diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_151.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_151.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_151.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 12: Why should we bring congress into the picture? PROS/CONS list + +PROS + +HF have to pay for lawyers, draining them of financial resources that would otherwise be used to delay the MOASS or short attack us. + +Public pressure and transparence makes DTCC nervous and they Margin Call Melvin and friends. + +News coverage triggers FOMO which increase size of Ape army and triggers MOASS + +Congress realizes how much TAX revenue the MOASS will generate and what that would mean for their own re-election effort. They pressure the SEC, the SEC fines Melvin and friend further draining their resources and increasing the speed at which we reach MOASS. + +Our collective knowledge after having gone through this these past months is made public and is used to reform the markets in a way that makes them fairer for retail. + +The complete corruption that is the SEC becomes obvious and triggers calls for a reform of the organization itself. + +The House Committee on Finance decides to make an example of Gabe to help them look good in the eyes of voters (because they hold the smallest of majorities in both house and senate) and they follow through and charge him with perjury like they did to Michael cohen and we all get to watch Gabe P marched off in hand cuffs while we collect our tendies. + +Nothing happens except Kenny G and Gabe P shit themselves harder than they already have been. + +&#x200B; + +CONS + +Congress does nothing and we're back where we started. + +The parties decide to take sides and this becomes a partisan issue (If we didn't have one party in control of the house, senate and white this might be a serious issue to consider, but in my opinion under the current conditions this wouldn't amount to more then a few 24 hour news cycles on the cable channels. Which would create some FOMO which I still consider a plus. Who doesn't want more Apes?) + +This Galvanizes the other HF and they unit behind Melvin and citadel to crush us and remove us a threat. (If that were going to happen I believe it already would have. I don't think these HF like each other very much. Many of them might be applauding the financial death of a serious rival. Just my take.) + +CNBC gets mad and starts coming after us even more than they have already. (Bring it Cramer, I ain't afraid of your bald ass.) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 13: So every indication I've seen about the Jan pop was that it was a Gamma Squeeze. My understanding is that a Gamma Squeeze is driven by call options and high volume. If Melvin had honestly covered or "closed" in any way we would have mooned. All the DD I've read points to them reseting FTDs (which maybe could be argued that means it was closed) and doubling then tripling down to shake paper hands and push us down to $40 in Feb. This idea the Gabe P did cover and wasn't lying then for some dumb ass reason decided to re-short GME after the hearing I think is silly. Why walk back into a trap that you escaped and or passed off the citadel? + +Oc·cam's ra·zor/ˌäkəmz ˈrāzər/*noun* + +1. the principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary. The principle is often invoked to defend reductionism or nominalism. + +The simplest answer is that he lied because he was trying to bluff us at the time and was hoping we would paper hand and walk away, we didn't. If we had no one would have bother to look deeper and call him on his BS. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 14: CLOSED VS COVERED + +okay there is a growing feeling in the community that thanks to his lawyers most likely; Gabe said 'Closed' not 'covered' and thus this will somehow let him loop hole his way out. + +So? Shouldn't he clarify that under oath? They're toying with our economy/our lives like it means nothing. They kill business we love just so they don't have to pay taxes on their investments. They crashed the world economy in 2008 and as we have all come to see they are preparing to do it again with US treasury bonds. They bring no value to society. Like a tick the just suck resources out of us so they can buy absurd apartments in the sky to better look down on the rest of us. I want them answering question in front of congress everyday. But then that's you know, like my opinion man. and this is just a "Discussion" as the flair so clearly displays. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 15: CONGRESSIONAL INCOMPETENCE AND THE CYNICAL PERSPECTIVE + +Is congress filled with idiots? ///Yes, but even idiots know how to work to their own self interest. So we make it in their own self interest. Also Congress is filled with Human beings that juggle multiple committee jobs on top of the local stuff in their state. They only have soo much attention to give to any particular issue or topic. -- For example -- those of you who watch Andrew Mo Money probably are aware that he just got an interview with Congressman Ro Khanna. Andrew was smart enough to bring the man the myth the legend u/Atobitt with him. Watch the video and see how the congressman react to u/Atobitt questions and comments. He had no idea what was going on or how massive it was. (He also look exhausted as fuck probably did this after some four hour long kabuki theater routine on some committee he came off of) If congress isn't acting they way you want it might be as simple as their just to busy and or ignorant to whats going on beneath the surface. Admit it, you had no idea either until you found this beautiful community of apes to explain it to you. Maybe we should take the community and it's knowledge to them? Food for thought. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKnXneFUbxU&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKnXneFUbxU&t=3s) + +Is congress on our side? ///Depends on the context. If they can benefit from something they WILL consider it. It all flows back to how the general public with feel about it. Sentiment is key. This community and others like it have a pretty galvanized sentiment on what's happening with GME and why and last I checked there were 9.8 million apes on WSB. + +Will Congress protect Gabe P and Kenny G? ///Congress has plenty of lobbyist kissing their collective asses. They don't NEED Melvin or Citadel for anything really because they are easily replaceable by another HF that wasn't stupid enough to take on Reddit. + +What if I don't like the party in charge? ///You don't need to agree with a politician in order to compel them with speech. It's literally their job to listen to their constituents wether they voted for them or not. Never forget that they are our employees, our taxes pay there bills. We don't care what's convenient for them only that they do their job and act to improve our way of life and preserve the American Dream. + +How do we make it in congresses self interest? ///Call them and explain what you know. Synthetic shares and all. Remind them you are their constituent and that mid terms are fast approaching. One bad race could tip the scales of congress in a way they wouldn't like if they were seen to be on the side of HF and not a voter. Explain the 'Everything Short' and the threat of a 2008 repeat while on their watch. EXPLAIN IN DETAIL THE MOASS AND JUST HOW MUCH TAX REVENUE THAT WOULD GENERATE. who knows if you do a good job they might just go out and buy some GME themselves. + +Wouldn't it be naive to trust such a corrupt organization as congress? ///The good thing about corrupt organizations is the lack of loyalty. Just ask the FBI, turning one mobster against another sometimes is pretty easy. HF haven't done themselves any favors and it is a huge political risk for politicians to be 'openly' associated with them. The fact that there are only a few HF who have been caught in our diamond handed trap means the vast majority of other HF and MM will go on uninterrupted. Again Melvin and Citadel are replacable and politicians what and need to be on TV to build their own self serving profile in the eyes of the public. Even a corrupt man can be made to do the right thing so long as there is some kind of benefit. + +OKAY I'LL END THIS EDIT WITH ANOTHER FAMOUS QUOTE + +‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ + +Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947 + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 16: FAMOUS APES WALK AMONG US + +credit to u/buttfarm69 + +"Completely agree. I think the problem is just that the information we have isn't reaching the people who can make legislative changes, or they aren't looking. We've got a lot of obstacles working against us so I am not confident that we will see jail time for these fuckers until many years from now once all the underlying pieces come to light. I just hope that the market mechanics work as intended because we are due our tendies." + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 17: QUOTES FOR DAYS + +Alexey Navalny + +(The only guy with balls bigger than DFV. After Putin failed to kill him with poison he flew back to russia just to show he wouldn't be scared off. This is what he said in court as he was being charged with a made up crime.) + +"The government and the system are trying to tell those people, "you're alone." The government's task is to scare you and then persuade you that you are alone. It's important not to feel lonely, because if I were Voldemort, I would like you to feel lonely. Obviously our Voldemort (Putin) in his palace also wants it. As another outstanding philosopher of our times, Rick Sanchez (from"Rick and Morty") said, "to live is to risk it all. If you don't risk, you're just an inert chunk of randomly assembled molecules drifting wherever the universe blows you." Just imagine how wonderful life would be without constant lying. Imagine how great it would be to work as a judge when a phone call justice doesn't exist, no one calls you, and you're just a cool judge with a big salary, bigger than you have now, you're a respected pillar of the society, no one would be able to call you and give you directions about what verdict to issue....We are a very unhappy country and we can't get out of this vicious circle of unhappiness. But we want it so much. That's why I suggest we change a slogan and we don't just say that "Russia has to be free." but also that "Russia has to be happy." Russia will be happy. I'm done." + +For the pessimists out there who think action from congress is unlikely. How likely did you think the MOASS was back in NOV or DEC? Look where things are now? Just cause something is unlikely doesn't mean you shouldn't try. +Supposedly the hack was just emails, no passwords. No data. Just emails. This is the information they gave in the email Robinhood sent. It also asked me to login and read notifications directly from the app from now on. + +This is after at least 1 email a week of them asking me to login to my inactive account I abandoned when they took away the buy button. There is a bigger reason than what they are claiming, imo. They want to ramp up the amount of active users (people have to login regularly to be an active user) without lying about the numbers. How else to get people to login if we ignored their TAX emails, their check your account emails, their free gift emails? Well, WE HAVE BEEN HACKED. CHECK AND MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS OKAY BY LOGGING IN. + +Apes, hopefully none of you logged in so they can spice up their little books for investors. + +&#x200B; + +**Directly from Robinhood's email:** + +*Here are some helpful tips for* ***keeping your account and information safe*** + +* ***Log in to the app to view important messages.*** *Avoid links in security alert emails, which can direct you to fake sites that capture your account and personal information. When in doubt, log in to view messages from Robinhood—we’ll never include a link to access your account in a security alert.* +* ***Request 24/7 phone support in-app.*** *Right now, the only way to get phone support is to log in to the app and request a call from an agent—we’ll give you the number we’ll call you from so you know it’s us and not spam. If you see activity you don’t recognize on your account:* ***Account*** *>* ***Help*** *>* ***Contact Us***\*.\* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +To keep your account and information safe, use the app. And use the app. And right now the only way to get phone support, is through the app. Blatant. +I was given a heads up about this by my cousin, who is a private broker and investment consultant, and then got a message straight to my brokerage account. + +Below is the quoted message from TD Ameritrade/Scottrade. They stay as nonpartisan as possible, given the spectrum of their clientele, so we should all probably take heed when they are taking a stand on a specific piece of legislation: + +"Dear Valued Client,  + +TD Ameritrade believes it's important to stand on the side of our clients. We have reviewed the Senate Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was released last week. Section 13533 of the Senate Bill imposes a single cost basis methodology for investors, "first in, first out" ("FIFO"), on all sales of securities (except mutual funds).  + +For the average investor, this means possibly being required to pay the highest capital gains taxes where a stock has appreciated over time.  + +On behalf of our approximately 11 million client accounts, we strongly oppose this provision. We believe it will harm individual investors by eliminating their freedom to decide when to take losses or gains on their investments, potentially resulting in an increased tax burden.  + +An Example  + +Suppose you hold a significant amount of a company's stock, accumulated over a 20-year career. You're now retired, and you want to sell some company stock to diversify your portfolio. Assume the purchases over time range from $5 per share up to $90 per share, but the stock now is trading at $50.  + +If you sell at $50, rather than being able to take losses on the stock purchased above $50, the Senate Bill could require you to pay capital gains taxes on the appreciation of the stock from $5 to $50. That is, even if you have experienced sizeable paper losses on the purchases above $50, the Senate Bill might force you to pay taxes calculated on the largest gains possible.  + +We don't think that's fair. We feel the Senate should stand up on behalf of individual investors and reject imposing a FIFO cost basis requirement on sales of securities.  + +What Can You Do? + + + +If you are concerned about these changes, we encourage you to contact your congressional representatives today and make your voice heard. We have created a site so that individual investors like you can stay informed and easily reach out to your government representatives on issues that matter to you. You'll find a summary of current issues there, along with template letters to help get you started.  + +TD Ameritrade believes in providing our clients with a voice on issues that stand to impact their ability to confidently save, invest, and plan for the future. We are on the frontlines, communicating your interests to those who can influence policy and bring about change.  + +By coming together, we can have a more meaningful impact. Please join the conversation." +Some examples: + +* Google News detects a huge surge in search for stories about a specific product. + +* Google's satellite imaging subsidiary captures surface images around the earth. Uses AI to predict weather patterns and then trade oil futures based on it. + +* Google search engine sees an increase in search term "how to save money cooking." Begins shorting restaurant stocks. + +* Google Maps detect a slow down in traffic to Disneyland. Shorts Disney. + +Couldn't Google make billions each year doing this? If they use non-identifiable group data would this be illegal? + +Verizon for example is already using location data to better optimize their travel advertising. Couldn't companies take that one step further and use it to trade stocks? +Just noticed this today when logging in. Here's an article in WSJ: + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/vanguard-ratchets-up-index-fund-price-battle-1542636000 + +and from their website: + +https://investornews.vanguard/our-index-funds-changed-investing-forever-now-were-making-them-even-better/ +https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/07/01/treasury-loan-yrc-worldwide-cares-act/#click=https://t.co/owx7eBDPzF + +"The Treasury Department announced on Wednesday that it will loan $700 million to a trucking firm that ships military equipment, in exchange for having U.S. taxpayers acquire an almost 30 percent stake in the company." +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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It gets 3400 a month in rents. Taxes are $4500 and insurance is $900 a year. It had a cosmetic remodel but needs about $25,000 in windows and adding AC, it’s from 1997. + +My current home is also owned outright. It’s a 2021 build, I payed $415k and can sell it for 500k even in this market, the other new ones are listed at 600k and I have better views. + +I’m looking to buy a 700k ranch property with 5 acres. + +I have- +Job paying 80k salary plus bonus, been here one year. + +$50,000 in bank + +$20,000 in investment + +$200,000 in cars owned outright I can sell if I have to. + +Preapproval for loan up to 350k at 7% + + +What is the smartest move to get the new place? + +Selling my current home for 500k and taking a mortgage for the rest. + +Selling the duplex and buying new home outright. + +Keeping both and doing a heloc or something. + + +Thanks!!! +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-08/trump-says-u-s-hasn-t-agreed-to-full-tariff-rollback-with-china + +Markets seem pretty steady over this one, mayhaps they've finally learned to embrace the trade talk cycle? + +Someone hit me with that trade war cycle pic again. + +E: bros I really felt like I shouldn't have had to explicitly say this but obviously a walk back was probable and the use of "shocking" here was sarcastic. +after no big purchases these last two or so years I find myself wanting to buy a couple things like a motorcycle maybe an electric unicycle etc and I'm just wondering under what amount typically or what percent of your income do does a purchase have to be under for you to not give any second mind about it you just buy and try sort of situation? +This story has a happy ending , but I thought that it would be useful to share my experiences so that people can learn from my mistakes. + +Some back story: As a side hustle, I buy and sell cameras which I find on the cheap online. I've been a photographer for a number of years, and I love collecting old cameras. Over the Lockdown I decided to turn this into a side hustle to earn a little extra cash and had found that people sell some really good cameras on ebay and gumtree for quite cheap, usually because people inherit them or find them at junk shops and then they just sit on a shelf for a few years gathering dust. I didn't make millions, but it was a good way to fill my evenings. + +That was until I spotted my dream camera for a decent price on Gumtree. I'm not going to mention the camera name just to give me some layer of anonymity, but its widely considered the holy grail of 35mm film cameras. The advert had plenty of pictures and read something like: + +Selling my old dad's camera, hasn't been used for a few years but works with a new battery. See pictures for more information and feel free to ask questions. + +I jumped at the chance. The camera was priced at £1000, which was the most I had paid for a camera save for the one that I use for work. I spent the weekend talking to the seller, asking questions and deliberating over it with my partner before I decided to pull the trigger. I Thought That I would have been able to make a decent 500 - 600 off of the back of it and thought everything was above board. On Tuesday, we agreed that I would send £500, he would post it on the Wednesday and then I'd pay the rest when it had arrived. Which I was happy to do. + +I sent the money over through a bank transfer, as he said he didn't want to pay the charges associated with Paypal and we continued to chat. He was worried that the money hadn't come in, so I sent him a picture of the payment going through so that he could rest happy until the money arrived into his account. I went to sleep dreaming of testing the camera like a good little hipster and then putting some money back into my business. + +On Wednesday, I sent him a message asking for a receipt and the tracking number. + +No reply. + +On Thursday, I sent him a chasing email. + +No reply. + +I sent him daily messages and slowly came to the realisation that he wasn't ever going to email back. I complained about it on a few reddit threads and someone helpfully told me that I was a victim of an APP Push payment scam, aka a bank transfer scam. + +For the uninitiated, Bank transfers don't offer you any protection in terms of getting your money back like you do if you use a credit card or paypal. Him telling me to send the money by bank transfer severely reduced my options of what I could do to get the money back. + +Here's what I did about it: + +Firstly, a week after I sent him the money I sent him an ultimatum that if he didn't respond, I would assume he's run off with the money and I'll take it further. He didn't respond to that either (surprise surprise at this point) so I called my banks Fraud department to see what they could do. + +After about half an hour of waiting around, I told my bank the story, making sure that I told them everything that I had done to try to do my own due diligence about the purchase. It turns out that most of the high street banks are part of some Fraud alliance, and if you've been a victim of Fraud, they can compensate you up to the full amount of you payment. They also send the scammers card details to an external agency who investigate it further and can freeze their bank accounts to make sure this doesn't happen again. All of this in an hour. By the end of the day the money was back in my account and I was safe in the knowledge that the powers that be will come down hard enough on them that they'll think twice about ever doing it again. + +So what have I learnt from this experience? + +&#x200B; + +1. Scammers know as much about niche interests as you do. + +This guy had done his homework. The camera was close enough to the going price to avoid suspicion, but cheap enough for people to think it was a bargain. I thought that scammers would go for people buying tech online but I was wrong. My thoughts are that he actually owned the camera and had done this multiple times before with pictures of his own camera. + +2. Your bank will have your back, so long as it looks like you did your part too. + +If you are a victim of the scam, they're going to ask you a thousand questions on what you did to check if it was a real product. Luckily I did that, asking plenty of questions and sending him regular messages over multiple days. Don't let them go quietly into the night, shout after them to the point of being annoying. + +3. Don't be too hard on yourself + +When you tell people, they're going to tell you that you were an idiot for falling for something like this. That isn't true. My friends and family thought I was mad because it was an expensive camera, and I wasn't ever going to resell it. I've bought hundreds of things off ebay and gumtree in the past and this is the first scam. Just be mindful if: + +They ask you to do a bank transfer rather than go through paypal + +They ask you to start emailing them rather than use the app chats + +They give you a little too much back story - my guy kept going on about another business he owned, I thought he was just being chatty but on reflection, I think it was to give him more validity. + +4. There are some really helpful websites out there which give you hope. + +Shout out to [Which?](https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/advice/what-to-do-if-you-re-the-victim-of-a-bank-transfer-app-scam-aED6A0l529rc#emotional-support-available-after-a-scam) who have a really good section on what to do if you fall victim to this type of scam + +&#x200B; + +So here I am, my dream camera still somewhere out there, but at least I'm not out of pocket and the thief is going to have a shock when he can't pay for a pint now the pubs are open. + +&#x200B; + +TLDR in the form of a Haiku: + +I like cameras. + +I fell victim to a scam. + +My bank Fucked him. +&#x200B; + +[We need wrinkled brains on this one](https://preview.redd.it/rda9il7j9cy71.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454d3972b0f5b43734a5604cd0d29d772d986078) + +I just came across this picture on twitter, and it is quite amazing. + +In the end, something happened on the 5th.... we might see something happening within this week, as the number of calls/puts come to light. It might not be relative to GME, but since the last surge was on 1/27..... + +I hope someone with more data can help bring more wrinkles to this matter, as I don't have a way to go check where all the options were open. /u/gherkinit is called onboard also to try to shine some light on this. + +Edit 1: Thank you everybody for the upvotes and awards. Gherk is out today, so I hope tomorrow or after he can share some pickle light into this chart. +Does TA work only because people use TA? I see so many charts with just lines and lines and lines forming triangles and flags and etc. People are good at seeing patterns, but does TA actually work or its just luck and risk management in the end? +Hi everybody, + +In case you didn't make it to [**last week's live stream**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uPUF7OOG0U), I'm excited to share that tomorrow, 01/22/2020 at 7PM eastern in the [**Official /r/StockMarket Discord**](https://discord.gg/p6KPJCh) we'll begin a new, completely free set of lessons on how to effectively navigate the US stock market, dubbed **MARKET ESSENTIALS**. + +I'll be leading these lessons myself, sharing what I've learned in my 15 years of experience in the markets, 10 years of learning from and trading with some of the best traders on the planet, 5 years of trading full time and multiple years of experience as a mentor and educator in the markets and finance-focused software development. + +This week is the very first module, so we'll start with the absolute basics, such as what a stock is and why they're issued, how to select a broker, different styles of trading/investing, the basics of how to read stock charts, market indexes and the broad methodologies people use to analyze the markets. + +Moving forward, we'll focus on a new topic each week for several months, covering the following broad topics, among others, in great detail: + +- Market Fundamentals +- Identifying Trading Opportunities +- Broad Market Analysis +- Risk Management +- Technical Analysis +- Fundamental Analysis +- Level 2 and Time & Sales +- Tracking Trading Performance +- Options Trading + +As always, this is 100% free and open to everyone so please come join and ask questions! + +Here are the details: + +# Date: Wed, 01/22/2020 + +# Time: 7PM Eastern + +# Location: [**Official /r/StockMarket Discord**](https://discord.gg/p6KPJCh), #live_chat channel + +# Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/lazyfa_official, or #twitch_stream channel + +Hope to see everyone there! +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +*Officials had signaled plans to raise interest rates in half-point increments before recent deterioration in data* + +Nick Timiraos + +> A string of [troubling inflation reports](https://www.wsj.com/articles/inflation-economy-federal-reserve-11655134682?mod=article_inline) in recent days is likely to lead Federal Reserve officials to consider surprising markets with a larger-than-expected 0.75-percentage-point interest-rate increase at their meeting this week. +> +> Before officials began their premeeting quiet period on June 4, they had signaled they were prepared to raise interest rates by a half percentage point this week and again at their meeting in July. But they also had said their outlook depended on the economy evolving as they expected. [Last week’s inflation report](https://www.wsj.com/articles/us-inflation-consumer-price-index-may-2022-11654810079?mod=article_inline) from the Labor Department showed a bigger jump in prices in May than officials had anticipated. +> +> Two consumer surveys have also shown households’ expectations of future inflation have increased in recent days. That data could alarm Fed officials because they believe such expectations can be self-fulfilling. +> +> The Fed raised rates by a half percentage point at [its meeting last month](https://www.wsj.com/articles/fed-approves-half-point-interest-rate-rise-ratcheting-up-its-inflation-fight-11651687201?mod=article_inline), the first such increase since 2000, to a range between 0.75% and 1%. The Fed last raised rates by 0.75 percentage point at a meeting in 1994, when the central bank was rapidly raising rates to pre-empt a potential rise in inflation. +> +> Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has avoided surprising markets on the day of policy meetings, instead arguing that the central bank can achieve its goals of tightening policy by shaping market expectations. +> +> But he also said in an interview last month that the Fed would be guided by the economic data to come. “What we need to see is clear and convincing evidence that inflation pressures are abating and inflation is coming down. And if we don’t see that, then we’ll have to consider moving more aggressively,” Mr. Powell said. +> +> At [a news conference](https://www.wsj.com/articles/transcript-fed-chief-powells-postmeeting-press-conference-11651696613?mod=article_inline) last month, Mr. Powell said the central bank would “strive to avoid adding uncertainty” but also acknowledged the possibility of “further surprises” in the inflation data. “We therefore will need to be nimble in responding to incoming data and the evolving outlook,” he said. +> +> The Labor Department reported Friday that its consumer-price index rose 8.6% in May from the same month a year earlier, pushing inflation to a 40-year high. That was a setback for forecasters who were looking for signs that inflation had peaked in March. Rising fuel prices and supply-chain disruptions from Russia’s war against Ukraine have sent prices up in recent months. +> +> A handful of Wall Street forecasters, including at investment banks Barclays and Jefferies, said Friday, after the inflation data were released, that they expected the Fed to raise rates by 0.75 percentage point this week. +> +> “We believe that risk-management considerations call for aggressive action to reinforce the Fed’s inflation-fighting credibility,” Barclays economists wrote in a subsequent report Monday. While such a move “would go against communications leading into the blackout period,” the report said “risks of prolonged inflation have intensified,” justifying the larger rate rise. +> +> After the publication of this article on Monday afternoon, other forecasters, including at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc., said they expected a 0.75-percentage-point rate rise this week. +> +> On Friday, a University of Michigan survey of consumers’ long-term inflation expectations rose to its highest level since 2008. On Monday, the New York Fed reported that its survey showed consumers’ short-term inflation expectations had jumped and that the distribution of households’ longer-term expectations was more varied than in the past, suggesting more households might be expecting higher inflation to stay, even though the median didn’t rise. +> +> Fed officials have said they would want to respond aggressively to signs that inflation expectations were rising, or becoming “de-anchored,” because they believe the process of wringing inflation from the economy will become far more difficult if that has happened. +> +> “It’s a one-two punch,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton. “They’ve got to go now with 75. The Fed is behind the curve, and they know it.” +> +> Bond yields, which surged Friday amid a broad market selloff, continued to climb as [that rout deepened on Monday](https://www.wsj.com/articles/inflation-fears-send-u-s-bond-yields-surging-ahead-of-fed-meeting-11655135691?mod=article_inline). Investors in interest-rate futures markets placed a nearly 30% probability on the larger 0.75-percentage-point increase on Monday afternoon, up from around 4% before last Friday’s inflation reports, according to CME Group. After publication of this article, those market-implied probabilities rose above 90%. +> Consumers’ inflation expectations for both the short and long term are on the upswing, according to surveys. +> +> Officials will have to weigh several considerations at their two-day meeting that begins on Tuesday. They could stick with their current strategy of raising rates in half-percentage-point increments indefinitely until they see signs that inflation is conclusively downshifting. +> +> Such a path of rate rises would lift the Fed’s overnight benchmark rate to a range between 2.25% and 2.5% by September, and to a range between 3.25% and 3.5% by December. This would represent the most aggressive interval of policy tightening since the 1980s. +> +> Alternatively, Mr. Powell and his colleagues could signal a rising likelihood of shifting to larger rate rises at the Fed’s meeting in late July. +> +> But if officials anticipate a significant likelihood of such an increase at the July 26-27 meeting, they could decide to move more aggressively this week. +> +> Ms. Swonk said she expected officials to make such an argument at this week’s meeting. “The data now is not good. The data is saying they have to do more,” said Ms. Swonk. “We’re moving into a more inflation-prone world, and they know that, and if they don’t derail it now, this could be incredibly corrosive.” +> +> Already, borrowing costs set by markets have climbed faster than the Fed’s benchmark rate in anticipation of its policy moves. Mortgage lenders on Monday said they were beginning to quote a 30-year fixed loan with rates above 6%, levels that haven’t been reached since 2008. +> +> Other analysts said Monday afternoon that a larger 0.75-point rate jump would cause more problems for the central bank than it would solve by confusing investors about how the Fed reacts to new data. +> +> “It just opens up additional communication challenges thereafter,” said Neil Dutta, an economist at research firm Renaissance Macro. “It suggests the Fed is losing confidence in its forecast. We all know they were trying to catch up, but now it looks like they are panicking.” +> +> Mr. Dutta said he also worried that a supersize rate increase would make it harder for the central bank to avoid a recession. “It suggests the Fed is willing to push the economy into a ‘hard-landing’-like scenario to get inflation under control,” he said. + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/bad-inflation-reports-raise-odds-of-surprise-0-75-percentage-point-rate-rise-this-week-11655147927 +Obligatory throw-away account. + +Bottom line, my mom is financially unstable and I want to know what resources there are to begin to fix it. I know there is no overnight fix but I’m not sure where to begin. + +She has gotten herself tremendously into debt and relies completely on my step-dad financially. She has a great job actually making more than he does, but she relies on him for food and a roof over her head. Her bi-weekly paycheck may last at most a week. They have had marital issues for a while and if he leaves I have no idea what will happen to her or my teenage brother. Inevitably I will end up having to completely support her and I want to get help before it comes to that. He has told me they probably will end it once my brother graduates high school (less than 3 years). She has virtually no financial knowledge and is completely uninterested in becoming financially independent/stable to my knowledge. She also has not seen any repercussions as someone is always there to give her money when she can’t make rent, etc. + +I recently found out that my step-dad has only been putting minimal effort into keeping her accountable. He is (we think) aware of what loans/etc. she has and has provided her with a budget, but still keeps having to give her money beyond what he should. He states he has has no idea where the extra cash is going but admits to not following through to find out. She has filed bankruptcy twice and has taken out many payday loans. But I do not know yet the actual extent of how bad her situation is.... I’m under the impression that she is not being entirely honest with him. + +I have only very basic financial knowledge myself, so I want to have all the resources and knowledge I can before I confront her. I want to protect the future of myself and my own family. + +We are in the US if that matters. + +TLDR; Mom is severely in debt and financially dependent on step-dad. Most likely divorcing soon. Need to know what resources there are to help her become financially stable before she becomes completely dependent on me. + + + + +EDIT: Wow... I am struggling to find the right words. Reading as many comments/messages as I could during breaks at work, I’ve been fighting back tears of relief all day. + +I want to genuinely thank each and every one of you for taking the time to not only read this long depressing post, but offer your suggestions and support. This has been a dark cloud of anticipation over my head for quite some time (parents have been rocky for a while). I saw the future I’ve worked so hard to build for myself being slowly ripped away with every paycheck. I posted this expecting a couple responses with websites and types of financial advisors so I could do more research when I got home from work. But instead... this beauty. The idea that I would be hurting more than helping never crossed my mind, nor did the glaring fact that she doesn’t *want* to be helped. Why would she? She’s got the gig. But also the fact I was most blind to... that this is her problem and NOT mine. + +I plan to talk to my step-dad tomorrow. I know he believes he’s helping the family rather than enabling her. I’ll give him the insight and build him up like you guys built me up, but also let him do with that what he will. Because I’ve got my own stability to worry about!!!! They’re grown!! (See guys, I’m learning!) I promise to update if anything worthy posting comes of all of this. + +Just... thank you guys. You saved me from making a big mistake. +I [posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kh2nqe/net_worth_1824978_up_over_50_this_year/) one year ago about an amazing year of gains and so many people were interested that I figured I’d follow up this year. You all also didn’t seem to mind what I thought would clearly come across as a brag post, so here we go again. + +At the start of 2020 we were sitting at 3.4m, this time last year we hit 5.2m, which was amazing and put us within spitting distance of our original FI number of 6M. Today we’re just shy of 7.9m. The high point of the year was about 8.2m, but recent pull-backs in a few investments, as well as a 100K transfer to the IRS brought it back down. This was yet another amazingly unexpected year, and at this point I’m mentally preparing for a crash/pullback. The last two years the market has treated us (and anyone who bought and held index funds) very well. + +Pre-answering the common questions from last year. + +**Are we going to retire now?** Not yet, but probably within the next two years. This isn't a convenient time, and it's hard to walk away from this level of income. + +**How much income/expenses?** Just about 2.2m in total income this year. About a 1m total paid in taxes, about 300k in expenses, so around 900k saved. Our expenses will drop to about 200k in the next two years, which is why our FI number is 6M. + +**What do I do?** I work for a tech company, at the VP level, not in California. + +**What are we invested in?** Majority is in VTSAX and other forms of S&P500/Total market funds. I’ve grown our bond holdings closer to 10% over the last year to provide some more stability (I hope) as we approach retirement. My company stock currently makes up \~10% of our holdings and I sell regularly to keep it under there. Some crypto, some TSLA, nothing particularly significant. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +# flair links + +[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22) **|** [**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22) **|** [**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22) **|** [**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22) **|** [**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22) **|** [**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22) + +[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22) **|** [**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22) **|** [**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&) **|** [**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22) **|** [**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) **|** [**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22) **|** [**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22) + +[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22) **|** [**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22) **|** [**SuperstonkBot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22) **|** [**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1) **|** [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) + +# important links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +Banner Contest is live! Check the main page for the sticky post and vote now! + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Basically title. + +I saw a bunch of comments saying "everyone register". +I think that is quite counterproductive. If you are a creator, sure, sign up. But if we want this NFT platform to take off GameStop needs some artists and creators.. and "serious memers". + +To be fully honest: I did register cause I am doing 3D art, if its good enough is for the people at GS to decide. + +Anyhow, be ready, buy shares, DRS, see you on the moon + +Edit: if you create any original, quality content, apply! + +Edit2: this is not a General nft platform registration, its the registration for the first few curated creators. Like many other nft platforms started. If you do not have any content to mint/sell there is no reason for submitting. We will all get access to the platform and be able to buy, resell and eventually mint +So I have a Roth IRA in which I intend to only hold the S&P500 until my retirement (over 40 year time horizon). + +Solution 1: Buy VOO and don't touch until retirement. Re-invest dividends. + +Solution 2: Buy SPY and sell covered calls at conservative SP and delta, multiple notches out. Re-invest premium. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I'm aware of the issue of getting called away and having to buy the lot again at a higher price. However, what I'm most concerned about is potential drag on the compounding factor. Fortunately, taxes wouldn't be an issue for this account. + +&#x200B; + +What would you do? +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. +* [**Dr. Susanne Trimbath AMA Transcription and Summary**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/), with supporting materials (and memes) + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Looking for some guidance on an idea that I have that I'm hoping some members of this community have experience with. + +For some background, I'm 23, going to make \~150k this year, and have always had an interest in being philanthropic and maximizing the impact that I can have. Now that I am starting to make more money, I want to plan so that my money in the future can have a more significant impact than if I were to just donate my excess cash today. + +My idea I'm toying with is to set up a private foundation to invest under. I would put 500-1000 / month in it for now and increase that as my earnings increase (also putting 10-15% of bonuses in this). I would plan on having it be a simple index investment (maybe an ESG fund but need to read more on those). The plan would then be once the fund hits \~1M in say 15-20 years, use the 4% rule to give out a yearly grant of \~40k (or 2 grants of 20k) to the two causes that I am most passionate about. + +My questions are mainly: + +1. Can I invest under a private foundation and not give out grants for a decade +? +2. Is there a more effective way to use this money philanthropically? +3. Would being under a 501(c)(3) let me give these grants without paying capital gains tax on the earnings? + +Any other advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for any help. +The feeling of anxiety it gives you to go grocery shopping fearful of the number on the screen and fearful of what you bought not being enough. You could have 2,000 dollars in the bank account and the anxiety of spending your money on food is terrifying but the idea of buying less is also terrifying because you have been raised to be in survival mode. You don’t know how to remain calm and just buy things everything is on a budget everything is calculated and based on necessity. Everything you have you fight for. Everything is a need. +[https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5596/text?r=1&s=1](https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5596/text?r=1&s=1&fbclid=IwAR2L2g09TYX5yygq0Mh9pxLqtzeoPYezvXRzyyiByiEnTmEkUJc3G7qq3EQ) + +Changes to HSAs if passed: + +* Increases maximum personal HSA contribution to $10,800 (subject to COLA) +* Increases maximum family HSA contribution to $29,500 (subject to COLA) +* HDHP no longer required to contribute to an HSA. Any health plan, insurance, or ministry plan qualifies. +* HSA funds can be used to pay for healthcare premiums. +* HSA funds can be used for "periodic fees paid to a physician for a defined set of medical services or for the right to receive medical services on an as-needed basis". So if your physican or dentist offers a monthly plan directly from them, you can use HSA funds to pay for this. +* HSA penalty for non-qualified distributions reduced from 20% to 10%. +* HSA can be used for **any** prescription or over-the-counter medicine or drug and for any insurance co-pays. (the current law states that HSA can only be used for **prescribed** medicine and insurance co-pays) + +Legislation was sponsored and co-sponsored by three republicans: (R-TX) Chip Roy, (R-AZ) Andy Biggs, (R-LA) Mike Johnson + +Republicans have a majority in the Senate. Democrats have a majority in the House. Requires passing in the House first. Considering the CBO analysis would likely show a huge expense, it might die in either chamber because it's not revenue neutral. + +Crossposts: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/erkisf/personalized\_care\_act\_of\_2020\_would\_raise\_hsa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/erkisf/personalized_care_act_of_2020_would_raise_hsa/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/erielv/personalized\_care\_act\_of\_2020\_would\_raise\_hsa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/erielv/personalized_care_act_of_2020_would_raise_hsa/) + +\-------------------- + +Also see this for Senate proposed HSA changes (Health Savings Act of 2019): [https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/erielv/personalized\_care\_act\_of\_2020\_would\_raise\_hsa/ff4b8h2](https://www.reddit.com/r/tax/comments/erielv/personalized_care_act_of_2020_would_raise_hsa/ff4b8h2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) +https://support.zerodha.com/category/trading-and-markets/trading-faqs/articles/yes-bank-shares-lock-in + +This seems to fly in the face of common sense. WTAF is going on? +To quote one user on the matter. + +>I mean, as the name implies, it's a study and critique of capitalism (and the classical economics of the time) that stands unchallenged for 150 years and counting. Everything that has come since in the field of economics has been in reaction to Das Kapital. +The fact that its publication is alone responsible for forcing the shift in bourgeois liberal economics from classical to neo-classical, Keynesian, whatever, and that none of it has managed to "disprove" or make Marx obsolete in any way whatsoever, should tell you just how much of an influence Das Kapital truly was, and still is, on everything in economics and politics. + +>Only one group of economists were not caught off guard by the crisis in 2007/2008, and it sure as shit wasn't the Keynesians... + +Links to sources would greatly be appreciated. Thank you. +For BRK/B, Merrill Edge reports a P/E of 7.7, as does Yahoo Finance, and a current Morningstar report has the same number, rating BRK/B 4 stars and saying that it trades at 0.8 of fair value. + +A July 23 CFRA reports lists a P/E on Oper.EPS2022E of 21.69, although it did have a target price of 355 vs. a stock price of 285.93 on July 22. + +Since Berkshire Hathaway is a conglomerate with operating businesses and positions in traded stocks, there are different ways of calculating its earnings. Which way do you think is most reflective of economic reality, in the sense that you would use the resulting P/E to compare Berkshire with other stocks? +Hello everyone, + +Last weekend I created a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend_gme_thread_homework_for_all_lets_stop/?), in which I documented which brokers stopped people from purchasing specific securities, and which ones didn't. + +Before it gets forgotten, I want to bring that list back again, and insist that you get a new broker if yours is one of the bad ones. + +This is a much, MUCH bigger issue than you think, and this can and WILL affect you eventually, if you stay with a broker that decides that you cannot trade a security that they don't want you to trade. Note that the securities affected were not just meme stocks, several large stocks some of you might own or have heard about were restricted and their price was thus manipulated, including: + +- General Motors +- Rolls Royce +- Trivago +- Workhorse Group +- Jaguar Health + +And [many more](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robinhood-expands-trading-restrictions-50-225241993.html). + +When boomer stocks get affected, this means the entire free market is at risk and the next time this happens you might be the one unable to trade your favorite stock if you continue using a bad discount broker. + +**Whether this is the broker's fault or their clearinghouse's fault is irrelevant, the result is your inability to engage in the free market.** This behavior needs to be punished to ensure other brokers don't start doing the same thing. + +Here is my list of brokers which I will continue to update, as per the [previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/l8rhr3/weekend_gme_thread_homework_for_all_lets_stop/?): + + +### Horrible Brokers - Restricted purchasing of certain tickets and lied/gloated about it + +* Robinhood - [Now Blocking 50 Equities](https://seekingalpha.com/news/3656437-robinhoods-50-stock-limit-list?mail_subject=bb-ino-robinhood-s-50-stock-limit-list-with-spacs-makes-mass-exodus-likelier-alpha-tactics&utm_campaign=rta-stock-news&utm_content=link-73&utm_medium=email&utm_source=seeking_alpha) - [CEO lying saying they have no liquidity issues, 1 day before getting a 1 billion bailout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fs_lyGn4YA) - [Join the lawsuit against them if you were affected](https://robinhoodgamestopclassaction.com/) +* Interactive Brokers (US/CAN) - [Display visible contempt for Retail traders, wants GME to go to 17 before re-enabling trading](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RH4XKP55fM) - [Blocked Trading212, as their acting intermediary](https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/brokers/trading-212-blames-interactive-brokers-for-trade-execution-delay/) +* E-Toro - [Proof](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/robinhood-webull-m1-reopen-gamestop-stock-trading-2021-1-1030019926) - [Forced stop-losses](https://www.etoro.com/posts/0__entry__df95e7f0-1772-4ec7-a271-69b13ca229dd?utm_medium=Direct&utm_source=55714&utm_content=0&utm_serial=SocialSharePostcopyLink_918269&utm_campaign=SocialSharePostcopyLink_918269&utm_term) + +### Bad Brokers - Restricted purchasing of certain tickers + +* E-Trade - [Proof](https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/28/22254863/etrade-gamestop-amc-stock-reddit-wallstreetbets-robinhood) +* Ally - [Proof](https://www.wsj.com/articles/online-brokerages-restrict-trading-on-gamestop-amc-amid-frenetic-trading-11611849934) +* Public.com - [Proof](https://techcrunch.com/2021/01/28/webull-and-public-remove-restrictions-on-memestocks-after-citing-trade-settlement-firm-as-the-cause/) +* Merrill Edge - [Proof](https://www.streetinsider.com/Momentum+Movers/Merrill+Edge+said+to+have+put+restrictions+on+trading+in+AMC+Entertainment+%28AMC%29%2C+GameStop+%28GME%29/17879212.html) +* IG Broker - [Proof](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-amc-uk-trading-platform-163546937.html) +* Trade Republic - [Proof](https://www.tellerreport.com/business/2021-01-29-%0A---trade-republic-and-gamestop--patronizing-investors-%0A--.BJNYXthWl_.html) +* Webull - [Admitted they were forced to by clearing firm](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/we-bull-ceo-explains-why-trading-was-restricted-amid-the-game-stop-market-mania-172539318.html) - [Clearing firm is Apex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RS4JIEVyXM&feature=youtu.be) - They'll be moved to neutral once they publicly confirm Apex was sole reason the trades were restricted. +* Stake - [Proof](https://hellostake.com/au/stake-updates/understanding-trading-suspensions/) +* Trading212 - [Proof](https://inews.co.uk/news/business/gamestop-uk-trading-robinhood-trading-212-gme-stock-restricted-legal-action-850465) - [re-enabled, caused by intermediary](https://twitter.com/Trading212/status/1355074914202628098) - [Intermediary is IB](https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/brokers/trading-212-blames-interactive-brokers-for-trade-execution-delay/) - [Restricted purchasing of other securities previous](https://community.trading212.com/t/gold-buying-restricted-in-larger-quantities/27987) - Based on them restricting securities before this, and countless complaints regarding other restrictions, I've put them back in the bad list. + +### Neutral Brokers - Restricted trading, publicly naming their intermediary + + +* Freetrade - [Proof, blames Barclays](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/29/gamestop-saga-uk-trading-app-freetrade-halts-purchases-of-us-stocks.html) - [CMO Interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V76UGdYAdcI&feature=youtu.be) - [CMO Tweets](https://twitter.com/v18n/status/1355258696885030915?s=19) +* M1 Finance - [Proof](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/robinhood-webull-m1-reopen-gamestop-stock-trading-2021-1-1030019926) - [Blames Apex Clearing](https://twitter.com/m1_finance/status/1354837064072753152) + +* Tastyworks - [Proof, blame Apex Clearing](https://twitter.com/thetastyworks/status/1354879706991128578) +* Stash - [Proof, blamex Apex Clearing](https://twitter.com/Stash/status/1354839916761518083?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1354839916761518083%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fwebull-blocks-gamestop-amc-transactions-stock-market-robinhood-1565172) +* TD Ameritrade/Canada - [Proof](https://www.cnet.com/news/reddits-amc-and-gamestop-stocks-swing-wildly-after-robinhood-td-ameritrade-restrict-trades/) - [Proof2](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/robinhood-gamestop-1.5891363) - (Margin requirements increased, Covered call and short put orders may only be placed with a broker and support times are > 2h, other trades restricted) - Neutral because they didn't restrict the purchase of stocks with cash. +* Revolut - [Proof](https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/brokers/gamestop-buyers-suffer-another-setback-as-revolut-bans-trading/) - Blames DriveWealth LCC + +### Good Brokers - Did not restrict trading + +* Most Canadian Brokers (Questrade, Qtrade, Disnat, BMO, HSBC, RBC, TD, etc.) +* Most European Brokers (Swissquote, TradeStation, Degiro) +* Fidelity +* Vanguard +* WealthSimple (CAN, US) +* Schwab (Margin requirements increased) +* You Invest (JP Morgan/Chase) +* Capital.com +* Wells Fargo - [allowed trades but banned its advisors from talking about GameStop](https://www.barrons.com/articles/wells-fargo-blocks-advisors-from-recommending-gamestop-amc-51611870929) +* Nordnet +* Citibank + +--- + +Again, get a new broker. + +Thanks +Hey Reddit! You may remember me from this post: [Warren Buffett Value Investing Cheat Sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9ur0g6/warren_buffett_value_investing_cheat_sheet_a/). + +Below is the complete version of the well-received value investing cheat sheet. As mentioned before, it is nearly impossible for a company to tick all of these boxes in the current market, but they are useful guidelines. + +&#x200B; + +This took me a long time to compile... I hope you derive value from it. + +&#x200B; + +# QUANTITATIVE METRICS: + +&#x200B; + +**Value:** + +Price / Earnings < 15.0 + +Price / Book Value < 1.5 + +Price / Sales < 2.0 + +Price / FCF < 15.0 + +PEG < 1.0 + +Price / TBV < 0.7 + +Price / NCAV < 0.7 + +EV / EBITDA < 8.0 + +Current P/E to P/E 5yr High < 0.4 + +Current P/E to P/E 5yr Low < 0.8 + +Margin of safety below Intrinsic value > 30% + +&#x200B; + +**Efficiency:** + +ROE > 30% + +ROA > 15% + +ROTA > 20% + +ROIC > 20% + +ROCE > 20% + +ROIC-WACC > 0.2 + +Inventory Turnover > 4.0 + +Accounts Payable Turnover > 3.0 + +Accounts Receivable Turnover > 5.0 + +Pre-tax Margin > 20% + +&#x200B; + +**Health:** + +Current Ratio > 0.3 + +Quick Ratio > 1.5 + +Flow Ratio < 1.25 + +Liabilities / Equity < 0.8 + +Debt / Equity < 0.5 + +Debt / EBITDA < 4.0 + +Debt / NCAV < 2.0 + +Long-term Debt / Working Capital < 2.0 + +Interest Coverage Ratio > 8.0 + +FCF / Sales > 8% + +&#x200B; + +**Growth:** + +Earnings Yield > 12% + +EBIT Yield > 12% + +\# Of Years Where Earnings Growth < 2X Federal Bond Yield < 2 + +FCF Yield > 10% + +Forward P/E to Trailing P/E > 1.1 + +Operating Cash Flow / EPS > 1.2 + +\# Of Years With Declining EPS <= 2.0 + +Current EPS / EPS 10yrs ago > 3.0 + +Earnings Misses in the Last 24 Months = 0 + +&#x200B; + +**Dividends:** + +Dividend Yield > 2% + +Number Of Consecutive Years Increasing Dividends > 9 + +FCF / Dividends Paid > 2.5 + +EPS / Dividends Paid > 2.5 + +Payout Ratio < 40% + +Number Of Dividend Cuts In Last 10yrs = 0.0 + +&#x200B; + +**Ratings:** + +Altman Z-score >= 3.5 + +Piotroski F-score >= 7.0 + +Beneish M-score < -3.0 + +&#x200B; + +# HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE: + +&#x200B; + +Look at the last 10 years of data, year over year and make sure there is low volatility and high growth (except for net margin and debt/equity) for: + +\- Sales + +\- Earnings + +\- Book value + +\- Free cash flow + +\- dividends + +\- Return on equity + +\- Current ratio + +\- Debt / equity + +\- Net margin + +\- Inventory turnover + +&#x200B; + +# QUALITATIVE METRICS: + +&#x200B; + +What does the company do (in one sentence)? + +What is the company's competitive advantage / moat? + +Who are the primary competitors? + +Is the company within my circle of competence? + +Have I read at least the most recent earnings report? + +Do I trust / like the management? + +What should I be wary of with this company? + +Does the company have a credit rating of at least BB? + +What do I like about this company? + +Does this company give me international exposure? + +Will this company be around in 20 years? + +If the stock market closed tomorrow for the next five years, would I still buy this company? + +Do I already own companies in this sector? + +Does the company treat its employees well? + +Are insiders buying or selling shares? + +Is the industry and company sustainable? + +Is the company's growth slowing? + +Are analysts optimistic about the company? + +Is the company a value trap? + +Is the stock "screaming" cheap? + +What is my exit strategy? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Inspired by some of the comments this sub-reddit made last time, you asked me to create an app which calculates everything above for you... so I did. + +Check out: Investing Checklist + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy :) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Long time lurker, first time poster. Details a little fuzzy for anonymity: + +Early 30s, unmarried, ~1.4M liquid NW in VHCOL. + +I'm very fortunate to have won the startup lottery. As a followup for a fundraising round, my employer recently announced they would do tender offer for existing shareholders. For RSU holders, this is being done by converting 30% of vested RSUs to common, withholding some for taxes (at supplemental rates), and then being able to choose how much of the remaining common to sell. After withholdings, I have up to ~$1M available to sell, with another ~$6.5M in RSUs left. + +Reasons to sell more: + +* Diversification + liquidity. I don't love having the vast majority of my NW in a single company +* Help cover the fairly large tax bill I will have this year regardless of what I choose + +Reasons to sell less: + +* No immediate pressing needs in terms of purchases/debts/etc +* Company is probably not far off IPO (12-18 months?), and I suspect the price being offered is likely less than what they would be worth on the market currently. But maybe... 1.5-2x the price at best, certainly not 5x+ +* Holding onto common stock has some tax benefits. If I sell now the spread between the the buyback price and the FMV is taxed as income in a year my income will be 1M+, versus even at the same price if we're public a year from now would be LTCG. + +Considering I'll still have a lot of skin in the game regardless, I'm probably thinking of selling at least 500-600k, but curious what others think? Recent market skitters have made me tempted to sell a little more +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Happy New Year! [Here is a snapshot of all my finances](https://i.imgur.com/z5J0f8z.jpg) over the last 8 years. I made a spreadsheet to keep track of my spending (will provide updated link to new spreadsheet once moderators allow me to) and [here are the instructions for how to use it.](https://imgur.com/a/p6y9Z) Shout out to all the people who have helped me debug and improve this spreadsheet over the past few years. Your continued feedback/encouragement/support makes me very grateful to contribute to this wonderful community. Cheers and see you again next year! + +**2018 YEAR IN REVIEW:** + +- Earned all-time high annual net income + +- Invested 50% of my net income this year, setting new records for both cumulative (total dollars) and quantitative (% of net income) annual investing rate. Running annual average rate is 30%. + +- Spent 25% net income on living expenses, 25% on recreational expenses, 0% on debt this year. Running annual average rates are now 35%, 24%, 10% respectively. + +- Suffered significant damage to my average ROI (-37%) thanks to crypto market volatility + +- Net worth flat lined this year as decreasing value of taxable assets were offset by increasing estimated present value of pension. + +**2019 GOALS:** + +- Invest 45% of my net income. + +- Spend 25% of my net income on recreational/fun activities. + +- Keep living expenses below 30% of my net income. + +- Lick my wounds and hopefully recover some of my ROI. + +**FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:** + +- **Job?** Active Duty US Air Force Astronautical Engineer + +- **Age?** 31 + +- **Education?** I have zero professional experience/accreditation in finance so please take my advice with a grain of salt. Completed ~7.5 yrs of college so far. Undergraduated with $60k debt paid off in 37 months. Funded everything else with scholarships. Degrees include Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Graduate Cert in Systems Engineering, MIT Graduate Internship, etc. + +Disclaimer: Everything here is original content. I’m cross-posting to r/financialindependence, r/personalfinance, r/dataisbeautiful for maximum visibility. Everyone has my full permission to use/share/repost. + +Edits: Fixed formatting +As a value investor, I use screener and money control for getting numbers and then end up going to the annual report for companies that I'm interested in. I wish it was easier to find info about the companies' future plans though. Major investments etc without having to delve deep into news sources and reading every page of annual reports. What do you look for when investing? Is there anything on your wishlist that you'd like to see that is not easy to get currently? +Title says it all. When the price gets above 180, it gives apes more confidence. For hedgies, it just makes it harder and harder to keep perpetuating a negative narrative against GME if its going up. + ++180 leads to +190 which leads to +200. Yes, price momentum can lead to MOASS. But what it does before that, is it gives us apes cause for cheers, which is good. It gives us something to come together around and lean on. It gets us excited. But as we put our weight behind it - it makes us VULNERABLE too. To me it feels a lot like putting a date on something by saying this. + +181-189 (PROBABLY) DOES NOT EQUAL MOASS. These are just numbers. They are just numbers... Sell walls will be throughout the 180s, a big one will be at 190, and a thicc one will be at 200. But, they are just numbers... All it means, is that we keep buying and hodling. + +Stay strong, jack off/flick the bean, whatever - but stay fucking focused. Love yall. + +*edited for clarity* + +2nd edit: +Just for clarity on me - I am actually super optimistic right now on GME. The MACD crossover + FTD reactionary monthly spike are AWESOME. And I personally feel like we are at the beginning of an uptrend. + +Im just making this post to emphasize that 1) $180 isnt special (I mean come on people, do yall even remember $200? $300!?) 2) its just a lot of posts blocking out potentially helpful content. + +Im not trying to party poop! +A lender can take as profit an interest rate, say 3% of the money it lends. *Or*, it can take as payment the collateral (eg. a car or house) if the borrower defaults on a loan. Wouldn't a car/house/equity/whatever given collateral be much more valuable to be compensated with a small percentage of the money lent (plus, banks can collect some of the money it lent back before the borrower defaults). +For example, If I'm renting an apartment for $1,000 a month, aside from the hodgepodge patchwork of rental protections that would prevent this from happening in certain areas of the country, what's to stop landlords from increasing my rent to $2,000 a month if UBI affords me an additional $1,000 a month? What's to stop every homeowner in the country by increasing the selling price of their house by $12,000, a year's worth of UBI? +I know we have a stock market that we can participate in. I also know that many jobs let you own shares of the company you're working at. But I'm thinking more that every single person who is employed or of working age pays taxes that are actually used toward stocks or shares, maybe it would be used in a mutual fund? So mutual funds would probably be essential parts of the economy. + +It doesn't sound stable, I was just wondering if this idea existed where everyone owned a part of the stock market. +I want to diversify my portfolio to 4-5 cryptos and then sign off. +Now I hold XRP, XLM, BNTY, DENT and BLT. I'm partial towards selling off BLT and either strengtening my position in XLM or getting on either VEN or ICX. Any advice on a stable portfolio for 1-2 years? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hi FatFire. My husband and I adore this community. Usually we discuss, he posts, and we learn from your answers. Thank you for providing such great advice and support. + +We are trying to start a family. We want multiple kids. But I’m scared of what having a baby would do to my physical, mental, emotional well being — starting from the actual delivery. Many of my friends had horrendous delivery and recovery that were life threatening or traumatic. Anything that can dramatically make this process easier (especially making the first time a good one) is money well spent to us. + +What resources can be helpful for you in the birth to 3-6 month stage if cost wasn’t a factor. For context we are fat not fire (who is though?) + +We definitely would get a night nurse or some type of nanny. We aren’t considering surrogacy for our first. + +FYI in Korea (where I am from) most women go to postpartum care facilities. My HNW friends go to the nice ones that are 10k/ week which they’ve said is 100% worth it. 3:1 nurse to baby care, catered nutrition, yoga personal training, skincare for floppy bellies… If logistics and family politics were easier I would give birth there. I’m looking for ways to make the experience as great in the US. + +Thank you so much! +Let me preface this by saying I grew up in a large family and we often had very little money for anything, never went on vacations, didn't go out to eat, etc etc. I find myself in a very different financial position but am having trouble shaking off my frugality. + +After my company was acquired this year, I test drove a Model 3 with no real intention of getting one. However, I've been thinking about that car on a regular basis for almost a year now. It was so much better than anything I've driven before. I know I can invest that 50k and it could turn into \~4 times that by my planned retirement age (around 50 or so), but I'm feeling like we are doing well enough now to not worry so much about that. Looking for some outside opinions to see if I'm an idiot. + +My current situation: + +* Wife and I are in our early 30s with a baby under age 1 +* Approx. 550k in retirement accounts, brokerage, high-interest savings. Additional 170k equity in our house +* My income is roughly 250-300k depending on RSUs and vesting options. I don't know if my income will always be this high, but it's guaranteed for at least the next 3ish years. +* Wife's income is about 160k, could go up significantly over time (attorney) +* Spending is roughly 7-8k/mo when you include mortgage @ 3k/mo, nanny 1.8k/mo, house/car insurance, etc etc. + +So I know we can afford the car. I'm just wondering if I should really be holding off on this sort of thing another few years in favor of investing and avoiding the "lifestyle creep" that this could initiate. + +\[edit\] Thank you all for the replies! + +\[edit2\] Sprinkling some more details in. + +* Our income was significantly lower before this year, hence why we don't have higher investment levels. +* Our current cars are completely paid off. +* Plan to have 2 kids total +* Target FF amount is about 5 million; we should be on a path to hit that in <20 years regardless of this purchase, and I like my job enough to not care about retiring earlier. +* I am not super worried about lifestyle creep, though I always keep it in the back of my head. My biggest hobbies are guitar and video games, and I haven't bought a new guitar or video game in 3+ years. + +&#x200B; + +If anyone ever comes back here, I bought the car. My company's stock is doing quite well so the car is already paid for from the gains :) +At least do not make a TrueCar account unless you want to be inundated with non stop phone calls. + +I made an account because it was going to allow me to see “TrueCar” prices on the app. Turns out what it does is immediately send all of your information to the dealerships right away. No confirmation that you want the dealerships to contact you about this specific car or anything like that. + +I saw the initial disclaimer saying that this would give them the ability to send my info to the dealerships, but stupid me thought that meant I would select that option once I actually knew what I wanted... + +And the big kicker is they have “no way” to cancel an account for their service. That is the answer customer service gives you... I would understand them saying that my number went out and they can’t stop them from calling me but to not be able to cancel my account at all... + +Utter bullshit that will allow me to never use the service for anything again. + +So save yourself and do not make an account. +Please. +Not a myth boys. I actually got perm banned today. + +Told someone to stop being an American regarding their opinions... Banned. + +Haha not mad... good riddance. But if you do value that sub (I don't, now at least it won't pollute my reddit feed), then I suggest lurking only, in there. + +Thst place was a wasteland of "should I rent or buy" and "Sydney is expensive" monkey posts. +We (me and my mate) had a theory that its possible to predict the next big multibagger (2x, 5x, 10x returning stock) by looking at case studies of past successful multibaggers and then extrapolating these learnings to the current market. + +**We started by looking at how Appen (APX) performed from 2015 to 2020.** + +* Market Cap 64M —> 3.5B. +* Stock price 0.67AUD —> 28AUD +* Revenue 82.72M —> 535.5M +* EBITDA 13.87M —> 83.74M + +**What Appen do?** + +We touched on this last week, but again artificial intelligence requires a shit ton of good quality data to train models so they function correctly. + +Appen collects + uses a massive amount of contractors (1 million) to annotate this data. + +**What’s their competitive advantage?** + +* Advanced labeling assistance technology: speed up the labeling of data and make it more accurate + track its accuracy +* Economies of scale and generalist nature: 1 million contractors in a bunch of different countries +* Reputation and established relationships: trusted by big tech companies and governments + +**What the company looked like 5 y ago and why it was overlooked:** + +* The company already had **solid revenue** in FY12 ($33.3m) and FY13 ($60.5m) before they went public +* The company had **positive EBITDA** before they went public FY12 (3.7m) and FY13 (6.5m) +* It was **a micro-cap stock** when it IPOd, so there wasn’t much analyst coverage for market to effectively value the company +* **AI was overlooked** and misunderstood + +**What happened in the last 5 years?** + +* **Demand for their services has increased:** Machine learning was really at the tip of the iceberg in 2015 and Appen provided a key service to machine learning companies (they are selling pickaxes to gold miners). +* **Acquisitions:** They made very good strategic acquisitions to improve their product and data labeling capacity (Leapforce in 2017 and Figure Eight in 2019) + +**Key Takeaways** we can learn from + +* Buy companies that **sell pickaxes to gold miners** (i.e. suppliers to something that is going to take off in the next 5-10 years). +* **Scale:** how easy can a company scale its operations +* Buy companies that are **already doing ok financially** +* While most acquisitions are bad, some **strategic acquisitions** by tech companies actually are incredibly value-enhancing (look at Facebook and Instagram, or Afterpay and XXX). Be on the lookout for this. +* Look at **market cap compared to the potential future market** the industry the company operates in to try and find companies that can rapidly expand +* Buy companies with **good positioning** (i.e. already have reasonable contracts in place/ customers with a high barrier to entry) + +**Stocks like this today:** + +Based on this case study what stocks look like what Appen did 5 years ago? + +We can start by filtering companies based on their financial metrics using a stock screener ([https://au.investing.com/stock-screener/](https://au.investing.com/stock-screener/) ). + +In this case, the filters applied: + +* **Sector:** Technology (because tech companies can scale) +* 10m < **Market Cap** < 70m (we want misunderstood tiny market cap companies with opportunity to double, triple or even 10x their size) +* P/E > 0 i.e. Positive **earnings** (already making some money) +* **Revenue** a decent size (>5m) + +**This gave us 13 companies, which we had a quick look into:** + +* **Corum Group** \- Declining rev since 2017, operate in the Pharma industry which we don’t really understand. We’re happy to skip this one. +* **Xtek Ltd** \- Defence technology and equipment supplier, decent revenue growth. Solid macroeconomic tailwind, but long sales cycle. We found a research report if you’re interested here ([https://www.xtek.net/sites/drupal-7-58.dd/files/XTE.ASX%20-%20XTEK%20Limited%20March%20-%20Mawson%20Graham%20Research%202019.pdf](https://www.xtek.net/sites/drupal-7-58.dd/files/XTE.ASX%20-%20XTEK%20Limited%20March%20-%20Mawson%20Graham%20Research%202019.pdf)) +* **Rectifier technologies -** potentially a pick and shovel play for electric vehicles. Worth diving deeper into. +* **Adacel technologies limited** \- air traffic control and management. We’re not too keen on the travel industry right now.. +* **XRF Scientific Ltd** \- testing chemical composition of minerals. Not in our circle of competence, but could be a solid play. +* **Excelsior Capital** \- manufacturing and marketing of cabling and electrical products. Again, not in our circle of competence. +* **Azure healthcare** \- not much revenue growth since 2017. +* **Cirrus networks** \- design, manage and build IT infrastructure. On the surface, not that exciting… +* **Vortiv** \- provide cloud and cyber security services to institutional and government clients. Profitable and may still have plenty of growth to go considering escalating cyber security concerns globally. +* **Commschoice** \- cloud communications for business. Might be worth a look. +* **PS&C Ltd** \- founded in 2013, share price decline since then, revenue not growing. Maybe consider if you want a turnoaround +* **Connexion Media** \- Internet of things company working on connecting cars together. Could be a nice pick and shovel play for connected cars. Has solid partnerships as well. Interesting... +* **Energy Tech** \- An investment group focused on the electric power industry. Could be worth digging deeper. + +So basically the above represent possible "next Appens". Obviously still DYOR, I own none of these above stocks yet... + +Some l**imitations:** + +* Just because Appen did well, doesn’t mean there are necessarily any companies that will do well on the exchange today with similar attributes to Appen had in 2015 +* We are only basing this on one company (Appen), so we miss out on other attributes common to other successful companies +* We’re applying arbitrary cut-offs in our initial screening process (you can adjust these though) +* We’re looking at a winner, what if these attributes are also common amongst failed companies… possible survivorship bias + +What do you think? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +Note that these 13 companies are just the initial screen, from my quick suss it'd probably only worth be looking into Connexion, Vortiv and Rectifier + a couple of the others if they are within your circle of competency (you know how their industry works) + +If you liked this analysis, I am gonna keep doing this each week [here](http://thehypetrain.substack.com/), but I'm going to post these on reddit anyway... because its interesting shiz and seems to be well received. + +And yes, there is hope that CXZ will turn it around. + +&#x200B; +This is nuts. All the more reason to make paying off debt and saving for retirement priority numero uno and teach your kids how to avoid student loans. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/today-s-college-graduates-might-not-retire-till-age-75-131755426.html +Welcome back to my weekly $100k Wheel Portfolio updates! I'm posting an update video every Friday on my YouTube channel, and we're now on Episode 3! + +I also plan to continue posting this type of update every Monday on r/thetagang. + +Since I began making trades on September 21st 2020, I'm currently up +$2,627 in this account (as of market close 10/8/20). I made 18 trades since my last update which is way more than usual, so there's a lot to go over, and I hope you guys enjoy! + +Screenshots, spreadsheet, and individual updates with a ton of information that I like tracking: + + + +Ep.3: +http://imgur.com/a/9lI7T4R + +Ep.2: +http://imgur.com/gallery/liQPVZ9 + +Ep.1: +http://imgur.com/gallery/PP9lNH2 + + +As always, I appreciate any comments, questions, and suggestions. Thanks! + + +Here is the spreadsheet template that I use, in case any of you would like to make a copy of it and use it for yourselves. On the 2nd sheet, it also includes a calculator to help you reach annualized target rates. If you encounter any problems, please comment and I will try my best to assist. Also open to suggestions. +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ynGzkCEKH_YXemoHDkaqeBrWUIDHz8reN6O4mt5JMgc/edit?ts=5f7b9661#gid=0 + +*EDIT* EP.4 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jecdew/my_102729_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.5 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jip1rg/my_103696_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.6 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jmxnqq/my_103948_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 + +*EDIT* Ep.7 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jr7sbw/my_103372_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.8 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jvh5n8/my_103692_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.11 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/k8z1uh/my_107170_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +Edit\*\* for all those who called this a conspiracy theory and witch hunt. + +&#x200B; + + + +***look at the text in the middle of this picture.*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fdwcozw3qgw71.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=262656f215a269cfcd5e79ef3f00fe766a5aea6a + +The owner of this site has temporarily banned you. HSTS protocols are set up and configurable in Cloudflare in the HSTS panel. You can throttle scale and even turn to throttling off. + +They are at the control panel. I have so much shit ti say but this post is longer than most care for. This is screwed-up gang. + +if you want to see the epic emotional cancer thats going on dig through [r/kucoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/) no one ever mentions gains. ...... + +Report them to reddit! Help me save crypto noobs from being harvested like explosion for preproduction on a Michal Bay film + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Here is a link to part 2. I responded to u/Johnny_KuCoin[https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qf4ka4/followup\_on\_kucoin\_cloudflare\_and\_more/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qf4ka4/followup_on_kucoin_cloudflare_and_more/) + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*Edit \*\*\* + +TLDR summary + +&#x200B; + +The crux is they don't spend money on It and make money in doing so. + +&#x200B; + +Ask the exchange(s): + +While they may say "we dont make money indirectly off insurance funds" they absolutely do. + +its your right as an investor to have this detail You have every right to know the details of an insurance fund you are paying into. + +Since everyone accepts that a lot of exchanges do this, other exchanges do it to. I literally have screenshots of conversations that say this much. + +You are being throttled out. They can indeed scale up at a cost. + +If for some reason they can not they have a fiduciary duty the moment they take your funds to tell you the risk of their incapable IT architecture and settings. Moreover, they could just install a kill switch that ends trades without penalty if the web servers go down or they exceed band width. + +As cost-effective as it is to build in a kill switch as a solution its not profitable to exchanges that are having a liquidity crisis. Assets on exchanges are becoming more scarce. (reference IEP 1559 and many other facets) + +If an exchange restricts your access they should still not be placing higher priority orders via the OTC desk while you are locked out. This should also be disclosed. + +While they may say we dont make money indirectly off insurance funds they absolutely do. + +Cloudflare is the brand of edge network they are using as a server to facilitate HSTS protocol controls to throttle down access to their whim. I didn't want to get so deep as to dive into protocol-level details in this post as I was speaking to a very broad audience. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +go here if you want details + +[https://webpop.io/cloudflare/error-1015-rate-limited/](https://webpop.io/cloudflare/error-1015-rate-limited/) + +read what is rate limiting. + +and + +Cloudflare Error 1015: “You are being rated limited” results from one of a few possible causes. + +Most frequently, when a legitimate site visitor is being blocked by the rate-limiting error 1015 it’s due to issues with the rate-limiting configuration that only the site owner can fix. + +for more tecchie peeps + +[https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/edge-certificates/additional-options/http-strict-transport-security](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/edge-certificates/additional-options/http-strict-transport-security) + +check out the hsts panel + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +With rate limiting, Cloudflare can automatically block traffic from a suspicious site visitor or IP address so that hackers, spammers, and other online pests are can’t bog down your site’s performance with DDoS attacks and other illicit activities. + +This is only one small part of a larger need to a very complex and detailed situation. + +I hope this helps + +for all the new critics of me, I hope you ask some questions of the exchanges you work with to know your risk. + +\*\*\*\*\* + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Hey all, + +&#x200B; + +I used to design data centers ( I became a full time crypto trader) and I got very concerned when i saw them using tech i am very familiar with to try and steal peoples money via liquidations. + +Trading leverage is risky but to for a company to game the system with thier data center design is just not ok. + +&#x200B; + +below is a screen shot of Kucoin denying access to the website on peak times using Cloudflare. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q52vibbgk9v71.jpg?width=1346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b822b2969bc499b3c8f8f2d4e758fa5733367657 + +Cloudflare is used for 2 purposes. To stop a DDOS attack ( millions of bots refreshing a web browser to crash a server) and to defer traffic to redundant servers when server loads peak. + +Essentially they are treating all their customers like a DDOS attack and saving money on not having a redundant webserver at AWS ( Amazon Data centers). + +&#x200B; + +Notice\*\*\*\*\*I am being rate limited ( as in denied access) by cloud flare + +&#x200B; + +!\[img\](04cogvmv0av71 "[https://webpop.io/cloudflare/error-1015-rate-limited/](https://webpop.io/cloudflare/error-1015-rate-limited/) + +read this link so these are not my words + +*copy paste from link above* + +Most frequently, when a legitimate site visitor is being blocked by the rate-limiting error 1015 it’s due to issues with the rate-limiting configuration that ....................>>>>>>>>>"only the site owner can fix."") + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6ts934o32av71.jpg?width=2734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743a27125560ca3e175241776ae336e04ec31880 + +&#x200B; + +When I asked about this on Kucoin i was insta banned + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gn61nqlzk9v71.png?width=3004&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7efefebd5101eae319959f8bede2bdf2e827c0a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q2mep7f2l9v71.png?width=1766&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0aef5db570dbb564e914918aa0b6cd94afe9e8b + +If I was wrong I figure someone would at least talk to me about it. + +but when i add this server denail access stuff on top of little nuansces like them removing the liquidation price on margin to increase customer risk I got more concerned. + +&#x200B; + +Their servers are going down way too often as well [https://downdetector.com/status/kucoin/archive/](https://downdetector.com/status/kucoin/archive/) + +Essentially by not spending more on IT they make more money. + +When the servers go down they are still processing institutional orders via the OTC desk + +The link below is not spam its to the Cloudflare's website ( kucoins vendor) + +[https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/what-is-cloudflare/](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/what-is-cloudflare/) + +They are treating their own customer base as a threatening attack like DDOS + +Kucoin is assigned a Cloudflare Ray ID, an identifier like a phone #. Kucoin ray id 69fc3e2db9e762eB + +Kucoin uses Amazon Data centers or AWS, they could recitify this whole issue by using geo load balancers aka a gateway load balancer + +[https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/03/aws-gateway-load-balancer-is-now-available-in-additional-9-regions/](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/03/aws-gateway-load-balancer-is-now-available-in-additional-9-regions/) + +Instead they let the servers go down and get laggie to make extra money. They save money on IT and make money off liquidations + +Roughly 5% of their revenue comes from liquidations. + +Helpdesk wont even acknowledge this; I designed data centers, I know how this works for anyone who has questions + +I posted this on the Kucoin subreddit and "no surprise" I was banned. + +It legitimizes what I am saying as if I was wrong their help desk could have asked me for my support ticket + +&#x200B; + +Edit update\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +I went and grabbed the following off their moderator list + +This is thier executive team and one developer + +[u/kentli35](https://www.reddit.com/u/kentli35/) + +[u/purekid](https://www.reddit.com/u/purekid/)[u/Johnny\_KuCoin](https://www.reddit.com/u/Johnny_KuCoin/)[u/Edith\_KCFuture](https://www.reddit.com/u/Edith_KCFuture/) + +after tagging these guys on my Kucoin post they changed the moderator list to private + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*\*\*\*EDIT UPDATE + +I was in error, the mod list goes private when you are banned. I feel its important for me to correct inaccuracies + +For this, I would like to apologize to Kucoin as I wasn't aware mod lists went auto-hidden when you are banned. I have never been banned before. Secondly apologies to the Crypto community for the same reason. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rzs1og0cq9v71.png?width=2736&format=png&auto=webp&s=5086be63f87b36b1bd148d51d932d60b3708e51a + +The moderator list wasnt private until my post. The one where they banned me. + +&#x200B; + +HMMMMMMMMMMMM thats a bit SUS + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*\*\*edit update\* + +I am getting alot of questions and a TON mof messages with horror stories and people asking for help + +The big question is do they know about this + +I personally PM'd the CEO u/johnny_kucoin and he responded + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/15078yhmv9v71.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=36514913d56552d7ac0146efd43a99963a06ae3c + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uti2xancv9v71.png?width=1619&format=png&auto=webp&s=fad92498b3d0a9950a62c35690ee8030955246fc + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nw5noo5kqav71.jpg?width=3121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6599cad3ce8fe23bffa1f6c7ce92aad7cd6f9a58 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g1umcp0nqav71.jpg?width=2601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45affd38a8dfbbcd34a3138c54a0dd5056b5ca5 + +How else do they know ( they are knowingly doing this) + +&#x200B; + +How this works is Amazon data centers charges you by the cumulative resources you consume. ( cpu, gpu, data storage, ram etc) + +In these settings you can throttle the virtual machine/ cloud servers resources forcing it to go down. I am not implying that they are doing this. + +I am saying they are knowingly using settings that let the server go down repeatedly. There are formulas to calculate loads on concurrent users. They are clearly not using settings or intentionally using settings that trip the server to go down. + +If you dig through this archive you can see when outages are being reported. They get a system notice that they hit a threshold of resource utilization. + +[https://downdetector.com/status/kucoin/archive/](https://downdetector.com/status/kucoin/archive/) + +Now in the event, you have a crazy anomaly Cloudflare and Amazon have the ability to redirect to a redundant location with a technology called geo load balancing + +[https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/03/aws-gateway-load-balancer-is-now-available-in-additional-9-regions/](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/03/aws-gateway-load-balancer-is-now-available-in-additional-9-regions/) + +Notice in my screenshot that it says there is a gateway issue + +that link talks about load balancing the gateway ( offloading the processing power) + +They VERY MUCH KNOW THEY ARE DOING THIS + +&#x200B; + +Infact I let the CEO know via PM + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8myd59tpoav71.jpg?width=3307&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5843459f892d65f25a6735c38cf647bcf0fb7f91 + +the date on that PM is Sept 29th + +They had another outage this past weekend and even today + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gtenjo5zoav71.jpg?width=2873&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555fe15ee5c769c5dda0ff3198f21f3bf7bb352f + +and email + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h8ibbasepav71.jpg?width=3375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b1563e3d6f8c5fa98d7963f86cc6cc0da13b84d + +https://preview.redd.it/2kywbo6wpav71.jpg?width=3338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b927e221153ac266d5b43ff21f89edd0f8a5f94f + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Essentially thier help desk team does nothing and they keep passing you back and forth until you give up. + +In professional management the term for this is "being managed out" + +&#x200B; + +\*\*I share these communications just to show THEY DAMN WELL KNOW AND NEVER DISPUTE WHAT I SAY\*\*\*\* + +They are getting system notices via email from amazon (e.g. You are at 89% cpu utilization you need to scale or you may face faliure) + +Their Amazon (AWS) sales guy is calling them every day trying to sell them more services. + +&#x200B; + +e.g. Hey i am your hypothetical Amazon Sales Guy " I noticed you guys are throttling cpu load on webservers, can I offer you a bigger package and maybe we should tal;k about fail over locations incase your server goes down under load. + +&#x200B; + +frankly, I would bet my life on it that they know this is an issue and why + +&#x200B; + +There isnt a data center architect (what I did) on the planet that couldn't answer why their servers are going down. This is 101 level stuff + +&#x200B; + +They also have the ability to kill the back end server ( where trades happen) this is done on all major exchanges like the HK ex + +[https://www.hkex.com.hk/News/Market-Communications/2016/160425news?sc\_lang=en](https://www.hkex.com.hk/News/Market-Communications/2016/160425news?sc_lang=en) + +[https://fxnewsgroup.com/forex-news/exchanges/hkex-to-introduce-kill-switch-on-hk-securities-market/](https://fxnewsgroup.com/forex-news/exchanges/hkex-to-introduce-kill-switch-on-hk-securities-market/) + +&#x200B; + +and Chicago CME + +[https://www.cmegroup.com/tools-information/webhelp/globex-credit-controls/Content/Kill-Switch.html](https://www.cmegroup.com/tools-information/webhelp/globex-credit-controls/Content/Kill-Switch.html) + +&#x200B; + +Essentially the webserver sends a hearth beat signal ( its literally called that) if the heartbeat is not heard all trades pause ( a kill switch) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeat\_(computing)#:\~:text=In%20computer%20science%2C%20a%20heartbeat,parts%20of%20a%20computer%20system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbeat_(computing)#:~:text=In%20computer%20science%2C%20a%20heartbeat,parts%20of%20a%20computer%20system). + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +This is VERY common design work, like windows to a house level ... for lack of better comparrison + +In Kucoins instance they let the webserver go down but the back end server was still moving. All the whales use OTC desks and have dedicated access. So they processed the whale orders and let all of us burn alive and took our money + +Its safe to say they have ZERO plausible deniability + +&#x200B; + +I can share screen shots with thier help desk if its hellp ful + +&#x200B; + +I went so far as to volunteer to fix the issue for free, + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8txyhgqux9v71.png?width=2133&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ea469c5f87a1ce92bc9c245b7c3e58c4563db7f + +The CEO went so far as to acknowledge the outage happened and they would do the right thing but it was all BULL SH!t + +IT was a PR stunt and no one go money anywhere close to thier losses. Here is his reddit post + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/comments/pk7bjm/to\_those\_affected\_by\_kucoin\_access\_issue\_on\_sep\_7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/comments/pk7bjm/to_those_affected_by_kucoin_access_issue_on_sep_7/) + +\*\*\*\*Edit\*\*\*\*\* + +I want to bring attention to [Omgno001](https://www.reddit.com/user/Omgno001/) who inspired me to speak up. He has a video you all need to check out + +here is the kucoin thread + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/comments/qcy28h/update\_kucoin\_futures\_bug\_cost\_me\_6\_figures\_once/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/kucoin/comments/qcy28h/update_kucoin_futures_bug_cost_me_6_figures_once/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +here is a direct link to the video for those who dont want to read the thread + +[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipObxH6a7HEx2uePBoyl6rmSwi5TDoVCaKISIunvzwzaagPvnSM6RDpvau6dTa30JA?key=UXZkZEZmOG9zcERTVU5iMGtJZzBSSHgxMjYyUFd3](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipObxH6a7HEx2uePBoyl6rmSwi5TDoVCaKISIunvzwzaagPvnSM6RDpvau6dTa30JA?key=UXZkZEZmOG9zcERTVU5iMGtJZzBSSHgxMjYyUFd3) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Most of us are doing crypto to better our lives, it's a little hopium in a dark f\*\*king world. We all need to stand together and speak up + +\*\*\*edit\*\*\* + +We tagged their executive team in the comments + +I want to give them the benefit of the doubt even now. So far thier only response was to ban me from kucoin and hide the moderator list after i tagged them on the kucoin subreddit. + +Should they not comment or address the issue, I will have all the answers I need. + +If they do show up we have a chance to ask questions. + +If they have nothing to hide, they won't be hiding. + +&#x200B; + +If they do show up, I implore all of you to come forward on this very thread and step up to the mic and ask them about your issues. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Thank you for all the love guys. I am mostly a lurker + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*\*edit\* + +There are people asking if this is possible an honest IT mistake. Like they messed up and don't know any better + +Well I hope not + +Would you run a business solely on the web that handles over $1 billion dollars of transactions daily without a single redundancy fail-over site for high availability which is a ubiquitous industry standard? + +If you had issues with web server outages more than all of your competitors and relied on transaction fees for income... there would be an obvious question of "doesn't downtime hurt your income from transaction fees if your customer cant process transactions? + +If they are honest... they are so grossly incompetent they are still just as big of a threat. + +Occam's razor is **a principle of theory construction or evaluation** according to which, other things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more. + +So what is more plausible is" a company rose to #3 by market cap and is processing over 1 billion a day in transactions but yet never heard of the industry-standard redundancies. + +They cant figure out how to stop the loss of income from amissing transaction fees + +They also never address that they have more outages during periods of high liquidity transfer ( not volume) than all of their competitors. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Yet still, appease their institutional customers moving $35 million in assets or more? + +or + +&#x200B; + +That they are pulling an industry-standard broker tactic of pulling out the proverbial buy/ sell button of securities when they may have a liquidity crisis. \* Like Robinhood did with GMC, AMC, and Dogecoin. While still catering to whales + +&#x200B; + +I hope they show up to answer these questions. + +Because of the derivative funding fees, the constant issues with withdrawals (often you can't withdraw), deleting stop losses, not triggering stop losses and removing the liquidation price on margin contracts increasing the risk of liquidation makes me want to ask a lot of questions + +&#x200B; + +When I started to ask these questions I got instantly banned. + +&#x200B; + +When I looked up there moderators and saw they were teh executives of the comapny and tagged them, they made the mod list private. + +&#x200B; + +Through this all, I am still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but your don't get to lock me out of my house and then burn it to the ground.. subsequently blame me for it. + +They tried to silence me when I asked questions. + +There is something off here! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I have a heloc on my primary residence. I was originally looking to put that to use towards an investment property but if in the end I’m getting a second mortgage on the investment property what advantage does using my heloc provide over just having the same amount of money built into a second mortgage? + +I can’t see any real advantage and only cons. +Dear Wallstreet, there is no version of this event where you will come out on top. + +I will absolutely support GameStop no matter what or who is speaking against it. I don’t care about the Market Makers, I don’t care about the NYSE, I don’t care about the SEC, I don’t care about the Media and I don’t care about Wallstreet in general. + +I ain’t selling shit. All I will do for the rest of my life is invest any spare money I have in to Gme as an investment and GameStop as a store. + +Either I see enough zeroes to make a phone number or Wallstreet ain’t getting shit. + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 +I want to preface this and disclaimer THIS IS NOT FINACIAL ADVICE SIMPLY A SUGGESTION FOR ANYONE STRUGGLING WITH DEBT + +I have been struggling with my credit card debt lately and fought through my adhd and anxiety to actually ring my bank today (ANZ) to ask about options, I spoke to a lovely lady and was able to transfer my credit card debt onto a repayment plan, in detail it cancelled my card and my debt went from 20% to 7% (it is however still considered a credit card debt instead of a loan debt) this takes my debt repayment time from THIRTY FIVE YEARS (at min payment) to FIVE YEARS!!! + +please please PLEASE talk to your financial company (whether a bank or CC company) it is worth it to ask!! +Most of the posts here are related to Mutual funds as compared to direct equity. +I would like to hear your stories about how you picked that particular stock. How did that eventually turn out for you and mistakes you did, if any. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) + + +I am looking for advice on what I can do with £1000. This is money which I can afford to lose so I am open to high risk investments. + +I own property and have a years salary worth of savings but I currently have no specific plan of what I would like from an investment portfolio. I have two good pension plans which are my only "long term investments". + +Based in England and would be interested to hear how I can use the £1000 effectively to learn how to invest well while hopefully making some kind of return. +I've been an instinctive saver my whole life, but over the last few years escalated my efforts toward reaching early retirement. I live cheap, and I get around mostly on the subway, by bicycle, or by Uber/car rental every now and then. I'm doing pretty well for myself, but live cheap so save a few thousand dollars each month. + +&#x200B; + +This week I got a phone call I was not expecting. My mother, who is young (pre-retirement age), eats well, exercises, doesn't drink, takes no medications, etc., has been diagnosed with cancer. Stage 4. She is optimistic, and I'm hoping for the best. But I know the odds. + +&#x200B; + +It's extremely difficult to reach her via transit (different city, 2 hrs away). The day after hearing the news, I hopped on AutoTrader. Found three local cars that met my criteria. Test drove them. Within four hours of opening up the cars listings, I found myself the owner of a new (to me), reliable car, which will get me back and forth from me to her whenever I want. Didn't blink an eye at the $23k check. Easiest money I ever spent. + +&#x200B; + +This has been a shitty and harsh reminder of two things for me: first, that saving money to retire early is a worthwhile goal, because none of us know how long we'll be on this Earth. And second, that by living within your means, you're setting yourself up to be able to handle life's curveballs just a little more easily. I take a lot of comfort in knowing that I can drop everything at a moment's notice, and hop in a car that I can count on getting me where I need to be within a couple hours. And I'm glad that I don't have the added stress of wondering how I'm going to afford to travel back and forth over the next weeks, hopefully months, and perhaps even years if I'm lucky. +I sold this guy some gear in a video game for $86 dollars and he payed me through PayPal. The next day, I get an email from PayPal saying that he claimed it was an “unauthorized transaction” and PayPal just refunds him completely, no questions asked. + +I tried to talk to PayPal about it and told them I was scammed, and they said they’ll have to look into it. + +Now a week later I get an email from PayPal that they charged me $40 dollars for a “chargeback fee”. Whatever the hell that is!? + +Anyway now I’m -$126 and I can say I will never use PayPal ever again. Is there any way I can get this fixed? +**update;** The S&P 500 closed unchanged after a selloff earlier sent it down more than 2% from a January closing high meeting the common definition of a bear market. + +The S&P 500’s seventh weekly decline marked the longest losing streak since the dotcom bubble burst more than two decades ago. It’s just its fourth streak of seven or more weekly losses in the post-World War II period, according to Bespoke Investment Group. + +[https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asian-stocks-set-steady-start-223239511.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/asian-stocks-set-steady-start-223239511.html) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +an interesting article; + +[https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/it-may-be-a-bear-market-but-it-s-not-a-panic-that-s-worrisome-1.1768741](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/it-may-be-a-bear-market-but-it-s-not-a-panic-that-s-worrisome-1.1768741) + +&#x200B; +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/23/us-stocks-wall-street-monitors-speech-from-fed-chair-jerome-powell.html + +I think we are a long way until the trade deal. Going to be a long and volatile Q4 +I was recently offered a position on the Board of Directors for a large privately held company. I am obviously elated about the offer, but am wondering if anyone has any advice for someone in my position. + +I'll admit I got this job largely due to my relationship with the current CEO (we met in Kindergarten) who's ancestors started the business. That being said, I am moderately successful in my own respect (not nearly at the level of my friend's family, but am solidly the second wealthiest from our class now and started closer to the middle) so it was likely a mix of both factors. + +My buddy's grandfather is extraordinarily wealthy (likely a billionaire) and controls the majority of the company (by voting the shares in a trust as well as his own). He retired as CEO a few years back, but is still Chairman of the Board. I'm wondering in your experience how much voice external directors are given in a situation like this. I am also interested in thoughts on how best to handle potential family disputes in a closely held business (there are 9 board members and 6 are non-family). Also if this is not the right place to post this let me know where would be better. +The recent post about having to skip eating avocado toast for 67 years to save the equivalent of a house down payment got me thinking about big budget items vs small budget items in regards to financial independence. + +For example, the local FI group I'm a part of is always talking about going to a different grocery store to save a dime on bananas or go to a gas station on the other side of town to save a nickel on gas. But I keep thinking about how I switched insurance providers last year to save $800 a year on home/auto insurance. It would take 50 years of saving a nickel on gas to make up for the $800 saved on insurance this year. + +Rather than nickel and diming for the rest of our lives, is there a handful of big items that can save a few thousand dollars a year to help expedite FI? + +EDIT: wow thanks for the amazing responses. I posted this before going to work this morning, came home in the evening to almost 350 comments. From reading through them all, there's good points of view on both sides, but general consensus seems to be to focus on big items first: housing, transportation, food, and taxes. Once those are optimized, you're kind of out of big items to focus on, so at that point, focus on smaller items if you wish to maximize savings. +The title is my IDEAL situation, to move out and get a new car by May. I’m 20 years old (yes I wish I could just stay home and save but I really need out). Not going to school at the moment but might go back in Spring. I currently am a server at a restaurant and was making pretty decent money, however that is starting to decline. I’m hoping to maybe stay serving and also find other ways of income (possibly Uber Eats or a similar service) through Winter. Regardless I’m really trying to grind and be able to move out safely by Spring. Just seeking some tips and potential money opportunities +EDIT: I do have an 2005 Hyundai I drive now with 125k miles on it. I’m looking to get something newer in the Spring that will last a long time, aiming for a 2015 Jeep +So allow me to lay some background information. I am 23 married with two kids. I work a great job that I love and I make $20 an hour which in the state that I'm in is relatively decent pay. For example our minimum wage is only like $8/hour. That being said as I'm sure everyone is feeling right now, inflation and the cost of living continues to rise and being a single income family due to one of our children's medical conditions is really taking a toll on our financial state. It's gone beyond frustrating and has gotten to the point of being absolutely exhausting trying to receive day-to-day financial help. Whether it is food stamps housing / rental assistance payment relief on certain bill types daycare or child care assistance or anything of that nature that would help take some of the financial stress off of my family we get turned away. Not only do we get turned away but most of the time we end up receiving judgmental attitudes because we make " too much" to be asking for assistance. And yet even though we make too much we are still just barely getting by and just for the record we are not throwing away money on unnecessary luxuries. We have one car that's paid off with a limited liability we have one entertainment subscription service that we share and split the cost with a family member and we don't eat out more than once a week and even when we do it's cheap fast food. All in all I would say 95% of our financial income is going right back out just to the cost of surviving day-to-day. What do I do, I don't feel like there's any opportunity for me to get ahead. For so long now I feel like I've just been spending my wheels in place and not making any progress. +What do you guys think of my plan below? I get paid on the 15th and 30th each month. I'm contributing up to the match of my 401k but because this is with my net pay of $2,033.93, it won't be included here. + +$250.00 - Roth IRA (VTSAX, will equal to max limit) + +$263.57 - Vanguard ETFs (VIG & VYM, taxable account) + +$203.39 - Emergency Fund + +$300.00 - Student Loans ($30k balance, 5-6% interest will start again in September) + +$75.00 - Credit Card ($1k left. 0% until September due to balance transfer. Will pay off with quarterly bonus when 0% expires) + +$474.64 - Rent (share a 1 bedroom with partner in socal) + +$175.44 - Car payment + +$291.89 - Disposable + +I set it up so that 50% is going to investments and emergency fund. Full disclosure. My emergency fund is starting from $0 due to getting rid of another debt. I understand I need to fund that first before everything, but I feel secure enough with my job and that if something were to come up, I can put a hold on the Vanguard payments. +When I was hired I was told I would have a raise at a certain time in the year. He mentioned it again a few times as a motivator I suppose. Anyways I get into the meeting and when I get a chance I ask for it. I was denied, some bullshit runaround about not enough money in the company. Although just before was bragging about this big new job and how they went way over last years sales by a huge amount. Not to mention the brand new boat he just bought. + +Then he gets all pissed and throws up this .jpeg of the bathroom at work on the projector and started pointing to the hand soap container was on the ground. So instead of picking it up after it was knocked off the sink, he stopped took a photo and got the projector ready for it. All while leaving it on the floor. And the kicker is I didn’t even use this washroom as it was in the office and I work in the shop. + +I begged my body not to do it. I clenched my first, bit my tongue... + +I started laughing. Hard. Like fuck it was bad. I might actually get fired over it. He was pissed as hell. I couldn’t stop laughing for longer then I’d like to admit, even was trying to hide the chuckles on the way out of the office. No way I’m going to be a slave to the grind for this type of people ever again after this. + +Lol good thing I’m not here for much longer. +Who has used/read/been amazed at the sheer amount of info from the 80s-90s video game era? Where every single step, item, conversation, outcome, and character info was recorded by hand using just a simple word document (or text edit). + +These are the type of people who are willing and able to go through shit piles of documents, typically never read or used. But now, it's researched, posted, shared, edited, and researched again with another batch of info. This entire sub is a massive research project. + + There's a reason hedge funds will attempt to redact or hide info from public disclosures here on out. + +Hedge funds are going to continue to manipulate the market illegally, because they know they will lose it all, so they will take down as many organizations with them as possible, all while blaming retailers. The squeeze will be pushed as far back as possible, until barely anyone expects it. + +What they'll never understand is that the vast majority of retailer investors aren't having their lives affected day to day with investing, because we already figured out how to live pay check to pay check, thanks to billionaires anyway. +Over the last few days, as Bitcoin has dropped in price, I have seen more and more tin foil hat posts blaming JP morgan, banks / whoever for why the price has dropped. The truth is we simply don't know and have no proof. I see that Lad Bible video being posted endlessly, they have absolutely fuck all to do with JP Morgan. + +Could it be that many people are asking genuine questions about the sustainability around things like power requirements /wastage, threats to governments, and China's influence? (Yes is the answer). + +No matter what you feel about these subject areas let's not lower ourselves to how the WSB forum acts, where they post endlessly about fighting the man and stirring up silly paranoia and ridiculous behaviour. + +If you believe in Bitcoin, hodl it, if you don't and are afraid, sell it... it's that simple! + +**EDIT - Thanks for the detailed and informative replies by so many of you!! Always plenty to learn on here and many great points.** + +&#x200B; +**TL;DR:** The Achilles Heel? The Silent Majority of probably \~3000+ at the SEC. + +Let's look at how the SEC works. Why does the SEC suck? Anyone with any competence is bought with 6-7 figure paychecks or buried. It's an organization (like most) where those at the bottom do all the work and those higher up spend all their days trying to politic their way to the top and get a promotion to be one of the 5 commissioners. The easiest way to do this is to get influential people on Wall Street on your side. So you have the 5 commissioners, there are probably \~100-1000 bootlickers underneath trying to become a future commisioner or just work their way up. The rest dgaf about the political ladder in the org. Can anyone that's worked at a government org, also validate this? + +How many people work at the sec? \~**4,200!** + +That means there are around \~3000 people. That are just there to do their job. These are the people that do the actual work. These are the people that read the comments to the letters. That bring a summary to their bosses who then make the final decision. These are normal people with a conscience. They exist in their SEC bubble. They don't know. They're like Lisa from the recent AMA. They don't even know what DRS is. These 3000 people spend time amongst each other, spreading rumours and eating lunch. Just like any work place. The know what they know and that's it. + +These 3000 people would not be able to work if they were getting thousands of passionate letters from retail investors. Most passionate. Some very intelligent. These are the people that HAVE TO READ EVERY LETTER. **THAT IS THE ACHILLES HEEL**. These people don't care enough to find out the truth about the markets unfortunately. Like most of us before GME. Those you hear from at the SEC publicly are a part of the other 1,200 trying to climb up the SEC letter. 3000, the vast majority, aren't part of the shit show. + +These are the people that do all the work, and these are the people whose lives would be ruined emotionally if they found out the truth. They would not be able to exist in their little SEC bubble. Word would spread like wildfire. You can go on CNBC and tell the public that it's all a conspiracy theory. This strategy would not work at the SEC. They're too close to the data. They're the ones who do the actual work after all. All of a sudden too many things would start clicking. These people would want answers. They would ask too many questions that their bosses would not be able to answer. + +How many letters? Thousands for every rule, every time. It's the equivalent of setting the SEC on fire and giving the silent majority Thor's hammer and telling them to fck their bosses up. If it was any easier it would have been done ages ago. + +Let's arm the silent majority at the SEC against their bosses. Forget the top 5, educate the 1000s working under them. We have the ability to arm them. The silent majority at the SEC. + +I think it's time we start arming the SEC with both our passion and our DD. Give them a mandate from the people they can't ignore. These people HAVE TO READ EVERY COMMENT LETTER SENT. + +If you're smooth brain, ask as passionately as you can for their help in stopping the corruption. In saving the country. Speak from the heart. + +If have any wrinkles, hit them with that good DD. Arm them with the knowledge they need to go into battle. Speak from the brain. + +Our goal isn't to reach those at the top at the SEC. It's to reach those thousands clocking in and out underneath. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: [https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml](https://www.sec.gov/rules/proposed.shtml) + +thanks for the link u/I_DO_ANIMAL_THINGS + +A good place to start to at least have an idea of the rules in process. Hopefully we can get a thread going with the rules and translations from local wrinkle brains u/Bye_Triangle at some point. + +Also I'm sure there's other places to leave comment letters as well. Hopefully we can round those up too. A few hundred letters meant GG had to ask congress for a higher budget last time. To hire a few more people just to read all the letters and comments. Let's see if we can't get a whole new department just to read the letters this time. + +Another link, thx u/my_oldgaffer + +[https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html) +After taking a huge risk and accepting a “foot in the door” position at the end of 2019 at an hourly wage lower than I’d received in almost 8 years, I’ve finally managed to secure an offer for a promotion within the company that comes with a 57% raise. I am beside myself, I actually audibly gasped when I read the offer letter. The craziest part being, I’m getting a higher salary than I requested. I know that means I could have asked for much higher but that’s fine I’ll position myself for a large raise next year. I really worked myself to the bone to get noticed by the right people to make this happen, I feel like I can take a breath now. This is definitely a stepping stone for me but I can’t tell you how much my heart and mind needed the boost. + +Edit: Oh my goodness THANK YOU ALL this is the most kind hearted, supportive community. Hugs for everyone 🤗 +I’m kidding, I have nothin to brag about. In fact, I’d bet 9/10 people on this sub are much smarter than I am. I just wanted to say I finally completed my first bot. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for over a year but finally decided to take the plunge with my 2015 macbook. A month ago, I didn’t know what and IDE was and had some coding fundamentals from VBA at work. After hours of google searches and youtube videos, tonight I finally started a daily crontab run on an AWS ec2 free tier with my python code hooked up. My API is binance for data and I’m using robin-stocks for my robinhood account. Everyone here has been SUPER helpful in my little journey, so thank you all a million. I’m sure there will be a few bugs but it feels fricking great to have it going live. It feels like a huge personal achievement for myself but people that don’t know much about algotrading wouldn’t really know what I’m so happy about. So I figured I would just share with y’all, even though it’s just one bot that will probably lose money. +All these community based and shitcoins seem like BS, but the herd here follows blindly. + +You can probably get one good coin with potential x10 out of ten bullshit coins that will pump and dump on you. + +I see this reddit as a massive field of malfactioned rocketships. + +I did get OMI from this reddit, a coin with actual use. But it's so rare to find anything good here + +I like to hodl, I have a job and a life. Not pump and dump on clueless people on your shitcoins with no real use. + +"Community Trusted" trusting other people on the net +KEKW +Hello! I am embarrassed to say that my husband and I have had significant savings parked at TD with basically no interest being earned. We are in our 30s and We’ve been with TD for 10 years and know very little about investing. I’ve done my best to read online, but I would appreciate your advice. We opened a TFSA at TD but when we realized they had an epremium savings account that nobody has ever offered to us despite many meetings with financial advisors and preapprovals, we decided not to even transfer money into the TD TFSA and look elsewhere. We’ve lost ~8k in all the years that we didn’t have the epremium account instead of their HISA, which we are to blame too. I can’t get past their oversight considering we’ve had many in-person meetings and actually go into the bank and call their call center regularly. The nice rep who finally offered it to us made me realize we needed to leave TD lol. I was foolish to believe if they had a better high interest account they’d surely offer it as they are constantly trying to offer things at the branch. + +We decided to open an account today with EQ bank. We will keep TD for small amounts of $ (enough to not be charged fees by them) for every day banking, but we are going to move all of our savings to a different bank. EQ TFSA and short term GICs would work for us as we intend on using the money in the next few years, however we wanted to invest about 5k in an ETF and then continue to purchase ETFS moving forward with new savings as time +Goes on. We have about 10k to invest for the long haul and won’t need it, which is why I am thinking ETFs and something that will pay dividends. Just realized that EQ TFSA does not allow stock purchases, only GIC or their 2.5% rate. So, what should we do? I really don’t want a third account. We haven’t moved any money from TD yet. Should we invest the 5k in the TD TFSA for EFTs and then put the rest of our contribution room amount at EQ in short term GICs or should I forget about EQ and find another option that would allow both a TFSA with decent GIC rates and ability to invest, a self directed TFSA. I didn’t realize TD’s TFSA would give us more options than EQ. I appreciate any help, thanks in advance + +Edit to add: +-we have $$$ set aside for an emergency, that’s covered +-we will have union pensions one day so no RRSP +-we don’t have any debt aside from our mortgage which is currently locked in at 2.5% for two more years + Introducing SavePlanetEarth + +📷 + +SAVEPLANETEARTH has just announced they are releasing their token, $SPE, today! This has a real use case with a doxxed founder. This team is immediately starting natural conservation work in the countries that are most greatly affected by climate change. The founder has been doing this type of work for 10+ years and this is a great chance to see real tangible results. + +Estimated presale 15:00-17:00 UTC and telegram will open for chat for 2-3 hours before for questions with the team and founders. Presale link will be released shortly before presale to avoid bots and promote as fair of a sale as possible. + +BScScan (verifiied contract): [https://bscscan.com/address/0xdbaaa36b347d56b77ce0e36f050fceebbf9fbc38](https://bscscan.com/address/0xdbaaa36b347d56b77ce0e36f050fceebbf9fbc38) + +PancakeSwap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xdbaaa36b347d56b77ce0e36f050fceebbf9fbc38](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xdbaaa36b347d56b77ce0e36f050fceebbf9fbc38) + +Website: [https://saveplanetearth.world/](https://saveplanetearth.world/) + +Socials: [https://t.me/saveplanetearthtoken](https://t.me/saveplanetearthtoken) + +[http://twitter.com/spe\_token\_bsc](http://twitter.com/spe_token_bsc) + +[https://discord.gg/gSbVMZR4Bf](https://discord.gg/gSbVMZR4Bf) + +INTRO VIDEO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3MuKWphDkw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3MuKWphDkw) + +reddit.com/[r/specrypto](https://www.reddit.com/r/specrypto/) + +TOKENOMICS 📷1,000,000,000,000,000 TOTAL TOKENS 📷 + +250T PRESALE (TOKENS NOT SOLD ARE AUTOMATICALLY BURNED) + +5T DXSALE PRESALE PLATFORM FEES + +200T PANCAKESWAP LISTING + +145T TEAM TOKENS 100% LOCKED (VESTED OVER TIME BY DXSALE FOR MARKETING PURPOSES AND MANUAL BURNS) + +400T BURNED BEFORE PRESALE + +OWNERSHIP OF THE SMART CONTRACT WILL BE RENOUNCED AFTER THE FINALIZATION OF PRESALE ⭐️ + +📷TOKEN FEATURES + +7% TAX ON ALL TRANSACTIONS OF WHICH: + +5% IS AUTOMATICALLY ADDED TO LOCKED LIQUIDITY 📷2% IS REFLECTED TO HOLDERS IMPLEMENTING AUTO-STAKING + +SET SLIPPAGE TO MINIMUM 8% +I'm a long term BTC hodl'er. I bought a couple BTC when it was priced at $400 way back in 2013 and held the ENTIRE way. Over the course of process, I can't even count the number of "am I buying too late" posts in the BTC subreddit. I saw it when BTC hit $1000, I saw it when it hit $5000, I saw it even when it hit 20k. The answer is no - it is never too late. As I watch this bull run of ETH, I can't help but compare it to BTC when it went on the insane bull run to 20k and then to 60k. It's crazy how similar the two runs are. + +Recently, I converted a part of my BTC portfolio and bought ETH when it was priced at $2900. For a second, I asked myself the same question - "did I buy in too late at the top?" As always, the answer is no. It is never too late to buy if you are focused on the end goal - whether that is 10k per ETH or 50k per ETH. Focus on the end goal, buy, and **HODL**. +As the title states, my father has used my identity to take out over $400,000 in loans, as well as, maxing out 2 credit cards. I found out a couple weeks ago after receiving calls from a collection agencie and doing a bit of investigation into my credit. I filed a police report today. My girlfriend has just received a job offer at a hospital in another state and we were looking at moving. Now I fear we won't be able to buy a house, because she has no credit and mine has been destroyed. I'm panicking now and don't know what else I can or should do. I know it was my father because we have never had a good relationship, and he was released from prison around the time all of these loans and credit cards were opened. +**Don't let the government hold onto your money!** + +WASHINGTON ― Unclaimed federal income tax refunds totaling about $1.1 billion may be waiting for an estimated 1 million taxpayers who did not file a 2014 federal income tax return, according to the Internal Revenue Service. + +To collect the money, these taxpayers must file their 2014 tax return with the IRS no later than this year's tax deadline, Tuesday, April 17. + +"We’re trying to connect a million people with their share of $1.1 billion in unclaimed refunds for 2014,” said Acting IRS Commissioner David Kautter. “Time is running out for people who haven’t filed tax returns to claim their refunds. Students, part-time workers and many others may have overlooked filing for 2014. **And there’s no penalty for filing a late return if you’re due a refund.”** + +The IRS estimates the midpoint for the potential refunds for 2014 to be $847; half of the refunds are more than $847 and half are less. + +In cases where a federal income tax return was not filed, the law provides most taxpayers with a three-year window of opportunity for claiming a tax refund. If they do not file a tax return within three years, the money becomes the property of the U.S. Treasury. For 2014 tax returns, the window closes April 17, 2018. The law requires taxpayers to properly address, mail and ensure the tax return is postmarked by that date." + +[Source: IRS Newsroom](https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-refunds-worth-one-point-one-billion-dollars-waiting-to-be-claimed-by-those-who-have-not-filed-2014-federal-income-tax-returns) + +... + +Edit: When I posted this I didn't think anyone would really even read it and I'm shocked that there have been so many comments already. Special thanks to everyone else who has helped answer all of the questions people are asking! +Seeing a bad outlook for tesla and could see it fall alot lower. Even on this green day it was down almost 7% thinking about selling for a 25% loss and tax harvest, then put that money into a dividend stock. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Good luck to all. +Hi all! + +Just welcomed first child into the world, which is all very nice, but my mind has quickly shifted into the reality of the situation and that obviously centers around finances. + +We have one used car currently (16’ Subaru Crosstrek) with 53K miles on it and still owe like 7500 on it (monthly car payment is $274). + +I know at some point down the line, we will need to buy a second automobile...my thinking is to first to pay off the existing car and THEN seriously consider making a purchase on a used car. Is this the right approach? + +Should I be viewing this differently somehow? + +I will need transportation to get to work now and while my wife will remain working from home for at least until the end of the summer (due to Covid precautions with her work)....do we NEED a second car? + +Other monthly expenses are mortgage, utilities, phones. + +Any input would be greatly appreciated! +I picked it up about 7 years ago when they started to punish people for not having it during tax returns. + +Since then, it's been used less than a handful of times. The only two major things that come to mind are an ENT related surgery for myself and the use of the private suites for when my wife gave birth to our daughter. From what I understand, both of these would have been available through public health in some fashion, albeit with a slight decrease in comfort and/or an increase in wait times. I'm not completely familiar with our public health system but from what I gather, almost everything is covered in some way? + +Other than that, there's dental, which isn't a huge deal and could have been paid for out of pocket, or out of a savings account that would have been larger without having to pay out the ass for private health every fortnight, and the occasional use of optical and physio. + +Feels like we'd be better served depositing the money directly into savings for use when required. + +Can anyone give me any real reason it's necessary? +My husband and I have a good chunk of money in McDonald’s stock (around $20,000 at this point.) His family started this for him when he was a kid. We’re at a point in our lives where we are struggling a bit more than we have before, thanks to the pandemic and me going back to school. Because of this, and because the stock is at a higher price now than it has been in over a year, we’ve been debating pulling the money out of stock and putting it into savings. Is this a stupid idea? We aren’t sure if we should leave it and not touch it or take it out to have as a safety net while it’s high. +Long story short, I helped him buy a used car 4 years ago on a 56m loan for $7700 @ $163/m payments. He made the payments on time religiously for ~~4 years and 4 months~~ 47 months (+2 i just paid), i went and counted the payments via [Credit Karma](https://i.imgur.com/98eIVRn.png) and it came out to 47 months not 4 years and 4 months. + +Then we had a falling out 2 months ago over nothing, but he refuses to talk to me and decided to say fuck it and stopped making the payments on the loan. He doesn't answer his phone when I call or text and after he moved out of my house he never gave me his updated address so I have no idea where he lives. + +So naturally the bank calls me letting me know it's 2 months over due. I paid it up to date on the spot. There is $1600 left on the loan which I'm going to pay off fairly quickly should he still continue to not answer my communication attempts to reach him over this. + +He was 2 months behind on the loan and I asked if this would be reported as 2 months late on my credit report and they said yes it would have one hit of 30-60 days late. + +Is there anyway I can get that reduced or am I screwed on that? I would've paid the damn loan payments on time had I known he would just stop paying on it. + +Kind of feel likes it's a bit unfair that I'm getting hit with a late payment alert on my credit report when they didn't even try and contact me until yesterday about it. + +Any advice? + + +Edit: people seem to think I'm trying to get out of paying the loan. That's not the case, I understand the responsibility that I'm required to pay for it if my brother doesn't make the payments. I was asking if there was anyway to avoid this negatively affecting my credit history. + + +BIG UPDATE: the loan officer called me back and said he talked to his bosses and they decided not to push out a late payment alert on my credit since I paid it up to date the moment I was notified that it was behind on the payments. So that's is a huge relief! Still have to figure out if my brother will make payments on it going forward, but at least my credit won't be negatively affected. +Presently there is a link to an unverified Twitter account with almost 23,000 upvotes on the front page, where the person (popcorn stock holder) claims that the SEC can halt the dark pools at any time, without proof of such a comment. + +Earlier this week apes were upvoting multiple posts about someone on Twitter (again, popcorn stock holder) claiming that HFs were creating bots with the names of Las Vegas shooting victims, and the "proof" was easily creatable in an hour's time. + +Both are popcorn stock holders. IDK if that's a coincidence or not. + +Several times this week posts have been hyped to the sky about some IT team lead using their LinkedIn profile to blog about naked short selling. It's been suggested that it'll "[g]et more professional people to see what’s going on", without proof that it's anyone more than apes who are reading it, or anything more than attention whoring for their next job. + +I guess at this point we should accept that it would be very easy for bad actors to have enough bot accounts to upvote their curated content on SuperStonk. After all, it only takes a few accounts to post the material and the rest of the upvotes can come from non-approved bots. + +Apes have also, sadly, shown a penchant for upvoting material that fits their views without actually vetting the source. I've seen the craziest random domains being hyped, and even used as sources. Obviously it is widely known that we cannot trust MSM blindly, but why even trust the small no-name sites that could have been cobbled together for psyops campaigns? + +We cannot stop the bot networks from upvoting trash content. We can, however, use whatever part of our brain has evolved enough to use basic reasoning skills and downvote the content that isn't well sourced or researched. Use some of our combined mental ability to question this shit. + +If we truly do not want to embarrass ourselves with garbage being so highly rated, we need to do better about downvoting it ourselves. Otherwise we will just look like fools to those looking into this. + +It's been said time and time again that the best DD is already done, and what's left is unneeded at best and sus at worst. We need to act accordingly. +What it doooooooooooooo, Apes. It's yo boy u/letthebandplay777 back at it again. It's been awhile. You may remember me from such posts as "FOIA against the CFTC" and other posts from last year! I've still been active in the comments, and still lurk everyday. I just know my place and do not force content production. + +&#x200B; + +Now with that said, the RICO news that dropped yesterday is a huge deal, and I'd love to explain my opinion as to why that is the case. RICO charges are one of the most heavy sentence carrying charges, and has led to the demise of many corrupt criminal organizations and enterprises in the past (The mafia). They are not charges you see very often if at all, especially within Wall Street Ranks. Now lets dive deeper. + +&#x200B; + +The Racketeer Influences and Corrupt Organizations act was introduced back in the 70's, originally signed into law by Richard Nixon to be able to prosecute the mafia as a whole instead of trying to catch them on individual cases which were impossible to prove given the interwoveness of the mafia. RICO has since been expanded. There is one RICO case in particular I'd like you to look at involving FIFA soccer. + +&#x200B; + +*FIFA soccer RICO case: "Fourteen defendants affiliated with FIFA were indicted under the RICO act on 47 counts for "racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies, among other offenses, in connection with the defendants' participation in a 24-year scheme to enrich themselves through the corruption of international soccer." The defendants include many current and former high-ranking officers of FIFA and its affiliate CONCAF. The defendants had allegedly used the enterprise as a front to collect millions of dollars in bribes, which may have influenced Russia and Qatar's winning bids to host the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cups , respectively."* + +"*The indictment alleges that, between 1991 and the present, the defendants and their co-conspirators corrupted the enterprise by engaging in various criminal activities, including fraud, bribery and money laundering.  Two generations of soccer officials abused their positions of trust for personal gain, frequently through an alliance with unscrupulous sports marketing executives who shut out competitors and kept highly lucrative contracts for themselves through the systematic payment of bribes and kickbacks.  All told, the soccer officials are charged with conspiring to solicit and receive well over $150 million in bribes and kickbacks in exchange for their official support of the sports marketing executives who agreed to make the unlawful payments.* + +*Most of the schemes alleged in the indictment relate to the solicitation and receipt of bribes and kickbacks by soccer officials from sports marketing executives in connection with the commercialization of the media and marketing rights associated with various soccer matches and tournaments, including FIFA World Cup qualifiers in the CONCACAF region, the CONCACAF Gold Cup, the CONCACAF Champions League, the jointly organized CONMEBOL/CONCACAF Copa América Centenario, the CONMEBOL Copa América, the CONMEBOL Copa Libertadores and the Copa do Brasil, which is organized by the Brazilian national soccer federation (CBF).  Other alleged schemes relate to the payment and receipt of bribes and kickbacks in connection with the sponsorship of CBF by a major U.S. sportswear company, the selection of the host country for the 2010 World Cup and the 2011 FIFA presidential election."* + +What exactly does RICO cover? Well, quite a broad list of potential charges that can be levied here. + +* Any violation of state statutes against gambling, murder, kidnapping, extortion, arson, robbery, bribery, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance or listed chemical (as defined in the Controlled Substances Act); +* Any act of bribery, counterfeiting, theft, embezzlement, fraud, dealing in obscene matter, obstruction of justice, slavery, racketeering, gambling, money laundering, commission of murder-for-hire, and many other offenses covered under the Federal criminal code (Title 18); +* Embezzlement of union funds; +* Bankrtupcy fraud or securities fraud; +* Drug Trafficking, long-term and elaborate drug networks can also be prosecuted using the continuing criminal enterprise statute +* Criminal copyright infringement +* Money Laundering and related offenses; +* Bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally entering the country (if the action was for financial gain); +* Acts of terrorism + +If you look at the FIFA RICO case, the FIFA officials used their seat of power to embezzle money for personal gain, as well as used their connections with market executives to manipulate and steal money for over 20 years. They would pay off the marketing executives to secure exclusive deals, and receive massive kickbacks for doing so. + +Lets compare this to the case at hand regarding short sellers. + +Short sellers ensnared in the DoJ probe are accused of using their activist resources that write up the DD on companies, and paying those research firms off in order to publicize fake news stories about companies they want to gang up on together to short into the ground. They are accused of coordinating these bear raid campaigns, through their wide network of activists, prime brokers, and hedge funds, working together to manipulate stock to their personal benefit. Similar to the FIFA case, these bad actors have been doing this for decades. Although, not public yet, I would have to assume they are also looking at the Naked Short Selling as well, which would fall under securities fraud, counterfeiting, embezzlement, and money laundering. We already have the text messages between citadel and robin hood, showing clear communication before the buy button was shut off, exhibiting conspiracy to defraud retail investors. We know already robin hood and citadel are NOT alone in this. This is just what we know publicly. Wes Christian said it beautifully "in Texas we call that STEALING" + +Given what we know about the GameStop situation up to this day, and overviewing what types of charges and types of situations RICO is applied too, we can extrapolate from what's been shared publicly that the DoJ is taking our concerns seriously. RICO can indeed remove the bad actors from our market, and expose all the crimes for the entire world to see. While yes, the apes have been ahead of the curve since this all started, justice unfortunately moves slow as paint drying. What you are seeing today is the dedication, persistence, and commitment to hold Wall Street accountable, beginning to pay off. However, do not get complacent. All of this is encouraging news, but the fight isn't over till its a done deal, and Ken griffin is sliding into some orange flip flops at the pen. Do NOT get complacent. + +If anything, this is the time for us to be as loud as we have ever been before. While its great the DoJ seems to be taking this seriously, lets not hold our breath. We've been Charlie Brown in the Lucy pulling the football scenario far too many times, keep fighting. Keep exposing these criminals. We are closer than ever to winning this war. It's been a long skirmish, but fruits of our labor are appearing. MOASS or not, a RICO charge would be the largest prosecution of white collar criminals in US History, and would forever change the world of finance forever. That is all possible thanks to each and every one of you beautiful primates who refused to sell when they told you too. Take a moment to bask in this, you deserve it. But, you better be right back on the battlefield market open Tuesday! This AINT over till it's OVER. + +Now, with that said. + +Citadel, Morgan Stanley, Melvin Capital, and other firms, are all looking at possible RICO charges. Let that sink in for a moment! This is HUGE. Now, lets finish this fight, my fellow apes. + +***(disclaimer, I am an individual, and am not advocating for anything, these are my opinions and mine alone. None of this is financial advice and I am not a financial advisor. These are theoretical discussions and should not be taken to mean the above aforementioned companies have actually been charged with RICO, but face the possibility of being charged)*** +This popped up in Firefox pocket, and I found it interesting. Especially, the part he talked about FIRE and I can relate to the money anxiety. I have more money than I ever had in my life, and I am more anxious now about money than any other time too. I am working with a professional on this. + +But I wanted to see this sub's views on this: https://moretothat.com/the-nothingness-of-money/ +My mom died a couple of days ago but before she passed she had her house placed in a trust, there is currently still a mortgage on the house, located in Florida + +I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, it’s a really nice house and she got a good rate on it (around 2% I believe). + +Am I supposed to try and put the mortgage in my name? (my credit isnt spectacular) Or do I just pay it as she normally would have and be good to go? I do plan on moving into the house. + +Also I am the trustee listed within the trust agreement + +edit: Spoke with the attorney that prepared the trust, he said that the mortgage does not need to go into my name and I do not need to qualify for the mortgage. + +He also said the mortgage lender cannot accelerate the loan because my mom died. + + I would just continue paying as normal. The house itself needs to go into my name for property tax and home insurance purposes but he will prepare the paper work for that once I have my moms death certificate. +Happy long weekend r/AusFinance + +Has anyone had the experience of tenants still being in a property from the previous owner and they have yet to move out? +What was the out come? + +I've bought, the deposit has been sent, I have the receipt, my solicitor is proceeding like normal. I was told early on about the difficulty during lockdown finding a place for the tenants to move to. +We haven't heard back from the real estate this week after enquiring how the search is going. +I guess I have no choice but to book removalists, change energy addresses etc. + +Or do I have other options? +I plan to set aside 20k for long-term investment. Do I invest the full 20k when I feel the market is down, or do I buy 2k worth of VTI every time I feel the market dips? What brokerages do you recommend that can auto invest dividends and parts of my income? +I’m 24 years old and investing for e few years now in ETFs. I own several ETFs just to follow the market and get a decent return on my investment on the long term 20+ years. I don’t look at my investment a lot, but today I noticed that the S&P500 and NASDAQ index are up while my Vanguard S&P 500 ETF and Ishares NASDAQ ETF are both down. How can this be explained? +I presume it would also benefit from a return to "normalcy" in American trade policy. + +Im also wondering if its overvalued anyway, even if you account for this. +I know the saying "buy and hold", and "don't peek" when investing for the long term are good advices, but if I was some sort of wealth manager, would it not be wise to sell now and buy SCHD or SPY? + + +I’m super new to investing and am looking for advice on ETF and index fund investing. I’m 23 and am looking for ones that are good long term investments and ones that will bring good dividends. I invest through vanguard and currently own shares of SCHD, VOO, VTI, NEM, and VYM. Anything else I should add to my portfolio or is there any redundancy? I’d like to add some real estate in there as well. Since I’m young I prefer the ETF versions of mutual funds right now but will take suggestions on funds that will fit or add to my portfolio. I am a buy HODL type of investor but would like some suggestions on how to see some more short term growth through investing and help gain more money now as well. Where should most of my investments be going in order to yield the highest return? After doing some research I’m trying to have as little overlap as possible and really want good diversification. I fear that I already have some overlap but it’s not too late to fix it. I still am not to clear on what I’m doing but I just know I want to be apart of the FIRE community. I just want to pick the best the ones that will allow me to be set for life and retire early. But so does everybody else right?😂Thank you in advance to anyone willing to share some advice/wisdom. +Preface/Repost edit: Doubt everything, Do not trust this or any other post made by anyone as is without doing your own research. Do not think this is the whole picture, it's not. I am not a financial advisor and I could just be insane. + +Since I saw u/atobitt referencing Cede and Co in his current DD I wanted to just put this back out into the world as this post never took off in r/GME or r/wallstreetbets (a couple hundred upvotes) like it did in r/stocks (5k+ upvotes + all the awards which is basically all my accounts karma) and I feel like the info could be useful for people who want a bit more background on Atobitts post. + +I dont know why it got removed about a week ago as it only happened after the main post took off and had already garnered much attention, so make of that what you will. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*Original Post\*\* + +&#x200B; + +Get your tinfoil hat out, its time to see what you think you want to see but don't really want to. This is perfect for any newbie trying to understand what is going on and how the system has ended up the way it has. + +Tl;Dr at end. + +There are many great DD's that clearly explain Naked Shorting in 3-4 sentences that we can all agree are great. **However while looking around for DTCC ownership** and after having found [The Oil Drum](http://theoildrum.com/special/archives) (a great archive and now finished website of oil related information/discussion btw), **Cede and co** which was brought to my attention a month ago. I dismissed it as a conspiracy theory until I saw the post a couple days ago **(credit:** u/bEAc0n) bringing them up again and I took it seriously for once, which then led me to try and find a website like The Oil Drum but for Shorting. + +This website is run by a **dude called Larry with 40 years of WS experience, HF EVP, Board Member, Director of Equities+Income** and so on, he clearly brings up and explains the implications of everything to do with Naked Shorting and how it plays out in the market. You can look around his website but all he really talks about other than the Shorting is Pharmaceuticals/Bio-tech. + +I sent him an email and this was his response + +>Thanks for the kind words. +> +>No problem with your request. Here is the link you should give them. +> +>[https://smithonstocks.com/?s=illegal+naked+shorting](https://smithonstocks.com/?s=illegal+naked+shorting) (This is the compilation page of his blog) +> +>If there is any movement formed to take on illegal naked shorting, I would be happy to contribute. I have been consistently frustrated in trying to get media or politicians interested. + +**Read part 8 if you want to hear about CEDE and how once a counterfeit share is created it is forever viewed as a legitimate share unless if the company bring all shares back into itself to verify them (basically once counterfeited it exists forever, as a shareholder meet only verifies the shares owned by the ppl who will vote iirc)** + +[**Part 1**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-1-in-a-series-of-reports-on-blatant-widespread-stock-manipulation-that-is-enabled-by-illegal-naked-shorting/)**,** [**Part 2**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-2-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-conventional-wisdom-on-how-illegal-short-sales-are-executed/)**,** [**Part 3**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-3-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-prime-brokers-and-the-dtcc-have-a-troubling-monopoly-on-clearing-and-settling-stock-trades/)**,** [**Part 4**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-4-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-who-are-the-key-players/)**,** [**Part 5**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-5-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-traditional-shorting-compared-to-naked-shorting-both-legal-and-illegal/)**,** [**Part 6**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-6-illegal-naked-shorting-the-secs-regulation-sho-is-intended-to-prevent-illegal-naked-shorting-but-is-ineffective/)**,** [**Part 7**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-7-illegal-naked-shorting-dtcc-continuous-net-settlement-and-stock-borrowing-programs-have-loopholes-that-facilitate-illegal-naked-shorting/)**,** [**Part 8**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-8-illegal-naked-shorting-series-who-or-what-is-cede-and-what-role-does-cede-play-in-the-trading-of-stocks/)**,** [**Part 9**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-10-of-illegal-naked-shorting-series-the-risk-reward-of-shorting-versus-buying-stocks-is-extremely-unfavorable/)**,** [**Part 10**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-10-of-illegal-naked-shorting-series-legal-shorting-of-stocks-is-a-losers-game-but-illegal-naked-shorting-transforms-it-into-a-winners-game/) + +This is the important part: a quote from Part 8 if you dont want to read the whole series + +>**While you may think you are buying registered stock, you are actually buying a financial derivative related to that stock.** **Effectively, you are buying a financial derivative from brokers of a financial derivative they hold from Cede that is just a digital entry in your DTC account.** +> +>Cede is at the center of the current, paperless electronic trading system that enables lightning fast trading of large blocks of stock by institutional investors and computers. Unfortunately, the intention  in designing it was to provide liquidity and reduce settlement risk. There is virtually no transparency in the system. Disturbingly, there are loopholes which allow for the counterfeiting of shares by market makers on a massive scale through illegal naked shorting and other measures. **At present, there is no way for an outsider or even the securities industry’s regulator, the SEC, to meaningfully detect and track these counterfeit shares. Once created counterfeit shares go on to be treated the same as legitimate street name shares** + +**TL;DR: until the people at the top (aka CEDE and co) are brought into court/subpoenad we will never ever have a truly free financial system, they control everything and it is up to them to decide how and where the stock market goes. Their company assets are somewhere in the region of $34T as of 2019 IIRC yet it is a private firm? This means some very big people and organisations are playing a very big game that we are not a part of.** + +Supporting links: + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede\_and\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede_and_Company) + +[https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/c/cede](https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/c/cede) + +[https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/content\_uploads/ILF\_WP\_068.pdf](https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ILF_WP_068.pdf) use reference 157 to get to the next link via google + +[https://www.dtcc.com/\~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc\_rules.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc_rules.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +A 3 part video series by a youtube channel by the name of Attar, all credit goes to him for the 3 video links below (these may come accross as opinionated and doesn't have sources directly linked to the youtube vid, however I have checked his patreon where his addendum is for these videos and I can at least say the content seems sound, just remember to take it with a grain of salt. It just seems to fit too perfectly with everything else coming out in our DD's to not include it here) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 1: Banks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdLRoIXpFKU) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 2: Corruption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK8v8McIC50) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 3: The FED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFDPkn_VUWY) + +Interesting archived article too: + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20090302054831/http://www.dtcc.com/news/press/releases/2007/wsj\_response.php?lpos=3&lid=3](https://web.archive.org/web/20090302054831/http://www.dtcc.com/news/press/releases/2007/wsj_response.php?lpos=3&lid=3) + +Official paper detailing the ceding of control of our shares + +[https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/content\_uploads/ILF\_WP\_068.pdf](https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ILF_WP_068.pdf) + +Gary Gensler talking about crypto and the potential overhaul for the current stock market. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=EH6vE97qIP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=EH6vE97qIP4) +Hi People - + +&#x200B; + +Suffered a severe loss due to NVDA last week. Basically reversed my YTD to gains and then some. + +Not pretty. + +Feeling pretty down. + +This happened because of FOMO and stupid trades (PCS, and tons of contracts), forgetting all my rules and risk management. + +To my question - how do you all handle losses to this extent? + +How should I restart? + +I wound down the positions on Friday and took a break for the weekend. But I do want to start over now that I have this terrible experience mostly over with. +I was owing 1300 dollars on my credit card but today i received a bank statement showing only one transaction (i dont use this card now since the credit card is no more in service), and that transaction's description was "balance Forgiveness" with amount of 1300 dollars. has this ever happened with you guys? I never asked for credit forgiveness even. I am happy and shocked at the same time. +Supposedly, the mega GME short position is hidden in ETFs; GME, unlike many other "meme basket stocks", is in over 100 ETFs. The ETF FTD data for November was just released and XRT (just one GME containing ETFs) had 1M FTDs alone ([https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-xrt/stats/](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-xrt/stats/)) on the 23rd. u/gherkinit predicted that the price would run on the 23rd due to ETF exposure covering, but the SHFs just ended up failing and thus we started our current downtrend. Maybe the stock was too illiquid to cover? Who knows. All we know for sure is that they failed. + +&#x200B; + +The following dates are the outlook for the upcoming events, outlined in u/gherkinit's [MOASS Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/). The XRT FTD data just basically proved his thesis. I think we are due for another sneeze in January, if not straight up MOASS. Whether you hate the guy or love the guy, the thesis outlined in his DD seems to be coming true. Plus, the stock is magnitudes more illiquid than it was before due to apes locking the float + DRS. u/yelyah2's DD on the delta sensitivity spikes also aligns with the expected exposure coming very soon. Jack your titties with caution. + +&#x200B; + +From The MOASS Trilogy: Book 1, "AP's have T+3 trading days (locate) & T+6 trading days (settlement) + 35 calendar days (REG T)". We should see the covering of the fails from Nov 23rd on January 10th. + +&#x200B; + +**GME forward looking timeline** \- + +November 23 - ETF Quarterly and GME Monthly Exposure + +December 9 - CME Future Roll + +December 17 - CME Future Expiration + +December 22 - ETF LEAP and GME Monthly Exposure + +December 27 - GME FTD + +**January 10 - ETF FTD** + +January 12 - GME FTD + +January 20 - GME FTD + +January 25 - ETF and GME LEAP Exposure + GME FTD + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/rfge6b\/jerkin\_it\_with\_gherkinit\_s13e5\_analysis\_of\_the\/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://preview.redd.it/4ewxyg6v7t581.png?width=2393&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8311dd8473428e307ec3aef9cb8775837244fca) + +&#x200B; + +Cheers! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +Wanted to include this comment from u/arikah + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e2x6bxz8pt581.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=79f1d166eec976eb214d50ede5e41a3e99455d41 +I am currently making about $45k a year. I have $25k in equity in my index fund ($VTI--I'm sure you can imagine the beating it has taken so far). I was looking on Zillow and saw an attractive multi-unit property about an hour drive out from where I'm at that currently has 2 paying tenants. Homes for rent in that area is ranging from 1000-1300 a month. The listing price is $159,900 and my est. monthly mortgage payment according to Zillow is $1,039/mo which is tolerable. The home needs some TLC as it seems that the landlord was working on some projects but cut it short (looks like he wanted to add a deck in the backyard). **The only issue is I'd have to sell all my stocks to afford the down payment, is this advised?** + +If you must know, my FICO score is a 773. I have no debt. I have a credit limit totaling $31k across all of my credit cards. +Hello, I (m22) recently graduated college and secured an entry level job. Last year after taxes my income was about $19,000. With this new job my base salary will be $65,000 with bonuses/commission of $25,000. My expenses (food, utilities, gas, insurance, phone bill) come out to right under $1,000. Leaving me with $4,000ish a month (without bonuses) after taxes. + +I currently have $3,000 in an emergency fund and $1,500 invested on Robinhood. I also have no debt at all and rent the house I’m living in. + +I am a little overwhelmed with the amount of money I will be making, and I have no idea how to invest and save properly. I would appreciate any advice from you all in how to set myself up to be forever financially stable. + +Thanks everyone! +Hello World, + +So yesterday I posted [this DD.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rabv96/the_orangutan_papers_citadels_equity_handling/) In it I covered a deep look at a document Citadel provides to broker dealers around how it handles all the orders it gets from broker dealers. + +I'll be honest, it didn't land the way I thought it was going to, that's on me though. The content is fine, the content is important. The problem was my presentation on the content and the document. So this is 2.0, most of it is unchanged but I'm trying to address yesterday's criticisms. + +**Addressed points** + +**1. How I got the document.** + +I got it, I'm not posting the PDF for reasons, if mods wish to DM on this I will provide further explanation. + +Instead, I will provide you either with [Screenshots of the document, hosted on imgur](https://imgur.com/a/PLk24Wj) or [my YouTube video, with just the document.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ybToFl1dIw&t=3s) (EDIT- Video got removed) + +**2. TL;DR** + +This document shows, that Citadel can class the vast majority of orders given to them as "not-held" (opposed to held), not held-orders lose a whole wrath of protections and benefits that held orders get. + +Citadel also uses this document to provide the framework to do pretty much unilaterally what they want. + +This document also provides further evidence that Buy, DSR and hold is the best way to defeat this long term. Shorter term direct buying, and making sure your buying means your order is classed as a held order is the best. + +All derivates (such as options) are classed as not held, but it seems that they are still important in the long term fight (but buying and holding the actual shares is more important, but the two exist in a relationship). + +**3. What I want to show from this DD.** + +It's not just us, but broker dealers that are getting fucked. But due to the laws of gravity this means broker dealers are fucking us harder than citadel fucks them. + +I also want more wrinkle brains than just me to have eyes on this. + +**4. Dilution of posting.** + +I posted it lots of places, here, twitter, Kengriffinlies dot com, my own YouTube. + +This time around you will only find it here, and [the original version of my YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imsygsz6sCE&t=1s). + +My reason for dilution was I wanted as many people to see it as possible, I will retain back up versions, as I fully and sincerely believe that if this gets the attention it deserves that there will be efforts to get it removed. + +**Original DD Repeated.** + +The rest of the DD below, is yesterday's DD repeated. Which is a deep dive looking into every page of the DD. + +Enjoy. + +=================================================================================== + +**Things to be wary of while reading.** + +1. This is dated Feb 2019. A full 34 months ago. That is a long time for some policy documents, at the same time my work has some policy documents from the 70s. It should be taken with a grain of salt. +2. This could be a very carefully crafted document (22 pages long) to fuck with apes, and is a total fake. +3. My interpretation of this document may be wrong, this is also why I provided the link to the document so other apes can pour over it and find stuff I missed, or correct things I got wrong. + +That being said, I've done what due diligence I can on this. + +And on the balance of probability this look like the genuine article. + +**Stand out sections.** + +*There is a lot, so I've put the ones I think to be worth extra attention in italics, like I've done here.* + +**By page breakdown.** + +Let's go over every page in detail. + +**Pg1.** + +Citadel states here what they are, and the two sides two their business. That they place orders as a market maker for their clients as well as the fact that they also trade for their own profits. Most importantly they CLEARLY state they may trade in tickers that they both trade as a market maker and as a non-market maker (aka hedgefund). + +They also begin to explain their duty of best execution, which continues onto pg2. + +**Pg2.** + +They speak about how best execution is a multi-faceted consideration. + +>i.e a market may show a better price, but have a lot less shares available. + +But the take away I have is they go onto say, the people that review whether they have met the requirement of providing "best execution" meet on a quarterly basis, and comprise entirely of people employed by Citadel, including Senior management. There isn't a mention of a single person from the SEC, FINRA, FINTEL, DTCC or NSCC (even though these org are blended as it is). + +Meaning Citadel decides if Citadel is giving best execution or not... nice that. + +We then briefly mention that Citadel's duty to give best price execution is to the clients (The broker dealers) and not to the client's customers (us, retail, apes). Totally flying in all the shitty PR statements Citadel has tried to spin. + +>I can see the spin already tho, they provide best execution to clients, who provide it to us. If that happens don't let the fact they clearly state here who they consider their obligations to be to. + +We then go onto discuss Automated & Manual order receipts (This continues onto Pg3). + +**Pg3.** + +Citadel talk about how it's SOLEY up to them if an order is automated or manually processed. They also talk about the fact they can trade during extended hours (Pre-market/After hours). + +They then go on to talk about how Citadel reverses Sole discretion to cancel or reject any client order and that they have no further obligations to an order once cancelled/rejected. + +They also mention that they can choose to ignore a cancellation order if they have already gathered part or all of the equities to fill the order. Again at their sole discretion. + +We then go onto Order Handling, this section lasts until PG 14. As such I'll be breaking it down by subsection. + +Within order handling they first discuss order routing. Citadel states for non-directed orders that they can basically filtered it partially or wholly where they like, including to Citadel Connect. + +>So where possible, direct your order to a lit-exchange such as IEX. + +Citadel picks how it does this via it's "heat map" technology (NFD), which uses order flow (Another reason to dislike PFOF) they finish off by stating it's up to Citadel how much information on the client order goes to the market centers. + +**Pg4.** + +Order Types- Citadel defines held and not held orders.(Held orders need to be filled immediately, not-held can be delayed as to try and get a better price.) + +*The requirements to be classed as not-held appear to be so vague to Citadel that near enough every order could be classed as not held. This isn't a good thing, as we discuss in detail through the entire DD.* + +**Pg5.** + +We continue with more about order type. Something (which might burst people's bubble) that stands out is that not-held orders include certain categories. One of these is Algorithmic trading. And the thing about not-held orders is there is no requirement, and therefore Citadel doesn't, display them. Which further means trying to divine information from the order book (at least as citadel is concerned) is largely pointless. + +>Doubly so as Citadel could easily choose what to display and what not to display in an order book to further mess with us. + +*But the next part really irks me, as it seems to fly totally in the face of the best execution statement.* + +*Citadel may trade ahead of not held orders, and buy/sell at the same, or indeed better price for it's own accounts and in doing so doesn't even have to fill the not-held order.* + +We then go onto additional conditions in not-held orders in OTC equities (Stocks that don't meet the requirements to be listed on a main exchange, or derivates such as options). This continues onto pg6. + +**Pg6.** + +The OTC orders that have specific instructions (such as trading via VWAP) will be traded manually by a trader where the instruction is actionable, if not Citadel will go seek clarity on the order or reject the order. + +If there are no instructions on the OTC order than it will be determined as manual or automated depending on how big the order is, and how many shares are within that order (and the price of those shares). + +The final note on it, is that most OTC orders will be meet by "netting", more on this later. + +We then go onto algorithmic trading, which continues onto pg7. + +**Pg7.** + +A broker dealer may choose to place an order with Citadel using one of it's algorithmic strategies, in doing so Citadel treats it as a not-held order and has sole discretion on how to execute the order (but caveat they need to keep it in line with the chosen strategy). + +Citadel can also break the order up, into smaller child orders each with it's own strategy. + +This can include lit, dark or internalised venues. + +Then we cover pre-order handling. There is nothing overtly new here, Citadel reserves the right to not execute the order, pretty much same as the rest of their orders. + +**Pg8.** + +On close orders- It splits it into Market on Close (MoC) and Limit on Close (LoC), they are exactly what you'd expect but happen at close. + +*A big stand out is that Citadel may guarantee part or all of a MoC, if they do Citadel can hedge against that order (which in turn may effect the price) this is massive and may account for all those ridiculous 1 min to close/post close candles.* + +The language in the next paragraph seems to indicate that this is not limited to MoC and that LoC orders can also be hedged against. Though this isn't spelt out anywhere. + +**Pg9.** + +OTC stocks have the same requirements for MoC/LoC as listed. + +We then go onto IoC (immediate or Cancel) & FoK (Fill or Kill) orders. + +Both are at Citadel's discretisation to fill or cancel or reject. + +*And likewise, they are considered not-held, so everything that applies to not-held orders applies to these guys.* + +*AoN (All or None) orders are next. They make mention that these orders are not allowed on exchanges (which implies they must be dealt with by way of OTC), and as such present unique risk to them. As such they aren't considered not-held or held, but that Citadel's handling of these may effect their price execution.* + +**Pg10.** + +Day orders- Nothing contentious here, they state they may execute a few mins after close. + +>Again adding to the ridiculous minute before/after close candles. + +Good till Cancelled/Good till Date Orders- Again nothing overly contentious here, they don't display them overnight. Which seems to fly in the face of the earlier statement about not displaying Not-held orders at all (again showing us that trying to divine info from the order book may be largely pointless). + +Stop orders continues on to page 11. + +**Pg11.** + +Stop orders, nothing overly contentious other than the fact Citadel looks to bunch triggers into a bulk order, and prioritises speed over price improvement in a bid to compete with fast moving markets. + +They do state that Citadel may engage in trading that may trigger these orders. + +*My big take away from this, if citadel has enough knowledge of stop orders (or trailing stop orders) they can force a crash to take advantage of that. AKA CITADEL CAN SEE YOU STOP ORDERS SO DON'T PLACE STOP ORDERS. March 10th anyone?* + +Short sale marking and locate requirements, not the same as Citadel Short selling (and this document doesn't cover that) it states the onus is on clients to mark shares sell long, sell short, sell short exempt. This is a hand washing statement nothing more. + +**Pg12.** + +Risk management and market access control- This is the bit I've had to stop my self skipping ahead to read. + +Citadel reserves the right to delay any order it wishes to make sure it's correct, accurate and despite all this Citadel accepts no responsibility for client errors. This is so vague a statement that in theory Citadel could delay any order in the name of ensuring it's correct, even if that order was to be a massive benefit to retail and to the detriment of Citadel. + +Order protection, Finra rule 5320 and 5270. + +*5230, Citadel aren't allowed to trade a share for it's own account while they have a held order that would benefit more from that trade... shame for retail most orders can be classed as non-held.* + +5270, citadel aren't allowed trade in their own accounts on a security that they have non-public information about a block on... like say a block on the buy button. THIS LITERALLY SPELLS OUT A RULE THEY BROKE IN JAN 28TH. + +>This doesn't seem to be broken down by not-held and held orders. So it literally spells out a rule that was broken. + +We then move onto information barriers, Citadel claims their teams work in silos (that is to say isolated away from each other), so that the team that deals with it's own accounts doesn't have any information that the team dealing with client accounts has... shame we've all seen the videos and the relative open planning of the Citadel offices and know that they aren't even siloing on a physical level, never mind an informational one. It's not like WhatsApp, telegram, discord, <<Enter 100 other messaging services>> exists. + +*It goes to further define that "Not-Held" & "Institutional Orders" don't get the (limited) protection of 5230 (meaning citadel can trade ahead, if they trade the client order at all, for their own profit).* + +**Pg13.** + +*We then cover facilitation, hedging & pre-hedging, In short it states Citadel can trade ahead of knowledge of a block in a security if it is for one of these three purposes.* + +*The thing is hedging is such a broad term, as previously defined in this document and defined elsewhere, that it allows Citadel to unilaterally make trades to protect itself against black swan events in a way that pretty much no one else (other than other market makers presumably, such as Virtu) can.* + +>I am not advocating buying puts but if you had prior knowledge of the Jan 28th buy block, you could have bought a ton of puts (dirt cheap may I add), made a killing and have done so in the name of "hedging". It's actually sickening to me. + +We then cover something which may warrant further digging elsewhere, Retail Order Liquidity Programs, all Citadel state here is that Citadel won't treat an order as a retail order unless explicitly told to do so by a client (this also may be a way to provide themselves some cover if the program provides any additional protections or benefits to retail orders). + +>As I said, further digging into what this program is may be warranted but it's not covered in this DD, and after this DD I'm tapped out of anything other than my normal weekly/daily posts for a while unless I come across something like this again. + +Corporate actions, citadel will adjust open orders based upon those asked corporate actions. It's a small vague, but seems relatively harmless. + +*Order routing & conflict of interest. Citadel states that it gets kickbacks and fees to route order to certain markets and if the kickbacks are larger than fees they will receive payments from these markets. As such Citadel reserves the right to route to certain markets provided it keeps in line with the "best execution principles" (That one that is judged solely by people of Citadel... again nice that).* + +**Pg14.** + +*System failure and abnormal market conditions (Jan 28th and maybe this now), this is the last subsection of order handling section. And would you believe it, Citadel reserves the right to apply, cancel, partially apply or EVEN CHANGE client orders without prior notice during periods of system failure and abnormal market conditions.* + +>Meaning Citadel can, and will, pull out every dirty trick **WHEN (not if)** MOASS happens. + +We then go onto the Order execution section, again this lasts until page 18 and as such I'll be breaking it down by subsection also. + +Price improvement, this subsection states that Citadel can determine whether or not to improve a clients order for a better price at their sole discretion, even if price improvement is within the NBBO (National best bid offer) and one of the factors in making this decision is Citadel's own positions. + +**Pg15.** + +Customised execution strategies, Citadel allows clients to choose a metric if they so desire to prioritise in execution if they wish, this may result in worse results in other metrics. Standard handwashing statement. + +NBBO calculation (which is further broken down into even smaller subsections), as a whole Citadel relies on direct market feeds, then SIP feeds (Security information feeds). + +*For OTC trades it refers to the OTC NBBO bulletin board, and chooses the right to exclude any information from this bulletin board it deems unactionable. Which is important as remember non-held orders (which is most orders) can be put through as OTC trades, and the statement of what it deems to be unactionable is not further clarified and therefore suitably vague and full of leeway.* + +**Pg16.** + +*We then go onto Net trading, Citadel re-states that most not-held orders (which is most of them) is dealt with by netting, if at all. This is the MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE WHOLE GOD DAMN DOCUMENT. as it spells out how Citadel gets paid as a market maker, they net by taking the opposite side of the trade elsewhere in the market at a better price, and then fill the trade at the other end. The difference/net is what Citadel takes as payment.* + +>*For example you ask to buy stock ABC at $10, your broker gives that order to citadel who sees someone is selling it for $9.95, as such they buy it, give it to your broker, who gives to you and Citadel NETS the $0.05 difference.* + +*They can only do this for not-held orders, which is most orders. (I know this is repeating my first sentence in this section, but it's important).* + +We then move onto trading halts, nothing contentious here. Citadel has to abide by them (nice to a see one of the rules apply universally for once). + +We then go onto erroneous trades, Citadel has certain conditions it has to adhere to due to the SEC, FINRA etc but citadel also reverse the right to cancel or alter order/trades that don't fall within SEC/Finra/SRO rules if citadel deems it erroneous (much like when your older sibling babysat you and decided to add extra rules that mum and dad didn't have). *Again nothing further is expanded on what Citadel would deem erroneous that SEC/FINRA/SRO don't.* + +**Pg17.** + +Deals with extended trading hours (pre-market/After Hours) Citadel states they will accept and trade client orders during these times but makes a warning on all the risks of trading during these times. + +What is implied though, reading between the lines, is that Citadel will also trade for it's own accounts during these times as well. + +**Pg18.** + +With Order execution done, we go onto another handwashing statement/section, regarding rules around OTC re-sale. Some OTC securities may not be re-sold, it is the client, not citadel's, responsibility to ensure that non-resalable OTC securities aren't traded. + +We then go onto another section with multiple subsections, Orders from Canadian internalised securities and foreign markets. + +*First subsection is Canadian internalised securities, when a stock is traded on both U.S and Canadian markets citadel will only accept it is it's an Immediate or Cancel (IoC), or Fill or Kill order (FoK). If you cast your mind back you'll remember these orders are considered not-held, and therefore lose all the protection of held orders.* + +**Pg19.** + +Orders in a foreign market is next, first thing that stands out is that Citadel have a portal where the OTC prices sit, including foreign, Citadel gives access to this portal to clients but clients are forbidden from passing it on (I'd jump at the chance to have a look). + +*Next is currency, all orders should be placed in USD and then Citadel makes extra money by marking up or down the exchange rate (presumably on top of their netting).* + +Citadel then lays out the ways they may fill the order, they give preference to internalising the order (i.e Citadel takes the opposite side and net trades it) but that they may use other methods, or a combination. + +**Pg20.** + +This page explains the previous pages netting/best execution etc. + +*One part they spell out is that an order will still be considered best executed even if there was price improvement available that wasn't taken, provided Citadel make profit.* + +*It then states what rule, FINRA 5320, that it needs to adhere to, so that it can be considered best execution, but remember two things one "the committee" that judges this is made up of citadel staff according to this document and two all foreign orders are dealt with by OTC and are therefore Non-held and therefore FINRA 5320 doesn't apply, makes me wonder why they brought it up at all.* + +**Pg21.** + +Use of client information is our next heading. Citadel states it may use the following information and how it's used, but that they don't need to tell their clients. + +They can also state they can change what information, and how the information is used without informing the client (unless required to by law or ruling). + +*First it breaks it down by client order information, Citadel can use past and present trading information on determining how to handle that order. Also citadel may use the info for their own purposes (both market making and for their own accounts).* + +IOI/RFQ (Indication of interest, Request for quotation) Citadel can use past client, or client customer information to determine whether to supply this info and at what price/ranges. + +Finally, and nice to see it spelled out at the end, citadel may share the information within Citadel or other Market Makers but on a time delayed basis when there should be an information barrier. *They don't state how time delayed though which is nice and vague (not that I believe there is any time delay given the setup of the office and other factors, but that's speculation)but for them a time delay may be 1 second, 1 minute,1 hour... who knows, not us or broker dealers it seems as it's not spelled out.* + +**Pg22.** + +Last two sections deal with who a citadel reports trades to for the purpose of reporting to the consolidated tape. Nothing contentious here. + +**Thoughts** + +>Hope you found that insightful, here's my socials ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/TheKiltedTrader) & [YouTube)](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheKiltedTrader), though I'll be taking a break for a while after this other than my normal daily/weekly posts. + +We always knew we were getting the raw end of the deal, but it seems that raw end of the deal extends to our broker dealers as well (and by laws of gravity, shit travels down so we likely are getting an even worse deal once our brokers add in their conditions as well). + +This document clearly lays out the unilateral, and frankly frightening level of powers and unaccountability Citadel seems to have. I would presume that extends to other market makers as well. + +But here is the thing, forearmed is forewarned. + +None of these conditions seem to apply to though if you make your order both directed to lit exchanges (there is mountain of DD on this) and make sure your order comes under the held category the issue seems to be in getting it to apply to that held category. + +So the next issue on top of that is making sure your shares are, well your shares, and registered in your name. + +As such you need to make sure you are DSRing you shares. + +The most important thing though is this, these are your shares. You sell them, when you decide. All the evidence points to shorts having not covered. + +Given the Earnings call this week, and the battering to the price we now, more than ever need to have diamond hands and show the citadel and market makers of the word one thing. + +WE ARE NOT LEAVING. +https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/senate-passes-rollback-of-post-financial-crisis-banking-rules/2018/03/14/43837aae-27bd-11e8-b79d-f3d931db7f68_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_doddfrank-655pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.200c1305f104 +People who made $200k - $400k a year for the past 20 years. A lot of them are in their 50s and 60s (even 70s). Some of them even have pensions that would pay 80% of the earnings if they retired now. But! They keep working. Why? +I remember a while back, sometime March/May, there was a discussion floating around that the SHF and friends would pull the last and final stop. Drop the price so hard. Spend it all to put the fear in. I mean, it's a nice "sweet dip", ifywim. Coinciding with all these non-hypable days, I'll catch you guys on the moon. +Having a few thousand in checking really saved my butt today. + +I got a call from a friend who works for the county this morning. They wanted to know if everything was ok, bc my house was set to go up for a tax lease sale tomorrow. I was astonished since the bank that holds my loan should have paid the tax. + +I purchased a new home last year and the tax is a part of my mortgage payment to be held in escrow. I called the tax rev office and was informed the tax bill was sent to my bank but not paid. I asked if the lease sale could be frozen or delayed while I work this out with my bank and was told no. + +The only thing that would keep my house from being offered up to someone else was to go to the revenue office and pay the tax bill today. + +I dropped the check off, confirmed with the county that my home is paid to date in full and the tax lease will not be offered for sale, and have spoke to the bank about receiving a refund from the escrow and removing them as the tax payer. + +So all is good with me, but I kept thinking what if I was 1 of the 40% of Americans that doesn't have savings? I could have lost my house over an error and a few thousand dollars. + +(Now yes you get one more month to pay the tax bill, but that is after a lien on your credit, additional fees, and without having an emergency fund you may not put together a few thousand in 30 days) + +**EDIT 1 - This has really blown up, which is good as it highlights the advantage of emergency funds for all of us short term thinkers, but there seems to be a lot of confusion about what could actually happen. I don't know if people are commenting without reading the body or people infer different things from "lost today". So I will clarify, movers were not going to show up to my house today, but the county had no recourse to slow the process of listing the tax certificate for sale. So to me this is the blow that kills you before you actually die 20 mins later and some people are parsing words. The county lists the tax certificate for 30 days, after which they will process a sale (this is a sale of the tax lien not the deed). 60 days later in August the certificate holder can push for foreclosure where your house can be auctioned. You will be offered a recourse to avoid foreclosure, but with each escalation the fees go up. Once you get to a demand letter to avoid foreclosure you are now incurring legal fees as well, so for someone without savings this can quickly get beyond their ability to correct. So is the house lost once a ball is rolling that you can't stop or do you have to wait until you are out of the house to say it's lost? I find the later a little foolish and pedantic. The point is, keep a savings, don't over reach financially, and keep yourself out of situations that could turn because you didn't have enough to maintain the position.** +*Tl;dr.* I work 2 jobs, purchased a house, and got married all within the last year. My side hobby is starting to become profitable and I might rent out one of my rooms starting in 2018. I normally like doing my own taxes and tracking my own $$. But with all these changes I am worried about missing out on benefits. Would it be worth finding an accountant? Or at least consider professional tax service? + +*Income:* I work 2 jobs. I'm a Federal employee salaried at $67,000 and a part time job that makes about $14,000 for a combined gross income of just over $81,000. I'm considering renting a spare room to a friend starting in April. I've looked at r/legaladvice's landlord & tenants guide and I feel confident that I'll be a functional landlord. I have a lease drawn up and I've read lots of cautionary tales. Additional income would be $5,000 per year from renting. My craftsman hobby just turned a profit this past year, I made $2000 profit selling my works. Normally my products are gifts or done at-cost, but last year i had some business commissions and I made more money than expected. If this trend continues, when do I need to declare this hobby as a source of income? + +*Savings:* $10,000 in employer's 401k program, and $4,000 in emergency fund (aprox 3 months expenses). I contribute the max amount to my 401k that my employer will match, which adds about $5,000 combined each year. I'll be vested in the company this Sept. + +*Expenses:* House was purchased with a VA loan $125,000 @ 3.5%. After all the other things, HOA dues, and property taxes, I pay $780/month for my home. Water&sewage are $60, electric is $100 in summer, $250 in winter. Car is paid off, insurance is $50/ month. Student loans total $18,000 and payments are $380/month. No credit card debt. + +Total debt: $143,000 + +Monthly expenses: $1,370 + +Monthly income: $3,600 (after taxes, insurance, and retirement contributions). + +I eat out WAY too much, and I spend most of my unallocated monthly income on home improvement, project supplies, MTG cards, and travel. + +My wife and I have elected not to combine income yet, as she is teaching internationally and I do not rely on her income to sustain our stateside lifestyle. I know her take-home pay is about $25,000 after taxes. This will likely go up after she decides she's done teaching in China. My wife's student loans will be paid off after 5 years, I do not know the total. So far we have always filed separately. + +So, I guess there's 3 questions in that wall of text: + +1. Should I continue to file my own taxes? + +2. At what point should additional income be declared? + +3. Is this whole financial situation significantly complex to justify an accountant? + +**EDIT** +So... It looks like there is little consensus on what I should do with a slight majority of the comments recommending I get a CPA that is NOT associated with a chain firm. I figure I'll have an initial consultation with a few of the locals here and decide from there. + +Thank you all! +Howdy folks. You heard it here first. Now it's time for US tendies on SelfWealth. + +US trading will be ready in full swing on 14th December 2020 but this week you can pre-register for a US trading account so it’s ready to go come Monday. + +&#x200B; + +**Notes** + +* You will need to do this for each portfolio you have and anyone with joint account needs to have both people accept the terms. Do it by clicking your avatar on the website and [clicking ’settings’.](https://secure.selfwealth.com.au/Settings) There will be an “Add US Trading” next to all approved ASX trading portfolios. +* W-8BEN forms are digital. + * W-8BEN-E forms (note the ‘E’ on the end) are physical, these are for SMSFs, trusts, company accounts etc but [we’ve got some solid guides on how to complete these.](https://www.selfwealth.com.au/SelfWealthW8BENEFormGuide) WHEN SIGNING THESE PLEASE DO IT IN US DATES otherwise it creates problems. E.g. sign it today and it’s 12/07/2020. +* If we don’t have your TFN [you’ll need to update it](https://www.selfwealth.com.au/ChangeTFN-ABNDetails). We’ll be prioritising them this week so you’re good to go come Monday. +* US trading will not be on the current version of the mobile app, the new app (due to be released soon, once US trading is up and running) will support US trading. Therefore, you can only trade US on the website for the next few weeks until it’s released. You can log into the website on your phone. +* You can transfer stocks and cash from another broker, **but can only initiate this next week**. Cash can only be transferred as part of a stock transfer, you can’t transfer US cash directly into your SelfWealth US cash account. [Form here.](https://www.selfwealth.com.au/TransferUSStocksIn) +* Additional order types will come in the coming weeks, at the moment it’s day-only limit orders. We’re expecting to add market orders in December. +* After that, we’ll be adding conditional orders (stop loss, market on open, stop limit) but no timeframe on that yet. +* No, options aren’t on the platform and not going to be added in the short-term. +* Want cash before US market opens? Transfer it from your AUD account before 9 am. + * At the moment, you’ve effectively got a 30-minute window if you’ve just transferred cash into your SWF account and want to go straight into the US that night. \~8.30am - 9am to get it moved over. We’ll be working on improving this. +* The custodian for your shares is PhillipCapital, a large Singapore-based group. All US trading from Australia is done under custodianship, there’s no CHESS sponsorship for US shares from here. + +&#x200B; + +**Features of US trading on SelfWealth** + +* USD 9.50 flat-fee brokerage. Your first US trade is on us if done before the end of Feb, we’ll refund the brokerage in the next month to your AUD cash account. +* A free USD cash account +* A massive list of securities to choose from (7,500+) +* Competitive FX spread (all brokers charge this) at 0.60% when moving cash between currencies +* No account, inactivity fees or withdrawal fees +* Live chat support during US trading hours (not the full hours initially) + +&#x200B; + +**New Mobile Apps** + +* Brand new native iOS and Android apps to be released in the next few weeks +* We’ll still be working on them over the subsequent weeks to release more features (better account control) +* We’ll also be open to feedback so please submit it if something’s not great and if there are enough voices, we’ll rework parts. + +&#x200B; + +**Other Answers** + +* We’ll be working on other features in the new year: live pricing and faster cash transfers into SelfWealth +* We’ll be then prioritising everything else to figure out what we’ll be working on next, such as options trading, IPO access and other features. +* We’re going to be redesigning the website (public-facing and trading platform) so it’s more in line with the app experience. + +&#x200B; + +Any questions, you wonderfully mentally-abled people? + +If you have any investment questions (i.e. investing in ASX:SWF) I can answer them here otherwise Rob (Managing Director) will answer them via [shareholders@selfwealth.com.au](mailto:shareholders@selfwealth.com.au). +Do you ever have those times when you are sure about your strategy and when you finally place your order, the trend starts to go in the opposite direction? We traders face this all the time. Some people give up and exit there positions without any logic other than they are losing their trade. The strong ones stay in their trade because they have seen situations like this before. The only way they exit is if there is a logical not emotional reason to exit. This is the small percent of traders that end up doing this for the long run. This market messes with you all the time. You must keep your emotions out of it. This why trading psychology is more important than you set up. +My car was parked outside my house and someone driving down the road crashed into the back of it, then pushing it into another car parked in front as well. + +Luckily I heard it and spoke to the driver and took her details, etc. I wasn't sure what you're supposed to do so I called my insurance to claim who said they can cover repairs, hire, etc. as a non-fault claim. They've said they'll send me the details of the claim to confirm tomorrow - but I think I can still pull out? + +Just now, the culprit's insurer also called me saying their client accepts responsibility so they are happy to pay for repairs, hire, etc. and throw in 200 quid to "say thank you". Apparently if they have to pay out a claim from another insurer, they tend to get shafted by repair and hire fees. + +Also hoping I do not need to get involved with the third car that my car got pushed into because of the collision. + +Not sure which option to go with here. My car is only worth about 1500 (so a bonus 200 feels like a lot) and the bumpers are fairly smashed up. I don't use my car to commute and do have access to another car so it's not extremely urgent. If it helps, the other party's insurer is a well known name with a solid reputation and have said in writing they will use first party parts and offer lifetime guarantee on repairs. + +Any help appreciated. +I have been in this sub for a while now and I know I should have read the wiki when I joined but I just didn’t.. because so many subs are stuff I’ve already heard, too complicated or just downright useless. + +I decided to read it today and just thought I’d say if you haven’t read it, READ IT, I was really impressed with how people have explained a lot of concepts I learnt in finance very simply and practically. + +So well done to those who wrote it and to anyone that hasn’t I recommend a read! +GME will never happen again, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to reach the high score. + +Players are buying lives, chances, to hit the ultimate high score (profit porn) and gain immortality in the saga that is about to unfold. + +There are 3 achievements / high scores to be earnt from this game of chicken against the financial enterprises that are the enemy. Ranked in order from lowest to highest e-peen with 3 the ultimate high score. + +1. Total profit from accumulated sells (P2W - the more you buy the easier it is to achieve this, funnily enough in any game whales are your enemy, now we cheer them on!) + +2. Highest sell score (who manages to land the top and earn immortality???) + +3. Highest profit %. Those diamond handed mother fuckers that held those shares from eons ago, posting a 1,000,000,000% gain on a single sale. This is anyone, from x to xxxxx that have had the bollocks to hold that single buyin that is now single handily gonna fire them to the moon. + +I can see it now, new high score guy posting arcade screens of the new daily winner, all whilst the float is locked and people are selling their lives (shares) on brokers to achieve the ultimate post porn after it is all said and done. + +But then, out of the shadows, after the title screen has rolled, a secret achievement and high score is revealed. + +4. The crazy mother fucking bag holder award goes to the diamond balled, autistic retard that managed to buy at the top. This guy will be revered and praised as the ultimate high score champion cause this silly cunt (I’m British, it’s a compliment) kept buying all the way up to DRS it and keep the float locked and managed to earn the title “DeepFuckingBuyer”. + +The morale of the story is once this kicks off it’s going to be fun, it needs to stay fun and the aim of the game is to high score. + +Just don’t dance! +**Fellow apes I like many of you have fucked up and have been on robinhood up until now. I too was scared of missing out on the squeeze for fear of a long transfer date.** + +**During my ride out of robinhood I aquired over 10+ hours of phone time with over a dozen Fidelity reps. I took that time to make sure I ask all the questions I need to make sure my transfer and yours COMPLETE AS FAST AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE** + +**1: Partial transfers will always be faster then entire account transfers** + +**2: Transfers in whole numbers are faster then transferring fractional** + +**3: Having the 75 transfer fee in cash on your RH account before submitting your transfer speeds up the process. However even if you don't have any cash in your RH account fidelity will front the bill and debit your account after the transfer** + +**4: Stay on top of your transfer status and look out for anything they might need from you. It's uncommon but things may go wrong and they may require you to update info or something else depending on your case** + +**5: ALL SHARES COMING FROM ROBINHOOD WILL BE ON MARGIN BY DEFAULT WHEN THEY TRANSFER INTO YOUR FIDELITY ACCOUNT** + + **(SEVERAL DIFFERENT REPRESENTATIVES HAVE TOLD ME THAT IN ROBINHOODS TERMS OF SERVICE YOU AGREE TO YOUR ACCOUNT BEING A MARGIN ACCOUNT EVEN IF YOU SWITCH IT OFF)** + +**AS SOON AS YOU SEE YOUR TRANSFER COMPLETED AND THE SHARES ARE IN YOUR ACCOUNT, YOU MUST CALL FIDELITY AND REQUEST THE SHARES BE TAKEN OFF MARGIN. THIS USUALLY HAPPENS INSTANTLY BUT IT TAKES YOUR SHARES 24 HOURS TO SETTLE AFTER A TRANSFER, THAT IS WHEN YOU CAN EXPECT THEM TO BE OFF MARGIN.** + + +**GO YOU BEAUTIFUL SMOOTH BRAINS, FLY OUT OF ROBINHOOD ASAP!!!! I WISH YOU LUCK** + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🥺💎🙌 + +Edit: **wow bots are attacking this post with downvotes already** + +Edit:**Transfers only start on business days so mine officially started monday and was in my account by tuesday evening. TAKING ABOUT 36 HOURS TO TRANSFER** + +Edit: **If you transfer assets worth 25k or more fidelity will cover your transfer fee for you** + +Edit: **If you have deposits waiting to settle (when you use instant deposits on rh) this will also cause your transfer to delay** + +Edit: **Once your shares are transferred over it could take up to 30 days for the cost basis to appear, and even then it may not be accurate. It'd be best to save a screenshot of your cost basis before the transfer so you can have an accurate number!** +I watched a lot of TastyWorks and Option Alpha videos on YouTube learning about credit spreads and I don't understand the math behind taking your trades off at 50% of max profit. If your trading $2,000 worth of risk per trade, making sure to get about 30% of that in premium, that means your max return is $600, but if your always taking your trades off at 50% of max profit then your only making $300 per trade. That means it will take 7 winning trades just to break even off of 1 loss. + + +I get that taking your trades off early means you can redeploy your capital faster and it means your taking less risk since the trade is open for a shorter period of time but, that still means just 1 loss sets you really far back so on paper it sounds like your really just going to break even in the long run + + +Is there something I'm missing or not understanding? +We’re all pretty pissed off about what happened today but chin up, fam - this gave us more time to buy shares. I’d like you all to consider using that anger, frustration, disappointment (insert emotion here) in a productive manner. + +The financial services committee meets tomorrow to discuss the Stock Exchange and “investor protection” (🙄). + +The meeting begins at 2:00p EST and this gives us an opportunity to contribute something simple to our cause. If you can spare a few minutes tomorrow before the meeting, write the committee members an email, pick up the phone and leave a message, send them a fucking pigeon - whatever you can do to (respectfully) make yourselves heard. Personally, I’ll be doing the same in between meetings and work obligations. + +There’s strength in numbers. Remind the committee that we’re paying attention and that they have a job to do on our behalf. + +Contact info for committee members can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/triqw2/here_are_the_contact_info_for_the_members_of_the/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +Link to the meeting: https://financialservices.house.gov/events/eventsingle.aspx?EventID=409152 + +Thanks in advance to anyone who opts to participate. Love all of you degenerates. 💕 + +Edit: the memo details proposed legislation that they’ll be voting on. Changes to ATS rules is included and Citadel is mentioned here as well (included that section below). Other noteworthy mentions include addressing changes to Exchange liability (immunity) and self-regulation. + +“While majority of stock trading volume takes place on registered stock exchanges, over 40% of securities are traded through two major categories of non-exchange trading and execution venues:33 Alternative Trading Systems (sometimes referred to as “dark pools”) and “internalizers.” ATSs usually cater to large, institutional investors who do not want to signal to the markets in advance of their large orders, whereas “internalizers” execute orders internally, without going through an exchange. + +Neither of these non-exchange trading venues are under the same regulatory and member supervision obligations that exchanges must follow. There are roughly 30 SEC registered ATSs which execute stock trades.34 The market dominance of some capital market participants raises concerns about systemic risk and, in particular, correlated risks arising from the relationship between financial institutions. For example, Citadel LLC is a multi-service hedge fund and financial services company, and its subsidiary, Citadel Securities LLC, which is a broker-dealer, is one of the largest market makers and, according to its website, executes “approximately 47% of all U.S.-listed retail volume.”35 Citadel Securities also, reportedly, handles almost as much trading volume as Nasdaq.36 Further, Citadel Securities along with market maker Virtu Financial, “account for more of the overall equity market than the New York Stock Exchange.”37 With respect to Citadel, some have raised concerns about a single market maker managing such a large volume of retail order flow, and what that means in terms of pricing.38 Others have questioned whether Citadel has such dominance in our financial markets that it poses a systemic risk to the entire U.S. financial system.” + +Memo: https://financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hhrg-117-ba16-20220330-sd002.pdf +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +*I originally wrote this a couple of weeks ago, but was disallowed to post cause some Transformers fan called 'AutoModerator' removed it cause I was a newbie. Since then I've done some more investigation looking into AGM videos, annual reports, watching interviews with CEO Bader etc, and have decided I'll probably buy some RentRockets this week (not to be confused with a* [*Red Rocket*](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=red%20rocket#2)*). Anything new since then is marked as an edit beneath.* + +Alright you cashed-up bogans (and some who've seen the dark side and lost their bangers), a few people here have done great DD on RNT [Rent.com.au](https://Rent.com.au) already (in particular [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lb7n03/my_dd_on_why_i_chucked_10k_into_rentcomau_rnt/) from /u/Nundee and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ld3jlq/extremely_professional_rentcomau_rnt_dd/) from /u/TheRainWillStop , so thought I'd put an online marketing spin on it, seeing as that's what I'm interested in. Disclosure: Am I currently holding RNT? No. + +# Rent.com.au Overview - Marketing Perspective + +Rent.com.au has multiple parts of the business ([Rent.com.au](https://Rent.com.au) listings, RentConnect, RentPay coming soon etc), yet at its heart, it for most of it's audience it is the [rent.com.au](https://rent.com.au) *two-sided, online marketplace*. (Suppliers offering rentals, and customers looking for rentals). + +>Quick refresher on the network effect of marketplaces: The more you get of each suppliers/customers, the better. Increasing supply for tenants means they have more options, and increasing possible tenants for landlords/agents means they have a better chance of filling their rental, so the more you have of each side helps encourage more of the other side to get involved in your marketplace .   + +This two-sided market is no different to REA, Domain etc - but the more you can lock someone into your marketplace the better, as you want to keep filling both the supply and demand (i.e. the ongoing "lock-ins" like RentPay, RentBond etc are good, regardless of revenue, because it means next time the tenant looks to move they are more likely to come back to RNT marketplace).   + +# Rent.com.au - Included Competitors + +When doing some of the more technical marketing analysis, the individual numbers are almost useless unless put against their competitors. I have searched "sydney rentals" and then used the competitors from the front page of Google as their competitors - not perfect but will get us where we need to go. + +|rent.com.au|realestate.com.au|domain.com.au|allhomes.com.au|flatmates.com.au|homely.com.au|property.com.au| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[https://www.rent.com.au/properties/sydney-nsw-2000](https://www.rent.com.au/properties/sydney-nsw-2000)|[https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-sydney,+nsw+2000/list-1](https://www.realestate.com.au/rent/in-sydney,+nsw+2000/list-1)|[https://www.domain.com.au/rent/sydney-region-nsw/](https://www.domain.com.au/rent/sydney-region-nsw/)|[https://www.allhomes.com.au/browse-rent/sydney-nsw/](https://www.allhomes.com.au/browse-rent/sydney-nsw/)|[https://flatmates.com.au/whole-properties/sydney](https://flatmates.com.au/whole-properties/sydney)|[https://www.homely.com.au/for-rent/sydney-nsw-2000/real-estate](https://www.homely.com.au/for-rent/sydney-nsw-2000/real-estate)|[https://www.property.com.au/rent/property-house-in-sydney,+nsw+2000/list-1](https://www.property.com.au/rent/property-house-in-sydney,+nsw+2000/list-1)| +|N/A|REA|Domain|Domain|REA|N/A|REA| +| ||||||| + +All except for RNT and Homely are owned by REA or Domain; 5 out of the top 7 real estate websites are controlled by the 2 companies. This doesn't give so much choice to users, so I see this as a bonus for RNT. Conversely, REA/Domain have *deep* pockets, so taking market share from them could be difficult. + +# Rent.com.au - Marketing Analysis + +When doing the marketing analysis I am looking specifically at *online marketing*, as it appears their acquisition/marketing is basically 100% online. It also appears that their primary source of acquisition is Google search *(edit: further research has confirmed this in multiple CEO interviews recently and AGM videos)*. For this reason, I will be focusing on Google Search and the websites. + +>For acquisition purposes, to prospective tenants their website **is** their product (the ability to search, find and apply for rental properties). Once they have acquired a user to their website, then they hit them with their other products (Renter Resume, RentBond, RentPay etc). *(edit: since watching a few videos, CEO Bader confirmed that they are using their rental listings and enquiries as leadgen for their other products, and specifically mentions as a leadgen for RentPay).*   + +# Traffic Analysis + + Monthly, Dec 2020. Taken from Similarweb. + +|Metric|rent.com.au|realestate.com.au|domain.com.au|allhomes.com.au|flatmates.com.au|homely.com.au|property.com.au| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Traffic|1,400,000|62,600,000|26,300,000|3,250,000|3,250,000|2,000,000|2,200,000| +|Direct Traffic|23%|46%|38%|28%|61%|16%|6%| +|All Search traffic|72%|40%|43%|65%|29%|80%|93%| +|(Organic Search)|95%|96%|90%|97%|80%|99%|100%| +|(Paid Search)|5%|4%|10%|3%|20%|1%|0%| +|Other traffic|5%|14%|19%|7%|10%|4%|1%| + +RNT has a high level of search traffic, driven almost exclusively by Organic search. *(edit: CEO Bader mentions in the AGM that it is from "unpaid channels", yet I believe he slips up by saying organic once or twice; even though they tout the app store and their app, I am still very confident their business is almost wholly reliant on Google organic search).* Other than search, it is basically direct traffic; the positive is that they are focused on acquisition through Search (intent based traffic), as opposed to social traffic (generally much lower conversion rates as users have less intent). The risk to this is that they are reliant on fewer traffic sources and there is the potential for traffic to evaporate (say if Google leaves Australia). This mix is not uncommon for a lot of online companies, and the good thing is they have claimed to have 1m renter resumes, so they have a solid user database and attached email list. The upside is that the traffic doesn't cost anything on a CPC basis, and so unless they fuck up their website (more on this to come), they will continue to get traffic well into the future. + +You'll notice REA has 44x the amount of traffic as RNT, and Domain having 19x the traffic, so there is plenty of room for taking market share from them; even doubling current traffic will be a blip of the traffic those big guys get. *(edit: I have also since learnt that* [*rent.com.au*](https://rent.com.au) *only has between 20 and 25 employees, they literally all fit in one photo* [*here*](https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C5622AQG-1Dx7HD2KOg/feedshare-shrink_2048_1536/0/1613518363095?e=1616630400&v=beta&t=dOKNRoxx-OFnjKnHgFgIBY6z-A4uEEU7_lW0mmYHLrk)*, which is quite impressive considering the website they've built and that they basically #3 in the rental space in AU after the big boys)*. + +*Note on the comparison to the big boys: I understand REA/Domain offer property sales etc as well, but I believe the traffic is more driven by the maturity and the size of their websites overall.*   + +# Organic Traffic Drivers + +|Metric|Source|rent.com.au|realestate.com.au|domain.com.au|allhomes.com.au|flatmates.com.au|homely.com.au|property.com.au| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Traffic|Similarweb|1,400,000|62,600,000|26,300,000|3,250,000|3,250,000|2,000,000|2,200,000| +|Indexed pages|Google|254,000|20,000,000|4,750,000|1,900,000|914,000|1,580,000|1,920,000| +|Sessions/page||5.51|3.13|5.54|1.71|3.56|1.27|1.15| + +When looking at the organic traffic drivers, especially for online marketplaces, there is typically a correlation between the number of indexed pages in Google (the size of the website) and the amount of organic traffic. The more pages (of value), the better - suburb pages, city pages, individual address pages, property feature pages (pools, NBN, etc etc), so that people searching "3 bedroom rentals in alexandria" can find a page about specifically that, not just Alexandria rentals. + +>Organic search traffic refresher: More pages = more content, more content = more relevant content for individual search terms for users searching in Google. This is where the network effect comes into play again (as Google is also a marketplace); the more listings, the more pages you can create, the more organic traffic you can get, the more users you get, the more that agents want to list with you... and so on.   + +RNT has a comparatively small amount of indexed pages (\~250k), compared to REA (20m) and Domain (5m). This shows there is a *lot* of room for growth, purely by expanding the number of landing pages they have targeting different suburbs / cities / rental properties / addresses / property features etc. This will increase their traffic and acquisition capability as well as raise their brand awareness by being everywhere that tenants are searching.   + +**Worth Noting:** After a quick look, [REA has \~600k pages](https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Arealestate.com.au%2Frent%2F) just in their rental section; I dare say they actually have more, with a lot of their other pages made up of supplementary content; building pages, property pages, analysis etc. I didn't include this because it is hard to gauge if that gives the full picture of their rentals/website.   + +The kicker here is the sessions per page; this means the pages they have created are working hard for them and bringing in traffic. As you scale and automate pages/content, the sessions per page will typically drop as you get to lower quality pages, but as Domain shows this isn't always the case. This high ratio shows that they have taken a product-led approach to the website, and is a very healthy metric. If they keep a similar ratio and expand the number of pages (either through network effects, or facilitating it through building more pages) then the traffic should grow very nicely and deliver significant value to the business in the form of tenants/leads for their other products.   + +# Website Analysis - UX and Speed + +|Metric|Source|rent.com.au|realestate.com.au|domain.com.au|allhomes.com.au|flatmates.com.au|homely.com.au|property.com.au| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Overall design|(Estimated)|6|9|9|7|7|8|5| +|UX|(Estimated)|7|9|9|4|7|8|4| +|LCP (Speed)|WebPageTest|2098|2615|1565|1149|9798|3390|3465| +|Speed Index (Speed)|WebPageTest|8486|2578|6569|3724|11592|3774|1826| +|Loaded assets (Speed)|WebPageTest|530|636|348|145|318|115|244| + +By taking a quick look at the website (location of buttons, ease of navigation, mobile responsiveness etc) I have come up with some overall scores for the Design (look and feel) and the UX (how likely users would be to convert / find what they want). Note this is real finger in the air stuff, as without access to their analytics etc it is almost impossible to tell. + +RNT doesn't have a highly distinguishable brand, it is pretty blandish - hence the low score. The UX is better but still feels a bit amateur - likely influence by the brand. This is clearer when compared to REA / Domain who clearly have their shit together. The property.com.au UX score is so low because it just links directly to REA as a feeder site, and doesn't really provide any value, and AllHomes has a poor mobile experience (it doesn't show any properties? Maybe a bug when i was looking at it).   + +The speed analysis looks at user-centric metrics, so how fast the website will be for a user as opposed to server performance or other irrelevant metrics. LCP and Speed Index are in milliseconds, loaded assets are the count of 'things' you have to download to be able to access the page. While it isn't uncommon for real estate websites to be less optimised (due to the amount of tracking, images, interactivity etc), RNT is on the medium - poor level. Particularly looking at the number of assets that are loaded, combined with the Speed Index, it shows that there haven't been significant efforts put into the speed achieved. If the speed results for RNT are 'by accident', then there is a real risk that as the website grows and the company expands, the website code quality will decline, the website will become bloated and create a poor experience for users. This will lead to a decline in organic traffic (because Google likes sending users to websites with a good experience) and fewer users returning etc - an overall decline in acquisition capability.   + +# Bonus Data - Mobile Apps + +  + +|Metric|rent.com.au|realestate.com.au|domain.com.au|allhomes.com.au|flatmates.com.au|homely.com.au|property.com.au| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|iOS - Downloads|(Not provided)|\-|\-|\-|\-|\-|\-| +|iOS - Reviews|11,900|138,100|55,200|7,800|756|1,900|\-| +|iOS - Review Score|4.9|4.7|4.6|4.5|4.6|4.6|\-| +|Android - Downloads|100,000+|1,000,000+|1,000,000+|100,000+|10,000+|10,000+|\-| +|Android - Reviews|4,111|28,307|24,089|884|0|111|\-| +|Android - Review Score|4.7|4.5|4.4|3.4|0|4.6|\-  | + +RNT has a good amount of reviews considering their website traffic overall, so I assume they are probably putting effort into getting reviews for the app. This will be crucial as they look to get users hooked into their ecosystem in the long run and continuously feed the leadgen program. + +# In Summary + +The company is in a strong marketing position to take market share and grow traffic / acquisition, with the caveat that there are a few risks associated with their lack of traffic diversity and possible risks around the quality of web development. + +## Opportunities + +The positives are that they have taken a product-led approach to the website, have high-quality content, and are in a good position to scale. They are in a good position to expand the website, monetize more of their traffic and users now, and take organic search market share from the big boys. + +## Risks + +Their reliance on organic traffic is a risk, especially when considering a quick look around their employees on LinkedIn, I couldn't see any deep SEO expertise; unfortunately a few 'simple' decisions that might seem right at the time, can destroy organic search traffic (as is the nature of the beast - Google giveth, and Google taketh away). Google leaving Australia would be devastating (more generally, not just for RNT). REA and Domain could come up with similar products (REA is on this path already with 1Form - I haven't looked into if they are expanding it to offer similar products to RNT). + +**So**, hope this was helpful and put a different spin on DD that people have provided on here. Obviously do your own DD, check my sources, ask any questions you might have etc, and enjoy stuffing ya gob full of bunnings snags on the weekend after RNT goes off like a frog in a sock. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +EDIT: Amounts removed as it seems to have upset some people. + +EDIT 2: Thanks to all, I don't need anymore comments on this one. We will amend the gift so it is to both of us and not just me. + +#EDIT 3: I called Halifax and they confirmed the money can just be gifted to myself, no need to gift it to my partner as well, and they even said they don't even need a letter or bank statements at all. + +Mum gifted me £x of which £y (slightly lesser amount) will be used for a house deposit. My girlfriend also is putting up £y for her half of the deposit. This means I would be putting in the same deposit as my girlfriend. + +Mortgage broker sent us a template letter for my mum to sign which states that the money is gifted to both me and my girlfriend. My girlfriend isn't comfortable with this, as it was only gifted to me so we can go in with an even amount in the house. + +We asked the broker about this, and she said it would better to have it gifted to both of us and to leave the template as it is. I assume the mortgage application she put in for us states it was gifted to both of us and she can't correct it. We've already had the mortgage application accepted. + +What should we do? +A few months after graduating college and settling down into a stable job I purchased a new 2018 Subaru Crosstrek for 28k in March 2018. I do not really regret buying this car since it is very solid and I was planning on owning this car until it dies. It has been perfect for any snowboarding/hiking/kayaking trip I have taken so far. I also have been aggressive with my car payments and only have 14k left on the loan. However, the market for selling used cars seems to be very good right now. I heard that people have been able to sell their cars over the KBB value. Out of curiosity I checked my car's Kelly Blue Book and Carvana value, and the KBB's instant cash offer was 20,900 and Carvana's offer was 21,900. Owning a newer car has been great, but if I could sell my car for \~22-23k and buy something used for 8-10k I would essentially not have any car payments. I really do not see any downsides with downgrading my car if it means I wouldn't have any car payments, but I wanted to get your guy's thoughts before I jump to any conclusions. + +Edit: I would also like to add that I still have 50k left in student loans to pay off so any extra money I am saving is going towards that. +Our DD is correct, GME is over shorted, all shorts must close, they haven’t, MOASS is inevitable\*. + +However, those moneyed interests who wish to prevent this have arrayed three approaches I am seeing which are poised to prevent the MOASS. I refer to these disparate parties as the Global Financial Elite (GFE) because they aren’t just the short hedge funds, but money makers, bankers, elected politicians, unelected appointed policy directors, and moneyed families with long histories of running the show, none of whom have any interest in losing their control or letting serfs like you or I into their club. It also sounds spooky and ominous, and that’s fun. + +Let’s jump into it - here are the three approaches they are moving to implement right now (and what we can do to stop them) + +&#x200B; + +# 1) Inflation combined with sideways trading + +To avoid being margin called, they tried punching GME down. Again and again we’ve shown when they knock the price down we buy the dip and merely expand their obligation. While they need their GME liability to decrease relative to the assets that back them, knocking the price of GME down doesn’t work. Inflation however, accomplishes the same thing. If the prices of everything else go up, but GME stands still, the effect is exactly the same. + +[Stonks go up, GME go sidewise](https://preview.redd.it/rmryc2k3vk181.jpg?width=1933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d6479c494c5d88bd0b5267f5b3f2cf4a0a167fc) + +Inflation has been used to silently erode and steal value away from average folk without them realizing for over a century, and the GFE are absolutely pushing for **policies** which will have inflationary effects so they can reap the benefits of this mechanic yet again, against GME. If GME rises 10% while the market (inflation) rises 20%, GME has been boxed down. We need to be aware of this and vocally fight against inflationary policies with the same vigor as we do more transparent approaches like naked short selling and dark pools. + +&#x200B; + +# 2) Capital gains on UNREALIZED GAINS + Inflation + +Taxing your gains before you even sell is how they intend to force you to sell your GME. Inflation is the tool that makes this work. If inflation raises the price of GME up 25%, then not only has GME lost value (per method 1) but now the government will tax you say, 40% of that rise. 40% of +25% is 10% + +Imagine paying 10% of your total GME value, just because inflation made GME go up a little bit + +Big XXXX apes who dumped a lifetime of savings into GME, now must come up with 10% their whole life’s savings every year just to avoid selling. Good luck. Many will have to sell some of their GME to do that. And they aren’t alone. Every single baby ape that scraped together the cash to become a X holder, or XX holder over the last 9 months will have to come up with 10% of that money in taxes – I know **I'm** not used to filing my taxes and OWING the government money (usually I get a return). The only place I (and many others) can go to get that owed money, would be by selling some of our GME stock. + +Ignoring for the moment how this forced sell off accelerates as inflation rises, this reduces the overall short obligations and creates very real sell pressure that guarantees that while stocks rise, GME won’t rise as fast, all without them having to put in the same amount of effort on their end. + +We can not allow taxes on unrealized gains. Already it is being floated as a tax on the rich, but that’s all a smokescreen. It’s designed to hurt GME owners both big and small, create sell pressure, punch down the price, and make GME an incredibly unattractive proposition for any new money – both from existing apes, and prospective ones. A benign law passed that 'only applies to the rich' is only ever one quiet amendment from going nuclear. + +# 3) The Federal Reserve wants to be granted the power to (naked)short stocks + +“Bullshit” I hear you say, but this is **not** conspiracy theory. + +A proposal written by Saule Omarova, [Biden’s nominee](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/11/18/omarova-occ-senate-hearing/) for the Federal Reserve Comptroller of the Currency, is tailor made to kill GME. [You can read here](https://wp0.vanderbilt.edu/lawreview/2021/10/the-peoples-ledger-how-to-democratize-money-and-finance-the-economy/) (written in Fed-speak, so get wrinkled or get frustrated) how it lays out a radical restructuring of monetary policy which truly deserves its own post. In summary, the Federal Reserve would be expanded and private banking duties would be taken over by the government. A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) replacing the dollar would be created. Your new bank account with the govt could be credited newly printed ‘fedcoin’ (their words), and could also be ‘debited’ in *“rare circumstances”* when the government decided there was too much supply in circulation (yes that means government could take money out of your account for no other reason than inflation numbers being too high). But the truly crazy, shocking, and threatening to GME part of the plan is the Government’s proposed role in purchasing, holding, and ***shorting*** stocks. + +&#x200B; + +[Page 47 of the PDF](https://preview.redd.it/9jgezi6bxk181.jpg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68a7916cc4a1fe9b1dfd58b71285427cd991f6d) + +With the pretext of ‘preventing bubbles’ like the subprime mortgages in 2008, the government would be empowered (and required) to short any security or commodity that they felt was being traded for more than it’s actually worth, *"for purposes of financial-market stabilization"* ^((pg7)). Effectively, the government would get to decide what each stock was worth, the range it was ‘allowed’ to trade in, and manipulate the market to get the result it wants. + +There is way more to this paper, and to this shorting program inside this 71 page document, but you get the gist. This policy would be the end of GME. It would never squeeze. **Any time the price rose for any reason, it would** ***"threaten the stability of the market"***, and the government would short it to an effectively unlimited degree. Who is going to margin call the US govt? The massive asset size of their balance sheet protects them against any liability like GME. Particularly if they have the license to manipulate the price and thus what the liability of having shorted GME is actually valued at. + +But even worse, this wouldn’t just mean new shorts, but buying these short positions off the books of Citadel and your favorite Hedge Funds – They would clean their books of these ‘toxic assets’ just like the government did back in ’08 with the toxic MBS. The government would be on the hook, the hedge funds would walk away scott free. + +Do you get now why I call the adversaries aligned against us GFEs? They aren’t just folks on Wall Street. Saule Omarova can not be confirmed. All appointees need to be scrutinized. She needs to be a household name and this plan needs to be front page. This plan was published October 19th (not a decade ago) and was intended to be read by moneyed cronies of the Vanderbilt, not for the likes of you and I. Do I think she has it out for GME? Not necessarily. But those who do want her in, want policies like what she proposes to be passed, and they aren't siting on their thumbs. + +These folks are moving against GME right now, quietly. And this is why [KennyG talks about ‘surviving another day’](https://youtu.be/B0iSJdzF5pw?t=84) because you only have to make it long enough for something like a 2008 bailout, 2022 Inflation that buys you another year or two, a 2023 Fedcoin, or a branch of the Federal Reserve empowered to literally short assets they decide put market stability at risk. + +\---------------------------------- + +In closing: Inflation, taxes on unrealized gains, and political appointees aren’t just bad policy, but a direct and targeted approach to save the GFE from GME. An NFT could kick off the MOASS tomorrow and all this becomes moot **– but there ARE plans to kill GME, they are in motion RIGHT NOW, and we cannot sit idle waiting on a trigger and allow those plans to move forward without opposition.** + +Start discussing, and familiarizing yourselves with these plans, what they entail, what they require, what their signs and milestones will be, so you can recognize them and inject them into relevant conversation. We stop them by knowing them, knowing to say ‘NO’ to them, and because we will be loud. We will be loud because many of us will know to reject them, just like many of us now know to reject to dark pools, payment for order flow, and naked shorting. Apes *together* strong. + +The fight is not over. They are losing the game so they are trying to rewrite the rules. Merely hodling the winning hand is no longer enough. +My income is about to increase from 100k a year gross, give or take (I'm a small business owner) to 2.8 million a year gross. I have a contract for x amount as salary for x years plus a very lucrative licensing deal, making the 2.8 million a year a conservative estimate. + +I must admit that I am not the "best" with money in terms of investing it. I currently contribute $900 a month to retirement accounts on Ellevest (I know, I know) and I have a lot to learn. + +Given the increase in income I want to know what I can do now to make sure I am set for life later on. I am 29F, living in NYC, and have roughly $30,000 in student loans and some minimal credit card debt. + +Is there anything I should be doing? What retirement accounts work for me? Should I invest? Can I do this on my own or do I need to speak to a financial advisor? What are some things I should be aware of when seeking one? Just looking for the basics so I know what are some "main idea" things I need to be doing. + +My main goal is that I am interested in purchasing a townhome here in NYC but realize I may need to wait a few years to do so as they're very expensive. On a 2.8 million dollar salary, assuming I take care of my student loans and credit cards immediately, is it out of the realm to afford an 8-10 million dollar home? That's about the ballpark for a brownstone in an area I like. I don't have any major vices or expenditures, but I definitely want to buy a home. + +Thank you. + +Edit: Holy shit, these replies! Thanks to everyone. I'll try to respond to as many people as possible. +Guys, seriously, who is this fucking source? This smells like Evergrande anonymous source... + +We all know, people involved signed strict NDA's and RC and GameStop didn't announce anything. + +SO WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!? + +Are hedgies spreading rumours to WSJ so competitors can try to beat GameStop to it? + +Edit: + +One plausible and reasonable explanation i found in the comments is that they're ready to release and GME just started the media hype to officially announce it. + +Makes sense cuz in the statement they said "to release later this year". Maybe RC will release next week and say they're ahead of schedule. + +But having said that, I'm still sceptical. Something is def weird here +Idk, but looks like there’s a new shilling tactic on the sub this weekend. They’re throwing around low numbers with an overall positive message like “it would be too much money and I don’t want to change my lifestyle”. + +HODL as high as possible. Sell on the way down. But FFS don’t price anchor low numbers. If it’s too much money for you - just donate until you feel comfortable with the sum in your bank account. + +Not financial advice obviously. + +Hedges r fuk. + +Diamond fucking hands. +It's pretty soul destroying. I'm in my mid 30s, have been saving for a deposit for almost 15 years, sacrificing a lot in the process, have inherited a bit of money too - but still nowhere close to buying a home. Can only get a £190k mortgage and the cheapest homes for miles around where I need to be for work are £300k+. And that's for something in sketchy, undesirable areas that need a ton of work too (which I'm happy to do but don't have this kind of money). Yes.. I could buy up north but not an option right now due to career situation and family responsibilities. + +Do I just give up and sink more money into renting a nicer place, but save less/nothing? I want to get out of main London area and I'm absolutely sick of living in grotty houseshares. + +Edit: *I do not want to buy in London. I'm talking about buying in the general south or south east area* +Ryan Cohen is the largest individual shareholder of Apple with 6.2 million shares (edit for post split amount) He holds no positions with the company, but being such a large shareholder, being Chairman of Gamestop and founder/former CEO of Chewy, I would imagine he has some voice and pretty sweet connections with Apple. Also, RC only owns shares in two companies: Gamestop and Apple. + + As well, I just saw an article stating that Apple wants nothing to do with Zucks' Metaverse project. So, I gotta wonder, is there the possibility of something going on between Gamestop and Apple? I certainly think it is possible. Thoughts? +My girlfriend is pressuring me to try to get a place but she doesnt understand that the current systems requires me to make 3× the rent as income, unfortunately for a low cost house in my area the average is about $900 at minimum and that would require $2700 a month minimum to even try to get the place. + +I am 22, and dont want to spend all of my time working, sleeping, and taking care of business as I would have no time for myself with a 40 hour work week. + +Also given the common pay rates and likely hours I would have to work 3 jobs to get a garenteed 40 hours a week and still make just under as the average pay rate is $12-$15 an hour for most jobs that are avalable or claim to be hiring (actually getting hired is another issue as most places say they are hiring until I put the aplication in and I am tired of that shit, but thats another issue) + +Any advice. + +Some info + +22 year old white male + +Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA + +Has no official work history within the last 4 years + +Has no official titles, certifications, or degrees beyond highschool diploma + +No driver's license + +Technically Homless + +No criminal record + +"Awful" official mental health record + +No phycal medical issues on record + +Physically fit + +Supposedly good looking + +Good social skills + +Very few to zero limitations or morals + +No social or business network + +Alot of high skills and expeinces + +And ask anything else you might think is useful to know +This may seem like a stupid question. Say you have a company that sends in a mail in rebate for $5, and you cash the check. That money first comes from the consumer, then to the company, then to you. The consumer may have gotten it from another consumer or from another company, and it is an "endless" cycle of consumer-corporate transaction, but where does it begin. How does the $5 come into circulation? Does the Treasury just print it and boom there is $5? It seems that if they did this, it would be worth ever so slightly less than $5 each time another $5 is added to the "money pool." +I'm now $416 in the hole with my bank and applied and was approved for a PayPal credit card. I was approved for $400, is there anyway I can just get that money into my bank account? +This is more of just me venting than anything + + +I am 35 and all my life I always paid cash for everything. Never had a loan or a credit card. In fact I don’t even have a debt card, I just pull all my cash out from the bank once I get paid. I do have utilities and I pay cash for rent too. + +So back to my question I have enough saved for a down payment for a house but not enough to buy. So I found a great deal on a house, a little fixer upper. So I go and apply for a 15 year loan and over and over I get denied because of “lack of credit history”. Which I think is odd because all my life I was taught borrowing money for something that loses value is dumb. I follow the advice of watch your spending and yet because I don’t fall for the credit trap I get punished. What a world +I’m 18. I have roughly 1k in the bank 500 of which I’m willing to spend on some sort of entrepreneurial venture that will make me money. I currently have a summer job, and will begin college soon. I’m on €400 per week for roughly the next month. Any tips on where I should start? Was thinking something like dropshipping etc. Something not too time consuming. Thanks +My family has sold some property in Russia and would like to send some of the funds to us in the US. What is the best way while trying to minimize Exchange costs and Taxes? +Ok, so I've been trying to figure out RC's next move. There are some interesting things happening right now. + +We have the Etherium coin with a date of July 14th 2021. + +That date means something, we are just not sure what the date represents. Is it a day that Gamestop announces a dividend? Or is it the day that a dividend that is released? Or is it just a random date to make the Hedgies sweat? + +One of the bases I am working with, and I might be wrong, is that there needs to be at least 10 business days notice between the announcement and the official release of the dividend in question. If some better ape knows that rules on this, please point them out to me, I saw this somewhere but I'm not able to find it again. + +If the 14th is the date of the announcement, then obviously nothing is going to happen tomorrow, because nothing will have been announced. + +If the 14th is the planned date for the dividend release, then things get interesting. + +Going back to my theory of 10 business days between announcement and release, we have to do some quick math. + +Normally, Gamestop would announce on July 4th, which is both a weekend and a national holiday, so they can't. Which means if they are going to announce it, it's happening either July 1st or July 2nd. + +However, the National Holiday throws a kink into this. If July 4th falls on a Sunday, doesn't that make the Monday immediately after or the Friday before (Depending on where you live...) the replacement holiday? Which, if true, means that there is one less business day to work with. + +That means that the 2nd is off the table if they want to make the 10 business days timeline. And if the second is off the table, and they are targeting the July 14th date for the dividend release... then they have to announce the dividend tomorrow on July 1st. + +This really falls in line with everything RC has been doing, especially if you look at Furlong, who left Amazon as the head of their Australian operations to take over as Gamestop CEO. Furlong is going to get $16,500,000.00 in Gamestop stock as part of his signing package. And that amount of stock is calculated by the closing price at the end of June, which is today. + +So, I think tomorrow should be the day that Gamestop announces the crypto dividend. Which should, if not launch us, at least start the engine. + +I don't feel bad for the Hedgies, but our Elliot Waves guy is about to have his mind blown I bet. + +If anyone sees a flaw in this logic, please point it out. + +**TLDR: If Gamestop is announcing the crypto dividend tomorrow, and they are looking to give 10 business days notice between announce and release, then the announcement has to come tomorrow due to the July 4th holiday carry over.** +Here is the description for a SFH currently posted for rent: + + "The property requires additional cleaning and fixing, depending on taste and circumstances. Fixing including, wall painting, cleaning, necessary deep cleaning, kitchen elements repaint, is up to tenants, but we do not pay for this or for additional cleaning and fixing. The property has been abused by previous tenants (therefore the stringent referencing on this property...), and we managed to do bare minimum of repairs. We manage few properties in extremely basic way, and prefer a long term rentals." + +Don't be this guy. +Hey personalfinance, I’m 24 years old and have been working as an RN for 10 months, live with parents currently with minimal monthly expenses $300-400 a month. I was able to save $37k in 10 months and trying to decide if I should wait to buy a home or to jump in now. + +Currently 0 debt, no student loans, car paid off. + +I’m looking at houses in the $270-$300k range and would look to put 10% down. + +Currently putting 15% into 401k and my income can only go up from here, at about $85k a year currently. + +I do know my monthly expenses would rise significantly with owning a home, what should I do personalfinance? My parents don’t mind me staying, they don’t charge me rent I just help with chores around the house and groceries. + +Thanks. + +UPDATE + +Adding answered to these questions in OP, thought they were good + +1. ⁠Why would you want to own a home? Is your goal to move out of your parents house and have more independence? Are you trying to buy a home as an investment for the future? + +Yes I do want to own a home, not necessarily as an investment initially but a place to live for now, I would like more independence as I’ve never lived on my own + +2. ⁠Where are you in the country? Modesto, CA +Stanislaus county + +3. ⁠Do you have solid credit and money saved up? Can you afford a 25% down payment? Credit score near 800, currently can afford 10% down + +4. ⁠Are you single or in a serious long term relationship? And are you buying a forever home, or just something for the next few years? What's your timeline for this purchase? I’m in a long term relationship, been with my girlfriend for 2.5 years. This would be a 5-10 year home most likely + +5. ⁠Have you considered renting? If not, why not? +Yes, and it may be a better option for me in the coming year potentially. Some of the pros in my mind: independence, learning how to budget, cooking my own food, midway point to the full on home ownership + +Con: feel like I’m throwing away money + +Last edit: prequalified for $350k which I think is too much personally +I want to diversify my passive income portfolio and I want to focus on high dividend growth stocks. I already own APPLE, MICROSOFT and VISA. What high dividend growth stocks do you guys own? Thanks for any recommendations +I know that there have been several theories for why, suddenly, GameStop is declaring how many of their shares are directly registered with the transfer agent, ComputerShare. These include: + +1) Providing an update to Apes on how many shares have been DRS-ed already + +2) Thereby also showing how many still need to be DRS-ed to lock up the float + +3) As a warning to SHFs that the clock is ticking for closing their positions + +One other thing I have been thinking about is basically **why now**? + +It has been publicised previously that companies are not permitted to promote or recommend direct registration to shareholders. The specific rule that prevents this is **DTC rule SR-DTC-2003-02**: + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/34-47978.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/34-47978.htm) + +Below is the most relevant section of this ruling: + +*Further, DTC states that issuers to do not have continuing ownership rights in shares they have sold into the marketplace and therefore cannot control the disposition of shares already registered in DTC's nominee name by directing that those shares be surrendered to the transfer agent or by restricting their eligibility for book-entry transfer at DTC. DTC contends that attempts by issuers to control their publicly traded securities are improper and may constitute conversion. DTC states that by purporting to exercise the rights of the shareholders, issuers are interfering with the legal and beneficial rights of DTC and its participants with respect to securities deposited at DTC and with DTC's obligations under Section 17A of the Act.* + +*DTC disagreed with the commenters' contention that it had an obligation to take action to resolve the issues associated with naked short selling because those issues arise in the context of trading and not in the book-entry transfer of securities. DTC pointed out that if beneficial owners believe that their interests are best protected by not having their shares subject to book-entry transfer at DTC, then they can instruct their broker-dealer to execute a withdrawal-by-transfer, which will remove the securities from DTC and transfer them to the shareholder in certificated form.* + +A summary of this is: + +* A company loses its say over its shares, the moment those are sold to shareholders +* They cannot, therefore, direct shareholders to directly register shares because this prevents the DTC from carrying out their business +* Only shareholders have the right to ask for shares to be directly registered +* This is even the case if a company is having its shares massively manipulated, for example through naked shorting, they still have to stay silent +* If a company decides to take such a course of action, they are in breach of this rule and can be subject to legal action + +As for why these strict rules came to be in place, it was because of a company called CMKK explicitly directing its shareholders to direct register. There is a great but under-appreciated DD on this by [u/suddenlyy](https://www.reddit.com/user/suddenlyy/), which I recommend you to read if you would like to learn more about this: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr32zj/cmkm\_and\_gamestop\_why\_cant\_gamestop\_ask/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pr32zj/cmkm_and_gamestop_why_cant_gamestop_ask/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +In any case, we have been left now in a situation where companies cannot recommend to their shareholders about the benefits of direct registration. Instead, the speculation is that Ryan Cohen has tried to hint at this through Twitter posts such as **"Cone-Poo-Chair"**: + +https://preview.redd.it/rtii207sto481.png?width=529&format=png&auto=webp&s=650d0439f740bdbec37d060193eeabb5a807644a + +So why now, suddenly, are they boldly stating the number of shares directly registered? This is where my speculation comes in: **I think they want to see if the DTC responds in some way.** + +The wording used in the latest SEC is certainly not a clear directive to shareholders saying "go and DRS the rest!" However, there is a certainly a case to be made for it being at least a subtle hint that GameStop approves of this turn of events... + +https://preview.redd.it/42i59plluo481.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f0edbcd0bcf8f454d4fee7716c07247699b5431 + +This being the case, I am conjecturing that what GameStop is doing is **testing the waters before taking the steps to withdraw from their stock from the DTC ecosystem altogether**. This has been speculated for some time now, since an explicit statement for GameStop potentially doing so in the future was included in the June 9th Prospectus ([https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html)): + +https://preview.redd.it/z0cmpn3tvo481.png?width=830&format=png&auto=webp&s=dae7bffc0714d1dcbcf43311f074ab5758ff801d + +Such a move would be quite *radical*, and no doubt be met with an extremely hostile reception and legal responses from the DTC. So it makes sense to build up to this, including through signposting in the form of a 'borderline' challenge of SR-DTC-2003-02, by seeing how the DTC construes the act of stating how many shares are directly registered. + +**TL;DR:** GameStop stating how many shares are directly registered *could* be interpreted as a breach of the DTC regulation preventing companies from recommending this to shareholders. If they are planning to go even further, by removing their shares altogether in the future and moving to a different depository (potentially one they make themselves), this could be a first step to "test the legal waters". +This was never political. This was never about bringing down a system. Too many new shills gobbled up what the media had to say. + +It’s painting us as trying to be intelligent and we are clearly retarded. + +Sir, this is a casino. This is not a political statement or movement. + +Don’t let the media speak for us. We want tendies, loss porn,YOLOs, and the occasional autist with proper DD to make us monies. + +And your wife’s boyfriend said, hi. +Hi all + +I grew up dirt poor. Free school meals, mouldy council flat, whole family reliant on benefits, just a classic British poverty experience. + +I ended up going to a really good uni and now have a fairly successful career. I'm in my late twenties and earn just under £36k a year. My husband earns a bit less. + +But despite this, I still have a horrible relationship with money. Just thinking about it gives me huge anxiety and I don't save consistently. I feel like I don't have any control over my spending despite my best efforts. I think there is still a great deal of my childhood insecurity hanging over me and a tendency to fill emotional holes with 'stuff'. + +How do I start to fix this? I don't want to keep avoiding it anymore. I get what I call the poverty sweats where any mention of finances makes me fell sick. Doesn't stop me from burning through money. Any insight into the psychology of this behaviour much appreciated. Want to make a change for 2022. +My parents and i purchased a house togethere years ago. The plan was that we would live together as a joint family. Basically my parents paid about 2/3 of the property i paid 1/3. My mum has now told me that they want to buy my share of the property but they want to pay me what i contributed to the purchase of the property not what my share of the proprty is worth today. This would mean i would sell my share for about £100k less than its worth. +I am inclinded to do this but its a large amount of money to give up and i would struggle to find a house for my family. Do i have any options to ensure i am given the actual value? +I work upwards of 70 hours a week, but I get to choose my own hours really. This allows me to Day/Swing trade on "hot hours". I've spent the last 6 months studying and paper trading. + +I'm planning on putting anywhere between $2k to $5k into an account and I want to know on how long it took you guys to achieve a $25k dollar account? + +I gross upwards of $12k to $15k dollars a month depending on how much I work. My expenses are about 80% of that leaving me with $1000 to $2000 a month to play with. Not including what goes into savings. +I own 1396 Shares of TUI AG Stock, bought at an average of 14.86€ that have accumulated a loss of roughly 16.5k€ or 80% over the years. +The position was opened by my grandfather years ago when I wasn't in charge of the portfolio and the entire portfolio has been left unmanaged until around 2019 which is why the position even still exists. +The stock at 2.92€ having fallen over the past months despite business returning. +My question is, do I buy more stock to dilute hopefully dilute the losses, hoping it will go up to around 5€ again at some point, or do I take the loss? +Expect to start seeing FUD that accepts the MOASS is happening but that uses a double bluff to limit your expectations. + +“Don’t fall for 10k, 100k is the floor”...erm lol no, the floor hasn’t been 100k since February 1st 😂 + +Get tf outta here + + + + +Edit: starting to get heavily downvoted this one 🧐 wonder who might want to suppress a post like this... + +Edit2: just woke up to some lovely awards, thanks guys 💥🚀 see you all on the moon 💪🏽 +The only confirmation bias I have needed for the last 6 months is the ownership data and the options chain. They reveal the nature of the SI and set a lower limit on the amount of covering that needs to be done, and is clearly in excess of the currently reported 20% short. + +You do not need the assurances of some moronic streamer who’s streams consist of ‘might go up or down or sideways’; if you bought in to the BS they’ve been selling it’s time to get back to basics. +A little background. I’m 50. I’ve worked as a defense contractor for 28 years. If I work 600 hours next year I qualify for the pension. +Now here is the rub, if I don’t take it next year, I have to wait until I’m 65 to get anything at all, so another 14 years. +I’m confident in my finances and the guaranteed income will be great! My bills will be paid off but I’m still nervous about leaving this job and huge source of security I’ve had for well over half my life. +How did you deal with those feelings? +How did you deal with not seeing the people you’ve been around constantly? +Hi guys. I just saw on Feb 15th 20k was taken by my savings by ACH WITHDRAWAL 021422PENTAGON FEDERAL TRIAL DR. What is this? Is this a scam? Please help. + +EDIT: I got off the phone with Citzens bank. The lady was really nice. The lady from citizens said it was clear fraud. Prior to taking out 20k, there were test runs. They first took out .64 cents, then returned it, then took out the 20k exactly. She put in a claim for me. She said i will most likely receive my money back "within 10 business days." I am going to citizens today at 12pm Et to make a new account. My current account is frozen. No money can be taken out of it. + +EDIT 2: Went to the bank, made a new account and transferee my remaining money to the new account. My old account is still there. But can only receive deposits and not withdraws. I will receive 20k as provisional. But citizens said that it’ll take 45 days for them to complete the investigation. I’m not sure why it would take that long. I changed my email password, Bank user name and password. I have 2FA on my brokerages. I am looking to see how to add 2FA to my citizens along with alerts. + +EDIT 3: Citizens bank said they will refund my money on the 9th of March. Police report filed, will get it tomorrow and send it over to citizens. Someone fraudulently made an account under my name for PENFED. That account has been closed. I put a fraud alert on the 3 major credit bureaus. Changed passwords for bank accounts and username. + +FINAL EDIT: Money received. All done. +>Lyft reported a loss per share of $9.02, adjusted. + +>While analyst estimates for Lyft’s first quarter could have been on the low-end due to a lack of data typical of a company fresh on the public market, Lyft’s loss is still significant. + +>The steep loss still marks an improvement from Lyft’s year-ago quarter, when Lyft reported a non-GAAP loss of $11.40 per share. + +. . . + +>**Loss per share:** $9.02, adjusted + +>**Revenue:** $776 million, versus $739.4 million expected, per Refinitiv + + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/07/lyft-earnings-q1-2019.html +What a fucking week... + +https://preview.redd.it/dh3c8fkek1c71.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aa872546a02659bba7879eed0de6f8d19253433 + +So based on differing opinions in this community on the direction I should take this week, which sub should I follow, where to move the daily TA, I have decided that as long as u/pinkcatsonacid and u/Bye_Triangle have no problem, I will post to both subs. I understand the reasons for the split and frankly don't give a shit. I have decided that I just want this information to be available to all apes, regardless of allegiance. + +I didn't start doing this for mods or reddit. I do it for you, the apes, that follow along. I have allowed these threads, my community discord, and the stream to take over my life seven days a week. In order to provide the best information I can. In the most digestible manner possible. + +I didn't sacrifice time with friends and family, additionally losses from stepping away from my job to get caught up in the infantile bickering of people that didn't know what a stock was until January. This is not only a serious investment but a huge opportunity for thousands of people, drama and feuds should not factor into what we do here. + +I will (if allowed) continue to provide this information to every ape I can, for as long as I can, that is my goal and I'm sticking to it. + +Apes are strong together. + +Buy & Hodl + +As always I will post a consolidated [Video DD of this on my YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) for those of you that don't have the time to read through this, or have visual impairments/reading comprehension issues. This will be uploaded by... + +8pm EDT/UTC-4. + +# Part I: Technical Analysis + +So the cup and handle failed I honestly could have predicted it's failure if I had taken some other data into account and I'm surprised I made the same mistake twice in 2 different ways. But let me show you and hopefully we can all learn from it. So based on the previous ATM offering I figured we wouldn't see a low below the long term ascending midpoint which I will show you later. However, I forgot a couple key things + +1. This share offering was sold much more rapidly than the first 9 trading days vs. the original 15. +2. This offering was 1.5 million more shares. +3. The Russel 1000 rebalancing was occurring in the background. +4. Due to the reason above I incorrectly estimated GME's rate of descent. I presumed a low of $194 we sank $43 dollars below that. Much of this due to the abundance of ITM puts purchased this week. +5. I also under-estimated the amount of capital the short hedge funds we willing to deploy a billion dollars on just the options chain. (I'll talk more about this later) + +https://preview.redd.it/zgbz439o21c71.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=c06c03dfdcb6aae5f63689be6b0d62a1e4a24cc4 + +[Cup & Handle failure yes those patterns are very similar 1D Timescale](https://preview.redd.it/ms4jf0ht01c71.png?width=1563&format=png&auto=webp&s=154b5604cfaab3b399d0d22924e704b0e49913c1) + +Thankfully, I like to look for support trends when building my technical analysis and as many of you who have been following the last few weeks know this cup & handle was supported by a long-term trend forming an [ascending triangle](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/ascendingtriangle.asp). + +[Ascending triangle on the 1 Day ](https://preview.redd.it/cl6wwbpg41c71.png?width=2456&format=png&auto=webp&s=37fc36b422c319d15b35ecbfe333f626442c8250) + +This was really the formation all along while I got excited about the prospect of the cup and handle this trend supported, I said in my first post they aren't my favorite formation due to their rate of failure and this one did just that. + +Based on the bounce on the long term trend in this formation, I will be looking for a breakout above 180 this week and possibly 225 later in the week. + +**Section II: WTF is the deal with 180?** + +So I was looking at the resistance at 180 this week and noticed something interesting 180 seems to have always been the breakout point for GME. Lets take a look. Every time we break out to test 350 we 180 seems to be the determining resistance level. I would imagine due to the Gamma Ramps that usually sit at 200. + +[Tests of 180 since January on the 4H Timescale ](https://preview.redd.it/0lmhw4yn61c71.png?width=2331&format=png&auto=webp&s=c89bf29976913ffef9254603f5efed5e70a279b2) + +Another interesting thing I came across is this If we weight VWAP at the beginning of the run-up in February not only can you see that apes haven't sold you can see that the floor was actually raised in June. + +[VWAP anchored to the 2\/24 run up](https://preview.redd.it/0ejreil081c71.png?width=2452&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f26a8e071c4b5200f5d95534a1dfb457b79de29) + +This is a much better indicator than OBV as it cuts out the noise from January Gamma Squeeze and gives us an idea of the price we are fighting for. As crossing this weighted average significantly increases our odds of testing 350. We have had a confirmed cross of 180 four times since January three of those times we tested 350. We are about to cross 180 on a trendline bounce. + +TLDR; Kenny's mayo is really on the other side of 180 we are about to go hunting for it again. Apes aren't paperhanded bitches. I didn't have to zoom all the way out to make this line flat. + +**Section 3: Other Indicators** + +**MACD** + +We are still poised for a crossover on the daily MACD our jump from pre-market Thursday into close on Friday has already crossed the 4h timescale to the upside. Upward movement on Mon/Tues should realize a crossover on the daily as we climb above 180 again. + +&#x200B; + +[MACD 1D Timescale](https://preview.redd.it/fpdc1o1x91c71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc62f18ec6db430a84e797d28b5f99db8e95580a) + +&#x200B; + +[Cross-over on the 4H timescale](https://preview.redd.it/pb4f6en0a1c71.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbecf610ff5b8a7b0d5f59e6121d24d8bd7ed461) + +**Stochastic RSI** + +I don't remember if we've discussed this indicator yet but [here are the basics](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stochasticoscillator.asp) this in combination with the MACD crossover can give you an idea of the momentum of the trend reversal expected. Well it neared zero this last week and the K%/D% crossover indicates a **buy** signal on an extremely strong breakout to the upside. + +[Stoch RSI on the 1D ](https://preview.redd.it/6i9pzf21f1c71.png?width=1627&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a5ec1b1bdc741c187fa6dffaf6496c64c9cdecd) + +**Section III: Outlying Catalysts** + +Since the \~440k of OTM puts expired Friday and a significant chunk of those $1 billion in ATM or Near the money. We should see some significant buying this Tuesday from Market Makers as they repurchase the shares they sold short in order to delta hedge these massive options positions. + +# Part II: The Market + +Well the market took a bit of a dumb at the end of Friday drawing attention away from GameStop on what could have been a pretty interesting gamma ramp setup as hedge funds started to have value slip away from their most important position. The SPY. The SPY yet again failed the test of it's long term trend dipping into a possible correction. Fears of inflation continued to mount throughout this week as Powell raised some near-term predictions. It will be interesting to see how this plays out on Monday. + +https://preview.redd.it/3mnmvpech1c71.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=83dc093a76f72be26b7003b2b41566fb99814182 + +Due to the dip Friday the Shiller P/E closed out the week a little down from last week as some overall value was lost. + +[Down .37 points from last week](https://preview.redd.it/t0rv00ynh1c71.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=151301ac52052ceb141dacb3ca9445f85c4c44c3) + +This could be the beginning of a correction we will see on Monday if the market rallies or falls off. + +I bring this up every week because near-term this maybe one of GME's largest catalysts for triggering MOASS. A severe correction or crash could cause margin calls on a massive scale. + +# Part III: Conclusion + +Lots of bullish momentum coming into this week after the mother of all short attacks(MOASA) failed to drop the price more than $21 dollars... I'm very excited to see what happens this Tuesday as market makers begin to buy in from last weeks insane options action. Once again everything pointing up, can't wait to see what fuckery is in store for us this week. + +If you want to see more information on this subject matter feel free to join me in the : + +Daily Live charting (always under my profile [u/gherkinit](https://www.reddit.com/u/gherkinit/)) from 8:45am - 4pm EDT on trading days + +Join me, on my [YouTube Live Stream](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) from 9am - 4pm EDT on trading days\* + +Or over on our community [Discord](https://discord.gg/BGmjnrvHnw) + +**As always thanks for following along.** + +**The support of you apes has not only given me the confidence to do this but the drive and passion as well. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.** + +🦍❤️ + +\- Gherkinit + +Edit 1\* The main Daily TA post will remain on Superstonk but I will cross-post it to + +r/ gmejungl3/GME/dillionaires + +wherever you guys are I'll post there. + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +**My Theory**: Cohen will on behalf of Gamestop buy "Buy Buy Baby" for the newly filed GMERICA. + +BBBY gets to be debt free, most BBBY-longs will be in the green again (will trigger a shortsqueeze) and the GME-stock will get a higher target price (possibly also a gamma-squeeze or two). + +Gamestop is truly turning into an online retailer ala Amazon and its exciting to say the least, remember the large warehouse purchased a while back? Its possibly for GMERICA, and look at the filing of what GMERICA will sell; many of the things that exist at "Buy Buy Baby". +I have 20k invested in VEQT at 23 years old. I live at home with nothing to pay except a phone bill. I'm probably going to be dumping 3k a month in it for the foreseeable future (3-5 years). + +When did you see compounding funds really boom? 100k? 300K? 500k? +I have 20k invested in VEQT at 23 years old. I live at home with nothing to pay except a phone bill. I'm probably going to be dumping 3k a month in it for the foreseeable future (3-5 years). + +When did you see compounding funds really boom? 100k? 300K? 500k? +I think the news from towel last night regarding the liquidity for towel company is going to cause a run up. Last time towel ran, GME jumped. + +On 5th Aug, Towel stock started its run from about $8 to $12. This was followed by GME running from $39 to $45 on the 8th Aug. + +On the 16th Aug, towel stock started to run about $16 to $28. On the same day GME ran from $39 to $42. + +With the towel 'rumour' released as soon as market closed last night and premarket action (up 15% at time of writing) we might expect a run with GME in the next 1-2 days. It looks like they have prepared to control that run with the 2.9mil shares borrowed yesterday- it seems like the pattern has occurred twice already and therefore maybe about to occur again. + +It could be that we expect some volatility in the next days- happy times. This is also lining up with OPEX.Oh and btw Dez nutz. + +EDIT 1. This post was instantly down voted. +EDIT 2. 2.9mil is a lot of shares- would be 700,000 pre split. It could be that towel is gonna go fucking parabolic and so they gonna need a big cannon to control gme. I guess that the higher one rips that more they need to pressure the other lower- or vice versa. + +https://preview.redd.it/8tg2peypimj91.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357d7ed3f7102e446b68a89d48e8805ccebd4695 + Just in case the text on the image is unclear. This is the AUDUSD in red, placed on the Dax in black, BUT with AUDUSD moved 75 days into the future. As you can see it predicts the movements in the Dax incredibly well. This is for a logical reason too; Australia produces most of the world's bauxite, the main input for aluminium. Germany produces a lot of industrial products and the Dax is extremely heavy on car manufacturing in particular (BMW, Daimler (Mercedes), Volkswagen and Porsche). So to produce these cars you can trace demand to bauxite, for the aluminium, and then that for the demand of cars, hence the link, and best of all, the advance warning which is like a crystal ball for the future. Also China is related given their heavy commodity demand from Australia, and their demand for German vehicles, so if they slow, Germany slows. I hope this chart is useful to fellow traders, and if you want more like this let me know. + +https://i.redd.it/x316lrm8lqo21.png +My wife had a 401k that she was making contributions to through her employer. If she gets a new job that offers 401K contributions, is she able to have those go into her existing 401k? Or, will she need to get management of it transferred to whichever financial company works with her new employer? + +Does it actually not matter? or are there steps I should be taking right now to ensure financially smart moves? +I’m in my late 30’s. Married with 2 kids. I changed careers 3 years ago and since then have done well enough that I’ve paid off all my debts, bought (mortgaged) a house, and leased a car. + +I’m finally in a position to save for the future, but don’t know where to start. My wife and I live in Canada, and collectively make ~ $100k/year. Neither of us have any retirement savings. Where should we start? +I don't know if this can help anyone out but across 1000 trades all at the open, I nailed 540. + +Trades made after 10:00 I nailed 730 out of 1000. + + I will no longer be trading the open ever again, it just doesn't work for me, I did not expect this at all. That difference is seriously beyond comprehension to me. + +I'm only sharing maybe this can help a few people out. +I'm sorry for the condescending title. I promise I'm friendly, just stupid af. + +Edit: This post assumes at least basic understanding of these technologies. Please read my linked post if you do not have that understanding yet. + +I made a [post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc7ji4/clarifying_nfts_what_they_are_good_for_and_what/) yesterday explaining blockchain, tokens and NFT's, but there are still posts hitting the front page that refer to "NFT dividends" **surprised Pikachu**, so let's make this nice and simple. + +1. Overstock was the first to issue a crypto dividend. Their dividend token is *not* an NFT. + +2. Dividends are usually cash or a security. Both are fungible, so a *non-fungible* token may not be considered a valid dividend (IANAL), while Overstock has shown that a *fungible* token will hold up in court. +**Edit: Dividends can also be other forms of property, which likely invalidates my thoughts on validity. This point is flawed, but I'll leave it here for my deserved criticisms.** + +3. Giving shareholders, who all hold *identical shares* crypto rewards that are *not* identical would be unfair to shareholders. How would it be determined who gets the first token? Or 69, 420 or any other fun number? I think avoiding the issue entirely is the best course of action. + +4. Transactions involving NFT's are *many times* more expensive than standard tokens due to their significantly greater complexity. Using them unnecessarily is wasteful at best, downright stupid at worst. + +5. Using *non-fungible* tokens would mean that they can only be traded in whole increments, which is a limitation that makes no sense for this use case. For example, Overstock issued 0.1 tokens per share, which would not be possible with an NFT. + +6. Trading NFT's isn't as simple as trading a standard token. We're already struggling with blockchain concepts, we don't need added complexity. It makes more sense to use a token that works exactly as you would expect a currency to work. + +7. A fungible dividend could have more functional use, such as being directly usable as currency when shopping at GameStop. Indivisible tokens (NFT's) wouldn't work for this. What if all prices were multiples of $10? A more flexible option is necessary. + 1. Imagine a GameStop cryptocurrency that can be used in an NFT marketplace (in-game items, etc.) or in-store. A dividend issuing that currency could give a massive boost in adoption. + +8. The initial issuing of NFT's is *much* more expensive. I'm talking orders of magnitude. Each individual token will incur a large transaction fee, while a normal token can be one small transaction fee *per shareholder*. Sending three NFT's looks like this: +Send token 1 to x address +Send token 2 to x address +Send token 3 to x address + +A normal token is always one transaction, no matter how many tokens are sent: +Send 3 tokens to x address + +Making NFT minting more efficient is possible, but is not a native feature at this time. I don't think GameStop will waste money on unnecessary fees. + +**** + +Seeing this sub, which is a bastion of truth in a world of lies, ignite with misinformation on a topic simpler than the complexities of the behind-the-scenes of the financial systems we are used to is a bit surprising. Let's make an effort to gain some wrinkles on blockchain and related topics, since it seems to be a major part of GameStop's plans for the future. + +**Smooth-brain summary:** +There are many use cases for NFT's that GameStop can capitalize on, but I argue that a dividend is not one of them. A crypto dividend would make the most sense as an old-school, fungible token. + +Edit: Added mention of securities as dividends. Thanks u/fubar95! + +Edit 2: Property dividends were brought to my attention. My statements about legality are probably invalid. Thanks /u/chickeni3oo! + +Edit 3: To be perfectly clear, I am arguing that a dividend would not be an NFT, not that there will or will not be a dividend. Dividend talks are entirely speculation, and I am merely trying to clear up misunderstandings on what NFT's are good for. + +Edit 4: Expanded point 3 + +Edit 5: Added point 7 + +Edit 6: Added point 7.1 + +Edit 7: Added point 8 +My Employer is forcing us to take 12 annual leaves as part of annual Christmas shutdown. Is this legal in Australia? 5 days is acceptable but 12/20 per year is too much. That too we were given only a week notice. Had they notified before, I would have cancelled my kids day care or planned some vacation. I feel helpless to whom to complain. +He's been talking about it for months on twitter spaces. Look up @ JasonPLowery on twitter to find his account. When looking up his background information, everything looks legit. This is probably what Biden's advisor meant when he said that his administration was mining Bitcoin, because from what I've heard this kid say in those twitter spaces, the stuff he's trying to do for them would involve mining and much more. His plan is to make Bitcoin the GPS and Atomic Clock of digital information, a solid accurate ledger to store important information away from things like internet rot or wiki edits. + +For those who don't know, our current internet is rotting away. When you search on google, it claims to have billions of results for any subject, but when you search through those subject's results and actually dig through the pages, you only get on average around 350 to 470 links. + +The other billions? They've been lost to internet rot, the result of links being lost or destroyed from things like servers going offline, losing the data of billions of results per search, the loss of things you used to be able to find online but can no longer locate. + +This apparently is a problem for the government as a lot of those lost links were links used in actual court cases, leading to digital evidence being lost that in some cases have been used to set legal precedents. There's a lot more to what he's doing for the military via the usage of Bitcoin's immutable ledger, but this is what I can remember off the top of my head. + +Hopefully he can set up an AMA with the mods one day. I bet this community would be very interested in hearing what he has to say in regards of what he's doing with using Bitcoin's immutable blockchain on the most powerful computer network on earth for the Space Force and the Defense Department's needs. + +&#x200B; + +An article of his: + +[https://tftc.io/martys-bent/issue-1053/](https://tftc.io/martys-bent/issue-1053/) + +First paragraph: + +*War is the globally adopted Proof-of-Work social consensus protocol that nodes (countries) use to validate the legitimate state of property and its chain of custody. Militaries project force across time (i.e. energy) in a fundamental game of probability to trigger a capitulation event. This is functionally identical to Bitcoin PoW miners projecting energy to probabilistically trigger the end of each block.* + +&#x200B; + +Find crediy u/EATYOFACE + +A graphic he drew on paper to explain his thesis: + +https://preview.redd.it/ibi555oxgg481.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55be23654b14ba9a28b2160f041d7f39a24efc45 + +Here's Jason's first interview ever on all this, on Anthony Pompliano's show this morning: [https://youtu.be/dqt23rVxmpY?t=3565](https://youtu.be/dqt23rVxmpY?t=3565) + +It's time stamped to start at the point of the interview. But if the time stamp doesn't work, then jump to 59:24 +[proof of the prices] (https://imgur.com/Fx0SQQX). Same medication same does different name. When it comes to shopping for medication and most other things, the store brand is often the same exact product just a hell of a lot cheaper. +Hello, + +I have heard time and time again that many property managers are awful. I have been considering starting a property management company in the future as my investments grow. How can property management be made better? + +I have one idea. It seems like the incentives for property managers to re-sign tenants actually works against the property owner. The property manager generally makes one month's rent for each new lease signed but, does not make money when a tenant re-ups their lease. I feel like aligning property managers interests to owners interest would make more sense. To that point though, would an owner of the property want to pay 1 months rent for a tenant to stay? Overall, I feel aligning interests is best and would love to hear how you all would go about doing this in a manner that works for both parties. + +Thank you +Idk if you guys will be able to help out any, but even my own brother won't give me the website they use, he probably would if I pushed, but I hate pushing as it can lead to negative feelings. Talked to a few full time flippers and they all reference this super secret auction website but when I ask what it is they don't tell me it. I understand the point to it because all the main ones are overrun with basics who watch cable shows that run the prices up too damn high, but at the same time it just feels like I'm stuck behind this wall that I have to find a way to break through, but I'm not exactly sure how, I just know that I have to.. + +&#x200B; + +Anyway, if you know the super secret site and can DM it to me or post it here I'll love you forever and upvote all your posts in your post history. +*Edit $26k - (my hands were shaking writing this post) + +In 2019 I finalized my divorce and was given stocks in the settlement. It was my first time filing independently and I went through TurboTax, paying for the extra service that a tax expert would go through my files/info to make sure I was doing things right. I definitely didn’t realize I had input things incorrectly and now I apparently owe over $26k by June 8th and will be charged 3% interest until I pay it off in full and my nervous system is so shot from this info that I don’t even know what my first move should be. + +Any guidance would be helpful 🙏🏽 +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bbz3gxb89v291.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=bab89f0507b4f019dee6bf20111ed05cbd5d877a + +RC's latest tweet "Life is for working, loving, and laughing" \[[Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v1i5te/ryan_cohen_tweet/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1531494009209868288?s=21)\] references "Live, Laugh, Love" which is pretty common in home decor. The origin of "Live, Laugh, Love" is a 1904 poem "Success" \[[Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Live,_Laugh,_Love), [House Beautiful](https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/a7206/where-did-live-love-laugh-come-from/)\]: + +>**He achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much**; +Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; +Who has filled his niche and **accomplished his task**; +Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it; +Who has left the **world better** than he found it, +Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; +Who has always looked for the best in others and **given them the best** he had; +Whose life was an **inspiration**; +Whose memory a benediction. +> +>"Success" (1904) [Bessie Anderson Stanley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessie_Anderson_Stanley) + +To the Apes who will give their best to make the world better and serve as an inspiration to others. + +🥂🍾 +How long does it take for you to get a credit score after getting a credit card? + +I just got a credit card today but I can't use cred since I don't have a credit score. I'm wondering how long it takes for a credit score to show up + +The main reason is that I want to pay my credit card bill with cred and was wondering when it would generate? +The DTCC used newly issued shares to (probably) give to HF’s and MM’s to clean up debts. Synthetics we’re (probably) given the holders outside of ComputerShare, while CS holders have the real shares. + +I am shocked the community has not made more noise about this. This is an extremely huge catalyst with massive amounts of verifiable data/facts showing DTCC internationally/domestically committed isecurity fraud. + +Community needs to regroup. Needs to get more serious about holding HF’s and MM’s accountable. As individual traders, we all possess our Computershare statements showing stock was distributed via split, NOT a dividend split. This is walk-in-the-park evidence of clear wrongdoing from GameStops filing statement and the outcome from the DTCC. +(This is from my personal investing notes. I wanted to put it out there and see if anyone feels the same. Hopefully others are willing to contribute knowledge and observations about this very anomalous event) + +I realize that this journal entry got a bit lengthy, so I chopped it into three parts, plus a very hand-wavy speculative conclusion part. + +---- +The Pump +----- + +Mid-January 2020, articles begin pumping TSLA as Musk announces share purchases. + +_Markets Insider - Tesla short sellers have lost nearly $12 billion in just 7 weeks_ + +_Markets Insider - Tesla has yet another biggest bull on Wall Street. Here's why he thinks the stock could surge 57%._ + +_Electrek - Tesla (TSLA) gets new $800 price target based on its ability to execute_ + +Musk is no stranger to stock pumping. Last year he advertised a private share price of 420$, "funding secured", to draw in investors. It is not surprising that this time the company (or another party) has turned to media outlets to get article placement from a third party. It is frowned-upon, but not uncommon, for companies to pay journalists, through brokers, to place articles in major publications. + +At the same time, mid-January, coordinated social media and message board posts appeared hyping TSLA and urging users to buy stock. Social media posts appeared on reddit, twitter, facebook about the price of Tesla on trajectory for $1000/share. Many influential users were caught in the frenzy and spread the word. A reddit and twitter user named /u/WSBgod began buying calls in TSLA at $600+; posting his positions and urging his large follower base to do the same. Many of these social media posts were well-written, edgy and bear the hallmarks of professional copywriters. + +---- +The Dump +---- +Tesla price began to rise. Viral social media posts and positive articles created high demand for TSLA stock, driving retail investors into a frenzy. On some message boards, users were seen urging people to take credit card advances or student loans to buy Tesla stock at $600+. + +At this point, a short-term "spike" in Teslas price occured. For the purposes of discussion, we will consider $767 (the stock issue price, discussed below) at market close to be the defining price of the spike. + +This spike began on 02/03 and ended on 02/26. The stock market was open 18 days during this window. More remarkably, the closing price of TSLA was only above $767 per share on *12 days* during the window. +**Chart of the 767$ price line and the recent spike**: +https://gfycat.com/quaintslimyeuropeanpolecat + +It turns out this short stock market spike was no surprise to Tesla. Tesla and Goldman Sachs were already preparing to issue stock during this narrow period. Tesla filed an 8-K on 02/19 to issue 2.65 million new shares at $767 per share. Teslas/Goldman's "luck" allowed them to issue on one of the top ten highest dates in TSLA history. + +Social media and message board influencers sold dreams of $1500 "moon" prices to middle-class retail investors. Many of his new investors were young; drawn by the new mobile-based, zero-commision brokers such as Robinhood. These younger investors typically turn to social media for their stock research. + +Many new and inexperienced investors are unfamiliar with stock "dilution" (the concept that issuing new stock devalues existing shareholders). Some shareholders even took to message boards to praise Tesla/Goldman for issuing more shares. Tesla raked in $2.31 billion of that cash advance, student loan, and summer job money during this short period of time, by issuing new shares at the $767 price. + +While the stock issue was happening, insiders began exercising options and dumping their stock. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with insiders selling stock. However they were *very lucky* that this period happened mid-February - directly in-between earnings calls. This is one of the few timeframes outside of their blackout dates (blackout dates tend to cover most dates in the year for executives, particularly around earnings). + +Five insiders can be seen exercising (buying) options and dumping stock during the narrow 18-day February spike time frame. Amidst the insider sales there is only one insider purchase - a well-publicized stock purchase by Elon Musk himself. + +https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NASDAQ/TSLA/insider-trades/ + +---- +The wreckage settles +---- + +After the dump finished, the retail investor money was safely in the hands of insiders and Teslas cash reserves. Nameless large traders (known as "whales") began dumping the shares in high-volume batches, reaping the final harvest of the inflated stock price. Coincidentally, Covid-19 caused a general decrease in stock prices on the NYSE. The stock price plummeted. TSLA is now hovering around ~$400/share on 03/18, less than half the price of the all-time high where retail investors were paying upwards of $800-900 per share. + +Tesla is now $2.31 billion richer (although Tesla's high cash burn rate will incinerate this money within two quarters). Insiders at Tesla have gained hundreds of millions from their timely exit. + +On twitter and message boards, many users are depressed and downtrodden. The investment they purchased during the flurry of hype has lost its value. Many of the users who bought TSLA now joke about suicide or selling their house. Many users who got caught in the Tesla hype are silent - ashamed of their losses. Many are selling their devalued shares at a huge loss and will not return to invest in stocks for the time being. + +----- +The other kind of speculation +---- +Stock frenzys are not a new phenomenon. We can blame the media for the unrealistic moonshot expectations towards TSLA during the hype period. + +Yet, it is tough not to look at the timing of the entire event and squint: +* The company orchestrated one of its largest stock issues during a very narrow 12 day market peak window - a masterstroke in perfect timing and preparation +* The media blitz "pump" occurred despite Teslas high debt load and extremely low car production rate (400k/year). +* Institutional investors stayed put and let retail investors run in to the slaughter, chasing promises of $1000+ TSLA +* Tesla insiders dumped their stock during this period + +Sadly, the SEC has been in a deep slumber for the past two decades. With the tech industry oligopolies running amok; plus thousands of pump-and-dumps that could only be orchestrated in a now socially-interconnected world, we need their enforcement now more than ever. + +Maybe there is some mythical horn we have to blow to rouse the SEC from its slumber. Until then, we can only look at incidents like this and squint at the happenstance. I hope that people far smarter and better researched than myself will look into the Tesla spike and verify that everything is above-board. + +"Funding secured" + +----- +Edit: Counterpoints +----- + +There are a few aspects of this situation that go against my hypothesis that the price was pumped. + +* The dump occurred during the Covid-19 outbreak. It is difficult to seperate market manipulation from the general downturn during this period +* Tesla insiders still hold a large portion of TSLA stock +* Musk himself purchased stock during the spike. (This is a good point, although I don't believe the stock purchase represents a major buy, considering Musk's enormous wealth. Teslas survival is a point of personal pride to Musk. He has been known to play dirty when his reputation is threatened - he once hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on a dive instructor from Thailand that snubbed him) +* The price rose due to the short squeeze. (This is a counterargument I generally disagree with. The short interest was orders of magnitude smaller than the purchase volume that drove the price to $900+) +If the former is true, stop what you’re doing, and go read about why you should direct register and actually own the shares in your name. Your shitty broker is internalizing, betting against you. Robbing you. They turned off the buy button. They can turn off the sell button. Cancel trades. They’re criminals. They break the law, over and over, with no repercussions. At most, fines that are somehow less than the ill-gotten gains. Breaking the law is profitable, and they will break it again to fuck us. Why wouldn’t they? So, please, go learn about why you should actually own your shares, and how it can help end (possibly) the naked short-selling of this stock I presume you love. + +And if it’s the latter, if it’s 7:1 bots, that just speaks to the quality of the community. I love the stock. The story is unfolding slower than my cost of living is rising. It fucking hurts. To buy. And DRS. And hold. But we see the bullishit now. We’ve peeked behind the curtain. It’s why they’re pumping millions of dollars into fake news, to no avail. No amount of bots or shills can change the fact that GameStop now publishes their drs numbers. That is incontrovertible truth. They did it, again, and with even more helpful info this time. + +This is real. You are not crazy. The executive team is paid in stock. You’re going to be rich. Only if you hold. Sooner if you DRS. + +You paid for it. Why not own it? +We have a couple hundred acres in California that a company reached out to us and offered $1600/yr + 2% annual increases for 25 years to install a solar farm. + +I have been trying to find other companies to shop the price around to see if this is fair, but it's been difficult getting any on the phone. + +Any suggestions on who to reach out to or how I can better determine the value? + +Thanks +*(Apologies if this topic has been discussed before, it just sparked some curiosity in me)* + +[Here](https://etherscan.io/accounts) you can see the top three addresses on the Ethereum blockchain: + +1. [1,538,422 ETH](https://etherscan.io/address/0x281055afc982d96fab65b3a49cac8b878184cb16) +2. [1,510,065 ETH](https://etherscan.io/address/0x6f46cf5569aefa1acc1009290c8e043747172d89) +3. [1,507,810 ETH](https://etherscan.io/address/0x90e63c3d53e0ea496845b7a03ec7548b70014a91) + +&nbsp; + + +These three addresses all share several very similar attributes: + + * They all have around 1.5 million ETH + * They all have between 441 and 491 transactions + * They all started receiving IN transactions on exactly Aug. 20, 2016 + * They all stopped receiving large sums of ETH around late March/ early April 2017 + * They all have only IN transactions and zero OUT transactions + * They all have zero internal transactions + * They all have zero token OUT transactions + + + +&nbsp; + + + +-It appears that all three were created directly from hard fork after the DAO hack in summer '16. + +-None of these accounts can be an exchange's hot wallet (could be cold?), as there are no OUT transactions and no internal transactions. + +-The same individual/group seems to control all three of these addresses, meaning they control around 4.6% of the current circulating supply of Ether. + +&nbsp; + + +**Does anyone know the story behind these top three addresses?** Are they controlled by a/the ETH dev(s). Could it be the Winklevii? Novogratz/Galaxy Digital? Lubin/ConSensys? Any thoughts? + +Since the video comparing [Solana vs Algo](https://youtu.be/RzucrCRGYkM) this guy never stopped shilling Solana despite all the bugs and problems. + +Even in the last video about [Phantom Wallet](https://youtu.be/zI-Xd9vVnwY) he is speaking more about Solana, then the Phantom itself. + +It is clear to me that the team behind this channel received huge pile of money to keep on speaking about “VC blockchain” despite all the problems this centralized piece of tech has. Just watch his latest videos and count how many times he mentioned Solana. That’s just stupid. + +Even when speaking about [Wormhole Hack](https://www.cryptopotato.com/solana-woes-worsen-in-320-million-120k-weth-wormhole-bridge-hack) the guy literally said - “Yeah, whatever. Solans is still fastest blockchain out there. Anyway..” Watch it for yourself [here](https://youtu.be/LluzXOKRlXQ) + +Channel is not neutral. It’s bought by Solana foundation. +I've been a cook from 16 to 23 and I usually ate at my job and bought some quick meal at the grocery store because I was too lazy to actually cook when I was at home. Meanwhile, I was also a college student with not enough money to actually buy in bulk and I didn't have the will to organize my life properly. In other words, it was : Many trips to fast-food restaurants, coffee machines/shops, bunch of trips to the overpriced convenience stores, etc. + + +Lately, I've graduated from college and I now live in a rural area with my girlfriend. The rent is cheap (350$ / month for a rented house, so 700 overall), I have a good 8-5 job, and the overall cost of living is pretty cheap. But I noticed I didn't have the money I *should* have. I did a quick budget and I noticed I barely had to spend 50% of my income in all the essential stuff. And yet, I had a hard time gathering money. + + + +Well, apparently, I still had the same "life" I did during college, except that I bought more expensive things. I looked up my debit card record and I noticed how brutal my expenses were. + + +About 100-150$ monthly went to convenience stores. + +About 150$ went to non-social restaurants (grabbing a Subway for lunch or ordering pizza for example). + + +About 300$ went to the grocery store (GF spends about 150-200). Way too much, considering it's for about 20 days worth of food. + + +It doesn't even include trips where we'd eat at the restaurant. + + + +So yeah, this was an eye-opener to me. It took me 5 months to realize I didn't adapt to a more serious and organized "adult" life. Thanks god it was only 5 months, though. But ever since, I've tried making efforts at cooking food at home, buying in bulk (now that I can afford it), making my own coffee, making my own lunch for work, etc. It's not about being cheap, really. I'm still eating tasty and healthy food. It's all about being intelligent about it... and man, I'm saving a crapload of money! + +Edit : Sorry for the potential grammatical errors, English isn't my first language. +My wife and I are \~50, and we've only reframed our retirement goals in the last two years or so. Previously, we were the most bougie people possible: planning to retire in our mid-to-late 60s, figuring out how to maximize social security payments, and having what would be (by then) a healthy nest egg that would let us pick our retirement spot of choice and settle in with few worries about our finances. On the other hand... that's +/- 65 years old. As many people have said over the years, "tomorrow is promised to no one." We love to travel; I know that's a cliche, but we exclusively vacation overseas and our google map called "Oh the places we'll go!" has multiple layers and hundreds of pins. + +So, we started re-doing the math. (re: the title of the post, we are 46 and 51 years old at the time) If we don't need to own a home in a relatively HCOL region, things get cheaper. If we leave the United States entirely, things get \*a lot\* cheaper. Plus, our biggest likely expense in retirement, travel, gets completely reworked if we start from a European hub instead of an American one. Even at this relatively late stage of life, if we employ most of the common strategies here in /r/financialindependence we were able to project a comfortable retirement at 55/60 instead of 60/65. + +And then, just this week, we realized that one of the tentpoles of our plan wasn't even necessary. We were planning on using the "golden visa" program in Portugal, which while it's an investment and not just a cost, tying up \~$400k-$550k for several years was a stretch goal. It was fine, that was what we were bearing down to achieve over the next 5-ish years. But, if we skip that and just go the more traditional visa route, we don't need that nut. We can live on the nut we've been accumulating (largely in home equity) until we hit the first of our significant 401ks. (I mentioned we're old farts that have been doing things the old-fashioned way, right?) In other words, instead of counting down the next 6 years here, in the old work/life model, we'll be counting down in our dream retirement environment. We've now pinky-promised ourselves that the next time there's a hiccup in either of our careers, instead of retrenching to make the next several years work, we're saying "to hell with it" and FIRE-ing. + +It does mean we aren't going to be living a life of (middle-class) luxury. We'll have to consider when to eat out and and when not to. We won't be taking the Orient Express just to fulfill an (incredibly expensive) wish list item. But, we'll get to all of the museums and archaeological sites, the beaches, the mountains... all of it. And we're far more likely to be healthy enough to enjoy it, even if we won't be in our 40s like some of the other success stories in here. We're very appreciative of the examples that are found in here, and I encourage any other lurkers to change your sensation of "I can't do what they're doing" (if that's what you've got) into "I can do something more than I have been doing." Retiring even a few years earlier than your friends, family, financial advisor etc... tell you is right will feel incredibly liberating. +Hey everyone, +I have a little bit of an issue and I would really appreciate some advice before I make a decision. + +My mother bought a block of land a few years ago and has been planning to build on it. She was approved for a loan a while back, but since then had an accident which has killed both of her arms. She wasn’t able to complete the loan paperwork due to excessive time in hospital, so now it’s all be revoked. + +She still owns the block, but in order for her to be able to secure a loan and build on it, she needs me to co-sign the mortgage with her. I’m 20 years old and still live at home and she keeps telling me this could give me a huge head-start in life. She tells me she will be the one paying the loan, but needs to use my income to secure the loan. She says because of this, she will leave the house to me in her will and not my brother and sister. However, she doesn’t want to put my name on the title of the house. To me this is a major red flag. I asked her what would happen if 5 years down the track I want to buy my own place with my girlfriend. She says that it would be easy because I could use the equity from the property to make a deposit, but if I’m not on the title then wouldn’t I just have a debt with nothing to show for it? Is there any way I could go about this or would refusing to do it be my best option? + +Please help me out. I’m pretty clueless with all this stuff. Thanks. + +EDIT: What would the situation be if I could talk my mother into transferring the title into my name? Judging from the way she speaks about it, she’d still be happy to be the one making the repayments, even if I was the owner. After all, if she’s promising to leave it to me after death, why not just do it in the beginning? That way, wouldn’t I be protected because I own the property? I could sell if it wasn’t being paid? Is there more too it or would doing it this way be a good decision? Would it even be possible? + +Also, I’m from Victoria, Australia. I’m a full-time carer for my mother and I get paid $1100 a fortnight from government benefits. It’s the best possible situation for me as I am also a full-time uni student who studies online. I’ve had many jobs in the past but I was required to work 30 hour weeks in order to earn the same amount. Being a carer means I can get paid comfortably, study without too much pressure and also help my mother. + +I’d like to thank everyone for the incredible advice. I already told her no a few weeks ago, but was just seeking some more information which has only solidified my decision. I won’t be doing it. She will sell the block and we will find a more affordable rental. I am not going to be roped into something so incredibly risky. I really appreciate the comments so thank you all again. + +ADDITIONAL EDIT JUST FOR HUMOUR: She even hired a ‘financial advisor’ who told me it was all a good idea. My mate told me to be weary seeing as she was paying his bills. Good thing I listened to my mate and not the ‘expert’. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +This morning at 8:30am eastern it was announced that the US Consumer Price Index had reached '7%' Year over Year and 5.5% YoY excluding food and energy. However there are a lot of analysts and economists thinking this year with fed rate hikes that they should hopefully slow down this high number. + +*US Dec Consumer Prices +0.5%; Consensus +0.4% + +*US Dec CPI Ex-Food & Energy +0.6%; Consensus +0.5% + +*US Dec Consumer Prices Increase 7% From Year Earlier; Core CPI Up 5.5% Over Year + +*US Dec CPI Energy Prices -0.4%; Food Prices +0.5% +We're all **apes**, we all have a **common** goal, don't let them divide us. It's the only way they can break our morale and stop MOASS. + +Whether you agree or not with the decisions made by the mods, you can **ALWAYS** remain respectful. Posts/comments like "What the fuck is wrong with you how can you possibly think DRS is more important than giving to charity" does not help anyone in this case. + +Some people think we should spend **every** cent we have on buying shares and **DRS'ing** them to lock up the float. Once MOASS happens we can donate more than we ever would be able to donate today. Very reasonable argument. + +The other side says it's important to donate in time for christmas and make children happy. Also a very reasonable argument. Just different paths to the same goal. + +The mods hyping up this event and being all secretive about it might seem unnecessary to a lot of us. I personally don't see what difference it would've made if they just announced it today without the pre-hype. But in either case it's a great initiative by them and they've been doing good work these past months so please cut them some slack. They're not gonna make perfect decisions every single time. + +**Ta:dr** We're over 650 000 **apes** here, of course we are going to have different opinions on things like this. But what we've always done is remain respectful to each other. So please do not let these shills play both sides and escalate this shit. +So it's pretty clear from automotive trends the days of the sedan are waning and even the SUV is likely losing its luster. + +Younger generations Millenials and GenZ appear less interested in owning automobiles and are fine in many (but not all cases) using rentals or on demand services. + +Add to that the eventual driveless future and one has to wonder that we are now probably at a peak car in terms of ownership and cars on the road. + +Is there any economic case for current automobile production trends going into the future? How will that affect automobile manufacturers? +“Limits to Growth” is a book based on a system dynamics model called World3 which fundamentally seeks to model the relationships between population, pollution, output and non-renewable resources while taking into account factors like technological innovation and ‘progressive’ policy adaptation. + +Based on the model, “Limits to Growth” concludes that, due to either pollution caused by increasing output or insufficient resources (such as fertile land) to support a growing population (and possibly others that I can’t recall at the moment), the world is going to see a significant collapse in output, population and ‘human development’ around the year 2040. + +KPMG recently published an [article](https://advisory.kpmg.us/content/dam/advisory/en/pdfs/2021/yale-publication.pdf) stating that the world is following the “Business as Usual” scenario laid out in “Limits to Growth” (one of the more pessimistic model runs of Wold3). + +For those of you familiar with “Limits to Growth” and World3, what are your thoughts about the book, model and the conclusions that it draws? +Maybe this is a bit of a beginner question. But why do some jobs pay a lot more than others. + +Since just about everyone wants to be paid more money, why don’t they move to a higher paying profession? + +Besides barrier to entry (cost of education, or difficulty obtaining the degree) I can’t really think of a reason why an equilibrium of salaries doesn’t exist +I am not an economist, but come from more of a philosophy background. I am sorry if I am having trouble articulating this. My question takes, first, the illicit substance cocaine as its example. Whether you pay 50 or 150 dollars per gram of cocaine, what, ultimately, determines that price? Is it that we have commonly judged the experience of taking the drug is worth that amount of money? Or are we simply paying for what it costs to produce, etc. as well as profit from it? I see at least these two factors, sort of "wish" and "necessity," entering into the price -- since it has been determined that raising the price of cocaine reduces usage, demonstrating that people have a sense of value for money when they purchase it, and also tend not to overspend. I also think there is an interesting corollary in the sense of it being a quasi-Veblen good at a conventional price point, if I have understood this concept, but then I am sure if it could be made cheaper, it probably would be. + +&#x200B; + +The question is less salient if we take instead, for instance an Xbox. I think most people would say $500 is high for a game console, and $300 affordable. There is more complexity in the supply chain here, meaning that there are more factors determining what would be a "necessary" price, but have we as consumers essentially pulled prices out of thin air (or, what we can reasonably afford with our purchasing power) when it comes to the question of what is good pricing? Probably, there is some relation between our "ideal price" and the de facto price of a product, based on what is usual; I am used to paying $8 or more for lunch, and view that as basically fair, which when deconstructed is quite strange, and when I was younger I thought it was expensive. + +&#x200B; + +I guess that I am looking for a sort of ontology of "market value" which goes beyond "supply and demand" and deals more specifically with individual relations. I think that possibly, the sense of "fairness" in a transaction (not always at hand) extends from a sensed commonality between these real and imaginary factors I have outlined, pointing actually to the currency in question moving "efficiently and correctly" from an altruistic perspective, rather than just marking the so-called correct price. + +&#x200B; + +Is there any work in economics which deals with this kind of question, as much as I have failed to distill from my thoughts this higher distinction which agitates them? +Just came across this article (another Sunday afternoon trawling through the internet), from Silver Doctors back in February '21. Not sure if it was posted here then, but really good read. We need more of these articles hitting the internet! + +&#x200B; + +A few quotes highlighted below. + +Link [Naked Short Selling: The Truth Is Much Worse Than You Have Been Told – Silver Doctors](https://www.silverdoctors.com/headlines/world-news/naked-short-selling-the-truth-is-much-worse-than-you-have-been-told/) + +&#x200B; + +**Naked short sellers are not motivated by moral and ethical reasons, but by profit alone.** They attack good, but weak and vulnerable companies. **They are not the saviors of capital markets, but the destroyers.** + +&#x200B; + +*“If you control the settlement system, you can do whatever you want,”* the source said. *“The compliance officers have no teeth because the banks are making big money. They over-lend the stocks; they lend from cash account shares to cover some of these fails … for instance, if there are 20 million shares they sold ‘long’, they can cover by borrowing from cash account shares.”* + +&#x200B; + +"When you have the ability to sell an unlimited number of non-existent phantom shares in a publicly-traded company, you then have the power to destroy and manipulate the share price at your own will." + +&#x200B; + +"Big banks and financial institutions are turning a blind eye to some of the accounts that routinely participate in these illegal transactions because of the large fees they collect from them. These institutions are actively facilitating the destruction of shareholder value in return for short term windfalls in the form of trading fees. They are a major part of the problem and are complicit in aiding these accounts to create counterfeit shares." + +&#x200B; + +The short-sellers and funds who participate in this manipulation almost always finance undisclosed “short reports” which they research & prepare in advance, before paying well-known short-selling groups to publish and market their reports (often without any form of disclosure) to broad audiences in order to further push the stock down artificially. There’s no doubt that these reports are intended to create maximum fear amongst retail investors and to push them to sell their shares as quickly as possible.  + +***That is market manipulation. Plain and simple.***  +I wanted to share my story. I'm currently 29 and my 20s are almost over. + +I graduated from college with a 2.7 GPA with a marketing degree from a D3 school. I never cared about grades I just wanted to graduate, and I barely did to be honest. I failed accounting, economic, and a 1 credit gym class. + +I was 22 when I graduated and I started to apply for random sales jobs on indeed / monster. All my interviews sucked. I got denied from multiple places that only paid $35,000 a year and had to made 100 cold calls everyday. So I figured I needed to get more specific in what I'm doing. + +Turns out there is a ton of money in insurance. Both on the company side and insurance broker side. I didn't even know what an insurance broker was. And im NOT talking about individual insurance sales for life insurance, cars, or homeowners / renters. Pretty much every employer, city, school district, has what's called employee benefits broker. Employees get paid in two was, in money, and in benefits. So health insurance, dental insurance, vision, life insurance, disability insurance. And all employers use an employee benefits broker to help set up the plan for all of their employees. The broker gets a small commission (2-5% of the policy premium). But when the policy premiums is millions of dollars or even just hundreds of thousands of dollars this adds up very very fast. Just like a real estate broker, stock broker, wholesale broker, the list goes on. None of these people that have these jobs really went to school for that job. + + +So I figured the barrier to entry in insurance is pretty easy. It's just a license you need with your state and you have to take a class and pass the test. No where near as hard as financial requirements. You just gotta show up and study for 2 weeks. However, I didn't even get my license before I got my job. + + +I googled "employee benefits brokerage" in my area. I found 4 firms I've never heard of. I looked at whose the branch president online and I cold called them. I prayed they wouldn't answer the phone. But I rehearsed exactly what I was going to say and I hoped I could just leave a voicemail. It was a very simple message. "Hi \_\_\_\_\_ my names Kyle. I'm a recent graduate at \_\_\_\_\_\_ with a marketing degree. I am a motivated sales driven individual and I believe I could be a positive asset to your team in a sales capacity. If you are looking to hire a young motivated individual that's willing learn please let me know, you can reach me at\_\_\_\_\_" + + +3 of the 4 called me back. These 3 all gave me interviews. One interview me to be an account manager for a broker so I could learn the ropes first. They did not hire me and rejected me. The second brought me in to interview to be an account manager again. At the end of my interview the broker looked at me and said "Kyle you are not account manager material. You are broker material. I'm going to recommend that you become a broker here and have to interview with this person." That person then called me and said "Kyle your resume came across my desk highly recommended, I'm looking for a young hotshot to come on board and make a boat load of money. Are you in?" And I said "Where do I sign?" I was shocked to get this call. He laughed and said I need to meet you first and he took me out to a very nice restaurant to get to know me. + + +I had a great meal with this man and made him laugh and like me. He hired me shortly after for $50,000 a year and the ability to make a lot of commission. My job was to call / email/ network/ send LinkedIn messages/ any way possible to get my senior broker a meeting to talk about employee benefits. I had no knowledge of employee benefits. They put me in a licensing class and paid for the classes and paid for me to learn. 3 weeks later I'm a licensed insurance professional. I took some adderall and isolated myself from the world for 3 weeks. I actually passed with the MINIMUM passing score of exactly 70%. But a pass is a pass. + + +I get on the phones, I get on emails, I get on linked in. With one goal - book appointments for my senior broker. Go on the calls with him, don't talk and listen. Learn. I did that for a year, my senior broker actually sold none of them. I was very frustrated. Everyone there was making so much money. I was still at $50,000. (which was more than I could ever have even dreamed of making at the time, but I saw everyone else had more). I struggled very bad my first month trying to land a single appointment. It was hard to sleep at night knowing I had to come in the next day and make calls and get rejected over and over. But I figured I have no skills in life. But my skill can be the willingness to keep going, the willingness to get rejected, the willingness to try. So I stuck to it. I had my first panic attack 2 months in and actually went the ER. I had no clue what it was and I legitimately thought I was dying. Every morning I played motivational YouTube videos on my phone in bed and on the way to work. I'MA SHOW YOU HOW GREAT I AM. - the great Muhammad Ali helped me focus and keep going. + + +13 months in I had zero sales. My senior broker wasn't very good. But I had learned a ton and I felt I knew what to say and what not to say. So I tried going on appointments alone. The then firm fired me for "not being a team player." When in reality I felt I was not doing anything wrong. I was fired on a Tuesday right after I bought my first car, and resigned my apartment lease because I thought they liked me and still believed in me. I was very wrong. I only had $2,000 saved up. I went home on that Tuesday and cried. I called my dad and said I'm a failure. He helped pick me back up and told me a story of the times he got fired in his career and said "Kyle every salesperson gets fired at least once in their career." On Wednesday it was gut check time. I sat at home and asked myself do I have this in me. Can I actually do this? Am I cut out for this? On Thursday I redid my resume. Friday morning I put my best suit on, went to the library and bought resume paper and loaded it in the printer. I printed off my new resume. I then got in my car and drove to 4 other firms in that area that were my previous employers biggest competitors. + + +I was very nervous to walk in to these firms. I'm 23 and just got fired with no sales. Who the hell would want to hire me? This was right before the new Star Wars movie was about to come out. I was a huge Star Wars fan and I was very excited to see Kylo Ren and I loved the trailers. I actually recorded the part of the trailer where Kylo says "Nothing will stand in our way...... I will finish. What you started." And I put that on loop on my iPhone and played it very loudly in my car on repeat psyching myself up to go in and try and get a job in person. I walked in and said to the receptionist "Hi my names Kyle, I have an interesting story and I was just terminated from the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ group on Tuesday. I'd like to talk to your hiring manager about me joining here in a sales capacity." (I had researched who I needed to ask for and I asked by name). No one was either there to meet with me or they just wouldn't let me in without an appointment. But I left my resume and asked if they could give it to that person and for that persons business card. + + +Once I got home that Friday night I sent each person an email saying I stopped in and attached my resume and would like an opportunity to talk to them about coming on their organization in a sales capacity. + + +Every place brought me in for an interview. Turns out there is almost NO ONE that does this. There is NO ONE in their early 20s walking in asking for a job. Everyone now hides behind a computer and applies online. This is a terrible strategy for a sales job. You needed to apply for the job in the same manner they would expect you to call on business for them once you're employed by then. This is how I got a second chance. + + +Only one firm offered me a job of the 4. But I actually got a raise out of it. They hired me for $60,000 and the ability to make big commission and the ability to go on my own appointments. No more senior broker. At the time I was cash advancing my credit cards to pay rent and for my car, I had to move to a different city only 60 miles away. They even paid for my moving expense. I was able to sublet my place to someone on craigslist for the next 10 months of my lease. Perfect. + + +I arrived with a bigger determination that I've ever had. IMA SHOW YOU HOW GREAT I AM. And the burning sensation to prove my last firm wrong. And I applied my only skill in life. The willingness to keep going. + + +After a few months I made my first sale. I made $67,000 my first year and had a pretty good sales year. I finally had a client that would be a reference for me. I'm now 23/24 years old. + + +At 24/25 I made about $80,000. Success builds success. Get a win. Tell everyone you can about that win and why they bought with you. Parlay what works until you are blue in the face. Find other companies that are similar to them and explain why you improved the last company like them. It gets easier. You get more clients that are willing to be a reference. More wins. + + +25/26 I had a huge year. 6 figure club. Making over $100k a year. My CEO loves me and I'm getting invited to special exclusive events and trips. + + +26/27 was my best year still. I made $132k. I bought a luxury 1 bedroom condo. Nothing feels better than success and rewarding yourself. + + +27/28 the show goes on. $125k. Had my first big client loss. It was a fairly large City. The mayor didn't seek reelection. And a new mayor got election and he had a friend who did what I did. So out I went on that account. + + +28/29 coronavirus. Very hard to make sales. Employers laying employees off. So my money goes down. Still barley made 100k. So no stimulus lol. Bought my dream car of a Tesla. + + +And now here I am looking back on my 20s. The highs and lows. I had many very low moments. Moments I cried. Moments I felt like failure. Moments I felt unstoppable. Moments I had climbed to the top of the. mountain. Moments IMA SHOW YOU HOW GREAT I AM. + + +Moral of the story, everyone loses. But only the ones who keep going end up winning. Skills not required in life. Some skills are just the ability to keep going. + +Edit(does it auto post edit?): when I was 26 I had my first seizure. I was in the shower and i suddenly couldn’t use my hand. It wouldn’t fire. I went down and passed out and seized up. I woke up hours later in bed still wet. I had no memory almost of what happened. I was super late for work and had a terrible headache and my tongue hurt. I looked in the mirror and I had bit my tongue extremely hard. I’ve only had 2 other seizures since. I went to the doctor a bunch and no answers. So me buying the Tesla was very very important. Self driving mode gave me peace of mind. The start of a seizure I can always tell and I have about 2 seconds to react with motor function. I was scared of dying driving or killing someone getting a seizure. For a little more clarification on why getting a Tesla was really important for me to get. +Hi Guys, + +I'll make this simple and clear. I keep hearing people (in here) that says they holds bonds, or some ETF (80% equity, 20% bonds), or some other saying GIC or good too, as they are low risk fixed income. + +I just dont get it. I totally dont. Especially with the current inflation rate of about 3.6% (from [CBC.CA](https://CBC.CA)), and I guess it could be higher. US is currently 4.5% declared, but it could be close from 9.5% (as by Anthony Pompliano & Peter Schieff). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/coqmnygzqme71.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=1225bd3e27974498317d21df64bc8823ce5be825 + +My point is....how can you say Bonds are good....especially with a 2.5% (or lower) annual coupon return a year ? I mean, you get ripped of by inflation. If Canada inflation rate is 3.6%, you're actually losing purchase power while holding that Bonds / GIC. + +It makes no sense for me. Im looking for ETF 100% equity, I dont see no point of allocating some portions of my portfolio into bonds/GIC, especially when I know they cant even keep up with the inflation rate. In other words, i would be losing money holding a 2.5% coupon bonds in 2021. + +Am I missing a thing ? Any thoughts & opinions on this ? + +Thanks all ! +I am a person who fled from Afghanistan in the year 2000......back when the Taliban was in charge as well. It is horrible for me to see them rise to power again today. + +My family is still in Kabul. I can tell you that cryptocurrencies would not have saved them. As soon as other countries heard of the Taliban rising, they closed all embassies so nobody could get a visa. It used to be easy to get out of the country to atleast Pakistan, India or China but they too closed their borders when the Taliban march became too 'real'. With no passports, no visums and no money for 90% of the Afghan people, where would they go? + +As more and more provinces were being taken, more and more people were forced to go to Kabul. Most of these fugitives had fought against the taliban in their own province and were now forced to sleep in the parks, on the ground and in the parkings lots. The locals of Kabul spared them whatever food they could....... + +When the Taliban circled Kabul, hyperinflation occured. Prices of all foods skyrocketed out of fear of dying of starvation. Do you really believe cryptocurrencies could have changed this? + +**I think not.** + +Also what many people don't realise is that many in Afghanistan are UNBANKED. They only hold some cash and use it to buy stuff. Cash would be more useful in this scenario than having cryptocurrencies on some exchange or even in your wallet. What if they turn off the internet? They will surely censor a large part of the internet if not compeletly turn it off. I remember back in 2000, you weren't even allowed to listen to music, hold a wedding etc. I fear for my family but all I can do is pray. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +1. Some people are asking 'who said this' => This post was mostly a reaction to the **comments** in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/p50c9y/people_flocking_to_empty_banks_and_atms_in/) (not to OP!). Also, if you read through the comments in this post, you will find people with similar ideas here. +2. I am grateful to all those who are writing kind words to me and my family. Your warm words have a profound effect on the heart. Ideally, I would like to thank every one of you personally, but this post has grown much larger than I expected and I am no longer at capacity to do so. However, I will read through every comment and upvote you when I find you. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +DFV aka RoaringKitty aka Keith Gill is in the middle of some legal stuff so he can't outright talk about GME. When all that's done and over with, I'd like to have him do an AMA with this community. I've got a burning question to ask and I'd seriously love to hear it directly from him. The question is, "When are you from?" + +*EDIT Awwwwww thanks everyone. From the awards to all the upvotes. I just wanted to say thank you, all. Much appreciated. It put a smile on my face* + + +*EDIT 2 Whoa! Over 3.5k upvotes. Again, thank you all! Listen up, this isn't some ruse to get anyone to sell. Not FUD. I'd be willing to wait until after the MOASS. If DFV didn't do an AMA, I'd be fine with it. If he did an interview, I'd watch. If he wrote a book, I'd buy it and read. If he said nothing at all, I'd still be ok. My question is silly but the underlying question for me would be, "How'd you figure this all out?"* + +*EDIT 3 Grammatical errors* +For Christmas 2020, I gave my godson (10 years old) $100 to invest over the course of the year. He could pick between CDs, real estate, stocks, or mutual funds. I made him a kid-friendly video to explain each option. + +He chose to divide his money between a CD, and Amazon, Microsoft, Home Depot, and Sony stocks. Every month I'd give him an update, and he ended up raking in an extra 20%. I posted about this when I first started, and people were (rightfully) concerned that a kid wouldn't love the idea, or that he'd get bored. But he LOVED it! He was so excited to receive his envelope of capital gains at Christmas, and it showed him on a kid-level how investing works. He was so excited to get his new $100 for 2022 and try to strategize to beat his 20% of last year. So far, he's lost $10, but that's a good lesson as well. + +Just wanted to share because it was such a success and it might be helpful to parents or uncles/aunts who want to teach the kids. Here's the video I made him: (Mods, I'm not selling anything, this is just for fun.) + +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udbuSHN9klM +"The central bank cut its one-week repo rate by 1 percentage point to 15%, marking the third straight reduction in interest rates under governor Sahap Kavcioglu from 19% at the start of September. The bank said many factors behind surging consumer prices were “beyond monetary policy’s control” and that it would “consider” ending its cycle of rate cuts this December. + +After the decision Turkey’s lira plummeted about 4%, hitting 11 against the US dollar for the first time." + +Is this a political move by Erdogan? I do not have a great understanding of Turkish politics, however, Erdogan does not seem to be well liked by Turkish people I know and this decision seems irrational. Erdogan apparently holds the view that high interest causes inflation rather than tame it. Where else has this type of thinking been seen? Is it that common at all? This is the first time I have seen that opinion on interest rates and inflation + +https://www.ft.com/content/2db0434d-2851-4485-850d-06cfca32ff22 + +Edit: Added Quotation around the article text. +DFV's actions in this saga make it perfectly clear to me that he will hold all the way through the MOASS. I have zero doubt about that in my mind now. + +We already know he's not in it for the squeeze, never has been. Check out his [GME bull thesis on youtube](https://youtu.be/GZTr1-Gp74U), where he lays it all out perfectly: he believes in GameStop's transformation. *He likes the stock*. He knows it'll be worth several thousand even after the squeeze, and he's just helping us Apes along the way. + +He sees the deep fucking value. + +Remember what he did. He doubled down on 50k the day after appearing in Congress, he held the options *until the very last moment*, only to reveal he yolod another 50k on top just to double down again on the double down. + +Those additional 50k weren't $12, those were regular $150 shares. Go figure. + +He's literally stock Jesus and **I'm 100% positive that he is going to hold his shares all the way through the squeeze.** + +He's not like Ken, he doesn't need to be the #1 richest fucker in the world at the expense of everyone else. He's already crazy rich, he'll be so much richer with GME growing, and he's only getting started. + +He's gonna help apes succeed. By doing what he does best, what he's always done. He's the most diamond handed ape there is, and has proven that over and over and over again, against all resistance.💎🙌 + +----- + +DFV's final update is the most incredible move I have ever seen, and I am ready to yolo every cent I have left come monday. It made me realize there's a game even bigger than the MOASS, **and betting on that game will both maximize the squeeze, and still make everyone rich by holding.** + +It comes down to this: + +Helping Apes succeed with MOASS will make GameStop the #1 Company in the world. DFV knows that, Ryan Cohen knows that. This means that GME is the most amazing long-term opportunity for *value investors* in the history of mankind, and MOASS will amplify that by another fuckton. Now, who is the greatest value investor of our generation? Bingo. DFV stands to hold 200k shares of **that** company. DEEP value, in a post-MOASS economy. This is the bigger picture. + +[Abundance is Coming](https://i.ibb.co/5jdtp5y/newapeorder.jpg) + +*That potential* is worth so much more to him than any specific dollar amount. It's why DFV will be the next Warren Buffett. + +> "*that's good cause I'm a value investor, so I don't need to be precise*" - DFV + +Even money is fleeting, GME is not. It's simply the best place to hedge against whatever is about to come. + +DFV is a *value* investor, never forget what that means. + +[Cheers!](https://i.ibb.co/fYRs345/whatifitoldyou.jpg) +Could use some advice on quitting and when you know the right time to walk away. I've had quite a few jobs the last few years, though all are in the same field (finance) and all are very high-paying ($200K+). All my jobs since grad school have been very high-stress, high-hour jobs, where you are on call pretty much 24/7. I've held many different jobs due to the fact that once I find a place too stressful or the people too toxic, I like to find a new job, take a few months off to unwind, and then start up again in a new high-paying/high-pressure job. I believe that doing this has extended my career by 2-3 years and has increased my net worth significantly (due to signing bonuses and negotiated pay). Truth of the matter is I am not meant for this type of work. In college I thought money would make me happy and I wanted a certain level of "prestige" to my career, but honestly, I'd trade it all back to start over and actually figure out what I enjoy. + +My current financial situation is "ok". I dug myself out of $250,000 of student loans grinding away the last few years and could pay off the rest of my loans tomorrow if I wanted. I'd have about $60,000 left over in savings and $100,000 in retirement between my wife and I (she works but doesn't earn that much). I prefer to keep some loans and about 2 years of living expenses just in case I rage-quit, which I know is not good financially, but for my peace of mind it really is needed. + +My issue is that the last few months have been brutal. I have had no free weekends and have worked till 2-3 am every night almost. With a few matters wrapping up, I've been given other matters that are just as stressful and those are starting to ramp up as well. I thought i'd have this weekend to relax and maybe get a fresh start, but I ended up having to work. I didn't work all weekend, but enough to affect my plans. I haven't exercised in months, I'm constantly sleep deprived, I see my friends becoming established in careers and having more and more free time to enjoy nights and weekends, and I have had to continually cancel plans because of work. Just not sure if I can keep doing this. You definitely get used to the work-sleep / work-sleep atmosphere but it doesn't seem like a way to live. I'm so ashamed the way I treat my body and my mind. I'd like to think I can succeed doing anything and that it isn't fair to me to continue doing this type of work. + +Anyone ever quit a high-paying job while not in a set financial situation because if was just too stressful and time consuming? Most of this post was just to bitch, but I'm legitimately thinking of giving notice in the next few months and then exploring other options. Thanks in advance! + +EDIT: Wow, didn't expect so much feedback here. It is actually really awesome to hear all the different perspectives and some great stories on people saying screw it and finding something better. I told my wife I posted this and she was (i) shocked that I post on reddit and (ii) thrilled to read through these with me as we try to plan out the next 3-6 months financially. + +And to the executive that would never hire me ... don't worry, I'd never work for you :-) +It's payday today. Last week I started a second job to try to get a little more money to help ease my fear of being so broke I have to go back on the ramen only diet, twice a day. (That's where I was before I found this sub. Just ramen, no add ins.) + +I was told that even though I started mid-pay period that my first paycheck wouldn't be until next check. They were wrong. I had a deposit when I woke up this morning. + +I woke up Christmas morning and realized I would be short some hours on my paycheck because of holiday flight reduction (like 2 days/16hours short on my next check) and I panicked because that's when some of my larger bills are due. + +I also worried when first starting this job because I always fear I entered my direct deposit information wrong. + +It wasn't much, because I didn't have many hours when i started, but it was enough to ease my stress a bit. I'm just so excited and I needed to tell someone. +TLDR: We The Investors is making an impact. Market makers are scared of the changes we’re advocating for. We need your help to keep the pressure on. Please consider [supporting this effort](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-sign-on-letter-2) focused on securities lending, FTDs, direct registration and settlement/clearing + +We The Investors is a grassroots organization advocating for critical changes to equities market structure, specifically focusing on transparency, fairness, best execution and improvements to settlement/clearing systems. We The Investors launched in March 2022, and in these first few months we have made some significant and direct contributions to the market structure debate in the US. A quick overview: + +* Our initial effort was a sign-on letter focused on PFOF and off-exchange trading, which garnered over 71k signatures. This led to meetings with SEC commissioners, staff and the chair, and media coverage focused on these issues. +* We The Investors was named in Virtu’s lawsuit of the SEC, and we expect to be cited in the SEC’s upcoming rulemaking. +* Led a comment letter campaign for the SEC’s short interest disclosure (13f-2) resulting in over 2k comment letters. +* We’ve held many Twitter spaces, Reddit talks, and multiple AMAs (including about DRS) on Reddit to discuss issues that few others are talking about, to bring attention to the issues that the retail community cares about. + +Over the past couple of months, listening to community feedback, we started working in parallel on our second major effort, focused on securities lending, FTDs, direct registration and settlement/clearing. We posted our initial ideas on Reddit and Twitter, received feedback, and ultimately put together [this second sign-on letter](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-sign-on-letter-2). + +We believe [this letter](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-sign-on-letter-2) is a comprehensive roadmap for market structure reform. It focuses on several important areas: + +* Transparency: we need disclosures on stock lending, margin, netting, FTDs and DRS. +* Choice and Control: retail investors deserve more control over their investments, including: + * Defaulting to NOBO designation (having brokers hold shares in your names, not theirs) to avoid shielding holdings from issuers. + * The right to decide whether securities can be lent out. + * The right to control whether shares are directly registered. + * The ability to receive communication and ensure that votes are counted and confirmed. +* Settlement and Clearing reforms: + * End the market maker exemption to Reg SHO. Everyone should have to locate shares before selling them short. + * End “Fails as a Business Model” through an overhaul of the US settlement system, potentially modeled on the European Settlement Discipline Regime. + +We need your help! Please consider [supporting this effort](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-sign-on-letter-2), signing the letter and pushing for substantive changes to US markets that can become the model for global change. + +I’m happy to discuss any of this, and open to any questions you might have about it. I’ll also be doing a [live AMA on Dec 20th at 1pm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zaqvu3/dave_lauer_live_ama_we_the_investors_sec_letter_2/?utm_name=iossmf). To jump start the conversation, I think there are a couple of questions/comments that I can respond to that I often get: + +1. This won’t help, nothing will change, it’s not worth the 10 seconds it takes to click on the link and enter my name. +That’s certainly exactly what the wholesalers/internalizers and brokers want you to believe. They know retail entering this fight is a game changer, and they’ll do everything they can to dissuade you from it. I personally believe, and have seen, that every effort can help in some way. The first letter opened the door to the SEC and Congress, because getting 71k+ signatures on an issue like this is unprecedented. Even if you don’t think anything will change, it’s worth the tiny effort it takes - it elevates the visibility of these issues, and you just never know when some small step will help to push these efforts over the tipping point. +I’ve also got to say that I find it a bit sus that folks feel the need to spread this FUD anytime our reform efforts are mentioned. If you don’t believe it’s worthwhile, that’s fine, nobody is forcing you to support us. But why do you feel the need to dissuade others? + +2. I don’t want to receive any spam or support your company in any way. +You won’t! The only thing we use email addresses for is to let you know about our advocacy efforts. We have a strict firewall between We The Investors and Urvin Finance (other than the resources that Urvin Finance expends to fund and support WTI) - we have never and will never cross that line. These advocacy efforts are strictly because we are passionate about market reform, and do not benefit our company. We work hard to keep the two efforts completely separate. + +3. Why aren’t you also doing X, Y and Z? +Great question! We’d love some help - if you’d like us to expand what we’re doing, or focus on other issue, we’re totally open to volunteers who want to lead various initiatives. So far there are very few of us putting the time in to make all of this happen, and we’d love more help with it. You can read the [roadmap](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/wti-roadmap) we published earlier in the year, and sign-up to volunteer there. We are a grassroots effort and ultimately aim to be a decentralized organization led by the community, not any individual people or firms. Getting something like this off the ground and sustaining the effort takes focus and consistent work - and for now we’re willing to be the ones to step up. + +4. This system cannot be reformed, it must be burned down. Dave only wants to reform it because if it blows up his company will suffer. +First, I think it’s important to know that Urvin Finance will have a role regardless of what our markets look like. We don’t “benefit from the status quo.” We will not advocate to blow up a system, not because our company would suffer (it wouldn’t) but because we don’t agree with the approach. That being said, I understand a lot of people feel that way, and have ideas about how to bring about revolutionary change in markets. I don’t feel like a debate about whether strategically applied incremental change over decades is a better approach than trying to burn down and rebuild the entire financial system is a useful one to have. I’d simply point out that there’s no reason you can’t push for revolutionary change, while also supporting our efforts as a hedge. + +5. Dave’s a shill, A SHILL I TELL YOU! +I still haven’t figured out who I’m shilling for, or where to pick up my paycheck. I think it sucks that when someone says something people might not agree with, they’re instantly branded a shill. Or when I am overly cautious about a topic, I’m spreading FUD. Just because we might disagree, doesn’t speak to my intentions - and I often think it says a lot more about the people who say this kind of thing than it does about me. It also doesn’t surprise me that this negativity exploded after our success with our first sign-on letter. Virtu obviously took note of that success by including us (and me) in their lawsuit against the SEC - I’m sure others have as well. If you think me starting Urvin Finance is part of it, then you’re welcome to not support our for-profit efforts - but we saw a problem, saw we could fix it, and are naturally entrepreneurial - it’s kind of why the free market is so awesome. So please, criticize me all you want, but let’s engage on substance, not evidenceless accusations questioning my integrity. Just to make it clear - Urvin Finance and WTI are completely separate efforts, we don’t ask for money for WTI, and Urvin Finance does not benefit from any of the issues that WTI advocates for. This is one of the reasons we’re taken seriously in DC - because it’s so rare to have an organization advocate for issues where they don’t directly benefit. +The title says it. + +&#x200B; + +In addition , point to discussion - I have seen previously that when people were pulling the shares out of robinhood their position was transfered by the fractional shares. Now , webull is blocking all actions with the GME. I think all the shitty PFOF brokers will somehow convert the position into fractional, to delay the inevitable. + +I think we should list all of that crap. + +EDIT2:Interesting though [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w53xov/comment/ih5vmq4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)What if those brokers who instantly 'had' our shares last night are the ones synthezising them? And those who really have them need the time to get them? by u/ [**b4st1an**](https://www.reddit.com/user/b4st1an/)and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w53xov/comment/ih5xxpm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)I am just confused as to how people were getting there shares in some of the brokers before i got mine in ComputerShare. Many of the official statements from Brokers mentioned the 26th for there distribution. There definitely just adding number onto accounts © u/BornAbility5254 + +EDIT3 : Dudes and dudettes, I am having problem modyfing the table because I have to work + +Spreadsheet deleted-> it was not anonymyous! + +Feel free to add yours -> this spreadsheet is anonymyous. + +EDIT1: Adding table + +|Entity|OK/NOK|Comment| +|:-|:-|:-| +|IBKR|OK|Delivered| +|Cortal Consors|NOK|Not yet delivered| +|Wealth simple|NOK|Takes up to 6 days| +|Freetrade|NOK|Nothing yet| +|Revolut/Drivewealth|OK|For some delivered| +|Deutsche Bank|(?)|You receive three additional shares for every share in your portfolio after hours 21st of July. The new shares will be registered as entitlement shares with a blocking period. After receiving the shares we lift the block. **The delivery is not happening before 26th of July.**| +|Fidelity|OK|Delivered| +|TD Ameritrade|NOK|Not delivered| +|ETORO|OK|The thing is, they shouldn't have these shares yet if Computershare is still distributing them to registered holders first. If anything this proves they just put a number in a database and don't have to locate the shares for you.| +|Freetrade|ok|\-| +|HL|NOK|by 27th| +|Saxo|NOK|Not delivered| +|Swedbank|NOK|Not delivered| +|Degiro|NOK|Not delivered| +|Vanguard|NOK|not yet delivered| +|Interactive Investor (UK ISA|NOK|not yet delivered| +|Merrill Edge|OK|Delivered| +|ETRADE|OK|Shares delivered| +|CashApp (Drivewealth)|OK|shows 4x shares at pre-split prices| +|Flatex|ok|Delivered| +|Cmc markets|NOK|they're waiting on their custodian to deliver which is BNP Paribas.| +|Trade Republic from Germany|OK|Susquehanna is an investor of them| +|Onvista|OK|| +|Scaliable Capital||Mon 23th| +|mBank(KBC Broker)|NOK|| +|ING DiBa|OK|delivered| +|stake|OK|delivered| +|WeBULL|NOK|Banned activities| +|Trading 212|OK|They had a link to an explanation section that didn't even mention dividends.| +|Nordnet|OK|delivered| +|TDA|?|split price per share but didnt give me any! So my $ balance is now 1/4 what it should be!!| +|Schwab|OK|Delivered| +|Cortal Consors|OK|delivered| +|Nordea Finland|OK|price not updated yet.| +|Boursorama|OK|delivered| +|comdirect|OK|delivered but I suspect only syntetic shares (comdirect was faster than cs) ©8aplus| +|Merill Lynch|NOK|Not delivered| +|DKB|OK|Delivered| +|ING diba , Germany|OK|Delivered| +|Citibank|NOK|Not delivered| +|German Postbank , retail division of Deutsche Bank|OK|Delivered| +|Chase investments|OK|Delivered| +|Swissquote|OK|Delivered| +|BGL BNP Paribas|NOK|Not delivered| +|Tiger Brokers Singapore|OK|Delivered| +|LHV PANK ESTONIA|OK|Delivered| +|Erste Bank|NOK|Not delivered| +|Questrade|NOK|| +|TD canada|NOK|Not delivered| +|Firstrade|NOK|Not delivered| +|Sofi|OK|delivered| +|DISNAT|NOK|Not delivered| +|Scotia iTrade|NOK|| + + + + +EDIT 4: Hey everyone , I was out . I will update table according to the feedback. +Specifically I'm thinking of how a monopoly can be more efficient than a competitive market in an industry with heavy externalities. Also, what was the name of the economist who came up with this phenomenon? +I think the answers definitely No, but would like someone to confirm it for me and also if possible give some reasons to support why not? + +This is for a Presentation of mine in my Economics Class. +Hi there, title pretty much says the lot. +Me and my fiancé are looking to buy in regional Vic, we’ve got a 20% deposit saved and are ready to go. I’m now starting to think about other cost such as furnishing the place. Is there any good advice or articles about the average price of furnishing a house? + +Cheers. +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-moovit-m-a-intel/intel-in-talks-to-buy-israels-moovit-public-transit-app-for-1-billion-media-idUSKBN22F0GS + +Moovit’s free mobile navigation app provides transit information to more than 750 million users in 100 countries. + +Last month it launched an emergency mobilization service, which was created for transit agencies and enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. The technology transforms vehicle fleets into an on-demand service to get essential employees safely to work and has been implemented in a number of cities by large corporations. + +Intel has made significant investments already in Israel, having acquired autonomous vehicle technology provider Mobileye for $15.3 billion in 2017. In December it bought Israeli artificial intelligence firm Habana Labs for $2 billion. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +\--- + +These links will take you to the [**Mega Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22) or [**Due Diligence / Deep Dive**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22) flair filter. + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. We are currently working on more ways to make DD the prominent focus on this subreddit. + +\--- + +# [OFFICIAL AMA - DOMO CAPITAL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtnian/official_ama_justin_dopierala_founder_and/) - 4/20 @ 4:20 p.m. CT + +Ask your questions now! Thread is locked when livestream starts. + +\--- + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +Banner Contest is live! Check the main page for the sticky post and vote now! + +\--- + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +As the title says, how to deal with a slow down/recession? What to do with your investments in stocks, FD's, gold etc if you lose your job or if not... +Background. We live in California. Recently we have decided to sell the house. The market is hot and the interest rate I believe is down to 2.5% give or take a few on a 30 year fixed. I offered to give her the listing and she came back stating that she would like to buy. Obviously now she no longer has my best interests at heart. + +In general a buyer wants the lowest price and a seller wants the best price putting us at a conflict of interest. The bright side is we wouldn’t have to pay realtor fees. + +The house itself is 1259 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, built 1985. Another thing to consider is there is 1/3 of the houses that are typically available in the area, around just 4%, causing people to overbid a decent amount. + +Here’s where I am at, there are things that need to be fixed that we can spend pennies on the dollar to increase the value by several thousand, an example is we sanded down the cabinets and we now need to buy new doors and paint. To which they are proposing that we don’t fix those things and let them do it. (Obviously their benefit). I have no problem spending 1k to make 4K more. + +Also, a house similar to ours sold for 390,000 on the street directly behind ours at the beginning of July, to which interest rates have dropped further since. + +Fun exercise for thought- +I realize that if we somehow reached an agreement that would potentially save me 22k in realtor fees if the house was priced at 390k. (Not saying that’s the price, but for sake of discussion) + +MY TENTATIVE GAME PLAN +We are going ahead as if they are not the buyer and getting the house ready for the market to make sure the house gets the most bang for the buck. I’m thinking that the best way is to put it on the market and give them first priority to match the highest bid, because if we didn’t put it on the market then we would be missing out on the potential of people overbidding. Then if they did want to match it then that’s when we could figure out the best way to meet at a fair price. (SUGGESTION???) + +My questions are essentially + +1. How do I now navigate that we get the best possible price? + +2. At what point would the waving of realtor fees benefit us/them as far as purchasing price? +(It doesn’t make sense to drop the price to 370k to benefit just them because they would be paying the 390k anywhere else.. middle ground maybe??? Split the difference? + + +Add on- +To be clear I would not be saving 6%. They want to take that number off the top and buy the house at that price. + +market 390k +Commission 23,400 + +She wants to pay 366,700 + +She wants to essentially gain 24k equity because she is still doing all of the work. + +Edit-add on +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/26/people-skipping-medically-necessary-drugs-because-they-cost-too-much.html + +For many Americans, the cost of regularly taking and filling their medications is too much. So much so, 44% of respondents in a new online poll say that within the last year, they did not purchase at least one medically necessary prescription because of cost. + Walmart just dropped their equivalent to Amazon prime called Walmart+. This definitely could rock the ecommerce market and do potential damage to Amazon by splitting the consumers down the middle. $AMZN does make a lot of it's money from AWS(Amazon web services), but consumers know them for their insane ability to ship on the same-day (prior to coronavirus at least). What's your thoughts on this? Any potential other ways to affect the stock market that people (like myself) would not think of? + +&#x200B; + + [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/walmarts-answer-to-amazon-prime-set-to-launch-in-july-according-to-report.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/walmarts-answer-to-amazon-prime-set-to-launch-in-july-according-to-report.html) +Check out this DD right here guise. Without further ado: + +1. There has been quite little and sporadic price anchoring in the past, these guys have been shooed out. But now, check the board. Why is this? Well. + +2. So there is this certain Dorito of Doom™, thats been loading up for a year now, and is days from eruption. + +3. Actually, it was broken with quite some confidence this Friday, like literally a day ago. + +4. Enter the weekend. Conventional weekend-FUD is nowhere. However behold my surprise when someone claims that levels over $1m is unrealistic. Or that govt interventions will snap before $10m. Someone with 32 shares wondering if he will make a million total. So mush concerns for private finances. + + +::::::::::::::::::::: + + +Add up a few things here, and you will come to my conclusion. Just as hedgies in past could down price from 350 -> 160, but now cannot do shit, so it is with weekend fud. They could do major ass campaigns in the past during weekends, but now, no such ambition can be seen for this weekend. Of every weekend, why this? Its over. + +The Dorito has spoken man. Now the best they can do, is in effect discrete pleads to get away as "cheaply" as possible. Do you know how bullish this is? Which brings us to conclusion: + + +::::::::::::::::::::: + + +_These tits of yours, are like tender flowers during spring._ + +_This weekend appears these price-anchorers, which are like the bees that bring the tits to fruition._ + +_Upon the visit of the bees, suddenly new life arises._ + +_Do you feel the hardening? You you feel the supple tittening?_ + +_The resulting nectar of this sweet lovemaking, is as the first fruits of the moass._ + +_Only bees could take spring into summer, and now they are here_ + +_Behold the blossoming, of a thousand tits._ + + +::::::::::::::::::::: + + +For this Wu Tang Wizdom, i ask only one thing. Can i be called Apespeare? Thank you. +If you had 450K is cash - how would you invest in real estate if you could go back in time and be a first time investor. Would you dump all the money into one multi family property? Or split it up and buy two multi family properties? + +Just curious your thoughts! +I'm not going to pretend to be an expert in options, but I know that the topic has been taboo in this sub... And for no good reason as well. There are safe options strategies that can and should be discussed in our fight for the MOASS. Every path should be sought out. Charles Gradante in the post recently suppressed on Reddit pretty much validates that it was Call options on GME that mooned the price. Go watch it if you haven't... It gives me chills. + +If you want MOASS as bad as I do, you'll seek out all paths to it. Price is extremely low right now which means options are VERY cheap. With the upcoming price action in January (FTDs due), we could very much see a squeeze in January. I know enough about options that you'd want to buy expiration dates after the expected price movement so maybe Feb or March expiration dates might be worth noting. + +I am in no way against DRS... But I'm not against call options either. Heck DFV was all about calls and exercising options when they went in the money. I think it's an absolute shame call options aren't being talked about as openly as it should. I'd like to change that here in this sub. + +Thoughts? +Hi there +I'm 20 y.o. and about to start my long-term investment journey. + +I've done extensive research to find an all-world ETF that could be the core of my portfolio for the next 20+ year, and I concluded that VWCE would be fine. + +However Vanguard just launched Vanguard ESG Global All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating (V3AA) that seems to me a VWCE + Exposure to Small Caps. + +The ESG rating doesn't bother me, I know that companies are filtered in a questionable way to say the least, but still not investing in Alcohol, tobacco, gambling, non-renewable energy and weapons is a huge plus for me + +What do you think of choosing this ETF as the core of my portfolio instead of VWCE? +Right now the fund is still pretty small (18million €) but being a Vanguard fund I'm sure it will increase in size in the future + +Here's a link to a Reddit post that describes V3AA in a more detailed way +https://www.reddit.com/r/BEFire/comments/mj5ur3/new_vanguard_esg_global_all_cap_ucits_etf_v3aa/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Here's the link to JustETF +https://www.justetf.com/it/etf-profile.html?0&isin=IE00BNG8L278 + +Thanks in advance to everyone for the help! :) +No affiliation to this guy but he gives a great simple breakdown of Michael Burry's most recent 13F filing, which reveals a huge bet on inflation. He says "Burry is using options to bet against the bond market, a market susceptible to downturns when the Federal Reserve raises interest rates". Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FP3RkNBJ94&ab\_channel=NewMoney](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FP3RkNBJ94&ab_channel=NewMoney) + +I don't have the chops or the know-how to copy this strategy, but it seems a lot of major investors are expecting interest rates to rise with inflation, and the stock market to drop as a result. We are already arguably in bubble territory if you look across the board at some of the metrics. + +My current approach is to buy undervalued stock as per usual, with the idea that they will be the most protected in a market sell-off, and cover me either way. But I'm nervous! There's always noise about a collapse, and I know you can never predict it accurately, but we are starting to see some serious warning signs. + +What are you guys doing? Do you agree with Burry? Are we about to see the Big Short 2.0? +[https://imgur.com/a/Egpogls](https://imgur.com/a/Egpogls). Note: Only FCF, shares outstanding, and today's value are in thousands. + +Hello, I am 13 and just performed my first DCF calculation and would like feedback. + +First I found 2019 and 2020 FCF numbers online. + +Then I found FCF/Net income, which was an average of 1.19. I multiplied this number by Yahoo Finance's net income estimates in 2021 and 2022 to get my FCF estimates for those years, with 2022E FCF being $13,568,000. + +I searched up ADBE's WACC and got 7.54%, which I used for the required return. My perpetual growth rate of 2.5% is close to the economy as a whole. + +I found terminal value using $13,568,000(1+0.025) / 0.0754-0.025 to get $275,936,507. + +My discount factor was (1+0.0754)\^t, where t = 1,2,3 depending on if it's for 2021, 2022, or the terminal value respectively. I divided FCF estimates by the discount factors to get PV of future FCF values, which I then added up and divided by the 435,000 (in thousands) shares outstanding to get a fair value of $435 a share. + +Adobe is currently trading at $504 a share, so it seems to be modestly overvalued. I'm not surprised, because it's an awesome company. + +I would like to know what values you folk got for ADBE and whether I made any mistakes. Cheers. +A house in Haberfield in Sydney sold at auction on the weekend for $7.02m. I’m stunned. How is this even possible? + +https://www.domain.com.au/17-waratah-street-haberfield-nsw-2045-2017203446?utm_source=www.domain.com.au&utm_medium=sharelisting + One of the greatest quotes from the legendary Peter Lynch’s book “One Up on Wall Street” is : ***“Selling your winners and holding your losers is like cutting the flowers and watering the weeds.”*** + +It is stupid right, but still most of the investors do it everyday. They sell the winning stocks in their portfolio and hold on to the losers in the hope that they will rise up one day. This common behavior can be explained by the theory of **‘Loss Aversion’.** + +In the "loss-aversion" theory, the general concept is that if two choices are put before an individual, both equal, with one presented in terms of potential gains & the other in terms of possible losses, the former option will be chosen. Loss aversion was first identified by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman in 1979. + +Some studies have suggested that **losses are twice as powerful, psychologically, as gains**. This simply means that if you make losses in the stock market you will feel twice as bad as you would feel good about making profits in the market. + +**The fear of realizing a loss cripples an investor, prompting him or her to hold onto a losing investment long after it should have been sold.** One should always try to avoid this trap and cut the weeds from their portfolio before they become poisonous. +I Miss ya dude! I miss your tweets that had cryptic messages. or even if they didnt mean anything at all, I still thought they were hella fun/entertaining. I'm pretty sure you're still watching over us like some damn weirdo so I jus wanted to let you know @ 3:30 am that us apes miss roaringkitty! I'm pretty damn excited to moon with you and all the fellow apes/ants/andothercreaturesofgmethatidkabout. Hope to see you celebrating with the rest of us when we make it. + +🦍🙌💎 +I currently have one house hack and a few rental arbitrages going on. I want my next investment asset and heard about storage units. Did some digging but it's tough to find information on how to aquire them and their ROI. Anybody here have experience with them? Would recommend or stay away from them? +For example, I have 2 properties, one I am rehabbing and one I live in, both will become rentals once I finish it/find my next house. + + +I bought smoke alarms for the rehabbing one and there is an “installed on _____” and a “replace by _____” written on it. The ones in the house I’m living in don’t have any writing, but I just did those ones earlier this year. + + + +I thought “wow, that makes this so much easier!” I filled in all of the new smoke alarms then went back with a sharpie and wrote on the backside of the ones that I had installed earlier this year. + + + +I already bought the same appliances for both houses, so that is (hopefully) going to make something’s easier. + + +Just wondering about any other tips and tricks that make life easier for managing rentals! +Hey Superstonk, + +Earlier today we had a visit by Bill Pulte (u/RealPulte) who was eager to engage with our community. + +Y'all did a great job of being your welcoming, curious, skeptical and raucous self, and generally, the impression we got is that Bill had a great time! + +After a few hours, however, Bill and the mods agreed that a more organized approach might be helpful to get the most valuable questions direct to his eyes, so here's your opportunity to ask him anything. + +Please vote on the questions, so we get the best ones to the top, and in a few days he'll return to respond to them in a written AMA format, exact date to be announced soon. + +&#x200B; + +[credit u\/hyperblu7](https://preview.redd.it/h2bv32y8zls81.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870fa853833e6dcd7bd51f339c474ba59ca46666) + +edit: I am smooth brained. Meme credit to u/hyperblu7 \- [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u05dfe/sorry\_excuse\_my\_friends/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u05dfe/sorry_excuse_my_friends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +I posted this in r/BogleHeads (I’m primarily an index investor). And I’d like to now hear counter arguments. + +Original post: + +https://reddit.com/r/Bogleheads/comments/rxly8r/a_respectful_discussion_on_dividends/ + +Basically the argument is that dividends don’t effect total returns, are a tax drag, and then arguments around “Dividend Irrelevance Theory” + +Thoughts? +Hello world 👋 +Last day of the week, let's see if we can reach our brothers and sisters at 300 US-$, wouldn't that be something? 😉 + +Current price "115 minutes in: 250.27 US-$" + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of camaraderie is crucial, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + +Starting:                  254.06 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 251.25 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 251.13 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 251.25 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 251.74 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 251.74 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 251.86 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 251.86 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 251.61 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 251.74 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 251.98 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 251.98 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 252.96 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 253.57 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 251.98 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 251.86 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 253.33 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 253.69 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 253.69 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 250.51 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 250.51 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 250.51 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 249.90 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 250.27 US-$ +So check it out ... I have some call options that are doing some very funny shit today. Very funny shit! They are showing massive, outsized daily gains, making my portfolio balance look way better than it should. THEY SHOULD NOT BE SHOWING THESE HUGE DAY'S GAINS $$$. This is especially true of $FLWS, which doesn't even have any bids ... and why is $NOK showing a massive dollar gain (that's hitting my portfolio balance), but 0.00% Change? Something's super fuckey! + +**Is someone avoiding a margin call by artificially inflating daily options values?** + +So throughout the day, these crazy daily gains have been snapping on and off ... it's almost like the daily gains on options values are being manipulated for balance sheet health ... turning it on when needed. So I thought ... hmmm ... I wonder if there's any correlation with the people holding these calls on $NOK and $FLWS (and likely many others doing the same funky shit today), and the people short $GME, as expressed by holding puts. + +https://preview.redd.it/wgjy4ycw9iy81.png?width=2848&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffb138d528e22c88af44b95d26193b7b2a89b95f + +So here are the top holders of $GME puts ... pay note to the yellow highlighted assholes ... + +https://preview.redd.it/k6ygffokaiy81.png?width=1690&format=png&auto=webp&s=5269c9badd951131c3c31117e0336b21bdefa10a + +... because those motherfuckers are also holding calls on $FLWS ... + +https://preview.redd.it/df9dopb8biy81.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7205e32ed1f753ed835f28e8703e169fbf854c1 + +... and $NOK; a shit ton! + +https://preview.redd.it/kgsy5qw9biy81.png?width=1594&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e85cb72da3eb69c1614d2cc45219b49873e2d5 + +Big deal, you might say. They are hedge funds, and they hold call and puts on everything. + +Well, in the case of $FLWS, the ONLY institutions holding calls happen to be among the top put holders on $GME ... crazy, right? ... there's not a single institution holding $FLWS calls except for institutions holding a ton of $GME puts. Now how can that be? Swaps? Basket stocks? + +What about $NOK ... + +https://preview.redd.it/i66g4lgwbiy81.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=0237206c0c4452d032b9571ed4f67b56bbf4bff3 + +Also crazy, right ... among the 34 institutions holdering Calls on $NOK, the largest of those also happen to be the top holders of $GME puts. Probably a coincidence, right? + +Another thing ... $NOK was a part of the 2021 Restricted Securities List, and $FLWS is a top position in $XRT ... another coincidence, I'm sure. + +So this business with mispriced options is not new, but I thought it had either stopped or at least slowed down after I had reported the issue to my broker and the SEC. I wrote a ton about this about a year ago, and then the phenomenon had dramatically slowed down ... in fact, it had almost disappeared (at least, among the shit options I was holding). + +Check it out: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbjckf/stress\_tests\_are\_easy\_with\_cheat\_codes\_may\_13/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbjckf/stress_tests_are_easy_with_cheat_codes_may_13/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfczb2/even\_more\_cheat\_codes\_so\_much\_options\_fuckery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfczb2/even_more_cheat_codes_so_much_options_fuckery/) + +Well, it looks like the shit show has returned. I guess desperate times call for desperate cheating. + +One way to keep Marge at bay ... inflate the value of your millions of calls. +I currently have my emergency fund sitting in premium bonds. + +The opportunity cost is disheartening. + +I've not won a single prize, I'm actually losing money due to inflation, whereas I could stick it into a fund and average 5-7% return. + +I understand emergency funds are for the unforseen circumstances, but is it a stupid idea to move my emergency fund into a vanguard fund? + +Both my accommodation and employment is secure, would take a genuine emergency for me to need to access this money, immediately.. +It’s leftover from my college fund because halfway through I transferred to a college where the tuition was less expensive. She said I can use it for a down payment on a car, savings, school, whatever. + +I recently started school again after graduating 3 years ago to pursue a different career path and she said I can use it for my tuition if I want, but I work full time and I’ve been paying for 2~ classes per semester myself rather than taking out more loans or using this money. I think I like the idea of just paying for it in full myself and having the extra savings tucked away. I only make about $2,200/month but I have virtually no expenses since I still live with my parents. + +I have an account with Betterment that has $1,500 in it, investing in index funds. Maybe it could go there? I only contribute $100/month to this account since my tuition expenses are pretty high. + +I also still owe $9,000 on my student loans from my first go at college. + +What should I use the $4k for? TIA. + +Edit to answer these questions: + +-one loan is about $6,000 at 3.15%, the other is about $3,000 at 6.55% + + +-I have a Roth IRA with $3,500 in it + + +Sorry I know this isn’t r/plumbing, but was wondering if anyone has done the calculations on if it’s financially worth spending an extra £1,000 on a boiler for its efficiency etc. We will only be in our property for the next 5 years so I’m guessing we are unlikely to see a £1,000 saving in efficiency during that time, even with these prices? + +Scotland, semi decent insulation. + +Thanks! +I am 22yo single active duty navy and am trying to maximize the money that I was given. + +I’ve received 30k in a windfall and 60k from a custodial account. I’ve invested the 30k into my individual brokerage account and the 60k remain in the mutual funds that were in the account. I’ve also saved 7.5k into my emergency fund and maxed out my 2019 and 2020 Roth IRAs. I’ve started contributing 60% of my income to my Roth TSP (401k) but that only leaves me with about 600 dollars a month in leftover money. If I were to need more money past the 600 dollars my plan was to slowly sell off some of the mutual funds to fund my life. + +Is this a good idea? +Etoro do not allow their customers to transfer out, I am aware of this. Although I did make an attempt to transfer out for the sake of it. +I made a decision some time ago that I wanted evidence from Etoro that my shares have actually been purchased by them and allocated to my account. + +It is stated by Etoro that the shares you invest in are purchased on your behalf. + +Etoro were of no help when I requested proof of purchase. From Emails to the support chat page I am continuously told to refer to my account statement to view my purchase - I can’t count how many times I’ve explained to Etoro that this clearly isn’t what I am requesting. + +“Kindly note that, as explained before, eToro does not offer a certificate of ownership, we do hold all the Stock, on your behalf, as stated by our terms and conditions and agreed upon creating the account and regulated by multiple international regulatory Agencies that oversee every transaction performed in our system” + +I do not want a certificate of ownership, I want to see Etoros certificate of ownership. +I want to know for sure they have actually purchased shares for me, surely that’s only fair.. + + +So I chased up their regulatory agencies, after speaking to the ASIC, they explained I need to talk to an EDR (external dispute resolution). And I found one. (All of this is so new to me!!) + +I made a formal complaint to the AFCA and have requested they assist with providing proof of ownership or assist in transferring out of Etoro. + +This is something I have decided I am passionate about, others may see things differently. + +I was the smoothest of brains when I purchased back in January. + +Times have changed. + +A wrinkle was formed. + +Now I understand, + +DRS will always be the way. +Post it if you have it, because all I have seen are the clarification from GameStop and the clarification from one of the EU regulators. What I have not seen, despite the constant bombardment of memes and citations of “DTCC committed international securities fraud”, is evidence from a broker that they were instructed by the DTCC to break the law. You know, something that would stand up in court? + +So where the fuck is it? I’m asking over a month later, because despite my being on here hours at a time each day, and politely asking the mods for clarification on the “evidence”, it seems there is none. So post some and help a brother out. + +Otherwise we should stop accusing them of fraud (as much as I want to fuck them over like they have me). Let’s be fair, rational, and always ask questions. Especially if accusations require evidence. + +Thank you and have a great weekend 💜 + +Edit 1: great conversation. Still lots of misdirection, FUD, gaslighting and ad hominem bullshit to sift through. There is one gem below, which looks promising. I’m currently trying to research FC02 v FC06, ~~and if it should be FC06 and this screenshot on Twitter can be validated and verified somehow, it does look like legal evidence~~. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x4uv9m/proof\_the\_dtcc\_committed\_international\_securities/imy68td/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x4uv9m/proof_the_dtcc_committed_international_securities/imy68td/) + +Edit 3: [This thread marked as possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whup7y/clearing_up_the_recent_misinformation_about_the/) and not debunked by mods, states that FC-02 is correct. If that is the case, the link above is incorrect on the FC-02 bit, but does show the "Stock split" portion. ~~So I'm still looking for~~ Would this evidence ~~that would~~ stand up in court? Something that shows the DTCC fraudulently instructed brokers to unknowingly or not, to commit crime. [u/sharkopotamus](https://www.reddit.com/user/sharkopotamus/) says that *"As you can see, the function code is correct (FC 02), but the Processed As field is incorrect. Processed As should have been "Stock Dividend," instead of "Stock Split.""* **So we are looking for documents that support FC02 + "Stock Split" or anything that is FC06.** Good stuff fam. + +Edit 2: I was thinking, the more you see “the DTCC has committed fraud” the more likely you are to accept it as fact, and move on. The less likely you are to continue digging for evidence. + +Edit 4: clarifications + +Edit 5: first snek, 2:20am 💜 +So I woke up this morning, drinking coffee, look at my etrade account, spit out my coffee. Somehow my account value increased by more than a factor of 10 overnight (cuz I was lookin at it yesterday). Upon closer inspection I noticed I had a fuckload of SPY shares. There is nothing in my transaction history to reflect this besides a couple shares I bought back in May. + +WTF is going on? + +A) Is this a fluke? +B) If so will this just be corrected on monday? +C) If not corrected, do I have to report this, or would I be getting myself in trouble if i just sold that on monday? +D) Did some secret wealthy friend of mine just gift me this? I feel like such a thing would still be reflected on my transaction history. + +Thanks +Sorry I know O gets mentioned a fair amount and from what I can see is recommended alot. I love my dividend investing, and Ive got some great quarterly picks. Until recently (and thanks to you fantastic people) I didn't even know monthly dividend stocks existed, blew my mind and I got very excited. My question relating to O, does the price not seem a bit high to anybody else? Isnt the P/E of over 48 not scary for a pure dividend play? It's currently about 10 dollars cheaper before its nose dive in Feb, do we think it will reach and surpass that at some point? I'm yet to go into any REITs, so I'm looking for two, one for residential, office spaces and the like, and also one which is more of a warehouse play, which I'm mixing Into my ecommerce stocks, any ideas on that? +For reference: the June contract for lean hogs futures expires on June 14th. Could get interesting if Mexican importers decide to front-run the tariffs tomorrow + +# Update with specifics + +Tariffs will affect hog feet & shoulders (popular in Mexico but not the US). Feet make up 2% of the carcass while the shoulder cuts (picnics and butts) make up 21% of it. Kind of a weak response to be honest and doesn’t affect pork as much as advertised. + + +My picks are: + +- NANO: It was on a good trend of recovering after Bitgrail. +- XLM: Great team, good vision. It has just started to recover, along with ripple when the drop starded +- CND: Although i don't really like the app (not talking about the bots .. just the cindicator app) and this doesn't give me a lot of hope, I like the idea and I think the price is great at this point. +- XMR: Monero hardly moved at this point. It looks like the most stable coin of them all along with bitcoin. I don't think it will go down more than 340$ +- ETC: Just to sell it when it reaches 45 again + +What are your picks? + +After 5 months of developing, backtesting and live simulation trading of a heavily indicator/technicals dependent MFI/BB reversal strategy, I went full time trading in late May with conservative position size. June seemed affirming; I ended the month with a 12% gain. Feeling good, I decided to size up for July. Results were middling, up 5% one day, down 12% the next week. FUD crept in. Was my strategy failing? Why wasn't price action responding the way I had grown to expect it to? By the first week of August, all the profits I'd made were gone, and I was standing in a fast filling puddle of red. + +Turns out, I'm not a machine. + +In the process of backtesting, I created a very precise system, one that I wasn't precise enough to enact. According to my backtesting, I had a significant edge. I could pull 5-8% a day consistently (even during the Covid crash), but I had to hit every entry. Problem being, my rules/accompanying scanner would give me roughly 5 entries each on five stocks. 25 entries per day across a spread of charts. The entries aren't simple either, relying on very fast developing contexts, where a missed entry of .03-.05 was the difference between a loss and win. As I am but a sad sack of clicking bones and sloughing flesh, I could only hit 6-7 of these entries per day at my best, and I usually acted on a few false signals to boot. + +In doing a deep dive in my trade analysis, I realized I was getting lucky in June, hitting 4-5 winners in the 6-7 sample size of the necessary 25 entries. July and the first few days of August, complete opposite. + +As my account dwindled dangerously low, I decided to put the strategy, and what had become a very swollen and hurt pride, on hold and went back to price action basics. Flags. ABCD pullbacks. My chart went from a Pollock painting to a Newman. And I achieved Onement. + +Price action traders, I won't apologize, but I admit fallibility. I argued against many of you this year, and I was, for the given intent and purpose of making money, totally wrong. I'm convinced there is a flow to trading that once plugged into, can become profitable. It doesn't take indicators, or swirly visuals, or alert bells. It happened to me today on ZEV and FULC. Before, I would have ignored the flow, played the statistics for scraps. But after catching an entry into the first halt, I admit I had a nice cry. I've put a lot of work into understanding the markets, and developed a lot of hope for creating a new path towards financial security. But only after clearing the slate and letting what I've learned guide me instead of forcing previously held (and less well-informed) beliefs, did it click. Today, I started seeing the seeds sown from that practice, study and humility learning begin to grow. + +So I'm sold. I tried blazing a new trail, when the cow path would have done fine. Price action trading it is. +I hate Netflix, let me be clear about this. I believe that netflix in recent years has become one of the companies with the most power of influence, alongside META. Every Netflix series, film and documentary has a hidden agenda or at least subliminal messages that always point to the same ideology, and worst of it all ... is that they are very good at doing this. + +I don't want to make this a political issue or spread conspiracy theories because I'm here to talk about the new Netflix series **"Trust No One: The Hunt For The Crypto King"** the title itself already tells us the message they want to get across. The documentary tells the story of the alleged bankruptcy of Canada's largest crypto broker, and for someone who understands the concepts of crypto watching the documentary is almost impossible, they try to look impartial and factual but it becomes clear that they are not. + +They begin by framing what Bitcoin is to the viewer, the biggest reasoning for the people who invest in BTC is just "rebelling against the system", they refuse to talk about key topics like decentralization, inflation, too much government power, security or even the concept of limited supply. + +[Why the bloody fingerprint tho?](https://preview.redd.it/0mtvsm5zuhq81.jpg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf5d93c97abf298d07bd290d1ee0ea5ce5a099e) + +For the average person this what BTC is, a virtual currency that people grab by faith or rebellion, if Bitcoin is so recognized and even so it is so useless imagine what the average person will think of other cryptocurrencies in an industry that is advertised as a ponzi scheme and a world full of scams, But I'm rambling already. This is the "good" part of the documentary, from there Netflix uses all the dirty tricks to manipulate the viewer.. Those who invest in crypto: + +do not have time to exercise + +are nerds + +are looking to get rich fast + +want to buy luxury cars (this is partially true) + +have no basic understanding of markets or how money works + +are naive and easily manipulated (I see the irony) + +They interview a guy that wanted to get rich fast as his friend did, so he asks for a high interest loan of the value of 85k$, what happens? he buys BTC high and the price crashes (typical redditor investor s/), he now is fu\*\*\*\*, has to sell his house... but that is not enough, he proceeds to send 400k to the exchange with the intention to avoid bank fees, and now he lost all his money on QuadrigaCX scam... + +This documentary is a shameful attack on crypto but there is something good to pull out of here, Netflix and the big media have to resort to these strategies because in a debate of ideas they lose. + +They may try to postpone crypto, but they're postponing the inevitable, I just feel bad for the people who are manipulated by these kinds of documentaries. + +Thank you for your attention, I don't advise you to watch this , I wasted my time. + +EDIT: WOW, never imagined this post would get this much attention, thank you for all the kind and thoughtful coments, sometimes we criticize the people of this sub but i dont think our community is a group of pathetic weasels like the media portrays, of course we have our moonboys our gamblers and scammers, but we are way more than that. + +Dont let outside forces label us, they only feel threatened because we are here taking our chances. +Am a semi-periodic poster here using a throwaway. + +Curious to hear the pros and cons from those age 35+ of getting to fatFIRE while maintaining "reasonableish" work-life balance in the construct of BigFour Consulting/Audit Partner vs. Industry Executive vs. Middle-Market PE. + +Any of these roles with reasonable spending will certainly yield fatFIRE. Which seem to have the best work-life balance along the way if a priority is also a robust relationship with self, spouse, and children? + +Finally - anyone on fatFIRE path who is in or oversees middle marketPrivate Equity Ops Transition roles? Basically helping to integrate PE acquisitions into a platform or one another post-close. I know the big PE shops like Platinum have these kinds of roles - I hear they are spreading to the mid-market and curious to know how prevalent these positions are especially in non NYC/CHI/SFO cities like CLT, ATL, and MIA. These seem like an interesting middle ground between big earnings yet a reasonable lifestyle. +Hello + +Pretty young and new to finance + +I see a lot of people here mention how a good portion of their investment portfolio consists of index funds + +What to look for ? Which are good index funds and where to buy them? + +I have gone through the wiki (amazing work bdw) but i wanted a more overall idea + +Thanks +Anyone saying dark pools are necessary is completely full of bullshit! They are not necessary at all, they are a tool used by the rich to stay rich. Why should rich people have access to something that retail does not? The rich use dark pools to benefit themselves, NOT retail! Anyone telling you otherwise is an idiot. As long as dark pools exist they will continue to be misused, abused, and take advantage of the little guy. EVERYONE, RICH OR POOR, SHOULD PLAY ON THE SAME FIELD WITH THE SAME RULES, PERIOD! + +End of Rant, now lets all enjoy the weekend. +I am getting close to my FIRE goal. As the time draws near me and my wife keep thinking maybe we shouldn't RE and just keep going a bit longer and adding extra exra extra funds into the pot. I say all those extras because we already have exceeded what we were originally planning for. But now I think we are scared that something could happen to knock us out of RE. + +Anyone have something happen that made you not retired early anymore? What was it and what did you do? +A few weeks ago I purchased an Astro A50 wireless gaming headset from their amazon warehouse (used) because it was 20% off warehouse items. When I received the item, the headset worked fine but the wireless part didn't. I noted that on my return and returned the item back a few days later. A few days ago they emailed me saying they received the item, but it was the wrong serial # so they are discarding it and that I need to return the correct item back. + +I've been going back and forth with their amazon specialist team stating that i sent the exact same item back, and that if i really wanted to swap out for a broken item, why would i purchase a used headset vs a new one? + +This is very frustrating since its a bigger purchase $200 and I feel like I am losing $200 because the previous worker who accepted the return did not check to see if the serial #'s were matched so I got screwed over. + +I've been a prime member for years with no issues on the few returns I've done, and this is the first time I've had to deal with this + +Is there anything I can do to get a refund or am I out of a luck? I would rather not do a charge back and get banned because I use amazon for a lot of purchases. + +EDIT: thank you guys so much for your help! didn't expect this many responses. I will continue pushing this until I get a refund. thank you again everyone +Hey all, I'm a 30 year old from South India. + + + +My net worth is around $5.4M (€4.48) + +My portfolio looks something like this: + +Personal Real Estate $1M (luxury flat $490k and farmhouse $500k) + +Rental income producing Real Estate $1.6M + +Stocks, Bonds, FD, Index funds $1.2M + + +Businesses +16 unit Service apartment unit $820k + +40% share in a restaurant $68k + +20% share in a TV serial production company $200k + + +All these bring in about $35k a month. +(note: I don't have any debts) + +I'm looking at Switzerland to retire (quality of life and car scene). +I'm planning on living 5 months in india (to manage businesses and properties) and the rest in Switzerland. + +Note: I'm a single guy with no intentions of marrying or having kids (been through horrible which made me lose faith in relationships). + +So, given this situation, is it wise to retire in Switzerland or is my networth/income insufficient? +Thanks in advance. +Pretty much as the title says, just announced Donald and Melania trump tested positive for COVID. How do you folks think the market will react? +[Washington Post Article ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/02/coronavirus-covid-live-updates-us/) +I am 42 years old and I am looking to invest 50€ every month in the stock market on something that I will be able to invest and forget with the end goal of retirement. The app I am going to use is degiro but if you have a better suggestion that works on Greece let me know. Which stocks would you use and why? +I'm considering moving out of Italy for a better job and quality of life. + +I wanna consider what would make financially more sense. + +Mostly I'm looking at northern Europe because I had a good experience studying in Finland. +In particular I have asked a friend infos about Copenhagen since he's been living there 5 years as an architect and he loves it. + +There the base salary for a junior front-end dev or a UX designer seems to be around 35/40k dkk which translates to 4700/5400 euros. Taxation at 36% and rents in the city exceed 12k dkk for a modest flat. +I'ld be moving with my gf so I can't rent a room or a 30m2 flat. At least 60m2 would be ideal. I currently live in a 90m2. + +She would be working too but at the moment her qualifications make it hard to tell what she can do. + +I personally speak fluently Italian English and French. Spanish like shit. +I like learning new languages so I consider learning the local language when I get there but obviously it will take time. + +Really what I'm looking for are better working conditions, good welfare, a nice modern city, lots of cultural activities. + + + +What are your opinions and suggestions? +As someone who loves the stock market, I find insider trading activity absolutely disgraceful. Of course there is always a little something going on, and that pisses me off too, but the wide open and public situations where the rich and powerful don’t face consequences for their actions really rubs me the wrong way. Absolutely insulting and demoralizing. +Spoiler: it's complicated so strap in and pour yourself a drink. + +This post is to answer at length a question asked in another post about why Australia LNG/gas shares aren't performing great and if they're worth investing in. The answer is yes and no, but mostly no in the grand scheme of things. + +There are a lot of very complicated geopolitical, economic and social factors at play here so strap in because I'm diving deep for your (Question post OP) and others' benefit if you can be bothered reading, because I genuinely want the best for everyone. I want us all to get many tendies. If not skip to the bottom for the TLDR. + +If you aren't a fan of believing in science, listening to experts, and investing accordingly, and are immediately enraged by any assertion of the lack of a future for fossil fuels I can't really help you because you've blinded yourself for whatever ignorant reasons. Go wave a lump of coal around in parliament and pretend to be smart by doing so, then look your kids/grandkids in the eye and tell them you don't give a fuck about their future. + +This is a subject/area that is inherently politically loaded for better or worse. I sit on the progressive side of the centre and my take is naturally more on this side of things. I support Labor because their policies will create the future I would like to live in, not because I'm a rusted on partisan donkey voter. I vote Independent in my electorate for pragmatic reasons. + +Nonetheless the perspective I am offering here is inherently rooted in facts, current best scientific and economic knowledge, and in well-known history of domestic and global energy export industries. + +I really have no partisan or vested interest in either side of this debate, I'm just a reasonably intelligent hyper-rational individual on the younger end of the age scale who happens to both want to make a fuckload of money but also have a reasonably comfortable and beautiful world to live in once I acquire my tendies. I also want to have kids one day but refuse to bring a child into this world until I know with certainty them and my future grandchildren will grow up and live in a world similarly beautiful and alive to the one I have grown up in. To do otherwise would be selfish (thats my personal opinion). + +I welcome reasonable, rational and measured criticism and debate in the comments, preferably intellectual in nature (not mandatory in r/ASX_Bets though) and if you have money in dirty gas, coal, fossil fuels or whatever that's fine, so do I. I'm naively optimistic by nature, pessimistic because I know more than is probably good for my mental health, but extremely pragmatic when it comes to money and making it. I held IVZ till recently and hold FAR currently. + +To start you have to approach things thinking in the frame that Australia is, despite being a developed nation, about a good 20-30 years behind the bulk of other developed nations due to economic policy mismanagement by the Howard Government throughout the 2000s and Abbot-Turnbull-Morrison Governments since 2013. That is an objective fact and you'll see why soon. + +I'll put in breaks and headings for key sections, skip/scroll to what you're interested in but I strongly advise reading through in order so it has full context and makes sense. + +Contents: + +1. Historic global and domestic context including the fall of coal in Europe and the rise of China +2. The 2007-2013 Labor Government: Australia's social and economic policy reformation and revitalisation period - the foundations, plans and first steps towards a better future +3. The 2013 Election: the start of the modern Dark Age of Australian politics and the era of misinformation, partisan media manipulation and backwards policy development +4. The current state of Australian energy exports: coal is dead and LNG/gas is the new distraction pushed on behalf of corporate lobbyists and vested interests +5. Australia's massive economic opportunity: Green Hydrogen and the primary global energy exporter in a Net Zero future +6. If you really want to make money, invest in the huge emerging industries and economies of the Net Zero future Australia is positioned to dominate - don't fall for the political smokescreen of dirty gas; there is no Gas Supply Shortage on the East Coast. +7. Final thoughts - gas, coal, etc. will still be exported from Australia in the future, but it isn't the bulk of our economic opportunity +8. TLDR + +Ok here we go, I hope you've poured yourself a cold drink... + +**1. Historic Global and Domestic economic context of Australian energy exports including the fall of coal in Europe and China's coal-powered economic miracle** + +In the late 70s and 80s Europe transitioned from coal to LNG as their primary fossil fuel based energy for domestic power but also industry. The oil and gas drilling of the North Sea has been in full swing for thirty years plus. Its actually winding down now as those reserves are depleted. The steel mills of Germany have been fired exclusively by LNG for at least 25 years. + +Due to this Australian coal exports to Europe dried up 30-40 years ago almost overnight. Thankfully for the Australian coal industry China was at the same time started going through 100 years of economic and industrial metamorphosis in half that time, and coal was fuelling their accelerated development. At the time quickly transitioning the majority of our coal exports from Europe to China was definitely smart, however it put off a broader economic transition/step forward Australia could have made when Europe did. This was the first step we didn't take that has left us decades behind the ball today. + +Australia has since been relying almost exclusively on China to keep feeding high demand for our coal exports. But now China are also cutting back massively on coal imports and looking to transition their industry to more sustainable energy sources to cut their emissions. + +Instead of putting in place the pieces to both establish new export industries to gradually offset coal when we had the chance, we got comfy. Again this wasn't explicitly wrong at the time, or even completely wrong since then even up until around 2015. The problem was Australia didn't really plan for when the Coal gravy train eventually reached the end of its line. This classic mistake is one we continue making (trying to now push LNG/gas); we delay and deny the changing global reality and get hurt more when the pin is eventually forcibly pulled.China get a lot of shit for their emissions, but you have to remember they are the producer of most of the worlds consumer goods. Additionally, their government is genuinely committed to cutting emissions. They can't enjoy dominating the world (as they want/aim to) if there isn't much of a world around in 100 years to dominate due to climate catastrophe. They're doing the right things for selfish reasons, which is good enough for me and is still moving things in the right general direction even if it is highly politicised. + +**2. The 2007-2013 Labor Government: Australia's social and economic policy reformation and revitalisation - the foundations, plans and first steps towards a better future** + +Policy necrosis set in and we went from being the lucky country to the lazy ambivalent country. Then Kevin07 happened and there was a beacon of hope for Australia because of the change in governance. A disruption to the haze of ignorance and 'all is well and always will be' rhetoric from Howard. A breath of fresh air and renewed vigor to look to the future. + +Major strategic planning occurred for Australia's economic, geopolitical, military and social future. Policy was put in place and major national infrastructure projects were put in place like the original full fibre to the premises NBN, Clean Energy Fund, subsidies for renewables projects and the world first Emissions Trading Scheme (most know it as the 'Carbon Tax'). We even put the pieces in place to meet the challenge militarily of a rising China. To top it all off we rode out the Global Financial Crisis basically unscathed and started the 2010's with the strongest economy in the world. + +**3. The 2013 Election: the start of the modern Dark Age of Australian politics and the era of misinformation, partisan media manipulation and backwards policy development** + +Unfortunately Kevin did some stuff without consulting his ministers, was character-assassinated in the media for refusing to suck Rupert Murdoch's wrinkled conservative dick so Julia knifed him, called and won her snap election, and saved Labor. But not really. Murdoch then had an even easier target; a woman. So the same and an even worse smear was conducted against her and Kevin took back the top job in 2013 just before the election. + +Abbot came riding in on a wave of misinformation, ignorance, conservative sweet-talking and also a hefty dollop of racism and misogyny. "Ditch the witch", "Stop The Boats" and "the Carbon Tax" were the political and media catch phrases. A small 240 billion dollar Federal debt run up saving Australia from economic catastrophe in the GFC and investing in our country's future was labelled "Reckless spending". Funnily enough the Federal debt is now 2 trillion dollars after eight years of LNP governance and you don't hear a peep from the media. + +Coal mining became highly politicised due to jobs. Climate change and action to prepare Australia for a clean energy future and became a weapon for the neo-liberal conservative LNP to wield against the moderately progressive Labor. Racism, sexism and other distractions were used to propel the Onion Muncher into Government House. + +Most policy implemented was purely to undo the work of the previous Labor government. The foundations of the future were ripped out without any real replacements or alternatives in fiscal policy to secure our future being offered. + +**4. The current state of Australian energy exports: coal is dead and LNG/gas is the new distraction pushed on behalf of corporate lobbyists and vested interests** + +Now writing is really on the wall for Australian coal exports, and has been for the last five years if you've been paying attention at what's going on in China. So now the Federal LNP are pushing gas as the 'new' economic backbone of Australian energy exports, while simultaneously trying to find new markets for our coal in Southeast Asia. They're trying to prop up an objectively speaking 50 year long-dead global energy export market, and promote gas as the 'new' primary energy export for Australia source 30 years too late. Always behind the curve these days instead of ahead of it as we were at the start of the 2010's. + +They (the LNP) are fundamentally backwards looking, slow moving, and highly resistant to progressive and forward-looking policy (the LNP, that is). The reasons for this are mainly the stranglehold grip fossil fuel producers have on Australian politics through donations, lobbying, and a majority of the media (Newscorp & Nine-Fairfax) helping them to perpetuate the status quo rhetoric of "fossil fuels are the backbone of the Australian economy". If you look at what these companies are doing more broadly, theyre actually manouvering quickly to participate in the global transition by getting their own green hydrogen projects going. Theyre just trying to squeeze fossil fuels for every dollar they can, and Australians at large are paying the price for that. + +Since the LNP keep managing to regain Federal Government Australia is perpetually left playing catch up despite being a Developed nation. LNG/gas is just the latest backwards and regressive economic and policy distraction, especially in the context of the hastening global shift towards Net Zero carbon emissions. + +**5. Australia's massive economic opportunity: Green Hydrogen and the primary global energy exporter in a Net Zero future** + +Green hydrogen is the global future for energy that needs to burn. Energy for vehicles, ships, trains, electricity, forges and furnaces and industry at large. It is Australia's once in a nation's lifetime opportunity. The shift of the global economy towards a Net Zero future away from fossil fuel based growth and industry is probably the biggest revolution in human history and will have far greater reaching consequences and impacts than the industrial revolution. It is the most important wide scale human development since fire, because if we fail to do it humanity will be on the losing end of a climate catastrophe which could very well mean the end of the human race. I know thats dramatic but its the hard truth. + +Scary as it is, it is also a slam dunk opportunity for our country if we choose to be smart. We can dominate the global export market for green hydrogen if the government plays its cards right. Europe wants it now, Japan wants it now, China will want it, the United States will want it, everyone will want our Green Hydrogen because Australia has the best renewable energy resources in the world, can therefore produce Green Hydrogen the cheapest of any nation, and thus the opportunity to become a Green Hydrogen global powerhouse. But only if we act now and a Federal Policy level. Otherwise everyone else will find their own ways to make Green Hydrogen and Australia will miss the change to establish export market dominance. + +That is a massive 'if' but seriously, if we play our cards right Australia could bring primary processing of raw materials back onshore and domestically produce iron, steel, aluminium, etc. etc. again. That's how much and how cheaply we can produce Green Hydrogen. We would have the abundant energy (green hydrogen) and raw materials all right here, so it actually is just sensible to bring processing back onshore. Billions would be saved by eliminating the massive cost of shipping both the raw materials and energy overseas, then shipping back the products. Instead everyone, especially Europe and other developed nations like Japan and the United States, will want our green hydrogen, steel, aluminium, etc. etc. etc. + +It is a once in a nation's lifetime opportunity for Australia. I sit watching and hoping beyond hope the voting population don't collectively shoot themselves in the foot for a fourth election in a row. + +**6. If you really want to make money, invest in the huge emerging industries and economies of the Net Zero future Australia is positioned to dominate - don't fall for the political smokescreen of dirty gas; there is no Gas Supply Shortage on the East Coast.** + +If you really want to make money from something that burns, find Australian Green Hydrogen projects and invest in them. And I mean genuinely GREEN Hydrogen, not Blue Hydrogen which is produced using LNG or coal. \*Renewable-\*based *Green* Hydrogen. + +*There is no gas supply crisis on the East Coast of Australia*, that is political rhetoric from the Federal and State LNP trying to justify opening up offshore drilling and more gas fracking in prime agricultural regions of NSW. It is a manufactured supply crisis that could be solved at the snap of some corporate fingers, but that isn't in their selfish best interests. + +Australia is a MASSIVE exporter of LNG. We are producing more than enough to meet domestic demand, but the producers are greedy and want to sell all the gas they are currently extracting to more lucrative overseas markets. + +They want to have both cakes and eat it; continue the gravy train of massive profits from sending most Australian gas overseas (and paying next to no tax or royalties mind you), and then also being allowed to open up more and more gas projects that threaten the Great Artesian Basin in NSW/QLD, the waters and ocean environments off the East Coast in the Great Australian Bite. + +**7. Final thoughts - gas, coal, etc. will still be exported from Australia in the future, but it isn't the bulk of our economic opportunity** + +Don't get me wrong, Australia still has money to make exporting coal, gas and whatever the fuck else the LNP can cook up to continue holding us back, for at least another ten or so years, maybe more. BUT, the vast majority of economic opportunity and opportunity for new jobs in Australia is in renewables. Not just Green Hydrogen but solar, wind, nuclear, lithium batteries, etc. as well. Possibly also a renewed industry of domestic steel, aluminium, etc. and also consumer goods manufacturing if a more intelligent Federal Government maneuvers the pieces into place correctly with the help of State Governments. + +**8. TLDR** + +There is go gas supply crisis on the East Coast of Australia, it is a lobbyist manufactured political smokescreen to try to open up more fracking onshore and offshore drilling. + +If you really want to make money invest in Australian Green Hydrogen, that will be our largest energy export in the future. Europe wants it, Japan wants it, China will want it, everyone will want our Green Hydrogen. + +It's just a matter if Australia makes the right choice at the coming Federal Election and chooses a government that will actually put the country on the path to reap the greatest benefit from the global transition to net zero. + +I hope to fuck we collectively make the right choice... + +Thank you as always to any who bother to read the whole thing, your interest in learning gives me hope there is a chance for this country. +I am 38 y. My Wife is 33 y. + +Mortage remaining: $130000 ( 3.25% interest) + +Cash : $330000 + +401K : 68K ( Maxing out my 401K every year. ) + +IRA : 47K + +I have account in fidelity and Vangaurd. + +Should I pay off my mortage? Should I go all in on stocks to take a risk? + +How should I build wealth? Can I buy Index funds only? +I know this is an extremely subjective and situational question, so I wanted to get varying opinions. What level of passive income has made you feel satisfied before you start accumulating more “stuff” or start spending money unnecessarily? + +For example, maybe you have $700K in passive income but you could only really spend $120K. + +Thanks for sharing! +Hello Apes! I was looking at charts tonight, examining SPY behavior in prior market crashes, when it occurred to me to look at the 2007-2008 "housing crash" with the VW chart overlaid with it. + +What I saw kind of blew my mind. + +Here is the chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/jCWsxLnl/ + +SPY is shown here as weekly candles. VW is the line chart in orange. + +The peak of the SPY bull market prior to the bear market starting was in October 2007. You can see on the chart, how the SPY candles peak in Oct 2007 and start heading downward gradually. Note that this coincides with the first significant VW price increase around the same time as shown here: +https://www.tradingview.com/x/q2LHeXRx/ + +There a few periods of dips and peaks in VW, and SPY continues to fall, but the next point of interest is in October 2008, when SPY really tanks and VW simultaneously explodes in the famous VW squeeze (ostensibly caused by Porsche locking the float), as shown here: + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/K3VlQ6ky/ + +The final "idiosyncratic coincidence" to note is that it is not until after the VW squeeze that SPY chills out and finally begins the economic recovery. Pretty much at the exact same time as VW chills out as shown here: + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/aOFSrDh2/ + +I do not believe the timing of these events is a coincidence. That being said, I've seen The Big Short just like all of you and I was told the sub-prime mortgage crisis caused the global financial crisis of 2008... + +I suspect (with little evidence thus far except the awfully suspicious chart correlations and our knowledge of the epidemic of short selling) that the 2007-2008 crash was actually triggered by financial institutions being over-leveraged in a *number* of ways, not just mortgage CDO's. + +I submit that they were likely short *multiple* stocks (not just VW) and that there were likely other spiking/volatile "basket stocks" similar to what we see today. I would like help finding these other spiking stocks in 2008 if they exist. + +I also submit that we have been lied to about the true cause of the 2008 crisis. There obviously was a subprime collapse, but I suspect their underwater short positions were also at least partially to blame for the credit crunch in big banks, if not the true prime cause. + +This would explain Jon Stewart's eternal lingering question of why the banks were bailed out and not the citizens that held the mortgages. BECAUSE IT WASN'T THE MORTGAGES THAT WERE THE REAL PROBLEM. It was a cover to bail out banks who were underwater on insane short positions exactly like what we're seeing today. + +Any help researching this to support or debunk this thesis is greatly appreciated. I'll be working on it too, as I have time. + +Edit: Another fun tidbit I forgot. [Here is a CNN article](https://money.cnn.com/2008/10/28/markets/markets_newyork/) reviewing the important stock events of 10/28/2008, the day VW peaked and became the most valuable company on the freaking planet. Notice anything missing from the article? Nothing to see here folks. Nothing to see here. + +Edit 2: Here's AAPL as one control. https://www.tradingview.com/x/IyZLerA0/ You can enter your own comparisons in Tradingview if anyone wants to try more...but I tried a few random tickers and got nothing that looked like VW so far... + +Edie 3: u/bluntzlightbeer, who doesn’t have enough karma so you know what to do apes, sent me this smoking gun. **Lehman was backing the VW shorts**: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-hedge-idUSTRE49U66J20081031 and an archive link: https://archive.ph/NFG1J + +Steve Cohen of Point 72 was on the losing side of the VW trade, see here: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sc4u7i/_/hu4tnsk/?context=1 + +Both WSJ and Bloomberg had articles that morning mentioning naked shorting and saying Lehman was brought down in part by naked shorting: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sc4u7i/_/hu4mm8x/?context=1 + +##**WEN MOON** + +A friend pointed out to me that on the SPY/VW Chart, this point looks an awful lot like where both SPY and GME are today. It's pretty tit jacking cause look what VW does just after this... + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/j0VggMcu/ + +Also, my BRK indicator is looking very good. See my history for that post if you missed it a couple weeks ago :) My tits are jacked af. +This time 3 years ago Ethereum launched. It was trading between ICO price of 30c & 50c if you could get your hands on some. I was busy reading about how it was a 'shitcoin' on the r/Bitcoin subreddit and waited until 2016 to buy. + +[https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/07/30/ethereum-launches/](https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/07/30/ethereum-launches/) +2020 has been quite a year. I've been asked by a journo how the pandemic has affected people's financial situations, and also how it's affected how people feel about their finances (perception and reality often being two different things entirely). I was able to tell him about my own situation, but my opinion on how other people are doing really was just a hunch. + +So I decided to create a survey to find out, and of course there's no better place to get an informed opinion on this than UKPF! If you've got a few minutes it [would be great to get your input](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSelfp-i72SGNIcCgDnnyvf289BBTV11NRZdfoTFFmhIlJXpgA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link). +Very little known, but a highly effective way to increase your profit margins and save on taxes + +Most people believe that you have to sell an investment property before you buy the replacement property. But you can sell the investment AFTER buying the replacement(s).....legally and guaranteeing all tax benefits. + +I've done it many times and have been able to do very well using this technique. I encourage all investors to research this option, and consult a competent 1031 exchange specialist to help you. + +Good luck +Are the returns worth it over stocks, which are the most part completely passive. +I really want to get into RE but are the returns that attractive to learn the craft and dedicate a few hours of week to managing property? +I hope to make 3k a month net one day. +One last thing, are some states just terrible for RE or does every state have its own attractive RE? +Thanks everyone! +Normally if there's a speculative penny stock, I can look at the product, the market, the people involved, etc, even if they don't really have much to show on the balance sheet. But with a mining company, it seems like pretty much the sole factor at play is "will they find anything at this latest site". And the information available to me is a bunch of geological data that I cannot parse at all. + + +What I am hoping some rock chomping autist on here can do, is point me in the direction of what a person needs to learn to make a half educated decision instead of a complete punt when it comes to mining stocks. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. 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[You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +I've been having a tough time watching this "options = evil" dialogue play out, for two reasons: + +1. There's a complete lack of intellectual curiosity for how they work. +2. There's a sentiment growing where a vocal minority is trying to tell others how to invest + +To address the lack of curiosity about options - don't you want to understand what other instruments we have to inflict pain on our enemies? And even if you decide not to participate, don't you want to understand how our enemies are using options directly against us? + +* Guys, you know why Friday played out the way it did? The SHFs dropped the price by shorting the stock as much as possible to get their puts to be ITM, or in-the-money. They made $112 million off those puts. A put is an option that the price will decline in value. +* On the flipside, you've probably heard about gamma ramps. The SHFs and Citadel the market maker have been dodging gamma ramps for the last 6 months. Why? They could easily cause MOASS. By daisy chaining exercised call contracts together, we have the ability to require them to delta hedge, and when they haven't hedged properly, they need to buy the shares in the open market. As these calls get exercised and the price rises as a result, this is a gamma squeeze, which can eventually lead to MOASS. + +To address the badgering of those who DO want to try options - what is your reasoning? First of all, it's my money and we are all individual investors. Second, my sense is that one of the following is a justification, but none of them make sense to me: + +* You see options as a distraction from DRS. Yet DRS is going to take months, maybe a year to lock up the float. I've DRS'd everything I can - now what? Am I supposed to badger others to DRS, if they don't want to? Eventually, we'll hit a point of diminishing returns on DRS. This is also a multi-phased battle - you can take two tactics to win. +* You see options as giving premiums straight to the market maker - that might be true for bad weeklies or monthly plays, but for longer dated (3-6 months, or Leaps) call contracts near the money or slightly out of the money, you're not taking on that much risk. + +You're free to express your opinion, but I don't think it's fair to shut down the discussion around it, and I don't think you should be badgering others who want to use another tactic that has been proven to work with the VW squeeze, when Porsche locked up the float partially using call options. + +Netflix Inc. overtook cable giant Comcast Corp. in market value on Wednesday, highlighting the dramatic rise of video streaming at the expense of traditional television. + +Netflix, the best-performing stock in the S&P 500 Index this year, set a fresh record with a gain of 3.4 percent on Wednesday, while Comcast fell 1.8 percent. That pushed Netflix’s market value to about $149 billion, surpassing Comcast at $147 billion. + +It’s the second time this month that Netflix has dethroned Comcast in valuation, but the lead may have more sticking power this time. Shares of the video-streaming company have risen more than 5 percent this week, which began with the announcement of a multiyear production deal with Barack and Michelle Obama. + +Comcast and other cable providers have faced growing competition from streaming services like Netflix, which are attracting more customers by adding original programming. Comcast said last month that it lost 96,000 video subscribers in the first quarter , a bigger decline than analysts had expected. + +via Bloomberg.com + +Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/netflix-now-worth-more-comcast-193359643.html +The fact that we are standing up and defying our standing and position in the world given to us by the elite, for the betterment of ourselves and our neighbors let’s me know that what we are doing is not only amazing, but is also what is right. Congratulations on already winning the respect that you can only gain by fighting for yourself and your own freedom and life. I salute every single one of you diamond handed apes that have been in this journey while struggling and just grinding. We love this stock because of what they do for their communities. Because we all want to be able to do the same for our communities. Thank you all. + +Edit: Thank you all for the kindness and support. See you all on the moon apes 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +My dad passed away suddenly in October and my mom is now in the throes of sorting out asset management. She is joint owner of all their investment accounts but has no idea where to pick up as my dad self-managed all of their investments and built up a pretty comfortable nest egg. I don’t know the exact value but it is in the range of $3.5-$5mil. + +Mom is now working with a financial advisor who recommended that she enlist Buckingham Strategic Partners to manage her portfolio. The advisor is pushing to transfer all of her investments into Schwab, but she is leary as accounts are only insured from $500K and up to $1mil. + +Her questions: + +Is it advisable to consolidate several investment accounts with several brokerage firms into one brokerage firm? + +What's the risk of putting all in one brokerage company? + +Thank you for any advice and feedback. +My current employer has me contracted on $43 hourly rate, and provides a match on my retirement contributions ($46,400 balance , vested balance is 39,150). I've been offered a position with another company at $75 per hour, but I'd be responsible for setting up my own retirement plan, no employee match. I've only been in the US for a few years, so I know I need to catch up on my retirement fund (I'm 36). + +It'll be another year before I'm 100% vested, does it make sense for me to jump now? +It’s become a common piece of advice throughout here that startup equity is likely worthless because most startups fail. + +Yes…in the first year, but many of these businesses being discussed are hardly early/seed stage startups. One recently referenced had raised a Series E. That’s likely $100M+ a year in revenue. + +The failure rate for companies that raise a Series B is about 1%. Now these companies don’t ALL go public, but there is equity that is bought at the sale of these businesses with some value. + +I totally agree that you shouldn’t be reliant on a company to IPO when evaluating job opportunities but to totally ignore an asset that’s key to your comp plan and fatfire goals feels elementary. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hi, I’m sure there are some other posts that probably do a great job recommending books, but I couldn’t find them in my search here. + +I’m almost 100% brand new to real estate investing and want to hear your alls recommendations on the best books / articles to learn from! + +I really don’t care at all for “Motivation” books, which seem to be most of the Real Estate books I’ve seen recently on Amazons best seller list... + +Would love to hear your alls recommendations! + +Thanks! +I was lucky enough to sell my business last year, which has been an odd feeling of HNW now vs high income generating before the acquisition. + +Historically I was a big follower of dollar-cost averaging into VOO/VTI types of indexes. Now though, I'd like to shift strategies and become more focused on preservation and reduce risk. The expectation would be 3-5% returns vs 8-10% and retire. Because of this, it would appear that fixed-income investments are more important than the equity market. + +This got me thinking about utilizing a wealth manager who knows more about fixed income heavy investments. Essentially, I don't know shit about investing in the market other than basic indexes which have been great the past 15yrs. + +The con, of course, is the extra .5-6% fee + everyone here seems to think it's not worth it when using indexes. + +Has anyone experienced similar while looking for a diversified portfolio and wanting to hire a wealth manager focused on preservation? + +PS - The reason why I put $10m+ NW, is not to be a dick, but the sentiments are different as liquidity gets higher, especially with windfalls. +I believe the main reason for the wait right now is the launch of counterfactual wallets. Daniel Wang specifically hinted at this while being interviewed about smart wallets and the counterfactual wallet update. + +*”Right now on the Ethereum mainnet, each wallet will cost about 650K gas, which translates to, you know, about $100 sometimes.”* + + +**”This is a huge barrier to our massive adoption.”** + +*”So the idea now for us is that we want to allow people to try more wallets before they pay for the wallet creation.”* + +Link to interview: + +https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/counterfactual-wallet-nfts-on-loopring-229d38a3c28a + +To put it simply, Counterfactual wallets are kind of like a try it before you buy it approach to creating wallets. They also remove the roadblock to massive adoption. + +So simply put, why launch a marketplace without removing that massive barrier to new user adoption? They would set themselves up for failure if they did. This is why I believe it makes complete business sense to launch the NFT Marketplace alongside the counterfactual wallet release. + +Okay so when does this counterfactual wallet get released? Well I’ve asked multiple times and they are very hush hush and respond vaguely. So this got me very suspicious! Why the secrecy unless it is tied to the marketplace? That’s when I read that medium interview, it really started creating a wrinkle on my smooth brain. + +So I did some digging and found this discord post that a redditor shared with me. This gives us our best confirmation of a release date for the counterfactual wallets. + +https://m.imgur.com/a/8RY0gnW + + +You apes ready for next week? This discord response was made on 10/22, which means counterfactual wallets would release on or around 11/5. + +Remember remember the 5th of November! + +I should also note that publicly traded companies (like GME) love to release news after hours on a Friday in order to build up hype for Monday’s trading session. Also, What’s everyone going to be talking about around the dinner table on Thanksgiving? This release allows for that hype to spread fast and just in time for the Christmas shopping season. + +To jack your tits even more, here is a summary of all the theories converging on November 5th in addition to mine! + +1. ⁠Twitter Banner Double Countdown starts after the banner has been consistent for months (6,5,4,3)...after apes notice, the countdown pauses. +2. ⁠Mario Party Superstars Banner (2) - countdown continues with "Final Countdown" game edited from original banner with 2's edited in. +3. ⁠Call of Duty: Vanguard (1) - signals the end of the "Final Countdown" - November 5th. +4. ⁠90/60/30 tweet interval from Ryan Cohen led us to 70/40/10 interval between Ryan Cohen tweets and November 5th. +5. ⁠Gamestop tweets the same Alien quote referencing the November 5th tweet by Roaring Kitty/DFV "In an Infinity Squeeze, nobody can hear you scream". + +Thanks to u/Altruistic-sir-6329 for the summary and of theories! + + +Buckle up Apes, the end is here. +I received a bill from my dentist several months after my last appointment for $65. I called them and they said they were for x-ray fees which my insurance didn’t cover because it hadn’t been enough time since my previous x-ray. I explained that I’d never requested an x-ray or been asked when my last one was, I was simply told that I needed an x-ray. Long story short, they ended up waiving the fee. It’s always worth calling about unexpected fees! + +Edit: To clarify, this was a completely unnecessary x-ray as I’d just had one six months ago and wasn’t experiencing any dental issues. +[Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) has announced their Token Launch Sniper for Pancakeswap V2 which will allow users to instantly purchase a token as soon as it launches. This feature will only be unlocked for people who hold 250 BOG ($1200 as of writing, and fucking mooning). + +**QRD on BOG:** [BogTools.io](https://BogTools.io), and [Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) \- DEX tools for Pancakeswap that 400k people use per day. You have probably seen a chart from Bogged.Finance. + +As you all know, [charts.bogged.finance](https://charts.bogged.finance) is the preferred choice of many for charts on BSC. But they also have a token, which they are now adding exclusive features for. + +As I mentioned above, their Launch Sniper is the first premium feature. And comes in 3 tiers. + +Source: [Bogged Finance Medium](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/announcing-the-bogged-finance-token-launch-sniper-7dac90c6c917) + +>**Basic: Requires at least 250 BOG in your Account.** +**$10 fee per order** +\+ Dedicated High Performance Node monitors your orders +\+ Prioritises Orders based on your BOG balance. +\+ Uses high GAS to stay ahead of the crowd. +> +>**Pro: Requires at least 500 BOG in your Account.** +**$7.5 fee per order** +\+ Dedicated High Performance Node monitors your orders +\+ Prioritises Orders based on your BOG balance. +\+ Uses extreme amounts of GAS to stay ahead of the crowd. +\+ More exclusive tier means that your order has the best chance of being executed faster. +> +>**LOW ORBITING BOG CANNON: 2500 BOG in your Account.** +**Lower $5 fee per order** +\+ Prioritised Orders + + +With a 2,500,000 supply and a $12m (and mooning) marketcap, this is attainable for most right now. But will soon only be held by an elite who got in early, who will be able to snipe token launches instantly on PancakeSwap. + +The devs said on TG that they used their platform to snipe Refinable ($FINE), but they wouldn't tell us how successful it was except to tease us with pepe replies lol. + +Here's the additional things teased as coming soon to incentivise $BOG holding and locking up. + +✅ Premium features for [Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) +✅ Premium features for [Charts.Bogged.Finance](https://Charts.Bogged.Finance) +✅ Solo $BOG Staking to earn 50% of advertising fees on [charts.bogged.finance](https://charts.bogged.finance) + + +Oh, and the BogDevs have teased that they'll display a message on all BogCharts telling people to buy $BOG. That's 1,000,000+ views per day. Get the fuck in before that happens. + +The Bogchart for $BOG is literally a green dildo rn. Get the fuck in bogbros. + +🛒 Buy: [https://bogged.finance/swap](https://bogged.finance/swap) OR [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099) +📈 Chart: [https://charts.bogged.finance/](https://charts.bogged.finance/) (duh!) +[Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) has announced their Token Launch Sniper for Pancakeswap V2 which will allow users to instantly purchase a token as soon as it launches. This feature will only be unlocked for people who hold 250 BOG ($1200 as of writing, and fucking mooning). + +**QRD on BOG:** [BogTools.io](https://BogTools.io), and [Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) \- DEX tools for Pancakeswap that 400k people use per day. You have probably seen a chart from Bogged.Finance. + +As you all know, [charts.bogged.finance](https://charts.bogged.finance) is the preferred choice of many for charts on BSC. But they also have a token, which they are now adding exclusive features for. + +As I mentioned above, their Launch Sniper is the first premium feature. And comes in 3 tiers. + +Source: [Bogged Finance Medium](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/announcing-the-bogged-finance-token-launch-sniper-7dac90c6c917) + +>**Basic: Requires at least 250 BOG in your Account.** +**$10 fee per order** +\+ Dedicated High Performance Node monitors your orders +\+ Prioritises Orders based on your BOG balance. +\+ Uses high GAS to stay ahead of the crowd. +> +>**Pro: Requires at least 500 BOG in your Account.** +**$7.5 fee per order** +\+ Dedicated High Performance Node monitors your orders +\+ Prioritises Orders based on your BOG balance. +\+ Uses extreme amounts of GAS to stay ahead of the crowd. +\+ More exclusive tier means that your order has the best chance of being executed faster. +> +>**LOW ORBITING BOG CANNON: 2500 BOG in your Account.** +**Lower $5 fee per order** +\+ Prioritised Orders + + +With a 2,500,000 supply and a $12m (and mooning) marketcap, this is attainable for most right now. But will soon only be held by an elite who got in early, who will be able to snipe token launches instantly on PancakeSwap. + +The devs said on TG that they used their platform to snipe Refinable ($FINE), but they wouldn't tell us how successful it was except to tease us with pepe replies lol. + +Here's the additional things teased as coming soon to incentivise $BOG holding and locking up. + +✅ Premium features for [Bogged.Finance](https://Bogged.Finance) +✅ Premium features for [Charts.Bogged.Finance](https://Charts.Bogged.Finance) +✅ Solo $BOG Staking to earn 50% of advertising fees on [charts.bogged.finance](https://charts.bogged.finance) + + +Oh, and the BogDevs have teased that they'll display a message on all BogCharts telling people to buy $BOG. That's 1,000,000+ views per day. Get the fuck in before that happens. + +The Bogchart for $BOG is literally a green dildo rn. Get the fuck in bogbros. + +🛒 Buy: [https://bogged.finance/swap](https://bogged.finance/swap) OR [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099) +📈 Chart: [https://charts.bogged.finance/](https://charts.bogged.finance/) (duh!) +I hear people here say in here: + +"hyper inflation is coming, so I sold all my stocks." + +That makes no sense, since if your net worth is an anything except cash, then it's already an equity exchange away from cash. + +If you own $1,000,000 in SPY, you don't have $1,000,000 in cash. You have 2195 shares of SPY. That's it. 2195 shares + +Now sure there are stocks that are more dependent/independent on the USD (VTI vs SPY sure), but if you own 2195 shares of SPY, you own 2195 shares of SPY, which isn't $1,000,000 in cash. +New to investing.... 46yo and father passed an inheritance diversified through fidelity, and to avoid losing it through dumb uneducated decisions, I let fidelity manage it. It made about 25% june to june. Now my question is I also set up an account through Schwab with our savings of about 31k in it that was wasting away to inflation. We put roughly 1800 a month in there, and I'm looking to retire by 55 thanks to dad.... bought 30k of QYLD and already received 300 this month with another payout end of month, but thinking SCHD here on out? Thoughts? +The thresholds are based on the S&P 500 previous day's closing price. + +The level 1 breaker is a 7% decline, the Level 2 breaker is a 13% decline, and the Level 3 breaker is a 20% decline. + +The Level 1 and Level 2 breakers, if they trip before 3:25pm, halt trading for 15 minutes. + +The Level 3 breaker halts trading for the rest of the day if it happens at any time during trading hours. + +I do not know what happens with after hours trading, after a Level 3 breaker especially. Anyone know? + +I would think that in the event MOASS starts, those having to cover shorts, maybe those in line to be margin called but not called just yet, might want this system wide halt to happen. Getting more time and stress to shake apes out of their positions is kind of what they're all about. + +Don't panic if this happens. It could easily happen on multiple consecutive days, and if so, the MSM and everyone, really, is going to be freaking the fuck out. + +Just remember, to paraphrase atobitt: with this squeeze situation, unlike normal market conditions, demand is no longer an independent variable. Meaning those who have to cover don't really get a choice in the matter, their demand level is effectively 100 percent and at any cost, and will have to come to those who hold the supply and pay whatever price the holder is willing to accept to part with his or her shares. Whether the market is closed or not doesn't matter. When it opens again tomorrow, you will still be holding, and they will still be buying at whatever cost is offered. They will have no choice but to hit the ask. +This feature is beyond huge to me. Just confirmed by Telegram admin. + +So many telegram groups of pro traders that could benefit from this kind of setup, the demand will be massive. It also scales so if main portfolio has $1 million and you have $10k, it will execute trades at 1/100th of the value. + +Lots of new exchanges popping up (Blockport, etc), but I think Coinlion is going to be the one to beat, especially for pro traders and their followers. + +Tokens released tomorrow. +I want to offer up my time to host a Live AMA with anyone from Ortex that can talk about their platform and answer questions we have. + +u/Ortex_Official would you be interested in taking part in this AMA? + + +I want to make it clear, this is not with any intention of raking you over the coals or anything like this. I want to try to provide a genuine space for you to discuss your platform out in the open to all of those interested. I want to give you an opportunity to clear things up if that is the case. + +Let me know what you all think/if anyone has any suggestions. And u/Ortex_Official if you have any question/requests please feel free to ask! + +Trying to be as open and honest as possible. + +&#x200B; + +Cheers! +🦍🍻🦍 +I've seen my old man go from chronically stressed to relaxed and peaceful after taking a less intense job that he finds more interesting. He's earning 100k per year less now but he also has time to eat breathe and shit...and play guitar again, and go on hikes on the weekend, and rekindled the relationship with my mum (Who was on the brink of leaving him since he was a miserable c\*nt). + +I don't handle stress well. Straight up, I know they say money and discipline = freedom but the year where I was earning well and working 60-70 hours per week I felt oppressed and imprisoned, bored of the work and I was daydreaming about working 40 hours per week in a music store, or being a dole bludger for that matter. I quit and pursued a completely different career (physiotheraphy) which didn't end up working out for other reasons. Some friends told me I threw away my opportunity but I don't see it that way. + +I know I won't be able to afford a beemer or a house along the waterfront, or finance more than one kid or go on 4 month holidays around the world (unless my partner earns big $)... but at this point in time I would prefer a job that allows me to have some time to myself every day, allows me to continue reading, pursuing hobbies, seeing friends, connecting with nature etc. + +I'm not criticising people who are more work or money oriented but I never have been. + +I feel like that might just be my nature, but it might be because I've never worked in an area I'm interested in - but doing so would require me to return and study for 5 or so years (psychology). Or maybe I'm just entitled. Or maybe it's a combination. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR + +Anyway I've got a few questions if you feel like answering any + +1. **How important do you think it is to be passionate about the work you do? Can you even perform well sustainably if you don't really have any interest in your work?** +2. **Are you aware of any jobs with a genuinely good work life balance that pay decently well?** +3. **How do you put up with a job that overworks you or leaves you too drained to enjoy the other areas of your life? People suggest doing it for a few years but even that seems unbearable** +I know we all on here talk about only being able to share our most intimate financial details with this sub anonymously, so I'm curious what the WORST result is of some of you not adhering to this advice and having it blow up in your face? +What trade strategies are known to be possibly profitable? + +1. Momentum indicators and machine learning to predict closing price are rubbish and do not work. Dead-end ahead. +2. Triangular arbitrage is possible to be profitable on currency and cryptos. This is given your cost of trade is low enough competing against institutionals who have large volume benefits. +3. Natural Language Processing (NLP) from social media \*should\* be realistically possible for NLP to predict movement and then place large leverage trades. +4. Price relationships between 2-3 assets should be possible to predict for leveraged trades (ie. slowdown in construction & iron lags copper prices). + +I have mentioned arbitrage, NLP, and price relationships for leveraged trades. +Are any key strategies missing from my list above? + +Thanks +Alberta here, my picks would be + +GH - Gambling + +BEI-UN - Residential REIT based in Calgary + +VET - Oil is made in ground + +SU - Then you make oil into stuff + +PPL - Then you gotta get oil places + +EFX - And sometimes oil stuff needs service + +CP - HQ in Calgary, trains ! + +CPX - Utility, Edmonton, they laid me off! + +MTL - Trucks! Okotoks! + +T - HQ is in Vancouver but it was founded in Edmonton, and is anything more Albertan than leaving for BC when you get successful? +Just been reading about the immense amount of uncertainty right now due to rising cases, US elections and global cues - so wanted to ask if it’s a good time to do some profit booking and probably re-enter if and when the market goes down much further? Or is it just a better idea to think long term and hold positions? +I Miss ya dude! I miss your tweets that had cryptic messages. or even if they didnt mean anything at all, I still thought they were hella fun/entertaining. I'm pretty sure you're still watching over us like some damn weirdo so I jus wanted to let you know @ 3:30 am that us apes miss roaringkitty! I'm pretty damn excited to moon with you and all the fellow apes/ants/andothercreaturesofgmethatidkabout. Hope to see you celebrating with the rest of us when we make it. + +🦍🙌💎 +&amp;#x200B; + +[I am me?!](https://preview.redd.it/twat99sh91b71.png?width=480&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=c644e4747b8fcd616d5711ddfbf4dd29f4e853ff) + +Who am I? Im just a crayon sniffing almost boomer who has been investing since 2001. + +I have loved value plays because generally they fly well below the radar before MSM starts talking about them. GME caught my attention due to the other sub that I may or may not be able to mention, its the one that CNBC Clowns speak of. Ive been long since early December, but have since added multiple times my original position. + +What is this post about? + +&amp;#x200B; + +[Wut doing?](https://preview.redd.it/ffy8ly3z91b71.png?width=494&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=daaafe0181dee4a7d3b09ac5e1d07debf56fa817) + +I feel that most of us are pretty well verse in stocks, some well versed in options and futures as well, but there are so many other types of derivatives that are out there that can be used to control the narrative, so I wanted to bring some basic light to these other financial products and speculate on what is going on with our own stock. + +This post will have some of the other products and ill try my best for an ape definition, then I will close it out with my own crayon fueled banana powered speculations. + +There are other investment poducts besides stocks? + +&amp;#x200B; + +[mind blown](https://preview.redd.it/dgst6skba1b71.png?width=260&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=20bc94e3a9ad3a169f141bccd35ad8fa1d0fb9fc) + +Yes we can start with the basics, I won’t include options/futures here since there are many threads/posts explaining them. (Definitions taken from investopedia, google finance, Webull, etrade etc) Ape terms are what I make of them, these are my opinions, might be wrong please correct or share a better way to describe them. + +**WTF is an ETF?** + +An ETF is an exchange traded fund, generally speaking its a computer based fund designed to track a sector or an index. + +APE speak: A basket of stocks but with some commonality, if you got oranges, lemons and limes together, all citrus but still a fruit basket. + +**WTF is a Mutual Fund?** + +Mutual fund is similar to an ETF, main difference is that this is managed by a person, usually a person that wants part of your profits to manage it. + +APE speak: Basket of stocks with/without commonality with a sales pitch; green apple basket is better than red apple basket because green means go, and green pays me more so …. + +**WTF are Derivatives?** + +Calls, puts, futures, contracts, obligations and swaps, anything derived from the underlying security/commodity. + +Call, puts and futures are pretty easy to find and understand. + +**WTF are SWAPS?** + +There are many many many many many types of this deceiving product, here are a few examples. + +**Credit Default Swap(CDS)**: If the underlying asset falls or fails, the default goes up in value. + +APE speak: a fancy PUT for an underlying asset/security + +**Interest Rate Swap**: an exchange between parties, one with variable rate interest and one with fixed rate. + +APE speak: Similar to refinancing a variable rate mortgage for a fixed rate one, no risk to really any party, its really there for fancy accounting and tricking banking regulations. + +**Currency Swap**: exchanging loan + principal from one currency to another currency + +APE speak: IMO its a way to use loan products to make pennies on the dollar from trading it back and forth, if you do it with a large enough bank, those pennies are now millions of dollars. + +**Security/Commodity swap**: Two parties exchanging cash flow derived from the underlying security/commodity. + +APE speak: I want the cash flow but not the risk, I will pay you to take on the risk. + +**Total returns swaps**: A total return swap is a swap agreement in which one party makes payments based on a set rate, either fixed or variable, while the other party makes payments based on the return of an underlying asset, which includes both the income it generates and any [capital gains](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/capitalgain.asp). In total return swaps, the underlying asset, referred to as the reference asset, is usually an equity index, a basket of loans, or bonds. The asset is owned by the party receiving the set rate payment. + +APE speak: Bank A buys an ETF, Hedge Fond buys the TRS (total return swap), makes payments to Bank A to continue to own this contract, in return the Hedge Fond keeps any capital gains, dividends. + +\-------------------------------------------------------- + +Now that we have those out of the way, lets talk about banks for a few….. + +Banks make money via selling information, financial products, interests, etc. Banks are greedy, when they run out of things to sell they make new products that are more/less the same but just repackaged to be different. + +Lets go back to 2008 to take a quick look at this. + +During this time the mortgage backed securities were falsely held up by credit rating agencies and the ignorant and corrupt people in power like Alan Greenspan etc. + +“Mortgages and their bonds will not fail, its a sure bet, it will never happen, the MBS market is strong and can survive the failure rate” - 2005-2008 multiple analysts and advisors. + +Residential MBS market collapse wouldn’t have been as big as 2008 if the banks were a little less greedy. Basically people like Michael Burry saw an opportunity to make money from the collapse by betting against it, the arrogance of Wall Street took his and others money thinking it would never happen hence free money, they didn’t care that they would have to pay 200:1 on some of the products being sold the knew it wouldn't happen. What crashed the system was the CDS(Credit default swaps) market ballooning to a crazy amount and banks not able to create or secure a net neutral or a net positive position and were eventually unable to pay out. + +APE speak: Wall-street said, why make little when make lot is the same risk? lets write more subprime loans so that we can sell more MBS, when we have more MBS we can sell more CDS on them……. Repeat until crash and get bailed out. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[its fine meme](https://preview.redd.it/4h35b2ugb1b71.png?width=536&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=67148df63257f2f7c0d231d6816c742e9e51f46e) + +Fast forward to a recent past, there is a plethora + +&amp;#x200B; + +[Plethora 3 amigos](https://preview.redd.it/biovt2rlb1b71.png?width=500&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=67262ab47bc8eac4e5a306838f98c0e47d57422e) + +of businesses already struggling due to various reasons, add in a pandemic that restricts or eliminates disposable income and we have the recipe for that sure fire bet again, especially when these analysts and advisors are suggesting that the pandemic will last a lot longer than it did. Wall Street greed comes in to play again. They want to short everything to make a quick profit off of struggling humans who can barely put food on the table for their families. + +Gamestop is a dying business model, they will never financially recover from this, no one is buying anything from gamestop and their outdated business model, they will be unable to recover from this pandemic because their bonds will expire before the pandemic does, share target price $0.50/share. - Almost all hedge Fonds 2020 and beyond. + +I wonder where we have heard that level of certainty before? Lol + +One last thing I want to mention before I start my speculation, + +WTF is a Synthetic ETF? + +A synthetic ETF is is a pooled investment that invests money in [derivatives](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/derivative.asp) and [swaps](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/swap.asp) without the ownership of stocks or ETFs. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[that thing is real?](https://preview.redd.it/jcsex5med1b71.png?width=640&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=d38feb9183e5bfa3aa7617fe12277c1f2bfdd428) + +Yes this is real!!! + +Speculation starts here: + +WTF is a Synthetic ETF? (Continued) + +APE speak: I honestly don’t even know how to describe this, while researching this I went down a crazy rabbit hole that drove me crazy. I kept finding these connections that were too obvious, linking these products to citadel etc on the risk side of these and the FED(overnight/reverse repo) and Black rock on the profiting side of these, I have been researching this for a week now and I still don’t have a clear idea on WTF is going on. My best guess is that some of these synthetic ETFs is where our FTDs are, alternatively: the fact that blackrock and the FED have a hand in them leads to me believe that this might be a future bailout collection fund, I honestly don’t know and would love for people to chime in and share their insights. While I was digging for this information I actually came across a YouTube channel (Charles Vids) that has also located these so I know I’m not alone and didn’t stumble by coincidence, I know they are related, just don’t know how yet. + +Where are we now? Well they started shorting legally, eventually ran out of shares to borrow but continued to short because when a company is delisted or closed down, no one cares about the number of shares in FTD. Then January happened and it became public, so they had to find ways to hide their short positions: in comes ways of transferring their shorts to ETFs, Indexes, other financial products. + +IMO TRS are the new CDS from 2008. When this market crashes due to inflation probably, the rest of the market will crash with it creating 2008 version 2. + +I know the market will crash soon due to inflation, because black rock is buying single family houses. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[inflation is here](https://preview.redd.it/b0wys4qjd1b71.jpg?width=828&amp;format=pjpg&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=9c2988cf5bf83316f214423fdb4c0b31fdfdf562) + +“We see the restart and higher inflation driving up the rental income and a more mutated response to interest rates to rising inflation than in the past supporting real estate valuations” + +Black rock controls over $9 trillion in assets, this is their hedge against inflation and rising interest rates. Black rock is now IMO in the asset protection mode, they know that the stock market will crash soon, they have signaled it in an article here: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/07/blackrock-downgrades-us-stocks-says-reopening-momentum-is-peaking.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/07/blackrock-downgrades-us-stocks-says-reopening-momentum-is-peaking.html) + +Asset protection is a real strategy for most banks/institutions. + +In bear market or impending crash, the asset protection should/will switch from stocks to bonds and treasuries etc. However, this time is different, since the underlying stocks are doomed to fail the bonds/treasuries linked to said securities are no longer part of asset protection. + +So what does an institution do in this case? Buy houses, a class that is outside of the securities market, protected from inflation, about to boom with more renters when the market crashes and the average person can no longer afford the housing market due to rising interest rates and inflation. + +**TL:DR** + +IMO the market crash is the catalyst for GME, simply because the market currently is over extended on leverage, which is keeping margin requirements in check and stopping the liquidations from happening. The TRS market is keeping up with the liquidity requirements which is being kept in check by the Over night repo market. + +Now if something out of the normal happens, like a crypto dividend, clearing house switch, merger etc then GME can/will moon on its own which will crash the market consequently. Either way the resulting outcome is the same, they are both related due to the nature of Wall Street greed, complicated and purposefully confusing investment products such MBS, CDS, CDO, TRS, etc. + +IMO inflation will cause the market wide panic selling, which will elevate margin requirements, which will lead to force closures and liquidations which will create that buying pressure and send GME in to the thousands…. + +Edit 3: I’m not saying it ends at thousands, I don’t know where it will go, just saying it will start here, no one selling can/will take it higher. + +Buckle up, this is just the beginning 🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🌚🌚🌚 + + +Edit 1: this is not financial advice, or advice in general, it’s 1 step above word vomit. + +Edit 2: word corrections. + + +Edit 4: as if you need confirmation bias lol + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojgmav/for_anyone_interested_there_is_currently_a_risk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + + +Edit 5: Inflation + +I did a poor job explaining my reasoning for my belief. +Inflation works by making cost of goods more expensive, reducing your buying power. When things cost more the extra income is no longer there. While no one will be selling their GME shares, retail may be forced to sell other stuff they own to be able to survive with the high cost of everything. The market currently has a ton of retail investors that may exit the market due to inflation. This pressure will also translate to consumer discretionary sector which will/may bring down the market. Since a lot of the collateral being used by hedge fonds will also lower in value, the margin calls will result in defaults and liquidations. +Hopefully this helps. +So I summed up the [historical volume (NSDAQ) ](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/historical) from January 4th 2021 to July 14th 2021. The sum/ total volume was 3,284,802,823- or 3.28 billion shares. + +Now looking at the [daily short volume ](https://www.shortvolume.com/?t=GME) since January we can see it seams to have an average short volume percentage around 55-60%. + +Here’s an image if you don’t like links- https://imgur.com/a/23os95v + +Now if we multiply the total volume by short volume (3,284,802,823* .60) we get roughly 1,970,881,693 (1.9 billion) shares sold short since January 4th. 🤯 + +Disclaimers: + +1) Short volume and short interest are not the same. Short volume measures the number of shares that have been shorted over a given period of time, short interest represents the number of shorted shares that have yet to be closed out or covered by investors. [(link to short volume vs short interest)](https://finance.zacks.com/read-short-interest-ratio-5076.html) + +2) MMs (market makers) provide liquidity to the markets. So if retail investors are buying a stock, the MM can fill their order without purchasing the security themselves, which will be marked as a short sale and reported in daily short volume. Sometimes they can profit off this through [arbitrage](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/arbitrage.asp) + +3) Short volume is self reported my MMs + + +Now back to the 1.9 billion shares in short volume. + +If these were retail/ ape buy orders that were getting reported as short volume, than it would account for 65.6x or 6,560% of the open float (roughly 29 million) held/ bought by retail investors- since January 4th 🤯 + +If these 1.9 billion shares were a mix of retail buy orders getting filled by MMs and plain naked shorting than the same point would stand. Shorts would need to get closed out, and retail buys would also need to get closed out for the books to be rebalanced. + +It is also my belief that since these short volume numbers are self reported by MMs they likely aren’t fully accurate as nothing MMs, hedge funds, or institutions have reported so far has been very accurate. They do seam to report the lowest numbers possible tho, which makes me wonder if short volume is actually quite a bit higher. + + +None of this is financial advise. Also, please poke holes in this if you believe any info is incorrect. + +POWER TO THE FUCKING PLAYERS. BUY AND HODL. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + + + + +Edit 1: Fixed link + +Edit 2: u/loggic had a good comment below explaining how this calculation represents the best-case scenario for us apes, and assumes that zero of the short volume since Jan 4th has been covered. So let’s look at worse-case scenario. + +If we pretend that 100% of the short volume has been closed, than that should lead us to a total cumulative volume of 3,941,763,386 (1,970,881,693* 2) + +If we now subtract 3,284,802,823 (actual cumulative volume) from that number were left with 656,960,563. + +This would mean that the bare minimum of shares that would still need to be closed since Jan 4th- July 14th would be 656,960,563, or 22.6x the open float, or 2,260% + + +TL:DR + +Best-case scenario 6,560% (Of the open float) +Worse-case scenario 2,260% (Of the open float) + +.... this also does not account for any shorting/ short volume taking place before before January 4th +Hey everyone, just a quick update from my last post, which you can read here - [It's that time again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8t629/its_that_time_again/) + +As you can see, we've had some bullish movement today and yes, this is natural movement this time. + +&#x200B; + +[GME 15 Minute Chart](https://preview.redd.it/1hy7duofztg81.png?width=2105&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1239d898bc63ce93e8cd5a7386346a3c59c6315) + +These are possible regions to watch for a reversion and a continuation upwards. $110.87 - $109.59 and if that area is broken, then bounce from $102. + +https://preview.redd.it/1vpne2giztg81.png?width=2105&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a223db14e13c753a51d0504a6c865bdff63c040 + +I'm expecting this to reach AT LEAST $128 and possibly $132-146. Then if price breaks through $146, we can potentially see the $160s and even up to around $197-$230. I don't know what will happen until the price reaches these areas, think of them as points of interest to see how price reacts. + +However, I am confident that we are about to see GME pushing upwards into these upper zones very soon. I believe that we had good support at $88-86, which is where I said price would go in my previous post. If price had broken $86, then $48 was likely, so it was close. + +Anyway... + +Strap the fuck in. + +**Edit:** +Just want to clarify as some people seem to be making jokes about what I say in the post. + +The price can fall from any of the prices I mentioned too, it doesn't have to just keep going up. But the prices I mentioned are specific areas to pay attention to which will determine the probability of the stock continuing upwards or falling back downwards, which is what I stated. + +Also, people keep asking how soon... I've spoken about this before in older TA posts, but on average it takes about 5 trading days starting from yesterday, when the TA was posted (8/2/22). Can take up to 14-16 days max which is how long it took from signal date up to the Jan Sneeze. +I’m nervous, and would like as much info as people are willing to give. + +I am just as much of a monkey as a lot of you seem and claim to be, the only difference is that I never invested anything. + +I invested on Freetrade (if that’s relevant). + +What can I expect to happen or what shall I do on specific circumstances? Eg if price drops, do I hold (not sell) if it rises enough, do I sell? + + +Edit: Hell yeah I’ve already made £1.20 if I sell now, which I won’t don’t worry. +Don’t worry, I know it goes down as well as up suddenly. + +UPDATE: I’ve bought .25 of a share to increase my holding to 1 full share, well, 1.01. Thanks for the advice everyone, it’s been helpful so far. +I know this is a dividends community, HOWEVER total return in king. It seems like everyone loads up on JEPI and SCHD, both are good dividend payers, but neither even beat the VOO on a backrest of any kind, let alone QQQ or VOOG. I can see using the 2 if you are 65, retired, and want something to pay you monthly, but other than that, I can't see either being good long term holds +With all this bullshit with mods going on, everyone should expect a huge (artificial) dip this coming week. The hedgies are looking for ways to capitalize on the dumpster fire this has become. The DD is done, just HODL. The downfall and rain of FUD on this sub was to be expected but don’t be surprised when the price dips this coming week. +Recently there has been a significant increase in the retail participation in the stock market, be it through direct stocks or equity mutual funds. What would this mean for the participants in terms of return potential and risk? + +&#x200B; + +Reason for this question: Let's say everyone puts their money in Nifty 50 fund, this would make the underlying 50 companies overvalued (after a certain point of time) since people are just buying the stock, indirectly pushing the prices up. Now, how should we as retail investors look at this information. + +Would this mean that investing in the nifty 50 companies would entail lower return and also higher risk since markets would essentially come back to its intrinsic value once the bubble bursts. For instance, there would be few companies in the index which are/were already overvalued, but index investing would just increase the size of the bubble further. + +The counter argument could be that many of the pension funds and insurance funds also might be doing index investing since its lower risk on paper being the biggest 50 companies in India, so the risk would be minimised in that way. + +&#x200B; + +In general, is the retail participation a good thing for retail investors specifically in the Indian markets? I would like read what the sub opinions are on this topic. +Not sure if this is the right forum for this. We just got an AMC statement for a demat account created in 2008 and not used since creation, no SMS or email or physical bill ever received in the last 13 years of the account's existence. And now they are asking us to pay 7K for this. + +Is there something that can be done? This does not seem correct especially when we have not used it and no bill communication has been made in the past. We simply forgot that such an account exists and assumed that it has either been cancelled or made inactive. + +What should we do here? Spoke to the intermediary through which they demat was opened and they said amount has to be paid to close the account. Should we write to SEBI? I understand the same has happened to many many other on account of NSDL asking to verify KYC of accounts. + +Thank and regards, Artemis. +Full disclaimer: I own some ETH. I've seen a lot of posts here and in /r/ethereum talking about high fees. I've also seen a lot of extremely misleading statements here and there about how high fees are right now and will try and simplify things a bit. I'll do my best to remain impartial, and feel free to correct me and I'll edit my post. All plans are subject to change, the following is based on my current understanding and recollection of developer statements. + +>What is happening? + +* ETH fees are high right now. The best place to see gas costs (how much you'll need to pay for a transaction vs how quickly you want it) is here: https://ethgasstation.info/ + +* Smart contracts and ERC-20 tokens consume much more gas than a basic transfer. While a typical transfer might be $3 a poorly written smart contract could consume $100 in gas. This variation leads to lots of confusion on various forums. An absolute metric crap ton of tokens run on ETH, so ETH being congested causes lots of downstream effects, tokens that consume lots of gas are disproportionately effected. + +>Why is this happening? + + * [Utilization is through the roof right now](https://txstreet.com/v/eth-btc). At post time ETH is achieving 16.14 TPS vs BTC's 4.00. Despite being 4 times faster the demand for on-chain (L1) transactions is overwhelming. At the bottom of [this page, make sure to scroll down](https://ethgasstation.info/index.php) you can see that blocks are at 100% right now. That means people are constantly outbidding each other to make it in. + + * At post time [Uniswap](https://ethgasstation.info/gasguzzlers.php) is the biggest gas guzzler. People are using Decentralized Exchanges (dex'es) a ton and its consuming a huge chunk of block space and people are paying a premium for it. + +>How can I save money? + + * ETH demand fluctuates heavily throughout the day, it's not uncommon for fees to drop 10x in an hour. If you are not in a hurry waiting a bit for a slow period and broadcasting a median gas transaction can save you a TON of money + + * Some wallets/apps are designed to be super user friendly, and unfortunately they hardcode the fastest possible gas costs for a good user experience (UX). Unfortunately that's a very bad idea when gas is high and only causes rates to climb even more. EIP-1559 will fix this, more on that later + + * Don't interact with smart contracts if you don't have to. It sucks, I know. But the fact is that using a smart contract is way more expensive than normal transactions. When gas is a fraction of a penny nobody cares, but its not right now and this is where we are. Last I checked, L1 [ETH](https://ycharts.com/indicators/ethereum_average_transaction_fee) transfers are still cheaper than [BTC](https://ycharts.com/indicators/bitcoin_average_transaction_fee). Not much of a consolation, but it's not a *total* disaster yet. EDIT: It appears the last 2 days ETH has flipped BTC on transaction costs. $17 USD still seems really really high, as of post-time a $5 transaction would go through within a few minutes) + +>What is being done about this? (sorted by est delivery date) + + * Berlin upgrade: Est 1-2 months, will adjust gas costs of various transactions for certain core operations. Should help fees overall on many contracts. + + * EIP-1559: Est "this summer, but maybe Q3": A huge overhaul to the fee system. Block sizes are FLEXIBLE, targeting 50% full. When a block exceeds 50% full the base fee increases. When it drops below 50% the base fee decreases. Fees are burned (nice deflationary side effect). This means a few things: A) Spikes in transactions can make the next block instead of clogging the mem pool B) costs are MUCH more easy to calculate, and block include time estimation is much easier. C) The improved predictability/include time means shitty apps won't have a reason to set absurd fees for a good UX, driving "gas inflation" like we see now. There's a lot more to EIP-1559, but that's the gist of how it should impact transactions + + * 2.0 Phase 0: Already live, but the beacon chain won't impact 1.0 until "the merge". Baseline TPS should be higher than 1.0, and its also environmentally friendly :) + + * 2.0 Phase 1: Est end of 2021, Sharding will first scale to 64 shards (eventually 1024) for a 64x scaling effect on the beacon chain. + + * The Merge: Some call this Phase 1.5, but it is planned for 2022. This will move ETH 1.0 as a shard on to 2.0, and all finality will occur on the beacon chain. At this point ETH's core TPS should be 64-100x faster than what we have today + + * 2.0 Phase 2: Est end of 2022/2023, Execution Environments aka sharded smart contracts allow for smart contracts to share data across shards so that DeFi/Dex'es etc benefit from 2.0's massive scalability + +>What other out-of-order improvements are coming? + + * Various L2 technologies are already live, and several smart contracts are upgrading to them now. This will let you pay on L1 to "get in", then perform a lot of cheap transactions on L2. Right now every trade on uniswap clogs L1. When it runs on L2 all those trades are off-chain and gas fees are only driven up by deposits/withdrawals. This should have a massive impact on overall gas costs. The good news is the insane fees on some contracts act as an INCENTIVE to get L2 up and running faster. + +I know a lot of people are unhappy with the current situation, but a lot of progress has been made and a lot of exciting progress is on the horizon! I hope this post helps :) +Warren Buffett has talked about the concept of a “punchcard”. Imagine you have a punchcard and it has 20 spots. These 20 spots represent the only 20 companies that you are allowed to buy for your entire lifetime. + +I think about the punchcard a lot and love the concept, as it makes me think deeply about whether or not I would use 1 of my 20 “punches” on a given company that I am analyzing. + +On this topic, what is the #1 company that you would feel confident “punching” on your card and holding for the rest of your life? + +Mine is Amazon. + +Source: https://www.deepvalue.ai/explore/stocks/AMZN + +Edit 1: a lot of folks seem to believe in MSFT! +The title gives it away. + +How do you stay up to day with information regarding companies that you are watching? Is there a website that you can “follow/sub” to a certain ticker and you receive information regarding that company??? +**Big banks have been quietly engaging in the same behavior that precipitated the crisis of 2008.** + +[https://theintercept.com/2021/04/23/deconstructed-whistleblower-financial-crisis/](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/23/deconstructed-whistleblower-financial-crisis/) + +>During the 2008 crisis, banks bundled together a ton of bad mortgages and created a new asset out of them, and claimed that since they were now all bundled together, they were no longer risky, and the ratings agencies went along. Those new assets are called securities, and they were made up of residential mortgages. Hence the name: residential mortgage-backed securities, or RMBS. +> +>This week, in a story in The Intercept, a financial analyst-turned-whistleblower provided data that bankers appear now to be doing the same for commercial real estate, inflating income and packaging it together into risky assets. +> +>Commercial mortgage-backed securities are exactly what they sound like. They are financial products that are backed not by home loans, but by commercial loans. The problem in 2008 was the bankers and brokers were inflating the incomes of people taking out mortgages. + +&#x200B; + +**CMBS Market Musings: Securitization Finding Its Footing** + +[https://www.wealthmanagement.com/investment-strategies/cmbs-market-musings-securitization-finding-its-footing](https://www.wealthmanagement.com/investment-strategies/cmbs-market-musings-securitization-finding-its-footing) + +>Mortgage Bankers Association’s Mortgage Debt Outstanding Report shows private-label CMBS makes up roughly 14 percent of the overall CRE finance market as of the end of the first quarter of 2021—roughly in line with its market share as of the end of the first quarter of 2019. The size of the entire CRE finance market was $3.46 trillion in the first quarter of 2019 and $3.72 trillion as of the end of the first quarter of 2021. + +&#x200B; + +**Synthetic CMBS Primer** + +[https://www.globalcapital.com/article/28mwqoqjrbvhq494fbuv4/derivatives/synthetic-cmbs-primer](https://www.globalcapital.com/article/28mwqoqjrbvhq494fbuv4/derivatives/synthetic-cmbs-primer) + +Synthetic collateralized mortgage-backed securities are tools for harnessing and exploiting commercial mortgage and real-estate expertise. Using synthetic CMBS, an investor can gain leverage for aggressive speculation or apply or apply sophisticated hedging strategies to manage risk. + +&#x200B; + +**Pension Funds Target CRE CTR's** + +[https://www.structuredcreditinvestor.com/Article.asp?article=Synthetic-CMBS-eyed&PUB=&ISS=25086&SID=73480](https://www.structuredcreditinvestor.com/Article.asp?article=Synthetic-CMBS-eyed&PUB=&ISS=25086&SID=73480) + +>Pension funds are targeting synthetic securitisations of commerical real estate loans, despite the challenges of the Coronavirus crisis (SCI 9 July). However, going forward, portfolio composition will be key for real money investors. +> +>Accroding to Chris Redmond, head of manger research at Willis Towers Watson: "Since mid-July, the screamingly cheap has gone and so now we are back to normal, trying to find better CRT valuations. + +No, seriously, wtf... + +Edit: + +**Potential for fraud in asset-backed securities. Without stronger penalties to discourage it, widespread concealment and falsification of information could potentially lead to another crash.** + +[https://news.utexas.edu/2020/12/03/lending-fraud-could-wreck-economy-again/](https://news.utexas.edu/2020/12/03/lending-fraud-could-wreck-economy-again/) + +>The biggest fraud potential, Griffin said, is no longer with home mortgages. It’s with other kinds of securitized assets, such as commercial mortgages. For collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), a kind of security backed by business loans, he’s found evidence that the underlying loans are riskier than the CLOs’ ratings reflect. +> +>Such weaknesses can be hidden by a strong economy but get exposed in a weak one, he said — such as during a sudden pandemic. + +**CMBS Refinancings at Risk as Empty Offices Become a Wasteland** + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-14/structured-weekly-office-wastelands-pose-cmbs-refi-risk-in-2022](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-14/structured-weekly-office-wastelands-pose-cmbs-refi-risk-in-2022) + +&#x200B; + +**US commercial mortgage-backed securities face crunch as US$40b of mall debt comes due** + +[https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/real-estate/us-commercial-mortgage-backed-securities-face-crunch-as-us40b-of-mall-debt-comes-due](https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/real-estate/us-commercial-mortgage-backed-securities-face-crunch-as-us40b-of-mall-debt-comes-due) + +&#x200B; + +**This time, the issue is not a bubble in the housing market, but apparent widespread inflation of the value of commercial businesses, on which loans are based.** + +[https://theintercept.com/2021/04/20/wall-street-cmbs-dollar-general-ladder-capital/](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/20/wall-street-cmbs-dollar-general-ladder-capital/) + +**Some Other Shtuff** + +[https://youtu.be/kuALRyGI3Ho](https://youtu.be/kuALRyGI3Ho) + +[https://youtu.be/RX1uzbAOnXc](https://youtu.be/RX1uzbAOnXc) + +[https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/01/nyregion/manhattan-vacant-office-space-real-estate.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/01/nyregion/manhattan-vacant-office-space-real-estate.html) + +&#x200B; + +I'm not a huge fan of the guy, but he's already bet on it: + +**Icahn is shorting the commercial real estate market, which he says is going to 'blow up'** + +[**https**://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/icahn-reveals-his-biggest-short-position-amid-market-turmoil-commercial-real-estate.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/13/icahn-reveals-his-biggest-short-position-amid-market-turmoil-commercial-real-estate.html) + +>Icahn's short is specific to credit default swaps, or "CDS," which are assets that back mortgages of corporate offices and shopping malls. Icahn said the housing market bubble of 2008 has "happened all over again" due to loans made in 2012 to shopping malls and more. "You have a bunch of mortgages ... so the banks went out and loaned money against a lot of shopping malls, office buildings, hotels and retail," Icahn said. "It's all credible institutions doing it again." The banks sold mortgages on commercial real estate "and then, when they did those mortgages, \[the banks\] sliced and diced them and put them in something called a 'CMBX,' an index," Icahn said. The banks then sold bonds against these mortgages to clients. Icahn expects shopping malls and others in commercial real estate will default on these loans. "A lot of these bonds now are in grave danger," Icahn said. "It's like selling insurance to someone who's going to go to the electric chair in a couple of months." +I look at companies like this and wonder, how do you value it? It isn't worth nothing, heck - it makes money. But does it have any value at all on the stock market? + +Let's say you own a business, lock, stock, and the barrels too. It makes a decent profit, but it's a bit less every year. How much is that business worth? +I got a (part-time) job recently (less than a month) and it's my first job. I don't have any personal bills yet bc I'm only 17, so I've been taking half my check each week and putting it in my savings, for any serious future things i may need it for (college, retirement, house, etc.) A quarter of the check goes to my mom for household bills, and the last quarter is for myself to keep. My quarter totals around $75 a week. + + +$50 from my quarter is going to my savings though, because I have something specific in mind that I want, but it costs around $1200. (I could leave the money in my checking account, but I feel like it would be too much of a temptation to spend it.) + +People I know keep telling me that most people don't save half, but since I don't have any bills, it seems like the smartest thing to do at the moment. Is half too much? +**Intro** + +* Hello, +* my name is O.J.M., I live in Ireland, and I joined the revolution last summer. +I’m a crypto enthusiast and firm believer that Bitcoin will change the world. When I started trading I choose Kraken to be my main exchange because of leveraged trading and because Kraken had a really good reputation and I believed Kraken is more trustworthy than other exchanges. And I stuck with Kraken even thought user experience on the site was terrible at times. What a mistake that was. +Intro + +**10th** **of** **January** + +* On the 10th of I had 2.14 BTC on my trading acc and I had 2 open LONG positions on EUR and USD pairs both. When the Korea FUD started (11th of Jan around 4am) I flipped my EUR position, I sold all of my BTC and I was just about to flip my USD position when the Kraken site went down with no warning what so ever. + +**Down** **time** **–** **11th-13th** **of** **January** + +* How unprofessionally and poorly Kraken handled the “upgrade” that was supposed to be 2 hours and ended up being 2 days you can see on the here: https://status.kraken.com/incidents/nswthr1lyx72 https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7qcj9u/why_kraken_is_an_unsafebad_exchange_and_why_you/ +And during this 2 days I was surprisingly calm and chilled because I believed that Kraken isn’t doing an exit scam and that my funds are safe. +Even thought I had an open long position that I didn’t want, and that I couldn’t close. + +**Back** **online** **-** **13th** **January** + +* When the site came back online I was -2 000€ on my USD long position and -2000€ on EUR story position. I don’t need to tell you I would never put myself in this situation if I could log in normally. So I decided to wait a bit and see what the price does, before I start closing anything. + +**BUG** **time** **-** **15th** **January** + +* I decided to take some loss and close parts of my positions just to reduce the risk. And I went ahead to close 0.5 BTC position and I was supposed to lose about 200€ on this but instead of 200€ I lost 24.82€ and 0.43989 BTC (about 5700€ at the time), and than another 0.1 BTC = 0.53989 BTC lost to the bug. + Trades no. TN3GFZ-MUTQZ-UUEGJT and TLAROT-6QQCT-D7K7VB, you can see the screen shots here: https://postimg.org/gallery/23wckpjj0/629bad23/ + Of course after that I did what you are supposed to do when you find a serious BUG, you contact support and wait for instructions. What a mistake that was. + +**“Support** **time”** **-** **15th** **-30th** **January** + +* I contacted Kraken support Ticket #1369001, I managed to get my ticket “escalated” quite fast. I was contacted by Mr. Jochen from Kraken customer support quite fast I must say. +* But here is where real problems started. + Jochen sent me 2 emails on the 15th, Jan but he didn’t answer not one question I had or gave me any useful information. He just said: “We have identified the issue and hope to resolve this as soon as possible.” + My main question was: **“What do I do with my open positions?”** + There’s a bug… If I closed my positions I would get completely liquidated. Jochen completely ignored me and he answered my question on the 30th of January saying: “The bug is resolved and you can close positions without issues.” That’s 15 days to late. If I closed the positions on the 30th I would have some 0.3 BTC left on the account. + +**E-mails** **-** **15th** **Jan** **-** **1st** **of** **Feb** + +* During this time I sent over 30 emails to Jochen and Robert from Kraken customer support. +Robert didn’t replay not even once. And Jochen sent me 3 emails. 2 on the 15th saying that they are “on top” of the problem and 1 on the 30th (15 days to late) saying that I can close my position (and get liquidated). + You can see his emails here: https://postimg.org/gallery/1u0tompss/ + And you can see some of my emails here: https://postimg.org/gallery/33nm6p924/ + My emails for the first few days were: “What do I do? **Can I close my position?**” and then after they were just: “Can someone please answer me?” + +**Summary** **1st** **of** **Feb** + +* I had 2.14 BTC before the Kraken went down +* I lost 24.82€ and 0.53989 BTC directly to the BUG +* I lost another 10 436.01€ and 0.1172BTC holding because of the BUG (waiting for the replay for 15 days) +* And I lost some 0.3 by my own fault trying to trade without margin… (has nothing to do with bug, I was panicking, and I’m not expecting to get this bit back) xD +* After closing all the positions I have 1880€ or 0.25BTC at current prices left on my account. + +* Witch makes my **total** **losses** **to** **the** **BUG:** **~1.6BTC** + +**Questions** **for** **Kraken** **staff:** + +* Can I please talk to someone…**actually** **talk…** **back** **and** **forth** **conversation…???** + Why didn’t you answer me for so long? + When will I be reimbursed? And in which currency? + Will I be reimbursed for indirect loses as well? + There’s only a small number or people affected by the bug, why is this lasting for so long? + WHERE IS MY MONEY ?? + Will I have to wait for another 15 days for your answer? + Can someone please answer my questions finally? + I did everything “by the book”, I found the BUG, I reported it and I waited for your instructions. Was I supposed to lose my funds to the BUG on purpose? + +**Other** **People** **affected** **by** **the** **BUG:** + /u/Meteorite777, /u/dofarian, /u/Stark2019, /u/traderjoesmo, u/dark_gunner1 and /u/yunglymedisease + +**Kraken** **Staff** **I’m** **expecting** **some** **answers** **from:** + /u/kraken-tyler, /u/jespow, /u/kraken-jpj + +**EDIT:** + +* I’ll update the topic how the story evolves +* I’d appreciate an upvote for visibility. Thank you very much… + +OJM +1st of February 2018 + + +* ps. +posts from other people affected by the BUG +please upvote all of us: +https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7q8um2/psa_major_kraken_bug_resulting_in_missing_funds/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7q8pe7/major_unresolved_bug_with_kraken_please_upvote/ +https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7qcj9u/why_kraken_is_an_unsafebad_exchange_and_why_you/ + + + +* EDIT II: +the post is being down voted by the Kraken people I'd sad... (why would anyone else down vote this post?) +please upvote to counter.... + +**______________UPDATE's_______________** + + +**UPDATE I.** + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7ui3gk/kraken_bug_how_kraken_exchange_destroyed_my_acc/dtldask/ + +This is the latest comment by /u/kranen-tyler **HOW** **IS** **THIS** **FAIR** **???** + + + + +**UPDATE II.** + +I just received an email from Kraken customer support member Alex: +>From +Me <o@mail.com> Fr 2. Feb 03:24 +To +Alex (Kraken Support) <support@kraken.com> +Re: [Kraken Support] Re: lost to much BTC after closing the margin trade +Hello Alex, +Thank you very much... This is excellent news... +and can you tell me anything about returning the funds that I lost due to the "forced hold" for over 15 days? +or was I supposed to deliberately activate the BUG to get the refund ? +and can you please stay in contact with me and the other lads until this matter is finished. +Thank you very much once again. +Best regards, +OJM + + +>2. Feb 2018 03:17 by support@kraken.com: +Alex +Alex (Kraken Support) +Feb 1, 19:17 PST +Then engine took an incorrect amount of XBT on position closing. +Ledgers: +LZYLNT -.44 +LD4VFK -.1 +Show the .54 XBT taken. Your account will be credited with the full amount, the position will stay closed at less cost to you than the actual position loss. +I will try to get these funds credited to your account as soon as possible. +Your account will also be credited with 50k KFEE, this will cover $500 in trading costs. +Alex- +Kraken Client Engagement +Ticket #1369001 +This email is a service from Kraken Support. Delivered by Zendesk. + + +**UPDATE III.** + +This morning I received the following from Kraken: + +_02-02-18 07:44:30 +0000 Adjustment Bitcoin (XBT) ฿0.54000_ + +at the current prices this is worth 3700€ + +this makes my total losses to the BUG at 13-14.000€, or in other words I was reimbursed for **about 20%** of the total losses... + +**_I still didn't get no replay to any of my questions_**, no emails, no apology, just the "notice" you can see above in UPDATE II. + +is it too much to ask a nice back and forward conversation? + +I mean this is great news, and we did get something back, fer play to Kraken, not every exchange would do it. + +but can we please get someone from the Kraken customer support on the case... **someone who will actually talk to us...** answer some questions...? + +**UPDATE IV.** + +Some really good news guys: +I just got this email yesterday + +>David (Kraken Support) Feb 2, 21:54 PST +Dear O, +We have received your message, and we'll have a trading specialist review your trades to verify your losses. If your loss was due to our error, then we will reimburse you for the loss. Please allow us 2-5 business days to complete our review. +Sincerely, +David +Client Engagement +We do not provide phone support. Please beware of phone scams: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012482487-Beware-of-phone-scams +Ticket #1369001 + + +REALLY really good news... + +Someone is finally on the case and hopefully now everything will be grand... + +I'll keep you updated... + +ps. + +you can find my replay to David's email here: http://textuploader.com/dh0ua +I want to do this for fun and for free.. I love teaching/helping others about investing/budgeting/etc... Was a hobby of mine when I was the President of my school's investment club. I was thinking about setting up a Twitch.tv stream and answering questions next week... Trying to gauge if there would actually be interest for this. I would use bloomberg, a mock interactive trading software, and TD Ameritrade to answer your questions, go through examples, and help teach you about basic topics! + +EDIT: Thinking about doing a one hour session July 6th... If interest grows I can also post a poll to see which date/time works for those interested. + +EDIT EDIT: Woah.. Looks like I am doing this... Time to brush up a bit on a few specific topics. Please post anything specific you want answered in here and I will try to cover them. I really enjoy helping others learn how to and about investing, thanks for all the support. I am pumped! **If anyone wants a reminder and details just post in here and I will send you a PM in a few days with a link/date/time. I will also post a new thread on the sub as a reminder.** + + +EDIT EDIT EDIT: Almost 2am and I have to be up in a few hours... I am blown away by the amount of interest. Thanks /r/investing... I will pm everyone details of the stream later and post another thread at some point. As a reminder I do not want to discuss stock picks, how to value a company, how to pick the best stock, etc... Investing in the stock market is **very risky** and I strongly advise against it without the proper education, practice, and understanding the risks involved (which aren't even clear 100% of the time). Even with the experience I have I would consider myself an amateur and as I mentioned earlier my own portfolio is still in the red. I am simply interested in answering basic questions to understand how markets work, theories, and verbiage. Hopefully this is still valuable for many of you! Thanks! + + +**Update: Sorry for the delay everyone... I am quite busy this week but have decided to do the stream next Wednesday, July 11. I will still be PM'ing everyone with more info and post a new thread with information in the next few days. Thanks!** +I am not complaining :). But I am new to this REIT (REITs in general) so not sure if there was a catalyst I missed or some other reason it is through the roof. + +I know there is an upcoming acquisition so maybe that’s it? I am just surprised that what I viewed as a boring high dividend stock is up so much in such a short time. + +I’m 40 years old aiming to be financially free at 50. Very low debt less than 30K. 401K maxed out every year since my 20s. Currently investing 5600$ a month in taxable account. Looking for wisdom where a knowledgeable investor would strategically invest. Basically looking for ideas to compare against my strategy and holdings. +I'm new to this ape fest, but I just dropped an order to put my entire 401k into GameStonk tomorrow at the open. I'm a crypto guy, and I don't necessarily need the 401k, nor do I even really believe it'll be there when I'm ready to retire anyways. + +I also know what it's like to have TheSuites™ drop continuous naked shorts on an asset with the goal of harming/murdering it. Not sure if the rules permit mentioning which project, so I'll refrain. Suffice it to say, I'm sympathetic to the cause here. Fuck these naked shorters who destroy everything good about markets and business. +NONE of us have any idea what's coming, when we see 1 mill, 2 mill, 5 mill in our brokerage account it'll be a completely different ball game. + +It's easy to say HODL, when you know loosing a couple of thousand won't help so might as well hold + +You need to understand , its easier to hold when were in the red , especially when we all are in the red together but you don't realize how much harder it'll be when were in the tendies stage. also the fact that were accustomed to the dips and reds for a while makes It easier to hold + +When we hit 10k/share, 100k/share, 1mill/share or 2mill/share it'll be astronomically harder to hold as you can easily call it a day and go home with 100's of thousands or even millions for some of you. YOUR POWER TO HODL WILL BE TESTED. + +During the moass it'll be quick (relatively) you might say "don't get greedy and be happy with an extra Milly or 2" but we are all in this TOGETHER + +&#x200B; + +You'll have already proved your ability to hold in the red but soon it'll be time to prove it when your already rich and have to hold a bit longer for other brother APES to get rich too. + +You remember that grade 2 experiment we all did and were completely blown away by it, breaking a single toothpick is easy , but try breaking a bunch together, no chance .BOOM 🙌🏻 same principle different time. + +WE ONLY HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS ONCE. NEVER AGAIN WILL THIS HAPPEN + +GIVE EM HELL + +MAKE YOURSELF AND THIS COMMUNITY PROUD + +APE STRONG TOGETHER + +💎🦍🚀 +People who watch YouTube channels in this niche(Indian or not), do you want to offer suggestions for the same ? What kind of content do you think is missing in India ? What are some issues you see with existing Indian YouTubers in this niche ? + +Thanks ! +Wall Street Banker here (located in Toronto). My bank is starting to react (or respond) to corrections in terms of headcount. + +&#x200B; + +How are our banks doing north of the border? +Hello, + +This post is being compiled as a result of my anger towards the massive amount of "Google"-able questions appearing on the subreddit. I am attempting to place some common knowledge into this post, so please add info if you feel it is important and I will tack it onto the end. + +&#x200B; + +\------------------RANT------------------------------------- + +Before I say anything: + +**You will probably lose money.** + +This isn't exactly tied to algotrading specifically, just the stock market in general. Most people do not have the education to trade it effectively, let alone turn a profit. If you're looking to make easy money, look into investing your money and not trading it. + +Also, I am not a professional. I trade literal pocket change and make ok returns. I am in no way a financial professional and this advice should be taken with a grain of salt. There are people out here far more qualified than me who could say this better, but for now, you have me. + +\-----------------END RANT----------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +**I'm completely new to this, how do I get started in Algo trading?** + +If you no background in either finance or programming, this is going to be a long road, and there's no way around this. Mistakes and failures in understanding how either component works will result in you losing money. This isn't a win-win game, for every dollar you gain someone has to lose it. + +**If you have a background in finance:** + +You're going to need to learn how to code for this. I suggest Python, as it is both easy to learn and has a plethora of libraries for both trading and backtesting data. Fortunately, this will be much easier for you, as you do not need to learn how finance works in order to create strategies, more often than not this will simply be you automating previous strategies you already have. + +**If you have a background in computer science/coding/programming:** + +You need to learn how economics works, and how the stock market works. No, the free online course will not likely teach you enough on how to make money. You need to know how they work to a T. This is going to take a while, and you will lose money. This will be true for 99% of you. + +&#x200B; + +\*if any term from here on out makes no sense to you, open up Google and look into it. \* + +&#x200B; + +\***Common backtesting errors\*** + +Overfitting: + +Something you should never, ever, ever do, test your strategy on your entire dataset at once. This leads to an error known as "overfitting." Basically, it means that you're making the strategy look good because you tweak the data until it returns a positive result. If you're new and you find a strategy that returns 50% annually, this is probably your issue. + +**How to solve**: \*\*\*as u/provoko pointed out, the solution I detail for this falls under "hold out bias" and would actually itself be another error. Link to the paper describing it [here](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2460551). If anyone knows how to deal with overfitting, please leave a suggestion below \*\*\* + +&#x200B; + +\--------EDIT: BAD SOLUTION ---------------- + +split your historical data into 2 pools of data: a training pool of data and a test pool of data. For example, if you have historical data on the S&P 500 from 2000-2015, your training pool would be 2000-2010, and your test pool would be 2011-2015. Train your model on the training pool, get the results looking good, then test it on the test pool. It if performs miserably on the test pool, you overfit your data. + +\---------EDIT: BAD SOLUTION -------- + +&#x200B; + +Look ahead bias: + +This means that your model uses data in the backtest that it would not know in real time. So if your model buys a stock at the beginning of the day if the high of the day is greater than the opening, it would not be able to do this because the high of the day is only known at closing. + +**How to solve:** A good way to solve this is to simply train your model on data from start until the day before (i.e. if the current trading day is January 21st, you only train your model until January 20th. + +&#x200B; + +Not factoring in other costs (Namely, commissions and slippage): + +Anyone can make a model that trades dozens of times a day and makes a profit. When you train your models, you do need to account for the broker you're trading with. Some brokers charge no commission, but instead make up for it on a bid/ask spread, or have spotty liquidity(looking at you Robinhood). As a result, strategies that look fantastic on paper wilt at the vine because of the "unforeseen" costs of trading. + +**How to solve**: Account for the transaction costs within your model, or look around for better brokers) + +&#x200B; + +\-----**Resources**\------- (If you have suggestions list them down in the comments) + +(I'm only going to include Python for the coding here because that's what I use and I can account for. If you use another language, usually googling "programming\_language" + keyword should get you some good answers) + +&#x200B; + +Coding: + +Code Academy: Learn Python [https://www.codecademy.com/learn/python](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/python) (video resource + mini classes) + +Learning Python, 5th edition [http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028154.do](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028154.do) (Book) + +Python for Data Analysis [https://www.ebooks.com/book/detail/95871448](https://www.ebooks.com/book/detail/95871448) (Book for learning Pandas, a great data-science library IMO) + +&#x200B; + +Algorithmic stuff + +Ernest Chan's Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business and Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale - both great books for learning the ins and outs of how to trade with an automated system. + +Inside the Black Box: The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading - Not a how-to, but more of an introduction into the ins and outs of what it really is. + + [Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Trader's Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Trading](https://www.amazon.com/Building-Winning-Algorithmic-Trading-Systems/dp/1118778987/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1547343212&sr=1-3&keywords=building+winning+algorithmic+trading+systems) (recommended by u/AsceticMind) (book) + + [https://www.quantopian.com/lectures](https://www.quantopian.com/lectures) (videos) - According to the comments section on other "how do I get started", these are apparently really good. + +&#x200B; + +**Where to get historical data (mostly free):** + +EOD U.S Equities: [https://www.tiingo.com](https://www.tiingo.com) This is a free financial API for fetching US equity data for EOD. It has a REST API, so if your language is not natively supported, you could always write your own. (Or just use your browser to get the data and then save it to your computer, IDC) + +Also: Yahoo Finance -- While they removed support for their API, they still let you download historical end-of-day data from their website directly, no API or keys required. + +&#x200B; + +If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please suggest down below. This is only a start, and someone may know a better way of doing something, or perhaps I made an error. +I'm in my late 20s and I started investing in March 2020. Since then, I've tried to invest a weekly portion of my paycheck into stocks. I've invested in both dividend and growth stocks, but I'm not sure which I should focus on more for the long term. Everyone has their own personal preference based on their goals and the risks their willing to take. However, I'm definitely focused on building wealth over the long term, and considering that I'm still in my 20s, I don't mind a bit of risk. Do you guys have any suggestions/advice/tips? +He's been saying that the biggest crash in human history is coming...And apparently he's been saying it since the beginning of this year. + +And then he goes on to recommend buying substantially into Crypto lmao...What happened to him? +Let's make a change. Instead of helping people IN poverty, let's help them OUT of poverty. + +An idea I've been working through is a charity- or government-run non-profit rent-to-own small/tiny housing program. Get lower-income individuals and families into home ownership. Free up their income ...so it can be saved, or spent in other areas of the economy, or be used to build their own small businesses. + +Boost the middle-class, and the whole economy improves. Rental housing makes the rich richer and the banks richer, and they keep the poor poor. Take the profits out of low-cost housing and everyone will benefit in the long-run. Smaller units/tiny homes, shared common-areas, lower costs, and home ownership/equity, and a chance to lift ourselves out of the rental rut. Help the poor and you help everyone. +I just got word that there will be a major marketing push today and Monday. They just got listed on CMC the other day, saw some nice growth in holder and the chart is still on a healthy upward climb. + +This is probably the only **legit** project that you will find on BSC DeFi. I will be straight to the point without any BS and will list everything that is relevant about them in a simple and structured way below. + +Basically, these guys are developing a bot to help users detect potential threats with BSC contracts, dev transfers, etc. Check out the White Paper for their prototype. + +**✔️ CMC Listing** [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hoodrat/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hoodrat/) + +**✔️ AMA’s:** + +[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1024010287](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1024010287) + +[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1028379264](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1028379264) + +**✔️** **White Paper:** [https://hoodrat.finance/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HoodRat-WP-2021-General-1.pdf](https://hoodrat.finance/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/HoodRat-WP-2021-General-1.pdf) + +**✔️ Doxed Devs:** [**https://hoodrat.finance/team/**](https://hoodrat.finance/team/) + +**✔️ Audit:** [**https://solidity.finance/audits/Hoodrat/**](https://solidity.finance/audits/Hoodrat/) + +**✔️ Chart:** [**https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xb54A58cdC7d3fEFd93EA4454E0C1A23Da8bEdC6f**](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xb54A58cdC7d3fEFd93EA4454E0C1A23Da8bEdC6f) + +**✔️ Contract:** [**https://bscscan.com/token/0xb54a58cdc7d3fefd93ea4454e0c1a23da8bedc6f**](https://bscscan.com/token/0xb54a58cdc7d3fefd93ea4454e0c1a23da8bedc6f) + +**✔️ Telegram:** [**https://t.me/HoodratOfficial**](https://t.me/HoodratOfficial) + +**✔️ Website:** [**https://hoodrat.finance/**](https://hoodrat.finance/) + +**✔️ Twitter:** [**https://twitter.com/FinanceHoodrat**](https://twitter.com/FinanceHoodrat) + +**✔️ CoinGecko Listing** + +**✔️ Stocktwits Listing** + +**✔️ Delta Listing** + +**✔️ Strategic Partners Onboarded: Moe Bradberry & Coby Pearson** +My fiancee and I are interested in moving into a bigger 2 bed 1+1/2 bath apartment from our current 1 bed+1 bath. Our gross annual combined is about $106,700. We are able to live pretty comfortably with our current rent, which is about $1760/mo (including utilities+internet). The apartment we're interested in is $2000, but with utilities it will probably cost around $2120/mo. We live in NJ and our move in date is October, which is a little far out but there is a high demand right now so we wanted to get a headstart on looking. Would we be able to afford this rent given our salaries? + +We are also not interested in buying at the moment because we want to save some money for our wedding and not have to worry about a down payment. +Quick question for my student loans and college education people out there. Do I go to a good school in Ohio State for 20k a year? Go to a less prestigious, yet still solid school (U of Cinci) for 18k? Or go to a not great and kinda bad school for free? (U Akron)? +I'm talking to my uncle and he just told me that when they first started printing $2 bills, he bought 1000 sequential bills and he's had them sealed since then. How much would that be worth today? +TLDR: my parents seem to think we will take advantage of them if they help us financially, so we never ask them for help. Now my sister is in a fragile situation far from home, and she can’t depend on them. + +To be clear: my parents aren’t massively rich, but they are very comfortable. They raised me and my sister to be financially independent. But alongside this, we have learned one very important lesson: NEVER ask them for help with money. + +I don’t mean that we feel entitled. I just mean that if I ever felt like I needed help, I cannot consider them as a safety net. I have talked about how to move forward if I lost my job or some other kind of extreme awful thing happened, and when I asked if they would help financially for a loan, they immediately said no and that it was a slippery slope of me constantly asking for money after that. + +Well, now my sister does need help. She lost her job am just after transitioning from a different job, and will not have the money to go home for the holidays - in fact she is worrying about this next months rent. She has been living paycheck to paycheck for a while so this is a huge blow. She’s not bad with money, but she has been struggling because times are hard. I’m not doing great either, but I’m gonna send her what I can because that’s what you do when your loved ones need help. + +But my parents are so hesitant. My dad is saying he will replace her Christmas gift with money to help her, but that feels really shallow, and he only said that after I offered to send her money. I *am* sending her a gift. My sister and I have been raised on a “pull yourselves up by the bootstraps” kind of attitude, and we both work really hard. It’s just super weird to me that they have been so firm about never financially helping. It’s like they think we will take advantage of it, but neither of us ever have, and all they’ve done is create an environment where we don’t feel like we can ask for their help. + +I don’t feel entitled to their money, I’m just frustrated and I just don’t get it. +Look, I'm prepared for the downvotes but I believe this needs to be said and genuinely considered and acted upon - just like you're acting upon the DRS movement. + +Options. Scary, right? The sentiment I've seen towards options on this sub is worrying, to say the least. Options are frowned upon and people seem to think they're a crime to touch for GME holders. This is BS, imo. If you're anti-options, I would love to hear why (like seriously, feel free to rip me to shreds in the comments). + +# What happened in January 2021? + +Ah, the sneeze. It's been a year and apes have heard this story many, many times... shorts, hedging, gamma ramp etc. Yeah, we all know what happened, yet we still seem to not grasp the concept that a significant catalyst for the sneeze was due to call options. + +The week leading up to the "buy button" incident, the price of GME was going up, up and up, bringing almost every call option ITM. The option chain added strike prices up to $570 which GME was comfortably going to fly by. **GME was genuinely 30 seconds from blowing up the entire market**, not just GameStop shares - the ENTIRE stock market. Hence - the buy button (disgusting). The hedgies and market makers literally ran out of liquidity and **couldn't** hedge for the options anymore without blowing up. + +&#x200B; + +[Weekly Option Chain 29 Jan 2021](https://preview.redd.it/7kby35tnqcf81.png?width=1892&format=png&auto=webp&s=a921632b704f535e0ddae194f8c57cef95976779) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Distribution of Options 29 Jan 2021](https://preview.redd.it/m4bp3qmsqcf81.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=a61f43f81acdb5c7598c6f609a848038d75524b3) + +You see, as more and more call options went ITM and were being **exercised** (important), market makers were **forced** to hedge these shares. Not a can-kick down the road, not an IOU (yeah yeah I promise I'll get you the shares later mate), not an, "oh, got any shares I can borrow my bro?" They were **forced** to go into the open market and buy shares at whatever price they could get them for. + +Anyone remember the people whose shares sold for over [$2600](https://i.imgur.com/nszA7MY.jpg) and well over $5000 (can't link this one) during the sneeze? Do you realise the severity of this fuck-fest they were put in? Mind you, this was before a significant portion of the float was locked up. We love ComputerShare. + +# Okay, nice throwback Condor, but why are you telling me this? + +I guess what I'm trying to say is what many other apes have been trying to say for months now. Options aren't the devil. In-fact, they're literally the perfect catalyst to ignite this fuse and end the can-kicking. DRS is removing liquidity from my favourite stock and the reason the buy button was turned off was due to *lack of liquidity.* Can you imagine what chaos it would cause if there was another gamma squeeze with fuk all liquidity nowadays? Even back then with a lot more liquidity, sell orders were executing for absurd amounts (in comparison to the ticker). This is the MOASS. This is how it begins. + +I'm not here to ask you to YOLO into call options - no, that's retarded, even for us. Weekly options are also retarded - pretty much a gamble. Far-dated call options -> bingo. + +I'm prepared to get flamed in the comments and prepared for a downvote galore, however, you need to get this through your head. + +DRS = less liquidity. + +Call options = price increase. + +DRS + Call options = MM's having to hedge for a fuck ton of shares with fuck all shares able to be hedged. + +The main responses I see from other posts in regards to options is: "well I don't understand options so I'll leave it to people who do." + +As much as I understand what you mean, it takes money to buy whisky - it takes learning to get tendies. + +Again, I'm not you. I'm not telling you to do anything. You're you. You do you. I love you. + +I understand this post may get buried, ignored, or straight up downvoted to oblivion, but please try to understand the chaos options can cause to the market makers. **Stop ignoring options.** + +Love you guys, take care, leave feedback. + +Edit: as expected, I’m getting flamed, being called a shill etc. + +I’d just like to restate: in no way am I trying to distract you from DRS. Prioritise DRS before anything. I’m just trying to portray how much of a kick in the nuts it is to MM’s when they are FORCED to buy shares from the market - no can kicking BS. + +As much as I appreciate constructive criticism and feedback in general, I wish the comments were less aggressive and we could have a discussion rather than attacking. + +Still love you guys. +Fellow shareholders, + +I have a couple bummers. + +The first bummer is that I have withdrawn my case from the Court of Chancery. I did that because I overlooked a technicality; namely, that I didn't affirm my initial demand for inspection to be true under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States. As a result my case won't go forward. + +The following is what specifies it—  + + (3) “Under oath” includes statements the declarant affirms to be true under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States or any state. + +https://delcode.delaware.gov/title8/c001/sc07/#220 + +See, I forgot to affirm the facts in my demand to be true and sign my name at the bottom (they really like that part).  + +They also claim I lack credible basis to inspect the stockholder ledger. Now, I am really not sure, after reading Section 220 over and over and over, that inspecting the stockholder ledger requires a litigant to provide a credible basis for wrongdoing, etc. Instead, the language directs that the stockholder provide a PROPER PURPOSE for inspecting the ledger, and places the burden of proof on the company to demonstrate that the stockholder's purpose for inspection is improper. That can be for future legal warriors to hash out further. + +The second bummer is that I am stepping back from pursuing this course of action. Certain conditions that obtained which gave me the liberty to engage in this time-consuming work (figuring shit out, writing shit, mailing shit, getting shit notarized, getting shit served, etc.) are no longer obtaining, and I will be having to donate larger amounts of my time to non-GME-related activities. In addition, having dismissed my suit hampers me from pursuing it in the future. + +I realize that this is disappointing to many, including myself. My desire is to be NOT the ape who gets the farthest with this. To that end, I have been as transparent about this process as I can be, and I will provide all advice and assistance I can to anybody who carries on this effort.  + +If I were to transport my consciousness into another person's body and proceed, my next step would be to submit a signed, notarized Demand for Inspection that addresses the deficiencies identified by the good GameStop lawyers. The below text of the Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Expedite would help with that. + +None of this changes my bullishness on the stock; in fact I'm up to [404 registered](https://imgur.com/a/I6Sfs4v). + +Onward and upward. This will be the last time I bother with the Disclaimer, unless I get into some other deep shit. + +*Disclaimer: My name is JASON FUCKING WATER FALL. I'm not subject to an NDA or any kind of equivalent gag order regarding issues within GME's milieu. I haven't received information indicating an unreconciled number of ballots or votes cast in GameStop's 6/9 shareholder election exceeded the number of outstanding shares. I haven't received information indicating GameStop has been legally prevented from taking action projected to cause a systemic market event. I haven't received information indicating that the number of shares held by beneficial GameStop shareholders exceeds the number of outstanding shares. Epstein didn't kill himself and I won't either. I once touched Owen Hart's sweaty bicep as he walked out with Jim Neidhart at a house show. I have never met or knowingly spoken to Ryan Cohen, Matt Furlong, Michael Recupero, Mark Robinson, Tess Halbrooks, Greg Marose, Deep Fucking Value, Ken Griffin, Vlad Tenev, Steven Cohen, Maxine Waters, Elon Musk, Amber Ruffin, PFTCommenter, or Ariana Grande.* + + +__________________ + + +Text of Defendant GameStop Corp.'s Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Expedite + +IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE + +JASON FUCKING WATER FALL, + +Plaintiff, + +v. + +GAMESTOP CORP. + +Defendant. + +) +) +) +) +) +) +) + +C.A. No. 2021-0993 SEM + +DEFENDANT GAMESTOP CORP.’S RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFF JASON FUCKING WATER FALL'S MOTION TO EXPEDITE + +Defendant GameStop Corp. (“GameStop”) hereby responds to Plaintiff JASON FUCKING WATER FALL's ("WATER FALL") Motion to Expedite. GameStop does not oppose the Motion; Section 220 actions are typically handled on a fast track. WATER FALL has not replied to GameStop’s inquiry about a trial date; Game Stop suggests March or April 2022. + +In ordering a schedule, however, the Court should be cognizant of the fact that the entire premise of WATER FALL's Complaint is erroneous, and thus that this action may, and should, be disposed of promptly. Moreover, as a threshold problem, WATER FALL has not complied with the form-and-manner requirements of Section 220. In response to the Motion to Expedite, GameStop states the following: + +1. On November 18, 2021, WATER FALL filed his Verified Complaint pursuant to 8 Del. C. § 220 (Trans. ID 67155614), along with an accompanying Motion to Expedite (Trans. ID 67108558). GameStop acknowledges that by their nature, actions under Section 220 are summary proceedings. See 8 Del. C. § 220(c) (the Court may “summarily order to corporation to permit the stockholder to inspect [various corporate books and records].”). Therefore, GameStop does not oppose WATER FALL's Motion to Expedite, given that Section 220 expressly authorizes the Court to address books-and-records actions in a summary fashion, and also given the Court’s custom of handling Section 220 actions promptly. Indeed, GameStop proposes a trial of this action, if trial is necessary, in March or April 2022. + +2. It is important, however, to consider the deficiencies from which WATER FALL's claim suffers. His demand letter (Compl., Ex. A) was not a statutorily defined “written demand under oath,” because he did not manually sign it. Although the demand letter contains a notary seal, the notary elected to notarize a typed name and address, rather than a manual signature. The form-and-manner requirements of Section 220, which the Court always construes strictly, therefore appear not to have been satisfied. GameStop will ask the Court to address that statutory prerequisite in due course. + +3. Setting that issue aside, GameStop maintains that WATER FALL's claims are without merit, because he has not alleged a proper purpose to warrant inspection of GameStop’s corporate books and records. 8 Del. C. § 220(c)(3) (a plaintiff “stockholder shall first establish that . . . [t]he inspection such stockholder seeks is for a proper purpose.”). In his Verified Complaint, WATER FALL takes issue with a Form 8-K that GameStop filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 9, 2021, in which GameStop announced the results of the submission of certain matters to a vote of its stockholders at its annual stockholder meeting. Compl. ¶¶ 5-6. He alleges that there was an error in the “collection, tabulation, reconciliation, and reporting” of the results of the stockholder vote, which “mean[s] that the results were likely manually adjusted by a person,” thus “point[ing] to the possibility of mismanagement, wrongdoing, or waste.” Compl. ¶¶ 18, 20. + +4. WATER FALL's underlying Section 220 demand letter sheds additional light on his allegations. The demand letter refers to a one-share disparity between the number of shares that the Form 8-K reported as having been present at the stockholder meeting in person or by proxy relative to the nomination of Lawrence Cheng to the Board (55,541,280) and the number of shares present at the meeting relative to the nominations of the other director candidates and relative to the two management proposals that were submitted to the stockholders (55,541,279 for each). Compl., Ex. A. + +5. The entire premise of WATER FALL's Verified Complaint is mistaken. There was no error in the count and there was no manual or other adjustment of the results of the stockholder vote. Rather, the one-vote discrepancy resulted solely from the manner in which the Inspector of Elections treated votes by  fractional shares before expressing the vote totals in whole numbers. To be specific, the Inspector of Elections added up the votes for and against, the abstentions, and the broker non-votes for each director nominee and for both management proposals, and then deleted any resulting fractional shares from the totals, to generate, and to report, whole number counts. He selected that approach in preference to rounding fractionalshare counts up or down. To take one example, 44,967,065.7384 shares voted in favor of George E. Sherman as a director nominee. The Inspector of Elections could have rounded that number up to 44,967,066. But the Inspector chose instead to remove the 0.7384 fractional shares appearing after the decimal point and to report the vote as 44,967,065. Given that a quorum was obviously present and that none of the votes were at all close, the Inspector of Elections concluded that it was not necessary to include the fractional shares appearing after the decimal points in the reported results. + +6. By sheer coincidence, the elimination of fractional shares appearing after the decimal points reduced the vote total for director nominee Lawrence Cheng by 1.0375 votes. In contrast, and also by coincidence, such elimination of fractional shares reduced the vote totals for the other director nominees and for the two management proposals by either 2.0374 or 2.0375 votes. That one-vote difference in the reduction in the vote counts, caused solely by the elimination of such fractional shares in each instance, explains the one-share discrepancy upon which WATER FALL's Verified Complaint is based. Because Mr. Cheng’s count was reduced by one vote fewer than the reduction in all of the other counts, his total share count was reported as being one vote greater than the share count for the other directors and for the management proposals. + +7. As set forth in GameStop’s Answer and Affirmative Defenses (Trans. ID 67166514), the above explanation addresses any alleged inconsistencies in the results reported in the Form 8-K. The results as reported in the Form 8-K were materially accurate and were based upon the methodology utilized by the Inspector of Elections. There was no manual alteration of the results. There was no mismanagement, wrongdoing, or waste, and there is no credible basis to believe that there was. Therefore, WATER FALL's Verified Complaint does not allege a proper purpose for which he seeks to inspect GameStop’s corporate books and records. + +8. That said, GameStop does not oppose WATER FALL's Motion to Expedite. The likely absence of any factual disputes may make this action appropriate for resolution by summary judgment, such that trial would not be needed. As stated above, GameStop requests that the Court set a trial date, if trial is needed, for March or April 2022. If a trial does go forward, it might be most efficiently handled on a paper record. +This is my first attempt at an algo based solely on daily prices for stocks in the Nasdaq 100. Im not sure if such strategies could ever work due to simplicity or if simplicity is better. I know Im missing a few things like commissions, slippage, and leverage. Im just trying to find something reasonable before I dissect it further. Anyway Im just putting it out there to get some feedback, thanks for any advice. + +# Requires first three days to have decreasing ranges and volume. If 4th day is an up day, it buys +# the open on the fifth day and sells at the close with a 3% stoploss relative to fifth day's open. + + import numpy as np + import pandas as pd + import pandas_datareader.data as web + from Companies import list_of_names #Nasdaq 100 stocks + pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None + ledger = 100000 + + + def candles_range(high, low): + high_low_range = [] + flag = True + for n in range(len(high)): + high_low_range.append(high[n] - low[n]) + for n in range(len(high) - 1): + if high_low_range[n] > high_low_range[n + 1]: + continue + else: + flag = False + break + if flag: + return True + else: + return False + + + def up_day(returns): + if returns > 0: + return True + else: + pass + + + def volume(volumes): + flag = True + vol = [] + for n in volumes: + vol.append(n) + for n in range(len(volumes) - 1): + if vol[n] > vol[n + 1]: + continue + else: + flag = False + break + if flag: + return True + else: + return False + + + def algorithm(company): + stock = web.DataReader(name=company, data_source='yahoo', start='2010-1-1', end='2018-12-9') + stock['Returns'] = np.log(stock['Close'] / stock['Open'])*100 + stock['Day_today'] = np.log(stock['Close'] / stock['Close'].shift(1))*100 + stock = np.round(stock, decimals=2) + stock['Avg'] = stock['Volume'].rolling(50).mean() + stock['Signals'] = np.zeros(len(stock['Close'])) + stock.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) + days = len(stock['High']) - 5 + gain_loss = [] + for n in range(days): + high = stock['High'].values[1 + n: 4 + n] + low = stock['Low'].values[1 + n: 4 + n] + condition_1 = candles_range(high, low) + condition_2 = False + condition_3 = False + if condition_1: + condition_2 = up_day(stock['Day_today'][n + 4]) + + if condition_2: + condition_3 = volume(stock['Volume'][1 + n: 4 + n]) + + if condition_3: + stock['Signals'][n + 5] = 1 + open_of_day = stock['Open'][n + 5] + percent = open_of_day * .03 + if (open_of_day - percent) < stock['Low'][n + 5]: # My attempt of a stop loss of 3% + pass + else: + stock['Returns'][n + 5] = -3 + gain_loss.append(stock['Returns'][n + 5]) + else: + pass + + return gain_loss, stock['Signals'], stock['Date'], stock['Returns'] + + + global dates + df = pd.DataFrame() + for n in list_of_names: + list_of_g_l, signals, dates, daily_returns = algorithm(n) + df[n] = signals + df[n + ' Returns'] = daily_returns + for gain in list_of_g_l: + gain_loss_ = 100 * gain + ledger += gain_loss_ + # print(ledger) + df['Dates'] = dates + + df.to_csv('results.csv') + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + import pandas as pd + import numpy as np + from Companies import list_of_names # List of the Nasdaq 100 stocks + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + + + data = pd.read_csv("results.csv") # results from main algorithm + new_panda = pd.DataFrame() # Creating new panda to hold dates and accumulated g/l + new_panda['Dates'] = data['Dates'] + new_panda['G_L'] = np.zeros(len(new_panda['Dates'])) + + + def get_data(company): + return data.loc[data[company] == 1, ['Dates', company + ' Returns']] + # when a row equals 1 it means a buy signal. I then filter out the date and returns + # for that date which is the data I posted on my original post. + + + def deeper_analysis(company): + signals = get_data(company) + index = signals.index.values # Since using dates was difficult, I used index integers + list_of_index = [] + list_of_returns = [] + for n in range(len(index)): + list_of_index.append(index[n]) + list_of_returns.append(signals[company + ' Returns'][index[n]]) + return list_of_index, list_of_returns + + + for comp in list_of_names: # iterate through names of nasdaq 100 + x, y = deeper_analysis(comp) + for n in range(len(x)): + new_panda.at[x[n], 'G_L'] += y[n] * 100 # multiply by 100 to act like the position is 10,000 + + + new_panda.at[0, 'G_L'] += 100000 # account starting at 100,000 + new_panda['Accumulated'] = new_panda.G_L.cumsum() + plt.plot(new_panda['Dates'], new_panda['Accumulated']) + plt.show() + +Welcome to Lottery Token! Where all you have to do is hold 18 or more tokens (don't forget to account for the 6% slippage) and you're in every lottery draw for life. You don't have to pay more into them, we don't take tokens out for the draws, you just buy now and hold for life. The minimum requirement will be lowered based on stabilized prices but will never be increased. This is the definition of a HOLD token. + + +**There also just was an announcment for the first side lottery you can play, in addition to your lifetime ticket. Here is the official announcement:** + + +*We will provide you with a wallet address that you can send 5 LOT to (only 5 LOT, don't worry about accounting for the 6% tax). The lottery will be open from now until Sunday 02 May 2021 at 5pm UTC. At which point our moderator Jeff will livestream the draw using a random number generator, (live on screen). All deposit transactions will be numbered prior to the draw and made available to everyone. Every unique 5 LOT transaction sent to the wallet will be a ticket. The more tickets you purchase, the higher your chances!* + +*The winnings will be split 4 ways. 40% to the first place winner, 30% to second place and 20% to third place. The remaining 10% will be sent to the burn wallet, to make one LOT even more valuable. The draw will start with the third place winner and then second and first place winners. All winnings will be transferred live on twitch along with the draw.* + +*The Lotterywallet* +*0x0EFB90AD1558ae0313804A384B647DA788a27a9C* + +So there is still time to get into the side lottery, the devs also just donated \~900$ to make the jackpot more attractive. Current jackpot: \~3100$, current chance is just 1/133! + + +**But how does the whole thing work?** +Each transaction has a basic fee of 6%. 2% is redistributed among all holders, 2% is burned, and the last 2% is going into the lottery pool. When this reaches a quantity of 0.1% of the total supply, it will be distributed to one lucky holder automatically. Since these draws depend on the size and number of transactions, this means that several draws are possible in one day. You do not have to interact with anything in order to win or collect your winnings. Just hold the minimum. + + +**How can I participate?** +Any address with a minimum of 18 LOTs is automatically eligible to participate in the drawings. After that, you never have to pay money or top up. Just hold, and you have your lottery ticket for eternity! + + +**What is the chance and the pot?** +Currently, you have a chance of about 1/4000(based on the number of wallets holding 18 or more), which is incredibly high compared to lotteries in the real world! The pot will fill up to around 1250 LOT with a current value of \~$5000 USD. + + +**What is this buyback everyone talks about?** +From LOT V1 which had a fault in the code (new code audited, no more faults) the remaining Liquidity which is unlocked in September will be used to slowly put into LOT V2 and then burn the purchased tokens, helping further increase the price and scarcity of the token! The remaining Liquidity could be around $50,000 USD. + + +**Roadmap:** + + +*Listing on CMC \[DONE!\]* + + +*Listing on GC \[DONE!\]* + + +*New Side Lottery \[DONE!\]* + + +*Applied on DappRadar* + + +*Refurbished Website* + + +*More LOT related Features* + + +*Exchange Listings* + + +*Buyback from LOT V1 in September* + + +&#x200B; + +**Pancakeswap:** [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7) +**Contract:** 0x4e7ae924fd9a5d60b56be486b2900efe0c6a9ca7 + + +**Website:** [https://lotterytoken.net](https://lotterytoken.net/) + + +**Audit:** [https://solidity.finance/audits/Lottery/](https://solidity.finance/audits/Lottery/) + + +**Telegram:** [https://t.me/lotterytokenchat](https://t.me/lotterytokenchat) + + +**Twitter:** [https://twitter.com/lottery\_token](https://twitter.com/lottery_token) +I see this allllll the time on Instagram now, these snake oil salesmen running some sort of scam. Let me know what you think about this kind of thing, I could be off the mark and they might actually be amazing. But to me, it looks like complete BS. Here is an example: instagram(dot)com/milllsy?utm_source=ig_profile_share&igshid=13jhe1gtnfcfe + +This started out as a jokey guide I wrote when bored, but it actually pisses me off how much I see this. + +**Step One: Pick a Niche and Set Up An Insta** + +Pick a niche first. Some examples are forex trading, dropshipping and binary options. Then create an Instagram account. Something like @dave_does_fx will do. + +Be sure to include cool emojis in the bio such as dollar bills or the globe to show you have money and travel the world! + +**Step Two: Create That Lifestyle** + +You need to create an image of yourself that will attract people who want to make money fast and never actually do any work in their lives. + +To do this: + +*Step 2.1 - Rent stuff.* + + First off, you need a car. A Lamborghini is an optimum choice, with a GTR and an R8 a close 2nd. Costs around $800 for the day, probably even less if you are a good boy on the road. + +Next, you need a crib. Airbnb will do the trick. https://www.airbnb.co.uk/rooms/15740766?location=Los%20Angeles%2C%20CA&adults=2&children=0&infants=0&check_in=2018-11-13&check_out=2018-11-14&s=SdtPtVkq - This one will do, £400 per night. + +*Step 2.2 - Optional Step* + +This isn't a must but definitely helps make you more money from home. Buy some fake money. Get a big fat stack of it, the best picture is to hold it in front of your Lamborghini steering wheel with the caption "withdrawing this week's profit". + +Again this is an optional step, but a good one. Rent some hot models. These babies cost about $20 per hour and really add that *I'm the Wolf of Wall Street* vibe to your page. Fill your car and your fancy apartment with them, I think you can get 2 or 3 in a Lambo. + +**Step 3 - Photography** + +This is my personal favorite step. You need to take as many pictures as possible, enough for a couple months of daily posts. Pose by the car, get different girls to pose by the car. Chill by the pool with a cocktail (post the caption "I Love Monday Mornings" for bonus points). Take pics of your fresh crib. Do whatever you need to do in order to look rich for the day, make people believe you are living the lifestyle, even though you aren't... yet. + +**Step 4 - The Offer** + +Now you have the content, you need the offer. I'll stick with the forex trading example for this as well because I like consistency. + +There are a few offers you can choose from. The first and most popular is creating a course. You need about 1-2 hours worth of content for this, and you just have to act like you know what you are on about and post some **cough fake cough** results to show you are 100% legit and 100% real. Watch a few youtube videos and just put that into a powerpoint, you might actually have to do some work here, it could take a few hours even; but once done you can sell it for $199.99 (reduced from $499.99) and they won't even realise it was stuff they can find online for free. + +Another offer is a sign-up bonus. You partner with a broker and offer your client an incentive for using your link (like they can copy your trades or something like that). The broker will either pay you a lump sum for every referral, or sometimes even pay commissions for every loss your client makes. When the client asks why they keep losing, you just ensure that you have to lose before you win, or something like that. + +I have also seen methods like hiring a trader to recommend you trades and then passing these on to the client and taking 25% (or however much you want to ask for) of their profits. Of course, you aren't putting on the trades yourself so it doesn't matter if they lose. Great leverage! + +**Step Five** + +This is probably the hardest step. You will actually have to get some clients results in the first few days. Why? So you can post them on your insta account and showoff your happy clients of course. Usually, the numbers I see are around £50 profit in a week (definitely enough to pay for your lavish lifestyle!). Never post the losers, and be sure to delete negative comments as soon as possible. + +**Step Six - ADVERTISE** + +Use FB ads to promote your instagram account. Use pics of your fancy crib and car with CTA's like "Make Money Online Fast Today" - target people with interests in entrepreneurship, or better yet, hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you! People will start following you because you seem to have such a rich lifestyle and they want to emulate that. You convince them it is easy if you follow their advice and voila, make that money. + + + +&#x200B; + +I know the financial sector is conservative and slow to change, but I don't understand why the SEDAR website looks like it was designed in the 1990s without any updates since. + +Both design and function are bad. + +The placeholder text in the search field doesn't disappear when you start typing, you have to backspace to delete it manually. + +If you want to change how your search results are sorted, you have to go back a page, select a different search option, and run the search again. You can't just sort the results on the result page. + +And don't get me started on the cringe 3D-effect on the word "SEDAR" on the main title page. And then the subpages have inexplicable font mixes of different sizes and attributes. + +Do they not have money to hire a developer and a designer? +I recently bought a number of items from an estate sale because we refinish antique furniture and resell for profit. + +This morning I saw an envelope stuck behind a drawer and its a common stock bearer bond for 1,100 shares of the Washington Post company which is now owned by graham holdings. Its signed by the registered transfer agent and what I can see everything looks legitimate. + +Could this be worth any money? Im trying not to get too excited because it would be way to good to be true if it was. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice on how I should proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! +Hello all. I'm a 20-year university student who is heavily invested in the stock market and have been looking more and more at the potential of owning real estate. Given the fact that I'm studying and working part-time, I don't have loads of money. Should I start saving for a downpayment for real estate at this age? When is it appropriate to start going for it? How difficult is it to get loans at a young age? +TL;DR – I’m going to, again, debunk a “critical margin line” idea and dig back into why these guys are missing the much bigger point behind the price trending downwards. Then I’m going to cover logarithmic v linear for those confused on the topic and from there transition into how viewing TtR in log fits the data better and why that’s important. Finally, I’m going to dig back into Cellar Boxing, because I think that’s what this downward motion is actually about (not Marge). Last bit, yes I’m going to be showing lines on a chart. This isn’t TA as some predictive idea, it’s a historical look at what has occurred, but more importantly its DD on WHY it’s occurring. + +**1)** **The Self-Defeating Theory** + +**2)** **Log v Linear for** **~~Dummies~~** **Apes** + +**3)** **Taste the Rainbow is fitting better in log…..** + +**4)** **….Since 2018** + +**5)** **Cellar Box is the Goal, Avoiding Marge Might be a Bonus** + +# 1) The Self-Defeating Theory + +I feel like Dr. Frankenstein having to fight his own monster. In my last major TtR update “[Cloudy with a Chance of Margeballs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vlren4/taste_the_rainbow_cloudy_with_a_chance_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)” I went through multiple “critical margin line” posts and explained why their theories were not holding water. I thought MAYBE that was enough to convince people that the theory was flawed. But then out of the ashes a new set of [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv5xl/part_1_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) popped up by u/deeproot3d that attempted to prove the “critical margin line” theory again. Welp, *\*extinguishes cigar in palm\** time to dance. + +First, we need to cover the purpose of a price ratio chart. The simplest way to explain it is that if I have 2 assets a price ratio chart will tell me how they have performed against each other. Even if both assets went up in $ value or down in $ value, the chart is telling you how they performed against each other. To make one of these, you go into your charting app and search for (Asset A / Asset B). All you are telling the app to do is divide the price of A by the price of B. If the candles are trending upward, Asset A is performing better. If the candles are trending downward, Asset B is performing better. The purpose of using a chart like this is that you might not care about $ value at all, you only care about which of the two assets is doing better. So let’s do a quick test to see if you read that paragraph correctly…. **If I show you a price ratio chart of Apple/Gamestop and the candles are trending upwards, which asset is holding value better?** + +Answer >!(Apple, if you said Gamestop please re-read that paragraph)!< + +Well let’s go right to the [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv9x4/part_4_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) and see what u/deeproot3d showed everyone. While not showing ALL of Citadel’s long assets, we can see a lot of them and all of the charts are set up the same way. (Citadel Long Asset / Gamestop). So using what we learned above, what do we see? OP points out that since the sneeze, Jan 2021, the candles trend upwards (blue line). So if the candles are trending upwards on all of these ratio charts since Jan 2021 the chart is literally telling you that Citadel’s long assets have held up BETTER in value than Gamestop. + +*And before you scream at me that I am fudding, this is the data. You might not like that their assets went up in value against GME, but they did. That might make you feel mad, so be it, it occurred. If you wanted me to say that these guys have been collapsing since the sneeze, the chart says otherwise.* + +“Critical Margin Theory” says that since the sneeze, Marge has been slowly descending on the hedgies and we keep on bumping into her as she descends. But the price ratio charts show that Citadel assets went up in value against GME, so why on earth would Marge be descending? If anything, after Jan 2021 Marge should have been heading upwards since the value of their collateral is going up against their short. + +One thing I will point out. Roughly around Jan 2022, we do see on all of these charts that there might be a change in direction back downwards. And that is what you would want to see, that their collateral is going down against GME (woohoo). But that turn downwards can very well be temporary. This would mean then that Marge (if it even was a line we could see) would look more like this…. + +[Marge would be that curved white line.](https://preview.redd.it/dglh2kz4xvd91.png?width=1347&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b5580c144914eee1bf6e965df56a217b21b5cd5) + +And that is nothing like what the “Critical Margin Theory” crowd describes. Citadel collateral rose against GME from Jan 2021 to Jan 2022 and has since gone down in value against GME. And that’s ignoring the SPY puts that Citadel owns which gain value as SPY goes down. + +What really frustrates me is just like when I went and debunked Critical Margin ideas in the last post, I truly can not tell if the OP’s are purposefully misrepresenting the data or if they are mistaken. But on u/deeproot3d ‘s more recent update I tried to explain the point about the trend upwards meaning that Citadel collateral held up better than GME from Jan 2021 to Jan 2022. u/deeproot3d never responded. But u/ultrasharpie, whom inspired OP’s post, responded like this. + +https://preview.redd.it/byrwczyfxvd91.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=b732983191c64d0f948099a0dea1c497e54014c4 + +Very simply put, GME has in NO FUCKING WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM held up better than SPY. + +[Maybe I'm sitting on my head, which way is UP again?](https://preview.redd.it/l20gz860yvd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc11bb898b5b43fa293262e47da5535e7149e46) + +The charts they present show this is not true. So now I am left wondering if these guys are purposefully or accidentally spreading misinformation, but it should be clear as day that GME has not held up against an index. This is why I consider “Critical Margin Theory” to be self-defeating. Because every time someone posts a DD on the topic of it, they either misinterpret the chart (which debunks them) or they fudge the math (which when fixed debunks them). And I hate myself everyday for speaking that blue haired milf’s name back on my first Taste the Rainbow post because everything I’ve worked on since has continued to show me how wrong I was. + +And I get it. Marge descending is a nice narrative for apes to like because it projects out some type of end date for this bullshit. I liked it for a long time too, she’s a great milf to think about. But when I’m proved wrong, I adjust my thinking and become smarter. If you want to scream that I am fudding because I’m taking away a security blanket that helped you stay positive, I’m sorry but I’m going to keep debunking this shit. There’s plenty of things to stay hyped about but being hyped over a theory that keeps failing to hold water isn’t what this place is intended for. I mean shit, I keep revising my own work all the time. It’s ok to do so when a better idea comes along. It’s fucking goofy to not adapt as new information becomes present. I’m still pretty insistent that Marge’s cloud idea is valid. It’s somewhere above us but there’s no reason for it to be a line and there’s no telling exactly where it is at any given moment. + +[At least until the next time this pops up](https://preview.redd.it/kpeg7197yvd91.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaccbafc3bb24c2c77f15af1a0a8028a2b3eccdd) + +# 2) Logarithmic v Linear for Dummies Apes + +Ok, time for another short lesson to set up the next section and the core idea is how we graph data, specifically on our Y axis. The Y axis is the vertical one. In linear scale, every step up on the Y axis is the same amount. In logarithmic, every step up on the Y axis is an increasing amount. So here’s an example of data represented in both linear and log. + +[Lets pretend the y axis is the number of bananas you own and the x axis is the year](https://preview.redd.it/ra0pas1cyvd91.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=48ff1baf85293cd1e69e5b1814aa9982fcf5e499) + +Both of these graphs are telling us the same thing but they look different. In linear, we hardly see any movement until about 2005 because of how big those Y axis blocks are but at that point whatever we are tracking starts to rocket upwards. However, in log we can see that there has always been movement upwards. Linear is great when you are using data where the range in your Y axis is small, it’s easy to visualize because you are focused on a narrow area. Logarithmic is better when you are using data where the Y axis is very wide, it’s easy to visualize because **same % size moves will look the same size visually.** On the log chart y axis, 1 to 10 is a movement of 10x and it looks the same as the movement from 10 to 100 which is another 10x. The part to be careful about is that even though % may look the same, the actual value (we think in $) is different. So to summarize…. + +Linear – Two movements of the same $ amount will look the same. + +Logarithmic – Two movements of the same % amount will look the same. + +**Test – If I ask you to graph for me the entire history of the S&P so that we can compare the Great Depression to Today, what type of scale should we graph in?** + +Answer >!(Logarithmic, the Y axis is going to be huge and we’re interested in % change.)!< + +Here’s a few visual examples of the above but using GME + +https://preview.redd.it/1rv9op2nyvd91.png?width=887&format=png&auto=webp&s=434dbf761cf656aca52fe97fc91fe4c88380fb44 + +This highlights two different movements of 152% in linear scale. The $ move in May/June 2021 is bigger in dollar value than the one in March 2022 so the May/June move looks larger. + +https://preview.redd.it/3rl7zlvpyvd91.png?width=1156&format=png&auto=webp&s=85868355f8787452d9d64619649b4089a630ef53 + +This again highlights two different 152% moves but this time in log scale. There’s about a 20x difference in the $ amount of the moves, BUT visually they are the same height because they are the same % change. + +# 3) Taste the Rainbow is fitting better in Log + +I need to first shout out u/BadassTrader for being loud about the GME saga being best viewed on Logarithmic scale. If I had paid attention to that a few months ago I’d be further ahead than I am now. + +I covered moving TtR to Log scale a few days ago in a post I flaired as TA and have made adjustments since to keep improving it. I still place my 0.000 line in its same location, but now there is a repeating set of fib retracement levels below it. I dropped using extensions. Now constructing this is a bit difficult, and if you are interested in the coordinates and How-To, just DM me. But I know most people are not, so here is what the end result looks like… + +[Rainbows on Rainbows. Daily candles in Logarithmic scale](https://preview.redd.it/t1f5hxuzyvd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=75ec3131083161745056c2f1e1ebe4d5b34798d3) + +This is the chunk of the GME saga we most frequently look at, from the sneeze forward. The lines are places where the price makes a decision. Either continue on or go back where it came from. Sometimes those decisions take a few days, but they happen on lines. Lines are uniquely spaced apart so it’s a bit like a key. Every key has teeth but they aren’t all the same. As I revised TtR models, its just me making the key fit the lock better (get the model to fit the data). Not to predict what’s coming next so I can trade, but to understand what folks on the short end of this are doing. As it happens, the TtR model is fitting the chart better in Logarithmic scale than it ever did in Linear scale. + +The view above is daily candles and there’s 374 candles between the sneeze and today. You can go through on your own and count the number of times that candles bounced on lines (the answer is a lot). But to show off just how well it fits now, I want to zoom in on more recent times. + +https://preview.redd.it/513qp2gczvd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e392c5a8902baf57d5f4086c85aa3de49df38b1 + +This is roughly our last 2 weeks in 1 minute candles. In the first pic of this section it’s the little triangle we made between the white and blue line at the very end. And you’ll look at this section and say “hey, the price bounced at a lot of places in between these lines.” It did, and guess where it did. + +https://preview.redd.it/jzuyny6gzvd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=787a2eff2130e506f17e74e7b6ff5878551bea0b + +We add a fib retracement in between these two lines and tada, all the places where we saw the price change directions. And then you’ll say, “well hang on, what about July 18th? It looks like there was something happening in there between those red and green lines.” Yep, and guess what happens if we add a fib retracement between those? + +https://preview.redd.it/mwjly06lzvd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=673eb05a828e89fe1743c758a4fd76f37f5c2e05 + +So we have this enormous TtR structure (first pic) and within that we can add in subdivisions that should be areas of expected support or resistance (pics 2-4). And if you look back to that first pic, you’ll notice that the structure repeats itself, **however it is doing so on a logarithmic scale**. Each sequence of lines moving upwards (White, Red, 3 Green, Blue, White) is BIGGER in $ value than the previous section (but the same % change). + +Pics are ok, but the real way to look at this is on a chart you can manipulate. So if you are reading from a computer, [here](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/GfRwyDuf-TtR-1-hour-candles-logarithmic-extended-hours/) is a version of the chart you can zoom in however you like. This version is 1hr candles and set to extended hours so you can see even outside of normal market hours the price is still observing the TtR structure. And remember, we can take ANY section of the chart and add a retracement between lines to help explain why a price bounced a particular spot. + +**So can I trade using this info?** + +No, not really. There’s no pattern I’ve noticed that suggests any line means down or up is coming next. Whatever market forces are pushing the price in a direction, this isn’t telling you that. There’s no timer saying “Wen Moon”. This is better described as what the ladder the price climbs up and down looks like. AND the ladder itself is continuous, you can just keep adding levels to it to find the next expected areas of support and resistance. And because this structure has been consistent for so long (more on that in the next section) it SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE that apes are what causes this happen. + +In case anyone is ultra-smooth and not understanding, I’m telling you this is the fuckery. + +**But what about Marge?** + +Ok, fine, lets consider a picture. + +[Can't believe there was a stock image of this](https://preview.redd.it/623wqit40wd91.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e19594f7dd89f1031e0fbd76126001fd1271b43) + +I said in this post and my previous DD on the topic that the best way to understand marge is that she’s somewhere in a cloud. It’s not some static line you climb to, its fluctuating just like everything else in the market. So you have no idea how high the price has to climb to reach Marge. HOWEVER, the ladder is built with predictable steps on it. The price doesn’t always just go up, but it will always reach for a step. At some point you make contact, but there's really no way of determining where that is. + +**But there’s a Dorito!** + +Yes, I’m not refuting that wedges exist. But when that completes and the price breaks out and it is not moass, You’ll see me here adding another fib retracement and repeating that the price just changed location on the ladder. If TtR has taught me anything, it’s that believing you can connect 5 dots to understand the limits of trillions of dollars worth of bullshit requires a lot of hubris. If this sequence of support/resistance lines has been repeating for years, what about this current one makes you think it's the final one when its acted like the others? + +The TtR model does well at explaining levels of support/resistance that occurred AFTER the sneeze, but what about before? + +# 4)….Since 2018! + +I started the last section by showing you the view of the GME saga we are used to looking at, but now its time to live up to the subtitle of this post and look further into the past. + +[Yep, just keeps repeating.](https://preview.redd.it/n1ve1jds0wd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9d3f7a6fbb9bc5ed35e4a760e8388b6455a752d) + +This is where shit starts getting crazy, because we start seeing that this channel of lines we are in right now isn’t some new thing that popped up post sneeze. This structure has existed for YEARS. and as you move along another stack of lines is added and we reliably use them as support/resistance. The key thing to remember about logarithmic scale is that while all the channels (from white to white) appear the same width, the truth is that they only represent the same % distance. If I start at one white line and measure vertically upwards to the next one the $ change will be different each time but it is always a 116% increase. Let’s zoom into 2018 and see if we were bouncing on lines then. + +[Ye Olde 2018, best not warn them about the impending Rona.](https://preview.redd.it/lr7c9vh01wd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=1df3f11950f6730db0bedd6c61165b784b742632) + +Here is our L1 structure (big view) that we saw above but zoomed in on only 2018. We see some places where the price bounced on these lines and some places where the price couldn’t decide which way it would go. Let’s see if adding in retracements between lines explains some of the movement. + +[Go fucking figure](https://preview.redd.it/8er3jls61wd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=de7481a515118d7812ddbcd3c3aa6aec54fd76db) + +Whether we are looking 4 years ago or the last 2 weeks, we are still moving around in this same exact giant structure. And this is why if you do chart on your own I recommend you get the instructions on how to build this from me because you’ll be fucking amazed at how far back this goes. 2018 is just the sample I gave, I’ve worked backwards as far as 2013! + +This is another reason why I think the “Critical Margin Theory” crowd is misguided in believing that there is just one more line to cross. These channels have just been stacking up for about a decade, there’s no reason to think another one couldn’t stack on top of the one we are in now. But more than that, this means that we are still in the same structure that existed WAY before even DFV looked at GME. Short players weren’t worried about marge in 2019 or earlier. They were having a ball and thinking this would be another slam dunk. So if this structure isn’t about marge, well wtf is it about? Because this does suggest that EVERYTHING is pointed downwards. + +**Before the finale, let’s look at what the TtR structure does** + +In logarithmic scale, we are seeing TtR as a series of parallel lines. But if you remember in the second section, a line in log looks like a curve in linear. What I want to do quickly is show what happens as the price of GME increases and how TtR effects that. So here is how we are going to do this. I’m going to start at the sneeze and I’m going to plot 2 variables. The daily price at each TtR line and how much the price decreased by the next day. + +https://preview.redd.it/0l9twl1m1wd91.png?width=1350&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8602cf2174679f191854c00e9477e7e653769b0 + +[excuse my shit tier graphing skills in Excel](https://preview.redd.it/wl1qnwan1wd91.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b5d8940724a67316ffd037e7be5f96c26c049d1) + +What we are seeing in this second graph is how the higher up you are in price (right column), the faster TtR lines are decreasing. At $127 dollars, a TtR line drops 40 cents a day. As you go down, this curves and you eventually settle at the TtR lines decreasing a cent or less each day when the stock is around $5 in price. This works the other direction to, the further the stock gets away from $0, TtR lines decrease in $ value faster. But there is a very important point with a graph like this, the price will never ACTUALLY hit zero. The way this curve is, it will only ever approach $0. Thanks to u/Mupfather for giving me the idea to include this part in the DD. We’ve regularly communicated about TtR price decreases and when I moved to logarithmic it changed from the line to a curve. + +To smooth this out a bit, we have a bunch of parallel lines and the effect they have is that as the stock price bounces between them there is a tendency to head downwards with the lines. TtR lines decrease by $ amount faster when the stock price is higher. Even if the price climbs, a set % force is angling it back downwards. The caveat to this downwards force is that by design it can never actually get the stock price to $0. Now what has this sub learned about in the past year or so in regards to shorts wanting to get a price NEAR zero….. + +# 5) Cellar Box is the Goal, Avoiding Marge Might be a Bonus + +I believe what my Taste the Rainbow research has found is what a stock goes through as shorts are trying to get it to the point where it can be cellar boxed. If you haven’t read u/Thabat ‘s DD on cellar boxing, it’s right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmj9yk/i_found_the_entire_naked_shorting_game_plan/). What the shorts DO NOT want to do is get the stock price to $0. They don’t want their short position to ever close because as long as it is open it is tax free. They want all the time in the world to hammer the price slowly because all it does it make money for them. They want the price to get low enough that it gets delisted from normal exchanges. At that point, the stock can be completely manipulated by shorts without any risk. That’s what they wanted from the start and the fact that we still see and experience the effects of the TtR structure that’s been in place for years suggests to me that they believe they can still complete this goal. Sure, keeping the price moving downwards has the benefit of staying away from marge but they are doing so in the same way that they were when marge wasn’t a concern for them. Avoiding marge isn’t the goal, its just motivation to keep running. Getting the stock delisted/cellar boxing would be their only avenue of escape. However, dem shorts are big fukt. + +**Here are the ways they fucked that didn’t exist at the time of the sneeze, this is the type of shit to get you hyped.** + +1) GME share offerings last year put a ton of money in the war chest. If shorts are really committed to this grudge match and believe their only possible survival is to outlast apes then they STILL need to contend with GME having the cash to eventually be able to buy back their float. + +2) Price decreasing (not the split, I mean actually decreasing) means apes can buy more shares and apes have been DRSing. Taking away the shorts ability to borrow takes away their ability to push downwards. So even if we still see TtR lines as predictable support/resistance, we spend less time moving downwards with them and more time moving upward against them. + +3) GME keeps charging ahead with company improvements. As they edge closer to profitability, it means the war chest keeps growing AND the msm loses their ability to spin the company off as “just a meme” which in turn stops pushing away possible new investors. + +# Final Thoughts + +I can't recommend enough either charting this on your own or using the version I shared to look through the model. There's no amount of pictures I can post to really demonstrate how this is just nonstop in action. And the incredible part is because it is so consistent, I can just copy/paste a new channel on top of our current one and if the price really does continue to use this set of lines as support/resistance......then wtf. Is this some type of optimized path an algo has decided on? Like the computer only knows "If price equals X, apply X% force downwards"? +I'm obviously very fortunate to have received this type of gift which was a portion of what they received from selling the family business. + +I have $210k in debt so far in medical school, which will come out to be $280k by the time I graduate next year. During residency I will be making anywhere from $50-60k a year, and interest accumulates at I think 7.2%. + +Is it better to throw all of this money at my current debt, or invest it? Rather than me cashing the check, they could just pay directly against my loans. + +Thanks +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Let's talk about F.U. money. What amount does the community consider this to be at 30 years old in the U.S.? + +I understand someone can purchase a $3M Bugatti, $65M G6 jet or $75M mansion in Miami, but let's exclude these large outlier purchases for example's sake. + +How much on average across cities like NYC, SF, Boston, DC, Austin, Atlanta do we consider F.U. money to be at 30? $10M, $30M, $50M, $100M+? +I did some traveling this week. Flew to Colorado Springs for the weekend then drove to Kentucky to help with the tornado damage. I also spent today at a packed gym. + +I talked to a bunch of friends and some strangers about markets and economics. Some smart dudes too and they have zero idea on what’s going on. Oh crypto is that still a thing? + +What’s a NFT? Inflation I didn’t know it was that bad. My house is worth a lot more. China has a real estate problem? You still have GameStop? + +And my favorite: You gamble? Me: only in the markets. You own Apple or Facebook? Me: IM BALLS DEEP IN GME and LRC!! What broker do you use? Me: COMPUTER SHARE and LRC. What? + +Massive amounts of people are going to think that we are lucky AF soon and we know we did the DD! +Looking at the growth of $10,000 over the past 20, 10, 5 year periods, investing in QQQ has handily beaten SPY(S&P 500), VTI (Total Stock Index), VNQ(REIT Index) + +If one has a time horizon of 15-20 years and can stomach the volatility, why not invest a 100% in QQQ? + +I get that the major argument would be diversification, but the numbers are pretty clear. +Have $50k in cash left over from last cycle and thinking about putting into ETH. Thoughts on current price? And price point to sell after merge? + +Edit: deployed $25k at $1200 (07/14). Price has since exploded to $1550 (07/18). Not sure when to get the other half in lol +So around two and a half months ago, I abruptly lost my job. I am, admittedly, in a field where it is not too difficult to find a job so I didn't panic but it was stressful for me and my wife. But, thanks to the advice on here and the work we have done to manage our finances, it wasn't as traumatic as it could have been. + +First, we had been budgeting and saving and living frugally for the past few years. Because of this, we were able to live off of my wife's income and the unemployment I was receiving without too much of a lifestyle change. + +Second, while I started a new job this week, I will not get paid until the 15th. Although we only had about $2500 in savings in our emergency fund, during this first week of my job, we incurred a few large veterinary bills totaling close to $1000, which was frustrating, but we paid them while staying debt free and didn't have to worry about being able to pay bills. + +Just a good success story from even having a small emergency fund and a solid budget. Thanks /r/personalfinance ! +Hi! I’m 33yrs old, married with one kid and another on the way. Wife is being an amazing stay at home mom. I live in Ohio. + +My salary is $80,400. My yearly bonus is 17% of that if all metrics are hit. Bonus is paid out in half stock of the company, half cash, or I can elect all stock. Was just promoted into the position so I won’t see that full bonus until next year, which I will contribute all to retirement vehicles. + +Monthly pay check is $6700. I have access to employer HSA. Employer also offers a 401k, and a Roth 401k. + +I already have a Roth IRA with Fidelity that I max out each year. I also have a 529 I will max out each year. + +Employer match for 401k is 6%. They also match 50% of 6% of salary in stock. I’m not sure if they match Roth 401k contributions or if the match only applies to the 401k. + +There’s a lot of options here. I can’t afford to max out everything yet. Do I need both a 401k and a Roth 401k if I already have a Roth IRA? I’m a good planner and budgeter, I’m just having FOMO about picking the best options. + +Edit: I apologize for abandoning this post today. Many more fires to put out at work than I thought. + +As far as the 529, I will have to relocate several times to continue to climb in my career. I don’t want to be held hostage by school districts. A 529 can be used for K-12 and beyond, so if I need to privately school my kids, I have this fund. Ohio allows you to deduct $4000 a year in contributions to 529, that’s what I meant by maxing it out. + +As for the HSA, I plan to annually transfer it to a Fidelity HSA. My deductible is $2000, so it sounds like I should save at least that much. I know I can do $7800 annually as a family, but I think I’ll direct more and more towards 401k once I hit my deductible amount. + +I will contribute to the 401k up to the company match and then heavily favor the Roth 401k. + +I can fully max out a Roth IRA this year and next year with money I have on the sidelines. Leaves me more money to divert to retirement. + +Thank you all for the advice! +Just hit £30k across: +LISA (46%) +Monzo Pot (29%) +Shares (20%) +BTC (5%) + +and it feels amazing. + +I've never really been good with my money, didn't grow up with it, thrown out at 17, but have managed to build a grad job into a decent paying career and I can't quite believe it. + +Im on more than I've ever been on with more in my pocket but it still doesn't feel like I've got money to spend. + +Next year I know it will all be gone to house buying and wedding expenses, and then straight back to building the savings pots :) + +Shout out to Excell, the real MVP of my money management. + +Edit: + +Thanks for all of the kind words! I'm pretty chuffed :) + +For those asking, I work in "IT" doing infrastructure design. Started on £18k+ 2k London weighting 6 years ago and stepped up to £50k+ 2k bonus this month through pay rises and promotions. + +Keping the chunk of money in Monzo as I dip into month to month if I have a larger one than scheduled, or for hidden costs. I know it should be making me money but it'll be spent come July so not too large of a return. +*(This was my post 110 days ago which never got approved)* + +Dip is 10-20% down. Don't buy it. + +When it happens, Redditors will jump on you screaming *BUY THE DIP* directly to your ear. Don't buy it. You're calm, your mind is clear, you aren't fueled by emotions. + +Soon it will dip 20-30%. You will notice frequent memes like + +>What I thought was the dip. The dip. The actual dip. The actual dips dip. + +Logically, you still don't take the bait. You play the waiting game. You are in charge here. + +Next leg is minus 30-40%. Some people are borrowing money to buy here, since they spent all of their money on previous dips. Some people start questioning is this just a correction or bearmarket. You will notice posts like + +>When Bitcoin was 60k you wished you bought it at 40k. Now it's below 40k buy now as you promissed! + +You just smirk reading this post, take a sip of your tea, scroll down, turn on radio or something. + +Next leg is minus 40-60% from ATH. Alts are massacred. You will notice that no one will even mention buying the dip, even as a joke. Even people who bought the dips are now down so much, that their stress is somehow even as the literal top buyers. People are now posting predictions of low will it go. + +At this point, you start stretching. Counting your money. Calculating how much can you afford to spend on crypto. Getting prepared for the last stage. + +**60-80% correction, bearmarket acceptance and capitulation phase** + +Suicide hotline number is posted, and pinned by moderators. Divorce rates increase. People are selling for a loss, because they are emotionally damaged and don't want to play this game anymore. Others are just deleting apps related to crypto on their phones. Moonboys are out. Newbies are out. Sub is pretty much dead, low number of comments and posts. There isn't hope on a horizon. + +This is where you start buying. You also accumulate every now or then when you can afford. You do this for next two years or whenever next rally starts. Here's how to recognize when to exit, also know as top signals: + +&#x200B; + +>Matt Damon calls you a (curse word) for not owning a Bitcoin + +&#x200B; + +>Athletes shilling you coins or NFTs + +&#x200B; + +>Talk show hosts changing Twitter avatars to cartoon monkeys + +&#x200B; + +>Katty Perry having shitcoins on her nails + +&#x200B; + +>Miley Cyrus giving you financial advices + +&#x200B; + +>Increasing numbers of Tiktok investing gurus + +&#x200B; + +>Onlyfans girls giving you investing tips + +&#x200B; + +>Youtubers giving round number predictions like 100k 500k 1mm price eoy + +&#x200B; + +>Talking hat showing you meme lines where number only go up till infinity + +&#x200B; + +>Third world countries gambling with tax payers money on crypto + +&#x200B; + +>Michael Saylor buying Bitcoin + +&#x200B; + +>Anyone telling you this time will be different + +&#x200B; + +>Anyone telling you there are no bubbles in new financial paradigm + +&#x200B; + +Take profits here and repeat the process. Thank me later. +What's the danger of having too many dividend stocks in your portfolio? I've read a lot of people on here pushing maybe 10 stocks that are worth investing in and sometimes pushing an entire portfolio consisting of even less than that. I find myself purchasing 10-20 shares of upwards of 20-30 different stocks with more that I'd like to put in to rather than increasing my current holdings in a specific company/fund. + +I'm just not sure I understand the argument for having so few choices. Is it specifically related to dividend investing? Or is there no real argument? +All of the suppression and negative narratives surrounding the GameStop movie and trailer was FUD spread by shills. + +When the trailer for the GameStop documentary came out it was impossible to maintain a discussion in this community. I was there, I know. I spend a lot of time in /new, maybe you’ve been there too. Every thread I went into to discuss it were filled with people spreading FUD. And it’s a specific kind of FUD that I’m going to describe clearly in this post. You know it when you see it if you know what to look for. The same kind of FUD was being used to suppress the Charles Gradante video too, and is still currently being used today. + +First off I think that there is no reason we should be hating on this movie as a community. I think Ryan Cohen’s tweet brings this to light. I think the suppression of the trailer for this movie was done by shills and that everything they said was bullshit. In fact we did not know how this movie will portray apes like these FUDers had claimed, because it simply *hadn’t come out yet.* + +Everyone who argued that the movie was inherently negative was wrong all along. I’ve been fighting it since the trailer came out. I really think any press is good press at this point, and I think Ryan Cohen knows that too. All the attention we can get on GME the better, and the more likely that things might actually be forced to change in the markets, and the more likely the MOASS is to happen sooner. + +—————————————————————————- + +Just look at all the posts people tried to make and see how almost all of them have close to zero karma: + + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3p04s/yall_see_this/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3pdvp/baaamm/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3scdw/on_sticky_floor_webpage_check_it_out_for_yourself/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3wswr/look_at_what_popcorn_has_in_theaters_i_have_not/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3wxip/we_ride_or_die_together_pop_you_heads_out_yo_ass/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3wzpt/anyone_know_anything_about_this/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3x12p/yall_gonna_keep_shitting_on_the_popcorn_company/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3xgar/big_brains_needed_on_the_app_if_you_search/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3xhd9/wtf_is_this_i_saw_this_posted_on_popcorns_website/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3xved/gamestop_movie_coming_out_on_january_28th_might/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s3yojw/look_at_this_apes/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s41c21/gamestop_movie_real_its_on_twitter/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s44fig/jan_1_1900_did_they_create_a_time_machine_or/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s45oqf/gamestop_rise_of_the_player/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s4ca8a/full_disclosure_i_spammed_this_my_comment_below/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s4xcen/you_can_buy_the_new_gamestop_movie_tickets_from/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s5ddk2/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_is_a_movie_coming_to/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8nft9/domo_capital_about_the_new_gamestop_movie_rise_of/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8ntd3/definitely_not_feeling_this_were_individual/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8o19l/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_in_theatres_january/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8o1tx/documentary_coming_out_before_the_squeeze_happened/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8owop/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_in_theatres_january/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8p6m7/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_in_theatres_january/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8ppkw/ahm_wut_did_i_miss_something/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8pqdr/not_gonna_lie_a_little_excited_to_see_what_this/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8ps3l/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_trailer/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8q4oh/seems_they_are_making_a_movie_before_the_story_is/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8qh7e/petition_to_boycott_gamestop_rise_of_the_players/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8qikv/console_wars_director_jonah_tulis_underway_on/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8qivh/ganestop_rise_of_the_players_movie_trailer/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8qkxz/wut_is_this_the_real_life_is_this_just_fantasy_or/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8qm62/gamestop_rise_of_the_players_official_trailer_ign/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8r2a4/fuck_it_shills_have_downvoted_every_post_of_the/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8r7v6/gamestop_rise_of_the_players/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8r9q1/can_i_make_this_a_psa_if_you_are_planning_on/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rbgj/the_upcoming_gamestop_movie/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rfra/its_getting_pushed_way_too_hard/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rl4b/the_gamestop_movie_is_set_to_debut_on_128_but/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rdlt/domo_capitol_on_the_gamestop_rise_of_the_players/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8ruje/official_poster_for_gamestop_rise_of_the_players/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rz0b/gamestop_power_to_the_players_tickets_are_on_sale/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8rzj1/this_movie_will_be_showing_whether_im_there_or/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8smow/tell_me_in_wrong/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8snu2/yeah_about_that_movie/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8sw8l/back_to_basics/ + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s8t0ho/gmerise_of_the_players_trailer/ + + + +Every single one was filled with deflecting comments that avoided actually talking about the content. This is the key to FUD around here because they have yet to be able to find anything contrary to the legendary DD this sub has assembled. + +“No. Garbage money grab.” + +“Get this garbage out of here.” + +“How can you make a mov movie about a story that’s not even finished yet?” + +“gamestop movie is cringe af without the squeeze” + +“Its definitely going to be slanderous propaganda. It’s going to make us look like a good intentioned but brain dead group of people, I guarantee it. And I imagine you’re gonna say something along the lines of ‘but isn’t that what we are?’, and the answer is no. + +I’m an individual investor who read some good DD, and this media does not represent me.” + +“Little more nope just money grubbing fake seeking idiots.” + +“Nope. That does not belong on our sub. Not a shill strategy, just trying to protect the sub from endorsing a so-called “documentary” without knowing what is in it. Also, given some of the stuff in the trailer, it looks like bullshit.” + +Like seriously? + +Where did this spirit of anti-discussion come from? Apes we need to repair. We need to foster the ability to have discussions and be aware of when people are making bold statements without facts. + +We need the knights of new to watch out and not let shills direct the discussion. If people are making blanket statements without clear reasoned arguments they should be addressed. I encourage everyone to comment in new, let people know how you’re feeling about it. + +Don’t let shills just go around confidently making false statements that then guide other smoothies away from good discussion. I also see another thing in these threads that are very telling. A few of them had commenters that were trying to have a discussion and even fighting back, it was so bad: + +“Screenshot off of Twitter…Is this actually a thing?!? GameStop going to drop their next plan for the company during a movie showing? My tits are slightly jacked….!!!” - heavily downvoted into negative karma + +“Hopefully it’s like planet of the apes but in the Metaverse where everyone receives an NFT tattoo for every share they own.👻” - downvoted to negatives + +“A M C is showing GameStop movie on the anniversary of the removal of the buy button jan 28th looks bullish af to me 🚀🚀🚀🚀” - downvoted to negative + +“Is there anyone real left in this sub or is it just me and a bunch of bots? These last two months have been absurd. Over summer it wouldn’t have mattered if the narrative of this movie was that the squeeze is over (which we have no idea if that’s the case or not, especially when the director hinted at the possibility of a sequel) all we know is that it’s about GameStop and it supports the narrative that Apes are in the right and that we are the good guys. All press is good press. This will result in more eyes in GameStop. Why are we furiously downvoting this topic? Or is it just severely suppressed by shills? Where are the real apes at?” + + +—————————————————————————- + + +But these apes were heavily downvoted and fought with: + +https://imgur.com/SOeiYqh + + +It goes on and on. Every single post that was made was heavily controlled. This is obviously a sore spot for them. They know that the movie could be a catalyst for increased attention to GME again and that the anniversary is the same thing. Apes, they’re fucking scared of this movie. I think we were played. It may suck. It may portray us poorly, and there is already talk of a sequel so maybe it won’t say that the squeeze is over or maybe it will, but I ask you apes, does it really matter? + +**Is some documentary going to bring us down? No fucking way! Nothing is going to bring us down, we’ve made that fucking clear. Is a documentary about GME on the anniversary of the sneeze a potential risk for the hedge funds? You better fucking believe it. So if there’s some possibility that this could give us something positive, literally no possibility that it will cause anything negative, and a really good possibility that it could bring something VERY negative to Kenny, shouldn’t we be fucking stoked about this movie just like Ryan Cohen?** + +I think so. +Edit:fixed formatting u/Chankyi is Husband. Sorry guys I screwed up and edited the post on my wifes phone and screwed it up but it should be fixed. next time ill listen to my wife and not edit lol + +***Hey fellow apes <3 My husband wanted to share some DD he wrote but his account doesn't have as much Karma as mine so I'm just posting for him :)*** + +&#x200B; + +Hello, This is YourMoonWife's Husband speaking. I've been a lurker since Jan 21 back at the other sub that we will not name and migrated to SS and never looked back. + +&#x200B; + +Today I'll be giving a glimpse at Gamestop's vision for Web3 and the metaverse and how they are building a ready player one type of universe. Before I get into that I'll outline some easter eggs on the marketplace and as well show a official gamestop doc made by apes for apes. + +&#x200B; + +REMEMBER: Buy, DRS, HODL, SHOP is the motto and when I talk about the different Collections in the marketplace you might find a place that you will want to shop at. + +&#x200B; + +All links to collections and discords will be at the bottom as well. + +&#x200B; + +I'll walkthrough all my findings and yes the TLDRS will be at the bottom as per usual, but this is highly interesting and I highly recommend to give this a read. + +&#x200B; + +First off let's talk about the official Gamestop Cabinet NFT. + +[https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x9e1b5eeca45101dc4c01ab76433d6a2659572f0b/0xf1edce7c58ccf8f05a7c3e0cc26115d9802e4515d97e78031ffcc905a43529a4](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x9e1b5eeca45101dc4c01ab76433d6a2659572f0b/0xf1edce7c58ccf8f05a7c3e0cc26115d9802e4515d97e78031ffcc905a43529a4) + +&#x200B; + +For those who want to learn about the easter eggs in this look here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vy09z1/nft\_treasure\_hunt\_day\_2\_where\_are\_we\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vy09z1/nft_treasure_hunt_day_2_where_are_we_at/) + +&#x200B; + +This NFT is important because it shows us the 34 members of the blockchain team and also shows us their addresses since blockchain is 100% transparent (wish the stock market was like that). + +&#x200B; + +I looked through all their wallets so you don't have to and I noted all important NFTs in the wallets: buck = buck the bunny, skull = GlitchyG Skull, OG GMERICA = original draft? + +&#x200B; + +0x2a28AA5D3Fa8917d5E586a17C12cC02c28e476aE - buck, skull + +0x3800645f556ee583E20D6491c3a60E9c32744376 - buck, skull + +0x02E725B7e99091Bd4cCBf15228384e160eCdf78f - OG GMERICA + +0xddC15d81D1f9AAC120E89404CAFD302F8e9C36ae - buck, skull + +0x04937f639b58eC89258b9dF0213E840e26EC30d9 - skull + +0xA2867e9C70269B6ca4709808E62531839Ca3715F - nothing + +0xF0Bd33D48098c564a194b7518C0094b6964Bcc4B - Withdrawl(cabinet) - nothing + +0x6a855a77CAcd4eAfE5e53987DF814C89A3c25538 - buck, skull, foot(different from others) + +0x876713DED6d23e72520062d04525a5b4a691bF28 - nothing + +0x25F35dCa6ac130636418d75604Feeb85abfaEEb3 - nothing + +0x50c5Bc3D92F8604B86244e330E3eE8110759988a - buck + +0x5B5c116Bc5A88898A99a28c465b195E843Ad71C4 - nothing + +0x3A410D310b4BaD69AefC98342f8955C3e5a03086 - OG GMERICA(1x), Reminder Sikes Birthday + +0xfab685862aA89d30123BE53aCdaaEbBd5D1aE2D4 - buck + +0x940AeA42Ae26c0d4dA99173c3b27f2EC73654dFF - buck + +0x970F1B8b65bF746Ff98bB41E4FfE8051b7df9608 - nothing + +0xc484155ceAe25a2eAce9354B620c376B0048419d - buck + +0x381636D0E4eD0fa6aCF07D8fd821909Fb63c0d10 - buck + +0x83fcF5241eD5795b8f07C503C25B4c4481928348 - OG GMERICA(1x), skull + +0x8e28e7bF88AB62C6A8fcd1052C16C794Bb0B2EFf - nothing + +0x4Baf537F79B320FeB04008423FC102601878d8cF - nothing + +0x10dF45Cf1DEC27f402F9721770831D1E678e2EFb - buck, skull 0xE28d2972998640E49943408951CA8844339C5fE4 - buck + +0xC5480d26c3837Da41302763549Cc877a14c032e3 - buck, skull + +0xf7B7fD385b77D8BCc684A8cb0E61B3E60cD22039 - buck + +0x8e1096D0B5bD3A82CA98EbC09dD97CB7AbEd848F - buck + +0xaF89f1430fAEd758435c3ca457a0FF9014ce6015 Minter + +0x850aa0b86B8aa76b95CeF283bCb2E7c008C7202b - nothing + +0x2B4B9F8528A58c9447bf6380F5A72A9143228952 - nothing + +0x62Cf6aA51E4b4C2279A9E2aa11f8dFa802860991 - nothing + +0x80664AB5b7289D12d2a042e0C205e29b84255750 - nothing + +0x9dB2DB1569acfDe57F015945b414dc2Bb9b19468 - nothing + +0x3cD4b0912F1eEb1a25D1b650505C39cbA1aeC20d - skull + +0x2919BAb1d96451F1464B1cd4d8bE7fEe19973d33 - nothing + +&#x200B; + +One thing that is very interesting is the fact that buck the bunny is back! These NFTs seem to be a way for the blockchain team to test the achivement system by giving their employees achivements. + +&#x200B; + +Now your probably wondering who cares right? see read this about buck the bunny: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyr106/what\_happened\_to\_buck\_the\_bunny\_and\_why\_is\_he\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyr106/what_happened_to_buck_the_bunny_and_why_is_he_back/) + +So Buck was too raunchy for Gamestop's old leadership but it seems the new leadership loves him and it looks like they might even launch a show. + +&#x200B; + +Now look at this collection these are the Gamestop's achivements for their staff. + +[https://explorer.loopring.io/collections/0x69f982aed7099ecacc2c741f4adc0961c3b9a7e2](https://explorer.loopring.io/collections/0x69f982aed7099ecacc2c741f4adc0961c3b9a7e2) + +Artist is known as Goose + +Thanks to u/therealBlooze for letting me know of this collection! + +&#x200B; + +It seems like this may be a story board if Gamestop is collabing with the makers of south park and rick and morty (already a gamestop creator: [https://nft.gamestop.com/user/Sloppypencil?r=MCwzMTUxNiw2NjE%3D](https://nft.gamestop.com/user/Sloppypencil?r=MCwzMTUxNiw2NjE%3D)) + +Thanks Smugdangercat for the idea. + +Reading the metadata for various buck the bunny NFTs futher solidify that this was used to test the achivement system for gamestop. Here is a example from tag us in, Coach + +"We got this. Thanks to your guidance, we have a clear vision that will not falter. Our doors are always open for you. And our hearts are with you always, cheering you on in your next journey. Thank you for everything you have done for us. Always looking forward to the next time we meet!" + +&#x200B; + +If you are wondering what the achivement system is check out [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y92zuf/gamestop\_nft\_beta\_launch\_pin\_nft\_easteregg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y92zuf/gamestop_nft_beta_launch_pin_nft_easteregg/) + +This was a reward for early supporters of the marketplace from july 11 + +Now enters this wallet: + +[https://explorer.loopring.io/account/144664](https://explorer.loopring.io/account/144664) + +&#x200B; + +This wallet has almost the entire collection of buck the bunny but more interestingly it has this NFT: [https://explorer.loopring.io/nft/0xa01e3252bc606d3992768c4dfdf40babc761e7ea-0-0x639eaf60913fb75f92bd182018d4d81b173fddfa-0x390cabbc0bef96c0a9d6f111ae01e778bdbc003e8f25ee45c5910434e2998f94-10](https://explorer.loopring.io/nft/0xa01e3252bc606d3992768c4dfdf40babc761e7ea-0-0x639eaf60913fb75f92bd182018d4d81b173fddfa-0x390cabbc0bef96c0a9d6f111ae01e778bdbc003e8f25ee45c5910434e2998f94-10) + +&#x200B; + +This NFT is apart of [https://explorer.loopring.io/collections/0x639eaf60913fb75f92bd182018d4d81b173fddfa](https://explorer.loopring.io/collections/0x639eaf60913fb75f92bd182018d4d81b173fddfa) + +going through the metadata you can find the creators and also this message in many of these NFTs have similar text: + +Pattern Integrity Films GameStop Socks Spec Ad Asset 003 feat. moongirl.loopring.eth (@thisizkristen) | pifilms.loopring.eth (@pttrn\_ntgrty) + +&#x200B; + +Sounds like Gamestop is making a specialized ad of some sort. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lpd7ikyat6v91.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=9409578db4aac64015a3321560ccf47fb7be91da + +From the company's website: [https://patternintegrityfilms.com/films/](https://patternintegrityfilms.com/films/) + +https://preview.redd.it/2xvew46dt6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=62cb3eb12e2336b86f10299318535e6f82cb7d6c + +Their categories of films include: Social Justice, Political Films, Fire Service, and Documentary + +I think this is the Official Gamestop makers of the Documentary made by apes for apes. + +In the company's twitter they tweet this playlist which is a playlist of videos they have made on their youtube channel and it seems they have been working on this since Jan 31, 2021 and continue to work on it at present. There last upload was on Jul 19, 2022 and the video is from the collection from before. Forever GME - a GameStop spec ad + +&#x200B; + +The biggest take away is notice as the videos get newer you can tell the DD got better as well because they start telling you to DRS in the videos or celebs start appearing like u/Rick_Of_Spades and many others you WILL recognize. + +&#x200B; + +Playlist of older videos: + +[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cQS3Ikb3jcHmoq6Kx6UXoxwjXGbaTPs](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1cQS3Ikb3jcHmoq6Kx6UXoxwjXGbaTPs) + +&#x200B; + +Forever GME - a GameStop spec ad: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjn7iQSvaMo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjn7iQSvaMo) + +&#x200B; + +Notice: brand placement like Apple, Nintendo, Playstation etc. + +At the end there is a disclaimer saying that its not commissioned by or affiliated by Gamestop but I think they have to say this because its on Youtube and nothing is official yet, but look back at their twitter profile: + +hmmnmmm sure sounds like they are working on a documentary thats at the very least will come out on the marketplace as a NFT. (OWN YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS!!) + +OK, but now your wondering what does this have to do with the metaverse? Well allow me to give you a lot of info on what's going on in the marketplace. By now it should be clear that Gamestop is working hard on this marketplace and they are leaving easter eggs all of the place and many of them are hidden inside various collections. + +&#x200B; + +let's start with the GameInformer Collection more specifically the Gold edition + +[https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x56e2cbceab0a0986a5b494648fc7b20de489b7d364c6ecdb698d4c3e7d9b01e5](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x56e2cbceab0a0986a5b494648fc7b20de489b7d364c6ecdb698d4c3e7d9b01e5) + +&#x200B; + +In the data there is ==ixᴜᴏʏEDIU9ꜱEʀUTʟᴜᴄBᴜSRᴇʙʏᴄᴅNᴜᴏF0Rᴘᴛᴇʟ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q6ql91wft6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaec638f6bba821b5f2cb1acc67628541189a534 + +Let profound cyber sub cultures guide you meaning to checkout the other collections. Reason being is all the good collections on the market have communities behind them and since the market launched the beta many of these communities are littered with apes. They don't primarily use reddit they use Discord. These communities are amazing and all of their motto is the same as Ryan Cohen. They all say UNDER PROMISE AND OVER DELIVER. + +&#x200B; + +In this DD ill be talking about Cyber Crew, E:MERGE, Kickass, Kiraverse, and Protocol Gemini. + +&#x200B; + +But first what is a NFT and WEB3. I'll give a TLDRS here and if you want to know more you can search up the terms NFT and WEB3 on google. + +&#x200B; + +WEB1 - Internet read only (Internet is a fad why would I read a newspaper on the computer) + +WEB2 - Internet read/write (Internet boom, everything on boarded online and mass adoption occurs) + +WEB3 - Internet read/write/own (no longer will FB or others steal data, you own your data/assets) + +&#x200B; + +NFT - Can't be counterfeited, Its unique, and proves ownership. + +&#x200B; + +Airdrop - the ability to send a NFT to holders (often used to reward those who hold certain NFTs) + +&#x200B; + +Now that you have a better understanding of these basics let's talk about Cyber Crew (CC) + +&#x200B; + +First off they created the Gamestop astronaut that is seen on the main page. + +&#x200B; + +When you get a NFT from CC you gain the ability to use those 3d Models for whatever you want from gaming with them to making content with them. OWN YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS! + +&#x200B; + +They will have a website launching in the near future and this will give the ability to download the files and also gain the ability to a utility that hasn't been announced yet. + +&#x200B; + +Key take aways for these NFTs: + +there are 3 life time subscriptions: Card, Clone, and Factory. + +The Factory will give items on holidays for LIFE + +The card and clone will give access to Gen 2 and Gen 1 clone respectively. The differerence being how easy it is to customize. + +Gen 1 - use blender to edit + +Gen 2 - easy snap in place editing. + +Note that these life time subs are the only ones that will exist. In the future there will never be a NFT with a life time sub. + +&#x200B; + +Also don't freak out when you see the prices they started at 50 bucks but once they sell out its a free market so the market will decide the price. ( yes I know we don't know what its like being in a free market lol) + +&#x200B; + +Other NFTs are potential in game items that can be utilized by any game dev. Read the descriptions for what they may be used for (Utility). + +&#x200B; + +One of the first use cases is Kiraverse which is a FPS game that wants to allow NFT projects to be played as in game characters/weapon skins. They have already implemented many projects and will continue to add more. Their official NFTs are ingame characters that will have utility that hasn't been fully announced yet but they will give the player certain perks like increased ingame currency reward. Kiraverse is focused on eSports so NFTs will be used as skins but in other game projects it will be up to them what NFTs can be used for. + +&#x200B; + +When CC and Kiraverse first started talking Kiraverse said it usually takes a few days to implement projects but since CC had all the 3d files good to go they were able to implement it in a hour! Do you not see the potential yet? + +&#x200B; + +WEB3 will be all about Interoperbility which is a big word meaning when I go to different digital worlds (metaverses) I'll be able to use the assets I own. + +&#x200B; + +There will also be a way to stake NFTs but there isn't much information except for [Revest.finance](https://Revest.finance) which interestingly enough their lead dev is 0xfoobar who is also the lead dev at Gamestop + +https://preview.redd.it/7o94za4jt6v91.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=4459406910c5d5b4db4dbdcbe9adc710a3da10ad + +If you don't know what staking is basically your providing liquitity and they reward you with currency for doing so but this hasn't been implemented yet so we don't know exactly how it will work but you can read the white paper at [https://revest.finance/](https://revest.finance/) + +also not Kiraverse has 2 flagship NFTs Eva and Nate + +https://preview.redd.it/zrysuprkt6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=f35118117983bbd1ba67f40ecf2618fb0986a877 + +Notice anything? yes they are partnered with Gamestop officially but we don't know what that fully entails yet. + +&#x200B; + +Also note CC and Kiraverse are partnered as well and you will notice the theme of all these collections are connected. + +Now lets talk about Protocol Gemini. + +&#x200B; + +This project isn't on the GME market yet but will be. Their founder is the co-creator of CC. The projects flagship NFT is the TQN (This NFT will mint you a metagate at project launch). Now information is not very abundant since they aren't fully launched yet but it will be soon. Metagates will allow people to display NFTs in a home in a VR/AR manner. Now before you dismiss this idea I want you to look at this video first. + +&#x200B; + +This is Gamestop's partner Varjo: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23RS3RAg16k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23RS3RAg16k) + +&#x200B; + +Pretty crazy right? also did you notice the rug at 4:45? if you don't know what i'm talking about go back to the easter eggs from the Gamestop Cabinet NFT and look at the rug. + +&#x200B; + +So AR/VR tech is so good we will have access to a ready player one type of universe and Gamestop is building it! + +&#x200B; + +Let's talk about E:MERGE which is created by xLabel. + +&#x200B; + +before I get into E:MERGE let's talk about xLabel. They are a company that specializes in onboarding companies and IP's from WEB2 to WEB3. They already released the Betty Boop collection which is on the GME MP and have several other IP's that haven't been anounced. + +&#x200B; + +One of their artist is Skeeva and they have experience making art for many big names + +https://preview.redd.it/82x427tnt6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=18222d68016d9da66c8de8df88a5a4aef703a136 + +[https://theskeeva.com/about](https://theskeeva.com/about) + +&#x200B; + +xLabel also have some brands they've worked with in the past on their website + +https://preview.redd.it/k41djsnpt6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5e7035e960e52b336c8850971b4d17445b5506a + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.xlabel.io/](https://www.xlabel.io/) + +&#x200B; + +Harley Davidson - Mortor Cycles + +BURBERRY - luxary fashion brand + +FLEISCHER - has betty boop IP + +CRICKET Austrailia - sports + +Edit: forgot the description Off-White is an Italian luxury fashion label founded by American designer Virgil Abloh. The label has collaborated with Nike, Levi's, Jimmy Choo, IKEA and Evian + +&#x200B; + +The label has collaborated with Nike, Levi's, Jimmy Choo, IKEA and Evian.\[3\] + +SNS Sneakersnstuff - shoes + +&#x200B; + +It has been hinted that there are IP's that we don't know about as well. + +&#x200B; + +Now let's talk about the E:MERGE collection. At first glance they look very high quality and the drip is definitely peak. If you read the lore its about 4 diamond handed houses shaping the future of gaming. This is the collections description. + +&#x200B; + +Each NFT has a binary number and each one corresponds to a letter spelling out GAMESTOP CODE. + +This is a hint for [https://emerge.xlabel.io/](https://emerge.xlabel.io/) where inputting differnt combinations of the Konami code will unlock teasers to new emergents that will come out in the future. All we know about this is that somehow these NFTs that you own will make other NFTs depending what colours you have in your wallet. + +&#x200B; + +This is the most mysterious collection but has a very high quality and I suspect its going to be something fashion related. Now look at this: + +https://preview.redd.it/e50pvlkrt6v91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=d87d11b723ce98efad708825b484601404535e02 + +This was posted on xLabels Linkedin [https://www.linkedin.com/company/xlabel/posts/?feedView=all](https://www.linkedin.com/company/xlabel/posts/?feedView=all) + +&#x200B; + +Kickass is another collection by JRJR himself! he has been drawing comics for Marvel since the 70s and his collection is full of mystery. All we know is there is a discord for holders only and he is creating a theme park type of experience. + +&#x200B; + +Another interesting collection is this [https://internet.game/saw](https://internet.game/saw) + +This NFT will allow the owner to have 3 lives in a saw event game that will start on oct 31 but there is no end date. The player will play a game every 24 hours and there will be a leaderboard tracking who has the most HP. If you look at the prizes they have Consoles, a trip to mexico city to visit the next saw movie set!! and much more! + +&#x200B; + +I can go on forever on more use cases and i've only scratched the surface for these collections but this is a really good start for you if you didn't have any information on this subject. + +&#x200B; + +Now let me Outline what I think is Gamestop's vision for the marketplace. + +&#x200B; + +These are some things i've learned since July 11 (beta launch for the marketplace): + +&#x200B; + +These project under promise and over deliver for example CC gives surprise airdrops and they come from any of their NFTs not just the life time subs! EMERGE and Kiraverse did the same as well. + +The communites are great since most are apes and love to talk about the stonk! + +Discord is a better medium to prevent bot activity + +Gamestop is running the show. What I mean is every collection when they release anything first its vetted by Gamestop, then the release scheduale is even dictated by Gamestop! this gives Gamestop the ability to experiment with different ways of launching collections to prevent scalping and get those NFTs to Gamers and Collectors. + +&#x200B; + +Now let's talk about anti counterfeiting. So the counterfeiting globally is worth 1.4 trillion to 4 trillion dollars. Imagine if Rolex minted a NFT for each wallet now when you buy a Rolex and if it doesn't come with the official NFT from the official wallet address you know instantly its fake. This is going to disrupt a trillion dollar market! Best thing is Gamestop is best positioned to do this because with Loopring and ImmutableX Gamestop is able to make NFTs at virutally no cost, facitlitate high volume, and Gamestop has that brand that people will trust. + +&#x200B; + +Other Marketplaces like Opensea are filled with scam NFTs and are slower and the UI isn't as user friendly. + +&#x200B; + +To Sum up: TL:DRS: + +Gamestop is telling us to follow these cyber sub cultures because its filled with easter eggs all pointing to a metaverse with many different digital worlds. VR/AR tech have gotten so good we can trick our brains that the fake is real. NFTs will prevent counterfeiting and also allow the average person to own their own digital assets whether thats games, shows, skins, 3d models, gaming assets, etc. Theres a Documentary being made by APES for APES. + +You might be thinking this all seems like its a ways off but I think its a lot closer than we think and Gamestop is WORKING towards this goal at a rapid pace. + +&#x200B; + +At the very least I hope you learned something about WEB3 and I hope you checkout these discords they are free to join and each server contains tons of info ( I only stractched the surface). They are also very willing to teach new members as long as you are some what civil. + +Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Have a good day, I might be slow to respond to comments because this is my wifes account. Ill get to all comments as best as I can. + +&#x200B; + +BUY DRS HODL SHOP! + +&#x200B; + +Links to collections and Discords: + +&#x200B; + +Cyber Crew: [https://nft.gamestop.com/user/CYBERCREW?r=MCwxMjA2OCw2MTA%3D](https://nft.gamestop.com/user/CYBERCREW?r=MCwxMjA2OCw2MTA%3D) + +[https://discord.gg/VQsqhQrV](https://discord.gg/VQsqhQrV) + +&#x200B; + +Kiraverse: [https://nft.gamestop.com/user/ParamLabs?r=MCwxODg4NCw2Mjc%3D](https://nft.gamestop.com/user/ParamLabs?r=MCwxODg4NCw2Mjc%3D) + +[https://discord.gg/DCmytkaz](https://discord.gg/DCmytkaz) + +&#x200B; + +xLabel: [https://nft.gamestop.com/user/XLABEL?r=MCw0NjY0LDI1NQ%3D%3D](https://nft.gamestop.com/user/XLABEL?r=MCw0NjY0LDI1NQ%3D%3D) + +[https://discord.gg/GJydpBrs](https://discord.gg/GJydpBrs) + +&#x200B; + +Kickass: [https://nft.gamestop.com/user/JohnRomitaJR?r=MCwxMzUwNCw0MDk%3D](https://nft.gamestop.com/user/JohnRomitaJR?r=MCwxMzUwNCw0MDk%3D) + +[https://discord.gg/ch6q5bgZ](https://discord.gg/ch6q5bgZ) + +&#x200B; + +Saw: [https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/saw](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/saw) + +[https://discord.gg/GCNNs8rq](https://discord.gg/GCNNs8rq) + +Edit: link fixed: Protocol Gemini Discord:[https://discord.gg/geminiprotocol](https://discord.io/geminiprotocol) + +&#x200B; +my car battery died this week, and i had to get it completely replaced today. for the first time ever in my life, i could pay for it without having to take out debt, start sobbing, or be forced to choose between food and rent. it has taken me a long time to get to this point, and the freedom to give that mechanic my card without feeling like dying inside made me so happy. hope y’all are staying safe and healthy, sending love and stability from california. +In the current market, interest rates on US savings accounts are often set at a fraction of a percent. Even for tens of thousands of dollars deposited, this can equate to paying out less than a dollar per year in interest on these accounts. + +I understand why the rates are low, what I do not understand is why the customer side rates are non zero. Why even bother with the apparatus and paperwork for paying out 0.005%? This must surely incur significant cost for very large institutions such as Chase or BoA with millions of customers, and provides absolutely no benefit to those receiving these tiny payouts of literal pennies per year. + +What am I missing? +The country is considered the world's freest economy, and while there don't seem to be LVT's per say, the government owns most of the land and most revenue comes from property taxation. +I recently took an intro to microeconomics and macroeconomics course as electives. In micro, a large part of lecture revolves around how restrictions (price floor, ceiling, quota, tariff, taxes) negatively affect total welfare. Whereas in macro, we learned about monetary policy and why it's necessary. + +So, do microeconomist typically believe in a more capitalistic, free enterprise society, whereas macroeconomist believe government plays an important role in maintaining a healthy economy? Or is that not really a thing. +I assumed for awhile the American Federal Reserve system was the gold standard for central banking. But upon further inspection it's arcane structure with 12 regional banks and private shareholders that receive 6% dividends from Fed profits seems a bit weird and unnecessary. It seems more like a product of its time formed from the politics of the era then one an economist would make. I guess it still holds up pretty well for the most part. What country though has the best federal reserve system? Or what kind of system would you set up if you were starting from scratch? +They used borrowed shares for the initial drop ($173 to $163), and then EFT shorting for keep it low subsequently ($165 to $160). They were able to due this due to super low liquidity. + +The last two significant price drops were announcement of CEO Sherman's planned end of tenure, and March earnings announcement. + +As for me, I like the stock, and buy the dippity dippity dip. +They used borrowed shares for the initial drop ($173 to $163), and then EFT shorting for keep it low subsequently ($165 to $160). They were able to due this due to super low liquidity. + +The last two significant price drops were announcement of CEO Sherman's planned end of tenure, and March earnings announcement. + +As for me, I like the stock, and buy the dippity dippity dip. +Last week I sold a put on SOFI at $21. It was right ATM at close yesterday and rocked earnings, shooting up to $24ish AH. I had a standing BTC order at about 50% profit that got filled right at the bell this morning, despite the bid being around $0.30 higher than my order. + +It was lucky, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Maybe your play swings rapidly and the bid/ask gets crazy. Maybe someone, somewhere, fat fingers an order without double checking. Whatever the cause, put yourself in the situation to get lucky. +[https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3050510/coronavirus-chinas-fear-mass-job-losses-looms-large-covid-19](https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3050510/coronavirus-chinas-fear-mass-job-losses-looms-large-covid-19) + +Just your daily reminder that **this is not the flu,** sars, ebola, or really anything else we've seen in our lifetimes. At the risk of beating a dead horse here.... this is not being priced into markets right now. At all. And at the risk of sounding alarmist, I am going to put my neck out there and say that this thing is the inevitable shock that always seems to kick off a recession (get your remind me's ready). With that said, it's going to take a little bit of time before markets digest the supply shocks that are going to come through from China's shutdown. And past that point, I really don't think anybody is pricing in the fact that this is going to start to mandate shutdowns elsewhere away from China as it spreads. + +The funny thing, is that from a data perspective, we actually were starting to get a mild recovery in the macro regime, suggesting the Fed may have actually engineered a sort of soft landing, at least for a short bit. Given, that soft landing would have been heavily stimulus and debt fueled, but, the means don't matter in the short term, and that's often how things go anyway. But this item is coming at a very very very bad time, and the economy just is not prepared to handle this even slightly. The markets obviously are not reflecting this right now for a variety of reasons, but markets aren't always the great discounters people would believe. + +I will say, we likely will see some sort of massive wave of additional stimulus, or at least an attempt at it. But the transmission mechanisms of getting said stimulus to the people who need it is going to cause this to falter when it's needed most from my view. + + +**Edit:** For those who don't understand the seriousness of this, here is a relevant quote from a highly respected authority - Mark Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology at Harvard. + +***"I think it is likely we'll see a global pandemic," said Mark Lipsitch, a professor of epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "If a pandemic happens, 40% to 70% of people world wide are likely to be infected in the coming year. What proportion of those will be symptomatic, I can't give a good number."*** + +He comments on this directly at: [https://twitter.com/mlipsitch/status/1228373884027592704](https://twitter.com/mlipsitch/status/1228373884027592704) + +[https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/02/harvard-expert-says-coronavirus-likely-just-gathering-steam/](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/02/harvard-expert-says-coronavirus-likely-just-gathering-steam/) + +So look, is there a chance this will blow over? Sure. 100%, and I'm not an epidemiologist. But when leading epidemiologists collectively view this as being more likely to be a pandemic, yet markets are completely brushing this news off, I view that there is nothing being priced in here at all except perhaps stimulus. Even if there was only a 5% chance of the above scenario happening, I would expect markets to price in some of the massive risk that would be associated with this scenario, but that's not happening. +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/14/bitcoin-price-below-6000-amid-wider-cryptocurrency-sell-off.html + +Edit: thanks to all the cryptards for raiding the thread and making my IQ drop +Throwaway for obvious reasons. Please help me get my $200,000 back. I've opened a support ticket, I've emailed support+reddit@coinbase.com, I've PMed the official Coinbase reddit accounts, and I tried Twitter DMs. If anyone from Coinbase is reading this, Case ID: 1653972. + +I did an overnight transfer of $200,000 to Coinbase on 5/30. The amount was never credited to my account so I opened a support ticket. They got back to me two weeks after the transfer, on 6/12. It turns out my bank (BoA) did the transfer as an overnight ACH, which Coinbase does not support. The 'specialist' assigned to my ticket told me that my bank needed to recall the ACH transfer. + +I immediately called the BoA Commercial Banking team (we all talk shit about the banking system, but at least they have phone lines...) and asked them to recall the ACH. BoA told me that the governing body for ACH transfers prevents recalls if more than 1 week has passed since the transfer. They confirmed that the money was successfully transferred to Coinbase's bank account and gave me a trace ID so that Coinbase would be able to confirm the transfer. I sent the info over to Coinbase support and never heard back. + +Now here I am, 4 weeks later, still waiting for Coinbase to get their shit together. I understand that their support team must be swamped with requests right now, but this is ridiculous. What kind of organization 'loses' $200,000 in their bank account and doesn't sort it out within 1 month? + +Regarding Coinbase not supporting overnight ACH transfers: + +* Is this in Coinbase's documentation anywhere? Nope. + +* Do they accept other types of ACH transfers? Yup. + +* Is there a good reason to not support overnight transfers? As far as BoA can tell me, no. No there is not. + + +**Edit:** For everyone wondering why I'm posting on reddit instead of lawyering up, it's because fixing my problem will only take a Coinbase employee 5 minutes. I'm asking reddit for help not because I think reddit will solve the problem for me, but because I hope a Coinbase employee sees this post. I will definitely contact a lawyer if this isn't resolved soon. Thanks for all your support. + +**[6/28@3pm PDT] Edit:** Still no response from Coinbase. The support ticket says "Updated: Jun 28, 2017 08:55AM PDT" but there is no new message. I think this means someone at Coinbase saw the reddit post and marked the ticket as high priority but didn't bother to respond. + +**[6/28@5pm PDT] Edit:** Coinbase has responded to the support ticket. They gave an explanation for their ACH system and said the money has been returned to my account and will "show up within a few business days". I will make a final update when the $200,000 shows up in my account. + +**[6/30@7am PDT] Edit:** The $200,000 has been returned to my bank account. Thanks for the support and visibility reddit. +I have just seen the following article, which seems to mark quite a big shift in housing law: +https://www.theguardian.com/money/2021/jan/07/ground-rent-scandal-leaseholders-in-england-and-wales-get-new-rights + +Does anybody have an idea of the repercussions of this? +There is also clear evidence that what is destined to become the largest draw-down in Aussie housing market history is gradually extending to Brisbane and Perth. + +In what should come as no surprise to regular readers of this column, Australian house prices declined for the second month in a row in June – and the pace of losses is accelerating sharply. + +&#x200B; + +According to CoreLogic’s market-leading daily hedonic index, dwelling values in the five largest cities fell by more than 0.8 per cent in June, following a 0.4 per cent loss in May. + +&#x200B; + +Once again, the steepest losses were in Sydney, where dwelling values dropped by a chunky 1.5 per cent in June (versus -1.0 per cent in May), and Melbourne, where home values fell by 1.0 per cent (versus -0.7 per cent in May). + +&#x200B; + +House prices in Australia’s two largest conurbations are therefore declining at a double-digit annualised pace. + +&#x200B; + +Since their peak earlier this year, Sydney dwelling values have now lost 3.1 per cent while homes in Melbourne have declined by 1.9 per cent. + +There is also clear evidence that what is destined to become the largest draw-down in Aussie housing market history is gradually extending to Brisbane, where home values look to be rolling over, and Perth, where prices are moving sideways again. + +&#x200B; + +Pity the poor home buyers who went out and borrowed vast sums based on the RBA’s guidance that they would not lift interest rates until 2024 at the earliest. + +Sharp house price declines are an important signal for the Reserve Bank of Australia, which has said it will be watching housing conditions – and their impact on household spending –like a hawk. + +&#x200B; + +The housing market is, after all, the purest exemplification of the monetary policy transmission mechanism in practice. + +&#x200B; + +The RBA also looks to have backed away somewhat from its fixation with a 2.5 per cent “neutral” cash rate point estimate, which was being bandied around willy-nilly as some sort of reasonable target. + +&#x200B; + +In his most recent speech, the RBA’s governor, Phil Lowe, said: “I want to emphasise though that we are not on a pre-set path \[to a specific interest rate end point\]. + +&#x200B; + +“How fast we increase interest rates, and how far we need to go, will be guided by the incoming data and the board’s assessment of the outlook for inflation and the labour market.” + +&#x200B; + +Lowe stressed that the RBA “will be paying close attention to developments in the global economy, the evolution of labour costs and how household spending is responding to higher interest rates”. + +&#x200B; + +Last October, Coolabah forecast that national house prices would fall by a record 15 per cent to 25 per cent after the RBA’s first 100 basis points worth of rate increases (see here and here). We expected those increases to start in the middle of this year at the earliest. + +&#x200B; + +As it turned out, the RBA initiated the first increase in May. Peak-to-trough housing cycles in Australia typically take one to two years, although much depends on whether the RBA starts cutting rates after it completes its monetary policy tightening process. + +&#x200B; + +More volatile Australian housing cycles + +For more than a decade we have warned investors to expect much more volatile Australian housing cycles as a result of the huge increase in household debt and the regime change in the interest rate elasticity of savings and spending decisions. + +&#x200B; + +There have been some surprising claims that Coolabah’s housing forecasts are outlandish, even though they are fully supported by the RBA’s own model of the housing market, which actually points to even larger price declines and has been belatedly embraced by most bank economists. + +&#x200B; + +Perhaps the craziest response to our forecasts has been the suggestion that Australians should expect house prices to rise, not fall, in response to interest rate increases. + +&#x200B; + +Setting aside the fact that this proposition has no logical basis, it is empirically eviscerated by case studies of rate increases triggering house price falls in 2007-2008, 2010-2012 and 2017-2019. + +&#x200B; + +In 2017-2019, house prices dropped by 10 per cent to 11 per cent after the prudential regulator imposed macroprudential constraints that forced banks to materially lift their investment property loan rates. + +&#x200B; + +We also know that interest rate cuts in 2008-2009, 2011-2016, 2019-2020 and 2020 all precipitated substantial appreciation in national dwelling values. + +&#x200B; + +It should be simple for even a child to understand the idea that as the cost of buying a home rises and falls, the value of the asset will adjust accordingly. + +&#x200B; + +The same principle also applies to equities: as the interest rate one applies to value the stream of cash flows attributable to any company increases or decreases, the value of the shares in that company will also rise or fall. + +&#x200B; + +This is precisely why Coolabah forecast a 30 per cent to 60 per cent decline in US equities last December because we projected that 10-year bond yields in the US would increase from their 1.3 per cent level at the time to north of 3.2 per cent. + +[https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/the-aussie-housing-crash-is-accelerating-20220630-p5axxi](https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/the-aussie-housing-crash-is-accelerating-20220630-p5axxi) +**Introduction**: This post is part of an ongoing monthly early-retirement series that will continue indefinitely, provided that the voting reflects the view that it is still seen as relevant to the community. I suppose that this is my way of giving back to a movement that helped me tremendously on my journey. As this post has become increasingly popular based on the number of views and comments, and as my desire to spend a great deal of the first day of every month on reddit has significantly waned, **my responses will be limited**. Career and background summaries are provided at the end and repeated every month. Please check those sections as well as the comments and posts from previous months to find answers to potential questions. I genuinely appreciate all the thanks and well-wishers, even if I don’t take the time to say so individually. + +**Model**: I wish to maintain a portfolio that began in June 2017 at $1,025,772. I will use a maximum withdrawal rate of 3% of the year’s starting balance, provided that the portfolio remains above $1M. The budgeted withdrawal amount is $2773 per month for 2018. In 2017, it was $2564 ($2618 adjusted for inflation). Should the portfolio drop below $1M, I will lock back into a maximum $2500 per month ($30k per year) guardrail withdrawal until the market recovers. I realize that this is not how the holy Trinity works, but consider these three factors: a 3% goal withdrawal rate is below the 100% historically safe mark for indefinite portfolio survival, our actual withdrawal rate is just above 2% of the original portfolio balance thus far due to earning additional income, and the extended bull market has put us 15% above our original target amount. We obviously have some flexibility. + +**Spending**: Living expenses for the month came to $2238. This is $535 under the 2018 monthly targeted amount of $2773. Our spending is 8.1% under budget for the month, now 8.1% under for the year. We generated $1491 of income this month from my wife's part-time fun job at the library, sales on ebay, and some of my old book royalties. Our investment withdrawal was $747 this month, thus our pro-rated, annually-adjusted withdrawal rate is 0.81% for the month, 0.81% for the year, and 2.19% since retirement. Without the additional income stream, our pro-rated, annually-adjusted withdrawal rate would have been 2.42% for the month, 2.42% for the year, and 3.44% since retirement. + +**Investments**: The portfolio went from $1,109,284 to $1,156,382 (a 4.25% increase for the month), which dropped down to a new total of (drum-roll) $1,155,635 after paying the bills. This is a 12.7% increase from the original starting balance of $1,025,772, even after withdrawals of $14,739 for living expenses over eight months. Since retirement, capital income from the investment portfolio has produced the equivalent of a full-time employee generating $104.28/hr of labor income. VTSAX (62% AA) went up 5.3% this month (5.3% up for the year); VFWAX (21% AA) went up 5.7% (5.7% up for the year); VWLUX (17% AA) went down 1.6% (down 1.6% for the year). + +**Reflections**: Our previous best month for the portfolio was 11/2017 with a 1.99% return. 1/2018 shattered that mark with a 4.25% return (and was actually well above 6% before this week’s correction). We made more money in the first three weeks of January than I ever made in any six-month period as a pharmacist. I have come to accept that the market is in insanely frothy territory, but I will sail obliviously forward with it. I am very thankful that, two years ago, I took the consensus view here of asset allocation and moved from 50/50 stocks/bonds to 80/20. Spending has returned to normal since the lump sum expenses that tend to cluster in December are now behind us. We had no big purchases this month for me to make excuses around, which is a first since retirement. There were just some small things like two unwanted family dinners, amazon prime renewal, and two large electric bills. + +**Experiences**: I strained the flexor hallucis brevis in my right foot on 1/4, which caused me to miss over two weeks of marathon training. Who knew such a thing existed? I wasted a lot of time on the computer the first few days after that doing nothing productive. I also came to terms with the fact that I am isolated. My friends have work, school, and children to occupy their time. I have none of those. I have nothing but time. I have no desire to join social groups and meet new people just for the sake of meeting new people because I honestly do not care for most people. My wife is on the other end of ninety-nine percent of my conversations. I did not anticipate what this would feel like. I am not fishing for advice or sympathy; I am just writing what is on my mind. While down with injury, I spent seventy hours creating an astronomy timeline display for the museum where I volunteer. Instead of learning about how the universe formed, it focuses on the order in which we learned about certain aspects of the universe and updates our understandings as you move forward through time. We started Game of Thrones (in season four now). I started running again on 1/22 and began playing the Nintendo Gamecube games that I purchased over a decade ago and never touched. I also made a gratitude list recently. It is ridiculously long. Reading it makes me feel ashamed when I find myself worrying over trivial matters. I think this is a good exercise for everyone to do. Finally, I did my taxes yesterday, which will get a special section this month… + +**Taxes**: I anticipated breaking even, but I will be getting an unexpected refund of $5000. This is a breakdown of what happened. First, there is some absurd thing called a Retirement Savings Contributors Credit of $2000 to help low-income people such as myself save for retirement (which I clearly could not do on my own without this much-needed help). Second, I forgot that my income would be low enough this year to recharacterize my $5500 IRA contribution from Traditional to Roth. Third, I forgot that I had $3000 in capital gains losses from bond sales that carried over from the previous year. Fourth, I spent some time converting a hobby over to a business last year, which I figured would be a smart move since I’ll have more time on my hands (many of the startup costs can be immediately deducted). Fifth, there is a cap on how much of the excess premium tax credit one has to return on ACA subsidy payments. I anticipated having to pay a lot more back because I made the mistake of getting the most expensive plan that the subsidies would cover fully at 100% FPL. If I had it to do again, I would have chosen a cheaper plan since there was no way I could have got our MAGI down to 100% FPL with five months of employment. In short, we ended up paying less than $100 in taxes despite earning over $73,000. How to eliminate $73k in income: $18k 401(k) contribution, $3k business startup, $3k capital loss carryover, $11k IRA contributions, $2k student loan interest, $13k standard deduction, and $8k exemptions leave $15k in taxable income (and $1k owed in taxes). $1k taxes + $1.5k ACA excess payment negated almost entirely by $2k Retirement Savings Contributors Credit and $400 in foreign tax credit. Net taxes: less than $100. + +**Upcoming**: On February 3, I will be going for 1:25-1:28 in my half marathon. No real goal, but a top ten finish (out of 500-600) would be nice. I finished 98th when I pulled myself off of the couch in 2013. My personal record of 1:27:57 should fall easily unless something goes wrong. After the race, more Gamecube, more Game of Thrones, and more running. I will continue volunteering at the museum, and I have plans to volunteer in the campaign for a local House race. She doesn’t have a prayer of winning, but that’s not the point. I’ll also be doing whatever the fuck I want. + +**Career**: I am a former retail pharmacist who hated his profession for the following reasons: unacceptable amounts of stress, lack of civility from the general public, capitalism gone amok, fundamental disagreement with the overuse of pharmacotherapy as an answer for underlying health issues, and a severe opiate crisis that few have yet to appreciate. I attended college for eight years to earn a bachelors and doctorate before joining the workforce for nearly twelve years, entirely with CVS. $150k in education costs were covered by academic scholarships ($25k), employment during college ($20k), prior savings from high school employment ($5k), revenue from an eBay business while in college ($10k), and massive help from my parents ($90k). My salary plus compensation went from $115k in 2005 to $150k in 2017. My savings rate was about 70%. + +**Background**: I retired at the age of 38 on June 6, 2017, the day before the twentieth anniversary of my high school graduation. I am married with no kids and generated over 95% of the family income while employed. We live in LCOL rural TN. Our asset allocation goal is approximately 60% VTSAX (total US stock market) / 20% VFWAX (total INTL stock market) / 20% VWLUX (US municipal bonds). We also hold roughly $400k in house, land, and belongings not included in the portfolio. My spending model places no dependence upon supplemental income (future employment?), social security ($10k/yr?), inheritance ($500k?), house equity (no heirs?), universal health care (probable?), or universal basic income (possible?). The final balance will be left to charities and worthy causes. + +I’m being cautious, even to the point of not naming the paper as I want to ensure nothing gets out. I am spending a full workday with an award winning journalist from a top national news outlet tomorrow! I’ve actually spoken to him (off the record) and casually brought up GME just saying that I can’t believe there hasn’t been major coverage on this to which they replied, “Really? I feel like there’s been a lot of coverage on it…” so obviously he knows nothing about it… +I am seeking help from my fellow apes and will print off material for him so what evidence do you think would raise an award winning journalists attention to dig further? + +If mods require proof I can do that as I’m all about verification but I have to protect myself and him at this point. There are a lot of eyes on our sub and I only have one day with the individual and don’t want to turn him off thinking I’m some kind of fanatic as we are meeting on an entirely different subject. This is a 6 hour window to bring this up in a way that interests someone who knows nothing about this, may even be skeptical and thinks there’s already been coverage on the issue when we know it’s biased propaganda. + +I’m not promising anything will come of this, I am opening this opportunity up to all apes however… do your thing you beautiful retards, you’ve always made me proud! + +Edit: update! + +Apes… It went oh so well! + +So spent the day and did our thing, stayed cool as a banana far away from any rectum and just allowed organic discussions on whatever the journalist wanted and ape magic happened. Long story short we ended up with extra time and GME naturally came up, I fkn memorized the most important points after reading all the advice on this post (multiple times) as I usually do as these situations which come up in my line of work pretty often. I took all the advice and when it came time, just hit those high notes: + +- Hedge funds and Market Makers are affectively using retail shares against us through stock lending and options shorting the stock down + +- It’s mathematically impossible that SHF’s covered during the January “sneeze” + +- Self reported shorts can’t be reported more than 140% of the float and we now know through court documents that in January it was at 220%. They simply couldn’t have covered + +- FTD’s & dark pools + +- Survey’s done are showing the float is owned in Canada & Germany respectively and is owned multiple times in the US + +- Dr. Trimbath, David L., West C. and Lucy K. have all weighed in giving a lot of context and history to these situations (sent the investigative articles as well) + +- Obvious “hit pieces” in financial media that completely miss any meaningful points on what’s driving this “idiosyncratic” stock & how hedge funds financially back these publications + +- Overstock just recently winning their court-case with prejudice in releasing a digital dividend destroying shorts as they were falling victim to the same predatory shorting + +- There’s financial incentive to bankrupt companies as all shorts are paid out tax free, that’s why hedgies targeted brick-n-mortar companies during a pandemic + +- There are over 600k apes on Superstonk from around the world ripping through huge technical documents in days, lawyers, marketing pro’s, from every corner contributing + +- No one has been able to prove Apes wrong yet + +This of course wasn’t everything as it was as a lot of back-and-forth which was the best part. The journalist was asking a lot of questions, and good ones, I was being interviewed on this subject (not the reason why he came to speak to me)! Not only was he interested but he wanted me to send him some articles I’d mentioned which I did on the spot. He asked me to send him links, I’ve just done that now. He said he’s going to pass this onto coworkers in the financial side of the publication, I didn’t ask him to do this. I genuinely told him that whatever he does with the info he can truly consider the data and it’s implications, to really look into it, even for his own benefit. This will be the greatest financial transfer in history by catching the fkrs who caused 2008 at their own game, locking dubious players into a death spiral by simply buying and holding against all their risk matrix’s, algorithms and anything else they thought they could use against retailers, that this is history in the making and nobody is truly talking about this in the mainstream in a meaningful way. + +I truly thank all of you beautiful apes as almost every link was sent in the email, I read every comment multiple times and truly considered all advice/warnings. It went way better than I could’ve imagined and I will update any developments because you know I’m going to follow up! Today another ape may be looking up at the moon. One with a lot of influence… +Why would you want to know that your x, xx, xxx, xxxx, xxxxx+ shares are being used as if they are on margin? Plenty of other posts out there with the screenshot of the terms and agreement form that states RH can use all shares of any security on margin whether you have margin turned on or not. + +When your assets transfer to another broker, they will show up as if they are on Margin. No worries though if you don’t have margin turned on your account in your new broker because they wouldn’t be allowed to act as if those shares are actually on margin. Not financial advice. + +Buy. Hodl. Vote. GTFO of RH + +Edit: I’m not a financial advisor. Not financial advice. I just don’t like supporting businesses that don’t feel bad about not having any decency towards anyone or anything but their own bank statement. +I’m reading Mankiw’s Principles of Economics and it says in the book that when a perfectly competitive firm enters the market, it does not bring with it business-stealing externality, contrary to a monopolistically competitive firm. + +I couldn’t understand this for the life of me. As far as I understand, when a perfectly competitive firm enters the market, it adds to the quantity of goods in the market and lowers the market price, and this results in loss of profit of other firms. Why doesn’t this count as “business-stealing externality”? +Trying my best to break into day trading but I cannot find good educational videos without paying thousands of dollars. I bought subscription with bear bull traders, their educational videos are like 2 hours long, no structure what so ever. + +1. I am trying to learn price actions in details, if you know any videos series or book please recommend. +2. Level 2 - books or videos would be helpful + +Brothers and sisters please share your experience, how you started into day trading, and I would like to learn from you. I sincerely thank you in advance +Hey everyone, quite new to trading. I learnt a valuable lesson straight away on my journey by investing in GME because of all the hype and lost 3/4 of my money with it. Im now learnt to do my own DD and to hold if you believe in a company. + +Im now trying to get the money I lost back but this one company I feel is going to do well and is already +200%, however if I just hold am I being greedy? It isnt a big position (13.45 shares). + +How does everyone else decide when to sell? + +Thanks +Hey, I have been trying to learn how to trade for the past 6 months but I be failing so badly at it. I how blown 4 accounts already and I think I’m about blown the 5th one. I have taken live classes and course. Does anyone know how I can learn how to trade the right way because I’m determine to learn. +Actually i am highly disciplined and playing with money that i dont need. However, my last two trade was pretty good and they just tocuhed my stop loss point and made a huge profit after kicked me out. + +i had a stop loss at 18.67. stock tocuhed 18.70 ( highest in week ) and fell to 17.60 + +&#x200B; + +3-4 days later i shorted the index at 127.075 and my stop was 127.850. It just tocuhed 127.850 ( highest was 127.850 at that day ) and fell to 124.550. + +I cant even share with other people because they probably think i am lying or creating excuses for my failure. This two really touched my nerves and i cant relax right now. +Hello, i am looking for a website or app that allows me to put trend lines and draw on it. The trading platform iam using to execute the trades does not really have those options. +TL;DR: I sold my shit, moved around the world, discovered a passion for learning languages, last week decided I would move to Czech Republic to learn Czech. I truly feel like I’m living my dream! + +[Original post here.](https://reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8f0mli/what_would_you_do_if_you_were_30_years_old_and/) + +Years ago I was sitting in my condo in California contemplating a big move of some kind (likely trying the nomad life) after growing restless for some years in my freelance job. As a summary of the previous post, I was making 200-400k, had a NW of 2.5M+ and was burnt out. A fairly familiar story I have seen here over the last few years as the posts like that tend to get pushed to the top. I only worked 6-7 months sporadically throughout the year so, looking back, I was more bored than burnt out. But with projects coming up at a moments notice, I could never sink my teeth into a community, hobby, group class etc as I would have to fly somewhere else to film. + +For those curious, my job is/was in the film industry. I direct commercials for a living. Though in the last 3-4 years I’ve only done two projects compared to maybe a dozen per year. + +So? What did I do? I sold my condo, and sold all my stuff, decided I would take a year off, told my bosses and bounced. Literally just left and went traveling. I never did it in my adult life, though I moved a ton growing up. It started with a trip to Japan with a buddy, then I kept going to Taiwan, Thailand (where I set down a base), Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao, Malaysia, Indonesia & China. + +I rented a place in Bangkok for a year and used that as a base for travel and as well I enrolled in Thai Language school 3 hours a day 5 days a week for 9 months (giving me 3 months of down time to see the above places). + +While I was in school I discovered I have a knack for learning new languages (I can now speak, read, write a very difficult language for native English speakers) and decided I want to have this same experience again many times. + +Last year, after a fun shoot in Mexico City (trying to get back to work), I got “stuck” down there while still homeless when covid hit and I decided to stay in a smaller city 3 hours outside on the recommendation of a very awesome and interesting gal I met on this very forum. It was an awesome year and an amazing place to live and actually miss it quite a lot. + +This year I was experimenting with living back in the states for a bit, but felt restless again and wanted to try out this new “passion” for learning cultures and languages now that countries started re-opening. So, last week I decided to move to Prague and today, I’m sitting at a café on Sázaská street, sipping coffee and eating breakfast as I type this. I just enrolled in another intensive language program 3 hours per day, 5 days per week for another language that will bend my mind and likely frustrate me. But I’ve found that accomplishing hard things, to the advice of someone in my original post, truly does make me happy. Wish me luck getting through this winter! + +It’s not always roses of course. Moving around all the time, you do suffer from continual community loss. Making and losing friends is hard. Goodbyes always feel the same. Never easy. But, I really did grow up this way. My dad’s job took us all around and I have learned that, while it’s hard to say bye, I have experienced immense growth every time I move. It’s almost like every time I have to start over, I learn something new about myself. Maybe, some day, the idea of settling down in one spot will sound sweeter than experiencing new lives but until then I will keep doing this. Next up are: Japan, Taiwan or Korea in no particular order. They sound like a challenge and particularly Mandarin feels like it will be useful. + +As for work, I’ve told my company I’m available for work again, and truly if the project interests me, I will take it. But, after being away so long, I sense they feel I’m not a great long term investment and I honestly can’t argue with them. I still want creativity in my life and I will find a way to foster this again when the motivation for making comes back. I’m excited for that. + +Anyway, that was already longer than I wanted it to be so I’ll end it here. I just wanted to share a positive “post-FI” story and hope it helps you make some decisions of your own. +Let's start this one off with an actual look at Kenneth C. Griffin and Citadel's situation: + +[You are correct, Kenneth. RIP Citadel.](https://preview.redd.it/fgvro6kxgod81.png?width=1960&format=png&auto=webp&s=7dcfbd305922267b67745ea1fc18421c7be8e9a4) + +So, I came across this awesome article from April of 2020 by "Courage & Conviction Investing" on Seeking Alpha, and it really drives this home. IF: + +* GME shorts were already trapped by their own positions almost 2 years ago +* And people were slowly but surely buying up GME at absurdly low prices +* And then the Jan 2021 sneeze happened, and no one sold +* And all we've done for over a year straight is buy, DRS, and hodl +* And all we're continuing to do is buy, DRS, and hodl +* Then this is one more extremely solid historical confirmation of what we already knew: +* **Not only have the shorts not closed, they were** ***already*** **in an inescapable dilemma of their own creation BEFORE the Jan 2021 sneeze ever even happened** + +# + +# THE SHORTS ARE TRAPPED RIDING A GME TIGER THAT HAS ONLY GOTTEN BIGGER + HUNGRIER, AND THEY CANNOT GET OFF WITHOUT BEING EATEN. + +&#x200B; + +Simply put, GameStop IS FUNDAMENTALLY INEVITABLE. The author ends the article with this outstanding sequence: + +&#x200B; + +*"When I synthesize the situation, I have no idea how the shorts will dismount from this tiger. There is a phrase in Bob Dylan's recently released masterpiece, Murder Most Foul:* + +>*"Greatest magic trick ever under the sun..."* + +*The world awaits the greatest magic trick. As for me, I'm long and betting on that hungry tiger."* + +&#x200B; + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣 + +&#x200B; + +**Without further ado, here's the archived article link, and the text of the article below- cheers, and NFA but DANG you should buy some of this unreal dip and DRS your shares!** + +* Archive link to article: [https://archive.today/8CO9h](https://archive.today/8CO9h) +* Full text of the article below: + +# GameStop: The Shorts Are Riding A Tiger, Not Knowing How To Get Off Without Being Eaten + +Apr. 26, 2020 6:30 PM ET**GameStop Corp. (GME)** **AMZN, TGT, WMT 193 Comments 21 Likes** + +## Summary + +* Short interest for the period ending April 15, 2020, was released on April 24th, after the bell. There were 58.84 million shares sold short. +* This marks a remarkable increase, from 55.99 million, considering the April 20th proxy vote eligibility issue. +* We learned that GameStop has $772 million of liquidity, as of April 4th. + +I have been closely following (many that know me might even say obsessively so) financial markets since high school. I'm turning 40 this fall, so we are talking over twenty years of being a Stock Market Addict (I'm paraphrasing two book titles, [Jim Cramer's Confessions of A Street Addict](https://www.amazon.com/Confessions-Street-Addict-James-Cramer/dp/0743224876/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) and [Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/reminiscences-of-a-stock-operator-edwin-lefevre/1100298425?ean=9780471770886)). By the way, I read both books in my early twenties and liked them both. + +Let me save you the suspense, today's article isn't a book review, rather it is a follow up to my popular recent article, ***(see archive article to click on removed link*** [***https://archive.today/8CO9h***](https://archive.today/8CO9h) ***or just search the article he cites here)*** *It Only Takes A Spark For A Short Squeeze Inferno*, published on April 12, 2020, here on SA. + +The origins of today's title are from the recesses of my mind, when I recalled reading about an infamous letter from Indian IT services company founder, [Byrraju Ramalinga Raju](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&q=Byrraju+Ramalinga+Raju&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3SDI3KcireMToyi3w8sc9YSmbSWtOXmM04-IKzsgvd80rySypFNLgYoOy5Lj4pJC0aTBI8XAh8XkWsYo5VRYVJWaVKgQl5ibmZOalJwJZWaUA3w5C0W8AAAA), and his former firm, Satyam Computer Services. For perspective, some equate this accounting scandal to the likes Enron, here in the U.S. + +Raju famously described carrying out his elaborate fraud as: + +>**Riding A Tiger, Not Knowing How To Get Off Without Being Eaten** + +I would argue that the GameStop (GME) shorts are presently atop that tiger, clinging on for dear life, with their mind in hyperdrive desperately trying to work out a MacGyveresque dismount. + +On Friday, April 24th, after the bell, the short interest data was reported for the period ending April 15, 2020. [Per the WSJ](https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/GME?mod=quote_search), 58.84 million shares of GameStop were sold short. To jog readers' memories, there were 55.99 million shares of GameStop sold short as of March 31, 2020 and 62.5 million shares sold short as of March 13th. + +https://preview.redd.it/ppuwoerpiod81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=46a98996a0c94ab0efdf4211b808645e12c08ae1 + +📷Source: shortsqueeze .com + +Besides the compelling valuation in concert with the widely anticipated catalyst, late November 2020 launch dates for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, I'm absolutely fascinated by this altitude sickness inducing short interest. I have an outsized interest in short squeezes, bordering on tornado chaser obsession, and I have never seen a setup this compelling. Although it is hard to argue the counterfactual, I would argue that Edwin Lefevre would be long shares of GameStop, given the unique setup. Remember, as of March 20, 2020, and per GameStop's 10-K, there were only 64,457,992 shares of GME in existence. + +Yet if we look at the data now that is available, 58.84 million shares were sold short out of an entire share count of 64.46 million shares. In other words, 91.3% of all of GME's shares were sold short. + +Now recall my last article, along with the excellent reporting by SA Contributor ***(see archive article to click on removed link*** [***https://archive.today/8CO9h***](https://archive.today/8CO9h) ***or just search his profile on SA)*** Justin Doepierala, who has carried the in-depth GameStop reporting baton, that unless moved by GME's management team, April 20, 2020 could be the record date for voting eligibility. If we look at the tale of the tape, and Michael Burry's disclosure on April 9th was probably the catalyst, GameStop trading volume crested to a year-to-date high water mark on April 14th. However, after that upwards of 66% rally ($6.47 per share as the intra-day high) from its April 9th closing price, to its April 14th intra-day high, shares of GME traded lower and on lower volume. The only real exception to the declining pattern, since April 14th, was a 15% rally on April 20th, as some shareholders might have made sure to be long shares so that they could vote in the highly contested proxy fight between Hestia/Permit Capital and GameStop's management over two coveted board seats. + +So, if we unpack everything, I'm kind of shocked that short interest actually increased for the period ending April 15th, despite the upward share price momentum, and given the fact that Dimensional (7.1 million shares), Donald Foss (3.5 million), Michael Burry (3.4 million shares), and Must Asset Management (3.3 million shares) would have logically requested their shares be returned from securities lending programs. Please note, I did catch up with Justin, over the phone, and he politely noted that his fund is long roughly 500,000 shares, not the 350,000 shares I cited in my last piece (sorry for the oversight, Justin). + +By the way, I'm already assuming that Permit/Hestia has recalled their shares from loan, simply because they wouldn't go to the trouble and expense of waging a proxy war and then somehow forget to call in their shares from loan, so as to be ineligible to vote. Therefore, we can safely assume that Permit/Hestia ([long 4.668 million shares of its April 24, 2020 proxy filing](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000092189520001185/defc14a12166002_04242020.htm)) shares aren't out on loan. This then only leaves 59.912 million shares in existence that could be shorted. And lo and behold, as of April 15, 2020, 58.84 million out of 59.912 million (98.2%) were sold short. + +https://preview.redd.it/ruwnuwzuiod81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=01c3a86bcbcddb74c55d88a411e19747194b3ab3 + +📷Source: Yahoo Finance + +So, if we put this all together, I can't for the life of me work out how and why, collectively, this group of hedge funds is riding this tiger. Moreover, I have no idea whatsoever, how they will dismount without getting eaten. I'm not even sure under the coaching of Isaac Van Amburgh that they could pull this off. + +## Fundamental update + +From a fundamental standpoint, [GameStop provided an update](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638020000037/gme-20200421.htm) on April 21, 2020. + +Most importantly, they noted total liquidity of $772 million, as of April 4th. + +>"As of April 4, 2020, the Company had approximately $772 million in total cash and liquidity (approximately $706 million in cash and $66 million in availability on its revolver). The Company continues to expect it has sufficient liquidity and financial flexibility to navigate the current environment." + +Recall that when GameStop published its 10-K, on March 27, 2020, they reported $769.7 million of liquidity. + +>"Our principal sources of liquidity are cash from operations, cash on hand and our revolving credit facility. As of February 1, 2020, we had total cash on hand of $499.4 million and an additional $270.3 million of available borrowing capacity under our $420 million revolving credit facility, which was undrawn as of February 1, 2020." + +So despite Walmart (WMT), Target (TGT), and Amazon (AMZN) being able to be remain fully open, when the vast majority of speciality retail, and retail in general, are forced to be closed due to government COVID-19 mandates, GameStop isn't burning cash at the alarming rate hoped for by the hardcore shorts. + +Also, on April 21, 2020, we learned that shelter in place mandates tend to drive more people to play video games. Was this really not intuitive? + +[Hmmm... How are those fundamentals doing these days in 2022? ;\)](https://preview.redd.it/ievliekwiod81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=c61cc9ee84fe340190512afeac0a5df11e539949) + +📷Source: Seeking Alpha + +## Conclusion + +As of April 15th, there were 58.84 million shares of GameStop sold short. Excluding Hestia/Permit's 4.668 million shares, as there is no way they would have forgotten to call back their shares from loan and be ineligible to vote, 98.2% of GameStop shares were sold short. Given the price action, from April 16th to April 20th, as well as relatively lower trading volume, considering the circumstances, how many shares were actually called back and are actually eligible to vote in the proxy? + +I find it highly unlikely, if not impossible that Dimensional (7.1 million shares), Donald Foss (3.5 million), Michael Burry (3.4 million shares), and Must Asset Management (3.3 million shares), collectively controlling 17.3 million shares, as of the most recently available reporting data, didn't ask their prime brokers to have their shares recalled from loan. + +Therefore, I'm shocked that as of April 15, 2020, the reported short interest wasn't in the mid to high 40 million share range. + +Now the other nuance, and Justin pointed this out, is that GameStop's management can slightly move the goalposts by slightly delaying the annual meeting date and subsequent record date for voting eligibility. We will only know when GameStop's management officially announces it. + +But even then, would Dimensional, Foss, Burry, and Must Asset play Russian roulette trying to guess that GameStop's management would extend the voting date and therefore didn't want to forgo earnings an extra week of annualized interest north of 100% to lend their shares? + +Enclosed below, you can see that last week, the daily cost to borrow GameStop short hit a high water mark of 140%. It was 97.6% as of Friday's close, and only 10,000 shares could be located for borrow. + +https://preview.redd.it/a3bdq644jod81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3635519f2c0be7e3475d1ac704626cfa720a65aa + +📷 [Source: Interactive Brokers](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/gme) + +This coming Friday is May 1st. The shelter in play mandate will most likely be in place for May and maybe even for June. I live in Massachusetts and school has been canceled for rest of the year, and daycares are mandated closed until June 29th. + +We saw that March 2020 was the best month for video games in twelve years and we learned from GameStop's April 21st update that sales are holding up nicely despite being limited to curbside pick up and only online sales channels. As of April 4, 2020, the company had $772 million of liquidity. + +Given GameStop's strong liquidity, I would hope that they are buying every single 6.75% 3/15/2021 (cusip:36467WAB5) bond that anyone is willing to sell them at $0.80 on the dollar or less. If GameStop was able to retire $50 million (face value) of bonds at $0.80 on the dollar that would save $10 million as well as the 6.75% interest expense. That is very accretive to a company that only has a market capitalization of $308 million (as of April 24th). + +https://preview.redd.it/eili0ny5jod81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46c752e03fa44de7feb7fd4c7d87c5a88f3d7ce + +📷Source: Fidelity + +When I synthesize the situation, I have no idea how the shorts will dismount from this tiger. There is a phrase in Bob Dylan's recently released masterpiece, Murder Most Foul: + +>"Greatest magic trick ever under the sun..." + +The world awaits the greatest magic trick. As for me, I'm long and betting on that hungry tiger. + +🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +&#x200B; + +***EDIT:*** + +* *IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, GO CHECK OUT* u/Freadom6\*'s POST EXPLORING ALL THE HIGHLY SHORTED STOCKS FROM 2020/2021:\* [***https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q1w5z8/the\_short\_game\_exposed\_exploring\_leverage\_in\_75/***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q1w5z8/the_short_game_exposed_exploring_leverage_in_75/) ***---*** *Freadom6 also let me know* *you can Google "heavily shorted stocks October 2020 seeking alpha" to find the other article discussing GME and the heavily shorted stocks ;)* + +* 🟣 *ALSO, DRS YOUR SHARES UNTIL YOUR FINGERS BLEED* 🟣*:* [***https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +ORTEX "glitches" and short interest exploding is the hot new thing, but we've already seen this happen before run-ups and it did not lead to MOASS. Right now, most shareholders have still not received their splividend from July and the DTCC may have committed international securities fraud, but I haven't seen anything about this very crucial issue on this sub in weeks. What's going on? +I mentioned I had a friend who invests at Interactive Brokers and mentioned my account balances at Vanguard and other competitors. + +After a process where they submitted my requested rate, they were able to give me a 2.5% margin rate which is substantially better than the advertised rates. +I think the news from towel last night regarding the liquidity for towel company is going to cause a run up. Last time towel ran, GME jumped. + +On 5th Aug, Towel stock started its run from about $8 to $12. This was followed by GME running from $39 to $45 on the 8th Aug. + +On the 16th Aug, towel stock started to run about $16 to $28. On the same day GME ran from $39 to $42. + +With the towel 'rumour' released as soon as market closed last night and premarket action (up 15% at time of writing) we might expect a run with GME in the next 1-2 days. It looks like they have prepared to control that run with the 2.9mil shares borrowed yesterday- it seems like the pattern has occurred twice already and therefore maybe about to occur again. + +It could be that we expect some volatility in the next days- happy times. This is also lining up with OPEX.Oh and btw Dez nutz. + +EDIT 1. This post was instantly down voted. +EDIT 2. 2.9mil is a lot of shares- would be 700,000 pre split. It could be that towel is gonna go fucking parabolic and so they gonna need a big cannon to control gme. I guess that the higher one rips that more they need to pressure the other lower- or vice versa. + +https://preview.redd.it/8tg2peypimj91.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357d7ed3f7102e446b68a89d48e8805ccebd4695 +TL;DR: Cannot get a housing loan, have a lot of savings, want to invest but am scared of a bubble. Any thoughts, am I too scared? + +My situation is this: +- 90000 euros in savings, currently all cash because I recently sold a bunch of bitcoin (paid cap taxes on it) +- post-tax income around 3300 euros +- renting for 650 euros per month +- total costs around 1300 euros + +I wanted to buy an apartment to save on rent and protect against inflation, but I cannot get a loan for at least a year and a half because I work in a company opened this year. + +Naturally, I am thinking I should invest because I feel sick when I look at current inflation (official, and worse - anecdotal, due to housing rising by 50% in a few years). S&P almost doubled from the short dip when covid started, and I am a bit scared that if I invest my savings I might be faced with waiting 5-10 years to recover from a crash - all the while having to continue to rent. +When you're selling options for the premiums, why does anyone go further out than a week, since the premiums go up only as the sqrt of DTE. + +In general selling 4 weeklies will bring in 2X as much as selling one monthly. And fees are insignificant. +We are looking in to Thatcher School for our 2 social and independence loving children. We are moving to Ojai so Thatcher is our top choice. At MOST we would want to be a helicopter ride away but driving distance is much preferred. + +For those who have gone or sent their kids to boarding school: + +what did a typical year look like? + +Do you feel you got enough interaction with your children/parents despite living away during the semester? + +How often did they/you visit home on the weekends? + +Were there ever times your child/you chose to stay at school on weekends/breaks? + +Did you/your child feel like they were well taken care of and comfortable during their time there? + +What boarding schools would you recommend and which would you avoid? + +Any other things we should know or questions we should be asking? +Facebook claims 200 million people use Instagram Stories every day + +That places it ahead of Snapchat, which reported 161 million DAUs ahead of its February IPO + + +Instagram Stories launched last August +http://www.cnbc.com/2017/04/13/facebook-instagram-stories-more-popular-than-snapchat.html +I had 35 Bitcoin spread across 18 wallets and the coins have been sitting idle for months. Sometime last night, all 35 coins were moved to two addresses: + +1cvvnsUpaAvatvfDKgixRYvSdGLDfA4CA +and +18rmY7jHdk4mrdMN46ERbFXm8YvM6ZDFo3 + +I'm still in shock basically as to how I let this happen, as I had thought that having my coins spread across 18 wallets with 18 different private keys was going to work. I'm confident that neither my PC or my offline backups were compromised. I'll update here if I can somehow figure out what happened, still very crushed that 95% of my bitcoin holdings are now gone and moved to an address that isn't in my control. + +Edit: I was an idiot and assumed that the "random" button on brainwallet.org was truly random, but it clearly is not. My coins were taken by someone who is clearly smarter than myself and this is completely my fault by creating Bitcoin addresses on a website that I assumed was safe. There's a $20k life lesson that I'll never forget, that's for sure. +Also, to elaborate, I did not use the passphrase functionality on brainwallet.org, I used the random button to create the addresses. + +Final Edit: My coins have been returned to me!!!! PSA to anyone planning on using the random function on brainwallet.org. DONT DO IT! It is not secure. I am one lucky dumbass! +SHF are trying to look like this price movement is the beggining we all been waiting for, but it's not, do not fall for it. They are trying to make you buy calls which are going to expire worthless. Buy the stock and hodl. They control the price, they manipulate it up or down. But we own the float! + +Not a financial advice! +I know I see a complaint that people who make under 100k can't achieve FI, so I thought I would provide our numbers. + +Income: +My income: 4,000 +Spouse: 3,640 +VA Disability: 140 +Bank Interest: 30 +401(k) match: 50 +Total gross income: 7,860 +Income, SS, & Medicare taxes: 657 +**Monthly Net income: 7,203** + +Savings: +HSA: 318 +457(b): 1,583 +401(k)s plus match: 1,372 +Mortgage principal: 438 +**Total monthly savings: 3,711** + +**Savings rate: 51.5%** + +I know there is debate on whether or not mortgage principal should be included, but since the house appreciates, and the money can be pulled out in the future, we have chosen to include it. + +We are pushing close to a 100k income, but are currently a few thousand short of that. I am an accountant for the state government, and my wife is a teacher. Our income is split fairly evenly. However, now that I've completed the CPA exam, I will start looking for something that has better pay and is closer to home. Having a dual income and being able to rely on family for very cheap childcare has been very beneficial to us. + +We live in a wealthy county in middle TN, which I would qualify as being on the higher end of MCOL. Our house was $325k and is in a suburb of Nashville, which is just above median price in our county. Our sizable mortgage payment has certainly set us back a few years on the path to FI, but the house makes my wife happy. Sometimes, you have to make compromises. + +We don't live deprived lives by any means. We are season ticket holders for the local professional hockey team (go Preds), and we take a couple nice beach vacations per year (substituting one to go to 2020 NHL Winter Classic). We also enjoy hobbies such as weekly board game meetups, playing our Wii U, neighborhood socials, taking our newborn and spoiled dogs for walks, and watching Netflix (it turns out watching reruns of the Office never gets old). I think what is most important is figuring out what matters to you and finding ways to do more of that. In our case, very little of what matters most is expensive. At the very least, we can find ways to make what we love less expensive. For example, we sell tickets to weekday hockey games to recoup most of the cost of season tickets, and we use travel rewards to never pay for plane tickets. +**Edit:** Marked as Discussion for now. Let me know if flair needs to be updated. Also will try to update with more info on the filings including CIK details so everyone can find the filings. Added images in the body of the post in case you guys couldn't see the various examples from the Imgur link. + +I came across the following on the sec.gov site and would appreciate any insight, education or ELI5 explanations so we can all learn together. I think I’m best at research or finding things. I’m learning so I have lots of questions and I’m not always sure how relevant information may be. **Please note: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advise.** + +How can you tell a company is being liquidated for a margin call vs. for another reason? See photos for reference of upcoming liquidations (includes Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan funds). + +How important is a company “restructuring” or “reorganization”? Can someone help explain this (especially in relation to companies we know have Shorted GME)? I’ve come across some filings along these lines. Investopedia says: “There are numerous reasons why companies might restructure, including deteriorating financial fundamentals, poor earnings performance, lackluster revenue from sales, excessive debt, and the company is no longer competitive, or too much competition exists in the industry.” Would it be helpful to share this info? + +Any tips of other things to look for to try to spot a company under financial “duress”? + +&#x200B; + +Image Source: [https://imgur.com/gallery/jOMYThR](https://imgur.com/gallery/jOMYThR) + +&#x200B; + +[2. JPMorgan International Advantage Fund](https://preview.redd.it/bsf2hajw2yv61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=c090a642df938a455bd8e603d1e6cc70cd7f9cfe) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[3. Absolut Shares Trust](https://preview.redd.it/it3tksk13yv61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=39192ca3cee7cfbc91510248057d67e82889108d) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[4. Russell Investment Company](https://preview.redd.it/blzrd7w63yv61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=e75f814d645d37d0209a4851ba07de65d534fbb6) +I have asked a few of my friends regarding the shared ownership scheme and they only say that "it's not worth the money" without a proper explanation or math for me. As I'm not British, this scheme is new for me. Can you please explain why it would not be beneficial for me to look for one? The one that I brought up had these figures: + +&#x200B; + +full market value: 400k + +share available: 25%, 100k + +monthly rent: \~750£ + +monthly service fee: 90£ + +&#x200B; + +Thank you + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I'd have 50% deposit in cash, I'd be looking to share with someone (someone possibly renting from me? Would this be even feasible?) +I am looking at a Triplex listed at $400,000, 4000 square feet, 3 units, each 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, and each unit has a detached garage space. Condition of the triplex is good, with a newer roof, hardwood floors, etc. + +Rent is currently $1000 a month for the first unit, $800 for the second. Third is vacant. I have pre approval for an FHA loan at 5.375%, which will lead to about a $2200 mortgage + 160 insurance + 430 taxes + 272 mortgage insurance. I have an $18,000 down payment. + +I think rents can be raised over time to get to market value, but as I plan to live in the 3rd unit I don't really want to anger the other tenants. + +I love love love the property, and want to be an investor. Is this a good or a bad opportunity? +It's my first time working at a company that provided me with a 401k so I am a bit nervous and confused about how it works. I am contributing to a "Roth Basic" and a "Pre-tax basic" through my employer and I was wondering if that is the same thing as my Roth IRA? I already have a Roth IRA set up for a little over a year now so I wanted to know if I am able to contribute to both with out them overlapping? +Note: this post has been expanded from the 5 companies in the title to 11 companies also including Snowflake, Airbnb, Qualtrics, Affirm, Deliveroo and Opendoor. There are a number of other suggestions in the comments of similarly ill-fated IPOs which I could not add for brevity's sake. + +11 of the biggest COVID tech IPOs in 7 different categories (cloud, crypto, gig economy, app economy, e-commerce, fintech, and real estate), all crashed following stellar public offerings. Prices rounded to the nearest digit. + +* SNOW went down from $430 ATH in Dec to 314 in Feb to 232 on Apr 30 and 185 today. +* COIN sunk from ATH of 429 to 250 after narrowly missing earnings expectations today. At one point on the day of its IPO, retail traders were lapping up COIN for as much as $**429**. I will note though that BTC crashed yday for those unaware. As if ARKK bagholders weren't hurting enough! +* DASH crashed from ATH of $256 in late Feb to $110 yday before reporting a bigger-than-expected loss today. They're up 8% in after-hours. +* BMBL halved from $85 ATH to $39 after beating expectations yday. +* WISH crashed from ATH of 33 to 8 after earnings yday. +* CPNG is down from ATH of 69 to 31 after reporting a higher than expected adjusted loss yday. +* Qualtrics (XM) crashed from ATH of $57 to 29 today. +* SPAC merger OPEN crashed from $39 in Feb to its all-time low of 11 today after Tuesday earnings. +* ABNB crashed from $220 on Apr 28 to $133 after-hours today, down from its ATH of $217 on Feb 11 and up from its ATL of $125. The company announced today that their net loss tripled. +* AFRM is down from ATH of $147 in Feb to 47 today. +* Deliveroo (LON: ROO) crashed from ATH of £3.9 on IPO day to £2.3 on Apr 26 and trades at £2.4 today. + +The one newly public tech company that seems to have weathered the storm is Roblox, which reported great earnings on Monday. + +But it's not just tech companies that IPOd in 2020-2021. Hot 2019 IPOs Lyft, Uber, Pinterest, and Snap - which - except for Lyft, all reached their ATHs during COVID - saw significant gains during the pandemic, have also crashed since the end of April. + +* LYFT tanked from $63 on Apr 28 to 46 today. Previously, Lyft dipped below $23 (ATH is close to $80) three times during COVID, most recently in Oct. +* In the same time period, UBER crashed from $58 to $44. +* PINS is down from 78 to 55 since Apr 27. +* SNAP dipped below $50 from 70 from Feb 23 to Mar 29 and is trading at 50 again today. + +These companies aren't just sliding in after-hours or on the day after reporting earnings, we're looking at a prolonged downward trend over weeks either preceding or following earnings. +**Edit: I fucked up and missed a decimal place regarding XLM. That has been corrected.** Thanks, /u/TRossW18. Good catch! That changed things significantly. In thanks, $10 is going to the charity of your choice. + +[That post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oq1p0b/coinmarketcap_on_july_23_2017_if_youve_never/) got me to thinking just how many coins completely tanked, so I decided to jump in headfirst and do some research. I apologize in advance for my formatting; I haven't actually tried to type out a legitimately formatted post on reddit in a long time. + +First, I am going to show a table of all 100 coins, broken down into sections. The first section will be the Top 10 coins from 4 years ago. Included will be their ticker (their new ticker will be in parentheses, if applicable); the price on July 23, 2017; the current price (the date they ceased to exist in parentheses, if applicable); the percent increase/decrease over the past 4 years; and the ATH price (and date); the percent increase from the snapshot date to ATH (if the ATH was prior to July 23, 2017, it will show a decrease). I will talk about each section a bit before moving on to the next section and, after all the coins are posted, I'll provide some overview and some interesting tidbits. + +Note: The Current Price is as of sometime yesterday, as I did my initial research throughout the day. Also, dates are in MMDDYY format. *=Current Top 100, as of the time of my research. Some coins are borderline and may have moved into or out of the current 100 as of this posting. + +2016 Rank|Coin|07/2017 Price|Current Price|% Change|ATH (Date)|% Change +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +1|BTC*|2763.14|32536|+1177.56|64863 (04/12/21)|+2345.56 +2|ETH*|226.71|2075|+915.27|4362 (05/10/21)|+1924.04 +3|XRP*|0.1948|0.60|+308.01|3.84 (01/04/18)|+1971.25 +4|LTC*|44.36|120.62|+271.91|412.96 (05/08/21)|+930.93 +5|XEM*|0.1731|0.1426|-17.62|2.09 (01/04/2018)|+1207.39 +6|ETC*|15.89|45.24|+284.71|176.16 (05/05/21)|+1108.62 +7|DASH*|189.78|142.28|-25.03|1642.22 (12/19/17)|+865.33 +8|MIOTA*|0.2709|0.675|+249.17|4.58 (01/07/18)|+1690.66 +9|XMR*|43.21|200.78|+464.66|517.62 (05/07/21)|+1197.92 +10|STRAT|6.32|1.43|-77.37|22.66 (01/08/18)|+358.54 + +Below is a table with some stats from the Top 10 from 4 years ago (for monetary stats, I assume a $100 investment across the board, for a total of $10,000 invested). The stats included are: Total Profit (including initial investment); Profit per coin (in this case, the Total Profit/10); how many total coins turned a profit; how many coins went to zero; How many coins went at least 2x; how many coins went at least 4x; how many coins are still in the Top 100 today; which coin had the largest percent increase. + +Total Profit|$/Coin|# Profitable Coins|Zero|2x+|4x+|Current Top 100|Biggest Increase +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +$3851.27|$385.12|7|0|7|3|9|BTC + +Out of this group, obviously BTC performed the best, although ETH is right on its heels. Most of the coins here have had solid run-ups overall. Half of them had their ATH reached in 2021 and, assuming the upward trend eventually picks back up and new ATHs are reached, they will likely have a different ATH in the future. + +XRP especially went bananas in early 2018 and, even though it ~~is~~ was centralized, it was one of /r/cryptocurrency's most shilled coins during that holiday period. Out of these 10 coins, only STRAT is unlikely to ever reach it's July 23, 2017 price point in the future. + +The next grouping will be coins 11-25 from 4 years ago. They had robust market caps, especially for the time, all ranging between $250M-$450M. It is really interesting to see the wild swings in this group, as this is where the gambles really start to take place. It is also where we see our first Zero Coin (coin that drops to nothing). I'm sure some of y'all might be able to guess what it is. + +2016 Rank|Coin|07/2017 Price|Current Price|% Change|ATH (Date)|% Change +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +11|EOS*|1.91|3.55|+185.86|22.89 (04/29/18)|+1198.43 +12|BTS|0.1737|0.0375|-78.41|0.9168 (01/02/18)|+527.81 +13|VERI|224.34|16.24|-92.76|506.33 (01/10/18)|+225.70 +14|ANS (NEO)*|8.58|28.82|+335.90|196.85 (01/15/18)|+2224.29 +15|BCC|64.00|0 (08/10/18)|-100.00|479.30 (12/28/17)|+748.91 +16|ZEC|214.71|96.79|-54.92|5941.80 (10/29/17)|+2767.36 +17|STEEM|1.62|0.3715|-77.07|8.57 (01/03/18)|+529.01 +18|WAVES*|3.68|14.27|+387.77|41.33 (05/04/21)|+1123.10 +19|QTUM*|6.92|5.69|-17.77|106.88 (01/07/18)|+1544.51 +20|USDT*|1.00|1.00|0.00|1.00 (STABLE)|0.00 +21|ICN|3.06|0 (07/20/19)|-100.00|5.65 (01/09/18)|+184.64 +22|SNT|0.0869|0.065|-25.26|0.6759 (01/04/18)|+777.16 +23|SC*|0.0104|0.0107|+2.88|0.1117 (01/06/18)|+1074.03 +24|BCN|0.0156|.00031|-99.81|0.0178 (01/06/18)|+14.1 +25|GNT (GLM)|0.3079|.308|+0.03|1.25 (01/08/18)|+405.98 + +Here are the totals for this group of 15: + +Total Profit|$/Coin|# Profitable Coins|Zero|2x+|4x+|Current Top 100|Biggest Increase +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +$1466.44|$97.76|5|2, almost 3|2|0|6|WAVES + +Looking at the coins in this group, I was expecting NEO to have the most profit over time. Seeing WAVES slightly higher was surprising. What wasn't surprising was seeing Bitconnect (BCC) be the first Zero Coin Casualty. As an aside, if you had bought BCC on 07/23/17 and sold the day after Carlos Matos yelled his WASO WASO WASO WASO BITCONNNNNEEEEECCCCCTTTT!!!!! meme, you would have gotten out shortly before it reached an ATH and would have gotten about 5.5x return on your investment. That meme was the moment everyone with a brain realized that BCC was a complete scam and the writing was on the wall for a huge dump forthcoming. + +This group did pretty well, even with the BCC, ICN and BCN duds, but this is where the huge swings can be seen for the first time, with the exception of Tether, the one and only stablecoin in the Top 100 from 4 years ago. An abnormality in this group is EOS with its ATH date of April 2018, a good 3 months after the crash started. Intriguing. Next up are the remainder of the Top 50 from 4 years ago, including the biggest gainer of all (I'm sure you all know what it is already). + +2016 Rank|Coin|07/2017 Price|Current Price|% Change|ATH (Date)|% Change +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +26|GNO|228.81|185.25|-19.04|461.17 (01/05/18)|+201.55 +27|XLM*|0.02217|0.2571|+1159.67|0.9381 (01/04/18)|+4231.39 +28|REP|21.21|16.12|-24.01|123.24 (01/11/18)|+581.05 +29|LSK|2.11|2.29|+8.53|39.31 (01/07/18)|+1863.03 +30|DOGE*|0.002|0.1908|+9540.00|0.7376 (05/16/21)|+36880!!! +31|FCT|23.19|1.28|-94.48|89.16 (01/07/18)|+384.48 +32|GBYTE|532.81|20.83|-96.09|1195.99 (01/03/18)|+224.68 +33|MAID|0.3839|0.5453|+42.04|1.38 (04/12/21)|+359.47 +34|DGB*|0.0195|0.0368|+88.72|0.1825 (05/01/21)|+935.89 +35|GAME|2.51|0.1012|-95.97|6.90 (01/09/18)|+274.90 +36|DCR*|28.13|114.37|+406.58|250.02 (04/17/21)|+888.81 +37|ARDR|0.1493|0.1354|-9.31|2.55 (01/16/18)|+1707.97 +38|NXT|0.135|0.0112|-91.70|2.16 (12/23/17)|+1600 +39|KMD|1.26|0.63|-50.00|15.41 (12/21/17)|+1223.02 +40|BAT*|0.1264|0.51|+403.48|1.65 (04/09/21)|+1305.38 +41|PIVX|2.27|0.50|-78.02|14.25 (01/11/18)|+627.75 +42|DGD|57.41|390.26|+679.78|843.73 (05/12/21)|+1469.66 +43|OMG|1.16|3.48|+300.00|28.35 (01/08/18)|+2443.97 +44|MCAP|2.46|0 (04/15/19)|-100.00|7.62 (06/05/17)|-67.71 +45|PPT|2.62|1.59|-39.31|76.49 (01/28/18)|+2919.46 +46|BDL|0.3084|0 (10/04/19)|-100.00|0.629 (09/19/17)|+203.96 +47|PAY|0.8748|0.047|-94.63|86.26 (07/06/17)|-98.98 +48|BNT|2.19|2.83|+29.22|23.73 (06/20/17)|-90.77 +49|SNGLS|0.147|0.007|-95.24|0.4756 (01/04/18)|+323.54 +50|MTL|4.11|1.51|-63.26|14.82 (09/07/17)|+360.58 + +Here are the totals for this group of 25: + +Total Profit|$/Coin|# Profitable Coins|Zero|2x+|4x+|Current Top 100|Biggest Increase +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +$13,498.67|$498.17|10|2|5|4|5|DOGE (obviously) + +One of the most eye-opening stats here is that there were only 2 Zero Coins in the entire group. That equals the number of Zero Coins from the 11-25 group, with 10 extra coins in this grouping. If you were to pick a coin at random from this group on this date in 2017, you would have a 92% chance of choosing a coin that still exists today. That's pretty impressive. + +Two obvious PNDs exist in this group (PAY and BNT), who both had their ATH prior to the date and both were over 90% off their ATH, reached within 4 weeks of the listing. BNT dropped from its ATH of 23.73 down to 2.15 in a matter of 6 days, while PAY dropped from 86.26 to 1.05 in 24 HOURS. That crash is almost as impressive as TITAN's. + +DOGE obviously carried this group with its 9540% increase. Hypothetically, if you were to invest $100 in each of the 100 coins in this list and all of them crashed to 0 except DOGE, which maintained its trajectory, you would have only lost $460 total out of your $10,000. If you were to cash out DOGE at its ATH, that $100 investment alone would have netted you $36,880. XLM also had much, much better gains than I initially calculated. Very impressive, as well. + +Also, I was confused by DGD because it increased by 6.8x but is still only 481st in market cap today. DigixDAO is a unique crypto that is directly tied to gold whereby 1 DGD=1 gram of gold. Supposedly. I'd be interested to hear more about it in the comments if any of you have any working knowledge on how it works, since the price swings look similar to most other crypto. + +The next group is the remaining 50 coins. The real gambles. 38 of the remaining 50 at the time had a market cap of <$50M, with one of them being in the Top 50 for only one day, which happened to be the day of the snapshot. Here are the next 50: + +2016 Rank|Coin|07/2017 Price|Current Price|% Change|ATH (Date)|% Change +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +51|1ST (DAWN)|0.9517|2.67|+280.55|10.50 (04/27/21)|+1103.29 +52|ANT|2.22|3.24|+45.95|14.79 (04/04/21)|+666.22 +53|BTCD|56.45|0 (10/04/18)|-100.00|378.30 (01/05/18)|+670.15 +54|MGO|0.9803|0.018|-98.16|4.41 (06/11/17 - ICO date)|-77.78 +55|SYS|0.1369|0.1151|-15.92|0.9815 (01/14/18)|+715.95 +56|LKK|0.254|0.0079|-96.89|0.4208 (06/17/17)|-39.64 +57|CVC|0.1809|0.2041|+12.82|1.66 (12/25/17)|+917.63 +58|ARK|0.6326|0.8839|+39.72|10.91 (01/09/18)|+1724.63 +59|DCT|1.10|0.0055|-99.50|19.19 (06/14/17)|-94.27 +60|UBQ|1.42|0.1875|-86.79|7.21 (01/03/18)|+507.75 +61|PART|6.81|1.35|-80.18|52.40 (01/14/18)|+769.46 +62|COE|1151.71|0 (09/28/17)|-100.00|1406.50 (07/23/17 - same day)|--- +63|FUN|0.0125|0.0145|+16.00|0.1964 (01/08/18)|+1571.20 +64|PPC|1.97|0.7791|-60.45|9.92 (01/13/18)|+503.55 +65|LEO|0.521|2.75|+527.83|3.92 (05/11/21)|+752.40 +66|XVG|0.0033|0.0178|+539.39|0.30 (12/23/17)|+9090.91 +67|EMC|1.08|0.0421|-96.10|10.53 (01/14/18)|+975.00 +68|EDG|0.5294|0.0032|-99.39|2.98 (01/02/18)|+562.91 +69|NMR|35.31|30.91|-12.46|96.14 (04/17/21)|+272.27 +70|NXS|0.8407|0.412|-50.99|15.86 (01/06/18)|+1886.52 +71|XAS|0.5702|0.0079|-98.61|1.89 (12/21/17)|+331.46 +72|ROUND|0.0478|0 (03/15/21)|-100.00|0.25 (05/15/17)|-80.88 +73|RDD|0.0014|0.0016|+14.29|0.0324 (01/07/18)|+2314.29 +74|WINGS|0.4343|0.0352|-91.90|2.58 (01/07/18)|+594.06 +75|LBC|0.5388|0.0245|-95.45|2.50 (07/12/16)|-78.45 +76|BLOCK|8.96|0.9638|-89.24|57.24 (01/06/18)|+638.84 +77|RLC|0.4346|2.32|+533.82|16.26 (05/09/21)|+3741.37 +78|PPY|9.08|0 (06/13/21)|-100.00|21.64 (01/05/18)|+238.33 +79|STORJ|0.4769|0.7604|+59.45|3.91 (03/28/21)|+819.88 +80|DICE|4.58|0.9771|-78.67|10.23 (08/12/17)|+223.36 +81|NMC|2.14|1.14|-46.73|14.02 (11/29/13)|-84.74 +82|MLN|51.80|69.95|+35.04|270.05 (01/04/18)|+521.33 +83|MONA|0.5852|1.23|+210.18|20.23 (12/06/17)|+3456.94 +84|XCP|11.76|3.74|-68.20|103.20 (01/11/18)|+877.55 +85|HMQ|0.1825|0.0077|-95.78|1.06 (12/15/17)|+580.82 +86|FAIR|0.5567|0.0329|-94.09|1.57 (01/15/18)|+282.02 +87|XAUR|0.2317|0.0174|-92.49|1534.46 (08/16/16)|-99.98 +88|QRL|0.5656|0.1854|-67.22|4.17 (01/16/18)|+737.27 +89|NLG|0.082|0.0158|-80.73|0.4991 (01/12/18)|+608.66 +90|VSL|0.846|0.01|-98.82|1.27 (08/12/17)|+50.12 +91|BAY|0.0277|0 (07/31/20)|-100.00|0.40 (06/11/20)|+1444.04 +92|SIB|1.81|0.0233|-98.71|6.08 (12/17/17)|+335.91 +93|VIA|1.16|0.3896|-66.41|7.84 (01/09/18)|+675.86 +94|AMP (Synero)|0.311|0.504|+62.06|0.99 (01/10/18)|+318.33 +95|CLOAK|4.89|0.2477|-94.93|35.99 (12/29/17)|+736.00 +96|OMNI|42.99|4.20|-90.23|1156.14 (11/30/13)|-96.28 +97|POT|0.1065|0.0128|-87.98|0.4616 (12/3/17)|+433.43 +98|SKY|3.95|0.8341|-78.88|53.83 (12/30/17)|+1362.78 +99|BLK|0.301|0.0425|-85.88|1.31 (01/07/18)|+435.21 +100|SOAR|0.0344|0 (09/16/19)|-100.00|0.0616 (06/28/17)|-44.16 + +Here are the totals for the bottom 50: + +Total Profit|$/Coin|# Profitable Coins|Zero|2x+|4x+|Current Top 100|Biggest Increase +:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| +$3779.42|$75.59|13|6, with 5 others >98% loss|5|3|0|XVG + +I found it a bit odd that none of the Top 100 from 4 years ago are currently in the Top 100 now (even though a few are close). There also wasn't nearly as much capitulation as I thought there would be. There are 5 Zero Coins in this group, which is more than the other groups combined (comparing Top 50 to Bottom 50, it was actually close, though). There are a lot of coins with 75% losses, and many that are on the verge of dying completely. + +The most fascinating coin to me in this group, and maybe out of the entire research, is COE. It just so happened that this coin debuted on 07/23/17 and was actually off its ATH (or hadn't reached it yet) at the time the Wayback Machine performed its timestamp. That coin hit 1400 during the same day, a few days later was trading under 50 and within 3 months was completely dead. There were other obvious PND's to stay away from in this group. DCT dropped from 19.19 to 3.02 over 4 days just a month prior. MCO had its ICO date 6 weeks prior and was already 77.78% in the red. + +OMNI, while not an obvious PND, was way off it's ATH, which was in late 2013 at 1150. By July 2017, it was trading at 42.99. Now, it's at $4.20. That reminds me of a current coin that is in the Top 25 right now that had a much higher valuation than it currently does *cough cough ICP cough*. It'll be interesting to see where that coin stands in 4 years, if it does at all. + +Over 60% of coins in this list had their ATH occur between December 2017 and January 2018. EOS is an anomaly in the fact that it is the only coin to have its ATH in 2018 but not in January. There are 18 coins who had their ATH in 2021 and, assuming the crypto market recovers to reach new ATH's, they are poised to potentially also have new ATH's in the future. The 18 coins are: + +BTC, ETH, LTC, ETC, XMR, WAVES, DOGE, MAID, DGB, DCR, BAT, DGD, DAWN, ANT, LEO, NMR, RLC and STORJ. + +Finally, out of the 100 coins: + +35% turned a profit over 4 years. + +12% lost between 75-90% in value. 23% lost between 90-99.98% in value. 10% became casualties and are Zero Coins. + +If you threw a dart at the board, you'd have roughly a 1 in 3 shot of making a profit and a 1 in 5 shot of doubling your money. + +The chances were greater if you saw obvious PND's and either avoided them or invested but got out in time. The easiest one to predict was BCC. Personally, I was invested in BCC and got out within 15 minutes of seeing their promo video in Singapore, headlined by Carlos Matos. That shit was laughable and it was time to nope the fuck out of there. + +I hope you enjoyed seeing some of these numbers. Personally, it was fun to look into some coins that I haven't thought about in years and to research some that I'd never heard of before. It will be interesting to visit today's Top 100 in 4 years to see which ones have survived and which ones will either be struggling or will be non-existent. Questions and comments are welcome. It's late here (2:30 am), but if I don't get to your question tonight, I'll be sure to look into it tomorrow! + +Edit: I forgot to post the total. $100/coin invested makes the total investment $10,000. The total today would be $22,595.80. Over 40% of that is DOGE. The Top 5 Gainers (DOGE, BTC, XLM, ETH, XVG) would account for $13,331.89 of that total, or 60%. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +You are now confirming the picture MSM has painted of us as a bunch of conspiracy theory lunatics. The sub is SPAMMED with posts and memes about a fire that has no proven link to our beloved stonk, and actually good content about GameStop’s new NFT marketplace is drowning. + +Let the fire investigators do their job. If this has any connection to the DOJ investigation, don’t you think DOJ will get to the bottom of this? + +Downvote warehouse fire, upvote purple circles and actual good content worthy of this sub! + +Make Superstonk Great Again! +Hello, + +So basically my friend wants to transfer £30k to me every year as a gift. The money has/will been/be earned through legitimate means that he can prove, and he wants to give me £30k every year. He’s setup a company that has done really well and has received a lot of funding. + + +Essentially I helped him out a while back when he was suicidal and he said he wants to gift me the money because he’s ‘eternally grateful’ lol + +So my questions are: is it even possible for him to just transfer me £30k each year, and will I have to pay tax on this? Should I be speaking to an accountant? All the money will be coming from his own personal bank account. + +Sorry for the random nature of these questions; his announcement has stunned me quite a bit, and he’s adamant that I take the money. + +Thanks +1. The house is a 3 -2 with a large dining room area that we want to convert into a bedroom. We would put a door to one of the bathrooms and make it a private master bedroom and master bathroom. But this would make it a 4-2 without any good dining area. We are thinking of converting a small bedroom into a proper dining room. This bedroom already connects to the kitchen and has a door to the living room, we would just need to remove a closet for more space. Is this plan a bad idea to remove a bedroom for a dining room? + +2. The living room has no ceiling lights in it. Is it worth it to add some lighting? I know it's old-school to not have fixed lights but does it particularly add value? The rest of the house has fixed lighting. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I swear I had more, but that's all I can think of for now. Thank you in advance for taking a look! +Sorry that this is a little insensitive. + +Should the real estate market crash and you have a lot of cash on hand, can you still get mortgages with 20% down payment? How about commercial mortgages on residential rental properties? Do they require unreasonably higher rates or higher down payments? +I ask this because all of the investing sub reddits I follow keep saying, "the next down turn is around the corner". Is it though? I would say that what the Fed has already done was pretty irresponsible. Whats to prevent them from continuing to pump up the markets and continue to see ATH? I am not trying to get politial. Just from an investing stand point what is actually going to make the markets go down if everytime bad news is produced, the Fed prints more money? Its like inflation has hit the stock market. How does a bubble actually pop if we just continue to pump it? +I made a DD post 1 hour ago and it is now 30 posts deep with maybe only two or three of those being worth any shit at all. I know there are a lot of new traders here but this is ridiculous. If you got a question about holding bags ask in a comment section. You want to send a picture of xspa setup, post in a fucking thread that's related. + +All of this spam is absolutely not helping anybody at all. My personal opinion would be that if it's not DD why the fuck are you posting it? + +People should not have to sort through the pile of trash which is reposts about the same thing over and over again just to find something new and promising to invest in or trade. + +Megathread and removals would definitely help but what would also help is people just stopping. If you aren't bringing something new to the table why are you posting? So many good things get missed or don't receive the traction they should because it's hard to sort through the pile of garbage. + +You have a play that's already up 200%... No + +You want to talk about the bags you're holding.. No + +You want to mention gnus for the 263rd time.. No + +Picture of the HQ... No + +You've spent the last hour researching and want to share information regarding a new stock that isn't on the radar yet... Yes! + +Seriously if your post took 36 seconds to come up with chances are you aren't helping anybody. + +I don't know about you guys but I'm trying to make money not look at pictures of headquarters and hear about something that has been talked about four thousand times over the last week. +I hear this argument a lot with regards to algo-trading. To me it always sounds a lot like conspiracy theories: The belief that there are powerful organisations out there who seem to have vast knowledge and resources unlike anyone else. I am not denying that there might be organisations that have access to resources that others don't - financially, data etc., particularly in the area of low-latency trading. As long as you don't have access to the order book you just remain a 2nd (if not 3rd) class citizen. + +But what I remain skeptical about is the idea that some of them are so much more advanced than the rest of the world that they can perform basically miracles. I have talked to some guys in a startup who developed the probably most sophisticated model based on whatever physics I had never seen before. Having a CS background and quite a bit of knowledge on data science as well, I was only able to grasp the fundamentals of their models. They miserably failed convincing any investment bank in the world buying into it - exactly because the investment guys did not believe into such advanced models. + +Any opinions? +🔥Our Ambassadors🔥 + +🧚🏻‍♀️Eva Elfie 🏅Pornstar Rank 3 + + (https://www.instagram.com/theevaelfie/)🧚🏻‍♀️Luxury Girl 🏅Amateur Pornstar of the Year + + (https://www.instagram.com/theevaelfie/)🧚🏽‍♀️Liya Silver 🏅Pornstar Rank 16 + + (https://www.pornhub.com/pornstar/liya-silver)🧚🏻‍♀️Mila Azul 🏅280k followers on IG + + (https://www.instagram.com/milaazul4real/)And more🧚‍♀️🧚🧚‍♂️ + + +😈Nafty platforms: + +📺NAFTY.TV (https://nafty.tv/) : already Live - Payment with NAFTY via Metamask +🎨Catwall.com (https://catwall.com/) : The Blockchain version of OnlyFans – Beta Live – Launching in July +🎩Naftyart.com (https://naftyart.com/) : NFT Marketplace – Preview Live – Launching in July +Nafty - the world of adult entrainment, powered by NAFTY token!🚀 + + +✅ Already listed on CMC, DEX , CEX 📈 +✅ Generating profits to the holders 💰 +✅ Audit done (SOLIDITY FINANCE) +✅ Daily AMA’S +✅ State of the art solution for the porn industry, with real life implications. +✅ Well known ambassadors from the industry +✅ MASSIVE MARKETING PLAN +✅ Liquidity Locked + + +🪙 TOKENOMICS 🪙 + +10% TAX ON TRANSACTIONS +-4% TO THE LIQUIDITY POOL +-4% RE-DISTRIBUTED TO HOLDERS +-2% BURN + +HOW TO BUY +🥞Buy: + https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x18c5fac26c5d8b859b3a83f0f167d8924098d28a +📈NAFTY chart: +https://dex.guru/token/0x18c5fac26c5d8b859b3a83f0f167d8924098d28a-bsc + (https://dex.guru/token/0x18c5fac26c5d8b859b3a83f0f167d8924098d28a-bsc) slippage 10-12% + +WEBSITE AND SOCIALS + +🌍 Web: https://www.naftytoken.com + (https://www.naftytoken.com/)☎️ TG: https://t.me/naftydiscussions + (https://t.me/naftydiscussions)🐦Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/naftytoken +▶️ YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OiATcoSYm9I&ab_channel=NAFTY😈 + + +Contract : +0x18c5fac26c5d8b859b3a83f0f167d8924098d28a 🚀 +I’m always trying to learn, and I’m simply hoping that some of you more experienced traders can help with some ideas and insights on what my options are and what might be the best way to manage these trades I’m trapped in. + +Many of you will say that I shouldn’t have sold naked puts on margin. I get it. As they say, "it works until it doesn’t.” I've learned a valuable and expensive lesson. + +To summarize, I sold some puts on margin, got caught when the market started tanking, rolled out the expiration dates a few times trying to avoid assignment and hoping for a turnaround in the markets… and now I’m stuck with some seriously ITM puts and I’m getting margin maintenance calls each time the stocks fall further south. + +Here are the options positions I’m in: + +* AAPL: Dec 16, $165 Put (X4) +* BITO: June 30, $35 put (X1) +* TNA: Oct 21, $69 Put (X1) + +This portfolio also includes: + +* AAPL: 330 shares +* SPY: 50 shares +* …and a few others of less significant value. + +What are some of the options I have to manage this and minimize the pain and losses? + +1. I could wait it out, sell calls on the AAPL shares I own, and keep feeding the account with cash and hope things turn around. But that’s unlikely in the timeframe I have on these contracts. Eventually these puts are all most likely going to expire ITM leaving me with a large margin debt balance and I’ll be underwater on all of the shares. I can then try selling calls on the newly acquired shares, using the call premium to pay the margin interest… but that could be a long uphill, losing battle. +2. I could 'buy to close' the puts now, taking on that expense as margin debt. This would result in less margin debt than the first option of taking assignment of the shares. But I also have to consider that buying to close the contracts leaves me with nothing. I won’t have the underlying shares, so I can’t sell calls or generate any cash from that scenario. + +What other ideas/options should I consider? How have you managed trades that have gone against you? + +Let me know if you have any questions that would help you evaluate the situation. + +Thanks in advance for any wisdom and advice you can share. + +\---- + +EDIT to focus on main topic. +It’s not clear conceptually to me why inflation impacts stock price the way it does. I get that less buying power per dollar means that dividends are worth less so income stocks I can understand but for growth/non-dividend stocks I don’t get why it matters. I would think that stock price would scale with inflation but that’s clearly not the case. + +Can someone explain this? +1. How long have you been investing? +2. What is your honest CAGR? +3. How many companies do you hold in your portfolio? +4. What's your favourite company you partially own? +The debt is primarily a result of a lengthy divorce process that involved a custody battle for my 4yo. Attorney fees, a higher rent, and childcare expenses piled up over the last three years. FWIW, my credit score was bordering good/very good prior to the separation, but missing out on the ex's income with these new conditions caught up to me financially very quickly. On top of that, I am planning on switching to a new career this fall, in which first year salaries range from $55,000-$60,000 in my area, but with very good growth prospects after that. + +&#x200B; + +The situation - about $3,500/month of after-tax income with $1,600 monthly rent. Additional monthly expenses (utilities, childcare, gas, groceries, etc.) amount to less than $800/month, which leaves me with $1,100 a month to pay off the cards below, and add to a savings account that currently has $600. Credit score is still considered okay, but the high utilization is only making things worse. I was able to settle my balance with the attorney earlier this year, so no legal fees are expected going forward. + +&#x200B; + +NFCU1 - 16.9% - $16,225.22 + +NFCU2 - 13.24% - $16,197.22 + +Chase - 25.24% - $2,676.65 + +&#x200B; + +Any advice would be appreciated. Debt consolidation companies recently started reaching out to me by mail, and wanted to see if I should consider that route. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thanks all for the feedback and encouragement! Tried my best to keep the post finance-oriented, but lots of questions regarding the divorce and living situations. In order to ensure getting joint custody, the attorney recommended a 2BR apt as opposed to a 1BR. In terms of roommates, that would involve modifying/breaking my current lease and getting the ex to approve. I personally wouldn't want a stranger moving in anyways, but I am keeping an eye out for friends/family who might be looking for something temporary. + +&#x200B; + +I don't feel quite comfortable sharing my location at this time - simply know that $1,600 is a decent deal for 2BR. I've seen $1,400-$1,500 in the area, but any savings there would be negated by the requirement to pay 2 months rent to break the current lease. +I’ll level with you all: We’ve weathered some rough years and need real advice to help us dig out of our debt, change our habits and get some financial stability. I’ve been following this group for a while but after looking into debt consolidation and bankruptcy and realizing how devastating it would be on our already bad credit, we’ve decided to finally bite the bullet and ask you all for help. + +Background: My family spent a few years homeless following one huge and several small layoffs for both my wife and myself in a very short period of time. We lost our home, our vehicles, everything material and moved 6 times in just a couple years (always sleeping on couches or sharing one bed with our four kids… whatever it took) in pursuit of stability and jobs that always ended up falling through. Three years ago a local program helped pay the deposit on an apartment and provided interview clothes and within days I landed a reliable job working for our county and we’ve been in that apartment and I’ve been working at that job ever since. I’m even expecting a raise in November. My wife recently went back to work part time to help us catch up on payments. Unfortunately she can’t work full time because we have to rely on family members for childcare for our four children. + +Two of our children overcame some pretty serious medical conditions during these past few years of stability, requiring us to live at hospitals for long periods of time. Having only recently started working and barely moving into an actual apartment at the time, we relied heavily on credit cards to stay afloat during those periods, even taking out several cards and maxing them out to cover living expenses, groceries and even our own costs while staying with our children at the hospitals. I know, I know: It’s bad. And just when we were finally financially recovering from the first child’s medical situation, our youngest ended up in the hospital (recently) and we dug ourselves back into credit card debt all over again. + +We want to have an emergency fund. We want to have savings. We want to have financial stability and maybe even eventually buy a house. So we’re asking for your help. Any guidance and suggestions is deeply appreciated. + +So far, we’ve downsized as much as we can at the moment. We live in northern California and our family of 6 lives in a tiny 800 square foot 2 bedroom/1 bath apartment. Our internet/cell phone bill is the minimal speed and data plan needed for my wife’s job, which requires her to work from home fairly often. Basic cable comes with the apartment for free. We are also responsible for maintaining a storage unit until a family dispute has been resolved and the contents can be distributed, most likely in a couple months. We have one vehicle that we bought used about a year ago and have never been late paying on. It has $4,500 remaining to pay it off and is really only used to take the kids to school and get groceries since we walk to work. We get an excellent rate on car and renters insurance through my work, which is deducted from my paycheck with my other benefits and therefore not reflected in the following breakdown. And yes, we know the payday loans are bad but they are another product of our daughter’s recent hospital situation but we are forced to renew it for the smallest possible amount each month until we can pay them off in full. We regret ever taking them out but are stuck until we can inch them down to an amount we can afford to payoff in full. At the time, it was the only way to pay rent while sleeping on folding chairs in a hospital several hours away from our home and our other children while our baby was fighting for her life. Here is the complete breakdown: + +**Income:** + +* $1,075 and $400 (so $1,475 total) bi-weekly (which will go up to $1,675 in November) + +**Expenses:** + +* $880 Rent + +* $600 Food ($150 per week for a family of 6) + +* $450 Credit card payments ($11,000 spread over 13 cards) + +* $225 Car payment ($4,500 remaining balance) + +* $150 Electricity + +* $250 Other necessities (Diapers, wipes, toiletries, school needs, medical copays, gas) + +* $100 Propane + +* $100 Phone/Internet + +* $90 Storage unit + +* $88 monthly fees for rolling payday loan + + +Like I said, we understand the credit cards are the biggest problem but we need advice on the best way to tackle them and start a savings so we can build an emergency fund and never have to rely on cards and payday loans again. My wife does all kinds of odd jobs from home when she can (independant writer, mystery shopper, making things to sell, you name it) to bring in bits of extra money when possible while avoiding us from having to pay for childcare for her to work full time. We did the math and she would be actually making significantly LESS than she does now if she worked full time and we paid for childcare. I’ve also been submitting applications for higher paying positions, so fingers crossed one of those comes through. In the meantime I need advice on how to tackle our situation. I’ve read all the guides and links in this group but we’re so overwhelmed I’m not sure where to start. Any help is appreciated. THANK YOU. + +*Edit: Formatting* + +**EDIT: A lot of people are asking why we don't qualify for more benefits or assistance programs and I realized I wasn't very clear: The income amount I provided is our NET income. Our gross income is much higher but 72% of our income goes to benefits and taxes. Yes, I know it's a lot but the net pay is still better than I've found anywhere else (so far). Our health insurance alone (just for my wife and I) is $750 each pay period (bi-weekly) for the minimal required coverage (per ACA Regulations). The kids still qualify for medi-cal but won't once my scheduled raise goes through in November. Our younger two will also lose WIC in November. We don't qualify for SNAP or any other programs.** +Basically, I want to start preparing for future things like a wedding and a home and I'm not sure when or where to start with that. My main goals right now are proposing to my long-term gf next year (so i'll need a ring) a wedding in 4+ years, the honeymoon after that, AND I have a personal goal of starting our marriage with a nice little starter house that we can hopefully move out of and rent when our future children reach school age. + +From my very basic understanding I feel like I should open a money market savings account, use that to buy the ring, and then use it to save for the next three things. She would also be saving up after our engagement. I also believe we could each get a little help from both our parents. + +So I was wondering, am i missing anything? Is there a better answer to my problems? Am i worrying too much considering I'm not even engaged yet? Thank you for reading:) +If you have a book about economics add it to the list. If you have time please include an amazon link and/or a general description of the book(s). + +Upvote quality books. + +[Here are some from a previous list](http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/eops0/reconomics_what_are_your_favorite_books_about/) +Ethereum's price was **$100 in February 2019** + +Ethereum price was **$200 in May** **2020** + +In 1 January 2021, the price was **$770** + +Currently it's at **$1,930** + +If you didn't invest during the ATH, probably you are still up 2-3x. + +People are talking about how it's down 50-60% from it's ATH. + +I just wanted to highlight the performance of Ethereum and how good investment it has been throughout the years. + +Never stop believing in ETH. +Hi there, + +I'm 33 and my wife (33) and we have recently paid off (in full!) our Sydney home (where we live) which I bought when I was 18. The house is valued at $1.7M. I've been very fortunate to buy when I did but we have worked hard to pay it down. + +We have recently started considering the idea of cashing out about 1.3M of the available equity and lumping it into an Index Fund. + +I wonder if this would be standard practice for folk in this community considering the market returns (5%+) vs interest cost (~3%) + deductibility of cashout loan interest. + +Merry Christmas + +EDIT: +Household income is $180k + +Super balance is $300k combined + +Goals: retire in early 40s (or at least have the option) +By winning the suit against ripple and the execs (for anyone who’s been following the suit ripple are absolutely smashing it) there will be case precedent. + +They will have the big fish and case law. + +This means any ico or sale of crypto from the inventors of said crypto will be targeted. There’s one thing the SEC likes and that is money. + +They can see an untapped wealth of fines and settlements here and they want to be the regulator who controls crypto in the USA. You might hate Xrp, but right now ripple and their lawyers are preventing the SEC from getting their hands on the crypto market. + +I have been following this case very very closely, the BtC Is The BesT tHe ResT aRe ShiTcOinS mentality is fcking stupid. If you cannot see what the SEC is trying to do here then good luck. Legit good fcking luck. EVERYONE should be paying very close attention to their strategy I KNOW those who are launching ICO's and have done in the past are and are seeking legal advice. The SEC is going for the keys to the kingdom via ripple. + +Fortunately + +Ripple, Brad and Chris went and hired a whole bunch of ex sec lawyers, including commissioners to represent them and they are doing an exceptional job. +Look. We have all the TA and DD layed out here but on top of that - I just realised the most simple thing from this whole saga. And I think it tells the whole story here. + +Just ask yourself - why would all these people jump from executive positions from one of the biggest tech companies in the world to get on board of GameStop? Think about it - AMZ has a market cap of 1,77T and GS is at 15B (that is **118x smaller**). AMZ is not going to crash (or is it?) and there would be a lot bigger companies for these people to jump into. + +These people didn´t work their asses off to get to an executive position in Amazon only to jump on board of a brick and mortar (or a small e-commerce) company which they know is attacked by the full force of Wall Street. If you were to pick a company to move into from as an executive in Amazon. **Would´t this be like the worst career suicide ever?!?** + +So either RC is the best negotiator in the world, every other big tech company in the world is about to crash or **there is something so compelling in the playbook they could not resist it.** + +Now I dont know about everyone else but after I realised this simple thing my tits got more jacked than ever. We are going to the moon one way or another. **Because these people know there is a 0% chance this going nowhere else. And they have seen the playbook.** + +Edit: The new hires [https://gmedd.com/transformation/gamestop-hiring-frenzy-continues-new-vp-of-merchandising-from-amazon/](https://gmedd.com/transformation/gamestop-hiring-frenzy-continues-new-vp-of-merchandising-from-amazon/) +Sen Warner who was behind the WH supported amendment has introduced a last minute amanedment + +This removes "proof of work" from the validations exception. This means proof of stake validators are also exempted, if this passes. + +But it still does not contain the exception for protocol and wallet developers. This is the important aspect that needs to be included as an exception, as it is impossible for protocol developers/wallet developers etc to KYC their users. + +Keep calling and asking your Senators to do the right thing. + +Watch the Senate proceedings here: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/floor_activity_pail.htm + +Follow the Senators votes here: https://didtheyvoteagainst.me/ + +Update: Senator Steve Daines, from Montana has tweeted in favor of the Wyden-Lummis-Toomey Amendment! + +Jeff Stein (Washington Post) says additional changes are still expected before the vote. + +Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Marsha Blackburn are committed to Wyden/Lummis/Toomey Amendment + + +**UPDATE**: The latest amended text specifically carves out exceptions for both proof of work, and proof of stake. By name, it mentions these 2 consensus as mining and staking. Other consensus mechanisms aren't mentioned. Still no exception for developers - which is still KEY. + +**Senate breaks filibuster to advance $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.** + +**UPDATES:** WaPo reporter claiming further amendments are due! Wtf?! +They are really legislating about things they have no clue about. Apart from PoW and PoS, there is proof of history, proof of capacity, proof of storage.. so many new technologies that are being built. How does Sen Warner and his staff even know about any of this, do they have crypto experts on their team? This is just a farce! +Good Afternoon, + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5fvazf6yuf591.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=833be6f0d141f9fe4aa34628f57817b6f3a4f1fc + +**The Story of ETF's: Long Overdue Regulation and a Reg Sho Time Machine** + +A little product that has now grown to a trillion dollar market was created just after the Great Financial Crisis and is largely unaffected by the implications of Regulation SHO as ETF's have the liquidity provision embedded into them using **Creation/Redemption** in the secondary market. + +**The Big Three: BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street.** + +These funds are generally seen as passive investing funds and as long as the fund maintains it's **Market Cap Weight** the underlying securities weights and share counts change often. One overarching theme with almost all ETFs is that they contain at least one to **two HIGH liquidity stocks** such as Exon Mobile or Apple that, due to it's **liquidity provisions** it is not effected by the deviations in the ETF Net Asset Value and resulting arbitrage. It is well know that The Big Three are **dick deep** into the share lending business as the fee collection between ETF Sponsors and Short Hedge Funds creates a steady stream of revenue for them. + +**Let's Look At The Collective ETF's By Each Issuer Over Time:** + +(Red Line): Put Open Interest + +(Yellow Line): Call Open Interest + +(Blue Line w/ Red Dots): GME Percent Price Change + +**BlackRock Funds (Without IWM) : ITOT, IWP, IMCV, IMCB, IWR, IMF, ILCV, ILCB, IWB, IJH, IJK, IUSG, IYC, IYY, XJH, ILCG, IEME, IEDI.** + +(Not All Funds Trade Options) + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/bwfd0370vf591.png?width=3141&format=png&auto=webp&s=daea83244ad2ea11556f4d9ed1a69a45121e4528) + +**Vanguard Funds (Without VTI) : VT, ESGV, VCR, VBR, VXF, VB, VTHR, VV, VONE, VONG, VTV, VO, VOE, IVOO, IVOG.** + +(Not All Funds Trade Options) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j2zzlov1vf591.png?width=2781&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8b6d580d23102d2c4d6a2afd6c6a998991888c2 + +**State Street Funds: XRT, SPTM, VLU, MMTM, ONEO, SPGM, MDYV, SPMD, MDYG, MDY.** + +(Not All Funds Trade Options) + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/wgg68zm3vf591.png?width=3066&format=png&auto=webp&s=343f092f00642f7b0a3ee17f974e5cab7f41f8c4) + +**WHO ARE THE MARKET MAKERS!?** + +With ETF's there are many Authorized Participants (AP's) that facilitate trading on any one ETF. Some more than others depending on size and who the issuer is. Please see the below in the broad market share depiction of AP's in the ETF space. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/16eljfo5vf591.png?width=821&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1aad2dd73a4ba4aee1a689105fbe09ed7264445) + +**OKAY, BUT WHO ARE THE GME ETF MARKET MAKERS?** + +First, This data would not have been possible without a complete wizard which is [u/Camposaurus\_Rex](https://www.reddit.com/u/Camposaurus_Rex/) who parsed through each and ever sub category of ETF and ETF Trust series to pull of the creation/redemption size data to map it out **specifically for ETF's that hold GME.** + +In keeping with the Big Three Theme we will look at who is the market maker on the collection of funds by the specific issuer: + +**Blackrock (ishares) Authorized Participant's:** + +**Three largest AP's: Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and Citadel Securities.** + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/kwvzwua9vf591.png?width=1412&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a45ef3d6606cf520e29e1f6a1309e0a0c972afe) + +**Vanguard Authorized Participant's:** + +**Three largest AP's: Virtu, JP Morgan, and Citigroup** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s7dmewsavf591.png?width=1865&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9606891d2a080a27a1d3479f49090520454b894 + +**State Street (SPDR) Authorized Participant's:** + +**Three largest AP's: Merrill Lynch, Virtu, and Citadel Securities** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vadrs99cvf591.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dfa3acd9d4a4d46a0b3c19f22071a79d12b596d + +**Arbitrage: Wut Mean?** + +In the case that the share price of an ETF exceeds the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund a trader could purchase the securities that make up the index the ETF tracks. At the same time the trader would also sell short the ETF share. This action would lower the ETF price and raise the NAV, pushing the two prices back into alignment. At the close of business the trader would then redeem the basket of securities with the ETF sponsor and they would issue a new ETF share. In the case there would be the “creation” of an additional ETF share. This process can work in the reverse, however, as the ETF sponsor would “destroy” an ETF share in order to return to the trader a basket of securities used to represent the index tracked by the ETF. For the ETF sponsor, who takes a small fee for redeeming shares, this is a zero-sum game. There are two important facts about this process. First, only those deemed an “Authorized Participant” (AP) could redeem shares with the ETF sponsor. APs are usually large market making firms. Second, these transactions typically involve a minimum of number of units to be redeemed at one time, for most ETFs this number is 50,000 units. With the possibility that ETF funds are being rebalanced throughout the day and that these redemptions are done in such large numbers, is likely that ETFs can have some impact on the market as a whole. + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/il5kd28evf591.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=e74f8a51dbd504eda7ec4e34f00e33e43c741a96) + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/ngy57w4fvf591.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=a39b4ef417d47fbc3f7491c0b3c2b0a7cf4d954e) + +In order for an arbitrage trader to profit from the redemption trade, the spread between the ETF price and its NAV must be large enough to cover the costs of executing the trades involved. These cost included, but not limited to, the transactions cost execute the trade and the small redemption fee charged by the ETF sponsor. In order for such redemptions to take place, a large number of shares of the basket stocks must be bought and sold in order to complete the arbitrage process. As expected, larger spreads are immediately followed by increased volatility, if only for a short time. This increase in volatility is presumed to be the effect of arbitrage traders making large and fast trades to take advantage of the mispricing of the ETF. + +**Another Way That Large Institutions Take Advantage of ETF's is through wash sales referred to as "The Market Heart Beat".** + +[Market Heart Beat DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rl6yg8/gamestop_and_the_market_heartbeat/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/82xzna8ivf591.png?width=2610&format=png&auto=webp&s=59775f05a9a135e42ca9c87db0a34a9b5f0b9f18 + +**Everyone's Favorite ETF:** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/v8ka4syjvf591.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=c06edbf097bf216cf74a9ed228f416efd1807c73) + +**The continual rolling of a Vertical Put Spread....** + +\*\* The original opening hedge: The January Sneeze + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/88qfin7mvf591.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3519ed130fe18b3b6a2e88fd56531ad82682e98 + +**XRT:** + +(Yellow Line): XRT Put Open Interest + +(Purple Line): XRT Call Open Interest + +(Blue Line w/ Red Dots): GME Percent Price Change + +(Green Lines): Failure to deliver on XRT as a percent of it's shares outstanding + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/8kwzss4ovf591.png?width=5202&format=png&auto=webp&s=9472d1164e1eea52977171182fefce1211cb0f9e) + +**Explanation:** As you can see when put open interest drops an estimated -20%+, we see a move a dramatic price move in Gamestop or we see a massive build up in FTDs on XRT like we did in December sending the ETF onto Reg Sho Threshold list. But how does this mechanism work? + +Market Makers are exposed as the expiring puts are re-positioned and rolled to the next expiration so for a brief time they are un-hedged and must use the direct lending pool to borrow stock (GME cost to borrow goes up) we get excited and suppress price within reason. The put position is re-established and market makers have to now go out into the market and buy what shares are available. + +**XRT Call/Put Implied Volatility:** + +You can also see this illustrated here by the Call IV and Put IV on XRT, as well as the difference in that Call/Put IV Difference mapped against GME Price Change. You can see during the Jan Sneeze that the XRT 25-Delta Call/Put IV rocketed up. We can also see that since 3/22/22 XRT IV is on an upward trajectory. Obviously this can be due to many reasons (such as overall market downturn), but the data is an interesting point non the less looking at XRT IV on previous GME runs. + + + +https://preview.redd.it/szzd5dgd5n591.png?width=5478&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dbae3c1d6862636f04c3b20130f9d6013d34cc9 + + When they do buy it sends the stock price of GME up and what shares aren't available Market Makers are Reg Sho exempt and can deliver synthetic shares that are then returned to the direct lending pool pushing down the borrow fee on GME and related ETFs. + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/2twtov1qvf591.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=9efa17dce671027947b44a7892c309958efe6bf1) + +Market makers are given more time to settle their accounts than everyone else: While most investors’ trades must settle in T+2, market makers have up to T+5. Market makers often have reason to delay settlement for as long as they can, particularly for ETFs. If Bob is a market maker trading ETFs, it might deliberately sell more and more shares of XRT short until it’s sold enough to warrant creating a basket with the ETF issuer, thus making good on its sales. The longer Bob delays basket creation, the longer it can avoid paying the creation fee (often $500 or $1,000) and related execution costs. Moreover, it can delay the time it takes before taking on responsibility for a full creation basket of ETF shares (often 50,000 shares). + +**Where are we now?** + +XRT Rolls: They rolled March 14th-->June 17th, Jan 21st-->June 17th, April 4th-->May 20th, March 24th--> June 17th, Feb 17th/Feb 9th--> June 17th........ Okay so now they rolled May 20th-->June 17th & July 15th. + +**XRT June 17th Expire (By Strike) : Green Increase in Open Interest, Red Decrease in Open Interest** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/trtu2kwvvf591.png?width=879&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eb7af7ceeb21e049357ee59f08808f93b72d0b1 + +**XRT July 15th Expire (By Strike) : Green Increase in Open Interest, Red Decrease in Open Interest** + +https://preview.redd.it/20cw3b3d7m591.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b6356ed92013aca3a2c158db564bae3a7893206 + +**XRT Sept 16th Expire (By Strike) : Green Increase in Open Interest, Red Decrease in Open Interest** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/si4atkutim591.png?width=988&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea4b00c7679d635cd4f99d94a6983ff7861624b + +**XRT Jan 20th 2023 Expire (By Strike) : Green Increase in Open Interest, Red Decrease in Open Interest** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g4no392bnm591.png?width=938&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c7e0706615d36bb9858362a6f447fd7b6277580 + +&#x200B; + +I encourage you to look through the rest of XRT's expirations and options chain and see when each strike started trading and how positions were rolled. At this time The June 17th expiration is a large one and **AFTER** this expiration Market Markets will likely have to re-position themselves and also go out into the market and buy stocks as positions that were ITM are exercised. This will very likely cause a run on GME. + +\*\* Unknown factors: XRT recently came off Reg Sho Threshold List and their ability to FTD during this large options expiration increased. Watch pre-market volume AFTER the June 17th expiration on GME and pay close attention to the XRT options volume as they enter into new positions. If you play options please pay for some Theta. If you don't then between the times of when a new put hedge is re-established you can time a bottom to get some cheap shares. + +**Supporting Papers:** + +[https://academic.oup.com/rof/article/25/4/937/5919085?login=true](https://academic.oup.com/rof/article/25/4/937/5919085?login=true) + +[https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=2736392](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2736392) +Microsoft Teams overtakes Slack with 13 million daily users - [https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/11/20689143/microsoft-teams-active-daily-users-stats-slack-competition?fbclid=IwAR2GXLxrH-0u7b81a3vCQHrsw86RMRuld9yDvPUp17Li7nRpCtJZenE\_s8I](https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/11/20689143/microsoft-teams-active-daily-users-stats-slack-competition?fbclid=IwAR2GXLxrH-0u7b81a3vCQHrsw86RMRuld9yDvPUp17Li7nRpCtJZenE_s8I) + +&#x200B; + +Slack stock drops 3% - [https://www.google.com/search?q=slack+stock&oq=slack+stock&aqs=chrome..69i57.1008j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=slack+stock&oq=slack+stock&aqs=chrome..69i57.1008j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) +Hello everyone, + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**Important Edit: Turns out the Sub was just pulling a practical joke for some reason? Not sure why, but that's fine. Going to leave this post up for posterity, I won't pretend like they didn't get me with this joke. Despite this post being made in response to what we now know was a joke, the main point of this post is still relevant, please refrain from discussing other subs.** + + +**Also, there is an important lesson to be learned here: If news comes out, we shouldn't be so quick to jump on it and make assumptions. Lets try and be better about that as a community** + + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + + +The mods got word on this a little bit ago, the circumstances are quite odd. That having been said, [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) is not going to be the place to discuss it, we apologize. We do not know anything about the BofA lawsuit with the Subreddit or Reddit itself-- no one does. + +I feel it is important to remind everyone of this rule: + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fosl9y43q1971.png?width=757&format=png&auto=webp&s=0caac4b9d65b59c1034f0ec4bcc4ddff520ca391 + +&#x200B; + +Anyone talking about Wallstreetbets will get their post removed, and one warning. if you try and circumvent direct discussion by using another form of their name (ie WSB, Wallstbets, stbets, WSBets, etc.) that will be seen as a direct action in the effort of breaking this rule and we will act appropriately. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Please know that we are aware that this isn't ideal. I know that personally, I am very curious as to the ins and outs of the situation, but this rule must be enforced to comply with Reddit admins' requests for us to be more vigilant in not discussing other communities.I am sure there will be more information coming out soon, and we will let you guys know if we hear anything from Reddit about this. For now, please help us by not engaging with this topic, it will make spotting the shills much easier. + +Cheers, +B\_T + + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + + +&#x200B; +As my investments grow, I realized I've been doing this on my own. Its not like I'm hiding anything from my wife. She knows how much I've invested, she just doesn't know how to access it in case something happens. I'm currently writing everything up for her, and leaving it in our safe. I suggest for the married men/women out there, set a plan. Or something set up for your kids/next of kin. Write it down and keep it safe. Update it regularly, and walk them through it on occasion. Stay safe, and enjoy your crypto. +**BACKGROUND** END OF 2021 UPDATE + +**Model**: I wish to maintain a portfolio that began in June 2017 at $1,025,772. My net worth at that time was $1,333,772 (with home/land). Our actual withdrawal rate is much less than the original 3% of portfolio due to: occasionally earning additional passive income; receiving an unexpected $30k windfall in 2018; and purchasing my parents home at a greatly reduced price in 2019. The budgeted maximum withdrawal amount for 2022 is $5918/mo or $71021/yr (now 2% of net worth). In 2017, it was $2564/mo ($2682/mo adjusted for inflation). We’re so far out of danger by historical precedent that spending is no longer a thought. The road of questions about what I do for health care (subsidies and their ambiguous morality), why retail pharmacy is so bad (below), and whether my situation is from determination or privilege (a lot of both) has been well tread. + +**Career**: I am a former retail pharmacist who hated both his job and profession for the following reasons: unacceptable amounts of stress, lack of civility from the general public, capitalism gone amok, fundamental disagreement with the overuse of pharmacotherapy as an answer for underlying health issues, and a severe opiate crisis that few have yet to appreciate. I attended college for eight years to earn a bachelors (1997-2001) and a doctorate (2001-2005) before joining the workforce for nearly twelve years (2005-2017, entirely with CVS). $150k in education costs were covered by academic scholarships ($25k), employment during college ($20k), prior savings from high school employment ($5k), and revenue from an ebay business while in college ($10k), and student loans ($90k). My salary plus compensation went from $115k in 2005 to $150k in 2017. Our savings rate was about 70% on average. My parents initially promised to cover the student loans out of what they deemed to be principle, but we assumed them when purchasing their home/farm in 2019 ($380k + assumption of student loans + free rent for life, for an estimated $750k home/farm that is now probably worth closer to $1.6M). Those will eventually be forgiven due to changes in repayment plans (see below). + +**Finances**: I retired at the age of 38 on June 6, 2017, the day before the twentieth anniversary of my high school graduation. I am married with no kids and generated over 95% of the family income while employed. We live in LCOL rural TN. Our asset allocation was initially 60% VTSAX (total US stock market) / 20% VFWAX (total INTL stock market) / 20% VWLUX (US municipal bonds). After the purchase of my parents’ home/farm, our net worth is closer to 50% real estate (one house with 28 acres and another house with 66 acres) / 50% VTSAX (total US stock market). We also hold roughly $100k in belongings not included in the portfolio. My spending model places no dependence upon possible future employment, social security, other inheritances, universal health care, or universal basic income. The final balance will be left to charities and worthy causes. + + +**2021 RECAP** + +**Spending**: Living expenses for 2021 came to $57,678 (max budget $46,848). We generated $20,167 of income this year from some almost entirely passive stuff. Our investment withdrawal was $37,511 this year, thus our pro-rated, annually-adjusted withdrawal rate was 1.60% for the year (max budget 2%). Without the additional income stream, our withdrawal rate would have been 2.46% for the year. Our net worth has gone from $1,333,772 (start) to $3,551,075 (current). Now I just buy things when I want them without thinking about it. A 43-acre tract of property that I bought for $250,000 in 2019 went under contract with a developer for $2.15M ($50k/acre) in 2021, but the sale fell through because the county is not allowing further development at the moment. For purposes of accounting, I place the value of it at only $688k ($16k/acre) since that is more in line with recent sales, but I have little doubt that I will be contacted again in the future. The student loans that I took over are going to be forgiven in 25 years because I switched to a non-existent-income-based payment plan that will forgive the leftover amount at that time. Thank you John Q. Taxpayer. + +**Experiences**: I ran over 4000 miles after my competitive running career came to a close (personal records: 5:12 mile, 17:37 5k, 36:39 10k, 1:17:38 HM, 2:43:12 marathon). I helped some friends of mine achieve their running goals. I allowed the pandemic to make this another less-than-productive year. I mostly stayed home and stuck with existing hobbies (reading, gaming, watching movies, web browsing, nintendo collecting, Garbage Pail Kid collecting, hiking, bird watching, visiting friends, following the intellectual rot of our republic). + +**Upcoming**: I want to travel when the pandemic is under control and make up for lost time (California #3, Hawaii #2, Japan #3). I want to continue with my hobbies and find some new ones. I want to find some new volunteer opportunities. I want to spend less time online. I will continue to do whatever the fuck I want. My five-year retirement anniversary (June 2022) will be my final post. +If TSLA became S&P500 eligible, the only barrier between it and entering the index would be getting rejected by the committee. What reasons are there that they could reject for? + +I’ve seen places like r/realtesla saying their fraudulent accounting will be found out and be the ultimate cause of rejection but I’m not sure if that’s the case or if there’s other factors not considered. Has there been any historical rejections of a company the size of Tesla? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +So I lost about 10k+ this week. 3k on a tsla put debit spread, a couple hundred on a tesla call credit spread, and 7k (likely more on market open) on a mrna csp. + +why did i make these plays? well i was doing just fine selling weekly csp’s on tsla until the stock decided to explode and i didn’t have enough capital to run that play anymore and needed a new strategy. + +i would read on here about 45dte but it didn’t make sense to me. when i was losing money buying weekly calls and puts, it was theta that was fucking me. so if i’m in the opposite side of the transaction, logically, why wouldn’t i only sell weeklies? throughout the period of me selling tsla csps i had a 80%+ success rate and made around 25k. clearly i have more understanding of theta than the half-wits @ r/thetagang + +new play #1: try playing option spreads + +couple weeks ago i opened a 4dte 1050/1000p debit spread on tsla when it hit around $1025. it’s rsi was in the high 80’s. i thought there was no way it could sustain that momentum. yet the green dildos just kept coming and coming. unbelievable. i ended up taking the maximum loss on that spread. then last week i opened a 5dte 1130/1125c credit spread. what was i thinking with a put debit? call credit is the real r/thetagang play. again, even more ridiculous green dildos even at 90+ rsi. + +now over the weekend elon musk decides to create the poll about whether he should sell 10% of his shares in tsla, to which he lost. and then on top of that news came out that his brother recently sold over $100m worth of tsla shares this week. this news being a major catalyst for a correction in tsla this week. if i had not been opening weekly bearish positions and had done a single 45dte position, not only would i not of lost money, but if tsla drops this week which it probably will, i would of made money. opening my eyes to the margin of safety 45dte gives you. + +new play #2: sell weekly csp on another high IV stock + +idk if 45dte would have saved me much here but i sold a 5dte 300p on mrna. i didn’t do much research here honestly. i didn’t even know it was earnings week. i just saw a high iv & having been so spoiled by winning tsla weekly puts non-stop i figured it couldn’t go tits up. lost $7k+ trying to make a measly $300. + +now i have no idea what i’m gonna do for plays because spreads have left a bad taste in my mouth and so have selling csps on random high iv stocks. but anyways thanks for this board i’ve learned a lot being here. + +inb4 “it works until it doesn’t” + +inb4 something something pennies/steam roller +I'm learning forex for 10 months now, started live trading at the start of April, I started with 100e didn't blow any accounts I'm in profit altho it's only 200e profit over the last 5 month. + +I used to spend 10h a day learning forex, now I took it down to 5-6h a day, because I feel like I've watched so many videos everything sounds the same, but the more I watch n learn the less I feel like I know about forex.. + +I see a video and I know why they put their support n resistance levels where they put it, I know why they enter at that specific place, but once I get to my charts it all seems complicated and as if I just dunno what's goin on.. then again when I don't place a trade the trades go my way alot of the times, but when I do place a trade most times it goes the opposite way + +Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. +Bit of context - before we take our traders live they have to go through a fairly rigorous process that involves the creation of a comprehensive trading plan, submission of backtesting and forward testing trade logs, and have worked with 2 trading coaches on everything from strategy (technical and fundamental analysis) to trading psychology, risk management, and how to run your trading as a business. + +By far the most common issue I have with our traders who are getting ready to go live in what we call the “trading combine” (where the trader puts up capital, and we match it. The purpose of this is for the reader to prove they can trade their plan consistently over 2 month period) is that they haven’t really been tested. + +I’m always weary of promoting traders who haven’t had their souls crushed to the point where they want to quit at least 1x. Consistently, and without fail, these are the traders I will be working intensely with whether it’s 6 weeks or 6 months down the line when their strategy that was undoubtedly tuned for a specific set of market conditions has suddenly stopped working + +“Why isn’t it working anymore, it’s just not working” + +“Maybe I need to change my strategy. Just a few tweaks ought to do it” + +The bottom line is that we strongly encourage our traders to develop trading plans specifically geared towards trending markets. The reality is that by far the #1 reason traders fail is because they try and trade against the trend. In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons that people insist on counter trend trading is a lack of patience and understanding of market cycles. + +I’m sure we’ve all heard before how markets only trend like 20% of the time. So if the majority of the time markets aren’t trending, those are the conditions most traders are used to seeing. They get caught in this vicious cycle of not wanting to miss big moves, and so they start over trading in unfriendly conditions trying to catch that next move. They get chopped up, get frustrated and decide they’re going to sit on the sidelines. Right then, the next big move starts unfolding. + +There’s no magic, catch-all-cure to this problem, but if this sounds familiar to you, here’s my general advice: + +1. Make sure you have a trading plan that strongly outperforms in trending environments +2. Learn how to distinguish trending from non-trending environments +3. Stay out when the markets aren’t trending +4. Stick with your plan. It’s what got you to the dance + +Is this seemingly over simplistic? Yes it definitely is. But it’s also... true. Is there more to this? Yes of course. Hoping this becomes a productive discussion +I am having a difficult time understanding why pharma stocks are going up so much.. Sure.. Their business is running and they have a good outlook but so do hospitals and medical services companies. But I see stocks like sun pharma and dr. Reddys going up and stocks like Apollo hospitals and fortis health going down/ remaining stable. + +Can someone pls help me see the logic if there is any? + +Edit : Thanks for the excellent, detailed and informative explanation everyone! Very useful insight which inspired me to think and research more into the matter. Thanks again! +Welcome to the **/r/CryptoMarkets** Monthly Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + *** + + - Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, and minor questions. + - Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. + - Cryptocurrency discussion not related to trading should be referred to the r/CryptoCurrency general discussion thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly_general_discussion_april_01_2017/). + - If you are using RES, please click the subscribe button for the comment section to be notified when new comments are posted. + - Follow the golden rule and be excellent to each other. + + *** + + Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! +Hey all, + +GME is a massive powder keg about to explode. Curious? Read on to find out more... + +A very reliable technical indicator created by Rocky Outcrop is flashing a rare signal that cannot be ignored. + +**Full credit goes to Rocky Outcrop and Trade Spotting for creating this custom DMI indicator and sharing it with the masses.** + +# TLDR + +* The Directional Movement Index (DMI) started flashing a powder keg signal on June 29th. This signal has only flashed three other times in all of 2021 +* The ignition source of the signal (the ADX line) is at it's fourth lowest point **since 2018**. The lower the ADX goes, the more certain we can be of a near-future run-up +* When the powder keg explodes, expect volatility and momentum to **skyrocket** + +# DMI + +The Directional Movement Index (or DMI for short) is a technical indicator made up of three components: + +* **DI+**: This shows the current momentum of positive price movement. This is shown in **YELLOW** on my charts below +* **DI-**: This shows the current momentum of negative price movement. This is shown in **PINK** on my charts below +* **ADX** (Average Directional Index): This shows the *strength* of the current price movement. This is shown in **BLUE** on my charts below (crossover points denoted in orange) + +**The powder keg signal:** When the DI+ and DI- lines converge (come together) **AND** the ADX line is simultaneously at a low point, the powder keg is lit. This is denoted by a **gray background highlight** on the charts below + +Without further ado, here are the charts: + +# Current Price Action + +[Current Price Action. DMI Power Keg lit as of June 29th](https://preview.redd.it/lklugrdlhn871.png?width=1032&format=png&auto=webp&s=4678d387e3ac1f692432e9117266407ce291cd1c) + +Above shows our current price action over the last 6 weeks. As we have been consolidating from June 9th, the DI+ and DI- lines have converged and the ADX is at an extreme low. Notice the powder keg signal flashing (light grey box) as of June 29th. + +# Historical Price Action + +[Historical Price Action. Multiple Signals Flashing over 2021](https://preview.redd.it/tsvvhn7mln871.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=c88a922bbf50331713f897de4995ba44ac13a078) + +This is only the **4th time this entire year** the DMI powder keg has been lit + +* The first signal was flashed at the end of February roughly 1 week before our huge run-up from $40 to $350 +* The second and third signals were flashed together roughly 2 weeks before our May run-up from $140 to $350 +* The fourth signal just started flashing on June 29th. This would indicate a huge move up in the next 1-2 weeks. Run-up to commence from $200 to ??? + +# Bonus Chart + +[Historical ADX Data](https://preview.redd.it/m19pl7zxjn871.png?width=1538&format=png&auto=webp&s=56a9d0a9096ea3b1dd860b035d812d0c5455a879) + +Bonus chart! + +The ADX is the fuse that ultimately ignites everything as it shows the current momentum has stalled and volatility is ready to pick back up again. + +Since **2018** the ADX has only ever been this low **THREE OTHER TIMES**. The most recent low point is happening right now! Historically speaking, GME is in a situation where it is ready to explode any day. + +# Footnote + +For those who believe TA is invalid on GME and other SHF-manipulated stocks, I respect your opinion. + +My opinion? TA is not the holy grail by any means, but it is still valid on GME. + +Why? Because TA relies heavily on human patterns and emotions as they relate to stock prices. GME is no exception. There are still support and resistance levels like everything else. + +Yes there is **no denying** GME is heavily manipulated, but that doesn’t change the larger philosophy TA is based on. + +Remember, TA is not a crystal ball but it does offer a glimpse into the **most likely** outcome. + +To each his/her own. + +***I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice*** +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-01/trump-is-said-to-delay-decision-on-steel-and-aluminum-tariffs + +> “When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, **trade wars are good, and easy to win,**” Trump said in an early morning tweet on Friday. + +> “Steel and aluminum imports from Japan, which is an ally, do not affect U.S. national security at all,” Japan’s Trade Minister Hiroshige Seko told reporters in Tokyo Friday. “I would like to convey that to the U.S. when I have an opportunity.” + +> Canada -- the biggest foreign supplier of steel to the U.S. -- said the measures were unacceptable while the European Union vowed to “react firmly” with World Trade Organization-compliant countermeasures in the next few days. Australian Trade Minister Steve Ciobo called the move “disappointing” and said his country is seeking an exemption. + +> U.S. companies from beer brewer MillerCoors to candymaker Hershey Co., which use aluminum for manufacturing and packaging, said operations would be hurt by the tariffs. + +> “We buy as much domestic can sheet aluminum as is available, however, there simply isn’t enough supply to satisfy the demands of American beverage makers like us,” MillerCoors said in a tweet. “American workers and American consumers will suffer as a result of this misguided tariff.” + +From what I'm understanding, the White House administration is willing to have swing states targeted by EU/Canada/Australia/Japan/China's trade retaliations (e.g. soybean import restrictions), or is completely unaware of what happened in 2002. I wouldn't be surprised if the EU pulls up their old 2002 tariff retaliation playbook and goes after the swing states again. The question is how the White House will respond? + +EDIT: I also find it interesting that the White House does not trust steel imports from the EU/Canada/Australia/Japan, as they originally proposed the tariff as a "national security" measure. If they all turned against the US during a war (including NATO ignoring the US or disbanding), the US is screwed anyways. + +EDIT2: This trade tariff was blamed for helping kick off the Great Depression. Once that passed, everyone enacted trade restrictions against each other until global trade effectively collapsed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoot%E2%80%93Hawley_Tariff_Act + +(I was strongly considering posting this in the earlier thread, but I had the impression that the White House was not planning on backing down after the tweet today. If the mods want this update in the other thread, I understand.) +I was looking at a cash refi and dropping some $ on a new property and renting my current one out. I live in Woodstock Ga and the market has been hot like other places. I’ve gained this in just 5 years and I’m leaning more towards renting my property for $2-2.2k a month which will give me about $500-$700 cash flow. And could pay for my HELOC that I’ll use to buy another house, which I’ll be living in. I was thinking of just taking out maybe 40k + +My Woodstock house mortgage is only about $1400. I figured worse case I sell my primary house and gain some MORE equity in 2-3 years. + +If you were in my shoes what would you do? + +My goal is to own 2 homes and rent my Woodstock house out for cash flow. +Throwaway account. + +Need some useful advice from you guys so here goes. + +37 y/o. male. single. no dependents. NW $4.6m. Main source of income - RE investments. + +Here's the situation: + +I used to work in tech as PM several years ago - accumulated \~ $1m in savings and left it to get into RE investments (multi-family w/ > 100 units spread out over a few cities) and bought a business (auto repair. I know I know...) to aid cash flow while building RE portfolio - that definitely didn't go according to plan. + +Fast forward 4 years - Covid-19 destroyed RE income (cash-flow) and auto-repair business is kaput (income down to $0 and loss of \~ $500k). + +I am 'living' from my investments but cash flow is non-existent since reasons above - tenants barely pay rent, can't boot them due to eviction moratorium, but expenses/taxes never stop. + +Have $2.3m in market (brokerage) but \~ $500k of that is a pledged account balance so truly \~ $1.8m. + +Rest in RE properties i.e. illiquid. + +Due to Covid-19, properties are now negative cash-flow (\~ -$20k/mo.) even though I have > 100 units and auto business is $0 (closed). + +I feel like with $1.8m liquid (in market), and properties, I should be comfortable cash flow-wise (goal was $30k/mo.) . I am FAR away from that and things are looking scary/bleak. + +Monthly expenses are \~ $10k/mo. and I live in HCOL area. + +Not sure if I can go back to 9 - 5; so many people out of work recently and I've been out of tech for 4+ years. + +Sat down to smoke cigars 2 years ago thinking I was fatFIRED and now the cigar is burning my face off. + +What do I do from here? Need some advice on how to navigate this situation. +Hello! + +This lock down and the extreme volatility that we are seeing in markets are having effects few ever thought of. + +Some of you may have sold shares and the money may be with the broker, some of you may have transferred funds and the funds may be with the broker or some may just have some money lying with the broker for any reason. + +Let's see how you can somewhat mitigate the risk of a broker defaulting and you losing your cash. + +**Some Background On How A Brokers Cash Flow Works** + +1. Jethala Champaklal Broking becomes a member of the exchange and deposits some money with the exchanges as security. +2. Jethala Champaklal Broking does marketing and gets clients who put in money into a pool account. +3. Jethala Champaklal Broking puts a certain percentage of pool money as deposit with the Exchanges/Clearing houses. +4. Jethala Champaklal Broking lets people trade. +5. In case you purchase or sell shares for the long term on cash outright (CNC order in Zerodha), the matter is simple. Pay in cash, get shares in Demat and be happy. +6. However, many people trade in derivatives where you put up a **margin.** Now this margin is calculated that even in case of very volatile move, the margin will be enough to cover the loss in 99.99% of the cases. However, it is the .01% where the broker can get killed. +7. Imagine if one client in Jethalal Champaklal Broking sells 1000 Put options of strike price 8000 when markets are 9000. He has put up 99,00,000 as margin. With this margin, Jethalal Champaklal Broking has a 1320 point cover. Which means that the client does not actually have to deposit any money till NIFTY moves below 8000-1320 = 6680. Now on the next trading day, the market opens at 6000, an extreme event. The client has to pay up 680\*75\*1000 = 5,10,00,000 to JC Broking. The client does not have that money or is unwilling to pay to it. In this case, JC Broking first has to take money of the other clients from the pool account, deposit that with the NSE and then think of pursuing legal methods. +8. Now, some brokers give margins against shares held. So imagine the same transaction, where client sells 1000 Lot Put options of NIFTY of Strike Price 8000 and market opens at 6000. But instead of cash, he has put shares of DHFL worth 75 Lakh and shares of Yes Bank worth 1 Crore worth 2 Crore as margin. Now NIFTY again opens at 6000, the client has lost some 6 Crore as in the case above and both DHFL and Yes Bank open down 70%. Again, the broker has to make good the loss using your money. +9. In case of point 7 or point 8, your money is lost, broker is forced to wind up and you will be dependent on the NSE, BSE, SEBI, MCX to do some investigation and wait for the funds of the IPF to come to you. + +The current margin for selling NIFTY Puts of strike price 8000 expiring 30 April is Rs.98,589. I have rounded it up for simplicity's sake. You can check it yourself at [https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/SPAN/](https://zerodha.com/margin-calculator/SPAN/) . + +Now, the question is how do you save yourself from such risk? + +&#x200B; + +In my opinion, the simplest method is to take a payout as soon as it is feasible. But in case of share sales, it takes 2 days for the money to be credited from the exchange to the broker and probably one day to be credited to you. + +The second best way is to buy Liquid bees from that amount and sell them as you need to trade. Liquid bees give you some interest in the form of extra units as well. + +In case a broker goes bankrupt, you can simply transfer those liquid bees to another Demat, sell them and access your funds. + +&#x200B; + +**Addendum:** + +1. u/DrunkZooKeepr considers me an autistic idiot and wants me simply touch myself and go to bed. His main premise seems to be that markets do not fall 20% in a day. I would like to draw everyones attention to 19 October 1987, famously known as Black Monday. DJIA fell some 22% on one day in one session. Now this was before the avalanche of HFT's took over the market. You may choose believe that it cannot happen today, but it can. +2. Some wish to cherry pick the NIFTY example. In this case, imagine someone being short on on DHFL puts in September 2018. The math works the same way. +3. u/[g0dfather93](https://www.reddit.com/user/g0dfather93/) is grading my submission and makes an interesting point. He believes there is **virtually no risk when your broker is a large party backed by a bank.** Now while in case of crises, a Bank may step in to provide a subsidiary some liquidity, it is under no legal obligation to do so. HDFC Bank and HDFC Securities are different legal entities, while related. In the same way you cannot be liable for your brothers credit card bills, HDFC Bank has **no legal obligation** to come and make good a default on HDFC Securities' end. +The ATH back in April was just 4k more, but this trend up has been a lot more healthy than the last time, the fear & greed index is all green and there's not much FUD going around. + +And the best part is that the Bull will only become stronger when we breach the ATH, that's gonna generate a lot of hype and FOMO again that it might even get us close to 100k, and don't get me started on what would happen if we managed to break the 100k barrier 🤯 + +Sorry guys, I'm just like reaaaally hyped right now and had to vent, this are just my thoughts not financial advice. +For starters, I'm horrible at saving money. As of today, ALL of my bills are up to date and I currently have $635 in my accounts, both checking and savings combined. + +I'm not really sure what to do next. + +I'd like to keep this money there and keep adding to it when I get paid again on Friday, but I'm worried... + +I'm almost 37 years old, so this shouldn't be hard, but it is. + +HELP!! + +EDIT: I can't possibly reply to all these overwhelmingly amazing messages I've received. I will get to as many of them as I can. + +My gratitude for every one responding is just.... wow.... + +Thank you. +I wanted to see if people who don't need to work are looking at "retirement" the same way I do. + +I believe that the underlying concept of "retirement" whereby one ceases working, earning, and contributing is outdated. + +Historically when people used their bodies for work, retirement was aligned with people being unable to physically work any longer. Today communication tools enable people to contribute and collaborate without limitations of physical distance. + +Perhaps today if you don't enjoy your work then you can retire and do something else, but there's tremendous value in what you've built up. + +I believe that the default post fatFIRE shouldn't be hobbies and consumerism, as I've personally found that there's so much more to be gained in "retirement" by increasing your value and contributions to the world. + +Many people think this means volunteering or giving away time or money for free, but there's a larger spectrum of possibilities that could contribute more to society while furthering the value of your values. + +Are you doing any of these things? + +1) Mentoring & Teaching - SCORE is the only formal organization I know of, but there are definitely communities of people that could use you knowledge, experience, in a way that could help others. Perhaps you stumble upon something that provides you insight, enjoyment, and/or a financial return. + +2) Startup advising or investing - similar to mentoring - helping the next generation of people working on cool stuff. Going through universities or finding interesting people on LinkedIn and offering your help. Perhaps there's a young guy or gal with hustle that needs a bit of direction on a startup or real estate development project that you can help with and get a piece of the pie for yourself. + +3) Serving on advisory boards - prominent people typically get asked to sit on boards of corporations, startups, or community organizations to help set directions. These can be paid positions that enable you to contribute insights, networks, resources and can open up ideas and resources for those involved. + +4) Community, media, and/or political actions - using your time, skills, and resources to be the change you want to see in the world. + +5) Impact investing - putting your money where your values are to invest and support investments that generate a return and help human beings prosper + +I see these and other similar topics as creating virtuous circles of value and intertwining ethical values with economic values. + +Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? + +Are there other categories that I should include for "active fatFIRE"? + +Are there communities of fatFIRE folks who are staying active, engaged, and contributing in these areas? + +Thank you for your consideration of this topic among our community. +hello all... + +I work in the I.T field for a M.S.P (Managed Service Provider) + +I recently accepted a position with another company I currently make 50k at my current position. my new position wants to offer me 75k. I have my employer notice the other day, and he recently asked if it's possible to counter the offer. I am meeting with my boss on thursday. to discuss. + +i really love my current job. The people,the work and all. I hear a lot on Reddit these situations are never good, because they will start looking for your replacement soon after because it puts a bad taste in both employee and employers mouth. + +I would like to know from people with "Experience" on how situations like this have worked out for you. + +thanks all + + +Update1: had a meeting with my boss today. he offered me 100k if I stayed.WOW!! i brought up the point of these kind of situations dobt seem to go well bc it puts a bad taste in peoples mouth. he said that woubt happen. + +he brought up the point of not wanting to spend money to find someone,training them, and see if they are a culture fit. it would be cheaper to keep me. I stated I love working there but + +I asked of I could get a employment guarantee for a year or something like that. they did not want to out it in writing. that was a bit concerning to me. stated I would think about it. + +This is a pretty big decision. freaking crazy. I have till the end of the week to think about it. +This is a winning system community in ten years of existence with practical credibility of helping the Society of Artists to become and realize their dreams by broadcasting, airing the content of your entry to the global audience and the beauty of CyberFm Radio Network is that an artist would certainly be rewarded, paid on the basis of royalties directly ... Wahoo, in short, CyberFm Radio Network is here to promote and reward you. + +https://www.cyber-fm.com/ +CyberFM #Investment #Cryptocurrency #DistributedLedger #RadioOnline #CYFM +Hi, Need a simplified explanation of what Form 12 C is when we declare investments to our employer? + +We usually fill form 12BB while declaring income. But I have never bothered with Form 12 C. Sadly my employer has every poor explanation for this and I have not been able to get a good explanation Online. +So.. I fucked up. + +I didn't realise how big of an issue the decay would be. + +I bought in on the 12th of March at a approx price of $**14.75** with the ASX200 being at approx 5300. + +At its peak I was up bigly and confident the ASX will retest its lows so I held during the bounce. + +The ASX200 is very close to where I bought in today, 5350 yet BBOZ is now at $**11.43** + +**TLDR im 22% down when the market is at a very similar spot!** + +So I fucked up. I have decided to sell out. I think its best to cut my losses right now because we may see more sideways volatility before being close to testing the lows, further degrading my losses. + +I still have 120k sitting in bear which is doing better so happy days and I will be keeping it for now. + +My rant is over. Im sorry for everyone who I criticised. I knew it would be a factor, just not as big as it has been. + +Loss will be close to 50k on BBOZ and BBUS. OOPS +**Market Overview** + Somehow, I was red again! Not sure if I should call Tom or the dodgy mangements not buying stock when it goes down, maybe I’m past my prime and its time to retire? Either way the markets started off great today then fell all the way down before slowly recovering just shy of where they rocketed on open, also well done to everyone making tendies today! + +**XJO up 0.32%** + +**Energy sector & Materials sector** + Energy down 0.77% today, no idea how often Ive started off saying energy is down but they really should just steal Coles phrase of down down prices are down! OSH -1.27%, WOR -1.25% and STO -1.71% showing not a single green stock for the large caps! Maybe its time we start with something more positive like communications and utilities. + Materials bounced back even though last night I checked and the commodities were taking a dive forgetting the Olympics are over! PLS rocketed today up 10.95%, so well done to holders!!! JHX up a smooth 2.9% which I suspect the momentum will continue going forward and is another nice boomer stonk. The big 3 were mixed with RIO down 0.59%, FMG -1.1% but BHP saving the day up 0.14%. + +**Industrials & Health care** + Industrials…well ouch! Down 1.05% for the day with TCL not having great results and the market not impressed today either down 2.78% along with AZJ down 3.15%. Other than that everything was fairly flat besides REH which was up 0.7% and was the best performer for the large caps, lots of plumbing after eating too many tacos. + Health Care couldn’t find its rhythm today down 0.25% with FPH down 1.11% and CSL falling down short of the $300 resistance down another 0.59% today. PME had a great day up 1.71% and ANN was up 1.54%, so well done to any hodlers, I have no idea about ANN but the code automatically makes me anxious. + +**Consumer Discretionary + Staples** + staples doing what it does best, up 0.42% today. We had WOW green 0.2% COL 0.39%, TWE 0.67% and last with the gold medal is EDV up 1.3%. Not much else to say so ill quickly brag that in one of the daily recaps I predicted Lu Xiaojun and Talakhadze to win gold and they did! Im not a sports betting person but if only stonks were as easy. + Discret. Up 0.82% with IEL not letting up and investors worried about the China issue still possibly, down 1.09%. But we had a lot of green today starting with WES up 0.62%, the big stand outs were from DMP up 1.9% and ALL 1.98% for the day! + +**Financials and Technology** + Financials just cruising along today making gains up 0.76%, over double the XJO!! Financials sector the new AfterPay? We had the big 4 do well, except for ANZ who were down 0.03%, but NAB were up 0.19% and WBC 0.87%. CBA collecting more interest up 1.54% for the day and doing great back up to $106.56! Rest of the sector was mostly mixed with a few small standouts in BEN, IAG and MPL, so well done to Ben10! + +Tech up 1.62% today and back to just becoming the APT sector as Square did well overnight. APT up 3.24% and NXT not too far behind up 1.68%. WTC the only red down 0.12% unfortunately. + +**Communication services, Utilities & Real estate** + +Communications green 0.9% with everything up for the day, but the big winner was SEK at 2.21% finishing the day at exactly $30! CAR was the only other one up over 1% at 1.02% for the day. + Utilities up 0.05% but any green is a win! IFT tried to shit on the sector down 2.74% but MCY said nope, and finished green 2.19%. + Real estate down 0.17% with LLC doing great up 1.24% but DXS -1.32%, GPT -1.69%, SCG -1.52% and VCX -1.26% all put a stop to that. + + +“Time is an Illusion.” -Albert Einstein +There's really nothing more to say. I haven't been happy in my 1 year-relationship. My girlfriend probably moved in with me with the expectation that I'll **pay her $40k Nursing School debt THAT SHE NEVER EVEN GRADUATED FROM (and she never told me about this debt**)**.** She was working as a receptionist but quit when we moved in because of 'mental health issues'. + +Honestly I've taken her to a psychologist, cared for her, even took some leave just to spend time with her and help her recover. I give her alone time when she asks for it. And when I'm at home, I always do the chores and ask her if she's game to go eat something nice and spend more time together. + +One day, I pull up to our condo and my door is open. I see some other *fucking guy* leaving my house, and he looks like he's been on a million different drugs. + +Pissed, I ask her about it and she gets angry at me, asking me why I'm never home and why I always abuse her. She dodges the question over and over and says that it's just 'a friend' she opened the door to because no one was home to keep her company. This happens about 2 more times and one day, I confront the guy in the front door and turns out he's '**rented**'. + +First off. Where did she get the money? Has she been renting guys out with the little "salary" I'm giving her to spend while I'm working my ass off providing for both of us? I'm a freaking security guard earning $19 CAD/hr. Which is not bad but not sustainable for a relationship where one person pays for two. + +I was pissed to hell. + +There was something she didn't know about, though. I've been stashing away a little bit of money, starting with 5K CAD after finding about this reddit site. At that time, I was honestly depressed because I had a hard time paying for our condo and with debt. And perhaps that fueled me with all-inning that 5K with a PLTR options play (call) that expired Nov 27, 2020. Oct 30, 2020 when I bought multiple calls for PLTR it rockets all the way to **wakanda** and to **jupiter**. I'm now 1012% up. I cash out before Citron shorts it. **(DW I'll add that money to buying PLTR STOCKS**, less riskier than doing options). + +***How does this relate to my girlfriend?*** + +It relates. It relates because I'm going to leave her fucking ass. Actually, even if PLTR doesn't hit $40 I'm STILL going to leave her ass. I have to pay spousal support, because of our cohabitation agreement, but when I looked at the calculator online, it amounts to about $82 per month for **0.5** to **1 year**. I'll do it and then cut all ties. And that bitch'll have to handle her debt herself. I'll cut all ties and leave without a fuckin word. + +It's not like we are obligated to one another. I haven't committed to her through marriage. And this is my decision. + +So her, that 'rental' guy, Jim Cramer, and CITRON can go suck my hard, throbbing cock because PLTR is making 50k liters of blood gush into it every time it goes up. Goodbye and I'll see you Monday when that shit pumps to the moon and beyond. +Holy fuck. I think my tits are gonna explode. I've been busy all day. Didn't have a chance to tune into earnings. But this. I've been waiting for this. Once GME started giving us the totals I KNEW this would happen. + +You guys ready for Cocaine Bear? Coming FEBRUARY to a theater near you. Let's see if they make it that long. +Asmongold is currently streaming on twitch with 100k viewers. They are coordinating to remove peoples spaces and they keep hovering around Superstonk. WE MUST NOT LET THEM WIN!!! This is your call apes! Apes strong together. Do not let these nerds overtake our space!!!! +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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+*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* + As you probably heard, Microsoft bought Activision/Blizzard for $70bil + +These articles got buried a long time ago. + +[https://news.microsoft.com/2020/10/08/gamestop-announces-multiyear-strategic-partnership-with-microsoft/](https://news.microsoft.com/2020/10/08/gamestop-announces-multiyear-strategic-partnership-with-microsoft/) + +[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/10/microsoft-will-give-gamestop-a-share-of-xboxs-digital-revenues/](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/10/microsoft-will-give-gamestop-a-share-of-xboxs-digital-revenues/) + +So Microsoft has a deal with GameStop that they share a % in all digital game downloads, DLC, microtransactions & subscriptions on Xbox consoles sold by them. + +Microsoft now owns some of the biggest publishers as a lot of companies are in a rush to create "metaverses" MSFT now owns the publishing rights to titles like Call of Duty, Skyrim, fallout, overwatch, diablo, world of warcraft, candy crush, halo and so on + +"Through this partnership, GameStop will standardize the Company’s business operations on Microsoft’s cloud solutions and hardware products to deliver rich new digital experiences to customers, creating the “ultimate gaming destination” for gamers in its vision to be the **premier omni-channel** customer access point for video game products" + +"The partnership aims to advance GameStop’s key strategic pillars and extend its *digital omni-channel ecosystem*" + +Would it be safe to say, potentially they are building the nft marketplace using Microsofts technology? + +Trade your digital games/nfts galore? + +Daniel Wang - " Some people ask me a question whether lrc will launch our own marketplace. **The answer is no.** We don't have a plan to launch our own nft marketplace, **but we are working with a premium owner to make sure they can launch their marketplace successfully and very soon.** + +"Just wait guys, the stuff that will be announced, will be worth 10 quarterly reports" + + +sent to me via monke - u/Appropriate-Wolf-437 +&#x200B; + +[$8.89 close back in 04\/26\/2019!! ](https://preview.redd.it/5w11854xpmv61.jpg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b2b55de6ab3934bb618b1c193dba89d191abf47) + +Edit 3: OMFG, I was wrong! Thank you, u/ixAries, for pointing it out! I took a photo of 2019 and not 2020! It's even more interesting to compare it now! + +&#x200B; + +[April 27th, 2020 - GME Market cap was $411M !!!!! With the money they got today for 3.5M shares, they could buy the entire stock and keep $139M!](https://preview.redd.it/yx5jor9symv61.jpg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe43569f8819b2ed7885bc3e88019898c5c33a3) + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: Many APES are questioning the price move today. I truly believe this excellent DD by u/ihatedmyboss has an excellent explanation about what happened to the price today during normal trading hours. The stock moved without any news. + +Linkt to the DD: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mfk7xa/gme\_price\_significantly\_jumps\_every\_2122nd/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mfk7xa/gme_price_significantly_jumps_every_2122nd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +The after-hours move was a totally different story. The great news moved it. + +Based on u/ihatedmyboss DD, this has been happening every month since December 2020. We can have another confirmation tomorrow if the price explodes. Please read it and get informed. I wrote down on my calendar the next day this is going to happen. It's going to be from May 27th to June 1st. + +&#x200B; + +Edit2: NSCC-2021-005 was signed today. It's fully effective in up to 20 business days. This is a shit ton of rocket fuel for May 27th week! If it walks like a rocket and talks like a rocket...BOOM! + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mz9gjd/nscc2021005\_has\_been\_signed\_today\_implementation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mz9gjd/nscc2021005_has_been_signed_today_implementation/) + +&#x200B; + +My good apes, + +Not financial advice. I'm really dumb. + +I feel bullish as fuck right now. Back on April 26th, 2020, the Gamestop closing price was $8.89! That's a total market cap of $629M for their 70.77M shares (plus the fake ones). + +Today they sold their newly minted 3.5M shares for $551M @ $157.42 while the price kept going up, reaching $190 AH today. + +&#x200B; + +Look at the image below. Chewy back in Ryan Cohen's days raised $451M in 4 years! Now, this company is beating amazon on the pet segment. + +&#x200B; + +[Just for comparison, Chewy raised a total of $451M, and it's now worth $34.31B](https://preview.redd.it/gy0t23j8blv61.jpg?width=1544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae63ba4640ed274824b0dda453dfa1246a643b5) + +My question is: What can Gamestop do, debt-free, gearing for e-commerce game domination with fresh $551M in the bank? I'm bullish AF on this company even after the squeeze! + +How are we so far: + +&#x200B; + +1. Ryan Cohen for Chairman +2. Best in the class team for their e-commerce transformation. +3. $551M added to their bank account today, totaling $900M cash in fucking hand. While shooting the stock up after hours! +4. Optimizing retail locations to improve costs while improving customer service. +5. The company is about to short squeeze! +6. People are flooding the brokers with phone calls asking for their proxy! +7. I'm jacked to the tits full force! +Yes, the other 30-60 firms whomever is tweeting about need to be prosecuted. But legitimately, how can ANY investigative body ignore the actual market maker sending 90-95% of trades through the dark pools? + +There's no price discovery. The dark pools that Kenny helped design are clearly not just to trade between institutions. + +And why in the hell can't the SEC just turn off dark pools for a month to see what happens? I mean, that's rhetorical because it would implode the markets. + +Ignorance is bliss. I spent 36.5 years having no idea quite how badly I've been fucked as a working American. I had NO idea how truly fucked I was getting. I mean, I didn't even get an orgasm from this thing! +My dad died a few months ago, and he’s the person I would usually turn to for financial advice. He was very well versed in finances, honest, and non judgemental- and I really don’t have anyone to turn to any more who is like that. I had a conversation about finances with some friends recently and it made me pretty anxious about where I am in life, but the person I would usually turn to help me quell those fears is gone. So I’ve come here for a sanity check , I hope this doesn’t violate any rules. For a little background on me: I’m a 25 year old living in the US making about 72k a year. I have 24k in my 401k and 30k in savings. Is this, for lack of a better term, good for someone at my age and income level? +I’m also curious about how the expectation of people having children in future impacts financial planning advice. I think it is extremely unlikely that I will have children in the future because I have a number of genetic conditions that run in my family that I am concerned about passing down. Does that have any effect on how I should plan for the future? + +P.S.- I’m sure as a member of this community, all of you who are parents are educating your children on personal finance. But if for some reason you aren’t, please pass on your knowledge. It was one of the greatest gifts my dad left me. +My wife and I need Reddit's sage advice on how best to maximize funds and make them work for us. + +**We are:** mid-30s, no debt, no kids (and not planning on having them), gross 200K/year, and live in a HCOL area. + +**We have:** 100K in a home savings account yielding 1.25%, 36K in an emergency fund account yielding .5%, 11K in a TDAmeritrade account split between various stocks, about 3-4K/month in cash after bills to utilize. + +**We are already**: Maximizing our retirements through employer-matched fund and traditional IRA. + +**We need:** Help. We're not buying a house. It's just not happening considering the area we live in. So we want to start allocating the above funds into whatever accounts, growth stocks, secure stocks, dividend stocks, bonds, etc. that will yield us the maximum potential for increasing our funds and making our money work for us. We're open to doing it slowly over time or dumping large chunks/all of it. + +Should we insert a bunch of it into a Vanguard? Dump it into VTI on TDAmeritrade? Buy 900 Disney shares and hope the Mouse takes over the world? Buy a plot of land and a van and live out our days hunting our dinner? Again, any and all advice or direction would be very helpful and appreciated. We're going to talk to a financial advisor but Reddit has a certain perspective that we also want to take into account. Thank you so much! +I inherited $35,000 from a deceased grandmother a few years ago, along with $15,000 I have saved up from working etc. I know the worst thing to do is let it sit in the bank, but I don’t know where/how to invest it or what to do with it. I have no debt, I’m a college grad with a full time job, and allocating some of my income to my works 401k (they don’t offer incentives or matching). I am commissioning into the US Army as an officer, and will be shipping to basic in the next 6 months, so I’d like to get my finances figured out before then. Thanks for the help! +Im concerned by my nephews new found day trading vibe. He's been in to it about 4 months. He said he took a course to learn the basics and he looks for patterns to make his picks. No offence to the lad but he's 19 and pretty dumb, not clever at all. Some of the comments he's come out with in the past weeks include: + +I'm up $10k so far. +Im up $17k (literally a week later). +I just made $500 (while sitting next to me on the couch at 7pm at night - what would he be trading at this time of day?). +I have a feeling lithium will go well today (like wtf is this comment?). +I make more trading than I do at my work (he must make 30-40k year). + +He can't stop talking about it. I don't even answer back any more. Hes booked 1 big trip and is planning another cause he's claims he's making bank. He probably had about 10-15k savings to start with. + +Im concerned he's blowing all his savings gambling which he was saving for a car. What is the likelihood he's actually making this kind of cash? + +What questions can I ask him, or educate myself in to quiz him on it? + +Edit: I commented this below but got lost in the answers. What is going on in this pic he sent me? + + https://i.imgur.com/grSTgGN.jpg + +Is it possible to gain that much in a day? +Bit of a background. +I’m about to turn 26, currently in a casual factory role with zero possibility of permanency/ promotion (we do no less then 36 hours every week, but no one is permanent) +Been here just over a year +spent 7 years prior with woolworths and a few years of that managing different departments + +Now looking at the fact I will be working another 40+ years I want to get into something where I can be striving for something + +If you were to start from this point with no degrees, what would you study to give yourself employability and put yourself in a position to advance/ make a higher salary? + +TLDR: if you were 26 with no degrees what would you study/ get tickets/ licenses etc to become the most employable +Summary in the EDIT, final decision at very bottom paragraph. + +I'm having a hard time deciding if I have a bad misconception of how important salary is in the long run. Here's as brief as I can make it: + +Recently obtained BS in electrical engineering. Manufacturing company I interned for is offering me $73k with a $12k signing bonus, however, I would rate the work a 5/10 and it has nothing to do with what I really want to do-- **PLC's and automation**. + +I've recieved two other job offers from a larger and smaller PLC company that does exactly what I love... PLC's, controls, automation, machine programming, etc. However, I've found their offers to be weaker at around $65k. This is pretty average for beginning EE's like myself I've discovered. + +Ideally, I'd like to snag the signing bonus (contingent on working for a year) and finish up some of my intern projects,working at the manufacturing company for a year, and then leave for a PLC company like the two I mentioned. + +Am I selling my soul for a one time payment from the manufacturing place, which won't make a big difference in the long run (almost 20k...)? Will this just hinder my progress in the engineering fields I actually enjoy? How about looking bad to future employers for only working at a company for a year? + +I'm new to financial freedom and large salaries, so any help in making this decision is appreciated. I've been lurking on posts and the sidebar about starting my 401k and such. Thanks!! + +*** + +Edit: Thank you for all the comments and advice! Although I am not responding to everyone, I promise I've been reading every comment and will continue to do so this weekend. I'd like to post a summary of the most popular points in this thread so far, for the curious and people in similar situations: + + +Advice FOR higher salary position: + +*A big jump on your 401k/savings plan can turn into a lot of money for retirement. + +*More money in the beginning of your career means a lot compared to 10 years down the road. + +*Higher salary gives more room for negotiation with companies later on, however, the difference field of experience won't necessarily make you more valuable than a college graduate for example. + +*Time is money, and if work is just work, than the better compensation gives you more for your time and allows you to enjoy personal time more. + + +Advice FOR lower salary position: + +*Doing what you like in a job is very important, and in a situation like this you get into the territory of diminishing returns. + +*Job progression happens fast, and the experience in a desired field makes a 10-20k difference negligible in the long run. + +*Better personal interest in a job gives more room for progress and better opportunities based on meaningful work. + +*As long as you're financially comfortable, having a more enjoyable life can make life better in general and prevent stress and soul-sucking day-to-day involvement. + +There are a lot of other factors I've been considering and have evaluated each companies benefits as well. + +***I've decided to take the majority's advice and go with the PLC/Automation company. I'm still waiting to hear about their offer negotiation but I will likely end up taking whatever their final offer is. The experience and quality of the work seems like the more important aspect this early in my career, and I would recommend the same to anyone in a similar position. I appreciate all the comments, especially considering I got a great mix of educated responses on financial strategy as well as fellow engineers in similar fields. + + +10 july was the deadline date for rollout of covid inaurance by IRDAI. There is a standard policy document among the offerings by all comapnies but generally PSU insureres premium is very less compared to private players. + + +Cover has no sublimits like room rents etc. Max cover is 5 lakh and minimum is 50k and in multiples thereof. + + +Is it worth to buy? [covid insurance premiums compared](https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/compare-the-premiums-of-corona-kavach-policy/amp-11594452738720.html) +Hi guys, + +As the title implies, their credit default swaps are sky rocketing: + +https://twitter.com/JoeConsorti/status/1546147965844144132?s=20&t=KWAkQr\_\_p6mbeJDoMx-uwA + +Can someone explain in layman's terms what this means and the broader implications for the economy and depositors? + +I was under the implication that insolvency of a big bank is impossible in a country with monetary sovereignty like the US as it is simply "too big to fail". The central bank would simply step in and inject liquidity to meet depositor demand no? + +Thanks. + [https://www.macrotrends.net/2566/crude-oil-prices-today-live-chart](https://www.macrotrends.net/2566/crude-oil-prices-today-live-chart) + + +You guys think this will continue or fizzle out? Also do you guys see this helping TSLA if gas prices slowly increase. +Only a few years ago you could find a 1 bedroom for $700 now it’s $1,200 or higher. I am finally of age to move out and I can’t find anything on my own that won’t put me living pay check to paycheck. Is this now reality? +A while back, I discovered a trading community that looked like a straight up scam, just like many. I didn’t give it much thought at first, but then I started to watch the posts made by the members of this community and I began seeing things that made no sense to me: people posting trades with 20:1, 50:1 and even 100:1 reward to risk ratios. All of them claimed to have learned from this community, and since there were a ton of them, it was getting less and less likely that they were all part of the same group of scammers. + +Curiosity got the best of me and I joined. What did I have to lose? At worse I lose a bit of money to the subscription, but at best I’ll become a millionaire in a few months! + +The course provided went over the hot stuff of the moment: liquidity zones, order blocks, manipulation and “smart money” concepts. You’ve heard this before, but I wasn’t phased by it much at all. You can actually be profitable trading these things, because they are nothing more than a rephrase of supply/demand and support and resistance - both of which can give you an edge if you know what you’re doing. + +I don’t like people who teach this stuff because it is misleading, as it makes you believe you know how institutions trade, when in reality you have no clue. But as long as you’re making people profitable, I take no issue with you. + +What I take issue with is another thing that scared the shit out of me about this community. It’s something I have never seen before and I know for certain that, once this becomes more known, more educators will start doing the same, and so many people will fall for it. They call them **case studies**. Let me explain how this works. + +You join my community. You go through the course content, you study it and you wait until you’re confident about what you’ve learned. + +Once you are confident, instead of backtesting, I will advice you to do a case study on a market that you like. A case study is a reverse backtest: **you look for a successful trade FIRST, and you find a reason for entry AFTER you see how it plays out**. + +I will ask you to curve fit this case study as much as you can: you will do so by going down to lower timeframes, looking for ideal points to place your stop loss - which is always going to be near the very top or bottom of the move you caught with the benefit of hindsight. You will 100% find a way to fool yourself that you would have placed your stop there - maybe there is an order block inside the larger order block, maybe there is structure. It’s so easy to justify anything when you know what’s going to happen. + +This will make sense to you. I will explain to you that this exercises serves to teach you how to actually trade these setups in the live market. + +Of course, you do the same with your target. The end result is a monumental trade with an insanely tight stop loss and a huge reward ratio. + +What are you going to do after you complete your first case study? Well, you are probably as hard as a rock in your pants, and chances are you are going to go to your social media and post a screenshot of the trade you just “took”. Someone will see it, not knowing it was taken with the benefit of hindsight and curve fitted to obscene levels, and will join the community. + +Rinse and repeat. Congratulations - you have just created a cult that will generate income for you and save you a ton in advertising expenses. +I am a self-taught wealth management advisor. I have developed several investment policy statements for friends and family. In general, I recommend a Boglehead approach - passive investing and diversification through low-cost well diversified ETFs. + +I am considering financial advisory as a second career / side hustle. In my part of the world (Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia), there aren't many financial advisors or planners. + +Would it be worth obtaining an EFA (European Financial Advisor) or an EFP (European Financial Planner) certification from EFPA Europe? + +[https://efpa-eu.org/index.php/standards-qualifications/](https://efpa-eu.org/index.php/standards-qualifications/) + +I am not sure anybody knows about these certificates, but it might put some prospective clients at ease if they know I have a formal certificate as well. + +I have also considered CFP or CFA, but I have the following issues with them: + +1. too much time needed to complete it +2. too much focus on US-specific topics +3. covers too many topics which are not relevant for wealth management advisory + +Does anybody have experience with EFPA certicifates? Could you perhaps recommend some other certificates? Many thanks! +Doing uni part time and finally got a job wirh a part time contract rather than casual in a sector I love. + +I read barefoot a couple of months ago and finally cracked $2000 yesterday. I’ve never had that money saved without it being towards something. + +I feel really good about it, and just wanted to share it with people who get it +Reposting this as a verified thread. + +As a background, I've been an entrepreneur since 13. First, I made millions creating online multiplayer servers for a popular online game, then I started an eCommerce business that I still run. It's a subscription based eCommerce product that is ancillary to something that people need and will continue to need in their daily life - that's about as specific as I will get. I take about $3.5mm in distributions from this business annually. + +The problem is this -- I feel that a lot of my early drive and success was a direct result of early childhood bullying. I always felt inadequate and less-than, so I felt that becoming wildly successful was the only way to gain approval and to "show them." Once I achieved this, the negative feelings and low self-esteem gradually evaporated. I thought this would be a positive, but all the rage and feelings of inadequacy that catapulted me here are gone. Now, I'm just surrounded by awesome people like my girlfriend who do nothing but lift me up. The people doing better than me just root for my success, or are otherwise super nice to me. There's no one to get angry at. + +Put another way, I've only ever known "climbing" as my default setting. Building my businesses took an immense amount of persistence and hard work. Now, I've reached \*a\* peak (lots of people doing better than me) that is comfortable for me. I no longer have the motivation to seek new challenges because I have nothing to prove, but at the same time something feels inherently lacking. I still have a voice in the back of my mind all the time that's basically saying "hmm, this is weird. why aren't we struggling anymore? shouldn't we be pondering some new problem? why are there no new problems?" and the response is silence, and it's deadening. How do you get over this and just "settle down"? +No, really, are they out of their mind? + +Do they have any idea how long a bear can last and how many coins can be lost and eaten up forever. + +The bear market knew to “eat” the coins that were in the top10 so we only have BTC, ~~ETH~~ LTC and XRP out there that survived it from 2013. + +Dip is one thing, crash and bear is another. And it can last for a long period of time. + +What bear brings to us: + +\- General distrust in cryptocurrency + +\- Investors are losing confidence in the market + +\- Prices are decreasing for possibly longer period of time + +\- Negative talk of cryptocurrency in news, social media, mainstream media and so on + +And no, I don't wish for a bear market so I could accumulate more coins. Some dips are totally fine. For me DCA is also a good strategy for a long term investor. Why the hell would I want bear market? It is not that fun at all! +I have a good paying job in Australia without a degree but it's just a 9-5 job and I have a lot of spare time. Just wanted to see if anyone has little things that do that earns them some extra spending / saving money. + +I fell that if I could find something that would put around $150 in my pocket a week it would really help with my saving goals. + + +Edit - Wow, I submitted this before I went to bed and check reddit this morning at work to find 1461 comments. This is great I look forward to reading this to get some ideas. thank you +"Watch the pennies and the pounds take care of themselves" + +£27 pcm back then. I haven't tracked what prices would be today, but this is just an example of how the little bills mount up. Same rules for the more common subscription based services these days. + +Had a few questions from contacts and suppliers who were confused by us only having mobile numbers ("Yes, but what's your home phone number?"), but that's much more normal now. + +As for internet: We're pretty rural and ADSL is limited to 2mbit (down, 0.768kbit up) (With no plans for even FTTC to our closest village) but we have a local wifi mesh provider who is excellent, and a backup directional 4g router. Both provide over 30/10mbit which is ample for two of us working from home. +I violated my own rule, I did not set a stop loss because I got cocky after a 29-day winning streak. today was my 30th and I had whiskey ready to celebrate. I set up $ANVS short and walked away to use the toilet and fill up my pre-workout. + +I got back I'm 50% down, I froze and shortly after my broker closed my position (risk mitigation). + +Do not, ever, ever wobble on your risk management, I'm literally gutted by this + +Edit: thank you for the support DMs, really appreciate it. For the trolls, I'm not a bear, I'm a hunter with 0-bias, sometimes i trade the same stock long and short within minutes + +Edit 2: I got a few common questions in comments and DM that I'll attempt to answer: + +\- My strategy is simple, up/down gappers with highest volume. I like volatility and momentum rides in the first 2 hours of trading every day. I use 5min tf to identify a micro-trend and 1-2min tf to time my entries. I use a risk management system of 1% risk over account and 3% take profit that i call 'R' multiples. You can google risk/reward management for reference there is a ton of material on it. + +\- I use tradezero US as my broker, they have great locate availability and being able to sell your locates back to reduce your fees is amazing + +\- Yes I lost 2/3 of my account and I'm under PDT again. Luckily I'm not in the minus and I don't owe my broker any money. always have risk measures and ensure no single event can ever end you. I'm blessed to have stashed cash on the side to help me get back up quicker + +\- To the folks sharing their loss porn history esp with similar mistakes, thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel less like an idiot and inspired that you're still here grinding, I'm your newest marine +Hello everyone. I'm 21 years old, currently making 15 dollars an hour at an architectural firm. I have no education beyond high school, and I intend on moving from Illinois to Virginia in about 2 years. I have a long distance partner and their school should finish up in 2 years, so until then, I plan on budgeting as hard as I can for the future. + +I did the best math I could, and assuming I continue to work on average 37 hours a week at 15 an hour (This is likely to go up to 21 in the coming months but hey, plan for the worst.) and this is what I came up with: + +So in about 2 years, Ill have around 60-50k, lets assume the least in this case I have 45k as I'd likely purchase a car during this time, and insurance is a thing. I live practically right next to my job so gas expenses will be minimal, and I don't get out much. Now lets make some even more poor assumptions, lets say within these next 2 years I blow 10k on myself, leaving me at 35k. NOW, lets assume every 3 months I spend 400 on a ticket to visit them, for 2 years, and assume I pay every time, and we'll just top another 10k for that. Then lets subtract another 5k as "Who knows" costs from well... who knows. So I \*should\*(If I spend properly) have 20k saved, a car, and no other expenses in regards to living. + +I would then pack my things in my car, drive 15 hours to my partner, and stay at their place (their mother loves me and is okay with that) and then ride off the 30k as a safety net. Their dad says that he could easily grab me a job, the rest is up to us finding a place to live. + +I am a baby in this world, and adulting is scary. Any advice, changes, or glaring problems? I would like it harsh and to the point. Thank you. +I want to do this for fun and for free.. I love teaching/helping others about investing/budgeting/etc... Was a hobby of mine when I was the President of my school's investment club. I was thinking about setting up a Twitch.tv stream and answering questions next week... Trying to gauge if there would actually be interest for this. I would use bloomberg, a mock interactive trading software, and TD Ameritrade to answer your questions, go through examples, and help teach you about basic topics! + +EDIT: Thinking about doing a one hour session July 6th... If interest grows I can also post a poll to see which date/time works for those interested. + +EDIT EDIT: Woah.. Looks like I am doing this... Time to brush up a bit on a few specific topics. Please post anything specific you want answered in here and I will try to cover them. I really enjoy helping others learn how to and about investing, thanks for all the support. I am pumped! **If anyone wants a reminder and details just post in here and I will send you a PM in a few days with a link/date/time. I will also post a new thread on the sub as a reminder.** +