diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_168.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_168.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_168.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + + +I find it strange that after two years of existence and the second-largest global volume traded most days, ETH still isn't listed by the majority of Chinese echanges. Only Yunbi, a remarkable exception, proposes ETH pairs. + +DABTC (the biggest exchange place right now), OkCoin and HaoBTC don't propose ETH trading. This does not prevent them from listing LTC and shitcoins of all sorts (not including LTC in the shitcoin category, though it ain't obviously going places). DABTC proposes shit like E-DINAR and even a somewhat nefariously named BAG-COIN. + +Is it because of technical/legal challenges, or a bitcoin maximalist conspiracy? +Just want to get a feel for what people here think. In 2019 & early ‘20 I bought 2 turnkey properties for well under 200k each, My plan was to buy a 3rd in 2021, but now those kinds of deals don’t seem to exist. My next thought was to maaaybe look towards buying a STR and going the air bnb route, but it seems that all of the places in desirable spots are incredibly inflated. + +What have folks’ strategies been now that things are more expensive? Are you waiting for the market to drop? Will we ever get back to a time when things are not so inflated in your opinion? + +Thanks +[Lifestyle] Those of us on the FatFIRE path often have highly demanding jobs that require large portions of our time. I’d be interested in knowing what salary range, bonuses, insurance, gifts, agencies, etc you use to recruit the best of the best when it comes to finding good nannies and caregivers to take care of your little ones during those hours of the day when you can’t be with them. For context, I’m a senior associate at a law firm working crazy hours and my husband runs a Real estate private equity fund. We have a one year old we have been able to bond with intensely as we work from home, but as the world opens back up we are worried about making sure that her transition to being full time during the day with a nanny is as seamless as possible with someone truly extraordinary who is going to be very emotionally available and also intelligent/thoughtful. It makes sense for us to keep working our current jobs for several years to pursue our FatFIRE goals, and if I’m not able to be there myself at all hours for her I’m looking for someone really special to be part of the village that helps raise her. What’s are the best FAT tips here? +https://hoge.finance/ + +Doge-style memecoin but defi focused with a fair launch (no presale bullshit). + +These things can go 10-100x like Shib did within a day. + +No refunds. Use your own discretion. Not financial advice. +I've got the financing to start expanding my rental property portfolio and I've learned a good bit about the process. I have an in-law who is close in age who I get along well with who does renovation work. From what I'm seeing all over, one of the hardest parts of building a rental portfolio is getting work done on houses at an affordable rate. I wouldn't want to take advantage of family and ask too much of him, so the only way I see a partnership forming would be some sort of business partnership. + +For those who have done this sort of thing before, what are the potential problems that arise? Any conversations that you would advise to happen in the early stages, or any specific terms you would have written up in the early documentation? + +Edit: clearly this is a bad idea. Thanks for the advice everyone, I will avoid doing anything in a true partnership. Will instead look to pay per service on individual houses with him, and help him if he chooses to do some of his own down the road. +So I started working for my boss a few months ago and this isn’t the first time this has happened but now it’s been way over due and I’m starting to get frustrated. Last paycheck was due Friday. I have a bank over draft due to other bills taken automatically from my card and rent comes up next week. I don’t have any food in my fridge. I have practically begged him to pay me. I have sent text messages. He said Friday he deposited a check and it’s waiting for it to show up on his account? I don’t even know what that means. + +My friend today offered to have me help her out in her shop and she’ll pay me so that I can have some cash so I’m planning on not showing up to work and do that instead. + +I live in Florida. What can I do in this situation? Any tips? +So I don't know if upvotes are being suppressed or what, but I do not see many upvotes for many of the posts. Many that are hours old are usually in the hundreds or closer to a thousand. + +Not sure, but I feel that there is some good information, DD, and possible DD being suppressed. + +Anyway, my life is great. + +I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend. + +See you on Andromeda. + +Shop, Buy, DRS, Hodl 🚀 +Meta Kongzilla is a deflationary token launched on the BSC network. The project aims to develop and deliver its utilities in NFTs, Staking and P2E Metaverse Gaming. $MKZ also rewards its holders with 4% In BUSD rewards allowing investor’s to earn a passive income. The project is community driven and led by an experienced development team that wish to deliver every aspect of the road map detailed. + +-AMAs and VC on a daily basis to provide updates and answer any questions from the community. + +-This is set to be the next moonshot project based on our roadmap and plans for development. + +-BSCScan, Audit, CG & CMC will be applied for as a priority at launch + +-Following the success of many meta projects we realise the potential to reach the high millions based on the branding, use case we aim to develop and marketing we will be delivering. + +-The NFTs will begin development within week 1 of launching and we have a great plan for the pixel art, mixed traits and attributes for them. There will be specials and rarer items which makes each one unique or more valuable. + +-Staking Dashboard for NFTs and token will be released within a few weeks from launch. + +-The Kongzilla metaverse and p2e will begin development from the launch of the project but wont be ready until mid Q1 depending. + +-In order for us to do this we need to keep a good percentage of the supply aside for development. This means we will be keeping around 20-30% of the supply for the nft/ staking rewards and metaverse p2e game. Tokens can also be used for possible exchange listings. + +-This is a basic outline of what we aim to achieve with the Meta Kongzilla from the outset. We will be daily marketing involving twitter, telegram call groups, 4chan, cms, blockfolio, stocktwits , chinese and asian sites and many other coinlisting and social platforms. + +10th December Update + +-BSCscan information was updated to show our logo and social information. This is very important to investors who are not in our TG. It allows them to find our tg, twitter, website and identify our logo. It also helped impove our dextools score. + +-4% BUSD Rewards have been switched on + +-Caesars Calls and many other reputable call groups have posted and reposted about our progress + +-G66 Apes have added us to there YouTube Banner and shared our project with their discord group and community and are now and assisting with the team + +-Reddit page has been set up and 4chan threads have begun which we need to maintain by the community. + +Next Steps + +-Apply for 4Chan ads + +-Top Trending CMS post + +-CMC application submission + +-More TG/ Twitter promo + +-Apply for all major coin-listing sites and begin upvoting for more exposure + +-Banner ads for coin-listing platforms and other social media such as facebook + +-Poocoin banner ads + +-Whitepaper and Audit by Desert Finance + +These are just our short term plans over the next 24-48 hours. + +We want to encourage our holders to hold so that we can present a beautiful chart which makes new investors comfortable to invest and not worried that they will be dumped on. You can also help the chart by re investing some of your rewards. + +We have a solid and amazing community who are very active and committed in pushing this project and we couldnt be happier + +Supply +1,000,000,000,000,000 + +Max Wallet 2% + +Max Transaction 1% + +Tokenomics + +5% Marketing + +5% Lp + +4% BUSD rewards + +LP locked for 3 months on Mudra +https://mudra.website/?certificate=yes&type=0&lp=0x2673b61ae10034c2fa9bb7b890b23a8bbb85dfb1 + +Contract 🖊 +0xc1f6b15a21ba0b1b769894279cc3fdaf40b6afe4 + +📢 Telegram: https://t.me/metakongzilla + +🐥 Twitter: https://twitter.com/metakongzilla + +🌐 Website: https://metakongzilla.com + +🇨🇳 Telegram: https://t.me/metakongzillachina +**TLDR;** if you're 'tarded - basically just play a clip of President Camacho giving his state of the union, then remove the smart guy who's going to fix everything part + +**TLDR2;** if you're too 'tarderd for the first one - two weeks ago the market Wile E. Coyote'd off a cliff, and in three weeks it's going to look down and hold up a sign that says "oh no!" + +I know, I know, I can hear you out there already, "another stupid bear, stonks only go up, don't fight the FED" etc etc. So why should you listen to me? How about because you know that 4% drop in SPY on 9/20 we had that fucked all of your portfolios sideways? I fucking called that to the day three months ago. Here's the relevant paragraph for those who can't be bothered to click on a link: + +>My date range remains unchanged, sometime between June and November of this year. If you want some specific dates to watch, check July 12th, July 19th, August 23rd, September 20th, and October 25th. I probably like August 23rd the most of those, but I buy retard positions on reddit, so you definitely shouldn't listen to me. + +Let's review what happened on those dates: July 12th, SPY went up 1%, July 19th, SPY dropped 3.4%, August 23rd, SPY went up .003%, September 20th, SPY dropped 4%. Clearly I was wrong on July 12th, but that was also the date I had the weakest evidence for. August 23rd for some reason was covered early the week before on the 18th and 19th. So, you might be asking how did I know that we had market drops coming? Well, it's pretty simple, I looked for dates when realized losses would hit. + +Wait, what? I predicted days the market would drop by looking for the days when people lost money? Isn't that backwards? Not really. Skip the next part if you don't care where the info comes from. >!See, one of the biggest and most asymmetric obstacles retail investors face in the market is information. The big boys know when you're making your trades and front-run them with PFoF (payment for order flow - a practice where your broker sells your order information to a hedge fund, who uses computers and super high speed internet to sprint ahead of you in line, buy whatever you're going to buy, and then selling it to you at a higher price) giving you a worse price and skimming a tiny profit in the process. The big boys know where your stop losses are at, they know where your buy limits are, and they will specifically dodge those or force hits on them depending on if their AI's tell them it's a good idea or not.!< + +>!The best you can do for information on their positions is the 13F, which doesn't include a lot of the more popular types of trades anymore (everything swap related, any kind of bullshit insurance derivative, anything they entered AND left during the period between reporting dates, dark markets, some kinds of futures contracts, etc. etc.), and is at best 3 months out of date by the time you see it. As a retail trader you have access to the following real-time data: futures contracts prices, stock prices, and the options chain. The CFTC (commodities and futures trading commission) is doing everything it can to hide futures contracts prices, making them more opaque by the day, stock prices are so heavily manipulated by dark pool and naked short selling action that they're more lotto numbers than anything else. (Don't believe me? There's a video where an old guy with a phone and a pencil calls out price movements ahead of time hundreds of times in a row by looking at the level 2 data and cracking the code of how hedge fund and market maker algos use it to communicate with each other. No link because I just got off ban and the bots here can be touchy about links to YouTube.) Oh, and after that video surfaced a couple people posted the actual rules those bots use to talk to each other, got forum slid off of every single reddit they appeared in within less than one day.!< + +>!So what are we left with? Mostly just the options chain, because it shows where the big boys think the prices are going, and if you cross it with the 13F data, you can sometimes find where a big player is exposed. I will say the options chain is rapidly getting less reliable though. Notice all the posts lately where they say "get in now, the options chain is loaded for a gamma ramp!" and then it doesn't happen? Yeah, that's just a new spin on the old "short squeeze" pump and dump play. The MM's and HF's sell the loaded chain naked, pump the stock above that point, chum up the waters to get retail to dive in, then naked short the fuck out of the stock to put it below the options, then do the slow bleed on price over the next few weeks to discourage people out of it, take a big position via dark pool, cover their shorts in the lit market to drive up the price, and repeat the whole damn process. Stop falling for it folks. !< + +So, pinpointing when and how much these motherfuckers are going to lose gives us a good idea of how much they'll have to sell to cover their losses. So, do we have any more known losses coming up? Yes, yes we do. And they are much, much, much fucking bigger. The 7/19 and 9/20 losses were a couple of billion each. But we're about to see a whole lot more than that on 10/20. What happens on 10/20 you ask? Well, that's 30 days from 9/20 - which is the first day that Evergrande missed paying the coupon on a USD denominated bond. When a debt issuer misses a coupon payment, they've got 30 days to make it or the bond goes into default. When bonds default, whatever secures them transfers over, in this case I believe it to be equity. Well, guess what? Evergrande stock is fucking worthless. So, a whole bunch of rich idiots are about to see an income generating security/collateral turn into junk stock, and realize losses. This is going to fuck up their margin ratios, and make them sell a bunch of shit to get back in line. T+2 from Oct 20 is Oct 22, which means Oct 25 suddenly looks pretty fuckin' spicy. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/oz9oqxu4igr71.jpg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be6a372b1e7bcd56b38bc5b83acdafb05b54a356 + +The 9/20 coupon payment isn't the only one Evergrande has missed. There's also the 9/23, and the 9/29 payments that have been missed. Those hit 30 days on 10/23 and 10/27. Maybe you saw some nonsense about EG paying making some debt payments lately? Yeah, they paid the 9/23 coupon - for ONSHORE bonds, ie Yuan denominated debt, and they paid it "partially in kind" which means they handed over some parking spots and unfinished property that has negative value after you add up the costs to clear the half-finished buildings off of it. They haven't paid shit on the money owed to foreigners, ie the $305B they owe in USD bonds. These aren't the end of it either, there are additional coupon payments hitting basically every week until they've cycled through every single USD bond they have outstanding. + +Now, if you're smarter than the average retard, you might start wondering at this point, who the biggest bagholders for that $305B in bad bonds is. Well, let me tell you. First, we've got the RBC (Royal Bank of Canada), which has $46B in EG bonds - and a market cap of $144B. If you were wondering why there was that weird AH (after hours - the stock dropped 64% AH in one day, then "fixed the glitch" and went back up) mess with RBC about six months ago where it looked worthless and totally fucked for a minute? Yeah, that was an actual view of the banks real financial state when these bonds hit zero. This is also why Trudeau called elections early, because once this shitshow hits, nobody's getting re-elected. This is also why if you check the Canadian TV broadcasts for NFL games a week ago, you'll find commercials stating that bank deposits are insured by the government. They're prepping the public to try and avoid bank runs. Here's a photo if you don't believe me: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4qev4b54igr71.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae5e3c7fdc4d6e5ab6db8ab654e6287045d91cb + +On a sidenote, if this makes you nervous about the Fed's requirement that banks have $1 Trillion in high quality capital reserves on hand for a severe recession by 10/1, or BofA's massive issues with online banking and ATM's not working yesterday? Well, it fucking should. + +Next up we've got HSBC - the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited - I don't actually have a ton of info on them, but I've heard some bad rumors, and they probably fuk in general, but I don't have enough solid data to say anything with great certainty. If you do, chime in in the comments or DM me and I'll add it in here in an edit. + +Finally, we've got Blackrock, the 4th branch of govt, with trillions of USD AUM (united states dollar assets under management). They are very heavily exposed to Chinese junk debt from the real estate and property development sectors. Their stock is down 10.5% on the month, which is more than SPY is over the same period, even counting from the ATH (all time high). + +However, it's not just Evergrande that's a problem. It's all the Chinese property development companies, and all of their foreign denominated debt. China recently started arresting executives from HNA - which is another huge developer, and SINIC stock has been suspended from trading for almost a month now after it fell 80%. These are all big developers that are utterly fucked, EG is just the first domino to fall. So, there is a lot more pain still to come. + +I'd also like to take a second to dispel the myth that Xi - a hardline communist dictator - is going to bail out a bunch of western capitalists. Because he's not. Politicians work to their incentives. Western politicians bail out banks and wall street because they keep power by making their rich donors happy. Chinese politicians keep power by making the economy go up and maintaining domestic stability. Neither of their goals is achieved by giving money to foreigners. Also, they've got massive problems at home to worry about this post sums up just a few of the problems, but fails to address what's probably the biggest one, which is the 1.6 million apartments that Evergrande took money to build... but didn't. And EG isn't the only one who pulled this. The people, they are NOT happy about it. They're already taking executives hostage, and protesting in public, both huge no-nos in China. When they start grabbing bankers and low-ranking party officials... that's where the bad stuff really starts. + +Ok, ok, maybe you're not a China boogeyman, maybe you don't like the idea of realized losses. Maybe you're a big fan of charts, TA (technical analysis) and astrology for men. Ok, then here's the six month SPX chart: + +https://preview.redd.it/pihkuks2igr71.png?width=1858&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd06ff5eb422363ba76cc291835075f00900f2be + +So, yeah, that's a clear head and shoulders that formed from August through the end of September. On the SPX chart, at the end of a year and a half in which the market MORE THAN DOUBLED during a historic pandemic. Surely the trend turning downwards won't be equally violent. Surely. + +So now let's move on from chart patterns to our good friend Elliot Waves. Here's an example of a textbook Elliot Wave pattern, just so you know what we're talking about. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cljafxs0igr71.jpg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3b71cd98ffbb5945215d819161f57b11ea299c + +Now, let's look at an elliot wave chart of the market: + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/1ti8bd6zhgr71.gif + +Oh whoops, my bad, that's not actually today's market, that's what things looked like in 2008 right before the crash. Well, I'm sure today is different, right? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gsh6ylh1igr71.jpg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7434d6ef5c05febb466c0375994b45ad1bb6974c + +Ok, yeah, those are TOTALLY different pictures. Right? Right??? + +Those are both taken from work by Robert Prather, who is really good at Elliot Waves, even if he is pretty dumb about other stuff. And if you're wondering, yes this picture is pre-covid, so there's a final blip dip/spike missing, but it doesn't change that much of anything if they're there. But if you need something truly wild that lights up your tinfoil and points to 2021, then I give you this masterpiece. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h509p84xhgr71.jpg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29487d068b5fe2fbffd0cd5ab6092cd2262a05e6 + +And one final chart of a particular stock that provides a large amount of idiosyncratic risk to the markets. + +Taken from this post because drew it much better than I could. Anyways, that 9 month wedge closes around October 14th or 15th. Look, whether you agree or not with the whole GME Ape Saga, IF they're right, that is going to blow up the entire goddamn market. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4xyk6o7yhgr71.jpg?width=2270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a05a6b20b3188b241586009a006ee7c93e83a42 + +Need more rainbow bear porn? Ok, don't worry fam, I gotchu covered. On this coming Monday, 10/4, the president is unveiling his new China trade policy. And from early leaks it looks strongly like he's going to take the previous admins trade war, re-brand it, and make it smarter and less damaging to us. + +The eviction ban is over, and for some reason the expected mass wave of evictions hasn't happened yet - which means it's still coming. A Census Bureau poll showed 3 million American households are very concerned about imminent eviction, the number of Americans behind on their rent varies from estimates of 6 million behind on rent from Moody's to 15 million behind on rent from the Aspen Institute. Best guess? Stuff is still working its way through the courts and there is lots of pain to come. + +The European energy crisis looks really, really bad early on, with people in Britain getting knifed in gas lines and the Army coming out to guard fuel transports (EDIT: comments say the army is transporting the fuel itself, not guarding transports by others - not really sure that's better). Those are from headlines on CNN if you're wondering about the source. + +Inflation continues to run rampant. Two of the local greasy spoons near my office have raised prices and come out with new menus in the last month, every trip to the grocery store I see something else is more expensive now, Germany - which is like, allergic to inflation on a genetic level - just posted a 4.1% increase YoY (Year over Year). + +So, let's just sum everything up - + +* China is all kinds of fucked up +* Massive realized losses incoming that have to actually be accounted for +* Canadian TV reminding people that bank deposits are insured +* Head and Shoulders bearish pattern on the yearly SPX chart +* Elliot Waves say historic bomb incoming +* Tons more domestic pain from evictions still to arrive +* Energy crises in Europe and China +* Palantir - which is basically corporate SkyNet warns of a "black swan event" +* GameStop finally going off or going away +* Inflation is less transitory than a hooker's love +* Historic record amounts of margin +* The CMBS loan market is full of shit and garbage like the MBS market in 2008 + +Ok, so what plays to make? Well, basically, puts on everything and calls on anything inverse. I think we have 2-3 market pumps left in the next three weeks before shit starts really going downhill. One will be on whatever infrastructure deal passes, one will be on the debt ceiling getting resolved (Senate floor time is actually a massive, and very unrecognized risk on that because nobody, including half of DC, can actually be bothered to understand how things work), and we might or might not get some kind of random "miracle technology" or whatever pump from the press. + +All of those pumps WILL be used by the big boys to dump bags on to you, the retail investor. Don't FOMO, don't buy the dip, take the rise in prices as a buying opportunity to go the other way. These are my current positions, and I'm looking for market bumps to add more to them. + +Low five figures worth of calls and shares in the one true Stonk given down to us retards by the holy - GAMESTOP + +So, just one more time for the silly little monkeys that skipped to the end and all the dumb kids who couldn't read the words because their helmets don't fit right. + +***Stonks only go up! Many years! Now, end of happy times! Many bulls dead! Bears return to roam land, eat everyone! Soon! Pit of doom opens in three weeks! Get cover with inverse ETF and puts! Might be little happy time before then! But after, DOOM!*** + +And, a very important quote from my first DD on the crash which listed a June-November time range: + +>and remember, after September, comes October + +Ok, actually, I don't remember which piece that quote was from, but it's fucking true. We're going down like a virgin in a submarine in just three weeks, make sure you've got a lifejacket. + +EDIT: I've had a lot of requests for a link to the youtube video where the orderbook signals from MM's to each other are explained, so, here, hopefully this doesn't nuke the entire post + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9hQMu1GQTk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9hQMu1GQTk) + +EDIT2: It looks like RBC has been selling a lot of notes lately, much like BofA has. Source: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1000275/000121465921010201/rbc104210fwp.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1000275/000121465921010201/rbc104210fwp.htm) + +hat tip to u/SpoonerSleutherton for finding it. + +I've also been getting a lot of questions about my source for the $46 billion of EG debt that RBC has - look at the second listed holding. RBC, $45,957 - that's in millions, so $46 billion. + +https://preview.redd.it/2v1bmb03zmr71.jpg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dee1f20fcc91f60788ed41be751cb8fff82a6b7 + +Finally, regarding questions about what to do with your banking - that's an entirely personal decision I can't help you with. Personally, I have been banking with BofA for a long time now, and I've begun looking at moving to a local credit union, but I'm not in some massive rush trying to do it tomorrow, if that makes sense. I'm taking my time and making sure everything is lined up and that I won't miss any payments and that all of the withdrawals I have for bills will move over seamlessly as well. The US and Canada have a LOT of laws and such set up to protect consumers in the event of bank failures - as the recent commercials from the CDIC are trying to remind people. +Today I spent $443 out of my savings account. + +My savings account now has $272 in it. + +Why? Medical bills to stop it from going to collections after receiving no notice because someone authorized paperless on my billing. If I didn't have these savings I'd be in collections. + +Please. This is just another reminder. Even if its $10. Savings are important. +On 9/23, I submitted a DRS request for almost xxx GME shares, with a message stating it would take 2 business days to process the request and forward shares to the transfer agent, Computershare. The transfer is still in process, and not expected to be completed until 10/7. I had to initiate a 2nd conversation with an E\*Trade manager today after they failed to deliver the response they promised me yesterday, and it has left me very unsettled and concerned. I want to share this experience for education, as I am not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advice. I have revised my risk assessment regarding E\*Trade as a brokerage higher, and I will explain why in this post. + +&#x200B; + +**TA;DR - E\*Trade FTDs on DRS requests are growing, customer service did not ease any of my concerns regarding the delays or provide any guidance for resolution of the delays. SIPC insurance will provide up to $500k for my account if E\*Trade becomes insolvent. If GME prices rise beyond $5,300/share before the transfer is completed, my gains will be capped at $500k if E\*Trade becomes insolvent and I cannot access my shares.** + +&#x200B; + +While not an FTD in the standard sense, E\*Trade is currently failing to deliver my DRS request, and keeps pushing the request completion further out. I originally was told the request would be completed by 9/27. On 9/30 I was told a few more days. Today, 10/1, I was told DRS transfers are now taking 7-10 days, and 10/7 is the new target. With each delay, I asked the same question - "What is causing the delay". The answer - An influx of requests and staffing shortage. I found this response unacceptable, and was put in contact with a manager, who I asked following more pointed questions - + +* Is the delay solely due to staffing shortages not being able to handle the volume of requests, and not that E\*Trade cannot locate my shares? + * ***Answer - That is correct*** + +&#x200B; + +* After 10/7, if the DRS is still in process, what are my next steps? + * ***Answer - 10/7 is an estimate, we will process as soon as possible, I can contact them anytime*** + +&#x200B; + +* Can you quantify what a "large influx" of requests is? i.e. are you now receiving 10x more daily requests? + * ***Answer - I don't have that information*** + +&#x200B; + +* Where is my request in the queue of outstanding requests? How many requests need to be filled prior to mine? + * ***Answer - I don't have that information*** + +&#x200B; + +* Do you understand why this makes me uneasy? + * ***Answer - Yes*** + +&#x200B; + +* Is there any concern or risk to my investment by the time I reach the front of the queue to DRS the shares you have assured me have been located and will still be there to complete the DRS? + * ***Answer - I don't have that information*** + +&#x200B; + +* Is E\*Trade doing anything to address the staffing issues to minimize these DRS delays? + * ***Answer - I don't have that information*** + +&#x200B; + +* Have any concerns caused by the delays been escalated to your managers? + * ***Yes, the operations department and my supervisor are aware*** + +&#x200B; + +* Can you share any more information coming from them to ease my concerns? + * ***Answer - I don't have that information, but understand your concerns*** + +&#x200B; + +**Additional conjecture -** + +* This raises new questions in my mind of the solvency of E\*Trade and suspicions of failing to honor fiduciary duties to customers, and until this moment, I never had these concerns. + * ***Response - The delay is due to high volume of requests, I wish I had more info.*** + +&#x200B; + +* It sounds crazy, but brokers failing seems to be a new concern in 2021, especially in light of the court disclosures involving the Robinhood class action around the events in Jan + * ***Response - I understand*** + +&#x200B; + +* This does not look good for E\*Trade + * ***Response - I understand your concerns*** + +&#x200B; + +* I hope E\*Trade has located and purchased all the shares being requested, and not left themselves with unintended short exposure here, it could be financially and reputationally devastating. + * ***Response - I definitely understand your concern.*** + +&#x200B; + +So what does this mean? Best case scenario, E\*Trade is trying to take the crown from Robinhood for worst customer service in the industry. Worse case scenario, the speculation from [u/moondawg8432](https://www.reddit.com/u/moondawg8432/) regarding [Broker's using CFD's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py33nd/i_am_going_to_say_it_brokers_are_breaking_the_law/) is true, and best summarized by u/[**Clearedx1000000000**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Clearedx1000000000/) \- + +[THERE IS NO MARKET](https://preview.redd.it/bnn1ywez7xq71.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=78bc8818327f68485de5b5a3b021514ae4389e42) + +In terms of business operations, E\*Trade likely is experiencing an unprecedented situation they never planned for, so it is going to take time for them to develop and optimize the process. I HOPE THIS IS ALL THEY NEED TO DO. I have experience in operations, and bottlenecks cause delays, I understand. What I find completely unacceptable as a customer of E\*Trade is the ever increasing delay on my transfer combined with having no answers or information on how they will improve this process. This is simply bad customer service, and I will forever remember this experience as use it accordingly when choosing a broker. + +&#x200B; + +However, the underwhelming response from the customer service manager regarding E\*Trade solvency and potential short GME exposure raises more concerns, instead of easing them. With these new concerns, I feel the need to talk about risk, and specifically broker risk. SIPC is broker insurance, similar to FDIC insurance for banks, which comes into play if a broker fails. The government guarantees any account in a SIPC insured broker is covered up to $500k in the event the broker fails. + +&#x200B; + +Using this $500k SIPC guarantee, and reassessing my broker risk in regards to E\*Trade, after today's conversation I no longer can assume the risk of E\*Trade failing is zero. Do not confuse this assessment, I am not saying E\*Trade is going to fail, just the odds of them failing is now higher in my own analysis. This directly relates to my GME holdings in E\*Trade, as my analysis of how high the GME price can rise has the potential to exceed the levels SIPC insurance will cover. GME above $5,300/share would take the value of my E\*Trade holdings above the SIPC limit. I believe the probability of GME hitting or exceeding that price is higher than zero. + +&#x200B; + +I am diversified, and also hold GME in Schwab, Fidelity, and Computershares, but given the recent disclosures involving Robinhood, 2021 has already seen broker insolvency. IMHO, RH only survived their margin call through crime and collusion. I still think RH will be the first insolvent broker during the MOASS, but E\*Trade now seems like they may be #2. I expect many brokers will fail during the MOASS, and SIPC insurance will be very important during that time. IMHO, Computershares is the safest place to keep your shares, because there is no broker solvency risk, as you own the shares directly. For me personally, my goal is to DRS the majority of my shares as quick as I can, but I will still likely hold some in Schwab and Fidelity. Vanguard seems like the safest broker to me at the moment, so I may also consider opening an account there, as I will no longer be using E\*Trade. + +&#x200B; + +To close, I am also in the process of doing a DRS of my Schwab Roth IRA via CamaPlan [IRA Direct Registration](https://www.camaplan.com/direct-registration-of-stocks-drs-protect-your-securities-investment-against-brokerage-defaultmisconduct/). This is taking some time, as it is not something CamaPlan does regularly, but so far I have been impressed with their customer service and communication to help me get the transfer completed. Beyond setting up an account, I had to create an EIN for my IRA [through the IRS](https://sa.www4.irs.gov/modiein/individual/index.jsp) and fill out the Computershares [Transfer Request Form](https://cda.computershare.com/Content/f776f4c7-51dd-4cfc-80b7-67b2f03bc292). Once the transfer is completed, I will write a new post fully describing the process and costs as education for individuals making an independent decision to also DRS any IRA holdings. + +&#x200B; + +Below is are a few screenshots of my conversation with E\*Trade for reference - + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tkexkyw58xq71.png?width=3018&format=png&auto=webp&s=79df05c70912818e77197bde0b9e3bf087c24356 + +https://preview.redd.it/m2gc11e78xq71.png?width=2887&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e9cf9a104cc8de8f885c3cabd9f827bf4a6659c + +https://preview.redd.it/yh8ubxb98xq71.png?width=2982&format=png&auto=webp&s=1617247c705ed6f141fb19ea9a81479fb2af39ee + +https://preview.redd.it/oub8v1va8xq71.png?width=2963&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e487fd0a2692b2745c830d52e2850b6f879dca5 + +&#x200B; + +**BUY, HODL, DRS**. Ken Griffin lied, and the Citadel conspiracy engulfs many institutions. Kenny used to own a significant portion of E\*Trade, and I hope for the sake of my own investment, that old relationship has not influenced E\*Trade in a way that can negatively impact my finances. +I just came across [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/opv7xz/warning_whales_are_manipulating_us_all_yesterdays/) warning people of whale manipulation, but this person is not showing you the full picture. + +The [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/op6xvs/bitcoin_will_reach_75k_in_september_heres_how/) provided an excellent stegosauric analysis and predicted a price of $75k in September, as shown below: + +[Stegosaurus Under a Rainbow \(SUR\) pattern](https://preview.redd.it/ttphvgobcxc71.png?width=2709&format=png&auto=webp&s=225c7e14b35c5d48f330a213a7141ed28d9f61ac) + +Then a user by the name of Chance Underscore Waters (is that even your real name?) came along and made a post about how the SUR pattern is BS, instead opting for the Bart Simpson skateboard market pattern: + +[False skateboard market \\"prediction\\" pushed by a blue whale](https://preview.redd.it/dm5ux1jdcxc71.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=311b2692de973cc20498220fda26a092612b6f2d) + +They equated this to the tulip mania, but forgot one important thing: Bart Simpson's initials spell out BS. You see, the whale showed you a zoomed in chart so you would dump your coins, leaving them cheap for whales to swoop in and take. **THIS** is the market manipulation they "warned" you about. + +What they didn't tell you about is the tried-and-true Half-Pipe Valuation strategy or HPV. Gross. Anyone that played even a minute of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater knows that the real money is in the half-pipes. I've rewired my GPUs to calculate the direction of the market and it produced the following chart: + +[Half-Pipe Valuation \(HPV\) strategy](https://preview.redd.it/axf9tyhfcxc71.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=41d67966cfa702f1a3b37ddcc5fe670d148541f8) + +In conclusion, the SUR pattern still holds and is even conservative by some estimates (my estimate). The original poster was not a whale at all but a dolphin trying to help. We owe them an apology. + +Edit: the gigawhale has [responded](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/opxkqv/double_warning_the_person_warning_you_of_whale/h6995od?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) without denying he is jeff bezos +This is more just an annoyance than anything but if I can save any other newbies like myself from the same problem I want to. Texas is under community property jurisdiction. If you buy a property and are married you’re wife is automatically on the deed. Even if you are the only one on the note, she will have to be on the sales contract and sign a few papers at closing. I did not know this and am closing in a town five hours from home, missed my wife goodbye and when I got to closing, it was a complete mess trying to figure out how to get her signatures since she didn’t travel with. We ended up doing a power of attorney so I can sign and the funding will be delayed until the POA reaches the title company through the mail. My ignorance delayed closing a couple days, so don’t be dumb like me! + +PS this was an off market deal where I didn’t use an agent to represent me who would usually save me from these mistakes. The lender or title company should have warned me too but failed to do so. +I have several properties that have been depreciated over the last couple years of owning them. + +I’m reading more and more opinions saying that you should not depreciate in Canada because the recapture tax will be in the year you a large amount of capital gains. + +I was planning on telling my CPA to not depreciate them this year but now running some numbers. Does this look accurate? + +Rough 2022 numbers + +Rental income 180,000, +Expenses 110,000 (not depreciating), +Profit 70,000 + +I’ve been withdrawing 4,000 a month and my bank balance has remained fairly stable. + +If I don’t depreciate I will owe roughly 20k in tax, dropping my free cash flow down to $2,333 per month. + +Am I missing anything? +After the interest rate rise and oil crossing 100 CAD mark, my understanding was that CAD should go up. I know it’s being said economy has been decoupled from oil, but 120$ barrel should have some sort of impacts, unless other have lost faith in Canadian economy. +Pretty obvious what it is now, "Cloud Computing". Companies have to "move to the cloud". Some companies don't even have directors of IT on staff, they just hire a consulting firm to move them to the "cloud" but they don't know what it is. + +Let's say 5 years ago + +* Everything was hosted locally or with an IT provider. Citrix for example was popular +* The number of apps in iOS app store and Play store have tripled - mobile is king +* Businesses slowly started to look at technology as a need and not as a luxury + +Now + +* SaaS is king, hosting data in Azure, AWS or Google's data centers is popular +* Citrix/VMware is still used but in a different capacity +* You need a mobile app to pair with your website / company to be looked at seriously +* eCommerce has been changed dramatically with Square & competitors + +So what's next? + +* Edge networking? +* A boom in security spending? +* Machine learning? +* Blockchain? +* VR & AR? +* Internet of Things? +* Smart kitchens? +* 3D Printing? + +We all know deep down, whatever the infrastructure is now, and whatever is popular now won't be in 2023. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Obviously my list isn't what you have to pick from. It's just some things that I think could potentially take off. +An update to my [previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/i709b7/here_are_20_companies_with_45_dte_atm_put_premium/) last month. + +All put options shown expires October 16. These are the WSB version of theta gang. + +There's nothing here you would want to hold long term, but at 23% yield on collateral for 6 weeks or over 200% annualized and market fear the highest in recent months, these are worth further research and consideration. + +Also, shorting one of these puts fully cash secured is probably better than some of you guys that leverage 3x buying power selling puts on more boring stocks. At least you won't be margin called. + +&#x200B; + +|Ticker|Stock Price|Strike|Bid|Ask|PctOptionStrike|% OTM|Vol| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|TSLA|$418.32|$410P|$57.25|$65|15.12%|1.99%|1548| +|NVAX|$92.93|$90P|$14.4|$15.5|15.94%|3.15%|652| +|JMIA|$8.47|$8P|$1.3|$1.45|17.5%|5.55%|521| +|BTU|$2.7|$1P|$0|$0.15|15%|62.96%|512| +|GTX|$3.27|$2.5P|$0.5|$0.6|22%|23.55%|438| +|KODK|$6.5|$5P|$0.8|$0.9|17%|18.03%|350| +|RIG|$1.34|$1P|$0.07|$0.16|15%|25.37%|323| +|OSTK|$67.4|$65P|$10.2|$12.1|17.38%|3.56%|350| +|CVM|$13.56|$10P|$2.2|$2.5|24%|26.25%|216| +|PTON|$80.63|$80P|$12.25|$13.3|15.26%|0.78%|120| +|RIOT|$3.11|$3P|$0.6|$0.75|23.33%|3.54%|95| +|WKHS|$19.71|$17.5P|$3.1|$3.7|19.43%|11.21%|87| + +The scan is run on [FDscanner](https://app.fdscanner.com/), with pctOptionStrike set to 15%-50%, and expiry to 10/16. + +Every one of these stocks , TSLA (bubble), KODK (another bubble), OSTK (+4500% in 5 months), CVM (Biotech), RIOT (crypto mining), WKHS (12x in 5 months and another NKLA) are priced this way for a good reason, by people with way more resources than us. + Edit: [ here is the obligatory; this is not financial or trading advice. It’s merely for educational purposes. I would personally not trade this way in a non-professional setting. Use this post for educational purposes only!] + +**I wrote this in response to someone struggling trading short 0-1 dte put spreads in SPX, thought this sub would find it useful.** + +I traded 1 and 0 dte strategies professionally for years, it was in a diff market mainly but rules still apply. This basically boils down to managing negative gamma effectively. + +Personally I like to think about it graphically, so in my mind or on the computer, I think about what the terminal payoff graph looks like here. So if you selling ICs/Bflys, it’s the peak in the middle with the long tails. But I have some idea what the real time payoff is- curved line. I would watch both on the computer as theta decays the curve becomes the straight line. Over time you won’t need the computer, except to confirm, you will just know it. + +Then I need to manage the negative gamma with delta hedges. So as I accumulate delta you execute to bring you closer to zero delta. How much you hedge depends on the particulars of your market, current IV levels, and what size you are trading. + +So for example: + +Short ATM straddle My terminal graph looks like a pyramid. Delta = initially hedged to zero. gamma = negative shit load. + +Let’s say price moves down, I’m getting longer delta from my negative gamma. + +You have some rule: Delta = +10, hedge -5. | d = -10, hedge +5 + +Every time I hedge my little pyramid on the terminal payout graph rotates to the hedge side and the peak moves down a bit. You just manage this throughout the day. If it’s super choppy you can whittle your pyramid peak into a loss. Or the market can move unidirectionally and you could lose on one side but a lot less than you would unhedged- unless it gaps through your orders- slippage losses. All you really need to pull this off is an options model with intraday decay. It could easily be automated \[but you need to watch it- still run price gap risk thru your orders\]. + +From this basic premise the sky is the limit on your creativity. You could use dynamic time so you only use the deltas a couple hours into the future. Or some scaling factor to your hedge rules- farther away the more you hedge. Play with time spreads as a partial gamma hedge; sell short term options buy longer dated ones to offset some Greek risk. Close everything EOD or keep longer stuff open and just trade against it with 1-0 dte stuff. + +The other thing I would say is that be wary and adapt. Over time you will learn when shit is too cheap to sell and manage effectively. In those environments: buy options and gamma scalp trade the positive gamma (opposite of above) or sit on your damn hands and do nothing, if the idea of buying options makes you want to cry. + +The key is having the intraday model where you can dynamically control time and see diff payoffs; terminal, live, some increment forward, etc. I just had one in excel for years and then later Python. + +———-———-———-———- **Someone asks what model to use….** + +You can use whatever model you want- BS, Bachelier, Whaley… it honestly doesn't matter in **normal vol** environments with this short of dte they all agree usually or are very close. And you can use the market imp vol to define your Greeks. + +Although I will say one of the assumptions you drag with you here in this strategy is that you are kind of de facto saying vol is too bid and hence it will decay thru theta or just vega before the market moves too much making your trade a net loser. + +So if you use market imp vol as your delta you are initially over-hedging, this is important later. + +&#x200B; + +\------**User then asks how to decay time intraday because it doesn’t appear to be linear to him...** + +Just create a time wave for the model to follow that approximates the decay. + +So BS model usually takes a time input as a function of years. So 15 days would be 15 / 365. Or whatever time block you are using. + +Let’s say this is excel, So then for intraday decay you set up two columns. Time and percent decay. + +You know at 9:30am it’s 0% At 4:30 (or expiry time) it’s 100%. + +You put some intermediate values in the middle so let’s say it ends up for times: + +Anchor Points: 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 11:30, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:30. + +The point I’m trying to make here is that you just have points it doesn’t matter that they are uneven in distance to each other. And you have the percentages of decay at each point that you guesstimate. Then you do some kind of interpolation between the points; cubic, linear, doesn’t really matter as long as it’s somewhat smooth-ish. So your model Greeks don’t jump around like crazy when you reach your anchor points. + +Then you just have a black scholes model that uses that interpolation for the decay value based on the actual time of day it is. + +Back to the over-hedging issue you could use a slider to warp time back and forth to decide how what delta to use. Most times I would hedge delta based on what I thought delta WOULD be in an hour. I dunno you gotta play with it, use your judgement, experiment. + +Here is a link to some VBA code based on Haug’s models for Black-scholes for excel, few years old might need some work and there are more efficient implied volatility finding algorithms you could use (Newton) but this will work for a small number of options <500 or so on a medium power computer. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/bc8njz/simplified\_black\_scholes\_vba\_code/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/bc8njz/simplified_black_scholes_vba_code/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +It is a little known fact that you can buy vegetable seeds with SNAP benefits. Something to keep in mind with Spring here for those who get SNAP and have the space to garden. +Apologies if this post is against the rules in some way, I'm asking here because I'm not sure what should be done in a situation like this and I'm not sure where else to turn besides asking on Reddit. + +Recently my grandparents were made aware that their annuity containing over a quarter of a million dollars, which is most of their life savings, has been fraudulently dispersed. I'm completely lost on what steps would be best to take here or what the likely outcome from this happening will be. Is there any chance of recovering the funds and is there any form of protection against identity theft for something like an annuity or are my grandparents SOL in this situation? Is the bank or brokerage in any way responsible for giving this money to the wrong person? I'm basically completely lost on what to do in a situation like this and I'm definitely no expert on how finances work or are managed, but any help, advice, or suggestions would be a massive help. + +If anyone has any advice on who or what people should be contacted in a situation like this, what steps should be taken, what the best course of action here would be it would be extremely appreciated. If anyone has any questions or wants specifics on the situation for more details if that would help I can ask someone who might know more. + +Thanks + +**Edit**: Just to add for clarification, my grandparents have contacted the institution where the annuity was and it is dispersed, and they are already in contact with the police regarding the situation. I will definitely inform them to get a lawyer if they haven't already. + +**Edit2**: The financial advisor responsible for the annuity was unaware that it had been closed, and the accounts were apparently closed by his assistant without the financial advisor's knowledge. + +The annuity account was closed and transferred to another financial institution (Etrade) in an account under the name of my grandfather that was opened fraudulently and has now also been closed. + +**Edit3**: I've just asked and up until now the only people who were actually aware of the existence of the annuity at all were my grandparents and their estate attorney. Nobody in the family knew this annuity existed until now. +I am not an attorney, this is not professional advice. + +Read this first if you haven't: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opuziu/visual\_of\_the\_sft\_trades\_to\_prevent\_shorts\_andor/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opuziu/visual_of_the_sft_trades_to_prevent_shorts_andor/) + +There are much more wrinkly brains saying they may not be able to read and understand the entire thing, but what is clear is they lay out in detail how they've been able to naked short and avoid key controls that were supposed to make it "impossible". Huh. It WAS possible. Weird. + +How many hours and lawyers did it take to write this thing. Dozens of lawyers? Hundreds/thousands of hours? + +For them to conclude that there maybe/should be optional recording of this method that works around all sorts of OTHER key regulations that were supposed to make this "impossible"? + +This is so big bosses can point out in court or congress that they were just following guidelines as understood by the "regulating body". + +"Who wrote these guidelines?" + +"It was a collaboration of hundreds of professional attorneys that are very learned in the laws of the land. Very reputable. Very legit. Trust us." + +Such corruption. Such BS. + +Doesn't change anything about the trajectory of the stock, just makes me more sure (if that was possible) that it's going to happen. +I’ve been poking around the sub and looking at past posts and I’ve seen the holy flow chart, but I’m still a bit confused about my different retirement options. + +Here’s my sitch: +- Age: 30M, single +- Base salary (before tax): $103K +- Bonus: $5K - $7K annual +- Raises: Typically around 5% (+/- 2%) +- Company Retirement Options: Before-Tax, After-Tax, and Roth 401(k) +- Company match: 4% +- Additional: company contribution to retirement plan which is dependent on company performance (so could always be 0% in a bad year), but usually comes in around 7%. +- HSA: offered by company + +I’m never quite sure how I should be allocating my retirement savings. In the flowchart it said something about contributing to Roth if your income is below $122K (IIRC). But then I see elsewhere it depends on your current tax rate vs. your expected tax rate. I think I could very realistically live comfortably in retirement if my monthly income was the same as (or even less than) it is now. So I don’t understand where this magical $122K figure comes from. Seems to me if I’m planning to live on $75K in retirement (for example), it doesn’t make any sense to be taking the tax hit of a Roth now while I’m being taxed at $100K+. Am I missing something? + +Then there’s the idea of a backdoor and mega backdoor which totally confuse me further. And to top it off I see people recommending that I should max out my HSA??? Which seems so counterintuitive to me because I’m young and healthy and typically have super low medical expenses, but as I understand it, that money can’t be used for anything but medical expenses. + +I’m a pretty smart guy, but this is just so far out of my usual area of thinking that it’s all getting a bit overwhelming. I think I need some kind soul to help clear up all this confusion for me. Thanks! +Me and my GF (both 28 yo, combined gross income 185k, living in Ontario). We’ve been passively house hunting for over a year now and stumbled on a house that’s in a very desirable area at a listing price of 500k - however the caveat is that some one just passed away in the home and it needs minor renovations to be liveable, major renovations to be the dream home. + +With a 20% down payment, I’ve compared what our mortgage would look like and what we could get for the house as a rental and the numbers make sense to us. That being said, we both live in a rental right now and aren’t sure how purchasing would impede our +opportunity to buy our home. + +Our first concern is that we would loose our savings for a down payment. Second concern, we won’t be able to get a mortgage for the second home. + +Any insight into navigating buying a investment property before a home is much appreciated. +* 1) They do not give their data or state their methodology. There is no way to check what they post. It's simply an assertion. + +* 2) Shadowstats claims that their SGS Alternate Inflation curve "reflects the CPI as if it were calculated using the methodologies in place in 1980." This is false on the face of it; they cannot be doing what they say they are doing. Prior to 1983, the CPI was calculated using actual housing prices; after 1983 it was changed and based on owner's equivalent rent. If the SGS Alternate Inflation curve really used 1980 methodologies, the housing price collapse of 2006-2008 should have caused a much larger drop in the SGS Alternative Inflation curve than it did in the official CPI index, and the distance between the two curves should have narrowed. Instead, they stayed parallel. + +* 3) The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides CPI-RS which is a recalculation of data from 1978 to the present using the new methodology. There's a difference, and the newer method calculates a lower number, but only by about 0.45% per year. If you believe the old method was the correct one, then the official figures understate inflation, but only about 0.45% per year, not the 6%-8% claimed by ShadowStats. + +**tl;dr** *They are engaged in a classic Big Lie - so big that it actually works.* + +------ + +Edit: [Supporting point in the comments](http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/omfrm/3_reasons_people_need_to_stop_citing_shadowstats/c3ig3qb) +Why are women's products so much more expensive than men's? I can somewhat understand clothing being more expensive. But razors, bags, coats, scarves, gloves, deodorant, pads and tampons are so expensive too for women. + +And, furthermore, pads and tampons are something that we women need for years. It's not like it's something we can just ignore, it's part of our biology. I've seen it go to $5-$10 to all the way to $20. It is just mind-boggling to me and nothing is being done about it, no one is even really talking about it. Or if they are, not very often. + +Edit: To the people who comment, buy the cheaper version. Of course, buy the cheaper version. That's not the issue here. The issue here is that one product is more expensive than another, even though they're the same basic product, just marketed towards the other gender. + +Also: Pads and Tampons are not luxury items like companies claim. They are completely necessary items that we need for the next odd years. It's not our fault, our biology is different from a man's. I'm not necessarily saying that they should be free, but they definitely should be cheaper than what they are currently. +**TL;DR**: DD breadcrumb trail on a Shitadel connection, ***possibly hinted at*** by M. Burry(?) (*sorry for the brain fart in the title, was fighting automod. Could mods change the title of this post to match the part in bold, please?*). + +Hoping our wrinkles get something out of these. + +\- - - + +I noticed something today after Dr. Burry deleted his twitter (again). Barbara Streisand effect, so into The Burry Archive I go... + +&#x200B; + +[A pretty clear drop.](https://preview.redd.it/4drj76iswm671.jpg?width=1026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce216ff38efb1d8edcfb3bb78651fe6c5892e40a) + +Dr. Burry had tweeted about \[**see picture for ticker, automod kills me**\] yesterday (?)**,** which - turns out - is this company: + +&#x200B; + +[Reminds me of a certain old game company logo...](https://preview.redd.it/j8epozgtwm671.jpg?width=1664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc1f52494843fbdea460f9764fbd6712efa1faf4) + +I didn't think about this much further, until I bumped into this, literally just now in my Reddit feed - posted around an hour ago by the time I'm writing this: + +&#x200B; + +[Subreddit X to the rescue](https://preview.redd.it/cvm4an3wwm671.jpg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc2853d1125b30f376916df0bfb208928568e71) + +If you search Reddit for the company name, you'll find a lot of posts from around 5 days to one month ago, talking about them buying up a lot of \[BANNED-CURRENCY\] on their relevant subreddits. Seems to be their MO, apparently. + +But... + +Turns out they are connected to our old friend Shitadel (surprise): + +&#x200B; + +[Wut doing, Kenny?](https://preview.redd.it/bye8njvwwm671.jpg?width=1261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5fc9b987e1ca02075281f63a28819737f2dff7) + +Link: [https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=17968279](https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=17968279) + +&#x200B; + +[EDGAR Filing snippet from February.](https://preview.redd.it/jw9ajjkxwm671.jpg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce3a75e43a920f15a8f6bc84c075e67fd9d2e572) + +Link: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1050446/000110465921022048/0001104659-21-022048-index.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1050446/000110465921022048/0001104659-21-022048-index.htm) + +&#x200B; + +All this *hoarding of* \[BANNED-CURRENCY\] made me think about this tweet too... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xjajuuszwm671.jpg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c4ad7eba27db9e64a3774af4c643c4aae051e5 + +The company's share price is nothing to sneeze at ($595,50 right now), and if it's been acquiring a lot of \[BANNED-CURRENCY\] as *its* assets and thus benefits from every pumping of \[BANNED-CURRENCY\] ... would that prop up Citadel by proxy or give Kenny a way to use \[BANNED-CURRENCY\] as collateral in a way that they can't directly do anymore with the new rules? + +Hoping our wrinkles get something out of these - if this is old news, I haven't bumped into these yet personally, at least here. + +Could our wrinkle-DDs and crypt-0-dwelling ape brethren look at these further? I literally don't know what to do with deep data DD's or what to really even look for. + +**Edit:** *Holy frak automod, what more do I need to remove*? + +**Edit 2:** Can't make this shit up - Massive GME dip going on right now and Dr. Burry tweets (5min ago): + +[Sooo... I'm guessing yes - related to retail's interests.](https://preview.redd.it/wjoqzj7r4n671.jpg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74e667f6d8dca2b44368bbd07bc3e3ccd0a64b2) + +**Edit 3:** Ok, I need to get back to work, but I'm starting to feel this is more like a discussion now: + +&#x200B; + +[Comb through the filings with a keen eye, maybe? ](https://preview.redd.it/nnhi9p1k6n671.jpg?width=1469&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aded704a4ad8fc9b994b55cd5e914e62654cac5) + +"**TODAY**" mentioned twice - it's 06/21/21 - what's special about today? What filings and rules are relevant to today... **002**? Humm... u/rensole ? *Maybe there's something here?* + +&#x200B; + +Also this - coincidence?: + +&#x200B; + +[Wut doing, Kenny? Part Deux.](https://preview.redd.it/ui9xmz8p6n671.jpg?width=1472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3b6690370447e2518ccd0693bd7528b03ade88) + +**Edit 4:** Wow - thanks for all the awards and kind words - seriously! + +Also: it seems that Dr. Burry has again deleted or hidden his twitter account - at least I can't see his posts or content anymore outside The Burry Archive. I hope that the *completely personal conjecture that I present in this post* has not compromised him in any way. In any case, if M. Burry happens to chance upon this post for some reason: so long and thanks for all the fish! +I chose to look at some other companies and their short volume over the last month, including some big-boy FAANG companies, and some “meme” stock companies for comparison/perspective plus a certain bank/investment company that is clearly all kinds of financially fucked. + +The average short volume over the last month of trading for each company is shown below, spot the odd one out ;) + +GOOGL 37.70 + +AAPL 49.90 + +AMZN 40.38 + +NFLX 52.70 + +META 41.23 + +BBBY 40.93 + +GME 68.27 + +KOSS 38.09 + +BB 57.84 + +AM See (theater chain) 60.23 + +CS (Yes, Credit Suisse) 43.13 + +BRK.A 5.12 + +BRK.B 43.44 + +MSFT 38.68 + +C (Citigroup) 37.55 + +KO (Coca-Cola Co. NYSE) 45.93 + +WMT 50.45 + +BABA 48.52 + +TSLA 45.90 + +NEGG 54.14 + +Now does anybody else find this interesting? Firstly GME is far and away the highest short volume amongst all these companies that are also trading on the NYSE. I mean Credit Suisse, wtf? Maybe they are going to be bought out so people have decided they are as low as they can go. + +Berkshire Hathaway Class A is trading at $480,000 per share and is only %5 percent short volume over the last month. I suppose that shows a lot of faith in Buffet and Munger to negotiate a recession/depression market. + +The only other of these companies within the same ballpark is the popcorn selling, movie showing one. Interesting, considering it is trading in the $7 range. I suppose SHFs think it could go back to the $5 range/or bankrupt. It is in a truly terrible financial position, and so 60% short volume is not unexpected. + +However considering GME has proven to be stable above $24 for months now, I’m wondering what the reasoning/excuses are to their investors for continuing to short GME, to no avail. We keep buying, holding and DRSing. Soon everyone will learn what is happening despite media fud. Then kaboom, MOASS. + + +TL;DR, GME has the consistently highest short volume, yet price won’t budge below $24 because we keep buying holding and DRSing. Suck it, hedgies. You can’t keep shorting it forever because time and shares are running out. Fuck you, pay me! + +Edit: AAPL, AMZN, NFLX, MSFT, TSLA, META and NEGG are on NASDAQ, not NYSE. So it’s roughly split between exchanges. + +Also added some others as requested. +The biggest ever Bitcoin options expiry is due on March 26. Over $6 billion worth of Bitcoin options will expire across exchanges on Friday, at 4pm UTC to be precise. This will be a record expiry in terms of the value and number of options, a total of 100,400 Bitcoin options will expire. The previous record was set in January when nearly $4 billion worth of options expired, representing 36% of the open interest at the time. + +But after each expiry this happens. So strap on for some serious action next week and beyond. + +Edit: want to link to [**u/the\_far\_yard**](https://www.reddit.com/user/the_far_yard/) great follow up post with a stack load more data here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mdykmt/what\_happens\_to\_bitcoin\_when\_options\_expire\_each/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mdykmt/what_happens_to_bitcoin_when_options_expire_each/) + +Well done sir. + +&#x200B; + +[Boing Boing BOING](https://preview.redd.it/urf4v5lneap61.jpg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc19e56b93c08f79e11a113f5147a2ad8b75797e) +Alrighty, since most of you don't bother doing any DD and way too many DD posts are low effort, I thought I'd do unbiased DD for stocks you guys comment. I will NOT do DD for pharmaceutical companies because I don't understand pharmaceutical companies, I don't care about pharmaceutical companies, and I don't feel like trying to understand them. + +I am mostly interested in clean energy and space exploration stocks but I will research anything that is not related to pharmaceuticals. If this works as intended, you guys can comment stocks and I will pick the most interesting and do some research and post it on this subreddit. I will also always disclose my stake in any company I choose to do research for. + +I have never offered to do this before so none of you have any reason to trust my competence in doing research but whatever, let's see what happens. + +Edit: Wow! Thanks for all the suggestions! I have picked a stock that seems rather promising and should be posting DD for it by the end of the week. Thanks again :) +With very similar yields and total returns, and given that SPY is more diversified, isn't it the better bet? I know SPY has a higher management fee, so is the assumption just that SPY doesn't have enough additional upside compared to VOO to justify the extra fees? + +Edit: Too many comments to respond to individually but this has been really helpful. Thanks all. +**TL;DR:** KWS offers low risk exposure to games industry. They have basically no competition and are becoming big. + +#BACKGROUND + +KWS is a UK-based outsourcing video games company with studios across the globe. Their goal is to become 'the go-to provider of video games services'. If you've ever played a game and seen the long list of credits from all the different studios that work on a game, many are outsourcing studios, hired to assist with production. + +Right now video game outsourcing is very fragmented. You have small studios here and there doing work, but let's say that you need help with artwork, voice acting and quality assurance, you'd need to hire three different studios to do all that work, which takes time and effort. KWS want to be a provider of every kind of service. If I need artwork, voice acting and QA, I go directly to KWS as a single company, and they set me up with studios that they own all across the globe. + +The video gaming industry is expected to grow to $300 billion by 2025, a CAGR of 13%. As the industry grows and games get larger and more ambitious, it becomes impossible for these single studios to handle the workload. Just take a look at the recent Cyberpunk 2077 with all the time it had for development, and see how bugs and glitches defined its release. When games get more ambitious, more help is needed. The outsourcing industry will grow right behind the gaming industry. Even movies require loads of different studios working together to produce the final product. Gaming is moving in this direction as we speak. + +'But why not invest in TakeTwo or EA? Don't they make a lot more?' - Absolutely, but it's a lot riskier. Imagine being a CDPR investor and watching your stonks turn to dust because of one bad release? Gaming companies are unpredictable. Keywords avoid this uncertainty by signing contracts that guarantee them money based on the time and resources that go into helping out. They don't see any money that comes from the actual sales of the games. This means that if a game does incredibly well and racks in millions from microtransactions, Keywords don't see a dime from that extra cash. But if the game absolutely blows and nobody buys it, Keywords aren't burned as they still get paid for helping make the game. It's the safe bet if you want exposure to the gaming industry without getting your hands dirty. + +##THE DETAILS + +Since 2013, Keywords have been acquiring studios left and right to grow their family and they recently made one of their biggest acquisitions, High Voltage Studios, for $50 million! High Voltage were the studio helping pump out content for Fortnite. These guys were entertaining your younger siblings and you probably had no idea. In 2020 alone they acquired 7 studios and they have no plans on slowing down. Covid has hit some of these independent studios hard and this is where KWS come in and swoops them up. + +By far the two biggest sectors for Keywords are Game Development and Functionality QA, making up 22% and 21% of revenue respectively in H1 2020. Game development grew a staggering 25.7% organically in H1 2020 despite all the challenges with the pandemic. Now it is fair to say that the game development sector is one that KWS have recently entered into, only taking the dive in 2017. However, generating €38.7 million of revenue in H1 2020 after only 3 years is quite impressive and this is before some of the big acquisitions they made at the end of the year. + +In total for H1 2020 they made €173.5m representing a YoY growth of 13%. Their EBITDA was €30.8m, growing 19.3% YoY. Not only are they making more more revenue but they are becoming more profitable in the process. They also reinvested in their current studios back in 2019 with more workstations and equipment. They expected to reap the benefits of this in 2020 but that's been delayed into 2021 so this will be a big year for them. + +Keywords aren't a new company. They IPO'd in 2013 and since formed excellent relationships with the biggest gaming companies in the world. They've worked with the likes of EA, Disney, Blizzard etc. I mentioned earlier that they want to be the 'go-to provider' and they are already proving this in the numbers. In the whole of 2019 they had 108 clients using 3 or more of their services. In H1 2020 alone they already have 124 clients using 3 or more of their services. These clients love the convenience of going to one company for all their outsourcing needs. + +Rumours are going around that Keywords could be looking into movies and TV but that's a tough industry to break into and they've found a great niche already. But more movies and shows are using Unreal Engine and other game-related tools for production, so it isn't a far-fetched idea. + +H2 2020 is going to be massive, with the effects of their acquisitions being felt. I'm expecting huge earnings. + +###COMPETITION + +As I said before, the outsourcing industry is very fragmented so the studios you'll find directly competing with Keywords are small and often only provide one or two services. The only noteworthy competitor I've seen is Virtuos Studios, although they are much younger than Keywords, much smaller in terms of workforce, only provide two services, and aren't publicly traded. + +####STOCK ACTION + +Keywords had a huge run up in 2020, up over 70% since the dip in March. It is now worth nearly £2bn. This was due in part to institutions upgrading it to a BUY. Barclays was one of the big ones to upgrade, stating 'Keywords Studios offers low risk video games exposure' and setting a price target of £29.50. Since the run up, Berenberg have downgraded Keywords from a BUY to a HOLD but still raised their price target to £28.90 from £25.10, basically stating that they were worried that accelerated growth will place pressure on margin (how stupid). So the stock has been dipping since then and is down nearly 7% this month. + +#####FINAL VERDICT + +2021 is KWS' year and I won't be surprised if it's worth £4-5 billion by the end of the year. They have proof of concept and ability to scale with good acquisitions. Clients love them, and they will continue to grow. + +This is my first real DD so any feedback would be appreciated + +Edit: My positions for transparency are 24 shares in the stock. +Maybe about a year ago I received a Next Day Air certified mail letter from Wells Fargo asking me to contact them (but I never did) regarding a possible over payment of insurance. Couple weeks later I got a class action settlement notification regarding the same thing. A few months ago I got a $2.44 class action settlement check from them. I never cashed it because... it's $2.44. Fast forward to a couple days ago and I got another letter from Wells Fargo asking me to please cash that check. If I haven't done so to let them know and they will send me another one. They seem super eager to have me cash that check and I'm wondering if it's because they owe me a lot more money than they're letting on and as soon as I cash it they are off the hook. It's from a car purchase from over 15 years ago. How would I even go about starting to research this. Any advice would be helpful. +From the posts I have seen, comments and my own thoughts. The short hedge funds do not know what they have just done.. + +I TRULY BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE JUST SINGEL HANDEDLY MADE ALL APES SO MAD THAT WE WILL ALL 100% DRS OUR SHARES. + +This is what we needed if you ask me. + +We needed to see again that no matter what, they will break the rules and laws to win. + +We know that we need to drs to win and some were still on the fence about it and me well I was going to drs 25 shares a time and control my cost basis but now I am selling all on my 212 and buying on ibkr in 3 days after money processes. From an Isa account where I don't pay taxes to now paying taxes and just buying on ibkr 100 percent and transferring. + +From what I have read I am not alone. + +Hedges are fucked and they caused this all. Yesterday was truly the most important day for apes to drs. + +Not financial advice just an apes opinion. Love you all. Fuck Kenny and his crew of crooks. +We bought our first home back in July 2019. 3 story town-home right in between Washington D.C and Baltimore. I took a great opportunity to move NC so we decided that we would just rent out the house. After a lot of hold up from COVID we finally have a tenant moving in on Friday. Paying for two mortgages has been hell but we weathered the storm. + +House - 330K +Rent- 2k + + +My main question is: +We are pretty much breaking even for now. Should we focus on paying down the loan faster or should we invest the extra earnings? + +Edit: "Extra Earnings" is probably not the right term. As the mortgage is being paid in full by the tenant. + +More info on the house: was new construction, 10 year roof/structure warranty, Appliances have 5 year warranty, HOA, built on a slab, . + +Thank you for the info everyone. There is a lot I didn't think of, as this is a big learning experience. Very excited to be moving forward and hopefully tightening things up with the knowledge I gain along the way. +As everyone learned this morning, Robinhood announced a layoff of 9% of their full time employees. This morning I had the very fortunate pleasure of learning that this number is likely much larger. + +Before I get into my connection let me preface by saying I get it, this is all he said she said stuff. But my connection is true and I know it is, so you do what you want with the information I’m forwarding to y’all. Y’all are family and I’ve been here since January of last year but I get how posts like these typically make people skeptical. I love y’all no matter what. Okay here ya go. + +. This morning I was working with a client that I have seen regularly for the last few months and we were having a conversation about work and jobs etc. They work in recruiting at a very large firm. They by happen chance asked if I had seen the news about Robinhood this morning. I said yes (thinking of course I knew, I’m on ss all damn day) and that I do not like Robinhood and I’m surprised they are still in business. They said that they have a very close friend they grew up with who does recruiting for Robinhood and was very worried last night about losing their job. Client stated that the friend made the cut but that the true number is actually 40% of Robinhood’s staff were laid off. At this point my jaw was open. Client stated that they think what they did was lay off 9% of their “full time employees” and the rest may have been contracted employees. They then stated the friend had to sign an nda and that this is all supposed to be secret. Lol. So my client didn’t have too much other information. This makes since because big firms like Deloitte etc. do typically hire contracted employees. This also gives reason as to why they reported it the way that they did. Kept things very hush hush making it seem as though it’s not as bad as it actually is. + +My client also told me that they have to let go 150 of their staff this week. + +So many big companies starting to lay employees off. Sounds like something is going down. + +Anyways this made my morning interesting, and just wanted to share. + +Edit: changed verbiage to not give too much information for protection purposes. + +More edits: for more obscurity/security for those involved. + +Edit: was reached out to by a CNBC writer for more info. Marked her as spam. Lol. +Do both you and your partner work? How do you find it? Would you rather only one of you worked? I'm asking because I kind of like someone but she's the type who doesn't want to work and now I'm wondering how common that is? I looked at the stats and only 46.9% of women work so it's not unheard of, right? +All my friends and all my family "has that GameStop hit yet" in a joking tone. It's a pipe dream in their eyes. And I hate hearing it. Not because I think I was wrong or I wish they shared my thoughts. But because they've successfully been convinced into thinking otherwise by everyone other than us. To them it's not happening or it already happened, it's been a year and I look like some huge conspiracy theorist to them. But I'm not is the thing. We're not conspiracy theorists. We were fucked with massively by rich people caught with their hand in the cookie jar using retail's money and shorting companies beyond its float. They didn't want to lose and they're still holding on. But so are we, and yes I don't understand the market as well as I thought I would after a year, nobody can fully grasp every aspect of it because of its design. But I know the data and research I've seen doesn't lie. + + + + +Shorts did not close. We're tenacious though and I'm fucking ecstatic we are. I can't wait until we expose it all. Hopefully Ryan Cohen shares the same sentiment. I put a hell of a lot of trust in him and his capability. In the meantime DRS if you can and let's keep on keeping on, but hopefully this post can show a lot of you who maybe feel crazy or have a few doubts that it's normal. Don't let those gaslighting us make us question the FACTUAL due diligence people way smarter than you or me have done. We invested a lot of money with the promise of it being fulfilled. And I believe it will be, just a bit later than expected. When it does pop though, I can't imagine how bad it will be. They've just kept shorting it nonstop no closing taking place. They kicked the can A WHOLE DAMN YEAR MAN! No way in hell they're not going to have every cent liquidated when the float is locked. If DRS wasn't a thing can you imagine how far down the road this can would be kicked? I hate to imagine, let's grab that can and throw it in their smug faces boys and gals. Peace, love, and DRS baby +GME at close was $128. I believe after the splividend we will see FOMO and Apes buying everything they can, pushing the price up fast. Well be back over $100 before you can say apple pie. If you assume that your 1 share now is already 4 @ $32 each, then it will likely never be this cheap again, especially with the imminent marketplace launch. + +Load up while you can at these discount prices!! + +Buy, hold, DRS. Power to the creators, power to the players. + +Edit: wow this blew up. Thanks for all the awards (and Sneks!) +I am depressed this year, life circumstances aren't helping much, and I feel like I should decorate because that's what moms do, but my heart simply isn't in it. + +Anyone else not in the mood for the holidays and feel you can't afford decorations anyway? +Kraken is the worst experience I've ever had in my life. 2 weeks waiting for the wire transfer then 3 weeks of not being able to buy. Not sure if this is because I'm in Canada or just a crap exchange. They say they'll fix their website in the next week but I don't give a shit anymore, I'd lost out on potentially doubling my investment already because I've been waiting for a goddamn month. Seriously fuck Kraken, biggest headache and regrets in my life just sitting there and waiting for nothing to happen. Should've listened to previous complaints about this incompetent exchange. Transferred to Quadriga and never going back to fucking Kraken. +Edit: Possibly 6.48% due to intermediate calculation rounding. + +The unadjusted CPI-U rose from 287.504 in March to 296.808 in September of 2022. The new I-Bond Rate will be 6.47% for new purchases from November 2022 – April 2023. The Current rate of 9.62% is available for new purchases through October 2022. + + +This will be confirmed by the treasury in the coming weeks +Good news for FTB. + + +Major lender extends 'Helping Hand' scheme beyond former 10% deposit limit + +It could help those who struggle to meet affordability criteria  + +Borrowers must fix their mortgage for five or 10 years + +Experts warn of negative equity risk and higher monthly repayments  + +Source : This is money + + +I think on balance, this is good news for FTB. Or will it contribute to further increase in house prices? + +What do you think? + +Edit : The general consensus here is that it's a bad thing. But I am sure many potential FTB would rather this arrangement than paying rent. + +And if not this then what? The govt is not building enough affordable social housing so something has to give. +I’ve lost a quarter million so far in vanguard funds (VTSAX) and Apple, and friggin doing my best to earn as much to fill that gap. It’s so unbelievably frustrating to work so damn hard and have 5-10 years wiped out in 12 months. + +Thinking back, I could cashed out the $250k and paid off my house and I’d be even with where I’m at today. It’s unreal. + +How long is this shit gonna last? How do you all cope with these insane times, volatility in the market, and changing work environments? Ain’t easy. I’m invested for the long haul but wondering if the market and the works as we know it is changing… + +Millennials are getting screwed. +Ok apes, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. I'm seeing a lot of misinformation regarding the ~214k limit sell on CS. + +The misinformation: You can only sell for a max of ~214k per share through CS. + +The truth: The maximum *limit* you can have in place on CS is ~214k. + +What's the difference? + +Let's say the price is 100k and you have a limit in place for 214k. When the price hits your limit, it sells and you get exactly what you expected. + +Now let's say the price is 69 million and you put in a limit sell for 214k. Because the price started above your limit, it acts as a floor, not a ceiling. CS and the brokers they use have a duty to get you the best price available, any offers above your limit will be treated as a market order and go to the highest available bidder. + +Why is this important? + +Well, first off everyone here deserves their tendies. But also we saw that weird 'glitch' a while back where the price rocketed to, you guessed it, the CS limit sell maximum. Which means we have some apes with their sells already in place who are gonna get short-changed and maybe kill momentum for others. + +I've spent the past few months explaining this to people when I see it come up in comments, but it needs to be common knowledge, every ape should know this. + +Disclaimer: +I'm the very definition of a smooth brain, this post is a distilled and dumbed-down version of my understanding of this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sr5a5h/navigating_moass_a_beginners_guide_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +This post deserved way more attention than it got and, like I said, should be common knowledge. Go upvote the original and if my understanding of this is wrong, please let me and others know - my goal here is to clear up misinformation not spread more of it. + +Edit: reported for suicidal intent already, someone doesn't want us to understand how this works. +Ok apes, I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. I'm seeing a lot of misinformation regarding the ~214k limit sell on CS. + +The misinformation: You can only sell for a max of ~214k per share through CS. + +The truth: The maximum *limit* you can have in place on CS is ~214k. + +What's the difference? + +Let's say the price is 100k and you have a limit in place for 214k. When the price hits your limit, it sells and you get exactly what you expected. + +Now let's say the price is 69 million and you put in a limit sell for 214k. Because the price started above your limit, it acts as a floor, not a ceiling. CS and the brokers they use have a duty to get you the best price available, any offers above your limit will be treated as a market order and go to the highest available bidder. + +Why is this important? + +Well, first off everyone here deserves their tendies. But also we saw that weird 'glitch' a while back where the price rocketed to, you guessed it, the CS limit sell maximum. Which means we have some apes with their sells already in place who are gonna get short-changed and maybe kill momentum for others. + +I've spent the past few months explaining this to people when I see it come up in comments, but it needs to be common knowledge, every ape should know this. + +Disclaimer: +I'm the very definition of a smooth brain, this post is a distilled and dumbed-down version of my understanding of this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sr5a5h/navigating_moass_a_beginners_guide_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +This post deserved way more attention than it got and, like I said, should be common knowledge. Go upvote the original and if my understanding of this is wrong, please let me and others know - my goal here is to clear up misinformation not spread more of it. + +Edit: reported for suicidal intent already, someone doesn't want us to understand how this works. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +First, I would like to thank [u/TNVET](https://www.reddit.com/user/TNVET/) for the idea of these updates. He is active in the leanfire community, and post his monthly breakdown. I thought not only would this be a great way to track my own retirement monthly, but some of you might find real life numbers from an actual retired investor interesting or helpful. + +Some might want to argue whether or not I am actually retired. I do no day to day work on the business. I have a property manager that handles everything, including handyman duties. I do still look for new investment opportunities, and decide on the game plan when I find one. This is the aspect of the business I find enjoyable, so don't really consider it work, but if you want to count that it will average out to maybe 5 - 10 hours each month. + +Okay, now for the numbers. + +Gross Rental income - $11,625 (no vacancies, but 3 coming up at the end of the month) + +Net rental income - $10,705 (this includes property manager fee and a few minor repairs...taxes will be accounted for when paid at the end of the year) + +No new purchases, No sales + +Hard money loan outstanding on a flip project in Los Angeles - $50,000 (project is complete, just waiting for it to sell) + +Monthly investment into Fundrise $2,000 (all returns are being reinvested) total return since opening account January 2018 is now 19.5% at end of quarter 2 2019 + +Monthly investment into Dividend Stock account $2000 https://m1.finance/agZC2s8I5 opened in January 2018, total Money weighted return 11.09% + +Monthly investment into Leveraged Stock account $2000 https://m1.finance/0QVys8PAH opened in July 2018, total money weighted return 3.97% + +Monthly investment into Money Market account $2000. Currently getting 2% interest. + +The balance will stay in the checking account to cover upcoming costs of turnover next month. + +Possible new investment [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2012-Moffett-S-Joplin-MO-64804/2083775094\_zpid/?](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2012-Moffett-S-Joplin-MO-64804/2083775094_zpid/?) + +I have an offer on the table for $26,000. Plan to spend about $5,000 on updating to all pex plumbing, $5000 on cosmetic updates which will include removing carpet, replace with vinyl plank flooring, strip wallpaper, texture walls and paint, replace some fixtures, replace broken windows, and a few other minor cosmetic fixes. It has a new roof as of 2017, so that won't need work, but I will need to address possible rain access through the chimney. Wiring is mostly updated, will need a few new outlets and covers. This could be turned into a duplex, but would need to add a second kitchen and decide how I want to handle the utilities. Projected monthly rent $1,000 - $1,100. This could be a good flip project, too. ARV would be in the $120,000 range. Of course this option would require more updates and upfront costs. I'll likely rent it first for a few years and then reconsider doing a final renovation for sell and cashing out depending on what the market does. + +Personal expenses for the month (everything except property taxes, which will be a one time expense when paid) I'm sure this is confusing for some people, but I'll explain the low numbers on personal spending. 1) I own my house outright 2) I own my cars outright and only carry liability insurance 3) I self insure for all other insurance 4) I'm just really frugal by nature which includes cooking at home, walking most places within a 3 mile radius, not going out often, etc + +$645 (Car insurance, gasoline for cars, cable, water, sewer, gas, electric, cell phone, food, entertainment, misc, one time shopping spree for clothes) + +The major one time expense for the month was my crazy trip to the mall which resulted in me taking advantage of several clearance sales. I do buy shoes every year, but I usually try to take care of my clothes so I have a minimum turnover. But I couldn't pass up on some of these deals, so ended up spending about $115 after tax. That was a pair of dress shoes ($10 on clearance $120 list), a pair of Doc Martin type boots( $20 on sale $80 list price), and a pair of extra rugged jogging shoes ($15 on clearance $90 list)...7 v neck moisture wicking t -shirts, ($2 each on clearance, $20 list price) 5 long sleeve shirts (2.99 each on clearance, $30 - $50 list), 3 pairs of jeans ( for $7.99 clearance $40 - $60 list) and two pair of sweat pants ($1.99 clearance $25 list). That is probably more clothes than I actually needed since I still have most of my old clothes, but what the hell, I was on a roll and living large. Probably won't buy any clothes/shoes the rest of the year. + +Grey area accounting. I am in the process of selling an old BMW. I have already purchased a truck for hauling things since I didn't already have one and I have way too many cars. When it all shakes out, I should be money ahead, so no accounting has been done on that this month. + +Okay, that it is. Let me know if you have any questions about any of this. I know this covers more than just real estate or personal finance, but hopefully members of multiple communities will find it useful. +I am 38 y. My Wife is 33 y. + +Mortage remaining: $130000 ( 3.25% interest) + +Cash : $330000 + +401K : 68K ( Maxing out my 401K every year. ) + +IRA : 47K + +I have account in fidelity and Vangaurd. + +Should I pay off my mortage? Should I go all in on stocks to take a risk? + +How should I build wealth? Can I buy Index funds only? +Hi everyone, I am the mom who posted about my troubles a few days ago (stealing medicine from target and how guilty/shitty I felt over it). My inbox was absolutely Flooded, I am still catching up on replying to everyone. + +Well to give you a bit of an update: my daughters fever spiked, ended up taking her to the emergency room like a few people suggested. The ER dr suggested it was teething and Wasn't much of a help there but her fever went down after they gave her another dose of tylenol we came home and I've been trying to get myself back in order. I requested a new social services case worker (because it was pointed out to me that my current one may be incompetent), I applied for emergency medicaid and TANF, I put in my resume at a temp job location and have been searching online for places to make my money stretch a little further with some side jobs where I can bring my daughter along. I also contacted my county's local child support enforcement and got that ball rolling so if it all goes though, he will be served again with papers on May 1st and if he doesn't start paying by June, they will.garnish his wages. + +Honestly, I felt embarrassed and just downright shitty. A lot of people warned me about shoplifting from Target (which I will NEVER do again. I do not want to go jail). A few people helped/donated some necessities to get us through and God am I thankful. I know I haven't responded to everyone back but please know I saw and read every single message and I am so thankful for it all. Every prayer and good luck wish and good juju just.made a positive impact on me and showed me that there are truly good people in this world and I am lucky to have found a place where it is thriving. + +Just, thank you all so much. From me and my girl. [We](http://i.imgur.com/yryrrpA.jpg) have a long uphill battle but at least I know I can come here whenever im.feeling down. you guys rock. 💖💖 +I want to preface this by saying I am fairly new to real estate investing and I’m looking into buying my first property. + +From my learning, I have obviously become familiar with the 50% rule and that maintenance should be around 1-2% of home value per year. I have built out a full excel workbook to analyze rental properties and I continue to run in the issue that my expenses are much lower than the 50% (usually around 30-35%). Also, whenever the seller or agent provides financials, the expenses are similarly low. My question for those who have experience in this space is: Do you find that expenses typically fall in this lower range or is the 50% rule generally accurate? I understand every property is different and will require more or less maintenance, but I’m looking to confirm whether my estimates are far off-base or does the 50% rule hold? +Long time listener, first time caller.. + +I have been lurking on this forum for a few years, and have gotten a lot from the conversation, and wanted to add some thoughts that could hopefully be helpful to people ready. My wife and I are chugging along, and have a current NW of around 1.5 million. We are hoping to at least consider early retirement in 5 - 10 years. In the meantime, we are working hard and living life. Thoughts: + +1. The details matter less than the general idea: I've had fun reading about bond tents and monte carlo simulations, and VTSAX, etc. It seems to me, though, that the most important idea in this forum is a simple one: there is an overwhelming advantage, both financial and intangible, to accumulating wealth early in life, and that advantage is available to anyone who is willing to be disciplined, work hard, and take some time to save. All of the other details of investment strategy seem to pale in comparison to this general idea. If you are committed to saving, and take a little time to set up a plan that does automatic deposits/investments, everything else finance-wise will probably take care of itself. + +2. Five year plans are good things: there is a quote somewhere that people overestimate what can be done in a year, and underestimate what can be done in a decade. I've always thought that 10 years was too long to plan for, but 5 seems like a good middle ground - long enough to allow for ambitious plans, and short enough to be a horizon that you can see. What goes in a plan? It doesn't have to just be the amount of money you want in five years - ours had things like, pay down mortgage, go on more vacations, figure out insurance, sync our finances better, etc. A one or two page word doc with your desires in life and action steps will go a long way in pointing you towards whats next. + +3. A financial planner can have some use: I know this forum is not always down with paying a planner, and that makes sense. You shouldn't need to pay someone to manage assets if they are invested in a straight-forward and simple way. Let me suggest a few things that have been helpful for us that a financial planner has done: 1. resolve family disputes/help us make decisions. If you are married or in a serious relationship, a planner is an easy way to actually get some decisions made and get stuff done, as it is at least a third party looking at your finances. 2. getting your whole house in order. A good planner will help you check all the boxes in your adult life - insurance, wills, retirement, etc. We have a fee-only planner that we have on retainer for essentially $250/month. He was more useful at the beginning of our process, but even now we find ourselves calling him occasionally for advice. + +4. Joining the 'professional class' is probably the most straightforward way to FIRE: I see a lot of young people on this forum - if you are wondering what to do with your life, I don't have that much advice to give.. That being said, getting an advanced degree in medicine, law or business is probably the most guaranteed path towards financial security. It's not 'easy' - you have to work for the money you make. (The 'easy' way to FIRE is to inherit a bunch of money from your folks..) But, other than tech fields, being a lawyer, doctor, or MBA business type is the path that will get you from nothing to something in the most straightforward way. + +5. Kids do change everything: we've got two young kids, and they do affect every aspect of your life (mostly they mean you have a lot less free time). There is a lot of discussion about the financial impact of children - this is all well and good, but they do change your lives in more fundamental ways than your checkbook balance. Ultimately, having kids means having young people in your life that are amazing and loving and awesome to be around, but also headaches and constant concerns. Your motivations and what you want to do with your free time will change dramatically. I have lots of family/friends who do not have kids, and they are also happy, but if you are considering kids or wondering what they mean, just know that you will probably need to reassess your plans before and after.. + +Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. I hope they are useful to people. Thanks! +Hi reddits. I am extremely sad rn. She is the one who introduced and incurred me to FIRE journey. Because of her I opened ROTH IRA account , started savings and learned the values of passive income. + +I’d say she wasnt “extremely” frugal but frugal enough to save decent.... This incident came to second guess myself and not too sure if ROTH IRA is still worth it when I never know if I’d be living till 59.5 years old.. + +I know YOLO isnt my thing.. but seeing her away like this at such a young age.. Would appreciate any advice that would help me revert to FIRE journey + +Edit: Wow guys thank you so much for your responds. I am actually still debating contributing ROTH ira is worth it. In fact, my dad passed away when he was only 50. I’ll try to get my shit together. Or perhaps contribute less money to ROTH? Hmm +I have been using Interactive Brokers for almost a year now. It was fine for the most part, but the last months were a complete disaster. Their platform wasn't allowing users to log in at least two full days in December leaving the users completely unable to manage their accounts (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-07/interactive-brokers-users-report-problems-with-trading-platform). + +Additionally many users were not able to log in after the issue was fixed because of "to many unsuccessful logins" error. The only way to to access your account was to call the support, go through the identification and ask for account unblocking. Imagine waiting time with thousands of customers in the queue. + +Banning users from buying GME stock last week convinced me to switch to another broker. + +I am looking for a RELIABLE broker without full day outages. A broker which wouldn't ban buying certain instruments thus manipulating the market. I don't care about the fees that much. I would be happy to pay 10 times the fees of Interactive Brokers as long as the broker would be reliable. I mostly trade US stocks. Which broker would you recommend? + +I've heard Degiro didn't restrict any trading on GME. How about the outages? Are they reliable? Saxo also got my attention but I'm not sure if they restricted GME trading last week. Cloud you share your experiences? +Hello all, + +My husband and I are in our mid-late 20s and I’m feeling panicked because I have no retirement savings. At the moment, everything is just accumulating in our German checking account with essentially no interest because we’re pretty overwhelmed about how we should be handling investing. + +I am a US citizen with permanent residency in Germany and the option to apply for German citizenship is 1.5 years. My husband is a dual US/German citizen. We both grew up in the US. + +We moved to Germany 1.5 years ago and plan to stay for the rest of our lives. We are both employed by German employers and assume that this will continue to be the case going forward. Neither one of us has a company retirement plan (bAV). + +I’m starting to feel like I have to give up my US citizenship if I ever want to be able to set myself up for retirement, but I REALLY don’t want to do that. + +Feeling totally over my head and financially illiterate. I’m feeling like I’m so out of my depth that I wouldn’t even be able to evaluate whether a financial advisor was giving us good advice or screwing us over. + +Any advice would be very much appreciated! +It feels like Christmas's week or something. Shitty price action, my strategy has gone from 75% success rate to 40%. + +Oh and of course this is the month I finally decided to do the FTMO challenge. 1 week left and in drawdown, very frustrating. + +I am very curious to see if others share this opinion of the markets these past few weeks. +I have just done the maths and hope someone can prove me wrong, this surely can't be right? + + +Anything over £9876 annually, national insurance is 13.25% . + +After £12,571 income tax is 20% + +Student repayment begins at £20,184 with a 9% repayment. (Plan 1) + + +So any money I earn above £20 184 will be taxed at a rate of 42.25% ? Please someone prove me wrong....I don't want this to be the case +Recently i've been seeing a lot of "you're a retard. YOLO. BEAR GANG!!!" Type of posts which borrown from WSB lingo. + +I Iove wsb bets, I am an autist over there, over here I am a closeted autist, there's no need to display that behaviour here. + +Don't ask don't tell should be followed here, mods I implore you, make wsb lingo illegal in these parts. + +Edit: SPY 200 4/17 p + +Edit 2: Ok guys, I'm banned from WSB. Scrap everything I said, please feel free to speak like autists over here. I know i am going to start doing that. 🏳️‍🌈gang + +Edit 3: Ok guys, the ban from WSB has been removed. Thank you wsb mods for removing jartek and his scum. I once again would like to reiterate my anti-WSB rhetoric stance in this sub :) +I have been working in digital for over twenty years, and the first time I heard about crypto was from one of my fellow devs who was mining Doge in 2014. I bought about $50 worth of it back then and ended up losing access to wherever it was stored at the time. No big deal, it was my first lesson in this crypto journey, one of many. + +After years of not paying much attention to crypto and working on other investments; stocks, real estate, retirement funds, etc. I came back to the space in 2019 with a renewed passion and drive. Stocks had always bored me, I never felt like it was a market I related with, and since I work in digital, crypto makes sense to me. + +So I got back into Doge because that's where I started. And then BTC and then ETH all around the same time in 2019. Then came alts, and with them came tons of research and discovery, buying projects I believe in. The crypto world's volatility didn't scare me then, and it doesn't scare me now because I think it's the future, and I refuse to sit on fiat that isn't working for me. + +Fast forward to this fine new year, and I am so proud to have grown my portfolio to what it is today. To be a woman in this space, understand the fundamentals, and withstand the fear is very empowering. So to all the women out there who are either veterans in the crypto space or newbies, keep going!! It's an honor to invest alongside all of you! And cheers to the men out there crushing it too! + +EDIT: this is absolutely not an anti-man post! Yeesh! Men rock! This is more about women having confidence to invest, learn, grow and become financially independent. Ultimately being able to build an empire with their crypto loving mate! +The debt we have is a few hundred on an Amex BCP, about $6k on a 0% card with 20 months left, plus two car payments totaling about $700/mo. Our mortgage is $1600/mo. I have an $804 child support payment. The PMP course was supposed to be reimbursed by my company and was $2,500 at a local university - the best I can get is $2000 back. It was charged to the 0% card. I'm a consultant/software developer, my wife is a construction manager. In addition to any other advice Reddit has, and an aggressive job search, my question is: should I stay in the PMP course, or accept the $500 loss and cancel it? + +*I -was- laid off. Caffeine hasn't kicked in yet. + +Update: we were only making that much money for 19 months and 4 months in we were hit with a 35k lawsuit. Prior to that, combined we made less than half of that. I was paying $600/mo in good faith, but when we moved the ex wanted more and sued. We mediated for $804/mo eventually, but not before she dragged everything out. I paid $4k in arrears. We also sunk a lot of money into house repairs. + +Update 2: I absolutely sincerely appreciate the advice and the sympathy. I also understand the rage: "How you you be making this much money and be so <insert colorful words here>." I really worked hard to get here, made a few mistakes and foolish choices, and had some bad luck. That's life - and I'm confident that I'll recover. + +I haven't been able to respond to all of the comments, but I am reading them. You took the time to respond, I'm going to take the time to read. Thanks for the advice and perspective. + +Life. Lemons. Combustible lemons. + +Update 3 @10:44pm EST (USA). Thanks for the insight, the help, perspective, and the advice. To those of you who PM'd, I'll be responding tomorrow. I'm going to keep reading as long as people keep responding. + +Update 4: the Range Rover is my wife's car from before we were married. We owe about $2k on it. It's reliable, oddly enough. We also have a Volt - my car. It costs us nearly nothing to operate apart from the payment. We owe about 10k on that. +When I found this sub I said “WOW this is the place”. But the problem is that every single token that I see here and like have raised more than 1000% in months. + +Do you have one that didn’t? Shill it to me +I am only in high-school but I'm looking for career paths. I have always been interested in programming and finance. I am gonna major in CS and physics to become a software engineer. I have heard that quantitative finance is pretty lucrative if you can get good at it. Is it realistic to make a living wage doing this? The only experience I have had with finance is trading a few blue chip stocks. I have never made a huge profit or anything. +Hey guys, + +Recently got into value investing so I'm never totally sure whether I'm valuing companies correctly or not. I recently tried valuing AMD which is a company I'd really love to buy however the "sticker price" I'm getting compared to the current stock price is night and day. I was wondering if anyone else could value the company at all so I can see whether my valuation is far off the mark? The valuation maths I'm using is: + +(1+growth rate)^10 × eps × future pe + +I got this from following New Money's valuation technique but just swapped out 5 years for 10 years. + +Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks + +Edit: Forgot to mention that to get my sticker price I divide my result by 4 +This is my analysis of Adobe, hope you like it, it's my first post in this subreddit. + + +Adobe is a business with a big MOAT. They make software for graphic designers, photographers, video editors, ... Software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, AfterEffects, ... + +The software that Adobe creates are very complex, have hundreds of different functionalities and are integrated into the workflow of its users. Let's take the example of an illustrator who creates digital art and uses Photoshop to make his drawings. This person has been drawing with Photoshop for years, knows and uses hundreds of different features within Photoshop on a daily basis. To use Photoshop he only has to pay a monthly fee (or maybe it is paid by the company he works for) which compared to what he can earn by selling his illustrations is a small fee. + +There are free and open source alternatives to Photoshop (and other Adobe software). The illustrator in our example could switch to a free alternative such as GIMP, but making this change will mean hundreds of hours of learning this new software, although he will have most of the features, he will find some missing or he will not like the alternative way of doing it. Since the fee you pay is very small compared to the value you get from Photoshop, it is difficult to make the choice to switch to GIMP. Also Photoshop is a known industry standard, if you are looking for a job, many companies will ask for Photoshop skills instead of GIMP. All this makes users continue to pay for Adobe products and not switch to alternatives. + +The same thing that happens with Photoshop happens with the rest of Adobe's software, even though there are free alternatives, there is no strong incentive to switch to them because the learning time is too long. + +The world is going digital, that's a fact. Adobe provides tools to work in a digitized world. With its dominant position in the market and protected by a strong learning curve for their different software, Adobe will continue to grow as the world digitizes. + +**Recurring revenues** + +Years ago Adobe sold licenses for their products, you only had to pay once and you had the software forever. Then they would release a new version with many improvements and you had to buy the new version. They have been moving away from this model to a subscription model, now most of their sales are from subscriptions. + +Revenues are recurring and predictable, since Adobe software are essential tools for many professionals, it is difficult for them to stop paying. + +**How is the company rewarding shareholders?** + +The company has been buying back shares for years. I don't like that they have no discipline and are buying back shares at any price. In the last year they have bought back shares at an average price of $536 per share. Now the stock is trading at $400 and that is not a cheap valuation. Buying the stock at $536 I believe that destroyed shareholder value. + +However, the fact that they are buying back shares is a good sign. It demonstrates that the management team is committed to return value to shareholders. + +**Conclusion and valuation** + +Adobe is a very good company. It has an impressive competitive advantage and a great ability to generate profit. The company is well run. It is growing its revenues year over year. The company returns money to shareholders by buying back shares (although I don't like it when they do it at any price). The company has net cash. + +It is a very good business that I would like to have in my portfolio and I would be willing to pay a premium price for it. But I'm not willing to buy it at any price, let's value it. + +My valuation method is absolute, I want to know how much money I am going to make on each investment in absolute terms. I usually do a 5-year valuation and calculate what the return will be. Once I get this number I can compare it to other investments and see which ones offer the most potential for appreciation. + +The potential return on investment is not the only parameter to take into account. Other factors must be taken into account such as the strength of the business, whether it has a dominant market position, whether it has a lot of debt, ... If we have two investments with the same appreciation potential, the one with less risk will be preferable. + +I use conservative numbers in all steps of the valuation, my intention is not to lose money so I apply a very conservative base case. + +I have assumed the following growth rates for the company's revenue, which gives me these values: + +Growth Rate (%): + +* 2022: 15% +* 2023: 10% +* 2024: 8% +* 2025: 7% +* 2026: 7% + +Revenue (B$): + +* 2022: 18153 +* 2023: 19968 +* 2024: 21565 +* 2025: 23075 +* 2026: 24690 + +Assuming FCF is 33.3% of revenue (the average of the last 3 years), I get these values: + +FCF(B$): + +* 2022: 5990 +* 2023: 6589 +* 2024: 7117 +* 2025: 7615 +* 2026: 8148 + +Assuming that the money generated year after year is returned to shareholders in one form or another, and assuming a terminal multiple of 20 times FCF, I get a value of approximately $200B for 2026. + +Considering that the company already trades at a $200B valuation, this does not seem like an attractive buy to me. To get a 10% yearly return, I would have to buy ADBE now for $125B, about $260 per share. +The median Schiller PE (https://www.multpl.com/shiller-pe) for the SP500 is about 16 whereas currently it sits around 29. + +If the market is expected to revert to the most common PE it's had in its history, that corresponds to about 2000 for the index, which is quite a way down from the current level of 3700. + +Of course if this happens over a few years you'd factor in earnings growth, but nevertheless low 2000s is the ballpark figure. + + +Realising this made me think of the quality of the businesses that I am in, as they might really need to be around and well in potentially 5-10 years for the market to recognise their value. Great businesses purchased at the heights of last year might need longer than that. + +What are your thoughts on where the market is going + +Edit: as people also pointed out, because of current inflation, the 10-year trailing earnings average used in Schiller PE is probably misleading. With December 2021 earnings, the current PE is 19, and if earnings grow, the index may be undervalued despite being around historic nominal highs. +Michigan-based entrepreneur Robert Simpson decided to see what would happen if he bought the entire stock of one company. Using a single broker, within a couple of days Simpson had paid a little over $5,000 for 1,285,050 shares in OTC bulletin board property-development company Global Links. According to Simpson, these shares were delivered into his account shortly afterwards. Yet the following day 37,044,500 Global Links shares were traded on the bulletin board. The next day, 22,471,000 shares were traded. On neither day had Simpson traded a single Global Link share, he insists. And events surrounding Simpson's investments became yet more confusing. Global Links had only ever issued 1,158,064 shares. Simpson had managed to acquire 126,986 shares that did not exist. How he had managed to be sold more shares than were in issuance is exactly the question Simpson hoped his foray would raise. +Options are going rocket tomorrow. They beat their earnings estimate. And fruitful outlook. + +Spread still looks good. Just be careful with these IV spikes. + +Anyone opening up or buying positions tomorrow? + +Positions: 1k AMC shares, 3/19 $25 calls, 4/23 $12 calls. I like the stock, I like the company. This is not financial advice. + +------------- + + +EDIT: oh wow this post took off 😂 + +Thank you all for the upvotes, Karma and awards! Much appreciated! + +Didn't mean to stir up controversy in bringing up a "meme" stock on here. Was just curious what everyone's plays are, given the unusual options environment these stocks are in. + +----- + +EDIT #2: everyone chill. We are all well aware of IV crushes post EC. And for those of you worried about my 3/19 call, even with IV crush, I netted a 35% return. Going to sit on the 4/23 calls and the shares for now. Cheers everyone 😊 +Could anyone ELI5 what this would mean for typical people? On average this can supposedly save £1300 a year but this doesn’t come close to the proposed increases on our energy bills with octopus estimating a £750 January bill from our current £90 bill! + +I’m not considered one of the most vulnerable so am now terrified this could be the only help we’re getting. +*Title Correction: Tax Refund lol + +Hello! +So this is my situation: + +I just received my refund of $7200. (Never even got a refund before in my life so this is potentially life changing for me) Also my credit score is around 653. + +I currently have a loan out, only a few months old and the balance is $6,919. + +I also have a credit card with a balance of $929. + +I have a car, an '07 Ford Escape that needs new tires, the power steering isn't great (difficult to turn the wheel) and lately the lights stay on cuz the sensor thinks a door is open when it isn't so the (new) battery is slowly draining. That being said, as much as I enjoy not having a car payment, I could really use a new SUV (I'm a single mom and musician so I need something with enough space) + +What moves should I make to help my credit and car situation? + +(Should I pay off the credit card, get new tires and car checked out and pay off what I can on the loan, and deal with this old car as long as I can til I can save up for a down payment?) + +Thank yall kindly! +Anyone else not buying the jump in stocks over the last few days? Unemployment numbers will continue to jump. Everything I am hearing is the state systems are down and I highly doubt that the 3.2 million number is all encompassing. Layoffs will continue well into April as some companies expected to get back to work immediately but are now realizing the case count and death toll is rising even faster than before. I think the whole swath of the south who are following republicans advice and are generally obese will get hit even harder than NYC on a % basis. Furthermore - Cheesecake Factory came out yesterday and said it wasn’t going to be paying its rent. This is the first large company to say this but it won’t be the only one. Many individuals are also doing the same with rent and mortgages. We haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg. I think we have, at minimum, and additional 30% to drop in s&p 500 and likely greater than 50%. I feel like I am watching the big short and we are at that point where the numbers start going bad but the prices are still going up. +Let's say hypothetically, **Airbnb** goes public via a direct listing, but because its financials are in such poor shape, it only has a market cap of $5 billion. Looking at this very low stock price, could someone like **Bookings Holdings** (a public $60 billion company and a competitor to Airbnb) just go on the stock market and just keep buying more and more of Airbnb's stock, until they own most or all of the whole company? In other words, does a big company have its own brokerage account where they can just make such mass purchases, all at once or in small increments over time? My sense is that the big company would have to officially announce their intention to acquire the smaller company, probably make some filings, but then usually the smaller company's stock goes up in response, and the acquisition becomes more expensive. + +How does this work in practice? +**Mon., March 8, 2021, 6:00 a.m.** + +CALGARY, AB, March 8, 2021 /CNW/ - High Tide Inc. ("High Tide" or the "Company") (TSXV: HITI) (OTCQB: HITIF) (FRA: 2LY), a retail-focused cannabis corporation enhanced by the manufacturing and distribution of consumption accessories, announced today that the Canna Cabana retail store located at Unit 1245 - 1230 11 Ave. SW, in Calgary's Beltline neighbourhood, has begun selling recreational cannabis products for adult use. This opening represents High Tide's 74th branded retail location across Canada selling recreational cannabis products and consumption accessories. + +"While we aggressively pursue opportunities to expand the reach of our ancillary businesses in the United States and Europe, we also remain committed to growing our Canadian retail footprint," said Raj Grover, President and Chief Executive Officer of High Tide. "As we continue to grow our presence in emerging markets, we intend to keep building on our Canadian momentum which is powered by our differentiated one-stop shop model that allows consumers to purchase all of their cannabis and accessory needs under one roof," added Mr. Grover. + +The new Beltline store, which is located within walking distance of Calgary's Millenium Park, is part of the Company's strategic plan to drive organic growth within Canada while pursuing acquisition opportunities in Canada, the United States, and Europe, that can be immediately accretive to shareholders. +I know.... another fucking Volkswagen DD. I wouldn't have made it if what I found sucked bananas. But I promise... this one sucks different. + +I am here to make those tits more jacked than they already are. I know everyone here knows about the Volkswagen Short Squeeze back in 2008 but I haven't seen a DD that deep dives into the actual details of the short squeeze. When I say details I'm talking about breaking down the charts with weekly and daily candles.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +**Disclaimer: GME is the MOASS so it will definitely be different than every other squeeze in the past. I noticed a similar pattern between it and Volkswagen so maybe when the MOASS kicks off this information will help.** + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +The picture below is GME in a logarithmic view. The picture below that is Volkswagen in regular view. Both charts represent around 4 years of each company on the stock market and are represented using weekly candles. As you can see both charts look very similar to each other. + +They both had massive run ups and consolidated around their new highs for months. Also the MACD of each company hit new highs and new lows while sitting up on their perch's. + +The main difference is that GME had a more severe downtrend prior to the run up and the volatility is way more intense. + +[GME 4 year weekly logarithmic chart](https://preview.redd.it/2arp19plc1p71.png?width=3174&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b6b32a7af127ecdd2fb44b5556445f82c9a5b5d) + +GME in logarithmic view means the prices we will see when the MOASS hits are going to be ridiculous. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[Volkswagen 4 year weekly regular chart](https://preview.redd.it/uyzsot1hd1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e4731a6d3775111607c97ce11bbc1601dd896b9) + +In the next two pictures I highlighted both perch's / consolidation phases of each company and labeled the high and lows of each. As you can see GME has been consolidating for 8 months while Volkswagen consolidated for 9 months prior to the squeeze. This tells me it's almost time for GME to break through 483. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[GME 8 month consolidation phase](https://preview.redd.it/gtfy1h0sg1p71.png?width=3174&format=png&auto=webp&s=81d6aae00d44e5c49eb619d744d74ce266ffae1a) + +[Volkswagen 9 month consolidation phase](https://preview.redd.it/9n5phu3ug1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf5ca0fc1d4bc991c7f90f076b422af05147dd0) + +The picture below is the most important part of the thread IMO. When Volkswagen hit its high of 199.8, it consolidated for 9 months. The consolidation phase ended once the 199.8 resistance was broken through. Then it spent 2 months hovering around that price to which then 199.8 became the support line. Once it did, Volkswagen went on a one month run up where it hit a high of 452. + +Then, this where the massive short attack happened. You have all seen the picture of where people are explaining the Volkswagen squeeze and say "We are here". Well this was when the price dropped from its high of 452 and hit the new support line of 199.8 again. + +Once that happened the Short Squeeze began. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +If GME breaks through 483 and it becomes the support line we may see similar action to the Volkswagen Squeeze. No one knows what the MOASS will look like. It could even be similar to the TSLA squeeze where the price never drops down. + +[Daily candles and analysis of the run up of the Volkswagen Short Squeeze](https://preview.redd.it/etgonrwhv1p71.png?width=3890&format=png&auto=webp&s=308de9b4ab2ebee4338d716bf922824cadb7d480) + +The Short squeeze lasted two days. First day low was 325 and the high was 635. The second day low was 471 and the high was 1005. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[Volkswagen Short Squeeze w\/ 9 month consolidation phase in perspective](https://preview.redd.it/u2xddhkch1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa629ede28b0c08b787ed79cde6fdfc6937631ad) + +Also something to consider is that during that 9 month consolidation phase is when the 2008 market crash occurred and the Short Squeeze happened near the bottom of the recession. + +[2008 Market Crash with VOW 9 month consolidation phase visualized ](https://preview.redd.it/sefm0dg4j1p71.png?width=3170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f63477e6183bd30549dac09e28bb5d02f6bd4a4) + +Hopefully this information helped some apes out there🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +TLDR; +credit u/Time_Mage_Prime +I think it's important to point out that massive dip right before the squeeze took off, where the former resistance that became support was tested. If GME follows a similar pattern, then after breaking through 483 I would expect it to run up to maybe 600-800s (per Elliot wave guy's TA -- which, recall, he noted could take some time to reach those heights, but that was the target range of the analysis), before crashing back to around 483, then off to the moon, and beyond. +What's up TRAITORS! Due to OVERWHELMING DEMAND I've decided to release my 3 month update on the STAG WHEEL and allow you all to bask in the SERIOUSLY TREASONOUS AMOUNTS OF GAINS I've enjoyed over the last 3 months using my PROPRIETARY wheel strategy. + +&#x200B; + +Current positions: + +31 FREE shares of PLTR + +\-1 03/19 $30 put on PLTR. sold for $3.36, current value $224.50 + +Overall portfolio gain of $1178 out of $2500 capital collateral deployed. + +THATS A SERIOUSLY TREASONOUS 47% IN THE SPAN OF 3 MONTHS!!!! + +At this rate i will achieve my first 100 free shares during the first year, allowing me to start a second STAG WHEEL and begin to compound the gains exponentially. My goal is to get to 3000 free shares at which point the premium will be enough to fund a brand new STAG WHEEL each week. + +&#x200B; + +How did i do it? + +SIMPLE! I channeled my inner Benedict Arnold and committed treason on a WEEKLY BASIS by selling cash secured puts and reinvesting the premium into shares IMMEDIATELY. + +For those of you who have been living under a rock for the last year or so, the STAG WHEEL is my PROPRIETARY options strategy that's TAKING THE WORLD BY STORM. + +&#x200B; + +Heres a rundown: + +&#x200B; + +1. Pick a stock you want to hold long term, something you believe will be worth more in the future and something you want to eventually own a bunch of shares of. +2. Sell a weekly cash secured put on the underlying security somewhere around .30 delta (Delta and expiration are flexible, use your own discretion based on your risk tolerance), and use the premium to IMMEDIATELY buy shares +3. If exercised, sell a covered call on your new 100 shares using the premium to IMMEDIATLEY buy shares again. +4. Rinse/repeat until you have 100 shares, at which point you can decide to start a second STAG wheel on the same underlying or use your original capital for something else. + +The STAG wheel has certain benefits over the traditional wheel: + +1. Reduced loss of opportunity. Have you ever wheeled a stock that went to the moon and all you got out of it was the measly $75 in premium? NO LONGER. With the STAG WHEEL you will get a taste of that sweet rocket ship and have much more upside exposure to an appreciating company. +2. Are you a degenerate gambler who blows his premium every week on GME yolo's? NO LONGER. This strategy forces you to dollar cost average into an actual investment. +3. Are you sick of paying short term capital gains on your sweet sweet tendies? WELL TOO BAD, we all have to pay a little short term capital gains, but the STAG WHEEL offsets this a little by forcing you to buy and hold shares until long term capital gains kicks in. + +CONS: + +The STAG WHEEL is good at almost everything, but there are some things its not good at: + +1. Companies that you dont want to hold long term, companies that have a bleak future, and general downward market trends. + +The STAG WHEEL gives you some really nice upside exposure, but it exposes you more to downside risk than the standard wheel. I suppose its theoretically possible that some traitor's will attempt to wheel a stock they don't believe in and that they don't want to hold long term. I dont know why they would, but its theoretically possible. THIS STRATEGY is not for them. WHEELING LOSER STOCKS IS FOR BETA-GANG, THIS IS THETA GANG, AND THETA IS THE MOST TREASONOUS GREEK OF THEM ALL +As we await confirmation of the stimulus bill, it's hard to imagine how much room the market has to run without some kind of correction. It's days like today where we continue to see the stimulus bill get steadily price in and once the gavel hits in Washington I suspect much of it will already be reflected in the market. Now the one thing that could bolster this rally forward is additional positive vaccine news, whether that be improved distribution or another candidate coming forward with an additional vaccine. My top 5 holdings are Shopify, Salesforce, Pinterest, Apple, and Nvidia so I am not feeling guilty shaving profits off the top, albeit gently. I continue to remain a very longer term investor and am always hesitate to sell but raising 5-10% cash is what's called risk management, the market doesn't always go up. I'm always risk on but you'll never make money if you don't take profits and have cash on hand waiting for that market correction. I never claim or try to time market moves but we should all live by the philosophy of buy low and sell high, and right now we are high. + +&#x200B; + +Seacow +I’d like to hear your thoughts on the pros and cons of paying off a home early. First, I understand that my mortgage interest is a lower rate than what the market returns on average. Thus I follow the fundamental truth that you are probably mathematically better off if you invested your money instead of dumping it on your mortgage. I feel that there might be more to the story philosophically and from a risk perspective, or at least emotionally. + +My wife and I live in a LCOL area and make about $180k. We max out our 401ks and have about $150k in there. We don’t really have much else for savings or investments beyond an emergency fund as we bought a $300k home last year. We are both 28 years old. We bought the house with a 15 year mortgage so our payments are around $2k. + +I started a side business two years ago that I have been fortunate to make some reasonable income with (~$20k-$30k ish). My wife and I excitedly realized that we could use this extra income to dump on the mortgage. We realized we could basically pay off the house in 4 years without sacrificing anything lifestyle-wise. So we have been making $4k and $5k payments and everything is going swimmingly. + +I am completely dedicated to paying off the house, quitting my day job at about age 32, and using the decreased monthly expenses as flexibility that allows me to start up my own bootstrapped business. I have entrepreneurial experience and know I can be successful. I suspect I can even make a reasonable income working for myself less than full time. At that time I think our portfolio would be about $300k home, $300k in 401k, and perhaps $50k in individual investment accounts. We would strive to make at least $50k as a family moving forward. + +I guess I just want to hear what you guys think of my plan. Is owning a home outright even that great of a place to have your money? It seems like I’d have to borrow against it or sell it if I ever needed cash. The emotional benefit of having no mortgage would make it so much easier to start my own business, and the market seems much riskier over a 5 year timeframe than a 30 year timeframe. + +I can always go back to work if my business fails I guess, I am a civil engineer with a masters degree and it’s pretty easy to find work for $80k or so. + +I am thinking of this lifestyle where my side hustle pays expenses and helps me start a small one man consulting firm, and I work a sporadic schedule with lots of time to go camping and hiking. It makes my heart swoon. Will I regret not having big money in that 401k? Will owning the house outright just leave me cash poor? + +Thanks for reading. + +If you don't know who I am, I'm a blockchain enthusiast and Bitcoin investor since 2010/2011 who happens to love this subreddit. I've given you a few microcap gems already, like; [BiFrost - $BFC](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/lw9a4b/my_1st_post_post_here_my_100x_token/) when it was around $0.05 and more recently this post about [PhoenixDAO - $PHNX](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/miqo8o/this_microcap_gem_is_about_to_blow_up_is/) when it was around $0.08. + +**I'm here to let you know about another massively undervalued microcap project that has already been posted on this subreddit, (I actually started my research into it after seeing it here).** + +However, I don't think the previous post here got enough attention, (at least not compared to some of the shitcoins often posted here), but since I have quite a few followers I'm hoping this post will give the attention to this project that it deserves. + +Let me know in the comments what you think? 🤷‍♂‍ + +The microcap gem that I'm talking about is **Open Governence Token (OpenDAO - $OPEN) which is a *massively undervalued microcap* project currently sitting at a measly $8 million market cap** with a token price of only around $2.25 at the moment! + +**In my opinion this project is going to explode in value to at least $100 million market cap in the coming days/weeks, and probably $700 - $800 million minimum in the coming 12-18 months*, assuming they manage to deliver what they're promising.** + +**It's one of those rare microcaps that are getting harder and harder to find in this bull market, and that's about to explode in price.** + +$OPEN is project with a solid product that has *incredible value potential* and an experienced fully doxed team, and ***with several VC firms that have already scrutinised the project and invested their own money in the first seed rounds.*** + +Ok, so what is the Open DAO project, what are they doing, and why is it so undervalued? + +**In the first Phase Open DAO - $OPEN is building a system to collateralize all types of online tokens/coins that are currently not possible to use as a security for loans.** + +So what does that mean? + +It means that if you for example hold some *Raven coin*, *DigiByte* or *Swissborg* or any other of the thousands of cryptocurrencies and tokens available on Coinmarketcap, you will soon be able to use these coins as collateral to borrow USD, (stablecoins) at a low yearly interest rate (I believe around 2% or 3%). + +So let's say that you're in crypto for the long haul, (not just to make some quick fiat gains) and you have some tokens you don't want to sell. + +However, at the same time you'd like to free up some cash to buy a new car... + +**With $OPEN you'll now be able to use those strange and wonderful tokens or coins you own as collateral for a USD loan.** + +As you probably know you can already do this with BTC, ETH, BAT and a few other cryptos that have massive marketcaps on places like MakerDAO, Compound and others, *but no one else offers you the ability to use virtually ANY tokens/coins as collateral for loans*. + +**If this got you a bit excited about the potential of $OPEN you'll need to sit down, because we're only just getting started...** 🙂 + +What I've described above is only **Phase 1** of the *Open Governence Token* project, and that Phase has already started to launch just recently. + +**Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4 are going to blow you away!** + +In Phase 2 you'll be able to use almost ANY listed stocks you own as collateral if you want to borrow money. + +Do you own 100 or 1000 shares in Tesla, Facebook or Apple for example? + +Ok, you can just lock them up as security in what OpenDAO calls a ***"Cashbox"*** and then use your stocks as collateral to borrow money, (see this videos to understand how the "cashbox" system works: https://vimeo.com/478731239 ). + +All without the hassle of dealing with a bank demanding: + +***"pLeAsE pRoViDe YoUr InCoMe StAtEmEnTs FoR tHe LaSt 3 YeArS aNd ShOw Us hOw YoU sPeNd YoUr MoNeY oVeR tHe LaSt 6 MoNtHs, So We cAn MaKe SuRe YoU kNoW hOw To KeEp A bUdGeT."*** + +**If you go through all this hassle then *MAYBE* we will *CONSIDER* lending you some money, IF your credit score and our other arbitrary demands meet our lending criteria. Oh and yeah that will be at 8.5% interest rate since you don't have any collateral!"** + +***"But Ma'm I DO have collateral. Look, I have all these stocks in my Robinhood account, and my expensive car that's parked right outside!"*** + +***"yEaH bUt We DoN't AcCePt ThOsE sOrT oF tHiNgS aS cOlLaTeRaL aNd 2 yEaRs AgO yOu WeRe 2 WeEkS lAtE oN a PaRkInG tIcKeT."*** + +Most of us are done with banks and their horrible and predatory practices, for these and many other reasons! 🙄 + +**With OpenDAO and DeFi we don't really need the banks anymore!** 🙂 + +Let's move on... + +**In Phase 3 you'll be able to use gold, silver, your car, you camper van, your summer cabin or maybe even your valuable collectable guitar or almost any other small asset you own as collateral for a loan.** + +And finally... + +**In Phase 4 you'll be able to use land, commercial real estate and other large assets as collateral, making banks almost completely irrelevant.** + +Are you starting to see how big this is going to be yet? 🙂 + +**Here we have a startup crypto project that was launched last year, with a competent team and a project that has been scrutinised by several prominent blockchain Venture Capital Firms who have invested in it (because they know they are going to 100x their investment or more), sitting at *only $8 million* market cap!** + +It's almost unbelievable, and the only explanation is that they're busy building and haven't done any marketing yet, and the VC firms (that normally help with marketing) haven't done much so far, but all that's about to change! + +**According to the team a marketing campaign is planned for the near future. Apparently multiple top crypto and financial publications as well as well-known YouTubers will soon start writing/talking about $OPEN. They’re also in talks to get listed on multiple big exchanges.** + +Once this happnes, (could be within days, or maybe weeks, I don't know, but it's about to happen), the floodgates will open and the big investors will pick up on this project, which is *virtually unknown* now except for the VC firms that have already invested... + +**This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor, just like the VC firms, and ride the 10x to 100x wave that's *virtually guaranteed* in the coming days/weeks/months (it's always hard to time excatly WHEN something will explode).** 🙂 + +Let me expand a bit about the VC firms btw. + +***"What's all this about VC firms, and why is it a big deal?"*** + +It's important because *OpenDAO (Open Governence Token) has gone through the extensive scrutiny* that comes with raising money from Venture Capital firms. These companies don't just throw millions in seed round funding to projects that they haven't scrutinized and analyzed. + +They do their research before investing. + +**Here Are Some Of The Venture Capital Firms That Have Invested In OpenDAO - $OPEN** + +**Moonwhale** + +These are the guys that discovered and were seed fund investors in projects like ***Avalanche***, ***SuperRare*** and ***Celsius***. + +**Signum Capital** + +This is a Singapore based Venture Capital firm that funded projects like ***Kyber Network*** and ***Zilliqa***. + +**X21 Ventures** + +These guys put in $2 million in the first seed round for ***PAID Network*** for example. + +But you may still be asking: + +*"Why is it so beneficial for me that these VC firms have already invested in Open DAO - $OPEN?"* + +**Here is my take:** + +It's really difficult for ordinary people like you and me to evaluate projects with ambitious plans with a lot of technical aspects to them, like Open DAO has. Remember, they want to collateralize almost **all** onchain and offchain assets! + +It was the same when MakerDao first arrived on the scene. + +*"Is it possible to do what they're planning technically?"* + +*"Are they likely to succeed?"* + +**MakerDao now costs more than $2200 per token and is valued at more than $2.2 Billion, but it was hard to know when it launched if it would really work. I think Open Governence Token - $OPEN could be much more valuable if they succeed!** + +*"Why?"* + +Because the markets they are about to collateralize are so massive. + +**All Crypto:** $1.9 TRILLION + +**Stocks:** $85 TRILLION + +**Real Estate:** $250 - $300 TRILLION + +**Gold/Silver:** $10 - $11 TRILLION + +That's hundreds of Trillions combined, and **$OPEN only needs to capture a tiny fraction of a percent of *any* of these lending markets to be worth Billions, and at the moment they are worth $8 Million!** + +So you do the math on what's about to happen to the token price once this projects gets out there. 🙂🤷‍♂️ + +My point is that it's a lot easier to judge ***the idea*** of a project, (and I think we can all agree that this idea is amazing), than it is to judge the team's ability to execute on that idea, ***but this is where Venture Capital firms excel.*** + +They have specialists that evaluate the team members, not just to make sure they're legit, but also to make sure they have the required expertise to execute on their plans. + +They are also experts at evaluating whether the project plans are achievable or not. + +In the case of $OPEN several of the heavy hitter VC firms have decided that; *"Yes their plans are indeed possible."* and that's why several prominent VC firms have invested in them. That's important. + +Another good thing is that most VC firms don't just offer funds and then tell the team to; *"Go off and build your idea now".* + +**They often also function like incubators.** They help projects get the right start, make sure they stay legal and help them deal with compliance and help them promote in mainstream media etc. once the projects are ready and go live. + +VC firms want the maximum return on the projects they invest in, it's as simple as that. 🤷‍♂‍ + +**Anyway, this post got a bit longer than I had planned, but I hope you now understand why a $8 million market cap, (or even $40 million if it was that!) makes OpenDAO MASSIVELY undervalued, and at some point soon it will explode in value.** + +It's up to you if you want to be part of that ride or not? + +I know I'm going to be. 🙂 + +**DISCLAIMER** I have a substantial holding in OpenDAO that I've dollar cost averaged in at around $2.15 or so. I plan to sell around 30% once it hits $12 to $15 and hold the rest for at least 18 to 24 months until their project is fully operational. + +**RISK WARNING:** Although I believe there is very little chance of losing money long-term when investing in OpenDAO at these sort of prices (anything below $7 to $8) **there are no guarantees in crypto!** + +***ONLY EVER INVEST MONEY THAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE IN ANY CRYPTO PROJECTS AND ALWAYS DYOR AND ATTEMPT TO VERIFY ALL INFORMATION YOURSELF!*** + +**LINKS** + +**Website:** https://opendao.io/ + +**Blog:** https://medium.com/opendao + +**Twitter:** https://twitter.com/opendaoprotocol + +**Coinmarketcap:** https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/open-governance-token/ + +**Coingecko:** https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/open-governance-token + +**Etherscan:** https://etherscan.io/token/0x69e8b9528CABDA89fe846C67675B5D73d463a916 + +**Buy $OPEN on Uniswap:** https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?exactField=input&exactAmount=10&outputCurrency=0x69e8b9528CABDA89fe846C67675B5D73d463a916 + +**Other Exchanges:** Bilaxy, Hoo and Hotbit (more **big** exchanges likely coming soon...) + +Edit: some grammar mistakes + +**ADDED - I AM NOT IN ANY WAY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT. I'M JUST A GUY WHO LIKES TO DO MY OWN RESEARCH AND INVEST IN UNDERVALUED PROJECTS. THERE ARE A LOT OF COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS HERE THAT ARE BETTER ANSWERED BY THE TEAM THEMSELVES, I SUGGEST YOU HEAD OVER TO THEIR OFFICIAL TELEGRAM OR DISCORD AND SPEAK TO THEM. ONLY EVER INVEST IN THINGS YOU UNDERSTAND AND FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH.** +I'm trying a cross-post here, hope I'm doing this right, I made some slight improvements after some review on the DD sub. + +So hi everybody, I've been lurking for a while, thought I might have something to contribute to the hive-mind. I'm submitting this late at night California time cause it took me a while, it turned out to be very long. Anyway, good morning Euro friends! Can't wait to visit you all again someday! + +So I've seen a lot of speculation on FTD cycles of 20-something days, 30-something days, etc, plenty of people wonder if there's really something wonky with GME's price, it sure looks like there are some cycles there, but is there anyway to measure that in a quantitative way? Yes, it's called [Fourier Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_analysis), also known as looking at a plot of power [spectral density](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spectral_density). + +I've heard some people use this phrase "technical analysis" of price movements, which I believe is called that because it is only just technically a form of analysis? Haha, ok but I seriously don't know why they call it that. I know I'm not the only science-type here, I have a background that does not involve finance but does involve using statistics and I will attempt to perform a statistical analysis. There will be some hand-waving by the end, and in that sense, this may remind you of a so-called technical analysis. + +Here's a meme to explain some of the deep secrets of statistical analysis: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kj5wzkrzo1171.jpg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2b5645ca18bc1fef5d388dea366203e9f7b6e7 + +Ok so the first question here is how to slice and dice our data. A Fourier analysis requires an unbroken series of consecutive samples of the signal for which you wish to know the power associated with any variable cycles in that signal. That is, if you want to know how much amplitude power is associated with price movements on a 30-day time-scale, you would need an unbroken series of prices many times longer than 30 days. This is because if you only had a random stretch of 60 days, for example, you would only be likely to catch one 30 day-cycle in the middle. If you had data for a consecutive stretch of 120 trading days, you could see 3, maybe 4 cycles with 30-day periods depending on when the cycle starts. + +&#x200B; + +So one thing to watch out for is the maximum length of a period under consideration in a Fourier analysis, and only trust power reported for cycles 2 to 4 times shorter than that stretch. So that said, we've got several long time periods of interest to choose from. For this analysis, I choose 3 main periods: The before times of 2016-2019, The Short Period when prices were very low in Q3,Q4 2019 - Q1,Q2 of 2020, and The Ape Days which are obviously the recent times in 2021, but appear to really begin in August 2020, so I will subset Aug - Dec 2020 as The Ape Days of 2020 to see if anything special was going on in the price movements during that time before the coverage became significant: + +https://preview.redd.it/2bgxsrkap1171.jpg?width=1857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c713ba6b753fbb9aad4f3280029e80462b60c1 + +I have tried slightly changing the boundaries of these time-frames, especially the boundaries around "The Short Period", and it does not have a significant effect on these results. We need to have a signal that is regularly sampled for Fourier Analysis, and I currently only have access to Open and Close price data. To get a uniformly spaced signal, I'm going to pretend the Open price for each trading day occurred at 6am and the Close price occurred at 6 pm, and those are my samples, 2 per day, equally spaced. If anyone has access to long stretches of hourly data they are willing to share, I would perform this analysis on it with interest. I interpolate across weekends to complete long stretches of consecutive calendar days. I am worried about how the interpolation over weekends may affect the conclusions, so I will focus on periods of consecutive trading days, but know that I've considered it. Look how the interpolation is a little wonky over the weekends depending on interpolation choice: + +https://preview.redd.it/d6408q0dp1171.jpg?width=1750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c452b978e7aa62bb83a716a4e3d9544a63479560 + +Now, a short primer on how to interpret the types of figures I'm about to show you. Prepare yourself, they look messy. They are best to view by kind of blurring your eyes and looking only briefly, you are not supposed to read too much into any of the many peaks, unless they look like a local maximum. We could come up with a series of ad-hoc criteria to determine local maxima and call it objective, but this is somewhat subjective. Here's the first one, no pressure, just get a feel for how it looks: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mpl2q82gp1171.jpg?width=2813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c9dcc0c48e81da13a3606f46971fbfcb024304 + +What we see for the Before Times and the Short Period is a "spectrally flat" slope, consistent with statistical noise. There is no particular cycle with a peak that stands above the crowd, if you will. The power spectral densities (PSDs) plotted in blue and green above seem like they have a lot of noise for periods of a few days, and then become big loopy waves out at the long time scales of 100-day periods and beyond. The messiest part is over-sampled, but those long cycles are significant fractions of the total signal length, and power associated with a potential cycle at those long ranges can "alias" themselves out (under-sampled). So don't read too much into the far right side, but do consider the left side and the middle. We discussed this before when thinking about looking for a 30-day pattern with only a 60 day stretch, but here we have 400 and 800 day stretches of days. Note that 10\^0 = 1 day. I note this looks to me like [pink noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_noise), I have no idea what to make of that but I find it very interesting. + +The y-axis shows the power per cycle associated with any cycle, and the x-axis shows the period of that cycle. The fact that the units on the y-axis are decibels per cycle per day is supposed to clue you in that dB is a type of log-scale. The x-axis is log scale too. What we see for both the Before Times and the Short Period is a generally constant slope of higher power at longer and longer timescales. Note that this doesn't tell us anything about the trend of price, whether generally up or down, Fourier analysis does not care about that. It only tells us the power associated with cycles of variable periods unrelated to background rising or falling trends. Before August 2020 there were no predictable cycles. + +Now, the result you've been waiting for, here are the PSDs for the Ape Days, and the 2020 only subset, and a normal 200-day period, without annotations: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ik7f3h8pp1171.jpg?width=2813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a31569f36367d5b811d094e5f35bbec212db86 + +Here are some annotations to guide your eye and go with the following discussion: + +https://preview.redd.it/5qbabk5qp1171.jpg?width=1623&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b683e99f353dec807ae7175d807f42ffddca27e0 + +In the above figure, I color as orange the PSD of price movements during the most recent 200 trading days (Ape Days). In blue, I plot the PSD associated with 200 trading days during the Before Times, as a comparison to show what a normal 200-day period would look like. This helps us be sure that the Ape Days are indeed unusual. In black, I plot a shorter period of the 115 Ape Days of 2020 only. + +While there are particular peaks at 24 trading days, and 35 trading days, it is difficult to be sure these peaks are really local maxima. Could be, say, 21 and 33, I mean, but not 20 and 40. In the shorter Ape Days of 2020 only period, it seems like the 30-day cycle is gone, and the 24 day cycle was longer at 26 days... this may be due to the shorter sampling period of only 115 days. + +The peaks at 6, 7, 10, and 15 trading days are only slight local maxima. I imagine some of the power over these time periods is due to options activities, could be people closing out their weeklies or monthlies a various few days or weeks early. The peak around 4.15 days is curiously well resolved, I tried a lot of slicing and dicing and it kept showing up as 4.13, 4.16, but never just 4 days. I note that 4.17 ish days is exactly 100 hours. Could there be some fundamental finance cycle on that time scale... maybe it's algos? I need to find hourly data to have more insight. + +But the number one thing I was surprised to see with this analysis is the wonky way the power seems shifted around the 2-day time period. It's almost as if price movements on shorter time-scales have been somehow damped. I only have 2 samples per day, so maybe it is aliasing... but it doesn't show up in any of the Before Times samples. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR: I basically turned GME's price into a sound, and during the before times, it was all [pink noise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_noise)... and then sometime around the end of 2020, it starts to beat, at a rate curiously similar to the FTD cycle... power at 2.5 days, 20ish days, 30ish days, the beat is there + +Read the ToS or in my opinion be burnt by them when the time comes. + +Do not fall for fancy marketing ads. +Or a pos ceo who chooses to be "an ape when he needs to be" +His own words from his own AmA 🤢 🤮 + + +Edit. Imo it truly sounds like holding under lying asset in etoro is just hoping that they will not suffer liquidity issues and not close your positions. +I could be wrong and things may go smoothly.... but idk the ToS seem to tell a different story. + +Edit: 2 seems some of you dont like what ive posted... if you think this is shilling then wtf lol. Those of you sliding in my dms calling me a shill...[why are you so obsessed with me ](https://giphy.com/gifs/mean-girls-regina-george-obsessed-szPZ2NXIGCMcE) +Have a good weekend lol 🍻 imma have a fukin beer. + + +https://www.etoro.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/eToro-EU-Terms-and-Conditions-12-January-2022-Clean.pdf +I am not currently a host but I'm in a FB group tailored to host and apparently Airbnb did some update a few weeks back and people all over are freaking out about how their booking dropped.. a lot of people who were allegedly booked at 80-90 percent aren't seeing any activities for days... As a software engineer I can see this being a dev phuck-up... + +Nevertheless, I had intentions to go into short term this fall but now I'm second guessing... If super hosts are struggling imagine investing $$$ in furniture and time to only get bad results... + +I was thinking maybe arbitrage... Connecting with an already super host and do a split. Anyone want to share their experience this route... The good, bad? +The market is CRAZY right now for people trying to buy homes. I'm ready to pull the trigger on my next property (number 3) and it's obviously not in my favor to find deals right now. Even homes going to auction are selling for market value and homes on the market are getting 90 offers and selling for 20%+ above listing. That doesn't work well for my numbers. + +I've saved up $200k in cash and another $100k HELOC available but trying to get a deal on the market is near impossible. I'm tempted to wait it out but I have a lot of cash sitting idle. Thinking about just buying a couple of condos in cash and at least getting a return for the time being, but obviously want to be ready for things that come up. + +Just wondering how others are prepping for the future... +A little background: +- Double income ~300k total (varies based on bonuses) +- Both late 20s +- Own a house with mortgage (500k left to go...), cars paid off +- About $200k invested in regular ol' brokerage accounts (plus another ~$300k in 401ks and Roth IRAs) +- Both of us have the ability to do Mega Backdoor Roth (currently invest/save $4000/month, with plans to bump once house projects are finally done). +- No set retirement date yet but work often sucks so the earlier the better yeah? We're on track for early/mid 40s.. hoping to do chubby FIRE with ~3.5 mil. +So now the question becomes: Is anyone planning on retiring early enough that you don't want to tuck everything into a retirement account? If we stay on track and retire ~45, it'll potentially be 15 years after retirement until we can dig into that money penalty free. +I want to take advantage of the Mega Backdoor to its fullest, but I don't think that's currently reasonable because I need an income from ages 45-59 and I don't want to take a penality. Looking for advice from others lucky enough to be facing this issue. +I know this isn’t the right subreddit for this, and that a lot of people are just gonna say that we should’ve never used Coinbase or GDAX, but this problem goes far beyond the normal issues. + +A transfer from an external wallet/platform to GDAX appeared in all of our Coinbase accounts, and then said that it transferred successfully to our GDAX accounts, but then never showed up in our GDAX accounts. So it would appear our money is gone, because our balances are zero. We’ve all opened tickets with support with absolutely no responses, posted on their subreddit, and called to only be on hold for hours without any help. I really don’t know what else to do except try to get us on the front page of a bigger crypto community. + +More details about this issue are here https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/7mx88o/urgent_coinbase_to_gdax_transfer_disappeared/?st=JBUBPP35&sh=a19f1463 + +Thank you so much for your help to anybody who can spare an upvote to bring some attention to this. + +If anybody from Coinbase finally wants to help, my support ticket number is 3221822 + +UPDATE: there’s a comment response from the Coinbase CEO, saying they’ll get to our tickets. Since I doubt they’ll respond again to me (and my balance is still 0 on GDAX so basically this whole issue was still not enough to fix our problem) - here’s my response: + +What proof do I have that my coins are not lost? My balance on GDAX is 0, and my LTC balance on Coinbase is 0. This kind of thing should be a priority issue if people are getting balances of 0 on GDAX with an automatic send to their wallet transfer from Coinbase to GDAX like this. I’m even more frustrated that with 3.5k upvotes and a response, my LTC balance is still 0 from an error on their side. + +One last clarification: I do not have any pending transfer issues (these I’m familiar with an have learned to wait). The transaction on the blockchain finished, the funds even appeared in my Coinbase account. The automatic transfer from Coinbase to GDAX (which has happened at least 5-10 times with no issues for me) this time withdrew the money from my Coinbase account and said the deposit to GDAX was completed. But my balance is 0 for LTC on Coinbase and 0 on GDAX, so this last move to GDAX (which is supposed to be instant, and says completed) zeroed my LTC balance. My balance has been 0 LTC for over 3 days now. This has nothing to do with their wire transfers, although I really feel for everyone still waiting on their withdrawals and hope they resolve that soon. + +UPDATE: it’s been 4 days and still missing all of my LTC + +UPDATE: 5 days now. No more holidays. I have no faith in crypto exchanges anymore. + +6 days now. What a joke. I’ll post the next update in 6 months when my support ticket gets addressed and if I’m lucky they’ll fix our problem. + +FINAL UPDATE: Fixed finally after 6 and a half days. My account has been transferred the litecoin that were missing, thank you so much everyone on reddit for bringing attention to this. I really owe everyone because I had no power at all over this situation and I like to think this post helped get Coinbase to at least address this issue. It would appear others are still having problems with this Coinbase to GDAX transfer, or at least haven’t had their missing coins returned yet, just as an FYI. Thank you so much again everybody!!!! +324 trades + +184 wins, 131 losses, 9 even + +Avg W/L: +17.85, -17 + +10/15 winning days + +10% profit + +I am very optimistic about this strategy as the backtest returns extremely consistent results over the last 5.5 years. For this reason I am hesitant to discuss details about the strategy itself, but am happy to answer whatever questions I can. + +See you in another 15 days. +I just listened to an episode of the Dave Ramsey podcast and he is against credit cards and having a credit score do you agree or do you think this is a dumb financial decision please explain why or why not +Tax refund was deposited this morning. +Paid off every credit card and put $1k that was left over in my savings/emergency fund. + +We've been living a frugal lifestyle and selling on ebay on the side. Our goal is to be homeowners by 2021. Paying my cards off will boost my FICO to over 720. + +Yes I wanted a newer tv but don't need it. Yes I want to splurge on a new phone. But my current one is fine. +For the past 11 months I ran a self-experiment where I first went from using only cash whenever possible (and debit online), to always using credit cards (and paying them off in full). Using YNAB, I tracked all my spending and planned out a budget every month before that month began. The result: + +Through credit cards, I earned $395.23 in 2-5% cash back but also spent 19% more overall compared to cash (resulting in a loss). The biggest differences were: + +* **Pain vs. Pleasure.** Whenever I used a credit card, because a part of me would think about cash back, it was fun. Even though I was buying something, it felt like I was getting free money. Yet because that feeling simply did not exist when using cash, purchases felt more like total losses and uncomfortable. + +* **Convenience.** The credit cards were undoubtedly easier to use so I spent more on food delivery (mostly UberEATS) and at vending machines. Surprisingly, simply not wanting to get cash from an ATM was enough to prevent me from getting delivery, and not wanting loose change stopped me from using vending machines. + +* **Restaurants.** Similar to the first point, because I knew I was going to be using cash I was more mindful of the cost. The cash was in my wallet and I didn't want it to leave. And yet due to that almost subconscious part of me that would think about free money with credit cards, I was simply more likely to feel "this is fun" and order based on emotion. + +While I am well aware that my self-experiment is not at all scientific (there could be other reasons why I spent more on credit), I am surprised at the result because I've been budgeting and using credit cards for years. I have consistently had $150 budgeted every month for restaurants for example, and while with credit cards I would think, "I still have $X left to spend," with cash I just didn't want to. + +It's incredible how subtle and yet powerful the lure to use credit cards can be. I suppose I could just have better self-control, but I have zero debt, live below my means, and did this experiment for almost a year, so I think I have pretty good self-control anyway. + +A part of me wants to stop using credit cards completely, but because credit scores are still important and debit cards aren't as safe as credit cards (or so I think), I'm not sure that's the best idea. Maybe I should just use credit cards for automatic withdrawals and online purchases and cash for everything else. + +Food for thought. +Hello + +While mirae Elss has been a consistent performer for the last 5 years, it's AUM has swelled to a whopping 14000 Cr /- + +**Advantages of Mirae ELSS**- +- consistent performer +- reasonable TER + + +**Disadvantages** - +- though consistent, it's still a new fund of 7 years +- too big AUM makes it difficult to repeat performance in future + + +Now with **alternatives**, we have - +1. **Quant Elss** - but its too risky due to high momentum chasing and high turnover ratio +- also it's AUM is rapidly swelling up. Presently it's 2143 Cr + +I have this weird fear that Elss which locks in money for 3 years makes it extra dangerous to keep money in quant, lest they shut down the fund due to fraud or other financial crimes. Maybe this fear is due to the obscene returns they have been providing in the recent past + + + +2. **Parag Parikh Elss** - too high ter of 0.83. otherwise still low AUM and trusted fund house + + +3. **Canara Robeco ELSS** - ter is okay at 0.61% and AUM is also Rs 4407/- Cr & according to [freefincal article ](https://freefincal.com/elss-mutual-funds-eleven-consistent-performers/) it IS a consistent performer. + +Only con is I have already invested in Mirae & quant. Though it's my personal problem, but I bet many would have already invested in multiple Elss by now!! + +My pick is the 3rd one + + +**Please discuss your choice of alternatives below and why** +Net profit of 525 crore in Q1 2020. + +Earnings Per Share of Rs 54.50 => around Rs 216 for a year. + +P/E > 75 (16500 / 216) + + +https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachLive/7d292e2e-63b3-4985-b430-2f485174d339.pdf + + + +Comparing with other companies, ITC profit after tax is Rs 15085.97 crore while Nestle is Rs 2031.32 crore. But ITC market cap is 200,000 crore, and Nestle's is 160,000 crore, despite ITC posting 5x more profit than Nestle. + +Maruti suzuki with profit after tax of 6183.30 (3 times that of Nestle) has a lower market cap of 149,000 crore. + +Is this sustainable or some kind of bubble? Why does Market value Nestle so much? + +I am looking to invest as it has good corporate governance but the price seems unreasonably high +I have an addiction of looking at my portfolio. I check for at leat 40-50 times a day. Sometimes I keep a tab open, look at bids and offers stupiditly. I know for long term it doesn't matter. How can I keep myself away from such things? +After years of grinding hard, I’m debating a mini retirement, but worried about damaging future career prospects, as I’m relatively young (mid 30’s). + +I’m an early employee of a company that recently IPO’d. My equity is worth about $3M; amazing, but not quite FU money for me. I love the company, and the people I work with, but the pace is relentless. I find myself less motivated to learn and develop like I have in the past. I’m very attracted to the idea of taking 6-18 months off to hang out with our young kids, get in shape, and read some books. My spouse has a stable job she likes with great benefits, which would make this a bit easier. + +But I’m worried the next wouldn’t be as good as this one, both in comp and satisfaction. I’m in a 2nd tier tech city, not willing to relocate, and not an engineer, so my options next time might be worse. Curious if others here have taken extended breaks, and if that resume gap has limited your options? + To preface this, I'm a bit biased. I got into Mello pretty early and have gotten to know the team. I understand that most people these days are looking for a token that costs under $0.00000001... I'm guilty of degen'ing as much as the next guy... but I'd like to remind everyone of the time, perhaps long ago, when you used to enter projects based on their merit and not necessarily on the potential of a quick pump and dump. Mello Token has seen big rises and big falls since it launched, namely on the lead up to their listing on Whitebit, and the day they were listed on both CMC and Coingecko at the same time. But its long-term trend is steadily upward, and those who have bought in big are holding on tightly... + +There are only \~4,700 holders at this point... with a market cap of 11.2 million and \~400 million maximum supply, this project has a ridiculous amount of room to grow. + +I think what is happening for Mello Token is that it is being lost among the dark pits of Binance Smart Chain. I think people look at a lot of these tokens, which Mello gets lumped in with, as week-long endeavors to gain some quick cash and move on. + +I think the time is coming where people will realize that a real project can come out of BSC, and Mello Token will lead that charge. + +Behind the scenes, the Mello team has been working non stop, making deals with providers and iGaming companies like Gammastack to collaborate and build the best crypto casino on the market, utilizing the power of redistributions to provide players with an increasing token balance. + +And this is what they announced yesterday: + +"Now that all plans have been finalized, we can officially share with the community that, with the help of Gammastack, we will be implementing a sports betting platform into the first-iteration of the Mello Casino. **Official agreements have been signed, and development processes are underway!!!"** + +If you look at the Mello Token website, they really push their idea of moving their product into the VR space.. well, the team also just announced that they will launch a giveaway contest on gleam tomorrow for an oculus Quest 2 VR headset! Even if you don't plan to buy the token... take advantage of their generosity and enter the contest LMAO + + + + +That's all from me... I've said my peace. I'm holding on tight to this one. + +Here's the contract address: 0x651bfbb26455294408aabc61a7adf427bf149898 +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Breaking news or important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Sometimes I feel that this subreddit is still stuck in 2017 talking about dead coins, whereas there’s this whole wonderful world of defi and web3 filled with life changing gains that I never see talked about here. But I want that to change so I’m putting together this huge list of all the cool things you can do in defi and web3. + +# Trustless Loans + +Defi is revolutionary for this. With Maker (or many other protocols), you can deposit collateral & take a loan on your assets to use in the real world wherever. This process involves no bank, no intermediary fees and offers much higher yield than trad finance. In fact, Tesla just did a real estate backed loan with maker dao. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pa8dz8uan5v81.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e304f1bad425e5f8fc4d74ad574c99144aae374 + +Anchor protocol on Terra also allows you to take a 75% LTV loan on LUNA and staked ETH. + +# Anchor protocol : Guaranteed 20% interest savings account + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xg3na5vtn5v81.png?width=2880&format=png&auto=webp&s=7237fe2712cf83e161f431d9755a5f254a7f0585 + +Speaking of Anchor protocol, you can get a safe 20% yield on the UST stablecoin. I’ve been doing it for over a year. There are rumors that the yield will deplete because of low reserves and not enough loans but it has been replenished and been going strong for years so until the yield is not worth it anymore, all my stable cash is parked in Anchor. + +# Lottery + +Want to join the lottery? Well, PoolTogether isn't just any lottery. It's a DeFi protocol allowing for "no loss lotteries." How? Users are able to deposit funds, & yield is given to a verifiably random address in the pool. Losers can then still withdraw their assets. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cxdhkz5vn5v81.jpg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e5a9657ec4839cc0175e3987fb97957017656b2 + +# Aave Flash loans + +If I told you that you could get millions of dollars in assets in seconds, with no bank, with no collateral, and at no risk to the lender... I'd probably sound crazy, right? Well, flash loans on Aave are built to be repaid in the same tx, otherwise it'll revert and fail. You can do this to perform arbitrage trades and other cool things. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vvo2akyxn5v81.jpg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef6e331a505d1c9a3b9814d5d979dfc51b699672 + +# Gambling + +Want to place a bet? There are many options to choose from on Ethereum, the most popular being augur. This is a global, no-limit betting platform where you can bet on sports events, economics, world events, and a whole lot more on a decentralized marketplace. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/thvxkqtwn5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a96eec9d9b201dcf23373d075447582045a97ac + +# Yield farms + +Not interested? Do you prefer to just hodl your coins and not think about them? Why not earn some passive interest in the process! Head over to YFI & join the yield farms, with many different options to choose from. The YFI community works hard at developing strategies for their vaults, acting like a high interest savings account. Users can deposit & immediately start earning yield! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yc8bosuyn5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b30cdb16cf1d4a1e5d0649251e81f802517eb3 + +# DEX liquidity providing + +Speaking of liquidity mining... Do you have assets that you’re bullish on and that you want to put to work? Many DeFi protocols such as Uniswap, Sushiswap, & Curve are in need of liquidity. Deposit tokens of your choice to start earning yield in different tokens, & earn trade fees on swaps! Careful though as this exposes you to impermanent loss. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p4oqabd0o5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f2b0e93b1d6deadb1fab38d02e7ea97475ed0f + +# Lido (staked eth) + +Do you hate having to worry about opportunity cost of locking up your eth? Of course, that's not a problem for DeFi. Simply access liquid staking derivatives in order to unlock liquidity and put it to use. sETH represents staked ETH on Lido. After depositing, these sETH can be used in DeFi. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zldclbe1o5v81.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cacfd74f24133883b14f06d63d0de6ced475fc0 + +# Curve + +This protocol is an absolute behemoth with about $20 billion in TVL making it the largest protocol by total value locked. Visit Curve to start earning complex, double digit yields on your holdings. Curve has incentivized stablecoin pools, which people use to trade high volumes with minimal slippage, and even conduct arbitrage for yield. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hk5c8ph2o5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e134b3eeed1b1ea55defa2a7c20cf0c9f3fb983 + +You can stake your CRV tokens on convex finance to earn yields from curve trading volume and bribes from protocols trying to incentivize liquidity. This is a whole rabbit hole that I will make another post about. + +&#x200B; + +# Abracadabra + +Have some more appetite for risk? Go beyond just yield farming and take on leveraged yield farming! Some protocols allow users to deposit interest-bearing assets, and borrow stablecoins Tokens earning yield on CRV can be used as collateral for Abracadabra, for maximized composability. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1ksh04x3o5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1578b6bb30ab67d755ee876b849dd58bf6e1b1 + +# Balancer + +Want to balance pools?Balancer is a liquidity provision dapp allowing users trade on various tokens. Rather than swapping tokens in several pools, Balancer only ever transfers the net amount of tokens out of a single pool, resulting in significantly cheaper trades. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iyin68z4o5v81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a72e544836c19642d7008975e1388eb78379e488 + +# Synthetic stocks/forex + +Want to trade other real world assets on the blockchain? Synthetix offers a platform for users to swap various synthetic tokens like stocks, forex, or even precious metals! They use oracles which take data off-chain and bring them on-chain to offer tokens which are pegged to real life assets... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7j5swst5o5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a64e4121f821e296e41e42116afe044be90b99 + +# Defi pulse index + +Don’t want to think about it all too much and just wanna passively invest in an index? Of course it's possible. There are a handful of DeFi native indexes that offer exposure to a basket of assets in a single, convenient token. This can be an index of the top tokens in DeFi, a basket of NFTs, or anything else you could imagine. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qa7xiu47o5v81.jpg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79a642ab587aaa9ca298005fb11e3788cec678fc + +# DYDX + +Want to trade with leverage? DYDX offers the perfect interface for this! On it, you can trade perpetuals at any time on a variety of different contracts that are supported. It uses StarkWare's layer 2 solution for increased security, fast withdrawals, and cheap trades. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bm39i488o5v81.jpg?width=709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ad25d6459e379345196667661cad46ae636a0d + +# Airswap + +Want to swap tokens p2p? + +AirSwap offers a unique P2P DEX: entirely open-source, supporting gas-less swaps. You can set up a trust-less trade with any counter-party, to conduct swaps that will only occur once specified conditions are met. This is perfect for OTC. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uhxd0479o5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f364750cbc5ca9e4a792948fd5d4f29fec43fd + +# Fixed forex + +Want to trade various forex currencies? Fixed Forex provides an alternative to USD denominated stable coins. It allows liquidity providers exposure to currencies such as EUR, KRW, GBP, CHF, AUD, and JPY. On the DEX, you can make trades with no slippage & minimal fees. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7r496x2ao5v81.jpg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e84218f447f1127b53e26edea74cdada96c9e98 + +# Barnbridge + +Want to tokenize your risk? Barnbridge is a fluctuations derivatives protocol for hedging yield sensitivity and market price for assets. Using tranched volatility derivatives, Barnbridge lets you clarify the exposure to risk you want to take on a specific token. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7vdxiavao5v81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd9919fc582e7ad532d3788521d36d437c6f86e + +# Gnosis + +Want a multi sig? Gnosis provides a dApp for easily making multi-signature wallets that require multiple addresses to approve a transaction. This is especially useful for project treasuries, daos, and anything else you could imagine. These are customizable in many unique ways. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sqei6pgdo5v81.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f1e94ff4c15992ba6c86186b6192da1e3f6f133 +I had some questions about how competitive using pre-made tools are vs developing your own, as earning money with algorithmic trading is about being more sophisticated than your competitors. Having an technical edge is one way to improve your odds. Another one having better tools to backtest and simulate your algorithm. + +Are people who are serious about making algorithmic trading making their own tools or do they just use industry standards? +Pregame + +Apes, we need to wake the fuck up. The arrest of SBF and the collapse of FTX is not the climax of this story. The real fight hasn’t even started yet! + +The bullshit “position close only” from the sneeze was child’s play. Major hedge funds and market makers colluding to save their ass was only the start. Remember they committed insider trading on top of this bullshit. We have the proof that Kenny lied to Congress + +Hedge fund psy-ops wasn’t anything new. They have been force feeding retail investors their bullshit for decades. They broke down the process and plugged it into an algorithm. They used computers and the media to steal from everyday people. ALL AROUND THE FUCKING GLOBE!! Fuck that. + +They hired shills and bot farms to infiltrate different subs. Migrations had to occur. They bribed and flashed money at YouTubers and mods from older subs. They boxed retail investors into a corner and told the government the government to either fuck off or help. + +They government obliged, and tried to railroad the man himself, DFV. For simply liking the stock. When that didn’t scare people off they doubled down on the propaganda machine. Their system doesn’t work unless it is funneling money from hard working people into their pockets. Fuck that. + +Some super wrinkly apes saw some shady ass shit with old tickers. They moved that fucking week and created an “opaque” market. To protect retail investors from buying up shares of companies hedgies had illegally shorted into bankruptcy. They had to because they know we know they never closed those shorts. They can move quickly when it’s their dick in the blender. Fuck that. + +Still more DD came out that they had hidden their positions in swaps. And once they realized that apes knew they straight up said they aren’t going to report on their swaps data! Looking at you CFTC and Mr. Behnam!! They don’t give a flying fuck about retail. Fuck them. + +They tried to railroad an ape who caught a certain market makers employees getting a really good whiff of their office desk late at night. They’ve used intimidation tactics to keep certain stories out of the spotlight. + +They made some bullshit documentaries about the sneeze and about apes. “They want to destroy the economy” fuck you. If me holding a stock destroys the economy then it was bullshit to begin. + +Just a quick side note. And maybe there is an ape out there that can correct me if I’m wrong. THEY HAVEN’T EVEN BANNED PFOF FOR FUCKS’ SAKE!! Literally nothing has changed. Fuck that! + +They spend MONTHS FUD’ing the shit out of direct registration. Then they spent MONTHS direct registering shares to inflate the count in an attempt disrupt the zen of apes all around the globe by selling those shares to crush the DRS numbers. How did that work out for you Hedgies? Haha, dumb fucks. + +They’ve pumped articles shitting all over NFT’s and blockchain technology. “NFT’s are a scam, just digital art!!” They train to paint with a broad brush to trash the idea of decentralized exchange. + +Then FTX goes under. The CEO talks openly about how it’s a Ponzi scheme. He’s about to testify to congress and all the sudden he’s arrested. Charged, not with fucking over customers of FTX, but they’re investors. They will trash FTX for selling crypto they didn’t own. But I know a certain hedge fund that has sold $65,000,000,000.00 worth of stocks but they ain’t bought Jack shit!!! How in the world is that any different from SBF and FTX? Spoiler, it’s not. Fuck that. + +The fight is just now starting. Everything up to now has been a warm up. Shit is about to get biblical. The system that has feed on the hard work of regular, everyday people is threatened. The system has squeezed you since birth. They’ve built a way of life that is centered around debt. Debt you owe them. Born with, die with. They monetize it. They leech off it. Inflation they caused is squeezing food off families tables. Fuck that. They’ve squeezed us for everything we have. Now I’m out of shits to give. + +Throw the millennial CEO in jail. That doesn’t change shit. Until I see a bunch of boomer CEO’s behind bars, I ain’t selling. Until I see hedge funds drained of every last ounce of capital, I ain’t selling. Until I see new laws passed to outlaw the outright fraud in our markets, I ain’t selling. Fuck wall st and the horse they rode in on. I know exactly where I stand in this system. And until we have an open, transparent DEX that allows people to be their own bank, I ain’t selling. My investment is safely locked up in the great purple circle of the infinity pool. Hedgies, I’m not here for money… I’m here for change. + +💎💎🙌🙌🚀🚀🌕🌕🦍🦍🦍 🫡🫡 +Last time the price of Bitcoin was changing wildly a lot of you expressed a want to ban such posts. As an experiment, we are starting a temporary ban on such posts for the time being. Please report any memes, meaningless posts about the price ("400 USD/BTC, Bitcoin's crashing!" without any extra content for example) or emotional posts (both written under emotions and created to influence the emotions of others). + +This is a temporary ban and a test whether this is a proper approach to take during such situations to make /r/Bitcoin a useful resource even during times of rapid price changes. Feedback is welcome - this is an experiment after all. + +If anyone wants to post memes, please go to /r/bitcoinmemes , or for everything else go to /r/BitcoinLax (a more lax subreddit). + +EDIT: + +This ban is mainly aimed at non-content posts. **You can discuss and talk about** the current situation and price crash, but don't resort to posts like "OMG! Bubble popped! Sell, sell, sell!", or "400 USD/BTC WTF?". + +The reason the ban was put in place is to reduce the volume of short, meaningless submissions to give posts about actual news more exposure. [Here is a comic explaining how this works from /r/Atheism](http://i.imgur.com/fjZNq.png). + +---- + +For your regular FAQ, please go to http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1r9pqh/rbitcoin_faq_newcomers_please_read/ +Article : https://www.livemint.com/news/india/how-india-s-growth-bubble-fizzled-out-11574004165054.html + +Reading this article sounds scary. I am wondering how much of it is true. +Today, I went to Indian Overseas Bank for proprietor current account opening. + +The bank person told that they will check my CIBIL score and based on that they will decide whether to open a current account or not. + +Wondering, is there any rule that states that? + +I have a current account in HDFC. Didn't utilise any facilities like overdraft etc. except receiving funds in the bank account. +Wife and I are going back and forth with having an accountant do our taxes this year. We bought our second property in 2020. My hope is that if we got an accountant he can help us get set up for 2021 to run more like a business and less “mom and pop”. At what point did/will you get one? +Many companies are jumping on fhe 'let's help Ukrainians' bandwagon, but not because they actually give a fuck. Rather, they're seizing the PR initiative to offer 'Free calls and SMS' (EE, Vodafone). WhatsApp anyone? + +FTX is no different and the free PR they've been receiving for this apparently magnanimous gesture is unjustified. FTX have a minimum withdrawal limit of $100 and they have (so far) not announced that this will be revised or removed. + +So any Ukrainian that would like to access that 'free' $25 will first need to send $75+ to FTX (almost 50% of a typical Ukrainian monthly salary). + +This is cynical PR fluff by FTX and should not be applauded - if and until they confirm that Ukrainians will NOT be subject to any minimum withdrawal limit. +First things first. Brain smooth. I'm just an ape that is somehow capable of using the internet from a phone. The perfect personification of a retail investor. So I was doing some research on boy wonder Steven A. Cohen from his SAC days. I didn't realized it was based off his initials. What a vain SAC of crap. Anyways, Stevie didn't go to prison because he paid a hefty fine of 1.8 billion for insider trading. Meanwhile his partner in crime [Mathew Martoma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathew_Martoma), was sentenced to 9 years. He was just released July 19th, 2021. This last Monday. I couldn't find anything confirming his release so I went to [FCI Miami inmate site](https://www.bop.gov/mobile/find_inmate/byname.jsp#inmate_results) to check for myself and it says he was released on the 19th. I'm not sure what to do with this information but the date being so recent was too much to ignore so I thought I would share. + +Edit: Typo +Hey all, so I’m 23M my fiancé is 26F. Household income about $200k, so bringing home about $130kish after taxes. Below is a rough estimate (without any serious tracking) of what we spend a month. I’m just curious if you guys think we’re saving up enough for our age group. Realistically I know we could cut back expenses (especially food) but we enjoy it and pay all of our bills, but my question is SHOULD we? We have no kids and don’t plan on it for 5 years or so, we also have a cash cushion for 5-8 months just incase. + + +Monthly income (post tax): 10800 +Mortgage/insurance: 2100 +Student loans: 1800 +Utilities/phones: 1000 +Food: 1200 +Retirements (Roth IRA): 700 +Wedding Fund: 500 +Gas/parking(for work): 425 +Coffee: 160 +Etc: 800 +Total monthly spending: 8685 +Monthly savings: 2115 + +Tl;dr: We COULD save more, but SHOULD we? We enjoy eating out and buying little gifts or dog toys. + +Edit: some more details, also fiancé is primary breadwinner. Company matches her 401k at 5%. She contributes 5%. I am self employed so I just contribute $100/month and will lump sum more at the end of the year if I can afford to. + +Edit: You all convinced me to save more on food. Going to have a serious talk with fiancé about cooking meals more (I do the cooking I’m not asking her to). But I thought the doordash thing wasn’t that bad since it saved me an hour a day to relax. I figured our hourly pay is higher than what we spend. But that’s not really a good excuse with compounding interest helping what we’d save. +As pointed out I could be savings $10000+ a year by cooking my own meals. That’s a FIVE percent of our income. +Thank you all! +The second covid vaccine gave me chest pain, so after calling my doctor, I ended up going to the emergency room. The triage fee just to enter the emergency room was over $5,000 and there was an extra $1,000 on top of that in services. The chest pain ended up not being a big deal and as promised it went away after a few days. + +I got the vaccine hoping it *wouldn't* cost me money. Our insurance covered a large part of the bill. We still owe about $2,500 which will drain our entire HSA account. We were hoping to get pregnant soon and this will set us back. + +I tried googling it and I only found some vague articles saying the only government aid for covid was for uninsured people. But they all seem to be hearsay. +I’ve just graduated this year and have been offered a job which I’ll be starting next week. Up until now I’d only ever worked part-time for pocket money, so this is the first time I’ll be earning a proper income. I don’t really know anything about finance and I’d really like to learn how I could best manage my finances. Can anybody recommend any books/ articles I could read to develop financial literacy? Thank you. + +Edit: Thank you for the recommendations, I’m really grateful :) +GME at close was $128. I believe after the splividend we will see FOMO and Apes buying everything they can, pushing the price up fast. Well be back over $100 before you can say apple pie. If you assume that your 1 share now is already 4 @ $32 each, then it will likely never be this cheap again, especially with the imminent marketplace launch. + +Load up while you can at these discount prices!! + +Buy, hold, DRS. Power to the creators, power to the players. + +Edit: wow this blew up. Thanks for all the awards (and Sneks!) +So I have been running theta gang strategies for almost 2 years now. Recently my bank offered me the ability to take a loan against my home about $100k at 4% interest for 20 years. I feel I have a huge arbitrage opportunity to take that money and then run a thetagang on it and create some nice income. I was thinking I could take it and even just do covered calls on SPY as to reduce my risk, buy and hold SPY could even probably outperform 4% over the next 20 years, I am very tempted to do this as I feel 4% is very low and with the returns that money could make me it would really be worthwhile. I always here about taking leverage this way to invest in real estate but never in the stock market. Has anyone done this before? Does it make sense to take a loan and just pay it off over time with options strategies? Just looking at the market right now covered calls on SPY could meet my monthly payment which would be about $650 a month. +So most people are still anticipating the market to fall further and remain low for quite sometime. Does it still make sense to keep putting into a 401K with an employer 6% match even when we know over the short term we will lose money on those investments? Or does it make sense to park the money you’d put into the 401K into a brokered CD that you know will make a safe and guaranteed return and then continue the contributions after it looks like the market has finally calmed down? +Here's my story.. + +As a kid, I didn't know my family was low income since we never went hungry or had our power cut off, but my family definitely made it known that we were not well off. My dad was the breadwinner making $65k a year working 60+ hour weeks supporting my mom, myself and four other siblings, and my grandparents. My mom and my grandparents didn't know any English so their job prospects were very limited. I remember my dad always complaining about how broke we were which really stressed me out as a child. Although we lived in a middle class neighborhood, the inside of our house was bad. Stains everywhere on the walls, duct tape to cover the cracks on the kitchen counter, tiles missing on the kitchen floor, etc. There wasn't even space for all of us in a four bedroom house. I shared a room with my sibling and my youngest sister had to sleep in the same room as my parents. I was so embarrassed to bring anyone over to my house as a young teen. + +I eventually got into a prestigious college after years of my mom telling me that the only way to be successful was through my education. Due to my family's limited income, I was able to able to get many grants and scholarships and graduate debt free. I will always be grateful to my college to having a program to allow low income families to graduate debt free (I plan on donating to their scholarship fund in the future). My dream was to work in healthcare, so I took several low paying jobs the next 2-3 years to get into grad school. I worked as a nurse aide for $11/hr and the job was pretty awful. The hospital I worked at was very understaffed and would often give overtime with "staffing crisis" bonuses on top on that. I was making $25/hr some days and was easily working 60+ hour weeks to save up money for grad school. + +I eventually got into grad school while living at my parent's house again and am now in my dream career making close to six figures. With my spouse, we were able to buy a house in a nice neighborhood and can now save a significant amount every month and are working on our emergency savings fund. After maxing out IRA and 401ks, we save about $50k a year. I am still very, very frugal and feel guilty about buying nonessential things. I bought a Kate Spade purse for $80 at the outlet and felt bad since I already have a $30 purse that's perfectly fine. I sold it the next day and got my money back. I still worry about money a lot and am constantly trying to cut out things from my expenses. I am grateful for growing up low income, because I realize actually how hard it is to make good money, but it's hard to actually enjoy it sometimes without the added stress and guilt. For those of you guys who've made it out of poverty, can you relate? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +I always check GameStop for items when shopping before any other place. I know weve all searched for an item on their store just to find out they do not have it. Lets get a good list going because this could catch their attention and give them some pretty good ideas for additions. Remember their Q3 earnings call - they want to be judged by their revenue numbers. +Hey guys, I have been lurking in thread for a while but this is my first post. + +I am currently saving for a house and I wanted some advice on the best way or place to maximise saving. + +I am 37M and my wife is a 45, I work full time and earn approx $65K + Super before tax, I am in the insurance industry and have been for 10 years, currently working in claims. My wife works part time as a Swim Teacher and earns approx. 25 - 30 K a year we have one dependent and live in Brisbane. + +Just under a year ago we had approx. 15K in debt and no savings to speak of, fortunately we discovered Barefoot and followed his methodology, now 11 months later we have no debt, we have 11k dedicated saving for our house deposit I also have another $5K sitting in a second account that's meant to be for travel and stuff but we don't do much of that so it's just building we do dip into sometimes for extras, I essentially save 30% of everything that comes in, we bank with ING. + +I had initially planned for the magic 20% to avoid LMI to buy a unit here in Brisbane, as we are older I figure we can avoid buying a house and downsizing later we are more than happy living in a 2 bedroom unit. + +I appreciate that we need to make more money whether its through career advancement/change, further education or creating a side business. I will likely create a second thread to talk more about what I want to do career wise. + +I am very concerned about home ownership and feel like a bit of a failure because I have left it so late especially with the way prices are rising, I do not have rich parents to help me and I really want to make sure I am doing all I can to maximise my chances to get into a home ASAP. + +Should I move my savings into my Super or somewhere else or am I on the right track, any and all advice is appreciated to maximise our saving for our first home. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/hedge-fund-tiger-global-loses-17-billion-due-to-tech-stock-rout-11652189689 + +>The hedge fund Tiger Global has lost roughly two-thirds of the cumulative gains it has made for investors since its inception in 2001, according to data from an investor that tracks the industry. + +>LCH Investments estimates Tiger Global has lost about $17 billion this year. Heading into the year, Tiger Global had made net gains of $25 billion, according to LCH, which operates a fund of hedge funds and tracks the top 20 hedge fund managers annually. + +>Tiger Global lost $1.5 billion last year. +https://apnews.com/article/international-news-europe-8e0222555df76c36bfbeed3289222d94 + + + +I buy several times a week from them but I'm the biggest enemy of Amazon Choice and Best Seller . +I used to sort by reviews/stars but now sends you to unrelated items. Even though many fake reviews. + +LONDON (AP) — European Union regulators have filed antitrust charges against Amazon, accusing the e-commerce giant of using data to gain an unfair advantage over merchants using its platform. +The EU's executive commission, the bloc's top antitrust enforcer, said Tuesday that the charges have been sent to the company. +The commission said it takes issue with Amazon's systematic use of non-public business data to avoid “the normal risks of competition and to leverage its dominance" for e-commerce services in France and Germany, the company's two biggest markets in the EU. +The EU started looking into Amazon in 2018 and has been focusing on its dual role as a marketplace and retailer. + +In addition to selling its own products, the U.S. company allows third-party retailers to sell their own goods through its site. Last year, more than half of the items sold on Amazon worldwide were from these outside merchants. +Amazon faces a possible fine of up to 10% of its annual worldwide revenue, which could amount to billions of dollars. The company rejected the accusations. +“We disagree with the preliminary assertions of the European Commission and will continue to make every effort to ensure it has an accurate understanding of the facts,” the company said in a statement. +The company can, under EU rules, reply to the charges in writing and present its case in an oral hearing. +It’s the EU’s latest effort to curb the power of big technology companies, following a series of multibillion dollar antitrust fines against Google in previous years. +DFV's actions in this saga make it perfectly clear to me that he will hold all the way through the MOASS. I have zero doubt about that in my mind now. + +We already know he's not in it for the squeeze, never has been. Check out his [GME bull thesis on youtube](https://youtu.be/GZTr1-Gp74U), where he lays it all out perfectly: he believes in GameStop's transformation. *He likes the stock*. He knows it'll be worth several thousand even after the squeeze, and he's just helping us Apes along the way. + +He sees the deep fucking value. + +Remember what he did. He doubled down on 50k the day after appearing in Congress, he held the options *until the very last moment*, only to reveal he yolod another 50k on top just to double down again on the double down. + +Those additional 50k weren't $12, those were regular $150 shares. Go figure. + +He's literally stock Jesus and **I'm 100% positive that he is going to hold his shares all the way through the squeeze.** + +He's not like Ken, he doesn't need to be the #1 richest fucker in the world at the expense of everyone else. He's already crazy rich, he'll be so much richer with GME growing, and he's only getting started. + +He's gonna help apes succeed. By doing what he does best, what he's always done. He's the most diamond handed ape there is, and has proven that over and over and over again, against all resistance.💎🙌 + +----- + +DFV's final update is the most incredible move I have ever seen, and I am ready to yolo every cent I have left come monday. It made me realize there's a game even bigger than the MOASS, **and betting on that game will both maximize the squeeze, and still make everyone rich by holding.** + +It comes down to this: + +Helping Apes succeed with MOASS will make GameStop the #1 Company in the world. DFV knows that, Ryan Cohen knows that. This means that GME is the most amazing long-term opportunity for *value investors* in the history of mankind, and MOASS will amplify that by another fuckton. Now, who is the greatest value investor of our generation? Bingo. DFV stands to hold 200k shares of **that** company. DEEP value, in a post-MOASS economy. This is the bigger picture. + +[Abundance is Coming](https://i.ibb.co/5jdtp5y/newapeorder.jpg) + +*That potential* is worth so much more to him than any specific dollar amount. It's why DFV will be the next Warren Buffett. + +> "*that's good cause I'm a value investor, so I don't need to be precise*" - DFV + +Even money is fleeting, GME is not. It's simply the best place to hedge against whatever is about to come. + +DFV is a *value* investor, never forget what that means. + +[Cheers!](https://i.ibb.co/fYRs345/whatifitoldyou.jpg) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +I have seen the asset allocation ETFs VGRO/IGRO and VEQT/IEQT be widely +recommended for long term investing. The Canadian Couch Potato blog made some projected returns for asset allocation ETFs +([here](https://cdn.canadiancouchpotato.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/CCP-Model-Portfolios-ETFs-iShares-Dec2020.pdf)) and +it has, for example, estimated XGRO at 7.23% annualized return over 25 years. This is 3% +worse than an ETF that exactly tracks the S&P500, which has had an average growth of about 10% for the past 50 years. + +So if your time horizons are long enough to be investing in XGRO, shouldn't you +just invest in an ETF that tracks S&P500 or TSX60 or some other market index? +What is the point of the growth asset allocation ETFs? +As the title says. + +Am I wrong for wanting to only invest in shares due to the pure ease and convenience, and continue renting? This way I’m never tied down to a mortgage, while also receiving semi consistent dividends through my portfolio. Or is this stupid and I should be thinking about doing both? + +Thanks in advance. +If you believe in the MOASS thesis and that DRS is the key to that then you’ll understand that economic chaos is just around the corner. + +You’ll also agree that MSM will paint us in a bad light and that retaliatory vigilante types will seek out apes to enact revenge. + +You are much more easily accessible than those actually responsible for the next economic crisis. + +Stop painting a target on your back. + +* Get GME off your license plates +* Remove stickers and decorative items linking you to double u ess B and stonk subreddits +* Delete personal posts showing your likeness or items/cars/houses that identify you +* Quit posting your damn account numbers!!! +* Don’t reveal anything about your employment or personal life +* Reddit usernames should be unique and ideally not shared by other online accounts +* Keep your positions and investments on DL +* Don’t make it obvious when you quit your job that it’s related to a large financial windfall + +Be an anonymous ape, be smart. Eat your crayons discretely. 🚀🖍🦍 + +Edit: A lot of apes voicing concern about getting doxxed via DRS of GME shares. I hope a future post can clarify what the risks are to shareholders and whether this list has been released. I’m too smooth to address these concerns/question. I think it’s a reasonable issue to highlight. +Here’s my plan. + +- Buy GME +- hodl +- Sell on the way down after MOASS for $10M/share +- Create a team that can compile, compact, and solidify the plastic garbage island in the pacific +- Transport that 2 mile wide plastic island to about 100 miles off the western coast of Africa +- Build vertical wind turbines on top of garbage island +- Provide a cheap power grid to Western Africa + +This has the ability to stop the sand/wind combination that pulls off the west coast of Africa and gains speed across the Atlantic and exacerbate hurricanes. The wind turbines will absorb some of the energy from the winds and reduce its overall impact before it snowballs. + +Vertical turbines are more efficient in general: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/about-brookes/news/vertical-turbines-could-be-the-future-for-wind-farms/ + + +Investors? Possibly you! + +Edit: Thank you for the great discussion and awards. I’m blown away at how so many people here want to make a positive difference in the world with their future tendies. This whole GME saga has significantly renewed my faith and confidence in others. Apes, let’s go to the moon so we can save the earth. 🦍🚀🌖🌍 +I've noticed a few posts over the last day or so refer to GME being 'their hill to die on'. Whilst this sounds like it's positive, that we're banding together for a common cause perhaps, it also sounds like a last stand. A desperate last ditch attempt. Surrounded by enemies we fight to the last breath. + + +Bro. We are winning. We aren't going to die on a hill. We HODL and we DRS and we enjoy our lives safe in the knowledge that somewhere out in the distance, lies a hill that all of the SHFs are saying their final goodbyes. +I have 2 kids, my brother has 4. + +My mom and dad are separated, and both have always taken a different approach to splitting gifts of money (e.g. at Xmas, or contributions into JISA's). + +\- My mom has always just given each grandchild £y. + +\- My dad has always given £x/2 to my kids each, and £x/4 to my brother's kids each. + +My dad says if my brother wants to keep knocking out kids, he can but my dad isn't increasing his outlay. + +He also says my mom is now in the position where she will have to either increase her total amount given out, or reduce the amount per child if my brother keeps going. TBF he said this before my brother had the 4th and he was right, because my mom then started dropping subtle hints about how much xmas is costing her. But when I told her to reduce the amount per child, she said she would feel bad. + +I think my mom's method is actually fairer to each child, but my dad's method makes more sense from a financial perspective. + +Interested on hearing which method others would use. +Hes referring to Ted 2 In his tweet + +https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1384616641087086596?s=21 + +In the US we never saw this ad but in Europe it was all over. How do I know? I live in Europe now. + +I showed it to my gf and she said “ah I know that bear, that’s from T2” + +I said what do you mean T2 and she said yea it’s from a movie called T2. So i asked her why she called it that and she said she never saw the movie but that it was advertised as T2 in this ad where he is shaking a martini and turns around. + +I came on here and I found this post + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv740t/january_22_february_19_march_5_april_16_the_only/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +Where he refers to T+2 being important. + + + +Ryan Cohen tweeted about Ted 2 or T2 + +EDIT: + +Here’s proof that it was for Ted 2 + +https://images.app.goo.gl/rnzKFd1jpnw7Xw866 + +In the ad it says, Ted comes again + +EDIT 2: + +I don’t think he means that something will happen, but I think he meant to keep and eye on the FTDs by watching the T+2, at least that’s how interpret it. If you notice the gif is doing one thing but then turns out to be another, so that’s how I see it T+2 is supposed to do one thing but may do another, what it will do idk +Hes referring to Ted 2 In his tweet + +https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1384616641087086596?s=21 + +In the US we never saw this ad but in Europe it was all over. How do I know? I live in Europe now. + +I showed it to my gf and she said “ah I know that bear, that’s from T2” + +I said what do you mean T2 and she said yea it’s from a movie called T2. So i asked her why she called it that and she said she never saw the movie but that it was advertised as T2 in this ad where he is shaking a martini and turns around. + +I came on here and I found this post + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv740t/january_22_february_19_march_5_april_16_the_only/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +Where he refers to T+2 being important. + + + +Ryan Cohen tweeted about Ted 2 or T2 + +EDIT: + +Here’s proof that it was for Ted 2 + +https://images.app.goo.gl/rnzKFd1jpnw7Xw866 + +In the ad it says, Ted comes again + +EDIT 2: + +I don’t think he means that something will happen, but I think he meant to keep and eye on the FTDs by watching the T+2, at least that’s how interpret it. If you notice the gif is doing one thing but then turns out to be another, so that’s how I see it T+2 is supposed to do one thing but may do another, what it will do idk +Hello! + +I'll try to keep the personal/relationship info out of this post to keep it on topic. Throwaway for obvious reasons, but I'll probably use this account for a few more posts relating to this topic. + +My girlfriend and I purchased a house together about 3 years ago. We have a $160K mortgage and share all utility expenses. Recently she "confessed" to me that she has accumulated over 20K in credit card debt. We are trying to work through it as obviously this is a big blow to our relationship and to our financial goals, but the truth is I've been considering a breakup. I don't know what I really want to do yet .. I'm sad and hurt and very concerned for my/our financial future regardless of which path I take. + +In the meantime, I've agreed to help her pay down her debt by paying more $ in utilities so that she has more cash for credit card bills. + +I'm not sure what information is relevant, but here is what I am concerned about. + +We each make about $45k, although much of her income is unclaimed tips because she works as a bartender. + +Total mortgage loan: $160K + +Total payment each month: $1100 + +Remaining balance: $146K + +Is selling our home even an option, considering we've hardly made a dent into the principal? What are my options if I let her keep the home? How do I prepare and protect myself financially? What other things do I need to consider? + +Thank you in advance for your help and guidance + +**edit 1** thank you so much for the responses so far! Adding some more info up here based on the questions I received: + +- I am not a co signer on her debt. I have no responsibility to pay it. + +- The only bills with both of our names are the mortgage and utilities. + +- if I do move out, I will probably want to purchase my own home. My lifestyle isn't suitable for a rental + +- to be clear, I don't want to screw her over financially. I want to make a decision on the home that is fair for both of us. + +- it's possible our relationship could last another year. + +I'll keep editing to add more relevant information + +THANK YOU to everyone who responded so far + +Edit 2 + +**I didn't know this needed to be said but here it goes** +- This isn't /r/relationships .. I've excluded details about our relationship that don't pertain to financials because I am looking for financial advice. + +- Saying I am "money hungry" is neither helpful nor truthful. I've divulged information in this post that concerns our financial situation, not any other aspects of our relationship. You should not assume that is the only issue with our relationship. HOWEVER, this financial predicament she's put us in is a big deal .. I have life goals that cannot be accomplished by paying off credit card debt for the next 5 years. + +- the way the debt pertains to our relationship is as follows: it is complicated if we stay together. It is complicated if we break up. I fear for my financial future either way. I fear that I will never be able to trust my girlfriend with financials. We might work things out, we might not. Frankly it is too early in this predicament to make a decision like that. Other than these topics, I'd appreciate that further responses stay on topic: finances. + +- I appreciate everyone's posts .. But please don't make assumptions that we are this otherwise happy couple with a little bit of debt .. That is not the case at all. +My wheel strategy continues to evolve. I just watched on YouTube InTheMoney's video. He says to sell CCs above your break even. + +Problem is this is a #U\*I\* market and I'm bag holding! I'm guessing you're supposed to sell covered calls below break even then roll? If so, at what delta? Any comments on rolling? Sounds like there's an art to managing this. + +Thanks +Hello, still learning about everything and have a few questions im hoping someone can clear up. I understand calls and why someone might buy a $85 on a $80 strike for pennys on the dollor but why would someone buy a Put at $85 for a $80 strike if were expecting it to go down? Lets say i buy it for $85 and it drops to $70 like i thought. Why would my $85 put be worth anything if the price is at $70? There as to be something im missing.. +Evey other week there is a question on this sub about NPS tier 1 and almost every comment says that it is bad due to lock in, taxation on exit and annuity requirements. I have a different thought on this and want to understand what am I missing here. + + +1. Taxation on exit: 20-30 years to my retirement is a very long time and we do not know what the taxation rules will be then. Given that government wants to unburden itself of pension for employees and has been pushing investor friendly reforms in NPS over the years I think we will have more rationalization in the rules to make it more attractive. For how much things can change in 30 years, think about how the rules where in 1990 and what it is now. Oh, 1990 was when 'The Big Bull' was raging. + +2. Compulsory Annuity - Annuity is right but not via NPS: Even if there is no change in the taxation rules; for someone in 30% tax bracket, 40% annuity consists of 31.6%(in including cess) of tax saved, 1.8% GST( applicable on annuity outside NPS) saved which is 0.7% for 40%. In effect I am only paying only 7.7%(40-0.7-31.6)( For people in lower slabs this is not that attractive though). When this 7.7% can be recovered in an year of investment out of 30 years, isn't the focus on compulsory annuity misdirected? + +3. Compulsory Annuity - Annuity is itself wrong: When we are young we are always full of energy and can take care of our investments. We all know of some old people that we can give as example of who cannot manage their daily cores let alone managing finance. Given the risk that we might also end in same way, Isn't annuity a blessing since we do not have to micro manage? + +4. Compulsory Annuity - I want to control what to do with my money: You have 60% of your money to do this. By making 40% annuity compulsory isn't the government ensuring that you have atleast some income if your son's startup or the newly IPOd stock bombs? Oh, I forgot the FD you kept in the co-operative that just shut down. + +5. Compulsory Annuity - Not enough returns: r/FinancialIndependence and r/FireIndia always quote the [Trinity study](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_study) and say that 4% withdrawal is a safe amount for some corpus to last 30 years. The annuity providers from NPS provide 5+% returns(and that can vary depending on the exact scheme). Given that we are hands off in annuity, isn't this a good enough returns? + +6. Lock in till 60 years: The goal of any retirement product is to make retirement easier. To achieve this goal the exit is made harder with a lock-in and constrained withdrawal. With the EPF scheme, I am sure we all can quote an example of a friend who withdrew his corpus at the first available opportunity. NPS makes it harder to do this so that we can have a peaceful retirement. Also, longer the investment bigger is the corpus. + +7. No guranteed pension: Though traditional pension schemes used to guaranteed that the amount of pension would be adjusted to inflation etc. it is not sustainable in the long run when more and more people will be retired and life expectancy goes up. These work on the fact that contributions from the current generation will pay for the past and future will pay for the current. See [pension crisis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pensions_crisis) for more details. Given this isn't market linked pension better as we can contribute to our retirement than rely on the next gen to do for us? + +Edit: Some comments mentioned that the returns of the NPS scheme is not comparable to various asset classes, hence did some research on the same and found that NPS was beating the benchmark almost all the time over 10 year horizon(Source: [here](http://www.npstrust.org.in/sites/default/files/20_Feb-2020.xls)) + +If we pick 75:25 equity debt folio in NPS vs index fund then NPS gives 10.52%(source above) and nifty index 8.87%(Source: [here](https://stableinvestor.com/2018/01/nifty-annual-yearly-returns-historical.html) + +Edit 2: I did a quick check on how much SBI provides as annuity for a 60 years, single male and it is 6.5% with corpus refunded and 8.8% without corpus refund +I didn’t know how else to word it for the title, but I mean have you noticed struggling financially has made you unmotivated, tired, or just plain lazy(like can’t be bothered)? + +I was at my part time job today and just thinking about how exhausted I’ve been all week. And I need to state this job is very relaxed and not really stressful at all. I used to not be this way. I know I’m older but I’m only 37, so I don’t think I should feel this depleted. Then I thought maybe it’s because over the last few years I’ve had lots of money worries, haven’t been able to eat properly regularly, continually trying to get ahead and failing, and general anxiety over the future. + +But just being tired wasn’t the only thing I was feeling. I was thinking about personal projects I have been working on or wanting to work on and didn’t feel excited or motivated, it was more like bothersome. + +I used to not feel this way! I used to keep myself really busy, not just at work, but with my side projects and I used to be excited about it. Everything feel ho-hum now. + +So I was wondering if this is just me or if other people have made this correlation? + +**Edit: I wanted to add a reason that I wanted to ask this is I know I’ve had mild depression the last few years and want to see if this feeling wasn’t just a symptom of that, though I’m sure it does have a hand in it. + +***Edit 2: Thanks to everyone that has commented! I tried to comment on as many as I could. I appreciate all the comments and different perspectives. I’m glad most understood I didn’t mean poor people are lazy and don’t work hard (lord knows that’s not true at all), when some one mentioned burn out that term was more in line with what I had meant. + +I just typically call myself lazy because I could do have time to do projects when I get home but often am just exhausted and just want to eat, veg out to the TV, and go to bed. So that’s the only term that my brain fog could land on! +I remember working out that if all money was evenly distributed, everyone would have a gdp/capita around the same as Georgia. I wondered then if people could all get richer at once or whether having a few countries become richer would just decrease the value of money. In essence I'm asking if it's possible for everyone to have money without the value of money going down. + +Thanks, everyone +My land lord agreed to reduce my rent from $460 to $400 per week in July 2020. I rent a 2 bedroom place as a single parent with a 15yo and had lost my job due to covid. Landlord had said she was fine with it and would get some paperwork together for me to sign. I got more work pretty quickly, but still had a pretty shitty time, we all did. + +No paper work ever turned up and the rent stayed at $400 for about 1 year. At some point she asked me to go back to paying the full $460 and I did. + +Last night she knocked on my door and asked when I would start paying back what I owe her?? + +As it stands she thinks I owe her 3.5k ish + +I have not had a formal lease for years so I decided it’s time to move. I haven’t given notice as yet. + +I have been looking through some government websites but I’m not sure if I am required to pay back the rent, i thought that the landlords were getting massive government subsidies to pass on to tenants. Maybe I am entirely wrong. +I will make some calls to try figure out what the actual story is on Monday + +But until then + +Please help +Okay this is the most genuine question I have kept asking myself for a while. + +Lets say in the most drastic scenario, the U.S government, just absolutely collapses. Regime change, Economic Collapse, default on debt, etc. etc. + +In the case of the stock market, how would you even keep any ownership of shares in companies with regime change? Or would everything you put in, just be completely gone? + +This is genuine though, not saying to troll if there is an actual answer to it. +SPY 3/25 $232p + +Fuck this new baby, he needs his goddamn ass pissing hair back! Just because we have 935994827663 new users that only comment asking what to buy/if they should sell doesn't mean we have to make them COMFORTABLE by changing the WSB baby to LOOK LIKE THEM! Go ahead, ban me. + + + +P.S. - u/stormwillpass I <3 u bb plz respond +So I was trying to decide what to get my niece for her first birthday last July. I figured she's probably gonna get loads of crappy toys that she will quickly grow out of . I had just started buying BTC earlier that year so I thought I will get her some, I only bought £50.00 worth for her when it was worth $8000ish dollars. When my brother and his wife the parents of my niece opened the card to a message that said " You now own 0.0066 Bitcoin" they seemed a bit confused, my brother in law then laughed out loud and said' Who buys a baby Bitcoin'. I have to admit I felt pretty bad... It's now worth almost £300.00 and counting. I said she can withdraw when she's 18. +Like many who frequent this subreddit, I have cut my market holdings drastically. I started selling in February and had sold 80% of my +holdings by early March. I even sold shares I had held for over 20 years. I still hold 20% of my equity investments in two MF schemes. In +hindsight, I wish I'd sold them too. + +Now I have to decide when to start buying again. The first thing I'm doing is ignoring the advice from investment experts. They are hardly able to give unbiased advice. Their personal interest (or of the institutions they are affiliated with) lies in talking up the market and in making others invest. I haven't heard anyone on TV or print actually saying, "Sell everything." Much of this advice cites the past and how markets rebounded in such and such time in past crises and how it is difficult to time re-entry into the market or how it is difficult to know when the market has bottomed out. (Fundsindia has a series of very convincing articles along these lines.) But, even if one assumes it is disinterested, this advice is ultimately oriented towards not losing out on the gains when markets rebound. + +This crisis IS different. When was the last time much of the world was sitting at home, doing nothing? When was the last time all the schools around the world were closed? When was the last time Britain was going to have the worst financial year in 300 years? As for the virus, there is no cure, there is no vaccine. Some medical experts even say that there may never be a vaccine. Others say periodic lockdowns will have to be a fact of life for years. + +In such a situation, I do not care about losing out on potential gains, I just don't want my capital to erode. So I am out. + +I have parked all my funds in savings banks at the moment. Thankfully, I have an auto-sweep in/out facility with my savings account at my main bank (a big bank) so am getting some 6% of interest. Some other funds I have parked in the savings accounts of a small finance bank and am getting 7%. It is not worth the bother to chase slightly higher returns in liquid or short term funds. + +When will I start to invest in the markets again? My milestones are non-financial: when museums around the world are open again, when people can travel freely (albeit with medical or vaccination certificates), when sporting fixtures are again being held. Will I miss the market bottom? Yes, guaranteed. The market will start moving up before the my milestones are reached. Will I lose out on potential (hindsight) gains? Almost certainly. Unlikely but I may even have to buy at prices higher than those that I sold in February or March this year and make some losses. But -- and this is important --, in that case, I will know exactly how much those losses will be. + +If I start buying now and the market tanks further, as it very well could, I would lose potentially a lot. And the market could remain low for years. I don't want to take such a risk so I am staying out. + +I welcome your insights and comments. + +EDIT: I should add that this is the first time I've felt like exiting the market completely in my long investing years. In the past, I've remained solidly invested through all crises in the past 25 years or so. +https://www.livemint.com/industry/telecom/-2-for-16-gb-data-not-sustainable-sunil-mittal-hints-at-mobile-services-rate-hike-11598284214784.html + +Thoughts? +Stouffer's large red box frozen dinners are now $5-$6 each now depending on the store here in central Florida. But I can go to McDonald's with the app and get an entire meal for about $6. If I want to really be cheap I can get two hamburgers for $2 and some water. So basically I can get three meals for the price of one large Stouffer's red box frozen dinner. + +Taco Bell isn't much more expensive. With the app I can get a cheesy gordita crunch with two tacos and a soda for about $7.30. + +Why pay Stouffer's this much for a marginal meal? And it isn't just Stouffer's either. The prices for frozen pizzas are getting ridiculous as well. Just as much as ordering a pizza now. +I see a lot of comments that seem to praise ability to drip like a holy grail. + +It sounds like a very convenient way to average down on your position without thinking about it. Is that all there is to it? Or am I missing another aspect of it? + +Aside from convenience, I'm not sure why you wouldn't invest dividends into whichever names represent the most value to you, or provide better diversification at time of receiving dividends. +I’m a new invester, so I’m not old enough to remember anything about 2008 or the years after. What was the reason the Fed didn’t start raising interest rates once the economy was doing better after the financial crisis? Like starting in 2013 or 2015? I can’t really find a clear answer online. +Yesterday I was over my brothers place for thanksgiving brunch where his 9 year old stepson was playing Fortnite on the PS4. We were playing together when I said “man, I haven’t played Fortnite since season 4.” He was like what, why? I was like, well I sold my PlayStation awhile ago. + +Why? + + +Because I needed money. + +Do you have a job? + +Yes I do, actually 2. + +They don’t pay you money at your job? + +Well yeah but I had bills to pay. + +They don’t pay you enough to pay your bills? Oh my god how much bills do you have. + +I silently cried in my head lmao +Hello Reddit. I've been very depressed and stressed about about my debts. I'm finally reaching out for help because I can't keep it to myself anymore. + +Long story short I opened 4 credit cards in the last two years. Paid for dinners and dates and even a vacation with my ex girlfriend. I was making about 2k-4K a month depending on how busy the restaurant I was serving at was. +Then my car takes a shit.... + +So I decide that a new car is a great idea even though I've been told never to buy a new car and I knew I would be strapped if i went thru with it. So I got a new scion iM at 9% interest and I owe a total of almost 30k on it. + +Now here's where it gets fun! + +The restaurant I was working for closed, my girlfriend (who I thought I was going to marry, and she was going to help with the money we had spent) broke up with me, and now I need to find a new place to live by January because we rent our house and the owner is selling it. + +I'm so fucking stressed I can't sleep well, I'm gaining weight from eating and drinking, I don't know what to do. I'm selling anything I have that isn't a guitar or my bed, and I'm working at a new job but it only brings 400$ a week. + +Right now I have 6k in credit card debt (17% , 10%, 28%, 22% interest)and the car loan is 433$ per month. I am a payment behind on my car loan I know I'm in a horrible spot. Please if you have any advice let me know I need it... Thanks! + +Edit 1: wow I didn't expect this many responses. Big thanks to everyone for giving me advice. I'm at work right now and I will be home in a few hours to read every reply and to answer more questions. Thank you all so much, I'm already starting to feel a little better. + +Edit 2: what would bankruptcy do? (Would I lose all my money, car, and assets?) I only have read a little about it. I'm definitely ready to pick up another job. +I talked to my current employer and I am able to work 40 hours a week at 15 an hour. This will definitely help but I need a car because my work is 30 miles from my house + +Edit 3: how do I go about doing a voluntary repo of my car? How much would I owe from said repo? I could save a few grand and repo the car, then buy a cheap one cash and that cuts my debt down like crazy. I think the $433 per month plus insurance and gas is just too much for me. I'm also hunting for a second job as we speak. +my last day working is feb 20th. boss congratulated me. i'm 47. scared to death. excited beyond belief. been cozy with my FI spreadsheet for 17 years. + +rat-race mega-corp world: *good bye* + +volunteering/healing-the-divide/meditating/traveling/reading-actual-physical-books: *hello* + +should have done this 3 years ago; but cold feet until today. +Edit/Update: JonPro's ban is [apparently what caused](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/wby732/guys_calm_down_its_broken_im_trying_to_fix_it/ii9crqn?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) comptershared.net data collection to fail and he's trying to fix it now. For those concerned. + +-Original Post- + +Up to you what to do with this information, but it should be known. + +The primary complaint from mods is apparently an excess of reports for the "millertime message" that gets added to every DRS post. There are apparently so many reports that it clogs up the queue for mods. From my perspective, this looks like mods letting bad actors win by getting rid of one of the biggest DRS advocates the sub knows. + +This [particular move](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/wbbkmc/oops/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) strikes me as at least one mod doubling down on a bad choice, rather than registering the protest from the sub's users and reflecting. Mods that cannot set their ego aside should take a break from moderation, at the least. +I know.... another fucking Volkswagen DD. I wouldn't have made it if what I found sucked bananas. But I promise... this one sucks different. + +I am here to make those tits more jacked than they already are. I know everyone here knows about the Volkswagen Short Squeeze back in 2008 but I haven't seen a DD that deep dives into the actual details of the short squeeze. When I say details I'm talking about breaking down the charts with weekly and daily candles.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +**Disclaimer: GME is the MOASS so it will definitely be different than every other squeeze in the past. I noticed a similar pattern between it and Volkswagen so maybe when the MOASS kicks off this information will help.** + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +The picture below is GME in a logarithmic view. The picture below that is Volkswagen in regular view. Both charts represent around 4 years of each company on the stock market and are represented using weekly candles. As you can see both charts look very similar to each other. + +They both had massive run ups and consolidated around their new highs for months. Also the MACD of each company hit new highs and new lows while sitting up on their perch's. + +The main difference is that GME had a more severe downtrend prior to the run up and the volatility is way more intense. + +[GME 4 year weekly logarithmic chart](https://preview.redd.it/2arp19plc1p71.png?width=3174&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b6b32a7af127ecdd2fb44b5556445f82c9a5b5d) + +GME in logarithmic view means the prices we will see when the MOASS hits are going to be ridiculous. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[Volkswagen 4 year weekly regular chart](https://preview.redd.it/uyzsot1hd1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e4731a6d3775111607c97ce11bbc1601dd896b9) + +In the next two pictures I highlighted both perch's / consolidation phases of each company and labeled the high and lows of each. As you can see GME has been consolidating for 8 months while Volkswagen consolidated for 9 months prior to the squeeze. This tells me it's almost time for GME to break through 483. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[GME 8 month consolidation phase](https://preview.redd.it/gtfy1h0sg1p71.png?width=3174&format=png&auto=webp&s=81d6aae00d44e5c49eb619d744d74ce266ffae1a) + +[Volkswagen 9 month consolidation phase](https://preview.redd.it/9n5phu3ug1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf5ca0fc1d4bc991c7f90f076b422af05147dd0) + +The picture below is the most important part of the thread IMO. When Volkswagen hit its high of 199.8, it consolidated for 9 months. The consolidation phase ended once the 199.8 resistance was broken through. Then it spent 2 months hovering around that price to which then 199.8 became the support line. Once it did, Volkswagen went on a one month run up where it hit a high of 452. + +Then, this where the massive short attack happened. You have all seen the picture of where people are explaining the Volkswagen squeeze and say "We are here". Well this was when the price dropped from its high of 452 and hit the new support line of 199.8 again. + +Once that happened the Short Squeeze began. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +If GME breaks through 483 and it becomes the support line we may see similar action to the Volkswagen Squeeze. No one knows what the MOASS will look like. It could even be similar to the TSLA squeeze where the price never drops down. + +[Daily candles and analysis of the run up of the Volkswagen Short Squeeze](https://preview.redd.it/etgonrwhv1p71.png?width=3890&format=png&auto=webp&s=308de9b4ab2ebee4338d716bf922824cadb7d480) + +The Short squeeze lasted two days. First day low was 325 and the high was 635. The second day low was 471 and the high was 1005. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[Volkswagen Short Squeeze w\/ 9 month consolidation phase in perspective](https://preview.redd.it/u2xddhkch1p71.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa629ede28b0c08b787ed79cde6fdfc6937631ad) + +Also something to consider is that during that 9 month consolidation phase is when the 2008 market crash occurred and the Short Squeeze happened near the bottom of the recession. + +[2008 Market Crash with VOW 9 month consolidation phase visualized ](https://preview.redd.it/sefm0dg4j1p71.png?width=3170&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f63477e6183bd30549dac09e28bb5d02f6bd4a4) + +Hopefully this information helped some apes out there🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +TLDR; +credit u/Time_Mage_Prime +I think it's important to point out that massive dip right before the squeeze took off, where the former resistance that became support was tested. If GME follows a similar pattern, then after breaking through 483 I would expect it to run up to maybe 600-800s (per Elliot wave guy's TA -- which, recall, he noted could take some time to reach those heights, but that was the target range of the analysis), before crashing back to around 483, then off to the moon, and beyond. +I know it’s a silly question, but I was told by one of my university friends that having a credit card and making small purchases on it to pay back instantly, is good for your credit score and it’s best to start young, so you can get a mortgage and all that? + +So it’s essentially a good investment for your future I suppose? + +Cheers! + +Edit: I should probably mention that I’m in the UK, England +Trying to move into my first one bedroom apartment in 6 months. I'm 18 making 2000-2500 after taxes each month, 693 credit score with not a lot of history, my parents would cosign. + +I'm just trying to find some tips on how much I should save for furniture maybe or just how much I should save in general or would be paying up front? I know it depends on location so just a vague idea helps too. Thanks. + +Edit: REQUEST: Can people talk about the utility cost and any tips regarding them? Thanks! + +Edit: Figured I should share some of what I learned as I'm reading every comment. A lot of people said a lot of extremely helpful things. I just didn't leave a comment if I've already heard it but thank you for taking the time, learned so much about things I didn't know I needed. + +Don't be stingy on a matressTake every possible caution to avoid bed bugsGet an Instant PotPlunger!Lithium Grease Spray is better than WD-40Take pictures and document everything when you move inOffer your maintenance guys a beer so they'll be nice to youFacebook marketplace is very helpfulVisit the apartment on Friday nightLemonade insurance is apparently pretty goodBug Bomb before moving in... And so much more! +Not sure who needs to see this but this my before and after in terms of being consistently profitable. By no means am I a multimillionaire trader (YET) but it's possible to reach your goals in trading. + +Stay patient, stay disciplined. There's no shortcuts to this + +I know the gains aren't crazy attractive but that's not the point. + +PS: I started trading in 2017 (only linked my account to myfxbook last year) and I've blown countless accounts (real and demo), only now I start seeing the results of my consistent hard work. + +https://preview.redd.it/dg6x0b4w2s241.jpg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=834cbb6152914bf15051c279ba888fc3b093c646 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5jx8oee23s241.jpg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28b8c1b1399e3f438ba38ebbf142fcc09c945b82 + +[Edit: added my percentage gains for the doubters......I made a withdrawal in October](https://preview.redd.it/pbklgsvblt241.jpg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185bd3a8ccc381e5b86fdb8215897e569b438f54) +I just got 50k from my parents and try to get stable returns + +My plan is to sell some one-month put on the SPY at 20% below the current price when spy drops more than 2% that day. After doing the calculations, my APR will be about 10%. In the past 10 years, SPY has only experienced a single-month down greater than 20%([Link](https://portfolioslab.com/symbol/SPY)), so I think this trading strategy works. But why doesn't anyone do this? +Just curious. I have 225 shares of WKHS @ 17.86, but so far I've reduced the cost basis to $14.60 through covered calls. It would be sweet to reduce the cost basis to $0 and I'm just wondering if anyone on this sub has achieved that. +Sup guys, + +I just want to give everyone a heads up that shits about the get real in so many ways and YOU are here early. Yes, you, the guy that bought in December and thinks you'll never recover from all your losses. + +Let's go over a few of the things we know about. + +1. The top talent in the world are leaving their old tech/finance jobs and entering blockchain. Everywhere you look, we're seeing this. From hedge fund managers, to JP Morgan/Goldman Sachs execs, to Google execs. Gee golly, why are the most talented and intelligent people in the world entering crypto? + +2. Banks are diving balls deep into crypto (mostly behind the scenes). First the banks ignored crypto, then they laughed at crypto, then they attacked it by calling it a "scam." Now they're acquiring exchanges (Poloniex), about to open trading desks, investing in projects (Digital Currency Group), and are in a race to get in before their competitors. + +3. Custodial Services: I cannot overstate the importance of this. As I've written before, Coinbase is going to be at the forefront of mass adoption and are going to play a key role in all of this. They've recently been hiring INSANE amounts of management positions, engineers, and something around 500 new customer service reps. This is because they're about to roll out their custodial program where every credit union and some participating major banks are going to offer their crypto index fund to their customers. Baby boomer (and Gen X) Mom n Dad are going to walk into their local credit union to talk to their financial advisor and he's going to offer them a new product that is extremely volatile, however, got a return of about 1000% last year. He's going to suggest 2-5% of their portfolio would be ok to invest and these coins are going to be insured; They will never have to trade for crypto or make accounts on sketchy exchanges to get them, just gets their broker to buy them like any other financial product. + +4. The demand for OTC crypto is insane. This is why you see Gemini and Coinbase starting their own Bloc trading services. Who and why is there so much OTC demand? + +5. Liquidity is about to blow up. If you don't understand what liquidity does for markets/coin value, do a bit of research. The exchange union is coming, where the participating exchanges share liquidity. + +6. Because of this future liquidity, traditional securities (company shares, bonds) and commodities will be represented by crypto. This one's going to take some time, but you can see the writing on the wall here. This is going to be where crypto is in full-fledged mass adoption-mode. + + +Unfortunately back in December/January crypto wasn't quite ready for the explosion that happened. Exchanges had to freeze trading, not allow new sign-ups, not enough service reps, low security on exchanges, and the tech in general wasn't quite ready but things are changing this year, 2018. Sit back, open a cold one with the boys, make love to your smokin' hot wife, go play catch outside with your kids, and enjoy yourselves because we're about to witness history - And your all a part of it my friends. Cheers! + + + + +Keanu Inu launched on ETH about an hour ago and I really think this is going to be the next new INU. We all saw how hard American Akita went yesterday, and this is looking like its going to do the same thing. Locked liquidity, renounced ownership, super active community, awesome website, mcap is at 4 mil. 2% redistribution tax. + +Community is pumped for this to be the next HOKK and is not selling, many have PTSD from selling other Inus early. + +Lets face it we all love Kianu and John Wick's dog was a badass. This is starting as an honest to God memecoin but who knows what it will grow into. + +Here are the details: + +2% tax distributed to holders on every transaction + +Website: keanuinu.com (still in progress) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/InuKeanu](https://twitter.com/InuKeanu) + +Buy: [https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x106552c11272420aad5d7e94f8acab9095a6c952](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x106552c11272420aad5d7e94f8acab9095a6c952) + +Chart: [https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xfee4800067bfc9dff564d116cba4d4b16ca7b7b3](https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xfee4800067bfc9dff564d116cba4d4b16ca7b7b3) + +Contract Address:0x106552c11272420aad5d7e94f8acab9095a6c952 + +LP Tokens burned: [https://etherscan.io/tx/0x72c7e6011673e989e2686d9e5b20aa0883677b84afbfa973956dd2c38f5ac465](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x72c7e6011673e989e2686d9e5b20aa0883677b84afbfa973956dd2c38f5ac465) + +Ownership Renounced: [https://etherscan.io/tx/0x47a47d52070a640d976635d82abb1bf60c730be2fdfd846dc4854d43712c1774](https://etherscan.io/tx/0x47a47d52070a640d976635d82abb1bf60c730be2fdfd846dc4854d43712c1774) +Gamestop wasn't responsible for this, and neither were brokers or countries. ONLY THE DTCC were the ones that screwed this up, so yes, every [insert country/broker] did too if you ignore every single post explaining who was resposible. You're flooding the sub with redunant posts and not acknowledging or knowingly ignoring all of the posts that spells this out. + +Edit1: Your posts won't be used in court if anything ever ends up there. They'll be using communications between the DTCC and the brokers. + +Edit2: Please gain a wrinkle by checking out this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg2e7j/beyond_the_wool_the_smoking_gun_and_how_the_dtcc/ + +edit3: i am not saying supress evidence, I am saying submit it to the regulators and relevant authorities. Don't just post "my country too!" especially since every dam country has already been covered. SUBMIT THAT SHIT, POST YOUR SUBMISSIONS. The governing bodies aren't using your posts to start investigations! +My family is probably not safe after posting this but it's certainly a perspective worth considering. + +**" House prices will only fall 5pc or move sideways. "** + +[Article in the comments or here.](https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/house-prices-will-not-fall-sharply-20200423-p54mj9) + +&#x200B; +Hi there, + +I started looking into private pension funds recently because I have \~400€ monthly that I'd like to contribute towards my long-term goals. + +My situation: + +* 25 year old, living in Germany, no debt +* Current "portfolio": + * 300€/mo into Vanguard FTSE All World Sparplan (Commerzbank) + * Contribution to employer pension plan (\~100€ from my net salary, with the employee contribution & tax savings it amounts to \~280€/mo)--> it goes to a 50/50 split of DACH & FTSE All World iShares ETF + * 6k€ cash for emergencies (still want to grow this, and I have room for it aside from the 400€ I planned above) + +Options I considered: + +* Increase the employee pension plan contribution + * PRO: Tax savings (but no more bonus from employer as that's maxed out) + * CON: Very inflexible (can't withdraw anything before 62y) +* Start a private pension plan + * PRO: Tax savings, more flexibility (can withdraw if really needed), more security (guaranteed payout), at the end they still invest in ETFs (10% bond, 30% euro stoxx 50, 20% EM, 40% msci world) + * CON: Fees that the plan would have that are calculated into my return, reduced visibility (more complicated plans - depending on the company) +* Increase the contribution to the ETF Sparplan + * PRO: Full flexibility, full visibility, lowest fees + * CON: Full taxes on cap. gains + +Currently I am leaning towards the **pension plan option**, but I'm curious **if you see any downsides to this** or are there any other points that you might have? +I have some stocks that I bought (very)cheap and because of this have massive dividend yields (from 7 up to 10%) most of the stocks are dividend aristocrats/ kings and they keep raising dividends (Exxon, Simon Property Group, Abbvie…). I currently think I will never sell these cause the yield is too good and I will never be able to buy the stocks at these prices again (Exxon at 35 for example). +Does anyone think differently? Especially with Exxon/ oil being cyclical? Would love to hear some insights! +I have some stocks that I bought (very)cheap and because of this have massive dividend yields (from 7 up to 10%) most of the stocks are dividend aristocrats/ kings and they keep raising dividends (Exxon, Simon Property Group, Abbvie…). I currently think I will never sell these cause the yield is too good and I will never be able to buy the stocks at these prices again (Exxon at 35 for example). +Does anyone think differently? Especially with Exxon/ oil being cyclical? Would love to hear some insights! +Hey all, + +The Munger philosophy is to keep holding as long as the company is still a great business. Some investors like Pabrai qualify this by saying only sell when 'egregiously high'. + +But in Greenblatt's Little Book That Beats the Market he says the market will always correctly value the stock's intrinsic value in the long run. So what would be the point of holding forever as long as the company continues to be great? Wouldnt it always come up or down to intrinsic value in the long run? +Hey guys: + +I am looking to value a small, growth-type business using a GARP approach. First, I aim to determine if the growth priced into the stock is reasonable. Basically, I am running it through topline growth scenarios and then will look at some of the potential OCF growth and EBITDA margins to see if the market cap is justified. + +Has anyone done this before? And if so, would you be willing to share your model? I am curious to see if there is a method or something that I am missing. I'd be happy to share my analysis with the subreddit once my work is complete. :) + +Let me know & thanks! +Why do people focus on dividend stocks? Don't they know that dividends are paid by the company's free cash flow? If they want money while owning stocks, they can sell covered calls against their stocks for monthly income. +[https://www.cnbc.com/id/31526130](https://www.cnbc.com/id/31526130) + +[https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EX8TN--XYAE7ki4?format=jpg&name=small](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EX8TN--XYAE7ki4?format=jpg&name=small) + +>BUFFETT: Everything that I see about the economy is that we've had no bounce...in terms of the economy coming back, it takes awhile. I said the economy would be in shambles this year and probably well beyond. I'm afraid that's true. +> +> +> +>BECKY: We hear people on our air all the time who talk about the "green shoots" that they're seeing. Are you seeing any of those green shoots? +> +> +> +>BUFFETT: I looked. We're not seeing them. Whether it's retailing, manufacturing, whereever. We have a big utility operation. Industrial demand is down like we've never seen it for a simple thing like electricity. So it hasn't happened yet. + +&#x200B; + +At the time of the interview on June 24, 2009, **the S&P was** **already 43% off the March 2009 bottom** and would never come close to retesting the lows again. + +The market is forward looking. The economy in its current state is not what the market is going to focus on. +We launch in approximately 10 mins; 12PM EST! + +www.TigerDirect.com/bitcoin/ + +https://twitter.com/TigerDirect Feel free to re-tweet and spread the good word on the latest Bitcoin milestone! + +# TigerBitcoin +Edit: NAO LIVE! + +Edit #2: To our friends up north (Canada), you may use the US site and ship to Canada! Enjoy. :D + +Edit #3: We're working on a few kinks with the Canada delivery option. This is not an option. Apologies and stay tuned! We're working on TigerDirect.ca. + +Edit #4: We're now officially accepting bitcoin in CANADA! +So many of us that have been here a while remember the hype and speculation that came with the [trademark application for Gmerica](https://uspto.report/TM/90897211) back in August. + +Searching today shows additional filings for the same corporate address (625 Westport Parkway Grapevine) and from the same attorney of record's office (KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP). + +******* + +There are two pending registrations for "GAMESTOP" under the company [ELBO, Inc](https://uspto.report/company/Elbo-Inc). + +[It looks like ELBO was the previously used parent company for EB games](https://uspto.report/company/Elbo-Inc) before the combination. The last trademark application under this company was 2018 until Sept of this year. + +[GAMESTOP application 12/6/2021](https://uspto.report/TM/97157461) + +Reading the details this may be for an in-house peripherals/cabling/hardware brand? + +[GAMESTOP application 9/24/2021](https://uspto.report/TM/97043752) + +this covers: + +>IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Batteries + +>IC 020. US 002 013 022 025 032 050. G & S: Gaming chairs and beanbag style gaming chairs + +>IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: Interactive electronic video gaming chairs and beanbag style gaming chairs optimized to increase performance in video games + +I'm wondering if this means GameStop is being broken off into a sub-company under a bigger parent company using the old ELBO co. + +**Also note the actual GAMESTOP trademark branding/font is different.** + +The other two registrations are for: + +[GAMESTOP KIDS on 11/11/2021](https://uspto.report/TM/97120659) + +and + +[GS KIDS on 11/11/2021](https://uspto.report/TM/97120637) + + +Someone better versed in company incorporation rules and trademark types will have to chime in as to what implications these applications have, but at the very least they are expanding their brands. GameStop gaming chairs anyone? + +******** + +Adding this because automod needs more length for a DD. This is the filing class for the 12/10 GameStop filing: + +>009 - Primary Class + +>(Electrical and scientific apparatus) Scientific, nautical, surveying, electric, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), lifesaving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus. +I was working from home today, to set the scene, because I had to get 2 new tires fitted on my car. + +While at the garage I get an email from what seems to be my boss, because on outlook mobile it just says the name of the person as opposed to email address and name. + +This email says I hope you're not too busy can you please email me your phone number because I've got a task for you. So I did. I thought it was a bit strange but at the same time I know lots of people to have a work phone so I figured that's what it was. And then over text he's telling me that he can't talk on the phone because he's in a conference meeting but he wants to gift his clients some Google play gift cards. + +Long story short I'm £1250 down, which is a lot of my money, I've called actionfrauduk and my bank, but none of them sound convincing with regards to getting my money back due to the manner in which the fraud was committed. + +I'm 23 but I feel like a 10 year old idiot, any advice? Do you think I should reach out to mastercard? Or maybe the supermarkets I bought the gift cards from? + +Idk I just needed to type this out and tell you guys I don't want to tell my friends I'm already ashamed and got my tail between my legs because all of my work colleagues know. (that's how I found out it was a scam I called my colleague to get him to help me with something because I was busy doing errands for my boss and he said, what do you mean? So and so is interviewing a candidate? He's not on a client conference call. + +This isn't written very well sorry I'm kinda all over the place at the moment it's been a bad week. +I was working from home today, to set the scene, because I had to get 2 new tires fitted on my car. + +While at the garage I get an email from what seems to be my boss, because on outlook mobile it just says the name of the person as opposed to email address and name. + +This email says I hope you're not too busy can you please email me your phone number because I've got a task for you. So I did. I thought it was a bit strange but at the same time I know lots of people to have a work phone so I figured that's what it was. And then over text he's telling me that he can't talk on the phone because he's in a conference meeting but he wants to gift his clients some Google play gift cards. + +Long story short I'm £1250 down, which is a lot of my money, I've called actionfrauduk and my bank, but none of them sound convincing with regards to getting my money back due to the manner in which the fraud was committed. + +I'm 23 but I feel like a 10 year old idiot, any advice? Do you think I should reach out to mastercard? Or maybe the supermarkets I bought the gift cards from? + +Idk I just needed to type this out and tell you guys I don't want to tell my friends I'm already ashamed and got my tail between my legs because all of my work colleagues know. (that's how I found out it was a scam I called my colleague to get him to help me with something because I was busy doing errands for my boss and he said, what do you mean? So and so is interviewing a candidate? He's not on a client conference call. + +This isn't written very well sorry I'm kinda all over the place at the moment it's been a bad week. +There are a lot of posts on here about young 25-35 year olds with bank accounts which would lose them friends, and this leaves the people who are getting to the game later in life disheartened. + +For those of you who are starting your FIRE journey at 40, I have a success story to share with you. It’s not pulling yourself up by your bootstraps or making $200k/year, it’s simply getting in the mindset, getting in the groove of saving and working towards a goal. +My parents never called their financial goals FIRE, but they did exactly what we’re all here for without the name. The kicker and point of this story is that my father didn’t start his career until he was 38 years old. + +* 1977: At 21 my dad got married and was barely scraping by his biology classes at a small east coast school. + +* 1983: his relationship was a mess. He had jobs ranging from working in a leather tannery, to working in a lab, but he needed a change. He divorced and moved to Michigan to follow his passion of being a professional photographer. + +* 1990: working at a retail photography store and shooting weddings on the weekends didn’t allow him to have a family and was not going to allow him to retire at any age. He applied to the local state school for a grad degree. + +* 1993: He was now 38. He had no savings, just a car and a masters in industrial health and hygiene. He got remarried to my mom and I was born 9 months later. Starting this family really set him into overdrive; he wanted to retire at a normal age, but he was starting from square one. + +He found that the most lucrative thing in his field (environmental) wasn’t the science but the business side. He walked into consulting firms and told them they needed a dedicated sales person for their office. One office took him on and offered him a six month trial period to see how he did. They didn’t pay him much but it was a foot in the door. After those first six months they offered him a full time position. + +He continued in the field for the next 25 years, building a client base which he would take with him if he changed jobs. The problem is he was pure overhead at these companies, and there’s not much room at environmental companies for overhead. He got cut from jobs probably every five years on average, so it was high stress, but it was better money than even the engineers at the companies made. + +His hobby of classic cars also doubled as his side-gig, and he sold car parts on eBay for fun. + +A necessary note to add here is my mom was a SAHM until the early 2000s when she started her own business which did fairly well at providing additional income. + +**He retired at 60 in 2016, 22 years after starting his career.** He put three kids through college. His income by the end was $110k-$130k. + +He has told me how jealous he is that I got a real financial education and I started saving 20 years before he did – a sentiment I’ve seen on here as well. His statement on money which has stuck with me is: **“It’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you keep.”** + +Being diligent about spending money on needs and experiences rather than things allowed a 40 year old to retire in 20 years. Use all the financial tools available to you and never for one second believe that you started too late and you’ll never retire. + +Probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion, so you could consider this reverse moon farming. Anyways, before anybody discredits me, I am studying Computer Science and have been able to land some nice internships, so yes, I admit that I'm not an expert and there are many things I don't know, however I would consider myself someone that has been exposed to basic Computer Science concepts, and more advanced ones in Algorithms, Data Structures and Cryptography. + +With that out of the way, I just wanted to say that there are a lot of people here giving recommendations to new people (which is great) and there is this specific one that really irks me, "Read the whitepaper". Why does it annoy me so much? + +* Well, for starters I highly doubt that people giving these recommendations even read the whitepapers themselves, I honestly believe that they say this in order to look like "responsible investors" or "being in it for the tech", whatever their motives are, I believe that 99% are lying. +* For the tiny minority that actually reads the whitepapers, I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but I highly doubt you understand the important technical part of the whitepapers completely. I say this because I've taken several high level CS courses in college and I struggle every time to grasp some concepts that describe how a certain project works and what makes it significant. I am certainly no guru, but I believe that I know more CS than the vast majority of people who are trying to get into crypto, and if someone like me can't understand what these whitepapers say, how exactly will a newcomer get any benefit from trying to read these documents? + +You know, I remember I got into crypto right when I started college, and even now 3 years later, I prefer just watching a simplified video about a project than trying to read the whitepaper, which I know will be a waste of time. There is a reason why most projects upload a simplified version that explains how the project works, and that's so that newcomers can get an idea of what the project is. Odds are that the vast majority of people trying to buy a certain cryptocurrency will be people that just don't have the background required to understand whitepapers, so let's stop recommending them to read whitepapers and instead recommend them something different, like watching videos or reading simplified articles that explain what the cryptocurrency that they want to buy is. +Every few weeks there seems to be a lot of discussion about the purpose and direction of this sub and what people want to get out of it. Based on the [post from yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/msrdkk/proposed_action_items_to_correct_the_direction_of/), there are lots of opinions. + +Since the verified flair doesn't really get used, I wanted to create a new post just for verified members so that your opinions could be a bit more prominent. + +Several opinions by verified users were expressed in the other post with many agreeing that quality getting worse. Some were: + +* Having segmented content through post flairs or additional subs (post-fire vs early stage vs middle stage). +* Preferring advice on managing money rather than spending it. +* Having a verified only post day or stickied post. +* Banning non-fatFire people and larpers (two people commented about this) + +I agree with the above and I'm here because I want have discussions with people in a similar cohort that have a FIRE mindset with a higher yearly spend than other FIRE groups. To me this means that your end goal isn't to make a lot of money just to make a lot more, but to make (or have) a lot of money and actually RE. There are some people who want to keep working instead of retiring and they can add value as long as posts veer off-topic too much. It doesn't bother me when there are posts made that aren't relevant to my life, but it's frustrating when so many are unrelated to FIRE, from trolls or larpers, don't follow the rules or have already been answered. + +What do all of you other verified members want out of the sub? What do you think should be done to keep the quality of the sub high as it grows? +https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/c8p9r2/2_healthcare_professionals_journey_towards_fire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +EDIT: Thanks for the silver! +EDIT 2: Thank you so much for the gold! I’ve never received gold before and I feel honored! +EDIT 3: Thanks to everyone’s feedback, if I missed responding to you, I’m still working my way through the messages. + +I’m back! 133 Days since I posted the above & we’ve successfully paid off our Student Loans. We started our fulltime RV life just over a year ago and we had $125k of student loans. We officially paid off $133,060.00 as our 1st major step towards FI. Now we can turn our attention to other investments and continue with our other strategies. + +We made it, but didn’t come without struggles. In the middle of our journey we encountered a lay-off which presented a minor setback, but fortunately turned out to be a blessing. + +We originally committed to a year of RV living, but now have decided to continue for at least another 2 years. + +The biggest update to our numbers are our EF which is now $20k and our IRA’s have grown by about $10k. We also will finish the year strong with our investment property and hoping to add another sometime in 2020. We really plan to be aggressive about our savings rate as well. + +As for additional strategies, we’ve looked at adding SEPIRAs as well as annuities. Anyone have pro-tips for these or suggestions? Thanks for reading! +Welcome to the BSC lottery! A lottery token that gives every wallet owner with 25 or more tokens (adjusted based on token price) an equal opportunity to win 0.1% of the marketcap with frequent draws! + + +After an initial bug in the code the devs launched version 2 and gave everyone the tokens they held in version 1 at a specified time. They also had an audit done by solidityfinance to verify there are no other bugs in the code. With over 1100 members in the community we are restarting strong. + +**Tokenomics** + +*1,250,000 initial supply + +*6% tax on every transaction + +*2% is burned + +*2% is redistributed to all holders + +*2% is sent to the lottery pot + +Once the lottery pot reaches 0.1% of the marketcap a draw is automatically initiated and one lucky holder will receive the tokens automatically (excluding dev wallet and pancakeswap Liquidity). + +Current marketcap is sitting around $2 million. This token has huge upside potential with how popular lotteries are. + +**links** + +*website: lotterytoken.net + +*audit: https://solidity.finance/audits/Lottery/ + +*Liquidity lock: https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0xB3125A2A0baaFaaD790c56650Ef96322bC507585&type=lplock&chain=BSC + +*telegram: https://t.me/lotterytokenchat + +*discord: https://discord.gg/WBKDXCVKbS + +*reddit: www.reddit.com/r/lottery_token?utm_medi + +*Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/lottery_token + +*contract: https://bscscan.com/address/0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7 + +*graph: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7 + +**To buy** + +*pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7 +Over the last couple years, most (if not all) mobile networks have changed the way they figure out your yearly price increase. It used to be worked out based purely on RPI, which was usually around 2.5%. For most people, this worked out to be *at most* £2, and that's assuming you're on a ridiculous £100 a month contract. + +However now, it's based on CPI + arbitrary % they choose. At the moment, they're usually around 3/4%. For Vodafone for example, it's 3.9%. + +At current levels of CPI inflation (4.2%), that means I can expect my mobile bill to increase in April by a whopping 8.1%! That's assuming inflation levels stay the same and don't increase which is highly unlikely in this economy right now (most economists seem to agree 5% before Spring is likely). + +I don't know about other people, but this is making me rethink the way I do my phone contracts moving forwards. You're essentially paying 8% interest on your initial contract amount if you purchase just before the start of the financial year because that's when the increases happen. You would probably be better getting a loan from the bank and just buying it outright. + +Of course Samsung and Apple directly do have their own 0% finance (and swap) schemes, so I would suggest if you're upgrading right now that you look at these and just opt for a cheap sim only from Voxi or something as they're 30 day rolling contracts and therefore you can just swap around if they increase it. +I really love my job. I love what I do. I believe it has meaning. My coworkers are mostly awesome. Our "clients" are awesome. I've gotten 3 promotions in 6 years and doubled my salary. I have a young child at home and they are understanding of the demands on my time. My office is 20 minutes away from my home. I have it good. + +That said - I'm kinda underpaid. I recently got an offer to make 20% more. We don't need the money to survive but it would mean paying off debt and being home owners a little sooner which would be nice. + +I'm torn. I'm nervous I won't like the new job and new coworkers as much. I'm nervous they will be less flexible and I would have to sacrifice my family time more often. There is opportunity for more money and more experience but is that worth it? + +If anyone has made a similar decision I'd love to hear how it turned out. Would love to hear from anyone but especially working mothers. + +**UPDATE** + +Wow, thank you all for the advice. I've read and thought carefully about what each of you said. I think I didn't realize that 20% is not that substantial. I've taken a large pay cut before for my happiness which is how I ended up at my current job in the first place. Since then, I've gotten married and had a child and I guess I felt a certain obligation to earn as much as possible. But I agree with those saying 20% is not worth the uncertainties. + +I'm still going to go to the second interview just to see if I really hit it off with the people or they have some kind of amazing work-from-home option that would significantly increase my quality of life but outside of these two things the 20% increase alone is not enough to take the job. (It was offered unofficially pending a second interview that they said was a "formality".) + +**Mini Update** + +I'm continuing to read your responses and I will still take the second interview with more of an eye at interviewing them. I'm curious how many of you that say you would take the risk have a young child at home? + +Also, I would never use this offer to leverage a raise at my current place. I believe this is a great environment because people love the mission and are generally the type to forgo a little extra money for the sake of fulfillment. It's competitive to work here but not because of the money. I feel that kind of move would be frowned upon. +I've seen a few comments on posts lately stating that a lot of investors don't use DRIP to reinvest dividends. Can someone please explain why this might be a good idea or bad idea? + +My current dividend holdings are Apple, Verizon & Walgreens, and have a few others on deck (Intel, Lumen, a couple REITs). + +I have my current dividend holdings set up for DRIP. I know dividends aren't paid on fractional shares but as my holdings increase and the fractional shares become whole, it seems more worthwhile. I'm 32 and plan on holding them for years. My other train of thought would be to take the cash from the dividends and reinvest into something like Lumen or a REIT. + +I know everyone's strategy is different but I'm trying to get some insight on DRIP specifically. Appreciate the help! + +Edit: Thanks for all the great input! +I've built and launched [FDscanner](https://fdscanner.com/) about 3 weeks back. It's an option screener that allows you to screen by 15+ metrics including IV, %OTM, stock technical/fundamentals and more. + +Yesterday, a new feature called the Put/Call skew was launched, and Put skew is something you guys can use. + +Put skew is defined as price of exactly **10% OTM puts/10% OTM calls**, for next month's expiry, which is 6/19. (After 5/15, it will be calculated for 7/17 expiry) + +The price of exactly 10% OTM call is calculated by interpolating the midpoint price of the 2 call option strikes surrounding 110% share price, and the same is done at 90% share price for 10% OTM put. + +The put skew can be viewed here: https://fdscanner.com/putskew + +A put skew of 2.2 means 10% OTM puts are 2.2x the price of 10% OTM calls for 6/19. + +As we are here to sell premium, we should be selling high put skew stocks, though we should do DD to figure out why there's a high skew in the first place. + +Interesting observation is, a ton of blue chip stocks like KO, MCD, AAPL, ranks at the top of put skew. + +Any feedback or suggestions on the feature is welcome! I built this feature because I saw [OTM visa puts costing 3x as much as calls](https://www.reddit.com/r/fdscanner/comments/g94qla/visa_9_otm_put_costs_3x_as_much_as_9_otm_call_515/) a while ago. +&#x200B; + +[The prediction \(made by u\/possibly6 on the 10th of September\)](https://preview.redd.it/iaf9tdjhoqq71.png?width=2798&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1e80e285a9577360b457effb009bef0210d65c8) + +[Current graph as of 30th of September 2021 \(Tradingview\)](https://preview.redd.it/eq28cbhioqq71.png?width=1330&format=png&auto=webp&s=047a51b4ab00a781a97acaaf5d5fcebc5fe70b58) + +[Both of them overlaid with some transformation to make it fit! LOOK AT THIS!](https://preview.redd.it/0b4xld8poqq71.png?width=2798&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcf92164b9a176b82d667eae873120252adef86d) + +Full credit goes to this guy: u/possibly6 + +Check to original DD here: [The Dip Before The Rip, The Final Countdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pl885m/the_dip_before_the_rip_the_final_countdown/) + +&#x200B; + +edit: + +Check the latest analysis from the man himself here (YouTube Vid): [The Last Week of Sideways for GME](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkyy8F--8z4) +Is it possible to borrow more than a property sale price? I am looking at a house listed at 290k. I have a 60k deposit and want to borrow 340k to do some remodelling. Will a lender allow this and if so, would they want details of how the 50k extra is spent? +Always dreamed of having money to cover crazy trips with friends I’ve been very close with for decades. I finally get that money. Offered to pay for a vacation and they decline. How do you share success without it getting weird? +I've been "investing" for around 5 years (dabbling). I've made the early mistakes of following the crowd, peoples tips, buying at the top etc. Predominantly I now have my money in Vanguard (majority global all cap). + +I want though to know how to quickly and fully understand / calculate a companies financials initially. I've just audibled naked trader and whilst I have a brief understanding - does anyone know of a short course / link that they've found easy to understand & learn relative to investing? + +Any other courses/links/books on the learning fundamentals of trading would also be appreciated! + +For info - I'm 33 & comfortable with the risks.. I am just keen to learn properly rather than ride on luck tips and gut. I'm not a complete newbie and feel I have a loose understanding of signals of a ramp on an illiquid AIM stock & someone's im depth research on an undervalued stock, but I appreciate at the moment there's a large element of gambling. But given the direction I do think my temperament, patience & knowing to play the long game that I feel I could make a success of it long term. + +Edit: I have also read How to Own the world, I will teach you to be rich Ramit Sethi, Investing Demystified Lars Krojer. +I have some money saved up that I was saving towards a down payment for a townhome. Meanwhile my parents are also trying to buy a new property and they are about $30k short on their dream house on an already stretched budget. + +Debating whether to help them with $20k and push out my plans by a year or two. Or to tell them to go with what's in their budget and not help them. + +For context, I'm 28, unmarried and trying to buy my first home. And they're in their mid 50s and trying to buy a home they can retire in. + +A personal financial goals vs family guilt dilemma! + +EDIT: + +Thanks so much to everyone who responded. I want to add some more info because I see some recurring good questions: + +They very recently sold their current home because of physical health related reasons. After paying off current outstanding debt they have around $140k left. + +Their stretched out budget is $200k. So they plan on financing $60k for now and my dad plans on paying that off completely with his retirement savings when he cashes that out. Monthly payments until then. + +Their "dream" home is $230k. They haven't asked me for the money but I know they expect me to help financially it's just they don't know exactly how much I have saved up. + +I also wanna mention that I don't want them to sound like they're just waiting to pounce on my money or something, it's just that I always wanna send them money to help out but $20k needs more thought than a couple hundred bucks every month. It took me 4 years to pay off my student loans, build up emergency fund and build these savings on top of that. + +P. S. All figures are closest approximates in USD. I earn and live in the US and my parents live in India. +Hey guys work in a factory and there is always overtime and weekend work available which include penalty rates. Most ppl don't want to work OT or weekend because they say it's not worth it because they get taxed too much??? From my understanding isn't tax calculated per annum so when you lodge the tax return it gets all worked out from there? + +I can somewhat see there perspective for example 1 let's say the average wage was $1000 per week net ($250 a day) and than they decide to work a Sunday double pay they would be expecting paycheck to be $1500 but usually it'll be something like $1290 net and than they get put off and say the sunday wasn't even worth it because i got taxed so much..... + +Or example 2 even had a colleague get really angry at the manager because he worked 3 days one week and did a Sunday (penalty rates) so was expecting a good pay but the manager forgot to include the sunday pay and was going to back pay the following week which he did a 5 Day week and he complained now I am going to get taxed so much screw him $&#@_#&. + +I am trying to decipher this tax myth because my brother also works here and he has been influenced this idea not to work weekend too and I am not educated to give him a answer as I don't fully understand. + +Thank you everyone +I'm 15 with ~$8000 in the savings. I work 15+ hours a week at Maccas (normally Saturday and Sunday). Majority of it is in a savings account (around 6.5k). I only get around 1% interest. I also have 1.3k of cash at home from soccer refereeing. I don't see the point in putting it in the bank to earn 1% interest. I also have $500 worth of csgo skins which are steadily going up in value. My only expenses are canteen food :) + +My question is how can I maximise my return on these savings. I don't have super as Maccas doesn't pay it to Casuals doing less than 35 hours a week. I cannot legally invest my money due to being under 18. I don't intended on buying a car as I don't really need one. + +(I have been working at Maccas for 1+ years and have been soccer refereeing for 2 seasons. I can provide proof of savings of required.) +They know there are some paperhands sitting around wondering if they should have sold yesterday while they were even/up after weeks of slowly bleeding the price. They want those people to see a big sell off this morning to make them pull the trigger on the sell button. DONT FALL FOR IT! + +The price is fake, the sells are synthetic. Imagine selling now right before the MOASS? I would never forgive myself if I walked away from life/family changing money because I got nervous. + +The stock market is a place where the patient take money from the impatient!! +The way I see it... It's either going to scare the zipo holders and we can expect a dip. + +Having said that... He still has 11% voting power. And he's cashing in along the lines of $35.7 mln... Cos why the fuck not? He's entitled to some of the tendies he's earned + +I don't hold Zipper at the moment cos I jumped ship around $8 but was potentially looking for a buy in again... Could this be the one? +What your thoughts + +INB4: anything BRN related. Fek off. +And fish guts for life I know. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +In October of 2018, /u/Mr_Suzan was inspired by a post from /u/galloog1 to seek out underrated stock picks from the /r/investing community and monitor their performance. + + +Post-COVID bounce, I wanted to see how these picks have performed, so I've gathered them all here. + +A few of these have earnings posting soon, so the ranks may change, but overall it looks like a solid performance by the community. Any new underrated stocks to think about? + +&nbsp; + +# Some quick stats: + +- Overall average return: ~33% (compared to ~18% for the S&P 500) + +- Equal rated return: ~50% (as pointed out by /u/csp256) + +- Return on the most upvoted pick: Disney (DIS) 1% + +- Highest returning pick: Enphase (ENPH) 1110% (recommended by /u/williemax) + +- If you invested in the top 5 most upvoted stocks, you would have seen a 27% return + +- If you invested in the top 5 most controversial stocks, you would have seen a 99% return + +- The top 10 gainers in order were ENPH, TSLA, APT, DXCM, OKTA, AYX, BAND, ALU, WIX, LRCX + +- If you had picked one of these stocks at random, you would have had a ~53% chance of >10% gains and a ~19% chance of >100% gains + +&nbsp; + +If you'd like to participate in the next round, I've opened up a new survey here: +[https://www.reddit.com/i2thge/](https://www.reddit.com/i2thge/) + +&nbsp; + +# The full list of picks and performance: + +|**Company**|**Symbol**|**10/2/18**|**07/31/20**|**Increase**|**Provided by**| +:--|:--|--:|--:|--:|:--| +|Enphase Energy|ENPH|$4.99|$60.36|1110%|/u/williemax| +|Tesla|TSLA|$310.70|$1,430.76|360%|/u/saffir| +|AfterPay Touch Group|APT|$17.82|$68.54|285%|/u/Shapebuster| +|DexCom|DXCM|$126.14|$435.54|245%|/u/shrimp_coat| +|Okta Inc|OKTA|$68.27|$220.98|224%|/u/abscondphilic| +|Alteryx|AYX|$55.06|$175.49|219%|/u/Kme2, /u/HouseCatAD| +|Bandwidth Inc|BAND|$53.40|$144.78|171%|/u/flatech| +|Altium|ALU|$26.56|$72.00|171%|/u/Shapebuster| +|Wixcom|WIX|$111.96|$290.48|159%|/u/vidro3| +|Lam Research Corp|LRCX|$151.08|$377.16|150%|/u/mokkar1| +|Advanced Micro Devices|AMD|$31.42|$77.43|146%|/u/Lenwe_Calmacil, /u/the-coolest-loser| +|Etsy Inc|ETSY|$48.14|$118.38|146%|/u/abscondphilic| +|LGI Homes Inc|LGIH|$46.41|$114.11|146%|/u/stenlis| +|Apple Inc|AAPL|$227.26|$425.04|87%|/u/Mr_Find_Value| +|Microsoft|MSFT|$115.61|$205.01|77%|/u/mikwow| +|Tencent Holdings|TCEHY|$40.46|$68.49|69%|/u/DesignPrime| +|Galapagos NV|GLPG|$110.65|$184.14|66%|/u/Salmonbunny| +|American Outdoor Brands Inc|SWBI|$14.43|$23.89|66%|deleted| +|Amazon Com Inc|AMZN|$1,981.42|$3,164.68|60%|/u/zegna000| +|McCormick &amp; Co Inc|MKC|$134.34|$194.90|45%|/u/mwrowe92| +|CSL Limited|CSL|$198.52|$270.10|36%|deleted| +|Intuit Inc|INTU|$227.72|$306.37|35%|/u/RJCoxy| +|Square Company|SQ|$97.83|$129.85|33%|/u/clearyb123, /u/nickynickynicknick| +|Illinois Tool Works|ITW|$143.14|$184.99|29%|/u/hokageace| +|First Data Corp|FISV|$23.79|$30.24|27%|/u/black_ravenous| +|Visa|V|$150.79|$190.40|26%|/u/Devout_Athiest, /u/TheKillingJoke7| +|Salesforce|CRM|$154.90|$194.85|26%|/u/deadb0ef| +|Sturm Ruger &amp; Co|RGR|$66.13|$81.37|23%|deleted| +|ETFMG Prime Cyber Security|HACK|$39.64|$48.40|22%|/u/iStayedAtaHolidayInn, /u/Marcusaralius76| +|Waste Management Inc|WM|$90.17|$109.60|22%|/u/TheChosenWong| +|Texas Instruments|TXN|$107.74|$127.55|18%|/u/hokageace| +|Palo Alto Networks|PANW|$219.32|$255.92|17%|/u/OldMan0919| +|Unitedhealth Group Inc|UNH|$269.10|$302.78|13%|/u/wefarrell| +|WP Carey Inc|WPC|$63.67|$71.37|12%|/u/EasyE0287| +|Amphenol Corp De|APH|$94.47|$105.76|12%|deleted| +|Micron Technologies|MU|$45.15|$50.06|11%|/u/iopq| +|Verizon|VZ|$54.29|$57.48|6%|/u/rubaduddud| +|Brookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.|BIP|$40.12|$41.84|4%|deleted| +|Walt Disney Co|DIS|$116.24|$116.94|1%|/u/slocs1| +|Arista Networks|ANET|$259.64|$259.77|0%|/u/bisoncorp| +|Carlisle Companies|CSL|$121.06|$119.08|-2%|/u/EasyE0287| +|Vista Outdoor Inc|VSTO|$17.46|$17.15|-2%|deleted| +|Endbridge Inc|ENB|$33.18|$32.00|-4%|/u/suptni| +|Learning Technologies Group|LTG|$143.00|$133.00|-7%|/u/lemonfloss123| +|Berkshire Class B|BRK.B|$216.40|$195.78|-10%|/u/NjalBorgeirsson| +|Cameco Corp|CCJ|$11.24|$10.16|-10%|/u/tree-farmer| +|Rollins Inc|ROL|$59.02|$52.40|-11%|/u/Racquet345, deleted| +|AT&amp;T Inc|T|$33.49|$29.58|-12%|/u/Open_Thinker| +|Live Nation Entertainment|LYV|$54.58|$46.81|-14%|/u/spacemusclehampster| +|CVS Health Corp|CVS|$79.50|$62.94|-21%|/u/DatElectric| +|Arrow Financial Corp|AROW|$36.05|$27.30|-24%|/u/henjsmii| +|Toronto-Dominion Bank|TD|$61.06|$44.28|-27%|/u/ImpyKid| +|Bruce Flatt|BAM|$44.87|$32.33|-28%|/u/ImpyKid| +|Intellia Therapeutics|NTLA|$25.76|$17.81|-31%|/u/Zero_G_Balls| +|HP Inc|HPQ|$26.06|$17.58|-33%|/u/daaave33| +|Sangamo Therapeutics|SGMO|$16.60|$10.83|-35%|/u/oarabbus| +|Anheuser-Busch Inbev SA Sponsored ADR (Belgium)|BUD|$86.54|$54.43|-37%|/u/JollyJumperino| +|Kraft Heinz Co|KHC|$55.60|$34.38|-38%|/u/Revolutionis_Myname| +|Blue Planet Investment Trust PLC|BLP|$38.00|$23.00|-39%|deleted| +|Unisys Corp|UIS|$20.09|$11.89|-41%|deleted| +|Teva Pharmaceutical Industries|TEVA|$21.50|$11.54|-46%|/u/missedthecue| +|Direxion Financial Bull 3X Shares|FAS|$69.49|$34.97|-50%|/u/Iamsiyuen| +|Cedar Fair L P|FUN|$52.48|$23.84|-55%|/u/Urban_Phantom| +|Century Link|CTL|$21.89|$9.65|-56%|/u/shrimp_coat| +|Direxion SHS ET/Daily JR Gold Miner|JNUG|$384.50|$161.84|-58%|/u/darkflash26| +|AMC Entertainment Holdings|AMC|$19.86|$4.04|-80%|/u/ThatAsianDude77| +|Transentrix|TRXC|$5.81|$0.49|-92%|/u/shrimp_coat| +|Oasis Petroleum|OAS|$14.27|$0.64|-96%|/u/Stateof10| + +&nbsp; + +The original post can be found here: +[https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9kl1i4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9kl1i4/) + +In graphical form here: +[https://imgur.com/a/fc9Ls2k](https://imgur.com/a/fc9Ls2k) + +Edit: JNUG has been corrected to represent the reverse split (thanks to /u/alphamd4) and subsequent stats have been updated. This has brought the overall gains down from 36% to 33% + +Disclaimer: As noted /u/RedditRandom55, "people who continue to pick their own eventually see losses that are also greater than the market". Please do not interpret gains shown here as an endorsement of the investing prowess of the community +Hello! + +&#x200B; + +34 yrs old guy here. Decided to invest, to create some security. Please bare in mind, not even a week ago I didn't even know I could invest. I thought that's just for people with loads of money :) + +My eyes opened by randomly stumbling on Mark Tilbury's video on Youtube. I can become financially secure actually. There's always a path to that. + +&#x200B; + +Anyways, I was not lazy and I did a bit of a research on my own. However, I wouldn't mind if you explained me like I was 12 year old if needed. + +&#x200B; + +I have just applied for an IB account. I can invest 1500EUR initially, later on 100 - 150EUR monthly. + +&#x200B; + +1. Currency I would send money on IB is in EUR. So, my preferred market to buy ETF's would be in Euros to avoid currency change to USD, right? That market happens to be Amsterdam? +2. I'm interested in SP500 ETF, domiciled in Ireland, accumulative. That way I'd get the best taxation treatment? +3. I'm from Croatia. If I investigated taxation correctly (I'm actually also new to financial lingo and how taxes actually work.): I should not pay any taxes at all. Fund (domiciled in Ireland) pays 15% to USA, my dividends are not paid to me but reinvested back into a fund. Correct? +4. Is there such an ETF on AEB market I can get on IB, or should I simply convert to USD and stick with VUAA or CSPX? + +Thank you!!! +Hi, + +So I've spent the entire weekend studying the theory behind investments, read a fair deal of threads here, in /r/Finanzen, and several other external forums and blogs as crosslinked. + +That is because, as many others, I'm entering this world to stop wasting away my saving with inflation. + +After all that reading I'm pretty much convinced in putting everything minus an year of salary worth for extra security (this may change later) in a MSCI Core World Accumulating ETF and call it a day. I'm keeping it short here but it makes sense for the amount I'm investing and the taxation where I live. + +However the last doubt I have is why **nobody** is talking about the "Momentum" ETFs like for example: [iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS ETF (Acc)](https://www.justetf.com/de-en/etf-profile.html?isin=IE00BP3QZ825) + +Even using search, I found a few threads where it just talks about multifactor funds or generic discussions on whether it matters or not to have *multifactor* ETFs on top of a base World/All World. + +Many people seems to add an Emerging Markets fund, or a Small Caps, despite them not showing a history of significantly better results than a global one. Nobody seems to care that there are funds like the one linked above that for the last 10 years seemed to consistently have had stellar results, more than twice as high as MSCI World based ones for example. + +So I'm asking the reddit community: what's the catch there? The historic returns are much higher than the Core funds I'm about to buy, they have a 5 star Morningstar rating (which for what I've understood it monitors the returns vs the risk), and their cost isn't crazy higher in comparison (0.3% vs 0.2%). + +So what is the reason nobody talks about them, or put them in their porfolio even in part? There must be something, it looks too good to be true. + +I understand they should be more risky somehow (still need to study exactly why), and the bullish market of the last years (and of course in general the fact that the past doesn't predict the future) makes getting excited by the past returns not very smart, but still. Total silence? + +Thank you in advance for anyone who would take time to explain this to me. This is as I said the last doubt I have before going in. +I've often come across advice that suggests you shouldn't invest a chunk of your savings into an ETF (e.g., VWCE) if you might need the money in a year or two, or even less. Often, the suggestion might be to only invest in this stream if you don't need the money for several years, or a range of 5 to 10, or more. + +Why, exactly? I understand that in the short term there is high variability and you might end up in the negative if you need to take cash out by selling the shares. But isn't that the only consequence: that you might sell at a minor loss? I say minor because, most likely, unless the market crashes or we plunge into a deep recession, that's what the losses would be – and maybe that's the cost of needing to sell the shares to cover an emergency. And, even if you're down 10–15%, you don't need to pay taxes on that when you sell. + +Worth noting is that for stocks in general, I can easily understand this advice, considering the high volatility. Crypto even more so. But ETFs are inherently less volatile than both by a great degree. + +Did I miss something here? Curious to hear your thoughts. +A few highlights + +* 21% Who Left Job During Great Resignation Cashed Out 401(k) After Leaving +* 55% of next gen say they put their retirement planning on hold during the pandemic +* Almost half (45%) of next gen don’t see a point in saving for retirement until things return to normal + +[https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220317005129/en/Fidelity%C2%AE-Study-Most-Americans-Hope-to-Put-Pandemic-Behind-Them-and-Reclaim-Strong-Financial-Grounding-but-Retirement-Concerns-Abound](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220317005129/en/Fidelity%C2%AE-Study-Most-Americans-Hope-to-Put-Pandemic-Behind-Them-and-Reclaim-Strong-Financial-Grounding-but-Retirement-Concerns-Abound) + +Personally, I find it deeply concerning that 1/5th of people who quit cashed out their 401ks. It's their money, but jeez. +I'm new to trading, and I've been using Questrade for about 2 weeks now, but thought their fees were expensive. + +So I looked did some research, and it seemed like everyone was saying Interactive Brokers is better with much better commission rates. So I made an account with IB. + +Now that I'm looking more closely at their fee structures, it seems like Questrade is much cheaper for some trades. + +Questrade: +$0.01 CAD per share with a minimum of $4.95 and *maximum of $9.95*. + +Interactive Brokers: +(Tiered pricing assuming I'm trading less than 300,000 per month) +US Stocks: $0.0035 USD per share with a minimum of $0.35 and *maximum of 1% of trade value* +Canadian stocks: $0.008 per share with a minimum of $1 and *maximum of 0.5% of trade value* + +Examples: + +1) Canadian stock: 2500 shares, $1.06/share + +Questrade commission: $9.95 + +IB comission: $13.25 + +2) Canadian stock: 10,000 shares, $0.50/share + +Questrade commission: $9.95 + +IB comission: $25 + +3) US Stock: 330 shares, $17/share + +Questrade comissions: $4.95 + +IB comission: $1.16 USD + +4) US Stock: 10,000 shares, $ 8/share + +Questrade comissions: $9.95 + +IB Comissions: $35 USD + +5) US Stock: 800 shares, $30 /share + +Questrade comissions: $8 + +IB comission: $2.28 USD + +6) ETFs + +Questrade comissions: Free to buy + +IB comission: Not free + +So it seems if you want to buy more than 2900 of US stocks or more than 1250 of Canadian stocks for a trade or any ETFs, Questrade is a lot cheaper. + +ALSO, Questrade's advanced market data packages are rebatable, and you get better prices if you get them. Not sure about Interactive Broker's data packages. + +I may not be interpreting their fee structures clearly. + +Can anyone explain why IB is considered a lot cheaper? +Here is a sample from this post: + +[TRTWorld published an interview with Sunny Lu from London Blockchain week. Video of the interview to be broadcast to over 190 countries. Massive! +](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/7t4zkn/trtworld_published_an_interview_with_sunny_lu/) + +Look at the age of the accounts highlighted in red: +https://imgur.com/a/kBcT9 + +Now, some of the highlighted accounts are a couple months old, which makes me skeptical, but they could be legit. However, many are just DAYS old. + +As a Ven holder, this is very concerning to me. I first got into Ven after seeing a bunch of quality posts explaining the technology and use case. I think many investors look into a coin's community before investing. Any of them seeing these fake accounts would trigger a red flag. + +VeChain may very well be a great project, and have nothing to do with this....but they're appearing on their social media channels, and its a really bad look IMO. All that hype, all those posts, all those redditors in agreement....might be complete bullshit. +As most of you already knew by now, banks are increasingly hostile towards cryptocurrencies and investors of cryptocurrencies. Not only do they want to control our money, but they want to control how we spend our money and prevent us from spending our money. It is not really your money if someone has that kind of power and control over your own money. + +Here's my suggestion. Let's keep everyone aware who these hostile actors are so we can move away from them. We don't have to use their services anymore. Let them be left behind just like Friendster or Kodak was. I believe in adapt or die, because if they don't want our money, someone else will gladly welcome them. And if these hostile folks want to be left behind and become obselete, so be it. Let's move our money to somewhere else where our money is welcome. + +If you have better suggestions on how we can act against these hostile actors, please feel free to share. + +After about 6 months of vigorous back-testing i think I've finally found a strategy that works. I used my strategy on a demo account for the past month and have about a 75% win rate. All i can say is that i'm extremely excited but I'm also cautious since i know the markets are constantly changing. So with that I'll have to constantly tweak and adjust my strategy to the ever changing markets. + + It is strictly a trend trading strategy looking at a 15 minute chart but my trading strategy is looking at a 1 hour chart. With this i can time my entries with some good accuracy. Enough of my rambling i guess i just get excited and i have to share. Anyway, safe trading all!!! +I've noticed a few posts over the last day or so refer to GME being 'their hill to die on'. Whilst this sounds like it's positive, that we're banding together for a common cause perhaps, it also sounds like a last stand. A desperate last ditch attempt. Surrounded by enemies we fight to the last breath. + + +Bro. We are winning. We aren't going to die on a hill. We HODL and we DRS and we enjoy our lives safe in the knowledge that somewhere out in the distance, lies a hill that all of the SHFs are saying their final goodbyes. +Just wanted to give a shout-out to my professor today (teaching a 500 level CS course) who took the first few minutes out of lecture to talk about FIRE. Someone had asked her a tuition related question right before class was supposed to start and she kind of rolled it into a 5-7 minute lesson about the basics of FIRE. + +I thought it was super cool of them to share that since A) they certainly had no obligation to give up class time to talk about it and B) a lot of young folks in there are about to graduate and could really benefit in the long run if they start to apply FIRE related principles straight out of college. + +Edit: thought this sub would find this experience to be an interesting read, my apologies if I wasted your time + +Edit 2: Some of the key points touched on in the lesson for those interested: + + +* What is passive income and what are some methodologies you can use to attain passive income (side projects and the like) +* Invest in yourself, especially at this age and you will thank yourself down the road. A couple of specifics she mentioned were books and online courses. Along the same line she also said that applicable knowledge is super important to being able to get hired out of college, as in pay attention and get something for your money rather than just showing up for the sole purpose of working towards a diploma. +* Consider the marginal happiness acquired when buying "stuff"; as in, there is decreased return in happiness the more things you buy (generally speaking). Buy only the things that truly make you happy and save where you can. +* Take your future self into consideration when molding your financial style but don't to it to the extent that it ruins your present happiness. +My fiancée signed a contract where it was explicitly written that she be paid 8k. Everything went smoothly and she was paid without an issue, however, our question now is how will this impact her taxes come next year? Will she get smacked and owe a bunch? The only way her or I have been paid in the past was formally and comes along with a W2 and all that jazz. +I had a consultation with a Financial advisor my friend recommend. I am 30 year old single female, I make 53k a year. Have about 13k in savings + +He told me that he thinks 401k isn’t really a good investment and I should stop contributing for a couple years and move my money else where for my goal of buying a home in 3 years. He mentioned moving my savings into an account they can monitor & also talked about permanent life insurance? He also talked about getting a million dollar umbrella on my car insurance policy ( even though he doesn’t sell it ) + +I kinda got thrown off on permanent life insurance. He wants me to come back in 2 weeks to go over the best options for me. I think I will go back just to hear what he has to say and offer ? If I decide not to move forward with him he has my pay stubs and 401k info should I ask to have those documents back? +Recently had a family member pass away and my daughter is set to receive anywhere between 15-20k. I wanted to invest this money into an account for when she turns 18 years old that she will have a head start in life. + +I grew up in a family that did enough to make it but never got investment idea’s or any money gifted to me to have a solid plan for her future. + +Could someone point me into the direction for her benefit in 17 years? + +Thank you for any advice. It’s appreciated. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/27/cdc-to-reverse-indoor-mask-policy-to-recommend-them-for-fully-vaccinated-people-in-covid-hot-spots.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/27/cdc-to-reverse-indoor-mask-policy-to-recommend-them-for-fully-vaccinated-people-in-covid-hot-spots.html) + +&#x200B; + +Ah shit here we go again + +&#x200B; + +Thoughts on how this is going to affect markets? Last week the market shrugged off fears of the Delta variant +So, in typical ape fashion I have loved the memes clowning this batshit shill company and their lame attempt against our beloved. + +In their vain attempt to ridicule and demoralise investors with a frivolous lawsuit, they unknowingly put their neck on the block. + +Since RCs tweet, I've seen memes, yes, but also the digging has begun. + +Imagine 125 THOUSAND activist investors running their own form of discovery on these futtbucks for GameStop's legal team. + +SupoorStonk is now out here doing what it does best, and has always set to from the start. Active, crowdsourced, passionate due diligence. + +Fuck me sideways! I love this company and I love all you apes. Let's dig some hedgie graves! + +Cheers! +I don't know how many people here have a long record of consistently beating just buying and holding SPY, but I have seen several posts over time where that claim has been made. + +Definitely not looking to spark a debate about whether or not they're telling the truth or how likely that is to continue, but I *am* curious to know how those same people would have done simply buying & holding whatever underlying(s) they've been trading to have that past success. I mean, if you disregard an unnatural streak of dumb luck, then selecting high-quality tickers to trade is probably going to be one of the most (if not *the* most) important requirements for succeeding. + +So... if you've got a talent for picking good companies, would you have been better off just buying shares (with or without leverage) and selling for income as needed? Or, has selling premium actually generated consistent alpha for you? +I know mods don't like talk of alt-coins or eth-based coins in this subreddit, but it's got locked liquidity and built-in whale dumping benefits - as in ALL holders get 1% when anybody dumps it. + + +I've gotten 8 million more HOGE in the past 60 hours from my initial buy. And we're sitting near another ATH right now. Once it gets listed on Blockfolio that is going to double the ATH, and CoinGecko will double that. + +Get in early, still less than 1000 holders. This will be a repeat of MCDC, SHIB, etc - as in it will moon - but long-term it may pull a DOGE eventually but since it's decentralized it will actually scale and will be wrapped ETH unlike DOGE. Get in now before you FOMO in next week. + +EDIT FOR ANTI-FUDLERS: + +HOGE website: https://hoge.finance + +You can view the HOGE transactions here: https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607?a=0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960 + +and you can see here the amount that was burned three days ago to lock the liquidity: https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607?a=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead + +Confirmed liquidity lock here: https://unicrypt.network/pair/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960 + +Track the price going up here: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960 + +TO BUY: click Trade on DexTools or go to UNIswap (https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607) (i'm linking the HOGE/ETH pairswap) - link your Coinbase or MetaMask, and swap ETH for HOGE. Increase "Slippage" to 2.5% or 5% to account for price fluctuations while buying. When you're ready to get out, swap back to ETH. Prepare to pay some gas fees, as ETH is pumping right now thanks to Elon. You can time gas fees here: https://etherscan.io/gastracker + +TO SEE USD VALUE: On Uniswap, change pair to USDT in place of ETH. There you can see the value of your HOGE in USD (Well, Tether, but it's 1:1) and remember to keep hitting the MAX button on Uniswap every few minutes to add your 1% gains from people selling. +I fucked up. + +I see a lot of posts about medical costs on here and I just want this story to serve as a reminder to all medical related issues: if you ignore it now, it will cost you later. This happened to my teeth, aka my 'optional bones' according my insurer. I had to get a root canal done because it got infected. I had a very slight lingering pain but 4 days later it hadn't gone away. I was concerned enough to see a dentist asap, and they confirmed a hole in my tooth was heavily infected and a root canal was needed asap. I asked for a quote first. The dentist happily ran the numbers: $250 plus $25 copay. I would also need antibiotics. I decided to put it on my credit card and pay it off with the next paycheck because I didn't want to delay it; infections are serious. Don't fuck with them. I once ignored a fever for a few hours and wound up in the ICU for 6 days. + +So I got the root canal done and quite a significant amount of tooth had to be sheered off. It wasn't a fun recovery, but the antibiotics cleared it up and after the swelling went down, I now had a functional - though slightly stubby and short - tooth left over. + +I was told I would need a crown too, to make up for the missing tooth mass, and because they had really drilled deep in there: teeth aren't so strong when they're hollowed out. I asked her to run the numbers again. This time, my insurer denied it. I would be paying 100% out of pocket because I had hit my cap for THE WHOLE YEAR. It would cost $2000. I said no. The tooth had recovered well and I would be losing about 5 months worth of savings for something my insurer declared was purely cosmetic. The dentist warned me against opting out, but I said I'd have to come back later when I can afford it. Honestly, I was willing to wait until January 1st for my insurance to roll over, since it would cut the cost of any work down by half. + +Today, two months after my root canal, I was enjoying some slightly refrigerated chocolate and heard a "crunch". I spat out what I was chewing on and searched the mess for what I initially thought was a giant grain of salt. Nope, it was a full one-quarter of my damaged tooth. I washed my mouth out and see the gap that's now glaring at me in the mirror. + +The cost of restoration + sealant + moulding + crown + x-rays + whatever, it's going to be far more than if I had just sucked it up in the beginning. Emergency savings are meant for emergencies, but I was convinced by my lack of insurance coverage that a crown was purely optional, just restoring the cosmetic shape of my original tooth. I also assumed the dentist was just trying to con more money out of me with unnecessary add-ons. Welp, I was wrong. And now I feel bad too because my dentist is absolutely lovely and I've just been mentally tainted by the whole US health system (as an Aussie). + +It would honestly be cheaper to fly home and get dental work done, and I am returning to Aus in August, but I am not fucking with this again. I found a teaching dental school in my city that quoted me about 800-1200 for a single tooth of work. It's still such an enormous chunk of my savings but I told them fuck yeah get me in asap. I'm not making this dumb mistake again. + +Don't ignore small medical issues, they snowball into big medical problems very quickly. +My wife is graduating this Spring and just landed a job to the tune of 80+k. I still have two years until I graduate and we are both comfortable with our current frugal circumstances. Neither of us have any debt and with our small income from student work, research, and internships we could make it through the next year or more without using any of her income. + +&#x200B; + +Essentially, we will be jumping from 20k to 100k a year. Neither of us have ever experienced money like this. We want to increase our credit and put our money where it will grow. We are trying to plan out the next 4-5 years. What sort of plans would you make, what investments should we look into and what things might we not be aware that come with having a large income increase? + +Edit: Thanks for the great thoughts. So get the 401k match, max both IRAs, and then finish the 401k with a 3-6 month emergent fund seems like the ideal. +With what remains, how can we prepare for big purchases (house) and starting a family in the next 3-5 years. What options are there to provide a good return over the next 5-25 years? I’d like those funds to work for our family, not just our retirement. +The RBA expects inflation to peak at 8% in December, 2022, and then spontaneously and rapidly disappear over the course of 2023. Does anyone think this has a remote possibility of occurring, given our current inflation rate trajectory and how stubborn European and American inflation has been with 50-75 bps rate hikes? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zfjix05y0l1a1.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5404427c653c4b5be8546ae765d984ca9c250bf +Salutations, APEs and APETTES. My pu chased my computer's hare and I took it as a sign. + +I aggregated the last 24hours (as of 5pm central) of posts on Reddit from Apes who made ComputerShare purchases today and shared screenshots of it. + +# $508,342.55! + +I am absolutely astounded by you apes! + +&#x200B; + +|Value|u/|Post| +|:-|:-|:-| +|$800|Party\_pantz|<redacted>| +|$400|GP2628|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps5cui/xx\_also\_being\_transferred\_hedgies\_r\_fuk/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps5cui/xx_also_being_transferred_hedgies_r_fuk/)| +|$600|amerging210|<redacted>| +|$450|ummwut|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psehzs/fuck\_it\_lets\_rebuy\_the\_float\_whos\_with\_me/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psehzs/fuck_it_lets_rebuy_the_float_whos_with_me/)| +|$100|borked1|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psh3lq/i\_did\_the\_thing\_too\_albeit\_a\_small\_thing\_updoots/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psh3lq/i_did_the_thing_too_albeit_a_small_thing_updoots/)| +|$1000|bsw000|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pshtpt/lfg/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pshtpt/lfg/)| +|$19,600|Tiaina55|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psi6gr/drs/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psi6gr/drs/)| +|$200|AppropriateWorry4389|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psiczi/i\_thought\_i\_wouldnt\_be\_buying\_anymore\_shares\_for/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psiczi/i_thought_i_wouldnt_be_buying_anymore_shares_for/)| +|$204.52|mattro380|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psihju/cs\_settlement\_date\_is\_so\_close\_i\_can\_taste\_it/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psihju/cs_settlement_date_is_so_close_i_can_taste_it/)| +|$1750|KokoJumboMoonUnit|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjn1n/this\_is\_the\_end\_of\_summer\_sale\_at\_computershare/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjn1n/this_is_the_end_of_summer_sale_at_computershare/)| +|$500|transalexa|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjnnj/hopefully\_i\_can\_catch\_some\_of\_this\_tasty\_dip\_more/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjnnj/hopefully_i_can_catch_some_of_this_tasty_dip_more/)| +|$4200.69|m4ttyn1ce|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjoq2/i\_like\_the\_computershare/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psjoq2/i_like_the_computershare/)| +|$200|tmc\_void|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskb5v/its\_not\_much\_but\_its\_honest\_work\_just\_finished/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskb5v/its_not_much_but_its_honest_work_just_finished/)| +|$5000|baadermeinh0f|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskpvr/computershare\_puchase\_yes\_its\_misspelled\_and/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskpvr/computershare_puchase_yes_its_misspelled_and/)| +|$192.34|rgonz171|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskv6h/cs\_missed\_the\_dip/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskv6h/cs_missed_the_dip/)| +|$200|TheFrontierDM|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskxr7/cant\_call\_myself\_an\_ape\_and\_not\_have\_at\_least\_one/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pskxr7/cant_call_myself_an_ape_and_not_have_at_least_one/)| +|$3000|lampingninja|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psl1uh/hey\_hedgies\_am\_i\_doing\_this\_right\_ook\_ook/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psl1uh/hey_hedgies_am_i_doing_this_right_ook_ook/)| +|$10,000|ajquick|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslg1i/hoping\_the\_stars\_align\_for\_this\_one/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslg1i/hoping_the_stars_align_for_this_one/)| +|$210|elevenatexi|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslhwp/brick\_by\_brick/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslhwp/brick_by_brick/)| +|$1075|\_chareth-cutestory|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslre0/obligatory\_screenshot\_also\_transferring\_shares/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pslre0/obligatory_screenshot_also_transferring_shares/)| +|$1000|Climatedenier69|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psmle0/after\_9\_months\_of\_247\_engagement\_with\_a\_self/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psmle0/after_9_months_of_247_engagement_with_a_self/)| +|$585|bluestar4u|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psmu8y/on\_legendary/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psmu8y/on_legendary/)| +|$420|GrandpaMillenial|<redacted>| +|$2000|Readyman2627|[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps7em3/you\_crazy\_apes\_bought\_how\_much\_the\_last\_24\_hours/hdo23z5?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps7em3/you_crazy_apes_bought_how_much_the_last_24_hours/hdo23z5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)| +|$1000|rmrthe5thofnov|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psnq2k/i\_saw\_lumbergh\_say\_he\_wants\_more\_drs\_porn/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psnq2k/i_saw_lumbergh_say_he_wants_more_drs_porn/)| +|$250,000|yuridak|[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps786k/when\_the\_onlyfans\_check\_comes\_thru\_lfg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps786k/when_the_onlyfans_check_comes_thru_lfg/)| +|$170,000|LichK1ng|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pspopl/just\_bought\_xxx\_share\_of\_gme\_thank\_you\_pops/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pspopl/just_bought_xxx_share_of_gme_thank_you_pops/)| +|$5000|tjp1234|<redacted>| +|$1000|Cantdrownafish|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psq488/i\_want\_to\_be\_part\_of\_the\_club\_so\_i\_moved\_some/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psq488/i_want_to_be_part_of_the_club_so_i_moved_some/)| +|$1000|BallOfAwesome|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqi1d/direct\_registerrrrrrrrr/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqi1d/direct_registerrrrrrrrr/)| +|$200|VisualThinker94|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqp00/fine\_ill\_do\_it\_too\_what\_happens\_if\_the\_stock/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqp00/fine_ill_do_it_too_what_happens_if_the_stock/)| +|$1000|JDr1ft|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqxdo/finally\_got\_my\_first\_cs\_purchase\_completed\_will/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psqxdo/finally_got_my_first_cs_purchase_completed_will/)| +|$1000|Insahnitee|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psr8qj/every\_share\_counts/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psr8qj/every_share_counts/)| +|$4000|jimeskeetit|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psr9kh/computershare\_purchase\_price\_doesnt](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psr9kh/computershare_purchase_price_doesnt)\_| +|$250|DiamondSeeker2020|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psre3c/my\_first\_computershare\_purchase\_settles\_tomorrow/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psre3c/my_first_computershare_purchase_settles_tomorrow/)| +|$205|MustachioDeFisticufs|[https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psrwly/thanks\_for\_the\_7\_off\_sale\_hedgies\_thatll\_make\_a/](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/psrwly/thanks_for_the_7_off_sale_hedgies_thatll_make_a/)| +|$20,000|tomsrobots|[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps3c5i/brick\_by\_brick/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps3c5i/brick_by_brick/)| + +&#x200B; + +Previous posts: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps7em3/you\_crazy\_apes\_bought\_how\_much\_the\_last\_24\_hours/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ps7em3/you_crazy_apes_bought_how_much_the_last_24_hours/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prim29/i\_compiled\_the\_last\_24\_hours\_of\_computershare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prim29/i_compiled_the_last_24_hours_of_computershare/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pqzfd8/i\_compiled\_the\_last\_24\_hours\_of\_cs\_posts\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pqzfd8/i_compiled_the_last_24_hours_of_cs_posts_for/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pqdwt3/i\_compiled\_the\_last\_24\_hours\_of\_cs\_posts\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pqdwt3/i_compiled_the_last_24_hours_of_cs_posts_for/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pppkaq/i\_compiled\_the\_last\_24\_hours\_of\_cs\_posts\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pppkaq/i_compiled_the_last_24_hours_of_cs_posts_for/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp5g5o/i\_compiled\_the\_last\_12\_hours\_of\_cs\_posts\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pp5g5o/i_compiled_the_last_12_hours_of_cs_posts_for/) + +DISCLAIMER: + +I am NOT encouraging anyone to post their purchases publicly. I personally have not posted mine, b/c people I know also know who I am on reddit. + +BUY HOLD DRS + +We are the catalyst. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 1: Lots of questions about transferred shares. This post is **ONLY** purchases of **NEW** shares through ComputerShare. These numbers don't even account for all the transfers you all are initiating, and don't account for the fact that only a small percentage of Apes share! WE ARE THE CATALYST! +New video on ESG: + +> A changing climate creates physical risk potentially affecting businesses, communities and the economy. Changing weather patterns, and previously habitable areas becoming uninhabitable due to temperature or flooding are examples of the physical risks of climate change. The transitional risk of climate change arises from the response of consumers and governments to climate change. The possibility that consumers will demand a lower carbon impact from products and services, and that governments will introduce regulations or taxes designed to reduce emissions, creates meaningful uncertainty for businesses. +> +> [Papers] Referenced in this video: +> +> […] + +* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpU0UJou-7Q + +See also *Rational Reminder* podcast episode where it was originally discussed (the above is a summary): + +* https://rationalreminder.ca/podcast/156 +* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=750PC7fRCc8 + + + BMO raised the cash it needs to pay for its proposed $20.5-billion acquisition of Bank of the West on Tuesday by selling $2.7-billion of stock. + +BMO staged one of the largest bought deals ever done in Canadian markets, issuing 18.125 million shares at $149 each to a syndicate of investment banks late Tuesday. In this type of financing, investment banks purchase shares from a company such as BMO at a set price and take the risk that they can then sell the stock to investors. + +The equity offering came after BMO’s share price rose by 17 per cent since late December, when the bank announced a friendly takeover of San Francisco-based Bank of the West and its 500-branch network. + +Bank of the West is currently owned by French giant BNP Paribas, which is selling the division to focus on expansion in Europe. The takeover is expected to close by the end of the year. + +BMO is funding the bulk of the planned acquisition – the largest takeover of a U.S. bank by a Canadian buyer – with excess capital on its own balance sheet and Bank of the West’s. When it announced the transaction in December, Toronto-based BMO said it would raise $2.7-billion from a stock sale to pay the remainder of the purchase at some point this year + +Early this month, analysts asked BMO chief executive officer Darryl White about the timing of the equity offering during a conference call. Mr. White said: “We have had investors express some interest and say to us that they’re there when we’re ready. So we’ll just take it all into consideration, and we’ll pick the time that we think is best for our shareholders.” + + +**DISCLAIMER:** *I am not a financial advisor, and I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. Where possible, I do cite sources but it is also possible that these sources are publishing incorrect information.* + +*Everything I am highlighting here is asking questions about publically available information and not an accusation of any wrongdoing of any parties mentioned.* + +**POLITICAL DISCLAIMER:** *This post does contain references to politics. In saying that, I am not from the US, I don't follow US politics (Except when it relates to the Market). I'm Irish and barely follow our politics.* + +*The only reason politics is referenced here is that the BILLIONAIRE BOYS use politics as a tool to rally support behind their agendas. More often than not, this is done for financial gain.* + +*This happens on both sides though, and the issues discussed in this post have come from both sides, so try not to get butt-hurt if I mention someone you support/don't support and instead try to look at the facts of what is being referenced and the implications it has on the market.* + +**Also... I'm not financially trained, so feel free to correct me if I miss something or get something wrong!!** + +# BBC NAVIGATION + +[BBC Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkzi5/is_this_the_final_boss_john_petry_and_ken_griffin/) **IS THIS THE FINAL BOSS?** + +[BBC Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzrtsq/billionaires_boys_club_part_2_the_inner_circle/) **The Inner Circle** + +[BBC Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires_boys_club_part_3_the_big_boys_i_just/) **THE BIG BOYS** + +[BBC Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0isaz/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_4_recess_is_over/) **Recess is over... You didn't think BILL GATES was involved did you?** + +[BBC Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o16cbm/billionaires_boys_club_part_5_the_foundational/) **The Foundational Strategy** + +[BBC Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oa8ynd/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_6_smile_for_the/) **SMILE FOR THE CAMERA KENNY...** + +[BBC Part 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oox1sn/the_billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_what_daf/) **What DAF fuck is this???** + +[BBC Part 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ope0w3/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_the_chips_are/) **The chips are stacked against us... ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.** + +[BBC Part 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opp09p/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_errr_9_steve/) **Steve Cohen... So HOT right now...** + +[BBC Part 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1ofgr/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_10_allinclusive/) **All-Inclusive Vacation of a Lifetime... to the CAYMANS! -- PART 1** + +[BBC Part 10.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3a79x/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_102_cayman_island/) **Cayman Island Getaway - How to hide money from the FBI + Brazilgate!** + +[BBC Part 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p7nl7y/billionaire_boys_clib_episode_11_bbc_billionaire/) **BILLIONAIRE BANK LOANS - Buy Borrow Die** + +[BBC Part 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcp37f/billionaire_boys_club_part_12_bbc_please_prove_me/) **Kenny's WARCHEST - SPECIALIZED PURPOSE ENTITY (SPE) + Leverage** + +[BBC Part 13.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pv9yon/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_1_do/) **Do you Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?** + +[BBC Part 13.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvr3gg/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_2_the/) **Steve Cohen's TRUE form revealed** + +[BBC Part 13.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/px80o7/vlad_lied_too_is_this_proof_and_proof_that/) **Vlad Lied too - Proof that Citadel Knew** + +[BBC Part 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qicm2m/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_14_pop_quiz_whats/) **POP QUIZ - What's Safer than a Bank & The Most Efficient Way to Avoid Paying Taxes? (Onshore)** + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**THIS IS GME RELATED** + +Shameless PLUG: Follow me on Twitter for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The Deregulation Agenda + +We’ve all seen the Movie The Big Short by now. (Some of us, an unhealthy number of times) + +There are whole sections of that movie I can probably quote line for line! + +We all know about CDO’s, Mortgage Bonds, we all know about CDO default rates, Credit Ratings agencies, we all know about Credit Defaults Swaps, CDOs of CDOs, Synthetic CDOs, and we definitely all know about Tit Jacking! + +But there’s one point that is not discussed in the movie, and rarely discussed at all actually… + +Yet it’s at the CORE of the 2008 crisis, it was the MAIN outcome of the 2008 crisis (Aside from Bailouts), it has been the MAIN agenda of many of the BIG BOYS since the 2008 crisis… and guess what… it’s at the CORE of what we are facing right now too! + +And in Fact... at the CORE of many financial crashes and crises globally since the 70s! + +What might that be I hear you ask? + +Well if you read the title (Looking at you u/MadJesse ;)... you’ve probably guessed it? + +Deregulation! + +**WHY?** + +Because deregulation, whatever GUISE it falls under, allows for things like CDOs, Naked Shorting, Risk-Taking, Corruption, Crime, and a whole heap of financial sleight of hand to go unchecked until greed creates a shit storm that we all end up paying the consequences for, while those that created the shit storm get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again! + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +>*The… the Current Business Climate we are seeing across the country is strong. What we’re seeing though is a divergence between the Blue and Red States that I don’t think was anticipated over the course of the last tax reform. We’re seeing the Blue States continue to embrace ever increasing amounts of regulation, ever more challenging tax policies, and a set of programs and decisions that are just financially unsustainable.* +> +>*And so I live in Chicago, which is 1 of the great cities in the world. And yet we’ve seen more college educated people leave Cook County which is where Chicago is, than any other county in the United States.* +> +>*And they’re fleeing from... corruption, a state that can’t put it’s fiscal house in order. And with those 2 dynamics, comes crime and comes a scarcity of opportunity.* +> +>*So… for the country as a whole, we are in the longest recovery post World War 2. But within our country we are really seeing an ever increasing sharp division between the states that are pursuing policies that create opportunity, that educate children, that allow people to have great careers, and states that continue to embrace failed policies that result in corruption, in cronyism, and crime that are devastating to cities like Chicago.* ***\*Shakes head in shame*** + +**Ken Griffin - 2019 Milken Institute Conference** + +This opening statement comes right after comparing the failure of Socialism through the fall of the USSR, and the Economic Collapse of Venezuela with Capitalism, and using a **Margaret Thatcher** speech to state that the only way a Capitalist Society can exist is through Economic and Political Freedom. + +**So BASICALLY…** if you don’t allow Hedge Funds their freedom from Regulation, you are essentially a Socialist going against the basic American right to Freedom, endorsing a corrupt government, skyrocketing crime rates, likely going to collapse the country… oh ya, and don’t believe in Educating Children. + +**That about right Kenny?** + +You see before the eyes of a million apes were on him… Ken felt unstoppable. He had risen through the ashes of the 2008 collapse, and ended up on top. In his eyes, he WAS the American Stock market. + +So his agenda then was pretty clear and he had no issue in blatantly pushing it. And that was to deregulate the financial markets by whatever means necessary. + +**I wonder why?** + +Source (First 5 mins) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDDDRfZ0I0&ab\_channel=Citadel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDDDRfZ0I0&ab_channel=Citadel) + +I'm ALREADY annoyed... FUCKING PUPPY BREAK! + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Awww.... look at you in your little raincoat!! Is that keeping you nice and dry?? Good boy! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fkr16ys7gb581.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=300ecdf0108580eca83f97dc0ff2215db46f2bd9 + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BUT… before we jump into Kenny’s Agenda a bit deeper… let’s take a step back in time first shall we? + +It started in 1999, when the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. + +The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms. They **PROMISED** to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers. + +The following year, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act exempted credit default swaps and other derivatives from regulations. This federal legislation overruled the state laws that had formerly prohibited this form of gambling. It SPECIFICALLY exempted trading in **ENERGY** derivatives. + +Who wrote and advocated for the passage of both bills? + +Texas Senator Phil Gramm, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. He listened to lobbyists from the **ENERGY** company Enron. + +Senator Gramm's wife… who had formerly held the post of Chairwoman of the Commodities Future Trading Commission, was an Enron Board Member. + +Enron was a major contributor to Senator Gramm’s campaigns. + +Alan Greenspan and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers also lobbied for the bill’s passage. + +Enron wanted to engage in derivatives trading using its online futures exchanges. Enron argued that foreign derivatives exchanges were giving overseas firms an unfair competitive advantage. + +**Source:** [https://www.thebalance.com/what-caused-2008-global-financial-crisis-3306176](https://www.thebalance.com/what-caused-2008-global-financial-crisis-3306176) + +**References:** + +**Impact of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act:** [https://news.uark.edu/articles/10167/impact-of-the-gramm-leach-bliley-act](https://news.uark.edu/articles/10167/impact-of-the-gramm-leach-bliley-act) + +**Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000** + +[https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/house-bill/5660](https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/house-bill/5660) + +**GRAMM CALLS COMMODITY FUTURES MODERNIZATION ACT 'A MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE 106TH CONGRESS'** + +[https://www.banking.senate.gov/themes/banking/press\_archive/prel00/1215cofu.htm](https://www.banking.senate.gov/themes/banking/press_archive/prel00/1215cofu.htm) + +**Gramm and the ‘Enron Loophole’** + +[https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/business/17grammside.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/business/17grammside.html) + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ON TOP OF THIS, In 2004, the SEC made a change to legislation titled: + +**Alternative Net Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers That Are Part of Consolidated Supervised Entities; Supervised Investment Bank Holding Companies; Final Rules** + +Source: [https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-49830.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-49830.pdf) + +This change, at the time, was WIDELY cited as one of the biggest contributing factors to the 2008 crisis. + +The change essentially allowed Banks to double the leverage of their risky derivative trading. + +***And while this most definitely fueled the 2008 crisis, none of it would have happened, (Or at least nowhere near the levels it did reach) if years of DEREGULATION hadn’t preceded it.*** + +Now where this gets messy, is in terms of the narrative. + +By MANY this is seen as deregulation. + +But by the SEC and MSM, this narrative has since been spun into this actually being additional regulatory restrictions as it brought the biggest investment banks under the supervision of the SEC for the first time. + +Source: [https://www.cnbc.com/id/46808453](https://www.cnbc.com/id/46808453) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**ELI5:** Banks could now use their customer’s mortgages and deposits, to trade Derivatives through Hedge funds while leveraging their assets and do so without assuming any risk due to government insurance. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +PUPPY BREAK!!! + +Where is he... where is he? I can't find MAX! Ahhh... there he is! You were hiding weren't you? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5vrzv6hngb581.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=38dc68d3e4393699a0bcd9b84d628be165023ae6 + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +REGARDLESS of what angle you wish to view this from… these regulation changes are what started banks off. + +Once banks realised that they could use their customer’s mortgages, insured by the government, to make themselves a shit ton (Financial Term) of revenue through leveraged hedge fund trading of derivatives… what did they do? + +They began looking for **MORE AND MORE** mortgages to fund the profitable sale of these derivatives. + +They created interest-only loans that became affordable to subprime borrowers and… well you know the rest from the movie. + +Housing prices started falling in 2007 as supply outpaced demand, which trapped homeowners who couldn’t afford the payments but couldn’t sell their houses. And when the values of the derivatives crumbled and banks stopped lending to each other… JENGA. + +**THE CORE:** Some **BILLIONAIRE BOYS** got together with some Politicians despite the clear conflict of interests, to bring in new laws that allowed the **BILLIONAIRE BOYS** to get even richer, with no regard for the impact it would have on everyone else. And the government provided a safety net in case anything went wrong! This gave way to the underlying problems that greed amplified and thus caused the 2008 Housing Crisis. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +What about other Market Crashes? + +# DOTCOM BUBBLE + +Well according to this Stanford law paper titled **DEREGULATION REDUX**, the DotCom Bubble was preceded by a slew of deregulation initiatives including: + +>*Congress authorized nationwide banking with the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act. This let bank holding companies acquire banks in every state, and removed most restrictions on opening branches in more than one state. It preempted any state law that restricted the ability of out-of-state banks to compete within the state’s borders.* + +This gave way to the rapid growth of banks which were becoming more and more like investment banks with increased activity in securitization right around the time of the rising tech stock mania. + +Source: [https://fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/cdn\_media/fcic-reports/fcic\_final\_report\_chapter4.pdf](https://fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/cdn_media/fcic-reports/fcic_final_report_chapter4.pdf) + +# MARGARET THATCHER’S BIG BANG + +Prior to the Big Bang, the financial institutions that once dominated the city of London could not compete with foreign banking. Though still a global finance center, it had already been beaten by New York where deregulation was already well underway. + +The Big Bang refers to the day the stock market was deregulated in London, England. The event, in which the London Stock Exchange (LSE) became a private limited company, took place on October 27, 1986. It revitalized the LSE, allowing external corporations to enter its member firms, and an automated price quotation was established. + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bigbang.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bigbang.asp) + +This gave way to widespread deregulation of many global markets, including Australia and New Zealand, which all helped fuel **BLACK MONDAY** the following year. + +In addition, it gave way to the modern-day investment bank, which switched from a client-based industry to a transaction-based one, as American firms rushed to buy up property in London due to the lax regulation policies. + +Many argue that this was the start of widespread deregulation and **the consequences of which even fed into the 2008 Housing Market Crisis.** + +**Sources:** + +[https://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/oct/09/big-bang-1986-city-deregulation-boom-bust](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/oct/09/big-bang-1986-city-deregulation-boom-bust) + +[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37751599](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37751599) + +**FITTING** then that Milken and Kenny use **Margaret Thatcher** to further their agenda of Deregulation. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +In reality though… deregulation started much earlier than Thatcher's initiative, and in more industries than just the Financial Industry. + +For the Financial Industry in the US, this started as early as 1980 with the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control act. + +And other market crashes are cited as being caused by deregulation too including: + +**The Savings and Loan Crisis:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings\_and\_loan\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings_and_loan_crisis) + +**Long-Term Capital Management Crisis:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-Term\_Capital\_Management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-Term_Capital_Management) + +The latter of which required a $4.6 billion bailout, which sent the signal to large “too Big to Fail” financial firms that they would not have to suffer the consequences of the great risks they were taking. Thus, the greater risk-taking allowed by deregulation and encouraged by the bailout paved the way for the financial crisis. + +**And a whole load of other Market Crises around the world.** + +**SOURCE** (And A LOT of additional reading) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +FUCKING PUPPY BREAK!!! + +Who's a happy puppy??? Yes YOU'RE a happy puppy! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ic0slqexgb581.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c4ff957a386421de6f44fa288a11e804880340 + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +>*At 100,000 feet, the move to reduce regulation in the United States I applaud. This is the single greatest lever they can pull to get our economy to go faster. I mean if you recall, I started my business when I was in the Dorm Room at Harvard.* ***\*\*Grins*** +> +>*$265,000 and I could launch a hedge fund in 1987. You can’t launch a hedge fund today with less than several hundred million dollars, given the high fixed-costs of compliance and other regulatory matters that you need to deal with.* +> +>*So that’s really discouraged new business formation in asset management. It’s just the burdens of regulation.* +> +>*Take this outside of asset management, The Energy Space, The Transportation Space, it’s EVERYWHERE in America. The weight of regulations reducing new business formation in America.* +> +>*And that is a tragedy.* +> +>*So the Administration’s Focus on reducing the regulatory burden, on the American who has a dream, I applaud that vision.* + +**Ken Griffin - 2017 Bloomberg Interview.** + +Source (7mins in) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WG00XcLFJs&t=908s&ab\_channel=BloombergQuicktake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WG00XcLFJs&t=908s&ab_channel=BloombergQuicktake) + +So Financial Regulation is destroying the American Dream? + +**Is that it Kenny?** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So what happened AFTER the 2008 crisis? + +Well, those in charge at the time realized what would happen if they let banks run wild through deregulation, so they began putting more and more regulations in place to prevent this from **EVER** happening again. + +**In comes MAJOR Financial Regulatory Reform.** + +The Biggest of which was the **Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.** + +The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation that was passed in 2010. (The largest financial reform since the 30s) + +The Dodd-Frank Act established a number of new government agencies tasked with overseeing the various components of the act and, by extension, various aspects of the financial system. + +These included: + +* The Financial Stability Oversight Council +* The Orderly Liquidation Authority +* The Federal Insurance Office +* The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. +* The SEC Office of Credit Ratings + +Each of these agencies were tasked with monitoring and regulating specific parts of the economy to ensure that something like 2008 never happened again. + +In addition to this, came the **Volcker Rule** which restricts the ways that banks can invest, limiting speculative trading and eliminating proprietary trading. Banks **were not allowed** to be involved with **Hedge Funds** or **Private Equity Firms**, which are considered **TOO RISKY**. + +This rule is widely seen as regressing back to the protections of the Stegall Act that had been **PREVIOUSLY DEREGULATED**, and which since 1933 recognized the inherent dangers of financial entities extending commercial and investment banking services at the same time. + +The act also contains a provision for regulating derivatives and greater disclosure of swaps, all in an attempt to stop financial institutions from taking **LARGE RISKS** that had the potential to destabilize the economy. + +On top of this, came the Whistleblower Act which encouraged whistleblowers to step forward and expose illegal financial activities, and offered 10% - 30% of the proceeds from litigation settlements. + +**ALL OF THIS…** was deemed **NECESSARY** because when unchecked, financial institutions proved again and again that greed will lead them to take **MORE AND MORE RISKS** which the general public end up having to pay the price for. + +Source: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dodd-frank-financial-regulatory-reform-bill.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dodd-frank-financial-regulatory-reform-bill.asp) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**THE CORE:** Financial Institutions can not be trusted, (Literally laws were REQUIRED because they can not be trusted) and seeing that collectively they essentially define the US economy and in turn a large portion of the Global Economy, and seeing as we can not TRUST these fuckers… we need to restrict their greed so they don’t bring us all down with them AGAIN! + +**Like fucking children - FUCK this pisses me off.** + +You’d think with their PRIVILEGED position in this world that they would show some appreciation or an ounce of responsibility??!! + +Even Spiderman knew that with great power comes great responsibility… yet with these guys, we actually have to place laws to keep them from fucking (And Snorting) the whole world?? + +A more detailed look at all of this for any apes looking to pack in a few more wrinkles can be found here: + +[https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2010/11/20/the-financial-panic-of-2008-and-financial-regulatory-reform/](https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2010/11/20/the-financial-panic-of-2008-and-financial-regulatory-reform/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So what happened next? + +>*We are absolutely DESTROYING these horrible regulations that have been placed on your heads over not 8 years, over the last 20 and 25 years. You have regulations that are horrendous.* +> +>*Dodd-Frank is an example of what we’re working on and we’re working on it right now. We’re going to be coming out with some very strong, far beyond recommendations, we’re going to be doing things that are going to be very good for the banking industry. So that the banks can loan money to people that need it.* +> +>*I speak to people all the time, they used to borrow money from banks to open up, there was one in Nevada, where to open up a pizza shop, he had 3 shops, he had a bank, and he said you know… at that time he called me Mr Tru mp, because I hadn’t won yet… but he said, Mr Tru mp, I can’t open up anything, I can’t do anything, the banks don’t even… I had a bank for 20 years, now they don’t even take my phone call and I was always a very good customer. So I haven’t been able to do what I do. They can’t do it.* +> +>*The banks got so restricted. And I’ve always said and some people get insulted, but you know, it’s not necessarily the man that’s making alot of money that’s running the bank.* +> +>*You look at the folks from government that are running all over the banks, they’re running the banks. The people that are really… you know… the head people, they’re petrified of the regulators. They’re petrified. They can’t move.* +> +>*The regulators are running the banks.* +> +>*So we’re going to do a very major haircut on Dodd-Frank. We want strong restrictions, we want strong regulation. But not regulation that makes it impossible for the banks to loan to people that are going to create jobs.* +> +>*But we’re doing… that’s just one example… we’re doing so many cuts on regulations and we have a book on regulations and if you add them all up, it goes up to the ceiling 3 times over.* + +**Don ald Tru mp - Speaking to American Business Leaders.** + +Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nKGsPDz4Y&ab\_channel=GoodMorningBritain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nKGsPDz4Y&ab_channel=GoodMorningBritain) + +So what you’re saying Mr Tru mp, is that the heads of Banks aren’t making enough money and they are afraid of the regulators… so you are going to go back to deregulation? + +**Is that Right Tru mp?** + +( **FACT CHECK**, in virtually every quarter since 2009, including throughout 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, the biggest banks have recorded or eclipsed record revenues, profits, and bonuses while at the same time increasing lending.) + +Source: [https://prospect.org/economy/trump-s-assault-financial-reform/](https://prospect.org/economy/trump-s-assault-financial-reform/) + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +24 May 2018, Donald Tru mp signs a bill that drastically reduces the power of the **Dodd-Frank Act**. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDbToV8n50&ab\_channel=CNBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDbToV8n50&ab_channel=CNBC) + +So ya… back to billionaires and politicians, and this time even a billionaire politician/president who all actively worked on deregulating the financial industry again. + +This time… in the name of creating jobs. + +***(No offence to anyone that supports Donald Tru mp and as I said, I’m not American, I do not follow your politics except when it relates to the Stock Market. But this is just factual. He did do this.)*** + +Now whatever your thoughts are regarding Tru mp, he was VERY effective at Deregulation. For his entire presidency, this was one of his main focuses across multiple industries. But the only one that’s relevant here, is his financial deregulations. + +So the **MAIN** result of this deregulation is that it allowed banks to get back to trading customer money in speculative derivatives and with hedge funds by removing the **Volcker Rule**. + +**BUT ONLY FOR SMALL BANKS…** + +Which Tru mp also increased the definition of, from banks with $50 billion AUM to $250 billion AUM. + +On top of this… subprime mortgages were back on the menu for banks with under $10 billion AUM and the SEC had been instructed to reduce reporting requirements in addition to a significant reduction in the number of enforcement acts it executed. + +And a whole heap of other changes all in favor of the poor Banks that weren't making enough money. WTF? + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +It's too much... it's TOO MUCH! NEED LOTS OF PUPPIES!!!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zmtzz3lrhb581.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dfd83dc932e180acce7ea14fe6a8fe6a5d08fc5 + +Ahh.... that's better... Look at that 1 yawning... awww... + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So back to Ken Griffin… + +Why would Kenny Boy be so keen to push for financial deregulation? + +You might think, it’s so that he can get away with pushing more Naked Shorting down the throat of the DTCC… + +Or… so that the SEC will be off his back with those pesky, slap on the wrist fines, they love to give out… + +Or maybe so he has less paperwork to do at the end of the evening? + +Or to make it easier for him to hide funds in the Cayman Islands? + +Well, it’s likely all of these… but there’s actually a more fundamental reason. + +You see, the **Dodd-Frank Act** prevented **BANKS** from working with **Hedge Funds**. + +**BOMB DROP…** 🤯 + +Yes, this means Kenny along with many other Hedge Funds primary client base INSTANTLY dried up when the **Dodd-Frank Act** was launched. + +So while you may think the Tru mp Deregulation of Dodd-Frank didn’t have much of an impact, it **ACTUALLY** opened up the books for hedgies to start acquiring banks as clients again!! + +Anyone with under $250 billion AUM could now push their customers’ money right on over to their favorite hedge fund again and begin risking it for their own profits… and delivering hedge funds billions in commissions. + +How did that affect Kenny’s bottom line? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/c5x1cv4k1b581.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=da60079ee54b7d047ab84ccf335d215c418e3b44 + +So ya… Tru mp Deregulates in 2018 - Citadel sees a massive surge in new Revenue. + +**Cohencidence?** + +So Kenny’s $46 million donated to the Republican Party in Tru mp’s first Election Cycle seemed to have been money well spent. + +Even though he states he never directly financed Tru mp. (Wouldn’t want a paper trail) + +Tru mp’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as **“pretty damn good.”** + +I bet they were Kenny… I bet they were. + +(Yes that’s just the first half of 2020) + +Source: [https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/ken-griffin-says-he-won-t-support-trump-for-president](https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/ken-griffin-says-he-won-t-support-trump-for-president) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# THE NARRATIVES + +**Capitalism** \- There is nothing wrong with Capitalism, and as an Entrepreneur myself it's something I do believe in. But Capitalism without restriction is just a recipe for disaster... ESPECIALLY when it comes to the Financial Industry. + +Using Capitalism as an excuse to deregulate the finance industry is Bolox. + +**Freedom -** Regulation does not mean anti-Freedom. And I get that at some levels, regulation may seem like it hampers growth. And there can be an argument for adjusting regulations in certain areas. + +But what applies to the bottom, does NOT apply to the top. Deregulations on companies with TRILLIONS in assets, who have proven again and again that they are willing to FUCK and SNORT the world... is dangerous. + +**Bank Loans** \- Deregulating banks because they can't loan money to the small guy without making money for themselves through speculative trading, is stupid. (Especially when they were doing record revenue and bank loans WHILE regulated) + +Banks' business model is creating revenue through interest rates on lending. Not gambling their customers money. + +**ANYTHING ELSE** \- Is all bullshit... There is no reason the Financial Industry should not be regulated. IMO at least. Every time they are they FUCK and SNORT the world... If you have a counter-argument, let me know? + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# SO WHY DOES THIS MATTER TO APES? + +Ok so this part is my opinion and a bit of speculation, but I do think it's important for EVERY ape to think about this. + +POST-MOASS we will be stepping foot in a new era. + +The biggest transfer of wealth will shift dynamics, most likely, like nothing any of us can imagine. + +You WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that the world learned its lesson after 2008. + +And while there was indeed some action taken in a positive direction, the entire financial and political systems fell right back into their previous path of deregulation followed by greed and chaos. + +**I HOPE WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS** + +If the market crashes as significantly as we all expect it too, I hope COLLECTIVELY that the world will learn this time and prevent further regression to this path. + +What will that look like? + +Decentralized Financial Systems through Loopring would be a good start? + +But it can't just stop there. IMO. + +A DeFi system would actually have even less regulation. And I think this post shows the outcome of a lack of regulation. + +So how can we address it? + +DeFi Yes + +But also... + +**Transparency, Simplification, and Education** + +**Transparency** \- By Making markets transparent through a decentralized entity, there is no hiding illegal/immoral actions. There will still likely be abuse of this system, but at least it will be policed by EVERYONE and those that do fuck with the system can be held accountable for their actions. + +**Simplification -** Finance and financial systems should not be a tool for only the rich. Complex Systems and Financial Instruments are made so that only those with the best education can understand them, and everyone else are required to TRUST in a financially educated expert just to avail of them. Simplication opens the world of finance up to everyone. + +**Education -** It can't stop with simplification though. Even the simplest system will require education in order to be utilized to it's maximum benefit. Teaching a simplified DeFi system, IMO, is something that should be a requirement at school level and as part of all educational systems. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +TLDR: + +* Financial Deregulation has been a the center of many of the worst financial crises since the 70s +* After 2008 the world realised that the Financial Industry NEEDED to be regulated, but after being put into place (Mostly), it wasn't long before they were systematically removed again. +* Billionaires and Politicians will spin narratives that talk to the public's core beliefs, Capitalism, Freedom, The American Dream, Jobs, in order to rally public opinion and allow them to make the changes they require to benefit financial institutions. +* Financial Institutions have proven again and again, that with Deregulation they use this to their own benefit, pushing the boundaries of risk over and over to amplify their gains until they break the system. +* It is LIKELY we are going through this again since the last round of Deregulation started in 2018 +* **I HOPE POST MOASS - APES CAN DO BETTER** + +======================================================================== + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Let me know your thoughts on all this Apes?** + +**And if you believe like I do, that all Apes should read this... please share!** + +Shameless PLUG: Follow me on Twitter for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +======================================================================== + +&#x200B; + +Quick shoutout to u/re-tard- + +I got a sneak preview of his upcoming artwork... and though I MAY be a little biased, I think it's looking awesome! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4pz5eexnib581.png?width=1314&format=png&auto=webp&s=98e8662c0e20c3bbca173d932622d8707f56dc0d + + +**DISCLAIMER:** *I am not a financial advisor, and I do not provide financial advice. Many thoughts here are my opinion, and others can be speculative. Where possible, I do cite sources but it is also possible that these sources are publishing incorrect information.* + +*Everything I am highlighting here is asking questions about publically available information and not an accusation of any wrongdoing of any parties mentioned.* + +**POLITICAL DISCLAIMER:** *This post does contain references to politics. In saying that, I am not from the US, I don't follow US politics (Except when it relates to the Market). I'm Irish and barely follow our politics.* + +*The only reason politics is referenced here is that the BILLIONAIRE BOYS use politics as a tool to rally support behind their agendas. More often than not, this is done for financial gain.* + +*This happens on both sides though, and the issues discussed in this post have come from both sides, so try not to get butt-hurt if I mention someone you support/don't support and instead try to look at the facts of what is being referenced and the implications it has on the market.* + +**Also... I'm not financially trained, so feel free to correct me if I miss something or get something wrong!!** + +# BBC NAVIGATION + +[BBC Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkzi5/is_this_the_final_boss_john_petry_and_ken_griffin/) **IS THIS THE FINAL BOSS?** + +[BBC Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzrtsq/billionaires_boys_club_part_2_the_inner_circle/) **The Inner Circle** + +[BBC Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzxjra/billionaires_boys_club_part_3_the_big_boys_i_just/) **THE BIG BOYS** + +[BBC Part 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0isaz/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_4_recess_is_over/) **Recess is over... You didn't think BILL GATES was involved did you?** + +[BBC Part 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o16cbm/billionaires_boys_club_part_5_the_foundational/) **The Foundational Strategy** + +[BBC Part 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oa8ynd/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_part_6_smile_for_the/) **SMILE FOR THE CAMERA KENNY...** + +[BBC Part 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oox1sn/the_billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_what_daf/) **What DAF fuck is this???** + +[BBC Part 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ope0w3/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_7_the_chips_are/) **The chips are stacked against us... ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.** + +[BBC Part 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opp09p/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_errr_9_steve/) **Steve Cohen... So HOT right now...** + +[BBC Part 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1ofgr/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_10_allinclusive/) **All-Inclusive Vacation of a Lifetime... to the CAYMANS! -- PART 1** + +[BBC Part 10.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3a79x/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_102_cayman_island/) **Cayman Island Getaway - How to hide money from the FBI + Brazilgate!** + +[BBC Part 11](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p7nl7y/billionaire_boys_clib_episode_11_bbc_billionaire/) **BILLIONAIRE BANK LOANS - Buy Borrow Die** + +[BBC Part 12](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcp37f/billionaire_boys_club_part_12_bbc_please_prove_me/) **Kenny's WARCHEST - SPECIALIZED PURPOSE ENTITY (SPE) + Leverage** + +[BBC Part 13.1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pv9yon/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_1_do/) **Do you Swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?** + +[BBC Part 13.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvr3gg/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_episode_13_part_2_the/) **Steve Cohen's TRUE form revealed** + +[BBC Part 13.3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/px80o7/vlad_lied_too_is_this_proof_and_proof_that/) **Vlad Lied too - Proof that Citadel Knew** + +[BBC Part 14](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qicm2m/billionaire_boys_club_bbc_ep_14_pop_quiz_whats/) **POP QUIZ - What's Safer than a Bank & The Most Efficient Way to Avoid Paying Taxes? (Onshore)** + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**THIS IS GME RELATED** + +Shameless PLUG: Follow me on Twitter for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# The Deregulation Agenda + +We’ve all seen the Movie The Big Short by now. (Some of us, an unhealthy number of times) + +There are whole sections of that movie I can probably quote line for line! + +We all know about CDO’s, Mortgage Bonds, we all know about CDO default rates, Credit Ratings agencies, we all know about Credit Defaults Swaps, CDOs of CDOs, Synthetic CDOs, and we definitely all know about Tit Jacking! + +But there’s one point that is not discussed in the movie, and rarely discussed at all actually… + +Yet it’s at the CORE of the 2008 crisis, it was the MAIN outcome of the 2008 crisis (Aside from Bailouts), it has been the MAIN agenda of many of the BIG BOYS since the 2008 crisis… and guess what… it’s at the CORE of what we are facing right now too! + +And in Fact... at the CORE of many financial crashes and crises globally since the 70s! + +What might that be I hear you ask? + +Well if you read the title (Looking at you u/MadJesse ;)... you’ve probably guessed it? + +Deregulation! + +**WHY?** + +Because deregulation, whatever GUISE it falls under, allows for things like CDOs, Naked Shorting, Risk-Taking, Corruption, Crime, and a whole heap of financial sleight of hand to go unchecked until greed creates a shit storm that we all end up paying the consequences for, while those that created the shit storm get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again! + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +>*The… the Current Business Climate we are seeing across the country is strong. What we’re seeing though is a divergence between the Blue and Red States that I don’t think was anticipated over the course of the last tax reform. We’re seeing the Blue States continue to embrace ever increasing amounts of regulation, ever more challenging tax policies, and a set of programs and decisions that are just financially unsustainable.* +> +>*And so I live in Chicago, which is 1 of the great cities in the world. And yet we’ve seen more college educated people leave Cook County which is where Chicago is, than any other county in the United States.* +> +>*And they’re fleeing from... corruption, a state that can’t put it’s fiscal house in order. And with those 2 dynamics, comes crime and comes a scarcity of opportunity.* +> +>*So… for the country as a whole, we are in the longest recovery post World War 2. But within our country we are really seeing an ever increasing sharp division between the states that are pursuing policies that create opportunity, that educate children, that allow people to have great careers, and states that continue to embrace failed policies that result in corruption, in cronyism, and crime that are devastating to cities like Chicago.* ***\*Shakes head in shame*** + +**Ken Griffin - 2019 Milken Institute Conference** + +This opening statement comes right after comparing the failure of Socialism through the fall of the USSR, and the Economic Collapse of Venezuela with Capitalism, and using a **Margaret Thatcher** speech to state that the only way a Capitalist Society can exist is through Economic and Political Freedom. + +**So BASICALLY…** if you don’t allow Hedge Funds their freedom from Regulation, you are essentially a Socialist going against the basic American right to Freedom, endorsing a corrupt government, skyrocketing crime rates, likely going to collapse the country… oh ya, and don’t believe in Educating Children. + +**That about right Kenny?** + +You see before the eyes of a million apes were on him… Ken felt unstoppable. He had risen through the ashes of the 2008 collapse, and ended up on top. In his eyes, he WAS the American Stock market. + +So his agenda then was pretty clear and he had no issue in blatantly pushing it. And that was to deregulate the financial markets by whatever means necessary. + +**I wonder why?** + +Source (First 5 mins) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDDDRfZ0I0&ab\_channel=Citadel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iDDDRfZ0I0&ab_channel=Citadel) + +I'm ALREADY annoyed... FUCKING PUPPY BREAK! + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Awww.... look at you in your little raincoat!! Is that keeping you nice and dry?? Good boy! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fkr16ys7gb581.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=300ecdf0108580eca83f97dc0ff2215db46f2bd9 + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BUT… before we jump into Kenny’s Agenda a bit deeper… let’s take a step back in time first shall we? + +It started in 1999, when the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. + +The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms. They **PROMISED** to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers. + +The following year, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act exempted credit default swaps and other derivatives from regulations. This federal legislation overruled the state laws that had formerly prohibited this form of gambling. It SPECIFICALLY exempted trading in **ENERGY** derivatives. + +Who wrote and advocated for the passage of both bills? + +Texas Senator Phil Gramm, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. He listened to lobbyists from the **ENERGY** company Enron. + +Senator Gramm's wife… who had formerly held the post of Chairwoman of the Commodities Future Trading Commission, was an Enron Board Member. + +Enron was a major contributor to Senator Gramm’s campaigns. + +Alan Greenspan and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers also lobbied for the bill’s passage. + +Enron wanted to engage in derivatives trading using its online futures exchanges. Enron argued that foreign derivatives exchanges were giving overseas firms an unfair competitive advantage. + +**Source:** [https://www.thebalance.com/what-caused-2008-global-financial-crisis-3306176](https://www.thebalance.com/what-caused-2008-global-financial-crisis-3306176) + +**References:** + +**Impact of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act:** [https://news.uark.edu/articles/10167/impact-of-the-gramm-leach-bliley-act](https://news.uark.edu/articles/10167/impact-of-the-gramm-leach-bliley-act) + +**Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000** + +[https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/house-bill/5660](https://www.congress.gov/bill/106th-congress/house-bill/5660) + +**GRAMM CALLS COMMODITY FUTURES MODERNIZATION ACT 'A MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT OF THE 106TH CONGRESS'** + +[https://www.banking.senate.gov/themes/banking/press\_archive/prel00/1215cofu.htm](https://www.banking.senate.gov/themes/banking/press_archive/prel00/1215cofu.htm) + +**Gramm and the ‘Enron Loophole’** + +[https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/business/17grammside.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/17/business/17grammside.html) + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +ON TOP OF THIS, In 2004, the SEC made a change to legislation titled: + +**Alternative Net Capital Requirements for Broker-Dealers That Are Part of Consolidated Supervised Entities; Supervised Investment Bank Holding Companies; Final Rules** + +Source: [https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-49830.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-49830.pdf) + +This change, at the time, was WIDELY cited as one of the biggest contributing factors to the 2008 crisis. + +The change essentially allowed Banks to double the leverage of their risky derivative trading. + +***And while this most definitely fueled the 2008 crisis, none of it would have happened, (Or at least nowhere near the levels it did reach) if years of DEREGULATION hadn’t preceded it.*** + +Now where this gets messy, is in terms of the narrative. + +By MANY this is seen as deregulation. + +But by the SEC and MSM, this narrative has since been spun into this actually being additional regulatory restrictions as it brought the biggest investment banks under the supervision of the SEC for the first time. + +Source: [https://www.cnbc.com/id/46808453](https://www.cnbc.com/id/46808453) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**ELI5:** Banks could now use their customer’s mortgages and deposits, to trade Derivatives through Hedge funds while leveraging their assets and do so without assuming any risk due to government insurance. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +PUPPY BREAK!!! + +Where is he... where is he? I can't find MAX! Ahhh... there he is! You were hiding weren't you? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5vrzv6hngb581.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=38dc68d3e4393699a0bcd9b84d628be165023ae6 + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +REGARDLESS of what angle you wish to view this from… these regulation changes are what started banks off. + +Once banks realised that they could use their customer’s mortgages, insured by the government, to make themselves a shit ton (Financial Term) of revenue through leveraged hedge fund trading of derivatives… what did they do? + +They began looking for **MORE AND MORE** mortgages to fund the profitable sale of these derivatives. + +They created interest-only loans that became affordable to subprime borrowers and… well you know the rest from the movie. + +Housing prices started falling in 2007 as supply outpaced demand, which trapped homeowners who couldn’t afford the payments but couldn’t sell their houses. And when the values of the derivatives crumbled and banks stopped lending to each other… JENGA. + +**THE CORE:** Some **BILLIONAIRE BOYS** got together with some Politicians despite the clear conflict of interests, to bring in new laws that allowed the **BILLIONAIRE BOYS** to get even richer, with no regard for the impact it would have on everyone else. And the government provided a safety net in case anything went wrong! This gave way to the underlying problems that greed amplified and thus caused the 2008 Housing Crisis. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +What about other Market Crashes? + +# DOTCOM BUBBLE + +Well according to this Stanford law paper titled **DEREGULATION REDUX**, the DotCom Bubble was preceded by a slew of deregulation initiatives including: + +>*Congress authorized nationwide banking with the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act. This let bank holding companies acquire banks in every state, and removed most restrictions on opening branches in more than one state. It preempted any state law that restricted the ability of out-of-state banks to compete within the state’s borders.* + +This gave way to the rapid growth of banks which were becoming more and more like investment banks with increased activity in securitization right around the time of the rising tech stock mania. + +Source: [https://fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/cdn\_media/fcic-reports/fcic\_final\_report\_chapter4.pdf](https://fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/cdn_media/fcic-reports/fcic_final_report_chapter4.pdf) + +# MARGARET THATCHER’S BIG BANG + +Prior to the Big Bang, the financial institutions that once dominated the city of London could not compete with foreign banking. Though still a global finance center, it had already been beaten by New York where deregulation was already well underway. + +The Big Bang refers to the day the stock market was deregulated in London, England. The event, in which the London Stock Exchange (LSE) became a private limited company, took place on October 27, 1986. It revitalized the LSE, allowing external corporations to enter its member firms, and an automated price quotation was established. + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bigbang.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bigbang.asp) + +This gave way to widespread deregulation of many global markets, including Australia and New Zealand, which all helped fuel **BLACK MONDAY** the following year. + +In addition, it gave way to the modern-day investment bank, which switched from a client-based industry to a transaction-based one, as American firms rushed to buy up property in London due to the lax regulation policies. + +Many argue that this was the start of widespread deregulation and **the consequences of which even fed into the 2008 Housing Market Crisis.** + +**Sources:** + +[https://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/oct/09/big-bang-1986-city-deregulation-boom-bust](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2011/oct/09/big-bang-1986-city-deregulation-boom-bust) + +[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37751599](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37751599) + +**FITTING** then that Milken and Kenny use **Margaret Thatcher** to further their agenda of Deregulation. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +In reality though… deregulation started much earlier than Thatcher's initiative, and in more industries than just the Financial Industry. + +For the Financial Industry in the US, this started as early as 1980 with the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control act. + +And other market crashes are cited as being caused by deregulation too including: + +**The Savings and Loan Crisis:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings\_and\_loan\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings_and_loan_crisis) + +**Long-Term Capital Management Crisis:** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-Term\_Capital\_Management](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-Term_Capital_Management) + +The latter of which required a $4.6 billion bailout, which sent the signal to large “too Big to Fail” financial firms that they would not have to suffer the consequences of the great risks they were taking. Thus, the greater risk-taking allowed by deregulation and encouraged by the bailout paved the way for the financial crisis. + +**And a whole load of other Market Crises around the world.** + +**SOURCE** (And A LOT of additional reading) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deregulation) + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +FUCKING PUPPY BREAK!!! + +Who's a happy puppy??? Yes YOU'RE a happy puppy! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ic0slqexgb581.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c4ff957a386421de6f44fa288a11e804880340 + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +>*At 100,000 feet, the move to reduce regulation in the United States I applaud. This is the single greatest lever they can pull to get our economy to go faster. I mean if you recall, I started my business when I was in the Dorm Room at Harvard.* ***\*\*Grins*** +> +>*$265,000 and I could launch a hedge fund in 1987. You can’t launch a hedge fund today with less than several hundred million dollars, given the high fixed-costs of compliance and other regulatory matters that you need to deal with.* +> +>*So that’s really discouraged new business formation in asset management. It’s just the burdens of regulation.* +> +>*Take this outside of asset management, The Energy Space, The Transportation Space, it’s EVERYWHERE in America. The weight of regulations reducing new business formation in America.* +> +>*And that is a tragedy.* +> +>*So the Administration’s Focus on reducing the regulatory burden, on the American who has a dream, I applaud that vision.* + +**Ken Griffin - 2017 Bloomberg Interview.** + +Source (7mins in) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WG00XcLFJs&t=908s&ab\_channel=BloombergQuicktake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WG00XcLFJs&t=908s&ab_channel=BloombergQuicktake) + +So Financial Regulation is destroying the American Dream? + +**Is that it Kenny?** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So what happened AFTER the 2008 crisis? + +Well, those in charge at the time realized what would happen if they let banks run wild through deregulation, so they began putting more and more regulations in place to prevent this from **EVER** happening again. + +**In comes MAJOR Financial Regulatory Reform.** + +The Biggest of which was the **Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.** + +The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is a massive piece of financial reform legislation that was passed in 2010. (The largest financial reform since the 30s) + +The Dodd-Frank Act established a number of new government agencies tasked with overseeing the various components of the act and, by extension, various aspects of the financial system. + +These included: + +* The Financial Stability Oversight Council +* The Orderly Liquidation Authority +* The Federal Insurance Office +* The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. +* The SEC Office of Credit Ratings + +Each of these agencies were tasked with monitoring and regulating specific parts of the economy to ensure that something like 2008 never happened again. + +In addition to this, came the **Volcker Rule** which restricts the ways that banks can invest, limiting speculative trading and eliminating proprietary trading. Banks **were not allowed** to be involved with **Hedge Funds** or **Private Equity Firms**, which are considered **TOO RISKY**. + +This rule is widely seen as regressing back to the protections of the Stegall Act that had been **PREVIOUSLY DEREGULATED**, and which since 1933 recognized the inherent dangers of financial entities extending commercial and investment banking services at the same time. + +The act also contains a provision for regulating derivatives and greater disclosure of swaps, all in an attempt to stop financial institutions from taking **LARGE RISKS** that had the potential to destabilize the economy. + +On top of this, came the Whistleblower Act which encouraged whistleblowers to step forward and expose illegal financial activities, and offered 10% - 30% of the proceeds from litigation settlements. + +**ALL OF THIS…** was deemed **NECESSARY** because when unchecked, financial institutions proved again and again that greed will lead them to take **MORE AND MORE RISKS** which the general public end up having to pay the price for. + +Source: [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dodd-frank-financial-regulatory-reform-bill.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dodd-frank-financial-regulatory-reform-bill.asp) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**THE CORE:** Financial Institutions can not be trusted, (Literally laws were REQUIRED because they can not be trusted) and seeing that collectively they essentially define the US economy and in turn a large portion of the Global Economy, and seeing as we can not TRUST these fuckers… we need to restrict their greed so they don’t bring us all down with them AGAIN! + +**Like fucking children - FUCK this pisses me off.** + +You’d think with their PRIVILEGED position in this world that they would show some appreciation or an ounce of responsibility??!! + +Even Spiderman knew that with great power comes great responsibility… yet with these guys, we actually have to place laws to keep them from fucking (And Snorting) the whole world?? + +A more detailed look at all of this for any apes looking to pack in a few more wrinkles can be found here: + +[https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2010/11/20/the-financial-panic-of-2008-and-financial-regulatory-reform/](https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2010/11/20/the-financial-panic-of-2008-and-financial-regulatory-reform/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So what happened next? + +>*We are absolutely DESTROYING these horrible regulations that have been placed on your heads over not 8 years, over the last 20 and 25 years. You have regulations that are horrendous.* +> +>*Dodd-Frank is an example of what we’re working on and we’re working on it right now. We’re going to be coming out with some very strong, far beyond recommendations, we’re going to be doing things that are going to be very good for the banking industry. So that the banks can loan money to people that need it.* +> +>*I speak to people all the time, they used to borrow money from banks to open up, there was one in Nevada, where to open up a pizza shop, he had 3 shops, he had a bank, and he said you know… at that time he called me Mr Tru mp, because I hadn’t won yet… but he said, Mr Tru mp, I can’t open up anything, I can’t do anything, the banks don’t even… I had a bank for 20 years, now they don’t even take my phone call and I was always a very good customer. So I haven’t been able to do what I do. They can’t do it.* +> +>*The banks got so restricted. And I’ve always said and some people get insulted, but you know, it’s not necessarily the man that’s making alot of money that’s running the bank.* +> +>*You look at the folks from government that are running all over the banks, they’re running the banks. The people that are really… you know… the head people, they’re petrified of the regulators. They’re petrified. They can’t move.* +> +>*The regulators are running the banks.* +> +>*So we’re going to do a very major haircut on Dodd-Frank. We want strong restrictions, we want strong regulation. But not regulation that makes it impossible for the banks to loan to people that are going to create jobs.* +> +>*But we’re doing… that’s just one example… we’re doing so many cuts on regulations and we have a book on regulations and if you add them all up, it goes up to the ceiling 3 times over.* + +**Don ald Tru mp - Speaking to American Business Leaders.** + +Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nKGsPDz4Y&ab\_channel=GoodMorningBritain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4nKGsPDz4Y&ab_channel=GoodMorningBritain) + +So what you’re saying Mr Tru mp, is that the heads of Banks aren’t making enough money and they are afraid of the regulators… so you are going to go back to deregulation? + +**Is that Right Tru mp?** + +( **FACT CHECK**, in virtually every quarter since 2009, including throughout 2018 and the first quarter of 2019, the biggest banks have recorded or eclipsed record revenues, profits, and bonuses while at the same time increasing lending.) + +Source: [https://prospect.org/economy/trump-s-assault-financial-reform/](https://prospect.org/economy/trump-s-assault-financial-reform/) + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +24 May 2018, Donald Tru mp signs a bill that drastically reduces the power of the **Dodd-Frank Act**. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDbToV8n50&ab\_channel=CNBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDbToV8n50&ab_channel=CNBC) + +So ya… back to billionaires and politicians, and this time even a billionaire politician/president who all actively worked on deregulating the financial industry again. + +This time… in the name of creating jobs. + +***(No offence to anyone that supports Donald Tru mp and as I said, I’m not American, I do not follow your politics except when it relates to the Stock Market. But this is just factual. He did do this.)*** + +Now whatever your thoughts are regarding Tru mp, he was VERY effective at Deregulation. For his entire presidency, this was one of his main focuses across multiple industries. But the only one that’s relevant here, is his financial deregulations. + +So the **MAIN** result of this deregulation is that it allowed banks to get back to trading customer money in speculative derivatives and with hedge funds by removing the **Volcker Rule**. + +**BUT ONLY FOR SMALL BANKS…** + +Which Tru mp also increased the definition of, from banks with $50 billion AUM to $250 billion AUM. + +On top of this… subprime mortgages were back on the menu for banks with under $10 billion AUM and the SEC had been instructed to reduce reporting requirements in addition to a significant reduction in the number of enforcement acts it executed. + +And a whole heap of other changes all in favor of the poor Banks that weren't making enough money. WTF? + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +It's too much... it's TOO MUCH! NEED LOTS OF PUPPIES!!!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zmtzz3lrhb581.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dfd83dc932e180acce7ea14fe6a8fe6a5d08fc5 + +Ahh.... that's better... Look at that 1 yawning... awww... + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# So back to Ken Griffin… + +Why would Kenny Boy be so keen to push for financial deregulation? + +You might think, it’s so that he can get away with pushing more Naked Shorting down the throat of the DTCC… + +Or… so that the SEC will be off his back with those pesky, slap on the wrist fines, they love to give out… + +Or maybe so he has less paperwork to do at the end of the evening? + +Or to make it easier for him to hide funds in the Cayman Islands? + +Well, it’s likely all of these… but there’s actually a more fundamental reason. + +You see, the **Dodd-Frank Act** prevented **BANKS** from working with **Hedge Funds**. + +**BOMB DROP…** 🤯 + +Yes, this means Kenny along with many other Hedge Funds primary client base INSTANTLY dried up when the **Dodd-Frank Act** was launched. + +So while you may think the Tru mp Deregulation of Dodd-Frank didn’t have much of an impact, it **ACTUALLY** opened up the books for hedgies to start acquiring banks as clients again!! + +Anyone with under $250 billion AUM could now push their customers’ money right on over to their favorite hedge fund again and begin risking it for their own profits… and delivering hedge funds billions in commissions. + +How did that affect Kenny’s bottom line? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/c5x1cv4k1b581.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=da60079ee54b7d047ab84ccf335d215c418e3b44 + +So ya… Tru mp Deregulates in 2018 - Citadel sees a massive surge in new Revenue. + +**Cohencidence?** + +So Kenny’s $46 million donated to the Republican Party in Tru mp’s first Election Cycle seemed to have been money well spent. + +Even though he states he never directly financed Tru mp. (Wouldn’t want a paper trail) + +Tru mp’s tenure was not constructive for the country, Griffin said -- with the exception of his economic policies, which Griffin described as **“pretty damn good.”** + +I bet they were Kenny… I bet they were. + +(Yes that’s just the first half of 2020) + +Source: [https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/ken-griffin-says-he-won-t-support-trump-for-president](https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/ken-griffin-says-he-won-t-support-trump-for-president) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# THE NARRATIVES + +**Capitalism** \- There is nothing wrong with Capitalism, and as an Entrepreneur myself it's something I do believe in. But Capitalism without restriction is just a recipe for disaster... ESPECIALLY when it comes to the Financial Industry. + +Using Capitalism as an excuse to deregulate the finance industry is Bolox. + +**Freedom -** Regulation does not mean anti-Freedom. And I get that at some levels, regulation may seem like it hampers growth. And there can be an argument for adjusting regulations in certain areas. + +But what applies to the bottom, does NOT apply to the top. Deregulations on companies with TRILLIONS in assets, who have proven again and again that they are willing to FUCK and SNORT the world... is dangerous. + +**Bank Loans** \- Deregulating banks because they can't loan money to the small guy without making money for themselves through speculative trading, is stupid. (Especially when they were doing record revenue and bank loans WHILE regulated) + +Banks' business model is creating revenue through interest rates on lending. Not gambling their customers money. + +**ANYTHING ELSE** \- Is all bullshit... There is no reason the Financial Industry should not be regulated. IMO at least. Every time they are they FUCK and SNORT the world... If you have a counter-argument, let me know? + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# SO WHY DOES THIS MATTER TO APES? + +Ok so this part is my opinion and a bit of speculation, but I do think it's important for EVERY ape to think about this. + +POST-MOASS we will be stepping foot in a new era. + +The biggest transfer of wealth will shift dynamics, most likely, like nothing any of us can imagine. + +You WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that the world learned its lesson after 2008. + +And while there was indeed some action taken in a positive direction, the entire financial and political systems fell right back into their previous path of deregulation followed by greed and chaos. + +**I HOPE WE CAN DO BETTER THAN THIS** + +If the market crashes as significantly as we all expect it too, I hope COLLECTIVELY that the world will learn this time and prevent further regression to this path. + +What will that look like? + +Decentralized Financial Systems through Loopring would be a good start? + +But it can't just stop there. IMO. + +A DeFi system would actually have even less regulation. And I think this post shows the outcome of a lack of regulation. + +So how can we address it? + +DeFi Yes + +But also... + +**Transparency, Simplification, and Education** + +**Transparency** \- By Making markets transparent through a decentralized entity, there is no hiding illegal/immoral actions. There will still likely be abuse of this system, but at least it will be policed by EVERYONE and those that do fuck with the system can be held accountable for their actions. + +**Simplification -** Finance and financial systems should not be a tool for only the rich. Complex Systems and Financial Instruments are made so that only those with the best education can understand them, and everyone else are required to TRUST in a financially educated expert just to avail of them. Simplication opens the world of finance up to everyone. + +**Education -** It can't stop with simplification though. Even the simplest system will require education in order to be utilized to it's maximum benefit. Teaching a simplified DeFi system, IMO, is something that should be a requirement at school level and as part of all educational systems. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +TLDR: + +* Financial Deregulation has been a the center of many of the worst financial crises since the 70s +* After 2008 the world realised that the Financial Industry NEEDED to be regulated, but after being put into place (Mostly), it wasn't long before they were systematically removed again. +* Billionaires and Politicians will spin narratives that talk to the public's core beliefs, Capitalism, Freedom, The American Dream, Jobs, in order to rally public opinion and allow them to make the changes they require to benefit financial institutions. +* Financial Institutions have proven again and again, that with Deregulation they use this to their own benefit, pushing the boundaries of risk over and over to amplify their gains until they break the system. +* It is LIKELY we are going through this again since the last round of Deregulation started in 2018 +* **I HOPE POST MOASS - APES CAN DO BETTER** + +======================================================================== + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**Let me know your thoughts on all this Apes?** + +**And if you believe like I do, that all Apes should read this... please share!** + +Shameless PLUG: Follow me on Twitter for more GME fun:[ https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69](https://twitter.com/BadassTrader69) + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +======================================================================== + +&#x200B; + +Quick shoutout to u/re-tard- + +I got a sneak preview of his upcoming artwork... and though I MAY be a little biased, I think it's looking awesome! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4pz5eexnib581.png?width=1314&format=png&auto=webp&s=98e8662c0e20c3bbca173d932622d8707f56dc0d +[https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/01/charles-schwab-is-eliminating-online-commissions-for-trading-in-us-stocks-and-etfs.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/01/charles-schwab-is-eliminating-online-commissions-for-trading-in-us-stocks-and-etfs.html) + +&#x200B; + +With Schwab going commission free, will you be moving assets over? Is there any benefit to Vanguard over Schwab if Vanguard ETFs can be bought/sold for free at Schwab? +**Update 2020-02-08 0852 MST: Lots of good feedback, and I've realized that /u/gnomeozurich made an excellent point that is going to require me to change my calculations. Working on an update, check back in an hour!** + +**Update 2020-02-08 1320 MST: Updated the sheet to include two new scenarios:** +* **You pay off your mortgage in full ASAP after reaching your non-mortgage FIRE target** +* **You do a simple estimate by adding your original mortgage to your non-mortgage FIRE target** + +**Update 2020-03-03 1450 MST: Fixed the NPER calculations being run yearly instead of monthly. Cut off a few months from the results. Thanks /u/myonlynamespace!** + + + +## Intro ## + +> Should I include my house in my net worth calculations for FIRE? + +This question has been beaten to death on this subreddit, and the best answer is usually along the lines of: + +> You can include your house’s principal in your total net worth, but what matters for calculating your FIRE number is the amount of investible assets which will generate the returns to fuel your spending in retirement. Even if your house appreciates in value, those assets aren’t giving you a liquid return unless you take out a loan against them, which probably isn’t the best idea for your primary dwelling. + +But I’ve never liked this answer, for the reason that eventually your mortgage will be paid off and your monthly housing expenses will drop. This throws a wrench in using your current monthly spending to estimate how much money you will need to spend in retirement, and it annoyed me enough at work today that I figured I’d solve it. This post is an attempt to give the best approximation I can to how you should really account for a mortgage when planning for FIRE, and just how many years of your life you are leaving on the table if you don’t do this. + +---- + +## Once a Mortgage is Gone, It’s Gone ## + +Say that you buy a $500k house, and put $100k down in order to avoid PMI. You get a 30 year mortgage at 4.25% APR. Your monthly mortgage payment will be: + + $400 000 * (0.0425/12)/(1-(1+0.0425/12)^(-(30*12))) = $1968 + +If we assume a 4% safe withdrawal rate, the amount we have to save to cover our mortgage payments using the standard SWR calculation tells us that in order to FIRE we need to accumulate: + + $1968 * 12 / 0.04 = $590 328 + +For context, your total payments over the life of the mortgage will be $1968 \* 30 \* 12 = $708 393, entirely generated by that invested sum, and this is a good bit more than just paying the entire $400 000 balance of the outstanding principal outright! + +But I contend that this is a silly way to do things, since this means you will be have that $1968 every month in perpetuity. A “safe” way perhaps, but considering that a) that is a huge amount of money to save up (more than the total purchase price of the house!) and b) the greatest sequence of returns risk is in the early years of FIRE and 30 years down the road the extra padding will likely not be needed, this is unnecessarily conservative. + +So how should we account for things instead? I would argue that the portion of your monthly spending allocated to mortgage payments should be accounted for in your FIRE budgeting using draw-down calculations. In other words, you should spend your mortgage-allocated invested assets at a rate such that they reach a value of 0 on your last mortgage payment, while still accounting for the fact that they will be generating returns throughout that entire time. + +Luckily this is pretty easy in a spreadsheet – it’s precisely the formula for calculating the Present Value of an asset. Assuming a 7% investment return, here’s how much you need to save using the draw-down method: + + =PV(0.07/12, 30*12, -$1968, $0) = $295 769 + +This is half of what the SWR calculation would tell you! + +You can [check out my spreadsheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C7Y692E_Za0nqJRJJbkerAEdFrQ8ut0dZUqTSqcAwXg/edit?usp=sharing) to see the calculation in action, check the formula against a manual month-by-month calculation, and make a copy of the spreadsheet to try out your own values. Cells in yellow mark the inputs. + +---- + +## Your Money or Your Life ## + +What does this mean in terms of how long you have before reaching FIRE? I’ll grab my NPER() calculation from an older post of mine, [Tips and Tricks for your FIRE Spreadsheets](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/5cmanl/tips_and_tricks_for_your_fire_spreadsheets/) so check there for how I calculated these times. Note also that since you pay down the mortgage through this time, there is a circular calculation that has to happen to update the + + +Assume you have $60k / yr in non-mortgage spending, $50k / yr in investment savings (a post-tax SR of 37% after including the $1968 \* 12 = $26.3k /yr towards the mortgage), and current invested assets of $0. Now we calculate the time needed to hit the targets needed to cover the mortgage by putting all our savings towards it: + + SWR Method: $590 k, 8.6 years + Pay off in Full: $400 k, 6.4 years + Draw-down Method: $296 k, 5.0 years + +But you probably have investments already, and you probably have a FIRE number in mind. Assume that you instead have $500k already invested, and with a SWR of 4%, your recurring spending makes a non-mortgage FIRE number of $1.5MM. We calculate our time to reach that using the NPER() method, and find that it will take us 8.6 years. Since we’ve been paying down the mortgage over that time, we now calculate our remaining principal using the CUMPRINC() function: + + $400 000 + cumprinc(0.0425/12, 30*12, $400 000, 1, 8.6*12, 1) = $329 685 + +There are two sensible options once you reach this point - route your savings to paying off the mortgage in full, or save less and retire earlier by using the draw-down method. I'll also throw in the now obviously absurd SWR method, and a "Simple Sum" method for comparison which simply adds our current mortgage to our non-mortgage FIRE number. We calculate the additional money &amp; time needed for each method as before, and apply it to our original FIRE target to get final calculations: + + SWR Method: $2.090 MM, 12.0 years + Simple Sum: $1.900 MM, 11.0 years + Pay off in Full: $1.829 MM, 10.6 years + Draw-down Method: $1.761 MM, 10.2 years + +By using a more realistic calculation for the invested assets required to cover our mortgage, we realize that we can retire **1.4 - 1.8 full years** earlier than expected! This is of course specific to this scenario that I made up, but [play around with the numbers for your own situation](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C7Y692E_Za0nqJRJJbkerAEdFrQ8ut0dZUqTSqcAwXg/edit?usp=sharing) and you should see just how significant a difference this makes. + +One last thought - I played with a few different toy scenarios, and the benefit at FIRE of using the drawdown method over paying off your mortgage is only a few months in all of them. Fully paying off your primary home's mortgage is probably worth the reduction of risk for those extra few months of working. + +---- + +## Notes ## + +Assumptions I’m using here: + +* You are not paying PMI because you put at least 20% down (though you could incorporate this by extending the methods presented here). +* You will stay in your house for your full duration of your mortgage. +* Your spending and savings are constant until you hit FIRE, and your spending remains constant thereafter. +* There are no market fluctuations. It would be good for someone to run this through an analysis to figure out what multiplier you need to add onto these results counteract sequence of returns risk. Just spitballing, add +20% if shooting for an exact number makes you nervous. + +Some more things to note: + +* “But there’s no way that I’m going to live in this house for 30 years!” No, you’re probably going to move a few times. But this method will give you an apples-to-apples comparison of how exactly your FIRE target will change when moving to a new house, and until then should give you an accurate estimate. And thinking it through, if you move to an equally priced home and your investment returns are higher than your mortgage interest, then the lowering of your mortgage payments due to the refresh of the 30 years means that the amount of investments you need allocated to your mortgage should *drop*. Maybe enough to cover closing costs? +* All spending/saving/FIRE numbers are in current-year real dollars. The mortgage payments are in nominal dollars. Market returns are after inflation. The calculations aren't quite apples-to-apples since the mortgage balance will devalue due to inflation over time in real terms. But this is a conservative approach, so consider it a safety factor - a more rigorous calculation would be crystal clear about nominal vs real terms and reach targets quicker. +* You should include non-mortgage housing costs such as insurance, taxes, upkeep, etc. in your monthly spending, since those will persist after you pay off the mortgage. +* Critiques very much welcome. :) +She wouldn't purchase it when it was $80 pre-split though but she's buying today. + +This is not a stupid person. She's an attorney. + +I even did the math for her and told her the price is still around $133 pre-split but she just shrugged. + +My point is that I think this split stuff works psychologically. People automatically think the stock is cheaper because the dollar price is lower. + +I'm having a hard time believing that she's not joking around. +I keep seeing posts like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrc7qf/no_dates_stay_focused_remember_march_and_how_they/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) saying that 'they' used dates to bring us down back in March. Or posts talking about shills and FUD and heavier moderation for MOASS like [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mr28a6/this_guy_semerien_knows_whats_up_ignore_the_fud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mr386y/increasing_karma_requirements_for_the_sub_during/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +The simple truth of the matter is that we have tons of misinformation and confirmation bias floating around and we're just FUDding ourselves. The perfect example is the dividend nonsense which flew around the sub like a whirlwind before people finally found the [good DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mqmsvf/re_gamestop_2021_dividends_speculation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +The same goes for this wild information going around about share recalls. Both Fidelity and Vanguard have provided different dates for a 'recall'. [Vanguard is supposedly](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpduvh/i_know_we_dont_do_dates_but_i_have_a_feeling_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) expecting a recall on 4/20 while [Fidelity has flat out said that the Record Date is today 04/15](https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/comments/mqz9ne/hot_topic_gamestop_corp_gme_proxy_voting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). . These posts with varying dates are contradictory and leading to FUD. + +Let me break it down. + +Last year Hestia Capital **ESTIMATED** the Record Date to be 04/20 in a 14a filing on 04/06. They wrote: + +> According to information GameStop has provided to custodial banks, brokers and other intermediaries, we **BELIEVE** GameStop has set a record date of Monday, April 20 for the 2020 Annual Meeting. + +The Record Date wasn't released until 04/27 in the Definitive Proxy Statement which is 7 days **AFTER** the Record Date and 2 weeks after Hestia estimated the date. This year no one related to the company has filed documents to identify the Record Date ahead of time. Instead, we only have responses from a handful of broker's customer support that highlight 04/15 and 04/20. + +The problem with the Vanguard and Fidelity dates is that if Fidelity says the Record Date is 04/15 then all shares must have been recalled by that date. That also means that Vanguard's date of 04/20 cannot possibly be a recall date, since it is 5 days past the Record Date. + +**WHY HAS THIS CREATED FUD?** + +There have been countless posts on share recalls and, most importantly, BlackRock recalling shares. I've seen posts everywhere and all over Twitter this morning. I'm not going to link to any of them because I'm sure you've seen them all by now. + +There was so much misinformation going around about GME recalling all shares or validating shares which was just false. Then, after everyone has been screaming about not using dates, people start posting meme after meme about McDonald's Day, or Tweets from DFV or Cohen with some wild Tinfoil theories about diamond swords and companies in a picture being related to overstock who issued a crypto dividend so suddenly 04/15 and 04/20 are huge dates. + +**THESE POSTS WERE NOT MADE BY SHILLS. THEY WERE MADE BY US. BY PEOPLE WHO REGULARLY POST IN THIS SUB AND ON TWITTER.** + +Back to the FUD. There have been several posts like this one [from last night](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mr5s1k/blackrock_vanguard_and_fidelity_are_going_to_nuke/) that are still theorizing that BlackRock and Vanguard will cause the squeeze with a share recall. Despite there being [posts like this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt5rq/420_share_recall_explained_why_its_important_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that attempted to nail down the Record Date. I didn't even see this one and its many, many edits till just now. Something like that should have been pinned as something to read before posting about a share recall or posting about dates. + +All of this means that shares need to be in their possession by **END OF DAY TODAY.** That also means that shorts would have had to have covered by **04/13** to have shares settled by today. That means that posts like the one from last night, while hopeful and exciting, did nothing but create a FUD opportunity. + +Everyone is expecting 04/15 and 04/20 to be huge dates because of all the memes, the fun 4/20 6/9 blaze it jokes, and all the DD that gets blasted to the front page without any fact checking or [counter DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mq1g5e/vanguard_dont_have_voting_rights_for_most_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). These are all documents that has been available for weeks and months now... + +04/15 is going to come and go without any huge movements from share recalls and people are going to be depressed and sad that absolutely nothing happened. **That's FUD**. + +**MY POINT** + +I think we need to see way more moderation for the DD and maybe cut back on the memes that are hiding good DD. I keep seeing people saying to do your own DD, which I get is hard, but at the very least, stop mindlessly upvoting DD anytime you see rocketships or a feel-good theory... + +**TL:DR** + +We make our own FUD with lazy DD and wishful thinking. + +We need to stop sharing memes with dates because they get thrown around like facts. + +It's not the date that's the problem it's the bad DD. + +EDIT: + +I wanted to [highlight this comment about the dates for record and recall as information that I hadn’t seen before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrhqll/were_creating_our_own_fud_a_plea_for_more/gunbeyy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) +the squeeze is inevitable and while we are quibbling about the floor I figured this was probably the most important information FOR ALL APES TO KNOW. During the squeeze, I would be shocked if all the bid prices magically vanish. Why is that relevant? if the price is climbing rapidly and starts hitting 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m, 10m, etc and you apes start getting really excited, you're thinking hmM MaYbE I ShOuLd SeLl now, and then press the big red sell button on your app, what happens. simply: the order gets filled at the highest bid, well if the hedgies are being liquidated on market orders but the retail buy order of 255$ is still sitting there even though the displayed price is $69696969 guess what. you just sold at 255$. !!!! bUt tHe pRiCe was 69429420! but you decided to use a market order. A limit order is a type of order that Guarantees the price is filled at that level or better, so if your limit order is 10mil you will not get filled for a single share below that (but you may get higher sell prices :)) this is also literally what the "ask price" is, limit orders sitting there waiting. Now some of you might be scared, now this is mostly fine because of gap filling, if someone does this it will trigger 1 hell of a halt but the continual market orders from the hedgie liquidation will continue filling back at the millions, this will simply increase the number of halts we experience. but most importantly you just sold at 255 NOT 10m so be careful out there apes. The sell limit order is like a triple-layered condom, protect yourself during the squeeze. + + +Edit: for people talking about Take Profit and Stop Loss orders, they are actually hidden market orders with stop prices. basically once the price is reached they become market orders which could leave with the same problem described above. + + +For anyone with a broker that currently doesn't offer sell limit orders, I believe it to be a very good idea in your own interest to look into other brokers that do offer sell limit orders and consider transferring or opening another account and buying there. don't want to see people miss the squeeze cause of a shitty broker. + + +TL: DR USE A GODDAMN SELL LIMIT ORDER OR YOU WILL RESET THE SQUEEZE AND MISS OUT ON TENDIES + + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, I Just like the stock and the people in the community <3 +I think this is the case because it will give no legal room for anyone to point to $GME as the cause/reason for a market crash. + +The market is already crashing (30%-50%+)? Of course it wasn't issuing the splividend that caused it. + +Super simple but I believe that's what they meant in their recent form saying "when it's best for investors while taking into account market conditions" (paraphrased that). +I disagree completely with the assertion that we need memes back. + +I have learned ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from WSB ever since 10,000,000 apes piled in here with their bullshit pictures and jokes. It's funny sure, but I want to make some fucking money. I am not here to get a little chuckle at how much money you lost because you YOLO'd your entire portfolio on a single Jim Cramer tip. + +Things were WAY better before. + +I was creeping this place back when we had like 300k members, and buddy, I learned some serious shit. Everyone once in a while, I swear the smartest mother fuckers in the world would step down from their ivory towers on Wall Street and bless some scrubs with information that their bosses would pay them 8 figures to write. This subreddit had top quality DD written by absolute professionals who were slinging around millions of dollars. + +The DD's back then were real, not just a bunch of morons trying to justify their latest gamble into a trash penny stock. + +Sure you miss your stupid fucking pictures of the exact same photo with new text about the latest shitty company that flopped earnings. + +Do you know what was even better than memes? When I came in here and saw people piling into Hertz the day it declared bankruptcy and they all made bank. + +How about the time we all got the bright idea to pile into BlackBerry days before they signed a deal with Amazon and it went vertical? + +Do you know what else was fucking wicked? When dozens of people in WSB concocted conspiracy theories about Palantir, and this entire sub jumped into the direct listing at $9 before a single institution got in, and we tripled our money in two months. (After sure enough - Joe Biden hired a former PLTR consultant to run the entire department of national security.) + +I cannot recall a single community win like this since the memes took over, and I still come to the sub multiple times a day. + +Do you really think all these moronic TikTok screenshot GIFs are going to help you find the next game stonk at $2.50? Fuck off. + +Fuck your memes. Go back to Instagram and Twitch with the rest of the broke kiddos. + Just sold my 2017 Toyota Sienna to Vroom and pocketed $3,300. My lease residual or buy-out price was $21,659. Carvana offered $443 more than Vroom's $24,959 but I needed to have at least 60 days left on the lease. I had 58 days left. I didn't see this anywhere up front when I searched the FAQ. That meant a lease extension, which apparently with Toyota was surprisingly easy but I would also have to spend $330 to renew the registration too. When I called Vroom, they said they only needed 14 days to purchase the car from Toyota. + +For comparison, CarMax only offered $21,000. It would just be better for me to pay the return fee of $350 to Toyota at that price. + +After signing online, physically signing a transfer form and sending it back via Fedex, pick-up was scheduled in 2 days. The driver just noted two of the largest scratches on the bill of lading and gave me a copy. Two hours after they took the car, I received Fedex tracking numbers for the check to me and to Toyota via email. I was super anxious about some sort of "gotcha" like they might find the condition of the car was not described accurately and take it out of my check. Initially I wanted to go with Carvana because apparently they hand you the check as they pick up the car. I got the full $3,300 based on the price Vroom agreed to pay. + +I would sell to them again. +It seems as if ETH has been completely stagnant during this run. Why aren’t people buying? Even some alt coins are shooting up in value. Can someone shed some light on this? It’s a little strange that the No. 2 coin overall with technology far greater than Bitcoin and other alt coins is doing so poorly during such a massive reversal of the market. +Hey guys, over on /biz/ this guy had a pretty good idea. + +Due to the amount of notice crypto has been getting lately with 50 cent’s accidental millions and Katy Perry’s crypto-nails, a lot of people are thinking this is the perfect time to make a major push for adoption. There’s currently a huge problem with people who don’t own coins, a lot of them agree that they’re not invested because it’s “fake” money with no actual use. So, we as crypto-owners want to **demand** the right to use the gains we’ve made to purchase real goods. + +Now, we’re starting the hashtag #PayWithCrypto. We’re demanding our favorite companies like amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc, to let us pay with cryptocurrency! + +All it takes is a simple tweet like “Hey @Amazon, I want to #PayWithCrypto” to show companies we are serious about this. I would appreciate the upvotes to help us get the word out and show the world how serious the community is about worldwide adoption of crypto! +Repost because other post just got downvoted to oblivian. + +By [u/hrk\_inc](https://www.reddit.com/user/hrk_inc/) from the German GameStop subreddit translated with DeepL: + +Edit: Link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/qr175f/recherche_zu_dmsa/ + +Hello my dearest Apes, + +I invested a bit of time and took a closer look at DMSA. What I found is quite interesting and someone with more time and knowledge can definitely drill deeper there. Most importantly, it tells me that we shouldn't put anything on the DMSA report. + +What is interesting is that there is really no news on Google about DMSA that is older than 2 weeks. Most of the news are from the press portal (I think you can place your "news" there quite easily yourself) and the Manager Magazin, which refers to the press portal. On the DMSA website you can find a bunch of own press releases about Evergrand. + +DMSA's CEO, Michael Ewy, is also a senior analyst at SFSI Ratings, an equally unknown Swiss rating agency. One does not find any further, serious links to Michel Ewy - Not even XING or LinkedIn. + +[http://www.sfsi.ch/](http://www.sfsi.ch/) + +The website of SFSI is probably from the same construction kit as that of DMSA. In terms of content, the SFSI rating has even less to offer on the website. The only "reference" points to their own website.... Under "Our Company" Michael Ewy is the only person listed. In the imprint a Thomas Lemke is named as managing director. A search on Google brought similar success as the search for Michael Ewy. + +If you search "SFSI" on Google, Google directly suggests DFSI, which also has a website from the same construction kit. The managing director is also Thomas Lemke. Senior Analyst at DFSI is a Sebastian Ewy - the last name looks familiar. This website doesn't have much to offer either, except heaps of press releases about Evergrande, exactly the same as at DMSA. On the SFSI website you can find a bunch of ratings, but they are written very unprofessionally and most of the links to sources are missing or empty. + +[https://www.dfsi-institut.de/](https://www.dfsi-institut.de/) + +The whole thing looks rather unserious and constructed exactly for the case of "Evergrand". There are no serious news about the mentioned agencies that could give credibility. + +But why the whole thing? And for whom? + +Translated with [www.DeepL.com/Translator](https://www.deepl.com/Translator) (free version) + +TLDR: When you search for "evergrande default" you can't find any source which isn't linked to the DMSA press release. Also the DMSA site looks sketchy. +Like most, I have ETFs like - WCLD, ICLN, TAN, VGT, TEC.TO and the ARK ETFs on my watchlist. History tells us momentum and growth cannot sustain forever. I am looking to hear how some are planning to managed their holdings when these EFTs start to trail the total market. I am just assuming the indicators will be obvious when it is time to move onto the next? Is it as simple as DCA out of a position? + +Thanks! +So my portfolio is currently 55% VTI, 10% QQQM, 5% VB and QQQJ and 25% individual stocks. I wanted to have exposure to tech & small cap stocks on top of VTI, but is it worth having the double exposure or should I just put everything into VTI? +I'm working with roughly 60k and have been wheeling single contracts of MSFT on a more or less 14 DTE timeline. It's been working great, I've only been assigned twice but MSFT is an excellent stock so it always bounces back and I make a profit. + +That said, I want to take full advantage of the 60k and am looking to step up my game. I'd like to add SQ and ABNB to my wheel and move the contracts out to 60 DTE and sell at 50% profit. I've done some rough calculations and have come up with about $1,200/month expected profit. + +At first glance this seems low from what I've read from other members. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to pump up my monthly income numbers? +1. Been making 3-10% monthly +2. Or making 2-3k consistently + +What are your tips for a thetabab? +What stocks/etfs are you'll doing? +What's your max profit/loss? + +Thetababy thanks you in advance🤟🏽 +So you can see the top hedge funds here: [HedgeFundTracker.com](https://hedgefundtracker.com/) + +My checking account is doing better than some these "smart" hedge funds lol... + +Bridgewater, AQR, Man Group, even Renaissance.... All down so much. + +Also, these guys charge 2 and 20... Anyone have any thoughts on what is going with their performance this year? Why so bad? +**Let me tell you why I believe that SafeGem is a project with the strongest fundamentals on BSC right now and can be potentially a huge moonshot.** + +&nbsp; + + +* SafeGem is exploring the yet **untouched niche in the crypto space** that holds huge amount of potential, NFT authentication of precious stones. + + + + +* Professional team consisting of 4 members, two devs and two managers with long professional resumes. + + + + + +* Amazing community of holders who've all set eyes for marketcap in the hundreds of millions and will not settle for any less. + + + + +* Current market cap is **ONLY $4m,** which means that **if SafeGem reaches SafeMoon it will 1200x our investments from here.** + + + + +* **It is not just a meme coin** but the team is also working hard to deliver multiple products, one of which is NFT gems platform that I've mentioned. + + + + +* **Coingecko and Coinmarketcap listings are expected to happen any day** now and we've all seen what happens to young projects when they do, also that is when the heavy marketing starts and team starts using the marketing wallet. + + + + + +* **NO big whales** with additionally implemented anti whale mechanism where only 0.1% of max supply can be sold(or bought) at once. + + +&nbsp; + + + +Also the team has recently announced that a full rebranding is in store with **new logo and new website** expected to be released soon. Also, besides the NFT contract and platform, +the devs are working on **multisig wallets for marketing fund.** + + +&nbsp; + + +**How Safe is SafeGem?** + + +&nbsp; + + +-**The team** has put a lot of effort and thought into making this one of the safest and most transparent projects out there. Liquidity is locked on DxSale so no rug is possible and there are almost no huge whales. Top wallet is the marketing wallet that holds "only" 1.5% of the max supply for which the **multisig wallet** is implemented soon, which means that **all four team members will have to approve any transactions.** + + +&nbsp; + + +Here is what you need to join SafeGem community: + +📱Telegram: t.me/safegemtokens + +💎 Website: safegem.finance/ + +🍰 PancakeSwap link [Use V1]: v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xdfdec49462f7d3c3b0a48e729f77a0645cdfa7c0 + +🔗 Contract address: 0xDfDec49462f7D3C3b0A48E729F77A0645CDFA7c0 + +📈 Poocoin Chart: poocoin.app/tokens/0xdfdec49462f7d3c3b0a48e729f77a0645cdfa7c0 + +🦄 Medium: safegemfinance.medium.com + + +&nbsp; + + + +**Some other things to know before adding GEMS to your portfolio:** + + +&nbsp; + + +Use V1 on PancakeSwap to purchase + + + + +Slippage 13% works the best + + + + + +Max Transaction amount: 94,000,000,000 GEMS (94Trillion) +Hey, I’m 19 and I recently started learning trading in forex and I’m really loving the whole idea of it. Been through a lot of ups and downs in my family and everything lies on me now. I know you forex isn’t a shortcut to wealth but I love it and I’m willing to stay in It for the long run. However, I need someone who would teach me the “do’s and don’ts”. I know everyone makes mistakes and no one is perfect but to be on the right path, I would need someone to hold my hand and put me on the right path. Anyone willing to help a beginner rise? +RC quoted JFK knowing most of you dumb dumbs would interpret him to mean "DRS" or "BUY TO PUMP Q2 NUMBERS" - and both of those interpretations benefit the company - but I think all those ideas are WAY too on the nose. Papa really wants us to mentally prepare for what is coming and choose to use this opportunity to make the world a better place. We have a rare opportunity to change the course of history and completely redefine the power dynamic of this world. That is an INSANE amount of responsibility to give a bunch of Lambo hungry crayon eating banana fuckers. So do the world a favor and READ the speech RC quoted. It will take you 2 minutes and might make you a better person or some shit. Replace all the God references with Gamestop Board of Directors or something. + +"Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" +John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961 + +We observe today not as a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom — symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning — signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. + +The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe — the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God. + +We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans — born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage — and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. + +Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. + +This much we pledge — and more. + +To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do — for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. + +To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom — and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. + +To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required — not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. + +To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge — to convert our good words into good deeds — in a new alliance for progress — to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbours know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. + +To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support — to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective — to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak — and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run. + +Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. + +We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. + +But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course — both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. + +So let us begin anew — remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. + +Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belabouring those problems which divide us. + +Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms — and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. + +Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce. + +Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah — to "undo the heavy burdens -. and to let the oppressed go free." + +And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavour, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved. + +All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. + +In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. + +Now the trumpet summons us again — not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are — but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation" — a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself. + +Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? + +In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility — I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. + +And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. + +My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. + +Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own. +Alright, I saw a post at the top of our sub out with god damn pitch forks because of the SEC’s newest senior advisor, Barbara Roper. + + +I went over to her Twitter and holy shit, bad actors and shills are all over with really negative comments. + + +The number of posts quoting her in Feb are sus. I totally agree that if those were really her words, that’s bullshit. But we’ve been shit on for months by everyone. The MSM, financial fuckers, you name it. Why does this matter now? + + +Anyways, I did some digging and found some DD on her. + + +Wall Street doesn’t like Barbara Roper. This is why they’re using her quote back in Feb to paint apes as a pitch fork mob mentality. + + + +I do wanna bring her testimony to attention about the 2008 crisis to outweigh the negative narrative people are posting about. + + + + +Also, I keep getting downvoted and shit on by people. It’s jacking my tits hard that they don’t like this. + + +https://consumerfed.org/testimonial/testimony-of-barbara-roper-on-wall-street-and-the-fiduciary-duties-for-the-senate-judiciary-subcommittee-on-crime-and-drugs/ + + + +“What we and other banks, rating agencies and regulators failed to do was sound the alarm that there was too much lending and too much leverage in the system -- that credit had become too cheap.‖2 What comes through from these statements, however, is that Wall Street, while accepting some responsibility, views its role as at best secondary. They were simply market makers, according to this account, bringing together buyers and sellers, and providing liquidity to the markets – doing ―God‘s work,‖ if you will. + +The evidence, however, suggests a much deeper culpability. Wall Street‘s blame is not simply that they failed to recognize risk building up in the system, or failed to adequately sound the alarm when they did recognize that risk, or failed to warn their customers against doing things that were harmful to those customers‘ interests. Wall Street‘s blame is that, in their pursuit of the profits that fed their multi-billion-dollar bonus pools, they abandoned any sense of responsibility to ensure that the products they developed and sold served some economic utility or served their clients‘ interests or benefited anything but their own bottom line. + +This reality was on full display in last week‘s hearing before the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. As the Subcommittee noted in its release in advance of the hearing, ―Goldman and other investment banks played a crucial role in building and running the conveyor belt that fed toxic mortgages and mortgage-backed securities into the financial system.‖ Documents released by the Subcommittee call into question Goldman‘s efforts to portray itself simply as a market maker serving client needs. +I’m wondering why isn’t the 4 day work week more common? With more rest and time for people to spend (go out to restaurants, take weekend trips, do some reno work), what’s the downside? + +When I saw 4 day week I mean four 8-hour days, not those awful 10-hour compressed schemes. To me it seems the Gen Z and late millennials just want more free time to enjoy the last few good years on earth before the climate destroys us all, but all my Boomer colleagues believe we don’t appreciate hard work. We don’t mind working hard, just smarter given productivity has gone up several fold with the use of computers and technology as common place. + +What are the pros and cons? What industries or areas would thrive, which would suffer? Can you please point out what I’m missing or not considering? + +Just looking for healthy discussion from all angles. Cheers +Hi all, + +Bought a property in June last year. We had to go about 90% LVR so that we could fund immediate renovations. We got really lucky with the purchase (desperate sale during lockdown), so the LMI was ok because we came out a fair way ahead. + +As a result our % was really high, so today I called the bank to negotiate. + +Their desktop review increased our property by $200k (about 30% increase) without considering the renovations. + +Needless to say we have been able to negotiate a much better rate. + +Moral of the story, call your bank today….and your parents/loved ones. +Everything was going so well, green dildos everywhere for a while there. Life was good. Then, over the last month the market has taken a dive and the portfolio doesn’t look as strong. + +FUD and media coverage about crypto tanking are dominating the news cycle. And of course, all of this just had to hit right before Christmas. + +Now, I must go sit at Christmas dinner and listen to Aunt Teri talk about how much BTC has tanked recently and I should have never invested in that scam. Brother-in-law Charles will be pointing out how stocks have always been the only proper investment. Dad will just be shaking his head in disgust. It will be a collective circle jerk of “I told you so” all pointed at me. + +I for one am hoping for a nice run over the next few days so I don’t have to listen to all the crypto "experts" on Christmas day. + +Happy Holidays to all! +Answers from experienced full-time traders please: + +Long-term trader, former analyst for Morgans, over ten years on my own account, early-40s, boring but consistent 0.25-3% risk max with roughly 75% win rates. Nothing fancy- formerly mostly trading swings, but switched to intraday in January. No major issues left to iron out (apart from occasional impulse trades on spikes). There’s no point doing the whole “earnings porn” thing, the bottom line is I started earning more on forex than my salaried income about two months ago. + +Having been on full-paid furlough for over six months, my IG account has reached a stage where I have to make a serious decision in the next couple of months. Having the time to trade every day has paid off. Instead of withdrawing 30-50% of profit each month per my standard practise in the past, I decided to let it all compound to take advantage of the covid madness. The great advantage being that even an ultra-low risk trade yielding just 0.1% is now a significant monetary figure. + +The problem is the following: A job that I was formerly passionate about has left me pretty disillusioned by the way the organisation treats its staff. The work is meaningful, we make a difference to people’s lives, and I used to love it. + +But having spent a year where I traded full-time (almost a decade ago) I have concerns about going back to it. I didn’t enjoy the isolation at all. To a lot of people it seems like the “dream life” but the realisation that *the buck stops here* isn’t a barrel of laughs. If I decide to stay with my career in January I’ll be doing so knowing I now earn more from trading than I do from a job I no longer care about as much. But the flip-side is that I enjoy the aspect of working with others; I’m by nature an extrovert. And, frankly, the job has purpose. + +So what do you think? If you’ve made the decision to go full-time did you regret it? Did you find the adjustment difficult? How did you achieve a work/life balance? Do you still enjoy it? Maybe you tried it and went back to a regularly working life. + +The third option is of course to stay with the job and just trade less. But the one thought that keeps coming up is “You’re not getting any younger; if you go full-time and hate it you’ll find it hard to get back into the job market later”. + +Thanks in advance for comments. +TL;DR: The Bank of England base rate has been increased from 1.75% to 2.25%. + +This means that the interest rate on savings accounts should go up, and the interest rate on loans and variable mortgages (and new fixed rate mortgages) will also go up. + +[Link to Bank of England Announcement](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy-summary-and-minutes/2022/september-2022) + +[Link to BBC News Article](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62991376) + +If this base rate hike is going to cause you financial difficulty, you might find some helpful information on [this Mod post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/tk8e8g/april_2022_cost_of_living_crisis) relating to the cost of living crisis. +Retards and retardinas, don’t fall for “story”times. Stop acting like this is a “guess what”-game. DFV presented ALL THE DATA. Go watch his DDs on YouTube. There is nothing more to state! He is no magician, he is a data analyst! + +It didn’t take long for the shills to spread shittt in this sub. We’ve just gained a lot of new followers and with them came FUD! The last days have been taxing to find the good ol’ quality DDs. This is simple social diversion tactics. DIVIDE ET IMPERA has been effective for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. What the easy men didn't have back then: a portal to all the data we need! + +Stop getting trolled by some childish emoji “guess the text” guy WHO DOESNT CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING TO THE (mostly) FACTS DRIVEN DDs. HEDGIES R FUK! You have read how many billions they already lost and its just the beginning! And that's why they try ANYTHING to disrupt communities like ours. WE ARE THE DUMB MONEY THAT THEY DIDN'T COUNT WITH. A variable that went wrong for them! + +If you can, then go and FIND DATA! But stop falling for or spreading rumors. + +Don’t fall for that nonsense cryptic distraction games! You’ve learned trading and HODL in the last weeks, WHICH IS THE BEST YOU CAN DO! Now you have to learn to cover up FUD!! + +Go educate yourself on what [FUD Tactics] (credits to u/Ducko_)(https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwi2qj/because_i_cannot_stress_this_enough_i_am/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) really are. + +When they try to make it complicate by such story tellers, the best answer is to keep it simple: BUY & HODL. + +u/rensole stressed today again that we are a fact driven, data fed and analytic thinking mob of apes. + +# The latest data is GME MEETING on 6/9! + +WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE? Just hold, stay calm and wait for catalysts to happen. We are not here to uncover some Illuminati type of shit. We are messing with the financial world. And the financial world is driven by numbers, data and facts. Nothing more. This is the only thing a true retard is interested in. Anything else is just distraction. + +&#x200B; + +In the end, just go and check out the DDs of DFV. It's the best and mostly accurate analysis of the STONK THAT I LIKE. He didn't QUADRUPLE down for no reason... + +&#x200B; + +Now go enjoy your weekend with your beloved ones or with your own, just how you like. Get yourself a banana. Just calm your tits! Do it like DFV did with his final update: Sometimes a bit of distance is better than falling into those traps. + +AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! + +Today won't happen anything anyways. We are used to moving sideways and holding... THIS IS OUR SUPERPOWER! + +# CHEERS EVERYBODY! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +This is also a GREAT POST about relevant infos we might have missed today! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwuszf/actually\_useful\_info\_you\_might\_have\_missed\_230421/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwuszf/actually_useful_info_you_might_have_missed_230421/) + +Another great post: RETAIL (WE) is the WHALE! +https://www.reddit.com/r/gme_capitalists/comments/mwzj6u/why_is_this_post_not_showing_up_on_any_hot_or_top/ +TL:DR: Retail (us) holds most of the shares. Right now it is exorbitantly higher than it has been in JAN/FEB. And the FOMO hasn't even kicked in again. Just wait... patience is the key. + +> Estimate of the REAL retail ownership + +> Given the fraction of all shares owned by retail and the size of all institutional holdings we can compute the number of synthetic shares as a % of the total shares outstanding. Here's a quick table I put together for reference: +https://imgur.com/a/wNMYBHf +According to the latest Bloomberg terminal drop, institutions have at least 110% of all shares outstanding. So: +If retail has 40% (like AAPL), then 83% of outstanding shares are short. 58.1 million shorts in total +If retail has 50% (like TSLA), then 120% of outstanding shares are short. 84 million shorts in total +If retail has 70% (like AMC), then 267% of outstanding shares are short. 186.9 million shorts in total +...and if retail has 80%, then 450% of outstanding shares are short. 315 million shorts will need to cover +Conclusion: Retail is leviathan. And shorts r fuk +He never came up with buying short term speculative options until this week. And out of a sudden we perform 9%. Since we know hedgefunds don't hedge, it's now 20k options itm. Means 2 million shares they are forced to deliver if everybody exersice. Let that sink in. +I thought it was a scam so I called them back and sure enough it was legit. Was paying 3.74% now they lowered it to 2.94%. + +I assume it's so I stay put and don't look around for a better deal. + +Anyone else had this experience? + +Edit: The bank Anz + + +**“T-MINUS 24hrs”** + +Around a few weeks ago GameStop released their collection “GMERICA 1,” with the most popular NFT in the collection being the “Cape Canaveral” Space Shuttle. (See image below:) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3q7d0xs1ngp91.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=c625543dadb1f9556f5f67c7e8d7f795c126852f + +In this NFT we see a “T MINUS” countdown window attached to the launch tower, just about an hour ago GameStop tweeted out “T-24 hours” along with an Astronaut in a GameStop suit. In my opinion this is absolutely no coincidence, could GameStop have just revealed who / what is behind the visor of the Astronaut...? ([If you’re not familiar with the tweet you can click here](https://twitter.com/GameStopNFT/status/1573024421937352711?s=20&t=WfE1gfo8XyPFdPBdDQcNmg)) + +&#x200B; + + ***Connecting the dots:*** + +&#x200B; + +Upon taking a closer look a trove of information was uncovered. Firstly, the art looks incredible, I figured a good starting point would be visiting the artist’s page ([Antoni Tudisco](https://twitter.com/antonitudisco).) Initially I couldn’t find much that appeared to be related, but after scrolling down his timeline I found some interesting tweets. + +&#x200B; + +On February 28th, Antoni had tweeted about a project he was excited to produce the art for called “Kiraverse,” (see tweet [here](https://twitter.com/antonitudisco/status/1498376626870050822?s=20&t=WVr8cq-S7vfDQvRIeznOGQ).) Once this tweet was found I visited the Kiraverse page, and everything was starting to click. + +&#x200B; + +About a month ago Kiraverse posted a tweet showcasing one of their NFTs, but it wasn’t just any NFT... It appears to be the same face behind the visor that was just revealed by GameStop (see tweet [here](https://twitter.com/KiraverseNFT/status/1551648776762363909?s=20&t=WVr8cq-S7vfDQvRIeznOGQ).) + + + +Now I couldn’t just draw that conclusion from that one clip, below I’ll include more evidence further proving my observation. + +&#x200B; + +[\(Left\) Tweeted by GameStop Today. \(Right\) Found in Kiraverse Discord #sneak-peeks. The hair, nose, lips, angle, quality, etc. As you can see the NFTs bear similarities that can’t be mistaken as a mere coincidence.](https://preview.redd.it/bkoltwesogp91.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=d53b864852dd3a2d354dcbeba1d731b683fe4a0f) + +&#x200B; + + + +Kiraverse’s Twitter banner also features that same NFT. + +https://preview.redd.it/y281h16lrgp91.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=af78fac7a17a45bedf03917bc7b91d1496d3caeb + +&#x200B; + +Another variation with purple hair located in the Kiraverse Discord. + +https://preview.redd.it/14lcp60apgp91.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6039223c78e0fa4ca53c348a2cc38a69e1bb880 + + + + A lot of people on the sub have also picked up on the “hidden” partner they have on their [website](https://kiraverse.game/), I would be shocked if it was anyone else as it looks just like the GameStop logo. This just bolstered my belief that EVA & NATE are correlated with Kira & GME. + +https://preview.redd.it/w1w3syufpgp91.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5857c7bd0bac278fcbf9457c4f9e9fd38b5803d + + If you’re still not convinced, I also took a look at the company behind Kiraverse “Param Labs” which is linked in Kiraverse’s Twitter bio, (click [here](https://twitter.com/ParamLaboratory?s=20&t=CQY_AwRhB5ThAmKsqFKvJg) to view Param Labs Twitter) + + + +I then noticed Param Labs has a creator account on GameStop where the EVA & NATE collection is listed, this confirmed my suspicion that Kiraverse and EVA & NATE are somewhat connected. + +&#x200B; + +[See Param Labs in bottom left under \\"Creator.\\"](https://preview.redd.it/nbwpga6msgp91.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=95dea8185ba44dbb227a1af644bbce49dc78a689) + +https://preview.redd.it/f9xr359zsgp91.png?width=387&format=png&auto=webp&s=83a7e39febdddbd21ab6f70905b6f3ffca951f42 + + + +***Kiraverse Due Diligence:*** + +After already searching the past hour I had to find out what Kiraverse is, and I wasn’t disappointed. On 9/6 Immutable X announced on their twitter that they had partnered with Kiraverse, check out tweet [here](https://twitter.com/Immutable/status/1567272179204771840?s=20&t=_PsQI_2FDpLoHO8OpFmb3Q). In this tweet we got a lot of insight, I’ll quote the highlights from the IMX tweet below. + +&#x200B; + +*“Kiraverse is founded by Param Labs, an Unreal Engine gaming & full-fledged blockchain development company.”* + +&#x200B; + +*“We’re thrilled to work with the talented team at Kiraverse including their world-renowned 3D artists who have worked with top-tier brands / artists: Nike, Will Smith & more.”* + +&#x200B; + +*“With a game developed pre-mint and leading blue chips already integrated like Doodles, Cool Cats, & DeGods. Kiraverse will utilize our scaling solution to unite fine art & gaming in a new world of digital ownership on Ethereum.”* + +&#x200B; + +A few big things to unpack here, most exciting to me is it appears Kiraverse already has a built-out game. Attached to the same Immutable X tweet I’ve referenced above is also some gameplay footage where we can see integrated NFTs fighting against each other. If Kiraverse is already able to allow interoperability in their game that is fucking huge. I continued to skim through their Discord channels and found some specifics about the game in the FAQ. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[FAQ found in Kira discord under #faq channel.](https://preview.redd.it/7toqk3a5tgp91.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd8aea6c46b81bfdaea13ff2545990493bc7390c) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Intro info \/ overview found in #about-us.](https://preview.redd.it/yq3gdh1argp91.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eecab8121c9f46e7d98ca19947e9a3c199c6d79) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[NFT integration info found in #about-us.](https://preview.redd.it/w134rnjprgp91.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5262731e227f731f9409da6b397c78532aa745e) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Kiraverse NFTs breakdown found in #about-us.](https://preview.redd.it/1wdo6ansrgp91.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=af00362d770e896a09d66780f02ab427be07ab26) + +&#x200B; + +***Final Thoughts:*** + +I have arrived at the conclusion that Kiraverse / Param Labs are in some way working with GameStop, from the Immutable X partnership to the Param Labs creator account, it’s just too coincidental to be coincidence. I’m personally excited to see if this all plays out, tits are fuckin jacked. Will continue to update this post as more info comes out! +Well hello again, heres a TLDR for the folks + +TLDR: GameStop will use an ICO to buy back droves of GME shares starting on May 4th 2022. Once that is initiated, they will then DPO their carve-out GME-E onto a blockchain exchange. We get rich. As fuck. + +&#x200B; + +Lets start with the time frame, theres been a lot of chatter about 7:41 and splits.. but what if I told you that 7:41 was a marker for us to hunt down a certain tweet, and some other bread crumbs were left along the way but we missed them.. + +&#x200B; + +First Byron RTd something from 4 years ago so it must be important.. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jyqsmyekkkr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3cd06bf0d33308a085df70c767867c5308e5bbc + +Holy shit, at 7:41? Could this be it? The blueprint we've all been waiting for? + +&#x200B; + +Maybe something is significant with the date as well.. 5/4/2018.. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/36gprmsskkr81.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=18ddc890678fc6cd3b46310e14c9a61121538607 + +May the 4th be with all of us because I just got a raging clue. + +\*\*Enter Loopring\*\* + +The previous CEO/founder of Loopring, Daniel Wang, had his avi set to this for almost a year, it even switched colors once, but stayed the same other than color. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/128kvqy5lkr81.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=832a50abd7006c3a29d66908deeec1cad31ff926 + +Interesting.. 7:41..star wars day.. and the owner has a mandalorian helmet as his avi with no explanation as to why for almost 12 months straight? Are we really this retarded? + +&#x200B; + +Lets see if we can dish up some more breadcrumbs + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l5lxq3sclkr81.jpg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a112e37e698414990ff6a825066363b0a3d83214 + +Well Looprings main slogan is quite literally "THIS IS THE WAY" + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gt2obnwmlkr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e915a53495ce67d8e33d84872d6c188715b0edf1 + +ARE WE REALLY THAT RETARDED? They're screaming at us "yo this is the way" + +They are planning on ICO->Share Buy Back on May 4th + +Another breadcrumb I found that makes this more tangible? + +I heard short sellers are pretty dumb but how dumb are they? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/46pmr90qlkr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb135a37ac86f936f91b866df864b1484dbcc39 + +&#x200B; + +The slack lawsuit in my previous post about traceability and lack of restricted stock oversight is what this is about. + +Slack lost a lawsuit vs retail investors because they could not trace their restricted stock. (GME will need to restrict stock if they plan on doing an ICO. Coin=Share. Must be restricted for offering). Retail won because even the DTC couldn't trace shares. + +&#x200B; + +Legal precedence. Also legal precedence because overstock has already done this and sidestepped the SEC/regulators all together. + +&#x200B; + +You can read more about the other 80% of what I view as their plans along with more of Cohens deciphered tweets here + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tszhia/gamestop\_is\_planning\_on\_dpoing\_gmee\_onto/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tszhia/gamestop_is_planning_on_dpoing_gmee_onto/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\*\*deep breath step back\*\* + +&#x200B; + +I mean for fucks sake even DFV tweet: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bowd89r36lr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31e176c03126e3ed41af146b665148517a02e08 + +WHEN + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9ji3jf8d6lr81.jpg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965b598a1895bf720b16d2ce89bde27240464f05 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ MUCH ](https://preview.redd.it/payf9ymi6lr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e72f6bca8cb6dd6bd81fe68966594643f7a548) + +HOW MUCH (Post Split, 7:1 token representative of one share) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mpkw7ser6lr81.jpg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a04573a2a0b9d32ba742b287ba93dcca80e471 + +&#x200B; + +Lets take a glimpse back into some notable very very successful stock buy backs in the last few years from tech companies.. + +The main one that really sticks out to me is Apple. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/v1qiul84mkr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6001c143f45792b993a1a13be2094a7ba0ca6b6d + +\*\*mic drop\*\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/25ac8yy0mkr81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a0551794c22a1efd1eab826c42a2b66670323a + +&#x200B; + +Holy fuckin dong man. Share buy back via ICO is IMMINENT. + +&#x200B; + +What does the tokenized security look like? + +Lets take a look at Overstock, who has semi successfully done this in the past. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/90rm3yyemkr81.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a848f180f4b23387c84449c028eff1df829e53a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/41a6eacgmkr81.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3aa4a3052196e213319f5668389e9b380e13c35 + +Where were going we don't need intermediaries right? This seems to be the way! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/clqvgi1lmkr81.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=d31defbe4553e40aa51e09b2b4ba30abbc009d60 + +AND its tagged to digital locate receipts so this bullshit intraday borrow to close/open shorts is hopefully stopped because the SEC isn't doing shit and i'm fairly convinced GG has given Cohen the green light to use creative ways to combat. + +&#x200B; + +But why wasn't Overstock's ICO as successful as it could've been? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w7ycmta0nkr81.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=db8d4fe3eae01c573a7904006a6856789ae1c688 + +They claimed to have more secured in investments than what was the truth. + +&#x200B; + +I know a certain person who won't have any issues with this..he puts his money where his mouth is right, and it takes money to buy whiskey. + +&#x200B; + +As for my previous DPO -> blockchain post, that shit is happening in my mind 9 times out of 10. The fact that the day of my post they announced a green light to issue stocks as dividends is a MASSIVE "hey you guys are on the right track please don't lose hope!" + +This timeline would also line up PERFECT for how I imagine their carve-out of GME-E->Tombstone lat May->Offering of GME-E on blockchain exchange on Father's day (late June and before end of Q2). + +First they would need to issue a tombstone pr announcement for issuing any new shares. + +I'll just leave this here.. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zq50mo6atlr81.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=bacdd3822242a5c38021485e1073308173808d80 + +The bread crumbs keep getting fresher, I think we got this one! + +&#x200B; + +WAGMI, we'll all be rich as fuck, and we'll all be able to live our one and only life as we choose. Oh and we'll be destroying predatory financial infrastrcutures along the way. + +&#x200B; + +To those that are still here, be greedy for those that cannot afford to be greedy, we have self-assemblied into the most dangerously creative and relentless group on reddit and I'm very proud of us. + +&#x200B; + +SPECULATION EDIT THAT TURNED WEIRD: Maybe the cone is a reference to C.R.E.A.M. as well, which was the first DAO->DAO loan ever. They posted NFT artwork for loan capital at almost a 0% interest rate. Would GME be able to post their creators art as collateral for a loan to buy back all outstanding shares? Which they would then be able to issue the creators as tokenized stock incentives? YOOOOO. Lets loop wutang theories in too fuck it. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jrxmabpullr81.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=eebbf6b00e63e2217bec8a71b745899abed41943 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g430jzoxllr81.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ba94387c75a4518de4ab61c8ced2446fdc6e343 + +Holy shit, backtracked who the purchasers were and there was an anonymous donor needed to help fund the original Snowden NFT. This is the NFT which was used in collateral for the DAO to DAO loan to via CREAM to buy the Wu Tang album. Without this nothing could be set in motion. + +DefiTED is also the owner of PplPleasr, which is Cohens dads name and Cohen has even tweeted a picture of Ted on 4/20. + +Weirdest part is that pplpleasr said they created an NFT for the donor as a gesture of thanks for their help...and I remember it being a Mecha Godzilla I shit you not I will try to find it. + +Why is that important? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jrhjr1tgllr81.jpg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8405d8e78ab43e720a79d0703130f4fcaa59c285 + +Also appears Snowden tweeted about GameStop EXACTLY 365 days after Cohens letter to the board.. thats also very strange. + +If i go down this rabbit hole any longer I might break the simulation. But the bottom half is definitely speculation onto how a DAO-DAO loan based off their art alone could be enough to buy all outstanding shares and completely take it onto blockchain via tokenization of securities. + +&#x200B; + +FUCKING CRAZY + +&#x200B; + +BYE! + +&#x200B; +Hi everyone Eli Buyko here, + +&#x200B; + +As some of you know I have been selling futures options neutrally for almost 7 years now and a big reason I am still in the game is because I always choose **TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY WITH THE MARKET!** + +**I recently closed my GC, ZW positions before they hit my targets and haven't treaded ES, RTY, ZB and currency futures for a while now!** + + +&#x200B; + +**What does it mean to be safe than sorry with the market?** +It's pretty simple, when there is a major event and you know for a fact the products you trade (neutrally) will be affected, close the position right away! + +What is a major event: The vid, rate hikes, possible war and other events that are rare. + + +There is a misconception that high volatility is good for options sellers, and it is but not for neutral trading in the futures market! + +(I have another post where I talk about high IV in the stock market vs the futures market: [https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/s2m97g/the\_reason\_i\_avoid\_high\_iv\_in\_futures\_options/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/s2m97g/the_reason_i_avoid_high_iv_in_futures_options/)) + +As neutral traders we want a stable and predictable(to an extent) market! If I would have not followed the be safe than sorry rule I would have maybe broke even in my trading (at best), and the fact is for most options sellers, not only neutral ones, the biggest losses come from uncertain times like the ones we are at right now! + + +Some people know all that but they still hope that everything will be okay, and here is something important: **Hope is not a strategy and is definitely not profitable!** + + + + + +**So if I stay away from all these products, what do I trade?!** +I trade SB, HE, LE, CT, KC at the moment, neutrally mostly. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**There is nothing bad in taking a step back and avoiding bad fights in the market, in fact I think it is very smart actually and can keep a lot of traders profitable!** + + + +I would love to read your thoughts on it! +I hope this was helpful 🙏 + + +I shared a piece of my story a few days ago and despite it receiving a large number of positive votes and comments, the powers deemed it inappropriate. So allow me to try again and this time I will be much more direct in my thoughts. + +Several years ago, just as the ‘08/’09 crisis was irrupting I greatly expanded my business as a final push towards my own FIRE goals even though I had never heard of the FIRE movement. The brass ring was inches from my fingers when my industry was utterly destroyed upon the shoals of that disaster. Even though I didn’t fulfill my goals, I got close enough to enjoy some of the fruits of my labors and I stopped working 80 hours a week. My life’s story has been one of never quite making it, but being happy with the outcome nevertheless. + +Now for the rest of the story… + +Quite a few years ago I knew the scale had tipped. My yesterdays outnumbered my tomorrows. You can look at actuary tables, family histories and still you only have a guess at best. On May 27th I found out how far my guess was from reality. I knew something was wrong with my heart and asked my wife to drive me to the ER. Attempts at installing stints failed and I was scheduled for immediate open heart surgery. My surgeon explained to me that with disease this progressed you usually never find out about … but your family will. I survived and am on the mend but I am facing a very long and difficult road which is unlikely to lead back to my old work life. (Thank God for small favors!) + +The Stoics talk about living life as if you are about to die, which is what I used to think I did. That is until I faced the very real possibility of not surviving the surgery (which I almost didn’t). I am unsure as to what changes, large and small, I will make in my life and perspective. I am not making any even slightly major decisions for at least another 3 months. + +My thoughts for this group is simply to take my experience as a cautionary tale. My life nearly ended shortly after my 58th birthday. I almost became one of those “it is a shame he died so young.” You do not know the extent of your tomorrows, but you do have today. Cherish your loved ones, call your parents today, hug your spouse, and be a friend to someone who needs it. These are far more important than anything else because tomorrow you may not have. + +Pursue FIRE, for it is a worthy objective, but never forget to keep things in balance and be sure to have lived today. +Mature age apprentice plumber here. Thinking of relocating to north QLD after my apprenticeship due to family and house prices. +Have never worked for myself and hoping to get advice on a possible niche career path where I could make upwards of $150k per year. +Some say machine operating drainage and water companies, others say mines, others say find a niche you can exploit for bank. +Just unsure what direction to head in. All I know is I want to work for myself if possible. +Cheers, have a frothy, it's Friday ! +edit: i wrote this post at like 3am when i was stressed afff and i did not realize how much attention this would get, i thought it was just gonna 8-9 upvotes and then buried. THANK YOU FOR THE AWARDS AND MOTIVATING COMMENTS i’m reading all of them right now + +First gen american, First gen college student, My entire family does not have a retirement fund or invest. + +I’ve been living in government housing for 13 years (21 soon) and the environment, the dull, flickering lights, the overdue bread and canned food combo is a mental killer. god I can’t wait until I get out of here and see the sunlight; living here feels like a time fog. + +College/school is super challenging for me considering I finished highschool with a 2.1 and i’m now pursuing Robotics Engineering of all degrees... (complaining but i still love it, i can literally spam about engineering until i die) + +Scrubbing moldy chicken off plates and cooking all day helps me buy stocks so, hopefully, i’ll never have to do it again + +It’s really hard looking at statistics of broken/poor families and the rate of success they have. but I am working on being the anomaly that goes from >99 percentile to at least top 10 percent + +Despite the rant/vent, I think LIFE IS DOABLE and it’s possible I can be well-off in my 40’s, I am actually very optimistic for the long term future even if my chances are slim, I’ve seen my family sit on the sidelines and say “this is fine” for too long, I don’t want to just be comfortable, I WANT TO BE HAPPY WITHOUT THE STRINGS OF FINANCE PULLING ME DOWN + +edit: I just woke up and didn’t expect this to get so many upvotes overnight (and i’ve never received awards before so this is pretty cool) so far i’ve seen a lot of nice comments thank you!! + +last night i barely slept because of stress but these comments will keep me through today THANK YOUU + +edit: I CANT READ EVERY COMMENT BC I GOTTA WORK BUT WHEN IM OFF WORK ILL READ EVERY COMMENT THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT AND UPLIFTING WORDS +Assume an owner wants to sell a business. It’s a + +-7 year old coffee shop +-almost debt free +-heavy on goodwill and intangible assets +-physical assets include only the property and whatever little kitchen instruments +-NOT based in a metro, more of a developing city + +How should an ideal ‘proposal to buy’ for prospective clients look like? +EDIT: this is a hypothetical situation. I will be plugging all the figures by myself, almost above the industry average. I am trying to know what does the prospectus consists of and which model is suitable to measure FV +So the company has had a shitty start of the year to say the least and has dropped to sub 20 prices. Some of it is due to Netflix even though they don't face the same problems imo. WBD produces a lot of it's own content, they have the talent for it unlike Netflix. Their content is also very diverse from Game of Thrones, Chernobyl, Christopher Nolan movies to reality shows from the discovery side. The subscriber growth has also been steady for HBO max and Discovery+. + + +What am I missing here? Just looking at the valuations compared to its peers it's looking quite cheap. Is this recent performance due to Netflix, fears of the companys debt (even though they spit out lots of cash flow) and AT&T owners selling their newly gained stocks? Thoughts? +I'm freaking out crying! I can't pay this. I'm a grad student that lives paycheck to paycheck. I have student health insurance that's year-round. My school has a rule that if you get a referral from the school's health center, then Specialty office visits at my school's hospital are covered. I didn't know about this so I just made an appointment with my school's hospital's Urologist and went in for a 1-year follow-up. It wasn't my first time going, I've gone numerous times in the past. I guess in the past, my visits were covered because my original referral was 1 year long. + +This time, I actually still did pay $25 in the office because I told the office workers that I had student health insurance, and that's the copay for it. + +This past weekend, I got this "Explanation of Benefits" in the mail and it says THIS IS NOT A BILL, but "It is your responsibility to pay: $1008.00". I think I actually have to pay it to someone, right? To the Urology office at my school's hospital? + +I signed into Anthem and it also says I have a $1008.00 denied claim. + +**What is my next step?** I think I need to submit an appeal to Anthem Blue Cross. Are there any techniques or strategies to get them to accept it? Like, things to say. Or things not to say. I literally cannot pay it. I forgot to get a referral from school. But that sounds so dumb. + +I also emailed my school's health insurance office with similar questions. I'm so scared. + +Is there a way for me to pay this off slowly over time? Or to apply for some sort of funding or charity? I need all the help I can get. + +Thank you very much for your time. +As most know, the cannabis sector has been absolutely destroyed in the last 6 months. Every single large, mid, and small cap is down over 50%, some have delisted, and others are hanging on by a thread. + +I initially invested in Canopy and doubled my money. Thankfully I sold that one at a good profit. However, I started with playing other stocks in the sector, and now I've lost more than I made in the entirety of last year, including my non-weedstock portfolio. I did not manage risk properly. + +The other 3 positions were VFF, OH, and VGW. I sold VFF at a 50% loss because I needed to reduce my exposure to the sector. I'm still holding VGW (-25%) and OH (-55%). + +Should I just cut my losses at this point and call it a lesson learned? Or hold to profit or $0? I'm paralyzed by the choices. On one hand I think they can come back, but on the other, there's a real possibility they don't and I lose even more. Fuck me for ever buying into the hype. This sets me back nearly 2 years. +Just transferred some ADA to Celsius, and while the process is beyond simple (copy paste address, confirm correct network), as soon as my entire stack of coins is on the line, I suddenly become my own grandma - What the hell is keyboard shortcuts, I prefer a right click > copy > right click paste, son. Trying to confirm I pasted it correctly, I suddenly need glasses and the latin alphabet turn into hieroglyphs, apparently. And once it's sent I _immediately_ panic and wonder if I did this or that wrong, like a perpetual second guessing of "did I turn off the stove??!" while boarding a flight. + +The best way to compare it is I know I can balance on a 3 feet wide plank, but raise it 100 feet above the ground and suddenly I cant even walk. With mornings like these, who needs coffee. Still havent recieved my ADA though, maybe 35 is a good age to start smoking? + +Edit: Update since so many are worried, it's in! +Hello everyone! + +Sloppypencil here! + +I am an animation supervisor for the show "Rick and Morty" and a few months ago I started uploading my animations as nfts on the Gamestop Marketplace, in which I was received with overwhelming support by the community. + +&#x200B; + +[Today we are featured in the Gamestop Marketplace front page! ](https://preview.redd.it/6ykbw0gzsdz91.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=d76a2bca4cab963e9509a0acb7e7496c75aaec26) + +I started by doing short loop animations and started steadily growing a community of collectors. Collaborated with great music artists to add audio to my visuals and I came up with a new idea for a collection which would push my solo animation skills to my limits. + +[Some of my 2D loops that were instantly sold out in the MP](https://preview.redd.it/rtsvstj5tdz91.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5f5e887a909a679a8961c64a137a6260ffe3829) + +\- DOKKODO - + +With all the incredible support I got from these apes, I worked nonstop for 2+ months with a rapper called Slyte, on a 2D animated music video. + +&#x200B; + +[The path of walking alone](https://preview.redd.it/v33g2q3btdz91.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea6b94b39ea620e72356312f280d127cdf0a4854) + +&#x200B; + +[All characters, background art and animation done by myself! ](https://reddit.com/link/ysndea/video/go3tj3r93ez91/player) + +&#x200B; + +I originally thought NFTs were only JPEGs and gifs and they would not evolve into something else, but after meeting other incredible artists on the marketplace I saw the possibilities of what we could offer with my project. For example, since we work directly with musicians that also create their own original works, we have additionally been able to reward holders with commercial rights to the songs we use! + +For Dokkodo, I additionally commissioned 3D artists to create my characters so they could be used for 3D printing, VR chat, **the next generation of games being developed**, or anywhere else you can use a 3D model + +&#x200B; + +[Dokko-Slayer](https://preview.redd.it/e1rn7dcltdz91.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac9389cd53dea4fe35590b6346b14e080cce9149) + +&#x200B; + +[Mauricio - Slayed ](https://preview.redd.it/iq473khmtdz91.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fcdbc4401808980706e62f578d2c540b1b948bb) + +My characters will now cross universes and live forever thanks to Gamestop. + +Just wanted to share what I was able to create thanks to the support of the community. I plan on building this project a lot more so if you are interested, please feel free to join the discord community. Also check out the Dokkodo collection on the Marketplace, it just launched a week ago so its still pretty early. + +We will be giving away an NFT of the animation in the discord tomorrow 11/12 with a RUMBLE!! So stay tuned! + +Dokkodo:[ https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/dokkodo](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/dokkodo) + +Please let me know your thoughts! It's a pleasure to finally be able to show this to the world. + +Cheers! + +Sloppy. +This is a genius two-pronged attacked that is going to make life difficult for two different groups for two different reasons! + +Attack #1– hit the DTCC hard. By doing a dividend split the DTCC is going to be handed a limited number of shares (they’ll get theirs after CS distributes shares to insiders and DRS accounts). This puts serious pressure on the DTCC because there’s going to be a ton of people expecting stocks to show up in their account and the DTCC is going to have to find them. (There have been a lot of posts focusing on this scenario— but not on the second prong of the attack.) + +Attack #2– Forcing price action that will trigger margin calls and liquidations. The last 18 months price actions have shown the SHF have price ceilings where margin calls would be triggered. In January ‘21 it looks like it was $500. By March ‘21 it had come down to $350. Their efforts to kick the can and to live to fight one more day have increased their debt, their fees and interest, and have lowered their margin threshold. There was some speculative DD recently that suggested the line may lie to under $200 and may be as low as $150. + +Every time a stock splits the price begins to climb again. So this move is going to result in prices rising— and they won’t have to rise much to begin to trigger margins. If the stock is at $120 on July 18 it will start trading at $30 a share. Juicy right? But that $30 is really 4 for $120. A rise in price to $50 a share is equivalent to $200. And when it hits $75, it’s $300. + + +And this isn’t even considering the effect this will have on options and the ramp that’s going to push prices up. Hedgies are fukd. + +I know there is concern that the system will somehow cheat and screw apes. I think though this move puts multiple pressure points on different parties such that their options are going to be limited. Hedgies need the price to stay low. The DTCC needs to buy shares. Two of our biggest enemies have just been pitted against each other. Both are fukd bcs my price to sell has lots of numbers in it. + +So genius move RC! Hit the DTCC and hit SHF! Buckle up! + +TLDR- the dividend split attacks the DTCC by forcing them to close shorts/buy shares since they won’t receive enough from CS to distribute to the brokerages AND attacks the Hedgies by creating upward price pressure that will trigger margin calls and then liquidations. +Hello everyone I’m a 32 year old man and a first generation immigrant from Asia. I’m a dual US/Canadian citizen and my wife is a 30 year old natural born citizen. Recently we just hit the first major milestone of $1 million combined networth. We currently live in a MCOL city in Texas (not Austin) making about $220,000 a year combined. Most of our networth are from 401K/Roth, index funds and equity in our house. + +Here is the quick networth progression over the years. The healthy recovery and increase of the market during the pandemic really skyrocketed our networth since our jobs weren’t affected. + +Please note that numbers before 2018 are rough estimates. + +&#x200B; + +* Year : Me / Wife / Total +* 2013: $0 / $0 / $0 +* 2014: $15K, -$90K, -$75K (wife’s student loans) +* 2015: $35K, -$65K, -$30K +* 2016: $50K, -$40K, $10K +* 2017: $90K, $0K, $90K (loan paid off) +* 2018: $180K, $30K, $210K +* 2019: $224K, $90K, $314K +* 2020: $352K, $187K, $539K +* 2021: $479K, $301K, $780K +* Now: $606K, $396K, $1 Mil + +I have a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and my wife has a Masters in Biomedical Engineering. I’m currently working as an engineer in a company that provides different components to the Aerospace/Defense, Oil & Gas, Semiconductor and Medical industry. I’m proud to say that our components were used in the production of the Pfizer COVID vaccine (microchip sold separately). My wife works for a company that produces various surgical equipment. Here are salary numbers over the years: + +&#x200B; + +* Year : Me / Wife +* 2013: $75K\*, $0 (Wife in grad school) +* 2014: $75K\*, $65K +* 2015: $75K, $65K (Job switch for me) +* 2016: $75K, $75K (Job switch for wife) +* 2017: $78K, $82K +* 2018: $80K, $89K +* 2019: $100K, $96K (Job switch for me) +* 2020: $104K, $103K +* 2021: $110K, $110k + +\*My first job out of college got paid $57K with free company furnished housing for 2 years (My W2 was $75K). After 2 years of the program my salary would drop down to $62K so I found a job in Texas. While I got to keep my salary, it didn’t increase much due to the performance of the company (all the money went to the CEO/shareholders I’m sure). + +Our total networth breakdown are the following: + +* 401K/Roth/HSA: $472K +* Brokerage/Index Fund: $391K +* Cash: $37K +* House equity: $100K +* Crypto/Meme stocks: $4K + +Our Index Funds are mainly SP500 equivalent like VTSAX. We have approximately 75/20 split between US and International Market funds with the rest in bonds. + +Like a lot of couples and families in this sub, having a partner that wants to save and FIRE is a huge help to achieve our goals. Since we are pretty frugal we didn’t really track our year to year spendings, I estimate we range from $45K to $55K per year. Besides a big vacation each year we don’t spend a ton of money on luxuries. We use what we have until it breaks before we get something new. This way we are not cycling through cars, electronics and toys constantly like most consumers. We try to limit eating out to one to two times a week, partly due to cost and partly due to the health benefits of cooking our own meal. We are not gamblers or financial gurus so we stuck to the tried and true index funds. We live by the rule that there’s no such thing as “getting rich quick” and stick to what we know the most, our jobs. + +Our future plan is to have a kid in 2-3 years and FIRE in 3-5 years with a total networth of $1.8 million+. We are trying to stick to a more conservative withdrawal rate of 3.5% and flexible spending of $60-75K depending on market conditions. If we decide that we might need a bit more to raise our child then we’ll "do one more year" and bump our NW past $2 mil. +**EDIT: Dont award this post. Don't give Reddit the money for coins. That's stupid. Reddit has enough money.** + +Over the past 2 years I've been **agressivley** buying Bitcoin. Before today, I had north of 2 whole coins. Well, I recently got into a car accident, and my shitbox was "totaled"(hit and run(not covered)). I needed to pay my health insurance's deductible, and buy a new car. In all, I had to sell between $10k and $12k of my coin to pay for everything. And then a little bit extra because I got raped by the coinbase fee. I sold only what I needed to. +I feel like shit. I keep telling myself "hey, look, you could've gotten a Tesla, or some other cool shit, but you were smart and went with a reasonable, cheap, vehicle(09 Honda pilot)". But I still feel like shit. It was the first time I've ever sold, and it crushed me. +ITM is a British manufacturer that provides hydrogen energy solutions. They are AIM-listed, which does limit the access to financials and analyst coverage, but they have been listed since 2004 giving us some history to judge. Looking at the fundamentals and what is happening in the industry, I'll try and work out if this is a good long term investment or not. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q97ud78qzw251.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebb658a09e6f99204c4886a303ece6f98798561e + +**What Does ITM Do?** + +Hydrogen energy solutions is a broad statement which doesn't tell us too much about the business. What we can do is look through their financial reports to see how they divide up their own business as well as the products they have on offer. + +Their solutions include grid balancing, energy storage, production of green hydrogen for transport, and renewable heat and chemicals. However, this isn't what you will see on their balance sheet, there are two ways to breakdown their revenue, the type of operation and by sub-industry. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/85j0e69rzw251.jpg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b5911fd929ee6748b90e496af53c3f864149bf + +Source: [ITM Interim 2019 Report](https://www.itm-power.com/images/ITM_Power_Interim_Report_2019_-_v3.pdf) + +Construction contracts make up the lion share of the revenue for ITM. A large part of their business is installing large bases for refuelling, energy containment, or even processing plants. For example, having a fleet of hydrogen busses means you need a specialist refuelling station. You could either lease one or pay ITM to construct one complete with their hydrogen converting machines. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uwcy4ljtzw251.jpg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0490bacb8bb8237288dfc9f11101c456b41aa85 + +Source: [ITM AGM 2019 Presentation](https://www.itm-power.com/images/Investors/PresentationsAndResearch/AGM_Presentation_October_2019_web.pdf) + +Consulting also makes up a large part of their revenue. Being experts in their field ITM also offers to consult for both their installations as well as others. Not only is this any additional revenue line, but it also means existing installations are kept at maximum capacity and clients are happy. + +Maintenance is split out from consulting and very strict about the reoccurring revenue of their machines and sites. This is also an interesting measure of existing finished sites where they are making ongoing revenue versus lots of new projects. Seeing this number increase means we have more finished projects bringing in a stable base of revenue, for what we hope is dramatically less cost. + +Fuel sales are direct sales where they own the site and equipment and clients are charged to purchase hydrogen for their machines. This also includes selling fuel in bulk. + +Finally, we have the always present "other" category, for any minor revenues which don't live anywhere else. This line is different from other operating income or one-off gains like selling parts of the business or a previously owned site. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s4a43yfuzw251.jpg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0dc86a322d2bf07f54b6ead9c467ae459ad60be + +Source: [ITM Interim 2019 Report](https://www.itm-power.com/images/ITM_Power_Interim_Report_2019_-_v3.pdf) + +Alternatively, we can break down the business lines by what industry they relate to. This does mean some projects will be split across different segments, the totals always add up the same but it gives us some insight into why clients are coming to ITM. + +Power-to-gas also is known as P2G is converting electrical energy into a gas, in this case, hydrogen. Two reasons for wanting to do this, firstly this is the end product (for ITM the next business line is where you see this as the end product), and secondly to store power. Electricity is a pain to store and can be expensive to keep as raw electricity. By converting this into a gas, it's easier to store and then use the gas as the power source. It's a great way to transport power without all the expensive infrastructure. + +Refuelling is where ITM is powering machinery and vehicles. The main business for ITM is building refuelling depots. Buying a contract from ITM to build you a hydrogen refuel station for your new busses would show up as a construction contract and be created as part refuelling in this view. + +The chemical industry is the leftover parts of the process which can still be sold and converted. It also includes taking P2G and performing more work to convert it into LPG. This means you can still produce liquid petroleum gas from ITM's equipment. Most of their customers won't want to be left with P2G and will want the extra steps to end up with LPG. + +ITM also has another source of income not listed here. + +Grants from different governments and bodies to further the research and development of clean energy. In 2019 ITM took £6.8m in grants, in the same period they made £4.6m in revenue. This is powering a significant about of R&D for the business, given we are in a situation where global governments have more pressing needs for their money, this is at risk of slipping. + +**What Do The Fundamentals Tell Us?** + +I mentioned an AIM listing makes this a bit harder. From a regulatory standpoint, they don't have to release as much information about their company as someone on the main exchange. AIM stocks are as a blanket rule, much higher risk because of this. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l5drak8vzw251.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=5032995f9af9740e63cb6d0aa11f5f94ec4a228f + +Source: [Genuine Impact](https://www.genuineimpact.io/) + +This kind of heavily skewed relative rank is expected. It's a small company which a lot of volatility. As always I want more context and will dive a bit deeper to understand what this means. + +When looking at what ITM does I showed some financial statements and also highlight they historically have brought in more grants than revenue, which isn't a long term sustainable approach. + +The revenue for the trailing twelve months was £5m, and they ended up with a -25.49% gross margin. Even before we look at the rest of the financials we can tell the cost of making revenue is painfully high and bleeding cash. If we take into account the rest of the costs with running the business we end up with a shocking -£9.45M loss. A profit margin of -205.88% is rare to see. The bulk of this heavy loss is down to two items, cost of revenue (as we know) followed by prototyping, which is considered separate to R&D. + +Being so cash-intensive there are no dividends and as a shareholder, you can expect a negative EPS, currently sat at -2.90x. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/38afnk2wzw251.jpg?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03bffc8298f946ef50c29249aa8dc2c26837e710 + +Source: [Wallmine](https://gb.wallmine.com/lse/itm) + +What is interesting is the massive recent cash injection of £58.8m. This was completed as fundraise, meaning the company only has £18.11m in debt. Due to the way the reporting works all of this debt is listed as due within the year. If we face this off against current assets we see a very impressive £83.64m if we stretch ourselves and include long term assets we end up with a respectable £92.99m in assets. + +While the company is bleeding cash, the assets are increasing. There is heavy investment in prototyping and developing new machinery to increase their reoccurring revenue beyond the first core sale. A riskier strategy but not an uncommon one for smaller companies. ITM can cover their liabilities and obligations in the short term, which does put them ahead of their similarly structured peers. + +On the surface, the financials appear weaker than they are but based on the earnings we can expect this to be an overpriced stock. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qiafbrvwzw251.jpg?width=1489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3a891705ce7a776b4dd14927944597aa5ddfa8 + +Source: [Yahoo Finance](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/ITM.L/chart?p=ITM.L#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) + +We are trading at all-time highs, and the momentum behind the price movement is very strong. Which is going to drastically harm the value assessment. + +A price to sales of 177.69x and price to book of 53.96x are both abysmal figures. The recent fundraising has helped push the cash to shares to 0.02x, still very weak compared to what we would expect but a move in the right direction. + +This is not a value purchase in any sense. You are paying an extreme premium based on old figures for a company which doesn't have the same level of reporting requirements you would expect from a main market listed company. + +At this point, I would expect you to be very put off. The sell-side analysts with their future growth predictions for ITM are pegged to be extremely high and aggressive. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vc8fy6oxzw251.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=f94e1732af1a307e3adc3e53da43557d67111aa8 + +Source: [Genuine Impact](https://www.genuineimpact.io/) + +We know that ITM has missed every single one of its revenue and EPS targets set by Wall St, and judging by the even split of analyst ratings I would say they are mostly out of date. This is a small AIM stock, it's not going to have a strong following or large amounts of analysis available. + +What stood out to me was the biggest driver behind why the future is looking so promising, and this helps us to understand the aggressive price growth as well. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jp13qakyzw251.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2766621d1e24075054f3bbd37ce5b215fb84684 + +Source: [Genuine Impact](https://www.genuineimpact.io/) + +The smaller size of ITM means that in relative terms it is much easier to produce multiples in terms of future returns. Microsoft making an extra ten million a year won't have a big impact, you'd expect it. For ITM it's life-changing. + +**What Has Happened Since The Last Report?** + +With a lack of analysts, less frequent reporting, and lower coverage in general. It can be harder to understand. This is where I'm going to be a bit more predictive and look into the recent announcements since their last report. + +ITM has won two new projects, new grant secured, and one other project is advanced to the next stage. This is huge news. + +The last report mentioned £42.4m was currently in their backlog pipeline, with another £248m under negotiation. They have delivered on previous contracts and now executing on new deals. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ymm0icezzw251.jpg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c4299f23630bf6acf05e7306300628085a1a2c + +Source: [ITM Interim H1 2020 Results](https://www.itm-power.com/images/Interim_Results_Feb_2020.pdf) + +We have a new JV kicking off, and these new deals entering testing to see if wider adoption is on the cards, there is a lot to be excited about. + +[Deploying Hydrogen Fuel Cell BusFleets for Public Transport across Australia](http://ir1.q4europe.com/IR/Files/RNSNews/459907/ITMPower_14704891.pdf) + +[Funding Award to Supply an 8MW Electrolyser (£10m across 2021/2)](http://ir1.q4europe.com/IR/Files/RNSNews/459907/ITMPower_14682293.pdf) + +[Green Hydrogen for Humberside Project DeploymentStudy](http://ir1.q4europe.com/IR/Files/RNSNews/459907/ITMPower_14667777.pdf) + +[Industrial-scale renewable hydrogen project advances to the next phase ](http://ir1.q4europe.com/IR/Files/RNSNews/459907/ITMPower_14605274.pdf) + +Right now ITM is losing out whenever it brings in revenue due to the higher costs, that is also why they are investing so heavily into prototypes and getting grants. To radically reduce the cost both to produce and buy. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vyc5b8700x251.jpg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9bce0b62a6636c44b56377a4660724f01eda512 + +Source: [ITM Interim H1 2020 Results](https://www.itm-power.com/images/Interim_Results_Feb_2020.pdf) + +**Why Do I Like This Risky Buy?** + +Let me be clear, AIM stocks are sensitive and unpredictable beasts. It is a much riskier investment and can be way more volatile. As a smaller chunk of my portfolio, I am willing to take on some risk. + +There is a lot for me to like here. They have a great pipeline of work and new contracts, which are spread across Europe, with some in Asia, but the biggest focus is here in the UK. ITM has 37 contracts they are trying to close currently. The cost of goods is decreasing and the prototype funding is not coming from their pocket or shareholders, it's coming in the form of grants. + +The latest fundraising has been done to address the working capital and to keep the books in balance while they keep delivering projects. Projects which once delivered still yield a return in the long run. + +A company like this I would typically call an acquisition target and paint that as the exit. Here I feel there is more to give. Expanding with more JVs like the Linde deal, deepening their partnerships with Shell and Toyota, and pushing forward the deal to supply the infrastructure for keeping Australia's hydrogen busses going are all huge prospects. + +The renewable space is huge, and ITM is pushing the core technologies and requirements forward. For me, they are making the right noises and show a lot of promise. There is a big risk in terms of cash flow and deals falling out the pipeline, but I have a bullish outlook for longer-term infrastructure work, and COVID-19 has only pushed forward the demand for cleaner energy and living. + +Let me know what you think of my assessment, is this a stock you have looked into yourself? One to watch or are you avoiding it? + +I had a great time writing this and I hope you found it insightful, let me know if there is anything you feel is missing or I should add. + +Thanks for reading and stay safe. +11 months in this simulation… Wife BEEN tired of me talking about GME every day… + +Today wife took daughter to the mall with her Christmas money. 5 hours shopping couldn’t find anything worthy… + +Wife pissed… + +Walked through the mall look over and witnessed a line all the way down to the other stores with 20 inside at GS… + +She said No shit… That’s when the hairs stood up.. + +Maybe my husband is right… + +No picture but trust me bro my wife wouldn’t say that if not true… + +Looks like trading opens tomorrow apes… + +Let’s make this week mean something… +I interlaced everything between [Vitalik](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/aac4hr/tuurs_criticism_discussion_thread/?st=JQ9NP4JC&sh=e163c866) and [Tuur](https://twitter.com/TuurDemeester/status/1078682801954799617) to make it easier to read. + +--- + +> 1/ People often ask me why I’m so “against” Ethereum. Why do I go out of my way to point out flaws or make analogies that put it in a bad light? + +Intro + +> 2/ First, ETH’s architecture & culture is _opposite_ that of Bitcoin, and yet claims to offer same solutions: decentralization, immutability, SoV, asset issuance, smart contracts, … +> +> Second, ETH is considered a crypto ‘blue chip’, thus colors perception of uninformed newcomers. + +Agree! I personally find Ethereum culture far saner, though I am a bit biased :) + +> 3/ I've followed Ethereum since 2014 & feel a responsibility to share my concerns. IMO contrary to its marketing, ETH is at best a science experiment. It’s now valued at $13B, which I think is still too high. + +Not an argument + +> 4/ I agree with Ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir that it’s not money, not safe, and not scalable. +https://twitter.com/VladZamfir/status/838006311598030848 … + +> @VladZamfir +Eth isn't money, so there is no monetary policy. There is currently fixed block issuance with an exponential difficulty increase (the bomb). + +I'm pretty sure Vlad would say the exact same thing about Bitcoin + +> 5/ To me the first red flag came up when in our weekly hangout we asked the ETH founders about to how they were going to scale the network. (We’re now 4.5 years later, and sharding is still a pipe dream.) + +>> Ethereum's Joe Lubin in June 2014: "anticipate blockchain bloat—working on various sharding ideas". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJG9g0lCPU8&feature=youtu.be&t=36m41s … + +The core principles have been known for years, the core design for nearly a year, and details for months, with implementations on the way. So sharding is definitely not at the pipe dream stage at this point. + +> 6/ Despite strong optimism that on-chain scaling of Ethereum was around the corner (just another engineering job), this promise hasn’t been delivered on to date. + +Sure, sharding is not yet finished. Though more incremental stuff has been going well, eg. uncle rates are at near record lows despite very high chain usage. + +> 7/ Recently, a team of reputable developers decided to peer review a widely anticipated Casper / sharding white paper, concluding that it does not live up to its own claims. + +>> Unmerciful peer review of Vlad Zamfir & co's white paper to scale Ethereum: "the authors do NOT prove that the CBC Casper family of protocols is Byzantine fault tolerant in either practice or theory". + +That review was off the mark in many ways, eg. see https://twitter.com/technocrypto/status/1071111404340604929, and by the way CBC is not even a prerequisite for Serenity + +> 8/ On the 2nd layer front, devs are now trying to scale Ethereum via scale via state channels (ETH’s version of Lightning), but it is unclear whether main-chain issued ERC20 type tokens will be portable to this environment. + +Umm... you can definitely use Raiden with arbitrary ERC20s. That's why the interface currently uses WETH (the ERC20-fied version of ether) and not ETH + +> 9/ Compare this to how the Bitcoin Lightning Network project evolved: + +>> elizabeth stark @starkness: +>> For lnd: +>> First public code released: January 2016 +>> Alpha: January 2017 +>> Beta: March 2018… + +Ok + +> 10/ Bitcoin’s Lightning Network is now live, and is growing at rapid clip. + +>> Jameson Lopp @lopp: +>> Lightning Network: January 2018 vs December 2018 + +Sure, though as far as I understand there's still a low probability of finding routes for nontrivial amounts, and there's capital lockup griefing vectors, and privacy issues.... FWIW I personally never thought lightning is unworkable, it's just a design that inherently runs into ten thousand small issues that will likely take a very long time to get past. + +> 11/ In 2017, more Ethereum scaling buzz was created, this time the panacea was “Plasma”. + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> Buterin & Poon just published a new scaling proposal for Ethereum, "strongly complementary to base-layer PoS and sharding": plasma.io https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/895467347502182401 … + +Yay, Plasma! + +> 12/ However, upon closer examination it was the recycling of some stale ideas, and the project went nowhere: + +>> Peter Todd +>> @peterktodd +>> These ideas were all considered in the Treechains design process, and ultimately rejected as insecure. + +Just because Peter Todd rejected something as "insecure" doesn't mean that it is. In general, the ethereum research community is quite convinced that the fundamental Plasma design is fine, and as far as I understand there are formal proofs on the way. The only insecurity that can't be avoided is mass exit vulns, and channel-based systems have those too. + +> 13/ The elephant in the room is the transition to proof-of-stake, an “environmentally friendly” way to secure the chain. (If this was the plan all along, why create a proof-of-work chain first?) + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> "Changing from proof of work to proof of stake changes the economics of the system, all the rules change and it will impact everything." + +Umm... we created a proof of work chain first because we did not have a satisfactory proof of stake algo initially? + +> 14/ For the uninitiated, here’s a good write-up that highlights some of the fundamental design problems of proof-of-stake. Like I said, this is science experiment territory. + +And here's a set of long arguments from me on why proof of stake is just fine: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Proof-of-Stake-FAQ. For a more philosophical piece, see https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/a-proof-of-stake-design-philosophy-506585978d51 + +> 15/ Also check out this thread about how Proof of Stake blockchains require subjectivity (i.e. a trusted third party) to achieve consensus: https://forum.blockstack.org/t/pos-blockchains-require-subjectivity-to-reach-consensus/762?u=muneeb … and this thread on r/Bitcoin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/59t48m/proofofstake_question/ + +Yes, we know about weak subjectivity, see https://blog.ethereum.org/2014/11/25/proof-stake-learned-love-weak-subjectivity/. It's really not that bad, especially given that users need to update their clients once in a while anyway, oh and by the way even if the weak subjectivity assumption is broken an attacker still needs to gather up that pile of old keys making up 51% of the stake. And also to defend against that there's Universal Hash Time. + +> 16/ Keep in mind that Proof of Stake (PoS) is not a new concept at all. Proof-of-Work actually was one of the big innovations that made Bitcoin possible, after PoS was deemed impractical because of censorship vulnerability. + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> TIL Proof-of-stake based private currency designs date at least back to 1998. +>> https://medium.com/swlh/the-untold-history-of-bitcoin-enter-the-cypherpunks-f764dee962a1 … + +Oh I definitely agree that proof of work was superior for bootstrap, and I liked it back then especially because it actually managed to be reasonably egalitarian around 2009-2012 before ASICs fully took over. But at the present time it doesn't really have that nice attribute. + +> 17/ Over the years, this has become a pattern in Ethereum’s culture: recycling old ideas while not properly referring to past research and having poor peer review standards. This is _not_ how science progresses.Tuur Demeester added, + +>> .@VitalikButerin has been repeatedly accused of /criticised for not crediting prior art. Once again with plasma: https://twitter.com/DamelonBCWS/status/895643582278782976 … + +I try to credit people whenever I can; half my blog and ethresear.ch posts have a "special thanks" section right at the top. Sometimes we end up re-inventing stuff, and sometimes we end up hearing about stuff, forgetting it, and later re-inventing it; that's life as an autodidact. And if you feel you've been unfairly not credited for something, always feel free to comment, people have done this and I've edited. + +> 18/ One of my big concerns is that sophistry and marketing hype is a serious part of Ethereum’s success so far, and that overly inflated expectations have lead to an inflated market cap. + +Ok, go on. + +> 19/ Let’s illustrate with an example. + +... + +> 20/ A few days ago, I shared a critical tweet that made the argument that Ethereum’s value proposition is in essence utopian. + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> Ethereum-ism sounds a bit like Marxism to me: +>> +>> - What works today (PoW) is 'just a phase', the ideal & unproven future is to come: Proof-of-Stake.… + +... + +> 21/ I was very serious about my criticism. In fact, each one of the three points addressed what Vitalik Buterin has described as “unique value propositions of Ethereum proper”. https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/5jk3he/how_to_prevent_the_cannibalism_of_ethereum_into/dbgujr8/ … + +... + +> 22/ My first point, about Ethereum developers rejecting Proof-of-Work, has been illustrated many times over By Vitalik and others. (See earlier in this tweetstorm for more about how PoS is unproven.) + +>> Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin: +>> I don't believe in proof of work! + +See above for links as to why I think proof of stake is great. + +> 23/ My second point addresses Ethereum’s romance with the vague and dangerous notion of ‘social consensus’, where disruptive hard-forks are used to ‘upgrade’ or ‘optimize’ the system, which inevitably leads to increased centralization. More here: + +See my rebuttal to Tuur's rebuttal :) + +> 24/ My third point addresses PoS’ promise of perpetual income to ETHizens. Vitalik is no stranger to embracing free lunch ideas, e.g. during his 2014 ETH announcement speech, where he described a coin with a 20% inflation tax as having “no cost” to users. + +Yeah, I haven't really emphasized perpetual income to stakers as a selling point in years. I actually favor rewards being as low as possible while still being high enough for security. + +> 25/ In his response to my tweet, Vitalik adopted my format to “play the same game” in criticizing Bitcoin. My criticisms weren't addressed, and his response was riddled with errors. Yet his followers gave it +1,000 upvotes! + +>> Vitalik Non-giver of Ether @VitalikButerin: +>> - What works today (L1) is just a phase, ideal and unproven future (usable L2) is to come +>> - Utopian concept of progress: we're already so confident we're finished we ain't needin no hard forks… + +Ok, let's hear about what the errors are... + +> 26/ Rebuttal: +> - BTC layer 1 is not “just a phase”, it always will be its definitive bedrock for transaction settlement. +> - Soft forking digital protocols has been the norm for over 3 decades—hard-forks are the deviation! +> - Satoshi never suggested hyperbitcoinization as a goal. + +Sure, but (i) the use of layer 1 for consumer payments is definitely, in bitcoin ideology, "just a phase", (ii) I don't think you can make analogies between consensus protocols and other kinds of protocols, and between soft forking consensus protocols and protocol changes in other protocols, that easily, (iii) plenty of people do believe that hyperbitcoinization as a goal. Oh by the way: https://twitter.com/tuurdemeester/status/545993119599460353 + +> 27/ This kind of sophistry is exhausting and completely counter-productive, but it can be very convincing for an uninformed retail public. + +Ok, go on. + +> 28/ Let me share a few more inconvenient truths. + +... + +> 29/ In order to “guarantee” the transition to PoS’ utopia of perpetual income (staking coins earns interest), a “difficulty bomb” was embedded in the protocol, which supposedly would force miners to accept the transition. + +The intended goal of the difficulty bomb was to prevent the protocol from ossifying, by ensuring that it has to hard fork eventually to reset the difficulty bomb, at which point the status quo bias in favor of not changing other protocol rules at the same time would be weaker. Though forcing a switch to PoS was definitely a key goal. + +> 30/ Of course, nothing came of this, because anything in the ETH protocol can be hard-forked away. Another broken promise. + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> Looks like another Ethereum hard-fork is going to remove the "Ice Age" (difficulty increase meant to incentivize transition to PoS). https://www.cryptocompare.com/coins/guides/what-is-the-ethereum-ice-age/ … + +How is that a broken promise? There was no social contract to only replace the difficulty-bombed protocol with a PoS chain. + +> 31/ Another idea that was marketed heavily early on, was that with ETH you could program smart contract as easily as javascript applications. + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> I forgot, but in 2014 Ethereum was quite literally described as "Javascript-on-the-blockchain" + +Agree that was over-optimistic, though the part of the metaphor that's problematic is the "be done with complex apps in a couple hours" part, NOT the "general-purpose languages are great" part. + +> 32/ This was criticized by P2P & OS developers as a reckless notion, given that every smart contracts is actually a “de novo cryptographic protocol”. In other words, it’s playing with fire. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1427885.msg14601127#msg14601127 … + +See above + +> 33/ The modular approach to Bitcoin seems to be much better at compartmentalizing risk, and thus reducing attack surfaces. I’ve written about modular scaling here... + +To be fair, risk is reduced because Bitcoin does less. + +> 34/ Another huge issue that Ethereum has is with scaling. By putting “everything on the blockchain” (which stores everything forever) and dubbing it “the world computer”, you are going to end up with a very slow and clogged up system. + +>> Christopher Allen @ChristopherA: +>> AWS cost: $0.000000066 for calc, Ethereum: $26.55. This is about 400 million times as expensive. World computer? https://hackernoon.com/ether-purchase-power-df40a38c5a2f … + +We never advocated "putting everything on the blockchain". The phrase "world computer" was never meant to be interpreted as "everyone's personal desktop", but rather as a common platform specifically for the parts of applications that require consensus on shared state. As evidence of this, notice how Whisper and Swarm were part of the vision as complements to Ethereum right from the start. + +> 35/ By now the Ethereum bloat is so bad that cheaply running an individual node is practically impossible for a lay person. ETH developers are also imploring people to not deploy more smart contract apps on its blockchain. + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> But... deploying d-apps on the "Ethereum Virtual Machine" is exactly what everyone was encouraged to do for the past 4 years. Looks like on-chain scaling wasn't such a great idea after all. + +Umm.... I just spun up a node from scratch last week. On a consumer laptop. + +> 36/ As a result, and despite the claims that running a node in “warp” mode is easy and as good as a full node, Ethereum is becoming increasingly centralized. + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> Finally a media article touching on the elephant in the room: Ethereum has become highly centralized. #infura https://www.coindesk.com/the-race-is-on-to-replace-ethereums-most-centralized-layer/amp?__twitter_impression=true … + +See above + +> 37/ Another hollow claim: in 2016, Ethereum was promoted as being censorship resistant… + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> Pre TheDAO #Ethereum presentation: "uncensorable, code is law, bottom up". http://ow.ly/qW49302Pp92 + +Yes, the DAO fork did violate the notion of absolute immutability. However, the "forking the DAO will lead to doom and gloom" crowd was very wrong in one key way: it did NOT work as a precedent justifying all sorts of further state interventions. The community clearly drew a line in the sand by firmly rejecting EIP 867, and EIP 999 seems to now also be going nowhere. So it seems like there's some evidence that the social contract of "moderately but not infinitely strong immutability" actually can be stable. + +> 38/ Yet later that year, after only 6% of ETH holders had cast a vote, ETH core devs decided to endorse a hard-fork that clawed back the funds from a smart contract that held 4.5% of all ETH in circulation. More here: ... + +See above + +> 39/ Other potential signs of centralization: Vitalik Buterin signing a deal with a Russian government institution, and ETH core developers experimenting with semi-closed meetings: +https://twitter.com/coindesk/status/902892844955860993 …, + +>> Hudson Jameson @hudsonjameson: +>> The "semi-closed" Ethereum 1.x meeting from last Friday was an experiment. The All Core Dev meeting this Friday will be recorded as usual. + +Suppose I were to tomorrow sign up to work directly for Kim Jong Un. What concretely would happen to the Ethereum protocol? I suspect very little; I am mostly involved in the Serenity work, and the other researchers have proven very capable of both pushing the spec forward even without me and catching any mistakes with my work. So I don't think any argument involving me applies. And we ended up deciding not to do more semi-closed meetings. + +> 40/ Another red flag to me is the apparent lack of relevant expertise in the ETH development community. (Check the responses…) + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> Often heard: "but Ethereum *also* has world class engineers working on the protocol". Please name names and relevant pedigree so I can follow and learn. https://twitter.com/TuurDemeester/status/963029019447955461 … + +I personally am confident in the talents of our core researchers, and our community of academic partners. Most recently the latter group includes people from Starkware, Stanford CBR, IC3, and other groups. + +> 41/ For a while, Microsoft veteran Lucius Meredith was mentioned as playing an important role in ETH scaling, but now he is likely distracted by the failure of his ETH scaling company RChain. https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/12/24/understanding-serenity-part-i-abstraction/ … + +I have no idea who described Lucius Meredith's work as being important for the Serenity roadmap.... oh and by the way, RChain is NOT an "Ethereum scaling company" + +> 42/ Perhaps the recently added Gandalf of Ethereum, with his “Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians” [sic] can save the day, but imo that seems unlikely... + +Honestly, I don't see why Ethereum Gandalf needs to save the day, because I don't see what is in danger and needs to be saved... + +> 43/ This is becoming a long tweetstorm, so let’s wrap up with a few closing comments. + +Yay! + +> 44/ Do I have a conflict of interest? ETH is a publicly available asset with no real barriers to entry, so I could easily get a stake. Also, having met Vitalik & other ETH founders several times in 2013-’14, it would have been doable for me to become part of the in-crowd. + +Agree there. And BTW I generally think financial conflicts of interest are somewhat overrated; social conflicts/tribal biases are the bigger problem much of the time. Though those two kinds of misalignments do frequently overlap and reinforce each other so they're difficult to fully disentangle. + +> 45/ Actually, I was initially excited about Ethereum’s smart contract work - this was before one of its many pivots. + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> Ethereum is probably the first programming language I will teach myself - who wouldn't want the ability to program smart BTC contracts? + +Ethereum was never about "smart BTC contracts"..... even "Ethereum as a Mastercoin-style meta-protocol" was intended to be built on top of Primecoin. + +> 46/ Also, I have done my share of soul searching about whether I could be suffering from survivor’s bias. + +>> @TuurDemeester +>> I just published “I’m not worried about Bitcoin Unlimited, but I am losing sleep over Ethereum” https://medium.com/p/im-not-worried-about-bitcoin-unlimited-but-i-am-losing-sleep-over-ethereum-b5251c54e66d … + +Ok, good. + +> 47/ Here’s why Ethereum is dubious to me: rather than creating an open source project & testnet to work on these interesting computer science problems, its founders instead did a securities offering, involving many thousands of clueless retail investors. + +What do you mean "instead of"? We did create an open source project and testnet! Whether or not ETH is a security is a legal question; seems like SEC people agree it's not: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/14/bitcoin-and-ethereum-are-not-securities-but-some-cryptocurrencies-may-be-sec-official-says.html + +> 48/ Investing in the Ethereum ICO was akin to buying shares in a startup that had “invent time travel” as part of its business plan. Imo it was a reckless security offering, and it set the tone for the terrible capital misallocation of the 2017 ICO boom. + +Nothing in the ethereum roadmap requires time-travel-like technical advancements or anything remotely close to that. Proof: we basically have all the fundamental technical advancements we need at this point. + +> 49/ In my view, Ethereum is the Yahoo of our day - an unscalable “blue chip” cryptocurrency: + +>> Tuur Demeester @TuurDemeester: +>> 1/ The DotCom bubble shows that the market isn't very good at valuing early stage technology. I'll use Google vs. Yahoo to illustrate. + +Got it. + +> 50/ I’ll close with a few words from Gregory Maxwell from 2016,: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1427885.msg14601127#msg14601127 … + +See my rebuttal to Greg from 2 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4g1bh6/greg_maxwells_critique_of_ethereum_blockchains/ + +In the words of Admiral Akbar.... IT'S A TRAP. The whole reason GME is in it's current position was bad actors trying to artificially bankrupt and drive a company into the ground. Do not become that which you detest, be better. + +Robinhood will fail on it's own, there is no need to short it. It's an absolute dogshit company that will bankrupt itself without external forces. Anyone who shorts it when it IPOs is a complete idiot, and risks losing their entire portfolio. + +I'd go as far as suspecting that anyone trying to encourage shorting it could be a shill. Stay safe, apes - use some of those new wrinkles. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/11/fed-tries-to-figure-out-value-of-free-internet-services-to-americans.html + + +The Fed is trying to figure out how much free internet services are worth to the economy. + +The answer could help the central bank solve one of the most puzzling paradoxes of the economy: The current expansion is the longest in history, yet productivity gains are weak and GDP growth, while steady, is far from stellar. + +Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has recently cited work by an MIT economist and other experts that suggests the median user would need about $48 to give up Facebook for one month, for example. + +“A bigger share of our economy is being missed by GDP,” economist Erik Brynjolfsson says. +Hi guys. Just found this new course from Georgia Tech on machine learning for trading. It's free and needs no registration. Here's the [link](https://omscs.gatech.edu/cs-7646-machine-learning-trading-course-videos). I haven't started or watched any of the videos. Feel free to drop any feedbacks for the course. +Thanks! +I get that interest rates are low, but you still have a risk in that capital. If the price drops from say 750k to 600k as it rose that much in 12 months it could also fall you've just done your life savings. + +Interested to head people's thoughts on the housing market at the moment. +RC is a genius for many reasons you all know. As a boss, it's not only important to know whom to hire but also what you're hiring them for. This is where Randy Teele (VP of Worldwide Refurbishment and Warranty at GameStop) comes in. + +https://preview.redd.it/9kxqj0nl3ib81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3cc591078901f7b1fe25cf7cc400c6487a6241d + +https://preview.redd.it/e4wabsy44ib81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d868b93465a2582b26078be48de7b69a2b48fbc6 + +As a shareholder of GME, I was extremely happy with the addition of iPhone products to GameStop last year. Given the global chip shortage and slowdowns in China manufacturing due to covid I would argue that the refurbished market is poised for explosive growth. According to Patently Apple, data shows that Apple products have a 44% market share of the global secondary market. + +https://preview.redd.it/afb2l29o4ib81.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e6f6e41f5f4738513f05ea54d26c8ba5cee5317 + +Based on some research today I came across Back Market, a Paris-based marketplace that recently raised $335Mn from investors such as Goldman Sachs and LVMH Bernard Arnault's family office (source: [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/iainmartin/2021/05/18/back-market-raises-335-million-to-grow-refurbished-gadget-marketplace/?sh=310771df56d6)). The company is currently valued at $3.2Bn and the estimated TAM for refurbished electronics is $80Bn. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n7sk77z86ib81.png?width=1812&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d31908fd13c79d7e3bbd9d54b28b235dde2aef + +In another article, it is mentioned that 84% of Back Market's products sold are Apple products (source: [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/vianneyvaute/2019/10/01/refurbished-is-the-future-for-the-world-but-also-for-tim-cook/?sh=191541a73d52)) + +https://preview.redd.it/da1hwswr6ib81.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=8baa46f36c8201022e78729426d6c138b1262081 + +There are some interesting stats in the second referenced article. It's a fact that many people desire Apple products around the world and a discounted refurbished product is what entices them to give Apple a try, or GameStop a new customer. Pre-owned iPhones and video games go hand in hand and is a strategic expansion into the greater electronics industry. By adding another gaming device to its inventory, GameStop also increases its influence with game developers and publishers. + +In conclusion, the price is fake. GameStop's growth is unstoppable with RC and key talent hires like Teele. + +edit: Black Market changed to Back Market +Most sales people are the hardest people make the most money.. No degrees usually required. People could get out of low paying jobs by working harder than anybody else. Has anybody tried to this way to get themselves out of poverty? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +A small miracle happened in my life today when during a 1:1 with my manager, I learned I could work remote most of the time and drive into the office only when needed. + +I currently rent in NYC and love my neighborhood, but I dont want to try to buy anything here. + +Would moving out of the city and closer to my family in MA be the natural next step towards FI? Has anyone else navigated this? +Yeah, yeah, the memes are good, you want to know what the next pump and dump is going to be, and it can be hard to let go of something you were once a part of. But think about every single story you read in the MSM about "meme stocks" and how it references the 10 million members of WallStreetBets. Cramer has claimed he is talking with the leaders of WSB. We know they want to push a narrative that retail traders are acting as a coordinated force to try to secure a bail out. What do you think would happen to that narrative if the number they were pointing to started going down? Click the leave button. +I have a few shares of TRST sitting in my account still worth basically nothing. + +I keep them there as a reminder not to fall into hype because that loses me money. + +Anybody else do this? +The latest jobs numbers show that there are more job openings in the US than there are people looking for work. If you do anything more than entry-level, minimum-wage work, now is the time to ask for that raise. + +But don't just "[money please](https://giphy.com/gifs/money-parks-and-recreation-mona-lisa-A7WK7FddTxKfu)" your request. You need to show why you deserve it. + +Create a thoughtful argument about the value you produce, expenses you cut, efficiencies you created, or revenue you brought in. Be armed with specific instances of what you've done to help the company, and then make sure you've done your research about your market value. Knowing your realistic upside will make sure you don't get undersold. + +If the company "isn't giving out raises at this time", ask for an early evaluation in 30/60/90 days and get that in writing. If there is still nothing there and you aren't the happiest employee in the world, this is your signal to start looking on the market. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hello, today that all the alarms of the bankruptcy of Evergrande went off I remembered my research on Tether, all I am going to say now is a compilation of my research and other people. + +I know it has nothing to do with GME, but it seems like a very important thing that people are overlooking. + +I just wrote it, I have written it quite fast, taking part of my notes. Not everything is explained in the best way, but I think it is necessary for people to get an idea of ​​how serious the situation is. If people are interested I will write a longer version with much more detail about Tether. + +>Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency which aims to **keep cryptocurrency valuations stable**. Tether is used by crypto investors who want to avoid the extreme volatility of other cryptocurrencies while keeping value within the crypto market. + +# But why is Tether important? + +Well tether is the 4th largest [marketcap](https://coinmarketcap.com/es/) cryptocurrency with almost $ 74billions. But tether is important because of the liquidity it brings to the cryptocurrency market, 60% of BTC transactions are made through tether. + +[https:\/\/www.cryptocompare.com\/coins\/btc\/analysis\/USDT](https://preview.redd.it/jg47lerojuy71.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=89aa68292fcb00225a52e92a196d98e4d445e196) + +At higher, most cryptocurrency futures are in USDT, that is, USDT is the currency to which the rest equates. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Now that we more or less know what Tether is and what its function is in the market, we enter the interesting part of the matter. I'm only going to get into the issue of what's behind the 1: 1 value with the dollar, I'm not going to get into the issue of bank fraud. + +# How does Tether stay on $1? + +How Tether holds its value at one dollar has increasingly become a source of controversy. Tethers are supposed to be issued by Tether Limited ‘one for one’ when a customer deposits US dollars. The value of Tether in dollars (USDT/USD) does fluctuate but tends to remain very close to one. + +But what if it wasn't equated 1: 1 to the dollar? + +Tther recently got a [fine](https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8450-21) from the CFTC for lying about its reserves. Only 27% of the days have enough reserves to match 1: 1 with the dollar during the period 2016-2018 + +https://preview.redd.it/wscuxrxkluy71.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3de793da698ce7c37e6a2ddb83c44636153f7ed + +If this already seems absurd to you, you just have to look at what has happened to the tether marketcap during the last year + +https://preview.redd.it/06qoyvixluy71.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=71a1ea67a1f7998876b464181da713924e0da844 + +# RESERVES REPORT + +After this and the great pressure to which Tether was subjected, Tether made an audit by a company from the Cayman Islands with 5 workers. The [reserves report](https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tether_assuranceconsolidated_reserves_report_2021-06-30.pdf)made as of March 31 is this. + +https://preview.redd.it/bhl9m3zwmuy71.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a6c2bf11f64d6a8553fac3bf52cd997cb115963 + +To begin with, it is obvious that there is no 1: 1 parity with the dollar, but not even close. Although if it is true that it has state bonds that I am also very sure. But in that there is no problem, the problem is when we look at the amount of commercial paper that it has, 30 $ billions the commercial paper is what Blackrock handles ... + +# Where are the commercial papers from? + +And now you will say, and why this cares if they are safe?. But this is where China and the Chinese real estate sector come in, because the rumors, which rather than rumors are unconfirmed truths, say that this commercial paper belongs to the Chinese real estate sector (which I assume that everyone already knows that it is not in very good condition). + +I know that no one likes Jim Cramer, but at the end of September he [affirmed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxbJJ-TFR8s) that this commercial paper for Tether was from Evergrande, Tether released a statement later (What they werre going to do but say yes and ruin the company or deny it and we'll see what we make?). + +# WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? + +And all this stuff, why? Well, let's imagine that the rumors are true and that the commercial paper that supports the parity of USDT with the dollar, that loses value or that even is not paid. I don't have a clear answer to what will happen next, but I know it could be very, very bad, the cryptocurrency market would become illiquid, there would be a total panic, there would be a tremendous wave of liquidation of BTC and ETH ... + +\------------------------------------------------------------- + +And in the Fed's November financial stability report, they talk about the risk of stablecoins to the economy in general. + +[Change stablecoin for Tether ;\)](https://preview.redd.it/o9x475lwpuy71.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a3daf73a0a05deb6632becfcfba445186170f16) + +And they also put it as a top5 possible cause of a shock in the economy + +https://preview.redd.it/unf1u7l4quy71.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ecb00084c99a26f2fd6b0b2720b686b85b96c74 + +&#x200B; + +I know that it does not have much to do with GME, but since I believe that this is a family and we share all the DD that we can, to learn and help each other it seems to me a very important issue so that so little is said. + +And that if you have found it interesting, I can make another post to explain it better and with more details + +BUY HOLD AND DRS + +## 🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀 + +EDIT: This picture is not mine, I found this in twitter, but even so I AM NOT AFFIRMING THAT THE COMMERCIAL PAPERS ARE FROM EVERGRANDE, that are rumors, there is nothing confirmed, I know that tether said no, but they are liars with $ 980 million in fines + +I think it would be worth as TLDR + +https://preview.redd.it/w4v10qj33vy71.png?width=1237&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5d80a1d1e289a26e101e63065d3667b224e428e +My title of my post is the statement I stuck too from the very moment this selloff started. I've stayed consistent with this belief the entire time, whether we go up or down. If you just wanted any more proof, take a look at the Twitter link, as an additional piece of evidence. It's the same case in the recent up moves (the futures are contributing to the majority of the recent up move). + +https://mobile.twitter.com/bespokeinvest/status/1248368169091239937 + +Retail, institutional investors, pension funds, etc. - they don't trade overnight futures. However you know who does? Stat arb algos as well as option trading firms/hedge funds/prop trading firms/bank risk-mitigation algos. For example if a hedge fund was put into a dicey risk situation, they turn on these algos to offload risk overnight. If they can't sell credit risk, they have to do it elsewhere like in ES futures. If an option market maker is short gamma and realizes oh crap, this is gonna cause me to be super long tomorrow with this move in ES, I've gotta hedge and turn on my overnight algo to sell first so I get less long deltas overnight. + +So when you guys want to ask "who in the world is even selling" as we sold off and now "who in the world is even buying" as we go up, it's the algos. You are right, not many actual people are buying these days. It's the algos, and when I say algos, I mean the risk/liquidity algos. + +Do you want to know why the algos are buying now? It's simple. Jerome Powell said he's buying credit ETFs. If you are a market maker, you have to sell these ETFs to them. Now you have to find a beta hedge. What's the best way to find that beta hedge? Buy ES futures. This then causes SPY to open higher. Now, if your algo was fast enough, you could have front ran the FED by buying HYG and JNK (this is why their NAV is trading at a massive premium), but if you weren't, well you get desperate as you get picked off from being short credit, so now you have to buy ES, SPY, and anything else you can. You might have to then buy SPX/SPY puts with it since you then have to protect your now new ES/SPY longs (which you didn't actually want to buy but were "forced" to buy),, which is why VIX hasn't dropped that much relative to how much SPY has gone up. It's all an algorithmically driven market. + +This is why the entire market, on BOTH the down move and the now up move, has decoupled from the economy. So no, you guys may think people are FOMOing in. That's not true. Most investors aren't FOMOing in right now. The algos have just gone out of control on both the down and up moves and it's all technical. + +Correlation (with other assets like credit and bonds), positioning (short squeeze and forced liquidations), option gamma (short gamma makes moves bigger), and short term stat arb strategies dominate the market short term. Retail and even big firms like Blackrock or Berkshire do not. Fundamentals win out long term. It may be months for SPY, and it is years for individual companies. No short term movement is ever controlled for by actual people wanting to put on a position. + +As I said a month ago when we were selling off, if Citadel and Renaissance Technologies wanted to hold up the entire market for a day, they easily could. They may not want to if it's not in their favor, but they easily could. Two firms. That's enough. That about sums up this market. (EDIT: this part may have been extremely confusing due to my bad wording, but if you read some of the posts below with like me, MasterCookSwag, and ArseneWankerer, I try to clear up my meaning) + +Another interesting and true fact? If options trading was ELIMINATED, the market would NEVER have sold off to 220 and it would have never skyrocketed back to almost 280 now. You may ask it's the same fundamentals right? Yes it is, the fundamentals of the economy and virus are the same, but elimiate options, and actually the entire market changes. + +Finally, to add one more thing, if this wasn't clear, there needs to be a catalyst for the first wave of selling and buying, but everything after that is purely technical. For example, the catalysts would have been the virus and the oil shock in the wave of selling. The catalyst would have been the Fed in the wave of buying. However, the catalyst in itself shouldn't have produced a very large move. For example, imagine we go from 290 -> 270 as an example. The catalyst, if only traded by itself, should have moved it from 290 -> 285. However, the algos, with all the technical details I described above, then moves it from 285 -> 270. This is what I call "forced selling" or "fake selling," and I've alluded to this in my other posts. There is also "fake buying" in the reverse. However, "fake selling" is usually more powerful because on average people leverage up to be more bullish than bearish in an average market environment. So yes, the initial catalyst is important, but it's not the reason for the majority of short term moves. + +I worked in the industry so I know this. You can call it a dirty secret, but hopefully if you see some actual statistics (see the above link on Twitter), you'll understand too. Fundamentals eventually will win longer term, but you know that saying about how the market can stay irrational before you stay solvent, well that's literally true because the market is algo driven. And as we progress into a state of better technology and even more options volume (think about how many people just recently started trading options) and other assets, this will be more and more true. One of these days, which could be like in 20+ years, if some black swan catalyst happens in conjunction with all of these technical factors I mentioned, you literally can see a 20% triple circuit breaker day immediately and like 90%+ of that drop would be all technical. + +I'll try to answer any questions to the best of my ability. + +EDIT: So for the people who are pointing out I don't understand what a MM is, let's do a easier example with NFL betting lines. Vegas acts like a MM in this regard. When an NFL line closes, is it 50/50 on both sides of the line? Nope. Vegas is still subject to risk. That's why sometimes they win or lose a lot of money depending on the outcome of an event, even though they are a "MM" too. Yes, Vegas will adjust a line based on some order flow, but it has their OWN MODELS TOO to determine what is fair, so they will adjust accordingly to the toxicity of the order flow. They will not just completely change their line so much so simply based pure order flow to keep on capturing 50/50. If you really think an options MM for example goes home every night flat every Greek, you are kidding yourself. + +The point I was making above is a firm such as Citadel does so much volume that they have a huge impact on the market, whereas if you take them out of the market for say a month, the entire market microstructure changes in options and equities. Notice in my original post, I clearly said that these firms may not actually want to do this in their favor, but I am using them as an example saying they do so much volume they can IF they wanted to (in options you are more likely to do so than equities). I was emphasizing this point to show you guys how algos play such a large role in the market. It's similar to Vegas when they act as a MM to betting lines. They control the betting line at the end of the day. They aren't always 50/50 on both sides with no risk. Of course, Citadel and SIG in options will adjust their vol curves based on some order flow, but at the end of the day, they control most of the options vol pricing, which indirectly also affects equities in a big way when we have massive short gamma moves. + +Similarily, apply it to sports betting. Let's say we shut down Vegas for a month and let only DraftKings price all the betting lines. I bet you the lines would be different and the volume would be different. Would they be completely different (like a -3 to a +3 line)? No, it wouldn't be that extreme, but it would be different and volume would be different and reaction to order flow would be different. Just think about it like this and apply it to trading. + +EDIT2: this was also my post like ~3 weeks ago when we were like ~230. Too bad r/investing deleted my context of my post (since it relates to a lot of what I said below), but you can still see my title and my comments, so you know what I was calling. Yea sure, you can say I got lucky, but I wasn't wrong. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/fjtkzh/we_are_very_close_to_the_bottom/ + +Addressing the above link, it's the type of logic that I am using in my below posts to probabilistically call bottoms like this. I'm never 100% sure (it's impossible to even be like 70%+ sure imo), but if you put some of this together (like when does the forced selling for the risk/liquidty algos stop?), you can actually call bottoms a bit easier than just winging it 50/50. Notice that this also coincided with March options expirations, as I mention, options are a big part. It also conincided with Jay Powell saying he's going to "alleviate the risks" (this is the forced selling from algos risk) he sees in the repo and now credit market. + +EDIT3: u/brokegambler posted this, if you want a real professional talking about it +https://www.realvision.com/market-makers-and-coronavirus-the-mechanics-of-a-market-sell-off?utm_source=contributor&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=43900_HK_GH_CONT_W1_LINK + +EDIT4: ok last edit but https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pinningthestrike.asp is just a quick example of one phenomenon that happens due to options and market makers. There's not going to be many articles you can find online on about what I'm talking about, but this pinning the strike phenomenon is a well-observed effect that's actually writen about of what market makers can do in terms of controlling price action due to their risk. Interestingly, what we have in our case the last month is the opposite of this in which rather than strikes getting pinned, strikes get blown through to cause the huge moves (since we've been in short gamma the last month). The article isn't super detailed, but can give you a general idea of one effect. + +EDIT5: sorry I'll add one last edit...I do realize maybe my wording was not the greatest in my post, and after reading it again, it does sound a bit "forceful" at times, so I apologize for that. This was meant to be more informative, but please don't take it as I am trying to force any one opinion on anyone. Apologize for that! +Hi everyone, I'm trying to implement a **HMM in R** to **predict stock prices** given some indicators. I'm facing some **difficulties in apply the results** from the model to predict the future prices of the stock/index, so I'm asking your **help** as in the web I couldn't find any valid resource. **Any suggestion is appreciated** (literature, code, cooperation, change language, ....) **thank you** for the help. +I have read [here](https://www.fool.com/investing/how-to-invest/stocks/average-stock-market-return/), [here](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/average-stock-market-return), and [here](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/042415/what-average-annual-return-sp-500.asp) that the stock market yields about 10% a year on average. Isn't that a better place for these mortgage lenders to invest their money rather than giving out huge housing loans for 2%-4% interest rates? + + +Apologies if this is a dumb question. I googled it but couldn't find anything. Maybe I am not searching it correctly... +When it is said that someone in a third world country lives on a dollar a day, what does that actually mean? + +What if you could buy a whole entire mud hut for just a few dollars? + +How do they decide exactly what to put in the basket of goods? + +Can't some places have higher cost of living, even in real terms? +I always hear that China is "not playing fair" due to their communist nature. How could they not play fair on trade. I currently understand trade as an agreement between two parties. If one party felt that they are not benefiting, they would stop the trade. How could china "not play fair"? +We are used to see United States increase USD supply in a gigantic rate with a low inflation (compared to non-global currencies). + +I have been reading some articles that defend that the position of USD is what makes it possible [[example](https://whatismoney.info/exporting-inflation/)]. + +I have also seen some American politicians expressing the fear of cryptocurrencies taking the USD's global position [[such as Hillary Clinton](https://twitter.com/ParadigmaEdu/status/1461719513972551690)]. Wheter if one would take another position is very speculative, but the fear of losing their position is real, which means that they benefit from it. Would it be one of the benefits? +In the UK, rail services are privately owned, which in theory should mean that there’s competition between rail firms, and in turn lower prices. However this isn’t the case at all, and rail fares are extortionate. My question is why? If it helps, I’m not sure if there’s any monopolies in place, which I imagine would give a good explanation. Just generally, I’ve heard that the free market works up until public services, at which point it falls apart. Is this the case would you say? +Let’s suppose that both the global population growth rate and the global average per-capita GDP growth rate decreased to zero over the course of a decade.   + + +How would this negatively impact the world?  + +How could these impacts be mitigated or prevented? + +Are there any books or papers I should read to learn more about this?  + + +I’ve already read Doughnut Economics by Kate Raworth and Prosperity without Growth by Tim Jackson. I didn’t feel that either of these books answered my questions. Both books present arguments in favor of ending GDP growth in order to save the environment. Raworth doesn’t address the downsides at all. Jackson briefly addresses the idea that there would be downsides, but his only proposed solution seems to be the idea that people should live more modestly.  + + +I certainly sympathize with both authors. I question whether our economy can continue to grow indefinitely without inflicting irreparable damage upon the earth. However, I wonder how humans would be affected by the end of GDP growth. I imagine that unemployment would increase, and employed people would have a harder time saving for retirement.  +Hey Reddit! I had an interesting conversation with my mum last night, that ended with her saying, "If I were in my 20s again, I'd go back and ask every older person for one piece of advice". + +So that being said, I'm in my early 20s, just graduated university last month (wohoo!), roughly 50k in debt for a very extended degree, sitting in a professional services job which comfortably covers rent and bills. I've been looking into additional (passive) income streams, but have yet to actually start anything; not entirely comfortable with the idea of putting all my eggs in one basket. + + +**Give me your best advice: What do you wish you knew about working towards financial independence fresh out of college?** + + +--- + + +EDIT: Wow, this is mental! I didn't expect this to become so big. There are a couple of comments floating around along the lines of "I can't really contribute, but this is great advice", so you have most definitely helped/motivated AT LEAST one person today. Thanks so much everyone. + +Also don't forget to floss ;) +I just had my final design meeting with my architect this morning for a house we are going to start construction on in the spring. I own a beach house currently that we’ve lived in full-time since Covid started and we’ve decided to make this permanent, so I’m pretty much in tune with beach specific questions. But I’d really like some thoughts of what I might not be thinking of. + + + +Quick rundown. + + + +- House will have 3 floors above grade and some finished space at grade since our base elevation is going to be around 17’. + + + +- We will have 35’ deep pilings rather than the normal 25’ since we will be at 48’ above our base elevation at the peak of the roof. + + + +- I know we will have a whole house dehumidifier either as part of the HVAC system or as a stand alone. + + + +- I’m going with an LP generator as a back up power supply since I don’t know that I trust a solar panel install to withstand high winds. + + + +- Impact rated doors and windows, plus turtle safe as well. + + + +- Ice machine at ground level since they are probably the most likely appliance to cause a major leak. + + + +- Leak detection of some type for the house overall for when we are away. + + + +- Water treatment system. + + + +And, all these are pretty normal/obvious things. What else should I be thinking of? I’m more interested in these types of things since I have a good handle on the design aspect. + + + +Thanks! + + + +Editing to add: + + + +Thanks to everyone for all the great comments. +Hi - looking for recommendations for blogs/podcast and other content that are suitable for the fatFIRE community. + +Most personal finance content put there is catering to a lower NW audience and repeating the same mantras over and over again. + +But there are a few exceptions that have plenty of interesting/applicable content and good research behind them. For example: https://ofdollarsanddata.com/ + +Any other recommendations along the same lines? + +Thanks + +Edit: Great suggestions, please keep them coming. Much appreciated! +Hey everyone, + +I'm 26 years old and my business have taken off like crazy. + +7 months ago I was nearly broke, grinding like crazy to make some money which resulted in me making around 200k in that same period of time. + +I just made a large bulk of 90k in a 30 day period but ever since then I feel like I've lost a major piece of motivate to keep on grinding. + +It's almost like I feel like I don't have enough money and I'm worried about losing it, which makes no sense to me as I didn't feel this way when I had way less. + +But at the same time I feel like I have enough to not worry about it and no longer have to grind to keep my security. + +Does anyone else deal with stuff like this? If so, how did you deal with it. +Very early on in my life I was given the impression that money is basically the key to everything. Want to go for a movie? Got to pay for it. Want to go on a vacation? Got to pay for it. Want to buy a have a family, children, a house? Got to pay a shitload for it. My father stems from a rather poor background and has worked his way up into top management positions where he earns a good amount of money. When I was young, I was told about the 3 pillars of resource: time, energy and money and that typically the distribution between the three of these is like [this]( https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56daf4c8d51cd4224e4154cb/1512223112189-3SEJUE00E67E1G0IGVLF/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kOzBS1jDzJRmQA5ayDq8yKVZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpy_OAb7JUX4sJCa2e92dI3SvXmXhM-ok4srFAMCgGvPeX1Dni_gz0JFjTcE6aKcZ_0/url.jpg.jpg?format=500w) and the challenge is to crack this seamlessly endless cycle by having enough of the “enabler-resource” money early on in life. I’ve had this mindset, this goal, as long as I can remember. I traded stuff in school, flipped Yu-Gi-Oh cards, got in to drop shipping, etc. Always with the idea of earning more money in the back of my head. It seems every life decision I’ve made is focused on this topic, of course up to my career path (currently M22 studying engineering and management in Germany). Now with everything I’ve done I made a decent amount of money pre-Covid and was lucky enough to know a few people in order to capitalize on the Covid-situation by supplying PPE from china. Covid didn’t only help me make money but also gave me some time to sit back and think for a minute. It occurred to me that I never knew what I would do if I would actually break the resource-pillar-cycle and had some money at a young age. It’s not like I’m rich and I'm obviously still far away from financial independence but I’m comfortably sitting on about 250k€ cash. + +So, I guess my actual question is: what does it mean to live? What do people do with their time and energy? Along this process I’ve never really had any fun in what I was doing. I always thought the fun part would follow later on. To be honest I don’t even know what I like or what my interests are. It’s amazing to me when I talk to people that are genuinely passionate about something, no matter what that is. I don’t have that kind of passion or eagerness for anything really. I literally hate spending time with myself. When I’m not working on anything I don’t know what to do with myself and just watch stupid YouTube videos or something else to try and pass the time. + +I guess this is more of a stupid rant than anything else but maybe someone can help me out somehow. + +Thanks so much. +Hello everyone! I just wanted to share my short journey on Forex. + +I heard about forex through a friend of mine and he would preach about “financial freedom.” Of course, like most of us, I thought it was a get rich quick thing so I hoped on the wagon. I did some demo trading which I made lots of money QUICK. It got my hopes up. I was blindly taking trades, I honestly didn’t even know what Forex was. This led me to make a real account with 100 dollars. + +I had some luck in the begging making a dollar here and there. I started watching YouTube videos on indicators and all of these things I didn’t understand. Then I added another 100 dollars and I had around 200. I started testing my luck and gambling away. I got down to 25 dollars. Now 200 dollars is not a lot, but it still hurt. I could only imagine what if I had put 2000 dollars. I started to think forex was pointless and impossible to learn. + +I got a new job in an office where I honestly don’t do anything most of the time. I decided to actually learn what forex is, and how the market works. I started learning about management and the psychology behind it. I learned about price action and built my own strategy. Now, like I said, I’m very lucky that at my new job I could take around 4 hours to do this every day. Then I decided I was going to start building my left of 25 dollar account. + +It’s a small accomplishment but I’m beyond happy that I’m finally getting the ropes of forex. Today I made back my 200 dollars plus 30. My goal is to build my account to a 1000. It has taken a few weeks and few losses. My journey is just beginning and I’m beyond happy I didn’t give up when I started. To all new traders, Don’t give up, and LEARN LEARN LEARN. To my old traders that put information out there. Thank you! +I inherited 2 million. I want to buy a house in the Netherlands. In my area average housing price increase was 26% this year (and this is not in Amsterdam or Randstad). + +Housing prices are hugely inflated. This sucks, because it means my big pile of cash is worth only half that in the housing market. (And housing prices are still not in the ECB inflation definition so they can keep the money printer rolling, which is ridiculous and unfair, but hey, we never got a referndum about the Euro. Dramatized: the younger generation gets sacrificed on the altar of European unity this century, again. But this time we don't bleed, we indebt ourselves). + +Low interest rates means high house prices but affordable big mortgages. + +My question is whether I should get a mortgage as well when buying an expensive house. This would insure me somewhat against inflation, cushions the blow of high house prices and I don't have to spend it all; I can invest it too. This feels counterintuitive but it seems this is the way the ECB wants to push me. + +What do you guys think? +I’m researching supply chain shortages (not in the context of a pandemic), predicated on the economic principle that when demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise. + +What would happen if a company (or an industry) used this method on purpose with the sole intent of raising prices? + +Disregarding the possibility of being influenced by a factor beyond their control, such as the obvious halt in production during a pandemic +The Boston Fed president recently warned that a housing boom and subsequent bust could cause another financial crisis. Surely he knows that the Fed is playing a big part in causing the boom by pushing rates down and buying MBSs. Can he not see the contradiction or is he just trying to muddy the waters to deflect future blame? +Dimon also said the bank may not give intra-quarter guidance in the future. + +JPMorgan's stock fell off its session highs after his comments, but remained up 1.4 percent on the day. + +These have been the calmest markets in decades. +https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/12/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-raises-flag-on-trading-revenue-sees-20-percent-fall-for-the-third-quarter.html +I just started getting into investing in rental properties and have already purchased a few them. Even though I have a management company that does all the tenant finding, screening, rent collection, etc., I'd like to find an easier way to track income and expenses, organizing receipts for work done, document organization, etc. + +Currently, I'm using spreadsheets and Google Drive, however, I was wondering if there's a more efficient way of doing so (especially since I'm looking to purchase more properties soon). I've seen software such as Cozy.co, Avail, QuickBooks, etc., and they have a lot of features in them (most of which are far more than I need), however, I'm wondering if there's a simpler solution that I might be overlooking. + +Does anyone know of software that could do what I'm looking to do or has any experience/recommendations for software/services that I should investigate? +Ever since GME printed the highly anticipated Golden Cross on 16th August, the price has dropped from a high of $45.43 to roughly $26, where we sit today. This is a drop of approx 43%. + +It was expected they would do whatever they could to suppress the price, and invalidate the Cross. And needless to say, many here were frustrated with yet another failed technical indicator. Whatever they did, it worked. + +For the price to start tanking immediately after the cross printed, shows without a doubt, how highly manipulated this stock is. + +They manipulated it down so much, we are now on the cusp of printing a death cross, where the 50 day moving average drops below the 200 day moving average. It means absolutely nothing with the record low volumes we’ve seen in recent days and weeks. + +It usually takes many months to flip from golden to death cross, I’ve never seen one happen so soon on the charts. The Golden Cross was only 36 trading days ago. Price is far easier to manipulate with low volume, and they have it exactly where they want it to be. + +This is all in the name of trying to fuck with your mind and suppress buying. Now is the time to buy and DRS like never before at these discounted prices. + +While many of you are zen, I’ve been working my ass of to buy and DRS as much as I can. The harder we work now, the sooner we end this and never have to work again. + +TA/DR : the Golden Cross was organic and real, the Death Cross is as fake as the price. + +Fuck you Ken. +I'm looking at a Triplex with a CAP rate of 11%. It's in a great area, great schools, new roof, and there's lots of money funneling into the neighborhood. However, there is a catch. All three tenants haven't paid rent in more than a year and they all want to stay. Is there anything that I can do about this, or should this be a hard pass? + +Edit: First off I want to thank everyone for the categorically monumental wealth of knowledge that was shared here today! I have gained a depth of insight that has far exceeded my expectations and a profound clarity on how to proceed with this opportunity. I am truly grateful for all of your wisdom! + +My plan is to proceed as follows: +1) Level with the owner and make an offer at 20% below ask. +2) Accept a counter that is less than or equal to 10% off of ask +3) Have my attorney ready to hand out evictions on day 1. +4) Utilize cash for keys if absolutely necessary. Also, offer to pay for a one day U-Haul rental if they need just a smidge more persuasion. +5) Renovate and get new tenants in by the 6 month mark. +6) Take a weekend trip to the mountains if I can meet my deadline +Hey everyone. We are currently in the process of moving into a home that will be our primary residence for the next couple years and then will be turned into a rental property. We are saving 30k aside for the down payment on the next house and I am looking for advice on what to do with that money for the next few years. What's the best low risk way to make money on my money in the next 2-3 years? +Hello, + +I am mid forties with 2 kids and a spouse. I have a good nest egg sitting in savings. It is earning absolutely nothing per month - roughly $200. The account has $600k + in it. I don't know what to do with it - I worked so hard for this money, I want to make it work. Is it time for me to hire a financial advisor? I will have to keep in mind college for kids and retirement. +#["Secretary Yellen, We’ve Got a 'Staggering' Problem: New Report Shows Foreign Banks Have Secret Derivative Debt that Is '10 Times their Capital'"](https://archive.ph/OXwAk) + +By [Pam Martens and Russ Martens](https://archive.ph/ODR8L): December 6, 2022 ~ + +U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has the dual role of Chairing the [Financial Stability Oversight Council (F-SOC)](https://archive.ph/Ww7gr), whose role is to provide “comprehensive monitoring of the stability of our nation’s financial system.” Heads of each of the federal agencies that supervise Wall Street and the mega banks sit in on meetings of F-SOC. + +One would think that such an august body would have a handle on “staggering” threats to the U.S. financial system – especially since F-SOC was created under the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation to prevent a replay of the off-balance sheet derivatives that crashed the U.S. economy in 2008 and forced an unprecedented and secret bailout of U.S. and foreign global banks by the Federal Reserve [to the tune of $29 trillion](https://archive.ph/ga8Ai). If Yellen is aware of the latest threat to financial stability, she’s not sharing the details with the public. That information came yesterday by way of [a stunning report](https://archive.ph/Q048C) authored by Claudio Borio, Robert McCauley and Patrick McGuire for the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). + +The report focuses on the amount of derivative debt that is not being captured through regular statistical reporting because it is held off the balance sheet. These derivatives consist of foreign exchange swaps, forwards and currency swaps. The authors call this exposure “staggering” but focus primarily on the potential for upsets to dollar swap lines to settle it as it comes due. A greater concern, in our estimation, is this line from the report: “For banks headquartered outside the United States, dollar debt from these instruments is estimated at $39 trillion, more than double their on-balance sheet dollar debt and more than 10 times their capital.” Their on-balance sheet dollar debt is $15 trillion. + +This is [reminiscent of Goldman Sachs engaging in derivative trades with Greece](https://archive.ph/VbJbo) to hide its mountain of debt prior to it blowing up. + +Global foreign banks are – for better or worse – an integral part of the U.S. financial system. When there is a crisis, such as the Wall Street implosion in 2008 or the pandemic in 2020, the Federal Reserve bails out global foreign banks along with global domestic banks. Why does it do that? Because the trading units of foreign global banks, as well as domestic global banks, make up what the Fed calls its “[primary dealers](https://archive.ph/PFG3z).” The primary dealers are contractually obligated to make purchases of U.S. Treasury securities at each U.S. Treasury auction and to trade with the New York Fed to carry out Federal Reserve monetary policy. + +Since the financial crisis of 2008 and the eventual disclosure of the Fed’s unprecedented bailouts, the Fed has made a big show of conducting stress tests and bragging about the high level of capital it requires of the G-SIBS ([Global Systemically Important Banks](https://archive.ph/9sAZe)). So to learn from the Bank for International Settlements yesterday that foreign banks have $39 trillion in derivative debts that are not showing on their balance sheets and that represent “10 times their capital” makes the Fed, F-SOC and its Chair, Janet Yellen, look very Alan Greenspan-esque. Greenspan, Chairman of the Fed for an unprecedented 19 years from 1987 to 2006, was asleep at the switch as Wall Street built up its off-balance sheet toxic derivatives that would blow up the U.S. economy in 2008. Greenspan had argued against the regulation of derivatives. + +An equal concern for Yellen, Congress, and every engaged American is the fact that all it takes is one heavily interconnected global bank (foreign or domestic) to set off a wave of contagion in global financial markets. And, there is no question that the counterparties to a significant amount of that $39 trillion in off-balance sheet derivative debt at foreign banks are the big five derivative banks in the U.S.: JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Bank of America and Morgan Stanley. + +How do we know that? Because the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency publishes a “[Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities](https://archive.ph/BMBm6).” In the most recent report for the second quarter of this year, those five bank holding companies listed above represented $221.539 trillion in notional derivative exposures, or 84 percent of the derivative exposures of the largest 25 bank holding companies in the U.S. (See Table 14 in the Appendix of the OCC report linked above.) + +Furthermore, it’s not like the share price of these global foreign banks aren’t screaming that there’s a big problem. Credit Suisse (Ticker CS) closed yesterday at $3.34, 35 cents from its all-time low and down 65 percent year-to-date. Mizuho Financial Group (Ticker MFG) is also trading in the low single digits, closing yesterday in New York at $2.38. Mizuho’s share price has failed to recover materially since the financial crisis of 2008. The large German lender, Deutsche Bank, also has significant headwinds. Deutsche Bank’s shares closed at $10.60 yesterday in New York, less than one-fifth of its share price during the financial crisis in 2008. +I found an amazing deal on a rental house. There was huge interest in the property (when we went to take a look at it, there were at least 50 other people there to look at it too). To try to beat out the competition, I offered to pay a year's lease up front. We got the house. I paid it and the security deposit and signed the lease. We're set to move in soon. After the fact though, I've been thinking about this, and realized that there is nothing in the lease about what happens to this money if either we have to break the lease, or the landlord breaks the lease. I'm less concerned about us, as we plan to rent long term, but what if something happens and the landlord needs to sell the house or something else during the terms of our lease? Do they keep the money? Would they have to prorate and give the remainder back to us? I'm worried because I have always rented in big apartment complexes with rock solid leases. This is my first time renting from an individual with a standard state lease agreement (we're in California in case it helps). +As Cramer and other talking heads have been calling this a bear market, I just want to remind this sub that these guys are entertainers first, investors second. + +Feb 2016 - https://www.newsmax.com/Finance/StreetTalk/jim-cramer-stocks-bear-market-investors/2016/02/05/id/712948/ +Twice I've called my banks (Simplii and Tangerine) about my HISA interest rate. I simply asked for them to see if they could do better. And both times, they delivered. + +&#x200B; + +Right now, I'm getting 2.3% in my Simplii account (until March 30th) and 1.4% in my Tangerine (Until May 27th). Not bad! + +&#x200B; + +All I did was make a call and say, "bank X is offering this much, what can you do for me". Give it a try. + +&#x200B; + +P.S. I was surprised with what Simplii offered me. I was expecting a maximum of 2%, which is what their current promotion offers. +Touching is done. Now more action than touching. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/23/putin-says-russia-open-to-diplomacy-as-moscow-hit-with-fresh-sanctions.html +Governor Philip Lowe has indicated the official interest rate could double in coming months as the Reserve Bank of Australia moves swiftly to normalise pandemic-era monetary policy and curb rising prices. + +Dr Lowe on Wednesday stressed the importance of getting inflation back to within the bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band, which would require more rate rises this year. + +“If we take the 2.5 per cent midpoint of the inflation target as a reasonable estimate of medium-term inflation expectations, this suggests the neutral nominal [cash] rate is at least 2.5 per cent,” he said. + +Though the cash rate could go higher, the governor emphasised neutral was just a reference point: “It is not the basis of a mechanical rule, and we are not on a pre-set path to achieve any specific level of the cash rate.“ + +“If inflation expectations shift up and businesses and workers come to expect higher rates of inflation on an ongoing basis, it will be harder to return inflation to target – doing so would require higher interest rates.” + +The RBA’s “mindset was one of steady increases in interest rates now to forestall a persistent shift in inflation and inflation expectations,” he said. + +Dr Lowe’s deputy, Michele Bullock, on Tuesday said the cash rate at 1.35 per cent was still probably well below where it needed to move, but households were well-placed to manage further increases. + +“We’ve got to get it up to some sort of concept of what we call the neutral interest rate,” Ms Bullock said. “We don’t know where that particularly is, but we know it’s a fair bit higher than where we currently are.” + +The comments come as big four lender ANZ forecast a further four back-to-back 0.5 percentage point increases to interest rates from August, taking the cash rate to 3.35 per cent by the end of 2022. On July 5, the RBA raised its benchmark rate by a half percentage point to 1.35 per cent. + +For a typical $500,000 mortgage with 25 years left to run, the shift from a record low 0.1 per cent cash rate to 3.35 per cent would add about $909 to monthly repayments, and $1363 a month for a mortgage of $750,000. + +For someone with a $1 million mortgage, repayments could rise by a total of $1818, according to interest rate comparison website RateCity. + +Dr Lowe said the RBA was focused on ensuring inflation psychology did not shift higher, and was pleased financial markets were confident inflation would return to the RBA’s target band over the medium term. + +“If people setting prices and wages believe higher inflation will persist, they are more likely to push prices and wages up,” he said. “This could result in a self-reinforcing cycle: one in which higher inflation leads to firms being more willing to put their prices up and agree to larger wage claims. + +“This is what happened in the 1970s, and it ended badly. There is little evidence of such a cycle at present, and it’s important this remains the case.” + +NAB director of economics and markets Tapas Strickland said next week’s June quarter inflation data would likely reveal another very large lift in prices – something that the NAB business survey showed was ongoing. + +When combined with the June labour force report, which showed the jobless rate fell to a 48-year low of 3.5 per cent, Mr Strickland said there was a growing risk that the RBA could go harder and faster on rises. + +“The risk is rising the RBA sees the need to get interest rates to the broadly neutral 2.6 per cent level we see early next year, earlier than we forecast.” + +https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-cash-rate-set-to-double-in-coming-months-20220720-p5b33e +So Laura Shin, the crypto journalist, released her book, the Cryptopians, which goes into detail about founding of Ethereum, its cofounders, and uncovers the alleged identity of the Ethereum DAO hacker. In the book, we learn many things about the founders including some of their behaviors. One that I found more fascinating was Charles Hoskinson's given how drawn many are to him. + +Having read the book, a twitter user calls out Laura for portraying Charles in a bad light. Hoskinson replies to the user that Laura's book is a , " Great work of fiction. Tough market to beat George R.R. Martin and Tolkien, but we wish her well." She then replies with some receipts, showing that Charles hasn't been very honest regarding some of his claims such as his level of education. At this point, can we trust anything Charles has to say because time and again, he's shown to not be very reliable? There's nothing wrong with not having a degree; however, to lie or stretch the truth in such a space where people are looked upon as "experts in their fields" is appalling. + + +I know the Cardano supporters will probably downvote me to oblivion, but F it... someone has to say something. Here are the receipts: + +&#x200B; + +[Charles' claims about graduating but not completing his PHD](https://preview.redd.it/jox9ta3up0m81.jpg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d6849041bbcf0f129a8b93e488e6a509387b7c8) + +[Spokesperson from Boulder University confirming he did not earn a degree from Boulder](https://preview.redd.it/73lygygft0m81.jpg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc854f7c97a7b5b8fe12102c1bc96fa7301f873) + +https://preview.redd.it/6obuxklwp0m81.jpg?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e69aae6d65ffdb92f2b51f36c270d3178142a2c3 + +&#x200B; + +[University of Denver Confirmation](https://preview.redd.it/kqi1mkcng1m81.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b8a20bd271cfb2a7852f9c8bfe05603d877548c) + +&#x200B; + +[Confirmation he didn't complete](https://preview.redd.it/vbjl723cx0m81.jpg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdc906d2bede9ab99e35b6f44f296806c1e490f) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/oc46tj8le1m81.jpg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52227a34ead2c537d4e324ac7dbd1cf033b417b4 + +&#x200B; + +[In an interview, Charles says he was a grad student trying to get a PHD when he first heard about bitcoin](https://preview.redd.it/ktvxkusbf1m81.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=e337ded84617e3b6be515baccd0eb28879a5e8ee) + +Here's the audio: [https://twitter.com/laurashin/status/1500556969886760963?s=20&t=SFGXVHVe-uwt5MJVTUkGSQ](https://twitter.com/laurashin/status/1500556969886760963?s=20&t=SFGXVHVe-uwt5MJVTUkGSQ) + +[The wiki page on Charles](https://preview.redd.it/sw2dd2w2v0m81.jpg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721b2a82f71f724730f5cc4974d9e78d08545ba9) + +\*\*Edit: + + +Here are some more interesting things I found: + +[A fascinating read about Charles, apparently during the period of the Ethereum founding](https://preview.redd.it/dhusqm3vq1m81.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06e08fc3ba89966ff7db5df63dcda3efe15fe39) + +[continuation...](https://preview.redd.it/jl8gaeqyq1m81.jpg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620728a0aeea81451b03c0c020a51f2e5f189512) + +[Those close to the Ethereum project were consulted regarding the book](https://preview.redd.it/newadki7o1m81.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=a225404d8fe8748ac4e223a67b855269f0703bee) + +&#x200B; + +[Charles wasn't the only whose dirt came to light in the book](https://preview.redd.it/lfjpdt0dp1m81.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2690512c0e78ae885573f52ac54616a8220aebf) + +&#x200B; + +[The discrepancies between what Charles said and the facts](https://preview.redd.it/ww6utj7qp1m81.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=06117144fd0f4aed2822e4bad7625f2284418924) + +&#x200B; +So I've been crashing since November with my portfolio encompassing my 60k net worth at age 28... I'm now down 55-60% and am wondering how long you guys think this hell will last? I continue to average down because I believe in my high growth/speculative portfolio but how low will we go? In the 2008 recession, the nasdaq only fell 50% but now we were just at -35% which isn't that far away from the bottom of thr 2008 recession... although some people seem to think we have a long ways to go. The average bear market lasts 8-12 months and if we've been stagnant/falling since November, then wouldn't we have a good chance of the bear market ending sometime over the next 4 months?? +Hi all - I'm thinking of proposing to my girlfriend sometime early next year. I was hoping to get a reality check from fatFIRE folks and see what is a reasonable amount to spend on an engagement ring. A little background on myself, I'm 26, work in finance, make a smidge under 300k this year. Have about 500k NW, no debt, pretty solid financial shape overall in HCOL NY. + +I found a jeweler with a solid reputation that sells rings close to wholesale price, and I'm thinking of splurging ~20k on an engagement ring. Is that a crazy amount for an engagement ring? Basic specs is that it's ~2.2 carats, round cut, 2nd tier color and clarity (G/F and VVS1/2) + +I'll caveat the whole situation by saying that 1) 20k won't set me back much, I'm on a good earnings track and won't impact of near term or long term finance, 2) my girlfriend told me she is totally fine with a $1000 ring, so there's no pressure to spend that much, 3) I'm well aware of the De Beers marketing campaign, that diamonds aren't even that rare, etc. 4) a bunch of my co-workers also spend $20k+ and seems to be the norm for my profession. + +For me, it's more about the sentiment and something I'm willing to pay because 1) my girlfriend will be ecstatic about the ring and 2) I'm able to without going into debt. Nonetheless, $20k is a quite a hefty hunk of change. Reason I'm posting in fatFIRE is that hopefully there is a different perspective than r/FI or r/PF where I'd be universally chided for spending so much. Can you please provide some perspective and let me know if it truly is too much to spend and I should get a less expensive ring? + +Apologies in advance if this topic is not appropriate for this sub, but would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks + +EDIT: Thank you all for all your comments. I gave up responding to all of them pretty quickly, but know that I've read every single post here (multiple times) and really appreciate the genuine thoughts and advice. +As the title says, I don't get it. Here's why: + +From Investopedia: "There are a number of ways to close out, or complete, the option trade depending on the circumstances. If the option expires profitable or in the money, the option will be exercised. If the option expires unprofitable or out of the money, nothing happens, and the money paid for the option is lost." + +Ok, so whoever bought the put options loses the money paid for those options, sure. But I cannot find anywhere that the said party that bought the options would have to locate the shares or buy them back or be engaged in an FTD cycle. I only find that they would lose the premium paid for the option. + +As of now, though, I do not see why people are so hyped about all these puts besides the ever-growing plausible explanation (hiding SI). What comes after they expire is beyond me, but it seems like they successfully hide the SI and never have to report it. + +If I am mistaken, I would love someone to explain how/why. I'm not an options expert by any means right now. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thanks for your helpful insights, everyone. I'm going to re-up on variant swaps / total rollover swaps and continue learning. I've learned more about economics and stocks in a year than the previous years combined. Also, I won't tell you what to do, but I will personally buy when I can, HODL, DRS. +These are the same f*cks that buy $XXX,XXX,XXX mansions just to show up their golf buddies, spend $XX,XXX on dinner with their escorts, and buy private jets for their morning commutes. To us getting tens of millies for our few shares is life-changing-earth-shattering, to them it’s fuck you money. + +Start thinking like a rich bitch. Write the date for a gala you have to attend on your calendar, don’t pick up that penny you see laying on the street even though it’s heads up (you don’t need good luck anymore), and add at least 4 zero’s to the number in your bank account. + +As long as we think like broke MF’s, we’re on uneven ground with them. Our mentality has to adapt to be able to accept that this is real money we’re talking about. We’re already millionaires, we just need to wait for our shares to reflect that. + +Of course this is not financial advice, if anything it’s mental health advice but I’m a stoner reject so you probably shouldn’t be taking any advice from me anyways. +When I first started working, I used to see other people in my office spending £15 on lunch every day, and I always used to be a bit jealous that I was bringing my own food in and couldn’t afford to get lunch, breakfast, 2 coffees out every day like them. + +I worked out how much I’d need to earn to be comfortable to spend that amount. Well now I earn above that, but I still dont feel comfortable spending that amount of money on lunch every day... + +I still scan the shelves to work out what’s the cheapest option, I still buy 99p filter coffee rather than a fancy coffee, I still make my own lunch at home. + +I think having previous been thrifty, I now feel guilty spending more money than I need to, even though I can afford it. +Anyone else the same? +Good morning/evening/night whatever 😁 +Time for some good old german stock market! + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of comradery is critical, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + + +Starting: 138.88 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 138.82 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 138.88 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 138.76 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 139.46 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 140.63 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 141.16 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 141.34 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 141.45 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 141.45 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 140.63 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 139.40 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 139.40 US-$ + +The US pre-market is about to open so that's it for me today! 🇺🇸 +I hope you all stay hydrated and get some sleep 😄 +See you all tomorrow, let's give 'em hell! +Started in October 2017. Thought I was late, everybody does. Decided to buy as much bitcoin as possible. Basically this means buying from every paycheck as much as possible. It's the FIRE type of investing but replace S&P500 with bitcoin. It's been going pretty well, a couple of crashes here and there. If you manage to keep your emotions at bay, there's no better way of accumulating capital (and freedom in your life). I started to document my journey in this blog. Hopefully it gives you motivation to do something similar! + +Enjoy: + +[https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-20-march-2022/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-20-march-2022/) +I know this topic of salary negotiation comes up quite often on this subreddit, and as a professional myself (I'm an Engineer) I've had my fair share of job hunting where HR personnel will give a low offer and just straight up refuse to even negotiate. Even with the pandemic going on there's still a high demand for engineers and I came across a job opening like this. I told the HR recruiter that I was going to decline the offer, but since I was keeping in contact with the hiring manager the whole time, when I told him my intent to decline the offer, he practically broke down and was begging for me to accept the offer. It turns out this job opening has been open for over a year and the manager has been desperately having a hard time finding anyone who's willing to accept the offer. + +My mind was completely blown away when I found that out. How can an open position be open for that long without corporate/HR thinking, "hmm, are we doing something wrong?" I understand every company has their limits when it comes to employee salaries as part of their business' finances, which is why it's understandable that it's HR's goal to give you the lowest salary possible. But when a needed position is open for that long, how does HR not get dinged for that? Does HR not have oversight/metrics placed on them to ensure positions are being filled in at a certain rate? + +The main purpose of my post is really just to better understand the negotiation dynamics from HR's end. Does HR really have nothing to lose when it comes to salary negotiations if people keep declining their offers? +I’ve never used one and gotten couple quotes. One wants $325/mo with 12-mo commitment and another $250/hr. + +I’m in MINNESOTA and am not planning to have them manage any accounts so this would be straight planning only. + +The cost seems high so I’m curious to know if these prices are the norm or if I need to continue my search. +I was raised in a very poor family. A lot of times we didn’t have money for basic needs like food. I’m now a 24 year old adult and I’m on my own but I was obviously never taught what I should do to be financially stable let alone “wealthy.” what kind of things can I do now to learn? + +Edit: I went to college when I was 20 to pursue a degree in business. I went for 2 1/2 semesters before I lost my financial aid and was no longer able to afford tuition. Now I have 20k in debt that I really can’t afford. +Edit: I just want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who gave me an award... there's a lot of them! + +Love you all so much **😎** + +\------------- + +Hi everyone, Nutty Joe here with another epic post. + +&#x200B; + +None of us know how much longer the bull market is going to last, nor if we will reach the previous All Time Highs seen in May. However, having completed extensive research in the last few days, I can tell you with complete confidence that **the bull market will continue through to New Years, and beyond!** + +&#x200B; + +I present to you three points that confirm my theory: + +&#x200B; + +1. Bitcoin will hit $100k in 2021 +2. Bullish investors outnumber Bears +3. Warren Buffet told me ***personally*** that the Bullrun will go through to 2022. + +&#x200B; + +**----- 1. Bitcoin will hit $100k -----** + +Figure 1 indicates BTC’s path from August 2020 to August 2021 (present), represented by the Blue Line. + +The Red Line indicates Bitcoin’s path to $100k for the rest of the year. This has been determined based on ***weeks*** of research I have performed (which I will not bother to explain as I am too tired; just take my word for it). + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 1. The Red Line indicates Bitcoin's price change from August 2021 to New Year's. As you can see, we will easily hit $100k by then!](https://preview.redd.it/fkw7kqclq3i71.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6907991d3c7cf62fbb8d571636707d51be781ab) + +&#x200B; + +This is irrefutable evidence isn’t it! What a great analyser I am. Bitcoin to $100k by the end of the year is a certainty, and therefore indicates the Bullrun will continue on strongly. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**----- 2. Bullish investors outnumber Bears -----** + +This part requires very complex calculations. I have mathematically determined that there are more Bullish investors than Bearish, through an extensive algorithm. + +This sub has 3.3 million members; all of these people are hopeful that the Bull Market will continue on to 2022. Dividing this number by the current population of Earth, 7.9 billion, gives us Figure 2: + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 2. Don't worry if these calculations are too confusing. Maths can be hard!](https://preview.redd.it/oyi2v7lyq3i71.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=9548bf7d53008e1ef8dc7bbc3cdce9a779fe3246) + +&#x200B; + +From this, we can see that 42% of people in the world are bullish on crypto. That’s nearly half of ***everyone alive***! Therefore, we can safely guarantee that there are more Bulls than Bears currently. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**----- 3. Warren Buffet confirms the Bullrun will last until 2022 -----** + +I managed to get a hold of Mr Buffet, a famed investor and long-term supporter of money. I sent him the following message: + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 3. Thank you Mr Buffet for contributing to my epic research!](https://preview.redd.it/ggltrxcbr3i71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b4646370386ff173d522c9526b645d501fbc790) + +&#x200B; + +Astonishing! Warren Buffet believes the Bullrun is going into next year. He is one of the richest people alive: therefore we must take his word for it! + +&#x200B; + +**----- Summary -----** + +Thanks to my excellent research, I have determined with 99.7% accuracy that **the Bullrun will continue into 2022.** Please trust me on this: would I ever lie to you good people? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for reading. Nutty Joe over and out **😎** +For the past year I have been doing my research on what to invest in when I turn 18, today is that day but before I do anything I may regret I have come to the people of Reddit for some advice. + +I was going to open a vanguard account and invest in the s&p 500, vanguard global all cap index and some individual index funds like VGT (Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ) + +Thoughts? +Hey Reddit, + +Not sure if this was asked before. How does taxation work within the EU if you work remotely full-time? Say you work remotely full-time for a company in country A, but decide to live in country B. Where would your income be taxed? What happens if you travel occasionally to country A? + +I looked online and it seems that you would be considered a tax resident in the country where you spend at least 6 months a year, but not sure if this applies as well for remote work. Source: [https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/taxes/income-taxes-abroad/index\_en.htm](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/work/taxes/income-taxes-abroad/index_en.htm) + +I would really appreciate if you guys could shine some light on this :) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. 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[You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +As everyone learned this morning, Robinhood announced a layoff of 9% of their full time employees. This morning I had the very fortunate pleasure of learning that this number is likely much larger. + +Before I get into my connection let me preface by saying I get it, this is all he said she said stuff. But my connection is true and I know it is, so you do what you want with the information I’m forwarding to y’all. Y’all are family and I’ve been here since January of last year but I get how posts like these typically make people skeptical. I love y’all no matter what. Okay here ya go. + +. This morning I was working with a client that I have seen regularly for the last few months and we were having a conversation about work and jobs etc. They work in recruiting at a very large firm. They by happen chance asked if I had seen the news about Robinhood this morning. I said yes (thinking of course I knew, I’m on ss all damn day) and that I do not like Robinhood and I’m surprised they are still in business. They said that they have a very close friend they grew up with who does recruiting for Robinhood and was very worried last night about losing their job. Client stated that the friend made the cut but that the true number is actually 40% of Robinhood’s staff were laid off. At this point my jaw was open. Client stated that they think what they did was lay off 9% of their “full time employees” and the rest may have been contracted employees. They then stated the friend had to sign an nda and that this is all supposed to be secret. Lol. So my client didn’t have too much other information. This makes since because big firms like Deloitte etc. do typically hire contracted employees. This also gives reason as to why they reported it the way that they did. Kept things very hush hush making it seem as though it’s not as bad as it actually is. + +My client also told me that they have to let go 150 of their staff this week. + +So many big companies starting to lay employees off. Sounds like something is going down. + +Anyways this made my morning interesting, and just wanted to share. + +Edit: changed verbiage to not give too much information for protection purposes. + +More edits: for more obscurity/security for those involved. + +Edit: was reached out to by a CNBC writer for more info. Marked her as spam. Lol. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/18/survey-nearly-7percent-of-disney-users-with-netflix-plan-to-cancel-netflix.html + +A Bank of America survey of over 1,000 Americans showed that 6.5% of respondents using both services said they plan to terminate their Netflix accounts. + +If people actually cancel Netflix subscriptions as fast as the BofA survey suggests, brokerages could have to readjust their revenue forecasts. + +To be sure, Bank of America remains positive on Netflix as a whole and recommends investors buy the stock. +Meme basket froze at 9:39 + +Bloomberg had crazy asks when this happened.... + +https://preview.redd.it/iko2t0tyfkq81.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=b26e64237681d5f5b4d7d1518a7b1323a9c6533f + +The theory is... they ran out of shares... the Algo was looking at you cs... + +It appears... some paperhanders had limits at $210k and above... + +We theorize that they actually ran out of shares and the Algo went looking for these - + +When they halted the stonk - they flooded the market with fake shares - (speculation) see video below. + +source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tr037a/naked\_shorting\_much\_trades\_before\_halt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tr037a/naked_shorting_much_trades_before_halt/) + +That was a fake share dump to get more GME in to the market - or the Algo would have bought those shares at $220k and MOASS would have started... + +We had issues getting this posted - was put together with some wrinkles i speak with at times. +We've discovered so many lies and manipulation. We've seen prices rise and crash. Listened to friends and family laugh at GME and those who believe it in. The media lies about the stock and cries when it doesn't work. + +I'm sorry, but I can't live to work. I'm tired of being treated like shit and working everyday just to barely get by. Life shouldn't be like this. When I read into GameStop, I never had so much faith in an opportunity to better my life. The company has done immaculate in the last year and it's only going up. Ryan Cohen and his team have a gameplan and I hope they get the touchdown soon. The ball has already been passed from center. + +When I first discovered this subreddit, I would start every morning with a cup of coffee laughing and smiling at ape hype memes and videos. I've never found a subreddit as kind and helpful as this. Everyday I see posts of people offering help to strangers and making sure people are mentally and physically healthy. I love you guys and will see you on the moon 🚀🌕🚀🌕🚀😊💎✋💎✋💎✋ + +Also, I'm not giving or asking for financial advice. +Hello beautiful apes! + +I was very intrigued by the Finviz data. I thought to myself.. why? Why does the Finviz data show 113% short interest but everywhere else shows 13 - 15 %? + +So I looked at the Wayback machine to correlate some shit. + +If you notice on [Yahoo](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) for example, the short interest says "Nov 15, 2021". Using the Wayback machine, it looks like this data is always updated twice a month-ish. + +I went to last month to see what it was for both Yahoo and Finviz and here's what I found: + +&#x200B; + +There are some discrepancies between Finviz's Shares outstanding and Yahoo/Morningstar/etc but if you calculate the **percentages** Finviz gives for Short Float against the Shares float, it equals about the same amount of shares short between Finviz and Yahoo. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on October 24th](https://preview.redd.it/vm1y9pfyum281.png?width=362&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eb322ff188e49189a22435e784f73543cd43957) + +[Finviz GME October 24th](https://web.archive.org/web/20211024170413/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME) + +That number comes out to about 7.8M shares short. + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo as of September 29th](https://preview.redd.it/6oc0k0hgwm281.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=0415ab30b6c455a5cab96856368867825f72538b) + +[Yahoo on October 24th displaying September 29th data](https://web.archive.org/web/20211024163100/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) + +At this point the short percentage is basically staying around 7.8 to 7.82M so at first glance it just looks like Finviz has the same data. You wouldn't really be paying attention because of how close they are. + +The data isn't really changing from month to month around this time, so the differences are negligible. + +The only way to know one way or the other is to look further back in the past when the "official" short interest displayed was wild. + +Let's start on February 1st. + +[Yahoo February 1st](https://web.archive.org/web/20210201104541/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo on Feb 1st, showing Jan 14th data at 226&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/6xj9jpfmxm281.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=6002050f87580c2598435bb9e2e7982ffb418bb8) + +[Finviz February 1st](https://web.archive.org/web/20210201225350/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on Feb 1st showing 121.98&#37; but not saying the date.](https://preview.redd.it/504ar7ltxm281.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=be697a17a1603cc84bac2f39070f00e3f6ce2d8c) + +Interesting. *(No pun intended)* + +Either there's 104.44% hiding somewhere on Finviz's data or one of them is showing outdated information. + +Could Finviz have updated short interest sooner? + +What does Yahoo's next snapshot say? + +&#x200B; + +Next time we see Yahoo's data change is on [February 11th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210211110034/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) with Jan 28th data. + +[Yahoo on Feb 11 showing Jan 28th data.](https://preview.redd.it/ivjf6sf9ym281.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1fe5e69d4963e1113fcc1c5e6738e39d669c953) + +Hmmmm the data went down. It's not 121.98% that Finviz said on Feb 1st, but the data kept changing so fast with their moves. + +78.46% is closer to 121.98% than it is to 226.42%. Soooo it looks like Finviz caught the drop first. + +&#x200B; + +What's the next snapshot change on Finviz? + +&#x200B; + +[February 20th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210220001002/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME) it changes to 42.27% + +[Finviz on Feb 20th](https://preview.redd.it/faowdf1lym281.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=8757b065c4b4cf2c747612dac8ef1ac9ba855326) + +[February 25th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210225112535/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME) it changes to 30.40% + +[Finviz on Feb 25th](https://preview.redd.it/3kbzmgtpzm281.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=28f611b5a920deab0558813e2c03920a4f335789) + +Looks like Finviz keeps data updated, while Yahoo updates once or twice a month. + +&#x200B; + +The next Yahoo snapshot is on [February 27th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210227173107/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) with Feb 11th updated data. + +[Yahoo on Feb 27th showing Feb 11th data.](https://preview.redd.it/mig9zshxym281.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=5182999b28657de902421abcdd07d646b658e029) + +Hard to verify exactly on each day because the snapshots don't line up together at the same time. But with enough samples we can piece the concept together. + +So far though, it really seems that Finviz is getting data sooner than Yahoo. + +On February 1st, Finviz had lower short percentage and Yahoo didn't catch up til February 11th or so. 10 days later. + +Inconclusive on Feb 20th to 27th because we don't have a snapshot in between. + +So this requires further digging. + +Wayback is funky sometimes. + +As of March 1st, Yahoo still shows Feb 11th data. There's nothing more until March 13th which won't load for some reason. After that, April is blank until May 24th. + +&#x200B; + +So let's compare: + +[Yahoo as of May 24th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210524143649/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) showing April 29th data. + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo on May 24th showing April 29th data.](https://preview.redd.it/oixoj6wsin281.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da6230e7e7979c96c0e81ed68236763f2c9482b) + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz as of May 7th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210507060142/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME) showing 20.24% + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on May 7th.](https://preview.redd.it/zd9daeyzin281.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f57a7afe7943bf81073b4fce980884d84702aec) + +54.91 \* .2024 = 11.11 + +&#x200B; + +Notice [May 8th Finviz's data](https://web.archive.org/web/20210508204756/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME) updates. + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on May 8th.](https://preview.redd.it/wkiuij5jjn281.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=16f2d9a35f3221cd9b06c285b3ccf3ab1ec9f702) + +54.16 \* 20.52 = 11.11 about the same. Slight shifts in the trailing decimals. Not a big deal. But it IS changing more frequently. + +This by itself proves Finviz has some kind of updated API that's changing with current data and may account for small / minor differences here and there. As Finviz keeps updating the data, while Yahoo updates very infrequently. + +&#x200B; + +The next time Yahoo updates is [June 10th with May 27th data](https://web.archive.org/web/20210610234033/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) saying: + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo on June 10th showing May 27th data.](https://preview.redd.it/h19ysiyj3n281.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=8876532563ce0e0edf2e384aef666a243200e765) + +&#x200B; + +We don't know how long it took them to update that, and even though there are discrepancies on Shares outstanding between both sources, Finviz says the same thing for Short % on [May 30th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210530215339/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on May 30th.](https://preview.redd.it/s0b7k93h3n281.png?width=338&format=png&auto=webp&s=45c52efb78cf3af87183f2b520644b6b7d764dea) + +57.03 \* .2099 = 11.97 + +So as of May 30th, Finviz had the updated data. June 10th is when Yahoo showed it. Again, they could have shown it sooner, but Finviz did have "accurate" data. *(I quote "accurate" because we all know it's way higher due to fuckery)* + +&#x200B; + +So far we know Finviz updated with the May 27th data by May 30th at the latest. So Finviz had updated data within 3 days. While Yahoo takes weeks. + +It's not definitive yet but it's looking very interesting. + +Let's keep digging. + +Next updated update we have on [Yahoo is August 5th using July 14th data](https://web.archive.org/web/20210805022244/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo on August 5th showing July 14th data.](https://preview.redd.it/xzjh6ejf5n281.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b93d42d6874a1dd2314fbd077cfa47cd7be0966) + +[Finviz has the July 14th update only 1 day later on July 15th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210715055631/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on July 15th.](https://preview.redd.it/2jw78j9i5n281.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=a607c2f23a74ef418ea3a55a961a7e89cb4187c6) + +58.19 \* .1413 = 8.2 + +Roughly the same. + +Again, we don't know when Yahoo displayed the July 14th data due to Wayback's snapshots being so far apart. + +But we do know that Finviz had the update only 1 day later. And Yahoo displayed the same data on August 5th. No "glitches". Just a delay with Finviz showing first. + +&#x200B; + +Next time [Yahoo updates is August 24th with July 29th data](https://web.archive.org/web/20210824134123/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Yahoo on Aug 24th showing July 29th data.](https://preview.redd.it/d6skjb3z5n281.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e42df3d3d4014e20d85cdda77708227afc43d28) + +[Finviz had the update by August 16th](https://web.archive.org/web/20210816224524/https://finviz.com/quote.ashx?t=GME): + +&#x200B; + +[Finviz on August 16th.](https://preview.redd.it/4n0pq8qd6n281.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=81bb33f518096a2cbb71f1057e7bf4927cf0c798) + +58.19 \* .1317 = 7.66. + +&#x200B; + +Again, sort of inconclusive here because of the snapshots being so far a part. We don't know how long it took either of them to display this data. But we do know Finviz was accurate and later validated by Yahoo/Morningstar. + +In other words, we don't know when *Yahoo* displays the data, but it really looks like Finviz has the better API with Yahoo/Morningstar always lagging behind. + +Past this, the data is inconclusive as the snapshots for both of them don't line up well enough to compare. + +Too far apart, with data constantly changing, yet staying at roughly the same number for both. + +Which means there weren't any real major changes to the "official" data up until November which now shows 113.48%. + +&#x200B; + +BUT.. if we look at all these previous examples of Finviz updating first, we can conclude that the **current** **113.48% that Finviz shows** is at the very least **VALID**. Not a glitch and Yahoo should in theory update soon with the same number. + +&#x200B; + +Unless they do some kind of trickery after this post is posted lmao I don't trust the data tbh, I know the SI% is wayyyyyyyyyy over 9000 lol but I do trust examples that can be tested for accuracy. These seem like examples that pass the test. + +&#x200B; + +So now the question remains, why did the short interest all of a sudden jump up from 13% to 113%? + +Rumors circulating of a margin liquidation could explain it. But who? Who had options that equaled around 50 to 60 million shares of GME? + +It's impossible to know who's position it is because they file for confidential treatment. But I think if it's anyone, it's more than likely it's Melvin *(or whoever Citadel ended up swapping them with)* just based on the huge jump all at once. But again, could be anyone. Or a bunch of people at the same time. Who knows. + +It's already understood that they're using deep OTM puts to hide the short interest, it's been known for a while. + +And it's already been said that the possible margin liquidation rumor could be these puts being unraveled. + +And so now I believe this post adds further confirmation to that theory because Finviz data seems to update before Yahoo/Morningstar and other "Official" sources. + +**TL;DR 113.48% is not a glitch. Somehow, someone's short position just got majorly unraveled and Finviz "accidentally" updated it because somehow their data comes from an updated source. I'm sure they'll fix it after I post this but yeah it's not a glitch. I don't expect Yahoo to update to what Finviz is showing because...** ***fuckery***\*\*. But imo, someone's probably going to get fired over that "glitch".\*\* + +&#x200B; + +*This post is not financial advice, it is just my individual conclusion based on data that I found on Google and I am a monkey who eats crayons and I don't know anything about shit except how to fling shit at anything. You should not listen to me for any reason.* + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I predicted after I posted this they'd "fix" the "glitch". It took them 4 hours. +Edit: thanks for all the replies! This was more of a random 1am thought, not an ongoing thought, most of the time I’m enjoying life to the fullest and love it, I just mostly wanted to get others perspectives on potential dangerous events. Anyway, read on: + + + + + +With the way the market is going I’m quickly approaching $2m and in my early 30s. South west of the US, earn a high income, invest in very diverse index funds (get rich slow) and good job stability. At this rate, I’m feeling more secure about my future regarding my personal finances. From poverty to this, I feel as if.. I’ve really made it. It’s unbelievable. Unless I really screw up big somehow, I’m going to make it big and can aim for an early retirement with over $5-6-7 mil. I’m safe outside of some huge mistake. + + +I don’t spend a lot right now because I grew up in poverty. I can’t comfortably spend much yet. Don’t get me wrong I have a big house and some good electronic toys, but I can’t easily just convince myself to spend a few grand. If I follow the math, math says I should be ok. Math says it’s alright, but that random $2k thing you really want, you’ll be fine. Math says my well off future is likely to really happen where I can freely spend without anxiety of it. + + + +But maybe it’s because I grew up in poverty but my worry of “I’ll actually make it” has slowly working it’s way back into my mind, through different channels. Now instead of wondering if I’ll make it financially, I wonder if we as a society (in the US) will make it. I worry about risks like... + + +1. Some new major war resetting the world, destroying much of what people have. War with modern technology could be riskier to humanity than ever before. + + +2. Some global currency taking over (I don’t believe in crypto but something else maybe) which devalues dollars (which are my future) therefore my future won’t be as useful + + +3. Inflation or hyperinflation somehow really doing near permanent damage to the US finance system + + +4. Outstanding national debt doing the same, hurting us economically + + +5. The (hopefully) small risk of an extreme politician coming into power and dramatically changing taxes or the economic system so my dreams of one day spending freely barely exist + + + +6. AI/singularity happening in a few decades that changes everything about life as we know it, we have no idea for the better or the worst yet. + + +7. A random economic crash, people say the top big stocks (which control so much of the marker) are way overvalued right? What if that all comes crashing down? A huge 20+ year bear market. + + + +Now I don’t know how realistic any of these risks are but sometimes, it’s hard to get excited about my financial future... or, ok, that’s not true. I get extremely excited but I have this worry that one of these or another example could happen and my “dreams” of the life I want can’t come true. + + + + +Anyway, in the end, I’m just wondering: + + +1. Does anyone else have these fears as they inch closer to your financial dream life? + + +2. Can anyone soothe my concerns, assuming they should be soothed? Am I overly worried or are we in some truly dangerous times? How do you handle these thoughts? +I started accumulating cash a few years ago at first to save up for a down payment on a house (in an HCOL area) and secondly to have some "dry powder" for another 2008-style economic shock. Well that's turned into a fair bit of cash: X00k+, representing nearly 30% of my portfolio. + +I'm now caught between some conflicting emotions: do I invest that cash now, in what feels like the top of the market? I still intend to buy a house in the next 12-18 months, so is it worth investing for a relatively short period of time? Is 20% way too high an amount to have in cash, or is that fine? Should I keep waiting for a dip? If I do invest, do I do it all at once or DCA over some timeframe? + +Not thinking clearly, so would love some thoughts/advice. Thanks! +How to Overcome 3 Tricks Car Salesmen Use to Take your Money. + + +Purchasing a vehicle from a dealership can be an anxiety inducing experience. What I discovered was that the number one emotion women felt when considering buying a vehicle was ANXIETY followed by uncertainty. In this article we will review 3 tricks that dealers and car salesman use that cause this anxiety and uncertainty. I will teach you how to overcome these feelings, and become immune to the tricks. + + The worst thing that can happen to us as consumers is purchasing something and quickly regretting it. This is called buyer’s remorse and it is a terrible feeling. Why? Well you just spent $20,000 and you are married to a monthly payment for 3-6 years. I do not want this happen to you! The following tips are designed to prevent you from being pushed around by the salesman and to ease your mind of worries in regards to overpaying. + +#1 ~ Emotional Manipulation + +During my car salesman days, we were taught many subliminal tactics to get customers interested in vehicles. One is emotional manipulation. The reason salesmen often insist on test driving is to get you to create a sense of ownership in your mind. “Ma’am take a seat, adjust the mirrors, now adjust the seat until you are comfortable . Go ahead and turn on your favorite radio station and flip back the sunroof.” Is your heart beating faster and you excitement increasing? You are unknowingly getting excited and your mind is taking mental ownership of this nice new vehicle. That awesome new car smell isn’t helping either is it? That feeling of euphoria is a very human response. They are counting on you to feel this way. + +What happens next is quite primitive. As our excitement builds, the emotional part of our brains begins to take over. When this happens, we are much more likely to make a choice based on emotions. Have you ever heard of dogs that go crazy and get scared during lightning and thunder storms? I had an adorable shizu dog that would run miles away when thunder rumbled the house. RIP Bootsy. During these storms the logical part of his brain would turn off and the emotional part would take over. In this case fear dictated my dog’s behaviors. Much like my old boy Bootsy (my mom named him btw), this happens to us when we take mental ownership of a new car. The budget we set and the price we wanted are now more likely to be negotiable. + +**How to overcome trick #1 “Emotional Manipulation”** + +Be mindful of your emotions. Simply being aware of this tactic beforehand and how our mind/bodies will respond is a half of the battle in not making a poor emotional based decision. I always recommend that we sleep on it. My rule of thumb is to never make a large purchase the same day. This isn’t the same as picking up a Snickers while in the checkout line. This is a 5 figure purchase that we will be married to for the next 3-6 years. Be smart, go home, sleep, and revisit it the next day when your mind has had a chance to tend to other matters. + +#2 ~ Pushing you towards Payments + +After the test drive we will be directed to go inside, sit down, fill out our contact information, and discuss the price. Car salesmen are taught to negotiate the payment with us instead of the price of the vehicle. This has two benefits for them. 1) Making an affordable payment is relatable and gets your mind off of the actual price. We end up paying more this way. (See Ex1 at the end for a math based scenario) 2) The interest rate and the length of the loan can quickly fall into the background with this payment focused presentation. The payments method works because we are more likely to digest the affordability of a a monthly payments versus the 5 figure sticker price. Over six years, a $100 dollar increase is not that much, but by doing the math it will add on $6K to the total price - wow, that's mind-blowing! See below how Customer 1 saved $4,200 by focusing on a $70 lower payment. This is worth repeating...A $70 monthly difference saved $4,200!!! + + + + +**How to overcome #2 “Pushing you towards payments”** + +Tell the salesman up front “I am not interested in going over payments right now, let’s stick to the price of the car out the door.” You must be proactive here. A skilled salesman may even give you a rebuttal of “well ma’am, I just want to make sure you get something that is affordable and fits your budget”. Just smile at your new adversary and politely say “While I appreciate your concern, I have all of that figured out, please just get me the out the door price”. (Make eye contact and smile for added value and enjoyment). They will get the picture. You want the individual price of the car and that is what you want to negotiate. You have now become a formidable opponent. You have now indirectly saved yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars by directing the negotiations down this road. (See Ex1 at the bottom for a math based scenario on why this works) Also, the out the door price is the price of the car plus all of the fees that the dealer adds on. Better to know sooner than later what fluff fees the dealers will add. + +#3 ~ The Finance Office + +After a price has been agreed upon, we are sent into the finance office. Here you meet the Finance Manager. This person finishes your paperwork, gets you financed (or takes your check), and offers you products to protect your new vehicle. This is where even the toughest buyers lose. Why? They lose because their guard is down. When we agree upon a price, we get a handshake and a congratulations. Usually the sales manager gets in on this as well. You give out a big sigh of relief. In my sales days, I will never forget this one customer who was an excellent negotiator. He knew what he was doing and worked us down to a super low profit. He clearly was prepared and this resulted in the dealership making around $100 on the car (Nice job!). What happened next really opened my eyes. He ended up paying $4500 on the warranty and GAP products as well as accepting an interest rate 2% higher than he should have. (explanation of these products below in Example 3) All of the money he had just spent his energy and time saving was washed away in the finance office. Customers let their guard down when a price has been reached with the salesman. Don’t let this happen to you. Being aware of yourself and the situation is half the battle. + +I want you to know the background of the Finance Managers and how they get that job. It’s not by going to business school and majoring in Finance. They get there because at some point they were the top car salesman in the dealership selling 20+ cars a month. That is part of the car sales business ladder. It takes a different set of skills since they are selling an intangible product. You can’t put your hands on a warranty or an interest rate. Therefore it takes a higher degree of sales skills to be successful here. They are the best at what they do and that is why they get paid the big bucks. + +The first move when we enter the finance office is to make us feel comfortable. Let’s nott let his smile and firm handshake fool us. He has one clear goal. Convince us to buy what he has. He doesn’t make as much money otherwise. He will once again show us the NEW payments if we were to purchase products A, B, or C. They make money in 2 ways. The first is by increasing the interest rate we are charged. They borrow your loan money from Bank A for 3% and charge you 4%. The dealership gets a part of that and the Finance Manager gets around $500 per % point he charges us. See Ex 2 to see how a 1% increase can cost you well over $500. The second way they make money is by selling us the company warranty or gap products which can vary drastically. + +**How to overcome #3 “The Finance Office”** + +As before, we want to ask for the total price of the product we are interested in. It really is a personal preference whether you want any of these or not. I personally have and never will get any of them even if they do add free oil changes. Don’t let my stance deter you though because there are some amazing packages out there that add free oil changes for years. Be ready to pay a little extra than you would normally though. The convenience is worth it for some. (See example 3 below for more information on products and how to get the best deals.) Next if not already done, we want to clarify what the interest rate is. + +Good luck! I hope that this information will allow you to walk into a dealership with confidence. I hope this was helpful for you and will aid you in saving hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on your next purchase. + +www.iwillteachyoutosave.com ~ My site + + +**Example1** + + We are purchasing a $25,000 car. Let’s say we go in wanting to pay $22,000. +The salesman comes out and says you can choose from a payment of $460 or $391. “Which one works better for you sir?” Do you see what he did there? He changed your $3000 price reduction to a payment and asked you a question directing you to pick from HIS two options. Many people lose here. They say they like one of the payments and lose OR they say they negotiate and say they want to be at $350 a month. The salesman takes your $350 request to his sales manager, they come back at $360 (They always come back higher). Great. Car is sold. Let’s do the math though. You wanted to be at $22,000. By accepting $360 you just paid $23,000 for that vehicle AND you have no idea what the interest rate is. The lesson here: Keep things simple and stick to the vehicle price first. When that is settled THEN work on payments. + +**Example 2** + +A $23,000 car loan for 72 months at 4% ~ You will pay $25,920 over the life of the loan assuming you pay 72 normal payments +A $23,000 car loan for 72 months at 3% ~ You will pay $25,200 over the life of the loan assuming you pay 72 normal payments +That is a difference of $720 +Know your local credit union or banks rates before you finance a vehicle. + +**Example 3** + +Be familiar with the products BEFORE you go into the finance office. + +GAP Insurance: http://www.bankrate.com/finance/insurance/car-gap-insurance-is-it-right-for-you.aspx +Extended Warranty: http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2014/04/extended-warranties-for-cars-are-an-expensive-game/index.htm + +The $4500 example above was many years ago. Competition in the warranty market has increased and they are much less expensive nowadays. Still, do your homework and check around. Credit Unions often offer much cheaper products that do more if you finance with them. Companies like State Farm Insurance now do auto financing and will give you GAP for FREE if you finance through them! My credit union charges $349 for GAP. Dealerships charge $750 and above. I hope you can appreciate the value. + +Edit: Editing + +Let me know if this is helpful. I want to start a website / course on car buying. Any feedback is appreciated. + +Edit2: Holy Shit, i love Gooohohohohooold. Front page:) Thanks Reddit for confirming I'm on point with the writing and material. You have given me the confidence I need to continue my journey with this stuff. There really is a problem/opportunity with an industry that triggers so many negative emotions just at the THOUGHT of it. + +Edit3: Disclaimer: there are MANY honest salesmen and dealerships out there. This was written to be informative not to put anyone down. The problem is the decade long stigma the industry has created in our minds. I find that being polite, persistent, and educated on rates and prices has gotten me the best deals. And to all the butthurt ppl commenting that this is all bs, read the comments, these are a testament to how ppl feel about the industry. Don't hate the player +Now we know the DTCC told Brokers to split their Customers shares, instead of handing the Brokers the 200 MILLION shares gave to them by Computershare to issue to Brokers in the form of a share dividend and not a split. + +**SO DTCC WHERE IS THE 200 MILLION SHARES?** + +**THIS IS FRAUD!!!** + +**HELLO FBI** + +**HELLO DOJ** +This applies to ALL apes regardless of gender, age, race, nationality, sexual orientation, whether you're religious or not etc. Of course for the apes who are investing with their SO, or have been together for a while, you're most likely good to go. And I suppose if you find a fellow ape, your odds are pretty good as well. + +Having said that, if there is one way an ape can lose a significant amount of tendies it will be through some stupid marriage and divorce courts. There's so many gold diggers out there. I know a lot of us will value privacy and will try to keep things lowkey but you'd be surprised at how well others can pick up on any increase in confidence or happiness you feel. No matter how subtle you may try to be. The last thing I want to hear, is how some ape got burned in a relationship thinking it was love. + +Post MOASS should be a time for you to live your life, without having to compromise because of money. Don't put yourself in a situation where you could lose a significant amount of that leverage. + +Oh and I know some of you might bring up a prenup, but in my opinion setting up a trust will be FAR MORE effective. +My wife and I are getting ready to embark on a one year journey across 40 countries. Below is our story of how we got to this point and why we’re doing this now. + +Since many in this community love pursuing multi-year goals and travel, I hope you find this helpful if you’re in the middle of your pursuit. + +Two years ago (age 28 then), after our trip to Asia, my wife and I decided that we wanted to travel the world for a year. + +A year before that travel conversation, I had been feeling unfulfilled at my job. I’m a creator and entrepreneur at heart, so I decided to build my own e-commerce startup to fill the void outside of my full time job. Given I’m pretty risk averse, I built my small startup on weekends, early mornings and late nights. A few months after launching my startup, I got promoted to Sr. Dir. at the corporation I worked for. Fast forward a year, and I’m getting burned out trying to lead a team and grow a small business outside of my FT career. Not to mention, I’m still not fulfilled at my full time job. + +So, we took a 2 week vacation to Asia to getaway and unwind. Once we got back home, we couldn’t stop talking about how much fun we had and that we wished we could travel for a much longer period of time. We talked about it and thought “why wait until we’re in our 60’s and retired?” + +Personally, I grew up in poverty and lived through some bad situations I won’t get into here. I’ve been working since I was 10. My mom passed away suddenly when I was 15 (she was early 40s). Her parents passed away when they were in their early 40s as well. And, my dad’s in rough shape in his early 60s...My brother (1.5 years older than me) joined the Army after high school and did a couple tours in Iraq. I constantly wondered if he’d come home...Thankfully, he did. + +*Thank you to all of you who have or are serving in the armed forces or as a first responder. + +I chose to go to college and pursue a business degree. My career has been good to me, but boy have I put in some hours... + +Long story short, it’s been a tough past 15-20 years where I’ve been going 100mph to try and be successful, create wealth and simply enjoy life. Problem is, I’ve been so focused on being successful that I’ve rarely allocated time to enjoy life. To truly live with child-like wonder without worrying about a constant income... + +Given my background, I understand that tomorrow is not guaranteed. We may not live to be 60. And, if we do, we may not have the health to travel the way we want to at that age. So, we decided now is the best time for us to take a sabbatical. + +We don’t have children and we’re still young. The world is our playground. + +With our minds set on traveling, we asked each other “what needs to be true for us to travel the world for one year?” Below was our list. + +1. Eliminate all debt. Between our student loans and vehicles, we had $100K in debt (majority student loans). +2. Fund the year-long trip with our own money, points and miles (I’m a travel hacker). +3. Have enough liquid savings to last us one year when we come back after the trip. +4. Don’t sacrifice retirement contributions or HSA while employed (last 2 years). +5. Don’t buy a home, yet. +6. Don’t have kids, yet. +7. Stay healthy and don’t get injured. + +In order to achieve 1-4 above, we sacrificed a lot of normal things. Below is what we did to payoff our debt, save and invest for retirement. + +1. Downsized into a small 1/1 apartment to cut monthly, recurring costs. Sold furniture in the process. +2. Sold my truck to free up cash to payoff some student loans. +3. With one vehicle remaining, I took public transportation to work for a year and a half. +4. Got a Costco membership and ate at home a lot. We ate out a lot less. +5. Didn’t buy any tangible goods or clothes that were not necessary. Our “wants” came as birthday or Christmas gifts. +6. Didn’t spend a lot on experiences (concerts, movies, events). +7. Cut the cord on cable tv. +8. Got a promotion and raise at FT job. +9. Sold my startup for a small amount and paid off remaining student loans. +10. Worked a few consulting jobs on the side for startups to earn more money. +11. Wife worked a lot of different part-time, temp jobs. + +Basically, we took the FIRE path and maintained a very high savings rate with a great income. + +I’m proud to say that we achieved all of our goals. And, after resigning, I’ve officially been unemployed for over a week. + +Yes, it’s a wonderful feeling to be able to spend your days doing exactly what you want. + +Now, we’re getting ready to take off on our Adventure Year in less than 2 weeks! + +I cannot explain the excitement or feeling, but I wish everyone could experience this at least once in their life. + +The last 2 years of working towards our big goal have definitely been worth it. We will pick up FIRE when we get back home. + +If there are big things you want to do that bring you joy, then set a goal, make a plan and work hard to achieve it. You will have to make some sacrifices and likely dedicate years on your journey, but it’s all worth it. + +You deserve happiness. We all do. + +EDIT: +Thank you all for the well wishes, celebrations and advice! This community is awesome. I talked to my wife and we’re very open to slowing down our travels as many of you have recommended. 40 countries is definitely a lot to try to visit in a year. We built in flexibility to our plan and are not pre-booking everything so that we can be open to new possibilities. Plus, we have tons of opportunities built in to check-in with each other on how we’re doing and if we want to change our plans along the way, such as staying in one country for a month. Again, thank you all for your advice. +Here's a nice softball question for a late Friday afternoon / evening - how many here have intentionally avoided living a fat lifestyle (or lived a fat lifestyle for a time, but scaled back) despite having the means to do so? Conversely, how many here live a fat lifestyle and cannot imagine going back? + +For some context to my question, I (32M) grew up in stealth wealth. I recently started making a fat level income, but I've found that I'm more similar to my parents than I expected - I'm just not interested in moving past my current middle / upper-middle class lifestyle. I like my house, I like driving nice but practical cars, and I like blending in with my neighbors in my MCOL town. The independence / security of wealth is what I find appealing about fatFIRE. I really don't care about luxury purchases and living large. + +Who's with me? Who's not? Looking forward to reading your comments. +I work as a disability support worker for an NDIS provider. Last Nov, my work overpaid me by 800 dollars. I did the right thing and told them about it and they never have tried to get it back. I’ve stuck the money in another savings account, ready for me to give back if they ask. I’ve called multiple times and sent many emails and they’ve just completely ignored it. Every time I’ve called the office, one of the ladies always says some variation of “Lucky you! I wish I had an extra 800 in my pay!” as if I’m supposed to keep it?? They tell me to send them an email of the payslip and that they’ll forward it to the general manager. + +Mind you, during the weeks where I was underpaid and told them about it, they’re quick to fix that and are prompt about paying me back so this confuses me. I’ve just been paid another extra 600 this week that I didn’t work. Am I the only worker that this happens to or am I the only one honest about it? My mate reckons that it’s because NDIS providers receive so much funding that they don’t really care about the loss of money. Idk!! + +EDIT: I FINALLY got a response from the general manager and I’ve sent back last week’s overpayment. However, regarding Nov’s overpayment, they told me “Merry Christmas” and thanked me for my honesty and that I could keep it??? I’m floored to be honest, it’s such a large amount. I guess they didn’t wanna adjust the tax and all that stuff. This feels wrong hahaha. Interesting that this is all solved on the day that I had enough and decided to post on Reddit about it. Ha. +Most my money is made just from selling contracts - mostly puts in today's market. Sometimes I will leg into a strangle if I notice an underlying I am already in is starting to range, or I will enter into a vertical spread if I feel an underlying has more risks than I would like. For the most part though, I just sell puts or calls naked and hold until expiration if I can. Most of the time I can. + +I don't bother with cash secured puts, covered calls, or the wheel strategy. Naked contracts are the riskiest, but I also feel they are the simplest. I have had my best win ratio with this strategy. Most threads I see in this sub-reddit are people running the wheel or some other more complex strategy. Anyone else out here naked, or am I Will Ferrell [streaking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgL95-90quM) through the quad by myself? +Hello Superstonk, long-time community member, first-time dd poster here so please bear with me as I am doing the best I can with formatting. +I bring to you today some connections I have been linking over the past few weeks. Do you believe in coincidences? Because I don't. + + +**PART 1. BLOCKBUSTER** + +A few reasons I'm hyped about Blockbuster which has already been written about before here including: + +1. The [Blockbuster Account Re-Activating and tagging RC](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w5q9la/blockbuster_tagging_rc_what_is_happening/) +2. [RC replying back to Blockbuster](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w5w1gk/direct_rc_reply_to_blockbuster/) \- "Reports of your death are greatly exaggerated." +3. The news that [Blockbuster filed an NFT trademark](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w5pijb/rc_tweets_this_last_year_blockbuster_filed_for_an/) in January of 2022 / Not to mention all of those Blockbuster storefront photos! +4. Let us not forget that Blockbuster was a [zombie stock](https://twitter.com/blockbuster/status/1550521579557113857).. +5. Who has also been [tweeting Tombstones](https://twitter.com/blockbuster/status/1557866319667548161) (Where have I seen that before? [Hmmm](https://twitter.com/gmedd/status/1398455105343692802?lang=en)) + +Needless to say this all got me very curious, so I put in a little legwork. + +As you may recall from prior dd and discussions, [Dish Network purchased Blockbuste](https://www.fastcompany.com/1745065/dish-buys-blockbuster-320-million-why)r for $320m, and as far as we know that is still the current owner. + +There was an effort awhile back from a BlockbusterDAO that was formed to try to raise $5m to buy the brand from Dish. Personally I think that offer was always too low to be considered. [So did Dish apparently](https://decrypt.co/104322/blockbusterdao-hits-r3wind-whats-next-after-failing-to-buy-nostalgia-brand). + +But what I found more interesting in the story was a blog posted by the BlockbusterDAO about their experience bringing the offer to the table and getting rejected. [I highly recommend that you read it here](https://rewind.mirror.xyz/pMqYQL1le9h8U-lvPDtMRgPc1yBvVI72db4HnDT1K8I). + +tldr; "So what happened with Dish? As best we can recall, we had thirteen meetings with Dish executives between January 12, 2022 and May 31st, 2022. This included a few surprise encounters at Crypto Mondays, ETHDenver, and NFT LA. The majority of the meetings were between our team and a high level executive with direct access to the Chairman Charlie Ergen and President and CEO Erik Carlson. **Many of the meetings included a rotating cast of characters, including an independent entrepreneur who was allegedly associated with a separate effort to license or otherwise utilize the Blockbuster brand (details of which remain a mystery to us despite countless attempts to obtain more information.**" + +Sound like anyone we know? I kept digging. + + +**PART 2. DRAGONFLY** + +What is Dragonfly? I stumbled across Dragonfly in a random scan of OpenCorporates. You can check it [out for yourself here](https://opencorporates.com/companies/us_ma/001465006) to see some familiar names, among the company's founders, on the board. + + +Director - LARRY CHENG + +Director - RYAN COHEN + +[Here is a link to Dragonfly's website](https://www.dragonflycommerce.com/), and a few parts in particular that I found fascinating. See for yourself. +"Dragonfly is an acquirer and developer of standout ECommerce Businesses." + +"Structure Considerations: 100% Buyouts, with future owner economic incentives. Majority buyouts with rolled economic equity into newly established companies." + +"Key Financial Backers - Volition Capital, L Catteron" + +[Another press release from March of 2022](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/dragonfly-receives-significant-investment-from-l-cattertons-flagship-buyout-fund-301493898.html) gives us some more good insight. Here are the highlights: + +"Dragonfly, a technology-enabled platform acquiring and scaling standout e-commerce brands, today announced that it has received a significant, proprietary investment from the Flagship Buyout Fund of L Catterton, the largest global consumer-focused private equity firm. Inclusive of L Catterton's growth investment, the company has raised over $500 million of incremental equity and debt financing, primarily to fund future growth and M&A." + +"Launched in 2019 by MIT-Trained engineers and serial entrepreneurs, Philip Butler and Jeremy Todd, **Dragonfly acquires, incubates, and licenses fast-growing consumer brands and rapidly scales them in a digital-first environment.** Since it's founding, Dragonfly has developed proprietary algorithms and technologies to inform its acquisition strategy as well as in-house new product development and creative capabilities to build de novo brands and products at scale." + +"**Dragonfly is an acquirer and developer of standout e-commerce businesses.** Its acquisition strategy is guided by proprietary technology and its global team's deep experience building successful e-commerce businesses." + + +Wow. Sounds pretty powerful. I found [another interesting article](https://startup.info/jeremy-todd-and-philip-butler-mit-alumni-and-dragonfly-co-founders-receive-proprietary-investment-from-l-catterton/) from April of this year profiling the founders, Jeremy Todd, and Philip Butler. It tells us more about the scope and size of L Catterton. + +"With 33 years of experience and more than $30 billion of equity capital across its fund strategies, L Catterton is the largest global consumer-focused private equity firm. They specialize in fast-growing and disruptive digital brands. And when their Flagship Buyout Fund makes an investment (which is between $75 million and $500 million), **the world takes notice. Although L Catterton specializes in fashion, they recently made a proprietary investment in Dragonfly Commerce.**" + +"They shy away from generics, commodities, and clone companies, **instead seeking out companies that customers love** and can be taken to the next level." + +"At Dragonfly, Butler and Todd have developed proprietary algorithms to guide their acquisition strategy of fast-growing consumer brands. These rands are incubated, licensed, and scaled at a rapid pace, focusing on their digital presence." + + +**PART THREE: TYING IT ALL TOGETHER** + +[Blockbuster again with the tweets!](https://twitter.com/blockbuster/status/1560363601629552642) Tagging very loved, nostalgic legacy brands with currently dead or underutilized IP. Would probably be worth something if someone could figure out how to revive the army of the zombies on the DL and launch them on web3 or something. + +What is the connection to Gmerica? Is there a connection? Is this Gmerica? To be honest, I don't know.. I've kicked the ball as far as I can for being up all night putting this together. + +I have a feeling we don't have to wait too long to find out. + +&#x200B; + +Not financial advice of course. + +xxx drs gme, xxxx bbby, all in on ryan cohen forever +Between the loss porn and my inability to discern when you cucks are being sarcastic or not, I think it best to get the fuck from this dark pit of despair. And I’m not talking about leaving the subreddit, I’m talking about keeping my measly money in my shallow pocket. Although there could be lots of money to be made by fucking off your emotional well-being in this game (I swear it’s a game, like Russian roulette is a game) I just haven’t benefited in the slightest from this fuck shit. If anything, trying to play the buy low sell high strategy has made me look at tragic world events as a positive thing. You lot can go fuck yourselves with Nancy Pelosi’s dick. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + + +I'm curious how hard it is to crack a $300k salary in your respective fields? I'm in my late 20s and am looking at a career change and just thought it would be interesting to get a realistic perspective on what it takes to crack that barrier. + +How long does it take, what percentage of people make it there and what sacrifices do they have to make to get there? + +And finally, would you recommend it? +I think it’s interesting Honda Motor company is at trading incredibly low looking at its historical multiples. P/E is > 8 currently. Why is this? Well, Currently, they are behind other companies in the EV space. Sales is also slowing. These revenues are led by automobiles and motorcycles. + +But what is the catalyst that gives Honda its time? To be honest, I am not sure what it is but ill be following the company closely in the future to see what they will be doing. What do you think it will be or why do you think I am wrong? + +Some notes: JPY/USD looks great. Honda is durable. PEG is .65. +Hello Everyone, +I got a suggestion browsing this group last week to Shkreli's Finance Lesson on Value Investing. +I am really enjoying it to learn his style of analysis. + +What other video series do you suggest for good valuation of Equity for Free? + + +I would like to get suggestion as per your favorites other than Everything money/Learn To Invest Youtube Channels because I already follow them. +I would also like to avoid Damodaran as I would prefer learning from people who are sort of in the Industry. +You can mention your favorites here. +Wanted to make this post for everyone considering Jeremy Lefebvre’s Financial program (Financial Fortress or whatever he is calling it now).... He should be paying you to listen to his analysis of companies. It may be entertaining, but it isn’t going to make you any money over a long period of time. Please see the post below. Trust me, when it comes to investments, you don't need any of these courses. I am trying to look out for you guys here. I am a professional in the finance industry so I know what high performers do to get results. They don’t listen to these gurus. They read about investments and they read 10Ks and talk with companies, etc. They aren’t in any stock groups because they don’t trust the information and good investment ideas aren’t thought up by average people. Good investment ideas come from understanding, and understanding comes from smart and thorough analysis ON YOUR OWN. Please just go read about investments from REAL investment professionals that have the best track records, there are many of them, and many have published books about their philosophy/approach. This guy has no track record and is trying to sell you something that costs $7,500 - sound stupid? Yes it is. By the way, the NET PROFIT (not gross) margin on that course is probably 98%. I doubt he has more than $500 in fees. He easily makes any fees back on his youtube channel from ad revenue… This is a wonderful business! You can see how these massive incentives can cause people to get involved in this trickery. YOU’VE BEEN SCAMMED. Just wait until your portfolio goes down and you sell out of fear. + +Lol this guy gets rich off of mostly stupid poor people who can't read books about investing and are easily sold by snake oil salesman. Then, said salesman, who sells a yearly program for $7,500 says he is going to give his “billions” (pulls this number from his grandiose, narcissistic, sociopath psyche) away... hahaha all of your money has come from peddling courses to poor people dude. Peddling dreams of getting rich by buying a few stocks these kids know nothing about. At least be honest and say where you got your money from - “I got my money in a very profitable business... Selling pure profit margin courses." Your portfolio is terrible by the way. You've lost a ton of money on a bunch of these trades and you can’t judge people on short term results in the stock market - ever heard of 2008 - 2009, or the internet bubble, or the nifty fifty? Why don't you talk about those?? You've never ever experienced a down/bear market in your investing life hahah. You pick all the high flyers. Just wait. I guarantee you don’t beat the S&P INDEX over a 15 yr period. The stock market has increased by 4x since when you started buying stocks in the financial recession of 2008 / 09. It is easy to make money when the stock market is going up 4x since you started. All of these kids you are fooling would be much better off going and reading books about investing rather than listening to you. You are a great marketer though. Give you that. But most of these kids you are selling can't even read and just want to be rich tomorrow = bad behavior. You know what they say, most of the people who got rich during the gold rush were selling shovels. That's Jeremy Lefebvre. Also, why are you talking about billions? Your ENTIRE net worth has 95% been created by peddling courses and it isn't even 10 million... Your stock account has a million in it… SO WHAT - I worked at a firm that ran 3 billion and they still do. Beware guys.. idk why you would want to be in a group with a bunch of average stock pickers - you don't get rich listening to what other people tell you based on trust (how do you know that they are correct, or are just trying to sell you something, or their cognitive biases aren’t in the way of their judgement - YOU DON’T) - that isn't how Buffett made his money. You also don't get rich buying Tesla stock. How did GO PRO work out for you Jeremy? This is what happens. We no longer hear about GO PRO anymore. The guy picks the stocks that are moving up and acts like he’s a genius. Make 10 million first before you talk about giving away billions out of the goodness out of your heart. You haven't produced an ounce of good for this world so please stop the salesmanship/woke/Elon Musk save the world crap. Like I said, if you are considering buying his $7,500 course, please just go spend $100 on books. You will have to unlearn what Jeremy will teach you. And it will be damaging. + +Can you imagine if Warren Buffett tried to charge $7,500 to get into his shareholder meetings every year.... or read his annual letter to shareholders? + +Instead of making money on his trades, Jeremy Lefebvre makes his money on YOU! Not from picking the latest high flyer speculation stock like Tesla and Go Pro. + +&#x200B; + +**Update:** Apparently his program costs have gone up. Imagine that. Massive bull market! Let's steal from stupid people - while everyone who knows nothing about finance and investment piles into the stock market on expectations of easy riches. + +See the comment below from MayoAreBack... **Jeremy Lefebvre now has programs that cost 24k. His least expensive program cost is $9,000.** It is so obvious this guy has gotten rich scamming stupid people, not by his own trades. Sure he made some money on Tesla. Who cares. Doesn't mean Tesla's valuation is justified. Doesn't mean people are trading on fundamentals. I think the fact that he bet on Tesla makes him stupid, not smart. I don't care that the stock has gone up. It was stupid to invest in that company. What would you guys be saying if the stock was at 100 bucks right now? We'll see what happens, lol. + +**Maybe this online financial advice should be regulated by the SEC or buy the government. I will talk with some people and make some calls. They might be interested in a law suit when people start losing money in the stock market when interest rates eventually go back up, or fear spreads.** + +24k is 2 years of rent. 24k is a new car. Ridiculous. + +FYI - some of you got the impression that I purchased his products. I have not. The wording in the first paragraph was bad on my part, it made it sound like I may have purchased his stuff, but I was speaking in general from the POV of someone who had purchased his stuff, not myself. **I made this post in about 2 minutes (that's how much I care about this issue), so excuse the grammar and punctuation mistakes.** I don't need some guy to tell me to go buy growth stocks because they are going up because we are in a growth/stock market bubble. Apparently, he is a genius because we are in a bubble. Regardless, I still think he is lying to you guys on Youtube about where he has really made his money (scamming people on courses and programs and group chats), and what he keeps his money in outside of these high flying growth stocks, that he only buys for publicity. Shameful to mislead people like that. And he also promotes the stocks he is buying. Ever notice when he buys a stock, people join... That is a sign of a irrational bull market. +I’ve recently been consistently buying Vanguard’s VUSA S&P 500 ETF. As I’m at the beginning of my investing journey (In my early 20s) and don’t have significant funds available to risk on hand-picking individual stocks. I have no plan for selling, nor do I analyse the price at which I buy more shares, I just consistently add to my position monthly. + +Has anyone been investing consistently into ETFs like this throughout their life and can share their experience as some encouragement, or perhaps some things to be aware off. + +I’m currently using a Stocks and Shares ISA, and have my position set to reinvest dividends. And unless it’s absolutely necessary I have no intention on selling any position for at least 40-45 years. +Back when Warren Buffet came up with this saying, people were rather uneducated on the stock market, they were greedy when stock's were going up and fearful when they were going down, causing them to sell and buy at the worst times. + +These days it seems everyone knows this quote and has this knowledge, and everyone is buying the dips, everyone is being greedy when the market is going down or is supposed to go down, like july 28th. Now the masses are doing exactly what Warren Buffet would suggest to do, no one is fearful it seems and every investor knows to invest when the market is going down or is "supposed" to. + +How does everyone buying when stock's are falling, instead of everyone selling out of fear affect the market? How is it recommended to act? It's as if this quote is saying: "Do the opposite of the masses", but it doesn't make sense to just flip it. I'm quite the newbie in stock market investing so please share your thoughts +I am shaking y’all. + +Aug 2018 - Nov 2020, I was making $30,000. + +In Dec 2020, I increased my salary by 60%. + +Now, I just received a job offer that increases my salary by 112%. + +I am shaking. I can’t believe it. I’m so afraid of celebrating because I have anxiety that the new job will fall through or something. + +I grew up poor. My parents are immigrants who worked flea markets and video shops. I sold cans and plastic bottles for extra pocket money growing up. I would have never imagined that I could make a 6-figure salary in my life. + +I know people say to budget well, especially since more money means more expenses. I am all over the place right now but I wanted to share the good news. + +EDIT ————- + +Thank you everyone for your incredibly kind words and great insight. A lot of what you’re saying (investing, budgeting) is new to me, so I’ll take the time to do more research and be smart with my finances. Truly appreciate everyone’s congratulations. I won’t forget my roots! I want to save good money to do something really special for my parents in the future. + +I’ve been getting some chats and questions, so I am more than happy to chat further! My remaining 2 weeks begins now, so I have some good time to talk more about my career path if anyone is interested. Cheers! +[Elon Musk on Twitter](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1374619379929772034) has said that "Tesla is using only internal & open source software & operates Bitcoin nodes directly." and "Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained as Bitcoin, not converted to fiat currency."! + +This is amazing! Not converting to fiat is a huge bullish step! I imagine more companies will take note and try to accumulate by setting up payment methods. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/02/elon-musk-on-investor-call-autonomy-will-make-tesla-a-500b-company.html + +Citibank and Goldman Sachs hosted a "broad investor call" with Tesla executives on Thursday, as the company announced plans to raise around $2 billion. + +Tesla CEO Elon Musk said Tesla's vehicle, solar and energy businesses were just a backstop of value, but self-driving systems in development now will turn Tesla into a business with a half-a-trillion dollar market cap. + +On the call, CFO Zach Kirkhorn reiterated that Tesla aims to deliver 90,000 to 100,000 vehicles in the second quarter, and between 360,000 and 400,000 vehicles in 2019. +Hello I started following the Tag about a week ago. I have learned about most of the popular div stocks now! I'm currently 24 years old and wanted to ask if $20 a week is even worth it or am I just wasting my time with stocks with so little each week. I mean 40 years of investing it may add up right?? Thanks in advance! +Right out of college/grad school my husband and I intensely tackled debt. + +Moved back to our home state while this was taking place. Looked at houses, but weren't comfortable with the monthly payment since we only had 3% down and I was looking to stay home with the kids once we had two. + +Bid on a few homes at 10%. Outbid by waived inspections. + +Saved 20% Right as Covid hit and prices flew. Bid but just couldn't beat the competition, also now playing catch-up with the down payment. + +Fast forward to today. Prices have doubled and the monthly with 20% Down is LARGER than the down payment with 3% down. + +Discouraged, depressed. Never for a second regret staying home with my kids though. +Just remember guys… Bitcoin went from $31 to $2 in late 2011, $266 to $100 in mid-2013, $1,242 to $600 in late 2013, $900 to $550 in early 2014, $600 to $200 in 2015, and $1100 to $750 in early 2017 to get to where it’s at now. Just hodl (or short) and stop stressing so much :) + +I've been offered a Salary pay of 64k annually +I am currently making half this amount and I want to make sure I don't blow the income +I am 19 and currently saving 20% of my income along with a 401k I live at home so my only expenses are insurance, phone, and car payment. +I popped on tonight to see what everyone is up to and came across a fairly concerning theme. A few of the hot posts were something to the effect of theta gang makes money as time passes and time always passes or another I switched to selling and it really is way better than buying. + +I’m stoked to hear some folks have found that selling premium is a good fit - 95% of my trades for over a decade are short premium. What concerns me is it seems some of these folks are missing what makes any trader profitable - their trading plan. Selling premium offers exactly zero edge. If it did, literally everyone would sell and there would be no counter party. Markets are efficient. There are plenty of option buyers that perform well. + +Buying or selling doesn’t make as much of a difference as your strategy, trading plan, and ability to remain disciplined. Please don’t think of selling premium as the best kept secret that few stumble upon. It isn’t. It has quite a few traits that make it far preferable to buying (in my application of trading) but edge lies within us, the trader and how we execute. + +Keep trading and developing the plan - in the long run that’s what’ll pay out. + +-Erik +I'm moving out for a 12 month placement in a few months. I'm worried I won't have enough to live on with the rising costs. + +// + +**Stats:** +- earnings: £1,340/month after tax. +- rent: £450-500/month (will be in a house-share with a friend, not living alone). +- bills: £150 (if not inc in rent) +- food: £200 approx / month +- phone bill: £10-15 approx /month +- monthly essentials: £30-50/month maybe? +- travel: maybe occasional bus and train: £30-50? + +// + +I'm probably missing a lot of things in the above stats, I'm working on my budget now + +The above gives you a general idea of my finances. + +Is there anything important I am missing? + +// + +I do have an emergency fund, credit cards that I use responsibly, and I have a savings account. + +Do you have any advice for me on how to survive / be financially responsible during the placement year? + +// + +**EDIT:** Thank you for all the helpful comments & advice! I'm feeling so much better about placement + excited :) +Just a musing really over how random credit scores are, hopefully reassuring for people who find themselves stressing over it. Few months ago I opened two new credit cards. Didn't need them for specific purchases, just wanted them for some benefits that they offer. I use them for some everyday spending and pay in full every statement. Now that's been few months the enquiries and new accounts have hit my credit score. Equifax and Transunion have suddenly jumped from a good bracket to the top bracket, cause of the higher credit available. Experian tanked from from excellent to low fair but they are trying to sell me some service "to raise to excellent again, otherwise it might never happen". I have nothing major coming up, so I was prepared to take the hit to the two enquiries within days of each other. Just funny how something can be both oh so good and so catastrofic at the same time. + +I’m a very small time re investor. Right now i have one property netting $1200/month and that one is a good situation so I’m keeping it for now. I’m about to close on another property that will net me $130,000. + +I know to some of you that’s not a lot of money but for me it is! So I’m trying to decide what to do next. + +I’m interested in continuing to invest in real estate but I don’t want to be a landlord anymore. I had multiple rentals before and Airbnb’s and I’m just not good at it. I find I’m just too emotionally invested in it. + +But i do like the passive income. So I’m looking at options. + +So i could buy another property in cash and have a property manager. + +I could probably get financing and use that money as a down payment on a few properties and have a property manager. + +I have looked into some of those crowdsource real estate investments sites. I understand you pay more in fees but that may be worth it to me if it’s hands off. + +I think I’d really like to get into commercial property also but i don’t know that i could qualify for financing. + +I don’t have any mortgages now so my dti is good. + +I could potentially use that other property as collateral as well. + +Anyway I welcome any and all advice. + +Where I am the market is hot, but it isn’t crazy like I hear about in some areas. Things are moving quickly but not above asking price. But I’m also considering just waiting for a minute to see if it chills out. I read so many mixed ideas about it. + +I’m fairly young but the bot deleted my post when i said my age so I’ll say i can draw social security in the year 2058. I’m also a single mom to small kids and work full time which is part of why i just don’t have the time and energy for the landlord thing anymore. And i need to maintain some degree of liquidity and can’t take as much risk or move around a lot like i could if it was just me. That’s what i started with was owner occupying a multi family fixer upper but now i have to maintain stability and need more space. + +Anyway, thanks for your input! +Does anyone feel like whenever you are literally just coming up for air, there’s a huge wave that knocks the wind out of you? I’m just so so tired. I’m tired of going through pregnancy alone and working 50 hours a week. I’m tired of coming home exhausted but having to go to food banks because I can’t afford groceries. I’m tired of not having enough money for gas and not knowing if my car is going to make it until winter. After bills i have $6 to my name. How the fuck can i save for a baby with just $6? Just when I thought that I was going to be able to rest before work tonight, I noticed that my garbage disposal is backing up and I had to buy a $1 plunger at Dollar tree. It didn’t work, surprise surprise. I’m tired of struggling and I’m not sure if I can be a good parent with all this shit going on. Had anyone felt this way? + +Edit: please don’t DM me and imply that I’m putting myself in this predicament by not going on child support. I’m not in the place where I can. In my state, I have to wait until the child is born to put my BD on child support. If asked I will gladly explain why I’m alone and pregnant but for the love of god please don’t make me feel bad by saying “oh my SO would NEVER do that to me”. Like WTF, I’m just asking for guidance without any judgement about being poor, single and pregnant. For everyone else, I really appreciate the other comments 💖 +Last year I got very frustrated with my ex going to the bar every night while we were essentially living in poverty. His excuse was that it was "only $5" on his way home. Having used the 'envelope system' and other jar methods to save money before, I used his excuse as a motivator to save money. I taped up a coffee can with duct tape and poked a slit in the top of it. On an index card I wrote out a tiny calendar from then (September) to the end of the year. I decided I would "just" contribute $5/day for as long as I could. Everytime I put in a $5 increment I would cross out the days. So $20 was 4 days, etc. + +It seemed unmanageable, but I made more than my ex and figured I would try. + +I was paid weekly so every Friday I would hit up the ATM and try to get $40 out for my jar. Obviously this is a lot of money to many of us, but I tried. In October I was offered a few days of OT and the option to come in an hour early every day, so this hour was my $5/day (I was making $12.88/hr so after taxes and etc) and any extra days was catch up money. + +Because this money was out of my account, out of sight, and possibly it represented that I was committed to not just drinking away all my money, I was able to save up enough money to leave my ex! Lol, but in all seriousness with a little luck getting OT I saved $150/mo for several months doing this when I thought it was pretty impossible. + +If it's in your account, you might spend it, but even doing just $1/day (getting $20 out of the ATM every two or three weeks), you can put the money away and forget about it. $365 in a year doesn't seem like much, but many of us have had less in our accounts this month. + +Hope this helps someone. I am going to start another jar, I'm thinking $3/day because since I got a good job again I am always tempted to get coffee in the morning. +Let me first say I am in both r/options and r/wallstreetbets. I have been using this room for years and it has taught me so much about trading options. This is the number one room in my opinion to learn and ask questions. Most people here are serious about learning to trade and I really appreciate that. Nothing wrong will WSB but its not even close to being the best learning room. Please keep this room just how it is mods and we appreciate you a lot. + + +Edit: I have nothin against WSB. I love that page and will continue to use it till I die. I just don’t like all the new traders who are just trying to pump stocks. +I want to start by explaining what I mean by "retire." For me, retirement means having a choice in whether or not I work, rather than working 40 hours/week until I'm 60+ and too old to enjoy my money/life the way I desire. In my case, I would want to have a dividend income of about 30k/year to live off of and also reinvest, while having the option of working on and off over the years if I want some extra income. My retirement goal, rather than an age or number of years, is a certain dividend income amount. I currently make about $25k/year after taxes. I'm able to invest about $1k/month. This isn't much, I know, but I'm working on it. + +I only started investing this year, and have less than $10k in various stocks and ETFs. I recently began focusing on building a modified [quadfecta](https://www.reddit.com/r/qyldgang/comments/ncp0bl/quadfecta_covered_call_income_portfolio_analysis/) portfolio of JEPI, NUSI, QYLD, and SCHD, where SCHD is replacing DIVO to focus more on growth. I guess my question is, do you think this blend of ETFs is a good idea for what I'm trying to achieve? I know that with my current situation I am very far off from my goal, so does it even make sense to concentrate on dividend ETFs at all? Or should I start with something like a SCHD/VTI/QQQ combo and slowly focus more on dividends? + +Basically, I am perfectly content living my simple, lean lifestyle and want the freedom of being able to continue doing that without needing to be a slave to a company. + +Thank you. +So, I usually just wheel stocks and ETFs at 30-45 DTEs. Conservative deltas, managed before they expire. + +But, I’ve noticed that the TastyTrade crew tend to favor Strangles. (45 DTE, .16-.20 deltas, manage at 21 DTE, etc). + +Are there any advantages that the strangle has over the wheel that I’m missing? + +What kind of stocks should I be looking for Strangles? Seems like some people say to focus on boring companies and the TastyTrade crew target stocks with high IV w/ near wild abandon…. 🤷🏽 +This is a throwaway account. + +I'm a stay-at-home mother with two under two. My husband and I are fat fired, but he still works at his company. + +We live in a medium-cost-of-living city in Colorado (ave. home is $550K), which is primarily a college town. + +I'm finding it hard to meet other moms/peers I can relate with. They are very kind and family-oriented, but their problems are a lot different. The young parents I meet are trying to make ends meet and primarily work in blue collared industries. + +I feel I need to hide things such as what my husband does, places we go, or things we do. I would never rub it in anyone's face, but I go out of the way to try to change the topic. + +My husband and I talked about going up in the house, but I'd feel like such an A-hole if I invited my current friends. + +I'd love to find other young families we can go on Disney cruises or skiing trips with. Mostly, I'd like to have friends I can be open with. + +Would you happen to have any recommendations? +I’m literally at my wits end I just need to vent. Im a young adult who’s been living in my own apartment for the past 6 months or so just because of such a toxic home life. Earlier this week while visiting home I finally came out to my parents and the room went silent like dead silent. I left shortly afterwards to go back to my apartment and it wasn’t until my card was declined at the grocery store the next day that I realized there was an issue with my bank account. I called up the bank who said an authorized user made the withdrawal so I texted my parents and they literally admitted to taking out the money and said along the lines of “you’re no longer our daughter so it’s no longer your money”. Of course I was extremely upset about all that and now on top of it I’ve been unable to afford my rent or even utilities this month so I’ve been begging management and my coworkers at work to give me extra shifts in the hopes that I can atleast keep my head above water. Why does family drag family down? I just wanted a better life and now I’m in the worse financial state I’ve ever been in. +Hey everyone, hoping to get any advice on how to deal with an outrageous medical bill that is sent 5+ years after the fact without any details. A bit of backstory... first of all I've never in my life had dental work. Only cleanings, x-rays, basic stuff. My last recorded appointment at this dentist is 10/6/2015. At that point I was 24 years old and was under my parent's insurance. Was good to go then and hadn't heard from them or been back to this dentist since. + +Just the other week I receive a bill for over $7000 without any details as to what it's for. There's a sitcker on the bill that states: + +*You are receiving this bill as a result of 5+ years of issues with the USPS and the insurance company. If you would like to setup an interest free payment plan, please include a note with your initial payment. Sorry... yadda yadda yadda* + +My question to the community is, what do you think I can/should do about this? My gut now says I should call their office to find out whether this is just a big mistake.. again I don't have records but I've **never** had any work done other than routine cleanings. And the fact this is from 5 years ago makes it that much more absurd. At the very least they should be able to tell me **what** this bill is specifically for, and worst case scenario they insist that I owe it and I have more to deal with. A huge part of me wants to ignore this, but of course I don't want this to follow me. + +Thanks for any insight you may have. + +Edit: Thanks so much for all the responses. It's become overwhelmingly clear how much of a scam this is even if it is coming directly from this dentist's office. I noticed some things I overlooked on the bill before. I actually don't have the physical copy of the bill- it was mailed to my last NY address where my father still lives. He sent me a scan of the bill and upon looking at it closer the name under guarantor was whited out and my name was written over it in pen. The whited out name is my mother's (I was under her insurance at the time). Regardless of who's being billed, the $ amount plus its timing strongly suggest this is unwarranted and illegitimate. Assessing all my options from the PF community's advice I've decided to not contact this former dentist of mine whatsoever as any indication that I received this bill further legitimizes it. They don't have a leg to stand on, let alone anything to sink their lying teeth into. +So, I'm in debt. In total it is about $5,000 between medical bills and loans. Only about $1,000 of that is student loans. I make $18.75 an hour, rent is $970/m, and utilities probably come out to about $250/m. My car insurance is super expensive, and I cannot get anything below about $140/m for it. I work from home so I don't drive much, so gas and car maintenance is very low. Groceries total about $300 give or take depending on the month. Internet is $23/m. Basically, I find that I can pay to keep going, but not get out of debt. I made some poor financial decisions when I moved out on my own for the first time, which is where the loans came from. Now, I am living paycheck to paycheck, don't have money set aside for emergencies (thank god for my family, if there is a true emergency I know that I have people who could help me get by if needed), dont have enough to pay on my debts, and have a very bad credit score (566). There are more affordable apartments in my area, but I cannot get approved anywhere due to my credit score. I'm not sure what else to do at this point. There are not really any jobs locally that I would be suited for that pay better than what I get, and overtime is limited and inconsistent. Theoretically I can just keep doing what I'm doing, stay stuck in debt, hope a promotion becomes available, but that could happen tomorrow or 3 years from now. I'm honestly not sure. Any advice? +I am trying to learn as much as possible about real estate investing, and youtube is the easiest way for me to do it. Which channels are the best to learn from? +First time using a PM, he wants 7% of each months rent, 100% of first months rent as compensation for finding and vetting tenant. He wants to hold security to draw from as repairs are needed. Also, if I cancel his service I have to give 60 day’s notice and pay out the remainder of the year. If he cancels for a legal reason i have to pay out the remainder of the year. If I decide to sell I have to give him 2% of the selling price. Is this reasonable? +**Part V - Stop Losses** + +You can find Part IV here: + +\*\*NOTE\*\*: I will likely create a FAQ once this is all done. I’m getting some of the same questions over and over again. + +Please read the entirety of the post. I will often include details in the post itself that answers many of the questions I am getting. If I can spend the time writing this, you can spend the time reading it. + +PART VI will cover targets. Part VII will cover risk management. Part VII will tie everything together. After that I will even spend some time looking for real-time setups for all of you. + +This strategy will always use a hard stop loss. I have traded it without hard stops in the past for one reason: when 5pm EST hits and the spreads widen, it is incredibly annoying to get stopped out simply because of a widened spread. This doesn’t happen too often, thankfully. + +I am actually against using hard stops but for a strategy that has these mechanistic elements it makes sense. + +Let’s get right into it + +**Stop Losses** + +There are two ways to use stop losses for this strategy. You can either place stops using the Fibonacci Retracement levels OR you can simply place them beyond the low/high of the 2-candle formation that comprises the typical technical setup for this strategy. + +**Fibonacci stop losses:** + +You will primarily use the fibonacci levels for stop losses if you are comfortable sacrificing win rate for a higher risk to reward ratio. + +Here you have options. If you are taking 2 limit orders based on fibonacci levels then you can also graduate the stop losses OR you can place them at the same level. Here is where you would place them: + +&#x200B; + +* For limit order off the 23.6% Retracement level: between the 50% and the 61.8% Retracement OR just beyond the 78.6% Retracement +* For limit order off the 38.2% Retracement level: If you want a tighter stop you can place it just beyond the 61.8% level. For a more conservative stop just beyond the 78.6% Retracement level. + +I strongly recommend experimenting with these different combinations and seeing what feels best for you. I am deliberately talking about feelings a lot in this series. This qualitative aspect to trading is incredibly important. If all you cared about were statistics then why are you trading manually? Or why are you not scalping for every tick? Too many traders ignore feelings in their trading. What feels right to you vs what the stats suggest are better can make an enormous difference in your end results. There is no singular “right” way of trading. There are simply more and less efficient ways of trading. If you are the rare person that can combine a higher degree of efficiency with what feels right for you personally, then DM me with your results. I will do my best to open doors for you in this industry. + +**Stop losses based on the 2-candle formation:** + +This is a very simple stop loss procedure. Simply place your stop just beyond the lowest / highest point of the 2 candle formation. This is the “safest” stop loss but you WILL sacrifice profit factor vs the fibonacci method. + +**My preference:** + +My preference is to use the fibonacci stop losses. I am happy to give up some win rate for a higher profit factor. + +**Examples:** + +&#x200B; + +* Notice how we traded gbp/usd on the way up and down in the first 2 examples + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zy3lu4sen9651.png?width=2820&format=png&auto=webp&s=d62fcfcce5b232f6d56bf585baedc420e5f55bf2 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nvs399pfn9651.png?width=2820&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2e0d4a0c6950bdea6872e824b66e7d55df99029 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fekwsvegn9651.png?width=2820&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6ecbe3a1bd06345ec60967fe3bc9991cab94b5e +In traditional financial price analysis to make an argument that an asset is massively undervalued despite a 900-3000% price rise (depending on vs. BTC or USD) in the last six months would be ludicrous. I won't insult your intelligence by stating again why ethereum's value shouldn't be assessed in the same way as a more mature asset or even how emerging asset classes are typically viewed. For clarity, from here on out when discussing ether price I will use vs. USD since 1. I'm an American nationalist punk and 2. the BTC price rise clouds Ethereum's price gains over the same period. + +What is more interesting to discuss is how the market has reacted to recent events and why their behavior may reveal that investment dollars in ethereum are being deployed in a less savvy manner than one would see in a typical billion dollar asset class, introducing potential longer term money making opportunities for the more astute among us. Like in all markets, if one views knowledge as wealth, there is a perennial game played to take from the poor and give to the rich. In ethereums case, there seems to be many poor investors who happen to have a lot of $$ that they are serving up on a silver platter. + +Let's look at the recent price spikes including from June 11 to June 16 from roughly 13.96 to 20.51 (Coingecko), a 5 day, 47% price rise. (This paralleled the mid may rise where the price rose from just under 10 to 14.7 in 4 days). The may rise can pretty much be directly attributed to the unprecedented success of the DAO locking up over 10% of Ether from entering the supply market in a matter of days and flooding ethereum with positive press. We all enjoyed reading countless mainstream media stories about "the most successful crowdfund ever". + + The June price rise was a little bit more of an engima for us traders. The DAOs creation phase had been over for two weeks and there were signs that all was not well in the grand experiment. Since the DAO had absorbed some 14% of Ether and dominated the majority of all discussion the line had been blurred between ethereum and the DAO. The success of ethereum had been wrongly tied to the success of the DAO. + +When the DAO failed, the markets overreacted. There is no doubt about it. Ethereum's value was cut in half overnight. When viewed pragmatically this makes zero sense. Ethereum is and never has been about the DAO. The May and June spike resulting in the rise from 10-20$ in 30 days resulted from: tons of investors flooding in because of DAO press, and less significantly, the practical implications of 14% supply side constriction. These new investors often didn't understand the ethereum project, didn't understand the DAO for that matter and many blew a ton of money buying high and selling low. + + What does this mean for ethereum's price now? It is tremendously undervalued. Ethereum is a significantly better because of the DAO, and it improved without ether loss to investors. (pending successful HF implementation). a 50% price dip resulted when rationally there should have been a price rise after the smoke cleared and it was obvious ethereum itself was not in danger and in fact, was robust enough to completely resolve the DAO exploitation. Short term: Ethereum will be returned to token holders theoretically flooding the market with ethereum. Will this result in further price drops? If it does then my god should you buy. Successful HF will mean a couple of important short term price implications beyond immediate supply spike which I believe far outweigh that: positive press due to the incredible response time and success of Ethereum and DAO safety features ensuring crisis management could be effectively implemented. And Investors feeling burned by the DAO will be appeased and bring $ back into ethereum. + +Ethereum right now should have a market cap of around 2/3 that of BTC. BTC is far more mature and infrastructure development means it is more useful today than Ether is. But Ether promises far more than bitcoin does and recent events prove how capable it is of achieving so much so quickly. Investors are wary because of bitcoin disasters of lore but partially what makes ether so valuable is it has demonstrated an ability to avoid these disasters so successfully. The market is way behind and investors still reeling from the DAO are causing a vastly deflated price. 7$ billion market cap is certainly not too big of a projection for the market leader in numerous areas of blockchain tech and I have very little doubt that it will reach this sooner rather than later. +Heya, apes and apettes. It's been a while. As is customary, /u/jsmar18 can confirm that this is indeed me. + +&#x200B; + +I felt it necessary to step out of the mists for a moment to point out some things I've seen apes doing well, and some....less so. Much of what I and former colleagues have been working on has to stay under wraps for now, but I can assure you great progress has been made thus far. + +As I'm sure you can tell, "what's coming" ain't very far off now, and as we inch closer to our ultimate victory, I must ask all of you to continue to embody the principles, morals, and respect that have defined this sub, and the trade as a whole, for going on a year now. I truly believe that the vast majority of you have set aside your disdain for the way things are, in the interests of making them better in the future. However, we cannot afford to be on the fence about these kinds of behaviors. + +There are bad actors among you now. Far more than there ever have been before. What many of you see as forum sliding CS transfer posts are far from it. They are exactly the kinds of posts that we need and should treasure. You know I had been a vocal opponent of DRS in the past, because I simply hadn't had enough experience with it. If I was snippy with you about it before I had properly informed myself, consider this an official apology. As I've said before, if you are with a reputable broker, your shares will be fine, but Computershare is most definitely the way. If you can join the countless others in transferring without great undue costs to yourself, I believe it is wise to do so. And I take no offense to seeing a front page full of DRS posts. In fact, it makes me quite giddy. + +But I have gotten a distinct sense from many of the posts that do break through the Great Purple Cockring Wall that there are initiatives and movements being undertaken that are not in the best interests of apes. I cannot guarantee you that these are being perpetrated and propagated by bad actors, but I can tell you that if I were one, they are exactly the types of initiatives that I would be pushing. + +Case in point: the Citadel Powder Duo. Many of you know my history, and I ask you to keep that history in mind when I say this: Nothing good can come of spreading this far and wide, especially in a disdainful manner, for a number of reasons. One, they are nobodies. Ken and his ilk are the ones perpetrating this. They alone should be the target of our ire. Two, it won't have the effect you think it will. Not only won't Citadel's investors care, they may even support it. We don't have a client list. We can't shake a finger at them and say "look what you support!" And if I'm being blatantly honest with you guys....there may be nothing more effective on this Earth than that fine white powder when it comes to making the mundane interesting and making one care about people (or clientele) they just don't. They're likely doing their very best work on that substance, and you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone with any knowledge of the industry that will outright condemn them for it. + +But most of all: it simply does not matter. You've already won, and it is but a matter of time before you are handsomely rewarded for said victory. All of this, any seedy detail you could ever want, will all come out in the post-mortem, and you'll have all those brand new dollars to hold their feet to the fire in court, should you desire. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR: This trade, this community, whatever you wanna call it, has always been built on love. Love for our fellow common man, love for the ideals baked into our constitution that were never really lived up to (until now). Continue to share all the wonderful things you'll do with your tendies, and focus less on trying to tear people down, especially if they're not directly involved in perpetrating all this fraudulence. There's no need to give anyone any ammunition to question our morality or sanity, especially since they know damn well this all comes from a place of love and equinimity.** + +**And when all is said and done, I will see you in the mists, my friends. Let the intelligence and compassion that put us in this position to win be what is most apparent about us. Because there's a lot of work to do on the other side of this. But I'm up for it, because I know you're like me and Marshawn: "just 'bout that action, boss."** + +&#x200B; + +edit: look at the top post on the front page. When's the last time you saw 22k upvotes for ANYTHING? Use your heads, apes. This is counter-productive. Plain and simple. +In November I lost my job and I had an 9 month old at the time to take care of and provide and everything went terrible when I found out my boss has been giving me +Counterfeit check to pay me which put me in extreme debt of about 4000 dollars. And with only 18 dollars left in my checking it was extremely difficult but thankfully I found a job that paid well and in 2 months I paid off all my debt and have 600 in my checking now! While still paying my credit card off too as well, very tough journey but hopefully I don’t go through being that low ever again especially for my daughter. +Hi all if your mum sold property and gave you any figure between to £250k to 300k to buy a home for you to own and live in (not rental) would you have to pay tax on this? I know you would if she dies within 7 years of giving it to you but what about whilst she is alive? +Well there gents, it looks to be that tomorrow will be as red as red can get. How long do until we hit the first breaker? Do we see, for the first time, the second breaker at -13% hit?? + +RIP 🌈🐃s + +Imagine holding calls and seeing this post. GUH! + +EDIT: DOW currently down 800 pts 30 minutes before close. Lmao to all the dorks that came here and said “F” and “thHisS aGgeD wEelLlL” 😂. + +RIP retard 🌈🐃s. +Following recent posts about the future direction of the sub - including our first 'verified members only' post - there has been a significant surge in requests for verification. While verification requests are normally actioned within a day or two, it may now take until next week to action recent requests. Mods are volunteers, so we ask for your patience while we get caught up. Please feel free to follow up if you have not received a reply within a week of your initial message. + +For those looking for verification requirements - typically the preferred method is to submit a screenshot via a private imgur link of your pay stub, tax return or an investment account with all account numbers and identifying information removed. The minimum thresholds for verification are US$150K / year income or US$1M NW, though there are some allowances made for those outside the US. We do not need proof of your entire NW or income, just enough to meet the threshold. We are also willing to consider other verification options if you'd prefer - anything that would objectively demonstrate your wealth. + +There are currently no plans to make verification mandatory for posting or commenting in r/fatFIRE. + +Edit: Typo +Since the interest rates are low, ( no signs of a rate hike either in the next 6 months or so), the current avenues for investing in debt are very limited now. Liquid and Overnight funds are a tad less than 4.5%, bank FD's( Very tax-inefficient) is less than 6% ( barring Yes and IndusInd Bank which give you 7%) + +NBFC and Corporate FD's are less than 6% and not the best credit cycle, arbitrage funds are at an all-time low in return of less than 4% ( past 6 months) + +NCD's options are less for new issues, the ones which are there have a higher credit risk, no AAA rates NCD released since Feb'20 and no hopes of seeing one any time soon. + +&#x200B; + +For a debt investor, what are the options? +Assuming that the investor is ONLY interested in investing in debt, does not want to deal in equity at all. + +1. Gilt Funds and Ultra Short term funds from ICICI or SBI are still showing an annual return of 10%+ and 8% respectively, most importantly their past 6 months returns are above the psychological benchmark of 0.5% return per month or 6%. Keeping a 3yr lock-in, one can get tax benefits also with indexation. +2. Bonds listed here - I see big names like SBI, Bank of Baroda, PNB, etc offering yields greater than 7.5%, all these will attract income tax with no indexation benefits, however, minimum investments required are above 10L, options for NHAI and REC exist that offer investment opportunities for as low as Rs 10k however interest rates are 5% with taxation ( hence not great options)-[https://goldenpi.com/investment-options/list-view?yield=highly-safe&ia=10-50-lacs&it=government,psb,psu,bank-bonds&sortBy=yield-high-to-low](https://goldenpi.com/investment-options/list-view?yield=highly-safe&ia=10-50-lacs&it=government,psb,psu,bank-bonds&sortBy=yield-high-to-low) +3. NPS Tier 2- Investments in tier 2 have no investment capping, some of the biggest names in the industry like LIC, HDFC, SBI, etc are running pension funds dealing in to corporate and Govt. debt, NPS I understand has limitations but I am here just referring to Tier 2 which has the lowest restrictions on things. + +Of the above 3 options, where should I go for? What are the Pros and Cons( do mention liquidity also) of each? + +Some Assumptions:- + +Assuming that liquidity is not an issue and the investor is happy to lock in funds for 5-7 yrs or more. All other requirements such as emergency funds, term insurance, home loan, etc are already taken care of. +[Good evening r\/Superstonk, Jellyfish back with you with an inflation update! ](https://i.redd.it/fp1191y5y9b71.gif) + +EDIT: Thank you u/Surplus3lf for being a kiwi on the ground and updating: It is the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (not the bank of New Zealand as I have miss labeled in the title.) + +AND + +>And in terms of the acknowledging the housing bubble is not a new concept over here. 28.7% increase throughout nz from June2020-june2021 is clearly unsustainable and have been mentioned multiple times the last year. + +END OF EDIT + +First, the conclusion. + +# All of this is happening in the backdrop of the Fed still plowing away with [$120 billion in assets purchases each month](https://www.wsj.com/articles/central-bank-will-begin-reducing-bond-purchases-well-before-raising-interest-rates-powell-says-11618421656): + +https://i.redd.it/hoxnxj1uy9b71.gif + +$40 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities. This will continue to depress mortgage rates and **only continues to add gasoline to the inflation fire**. + +$80 billion in Treasury securities a month (with policy rates near 0%): represses short-term and long-term interest rates in general, and inflates asset prices and consumer prices, which **further DESTROYS the purchasing power of the dollar**. + +While the rest of the world's banks are acting, The Fed still claims this inflation is “transitory.” + +Hell or high water, they seem intent on trying to follow the playbook from the last crisis: + +1. End asset purchases. +2. After the balance sheets quit growing then hike rates. +3. *maybe* shrink the balance sheet after raising rates. + +This approach worked 'well' last time because inflation was so low. [As we have seen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ok45ql/inflation_alert_a_dive_into_yesterdays_cpi_report/), that is not the environment we are in at this time--people's mindsets have changed about inflation, these prices are getting paid and inflation is running rampant! + +However, while the Fed is asleep at the printer, [other world banks are acting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ofe7s8/inflation_alert_by_request_of_uanonymousname_and/), with today seeing Canada and New Zealand take action. + +# Canada + +https://i.redd.it/mlp3kxdqz9b71.gif + +[“The factors pushing up inflation are transitory, but their persistence and magnitude are uncertain,” Err, How can something that is supposed to be temporary uncertain in size and length?????](https://preview.redd.it/th1r2hi71ab71.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=df03e11983831f3c714f8e92e7b74615abe0c0f1) + +The Bank of Canada announced it is reducing its purchases of Government of Canada bonds to C$2 billion a week, (previously C$3 billion a week). It noted inflation has risen 3.6% year-over-year. + +This is in the face of the previous action: + +Canada announced the first reduction in QE back in October last year, from C$5 billion to C$4 billion, when it also ended buying mortgage-backed securities. In March 2021, it started unwinding its liquidity facilities, citing [“moral hazard”](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2021/03/market-stress-relief-role-bank-canadas-balance-sheet/) as the reason. In April, it announced a further reduction, to C$3 billion, citing [“signs of extrapolative expectations and speculative behavior”](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-bank-of-canada-governor-says-red-hot-housing-market-showing-signs-of/) in the housing market. + +[https:\/\/www.bankofcanada.ca\/rates\/banking-and-financial-statistics\/bank-of-canada-assets-and-liabilities-weekly-formerly-b2\/](https://preview.redd.it/c1x4dj7n1ab71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a1dee5315c8082b2549865c8d8244acc3e1f85e) + +# New Zeland (New entrant!) + +https://i.redd.it/s0ngwc9z1ab71.gif + +[https:\/\/www.rbnz.govt.nz\/news\/2021\/07\/monetary-stimulus-reduced](https://preview.redd.it/5x5l61n22ab71.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=e71fa37b5de5aa8544c4f425d89f2a1d91fdb51e) + +Ummm, wow, this is a 180 from JPow is telling us! + +The statement said that in addition to **“near-term spikes in headline CPI inflation,” driven by “one-off” or “temporary” events, it expects “more persistent consumer price inflation pressure” to build over time “due to rising domestic capacity pressures and growing labor shortages.”** + +**HOLY HELL, they acknowledge the housing bubble!** + +**“The Committee agreed \[with the government\] that the recent rate of growth in house prices remains unsustainable.”** + +Are the acknowledging rate hikes are coming?: “any future increases in mortgage rates will further dampen house price growth,” + +Lastly, “The Committee agreed that a ‘least regrets’ policy now implied that the significant level of monetary support in place since mid-2020 could be reduced sooner, so as to minimize the risk of not meeting its mandate.” + +[Tiny Balance Sheet](https://preview.redd.it/97am1mdt2ab71.png?width=1758&format=png&auto=webp&s=8040d40c770bfcb048113bfc3fcbca253f4997db) + +New Zealand, you may be tiny, but the are the most proactive steps (along with Canada) that we have seen taken to address this issue. Again, all while JPow cranks the money printer! + +[You know I just really wanted to drop it in again.... ](https://i.redd.it/g0xul4803ab71.gif) + +[ Thanks for dropping by and taking a dive! Please let me know if you have any questions or areas to explore, happy to try and help! ](https://i.redd.it/0ffnvdp33ab71.gif) +Obligatory: external things don’t cause happiness of course but… + +What are some purchases that have improved your happiness. Very open ended question but some examples I thought of are: + +- Purchasing & learning a musical instrument +- Signing kids up for select sports +- Getting a dog +- Hot tub +- greenhouse/garden +- big house, custom house, second house +- etc… +Palantir Technologies Inc. shares rallied in the extended session Tuesday after the data-software company said it was selected for a U.S. Army intelligence program contract. + +Palantir PLTR, +0.17% shares surged and were last up 14% after hours, following a 0.2% rise to close at $23.21. + +The company said it won a $823 million contract to provide the Army with its Gotham platform, which is “an operating system for defense decision making and is specifically designed to connect the dots between disparate sources,” Palantir said in a statement. + +Palantir said the platform will “support Army Intelligence users worldwide with a globally federated Intelligence data fabric and analytics platform spanning multiple security classifications.” + +“We look forward to the continued partnership with [Program Executive Officer Intelligence Electronic Warfare & Sensors] and the Army’s Intelligence Community in providing new and exciting technology that help them in their modernization efforts,” said Doug Philippone, Palantir’s global defense lead, in a statement. + +The contract falls under the Army’s Capability Drop 2 program. Palantir said the CD-2 contract is “one of several” projects it is working on to modernize Army intelligence. +Here's the video first: + +--- + +###[I UNCOVERED A BILLION DOLLAR FRAUD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzbBi0agLNg) + +--- + +To summarise the actions of John Karony, the CEO: + +Enacted the 100% tax honeypot, covered by myself [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/tuumsi/safemoons_v1_100_tax_results_in_the_theft_of/), but the major story ^(as ^though ^tens ^of ^millions ^of ^dollars ^stolen ^isn't ^a ^big ^story) is that he had a deal with the Crypto Exchange Bitmart, who ran their own version of Safemoon's "tokenomics" (10% buy and sell tax) - so what they would do is redistribute 5% to holders themselves, and then send 5% of transactions to Karony which Karony was supposed to add to the liquidity pool. + +####Except he did not + +He appears to have kept it. + +--- + +So what this means is that all the people that have gone blue in the face telling us that John was cleaning house, getting rid of all the bad apples.. well he was just as crooked as the rest of them. Truly a den of thieves. + + +##Birds of a feather flock together + +What's mad is laying it all out... + +* **Kyle** who copy-pasted the contract kept withdrawing from the Liquidity Pool even while claiming you couldn't and that Safemoon was "rugpull resistant" +* **Thomas** who lied about his Ripple job offer, lied about his development credentials and continually siphoned funds from the liquidity pool into his own wallet +* **John** who constantly claims Safemoon is the evolution, sets up dodgy deals with Bitmart and creates the V1->V2 honeypot + +It just goes on and on. Every week a new stone is unturned and people find more and more filth and scum. + + +But it just slides off the back of the criminally-deluded Safemoon Army. Today has seen three wallets sell $500,000 between them, and we're only a few hours after the wallet released. The whales are not happy about this, but the casual holders? + +Here are some quotes from their sub... + +> Buy the DIP, Safemoon to the moon, if you sell you, then you is a low life. LOL Dimond hands baby. We will be rich in 5 years. People fud bitcoin and look where we at 10 years later. Buy the Dip and you will be rich in 5+ years. + +>1 billion volume is coming...We will be on all major exchanges soon. Love these tasty dips. + +# + +> Just watched, it's bad on so many levels. But he's at least good at editing. He makes a lot of arguments but fail to provide any proof. + +#MY DUDE HE LITERALLY GAVE YOU THE BLOCKCHAIN TRANSACTION HASHES IN THE VIDEO MY DUUUUUUUUDE. + +# + +> The Video is pure conjecture and open-ended opinions that leads the watcher (by the nose) to form an opinion off of nothing; but it sounds good. + +# + +> He's just after clicks and is trying to profit from spreading fud about safemoon for his own financial gain and popularity, nothing more + +# + +> I made my mind last year. I have a goal to achieve and every new wave of fud and dip that comes after is only a great way for me to buy more. + + +# + + +This is the biggest heads-in-sand moment I've ever witnessed. When will they wake up? When John is in jail? When Safemoon is 0.00000000000000001? Or is that just another great buying OP? Fuck a rubber duck. +On the back of fresh fears over this new COVID variant the markets are getting spooked. + +Asia had biggest slip in 2 months. + +UK has just opened and FTSE 100 is down 3%, lots of blue chips down a reasonable amount and the media is all over it. + +US market obviously not open at the moment but the global sentiment seems quite consistent. + +With so much institutional investment in crypto this could be an interesting few days/weeks for stocks and very likely crypto if large sums are pulled out. + +Just remember, if you believe in the project and there is no news to the negative against it then why sell. If you are over exposed consider sensible stop losses. + +Personally I'm in for the ride and have some FIAT ready to go if need be! + +Best wishes all, and remember I have no idea what I'm saying... +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/08/election-stock-market-futures-open-to-close-news.html + +Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average surged 1,201 points, or 4.3%, implying an opening gain of more than 1,200 points. S&P 500 futures jumped 3.6%. Nasdaq 100 futures climbed 1%. + +Thanks for the awards. +I have no clue what are in these, but they sound juicy. 🤷‍♂️ Anyone know anything about these? This isn't the 801 we've waited for I know that. + +SR-FICC-2021-003 + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/FICC/SR-FICC-2021-003.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/FICC/SR-FICC-2021-003.pdf) + +SR-FICC-2021-801 + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/FICC/SR-FICC-2021-801.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/FICC/SR-FICC-2021-801.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Was posted yesterday but didn't seem to get much visibility. Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/naxfrl/ficc2021003\_ficc2021801\_just\_added\_may\_12\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/naxfrl/ficc2021003_ficc2021801_just_added_may_12_2021/) + +Credit: u/ReverseTickleMonster + +&#x200B; +Sebi keep increasing margin for FNO trade every 3 month. Now it is 75% and will be 100% from 1st sept. + +Well now because of this option selling in India has become less and less profitable. They say they are doing so that people won’t lose money. + +[Rant] But the money is ours let us decide for someone will lose money then someone will make money too. Government will get multiple taxes during this. Why don’t they close stock market so nobody loses money. I was making good money for last 2 year and living on it. But seems it is over now. + +Margin requirement was already too high in India [Derivative traders in India pay up to 500 times more margin, says study by SEBI sub-committee](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/derivative-traders-in-india-pay-up-to-500-times-more-margin-says-study-by-sebi-sub-committee-4072141.html) +# tl;dr + +Citadel Securities (market maker) received outside funding for the first time in the amount of $1.15B; [Paradigm](https://www.paradigm.xyz/) is a Web3/crypto-oriented firm, so there's a strong likelihood that Citadel Securities will expand by becoming a crypto market marker + +*Edit2: recomposed the tl;dr and incorporated original tl;dr into the Preface.* + +# Preface + +I've seen too many posts/comments today that seem to think the **hedge fund** is getting propped up, which is incorrect. What's truly insightful is the ***why*** this investment was made in the ***market maker*** side of Citadel. While the two "Citadel" entities are synonymous due to ownership, they are distinctly different and not interchangeable in discussion. So after a year of us all being here, the following links are for the uninitiated: + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citadel\_LLC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citadel_LLC) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citadel\_LLC#Citadel\_Securities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citadel_LLC#Citadel_Securities) + +*Edit3: if you want the entire mouthful, it's* [*Citadel Enterprise Americas, LLC (formerly just Citadel LLC)*](https://sec.report/Document/0000905148-19-001031/)*.* + +# Insight: the WHY of it + +Here's a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article that offers insight as to ***why*** these firms have invested in Citadel Securities. + +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/citadel-securities-to-receive-first-outside-investment-11641905101](https://www.wsj.com/articles/citadel-securities-to-receive-first-outside-investment-11641905101) + +Those who have been keeping their ears to the ground might find the following quotations of interest: + +>Venture-capital firm Sequoia Capital and cryptocurrency investor Paradigm have agreed to invest $1.15 billion (in Citadel Securities)... +> +>Paradigm is focused on crypto and Web3, a reimagining of the internet, ***areas Citadel Securities is likely to incorporate in the future*** as they become more regulated. + +Now ask yourself: [am I aware of a company that's currently pursuing a Web3 and crypto-backed](https://gmedd.com/blockchain/gamestop-explores-expansion-into-web3-nft-marketplace-and-blockchain-gaming-platform/) [NFT marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com/)? [Is there a certain DEX that has long been rumored to be partnering with GameStop](https://gmedd.com/blockchain/loopring-ceo-on-gamestop-nft-partnership-i-cannot-comment-on-that-in-new-interview/)? + +*Edit6: Web3+NFT link above swapped out for GME DD to avoid confusion about the irony of the* [*Protocol article*](https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/sourcecode/gamestop-nft-web3) *criticizing GME's move into the space.* + +Don't fixate on Citadel's potential market-grab and potential competition with GameStop/Loopring; consider the move as *a sign of the technological times* and as further emphasis that GameStop is attempting to get ahead of the wave. Citadel is now playing catch-up and needed a metric crap-tonne of money to do so. + +For comparison, GameStop raised [\~$551M in the April offering of 3.5M shares](https://www.reuters.com/business/gamestop-raises-551-mln-accelerate-e-commerce-push-shares-jump-2021-04-26/) and [$1.13B in the June offering of 5M shares](https://www.reuters.com/business/gamestop-raises-about-1-bln-latest-equity-offering-2021-06-22/), though not all of the GME offering capital went to the NFT Marketplace endeavors ([GameStop paid off some debts](https://www.retaildive.com/news/gamestop-upgraded-as-it-raises-cash-for-turnaround-and-pays-off-debt/599787/)). Compare the \[$551M + $1.13B\] vs. \[$1.15B\] numbers as a measure of how serious Citadel Securities (and friends) are and the potential enormity of what they have planned, which is a setup for the Speculation section... + +# Late Additions + +The following excerpt is from an official announce by Citadel Securities. This hadn't come up in searches for me earlier today. I've bolded the important parts. + +>“In Sequoia and Paradigm, **we have partners** that appreciate how the strength of our market expertise, advanced predictive analytics and superlative software engineering can **redefine an industry**..." -Citadel Securities Chairman Ken Griffin +> +>“As **technological innovation in financial markets** becomes only more important, we see enormous opportunities to meet **the needs of our clients across more markets and more products**. Our partnership with Sequoia and Paradigm puts us in an even stronger position as we continue to scale our business, **broaden into new markets** and attract the world’s most brilliant minds.” -Citadel Securities CEO Peng Zhao +> +>[https://www.citadelsecurities.com/news/citadel-securities-announces-1-15-billion-investment-from-sequoia-and-paradigm/](https://www.citadelsecurities.com/news/citadel-securities-announces-1-15-billion-investment-from-sequoia-and-paradigm/) + +Here's what Paradigm is all about. Directly from Paradigm's [front page](https://www.paradigm.xyz/): + +>We take a deeply hands-on approach to help projects reach their full potential, from the technical (mechanism design, smart contract security, engineering) to the operational (recruiting, regulatory strategy). + +It was brought to my attention that Ken Griffin *says* he doesn't like cryptocurrency, though there is an *exception clause*. Get ready to laugh at the irony in the bolded portion of the quotation. + +>Hedge-fund billionaire Ken Griffin criticized the amount of time and energy spent on cryptocurrencies, saying it’s “a jihadist call” that some people don’t believe in the dollar. +> +>Still, while he’s not a fan of the resources allocated to the digital assets, he said **his firm would trade cryptocurrencies if they were properly regulated and he praised Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler for paying greater scrutiny to cryptocurrencies.** +> +>[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-04/griffin-sees-crypto-mania-as-jihadist-call-against-the-dollar](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-04/griffin-sees-crypto-mania-as-jihadist-call-against-the-dollar) + +Given the recent amount of cryptocurrency attention by congressional and the SEC/GG, I'd say Griffin may have had a change of heart. + +# Speculation + +Consider the following quotations from the WSJ article: + +>Citadel Securities is set to receive its first outside investment... +> +>The deal will give Citadel Securities capital to continue expanding globally, the company said, and could be a precursor to an initial public offering for the business. There is no guarantee the firm will go ahead with a listing and there are no plans to launch one imminently. + +Notice how they only said "first outside investment" and nothing followed? There may be more outside investments to come, or *there may never be a need for follow-up outside investment given the second quotation.* It's possible that Citadel Securities will create an IPO to general grotesque amounts of capital to pursue additional ventures, such as creating their own crypto centralized exchange (CEX) to supplant existing exchanges - **though it's likely Citadel Securities will mostly become a market maker for** ***crypto options***\*\*.\*\* Given their [history of exploitation of trades](https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2017-11.html), consider the likelihood of how Citadel Securities can capitalize on such a venture. + +*Edit1:* [*Barron's appears to agree*](https://www.barrons.com/articles/citadel-securities-could-become-a-crypto-player-51641922119)*.* + +*Edit4: the CryptoCurrency sub also appears to agree, but I can't link that here.* + +# Final Word & Today's Lesson + +As a community - not just Superstonk - let's not become so myopic that we overlook the bigger picture, and let's certainly adhere to the DD groundwork that's previously been laid by researching prior to posting/commenting; I'm talking about not confusing or conflating simple terms and details. + +No matter how exploitative the entities are - yes, Citadel - remember the following when consuming information and the implications: + +Citadel Securities ≠ Citadel LLC + +Market Maker ≠ Hedge Fund + Things have been a bit messy on BSC lately, but I found this token recently that I think shows a lot of long term promise… + +It’s got a total maximum supply of 500 million tokens, a 3% redistribution rate, and it just got listed on WhiteBit after only being around for 3 weeks. + + It’s done a 400x since launch and there have only been healthy corrections on the chart, so we have more than enough evidence to tell that the team behind it is legit and not a bunch of rugpull artists… + + Their project is centered around Virtual Reality gaming .. specifically, the team is building a Virtual Reality Casino in which their token is supposed to be used as the currency. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Discord and chatting with the community.. and this thing looks super promising… + + Definitely a long term play for me. They just got listed on WhiteBit on April 12th and have had a small price drop post listing… so it’s looking like a very VERY good entry point right now... + +Here’s the contract address if you’re interested: 0x651BfbB26455294408Aabc61a7ADF427bf149898 +All of the DD says if Apes hold we win. It's that simple. + +The DD also points to GME having the potential to be a black hole for all of the value available in the market. This is what the infinite losses means. + +If Apes hold long and tight enough, then GME could rise to billions of dollars per share. No joke. Hoping we sell at any price point is what the system wants. What if we don't? What if we just decided that over a billion is the floor? Or the GDP of a medium country? They can't stop us because they cheated in a way that fundamentally undermines the market. + +If institutions paper hand it still wont make an iota of difference in the long term due to the obscene amount of shares retail hold. Expect minor and major dips. Trust that we all know all shorts must cover. + +This is entirely on us, as apes to dictate our own futures. + +Buy, hodl, vote. Love you all +My parents are in their early 70s and each time I visit them for the holidays it's clear they need more help around the house and medical costs continue to rise. Their medicine cabinet looks like a wallgreen's. My father, who still exercising every day, can't mow the lawn anymore, shovel snow, rake leaves, etc. My mother can no longer clean the house and any other higher effort housing choirs. They need to pay for all these services. My parents are very smart about keeping their costs low - they eat 99% of meals at home, typically don't buy things they don't need, etc but medical expenses alone eat up their savings. Let's not forget about dental. My mom's dental bills are insane with her having to fix crowns, caps, bridges, etc. Perhaps she is an outlier, but last year alone my sister and I paid for her $3k outstanding dental balance. I understand a lot of these service expenses can be mitigated based on where you live and the type of housing you choose, but I don't think we can ignore medical costs. I don't have exact figures, but wanted to share this more as a thought exercise to see what folks were planning or those that have FI/RE are doing. +Techlead, the *"Ex-Google/Facebook Tech Lead, YouTuber (1M subscribers), multi-millionaire app entrepreneur, digital nomad"* is another one you should not trust. + +Here's how he is scamming his community, telling them to buy his new coin while he dumps on them This is his address: [https://etherscan.io/address/0x5922b0bbae5182f2b70609f5dfd08f7da561f5a4](https://etherscan.io/address/0x5922b0bbae5182f2b70609f5dfd08f7da561f5a4) You know it's him because it's the same wallet that minted the initial 1M MM. + +Transaction where he mints the 1M tokens: [https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb76ac1e9480d933bb50fb3b7a231355bb9acef129674b45dd0a39664828f7538](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb76ac1e9480d933bb50fb3b7a231355bb9acef129674b45dd0a39664828f7538) + +From here he starts by adding liquidity in uni v2 and v3, small amounts per transaction, maybe he's trying make it look natural + +ie. V3: [https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa15dc505498208741204327404f78b437ddedd6afc492e8fb40c62da199d270e](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa15dc505498208741204327404f78b437ddedd6afc492e8fb40c62da199d270e) + +July 1st he posts the first youtube video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBSEMJDwvXk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBSEMJDwvXk) July 2nd he starts rugging liquidity while telling his community and followers to buy because it's going "to the moon". + +By removing liquidity and not selling, he's effectively selling without 'selling'. This way he doesn't have to tell the community that he sold while they all bought, he just has to hold his initial promise of keeping 1m of usdc liquidity + +He even holds all the liquidity in a 1% fee position so he can syphon out 1% of all the volume! + +In total he has his uni liquidity + 1m USDC extracted so far + +This is outright theft + +I'm pro defi, community should call it out when we can, don't need law enforcement but this guy is cutting himself close: + +* California citizen +* Doxxed +* Clearly a security +* All actions on chain +* Telling people do 1 thing as he does another + +In short, he literally rugs his own community (as a millionaire). **There are** legal implication for this. + +Research done by dcfgod. All credit to him +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/31/tesla-4q-2018-production-and-delivery-numbers.html + +* * * + +Tesla disappointed investors Tuesday, saying it delivered less vehicles than expected during the fourth quarter despite efforts to ramp up production. + +Its shares fell by about 5 percent in premarket trading. + +Tesla previously gave investors hope that its production rates would improve, saying that the number of labor hours to build the Model 3 fell by more than 30 percent from the second to the third quarter. The company also told investors in late October that it took less time to build than the Model S sedan and Model X sport utility vehicle — another first for the company. + +"We will focus even further on cost improvements while continuing to increase our production rate" during the fourth quarter, the company said at the time. + +CEO Elon Musk announced Oct. 23 that the company planned to limit certain options on its higher-end Model S sedans and Model X SUVs to streamline production. The company also announced plans during the fourth quarter to start selling a $45,000 version of the Model 3, before raising the price $46,000. It has yet to produce the base Model 3, which it has promised for a price of $35,000 before incentives. + +The fourth quarter marked an end to a $7,500 federal tax credit that Tesla was able to use to lure buyers in the past. That was cut in half to $3,750 starting Jan. 1. +The previous post was locked due to rampant off topic discussion, then the OP decided to delete it rather than leave it up for people to read. + +https://reports.jpmorganchase.com/investor-relations/2020/ar-ceo-letters.htm + +Some highlights: + +[Dimon's discussion of corporate citizenship](https://reports.jpmorganchase.com/investor-relations/2020/ar-ceo-letters.htm#corporate-citizen) + +[Threats from every angle](https://reports.jpmorganchase.com/investor-relations/2020/ar-ceo-letters.htm#banks-enormous) + +>1. Banks are playing an increasingly smaller role in the financial system. + +>In the chart below, you will see that U.S. banks (and European banks) have become much smaller in size relative to multiple measures, ranging from shadow banks to fintech competitors and to markets in general. + +>Whether you look at the chart above over 10 or 20 years, U.S. banks have become much smaller relative to U.S. financial markets and to the size of most of the shadow banks. You can also see the rapid growth of payment and fintech companies and the extraordinary size of Big Tech companies. (As an aside, capital and global systemically important financial institution (G-SIFI) capital rules were supposed to reflect the economy’s increased size and banks’ reduced size within the economy. This simply has not happened in the United States.) + +>Some regulators will look at the chart above and point out that risk has been moved out of the banking system, which they wanted and which clearly makes banks safer. That may be true, but there is a flip side – banks are reliable, less-costly and consistent credit providers throughout good times and in bad times, whereas many of the credit providers listed in the chart above are not. More important, transactions made by well-controlled, well-supervised and well-capitalized banks may be less risky to the system than those transactions that are pushed into the shadows. + +>2. The growth in shadow and fintech banking calls for level playing field regulation. + +>The chart below shows the potential regulatory differences between being a bank and being a nonbank or a fintech company – though this varies for each type of company on each item depending upon its legal and regulatory status. In some cases, these regulatory differences may be completely appropriate, but certainly not in all cases. + +>When I make a list like this, I know I will be accused of complaining about bank regulations. But I am simply laying out the facts for our shareholders in trying to assess the competitive landscape going forward. + +>It is completely clear that, increasingly, many banking products, such as payments and certain forms of deposits among others, are moving out of the banking system. In addition, lending in many forms – including mortgage, student, leveraged, consumer and non-credit card consumer – is moving out of the banking system. Neobanks and nonbanks are gaining share in consumer accounts, which effectively hold cash-like deposits. Payments are also moving out of the banking system, in merchant processing and in debit or alternative payment systems. + +[Covid-19 and the economy](https://reports.jpmorganchase.com/investor-relations/2020/ar-ceo-letters.htm#covid-19) + +>1. Bold action by the Fed and the U.S. government effectively reversed financial panic. + +>The Federal Reserve (critically, with the support of the U.S. Treasury) immediately rolled out facilities that financed Treasuries, corporate bonds, mortgage-backed securities and other securities that effectively reversed the financial panic taking place. A full-blown financial crisis would have made the COVID-19 recession far worse, deeper and longer. Markets reacted extremely positively, and companies, over the next nine months, raised an unprecedented $2 trillion in debt and equity at good prices, dramatically improving their financial condition and balance sheets. + +>Congress, importantly, also took immediate action to provide fiscal stimulus, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, also known as the CARES Act, totaling $2.2 trillion. This largely consisted of stimulus payments to individuals, enhanced unemployment insurance and loans, which could be forgiven, to small businesses. Please see the following sidebar for more detail on the Paycheck Protection Program. + +>Suffice it to say while real damage was done, the size and scope of these programs dramatically reversed the deterioration of the economy and unemployment, which hit 14.8% in April 2020 but made steady progress back to 6.7% by the end of the year – though this number underrepresents the damage that was done because of the large deterioration in labor force participation and the potential permanent loss of many small businesses. + +[Public Policy. American Exceptionalism, Competitiveness and Leadership: Challenged by China, COVID-19 and Our Own Competence](https://reports.jpmorganchase.com/investor-relations/2020/ar-ceo-letters.htm#public-policy) + +>Our nation is clearly under a lot of stress and strain from various events: the COVID-19 pandemic, of course, which has taken more American lives than the total lost in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War combined, resulting in acute economic distress for millions more; the brutal murder of George Floyd and the racial unrest that followed; the divisive 2020 presidential election, culminating in the storming of the Capitol and the attempt to disrupt our democracy; and the seemingly inevitable, but nonetheless alarming and unnerving, rise of China, threatening America’s global preeminence. + +>America has faced tough times before – the Civil War, World War I, the U.S. stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed, and World War II, among others. As recently as the late 1960s and 1970s, we struggled with the loss of the Vietnam War, political and racial injustice, recessions, inflation and the emergence of Japan as an economic power. But in each case, America’s might and resiliency strengthened our position in the world, particularly in relation to our major international competitors. This time may be different. + +>China’s leaders believe that America is in decline. They believe this not only because their country’s sheer size will make them the largest economy on the planet by 2030 but also because they believe their long-term thinking and competent, consistent leadership have outshone America’s in so many ways. The Chinese see an America that is losing ground in technology, infrastructure and education – a nation torn and crippled by politics, as well as racial and income inequality – and a country unable to coordinate government policies (fiscal, monetary, industrial, regulatory) in any coherent way to accomplish national goals. Unfortunately, recently, there is a lot of truth to this. + +The above quotations are just small excerpts from the overall report, and do not cover the full scope of topics, please click the links and read the full context should you want to gain further insight. + +Personal note: I would have just left the previous locked thread up but OP chose to take their ball and go home so to speak, this one will remain unlocked unless comments once again turn entirely towards low effort political gripes and other nonsense. Remember this is /r/investing and if you'd like to discuss politics, inequality, healthcare, whatever and not tie it to investment decisions then you should go to /r/politics or whichever your other favorite political subreddit is. +(fairly newly fatFIRE'd from a tech IPO, 47 years old, throwaway-- lots of detail after the break for the curious) + +As luck would have it, I developed a chronic urological health condition right after i fatFIREd-- it likely won't kill me but it'd kill a few hobbies and it's kind of annoying. It's somewhat unusual, and it has stumped two well-rated specialists in two different HCOL cities (US). I'll fill in with details below but the TL;DR question is: How do you find the best specialist(s) to treat a somewhat unusual condition? Being fatFIRE allows me nearly infinite time and money to deal with this, and I'd like to make it my highest priority... But I'm not sure how to do that. + +I've found two specialists in two different HCOL doing standard internet research-- they have awards from professional organizations, went to fancy schools, and have good patient ratings. I've found a few researchers online that seem promising but they don't practice with individual patients and I can't find their contact info with a ton of googling. My next step is to hit Mayo or Cleveland Clinic, but I'm not feeling super confident-- would love to find the "Dr. House of Urology" - someone who wants to figure out a mystery. + +I'd happily fly to a random city and sit in an apartment there for a few months if that's what it took. Also happy to pay cash. + +\-- + +Details: + +I'm extremely healthy for my age-- I exercise a lot, eat well, and am lucky on the genetics front. 3 years ago, I started feeling like it was a touch harder to pee. A doc did a few tests, said I was fine and just getting older, and I went on with my life. Fast forward to 8 months ago and the problem had progressed to the point where it seemed alarming. I went to another doctor (new city) and they said I was retaining a dangerous level of urine and needed to self-catheter 4x per day until it's resolved. For those unfamiliar-- this SUCKS. You need a pretty sterile environment and some supplies, so in one moment, I lost the ability to do things like go camping, easily travel to 3rd world countries, etc. As I've gotten used to it, it's not as bad as you might imagine... There are much worse health issues to have-- but it sucks and I don't want to do this for 30+ years. + +The next specialist (after a bunch of tests) claimed I was an unusual case. The most common cause (who most of you who are male will eventually run into) is prostate growth (BPH). My prostate was not large, but he said sometimes sometimes it grows strangely, has denser tissue, etc. I went to another doc in a different HCOL city and he did some more tests and suggested the same vector. I ended up having a procedure and it didn't do a bit of good. + +With both specialists I definitely had the feeling that they weren't looking for a puzzle-- I suspect the US insurance system rewards quick diagnosis-to-treatment cases. The diagnosis isn't definitive-- so they basically just ran some tests, guessed it was the most common thing middle aged men bump into, and pushed me towards treating that. + +At this point, I'd love to (rapidly) check every diagnostic box to see what we can learn, and I'd be open to (non-dangerous) unusual treatment options-- but I think the first step is finding the best specialist for this case who is eager to figure this out. Any ideas on a process to find candidates? +News may be exaggerating, so I’m curious what people here feel ? For me at the moment, I can still afford everything. But I am looking at price tags and consciously thinking about smart spending. I’m trying to spend less in case things get bad later. + +What’s everyone like? Not affected at all and don’t need to watch out either; not too bad but start to be cautious; or need to choose between what to buy now because can’t afford all? + + +## Firm also agrees to implement significant improvements to its compliance controls + +**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** +**2021-262** + +*Washington D.C., Dec. 17, 2021 —* + +The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced charges against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC (JPMS), a broker-dealer subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., for widespread and longstanding failures by the firm and its employees to maintain and preserve written communications. JPMS admitted the facts set forth in the SEC’s order and acknowledged that its conduct violated the federal securities laws, and agreed to pay a $125 million penalty and implement robust improvements to its compliance policies and procedures to settle the matter. + +“Since the 1930s, recordkeeping and books-and-records obligations have been an essential part of market integrity and a foundational component of the SEC’s ability to be an effective cop on the beat. As technology changes, it’s even more important that registrants ensure that their communications are appropriately recorded and are not conducted outside of official channels in order to avoid market oversight,” said SEC Chair Gary Gensler. “Unfortunately, in the past we’ve seen violations in the financial markets that were committed using unofficial communications channels, such as the foreign exchange scandal of 2013. Books-and-records obligations help the SEC conduct its important examinations and enforcement work. They build trust in our system. Ultimately, everybody should play by the same rules, and today’s charges signal that we will continue to hold market participants accountable for complying with our time-tested recordkeeping requirements.” + +As described in the SEC’s order, JPMS admitted that from at least January 2018 through November 2020, its employees often communicated about securities business matters on their personal devices, using text messages, WhatsApp, and personal email accounts. None of these records were preserved by the firm as required by the federal securities laws. JPMS further admitted that these failures were firm-wide and that practices were not hidden within the firm. Indeed, supervisors, including managing directors and other senior supervisors – the very people responsible for implementing and ensuring compliance with JPMS’s policies and procedures – used their personal devices to communicate about the firm’s securities business. + +JPMS received both subpoenas for documents and voluntary requests from SEC staff in numerous investigations during the time period that the firm failed to maintain required records. In responding to these subpoenas and requests, JPMS frequently did not search for relevant records contained on the personal devices of its employees. JPMS acknowledged that its recordkeeping failures deprived the SEC staff of timely access to evidence and potential sources of information for extended periods of time and in some instances permanently. As such, the firm’s actions meaningfully impacted the SEC’s ability to investigate potential violations of the federal securities laws. + +“Recordkeeping requirements are core to the Commission’s enforcement and examination programs and when firms fail to comply with them, as JPMorgan did, they directly undermine our ability to protect investors and preserve market integrity,” said Gurbir S. Grewal, Director of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “We encourage registrants to not only scrutinize their document preservation processes and self-report failures such as those outlined in today’s action before we identify them, but to also consider the types of policies and procedures JPMorgan implemented to redress its failures in this case.” + +“As today’s order reflects, JPMorgan’s failures hindered several Commission investigations and required the staff to take additional steps that should not have been necessary,” said Sanjay Wadhwa, Deputy Director of Enforcement. “This settlement reflects the seriousness of these violations. Firms must share the mission of investor protection rather than inhibit it with incomplete recordkeeping.” + +JPMS agreed to the entry of an order in which it admitted to the SEC’s factual findings and its conclusion that JPMS’s conduct violated Section 17(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rules 17a-4(b)(4) and 17a-4(j) thereunder, and that the firm failed reasonably to supervise its employees with a view to preventing or detecting certain of its employees’ aiding and abetting violations. JPMS was ordered to cease and desist from future violations of those provisions, was censured, and was ordered to pay the $125 million penalty. JPMS also agreed to retain a compliance consultant to, among other things, conduct a comprehensive review of its policies and procedures relating to the retention of electronic communications found on personal devices and JPMS’s framework for addressing non-compliance by its employees with those policies and procedures. + +As a result of the findings in this investigation, the SEC has commenced additional investigations of record preservation practices at financial firms. Firms that believe that their record preservation practices do not comply with the securities laws are encouraged to contact the SEC at [BDRecordsPreservation@sec.gov](mailto:BDRecordsPreservation@sec.gov). + +Separately, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced a settlement with JPMS and affiliated entities for related conduct. + +The SEC’s investigation, which is continuing, has been conducted by Joshua Brodsky, Zachary Sturges, Theresa Gue, Andrew Dean, Osman Nawaz, Adam Grace, John Enright, and Thomas P. Smith, Jr. of the New York Regional Office, and Laura K. Bennett, Christopher G. Margand, Margaret Y. Rubin, Sonia G. Torrico, and David A. Becker of the Home Office. The case is being supervised by Mr. Wadhwa, Richard R. Best, and Carolyn Welshhans.  +Financial Times + +https://www.ft.com/content/925dd494-1bb2-11e6-a7bc-ee846770ec15 + +The Balance + +https://www.thebalance.com/u-s-companies-rated-aaa-higher-than-u-s-government-bonds-417105 + +This is our current president, and this WILL NOT END WELL for financial markets. + +https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/12/nyregion/donald-trump-atlantic-city.html +Hi all, just wanted to give a little extra insight on a common little metric that I've been seeing thrown around too loosely around various investing subreddits. Thought this would be useful for all your DD efforts. + +ROE (Return on Equity) aka Net Income / Average Shareholders' Equity + +People love throwing out ROE numbers to get you to love whatever they are pitching, but you should be automatically suspicious of ROE as a headliner number. + +ROE can be written another way: ROE = ROA x Financial Leverage. + +ROA is an **operating** metric. + +Financial Leverage is a **capital structure** metric. + +So ROE is a blended metric of both: operations and capital structure. + +This is significant because when you are comparing two competitors and think that one with a higher ROE is a better value play that may be a mistake. + +Those two hypothetical companies may have the same exact ROA but company A may just have borrowed heavily, which will jack up ROE. No change in business model, operations, efficiency, etc, just a simple increase in debt will make your ROE go up, even if you just sit on the cash and don't use it. + +Remember, debt is risky for equity holders, no guarantee that a company will use it for productive projects. This risk is further compounded in a near zero rate environment. + +ROA is a more relevant metric if you are commenting on the core business model. + +At best, ROE without context is a distraction. At worst, it can be downright misleading. + +Happy Investing! + +&#x200B; + +btw this wouldn't apply to bank stocks +Some anecdotal observations about the state of the market, I've been tracking some properties that failed to sell at auction e.g. + +https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-vic-brunswick-140848600 +Vendor bid at 1.25m. Relisted now as private sale for 1.32m + +https://www.realestate.com.au/property-townhouse-vic-aspendale-140563643. Originally listed for 740-780. Now listed for 935+ + +IMO the market correction still hasn't happened in many vendor's minds yet and they'll be in for a shock if they're ever forced to sell. For all the first home buyers out there, don't feel bad if you're "lowballing". Chances are, these prices are already overinflated for whatever reason. +Edit: I’m going to advise my aunt to talk to a professional. As many people said, this is a bit too prickly to handle any other way. + +My aunt recently asked me to look into a financial strategy that her son stated would help mitigate taxes on her 401(k). She is gearing up to retire in the next year or so and wants to ensure she is mitigating her tax liability properly. Her son claimed that a financial adviser told him that she could gift out of her 401(k) to spouses or children up to a certain value either without a taxable event or at a lower tax rate. My aunt asked me to investigate as I have a BBA (accounting) and she thinks this doesn't pass the smell test, but I am not a tax professional and could use some guidance. + +I suspect this is bad advice and told my aunt that this seems incorrect already, but I would dig into it further. The only thing I ever found regarding gifting is that you don't need to report a single gift transaction to the IRS unless it's over $15K or something to that effect, but would still count towards your lifetime gift allowance (which shouldn't matter in this scenario). Taxes would still incurred when the money is taken, whether she gifted the 401(k) and the son then takes the money or she withdraws the money herself. Unless there are some financial gymnastics that I am unaware of, I cannot find anything close resembling the scenario presented to my aunt. + +The above also doesn't address my other concern regarding gifting to my cousin. Any transfer of control is sketchy in my book and could really hurt my aunt. I don't think this was presented to my aunt maliciously, but does reek of poor and/or unethical financial advice. + +My plan is to report what my research has shown so far, anything I learn from this post that I may be missing, and have my aunt speak to a tax professional. + +TL;DR: My aunt was given a suspect tax strategy and I'm saying the taxman always gets his cut. Am I missing anything? +[DTCC Twitter](https://twitter.com/The_DTCC) + +[Today I ask:](https://twitter.com/Jabarumba/status/1514240452861767685) If the CEO of Apex Bill Capuzzi, the Global Head of Operations at Citadel David Inggs, and the Vice Chairman of Virtu Craig Messinger are all on the Board of #DTCC, how do you remain free from conflict-of-interest, or the appearance thereof? #GME $GME + + #DRSGME + Hey Everyone, I am a beginner at the stock market and recently I came across a SIP in which If I invest + +₹ 10,000 per month for 15 years in stocks (mostly Market Leaders e.g Reliance, Asian Paints,Pidlite etc.. ) with an Expected Return Rate of 12 % then at the end of 15 years + +Invested Amount will be **₹18,00,000** + +Est. Returns will be **₹32,45,760** + + Total Value **₹50,45,760** + +This looks good on paper but I am not sure how accurate this is taking into all the factors like recession and increase in the price of the stocks into consideration. + +Can anyone throw some light into this? I am a total newbie in this and would be really helpful to gain some knowledge on this. + +P. S - Youtube links are appreciated too +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNznD9hMEh0 + +$14 billion dollars. + +And he doesn't sell a single trading course. + +Watch and pin your ears back. (the financial stuff starts about 25 mins in) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Bought 9,000 shares of SPRT in pre market for $33.50. It immediately dropped to around $30.00 and I thought “oh shit” but I held on. I ended up selling in premarket for $50.00 for a profit of $148,500. + +Cha mother fucking ching! 💰 +For Source and more information: **[Speculative Rationality - 7 Dec](http://spec-rationality.com/request-network/#7Dec)** + +**Not just Paypal 2.0 | A Financial Platform for Blockchain** + +**Suggested reading:** [Why you need to care about blockchain now – not later](https://www.insidesap.com.au/need-care-blockchain-now-not-later/) – Inside SAP + +Request Network has been dubbed “PayPal 2.0” by some commentators and while Request can work as a payment platform akin to PayPal, many do not realise that the Request Network is much more. + +*“Request is not an app but a financial platform on which many projects can be developed. … We want to structure cryptocurrency payments, finance and accounting areas. Our goal is to build a platform to operate payment requests applicable for every financial flow, and structure it by allowing external systems and software to plug into the platform through the use of our APIs.”*  – Request Team – [November 24 Update](https://blog.request.network/request-network-project-update-november-24th-2017-tech-ecosystem-request-core-kyber-network-b760637eba9b). + +The Request Network envisions itself as a Financial Platform; a protocol agnostic financial layer on top of Blockchain technology. Request’s financial platform focuses on providing the infrastructure that will become the “standard for invoices, accounting, auditing, and payments in cryptocurrencies and fiat assets.” (Request Team – [November 24 Update](https://blog.request.network/request-network-project-update-november-24th-2017-tech-ecosystem-request-core-kyber-network-b760637eba9b)). Request plans to deliver on this vision by leveraging blockchain technologies (e.g. [Kyber Partnership](http://spec-rationality.com/request-network/#29Nov) which we covered previously) and ensuring that they remain platform and currency agnostic, so as to reach the widest possible audience. + +What is the Financial Platform Request envisions? For this we need to take a look at the [Tech Mind Map](https://www.mindmeister.com/991002501?t=R1iofDilV0) that the team released with their November 24 update. The Request mind map is split into branches, of which the below 3 are key to actualise their platform. + +1. **Philosophy and Vision **– The team aims to base their work and decisions in their stated core philosophies. Decentralised; Open sourced; Secure. + +2. **Protocol** – The core protocol functions of the network: Core Request protocol, multi-currency (cross chain verification and fiat), extensions for developers (Escrow, down payments etc.), financial flows mechanism, cross-currency settlement (Kyber partnership), fees, reputation and privacy & scaling. + +3. **Use Cases** – the use cases can be thought of as implementations that leverage the core protocol functions to provide and facilitate services. Some of the use cases include: standard requests, online payments, accounting, financial audit, P2P and Point of Sale. + +Many of the endpoints on Request’s Tech Mind Map are ambitious projects in themselves. the realisation of Protocol endpoints seem to add greater functionality to Request Network infrastructure, while Use Case endpoints are the user facing implementations that grow the Request ecosystem. This is where Request’s strength could really shine, in its ability to build a diverse and robust financial platform that provides the tools and infrastructure for devs to deploy the financial applications and services they envision (or to integrate Request with existing applications). +__________________________ + +Lets take a look at the impact that Request Network could have on just one of its major use cases, accounting. Request could revolutionise accounting by allowing users to settle transactions over the Request Network. To understand how let’s dive into the landscape: + +*The Old World* + +**Double Entry Accounting – Gives Bookkeepers Faith in their own Books but external auditing is required to gain the confidence of third parties.** +The current financial industry is underpinned by Double Entry Accounting. Double entry accounting is a system in which each entry into a ledger has an equal and opposite entry in a different account; in other words each debit has a corresponding credit. Where the debits in a ledger do not equal credits we know that there has been some error or fraud. Double entry accounting revolutionised financial accounting as it gave book-keepers confidence in the contents of their own books. However to gain the confidence of third parties, the work of external auditors is still necessary. This is very expensive & time consuming. + +[Diagram - Double Entry](http://spec-rationality.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/double-entry.jpg) + +*The New World* + +**Triple Entry Accounting via blockchain technology – All accounting entries involving outside parties are cryptographically verified by a third entry on a common ledger. Dramatically reducing the need for external audit but difficult to implement in the absence of accepted norms or standards for the “third entry”.** +Blockchain brings with it the advent of triple entry accounting, transactions between disparate parties can be recorded in an immutable manner on a distributed common ledger; dramatically reducing the role of external audit (which may still be needed for internal controls). The transaction details are agreed by both parties and cryptographically stored on the blockchain, so now third parties (shareholders, investors etc.) should be able to verify accounts just by checking entries in a private ledger for consistency with the corresponding “third entry” on a distributed ledger.  + +HOWEVER there is no standardised or uniform infrastructure that disparate companies/individuals can utilise for their immutable “third entry” records. While two parties could certainly store their transaction details on existing blockchain infrastructure using bespoke methodology (which will likely be an additional manual step after the transaction takes place), the lack of common standards across industry would still make it difficult for outside parties to verify the “third entry” records with any ease. + +*The Request Solution* + +**Request Network – A protocol agnostic financial layer designed to convert a (theoretically) infinite range of transactions into immutable accounting records that are easy to verify because they use a standardised infrastructure . The promised land of triple entry accounting.** +Request creates a standardised infrastructure that disparate parties can utilise not only to settle transactions but to simultaneously create immutable accounting records in the form of a receipt or “third entry” that is stored on a distributed ledger. The transaction automatically creates the third entry (there is no manual entry step); furthermore this “third entry” remains easy to verify because it utilises a predictable set of standards. Not only does the Request layer enable currency agnostic transactions at lower cost than centralised iterations it could conceivably revolutionise the accounting process in that very same step. + +[DIAGRAM - Triple Entry ](http://spec-rationality.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Triple-entry-accounting.jpg) + +*“Thanks to the interoperability, immutability and decentralized nature of the Blockchain, we’ll see the emergence of the triple-entry accounting system (the invoice becomes the transaction) and the time stamping system (basic blockchain function that permanently registers on the block the time that a particular action took place).”* – Excerpt from Request [Yellow Paper](https://request.network/assets/pdf/request_yellowpaper_smart_audits.pdf). + +We’ve looked at just one aspect of what the Request platform can do and yet the breadth of the project starts to become evident. By creating the infrastructure and backend needed for individuals and companies to implement triple entry accounting (just one of its use cases); Request opens up the possibility of migrating towards a fully “smart audit”. The Request Network intends to tackle all aspects of a “smart audit” by achieving simplicity (automation), immutability (common database), accuracy, authenticity (a decrease in human errors), traceability of invoices and payments (reconciliation); a triple-entry system. + +*“From turnover to wages and taxes, a financial audit will go through all the transactions of a company. We categorize an audit today into several sections: equity, assets, banks, customers, Income, suppliers, charges, salaries, taxes, intercompanies, financial charges and income.”* – Excerpt from Request [Yellow Paper](https://request.network/assets/pdf/request_yellowpaper_smart_audits.pdf). + +This is by no means an easy task, If we take a step outside crypto for a second and look at the behemoth that is the financial accounting industry it is easy to see that an overhaul of accounting processes will be an uphill battle. We should not underestimate the power and monopoly that existing accounting philosophies, enterprise software companies and regulators have. Changing the established “way of doing things” will need to be a grassroots effort (Development of new applications, plugins to existing applications, etc.) underpinned by a solid working product and realised eventually through mass adoption. With the financial accounting industry becoming more aware of blockchain technology and how it can benefit from “triple entry accounting” / “Real time accounting” ([Source](https://www.insidesap.com.au/need-care-blockchain-now-not-later/)), Request is in a prime position to be one of the leaders in the field. Like all disrupters, Request will face many challenges but with a solid team and platform the Request Network is giving itself a great shot at success.  + + +I haven't seen anyone else talking about this, but I feel like I'm going insane: + +1. The 1% short a company to death. +2. The 1% destroy jobs for innocent people. +3. The 1% lobby and cut off unemployment for the same people whose job they destroyed. +4. The media then calls the people who lost their job, through no fault of their own, lazy and entitled for needing unemployment. +5. The 1% refuse to raise wages after stealing your job, money, investments, and stability. +6. People are forced from one wage slave job to another, thus cementing poverty. All the while, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. + +Am I the only one noticing this? Is this not a big fucking deal? Is this **entire** country, government, and media not perpetuating poverty and class war? What do we do about this? How do we even begin to recover from this? Is there enough prisons for all of these people to fit? +Hello everyone, it's my first time around this sub, so I'd like to introduce myself first and foremost: + +We're a couple (26 years old) with a baby (1.5 years old) living in Portugal. As you might be aware, our economy is very weak compared to other countries throughout Europe. + +My current annual income is around 9-9.6k euros, while my wife's is 10-15k, so together on a good year we should have 20ish thousand as an annual turnover. + +We don't pay rent/mortgage, I inheritored my grandmother 2 bedroom apartment when she passed away, nor we have any debts. The apartment should be worth anywhere in between 80k-120k, since the area where we are is growing a lot lately. If I was to rent it, I could possibly rent it for about 600-700€ a month. + +Currently we put 30% of our monthly income aside, to make our own piggy bank. We also receive child support (very common in Portugal whilst the child is at young age) and we set it aside every month and we only use it on bigger expenses with the baby (vaccines, doctor, car seats, you get the drill). Our only monthly expenses are food and house bills. We do like to dine out at least once a week, but we rarely spend over 30€. + +My goal is to purchase an house before 30, since we have a lot of incentives and benefits on taking loans for housing before 30, I believe it's the portuguese government who sponsors this to incentivate young couples in investing. I don't want to sell the apartment where we currently live, I want to rent it, so I can pay the monthly mortgage without touching our monthly income. + +It might seem that we have a plan, but it's all very lightly thought, since none of us knows finance, apart from the common basics. + +I come to ask for your opinion in regards of what I described above, and what would you recommend in us doing to improve our savings or even our monthly income, apart of getting new jobs, which is fairly obvious, but not that easy to do in our country. 😅 + +We obviously want to give the best life possible to our child and live a life without worries, like most of you also! + +I'm sorry for the long post, or for any typos. If providing more information about our planning or financial position would help you to help us, feel free to ask in the comments, I'll be sure to read all of them carefully and respond accordingly +Surely the price of some items in supermarkets can’t have risen as much as supermarkets charge for them? + +At Coles the price of a LOT of items has increased ridiculously. For example, Maggi Chicken Noodles used to be $5 for a four pack. Today they cost $7.50. + +How can they justify a 50% price increase? + +I just spent $100 on milk, bread, after school snacks and dinner for two nights. + +Ugh. +https://news.yahoo.com/toyota-busts-car-microchip-shortage-200000094.html + +- Toyota has announced it will be back to full global production capacity in December. In fact, the company says it anticipates churning out 800,000 vehicles next month, up from the 760,000 it made in December of 2020. + +I assume they're storing CPUs and other parts and have modified the Toyota Production System to get around this. I wouldn't say it's signs of the shortage ending. Trust Toyota to find a way out of all the car companies. + +Thought it was an interesting bit of news, maybe they will benefit from this while other automakers struggle to get cars delivered, or maybe they won't because people are willing to wait for the cars they want +On his Twitter, WSBGod was making daily posts until March 20, now there's radio silence. We know he caught the beer soup cancer (see below). I've pinged him and heard no response. You best believe he would have posted after the last 2 crazy fucking days. + + +* **March 16**: "I wanted to let y'all know that as of this time I do believe I've been infected by the virus. I'm self-isolating at home, saving the limited test kits for others who need them more than I do. Don't worry about me tho, gonna take a lot more than this to bring ol' WSBgod down!" +* **March 19**: "When I breathe I can hear my fucking lungs crackling. Can't wait until this is all over and I can celebrate with some fresh kush again." + +I seriously think our lord & savior has passed unto the shadow realm. If so, let me be the first to pour one out for him and say this: you lived and died like a fucking legend. + +Side note: I spoke to Vanguard. He won't have margin to exercise, so they'll close out his position and his account will probably sit there with a fat 20M+ until it gets sent to probate and his family members kill each other over it. + +Fuck. + +If you're out there, you glorious bastard, I hope you're okay. + +$SPY 150 7/17 +NZ rate is raised from 1% to 1.5%. this is the 4th time the rates have gone up in NZ since Oct last year. + +Over the last 7months, the official rate in NZ have been lifted from 0.25% to 1.5%. + +[https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/monetary-policy/official-cash-rate-decisions](https://www.rbnz.govt.nz/monetary-policy/official-cash-rate-decisions) +Tether [just announced](https://tether.to/usd%e2%82%ae-and-eur%e2%82%ae-now-supported-on-ethereum) that they launch USDT and EURT on Ethereum in order to decrease their fees and delays. + +It is just another company [in a growing list of companies](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/68822h/a_list_of_companies_which_used_bitcoin_and) diversifying and/or fleeing Bitcoin over the last months. + +To understand why companies switch to / adopt Ethereum, see [here](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7mb94n/fact_list_why_ethereum_will_be_more_successful). +I don’t earn very much but where I work your salary band has 6 different pay grades and you automatically move up to the next one each year. In April I’ll be moved onto the top of my salary band meaning I will never earn more than this unless it’s a union agreed pay rise (which would be rare as I’m in local government.) + +I don’t really want to change jobs, I’m a person who likes to stick to the familiar, and while I don’t love my job by any means I’d be terrified of starting a new one as I get quite bad anxiety. + +My issue is that as I already mentioned I don’t earn very much, I live alone and currently can afford everything that I need to (thanks to having a flat via housing association), but I keep worrying about the fact that I only moved into my own place in June last year and my living expenses have increased several times already - plus as we all know the cost of energy is increasing and I’ll also take home less money from the tax rises. + +Basically what I’m thinking is if the cost of living keeps increasing how it has for me in just the last year and I’ll stay on the same salary then surely eventually my expenses will be more than I can afford. +I am currently 34 and plan to retire around 60. At my current rate of saving, I could have my house paid off by 41 and FIRE at 47, but I like my job. + +A combination of three things is making me consider taking a year off retirement investing. First, I have a toddler who *loves* to be outside, and a second kid on the way. Second, we've been largely quarantined for 3 months now. And these two lead to my third: I really want to invest in our backyard and make it a really nice place to spend time. + +I'm not yet maxing out my 401k investment annually, but if I reduce my 401k investment to just the amount my company matches, that adds around $3k in 2021 to our cash balance. Add in $12,000 not going to Roth IRA accounts and the ~$1500/month extra we have for general savings or investing and we could knock out a ton of outdoor living improvements next year. Right now, we have a fence that's falling over and an open lawn with no shade such that afternoons and evenings (until the sun completely goes down) are miserable. + +What I'm wondering is, from your perspective, is losing that year acceptable? I'm really torn on it. On the one hand, we're going to live in this house the rest of our lives, our kid (and from what I can tell, all kids) loves to be outside, and we would benefit from being able to really enjoy our yard more and sooner. + +On the other hand, it's not the financially responsible decision. I can't really figure out how much taking 2021 off from retirement savings would decrease our net worth at retirement... but it kind of looks like, if all I did was meet my company's match and leave our Roth IRA to appreciate for the rest of my working life, we'd still probably have more than we need. Resuming regular retirement savings in 2022 should jump us back up to likely having more than we need. + +But we also can't know the future... so I don't know. I appreciate any input or feedback you all have. +Hey all - I’m about to have around 3-5k I’d like to start a position in VOO with, does anyone have any recommendations on whether it’d be better to just buy all ar once or should I do something like pick up a share every couple weeks to potentially take advantage of further down turns given the markets current state? Time horizon is 10+ years so I’m pretty sure regardless I’ll be happy with the investment but if there’s any good evidence one way or the other I figure why miss out. +Hey all - I’m about to have around 3-5k I’d like to start a position in VOO with, does anyone have any recommendations on whether it’d be better to just buy all ar once or should I do something like pick up a share every couple weeks to potentially take advantage of further down turns given the markets current state? Time horizon is 10+ years so I’m pretty sure regardless I’ll be happy with the investment but if there’s any good evidence one way or the other I figure why miss out. +Who read the intelligent investor knows of the story with the global coin-flipping competition and how a certain number of people from a certain town won the coin-flipping competition over and over again- this was a metaphor of how even though 90% of all investors do not beat the market, of the people who do there is a disproportionate high amount of value-investors who were taught Grahams investment principles. + +So what’s the state of affairs in this sub? Did you beat the market since starting value-investing? How many years have you been doing it? + +This could have been a great poll but polls don’t seem to be allowed here. +Lately I've become increasingly concerned about my ability to act rationally in equity markets, especially the US. Today we got a YoY CPI of 7.7% in the US, 0.2% below expected 7.9%, the market rallies like crazy 5.5%. Now on a surface level I understand the mechanism which causes this crazy swing, I just wish things were not this emotional... irrational... Like even though CPI is a backward indicator, 7.7% inflation when fed funds is 4% is just not good news, regardless of "beating" expected by 0.2%. Like it's increasingly becoming clear to me that in the short term the stock market simply lurches from extreme fear to extreme greed. + +Now I hear people saying "well duh" didn't you know that the market is a gambling casino in the short run. I always disagreed with that notion as simply a reflex response by people who couldn't be bothered to try and analyse current economic and political events that cast a shadow over the market. Clearly I've been trying to rationalise human emotion and recently have come to the conclusion that quite simply fundamental analysis is not a clear indicator of future success and therefore am trying to decide whether the idea of "value" investing is relevant in this digital age of stock market investing. I wonder if indeed the concept of "fair value" is a conceit of academics and the simple answer is that the current climate of either fear or greed, determined by current macro and micro events, will dictate the value of the stock in both the short and long term. + +Now of course earnings matter, revenue growth, product launches, acquisitions, management etc... But a climate of instant information and financial sophistication seems to negate any significant "value" edge that investors may appear to believe that they have. I'm not simply suggesting we should all give up and "DCA into the index bro" attitude, I wonder if the market is really a value machine and not just an emotions vehicle, lurching from hyper greed to paranoid fear. Or maybe I'm just disillusioned with the current hyper information age of stock investing and the advent of indexation and hyper financialization. Sorry for the ramble and curious how people detach themselves from the day to day emotions of the market? +Is it ever too late to invest in ARK etfs? They’ve had extremely good returns over the past few months and I am hesitant to jump in now. I have about 10k to invest with and am looking to hold long term. + +Along the same lines, does ARKG and ARKK ever really dip? It seems that they are quite skilled in buying and selling so their holdings never really falter. (except when the entire economy falls) + +I’d love some advice on how to approach this! + +-noob investor +I bought ETH at $2,000, ETH at $1,900 and ETH at $1,500. Thought I was buying the dip each time. Like mentioned, very happy with the amount of ETH I own, but had I waited until now I could have twice as much! Maybe I’m venting, but what would y’all do? Buy more now? Or wait and shell out for something crazy like $500 ETH. +Know a lot of you are eagerly awaiting the short interest report at 6PM, so here's a quick read in the meantime. Whatever the number is, I'm actually inclined to agree with the AMC/GME bulls that it'll continue to be high, and even significantly understate the number of actual bearish positions (including the synthetic ones). Unfortunately, I also don't really think it matters in the mid-run. + +Remember back when GME was squeezing to the max, and people noticed massive blocks of 800c's being purchased and took it as a bullish flag from institutional interest? I'm rather certain these were purchased by incoming short sellers, and here's why: + +1. Let's say an institution is short 100 shares today, believing GME will drop from 50 to 30 by end of month +2. They then buy a GME 2/26 100C for $3.38, which might seem bizarre given their belief in the stock going down +3. But using this setup, they're 100% protected if GME temporarily skyrockets to 1000, so long as they leave enough collateral/liquidity to cover the delta between 50 and 100 in between. They never plan to execise the option, but leave it in place to prevent a margin call +4. If they're right, they pocket the $20 less $3.38 for the call option less interest expense per share + +Call options enable you to build a hedged short position that's impossible to squeeze. You might ask why Melvin didn't do this to begin with - this is where the element of surprise in a short squeeze is really important. Year long hedges for a super rare occurrence will completely suck out your alpha, and by the time Melvin picked up on this, call options were ridiculously expensive and they were out of capital and time. If you know something's coming and the insurance is cheap, you'll definitely buy it. + +I think the short interest % will continue to climb even if the price stays stable and IV goes down, as these hedges will get cheaper and cheaper to purchase. I'm sure this will be very basic to a lot of you, but figured it might be informative to the influx of Reddit new joiners in the last few weeks. + +tl;dr element of surprise really important in squeezing the institutions out, and the dropping IV of late is your enemy if you wanted the squeeze to happen. I'm not recommending the position above as I don't think it's worth touching this meme overall given the multitude of other opportunities out there + +Edit: For all the people smartly pointing out that this is just a normal hedge, you're right. But it's also a hedge that ironically kills the need to hedge, like flood insurance that prevents raining. So the flood insurance might be boring to you, but some of you might be missing that nuance. +Hey everyone, my friend and I are very into stocks. We have created spreadsheets to screen stocks and track our portfolios. We spent weekends working on automating them and making them usable for everyone here (inspired by u/mau2509’s awesome spreadsheet - thanks for sharing here!). + +Here is the [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AIC22xJtitg8leYTOsIYUBXgzIBAm6gAi8EccViEGrY/edit#gid=0) + +You can go to *“File” > “Make a copy”* to save it. *Gray cells are the ones that take user input*, all other ones are automatically filled out. + +There are 3 tables in the spreadsheet (all in “Main” sheet): + +1. **“Purchased”**: enter the stock tickers you own with the number of shares. This helps you look at the total value of your position in a stock, total portfolio value and how much % is in each stock (useful for Rate My Portfolio). +2. **“Investment Tracker”**: enter your desired % allocation for each category (US stocks, International Stocks, Bonds) if you don’t like the default values. We find this useful to take into consideration how diversified our portfolio is before making buy/sell decisions, so that our portfolio is more robust to downturns specific to a certain category. +3. **“Decision Making”**: enter any stock ticker you’re screening to buy/sell. It will automatically fill out several metrics: current price; category and sector; total return over 1, 3, 5, 10 years; recommendation; 30-day trend; current, average and maximum P/E ratio (w/ % of how far the current value is from the average and from max); VWAP; RSI; current and forecasted EPS. + +We added comments to explain most metrics and color-coded based on our subjective opinions on what numbers are good/bad for buying decisions (green for good, red for bad, yellow for neutral). You can also use this sheet for selling decisions with different conditions. + +The “**Decision Making**” table can be used independently of the other ones for stock screening. + +We hope this is helpful! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 1: So glad people are finding this helpful. Let us know if you have any questions or feedback! + +EDIT 2: some people don't see the option "File > Make a copy." On desktop, it might be the case that your URL has a "htmlview" part, then you need to remove this whole part from your URL: "/htmlview?pru=AAABdEXlNIo\*a9I\_UER\_uzpprj34gFQuNw" +Hopefully this doesn't break the rule about surveys. I'm just trying to start a discussion. + +Like the title says, I'm just trying to read some interesting stories about people's financial paths from their 20s to 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. Where were you at 25, and what happened since then to bring you to where you are today? + +I would really like to hear from people who might have had a less "typical" path too i.e., what major obstacles did you face? How do you feel about that year you spent traveling and not earning much? + +EDIT: Thanks for all of the replies! Keep them coming. +Yesterday I bought 3k shares of AMTD GROUP on Robinhood, that was 29k gain amd also bought 24k shares on Ameritrade, that was the nice one. My first big gain in my life. Omg +It might sound crazy, but I feel much more comfortable investing in ETH, BTC and POLKADOT than investing in the stock market. Currently I‘m like 70% crypto and 30% stonks. + +The reason: I believe that the amount of brain power behind projects like ETH happens once in a lifetime and I strongly believe in it‘s utilization and worldwide value long-term. I also believe that it‘s inevitable that giants like Visa, Apple, MSFT, Google etc. are going to adopt the ethereum blockchain technology too. + +I mean, adoption of crypto already happened with Tesla/BTC. + +Am I the only one? + +EDIT: After reading all the comments, I understand that I might be deep in the euphoria of this bull run, which is not a good thing. I wonder if there were euphoric posts like mine back in 2017. +I keep hearing about the “tight labor market”. Number of people voluntarily quitting has gone up while unemployment % has gone down. + +How many of you have done this? + +Has anyone moved from office/retail to construction, trucking or other employment that’s desperate for workers? +We moved out to the countryside a few years ago. Since then I've had a baby and have dropped down to part time work to study full time. Money is tight. It's always been kind of tight, but I used to be able to say "that's okay, we'll just go for a long drive to another town". Pack some sandwiches, load up the car with drinks and head off. No money needed to be spent and we would have a great day out. + +But now with petrol prices being what they are that seems like a waste of money. When money is too tight to do anything else we're just stuck at home. It's depressing, but I need that petrol to get to work. +I left two good paying jobs for several reasons, mostly because of terrible employee treatment (verbal abuse, sexism, deceitful behavior just to name a few). Now I’m applying myself again in the same industry, hoping to connect with a company with better company culture. + +The work itself is fine, I don’t love it but I’m good at it and it allows me to pay the bills and save. I imagine I’d like the work more if the company wasn’t all of those things I listed above. + +This whole experience got me thinking about the folks here. How many of you are in jobs that you actually like? + +Edit: thanks for all your responses. And thanks to the mods for not removing this post as it does not directly relate to FI. I made a newb move by not reading the FAQ/sidebar, apologies. I’m out right now and will be responding when I get back. + +Edit 2: it brings me true joy to read all your positive stories. It seems to be the large majority and that’s inspiring. And as for the people in less fortunate situations, clearly were not alone. Let’s all remember to take some moments to be kind to ourselves while we work our way into better situations. +Since there plenty of deals, I would like to buy some books related to financial literacy. I am interesting in learning about taxes, for the purpose of understanding my own taxes, but general financial literacy books are what I'm looking for. + +Thanks in advance! +That’s right. You’re scrolling through this subreddit, seeing all the screenshots of people posting their Computer Share screenshots well guess what…… + +How are you supposed to know if they’re shills or not… + +Making you feel like, “oh hey everyone else is handling this, I don’t need to worry about ComputerShare or DRS” + +Well, wrong. + +Every 🦍 matters + +Do what the SEC talked about back in 2003, and take ownership of your investment. + +https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html +You can't make this up.. 741 is the exact bankruptcy code for Stock Broker Liquidation. + +Dr Trimbath recently tweeted about CMKM Diamonds and brokers like Charles Schwab deleting customer's shares. + +I'm hoping someone familiar with this can digest the information in this link and explain what it means for customers in broker accounts. Not for me because I'm 100% DRSd including my IRA shares, but for anyone else. It seems to explain what you as a customer would be liable or entitled to in the event of a stockbroker, securities clearing agency, financial institution, or financial participant liquidation. Maybe similar to how coinbase added a clause saying they could liquidate customers funds in the event of bankruptcy to pay their debt. + +Here's the juicy sauce: + +https://usbankruptcycode.org/chapter-7-liquidation/subchapter-iii-stockbroker-liquidation/section-741-definitions-for-this-subchapter/ +With all the excitement going around from GameStop's NFT marketplace launch, I wanted to take a second to remind everyone that DRS is the only thing that apes have, right now, to beat SHFs at their game. + +Don't get me wrong, I'm as jacked as you are (to the fuckin MAX) to hear what my favorite company is doing in regards to a NFT marketplace, NFT dividend, or even a GameStop NFT DeFi Stock Exchange, but over these last few days I've seen fewer purple rings and I just want to remind people to keep going with their DRS, and how important it really is. + +The fact is, we don't know if NFT marketplace = NFT dividend, yet. On top of that, you can bet your ass SHF's/DTCC will fight any sort of dividend in court to try and get out of MOASS. I'm not saying this as FUD, I'm saying it because it happened with Overstock and Blue Apron and Kenny literally said he would fight to do anything he could to win - which a court battle will absolutely be a part of. And how long will this take to settle - weeks? months? ... So, stop getting your hopes up that an NFT dividend will be released today and we will all be quitting our jobs by the end of next week - it's just not possible as far as I know. + +There is ONLY one way to put a stop to this with no hangups - LOCK THE FLOAT. Citadel and the DTCC can't do shit about fuck if apes lock the float through DRS - it would be 100% proof of fuckery going on and they would both be caught red handed. Kenny could try to explain away some % of the float with his usual argument (wE pRovIde LiQuiDity fOr rEtaIL) - but what happens when it's found out that 2x, 3x or even 10x the float has been sold synthetic and GameStop finally has the right to say ENOUGH. They fucked. + +This is the clean MOASS, with no possibility of shit brokers refusing/delaying to deliver NFT dividends, no politically charged congressional battle of GameStop "just trying to fuck Wall Street and ruin lives", no possibility of continued fuckery to try and sue their way out of it. It would be game over. + +And so I ask, for those of you who have the ability, yet have not DRS'd some or most of your shares, what is keeping you? The only thing you have to gain is money, and the only thing you have to lose is time waiting for MOASS happen. +(I realize the way that I phrased the question above might sound provocative, so apologies for that. I don't mean the negative connotations one might read into that.) + +I'm not an economist, but a programmer who is interested in being informed about economic policies and how they might impact the economy and stock market. If I look into mainstream news sources, it appears that there is no consensus view on almost anything in regards to economics. However, that is also true for things like climate change, evolution, etc., for which scientists themselves are in almost universal agreement about. So I'm curious whether academic economists have views that are widely shared, and whether it is feasible for someone outside the field to pick up the essentials from a book, review article, etc. I also realize that the "best" economic policy depends on what one's social/moral assumptions are, but I'm wondering if, having fixed the social/moral assumptions, that there is an economics field that I might benefit from and expand my understanding of the world. + +Additionally, are their news sources out there which are worthwhile to read, and which make their social/moral assumptions transparent? For example, I may be very interested in economic analysis from a particular news source that doesn't give a damn about wealth inequality, as long as they make that explicit and don't muddy their analysis with fake expectations that it will benefit everyone that is aimed at influencing their audience's perspective and voting patterns. I want to read about real analysis and what people *really* think, and don't want to just be digesting think-tank produced propaganda. +Tax refund was deposited this morning. +Paid off every credit card and put $1k that was left over in my savings/emergency fund. + +We've been living a frugal lifestyle and selling on ebay on the side. Our goal is to be homeowners by 2021. Paying my cards off will boost my FICO to over 720. + +Yes I wanted a newer tv but don't need it. Yes I want to splurge on a new phone. But my current one is fine. +Hello everyone, I'm from Italy and I am starting to work as a freelance. + +My first client is from USA and we are talking about how payment should be executed from their side. Transferwise is their default option but as of right now it's impossible to open new business accounts in Italy so we are evaluating other options. + +As far as I know SWIFT transfers are pretty expensive because they need to rely on an 3rd-party entity which is capable of moving money internationally. + +I have a Unicredit account here in Italy and a Revolut one (both personal, non-business). While the first seems the most safe it is indeed the most expensive (handling multiple currencies is not a default option), the latter seems the smartest choice (lowest USD->EUR conversion) but Fintechs aren't renowned for their "stability". + +What's the best way to receive payments from this client without getting drowned by fees or getting my money locked somewhere in Europe? +"...accounts migrated to IBLUX, IBIE or IBCE will not be introduced to IBL..."(LLC USA) + +https://ibkr.info/node/3515 + +Is this total decoupling and what are other downsides to this? +As the title says, it is very important to secure and 2FA all your banking/brokerage accounts and email addresses. I would also advise everyone to change their password to a STRONG password related to NOTHING else. + +Also I’ve heard gmail is a lot more secure than yahoo and other email domains. It may be a good idea to change to gmail or do further research. + +EDIT 1: 2FA = multi-factor authentication + +EDIT 2: getting downvoted by shills already I see + +EDIT 3: (from the comments) Protonmail is very secure + +EDIT 4: it is important to secure you accounts because once you have a ton of money even your “friends and family” will want it. Some may even go to the extremes behind your back to receive it, so just secure yourself in every way possible. + +EDIT 5: there is a lot of good information in the comments (don’t just look at the top ones) + +Thank you everyone for the karma! + +BUY. HODL. VOTE. SECURE. +Hey Guys, + +I have bought a SFH, then a duplex and after that a 4-plex. + +Thinking about getting something bigger, Like 5-8units? But for some reason I am really intimated by this? In theory it seems simple but idk why just a little nervous. + +Has any owned a medium sized multifamilies (5-8units). If yes what advice would give yourself before you bought it? +I have a quadrigacx account with 108 BTC (719K USD) and randomly for literally no reason my account has been "suspended". I sent them a ticket 24 hours ago and no response. If I don't have access to my account within 48 hours I will file a lawsuit against Quadriga, it's unbelievable how these people can hold your funds hostage with the click of a button. I am removing all of my money from this scam service as soon as I get it back, (if I do). + +My client ID is : 37207 + +Just so you know, when you have money on Quadriga, the money doesn't belong to you, it belongs to them. + +​Upvotes for visibility greatly appreciated. If they can randomly suspend an account with 700k in it without sending a single email explaining what's going on, and ghosting me for over 24 hours, it really shows what kind of scummy bullshit business they are running. + +​ + +UPDATE : August 23rd , 4:37 AM EST, I still haven't received a single email, post, or message from anyone at Quadriga concerning this. I will keep this post updated as soon as something happens. +We've likely all been taught, or have read, that when a strategy's alpha looks too good to be true, it probably is. We've likely all also coded strategies that have excess returns that the best hedge funds would die for, and it's a matter of time until we find the bug that caused the excess returns or would destroy the strategy in real world deployment. + +In cases where you are unsure what's "wrong", what are some of the first things you look at for sanity checking/debugging? +Good morning/evening/night whatever 😁 +Time for some good old german stock market! + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of comradery is critical, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + + +Starting: 138.88 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 138.82 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 138.88 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 138.76 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 139.35 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 139.46 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 140.63 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 141.75 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 141.16 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 141.34 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 141.45 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 141.45 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 140.63 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 139.40 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 139.40 US-$ + +The US pre-market is about to open so that's it for me today! 🇺🇸 +I hope you all stay hydrated and get some sleep 😄 +See you all tomorrow, let's give 'em hell! +I was called by a recruiter for a company I applied to on their own website. + +The position was for purchasing and the HR lady told me the salary range was between 55-70k a year. (I made the mistake of putting my requirements on the application, but she told me I was def within range) + +I ended up getting and interview which went well, and pay was not discussed. I was called in for a second interview by the branch manager who eventually brought up salary and told me that 49K a year was the best he could do. + +my response to him was thanking him for the opportunity, and I was glad to see they thought I was a good fit, however my previous employment had afforded my 55k a year salary (with 10 employees) and that my hope would be a company of his size (900 employees) could afford to be more competitive in their pay. + +His response was "theres a lot of room for growth, I can get you up to 55-60k but not right away, right now the best I can do is 49K" + +So I asked him if i could consider the offer over the weekend, and he agreed. I have to respond monday. + +My question is this, should or can I contact the HR department and verify that the position range was what she told me over the phone or am I forced to just accept what she said as hearsay and take the managers word for it that that really is the best he can do, even if I'm disappointed in the initial offer? + +What are my best options? + +EDIT: Wow this absolutely blew up. It'll take me a minute to sift through all the responses, but I appreciate the advice and time y'all took to respond. Thanks! +Ever since 2009 when the stock market reached its lowest point, following the 2008 financial crisis, the market has generally kept an uptrend over the last 12 years. +There’s been a few small corrections and a temporary drop due to covid in March of 2020, but aside from that, the market has been generally Bullish. + +How long do you think this trend will continue amid talk of: +1. the market allegedly being overvalued +2. Increased Inflation +3. Higher Interest rates + +Etc. Among other factors and things people have been talking about. +You can talk about “a market crash”, eventually you’ll get it right if you say it every year. + +How likely do you think this Bull market will continue? +What makes you believe in what you think? + +And yes, no one can predict the future, but I’d like to hear what people think. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +My coworker is originally from Spain and has been living in UK for 5 years. Never had a debt or even a credit card usage. His mum got really sick and had to help her with expenses for private hospitals in Spain. He got different loans from banks (total of 30k) as his credit score was really good. He paid for a few months but now he needs to move back to take care of his mum and he won’t be able to pay his debts. + +He believes if he doesn’t tell the banks that he moved away nothing will happen to him if he stop paying. He won’t ever come back and stay there even if he loves living in Uk. I know he is desperate and not thinking clear and I told him they can still find him. He asked me how and honestly I didn’t know how to answer that. + +Can they possibly find him in Spain? Even if he doesn’t tell nobody in UK? I need help so i can advice him to find another solution! He’s a good man but I believe her mum’s situation is blinding his mind. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/21/target-reports-fiscal-2019-q2-earnings.html + +Target’s second-quarter earnings and revenue beat Wall Street expectations. + +The strong momentum in the first half of the fiscal year prompted Target to raise its full-year estimates. + +Walmart similarly topped Wall Street’s expectations and raised its full-year outlook last week. +Hi folks + +I want to build a RL bot that uses SPY tick-by-tick data to predict the direction of the ticker for the next T milliseconds. Do you know if this strategy has been explored before? If so, what has been your experience? Or if you know of a blog post talking about it, would love to read about it! +In general, what are the considerations you think I should take into account when building such an agent? + +One thing coming to my mind is the delay of execution if using a brokerage such as Interactive and how that limits the usability of the prediction for small Ts. But I suspect as T increases, the agent’s accuracy decreases. + I've been a very happy Starling customer, and have used them as my primary bank account for almost two years. However earlier today I tried to initiate a transfer to a cryptocurrency exchange, namely Binance. I make regular transfers to Binance and have never had any issues. Today though it failed with a generic error message saying to just try again later. + +Speaking to customer services I was informed by Josh: + +>To protect our customers we have temporarily suspended payments to cryptocurrency exchanges, having observed high levels of suspected financial crime with such payment. We are sorry that we cannot proceed with these payments. + +He also said it was a blanket new policy. + +I'm obviously in the market for new bank account. My old bank account, with First Direct, is still up and running (and still allows me to move my own money to cryptocurrency exchanges of my choice, almost like they think they might be a grown-up and responsible for my own actions). + +Just wanted to share, this is a massive black mark against Starling in my mind for people who might be considering them and might want to dabble in cryptocurrency. +Just did some quick maffs with [https://smartasset.com/investing/capital-gains-tax-calculator#CTxi9T34Ki](https://smartasset.com/investing/capital-gains-tax-calculator#CTxi9T34Ki) and after taxes, the $20,000,000 floor would leave you with around $9.4 million. If you're cool with that, that's whats up, but I want my $20,000,000 after taxes, and I want other apes to have it too, so that means the REAL floor is $38,000,000. + +&#x200B; + +[GMEFloor.com has some catching up to do.](https://preview.redd.it/gespsoxjk5271.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f9428c9a02948bd930448934a8f10d0e012db82) + +HOLD ON FOR DEAR FUCKING LIFE! 💎🙌 +I have only adopted the mindset of FI about 2 years ago and since then I have been gradually cutting costs and one cost that I don't see being posted about much is how costly alcohol is. I used to drink a couple beers a night and more on the weekend and now I'm down to 1 maybe 2 drinks on the weekend and nothing during the week. + +This actually started because I wanted to get in shape for a Spartan race (that keeps getting pushed back because of covid). It was tough to stop drinking during the week, especially when my friends and SI drink during the week, but after not drinking during the week and only a little bit on the weekend, I estimate I'm saving $300-$400 a month by not going out to drink and not having alcohol to drink at home. I guess I wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar revelation? It's so obvious to me looking back on it, I feel better, I save more money; it seems like a win win to me. +Hey, I just thought I'd share this in case anyone is in the same boat. + +Last year I had awful mental health and many things slipped by the wayside, including keeping meter readings up to date. Along with everyone else, I tried to get our gas meter reading in on 31st march before the price hike, but couldn't get on the website due to traffic. + +I put it in 3 days later and then in May was sent a huge bill (probably 10 months of gas, including winter heating in my single glazed house) because they had charged me for the whole lot on the new rate. + +It even said in the statement that I had used this gas over three days - purporting that I hadn't used any before the 1st April. + +Anyway, knowing it was technically my fault for not getting my readings in before April, but feeling frustrated that I was being charged entirely on the tariff, I decided to fight it. + +Many, many, many emails back and forth, including me learning how to work out units to kWh and doing a lot of maths - eventually bulb credited me with the ENTIRE bill they sent me in May. + +So a small win for the consumer. +HOW is it possible that I've been paying more than the minimum monthly payment on my private student loan every single month for 4 years and it's only 3% PAID OFF?? They also just raised my interest rate and minimum payment. These do not qualify for payment pauses or cancellation. + +EDIT: This was a Wells Fargo private student loan. The original amount borrowed was $9057 at a variable interest rate which was 4.99% and recently went up to 5.24%. Minimum monthly payment was always around $80, but I have always paid $100-200 every single month (even through COVID). I can't seem to find the amortization period, but it says there are 146 payment installments left (a little over 12 years). There was no option on the website to make the extra payment toward principal only. The loan was sold last year to FirstMark Financial. +Hey there! + +My employer offers a 100% match on a 529 plan, up to $2000. I'm not planning on having kids, and I was curious if it made sense to take advantage of the match anyways. + +From what I've read, disbursements not used for education have their earnings taxed at your current rate + a 10% penalty. Even with the taxes and penalty, it seems like this is a smart option given the 100% match. In other words, I could use this like a savings account my employer matches. + +Does this make sense? Are there any scenarios I'm not thinking through? + +I'm already maxing out a Roth IRA, and I'm contributing 11% to my company's 401k (6% by me, 5% maximum match by the employer). + +Thanks in advance for any advice! + I purchased an item on Gumtree for £150 on 7th August. I used Paypal buyer protection when I bought it because it was going to be posted and not in person collection as seller was far away. Here’s where things get confusing. The seller dispatches it on 9th August with 2nd class signed for. When tracking online it says it was dispatched at a post office near to where he lives so I thought ok that checks out. I track the item with the tracking number given next morning and it says the item was delivered which is surely impossible. After phoning Royal Mail and visiting my local Delivery Office I eventually find out that whatever was delivered went through the door and was delivered to someone else on my road and was named for them. It was also first class. I pay a visit to the person on my road and they didn’t receive anything apart from a mini Covid leaflet. Therefore I can no longer track my item as it says it was delivered. I check with the seller and they sent me proof of postage receipt with the same tracking number and showing my address as well as an item weight of 2.64kg which seems accurate. 2 weeks later after purchasing the item still hasn’t arrived. The seller has also taken very long to reply at times and I’ve only now noticed pictures of items he is selling have been taken from somewhere else. He also hasn't given me the information to start a claim with Royal Mail yet. Is it possible that he printed the receipt himself? Do I claim with Royal Mail or PayPal? If he has proof of postage do I have a chance of winning a PayPal dispute? What are my best bets in getting a refund? Should I claim with Royal Mail, they said the seller needs to do that and he’s taking his sweet time to do it so can i do that myself? Help would be greatly appreciated. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-28/fed-seen-aggressively-hiking-to-5-triggering-global-recession + +Federal Reserve officials will maintain their resolutely hawkish stance next week, laying the groundwork for interest rates reaching 5% by March 2023, moves that seem likely to lead to a US and global recession, economists surveyed by Bloomberg said. + +The Federal Open Market Committee will raise rates by 75 basis points for a fourth consecutive meeting when policymakers announce their decision at 2 p.m. in Washington Wednesday, the survey found. + +Rates are projected in the survey to rise another half point in December, then by quarter points the following two meetings. Fed forecasts released at the September meeting showed rates reaching 4.4% this year and 4.6% next year, before cuts in 2024. + +Rates Heading to 5% in 2023 +Economists see 75 basis-point hike, then downshifting. + +Economists see the Fed as determined not to pivot too soon as it fights against an inflation rate at a 40-year high. The shift to a higher peak rate would reflect consumer-price growth, excluding food and energy, that came in hotter than expected for the past two months. The survey of 40 economists was conducted Oct. 21-26. + +“Inflation pressures remain intense and the Fed is set to hike by 75 basis points in November,” James Knightley, chief international economist at ING Groep NV, said in a survey response “We are currently forecasting a more muted 50 basis-point hike in December given a weakening economic and market backdrop,” but the risks are skewed toward a fifth 75 basis-point hike, he said. + +Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said the central bank is strongly committed to restoring price stability and he’s repeatedly invoked his predecessor, Paul Volcker, who boosted rates to unprecedented levels to counter inflation in the early 1980s. Powell has warned the process will be painful, because the goal is to engineer below-trend growth to reduce price pressures and unemployment will rise as a result. + +Subscribe +EconomicsCentral Banks +Fed Seen Aggressively Hiking to 5%, Triggering Global Recession +Survey of economists sees 75 basis-point hike, then slowing +Three-quarters say the Fed will err by doing too much +Fed Chair&nbsp;Jerome Powell&nbsp;has said the central bank is strongly committed to restoring price stability. +Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said the central bank is strongly committed to restoring price stability.Photographer: Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg +BySteve Matthews and Kyungjin Yoo+Follow +October 28, 2022, 5:00 AM EDT +Federal Reserve officials will maintain their resolutely hawkish stance next week, laying the groundwork for interest rates reaching 5% by March 2023, moves that seem likely to lead to a US and global recession, economists surveyed by Bloomberg said. + +The Federal Open Market Committee will raise rates by 75 basis points for a fourth consecutive meeting when policymakers announce their decision at 2 p.m. in Washington Wednesday, the survey found. + +Rates are projected in the survey to rise another half point in December, then by quarter points the following two meetings. Fed forecasts released at the September meeting showed rates reaching 4.4% this year and 4.6% next year, before cuts in 2024. + +Rates Heading to 5% in 2023 +Economists see 75 basis-point hike, then downshifting + +Economists see the Fed as determined not to pivot too soon as it fights against an inflation rate at a 40-year high. The shift to a higher peak rate would reflect consumer-price growth, excluding food and energy, that came in hotter than expected for the past two months. The survey of 40 economists was conducted Oct. 21-26. + +“Inflation pressures remain intense and the Fed is set to hike by 75 basis points in November,” James Knightley, chief international economist at ING Groep NV, said in a survey response “We are currently forecasting a more muted 50 basis-point hike in December given a weakening economic and market backdrop,” but the risks are skewed toward a fifth 75 basis-point hike, he said. + +Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said the central bank is strongly committed to restoring price stability and he’s repeatedly invoked his predecessor, Paul Volcker, who boosted rates to unprecedented levels to counter inflation in the early 1980s. Powell has warned the process will be painful, because the goal is to engineer below-trend growth to reduce price pressures and unemployment will rise as a result. + +Three-Quarters of Economists Expect a US Recession +Survey shows a new consensus for a downturn in next 24 months + +Economists were asked if US would have a recession in the next 24 months. Hard landing is defined as zero or negative growth for a time but not an officially declared recession. + +Powell and his colleagues have not given up hope that they can pull off a soft landing for the economy. But for the first time in the pre-FOMC meeting surveys, a majority of the economists -- three-quarters -- see a recession as likely over the next two years, and most of the rest see a hard landing with a period of zero or negative growth ahead. + +What Bloomberg Economics Says... +“I think the most important thing to watch for is how Powell communicates the potential downshift in the pace of rate hikes. He will want to avoid giving the impression that a pivot is imminent, especially not when core inflation is clearly still going strong. He would be preparing for the markets for a 50 basis-point hike in December but which will also be accompanied with a dot plot, which shows 5% terminal rate.” + +-- Anna Wong, chief US economist + +The economists see the Fed as potentially overtightening: The median economist would set a peak target rate at 4.75%, and 75% of the economists said there’s a greater risk that the central bank will raise rates too much and cause unnecessary pain as opposed to not raising enough and failing to contain inflation. + +“Monetary-policy lags are still underestimated,” said Thomas Costerg, senior US economist at Pictet Wealth Management. “The full effect of current tightening may not be felt until mid-2023. By then, it could be too late. The risk of a policy mistake is high.” + +There could be economic spillover too to global markets, as two-thirds expect a global recession in the next two years. + +Fed Seen More Likely to Err by Doing Too Much Tightening +Three-quarters of economists say risk is tilted to overdoing it +# Market Outlook: What to Make of This “New Normal” + +**By \*\*\*\*\*** + +*March 16, 2020* + +After an incredibly volatile week – which finished with the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallying over 9% on Friday – I suppose my readers might expect me to be quite upbeat about the markets. + +Unfortunately, I persist in my overall pessimistic outlook for stocks, and for the economy in general. Friday’s rally essentially negated Thursday’s sell-off, but I don’t expect it to be the start of a sustained turnaround. + +We’re getting a taste of that this morning, with the Dow opening down around 7%.  + +This selloff is coming on the back of an emergency interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve of 100 basis points (to 0%-0.25%) on Sunday… along with the announcement of a new quantitative easing program of $700 billion. (I will write about this further over the next several days.) + +As I have been writing for many weeks, the financial bubble – which the Fed created by pumping trillions of dollars into the financial system – has popped. It will take some time for the bubble to deflate to sustainable levels. + +Today I’ll walk you through what’s going on in the markets and the economy… what I expect going forward and why… and what it means for us as traders. (You’ll see it’s not all bad news.) + +## Coronavirus’ Strain on the Global Economy + +To start, let’s put things in perspective: This asset deflation was coming one way or another. Covid19 (or coronavirus) has simply accelerated the process.  + +Major retailers are closing, tourism is getting crushed, universities and schools are sending students home, conventions, sporting events, concerts, and other public gatherings have been cancelled, banks and other financial service firms are going largely virtual, and there has been a massive loss of wealth. + +Restaurant data suggests that consumer demand is dropping sharply, and the global travel bans will only worsen the situation. + +Commercial real estate is another sector that looks particularly vulnerable. We are almost certain to see a very sharp and pronounced economic slowdown here in the United States, and elsewhere. In fact, I expect a drop of at least 5% of GDP over the next two quarters, which is quite severe by any standard. + +Sure, when this cycle is complete, there will be tremendous amounts of pent-up demand by consumers, but for the time being, the consumer is largely on the sidelines. + +Of course, the problems aren’t just in the U.S. China’s numbers look awful. In fact, the government there may have to “massage” their numbers a bit to show a positive GDP in the first quarter. Europe’s numbers will also look dreadful, and South Korea’s economy has been hit badly. + +All around the world, borders are being shut, all non-essential businesses are being closed, and people in multiple countries are facing a lockdown of historic proportions. The coronavirus is certainly having a powerful impact, and it looks certain that its impact will persist for a while. + +Consider global tourism. It added almost $9 trillion to the global economy in 2018, and roughly 320 million jobs. This market is in serious trouble. + +Fracking in the U.S. is another business sector that is in a desperate situation. Millions of jobs and tens of billions of loans are now in jeopardy. + +The derivative businesses that this sector supports will be likewise devastated as companies are forced to reduce their workforces or shut down due to the collapse in oil prices. This sector’s suffering will probably force banks to book some big losses despite attempts by the government to support this industry. + +In a similar way, the derivative businesses that are supported by the universities and colleges across America are going to really suffer. + +There are nearly 20 million students in colleges across the U.S. When they go home for spring vacation and do not return, the effect on the local businesses that colleges and university populations support will be devastating. + +What does this “new normal” mean going forward? Let’s take a look… + +## New Normal + +The new normal may become increasingly unpleasant for us. We need to be ready to hunker down for quite some time. + +Beyond that, the government needs to handle this crisis far better in the future. + +The level of stupidity associated with the massive throngs of people trapped in major airports yesterday, for example, was almost unimaginable. + +Instead of facilitating the reduction of social contact and halting the further spread of the coronavirus, the management of the crowds at the airports produced a perfect breeding ground for the spread of the virus. + +My guess is that more draconian travel restrictions will be implemented soon, matching to some extent the measures taken across Europe. + +This will in turn have a further dampening effect on economic activity in the U.S., putting more and more pressure on the Fed and the government to artificially support a rapidly weakening economy. + +Where does this end up? It is too early to say, but a very safe bet is that we will have some months of sharply negative growth. Too many sectors of the economy are going to take a hit to expect anything else. + +The Fed has already driven interest rates to zero. Will that help? Unlikely. In fact, as I mentioned at the beginning of this update, the markets are voting with a resounding NO. + +The businesses that are most affected by the current economic situation will still suffer. Quantitative easing is hardly a cure-all. In fact, it has been one of the reasons that we have such a mess in our markets today.  + +The markets have become addicted to the easy money, so more of the same will have little or no impact. We will need real economic demand, not an easier monetary policy. + +It won’t help support tourism, for example, or the other sectors getting smashed right now. The government will need to spend at least 5% of GDP, or roughly $1 trillion, to offset the weakness I see coming. + +Is it surprising that the Fed and the government take emergency steps to try to stabilize economic growth? Not at all. This is essentially what they have been doing for a long time, so it is completely consistent with their playbook. + +Next, I would anticipate the government implementing some massive public-works and infrastructure programs over the coming months. That would be very helpful, and almost certainly quite necessary. + +But there’s a problem with this kind of intervention from the government… + +## What Happens When You Eliminate the Business Cycle + +The Fed’s foolish attempt to eliminate business cycles is a significant contributing factor to the volatility we are currently experiencing.  + +Quantitative easing is nothing more than printing lots and lots of money to support a weak economy and give the appearance of growth and prosperity. In fact, it is a devaluation of the currency’s true buying power. + +That in turn artificially drives up the prices of other assets, such as stocks, real estate and gold – but it does not create true wealth. That only comes with non-inflationary growth of goods and services and associated increases in economic output. + +Inflation is the government’s way to keep people thinking they are doing better. + +To that point: We have seen some traditional safe-haven assets getting destroyed during this time of risk aversion. That has certainly compounded the problems of many investors. + +Gold is a great example. As the stock market got violently slammed, people were forced to come up with cash to support their losing positions. Gold became a short-term source of liquidity as people sold their gold holdings in somewhat dramatic fashion. It was one of the few holdings of many people that was not dramatically under water, so people sold it. + +The move may have seemed perverse, particularly to people who bought gold as a safe-haven asset, but in times of crisis, all assets tend to become highly correlated, at least short term. + +We saw a similar thing happen with long yen exposures and long Bitcoin exposures recently. + +The dollar had its strongest one-day rally against the yen since November 2016 as people were forced to sell huge amounts of yen to generate liquidity. Many speculators had made some nice profits recently as the dollar dropped sharply from 112 to 101.30, but they have been forced to book whatever profits they had in this position. Again, this was due to massive losses elsewhere in their portfolios. + +Is the yen’s sell-off complete? If it is not complete, it is probably at least close to an attractive level for Japanese investors to start buying yen against a basket of currencies. The major supplies of yen have largely been taken off the table for now. + +For example, the yen had been a popular funding currency for “carry” plays. People were selling yen and buying higher-yielding currencies to earn the interest rate difference between the liability currency (yen) and the funding currency (for example, the U.S. dollar). + +Carry plays are very unpopular in times of great uncertainty and volatility, however, so that supply of yen will be largely gone for quite some time. Plus, the yield advantage of currencies such as the U.S. dollar, Canadian dollar, and Australian dollar versus the yen is nearly gone. + +In addition, at the end of the Japanese fiscal year , there is usually heavy demand for yen as Japanese corporations need to bring home a portion of their overseas holdings for balance sheet window dressing. I don’t expect that pressure to be different this year. + +Just as the safe-haven assets of yen and gold got aggressively sold, Bitcoin also got hammered. It was driven by a similar theme – people had big losses and they needed to produce liquidity quickly. Selling Bitcoin became one of the sources of that liquidity. + +## Heavy Price Deflation Ahead + +Overall, there is a chance that this scenario turns into something truly ugly, with sustained price deflation across many parts of the economy. We will certainly have price deflation in many sectors, at least on a temporary basis. + +Why does that matter over the long term? + +Price deflation is the most debilitating economic development in a society that is debt-laden – like the U.S. today. Prices of assets come down… and the debt becomes progressively bigger and bigger. + +The balance sheet of oil company Chesapeake Energy is a classic example. It’s carrying almost $10 *billion* worth of debt… versus a market cap of only about $600 *million*. Talk about leverage! When the company had a market cap of $10 billion, that debt level didn’t appear so terrifying. + +Although this is an extreme example for illustrative purposes, the massive debt loads of China would seem more and more frightening if we were to sink into flat or negative growth cycles for a while. The government’s resources are already being strained, and it can artificially support only so many failing companies. + +The U.S. has gigantic levels of debt as well, but it has the advantage of being the world’s true hegemon, and the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency. This creates a tremendous amount of leverage and power in financing its debt. + +The U.S. has been able to impose its will on its trading partners to trade major commodities in dollars. This has created a constant demand for the dollar that offsets, to a large extent, the massive trade deficit that the U.S. runs. + +For example, if a German company wants to buy oil, then it needs to hold dollars. This creates a constant demand for dollar assets. + +In short, the dollar’s status as the true global reserve currency is far more important than most people realize. China does not hold this advantage.  + +## What to Do Now + +In terms of how to position ourselves going forward, **I strongly recommend that people continue with a defensive attitude regarding stocks. There could be a lot more downside to come**. Likewise, we could see some panic selling in other asset classes. + +**The best thing right now is to be liquid and patient, ready to pounce on special opportunities when they present themselves**. + +For sure, there will be some exceptional opportunities, but it is too early to commit ourselves to just one industry. These opportunities could come in diverse sectors such as commercial real estate, hospitality, travel and leisure, and others. + +As for the forex markets, the volatility in the currencies is extreme, so we are a bit cautious. + +I still like the yen as a safe-haven asset. I likewise still want to sell the Australian dollar, the New Zealand dollar, and the Canadian dollar as liability currencies. + +Why? The Bank of Canada, the Reserve Bank of Australia, and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand have all taken aggressive steps recently, slashing interest rates. These currencies are all weak, and they will get weaker. + +Finding an ideal entry for a trade, however, is tricky. Therefore, we are being extra careful with our trading. We always prioritize the preservation of capital over generating profits, and we will continue with this premise. + +At the same time, volatility in the markets is fantastic for traders. We expect many excellent opportunities to present themselves over the coming days and weeks as prices get driven to extreme levels and mispricings appear. So stay tuned. +I am currently trading for a living. I thought a "reality check" and setting expectations would be helpful to anyone interested in doing this. This is not an AMA, but I will read some or most of the comments, and may add notes at the bottom of this post. [Formatting updated. Still not what I wanted, but good enough.] + + + + + + +**Possibilities.** +*-Is it possible?* Yes. +*-Is it difficult?* For me, it is or has been extremely hard, but worth it. It's been a long, long, very difficult road. +*-Is it likely I can do it?* Statistically, 95% of traders fail. 19/20. The odds are poor. [reference at bottom] +.......Better than some others though; e.g., professional athlete, lottery, etc. +*-Can I become rich?* Extremely unlikely, but possible. +.......When you find or create a system that works, consider... +.......as you / the test inevitably "compounds" the results, you still have to pay bills, eat, etc. WEALTH TAKES TIME. +.......you also need CAPITAL; the more, the better *...but only once you have a system that's profitable!* +.......borrowing money to trade is extremely risky! + + + + + +**How do I do it?** +*-To trade, you WILL need a system.* +*-You WILL need to be dedicated.* I've invested a good chunk of my life to this. So will you. +*-You WILL wonder at times if maybe you're losing you mind.* +.......I find trading more difficult psychologically than technically. +*-You'll probably 'lose your shit' many times as you develop.* Aka, mental meltdown. +*-You will HATE trading, hate yourself, and be tempted to quit many times.* +*-Eventually you will, A) run out of patience, B) run out of money, or C) somehow avoid A & B and survive.* +.......I believe "C" is about 50/50% ...and it won't be easy ...AND you're still **just break even** then, not necessarily profitable. +*-You will need to learn and/or develop a style that suits you personally.* +.......e.g., scalper, day trade, swing, position, or any type mixed or not inclusive of these. +*-Trying to use a system that conflicts with your personality can go very badly.* +.......Trust the system you have/use. Give it time to play out mathematically. Trading is about probabilities. +.......E.g., If it should win 30% of the time, accept that losing 70%, or slightly more/less is going to happen. +*-Never blame someone or something for failure.* This was YOUR idea, YOUR trade, YOUR stop/target, etc. + + + + + +**System** +*-There are endless ways to trade. There is no wrong or right way.* +.......This doesn't mean everything you've read is false ...and certainly all/most is not true! +.......Some dogmas and cliches are still around for a reason. "Trend is your friend," etc. +*-Find and/or develop your system.* This can be incredibly time consuming. +.......This and the psychological struggle make trading more difficult than most conventional career choices. +*-I do not recommend purchasing any system or following signals, but that may work for some folks.* +.......I don't care to discuss this. There are many other things traders have in common that we can discuss. +.......It's probably a hit/miss thing most of the time. THERE ARE DEFINITELY SCAMMERS OUT THERE! +.......If you do this and it works, and you didn't waste a ton of money, you're probably lucky? +*-I will not share details of what I do, other than to say it's pretty basic stuff, and I day trade.* +.......I have thousands and thousands of hours of screen time though ...so charts, news, etc make more sense. + + + + + + +**What else...?** +*-Trading is about context, time, experience, WORK, patience ...and no part of it is/was easy.* +.......other than being able to wear pajamas all day if I want. :) +.......I'm fairly sure I won't live as long doing this. Stress does damage. I hope to make it easier with time. +-I'll leave this open for possible updates. I'll probably think of some other things I forgot, or answer common questions. + + + + +EDIT 10 or something... + +**One site with the 95%, 19/20 Statistical reference** and some detail. There are many like this one. +[I'm not affiliated with and can't recommend anything on this site; no idea what they peddle] +[https://vantagepointtrading.com/archives/13922](https://vantagepointtrading.com/archives/13922) + + + + +Link to [Van] **Tharp Trader Test**. I thought it was interesting, but I never followed up with any purchases. Maybe you can learn about yourself? [http://www.tharptradertest.com/default.aspx?question=1](http://www.tharptradertest.com/default.aspx?question=1) + + + +Happy Trading! +Hello friends, + +Dual income, 3 kids in VHCOL (Northern Cal), and wanted to share our road to fatfire. My wife is a nurse practitioner ($145k) while I work as a Napa winemaker ($120k). I also launched a successful side wine brand SMLLC that is growing rapidly. Total investment was about $200k. + +2019: launched my brand (2 barrels), small loss. Household net income $250k. + +2020: doubled production to 4 barrels, small loss. Net income $260k. + +2021: doubled production again to 8 barrels, small loss. Sold out in less than a week. $280k approx net income. + +2022: increased production to 20 barrels, sold out the ‘20 vintage in a few days. $350k net income. + +2023: increase to 24 barrels. Contracts in place to sell out ‘21 vintage. $400k net income. + +2024: remain at 24 barrels per year. Contracts in place to sell out ‘22 vintage. $543k net income. + +I really enjoy my work and want it to remain fun so I plan to keep the business manageable around $600k net so it doesn’t become “work.” I could scale but don’t want to be traveling constantly doing sales. It’s just me doing everything with my wife helping a bit here and there. + +Just thought I’d share a different road to fatFIRE. I will probably do this for another 30 years since I love it so we will be quite FAT in the near future. + +Edit: Feel free to PM me if you want to learn more. I love this industry and am happy to answer questions and mentor anyone looking to take the leap. Lots of FIRE folks like to dip their toes in the water/wine. +Cheers and Happy Friday to you! I still recall the information you shared, and am thankful that you were willing to take hundreds of arrows and insults on our behalf. Just want to wish you and yours a spectacular weekend! Thank you, Thank you! + +(First try was blocked for being too short, I think I fixed it) + +And to All Apes, everywhere, have a spectacular weekend as well! + +APES!! I LOVE ALL THE ADDITIONAL THANKS AND COMMENTS TO DFV!! (Thanks for the awards but put that money to work for you, OK!!) +[https://news.microsoft.com/2020/09/15/microsoft-announces-quarterly-dividend-increase-3/](https://news.microsoft.com/2020/09/15/microsoft-announces-quarterly-dividend-increase-3/) + +Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday \[after-hours\] announced that its board of directors declared a quarterly dividend of $0.56 per share, reflecting a five cent or 10% increase over the previous quarter’s dividend. The dividend is payable Dec. 10, 2020, to shareholders of record on Nov. 19, 2020. +I usually prefer to workout outside, but since I live in Alaska, and the sidewalks are just sheets of ice, that’s not possible in January and February. The cheapest (and one of the only) gyms in town is $91/month. I like it, but my gosh, it’s so expensive. I’m on an Americorps budget so this is expensive for me but if I don’t find a way to get active, I might go crazy. Is it worth it? It is just so much money. I can also cancel it — the membership is month to month and no contract/enrollment fee. Help me justify/talk me out of this +New account to maintain anonymity. + +Every year my family asks what I want for Christmas or my birthday. My family isn't aware of my financial situation. I still rent a small house and don't have anything extravagant. The types of things that I want are not the types of things you ask for as a gift. + +So I'm here to ask, what are some appropriate Christmas gifts to ask for? My family doesn't have a lot. I'm thinking things that are around $50 or less. + +So far the only things that have come to mind are cigars and wine. Hit me with your suggestions. +Ever since S3 said "GME goes parabolic at $30" and the Ortex data came up showing 100M plus shares borrowed, the denizens of SuperStonk (and myself) have said they were setting up a rug pull. + +The price action this morning proves it. Others have said it would happen, and I did [too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yfrnjt/gme_primed_for_liftoff/iu6h996/). + +To the T did we predict what would happen! + +I see this as an absolute win! We have figured out their game now and it no longer works. Long have we distrusted S3 and other outlets and the moment they started saying positive things about GME we knew something was up. + +My theory: swaps were coming. Execution was going to drive the price up. Whoever was behind it got Ortex to make an account an try to get ahead of the borrowed shares that were going to be visible. + +They then got S3 to hype a run past a price point they KNEW was going to be reached. They KNEW they were going to need to short it after to keep it down and that's where Ortex BS about the share borrow figures being wrong comes in. They thought that if Ortex came out and tried to explain it away, we would take that bait and they could short it again and write it off as FOMO paper hands leaving after taking their gains. NOPE. + +We knew better. And I applaud us for predicting exactly what was going to Fucking happen. + +As always fellow investors ... Buy, Hold and DRS. That's all we need now. Their games, their BS, their lies, it's all just the desperate wriggling of a worm on a hook ... + +Edit: removed the mention of the article since that's been debunked. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8m3cb3mn81r91.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ecd840453954a1229dc0b6dfd944c91cb83d94f + +Today we're incredibly grateful to be announcing our official partnership with GameStop! This partnership is not limited to just NFTs as we're aiming to onboard the first one-hundred million Web3 gamers. Welcome to digital ownership, power to the players. ❤️ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mngvf2cr81r91.png?width=1446&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c5881b4cb89f3dab7c1a53dac82b0e65174d6d8 + +**Socials:** + +[Twitter:](https://twitter.com/KiraverseNFT) + +[Discord:](https://discord.gg/kiraverse) + +[Website:](https://kiraverse.game/) +I’m looking to invest in a SFH and rent it out by the room to students at a local University. Anyone have experience in this. Did you put more money aside for maintenance. How are student tenants? +I've written about this before, but I have a lot of love for my alts. Not shit coins, not memes, but projects I invested in because I believe in their future success. I wasn't going to list them, but I feel like it's relevant; ADA, Algo, DOT, CKB, LRC, Ankr, etc. (there's more, but we'll start with those) Of course, I also hold BTC and ETH, but that's beside the point. + +Some I have been holding for a few years. All the way up, and all the way back down. Hindsight is a bitch, but we all know that, and I'm sure we all learned lessons over this last year about taking profits. + +I'm a stubborn individual, maybe to my demise, but I'm not selling. I'm willing to wait 5-10 years and give them a chance. I'm like Jordan Belfort in his "I'm not fucking leaving" speech, no matter how psychotic that may seem. + +So, are you holding on, or did you drop your alts like a hot stone? +You can see the hackers address here https://etherscan.io/address/0x3f8a37bde9b15b65c82f9cdd00192e0ba36cc5fc + +They are asking to public private key to connect to ED and then automatically transferring all of the funds out. No word from ED yet but the hacker has gotten about $165k so far + +Edit: Verified by ED just now: https://twitter.com/etherdelta/status/943580458616541184 +I am 28 my wife 30. We have 100K in a savings account after selling my house with my wife. We make about 90-100K a year. Main bills are her car 680. The house 2500. Then small bills and insurance, phone. We are military so no medicos payments. What should I do with that 100K. We also have virtually no other two debt minus small credit cards no more than 2K. + +I have an IRA with 8K in it. My wife does not pay into her retirement yet. +*DISCLAIMER: This is not an investment advice or strategy; only an introductory material. If interested in using CDP, you should read more detailed materials involving more detailed descriptions of the liquidation process, fees, etc. Also, always do the math yourself and check your results. Do not trust the provided formulas if you have not checked they apply to your situation. Make sure you understand what you are doing. Be cautious and stay safe.* + +**What is a CDP?** + +CDP is a Collateralized Debt Position, a smart contract where you store your ETH funds as collateral in order to take out a loan. Maker’s CDP allows you to take out a decentralized loan denominated in DAI stable coin. + +**As an ETH hodler, why should I care?** + +Suppose, as a true believer in Ethereum, you have invested all your available fiat into ETH already. Suddenly, there is a market situation such that you would like to “buy the dip” or simply increase your stack of ETH but you cannot since you have no fiat left. Nevertheless, thanks to CDP you can lock your already owned ETH as a collateral, take out a loan in DAI (~USD), and buy more ETH with it. This is called leverage and the principle is the same as margin trading. + +**What is the catch you are not telling me?** + +Well, the catch is that you have to repay your money otherwise your CDP gets liquidated and/or you lose your collateral. Please, never let your CDP liquidate! It is way more expensive than repaying. + +**Can you give an example of a bad loan setup?** + +Suppose you lock 150 ETH in CDP, Ether price is currently 900 USD. The min collateral/loan ratio of Maker CDP is currently set to 150%. Therefore, you can take out 90 000 DAI (100ETH*price) as a loan. Remember the loan is always in DAI. However, since you borrowed the maximum amount allowed (two-thirds of collateral), your liquidation price is exactly 900. If the price drops to 899.9, your CDP will be liquidated because its collateral is insufficient. Always make sure the liquidation price is sufficiently low. + +**OK, I see I shouldn’t go too much into debt here. Is that all?** + +No, there is another case that may arise. Suppose the previous situation, however, you take out only 30k Dai instead of 90k. Since your collateral/loan ratio is now higher, you are protected from liquidation as long as the price of ETH is above the liquidation price of around 300 USD (sounds sufficient). Remember again that the loan is denominated in DAI. If the ETH price goes to 500 USD, nothing changes and you still owe 30k DAI. This may cause issues when investing the borrowed funds. Suppose you invested the whole loan in ETH at the initial price of 900 but now one is worth 500 and you have no other money available. The CDP does not go into liquidation this time. However, you cannot repay the debt and free your collateral (you can partially but it’s still quite bad). + +**What do you suggest to avoid this?** + +If you plan to invest the borrowed DAI, never collateralize your entire bag of ETH. Always save an appropriate amount of money (form irrelevant) to be able to pay off the CDP at liquidation prices. + +**How do I find out how much is “appropriate”?** + +You need to do the math. I derived some formulas that may be helpful. They apply to the case of leveraging ETH only, i.e. using your bag of ETH to get a loan and invest in ETH again. As have been mentioned, you should have enough ETH left elsewhere to be prepared to repay the debt if the price begins to approach the liquidation price. I assume the purchase of ETH is at the same price as at the time the CDP is opened. + +Notation: S = all ETH holdings you have prior to CDP, P = the current price of ETH in USD, LP = your desired liquidation price (yes, this is a parameter you must choose – please be cautious and set it at a safe low level that you consider unlikely to be reached) + +**Calculating the amount of ETH to deposit as collateral (deposit):** D = S/[1-(2LP-2P)/3P] + +**Calculating the amount of DAI to “draw” from the CDP (loan):** L = (2/3) *D *LP + +Remember, you must always have S-D amount of ETH available to step in and avoid liquidation of your CDP. That should guarantee you are safe from the liquidation or the need to use additional funds. Nevertheless, it is still possible your investments will not be profitable and you end up losing money. + +**I am only waiting for the next paycheck and need the funds only temporarily to buy the dip right now. Can I collateralize my whole stack of ETH?** + +Yes, you can since you know you will get additional funds to repay the debt. However, remember not to go too much into debt to avoid liquidation. + +**I used the loan to buy ETH. Can I collateralize these funds as well?** + +Yes, you can but be VERY careful. You’d better do the math right! I would not recommend this since things may get messy and you may lose track of your debt easily. + +**I want to learn more and maybe get a CDP. What should I do next?** + +You should check the Maker CDP dashboard (https://dai.makerdao.com/) out and watch their introductory video and terminology guide. There is a couple of advanced things that I omitted and you should look into them (e.g. WETH, PETH). Further, visit the maker subreddit r/makerdao (please read the sad stories of liquidated CDPs) or other of their communities. Make sure you understand what you are doing before creating a CDP. It may be worth it to test the process on the Kovan testnet. + +**Why did you write this tutorial?** + +There was no complex material for beginners around that would highlight CDP’s possibilities as well as risks. I hope I introduced the instrument properly and it will get more traction eventually. Also, I am a big fan of the DAI stable coin. + +**I think there is something wrong in this text or something important is missing.** + +That is, of course, possible. In such a case, please, comment or pm me. I will be updating this text continuously. + +*DISCLAIMER: This is not an investment advice or strategy; only an introductory material. If interested in using CDP, you should read more detailed materials involving more detailed descriptions of the liquidation process, fees, etc. Also, always do the math yourself and check your results. Do not trust the provided formulas if you have not checked they apply to your situation. Make sure you understand what you are doing. Be cautious and stay safe.* + +As pointed out by this [economist](https://mobile.twitter.com/IFM_Economist) and Macrobusiness.com.au + +* [GDP Per Capita](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8QxfuzU8AAcKig?format=png&name=900x900) is negative. + +* Productivity growth is [near zero](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8QyAIAU8AA0YjF?format=jpg&name=900x900) + +* Average compensation per employee [is down](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Capture-72.jpg) + +* Our [savings rate is falling](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Capture-76-660x478.jpg) + +* EDIT: [Household income is falling](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8RgMetUYAA8f8-?format=png&name=small) +___ + +It appears if it wasn't for the fact that mass migration pumping up aggregate GDP, we would be in a recession. + +I do not think the future looks good for Australian companies that rely on consumer demand or the employees that work for them. +I’ve been narrowing down the companies I’m interested in and have about 56 now that I believe in for long term investment with an average of a 3-4% annual yield with a decent growth rate as well. Is that too many companies to have to keep track off your investments in the long run? +EDIT: DEGIRO is the trading platform. They disallowed Market buy orders for GME and AMC but you can still buy via limit orders. OH AND NO LIMIT ON THE QTY OF SHARES YOU WANT TO BUY **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** + +https://preview.redd.it/fqswt5621de61.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=318d11b24d37820e6ec5a07b160c7bc385c18ea4 +Step 1: Bait individual retail investors with an obvious, over-the-line, blatant attack (i.e. Investomania Ad). + +Step 2: Wait for individual retail investors to express outrage and publicly communicate a desire to unite against the attacker (i.e. coordinated class-action lawsuit). + +Step 3: Paint individual retail investors as a coordinated and united front. + +Step 4: Launch new attack campaign accusing “coordinated” retail investors of various forms of market manipulation. + +Step 5: Enact rules to “protect” investors and the “free” market by further restricting trading, halting stocks, reversing trades, etc. + +(Per SEC website: “The SEC may suspend trading in a stock when the Commission is of the opinion that a suspension is required to protect investors and the public interest.  Circumstances that might lead the Commission to suspend trading include: +Questions about trading in the stock, including trading by insiders, potential market manipulation, and the ability to clear and settle transactions in the stock.”) + + +Why would they do this? + +Theory #1: In general, a class-action lawsuit takes several years to reach a verdict. MOASS may be mere weeks/days/hours away. This may be a last-ditch hail mary attempt at thwarting the inevitable (potentially market-destabilizing) MOASS. The system hates that retail finally has a voice and wants nothing more than to shut it down. + +Theory #2: Gary is the Trojan Horse, taking down the SEC from inside, knowing that a slam-dunk class-action lawsuit win will inevitably result in demands for SEC reform. Gary himself implied that the SEC has no real regulatory power (see Jon Stewart interview). Therefore, a landmark case would encourage the Government to empower the SEC with greater regulatory power, enabling them to ACTUALLY regulate the market as intended (i.e. no more settling for useless “punitive” fines). + +Which of these theories is more likely? + +Remember: There is no “we”. I am an individual investor. I make self-educated investments based on my own research. I, on my own accord, choose to BUY, HODL, and DRS solely because I LIKE THE STOCK. +What are some Barista fire jobs besides working at an actual Starbucks? I'm close to FI and looking for possible low-stress part-time (2-3 days/week) jobs, with options to take long vacations and travel. I'm thinking about teaching at a community college, working at a library, or an animal shelter. Maybe a chess teacher? I don't mind being an actual barista either. Is it possible to get healthcare from part-time jobs? What do you need to work as a tax preparer? What income do folks normally target in BaristaFI? + +I'm sure many of y'all are looking for the same. Hit me with some ideation! +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Follow the golden rule. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Serious discussion on other cryptocurrencies should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly_general_discussion_april_01_2017/). +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/65n8z6/monthly_trollbox_thread_15apr2017/). + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +And that the winners aren't on the internet, you'll probably lose quite a bit when you start, and that you definitely can't have it as just a hobby, but make it a career if you want to make money. These were comments on threads from over a year ago. + + +But what if I have a strategy that I've found has worked pretty well manually? And I don't want to sit around for hours and spy for entries? Isn't that a reason for many people to get into algo? How could I possibly make less money in automating the process and probably catching more entries than I would otherwise? + + +What are your thoughts on profitability, commitment and time in the algo game? +https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/982027310529417218 +https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/982027704433348609 + +[Article](https://www.axios.com/trump-takes-next-shot-in-china-trade-war-1522968511-f76d51e9-f07b-4bcc-b99d-11f32291fe96.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic&utm_content=1100) + + +Hi All, + +I some freelance graphic desgin in my spare time and I earn around £300 per month from it. I stupidly listended to a client and decided to incoperate a limted company and run this as a buisness, not knowing about the intricacies of running a ltd company. Honestly I can not get over how stupid I was, to not look into any of this. + +Still I can't change the situation I am in right now. But I would like guidance on what to do next. + +I am still going to continue doing freelancing and as it looks like right now, it seems like I am going to be making more and more each month. However I am not sure how to deal with having a company. + +I understand that getting an accountant will pretty much answer any questions I have, however do not earn enough to actually make it viable to hire an accountant. + +Should I just continue to run the company the way it is and just fill the confirmation statement, annual account and all the other filing requirements myself?? I am pretty confident that I will start to earn more, and it may become viable to get an accountant to do the filing. Or should I dissove the company? + +Any advice on what to do would be grately apperciated +I'm currently saving up money from self-employment and live in a 950~ sq ft apartment by myself. I thought to myself, "Meh, whatever," until I realized... + +http://www.newser.com/story/225645/average-size-of-us-homes-decade-by-decade.html + +TFW you realize **a family of 4** had to share the same size dwelling as just one person (myself). + +I'm not saying you should rejoice or whatever if you do happen to be in a family of 4 living in a 1000 sq ft apartment, but just know that 2000 sq ft+ is pretty much the exception and not the norm. + +It is truly amazing how much propaganda and advertising (esp from the financial sector) can get people to abandon common sense, or to forgo financially responsible decisions just to show off how big that...house is. + +Whatever, I guess I have this sub to thank for making minor upgrades in the next couple years instead of getting a huge ass mortgage. +Hi, So I have a UAE project for 2 years, so that's how long I will be here then back to India. While starting a new SIP, the TAX STATUS field had "Resident Indian" , "NRE/NRI". I do not have an NRE account yet, what should I do in this case? +Will choosing Resident Indian while staying here be troublesome for me in future? Should I wait, have an NRE account and then start the investment? + + +Any help will be appreciated. +Besides getting multiple quotes, how do you avoid getting the "nice house" price from contractors? + +I moved to a LCOL area. I bought a middle to upper range 4 bed/4 ba house (3k-4k sq ft), and I keep getting contractor quotes 2-3x of what the average should be. + +I've gotten licensed contractors who've looked up what I've bought the house for, which I then ask how is that relevant to your quote? If they start off with saying that I have a "nice house" then I know the quote is coming in high. + +Some of the quotes I've gotten was laughable. $4k in labor to install a variable speed pool pump + 2k for the pump itself, $1k per light - $8k quote. I went with the licensed guy who did it for $500 in labor (pool had to be drained for $250 for the lights so two visits) and I supplied the pump & lights for 2k MSRP. 2.5k out the door vs 8k. + +I had a quote for 4.5k to install a 240v 60a line for a 240v 50a spa. Some reason he needed a team of 4 guys and an entire day to run it outside the house. He stressed big it needed to be to code. I knew I was being fed BS as my parents happened to be electricians. Second guy came out quoted 1.5k to run it through the attic, two guys for an hour or two, all to NEC code. He was surprised I signed with him as he thought he came in a little high. I'm not looking to lowball anyone - I'll go with the first reasonable quote that I feel you're competent in. + +They were out the next day and the techs went the extra mile - they left room on the disconnect for 240v 20a service if I wanted to run a saw or other power tools in the backyard as long as I wont run both at the same time. + + +The biggest successes I've had in reducing the price is I've stopped telling them I moved from California if they ask where I'm from. I've either just said I've been here my entire life or I moved from some VLCOL state with lower cost of living. + +How do you avoid getting the "nice house" price from contractors? +^(Jerry Brito:) + +Included in the America COMPETES Act just introduced in the House, and which will very likely pass in some form, is a provision that would be disastrous not just for bitcoin but for privacy and due process generally. + +https://preview.redd.it/yd6ndzcdr2e81.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f30615c6ce3bb070f5d57d6b9c1e70591efdde1 + + The so-called "special measures" provision would essentially give the Treasury Secretary unchecked and unilateral power to ban exchanges and other financial institutions from engaging in cryptocurrency transactions. How would it do this? + +https://preview.redd.it/oe75dflgr2e81.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc361154d9da4c892574720e50f0dc4368375cc0 + +Bank Secrecy Act §5318A allows the Secretary to identify a "primary money laundering concern" and take "special measures" to (1) require financial institutions to report information on the concern, and/or (2) prohibit FIs from maintaining accounts related to the concern. + + "Special measures" authority is vast power that the Secretary of the Treasury has today, so in the current statute there are checks on that power. +