtor send the full listing details and request leases right away for the property. With the current market conditions we fully expected the property to go over market price. There is value to add such as appealing the high tax assessment due the one unit being used as a commercial space, a few of the units needing upgraded, etc. + +We had a bank and private money ready to go. We will pay back that portion in less than a year once units are stabilized and we can get the expenses under control. + +We were fully expecting the deal to break even the first couple of months it now seems that the property might generate a small loss. + +Flashback to the offer and the seller was essentially delaying information to our agent. Since this has been a seller's market our offers have been much more aggressive such as more money being escrowed, adding escalation clauses, and waiving certain contingencies, etc. In the end we got the property under contract for about $12k over list price. + +This is when the issues start to occur. We still had not received the leases from the selling agent. At this point we still weren't concerned as the sellers listed the property income at roughly $2100/month and broke out the rent per unit. They also added that the seller was only responsible for water/sewer. + +Well once the leases were sent it was clear they misrepresented the rental income and the property brought in closer to $1700/month in rental income and the seller also paid trash expense. Finally we closed on the property and the seller tells us they don't even have keys for the property...... Wow. We finally get a chance to speak with the tenants and we tell them here's the lease we were provided and we plan to adhere to the leases initially. First tenant we spoked with shows us HIS copy of the lease and is providing Bank Statements that essentially show the lease we were given had false information. So rents are now even lower than our second projection. + +Basically, is there any action that could be taken against the seller? It's more a matter of principal at this point. +And that the winners aren't on the internet, you'll probably lose quite a bit when you start, and that you definitely can't have it as just a hobby, but make it a career if you want to make money. These were comments on threads from over a year ago. + + +But what if I have a strategy that I've found has worked pretty well manually? And I don't want to sit around for hours and spy for entries? Isn't that a reason for many people to get into algo? How could I possibly make less money in automating the process and probably catching more entries than I would otherwise? + + +What are your thoughts on profitability, commitment and time in the algo game? +Planning my first home in one of the tier 2 cities. Often heard my friends say..buy all the materials yourself do not rely on the builders..because they may put some commission etc.Also water drilling, have seen borewell people drill only still they see the water..won't go beyond that,,so infuture if there is no water..they can come and drill again..keeping their business running..anyone done home construction on their own...(except the Mason part ). Can someone please share your experiences about the home construction +My (28f) partner (35m) of 3 years had a big argument last night on me trying to get him to pay more rent and try and get our finances in order. + +His monthly total take home pay can be between $8-15k net after tax where as mine is $5,400 p/m net after tax. I did some budgeting and basically after expenses I have $2600 left over to save and play with where as he always has $6k+ to save and play with depending on what kind of month he has with work. + +We have been living together for 1 year now (have no children) and total rent is $3193.75 p/m in Sydney that we split equally. We also split all the food and bills equally and we do that via splitwise. I do all the cooking, shopping and cleaning, he also gets the building parking spot as well. + +We want to buy our first property together but we don't have any sort if savings account together. My partner was pretty lucrative about how much he earned but he was also pretty bad with money when we first started dating. He would just spend it all on random shit and fancy holidays, he barely had any savings. At the start of the year I told him to get his shit together and then it was like "poof" he had 50k in savings and that's when I started questioning his income and found out he literally earns more than double compared to me. + +This is both our first relationship where we have lived with a S/O so we are pretty blind and have no idea when/ how couples start sharing incomes to save money etc. I love him to bits but this splitting rent just makes me resentful towards him as I do majority of the work around the house but he just calls me jealous over him earning more money and just told me to "hustle" more with my job. If this situation was the other way round, I honestly wouldn't care about paying more rent. + +And before you start coming for me about the price of rent, we have to live in this area to make it more convenient for him to get to work where as I wfh so I can live anywhere. + +Is this a fair scenario, and how/when do couples start combining/planning finances? + +Tldr: bf of 3 year earns double compared to me but wants to split everything equally but we have no idea how it works. + +Edit: Thanks for the responses. What I've gathered is counselling in communication is what we need because we both suck at getting our points across and to listen a podcast someone recommended about equity vs equality. +For instance, would it be acceptable to say something along the lines of "having become more familiar with the challenges and expectations involved in this position, I've revised my salary expectation to be $X"? +I am very new to this and only have 5600 dollars in TD. Mostly all of it are in QQQ and SPY. Why do you guys all have Vanguard. What is so special about it. I sold my 3 shares of VTI n bought QQQ because I thought it would do better. Am I tweaking? I am 22 and I wanna save 100k-200k by the time I’m 30 and wanna do it the smart way. Any advice would be appreciated. +Can you believe we’re already here? BNB is pumping once again and HAPPY has survived Hurricane Biden meaning an ATH is lurking right around the corner. + +This market has transformed both the way that we look at art, scarcity, and now charity, with memecoins transformed into casinos providing social benefit. **And now, HappyCoin looks to lead the way committing $1M in charitable donations to mental health organizations by next year, having already given $20k this past Friday.** + +Every Friday, another $20k will go out to another mental health organization giving current holders something to write home about while grabbing the attention of those that haven’t quite been brought into the fold. + +Which, should be by the swaths once this coin gets in the right hands. **Think for a second how much big influencers and celebrities want to get into the crypto space right now but aren’t sure of how to do so while protecting their image.** While Cuban mimics Elon to try to pretend to be younger, it’s not going to work the same for other celebrities looking to virtue signal while increasing their own fortune. + +HappyCoin represents a perfect opportunity for these larger names to have their cake and eat it too while bringing in countless new fans for both themselves and for HappyCoin. If there is any celebrity who even remotely cares about mental health (FYI, there’s a lot) then they will not be afraid to get their name attached to this. +[https://www.insider.com/celebrities-depression-anxiety-mental-health-awareness-2017-11](https://www.insider.com/celebrities-depression-anxiety-mental-health-awareness-2017-11) + +The list is truly endless from Chrissy Teigan, The Rock, Captain America, and **can you imagine if Pharell got on this?** It might seem like a pipe dream, but so was Snoop Dog tweeting Snoop Doge at one point. It’s time to accept this is the world we live in. + +Can you imagine Happy with just one of these celebrity endorsements? Imagine if the word got out, with mental health organizations singing HappyCoin’s praises **(check out the** [**livestream** ](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/998345263)**where the founder doxxed and then gave a $20k donation live to a charity that was stunned by the support they just received)**. It could open the floodgates and is shockingly real as a possibility. + +Given that this is still week one, there’s still a chance for you to get on before we rebound from the weekend dump and move this market cap into nine digits. This might be your last chance to be happy with $HAPPY so plan accordingly. + +[Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +[PancakeSwap](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + +[Chart](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + +[BscScan](https://bscscan.com/token/0xb0b924c4a31b7d4581a7f78f57cee1e65736be1d?a=0x720c037256feccf0704b82810e711977c6ba3a37) + +[Medium](https://medium.com/thehappycoin) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/happy_coinTG) +How do you rationalise that the current share market is sensible and justified, but the property market is overheated? It seems that the sentiment on this sub is buy buy buy when it comes to ETFs, but property is an unsustainable bubble. To my eye, the same inflationary forces are pumping up both. In times where the economy is only propped up by more and more government cash. Tightening is inevitable at some point. Why the difference? +I tried zillow, apartments.com, turbotenant, rentdirect. NONE were user friendly enough to collect rent from tenants. NONE. Not a single one allowed me to set up a rent payment or sent back a security deposit. I'm gonna have to resort to venmo (?!?!?) or zelle (augh.) How unprofessional. I've been at this for a week trying shitty impossible platform after shitty impossible platform. + +I literally have an engineering degree from MIT and work as a data analyst for a tech company and I was able to use NONE of those options. NONE. Not a single one. + +I don't want to collect "cheques" cause I travel all the time and also because it's not 1975. + +Aught this sucks. /rantover. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qpuzuprmcyq71.jpg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376d1d7b6fc1fc6e264a24cce0b2930d03e17b6f + +*This is one of a series of posts where I will apply my fast and dirty historical fundamental analysis to some of the biggest dogshit stocks of 2021. If you are interested in the process I use below to evaluate a stock, check out* [How Do I Buy A Stonk???](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lzjpvf/how_do_i_buy_a_stock/) + +# The Business + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/77cbcbfscyq71.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a23d0c3847d2eb92524df70a82f2e7abf15910e + +Fortescue Metals Group is an Australian iron ore miner that was founded in 2003 by Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest. In its relatively short history, it has grown to become the 4th largest iron ore producer in the world. + +[from FY21 Annual Report presentation](https://preview.redd.it/qtnqu9btcyq71.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=454602e2fe8685c5193e62fefbcac821813234a2) + +Based out of Perth its operations are in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. There it owns mining tenements that span 87 thousand square kms. In addition to the mines, Fortescue owns and operates its own private railways, port facilities, and cargo ships, which it uses to export iron ore to its trading company in Shanghai, China. Its vertical integration makes Fortescue is one of the most efficiently costed iron ore producers in the world. + +# The Checklist + +* Net Profit: positive 10 of last 10 years. Good ✅ +* Outstanding Shares: very stable L10Y. Good ✅ +* Revenue, Profit, & Equity: rev/profit cyclical, volumes & equity increasing L10Y. Good ✅ +* Insider Ownership: 49.3% w/ on market buying LY, major sell by CEO LM. Good\* ✅ +* Debt / Equity: 24% w/ Current Ratio of 2.3x. Good ✅ +* ROE: 27% Avg L10Y w/ 58% FY20. Good ✅ +* Dividend: 5.3% 10Y Avg Yield w/ 24.1% FY20. Good ✅ +* BPS $7.66 (1.9x P/B) w/ NTA $6.32 (2.3x P/NTA). Good ✅ +* 10Y Avg: SPS $4.25 (3.5x P/S), EPS $1.19 (12.4x P/E). Neutral ⚪ +* Growth: +21.7% Avg Revenue Growth L10Y w/ 58.8% FY20. Good ✅ + +**Fair Value: $16.34** + +**Target Buy: $13.52** + +\* I’ve opted to consider the insider ownership overall as a positive. Insiders owning such a large portion of a \~50billion dollar company is fairly uncommon. Andrew Forrest alone owns over 1.1billion of the roughly 3.1billion shares on offer. Though, it is important to note that the CEO, Elizabeth Gaines, sold about 11 million worth of her shares in Sept this year. That was nearly all of her direct holdings (about 85%). + +# The Knife + +[marketindex.com.au](https://preview.redd.it/zpi05w08dyq71.png?width=2587&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed5cde0df024e21c1cda425868cc85ebcf2509ad) + +Overall, the 10 year chart doesn’t look too bad. Though, that should not take away from the harsh and dramatic fall of the FMG shares since the end of July. FMG had just months prior in January of this year achieved a price over $26. It held above $20 for the most part in the 6months that followed, just cracking above its all-time high again when it reached $26.63 in July. But almost immediately following, FMG went into free-fall, reaching $14.15 by the middle of Sept, only 6 weeks later. + +At the close of Friday, the 1st of October @ $14.57, those that had bought FMG at its all time high, not much more than a month prior, would have lost nearly half of their investment capital. This dramatic fall is soothed only slightly by the historic $2.11 fully franked dividend paid at the end of Sept. However, the question is very real whether the descent of FMG’s shares will continue. + +# The Diagnosis + +The short answer: Iron ore price r fuk. + +The long answer: As a cyclical business, there is no denying that FMG is closely linked to its sole product. Though, there is a little bit more nuance to this story, revolving around the destination of its goods. But before that, let’s look at the first half of this equation. + +[FMG vs Iron Ore futures](https://preview.redd.it/0szop6bcdyq71.png?width=2586&format=png&auto=webp&s=197f270437aea79d4cabb50e0c6734e09801a54a) + +The 5 year chart above illustrates the point well. When iron ore was lingering around $50-70USD/t for 62% Fe in 2017 and 2018, FMG was a solid and profitable $4 stock. When the iron ore price picked up in 2019 and launched to $120USD/t sitting before retracing in the range around $80-120, FMG became a solid $9 stock. When iron ore rocketed in the middle of 2020, reaching an all-time high of $229USD/t in May of 2021… well, you know the story. + +&#x200B; + +[Dogestonk or dogstonk?](https://preview.redd.it/yspe9o9kdyq71.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b82d77fb977c9c3d9a30c7701b486089b6671b2) + +FMG rises and falls at the whim of the commodities markets. As is the nature of mining stocks, fixed costs become smaller in relation to the extra revenue generated from commodity price increases, so the upside for reaching an all-time high in the spot market benefits the miners of that commodity multi-fold. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iavbnkimdyq71.png?width=2810&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0707034e95191fd1f1a12806c18a1296b495100 + +One thing that is important to note with FMG in particular, is that the average grade that they produce is only 58% Fe on average. This leads to its product to being discounted to the spot price. This discount tends to widen as a percentage of the benchmark as the benchmark spot price declines, and tighten as it increases. Naturally, if 62% Fe or higher grades are more affordable producers are willing to pay the premium, which drops demand for the lower grades. While this magnifies the benefits that FMG receives when times are good, it’s exacerbates the lows when there is a lull in the market. + +Now that iron ore has dropped to the current price of roughly $110USD/t at the end of Sept, one would naturally expect for FMG to follow, and presumably down to price levels that it held in the past at similar iron ore prices. In the last 15 years, the average price of the benchmark 62% Fe has been roughly $100. So it would seem maybe that there a bit more downside to come? + +# The Outlook + +I’m not a commodities market wizard, so I’m not really in the prediction game here. However, I can say that there are some developments in the last few weeks that would appear to have significantly contributed to the decline or iron ore, and perhaps points to there being even more downside than an extra $10USD/t. Those developments revolves around the worlds biggest buyer of iron ore: China. + +&#x200B; + +[Figures from OEC.world](https://preview.redd.it/yzksbblpdyq71.png?width=2200&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1e1436e44e7d8f5973c81e4b40a279faa844957) + +Among net importer of the product, China represents 2/3rds of the total demand. It’s hard to understate how substantial their market presence is for this product. When China sneezes, iron ore producers get a cold. By contrast, in the coal market China is only the 3rd largest importer, with less than a 1/5th of the total demand (18%). When China banned Australian coal, it only phased the market temporarily. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p4b5hcpudyq71.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=0399e5da98d32732c8a6133921d3018763a9539d + +By contrast, with China only dialling back steel production, they crashed the iron ore market price by nearly half. Chinese steel producers earlier in the year were ordered by government to cut their production 25%-50%. Iron ore went from selling in a range of $210-220, near its all-time high for months, to falling to $90-120 in the span of weeks. + +&#x200B; + +[Who's next?](https://preview.redd.it/s5gcstkyhyq71.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c99fe83c9d14b756005fead20622b008d431be4) + +There’s been a long chain of Australian exports that have seen their markets disrupted to one degree or another by the shifts in China’s policies regarding their importation. And it is no secret at this point that China has a made a point to single out Australia. However, with Australia contributing to over half of the iron ore exports in the world, the trading ties between the two countries on this commodity are a bit deeper and harder to overtly address. + +The two countries are quite truely interlinked by iron ore. That being said, 80% of Australia’s exports of iron ore are to China, while only 60% of China’s imports of iron ore are from Australia. Who has the most leverage in this situation? + +# The Verdict + +One thing that Australia, and by extension FMG, has going for it on this front is that the Chinese economy is quite heavily focused on their construction market. This has been the primary factor contributing for all this demand for iron ore. It has been fueling China's steel industry, that has been booming since 2005, supplying the product into their growing construction market. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2n0s3e51eyq71.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3f09648d60f3b48917d53f5388a05c51fe42dc8 + +Indeed, one can see a long relationship between Australia and China for the last 20 odd years; China’s imports almost mirror Australia’s exports. It should be no surprise that the ramp up in demand for iron has followed the ramp up in the construction market over that period. + +&#x200B; + +[40 Year Iron Ore Price History](https://preview.redd.it/clq8xze4eyq71.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=9612174366c90bc6e77a1fa4d5639549942d6e81) + +As an aside, and perhaps also not surprisingly, the profitability of iron ore producers has shown dramatic upside in recent years. It would appear to be due to the enormous demand that the Chinese construction economy has put onto the market. Even adjusted for inflation, iron ore never broke above $50USD/t in 25+ years prior to China ramping up their building efforts. If anything, the hard times for producers like FMG in 2016, were just a reversion to the mean, and indeed an inflated mean at that. The average 40year price sits at around $55USD/t because of the huge spikes in 2008, 2011, and now in 2021. + +With Australia as the largest producer in the world by far, they have a lot to lose from this market toppling. But should China want to boycott Australia, their own economy will suffer the consequences too. + +**Sovereign Risk** + +Though, at this point, it seems quite relevant to consider the idea of sovereign risk. FMG especially, as they are even more heavily exposed to Chinese demand that even Australia is, with about 95% of their sales routed through their Shanghai based FMG Trading Co. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kuj2ikwfeyq71.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0827b0c0a5422401d336709bd936d0c63217f7bf + +Some enlightening work by u/Mutated_Cunt, u/mcfucking, u/Triog0n, and others in last weekend’s pinned discussion sheds a lot of light on the precarious situation. [Evergrande-Gate. Is there a Bear in there? What happens when big kids take over the Sand-Pit?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/puujva/evergrandegate_is_there_a_bear_in_there_what/) + +^((The commenters there have said it better than I ever could, so I would recommend checking it out of you haven’t already.)) + +&#x200B; + +[Ghost Cities of China](https://preview.redd.it/viingr2meyq71.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a018c1d21293381c2ca06c9e65ab71b028d6a1e) + +I highlight in particular the point raised by our benevolent mod, that China might actually welcome a crash in their construction markets. With housing prices there being seen by the government as far too high, they may see a collapse of the industry as a justifiable means to the end of reducing those costs and perhaps cleaning up the industry a bit. + +&#x200B; + +[You underestimate my power!](https://preview.redd.it/mz41q2eneyq71.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=1677851ccb6e4e827a3ed6076b558dda36239d5e) + +Such a prospect doesn’t exactly bode well for the price of iron, Australia's economy, or FMG’s profitability in the future. + +# The Target + +With all that being said, it remains to be seen what FMG is really worth, especially with the prospects of iron ore now sitting in around $90-120USD/t or lower in the medium term. For this, I think there are a few ways to go about it. + +**Historical L10Y Adjusted** + +To start with, let’s have a look at the last 10 years for FMG. In that time, we see the end of one mining boom (FY12) and the peak of another (FY21). + +&#x200B; + +[Figures in AUD](https://preview.redd.it/p2yvswereyq71.png?width=2301&format=png&auto=webp&s=a79c2c1595be3b1009ded741602f427f27841668) + +One thing that is somewhat difficult to account for at first is the fact that during this time frame, FMG has been expanding their production capabilities. They went from shipping 57.5mt of iron ore in FY12 to 182.2mt in FY21. To adjust for that that, I’ve noted their tonnage and their revenue by tonnage shipped. This allows us to find an adjusted “average,” by using the expected FY22 shipping outlook along with the average revenue by tonnage. + +It’s worth noting that the effective average price that FMG achieved of $91.5AUD/t in this time period was (using a currency conversion rate of 70cents) roughly $64USD/t. + +Using this adjusted average, I can generate the below revised 10 year fair and target pricing. + +**Fair Price (R10Y) – $14.91** + +**Target Buy (R10Y) – $13.20** + +This pricing isn’t too bad as a first pass, considering there’s a fair bit of further downside built into the expected iron ore price. + +**Technical Price Levels** + +A second way to go about this is to look at the last 3 years of price action. FMG’s production levels haven’t changed dramatically in this time, and we have a few substantial periods in which the iron ore price held a fairly consistent price level. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5a6g2ceteyq71.png?width=2584&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9bb40553e90413f452b15acf8c794ff9b8dc281 + +For most of 2019, the iron ore price floated in the $90 range. In that time, FMG traded in a range between $6 and 12 dollars. I expect the uptrend in the stock was owing to the fact that there was also an uptrend in the commodity, having come from a much lower base in the years prior. + +Similarly, in 2020 a few months between between April to Nov, iron ore established a new price level of around $120USD/t. At that point, FMG traded in a range between $14 and $20, and for much of that period it sat solidly at the $17 price level. With iron ore dipping to $90USD/t before bouncing back to $120USD/t and now sitting at $110USD/t, it makes sense than that FMG dropped back into this range, and looked as though it would dip further until iron bounced. + +Whether FMG is a good deal all depends on which direction one thinks that the iron ore price is likely to go. If you are bullish from here, then perhaps, trading in the lower end of the channel, they are slightly under-priced? If you are bearish, there is quite a bit more downside to go. + +**FY22 Earnings Projections** + +A third way to go about this is to dig into FMG’s financial reports and try to construct a model from which to estimate their earnings based on an expected iron ore price, and from that generate the per share figures to establish fair and target pricing. + +&#x200B; + +[Costs approximate to FY20 & FY21 levels. Initial figures in USD.](https://preview.redd.it/9l7ezqsveyq71.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b86a287598aea7bccd0a928d63f9cf1e1cb08f9) + +The advantage to this is that we can see a good range of possibilities, and match them to historical levels. We can also establish where the breakeven point is for FMG, at which point they are no longer profitable. Luckily for badhodlers of this stock, the breakeven is quite low, as FMG is a very efficient producer with their vertical integration. + +The difficult part is accounting for the variable discount for 58% grade product. As mentioned earlier in this post, the discount as a % of the spot price for the benchmark 62% Fe grade become more substantial as the price falls. I’ve attempted to simulate this by allocating a spread which roughly aligns to historical market pricing spreads. + +As one can see, depending on how bullish or bearish one is, there is a very wide variety of potential fair and target prices. It is for the investor themselves to do their own research and determine what they are comfortable with, but I would note that should iron ore hit price levels similar to those in FY16, the downside to the current price of the stock is significant. This is based both on these projections and FMG’s historical trading price levels, which traded as low as $1.50 at that time. + +With the world in a precarious spot, macro economically, and the trading relationship between Australia and China deteriorating, that downside is quite real. + +**A note about FFI** + +It would be remiss of me to not mention Fortescue Future Industries (FFI). FMG have committed to contributing 10% of their NPAT going forward to the venture. FFI has been setup to explore lowering FMG’s operating emissions. More importantly (to the valuation), their mission is to develop technology to make FMG more profitable in the future, namely, by researching green methods of refining iron to a higher grade. + +The profitability picture in the above projections looks a hell of a lot better if FMG can offset the heavy discounts to lower grade product at lower prices. This ultimately could be a game changer for them. But this is all fairly speculative at this stage, so it does not necessarily figure in the hard figures right now. However, that could change should FFI come up with something promising. + +# The TL;DR + +Fortescue Metals Group is an Australian iron ore producer that is based in Perth and operates out of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It’s a relatively young company, having been founded by Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest less than 20 years ago in 2003. Despite this, they have become the 4th largest iron ore producer in the world, with mining tenements larger than BHP and Rio Tinto. + +Fortescue is also one of the most cost efficient iron ore producers at that, with a vertically integrated company. They own and operate not only their mine sites, but also the railways, trains, port facilities, and even a fleet of iron ore carrier ships to bring it to market. It is no wonder then that Fortescue have been a very reliable and profitable company that have been able to so quickly expand. With their Futures Industries division, they may yet notch a ground breaking R&D mineral sciences company to their bow string. + +Fortescue’s fortunes heavily follow the fate of the iron ore commodity market, and as a result their fate is tied to the Chinese economy. Ineed, 95% of their revenue comes from sales through their Shanghai based trading company. Therefore, Fortescue are at the whim ongoing trading relationship or lack thereof between Australia and CHina. And so it would seem they also have heavy exposure to the domestic policies of the Chinese government with regards to their construction industry. + +As a result, we’ve seen Fortescue tank after iron ore came off the boil, even after only recently this year achieving new all-time highs. Where the share price goes from here would take a predictive mind that is beyond my own capabilities. I think overall Fortescue is a good company, but whether or not they have a willing customer is perhaps the ultimate question. And with the downside of this stock approaching 90%, working off historical levels only 4-5 years prior, and the economics of China and the world walking a tightrope, one must have a lot courage to buy them at this stage. At least, in my humble opinion. + +*As always, thanks for attending my ted talk and fuck off if you think this is advice.* 🚀🚀🚀 + +*I'd love to hear other's opinion on FMG* *and whether there is potential here that I am not seeing. Also, suggest other dogshit stocks that are/were on the ASX 200 index, and I might put them on the watchlist for a DD in future editions of this series.* + +*On Deck Next Fortnight: URW/SCG* + +*Currently on the Watchlist (no particular order): CGF, IPL, Z1P, RFG, AZJ, FLT, QAN, CWN, FNP, RRL.* + +[Previous Editions of Catching the Knife](https://www.reddit.com/user/Nevelo/comments/sfc7gi/catching_the_knife_series/) +Jefferies analyst Randy Konik said “Amazon had a delivery speed advantage, but that advantage has compressed.” + +Evercore ISI analyst Omar Saad wonders if other brands “will follow” Nike’s lead. + +It is clear to see how cutting out Amazon and focusing on direct sales could significantly reduce costs for Nike and other brands. Nike was up 2% at the close with a PE of 31x current year estimates. + +This is not a recommendation to buy or sell. Stocks are risky and not suitable for everybody. Please do your own research. + + [https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/13/brands-dont-need-amazon-nikes-departure-could-prompt-others-to-go.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/13/brands-dont-need-amazon-nikes-departure-could-prompt-others-to-go.html) +# 0. Preface + +I am not a financial advisor and I am not providing financial advice. + +But I am a SNEK. At least, I am a Snek to all of the anti-ComputerShare and anti-DRS posters. + +I have yet to see anything countering the main benefit of registering, which is locking up float certificates. **Which can lead to the MOASS.** + +**In my opinion it is the only way to MOASS.** + +I keep seeing FUD and skepticism on ComputerShare. It's slowly dying off, but I think it is too important for me to not continue pushing this. + +So, hopefully, this clears it up for skeptics or those who are cautious and why DRS is the way. + +Guess what baby. I'm not even really a Pomeranian. Mwahaha. I'm a Snek ~~Skeletor~~! Ah ah ah ah. + +[I knew that damn Pomeranian was a shill this whole time.](https://preview.redd.it/mo29ggkjmko71.png?width=1522&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1d41aae761d3954392b5629487a809916fcc916) + +Sorry if anyone has fear of snakes. Hopefully the above is less spooky. + +# 1. Understand possible risks by registering. Research yourself before registering any shares. + +As a boiler plate, you will want to understand some potential risks behind registering your shares. Again - not financial advice. It is **your** choice on whether or not to direct register. In my opinion the pros of direct registering **vastly** outweigh the cons, but don't take my word for it. + +[From ComputerShare itself](https://www-us.computershare.com/Content/Download.asp?docId=%7B8A8A23DD-8FD1-41EE-8D46-7F234B8F8EED%7D&cc=US&lang=en&bhjs=1&fla=1&theme=cpu), the securities are not protected by standard SIPC or FDIC insurance: + +>CIP accounts, the securities held therein and any cash temporarily held on behalf of a Participant are not deposits of Computershare and are not insured by the Securities Investor 14 Protection Corporation (SIPC), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other federal or state agency + +This is mainly because your shares are not "street name" registered any more but rather "book name" registered via direct registration. So, that is something to consider. + +Another concern is selling shares which obviously is a key point to push for FUD. If we go back in time to /u/ajquick's post, [they crush the FUD about selling shares and other concerns](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3owe8/dispelling_the_fud_surrounding_computershare/). + +Take a look at their post if you want an in-depth explanation of why the FUD is peddled to make you scared of registering your shares. Here is a tidbit from their post: + +>**Example #1: You won’t be able to sell your shares.** +> +>This is the most common FUD that is posted to try and dissuade people from ComputerShare. ComputerShare has a relationship with brokerages to sell your shares when you request them to. I had previously thought, incorrectly, that sales would take a bit of time. This is false. +> +>With ComputerShare and GameStop’s DirectStock plan, you have the following options to sell: +> +>\- Market Order +> +>\- Limit Order (Day) +> +>\- Limit Order (30 Day) +> +>Lots of FUD going around that says something to the effect of: *If you try to sell, it will take days!* +> +>**False** +> +>If you initiate a market sell order on ComputerShare, they will attempt to execute it immediately. If you submit a limit order, they will enter it to go at the price you specify or greater. There is absolutely **no problem with selling using ComputerShare**. Settlement will still take T+2 days as usual, same with any other broker. + +ComputerShare also has standard language that sells may only partially fill, or not at all. Surprise - that is boiler for brokerages too. Nobody can guarantee that the demand side of the equation is met. + +But that all being said, it is something to research. /u/ajquick did a great job providing sources in their post and is a good starting point. + +**What I will emphasize is to read multiple posts based on evidence. Do not fall for the pure conjecture comments saying "ComputerShare is bad because of <blank>" when there is no evidence provided. Or if it takes a leap to suddenly imply it is nefarious.** + +Here's a FUD campaign example from myself that I just came up with: + +>Fidelity routes options + share trades to Citadel. Fidelity is in cahoots with Citadel so you should not use them as a broker because they will prevent you from selling your shares during MOASS. + +The above has no basis. I came up with some foregone conclusion by making a huge logical leap. It would be so easy if I was a shill to push this around reddit like wildfire because it very easily instills fear. It connects the broker to Citadel who we know manipulates markets so it's easy to eat up as if Fidelity is automatically nefarious and will not allow retail payout. + +**Until the FUD statements around ComputerShare are proven logically, you can assume that they are FUD campaigns because they take a massive leap to reach their conclusions.** + +It's good to be cautious of new things like ComputerShare at first. But you should be even **more** cautious about the FUD or conspiracy theories because it can be more damaging in the end. + +Likewise treat it the same way with hype conspiracy theories. Don't get caught up with conclusions based on pure hopium if there's no basis to it. + +# 2. ComputerShare is a Transfer Agent. All they handle is bookkeeping of shareholder records on behalf of GameStop + +ComputerShare isn't a new company. They are a transfer agent which provides the service of registering shares and bookkeeping of shareholder records which has been around since 1978. + +What goes on for pretty much any company is that they need to figure out stock ownership for the total amount of stock certificates that they have issued. In the case of GameStop, they have roughly 76.49 Million stock certificates to keep track of. + +**Note that these certificates are unique and cannot be replicated. These are the official stock certificates that prove ownership. In the past, you would physically handle these certificates rather than an electronic entry on your brokerage account. Now, you have the electronic entry and the transfer agent handles who owns the stock certificates.** + +Instead of wasting time + money + manpower on handling the bookkeeping of stock ownership, dividend payments, and other tasks, **companies will offload this effort to a third party company**. This "third party" is called a [transfer agent](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/transferagent.asp) and there's a few large agents out there that companies choose from. + +GameStop chose ComputerShare as their transfer agent to handle the bookkeeping of their share ownership. + +And that's not really a surprise, since ComputerShare [holds a plurality control over the market at around 37.4%](https://blog.auditanalytics.com/transfer-agent-market-share-2020/). They provide transfer agent services to a few other popular companies as well: + +* Apple +* Microsoft +* Tesla +* Amazon +* Overstock (whom did the first NFT dividend to crush shorts!) + +# 3. Ryan Cohen and institutions had to direct register through ComputerShare to show their holdings. + +When you look at ownership of any stock, the official stock holders had to register their shares, through the transfer agent, to show ownership of the stock and pull certificates in their name. + +This includes Ryan Cohen, the executives, and institutions that hold any share ownership of GameStop. They've all done it - are they falling for a scam? Doubtful, when it's the service chosen by GameStop themselves to offload the task of bookkeeping of shareholder records. + +Hypothetically let's say, tomorrow, that institution ABC shows up on GameStop's institutional holdings and that ABC has purchased 40M of the remaining 61.83M float. Reddit would explode claiming, "Holy shit! It's a long whale!" and everyone would be excited that the float is being constricted more. + +What would have happened in this hypothetical situation is that ABC would have purchased 40M stock and then registered through ComputerShare to transfer ownership of 40M certificates from the float to themselves. + +The same exact thing can happen with retail! By direct registering shares, it's equivalent to an executive or institution registering ownership. + +And by doing this - it pulls certificates from Cede & Co which constricts the float! + +Retail **is** that long whale. But right now nobody **officially** knows it because retail has yet to register. + +# 4. You are not "transferring" a share. You are transferring certificate ownership on GameStop's shareholder books. + +Something that might be strange to understand conceptually is that you aren't really transferring a "share". **You are transferring certificate ownership by telling ComputerShare to move a certificate from Cede & Co. to your name**. + +Think of the certificate and the "share" in your account as completely different things. The certificates themselves cannot be duplicated and they are records of who officially has a stake in the company. The shares in your account is just an entry on the broker saying that you own some amount of stock, though unofficial. + +So in regards to your brokerage account, your shares are just a record on the broker's books that you own shares. It doesn't matter if they are "real" or phantom. But to be clear, no matter where you have the shares, you own those shares and you have the right to sell them. + +**To emphasize: No, you will not be screwed if you don't register. YOU own a "real" share regardless of certificate ownership. This is the premise of the MOASS in the first place is that shorts must cover all shorted (phantom) shares.** + +What goes on in the background is that by direct registering you are changing bookkeeping of the certificates which are handled by ComputerShare on the behalf of GameStop. + +* There can be an infinite amount of phantom shares out there in brokerage accounts due to shorting. These are nothing more than entries on the broker's books saying you have N number of shares. +* There is a finite amount of certificates to show ownership of a stock. **GameStop only has 76.49 million certificates because that is their outstanding share count.** These are official proof of ownership of the stock. +* ComputerShare transfers **certificate ownership** between parties. The actual "stock" in your brokerage account has not technically changed because the structure of the share is the same. +* **All you did was change a bookkeeping record for GameStop through ComputerShare to officially mark ownership of the company!** + +The below will hopefully help visualize what is going on. + +1. On the left is the shareholder record showing that the DTC + Brokers own 6 certificates. This is the "float" that hasn't been locked up. +2. Say that retail decides to register 5 shares. This tells ComputerShare to change ownership of 5 certificates from the DTC to retail's name. +3. On the right is what happens to the record after retail makes its purchase and registers. The DTC + brokers have fewer shares to work with and the float reduces because, just like an institution or executive purchase, **retail has officially registered ownership and moved certificates into their name.** +4. This bookkeeping only has the outstanding share count of certificates on it. It's impossible to direct register more shares than exist because there will only ever be 76.49 Million certificates (unless they do another offering)! If another request comes in to register a share and all certificates are locked - then that proves phantoms exist! + +[You are transferring certificate ownership and locking up the float!](https://preview.redd.it/vgoble8yako71.png?width=1474&format=png&auto=webp&s=c83a7919e71c650599db9d7e33ff275ecea00495) + +# 5. GameStop cannot tell its investors to direct register because of the CMKM fiasco which exposed trillions of phantom shares + +Let's go back to the CMKM fiasco that Dr. T mentioned as an example of the power of direct registering shares. They were a company that was caught in fraudulent activities and DRS exposed a massive **3200x float of phantom shares (2.25 trillion of a 703 million float)!** + +The Company was going to go under a new name, so CMKM **told** their investors to direct register and pull certificates in their names so that the shares could be redistributed. + +This locked up the float and pulled all certificates into individual investor's names + executives + institutions. After so many requests came in, no more certificates could be assigned ownership. + +The problem is, more requests to register came in following the entire float being locked up. This meant that phantoms exist - because there are only so many certificates in existence which can have ownership. If all certificates are accounted for and another share requests to be marked as an owner - whoopsie. Someone fucked up. + +This resulted in a huge scandal where the SEC decided to delist the company and delete the phantom shares, preventing a squeeze, because the company was already caught in fraudulent activities and it was trading as a penny stock at the time. The stock was also reportedly [cellar boxed](https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-590/4590-100.htm) which, if you remember from the Cellar Box DD, means that it was manipulated at thousands of a penny increments to profiteer off of the liquidation and maintain the stock at a "cellar" price. + +Those poor fucks at Citadel are screwed if they've been cellar boxing the zombie stocks of Blockbuster, Sears, etc. that have yet to fully liquidate and if those stocks aren't nuked just like CMKM. + +GameStop thankfully isn't in that situation, so they can't exactly hit the nuke button. It's not in a scandal of fraudulent activities, and it's not trading at bankruptcy levels. + +What happened following the disaster of CMKM phantoms being exposed, is that the DTC made a rule to prevent companies from telling their shareholders to DRS their shares**. Because the very act of doing so exposed the phantom shares of CMKM and almost ignited a squeeze.** + +/u/suddenlyy goes into great detail here on how the DTC created a rule for this: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr32zj/cmkm\_and\_gamestop\_why\_cant\_gamestop\_ask/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr32zj/cmkm_and_gamestop_why_cant_gamestop_ask/) + +So, those of you who are waiting for GameStop or Ryan Cohen to initiate a share recall or for them to play their hand - they can't. + +The DTC decided to be cucks because they **know** that if a company expects their stock is being manipulated, they could fuck the entire system by insisting that investors direct register their shares. + +Honestly, you could think of completely registering the float through DRS as being equivalent to a share recall. **The best part is that this is in the power of the individual investors!** + +There has been so much FUD and attempts to suppress this information the past 8 months. I have never seen so much FUD on any topic before, and continued FUD. + +**Fuck yeah it seems like this is busting a nerve on WallStreet because it's gaining traction. It can end the fuckery when all certificates are accounted for.** + +And what's nice is that because ComputerShare is the recordkeeper of certificate ownership of shares on behalf of GameStop, is that GameStop will be fed the information of share ownership. They will know when all 76.49 Million certificates are accounted for and registered. + +Some reading if you're curious for more about CMKM: + +* [https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/) +* [https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-590/4590-100.htm](https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-590/4590-100.htm) +* [https://www.qualitystocks.com/government-sting-operation-leaving-cmkm-diamonds-shareholders-tired-of-waiting-for-reimbursement/](https://www.qualitystocks.com/government-sting-operation-leaving-cmkm-diamonds-shareholders-tired-of-waiting-for-reimbursement/) + +# 6. Direct registering pulls lending power from brokers because you are reducing the amount of certificates they "own". Marking your brokerage to not lend shares does NOT lock down the float. + +We have been saying "buy and hold" will launch this rocket. + +Hell, I was even thinking that a market crash could cause MOASS. + +**I no longer think that this is true.** + +Here we are almost 8 months after the January sneeze, and things have yet to take off. Why? Because they are still playing with the float that remains unlocked. They (DTC + brokers) are able to lend the shares at extremely cheap rates because they maintain certificate control over 61.83 Million shares and continue to profiteer off of the delayed squeeze by sucking up money by lending, options premiums, and PFOF. + +For many months we have been claiming retail owns multiples of the float. And that everyone should turn off share lending if they don't want their shares to be lent. **It's great information to spread, but there is a big problem with this!** + +**It doesn't matter if you're marking a phantom share to not lend!** **It's not marking the float as long as the DTC and brokers maintain control of those certificates**! + +They can keep the phantom machine churning, possibly indefinitely, because they'll borrow against those certificates since they still have 'ownership' of them. Here's what can be going on: + +1. A short is made to match a retail buy. Retail gets a phantom share. Retail **does not** get assigned the certificate and therefore doesn't officially own the stock. They have a stock on the brokers books, but they are not an official shareholder. +2. The broker lends out shares because they "locate" them against the certificates in the broker's name. Either they lend to a shorter or internalize the order against their own holdings to perform the short sale. +3. If the short sale eventually produces a FTD, the broker-dealers can paddle the failure between one another by "locating" against those certificates via ex-clearing. Over, and over, and over again. +4. Maintaining a high certificate count means the broker-dealers have more lending power to either produce more phantom shares or reset FTDs. High lending amount. Low borrow rate. Shorting continues. Fuckery continues. **MOASS remains delayed as they wait until retail gets bored because they don't lock up the float.** + +If you think about it, and if we claim retail owns multiples of the float, then the MOASS should have taken off by now if disabling share lending restricted lending power. What were the estimates? Some numbers like 2 billion shorts at one point or 33x the float? Surely disabling lending should have restricted their original lending power. But it does not. **Because it's not restricting the float.** + +1. The brokers have 61.83 Million certificates to borrow against. +2. Retail gets 61.83 Million phantoms for a total of 123.66 Million shares. +3. Retail turns off lending on all phantom shares. The broker still maintains 61.83 Million shares to lend against because they still maintain those certificates. All retail did was mark an **IOU** on their account. + +But, pulling those certificates in retails name through Computershare officially shuts down lending on the float! The brokers no longer officially have ownership and cannot borrow against those shares any more. + +It's almost guaranteed that there will be pushback on anyone trying to register their shares because it pulls the lending revenue stream from the brokers. **They would absolutely love for this to continue and not squeeze, because all of them can continue to profiteer off of lending, option premiums, and PFOF. Bastards.** + +It's easy for them to get cash to continue to avoid margin calls and suppress the price. But taking away lending power from them by officially registering the entire float gives them a massive fucking middle finger because it **constrains** them. + +DRS is going to constrict lending and it can result in increased borrow fees, lower amounts of lendable shares, and increase of FTDs. It slowly pulls the certificates away from those greedy bastards and chokes them to death until it kicks off the MOASS. + +[Power To the Shareholders](https://preview.redd.it/1b6cgrchmlo71.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dc60995ea3e69050e024aba8e9e4d14a6fae5fb) + +Power to the Players **👊**🐶 +The quarterly dividend went from 0.9$ per share to 1$ per share. + +https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/jpmorgan-chase-increases-quarterly-dividend-2021-06-28/ +In my last post, you guys were interested in my bot project that buys Bitcoin when Elon tweets about it so here it is! + +The bot was initially designed to buy Bitcoin when Elon Musk tweets about, regardless of the sentiment of the tweet. I have shared it with some smaller communities, and there was some great feedback on it regarding the main concern - what if Elon tweets: "Bitcoin is too high imo" and the bot buys at the wrong time. + +So I found an API that would help me analyse the tweet sentiment, and integrated this into the code. The bot will now only buy Bitcoin when Elon Tweets, if the sentiment of his tweet is positive. + +I have tested the functionality and the bot is quite stable, but I haven't tested how profitable (if at all) it would actually be, so if you're interested in testing it, please share the results with us! :) + +The bot was built mostly for fun, and I wouldn't encourage you to trade with it on a live account! But if you want to have some fun with it and try it out on a demo account, here you go: + +Article and guide: [https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/03/21/program-a-trading-bot-to-buy-bitcoin-when-musk-tweets-about-it/](https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/03/21/program-a-trading-bot-to-buy-bitcoin-when-musk-tweets-about-it/) + +GitHub Repo: [https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/bitcoin-bot-buy-if-elon-tweets/blob/main/buy-crypto-if-elon-mentions-crypto.py](https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/bitcoin-bot-buy-if-elon-tweets/blob/main/buy-crypto-if-elon-mentions-crypto.py) + +&#x200B; + +**Update:** + +**Wow, you guys are the best. I did not expect this to blow up like this!** + +**Some of you suggested a Twitch channel for bots and I can't help but oblige, join me on Twitch in a few minutes as I will be live coding a simple trading bot!** [https://www.twitch.tv/cyberpunkmetalhead](https://www.twitch.tv/cyberpunkmetalhead) +I apologize that this is not really and truly about fatFIRE, although that might be one of the solutions to my problem. There are also enough senior FAANG employees on this sub that I hope for useful advice. + +I've been working at the same big tech company for years, but have moved around quite a bit internally. I've been promoted to (what I see) as probably my terminal level at the company (L7, individual contributor track, but managing a team of about 20). I'm very technical, but felt like I was totally at the mercy of leadership I didn't always believe in, which is why I got into management. Now, I'm still totally at the mercy of leadership I don't always believe in, but I deal with piles of silly politics and preparing painful "executive" presentations on top of the technical work. + +What do people do at this point? I'm not in a huge rush to make a change, but I think I need to eventually. I'm barely 40, and can't imagine doing this for the next 25 years. I don't have any illusions that a startup would be better. I don't mind working hard at something that feels meaningful, but do value work/life balance at this point (first kid is on the way). I don't see myself hanging out a shingle as an independent consultant. + +I could probably afford to RE (NW around $5M after recent market drop, and my lifestyle isn't extravagant), but I don't feel ready. I'd prefer to reclaim some enjoyment from my career, or even switch careers to something more gratifying. + + +Edit: My immediate boss is a kind and empathetic person, and I don't mind working for him, even if I don't think he always understands and appreciates what I do. But when I look around the larger organization, I don't see anyone who really inspires me, nor do I see anyone whose job I would want for myself in the future. +I'm ashamed of myself of how good I have gotten at stealing food. I don't like to do it but sometimes it is necessary and the people at the self checkout seem to always be busy that they don't see me not scan a couple of items or scan 1 vegetable when I have 3 in a bag. + +The $10 or so dollars I save every time I can use toward gas or paying my bills and it adds up. I save about an extra $30-$40 a month and while I know it's embarrassing and shameful I do it because of my financial situation +https://pt.linkedin.com/pulse/estatais-privatizadas-de-cingapura-jean-paulo-silva + +this post (in portuguese), argues that Singapore maintains a system of "Private" state owned companies, where the companies are administred using the logic of the market, so a better alternative to privatization is just using private logic in the public system? +Over the span of the past 24 hours, Ultra has demonstrated that it's ready to be the next big thing. + +&#x200B; + +Ultra has managed to dwarf the previous world record, reaching 5,000 holders in 22 hours. The high level dev team has gotten a beautiful site made, audit, coingecko listing, and is currently in contact with CEX's for potential listings. Soon 10,000 holders is being approached and the supermax vault is close to being cracked open. This will bring huge influencers on board, partnerships, and another audit. + +&#x200B; + +With this rate of progress, Ultra is no copycat, projects from around the crypto-sphere will be putting everything they have to replicate a run like UltraSafe's. If you're wondering about being early, billboard ads, plane banners, NFT marketplaces will be released in the near future. + +&#x200B; + +Developers also just recently held in AMA, you can check with them in the TG for a quick recap, with their competence and connections, a safemoon run may even be FUD. + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://ultrasafe.finance/](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) + +Pancake: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) +Curious to get everyone’s perspective on what financial milestones couples should accomplish before they consider having children. At what point would you consider a couple “financially stable” enough to start a family? +None of my friends are fatFIRE'd. Being the odd one out (got around ~$10m liquid and no desire to work), they're all busy mon-fri with their jobs/responsibilities while I spend my days with nothing to do or people to hang out with. + +I know, this sounds like the epitome of first world problems, but well, it doesn't feel good to sit around doing nothing. I'm a homebody so I don't like traveling (so "no" to doing a bunch of solo traveling). I kinda want to find a consistent group of people who I can hang out with all the time, but where would I go looking for that? +If you’re blissfully unaware of some of the events on the sub in the past 24-48 hours because your zen mode is engaged, more power to you. We’ll wake you when the ticker price has two commas. If you’ve been around and active, you're likely aware of community responses regarding mod actions taken against high profile community members, associated with a project called DRSGME. + +&#x200B; + +Let’s start with some context: A few weeks ago, the mod team posted about our serious concerns regarding the DRSGME fundraiser. If you haven’t read that post, please do. You can find it here: [Serious Concerns & Updates Regarding DRSGME.org](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vqpaxt/serious_concerns_updates_regarding_drsgmeorg/) + +&#x200B; + +In summary, this post originated out of concerns regarding a lack of transparency, misuse of funds, and a questionable ad campaign painting holders of GME in an undesirable light. The mod team made every attempt to gain transparency and understand this fundraiser. Ultimately however, the mod team publicly made the decision to sever ties from DRSGME.org, permitting only references to its free educational components, as the founders did not seem to take feedback well and were clearly going to continue their fundraising and ad campaigns + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4av62rxfzye91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=03eb09b4577092fdfa59610c21e605da2051042c + +Below are some of the efforts we pushed for regarding transparency. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hm3d5d2nzye91.jpg?width=313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2b094c10080555d8771dddf6abf8531d961a84e + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qrvgzwbozye91.jpg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02583570197628444736e4c8055b4104f513c27 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w95il2wozye91.jpg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd0f5dcbd5ab0d205a54e27086f0189ed911abf + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7wzqslkxzye91.jpg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e471b27491529e1b89caee97a665d82aae4bcc + +It should be noted that since that post and the decision to sever ties was made, we can confirm the following: The fundraiser is still open, nearly $16,000 has been collected and withdrawn to a business checking account under u/millertime1216's own name and that he has sole control over, and since June 30th, the day of the last “transparency” update, there have been no further accounting of the allocation or the funds. It appears that once they were no longer able to use Superstonk as a platform to promote their fundraiser, they no longer cared about providing transparency to those who submitted donations. This, to say the least, is extremely concerning and unsettling. + +&#x200B; + +Although we are no longer allowing posts to continue to promote the website or its advertising and fundraising campaigns, the sub has consistently been flooded with comments directing users to visit a site that prompts its users to donate while once again, no further transparency of the funds are being published. We have been lenient about these references especially when used in the educational context because we are aware that there is significant support on the sub for pro-DRS content . + +&#x200B; + +We have repeatedly tried to work with people from DRSGME for months now. Instead of adhering to the rules (specifically about spamming) and despite multiple warnings, ways of following the letter of the rules and not the spirit of them have been used, and that’s not okay. + +&#x200B; + +One user in particular has been flooding the site with DRSGME spam, generating a significant amount of reports. Such a large amount of reports are an issue to Reddit site wide rules generally and could mask or hide other reports which require immediate mod attention. Now, we recognize that the most adamant pro-DRS users here may approve of the content within the spam. But whether you agree with the message or not, these comments are considered spam by Reddit. Spam generates reports, and reports piled up means that communities are not being moderated. Reddit does not tolerate subs that are not effectively moderated and it is our job to make sure Superstonk is not at risk of quarantine or getting shut down. + +&#x200B; + +Dating back to February 27, this user has been asked not to spam the sub. After months of requests for them to post authentic content, on July 26, this user was given a temporary ban and reminded not to spam. The spam was to encourage community members to visit their website where a major focus is their GoFundMe to support a questionable ad campaign that features symbols such as the Guy Fawkes mask, which a majority of users have expressed concern with. This is not acceptable. Further, no data or analysis has been provided as to why this spamming is necessary – targeting people who are already posting their successful DRS positions on Reddit doesn’t seem to align with the vision of bringing in new investors from outside Reddit who haven’t heard of DRS. Without conclusive data or analysis, it appears counterintuitive and doesn’t advance their stated goals. + +&#x200B; + +On July 28, immediately after the ban was lifted, there were around 40 nearly identical comments in an extremely short window of time with the same spammed content; although the website links were removed, these messages still are considered spam, and our suggestions for switching up the comments to avoid reports were once again ignored. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Feb 27](https://preview.redd.it/3vazxgr20ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=46e1834e995e85cb7691737092f5a9d8a3273efd) + +&#x200B; + +[Feb 27](https://preview.redd.it/vtolft090ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=75d2285af5d41df904008d9a8d46a27df9439be6) + +&#x200B; + +[Feb 27](https://preview.redd.it/8rczhmg90ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8c148b04e1d94218022b59783d68e75eb5dcd9a) + +&#x200B; + +[Feb 27](https://preview.redd.it/n0eveq2a0ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd050022b1ca8c990cd18a925d66170d513c3d8e) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[June - Explaining Reddit spam rules again](https://preview.redd.it/ht379uxx0ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=150ec8754755d42e04e68468e9c75793dc746f87) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y404t1oy0ze91.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=f39f561683ad95eaf13d93676b91780774a39a6e + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tdy1r5dz0ze91.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5e24b3b13f3af86b82aa77728edc478cdb83324 + +Referencing the Reddit definition of spam, here: [What constitutes spam? Am I a spammer? – Reddit Help](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043504051-What-constitutes-spam-Am-I-a-spammer-#:~:text=Spam%20on%20Reddit%20is%20generally%20defined%20as%20repeated%2C,by%20content%20removal%20and%20account%20suspension%20or%20termination) + +&#x200B; + +This result of continued spamming was the last straw. After months of this user bending and disregarding the rules, the collective decision was made by the mod team to ban them. Now, you may feel it was unwarranted. You may disagree with the definition of spamming. You may really like the content that was being spammed because you are a supporter of DRS. The fact remains that this step by the mod team should not have come as a surprise to this user because there were multiple warnings leading up to it and this was merely an enforcement of Reddit and Superstonk rules. + +&#x200B; + +We repeatedly tried to work with him so his comments wouldn't get reported. Reports are anonymous; if our advice had been followed, we would have been able to prove their comments were being targeted. Unfortunately, we'll never know as it wasn't. + +&#x200B; + +It should also be noted that since we made the decision to no longer allow the fundraising and ad campaign to be featured on Superstonk, prominent members of DRSGME changed their user flairs to things like 'fuck Superstonk' and otherwise have actively encouraged 'war' with the mods as retaliation. We would expect that as the leader of DRSGME who claims to care about the DRS cause and the community, he would ensure that this type of behavior was not being permitted. + +&#x200B; + +If there was a chance for leniency, the actions following the ban have severed that. Rather than appeal this decision and try to work things out amicably with the mod team which is always an option open to anyone banned, or accept constructive feedback and simply change their behavior, this user has instead decided to retaliate against Superstonk, as regular users of this sub have no doubt seen. One single user does not represent DRS, yet the current narrative being pushed on the sub suggests otherwise. We have millions of shares direct registered due to the collective efforts of DD writers, guide authors, bot developers, site scrapers and YOU,the organic contributors to this saga. + +&#x200B; + +We are flooded with reports due to hundreds of users thinking the appropriate action to retaliate is to report every mod and QVcomment. This behavior is no different than that of the shills and bots being claimed to have done the same to this user. Clogging up the modqueue like this could potentially lead to Reddit Admins adding their own mods here or closing the sub. This isn’t fear mongering… this is the reality we are faced with. We’re not complaining about the workload - we knew what we signed up for when we volunteered for this role and have been working nonstop to ensure that the sub does not get shut down. The retaliation isn’t just against the mod team, these users are also throwing innocent apes under the bus by continuously tagging them and suggesting they receive bans too. Someone posting the one same post each day is not the same as someone commenting identical comments hundreds of times each day. + +&#x200B; + +So, yes, faced with this situation, we began removing posts and comments to control forum sliding. Yes, we issued temporary bans to those who continued spamming the sub. And yes, we will continue to do that because it is our job as moderators of the sub. If you care about the success of this community, GameStop , and DRS, instead of directing your attention to issues that divide us, it's time to start remembering things that brought this community together. If DRS is your passion, discuss it in a civil and engaging way that brings people in and encourages them to learn more. + +&#x200B; + +Bottom line is this: the mod team puts more time and energy into keeping this place safe and civil than you’d probably believe. We care so deeply about the success of GameStop, and we’re willing to make tough, unpopular decisions that keep this sub the best community we can. But it takes all of us working together to keep this place going. If you see somebody being rude in comments, don’t flame them back. Report it. If you disagree with somebody, ask questions and seek to understand, don’t just call them a shill. If you disagree with a decision we make, or a ban we issue, give us the decency of assuming good intent, ask questions and appeal to us through logic and reason. Don’t attack members of this community. Don’t attack the mods that are trying to keep it safe. Ape no fight ape. + + +Edit: due to repeating issues stemming from a general attitude of toxicity and a total unwillingness to work with the community we've also just permabanned u/derhyperschlaue. See here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wczhxl/comment/iihseqp/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wczhxl/comment/iihseqp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +*mods asked me to rename the post, hence repost* + +&#x200B; + +[Yes that is an Ortex bucket cap, copyright pending.](https://preview.redd.it/bl5zsk27hmw91.jpg?width=3977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093a0a28ea9b7a389199242a0c436e56aa3fd70f) + +When will someone teach these companies who blindly defend the indefensible to not issue statements which contain absolute clangers? There's one specific line in their statement that I find hilarious. + +*"Clearly, SI did not increase by tens of millions of shares when todays total volume was 2.3million".* + +The suggestion here is that the data Ortex provides for GME is normally accurate using equation X, however yesterday for whatever unexplained reason the same formula suddenly became sentient and went rogue?! + +*Ortex you're supposed to snort the cocaine not the dog food.* + +Now let me tell you something about me, I work in tech, specifically I manage a team which builds complex data dashboards (very similar to that of Ortex) which calculates and displays data from multiple sources. For obvious reasons these numbers are not hard coded, or updated arbitrarily. The only time there is an error in a calculation it's because a human fucked with the data before it got to the formula or because what you thought was a glitch actually did happen. + +**Mathematics is linear, it either is or it is not**, if the formula is right today it's right tomorrow, the laws of mathematics don't change because it's inconvenient for Wall St. + +Do not believe a word they say, when they claim they need to have someone "review the formula". + +If the formula was perfectly fine the day before **the formula was perfectly fine yesterday when it showed Wall Streets hand for the 15th time**, and unless we see a copy of the formula: + +* before yesterday; +* yesterday; +* once updated; + +claiming anything otherwise is gaslighting. + +u/ORTEX_official, how many times are you gonna claim glitch before you just admit that you, like all of us either have no idea what's going on, or that those 150mm plus shares borrowed yesterday could very well be exactly what our community hypothesises they might be? + +**Why jump to a glitch before considering:** + +* Credit Suisse 540k put exposure leak? +* T69 run up theory? +* Covering/rolling FTD's with more bad bets? + +Buying 45more shares just because of this fuckery, DRS incoming. + +**glitch better have my money** + +**IN OTHER NEWS:** [Occam's razor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yfww28/its_credit_suisse_dummies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +Figured maybe the sub also wanted to know what that drop was about. + +So here we go.Don't worry it's not all text, I've included pictures! + +But.. I'm a bit lazy and tired so I just Copy pasted what I said on discord: + +The drop:Yeah.. that was fun eh. almost 150 one moment, 130something the next. + +This was Sponsored by Intermarket Sweep Orders (ISO) (find best (read: \*\*lowest\*\*) price possible): + +>**Intermarket sweep orders** (**ISO**) is a type of [stock market order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_(exchange)) that sweeps several different market centers and scoop up as many [shares](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shares) as possible from them all.[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermarket_sweep_order#cite_note-1) These work against the order-protection rule under [regulation NMS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_NMS). + +How do I know this?Well.. the trades came by in the order book with Condition F, which is Intermarket Sweep Order. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p2vgjl1zflb91.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c475385040b19b85babd849969eba86e25090b5 + +Pages filled with it. + +https://preview.redd.it/2lzy88mlflb91.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=db6e5acf0c7316f6bee703f6d96abbe226f106c1 + +The big drop a few days ago.. same thing.The Flash crash years ago, with a book about it? Same thing. Intermarket Sweep Orders. + +Now, ISO's are pretty common, don't get me wrong.From what I saw in the order book the cause was multiple ISO's directly after eachother constantly going for lower prices.Since it's all about NBBO changes basically. Enough downwards pressure changes NBBO to lower, and exchanges adjust to that. lower NBBO means lower price.ISO sweeps up shares at best possible (read lowest) price and there she goes. + +&#x200B; + +Now, fancy pictures. + +I Made a signal charts, because why not! + +Picture 1: the Drop. + +https://preview.redd.it/a63t6qikglb91.png?width=1865&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa2583fbf2af98571045409df6601de221c954a8 + +Picture 2: the drop, extended horizontally. All the blue icons are for "400 - keep it sideways". if you look you can see it actually does go sideways! + +https://preview.redd.it/wpl35r0lglb91.png?width=1858&format=png&auto=webp&s=12f4f7160e7237843e22f113766c98b0b88aef8d + +Picture 3: an inflection point! but it wasn't allowed to go up, hence the red dot saying "1000 - don't let it run!" + +And guess what: it went down again, ISO's right?! + +https://preview.redd.it/3bgr2gxlglb91.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=05f06f94d0ed2fb51930abf606aa9c387e0f2bf2 + +Picture 4: at the end of the drop you can see white icons. These are "900 - Trade and float freely", signaling the drop is done and normal trading can resume. + +https://preview.redd.it/414t4jsmglb91.png?width=1878&format=png&auto=webp&s=c813ccf96c7e8dc86023095f00b9e17c075b9958 + +If you look you can also see red downwards arrows which are "300 - Down." indicating the price must go lower. + +Enjoy the pictures, legend is on the right. + +If you want the whole chart, u/mlebjerg will post his daily!Edit: Daily post is online! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vz6mvs/market\_maker\_signals\_today\_20220714\_chart\_link\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vz6mvs/market_maker_signals_today_20220714_chart_link_in/)Check it out, their chart is Interactive! (unlike my pictures) + +\[Edit\]Seeing a few comments asking about the MM Signals, so here is some more reading:[The Market Maker Signal post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u7iox3/it_is_time_to_talk_about_market_maker_signals_i/) by [u/mlebjerg](https://www.reddit.com/u/mlebjerg/). He did a great job going into details there and I expanded on it with my own data and ways in my own study: [Market Maker Signals Study on GME - Breaking Down Charts and Trades into Milliseconds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ufmm9o/market_maker_signals_study_on_gme_breaking_down/) + +&#x200B; + +Now, theories here about the why can be anything at this point.Critical margin line, upcoming splividend, them just showing control? + +Honestly, I don't care which one it is. I just look for weird things and this is one of them. + +Personally, I find this a very interesting display of 'MM signals'.Yeah yeah.,, I know the controversy around it, yet here we are. Looks like on that part it's exactly what they are supposed to do. + +&#x200B; + +Anyway, hope you enjoyed this tiny bit of information. + +Moass soon, peace. +I downloaded the coinmarketcap.com data for the top 100 cryptocurrencies as of a couple hours ago ([source](https://coinmarketcap.com/all/views/all/)) and did some charts of which coins gained the most in the last 7 days. Note: These are not weighted averages but I doubt that makes any difference. + +[Top 100 CMC coins by price](https://i.imgur.com/rjW9rTl.png) +Here we're sorting by price-per-coin from the most expensive coins (BTC, BCH, DASH, ETH) to the least expensive (KIN, XP, BCN, DOGE). There's a pretty clear trend here that the expensive coins are up a little bit, but the cheaper the coin is the more likely it is to be up a huge amount. + +[Top 100 CMC coins by circulating supply](https://i.imgur.com/aha3LX3.png) +This is sorted by the total number of coins in circulating supply, from fewest (GBYTE, GNO, BTCD, DGD) to the most (KIN, XP, BCN, DOGE). There's an even clearer trend here that the coins with smaller total supplies are up a little bit, but the more coins circulating the more likely that coin is to be up by a lot. + +[Top 100 CMC coins by market cap](https://i.imgur.com/PXMjTeM.png) +This is the top 100 coins by the value of their total market capitalization from lowest (WTC, POE, BLOCK, ITC) to highest (BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH). This time there's basically no trend. The coins with the highest market caps are up just about as much as the lowest market cap coins, and it's fairly random inbetween. + +I'm neither a statistician nor a market analyst but this looks like pure market irrationality to me. The best recent predictor here for market performance of a coin is simply the size of its circulating supply, which is essentially a meaningless decision about where to put a decimal place. Satoshi could have just as easily capped bitcoin at 21 billion coins instead of 21 million, and maybe if he did the BTC market cap would be much higher because people would perceive it as "seeming cheap". + +We're in a bull market and nearly everything has been up, so there's a lot of FOMO and throwing money at anything that moves. If this was the stock market I would knowingly tap the side of my monocle and say "Oh ho, fundamental valuations will catch up to you in the end, and then you'll be sorry you didn't do your due dilligence." In crypto, however, I've seen little evidence so far that fundamental valuation ever catches up to anybody. + +But I love it. + +It’s incredible. As platforms that enable us to do our own investing and make our own decisions become more and more popular, so too do the pleas from the money managers that are losing our generations’ business. + +‘If you don’t use an advisor you’ll retire x percentage less wealthy’; ‘lower fees don’t always mean better returns’. These threats make me feel like I’m taking to a used car salesman. We’ve done our research, and we choose lower MER. The audience they are speaking to has already moved on. We don’t need to buy your investors’ corvettes. + +Also, fuck you RobinHood +Hi, today the fear and greed index has dropped to an all-time low to 10. I would you like to know your opinion, do you feel fear or not? + +Since my investment portfolio consists almost entirely of NEAR and ATOM, which almost did not fall, I feel good, and I can not objectively judge, what do you feel? +**TA;DR:** The available float of GME is turning over every 5-9 trading days since the beginning of the year. This is odd, bc institutional ownership has remained steady (\~39% of float), including shares in ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds and Pension Funds; and we all know DRS numbers are increasing. Possible explanations for high turnover: more shares exist than issued, wash sales, matched orders and/or abusive naked shorts? + +**TA;DR END** + +Float is defined as the number of shares that are available to the public. This figure is calculated by subtracting the shares held by insiders and those deemed to be stagnant shareholders from the shares outstanding. For GameStop, this is simply 75,950,781 – 12,612,303 = 63,338,478. This is the official float; however, \~15 million of these shares have been “locked up” in ETFs, mutual funds, index funds and pension funds for several months. We can also see institutions have maintained 39% ownership (of float) since early December 2021.^(1) + +Furthermore, direct registration of GME shares continues and best estimates suggest there are 9-14 million shares in ComputerShare. + +When we take into account DRS, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds, Pension Funds and institutional ownership, we are left with an “available” or “remaining float” of 24-29 million shares. The following estimates are from [Computershared.Net](https://Computershared.Net). + +[Roughly 29 million remaining shares using Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average](https://preview.redd.it/0mhu7n244ih81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b585a6ca00a3be4772b717461c0691e85cc003d) + +Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average shows that there are roughly 29 million remaining shares. Search the history of u/JonPro03 for the definition of trimmed average. Essentially, it trims the top and bottom % to establish an average that matched GameStop’s Q3 Computershare numbers. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Roughly 24 million remaining shares using DRSBot Multi-Account Average](https://preview.redd.it/zgd88zp66ih81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=50a81528404bcf6e650ee53a8b12b36144b7e59f) + +DRSBot Multi-Account Average results in roughly 24 million remaining shares (or available float). Search u/Roid_Rage_Smurf history for an explanation on Multi-Account Average. Basically, it considers that apes have multiple accounts, i.e., there are less than 123,000 apes that have DRS’d - some have multiple accounts, myself included. + +So, the remaining or available float is somewhere between 24-29 million. Let’s take a look at the volume since December 31, 2021. + +Float A = 29 million based on Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average + +Float B = 24 million based on DRSBot Multi-Account Average + +https://preview.redd.it/68cvjnic4ih81.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=43a5ff8366db3b33206fec5aa3b6996430d436cc + +Based on the volume chart above, we can see that the available float is being traded every 5-9 trading days. Where’s the volume coming from? Institutional ownership remains steady, including shares in ETFs, mutual funds, index funds and pension funds. Retail continues to DRS. + +Possible explanations: abusive naked shorts? More shares exist than issued? Wash Sales? Matched Orders? + +Per the SEC: + +Wash Sales – a person places simultaneous orders to buy and sell quantities of the same security in transactions involving no change of beneficial ownership of the stock. + +Matched Orders – a person or persons places buy or sell orders for a security with the knowledge that sell or buy orders of substantially the same size and price will be placed simultaneously. + +**TA;DR:** The available float of GME is turning over every 5-9 trading days since the beginning of the year. Institutional ownership has remained steady (\~39% of float), including share numbers in ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds and Pension Funds; and we all know DRS numbers are increasing. Possible explanations for such a high turnover may include: more shares exist than issued, wash sales, matched orders and/or abusive naked shorts. + +^(1)[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sb20kk/nobodys\_selling\_update\_on\_institutional\_ownership/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sb20kk/nobodys_selling_update_on_institutional_ownership/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +My wife and I bought our first house. + +By the way, I am super embarrassed by this, so please don’t judge. + +We bought an old house and started renovating it. We demolished the bathroom, scraped the pop corn ceilings, torn up base boards and sanded the floors. The house now is in a pretty shitty condition with an unfinished bathroom. We are planning on finishing it, but the house is not really livable. + +On top of that, the roof started leaking. +On top of that, I started having severe depression and can’t work (remotely). + +The house price was 171k in April and that’s what we got the mortgage for. We owe 120k to the mortgage company. +After doing some electrical and plumbing, we have now 10k in our reno budget. + +There is also a 20k emergency fund. + +I feel like reroofing the house is a priority but it costs 10k. + +We make 90k. + +Please, don’t judge. My wife and I lost a pregnancy before the purchase and were in really wrong place to buy a house mentally. +Some of you don't need this post, but some definitely do. The purpose of this post is to shed light on issues with some of wall streets common ratios with profitable but shrinking, deceiving or problematic businesses. + +&#x200B; + +A value trap is when a company looks like a great deal now, but in the past it has had strong fundamentals and the market has never realized this. It's hard to spot a value trap from one or even 5 years of fundamentals. Most become obvious after 5 years. + +&#x200B; + +This happens for a number of reasons. There could be underlying business problems that are not reflected in the current financials like the phasing out of an industry. The company could also lack competitive advantages and are expected to fall father behind in years to come. + +&#x200B; + +Take a look at Macy's (NYSE:M) + +There are some obvious ways to fall into this trap. You could look at average earnings ad revenue, and compare it to the current market cap. Wow! pretty obvious discount. Average book value has been pretty good too. + +But looking deeper into factors that are not as integrated into the common ratios like massively decreasing operating cash flows. The market outlook for departments stores has been very negative, thus creating a temporary value trap before Macy's business starts to really deteriorate. + +&#x200B; + +(NYSE:SNEX) + +One interesting case study is StoneX. They have massive revenues that show up on screeners and financial data websites, but in reality the revenue is recognized through their sales of commodities that are bought and sold StoneX, creating a net revenue from this operation of almost zero when accounting for the capital expenditures for these commodities. This is an example of a deceiver. + +&#x200B; + +These are just some thoughts I have. They may not align with your opinions or they may be outright wrong. + +I use [macrotrends.net](https://macrotrends.net) to quickly look at long term data, but sometimes their data it completely wrong so you can't completely rely on them. + +&#x200B; + +u/Astronomer_Soft made a great comment on some common fundamentals that value traps have: + +Easiest way to spot a value trap. Usually has many of these factors: + +1. Generous dividend payout greater than free cash flow. +2. Recent history of declining revenues, profit margins and market share. +3. Lackluster management spouting off nonsense about unrealistic turnaround, restructuring, or acquisition plans. +4. Extremely low return on capital employed (soon to be addressed by massive write-offs of overvalued assets on the balance sheet) +5. Increasing debt, while financing costs of new debt is increasing and maturities getting shorter. +6. Reverse split to maintain minimum stock price for listing requirements. +So now that you have read the title and are like WTF let me explain!!! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: At the top for tards, So the non stop comments of Shill and bullshit are really amazing, Read through some of them notice I said FLOOR in my title. That is the price that I personally need to have over a million cash that I can then live on forever. No where does it say that I am going to sell at that price, that's simply the price that once we PASS I don't have to stress anymore. Do I want to sell for 10mil or better? OF FUCKING COURSE. But ANYONE who says they know how far this will go is spreading fud. I didn't originally say anything about where I think the price may go. In January I though it could go as high as 5 or 10 k and I was set to start incrementally selling on the way UP starting around 1k. We got CONFIRMATION I was right on price targets from that one old crying fuck and I now we know for sure our math is right. Now we know the price will go higher than that, how high? NO IDEA, but I do believe passing 50k will be fast, like 2-3 days after start. How long will it last? No clue, week maybe? 2 weeks? I really don't believe anyone knows even shorts because nobody knows the others book, maybe that old crying fucker? Either way the hate is fucking real, I was just a bored ape on the weekend that made a post. Some people cant read a simple post and comprehend what floor means HOW THE FUCK DO THEY READ THE DD? +ALSO my exit strategy has changed SIMPLY BECAUSE THE MATH WAS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. NOW I KNOW FOR SURE I CAN SELL ON THE WAY DOWN AND BE FINE. THATS THE POINT. THE CEILING DEPENDS ON THE SMALL APES. YOU DECIDE IF WE ALL RETIRE OR JUST SOME OF US. I simply wanted to give a different perspective because there is alot of fud and shills around here, and I'm more OG than 99% of you, I've been here since 38 bucks, and spent EVERY available dollar. Hell I even borrowed some money, that I paid back with options cash from January, I still have EVERY free dollar in this, and I add when I can. Also I have several xxx and xx family members and friends, my 70 year old dad has a low xx count. + +I have a High xxx number of shares, I have been in since 38 dollars in early January and I am still holding and adding more. And my floor is 2200... low as shit right I must be a fucking idiot. + +Well actually that's my retirement number. I am a single male with no dependents. I need about 1 million after taxes to be able to retire comfortably and live out my life on a 4k a month draw. THATS IT! That is all I personally need to live my life at my current rate and never EVER have to worry again. I don't care how much more than that I get. Sure I would love to be a billionaire but I don't need that. I've been poor my whole life, that does not phase me. + +I see all the time people posting how they are so appreciative that us larger holders will hold for the little guys. And I have to say, its not us holding for you. + +YOU ARE HOLDING FOR US, ALL OF YOU. X AND XX. YOU ARE THE ROCK THAT THIS CASTLE WILL BE BUILT ON. WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT HAPPEN. REMEMBER THAT. + +I could cash out at 2200 and sail my happy ass off into the distance never to look back on this shit life I've been living for 40 years. For me its easy to hold, when we cross 2k I'm set, when we cross 10k I'm a multi multi millionaire. If I was to sell, but I wont. I will hold and watch the numbers grow and grow. Laughing to myself as my brothers in arms make their gains.... KNOWING I DONT HAVE TO WORRY. + +Remember this will be easiest for the xxx and xxxx. We will be rich beyond our wildest dreams when we cross the LOW numbers. But we will hold, because UNLIKE the lower holders my floor doesn't need to be high to make what I need. But yours does, and I want ALL OF YOU to have your dreams fulfilled. I want to see our country and economy put back in check. I want to watch the world burn down around me. + +So cheers to all of you X and XX apes, even the low XXX that are the foundation on which we rest. To all of you we owe our thanks. And as I watch my fellow apes get off the rocket I will laugh and cheer, because I can COMFORTABLY. And I believe that this is the same for a ton of the larger holders, that's what's amazing about this community, WE ARE NOT GREEDY. I have no problem letting others exit the rocket at a price that makes them comfortable. I imagine that we will hit my floor on day one or two, After that I have possibly 2 full weeks of ENTERTAINMENT! + +&#x200B; + +P.S. If you voted, no mater the number of shares you are a hero. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 💎🤚 + +EDIT: Since alot of y'all failed reading comprehension my FLOOR is 2200, BECAUSE THATS ALL I NEED. BUT BE DAMN CERTAIN I WILL TRY TO SELL FOR THE HIGHEST NUMBER I CAN ON THE FUCKING WAY DOWN. +Hi all, I’m well aware that I’m an idiot for this and it’s my own fault, but if I can inform one person then this is worth it. + +My partner and I rented a flat last year. Money was tight but I had just about enough to scrape together a deposit. However out letting agent (Leaders) recommended a ‘no deposit option’. Where instead of paying a deposit we pay a monthly fee. On the website it reads: + +“Our innovative No Deposit Option (NDO) is allows tenants to move quickly, and easily, with no rental deposit. Rather than paying a large deposit upfront, you can instead pay a small monthly fee* and enjoy deposit-free renting.” + +I naively assumed that this small monthly fee then went towards a deposit that is built up over time. But no, we paid the monthly fee for the pleasure of not paying a deposit. And now any costs at the end of the tenancy we have to pay on top of this. So now we owe them £700… + +I feel misled honestly; if I had known that this was what the No Deposit Option was (and the clue is literally in the name, I’m such a fool…) I would never have signed up to this. + +Roast me in the comments if you want I definitely deserve it. But hopefully my expensive lesson will help someone. +#Theres 2 million of you. that is so crazy yet amazing when you think about it. + +##If you haven't noticed, all eyes are on /r/wallstreetbets right now and a certain narrative is being pushed around to make it seem as if this community is disorderly and reckless. What I think is happening is that you guys are making such an impact that these fat cats are worried that they have to get up and put in work to earn a living. + +##Some of these guys traditionally used the media as a tool for them to manipulate the market have failed to further line their pockets and now want to accuse you guys as being manipulators. This is complete nonsense because **ALL** content in /r/wallstreetbets is organic, created only by its users. You guys choose what you like and do what you want to do as individuals. + +##There is **NO** organized effort by those us who moderate this community to *promote, advise or recommend any stock*. It is against our policy to do so and we feel it is crucial to allow members to be able to share their ideas amongst each other with autonomy. + +##The only time we intervene is when we notice any unscrupulous characters appear thinking they can take advantage of our members. We do our best to identify them quickly and remove them from our community. + + +##There have been accusations of some inappropriate conduct coming from this community. These are baseless accusations as I have not seen any evidence of this taking place here. You guys know better but I'm going to say it anyway for those who have only recently joined this community that we don't do that stuff here. + +##People like to talk shit about you when you're a winner, it just comes with the territory. The way a winner responds is by keeping your head up high and enjoy living rent-free inside the minds of those who doubted you. They'll stare you down as you walk by them with a smile as wide as the sky. You don't even notice them because you're too busy basking in all the glorious tendies you've made. They hate that you played by the rules and still won. + +##That fuzzy sensation you are feeling is called RESPECT and it is well earned. Wall Street no longer dismisses your presence anymore. The smart ones know that you guys do things differently and will adapt in ways to accommodate you and how you as the next generation want things done. You should all be proud of yourselves. + +#Your time is now. + +##On behalf of the Mod team, + +#Make that money and be the change you want to see. +We purchased a home in 2018 in a small subdivision in a college town. The home was built in 1965, single owner, and flipped. When they flipped the house, they subdivided the lot into two ~0.5 acre lots. The lot next to us is empty and on a corner. It just went up for sale today, and the price isn’t amazing, but probably appropriate based on how expensive everything is these days. I have some stocks I could sell to put towards buying this lot, but I wanted to get some better input on it. + +I think I could afford a loan, but wanted to see if buying it would be a good idea. I’d think it could help us insulate our property tax a little by holding it, and would be an “easy” foray into real estate. (I’m a first time, single home owner) + +Thanks in advance! +Should make for a wild day tomorrow. Turns out the miracle drugs was not that effective. Might still have some benefits so hopefully not a single digit day tomorrow. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cortexymes-alzheimers-treatment-fails-meet-200000271.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cortexymes-alzheimers-treatment-fails-meet-200000271.html) + +Positions: + +Long 15 PUT Nov 19 + +Short 20 PUT Nov 19 + +Short 30 PUT Nov 19 +Not sure if anyone has shared this yet. Lots of people speculating on what companies are most likely to get these contracts. + +What are your thoughts? + +(Edit) Side note: Pelosi also bought ITM Tesla calls apparently + +https://techau.com.au/biden-announces-all-federal-fleet-vehicles-will-be-fully-electric-american-made/ +"Research by the comparison site shows the average adult has $39,439 squirrelled away or enough to live on for 19 weeks should they lose their job today." + +Does the average Aussie really spend $2,000 a week? This seems quite steep. Link to article in comments +This is something I struggle it for a while. Multiple teachers tried to explain it to me but I just don't get the use or how it works completely. + +I thought it works like this: you buy something in your company which you can depreciate it over different years so you are not paying taxes and distributing the cost over different years (could be completely wrong). + +But I saw other stuff like someone who was calculating how much a car would cost over 50 years and he also included depreciation cost but I have no idea what it means, what this includes or how you calculate it. + +Can someone explain how depreciation works? Or why it exists? Maybe with an easy to understand example? When to include it? +So let's say I won a $800 million dollar jackpot and took the lump sum, giving me about $400 million. I keep $20million in a swiss bank account just in case something catastrophic happens, so I will at least be relatively ok if the economic apocalypse comes. + +Would that $380million I invest all at once make a difference to stock prices? Let's say I chose the fast food sector or *maybe* IT. +I work for a company based in California (CA) but I don't work in CA normally. I'm being asked to support a test in CA for the next three weeks. + +The problem is, my program manager just informed me that we'll have to cover our own expenses over the weekend because there's insufficient funds in the program budget, including hotel and food. Normally I travel to a test site with on campus housing and just stay there and drive home on the weekends. This time I won't be able to drive back and forth and there is no on site housing, so it's never come up. + +It doesn't feel right to me. Either they have to pay to cover my expenses while I'm up there or to fly me back and forth...right? + +Edit: this isn't coming from my company, it's from my project. I am an engineer, we have to charge (bill) our hours to specific projects. We don't really have an overhead budget, we bill to projects. My site is low on project funds due to the end of the federal fiscal year. There's plenty of work once the next year of funds are released but that depends on Congress. Until my next year's funds come in, I have to find other work. This is my other work. + +I just want to know for sure that I can tell my program manager he has to pay for my weekend expenses - Google has not been helpful so I figured I'd ask you guys in case someone knew so I have the answer before I go talk to management. + +Edit 2: the fine folks over at /r/legaladvice indicated that CA does require reimbursement of reasonable expenditures related to business travel. https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/state-and-local-updates/pages/tips-for-reimbursing-california-employees-business-expenses.aspx +These managers made bank + +Today, Institutional Investor unveiled the 20th edition of its [Rich List](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/3WJfZazOSRKUfWITaCwvMA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP4QpAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmluc3RpdHV0aW9uYWxpbnZlc3Rvci5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS9iMXFtc2dweGh6MGxwdC9UaGUtMjB0aC1Bbm51YWwtUmljaC1MaXN0LXRoZS1EZWZpbml0aXZlLVJhbmtpbmctb2YtV2hhdC1IZWRnZS1GdW5kLU1hbmFnZXJzLUVhcm5lZC1pbi0yMDIwP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~), one of the most watched rankings of hedge fund managers’ performance. Every year, financial tycoons pore over the magazine’s estimates of whose fortunes are up the most. + +**Last year, the top 25 managers earned $32 billion** even as the economy crashed and markets wobbled. Over all, hedge funds [returned 11.6 percent](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/13QKTVm2uPAfg_7D8GmcXQ~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TlaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGlvbmxpbmUuY29tL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzLWNoYWxrLWRlY2FkZXMtYmVzdC1yZXR1cm5zLTIwMjAtaGZyP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) last year, according to Hedge Fund Research, their best performance in a decade but not enough to keep pace with the S&P 500, which was up 16 percent. + +“It may not be seemly, but it remains fact,” the magazine’s editors wrote. + +Here are the top earners, according to the list: + +* **Izzy Englander** of Millennium Management, who earned an estimated $3.8 billion and whose flagship fund produced a 26 percent return. +* **Jim Simons** of Renaissance Technologies, who earned $2.6 billion and whose flagship generated a 76 percent return (but whose fund open to outside investors lost big). +* **Chase Coleman** of Tiger Global Management, who earned $2.5 billion and whose top fund returned 48 percent. +* **Ken Griffin** of Citadel, who earned $1.8 billion and whose main fund returned 24 percent. (The firm has made headlines [for other reasons, too](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/newsletter/dejcbDsqspkbPhTDFNXxwA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TbaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAyMS8wMi8xNy9idXNpbmVzcy9jaXRhZGVsLWdhbWUtc3RvcC1oZWFyaW5nLmh0bWw_Y2FtcGFpZ25faWQ9NCZlbWM9ZWRpdF9ka18yMDIxMDIyMiZpbnN0YW5jZV9pZD0yNzM1OCZubD1kZWFsYm9vayZyZWdpX2lkPTI3MDAzMTE5JnNlZ21lbnRfaWQ9NTIwOTgmdGU9MSZ1c2VyX2lkPTkwYjZjMzFmNGRmYmQwNDA0OGM1OTQwMDRjMzFkODdmVwNueXRCCmAtxp8zYF0BTDhSHndpbGxpYW1jdW5uaW5naGFtODQwQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~).) +* **Steve Cohen** of Point72 Asset Management and **David Tepper** of Appaloosa Management both earned an estimated $1.7 billion. +* The rest of the best: **Philippe Laffont** of Coatue Management ($1.6 billion), **Andreas Halvorsen** of Viking Global Investors and **Scott Shleifer** of Tiger Global (both $1.5 billion), and **Bill Ackman** of Pershing Square Capital Management ($1.4 billion). +Okay hear me out, I started working full time at 17, and between then and when I turned 23 I had about $1000 to my name, despite in those 6 years earning approx. $50k per year. I had bought and sold 3 different cars (and lost about $20k all up on them) and was just generally wasting money on different shit (i.e buying takeaway/ spending $200-$300 on a night out / clothes etc.) And I was still living with my parents too, so not like I had a mortgage or rent to pay. + +I was driving into work one day and heard an ad for the barefoot investors new book on Triple M and thought it might be worth a look, so I ordered it on eBay and boy did it change my life. + +And to be honest the principle of it is so simple, but to be honest I just never thought about how I was managing my money, I only had one bank account and everything was going into and coming out of there, so it was super hard to keep track of bills and spending (and obviously I wasn’t saving much at all) + +I’m 25 now, and I have put down a deposit for a house with my girlfriend and have $35k in a savings account. I would say I’m much more careful with how I spend my money now, but I definitely don’t go without. + +I would implore anyone to read this book, it will seriously be the best financial decision you ever make. +We have a downtown property that we are currently renovating. Every day, the same woman has brought her tent and dog and sleeps/lives on the driveway which is part of our property. Today she used the bathroom on it as well. The first time we saw her stuff, we left her a note to leave. The second time, when we saw her, we told her to leave and that we wouldn’t be calling the cops if she left and did not come back. Today, my mom was moving some stuff in (as she is moving homes and needed some storage area) and asked the woman to leave, which is when she pooped in the driveway. My mother called the cops, and now I have filled out a report. Every time we have asked her to leave before, she does, but is there again immediately after. + +My question is, what do you do to deter trespassers? This is our first downtown property. My initial thought is bright lights that turn on at night, or putting up cameras. But any advice would be appreciated! + +Edit: Thanks to those of you who shared your experience and advice. +Here is what we have added for now: +1. A dummy security camera (since there is no internet at the property) +2. Bright motion sensor lights +3. Water hose lock +4. Clear signage about being on camera and no trespassing + +If you want to discuss these options, I have made a comment down below! Would love if people didn't comment violence being the best option. +Hey all, + +Robbie here, co-founder at Immutable - GameStop's NFT partner. We've had a *tonne* of questions on the specifics of the roadmap, roll-out, and our joint vision for NFTs. This subreddit is one of the most passionate communities in the world, and I want to start sharing more information with you directly as we build the ultimate destination for gaming NFTs together with GameStop. + +We're going to be dropping content over the next few weeks diving into what this integration will look like, details on Immutable and our vision for the space, and answering questions you might have. + +Today, I wanted to drop some exclusive insights to this community first, visualising what it means when an NFT marketplace builds with Immutable X. We’ll be dropping more content in the coming weeks. 👀 + +\- Robbie ([https://twitter.com/0xferg](https://twitter.com/0xferg)) + +&#x200B; + +P.S. highly recommend checking out our CTO's post on Immutable's [shared orderbook](https://immutablex.medium.com/immutable-x-protocol-orderbook-solving-order-fragmentation-610c2bf5375b), and why this will position the GME <> IMX marketplace to have a huge amount of content from day 1. Highly encouraged reading if you haven’t seen it yet. + +P.P.S We just hired [Riot's General Manager of Southeast Asia to lead Immutable's games,](https://twitter.com/0xferg/status/1499694532761649154) which will be featured & traded on GameStop's marketplace. + +https://preview.redd.it/7u0v6gbxjgl81.jpg?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf77692476bd0c40fc25d9782c34973d15c2794 +27M in a MCOL city making about $225k/yr working a 9-5 tech job. I grew up in the middle class and got lucky with my trajectory - and since have been lurking r/fire and r/fatfire. + +I'm at a point where I have saved a moderate amount (200-300k) of liquid captial beyond the typical retirement/brokerage savings you would see for someone in my situation. While my corporate job pays well and i rarely work more than 20 actual hours a week, I do have ambitions of operating my own business and achieving financial indepence (fat at that) sooner than my career will allow. + +For those of you who have already fat fired or are well on the path - did you come to a similar cross road? Did choosing to invest in a business accelerate your timeline? Did you manage both a corporate job and a business at the same time or go cold turkey? + +FWIW, i'd be leveraging the SBA (LTV 70-80%) to buy a profitable business in a niche industry I enjoy. + +Apologies in advance for the structure of this post - i'm not the best writer out. + 🐱 Welcome to Cheecoin 😻 + +Cheecoin was created with one mission in mind. Bring high class Hollywood Visuals + emerging tech to the blockchain while making the world a better place. The Cheecoin team loves animals and Chee himself who is in fact a real cat was saved by charity donations from the very charity Cheecoin has started to support and already donated to. Little baby Chee was so sick he was going to die but after weeks in the animal Intensive care unit he was able to pull through. $8,000 of support allowed our amazing curious stinkerface bossman Chee to keep 8 of his 9 lives and march on with us. + +The team is comprised of famous Hollywood vfx legends and rising senior vfx stars. The Matrix, The Matrix II, The Matrix III, Watchmen, Rise of Planet of the Apes, I am Legend, Spiderman, Beowulf, gravity, Interstellar, The Crown, Harry Potter, Gladiator and works with brands such as Nike, Paypal, Subway, Movado, Levis, Nvidia, Synders, Frito-Lay, Coc-a-cola, Pepsi co, Charles Schwab Investing, Lending Tree, Victorias Secret, Uniqlo, The Gap, Banana Republic, Best Buy, Samsung, Google, Facebook and more. Cheecoin is adding artists daily and will announce a new line up with top talent in the coming weeks with personalized bios and amazing work to see. + +The NFT marketplace will feature exclusive NFTs ranging from still images and photos, to expansive game worlds and levels or CGI experiences and animations. There is no limit to what Cheecoin will achieve and we plan to push the boundaries of user experience by combining the highest level visuals with the newest and cutting edge technology. We are leaders in innovation and workflows as a group hold collectively over 100 patents. We push the boundaries of what is possible and blend the world of reality and virtual reality until the difference is indistinguishable. NFTs are a natural segue for us and have become a passion of our team as much of the proceeds will go to charity. + +💪 The Cheecoin team projects in Development (subject to some changes) 💪 + +CheeChange Mobile and Desktop Wallet – This MetaMask equivalent will be Chee branded and set for $CHEE and BNB, Bitcoin, ETH, and a few more directly. You can add other tokens on BSC as well! + +Cheecoin.com pancake direct buy. – You will soon be able to buy and sell $Chee to BNB directly on our website via Pancakeswap DEX. UI has been voted on and Scifi theme won! + +NFT marketplace – The marketplace is being coded and built now! You will be able to buy and sell NFTs with $CHEE directly on our web browser NFT marketplace. All NFTS purchased can be upgraded to holographic displays with unique signatures and in home display functions. We will deliver them to you and make sure it all works. + +NFT Gallery onestop shop - Here you will be able to access a 3D CGI art gallery set in a scifi future world. You can browse different pieces and experience them in 3D. This is brought to you by pixel streaming via Unreal Engine and will be up soon. From the stream you will be able to link and buy NFTs from you CheeChange wallet. Users who wish can also purchase VR facewear to experience our gallery in VR and fully immersive themselves in their NFT experience. + +Cheecoin Sponsor VR and AR events – Cheecoin will sponsor different musical artists and help built their VR/AR experiences for the most amazing stay at home fully immersive ready player one events and experiences. Cheecoin will take users to the next level and all in the name of charity. + +SpaceChee Mobile Game Metaverse – Cheecoin knows user experience is important and because of that we have been developing via Unreal Engine a subway surfer coin collection game on OS and Andorid where users can collect coins in the game and then cash them out for NFTs and other amazing prizes. We have a whole series of other games in the works including a 1st person AAA shooter. The in game currency will be cross game transferable. + +Space Chee TV Series – Yes its true. We are developing a fully animated TV series called SpaceChee. Aimed for children it will have real world lessons and values built into a scifi adventure narrative and follow a team of galactic good guys as they hunt down the evil ShibaSrinu destroyer of worlds. No joke. Wait and see. We got the chops. We got the connections. Greenlight and go. + +Merch and Products – We got it all. Blankets, Clothing, Hats, Kicks, Wallets, Sunglasses, Plush toys, Figures, Cats to adopt that you get paid for if you hold Chee at X amount. + +Adoption Perks – Cheecoin will pay for your adoption and initial vet bills if you adopt through our program and use $CHEE for all transactions + +🙏 Charity Partner Little Wanderers NYC + +🧑 - Doxed Dev and team (LinkedIn) + +💎 – 5100 Chee family members + +💰 - $7000 donated already! You can verify it. + +🎁 3% back to holders + +🤝‍ 3% back to charity + +💧 3% back to LP + +😸 10% of NFTs go to Charity + +🔥 25,000,000 supply BURNED: + +🔧 10% sell cap until until you have 50k Chee or less (per transaction) + +📁 Audit completed by TechRate (On Website) + +🔐 Locked LP 35 years + +💰 Purchase it on PancakeSwap V2 + +⚙️ Set Slippage to 11% + +📊 [Chart](https://dex.guru/token/0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281-bsc) + +🦎 [Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cheecoin) + +🐦 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Cheecoin) + +🌎 [Telegram](https://t.me/cheecoinchat) + +🌎 [Website](https://cheecoin.com/) + +🌎 [Discord](https://discord.gg/Wk847NVb) + +🌎 [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cheecoin/) + +📜 Contract - 0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281 + +More info on our Website please go check it out. +I need to save money but I have very little idea on how to do it. I am just very bad at it. I put a lot of money towards my bills, my car insurance is too high and I can’t change companies. I have a small side hustle that doesn’t bring in much. I have tried putting money into a separate bank account every paycheck but it ends up getting used. + +My budgeting attempts clearly show me there is money somewhere in our take home pay… I just don’t know how to make this saving thing work. What do I do? +Welcome to the ETH Daily Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here. Please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or support issues. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior **should be reported** and redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To visit this thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +* For newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum, you can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](http://bit.ly/2rMAXmq). + +* **[EXPERIMENTAL]** - To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I am a longtime lurker who mainly uses this sub for motivation from everyone on here so that I can keep grinding and to achieve my own goal of fatfire one day. My goal is $5m by 55 and to retire in NC or somewhere similar cost of living wise where I can get both the beach and mountains (just need a boat and a house with a view:) ). For me personally, I currently have a good job out of university (just happy to be employed at this point given current market) but I know that I’ll have to switch things up a bit in order to achieve my goals. + +I see some of the posts on here which really motivates me to earn more, I think it’s a lot of tech folk who are making a huge amount of money in HCOL areas and at a pretty young age like $400k at 26, because I am nowhere near these levels. I originally had the goal of $1m by 30 but I would need to greatly increase my current income to reach that goal, so maybe 35 is more realistic but a lot can happen in just a few years. As someone on the wealth building journey, I would love to hear stories about those who have fatfired and what their wealth timeline looked like from nothing to something? + +For me right now here are my details/numbers: +Age: 24 +Graduated from College in 2018 Net Worth (NW): $0 +Business Analyst in NC for large Investment Bank NW after 1 year $36k +Current NW: $85k at 24 after 2 years + +Current positions: +Cash: $25k +Investment Accounts (401k/Roth): $60k +Income: $65k (could be promoted soon which would bring me around $75k at 25) +Bonus: ~ $10k to $12k +Saving: 25% of income +Debt: None other than revolving credit card debt to boost credit score around ~$300/month (paid automatically each month) + +I think that given my current path I can’t get to my first goal of $1m at 30 but maybe there are some others here who started off in similar boats where things started to really take off for them? Maybe it was a new job, got tired of the 9-5 and built their own business, or maybe they had to go to grad school to learn a new skill set? I’ve been thinking of an mba myself but that $200k sticker is no joke. + +Thanks for taking the time to read and any of the advice/stories you have to share! + +- sorry if formatting looks weird, posted from phone. +Think about it. The SEC has been absent from the fight for better markets for a long time and now there is a new sheriff in town. By participating in the creation of new rules via commenting and interaction we can be part of the solution. Shitadel an friends act in shadows, we Act in daylight. We should represent the future as we seek it to be. Be respectful and Gary Gensler will see us as an ally in the quest for fairer markets. + +By doing so he will also make the Hedgies bleed harder and eventually cause MOASS. 😎👍🏻 + +TLDR: Gary Gensler deserves the benefit of the doubt and we can be part of the solution for better markets. MOASS is only denied by bad players. Change for better markets helps MOASS happen sooner I believe. +This [graph](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2V) shows the velocity of M2 Money Stock, The Velocity rose from 1991 to 1997 and fell down to its lowest in 2020 and it's at its lowest since then... Why these falls? and why haven't they recovered? +https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/11/people-are-taking-out-mortgages-to-buy-bitcoin-says-joseph-borg.html + +> "We've seen mortgages being taken out to buy bitcoin. … People do credit cards, equity lines," said Borg, president of the North American Securities Administrators Association, a voluntary organization devoted to investor protection. Borg is also director of the Alabama Securities Commission. + +> "This is not something a guy who's making $100,000 a year, who's got a mortgage and two kids in college ought to be invested in." +Honestly, I don't really mind pumping coins, particularly joke coins like Doge. But if I see another post from someone saying "but what if Doge is the next Bitcoin" I think I'll crack! + +You can only pump a coin like Doge so far! I'm seeing people saying "what if it gets to $100 or even $1000?". Do they have any idea how many of these coins are in circulation?! + +Part of the whole joke of Doge was its rediculous supply cap and real terms inflation, with literally billions of new coins being generated annually. You can only sustain the upwards trajectory of something like that for so long... + +If you're a newbie playing with Doge, these is a huge chance your going to lose next to everything. The actual coin is designed to lose "value", the fundamental function of the coin is actively working against you! +see ['the great deflation'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Deflation). Didn't seem to bad, prices went down, but purchasing power improved, and the economy mostly grew and it birthed the middle class. + +>**The prices of most basic commodities and mass-produced goods fell almost continuously; however, nominal wages remained steady, resulting in a pronounced and prolonged rise in real wages, disposable income and savings - essentially giving birth to the middle class.** + +_________________________________________________ + + +>Deflation or the Great Sag refers to the period from 1870 until 1890 in which the world prices of goods, materials and labor decreased, although at a low rate of less than 2% annually.[1] This was one of the few sustained periods of deflationary growth in the history of the United States.[2] This had a positive effect on the economy in general, as the purchasing power improved. + +>Many businesses suffered, such as warehousing, especially in the London area, due to improvements in transportation, like efficient steam shipping and the opening of the Suez Canal, and also because of the international telegraph network. Displaced workers found new employment in the expanding economy as real incomes grew.[3] + +>By contrast to the mild deflation of the so-called Great Deflation, the deflation of the 1930s Great Depression was so severe that deflation today is associated with depressions, although economic data are not quite as clear on the matter. +I have $500.00 us American dollars saved up. It's cash. May I please have some recommendations on how to maybe invest or grow that money. Weather a higher risk stock is better or is it safer to go with low risk? I graduated school but was taught none of this. I appreciate all the feedback. I don't even know how to trade stock... +A stock split takes one share and makes more shares. A stock dividend gives new shares to shareholders. In a cash dividend shorts just have to pay the cash dividend to people who don't own real shares. Here they actually have to come up with more shares, if gamestop issues 5 shares to every 1 share then the hedgies are going to have to come up with ~~350m shares~~ 5 shares for every phantom share they have ever sold. + + +Edit: here is another explanation thank you u/polypolipauli + +https://preview.redd.it/ea3yv8xo5tq81.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c1dd532bf775e1d56e2d931b2504c698fc6eba9 +I’ve read quite a few articles over the past 6 months that frame the current cost-of-living stress in Australia as a result of the disparity between wage growth and the rate of inflation. Here is where my confusion enters. + +My understanding is that the country’s current approach to fighting inflation is to reduce the typical household’s purchasing power through interest rate hikes. Decreased purchasing power results in decreased demand. Decreased demand forces companies to lower prices or they’ll have no one left to buy their goods or services. So, if wages kept up with inflation, companies wouldn’t be forced into a position where prices must be lowered and inflation would continue. + +So why is it that the media points at this disparity between wage growth and inflation as if it isn’t a big part of the strategy to combat inflation itself? Isn’t it that stifling demand through the reduction of real wages is precisely the strategy chosen to try and bring inflation backdown to the 2-3% sweet-spot? Or am I getting something wrong here? +Hello all, + +I did my first AMA on this sub 4 years ago and since then, the market, my business, and this sub have all evolved. The increase of sophistication on this sub in particular has been impressive. + +This time around, I want to again provide any guidance I can as well as some of my thoughts that I think might be helpful. Most are new, but some are copied from the last post as they still stand. + +Hopefully this proves helpful. + +All the best, + +HobbesNYC + +&#x200B; + +**Should I invest in Real Estate right now?** + +* It depends what you want your real estate investment to do. +* It’s an excellent time for market mitigation, cash flow, and maintaining upside. +* It’s a terrible time to house-hack, BRRR, and 10X +* You can no longer rely on refinancing or exiting your way into larger/more properties +* If you can hold, however, you have an excellent mid-long-term outlook + +**Should I be worried about my multifamily assets?** + +* Not if you are like the majority of people on this sub who operate assets directly or aspire to someday. +* If you have a stable model, you can hold and wait out any slowed rental growth and/or lowered valuations. +* If you are institutional or aggressive investor where you outsource, focus on growth, and have interest coming due, however, you may need to be prepared to put up cash or be forced into a sale. + +**But what if debt keeps increasing?** + +* There is a limit to the effect of debt can have on multifamily valuations. For example, if the debt rate went to 15%, would a multifamily asset only sell for a 15% cap+ (meaning a 15%+ return per year if purchased with all cash)? Of course not. There are always non-debt buyers who would be happy to take a 15% or even 10% yearly cash flow at a higher valuation. + +**Should I consider all cash purchases?** + +* Absolutely, I don’t think it’s ever been a better time. +* If you have an operations component and/or manage directly, you can get cash flow that will protect you from market mayhem, and if the debt market eventually comes down like it did 2016-2022, you have an incredible opportunity to refinance then. +* It’s downside protection with mid-term upside. + +**What strategies are doing best right now?** + +* Conservative - Small / All Cash Deals - Whereas before it was impossible to get an owner to sell these, we’re finally seeing an opportunity to buy these assets in mass. As stated in the above section, these can have exceptional downside protection, high cash flow if you operate directly, and if debt ever comes down, a great upside potential. For people that looking for long-term, stable growth, this makes a lot of sense. ***It's the best time period I've seen in my career for this strategy***. +* Moderate - Assets that need drywall, electrical, plumbing, or anything requiring a permit - The cost of this type of work is astronomical right now. I’ve seen $35k+ bids per unit with poor work that takes 9 months to complete. If you can do the work yourself or can partner with someone that can, the cost can be as low as $5k a unit and done in 1/8th the time. There are a tremendous amount of owners out there still waiting on contractors, so you can take these assets off their hands, finish the work, and then hold for cash flow, refinance, or sell. Even with the higher debt and lowered valuation, there is still a massive spread here. 50%+ levered returns in a year are not unrealistic. +* Aggressive - Niche Single Family Home Development Plays - Despite everything you’ll see in the headlines, there are still great profits in certain types of home development plays. For context, most new home builds are suburban style homes that are built in mass on a 1.2-1.4X margin. So, if home prices come down 20-40%+ these developers could be wiped out. On in-town luxury product, however, where buildable lots are extremely rare, there is still a massive pool of demand for extremely limited product. The spreads on these types of projects are 2.0X-3.0X. This gives you an absolutely massive margin of safety. There is a lot of volatility here and it’s not the best for everyone, but I think it makes sense for a small portion of a portfolio looking for more aggressive plays. + +**What cities should I invest in?** + +* Firstly, you should always start where you have the best operational advantage. After that, consider the following: +* The rapid rise in housing costs in major metros has begun pushing people out. Starting about 6 months ago there has been a major reversal in rent growth from large towards small markets. +* Previously booming markets such as Austin, Phoenix, and Vegas that witnessed incredible appreciation are now showing decreases in rental rates while smaller markets are getting more demand. +* It makes far more economic sense for a waiter, educator, city worker, medical provider, or most of the 90% of the working population making less than $100k to move to a lower cost metro. So for every one new tech job, there are many more people who don’t want the associated cost of living that come with the new employer. +* This all results in larger rent growth in smaller, more affordable markets, which is exactly what we are seeing. +* Conclusion: From a pure growth standpoint, I believe you have the best rent growth relative to entry price in smaller, more affordable markets. +* Where to get rental data: This is a great [source for raw data pulls on 200+ metros.](https://www.apartmentlist.com/research/category/data-rent-estimates) + +**Should I 3rd Party PM, Direct Management, or Syndication?** + +* What do you want your real estate to do? +* Conservative - If you want stable cash flow with some upside potential, operate it yourself or invest in a syndication that does. +* Aggressive - If you want quick turns and believe certain markets are poised for large rent growth, then use 3rd party property management. You may not get any cash flow, and are in a riskier position, but if the valuations go up, you get the most return for the least amount of work. As much as I hate to admit it, this is who did best over the last 2 years. + +**What can I do to improve the likelihood of solid returns?** + +* Align with your broker - by getting them into the deal, you can usually get a better price. +* Focus on the middle-market of renters – this is the majority of demand and the most insulated from market changes. +* Implement a Tenant Respect Model - All too often in B/C class assets, especially in smaller markets, the tenants are not very well respected. A little can go a long way. Consider preventive inspections, holiday gift cards, accommodations for unique needs, staff training on communication, etc.. +* Consolidate assets – Buy a 30-50 unit then buy a nearby smaller assets. Run everything together for a much lower op cost. +* Keep the units under market - don't chase the highest return, chase stable occupancy. +* Keep substantial extra cash on hand to weather any kind of storm. This will lower total returns but also smooth them out and prevent the likelihood of needing an expensive injection + +**What returns are realistic, what should I target?** + +* It depends on the strategy, but assuming you are buying a multifamily asset, you could conservatively achieve a 5% cash on cash return in year 1, and 7%+ by year 2. +* Over the course of 5 years, this should model out to about a 10-15% IRR with some work and an exit, unless the debt market drops in which case it would end probably 20%+ +* The returns in good syndications are often the same or better than if you manage directly, with a lot less work, but you can’t force an early sale, so there is a trade-off. +* Anything below these returns and I honestly think you are better off investing in bonds, or if you have a long time horizon, the S&P 500. + +**Should I have others invest with me?** **Should I invest with others?** + +* Over time, it's probably best to do both. It doesn't really matter the size, but it's more about the experience. +* If you take on investors, you should have a clearly articulated strategy for not just the current aspect but the next few. 95% of my investors either came through someone who has already invested with me, or they started with a small amount and we built the relationship over-time. So if you have just 1 asset you're looking to take down, that's not that compelling to an investor; but if you want to buy 3-4 multifamily assets in an area over the next few years and manage yourself, well, that's something you can build on. +* If you invest with others, a few quick things to look for: minimum 8% preferred return, no catch-up provision, 7%+ in Y1, and an understanding of how the group can own/manage the asset more efficiently than the previous owner. + +**I’m in college and I love real estate, I want this as a career, so what should I do next?** + +* There is no better way to learn the business of Real Estate than being a real estate or business owner, and I recommend starting as early as you can. +* Counterintuitively, if you want to build a career in RE, don’t start there. Right now as it takes a tremendous amount of capital to create meaningful profits. So instead, consider buying a coffee shop, laundromat, car wash, etc… This will require much less money than a big real estate asset and you can cultivate a much larger impact. Most importantly, it’s going to force you to learn marketing, legal, investor relations, people management, etc… all at the same time. I believe this will prepare you far better than any job at a real estate firm. +This might be a concern to some people who have bought shares of stuff like GME and AMC. I'm a bit new, but my understanding is some brokers will lend the share you own out to someone using it to short the stock. I contacted them because a post in WSB claimed WS was one that lends shares out. + +So that was part of their response to me. +If you haven't listened to his recent podcast episode, you need to. This man is shining a light in all the dark corners and vehemently defending apes. He's pushing out so much content on these issues to help bring awareness and a demand for transparency. + +This is how we bring positive change. It's not about being angry. It's about getting loud. Getting the word out. Being relentless in demanding answers. + +This is a new ally that has thrust himself into the fray for us. We need to do everything we can to support him. + + +https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/reporter-called-jon-out-so-we-called-him-up/id1583132133?i=1000553529301 +Hey FATFire Friends... + +So we have discussed many times the concept of home chefs. Unless its a FT position that is either 100% Chef, or jack of all...that this is tricky. + +My wife has constantly wanted to see if we could find someone to come cook healthy meals for our family a couple times a week. We live in a small/medium LCOL, so not a lot of options (read: none). + +Solution ended up being simple. Called the culinary school at the community college in our area. Asked for the director. Asked Director if anyone of their students wanted to make some money doing home chef work. Initial answer was "no" but I am no quitter. Put in a second effort (Surely someone wants to make money doing what they are going to school for...) and he came up with a name. + +We are now two meals in and its everything we were looking for. Gourmet meals that are healthy. Kids actually ate asparagus...so did I...she performed some sort of voodoo on it. She handles it from grocery to clean up. Four hours for a 3-course meal where she bought groceries, two hours for a one course meal where we picked them up (my wife likes the grocery shopping part). She plates the meals, they look and taste great. Cleans up...then off she goes. + +We are off to a great start...and I believe this is something other low-end FAT friends can do. Culinary schools should be a GREAT potential place to get your home chef. + +Details...paying $25/hr. She already had some work doing cooking lessons at a place in town. Asked what she made there...$18 / hr. So said "Lets start at $25 and can move to 30 if it goes well." + +Sharing is caring, so thought you all may want to do something similar if you have been thinking about Part Time Chef. +💥💥LASER EYES CLUB (Utility Token, launched on BSC) + +&#x200B; + +$LaserEyes is the native token for the Laser Eyes Club platform which seeks to promote legitimate projects and silence scams. They have released their first product called Laser Eyes Scan which is an algorithm that automatically scans all DXSale contracts and gives them a review. + +Laser Eyes Club plans to create an entire ecosystem inside the Binance Smart Chain that is rug free by developing their contract auditing service, expanding their current scanning algorithm beyond DXSale contracts to all contracts, building their launchpad for new tokens that requires a thorough audit before launch, releasing their portfolio tracking app, building an educational platform that rewards users with airdropped coins, and building out their locking service to prevent developers from selling. + +$LaserEyes is a deflationary token that gives you access to the Laser Eyes Club platform. Owning this token will give you exposure to massive burns and unlimited access to contract scans, contract reviews, audits, new safe presales, airdrops, and much more. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +🔥 Less than 1 Million market cap + +ℹ️ Our first tool (LIVE), Laser Eyes Scan helps you avoid fraud and rug projects - RUG, SCAM OR SAFU? + +⚔️(FIGHTING Rug/honeypot projects and EXPOSING scams + +⚔️ We have already protected our users from losing 1000s of BNBs to scams. + +✅ Techrate Audit Passed. + +✅ Launchpad, Audit, Portfolio App, Educational Content & Locker in the Roadmap. + +❤️ Team is active for more than 2 months. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +💬TELEGRAM: [https://t.me/lasereyesclub](https://t.me/lasereyesclub) + +🌐WEBSITE: [https://lasereyes.club/](https://lasereyes.club/) + +🌐TWITTER: [https://twitter.com/lasereyesclub](https://twitter.com/lasereyesclub) + +🌐BETA OF OUR UTILITY: [https://lasereyesscan.com/](https://lasereyesscan.com/) +Who ever bashed Lisa or discouraged by her tweets, please check the AMA with her[(49) AMA with Lisa Braganca - Former SEC Branch Chief / Attorney at Braganca Law LLC - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nvuL0mevRk) + +She is basically an APE to the BONES.She wants to fight for more fair system. + +She knows how to DO IT.Fuck, she says what exactly are the bottlenecks and cornerstones in the system change, she wants to help , not because it earns her money, but because it's right thing to do. + +Lisa Braganca is a ally that you want to onboard. She is inspiring and she knows what to do.She encourages to DRS and she is open to new ideas. + +Thanks for listening to my rant. + +Please, watch the AMA. You will not be disappointed. + +edit1: Apparently, we are all retarded here. But people bashing Lisa are negatively retarded. + + +edit2: this post got a lot of traction. Make sure to check [https://www.drsgme.org](https://www.drsgme.org) . + +Edit 3: sign the letter, if you agree with it. +https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-pfof-sign-on +Imagine you are a gambler enjoying a night at the casino. You decide to play Blackjack. Your hand is a ten and the dealer shows a 7. + +"I would like to hit." + +"No sir. You are only allowed to stand or surrender." + +"That's not the rules of the game. Aren't you regulated?" + +"Due to the votality your hand represents to the Casino, sir, you are only allowed to stand or surrender. These are extraordinary times." + +"...are you only allowed to stand or surrender?" + +"No sir. In fact, we may double down." + +"Wait. What? You are the dealer, you can't put more money in that I didn't put in. That money doesn't even exist on the table!" + +"Sir, you have a gambling problem. We might have to report the commission on you for attempting to hit with your hand because your friend told you that you should." + +"Wait, are you trying to make me fold?" + +"Sir, we reported you to the newspaper for being a degenerate." + +"You guys are crazy!" + +"Sir, we have decided that in order to protect your interests, you have decided to surrender." +Can someone please explain this valuation to me? Its trading at a PE of 109 (Forward PE of 81) and a PS of 14. The thing is valued at 4.5 billion despite only producing 43 Mil in income last year. Seems like an incredible short opportunity +Greetings fellow autists. + +I’ve been meaning to give back to this community from which I’ve benefitted a lot since its founding, and decided to do a write-up on the modern EV Battery and Grid Storage sectors. I also wanted to do one for Magnis Energy Technology’s projects (MNS) and where it strategically fits in this high growth but very complex sector, so I combined the two DDs into what you have here. + +While I do hold MNS stocks, and **I WILL address the current Murdoch media/Twitter/HC campaign against MNS**, this post will first and foremost be to help understand the global EV Battery sector and related sub-industries/downstream markets. + +Then using this as a framework, I’ll share my own DD on MNS, their projects/holdings, and whether it is a good or risky investment choice within the sector & in the current ASX/media climate. Anything I couldn't fit in 40k characters will go into a FAQ comment. + +But *tl;dr* for those just wanting a quick answer, I am holding firm, with a **SP target of \~$2.15 by June 2022** depending on MANY factors. + +[Table of Contents](https://preview.redd.it/e2cxd8hdtn281.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=0531b6e9eaaecac5596795e218a660bc8ba7b55e) + +# 1 - Lithium Ion Batteries 101 + +Batteries are a way of storing electrical energy that can be collected at any point in time, then discharged for consumption at any other point in time, and due to its relative technological maturity and long lifespan, **the overwhelming majority of passenger electric vehicles (PEVs) made in commercial quantities today use Lithium-ion Batteries as their energy solution**. + +## 1.1 How does a lithium-ion battery work? + +A modern Lithium-ion Battery (or LiB), co-invented in the 1970s by Nobel Laureates **Professor M. Stanley Whittingham**, John Goodenough, and Akira Yoshino, is made up of 5 key aspects: the **Cathode**, **Anode**, **Electrolyte**, **Separator** and a **Cell form factor**. The way these batteries discharges or recharges electrical energy is by transferring electrically charged atoms (the **ions**) between the cathode material and the anode material through the electrolyte medium. The lithium part of LiBs sits in the anode. + +See diagram below for high level illustration. + +[Key components of a Lithium-ion Battery](https://preview.redd.it/l76ldfgpen281.jpg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa849cf89cf44e8b88948093a3a85f7f07c44b52) + +## 1.2 What exactly is inside your LiBs (Battery Cell Chemistry)? + +There are a large number of materials and chemical mixtures that can theoretically serve as the cathode or anode of a LiB, below are an example of several *classes* of cell chemistries. + +* **NMC/NCM**: Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt battery. the most common type of EV battery pre-2020 due to many L-ion battery makers already familiar with it. +* **NCA**: Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum Oxide. Used by Tesla’s performance range models, due to good energy density and faster charging/discharge capability. +* **LFP**: Lithium-Iron-Phosphate. Cobalt and nickel free which makes it more ethical and cheaper to make. It is however much less energy dense. + +[Most common cell chemistry types in deployed EVs. ](https://preview.redd.it/3qvnpmjten281.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe9c375002935da3a600039c174c0c0055c0de09) + +**T**he numbers in these cell chemistry codes refer to the ratio of metals. Mini example below. Mixing up the balance also affects the properties of the battery. Images source: [CNBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFL8iQ3p3cI) + +[Simplified breakdown of NMC 811 chemistry](https://preview.redd.it/k38wuqlzen281.png?width=1826&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fbeb3ec449b0ffa2e77ef2bc64f713d7162bea9) + +Here are all the practical considerations when designing a battery cell chemistry, which affect their suitability and commercial viability for end consumer applications: + +* **Energy Density**: this measures how much energy can be stored and discharged per unit of weight (or kW/kg). Batteries need to carry their own weight in a mobility solution, similar to the curse of rocket fuel. +* **Material Availability**: how abundant are each metal/mineral that is required in various cell chemistry? +* **Cost**: materials + mine location + manufacturing process needs + scalability of process affects profit margins of a particular cell chemistry design. +* **Charging speed**: How quickly can the cell recharge from near zero to 80/90/95%? This affects the end user experience and usability of battery for various application classes. +* **Usable Lifespan**: How many charge cycles is the cell able to endure before degradation? More details [here](https://www.geotab.com/au/blog/ev-battery-health/). +* **Stability/Safety**: different cell chemistries and manufacturing processes may lead to more volatile batteries in certain environments. More info [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GDdZkN6fg) +* **ESG**: Environment, Social and Corporate Governance. Cobalt mining is a huge human rights issue. + +Due to the different end user applications possible, **there is no one-size-fits-all cell chemistry choice**, which we will discuss the most popular ones when we deep dive the EV Battery sector. + +However, it isn’t hyperbole to say that **advances in the cell chemistry of LiBs will make or break other electrified sectors**, which is why both Tesla and VW felt it worthy to create their respective 'Battery Day' in recent times to highlight their EV battery vision and strategies. Also the US Congress’s recently passed Infrastructure Bill allocates over $10 billion for the R&D and development of domestic EV Battery technologies and supply chain. (More learning [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6T9xIeZTds)) + +## 1.3 Where are LiB cells most used? + +The overwhelming majority usage of LiBs are Passenger EVs and Consumer electronics (phones). This is true globally but even more so in USA due to relatively lower adoption in other vehicle classes. However it is projected that with the recent policy changes by the Biden administration, **stationary/grid energy storage and electrification of the government fleet will increase demand and adoption of LiBs in those subsectors**. [Info Source](https://bnef.turtl.co/story/evo2019/?utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=BNEF&utm_source=Email&utm_content=wirmay21&mpam=21051&bbgsum=DM-EM-05-19-M21051) + +[Source: Bloomberg NEF 2019 Outlook](https://preview.redd.it/4ti2dy7kgn281.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=663286e1c0324bde137b72838752fc73c02f4aa2) + +It is worth noting that this particular survey shown above oversimplifies 'Passenger EVs' which in Section 2.2 we will deconstruct and do some localisation analysis. + +## 1.4 What about Stationary (grid) Storage? Is LiBs used for that too? + +LiB cell chemistry for grid storage batteries is more diverse than EVs due to no requirement to be energy dense and slightly relaxed safety standards to serve grid stabilisation needs. You can scale a storage solution with much more land space than in a scooter, car or truck. This means many cobalt-free chemistries are actually possible and more cost-effective than NMC/NCA-based ones. [More info.](https://cen.acs.org/materials/energy-storage/Lowering-cost-grid-storage-batteries/98/i36) + +There are also alternative types of energy storage technology outside of LiBs that provides various advantages (and also drawbacks) in grid storage that add to the market competition. Most are in their infancy or have shown limited potential, however good to keep an eye on + +**Alternative A - Flow Batteries:** not designed to store energy for weeks on end. Good for utility and grid stabilisation applications. + +* **Pros compared to LiBs** + * **longer lifespans**: very low degradation rate + * **safely**: operates in extreme temperatures, little to no fire hazard. Chemistries are far less toxic to humans if exposed accidentally. + * **highly scalable**: just add more electrolyte to a larger tank! +* **Cons compared to LiBs** + * **higher capital cost**: about 40% higher than LiB at the MWh scale. + * **lower discharge rate**: not suitable for sub-second electrodynamics required in EVs. +* **A few notable companies/projects in this space (and what stage are they at)** + * **Primus Power** (pilot programs): since 2009. Flow battery design, Zinc-Bromine chemistry. \~1-10MWh delivered across US and Asia + * **ESS** (commercial): US-based, iron flow batteries. \~50-200 MWh delivered with 2GWh of further orders part of a SoftBank deal. + * **Jena Batteries** (pilot programs): developing metal-free batteries. \~1-10 MWh delivered. + * **Invinity Energy Systems RedT** + * **AMBRI** (research): MIT Spin-off. Scaling issues. sub-MWh systems being developed. +* More info on flow batteries [here](https://www.powermag.com/flow-batteries-energy-storage-option-for-a-variety-of-uses/) + +**Alternative B - Gravity-based system:** for grid stabilisation, pumped Hydro and analogous architectures that involves energy transfer using kinetic-electric conversion are also popular with governments. The idea is to use up excess grid electricity generated by pumping hydro from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir, then release the energy when letting water flow back in the opposite direction passing through a generator. + +* **Pros**: + * Very cost effective from a material per wattage-hour. + * Can leverage existing dams (lower capital cost) +* **Cons:** + * Unsuitable for small scale applications. + * Efficacy impacted by weather and geological events. +* More info [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoTVtB-cSps) + +## 2 - The LiB Sector in 2022-30 + +The world is decarbonising due to climate change. Two areas most actionable are clean energy transportation and grid stabilisation, both requiring LiBs to achieve 2030 goals. + +The demand for EV Batteries is easily outpacing Grid Storage so we will focus on that, and as both demand and supply ramps up exponentially, an appreciation of whether demand outpaces supply will help identify if we expect shortage of saturation which might influence investing in EV battery makers. + +## 2.1 - Who makes the most LiBs for EV application in 2021? + +Currently, China dominates the global LiB manufacturing market representing more than 40% of factory ownership (mostly CATL), but **over 70% in terms of factory output by geolocation** (cell suppliers LG Chem, SK Innovation and Panasonic all have large plants in China). + +Diagram below shows the largest cell suppliers' production stats as of early 2021. + +[Global EV Battery output is less than 200GWh, but the world needs 500GWh by 2025](https://preview.redd.it/bzxe2kpein281.png?width=2007&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cc29ef7d00ec9f1ff4831feff50e4feb7a90dcf) + +CATL only began making EV batteries at scale in 2016, and as can be seen above, they were able to grow exponentially once the first factory was set up. Other EV battery plants are experiencing the same amount of exponential growth in production capacity, but **less than 15 EV Battery makers in the world are currently provably producing gigawatt scale**. + +[Balance of supply and demand for LiBs \(in GWh\) for various scenarios](https://preview.redd.it/yt97vh6nln281.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=751e99e68f61ed6cf227ed57cf809bf7bdd0abb8) + +Diagram above summarises my extrapolation of the big picture of how demand targets based on pre-Glasgow pact compares to the electrification rate requires to hit net zero based on their climate models, and supply of LiBs based on current and future production targets by the top 10 makers will either under or overshoot depending on which way the world progresses and **also whether China continues to allow for export of LiBs from domestically produced supply**. + +There are scenarios where current players will dominate and provide all the batteries we ever need, but scenarios where a massive global LiB shortage will worsen due to over-dependence on Chinese factories in a late scramble to decarbonise roads in Americas and Europe. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.2 - Who consumes the most LiB batteries? + +Now on the demand side, the ‘passenger vehicle’ class in US, Europe and Australia is generally talking about sedans, SUVs, pickup trucks. Cars with hoods and doors. + +In South and South East Asia however, the next largest markets for EV, a much more divers e-mobility market exists and is often under-estimated in terms of market size. For example, India, the **fuel cost competitiveness of 2 & 3-wheelers are already beating their petrol counterparts** ([source](https://cleantechnica.com/2018/10/31/indias-1-5-million-electric-vehicles-why-youve-never-heard-of-them/)). Examples of 2 & 3-wheeler class mobility vehicles include e-scooters, motorbikes, and auto-rickshaws. + +&#x200B; + +[Source: Bloomberg NEF](https://preview.redd.it/ksgrh29wmn281.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=def1330b1c79bac17916af040af31181862b6f1c) + +The Indian EV market is expected to be worth $2b USD in 2023 by the Indian Government ([source](https://www.investindia.gov.in/sector/automobile/electric-mobility)), and **will grow to $3-5 Billion in LiB sales** in 2025 when factoring in the expect increase in sales and the average battery capacity/range performance of these electrified vehicle classes. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.3 - What about China? + +As mentioned earlier, China is not only the leader in EV Batteries, but also EVs themselves and have the largest electrification rate on passenger vehicles due to many low-cost short range cars that are [very popular](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56178802). They, along with India, are also front runners in electrifying the 2 and 3-wheeler mobility class (though 3-wheelers are a comparatively much smaller market). The wattage demands of these are definitely less than PEVs but they are most likely to be electrified quicker due to lower barriers to entry for makers to electrify compared to 4-wheelers. + +[See sources for specific data points](https://preview.redd.it/jyp2itdvon281.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aad01fa339aeb7e51995e3a0d3956004ee28081) + +While the wattage also has a lot of mobility discussions to be had but due to their increasingly protective approach to their own EV market, I won’t discuss further but worth a look at these sources [\[1\]](https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-electric-three-wheeler-market/75177/) [\[2\]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/318023/two-wheeler-sales-in-india/) [\[3\]](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/china-electric-two-wheeler-markets-report-2021-2025-sales-demand-impacted-by-personal-commuting-logistics-and-deliveries-and-shared-mobility-application-301368386.html) [\[4\]](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/china-s-auto-sales-rebound-may-be-short-lived-59140784) [\[5\]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/281170/china-commercial-vehicle-sales-by-model/) [\[6\]](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56178802) + +The diplomacy between China and US is also a massive concern due to their increased competition for green dominance since Biden came into office. + +China can currently decide to ban export of LiBs they make, leaving US carmakers in the dust with very limited options. This is why in the recently passed US Infrastructure bill, it **outlines a** **PRIORITY Grant of $3 Billion USD** **for advanced battery manufacturers that use a US-centric supply chain** ([link to the Congress Bill](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3684/BILLS-117hr3684eas.pdf), see **Pages 1412-1418). There is also an additional $3 Billion for Cell chemistry and recycling innovation.** + +This highlights very active worries from the White House that they cannot simply depend on China's LiB output towards their own electrification strategy in case certain diplomatic matters such as Taiwan, South China Sea or Uyghur persecution flares up again. US intends to support local battery makers at all costs to ensure they have their own supply of batteries as they electrify transportation. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.4 - Which cell chemistries are most common, and trending up? + +Below is a summary of all major EV makers' promised or already delivered cobalt-free batteries in their upcoming PEV models. (Note: IM3NY’s date of reaching 1 GWh production rate is based on their own COO’s stated expectations). It's hard to get specific data about when a particular model line switched so I mostly worked with announced or released details on the general goals of the carmaker. + +[China was omitted due to unverifiable data on EV cell chemistry in the mainland](https://preview.redd.it/00cpys0nrn281.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d0999b0fec98c7f54bb9302d337ca9101c4ef4f) + +Sources: [\[1\]](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/10/tesla-made-1-6-billion-in-q3-is-switching-to-lfp-batteries-globally/) [\[2\]](https://pushevs.com/2020/04/23/possible-upgrades-with-ncm-712-battery-cells-from-lg-chem/) [\[3\]](https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/metals/031721-volkswagens-plan-on-lfp-use-shifts-hydroxide-dominance-narrative-in-ev-sector) [\[4\]](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/28/renault-inks-gigafactory-deals-with-chinese-and-french-firms-.html) [\[5\]](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/ford-details-ev-strategy-ford-plan-includes-li-ion-lfp-solid-state-batteries-162005.html) [\[6\]](https://media.gm.com/media/us/en/gm/home.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2020/mar/0304-ev.html) + +Currently most major passenger EV makers are still on their journey towards transitioning to cobalt-free batteries, and LFP is the most commonly announced cell chemistry choice for current or planned models. However, some non-Tesla makers like VW, GM, Ford and Toyota are not limiting themselves to LFP and have simply announced **ambition dates for using cobalt-free LiBs and are not there yet**. + +Either ways from an investing standpoint, all EV makers need LiBs. When there's a gold rush, make and sell the shovels. + +&#x200B; + +## 3 - Now onto Magnis: a promising EV Battery player with enemies + +For the rest of this post I will focus only on the opportunities and valuation of MNS based on the current state of its projects/holdings, risks posed based on its past and ongoing challenges with regulators/media coverage, as well as the state of the EV and Grid storage battery sector as discussed above. + +Two other important links for further info: + +* [MNS 2021 AGM Corporate Presentation](https://wcsecure.weblink.com.au/pdf/MNS/02455326.pdf) +* [MNS Info site managed by another long term investor not on Reddit.](https://asx-mns.com/) + +## 3.1 - A brief history + +Magnis is, at its core, a holding company that owns & enables projects in the renewable energy and tech space. We will discuss each of these entities in some detail. + +[Overview of Magnis vertical as of Nov 2021 \(Source: AGM\)](https://preview.redd.it/jy7jdr99sn281.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=b649e7cdbb9292db4ac331fe5e6f01428fea3467) + +Previously named Uranex, the company was first interested in Uranium mining, but pivoted to graphite (Nachu project) due to lack of offtake interest in the 2010s to develop it further. Then in order to get in early on the EV supercycle, Frank prioritised US LiB cell manufacturing over Aus. + +Due to this rapid evolution, a lot of board and staffing changes were needed to make the transition possiblel things were messy. + +The diagram below summarises this shuffle of board & staff based on my deep dive. The barbell lines denote the period each of these director was engaged, and the colour indicates their ‘focus’ area (my interpretation). (Source: many MNS ANNS). + +[Exact employment start dates are not always available\/estimated due to ASX reporting requirements only needed for board director appointments\/resignations.](https://preview.redd.it/n2l16sqzsn281.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b8fbae0810bca264c0fe3a55998cffdae4318f6) + +I’ve also drawn some boundary boxes around periods that I consider the ‘eras’ of Magnis in terms of their priority as a company. This is my own interpretation of the situation as an outsider not what the company itself has stated. + +Clearly there was a massive shuffle in the past 18 months, with only 3 Magnis directors that have remained onboard since its 2016 days: Frank Poullas, Peter Tsegas, and Prof Stan Whittingham. Names of ex-director/staffers I've highlighted in red are individuals that have known links to senior staff members in News Corp. More on this later. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.2 Imperium3 New York (or IM3NY) + +**IM3NY** is an American consortium that is currently building out an US EV Battery supply chain, with access to unique **cobalt-free LiBs that** **outperforms current LFP batteries in density and charging times**. + +**So what is the vision and USP of IM3NY?** + +* they aim to produce one of the greenest and highest performing LiBs in USA at GWh scale for the EV and Grid Storage markets. The first factory location will be the [Huron Campus, Endicott, NY](https://www.magnis.com.au/significant-news/new-york-lithium-ion-gigafactory-to-be-in-huron-campus-the-birthplace-of-ibm). This campus can support up to 5 GWh of production capacity which is in the works. +* they have exclusive US license to C4V's innovative and world leading cell chemistry for North America EV production. More about these cells in the C4V post. +* **already fully funded for 1.8GWh production** + +IM3NY has a well credentialed leadership team on the project: + +* **Dr Shailesh Upreti**: Chairman. Also the President, battery exprt and largest shareholder from C4V. +* **Chaitanya Sharma**: CEO. Former senior engineer with Tesla at Nevada Gigafactory. +* **Mike Driscoll**: CFO. Deep experience in manufacturing. +* **Bill Shannon**: COO. Deep experience at battery plants of Energizer, Panasonic, Duracell. +* **Paul Stratton**: SVP Marketing and Sales. Experience with senior development roles in Duracell and Gillette. + +Below is the manufacturing process that will be used to make the IM3 LiBs. + +[It is worth noting that due to the formation and aging steps of the first at scale batch requiring extra time, there may be a couple of months in news lag between factory line completion, battery cells 'produced' vs 'delivered'.](https://preview.redd.it/2hllkk86xn281.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=36b5a8d74cfbf5633cb652d552ed13fd4665eacf) + +**Customers** + +Total minimum offtake value as of 2021-10-15 is $655 million USD [based on this ASX query](https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/ann-response-to-asx-query-letter.6332666/) + +Below are the known customers so far (some with minimum amounts in binding offtake): + +* **Sukh Energy (India)**: $243 million over 5 years +* **Omega Seiki Mobility (India)**: $160 million over 5 years +* **US Department of Defence**: details undisclosed +* **NYSERDA**: details undisclosed +* **\~30 more customers** going through qualification. Major EV makers in play + +&#x200B; + +**Factory Progress** + +https://preview.redd.it/qji4r5w7xn281.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2a30f7339c1290590e99dc93ddff73c6a73606d + +**Upcoming milestones** + +* **Semi-automated production** *expected Q4 2021* +* **US Listing or Private Capital for 10GWh scale growth** *expected Q1 2022*. This is not Magnis being listed on OTCQX, but rather IM3NY itself. +* **Fully automated production at scale (1 GWh capacity)** *expected within 2022* + +&#x200B; + +**Why IM3NY is a great choice by Magnis over other upcoming EV-related projects?** + +* **US-centric LiB maker**. Zero dependency on China along the manufacturing supply chain +* **Technically sound and appropriately experienced leadership**. +* **Strong Government relationships**. NY Electric bus program, Defence contracts and a reputable director (Mona Dijani) with experience working with/for Department of Energy. Access to US Infra Bill subsidy for IM3 likely. +* **Quality ESG program**. +* **Strong focus on battery and manufacturing safety**. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.3 C4V + +Charge CCCV LLC. (C4V for short) is a cell chemistry company founded by Shailesh Upreti and Robert Dobbs. That have been developing and patenting next generation LiBs (including solid states) with certifications for over a decade. Shailesh is personally mentored by Prof. Whittingham. **Magnis has a 10% stake in C4V***.* + +**C4V Battery Cells' USP**: + +* 3 generations of advanced battery cells in various stages of piloting and commercialisation. +* Patented Cell Designs have already been provably adapted for entry-level and short range EVs, stationary (grid) storage, and military applications. +* **BMLMP cell chemistry**, which means ***No cobalt or nickel*** needed. +* **Developed one of the world's first working prototype of a commercial Solid State Battery.** +* **Long cell life and charge retention**: >95% charge retention at over 2000 cycles tested. +* **Extra Fast Charging capability**: over **85% recharging at 6 minutes** and 1 hour discharge maintained over 1000 cycles. This is rare amongst currently produced LiBs. +* **Price competitive**: BMLMP will be 10-15% due to no cobalt/nickel. Comparable to LFP batteries that Tesla and VW are moving towards +* Their closest competitors technically is Quantumscape. + +[C4V cell chemistry comparison to peers](https://preview.redd.it/yh6b8ml9xn281.png?width=997&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf60cc80ae4489d944f16795884fb675219b3b2) + +&#x200B; + +**C4V Team (key staff)**: + +* **Dr Sheilesh Upreti (CEO, also Chairman at IM3NY)**: over 20 years of experience in developing and commercialising LiB cell technology. Authored 100 well-cited articles in journals, 25+ US/International granted patents. +* **Darryl Wood (CFO)** : ex HSBC and UBS for 20 years. +* **Kuldeep Gupta (VP Strategic Partnerships)**: >10 years working in energy sector. +* **Grace M. Pezzuti (Project Coordinator)**: IBM for 17 years +* **Tingting Zhang (Senior Battery Engineer)**: PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. 8+ years in Prof Whittingham's team. +* **Also Chaitanya Sharma (Board Advisor)**: while his focus is IM3NY as CEO, he works closely with C4V. + +**Collaborations**: + +C4V has many partnerships and collaborations for their cell chemistry and design. Below are just a few known ones: + +* **US**: [ABTC](https://www.greencarcongress.com/2021/11/2021109-usabc.html), [SIEMENS](https://www.chargecccv.com/updates/detail/2), +* UK: [MARTAC](https://www.manmonthly.com.au/uncategorised/new-lithium-batteries-deployed-uk/) +* **India**: [Epsilon Advanced Materials](http://www.uniindia.com/epsilon-advanced-materials-signs-mou-with-c4v-to-strengthen-india-s-domestic-supply-chain/business-economy/news/2564125.html), [Omega Seiki Mobility](https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/c4v-bags-contract-from-omega-seiki-mobility-to-supply-nextgen-lithiumion-batteries/2160117) + +&#x200B; + +## 3.4 Nachu Graphite Project + +Magnis fully owns a world class shovel ready graphite deposit in Nachu, Tanzania. It houses 240ktpa of jumbo flakes with a 15 year ROM, total 174 MT @ an estimated 5.4% Graphitic Carbon reported in accordance with the 2012 Australasian code for reporting exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves (JORC). + +https://preview.redd.it/zrix61bbxn281.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0fe18009c9c41f84b0bb5e3501a2ec60a6fda69 + +Relocations of local inhabitants are almost complete including construction of alternative accommodation. A binding contract with MCC has been signed for construction of the mine. A Bankable Feasibility Study conducted in 2016 with **NPV 10% of $1.69b with Internal Rate of return (IRR) of 98%**. This remains unchanged since 2016. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.5 IM3 Townsville + +Magnis Energy Technologies **owns 33.3% of iM3TVL** (or IM3TSV), a consortium with itself, C4V and Boston Energy and Innovation. It has the sole licence for C4V technology in Australia. + +The gigafactory has passed a financial decision to proceed to the next level, and is expecting construction to commence in 2022. According to a **completed feasibility study**, **3 stages for the 18 GWh are recommended** at 6 GWh each\*\*. NPV is AUD 2.55b with IRR 21%. + +**IM3TVL is not expected to progress till mid-2023 or later**. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.6 The Australian articles, HotCopper Wars & the ASIC raid; how to apply critical thinking to analyse the situation + +The biggest risk factor in most traders and investor’s minds is the news articles published in the past 2 months that seems to be unearthing a lot of dodgy history within Magnis and its chairman during the great re-shuffle period as well as criticising more recent updates. + +M**y conclusion is that most of the allegations/negative rumours are unfounded** or at least not as simple as ‘Frank bad, Magnis dodgy’, and **those throwing the dirt have ulterior motives or deep connections with former Magnis board members**. I'm sure what most people want to understand is why I'm still on the side of Magnis despite all this negativity. + +I will cover my direct counter-investigations to all the claims in these articles in my FAQ comment (post word limit etc.). here I'll just provide my methodology to critically thinking and truth finding about these allegations. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the motive of all parties in the ring** + +There are several groups in this whole fiasco: + +* **Magnis and Frank.** +* **The Australian journalists.** Their primary goal is to write articles and subscribers for News Corp. +* **Ex-directors who provided The Australian with insider info.** We don't know who talked about what but it's clear they had to be former insiders during the period of the alleged conducts. Similarly the ASIC raid would've been only known to the party that raised a concern/complaint. +* **Shareholders commenting on social media (Twitter and HotCopper).** Their goal is simple; protect their investment from being downramped unfairly. This includes me. +* **HotCopper and The Market Herald:** TMH's founder Jag Sanger has a bad history with Frank; has both motive and opportunity to manipulate discourse on HC through moderation. I was collateral damage, permanently suspended for posting DDs like this one (no TOU breach). +* **Investors considering to buy in.** anonymous voices stirring on social media to downramp the stock even if they believe Magnis is innocent of the allegations. Cheaper buy-in then when the dust settles it re-rates to fair value again. Profit! + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the relationship of those talking and those silent** + +One of the biggest theories amongst LT holders who know Magnis quite well is that ex-directors with sway do not want Magnis to succeed and are pulling strings to keep sentiment on the company down. + +If you refer back to the timeline diagram of board members, note that several ex-directors have been highlighted in red. These are individuals that, with a bit of digging, you will identify as having close links to or even friendships with members of Murdoch media. James Dack for example has been [given nice life story articles](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/former-real-estate-giant-james-dack-takes-role-with-magnis-energy/news-story/ce3ab16d921efd6ed19798ba5d8f34dd) by Daily Telegraph staffer Annette Sharp. She also reported on his departure. + +These relationships is evidently mostly hidden and the causality unprovable, but given that ex-directors who leave unceremoniously are often not happy with their former employer, it's worth considering some bias in the reporting choices of the outlets with friendships to them. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the timing of the publications and ASIC raid versus the timing of the reported activity** + +Some of this information that has been provided to The Australian was about activities back as far as 2018 (such as the photo of Peter Tsegas with allegedly. Why only disclose it when the SP begins to rocket? + +Also the ASIC raids happened months before the news articles began to surface, around the same time short selling picked up. The latter might just be a coincidence since short sellers always target rockets on the ASX, but the former could be a case of ASIC having already investigated/raided and didn't conclude wrongdoing, so whoever raised the original complaint decided to take the media route to still do some damage. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider what Magnis/ASIC/AFP can even disclose when countering allegations** + +ASIC and AFP [are NOT allowed to disclose the outcome of an investigation](https://asic.gov.au/media/4267241/public-interest-disclosures-policy-and-procedures-published-24-may-2017.pdf), only the fact that they are indeed investigating a company or individual through an RFI. This means if Magnis and Frank are 100% innocent the most we get from them is silence. However The Australian can now endlessly use the zinger "ASIC investigated Magnis chair". + +Similarly MNS may be under NDAs to stay quiet on certain matters; unable to defend themselves in some instances even if innocent. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider what is absolutely real and externally verified** + +Always look for alternative news sources and data when trying to determine if the claims about Sukh Energy being broke or Mona Dijani NOT being connected to Department of Energy. + +The Australian doesn't provide primary sources which puts the onus on us to do so. I'll share my sources in the FAQ section for at least some of the allegations. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the worst case scenario and its impact on MNS** + +As IM3NY is fully funded now with a long line of customers. The only role Magnis really plays is be a majority shareholder. As long as that stake isn't fraudulent (which it clearly isn't given Prof Whittingham is a long term NED & Magnis is clearly marked as a IM3 and C4V partner on both their websites and recent slide presentations. + +Thus worst case, Frank/Peter is guilty of something and ASIC suspends them from directorship, after a bit of calming down, MNS would then be re-rated to its US-based project value and less enemies. + +&#x200B; + +## 4 - So…Bullish? Bearish? Scam? The American CATL? + +Setting aside the concerns with more attack articles from News Corp, and lets operate under the assumption that what Magnis is holding in IM3NY and C4V is legitimate, what is MNS worth and where do I think the SP will be? + +To do this I consider 3 aspects: Financials, Project/Sector Risks and Valuation methodologies. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.1 MNS Financials + +MNS has over $70m in cash and over $100m in Assets + Equities, which is enough to fully fund the IM3NY battery plant buildout to fully-automated cell production at 1.8GWh and to keep their own lights on for years. This is an excellent position to be in. + +However the cash came from an expensive CR process that included a number of shares and options issued, and a ST debt that needs to be repaid in 4 years with an interest rate above 10% p.a. + +[Image Source: simplywall.st](https://preview.redd.it/2lzzmo4dxn281.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=76ec9a36ccb733d8dd1ab126fd2b759dbc3a76a2) + +In addition to the 40c and 50c options yet to be exercised, there are a number of tranches for performance rights (free shares for certain directors) being issued at the $1b, $1.5b, $2b and $2.5b market capitalisation milestones. In the big picture not a big deal but worth being aware of. + +[Dilutionary factor given all classes of shares converted to ordinary](https://preview.redd.it/iw89v4jfxn281.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=8974c9291e73f69c01653faea939927d95ec3615) + +Also of note is that Frank himself holds 13m shares. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.2 Risks + +As always it's important to understand the circumstances and scenarios that could cause a setback in the company's growth/success/valuation. We've already discussed the local media and Magnis risk. What about the projects/holding entities themselves? + +**Key risks for IM3NY:** + +* **Delays in reaching autonomous production**. Barring another COVID-level interruption, any delays from their own timeline would not instil confidence in the capabilities of the leadership to running an actual business (as opposed to great R&D) +* **Major EV makers favouring vertical integration.** +* **Major EV battery producers also rapidly ramping up production capacity to meet global demand**. +* **Overexposure to American politics**. Not that we have it better here. +* **Financial model (profit margin) not yet complete**. IRR is typically 20-25% for LiB makers. +* **On-site Accident or other incidents**. +* **Battery Defects requiring recall**. + +&#x200B; + +**Key risks for C4V:** + +* **Lack of short term interest towards a new battery chemistry.** This is important to consider as front runner EV makers such as Tesla and VW as they have announced in big events their pivot towards LFP in the short term. HOWEVER with our Indian offtakers there's no issue of lack of sales; just maybe not the sexist market right now in the eyes of western investors. + +**Key risks for Nachu Graphite Mine:** I'll put my discussions in the FAQ comment for this + +**Key risks for IM3TSV**: **It** **doesn't happen**. That's okay as I do not think they will come into play till 2023 or beyond. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.3 Valuation, Price Targets based on everything above + +This is absolutely speculation, but is needed if you want to know when you should exit. I’ll break down what I consider when arriving at my valuations (plural because I have multiple approaches): + +**Base Assumptions (bull case)**: + +* Factory will be completed on time and **reaches a 1GWh annual production rate by EOY 2022**. +* All options exercised and performance right tranches issued (share dilution realisation) +* **Magnis stake diluted to 50.1%** due to IM3NY public listing/SPAC Q1 2022. +* C4V’s BMLMP cells continues to demonstrate competitiveness to LFP cells currently used. +* IM3NY goes public in Nasdaq or NYSE by Q2 2022 +* **USD to AUD conversion rate of $0.7 to $1** (for AUD SP) +* **SP Target is for June 2022.** + +**Influences**: + +* Biden's climate agenda (Infrastructure Bill passage), +* Glasgow summit/pact +* Indian connections and US-China trade tensions. + +**MC Approach** + +1. **Most optimistic** (Magnis' version, CATL and Quantumscape as peers): \~$6b or \~$5.60 SP +2. **Most conservative** ($1b/GWh and 25% of C4V IP value discount): \~$1.5b or \~$1.35 SP +3. **‘Realistic’ target** ($2b/GWh + 50% C4V IP discount): \~$3b or #2.7 + +**US-style unicorn mixture model approach for IM3NY** + +1. 1-3 years of forward growth priced in (1.8 GWh vs 5 GWh) +2. PE Ratio of 20:1, 30:1 or 50:1 (we know average EV Battery plants' IRR is about 20%) +3. US Infrastructure Bill subsidy of $150m, $250m or $500m received (improves IRR for first 5 years; accelerates expansions) +4. EV Battery price of $100 vs $120/kWh (affects financial model too) +5. Add static $250M AUD valuation for C4V +6. **Most optimistic (take the right parameters)**: \~$4.95B or $4.50 SP +7. **Most conservative (take the left parameters)**: \~$0.81B or $0.75 SP +8. **‘Average’ target (take the middle)**: \~$1.85B or $1.65 SP + +[Summary of the min-max-med SP predictions for MNS using valuation simulators. Geometric mean is IMO most likely Bull Case](https://preview.redd.it/s0v3hbd9io281.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=43dce2b52eb3623df0681c0f64c47d0471bddbd1) + +**Additional factors that could add a premium to valuation I did NOT incorporate to my model**: + +* US-centric supply chain (if China or other SEA reduces EV battery exports IM3NY wins hard) +* C4V’s Gen 2 and 3 Solid State batteries (no data to say if they compete well with other SSB plays but could be another game-changer in later part of this decade) +* Nachu or IM3TVL projects are omitted from valuation model. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.4 The Bottom Line + +I hope I have been able to be as balanced and un-pumpy about MNS here. My conclusion is obviously that it's a buy and hold beyond the current storm, at least to mid-2022, if not longer. There is risk and if those big ones materialise of course it would mean SP targets won't get reached. What I've provided is really still fairly high level. DYOR as always as this isn't financial advice. + +At the very least I hope the LiB sector info and approach to research/analysis is useful to y'all and even if you don't choose to invest in MNS that's 100% fine. + +MNS just one play in a large and diverse marketplace. But I think being a Magnis holder through the current situation is an excellent training in mental resilience, research skills, critical thinking and decision making under uncertainty. Just for these things, it's worth the play till I find something truly better. +I believe that without a profit incentive most companies would not bother investing in R&D to develop new technologies. But if a certain technology is especially good for the greater public, like medical, environmental, or safety inventions, why doesn't the government buy the patent from the company and make it open source? The company can determine how much profit they would have made from their patent and be rewarded that amount for their innovation. The company can also continue to sell their product, only they would have competitors now. +Edited to add answers to questions folks have asked: +My husband is totally on board with anything I chose to do related to money. He is working but doesn't make as much as I do. He has just started a 401k account at his new job. +We have no car payments or credit card debt. +We own our home and are half way through out mortgage with an interest rate of %3.6 (We are very lucky). +We are aggressively working on a 6 month emergency fund +I am contributing 10% to my 401k (I went that hight due to tax reasons) +I have opened Roth IRAs for both of my husband and I am trying to put as much as possible into both +We went through our bills a few months ago and cut out everything we don't need and called our car ins co and cut our bill in half, same with our cell phone bill. We continue to find ways to cut back and be frugal. +I work for a for profit company and I haven't found a loan forgiveness program for Social Workers working at for profits...I make triple working her than I would anywhere else. +Also, I am aware that I have to go invest the money in the 401k and Roth...I happened to figure that out on my own but I was shocked by it so I am glad so many of you mentioned it. I am going to start screaming it from the rooftops because people need to know. + +I just learned about HSAs and am contributing the max amount to it this year and we are going to try to pay our deductible out of pocket so we can invest all the funds in the HSA (I plan to do this every year). + +This is embarrassing but I am determined to get my money life right. My husband and I are 45 and have virtually no retirement. I have started contributing to my 401k and opened ROTH IRAs for each of us and have $ direct deposited each paycheck. To make matters worse I have $100k in student loan debts. I am trying to figure out how to balance paying the student loans off while also saving for retirement. (Note: I am a Social Worker so my pay is not what one would think it would be based on the loan amount). I am also working in building an emergency fund. We have about $3k in EF at this moment. +I feel like all of the issues require immediate attention but $ is finite. I am working as much OT as I can to bring in extra $. +Please don’t pile on me. I realize how stupid we have been. I already feel like a loser and an idiot. +Basically the title. Could I gift my parents cash (either under the 15k annual reportable limit, or more than that and report it), have them invest it (maybe just drop in a broad based index fund) and then inherit that when they die and not have to pay cap gains since the basis will step up? +We have been dreaming about mass adoption and decentralization. We wondered what it would be like. We have been asking ourselves that question since 2016 and possibly even earlier. Well... + +Here is your answer. This is how the market looks like when we start to see a tiny bit of mass adoption. + +Billionaires are manipulating the market? It's a part of the mass adoption game we have to accept. There are ways to resist it, but you can't just say "Please Elton go home and shut up" because guess what, Elton won't go home and shut up. + +You can't ban anyone from coming into this space, that's the whole point of fucking decentralization. You can't ban a billionaire from participating in the same way you can't ban a school teacher from participating. + +You want to complain about people buying doggy coins? Same shit. Tough luck that your coin is only seeing 1000% growth and not 10,000% boo. Again, you can resist your FOMO and you can invest smartly into fundamentals, but you cannot ban people from spending their money. It's their money and you're not HSBC. No matter how much you wish for it, you can't ban people from buying Bitconnect or Cumdoggy coins or whatever, they'll learn from their experience and that's how the market will correct it self. + +Rejoice crypto hodlers. + +The days we have been dreaming about have arrived. + +Don't be a bunch of salties. +Add it up if you don't believe me. All of it has hit exchanges. 12,500 ETH **today alone** if you follow the trail. + +https://etherscan.io/address/0x9937dbb2128b55c44d8af7bf36fd76796a814cf4#internaltx + +They started selling first week of July, when the ratio was ~.11ish. Constant downward pressure. The price has actually held up well despite this, but the demand simply can't outpace the supply right now. EOS even market sells in low volume thin markets. + +Hey scumbags, maybe it's time to turn off the crowdsale +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-09/martin-shkreli-sentenced-to-seven-years-in-prison-for-fraud?utm_content=tictoc&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-tictoc +The dollar milkshake theory essentially says that, because the dollar is the world's reserve currency, if it becomes too strong in relation to everything else, it'll create a feedback loop that throws the entire global economy out of balance. + +What's your opinion on this? Are we starting to see this already? Or, is it something you think is very unlikely to take hold? + +[Here's a quick video explaining the concept.](https://youtu.be/xxzy3sLs4Bs) +Starbucks is down 23% since its all-time high at $126/share, so I decided to take a look at the fundamentals and attempt to assess the fair value. Based on my valuation, the fair value per share is $70.14. + +[https://youtu.be/wvviMJ26kh4](https://youtu.be/wvviMJ26kh4) + +Fundamentally, I don't see any other way for Starbucks to grow apart from opening more stores. I don't see a high probability of the company making a huge innovation that pushes the price significantly up. + +Key points for the last 5 years: + +\- Increased presence mainly in China + +\- Increased the debt by $10b + +\- Decreased outstanding shares significantly (1.423b --> 1.173b) + +\- Annual revenue growth - 7% (signs of a steady growing / mature company) + +\- Operating margin - 16 to 17% (except 2020) + +I ran the following assumptions through a DCF model: + +\- Revenue growth 12% for the next year (recovering from the pandemic and the lockdowns), then 6% in the next 5 years, a little bit below the historical growth) + +\- Operating margin of 17%, later growing to 18% + +\- WACC of 5.74% --> Incredibly low as the volatility was not high and the cost of equity is relatively low + +The outcome is as follows: Revenue to grow 70% in 10 years and reach $48.7b and the value per share is **$70.14.** + +I could be wrong, so below are a few scenarios: + +&#x200B; + +|Revenue / Op. margin|16%|18%|20%| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|1.7x ($48.7b)|$61.0|**$70.1**|$79.2| +|2x (58.7b)|$70.8|$81.4|$92.0| +|2.3x ($67.9b)|$82.6|$94.9|$107.3| +|2.5x ($72.8b)|$97.3|$100.4|$113.5| + +I'd like to get your thoughts on the company and see if there's anything significant that I'm missing from my assumptions. +I'm a dog owner. I LOVE dogs. But I have a dirtbag tenant who hasn't paid rent since 2019. He has taken FULL advantage of the moratorium. We don't have a court date until almost June. He has 7 VERY aggressive pitbulls that he probably uses for fighting. Is there ANYTHING I can do legally to get this tenant out or remove the dogs? It's against city rules to have that many dogs but everyone is so lame-duck these days that it seems the police wont do anything about it. +Well, I've been planning this for a while, the day has come and gone. This sure is weird as fuck. + +I'm just turned 37 with shy of 7m , can't really talk to my peers about this. + +Looking for your stories of how the transition went. I'd like to see if there is a common pitfall and what was the best. +I love the car buying process. It's fun, I take my time, test drive cars, find what I like and try to find a good deal on a 2-4 year old car. + +Car salesmen are not the ones you need to fear. Many of them are great, and work long hard honest hours to push some cars. As my dad told me before he dropped me off to buy my first used car, "When they get you in the back room, that's when they're going to try to screw you." + +If you think that's a joke or an understatement, please accept the fact that it is neither. When you sit down in the chair in the finance office, you need to be as alert as a deer in hunting season. Here's how they tried to get me, and I hope I can help one person not get taken. + +-When I sat down, the finance manager had already opted in on my behalf for every single add-on available. I mean, all of them. They do this every time, and all they need is one final signature, not individually to keep them on. It had an extended warranty, Gap coverage, alarm system, electronics warranty, and a couple others I'll never remember. It was 10:30 at night when I finally got out of there and was exhausted. + +Two things to know: +1) You are not obligated to ANY of them, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY. When I had crappy credit, I was almost convinced when they told me the finance company REQUIRED Gap Insurance. Don't believe the nonsense. + +2)Apparently, after my experience last night, they are not required by any means to explain to you what you're buying. Unless the finance manager I used broke several laws, after an hour of him explaining "every detail" there was still an extended warranty for a whopping $3,000 that he barely even alluded to! When I finally said, "What's this warranty you keep saying is included?" I knew the car was under manufacturer's warranty for a short time still, I thought he was talking about that. Nope. I literally had to ask specifically, "What am I paying for that?" Without me asking that very specific question, he had no intention of mentioning the price. The car still had 13k miles on the warranty, and they wanted to sell me a new one... + +-You DO NOT have to buy the $1,000-$1,500 alarm system/insurance plan they will almost cry rather than remove. This was the longest part of the process as I waited twenty minutes while they fought me the entire way, using every trick in the book. Don't buy it, don't let them win. Finally, they left it on AND didn't charge me. + +**With all that being said. There are some that you can drastically change the price of and get a good value on something that matters. They offered a dent/scratch repair on the body and wheels for five years for $895. I spent over $1,000 over the last four years on my last car from my car being hit while parked at work, so I offered them $300 and they took it. It's something I know with no deductible I can get great value out of. + +What's difference? The difference between the number I walked in that room to and the one I left with was $150 a month... (Edit: Meaning, I left with $150 lower monthly payment after stripping everything to the bone) + +Agree or disagree with anyone of this, but if I can help one person not get taken, this twenty minutes was worth it. + +Good luck out there! + +-Pie + +EDIT: My first post with an upvote ever! Take the time to read through these comments, there are COUNTLESS great pieces of advice people are leaving! +I believe this is the right place to post this? I live in northern ireland and was taxed for my previous (first) part time job. It was minimum wage and I’m only 16 years old so I shouldn’t be getting taxed but I was put on some emergency tax code that I need to appeal. Anyone here know how to do this? What number should I ring and what are the steps? What information do I need to provide so I can have everything ready? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Earlier today, Reddit Admins gave us the green light to bring back u/zjz to the mod team. It's hard to overstate how fantastic a development this is. + +Since the most recent mod shakeup, the entire team has been petitioning to bring zjz back. We wanted to keep you in the loop, but couldn't, because it might have hurt our chances of getting zjz back. We understand why this might have made you suspicious, but we're excited to put those suspicions to rest today. + +Reddit Admins care deeply about the stability and continuity of the community, and so do we. At the end of the day, WSB is not defined by who is at the top of the mod list, it's defined by the conversations we create. + +Even in the absence of zjz, we saw awesome discussions happening. Tons of great DDs, insane YOLOs, and beautiful, beautiful, gain and loss porn. + +Now, with zjz back, we can take things even further. We can relax posting restrictions on account age and karma, which we use as proxies for post quality, and instead focus on the content of what's being said. + +The truth is, I am very, very, optimistic about the future of WSB over the next 3-5 years. We have the absolute best mod team the subreddit has had since inception. Everyone who is part of a team now is someone that has played a big role of either the subreddit, or discord, community for years. + +We appreciate your patience with us and the admins. We were all blindsided as we were thrown into this shakeup. No doubt mistakes were made at the beginning, but we're getting better every day to bring you the WSB you probably don't deserve. + +Edit: [proof or ban](https://i.imgur.com/JXneIJ0.png) +For a while now, I’ve been looking to see patterns in day trading. I know I’m probably not the first to find this pattern but I thought it would be great to share it with you all! + +From my analysis, it seem the best time to buy is 10:30 and the best time to sell is 12:00, give or take 15 min each. Buy at 10:30, hold, sell at noon. + +In doing so, it seems as though you have the best statistical possibility to earn the highest margin with the lowest risk. + +Again, I may not be the first to find this, but I definitely find it very interesting and worthy of sharing it😁🚀 + +EDIT: This is analyzed in Eastern Standard Time (EST), the exact time zone of the NYSE +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). Also please visit our new [Discord server](http://bit.ly/2td3Jhy) to find support for minor questions. + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +This may sounds like a bizarre question, but bear with me. + +I'm signed up for cryopreservation with a US company called Alcor, which is where you (or just your head for the discount version) are vitrified in liquid N2 as soon as possible after your heart stops beating in the hope that tech will advance enough at some point to be able to "reannimate" you. This may or may not work. If it doesn't work, I don't get to find out. If it does work, then obviously I do. My best guestimate is that it will be multiples of centuries after my death that it might be possible for me to be re-alived, as it were. I am going to assume that money will still exist in some form, so I have two questions: + +1. Is there a financial vehicle where I can put some investments in it that will follow a simple set of rules for reinvestment while I'm "dead", that will be guaranteed to be reserved for if and when I reanimate? I suspect that I cannot "own" something in the conventional sense while dead. +2. Obviously the most powerful force in investment is time, and I suspect I'll have an awful lot of it (if it all works out), so I only want to invest in very safe slow grown investments. For instance, is there some sort of tracker that will spread my investments across bonds in 50% of the top most stable world economies? Something like that. + +As for storage (of belongings), there is not much - just a small locker, so I've started things that are partially of value to me (diaries, photos of family/friends), but also of possible collector value in the future: stamps and bank notes and coins mostly, an aging tube map, a couple of artworks, etc. + +If you don't like the idea of cryopreservation, on a moral or even physical basis, you don't have to answer. Am happy to discuss the ins and outs of it in any resulting thread, but please bear in mind that people have a lot of different beliefs about {death/death rites/what happens to your mind} after you are legally dead. Mine is just one of those sets of beliefs. + +Edit: + +Costs:There are two sort of preservation, head-only ($90k), or whole body (about $200k from memory). I live in the UK and have to fund an extra $20k to be transported over there if I'm not in the states when I die (they have an emergency team in the UK/EU). + +Funding: I took outwhole-of-life life insurance for £90k, which is inflation linked, as is the premium, whihc started off at £93. I bought waiver of premium cover with it in case I'm unable to pay due to illness or having no work. The policy is signed over to Alcor using an absolute deed of trust so they are the sole beneficiaries and policy owners; I just pay the premium now. + +The freezing process: You are not frozen. There are no ice crystals to damage the cell structure. The process that occurs is described in some detail here: [https://alcor.org/procedures.html/](https://alcor.org/procedures.html/) and here: [https://alcor.org/Library/html/newtechnology.html/](https://alcor.org/Library/html/newtechnology.html/) but in a few sentences: Your circulation and blood pressure are maintained while slowly introducing a replacement fluid over a period of hours to surfuse your cells enough so as to prevent the formation of ice crystals. The head/body is then slowly cooled to -195C and put into liquid nitrogen where virtually no chemical activity occurs due to the low temperature. The liquids in your brain are still liquid, just the molecules aren't really moving significantly. + +Investment: I'm interested in slow and steady growth over a long period of time in very safe investments, so 1% above inflation is fine. Hence government bonds would do. Turns out a trust is too expensive (you need at least £1m to make it work although don't ask me why). However, Alcor have a thing called a MIFIT, where you can invest smaller amounts for your own future and works in a similar way to an umbrella company. I'll be looking into this over the next month or so. Info here: [https://alcor.org/Library/html/multi-investor-future-income-trust.html](https://alcor.org/Library/html/multi-investor-future-income-trust.html) +I am a 23 year old male that works a 8am-to-5pm job, that needs to make money quick and I am desperate. + +I am willing to do almost anything to figure out how I can succeed at such a task/goal.. I haven't gone to college.. I have a GED, though, if that helps. So...not much to work with, I guess. + +But I know the saying is "ask and recieve" which basically translate to if you ask for what you desire than you can have what you desire. You miss 100% of the shots you don't shoot. + +So please....if anyone knows a billionaire, a millionaire, a 500k thousandaire, and can give me REAL advice on how to go about achieving this, help me. +It’s hilarious how they are still forecasting y/y growth for almost all markets. Seems so ridiculous with what is going on. I am watching high end markets drop 20-30% and I can’t remember the last time I saw a sale- only price cuts. + +I hope the average consumer understands and doesn’t buy into it…. + +edit: + +this sub is clearly unable to accept the fact that the RE market isn’t looking peachy and free money anymore. i do wish you all the best. +I have always read and followed the teachings of benjamin graham. The intelligent investor is one of my favorite books. But a month ago I found a group based around speculation and the next 🚀 going to the moon. Well to make a long story short i wiped out 100% gain from a 8 month investment to being negative 25%. Hardest lesson ever learned. I'm sticking with value investing and the ways of obi-wan-kenobi I mean benjamin graham. I had the hardest time pulling the trigger on it because it went against everything I have ever read. But the moon was just so tempting. I went away from value investing to pure speculation and lost huge. Lesson of this story is I'm retarded and glad to be here. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1392602041025843203?s=19 + +"Tesla has suspended vehicle purchases using Bitcoin. We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel. + +Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels and we believe it has a promising future, but this cannot come at great cost to the environment. + +Tesla will not be selling any Bitcoin and we intend to use it for transactions as soon as mining transitions to more sustainable energy. + +We are also looking at other cryptocurrencies that use <1% of Bitcoin's energy/transaction." + +Bitcoin down 6% at pixel. +The following is an excerpt from an [article](https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/us-currency-watchlist-an-intrusion-official/article34369954.ece) in The Hindu: + + +>The U.S. Treasury Department had recently retained India in a watchlist for currency manipulators submitted to the U.S. Congress, citing higher dollar purchases (close to 5% of the gross domestic product) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). +> +> Our overall reserves have been fairly steady at $500 bn to $600 bn + +Q: why is RBI buying dollars? + + +I read that it supports building exports and it's used as a reserve in times where inflows would drop dramatically. I didn't understand the second point completely though. + + +Also, what happens to this reserve if USD($) gets devalued? +(it can benefit US as well right? - US products will be competitive in global markets, they can get some relief on the debt they have as they will be paying money which is less valuable, helps stimulate local economic activities or this could happen due to hyperinflation - been reading about this quite a lot since warren buffet's QnA) +Had a planning session with my financial advisor over the weekend and he confirmed what I thought: working is now optional. + +It’s a weird feeling. Exhilarating and satisfying and scary too. I went into the Monday morning workday with a different outlook. My SO says I have to act like a secret agent now. + +I’m not ready to give notice. I have to figure out health insurance (and SO can start Medicare in January...he’s about 8 years older than I am...so may as well push it close to the end of the year). Plus we want to buy a house and I don’t know if it’s harder to do that as a retiree, even with assets. Plus I have projects at work that extend into the summer I wouldn’t feel good about bailing on. + +But, boy, it’s a good feeling. I can leave whenever I want. Or stay. I can negotiate. Maybe when I say I’m leaving they’ll ask if I would be willing to work part time, or as a contractor. These are the things I’m thinking through. + +Ironically, I’ve hit my stride this past year. I’ve gotten high visibility projects, opportunities to lead, company leadership loves my work, my manager is talking about a promotion. AND I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK. It’s a good feeling. But it is hard to walk around with this secret. +Capital One Partners and Tesora Capital had made illegal gains of Rs 2.795 crore and Rs 26.82 lakhs respectively by indulging in insider trading while in possession of the UPSI pertaining to the corporate announcement of audited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2020 made by Infosys, Sebi said. + +[https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/infosys-insider-trading-sebi-bars-8-entities-from-stock-market-fines-rs-30-6-crore-6973421.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/infosys-insider-trading-sebi-bars-8-entities-from-stock-market-fines-rs-30-6-crore-6973421.html) +I purchased my first house as a single parent in September 2022. I had the usual building and pest inspection done, apparently everything was fine. Since I’ve moved in, I have had nothing but problems and it is quite obvious the building and pest inspector was incompetent because all the obvious issues with the house wouldn’t have just appeared overnight. + +This whole experience has cost me thousands already and there is still a few thousand I have to spend in the upcoming weeks to somewhat rectify the issues. + +I have significant buyer’s remorse and just want to sell, I have no good memories of this experience. + +How long would you suggest I hold onto the house before I put it on the market. Honestly I would put it on today but I know that isn’t realistic or smart, so I would appreciate any kind feedback or insight. + +Please be kind, I’m already under a significant amount of stress. + +EDIT: I just want to thank everyone who has taken the time to comment and be kind/offer advice etc. +It’s times like this that is really nice to see a bunch of strangers collectively come together to help each other out. Your comments all mean more to me than you’ll ever know and have made me feel a lot better about the situation. Thank you all again & I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! +Obviously DOGE maxis will downvote/hate on this. But it’s refreshing to see its now the projects with utility and fundamentals doing well. Also nice to see Elon’s influence appears to finally have warn off. I believe this is the age of utility now and the meme craze is on its way out. Bitcoin will always have a place as store of value - it is after all the OG +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/05/nikolas-entire-quarterly-revenue-of-36000-was-from-solar-installation-for-the-executive-chairman.html + +People are comparing them to pets.com, but I don’t think even that company was this blatant at ripping investors off. Their “quarterly report” might as well have been a fat middle finger to both their investors and the SEC. + +Oh btw the company is worth around $15B... and some analysts are saying it’s a “buying opportunity” given today’s dip. + +**Edit**: for more context on the Pets.com comparison: + +Pets.com had annual revenue of $619k for first year, and reached a market cap of $400M at its highest. Crazy bubble right? + +Well Nikola has annual revenue of less than $100k (maybe a bit more depends on how many more solar panels the CEO is gonna order for his houses lmao), but reached market cap of $30B at its highest. + +It’s literally 500 times more overvalued than the most infamous bubble stock during the dotcom crisis. + +**Edit 2**: For the people who argue how revenue doesn't matter because they are the next Tesla. + +For comparison. Tesla was founded in 2003 and 5 years later the original Tesla Roadster was on sale. They didn't go IPO until 2 years after that. Elon Musk also had a decent track record, being a co-founder and CEO of this small startup called PayPal. + +Meanwhile Nikola Motors was founded in 2004, by a businessman with no real education whose resume is "fluffy" at best, and their six years of "industry leading product development" has yielded some fantastic CG renderings. + +Can Nikola be the next Tesla? Never say never, especially in the year 2020. But my bet is that Trevor Milton is closer to Elizabeth Holmes than Elon Musk. + +**Edit 3** Ahahahaha apparently Trevor gave out more update of their factory construction (remember production is supposed to start in 2021) at yesterday's quarterly call...and drum roll...... [it's more CG rendering!!!](https://twitter.com/nikolatrevor/status/1290756638815612928). +46m grinding since…. well my entire life. Not yet burned out but also increasingly dreaming of being done. I keep setting arbitrary dates in the future to retire but keep pushing ahead in the meantime. Problem is my drive to grow constantly fights my desire to back down. Now I have days when I’m excited to grow the business and other days when I’m scrolling my contacts to reach out to PE and sell. What the hell? Asking if those who kept pressing on have any regrets or are glad they did? +Hi there. Just need some general guidance on my current situation. I have read the flowchart and have a seperate emergency fund set up. + +I am 21 and just started a job on a salary of 29.5k. I am about to move into a house share in Bristol at £600 PCM with bills, wifi and council tax included. + +Post tax, my monthly take home pay is around £1875. I plan to save: + +£350 Savings Account (Marcus 1.8%) + +£250 S&S ISA (VUSA) + +£200 H2B ISA + +This would leave me with around £500 per month to cover food, travel and socialising (pub, eating out, cinema etc.). Do you think this is reasonable? As this is my first time in a full time job post uni, I am unsure what the normal amount to spend in a month is. Am I oversaving or does this look reasonable? Any advice would be appreciated. +Hi, throwaway as I'm ashamed and scared. + +I'm in my mid 30's , married and have a 2 year old. Over probably the last decade I have accumulated debt and buried my head in the sand and not confronted it. This is now at 34k and my wife has no idea. + +I have recently had the lightbulb moment and realised it needs to change and started taking action such as moving to 0% interest and stopping ALL credit card payments. but since confronting the issue I cant sleep and its taking over my every thought. The breakdown is like this + +Barclays loan - £7000 outstanding, £200 a month repaymentHalifax Credit Card - £6600 outstanding, £170 a month repayment, 0% interest until December 2023 + +Virgin Credit Card 1 - £4750 outstanding - £100 a month repayment - occurring about £50 interest a month + +Virgin Credit Card 2 - £9000 outstanding - £150 repayment a month, 0% interest until Jan 2024 + +MBNA Credit Card 1 - £2000 outstanding - £50 repayment a month + +MBNA Credit Card 2 - £4500 a month - £115 repayment per month - 0% until Feb 2023 + +Total - £33,850 - repayments per month £800 + +Income - I earn £2180 after tax + +I also pay £900 a month into our joint account to pay for the mortgage and bills, my wife works part time and covers the food. + +At the end of the month I will be left with around £300 but always have things crop up so this quickly goes. + +Please let me know if I am doing the correct things in going to interest free credit cards as much as possible. I can also see theres an option to borrow money against my mortgage, doing this will mean I could borrow £34k and pay around £580 per month and be fully paid off in 5 years, is this a good idea? it will be less interest overall as I am unable to put all my debt onto interest free. + +Thank you so much. + +EDIT \* spoken with my wife and posted an update below. +Just something I noticed within my friend group. Within my friend group of about 10 people mid to late 20s, 7 are more into investing now than before, including me. Maybe it has something to do with the pandemic and looking for alternate ways to make more money but in any case, it's an interesting observation that I noticed. Just wondering if anyone has the same observation within their own friend group. +Thanks to u/NostraSkolMus for the post. + +What do I need to download/access/get onto to just start making a portion of my savings I’m willing to lose work for me? + +I don’t need to be a multimillionaire but would like to be able to afford a house one day? +Divorced and kid goes to college next year and the ex wants us each to contribute 25%. Son is very smart and will get some scholarships but I am very behind on retirement savings as I'm sure she is as well. Plus I'll being paying support for the next 2 years which I'm sure has something to do with this. Not sure how to proceed. +I'm not 100% sure how well this fits here (it is financial), but I wanted to warn as many people as possible. + +Last week on Tuesday morning I was sitting at my desk and suddenly started getting emails. Lots, and lots, and lots of them. 30-40 every minute. They were clearly spam. Many of them had russian or chinese words, but random. + +I called one of our IT guys and he confirmed it was just me. And the traffic was putting a strain on our mail server so they disabled my account. By that point I have over 700 emails in my inbox. They were bypassing the spam filter (more on that later). After a different situation that happened a few months ago, I've learned that things like this aren't random. + +So I googled "suddenly getting lots of spam". Turns out, scammers do this to bury legitimate emails from you, most often to hide purchases. I started going through the 700+ emails one by one until I found an email from [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com) confirming my purchase of 5 PC graphics cards (over $1000). + +I logged into my Amazon account, but didn't see an order. Then I checked - sure enough those cheeky bastards had archived the order too. I immediately changed my password and called Amazon.. + +I still haven't heard from their security team HOW the breach happened (If they got into my amazon account by password, or did a "one time login" through my email.) The spam made it through our spam filter because the way this spam bomb was conducted, they use bots to go out to "legitimate" websites and sign your email up for subscription etc. So then I'd get an email from a random russian travel site, and our filters let it through. + +Either way - we got the order cancelled before it shipped, and my email is back to normal - albeit different passwords. + +And I honestly thought about shipping a box of dog crap to that address (probably a vacant house) but I decided against mailing bio-hazardous waste. + +Either way - if you see something suspicious - investigate! + +Edit: Thanks for all the great input everyone. Just finished putting 2FA on every account that allows it. Hopefully keep this from happening again! +According to the official statistics, Russia has about 64 thousand homeless people, which gives a ratio of 0.045%. + +This is 2-4 times less than what you could expect in EU or USA (taking numbers for these countries from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_homeless\_population](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_homeless_population)). Why do you think that is? +I saw a yahoo article pop up talking about RC buying 100K shares in the "meme stock" and I knew that they were trying to make it seem like a joke. A meme is a funny silly thing the kids do right? So how can you take the apes seriously? + +Except I'm not fucking joking. I've worked long hard years getting underpaid and treated like garbage to scrape together enough to enter the markets. I did research for years to get enough capital together to even HOPE to make a decent return. + +I saw the DD and the FUCKERY happening around GME and I knew something big was happening. Over the last year I've been researching and learning more with all of you and I'm more sure than ever that this is a game changer....a game stopper. + +We're not fucking around here. We may make jokes but this is far from a joke. This is real money and real investors. Fuck them for trying to make us seem like we don't take our lives seriously. We've been forced into these corners of desperation where we PRAY for MOASS just to live with a sense of security. All the markets have been bled dry to serve the greedy wealthy few and have left the rest of us to scrounge in the gutters for just enough to get by. + +I don't even dream of mansions or private jets like they do. I dream of just HAVING A FUCKING HOUSE. HAVING A FUCKING CAR. BEING ABLE TO GO ON VACATION ONCE IN AWHILE. NOT BEING SCARED OF GOING TO THE DOCTOR BECAUSE IT'LL BANKRUPT ME. + +**FUCK THEM FOR CALLING IT A MEME STOCK.** + +I'm here to stay and even after MOASS I'm reinvesting into the company because it's A FUCKING GOOD INVESTMENT. Really it's THE BEST INVESTMENT. + +# BUY, HODL, DRS +Yesterday was my last day working... Just wanted to humble brag to this community. My wife and I are retiring Fat ($30m net worth), FI of course, and not so much RE (I am 60 yo). + +Been on this sub for a long time and have gained a lot of knowledge and encouragement. + +On to the next chapter... +I met this woman who wanted to be my sugar mommy and says she need my full name and login details to send me money. She says she works with at apple with cryto currency and is going to send me some money from her paycheck. I know this sounds really fishy but I'm not sure how to handle this I'm 17 and haven't encountered this before. She messaged me on an app and now we've been talking on Google hangouts. +I have a bowl containing 100 loose strings. We randomly pick two ends from the bowl and tie them together, continuing until there are no ends left to tie. What are the expected number loops when we finish? + +P.S. let me know in the comments if you'd like me to post more brain teasers / probability questions like this. I have a huge stack of them from old quant trading interviews! + +**\[SOLUTION\] - Spoiler Alert!** + +Congratulations to everyone who got the correct answer:1 + 1/3 + 1/5 + 1/7 + ... + 1/199, which is approx 3.28 loops + +This problem has recursion written all over it - how can we turn a problem about k strings into a problem about (k-1) strings. See the below whiteboard write up with commentary (which is the same approach used by [thebush007](https://www.reddit.com/user/thebush007/)) + +https://preview.redd.it/pl8wobprwuv51.jpg?width=2957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a726e2cdaf0c5912b33b424030b052c848db413 + +**Commentary:** Let E\_k denote the expected number of loops obtained with k strings. We start by picking one end. The next end we pick will be the same string with probability 1/(2k-1) and another string with probability (2k-2)/(2k-1). In the first case we obtain 1 loop and are left with (k-1) remaining strings that need to be tied. In the second case we obtain no loops and also left with (k-1) remaining strings. +As cliche as it may sound, it's true. I've been trading since 2016 and done exceptionally well in the trading/strategy development part but controlling my emotions in trading is something I still struggle with but have gotten better at. + +I've been hitting the same trading edge for about 2 years now, I get in, I get out, and make a max of 5% per week with this one strategy. My account hit an all time high last week and I messed it up due to my emotions. + +I started adding more and more short options contracts than my bot was advising me to size with (kelly criterion). I got royally fucked and it could've been worse but I got out with a small lose. I ended up putting 90% of my portfolio due to my emotions and revenge trading. I was down -16% my whole portfolio in a day. + +Due to me adding a shit ton of short options contracts right before the reversal of the trend, I held onto my position and it reversed to a -5% loss only. Whew. This week I traded it back to break even and was at 0% PnL for the month. + +Today, I got so tired of there not being any other opportunities in the market due to low implied vol across the board and only junky meme stocks being available to sell premium again, so I violated my bots rules again put nearly my whole portfolio into this one edge again. This time today the lowest my whole portfolio was down by 30%. I held onto my position again and was able to get out with a -10% loss for the month. + +I'm taking a break from the market. I'm going all cash until I'm able to control my emotions and listen to the cold hard numbers my probability model tells me. I was supposed to only use 5% of my portfolio on this one edge, I instead used 90% again. I could've wiped out all my gains from the past couple years. + +Still up 560% YTD but these are pretty much my first losses for the year other than some small couple of -2% and -3% trades. The best choice right now is to sit it out if you're trading indexes or stocks with 1+ beta. I'm going to waiting for the next big move either up or down before I start selling options again. We're in no mans land with SPX/SPY right now and I'm sitting out. + +**TLDR; Cash is a position, you shouldn't be forced to trade or feel like you HAVE to make profits. This market has been extremely frustrating for premium sellers with low implied vol everywhere and motivated me to do extremely risky trades where I risked 90% of my entire portfolio in a single edge and risked wiping out all the gains I worked hard for. I wasn't thinking straight and didn't even feel "mentally sober" while taking on all that risk. Even though I have an edge that's been working for me for 2 years, getting emotional and revenge trading is something I still have trouble controlling.** + +Edit: Questions about my strategy and return in the comments. I define an "edge" as a trade with a positive expected value. It doesn't necessarily have to be arbitrage e.g. selling deep OTM puts tends to have a +EV over time and it isn't arbitrage. You're just capitalizing on VRP AND Implied Vol overstating Realized Vol. My strategy doesn't really have a name and it isn't a strategy you'll find online. I found the edge mentioned in a small paragraph in an Options trading book from the 2010s that I read when I first started trading. I tested it out in 2019 and have been automating it and capitalizing on it ever since. I only use it on SPY and there are a couple of my own other personal implementations (e.g. Kelly Criterion for sizing) in the strategy to make sure it works properly and gives me a +EV. Let's just say credit spreads on SPY which aren't supposed to be open get filled, if the strikes are in accordance with my probability model & vol surface then my order is executed through the Robinhood API. It's all coded in Python but I have the ability to turn off the bot and enter trades manually etc. And that's what I did when I fucked up these past couple weeks. My return: https://imgur.com/a/NtyL7Hy So it isn't exactly 560% YTD as stated but from bottom to top it was 560%+ but these past couple weeks dented it. This is my main strategy and responsible for over 80% of my profits. I dabble in other things like The Wheel and selling lotto puts on meme stonks for fun like when the Gamestop dilemma happened. But that's about it. I can't say anymore obviously so no one else figures it out and uses my hardwork over the past couple years. The bot/edge is not for sale. Be dedicated to knowledge and reading and you will get to my path. +I recently watched [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvnKylAyLbQ) where Warren Buffet calles EBITDA "utter nonsense", but I don't fully understand why he thinks this is the case. + +Can someone please ELI5 why some people take this view? + +What are the arguments and counterarguments for paying attention to EBITDA when it comes to valuing a company? +Hey all, + +Robbie here, co-founder at Immutable - GameStop's NFT partner. We've had a *tonne* of questions on the specifics of the roadmap, roll-out, and our joint vision for NFTs. This subreddit is one of the most passionate communities in the world, and I want to start sharing more information with you directly as we build the ultimate destination for gaming NFTs together with GameStop. + +We're going to be dropping content over the next few weeks diving into what this integration will look like, details on Immutable and our vision for the space, and answering questions you might have. + +Today, I wanted to drop some exclusive insights to this community first, visualising what it means when an NFT marketplace builds with Immutable X. We’ll be dropping more content in the coming weeks. 👀 + +\- Robbie ([https://twitter.com/0xferg](https://twitter.com/0xferg)) + +&#x200B; + +P.S. highly recommend checking out our CTO's post on Immutable's [shared orderbook](https://immutablex.medium.com/immutable-x-protocol-orderbook-solving-order-fragmentation-610c2bf5375b), and why this will position the GME <> IMX marketplace to have a huge amount of content from day 1. Highly encouraged reading if you haven’t seen it yet. + +P.P.S We just hired [Riot's General Manager of Southeast Asia to lead Immutable's games,](https://twitter.com/0xferg/status/1499694532761649154) which will be featured & traded on GameStop's marketplace. + +https://preview.redd.it/7u0v6gbxjgl81.jpg?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf77692476bd0c40fc25d9782c34973d15c2794 +My current M-F 9-5 job is physically demanding, having severe back issues for years (its getting worse) and would like a new career where i wont be damaging my body. + +Im strongly considering Forex day trading as a new career. Im currently learning on youtube. + +I dont wanna quit my current job cause i understand it takes time to make profits from trading. I was thinking to work thursday-saturday (part time) with my current company. And day trade monday-wednesday (hopefully those are great days to trade). +Untill i improve and am consistent with Forex, eventually i want to quit my job. + +What do you all think? Im sure im not the only one with this situation. How do you all do it? +Last month my wife booked a room at a hotel in Portland OR for this past weekend. She prepaid the booking because it gave a nice discount on the room. When we arrived the hotel doors were locked, and a security guard came out to tell us the hotel had been closed for almost a year. He said he didn't understand why bookings keep happening, and that his job was basically telling people that walk up that the place is closed. +We immediately got on the phone with the customer service line and they said they couldn't refund the charges without confirming with the hotel. They put us on hold and tried to call the hotel, and then told us nobody was answering. (Right, because the place is closed!) +They continued to say they couldn't refund us. We asked to speak with a manager or supervisor, and they said a supervisor would call us back in an hour. That call never came. +I figured the people who have the authority to refund the charges might be more available on Monday, so we enjoyed our weekend at a different hotel and tried to call on our drive home. Again, no help from the call center rep, and another statement that a supervisor wold call in 2 hours. And again, no call back. The next day I called one more time, was told that there were no supervisors, and that I would need to wait 48 hours for someone to call me back from a different department. At this point I also emailed a hotels.com rewards member help address, and received an auto-reply that someone would contact me in 48 hours. That was Tuesday morning and now it is Thursday night. No calls, no email, no refund for a hotel that isn't open for business. +I figure that my only option is to dispute the charges with the credit card company. Any other ideas? + +Edit: Thanks for sharing your stories of also getting hosed by third party booking sites, and confirming that disputing the charges is the way to go at this point. +I got a better job that is just barely going to allow me to buy a tiny home. But the financial expectations in looking "polite" are ridiculous. + +There is a gift giving exchange at work. To not look rude, I must participate. Cost: $25 + +Employee holding a holiday potluck with gift exchange. Expected to bring someone and food. Cost: $65 + +I stalled on getting desserts for my department. Finally did, at a cookie place they recommended: $25. + +In-laws know of better job. The mooch of the group expects gifts for her and her kids, makes requests. We are forced to spend $100. We got a $15 gift card. She has received $50k+ in the past few years in early inheritances, with $100-$200k more coming at time of death. I got $0 when my family died. + +I'm tired of being expected to spend so much to be "polite." I can't stop the work costs, but I'm going to just have to stop with the family. + +You can keep your costs down as much as you want. But if you don't gift out of "politeness," you can have bias held against you as not being "a team player." I did at my old job, and they tried to push me out for not being "middle class spendy" like them. I'm still playing catch-up after years of being behind in retirement, etc. I can't do this anymore. + +I hated the holidays in poverty, and I still hate them now. +Im single, early 30s, 3mm nw, and just want to feel like I'm doing something with my cash. + +I have about 150k in straight up cash that's not doing anything for me. + +This week i bought 50k worth of BND so at least I'm getting the ball rolling. + +I ordered a $70k Tesla model Y but i wonder if that's the best use of self care, self love money. I'm getting cold feet because vaccines are coming out and i wonder if I'm going to want to hit the road and travel and not come back for awhile once I get the vaccine. If i get the car id have to figure out storage for two vehicles. + +Why a car? My current one is 30 years old, max speed is 55mph, 15mph up hills, no airbags, just doesn't feel safe in the winter and im always wary of breaking down. Sometimes the engine randomly shuts down and have to start it again + +Earlier this year i spent about $10k on my personal fulfillment but I'm realizing now that it was really more on personal growth (music lessons and instruments). I think i want to just have some fun as well. I'm loving all the studio equipment i bought, but in the end im realizing i bought myself lots of work. (Practicing, learning the equipment, writing songs etc). I want to get more balanced. + +I also bought a $7k mountain bike but i can't even use it right now because of the weather. + +I am going to therapy twice a week. +I'm 18 and currently have no credit. I been thinking... if I live in a hotel and work a 9 to 5 might be a good idea. Might build my credit just in case I change my mind and want to move into an apartment. You live and you learn. I might sound crazy lol. However, hotels have free wifi, cable, breakfast, bed, and furniture. I don't have to pay for cable, lights, water, heat, and the best part free wifi. But what you guys think? + + +Update: + +I found a good 2 star hotel and read the reviews. I heard it's pretty clean. As long it's clean I'm all good. It cost $69 to stay. Sixty-nine times thirty days that's $2,070 a month and that's $24,840 a year. Someone working a 9 to 5 at a restaurant make at least 28,000 a year. It's possible to live in a hotel as long you know how to manage your money well. +EDIT UP FRONT: + +Someone called the Reddit suicide mods and they’ve been in touch. Whoever that was. I nearly died laughing. Well played. + +Some really great comments here but for the next year I’m buy and hold in order to same my time, effort, money, and anxiety. + +I’ll keep a small pot for options. + +What a great community (sprinkled with some patronising traders - you can always tell who literally hasn’t got a clue about trading from how patronising they are) + +THE POST: + +RIP 2021 profits, and we're only 2 weeks from completing the year. + +If I'd cashed out at the beginning of this month, I'd have been 20% up. + +But now. I. Am. Fucked. + +Greed AND inexperience. The perfect combo with an anger and desperation shake. + +You can literally feel the self-loathing oozing through this post. + +EDIT 1: + +biggest losers this year: + +GRWG -$2200 (bought shares at $36) +SOFI -$1600 (shares at 18) +AMD - $2000 (shares at 147) +CRSR -$1400 (shares at 36) + +Strategically, I’ve bee railed whenever I go long on shares. Ive done well out of theta in general. + +If anyone wants to give me their strategy then fine. +I have heard this multiple times across the internet. This sub seems to be a defendant of Mathematical approach, saying anything can be modeled or that it is our assumptions which are wrong, not the approach. However, I have heard a lot of stuff against Mathematical Economics. From the Wiki: + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_economics#Criticisms_and_defences + +> Friedrich Hayek contended that the use of formal techniques projects a scientific exactness that does not appropriately account for informational limitations faced by real economic agents. + +> Heilbroner stated that "some/much of economics is not naturally quantitative and therefore does not lend itself to mathematical exposition." + +> Keynes: Too large a proportion of recent ‘mathematical’ economics are merely concoctions, as imprecise as the initial assumptions they rest on, which allow the author to lose sight of the complexities and interdependencies of the real world in a maze of pretentious and unhelpful symbols. + +> This rapid systematizing of economics alarmed critics of the discipline as well as some noted economists. John Maynard Keynes, Robert Heilbroner, Friedrich Hayek and others have criticized the broad use of mathematical models for human behavior, arguing that some human choices are irreducible to mathematics. + +From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticisms_of_econometrics + +> Looking primarily at macroeconomics, Lawrence Summers has criticized econometric formalism, arguing that "the empirical facts of which we are most confident and which provide the most secure basis for theory are those that require the least sophisticated statistical analysis to perceive." + +> The current-day Austrian School of economics typically rejects econometrics, stating that historical mathematical data used to make econometric models represents past behaviour which may change in future and is ineffective at isolating causal relationships. In this they continue their belief that mathematics and statistical methods are mostly unsuited for the study of social sciences. + +I have also heard often that Economics suffer from 'Physics envy'. + +I don't think its hard to see why many people don't like Social Sciences being Mathematical. Human Behaviour doesn't seem to be a thing that can be described by quantities. Yes, we can use simple Statistics to correlate some quantities like the quantity demanded of a good vs the price of the good, stuff that were already in use in Classical Economics. However, modern Economics uses all Mathematics that Physics use - from Linear Algebra to Partial Differential Equations to even Topology sometimes. The fact that after so much mathematical formalism, Economists couldn't predict almost any major crises (like the infamous 2008 Economic crisis) using Maths, kind of takes away the appeal of Maths as it seems cold and useless in Economics. I heard in some online debates that after the crisis happened, many people thought mainstream Economics wasn't really valid and switched to heterodox schools of thought. +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +PRESALE LIVE NOW! GET IN BEFORE MARCH 31st CLOSING! + +Presale link: +https://presale.hodlx.exchange/ + +PRESALE HAS 300%+ MORE TO LAUNCH PRICE!! + +HODLX token IS NOT replacing HODL token, it is just the reward token for staking in the exchange. + +CEO/Developer is Doxxed a lot of the other guys on the team doxxed as well. Jeff Gilden out of Charlotte, NC. Owns a variety of businesses. You can find him on LinkedIn. He does videos with everybody in telegram all the time, he's very visible. + +As a lot of you may know this project has been around for a while, what most of you don't know is how hard the team has been working behind the scenes this whole time and how dedicated they are to the long-term success of the project. + +The rewards have been paying out since day one consistently. The gas fees are now 1/3 of what they were originally after the team optimized them a couple months ago and they will be implementing a stacking feature where you can claim as frequently or infrequently as you wish so that EVERY investor can claim rewards not just the big fish. As it is right now anyone with an initial investment over about $600 beats the gas fees. Rewards are currently DAILY not three days anymore, when it was every 3 days initial investment required to beat gas fees was $200 the team hears everyone's input (and from what I've seen in the telegram they actually listen to their investors and implement a lot of their ideas which is amazing) on this and is working hard to get us back there. + +Website hodltoken.net has been fully rebuilt and is absolutely gorgeous go ahead and take a look at it. + +Join the telegram to stay the most connected only Telegram members know everything that's going on. + +Telegram link: +https://t.me/hodlinvestorgroup + +Team has just hired a new Chief marketing officer two weeks ago to get our marketing done more professionally and effectively. + +Market cap is currently only 3 MILLION DOLLARS, I mean come on guys with everything I just mentioned just think about it all we've got to do is get to a 30 million dollar market cap for you to 10x your money. + +Jump in now while the price is still low!!! + +Buy HODL on pancakeswap or a number of exchanges, contract address can be found on our website hodltoken.net + +HODLX Tokenomics + +- 50bill presale supply burn dependent 🚀 +- Another 50 bil reserved for reward pools 🚀 +- Zero taxes on buys sells transfers 🚀 +- Buy and sell slippage only 0.1% 🚀 + +HODLX is the native exchange token for HODLX Exchange and will be the payout token for the staking pools and yield farms where you earn HODLX. + +CoinmarketCap and Coingecko listings for HODLX will follow shortly after launch. + +The HODLX exchange will perform buy back and burns of HODL and HODLX through trading fees on the platform. + +Just think of HODLX as another rocket booster added to HODL 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Sadly my parents recently passed away. Unexpectedly and without a transparent plan regarding their estate. (If you haven't set up your own trust or confirmed with your parents that they have everything in order I recommend you do.) I actually wanted to keep their house but once I learned the size of their debt I had no choice but to sell. After paying off the debt, I will likely be left with $500k - $600K. + +I'm 40. Have a $450K mortgage at 3.625%. No other debt. $300K in retirement savings. + +I'm trying to determine what the best thing to do is. Should I use this money to pay off my Mortgage? Allowing myself to put more in savings each month. Or am I better to just invest the whole thing for retirement now? Or possibly a bit of both? Maybe pay down some of the loan and refinance to a 15yr and put the remainder in my retirement account? I'm having trouble knowing what would earn more in the long run. + +I'm sure there are a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration, but if there are any thoughts or suggestions on what direction I should take and what questions I should try to answer for myself to make a decision, I would appreciate it. +I do a lot of savings and try to be responsible with my money + +Essentially I like to save so I can afford and account for what I spend on + +I realise if a goal is £100 or if I reached this figure, it doesn't seem to hold much value anymore + +I can't even commute to work for a month wit just 100 quid + +I can't even buy a gadget for 100 quid + +I literally can just about afford a fancy planner + +If I wanted to clothes shop, 100 quid won't get me much unless I go for bad quality. Unless I got this wrong let's say I want a really nice jacket and a good pair of shoes + +What about designer I don't think 100 pounds can get me designer + +Driving lessons in London is nearly 35quid an hour! That's only 3 lesson. + +Just a thought + +How do you handle and plan when some figures just don't seem like a big milestone. I thought if I saved £100-£200 to TREAT myself but it doesn't seem like a lot. + +ETA : reason I've been thinking more about this is I was planning to buy gifts for small kids and some family members but even some kiddie gifts or toys are so pricey on amazon but the quality isn't that great! That will limit me to getting only 2 small good quality gifts! +We all know this story: /u/Zinko83 and /u/MauerAstronaut came out with the DD on Variance Swaps a few months ago, with /u/Criand hopping in shortly after. And in a surprising twist, he was ***ENCOURAGING*** options, which as we ALL know are basically the devil. Right? + +/u/Criand got pushed back on so hard that it led him to retract statements and put out clarification. It was an ***AGGRESSIVE*** reaction that had myself, and probably many others, a little confused. We all trusted /u/Criand \- his theories on futures and swaps had been groundbreaking and we finally felt like collectively, we understood at least some of what was going on with our favorite company. And then not much later, he convinced us that ***DRS IS THE WAY***. And he was right! So why was he betraying us and "pushing" options? + +&#x200B; + +[BAD DOG!](https://preview.redd.it/8x0z0f543la81.jpg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42eea681b34d0ec8390a17525d91f05682e7ef90) + +I don't mean to be "The Options Guy." I've dabbled in the past; some wins, some losses, but I'm certainly no expert. But I understand the concept, and I understand the basics of the greeks - enough to realize that 99% of the opposition to "options pushers" is ***FULL*** of misconceptions and in some cases, purposefully misleading information. + +I've posted before about how Thomas Peterffy was ***CLEARLY*** talking about exercising call options (that post is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qya14y/thomas_peterffys_interview_had_nothing_to_do_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)) And now we find that this random video of Charles Gradante was (allegedly) suppressed; a video in which he spells out plainly that Call options were absolutely ***FUCKING*** Market Maker's day up last January. I see this all happen, and just a few days later we have this AH craziness with MSM pushing out NFT "news" as an explanation. + +This ***ISN'T*** a coincidence. **I am now 100% convinced that the AH move was meant to be an IV pump**, with the added benefit of controlling the narrative on the NFT marketplace. They ***NEEDED*** to price us out of options, and that little mini pump and dump was the quickest, and probably cheapest way to do it, on top of that added bonus of getting boomers to dismiss NFTs as a thing that matter. + +Even ignoring the variance swaps DD, I want to be very clear and explain to you all the reason that call options played such a big role in the January sneeze, and why ***DRS + Call Options*** are a death blow to shorts. We need to learn from history; not just GME's initial Sneeze, but also from another short squeeze example; the ***VW short squeeze***. + +&#x200B; + +[Oligatory: YOU ARE HERE](https://preview.redd.it/x3onlls53la81.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddeb3cb6c85b08cc214811c35398d793f7bce1db) + +I'm sure you've read the articles that explain the VW short squeeze that occurred in 2008. One fateful day, Porsche announced that it had essentially locked up 74.1% of the float, causing shorts to scramble and close out. You've also probably heard the theory that RC kept tweeting at 7:41 as a nod to this number. Personally, I think that theory is likely the right answer. + +But here's the thing: the final catalyst that kicked off the VW short squeeze wasn't JUST that Porsche owned 74.1% of the float. In fact, they didn't! They had accumulated shares representing 43% of the float, but in a turn of events they had ALSO purchased call options for shares equivalent to 31% of the float. Yes you read that right, **the VW squeeze was kicked off in part by an enormous purchase of call options.** + +I already know what a lot of the responses to all of this will be. ***"How do we know that Market Makers are even delta-hedging?"*** The fact is, they probably aren't. According to this guy Charles, that's what happened in January: MMs weren't hedging call options initially, but it got to a point where they couldn't keep ignoring it, and they ***HAD*** to start hedging, at least partially. Here is why. + +The rules that govern call options are ***DIFFERENT*** than the rules governing regular shares at settlement. We all are keenly aware that when you buy shares, they can delay delivery by over a month before there are any real consequences, and even then there are a million ways for them to keep kicking that can. That's what we've been seeing and dealing with all year - it's plain as day that they can hide FTDs out of view, whether it's by rotating through ETFs or by creating more synthetics, or whatever other methods that we probably don't even know about. + +Well, with call options, when you exercise, the seller must deliver the security by t+2. I'm not 100% sure on this area so I'd love some help here, but I would swear I've read some MM exemption that they get t+6, but I might be completely misremembering that. Either way, once an FTD happens at T+2, this is the giant kicker, as per the ***OCC Clearing Rules, Rule 910 Part B:*** + +"***If  the  Delivering Clearing Member  has  not  completed  a required  delivery  by  the close  of  business  on the delivery  date,  the Receiving Clearing  Member  shall  issue a  buy-in  notice,  in  paper  format  or  in automated format  through the facilities  of  a  self-regulatory  organization that  provides  an automated communications  system,  with respect  to the undelivered units  of  the  underlying security,  within  20 calendar  days  following  the  delivery  date,  and shall  thereupon buy  in the  undelivered securities."*** + +So with regular shares, you'd get T+2 before the FTD, but then Market Makers get T+35 before getting in trouble/being forced to buy in (assuming the underlying isn't on the threshold list). Like I said, in this case they have over a month to juggle things around. But with exercised call options, if they fail at T+2 they are immediately forced to issue a buy-in of the underlying, which has to happen within 20 days. At least that's my understanding. + +This is why Thomas Peterffy was shitting his pants back in January. As he said, "according to the current rules," brokers would need to go out into the market and buy the shares. + +&#x200B; + +[Actively Soiling His Drawers](https://preview.redd.it/mq0p4w0a3la81.jpg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=792d33181c26cf042db08c0caf040ee102387429) + +But that's only a small piece of why call contracts are so deadly. What I would argue is more important, even, is the leverage. We all know that DRS is the way. Again, ***DRS IS THE WAY***. But with DRS'ing, we need to collectively purchase and register something like 50 million shares to "lock the float." At current prices, that means we need to register $7 billion worth of GME shares. And as you all know, the price of GME is volatile so that is bound to go up over time - with our current cost basis averaging probably $160ish we'd need $8 billion. + +With call options, to "lock" the same 50 million shares, we would need to own 500k contracts. We don't want to buy low-delta crap, so a contract can be expensive. But at say, $3k per contract, we'd only need to invest $1.5 billion to "lock the float." Also, what probably makes this even scarier for hedgies is that there are several hundred thousand of us here - so unlike DRS which is going to be very slow going, this is something that is actually attainable if it catches on, even just in this sub! + +We also know already that we've probably got somewhere between 10 and 20 million shares locked via DRS. This is great and it plays into making calls that much deadlier. Remember back to the Peterffy interview - he said "we had 50 million registered shares." By "we," he meant the NSCC members who can pass those around through the share borrow program, ie; brokers. Well now, "we" only have maybe 30 million registered shares. + +The point is this: statistically, some % of ITM Call contracts are going to be exercised. Market Makers know this, and can probably delay hedging until they absolutely must do it. ***So when do they have to hedge?*** When they do the math and recognize that they are about to owe a lot of shares to those that DO choose to exercise. Because at they point if they don't, they are ***guaranteed*** to get fucked. + +Last time around, we know the number was around 150 million shares worth of calls that they were short on. My hypothesis is that it'd take much less these days, because they are likely even more short than they were last year, and because we have locked up a significant portion of the float. I don't think it's possible to know an exact number, but if we make waves here and the OG sub starts catching on, like they did with the recent AH activity, it's game over. Kaboom. + +&#x200B; + +Alright, I know this has been a novel. I am going to reiterate over and over, that ***DRS IS THE WAY***. If you have shares, why would you trust a broker to hold them for you? But the ***ULTIMATE*** death blow to shorts is a slew of options contracts with decently high deltas, ***ON TOP OF DRS***. And bonus points for anyone that exercises and then DRS's the shares. MM's won't hedge at first, but eventually they ***HAVE TO***. This was the position they were in last January, and what made them freak the fuck out enough to turn off the buy button. It's not some theory. It's been proven at least ***TWICE*** now between the January sneeze and the VW squeeze: options give leverage and force a squeeze faster than individual shares. + +Cue the anti-options FUD, but hey I'm ready to take it on. **Let's fucking go SuperStonk.** + +EDIT: like my peterffy post, since this blew up and my dm's are now full of options questions, I really want to link /u/digitlnoize's options DD. If you are looking for a primer, these posts do a really great job of laying out the basics. + +Part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qunfd5/apes_guide_to_options_part_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Part 2 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qz0oy6/apes_guide_to_options_part_2_the_search_for_more/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +I need to give some backstory to this for it to make more sense. + +I'm 23, newly engaged, and wanting to purchase a home in 2-3 years. My whole life I've been surrounded by European cars, and so my mind immediately went to a Euro the second I was financially stable enough to purchase my first car. I bought a Peugeot 508, about 62k, with a $13,500 down payment. I'm paying $987 a month on finance, and $230 a month on insurance. I earn about $800-$900 a week depending on hours. I'm moving up quite quickly in my career, and if I continue my upwards trend I've got an opportunity coming to potentially go to salary and on $85,000 a year in the next year or so, though I absolutely don't want to bet on this as a worst case scenario. + +Since my purchase, the value of my car has gone up $10,000, give or take. I really don't want to admit it to anyone, even my fiance, that I was wrong in my purchase (my fiance was trying to talk me out of it), and that I would much rather have a car that suits my lifestyle better (fishing and camping) with a 2010 or so 4x4 like a Prado or something. + +At this stage, I could sell my car and I'd probably have about $30,000 from it. What is the best outcome for me? One of the issues I have is that if I do sell it, I've heard that my credit score can be affected poorly because I'm ending a loan early and not paying it out in the given time, though I'm truly not sure how correct that is. I could stick with the car, but paying over $1000 a month on my car will SIGNIFICANTLY affect how much my fiance and I can borrow for a house. I'm very conflicted, and would love some advice from a 3rd party. + +Cheers. +These managers made bank + +Today, Institutional Investor unveiled the 20th edition of its [Rich List](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/3WJfZazOSRKUfWITaCwvMA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP4QpAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmluc3RpdHV0aW9uYWxpbnZlc3Rvci5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS9iMXFtc2dweGh6MGxwdC9UaGUtMjB0aC1Bbm51YWwtUmljaC1MaXN0LXRoZS1EZWZpbml0aXZlLVJhbmtpbmctb2YtV2hhdC1IZWRnZS1GdW5kLU1hbmFnZXJzLUVhcm5lZC1pbi0yMDIwP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~), one of the most watched rankings of hedge fund managers’ performance. Every year, financial tycoons pore over the magazine’s estimates of whose fortunes are up the most. + +**Last year, the top 25 managers earned $32 billion** even as the economy crashed and markets wobbled. Over all, hedge funds [returned 11.6 percent](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/13QKTVm2uPAfg_7D8GmcXQ~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TlaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGlvbmxpbmUuY29tL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzLWNoYWxrLWRlY2FkZXMtYmVzdC1yZXR1cm5zLTIwMjAtaGZyP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) last year, according to Hedge Fund Research, their best performance in a decade but not enough to keep pace with the S&P 500, which was up 16 percent. + +“It may not be seemly, but it remains fact,” the magazine’s editors wrote. + +Here are the top earners, according to the list: + +* **Izzy Englander** of Millennium Management, who earned an estimated $3.8 billion and whose flagship fund produced a 26 percent return. +* **Jim Simons** of Renaissance Technologies, who earned $2.6 billion and whose flagship generated a 76 percent return (but whose fund open to outside investors lost big). +* **Chase Coleman** of Tiger Global Management, who earned $2.5 billion and whose top fund returned 48 percent. +* **Ken Griffin** of Citadel, who earned $1.8 billion and whose main fund returned 24 percent. (The firm has made headlines [for other reasons, too](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/newsletter/dejcbDsqspkbPhTDFNXxwA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TbaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAyMS8wMi8xNy9idXNpbmVzcy9jaXRhZGVsLWdhbWUtc3RvcC1oZWFyaW5nLmh0bWw_Y2FtcGFpZ25faWQ9NCZlbWM9ZWRpdF9ka18yMDIxMDIyMiZpbnN0YW5jZV9pZD0yNzM1OCZubD1kZWFsYm9vayZyZWdpX2lkPTI3MDAzMTE5JnNlZ21lbnRfaWQ9NTIwOTgmdGU9MSZ1c2VyX2lkPTkwYjZjMzFmNGRmYmQwNDA0OGM1OTQwMDRjMzFkODdmVwNueXRCCmAtxp8zYF0BTDhSHndpbGxpYW1jdW5uaW5naGFtODQwQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~).) +* **Steve Cohen** of Point72 Asset Management and **David Tepper** of Appaloosa Management both earned an estimated $1.7 billion. +* The rest of the best: **Philippe Laffont** of Coatue Management ($1.6 billion), **Andreas Halvorsen** of Viking Global Investors and **Scott Shleifer** of Tiger Global (both $1.5 billion), and **Bill Ackman** of Pershing Square Capital Management ($1.4 billion). +Almost every article I read says that you should not have more than 5-8 mutual funds in your portfolio as a young investor. But then I also read that you should be diversifying your portfolio and not all eggs should be in one basket! + + +What is the benefit of investing in one large cap fund vs 3-4 large cap funds that perform similarly? What happens if the fund house goes down (something like Franklin Templeton)? + + +What should one do if they already have a portfolio with multiple similar funds? Is there any benefit to switching all of them into a single fund? It feels cumbersome and counterproductive. + + +For background: + +I am in my mid 20s and have been investing since 3-4 years. Initially I started out with investing in mutual funds with the sole purpose of saving tax so most of my investments were in ELSS. + +A year or so back I started SIPs as well as did some lump sum investments with the goal of growing wealth and not just to save taxes. I have a 60-40 equity to debt allocation but it is spread across 16-18 funds. + + +How paramount is it to have a minimalist portfolio? Is it just to make life easier when trying to review/rebalance or is there an actual benefit in terms of performance. + + +Thanks for reading, any advice is appreciated! +So, here is one annoying thing I see here and elsewhere. + +Let's say someone claims that they are making 4 percent or so a month on options (say, call credit spread). They say it's conservative, not that risky, and easily doable. + +Then, someone responds: no, it's impossible, dude!! That's 50 percent return a year!!! No way that can be done. If it was this super easy that it can be done by a retail investor, why don't the big guys at Wall Street do it? Even the biggest HFs and other financial institutions in Wallstreet don't make more than 15% a year!! + +Ok, hot shot. Here is the deal. It is extremely easy to make ~4% a month (50% a year) when you have small capital. So, why is everyone else not doing? I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands folks (retail investors) out there doing exactly this. + +But, the more capital you have, the more difficult it gets to make such returns. So, the big guys will NEVER, EVER have that kind of return!! + +SO, PLEASE STOP SAYING "if it was this easy everybody would do it....the big guys who have thousands of experts would do it....are you saying you are better than this financial wizards?" and so on. + +So, yes, you can EASILY beat the giant financial guys every single year without much trouble when it comes to return percentage. + +A 50% a year on 20K is 30K. A 50% on 2 Billion is 3 Billion. The latter is fucking impossible, the former can be easily done. + +Things are different even for retail investors with different cap size. Like, getting filled 10,000 contract ($1mil) at a good price is a pain in the ass while getting filled 100 contract ($10,000) is super easy. The former will have a hard time executing contracts at a sweet price (hence less return) while the latter can do that at ease (more return). + +So, yes, it's pretty easy to beat big fin guys with small cap account. And, beating them is nothing to be proud of. In fact, you are doing something SERIOUSLY wrong if you are not beating them. God, the average HF return is like 5%. Just put money in SPY and beat them every single year till you die. +So I just wanted to share my mistake. As a longtime recovered Gambler, I didn’t realize this old habit would creep back into my life. I finally started my Roth Ira and a brokerage fund from my savings in April at age 54. Took my good friends advise and went with Vanguard, Put 14k Vong/Vti in Roth and 11k Vong/Vti / 5k Apple in Brokerage acct. Gains were tiny for a month… impatience! Fomo! + + +1 month later, memestocks on reddit/stocktwits. Fear of missing out and greed to grow my Roth fast had me selling ETF’s and investing in stocks… Made 2k n 2 weeks , “ this is easy, the internet will guide me”…. “Researching” for 2 hours a day plus, lol + +&#x200B; + +Today , 3 months later, I am the not so proud bagholder of BB/Tilray/Mmat/Tell/Wish/. (Amc/Gme but thats different). And some , particularly MMat and Tellurian , may do me well someday + + +BUT! down 5k from my 30k start… + +&#x200B; + +had i stayed with my initial “just don’t look at it“ etf strategy (plus Apple, i like iphones)… i would be up $2400 instead of down 5k and am now a “long term investor” in those stocks, hopeing someday to get my losses back. + +&#x200B; + + Very humbling and kind of a demoralizing lesson , but I’m happy to have learned my lesson in these first few months. + +Invest in researched ETF’s , be patient, protect your money. Tortoise beats the hare . + +No more then 20% in stocks , 15% long term holds, and only 5% of portfolio in fun money /risky/short term . + +ETF’s are THE WAY…. I knew and understood, but still strayed. + +You are in the right place as an investor in this subreddit! + +Thank you everyone👍 +You think GME is too risky and have FOMO? + + +Sell 5-20 DTE Cash secured puts with a 10% return on your investment. + +E.g. sell 02/12 Puts $30 Strike for 3.10 option premium + +If you get assigned you own GME 100 shares at a price of $26.90. And if it doesnt go south of $30, you made 310$ on $2690 necessary funds. Thats 11.5% + + +Guys I don't need rockets. And I'm not risking my entire account on this. Its a small gain compared what you make owning the stock currently. Do what you want, just saying 🤷‍♂️ +You think GME is too risky and have FOMO? + + +Sell 5-20 DTE Cash secured puts with a 10% return on your investment. + +E.g. sell 02/12 Puts $30 Strike for 3.10 option premium + +If you get assigned you own GME 100 shares at a price of $26.90. And if it doesnt go south of $30, you made 310$ on $2690 necessary funds. Thats 11.5% + + +Guys I don't need rockets. And I'm not risking my entire account on this. Its a small gain compared what you make owning the stock currently. Do what you want, just saying 🤷‍♂️ +For thirty years we have artificially been propping up the US economy. Low taxes, massive government spending, for the past 15 years we have had extremely low interest rates, and now we are stimulating the economy with deficits only seen previously in times of war. + +We have used every trick in the book. There's no more credit to spend, taxes are at an all-time low, interest rates are even ZERO in Japan. And yet we are barely holding it together (if you consider 10%+ real unemployment "holding it together"). + +Am I wrong to think that this is just a long-due *correction" back to where the economy would have been with out all this "stimulating" bullshit and a couple bubbles (tech, housing)? + +Isn't asinine to even aim to get back all those jobs and GDP? Wouldn't we be better off restructuring for the new (old) economy? + +EDIT: +I am not a fatalist. + +My point is that through the spending/tax imbalance + low interest rates we have essentially enacted a $15T stimulus over the past 30 years (actually bigger, when you adjust for inflation over those years). + +We don't have these tools at our disposal at the moment: We can't lower taxes (deficit Vs cuts to existing services in a weak economy). We can't spend more (deficit is too high, plus we are in danger of either default OR other nations not buying our debt). We can't cut interest rates. + +I don't believe that the GOP will back off on tax cuts until we see 7%+ GDP for 4 quarters, and then they (and Wall Street) will freak out when we try to adjust them back. + +I don't think the Dems will drop stimulus spending until we see 4-6% unemployment. + +What if those numbers are not possible without the deficit spending combined with low taxes/interest rates of the past 30 years? Would it not be better to recognize that and try to adjust our policies to reflect that? (That's the "New" economy I am talking about). This is not fatalist, this is pragmatism, no? + +Personally, I don't have a lot of faith in Washington or the general public to deal with this. I guess you could call this fatalist. +# Everyone say hello to the FBI - + +[He is also now holding an xxx amount of shares because he is required to read every DD ](https://preview.redd.it/ma5nb60u2ak71.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d37b5d493883893a4d30122403acda9be108cee) + +Look, I'm not making shit about fuck on a opinion if GG or the SEC/CFTC or any other individual working within those agencies is currently complicit. I'm not saying that they aren't either. We should be pointing out their past associations but I don't think we should be making conclusions either. For sure, they are fucking weird... but that is the industry. We don't have fuck about shit for any actual evidence on specific individuals colluding - yet. So stay hopeful but don't close your eyes and bring up everything you find. I also do find it weird that the SEC has increased how many press releases on individual whistler blower tips and the awards they've claimed for doing so all of a sudden. Obviously, if you find fraud, significant fraud, you should be compensated. But the SEC won't get mad at you for telling other Government agencies... and plus we shouldn't concentrate our Deep DD findings to a single organization - Maybe the SEC staff your tip was submitted to was hungover as fuck when they opened yours and marked it as "retarded" and moved on. IDK? Either way - the FBI (personally I think the coolest of all the agencies... them fuckin rain coats are sick) will listen!!! This is probably the first time in history we have so many retards analyzing anything and everything. + +**EDIT:** was about to go to bed until I got two comment notifications on my phone for this post at LITERALLY THE SAME EXACT TIME saying almost the same fucking thing. Did I hit a nerve with the shills? I didn't research their profiles but damn... that's some coincidence eh? + +https://preview.redd.it/pt94xmn0fak71.png?width=665&format=png&auto=webp&s=3463d4263239780f34bdd68725ba575eb966c55f + +**TLDR 1: If you have submitted any whistler blower complaints to either the SEC or CFTC, you can also submit the same one - via the FBI's tip website. Please remember, the tip website is not a compliant website. Tips should be concise, articulated and accompanied by relevant documents with thoughtful conclusions. Please do not flood the FBI with "wen lambo". You are also under consequence of purgery when submitting a tip - so remain truthful.** + +[**https://tips.fbi.gov/**](https://tips.fbi.gov/) + +&#x200B; + +Look at what this guy on another sub did a few months ago. + +https://preview.redd.it/fcge4pmo2ak71.png?width=727&format=png&auto=webp&s=230ff048aaff71cc33288acd9f16d6f988beb54d + +and of course, you remember [u/MentlegenRich](https://www.reddit.com/user/MentlegenRich/), the guy who went to a friendly gathering of couples and knew one of the ~~wife's boyfriends~~ husbands **was in the FBI?** He ended his post with: + +"He told me that he could give me his contact information and I could share the information with him. He said that he understood a bit of what I had to say only cause he isn't big on finances or the market, **but he knows people who do**, and that by sending him the info rather than submitting it via the FBI site, eyes will get to it faster than waiting in line, having HQ route it, etc. *Additionally, he said that since he works in Chicago, the team he works with will be right there to access information on Citadel since that's where they work!"* + +Honestly, if you haven't seen this post - it is worth a read. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p11axx/wrinkles\_assemble\_the\_man\_on\_the\_inside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p11axx/wrinkles_assemble_the_man_on_the_inside/) + +Ok lets move on to exactly those people within the FBI that are big on finances and the market... + +&#x200B; + +# | DETAILS ON THE FBI'S INVOLVMENT IN FINANCIAL CRIMES | + +I found a report on the FBI from 2008 which includes a lot of statements and actual events from the 2008 financial crisis. I took out the most relevant and interesting parts for you that are interested. + +[Source: A Report From The FBI On Financial Crimes In 2008](https://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/fcs_report2008) + +*The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates matters relating to fraud, theft, or embezzlement occurring within or* ***against the national and international financial community.*** *These crimes are characterized by* ***deceit, concealment, or violation of trust***\*, and are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence. Such acts are committed by individuals and\* ***organizations to obtain personal or business advantage.*** *The FBI focuses its financial crimes investigations on such criminal activities as* ***corporate fraud, securities*** *and commodities fraud, health care fraud,* ***financial institution fraud***\*, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, mass marketing fraud, and\* ***money laundering.*** *These are the identified priority crime problem areas of the* ***Financial Crimes Section (FCS) of the FBI.*** + +**Corporate Fraud Stats:** + +* *Through FY 2008, cases pursued by the FBI resulted in 158 indictments and 132 convictions of corporate criminals. Numerous cases are pending plea agreements and trials. During FY 2008, the FBI secured $8.1 billion in restitution orders and $199 million in fines from corporate criminals. The chart below reflects corporate fraud pending cases from FY 2004 through FY 2008 as follows: FY 2004—332 cases; FY 2005—423; FY 2006—486; FY 2007—529; and FY 2008—545 cases.* + +**Securities and Commodities Fraud Stats:** + +* *As of the end of FY 2008, the FBI was investigating 1,210 cases of securities and commodities fraud and had already recorded 357 indictments and 296 convictions. Additional notable accomplishments in FY 2008 include: $3.1 billion in restitution orders; $43.6 million in recoveries; $151.4 million in fines and $84.2 million in seizures. The chart below reflects securities and commodities fraud pending cases from FY 2004 through FY 2008 as follows: FY 2004—987cases; FY 2005—1,139 cases; FY 2006—1,165 cases; FY 2007—1,217 cases and FY 2008—1,210 cases. As of the end of FY 2008, as many as 150 special agents assigned to addressing these crimes.* + +Lmao, yo Gherk look - this document mentions our boy from Credit Suisse lmayooooo + +**Significant Case Highlight** **Credit Suisse (New York City):** + +* *Credit Suisse is a global financial services company, advising clients across the globe in all aspects of finance. ST Microelectronics (STM) is a Switzerland based semiconductor company with annual net revenue of US $9.85 billion in 2006. In 2006, STM invested $400 million with Credit Suisse in what was purportedly securities backed by student loans (to include investment statements); however, the funds were backed with sub prime loans. Credit Suisse tried unsuccessfully to settle the matter for $280 million. The two managers, Eric Butler and* ***Julian Tzolov***\*, have been indicted on securities fraud charges and were arrested in June 2008.\* + +*Now more than ever, the well-being of the global economy rests on the diligent enforcement of laws and regulations designed to ensure the fair and orderly operation of the capital markets.* ***The FBI is not only cognizant of this critical requirement, but is uniquely positioned to help meet the U.S. government’s criminal investigative responsibilities in this area.*** + +*The FBI has also seen the following emerging schemes associated with the downturn of the financial markets during 2008: builder-bailout, short-sale, and foreclosure rescue scams. A real estate* ***short sale*** *is a type of pre-foreclosure sale in which* ***the lender agrees to sell a property for less than the mortgage owed.*** *In the current rapidly declining U.S. housing market,* ***short sales are becoming more and more frequent*** *as banks are faced with taking on more and more homes through the official foreclosure process.* ***A short sale fraud scheme is where the perpetrator uses a straw buyer to purchase and ultimately default on a home loan, creating a short sale situation so that the perpetrator himself can take advantage and purchase the home at a steep discount.*** + +*The FBI works closely with various governmental and private entities to investigate and prevent fraudulent activity in the securities markets. In an effort to help bolster these relationships and optimize workforce needs, many FBI field offices operate task forces and working groups with other law enforcement and regulatory agencies. These agencies include the* ***SEC, U.S. Attorneys’ Offices (USAO), Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).*** + +&#x200B; + +This is probably the first time in history we have so many retards analyzing anything and everything. The report above mentions that they only had 150 special agents during 2008. WELL SuperStonk has thousands of specially retarded agents! Lets help them out if we can. And please, just to mention - please only submit a tip if you have serious evidence or diligence that you've done. No need to flood the tip line with "The Theory of Everything" over and over. FBI APE already seen that probably. + +&#x200B; + +# | The Senate Has Had Hearings On GameStop, But Is The Rest Of Government Even Aware? | + +OK - SO. Maybe we should...... + +https://preview.redd.it/py6cidy23ak71.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cab2b2e729351e3ac43b4d90b78f99346083ca6 + +Here are the tip/contact links to each, except for the SEC and the CFTC since we already know about them. Also the post office... they deal with enough shit. Just remember, speak to your audience. + +**SEC, U.S. Attorneys’ Offices (USAO)** ***-*** [https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/contact-us](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/contact-us) + +**National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) -** [https://www.finra.org/investors/investor-contacts](https://www.finra.org/investors/investor-contacts) + +**Internal Revenue Service (IRS) -** [https://www.irs.gov/compliance/whistleblower-office](https://www.irs.gov/compliance/whistleblower-office) + +&#x200B; + + +# | BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE | + +[https:\/\/www.justice.gov\/archive\/dag\/cftf\/](https://preview.redd.it/avhjs3f73ak71.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=8792a9a248c4b798212d440b1fab73480212d1a7) + +Since its establishment by [Executive Order](https://www.justice.gov/archive/dag/cftf/execorder.htm) in 2002, the President’s Corporate Fraud Task Force has worked hard to hold wrongdoers responsible and to restore an atmosphere of accountability and integrity within corporations across the country. Relying both on traditional investigative techniques and on new tools made available by the Congress at the request of the President, the Task Force has punished corporate malfeasance and encouraged corporate transparency and self-regulation. + +The Task Force combines the talents and experience of thousands of investigators, attorneys, accountants, and regulatory experts. Ten federal departments, commissions, and agencies are involved with the Task Force, in addition to seven. + +U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and two Divisions within the Justice Department. This commitment of resources and expertise reflects the Government’s resolve to combat corporate fraud and to foster an environment in which ethical and honest corporate conduct is encouraged and promoted. The Task Force’s expanded roster includes the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of Thrift Supervision, the Federal Reserve, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). The new member agencies represent a continuing focus by the Task Force to crack down on mortgage fraud, particularly with regard to ongoing investigations into securitization fraud. + +https://preview.redd.it/ugv0gcja3ak71.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd3e4fe7e4fa88e63f230a4f0307d787ef957660 + +link to this page: [https://www.justice.gov/archive/dag/cftf/membership.htm](https://www.justice.gov/archive/dag/cftf/membership.htm) \- honestly didn't go through and finding direct contacts but I taught you how to fish. For the most part, it seems like this page is old/not updated since 2002 and 2008. So here are three more "Presidential" financial fraud task forces I found. + +[https://www.fincen.gov/financial-fraud-enforcement-task-force-ffetf](https://www.fincen.gov/financial-fraud-enforcement-task-force-ffetf) + +[https://www.justice.gov/fraudtaskforce](https://www.justice.gov/fraudtaskforce) + +[https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/07/20020709-2.html](https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/07/20020709-2.html) + +**TLDR 2:** HAH, got ya to scroll through the entire DD to try to find the second one. Ok well - above you, there are links to other Government officials and Agencies you can contact about your concerns surrounding the market. **God, I wish these Tasks Forces were somehow pro-active, instead of re-active, eh?** + +&#x200B; + +and to end... a fun fact about the North District of Illinois (the one with the arrow pointing to it in the picture above) & Shitadel. Did you know... the Mayo Mansion HQ in Chicago is literally right next door to not only to the Federal US District Court (handles federal cases) BUT ALSO the US Bankruptcy court? + +https://preview.redd.it/pbsej8gd3ak71.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e2c75cf876e8ff1991018a5e83c68e250a05eb8 + +Literally - [a 58 second walk away from the front door.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qonbvIesPfs) + +Ok well, thats all from me writing a posts at 6:10 am... goodnight. + +My name is Wet Dirt Kurt, but you can call me Mud. +So my company had an employee stock ownership program. I have about $100k in it. Our company is 8 years into a 15 year plan to release all the shares . It was bought out by an investor and we were told all the shares will now be released and expect that figure to double. So now I’m looking at approximately $200k. + +I am in the US and am 46 years old. I can cash that out at about a 34% tax rate plus a 10% penalty or roll it all into my 401k without any taxes or penalties. + +My boyfriend of 8 years whom I’ve been living with for 3 years wants me to cash it out and pay off his mortgage of $138k. His idea is that he will pay me back over the next 15 years. He says he will pay me about $350 per month. He is subtracting the $600 a month rent I currently pay from the money he will pay me back. + +He thinks it’s a great idea and better to invest in real estate than the stock market. So if I did this he would put my name on the deed and I would have equity in the house. He thinks it makes sense. + +I don’t because once I retire we would either have to sell the house or do a reverse mortgage for me to have income (retirement) to live off of. + +Would there be any future financial benefit for me to follow his plan? Is a 401k still a better option? + +I don’t come from money, I have no family that will ever leave me an inheritance. I feel like I will never have this opportunity to save for the future again and I don’t want to mess this up. + +I also am not financially in a spot where I can just up and leave him and buy a house on my own. These last 2 years have been extremely financially difficult for me. +My girlfriend and I are making our way through college right now, constantly theorizing our future together. We are certain we’ll have solid careers in the next 4-5 years. But it’s pretty unclear what’s the best course of action when we finally get jobs... Get a house before or after marriage? Travel as much as possible? Work hard for a decade, then travel? We have a couple ideas about which direction to head but would love to hear from people/couples who have been through this transition from college to the real world. Our end goal is to travel as much as possible but without breaking the bank. + +Edit: I’m majoring in International Business and Logistics. My gf is majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Both of our colleges require multiple internships. Also, I didn’t ask for relationship advice, just looking for financial insight. +$2T printed / bailout, nationwide protests / rioting, stealing / looting causing millions of dollars in damages and a further divide between the US people, 41,000,000 jobless claims, the US has more cases of the virus than most of Europe combined, No national healthcare, Biden or Trump as the current and next leader and yet very little movement in the strength of the dollar.... why? + +Sorry about the formatting... mobile. +The topic of passing money down to younger generations often comes up in subreddits like /r/FatFire and /r/financialindependence, and a lot of the time there is understandable concern surrounding how it should properly be done. It is HARD to give a kid or a young adult hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars without it affecting them in some way, usually not for the better. I hope to offer some perspective as someone that was the beneficiary of a trust in early adulthood. + +**Some background**: I grew up in a regular, middle class family. There was never ANY expectation that I would receive any substantial amount of money any time soon. Our gross household income throughout my childhood went from about $50k a year (when I was born) to around $130k a year towards my senior year in high school. A reasonably comfortable salary for a coastal HCOL city, but nothing luxurious. I learned that I was beneficiary of a trust set up by my grandmother in college. Before that, there was zero indication EVER that I would receive anything from anyone. I strongly believe that I would not be where I am today if I grew up knowing I had a pot of gold waiting for me in my 20s. + +For my entire life, my parents owned cars that were decades old and they still drive the same 2001 and 2009 Hondas. Luxury items and status symbols were tacky — buying good quality items and maintaining them for as long as you could was the prevailing philosophy. Fiscal restraint was a large part of my childhood, and I learned from a young age the importance of respecting the value of money. The value of hard work, living below your means, and succeeding academically/professionally was a big point of emphasis. Most of these values were taught by example and not explicitly stated. Working hard was always treated as the ultimate virtue and what we always received the most amount of praise/positive reinforcement for from our parents. + +I worked hard in high school and got accepted into a top engineering university. It was a rigorous program, and I struggled a lot. There were many weeks studying/working 12 hour days, 7 days a week. It was sophomore year of university that I was told by my parents I had been left “some money” from a deceased grandparent. It turned out that was a low seven figure amount. I think for a lot of people, this might have been the point at which they quit and switched to an easier field of study. After all — why keep suffering in engineering when you are financially set? I’d be completely lying if I said these thoughts didn’t occasionally make an appearance at 3 am while studying for a series of back-to-back engineering exams. But I always knew that I could never drop out or switch to something easier. I had made “hard working engineering student at top tier university” such an integral part of my identity and sense of worth that quitting would entail giving that up and being completely lost. It would entail feeling a sense of shame knowing that I gave up on something that my parents worked so hard for me to have. My sense of worth was largely derived from being the kind of person that worked as hard as they could for everything they had, and it gave me a lot of personal pride. Maybe this strong link between work and self worth wasn’t the most healthy life philosophy, but it prevented me (and my sister) from becoming the stereotypical trust fund kids — drifting around with no purpose, no ability to commit to anything, and no tangible accomplishments. I trudged through the rest of university, graduated, then found a pretty decent job. + +Now, I work in tech, and my sister is in a STEM PhD program at a great university. Neither of us have gone on crazy spending binges or used the money in really any capacity. The only difference it makes in my life is that the quarterly dividends I receive allow me to easily max out my tax advantaged savings accounts — something that I might have had a lot more difficulty doing without a cushion. + +It might be harder to create that connection between working hard and money if you raise your kids in a /r/FatFire way. Much of the wealth that many here have made will have come prior to kids, and many of the sacrifices will have been made before your kids have been born. SO much of my philosophy was developed by seeing my parents work, seeing the sacrifices they had to make, and having this feeling of indebtedness — knowing that they did all that they did in order to ensure my sister and I always had the resources we needed to excel. As a result, I feel a lot of responsibility to take care of the money that was given to me — I know that someone worked incredibly hard to build up that wealth. To spend it frivolously would be to discredit that work. + +I know many rich kids who were taught to “understand the value of education” without understanding the value of hard work. They ended up majoring in Art History or French Literature and now live off of their parents. I think in their case, far too much emphasis was placed on “get an education” and the value of hard work was not stressed enough. Many of them never saw it from their parents, so why should they strive for it themselves? Many of them now find themselves in a position where they are “too good” to work a lower wage job, but too unqualified to get any decently compensated job in the real world. Hence they live a lifestyle completely subsidized by their parents, and none seem particularly happy. Again, emphasis on the value and dignity of work — no matter what the nature of that work is — is very important. + +I am VERY fortunate that I had no clue I was set to receive a decent chunk of money as a young adult. If I had grown up my entire life thinking I had something waiting in store for me, I don’t think I would have developed any work ethic at all. I wouldn't have gone to a great university, I definitely wouldn’t have majored in engineering, and I wouldn’t have the level of satisfaction I have now for accomplishing everything I have. **It would have stunted my personal growth in an unimaginable way.** + +Despite all this, I still think there is tremendous value in sharing your family’s wealth with your children before you die. Preferably while they are still young enough that it makes a substantial difference. + +If I had to give some recommendations to parents of future “trust fund kids”: + +* Instill strong values, work ethic, emphasize the virtue of working hard and respecting money. SHOW them the connection between money and work, and that sometimes sacrifices have to be made. +* Keep this information from your kid until they (at least) graduate University. Never give any indication that they will be receiving any parental assistance, aside from college tuition. Preferably withhold this information until they are self sufficient adults + +*If you don’t demonstrate the proper values to kids while raising them, it doesn’t matter how many requirements, stipulations or conditions you place on the disbursement of the trust.* + +*You can draft the most sophisticated, elegant, thoughtful trust and it will still sap every last bit of motivation from your kid if they are not raised with the proper values.* You might be able to prevent them from spending it all at once, or from blowing it all on drugs, but it will never be a net positive for them unless you provide the proper parenting. + +I am still just a young adult. I can't know the full extent to which this money has affected me, or will affect me in the future. I am grateful everyday for it, but sometimes I still wonder whether I would be more motivated and ambitious if I didn’t have it. Would I have negotiated higher pay at my job? Studied harder and gotten into a FAANG company? + +I won’t pretend to know more about parenting than anyone else here. Your main takeaway after reading this should probably be something that was already obvious from the start — that a trust alone will not be enough to prevent your money from damaging your child’s ambition or stunting their personal growth. Even a masterfully crafted trust can’t replace good parenting. + +So find something that works. In the case of my family — hard work (and academic/professional success) was made a virtue and deeply connected to our own personal self worth and identity. This might not be the healthiest perspective — but it kept two young adults with access to a lot of funds grounded and relatively successful. +The OTLY stock chart is one you don’t see every day. It's down \~80% since the IPO in almost a straight line. The fundamentals, in their own way, are even more amazing. + +Oatly went public little over a year ago, raising over $1 billion in the process. Yet the company *absolutely* needs to raise a significant amount of capital in the next 12 months. + +Oatly finished Q1 with $411 million in cash. Guidance suggests Q2-Q4 capex of $347-$447 million. Management ostensibly could pull back, but commentary surrounding Q1 results and the company’s strong belief in up-and-to-the-right demand suggests it won’t, at least not immediately. Operating losses — Q1 Adjusted EBITDA was negative $71 million — should wipe out the remainder of the cash balance. + +That means Oatly will need to utilize its revolver, with about $475 million in capacity. But one of the covenants of that revolver requires positive EBITDA by Q2 2023 — unlikely, to say the least, given EBITDA margins in Q1 were negative 43%. + +If, however, Oatly can raise $400 million by the end of the year, that covenant gets pushed out four quarters. Oatly needs that cushion — and it probably needs that cash. On the Q1 call last month, even management said “we have sufficient liquidity to fund our business through 2022.” In other words, dilution is coming. + +All that said, if you look past, you know, the actual fundamentals of the stock, the business does look somewhat intriguing here. It’s easy to dismiss oat milk as a fad, or at least a highly commoditized product, but Oatly’s top-line growth has been impressive. Revenue rose 53% in 2021 after more than doubling the year before; Oatly is guiding for 37-43% growth this year. Both China and the Americas (Europe was more than half of sales last year) have significant room for further penetration going forward. + +The company’s plan to bring more manufacturing in-house will cost cash — but it should boost margins as well. If Oatly can get to 2025/2026, there’s a world in which turns into a reasonably stable, profitable, if niche player in the industry. + +There’s also the takeout possibility. Gluten-free leader Boulder Brands was bought by Pinnacle Foods back in 2015 for almost 2x revenue — and there seemed clear risk at the time that gluten-free was a fad in a way that oatmilk probably isn’t. + +The problem is that — almost incredibly given post-IPO performance — OTLY *still* trades at \~2.5x revenue, assuming modest net debt year-end and revenue toward the low end of the company’s outlook. And that 2.5x multiple is based on the current share count; assume \~20% dilution is coming (say, Oatly raising $550M against the current market cap of \~$2.2B) and the multiple gets up to \~3x. + +So many of these stocks that are down 80%-plus simply don’t seem to have compelling fundamentals. OTLY is no exception. Indeed, had the company gone public this year, one can imagine a relatively niche IPO, in which Oatly raised something like $300 million at a $1.5 billion valuation and analysts called it “an undercovered growth story”. + +Perhaps management needs to start running that kind of company, instead of serving the “growth at any cost” mentality that dominated the market until last year. + +## Beyond Meat (BYND) + +Oatly has some amazing fundamentals, but Beyond Meat’s are laughable. Not in the sense that they’re laughably bad (well, that too) but in the sense that a fundamental-driven investor should literally laugh out loud at some of the numbers. + +Let’s start here. BYND stock is down 83% over the past year — and its short interest still is 40% of the float. If we used those figures to create a version of the SaaS Rule of 40 (which is not a terrible idea in this market), perhaps the S—Co Rule of 40, BYND would come in at a sterling 123. + +But it’s the first quarter numbers that really tickle the funny bone. Beyond Meat — which makes hamburgers out of peas — posted a gross margin of 0.2%. Its gross margin is more properly measured *in basis points*. Its EBITDA loss was 72% of revenue (a percentage not more properly measured in basis points). Yes, the company is growing its sales — but at a 1.2% clip year-over-year. + +Any good investor knows to look beyond the headline fundamentals for a single quarter. But it’s not like a closer look suggests those headline figures were notably skewed. Launch costs for Beyond Meat Jerky hit gross margins by 940 bps — but that still suggests gross margins below 10%. That aside, gross margin still fell by more than 20 percentage points year-over-year, with the company citing “increased trade discounts” and “list price reductions” in Europe. + +In other words, Beyond Meat is cutting prices. Meanwhile, like everyone else, it’s facing higher costs. The problem is that even fixing those costs doesn’t help much: Beyond Meat’s gross margins fell 700 bps-plus last year. Again, this is not a single-quarter problem. Even in 2020, with a net pandemic tailwind, the company only generated $12 million in Adjusted EBITDA (with $27 million in stock-based comp). The loss on the same basis last year was $112 million. + +Beyond Meat’s $1 billion in convertible debt (thankfully at a 0% coupon) matures in 2027 — and is yielding more than 20%. Beyond Meat’s equity still has a valuation of roughly $1.5 billion. Insert your own joke here, and keep an eye out for any opportunity to join the horde of traders shorting this stock. + +[Link to original post](https://www.overlookedalpha.com/p/research-notes-consumer-upstarts?s=w). +So about 20 minutes ago, I got a "hey, did you fly to Germany overnight?" Unauthorized login email from pornhub. Checked it, sure enough someone logged in with my password. Don't give two shits about someone watching porn on my account, so I immediately went to work on the rest. + +I don't share passwords with any accounts, but pornhub one was an oddly secure password that probably couldn't be brute forced... I assumed breach. + +Changed all my exchange passwords that were tied to the same email, and switched all their 2fa to my phone instead of email. That's when I start getting login failure notices... Of course they hit the exchanges first. + +After that I damage controlled financial institution accounts, and sure enough started seeing login failures on those. About 15 minutes after I got the pornhub notice (when serious damage would've already been done) I got a "possible breach" notification from capital one assistant. + +I totally am usually asleep right now. Pornhub may have just saved me tens of thousands of dollars, and is apparently more reliable than all my financial institutions. + +****Update and FAQ: + +Thanks so much for the awards and responses! I just thought this was a funny near miss and wanted to share my maniacal laughter, had no idea it would blow up like this. + +So, turns out it was my phone that was malware compromised. Factory reset, extended authy to everything for now, all passwords changed, all financial institutions alerted. + +As has been pointed out a few times in comments, it's likely they accessed pornhub first because if I had linked crypto wallets or bank accounts for tipping, they could just send all meh money to their verified account. Probably a super easy front door way of scooping a couple BTC up from unwitting peoples... Hadn't thought of that, I just assumed they were testing access. + +No, having a pornhub account doesn't mean I pay for porn, just that I like to save playlists and favorites. Some of you are living in the 90s of internet porn. + +Amazed at how many people assume that the breach came from pornhub. Frankly, it seems like they guard info better than anyone else I deal with. I would never think of putting personal information into any porn site... Pornhub's app has always proven to be secure and well supported. + +All credit accounts frozen, all financial institutions contacted. Net loss of ZERO. They attempted a $7000 wire transfer out of my checking account that my small town bank ofc called me about, and a $1300 credit card purchase that got declined as sketch. Otherwise it seems I beat them to all accounts. + +****EDIT 2: + +Since so many people are asking about my phone... It's an Android, brand new Motorola sealed in box. No, I don't know the source, just know that it happened in a 2 hour window before I got all my security up and running, during which time I used it for work a lot and downloaded a lot of my standard programs. + +I just ran my basic security check, and thing came up red af, so I didn't even bother trying to treat... I only have had it for a week, reset was easy. +I just got off the phone with a hotline person from SBroker... Long story short, she claims that Gamestop cancelled the split and this is the news that the SBroker has received as of Friday night... What the fuck is this? This is completely wrong and basically a blatant lie. On my question, when we will see our shares, she basically said she doesn't know and that they won't be able to give me any date as of now. I then asked what I can do and who I can contact and she said that the only thing that can be done now, is contact Gamestop to ask why they cancelled the split... What the fuck are these people smoking? I will basically send a mail to Bafin now... This is complete fuckery... + +\------------------------------------------ + +Latest reply from my Broker: + +&#x200B; + +[Orange tranlation: They don't know when it will arrive...](https://preview.redd.it/0iyyr45oc4f91.jpg?width=1501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20ebb09a1e28a30f35054603994961e7bb2e77d2) + +\------------------------------------------- + +Somebody with a few wrinkles might want to check Edit 5! + +Edit 1: Based on a comment in the German Sub, DKB is giving out the same information. So is DWP Bank giving out fake information? + +Edit 2: Another comment in... Santander Bank said the same. + +Edit 3: Here is some further interesting information from fellow german apes... + +*📷Level 1*[*Masterchief\_m*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Masterchief_m/) *·* [*vor 2 Std.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdafma/comment/iihatvt/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *· bearbeitet vor 13 Min.📷📷📷* + +*I'll called Volksbank.. Shares not there yet...* + +*Ahem okay?? I called and she said she knows nothing about the case and will forward me to a consultant. Then they hung up...* + +*On the second call I was told that I would have to talk to my consultant about it... she happens to be out today and neither is her replacement. I will now apparently be called back later today! Wow just wow...* + +*Edit: credit to* [*u/Zealousideal\_Gate\_55*](https://www.reddit.com/u/Zealousideal_Gate_55/) + +*"I just spoke with a DWP Bank employee. As a bank employee, I have a direct hotline. As many have suspected, DWP incorrectly recorded the dividend - as a stock split. It was then withdrawn on Friday. The dividend will most likely be posted today during the day, tomorrow at the latest. Please pass the info on to Superstonk as well. My karma is not enough unfortunately."* + +Edit 4: Another interesting find: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wddmmd/german\_hodler\_here\_interesting\_find\_this\_section/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wddmmd/german_hodler_here_interesting_find_this_section/) + +Edit 5: Another interesting hint from u/Simulation_Glitch. This could be a loophole for as many fake shares as they desire in Germany. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.imf.org\/external\/pubs\/ft\/wp\/2010\/wp10172.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/c24ufd5qj3f91.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338c98beb858c92f968a6d9392225627b9aadf5b) + +Edit 6: Huge... + +[https://community.comdirect.de/t5/Wertpapiere-Anlage/GameStop-Dividend-Split/m-p/245618#M154292](https://community.comdirect.de/t5/Wertpapiere-Anlage/GameStop-Dividend-Split/m-p/245618#M154292) + +ComDirect (huge bank) claims DTCC tells them it was a regular stock split not a divvy. Wow. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdhh8h/german\_broker\_comdirect\_says\_that\_the\_dtcc\_told/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdhh8h/german_broker_comdirect_says_that_the_dtcc_told/) + +&#x200B; +Look, right now is the easiest time in history to get credit to buy a home. If you can't convince a bank that you can be trusted with the money, there's a very high likelihood that you aren't actually responsible enough to own and maintain a home. If you are, all you have to do is prove it. I was shocked at how easy it was after listening to people like you my whole life and thought it was some gated club I'd be kept out of forever. + +There are tons and tons of affordable homes being sold every day. There are homes in some places they are practically giving away. Now let's get to the real root of the problem. You don't want *a home* you want *an expensive home in a very high demand area* simply by right of you saying you deserve it and ignoring what others sacrifice and work for it. + +But what do I know, I must just be extremely privileged, being a multiply-disabled part-time restaurant worker with zero family support. Tell yourself whatever you want but if I can do it almost anyone can. The best part is that I would love to help other poor people buy homes and build wealth and communities through house-hacking but typically the response I get is just disgust because I guess apparently the solution to bad landlords and bad property management is to complain about it endlessly instead of buying the buildings and doing better or moving to places you can afford. +My parents own their own business and make about $100,000 per year. They have less than $100,000 in savings (which I think is just in cash), and are about to turn 60. Luckily they almost have their house paid off, but they spend money constantly with no plan for how they will provide for themselves when they can no longer work. They just bought a new $60,000 car (financed) and are constantly shopping and eating out. That is, they quite literally spend every dollar they make and then some. + +They know my husband and I are frugal and have the means to take care of them. They regularly “joke” and say they don’t need to save for retirement because we’ll “put them on the payroll.” + +I’ve told them, quite directly, that that will not happen and I have no plan to provide for them financially. My problem is, they’re still my parents, and I don’t want them to starve (so I get pretty stressed by it). They will likely only get the bare minimum social security retirement (a lot of their spending is deductible) so I am quite concerned starving is a possibility. + +Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation? I would like to help them help themselves but my mom is particularly emotional and has a hard time accepting reality. Any advice greatly appreciated! + +Oh, and I’m the only child. +Quick background: I’m a 30 y/o woman who has been in the tech industry for over 10 years. I was always overworked and underpaid in the startup life, so I stopped the rat race for a bit and became self-employed. I stayed SE for years to take care of my mental/physical health but recently decided I needed something a bit more stable and predictable. Now, back at a startup with healthier boundaries, full benefits, and my income is 220k. I worked really hard to save over the years on a lower income, remained frugal, sacrificed a lot in order to invest in my first rental property (ex. no traveling). I’m used to living with very little and have been pretty disciplined about my finances. Almost to a point of unhealthiness, as I’ve been driven by the fear of being homeless and broke again (between college semesters, a story for another time). + +I am moving to the LA area with my fiancé and am trying to budget for a place. I don’t know what’s reasonable for the area versus outright ridiculous (this is a blurry line, esp in LA, it seems), and I’m just trying to make sure I choose a responsible budget. I then quickly realized that I don’t have one. I have lived so frugally for so long that I just save as much as possible and work with what’s left, but I know this is not necessarily sustainable nor needed. I am a little financially behind, and beat myself up over it often, so perhaps, that’s clouding my ability to make a damn budget as well. What is a responsible budget for renting to begin with? + +Here’s my financial breakdown: + +20k in retirement +15k in investments +75k in savings (I know, this is dumb, hence why I’m here lol) +220k salary +(Combined income with fiancé is 320k) + +EXPENSES +$2100 current mortgage +$750 car payment (this is the only real “nice” thing I own. I know I’m about to get burned in this thread for this haha. I have a Tesla and the environmental factor is a big incentive for me as an inhabitant of earth and whatnot :) +$100 car insurance +$100 health insurance +$50 recurring subscriptions + + +Any help, advice, tips, and suggestions on housing costs (esp if you live in the LA are) are highly welcomed and encouraged. Appreciate it! + + +tl;dr I used to make 50k but now make 220k, I have no idea what to do with the money or what a healthy budget looks like for this... +I understand that a 20 and 30 delta contracts 'control' (i.e., give leverage equivalent to) 20 or 30 shares of the equity in question. I also understand that the delta value is backed out from the Black Scholes formula and is a function of IV among other variables. + +Still, I often hear delta interpreted as a 'probability' that the contract in question will end up ITM on the expiration date, e.g. 30 delta would imply an approximate 30% likelihood that the contract will be ITM on the expiration date. + +I believe that understanding why selling options with a 30 'delta' will help reconcile these ideas, or at least help me frame them better. Thank you. +Sources: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_wealth\_per\_adult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_per_adult) + +[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5328051/Most-Americans-afford-1-000-minor-emergency.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5328051/Most-Americans-afford-1-000-minor-emergency.html) + +My guess is 401ks, pensions etc., and Home Equity and that a reverse mortgage is possible, but is digging a hole for yourself, plus prolonged Interest, for your grandkids. I don't remember were I found my source excluding real estate, but i know Americans post-recession, try to save every penny because they fear Wall-Street and that the FDIC wont insure them if the crash is big enough. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +**Preamble:** I suppose all of us have come across an analyst report while doing DD on a stock. Most of the reports that are freely available to the average investor are either dated or limited in access (we only have the buy/sell ratings and not the deep dive on the stock). According to [this](https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/blog/put-price-investment-research-2/) Bloomberg report, Goldman Sachs charges $30K for access to its basic research, JP Morgan $10K per report, and Barclays charging up to $455K for its equity research package. + +What I wanted to know was if you actually pay for the reports and then follow their recommendations, would you be able to beat the market in the long run? Surprisingly, there were no trackers following the performance of analyst picks over the long term and I decided to build one. + +**Where is the data from:** Yahoo Finance. I used yfinance API to pull all the analyst recommendations made from 2011 for S&P500 companies. While this is in no way a complete list of recommendations, I felt that the data I had was deep enough for the analysis. Both Bloomberg and Quandl provide richer data but costs more than $20K for their subscription and also won’t allow you to share the recommendations with the public. (I have shared all the recommendations and my analysis in an Excel Sheet at the end) + +**Analysis:** There were a total of 66,516 recommendations made by analysts over the last 10 years for S&P500 companies. + +https://preview.redd.it/n790ugjr9jv61.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=07845e5d4b41a4877dd6cd180ae1faa450adfc46 + +For the three sets, I calculated the stock price change across four periods. + +a. One week after recommendation + +b. One month after recommendation + +c. One quarter after recommendation + +I benchmarked the change against S&P500 and also checked what percentage of recommendations increased in value compared to the benchmark. I limited my time horizon to one quarter since analysts usually create reports every quarter and I did not want to overlap different recommendations. Finally, I also checked which banks made the best recommendations over the last decade. + +**Results:** + +https://preview.redd.it/k2lc2u1t9jv61.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffbb6b197286b47782ede7f068f6648eacf492ae + +Out of the 35K buy recommendations made by the analysts, the average increase in stock price across the time periods were better than the SPY benchmark with one week returns bettering SPY by more than 40%. Adding to this, I also benchmarked the percentage of times analyst made the call and the stock price went up vs the SP500 index. + +https://preview.redd.it/y39cv6iu9jv61.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e24eec21c5018c01febdcdc234136935a0a01b6 + + Sell recommendations given by analysts definitely have a short-term impact on the stock price. As we can see from the chart, the one-week performance of stocks that were recommended as a sell was lower than that of the benchmark. But this trend does not hold over the long term with stocks having sell recommendations significantly outperforming the market over the time period of more than one month. Another thing to note here is that on average even after the sell recommendation, the stock price did not fall. (ie, the returns were not negative) + +**Which investment banks made the best recommendations?:** + +https://preview.redd.it/5cx0ov1x9jv61.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=50549713d2ae8696b3012add7dbc2fe68ddad8a0 + +I analyzed the returns of the recommendations made by different banks. The most number of recommendations were made by Morgan Stanley with them making more than 2300 recommendations in the last 10 years. From the above chart, you can see that overall, the best returns were made by Barclays with their recommendations beating SP500 by more than 125% in one-week gains and more than 30% in quarterly gains. + +**How much money should you be managing to profitably buy analyst reports?** + +I did a rough calculation on the amount of assets you need to be managing to make sense for actually paying for the reports. From the above analysis, we could see that the analyst reports beat the market by 23%, and on average full access to analyst reports of a bank will set you back by $500K per year. Putting in the above numbers, you need to have a whopping $19MM of assets under management just to break even. Going on a conservative side, to comfortably make profits and not to have the analyst report fee considerably impact your returns, you should be managing at least $100MM. + +**Limitations of analysis:** + +The above analysis is far from perfect and has multiple limitations. First, this is not the full list of recommendations made by these companies and are just the ones that were updated on Yahoo Finance. I also could not get any information on price targets made by the analysts to supplement my analysis. Finally, even though this analysis covers the last 10 years, it had been predominantly a bull run and this can bias the results in favor of the banks. This aspect could also be seen by observing how poorly the sell recommendations made by the banks faired. + +**Conclusion:** + +I started the analysis skeptical of the returns generated by recommendations made by analysts. There has been a lot of rumors and speculations about whether analysts have access to information the public doesn’t. Whatever the case may be, the above analysis shows that if you have access to the analyst reports, you definitely can beat the market over the long run. Whether it's financially viable or not to access the reports depends on the amount of asset you have under management, in this case at least $100MM! + +Excel Sheet link containing all the recommendations and more detailed analysis: [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/19Hd6xU4B4p0PmlpV3JULmChU1JQTVkOR/view?usp=sharing) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and in no way related to any investment banks showcased above.* +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/06/covid-stimulus-update-senate-passes-1point9-trillion-relief-bill.html + + +The US Senate just passed the 1.9T pandemic relief bill after negotiating with a centrist Democrat for the final vote to break the 50-50 tie. + +After a month of a downtrend in equities, on Friday, markets rallied into the green. I expect that this bill will likely be a catalyst that kicks markets off next week further into green territory as more households, especially those who are making less than 70k per year can anticipate a 1400 check in the coming weeks +https://www.ft.com/content/060b527e-8f8c-48f8-9809-8f0e6d60fc37 + + + + +*The wave of amateur Korean traders has been inspired by a US campaign against hedge funds that had made bearish wagers on companies such as gaming retail chain GameStop. Kstreetbets, an online forum that targets short-sellers, is named after the popular Reddit group r/WallStreetBets* + +*Kstreetbets members call themselves “ants” and have dubbed their cause “the Donghak Ant Movement”, a reference to a failed uprising by farmers in 1894 against corrupt aristocrats and growing foreign influence in Korea. Today, many Korean retail traders feel as though they have been exploited by local institutional and international investors* + +*The “ants” are testing their political power by demanding regulatory changes in the stock market. Some had called for a campaign against ruling party candidates in mayoral by-elections this month in Seoul and Busan, the country’s two biggest cities, and in the presidential vote next year.* +There is massive shortage of CPUs, video cards and other computer parts. There shortage car parts and massive shortage of playstation 5. + +The price of food is going up and the price of electronic are going up. The computers and TVs the price is going up and price of vehicles are going up. + +The US dollar is weakening. + +With everyone going back to work the economy should be getting better not worse. Why is the opposite happening? +https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/inequality-populism-and-redistribution-2/ + +There are many theorized causes- a major one being [increased efficiency from technology.](https://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/inequality-and-skills/) That seems irreversible. + +What are we to do about rising inequality? One proposal seems to be some form of wealth redistribution (first IGM survey), but what would that look like? Are there other solutions? +Seeing so much misinformation, I usually don’t critique but it’s getting out of hand + +You don’t understand value investing if + +- You think value investing is simply buying something at a low PE + +- You think that value investing is limited to a specific sector like energy or industrials + +- You rely on technical analysis for your “investments” + +- If you don’t have a margin of safety + +- If you think tech, or any company for that matter can’t be a value investment + +- If you get wisdom from Mr. Market and stock price movements, you do not only not understand value investing but you don’t understand the stock market + +- If you don’t view your investments as businesses but rather paper to trade + +- If your time horizon is measured in months or even a few years, that is speculation not value investing + +Value investing is simple. It’s the act of purchasing a business at a price that is significantly (your margin of safety) below the true underlying value of the business. I see a lot that is not value investing on here. + +/rantoff +Got a modest amount sat in a UK savings account. Since the IR got slashed I'm considering taking it out. My SIPP is sat in the LifeStrategy® 100% Equity Fund and it's gained +34% (5k) since I invested in the covid crash. Thinking of buying more but the fund has probably plateaued in the medium term although I'm sure I can easily beat the 0.5% that banks are offering. + +Am I any better off buying through Trade 212 or Vanguard? + +Thoughts? +[https://financialnews.com/news/goverment-politics/covid-19-the-doj-fbi-are-investigating-stock-transactions-of-lawmaker-who-dumped-prior-to-the-markets-collapsing/](https://financialnews.com/news/goverment-politics/covid-19-the-doj-fbi-are-investigating-stock-transactions-of-lawmaker-who-dumped-prior-to-the-markets-collapsing/) + +&#x200B; + +The US Department of Justice and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission began checking stock transactions in recent weeks by members of US Congress who had access to classified information about the spread of coronavirus and the impact of the unfolding pandemic on the economy + +&#x200B; + +The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as part of the investigation, requested information about the stock sales of Senator Richard Burr who sits as Chairman of the Senate Special Intelligence Committee +I myself was a dividend investor when I first started investing at the beginning of this year. Once I finally got a grasp on options in mid May, Ive never looked back at attempting to do dividend investing. I'm pretty sure there are others like me and I'd love to hear how you first reacted once you made the switch, or at least dont have DV as a main priority. +This is a throw away account, for privacy reasons. *\[edit: I'm going to keep this account after all\]* + +I (49F) sold my business two years ago and have more money than I know what to do with (\~20 million). I barely graduated from high school, was born and raised in a small shitty working class city on the Canadian prairies. Currently living a middle class lifestyle in the GTA, in a bad marriage with older (12&22 kids). + +After selling the business I had so many big ideas of how I was going to enjoy the free time and wealth that I worked so hard for. However, I find myself stuck, almost paralyzed. My husband knows I have done well, but I don't think he has any idea how well (we are separated but still living together, it's complicated) . My friends and family are working class people. How do you take your friends/family on luxury vacations when they are struggling to make ends meet? Do I just go alone? + +Anyway, I've wasted two years of my life sitting around waiting for something to happen when I could do pretty much anything I wanted to do. I'm chained because my husband uses our youngest to control me/keep me from being able to travel or move out of our suburban neighborhood. Staying in our family home has been the best situation up to now. I've gone to counseling to help get through this, but sometimes I think they don't take me seriously because I look like a regular person, am not "educated" etc. I currently drive a 05 honda haha, I can be frugal to a fault... but if I'm going to spend money on a car, it will be big money! + +I think maybe a Life Coach who works with HNW individuals might be a good idea, but maybe I'll have the same problem where they don't take me seriously. I'm here looking for advice? Suggestions? Referrals? I don't want to waste my money, but I don't want to die having never spent any of the money either. +I'm sorry if someone else have already asked this question and I really don't mean start havoc but is there an actual case for Universal Healthcare (single-Payer variant) in the United States? Are there studies and well argued points for a single payer system that could be implemented. I hear both sides of the argument from rightists and leftists now I want to see if anyone of you guys who may be experts in the field of economics to provide your input on this subject. +This truly may be wallstreetbets’ darkest hour. We don’t really know how long the hedges could keep up the restrictions. But what we do know is that all we can do is hold, and I know we’ll do exactly that. + +We really pushed the corrupt funds to the breaking point and made them show their true colors. I believe this is just the beginning of a huge shift away from the firms and towards the average-Joe. + +I’ve never been more proud to call myself a retard. Remember during this dark time, if you ever feel like it’s hopeless, there are a bunch of retards around the world just like you and just like me standing right beside you holding this stock, because we like the fucking stock. +I am 17 planning to major in Economics. The problem is I only read 5 pages in an hour. The book is filled with history and unnecessarily deep words. Should I have basic knowledge of history first before reading "Why Nations Fail"? What should I learn first before reading this book? +I have found great value in others sharing their best/highest value-add "Fat" expenses/splurges, so thought I would share mine: the home gym. I am not talking about buying a foam roller and a yoga mat, I'm talking about a full blown home gym either in your garage or in a spare room with a squat rack, dumbbells, machines, bench, etc. We built one over the pandemic in our garage, and this is easily the most I have ever worked out. The convenience of it, as well as the experience of never having to wait on equipment, blast music as loud as you want, and the cleanliness (not having to sit down on a sweaty seat) does it for me. You can get pretty far with $5k. We have made ours so that both cars fit easily into the garage still (2 car garage). + +&#x200B; + +Edit #1: Pictures per comment request - See below: + +[https://imgur.com/a/CJYotgW](https://imgur.com/a/CJYotgW) + +[https://imgur.com/17cx3y9](https://imgur.com/17cx3y9) + +Not pictured is Rowing Machine - this was purchased after pictures were taken but easily stores upright over near where the hex bar is. + +Edit#2: Giving credit where credit is due: r/homegym is the place to be if you want to do this. Their FAQ section is gold. +If you haven't listened to his recent podcast episode, you need to. This man is shining a light in all the dark corners and vehemently defending apes. He's pushing out so much content on these issues to help bring awareness and a demand for transparency. + +This is how we bring positive change. It's not about being angry. It's about getting loud. Getting the word out. Being relentless in demanding answers. + +This is a new ally that has thrust himself into the fray for us. We need to do everything we can to support him. + + +https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/reporter-called-jon-out-so-we-called-him-up/id1583132133?i=1000553529301 +It's Crypto Euphoria stage, Fundamentals are out, Memecoins are in. And **Charity Memecoins** are godlike. **$HAPPY** just confirmed that theory once again, reaching $30 Million Valuation and **8K Holders in less than 12 HOURS**!!!!! This is unheard of, it surpasses any other memecoin I have seen in this bullmarket, even surpassing the initial SAFEMOON growth by a huge margin, if this growth keeps up we will have 100k holders in less than a week!! + +And best of all they are doing it for a cause that touches close to my heart, donating helping to fight mental illness. It joins the sentimental with the pumpamental so this is impossible for me to pass on! + +**Website**: + +[https://www.thehappycoin.co/](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +**Pancakeswap**: + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb0b924c4a31b7d4581a7f78f57cee1e65736be1d](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb0b924c4a31b7d4581a7f78f57cee1e65736be1d) + +**Chart**: + +[https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + +**Telegram**: + +[https://t.me/happy\_coinTG](https://t.me/happy_coinTG) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +So it basically does nothing unless congress forgives that tax. It will be due next year and owing Uncle Sam money is worse than owing money to the mob. Save it in a separate account where you can’t access it easily with an automatic transfer when you get paid. + +Out of sight out of mind. +Hello all...I am a 26 year old currently working for a state agency making roughly 50k a year. As the title says, my dad just passed away and left me, the only person on the will, with $250k and our 5 bedroom home in the north east area (property taxes are out of control). Now that i crawled out from under my blankets and stopped hysterically crying for the past month, I dont even know where to begin with all of this. I am already maxing out my 403b roth account and I'm fully paid off with my car and college. I feel like $250k sitting in a savings account is a waste. What should i do first? How do i maximize this opportunity. My dad worked too hard to set me up, for me to waste this. side note: using a throw away account so no one knows who i am. +Basically the title. Maybe a stupid question, but why can't airlines raise money like every other company does? If it's a viable business in the long term, then investors will invest. If it needs emergency money in the short term, there are business loans. Shouldn't the market handle this problem? +I dont even know why I am bothering to post this, as it won’t change a damn thing. Im 32, im broke as shit yet again. Ive tried so hard to get out of poverty. Everytime I do, I just get shoved right back into it. I have no family that gives a fuck about me, I have no help, the VA is useless, I have lost my home, my job, now my ability to get a job. I give up, im tired of this constant cycle. I dont know how much longer I will be around today. But I honestly cant take this anymore. Good luck to everyone else. +The suit was filed January 18th 2017, by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) against Navient. + +First, know that the CFPB has requested that the Court order Navient to comply with the following actions, among others: + +1. Restitution to consumers harmed by Navient's conduct; + +2. Disgorgement of all ill-gotten revenue + + +Here are the details of the allegations: + +From [consumer affairs .com](https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news/feds-sue-student-loan-servicer-navient-011817.html): +>Specifically, the suit charges that Navient: +>> Fails to correctly apply or allocate borrower payments to their accounts; + +>> Steers struggling borrowers toward paying more than they have to on loans; + +>> Obscured information consumers needed to maintain their lower payments; + +>> Deceived private student loan borrowers about requirements to release their co-signer from the loan; and + +>> Harmed the credit of disabled borrowers, including severely injured veterans. + +From the [LA Times](http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-navient-lawsuit-20170118-story.html): +>In its lawsuit, the consumer agency alleged many other borrowers had problems enrolling in programs to reduce payments and Navient instead steered struggling borrowers into plans that made more money for Navient but saddled borrowers with higher costs. + +>Specifically, the government alleged that Navient maintained compensation policies that encouraged customer service representatives to push borrowers into forbearance, which allows borrowers to suspend payments without defaulting but does not stop interest from accruing. + +>However, most federal student-loan borrowers earned the right in 2009 to enroll in the less costly payment options that are based on their income. + +>Although those plans save borrowers money, forbearance was more lucrative for Navient, the agency alleged because the company could enroll borrowers in forbearance in less time and with less staff. + +>In all, the servicer slapped borrowers with additional interest charges of up to $4 billion by enrolling them in repeated forbearance plans from January 2010 to March 2015, according to the consumer agency. + +If you want to learn more about this, I highly encourage you to read the original complaint filed with the court by the CFPB. It is VERY readable (not filled with legalese) and reads as an absolutely scathing indictment of a company whose business practices targeted its most vulnerable customers in flagrant violation of the law. + +You can find the original complaint on the [consumer finance .gov website](http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201701_cfpb_Navient-Pioneer-Credit-Recovery-complaint.pdf). They also [summarized the complaint on their website](http://www.consumerfinance.gov/about-us/newsroom/cfpb-sues-nations-largest-student-loan-company-navient-failing-borrowers-every-stage-repayment/). + +In the spirit of this sub, I'm sharing this information because there are plenty of people here who may have been a victim of these alleged practices. Including myself, as I've been paying down my Navient loans since 2012 and have several years to go. + +I'm going to read through the complaint again, and if anything important jumps out at me that I haven't mentioned, I'll update this post. + +**Edit:** +Additional allegations: + +(since July 2011) Disregard of borrower instructions when processing payments submitted by check with written instructions from the borrower specifying how the payment should be applied. + +(Jan 2010-March 2015) Using uncharacteristically vague email titles like “New Document Ready to View” to notify borrowers that they needed to renew their income-based repayment enrollment. During this time, the number of borrowers who did not timely renew their enrollment regularly exceeded 60% of borrowers and resulting, often, in capitalization of interest. + +**Edit:** There is no way to know how potentially impacted borrowers will be affected by the lawsuit. We will have to wait and see. Lawsuits of this magnitude often take a LONG time to get resolved. + +(edit: formatting, fixed a link) + +I've some family from the US visiting and they think the £3 meal deal from Tesco is the bees knees and great value. Until recently it offered a protein bar as snack - worth normally £2.50 itself! I can't find a better lunchtime deal than this, can anyone else? +A close friends sister used credit card to transfer cash to the tune of appx Rs.50,000 by setting up a dummy seller account on Paytm Market. This was during COVID times when there was cash crunch during job loss and all. + +Unfortunately they are just normal middle class people who tried to explore this loop hole to get cash from credit card. Now they got a show cause notice from ED. FIR has been filed accusing them to collude with Chinese nationals to setup fake accounts to launder money.The family is scared about consequences seeing all the data. Their bank accounts are frozen by ED and the notice too is a genuine one. + +They are from a small village in Maharashtra where they do not have any PMLA practicing lawyers. They are basically scared to death now & finding it very difficult to get a proper PMLA lawyer to help them out. Even if they do get one, it's going to get a lot expensive & bail is very tough to come on this case from what I have read online. So next time some YouTuber gives a crazy trick to get cash from credit card to bank account stay the hell away from it 😞 + +I have already posted this in r\india and r\legaladviceindia but if you still have any suggestions on how can they tackle this situation please do let me know. +I’ve frequently heard people use two years as the time it should take an investor to buy their next property. It’s hard for me to imagine how that’s possible on an average salary, and I’m curious to know what I’m missing from this process. + +Is there a recommended base amount someone should save up before taking something like this on? +- i do not care what GME’s price/chart says + - bc you pay to fix those #’s via LiQuiDiTy +- i do not care what the headlines say + - bc you pay for those articles via ownership of the very media outlets supposedly working to inform the investors of Main Street +- i do not care what you lose + - bc you did not care what Main Street has lost, and let’s be honest, you can’t “lose” something if you only had it bc you stole it from Main Street in the first place +- i do not care what you say about Ryan Cohen + - bc why would anyone trust the hedge-fund-bought MSM, over his most wholesomeness, Warren MF’ing Icahn? +- i do not care what you say about GameStop + - bc every pathetic fraud lies through their teeth about their greatest foe, in last gasp efforts to survive “one more day” + + +#JUST REMEMBER… + +- **“i” hold the GME DRS keys** +- **when shit has gone down** +- **when GME hodlers are on a one-way trip to Uranus** +- **when STILL no one has sold their DRS’d GME** +- **when you finally find yourselves in literal prison cells** + +#…YOUR UNDOING WAS YOUR OWN DOING + +#======== + +Edit: For any 1%’ers who are short GME & don’t understand this post, here’s u/WhatCanIMakeToday with helpful phrasing in your native tongue: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y37log/dear_gme_shorts_listen_very_closely_no_cell_no/is740vs/ +I know it sucks seeing accounts in red but on the bright side that just means you have more of a chance to DCA and get in at lower prices. What’s everyone been buying up? I’ve Been buying + +BST,DGRO,SCHB,SCHD. +Has anybody ever offered to pay off someone's mortgage? I'm interested in doing it for my best friend, best man at my wedding, etc. + +He's financially savvy with his money, has a decent paying job for his HCOL area. The deck of cards life dealt him wasn't the best though. Came over as a refugee in his teens, parents are unable to find work, so he ends up supporting them, and bought them a house in which they all live in. + +He desperately wants to move out, but the numbers dont make sense of current expenses plus rent. I'm interested in paying the mortgage off, and am wondering if other people have had experience doing so? + +I'm not looking for tax advice, but mainly interpersonal relation problems to look for when gifting large amounts of money, perhaps even anonymously paying off the mortgage. + +Thanks! +A little background, 23 year old dude from Singapore with IT background (Ethical hacker), friend introduced me to Forex which he eventually quit but I didn't. I love challenges and now I plan on taking up Forex trading as a career apart from my passive income jobs. + +When I first started trading, I was frustrated! I had so many unanswered questions, why do I keep getting stopped out? Why are my profits so low? Why was my trades always going opposite only once I opened. Is my broker trading against me? So I paused and walked away from the charts for a few weeks, in that break I took it upon myself to understand more about Forex before opening the charts again and here is what I learned. Mind you, I did not buy any course or Indicators! All I did was read articles on the internet, watch a ton of YouTube videos and tried almost all indicators . + +&#x200B; + +**Here we go, my tips. These are based on my views** + +1. UNDERSTAND BANKS AND BIG FINANCIALS INSTITUTIONS MOVES THE MARKET - No retail traders will be able to move the market like how the Big Banks move the market. You need to understand how banks move smart money and dumb money.(Will explain more later in the post) +2. STOP SEARCHING FOR THE HOLY GRAIL - No indicators is going to tell you where is the best entry or best exit. They often lag and are behind time so by the time you enter a trade, the trend has already moved a certain percentage causing you to lose precious pips that you could have gotten as profits. Instead look at the charts to search for "low risk, high probability trades" (Will explain more later in the post) +3. LOOK OUT FOR NEWS (fundamentals) - Big impact news move the markets with big moves, don't get stopped out because you entered at the wrong time without knowing that there is a high impact news in a few minutes/hours. It might hurt your account badly even through you have a stop-loss. Understand the nature of the news and how it will impact the currency. +4. DO NOT CHASE PROFITS - Chasing profits will be the number one reason you blow your account because no amount of money will satisfy you, you will always want more. Trust me, I've been there and done that . Instead start looking at percentage earned and loss, because in Forex you need money to make money. Lets say you have a target of 5% a month, with a $1000 account that is only $50 and doesn't seem significant but do that with a $100,000 account and you will get $5000 every month. I think you will get it by now. You can't just open a $1000 account and expect to be a millionaire in 1 month. Greed will take over you and you will blow every account you open. +5. DO NOT OVER LEVERAGE YOU ACCOUNT - By over leveraging you will be able to open larger lot sizes and you will feel good that you can use less money to earn more profit! Then you will start trading, say you profited your first trade and you feel good about yourself. Profited your second trade and feel even better. So you go bigger in the third trade, and guess what? You lost this trade. And this one loss is enough to wipe out your whole $1000 account. +6. MORE TRADES DOES NOT GIVE YOU MORE PROFITS - As a trader you should understand not every trade will turn out positive, there will always be negative trades. And at times you can have more negative trade than positive but still end up with profits at the end of the week? This is where quality over quantity trades comes in play. Lets say for example you had 4 losing trades and 2 winning trades, your losing trades are 2% each and your winning trades are 8% each, add them up and you will still have 8% profit. This is also a very important part called risk management. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND RISK MANAGEMENT ELSE YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN FOREX. +7. NEVER CHASE THE MARKET - Markets move 24/7 from Monday 5 AM to Saturday 5 AM (Singapore time, GMT+8). There will be plenty of opportunity to enter the market. You don't always need to have an open position during this time to feel like a trader. Smart traders look for the best opportunity to enter the market at certain levels. Missed an opportunity, don't worry! There will always be another opportunity, trust me! By chasing the market and always trying to open a position, it will only cause you to blow out your account faster. +8. PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE - I can't place more emphasis on this point. Once you have analysed the market and placed your trade, be patient and let the market work for you. By you sitting at the screen 24/7, the trade is not going to go by your way magically. Remember Bulls will Profit, Bears will profit, only Pigs will get slaughtered! Don't let greed eat you alive. + +================================================================================================== + +Now lets talk about the "low risk, high probability" trades and how I trade. Trading is easy, if you take some time to understand it. + +&#x200B; + +How I trade? That's a simple question. I use supply and demand together with fundamentals. I keep my charts clean off indicators. I know I know as soon as I say supply and demand, some of you are going to be like supply and demand doesn't exist in the currency market. But I hope you understand this are my views. + +**Supply and Demand** + +Supply and demand levels are zones that tend to be tested again and again till its broken creating another level for supply and demand. You are basically trading against the trend and I know people will be scared and think I'm dumb for saying. But once I learned this theory and started practicing it, I kicked myself in the bum for being so dumb all this while. This zones are also known for when banks throw large amount of money into the market. Bank traders do not have their screen cluttered with tons of indicators like retail trades who is just in search for the holy grail. They practice supply and demand. Let me put it in a easier context, It is basically buying a currency at wholesale and selling it at a retail price. People always practice this everyday in life like buying more of a certain item just because it is on discount at a supermarket but I don't understand why they neglect it when it comes to Forex. It is no different here in the markets. I am not going to say no more, as I want you to google more about it and understand it yourself, that is the best way you will learn better. Watch YouTube videos, read articles, see how bankers trade, understand why they place the trade. + +Also understand that there is no supply and demand in lower time frame like M1 or M5, its just noise. For myself, I use H1/H4/D1. + +I make 100-200 pips per week and that is enough for me currently, Remember don't be greedy. + +However when there is news events, supply and demand may be ignored due to the nature of how fundamentals affect the market differently. Understand the difference and with that I have came to the end. + +Remember to treat yourself once in awhile when you do good each month, You will enjoy trading better. Let me tell you the best part about trading, is that you can work from anywhere in the world, be your own boss and never be pressured by anyone. + +If you have made it this far, I thank you for taking your time to read this thread. This may be your first step to success. + +&#x200B; + +**HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AND HAPPY TRADING** + +================================================================================================== +A little background, 23 year old dude from Singapore with IT background (Ethical hacker), friend introduced me to Forex which he eventually quit but I didn't. I love challenges and now I plan on taking up Forex trading as a career apart from my passive income jobs. + +When I first started trading, I was frustrated! I had so many unanswered questions, why do I keep getting stopped out? Why are my profits so low? Why was my trades always going opposite only once I opened. Is my broker trading against me? So I paused and walked away from the charts for a few weeks, in that break I took it upon myself to understand more about Forex before opening the charts again and here is what I learned. Mind you, I did not buy any course or Indicators! All I did was read articles on the internet, watch a ton of YouTube videos and tried almost all indicators . + +&#x200B; + +**Here we go, my tips. These are based on my views** + +1. UNDERSTAND BANKS AND BIG FINANCIALS INSTITUTIONS MOVES THE MARKET - No retail traders will be able to move the market like how the Big Banks move the market. You need to understand how banks move smart money and dumb money.(Will explain more later in the post) +2. STOP SEARCHING FOR THE HOLY GRAIL - No indicators is going to tell you where is the best entry or best exit. They often lag and are behind time so by the time you enter a trade, the trend has already moved a certain percentage causing you to lose precious pips that you could have gotten as profits. Instead look at the charts to search for "low risk, high probability trades" (Will explain more later in the post) +3. LOOK OUT FOR NEWS (fundamentals) - Big impact news move the markets with big moves, don't get stopped out because you entered at the wrong time without knowing that there is a high impact news in a few minutes/hours. It might hurt your account badly even through you have a stop-loss. Understand the nature of the news and how it will impact the currency. +4. DO NOT CHASE PROFITS - Chasing profits will be the number one reason you blow your account because no amount of money will satisfy you, you will always want more. Trust me, I've been there and done that . Instead start looking at percentage earned and loss, because in Forex you need money to make money. Lets say you have a target of 5% a month, with a $1000 account that is only $50 and doesn't seem significant but do that with a $100,000 account and you will get $5000 every month. I think you will get it by now. You can't just open a $1000 account and expect to be a millionaire in 1 month. Greed will take over you and you will blow every account you open. +5. DO NOT OVER LEVERAGE YOU ACCOUNT - By over leveraging you will be able to open larger lot sizes and you will feel good that you can use less money to earn more profit! Then you will start trading, say you profited your first trade and you feel good about yourself. Profited your second trade and feel even better. So you go bigger in the third trade, and guess what? You lost this trade. And this one loss is enough to wipe out your whole $1000 account. +6. MORE TRADES DOES NOT GIVE YOU MORE PROFITS - As a trader you should understand not every trade will turn out positive, there will always be negative trades. And at times you can have more negative trade than positive but still end up with profits at the end of the week? This is where quality over quantity trades comes in play. Lets say for example you had 4 losing trades and 2 winning trades, your losing trades are 2% each and your winning trades are 8% each, add them up and you will still have 8% profit. This is also a very important part called risk management. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND RISK MANAGEMENT ELSE YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN FOREX. +7. NEVER CHASE THE MARKET - Markets move 24/7 from Monday 5 AM to Saturday 5 AM (Singapore time, GMT+8). There will be plenty of opportunity to enter the market. You don't always need to have an open position during this time to feel like a trader. Smart traders look for the best opportunity to enter the market at certain levels. Missed an opportunity, don't worry! There will always be another opportunity, trust me! By chasing the market and always trying to open a position, it will only cause you to blow out your account faster. +8. PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE - I can't place more emphasis on this point. Once you have analysed the market and placed your trade, be patient and let the market work for you. By you sitting at the screen 24/7, the trade is not going to go by your way magically. Remember Bulls will Profit, Bears will profit, only Pigs will get slaughtered! Don't let greed eat you alive. + +================================================================================================== + +Now lets talk about the "low risk, high probability" trades and how I trade. Trading is easy, if you take some time to understand it. + +&#x200B; + +How I trade? That's a simple question. I use supply and demand together with fundamentals. I keep my charts clean off indicators. I know I know as soon as I say supply and demand, some of you are going to be like supply and demand doesn't exist in the currency market. But I hope you understand this are my views. + +**Supply and Demand** + +Supply and demand levels are zones that tend to be tested again and again till its broken creating another level for supply and demand. You are basically trading against the trend and I know people will be scared and think I'm dumb for saying. But once I learned this theory and started practicing it, I kicked myself in the bum for being so dumb all this while. This zones are also known for when banks throw large amount of money into the market. Bank traders do not have their screen cluttered with tons of indicators like retail trades who is just in search for the holy grail. They practice supply and demand. Let me put it in a easier context, It is basically buying a currency at wholesale and selling it at a retail price. People always practice this everyday in life like buying more of a certain item just because it is on discount at a supermarket but I don't understand why they neglect it when it comes to Forex. It is no different here in the markets. I am not going to say no more, as I want you to google more about it and understand it yourself, that is the best way you will learn better. Watch YouTube videos, read articles, see how bankers trade, understand why they place the trade. + +Also understand that there is no supply and demand in lower time frame like M1 or M5, its just noise. For myself, I use H1/H4/D1. + +I make 100-200 pips per week and that is enough for me currently, Remember don't be greedy. + +However when there is news events, supply and demand may be ignored due to the nature of how fundamentals affect the market differently. Understand the difference and with that I have came to the end. + +Remember to treat yourself once in awhile when you do good each month, You will enjoy trading better. Let me tell you the best part about trading, is that you can work from anywhere in the world, be your own boss and never be pressured by anyone. + +If you have made it this far, I thank you for taking your time to read this thread. This may be your first step to success. + +&#x200B; + +**HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AND HAPPY TRADING** + +================================================================================================== +I probably sound like an angry old curmudgeon here. When I "lived with my tenant" for 7 years while I was making moves to be ready to buy the second home, and fixing up the income property, and hustling by working extra hours, doing home repairs by myself, and calling in favors from friends to get projects done in an affordable way on both homes. + +But at the end of the day, it wasn't house hacking. It wasn't a life hack. It wasn't some trick. It was literally just me trying to level up my life after the great recession when financial times were hard for everybody. The "hack" to do this was to have someone to split the bills with. Mortgage, energy, water, internet, garbage, sewer, all of them. I was doing it when I was in college before I owned 2 homes, and before the great recession too, and it was just called "having roommates", I've been doing it after the great recession, and after I was able to have a second property, and it was just called "having roommates". Was I this roommates tenant? Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that we lived together as roommates do. + +We became good friends and we were both able to save money and continue the process of leveling up our lives by having an affordable couple of years. People in poor communities have been doing this for years. Dual income households have been doing this for years. Families with 2 or more earners have been doing this for years. + +We aren't hacking anything. We are making ends meet. Nobody is re-inventing the wheel by having a tenant or a roommate. When you have the luxury to make the choice to live alone, then that's a choice based on personal finances, not based on whether you're "hacking the mortgage system". It's literally just balancing your personal finances. I will continue to have roommates for now, so that I can continue to increase my savings rate and eventually buy another home. And you should too, it's a smart plan, but none of us are hacking the house, or the mortgage. We are balancing a budget. +https://youtu.be/mzoX7zEZ6h4 + +From what I gathered, RBI creates money out of nothing. It lends that money to banks who in turn lend that money to large corporations while also investing the money into stock market. Large corporations pay off their debt with the money they borrowed which eventually reaches the banks who again invest it in stock market and housing etc. + +Thus the stock market keeps rising despite covid and the wealth inequality broadens. + +When RBI creates magic money for lending, it's the common man who has to pay back that money through taxes. Rich gets richer and poor gets poorer. Then when the rich will sell off their assets, the money will be exchanged and reach the poor creating excessive liquidity and thus inflation. + +Please correct me if I am wrong. +The largest coal company in the US is Peabody Energy and has a market cap of $144M. Why don’t environmental groups or companies concerned about climate change buy up a controlling interest in these company and shut them down? Certainly companies like Google or Apple could do it and the cost would be a rounding error in their annual report. +So, this post is in response to u/HomeDepotHank69 ‘s request for DD into correlation between stock price movements. + +**TL/DR:** + +1. Two different scientific methods showing that there is similarity and correlation between certain meme stocks and that this increased since Jan. +2. A machine learning method asked to put stonk data into clusters based on their patterns over the last half year put the meme stonks GME, AMC, KOSS, and others together regardless of which bit of price data you choose to look at. Look at the pictures! +3. Before Jan 2020, meme stocks (as a group) were not particularly correlated with each other, after Jan they were very well correlated with each other. (In fact before Jan AMC and GME were negatively correlated, after Jan they were very closely correlated). +4. On average, a control basket of boomer stocks have not changed in their correlation to each other. The basket of meme stonks have changed (after Jan 2021) to become highly correlated with each other (to a high statistical significance). + +Pearson R2 (r-squared) is a quick n dirty way to do the comparison between stonks, so I also wanted to put the data into an ML algorithm that would look for clusters in it, and see if that algorithm, knowing nothing about the situation other than the stock price and volume info, would group the stocks the same way we might by eye. + +**Question 1: Would a machine learning algorithm cluster the stocks into meme and boomer? As in, what general patterns exist in these stock movements?** + +**Question 2: Are meme stocks significantly correlated with each other? Are they correlated more than a control set of boomer stocks?** + +Bag of meme stocks as suggested by u/HomeDepotHank69: GME, AMC, KOSS, NAKD, NOKK, BBBY, VIX + +Control bag of boomer stocks: AMZN, CVS, GSK, RDS-B, WEN, GM, IBM. These were selected semi-randomly to try and come from different areas of the economy. And I added Wendy’s just cos. And I think I picked general motors randomly, but maybe I was primed by GME’s ticker. + +See picture below: normalising the daily high price to the highest price over the year to date, boomer stocks are dotted lines, meme stocks solid lines, they look different to me. + +&#x200B; + +[This is the high price, after normalisation to the higher price seen in the last year to date. I don't wanna lead you apes, but I would say that the boomer stocks \(dashed\) look different to the meme stocks \(non-dashed\). But that is not scientific enough!](https://preview.redd.it/glxb4bjuk9371.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3260c91c53b7919792481bd61364514a87c72fb) + +Next picture: after the normalisation described in the methods section below to remove the general background movement of the stock market. I did not expect KOSS to be that similar. Maybe Hank did. The numbers in this plot are large due to the normalisation, but we don't care about the exact numbers we care about the patterns here. This graph shows us that GME and its friends are doing something really fucking odd this year to date! + +[Normalised as described to remove the NASDAC background](https://preview.redd.it/g85bn2a6l9371.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=84af213daa4b5c9857416b8691766e128f283a2b) + +**Question 1. Are meme stocks similar to each other? Would they be clustered together?** + +We get very similar results for the 5 dimensions of the data (high price, low price, open price, close price , adjusted close price and volume). Low and high prices results showed the largest effect. The algorithm doesn’t have a great time clustering over the entire time period, but we see something interesting when we split the data into June-Dec 2020 (before) and Jan-June 2021. I think low price is the most interesting so I will use this as an example. All the data from here on is the Low price of the day, although similar things were seen with the other prices. + +How to 'read' these pictures, the grey lines are the stocks over the time period, the red line is what the algorithm thinks is the middle of this cluster of stocks (sort of like a corrected average). The data is normalised for the algorithm, so the y axis is a relative price, the days are days since the start of the time period (6 june 2020 (before) or 1st Jan 2021 (after)). + +**Before (in 2020):** + +[Stonks behaving normally. Note AMC and GME are in different clusters. Cluster 1 is stocks that go down, cluster 2 is stocks that go up. This is for the June 2020 to Dec 2020](https://preview.redd.it/hfgwsop9m9371.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bd45d3443dcd41e46fbd395ee4a4b2aee8dfeac) + +The best answer is **2** clusters: + +Cluster 1: \['AMC', 'NAKD', 'NOKK', 'VIX', 'CVS', 'GSK', 'RDS', 'WEN', 'IBM'\] + +Cluster 2: \['GME', 'KOSS', 'BBBY', 'AMZN', 'GM'\] + +**After (2021):** + +The two measures gave the best answer 2 clusters and four clusters. + +The two cluster answer: + +[Meme stonks in cluster 1, boomer stocks in cluster 2, roughly. \(y axis is mislabelled sorry, these are low prices\). This is Jan 2021-June 2021](https://preview.redd.it/05djchs4n9371.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcc287bcdf9b010c49df232ecaa990412e486c58) + +*2 clusters (best on one measure)* + +Cluster 1: \['GME', 'AMC', 'KOSS', 'NAKD', 'BBBY', 'GM'\] + +Cluster 2: \['NOKK', 'VIX', 'AMZN', 'CVS', 'GSK', 'RDS', WEN, IBM\] + +The 4 cluster answer + +*4 clusters (best on another measure)* + +&#x200B; + +[Cluster 1. Some meme stocks and GM, peak around Jan, cluster 4, GME and AMC, doing their squeeze thing? Cluster 2 and 3, normal stocks doing normal things. \(Again mislabelled y axis, sorry, is defo low prices\). Jan 2021- June 2021](https://preview.redd.it/o1jdl6vcn9371.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=720b780ca6a28d6db78c354b6f3eff8c9fc59ad3) + +**Cluster 1: \['KOSS', 'NAKD', 'BBBY', 'GM'\]** + +Cluster 2: \['VIX', 'AMZN', 'GSK', 'RDS'\] + +Cluster 3: \['NOKK', 'CVS', 'WEN', 'IBM'\] + +**Cluster 4: \['GME', 'AMC'\]** + +I got the same general pattern on the high price as well. AMC GME KOSS BBBY tend to be clustered together. + +**Look at cluster 4's graph, isn't it pretty? And after the normalisation and all that shit (removing market background), we see that GME and AMC are higher than they were in Jan. Maybe they got a way to run?** + +**Conclusion 1:** + +There is something similar in the meme stock price movement that causes the algorithm to put them together and this is seen across the 5 data dimensions (high price, low price etc). Looking at the four cluster answer, we see there are two different meme stock behaviors, the Jan price increase then settle for KOSS NAKD BBBY and GM (GM is following GME possibly cos of fat fingers, see later), whilst our meme stonks AMC and GME are increasing from Jan til now... + +**Question 2.** + +**Is there a statistically significant correlation between the price action of meme stocks?** + +Significance: how this works: + +The Pearson R2 measure (R2, should be R2 but I don't know how to superscript) is a measure of how correlated the stocks are. An R2 of +1 means an exact positive correlation (e.g. $GME goes up when $MEH goes up), an R2 of -1 means an exact negative correlation ($GME goes down when $MEH goes up), and R2 of 0 means no correlation (i.e. the two stonks are unrelated). It's not the best method to do this comparison, but it's the one we got! + +The p value is a measure of significance, if it is over 0.05 then the results are considered not statistically significant at all. The **smaller** the p value is, the **more significant**. (In more statistical language, a small p value relates to a small chance that the result seen is due to random fluctuations and not a relationship between the stonks). A p value under 0.0001 is highly significant. Where I’ve put p << 0.0001 I saw some TINY numbers, like a p values in the 1x10\^{-20} region. You need to have significant results for your results to mean anything. (Any stats geeks in da house? Yes, we could discuss the difference between statistical significance and scientific significance, here, but we didn't. soz). + +If we have a **large R2** there is **a correlation,** if it is backed up by **a small p number** it is a **significant correlation** and therefore we believe it is not a spurious correlation (i.e. bullshit). + +We use IBM as our archetypal boomer stock as no one ever got fired for buying IBM! + +OK so looking at GME’s price movement against other stonks before 2021: + +**Looking at the R2 on low and high prices BEFORE (June - Dec 2020):** + +**MEME to MEME** + +GME to AMC : R2 = -0.73, p \~<<0.0001 (Negative CORRELATION! Very significant) (p value is 1X10\^(-25)!) + +GME to KOSS : R2 = 0.55 , p <<0.0001 (middling correlation, Very significant) + +**MEME to Boomer** + +GME to IBM : R2 = -0.7, p << 0.0001 (neg correlation, very significant) + +**BOOMER to BOOMER** + +IBM to GSK – R2 = 0.94, p << 0.0001 (high correlation, highly significant + +**Fat fingered test** + +GME-GM – R2 = 0.79. p << 0.0001 (high correlation, highly significant) + +&#x200B; + +**Looking at the R2 on low and high prices AFTER (Jan-Jun 2021):** + +**MEME to MEME** + +GME to AMC : R2 = 0.83, p << 0.0001 (positive CORRELATION! Significant) + +GME to KOSS : R2 = 0.77 , p << 0.0001 (positive CORRELATION, very significant) + +**MEME to Boomer** + +GME to IBM : R2 = 0.47, p << 0.0001 (positive CORRELATION, significant) + +**BOOMER to BOOMER** + +IBM to GSK : R2 = 0.62, p << 0.0001 (mid correlation, highly significant + +**Fat fingered test** + +GME to GM : R2 = 0.72. p << 0.0001 (high correlation, highly significant) + +**With a p value of p << 0.0001, GME is correlated with AMC (before and after, although switches direction), KOSS (before and after), NOKK (after), BBBY (before and after).** + +*Fat fingers*: Humorously, there is a correlation between GME and GM, obviously people are buying the wrong ticker, so I guess my ‘random’ choice of GM was actually not that random, as I made the same mistake! N.B. GME-GM’s correlation is the outlier in the boomer stock basket, but I left it in anyway. + +**So what have we found?** + +**After January the meme stocks (GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY) became positively correlated if they weren’t and the positive correlation increased.** So these stocks started to move together and only GME and KOSS were moving together before. The IBM-GSK comparison shows two different boomer stocks from the control group, they come from different industries (GSK was affected more by covid than IBM) and we see a standard sort of movement, they’re both positively correlated and generally following the wider economy. + +And here’s the data for all (average used is the median, error is standard error, 42 pairwise comparisons). + +Average R2 of meme stock before : **-0.42 (+/- 0.09)** + +Average R2 of meme stock after : **0.32 (+/- 0.05)** + +Average R2 of boomer stock before : **0.34 (+/- 0.08)** + +Average R2 of boomer stock after : **0.25 (+/- 0.05)** + +Difference in meme stocks: **+ 0.74**, this is a huge change. + +Difference in boomer stocks: **-0.11,** this is small, (but is it actually significantly different from no change?) + +So from this and the graphs we can see before both boomer stocks were on average not particularly correlated with each other. On average, meme stocks were weakly anti-correlated. But after, meme stocks on average move to be more positively correlated. + +Another hypothesis test! Yay! My favourite thing! + +**Are these populations significantly different?** i.e. is the change of the r2 of these stonks before and after significant. (geek note, we use the mann whitney u test here, and I used the Hedges effect size test (thought you’d like that!)). + +**For the meme stocks:** + +**Yes!** **The correlation after is GREATER with a p-value of 0.0079 (so statistically significant) and an effect size of 0.7 (a medium sized effect).** So the average change in correlation between the meme stocks is a (statistically) significant increase. + +**For the boomer stocks:** + +**No!** The correlation after is LESS with a p-value of 0.54 (so NOT statistically significant) and an effect size of 0.1 (no real effect). **So no real correlation either way**, I,e, the relationship between the boomer stocks hasn’t changed over the last year to date (cos the change I found is small above enough that it could be random noise). So the average change in correlation between the boomer stocks is (statistically) insignificant. + +**So what’s the point?** + +**The meme stocks have become significantly more correlated since January, and our control basket of boomer stocks have not.** I will not speculate as to why this is the case. Again, Hank asked on here for this information, so I presume he has an idea. **At the very least, it is nice to know that the similarity in the price action that everyone keeps posting is statistically significant**. I only looked at daily data (where do you get the 5 minute data?) and I expect that the GME AMC correlations on this timescale would be fun to look at, and perhaps something of a smoking gun. + +Final point, correlation does not imply causation. Although I've not made any comments as to why these correlations exist. All we've got here is two different scientific methods showing that there is similarity and correlation between certain meme stocks and that this increased since Jan. + +The end unless you want to know the details: + +**Methods:** + +*Data pre-processing:* + +We want to look at the patterns in the data and relative change rather than overall price movement, so we normalise the data to try and compare the datasets. + +Data was taken a year to date from yesterday (6/3) and all stocks were normalised to the first day, so that the first day normalised prices was 100. The NASDEC ($IXIC) was also normalised the same way to the same day. To remove the background effect of the stock market’s general movements, each dataseries was then divided by the normalised IXIC (day for day), and then renormalized back to 100 at the start of the data. The numbers get huge for GME due to it’s huge price movement. + +*Time horizon:* + +The data for the whole year to date was compared but more interesting results were seen if we split the data into pre and post January 1st. Data was daily price data, including, high, low, open, close, adjusted close and volume). + +*Correlation tests:* + +After normalisation, datasets were tested for how correlated they were using the Pearson R2 measure and corresponding p-value using SKlearn. + +*Clustering!* + +We want to find similar patterns in the stock movements without assuming a. that we would see exact changes at the exact same time point and b, that the changes will be the same size. We cope with assumption a by using dynamic time warping distance metric (and b was the reason we did some of that normalisation). We use a machine learning clustering algorithm that can work with time-series data and compare the stonks using this dynamic time warping stuff. We test from 1 cluster up to 7 clusters using standard methods to determine which cluster is the best (inertia+elbow method and silhouette score), then we look at the clusters and see which stocks were put where. + +(see [https://github.com/tslearn-team/tslearn](https://github.com/tslearn-team/tslearn) [https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-apply-k-means-clustering-to-time-series-data-28d04a8f7da3](https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-apply-k-means-clustering-to-time-series-data-28d04a8f7da3)) + +We do all this with each of the data dimensions (i.e. high, low, open, close, adjusted close and volume) and also with ALL OF THEM. And get pretty much the same results, btw, only LOW data is covered in this write up. + +**Appendix:** + +Comparing GME, AMC +Before: Pearson r: -0.73 and p-value: 1.1e-25 +After: Pearson r: 0.83 and p-value: 7.6e-27 + +Comparing GME, KOSS +Before: Pearson r: 0.55 and p-value: 2.8e-13 +After: Pearson r: 0.77 and p-value: 1.1e-21 + +Comparing GME, NAKD +Before: Pearson r: -0.68 and p-value: 3.2e-21 +After: Pearson r: 0.043 and p-value: 0.66 + +Comparing GME, NOKK +Before: Pearson r: -0.87 and p-value: 1e-47 +After: Pearson r: 0.39 and p-value: 3.9e-05 + +Comparing GME, BBBY +Before: Pearson r: 0.8 and p-value: 1.9e-34 +After: Pearson r: 0.53 and p-value: 7.3e-09 + +Comparing GME, VIX +Before: Pearson r: -0.42 and p-value: 1.5e-07 +After: Pearson r: -0.3 and p-value: 0.0022 + +Comparing IBM, AMZN +Before r: 0.25 and p-value: 0.0024 +After Pearson r: 0.15 and p-value: 0.12 + + +Comparing IBM, CVS +Before r: 0.75 and p-value: 4.8e-28 +After Pearson r: 0.83 and p-value: 6.9e-28 +Comparing IBM, GSK +Before r: 0.94 and p-value: 5.8e-72 +After Pearson r: 0.62 and p-value: 2.4e-12 +Comparing IBM, RDS +Before r: 0.64 and p-value: 3.1e-18 +After Pearson r: 0.16 and p-value: 0.11 +Comparing IBM, WEN +Before r: 0.82 and p-value: 1.2e-36 +After Pearson r: 0.85 and p-value: 5.8e-30 +Comparing IBM, GMBefore r: -0.6 and p-value: 9.9e-16 +After Pearson r: 0.39 and p-value: 4.6e-05 + +If people want, I can run the code to do this for the whole set of measurables and write it out to a .csv file? + +Final disclaimer: I know fuck all about finance, but I know about data science and stats! Yay stats! +One guy just quit paying rent. The other guy got used to getting further and further behind. + +Everyone is now evicted or moved out. Of course the place was trashed and needed new new carpet where the dogs peed. Took us 5 full days to fix everything and clean it back to a respectable level. + +As for the money, the courts have given their judgement. After court fees, late fees, unpaid rent, me paying the final tab for utilities, applying security deposits to the tally... I have $4,370 owed to me. This may not be a ton to some of you big cats, but the gross income on this property was only 16,000. That's a pretty heft loss to just eat. + +I'm mostly venting, but who else has big tabs they're waiting to get paid back? Any luck? Or is that money good as gone? +Long time lurker here. A few months back there was a post about "luxury" hobbies. The top comment was about horses and the money pit that ensues. Welp, I'm here to admit that I'm a horse girl. That being said - I'm looking for some direction & advice on how to move forward towards eventually firing and pursuing a passion project (maybe starting a therapeutic riding camp or running for public office). Like many on this sub, I don't think I'll ever stop working. I like being productive and I want to pay it forward. That being said, I'm miserable at my current, high-intensity job. + +For those who are on a fatFIRE journey and have found work that is actually fulfilling & still make bank: Tell me your secrets. What books should I read? + +For those who have FIRE'd and have a horse/boat/money pit: Is it possible to have such an expensive hobby and still FIRE? How did you set & reach those financial milestones? + +- Background: I'm 27, my entire family has passed on & I'm an only child; no debt/no kids. No plans on kids or family yet. Current gig as a lobbyist $105k income (after tax). + +- Assets: $1.2M in my brokerage + $50K in 401k + a few hundred acres in farm country which was recently appraised at $1.5M (it is not a horse farm - it has no free standing buildings and is leased out to a farmer who grows soy) + +- Expenses: All my living expenses (rent in DC ~$1,900/mo) and horse expenses are covered by current my salary. The horse costs me around $20k a year - including competing, board, & training. I should mention that I work off a lot of my showing expenses. I don't know that I'll continue to show at this level for years to come so I don't expect those costs to rise. I have no other expenses because, as many of you noted in that previous post: Horses are a lifestyle. I spend all my time outside of work with them. +I bought some VDHG shares a few weeks ago at $61.70 and would like to return them and then buy them for their current price of $60.22. + +Can anyone advise the best process for doing so? +# The OTC Conspiracy plot thickens... + +# January 2021 OTC trades just increased by over 32% overnight. + +I was compiling data for a separate DD, but found this new "glitch" on the [FINRA OTC website](https://otctransparency.finra.org/otctransparency/OtcIssueData) data and feel like we need more eyes and ears on it before the data "expires" on the OTC website. + +Keep your screenshots apes! + +[Robinhood is still cooking the January books to try to make their numbers work](https://preview.redd.it/zq8xniy18jh71.jpg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cea44dd48c019b74ebf4a386f351f82db0bb085) + +After previously having **ZERO** OTC transactions in January 2021, on **8/10 and 8/11** (last Tuesday and Wednesday), Robinhood added **1,869,026 shares** and **1,850,153 trades** to the January running total. + +# One million, eight hundred fifty thousand, one hundred fifty-three previously unreported OTC trades from January 2021... + +That increased January's GME OTC numbers to: + +**527,116,572** shares traded + +**7,627,798** trades + +and brought the January average shares/trade down from 90.91 to **69.10** (nice). + +&#x200B; + +**Robinhood Securities** is now responsible for over **24%** of the January 2021 GME OTC trades, after accounting for **0%** up until last week. + +The number of January GME OTC trades increased by **32%**. + +I guess DFV isn't the only one with a time machine. + +&#x200B; + +Is this how they're rationalizing all the fractional RH shares from January that were used in transfers to Fidelity? + +They just kept a rolling tally of IOUs tucked away in a suitcase and plugged them into past OTC data from back in January, hoping we wouldn't notice? + +https://preview.redd.it/zetoxxeykjh71.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dddaa3bc88d203ccd975d491d254ee5a80d2cd1 + +Here are links to my previous DD's to show that the data has been 'manipulated': + +[The OTC Conspiracy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/myf505/probably_the_last_dd_youll_ever_need_to_read_the/) + +[GME, Idiosyncrasies, and Infinite Banana Trees](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oejtty/the_otc_conspiracy_gme_idiosyncrasies_and_the/) + +&#x200B; + +[Where Robinhood???](https://preview.redd.it/zbyaezlv8jh71.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e80ea5fb6ff07cefcb7fffd3a0d7faa784c4e12) + +# And lastly, let's take a look at the available January weekly data: + +**Week of 1/18/21** + +[A 15.23&#37; increase in GME weekly trade data for the week of 1\/18\/21, courtesy of RH Securities on 8\/10\/21](https://preview.redd.it/d3mqrsxzejh71.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=83e4bf827227b07aa930ff5d2d49fa91c8d4cb78) + +https://preview.redd.it/36btbyvaqjh71.jpg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5407a3e025066c922d9127ca491398c6178dfaa8 + +**Week of 1/25/21** + +[A 38.95&#37; increase in GME weekly trade data for the week of 1\/25\/21, courtesy of RH Securities on 8\/11\/21](https://preview.redd.it/cdmvr36vijh71.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=f19bef2f79a02d75cc4228a8af1b320ab462a0a1) + +https://preview.redd.it/5ujvcnqcqjh71.jpg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08300f05373f3ae2dae3cefc770e7c4e403689d9 + +**20 OTC participants** during the week of 1/25 to try to keep the rocket from launching? + +Almost **186 million shares** traded OTC in one week (when the actual GME float was less than 30 million)? + +Almost **6 million trades** OTC? + +RH sliding in almost 7 months later to cook the books and increase the weekly number of GME OTC trades by **38.95%** to try to make the numbers work? + +# Hey SEC, GG, FINRA, FBI - wut doing??? +I am relatively new to this sub, I am curious what some of you do for work other than working in tech? I see a ton of posts with very high income but it seems almost everyone works in tech in VHCOL areas. I am 31 years old and I earn about 300k W2 plus an annual distribution of \~50k tax free in a LCOL area as a dealership GM. It's nothing compared to some of you, but it goes a long way where I live. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: WOW! this is some great feedback THANK YOU for sharing +This guy was somehow given magical powers: every time he tweets about a coin, it goes to the moon. +He uses it on nebulous coins with no proven teams nor product like Verge, Burst etc ... + +His tweets and insights are no better than your typical reddit crypto bug ("hodl", "coins on sale", "I am not shilling, this will change the world" etc ...). +He brings no insight, no perspective, he is just purely shilling BS, and it's working. + +I think he understood the crypto game well and uses his name to the fullest. + +Edit : it's even worse than I thought, just scroll throigh his latest tweets, you will find his "due diligence" on Electroneum. It's embarassing. +He also tweeted that he read all the whitepapers out there (please..) +EDIT: I'm still getting a lot of messages about this. I really appreciate all the help everyone has given. I have contacted my employer and am thinking about my options. + +My girlfriend and I both work part time at a small coffee shop. The pay isn't incredible but it is a fantastic place to work and it pays the bills. Our lives are very busy so its wonderful to have a job that fits into our schedules so well. I'm not interested in leaving this job. + +However twice now we have had issues with our paychecks. We are given hand-written checks by the company, who banks with Wells Fargo. It's a very small shop, with only 2-3 owners and a handful of workers. + +About a month ago I deposited my check, and the money successfully deposited. A few days later my bank "refunded" the paycheck, overdrafting me into the negative. This was very stressful, and I was told I would be reimbursed (along with overdraft fees) in cash. + +It took 9 days to get my money, though they did pay my overdraft fees (that had accumulated by then). Last week, my girlfriends paycheck has done the same thing. Refunded to the bank, 200 dollars in the negative. It's been 11 days and still there is no word on when we will get the money. + +I'm worried this is a sign the business is collapsing. They told us it was a "glitch" with our payroll system the first time, we've heard nothing this time. They've said nothing to us to indicate the shop is closing or in danger of it, though it is a small business and business has been slowing down. + +Is this a sign that we need to be looking for new work? I don't want to sue the shop by any means and don't imagine there needs to be legal action here, but we really need our money if we want to pay our bills. +Sorry I'm very new to this but what statistics of a company did people analyse to determine that they will do well and are there any specific examples of these? What specific data would they look for e.g projected capital deficiency etc but im very new to this so don't understand much. + +Is there anywhere online I can find out more about this? +Ok so there aren’t many people in my life that I can brag to about this because covid has financially affected many of my friends/family that aren’t able to work from home. + +I joined reddit about a year ago and have learned so much about finances in the subreddits I joined! So I know buying a new car is usually the dumbest move financially due to depreciation and upfront/monthly costs, but this had been my dream since high school! + +For some context, I’m 23 (F) living in Ontario Canada with no student debt or any other accumulated debt. I purchased the vehicle with a $3700 downpayment and financed about $26,000 at 0.55%. I moved back home with my parents after uni went online last Spring and besides my phone and entertainment, auto expenses have been my focus for the last 11 months. I was able to wfh after starting full time last May and manage my money in order to save while paying off my car (meeting and exceeding my biweekly payments). Due to the nature of my job, I had a few lump sum payouts, bonuses and then my tax refund which have sped up the process. Not to mention how stingy I’ve been when it comes to buying things for myself (clothes, shoes, makeup, etc). + +It was all worth it! Proud to be driving a 2020 vehicle around in 2021 knowing that I own every last bolt of it! I’ll be driving this thing until it falls apart. Mark my words. + +Next up…. Saving for a downpayment on a house! Any tips? + +Hello I am 26 year old I recently got into a car. I got into a Mercedes Benz 2019 fully loaded worth 50k the original owner paid and got it for 36k with 18k miles on it due to their financial issues full warranty on it and currently pay 500 a month. I been thinking of selling it so I can save more money a buy a cheaper car in the 15-20k low range still will make 500 dollar payments on it to pay it off fast. I currently have a buyer for the Mercedes for 34,5k my bank wants 37.2k the total pay out I’ll loose 2700 should I do it and just save and recover the lost ? Or wait and sell it for the full value of 38k on edmud and kbb private seller price with it being low in Milage and full warranty still +The law screams to me : "Since us politicians don't know stocks and investing work and we are scared, we better remove choice from Americans for their safety" + +https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/NoticeDocument/p003881.pdf + +From Wikipedia: +>The SEC believes that people whose account equity is less than $25,000 may represent less-sophisticated traders, who may be less able to handle the losses that may be associated with day trades. + +Isn't that MY CHOICE to lose MY MONEY? I have no formal trading experience. I'm 41 years old and my money is very sacred to me because it keeps my family safe and happy. However the $1000 that I have saved up and put aside for trading could go to ZERO and I would still be able to pay all my bill and not need a government bailout from my losses. + +What are your thoughts? Do you feel that you have to protect me from my own money? +So, for 6 months I was working very hard to create an algo. And then something happened that made me quit... + +I began my journey by applying a simple machine learning technique. It gave me great returns. So I go excited! + +Later I found out that there was a thing called bid ask. And with it the algo would get shitty results. + +Then I had a very interesting and creative idea. I worked hard... I searched for the average bid ask and just to be safe, assumed that all my trades had double that value + some commissions. + +I achieved a yearly gain of 1000%! And sometimes even more, consistently. The data was from 2010-2016, so not updated. But that got me really excited. I I was sure I would become a millionaire! I found the secret. + +Then I went for more recent data. And downloaded companies from sp500 and other big ones. This time, however, the gain wasn’t so Amazing. Not only that, but I would end up losing money with this algo at some years. + +So why suddenly my 10x yearly return machine wasn’t working anymore? + +Well, the difference was on the dataset. The 1st dataset had 5k companies! While the other around 1k. + +I found out that my algo would select companies with a very low volume. I then found out that the bid ask for those was companies was crazy high, many times above 5%. + +I didn’t give up! + +I rewrote another huge algo, but this time only sp500 companies! And they must belong to sp500 at that specific time! + +More than that, I gathered data from 1995. + +I tested my new algo, and now something amazing was happening, I was having crazy gains again!!! Not so crazy as before but around 100-200% yearly. +I made the program run from 1995. + +And the algo would use all its previous data from that day. And train the machine learning algo for each day. It took a long time... + +Anyway, I let it run, feeling confident. But then, when it reach the year 2013, I started just losing money. And it just got worse... + +So I thought. Maybe using data from 1995 to train a model in 2013 won’t make sense. Better to just consider that last few days. + +This in fact improved the results. I realized that the stock market is not like physics. There are no universal formulas, it is always changing. + +So my idea of learning from the previous x days seemed genius. I would always adapt. and it is in fact a good idea that worked better. + +Then I tried it in the present times and it didn’t go very well. + +But why did it work for the year 200 and not for 2020? + +Then it came to me: because the stock market is a competition! And even an algo competition. Back in 2000 the ml techniques were way less advanced. So I was competing with the AI from 20 years ago! That’s not fair. Also, back in the day they didn’t have this amount of data. The market wasn’t as efficient. + +I also found out that my algo was kinda good with smallish companies, but bad with huge ones such as Microsoft. The reason: there is more competition. So the market is much more efficient. It is easier to find patterns in smaller companies. + +However the bid ask will usually be bigger. So you are kinda fucked. +It is very hard to find the edge. + +I built another algo. Simpler, no AI this time. It was able to work the best. Yearly gains 60-150% yearly. What was the problem then? Well too have these gains I would have to invest 100% of my money. + +I tried with 50% or sharing between 2 stocks, and it was still great. But with 33% it stopped being great. I ran with slight altered parameters and it chose a stock that lost 70% in one day (stamps). And it wasn’t such a small company. + +So here I become aware of the low probability risks. And how investing 100% is a very dangerous idea. You just lose everything you had gained for years. + +I have to admit that this strategy is actually kinda good. The best I created so far. And could have a bit potential. But would need some refinement. + +... + +So far I gave many reasons why I would give up. But here’s the one that made me quit: +-what works today may become obsolete tomorrow. + +It’s a risk you are taking. In the real world not only it may get worse. But you find out that you didn’t account enough for the slippage. + +Why would I risk, when I can invest normally and still have 8% gains. While if I do algo trading you won’t get a big difference from the market (probably). The diference is that the algo is probably riskier. + +My other problem is how I can compete? There are literally companies that have teams of PhDs doing this stuff. How can I compete? And they have access to data I don’t. + +It’s an unfair game. And the risk is too high for me. I prefer the classical way now. Less stress and probably better results. + +PS: but if you believe you have a nice strategy do not give up! What didn’t work with me may work with you. This is just my xp. + +Also my strategy would be short term no long term. +I just wanted to point out that Meta literally had a decrease in revenue. Because, as everyone says, and as was known even last quarter, their core business has already peaked and is now beginning to shrink. Unlike iPhones or google search, social media apps are fine a dozen fads that can come and go. + +When a company has a low PE, many in this sub usually assume that means it’s good “value”, completely ignoring the fact that when companies have multiple shrinkage it is always for a reason. + +Meta and intel are the two possibly favorite stocks on this sub because both have a low Pe. But come earnings week, look what happened, while other big tech did surprisingly great, both of these struggled. + +People knew this was happening. That’s why the low PE ratios happened in the first place. Investing in low P/E ratios is essentially just finding failing companies to invest in on purpose. If you think a PE ratio is low, rest assured you did not stumble onto some info that the rest of the market is ignorant of. It’s low for a reason. + +Stop investing in dying companies. +Hi, I am looking for help with my European bank, N26. This is my only European bank and I live in Germany. + +They closed my account without warning, and have not returned my salary and my savings... several months of income. All that's going into there was my full-time employment income. This has had serious financial consequences on me. There is no support available in any form, I could not log in, the online assistant is not available to me without a login, and I am only getting a response through the complaints department email. + +What possible course of action do I have if they refused to return my savings? Are they entitled to just keep my money? + +>Unfortunately, we have to inform you that after an internal examination we have decided to terminate the business relationship with you according to no. 19.1 of our General Terms and Conditions. + +>As a financial institution, N26 Bank GmbH is subject to legal supervision and obliged to comply with German regulatory requirements. Due to the nature of these requirements, N26 Bank GmbH is obliged to conduct reviews on all accounts to monitor account usage and transaction activity. + +>In accordance with these obligations, we’ve conducted an investigation into your account and the relationship you hold with N26 Bank GmbH. As a result of this, we inform you that a violation of the "General Terms and Conditions" of your account has been identified. + +>Given our current findings, we exercised our right of termination according to paragraph §19 (3) of the Terms and Conditions mentioned above. This means N26 Bank GmbH will no longer continue its contractual relationship with you. + +>Due to these circumstances, it is currently not possible to release the funds from your N26 account. However, kindly note if you have evidence that you feel serves as proof of the source of the funds in your N26 account, please provide these documents to us. We will forward the documents to the respective department for a review to assess whether the payout of the remaining funds in your account is possible. + +--- +**Update (21st Aug):** Success - I just got my cash transferred out to my other account! I set up a Waze account, and transferred it elsewhere via Waze. + +Presumably they returned everything I had, without hidden fees. But they still haven't given me my personal data or account statements yet so I can't confirm. I'm waiting for the 1 month *GDPR Right of Access* to expire before taking this further. + +To get to this stage it was all via the complaints department (and also a complaint to BaFin who I suspect helped move the investigation along) - Support@N26 and web chat were worse than useless. I proved the funds were legit by sending them 2 years of payslips (yet having had the account for only 1 year), and proof of identity and proof of another account in my name. And they still insist that I have broken their T&Cs and were right to close my account, without ever telling me what specifically I did. + +Overall I was without any access to my cash or my salary for over 6 weeks. Now to start paying back people who I've had to borrow from... + +In summary, I was one of the lucky ones. Do not store any significant amount in an N26 account - Don't get salary paid into your N26 account because it's very well possible it could all be closed without warning and without explanation. +These managers made bank + +Today, Institutional Investor unveiled the 20th edition of its [Rich List](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/3WJfZazOSRKUfWITaCwvMA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP4QpAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lmluc3RpdHV0aW9uYWxpbnZlc3Rvci5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZS9iMXFtc2dweGh6MGxwdC9UaGUtMjB0aC1Bbm51YWwtUmljaC1MaXN0LXRoZS1EZWZpbml0aXZlLVJhbmtpbmctb2YtV2hhdC1IZWRnZS1GdW5kLU1hbmFnZXJzLUVhcm5lZC1pbi0yMDIwP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~), one of the most watched rankings of hedge fund managers’ performance. Every year, financial tycoons pore over the magazine’s estimates of whose fortunes are up the most. + +**Last year, the top 25 managers earned $32 billion** even as the economy crashed and markets wobbled. Over all, hedge funds [returned 11.6 percent](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/a/13QKTVm2uPAfg_7D8GmcXQ~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TlaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucGlvbmxpbmUuY29tL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzL2hlZGdlLWZ1bmRzLWNoYWxrLWRlY2FkZXMtYmVzdC1yZXR1cm5zLTIwMjAtaGZyP2NhbXBhaWduX2lkPTQmZW1jPWVkaXRfZGtfMjAyMTAyMjImaW5zdGFuY2VfaWQ9MjczNTgmbmw9ZGVhbGJvb2smcmVnaV9pZD0yNzAwMzExOSZzZWdtZW50X2lkPTUyMDk4JnRlPTEmdXNlcl9pZD05MGI2YzMxZjRkZmJkMDQwNDhjNTk0MDA0YzMxZDg3ZlcDbnl0QgpgLcafM2BdAUw4Uh53aWxsaWFtY3VubmluZ2hhbTg0MEBnbWFpbC5jb21YBAAAAAA~) last year, according to Hedge Fund Research, their best performance in a decade but not enough to keep pace with the S&P 500, which was up 16 percent. + +“It may not be seemly, but it remains fact,” the magazine’s editors wrote. + +Here are the top earners, according to the list: + +* **Izzy Englander** of Millennium Management, who earned an estimated $3.8 billion and whose flagship fund produced a 26 percent return. +* **Jim Simons** of Renaissance Technologies, who earned $2.6 billion and whose flagship generated a 76 percent return (but whose fund open to outside investors lost big). +* **Chase Coleman** of Tiger Global Management, who earned $2.5 billion and whose top fund returned 48 percent. +* **Ken Griffin** of Citadel, who earned $1.8 billion and whose main fund returned 24 percent. (The firm has made headlines [for other reasons, too](https://nl.nytimes.com/f/newsletter/dejcbDsqspkbPhTDFNXxwA~~/AAAAAQA~/RgRiFiTGP0TbaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubnl0aW1lcy5jb20vMjAyMS8wMi8xNy9idXNpbmVzcy9jaXRhZGVsLWdhbWUtc3RvcC1oZWFyaW5nLmh0bWw_Y2FtcGFpZ25faWQ9NCZlbWM9ZWRpdF9ka18yMDIxMDIyMiZpbnN0YW5jZV9pZD0yNzM1OCZubD1kZWFsYm9vayZyZWdpX2lkPTI3MDAzMTE5JnNlZ21lbnRfaWQ9NTIwOTgmdGU9MSZ1c2VyX2lkPTkwYjZjMzFmNGRmYmQwNDA0OGM1OTQwMDRjMzFkODdmVwNueXRCCmAtxp8zYF0BTDhSHndpbGxpYW1jdW5uaW5naGFtODQwQGdtYWlsLmNvbVgEAAAAAA~~).) +* **Steve Cohen** of Point72 Asset Management and **David Tepper** of Appaloosa Management both earned an estimated $1.7 billion. +* The rest of the best: **Philippe Laffont** of Coatue Management ($1.6 billion), **Andreas Halvorsen** of Viking Global Investors and **Scott Shleifer** of Tiger Global (both $1.5 billion), and **Bill Ackman** of Pershing Square Capital Management ($1.4 billion). +I live in Australia, and one of the careers on our national shortage list is 'baker'. The national average salary for a baker is $60,000 (according to [talent.au](https://talent.au)). This salary is below the national average. If there is a shortage, wouldn't the salary for bakers be driven up? Just curious. I'm obviously not an economist and any economists out there probably are rolling their eyes at what is a dumb question, but it's sort of bugged me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. +I've been listening to Economics Explained, Planet Money, and Freakanomics Radio. + + +I am wondering what else is worth listening too. +37yo, approx NW $10 million, 7 million liquid, 1 million retirement accounts, 2 million real estate. + +I currently don't have an income (other than passive income from investing) as I just sold a business. Everyone is asking me what my next project or endeavor will be. But for the first time in my life I just feel lazy and without much of a drive. I got to this level working pretty hard from the time I was 15 until now (didn't inherit anything or given any trust funds), building businesses, running them, selling them. Also did really well investing my proceeds in the stock market over the years. But I'm realizing that the reason I worked so hard was pretty much exclusively to make money - my family had little growing up, my mom was in credit card debt most of her life, and so this was my goal. Now that I have achieved it I am kind of lost and have no motivation to do anything productive, because I don't need any more money. I have gotten very good at building businesses from scratch over the years, I'd probably give myself a 50/50 chance of building another business worth $10 million or more in the next 5-10 years if I really wanted to, but why go through the hassle of all that when that extra money won't really change my lifestyle anyway? I don't like fancy things, I much prefer the security of a sizable bank account. + +Needless to say I do realize I am way ahead of my peers financially, and despite the hard work I put in all these years I feel lucky to be here. But I can't really talk to anyone in my life about this, they'll just roll their eyes and basically tell me to cry into my pile of money. But I am wondering if anyone else here finds themselves in the same situation? + +Edit: Follow up question, if I decide not to do anything for a while, what do you say to people who ask what you do for a living? Someone in his mid 30s saying he's not currently working, just sounds like I am an unemployed loser. But I also don't want to say I am sitting on a pile of money and don't need to work for a long time, lol. + +Edit 2: Wow, this kind of blew up, I am so grateful for all the thoughtful responses. I got a lot of people privately messaging me asking for advice, some offering to pay me to give them advice after reading my post about how I already have enough money, lol. But I will take some time to absorb all the comments and I would like to make a separate post if the mods allow it with a list of advice I wish I'd given myself 20 years ago that I think would be very helpful to someone starting out. +https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/comments/7rgdmz/update_19012018_923_of_xrp_tracked_jed_mccaleb/ + +The rest is owned by known large holders related to Ripple labs and some early japanese investors. + +Of the 10% held by the masses: 7.7% is owned by unknown wallets, and the rest is held by exchanges (so it could be even less assuming Ripple staff also use exchanges to sell). + +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17_Wgo4iwGoPB1JenxD5fHtJ0HQYLpb669zaNemPojG4 +After reading thru GME’s proxy today, I decided I will be buying an additional $55,000 GameStock $GME on Monday. + +That will bring my starting position to just under $160,000. Proof from my broker is in link below in comments. I need to figure out how to DRS, as I’d like to. + +Also to address some other things: +1) the amount of people after me for supporting GME is insane. But it’s fine. I’m good with it. +2) to those who don’t trust me, you don’t need to. I’m fine with skepticism. Bring on the skepticism. Where I will draw the line is if you are hostile. I haven’t blocked anyone yet and frankly I don’t want to. If you’re skeptical, be skeptical. I don’t care. But don’t be hostile. I’m just trying to help. Believe it or don’t. +3) I have no control over how much people post about me so pls don’t hate on me for that. You can hate on me for that but I don’t control that. I agree that it’s too much. + +I am human. And I did get pissed at a guy earlier whose literally been harassing me every day. I will do better. + +Anyway that’s all I got. + +Below in comment is link to my current position which will be increased by $55k on Monday, to just shy of $160,000. + +Have a Happy Easter and/or Holiday +- ME +# TLDR? + +Grab a coffee. This is a doozy. + +1. $10.8T has "gone missing" after changes to the M1 metrics. M1 is also used by M2 and M3 metrics. +2. The Fed spooled up and/or reactivated NINE Government backed facilities available to financial institutions. I think we've identified 7 of the facilities now. The other two are likely further down Mr. Thomas Wade's post. +3. Because the Fed purchased Munis (cities took out loans from the Fed), unwinding the ongoing economic issue could bankrupt \*cities\*. That damage would fail upwards to the State. Your municipal workers would not get paid. +4. Fed can't unravel without liquidating aptly named Liquidity Funds. +5. We have evidence the Fed is propping up every Fixed Income Market. +6. "7%" Inflation is generous at best. We have data to substantiate it is much, much higher. +7. LOTS of money printing. Printer go brrrrrr. +8. The list goes on... I'm not kidding. Grab a coffee and read it. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Is this what started it all?](https://preview.redd.it/6ahoa42vymg81.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a7ec55879cb1e6d8cb986880f201d37cd842e5d) + +I've been pouring over the FED's data for months trying to make sense of some nagging suspicions. I keep having the same conversations over and over because the math doesn't add up, and I haven't proved it out. Until now. + +The discussions all boil down to, "The Fed announced their changes to the \[various money supply measurements\]," and we should believe the Fed. + +u/nomad80 was even kind enough to provide two links, below, to support his argument. This is the way to discuss these topics, and I applaud you, nomad, for providing the data to support your stance. And I thank you for encouraging me to prove my thoughts out. This was a fun rollercoaster. + +>[https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/01/whats-behind-the-recent-surge-in-the-m1-money-supply/](https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/01/whats-behind-the-recent-surge-in-the-m1-money-supply/) +> +>[https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/05/savings-are-now-more-liquid-and-part-of-m1-money/](https://fredblog.stlouisfed.org/2021/05/savings-are-now-more-liquid-and-part-of-m1-money/) + +&#x200B; + +# I don't believe the Fed. + +[FRED](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/#) is one of the best tools we have for looking at this data, and I'm specifically looking at the [M1 and Components](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/categories/25) data. There are about 30 different spreadsheets. + +Open the M1SL in a new tab: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1) + +[M1, deprecated](https://preview.redd.it/yljrdw0bzmg81.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=e678a8a95bc752c517f2f7f4b8b4c45ff1268570) + +The Categories at the top has the M1 and Components. I went through the entire category's data sets. We're looking at that relevant data sets from the M1 and Components category. + +Below that is the red background that is one of three places that will indicate the data is deprecated. It may also say it in the bold beside the name, like "**M1 (DISCONTINUED)**", and if it doesn't say in either of those, you'll have to check the super relevant information at the bottom. + +Units & Frequency information is relevant because you can get the data, depending on the file, in Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and/or Annual timeframes. On rare occasion, you can even get daily data. The files are usually Seasonally Adjusted in the Weekly frequencies OR not adjusted in the monthly, but you'll have to pay attention. + +You can manually download the files in any number of formats using the big blue download button. The FRED also has an API, if you're so inclined. + +And at the very bottom is the super relevant information with the breakdown information, deprecation information, and announcement information. Usually. There are a few that are basically empty, but they usually have all the pertinent information you could want. + +# The Meat + +https://preview.redd.it/sdrac38i1ng81.png?width=1819&format=png&auto=webp&s=9212d7f396dd5c4340101ac4cb8bf286c4b6e291 + +Because we're dealing with nested categories, this is going to be really, really fun. Like, fantasticly claw your eyes out fun. So I've color coded the groupings for you, and I've trimmed out a lot of the fat, so we're dealing with 14 data sets instead of 33. + +The data is pulled on different schedules, so your dates won't line up for easy comparison, but that's OK because we can fudge factor here. I mean, we're dealing in trillions. If we're off by ±$0.1T, we honestly don't care. + +The column headers at the top are all **Sum of Whatever**, and you can add the whatever to the end of "[https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/)" so Sum of M1SL becomes [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL). + +Column A are the dates, cleaned up. + +Column B, **M1SL** is the light blue/grey. It's the grand total. That's what everything is supposed to add up into. + +Columns C-H are the light orange/brown. They represent Currency & Deposits (Column C). Currency is Column D, and you can compare those metrics to CURRVALALL. You can also compare that data to summed totals of CURRVAL1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100. (We'll come back to the 100's later.) Those datas all match up within 10B, which is incredibly accurate for a data set this large. + +DEMDEPSL (Column E) and WDDNS (Column F) are your Weekly and Monthly Demand Deposits. You can pick either one of these, but not both. + +MDLM (Column G) and MDLNWM (Column H) are your Other Liquid Deposits. You can pick either of these, but not both. + +Column C (CURRDD) is also Column D (CURRENCY) + either Column E or F (DEMDEPSL or WDDNS). + +M1SL = CURRDD + MDLM ColB = ColC + ColG + +That gives us.... an *exact* match. + +Which is great except we've got six other columns' worth of data (I-N), and those data sources stopped reporting in early 2020... We've got three flavors of Other Checkable Deposits, two more flavors of Other Checkable Deposits, and a Demand Deposits. + +They total roughly $10.8T. We'll come back to this. + +The last two columns are the M1REAL. Remember when I said the description at the bottom had the super relevant information? + +>This series deflates M1 money stock ([https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL)) with CPI ([https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL)). + +[https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL) + +>**The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items (CPIAUCSL) is a measure of the average monthly change in the price for goods and services paid by urban consumers between any two time periods.** It can also represent the buying habits of urban consumers. **This particular index includes roughly 88 percent of the total population, accounting for wage earners, clerical workers, technical workers, self-employed, short-term workers, unemployed, retirees, and those not in the labor force.** +> +>The CPIs are based on prices for food, clothing, shelter, and fuels; transportation fares; service fees (e.g., water and sewer service); and sales taxes. Prices are collected monthly from about 4,000 housing units and approximately 26,000 retail establishments across 87 urban areas. To calculate the index, price changes are averaged with weights representing their importance in the spending of the particular group. The index measures price changes (as a percent change) from a predetermined reference date. In addition to the original unadjusted index distributed, the Bureau of Labor Statistics also releases a seasonally adjusted index. The unadjusted series reflects all factors that may influence a change in prices. However, it can be very useful to look at the seasonally adjusted CPI, which removes the effects of seasonal changes, such as weather, school year, production cycles, and holidays. +> +>**The CPI can be used to recognize periods of inflation and deflation. Significant increases in the CPI within a short time frame might indicate a period of inflation, and significant decreases in CPI within a short time frame might indicate a period of deflation.** However, because the CPI includes volatile food and oil prices, it might not be a reliable measure of inflationary and deflationary periods. For a more accurate detection, the core CPI (CPILFESL) is often used. When using the CPI, please note that it is not applicable to all consumers and should not be used to determine relative living costs. Additionally, the CPI is a statistical measure vulnerable to sampling error since it is based on a sample of prices and not the complete average. + +Right now, the M1REAL says the actual value of the M1REAL is roughly 40% of the M1SL. + +I'm not going to jump to conclusions and say a 1USD in our pocket is worth 40 cents compared to last year. But I do, still, strongly feel the measure of inflation is fucking *woefully* fucking inaccurate. But since a large portion of the money supply isn't, "cash in hand," money it's also worse, too. + +Which leads me to the horizontal line between rows 13 and 14. This is the line of demarcation in the sand. It's when the Fed deprecated data AND roughly when the Fed implemented policies, so let's compare the before and after. + +https://preview.redd.it/rjma904h1ng81.png?width=1819&format=png&auto=webp&s=f763b0256123221fc7fe9d0ae499a701fc4777d8 + +At the bottom I have two more rows. Row 41 is the most recent data, and that data should match the top (Rows 1 and 2) for all active data sets. Row 42 is the latest data for any discontinued data set, and Feb 2nd data for all continued sets, so we're comparing roughly the same time frame. The data for February, March, and April are all pretty consistent for the continued data sets, so we're ok there. + +When we check the recent data, it's accurate (same data and formula as before). When we check the discontinued data with continued data from the same time frame, we find the M1SL lacks $10.8T. But we replaced M1 with M1SL, so surely this accounts for the discrepancy, right? + +https://preview.redd.it/lf1gjsrx1ng81.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=7627a9dad2607cfeed18fd87896d50d0303cccc1 + +* M1, February 1st, 2021: $18,115.20 (Billions) +* M1SL, February 1st, 2021: $18,389.50 (Billions) + +So what the fuck happened and why did all of our metrics go kerflooey? + +# The Dessert + +For that, I introduce you to Mr. Thomas Wade, Director of Financial Services Policy at the American Action Forum, who has graciously provided this wonderful list timeline of events to pore over and enjoy. + +[https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/timeline-the-federal-reserve-responds-to-the-threat-of-coronavirus/](https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/timeline-the-federal-reserve-responds-to-the-threat-of-coronavirus/) + +Holy. Fucking. Shit. + +Mr. Wade lacked the WSOP tidbit about Nomura about the [Repo Loans in 2019 Q3](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/OMO_transaction_data.html#rrp). + +But thanks to so many of you, we can read through these with a fresh set of eyes. I'm trimming these for the tastiest bits. + +>November 3, 2021 – Fed Announces that it will Reduce Pace of Asset Purchases +> +>Eighteen months after initiating emergency actions that included slashing its key interest rate to zero percent, **the creation and revival of** *nine* **emergency lending facilities**, and an ambitious program of quantitative easing, the Fed has at last announced that it will begin to pull back on supporting the economy, with the first step a reduction in the rate of asset purchase through the quantitative easing program. **Until now the Fed has been buying in the region of $120 billion in assets per month; under the new program the Fed will reduce this by $15 billion per month with a view to completing exiting quantitative easing by the middle of 2022**. + +1. Yes. NINE Facilities. We've identified three. Where are the other six? +2. $120B/month was accurate at the time of writing the article. ~~We're up to, what, $1.6T/day now?~~ + +Edit 1: Oops! $1.6T/day is QE (printing money). The $120B/month is QT (deleting money). + +Edit 2: Same point. \~\~Text\~\~ denotes markdown language for Strikethrough/strikeout. But editing a post with pictures requires editing in fancypants instead of markdown. So, this was corrected, but the editing was poor because fancypants. Fixed now. + +&#x200B; + +>March 15, 2020 – Quantitative Easing +> +>In addition to cutting the federal funds rate to zero, the Fed also announced a new round of \[Quantitative Easing\], a controversial tool for boosting the economy **last employed in** any significant way as a result of the **2007 – 2008 financial crisis**. **Quantitative easing, also known as large scale asset purchases, typically involves a central bank itself purchasing government bonds or other long-term securities** in order to restore confidence and, crucially, add liquidity back into the market. The Fed announced that it would commence the QE program with an immediate $80 billion buy ($40 billion on Monday, $40 billion on Tuesday) but would purchase “at least” $700 billion in assets over the coming months with no limit. + +Is this the reverse repo? And/or is it part of the other six unidentified repos/facilities? + +Thankfully, Mr. Wade has graced us with some fed facilities that might be relevant. + +https://preview.redd.it/g3u1zpm22ng81.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=034c5b1637b250e7e0832b2ec3044dc8b0fe2768 + +>March 15, 2020 – Encouraging Use of the Discount Window +> +>One of the Fed’s many roles in the economy is to act as lender of last resort. It does this by providing banks with what is called the “discount window,” which banks can use as an emergency source of funding. Historically banks have been loath to use this facility, as it has previously signaled to the market that a bank is in extreme distress. Banks are, however, pushing back on this stigma with the Financial Services Forum, an advocacy forum representing U.S. banking giants, putting out a press release indicating that all its members would be using this facility. The Fed announced that it would encourage use of the discount window by lowering the primary credit rate 150 basis points, designed to encourage a more “active” use of the window. + +"Uh huh." I think we're *starting* to have a pretty good idea why. We haven't figured it out yet. COVID happened at both an opportune and inopportune time for the banks because they were already facing a liquidity issue. + +GME and the other meme stocks happened to fall into our lap at the same time. + +Regardless, I don't believe the Fed. And I sure as hell don't believe the banks. + +&#x200B; + +>March 15, 2020 – Flexibility in Bank Capital Requirements +> +>Modern banks are subject to a wide range of capital requirements, from total loss absorbing capacity (TLAC) to a variety of buffers, including countercyclical and buffers based on international size and prominence ([for more information on capital bank requirements, see here](https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/bank-capital-requirements-a-primer/)). **These buffers are intended to act as emergency reserves that a bank can dip into in times of stress. The Fed announced on Sunday that it would support banks using these funds**, which normally are not considered accessible, to lend to households and businesses impacted by coronavirus, provided that lending occur in a safe and sound manner. For smaller lenders, the Fed also reduced reserve requirements to zero. + +Read it: [https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/bank-capital-requirements-a-primer/](https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/bank-capital-requirements-a-primer/) + +Now ask yourself how many banks tapped themselves out on bad bets? Or ask yourself [why the Senate took turns jerking off the banks while praising them about how big and strong they were](https://www.banking.senate.gov/hearings/annual-oversight-of-wall-street-firms) in May 2021, a year later? + +&#x200B; + +>March 15, 2020 – Coordinated International Action to Lower Pricing on U.S. Dollar Liquidity Swap Arrangements +> +>The Fed, in coordination with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, **the Bank of Japan**, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank, announced a coordinated effort to lower pricing on standing U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements by 25 basis points, and to offer U.S. dollars with an 84-day maturity in addition to the usual weekly maturity. Both of these actions are designed to improve global liquidity of the U.S. dollar. + +I mention the US Senate/Bankers because Japan handled this differently. or did they? [Nomura CEO Junko Nakagawa -> Bank of Japan](https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Bank-of-Japan-taps-Nomura-Asset-CEO-Nakagawa-for-board). Which is weird because Archegos losses, while Nakagawa was ceo, [allegedly hit Nomura pretty hard](https://www.reuters.com/business/nomura-logs-biggest-quarterly-loss-over-decade-archegos-hit-2021-04-27/) at *$2.9B*. + +&#x200B; + +>March 17, 2020 – Creation of a Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) +> +>Corporate, or commercial, paper is an unsecured, short-term financial instrument critical to business funding. On March 17, the Fed announced the creation of a new facility with the authority to buy corporate paper from issuers who might otherwise have difficulty selling the paper on the market, at a cost of the three-month overnight index swap rate plus 200 basis points. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin noted in a press briefing that **the cost of this facility could be as high as $1 trillion** but that he did not expect it to rise so high. **The Treasury will provide $10 billion of credit protection to the Fed for the CPFF from the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund.** + +1. Here's one of the Facilities? That's 4. +2. What is the Treasury's Exchange Stabilization Fund? + +&#x200B; + +>March 17, 2020 – Creation of a Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) +> +>In a related move, the Fed also announced that it would re-establish a facility offering collateralized loans to large broker-dealers. **The Fed will accept a wide range of permissible capital, including corporate paper**, in an attempt to encourage these investors to participate in the corporate paper market, and the market more generally. + +1. Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF) is Facilities #5. +2. What is corporate paper? + +&#x200B; + +>March 18, 2020 – Creation of a Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF) +> +>Similarly, the Fed also announced that it would establish a facility **offering collateralized loans to large banks who buy assets from money market mutual funds**. A money market mutual fund is a form of mutual fund that invests only in highly liquid instruments and as a result offers high liquidity with a low level of risk. Again, **the Fed will accept a wide range of permissible capital, including corporate paper**, in an attempt to encourage these investors to participate in the money market mutual fund market, and the market more generally. + +1. Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF) is Facility #6 +2. What are the other permissable capitals? +3. [Corporate paper](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/commercialpaper.asp) + +&#x200B; + +>March 19, 2020 – U.S. Dollar Liquidity Swap Arrangements Extended to More International Central Banks +> +>Currency swap arrangements, previously extended and modified with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank, expanded to include arrangements with the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Banco Central do Brasil, the Danmarks Nationalbank (Denmark), the Bank of Korea, the Banco de Mexico, the Norges Bank (Norway), the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and the Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden). + +Same thing as March 15th above, now extended to a bunch of other banks in other countries. + +Since we know [the Fed bailed out Nomura Securities International, Inc. and Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. in 2019 Q3 (and Q4)](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/OMO_transaction_data.html#rrp), I'd expect the other banks in the list to show up sooner rather than later. + +&#x200B; + +>March 20, 2020 – Frequency of U.S. Dollar Liquidity Swap Operations Updated To Daily +> +>The Fed, in coordination with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank, announced a coordinated effort to improve the liquidity of **U.S. dollar swaps** by **increasing the frequency of 7-day maturity operations from weekly to daily**. + +If market volatility is a risk, and the market has a risk of declining, then the banks want to offload their risky swaps positions and/or moving assets outside of US purview? I need more coffee, but any SWAPS specialist should take a look. + +&#x200B; + +>March 20, 2020 – MMLF Will Now Accept Municipal Debt +> +>The Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF), in co-ordination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, **expanded the list of acceptable collateral required for a loan to include high-quality municipal debt**. + +1. Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF) is Facility #7 +2. "High-quality" municipal debt. + +A municipal bond is a debt security issued by a state, municipality, or county to finance its capital expenditures, including the construction of highways, bridges, or schools. They can be thought of as loans that investors make to local governments. ... Municipal bonds also may be known as “muni bonds” or “munis.” + +Hey u/arnott, didn't you write up a [DD about JPOW and MUNIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/smtaip/fed_scandal_bigger_than_watergate_jay_powell/hvz3ra3/) yesterday? + +  + +We're a *fourth* of the way through the list and I've skipped *two* items. This is gold mine after gold mine. + +# And now we get to March 23rd. + +>March 23, 2020 – Fed Announces Extensive New Measures To Support The Economy +> +>In its most sweeping and dramatic intervention in the economy to date, the Fed announced a series of measures employing a wide range of the monetary policy authorities available to it, all with the aim to “support smooth market functioning”. The Fed: +> +>– Expanded its quantitative easing program (see March 15) to include purchases of commercial mortgage-backed securities in its **mortgage-backed security purchases**. +> +>– **Established three new emergency lending facilities, a Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF) and a Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF) to support credit to large employers, and a revival of the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)** to provide liquidity for outstanding corporate bonds. These three programs will support up to $300 billion in new financing options for firms, backed by the Treasury Department’s Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF) which will provide $30 billion in equity to these facilities. +> +>– **Expands the powers of two existing programs, the CPFF and PDCF** (see March 17 and 18). The **MMLF**, which already accepted a broad range of collateral including corporate paper, **will now cover a wider range of securities including municipal variable rate demand notes (VRDNs) and bank certificates of deposit**. **Similarly, the list of acceptable corporate paper that the CPFF would consider acceptable will now include high-quality, tax-exempt commercial paper as eligible securities**. The Fed will also lower the price to use the CPFF facility. +> +>– In addition, the Fed noted that it expects to announce shortly a fourth new program, to be called the **Main Street Business Lending Program**, designed to support small and medium-sized businesses. This program will support the work of the Small Business Administration (SBA). +> +>For additional information on these developments, [see here](https://www.americanactionforum.org/insight/fed-announces-extensive-new-measures-to-support-the-economy/). + +Each of these could be an entire DD all on their own. Municipal Variable Rate Demand Notes (VRDNs) are the Munis. + +[High-quality, tax-exempt commercial paper](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/taxexemptcommercialpaper.asp)? If these weren't acceptable before, why are they now? This smells like abusing a crisis for financial gain. + +At this point, I've probably hit the limit. So I'm going to post the image again, now that you a little bit of an idea of all the broad, sweeping changes that occurred just after. + +Maybe the $10.8T shifted from M1 to M2. Maybe it got lost in the COVID shuffle. Maybe it's something more nefarious. + +But until I find where it went, the math doesn't add up. + +&#x200B; + +# Sprinkles + +Oh, and remember when I said we'd come back to the $100 bill data? + +https://preview.redd.it/s608kcyd2ng81.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=b109ff681eff50ed556dc507b01f1137a209f64a + +$100 bills outnumber every other bill. And for some reason, their volume increased disproportionately beginning in 2007. + +https://preview.redd.it/arm8bijt2ng81.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c4b39e510031b7fde6693ea64349d4da55e9d10 + +Sprinkles. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: u/oldmanRepo was kind enough to clarify [the difference between a repo and facility in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/snowhw/comment/hw4skwi/). I've updated the language to reflect better terms. Thank you!! +I went to do a job interview on Wednesday and everything went well, it seemed like a good place to work and the people seemed friendly. I was talking to the hiring manager and I mentioned if I could give my 2 weeks and she said yeah. I gave my noticed Thursday and just a little extra information about my job, it's terrible. Not the customers ( we are an optical store ) but the managers. The only reason they keep me around is because I'm the only one out of 12 employees that speak spanish. They refuse to hire anyone else that speaks Spanish. I've met like 4 people who came in for an interview and looked the part ( dressed to impress ) and didn't get the job but some others did. Come to find out they were friends to the managers. I also never get the commission because I don't finish a sale. I get a lot of customers scheduled to me because again...spanish. once I get done testing a customer ( not my job but no one else can help them ) I can't really go around the store helping choose the type of glasses or frames they need so I lose out on a sale. Anyways sorry I went too deep. Anyways I was really wanting to leave and I gave my 2 weeks and this job I was going to work for sent me a message saying that since I can't start Monday they will withdraw from hiring me. Now I don't know what to do. This pandemic makes getting jobs really hard. I've been looking for the last 2 months and this one was one that got back to me. I know my resume looks fine. I'm just really upset and need advice. + +Edit: Thank you all for the advice. Tbh it really opened my eyes. It's true I dont have to give them courtesy but it's just how I am, but maybe I do need to change that. I should look out for myself. It kinda feels weird. I've been kinda hyping myself up to tell this new job I can start Monday( hopefully ) and quit my old one tomorrow. I feel weird thinking about it. + +Update: I wasn't expecting this many replies, thank you for that and thank you for the medals. It's the first ones I've gotten! Like I've mentioned before my eyes really did open up. Unfortunately the new job wasn't responding to me but I have 2 interviews in this upcoming week. I now know to just take the job. I really do appreciate all the help and how many people are so ready to lend their knowledge and experience. You all are the best. I hope each and everyone of you have happy and joyful life. + Honestly completing that thing was an absolute nightmare because getting my stepdad to get his head out of his ass and get me the tax info needed to complete the damn thing took literal months. I don't even live with my parents, I'm not a dependent, and from the start of when I even thought about college he constantly rubbed it in my face that even if they had the means to help me pay for college they wouldn't give me a cent. + +What a load of horse shit honestly. Here's to hoping my community college can give me a bit of financial aid and maybe I can get a scholarship or two. Associates in nursing here I come🤞🤞🤞 +Good morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole, + +&#x200B; + +https://reddit.com/link/ml7lp0/video/myrigaw0iir61/player + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hlk1i6v1iir61.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd0f4dd347ab08966d375dd7b378bb683235f487 + +None of this is financial advice. + +# Episode IV: A new hope + +First of all I want to thank each and every one of the people who joined us here. In my mind this entire thing has never been about one person, or a few, but always thought The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. but the feedback we have all received yesterday was amazing. I'm extremely thankful for the continued trust this community has given us, and I'm extremely humbled by it + +But I want to make it clear that none of us are to be looked at as some sort of "messiah" or "leaders", we are just the same people from the same tame trying to do the best we can, and we can only do posts and get our information that we are good with and depend on the others to do their parts. And please, let my former mod team be at peace, we may not have parted ways on the best terms but they did put in a lot of work and deserve some respect imo, and I have no ill will towards them. + +I'd also take a moment and extend my gratitude to r/Spielstopp for giving me the opportunity to post my side, also mein freunde danke darfur ! + +Now we all had some experiences in r/GME and I like to learn from SWOT and this has lead me to an idea. instead of having 1 mod who does the banning, or 1 mod who does all the DD checking where asked, why not set up teams? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tdbucz0jlir61.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc318146af9e753557a280539602f4cb9183e696 + +my thought was this, simple and easy, give mods flair to match so people know who they need to reach out to at a moments notice, making it easier to contact mods for specific reasons. + +This does not mean the mods would be limited to just that one role, it means we have a full team, and they would be specializing in stuff but can still help out across the board. + +For example Pixel warden and I will be on DD checking for the most part as we are better with that then we are with sub maintenance. so we will have yellow. (just an example) + +Let me know what you guys think. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3213ehldmir61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5e15068fc2047d78cf402918d3ab9de7a42e0c + +Also one thing I want to be very clear about, there is no petty rivalry or animosity between r/gme and r/Superstonk it's always been about the stonks and it will remain so. cross posting is a 100% ok, because it's not about where we are but who we are. ape don't fight ape. + +So lets all move forward with one singular goal, the stonk. + +&#x200B; + +Now let's get onto the real news shall we! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2ti583z3oir61.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dcd0f088b386ea59895af918cb351315323adb5 + +Given the current situation it's easy to spread FUD, please play no heed to this as per usual, we are not splintered in any sence of the word we are just merely on more subs now + +Nothing changed, and we are still the same community, just spread across multiple boards. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pp5ui5g3tir61.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67d6ff7456a08c6e7ca445e574b47f612cf351a + +[u/Scalpel\_Jockey9965](https://www.reddit.com/user/Scalpel_Jockey9965/) Did a great write up on the new OCC filing **SR-OCC-2021-004** + +[which can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mkphuq/new_occ_filing_seeks_to_amend_the_process_for/) + +This new rule change amends the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) Rule 1104.What's really interesting about this rule is that it provides an order of events in the case that an options clearing member is suspended. + +When an options clearing member is suspended, their current positions are then auctioned off to other OCC members. The proceeds from these auctions are then used to close out their other high risk positions. + +Guess who's a OCC member? Shitadel! + +Normally a liquidation was by invite only, but with the new amended rules it means it's entire portfolio is up for grabs for any other member, this means in turn that the have a better chance of recouping their losses faster and easier, and also means they are currently preparing for war. (note Citadel has hired an ex SEC high profile dude, you don't hire a woodworker if you have no use for them) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2rs6e53kpir61.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9c75f1b2d9a1ae94d5f8d8dc672c5da79ea7aa + +[u/c-digs](https://www.reddit.com/user/c-digs/) did a great writeup of the new rules of the **SR-DTC-2021-004** and **SR-OCC-2021-801** in ELIA + +(Explain It Like I'm Ape) [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mkju4s/srdtc2021004_and_srocc2021801_for_apes/) + +it goes through what the 004-005 and 801 mean and how these all are inter connected so that they can use one to trigger the other. (for example, having a VAR assessment daily by using 002 then using the 801 to check the minimum requirements and use 004/005 to margin call them and liquify their assets in order to offset the financial requirements). + +the new rulings are bullish imo and will cause a ripple effect. + +We are currently still seeing the ripples from Archegos going on + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gotd21ygqir61.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cd639a557ce7f89f0fca96fdbd68d698a1ae99e + +How this will continue or what further affects it will have are unsure right now, but by having one topple usually means the next one isn't far off as the hedgefunds are interconnected to one and other but in what sense they are still remains to be seen. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4yt69ozzrir61.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb3a89ab0ba008a213f83921d5db60ea681abf80 + +# Game stop 3.5 million share offering + +So I wrote about this yesterday as well but I would like to get it in the daily just so that we have a good overview and amend it where needed. + +[https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-market-equity-offering-program](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-market-equity-offering-program) + +**GameStop Announces At-The-Market Equity Offering Program** + +Company Can Sell Up to 3.5 Million Shares and Intends to Use Any Proceeds to Further Accelerate Transformation and Strengthen Balance Sheet + +GRAPEVINE, Texas, April 05, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) (“GameStop” or the “Company”) today announced that it has filed a **prospectus supplement** with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), under which it may offer and sell up to a **maximum of 3,500,000** shares of its common stock (the “Common Stock”) **from time to time** through an “at-the-market” equity offering program (the “ATM Offering”). The Company intends to use the net proceeds from any sales of its Common Stock under the ATM Offering to further accelerate its transformation as well as for general corporate purposes and further strengthening its balance sheet. The timing and amount of any sales will be determined by a variety of factors considered by the Company. + +Common Stock will be offered through Jefferies LLC (“Jefferies”), which is serving as the sales agent. Jefferies may sell Common Stock by any lawful method deemed to be an “at-the-market offering” defined by Rule 415(a)(4) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, including without limitation, sales on any existing trading market. Sales may be made at market prices prevailing at the time of a sale or at prices related to prevailing market prices. As a result, sales prices may vary. + +GameStop’s prospectus supplement filed today supplements information contained in the accompanying prospectus contained in the shelf registration statement on Form S-3 (File No. 333-251197) for the offering of Common Stock. Potential investors should review the prospectus, the prospectus supplement and all other related documents that GameStop has filed with the SEC for complete corporate information, including information pertaining to the ATM Offering and the risks associated with investing in the Company. Investors can obtain copies of the prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus by visiting the SEC’s website at [www.sec.gov](https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=hrN9RWoZYOPc9XlqHTGnAgxdpTcTBGVifa0hxjWRvh1nVLON3CnPxrMXs4vnlDdtLh3Tm9eZZSlaZAWKWgy7cg==). Alternatively, potential investors may contact Jefferies, who will arrange to provide them these documents, at: Equity Syndicate Prospectus Department, 520 Madison Avenue, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10022; by phone at (877) 821-7388; or by e-mail at [Prospectus\_Department@Jefferies.com](https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=r3BNIVHgyMQvoiFMy8n-lFIh0dGE33FE_VJjMe-TWe7NYjQvVRLM2dU5VMDLH1ESImtCwCjuoaYsrS5g540jf2PPxg3EG3KFGCrPJRIVUT3sC2b9Pi7gLSEZcuC1eJIhVNY7eSNmU8-xQ389vsGk1A==). + +**Please note that this press release is for informational purposes only and it does not represent an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the Company’s Common Stock. In no event will the Company sell more than 3,500,000 shares of Common Stock under the ATM Offering, and aggregate gross proceeds will not exceed $1,000,000,000. There will be no sale of Common Stock in any jurisdiction in which one would be unlawful.** + +**About GameStop** + +GameStop, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Grapevine, Texas, is a leading specialty retailer offering games and entertainment products through its e-commerce properties and thousands of stores. + +**Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements – Safe Harbor** + +This press release contains “forward looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements generally, including statements about the ATM Offering and the use of proceeds therefrom, include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “projects,” “estimates,” “expects,” “intends,” “strategy,” “future,” “opportunity,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “potential,” or similar expressions. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any of them publicly in light of new information or future events. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement as a result of various factors. More information, including potential risk factors, that could affect the Company’s business and financial results are included in the Company’s filings with the SEC including, but not limited to, the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 30, 2021, filed with the SEC on March 23, 2021.  All filings are available at [www.sec.gov](https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=hrN9RWoZYOPc9XlqHTGnAqI3j0agH9Pnb4jnvOtoOElFBVqncrzR9Cahgj4c4AVBo2CWkVNxO6--jOUEbt7DGQ==) and on the Company’s website at [www.GameStop.com](https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=bL_q78lV1bNsPDppeDXptITyMNymMDG89dPX08bX-NbnryALht59SqDgP8hL4d_EspFpXY0FMGPnp_Zelx4eqg==). + +&#x200B; + +This is an UPDATE to their previous filing on Dec 2020 capping at $100 mill to now $1 billion. + +See [here](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/33c3ed1d-f47e-403f-81f7-9b75d3cf1adc) point number (2) + +They didn't sell a single share from that previous filing at $300, $400, $500. + +Credit: [https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mki58e/this\_is\_not\_a\_new\_offering\_it\_is\_an\_update\_to\_a/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mki58e/this_is_not_a_new_offering_it_is_an_update_to_a/) + +It’s not a new offering and it doesn’t mean they’ll be initiating an offering. They’re simply expanding the ability to offer. It also means that they can sell for up to $1,000,000,000 now instead of only $100,000,000. I believe this means they’ll offer when the price is incredibly high to maximize share price for fewer shares. + +See it as a guy offering his car for 100 bucks, only to realize it's worth way more and ask 1500 for it. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8kg818ptsir61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=407918536f6282efd669107e5f5f4c28c98f9ab4 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, they should be above the current price point, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dsev48iwsir61.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b22a5f2185a6e9fb1c3554848e5d6aa69f0710f + +Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day I will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/](https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/) + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1](https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1) + +[https://twitter.com/warden\_elite](https://twitter.com/warden_elite) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +And I'll be posting updates as they happen here: + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: + + u/uberfunstuff was kind enough to post this so I thought I'd include it here as well. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f0t3t8xfmjr61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=180d4b6f4b1137f9e43ccd69b31774f8d22b18ee +Saw this question in another subreddit and I just want to know what it’s like in this one. I've been considering going to university for an economics program so I was wondering if you guys could share with me what your day to day life as a economist is like. + +EDIT: Thank you so much for my first award! I’ve read a lot of the comments already (three days late because of ongoing exams), but I’m looking forward to learning more about economics. +Happy Wednesday Everyone! + +I don't know about you, but today's drop to $177 and subsequent rebound has me **jacked more than ever!** Why, you may ask? Read on... + +# Preface + +Some of you may have seen my post last week referencing Rocky Outcrop's custom Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicator and how it was showing we are due for a **HUGE** uptick in volatility after these past four weeks of sideways trading. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here for more background: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obteg7/gme\_the\_powder\_keg\_ready\_to\_explode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obteg7/gme_the_powder_keg_ready_to_explode/) + +Guess what? The DMI indicator switched off today which means we are officially ramping up in volatility for the near future. ***This has lined up perfectly with numerous other TA indicators that show we may have officially hit our bottom at $177 and are turning around on higher volume*** + +If you don't like TA or think it is invalid, I respect that. Despite GME's heavy manipulation it has worked well for me and others to show the most likely outcome as to where prices may be heading. + +My previous TA conducted on June 28 was based on what I saw at the time. The indicators were there, but none were screaming out at me. This time **EVERYTHING** is screaming at me. Now is the time. + +We all want the same thing. BRRRRRRRR + +***As usual, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice!*** + +I'll try to keep this short. Here we go! + +# TLDR; + +* DMI indicator is showing we are now entering a period of high volatility. This means larger price swings up and down for the next few weeks. ***Say goodbye to trading sideways!*** +* RSI is showing we hit Oversold levels today at **$177** +* The most common Fib Retracement level (0.618) from the March Low and June High prices was hit today at **$177** (/u/possibly6 \- this might interest you) +* We bounced off of the 200 Period Moving Average (4 Hour Chart) today at, you guessed it, **$177** +* We bounced off of our current channel's support at, yes, **$177** + +Multiple signs are all pointing to the same thing: $177 was indeed the bottom of this long drawn-out descending channel we've been in since June 10th. ***Time will tell if this is holds to be true, but everything is screaming the same message. Onwards and upwards*** + +# DMI + +Check my previous post for more background on Rocky Outcrop's DMI and how it is an incredible indicator that shows explosions in volatility before they actually occur. + +The indicator started flashing on June 29th and flashed off today July 7th. + +https://preview.redd.it/vohwycfxmu971.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=3732a22cf8334961bea232d1b10d5e8e3948d185 + +* After a DMI signal flashes on and off, the positive price action (DI+, yellow line above) and negative price action (DI-, pink line above) fight it out to become the dominant momentum. ***Positive or negative momentum is confirmed after DI+ or DI- rise above the value of 38*** +* Currently DI- is winning the fight which is normally a bearish sign; however, notice today's DI- rejection it had at 38 on the dot. This is indicated by the blue hashed line at the end of my arrows. This same scenario happened back in May before our huge run-up where DI- was rejected at 38, DI+ took over, and we blew up to $350 +* If DI- manages to stay below 38 and DI+ picks up momentum, this would indicate another huge run-up with volatility in the very near future +* We will need a few more days to see how the DI+ and DI- action plays out. In any case, get ready for increased volume and volatility! + +*Huh... the DI- began reverting right around the time the price hit $177. Must be a coincidence right...?* + +# RSI + +The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an indicator showing when prices may be overbought, oversold, or neutral. + +https://preview.redd.it/2eybhogwsu971.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad797d21dcadccea12e68540d5fce7afc2530a82 + +* RSI officially entered oversold territory during today's price drop to $177 before it bounced back to the oversold boundary. This is indicated by the red hashed line above +* Previously the RSI hit this zone in March, April, and May where we then saw large price reversals afterwards + +*Strange... the RSI hit the Oversold zone right around when the price hit $177. Must be another coincidence.* + +# Fib Retracement + +Fib retracements are based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence which can be found all throughout nature. This is present even here in the stock market! Human buying/selling behavior tends to revolve around key Fibonacci levels. It works, and it works **very well.** + +https://preview.redd.it/b6evhk49gw971.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f268ba97103ead1cc09a5b89b440fd9440f7420a + +Once a retracement begins and a top has been confirmed, we can draw a Fib Retracement from the previous extreme low to the extreme high. This will give us Fib Retracement Levels. If prices fall below the **0.236 level**, they tend to continue dropping to the **0.618 level** ***in most cases***\*.\* + +* Previous Extreme Low: $117 (March 25th) +* Previous Extreme High: $343 (June 8th) +* 0.236 Level: $267. Notice we fell through this pretty hard on June 10 +* **0.618 Level: $176/$177. Notice we hit this level today almost EXACTLY and bounced violently back to the upside.** +* This would seem to indicate that the current downwards retracement could officially be complete +* There is a small possibility that we continue dropping down to the 0.786 Fib Level of $147 before we begin our retracement upwards; however, given all other factors outlined in this post I see this as highly unlikely at this time + +*Weird... $176/$177 happens to also be the 0.618 Fib level from our previous High and Low? These coincidences just keep piling up...* + +# 200 Period Moving Average + +The 200 Period Moving Average has been **very well respected** on the 4 Hour GME chart. Any time GME touches or comes anywhere close to this line, it has had huge run-ups. + +https://preview.redd.it/stmdkjxs0v971.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b08c721a67ad0e477da6849b38287c827d2d712 + +*Wow how odd?!? The 200 Period Moving Average today was at.... yes, you guessed it: $177* + +# Channel Support + +Since June 11th we have been trading in a descending channel with upper resistance and lower support levels (see the white lines below) + +https://preview.redd.it/gdpc0wqz7v971.png?width=1129&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aec79d2bcc258b6e51bf4dfd5feab9ff9d2d703 + +GME has tested these levels multiple times over the past month as you can see on both the upper and lower end. + +*Guess where the channel's lower support level is for today? Yep, $177* + +# Conclusion + +* Today's drop to $177 when measured on numerous different indicators is showing signs of a big reversal +* If this reversal turns out to be true, it should be enough to carry us out of the current channel and then back upwards to the upper $200's before continuing onwards +* Volume and volatility are beginning to pick back up. This is what we need for another move to the upside +* ***Reminder: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice! :-)*** +Over the span of the past 24 hours, Ultra has demonstrated that it's ready to be the next big thing. + +&#x200B; + +Ultra has managed to dwarf the previous world record, reaching 5,000 holders in 22 hours. The high level dev team has gotten a beautiful site made, audit, coingecko listing, and is currently in contact with CEX's for potential listings. Soon 10,000 holders is being approached and the supermax vault is close to being cracked open. This will bring huge influencers on board, partnerships, and another audit. + +&#x200B; + +With this rate of progress, Ultra is no copycat, projects from around the crypto-sphere will be putting everything they have to replicate a run like UltraSafe's. If you're wondering about being early, billboard ads, plane banners, NFT marketplaces will be released in the near future. + +&#x200B; + +Developers also just recently held in AMA, you can check with them in the TG for a quick recap, with their competence and connections, a safemoon run may even be FUD. + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://ultrasafe.finance/](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) + +Pancake: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) +I'm so excited...this should help us with fixing up our home and eventually paying off debt....I need all the well wishes I can get + +Edit: thanks everyone for your support. It means a lot. I've had hard times but I can't help to think that better times are ahead. + +Edit 2: wow guys. I'm blown away by your kindness truly . All of you are real gems +I am a newbie. I find it very difficult to find news about stock market which is free and elaborate. Can u share ur sources /sites which are free or cost very less. +Planning to quit my job as soon as I hit my 5 years to be fully vested in my 401k. I will put my 2 weeks in the Monday after I have been with company 5 years, so I should be 100% vested. + +Anyone see any issues with this? Worried it might not show up right away in my account as I’ve heard it may take a few weeks to actually appear. +# LET'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUMBLE! + +Hello there fellow PENNY PUMPERS and MEDV FREAKS! Welcome to tonight's MAIN EVENT! + +Despite the WWE-styled theatrics, this really is meant more of a simple comparison that will illustrate how severely undervalued MEDIVOLVE is, using a competitor as an easy example. + +This is not investment advice, and certainly not meant as a bash of CBDT, which has had a stunning performance in recent weeks. It is moreso meant as a detailed rationale of why I personally believe that MEDV is extremely undervalued at the present time. Much of these numbers below are inferred from webinars and other documents released by these companies, and so I can't take any kind of responsibility for the accuracy of this post. But I welcome any corrections or additional info in the comments and I will add to the original post. + +**LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!** + +# **DING DING** + +\--- + +# IN THE LEFT CORNER.... + +**MEDIVOLVE**($MEDV on NEO / $COPRF on OTC) + +Current Share Price: $.38 CAD ($.30 USD) +Outstanding Shares: 149.8M +TOTAL SHARES (including warrents / options / etc): 180.6M +Market Cap: 54.18M USD +Estimated Q1 Revenues: $30-$40 Million USD + +Company Description (as supplied by company) :Medivolve Inc. (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) seeks out disruptive technologies, ground-breaking innovations, and exclusive partnerships to help combat COVID-19 and generate remarkable risk-adjusted returns for investors. Specifically, Medivolve offers investors a diversified investment in the COVID-19 medical space across three areas; prevention, detection, and treatment. + +Medivolve’s primary focus is to provide convenient and assessable medical services for testing of the COVID-19 virus to help combat the pandemic. This is achieved largely through two acquisitions: 100% of Collection Sites, LLC and 28% of Colombian Sanaty IPS. Collection Sites is setting up a series of COVID-19 testing sites across the United States with appointments and payments will be handled through the online portal [www.testbeforeyougo.com](http://www.testbeforeyougo.com). Sanaty is setting up a series of full-service medical clinics offering a complete COVID-19 testing solution. + +**Important Facts:** + +* **Main business focus** is providing accessible COVID Testing across the USA via their "Collection Sites", with the option of three types of testing available from $59 - $179 USD per test (the vast majority of customers have been opting for the $99 Rapid Antigen Test). + * 78 Collection Sites currently active (although some were temporarily closed in Texas due to extreme weather of mid-February) + 33 new sites coming soon. + * \^\^ This is a 144% increase from 32 Collection Sites operational across the USA in January + * Plans to roll out 740 COVID-19 testing sites currently "under contract" across the U.S., with the potential for up to $428K USD of monhtly revenues PER collection site. (according to [Investor Presentation](https://medivolve.ca/pdf/Medivolve-Investor_Deck-31-Jan-9.58-am222.pdf)) + * January Sales of 73,973 Tests TOTAL at an Average Price of $96 per Test = **$7.1 million USD revenues for January**, *from only 32 Collection Sites* (Feb. 4, [source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/collection-sites-provides-january-sales-123000629.html)) + * Reported serving 200,000 customers so far during Feb 22 Webinar (this webinar has not yet been made public sadly), which would = **$19.2 million USD in revenues in Q1 as of Feb 22** (if $96 average price remains) + * \^\^ It is unclear whether this may include some tests done in December 2020, however even if averaged over 90 days (Dec-Feb) this still indicates **well over 2000 Tests Per Day!!** +* **Secondary business focuses** include: + * 40% Ownership in Marvel Diagnstics' BlowFISH collection technology (ie. Covid and other Medical Testing through a simple breathalizer, which would replace nasal swabs) - [more details](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/medivolve-announces-investment-marvel-diagnostics-123000452.html) + * 100% ownership of Covixshield, a non-toxic disinfectant that converts into a protective shield when air dry, killing the coronavirus among other pathogens for up to 90 days after only 30 seconds of contact. - [more details](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/medivolve-enters-agreement-acquire-100-143000181.html) + * Transition of Collection Sites to eventually offer other services including blood work, vaccines and shots, telehealth, etc. However, this is really where Medivolve falls behind Empower in my opinion, is that they haven't established as clear of a plan for the company's future. +* Recently launched **$600,000 Investor Awareness Campaign** to take place over the next 3 months (began on Feb 24, [source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/medivolve-announces-launch-investor-awareness-123000911.html)) with 3 different marketing companies: *Amherst Baer Marketing Services*, *Winning Media Marketing Services* & *EMC Marketing Services*. \[[source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/medivolve-announces-launch-investor-awareness-123000911.html)\] + +**Q1 2021 Bottom Line:** + +* Revenues : Anticipated Q1 Revenues of ***$30 Million - $40 Million USD***\*, which in one quarter is 55-78% of their current Market Cap!\* + * \^\^\^ T*his estimate is only testing revenue, and does not include any other potential revenues from BlowFISH or Covixshield.* +* Margins : Medivolve has stated that their EBITDA margin is 55% [\[source\]](https://medivolve.ca/pdf/Medivolve-Investor_Deck-31-Jan-9.58-am222.pdf) + +**Upcoming Catalysts:** + +* Updated February Testing numbers to be released any day now. Expected to be over 100,000 or 3,500+ per day = $9-10 million in revenues at least in February +* Official Q1 Financials expected in early April +* Possible commercialization of BlowFISH Technology +* Possible commercial orders of Covixshield being announced. + +**More Info:** + +* Investor Presentation: [https://medivolve.ca/pdf/Medivolve-Investor\_Deck-31-Jan-9.58-am222.pdf](https://medivolve.ca/pdf/Medivolve-Investor_Deck-31-Jan-9.58-am222.pdf) +* *Test Before You Go* Website (public facing site for boooking a MEDV test): [https://testbeforeyougo.com/](https://testbeforeyougo.com/) +* Earlier Reddit DD on Medivolve: [\[](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/l9orij/medv_coprf_additional_dd/)can't post due to this subs rule of not promoting other subreddits in posts...\] + +\--- + +# IN THE RIGHT CORNER.... + +**EMPOWER CLINICS**($CBDT on CSE / $EPWCF on OTC) + +Current Share Price: $1.30 CAD ($1.03 USD) +Outstanding Shares: 295M +TOTAL SHARES: 350M +Market Cap: 360.5M USD +Estimated Q1 Revenues: $16-$20 Million USD + +Company Description (as supplied by company) :*Empower* is an integrated healthcare company that provides body and mind wellness for patients through its clinics, with digital and telemedicine care, and world-class medical diagnostics laboratories. Supported by an experienced leadership team, Empower is aggressively growing its clinical and digital presence across North America. Our Health & Wellness and Diagnostics & Technology business units are positioned to positively impact the integrated health of our patients, while simultaneously providing long term value for our shareholders. + +**Important Facts:** + +* The share price of Empower has increased by nearly 400% already since January 1st. +* Main business focus is to us COVID Testing funds to fund the expansion of a network of privately run clinics in the USA & Canada that focus on the following care: Family physicians, Walk-in physicians & Tele-medicine and virtual care; as well as paramedical care including: Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Registered Massage Therapy, Chiropody, Acupuncturists, Osteopaths and Nutritionists. + * Currently has **6 clinics** in the US that pull in a total of approximately $2.4 million annually -- all together approx. $600,000 USD in revenues for Q1 + * Recently announced the locations of 3 clinics in the greater Toronto area ([source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/empower-clinics-announces-locations-first-084500108.html)). It is very unclear in [their press release](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/empower-clinics-announces-locations-first-084500108.html) how much revues they truly expect from these 3 clinics, since they actually say 3 different estimations in the press release... however, as I understand it they expect $960,000 - $1,200,000 USD per year per clinic for now and $2,560,000 - $3,600,000 USD once each location is fully operational. It's unclear whether they anticipate any revues in Q1 from these clinics. + * Empower has a roll out plan of clinics with milestones of 10, 20, and 30 clinics. Currently they have 6 with the recent announcement of 3 more locations in Canada. +* Secondary business (which it is know best for) is it's COVID-19 Testing through it's wholly owned subsidiary KAI Labs, which has the capacity for up to 4000 tests per day. + * KAI Labs purchased by Empower in October 2020 ([source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/empower-clinics-acquires-medical-laboratory-073000243.html)). + * KAI Labs has the ability to test for variants of the virus ([source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/empower-clinics-kai-medical-laboratory-083000387.html)), which I think is very important and it is not clear whether Medivolve has the capacity to do currently. + * Announced over 1000 tests completed by KAI Labs in one day for the first time on February 16th ([source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/empower-clinics-kai-medical-laboratory-083000904.html)) which precipitated a significant increase in SP for Empower in the following days, followed by a more recent draw back in SP. + * Expected Test Numbers are as follows : + * January 2021 is expected to exceed 8,000 tests + * February 2021 could see daily rates hit 1,000 tests per day + * March 2021 could see daily rates hit 2,000 tests per day + * TOTAL for Q1 = approximately 100,0000 X $150 per test = **$15 million in Q1 revenues** + +**Q1 2021 Bottom Line:** + +* Revenues : Anticipated Q1 Revenues of ***$16 Million - $20 Million USD\*****, approximately 4-6% of it's market cap.* + * \^\^\^ This estimate would include $15 million USD from COVID Tests, $1 million from the US clinics, and up to $4 million in additional revenues from additional clinics opening, which I think is very generous. +* Margins : Unclear at this point what Empower Clinics margins are (I couldn't find this info, but if you have it please comment and I will add) + +**Upcoming Catalysts:** + +* Additional opening of clinics imminent (some estimate as many as 2 new clinics every month) +* February / March Test Numbers hopefully to exceed 2000-3000 per day. +* Q1 Financial Results in April + +**More Info:** + +* Investor Presentation: [https://www.empowerclinics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/EMP-D2-2-W-FEB16-FINAL.pdf](https://www.empowerclinics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/EMP-D2-2-W-FEB16-FINAL.pdf) +* Empower Website: [https://www.empowerclinics.com/health-wellness/](https://www.empowerclinics.com/health-wellness/) +* Previous DD on Empower: [\[](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/l9orij/medv_coprf_additional_dd/)can't post due to this subs rule of not promoting other subreddits in posts... will add link in comments if it lets me\] + +\--- + +# HOW THEY STACK UP... + +**COVID TESTING** + +Medivolve is clearly leading the way in COVID Testing, which is not surprising given that this is 100% their primary focus. According to the numbers reported thus far, Medivolve has sold over 79,000 tests in January alone, versus Empowers approximately 8,000 tests for January. So for January at least, Medivolve appears to be selling 10x the tests that CBDT is selling. + +And if we believe Medivolves February 22nd claim that they have served 200,000 customers, that means on average from December to February they are selling over 2,000 tests per day. In that same time frame, Empower Clinics announced on February 16th that they processed over 1000 tests in a day for the first time... Definitely significantly behind MEDV's numbers, despite the flurry of share buying that this announcement precipitated. + +**To summarize:** + +**Medivolve (with a 54m market cap) expects $30 - $40 Million in revenues from COVID Testing in Q1** + +**Empower (with a 360m market cap) expects $15 Million in revenues from COVID Testing in Q1** + +\---- + +**OTHER POTENTIAL REVENUES** + +Empower definitely has a more proven alternate revenue stream, although at the moment it is not that substantial compared to their expected COVID testing revenues. Their 6 US clinics generate $2.4 million in revenue each year, whereas the COVID testing is set to bring in $15 million in Q1 along. + +Empower is also opening 3 more clinics in Canada in Q1, with approximately 2 more each month in North America. Empower expects these new clinics to bring in $3 million per year in revenues once they are fully staffed and operational. Why then does their 6 US clinics only generate $400,000 each for a total of $2.4 million annually in revenues? If it is possible for each clinic to generate $3 million in revenue every year, why are the 6 existing clinics only brining in $400,000 each per year? I would love if someone could please explain this to me... + +Medivolve on the other hand has the unproven technology of the BlowFISH breathalizer tech and also the Covixshield long-term surface sterilizer. Both of these items could prove commercially viable, but neither has been proven. If the BlowFISH tech is approved for use in the USA or Canada, this would be very significant news, as testing for COVID via rapid breathalizer tests could really accelerate re-opening plans, mass events, travel, etc. But at this point it is not clear how close to commercialization BlowFISH is. Covixshield on the other hand seems to be available for possible orders through their website, so it will be interesting to see if there is any traction with this product in the remainer of Q1. + +**To summarize:** + +Empower expects additional revenue in Q1 of possibly around $1 million, with an ambitious clinic opening strategy to continually add to revenues throughout the remainder of 2021. + +Medivolve does not appear likely to have additional revenues in Q1 beyond that of COVID Testing. However, sales of Covixshield are possible. + +Bottom line here is that both companies are really relying primarily on COVID Testing for Q1 revenues, but Empower has a stronger plan for diversification for the future. + +\--- + +# WHICH IS A BETTER BET FOR INVESTORS.... RIGHT NOW? + +Empower has already seen a tremendous rise in SP since the beginning of January, and at this point I am personally not convinced that their SP will double or triple again in short order. Medivolve, on the other hand, certainly has this opportunity to double or triple in the coming weeks, although it has to overcome investor skepticism generated by lackluster SP performance in February. + +Empower overall has a stronger plan for the future, post COVID Testing. However, it's my personal opinion that COVID testing is going to be with us for many years to come, and that maximizing revenues by becoming a leader in COVID Testing will ultimately give Medivolve a greater financial runway to pivot in the future. + +Empower is in the process of rolling out 10, 20, even 30 fully staffed and operational clinics, which is ambitious but also incredilby expensive and complicated business, that certainly has its risks. I personally think Empower's estimate that ALL of these clinics will be bringing in revenues of $3 million each once they are setup is probably unrealistic, in the short term at least. If it was realistic, their 6 existing US clinics would already be bringing in close to this amount, but they are only bringing in $400,000 each annually so far. + +**Medivolve is the leader here in terms of COVID Testing**, **and this is not at all reflected in their current SP.** I could see the MEDV SP double or triple in short order once their Q1 revenues are realized and their shareholder relations improve through their new $600k shareholder marketing push. + +Medivolve is likely to have over 100 testing sites across America by the time Q1 is over, and according to their current numbers they have significantly surpassed Empower's testing numbers. If Medivolve does end up posting $30-$40 Million in revenues from COVID Testing in Q1 as is expected from the information available, I can not fathom how the share price could not increase at very least to the .50-.80 cent range. **$30-$40 Million USD in Q1 alone would be 55-78% of their current Market Cap!** But hey, it's the market and things don't always make sense based on fundamentals. + +At the same time as I am optimistic, I will caution that Medivolve has a lot of work to do to impress on shareholders that it can deliver both in terms of creating value for investors by increasing it's beaten down share price AND in creating a strong and smart plan to pivot the company into future viability... No small task, but one that I believe is possible. I actually think they might be an attractive company for acquisition, depending on how the next few months go. + +Bottom line for me is that I believe there is a strong chance that I personally will be able to make money off of MEDIVOLVE. I believe they have a very good chance at doubling or tripling their share price in the coming weeks... + +This is something that has ALREADY happened for Empower and that I don't see happening for them again soon. + +\--- + +# TL;DR + +I believe MEDIVOLVE has the potential to be an excellent short term play over the next month, as its $30-$40 million in projected revenues for Q1 clearly illustrate that this company is severely undervalued compared to it's competitors like CBDT. This, combined with a $600k Investor Relations marketing campaign, gives Medivolve a good chance at drumming up support from investors to positively impact share price in the next 4-6 weeks. + +Price Target: $1+ CAD by mid-April + +\-- + +**DISCLAIMER** + +**Of course this is all just my opinion and is not financial advice, nor am I a financial advisor. Do your own DD and don't complain to me about this or anything. Not my problem. I will probably be wrong now that I took the time to write all this shit.** + +**MY POSITION: 14000 MEDV Shares @ $.40 CAD** +Hello all! I'm mid-thirties, working in tech in a HCOL area, married w/ no kids. I went all-in early on a crypto project last summer and it's returned very well. I have over $9M in this single crypto-asset that I believe still has a lot of upside left. I have roughly 70% staked and returning \~8%. 30% is for selling at various price targets that I hope to hit in the coming 6-9 months. + +I have a fatFIRE goal of $15M and confidence in this market & asset, so I'm letting it ride. I do realize this is against all good advice but I'm comfortable with the risk at this stage in my life. I could ride out a multi-year crypto bear market if needed. + +I have taken off about $600k this year that I have it earmarked for a down-payment & taxes. + +I finally found a place that is precisely what we were looking for, but it will cost close to my max loan of $2M. I'd be taking on a 30-year fixed at around 2.8% on $1.6M. I was able to qualify for this without the bank taking the crypto-assets or staking returns into account. ie: our w2 income and lack of debt allowed them to extend this. + +It's a little more house than we need (4 bed / 2 bath for a couple :-/ ) but it's definitely in a fantastic area and I'm considering the extra house to not be so bad; the debt is cheap and gives me more real estate exposure. Our monthly net from salaries is around $13,500 after maxing out retirement plans, so the mortgage payments would absorb about half. After down-payment, we're left with $200k cash, but about $500k in taxes due for 2021 thus far. + +I'm feeling okay taking on the house given our salaries can cover it and the staking returns are currently strong (about $25k monthly after tax); but I do realize the risk profile isn't necessarily getting any better. My selling plan for the liquid 30% of the crypto should net around $1.5M which I plan to re-invest into something that balances out my portfolio; I was assuming something like QYLD and some bonds to provide some cash-flow to offset mortgage/house expenses. + +Anyway, as a long-term lurker, I'm looking for a sanity check. I know the $9M concentrated in a crypto is insane, but does that mean taking on the house is a terrible idea? What would you suggest I do with the $1.5M (assuming my price targets are hit in the coming months) to diversify my portfolio and start dialing down/offsetting the risk? +***What is it?*** + +We’re Harold Coin, based on the globally renowned “Hide the Pain Harold” meme! Not only do we hold the name but we’re in talks with András’s team to fully endorse the project which would be huge! The first meme coin backed by the meme! + +***How to find us*** + +Contract - 0x2f75334Fa03a8622dBC6FB2f612aB9f946cb35C9 + +Telegram - [https://t.me/haroldcointoken](https://t.me/haroldcointoken) + +Twitter - [https://twitter.com/HaroldCoinToken](https://twitter.com/HaroldCoinToken) + +Website - [www.haroldcointoken.com](http://www.haroldcointoken.com/) + +***What are the tokenomics?*** + +The tokenomics were considered in depth to give the best chance of making the project a long term success, rather than the common “pump and dump” schemes. + +10% total transaction fee compromising of: + +**💰 1% sent to a charity wallet** + +Why not do some good along the way? 1% of all transactions are sent as BNB to the charity wallet shown here: https://bscscan.com/address/0x95b29d91a0c2d70c120608240af2f75391ffb70d#internaltx + +Every month we let the community decide on which charity that gets the pot, big or small! We’re currently in talks with a small children's charity in Arizona where a benefactor is offering to match our $10,000 donation! + +**💰 1% sent to a marketing wallet** + +In order for long term success, we need a way to fund marketing campaigns, development fees and more. We decided to send it to a wallet as BNB directly rather than hold a large bag of $HAROLD. This prevents having sell offs that decrease the price and makes it better for Harodlers! + +**💰 4% paid in reflection** + +Similar to other coins, whenever there is a buy or sell, 4% of the fees are distributed to Harodlers in something known as proportional reflection. The longer you hold, the more you earn! + +**💰 4% added to the liquidity pool** + +The contract accumulates tokens on buy/sells and then adds them to the liquidity pool to create a solid price floor and increases the stability of the token. + +***Who are we?*** + +A mix of talent from software engineer, designer, financier to business developer. Fully doxxed as evidenced by the videos in our telegram! We are committed to making this token, the next big thing in the crypto space. + +***What has been done so far?*** + +We had a fair launch (no presale), which was incredibly smooth. We’ve had a couple of pumps, a couple of dumps but the overriding thing you will see looking at the graph is the steady, stable gradual uptrend. We want this to get to the moon safely without people being left behind. + +So far, we’ve spent $10,000 on paid marketing to bring on board twitter promotion, TG promotion and YouTube promotion incoming. There is more in the bank so we can keep pushing the marketing as far as we can! + +CG and CMC listing applied for! + +***What’s next?*** + +More marketing! We’re committed to funding this project and making it as big as possible. We truly believe a 500x is possible and near a reality given time. + +The next two things we are looking at after the initial marketing push are: + +* A full smart contract audit +* Exchange listings, we have already been in contact with WhiteBit in regards to a potential partnership + +We’re only just starting so come and join us Harodling until we get to that point where we go absolutely Harabolic 🚀🚀🚀 +The purpose is to MAKE AS MUCH MONEY as you can. + +Sometimes this entails charging as much as you possibly can. Other times—more often than some people here think—it doesn’t. + +It is easy to overlook that. To many people, “market rate” really means “the highest amount that will still get you a tenant in your preferred timeframe.” Sometimes going all the way up to “market rate” rent is not your friend—particularly if you want your choice of tenant. + +I’ve also seen plenty of people say things like “it’s not my job to be liked.” That attitude is dead wrong. Counterparties are MUCH less likely to screw each other if they have a good relationship with each other. Do you want your tenant to take extra special care of your property? Then don’t behave in a way that makes your tenant think “fuck that guy.” + +A landlord-tenant relationship is exactly that, a relationship. It’s not a one-time transaction like buying a used car. Don’t be the landlord that everyone compares to a used car salesman: you will wind up with a lot of turnover, vacancy instead of revenue, property damage, legal disputes, and a whole lot more. Time is money. + +All of this subject to your individual circumstances, including applicable law, of course. But plenty of people need to know that pushing the limit because “that’s just how a business is run!!!” is ignorant and amateurish. +https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/budget-housing-1.6412384 + +It isn't part of RRSP room. More room to invest. Seems like 8 k fixed contribution room per year. +**tldr: 30m is significantly better than 10m both in absolute access to things you get to buy and in overall lifestyle based on the quantity of 10m NW type decisions you can make. That said, its not worth significant sacrifice… but it is worth something and isn't worth being dismissed.** + +I was writing a response to the current top post in the sub asking whether 30m as a goal is too much. But it got too long winded so figured I'd open another discussion. I've noticed there is a trend on this sub to dog any goal that’s above 5-7m… I think about this a lot and wanted to share a different opinion. + +**30m is better than 10m…**. **By a lot.** I don’t know how to quantify it, maybe not 3 times better but I’d say roughly 20m better. Some people talk about how it’s not enough to buy a private jet… okay, but it’s, in life, the difference between getting to fly 1st class and flying private. + +Here’s some things you can do at 30m you can’t comfortably do at 10m + +* **Housing**. you can buy a $7-12m house in a vhcol city. For those that have legitimately shopped in a city like this, shopping with a $3m budget vs a $12m budget is… crazy different, like you’re playing different sports different. In NY it’s the difference between a brownstone (truly owning a piece of NY) vs. a condo. In some places its the difference between no compromise vs. significant compromise. +* **Giving**. you can make significant & standout social contributions to non profits or causes you care about. At 10m you’re one of the normal donors, maybe giving hundreds of thousands. That gets you praise and thanks in a newsletter, maybe some special access. At 30m you could consider giving millions which gets you simple buildings named after you… +* **Higher Education.** similar to above. It’s literally the difference between being able to legally buy your kids way into an elite university versus committing a felony and seeing jail time occasionally. This is pretty well documented. +* **Angel Investing**. you can be an actually angel investor that’s diversified enough and with enough cache for a probability of return vs being someone that does it for a hobby. It’s the difference between 25-100k checks or being able to write 250k-1m size checks. That’s very meaningful if you understand investing. +* **Alternative Investments.** it gives you access to a WHOLE different level of investments in general. You can start potentially being an LP at a legit hedge fund or VC firm that has significantly better returns than the market. +* **Leisure**. you can take truly unique vacations. At this level you get to charter a plane to fly somewhere, explore outside of established luxury hotels… in luxury. It’s the difference between staying in a four seasons vs. staying in a private villa with similar amenities. + +Even if you live the same lifestyle day-to-day at 30m vs 10m, having 20m sitting behind that is game changing. Let’s say you don’t make any decisions you *couldn’t* make as at 10m when you have 30m…. **The difference here is you can make 3x more of those decisions** (actually more but you get the point). You can fly private somewhere *and* rent a villa for the week. You can buy your kids way into a top university *and* buy them their first house. You can live in a world class city *and* give your kids a yard and top tier schooling. + +**At 30m you start to remove the need to compromise a bit more**. At 50m, you compromise even less. I think the difference between 10m-30m exists in both absolute terms (you literally can’t buy a $12m house under one budget) and compounding terms (you can do 2 expensive things at once). + +But to bring it back to where the sub generally sits and I agree, the question is opportunity cost. If you love your job and are making money. I’d shoot for whatever amount is healthy for you. Would I give up my health, family time, or psychological difference for 30m vs. 10m? Absolutely not. But I wouldn’t give it up for 5m vs 1m either. I just don’t think we should conflate the two (sacrifice vs. value). + +I love my job, I love my impact, I spend tons of time with my family, and I travel and enjoy life as much as I feel I need. I’m early-ish in my career and comfortably FI in the range this sub would qualify, but my plan is to give it another 10-20 years if I keep feeling this way and comfortably hit what I think is a true FatFire number which is 20-40m. For me personally, I think I can get there without significant sacrifice and I do want those things I listed (minus buying my kids way into college, they’ll earn it themselves). My plan would then push me into my 40's or 50's to be able to retire... so see it as a fully valid fatFIRE plan. The great thing is, I think $5m is plenty, so I only need to keep growing because I want to - I can revisit this on a quarterly or annual basis and change my mind whenever... That's the FI part. + +I love this sub despite some of the recent criticism and am excited for the discussion on this. I have a post I've wanted to make about my journey and current thinking, but this is part of that so I thought I’d share since it was on my mind. +Hi everyone, I got a kettle last year. Before getting her, I extensively researched how much they would cost over their lifetime, what unexpected costs may occur etc to make sure I could financially be responsible. Now that I have had a kettle from new -> 1 year I thought I'd share my costs! + +**Expected:** + +£9.99 - cost of the kettle from Argos - Cookworks White - https://www.argos.co.uk/product/6992277 + +£0.025 per boil @ 730 boils per year + +Sub-total: £28.24 + +**Unexpected:** + +Covid-19 really threw expectations out of whack. I've been averaging 8 boils per day since March as I now "work" from home. Working generally consists of playing Red Alert 2 online, and making cups of tea. + +£18 - 6 boils per day extra for 4 months + +£0 - limescale + +**Total for 1 year: £46.25** + +Thoughts: Whilst I did not expect the limescale build up, the aesthetics do not bother me in the slightest and though it may add some cost to the boiling I have not consider removal yet. Perhaps something for me to build into my budget next January. + +I'd be happy to talk more about my experiences as kettle owner and will edit the post if I remember any other costs! +Lately I've been put off by news about hiring freezes, interest rates climbing, and potential recession talk. I usually try to buy when convenient for me, but now I think there is wisdom and seeing how things play out. Has anyone seen demand for single family or even multi-family in their areas start to cool? I'm still seeing 5-10 offers per house on anything I'm remotely interested in. + +&#x200B; + +My Brother who work's from home in tech was just told he has to start going back into the office or look for another job. I'm wondering what happens if other companies follow this trajectory and I think they now feel empowered by Tesla doing this. + +&#x200B; + +You think it's smart to take the 'wait and see' approach right now? +[Before dinner I asked this question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/realestateinvesting/comments/hgdyom/i_am_a_failed_real_estate_investor_heres_what_i/fw3ofzg/?context=3) I went to grab dinner & drinks with a friend. When I settled in for the evening, I came back to 200+ upvotes and dozens of comments proving this was a topic of great interest. + +I'm not going to promote myself, [For I am a river to my people,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noyFiYKlFJU) but you should at least know some of my credentials. + +* I've been in & around ***RESIDENTIAL*** property management for 15 years. +* I look after 620+ properties for about 140 owners. +* I've been licensed for 7 years, and I'm now what we call "BIC Elligible" meaning I could legally take over for the owner of my firm if something happened to him. +* We are a small team of about 4 main employees, 2 part time employees, and 2 seasonal employees +* Also I sold about 2 million worth of Real Estate this year on the side as well. I'm licensed so why not? + +&#x200B; + +**Do you need a Property Manager to make millions with Real Estate?** + +NO! Well sometimes yes, but for the average person, NO!!! The only times you NEED a Property Manager are when you have too many to manage it on your own, or when you buy out of State investments as most local municipalities require someone within the county to manage & coordinate maintenance. + +If you are local to your investment, there is nothing stopping you from managing your own place. Yes You'll have to shop your own repairs, find your own tenants, and collect your own rents, but this is well within reason for anyone with a passing knowledge of how to Google. A Property Manager will cost about 10% of collected rents. That's a significant liability on an investment. If you have the time to put into managing your own, you should definitely put in the research to see if it's the right call for you. I won't spend a lot of time on this however, since self-management is a topic for another day. For now let's just say if you have 15 or fewer properties, you can probably manage those part time by yourself hassle free. Obviously you can increase that number if you live on your investments alone. + +**The Risks of Mismanagement** + +The fact is, a **BAD PM** costs you way more than that 10% fee. Property managers are *Fiduciaries* meaning they are required to put their clients first. But that doesn't mean they are good at their job. Bad management can lead to bad tenants, bad advice, poor maintenance management, vacancies, lawsuits, etc. + +I'm not normally a picky man. I don't need the area's best fry cook everytime I stop in McDonalds, because I'm paying $1 for a greasy, guilty pleasure. I do need the area's best property manager when I invest. Real Estate *costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, just to get your foot in the door* (yes, that's in debt, not in cash, I know, shut up). A single lease can average about $12,000 per year in my po-dunk city. Imagine how much more it is for Los Angeles or New York. If I'm entrusting someone with ***tens of thousands*** of dollars of my money, you damn well believe I'm getting the best one in the area. + +**So then what are Property Managers good for?** + +* Convenience +* Market Analysis & Consulting +* Mediator Between You & Tenants +* Finding QUALITY Tenants +* Limiting Owner Liability - u/Silverbritches + +&#x200B; + +**Convenience** + +Your time costs you money. The average salary in the US is around $55,000 or about $27.50 per hour. If a painter will paint your walls for $15 per hour, it would follow that you are losing money to paint it yourself. The painter can do it cheaper & easier. Same with Property Managers. I know how to market a property to get maintenance & vacancies down to an absolute minimum, and I can probably do it in less time, for less money than you. + +Plus not everyone wants to work a part time job after their regular job. If the property can support a manager, it's perfectly acceptable to hire one so that you can catch that damn Tiger King show and be in the loop for once. + +**Market Analysis & Consulting** + +I look at rentals & homes in my area a minimum 12 times per business day (that's a really slow day), and often on weekends as well. How many of you can honestly say the same? know what colors are "in" right now. I know the flooring that gets scuffed up on moving day. I know that Street A is inflating Street B's rental amounts, so the ROI numbers the other Realtor gave were inflated. Good PMs are tapped into their local market, and can tell you, nearly at a glance what properties should be selling for or renting for. What we can't tell you on the spot we have the ability to look up & support our findings with data. Only the most iconic investors can match that kind of volume. + +**Mediating Tenant Issues** + +Do you have any idea how many times I've been cussed out by tenants? Even today I was called "a fucking monster" because I told a young 'lady' that I expected her to honor the contract she signed. Tenants, especially young tenants, don't realize how much things cost or how much skin is in the game. Therefore they can get really pissy when they don't understand why you sometimes need to tell them no. Owners are not that much better than tenants either. Owners often have blood, sweat, tears, & worst of all *memories* associated with their units. If all I do is prevent swear words from reaching the tenant or owners, that might be worth my 10% fee alone for how many contracts that has saved. + +**Finding Quality Tenants** + +Can't believe I forgot this in the first draft. Make sure your PM is pulling credit reports (I look for 600+), background checks, & doing rental screenings. If a tenant owed their past landlord $5,000 and you approve them, you are asking for the incoming robbery. Talk to your PM about their screening habits and make sure you find the right numbers for your area. + +&#x200B; + +**Limiting Owner Liability - Courtesy of** u/Silverbritches + +>Great pointers. One point that I’ll add to the “what are property managers good for?” is minimizing the owner’s liability. +> +>For instance, know what a Fair Housing claim might look like? Do you know if you have to accommodate an emotional support animal? What paperwork can you request to establish if the dog is an emotional support animal? Is an emotional support animal subject to a pet deposit? If a tenant is in a wheelchair and wants to install a ramp in your rental, who pays for it? A good PM handles each one of these weekly and can easily navigate you through potential pitfalls. +> +>Do you know how to not set yourself up for a bad suit? I can share a story from a potential (I passed) client where they self-managed, placed a tenant in the property, and then after the tenant was in the property found some information which made them believe the tenant had an undisclosed criminal history. The owner called the tenant’s employer, said “did you know whether John Doe has X on his background?” resulting in the employer suspending the employee. The owner then goes to the house and confronts the tenant, resulting in the police being called, with the argument culminating in the owner shouting something to the effect of “you lied to me, you are a dirty criminal”. The owner then was sued for slander, interfering with his tenants employment relationship, and a few other items and ended up with a $15k judgment against the owner for being too meddling. +> +>Do you know your state’s security deposit laws backwards and forwards? Some states have very tight requirements on move-in/move-out inspections, notice periods, tenant right to dispute conditions, enumeration of items to be fixed at move-out, and notice of funds being retained from security deposit. If you mess up, you may be barred from retaining some or all of the security deposit. Some states actually impose an extra penalty (mine is 3x, plus tenants attorney fees) if you don’t timely return a security deposit. If you really mess up a security deposit, you could put yourself in a position where you are barred from suing the tenant (and through him, his rental insurance) for literally burning the house down. + +&#x200B; + +# So How Do You Pick a Good Property Manager? + +* Check their optics +* Interview several PMs in the area +* Negotiate With Them +* Ask Questions/Keep Tabs on Them + +&#x200B; + +**Check their Optics**Is their website professional looking & modern? Do the pictures on their listings look good or are they early iphone blurry? Can you find their listings on Zillow & other websites? Drive by their properties, do they look well maintained (or at least similar condition to yours)? Ask for a tour of a property, is the showing agent professional, pleasant, well informed, a decent dresser? Check out their listings, do they have all the relevant info & an obvious way to contact the agency. Do they have signs everwhere? Are they known in the community? Etc. + +No one is perfect, but they should be scoring high in most categories. + +**Interview several PMs in the area** + +I feel like this should be self explanatory. Even ignoring some of the professionalism points from above. Some PMs are going to be a better fit for you & your portfolio than others. High End Duplexes & Single Family homes around the local college campus are my wheelhouse. If you want someone to manage low-income, I'm not your guy. I focus far too much on tenant relations & cosmetic improvements. Low Income properties needs a PM who can locate quality long-term tenants who won't tear up your property. That takes a 6th sense I don't have. I prefer a Maintenance Tech who is reliable, and is going to show up when he says he will. I don't mind paying extra for that, but maybe you don't mind waiting a week if it means you can save a few bucks. + +&#x200B; + +Just remember, you don't need to like them, they just need to take care of your investment. + +**Negotiate** + +This is more of a general tip, but ask them if they offer any special deals on their management fee. I drop my fee by a percentage point if their home is in one of my preferred areas. I'll drop the fee by another percentage point if they have a high maintenance limit ($1,000 instead of $500). If I don't have to fight with them every time we need to get a plumber out to the property, I'm willing to cut my fee a bit. + +I also provide a service where I'll find you a tenant, but you continue to manage your own property, that has become quite a popular service in the past couple of years. + +**Ask Questions** + +As I mentioned before, I generally prefer reliable maintenance techs rather than trying to get rock bottom prices. But I keep notes on all my owner's preferences. Owners that call in regularly to let me know what they want out of their portfolio, usually get it. Just because you have a PM, don't just "set it and forget it". Ask how they screen tenants. Review your monthly statement with the finance officer, Ask to see the tenant files, Drive by your property to check on it at least yearly. You definitely don't need to call daily, but do continue to check in just to make sure your investment is in good hands. + +[So Where Did This Guy Go Wrong?](https://www.reddit.com/r/realestateinvesting/comments/hgdyom/i_am_a_failed_real_estate_investor_heres_what_i/) + +1. He bought in an area he didn't know. +2. He didn't interview multiple Realtors. +3. Which I would say led to a really shitty property manager +4. Who didn't screen tenants properly +5. With stuff breaking that quickly he either 1) didn't get a good inspection, 2) had shitty tenants 3) bought poor materials. Probably a mix of the 3. +6. Bit off more than he could chew at one time. + +I'm sorry it went south for him, but everything I saw sounds easily avoided with a little extra know how. +Purchased a duplex in May of 22. Came with a tenant that has been there since 2001. Never had a rent increase and is paying $600 per month. No lease no security deposit on a 1400sf 2 bed with a fair market value of 1300 in this neighborhood. After informing her of a rent increase in small amounts up $50 every 6mos until we get somewhere comfortable. Renovated the other unit which is a 1 bed 1100sf for $900mo. Now that there is new tenants she thinks she is the landlord. Gave them house rules like it's a boarding house. Now she has become a thorn in my side. Constant unfounded issues. Parking her car across all 3 spots in the lot even though I let her use the garage. This also started after getting the other unit rented. NY is tough to evict in. Should I just jump the rent to fair market and hope she leaves? Any advice? +🔥 **DO NOT MISS 1st JULY!! This will be the BIGGEST day for mystery coin yet! A combination of things will be happening – BE READY!** + +&#x200B; + +* • Mystery Father will be launching (you will need 50B Mystery Brother) to buy Mystery Father. +* • Father will be interacting with Mystery Sister in a big way! Within 60 mins from launch +* • Sister will make a MASSIVE burn of Mystery Brother within 60 mins of father launch. No Brother burns will take place before the 1st of July to build the burn amount for maximum impact! +* • Another part of the mystery will be revealed! + +Mystery Coin have JUST ANNOUCED they will be creating a SAFU Launchpad for the BSC Network! This team are continually active and busy working on the Mystery Coin project. If you are not involved with the mystery coin project. TIME TO GET A TICKET! Lots more planned and on the way. They are releasing new coins every week! + +🔥 **What is mystery Coin all about?** + +Mystery Coin is an entire ecosystem of coins that will interlink with shared tokenomics. The concept is that each coin released in the ecosystem benefits the already existing coins. Visit the website and checkout the roadmap, several more coins still to come! The first coins have already been released - Mystery Brother that did over 300x on launch, and Mystery Sister that just launched and did 150x on launch. Make sure you join the telegram for constant updates or to chat with the helpful community. Father is coming next week! + +Check them out on telegram - [https://t.me/MysteryCoin](https://t.me/MysteryCoin%22%20%5Ct%20%22_blank) + +Check out their website - [https://www.mysterycoin.family](https://www.mysterycoin.family/) + +🔥 **Is this Safu?** + +The main purpose of the mystery coin platform is to give everyone a safe playground where they can make money. The devs are known to the BSC community from their previous charity coin project – No War Coin + +&#x200B; + +* • **Doxed Devs** +* • **Locked Liquidity** +* • **No Team Tokens** +* • **Ownership renounced after launch.** +* • **No false promises of projects that will never happen!** +* • **Anti-Bot, Anti-Whale, Anti-Rug** +* • **Big Marketing Budget** + +🔥 **Tokenomics (Sister) & Contract details** + +Sister is a bit of a pyromaniac and likes to BURN things! The purpose of this coin is to dramatically increase the value by rapidly reducing the supply. Sister also burns 2% of her brothers’ tokens with every transaction! Over 1/3 of her supply has been burnt since launch 3 days ago! + +🤝 **14% Burn** + +🤝 **5% Marketing** + +🤝 **4% Auto Liquidity** + +🤝 **2% Brother Burn** + +**Mystery Coin Sister (MYSS)** + +🥇 **Contract Address:** 0xa135845d026ead657adc0b96060a472e77b299b0 + +&#x200B; + +🔥 **Tokenomics (Brother) & Contract details** + +Brother likes to SHARE his things! The purpose of this coin is to make all holders gains by heavily encouraging people to hold and benefit from the high reflection percentage. Brother has a 5% marketing tax so that they can heavily invest in marketing and properly promote the coin. The one thing you can expect from this coin is that it will be everywhere! People report doubling their tokens within days of launch from the HUGE reflection percentage + +🤝 **15% Redistribution to holders** + +🤝 **5% Marketing** + +🤝 **3% Auto Liquidity** + +🤝 **2% Burn** + +**Mystery Coin Brother (MYS)** + +🥇 **Contract Address:** 0x344424e5d0b3037c78c698609cd56b36e7481951 + +&#x200B; + +📱 **JOIN THE DISCUSSION!!** + +[https://t.me/MysteryCoin](https://t.me/MysteryCoin%22%20%5Ct%20%22_blank) +Coffeezilla is a famous youtuber who exposes scams and warns people to never invest in them. His recent video telling people that Doge is like gambling got a community guidelines strike from YouTube and they deleted his channel. Imagine waking up to see your livelihood destroyed. We desperately need a decentralised video platform so that these powerful companies lose their monopoly. We don't matter to them even though we are the users of these platforms, how ironic! + +Edit: He just shared his thoughts on twitter that it might have been the doge army who flagged his video and took down his channel. + +https://preview.redd.it/rt116wyy2ix61.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=b432aa9da6c312618a1e01889bebe31d5058b2f2 + +Final edit: He got the channel back after the youtube team manually verified that no guidelines were broken. +Got yet another letter yesterday in the mail telling me my mortgage payment is going up, plus fuel also going up soon, even the chips I like at coles have gone up. I can't escape the rising cost of everything. + +At the same time, family keeps going on about when I'm gonna have a kid. My wedding next year is already going to drain me financially even though its incredibly basic. I can't afford to stop working for 12 or even 6 months and it's not fair on the child to throw them at my parents. To me, a child is a huge financial decision. + +I've always been on the fence about kids for other reasons... but lately it's been more about the fact that I really don't think I can afford them. My partner makes ok money but not enough to support me, child and an ever increasing mortgage. I have a very good stable job but earn very little. + +My parents and inlaws keep saying I should just have one and it'll work out. But they had us in the 90s... how much is it to raise a child these days? +Two for me. + +1) Motorcycle, 30k. It was more fun researching and buying it than actually riding it. + +2) Building a media room addition with a high end projector and sound system. $100k+. Ended up using it 4-5 times a year since I don’t like to wait a few months for movies to come out on streaming platforms. +I work as an urban planner in a HCOL American city where prices have skyrocketed, but the problem looks to be widespread across most of the developed world. Factors I've seen mentioned include: + +* Restrictive zoning limiting supply +* Low interest rates increasing demand +* More capital moving into housing due to low interest rates +* Increasing costs of labor and materials +* Fiscal policy such as mortgage interest deductions +* Increasing house sizes and shrinking households + +Housing prices increases can't continue to outpace wages indefinitely, but there's a whole lot of needless hardship the working and middle classes will endure before prices are forced to plateau. I tend to swing relatively far left politically and would love to see more social housing a la Singapore or Vienna, but there's very little political interest in my area to make that happen. + +So my question to you fine folks is: **are there any market-based solutions to increasing the supply of affordable housing? How do we equitably fix the housing supply/demand imbalance**? +For context, wife and I are currently 25 years old and have 7 rental units at the moment, all owned in our names. We started in 2021 with the idea of FIRE or Barista FIRE (only work a part time job) at the age of 30 (approximately 5 years from now or 2027). + +Our goal: purchase Small-Multifamily Properties with the idea of getting 15-20 units total. Most of our portfolio will focus only on Cashflow (little to no appreciation, just steady income) with some being appreciation focus (lower to no cash flow but will invest the equity in future deals). After acquiring these 15-20 units, we then pay off all the mortgages and watch our Cashflow double (sometimes triple!) because it is just collecting rental income from there. With that monthly income, we will then quit our high paying jobs, live in a LCOL area, and be completely FIRE or Barista FIRE. + +Does this sound crazy or are there other things we should take into account? + +Note: All of these properties will have Property Managers as we don't like Self-Managing and we will be taking into account Vacancy, Capital Expenses and monthly maintenance INCLUDING all properties having a 4-month Safety Net, just in case. + +Thank you! +Holding 95% in cash. Waiting for some kind of "lehman brothers" moment or some "enron scandal" moment where a big known company has problems that no one imagined. Only then I would think we are close to the bottom. I am very bearish. But of course I can be very wrong and this time is different. +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** + +Edit: Credit for the correlation tables to u/phalanxhydra + +Edit 2: I am retarded. It's u/Ivorypetal. + +# Introduction + +Apes, because of the sheer amount of information in this post and because I wanted to get it to you at the beginning of this week because of earnings and the meeting, this post will not have the usual funny intro and memes. + +Usually, my DDs are done completely by me with maybe some inspiration from a few apes or a section/link from an ape or two. This one is not that. This DD is an orgy. Apes, I have gathered an army. A fucking army of quant apes. They have been gracious enough to team up and answer the questions that I posed in my previous post and..... I am astonished at what they did. Seriously, I didn't expect this in my wildest dreams. Quant apes, I am eternally grateful for what you've done and I know that this sub is too. Again, this just shows how many extremely smart apes we have in this fight. This is going to be by far my most data-driven DD of all time. + +Many of you have probably seen the spoilers that I gave in my request for data that this DD would be about using correlations, models, and data to get to an extremely high level of certainty that shorts have indeed not covered by analyzing GME as compared to the other meme stocks and some other indicators as well. This was inspired by the pretty obvious fact that they all have traded in very similar patterns since around December. I also noticed that they all seemed to have some sort of FTD cycle component to them as well. I really drew the line when all of these stocks started this upward momentum in the past week - it was just too much of a coincidence for there not to be a relationship. A short squeeze is rare. Stocks following the same trading pattern is weird. A stock squeezing two times in less than a year is weird. A stock trading at over 4x it's book value consistently for months is weird. But 6 stocks doing all of those things simultaneously is..... ASININE. Some might call it improbable, but I think we all know what it is. This DD will use data, a shit ton of it, to give us the closest proof next to actually seeing HFs positions that they have indeed not covered..... ENJOY + +**Roadmap** + +In this DD, I will discuss why the meme stock craze is not a just a bunch of retail traders pumping up stocks. Instead, it is the product of the greatest shorting fail in the market of all time that was made possible by easy money policies and apes' uncanny ability to buy and hold. Next, I will discuss the statistical significance and origin of the FTD cycle. Finally, I will give you a random dump of DD at the end of my thoughts. + +# Part 1: A data driven approach to the meme stock craze + +**A visualization of what you already knew** + +As many of you know from some of my previous posts, my thesis is that the “meme stocks” are all related. This was based on observations that the charts looked similar from December to now in terms of price action and volume. The quant apes did an excellent job of visualizing this. Below is a visualization of the meme stocks compared to cryptos and boomer stocks for reference. The parameters are volatility and volume. + +https://preview.redd.it/sfs0rlgprt371.png?width=1626&format=png&auto=webp&s=f28599498018462de65d04a0663206ff4d64a623 + +https://preview.redd.it/ckanpxbqrt371.png?width=1652&format=png&auto=webp&s=553e7ceae6eddd1a387febf88e0e1a3ffe03e117 + +[\(Credit for above three charts to u\/Ivorypetal\) ](https://preview.redd.it/6wb6ze0rrt371.png?width=1624&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a16bda7b06735d23ed2b6cb9def15472d53703) + +**A visualization of what you already assumed** + +This is a visualization of what we already know but haven't been able prove: the stocks are related. Looks like there’s a relation, right? How can we be sure? If you took a college or high school statistics course, you probably know that there are certain tests you can run to determine if inputs are correlated, the degree of the correlation, the certainty, and the statistical significance. Below, the quant apes used a statistical test (I won’t explain it because if you aren’t familiar with statistics it’ll take too long to explain, but this is not a guess, it uses an equation to determine the level of correlation, so it is extremely accurate) to determine the correlation of GME to other meme stocks and the VIX. I put GME in red because it’s all we care about right now. The top is a comparison of these stocks entire data (i.e. all time), while the bottom compares them in the last year: + +https://preview.redd.it/92ks0y4trt371.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=03932694664e27f9dbfde8042d03f3be181a2559 + +[\(Credit to u\/phalanxhydra\)](https://preview.redd.it/hbahq3rtrt371.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=328a0b47ad63faae068e12c847dacdc1df2ef9bb) + +As you can see, the difference between all time and the last year is striking. The above decimals are called correlation coefficients. They go up to 1 (which means they are identically correlated). Anything above 0.7 is considered a strong correlation. As you can see all of them except for NAKD and NOK have a strong correlation to GME. What really struck me was the VIX. Because the market usually goes down when the VIX goes up, the fact that GME and the VIX have such a strong correlation in the past year is extremely important for our thesis that HFs are actively acting against it. + +**OTC Data** + +The chart below takes the OTC data from FINRA and plots it for each of the meme stocks. Notice how they all seem to follow a pattern of spiking every few weeks (FTD cycle) except for the blue one. The blue one is not a meme stock, it's Apple. I used Apple as a reference security so you can contrast how weird this is. Sadly, we don't have FINRA data before 2019, so it's difficult to analyze this in terms of when it started, but you can definitely see a related pattern of abnormality: + +[\(Credit to all of the quant apes who made this customizable program that allowed me to do this\)](https://preview.redd.it/psbp9arwrt371.png?width=2766&format=png&auto=webp&s=1286b2fb12123ba6bf01eaf408917a7f47915530) + +&#x200B; + +**How common are squeezes?** + +Squeezes are rare. Extremely rare. Whether you think the January price run up was a short squeeze, a gamma squeeze, or just a big price increase does not matter because, in asking the quant apes to find the exact number of short squeezes that have occurred in the stock market, I gave them VERY broad parameters. The parameters I gave them were: any stock that has doubled in price within a week. Because of this, this is undoubtedly a gross overestimate of the number of short squeezes in the history of the market (i.e. some little known penny stock getting FDA approval and going 4x overnight). The numbers that they found show us just how rare a short squeeze is, and remember, even this is an overestimate, so they’re probably even rarer. The quant apes used the major exchanges NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. Here are the results: + +[\(Credit to u\/jyzaya\) ](https://preview.redd.it/o1rcuupyrt371.png?width=2032&format=png&auto=webp&s=a16b8200dde9417a18b25c4eed0e353557879555) + +If you can't understand that data, here's the point: they are rare, even with parameters that purposefully overestimate it. They are so rare that you could call them an anomaly because that's what they are. Remember that’s a purposeful overestimate that allows small stocks getting good news, IPOs, etc. to be considered. So yes, short squeezes are rare. Multiple squeezes following the same pattern and all squeezing at the exact same time? Some might call it improbable, but we all know what we call it. + +**My take** + +So, you’ve seen the data. These stocks are correlated. Does a correlation mean that there is some orchestration going on or that something is forcing them to move in concert? No. It means that they typically move in the same direction, reason unknown. A statistical test can’t tell us the reason for the correlation, it can just tell us the correlation. I think I know the reason. + +What I think many people, especially the media, take for granted is just how weird January was. As you now know from above, short squeezes are rare. Stocks correlating is weird. Stocks correlating for months is weird. Stocks squeezing at the same time is weird. Stocks doing all of those things at the same time is unheard of. The weird thing about January is that brokers, all of them, simultaneously restricted the buying of all of these stocks. Because liquidity works both ways (buy and sell), if they really had liquidity issues, they would’ve stopped buying and selling. Also, does it make any sense that every single broker would have liquidity issues at the exact same time during the times of the lowest interest rates ever and an easing of banking restrictions? No. None of that makes sense. My thesis is that all of these stocks are related and the data backs that up. I believe that the brokerages saw that these stocks posed a SYSTEMIC risk because of how exposed major market makers and HFs were on the short side. Why else would they all simultaneously ban only buying? + +To add even further to that, many brokerages have banned the shorting of these stocks (months after the squeeze). Even more is all of the shill activity of people messaging us saying “I’ll pay you to write something bad about GME.” Moreover, the brokerages must have seen that retail, and now the rest of the market, was piling on buying orders and that eventually, some of the most important institutions could go bankrupt and cause an economic crisis. So what did they do? They restricted all buying. Even if every single ape hodled, the price would still be able to go down significantly due to shorting and institutional selling. So yes, they forced it to go down. Now, what was that systemic risk I was talking about? What exactly did the HFs do? As most of you know, I was one of the apes that started the talk of FTD cycles and found many of the rules behind it. The FTD cycle has been the only thing that we’ve been able to consistently predict (well that and the media being retarded but I digress). IMO, the FTD cycle is our clue into what the HFs did to cause a systemic problem. The FTD cycle has been increasing exponentially, which leads me to believe that the systemic risk has only gotten worse, and I think I’ve discovered it’s origins… + +# PART 2: The statistical significance and origins of the FTD cycle + +Now that I’ve left you with that cliff hanger and probably a half chub, it’s time to take an extremely in-depth dive into the FTD cycle. First, I will be demonstrating the statistical significance of the FTD cycle, so that we know it’s not just a fluke. Next, I will discuss the origins of the FTD cycle. Finally, I will discuss what I think it all means. + +First, let's start with a brief summary and update on the FTD cycle. The FTD cycle is the idea that because of SEC regulations requiring market makers to cover FTDs within 35 calendar days, there is a predictable increase in price and volume every 21ish trading days or 35 calendar days. So far, it has continued to repeat itself. The idea is that shorts are in so deep that they are doing the bare minimum to cover and continue to dig themselves in a deeper hole by kicking the can down the road. It is currently increasing exponentially, which indicates that it is getting more and more expensive for shorts to stay in the game. + +[Orange line represents FTD cycle increases each month. Yellow lines are FTD cycles. Disregard the red lines, those were my trend lines before we broke out](https://preview.redd.it/pgikvf01st371.png?width=1412&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eecc3c7176aa22a77b37c302a9d57bc197f7477) + +**SI by the charts** + +Below is a chart that the quant apes gathered from Ortex showing the SI of the meme stocks over time. Many of you will say that this is inaccurate because the real SI is hidden. While we have many instances of that being true, this is the best concrete data that we can gather (much better than Fintel and FINRA), so it’s what we must use to avoid speculation. So, yes these numbers are probably an understatement but that’s a good thing because we do not want to speculate. If we can find significant results on incomplete data, our thesis is strengthened: + +[\(Credit to u\/orangecatmasterrace\)](https://preview.redd.it/88i9r528st371.png?width=1750&format=png&auto=webp&s=89c540227a2e8d7f969d110a7d0ef60042ec423b) + +I noticed some very interesting things from this chart. First, I noticed that the SI of most of the meme stocks markedly increased in mid 2019. GME had an exceptional increase (I think because of their issuance of bonds, shorts saw that as a debt death sentence). There was also a slight, but noticeable, rise in SI of most of these in mid 2016 as well. Hmmmmmm. My original thesis was that they were all heavily shorted after the covid crash because HFs predicted a bad economy and the destruction of brick and mortars, so they used the low interest rate and low liquidity environment to their advantage. That is still probably true as I bet they did it with naked shorts, but this chart made me think even more. What happened before Covid that could’ve led to these SI increases. + +**Friend of the shorts: The US economy** + +The first thing I did was get a chart of short volume data in the stock market over time to get the big picture: + +https://preview.redd.it/lhxdy8t9st371.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8f711ef8dab8cc36f77ee6d55fc852ed693393b + +As you can see SI has increased markedly in 2015 and 2019. So that got me thinking, there must be some kind of law, some correlation with FED policy, or some kind of macroeconomic happening that led to this. So next, I looked at the interest rates for interbank lending: + +https://preview.redd.it/z3677egbst371.png?width=1234&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac740b8236851f40bb01e0eb7fce99a80b550396 + +This is not mortgage interest rate, this is federal funds interest rate, which is essentially the interbank interest rate for excess lending. As you can see it’s been insanely low since the 1990’s, but particularly low as of recently. Next, I looked at the balance sheet of the FED. This essentially shows the Fed's buying of assets over time. + +https://preview.redd.it/rd1ye3ddst371.png?width=1630&format=png&auto=webp&s=f284394415c8cd127d750bbcd45f55ef676d0fd0 + +https://preview.redd.it/ygpfqudest371.png?width=1554&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cf6fa82247426f7a83db8d202be1f85b3c5f8be + +The above graph is especially striking. It shows the FED's balance sheet is increasing proportionately with the SP500. The FED's Quantitative easing policies have been extremely aggressive since 2008. QE is where the FED purposefully stimulates the economy by buying assets like bonds. This was necessary after 2008 and the FED kept it going for a while then started tightening (QT). However, and this chart doesn't show it, the FED had to parabolically increase its QE policies duirng covid. You know what else parabolically increased? Yep, the stock market. + +**The statistical significance of the FTD cycle** + +https://preview.redd.it/79rg4j9gst371.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=33e2deedfeb5f2caa5c1914e8caa828071214862 + +https://preview.redd.it/3qzw1f0hst371.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b591b0a0bfe04debd67f0561a971ac797651e78 + +[\(User wished to remain anonymous for this\)](https://preview.redd.it/y9iekcuist371.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=39b9bc492e20a346bdeef2ab210cdf6d9196303a) + +The above charts show GME's FTD cycle increases after a certain number of days. I put TSLA and MSFT in there so that you could see how abnormal GME is. Even compared to a volatile stock like TSLA, GME has a way more recognizable pattern, which gives us further statistical evidence of the FTD cycle. Also, note that there were many other users in different posts on this sub who found the FTD cycle statistically significant, this is another view to add to the body of work. Below shows the short interest of the meme stocks in relation to each other, so you can see when they started and how they've increased together: + +[\(credit to u\/orangecatmasterrace\) ](https://preview.redd.it/765vp0kqst371.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=03d70c989c96d63c0d3321acdd8e081b9ed903c8) + +Keep the above chart in mind while reading below. + +**The takeaway:** + +We are in an EXTREMELY easy lending environment. Rates are dirt cheap. The FED is buying up assets, which is pushing up the prices of literally all assets. The market is flush with liquid assets, so much so that the FED was trying to slow it down. This makes the perfect storm for a short-friendly environment. We were also in the longest and biggest bull market run of all time in 2010's, so it would make sense for it to come to an end soon - that's where shorts really make a killing. + +What I think happened is that we saw the longest bull market of all time in the 2010 decade. HFs realized that this bull market was propped up on the FED’s massive balance sheet and that there would need to be more economic tightening soon and/or a correction. Anticipating an end to the bull market, they initiated a giant short campaign in 2019 with the aforementioned meme stocks and probably tons of others (the meme stocks are just the ones that retail investors took interest in). Once Covid hit, their campaign was successful, but they wanted more. They wanted to hit the bankruptcy jackpot, so they turned it up with the naked shorts, which is why the data doesn’t show that, in an attempt to put brick and mortars out of business. + +Instead, the FED accelerated its easy money policies and the economy had one of the quickest recoveries of all time. This is why I think we started seeing the FTD cycle in late 2020 - it was a result of their failed mega short during covid. This alone would’ve made them lose money but they've run into roadblocks like this before so it's not what caused the squeeze and mania. What caused that was the fact that apes literally buy and hold but never sell. This essentially created a giant wall that wouldn't allow the HFs to short down out of their positions and got them into this mess. Then some retail investors caught wind of it and bought into some of their most shorted stocks, which is why we saw what happened in January. They are still in that hole because the brokers’ pausing of buying didn’t solve the problem, it just delayed it. That’s why we see the FTD cycle exponentially increasing. This economic environment has been brewing for this for a long time, and it would have continued if not for reddit (mainly DFV). I mean how crazy is it that GME’s SI was over 100% for so long and no one noticed? + +I am convinced that this would not have been able to continue to happen if apes didn't hold. That's why this was all able to happen. It's because there has never been a phenomena in the market where a significant portion of investors in a stock will hold it no matter what the market conditions are. So when shorts started aggressively shorting and things turned south because of the FED's recovery policies, retail's refusal to sell just added insult to injury and is why we are in this position now. + +(Please note that the above data I only actually displayed a fraction of the quant apes' data. They gave me an amazing amount. I used some of it to inform my/guide myself and displayed charts that went well with my DD, so believe their work is even more in-depth than this post portrays) + +# Part 3: DD Drop + +Alright apes, the above was a mouthful, but wow aren’t our quant apes amazing! Now that you’ve read all of that, I am going to do another one of my DD drops on some random theories, updates, etc. + +Everyone remember what happened with Archegos? That was a real funny one wasn’t it? Bill Hwang plead guilty to insider trading, so he had to operate a family office. The man lost $20 billion in the span of 2 days, now that’s a level of yolo retardation we should all strive for. One of the companies that Hwang invested in was Discovery, here’s it’s chart: + +https://preview.redd.it/4qnz2xesst371.png?width=2206&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4c7320665b27f95a8b9ffe05328d7e93bb26b3a + +See that purple line? I bet you probably think that’s VWAP or a SMA line, right? NOPE. That’s VIAC (Viacom CBS), one of the other companies he bet big on. Hwang used an instrument called total return swaps, which basically allow you to “swap” the delta of one baseline security for another. Here’s an example: a total return swap of Apple and SPY. You get the returns of APPL. If AAPL outperforms SPY, you make money, but if not, you owe them money. That was all a huge oversimplification but essentially, it allows you to have exposure to a company without owning it (derivative). That above chart was just a 1 year chart, but essentially, Hwang applied so much leverage to these companies through these swaps that they were trading at double their fair market price. + +This hypothesis is backed by no data whatsoever and is really just a thought experiment. Based on the fact that meme stocks correlate (as shown above), what if HFs are using some type of swap on them? It would make sense given the extremely low interest rates. It would make even more sense given the negative beta of GME (i.e. SPY would be the reference security). Perhaps they use total return swaps or another instrument to cover or to add more pressure? Idk. Just a thought. + +Another hypothesis: could this all be the work of an algo? I mean, there's no more observing the similarities, we now know they are statistically significant and related. IMO, it's impossible for human traders to create this pattern – it’s just too precise and based on too much volume, so the options are either they shorted all of these at the exact same time and are being forced to cover at the exact same time (FTD cycle), an algo is doing that for them, or some algo is orchestrating all of this. I find that unlikely because of the difficulty and obvious market manipulation charge they'd get but we have to consider it! Again, just another thought, not much else to it. + +**The Midday Spikes: An Answer** + +Apes, we might have an answer to the midday volume spike phenomena. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, see my other post. My hypothesis was that these midday spikes were HFs covering to satisfy some kind of requirement or to avoid some kind of FTD cycle. I had no evidence for the cause, I just had tons of observations for the occurrence. Let tell you though, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that it’s not retail. Whatever is behind the midday spikes is a single entity. It is impossible for a bunch of unorganized people to consistently buy a stock in the same minute interval in mass. That is a single entity doing that and I think whoever it is is our enemy. A beautiful ape by the name of u/KFC_just turned me on to the idea that it may be to comply with net negative rules. I scoured the interwebs and found this on NASDAQ: + +https://preview.redd.it/qvze3s1vst371.png?width=1954&format=png&auto=webp&s=296a2ead951725c90722f157d402a86b34854748 + +Notice that it also talks about clearing corporation requirements, which adds another elements into the mix. Though I can’t find any information about exact requirements in terms of liquidity/numbers, I think that this is pretty definitive proof of the reasons for the midday spikes. Essentially, it seems as though these midday spikes are some fund covering in order to "maintain net capital sufficient to comply with the requirements of the Clearing Corporation." Also, the final sentence explains why they need to cover (i.e. to remain positive). + +**Earnings and 6/9** + +A lot of you are probably extremely excited for earnings and the annual meeting on 6/9. I am too. However, I wanted to make this to tell you to not get your hopes up too much and to not be surprised if it doesn’t go our way. What I will say is, I am confident that we will see a dildo candle one way or another. For earnings, remember that last quarter the earnings were not even bad and the stock had a GIANT red dildo candle. Unless earnings are absolutely spectacular, I could see HFs using it as a way to put negative momentum on the stock (remember, it's all about the narrative). Now, earnings could be spectacular. GME has gotten so much more attention this past quarter and I know that apes have been feverishly shopping there, so we do have hope. + +As far as the annual meeting I have absolutely no clue what to expect. However, like earnings, I expect another dildo one way or another. If you remember last earnings, we all thought that the guidance/conference call is what would put us over the edge. Instead, it was barebones minimum, and we succumbed to the HFs earnings downward momentum. I expect this to be different. An annual meeting is different from an earnings call and definitely warrants more speaking, more guidance, and more detail. If GME was going to announce some blockbuster move, it would be during this because, assuming they know about the massive short interest, that gives them plausible deniability against market manipulation charges. Some important topics we could hear about are: Ryan Cohen speaking in general, a new CEO, crypto/NFT, acquisitions, digital transformation / direction, and, most importantly, the voting results. Is there a guarantee that these things will be discussed? No. Do I expect many of them to be discussed? Yes. Similar to earnings, we could get great news and see a giant red dildo candle. Remember, expect anything. If we get more shorting on positive news, it just keeps proving we are right. + +As for my thoughts on when we moon, I personally don’t think we’ll moon here almost no matter what. I think that it will be overall good and that we will see a very significant jump, but instead of that being the MOASS, I think it will be what starts the MOASS. The only thing we’ve been able to predict has been FTD cycles so far. The MOASS will come when a HF gets margin called and we just can’t predict the exact time for that. So, I believe that if we see a big jump next week, the MOASS should be coming in the near future but will nevertheless be unpredictable. + +**Clarification of my statements about retail buying** + +In one of my past posts, I said something along the lines of “retail is tapped out.” Thankfully, another user made a post disagreeing with that and it got tons of replies of apes saying things like “I have tripled my position in the past month.” If you haven’t seen that post, I’d look at it, the responses are amazing. With that in mind, I wanted to clarify what I said about that. What I meant in that post is that retail is not responsible for the mass, synchronized buying that we’ve seen in the past week or so, I think that is HFs being forced to cover. Retail, instead, has been holding like champs and steadily buying. IMO it’s pretty hard to believe that retail just randomly decided to buy every stock that squeezed in January at the same time. Instead, I think it’s something much bigger but apes’ ability to hold is why it’s able to happen. However, I do think that once we start squeezing again, it will bring in a new wave of retail that formerly wasn’t in just like January, so we still do have gas in the tank (or ions in the battery if you drive electric). + +# Big Thanks to the Quant Apes + +I can't tell you how seriously amazing the quant apes are. They deserve all of the credit in the entire world and they are one of the most valuable parts of this sub. + +Here is a list of some of the quants who helped with this post (this is not exhaustive as some wanted to remain anonymous) + +u/orangecatmasterrace + +u/spambot9k + +u/rubberbootsinmotion + +u/Ivorypetal + +u/creativelord + +u/collegeneral + +u/xpurplexamyx + +u/jyzaya + +u/epk-lys + +u/head4headsup + +u/squirrel_of_fortune (he made a great DD as well and I would encourage you to check that out to see another perspective with a very interesting, advanced method) + +u/sudoshu (Special thanks to him as he was the organizer of the group. If you are a quant ape, he said to message him if you are interested in being in the group, but serious inquiries only). + +**Mods:** many of these users do not have the karma requirements to comment on posts. If you could somehow waive that requirement for the listed users, I think it would really benefit the sub because the amount of knowledge that these apes possess is amazing. They put so much time into this and gathered so much data (I literally couldn't even show close to all of it) and I believe that they will be integral to the continued success of this sub. + +Finally, the quant apes have created a website: [https://www.superstonkquant.org/](https://www.superstonkquant.org/) + +They are still currently working on the mechanics of it but I encourage you to monitor it in the future because I have witnessed first hand what they are capable of and it is nothing short of amazing. + +**Conclusion** + +Alright apes, that was very long but I appreciate you for reading. This sub keeps doing a great job of pumping out DD and I think we will be rewarded for it in the very near future. I am going to take a break from making DDs because it is really time consuming and can be extremely tiring, but I will still be looking at this sub, commenting, and possibly making short posts. As always, + +*Stay strong, apes.* + +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** +UBI imho is the future it cuts out the 'administrative costs' it gives everyone regardless of your income/race/age a basic amount of money to live off. + +&#x200B; + +It stops any disincentive to work like the current unemployment benefits does - helping labour shortage + +&#x200B; + +It would allow older Australians to down size without 'fear' of losing there pension as all are eligible - helps housing crisis + +&#x200B; + +It would help get rid of poverty in our society - humanly good + +&#x200B; + +It would help those studying, completing unpaid work, training etc keep on the path till they have there career path skill set - helps skills shortage + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I dont really see a down side - AS LONG as it is a UBI for all Australians and we all benefit i support it and personally think it is a No Brainer? Pick a basic but liveable amount and increase it by CPI annually and give it to all Australians over the age of 18 or maybe even 16. - Close Centerlink forever. + +&#x200B; + +I think our current system doesnt work certain people rip off the system, certain people get more then others, certain benefits are accessible to one but not the other. + +&#x200B; + +Anyone have any thoughts? +Finally it happened. + +Govt will calculate the capital gains, dividend income etc and will tell you how much extra you need to pay. No more confusion. Announced in union budget today. + +How they are getting this data : + + +a) They are making brokers compute the gains and give them the report + + +b) MF Agencies are now mandated to give gains statement to govt. Already the infra is ready - You can get CAMS, KARVY capital gains in few seconds - They will use same data . + + +c) They will get dividend income from depository - CDSL,NDSL . Will cover bonds, NCD etc easily in this. + + +d) Banks will anyway share the data so no issue in that - No sure they will share the data if FD interest is <40,000 ( Limit of TDS) + +Update : It appears this was announced in Budget 2019 itsel as per /u/RisenSteam + +https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/budget-2019-pre-filled-tax-return-forms-faceless-assessment-proposed/videoshow/70089046.cms + +Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Friday said Pre-filled tax returns to contain info from salaries, bank interest, capital gain and dividend income to be made available. + +It was also again announced in Budget 2020. And now 2021. +My daughter is starting at State U. in the fall. When she was applying, I tried to figure out if we needed to fill out the FAFSA, and I couldn't find a definitive answer (I even checked this sub). Our household income is too high to qualify for any financial aid. In addition, I have some tuition benefits through my job, and she received a large merit scholarship, basically making it a free ride. So I ignored all of the reminders and warnings about FAFSA deadlines, etc. And honestly I felt like my income and assets were none of their business. + +Well lo and behold, her course registration is now on hold because of a missing FAFSA. I chatted with the financial aid office yesterday, and they explained why they need the FAFSA: + +1. For evidence of in-state residency. Her scholarship comes from state sources and covers in-state tuition only. +2. For evidence that we're legal US residents, etc. + +I was still able to fill it out and submit it yesterday, and supposedly it will only take a few days to process. So we should be OK. But I'm posting this as a heads-up to anyone else who might be in the same boat. Your mileage may vary (especially at private schools). +I really need to feel like i'm not alone here. + +This morning I was excited to read House of Cards 2 &amp; 3, and after doing so, I just kind of sat there...slumped in my chair for a while. Thinking about how deep and rotted to the core the current financial system is. It's not just *here* either. I guarantee if this shit is happening in a country like America, it's definitely happening in other places. Places with even less checks and balances in place. + +When you're growing up (at least in the 80's/90's) you tend to believe that despite the obvious corruption in some places, that people are fundamentally good. That the positive outweighs the negative. In almost all instances. + +This morning after soaking this all in, i went into the kitchen to try to explain what I just read to my wife (who has been very supportive of "tendies") and as i'm saying the words....as i'm listening to them come out of my own mouth....it dawned on me....I must sound like a *fucking sociopath* right now. + +She's just staring at me talking, blinking a little, and is politely nodding...waiting for a chance to show me this deep fake video of Tom Cruise she saw this morning. + +The comments sections from HoC 2 &amp; 3 are ringing in my head. Are we truly the generation that eats the aristocracy? Can we put aside our (relatively) petty political and religious differences and unite against the one thing that has kept us all down for **GENERATIONS?** + +I asked her if she could read it... + +When I said that, it reminded me of all the conspiracy stuff that's been going on lately (you know the one) and how heavy their convictions are. They always ask you to read it...they say research it.....they point you to a youtube video or a forum post... + +A forum post. + +Now, I know that Ato had HoC peer-reviewed. I know that technically Wes and Dave are *outside* the circle of apes (even if Dave joined in to have some "*skin in the game*") but Wes has been yelling this stuff from the rooftops for years...my mind is saying "*Of course* he's gonna agree with it...he's been saying essentially the same stuff for decades now"..... + +My wife looks at me while i'm making these connections and realizations...I wonder if this is what it's like for the people that found out their partner's believed some pretty "*out-there*" shit recently. Then she says it..."*You know you sound like one of those 9/11 conspiracy people right? You sound like you're 100% sure this is going to happen*" ... + +For a second it hurt, but shit, even i thought the stuff coming out of my mouth was nuts. How could I expect someone who hasn't really been reading all this DD for months now to understand? Don't get me wrong, like I said, she's very supportive...she wants the tendies to land just as much as I do...she doesn't *really* believe it's going to happen though. She's just being nice...and polite....to her bat-shit husband. + +Does anyone else feel like this? + +Do you feel like, you *know*, with your *entire* being, that this **makes sense?**....everything you've seen and believed about people in positions of power finally fucking clicked and you realized just how bad things have gotten?......only to feel like you must be losing your mind? + +I'm not the smartest ape, but i'm not the dumbest either (that award goes to banana-ass guy) but is this a bridge too far? Are we all in some weird collective mania? + +I just need to feel like i'm not alone right now... + + +Edit: Wow... + +I have learned two things from this post. + +1) Apes really love gardening. + +2) I am not alone. 10 thousand apes are with me. + +Thank you all 😊 + +Edit2: + +My wife read House of Cards, then came in to talk about it. We had a great conversation. Thanks again everyone. +National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL) has frozen the accounts of three foreign funds — Albula Investment Fund, Cresta Fund and APMS Investment Fund — which together own over ₹43,500 crore worth of shares in four Adani Group companies. These accounts were frozen on or before May 31, as per the depository’s website. +https://outline.com/MyKLyT + +update: https://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/adani-group-calls-reports-of-freezing-of-investors-accounts-erroneous/article34812046.ece + +https://www.adani.com/Newsroom/Media-Release/media-clarification-on-3-fpis-owning-adani-shares-frozen + +https://nsdl.co.in/nsdlnews/accounts-frozen.php + +https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachLive/52e4429c-76c6-4dc0-96e0-8b4b40d012dd.pdf + +https://www.bseindia.com/corporates/anndet_new.aspx?newsid=83a5a32b-3930-490a-b293-b7150d679056 +**ONE YEAR AGO** + +Was selling cash covered puts in a crazy bull run, on almost any stock I was following that took a big hit, expecting it to turn around and collect that sweet premium. AND IT WAS WORKING GREAT (FUBO, SQ, DKNG, were just some of the names), and here was my journal entry on 2/10/2021, exactly one year ago... + +https://preview.redd.it/bjlrfwcf41h81.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc69bbc549d339bf2720fcfd1886ba7840e32a26 + +**TODAY** + +Well, that part about "not going to hold up for much longer" was accurate to the fucking day! Because 2/10/2021 was the exact day that my portfolio peaked. + +Turns out I didn't have any idea about what protection to buy and holding with VXX hedges does not work. (VXX calls only work in rapid crashes). + +And now here I am today. Shoulda Woulda Coulda got out that day, but fuck me, I got greedy and made a series of mistakes where I just kept doing what got me to that peak instead of understanding it wasn't working anymore, and that the market had changed. Tough lesson, time will tell if I heed it and turn this back around. + +https://preview.redd.it/j8iv2ry351h81.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=38de9cea45e2151c4ac6d48c156d4f126364f840 + +NOTE: I post this to thetagang because I was selling options, and I just like this community better than most others. Hope it's on topic enough to not get deleted. +Throwaway account because I left family.. + +&#x200B; + +I'm (F/30), with a PhD in Sciences. I've been in academia all my life and recently graduated with a job lined up as a postdoc in a very prestigious institute in Oxford for (£36000). + +&#x200B; + +All my life I lived with my family who were traditional, controlling, and abusive but I tolerated it because I'm an only child and they moved to this country for better opportunities for myself. They supported me financially throughout and did not allow me to have a side job because why would I need one (as such I tutored privately in secret and have £5000 savings). The final straw was when they were going to marry me off to someone who wasn't going to let me work. + +&#x200B; + +Now that I have cut ties and moved I'm using that money to tie me up until the job starts in Aug. Oxford is outrageously expensive even when I am sharing a house with 2 roommates which made me think. How on earth will I ever afford a down payment on a house considering my situation? Is it too late for me to consider that as an option? :( +Below are the documents I found. All gibberish to me but if there’s money attached to these it would be amazing! Thanks for your help! + +https://imgur.com/a/f3Xz3A2 +I have no one in my personal life to really share this with but I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm 23 and I recently passed 5k a year in dividends. + + +Currently sitting at a little over 5.3k/yr and all of it minus about $20 is tax free in my TFSA which is awesome. + + +My monthly average is $443. My goal is to hit $500/month. + +I have a pretty aggressive dividend portfolio, but high yields from also jumping into the market during the crash. + +My portfolio is currently sitting at around 58k (between my TFSA and a cash account) + +I feel like the only part of my life that I have together is my finances. I love my current job but it's not high paying. I make 14.28/h working full-time. I'm a hardcore saver and have been working since 15/16. Started investing at around 20/21 yrs old and invested a lot during the market recovery from covid. (Still live at home so that's helped me tremendously with saving as much as I have) + + +I hope to go back to school at some point to open more doors for job opportunities. That hopefully pay a little higher haha. +**Lets be honest here:** + +Every once in a while, a project comes along that has the potential to redefine and completely shift an industry into a different direction. However, most people only hear about these events after it is too late to be a part of it. Well, lucky for you - you are reading this! + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Let me introduce you to $SYA Protocol, $SYA has a team of doxed masterminds. Lamine and Daniel both have FinTech Experience & Recognition (Forbes 30u30) and are the leading designers, marketers, and engineers behind N26, Cookies, Klarna and other banks. $SYA protocol is their masterplan to humanize crypto and empower the future of work. + +To support their overall philosophy, SYA is needed to build the infrastructure here is why in further details: lamine23.substack.com/p/flooz-sya-and-the-future-of-work + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**But let's keep it short and efficient:** + +These guys are moving fast. During the last couple of days, we have seen features being built in lightning speed. + +This is what the team working on right now and what they already accomplished: + +**Sya Radar – Web Interface (ready)** + +Interface for the $SYA you hold and the value of it in USD$ without any complications. See the number of $SYA holders and your next community reward. See the market cap, 24h Price change, etc. + +**Syp (Save your Pancake) - New layer of PCS (Coming very soon)** + +The team are working on a new Pancake Swap layer called Save Your Pancake that will be revolutionary and huge by solving many big problems UNI and Pancake swap could not solve. + +*So what to expect and how is it beneficial for the coin?* + +🔁 Swap any token on BSC, later also ETH blockchain. + +🏆For each transaction on Save your pancake platform there will be a fee that will be used to buy back + + $SYA which will slowly increase the market cap and evaluate the price. + +🔎 Universal and human readable search of any tokens (with verification badges) + +🤩 No more „slippage“, or „wrong output amount“ issues + +⚡️ Swipe a slider to increase transaction speed, no more gas fees to calculate and worry about + +👀 Meaningful processing state - you will see in real time what is happening to your swap + +💰 List of all purchases across your entire portfolio in a human readable manner + +🏆For each transaction on Save your pancake platform there will be a fee that will be used to buy back $SYA which will slowly increase the market cap and evaluate the price. + +🎁 and a few smaller but very delightful surprises... + +**Sya wallet (Coming soon)** + +App and browser extension. Instantly open a wallet, import portfolio from other wallets. Convert fiat into crypto. Send crypto to friends, family & businesses, donate to charities directly. + +Ability to buy cryptos with Paypal and creditcards. + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**General stats:** + +There are now 18 500 holders of SYA, and a market cap of just $12 million (50% supply has been burned directly in the deployment. It has been burned (removed from the total supply) so no wallet it holding it. You can check it here in the first transaction: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x8dc4de3cd0a5754e5bf4c7d2cea3ad3bed3f78c0c9797c42bc357fac6f9b235a#eventlog) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + Tokenomics 10% on each transactions distributed as the following: + +• ♻️ 2% of all trades are redistributed to holders. + +• 🎁 2% rewards AKA community boost (Community will be rewarded big when we achieve 25k holders milestone). + +• 🌎 1% is donated to community-voted charities. (Already donated 350K to charity 10 days ago). + +• 📈 1% goes to marketing. + +• 🔓 2% of all trades are auto locked inside the liquidity pool. + +• 🔥 2% Burned Tokens. + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**Future plans for marketing:** + +The team is fine tuning the experience and making finishing touches on the features before rolling out the big marketing push. We are talking to big Youtubers, TikTokers and a massive TG presence. Being able to get in on this project now before it will unleashes is a rare opportunity. You have read this far, and you are most likely interested by now. So, welcome in and take a seat with us on this insane ride that is in front of us. LFG! + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**Important links:** + +Contract address: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x83a86adf1a7c56e77d36d585b808052e0a2aad0e](https://bscscan.com/token/0x83a86adf1a7c56e77d36d585b808052e0a2aad0e) + + Buy on Pancake Swap: exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x83A86adf1a7c56e77d36d585B808052e0a2aAD0e + +🌐 Website (SYA): [https://www.sya.today/](https://www.sya.today/) + +📱 Telegram: @ SYA\_HQ + +🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼Teams credentials: you will find everything on our website! +**Lets be honest here:** + +Every once in a while, a project comes along that has the potential to redefine and completely shift an industry into a different direction. However, most people only hear about these events after it is too late to be a part of it. Well, lucky for you - you are reading this! + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Let me introduce you to $SYA Protocol, $SYA has a team of doxed masterminds. Lamine and Daniel both have FinTech Experience & Recognition (Forbes 30u30) and are the leading designers, marketers, and engineers behind N26, Cookies, Klarna and other banks. $SYA protocol is their masterplan to humanize crypto and empower the future of work. + +To support their overall philosophy, SYA is needed to build the infrastructure here is why in further details: lamine23.substack.com/p/flooz-sya-and-the-future-of-work + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**But let's keep it short and efficient:** + +These guys are moving fast. During the last couple of days, we have seen features being built in lightning speed. + +This is what the team working on right now and what they already accomplished: + +**Sya Radar – Web Interface (ready)** + +Interface for the $SYA you hold and the value of it in USD$ without any complications. See the number of $SYA holders and your next community reward. See the market cap, 24h Price change, etc. + +**Syp (Save your Pancake) - New layer of PCS (Coming very soon)** + +The team are working on a new Pancake Swap layer called Save Your Pancake that will be revolutionary and huge by solving many big problems UNI and Pancake swap could not solve. + +*So what to expect and how is it beneficial for the coin?* + +🔁 Swap any token on BSC, later also ETH blockchain. + +🏆For each transaction on Save your pancake platform there will be a fee that will be used to buy back + + $SYA which will slowly increase the market cap and evaluate the price. + +🔎 Universal and human readable search of any tokens (with verification badges) + +🤩 No more „slippage“, or „wrong output amount“ issues + +⚡️ Swipe a slider to increase transaction speed, no more gas fees to calculate and worry about + +👀 Meaningful processing state - you will see in real time what is happening to your swap + +💰 List of all purchases across your entire portfolio in a human readable manner + +🏆For each transaction on Save your pancake platform there will be a fee that will be used to buy back $SYA which will slowly increase the market cap and evaluate the price. + +🎁 and a few smaller but very delightful surprises... + +**Sya wallet (Coming soon)** + +App and browser extension. Instantly open a wallet, import portfolio from other wallets. Convert fiat into crypto. Send crypto to friends, family & businesses, donate to charities directly. + +Ability to buy cryptos with Paypal and creditcards. + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**General stats:** + +There are now 18 500 holders of SYA, and a market cap of just $12 million (50% supply has been burned directly in the deployment. It has been burned (removed from the total supply) so no wallet it holding it. You can check it here in the first transaction: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x8dc4de3cd0a5754e5bf4c7d2cea3ad3bed3f78c0c9797c42bc357fac6f9b235a#eventlog) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + Tokenomics 10% on each transactions distributed as the following: + +• ♻️ 2% of all trades are redistributed to holders. + +• 🎁 2% rewards AKA community boost (Community will be rewarded big when we achieve 25k holders milestone). + +• 🌎 1% is donated to community-voted charities. (Already donated 350K to charity 10 days ago). + +• 📈 1% goes to marketing. + +• 🔓 2% of all trades are auto locked inside the liquidity pool. + +• 🔥 2% Burned Tokens. + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**Future plans for marketing:** + +The team is fine tuning the experience and making finishing touches on the features before rolling out the big marketing push. We are talking to big Youtubers, TikTokers and a massive TG presence. Being able to get in on this project now before it will unleashes is a rare opportunity. You have read this far, and you are most likely interested by now. So, welcome in and take a seat with us on this insane ride that is in front of us. LFG! + + \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**Important links:** + +Contract address: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x83a86adf1a7c56e77d36d585b808052e0a2aad0e](https://bscscan.com/token/0x83a86adf1a7c56e77d36d585b808052e0a2aad0e) + + Buy on Pancake Swap: exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x83A86adf1a7c56e77d36d585B808052e0a2aAD0e + +🌐 Website (SYA): [https://www.sya.today/](https://www.sya.today/) + +📱 Telegram: @ SYA\_HQ + +🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏼Teams credentials: you will find everything on our website! + 🐱 Welcome to Cheecoin 😻 + +Cheecoin was created with one mission in mind. Bring high class Hollywood Visuals + emerging tech to the blockchain while making the world a better place. The Cheecoin team loves animals and Chee himself who is in fact a real cat was saved by charity donations from the very charity Cheecoin has started to support and already donated to. Little baby Chee was so sick he was going to die but after weeks in the animal Intensive care unit he was able to pull through. $8,000 of support allowed our amazing curious stinkerface bossman Chee to keep 8 of his 9 lives and march on with us. + +The team is comprised of famous Hollywood vfx legends and rising senior vfx stars. The Matrix, The Matrix II, The Matrix III, Watchmen, Rise of Planet of the Apes, I am Legend, Spiderman, Beowulf, gravity, Interstellar, The Crown, Harry Potter, Gladiator and works with brands such as Nike, Paypal, Subway, Movado, Levis, Nvidia, Synders, Frito-Lay, Coc-a-cola, Pepsi co, Charles Schwab Investing, Lending Tree, Victorias Secret, Uniqlo, The Gap, Banana Republic, Best Buy, Samsung, Google, Facebook and more. Cheecoin is adding artists daily and will announce a new line up with top talent in the coming weeks with personalized bios and amazing work to see. + +The NFT marketplace will feature exclusive NFTs ranging from still images and photos, to expansive game worlds and levels or CGI experiences and animations. There is no limit to what Cheecoin will achieve and we plan to push the boundaries of user experience by combining the highest level visuals with the newest and cutting edge technology. We are leaders in innovation and workflows as a group hold collectively over 100 patents. We push the boundaries of what is possible and blend the world of reality and virtual reality until the difference is indistinguishable. NFTs are a natural segue for us and have become a passion of our team as much of the proceeds will go to charity. + +💪 The Cheecoin team projects in Development (subject to some changes) 💪 + +CheeChange Mobile and Desktop Wallet – This MetaMask equivalent will be Chee branded and set for $CHEE and BNB, Bitcoin, ETH, and a few more directly. You can add other tokens on BSC as well! + +Cheecoin.com pancake direct buy. – You will soon be able to buy and sell $Chee to BNB directly on our website via Pancakeswap DEX. UI has been voted on and Scifi theme won! + +NFT marketplace – The marketplace is being coded and built now! You will be able to buy and sell NFTs with $CHEE directly on our web browser NFT marketplace. All NFTS purchased can be upgraded to holographic displays with unique signatures and in home display functions. We will deliver them to you and make sure it all works. + +NFT Gallery onestop shop - Here you will be able to access a 3D CGI art gallery set in a scifi future world. You can browse different pieces and experience them in 3D. This is brought to you by pixel streaming via Unreal Engine and will be up soon. From the stream you will be able to link and buy NFTs from you CheeChange wallet. Users who wish can also purchase VR facewear to experience our gallery in VR and fully immersive themselves in their NFT experience. + +Cheecoin Sponsor VR and AR events – Cheecoin will sponsor different musical artists and help built their VR/AR experiences for the most amazing stay at home fully immersive ready player one events and experiences. Cheecoin will take users to the next level and all in the name of charity. + +SpaceChee Mobile Game Metaverse – Cheecoin knows user experience is important and because of that we have been developing via Unreal Engine a subway surfer coin collection game on OS and Andorid where users can collect coins in the game and then cash them out for NFTs and other amazing prizes. We have a whole series of other games in the works including a 1st person AAA shooter. The in game currency will be cross game transferable. + +Space Chee TV Series – Yes its true. We are developing a fully animated TV series called SpaceChee. Aimed for children it will have real world lessons and values built into a scifi adventure narrative and follow a team of galactic good guys as they hunt down the evil ShibaSrinu destroyer of worlds. No joke. Wait and see. We got the chops. We got the connections. Greenlight and go. + +Merch and Products – We got it all. Blankets, Clothing, Hats, Kicks, Wallets, Sunglasses, Plush toys, Figures, Cats to adopt that you get paid for if you hold Chee at X amount. + +Adoption Perks – Cheecoin will pay for your adoption and initial vet bills if you adopt through our program and use $CHEE for all transactions + +🙏 Charity Partner Little Wanderers NYC + +🧑 - Doxed Dev and team (LinkedIn) + +💎 – 5100 Chee family members + +💰 - $7000 donated already! You can verify it. + +🎁 3% back to holders + +🤝‍ 3% back to charity + +💧 3% back to LP + +😸 10% of NFTs go to Charity + +🔥 25,000,000 supply BURNED: + +🔧 10% sell cap until until you have 50k Chee or less (per transaction) + +📁 Audit completed by TechRate (On Website) + +🔐 Locked LP 35 years + +💰 Purchase it on PancakeSwap V2 + +⚙️ Set Slippage to 11% + +📊 [Chart](https://dex.guru/token/0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281-bsc) + +🦎 [Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cheecoin) + +🐦 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Cheecoin) + +🌎 [Telegram](https://t.me/cheecoinchat) + +🌎 [Website](https://cheecoin.com/) + +🌎 [Discord](https://discord.gg/Wk847NVb) + +🌎 [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cheecoin/) + +📜 Contract - 0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281 + +More info on our Website please go check it out. +I’m Black and from the hood. Me and everyone I know has been stuck in perpetual poverty our whole lives. I articulate myself, and I suppose I’m fairly clever. But as far as knowledge on how to make money work for me, healthy work patterns, wealth building habits, and financial literacy I have none. + +Many people born in my situation never put effort into anything. I’ve been reading books, trying to save money, seeking mentors/apprenticeships/resources since I was 13 (I’m 23 now). + +I’m at a loss. I’m traumatized, so it’s hard for me to trust. I don’t have transportation, or a house. I have ONE living family member who has Schizophrenia. I haven’t been homeless, but I’ve been staying in a friends laundry room for 2 months. There’s always a factor that comes up in my life that prevents security. + +What do you do to build ANY type of consistency for yourself when you: + +1.) Don’t have a car or license +2.) Don’t have a house +3.) Don’t have financial literacy +4.) Don’t have a degree +5.)Don’t have a computer (I have a phone). +6.) Are Black with one face tattoo +7.) Have aspergers Syndrom (I also have aspergers, though I am high functioning) +8.) I do have multiple visual arts skills (graphic design, painting, embroidery, screen printing, composing murals, but I don’t have a income stream to fund any pursuits that take money to operate). +9.) I don’t have any felonies luckily. The face tattoo is from a time when I had to do dirt for survival at 16 years old, and I haven’t been in the streets for over 7 years. + +Any advice is good. I wish I was anyone else daily. I’ve been asking this same question for months. In the mean time I’ve been doing odd jobs to save money, but cost of living vs money I’m making doesn’t add up. When I say I’m smart, and a good addition to a team I mean it. But corona is impacting my legitimacy. I have the type of mind where, I’m great at making other businesses better. +Businesses are being forced to shut down by either goverment mandate or due to customers staying home, so I am just confused how giving out money stimulus will "stimulate" any change in this particular sort of economic slowdown. Maybe the point of these bills isn't stimulus and that's just a misnomer? +And still have a nice chunk of money left over. + +I think it would be a nice feeling living completely debt free and only having to come up with school/city taxes and home insurance. + +Is this a bad idea? Mortgage is 305K. + +I could always borrowed against in the future if needed. + +What are the pros and cons of this? + +Edit - I Live in the US. + +Edit 2 - almost free money. 3 years into a fixed 30 year at 3.125%. + +Edit 3 - been lurking for a while and am thinking about getting into the BRR. But I want to make sure if I blow it in the game, I still have a house for the family. That I can afford working at Home Depot. + +Edit 4 - to sum it up, I have made up my mind to pay off my mortgage. The final decision is based on we lucked out on finding a fantastic home that fits our family that we bought under market - long story, but the owners wanted a family to move in there. + +With inflation, covid, a bit of job instability (likely most people), environmental changes, world wars pending, supply chain issues, spousal health concerns, my parents going bankrupt - living shit retirements before they died- + +I can go to bed at night knowing that it is very unlikely my family and I will ever be homeless or stressed about our living situation. +I've been tracking all my DRIP share purchases in excel for a while because of the frustrating fact that my brokerage (Fidelity--not sure about other brokerages) does not add DRIP purchases into your cost basis unless its an HSA or taxable account. So for retirement accounts this results in overstated gains/understated losses. + +In any case, since I've been manually tracking the DRIP purchases I noticed that the share prices are consistently always higher (sometimes significantly) than the current share price. I researched this and read that DRIP purchases are at the "...average cost of the share price over the given time period of ownership of stock. The system is in place so an investor does not pay for the stock at its highest or lowest prices." + +First of all, I didn't know this. Is this common knowledge? I assumed the cost would be at the current share price. + +Secondly, since I've been tracking these, I feel like this method sucks. + +For example this morning (12/16) I received a dividend for WM. The purchase price for my DRIP shares was @ 168.3943/share! This was the final straw that made me decide to opt out of DRIP for every stock I own. WM is actually a new investment for me and I bought all of my shares on 11/4/22 at 157/sh. WM opened this morning at 161.83. WM peaked at 170 2 weeks ago but the majority of my ownership has been well below 168. So I assume its clearly not my ownership that determines the 'average' price it's just the average over a set period of time maybe since the last dividend? + +With the market being so volatile (and many predicting a downturn/recession) I think this is a disastrous strategy. I'm curious how other people feel about this. +This sub seems to have become more meme than useful content. Your memes do not really add to the conversation of trading ether and to be blunt, we have already seen endless iterations of HODL, omg it's crashing, omg it's going to the moon, lambos, and your reaction when _____. If you are really interested in ether trading, please try to contribute something useful. Otherwise you really are just polluting this stream that used to be interesting information. Thanks. +Lets say it everyone: "Money makes money!" + +Today, worlds *"objectively best"* media cooperation CNBC, made another *great* article, about 2 kids making $160K from mining Crypto, and as a miner myself I want to quote some things from their article. + +Our heroes, two kids named Ishaan Thakur, (14) and his sister Aanya, (9). They started mining with 3 dollars a day, which is what I get with my 2060 ($349), but then their operations grow majestically, how majestically you say? **$64K per month!** + +Let me tell you, there is no fuckin way in the planet earth that you can get these numbers without a mining farm. Let's continue! + +***“We have configured our computers to constantly scan for the most profitable coin and switch to that coin automatically,”*** If i need to translate it to English, Ishaan is either a super genius coder that can make a super complex AI. Or, they simply use NiceHash, which is what i use and does all this stuff automatically. + +***“Even though we are now making a lot of money, we are just as proud now as we were when we only made $3 per day, since our main prize is not the money,”*** I dont get why they act like its their achievement, its just that they poured a fortune to their rigs but, "How much?" + +Now you remember when I said, "What they don't say". Now that's kind of a lie cause just when I thought the article ended, there is a sweet spot that explains how they make that much money. + +See, their father Manish Raj, did something that I laughed the shit out of myself once I read. He took a loan for his kids to Mine Cryptocurrency. Yes, you heard me right, he took a LOAN, for his kids to mine Crypto! Honestly, my father of the year award goes for the Manish! + +Anyway, how much processor does little Ishaan has? Well, hope you're ready cause shit is about to get real! + +14-year-old Ishaan has: + +**100 NVIDIA RTX 3090!** + +and + +**50 NVIDIA RTX 3070 TI!** + +There is a huge chip shortage going on right now so no fuckin way he got these cards by the retailer prices, but let's say Manish is a close friend of Nvidia's CEO, which I must say, you probably need to be to give that much money to your kids. He still would need to spend, AT LEAST $150.000 on GPUs with $1500 per card! + +And you know what's funny? RTX 3090 isn't even a good GPU for mining. of course, its hash rate is an incredible 108 which is a lot, But, it's not very efficient in Hash/$ perspective, as it needs 291 days to pay its price, while GTX 1060 only needs 159. + +&#x200B; + +For the full article:[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/10/kid-siblings-earned-160k-mining-cryptocurrency-like-bitcoin-ether.html?&qsearchterm=mining](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/10/kid-siblings-earned-160k-mining-cryptocurrency-like-bitcoin-ether.html?&qsearchterm=mining) +I had, in my infinite wisdom, agreed to buy two LIC endowment plan from a family friend. After I learnt more about investing thought of surrendering them, but due to family pressure did not. The agent died a few months back in COVID. I did not see any reason to continue the policies. So went ahead and surrendered it. Below is my experience. + +1. Called LIC helpdesk and asked what is required. They said you have to go to the branch to surrender. They will give you couple of forms. Submit and it will be done. + +2. So, one fine day, I took leave from work and went to the branch. There was a queue of 10 people who wanted to enter the office. Due to COVID they are only allowing limited people inside office. + +3. Fine, I will wait. After 30 minutes I was able to enter. Asked the enquiry person, "I want to surrender my...." He pointed towards a room without looking at me. + +4. There was a queue of another 5 people in front of that room and only one was allowed inside at a time. + +5. Fine, I will wait. After one hour I was in second and was able to look and see into the room. + +6. There were 4 people in the room which had 7 tables and computers. One old lady, who sat near the door was working. Other three (all males in their 50s) were sitting in a circle and having a very heated discussion. + +7. Finally when my turn came, I handed the term papers to the lady. She heard me patiently. Then said, are you sure? You will have to take a loss. I said, I am sure and I appreciate her concern. But I am sure of my decision. + +8. She handed me couple of forms and asked for cancelled cheque, ID proof, Address Proof, revenue stamp of 1₹ and a written application for surrendering the policies. + +9. The forms had basic details like policy number, name, signature, disclaimer that I have been explained the financial aspect of my decision etc. + +10. I took everything and submitted the forms. Lunch break started and all of them went out. + +11. Fine, I will wait. A cat meanwhile decided to inspect my forms. It walked all over the table and finally plopped down on the keyboard. + +12. Post lunch, the lady came back and after shooing the cat away found that her account has been locked. + +13. Fine, I will wait. After another 30 minutes of hand waving and muttering she logged in using someone else's ID. I, and the whole office heard that username and password. It is Shamim1965. + +14. Finally she informed me the exact amount that I will receive and asked me if I am sure. I said yes. She stamped and stapled all the documents and handed it to me. + +15. I submitted the whole bundle to another table where another geriatric person very painstakingly wrote down the policy number and a barely legible scrawl said surrender. That is my receipt. + +16. The cat pissed on my boot while I was waiting at the last table. + +That's it. +I’m a long term investor and I haven’t checked my portfolio for the last 3 hours. This feels.. GOOD. Lol + +I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I normally check my portfolio multiple times a day, usually every hour or so (just because it’s so damn easy to open an app and see all of your holdings). + +Hence, I’ve decided to not check my portfolio until Monday of next week, and I am challenging all of the long term investors here to do the same (if you’re not planning on buying any additional shares for the rest of the week that is). No looking up the stock price. No looking at the after hour markets. No asking your friends for quotes.. Go get a damn life you noobs! + +Constantly checking your portfolio for no reason other than to receive gratification/assurance is no worse than posting on Instagram and Facebook just to receive ‘likes’. It’s NOT good for you and it wires your mind into thinking in the shorter term. + +Let’s do this. Let’s be smart. Let’s rewire our brains to look and think longer-term and not seek out instant pleasure. + +I hope all of you will join me on this journey. What’s the worst that can possibly happen? + +How long will you last? Let’s find out! +EDIT: The 4th not the 5th. 🤦🏽‍♂️ + +A bunch of shit happened right at the end of last week. News dump everything on a Friday so the headlines cannibalize themselves. Here are the things that stuck out to me. + +GameStop Forms Partnership with Etherium layer 2 solution ImmutableX to build their platform. Worth reading through the press release. Linked is a reddit post with a useful mod top comment that has sources. Also a link to the 8K. + +[Press release](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-forms-partnership-immutable-x) + +[Announcement Post with helpful mod sticky](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjhi6f/gamestop_forms_partnership_with_immutable_x/) + +[8K Filing](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/sec-filings/sec-filing/8-k/0001326380-22-000012) + +The Head of Blockchain for Microsoft (Who just acquired Activision like two weeks ago) tweeted in response to the $100 Million creator fund: + +[must be nothing @Xbox @Microsoft @GameStop](https://twitter.com/yorkerhodes/status/1489601796788170752?s=21) + +Something is brewing. GameStop/Microsoft/ImmutableX/Loopring. + +The fact that they have been able to hide the partnership this well is amazing. Honestly a testament to the tight ship Ryan Cohen is running. They are still being very hush hush about anything Loopring related. They mention Loopring in a really odd way. Saying: + +> “GameStop will not integrate any blockchain protocol, other than Ethereum Layer 1 and Loopring into their NFT marketplace without first having integrated Immutable;” + +EDIT: [Heres a link to an ImmutableX interview you should watch](https://youtu.be/fne4XMhtVf4) + +Loopring has talked about how they are building the future of finance, how you can “Be your own bank”. Their founder/CEO Daniel Wang stepped down, and it was revealed former CTO Steve Guo has been the acting CEO since September. They seem to still be tightly wrapped in NDAs. When asked for an explanation Looprings community manager responded with this on discord: + +[“There is still information that is not yet public… +As I said earlier, more will make sense later”](https://i.imgur.com/WXrk2b6.jpg) + +I think the plan is to launch two separate crypto enterprises. One run on ImmutableX for gaming, and one built on Loopring to fix the pandora’s box that is their own stock. GameStop will run the two most practical real world applications for blockchain technology. Gaming and Finance. + +Legally, shit is absolutely going down right now. Justice department is getting involved, investigation has expanded to over 60 short selling firms. People get mad at the SEC for not busting doors down and arresting people. But they don’t realize that the SEC doesn’t even have powers to arrest people. The Justice Department is who actually goes after people, they are who got Madoff + +[Fox Biz reports +@TheJusticeDept + investigation into short selling abuse has expanded to up to 60 firms with focus on "activist" short sellers (aka market manipulators).](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1489320614032719875?t=vgDfBtNAf7mNb32i60RluA&s=19) + +The crazy thing is, fucking NOBODY is talking about the fact that this is going on. Every single major corporate news source will keep churning out Merrick Garland Jan 6 articles without even acknowledging that he’s also trying to prosecute the single largest financial crime in history. Yet the quality of journalism the company or topic receives is frankly embarrassing. They write essays any time Elon Musk farts, yet ignore this? The only ones who will even acknowledge its existence is Fox News, and they are scared to touch it. The top video on youtube if you search “GameStop” is a CNN video that is virtually indistinguishable from a Chad and JT skit. They own the media. Clearly everybody is either subpoenaed to hell, scared to bring it up, or ignorant to its existence. + +[Seriously. Where do they find these people?](https://youtu.be/UtUFsbtpeA4) + +No mention of that fact that the company was (and is) shorted over 200%, no mention of the companies positive fundamentals and turnaround. They just want to associate GameStop with the idea of idiot reddit losers who live in their moms basement and gamble with their stimmy checks. Fully recognizing that I just described myself. + +They setup a system were they could infinitely replicate shares to systematically bankrupt companies. Just sell as many shares as needed to get a company delisted, put them out of business and never have to cover their shorts. They aren’t just going to blow themselves up. They’re going to blow up everyone upstream of them. Every criminal hedge fund that overextended themselves has a bank that gave them 20x leverage on their positions. When these funds start blowing up there is no financial institution that is 100% safe. Major banks will fail in the process of closing their clients liabilities. A can of worms has opened that can no longer be closed. Every two-bit hack job brokerage that uses Payment-for-order-flow that allowed them to go functionally naked short for a period of several days so they can skim cents off your trade is fucked. + +Gary said it himself this Friday when he showed up for an interview with Bloomberg. “90-95% of retail trades are sent to dark pools”. They aren’t even letting your orders go to the actual exchange. The price is whatever they decide it is. + +[SEC's Meme Stock Response Coming Next Week, Gensler Says](https://youtu.be/NBkPQ0VsWV0) + +Holy shit. Gary is really saying he’s ready to talk? Not nearly enough people are talking about this. + +Speaking of the SEC: On Friday they introduced (proposed) an absolute bombshell of a rule, to little fanfare or news coverage. Open to comment until Match 26th. Titled: + +[Prohibition Against Fraud, Manipulation, or Deception in Connection With Security-Based Swaps; Prohibition Against Undue Influence Over Chief Compliance Officers; Position Reporting of Large Security-Based Swap Positions](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/02/04/2021-27531/prohibition-against-fraud-manipulation-or-deception-in-connection-with-security-based-swaps) + +From my limited understanding reading it, It basically describes in detail the market mechanics that allows all of this to happen. It’s basically the whole playbook. How they hide and store their massive short positions inside of sophisticated and convoluted Security-Based Swaps schemes. + +They still want to act like GameStop is some fledgling $8 Billion dollar company, and that there is no funny business going on, but it’s simply not true. +Just need to write this down somewhere, because this year has been pretty nuts. + +Jan 1 Net worth was 3.4M, today is 5.2M. Low point was 2.8M in March at the bottom of the pandemic pull back. + +Income was a huge contributor of course. Our fatFIRE number has been 6M for quite some time, I never imaged we’d be able to close this much of the gap in a single year. + +There’s no way we’re pulling the trigger for years, but this run up has made me feel like we’re going to make it. + +Yeah, yeah brag post. I can’t talk to friends an family about this, need to unload. +The shorts will go bankrupt and you are next in line. + +This is a game of chicken where reality tips greatly in our favor. + +1. It costs absolutely nothing for us longs to hold onto our positions. Guess who has to pay to hold onto their positions? + +2. Shorts can only try to shake us but the more they pressure us, the more our hands get encrusted in diamonds. Shorts can keep trying tricks but we have our own whales to see through them, meaning every dip is a discount and eventually, we will shake off all paper hands. + +3. This collective will attain diamond hands. It is a matter of when not if. You have people who have nothing left to lose, betting everything they have on a chance to change their lives. You have people who are here just to make a point. You have degenerate gamblers who flip the finger to risk management. You have people who are just here for entertainment. These people are willing to see their money drop to 0 and this crowd is going international. + +The only way out of this situation is to unwind the short interest and better now than later. If the shorts go bankrupt, as a broker, you are on the hook. Better close those short positions while the losses are limited to the shorts. Maybe you're enjoying the interest from loaning our shares out but the goal is to bust the shorts and we don't mind you being collateral damage (especially those specific few of you, you know who you are). + +Positions 50 GME @ 300 + +Disclosure, 150 of my previous 200 shares belonged to friends and family. I sold at 425 and re-entered at 300 using a different broker. I'm selling cash secured puts to enlarge my position. +Yep. You read that correctly, no this isn’t a reference to investing in your beloved stock. It’s just a message to all of you and in specific the person that really needs to hear this right now. + +WSB is a toxic community, we pride ourselves in it. It’s kind of like how when your dad says “shut up retard” what he really means is I love you son. (Well maybe he really does mean you’re retarded and wants you to shut up) + +I digress… Anyways, with a community of over 9 million users it would be almost statistically impossible that there **isnt** someone here who has lost a lot of money, has made a huge mistake whether it be from just misunderstanding, or trading on emotions and is really battling with suicidal thoughts. + +I just want to let you know that I and many others are here for you, you can message me anytime my inbox is open. Your life isn’t worth a loss of money, let me say that again. **Your life isn’t worth any amount of money.** There are people that care about you way more than they care about your money. Things will get better. You will make it through. Message me or anyone else who volunteers at any time. I for one am here to listen if you need anything. + + +Edit: I meant to say “You’re life isn’t worth taking over any amount of money.” It was late for me. + + To all of those who have reached out to help with those reaching out for help I appreciate it. + + +Also, thanks for the awards much appreciated + +Side note: Before you make large financial decisions make sure you know what you’re doing. WSB doesn’t tend to offer help to newer users as that’s not what it’s designed for. Watch some YouTube videos or subsequently check out r/wallstreetnoobs +Picked up C yesterday when yield got above 3% and that put me over $1k/month. This is in Roth and taxable around $500K all together. So only 2.4% yield at this point mainly due to high concentration in VTSAX (same as VTI). + +This is not counting 401k which is around $1M, all in Vanguard index funds. + +42 years old. Growing/dripping everything for now. I am hoping to be able to start using dividends from all but ROTH in about 10 years as extra supplemental income, depending on market of course. At some point will also start shifting VTSAX into higher yield but I figured if I have about 10 years I might let it sit and grow for a while. + + +Any feedback? + + +KO $672 + +BMY $625 + +SU $683 + +C $714 + +RDS.B $866 + +VZ $1224 + +V $166 + +O $814 Roth + +ARCC $2697 Roth + +VTSAX $3615 +Oftentimes because of how exposed I am to ethereum and cryptocurrencies I believe that adoption is much wider spread than it actually is. + +Today I had my first computer science course and the professor asked us all what we hoped to gain out of this course and writing down everything that was said, when he got to me I said that I was hoping to better understand how blockchain technology, like ethereum and bitcoin, works. He had a blank expression on his face and said, "well, good luck with that" and wrote down "understanding black chain technology" on his board. + +The fact that a computer science professor knows nothing about this is strange to me as I figured we were at the point where mainstream knowledge of blockchain was at least starting, and especially with proffesionals in the field. +Are we still in a bubble? It seems like housing takes several years of a person's income to be able to afford, putting people in debt for maybe decades at a time. This is so overwhelming it honestly seems unsustainable, and yet houses keep going up and up without seemingly never stopping and people getting more and more into debt or renting. + +Why is this the case, and what would it take for houses to become affordable again? It seems to be possible, given that houses were affordable a couple of decades back. + +("Affordable" means less than 5 years of someone's income, or at the very least not being indebted to someone for more than 10 years). + +EDIT: People have talked about the U.S.but I think this is a worldwide problem, in my case, I'm in Mexico. If I could get a house loan for a 3% interest I'd be getting it right now, but I don't know if this is a possibility everywhere else. +Basically the title. Could I gift my parents cash (either under the 15k annual reportable limit, or more than that and report it), have them invest it (maybe just drop in a broad based index fund) and then inherit that when they die and not have to pay cap gains since the basis will step up? +I was listening to economist Thomas Sowell (who is African American himself), who claims that black poverty in the U.S. fell by 40% from 1940 to 1960, but this drop began slowing after Lyndon Johnson unveiled his Great Society program in the 60s, and poverty rates have remained relatively constant since then. + +Sowell claims welfare programs increased single-parent households among blacks in the U.S., which in turn led to increased poverty and impeded black progress in America. + +Are welfare programs and single parent households indeed to blame for poverty? Or are there other factors that he is overlooking? + \*Ignoring/disregarding the [utility monster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utility_monster) argument (assume it is not possible/all agents' utility follow the law of diminishing returns) +I saved up for this bitch for almost 3 years and placed the order this morning. I was happy for about 10 minutes and then it consumed me. I kept thinking back to the days where I could barely afford food, was drowning in debt, and couldn’t put more than a couple of bucks worth of gas in my car. It took me years to crawl out of that hole and the nightmare of having to live that way again had me physically shaking. + +I just called them up and cancelled a few minutes ago and have never felt so good about myself. Thank you to all those who post on here about your situations, it kept me in check today and hope someday it will do the same for you. + +EDIT: Some folks were wondering about the model. So here it is: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Jackson/USA-Signature-Misha-Mansoor-Juggernaut-HT6-Electric-Guitar-Daphne-Blue-1500000208344.gc?rNtt=Jackson%20usa%20misha&index=2 +**We are a German based company focusing on DeFi innovation which offers an auto staking & compounding protocol with a fixed APY in the first 12 months and exclusive utilities that are already live and more is planned!** + +&#x200B; + +* Listed on CMC today +* Manage your earnings directly with our App: [https://app.inverse-protocol.com/](https://app.inverse-protocol.com/) +* Building Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) +* Building a P2E game with native NFT integration +* Dev experience: developed and managed ***Leya 2*** +* Managed to reach 100.000 registration and 30.000 players on the peak hours playing at the same time +* Already built a NFT Marketplace: [https://nft.inverse-protocol.com/](https://nft.inverse-protocol.com/) +* Doxxed Team, Audited and KYC'd by Solidproof and Pinksale + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Make sure to DYOR with our docs** + +[https://docs.inverse-protocol.com/](https://inverse-protocol.com/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Explore more** + +Website: [https://inverse-protocol.com/](https://inverse-protocol.com/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/inverseprotocol](https://t.me/inverseprotocol) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/inverseprotcol](https://twitter.com/inverseprotcol) + +App: [https://app.inverse-protocol.com/](https://app.inverse-protocol.com/) + +NFT Marketplace: [https://nft.inverse-protocol.com/](https://nft.inverse-protocol.com/) + +&#x200B; + +[I](https://imgur.com/a/ALwqvSp) +*This is Part 1 of the Step-by-Step Guide to transfer to Computershare out of your broker. I eat yellow crayons for breakfast and my last IQ test came at 69 so this is* ***NOT financial advice***. This is simply a gathering of information available publicly. + +**^(Last update: Oct 20 @ 07:45am NYC Time)** + +# Note + +**As per above, this is not financial advise but if I were in the US and my broker mentioned DRS would take more than a week, I would transfer out to another broker like Fidelity and DRS from there.** + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# TL;DR Part 1 + +A guide to **TRANSFER** a portion/all of your GME shares to Computershare (referenced as CS in this post). This Part I covers most US brokers as well as Wealthsimple and IBKR: + +* Fidelity 🇺🇲 +* TD Ameritrade 🇺🇲 +* Ally Invest 🇺🇲 +* Merril Edge 🇺🇲 +* Schwab 🇺🇲 +* Webull 🇺🇲 +* WealthSimple 🇨🇦 +* Interactive Brokers/IBKR 🌎 + +\------- + +# [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppw723/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_2_a/) + +Part 2 is covering the following brokers: Commsec, DNB, Danske Bank, Hatch , Interactive Brokers/ IBKR , Nordnet , Questrade , RBC , Revolut , Scotia iTrade , Stake, SwissQuote , TD CanadaTrust , Tradestation + +\------- + +# [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pt6ya6/transferring_shares_to_computershare_part_3_a/) + +Part 3 is covering the following brokers: BMO, Chase/JP Morgan, E\*Trade, Firstrade, Rabobank, SoFI, Tastyworks, TradeZero, Vanguard, Wells Fargo, XTB + +\------- + +# Part 4 [COMING SOON] + +Part 4 is covering the following brokers: M1 Finance, Public, Hatch, SwissQuote, Tradestation + +\------- + +# [Can't find your broker?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppb8u6/the_drs_list_mercy_mercy_me_gme_aint_where_it/) + +This sexy ape called u/Bibic-Jr is keeping a good log of all brokers. It's worth checking if you can't find your broker in Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 or 4. + +\------- + +# IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SLOW DRS TRANSFERS + +**USA:** + +If your brokers is taking more than 3-7 days for a DRS transfer, it is most likely because they plainly don't have your shares and will duck around with you to get the transfer done. Of course, they could be really busy but still, I doubt it's a good-enough excuse. A few solutions: + +1. **YOU ARE OK WITH THE WAIT: Enuf said** +2. **YOU PRESSURE THEM TO GET IT DONE FASTER:** They will more likely push back but you can try +3. **YOU TRANSFER TO ANOTHER BROKER WHO CAN DO IT FASTER (Personally, I like this one)** + +**In that case, you could initiate a broker to broker transfer (Transfer from your original broker to the new broker (ie: Fidelity). Then, Fidelity would manage your DRS transfer in a few days (about 3) so no reason to not bring them business.** + +**KEEP THE FOLLOWING IN MIND: AS PER FINRA RULE 11870, YOUR BROKER HAS 3 DAYS TO DO A TRANSFER TO ANOTHER BROKER (NOT DRS). DON'T HESITATE TO FLEX UP. IF LONGER, ASK TO SPEAK WITH THEIR COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT AND THREAT TO FILE A COMPLAIN WITH FINRA. YOU CAN ALSO USE** [**NAASA**](https://www.nasaa.org/contact-your-regulator/) **FOR ASSISTANCE.** + +&#x200B; + +**CANADA:** + +u/PM_Your_Green_Buds **has written a post for Canadians about delays. Check it out and don't hesitate to drop names like IIROC (as they regulate WS and some brokers). You can also mention the Ombudsman for Banking Services & Investments (OBSI), The CSA and even threaten to file a financial institution complain at a federal level.** + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# A note about tax impact of some transfers (ie: registered accounts (IRA, 401K, TFSAs, etc) and lot method. + +**Roth IRA, TFSAs, etc** + +In the US and Canada, you lucky apes can access registered accounts with your brokers (also known as IRAs, 401K, RRSP, TFSAs, etc). I understand transferring an IRA is possible but complicated and some apes are ironing out the process. For now, be aware that you can't transfer your shares in Roth IRA unless you liquidate. This has financial implications. + +For Canadian and International apes, because you have to deal with CS USA, you plainly don't have the capacity to transfer a registered account (TFSA, etc) unless you liquidate your position with your broker. + +**IMPORTANT:** You should check with your broker before transferring to another broker or CS as it could lead to your positions being sold/liquidated or your account being blocked during the process. + +&#x200B; + +**Transfer Lot Method** + +**ELI5: You can choose which shares you want to transfer (the first ones you bought? The last ones? etc)** + +When transferring positions, your broker should be asking or give you the choice on the tax method you'd like to use to transfer your positions. If not, there should be an option in the account management or you could check your statements and list to your brokers the shares you want to transfer. + +Some of the common ones: + +* Last In, First Out aka LIFO - The last shares you bought will be transferred first. +* First In, First Out aka FIFO - The first shares you bought will be transferred first. +* Highest Cost - The shares with the highest cost will be transferred first. + +Do your DD. [Here is something I found really quickly](https://finance.zacks.com/determine-shares-sell-fifo-lifo-9766.html) + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# I want to open a CS directly + +If you are in the US, you can follow [this kick-ass guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pxc2cn/how_to_create_new_computershare_account_via_new/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from u/BananyaBangarang. Unfortunately, for the majority of international apes, it is not possible to open an account with CS directly. + +\------- + +# Some DDs to understand more about DRS and Computershare + +Check the following posts: + +* From u/Doom_Douche / [SuperStonk Post: When you wish upon a star - a complete guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [Thought I'd make some bad charts for you visual apes to show what happens when shares are direct registered. Hope this clears things up!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptp3a4/thought_id_make_some_bad_charts_for_you_visual/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [Direct Registering Shares (DRS) is the MOASS key handed on a golden platter. Dr T has been preaching this for months with CMKM as an example that exposed phantom shares. ComputerShare is not some shady company. They are the designated transfer agent for 37.4% of the market.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pps2yj/direct_registering_shares_drs_is_the_moass_key/) +* From u/Criand / SuperStonk Post: [ComputerShare and DRS is the way. It ignites the squeeze because it's equivalent to an investor-driven share recall. You aren't transferring shares, you are transferring CERTIFICATE ownership away from the DTC and into retail's hands. Shares can be replicated infinitely. Certificates can NOT.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prpum9/computershare_and_drs_is_the_way_it_ignites_the/) +* From u/zenquest / SuperStonk Post: [Why direct ownership of GME at Computershare is the most likely trigger and what's stopping](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prsk9n/why_direct_ownership_of_gme_at_computershare_is/) + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# FAQs + +&#x200B; + +* ***"How long does it take?"*** \- There are 2 parts to this process: + +1. The process with your broker (ie: how long it takes for them to initiate the DRS transfer). This is outlined for each broker below and; +2. The process with CS (ie: create your account, register your account). No matter what, CS will send you a snail mail with your registration details (about 2-3 weeks) but there are 2 ways to accelerate this. See bottom of this post for more on this. + +&#x200B; + +* **"*****Do I need to transfer all to CS now?*****"** \- Simple answer is no (unless it fits your investment strategy). You should have done your DD about your broker and understand how reliable they are on a scale from Robinhood to Fidelity. CS and DRS transfer is suited for some apes wanting to build an ♾️🏊. If I use my personal experience, I have transferred ~~20%~~ 80% of my GME shares to CS because I'm not planning on selling short or mid-term. That's my decision and it suits my investment strategy. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"So why transfer to CS if I can simply not sell some of my shares to create one of these fancy pool for myself?"*** \- Really valid question and it's a personal choice again. For me, I want these shares in **MY** name, not street name. + +&#x200B; + +* **"*****What happens if MOASS starts while the shares are being transferred?*****"** \- Once again, you have to be clear about your investment strategy. If you are not planning on selling these, why do you care if they are in transit? From my POV, it's a plus. I won't be tempted to touch them. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"Computershare has a shitty ceiling on max sell?"*** \- That's true. $1m/transaction so definitely lower than my floor. Anything above this will require written notice. As per above, see post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pphitt/computershare_sell_limits_per_customer_support/) + +&#x200B; + +* ***"What happens to my shares once they are 'transferred' to CS?"*** \- Well, it's a bit weird. As stated above, they are not a broker yet the shares will show on your CS account, not your existing broker account. + +&#x200B; + +* ***"What happens once the transfer has gone through with my broker?"*** \- See bottom of this post for more on this. + +&#x200B; + +* **"I already have a CS account, will another account be created if I transfer more shares later?"** \- That question has been floating around lately. If you start subsequent DRS transfer and want these shares to go to your existing CS account, quote your CS account number to your broker. Just make sure the name on the account match. + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# Let's get started + +**Be kind** + +One last thing, be patient and kind with the customer service reps on both the broker side and CS side. The same way we are learning, they are also getting up to speed with a niche topic. If you get a good experience with one of them, take another 5 min after you are done to write a referral or compliment, it goes a long way! + +&#x200B; + +**Be Confident** + +You've got this! A phone call is easier than you think! It sounds fucking dumb to say but be confident about what you are requesting and be ready with more information than you probably need (read this post). For example, you might get push-back on the DRS transfer mentioning you need a CS account. This is incorrect. **This is NOT a broker-to-broker transfer, this is a transfer to an official registrar, a transfer agent to get shares in your name.** + +&#x200B; + +**Things you need to know and/or might need** + +* **GameStop Details:** + +**Ticker: GME** + +**CUSIP: 36467W109** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +* **Computershare Details:** + +**Address:** + +>**Computershare Trust Company, N.A.** +> +>**P.O. Box 505005** +> +>**Louisville, KY 40233-5005** + +**CS DTC #: 7807** + +# Phone Number / GME Team: +1 877-373-6374 and press *99 twice then say it's for Gamestop + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# Fidelity 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, Fidelity will take care of it.** +> +>**# IMPORTANT: For anything above $10k, you'll need a medallion signature for the form process** +> +>**# FEES:** **NONE** +> +>**#** **PROCESS COMPLEXITY :** 🔷(Phone) / 🔷🔷(Form/Secured online message) +> +>**# TIMING: \~3-5 days** +> +>**# METHOD: Phone or Form/Secured online message** + +**Phone** + +**Step 1.** Call the following number **~~1-800-756-0128~~** **1-800-343-3548** and say it's for 'stock certificates' + +**Step 2.** You might need to provide the following details: + +* Your account # with Fidelity +* Your DOB, SSN and current address +* How many shares you'll want to transfer and the method. + +**Step 3.** Done + +&#x200B; + +**Form/Secured Email** + +You'll need your Fidelity Account #, Computershare's details (Address and DTC #, see above), Gamestop ticker (GME) and CUSIP 36467W109 plus some personal information. + +**Step 1.** Download, print, fill, and scan the Fidelity form called '[Transfer Shares as a Gift - NonRetirement'](https://www.fidelity.com/bin-public/060_www_fidelity_com/documents/applications/Transfer-Shares-Gift-Nonretirement.pdf) (Note this is to transfer shares that are NOT in a registered account with tax benefits for retirement). + +*NOTE: You are basically gifting/transferring these shares to yourself* + +To fill the bottom part of Section 2 "Gifting Instructions", you'll see a few tables for the Investment Name. If you bought all your shares all at once, you probably just need to fill one table. If you have bought all the dips Shitadel has given you, you might need to fill more than one table as follow: + +>***This is an example!*** +> +>*Investment Name: GameStop Corp / CUSIP: 36467W109 / Shares: 5 / Lot Acquisition Size: 02/02/2021 / Lot Acquisition Cost: $3* +> +>*Investment Name: GameStop Corp / CUSIP: 36467W109 / Shares: 10 / Lot Acquisition Size: 03/03/2021 / Lot Acquisition Cost: $15* +> +>*etc.* +> +>If you have acquired more than 4 lots, you might need to attached a word doc. + +https://preview.redd.it/szp1ecu7tcq71.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=39979fc070e0c0ff9262c286b332c952323b86d7 + +**Step 2.** Once scanned, send it via the secure message center in the Fidelity interface (when logged in). Head to **Contact Us** and click on **Secure Mail** to return the form. + +**Step 3.** You might want to follow-up with them a day or so after to make sure it's received and processed. + +**^(UPDATED 28/09 11:00pm (NYC Time)** **/ Added the form method back)** + +\----------------- + +&#x200B; + +# TD Ameritrade 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, TDA will take care of it.** +> +>**# NOTE: Review the Tax Method for transfer on Client Services >> My Profile >> General >> FIFO/LIFO** *(see above for more on that topic)* +> +>**# FEES:** **NONE** +> +>**#** **PROCESS COMPLEXITY :** 🔷(Phone) / 🔷🔷(Form/Secured online message) +> +>**# TIMING: \~2-3 weeks** +> +>**# METHOD: Phone or Chat or Form/Secured online message** + +**Phone** + +**Step 1.** Chat Method - Start a '**Ask TED**' chat and ask for an Outbound DRS Transfer or call **1-800-652-4584** and request to talk to someone for an Outbound DRS Transfer. When you go through 'Ask TED', the agent will fill the form for you + +**Step 2.** You will most likely need to provide + +* Your details (your TDA account #) +* ComputerShare's details (see above) +* Security Symbol (ie: GME) +* Share Quantity and lot acquisition method +* SSN + +**Step 3.** Done + +&#x200B; + +**Form/Secured Email** + +You'll need your TDA Account #, Computershare's details (see above), Gamestop ticker (GME) plus some personal information. + +**Step 1.** Download, print, fill, and scan the form called '[Transfer Out - Direct Registration System and Certificate Request'](https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en_us/resources/pdf/TDA371.pdf) + +*NOTE: You'll see a note on top of the form for a $500 fee. This is for issuance of a Certificate, not a DRS transfer.* + +How to fill? + +* Section 1: For the number of shares, check the info on how to fill the Fidelity form to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. For the Transfer Agent Account #, leave blank if you don't have a CS account yet. +* Section 2: This is basically YOU and YOUR details. +* Section 3: Leave this blank +* Section 4: Your address. This will be used to create your CS account + +**Step 2.** Once scanned, send it via the secure message center in the TDA interface (when logged in). Head to **Secure Mail** to return the form. + +**Step 3.** You might want to follow-up with them a day or so after to make sure it's received and processed. + +**^(UPDATED 23/9, 8:45am NYC Time)** **^(/ Confirmation that live chat works)** **^(NomNomNommy on 22/9 / Added form method on 29/9)** + +\----------------- + +&#x200B; + +# Ally Invest 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, Ally Invest will take care of it.** +> +>**# IMPORTANT: You need sufficient funds on your account when starting this process.** +> +>**# FEES:** **$115 (if rejected, it will be $125 rejection fee)** +> +>**#** **PROCESS COMPLEXITY :** 🔷🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: \~30 days** +> +>**# METHOD: Letter of Instruction/Email** + +**Step 1.** You'll need to fill a letter of instruction. [You can find a template here](https://imgur.com/8lzCy8O) . Download, print, fill, scan and return. + +Note: You'll need + +* Your details +* ComputerShare's details (see above) +* Security Symbol (ie: GME) +* Share Quantity +* SSN +* A statement accepting the $115 fee associated with this transaction. +* Sign and date + +**Step 2.** You can follow up with the chat function a few days later. + +**^(UPDATED 23/09 9am / Credit to)** u/Bonesaparte ^(/ Timing update (source:) u/SCRAAH ^(on 23/9)) + +\----------------- + +&#x200B; + +# Merril Edge 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, Merril Edge should take care of it** +> +>**# NOTE: Form is set for an automatic First in, First out. Make sure you understand if that works for you and call it out to them if not. You will need to send a letter of instruction** ***(ie: "yo, change this to what i want!"*****)** +> +>**# FEES: $25** +> +>**# PROCESS COMPLEXITY:** 🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: \~4 days** +> +>**# METHOD:** **Online form** + +**Step 1.** Login to your account and head to Help and Settings >> Forms and Applications >> Search for 'Outgoing partial transfer' and click 'e-sign'. [You can also find the form online here](https://olui2.fs.ml.com/publish/content/application/pdf/GWMOL/Partial_Asset_Transfer_Authorization_Letter.pdf) but you'll then have to download, print, fill, scan and return. + +**Step 2.** Follow the steps and submit. FYI, you'll need to provide: + +* Your Merril account # (8 digits) +* The lot you want to transfer along with the ticker GME and the CUSIP 36467W109 +* Computershare's details (DTC # and Address as per above) +* If you don't have a CS account, just write "*To be created by Computershare" or "N/A"* + +**^(UPDATED 14/10 2:00am NYC Time / Credit to)** ^(st2008hh) **^(and)** ^(Bibic-Jr) + +\--------- + +&#x200B; + +# Schwab 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, Schwab will take care of it** +> +>**# FEES: NONE** +> +>**# PROCESS COMPLEXITY:** 🔷🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: 3-5 days** +> +>**# METHOD:** **Phone or Live Chat** + +**Step 1.** Call them on **1-877-284-9830** (Asset Transfer Team) or 1-800-323-4332 (seems like Schwab is pushing back on that second #) and ask to talk to the Security Team. You can also use the Chat function. + +**NOTE: When calling the first #, say your Schwab Acc. #, then press 4 then 2** + +**Step 2.** Once you talk to someone (can take a while), be knowledgeable and ask for an **Outbound DRS Transfer** for some of your Gamestop shares to the official registrar (Computershare). At that point, they should be able to pull the right form and help you out. + +You'll need to provide: + +* Name and Address +* You Schwab Account +* Your SIN or Tax Number +* The ticker (GME), CUSIP (36467W109) +* Your CS account #. If you don't have a CS account, that's ok, they should be able to proceed. +* The number of shares to transfer and the preferred cost basis calculation method for determining "which" shares would be transferred. (Check the preface FAQs for more on this) + +**Step 3.** Rep will submit the request. + +**^(UPDATED 29/09 11:30pm (NYC Time)** **^(/ Updated phone number source: DarthHudson)** + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +# WeBull 🇺🇲 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, WB will take care of it** +> +>**# IMPORTANT: You need sufficient funds on your account when starting this process.** +> +>**# IMPORTANT 2: Double/Triple check your shares are not lent. If you think they aren't, just check again** +> +>**# FEES: $115** +> +>**# PROCESS COMPLEXITY:** 🔷🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: \~7-10 days** +> +>**# METHOD:** **Letter of Instruction/Email** + +**Step 1.** They don't have a form but based on what other brokers are asking, you want to anticipate and provide all the details. Send an email with the following details asking for an **outbound - DRS Transfer.** I've made [a blank template you can use here](https://imgur.com/8lzCy8O) you can use as an attachment + +* Your account number, your name, your phone number, your email. +* The stock you want to transfer along with CUSIP and quantity. +* Receiving firm's details (CS): Name, Address, DTC #, and who you want the shares to be registered to. As such, provide details on the beneficiary (name, SSN or Tax #), Address, Phone, Email) + +**Step 2.** Send them an email along with the attachment. They should have a secured message center. Make sure you follow up with them. + +**^(UPDATED 19/09 11:30pm GMT+10)** + +\----------------- + +&#x200B; + +# WealthSimple 🇨🇦 + +>**# NOTE: You don't need to open a CS account, WS will take care of it** +> +>**# IMPORTANT: You need sufficient funds on your account when starting this process.** +> +>**# IMPORTANT 2: If you are on a TFSA or RRSP account, DRS might not be the right thing to do as it has fiscal implication. Essentially, they will need to liquidate your positions for the transfer.** +> +>**# FEES: $300** +> +>**# PROCESS COMPLEXITY:** 🔷🔷 +> +>**# TIMING: \~3-4 weeks** +> +>**# METHOD:** **Chat** + +**PREFACE:** u/PM_Your_Green_Buds **has written a post for Canadians (with WS and other brokers) about delays. Check it out and don't hesitate to drop names like IIROC (as they regulate WS). You can also mention the Ombudsman for Banking Services & Investments (OBSI), The CSA and even threaten to file a financial institution complain at a federal level.** + +**Step 1.** Seems super simple. Just initiate a chat + +You'll need to provide the following: + +* Your account number, your name, your phone number, your email. +* The stock you want to transfer along with CUSIP and quantity. +* Receiving firm's details (CS): Name, Address, DTC #, and who you want the shares to be registered to. As such, provide details on the beneficiary (name, SSN or Tax #), Address, Phone, Email) + +**Alternate:** you can also send an email. I've made [a blank template you can use here](https://imgur.com/8lzCy8O) + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# Interactive Brokers IBKR + +Check that [in-detail process here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmu19h/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/) + +🇮🇹 Go to [u/-LNZ](https://www.reddit.com/u/-LNZ/) post for help. He has done [something in Italian just for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzvc4z/italian_ape_here_wanting_to_help_other_italian/) + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# So what is happening after my broker has completed its part? + +* Your ticket will be allocated to your broker. In my case, it took 3 days +* They will start the process. In my case, it took another 1-2 days. +* When your broker has confirmed it's done, **you will not hear from CS to confirm it's completed**. Contact CS \~48-72h later to make sure all is fine (**GME Team: +1 877-373-6374 and press \*99 twice then state it's for Gamestop)**. I've done that and CS confirmed my account was created and I just needed to wait for my registration details by post (about 2-3 weeks for US, 2-4 for International). You gotta be patient unless you ain't (see below if that's the case) +* You will receive your transfer confirmation a few weeks later. You can then set up your account. You'll need to set up your account with personal details, 3 security questions and a password. You'll then get a verification link to your email. Your login for CS is totally unrelated to your broker's login. +* Once that's done, CS will ask for a special token code (kinda 2FA)...and that code is sent by snail mail. You can call CS right away and request an express package. Keep in mind the CS agent might not see your online registration (it can take up to 24h) but you can pay for the Express. +* **INTERNATIONAL APES: you'll need to fill a W8-BEN form. This can be done online when you are logged into your CS account** + +\------- + +&#x200B; + +# "So yeah, I'm not patient, what do I do?" + +**Self-Serve Method (didn't work for me)** + +**Step 1.** Login to [CS website and try registering online](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home?cc=US&lang=en) (2) (you might need a VPN or overwrite the default country redirect (1). + +https://preview.redd.it/cvek5kogxyq71.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=8208122d630d65c5d5ebb368b9a461948f4d3132 + +**Step 2.** Register with your SSN, your ZIP code, etc. + +**EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: You need to be 200% accurate with these details and they need to be matching the details your broker would have passed on to CS.** + +**NOTE: For transparency, it didn't work for me since my postcode (ZIP) is 4 digits. I noticed it doesn't work if your postcode as letters in it.** + +https://preview.redd.it/08w1wnxhxyq71.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=21fe53bcc85627dfc7369207ea4ab1f993abfb24 + +**Call Centre Method** + +**Step 1.** Call the CS US number on **+1 877-373-6374** and **press \*99 twice then state it's for Gamestop** + +**Step 2.** Make it clear you just transferred shares, do not have a registration yet, and don't want to wait for regular post. You'd like **Express Post ($35 for US / $45 for international).** + +NOTE: You can also request Express to receive that special code. Just call them as you initiate the verification process. + +**Step 3.** Provide all details to verify your identity + card details to pay for the Express request. + +**Step 4.** Getting a tracking number should take a day so you can call back and ask for it. +I was reading an [article](https://www.investors.com/etfs-and-funds/sectors/sp500-warren-buffetts-panic-sale-two-stocks-cost-700-million/) this morning about Warren Buffet panic selling OXY and UAL. And I reflected yet again on the lousy job he did navigating the pandemic. At one point BRK.B shares were trading for less than $170 and BRK didn't repurchase any of them whilst sitting on >$100B in cash. As a long-time BRK shareholder, I am just at a loss as to how individual investors like me could trade the pandemic better than the greatest investor ever. And don't call it luck (or bad luck) or 20/20 hindsight--thousands of us were begging BRK to repurchase shares last March and they sat on their hands and did nothing (except panic sell stocks that are now up huge). Don't get me wrong, I am glad BRK is finally repurchasing shares aggressively, but how can you justify massive repurchases at $250+ and not at $170? +I've been following the news surrounding Evergrande. Some analyst say that the company going down could have catastrophic outcomes across China and the rest of the world. They've equated to Lehman brothers in 2008 (which I don't understand). + +How is it that the bankruptcy of a single company could have those far reaching effects across an economy as large as China, US or the world? +https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm - first text file, search "GME", and you'll see the fails to deliver suggesting a real number in the millions, unheard of - these are purchased shares that couldn't be found. I have no idea how this simple metric isn't widely reported. + +Hedge funds get paid more by fraudulently creating more shares when the stock goes under. They cannot cover anywhere near this price level because the shares don't exist. Manipulating the number of shares also dilutes the reported short float. Retail is holding on to shares they need and just not letting go, as some of those shares retail has are fraudulent. By the time they run out of money in interest payments dragging this out, it'll be a massive shitshow. + +[KEEP IT UP](https://i.redd.it/4fllvoc68we61.jpg) + +More info: http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html + +:edit: 84 GME @ $87.16 avg. + +:edit 2: Please note one reason prices are still high is to encourage retail go to other stocks (looking at you AMC, BB, NOK), or get more easily duped by some scam like silver. It's always been about GME. + +When it comes time for them to pay up, expect the price to drop first. + +:edit 3: The price is now around where the volume dropped off. I think we're at the bottom, as long as we hold. I think the chance of seeing big upword moves is as high as its ever been. Unless they want us to sit here for a day. It's all very expensive psychology for them. +My father recently passed away and did not leave a will. He had a 2014 Chevy Sonic that he used to get around town that he used to jokingly say that he would give to my niece some day to drive. She's 11. + +My mother (divorced) and my sister want to park that car next to my sister's house (we live in the SW desert) for the next six years so that my niece will have a car when she turns 16. This would be a minimal cost, storage insurance, etc. + +I proposed that instead we sell it now (while it's worth more) and take that money and put it into a CD for five years (where it will grow) and then use the money to get a newer car at 16. I know of no teenager that has ever thought they would rather drive a beater from grandpa's estate than something a little nicer and newer. + +I don't see a downside to this but they are absolutely adamant about it. + +I told them I'd make a Reddit post and someone would know how to make this make sense to them. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thanks everyone -- never thought to include the damages from storing it. I think I'll take her down to a mechanic and have him give it a once over so he has some idea of the condition and then she can decide once she has all the info. +I guess this sub is appropriate for me now. + +Basically for the past few years I’ve been slowly accumulating different crypto coins, and one mistake caused me to lose everything. + +Because my portfolio grew very quickly, the majority of my networth was in crypto (like 90%), so I guess another mistake was not taking profits. I’m a student, and that was life changing money. + +I’ve got scammed and revealed my private key, and my wallet was wiped clean. + +I guess I can only cut the loss, and start from zero. Going to buy some ramen right now. Peace. + +Be safe and careful. +[Settlement website](https://www.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/) + +[Eligibility checker](https://eligibility.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/en/eligibility) + +[FTC.gov press release](https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/refunds/equifax-data-breach-settlement) + +You can receive a minimum of $125, more if you had to spend time freezing your credit or suffered financial losses. Claims are open until January. + +Edit: there seems to be some confusion on being eligible for the cash settlement if you "don't have credit monitoring". I assume most readers here have something like Credit Karma, which is free and does indeed provide credit monitoring. + +Edit 2: obligatory thank you for gold! +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Today, Just Eat announced that it is entering the UK Grocery Partnership with Asda: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/just-eat-to-launch-grocery-partnership-with-asda-in-uk-271639734880](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/just-eat-to-launch-grocery-partnership-with-asda-in-uk-271639734880) + +The shares prices for the delivery companies have been absolutely massacred YTD: + +* ROO -28% YTD\* DELIVEROO) +* JET - 55% YTD\* (JUST EAT TAKEAWAY) +* DHER - 34% YTD (Delivery Hero) + +\* I am a holder of these two shares and most recent addition was in Deliveroo at 208p. + +My theory longer term is that Supermarkets will eventually outsource their whole online delivery options to the likes of these companies and Uber Eats. + +Just-Eat Takeaway had a large well known value investor (Baupost) initiate a position in the stock earlier this quarter and Cat Rock Capital (an Activist) investor has upped his stake ([Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-16/cat-rock-capital-said-to-boost-stake-size-in-just-eat-takeway)) . Neither of these actions has helped its share price, in fact quite the opposite! + +Speaking more generically, in UK / Europe currently, and in large parts of other countries people are working from home and / or staying at home for holidays. + +With all this in mind, what else could be behind the severe weakness of these shares? I have some thoughts: + +\-> Impact of hike in US rate rises on high growth (zero profit!) company valuations + +\-> Generally a more apathetic share market and investor base for UK / European stocks vs the US where there is significantly more volume mainly due to options activity + +Interested to know hear other people's views on this topic. + +Thanks +long story short, somehow my mom found out i got vaccinated and called me in the middle of my shift to tell me not to come back home. I’m 17. she dropped my stuff off at work and I created new bank accounts with her no longer connected to it. i have my car, but her name is on the title so I’m not sure how much longer I have it. I am currently in a foster family’s house until I can get my feet on the ground. + +what is my first best step? +how do I go about finding a place to live at 17? +should I try to apply for SNAP benefits? +what’s the most reasonable plan of action? + +I just got paid so I have about $3k in the bank and almost $300 in cash which is my emergency fund. + +I feel so hopeless right now. I don’t even know where to begin. + +any help at all is appreciated, thanks in advance + +EDIT 1: first of all, thank every one of you for the advice. it’s been a very overwhelming past few days and I’m trying to get my feet on the ground. I had a therapy appointment today and she filed a DFS report just a few hours ago. I’m currently waiting on that call for them to talk to me. +I’m going to follow the advice of many and attempt to be put into the foster system, get the title of my car, and be placed with the family I am living with now. I’m starting to recover, slowly, but surely. the shock factor is less now, and I’m meeting with my therapist again next week. I’ll continue to make post updates and tell you all what’s happening, thank you all again for your help. +I came across [this article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/buy-borrow-die-how-rich-americans-live-off-their-paper-wealth-11625909583) ([non-paywall link](https://archive.is/pVrcG)) in the WSJ today. It outlines a strategy often talked about on r/fatFIRE where folks will take loans against their portfolio at very low rates to avoid taxes. + +&#x200B; + +The examples the writer used was allowing founders/CEOs tap into their wealth without selling their shares and losing voting control. However, the writer missed the step-up in basis treatment of these gains on death. + +&#x200B; + +I didn't find anything in the article that wasn't normally discussed in this sub but thought it was interesting as it's finally getting more exposure. +I used to think it was pretty simple. Say if a government borrowed a trillion dollars and spent them on the economy that would be a direct injection of a trillion dollars and would increase national GDP by at least that much. Even if all the money was just spent on buying a single apple for a trillion dollars, national statistics would still indicate that the value of all the food being sold in the country has gone up by a trillion dollars. And so would consumption and GDP. Maybe there would even be multiplier effects that increase the GDP boost by more than a trillion. + +But apparently it doesn't work like that? At all? I'm basing this on reading that Biden's stimulus plan which involves borrowing and spending $1.9 trillion dollars (or about 10% of the US $20 trillion GDP) is going to boost 2021 US [GDP by 1.7%](https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/news-insights/economic-insights/The-irony-of-Biden-s-super-stimulus-USD360bn-for-exporters-around-the-world.html) and 2022 GDP by 0.7% compared to the no-plan scenario. I know US fiscal years aren't exactly the same as calendar years so maybe part of that stimulus is spread out in 2022. Still it looks like too small of an effect to me? Shouldn't borrowing that much money boost GDP growth by at least 10% on top of the usual prognosis? + + +I know not all the money the government hands out will get spent. Some of it will be saved and so it won't affect GDP. But surely the saving rate won't be as high as 75% to produce just 2.4% growth over 2 years? And what about all the multiplier effects as the people who will sell things that can be bought with this money can then go on to spend their new $1.9 trillion too (or at least whatever's left of it after the first group saved)? There would be some inflation too but surely not that much? + + + +So my question is why am I wrong and how does this work exactly? Why isn't a dollar borrowed the same thing as a dollar spent and a dollar of additional GDP? +According Wikipedia: + +[GDP per capita (UN):](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita) + +Japan: US$ 40,063 + +World: US$ 11,339 + +[Number of billionaires per million people (Forbes):](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_billionaires) + +Japan: 0.207 + +World: 0.350 + +Does it mean anything? I was supposing without deep thinking and research that there was a correlation between wealth of a nation as measured by GDP per capita and the number of wealth people +So I am currently 15 and have about 700$ in a s&p 500 index fund. But I have always looked in awe towards the great investors such as buffet and graham, and would like to learn value investing. I know I probably won’t be able to beat the s&p but I would still like learn the fundamental ideas and strategies so I was wondering if it is possible for a 15 y/o to get started considering how complicated everything seems at face value. +I walked into my boss’s office today and got shown the door. It was surreal. There is major change happening at megacorp, and I had the opportunity to negotiate my surrender. Over the course of the past 6 months, I had a unique set of circumstances that led to a conversation where I got to give input on the decision. I could either ask for a big job, or get a nice package. I don’t love megacorp, so I asked for the latter. Today, boss-man gave me the news. + +I’m not going to lie, it stung a little. I’ve never been fired before. It has been a really long time since I’ve had to find a job. Despite playing a hand in it all, it isn’t pleasant. All these feelings are in spite of the fact that I was almost certainly going to leave before the end of 2020. + +That said, the positives outweigh the negatives by a wide margin. In thanks for my service, my after tax haul will be $1.5M, bringing our NW to $8.4M. A number of friends and colleagues gave me amazing feedback on skills and traits I’ve spent years actively working to improve. One, asked what I wanted, then suppressed his desire to offer me another job in the company. We left it at “we’ll work together in the future.” I’m lucky to have a working spouse and great prospects. After a little break, I guess I’ll be living the rebranding someone posed recently...”recreationally employed.” +The world's richest man that actually gives a damn about us. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Is there a list of charities that Ryan supports somewhere that we may eventually spread the love after MOASS? (all money goes in to GME before MOASS) It would be a great way to show our appreciation to the man that will not only help us all become wealthy, but also saving a store that so many of us have fond memories of. 🚀🚀 + + + +Guys, this is pure dynamite 🧨 A post on LinkedIn by Peter Hann, the investment manager of the city of Calgary officially sharing in detail all the fckery by Shitadel and friends he is seeing. + +It’s obviously very helpful if not only simple minded apes and belittled retail investors share their frustration but if also professional traders like him tell the public what is going on here (although he is unfortunately a paper hand and not a 💎 handed ape it is a brave move to call them out in his position) + +While the post is about the movie stock the manipulation methods obviously apply 1:1 to GME and are fully in line with our DD but if a guy like him makes it public at LinkedIn it will certainly draw some attention . Let’s see how long it will be allowed to be online...💥💪 + +Peter Hann CFA, Investment Portfolio Manager at City of Calgary +https://www.linkedin.com/in/canfxguru + +“Short's managed to get #Moviestock off the NYSE Threshold list last Friday, not clear exactly how this was done but looks like exposure converted from Fails to Deliver (#FTD) to outright naked shorts and then packaged into the #IWM ETF. + +I'm really not going to waste more brain power on this. Citadel is a market marker and between them and their "friend" #Virtu control 80% of retail orders. They can more or less dictate price on slow volume days. + +Allegations of buy orders being delayed as much as 35 days through Citadels data flow. How likely is that? Hard to verify baring an audit, but it is true that dark pool trading accounted for over 65% of volume for the last 5 trading days and over 50% over the last month. + +Meanwhile, retail orders continue to be overwhelmingly buy oriented. The only selling is coming from shorts using the dark pools to mute buying pressure. The short-ladder attacks from last week seem to shifted to a numb inducing slow drip lower. + +The degree of overt manipulation is mind blowing. + +I am told #Citadel employs a team of psych Phd's to design price moves designed to drive retail interest away. The media attacks are clearly not working so the recent price campaign has escalated, driving it from $59 to $39 last week, a brief surge back to $49 and today's slow drip from $46.50 to $42.50 at the close. + +I really think Citadel needs to fire their pysch experts. Most retail is holding and bought large amounts in March. Many likely did sell a small amount in June like I did, to cover their initial investment. For example, I was long at $9.60 and sold at $53.40, enough to cover my buy in and show a decent realized gain. + +My remaining position is a free rider. The price could go down to $12 and many holders would still be in the money. There were 3.2 million retail holders in March, there are likely 5 million now, there has been no dilution so how are new buyers finding shares without the price rising considerably? + +The longer Citadel delays this, the more the final bill will grow. The #DTCC has put most of their amendments into effect, so one wonders just how much free reign the #SEC will give Citadel and the 22 other shorts before strongly worded suggestions become more forcibly made directions. I thought in March the situation was a danger to financial stability. + +At this point I give up worrying about it as it appears officials in Washington have no clue the damage being done. If nothing else, the failure of officials to reign in Citadel all the while the stock is under a huge media spotlight will undermine confidence in the fairness of the market for retail participants. Which in turn will reduce retail activity and hurt longer term profitability for Citadel. + +So stop with the games and get on with popping the cyst.” + +Unfortunately I can’t even post the official link here as it contains the name of the movie stock company but I posted it also on Etoro and include the ETORO link here which will take you to the original LinkedIn post....🙈: https://etoro.tw/3hz0MDe +PayPal announced today that it shall allow US customers to pay with cryptocurrencies throughout its worldwide retailer network, as per a report this morning on *Reuters*. + +The move can help bolster the daily usage and adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum among millions of its online merchants globally—bringing in the much-needed visibility and broader proof-of-concept to the relatively niche sector. + +[https://cryptoslate.com/paypal-america-bitcoin-ethereum-merchants/](https://cryptoslate.com/paypal-america-bitcoin-ethereum-merchants/) +I'm been in tech for 20+ years. I've picked good companies to work for, and shitty ones. I've made decent money and gone years where hours worked took me away from my friends, family and my sanity. + +Recently I've come to the conclusion I'm too old to put up with any more BS from execs, staff and VCs. Everyone expects slave hours (i guess its because they buy your time and brain). Tech is really a young persons game and I am out of gas. I can't keep up anymore with 12-15 hour days, 6 days a week. + +Over thr past year I've been manually backtesting and aa well dabbling in daytrading with live cash (upwards of $35k per trade). I've made a bit, lost a bit but I'm up overall. I really love it to be honest. + +I'm not looking to jump right in as my day job but I'm curious to hear your stories on how you segued into making day trading your career. + +Info on me: mid-40s, spouse is professional, 2 school aged kids. Me (Eng leader at tech startup) living in Canada. Have $80k in cash available. On TD Direct Investing trading only on CDN exchanges for now. +Hello, I just wanted to post because after seeing all of this [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) craziness I felt the need to post. I (19M), am in college and started regularly trading stocks/options in September 2020. I began with $1000 that I had saved up over the summer, and I created my own method of using my 3 day trades to day trade SPY options. It worked really well for a fair amount of time, I lost a couple hundred bucks a few instances, but overall I made about $20-$80 off each day trade, where I was only wagering \~$600 at a time. My account peaked last week at around +$1600 from when I began day trading. (I took money out to buy food, clothes, etc.) and I was sitting at about $1200 in my account. After reading all the hype surrounding GME, I had some serious FOMO and wanted to get in on some of those hype stocks. I ended up being stupid and making multiple bad investments that eventually brought my account to about $200. + +I'm sure all of you know how mentally challenging losing that much (percentage) money can be. (especially when everyone was making thousands of dollars). Considering that my day trading was my only method of income, it really sucked to see all that money disappear into the NYSE. However, I have learned a lot of things, and I am going to continue to build my portfolio, being smart about it as I do it. On another note, it is sad to see [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/) fall, because it used to be a great sub with some really smart people, but now is drowned out by all the hype. I am going to spend more time in this sub, because the people here seem genuine and smart, and I am looking forward to learning from everyone. Best of luck in your trades, congratulate your wins, and learn from your losses. + +EDIT: Thank you so much for the encouraging and funny responses. I’ve been reading them but I can’t respond to them all. Best of luck trading tomorrow🚀💎 +[I'm reading that the total **external debt** of the Soviet Union was only $66B around 1991.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Soviet_Union) Furthermore, the total GDP or GNP of the Soviet Union was about $2.2T in 1985 in the same link. + +This means that the total external debt to GNP was only 3%. This is nothing at all, and shouldn't warrant a nation to collapse this spectacularly. + +* What was the other underlying issues going on with their economy to cause it to fail this spectacularly? + +* The Soviet economy was described as being a "command-based economy." Then why couldn't they just make it a "non-command" based economy and exist as the USSR without disintegrating? Or alternatively, **re-enact the "New Economic Plan," which was implemented in the early '20s under Lenin**? + +* Why didn't the constituent republics not fight to uphold the Soviet Union, but instead, they all just accepted their fate. Were their leaders from prior to 1991 hand-picked as being more amenable to a potential Soviet dissolution? Another words, were the leaders of the 16 different Soviet States hand-picked by VP George Bush (who was leading the CIA at one time) and/or one of his colleagues (like Kissinger)? + +* Why didn't the constituent nations not think about forming nations amongst themselves with or without Russia? For example: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan could have all formed one Turkic nation with an Islamic background. + +It seems that once the former Soviet States became almost alienated from each other, and moreover, today's younger Russians know nothing about the Old Bolsheviks or Peter Kropotkin. Even Putin has said some disparaging things about Lenin. I believe that Russia has spent the last 22 years to "De-Sovietize." +Soooo I made a post on this sub awhile ago now about how I lost my job suddenly and had all these payday loans coming out every week/fortnight and was stressed as hell about it. + +I called the national debt hotline who gave me a financial counsellor. They advised me to call the loan companies and get them paused — wow why did I now know this was a thing? Most companies were fine to deal with, one gave me a date that the pause would be lifted ON the day I saw my counsellor aaaaaah!!!! + +I met with a counsellor and we went through my finances. Things have to change we know that. She sent some emails off to the loan companies for me pausing them further. + +I will meet with her again at the end of the month and we will contact loan companies regarding paying them back in small instalments ($5 a week etc). + +I also got a job! It’s only 9 hours a week but it’s something — foot in the door. My first pay check is in 6 weeks and then fortnightly which is frustrating as my shoes have holes in them!!! + +Other than that life hasn’t changed much —- still sleep in a car, shower every like 8 days :(. + +But thanks to this sub for recommending the hotline as I am very impulsive and was ready to escape my debts forever wink wink. + +So yeah cheers to all the messages, people who offered to help (one kind redditor got me a hotel room before the interview so I could have a good sleep and shower and I aced it - got the job on the spot!). + +Now the goal is to perform well at this job. Get a second job. Get new shoes. + +Thanks to everyone!!!!! +I am a complete novice in Econ. I am from India and my awareness about Zillow came yesterday when I was hearing a podcast called "Finshots Daily" (Indian) where it explained how Zillow was using algorithms, AI and advanced stuff to predict prices but ended up losing 500 million US dollars and firing 2000 employees. + +I have asked on this sub before about how effective the Mathematical side of Economics is (I heard of Econ from being involved in Politics and knowing how Austrian school rejects Maths completely in Economics saying it has no ability to predict humans) and the response I got was positive - that Math is just a tool, that it can be effective in cases like Renaissance Tech, that Economics isn't just about Macroeconomic forecasting, etc. + +But now we have this - a firm using the latest technologies, the most advanced knowledge of Economics, Finance, Maths and Data Science, and still losing so much money. Should we start looking for alternative approaches to Economics? I heard that after 2008 Recession, mainstream Economics was heavily criticised and modified. Does it need a complete overhaul and a completely new approach? +I have a general understanding of Pigouvian Taxes. They are taxes used to influence behaviour, such as carbon taxes influencing someone's burning of fossil fuels. + +I can think of a few arguments against Pigovian Taxes, but they don't seem economic and are more ideological. For example, generally being against government intervention in markets or affecting people's freedom of choice. + +What other arguments are there against Pigouvian Taxes? (assuming I understood the concept correctly). + +Edit: I realized I misspelled the term in the title. +My gut reaction is to look at rent control for an answer, where investment stagnates and a developing areas economic growth halts. + +But from a different lens the problem in Canada has gotten so out of control, one could argue their economy is at risk as a result of so many low and middle income individuals being priced out of areas where their job is needed. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I started getting more serious about money a bit later until I got a decent job at 28. Spent most of my 20s just being lost. I graduated at 22 with useless degree then spent rest of my 20s working odd jobs paying my previous degree off before I decided to go back to school again. I would say the past 3 years was when I actually started being serious. My goal is early retirement or semi retirement. 2 million in savings with house already paid off would be the goal and then retire and enjoy my life. + +I am 31 and single. Don't want to make same mistake like in my 20s. + +Income: I am expecting 120-130k per year I just moved recently for this new job but thats what I am expecting based on calculations. Last year I was at 110k at my previous job. I will be living with my parents rent free so will be super saving. + +The next decade in my 30s I am expecting a bright future because I don't have any debt and achieving a decent income. Only major purchase I would like in the future is a house or investment property. What I see me getting derailed from my goal would be having wife and kids. + +Stocks, 401k, roth ira, crypto, savings: 126k as of right now. It was a bit higher before stocks and everything got decimated. Hopefully it can pick back up again. + +debt: 25k. After 10k relief from biden it would be 15k. + +I don't own a house but I have my car thats paid off. I feel like im sacrificing a bit in pursuit of money. Living with my parents to save even though I can afford living on my own. Just expensive where I am at. Rent alone is gonna be 2k plus at minimum not including food, electricity, wifi. My new employer I don't like at all. It sucks but pay and benefits is good. I am more serious about my money and saving because I can't see me working here long term. I think I will eventually transfer to a cheaper city with higher income. + +Plan: My current plan is just basically keep working and investing in stocks. Keep on maxing out my 401k and roth ira. Keep putting money down in robo investors. I used to pick some various stocks by myself but risky. I rather just play the safe game. Its so slow and long tho. Am I on right track what should I do to speed up this process? +I found this sub, read the top posts, and got a lot of value out of them. So I thought I'd share my experience and some lessons, answer questions if people are interested, and cross-reference my experiences with other folks. + +Not sure exactly how to get verified but I messaged the mods with some info. + +&#x200B; + +(Edit) Not everyone likes the length of this post and how I didn't reduce it to a few action points. I kept [this other post in mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/loff5s/congrats_but_not_congrats_i_followed_fatfire_to/), namely: "When you post your wins, congrats, but post some details on how you got there. Why did you choose your method vs others. I wanna read your thought logic, not just how much NW you have and what you started with. Help us connect the dots." + +So I wrote more about my decisionmaking and the path. I refrained from dispensing advice in bullet points because it feels presumptuous of me to hand out advice when I don't think I'm better than anyone else here. I personally like hearing a person's story straight-up and seeing what resonates with me without being lectured to. Same reason I like reading biographies. Some people in similar situations like the post, but not everyone does - to each their own. + +&#x200B; + +**Taking the Plunge** + +I started my career in a stable field that had a predictable ladder. At the same time I started a small side business that was profitable (just 5-figures revenue, no longer operational and not the company that got me to fatFI). + +Gradually my career preferences shifted. I liked building companies more and more - I loved the process of turning a mere idea in your head into a real product that people used; I liked the scalable impact you can have with a business. On the other side, I hated having a boss, bureaucracy, and having limited control over my time; I didn't like how with most jobs you're paid for your time (with the owner taking the surplus value); I didn't like how your impact is usually linear, based on how much you work. + +Leaving my career track - something I'd spent all of college and earlier working toward - was hard. But I realized that I had a unique chance in my 20s to take a risk. I knew that the longer I stayed on the career ladder, the harder it'd be to leave - especially as I got more obligations like kids. I didn't want to be in my 50s, full of regret and wishing I'd been braver. So I quit my track to take a plunge into starting a business as a full focus. + +**Starting and Growing the Business** + +I started the business with a co-founder and we bootstrapped it with our own savings (each putting in about $100k). From the beginning, we had zero intention of raising money from outside investors. One reason is that fundraising is really distracting and sucks time away from building the business. The other reason is that we didn't want anything close to a boss. Investors have different goals and incentives than you, and they can shift your business away from what you personally want. A business can also get addicted to money, which requires raising more money, and before you know it you're diluted down to a 5% stake. We wanted to keep full control of our destiny. + +So our emphasis was to get to cashflow positive as quickly as we could, to "default alive" in Paul Graham's terms. The business was an online software business (consumer SaaS) in an industry we knew well. We hired an engineer (doing everything else ourselves), launched an MVP in about 3 months, started taking sales. We got to cashflow-positive in 9 months (mid-6 figure revenues) and never had to raise money. + +Over the next 6 years we kept growing the business while leading the company, getting to high 7-figure revenues. Because it was a software business and we have very efficient marketing channels, we have net margins of about 50%. (I know this is unusually high and means we're probably underinvesting in growth - something we're still figuring out. But OnlyFans has even more ridiculous margins, reportedly earning $300 million on $400 million - so it's not unprecedented \[[link](https://www.theinformation.com/articles/onlyfans-is-not-only-popular-but-hugely-profitable)\]) + +As our earnings grew, we started paying ourselves dividends. By the time I turned 35, we were able to pay each of the founders dividends of around $1.5 million a year, and that amount has grown since then. + +**Adjusting to Wealth** + +I don't have a Lambo to show off here, sorry. By and large I didn't change my spending habits. + +I grew up lower-middle class and those frugal habits die hard. I don't think it's guilt that's blocking my spending, I've just tried a lot of things and found it's hard to spend money in a way that drastically improves my happiness. + +* Normal hobbies don't cost that much. I play tennis and run; top of the line tennis gear and lessons run you in the thousands a year, max. Now I'm not racing yachts like Larry Ellison but I'm not interested in having expensive hobbies just for their own sake. When you get into hobbies that have an element of speculation from rich people (buying art, rare wines, Pokemon cards, NFTs of monkey pixels) then the prices get stupid high real fast, but I've never been interested in playing these games. +* I have no interest in a big house - it's just more stuff to clean, and I spend most of my indoor time in front of my computer. +* I've splurged on travel and eaten at 3-star restaurants. It's a nice experience, but with seriously diminishing marginal returns (for me). Maybe it's because I'm not a supertaster. As dumb as it sounds, it's still hard for me not to think, "is this meal *really* worth 30 Nashville hot chicken sandwiches?" The answer is usually no, even if the cost is now immaterial. +* I don't like owning expensive things. For one it attracts attention. Second, I don't like spending mental energy on protecting something precious. I don't want to worry about scratches on a $200k car and getting it detailed every month; for the same price I could buy 5 cars over 30 years I can beat up. +* I do spend to save time (on cleaning, deliveries, accounting) but again these are in the low thousands; since my life is simple I don't have a personal assistant. + +Maybe this isn't exactly fatFIRE since I'm not spending that much, sorry. + +To be clear - I do not judge people who spend money on consumption and get happiness from it. That's awesome that they've figured out what makes them happy. It's just not my cup of tea, and I suspect that's true of some people reading this more than they'd expect. + +The one exception is using money to fund future businesses and projects that are interesting to me (more on this later). Hiring people does cost a lot and I think it's a great use of money to build things of value. + +Caveat: I'm not married and don't have kids yet, and kids are obviously expensive. But I intend to raise them with little indication of wealth. I got a lot of my drive and perseverance from not having much when I grew up, and I want my kids to have the same. + +**What I'm Doing Now** + +My co-founder and I had a good time growing the business, but eventually wanted to move on to other things. So two years ago we hired a CEO to continue growing the business, and we transitioned to overseeing the CEO on the board. The company's revenue and earnings have grown, and we currently spend about one day a month on the business. It's super nice having a business that throws off cash without having to do very much. We don't have pressure to sell (because it's profitable and we have no investors) but if a buyer came along with a good offer we wouldn't be opposed to selling. Meanwhile we expect the business to last at least another 10 years and keep paying dividends. + +In the transition out of day-to-day management I took a break from doing anything, but found it pretty unsatisfying. I get most excited by building new things that other people like and being of service to others. + +So I naturally started thinking of new business ideas, and I pulled the trigger to start a new business. This time I have the luxury of more funding - I'm comfortable with a burn rate of about $1 million a year, less than what I earn through my first company so I'm still putting some away (I have less risk tolerance than Elon Musk, who bet everything he had from PayPal on SpaceX and Tesla - brass balls). + +I'm in my mid-late 30's now. I have about $5 million in liquid investments, which I just put in boring index funds (I haven't studied anything exotic like crypto enough to trust my judgment in them). I have a $1 million house (mortgaged). I'd estimate my stake in the first business in the $15-20 million range, the second business is TBD. + +&#x200B; + +**Things I Learned Along the Way** + +Most of what I read from successful fatFIREs and HNW/UHNW people resonates with me - diminishing returns from spending, time is the most valuable resource, wealth complicates relationships if you're not careful, etc. I won't repeat those things here. + +I'll just share a few lessons that weren't that obvious to me starting out that I didn't see too often here. + +**Even if you become a billionaire, you're still just a tiny human.** + +I admit I spend more energy than I should comparing myself to wealthier people. I know I'm super fortunate to have a business that pays over a million dollars a year without my doing anything. But other founders started around the same time I did, IPO'd, and now have >$500 million. And these people probably look at the multi-billionaire founders of Atlassian or Zoom or Stripe and envy them. It never ends if you let it keep going. + +A few years back I realized something that put things into perspective - even the richest people on Earth are just a tiny speck in the world and have a limited ability to influence it. + +Here's something to put it into perspective - how much do you think the annual budget of Baton Rouge, Louisiana is? + +It's $1 billion \[[source](https://www.brla.gov/DocumentCenter/View/11052/2021-Annual-Operating-Budget-PDF)\]. + +So say you have a net worth of $1 billion. Obviously that's a lot. Only a few thousand people on earth have that much money. But from a global perspective, it's a tiny amount. If you had $ 1 billion and liquidated your holdings, you could fund the expenses of Baton Rouge, the 100th largest city in the United States, *for only a single year* \- and then you're bankrupt. + +This ignores all the other cities in the US, and it ignores all the other countries in the world. A billionaire could fund only *1/100th of one year* of the New York City public system. Isn't that nuts? Like the hectomillionaire guy said, societal problems are multi-trillion dollar problems, and even billionaires can't put a dent in them. + +I don't know - for someone like me who never stops feeling like I could achieve more, it's kind of comforting to know that even the top 100 billionaires are unhappy that they can't do anything they want. Bill Gates is unhappy that he can't eradicate malaria and he can't get a country to get vaccines. Mike Bloomberg is unhappy that he couldn't become President. Sergey Brin is unhappy that his pet project Google Glass failed. + +The point is, no matter how much wealth you have (even if you have $300 billion), you are just a tiny speck in the grand story of our species, and even that history is a tiny speck in the universe. + +This helped me stop worrying about where I fit on the social totem pole, because ultimately whether you're John D. Rockefeller or you, we're all just ants on a floating rock in space. Instead I just focus on what I enjoy doing, which right now is building companies. + +&#x200B; + +**The less you care what other people think, the more likely you are to get what you really want out of life.** + +Other people's preferences affect our decisions in ways that are hard to detect. This covers everything from how we choose our careers to how we spend our money and present ourselves. + +When I started my company, the idea of bootstrapping a company was pretty rare. The conventional wisdom was to raise money and get featured in TechCrunch, almost like raising money itself was the achievement instead of building a sustainable company. We ignored this advice knowing it conflicted with our priorities, and it turned out well. A good number of companies that raise funding too aggressively end up selling for less than they raised, and the founders end up with nothing (e.g. Birchbox, Fab.com) + +When I left my career, plenty of people tried to dissuade me - there was so much stability, I'd worked so hard to get there, etc. But I knew I'd rather take a risk and avoid regrets than play it safe and be unfulfilled (easy to say in retrospect since my business worked out, I know). + +Following what other people wanted for me would put me in a strictly worse position than where I am now. + +Most people who are into fatFIRE are already fairly independent thinkers (since you're rejecting normal FIRE and lifelong employment in the first place) but it's still worth questioning why you want things. Do you want fatFIRE because you *genuinely* enjoy what you aim to spend money on, or because you just want to impress other people? If no one knew what you were doing, would you still do it? If not, what does that mean about how you should spend your money? + +Assuming you're the type to not care about impressing other people, this thinking will help you avoid burning money on mansions and fancy cars if you don't actually enjoy them. + +The earlier you can separate what you want from what other people want, the happier your life trajectory will be. I think some rich people get into buying art, philanthropy, angel investing because they think they have to fit the mold of Rich Person and impress other Rich People and not because they fundamentally enjoy it. + +(Note: It's perfectly fine to spend money impressing other people if *you know that's what you want* and you're being honest with yourself.) + +This is just one cognitive bias of many, highly recommend learning about all the biases that ruin your decisionmaking. + +&#x200B; + +**Random Business Lessons** + +There are a lot of ways to reach fatFIRE, and starting a business is just one of them. But for the founders out there, here are random things I learned: + +* You don't need an A+ team to get started. You hear all the time about the magical 10x engineer who does so much more than the average engineer, so some founders keep searching for the perfect outlier hire before starting. But I think this need is overblown. Most businesses don't need 10x better A+ talent at the beginning to sink or swim. A *good enough* execution will test whether your underlying strategy works. In other words, if you need to dig ditches, you don't get that much more by hiring Tom Brady to dig ditches. +* No one comes out of the womb knowing how to build a business, so don't be intimidated if you don't currently know much. You can learn everything you need by reading. The one thing you have to do well is to build something people want; all the other mechanics of a business are just mechanics. +* I'm not against raising money, but pushing it off for as long as possible avoids dilution and gives you more independence. Being cashflow positive and not needing investment for your company to survive gives you a huge advantage in raising money. +I'm one of many users here who have xxx/xxxx+ amounts of shares. I know once things start moving forward with the squeeze, people will think more for themselves. +**Those with x/xx shares will wonder, "will my fellow apes that I've held with and endured barrage upon barrage trying to hold the line, will they hold to 10m+ with me so I can have a breath of relief and be set with my family?"** + + +**You're just like me.** + +I say Yes, we will hold for you fellow ape. Your one share is enough and we will make it so by aiming high, beyond 10,000,000M+ a share. Why? **That's simple**. Because **NO APE IS LEFT BEHIND.** Because if I can just be a little more patient, I could set you up too. I know we all want to get ours and secure it but I know, if you're like me, eventually when you have so much, you'll naturally want to give it away because everyone around you, is like you. We're not part of the elite. We've so many shared experiences of feeling poor, unworthy, insecure financially and all the stress with it. We get it. That's why we always mock the rich because they just don't get it. Get what it's like to be poor. I'm in no way saying this like a victim, I'm actually thankful for my upbringing even if my family didn't have everything financially because it built compassion, relatability and humbleness. Lots of great qualities who make me unique and worthy in my own respect. But would I want another family to go through that, both parents and their children..? + + **FUCK NO.** It was hard and it tore my family and childhood apart. I missed out on a lot because my parents were either busy working for money, or arguing and stressed about money, or having to SAVE everything to the point where me and my siblings got nothing for our birthdays, or go out to eat or do fun things because of "money". Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure buys time. Time with the family, time to grow, time to enjoy, time to actually LIVE. We've lived our whole lives trying to become financially free. Wishing we were millionaires and imagining all the things WE COULD DO. It buys freedom. My upbringing taught me a good deal but.. I also missed out on a lot of things. Things that money can't buy. Memories, experiences, time. Those moments that we cant ever get back or relive. Family members we can't bring back. Things that could have existed with just a little... money. +We've all been through hard times, some of us more than others. I know the fortunate ones among us are deeply grateful for their fortune/luck in life. For every single digit share holder, I want you to know that we have not forgotten you because you were here for me, and for us. You HOLD and that makes you my brother/sister. You might not know me or see me, and you probably won't ever meet me or interact with me, but you.. out there in the void. **I want to thank you**, because by the sheer wonders of technology, **you're able to help me and a million other people just like you, trying to make a better life for their friends, families, and love ones.** Simply by doing the simplest, little thing, to hold. Very few people in life have helped me and I've mostly been looking out for myself. So when anyone, especially a stranger goes out of their way to do something for me when they have no obligation to, really makes me feel so thankful for good, good, people in life. I'm sure many can relate. And we're here. Right now. Hello. + +I see people like you and me who struggle every. single. day. Life is hard for many. +Many of us didn't have much growing up. I was raised in poverty. Another family is likely doing worse than we are. If I can GREATLY make your/their lives better just by holding to the peak, **I'll absolutely hold for you**. **When I help myself, I help you. When you help yourself, you help me. It's individualistic but it benefits the whole. Simply amazing. A game where everyone can win.** + + *The new fud on the horizon will most likely be saying your fellow apes are all selling now that gme has* ***started*** *squeezing, you don't want to be the last one holding the bag and everything along those lines to get you to panic and sell because of their Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.* Don't let it fool you, the only way they can take this away from you is if you sell low. But why would you do that? Especially if holding will change your life for the better in ways you have yet to even imagine. You've been here for almost 4 MONTHS. What's another day or two for good old apes? I would be doing the least to do the most for someone who really needs it and to me, that would be the ultimate cherry on the sundae. The old guard always said money was bad but honestly, that's just a flat out lie. Because when you give it out, you're giving time, resources, food, shelter for people who could really use it. It's a good thing. Not hoarding it illegal offshore banks and hiding it all. + +We're a handful of the population who want good things for ourselves and our loved ones. For apes. We're willing to stay in suspense and anxiety for months on end and suffer because we know the outcome will help us. It's just, so much deep fucking value. It's worth it. We see the opportunity here and we won't throw it away. Our one chance to beat life, with a high score. You're like a silent friend who believes in me, and my dreams, and my happiness even if not by design or intention. And just by doing the simplest thing, **holding.** Millions of us around the world, all the same, with no religion, color, politics, or division. Come together for the briefest of moments to change the course of history forever. Just a handful of apes. Who only care about bananas and their loved ones. All individually standing together for a better world, for the common people. + +Everyone here has proven that they are diamond handed and that they do believe in a better tomorrow for **everyone here**. A tomorrow not marred by corruption and greed. By division. I want you to know that, even if you can't see me, you'll feel me there with you when you look at the **volume** and it's dry as a bone, you'll know I'm there with you, holding with you in spirit. Cheering you on because **you honestly deserve good. fucking. things.** + + +***What does GME mean? GME means family. And Family means, no one gets left behind.*** + +30 years old. + +£44k salary. + +I drive a £3000 car (granted it's an MX5 and I love it). + +But God do I long for a swish and shiny new Audi A5 or something like it. + +Am I just poorer than what seems to be every Tom, Dick and Harry who drive Audi/BMW/Volvo seemingly everywhere, all the time, or is there something else going on? + +Surely not THAT many people are spending £400-700 a month on a car they will never own... Surely? +Could someone explain the logic behind investing purely for the dividends ? + +The way I see it, It's not worth it unless you have 200K+ . And even then, if you have that amount of money to invest, $300/ month would means nothing to you. +Edit. Sorry for the crap title. Was just how I felt earlier when I posted this. + +Tldr? Man orders takeaway multiple times a week for 7 months and is surprised to find out it cost him £3000+ + +Original post: + +Not sure if right place .... + +Just gone through my CC statements for this year (Jan to today) and have realised that me and my partner have spent just over £3000 this year alone on takeout on just my CC alone. I have not yet calculated her spending. + +Im fully disgusted in myself for allowing this to happen especially when we have been "struggling" to save. + +I have deleted all apps and will be looking to try and block payments to them for the future. + +I urge anyone and everyone to have a good sit down and go through your statements. + +Edit 2 - +Just want to say the comments and suggestions are really great. It seems that for some this is a close to home issue, and I agree that some takeaways are worth it as with most things it's all about moderation. +I'm SICK and TIRED of seeing Amazon being total POS to all their employees especially the delivery drivers, temp and warehouse workers. Everytime I interact with any of their delivery workers, they look like they're on the verge of tears from shitty hours, low wages and just straight up constant abuse. NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT. WTF. +Being as drunk and emotional as I am right now. I'm going to put this shit out there. I'm a fellow shareholder and a frequent GameStop customer. After MOASS, I hope GameStop sees this post and becomes BETTER than Amazon and crush their ass and wax the damn floor with Bezos head. +Gamestop. Please pay your employees a livable wage and great benefits. Insane changes are happening and that's the one thing that I specifically want in shitty corporate America. A new fucking STANDARD IN THIS DAMN COUNTRY. + +That is all. + +EDIT 2: Yes, Gamestop employees are still not being treated well now guys. Check out r/gamestop! We know that GameStops newly assembled executive team is insane and extremely bullish. We all noticed that they're listening to us apes and adding in more things to their inventory (board games, legos, electronics, etc.). With no debt, their number of employees is still growing, and them building more warehouses. It means this is a great time to voice our concerns for their current and future employees! + +My hope for them as the company as they get a more solid footing in the industry is to also train and improve their management. Better management, happier employees, happy AND satisfied customers. Straight out of the Costco playbook! + +EDIT: Good mother of god. This blew up! Thanks for the love and rewards everyone. A bunch of first awards for me! I now feel less regret after my hangover +Source for his claim: https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/senate/494406-mcconnell-sparks-bipartisan-backlash-with-state-bankruptcy-remarks%3famp + +What would this look like and what are the economic repercussions? +I am an undergrad student who is a senior. Currently my chosen path is finance but a lot of the work in finance seems to be accounting work rather than something relevant to my undergrad degree which is economics. I am wondering if anyone has a career that involves economics? + +Also what do you do in a day to day basis? +I was down 105K from 559 to 454 2 months ago and right this minute im just nudging over 560. I'm 71 and i didnt even think id live long enough to ever see that level again. +Voting is now just as important as buying and holding. RC would need to prove that there are naked shorts and synthetic shares, the ONLY way he can PROVE this is more votes than that actual float. If 100 million votes come in with a float of only 22 million, he can use this as ammunition as it PROVES there are naked shorts and synthetic shares. Why else would GamsStop want us to cast our votes AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Never before have they included this statement in the proxy. VOTE VOTE VOTE! + +EDIT: Guide to Voting here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwxsl5/proxyvotecom_how_to_vote_your_shares_if_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +EDIT: For Europoors - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwpqdf/europoors_what_needs_to_be_done_to_be_able_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +My study is on Portland Oregon. The Average rent in portland Oregon is $1667 according to [rentcafe](https://www.rentcafe.com/average-rent-market-trends/us/or/portland/). Then we have a generous $15 dollars an hour minimum wage and according to [smartasset](https://smartasset.com/taxes/paycheck-calculator#oj8POXsW7o) the monthly take-home pay would be around $1760 which leaves around $100 bucks to live on. So my question is what happens to the local economy? +Stop down voting people for asking questions and clearly being uneducated or that have am obvious misunderstanding of something. + +Its such a negative way to treat someone that is seeking help and advice or a second opinion, its funny how someone will get 15 downvotes on their opinion of what they think is correct and only 1 response telling them the right thing. + +Stop with the negativity and give useful advice to those clearly asking for it + +Edit: thanks to everyone who has given awards and up votes, I hope this will change the overall attitude of the sub into something much more positive ♥️ +What's up, Theta Gang! I've been running the Wheel Options Selling Strategy very successfully for a few years now, and I decided to start a brand new account with $100,000, dedicated purely to running this strategy, for a series I'm doing. + +I've been browsing this subreddit for a long time now, and based on what I've seen, I'm definitely a much more conservative Premium collector. I know some people here aim for at least 1% per week, and often much more. I aim for 1-2% per month. While that may not sound so exciting, I think it's much more sustainable long-term. + +Without getting into the "timing-the-market" debate, I think stocks are overvalued and I would love to buy shares much cheaper than their current market prices, so I give myself pretty significant downside buffers in all of my trades. That may not always be the case, but it fits my current outlook and risk tolerance. + +I'm going to be tracking all of my trades. Trade #1 and #2 were in another portfolio, so technically the first trade in my new $100k portfolio is titled "Update #3." + +Here is a gallery of my first 10 trades with a bunch of information that I like tracking: +[Wheel Portfolio Updates 1-10] (http://imgur.com/a/PP9lNH2) + +Would you guys be interested in me posting updates here every week or so? I'd love to hear any comments, questions, or suggestions. + +*EDIT* Ep.2 is up! https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/j5pzrc/my_101406_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/ +