diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_148.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_148.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_148.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +I just want to say, be careful about the smoke and mirrors. Lot of things are going on underneath the surface. + +8 am - Yesterday, the fed offered more than 500 billion in repo. Only 78.4 billion was taken. Today, the Fed just offered more than 1.1 trillion in repo for today. What are the signals? Why is Wall Street not taking the money for liquidity? Check this out: [https://www.biancoresearch.com/the-moment-in-this-decline-has-arrived-2/](https://www.biancoresearch.com/the-moment-in-this-decline-has-arrived-2/) + +This could possibly be way worse than 2008. + +8:30 - 24.1 billion in repo taken. Last update will be 9am. + +9:00 - 45.1 billion. + +&#x200B; + +Net repo: 86.5 billion out of 1.15 trillion + +9:05 - Brace yourselves. + +9:18 - Mnuchin says coronavirus sell-off will be great opportunity for long-term investors like ’87 crash -CNBC + +Sounds like he knows something. + +9:25 - Set a stop loss for your positions. If a loss exceeds your threshold it will be sold at market price. This also helps set good limits to your trading. + +10:15 - Tons of SPY puts purchased around 9:45. Tons of SPX puts. Both SPX and SPY order flow is the same. + +[3\/13\/20 SPY Order Flow](https://preview.redd.it/7uh9gtl88gm41.png?width=2806&format=png&auto=webp&s=571b013f3840482cdeffdbd6e21538f792f31d6c) + +10:20 - Buying more SPY puts and VXX calls. + +10:30 - My reddit notifications are not working. If you want to ping me, just message me directly. + +10:50 - Straddles opened on SPX. Vol will most likely pick up. + +11:00 - Trump trying to pump on Twitter. + +11:05 - More large tranches on that bounce for SPY. + +https://preview.redd.it/nf35co0oggm41.png?width=2806&format=png&auto=webp&s=25b97e676fe1acc4a7718c05e9d9b4b2578bdcea + +11:10 - Be very careful with the puts. Huge put orders on TLT. Possible bounce incoming this afternoon. + +https://preview.redd.it/hlve96a4hgm41.png?width=2806&format=png&auto=webp&s=21dd344328ecd4e3c19270efc483f9aa8709b611 + +11:15 - Selling VXX calls and GLD puts. Holding SPY puts, but watching TLT puts and seeing if there are tranches of calls for SPX or SPY. + +Unloading puts slowly. I'm seeing these smaller 1-2000 spx calls peppered in. I think the mass selling of puts is just to collect premium and they sneak the smaller spx call orders. This lines up with TLT puts, and also lines up with VXX puts. + +&#x200B; + +11:20 - Trump to declare national emergency. + +11:25 - Sold puts. + +11:27 - Call orders starting to come in. Going to go start a small position with calls. + +11:45 - I need to go offline for a bit. I see more than 60,000 TLT puts. + +Please be careful! + +13:10 - Don't think many people will know what happens until the 3pm conference. Lot of straddles being played on SPX. Seeing more VXX calls. Lot of uncertainty. + +13:15 - Going with calls on GLD. The price is pretty close to my target of 1500. + +13:45 - Sold SPY calls. Need to prepare for meeting. Best of luck everyone. +Tax refund was deposited this morning. +Paid off every credit card and put $1k that was left over in my savings/emergency fund. + +We've been living a frugal lifestyle and selling on ebay on the side. Our goal is to be homeowners by 2021. Paying my cards off will boost my FICO to over 720. + +Yes I wanted a newer tv but don't need it. Yes I want to splurge on a new phone. But my current one is fine. +Today someone posted on IEX that at times there were no asks below $99999. On the level 2 data I see from Fidelity there's never more than about 1000 or so (suspicious) asks on the board before some real ape is selling a couple of shares for 50k. + +As long as the hedgefuck MM's are able to suppress the price by creating a few 100k new counterfeit shares, this thing isn't going to happen, but as soon as they can't, this thing is gonna spring like a bear trap, right? + +Even if someone could generate some more fake shares to temporarily keep it down once someone fails a margin call, are they gonna want to throw themselves in front of that bus once someone is forced to buy a million shares to cover? This thing is gonna rocket up so fast it's gonna make your head spin. A MM that does that last counterfeit short position is asking to be paying 100s of thousands per share inside of a couple of minutes. + +...and a giant GUH will ring throughout the land. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5hrzb/99k_spread_on_iex/ +I started a new job 2 months ago on 30k. It is my first job out of uni, so stupidly I didn't negotiate my pay. + +I have just discovered that all of my colleagues in my dept are on 33k, including a colleague who started a month after I did. They said they did not have to negotiate for this pay, and it was just the initial pay given to them when they were offered the role. + +I'm aware I'm new and don't have much of a leg to stand on, but is this worth going to HR about? My colleague said it may be due to my age (I'm 23, the youngest on the team by far) but I still think this is unfair. Would it be idiotic to email HR regarding this or do I just wait until my annual pay review? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance. For context this is London, and I work in IT/Financial services. +While it was rumored that Spotify was seriously looking into buying SoundCloud, that deal fell through because of the high $1 billion USD price tag. However, Music Business Worldwide is now reporting that Google might be interested in acquiring the music hosting and streaming site for a much lower $500 million USD. The report also includes information about the three major record labels that holds stakes in SoundCloud — Sony, Universal and Warner Music — who cumulatively own around 8 to 9 percent of the company. +[https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/04/federal-trade-commission-cracks-down-warrior-trading-misleading-consumers-false-investment-promises](https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/04/federal-trade-commission-cracks-down-warrior-trading-misleading-consumers-false-investment-promises) +A body called Chennai Financial Markets and Accountability (CFMA) has claimed unitholders would lose as much as Rs16,000 crore out of their investment of Rs28,000 crore in the wound up Franklin mutual fund schemes. + +What is the basis of this statement? Is it factually correct? + +From my understanding, FT have mentioned time and again in emails that if the funds are wound up, then they can receive a significant portion of the capital back over the given timeframe i.e as and when the bonds mature. However if the funds are somehow not wound up, and open for public redemption again, then this will cause a "run" or stampede to redemption and they will have to sell the bonds at a steep discount just to honor the redemptions. + +However this CFMA group are claiming all will lose 60% of their investments. There are quite a few articles about this claim, yet there are no actual calculations or any basis to show how they arrived in this figure. IIRC, FT has already received money from the bonds so far without any issues. Given recovery from Covid19 is in progress, other bonds can also be expected to pay as per schedule. + +Can someone with knowledge please share their insights on this? Thanks + +https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/over-60-haircut-in-ftmf-shut-funds-is-black-swan-event-cfma/articleshow/80386363.cms + + +http://cfma.in/ and link to actual [notice](http://cfma.in/mediareleases/CFMA-PR-on-FTMF.pdf) + +Also relevant: [Another report](http://cfma.in/research-report/Franklin-Templeton-Mutual-Fund-cannot-be-allowed-to-make-priority-repayment-to-bank-borrowings-from-cash-flow-received-after-closure-of-6-debt-schemes.pdf) by this same group makes a valid point, that if there are haircuts for unit holders, then even the banks which have lent to the FT funds must bear the proportional hit. Why are the lenders being paid of 100% but the unit holders left to bear all the damage? + +PS: Invested in FT-UST, probably like many others too... +This is very tinfoil, but we love that shit right? The **TLDR is in the title**, the rest of the post is just all my circumstantial evidence backing it up. None of this is concrete because Archegos famously didn't ever report their positions and dealt mainly in swap positions which don't have to be reported so take all of this with a pinch of salt, but please be open minded. + +**/u/Blanderson_Snooper** is one of the best DD writers we have on this sub and they put together this [**Archegos Fact Sheet**](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vhnc86/archegos_fact_sheet_what_we_know_and_how_it/) 3 months ago which goes into great detail about the situation if you have a chance to go through it. There have been tons of posts on Archegos and **I love each ape digging into all of this** because I know how time consuming it is. + +*** +*** + +#The basics of the Archegos situation + +Most of you will probably know the basics of the Archegos situation by now but for any new apes here's a brief summary: + +- It was run by Bill Hwang who was one of the shadiest fuckers to have ever traded. He's been fined by the SEC for insider trading, banned from trading in Hong Kong and was blacklisted by Goldman Sachs until some time around 2018. + +- Archegos went from having $1.5 billion in value in March 2020 to $36 billion in value in March 2021 (when it went under). That's a 2400% return in one year, which is unheard of unless you use a lot of crime. + +- They mainly operated using swaps ($132 billion out of $160 billion of exposure was due to various swap positions) + +- They used multiple different counterparties for these swaps including Credit Suisse, Nomura, UBS, Morgan Stanley, Mitsubishi UFJ Group, Mizuho, Deutsche, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs. Apparently Archegos kept each of their counter parties in the dark about the positions held with their other counter parties and lied constantly about the level exposure they had. + +- Starting on March 23 2021, Archegos' long positions began losing value; Archegos went from being worth $36.2 billion on March 22 to $9.2 billion on March 25. This triggered a lot of margin calls and consequently Archegos' counterparties liquidated their positions to cover these losses. This was the end for Archegos as all remaining value was wiped out. + +- Archegos' counterparties collectively lost over $10 billion from all of this, breakdown shown [**here**](https://i.imgur.com/n4V4B32.png) + +*** +*** + +#My theory + +Archegos and the people who ran it have been slated for their downfall saying they took excessive risks using too much margin and set themselves up to fail. An article came out called *"The Dumbest Financial Story of 2021 - Everyone involved in the swift fall of Archegos Capital Management should be embarrassed"*. + +**But here's my thesis:** Archegos wasn't destroyed due to their own incompetence, their long positions were maliciously attacked by the DTCC because Archegos went long on GME and had been trying to fuck up Shitadel's shorting mess with Gamestop. + +One thing I want to cover before we look into Archegos in detail is **what the DTCC actually is**. + +*** +*** + +#The DTCC Mafia + +The DTCC was designed to provide clearing services for the US markets, making sure money gets from buyers to sellers and stocks and other assets get from sellers to buyers. But **the DTCC isn't a government organization**, it's made up of 235 individual US companies and the board is made up of 22 individuals who work for companies like Citadel, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Virtu, Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas etc. You can find the full DTCC members list [**on this directory**](https://www.dtcc.com/client-center/dtc-directories). + +The DTCC has [**sets of rules**](https://www.dtcc.com/legal/rules-and-procedures) their members have to follow to be a member, and one important bit for us is [**this bit**](https://i.imgur.com/84xkMFR.png). This basically means that if any DTCC member has an "Event Period" which is a Default Loss Event then all the other members of the DTCC have to cover the losses of the defaulting member. So for example, if Citadel (a DTCC member) created hundreds of millions or even billions of extra GME shares that shouldn't exist and those shares go up in value causing Citadel to be margin called beyond their means, then all of the other 234 DTCC members (including all the major banks) have to cover the cost of buying back all of Citadel's naked shorts. Remember **shorting has potentially unlimited loss**. + +So the fuckups of one DTCC member are carried by all members, and that means I don't even see companies like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citadel, Virtu, Robinhood or any DTCC member as separate entities anymore. To me they all make up the single corrupt entity known as the DTCC, who will happily commit international securities fraud to buy themselves one extra day of survival. + +Citadel might be the main market maker churning out fake GME tokens everyday, but it's in all of the DTCC member's interests that Citadel doesn't get margin called. It's a fucking mafia, they'll put anyone in the ground that tries to fuck with them, which in my opinion is exactly what they all did to Archegos. + +I hope you're ready to come down a pretty fucked up rabbit hole with me. + +*** +*** + +#What SPECIFICALLY caused Archegos blow up? + +The SEC complaint against Archegos shows that [**these**](https://imgur.com/a/rIFDuJn) were their largest positions (The ones with ADR are Chinese companies traded on US exchanges). Multiple sources say that these positions are what caused Archegos to get margin called when they all started losing value on March 23. On March 26 Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley (aka The DTCC) started liquidating Archegos' remaining positions, but that liquidation isn't what caused them to all dramatically lose value, they all spontaneously lost about 30% of value which caused the margin calls. + +I'm going to look at 6 of Archegos' largest positions: VIAC, BIDU, TME, GSX, VIPS & DISCA. If we look at a long term view of these 6 stocks [**it looks like this**](https://i.imgur.com/8CndJab.png) and they all show the same trend; they all get inflated in price at the start of 2021 and then have a dramatic drop in March 2021. These almost look like short squeezes, but we know now that Archegos was artificially inflating the prices of these stocks. Let's take a closer look at those drops and how similar they all look. + +This is how all of those 6 stocks looked from March 15 to March 30 2021 (excuse my shitty MS Paint skills): + +[**BIDU chart**](https://i.imgur.com/0tNb25r.png) | [**BIDU with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/0UZUmCK.png) + +[**DISCA chart**](https://i.imgur.com/Wfhl1dE.png) | [**DISCA with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/82JprVK.png) + +[**GSX chart**](https://i.imgur.com/c9OLquf.png) | [**GSX with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/t4pZVqr.png) + +(This ticker was called **GOTU** back then) + +[**TME chart**](https://i.imgur.com/2bp6tWY.png) | [**TME with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/xfzNE1y.png) + +[**VIAC chart**](https://i.imgur.com/GrEWHvD.png) | [**VIAC with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/TZDaBIs.png) + +[**VIPS chart**](https://i.imgur.com/tL2CLHy.png) | [**VIPS with annotations**](https://i.imgur.com/AFs7lAo.png) + +Hwang on a minute, so these 6 unrelated stocks all saw at least a 26.3% price drop and a day where at least 21% of total outstanding shares got traded? Those are GME levels of fuckery. + +*** +*** + +#Articles explaining the price drops + +I'm now gonna utilize my epic google skills to find any publicly available reasons those companies dropped in price between March 22 - March 25. + +- **VIAC** and **DISCA** are covered by this [**Motley Fool article**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220421145109/https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/03/26/why-discovery-communications-stock-plunged-today/): + +> Trading volume on Discovery stock was extraordinarily high today, approaching 50 million shares before 2 p.m. EDT. This indicates that an institutional investor may have decided to sell some of its stake in the media company. + +> **ViacomCBS shares fell, in part because of a downgrade from Wells Fargo** + +They're putting a 32% drop in **VIAC**'s price partially down to Wells Fargo (a DTCC member) downgrading their rating of the stock. + +> As the chart below shows, Discovery has moved almost perfectly in tandem with ViacomCBS as excitement about the companies' new streaming services fueled a bullish narrative. However, those gains are quickly disappearing as **investors seem to realize that streaming services alone don't justify a tripling of the share price in just a few months.** + +Try and get your head around that statement; investors in the stock **DISCA** realized their investment was overpriced so they decided to sell en masse? What? *"Let's just all shoot ourselves in the foot and burn some of our assets"* because that makes perfect sense. Just utter bullshit like we see with GME, I'm honestly surprised they didn't say DISCA fell in sympathy with VIAC. + +[**One more article on VIAC**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220324075044/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/26/business/media/viacomcbs-stock-price-viac.html) mentions another low stock rating by "one of Wall Street’s most influential research firms", MoffettNathanson, and goes into a stock offering VIAC had just announced. + +> Mar. 24, 2021-- ViacomCBS Inc. (NASDAQ: VIAC, VIACA) today announced the pricing of concurrent offerings (the “Offerings”) of 20,000,000 shares of its Class B common stock, par value $0.001 per share (“Class B common stock”), at a price to the public of $85.00 per share + +So here's something I didn't know about stock offerings, the company's underwriters decide what price the new stock goes on sale for and in this case the stock went onto the market 14.3% cheaper than its previously traded price. Let's take a look at who VIAC's underwriters are [**here**](https://i.imgur.com/N2FA24u.png). Other than a few smaller firms that's a majority of big DTCC companies. The article above shows that VIAC dipped slightly because the stock offering price suggested it was overvalued, so the DTCC helped cause this dip. + +- **BIDU** and **TME** are covered by this [**Motley Fool article released March 25 2021**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220915015245/https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/03/25/why-baidu-stock-fell-today/) says: + +> Shares of Baidu Inc. plummeted today as investors feared that the China-based tech giant may receive increased oversight from Chinese regulators, in addition to threats from the U.S. about potential delistings of foreign stocks. The tech stock fell by 13.4% today. + +And this [**BBC article**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220720121521/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56410769) says: + +> China's State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on Friday said it had fined 12 companies over 10 deals that violated anti-monopoly rules. The companies included Tencent, Baidu, Didi Chuxing, SoftBank and a ByteDance-backed firm, the SAMR said in a statement. Investors appear to be worried that Tencent could be the next company in the crosshairs of China's regulators, who have taken an increasing interest in how major tech companies operate. + +Alright, increased regulation on a stock is bearish but is it enough to warrant a 30% drop in price? I'll let you decide that one. + +- **VIPS** and **GSX** are covered in [**this CNBC article**](https://web.archive.org/web/20210728044800/https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/26/china-listed-stocks-tank-on-fears-of-multiple-disputes-with-us.html) which again goes onto additional regulations on Chinese listed stocks. Bear in mind that these are only potential worries at this point and yet it was enough to drop VIPS 33.7% and GSX 29.5% in 4 days. Over-reaction much? + +#Summary + +These 6 stocks fell considerably either because they were downgraded by the DTCC, were affected by fears of further regulation for Chinese stocks or everyone just decided to sell at the same time. I'm smelling a lot of BS. All 6 stocks moved in the same pattern, had days of ridiculously high volume and all did so by March 26 where they'd lost considerable value. I'm just gonna say this bluntly: I believe these 6 stocks were shorted to hell during these 4 days just like we've seen with GME. + +*** +*** + +#March 26 Margin Calls + +[**This article**](https://web.archive.org/web/20220901203344/https://slate.com/business/2021/03/archegos-capital-management-dumbest-financial-story-2021.html) mentions Archegos' margin calls: + +> When someone trades on margin—with borrowed money—they may have to maintain a certain amount of collateral to satisfy their lenders. If the value of a stock holding goes down, the investor needs more collateral. Not having it triggers a margin call, where the lender can force a sell-off of the stock to bring the investor back into compliance with margin requirements. The Wall Street Journal reported that Archegos’ various banks—including Credit Suisse, Nomura, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley—had a meeting to discuss how to effectively wind down the family office’s positions. **But the two American banks appear to have had little interest in acting slowly. Goldman and Morgan Stanley limited their losses by selling Archegos’ shares quickly**, before the size of the sale brought on a larger fall in the stocks’ prices. + +Does anyone else find it interesting that Goldman & MS didn't want to wait and talk this out with the other banks or with Archegos? They went straight in with the kill and began liquidating Archegos' positions on March 26. Yes their reasoning was fine, that they didn't want to lose more money from Archegos' falling stocks, but as you saw in the previous section I believe these central DTCC banks could have been partially responsible for the drop in those stocks in the first place. + +If you're not a DTCC member and the DTCC margin calls you it'll happen faster than it should happen, which is a bit different from what happens [**when you're a DTCC member and get margin called by the DTCC**](https://i.imgur.com/NH3fIGb.png). Remember the DTCC waived $9.7B spread out among 6 firms on Jan 28, 2021 ([**exposed on PG.101 Maxine's Report**](https://i.imgur.com/SAySuOT.png)), Robinhood's waiver was $2.2B of the $9.7B. + +So why would 2 DTCC banks who were members of the board want to destroy Archegos? Let's go deeper down the rabbit hole. + +*** +*** + +#March 10 2021 + +For many apes this will be remembered as one of the craziest days of the whole GME saga. GME dropped from $340 to $180 in a flash crash, there were allegations of MarketWatch releasing news of a price drop before it happened and strangest of all [**this battle took place between 2 high frequency trading algorithms**](https://i.imgur.com/gfSO618.jpg) (sorry for the blurry pic, I don't have a clearer one). That bar coding constantly changing the price from $240 to $340 is not fucking normal, stock prices aren't supposed to move that dramatically in single minute bars like that. Clearly 2 very powerful companies had a disagreement on where the price should be, I think we all know Citadel & their pals at the DTCC were the shorts and I believe now that Archegos was the "good whale" who tried to keep the price up at $340. + +March 10 was a significant day for GME shorts because [**March 11**](https://i.imgur.com/sd7CYjh.png) was the roll date for swaps. Whatever price securities closed at on March 10 would determine how much SHFs would have to pay to keep their swap positions open, and considering Jan 21 saw 1 billion more GME shares traded than normal (pre split), that's a lot of swaps they had to roll. If the price closed at $340 on March 10 instead of the $265 it did close at then it could have cost Citadel hundreds of billions more to roll the swaps. + +Do I have any evidence that was Archegos? Nope, none at all, but I find it oddly fitting that just 2 weeks later DTCC members seemed to collude to put Archegos into the ground on March 26. + +[**This comment screenshot**](https://i.redd.it/jzz8fzxp3xp91.jpg) goes into how lawyers were present on all calls between Archegos' brokers and everyone was told not to disclose Archegos' positions. Maybe that's standard procedure or maybe it was extra protection to hide the fact they had been involved with GME? News of Archegos' demise made the main shill news outlets within days of their blow up and the only thing blamed were those 8 largest positions linked before, but as Blanderson_Snooper pointed out their total exposure was like this: + +- $86 billion in long TRS positions referencing single securities + +- $32 billion in custom basket swaps + +- $14 billion in ETF swaps + +- $20 billion in long cash securities + +- $8 billion in short swaps referencing single securities + +It was all clearly more than just 8 positions, and yet MSM shills controlled the narrative to make it just about those 8. And yes that was what caused the margin calls, but it seems like great effort was made to not release *all* of the positions. I would bet $1 million (aka 0.01 of a GME share) that Archegos was long on GME by the time they went under. + +Archegos did apparently lose $800M on Jan 28 and Blanderson_snooper said that might suggest they were short on meme stocks, but the SP500 took a battering that day (likely Ken liquidating long positions to pay for GME naked shorting) so even if you were long on a lot of blue chip stocks you would have been burned. It was said that Archegos was long on some index swaps like the SP500, so this could still add up. + +I think Hwang would have known what was going on during the Jan sneeze, that Citadel was printing hundreds of millions of GME shares to give to Melvin & other SHFs so they could close their shorts and in doing so Citadel took on the short positions which they shoved into swaps. Hwang played with all these same instruments and would have seen the insane activity in ETFs containing GME and all the DOOMPs and other derivatives used to pull GME shares out of think air. I think he could have seen an opportunity during Feb 21 when the price was low again to go long on GME and make a fortune squeezing Citadel. If so, he took the gamble and lost and was burned to ashes. I hope this is all true and he comes out and says it one day, because that would irrefutably prove Citadel & the DTCC are guilty of exactly what Bill Hwang is on trial for now. + +*** +*** + +#Fallout + +Bill Hwang was arrested this year and is facing up to 380 years in prison, but in my opinion this isn't only justice being served, it's a warning from the DTCC for everyone else to stay in line. Trillions of dollars were lost in 2008 from agencies rigging mortgage ratings and no one was blamed, and yet Hwang cost a small number of banks $10B and he's made out to be the worst villain ever? It's like DFV said about Gamestop, *"The negative sentiment is just too high"*. But if this is a message to tell others not to go long on GME using dirty swap plays, then I understand them going so hard on Hwang. + +And to me that's why RC is playing 5D chess doing this slow and steady without directly provoking the mafia. Citadel is destroying themselves by delaying this each day. Whether it's DRS that finally triggers the MOASS or an epic market crash, MOASS is inevitable however you look at it. Swaps hide the crime but don't make institutions immune to standard market movements like we saw with Archegos. So there's no way out for Ken. Is he going to suppress Gamestop for another decade? What if they eventually get to $100b profit in a quarter, will BoA up their price target from $20 to $25? It's over mayoman and we all want to see you go down for 380 years too. + +*** +*** + +Let me know your thoughts on Archegos being long GME, I know it's tinfoil but if there are other places to try and back up the theory I'll definitely do more digging. + +#Thanks for reading +I'm trying to get ideas about improvements in quality of life or changes that could be for the better even today or in the near future that we may be subconsciously deferring till retirement. +Making my first big jump. Currently my biggest unit is an 8 Plex and I am under contract to close on a 84 units at $35,000/unit. Going through the DD and all that and just SCARED that I am missing something big and going to lose my A@@. + +Anyone else have these feelings on their first big purchase! +My parents have been floating the idea of using my credit score and their money to a co sign for a house im M22 young and dont really understand real estate nor do I feel financially ready, I have about 25000 saved and work multiple jobs that Ive been gainfully employed at for 5 years . This could be a great opportunity to start investing in a home. My family has explained the benefits to me and told me I almost stand to lose nothing but I find that rather hard to believe Im hoping for some insight from reddit as theres no conflict of interest, worse case scenario how much risk could this potentially have on my credit score ? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM). +We have three rescued cats and are in the process of adopting two rescued dogs. Since we don't have children, we love the chaos, energy and fun that pets bring to our lives. + +That said, we do love to travel and are also looking into buying a second home thousands of miles from our first. My guess is that traveling with the dogs will be doable, but I am much more worried about traveling with the cats. One is harness-trained and enjoys car rides. The other two are very frightened any time they are removed from their territories and are traumatized for days afterwards. + +In the past, we've hired a pet sitter to come to our home twice a day while we are away. Which works for about two weeks, but I think that is the limit of what is reasonable for the cats so that precludes longer stays away or at this second residence. + +What are some of the FAT things people have done successfully to deal with pets while on the go? + +Do you hire people to fly with you on the plane to get them from point A to point B? + +Hire house sitters to look after them full-time while you're gone for longer periods? + +Buy/Rent an RV to get from point A to point B with all the animals inside of it? + +Is there an animal transport service that is safe and reliable? + +Money isn't really an object, the biggest priority for us is the safety and happiness of the animals. +And I'm still eating peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, pasta and veggies every night for dinner, and buying whichever orange juice is on sale. + I want to thank the community and baby Jesus and his mom and myself! + +I was sad to see u/Blackwatchfx deleting his comments (or maybe you got banned, one of the two) on a recent thread after another user called him out on his lies, but discovering his profile gave me an idea that should be fun to explore. Some of his comments allowed me to see what kind of statistics a Smart Money Trader aims to have: + +> ICT, PhantomTradingFX, WWA will teach you how to trade liquidity concepts and institutional order flow. You can make 1:10 trades weekly. Often much more if you understand HTF orderflow. Trading this way allows you risk less and make more. .5% risk with 1:20-1:30R trades. Worth checking out if you want to expand your knowledge base. + +> That being said- I agree. Edge is everything. Strike rate isn't important if your RR is good. We average 1:10/20 with much higher potential. Strike rate can be 40%.. not optimal but decent. I know first hand u/vanguer is a good/curious trader and can attest. + +> If you're trading fibs, support and resistance, ema crossover or ema/fib, breaks and retests, trend lines, double tops/bottoms... you probably use 15-30 pip SL and aim for 1:2 or max 1:3 right? The stops are so big because you have to account for price going against you as it sweeps liquidity. You're better off putting a limit order where you usually place your stops. All these retail strategies are fabricated/manufactured to generate liquidity to fill large institutional orders. There are 10 million retail traders worldwide.. 99% of them trade these strategies .. which is why the majority fail. + +> I'm not sure what you're on about. I don't care how much you make- it sounds like you're novice and could use improvement.. specifically where your ego comes into play. While you're out here making 1:2 or best 1:3 there are traders making 1:20, 1:50 and so on. There's always room for improvement that's all I'm saying. + +To sum it up, they average 1:20 with a strike rate of 40%. Let's say you're the worst Smart Money Trader there can be, and you sit at the very bottom of this range: what would your equity curve look like if you had a 30% winrate with a 10:1 average reward to risk? That's half of the lower end of the reward claimed by this person (who is a SMC educator), and I've removed 10% of winrate for good measure. + +[This](https://imgur.com/hvwWrWH) is 200 simulated equity curves assuming 1% risk per trade on a 100 dollars account. You may rightfully say that I should use a log scale for this, but unfortunately the numbers are so fucking bonkers that you can't even read the scale if I do that. But regardless, [here](https://imgur.com/a/qG1nMtu) is the log scale. Yes - we are over **FIVE BILLION PERCENTAGE returns**. + +Now, perhaps a trader with these statistics does not need to risk a full 1% on their trades. They would probably be more conservative and go for 0.50% per trade or less, so let's see what happens if we reduce the position size by a factor of 4 (0.25% risk per trade). + +[Here](https://imgur.com/3pXRh84) is the new set of curves. As you can see, we're now sitting at a way more realistic average return of **28801.4%**. + +"But Vanguer, you're a lazy fuck, of course we're going to take partials along the way!" + +(this was an actual argument one of these people directed at me) + +No. No you do not. If you say your AVERAGE REWARD is 10, it means you're winning **TEN UNITS OF RISK ON AVERAGE**, this is affected by scaling out - which will lower your average. **Your average already represents your partial profit takings**. But fuck it, let's halve the reward again. We're now simulating 5:1 and 30% winrate. + +[Here](https://imgur.com/Jz2R2PA) are the results with 0.25% risk. This *almost* looks normal, and we are miles behind the stats claimed. + +Moving on. + +Next time you see myself or others getting frustrated at these people, this is the reason why. If anyone who is trading these methods is willing to show me a verified equity curve that looks like the ones I've just shown, I'll become your god damn disciple and I'll do my best to gain the honor of your knowledge being bestowed upon myself. If you ever find yourself near Italy, you may as well pay off our public debt while you're at it. + +EDIT: By the way, I forgot to mention the big fat elephant in the room that is some of his students claiming to make 200:1 RR trades. I don’t even want to try simulating that. +>Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has directed the Mutual fund distributors to have a 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all redemptions and switch outs effective from June 1, 2022. This 2-Factor Authentication has to be done on the mobile number updated in the Mutual Fund Folio. +> +>To honour the redemptions and switch outs, please update the same mobile number updated in the Bank Account mapped to the Folio. We would send the OTP for the 2FA to the mobile number updated in the Bank records. +> +>In case there is a mismatch between the mobile numbers on which the OTP is sent and the AMC records, the transaction will be rejected. +> +>For any query or assistance, you may contact our Customer Care on 1860 120 7777 +> +>The above may be ignored if the mobile number updated in the Bank and the Mutual Fund folio is the same. +> +>If the mobile updated with the Bank and the Mutual Fund Folio is different then, please visit the MF central link to get it updated. [https://app.mfcentral.com/investor/signup](https://app.mfcentral.com/investor/signup) + +Got this through ICICI Bank, thought I should post it here in case people did not know about this. (like I did not) +I have been invested in Quant active fund for the past 3 years and they have been nothing less than excellent. Even if we take out this exceptional bull run from the equation it, the returns are still great and on top of the industry. Then why is it so less talked about. Is the company fishy or is there something I'm not seeing. +Wrote to my bank (and to BaFin) asking them to investigate the wrong booking in & out of my dividend. + +The answer I received says the bank was told by their authorities on the 22nd to do a split, then told on the 29th to do a split dividend, then was told on the 1st to revert back to a split. + +It think this is indicative of a problem in the system. +In a poor family. Came out of school with decent grades, but not further education grades, got a job. Asked my boss recently for some support with university (rather than a raise) and he approved of it. + +He's paying for me to go to university. + +Much better than the raise I was about to ask for. + Crypto can be more. Crypto can do more. This team is leveraging crypto for serious social impact. + +JUST ANNOUNCED - TequilaParty has partnered with AgaveCoin.club to sell their Tequila to the LATAM market. Lots of mutual interests here! + +TequilaParty is nearly three months old, and they've made awesome progress: + +• Built a brand that will stand the test of time + +• Solidified meaningful partnerships forming the basis of an International Tequila Brand + +• Lined up distribution in several countries + +• Identified a producer for the actual Tequila + +• Started regulatory work to get labels approved + +• Built a world class team with several doxxed members + +The "Circle of Incentive": http://tequilaparty.space/whitepaper/tpwhitepaper.pdf + +Latest video update from the dev: https://https://youtu.be/CYKWAW6i41c + +TequilaParty is a genuinely unique project in the crypto space. Why? + +• Tied to a real legal structure - licensed business entity in Missouri, USA/legal IRS designation + +• Doxxed, transparent Dev - Jameson Huckaba (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesonhuckaba/) + +• Making an actual Tequila in Mexico. + +• Working with real artists and non profits - their work tied to the Tequila via NFT. + +• Responsive, professional team driving the project forward. + +• Proper governance model. + +TequilaParty launched nearly three months ago, and has been making consistent progress in terms of branding and readying the physical product for release. TequilaParty’s Tequila will be distributed initially in the US, Mexico, and Hong Kong, as well as Latin America via online retailers. + +• BUY/CHART: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x61976bff7fe4e5b6a9d3fdac2d4a91f92268efdc + +• Network: Smart Chain + +• Contract: 0xf459693e9f45f432eCB48afE1bD0cCaA4ad82959 + +• Website: http://tequilaparty.space   + +• Telegram Community: http://t.me/tequilaparty   + +.#cantdrinkashib #worthashot +So to preface, I have always bought cars in cash/never had a car payment. I have a 2005 Toyota Tacoma that is fine but doesn't really do what I want out of a car other than point A to point B (which isn't all I want from a vehicle) I'm looking into buying a 2018+ Mustang for around $30k. My monthly take home income is around $3200. These are my monthly expenditures: + +Rent: $1050 + +Utilities: $300-650 (depending on the season) + +Car Insurance: $170 + +Student Loans: $130 + +Credit Cards: $125 + +Food: $300 + +Gas: $250 + +Internet: $80 + +Haircut: $40 + +Hobbies: $120 + +Misc: $100 + +Gym: $30 + +This comes out to roughly $3045/m in spending. I know that is not enough to buy a car, but I will be getting a raise in the next 2 months that will raise my take home income to around $3600/m. My question is: does anyone have any advice on lowering my monthly costs to make it easier, without getting rid of things like hobbies. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*edit\*\* I am contributing towards a 401k through my company and I have around 6 months of expenses in an emergency fund saved up +He knew he was naked shorted, he hated the shorts. Still does. So he threatened to take the company private, and the sec threatened him with market manipulation. + +Gave him a little slap on the wrist. But what happened in the back room? A slow covering of of the shorts over the period of a few years that made him the richest person on earth and many investors set for life. + +Elon said himself, and I quote "I am become meme, destroyer of shorts" + +He wants to watch them burn. + +And now, apes are taking GME private. Drsn batch by batch until this will be a private company completely owned by insiders. + +I wonder what happens to the shorts then? +Sorry, guys. Just a rant, so pass over if you're looking for practical stuff. Today I'm not in a practical mood, just a sad one :( Why did humans collectivly decide medicine had to be like this? + +I have an autoimmune disease and asthma. Diagnosed 8 years ago. Scripts been pretty consistent since then. I'm South African, we have this ridiculous thing where the longest script you can get is 6 months, then you have to go back to the doctor. Even on chronic scripts. Heck, even on birth control and mild stuff. It's ridiculous and cripples poor people's access to meds. Now I am a poor person and it's crippling mine and the psychological pressure I'm feeling over the unfairness makes me want to throw a full blown 3 year old's tantrum because having to operate unmedicated, unable to dang well BREATHE because some greedy b\*tard somewhere thought medicine should be for profit is just crushing me. + +During the worst of the COVID lockdowns we had this thing where lower tier scheduled meds on chronic scripts could just be reissued, and it was amazing. But despite no vaccine program rolling, our government's decided to yoink that privilege cos... well, they are idiots. + +I already have to pay R800-1200 for meds a month depending on if my pump runs out that month, as it's 60 day. I lost my full employment to COVID, so work is a bit hit and miss on piecework these days. That's a huge chunk of what I earn. I've already been playing with half doses, not taking, blah blah because...well, because it's often food or meds. You know, exactly the way we're told to take meds, playing with them and skipping doses /s + +Now I have to suck a further R600 to literally have him write a piece of paper. They won't do 'call us and collect the script for a small fee' like many docs will because they're oh-so-special-specialists. Doesn't matter my script hasn't changed for near a decade. They won't do reduced fees. You have to pay the full price and then a script fee or you don't get. Everything is running out in 10 days or less. + +I'm under no delusion the world has ever been fair and I'm being very childish even thinking the loop of 'but it's so unfair' that I'm stuck in...but it is. It's so unfair. I feel near catatonic off meds. Lets not even talk about the asthma. I already can't cope with anything and can only imagine what's going to happen re getting work done and all. I'm so miserable over it all I've been actively looking for mental health help- but the costs on that, even subsidized through charities, are also beyond me, which is a nice ironic twist. It just feels so WRONG that they can do this to us. That only the well-off deserve care and the rich deserve to feel well. + + +The saddest bit, for me, is that juuuuust before my life fell to pieces, I was starting to feel well again, finally, after the long journey of diagnosis and all. But despite knowing what I need (and how it feels to take it) I've had to settle for the half doses and the skipped days for years. And now I get to go back to none. I half wish I'd never been diagnosed and just gone on feeling mysteriously kaka tbh. + +Anyway, that's all. Just a rant. No one much understands or cares in my real world so tossing it out to some internet strangers in the hope I can get it off my chest and focus on the work I have to get done today. Thanks. +**Use this** [**r/place template link**](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) **so we can work as efficiently as possible**: [https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) + +Shoutout to u/[DeadDevotion](https://www.reddit.com/user/DeadDevotion/) for [this awesome walkthrough on how to install and use our Place overlay!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tuiahg/easy_visual_guide_on_how_to_install_and_use_our/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +(Stealing from u/platinumsparkles awesome text here) + +# How to use the Github program + +T[he site](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) will show you coordinates, and you can place the tile based on the coordinates here. When you hover over a pixel, it gives you the x and y axis - IF YOU CLICK THE TILE, IT WILL BRING YOU TO THE CORRECT TILE!!!! Then pick the correct color and place it :) + +You can add to the canvas here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/place/](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/) (and once again: check [here](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) to know where we want to put which pixels) + +&#x200B; + +[when you click on the tile in Github it will bring you to the same tile on r\/place](https://preview.redd.it/bsp9s4gn86r81.jpg?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60438f0005f1a6f692b905d145e34530338935d) + +&#x200B; + +[Click on \\"place a tile\\", choose the correct color and confirm. Rinse an repeat every 5 minutes.](https://preview.redd.it/ee6byyur86r81.jpg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da58dcfbcfe57e68bee3bef219a0907fc2abbcc1) + +## Let's talk about alliances! + +Carving out your space on the canvas works better when you make alliances with other teams. + +Why? + +Other groups will attack and it’s good to have people on our side to defend our design, and we can do the same for our allies. + +Allies will not attack. Allies make other allies and suddenly even more people have our backs. + +We made design changes to incorporate allies and remove things we are wasting time and pixels on. + +For example, OSU - what is OSU? A super popular rhythm game.. they are gamers coordinating on discord and twitch. They are the perfect allies, they are strong in numbers, dedicated, and they are not expansionists. All they want is their circle. + +We are fighting an unnecessary battle, wasting time and pixels, by trying to take over the top left corner (coordinated gamers UNITE!), so we incorporated their outer circle into our new design. + +We made an alliance with Germany, they will not creep into our area, and we added a small heart to our left border to represent our united front. They are working on a portal OUTSIDE our border, so LEAVE it alone! That will protect us on the left side even more. + +The sweet birb from r/PictureGame keeps getting its one pixel beak chopped off, so we’re going to add that to the right border. They messaged us that they will defend our right border. + +On day 1 we tried to make an alliance with r/placetrees, they are a group placing trees to spread awareness about our climate crisis, and yesterday we redesigned our piece to free up that bottom space. Since we were already building too far to the right anyways, we were just going to add the logos to the right. + +Well, nobody followed the post and the trees got wiped out (by our NFT logos, yikes), so we kept the space to the right and redesigned our piece again, this time including a couple of trees. + +A lot of people think NFTs are bad for the environment, VERY FEW people know about Layer 2 technology and how that is gas-free and carbon neutral. + +We have the same goal, we’re fighting the same battle, may as well do it together! + +We have also agreed to leave Star Wars alone (obviously), Scotland, Portugal, and blue corner. + +The other thing updated to stop wasting our time and pixels, was remove NFT.Gamestop.com and instead make our **Gamestop** logo bigger. We fought the good Gamestop.cum fight😅 but pixels were just being wasted on that all day long. + +We made more space in between BUY HOLD DRS. + +We added a pirate flag🏴‍☠️. + +With all that said, here's our new redesign [one last time](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) + +&#x200B; + +[Wanna Easily Help place some pixels but don't want to join discord?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tu3xkh/wanna_easily_place_pixels/) + +[Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tdxn3w/computershare_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +A couple months ago I posted that I was [saving 50% of my $70k income](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinancialPlanning/comments/bd4i8a/i_make_70k_in_the_nynj_area_and_save_half_my/) and I shared my budget. But now that income is gone. I got let go from a struggling company. This was 6 weeks after coming out of jaw surgery and my wife telling me that she was pregnant with our first child. I wrote about it all [here](https://biglittlewallet.com/march-2019-spending-the-layoff/). + +It's been quite a learning experience, to say the least. Soon enough I want to write a guide on how to survive a layoff. Most of all I'm realizing how thankful I am to have picked up a few personal finance books, to have found financial forums and blogs, and to have saved like crazy while times were good.  + +It's hard for me to imagine what my situation would have become if I hadn't already paid off my student loans. Or if I hadn't stashed 6 months of expenses. Or invested a lot. It would've put a lot of strain on my marriage. It might've forced us to move out of our apartment. I would've had to scramble to take the first job I could find since I have a kid on the way. My life could be falling apart. I'm not exaggerating. + +Instead it's been a pretty soft landing. My marriage is still strong. I'm still in my apartment. I've picked up freelance work and I'm in no rush to find the next full-time gig. Life is still good. + +I don't share any of this to brag. I offer it as a reference point for the readers of this sub. If you're a lurker, or just getting interested in personal finance, or putting off being "responsible" with money: **take everything you learn here seriously and put it into practice right now**. Get out of debt. Build an emergency fund. Learn to consistently spend less than you earn. Start young. I am begging you. There is likely nothing else you can do with your time that will change your life as dramatically as getting your financial shit together. If you don't know where to start, I created a free, no B.S. [email course](https://biglittlewallet.com/saving-bootcamp/) on how to save and become financially free. Maybe you'll find it helpful. Maybe you won't. Wherever you get your financial advice: *act*. + +Worst case scenarios just don't seem like they can happen to you. Until they do. Layoffs were happening all around me and I thought I was immune. I thought I was too smart and too talented. I was wrong. + +But I was prepared. Be prepared. +Seeing countless posts that Gamestop will be crashing with the market. + +Welcome to this weekends FUD campain. Let me explain why this is bullsh*t: + +1. Gamestop is the perfect hedge because Apes own the float and Apes don't have margin pressure. +On Friday Gamestop decreased because of shorting, not because the whole market bled. + +"The whole market is going down that is why Gamestop is also bleeding" saying is FUD! + +They might need to short it further as the market crashes (to reduce margin pressure) but with every new short they create additional margin pressure, once they need to role or cover ETF or options exposure. + +Correlation does not mean causation! +They use the market crash topic to continue shorting. + +2. A market crash has the potential to force shorts to close. Easy as it is. A failed margin call can be the beginning of the MOASS + +3. Rollover period: We know that they still have to roll to avoid fail to delivers in the millions of shares. As Gherkinit and other speculated they might even need to cover their options and ETF exposure (which they did not last week) on Monday. + + +Gamestops share price declines only in two cases: +1. Retail sells which is not happening +2. Marketmakers and Short hedgefunds short more and can avoid buying. + +They are a few institution long, but without proof of them selling additional shares saying that they cause a bleed is also FUD. + +TL;DR: +Any "the market is crashing that is why Gamestop is crashing" with it is bullshit, because apes sit on the long site of this stock. A stock is not "just crashing". There is always a short sell or real sell necessary (or some sort of forbidden darkpool fuckery with a small volume of shorted shares) + +PS: and turning the buy button off, was, based on the true reasons, illegal, not legal. + +Edit: I am not saying Gamestop will only go up or give you any date. I simply don't know. What I am saying is that "the market goes down must mean that GME goes down" is not a valid reasoning in my opinion +I’m interested to know how so many people have 400,000+ to invest in risky or volatile stocks? If you’re willing to share how you have accumulated your wealth, or have an opinion, I’d love to hear it. The factors I can think of are: +- Inherited wealth +- Years of hard work +- Huge amounts of stock-market-luck +- Impressive savings plans + +I am new to this gig, but as a 24 year old working in the community services sector I just can’t imagine ever achieving this level of wealth. Like, how do you get the money to invest in the stock market in order to make money? +EDIT: Sorry to the people asking for Discord link, it's not an official /r/thetagang discord! + +TL;DR: YOLO 1DTE AMZN and GOOGL Iron Condors to try and recover losses from this week (shorted an insane amount of Google call spreads). 680K on Thursday -> 828K Friday close. 650K collateral tied up in the IC's. Ignore the -20K on TSLA. MMs screwing my P/L at close moving up that ask. + +Legged into the condors. Amazon short put strike ~3365, short call strike 3500. Google short put strike ~1630, short call strike 1635. Max gain would have been closer to 300K but I closed out the insanely tight Google IC too early when it looked like we were going to face rip upwards. The market was with me today with both underlyings moving sideways all day. + +https://imgur.com/a/tJl0G6L + +(Yes this is risky, no I do not generally do this when selling). Shoutout to the theta gang discord fam if you see this ;) +Alright apes and apettes. Like the rest of you, I am jacked to the TITS after seeing the recent Gamestop [14A filing](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18846/html#toc122967_9). I wanted to see what the remaining float was and if retail ownership really could be over 100%. So what's the remaining float after insider and institutional ownership? + +&#x200B; + +**Outstanding Float** + +As per the 14A filing, there are 70,771,778 Gamestop shares outstanding. Institutional Ownership (minus Ryan Cohen's LLC) comes out to 32,433,338 . Insider Ownership (All Gamestop Directors and Officers as a group (20 persons)) comes out to 11,674,085.00 . + +&#x200B; + +* 70,771,778 (Outstanding Float) - 32,433,338 (Institutional) - 11,674,085 (Insider) = **26,664,355.00 Floating Stock** + +&#x200B; + +So I only took into account some of the most popular US Brokerages and tried to get the most recent data on the amount of users per platform (I have my sources down below). + +Obviously this is an incomplete data set as I left out a lot of brokerages, but assuming an average of 5 shares owned by all Gamestop owners from these top US brokerages, we own **104% of the float.** Remember this isn't taking into account non US brokerages and other US brokerages. + +&#x200B; + +**The Sheet** + +&#x200B; + +[Holy moly there is only 26.6 million float remaining for us to buy and hold?](https://preview.redd.it/w5ip8pwcdwu61.jpg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadd3cba6d6d3cf19b2aa49b3278734aa3848743) + +Ok now here is where my data falls short (heh). I didn't delve too deep into how many users on each trading platform actually own Gamestop stock, so I used conservative estimates (at least I think these are conservative). If you guys have any insight on to the actual % of users on each platform that own Gamestop, please share. + +&#x200B; + +**What does this mean?** + +It means we fucking buy and hodl. Every trading day more and more apes are buying shares, with volume getting lower and lower. We easily own at least 100% of the float and there is no way it can be less when taking into account all brokerages and people that actually own Gamestop. Think about the people with xxx and even xxxx shares on this very subreddit. I personally think that the average shares per user is 15+ shares. + +&#x200B; + +**Fun fact**: If retail ownership averages to **100 shares per individual**, then we own **2089%** of the float. holy fucking moly. + +&#x200B; + +**Sources for Brokerage Total Users** + +I used brokerages' latest Assets Under Management data to get total users when I could. + +* [Interactive Brokers](https://investors.interactivebrokers.com/ir/main.php?file=latestEarningsPR) +* [Fidelity](https://www.fidelity.com/about-fidelity/our-company#:~:text=Who%20we%20serve,solutions%20to%20grow%20their%20businesses) +* [E\*Trade](https://www.brokerage-review.com/investing-firm/assets-under-management/etrade-aum.aspx) +* [Charles Schwab](https://www.aboutschwab.com/charles-schwab#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20company%20has%20expanded,abroad%2C%20serving%2031.9%20million%20accounts) +* [TD Ameritrade](https://www.brokerage-review.com/investing-firm/assets-under-management/ameritrade-aum.aspx) +* [Webull](https://www.brokerage-review.com/investing-firm/assets-under-management/webull-aum.aspx) +* [Robinhood](https://www.statista.com/statistics/822176/number-of-users-robinhood/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20users%20of,to%2013%20million%20in%202020) + +**Spreadsheet if you wanna add your own data, etc.** + +[**https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8iib79i5y089r5/Gamestop%20Retail%20Ownership%201.0.xlsx?dl=0**](https://www.dropbox.com/s/q8iib79i5y089r5/Gamestop%20Retail%20Ownership%201.0.xlsx?dl=0) + +Here is the spreadsheet I made. Please feel free to add your own brokerages and corresponding data on your own sheet. I would love to make a master spreadsheet with all known brokerages and user counts so we can see just how unfathomable retail ownership is and how deep the hedgies really are. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** 🚀🌕🚀🌕🚀🌕🚀🌕🚀🌕🚀🌕 + +When I have more time and feel like procrastinating on school, I will try to expand this spreadsheet. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: Changed share link. I appreciate everyone that added other brokerages, even foreign ones! I'll add them once I get the chance. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[Daily Discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22&sort=hot) | [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot +) | [Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22&sort=hot) | [Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22&sort=hot) | [Education & Data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22&sort=hot) | [News & Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22&sort=hot) | [MEGA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22&sort=hot) | [Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&sort=hot) | [HODL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) | [Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22&sort=hot) | [Fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&sort=hot +) | [Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22&sort=hot +) | [Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22&sort=hot) | [Art & Writing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22&sort=hot) | [Stonky Pets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22&sort=hot +) | [Daily News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Daily%20News%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot) | [SuperstonkBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22&sort=hot) | [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=hot) | +| [Moderator](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot +) | [Red Seal of Stonkiness](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +September 15. That was a Monday. + +The next day the Fed loaned AIG $85 billion to prevent bankruptcy. + +The day after that Washington Mutual went up for sale and interbank lending stopped. + +On Thursday treasurery secretary Paulson briefed Congress on an emergency relief plan being put together (later called TARP), the president cancelled his travel plans to remain in Washington, and Morgan Stanley shares dropped by 46% over the course of a few hours. Paulson tried to broker a deal to *give* Morgan Stanley to JP Morgan Chase for free, but JPMC *refused to take it*. + +On Friday Paulson announced a $700 billion bailout and said "If it doesn’t pass, then heaven help us all.” President Bush later said, of the program, "I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system" + +Since that time the stock market has returned something like 200%. Just a reminder to not let the fear take hold and prevent investment, even when it's hard and even when it's scary. + +I feel like it's good to keep the memory of this fresh because it helps to combat some of the things you hear during recessions which seem realistic but which turn out not to be, and which prevent people from making the most of the situation. +Sorry if this is the wrong place to inquire about this. I woke up this morning and was extremely confused to receive two emails from Motilal Oswal (7 minutes apart with same OTP), a place I never heard of until today. Did some quick googling and found that this subreddit has had some discussion on Motilal Oswal - so I thought I'd give it a shot by asking here + + +The name in the email isn't my name either. I have no idea how this individual presumably got an OTP sent to my email. + +I am also wondering if it might be a spoof email. The way the email was worded seemed odd to me, but that could simply be me being paranoid. I immediately changed my email password, but wondering if i am already compromised. + +Here is the email, verbatim (with name and otp removed, and email spaced out so as to not hyperlink) + +-------------------------------------------- + +Sender: Motilal Oswal – OTP <webmaster @ motilaloswal .com> + +subject line: EmailValidation + + +*Dear <lower case name that is not mine>,* + +*Your One time password for Email verification is <4 digit numeric code>* + +*If you need any help right away, just get in touch with us* + +*022-40548383 | info @ motilaloswal . com* + +*Yours Sincerely* + +*Team Motilal Oswal* + + +-------------------------------------------- + + +anyone know if Is this a standard OTP email from them? + +I also accidentally clicked on the picture in the email but it doesn't look like the link went anywhere (incorrectly formatted URL it seems?) + +Thanks for your help + + +edit: thanks for the responses so far! +I wanted to revisit the discussion on this post from [2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/ej5map/top_5_canadian_dividend_stocks/) which posed the question "If you could only buy 5 Canadian dividend stocks what would you choose and why." + +There was a great discussion on the post but I wanted to reframe this question in our current environment. What companies do you think are well positioned going into 2022 to maintain/increase their dividend, and retain their true value in an inflationary environment. + +What industries or sectors would you avoid? +GraphLinq $GLQ, listing on KUCOIN tomorrow! 🚨 + +$GLQ charts look better than ever, with this KUCOIN listing it is all set to break its all time high and psychological resistance of $.10. 🚀 + +I used their IDE, it is amazingly intuitively. I saw there are like 200 blocks with integrations for binance, bsc, ethereum, kucoin, uniswap and so many more.. + +They had kucoin integration before they announced listing.. hoping for more listings soon. + +GLQ should be at $200M market cap at least. + + + SOLID TOKENOMICS 🌙 + +• Network Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain.. nodes and engine hosting: 10.000.000 GLQ (2%) +• Team share: 25.000.000 GLQ (5%) +• Marketing Development And Adoption: 20.000.000 GLQ (4%) +• Bounty rewards (graphs and library rewards for community): 50.000.000 GLQ (10%) +• Public ILO Presale on Unicrypt Protocol: 200.000.000 GLQ (40%) +• Circulating staking team funds: 5.500.000 GLQ (1.1%) +• Treasury funds for next future operations: 139.500.000 GLQ (27.9%) +• Private Presale Round: 50.000.000 GLQ (10%) + + + + + BRIGHT ROADMAP AHEAD🔥 + +ROADMAP FOR THIS MONTH (MAY 2021) + +May 2021 +1. New Integrations upcoming on IDE, Engine & App: +-> Auto-Swap for Uniswap +-> Bitcoin Network Integration +-> NFT Deployment +-> ERC20 Smart Contracts Deployment + +2. Launching of $GLQ Staking on app.graphlinq.io +3. Integration of GraphLinq's platform on Polygon Network +4. Graphlinq Analytics update for Unicrypt & Polygon +5. Hackathon announcement for $GLQ with Polygon (Matic) +6. Tier 1 listing announcement tomorrow (17th May) + +More about $GLQ: + +GraphLinq has an active and engaging community, so drop by clear up any questions you have in mind! + +Links: + +• Website - https://graphlinq.io/ +• Telegram - https://t.me/graphlinq +• Twitter - https://twitter.com/graphlinq_proto + +• Buy GLQ here : + Uniswap : https://v2.info.uniswap.org/token/0x9f9c8ec3534c3ce16f928381372bfbfbfb9f4d24 + Gate.io : https://www.gate.io/trade/GLQ_USDT + MXC : https://www.mxc.com/trade/easy#GLQ_USDT + +Kucoin deposits are on, trading starts 18th May 9:00 UTC. 🚨 +https://www.manrepeller.com/2019/02/trap-of-turning-hobbies-into-hustles.html + +Any time someone pipes up about side hustles, my mind immediately turns to this article and especially the title phrase. To me, the whole point of FIRE is to spend my time doing what makes me happy, and the easiest way to hate a hobby is to turn it into a job. So maybe let's cool it on instantly recommending people monetize their joy. +I just don't understand how profoundly ignorant this has all become. This must infuriate economists to a degree, to have the same myths perpetuated again and again, and thinking that restricting imports is the answer. +I live in Denmark where, recently, an organization called "Good Money" has been trying to communicate to the public, that money are not created by the state, but in private banks. + +When customers take a loan in a private bank, the bank does not take the money from somewhere else, they create an account in their computer system, and register the account as having e.g. one million on it. None of the bank's own accounts are being subtracted a million, so essentially the bank is creating one million out of thin air. + +I was sceptical at first, but I know now that that is the way it is. I have met others who simply refuse to believe it. + +The problem is that most people have a basic understanding of money that has to do with cash, which needs to be printed, which is so difficult from electronic money, that they're essentially two different currencies. + +My question: Is this situation the same in other countries, that the general public simply has no idea that private banks actually create money every time they establish a loan? +Hello Apes, this isn't a macro-analysis of the GME situation. Instead, this is a micro-analysis of a specific change in NSCC-2021-004. The purpose of this post is to further support the [DD by c-digs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mu9xed/why_were_still_trading_sideways_and_why_we_havent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) as well as DD by other apes regarding the next few weeks. + +Obligatory disclaimer: *this is not financial advice, I'm just a chimpanzee who learned how to use the internet. I'm also not a financial ape. I've been learning this stuff alongside many of you. What I am is a legal ape. However, this is not legal advice either. But if I've learned anything, it's how to skim through a document and only pick out topics that seem important. Seems to have got me through ape school good enough, so here we are.* + +I was prowling the SEC website in search of any new proposed or approved rules, and I saw that the comment period for NSCC-2021-004 went until April 23, 2021. That's on Friday. So I read through the proposal, because why not, and wanted to highlight something I found interesting. + +Most of it updates terms for consistency of use or clarification, but this is something new the NSCC is adding to its Critical Service List. + +# Substantial Change: Adding New Critical Service + +So on page 10 we have our substantial change, and that is to add a critical service called "Account Information Transmission" ("AIT") to the list of NSCC Critical Services. AIT has already existed for a while and it's just a way of standardizing codes and names to reduce cost. This service is designed to "prepare carrying broker-dealers for an emergency mass transfer of large quantities of customer accounts and assets from a distressed broker to a financially secure broker." [Here's a list of broker- dealers regulated by FINRA](https://www.finra.org/about/firms-we-regulate/broker-dealer-firms-we-regulate); there's a few Citadels in there, take a look if you're interested. + +[SR-NSCC-2021-004 \(page 10\)](https://preview.redd.it/inhx9qykzmu61.png?width=1109&format=png&auto=webp&s=e49b16bf80c89a45335fb499724f2ede1a409448) + +This bulk transfer initiative follows a [Playbook](https://www.sifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SIFMA_Bulk_Transfer_Playbook_April_2019.pdf) that was established, in part, by [SIFMA](https://www.sifma.org/resources/general/bulk-transfer-playbook/) in April 2019. + +>The Bulk Transfer Playbook is the culmination of years of collaborative work within the industry to ensure we have a program in place that provides a smooth transition and protects customers, ***in the unlikely event it is ever needed.*** (emphasis added) + +"Unlikely," lol. + +Anyway, don't wanna make this too long, but I skimmed through the [Playbook](https://www.sifma.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SIFMA_Bulk_Transfer_Playbook_April_2019.pdf) and found some interesting info in the FAQ's. Looks like the trigger to a bulk transfer is basically at the point where a broker-dealer's financial condition deteriorates so much that regulators have to have a "frank discussion" with senior leadership to see whether this is necessary. + +[SIFMA Bulk Transfer Playbook pg. 102-03](https://preview.redd.it/zik8xjxd6nu61.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=a459ac48369022c1450377e3b244f55b50ab7a42) + +"Regulators will not publicly approve/shepherd the move," which likely means we won't have much media coverage or transparency regarding this process if or when it happens. However, based on that answer, it makes sense what some of the DD here suggests - that regulators, market makers, and other big players are meeting to make sure we don't collapse the world economy, and that basically moon will have to wait till the pieces are in place and the U.S. is insulated from the coming storm. + +# What's the Importance of Establishing AIT as a Critical Service? + +For that, we have to look at what a Critical Service is... + +>“Critical Services” means the services of the Corporation described in the Rules and Procedures of the Corporation that have been identified as critical services in the Recovery and Wind-down Plan. + +And what the Recovery and Wind-Down Plan is... + +>The R&W Plan is structured as a roadmap that defines the strategy and identifies the tools available to NSCC to either (i) recover, in the event it experiences losses that exceed its prefunded resources (such strategies and tools referred to herein as the “Recovery Plan”) or (ii) **wind-down its business in a manner designed to permit the continuation of NSCC’s critical services in the event that such recovery efforts are not successful.** (emphasis added). + +Now, this post isn't about the R&WD Plan, but basically the Plan is a fail-safe in case the NSCC can't perform its business, and its duties need to be transferred to another entity. The recovery part is a way for the NSCC to save itself, whereas the wind-down is if it fails completely. You can read the NSCC's Rules and Procedures [here](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/nscc_rules.pdf). + +>The criteria that is used to identify an NSCC service or function as critical includes consideration as to whether **(1) there is a lack of alternative providers or products**; (2) failure of the service could impact NSCC’s ability to perform its central counterparty services; (3) failure of the service could impact NSCC’s ability to perform its netting services, and, as such, the availability of market liquidity; and (4) the service is interconnected with other participants and processes within the U.S. financial system (for example, with other FMIs, settlement banks, broker-dealers, and exchanges). +> +>\- [NSCC-2021-004, the long version](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-004.pdf); (emphasis added) + +AIT is a critical service because it falls under subsection (1). No one else can do this job. + +[SR-NSCC-2021-004](https://preview.redd.it/tws84rpopnu61.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b3316a682c61d736222ca572beefa361d6f013b) + +[Who transfers large quantities of customer accounts from a failing broker to a financially secure broker when the transferor fails?](https://preview.redd.it/kwfhofbtrnu61.png?width=235&format=png&auto=webp&s=81f53ee32560649de8d02e161fe20ed0e9eefd13) + +**Conclusion and tl;dr** \- The NSCC added "Account Information Transmission" to its list of Critical Services for 2 reasons: (1) because no one else transfers customer accounts from failing broker-dealers to financially secure broker-dealers, and (2) because if (when?) the NSCC can't recover from whatever disaster is happening in the financial world, someone else is gonna have to assume the responsibility of transferring accounts from failing broker-dealers to financially secure ones. This is bullish because it shows that the powers that be are preparing for "an emergency mass transfer of large quantities of customer accounts and assets" soon. + +Edit: Damn this blew up more than expected, thanks for all the awards! Keep your assets as safe as you can! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + +To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +A very quick word of advice. A family friend just mentioned to me that they got a lump sum of $23k after their family member died. Said family friend has lots of school debt, so she decided to pay one of them off fully that was in the hands of a debt collector. She called and said she has $23k and settled the debt right away. + +When she told me this, I wanted to tell her she fucked up, but I swallowed it and gave her my congratulations. + +She should’ve low-balled and said I got a lump sum of maybe $3k and start negotiations LOW. She showed all her cards and they said sure, $23k will do. + +And all that money that she definitely could’ve used was gone immediately. Don’t do that. Don’t show your cards. +&#x200B; + +[SPX box spread expiring 12\/30\/2022](https://preview.redd.it/qv8r5lcrkx3a1.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=62a935824101ff4bebcf006e5cd77773db69436a) + +I legged into this trade on 12/02/2022 and thought I'd share as it is about as pure of a theta play as exists with no impact from delta or other greeks. By combining two debit spread with the same expiration and inverted strikes you get a box spread that has a known return. Getting filled on these is hard and I was having very limited success in getting fills when I put it in as a single trade, but I was successfully able to leg into this one for a pretty high return. + +I bought the call debit spread first and then put a GTC order in place for the put debit spread with a limit price of 10 - 7.2630 (Call fill price) - 0.25 (desired profit) and got filled for a combined debit of 9.7760 for a total cost of $977.60. + +On 12/30/2022 these options will expire and since SPX is a cash settled, euro styled option I will receive an even $1000 into my account after expiration for a total profit of $22.40 including fees paid to Schwab. This will give me a ROI of 2.29% and an annualized ROI of 32.73%, well worth the time spent setting it up. The primary risk here is that I had the call debit spread standing alone while I waited for the put debit spread to clear, but with the daily movements of the market bouncing around everywhere I figured I could get a little room to play with with these spreads. + +Expanding the width of these would allow for more efficient trades, but at the risk of having a larger sum at risk while you wait for the second spread to fill. + +I'd be interested to hear any stories people have on box trades in general for things I might not have thought of as I expand this strategy and move away trying to get the fill for all four legs at once. +Hi, + +Several brokers in India offer the ability to invest in the US stock market directly. I believe that they have tie ups with similar brokers in the US and are able to allow us to purchase the shares. + +With so many options being available like Vesting, INDMONEY, etc etc, I wanted to understand what’s the safety of investing via such startups. Or, any other broker for that matter of fact. Hence, I wanted to know which platform would be the safest in investing in the US stock market. Please let me now your thoughts. +I stumbled onto this interesting historical document while looking into Coca-Cola and whether they were heavily shorted in the early twentieth century, and whether naked shorting was the cause of the Great Depression. I thought I’d pull out a choice quote to share with you guys. + + “This legislation will restore confidence, will not injure legitimate business, and all it will do is restrict the gambling activities of a small group of men who have no interest in the welfare of the Nation, but who, regardless of the effect everybody knew it would have upon conditions of the country, ruthlessly manipulated the markets and brought about the conditions from which the Nation is now suffering. Had it not been for the manipulators of Wall Street, for the criminal inflation for which they were responsible and carried on in 1927, 1928, and 1929, the crash would not have occurred. The people who were responsible for the inflation of 1923 and 1929 are also the very men responsible for the crash in 1929. This legislation is absolutely necessary for the best interests of the Nation. Because not until we pass this measure will confidence be restored. All this bill aims to do is to prohibit the reckless gambling and manipulation on the exchange. I have here from an inside man a description of the stock exchange. + +He says: +1. Not one fourth of the transactions on the exchange are sales where the seller actually parts with the security, and is paid for it by the purchaser. +2. The exchange is, therefore, the largest gambling house in the world. +3. This gambling house is owned and controlled by its broker members. +4. The value of a seat on the exchange, depends upon the amount of play the game attracts. +5. Those who run the game are really the betting commissioners for the boobs who sit in the game. +6. The betting commissioners have looked in the hand of every one of the "boobs", know exactly what cards they hold, and the limit of their stakes. +7. Most important of all, they know at just what point. The " boob " has put in a stop-loss order, hence they know just when the " boob " must take his loss, when the market is forced down.” + +[Congressional Hearing April 1934](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1934-pt7-v78/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1934-pt7-v78-11-2.pdf) + + + tldr: Naked Shorts yeah have been destroying the country and American businesses and innovation since the inception of the stock market. If we are still wondering where the sheer hubris of SHF originates, it’s likely because this has been occurring for over a century with no little to no repercussions. + +Man, it would be a shame if something really idiosyncratic came along to flip that paradigm... 🏴‍☠️ +Hi y’all I need some financial advice before I sign on a new car purchase. I’m trying to get a 23 Lexus ES 350 with 0 down offer (5.25% apr) which means $820/month for 72 months (me and wife are splitting payments). Currently taking home more or less 4K a month including full coverage insurance. Here are my monthly expenses: + +$2,100 mortgage +$500 Utilities +$300 credit card payment +$200 other expenses + +I walked away on that offer but the dealership says it’s still valid until the 3rd of Jan. + +What do you guys think? Did I walked away from a good offer and dodged a bullet or should I go back and take it? + +Any tips would be very much appreciated! + + +Edit: Thank you so much for all your advices! Sorry I can’t reply to each one, but really grateful y’all looking out for us! +When I first started trading over 14 years ago, I experimented with hundreds of strategies and different permutations of each. Trading is an incredibly individual endeavor with unique inclinations, natural gifts, approaches, etc. For myself, I learned early on that my skill lies not in correctly assuming direction but thinking through portfolio and trade management. The most successful strategy for myself to date is the naked short put. I started with under $5K at 16 and have traded and saved to mid-7 figures at 30. I'm not that smart and am average by most accounts. I came from a single mom that struggled to make ends meet and lived in debt until I was able to make my way and help. I was lucky to find a mentor that was willing to help me on my path and I've been doing what I can to pay forward the time he spent with me. My success is a direct reflection of his effort and subsequent planning. + +I regularly trade different permutations of the strategy: naked short puts and cash secured put to covered strangle being the most common. The reason naked short puts rose to the top of the list was the ability to access leverage (especially with portfolio margin). I find that deploying leverage to be essential in outpacing the market. I have slowed down the amount of leverage I take on because my goals have shifted over time. However, when starting with little capital, if the goal is to truly accelerate returns and develop an account before you're 60+, it's critical to save and learn. Once you are confident in your ability to deploy, then it comes down to taking calculated risks. Risk and reward are directly correlated. + +I share this because I know many are looking to find their way. It's possible and it doesn't need to be overly complicated. Mastery of the basics goes a long way. Keep on the path! +Based on probability, there is an expected value of 1$, but does the utility of money at different quantities come into play? + +(This isn't homework, I swear) +I saw this picture +https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS15v9o9XzwUUcxZss_O83e0wwq3trBOeDUDWzUlUplNDa2Ha4W7StggBk&s=10 + +And begun to think how did all these companies gain control of so much of the market. Aren't these monopolies detrimental to a competitive market? Why do we have them and how do economists suggest to solve them? +I have been listening to NPR Planet Money and Freakonomics for a while now. I like them both because they do a fairly good job of balancing technicality with entertainment. I recently began listening to EconTalk and like that it is more technical than the other two. + +What other economics podcasts are out there? +As per the title. + +Quantitative Easing is when central banks purchase assets from financial institutions, notable bonds. It was started in 2001 by the Bank of Japan. Most central banks of the world, notable the Federal Reserve, BoE and ECB started doing QE in 2008. + +The Federal Reserve bought around $600 billion of assets, bonds which also included mortgage-backed securities. By 2014, it held around $4 trillion assets. + +It's well known that the Feds balance sheet now stands at +$7 trillion. Despite all this new money created, how has it not caused inflation? + +QE works by central banks buying assets from the secondary market, which means they buy assets from banks, pension funds, etc. The Federal Reserve does this by crediting the bank reserves of commercial banks at the Federal Reserve with the new money. + +Could that be the reason why QE doesn't instantly cause inflation? + +Compared to actual 'monetary financing' which countries like Argentina and Zimbabwe have done which has caused hyperinflation for them. Monetary financing is different to QE because instead of the central bank buying up assets in order to lower borrowing costs in the economy. Monetary financing is when the central bank directly funds the government. + +When you look at the data of bank reserves for commercial banks at the Federal Reserve, you can see that despite [the large increase in the bank reserves](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TOTRESNS). They is not much of a decrease, which means that the commercial banks are not withdrawing those funds from their accounts at the Fed. + +Bank Reserves make up the monetary base, and the monetary base intersects with the money supply but [they are two distinct different things.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monetary_base) + +Which makes me return to my theory that because the new money created doesn't enter the economy or money supply immediately as in the case with monetary financing. It's the reason why QE doesn't cause hyperinflation. + +I would like to hear your thoughts on this theory and perhaps an answer to the question? + +Thanks. + + +An article that talks about monetary financing: +https://www.economicsobservatory.com/monetary-financing-it-happening-and-what-are-dangers +I tend to see one or two articles a week on the "next crash". Doom and gloom gets clicks for these sites I suppose. But the trends shown in this analysis peaked my interest more than others as I have been following the dept markets for the last 12 months with growing concern: + +http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-10/us-weeks-away-recession-according-latest-loan-data + +Interested to hear your thoughts on the matter? Do you have any further supporting data? +Hello all. Great sub you have here. I have been reading it for a week. + +Im a 22 year commodities and growth investor. I have experience with dividends of course, but not as a staple means to invest. I will be getting a $125k insurance settlement in a month and have decided I want to use it as a vehicle to improve my daily life. Im one of those frugal people that lives minimally as I invest every extra dollar to ensure a comfortable retirement. This extra income will make me feel better about going out to eat more, planning more vacations, etc. + +After a few weeks of research, Ive come up with this portfolio which I am NOT stuck on. Any advice is welcome. + +$30k CLM + +$30k GOF + +$20k each on ECC, OXLC, and AGNC. + +What do you think? I will do my own DD of course on any advice that is given, of course. +Title says it all really. She just told me about it today and has absolutely NO idea what she is going to do. A lawyer met with her already and informed her its a sizable amount. The grandfather is super upset and her own mother is now trying to get her hands on it. She is only 19 with no real savings at all and has to constantly bail out her mother financially. She even opened a credit card for her mom to use when she was desperate (i know, bad situation). So naturally she is terrified what is going to really happen now that greed is starting to set in. + +I told her she needs to open a new bank account that is completely separate from where her mother banks as well as put a freeze on her credit so her mother couldn't open credit cards under her name. + +But other than that, I don't really know what to tell her to do when she gets that money. + +Any help would be greatly appreciated! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: What a tremendous response! Thank you all so much for the support and *really* helpful advice! +A new law passed Cincinnati City Council Wednesday limits security deposits to 50% of one month’s rent + +https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2020/01/15/cincinnati-renters-wont-need-cash-security-deposit-anymore/4430016002/ + +Anyone else worried about the anti landlord sentiment spreading around the country? I just saw a post about Oakland banning criminal background checks of tenants. +Hi everyone + + + +As the title suggests, I have an addiction to gambling. This addiction is eating me alive. I've never done drugs in my life but my need to gamble is akin to a someone with a drug addiction needing a fix I imagine. + + + + + +My original problem spanned 2012 - 2016. That left me in financial ruin and I ended up on a DMP. Thankfully I kept the house and kept clean so my life returned to normal. This was when there was very loose restrictions and you could easily gamble £20k away in one night no questions asked. + + + + +Then 2020 hit and it reared it's head again, not on the same level (I have binges where I'll gamble for days/a week then won't for months) but don't confuse this with having control as I have none and no one knows about this relapse (everyone knew about the original problem). The only reason I'm not gambling as much as I used to is because the casinos won't physically allow me to and restrict my account when I deposit what they think is too much. + + + + +I haven't lost any money this time. Overall I'm up (I think) but my finances are like a constant roller coaster. + + + + +So 2 weeks a go I won £13k. I won it and walked away. Then yesterday and today I lost £5.5k. So as you can imagine, one minute my savings account is looking good and the next it takes a hit. + + + + +There's a fair amount of financial pressure on me and I absolutely hate not having savings and this is why I gamble. No other reason, no past trauma... I'm just greedy. I win decent amounts and want more and more and more and it disgusts me. + + + +I earn a liveable amount and can save. I also work hard. No one in a million years would think I'm a gambling addict. + + + + +I got blocked for depositing over £3k in one transaction tonight and I spent over an hour trying to get signed up to another site to, most likely, squander the other £7.5k of winnings from 2 weeks a go. It's almost like I want it gone. Thankfully no one let me open an account, well didn't let me deposit so I took a long hard look in the mirror and thought what have you become? + + + +How do you physically fix an issue with not being able to cope with not having a healthy savings account balance? If I could fix this issue, I could wave goodbye to this addiction. + + + + +I've done GA, gambling therapy, blockers, self exclusion, the whole lot but nothing works. It all comes back to me being obsessed with having lots of money that quite frankly I don't need. As long as I can pay my bills and live, I should be happy right?? So why on earth am I putting this mental and physical strain on myself to have excess cash? + + + + +For reference, I'm married and have 1 child who is disabled and I work a full time job and part time job. See even the fact I have 2 jobs shows my obsession with having money. It's so unhealthy. + + + + +Can anyone knock some sense into me about the fact personal finance is just that, what you as a person have is enough and you don't to strive for more and more? + + + + +Thanks for reading if you got this far +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + New ESMA regulations forced brokers to be more transparent about their loss statistics. The results are fascinating + +https://i.redd.it/x944msd2gng11.jpg + +what do you think about this statistic? +Ive come up with the following strategy selling naked puts that I \*think\* could give 140%+ yearly returns. + +So I would be selling DITM 30 DTE naked puts on TQQQ at 10-15% Delta. + +Looking at tastyworks margin requirements, I would need at most about 20% value of the underlying x 100 to not get margin called. + +So looking at April 22 put for $30 strike for TQQQ I would need to hold at most \[((.2 \* 42) - 0) + 1.117\] X 100 = $951. I can also potentially hold $417 if the price doesn't dip. + +I would be getting $117 in premium on $951, a 12% monthly return on capital. 12 x 12% = 144%+ yearly return. + +**Getting Assigned** +Now to handle getting assigned. Since its DITM, its unlikely to be assigned but what if it is. I will hold my bonds position in this account which I will be holding even if I wasnt selling puts. + +When stocks are down bonds are usually up. So I will simply sell some bonds to cover the margin and buy the stocks when getting assigned. + +I will be selling bonds high and buying stocks low which is what I was planning on doing anyway. I dont mind holding TQQQ. + +[https://support.tastyworks.com/support/solutions/articles/43000435177-naked-short-put#:\~:text=Naked%20Put%20Margin%20Requirement&text=20%25%20of%20the%20underlying%20price,%242.50](https://support.tastyworks.com/support/solutions/articles/43000435177-naked-short-put#:~:text=Naked%20Put%20Margin%20Requirement&text=20%25%20of%20the%20underlying%20price,%242.50) + +Is this a dumb plan or can it work? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +He said, “No way!” + +I tell him, “She is Bill Gates’ daughter.” + +He said, “OK!” + +I called Bill Gates and said, “I want your daughter to marry my son.” + +Bill Gates said, “No way!" + +I tell Bill Gates, My son is the CEO of World Bank.” + +Bill Gates said, “OK!” + +I called the President of World Bank and asked him to make my son the CEO. + +He said, “No way!” + +I tell him, “My son is Bill Gates’ son-in-law." + +He said, “OK!” + +Guaranteed free money, drinks on me, meet me on the yacht. + **Join the Telegram for 24/7 support -** [**https://t.me/TacoCatCrew**](https://t.me/TacoCatCrew) + +**Ask the devs any questions you might have!** + +\--------------------- + +**BUY HERE! -** [**PancakeSwap**](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +\--------------------- + +**🌮** [**Telegram**](https://t.me/TacoCatCrew) + +**😺** [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/tacocatcrew) + +**🌮** [**Website Tacocat.finance**](https://tacocat.finance/) + +**😺**[**Discord**](https://discord.gg/kwPG4edB) + +\--------------------- + +**🌮 PAST WEEK ACHIEVEMENTS 🌮** + +\--------------------- + +* **Approaching 12,000 holders** +* **ATH Marketcap of $25 Million** +* **INSANE liquidy stabilized at 33%** +* **1M follower Influencer campaign initiated** +* **10k TacoCat + Exclusive First Merch giveaway** +* **Pancake Swap logo submission** +* **Dev and Marketing AMA on Discord and Telegram completed** +* **CoinGecko listing in six hours after application** +* **E-Commerce operations beginning to roll out** + +**😺 Why invest now? 😺** + +\--------------------- + +Tonight, the dev has just invested over **60,000 thousand** of their personal crypto holdings straight into the project, taking the commitment to an ALL NEW LEVEL. The TacoCat team is getting into SERIOUS MODE and is starting off the week with a **brand new litepaper and roadmap**. Want to see and understand all of the steps for TacoCat's new vision? Check the TacoCat socials to get the update on Monday! + +**🌮 What else is coming? 🌮** + +Together with the community, TacoCat is going to begin the implementation of the **exclusive TacoCat merch store**. + +TacoCat fans will be able to purchase **exclusive and limited time TacoCat merch** on the platform, and have community run votes on merch apparel, design, and access. Want to see TacoCat shirts? Hats? Slippers? Come in to the **TacoCat community and talk about it!** TacoCat wants the community to have a larger say in what you see in the merch store, and where you see it. + +Like the last week, a **new weekly roadmap will be presented on Monday**, outlining the next week of marketing, growth, potential new partnerships and and a broader social media rollout!! + +Expect much more from this little kitty, as the TacoCat token ecosystem begins to grow! **From restaurants, to festivals, to store fronts and even in your home**, TacoCat wants to explode on to the scene. From Cryptocurrency to real life merch and function, **TacoCat is gearing up for liftoff!** + +**Expect to see:** + +* **Hats** +* **Hoodies** +* **Plushies** +* **Stickers** +* **Shirts** + +And much more! Join us on our TacoCat social media to get involved and start interacting with the whole team and community. + +\--------------------- + +**😺 So what about the Taconomics? 😺** + +These are the fees on every transaction on TacoCat: + +8% to liquidity pool + +1% to holders + +**What does this mean? - Good Liquidity is indictive of a strong pool for stable growth and has cushioning effect on manipulative whale plays. That means whenever someone buys OR sells, holders gain! The liquidity pool is strengthened AND everyone gets a 1% reflect.** + +\--------------------- + +**🌮 Is it Safe? Can I get rugged? 🌮** + +No, because the liquidity of this token has been locked. That means that the dev team cannot access these liquidity for SIX MORE months! And after that, the remaining liquidity is also locked for an ENTIRE YEAR. + +Ownership as been relinquished as well, so the smart contract cannot be altered to include any nefarious functions. + +**😺 BSC SCANS FOR LIQUIDITY LOCK 😺** + +**50% of Liquidity LOCKED for 6 months:** [**https://bscscan.com/tx/0xd714bb4f8a53993cf9581cb56d6e0726e281db252efaf80f9347702cfc990814**](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xd714bb4f8a53993cf9581cb56d6e0726e281db252efaf80f9347702cfc990814) + +**Remaining 50% of Liquidity LOCKED for 12 months:** [**https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb6ed6506d363a151d7e11add586f0e97e83732b3e11258a9a612ccbaf7737257**](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb6ed6506d363a151d7e11add586f0e97e83732b3e11258a9a612ccbaf7737257) + +\--------------------- + +✅ TOKEN ADDRESS: 0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020 + +💵 Purchase on Pancake Swap: [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +♻️ 8% fee AUTOMATICALLY GOES BACK INTO LIQUIDITY + +💎 1% fee AUTOMATICALLY GETS DISTRIBUTED BACK TO HOLDERS + +🔮 Contract Address 🔮[https://bscscan.com/token/0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66](https://bscscan.com/token/0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020) + +👌🏻 Ownership Renounced 👌🏻 + +\--------------------- + +[**Buy PCS ( set slippage to 9)**](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +[**Chart**](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020) **📊** + +**🌮 Please DYOR and this is not Financial Advice 🌮** +Full Press Release: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-proposal-to-restructure-on-mckinseys-advice-triggered-uproar-from-creative-executives-11669928586?utm\_source=reddit.com](https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-proposal-to-restructure-on-mckinseys-advice-triggered-uproar-from-creative-executives-11669928586?utm_source=reddit.com) + +&#x200B; + +>LOS ANGELES—Walt Disney Co. was working with consulting firm McKinsey & Co. in recent months on an effort to centralize control of major spending decisions, triggering an uproar from top creative executives at the entertainment giant, according to people familiar with the matter. +> +>Discussions regarding the plan were under way in the weeks leading up to Nov. 20, when Disney’s board of directors fired Bob Chapek as chief executive and replaced him with his predecessor, Robert Iger. +So, this just happened: [https://www.btc-echo.de/news/bitcoin-spd-gruene-und-linke-fordern-verbot-in-der-eu-135678/](https://www.btc-echo.de/news/bitcoin-spd-gruene-und-linke-fordern-verbot-in-der-eu-135678/) + +Automated Translation: + +Cramming crypto regulation. The European Parliament wants to prohibit the provision of crypto services based on "environmentally unsustainable consensus mechanisms" in its MiCA guidelines. This is according to a final compromise proposal from the responsible Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), which is available to BTC-ECHO. De facto, this could mean the end for proof-of-work-based cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin from January 1, 2025 in the European Union. The final decision on the draft is to be made in Parliament on February 28. + +Stefan Berger told BTC-ECHO that he believes it is "very likely" that the proposal will go through. As Chairman of the ECON Committee, he is largely responsible for the design of the MiCA Directive on the regulation of cryptocurrencies in the European Parliament. The advance of the Bitcoin ban had thereby the SPD, Greens and Left energetically demanded, said the CDU politician in an interview with BTC-ECHO. + +The parliamentary groups of the Christian Democrats, right-wing conservatives and liberals would have vehemently resisted the inclusion of the ban in the negotiations. In the end, the Social Democrats, Greens and Left threatened to otherwise withhold their approval of the MiCA draft, according to reports. Previously, SPD politician Joachim Schuster had already publicly called for a bitcoin ban. Green Party European politician Sven Giegold also spoke to BTC-ECHO in favor of illegalization. + +The vote next Monday will be followed by a trilogue between the EU Commission, the Parliament and the member states, at the end of which the Commission will be tasked with evaluating the Parliament's proposal. The decision on this should be expected before the end of this year. In the October 2020 draft, the Commission opposed a bitcoin ban. + +Bitcoin clause is "fatal" + +Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner did not want to comment on the impending bitcoin ban to BTC-ECHO. Frank Schäffler (FDP), member of the Budget Committee of the Bundestag, considers the new proposal of the EU Parliament "fatal". He already called for changes to the MiCA guidelines last year. + +I assume and also expect that the German government and the lead finance minister Christian Lindner will prevent this. + +Robert Kopic of the industry association Blockchain for Europe also sees the potential for the clause to "put Europe at a disadvantage." + +This is a point that would put Europe, along with its green miners, at a disadvantage and would solely lead to them migrating abroad and Europe losing geopolitical access to Bitcoin. + +The economic disadvantages of a Bitcoin ban are therefore obvious. A fact that the EU Commission will also take into account in its MiCA assessment, says Stefan Berger. What the final decision will ultimately look like is uncertain at this point. +Seeing the post about Iran officially considering mining Bitcoin, I felt motivated to make this post as an Iranian. Cryptocurrency has changed the dynamics in Iran. The Iranian government's view on it has been quite lax compared to neighboring countries or other Muslim countries. There was either support for it or it was simply ignored since you couldn't really spend it on anything. On top of that, given the fact that Iran is disconnected from international banking, there was less concern from Iranian banks. (A bit ignorant, but I am not complaining) + +But things have changed drastically over the past few years. The increased sanctions and COVID have brought a lot more people towards crypto, including me. Crypto has a very unique situation in Iran, which I will try to explain briefly. The Iranian currency is currently the cheapest in the world (or one of the cheapest, as its unstable and can change daily). So if someone can earn dollars and spend it in Iran, they are going to profit a lot. We are talking close to 25x increase. This makes mining insanely profitable. Because you are going to pay for your electricity in Iranian currency, but you are earning dollars, because crypto exchange rate is based on western currencies, not Iranian. So electricity is dirt cheap to begin with, but you can get it even cheaper. + +There are ways to get free electricity in Iran. The government subsidizes businesses that have high electricity usage, so they get publicly funded electricity. So the owner of these businesses makes deals with individuals to buy hardware needed to mine currency (because the initial cost is very high due to currency difference), and usually one person with contacts overseas becomes the "broker" to be able to turn these cryptos into tangible money. People without these businesses tend to form mining communities where they work together to discreetly mine and turn crypto into actual currency and due to the fact that a lot of people are dealing in crypto now, you can actually find a lot of buyers locally, and don't even need to sell it to foreigners. + +So, this way crypto got introduced into society and a lot of people use it. Usually not as an investment, but as a currency you use to spend on things. Because in order to make an international purchase, you need to abuse a lot of loopholes, such as VPNs, middlemen and exchange rates. But now I can simply buy steam gift cards with bitcoin and use them to buy games. This applies to any international purchase. 60$ games used to cost a fortune, like an entire minimum wage income in Iran. Now they are widely available if you have crypto. + +The usual mishandling of the Iranian government in regards to the economy is bad enough, but in recent years sanctions and COVID have made it a three way hell. My life personally was hell because I could not make any international purchase and I could barely make ends meet. Crypto is so empowering. I am basically able to earn and spend money despite the efforts of both Iranian and American governments. In order to put things in perspective, I can use myself as an example. I am a lawyer and I earn more money from mining that I do practicing law. I am still working, but crypto is a great secondary income which I can use to make international purchases without having to pay half of my income for a 100$ purchase. We are still in bad conditions, but crypto provides a lifeline. At least for now. + +I am grateful for cryptocurrency and this community, because the livelihood of many people in Iran relies on crypto and information about it. Most people involved in crypto trade in Iran don't even speak English, but know that an entire country is thankful for it, and the value of crypto could not be clearer. An entire people neglected by their own government and sanctioned by half the world, left to basically starve and live in terrible conditions, continue to go on. In large part, thanks to crypto currencies. We practically have the power to defy the strongest governments in the world, the next step is THE MOON. + +Feel free to ask any questions. +I have been playing COD for almost year now. I met this Venezuelan friend through online and he a very good person. He has not knowingly helped me during rough times. Today i joked about bitcoin and ask for his address and for the first time i sent some bitcoin ( not a lot) to my online friend as an appreciation for his kindness. He was so happy with the surprise transaction. Thanks to Bitcoin i believe, i made someone happy. Spread the kindness. Live Long Bitcoin. !! + +Edit : Wow this blew up, Thank you so much for the awards and lovely comments, you guys are awesome ! ❤. Hope everyone have a wonderful day !. Peace ✌ +4 weeks away from exiting a business I co-founded. Whew. + +I'm in my late 40s...net worth around $13MM (not including housing)...I'm excited and nervous. + +I've read books about making this transition. I've convinced myself that it's not foolish to walk away from big earning potential. I've gotten comfortable that I have enough in the bank. + +I've even got a plan for a "light" career in my next chapter...even if I don't really know how to execute on that plan. + +Despite all of that, I'm pretty anxious. Building a business over the past decade+ has left me with a lack of balance in terms of friends and hobbies. I spend so much time thinking about and talking about the business in my personal life, that it's hard to wrap my head around the size of the empty space that I'm going to be creating when I leave. + +Wondering if others have experiences to share. Particularly interested in those that had some challenges making the transition...or those that THOUGHT they would. +We were approached by a lady at the shopping centre and she gave all of us a scratchie ticket (the missus, my three kids and I). +They all lost so she gave us all another one. My son had a win! She seemed genuinely shocked as we had won the bigger prize instead of the “standard” prize. + +Long story short; we won a free brunch for the 5 of us at a nearby restaurant as well as a $200 gift voucher for Coles/Kmart/LiquorLand/etc. + +Everyone who wins gets this brunch, but most winners only get a $100 voucher. + +Here’s the catch - while we eat our brunch there will be a presentation playing on a TV. It will be an “investment opportunity” that basically sounds like a timeshare thing. We will receive our gift voucher after the presentation. We are under no obligation to purchase or sign up to anything, nor even actually watch or pay attention to the TV. + +The other big red flag - we had to pay $20 cash to reserve our spot for the brunch, which we will get back the instant we turn up. Apparently this is to actually entice us to come. We can leave straight after this if we really want, but then miss out on brunch and the $200 gift card. + +The company running it is Aniko and these gift vouchers are apparently funded by the government as a way to get people spending money while on holidays. She said most people only win $100 as it’s not really enough to do a lot with, so they spend even more. But we won $200 so we’re special. + +We returned to the shop the next day and I happened to watch the same lady approach 2 other families and give them some scratchies - they all lost. + +Did we get scammed? + +My logic was that they wouldn’t go to all this effort for $20. + +Our brunch is later today and we intend on going. But I’m remaining cautious and sceptical. +I understand that smart investment decisions are gold mines, and timing the market correctly is golden. + +That being said, reminding people about how much they would've made if they invested X amount of dollars in a certain project **then**, only leads to people making poor financial decisions **now**. + +Believe me, I would've loved to keep my stacks of 0.08 cents ENJ that I bought back in 2018, and I'm fully aware of what they'd be worth now.... I know my opportunity may come again - but for newcomers they may feel pressured into making poor decisions by "chasing the Crypto dragon". + +Remember, time in the market is better than timing in the market. There's no need to feel like you missed out because you didn't invest at the right time. + +Stick to the fundamentals, and you'll be just fine.... Don't be made to feel bad or feel as if you missed out because an opportunity slips through your fingers. +**EDIT: I just checked their staff teams and they have financial market analysts… why would they have analysts for a adopt-an-ape foundation?** + +**EDIT2: I've been told these Domains are just the same DNS, and have no correlation to each other. I don't see how a bunch of "donate to apes" websites all use the exact same DNS, template, ape names, and yet have NO CORRELATION. but ok.** + +**EDIT3: Found this guy's post** u/Reyemneirda69 [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4vsj7/suspicious\_activities\_around\_the\_dian\_fossey/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4vsj7/suspicious_activities_around_the_dian_fossey/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +**EDIT4: I'm not a networking-savy person, so if anyone here with real knowledge of networking can do a background check on these websites, the apes would all really appreciate it!** + +**EDIT5: Thank you** u/Sorixelle for correcting my SOA records. + +**EDIT6:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m334tt/as\_requested\_my\_gme\_beanie\_baby\_analogy\_dd\_for/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m334tt/as_requested_my_gme_beanie_baby_analogy_dd_for/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)GME DD BOOST from our very own u/pinkcatsonacid + +&#x200B; + +Hey guys, so I'm a smooth brained ape, but I noticed something sketchy happening on r/WSB + +They're Deleting DD, and instead letting these "adopt an ape" foundations run rampant.Which I respect don't get me wrong. The apes should be giving back to the world, but please do your research before you do! + +I wondered... why are they deleting DD and not these ape adoption stories? Why are they letting it spam the subreddit instead of putting them all into one thread? + +Why are they deleting threads talking about stimulus and GME? + +Welp, I did a quick whois of these listed "Ape Funds", is what I’ll call it, and I noticed something peculiar... + +https://preview.redd.it/b52ah8tt40n61.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ee5422ee3a784c582b7a3fd2ad0a678f4bc8ba8 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z7knja6zg0n61.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=91ea8320ae26f4052b38d8c8c42e23c1acee84ba + +&#x200B; + +**They're all under** **~~one domain~~** **the same DNS. That's pretty fucking sketchy. Ngl.** + +As a point of reference, I put the legitimate WorldWildLifeFund (WWF) domain at the very bottom. + +&#x200B; + +Take this for what it is, I may jus be grasping at straws here, but I definitely think some sketchy shit is going on with the sudden INFLUX of ape adoptions. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Do with this information what you will. +So Fatties out there, how high was your net worth before you started gifting some of it to family and/or friends? And what was or is your strategy and thoughts on it? Examples appreciated too please. + +We’re at the point where I’ve pretty much zero doubt that we need to start gifting and possibly setting up some irrevocable trusts so that (US) estate taxes don’t eventually hammer our estate too badly. + +It’s a first world problem for sure, and I’d like some feedback before we chat further with our estate planning attorney about it. +Does any of you has any advice on how to profit from the low-value canadian-dollar? Would it be good to buy some US dollar since it might still rise in value with the possible recession incoming? Would it be better to find some canadian stocks that exports a lot of ressources to US? Do you have any stocks that might benefit from our low-value dollar? +I have around 10k USD and I am looking to invest it somewhere which is safe. I don’t want huge returns but I just want a steady, decent cash flow. Any suggestions? I’m new here btw. +**DISCLAIMER**: Likely irrelevant thread found through usual nerdy research gathered based on owners of homes in the $1-2M range (Zillow, Whitepages etc.). I know this is poor data gathering given that you wouldn't expect a linear correlation between $1-2M houses and fatFIRE but it's an interesting data picture. + +Unsurprisingly, *the bulk were business owners who ran fairly boring, niche businesses* (in line with Thomas Stanley's *Millionaire Mind* research on decamillionaires). Slightly more surprising for me -- and maybe this is just an oversight because of the category of person who would tend to use reddit -- is the lack of professionals e.g. FAANG/big tech employees as well as physicians (EDIT: *most of my original research was in IL and Minnesota. After adding Iowa, the proportion of physicians increased significantly.*. Additionally, the executive category, which I assumed would account for more typical VPs of firms was primarily just made up of part-owners. + +**The original list: $1-2M** + +*Business Owners* - 40% of $1-2M homes are business owners. 27% of the business owners are in finance/real estate companies. 18% of the business owners are in IT/software. 27% are generally brick-and-mortar type and/or manufacturing businesses of some sort. 23% are in some form of consulting/other professional services. + +-insurance agency president + +-financial planning firm president + +-vendor financing company president + +-real estate consulting business + +-it consulting firm president + +-CEO management consulting firm + +-owner executive search firm + +-personal injury law firm owner + +-enterprise technology development company president + +-pharmacy benefit manager firm owner + +-plastic surgeon/practice owner + +-healthy foods bar sold at major grocer owner/partner + +-retired lumber company owner turned chairman of investment firm + +-owner, home builder/contractor + +-owner, software company/former consultant + +-owner, wine distributorship + +-owner, orthopedic/medical sales company + +-owner, disaster/workplace recovery company + +-owner, telecommunications company + +-owner, pallet/shipping packaging company + +-owner, electrical contracting company + +-owner, wireless manufacturer + +-owner, concrete contractor + +*Sr. Executives* -20% of total for $1-2M group are sr executives. + +-wealth management firm partner/principal + +-VP Sales (3x) + +-hedge fund partner + +-president and physician,100+ location multi-specialty physician group + +-CMO/SVP and physician, major academic hospital + +-partner, law firm + +-very senior/partner-level recruiter + +-partner/industry leader, one of the major consulting firms + +-major investment bank managing director + +*Professionals* 35% of total for $1-2M group are professionals, 27% of total are physicians (80% of professional category are physicians). + +-anesthesiologist (3x, 2x in $700-900k house, 1x $1M+) + +-lawyer + +-orthopedic surgeon + +-senior circuit judge + +-cardiologist + +-oral surgeon + +-professor + +-dermatologist (2x) + +-critical care physician + +-strategic/major account manager/software sales (selling to the largest/most prominent universities in his region of 2 states) + +-psychiatry/pain medicine physician + +-internal medicine physician + +-ENT/sleep medicine physician + +-neonatology physician + +-cardiologist + +-orthodontist + +-sales consultant + +-account executive/software sales, one of the big tech companies +**Other** - 2 + + + +-former NFL player + +-college basketball coach + +**EDIT: ~$600-900k+, as suggested** + +-Vascular surgeon + +-President, investment/financial company + +-Project manager + +-Chief financial officer/VP at healthcare company + +-Principal consultant/IT + +-Lawyer + +-President, investment company + +-Pastor of largest church in area + +-Retired college president, football coach, theologian + +-Physician + +-VP packaging company + +-Lawyer + +-VP Product marketing management, chemical/ingredients company + +-Commodity trader (self-employed) + +-Investment analyst + +-VP/Managing Director, Digital agency + +-CEO, IT company + +-President, cable/wire manufacturer + +-Retired managing director at one of the big investment banks + +-Field operator, excavation + +-Cosmetic dentist + +-medical science liaison (pharmd) + +-Reigional sales manager, chemicals company + +-CFO, nonprofit primary care/healthcare center + +-Retired senior partner, one of the big accounting/tax firms + +-Consulting partner, big accounting firm (CPA/healthcare) + +-CEO ambulatory health + +-Bank chairman + +-Lawyer/consultant + +-Supply chain executive + +-SVP major commercial real estate company + +-Owner, real estate appraiser company + +-Retail executive + +-Owner, general contracting company (homes) + +-Retired CEO, electrical engineering company + +-Co-owner, accounting/financial advising firm + +-Real estate agent + +-Retired state supreme court justice + +-Internal medicine doctor + +-Owner, direct mail company + +-General dentist/practice owner with <5 dentists + +-General dentist/practice owner with multiple locations + +-Gastroenterologist/OBGYN couple + +-Consignment store, family business (siblings who are part-owners etc) + +-Lottery winner + +-General manager, luxury auto dealership + +-Owner of real estate company and small hotel/inn + +-Plastic surgeon + +-VP in marketing, major fast food chain + +-Engineering professor + +-College football coach + +-General surgeon + +-Charles Schwab franchisee + +-Owner, farm + +-PM&R doctor + +-Orthopedic surgeon + +-Trainer/coach, owner + +-Retired elementary school principal, real estate company owner + +-Owner, assisted living facility + +-Radiologist + +-Nephrologist + +-News anchor + +**For the fun of it: $2M+ sampling** - suggested by u/chateaucelebration + +-Co-founder, IT/tech company that got acquired (automotive) + +-General counsel, online financial services company + +-Chief revenue officer/software sales + +-Executive, electrical engineering company + +-Owner, online clothing company + +-Owner, car dealership + +-Owner, business strategy consultant, former executive + +-Owner, 9-figure revenue seafood shop ($4M home) + +-Owner, engineering/contracting firm + +-Partner, international financial/corporate law firm + +-EVP/CIO very large communications/printing company + +-CEO, healthcare company + +-CEO, F500 finance/insurance company ($10M home) + +-Former CEO facility management company + +**North Carolina: $700k+** + +-Owner, luxury custom home contractor + +-Periodontist (dental specialist) + +-OBGYN physician + +-Designer/contractor (home building) + +-Retired NFL player + +-CFO, hospital system + +-Professor + +-Owner, property management company that owns/operates major hotel chains + +-Owner, marketing/strategy agency for hospitals + +-Patent attorney + +-Professor + +-General surgeon (now in jail for seven figure tax evasion) + + +*How this squares with my probability/income potential model* + +My earlier post outlined fatFIRE careers on a spectrum of higher probability/lower income potential to lower probability/higher income potential. What I've found, if this data is to mean anything, is that those high probability/"lower" income potential paths such as physician, tech employee, and executive were much less represented than I assumed. Of course, this could be explained both by the low number surveyed as well as the location (upper Midwest). In the moderate income potential/probability category, I outlined the careers of high-end sales, high finance, professional services, and in general, small business owner, and, with caveats, early startup employee (not really represented). Small business owner certainly was accurate. As for sales, they were the only "executive/VP" career mentioned, so fairly representative. No "high finance" employees e.g. IB/PE but instead plenty of owners of companies in that general space. + +**TL;DR: The old advice about business ownership being the single most common path to upper-middle-class and above income levels seems to hold true. The fancy careers can do the trick, and you see that a lot on fatFIRE, but the "average" $1-2M homeowner surveyed in the Midwest owns a "boring", successful business.** + +I expect this to be deleted but just found it fairly interesting. Let me know your thoughts. + +EDIT: Statistics - + +*$1-2M category*: + +40% are business owners (27% finance/real estate, 18% IT/software. 27% brick-and-mortar type and/or manufacturing, 23% consulting/other professional services) + +35% are professionals (80% physicians/dentists, remaining 20% includes employed lawyers/sales) + +20% are senior executives (18% finance companies, 18% healthcare, 27% some form of sales executive, 18% consulting/recruiting/professional services companies) + +5% are in sports (retired nfl player, football coach) + +How this squares with Stanley's The Millionaire Mind of whom survey respondents had a median inflation-adjusted home worth ~$1M: + +In his research, 32% were business owners, 16% executives, 10% attorneys, 9% physicians, and the remaining third retired, corporate managers, accountants, sales, engineers, etc. My research seems to have a somewhat similar proportion, except much higher numbers of business owners and executives and physicians and slightly lower numbers on everything else. + +$600-900k category*: + +21% physicians/dentists + +(to be continued) +And it’s true! How many shit stocks are out there that they never bother to mention? But this one? Can’t bash it enough. It just sucks soooo bad, they cannot stress enough to never buy it - and definitely sell it if you’ve already made that terrible decision… Because obviously they really care about you! 😊 + +This is all actually *strong* confirmation that we are winning. +Link: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/23/turbotax-maker-intuit-near-deal-to-buy-credit-karma-for-7-billion-wsj.html + +Looks like Intuit was feeling a bit too threatened by Credit Karma Tax. Hopefully Intuit won't slowly smother Credit Karma via stagnation like they have with their previous buyouts. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-16/u-s-airlines-spent-96-of-free-cash-flow-on-buybacks-chart + +> The biggest U.S. airlines spent 96% of free cash flow last decade on buying back their own shares. **American Airlines Group Inc. -- which is not shown in the chart but is included in overall figures -- led the pack, with negative cumulative free cash flow during the decade while it repurchased more than $12.5 billion of its shares.** United Airlines Holdings Inc. used 80% of its free cash flow on buybacks, while the S&P 500 Index as a whole allocated about 50% for the purpose. As the industry reels under the weight of the coronavirus outbreak corporate leaders are seeking federal assistance to ease the burden. +After 5 months of developing, backtesting and live simulation trading of a heavily indicator/technicals dependent MFI/BB reversal strategy, I went full time trading in late May with conservative position size. June seemed affirming; I ended the month with a 12% gain. Feeling good, I decided to size up for July. Results were middling, up 5% one day, down 12% the next week. FUD crept in. Was my strategy failing? Why wasn't price action responding the way I had grown to expect it to? By the first week of August, all the profits I'd made were gone, and I was standing in a fast filling puddle of red. + +Turns out, I'm not a machine. + +In the process of backtesting, I created a very precise system, one that I wasn't precise enough to enact. According to my backtesting, I had a significant edge. I could pull 5-8% a day consistently (even during the Covid crash), but I had to hit every entry. Problem being, my rules/accompanying scanner would give me roughly 5 entries each on five stocks. 25 entries per day across a spread of charts. The entries aren't simple either, relying on very fast developing contexts, where a missed entry of .03-.05 was the difference between a loss and win. As I am but a sad sack of clicking bones and sloughing flesh, I could only hit 6-7 of these entries per day at my best, and I usually acted on a few false signals to boot. + +In doing a deep dive in my trade analysis, I realized I was getting lucky in June, hitting 4-5 winners in the 6-7 sample size of the necessary 25 entries. July and the first few days of August, complete opposite. + +As my account dwindled dangerously low, I decided to put the strategy, and what had become a very swollen and hurt pride, on hold and went back to price action basics. Flags. ABCD pullbacks. My chart went from a Pollock painting to a Newman. And I achieved Onement. + +Price action traders, I won't apologize, but I admit fallibility. I argued against many of you this year, and I was, for the given intent and purpose of making money, totally wrong. I'm convinced there is a flow to trading that once plugged into, can become profitable. It doesn't take indicators, or swirly visuals, or alert bells. It happened to me today on ZEV and FULC. Before, I would have ignored the flow, played the statistics for scraps. But after catching an entry into the first halt, I admit I had a nice cry. I've put a lot of work into understanding the markets, and developed a lot of hope for creating a new path towards financial security. But only after clearing the slate and letting what I've learned guide me instead of forcing previously held (and less well-informed) beliefs, did it click. Today, I started seeing the seeds sown from that practice, study and humility learning begin to grow. + +So I'm sold. I tried blazing a new trail, when the cow path would have done fine. Price action trading it is. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/oil-spike-above-150-feared-as-investors-demand-cash-over-growth](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-06/oil-spike-above-150-feared-as-investors-demand-cash-over-growth) + +Oil investors may regret urging companies to cough up cash now instead of investing in growth for later as the dearth of exploration is setting the stage for an unprecedented crude price spike, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. + +Companies have been compelled to focus on boosting returns and shareholder distributions at the expense of capital expenditures aimed at finding new supplies, analysts including Neil Beveridge wrote in a note Friday. That’s causing reserves at major producers to fall and the industry’s reinvestment ratio to plunge to the lowest in a generation, paving the way for oil prices to surpass records reached last decade, according to Bernstein. + +“Investors who had egged on management teams to reign in capex and return cash will lament the underinvestment in the industry,” the analysts wrote. “Any shortfall in supply will result in a super-spike in prices, potentially much larger than the $150 a barrel spike witnessed in 2008.” + +The world’s oil majors including [Royal Dutch Shell Plc](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/RDSA:NA) and [BP Plc](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BP%2F:LN) navigated the price crash of 2014 by cutting costs, selling assets and taking on debt to help satisfy investors with hefty dividends. The biggest, [Exxon Mobil Corp.](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/XOM:US), was [punished by shareholders](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/terminal/P5A1YH6VDKHT) earlier this year after compounding disappointing results with a massive spending plan and a lack of buybacks. + +The oversupply of crude globally in recent years has masked “chronic underinvestment,” Bernstein said in the report. Oil has rebounded to the highest in more than three years as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies started curbing output at the beginning of last year to trim a global glut. The producers aim now to [pump more](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-26/opec-supply-buffer-shrinks-as-it-answers-calls-to-pump-more-oil) to help cool the market, but disruptions from Libya to Venezuela are keeping prices elevated. + +[See also: Repsol Shows Faith in Oil’s Rally With Dividend, Spending Boost](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-06/repsol-shows-faith-in-oil-s-rally-with-dividend-spending-boost) + +Proven reserves of the world’s top oil companies have fallen by more than 30 percent on average since 2000, with only Exxon and BP showing an improvement, helped by acquisitions, Bernstein said. Meanwhile, more than 1 billion people will urbanize in Asia over the next two decades and this will drive demand for cars, as well as air travel, road freight and plastics that also require oil, according to Bernstein. + +“If oil demand continues to grow to 2030 and beyond, the strategy of returning cash to shareholders and underinvesting in reserves will only turn out to sow the seeds of the next super-cycle,” the analysts wrote. “Companies which have barrels in the ground to produce, or the services to extract them, will be the ones to own and those who do not will be left behind.” + +Brent oil rallied to an all-time high above $147 a barrel in 2008 as booming demand growth and a lack of readily available resources fueled a synchronized surge across commodities that was dubbed the super-cycle. The global benchmark was at $76.78 a barrel as of 11:57 a.m. in London on Friday, up about 60 percent in the past year. +This is a post about the cryptocurrency situation in El Salvador. I am posting this again because the previous one was removed by a bot. It is not about price, it should not be marked as such. + +Twitter post as proof of living in El Salvador: https://nitter.net/samsungsv19/status/1446177713413308428# + +A month ago, Bitcoin became another Salvadoran currency. I understand that my previous posts looked like complete FUD, but that's not my intention. I wanted to share how all of this affected Salvadorans, specially for those who barely have money to get a "decent" mobile device. + +Adoption is going pretty bad, specially because of identity theft. There have been hundreds of reports about people using the Chivo Wallet to steal money. The government is being quiet about it, and no one is offering a solution to the problem: + + +>https://diario.elmundo.sv/denuncian-robo-de-datos-personales-para-uso-no-autorizado-de-chequera-chivo/ + + +That is not a case of phishing or people authorizing full access to the Chivo Wallet, this is way worst. The Chivo Wallet "has facial recognition", or so they said however it is just storing a picture, any picture. There is no validation whatsoever, and because of that people are no longer using/trusting Bitcoin: + + +>https://imgur.com/a/7vRTft8 + + +And yes, I know you are going to say that this does not have anything to do with Bitcoin, but you gotta understand the Salvadoran culture: Once something fails, everything associated to it becomes bad. It doesn't make sense, I know, but that's how things really are here, and it is affecting adoption. + +Businesses are reporting low adoption. 93.1% of small/medium business are reporting ZERO Cryptocurrency transactions. The free bitcoin bonus was either converted to FIAT or spent in groceries, after that usage crashed. + +What about the protests? Did people finally accept the Bitcoin Law passed by the Salvadoran congress? + +Not quite. + +There were two protests: + +- September 15th + +- September 30th + +Both protests were massive, huge turnout. People are angry, and mad. Salvadorans do not want The Bitcoin Law: + +September 30th Protest against the Bitcoin Law + +>https://imgur.com/gallery/izClFXl + + +A protestor in front of Congress throwing spaguetti. The government has been giving people bags of spaghetti and tuna for months. + +>https://imgur.com/gallery/vcSpiOw + +More photos of the protests: + +>https://imgur.com/gallery/oTBmKXL + + +>https://imgur.com/gallery/Yflx5gi + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/NRUp3yx + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/wveAR41 + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/IaP1YGR + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/ysl1jvC + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/3HEf4z7 + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/hO23Vil + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/zu263IQ + + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/61W1rmh + + +What was President Bukele's response? + +Just like Donald Trump, he chose to mock the protests via Twitter: + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/NhAqko0 + +Three protests, and instead of listening to the people, he decide to just ignore them, and make fun of them. + +Are Salvadorans protesting because they dont understand technology? Are they afraid of changes? Why they don't want free money? + +Well, salvadorans are protesting because this whole Bitcoin Law thing has been shady. First of all, remember the "Not your keys, not your money" thing that you see pretty often here? We don't know where the 700 bitcoins that the President Bukele bought are. Who is our broker? How much did we pay for those bitcoins? What about the free 30 dollar bonus? How much did it cost? All information regarding the purchase of Bitcoin is classified. + +What about the ATMs? We only know that a known Bitcoin ATM company provided them, but the cost of those 200 ATMs is classified information because of "National Security" (whatever that is). + +But hey! El Salvador is mining Bitcoin with vulcanoes! + +Yeaaaaaaaaah, about that.... It is true, but it is not a new well, nor new infraestructure. The mining farm is located in a poor town called Berlin, Usulutan. LaGeo is the name of the state-owned company that produces geothermal electricity for the Oriental Region (Usulutan and San Miguel), however due to the mining farm, we are starting to burn more coal to provide enough energy to the region. Electricity costs are rising up, but our President puts profits over people. + +Profits over people you say? Covid cases/cases are going up, but Bukele is not restricting movement because that would be a fatal blow to the Chivo Wallet adoption. You see, if people cant go outside they cant go to the Chivo Offices to set up the wallet and learn how to use it. Bukele cares more about profits, and spends his days tweeting about bitcoin prices (Trump would be so proud): + +>http://imgur.com/gallery/ma4IgAY + +What is next? Another protest is scheduled for October 17th, and rumor has it that it will be bigger than the previous one. Will Congress concede and roll back the Law? We dont know. +We generally consider bank FDs as the safest asset, but I wonder if that is true. + +- FDs are not backed by sovereign guarantee +- DIGC only covers losses upto 1 lac +- There have been small bank defaults in the past + +Considering these, I wonder if the fact that there have been no large bank defaults is just a fluke, +and bank FDs are not truly secure. +I'll keep this short. + +1. Always stay positive and friendly, always, no matter what is being said. + +2. A perfect response to almost everything anyone, shill or not, on this board is: "So you're saying, I should buy, hold and DRS my shares? Got it." Don't write up an essay on why some user is a shill, don't complain how everything is full of shills or whatever. + +3. Read 1 again and really absorb it. Getting angry and emotional is the stance they want you to be in. Hedgies, the media, politicians. Emotional people make emotional decisions. + +Only you can prevent forest fires! + +Edit: you are all so lovely, thank you for the awards! +I'm about to claim a car that we cannot use. I know nothing about owning, driving, or selling a car. We plan too sell it. + +What steps do we need to take? The only person I know who can drive and help us is money hungry, so if like to not involve him, my finances dad. My family lives far away, but could probably ask. + + After that, I pls to use most of that money towards debt and the rest we need. + +Wyatt are your suggestions on steps to take? +Some of you apes are naive as fuck. I’m seeing more and more posts praising Fox and Charles Payne (among others) for being on retail’s side. + +Make no fucking mistake, the moment GME hits $1000 a share, the same people are going to urge you to sell claiming the “squeeze has squoze.” + +It’s just safer to 100% disregard what ANY media has to say about the GME saga, be it positive or negative. + +Fuck MSM scum. Apes together strong. + +This is not financial advice. I personally buy and hodl and keep my motherfucking head low. + +Edit: Since this seems to be gaining traction. Some apes are making valid points. It really IS great that some of the HF fuckery is finally being exposed. I am NOT against that. All I’m saying is, be very careful of who you decide to trust. This is obviously way bigger than any one of us or even MSM itself. I personally trust the DD. I trust RC and I trust apes. So better safe than sorry. + +Power to the players. +Everyone knows people in USA tend to recommend Toyota Corola or Honda Civic, but there don’t seem to be a lot of services and cheap parts for these brands here in Europe. + +What is the alternative then for someone who wants a cheap frugal reliable second hand car in Europe. Something that gets you from point A to point B, is efficient and doesn’t break your bank. + +Is it Renault Clio, VW Polo, a Skoda, maybe Dacia? What brands do you prefer and why? Discuss. + +Edit: Budget up to 4000 eur for example for a 2012-2018 car with up to 150.000 km. +So currently I'm living in a flatshare for €325 warm - for a budget-conscious person definitely a plus, but having a 5 person WG right outside the city limits is making me reconsider. Especially since I'm almost 30. I make €3500/mo before taxes (€2240/mo after) so theoretically I'm able to afford €700/mo based on the 1/3 rule, but given that I'm expecting some not unsubstantial medical bills (dental, about €2k within the next year) plus the fact I've simply never been the main tenant in Germany before (I'm from the US) is giving me pause. Thoughts as to the direction I should take? How much apartment can one afford on such a salary but with expected expenditures ahead? + +Current savings is €14k. I know, I'm way behind the pack here. +Could really use some advise, I don't have a tutor, mentor. Having moved a lot in live actually not many quality friend neither, not complaining, but I miss opinions/critics/new ideas, from like-minded people + +Male, 38 y/o, 2 year old kid... Working 70-100 hours a week. Stress is through the roof. +Not a financial/business background but I adapted and doing things ok so far, now things are changing. This is getting too big too fast. + +Business is around 5 years old, in Spain, growing at 50% per year, opened 3 shops and a workshop last year, market is demanding more that we can manage since we started. Electric vehicle related + +Now, either i sell it and start living again, spend time with the family, hopefully grow it, and be healthy (this is taking a huge toll on my health) + +Or i adapt, keep fighting for it, keep growing it... + +The first seems surrender, abandoned all i worked for so hard. And leaving behind what could be huge. Something to have a much better live in 10 years and possibly something for my kid to manage. +All this if I survive 10 years, not drama queen, i fear a stroke or something if I keep this pace much more. + +The second, i don't know how to do, i have tried to hire a manager so i could delegate some of the work, did not work as I hoped. + +Also... If I end up selling it, i fear the valuation might be low, 2022 we sold around 2 million € but with no profit as i opened 3 new locations, vehicles... And the grow potential might not be taken into consideration. + +Some different advisor told us the potential is huge, to get ready fast as we are not prepared for the work load we will have in 1-3 years, this is satisfying and exciting in part but also frustrating as i try to control/reduce my hours/stress and has done nothing but grow, with this on the horizon i really don't know if I'll make it, as much i love the job this might get me burned out. + +I know...not much to advise here, but i would really appreciate a though from experienced fellow redditors +Hello :) Do you have some advice how to prepare for currency change to Euro? From January 1st Croatia is a part of Eurozone and Euro will be our new currency. I'm wondering what to do with savings in this moment? Do you recommend any investment before the Euro or after? What effects can we expect in terms of prices, investments and savings in general? +Two months ago I decided not to renew my contract with the Army and got discharged having saved 15K€ after a 2 year contract (1000€ net per month), which for me is a fortune since I was used to live paycheck to paycheck before enlisting (not a spendthrift, just come from the lowest possible social class). + +I immediately started researching what to do with all the money (hell I didn't even know what an index fund or a dividend were - just like anybody surrounding me), so I spend quite a few lockdown weeks reading basic economy and investment articles, watching youtube videos, learning about economic history... this sort of stuff. + +After much though and research I came with the following portfolio (nothing's fixed, everything's still on paper): + +* 8K as an emergency fund. I'm receiving unemployment benefits till May which will allow to sustain myself for a while (900€/month, my current monthly expeses are around 600€), but since I'm still jobless I'm reserving this amount of cash, just in case. +* 7K with the following distribution: precious metals (38%), medical crowdfunding (3%), BTC & ETH (10%), 12 altcoins (8%), 2 metaverse-only-related altcoins (1,5%), stocks (23%), UCITS ETFs Equity (3%) and UCITS ETFs Bonds (5,3%). Still got c. 650€ (8,2%) unallocated. + +1. Stocks: I mainly focused on high-dividend American companies (except for Nestlé) related to consumer staples and healthcare, also picked AAPL, MSFT and GOOGL (1 share each). +2. ETFs about stocks: [VNRT](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-ftse-north-america-ucits-etf-usd-distributing?intcmpgn=equityusa_ftsenorthamericaucitsetf_fund_link), [VERX](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-ftse-developed-europe-ex-uk-ucits-etf-eur-distributing?intcmpgn=equityeurope_ftsedevelopedeuropeexukucitsetf_fund_link), [VAPX](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-ftse-developed-asia-pacific-ex-japan-ucits-etf-usd-distributing?intcmpgn=equityasia-pacific_ftsedevelopedasiapacificexjapanucitsetf_fund_link), [VFEM](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-ftse-emerging-markets-ucits-etf-usd-distributing/portfolio-data?intcmpgn=equityemerging%20markets_ftseemergingmarketsucitsetf_fund_link), [IUHC](https://www.ishares.com/uk/individual/en/products/280507/ishares-sp-500-health-care-sector-ucits-etf), [IUUS](https://www.ishares.com/uk/individual/en/products/287115/ishares-s-p-500-utilities-sector-ucits-etf-fund), [IUCS](https://www.ishares.com/uk/individual/en/products/287102/ishares-s-p-500-consumer-staples-sector-ucits-etf-fund) (1 share each). +3. ETFs about bonds: [VETY](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-eur-eurozone-government-bond-ucits-etf-eur-distributing?intcmpgn=fixedincomeeurope_eureurozonegovernmentbonducitsetf_fund_link), [VECP](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-eur-corporate-bond-ucits-etf-eur-distributing?intcmpgn=fixedincomeeurope_eurcorporatebonducitsetf_fund_link), [VUTY](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-usd-treasury-bond-ucits-etf-usd-distributing/portfolio-data?intcmpgn=fixedincomeusa_usdtreasurybonducitsetf_fund_link), [VUCP](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-usd-corporate-bond-ucits-etf-usd-distributing?intcmpgn=fixedincomeusa_usdcorporatebonducitsetf_fund_link), [VUSC](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/investments/vanguard-usd-corporate-1-3-year-bond-ucits-etf-usd-distributing?intcmpgn=fixedincomeusa_usdcorporate13yearbonducitsetf_fund_link), [ITPS](https://www.ishares.com/uk/individual/en/products/251714/ishares-tips-ucits-etf) (1 share each). + +**Just a few things:** + +\- Right now rather than becoming financially independent I'm truly concerned about keeping my humble wealth safe, since every single economy buff out there is predicting 2022 as the next economic doomsday scenario (I'm super paranoid about losing my savings in a finger snap due to inflation). + +\- Asking from pure ignorance: why is everybody recomending all-word ETFs when their allocation is almost exclusively focused on the US? I get it's the most competitive market, but wouldn't it be wiser to invest in multiple region/continent ETFs so you can also get a good stake on emerging markets? + +\- How good are IKBR, Binance and Coinbase for the average Spanish user? + +\- I run out of creativity and simply have no idea what to do with that cited remaining 8,2%. Would you diversify more or get more shares of already-in-mind stocks? Would you leave them and wait for a bear market? + +\- Before someone ever mentions it: No, there is no one in my social circle that can give me professional financial advice (I don't plan to get it from here either, just read and learn from others experiences), everybody is a blue collar worker where I live. + +\- Feel free to ask and shred my plans to pieces. Have a nice day. + + +Alright, listen up ya flaming galahs. + +After the sea of blood that was last week, I decided I’m gonna start doing some DD to keep myself accountable and stop fucking YOLOing my monthly allowance like a bloody pork chop. So, have a snag, crack open a tinnie and let's have a yarn. + +**Name**: TNT + +**MC**: 236.15M + +**Volume**: 12,480,117 + +**SP**: 0.235c + +**1 year return:** 327% + +**Why**: + +These fuckers IPO’ed in 2016 as a Cyber Security Managed Services Provider (MSP) (Cyber sec lingo for ‘you can’t be fucked to run your own cybersec, so I’ll do it for you, for a price’). + +However, come FY19, these guys decided that they weren’t gonna be your regular Joe Bloggs of MSP and decided to fling their dicks in the MSP pond, creating ripples that engulfed the industry. This came in the form of a ‘Cyber 360 Strategy’ which included ‘Growth through strategic acquisitions.’ That’s business lingo for, **‘Listen up cunts, I’m gonna buy you, your mum and your dog, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it’** + +In 2020 they had a ‘Board refresh’ - which is smallcheesebigbrain lingo for ‘We fucked off the dead weight so we can send this rocket to the moon’ - that was a key element in driving the success of the Cyber360 strategy. + +They went to town, like a hungover bogan smashing a Chiko roll, buying 8 companies in the space of 18 months. + +Effectively, their Go to Market strategy is to buy the competition and buy access to lucrative contracts in government. Fuckin mint innit? + +**Key Highlights for H1 FY21** + +● Financial achievements: + +○ $36.5M Turnover achieved (in excess of 500% growth on same period last FY) + +○ $2.9M Operational EBITDA achieved against a prior period loss of $1.7M + +● Acquisitions: + +○ Seer Security (completed August 2020) + +○ Airloom (completed September 2020) + +○ Ludus Cybersecurity (completed September 2020) + +○ iQ3 (completed November 2020) + +○ Lateral Security NZ (completed February 2021) + +● Joint Ventures: + +○ Optic TNT Security Pty. Ltd. JV with NZ-based Secure Optic (announced November 2020) + +● Listed on ASX All Tech Index (S&P/ASX All Technology Index) + +● Entered NZ market with the acquisition of Lateral Security + +**Owner % of Company** + +20% owned by insiders. This is awesome + +Now for all the good stuff, there’s some downside. \*This is all IMO, not financial advice DYOR, blah blah blah\* + +* Companies that fuel growth through massive acquisition introduce complexity into the corporate structure, potentially choking growth and leading to a downturn in revenue. +* They still are not profitable +* CEO comp is 734,591k p.a (of which 600k came from selling shares. I think. I don’t know, ask Kurt) + +**Future Outlook** + +Tesserent, through its Cyber 360 strategy, continues to focus on building out a one-stop-shop that provides a complete end-to-end cybersecurity solution for its clients. A primary objective is to maximise shareholder value by increasing earnings margins through the growth of high-margin annuity-based income and the inclusion of proprietary intellectual property in its solutions. + +**Goals for FY21:** + +● DeliverCyber 360 capabilities to an increasing number of Australian organisations + +● Integrate acquisitions to maximise synergy efficiencies and drive organic revenue growth through cross-selling + +● Focus on capturing **market share in three key markets: Government (including Defence), Critical Infrastructure and Banking & Finance** + +● Continuing to drive the Company’s acquisition strategy to expand on Cyber 360 capabilities and increase shareholder value through the incremental EPS growth + +● Building out high-value recurring annuity revenue streams + +● Expand proprietary intellectual property to drive high-margin product and service offerings + +● Explore International expansion opportunities with a focus on Australia’s key Five Eyes allies, which consists of the USA, UK, NZ and Canada + +&#x200B; + +I'm not a financial advisor. I work in Cybersec. This is not financial advice. Don't be a crayon-eating cockatoo and DYOR. + +Enjoy your diamond hands cunts. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. 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Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. 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Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +I've had a few conversations both on Reddit and with friends who don't fully understand the benefits of HSAs so I thought I would post some of the stuff we've talked about before. If you're eligible for an HSA(edit: not everyone is, you need to be enrolled in a high deductible health plan), here's some reasons why it's the best retirement savings vehicle: + +1)the major advantage is that it has pre tax contributions like a traditional retirement account but your withdrawals are also tax free like a Roth account. So you get double tax benefits, nothing else comes close. + + 2)you can invest your HSA. most plans have pre selected investment options like a 401k, but you are not limited to just the HSA account your employer offers. You can transfer your balance to just about any HSA bank, and some of them offer full investment options. + +3) A couple retiring at 65 in 2019 will pay $390k in health expenses throughout retirement(link below). Health expenses aren't a trivial portion of your retirement spending. Also, take a look at what falls under covered medical expenses it's not just doctors visits and medication. I was surprised that part of the cost of wheelchair accessible vehicles is an eligible expense, but it's also allows things for lots of other things. + +3) although before retirement it can't be used for health insurance premiums, after retirement it can be used for supplemental Medicare coverage premiums + +4)in retirement it can be used for long term care (hospice, nursing home, nurse visits to home). This is a big expense that is hard to factor in and a lot of people end up getting long term care insurance in their 50s to cover it. Having substantial HSA savings can alleviate this concern. + +5)By being able to cover health expenses out of your HSA, you are able to keep your money in other retirement accounts and let it keep growing. You won't have to pay taxes on a traditional account withdrawal and you won't have to use tax advantaged funds from a roth account to pay for medical expenses. A few big medical expenses early on could really eat into your retirement savings. + +6)It can make your retirement planning easier as you no longer have to factor in health expenses into your budget. Health expenses aren't always regular and predictable, like rent/mortgage, food, internet, phone, utilities. It can prevent you from blowing through your budget on unexpected medical expenses. + +7) if you pay for medical expenses out of pocket, you can take a reimbursement at any time in the future. So if you pay $5k out of pocket every year for 10 years, you can take $50k out and it won't be taxed, it's just considered a reimbursement for medical expenses. if you pay out of pocket for a lot of things throughout your career, you can take that money out in retirement (or earlier if needed) instead of using your other accounts. The downside to this is that you need to be able to withstand an audit, I'm keeping an excel sheet of each expense and saving pictures of my receipts, it can be some work, but I think it will be worth it. + +8) non retirement reason, but I feel comfortable keeping smaller emergency fund since I no longer have to factor in unexpected health expenses as being paid out of my emergency fund. There's also a peace of mind in knowing that I'm able to pay for any health care expense that pops up without digging into my other savings accounts. + +9) ultimate reason that it's the best retirement account though... if you need the money for non medical needs in retirement, you can just treat it like a traditional retirement account. Withdrawals can be made in retirement for non medical expenses and are taxed just like withdrawals from a traditional IRA or 401k, no additional fees. So worst case scenario, it's traditional IRA, best case scenario, it's the ultimate tax advantaged account. It blew my mind when I found this out, it really takes away a lot of the risk based on a potentially healthy retirement. Edit: as another commentor pointed out, HSA retirement age is 65, not 59.5 like with other retirement accounts + + + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/18/retiring-this-year-how-much-youll-need-for-health-care-costs.html +H&R REIT ([HR-UN.TO](http://hr-un.to/)) I have written about a few times. I believe we are at the final 120 days before the NAV gap is finally reduced. + +Previously, I have outlined my price target for H&R in detail. Currently, even after H&R reported with slightly higher NAV, we are trading at the bottom end of the post H&R Spin Off estimate. Post Split Target $16.72 to $18.95 is my target at a $22.29 NAV. NAV was upped to $22.77 during the Q3 Report. The price targets should be raised accordingly. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/qiv0c2/hr\_reit\_spin\_off\_announcement\_update\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/qiv0c2/hr_reit_spin_off_announcement_update_by/) + + +After Q3, Analysts raised their price targets. National Bank is $21.50 and TD is now at $20.00. Analysts have been overwhelmingly bullish on H&R's spin off strategy, and their targets far exceed my high target. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Why Q1 2022 will show the success of H&R's years of planning** + +&#x200B; + +**Spin Off** + +Mid December, we have the H&R Spin Off Vote. It is widely expected this will be voted in favor by unitholders, and the Spin Off will commence. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Special Distribution** + +The Special Distribution will be 73 cents. 10 cents cash, 63 cents in units. This will retain NAV in the REIT, instead of a typical drop in NAV after such special distribution. This is bullish for the unit price in general. You can read more about the special distribution as it is a mix of cash plus units, and then units are being consolidated so units outstanding will be unchanged. In the end, its a bullish move for capital gain investors as the units are not expected to drop after the special distribution, and the ACB of units will go up reducing future capital gains taxes. Perfect for selling after the unit price has recovered. Remember this for when I talk about Tom below. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Distribution Increase** + +Although a minor increase, its worth noting that in 2022 after the spin off, we will see an increase up 4.3% to 72 cents a unit from Primaris and H&R combined. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Tom's Retirement & H&R Takeover** + +This is speculation, and I have not discussed this yet. The move for H&R to spin off its Residential and industrial as a package, and plan on selling their office over time, will be the best long term plan for H&R. Although H&R will be diversified with office until the office assets are sold, when the office is sold its expected to capture close to full NAV. This is longer term positive versus spinning off Office today and only capturing 80-85% of its value in a pure play office REIT. What this move will entail is 5 years of building out Residential and Industrial, and utilizing Office sales to pay for this. As the average lease term for office is nearly 10 years, a 5 year plan will easily be achieved without the risk of non-renewals of office tenants. This will leave their Office portfolio essentially 100% leased throughout the next 5 years and not a risk to investors. Wait, what does this have to do with Tom? Well, although this is speculation, Tom is pushing his late 60's, and is past average retirement age. Since founding H&R in 1996, Tom has been leading H&R REIT. As a significant unitholder that put his family's trust into H&R, with millions of units in his hands, the best exit would be a buyout. Selling his stake in H&R would be very difficult due to its size. As a buyer, they would not want to purchase units from the founder just so the founder can leave. H&R would need a new leader, and that is a very unlikely succession plan that would drive interested buyers. Not to mention H&R and his family trust's savings would be out of Tom's control, which obviously he has shown he likes to be the one in control. The best succession will be to sell H&R to the highest bidder, so Tom can retire and take his money out. H&R has mentioned in past earnings calls they have had a lot of unsolicited interest in their residential and industrial assets. After the spin off is approved, I expect either H&R to recover its unit price quickly, or a buyer to come forward. We have not seen buyers today, as the buyers for a heavily diversified REIT is very limited. At least with this new H&R Plan, a buyer for H&R without Primaris is very plausible, and likely if units remain a substantial discount to NAV as they are today. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Conclusion** + +As we know, H&R has immediate catalysts to bring the unit price up closer to NAV. It is my belief the if units do not recover, H&R will be gobbled up as H&R will be holding the perfect industrial and residential assets (without the retail) to be a prime takeover target. Analysts are bullish (much more bullish than myself), and I strongly feel if unit price does not go up on their own, H&R will simply be bought out. Either way, H&R I expect will see a unit price recovery in the next 120 days.  + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Disclosure** + +I own H&R, and have recently picked up more units on the recent drop. I did sell some units to reduce my stake in the $17.XX, but have repurchased most my holdings below $16.50. I am not a trader, but the opportunity has presented itself to bring a strong return over the next 120 days. I do plan on purchasing more units if we see further continued weakness. + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Risks** + + +The obvious risk of a new wave of COVID shouldn't need to be mentioned, but I will anyways. Additionally, the risk of the spin off being voted no is a risk, although very unlikely. This will be the best way for unit holders to see their units return closer to NAV.  + +&#x200B; + +\---------- + +&#x200B; + +**Artis REIT** + +I do have a write up on Artis ([AX-UN.TO](http://ax-un.to/)) REIT about to be published. I do believe Artis is a compelling investment. Both H&R as well as Artis are giving us a great buying opportunity today, in my opinion. Dream Impact ([MPCT-UN.TO](http://mpct-un.to/)) is the third REIT I am actively accumulating. +First of all. There is only 1 Keith who has EARNED the respect and trust of apes in this entire Saga. No disrespect to this new guy and I don't think he has any bad intentions BUT regardless of his intentions, this is going to cause people to day trade. Which could possibly fuck people over and lessen the floor from 60Mil to 59.9Mil and I'm fucking greedy. That 0.1Mil is MINE. It will NOT be going to Ken n friends. + +Ask yourself this before you act on anything this new guy has said: +1. What credibility does he have? +2. What if he's simply wrong? +3. What if the Algorithm they use change? +4. Who benefits the most IF we day trade? +5. WHAT HURTS THE SQUEEZE THE MOST? (A big fucking hint: It rhymes with CELL) + +Also, I have seen a good 3 hours of the video and it's interesting, however he was predicting prices with a 0.1 spread in Movie stock. This man is predicting a price difference of 0.2% and quite frankly, even if you do day trade this shit, you'll make jack shit and you risk the biggest move of your life to do so? There's no way to justify this stupid fucking behaviour EVEN though I'm smooth brained af. + +1 last thing to note: in the 3 hours that I watched of the video, I don't recall hearing GME. Why is the video so focused ONLY on movie stock? I'm not saying this is orchestrated by a shill but it's FUCKING ORCHESTRATED BY A SHILL! + +There's only ever been 1 correct play. BUY N HODL + +Edit: Buy, Hodl & Shop @ gamestop +I’m looking to invest in a SFH and rent it out by the room to students at a local University. Anyone have experience in this. Did you put more money aside for maintenance. How are student tenants? +TLDR: This company is selling for cheap and if you can accept the risks involved with the company currently it could be a good value play in the gaming and high PC space. + +[Link to the Google doc if you would rather see the graphics in the text](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FcfTHITstSualR6ZE43ut8U-oQ8OuCIRNh7NmAJmp64/edit?usp=sharing) + +**Introduction:** + +Good morning/evening everyone! I am taking my first crack at a DD post so please give me feedback both on the presentation of the information and the general information. We are going to start by taking a look at the current business model. + +**CRSR - Corsair:** + +“Corsair is a leading global provider and innovator of high-performance gear for gamers and content creators. Our industry-leading gaming gear helps digital athletes, from casual gamers to committed professionals, to perform at their peak across PC or console platforms, and our streaming gear enables creators to produce studio-quality content to share with friends or to broadcast to millions of fans. We design and sell high-performance gaming and streaming peripherals, components, and systems to enthusiasts globally.” [About Us on Investor Relations](https://ir.corsair.com/) + +Basically, they make money by selling hardware that users need for high-end PC setups and peripherals. Below you can see a chart of where NPD Group ranked them in terms of their leadership in each category. As you can see they are able to charge premiums on various products compared to their peers. + +[Leadership in each product category graphic](https://imgur.com/a/OlHYx0H) + +[Showcasing their current product offerings](https://imgur.com/a/G1i07Qg) + +**Corsair breaks itself down into the following segments:** + +* **Gamer and creator peripherals -** Includes our high-performance gaming keyboards, mice, headsets, controllers, and streaming gear, which includes capture cards, Stream Decks, USB microphones, studio accessories, and EpocCam software, as well as coaching and training services and content design services, among others. +* **Gaming components and systems -** Includes our high-performance power supply units, or PSUs, cooling solutions, computer cases, DRAM modules, as well as high-end prebuilt and custom-built gaming PCs, among others. + +*Below you can see how the two segments have been doing:* + +[Segment performance graphic](https://imgur.com/a/aDpSspQ) + +**Financials:** + +* Total Revenue TTM as of Q2 2021: $2.015B +* Profit Margin has been floating between \~6% - 7% + * Their *gamer and creator peripheral* segment is a smaller part of their overall revenue, but it is a higher margin business than selling PC components. They have been growing this part of the business rapidly over the last couple of years. This will likely expand margins and allow them to capture more profit on the bottom line. On top of the push to their newer segment, they are also trying to push into direct-to-consumer sales rather than utilizing a third party like Amazon or Best Buy. +* Current P/E: \~15 +* EV/EBITDA: \~10 +* Current Cash as of Q2 2021: $134.572M +* Total Debt as of Q2 2021: $330.251M + * They recently refinanced this debt, but I will update this once we have new information. + +**Industry** + +* Many believe that the industry will create a huge TAM for a company like Corsair. By 2025, analysts predict the industry will generate more than $260 billion in revenue.”([link](https://www.statista.com/statistics/292056/video-game-market-value-worldwide/)) There is still a lot of growth especially due to the fact that consoles will likely allow native mouse and keyboards in the future to allow players to be more competitive. This could be a catalyst for Corsair over the long term. +* For the components portion of the business, PC’s will likely begin a refresh cycle to include the new CPU’s, GPU’s, and of course DDR5 technology. Corsair will benefit massively as supply chains shore up the resources and are able to deliver computer components to enthusiasts. ([Link](https://www.pcgamer.com/pandemic-or-not-idc-says-gaming-pc-and-monitor-sales-will-remain-strong-for-years-to-come/)) + +**Strengths:** + +1. Brand Name and reputation - + 1. Corsair is a well-known brand in the gaming space along with some of its other brands like Scuf, Elgato, and Origin. + 1. Scuf Gaming builds custom high-end and high-performance controllers for those looking to get to the next level. + 2. Elgato creates products to help streamers create a higher quality stream through HD webcam, lighting, stream decks, and much more. + 3. Origin is a desktop PC supplier which sells high-end PC’s meant for heavy workloads and gaming. +2. Integration of multiple products along with complimentary add ons and software + 1. As you saw in the product showcase above they have been creating more and more products to give gamers the all-around experience that all sync up together. This makes it easier for streamers to control their feed and various interactions through the stream deck while also managing the cameras and mics. When the consumers buy one high-end product they will likely buy the complimentary items if they have a good experience with the initial product from Corsair or its subsidiaries. +3. They sponsor some great streamers, teams, and events. This allows them to reach many fellow gamers and followers. + 1. Corsair currently sponsors large streamers on twitch such as(Not comprehensive [list](https://www.corsair.com/us/en/streamers)): + 1. Summit1G (\~6.0M followers) + 2. CyborGangel (\~67.7K followers) + 3. IamBrandon (\~39.9K followers) + 4. Bajheera (\~510.5K followers) + 5. Loserfruit(\~2.6M followers) + 6. Sacriel(\~702.1K followers) + 2. Corsair also sponsors Team Envy, BIG, Vitality, and Team Secret which all have teams in various E-Sports. More information can be found [here](https://www.corsair.com/us/en/esports). +4. Work from Home strengthened the gaming market + 1. Many teens and adults were obviously staying home, but many bought a computer that they have been slowly building over time or just increased their gaming due to needing to be quarantined indoors. This obviously caused a huge increase in Corsair’s (and other retailers) yearly sales especially due to the impact of the stimulus payments. Sales will likely normalize lower in the near term as the COVID buying starts to subside. However, this means that if Corsair was at least able to get one of their products to a customer’s desk they will likely have that customer come back to buy more to add their Corsair-related devices (headset, mice, keyboard, stream deck, etc.) +5. Actively decreasing debt on the balance sheet while maintaining a strong cash position. The total debt hit $505.8M in Q4 2019, but they have been able to knock it down to $330.3 as of Q2 2021. + +**Risks:** + +Now, these are some of the reasons why it may not be a good investment or just some general business risks that you should be aware of. + +1. EagleTree + 1. This is a partner that Corsair is majority-owned by currently. As of the time of this [article](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/what-is-the-ownership-structure-like-for-corsair-gaming-inc.-nasdaq%3Acrsr-2021-06-21) Eagletree owns 59% which they are trying to sell down which we saw during the stock price run-up in Spring of 2021. The majority ownership poses obvious risks because of their voting rights and ability to possibly move management that will negatively impact the retail investor. There is currently no explicit plan for their selling and what/if there is specific target ownership they would like to get down to. Many believe this is why Wallstreet has not “bought the dip,” but you will see that there is a reason it is currently selling for a cheaper value as well. +2. Global Supply Chain Shortages + 1. As with every other company, Corsair has been negatively affected by the shipping times and increased costs overall to create and sell their products. Management recently issued lower guidance and a warning about Q3 earnings due to the impact of these supply chain issues. [Link](https://ir.corsair.com/news-releases/news-release-details/corsair-gaming-announces-preliminary-third-quarter-2021) This will hurt their margins in the short term with hopes that supply chains will normalize in the long term. +3. High Debt + 1. They currently have a lot of the debt on their balance sheet and although they are trying to decrease the debt it still poses an obvious risk especially if there was an economic downturn in the near future. Luckily, management has been using the increased covid sales to plow that money into the debt to decrease the outstanding amount. They were estimated to pay down \~$100M in total for 2021 and continue into next year. On the bright side, they recently refinanced the debt and decreased the current interest rate which will allow them to pay it down faster and decrease the expenses related to the payments. [Link](https://ir.corsair.com/news-releases/news-release-details/corsair-gaming-announces-new-350-million-credit-facility) + +**Discounted Free Cashflow Model** + +If you would like to see my worksheet the link is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yzL4hCMcAUhRTl9xCxVXwbzbt0RYyrQTfVllKBna8oo/edit?usp=sharing). + +[DCF Picture 1](https://imgur.com/a/Qsh6Ab3) + +DCF [Assumptions:](https://imgur.com/a/Jdhn0wo) + +I used an FCF less than their current TTM FCF because I think they are benefitting from high sales, but will be impacted by supply chain woes. I believe the fair value for this company is around $24-$25. + +**What are their plans for the future?** + +1. Corsair plans to pay down its debt and strengthen their balance sheet +2. Continue to introduce new products that will complement their current product lines and work on creating better software to go along with those products. +3. Marketing via sponsorships of streamers, Esports teams, and events to build brand awareness. Also, they send products to large tech YouTubers like Linus Tech Tips, BitWit, JayzTwoCents, and Paul’s Hardware which allows them to showcase and benchmark various Corsair products. +4. Pushing their higher-margin segment of the business while utilizing their direct to consumer + +**Closing Thoughts:** + +There are obvious risks that you should look over before investing in this company, especially trying to understand how it will impact your investment thesis. Eagletree’s large position definitely poses some downward pressure on the stock’s price, but the business appears to be growing steadily. I do not view this as a *HIGH* growth stock that has a current opportunity to 10x or something like that, but I do think it could double or triple over the coming years. Corsair likes to add on to its current offerings via acquisitions and R&D which could mean that it will likely introduce new products and acquisitions later on (They already introduced a lot of products this year). I think for a company selling luxury high-end products with the current valuation it is a no-brainer if you can justify the current risks when doing your own DD. I currently like this company and have been adding at sub $25 and I am looking to continue as it goes down. +Hey guys, European guy here (so sorry about my bad English) + +From my perspective, it looks like the US investors have a huge geographical bias regarding their stocks, most of them buying almost only US stock and therefore being undiversified geographically in their portfolio. + +Right now, the data I gathered seems to show that the US stocks have an average P/E pretty high around 19, when the MSCI world EX US seems to be closer to a 12-13 P/E. + +For me being a French speaker investor, almost everybody talks about Air Liquide for instance (which is the company holded by the most individual investor in the world apparently, with 32% of it's stock being held by individuals, which is.. Huge, and a good point to look for I think which is almost never discussed). + +Which is why, by curiosity, I'm asking to you US investors what are your take on investing outside of the US ? What do you consider value stock outside of the US ? Which ones are the best for you ? What stocks are you American looking for in Europe and in the rest of the world ? I'm really curious about your POV ! +I recently signed up for a Personal Capital account as a tool to see my net worth and investments in one place. The application is entirely free, but the upsell is their wealth management service. I ended up having a few calls with an advisor to see what's included with this service and to ask a few questions...and I was pretty impressed with the interaction, their ability to answer my questions, and the services offered. + +For clients $100-200k you are assigned a team of advisors. At this tier, the portfolio is spread out across 25-30 ETFs, depending on risk tolerance. The portfolio is rebalanced and actively managed by PC. + +For clients $200k-1M you have a dedicated financial advisor. At this tier, ETFs and individual securities are most of one's portfolio. + +Both tiers are charged 0.89% AUM. After $1M, the fee decreases slightly and continues to decrease across additional $$$ thresholds until 0.49% (IIRC). + +With this fee comes the full wealth management service, including actively managed IRA/Roth/401(k)/etc. portfolio(s), financial advice, home buying advice, tax optimization, additional retirement planning, and how to better manage an employer 401k (if PC cannot manage it directly). Since inception (2011) through Q3 2022, they have returned 10% (9.8%) net fees to their client's portfolios. + +I was wondering if anyone out there has used their wealth management service. What do you think? Is it worth it? Any surprises? If you are no longer a customer of theirs, how easy was it to leave? + +For anyone else that hasn't used PC, what do you think of their wealth management services and fees? + +For what it's worth (why I'm even considering PC): I just don't have the time to properly - and confidently - manage my IRA and don't want to mess up something that important. +The stock currently trades at about $5, with a $400M market cap. Ryan Cohen took a position in the company back in March of this year, and a lot has happened since then. Earnings were garbage as expected, and cash was being burned at an extraordinarily high rate. The former CEO Mark Tritton is gone as of a few weeks ago, which could be viewed as good news as he was responsible for the irresponsible share buybacks that put the company in debt in the first place. A sale of Buy Buy Baby is actively being discussed, although what it would be sold for remains to be seen. I've seen projections anywhere from $500M to $3B. I think the stock makes sense as a turnaround play given how bad management was before Cohen got involved, but I want to hear some other opinions too. I do think there is still a risk of bankruptcy, but that the current stock price makes it conceivable to accept that risk. +After reading the intelligent investor, I've decided to make my portfolio 90% market (mainly SNP500) and 10% stock picks (mainly deeply undervalued US companies). So I believe in the next year or so, we're gonna see a massive market correction, which is something I'd like to profit from. Instead of falling into the trap of trying to time the market, I'm trying to calculate a rough intrinsic value for the SNP500, and then buy when the market value presents a nice margin of safety (say 30-40%). Now I know calculating DCFs for 500 companies, and not using my own formula, creates a lot of variables and error, but I'm thinking it will kind of average out and with a significant M.O.S, the principle is sound. Besides logistics and the methodology, does this strategy seem fair? + +I've already started pulling the data from different websites, like [DCFTOOL.com](https://DCFTOOL.com) and [Gurufocus.com](https://Gurufocus.com) , and I know this is a very inaccurate method, but I feel with 500 companies it should balance out. + +I'm new to value investing, and investing in general, but let me know your thoughts please. I'm 22, and I am a long term passive investor, so when all is said and done, time is my friend and I'll be in the market a long time. + +"I’m warning you with peace and love. I have too much to do, so no more fan mail!" - Ringo Star. +[https://neckar.substack.com/p/the-reading-obsession](https://neckar.substack.com/p/the-reading-obsession) + +I found this a very useful perspective on Buffett and his method. Mea culpa, my own inclination is to sit behind my desk and try to solve the puzzle. + +Apologies if this is a repost. + +EDIT: for avoidance of doubt, I'm not the writer. His twitter is here - [https://twitter.com/NeckarValue](https://twitter.com/NeckarValue) + Hi again, Im here to share with you my thoughts on this company. I made an extensive research of this company covering the most important topics. So you can decide by your own if the stock is good for you or not. + +Link: [https://docdro.id/bv5WJuf](https://docdro.id/bv5WJuf) +Apple and Microsoft were both founded in the late 1970s. Back then, Microsoft, in its nascent years, was interested in developing computer software while Apple was designing state-of-the-art desktops. Soon enough, both the startups observed overlapping business interests and soon entered into a fierce business rivalry. + +Currently, I am an avid user of Apple. I am truly impressed by Apple’s ecosystem — how seamlessly each Apple product works together with one another. Today, I am still a user of its iPhone, iPad, as well as its Airpods. Unlike any applications, I tend to use these products on a daily basis — from whenever I wake up to before I go to sleep. + +On 5th October 2015, Steve Jobs died, marking the end of an era for Apple. Steve Jobs was inspiring and a natural leader for his employees. He had successfully shifted Apple’s focus back to making cutting-edge products, which resulted in a phase of unprecedented growth for the company. A quote by the late Steve Jobs, “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people…” + +Apple today is the world’s most valuable company, with a market capitalization of $2.44 trillion (as of 1st June 2022). As the only company that has become 3 trillion, Apple does have its fair share of criticisms – labor practices of its contractors, environmental practices, and anti-competitive practices. With the recent tech sell-off, could this be a potential opportunity to buy Apple stock? + +Let’s take a look at what Apple has to offer. Let’s find out! +[https://learntoinvests.com/apple-stock-analysis/](https://learntoinvests.com/apple-stock-analysis/) +I am very new to this so go easy on me + + +Verizon has a p/e of 12.36 and a Yield of 4.44 + +It is growing steadily and without a doubt has less debt than AT&T its dividend is also much more sustainable. So why does Verizon not have such a cult following like T and is it a good stock? +After reading the intelligent investor, I've decided to make my portfolio 90% market (mainly SNP500) and 10% stock picks (mainly deeply undervalued US companies). So I believe in the next year or so, we're gonna see a massive market correction, which is something I'd like to profit from. Instead of falling into the trap of trying to time the market, I'm trying to calculate a rough intrinsic value for the SNP500, and then buy when the market value presents a nice margin of safety (say 30-40%). Now I know calculating DCFs for 500 companies, and not using my own formula, creates a lot of variables and error, but I'm thinking it will kind of average out and with a significant M.O.S, the principle is sound. Besides logistics and the methodology, does this strategy seem fair? + +I've already started pulling the data from different websites, like [DCFTOOL.com](https://DCFTOOL.com) and [Gurufocus.com](https://Gurufocus.com) , and I know this is a very inaccurate method, but I feel with 500 companies it should balance out. + +I'm new to value investing, and investing in general, but let me know your thoughts please. I'm 22, and I am a long term passive investor, so when all is said and done, time is my friend and I'll be in the market a long time. + +"I’m warning you with peace and love. I have too much to do, so no more fan mail!" - Ringo Star. +Just now two US Senators have proposed a bill to congress that would exempt crypto transactions under $50 from crypto taxes. Good to see some people pushing for the right regulation of Crypto while keeping crypto adoption and government protection equally on sight. + +Some may say that no crypto taxes at all would have been better but I disagree here, there should be no problem in giving some money to the government for public services (whether they actually do that is the other question) I mean we are protesting so that rich people should pay taxes so we should pay too. And under $50 seems like a very reasonable mark depending on how high the tax would be over that. +Yesterday Meal Venezuela gave 1,719 pounds (780 kilos) of food to people in need in my community. This was only possible thanks to you contributions through cryptocurrencies. I'm extremely happy for the results of this project that is being able to give more food every time. More than 1 ton of food has been given in a few weeks. Hundreds of people in my community has been able to receive bags of food. + +I want to let you know that we have a new website where you can read a bit more about the project Meal Venezuela https://mealvenezuela.org/ + +You can also follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/MealVenezuela + +Some pictures! + +[https://i.redd.it/1krqvf6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/1krqvf6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/2grv5k6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/2grv5k6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/8f3xso6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/8f3xso6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/1e2ge07goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/1e2ge07goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/h824l87goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/h824l87goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/l1ppys6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/l1ppys6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/h0t9mv6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/h0t9mv6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/jurfxs6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/jurfxs6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/no33nz6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/no33nz6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/mqcz5q6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/mqcz5q6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/t6jpoq6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/t6jpoq6goys61.jpg) + +If you wish to help with cryptocurrency donations to buy food, please send funds to any of our addresses. Thank you so much for helping us! + +Bitcoin: 16w9PsTMKGsd9u4wuGN6WV1tcQNrQBEQmU + +NANO: nano\_14mbf65xexhii4f8st6wmh3oqjpfd97fbfykqb9o1j81dn8ynszrbq9p594o + +Cardano: DdzFFzCqrhsiCjpHozf2qfwzjJiESoNaAiEXQZxMgLExcVcUoQWXt27GvnL39vj7pgrv2qYkxct9SoYUBeszogGsgTVk5Sf6oJvR9MMy + +Bitcoin Cash: bitcoincash:qrvg7ygrlxks9qnps74h2lflr3eaukr5gs95ywujdc + +Dash: XtyggxgFeUzBkSYwsHsiFYcLaT4immJJ8P + +Bitcoin SegWit: bc1qun795pt5d5wdrtu5hhd44rhxmvkmnjxqd3m496 + +Ripple (no TAG required): rD9ZAoVpE9SRZ451MQqXSePzWboVEceeAM + +Ethereum: 0xa0f86b2fbbabc064261fc6e49ecaf6342a87c141 + +Litecoin: LTfNEeUcJDVUpYHzquFSFvvq47PCeYaAbo + +BAT: 0xde9cbdc86fe1d737ffb7e063b77de941108965c8 + +DOGE: D5Co6S764mNLTrNfRphX3rfY33ryFT5zsh + +BNB (no MEMO required): bnb1r7dxqmzsdnwq5k2tt7jntckedgpmsp6rdlnvfw + +Polkadot: 14B1S3GqLrMy6oLNfukYmzbMy48b5sV7mRjQRBktWNqvGzQh + +Smart Chain: 0xF08fCfe47B948aC86ba4a627e926366f846F6714 + +Monero: 83nHWVWX1Ka9vXyZ9Yp9cnEHUGVdXZBMKAKaoxnbWgZRd6nk9mTvrJJMBLKW4CxBCn3K5LbqgjhVzNqGezkwzaRCUv4VKnr + +Chainlink: 0xa0f86b2fbbabc064261fc6e49ecaf6342a87c141 + +Zcash: t1aVLKnymhwFpsA4SHUJj4EsRfmY19dCXnf + +Hedera hashgraph: 0.0.156734 + +BANANO: ban\_1e1hkw4yjcsk15ptngktg1nzrwoq68wuzuz18bg3ukdathgznn6tqk5x7rdn + +AVAX: X-avax1j2cnse8kyas3kjtz22wlcl86ehyxfnvxh8mrny + +ALGO: AV5MVN4VLYPDHFDO67W7TNYD2ESCOIXVIQ2QVGHPZ4KCIOS45V5EBWH5H4 + +XLM: GBFP3PDQDERIVCERF5K3NGJDB3JC3NABT3HNJOMHPGDMCJYKYXIDHG5P + +DGB: DFeEegHET954fpjydgPY2rqsmggoGsDjVA +Happy to report that, after updating my spreadsheet today, my wife and I have cracked the elusive $1,000,000 mark. We're in a MCOL city in California, 30M & 30F with 2 kids. I have a somewhat non-standard government job as an Air Traffic Controller making about $200,000/yr and my wife just became a Nurse Practitioner. She would've been making about $150,000/yr but COVID has resulted in her making about $85,000 or so, we'll see how her year turns out. Her hours were cut in the ER since so many less patients are coming in. + +Regardless! I'm excited to announce that after our diligent saving and investing we are making some serious progress. Our portfolio is made up as follows: + +* 230k TSP +* 30k 457(b) +* 40k ROTH IRA +* 45k bonds +* 131k Primary Residence equity +* 525k Investment Real Estate + +I only started ROTH IRAs about 3 years ago for my wife and I, wish I had started sooner but it is what it is. I've been maxing out my TSP for about the last 6.5yrs (been with the FAA 8yrs) and my wife has random money from various jobs that does add up a little. +The big contributor to our success has been the rental real estate that we've been pouring about every penny into and it's finally starting to pay off. Our cashflow is pretty much breaking even at this point since everything gets put back into the houses but it is growing healthy and steady. We invest out of state in a LCOL city in the midwest and are at about 23 doors, mostly SFH. I was concerned how COVID would affect everything but so far only 1 tenant has been unable to pay. Even then, that tenant was recently approved for housing assistance and will be repaying his entire past due balance! Started investing in the houses about 4 years ago, using the BRRR (Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance) method for about 2/3 of the portfolio. We are about 40% equity on the rentals and will continue to expand for the foreseeable future. + +Really looking forward to the next few years and seeing where this goes. Hoping to retire from the FAA when I'm eligible at 47 with $10,000,000 NW. Regardless of my NW, retirement at 47 will give me and family health insurance and pension until I die, the joys of government benefits! +I closed my Paypal account a few months ago (after 20 or so years) because I was charged by someone for a subscription full two weeks after it was canceled, I had a dated cancellation confirmation email from the vendor attached to my dispute, and Paypal ruled in their favor claiming that I didn’t provide the proof of cancellation. The proof that I could see attached in their own system to the very dispute record that they were referring to. The payment was made with a bank account. + +I tried to elevate the issue and kept receiving the same verbatim response from supposedly different CS agents. Either they did not read my messages at all, and just kept copying the same original response, or this was all just (very dumb) AI bot posing as customer service. No real person to talk to. No replies to Facebook messages. It’s like there was no one alive left at PayPal. Oh, and crashes, crashes, crashes galore. + +Took me almost a month to close my account, too. At some point they ”elevated“ my account to Business without my consent, and created Paypal credit account linked to it. All as an unsolicited “courtesy“. + +Well, turns out you can’t close your PayPal account without closing the Credit account first. It took two separate phone calls to close the Credit account (luckily I was able to talk to a live CS agent there). Still couldn’t close PayPal. Then it took over two weeks, and multiple phone calls, to figure out that for some reason the closing of PayPal Credit account was not being reflected in Paypal. This is where I finally got lucky, as the last PayPal Credit CS agent I talked to actually followed through and corrected it. (Took almost another week). + +This was just an unbelievably frustrating ordeal over what should have been a clear cut case. Something is seriously wrong at PayPal. It’s almost as there’s no people left there. + +If you have to use PayPal, don’t use your bank. Pay with a credit card. I’ve had a number of credit card disputes over the year, and it was a completely different experience. +25M. Purposely keeping some identifying details vague for privacy. + + +I got an offer from the CEO to join a top venture backed Series B startup in the B2B space. It's for a Director level position, and would likely be around 0.25% equity at a 220M valuation. They expect a large Series C to come in the next 12 months that will push the val to higher hundreds of millions. + + +I love the team, business is pretty solid overall from my vantage point and somewhat recession resistant, and I have consulted for them for a while. Tasked with building a team and achieving aggressive business goals - it would be a stretch to accomplish and be several years of nonstop grind and stress, but would learn a lot outside my scope of work too about scaling a business. Also a pretty prestigious offer for my age that I am getting based on my performance as a consultant, likely not to get another exec offer like this. + + +My dilemma is around opportunity cost and how this will affect my path to FatFI. Goal is minimum of $5-$10M in the next decade or two, but no RE likely. + + +In my current role I have somewhat comparable liquid compensation to this opportunity for now, but my compensation will likely strongly overtake this role each year for the next few years. Now I work with some of the best startups in SV (including this new opportunity), and have access to invest as an angel in my clients alongside the top VCs as my income continues to grow. I also can mega backdoor now whereas I won't be able to at the startup. Good work/life balance and I learn a lot and have exposure to a variety of amazing people, and I am happy. + + +So the question is from a maximization of net worth standpoint - do I stick with the current opportunity where I can make high liquid comp, put $61k/yr into 401(k), and create my own equity portfolio due to access to incredibly top-tier angel/VC deals? + + +Or do I go for the concentrated equity position that I earn with my labor (not capital like I can now) which could be a decent payday in the future at $1B+ valuation, but has all of the pitfalls even if successful including but not limited to: dilution, down rounds, PTE window, buying shares/AMT, vest not accelerating upon change of control, common stock instead of preferred, worse tax treatment, and many more. + + +I have the golden ticket now to FatFI in the next decade or two which would be hard to reproduce, but I am also tempted to take a gamble on myself and this company in the hopes of accelerating FatFI to achieve it when I am much younger and try to go for ObeseFI. + + +If this company exits for $1B+ it will also put me in another write my own golden ticket scenario, and if it fails I'll be fine but likely way behind on FatFI, no golden ticket scenario, and would be lucky to FatFI by retirement. + + +My understanding is having higher liquid comp and buying equity (assuming you have an investing edge which I do) is always mathematically superior to going for the startup equity lottery ticket, even when you don't factor in risk of being concentrated in one illiquid private investment. + + +I would appreciate any feedback or thoughts on what you would do in my position to maximize NW, and if you advise going with the startup, what I should look out for contractually to protect myself. I will throw in more detail if needed in replies as long as it wouldn't be identifying. + + +Thank you all! +We don't need to see the same piss poor 'journalist' hit piece about how retail has fatigue 50 times in one day, it's not big news that shitty journalists in the pocket of big finance are constantly trying to discredit us. + +You're padding their metrics by clicking this shit and posting it here. Providing them ad revenue and giving it legiticimacy, that's how propaganda works, if you shout loud enough for often enough then even a stupid idea will be believed, just ignore this garbage. +Here's a thought experiment. + +Say you're living comfortably and buying everything you want, within reason. You're spending extravagantly on the things that give you pleasure (nice car, video games, domestic travel), and mercilessly cutting costs on pointless spending that don't bring you enjoyment (no expensive house/condo, international vacations, tons of children). By doing this, you're able to save 40-50% of your income and are on the path to FIRE within 8-10yrs. + +So let's suppose you're doing the above, and then suddenly your income doubles, or I don't know maybe it triples. At what point would you spend more? And if you do spend more, how would you decide what to spend money on? Would you simply move up your FIRE date? What if you don't want to fully retire and do more of a barista FIRE? + +My situation: + +In the past couple years, I've basically decided that I don't want to fully retire. The closer I get to FIRE, the more the idea seems boring to me. I am pretty sure I would be unmotivated and I fear that my brain would rot and I would lose mental acuity. But at the same time, my salary and earning potential has crept up from where I had been able to retire at 40, but maybe that number is closer to 35 now. Instead of retiring, I think that I would probably get a barista FIRE job (public service job, non-profit, or stay in my current career and work part time 20hrs a week). Alternatively, I could just spend more, and keep my FIRE date target of 40. The thing is, I don't absolutely hate my job as is. I'm pretty much fine working 40-50hr weeks though my 30s. + +Even if I work part-time in my career field, I think I could still have a savings rate of about 30%. I would be fine doing this until I'm 60, but even that would leave me with too much savings. I feel like if I don't actually retire between 35-40, I'm at a real risk of over saving. Should I look into fat FIRE (not really sure what that is). + +TLDR; + +You can't take the money with you to the grave. So what should you do with it? +Seems like huge majority of people on Reddit that FIRE are software engineers, specifically in FAANG. + +Why is that? Is it because FIRE has a strong reputation in the tech industry and no other industries have heard of FIRE? I am very certain that there are other high paying professions out there. +What am I missing with SBUX? They already are incredibly established in their market; they don’t have that much more growth potential. Other food companies like Wendy’s and McDonald’s have p/e around 30, yet SBUX has has over 4 times that at 142. Why do people think they have that much potential? Call credit spreads seem like a good play on their earnings in the following weeks, but there has to be something I’m missing. +The 💯xCoin **team just dropped an insane roadmap!** Excuse the emojis. That number is now spam on reddit. + +Back to it, yesterday was one of the coins highest volume days for the coinand **moonshot could happen** as soon as everyone gets a hold of this document 👇 + +**Roadmap**: [https://app.gitbook.com/@100xcoin/s/100xcoin/details/spacemap](https://app.gitbook.com/@100xcoin/s/100xcoin/details/spacemap) + + +**Whats in the roadmap?** The team is building 💯xLabs with the following projects: + +1. **Mobile App to Purchase 💯x** Coming Later this Month (Debit Card, Credit Card, and other Payments straight onto the BSC. This is the game changer that has me excited. They call it Coinbase for degens. Low MCAP BSC tokens only. And of course, 1hundredX + +2. **NFT Staking Platform** + +3. **💯x Launchpad** \- Tokenomics support the 💯x token with either additional burn or added liquidity. They say its going to be like a **Crypto Venture Capital Incubator.** + +There is a ton of marketing plans discussed as well. This is probably what the team is best at coming off the back of a huge sponsorship of the Canelo fight yesterday. + +&#x200B; + +**Can they build it?** +I've seen a lot projects in the BSC make big claims and fall short. It's hard to tell who will get things done. I'm impressed with what the team has managed to create to date and they say there is going to be a demo video this week for the app. + +If the app is delivered on schedule, this will be the first easy onramp to BSC alt coins. When they released the roadmap. **Monster multiple $35k buys from SafeMoon Holders came in.** + +They are releasing loads of news in the Telegram which is becoming one of the most fun places to hang out. With all the airtime of the boxing match yesterday, the chat was absolutely wild. It will be interesting to see the **community traction as more and more events are sponsored.** + +**The Hype Is Growing -** + +Ken (CEO) has stated they are focused on growing internationally targeting Turkey, China, and other big buying power countries. Apparently they just spent **$20,000** for a month long agreement with two foreign influencers. This is the first project I've seen **dedicated to global buying. 🌏** + + +**TLDR?** + +**If you missed Bonfire,** this might be your last chance at a hype project. Chart is looking healthy and the LP looking juicy. Roadmap is heat and the people that see it first are going to be rewarded 💸 + +Check out the project you 🦧 + +&#x200B; + +**Links:** +Telegram: [https://t.me/ELOofficialchat](https://t.me/ELOofficialchat) + +Website: [https://100xcoin.co/](https://100xcoin.co/) +Thanks to ER10years_throwaway for this invite. I was a financial advisor for 25 years, now retired, but still expanding my research into safe withdrawals from retirement portfolios. I am eager to share my thoughts with you, so please bring on the questions. Caveat: I can't answer questions specific to a particular person's financial situation, as I am no longer a practicing financial planner or investment advisor. Hope to hear from you. I'll start answering questions at noon eastern on Tuesday, 8/21. + +Folks, I believe I have answered all outstanding questions. I thank you all for the courtesies extended me, and I hope you have found my replies useful. Signing off for now, hope to join you again. Best regards, Bill Bengen +BIZpaye has introduced Barter credits tied to the local currency in a 1 to 1 ratio, allowing clients to sell their goods for local barter loans and eliminating inefficiencies in the supply chain. + +By introducing local Barter credit, BIZpaye managed to eliminate unnecessary transactions and help manufacturers deliver their goods and services directly to the end consumer. Before the blockchain, BIZpaye used a combination of currency in the final transaction to overcome overpricing. + +With the introduction of the same universal currency, such as the BIZpaye "CRYPTO" token, sellers can sell their goods to a decentralized global community of buyers to achieve fair market value in transactions. + + [https://www.bizpayecrypto.io/](https://www.bizpayecrypto.io/) + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/tl2yozdhhv731.png +Many companies have trouble hiring and keeping people for entry level jobs, especially in the retail, restauration and tourism industry. Many of these companies are significantly increasing the pay for these positions, in an attempt to attract more people. + +Smaller shops wont be able to stay competitive in this environment. I guess we'll keep seeing inflation as well. + +Knowing that this is happening, what can an investor do to try and use this at his advantage? +I’ve started investing in SCHD and I noticed that it seems to provide good dividend payment as well as growth. I was wondering what are some of your good o’reliables? +Few hours ago Coin Market Cap removed Korean exchanges from their coin price calculations and being that all coins are about 30% pricier over there, it instantly tanked the price on CMC graphs. From what I see this is happening now : + +1. CMC removed Korean exchanges +2. Prices/graphs instantly tanked (but in practice not relevant to people outside Korea who dont trade there anyhow) +3. Large number of people did not recognize what actually happened and that there were not moves/selling on their western exchanges +4. Those same people are now dumping large amount of coins trying to "cut loses" because of the false impression that coin is crashing. +5. Random stuff happening + +My opinion is that this should have been handled much better by CMC. At least put a banner saying "WE HAVE EXCLUDED KOREAN EXCHANGES BECAUSE OF THIS OR THAT AND IT WILL HAVE SUCH INFLUENCE ON CALCULATIONS". I just hope they do not put back and remove those exchanges at random point in time. Any thoughts? +Just had my stomach turned by a charming ad in which Eamon Holmes encouraged me to release the equity in my home like it was the most casual, risk-free thing in the world. + +What are some other financially dangerous things going on in the UK which people and their families should look out for? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Happy 4/20 everybody! +Take care of yourself and relax a little bit, that might be crucial the next few days. 😁 + +Current price "115 minutes in: 165.67 US-$" + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of camaraderie is critical, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + +Starting: 164.95 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 164.95 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 164.95 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 164.95 US-$ + +Soooo yeah...looks like we're doing THAT again 😴 + +20 minutes in: 164.95 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 165.13 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 165.13 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 165.13 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 165.31 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 165.25 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 165.61 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 166.87 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 165.55 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 165.55 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 165.73 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 165.73 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 165.79 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 165.67 US-$ + +The US pre-market is open, let's have a great day!!! 🇺🇸 +I'll see all you beautiful apes tomorrow! 👋 +I’m a 35 yr old male. A few years ago I met a woman and we started dating. She is amazing. Creative, playful, supportive, understanding. She makes me laugh so much and I feel great when I’m around her. After a series of relationships where I didn’t feel seen or wanted, its kind of a miracle. + +Here’s the thing though. She’s 35 and her parents still pay her rent. As a former nanny and now a dog walker, she doesn’t earn much, and she also doesn’t seem motivated to work very hard. (Probably like 20 hours a week is her max, and then she feels too stressed out.) + +We’ve been dating for about 2 years, serious for a year and a half of that. Almost a year ago I shared my plans for financial independence and told her how important it is to me that she learn to live within her means. She said she was going to work on it and even saved a couple thousand dollars but then she reverted back, spent her savings and started getting defensive when I brought it up. + +Two years into the relationship, I am feeling like I need to make a decision. She is amazing and I love being with her. But I can’t count on her to be a contributor for FIRE, and she might even be a liability. I don’t make much but I’m good at saving, and she isn’t a big spender but can’t get it together to break even. Do I settle down and try to make it work or move on and try to find someone who is more compatible in this area? + +**By the numbers:** + +I make about 60k a year and save 2,400/mo. Between my 401k and VTSAX I’ve got about 110k. (Puts me on track for FI/RE in about 10 years). She makes enough to cover her living expenses but doesn't have health insurance or take vacations. Her parents pay for her apartment (about $1200/mo). Neither of us have debt. + +Its worth noting that her parents have offered to put a down payment on a house for us (50k max) and contribute to her savings. Neither of us are attached to having children, but it would be a shame if it wasn’t an option at all. + +What do you think? Can I commit to this partner and still have the life I want or do I have to choose between them? + +Are these serious red flags or could we work as one of those relationships where I’m just the person who handles the money stuff? + +How do you talk to a new romantic partner about FI/RE when they aren't earning enough to cover their basic needs? + +I’m looking anywhere I can for advice. Thanks in advance. +I have checked 10 tokens which were promoted on r/CryptoMoonShots more than 20 days ago, 8 out of 10 crashed more than 80% until now. + +As example, take look at this token called "Slothi": Crashed 90% from all time high +On r/CryptoMoonShots it was promoted as "100% no scam" and "very serious project", "audited" and received more than 1500 upvotes by the community. + +Do not buy any of these tokens, they bring no innovation, are mostly named after dogs and are mostly scam. +Hoping this doesn't get deleted but I wanted to post somewhere it might be appreciated. + +My children have been working their little butts off and saving their pennies for months to buy a Nintendo switch. Today they finally have all the money, including tax. +I just so proud of what they accomplished. I know others can afford to go buy these things for their kids, but I'm glad I at least taught mine how to avoid impulse purchases and save. +Thanks for reading. +Tofu gets a bad rap because people hate vegans so much (full disclosure: am vegan), but at $2/lb you cant do a whole lot better in terms of [nutrition](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/ingredient-focus-tofu) + +It has basically no flavor but will absorb the flavor of whatever you want. Theres thousands of recipies out there. Try one! Even if its just adding cubes to your vegetable soup. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/25/elon-musk-hints-at-tesla-hatchback-model-for-europe-.html + +Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk suggested that the electric car company could launch a new compact model in Europe. + +Tesla's market cap hit $500 billion for the first time on Tuesday after its stock price surpassed $527.48 per share. + +Elon could always come out of new idea. Europe is a competitive ev market so tesla need to stay innovative. Keep holding the stock and investors will be awarded. + +Thanks for the awards. +I am recently 18 and want to begin investing. I have done a little bit of research(watched a few podcasts, been on reddit, looked up article,etc.) but, of course with no experience I am still confused. I want to know what I should buy, I have a few hundred dollars that i’m not scared to invest. + +Also, i’ve heard a lot about etf’s like vanguard. As well as dividends, if anyone could tell me any good starting dividend stocks to invest into, or even just some general investing advice that would be appreciated. +I am curious: is someone living from dividends? Or at least managed to reduce full-time job to part time, because if dividend income? + +So far I‘ve been investing mostly in long-term stocks with no dividends, but the idea of continuous cash flow keeps me awake. + +However, I calculated that in order to get approx. $60k/year from dividends (my current salary), one has to buy stocks with a total value of around $1.3 million. + +I doubt that anybody here has this amount, but you never know.. + +So yes, do you have experience with dividend-lifestyle? + +Thanks. +This post is simply putting few facts together and my own interpretation of what it means in the Squeeze to come. This is not a financial advice, just the opinion of a humble Ape with couple of wrinkles. + +Mods, please review and flag as appropriate. Apes, feel free to comment, correct or debate. At the end of the day this is my opinion, not better than any of yours. + +In this post, I am going to cover what is happening to the VIX, what is happening with the 10 Year treasury note, its link to inflation, and why all this is the beginning of the end of the GME saga, and I believe the squeeze is getting closer (no dates provided if that is what you are after, sorry). + +**The VIX** + +The VIX measures the volatility in the market, or how mad people think things are going to get. Since the beginning of the week, the [VIX is up 40%](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EVIX?p=%5eVIX&.tsrc=fin-srch). This reflects that the market is expecting a lot of uncertainty with more radical price movements. You can in this post [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/naucr8/did_i_hear_that_right_margin_call/) that even the smart money in Half Time doesn’t know whether to buy industrial or sell industrials. People do not know what they need to do. So increased uncertainty, hence increase volatility. In that video they even talk about margin calls, adding nervousness in the system, but I will cover this a bit later. + +Remember few weeks back, someone bought 250k contracts of a 25/40 July call spread on the VIX. That was a 40m bet that the market would go crazy. At the time, it was speculated that this bet would be Dr Burry himself (would fit well on his way of investing) just before closing his twitter account. We will never know for sure, but someone with big pockets believe the market is going to go nuts. In the last couple of days, there has been a lot of unusual activity in the call options for the VIX, suggesting things are not going to get any more quiet, but even more volatile. (PS: I own X contracts of that 25/40 call too, printing over 40% as I write). + +Net, the market is expecting a lot of volatility. + +**The 10 year note** + +Here you may need to grow a wrinkle, I hope I can ELI5 this. + +The 10 year is basically the “risk free” asset against which any investment decision is made. I can invest in something, with an increased risk vs doing nothing, and that risk premium needs to be worth compared to the risk free asset, meaning the 10 year (or any US government bond like 30Y, 5Y…). + +Since the beginning of the week, the 10 Year note as lost 7% of its value (the 5Y 13%!). that means the 10 year interest rate has gone up from 1.6% to 1.7%. the higher the interest rate, the lower the bond price, as cash flows over time are brought to today’s value with a higher discount rate. + +Interest rates go up with 3 main drivers. Inflation, how risk free is the risk free asset itself and the FED. + +· **Risk Free**: there is not such a thing as risk free asset. Any security would have 2 components of risk, systemic risk and specific risk. Very often in those useless congressional hearings, they talk about systemic risk, “hedge funds represent a systemic risk to the market”, “banks need to be well capitalized to avoid systemic risk”... Systemic risk is the risk of the system going to shit, the economy to collapse altogether…in other words, 2008. The fact that the 10 year note premium (its interest rate) goes up, is a reflection of increase risk in the system: ��if risk free asset becomes riskier, then I want more return for my investment”. This links with the explosion of VIX: people perceive more risk in the system because of increased volatility expected, VIX goes up, interest rates go up. + +· **Inflation**: inflation in macroeconomics is closely linked to interest rates. There are several type of inflation, but to keep it simple, if the amount of goods and service is the same in an economy but there is much more Dollars in circulation, then all goods and service will become more expensive, by simple supply and demand. A controlled inflation is good for an economy to grow, too much inflation dilutes people’s buying power and overall economy competitiveness in the international markets (high inflation countries see their currency devaluate). When inflation goes up, then your interest rates go up, as saving in your bank account at the reference interest rate should allow you to keep buying the same goods in a year time than today. How are your steemies doing? Over the last year, the US as created 30% of its debt, meaning, it has put a lot more dollars in the economy to recover from the pandemic, so naturally, inflation is increasing. look at the evolution of any commoditiy in the recent weeks. Last week, the announcement came of inflation being at 4.2% (which is twice what healthy inflation of around 2% would be). + +· **Enters the FED**: The [FED mandate](https://www.richmondfed.org/publications/research/economic_brief/2011/eb_11-12) is to drive full employment and maintain stable prices, so basically sells or buys bonds (issues or buy debt back) to put or remove liquidity in the system to ensure the economy can create growth, jobs and inflation is controlled. Last year, it pumped a lot of liquidity for the economy not to collapse, so effectively FED manipulates interest rates to deliver on its mandate. Inflation is a major risk for the FED, if inflation spikes, the FED will remove liquidity buy selling bonds and if inflation is low, it will buy bonds back and put money in the system. In the current context, FED continues to buy debt to fuel the economy with liquidity and manipulates the interest rates to avoid inflation. Problem is inflation is growing beyond where it should be, so sooner or later the FED will have to stop buying bonds and actually sell some back. Demand and supply, interest rates will up go, and more importantly for GME, bonds price will go down. + +I am sure you all have read [u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/user/atobitt/) post of [The everything short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/). There is a very important chart there about the collateral used in the repo market, where 67% of the collateral use for margin is US treasuries, and I am assuming most of it is the 10Y or the 5Y. + +Also, here is a very interesting chart published by the WSJ on how margin debt works, and more importantly how much balances in [margin](https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-margin-debt-works-11615136400) accounts are. The number, 800 Billion dollars. + +Let’s put it all together, shall we? + +There are 800b in margin accounts, 67% of that uses US treasuries as collateral, US treasuries went down this week by 7% (assuming all 10Y, if combo of 5Y and 10Y it would be even more). + +So simple math 800 \* 67% \*-7% = 37b… that is the amount, give or take few billions, that the banks have asked or are asking investors to put back to maintain their margin accounts….margin call hedgies!!!! + +So what do they need to do? Sell their long positions to cover that margin call…so what would happen to the markets, they will drop…which is what has been happening this week to S&P (-4%), Nasdaq (-5%) with companies like Tesla losing 13% this week, ARRK – 8%... + +And here is where the domino starts. Not only hedgies need to put 7% more cash to cover their margin account, their long positions are also dropping 5% (in average, assumed), which in return means the banks will ask for more collateral, since the systemic risk is increasing (VIX), the current collateral is losing value (increase rate for the 10Y) and the value of their holding is declining. + +Add to that the fact that companies’ valuations (so the multiple of their sales or cash flows which reflect their market price) is based on the risk free asset for comparison, the higher the 10 year interest rate, the higher the premium needed to riskier assets (think of tech stocks with little profits and little cash flow today but higher expectations for the future), so the more the valuation of the company (its price) is overvalued when the 10Y goes up, so this will drive further corrections in the market. + +The DTCC knows all this, hence why (I believe) they have been in a hurry to pass a lot of rules to protect themselves and made a liquidity test last month. Normally they only do that once a year, yet [today they will do another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/n8s41o/dtcc_doing_another_liquidity_test_wasnt_the_last/). They are nervous, so back to the VIX. + +There starts the domino for GME. As hedgies get margin call, sell long assets, stock price goes down, their remaining assets lose value and one or many will go bely up. Banks would have to liquidate that fund archegos style, closing their positions, making the price in the market to further drop, which increases the margin requirements for the remaining HF….vicious cycle. The weaker HFs will start falling. Considering the large amount of shorts in GME (with married puts so shorts made out of thin air) the moment one HF short GME and gets liquidated, it will trigger the buying pressure in the stonk. That will be the catalyst we need. + +Worth pointing, AMC and GME are in the same boat. Not sure we have done the same level of diligence in AMC on how the FTDs are being hidden, but clearly the their price action is very similar, and so were their cost to borrow back in Jan with the first mini squeeze. Look at the cost to borrow of AMC today….it is up to 80%, similar to the level of January. We do not see the same in GME because of all the fuckery on the married puts and dark pools, but it is clearly an indication that something is about to go boom. And if AMC goes to the moon, soon after or at the same time GME will do the same. + +We are up for a ride, and I sense the take off is getting closer. + +TL;DR: + +Volatility is exploding, market is nervous. + +Interest rates are increasing, because of market inflation and increased risk (volatility) + +Bonds are losing value on interest rate increasing, collaterals are worth less. Margin calls are happening. + +It is a matter of time for the weaker HF to go belly up and trigger the MOASS. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: Thanks all for the awards + +Edit 2: fellow Ape posted as well on repo market and margin, confirmation bias for me. calls:[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european\_financial\_news\_is\_reporting\_major\_margin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/) +I'm in my last year of University I study graphic design but I've decided I want to trade for a living how do I turn trading into a full-time job/career +NSCC-2021-002 SHOULD go live on June 21st, next Monday. This is the calls from Marge. The Supplemental Liquidity Deposit Adjustment, i.e. if we don't like your positions give us more money in 1 hour rule. If you can't pay, then fuck you, get liquidated. The teeth of NSCC-2021-801. + +Expect the worst today apes. The price is wrong! + +I think the market's not likely to have EVER seen volatility like what is coming before, as hedgies would need to dump assets (potentially enormous amounts) to free up cash intraday. There are stocks squeezing all over the market, cause hedgies shorted everything into the ground. So, I'm looking forward to Marge watching closely. Then maybe this mess can start getting cleaned up and GME holders end up rich in the process. + +**EDIT:** You make a post and go to work, then come back to this holy crap folks. Now I know what RIP inbox means. I mostly made this post to encourage people to HODL on what I figured would likely be a red day. Turns out it was a baby red day, but who cares the price is wrong. + +This post seemed to be generally well received, but for those sending me notes about the age of my account being suspicious (I only used to lurk reddit and still mostly just lurk with the odd post here and there), saying I am hyping dates (just cause this rule goes into effect, doesn't guarantee it's MOASS time, it depends if the rule is actually enforced) and screaming about FUD/shilling (if what I posted here caused you fear/uncertainty/doubt, I don't really know what to say, other than you should get off Reddit for the weekend and go outside or something). I figure this is mostly trolls, since this community is generally pretty good. Gonna go cut my lawn and have a beer. + +**Fuck hedgies, I'll see y'all Monday.** + +EDIT 2: Saw a comment from /u/Reeeeaper that the SEC could have up to 10 days to implement after Monday. We'll see if they want to kick that can even further with the end of the month falling into that window. +Hi all. + +Today was the 18th lowest volume in the last 10 years. AND the 2nd lowest volume day since our current journey began. + +I haven't been around much because...life.... + +But I have been watching the volume on and off over the last few weeks. And today was like...WOAH!!!! I downloaded the volume history for the last 10 years and sorted it low to high... + +As the title states... HOREY SHEET... Arrakis is starting to look like the water planet in Interstellar. + +I am posting a table of all volumes under 1,000,000 in the comments. Unfortunately, no high score in the left hand column.... + +Buckle up. + +BUY, HODL, DRS. + +EDIT: + +In the realm of the current interest in the latest iteration of DUNE... + +Litany Against FUD & SELLING + +"I must not SELL. +SELLING is the MOASS-KILLER. +SELLING is the little-death that brings no MOASS. +I will face the FUD. +I will permit it to pass over me and through me. +And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. +Where the FUD has gone there will be nothing. Only Apes will remain." + +BUY, HODL, DRS! +I have been thinking a lot about inflation lately. I think we all look at it way too simply. + +The typical view of inflation is like some magic number. We simply assume: inflation goes up 2-3% per year, so costs go up 2-3% per year. This is mainly based on the Fed; the Fed targets 2% inflation per year and manipulates interest rates to achieve it. + +But it's not nearly as simple as that. Inflation is dramatically different in different categories. Really, 'inflation' is no one thing, but is based on a formula called CPI, that weighs a bunch of different cost categories together, tracks their inflation separately, and produces a weighed average number which we call total inflation (by CPI). + + +When you break it down...[here's a full chart by category](http://ritholtz.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/pricechanges.png). Inflation looks like *this*, and averages to around 2% per year. + +Assuming the "overall" number is roughly 2%/year... Healthcare and childcare have skyrocketed way faster than "2% inflation", and housing has slightly beat it. However, housing is highly localized, and I'd argue that housing *has* skyrocketed past inflation in in-demand markets and simply lost value in low-demand markets enough to drag down the average. + + But we had 2% inflation because cars, household furnishings, and clothing had *zero* inflation, and technology has had *negative* inflation, driving down the statistics. + +[Planet Money/NPR did a good podcast episode on the String Quartet Theory](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/03/757257796/how-a-string-quartet-explains-healthcare-costs) of inflation, which is basically that since increasing productivity increases supply, inflation will be naturally much higher in an industry where efficiency/productivity increases are not logically possible at high rates. For example, the cost of a String Quartet has increased much more than 2% a year. Why? Well, a violin player can't play more than one violin at once. By this theory, it's perfectly logical that Education, Healthcare, and Housing go up faster than "inflation". Teachers can't teach more students at the same time, Doctors can't see more patients at once, and you can't create more land (and zoning laws constrict building vertically). + +Inflation being "2%" is a composite average. If tech has negative inflation (gets cheaper every year), food has 0% inflation (efficiency increases counteract wage increases), and housing/healthcare/education have 4-6% inflation, (making up simple numbers) the fed is technically hitting the 2% average. + +By this logic...we might expect these items to inflate in price...at *higher* than inflation...indefinitely for the forseeable future. While things like food might underperform inflation indefinitely. And this is perfectly fine and consistent with "2% annual inflation". + +----------- + + +How does this apply to FIRE? + +A couple ways. + + +For one, I think that it adds weight to the argument towards buying a house. A lot of people do rent vs buy analysis' and in many regions (especially HCOL areas) have terrible cost/benefit analysis (landlords make extremely small returns in those areas, as well), and owning also hurts your opportunity costs. But...the inflation protection is huge. It's a cost people don't account for. If we can expect housing costs to grow at faster-than-inflation indefinitely- *or even at inflation*- there's a great argument towards homeownership. + + +Look at it this way; if you retire early, and own a house...you're exempt from most of the inflation categories. [Look at the chart again.](http://ritholtz.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/pricechanges.png) You're not going to go to college again, so you can throw that part out. If you have kids, you have time to not hire a sitter. And your cost of housing is *locked*; even if you still have a loan, the 30-year mortgage won't grow in cost. In ten years you're still paying the same for principal and interest. The *2% inflation* figure is an average of all of those categories, but *several of them don't apply to you now...* + + +Which means that for someone who is FIRE *and owns a house*...the only thing that actually inflates is healthcare and food. We always assume the current 2% inflation trend continues; what if we assume *the sub-trends* continue too? Food and beverage inflate at 2% per year. Cars inflate at 0% per year. Almost *everything else you buy* has negative inflation. *Excepting healthcare*, your *personal* rate of inflation would actually be *negative*; everything you buy *except food* would get cheaper every year, and food would only be at 2%. Of course, healthcare eventually becomes a big expense. But the reality is that since you don't experience many of the things factored into the CPI (education, childcare, housing)... + +Your cost of living would almost certainly rise by *less* than 2% annually, if you own your house. That means that if you are following the Trinity study- raising your estimated spending by 2% per year- you might actually be conservative. Your expenses will probably grow by *less* than 2% per year. + + +But if you rent, you'll probably be experiencing inflation closer to 2%. + + + +**tl;dr:** Everything inflates at different rates, 2% inflation is an average. A person who is FIRE and owns a house actually skips *most* of the product categories that inflate faster than 2%, so 2% inflation might actually be quite conservative; we might see our money going further and further each year, if we own a house. +From what I understand, this sub is generally against properties because of the market. But, hypothetically, if I've got about 20% saved for an apartment which I plan to live in for at least 3-5 years, wouldn't it make sense to buy instead of rent? Since any money I pay as rent is 100% going into someone else's mortgage. Sorry, I'm having a slightly difficult time wrapping my head around this. + +EDIT: Man , you all really like your property talk! I am really glad for all the replies, thank you! +This post builds upon the information brought to light by /u/wakeuparleen + +[^(https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omhrho/someone\_with\_a\_wrinkle\_fucking\_help\_v2/)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/omhrho/someone_with_a_wrinkle_fucking_help_v2/) + +Starting from 8/13, the two new weekly calls have a max strike prices which are just above the current prices. The possible explanation why? SHFs know they're fucked soon. They will not make bets if they know they will lose money on them. + +# The weekly calls + +|Expiring Date|Max strike price| +|:-|:-| +|7-23|$680| +|7-30|$570| +|8-6|$440| +|8-13|**$217.50**| +|8-27|**$250**| +|9-3|???| + +Market makers are responsible for depth and liquidity in options trading.Previously made available weekly options had high maximum strike prices. The same holds for the monthly options: between 8-20 and 11-19 max strike were $680, $680, $680, $800. + +Clearly a downwards trend in the weeklies from 8-13. Something happened between the making of the 8/6 and 8/13 weeklies. Time will tell if it continues (when 9-3 options come out and if 8-13 & 8-27 max strike prices might increase). + +# Defeat is imminent + +For the newer weeklies, some kind of new information made the market makers lower the max strike significantly. **Normally this means missing out on free tendies, but SHFs aren't dumb, just crooked. So the risk must be deemed too great for the reward.** + +From the point of which the market makers (Citadel mainly, but possibly Susquehanna and Point72 too) decided to lower the max strike prices for the new options they had to make available (one of MMs their responsibilities), something became clear: + +the chance (risk for the other side) of MOASS increased greatly. 🚀🦍 + +If the theory holds, some piece of information meant that the MOASS-reality is setting in for SHFs, defeat might be inevitable from this point on. + +This defeat (MOASS), according to the new information, could happen starting from (date of the creation of 8/13 weeklies) to some point in the future (new max strike prices could go even closer to the share price, but Citadel still has a duty as MM to create weeklies). + +# The information + +As to what this new information is, it could of course be a date/information regarding GameStop their NFT, some kind of dividend or even pulling their shares out of the DTCC completely. + +I have zero doubt that Citadel, as the biggest market maker in the world, could attain dividend dates/information or other stock information well in advance for any stock, let alone $GME, the reason, the chosen one that pops the bubble which shatters it all, and which forces citadel to go down. + +&#x200B; + +This is also in line with the deathspiral theory by /u/PowerRaptor : shorts must lower the prices of new synthetic shares to meet the ever increasing pressure of the margin debt requirements. Image for a good illustration. + +&#x200B; + +[Deathspiral theory https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/oktyvl\/deathspiral\_for\_shorts\_to\_stay\_short\_the\_price\/](https://preview.redd.it/un3cggmdvjc71.jpg?width=3508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0499b3049e2d541ac99bd9a1892bb9a1ff245c) + +Let me know what you think and wrinkled apes please point out any mistakes. + +&#x200B; + +***TLDR: New weekly call options maximum strike prices are dangerously close to current share prices. Could signal the defeat of SHFs/MMs.*** + +^(This post is not financial advice, just explaining the rules of the game in this massive game theory game so we can achieve the optimal outcome which is desirable to every ape.) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: addressing some questions/criticism in the comments: + +1. 8-20 option is a monthly option and it is created much earlier than the weekly ones, that is why it is excluded in the weekly option table. +2. I'm not giving any buying advice on options. In my opinion, buying options when they are clearly manipulated is like playing slots at a crooked casino. +3. Option strike prices are set by the CBOE, but the final act of issuing options is a responsibility of market makers.Does the formula used by CBOE explain the drastic differences in maximum strike prices between four weeklies? I don't know.Wrinkled apes, I'm looking for information/data on: +\-The specific formulas CBOE uses (found this so far, Chapter 4 Section A Rule 4.5, (d) point 3, 4, 5 and 6) +[https://cdn.cboe.com/resources/regulation/rule\_book/C1\_Exchange\_Rule\_Book.pdf](https://cdn.cboe.com/resources/regulation/rule_book/C1_Exchange_Rule_Book.pdf) +\-Data on the timing and the strike prices of issued options in the past +I realize I have been spending an excessive amount on groceries which is especially disheartening because I feel like I regularly have to throw out food bc I don't realize it's expired. Usually I get bored of eating the same thing every day so I buy more stuff without taking full stock of the food I already have at home. I bet if I look in the back of my freezer I have forgotten food that is still good to eat. + +I have plenty of food to make it so I won't starve (much of my pantry is pasta and sauce) and I desperately need to cut down on my spending. I would like to get to the point where I clean out my pantry and freezer before buying more food. +Franklin Templeton case: Unitholders vote in favour of winding up of six debt schemes + + https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/personal-finance/franklin-templeton-case-unitholders-vote-in-favour-of-winding-up-of-six-debt-schemes-6361631.html +Franklin Templeton case: Unitholders vote in favour of winding up of six debt schemes + + https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/personal-finance/franklin-templeton-case-unitholders-vote-in-favour-of-winding-up-of-six-debt-schemes-6361631.html +Hi everyone, + +I've been real quiet about just how much data i do store and of what, and whether i even have it all backed up. Now that I do, there is no more need to hide it. + +So without any further ado, I wanted you all to know that if for any reason there is a video or a post that you forget to find - you will always be able to find it in the archive of ape historian - if its missing - please do let me know as i know for a fact i dont have 100% of everything, butttt, its pretty fucking close. + +sad news: first ssd is down. + +&#x200B; + +[this guy has been diligently working to backup everything: his only job was to take all the data for the day, save it , and send it to the server for long term storage.finally, a few days ago he gave up and gave me IO errors, which i then realised that he can no longer write and went to read only mode. 157tb read write isnt that difficult when you run an ssd for 24\/7 and it can write at 500mb\/s. they weren't really designed for this.](https://preview.redd.it/soynym1twym81.png?width=1512&format=png&auto=webp&s=88a3ce49faa05ad324727ec52cb25db4ca316397) + +# happy news: the data (short version): + +1. post and comment data (in various formats, as flat files, csvs and as HTML individual posts with comment threads). +2. ALL memes and videos, shitposts, etc. - the file names are appended by post\_ID\_FLAIR\_and\_video\_id\_if its not from reddit. +3. All FINRA filings - thanks to jhkhalar who originally found the way to do this quickly. +4. every sec filing that has been shared in a post or comment. +5. Every tweet that was shared - backed up in the same way - redditpost\_id\_tweet\_idname. +6. every news story (but you know all this) +7. A massive data dump of absolutely every singl link, withe columns for post id, url to link, subreddit, date. if its in that list i hope someone has backed it up. +8. if you want to help me out in creating the biggest collection of fuckery - if you see any link - please head to [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archive-page/](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archive-page/) \- get the addon - and then archive the post or the twitter feed or the whatever else you have - as long as the original url is known, people will be able to see the extent of the fuckery. +9. if there was a youtube link. i um, also have that backed up. +10. the "goodmorning everone today is the day", is um, also, um, backed up. every single copy. +11. so are the daily /u/mr_boost updates in video form. +12. **There is probably much more crap in there than i ever hope to sift through - one day.** +13. there is a log of almost EVERYTHING that was ever mentioned, including links, posts, youtube videos, pdfs, the lot. i am happy to share small exports of this data with anyone who wants it - they will either be on my site (in torrent and resilio form eventually) and as adhoc links. + +this "archival system" was designed so that all you need to know is you need to know the ID of the post. + +from there, you can: + +1. search by ID from any of your downloaded files +2. you can find the backed up versions of those posts online (on [archive.today](https://archive.today)) +3. you can filter for the ID if you downloaded any of my big exports and you will not only get the backup of the post but also the backup of any videos that were embedded, and even links to videos that were shared in the comments section ( i am still working on this). +4. you will be able to search for "meme" and get all the meme videos, and this time i really mean all of them. i made sure. and the shitposts as well. + +TLDR- if reddit goes down and i stop posting for whatever reason, i hope there is one or 100 apes crazy enough to download the whole export or parts of what they think should be preserved and educate others as to the fuckery that we all uncovered. + +I will be dropping the links to all the video files in this post and (and in due course to my site) + +links to videos: **please stand by , they will be here** + +any feedback, please do let me know of course. + +# but ape historian, what about the site? when is that getting an update? + +I am working on that right now, its been, its been a crazy few weeks and I am only just making plans on how to keep publishing data. + +**the changelog: there is a new page on the site, called the changelog - where i will document any and all changes as well as identify any parts of the site that shall remain.** + +my immediate priorities is to summarize and create a section of top content on the site as youtube links, and continue to expand my DD sections. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks, + +Ape historian, destroyer of free disk space +Healthcare ruins the 25X expenses rule for me. I run the numbers and it becomes pointless to estimate my retirement expenses when I'm old to my expenses now given how much healthcare costs will factor into the calculations. + +I can only see healthcare costs rising in the future and it makes me feel like even with compound interest and expected equity returns, they will be completely dwarfed by the exponential rise in healthcare/insurance costs when I get older. I certainly won't bet my retirement on the hope that costs will come down. + +The 4% rule is supposed to provide some justification and reassurance to quit my job and retire. I don't think I can ever feel reassured with healthcare always looming over everything. + +Does this bother anyone else as much as it does me? +Update: + +I have sent the UHaul rep the following email: "I just feel like 1) I am getting overcharged by the gas station 2) you guys are coming after me when it should really be the respective innsurance companies ( UHaul and the gas station) resolving this.  What is the point of purchasing the safeplus insurance when renting the truck then? " + +The response I received: " We are not coming after you for anything.  We were just letting you know that the limits were exceeded.  I do see the Super Safemove coverage was purchased.  My apologies for not catching that earlier.  There appears to have been a glitch in the system that did not report the coverage on the claim, so I went back to the U-Haul contract to confirm the coverage.  Since that is the case, we will have our consulting team review further.  We would be primary for the additional charges beyond the $15K so no need to set up a claim with your primary carrier at this time.  We will work with the gas station to resolve and have our consulting team handle the claim with them. + +Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention.  So sorry for the inconvenience.  Sincerest apologies.  We will resolve for you.  Let me know if you have further questions." + +&#x200B; + +\-I feel a lot more reassured. Hopefully everything goes well. I sincerely appreciate all the comments and advice you guys have provided. Thank you everyone + +&#x200B; + +I am in a terrible predicament and did not know where to start. Several months ago, my girlfriend and I have borrowed a Uhaul truck under her name and have driven across the country. While I was driving during the trip, I had accidentally backed into to a gas pump causing damage (but no leakage of oil, etc). We immediately called the police and filed a report. Fast forward to last week, I have received a mail from the insurance representative from UHaul saying that the maximum amount they can cover is $15,000 and any excess above that I will be responsible for. The invoice they have received for the damage was $85,000. I am a graduate student with a 6 figure debt with minimal income and I do not know where to start with this. I feel like the whole world has crumbled under me and feel hopeless. I appreciate any advice. Thank you so much all in advance. +Netflix share price recently plummeted and the company is scrambling for damage control with “Don’t worry! We’ll fix it!” + +After a year and a half of DD pointing out how corrupt, manipulated, and opaque the U.S. stock/derivatives market is…who in their right mind would now think “Man, Netflix really had a bad quarter according to their [insert bullshit metric here], that’s why their share price is down today.” + +I know I know…it’s not just today that I ‘discovered’ my loss of trust. + +But! If you were a CEO or in charge of ANY publicly traded company, why not come out and say, “Yeah, so our stock went down 25% last night in After Hours. We think a bunch was sold because some over-leveraged Hedge Fund had to liquidate for margin. Our share price has no relation to our value. I’d tell you more, but the SEC and that “government” (re: corrupted hedge fund-controlled) agency in Chicago that 99.99% people don’t know exists doesn’t do shit for transparency, enforcement, and true price discovery. So…🤷‍♀️” + +GameStop goes up 50%? Silence. + +Netflix/Discovery/Facebook plummets? CEOs scramble and everyone screams “oH nO tHeY aRe fAiLiNg cOmPaNiEs!” + +Anyway. That’s all. + +Felt cute, wanted to spread word on how share prices are dogshit wrapped in catshit. + +🚀 Buy. Hodl. DRS. Vote. Moon. 🚀 +I love Ethtrader for opinions (scientific or completely emotional) about the causes of and length of price movements. Anyone have any thoughts on how deep this current dip will go? +So, I recently finished BabyPips and I've been practicing on demo for the past few months. On somedays I feel like I'm learning and on somedays I feel like I can't trade for shit. People have told me that BabyPips is just the surface. So, now what? What should I read what should I do? I understand that I won't get better in one day but I'd really appreciate some motivation or sense of direction right now +I’m writing to warn you about Capital One 360. I also posted this warning in /r/mortgages. + +The short of it is that they lost our "cash to close" by wiring our money to the wrong bank. + +My husband and I had the money that we’d saved for a down payment in a Capital One 360 account. As our closing date approached, we were sure to do everything correctly. I even called Capital One well in advance (over 10 days) to tell them that we would be transferring cash to close. + +The day of the closing, **Capital One wired our down payment of almost $20,000 to the entirely wrong bank** –and they didn’t even figure out what they had done incorrectly until I pieced it together. + +Even though they admitted liability (in writing!) they refused to cover the cash to close. If I hadn’t been able to take an emergency loan from my parents, we would have lost the house. + +CapitalOne didn’t even return the funds to us until I sent them a demand letter (after I’d spent several hours researching the relevant laws). + +To “make up” for what they did, they offered to send a “housewarming gift.” I still get sick to my stomach when I think about Capital One. + +Stay far, far away. They acted with gross negligence and treated me and my husband like garbage. + +***Edit: Just to clarify: + +(1) They didn't just key a digit or two incorrectly. They switched our wire transfer instructions with those of another customer. Our money was sent to a valid (but incorrect) account. + +(2) There was never an option within our account for us to key in the information. I called to give instructions, and then they insisted on written instructions on our attorney's letterhead (which he sent). + +(3) They said that they destroyed the source documents shortly after they received them. This only compounded the problem. + +(4) I understand that mistakes happen, but **the way that Capital One chose to treat us following their mistake is worth a warning.** +Those sort or expertise are useless against the SEC or the DOJ or apes. +They are useful if you fear for your physical safety. +Why would you fear for your physical safety? + +I dunno maybe you just told the billionaires, royals and shady characters who invest with you that they couldn't withdraw their money (6.25% a quarter) and there's a chance those folk are going to soon see 8, 9 & 10 digit losses if you're forced to unwind your/their positions. + +Only thing that makes sense to me. + +Edit: Mr Cho's expertise is personnel protection, he headed PPD for both recent national embarrassments. Secret service does lots of things but this is the guy who headed PPD and hovers in the background whenever the prez goes for golf or ice cream. +Hey Reddit! You may remember me from this post: [Warren Buffett Value Investing Cheat Sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/9ur0g6/warren_buffett_value_investing_cheat_sheet_a/). + +Below is the complete version of the well-received value investing cheat sheet. As mentioned before, it is nearly impossible for a company to tick all of these boxes in the current market, but they are useful guidelines. + +&#x200B; + +This took me a long time to compile... I hope you derive value from it. + +&#x200B; + +# QUANTITATIVE METRICS: + +&#x200B; + +**Value:** + +Price / Earnings < 15.0 + +Price / Book Value < 1.5 + +Price / Sales < 2.0 + +Price / FCF < 15.0 + +PEG < 1.0 + +Price / TBV < 0.7 + +Price / NCAV < 0.7 + +EV / EBITDA < 8.0 + +Current P/E to P/E 5yr High < 0.4 + +Current P/E to P/E 5yr Low < 0.8 + +Margin of safety below Intrinsic value > 30% + +&#x200B; + +**Efficiency:** + +ROE > 30% + +ROA > 15% + +ROTA > 20% + +ROIC > 20% + +ROCE > 20% + +ROIC-WACC > 0.2 + +Inventory Turnover > 4.0 + +Accounts Payable Turnover > 3.0 + +Accounts Receivable Turnover > 5.0 + +Pre-tax Margin > 20% + +&#x200B; + +**Health:** + +Current Ratio > 0.3 + +Quick Ratio > 1.5 + +Flow Ratio < 1.25 + +Liabilities / Equity < 0.8 + +Debt / Equity < 0.5 + +Debt / EBITDA < 4.0 + +Debt / NCAV < 2.0 + +Long-term Debt / Working Capital < 2.0 + +Interest Coverage Ratio > 8.0 + +FCF / Sales > 8% + +&#x200B; + +**Growth:** + +Earnings Yield > 12% + +EBIT Yield > 12% + +\# Of Years Where Earnings Growth < 2X Federal Bond Yield < 2 + +FCF Yield > 10% + +Forward P/E to Trailing P/E > 1.1 + +Operating Cash Flow / EPS > 1.2 + +\# Of Years With Declining EPS <= 2.0 + +Current EPS / EPS 10yrs ago > 3.0 + +Earnings Misses in the Last 24 Months = 0 + +&#x200B; + +**Dividends:** + +Dividend Yield > 2% + +Number Of Consecutive Years Increasing Dividends > 9 + +FCF / Dividends Paid > 2.5 + +EPS / Dividends Paid > 2.5 + +Payout Ratio < 40% + +Number Of Dividend Cuts In Last 10yrs = 0.0 + +&#x200B; + +**Ratings:** + +Altman Z-score >= 3.5 + +Piotroski F-score >= 7.0 + +Beneish M-score < -3.0 + +&#x200B; + +# HISTORICAL PERFORMANCE: + +&#x200B; + +Look at the last 10 years of data, year over year and make sure there is low volatility and high growth (except for net margin and debt/equity) for: + +\- Sales + +\- Earnings + +\- Book value + +\- Free cash flow + +\- dividends + +\- Return on equity + +\- Current ratio + +\- Debt / equity + +\- Net margin + +\- Inventory turnover + +&#x200B; + +# QUALITATIVE METRICS: + +&#x200B; + +What does the company do (in one sentence)? + +What is the company's competitive advantage / moat? + +Who are the primary competitors? + +Is the company within my circle of competence? + +Have I read at least the most recent earnings report? + +Do I trust / like the management? + +What should I be wary of with this company? + +Does the company have a credit rating of at least BB? + +What do I like about this company? + +Does this company give me international exposure? + +Will this company be around in 20 years? + +If the stock market closed tomorrow for the next five years, would I still buy this company? + +Do I already own companies in this sector? + +Does the company treat its employees well? + +Are insiders buying or selling shares? + +Is the industry and company sustainable? + +Is the company's growth slowing? + +Are analysts optimistic about the company? + +Is the company a value trap? + +Is the stock "screaming" cheap? + +What is my exit strategy? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Inspired by some of the comments this sub-reddit made last time, you asked me to create an app which calculates everything above for you... so I did. + +Check out: Investing Checklist + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy :) +I live in a poor country (Macedonia) , it is 4th poorest country in europe, + +Please give me tips how to make some money from crypto (Around 0.10-5$ a day) , i have around 2 hours a day to spend on it , also if possible without fees and requiring to pay,watching ads is also ok , just no mining, my laptop is so weak to mine + +i have no money to invest in crypto,, + +i have no problem with doing surveys , preferably if i can get money without id as corrupt government tracks everything here and sells all data, even 2$ a day is enough to pay for food for whole month +I'll be moving into my newly purchased unit in the next month and hoping people can share experiences on which appliances are or aren't worth buying to fill out my place, esp as this can quickly turn into a costly exercise buying unreliable stuff that needs replacing quickly. + +I hear mixed things on Samsung and LG appliances (shame as I get a nice discount at Samsung) but if anyone had any thoughts on good value for money or brands to avoid, it would be super appreciated . +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, there is no doubt that this has been a wild week. The jump from $150 up to $190 on Monday, followed by the trading halt and aggressive shorting on Tuesday, followed by turning off options on Wednesday, even more shorting yesterday down to $166, and now the announcement that GameStop is interested in increasing the number of shares that can be issued so they can offer a stock dividend? I knew going into this week that it would have some excitement, but I did not expect this much. + +There is quite a lot of uncertainty about what the 8-K filing does and does not say. GameStop currently can issue up to 300m shares, with only 76m shares currently issued. That they are seeking to increase this limit to 1b shares when they are barely using 1/4 of the currently available number of shares makes me think that this is a move that is looking far into the future. Obviously a stock dividend is a way to quickly consume a large portion of the available shares, but this strikes me as something that is intended to enable their long-term vision for the technology giant that GameStop will become. + +Meanwhile, the fact that the 8-K clearly calls out a stock dividend as a reason to increase the authorized share count makes me wonder if there could be another component to the total dividend issued. Could GameStop issue a dividend that is 1 share of stock and 2 NFT tokens for each existing share? Would such a strategy prevent the kind of lawsuits that Overstock encountered, since the dividend's financial value is clearly the additional share, but there is indisputably another non-monetary component to the dividend? Obviously this is speculation, but the fact that a dividend is on the table opens up a whole world of possibilities. + +Finally, this news puts even more reasons on the table to DRS your shares. Did you know that by DRSing your shares, you'll be able to attend the 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders? That the votes you cast for your shares cannot be reconciled away? There is going to be an enormous amount of FUD surrounding this ballot measure, and I cannot wait to see how it plays out. + +Today is Friday, April 1st, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$196.37 / 176,88 €** *(volume: 24244)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $196.37 / 176,89 € *(volume: 23781)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $196.67 / 177,16 € *(volume: 23348)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $196.50 / 177,01 € *(volume: 23162)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $196.20 / 176,75 € *(volume: 22483)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $196.49 / 177,00 € *(volume: 20928)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $196.62 / 177,12 € *(volume: 20697)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $196.99 / 177,45 € *(volume: 19689)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $196.34 / 176,87 € *(volume: 19172)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $196.44 / 176,96 € *(volume: 18631)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $195.77 / 176,36 € *(volume: 18096)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $196.13 / 176,68 € *(volume: 17225)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $195.61 / 176,21 € *(volume: 16774)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $195.53 / 176,14 € *(volume: 16390)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $195.40 / 176,02 € *(volume: 15978)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $194.39 / 175,11 € *(volume: 15587)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $194.21 / 174,94 € *(volume: 14707)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $194.74 / 175,43 € *(volume: 13788)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $195.19 / 175,83 € *(volume: 12380)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $196.98 / 177,44 € *(volume: 11373)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $195.77 / 176,35 € *(volume: 10475)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $195.26 / 175,89 € *(volume: 8813)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $197.58 / 177,98 € *(volume: 6775)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $196.75 / 177,24 € *(volume: 4318)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $194.11 / 174,86 € *(volume: 2694)* +- 🟥 US close price: $166.58 / 150,06 € *($194.69 / 175,38 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1101. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I know that any AMC with an existing active ELSS fund cannot offer it. But there are still some AMCs that don't have ELSS offerings. SEBI allowing it must mean something, right? + + + +https://www.financialexpress.com/money/mutual-funds/elss-passive-funds-allowed-to-be-launched-heres-how-they-differ-from-existing-tax-saving-mfs/2535742/ +I want to talk about something that has been bugging me lately. + +This guy has spawned a horde of cultists. There is no other way of defining it: a group of people who rally up behind an idea that has not been proven by the person who suggests it. + +I personally enjoy his videos and personality, but everything he does I take with a grain of salt. He hasn't given us any way to prove he is not a con: no history of verified results, no name, no face, not anything we can refer to. + +And yet, people are absolutely crazy for him. I see it here especially: as soon as you mention a tool or an indicator VP has deemed useless, you get barraged by people who tell you how wrong you are based on the argument VP makes on his videos. + +I experienced this first hand when I mentioned that I use SR: I got three DMs essentially telling me how dumb I was for using something out of the "Dirty Dozens". + +And what about the arguments he makes against these tools? I don't know about you, but every Dirty Dozen video he has made has been a variation of the same argument: "This tool is old, wasn't made for the forex market, and thus you should not use it". + +If he truly spent so long backtesting all of these indicators, he could just share the backtesting results of each of the tool he mentions. A simple "Guys, the RSI has given me a 20% winrate over 5 years and thus it's useless" would already be sufficient. But no, no data has been given. + +And for those who say he doesn't sell anything, you're so naive it's almost cute. + +How much money do you think he was just paid for the broker partnership he advertized in his last video? + +Please, go back and watch his video on Support and Resistance, where he clearly says the following: + +"**Brokers often suggest you use support and resistance because they want you to fail. They want you to fail because they take the opposite side of your trade.**" + +Now go to the video about ECN vs DD brokers, where he says: + +"**Brokers don't want you to fail. Brokers want to you to stay in the game for as long as possible to make money, and for that they need you to succeed. They take the opposite side of your trades because of regulations, it's not personal.**" + +Do you think it's a coincidence that such a contradiction happened right before the video in which he gives his affiliate links to join the two brokers he advertized? + +It's mind boggling how many of you fall to his feet. +Hey there, + +I'm a dad in a family of four (wife and two boys; 6 and 4). +I'm the sole provider for the family and recently left a job where I was making under 30k a year for a new job where I now make a 45k yearly salary. Which is amazing to me as it has lifted a huge burden. + +My kids were previously fully covered in medicaid and my wife and I had share of cost. On top of that we also were living on foodstamps ~$285 a month. And yet, because of some poor financial decisions in the past and using too much on credit cards to get by, I was still drowning in bills even with the extra help from the government. Finding this new job has definitely helped but I am still having some challenges. + +Now that I don't qualify for medicaid in the state of FL or foodstamps I have to take on both now, which is fine, but I'm struggling finding a way to insure me and my family. My job offers insurance but their rates are way too high for me: + +(Biweekly) +Employee Only $ 92.30 +Employee & Spouse $ 336.55 +Employee & Chld(ren) $ 255.13 +Family $ 519.76 + +When I found this out I turned to the marketplace to see if there were better prices but even there the prices don't really seem possible for me without going into a danger zone again. I applied for all four of us but I only got options for my wife and I because it's referring my kids to CHIP for eligibility instead, so I have to wait on a letter from that which will most certainly be after the open enrollment period closes :/ . The lowest offer I got for my wife and I was $466 per month, which I'd have to pay for the moment I sign up, under the catastrophic plan option which barely covers anything before a 7k deductible is paid. + +[I have attached a picture](http://imgur.com/y4aPGBj) of my income and monthly bills. +I just signed up for the YMCA for all of us and will probably have to get rid of it now that I know insurance is so much. Netflix can also be gotten rid of. + +My main goal is to see how I can insure at least my kids without redlining again as I'm already close. I'm already thinking I'll have to pay the penalty for my wife and I. I'm currently working to get all the damn debt paid off but I won't be able to if I have to use everything that's left just on insurance. I have no savings either. + +Any advice? + +Edit: holy freaking cow I didn't think there'd be this many responses. Went to a birthday party and came back to this. I'll try and reply to a lot of you guys. + +Edit 2: Im overwhelmed by this response and all you helpful people. Thank you so much. And everyone who pm'd me too. I did have a few mean ones but I've been on reddit too long to care lol. Cheers! +Last January I invested $1200 in Bitcoin and HODL'd like a beast. One year later I checked my balance and now I'm at $340. + +AMA! As a crypto-god with a proven track record I feel I am now qualified to give advice to this community. +I've seen a lot of comments from people wondering why shills are working for hedge funds, after reading the DD because it's pretty clear they're going to be out of a job very soon. + +I actually put some thought into the situation after this exchange and I believe it's a common misconception. The majority of shills out there on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube aren't Citadel interns or hired off of LinkedIn. + +[I probably wouldn't have told this dude I'm an XXXX holder, but I was 3-4 glasses wine glasses deep. Whatever, mistakes are made.](https://preview.redd.it/cjblj3zmd8371.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c0c4b574f1bb0fade79185e233b5f393e6a55d) + +# My Shill Theory + +The float is made up of two types of apes: + +**(a) Apes** \- Moral apes, dedicated 100% to bringing down hedge funds. + +**(b) Apes** \- Greedy apes that are willing to either hedge their bets *in case* MOASS does not happen (*oh, it's happening*) OR because they know whatever FUD they're told to post isn't going to work and they're double-dipping, perhaps to fund more shares for themselves. There may even be more of these apes than we think, they just simply weren't asked to shill. + +The percentage of (b) Apes is a significantly lower percentage overall, but I do believe they exist. After receiving these messages I realized that I DO have this option. Greed is a very powerful influence in the decision-making process. Although the choice I made was the moral one, I do think there are more apes out there than we think that did not make that same choice. + +I'm willing to bet that recruitment and compensation work just like a pyramid scheme. + +Below is a reply I received from a shill accidentally breaking character. The DD that I linked wasn't actually DD at all. I spammed r/wallstreetbets with a link to a job description recruiting shills ([here's what was in the link](https://imgur.com/a/MtkC2ru)) to prove they were among us. I was disguising it because it was when WSB was going through the coup and I didn't want to get blocked. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0mxf7hood8371.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9ca7c57ab769f48651277efb93408c7440f73b + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** I've received 50% downvotes on this post for the first 5-30 minutes. As it gained traction, my upvote percentage went up. Therefore, I suspect that the majority of them came from the hundreds of random users that followed me in the past couple of months. Shills are following top posters to slow down their post traction. + +**Edit #2:** To all those who think this might be a troll, a couple of apes (u/ceguy86, u/advencik) found the company: [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059) + +I don't think these are trolls. I think the Reddit accounts are fake, most of the info is fake, and they even create the messages to look shiesty, so when apes post this shit calling them out, people will assume it's fake. Troll posts are probably even created in r/GME_meltdown, so shills can just blame them. But if the ape decides to accept the offer and actually goes through with assignments, they probably receive random payments through a random Venmo account or Crypto app so it can't be tracked. + +This is the best explanation I can think of. If you're going to cry troll, offer another theory as to where they're all being recruited from. It's crazy we can't pinpoint how they're getting hired considering there are so many of them. +Polygon MATIC was on my watch list about a month ago when it was at $0.32. Obviously now I regret not buying because it’s at $0.97. What’s the reason behind the big spike other than just the crypto market pumping? +I'm a long-time glasses wearer and was speaking to my optician recently about laser eye surgery. She doesn't know my financial position. Her view was that it wouldn't be possible to correct it 'enough' to make it worthwhile. My recent prescription was: + +&#x200B; + +|Distance|Right|Left| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Sphere|\+0.75|\+0.75| +|Cylinder|\-0.75|\-1.00| +|Axis|180|180| + +&#x200B; + +|Near|Right|Left| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Sphere|\+1.75|\+1.75| +|Cylinder|\-0.75|\-1.00| +|Axis|180|180| + +I am comfortable wearing glasses for near/reading. + +My question is with a "money is no object" approach, could I get something done? Happy travelling internationally (within reason.... not to North Korea etc.). I'm guessing other fatties on here have looked into this before. +We have a newborn and would like to plan for college / higher education funding since there's an 18 year investment horizon. We live in California so there's no state tax break or credit for a 529, and we are in the highest tax bracket for federal + state, so we won't be getting any grant money (but will still consider FAFSA for loans). + +&#x200B; + +Looking for some advice in term of which route to take and their pros/cons: + +&#x200B; + +**529 (through ScholarShare 529):** + +* Limit of 529k maximum account balance per beneficiary +* No state tax break +* Tax free growth & withdrawal for education (can take out as non-qualified withdrawal penalty free up to amount of child's scholarship if they get it) +* Must use for education +* Count as asset for parental FAFSA (but can side step this by having 529 opened by grandparents?) +* Risk of overfunding if child doesn't go to college (can change beneficiary to future grandchildren) + * Worse case is non-qualified withdrawal, will get income tax + 10% penalty + +&#x200B; + +**Individual Brokerage Account:** + +* No limit to contribution +* Tax as income on withdrawal +* Can use for anything (fund can be used for my retirement if kid need college funding) +* Count as asset for parental FAFSA + +&#x200B; + +**Some Caveats:** + +* Already maxed out tax advantaged retirement accounts (401k, IRA, etc) before we make contributions to the above. +* We aren't considering an UTMA account because we want the money to be used for educational purposes and not whatever they feel like once they turn 18. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +With all that said, is there an advantage to going 529 vs Individual brokerage in our situation? + +EDIT: Wow lots of very helpful comments here. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply back to me. Lots to digest but I definitely will fully fund the 529 given its various advantages, will look into some other options mentioned here too (401k or Roth for the kid if I include her into my business). +I hold 6% of a dividend portfolio in O. Was wondering what other REITs people might add to there Reit allocation. Was thinking NLY, REM or REML or good old VNQ, or? Monthly dividends isn't a huge must as this is more of a fully diversified build I'm running with minimal funds (about 6k right now). +I mean, they have so much invested in it that decoupling every EU country from the Euro would do more overall damage, imo, to investor confidence in the Euro region than any gains made from breaking with it. + +Anybody else agree? +I mean, they have so much invested in it that decoupling every EU country from the Euro would do more overall damage, imo, to investor confidence in the Euro region than any gains made from breaking with it. + +Anybody else agree? +The Reddit Economics Network (REN) modteam is excited to announce a new [FAQ entry on carbon pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/wiki/faq_carbonpricing) written by /u/Serialk. The FAQ covers many of the questions and misunderstandings we see repeated on the various economic subreddits as discussion of climate change has become a popular topic in the last few months. + +Please feel free to leave any comments or questions about the FAQ in this thread. + +If you are interested in contributing to the wiki by adding a new topic or updating an old entry please message the modteam. +Edit 3: Apparently partial transfers take significantly less time than full transfers (thanks u/ZenoZh) + +If they prevent selling during the squeeze, that helps 💎👐 push the price up. But if they close your position for you at the start (say "for your own protection..."), that helps the shorts cover faster. + +Point is, GET OFF RH ASAP + +Not financial advice. + +Edit: this is not meant to be fud - just my personal opinion of the type of shady shit RH would pull (closing positions without permission as opposed to restricting selling). I wish the best for all GME holders + +💎👐🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit 2: PREDICTION - after they sell your shares for you at the start of the squeeze, two weeks later they'll buy ad space on reddit: + +"We want to set the record straight and clarify that during the events of (x date), we did NOT prevent customers from depositing new funds into their accounts..." +I am 22 and work part time at Home Depot 20-30 hours a week at almost $17/hr. The way it works is they take a % out of each paycheck then buy in semi-annually (June and December) with that saved money at a 15% discount. I think I can sell 2-3 months after purchase. + +I can do anywhere from 1-20% and I’ve thought about 5-10%. It seems like a great deal to me but I am unsure if there is any important info I need to know about before doing this or if you all think I should do a higher %. +Here are my stats: +26 years old. +401k - 90k, HSA - 10k, IRA - 30k, Brokerage - 70k, Emergency fund - 13k (building up to 20k) + +I save a lot of money, but I haven't really had a short term goal until recently. For about a year, I've been contemplating purchasing a home. I'm looking at about 50k for a down payment. Assuming the market remains strong within the next few weeks, I'll liquidate most of my brokerage account to get this money + extra for closing fees. + +But here's the thing - that money gives me security. It's nice to know that it's there if I need it. Even though by the numbers I believe I'm prepared to purchase a home, it's still a scary prospect. It also feels like I'm taking a huge hit to my FIRE goals, even though the money will still exist, just in a different form. + +Has anyone else experienced this? +How important would you say that understanding the general capital market (like foreign exchange, monetary policy, economic indicators etc)/macroeconomics is to value investing ? +As the price of ether rises, so will the number of phishing attempts and scams so please take extra care of your valuable ether and read over these tips to help keep your ether in your own wallet and not a scammers. + + +&nbsp; + + +- Do not keep your funds on an exchange. Get a hardware wallet such as a Ledger Nano s or a Trezor, I cannot stress this enough if you hold a reasonable amount of ether. €100 for complete peace of mind should seem like a good investment and hardware wallets keep your private key safe by never revealing it to the outside world, it's by far the safest way to store your ether and they support multiple different coins. + + +- Be cautious of links you click on because they can be phishing websites or websites loaded with malware. For example [Google](https://www.bing.com) is not Google at all and likewise [https://www.google.co.uk](https://youtube.com) is still not Google. If you're on a PC always hover your mouse over the URL to see what the real URL is in the bottom left. + + +- Always use 2 factor authentication on your email and your crypto exchanges (Binance, Bittrex, Coinbase etc). This is one of main reasons people wake up one day with their accounts drained, it only takes an extra few seconds and it significantly improves the security of your account. + + +- Websites like coinbase, myetherwallet, etherscan, ledger etc will **never** send you an email or a message on slack / reddit asking you to login, verify, update or transfer anything. Never click on any links pertaining to such requests and always check their official Twitter account for verification. + + +- Whenever there is an update, fork, security issue or anything of that kind, always look for at least two sources of confirmation. Check their official Twitter to make sure it's coming from them, check Reddit to see if it's being spoken about and check in with a reputable news site covering it. Never panic and try to take the time to verify before doing anything. Remember even Twitter accounts can be hacked and a malicious tweet posted so look for additional confirmation if possible. + + +- Be cautious of airdrops! Lots of trash tokens are getting airdropped now and this is being exploited by scammers to steal your funds, never give your private key or transfer your funds to a random wallet to receive an airdrop. + + +- When sending funds, always triple check the public address you're sending it to because there is malware out there that can change the address of the one you copied to the attackers address and you may not notice if you just copy and paste and send it off quickly. + + +- A lot of scams can easily be avoided just by using your common sense and as long as you do, you should never have a problem with your funds being stolen from you and gone forever. Remember there is no authority or website who can give you your funds back if they are stolen. + + +&nbsp; + + +&nbsp; + + +So if you're new to crypto I hope you got something from this. Happy hodling! +I'm mostly a lurker on this sub, I'm on a throwaway account. I'm 26f, I live in a HCOL, I have about $600k NW right now. I work in tech, I earn \~$350k a year. + +I've been dating a guy, "Matthew", for 6 months now. He's wonderful, but in a different financial situation, and I'm just right now trying to see what our future together would look like. He used to earn about \~$100k but got laid off due to COVID and is now reevaluating his career. We didn't go into details but I think he might have some debt from college. When I mentioned that I want to retire early, all he said was that he is probably going to be working for the rest of his life. + +From what I've seen on this sub, fatfire is mostly reached when two people in the relationship are both high-earners. I do expect my salary to improve in the future hopefully, but if it weren't, and we were mostly relying on my currently salary, would this be enough to fatfire? + +I don't really know what I want to be honest. I like working -- it gives me purpose and a social life and to be honest, I think I'd probably continue working. But I also love the idea of retiring early if I want to. I think I do want kids, 2 of them, probably when I'm in my early 30s. + +I see most of my friends dating high-earners and I feel this pressure to date someone who earns a lot of money, but I don't know. I've been on dates with guys who also work in tech who earn a ton of money, and yeah it's great that they're so financially set, but I've never been romantically interested in them. But with Matthew, he's fun and grounded and down-to-earth and hot and funny and generous (ironically way more generous than some of the high-earning guys I've been on dates with) and treats me so well, and I'm very romantically into him. + +But one of the things I'm potentially worried about is what it means for my financial future if we were to eventually get married (I know, thinking wayy too far in advance, but I just want to be prepared) and build a life together. + +Has anyone been in a similar situation? Is it doable? +So I was checking the FTDs that were supposed to be released today on the SEC website... + +[SEC FTD Reporting Page, Click and Download JAN 22 2nd HALF File and this next pic is what is downloaded...](https://preview.redd.it/a61zv1pqo4i81.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cafd08de42db08e3c43c514272228efbb4db8ac) + +&#x200B; + +[WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY SHOWING FEB FTDS? These aren't supposed to be released until March 1st??](https://preview.redd.it/2h1vclp5p4i81.png?width=1419&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c773803d70a83458b93d0cf043e3b0e3faa19c7) + +What the hell is going on, the file shows FTDs from FEB 14, which was only yesterday? Are they trying to hide the FTDs from the end of January? I need an adult. +Whether you celebrate Christmas or vehemently hate it (or, you know, neither), I would recommend buying a santa hat. + +I know it's not much, but if you wear it around, people smile at you and might talk to you a little bit more. With how hard everything is I think we can all use a little bit more happiness in our general direction + + +Stay safe and warm and very, very dry out there, folks +Ok guys I've been investing for awhile, Im not the most wrinkle brain but I've got a few... I've invested in long term value stock, dividend stocks, but my favorite type (before I YOLO'ed it all in Gamestop) was the sub-penny stocks... + +(Please hang in there while I explain the opposite of GME) + + For all you smooth brain apes out there a sub-penny stock trades between .0001 and .0009 and you have the oppertunity to make alot of money.. (well what I thought was alot, before I realized the potential of GME) Let's say you buy 1,000,000 shares of a company at +.0001 for 1000$ and 2 days later you sell that stock for +.0004. Guess what? you just made 3000 dollers. Pretty good huh... + + + Well now your feeling pretty fucking good about what you just did... so you take all those tendies and confidence, and you wolf of wallstreet that shit into a cool million shares of another company at .0004 ($4000) then the next day it goes down 0003.. fuck, 0002, 0001. And you keep holding it..... you think it's going to go back up but it doesn't... Eventually you have had enough. You think ahh fuck, whatever, I'll just sell it at .0001 and get out with my initial investment, right? + +(HA HA HA!! fuck no!) + + Why not? Well sometimes with these types of stocks they go into what's called a no bid.... and that's when you are the bag holder in every sence of the word. You can put a sell order in at .0001 but it will not execute. Why? Because nobody wants to buy it.... Believe me I put a good till closed limit order in on one and that expired I did that 4 times before it finally sold... It took years BTW..... + +(This is where Gamestop comes in and why it has almost unlimited potential if you HODL) + + I was snacking on a box of 96 today and had an Apepiffiny... What happens when they need to buy but nobody is selling... + + So, as all apes know by now, gamestop is shorted.... A Fuckton... 200% 300% 400% 1000% who knows? We will find out soon, either way.... The shorts MUST cover!! + + And this being the case, along with a new breed of traders (Apes with 💎✋).. The likes of which the market has never seen before.... Will put us in a unique situation that I don't believe has ever occured..... + +In walks..... THE NO ASK!!!! + + The Bid during the MOASS will just keep rising to the next ask .... 10,000 shares at 1000... Then 20,000 shares at 2000... So on and so forth till all the paper hands have folded. All that's left is a huge army of great 💎✋🦍... And all of the sudden, the ask is blank.... The last traded price is there. The shorts still need to cover so the Bid starts rising... above the last traded price, still the ask is blank... It keeps going and going and going until one of us apes decides, well that seems like a fair price for 10 shares. $20,000,000$ done... Ape sell 10.. his account has 200,000,000$. GME Price goes to 20,000,000 stock goes to no ask again, bid rises untill another ape decides to sell, 25mil, 30mil, 32mil, 40mil.. Untill all the shorts have covered + + I'm not positive, but I don't believe volume will matter during the MOASS. The Bid will simply rise to the next ask and the shares will be bought... towards the end.. when the only shares left to cover are owned by Apes... I hope we all get to witness fellow apes HODLing.. with the No Ask... + + I have only a few wrinkles and I'm not a financial advisor... Just a guy who has experienced the opposite of the situation we are currently in... + +And my Tits are jacked.... +Hey Apes, Crux here. I’m the degen untangling the web that is Ken Griffin’s Citadel Empire. + +I have a new tidbit of info for you today. A small, steaming, turd nugget that the media has never reported on 💩 + +TLDR: Skip ahead to see pics of Griffin’s chopper + +# 0. Background (skip if you don’t care how I figured this out) + +Ken Griffin and Citadel’s well publicized move from Chicago to Miami, announced earlier this year, had one potentially unintended consequence. When they moved, all the companies holding Griffin’s personal assets were registered with the Florida Division of Corporations with an address of 200 S. Biscayne Blvd, Suite 3300, Southwest Financial Center, in Miami. That is the address of Citadel’s new headquarters. + +What’s the big deal? From an open source/public records standpoint, which is what I use for my investigations, it was immensely helpful. + +Griffin had not registered all of these companies in Illinois. If they were registered in Illinois, the records were not helpful, i.e. only confirming that the company exists. Florida’s records contain more information like an “authorized representative” (person who can sign on behalf of the company) or “member” (person/entity who owns the company). + +These records have led to numerous new leads to investigate, which have resulted (so far) in my finding other assets that have gone unreported in the media such as real estate, sports cars, and that he is co-owner of a helicopter with two of his billionaire buddies. + +Spicy. But let’s focus on the helicopter for now. + +# 1. The Helicopter + +One company registered in Florida was NYHCH LLC. \[assumed acronym for: **N**ew **Y**ork **H**eli**c**opter **H**olding LLC\] It was a “foreign” LLC, meaning it was first registered in another state, and the registered address matches Citadel’s Miami headquarters. Further, the sole member listed was KP Holdings LLC, which has been previously established as the primary holding company of Ken Griffin’s personal assets. Link to Florida filing: [https://tinyurl.com/yvffa23b](https://tinyurl.com/yvffa23b) + +[NYHCH LLC registered address matching Citadel's new Miami headquarters address.](https://preview.redd.it/4s1durz9hyw91.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=957ee4d38e74a03b4b5a5c045e30089de03b2bdd) + +[KP Holdings LLC is the sole member listed.](https://preview.redd.it/lc85ftjchyw91.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4352e9ad0fe119908838b4325c67bd1c23e860b) + +Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registration records reveal NYHCH LLC is one of four owners of a Sikorsky S-76D helicopter, N-number N800SG. Link to FAA registry: [https://registry.faa.gov/AircraftInquiry/Search/NNumberResult?nNumberTxt=800SG](https://registry.faa.gov/AircraftInquiry/Search/NNumberResult?nNumberTxt=800SG) + +[FAA registry owners of N800SG](https://preview.redd.it/9n67wxd6hyw91.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=45411b00a8f44419bdd6fbdbc58ce3e01a48dd33) + +Here is N800SG: + +[Photo credit: Haofeng Yu](https://preview.redd.it/vir35p14hyw91.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1493aaee91fb6e208662c5d4282d7ab51533e43) + +[Photo credit: Haofeng Yu](https://preview.redd.it/3yu6srd2hyw91.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa08f8d5634b6553569f298605227f3ef61b8a4d) + +"Whirlybird LLC" is registered at the same address as the Los Angeles accounting firm Breslauer Rutman & Anderson, and California filings show the type of business is "Aircraft Related": + +https://preview.redd.it/4rvo7muzgyw91.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff180666b34f94565ebcea55ee523ebbdc22437 + +You can search California business filings here: [https://bizfileonline.sos.ca.gov/search/business](https://bizfileonline.sos.ca.gov/search/business) + +This firm maintains a low profile; best I can tell from reviewing LinkedIn profiles is that they provide accounting, tax and other business services for high net worth individuals and family offices. I didn't spend much time looking into them, as this role makes sense given the other three owners. + +# 2. David Geffen, Barry Diller and Blade + +David Geffen has been the founder of record companies, including the David Geffen Company (DGC) and was a co-founder of Dreamworks. Forbes estimates he is worth $7.7 billion. [Source](https://www.forbes.com/profile/david-geffen/?sh=6ebb4fff17e0). Geffen is also a collector of expensive art, and in 2016 sold two paintings for $500 million to Ken Griffin. [Source](https://www.foxnews.com/us/billionaire-drops-500m-for-2-masterpieces). + +Barry Diller founded Fox Broadcasting, USA Broadcasting, was Chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures, and is still the Chairman and CEO of IAC, a media conglomerate, which he founded. Forbes estimates he is worth $3.8 billion. [Source](https://www.forbes.com/profile/barry-diller/?sh=681dd5672555). + +Here is a picture of David Geffen and Barry Diller doing their best evil billionaire looks: + +[David Geffen \(L\) and Barry Diller \(R\)](https://preview.redd.it/wtckr76rgyw91.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=bcfd7b885957e71113a4a5dde733198c911b7cdb) + +Back to the helicopter. + +DGC-VTOL LLC is David Geffen’s holding company for the helicopter. \[assumed acronym for: **D**avid **G**effen **C**ompany **V**ertical **T**ake-**O**ff and **L**anding LLC\] + +A California filing for the company reveals that the David Geffen Company is the member/manager and the type of the business is simply “HELICOPTER”. Link to the California filing: [https://tinyurl.com/5asmjn8f](https://tinyurl.com/5asmjn8f) + +[DGC VTOL LLC filing](https://preview.redd.it/s3xljjrmgyw91.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe09920076f48eb86954d7de51987d3ab1995b7d) + +Arrowcopter LLC appears to be Barry Diller’s holding company for the helicopter. This connection is more difficult to make; I’ve not been able to find public documents directly linking Diller to Arrowcopter. However, there are a couple pieces of evidence suggesting given the “Arrow” prefix of the company’s name: + +“Arrow Partners” is the family office of Barry Diller and his wife, Diane von Furstenberg. + +Source: [https://www.pionline.com/article/20050118/ONLINE/501180705/arrow-partners-the-family-office-of-barry-diller-and-the-von](https://www.pionline.com/article/20050118/ONLINE/501180705/arrow-partners-the-family-office-of-barry-diller-and-the-von) + +Barry Diller is Trustee of “Arrow 1999 Trust”, which invested in a company named Blade Air Mobility, Inc., f/k/a Blade Urban Air Mobility, Inc. (“BLADE”). Source: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1779128/000110465922070615/tm2217172-3\_424b3.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1779128/000110465922070615/tm2217172-3_424b3.htm) + +What is BLADE? They describe themselves as a “technology-powered, global air mobility platform,” who “neither owns nor operates aircraft,” and focuses on “booking and aggregating fliers through our mobile app.” Source: Id., at 1. + +BLADE is the Uber of helicopters. + +Geffen and Diller all invested in BLADE, which was apparently [newsworthy](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-blade-m-a-breakingviews-idINKBN28P2PN): + +[Snip from the Reuters article linked above.](https://preview.redd.it/poxtal8kgyw91.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff642e150090c4b969130b3f0c5b8c47ead32aec) + +Griffin was also invested through Citadel, as shown in the prospectus I linked above. + +[excerpt of page 13](https://preview.redd.it/ozr3nheigyw91.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd16b37e0922066f149fbcbc7ea793154a10456a) + +[excerpt of page 14](https://preview.redd.it/h1dojqkggyw91.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b7c2feca1703ba782dce6753940644bbe6a3db) + +One can also look back in time at N800SG's flight paths using ADSB Exchange. It hasn't flown in a couple of weeks, but here are a couple of days flights flying routes where BLADE helicopters fly. + +Oct 12, 2022: [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aae374&lat=40.924&lon=-73.693&zoom=9.6&showTrace=2022-10-12](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aae374&lat=40.924&lon=-73.693&zoom=9.6&showTrace=2022-10-12) + +https://preview.redd.it/clb7849dgyw91.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=83c841155ba21934a3ab705fc7fe797a0abc9ad8 + +Oct 10, 2022: [https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aae374&lat=40.922&lon=-73.210&zoom=8.6&showTrace=2022-10-10](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=aae374&lat=40.922&lon=-73.210&zoom=8.6&showTrace=2022-10-10) + +https://preview.redd.it/po5pjy3cgyw91.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaeb23321232b96965ace749ef90d012c3047c43 + +So Ken Griffin and his billionaire buddies bought a helicopter to rent it out through a company they invested in. No crime, but interesting, and like I had said I do not believe the media had previously reported these facts. + +# 3. Microsoft-Activision merger + +No crime with Blade, but did you think I would end this post without any controversy? Hell no. Whenever I start digging into Ken Griffin’s shit I find, well, more shit. + +In March of this year the Wall Street Journal reported that Diller, Geffen and Alexander von Furstenberg (Diller's wife's son) were under investigation for trading options days before Microsoft's acquisition of Activision was announced. They allegedly made $60 million on the options trade. Source: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-probes-options-trade-that-gained-on-microsoft-activision-deal-11646787000](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-probes-options-trade-that-gained-on-microsoft-activision-deal-11646787000) + +One of the best parts of the article: + +https://preview.redd.it/6vymf707gyw91.png?width=737&format=png&auto=webp&s=5545b565e270640572a5573090d1cd77310a5576 + +Isn't that how inside trading happens? + +But they claimed to have no knowledge of the deal: + +https://preview.redd.it/egbppun5gyw91.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcc8c476af60b68e10242828d39f6849ad10210b + +I have not seen resolution to this matter yet; I'm sure their attorneys are negotiating a settlement for pennies on the dollar of the alleged ill-gotten profits. I haven't looked into Citadel's position on this, but I imagine if they purchased options between quarterly reporting dates, and just prior to the announcement that represented <5% of the stock, that they would not have to disclose their position. + +That's all I've got for now, happy weekend apes. 👊 + +🚀🚀🚀 +Just needing to tell someone who will be as excited as I am about this. I’m a full time college student and also working 35 hours a week. I started a new job in January and my goal was to put $1,000 in savings by January 2019. It’s only September and I feel so relieved. Thanks y’all for the motivation and advice posts! Happy saving!! +Please stop idolizing celebrities and millionaires that invest into crypto. Crypto is meant to be decentralized and not controlled by one single entity + +People like Jack Dorsey, Elon musk, and Michael saylor shouldn't be idolized and their investments or tweets shouldn't affect the market. + +Yes its great, that they bring attention to crypto and it helps it go mainstream but it's cons outweigh the pros. + +Do your own research before investing and don't let other peoples fear dictate your financial future. + +I honestly believe, the sooner we stop listening to these people the healthier the markets will be! + +Also, don't take loans out to purchase crypto, that is insanity and your better off taking that money and going to the roulette table. +For many years I've been buying multifamily properties in popular urban areas, fixing them up, and then renting them out to college students or Millennials. However, everybody and their brother has been doing the same thing and the yields are so low that I don't think it makes sense to get another one. + +Sniffing around for other opportunities there appears to be more money in single-family homes in a rural area near me. However, the price for something new is quite expensive. And I don't really like what I see for sale. But lots are cheap, a 2-acre lot goes for about $100K. + +At this point, I feel pretty comfortable with the construction process and working with subcontractors. But all my projects have been rehabs. The numbers I've been hearing for ground-up construction are all over the board. + +My question to community is what were your costs for ground-up construction, excluding the land and carrying costs? If possible can you let me know the SF of the project, how much per component (electrical, plumbing, framing, foundation, etc.) and if the project was urban, suburban, or rural? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + +To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + +To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +I've seen some discussion on this sub recently blaming some people that they are here only to make profit. To make quick money. "Why do you care about price going up or down if you are never selling?" and other silly arguments. + + +And let me tell you. Yes the majority here, is in it for the money. It's because we are screwed. The society is still expecting an average male to earn a lot of money and provide for their family etc. but people in their 30s have been f**d in the arse for the last 15 years or more. + + +No wage growth, no prospects in many countries, constant financial crisis that keeps hitting and hitting us from all sides, and now inflation which will melt our savings, that is if we are lucky to have any savings in the first place, education system is a joke in most countries, crippling debts, high cost of living, rents going up and up, and so on and on, I could go on forever. + + +Crypto for a lot of us is the only way out, our only way to be able to afford a house or a flat in the future. So yeah, you bet I'm in it for the money and I don't give a damn what people think. Priority number one for me is to provide for my family. + +Edit: Thank you for the rewards, please but don't spend money on me. Instead, please donate to Ukrainian charities: +https://np.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/tgc00n/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/ +Our beloved $HOGE token has caught on. Etherscan shows [32,500+ holders outside of exchanges are hogling.](https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607#balances) $HOGE is now around 6 weeks old, having debuted in early February. + +In just the last few days; + +[TikTok influencers with 3 million followers started hogling](https://www.tiktok.com/@rxcan/video/6941475555871165702?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v3). + +[YouTube stars with millions of followers started hogling.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9Hn5iyw12s) + +[Forbes Financial Council members with hundreds of thousands of followers started hogling.](https://twitter.com/davidgokhshtein/status/1372740024832233474) + +International Financial law and crypto expert [Dr. Olivier Hance, Ph.D., MBA, TEP, Esq. has been added to the $HOGE team.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoge/comments/m9b1op/update_to_hoge_team_straight_from_headquarters/) + +3 companies now accept $HOGE as payment. [CloudVisual](https://cloudvisual.co.uk/)\+ [GROWMAX](https://www.growmax.ca/) \+ [Daisy Dukes Mandeville Louisianna Bloody Mary Bar and Restaurant](https://www.daisydukesmandeville.com/) + + +**Tokenomics -** + +Deflationary token. 2% Tax on all buys/sells/trades. 1% burned and 1% distributed to all holders. Original supply total 1,000,000,000,000. [581,939,664,409 have now been burned](https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607?a=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead) leaving 418,060,335,591 in the supply. + +[The largest wallet holds 1.5% of supply](https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607#balances) and the next largest wallet has .5%. The developers of $HOGE renounced their stakes. + +[Whitepaper](https://hoge.finance/documents/hoge_whitepaper_compressed.pdf) + +[Contract](https://etherscan.io/token/0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607) + +Token address - + +* 0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607 + +**Community -** + +Reddit community at [https://www.reddit.com/r/hoge](https://www.reddit.com/r/hoge) |Hoge browser games at [https://hoge.fun/](https://hoge.fun/) |Twitter main handle at [https://twitter.com/HogeFinance](https://twitter.com/HogeFinance) | Website at [https://hoge.finance/](https://hoge.finance/) | Discord at [https://discord.com/invite/xpwC84dA6j](https://discord.com/invite/xpwC84dA6j)| + +**Availability -** + +[Liquidity is locked](https://unicrypt.network/amm/uni/pair/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960) and $HOGE is currently available on: + +[Uniswap](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?slippage=500&outputCurrency=0xfad45e47083e4607302aa43c65fb3106f1cd7607) : [WhiteBIT](https://whitebit.com/trade/HOGE_USDT) : [Bilaxy](https://bilaxy.com/trade/HOGE_ETH) : [BKEX](https://www.bkex.com/), [1inch](https://1inch.exchange/), with more to come. If purchasing on Uniswap slippage must be set to 4-6%, wallets used are generally; metamask, trustwallet, and coinbase wallet. + +Coinmarketcap at [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hoge-finance/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/hoge-finance/) |Dextools at [https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960](https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x7fd1de95fc975fbbd8be260525758549ec477960) | Coingecko at [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/hoge-finance](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/hoge-finance) + +$HOGE's price has been resting at a very affordable .00025 for several days despite adding thousands of new holders and the price is at about 30% of the ATH set 6 days ago. Hoge is currently up +12% today, -50% in last seven days, +15,000% in last month, +35,000% this year. + The last time ETH reached ATH was just less than a week ago and now we are back to the sky! + +Congratulation to all ETH holders who have held it through the consolidation of long and hurtful months. It sucks when you see other coins pumping but ETH stays where it is, but nothing hurts more than selling the coins you believe in to chase the coins that are pumping just to miss the pump of the coins you believe in. (been there done that) + +Let's celebrate today and hope ETH can find footing above the previous ATH. To infinity and beyond!! +my car battery died this week, and i had to get it completely replaced today. for the first time ever in my life, i could pay for it without having to take out debt, start sobbing, or be forced to choose between food and rent. it has taken me a long time to get to this point, and the freedom to give that mechanic my card without feeling like dying inside made me so happy. hope y’all are staying safe and healthy, sending love and stability from california. +If you go to the checkout page on Overstock you'll see an option to pay with Bitcoin! + +-edit- +For now it's only available on the U.S. checkout but I hear from reliable sources that they will roll it out to international after a bake in period. +*From GoPro Investor Relations*: "In June, we will begin production in Guadalajara, Mexico of our U.S. bound cameras to support sales beginning in the third quarter," said Brian McGee, Executive Vice President and CFO. "We expect most of our U.S. bound cameras will be in production in Mexico in the second half of 2019. As stated previously, our decision to move most of our U.S. bound production to Mexico supports our goal to insulate us against possible tariffs as well as recognize some cost savings and efficiencies." + +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gopro-move-most-u-bound-233211017.html +My comcast bill increased $20 in the last month of my first year of a 24 month contract. This isn't the service fees or anything. It's the actual plan minus contract discount which is where it shows the $20 difference. Is this normal or am I being taken for money? +^(Disclaimer: This is strictly speculation. While I have a good understanding of markets - I've sat in a money market desk chair, I've traded + held swaps, managed a small bank's investment portfolio - I do not pretend to have factual knowledge about any specific positions held by any institution. I am also not any sort of big shot - my experiences are outside the US and in medium-small organizations. This isn't DD, since we're just making a guided tour of what's plausible, according to my experience. This is not a commentary on market structures or macroeconomics, as other users have far more insight (and more better words)) ^(than me. This is just a LARP of how I imagine a hypothetical scenario might have plausibly gone down. My experience is not in the US market, so that might introduce some errors. I might also just be plain mistaken, due to unknown unknowns, or being an idiot. I welcome corrections. Through this scenario, "we" means this hypothetical institution, and not retail.)) + +Let's imagine we're a financial entity, with: + +* market making privileges in equity, and a large market share of order processing, meaning we could, potentially, internalize demand as liabilities (IOUs/FTDs) or let them pass through to the market. +* with access to all standard products, meaning we're only limited by having to find a counterpart to any financial instrument we might want to use - even bespoke instruments. +* a big balance sheet. +* a large contact network, including political, enforcement and media. +* a widespread reputation of "knowing what we're doing" in a field in which very few people know what they're doing. + +For some reason or another, we decide to short a stock - we're fairly confident that it'll go bankrupt. Why we are so confident is irrelevant - we just are. However, we're not really allowed - or it's suspicious, or just want to avoid the connection - to have a position in the securities we market-make, therefore we use our network of institutions to have a series of hedge funds - not us, but bound to us through shared ownership or debt or aligned incentives or whatever - hold the short positions for us. It's also possible that these hedge funds are taking this short position of their own volition, and we have nothing to do with it yet. + +The point is, this specific stock has a growing short interest. It's easy to find the shares to borrow. All broker-held shares are kept within the DTCC books, that means they're all kept in a neat pile. We can borrow from the pile/warehouse and throw a few pennies back as fees. We then sell these stocks to retail, so the stocks end up right back on the borrowable pile - they never "leave" the brokerage, and the brokerage stores them in the same pile. We're adding a liability (the short stock) and an asset (the cash) on our sheet. They're fungible, and it's all happening in aggregate and behind closed doors, so nobody has actual proof - hell, nobody has reason to suspect in the first place, since the stock in question is a "bad stock," according to the news, and so the collective meme says it should go down. Since each sold stock goes back to the pile, there's no shortage to the borrowable supply, and therefore no reason for the interest fee to go up. We can keep pointing at a share, using that share to create a liability, receive cash, and then point at the same share again. Also, if we occasionally/often fail to deliver/borrow, who's gonna notice, let alone stop us, right? + +In essence: + +* Customer bids/demands a share. +* The bid is routed to us by the broker. +* We grab a share from the borrowable pile - add this to liabilities. We add this same share to the customer's assets. We also take the customer's cash from their assets, and drop it in our assets. +* The customer's share is stored in the borrowable pile, thanks to the broker, so the pile's size hasn't changed. + +**Result: Demand is satisfied. The borrow pile is unchanged. Our liabilities grow. Supply is not reduced. We took the customer's cash.** + +We just need to be careful about the reporting methodology - make sure everything's tidy when the picture's taken, and as long as the pile is large enough relative to the daily volume, it's foolproof. + +Fantastic, then. Each sale is free money, and the sold stock goes right back for-sale. Unnoticed, we're actually recycling the supply. The demand, on the other side, isn't - buyers need actual cash to buy, and that shit runs out. With endless supply and limited demand, the price goes down. Price going down should increase demand, but as long as the price is expected to continue going down, then that's neutered - people don't buy because the price is low, but because they expect it to rise. Besides, more demand means more sales, and more profit, yes? Eventually, we're confident the company will go bankrupt, and then we'll just be left with two piles: one of cash, and one of worthless liabilities, valued at 0. Pure profit, no need to even pay taxes, since we didn't really close our positions. + +Then, two things happen. First, some schmuck begins actually looking at the numbers - "bad stock" meme isn't enough for him, and he realizes that the stock is too cheap, related to the fundamentals. He begins buying and spreading the word, which challenges our preferred meme. Suddenly, there's a narrative of counter-culture/resistance around buying the stock, it's seen as giving us the middle finger, and the kids think that's cool. Whatever, let's underestimate them. The second thing to happen, is that another guy - this one actually has three commas, so he's a bit more difficult to deal with - buys a bunch of the stock, and declares his intent to become an activist investor. He maneuvers intelligently, and before long, he's chairman of the board. While we're good at making memes for boomers, this dude is good at making internet-native memes, and he, without ever actually interacting directly with the community, manages to cement himself as a trustworthy, competent figure, opposed to wall street and internet savvy. He outlines a turnaround plan which actually - independently of everything else - makes sense, and he brings the drive and level of compromise a founder figure can provide, as opposed to distant institutional owners. + +Now, a short position is a leveraged position, meaning we can be margin called if our unrealized losses exceed our collateral. Therefore, as the stock price stops going down, and begins going up, we have to begin to actually monitor the stock price and the short position size, versus the rest of our assets - and not all assets, but those considered high quality liquid assets, and therefore valid collateral. The way this works is, different asset types get assigned different weightings: the more liquid and risk-free the asset, the higher it counts. Cash is completely accounted, at 100%, but a risky bond might be counted at 10% only. Some assets might not count at all. The difference between the average short-sale price, and the current market price, multiplied by the short position size, can't exceed our high quality liquid assets, or we get a margin call. + +`Liability: Current Market Price * Position Size, the value of the equities owed` + +`Assets: Average Sold Price * Position Size, the cash we got for the sales` + +Our collateral must be greater than the difference between these. + +`(Average Sold Price - Current Market Price) * (Position Size) < = Value of HQLA` + +Suddenly, demand - which has been growing steadily thus far - spikes. This has gone viral, and the transacted volume goes insane - way beyond what we can handle. The daily demand is bigger than the pile, so we're forced to let some of it through. Our methods had not been stress tested before, and thus we slipped. This means the price starts increasing, which fuels both more demand - from FOMO - and more supply - from people who consider the stock overvalued, and an easy short. The internal supply chains break, suddenly everyone's getting margin requirement notifications. The brokers don't necessarily know what's happening, all they know is that they sold a lot of the stock, and before they can turn around and buy it from us, the price has doubled - margin requirements go up! So, seeing this, trading is stopped at the broker level - they literally can't afford to owe any more shares. The apple store is out of apples. Close only. We, however, can keep selling, and we do. No new long positions, only new short positions - perfect, the price has to go down, regardless of the demand! The price falls down, the news spin this as a squeeze that's now over. + +The price falls all the way down to 40$, and then something breaks. Someone gets a margin requirement they can't meet, or someone places a buy order that's large enough, or something else happens, and forced buying begins, which again spikes the price. Liquidations are carried out, and at some point, these short positions end up in the market maker's books. While a hedge fund can get killed from such a spike, not us. We're a massive player, and we can sustain a lot more. We consolidate most of the short positions, to avoid any further melt-ups, and formulate an actual long-term strategy to get out of this mess. Melvin, Archegos, and others, are now dead, and we hold their books within ours. + +Up to now, we've had to survive by using collateral against the short positions, which means that, at a certain point, we need to liquidate non-qualifying assets, and turn them into cash (or some other acceptable form of collateral.) Therefore, when the stock price rises, we need to sell our other positions, and turn them into cash. This explains the stock's negative beta: when its price rises, we sell other stocks to raise cash, which lowers their prices. When crypto is no longer acceptable collateral, we sell it for cash, and the price dumps around June. So, in essence, **the stock price has an inverse correlation to the price of anything else in our books that's not collateral.** + +However, this isn't the best way to handle this - this is affecting the rest of our business, and won't work in a longer timeframe. Since we're a market maker, we don't really need to do the whole song and dance around borrowing shares, and holding collateral we can just directly create them as liabilities. This is the famous Fail to Deliver - they marked your assets and their liabilities, but that's it. Also, instead of being worried about collateral we're now worried about solvency. + +We turn around to security based swaps/total return swaps. What are these? They're a piece of paper that's worth the difference between the values/returns of two securities. I can then replace the shorts vs. collateral method with swaps. No need to bother so much with high quality collateral, since whatever's on the other side of the swap essentially functions as collateral - I only need collateral for the difference. I can get a negative exposure on the stock price, against a positive exposure on the overall market. This way, if both go up together, then it makes no difference to me. Likewise if they both go down together. Any decrease in value from the movement of one is offset by the movement in the other. Let's assume our swap is done against a broad market basket and call it the counterweight (CW.) Now, instead of the stock and the market having an inverse correlation, they have a positive one. If the stock goes up 10%, then as long as the CW also goes up 10%, then the value of the swap hasn't changed. I don't have to massively sell anything, it's less suspicious, reporting rules are way more relaxed, the enforcement agency is much more, uh, amenable to my proposals. This works both for being long stock vs short market, or long market vs short stock - I can finetune my exposure both ways. + +Importantly, what before were these counter-cyclical spikes, are now pro-cyclical. Has the stock gone up? Nah, it's the whole market, nothing suspicious! While before we counteracted the demand with short-selling, now we just fail to deliver - essentially neutralizing demand. Sure, that's even more troublesome, but nobody's ever paid any mind to Dr. Trimbath before, why would they start now? So if anyone buys the stock, we just add that to our liabilities, without it impacting actual market supply/demand. We can selectively decide to let some demand pass, in case we need to raise the price. + +What this brings about, then, is a delicate balance: + +* we can let demand for the stock reach the market, in which case the price increases. +* we can let demand for the stock go to our liabilities directly, in which case the price decreases. + +Then, we can observe demand/supply, and have an algorithm decide which % of purchases to deliver. Monitor social media. Bullish sentiment? Sell them calls, and reduce the delivery % (let the spot purchases go directly to the balance sheet) - price doesn't rise. Bearish sentiment? Do the opposite. + +If the stock's demand goes up, we can decide whether to lower the delivery %, through which we avoid a price increase, but in exchange become more levered. We want the price to be as high as possible, up to the point in which we get margin called - the ceiling. Therefore, we'll deliver as much as we can, and start FTDing when the price gets too high. + +If the stock's demand goes down, we can decide to increase the delivery %, through which we lower our leverage, but in exchange the price doesn't go down. We don't want low prices: more people will buy, and we'll lower our average entry price. Therefore, we'll reduce leverage as much as we can. We might prefer to lower the price, but that'd depend on more meme-manipulative strategies, and not market-based ones. + +Therefore, we observe demand + supply, and decide what % to internalize, and what % to externalize, thereby controlling the price. Depending on how big of an institution we are, we might be able to do the same, to a lesser extent, to the CW itself. Say, if we processed 70% of all orders, who's to say we can't nudge the S&P a bit, eh? Even if we can't, though, that's unimportant. + +If the CW's price goes up, that gives us more breathing range. We can tolerate a higher ceiling stock price without danger, so we'll internalize less, reducing leverage, and increasing the price, until we reach the new, heightened ceiling. + +If the CW's price goes down, that gives us less range. We can tolerate a lower ceiling high stock price or risk a margin call, so we'll have to internalize more, and become more levered, but lowering the stock price. Alternatively, we may choose to pump the CW - a couple million hitting the ask at the right moment should be enough. + +We have, then, two variables of import: + +* the CW's price, over which we may or may not have a degree of influence. +* the stock price, which results from demand, which we observe, and % of FTDs, which we control. + +In this way, short selling is something we long stopped doing. Did the shorts close? Not really, but who cares. The question is whether we still have an exposure to the stock price, regardless of the mechanism. + +Up to now we have a nice little model. It's not infallible: our control over the variables might not be perfect, and if demand doesn't stop we'll eventually be in trouble, but these dudes need to eat - wait long enough, and they'll get discouraged. A split, you say? The size of my liabilities hasn't changed. Yeah, they're 4 times as many stocks, but IDGAF about stock number - I care about the notional size of the position. "In the shape of a stock dividend"? Yeah, nope. Spread some confusion about it. What can they do? Yeah, they'll seethe, but they've already been seething all along. If someone in an actual position of power comes around, we'll send some guys in suits to dazzle them with words. Who will they believe, the suits, or cherrypicked examples of particularly stupid apes? We like the chaos. The more chaos, the more tiring it is to find the truth, and the longer we can get away with shit. Unless the company withdraws from our system. In which case, I have no idea, because the debate shifts over to the legal battleground instead. + +What else could threaten us? Well. You know what. DRS. + +On one hand, if 100% of the shares are accounted for outside our system, then we're suddenly on the defensive. Now they don't really have to care about what we say the price is, do they? They could separate completely, accounting for all the shares, and trade within a separate system. What would we do with the deluge of DRS that'll hit? I have no idea, but it seems like the supply/demand equivalent of dividing by zero. + +On the other hand, every share removed is, essentially, forcefully accounted demand. Say, you buy a share, I drop it on liabilities and FTD, and then you DRS it, then you're indirectly increasing leverage, since (total shares in books/actual shares in my vault, "the ratio") just got reduced by one on both the numerator and denominator. Do that enough times, and since the numerator is higher than the denominator, we're gradually increasing the ratio, which makes the effect of demand on price have a larger magnitude. How? Because the ratio is also the ratio in which I transform demand into either a price increase or leverage. When we turn demand into price increase or leverage, the rate at which that happens is that ratio - the more we DRS, the higher the "cost" of turning demand into price or leverage. Meaning, the more we DRS, the more violent price changes will be, and the more magnified the leverage assumed will be. DRS 100%, and that rate becomes \[divides by zero.\] + +Therefore, a separate market observer might want to consider two indicators as endgame conditions: + +1. the DRS percentage + its rate of change, which can be proxied by the price of the stock, against some measure of how much free cash retail has, because this determines the speed of DRS. The lower the price, and the more available cash, the faster DRS will increase. +2. the price of the stock, against the CW (let's assume a broad market index of multiple asset classes.) If the stock outpaces the market, then we know the swaps are closer to breaking - this will have two possible effects: + +* every time except the last, it will cause the stock price to go down, or the market prices to go up, to keep the swaps alive. +* eventually, the swaps will die, and then the stock will go up, and the CW go down, in a self-reinforcing de-leveraging. + +What happens then? I dunno. I wouldn't want to find out, either. I'd take more and more risky moves. If at one point I'd have been careful about the legality of my moves, then by the end that wouldn't really matter much. Might even want to try to get political power to leverage that. After a certain point, the capital market problem spills over into the legal, social, memetic, political. Whoever's managing this shitshow hasn't slept well in a while, I can guarantee that. +Yesterday (2/25) GME had ZERO shortable shares available according to both [shortableshares.com](https://shortableshares.com) and IBorrowDesk. (Technically 47 shares reported prior to market open on shortableshares - IBorrowDesk did not report any shares the entire day). + +Since then the volume of shortable shares has increased to 600,000 BUT the fee to short these shares has increased from 0.8% on 2/24 to a whopping 12.78% as of 10:00am today representing a nearly 1,500% increase. + +Now, my smooth brain doesn't fully comprehend all the implications of this. But to me, this looks like a clear bullish sign for another GME runup, no? + +Obligatory [💎](https://hotemoji.com/diamond-emoji.html#:~:text=%F0%9F%92%8E%20Meaning%20%E2%80%93%20Gem%20Stone%20Emoji&text=It%20depicts%20a%20full%2C%20blueish,known%20as%20the%20Diamond%20Emoji.) 🚀 [💎](https://hotemoji.com/diamond-emoji.html#:~:text=%F0%9F%92%8E%20Meaning%20%E2%80%93%20Gem%20Stone%20Emoji&text=It%20depicts%20a%20full%2C%20blueish,known%20as%20the%20Diamond%20Emoji.) 🚀 [💎](https://hotemoji.com/diamond-emoji.html#:~:text=%F0%9F%92%8E%20Meaning%20%E2%80%93%20Gem%20Stone%20Emoji&text=It%20depicts%20a%20full%2C%20blueish,known%20as%20the%20Diamond%20Emoji.) 🚀 + +Edit: misplaced comma in body of text. +Did Friedman believe that fiscal policy was not the best way to influence the economy but instead we should only use monetary policy aka the FED? Is that what he and the monetary school believe in? Thanks for reading! +I've been watching [Wendover Productions](https://www.youtube.com/user/Wendoverproductions)' video [TWL #6: Big Mac Economics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XdYbmova_s). It is about the [Big Mac Index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac_Index), which is a useful economic tool because the [Big Macs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mac) sold by [McDonald's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald%27s) restaurants worldwide is standardised. It was designed by [*The Economist*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economist) as an informal way of measuring the [purchasing power parity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchasing_power_parity) (PPP) between two [currencies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency) and provides a test of the extent to which market [exchange rates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_rate) result in goods costing the same in different countries. + +However, in regards to measuring PPP, why wouldn't a "[French Fries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_fries) Index" be more reliable than a "Big Mac Index"?: + +||Big Mac|French Fries| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Restrictions|Isn't sold in India due to cows being sacred to Hindus. Contains meat, wheat and dairy products. |Vegetarian, but not Vegan| +|Ingredients (rough estimate from [http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/ingredientslist.pdf](http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/ingredientslist.pdf))|Two 1.6 oz (45.4 g) beef patties, "special sauce" (a variant of [Thousand Island dressing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Island_dressing)), [iceberg lettuce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceberg_lettuce), [American cheese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_cheese), [pickles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pickled_cucumber), and onions, served in a three\-part [sesame](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesame) seed bun.|Potatoes, Vegetable Oil mix (contains Natural Beef Flavour \[hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolyzed milk as starting ingredients\]), Dextrose, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (to maintain colour), Salt.| +|Perishability|Lettuce is very perishable, bread is somewhat perishable, sauce may go rancid, the rest of the ingredients can be frozen.|Potatoes are pre\-cut into the shape of fries and frozen. Vegetable oil can be transported in bulk and recycled for industry when no longer usable.| + + +In other words, a French Fries Index has the following advantages: + +* Sold worldwide in a standardised form +* Fewer people are not allowed to eat them +* It's not banned anywhere +* French fries have fewer farmed ingredients (just potatoes, oilseeds and flavour) +* No meat in French Fries = less impact from drought, oil prices and feed prices +* Ingredients for French Fries are easier to transport and less perishable +* Less ingredients = less suppliers and middlemen to worry about +After signing up to reddit and becoming a part of this beautiful sub I have learned an insane amount of information and this is my take on a small portion of it. + +Let’s start with reddit and MOONS. I know at the moment even though the amount of moons per karma has decreased incredibly it’s still such an amazing concept to get your head around. Rewarding the user with tokens that could potentially earn the users money just for providing good content is extraordinary. This seems like a good step in the right direction instead of things like likes on Instagram where their only value is self esteem. In addition, it’s not focused on appearance so it’s a lot less biased; anyone with a good thing to say will be upvoted no matter what they look like. + +Next is brave and BATS. I understand that if brave went mainstream then they would earn a ridiculous amount of money through advertisement but this would also then be split with the person that’s getting the advertisement shoved down their throat. I know I would personally prefer to get payed for being manipulated by ads then just be manipulated for free. Not to mention the other benefits brave has to offer. + +I think that this is just the start and I’m extremely excited to see where this concept of rewarding the user can go! +Put away your credit card. Don't buy crap you don't need, unless it's something you've really needed and been ogling for a long time. + +And for the love of fiscal sanity, do not go into debt for great deals on Amazon Prime day. It's not a good deal if you're paying it off for a year. +Im struggling with creating my first algorithm. Im trading since multiple months, but mostly price action. My biggest struggle is to create a mechanical trading system based on indicators. + +So how do you do that ? Do you simply throw in a bunch of indicators and test if it works ? Are there some bunch of indicators every algorithm needs ? + +Would be glad for any help on this topic :) +Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right forum but here goes. +My friend has invested around £5k into a bitcoin investment scheme... The website is BTC Profit. I told him when he did this that it was a foolish move to invest so sooo much money in something he didn't understand (I don't understand either but in the first 2 month my friend saw some quick profits ~£2k). The broker he deals with is based off shore in Switzerland and has regular contact (2-3 times a week) now apparently last week there was a 'big crash' and the £2k profit my friend had accumulated has been wiped out, as well as the initial £5k outlay. I feel so sad and angry for my friend and moreover he feels like an absolute fool. He cannot contact the broker, his phone is not ringing and not responding to emails. I don't want to say I told you so because my friend is extremely fragile right now and I'm not an asshole, so what can I do to help out? Is there an authority within the UK who could investigate this or does it need to go down the legal route? +Appreciate any advice. + +My wife and I are 26 and combined we make $8,124.54 a month after taxes and deductions. We also have 3 months a year (March, May and November) that we get bonuses from our employer. Each bonus typically is around $4,000 and we usually just throw it into savings or investments. + +Our *typical* budget breaks down as: + +- 401k Contributions: $1,852.89 +- Roth IRA Contribution: $1,000.00 +- Expenses: $3,164.71 +- “Wants” money: $1,000.00 +- Misc. Savings or Unusual Expenses: $1,106.94 + +My wife and I split the “wants” money into our own separate accounts and use it as we please. Whether that be coffee, new clothes, home improvement items etc. It is truly a catch all. Are we being excessive by allocating this much to non essentials? + +Even with the market down we have a little over $100,000 in retirement accounts, $56,000 in a regular investment account, emergency savings and no debt outside of my vehicle ($17,500 at 7.7%) which we plan to aggressively pay off with our misc savings and bonuses within a year and our mortgage ($152,000 at 3.062%. Valued at $210,000). +I have owned my own business for the last 11 years, which means sometimes I make money and sometimes I don't. I was just offered a position with a larger competitor for $225k starting, company vehicle/phone/benefits. + +I own my home outight and I own a personal vehicle outright. No debt. + +I have roughly 25k in my IRA (largely invested in energy and vice stocks) and 11k in a 529 for the kids. That said, I have 2 kids and they each have 2 years of GI Bill to use. I also get $1200/month in pension (taxable). + +No idea where to start. + +Edit: Thank you, I think I have some great ideas and a good direction. +Hi gang, + +&#x200B; + +I'll start with the obvious, most of our beloved micro caps have been coping a hiding recently. No tendies = No fun, unless your banning folk. So with that in mind, I've noticed an awful lot of commentary in the daily that can probably be conflated into one statement that makes it a bit more cohesive and easier to understand. + +&#x200B; + +*''The Market is only down 0.2%, but my penny stonk is getting annihilated, why is this happening to me??''* + +&#x200B; + +The short answer to this question is that you picked shit stonks. + +If that's the case, this post won't really help you a great deal in regards to solving your current issue, however it may assist you in not running into said issue in the future. + +&#x200B; + +The longer answer is a bit more complex. So lets start by defining some of our terms. Specifically, what the market **is** and **is not** in relation to your individual ticker. + +&#x200B; + +**DISCLAIMERS**: + +&#x200B; + +\- I'm sticking with the Aussie stuff only, in so far as that's possible. If I bring the yanks into this its going to go on forever.... + +\- Also, the charts below are extremely basic and not super useful from a technical aspect, they are more to illustrate a theme. + +\- In fact, the whole post could be looked at as an extension of those charts. It's a basic run-down of what is and is not relevant, specifically relevant, to the pennies. (and yes, I'm aware that every time I call them pennies its bringing the yanks into it, at least in regard to terminology.) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**S&P ASX 200 - (XJO)** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The S&P ASX 2000 is *'the benchmark institutional investable stock market index in Australia, comprising the 200 largest stocks by* *float-adjusted market capitalization.'* I didn't make that up, that's a direct quote from Investopedia, hence the italics. + +&#x200B; + +(**A side note**: We aren't going to get bogged down in what float-adjusted market capitalization is here, because most of the sub's precious's aren't in this index, unless you correlate it existentially and on a pretty broad scale. + +Short story is its a methodology for calculating stonks against a specific system of metrics, you can read more about it [in this link](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/freefloatmethodology.asp) if you're into that type of thing. + +&#x200B; + +And you should really be into that type of thing if your ~~gambling~~ investing. It only tells you the formula on how your stonks are evaluated. Just saying...) + +&#x200B; + +Because life's sometimes easier in pictures, here is a pretty picture of the **XJO** on the year to date. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1ukz54twqw381.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bdd1654a2a150b1b093bd739c23cf7ef776340c + +Looks nice yeah? Kinda goes up and down a bit, flat for a bit then maybe up or down again. But it doesn't, generally speaking, do the aforementioned calisthenics in a spectacularly violent fashion. Its sort of benign, it ticks along in an almost stately, dependable and predictable fashion. It doesn't respond well to criticism, it likes things just so and if you stick with it for 30+ years, historically speaking, it'll serve you well. + +In fact, you could probably liken it to a bit of a boomer really. + +Ideally, that was the penny drop phrase for those still reading. + + *('penny' drop yeah? No?, fucking hell tough crowd.)* + +It's full of your typical boomer shit, all the other boomer shit like **ETF's** and stuff that track the index follow along in the boomer parade. To continue the metaphor, the **XJO** is where the boomer stonk lurks. the largest 200 stonks as determined by the float capital thing above are the index. + +To relate it back to our defining of terms, your penny does not belong here. Move along. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**ASX/SPI 2000 FUTURES MARKET** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Scrolling down just a whisker on your indices in the Commsex app, we are in the Markets tab people, you'll come across the **ASX/SPI 200**. + +Looks different, is this the ''futures'' they speak of in hushed, reverent tones? + +Well yes and no. + +Yes in the context that its a ''futures'' market. The ASX/SPI 200 is ''***the benchmark derivative product for investors trading and hedging in the Australian equity index market ''*** Again, that's not mine but directly from the ASX. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zgp5ueypvw381.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e39da561177f0566a433149161937e6fe52eec5 + +&#x200B; + +Fuck me, that looks different to the other chart., the astute trader would gasp. + +Futures are more contextually accurate as a gauge when you look across a range of index's, but the funny thing about the future is that the reverse of this statement is often just as true. + +If you're super interested in this market, click [on this link](https://www.asx.com.au/documents/products/asx-spi-200-fututres.pdf) for a PDF that explains the whole thing. + +It's more helpful in relation to defining our terms above in regard to what you specific ticker IS NOT. when you look at those 2 indices in your little Commsex app and say ''Ok, sweet, good to know. now fuck off and tell me how to find something that relates to my stonk specifically'' you're getting closer to understanding where we are headed. + +&#x200B; + +**Important note**: When you see the wrinkled brains discussing futures and you decide to interject, brandishing you newly minted **ASX/SPI 200** knowledge like a proud retard, expect to get flamed. This is **NOT** what they are discussing, but I'm trying to avoid the Yankee stuff... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**S&P ASX 300 - XKO** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Kinda does how it sounds like. The **ASX 300** measure the performance of the top 300 companies listed on the exchange. Not much to talk about here, except that we are drilling down closer and closer to our beloved speccie stonks. + +The purpose of the 300 series is to provide investors with a broader exposure to the Australian equities market. + +If its your particular brand of jeopardy, then click [this link](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-asx-300/#overview) to really get your freak on. If you can look at the 300 as the place you want your speccie to go to when its all grown up, it helps with the visual story a little. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/oeiswjwm2x381.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=10650f7991a29489dd1fead5f529f10f022dc0b8 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**S&P EMERGING COMPANIES - (XEC)** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Never heard of it your honor. If that's what you think when you read this title then congratulations, you've read far enough through for this post to suddenly become useful to you. + +To take the definition straight from the horses mouth: + +'' *The S&P/ASX Emerging Companies Index (XEC) is an investable benchmark consisting of 200 Australian microcap companies ranked between 350 to 600 by capitalisation at the time of their index inclusion, that have met reasonable liquidity tests. ''* + +Read that statement over a few times and what begins to emerge from the fog is that this thing is related to microcaps, to really break it down to its most basic level. + +The big take away from this is that the XEC does a few of the following things. + +**1 -** It generally comprises of companies outside of the **ASX 300** + +**2 -** It is the housing place of high performing companies in the rank above until they transition to the **ASX 300** + +**3 -** It rebalances semi-annually, not quarterly. + +&#x200B; + +If you're super interested, then click [this link](https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/indices/equity/sp-asx-emerging-companies-index/#overview) for the PDF file. + +&#x200B; + +To continue the ''life in pictures'' theme, here she is in all her glory on a year to date. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sy9u1hrnzw381.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=c18f97f24724aae6558f0d83838d1c9ba7a861f3 + +&#x200B; + +Hmmmmm...... + +With a bit of luck, the question formulated at the very top of this post just got at least partially answered. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +So, we have arrived at the end of our jaunt through the relevance of indices. Sort of. + +&#x200B; + +Hope springs eternal, so maybe a number of you tards will add a few things to your chosen app tomorrow regarding what indices to actually look at and the daily wont be such a fucking chore to sift through. + +At the very least, you'll have a bit of an idea where to look as opposed to posting the same lamentation over and over. + +&#x200B; + +Stay sexy cucks............ + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR**: The daily is pissing me off... +On still being a sub where i can just come and have a laugh. So many other subs/twitter etc all doom and gloom. Not here, here full steam ahead on saving koalas and wombats regardless of market conditions +Hi everybody. Wondering out loud a bit with this post. + +Last night, after a family gathering, I got to talking to an elder. He was an athlete (and, for a few years, soldier) in another country for much of his life, and traveled internationally for many years, and shared some nice stories. It got my thinking about my own path. I'm a lawyer in my 30s who had a relatively boring (but happy!) suburban upbringing and went straight through from high school to college, college to law school and law school to a big firm. Even my summer and campus jobs were all desk jobs. I have a very happy home life and family, but I don't know if I'll have a ton of interesting stories to share when I'm the elder at the table. + +Through a combination of luck and skill, I've recently struck out on my own and am working on certain matters that I expect to net about $2 million for me personally in the next year or two (after costs and taxation). That's my baseline scenario - could be more, could be less, could be zero, but I think $2m is an appropriate assumption, and others in my field have validated it. My current NW is about $1 million. My wife earns about $300k+bonus. We live in a HCOL neighborhood surrounded by VHCOL neighborhoods, which is our fat version of frugality. + +I've been thinking in idle moments about what to do after I cash in on my current projects, caution about counting the money too early aside. My wife absolutely loves her career and intends to continue on with it for the foreseeable future. So $3m NW with spouse earning $300k+/yr enables me to do pretty much whatever I want - but not to do nothing. Both personal pride and good sense dictate that I should still try to bring in at least $100-$200k annually. + +I'd like to pursue something next that lets me travel a bit and gets me interacting with more people and just gives me a wider breadth of life experience. For six months to a year after the high-value matters wrap up, I'll probably try to write a bit, spend time with my kid, and enjoy life. After that, though, I'll want to pursue something new. It could be as a lawyer or not. And I'd prefer that it allow at least some schedule flexibility and not a crushing amount of hours. But mainly it needs to get me some action. + +Any thoughts welcome. And yes, it's probably in part the COVID isolation talking. + +Peace and love to all. +For some reason, r/superstonk has consistently hit the frontpage of Reddit for nearly two years straight. + +Maybe two years worth of free, globally crowd-sourced, research and data holds some insight into what's going on with the stock markets? + +Maybe \~250 peer-reviewed [Due Diligence (DD) posts](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) hold some truth? + +Maybe there's something to the whole GME thing, and it's bigger than you think? + +Maybe it's worth a few minutes of your time? +I do understand that I am in a privileged position, and am grateful for that. + + +However + +I am a 30yo doctor and have taken 3 years out of training to do ad-hoc “locum work” at a higher hourly rate. This has seen my salary temporarily go from 40k to 90k (or so). + +I get paid weekly and take home around 3.5 to 4.5k a month currently. The only purpose for this career move was to afford a house - now it seems like it was a waste of time. + +Houses in my area are about 420-500k (cheaper ones will need work). Flats aren’t any cheaper. These aren’t fancy houses - they are the exact same ones that some people are given as “council houses”. + +When I return to training, my salary will drop again to <3k and it will take me at least another 7 years to hit the 90k+ mark again… I have to be mindful of this. + +In these last few years I have managed to save 35k from basically nothing +11k @ LISA +16k @ 2.75% +5k @ 5% +3k @ S&S ISA + +My fixed bills are around 2k /month (including rent @ £1,000 for a 1 bed flat). Then plus food / fuel / leisure etc. I do live comfortably with a nice diet and after a couple holidays etc I spend average 2.5-3k/month. (EDIT - This includes some larger life purchases averaged into the monthly. Moving forward, monthly for us both is closer to 2k.) + +No debt. Except Student loan - 40k left over both plan 1 and 2. + +My partner takes home far less (1.2k / month or so) + +For a basic 450k house, 25k down and ~95% LTV I need to churn out 2.6k / month on a mortgage. And that’s before any renovations, new bills etc. AND that’s a 35 year mortgage! I’ll be paying until I’m 65! A “normal” 25y mortgage is 3k/month. + + +I’m just so disillusioned seeing others on far lower salaries buying houses and I don’t know how anyone is affording it. Do I really need to spend my entire life paying my entire salary on a tiny 2.5 bed semi? + +EDIT; +To further clarify, my fixed outgoings are closer to 2k. I own my car outright etc and no payment plans of any sort. The 3k figure included large essential purchases averaged over a long period (maybe wasn’t the best way to calculate that in hindsight?) +https://www.tradingview.com/x/pfL12KvS/ + +Results may vary depending on which exchange's data you are using, some have not closed green today + +But but but mY bITcOinS dOeSnT cLoSe hAhA lAwL dUdE iM sO fUnNy, + + stop being petty +So this is a shoutout to all other XX or even X holders who have put in all they can. Don’t put yourself in financial jeopardy, you owe it to those shares to keep your bills paid and your head above water. Buy another share when you can but make sure you do whatever it takes to hold. + +This *is* financial advice. Not just this stock specifically but any investment in general. Put in what you can when you can but separate your financials. Keep your day to day and short term goals in focus, then invest a portion of whatever is left over. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +You Autists inadvertently, single handedly created a pump and dump of the Entire BNPL sector, causing the markets to turn red this morning. You went full Autist and made J Powell's big green dick go flacid momentarily. I couldn't be prouder. Keep up the good work. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +So I just finished watching The Wall Street Conspiracy and I decided I wanted to dig a bit deeper to understand how naked short selling works. I highly suggest you watch the documentary as I found it really helpful to understand how hedge funds attack companies to achieve the Bankruptcy Jackpot. Link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpyhnmd-ZbU&amp;ab\_channel=Alven1111](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpyhnmd-ZbU&amp;ab_channel=Alven1111) + +While digging around I found this article from 2008 (I know it's a bit out of date) and it blew me away. I have highlighted a few segments which I found helpful but I suggest you go and read the whole thing as it does a great job of explaining how Citadel can get away with naked short selling using the NSCC and the CNS system and how they can hide FTD data. + +First things first. I don't write DD so smart apes please correct any mistakes I make as i'm learning as I go. I've pasted snippets that i highlighted as I read to keep the post a bit shorter but check the PDF document link if you want the whole article. I'm just going to make comments on what I found and hopefully smarter apes can run with it... + +**TLDR: READ THE ARTICLE. It's a quick read I promise. The FTD data is hidden deep in the CNS system and what is getting reported to the DTC is only the tip of the iceberg. I suspect FTD's are being cycled using Dark Pools due to the high amount of float being traded in them. The NSCC is allowing FTD's to remain open with no consequence to the short seller. Shorts are also using DTC brokerage share pools to cover.** + +https://preview.redd.it/264c5jl8bxu61.png?width=426&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=1d7a13aa7229d5fd4369d81f5280b056fd519e4f + +So we have known this for a while that Market Makers don't have to actually locate a share to borrow and there doesn't seem to be any real way to know what Bona-Fide activities are. + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k2ysozilbxu61.png?width=398&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=d8786b8258fb0c0ee3bdf766dd9437ebcc76a5ea + +https://preview.redd.it/q5wwe9fecxu61.png?width=385&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=3f6e7b9b06fe8260a5eecb8b6eeb4875616a0801 + +So 52% FTD in 2003 and they were only forced to buy in 0.12% of the time (remember this number). Wtf is happening here. Also god knows how much worse this has gotten 17 years later. I don't know much about options but I remember Melvin had a huge Put position on GME. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[I believe the T+3 is out of date and it's now T+2](https://preview.redd.it/fjhow3lkcxu61.png?width=733&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=8db102a7ad5b736e054ac0bb8ae626357b02eabc) + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8qqb1stncxu61.png?width=372&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=f2b549715172fc8f41d0d9c46f5a463a15cd5eb9 + +Ok so here's where it gets a bit funky. The DTC just has a number of shares that your brokerage is entitled to on record. They don't know who owns the shares, that's the broker's job to keep track of. + +So Citadel spends all day fucking about with shorts and what not and at the end of the day, as long as the net position is 0, the NSCC is happy! But if you can't net 0 then you will be hit with a FTD. Which is really bad...except it doesn't matter unless the long side of the trade requests a buy in. If they don't, GREAT! Just put it over there with the rest of the FTD's. But when your trading amongst your buddies, are you really going to rat on them to the NSCC? + +But fear not because the DTC has a cool little feature where you can borrow stock from the SBP to cover your FTD! It's easy really. The DTC says fuck me there's a huge pile of shares her allocated to this brokerage who are part of the SBP. Just take a few of those, we don't even know who really owns them to be honest. Congratulations! You just used 1 credit card to pay for another credit card and cleared your FTD. (These are the ones we actually get data on BTW) + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p4f2a5ckhxu61.png?width=723&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=a6e7e1aaccc58ea8e3ecee74733b2d7a9a603361 + +Ok ok I was getting worried but the DTC is all over this shit and will DEMAND you buy in to fix your FTD's. And this will happen 0.12% of the time, every time! + +The latter 2 examples are Exhibits 3C &amp; 3D. So basically your broker has a pool of shares sitting at the DTC which are available to lend and can't tell you if your specific share has been lent. And if it is lent out, there is no limit to how many times it can be lent over and over again. Going back to u/atobitt Everything Short DD, re-hypothecation can be done again and again. The worst part....Citadel doesn't even need to locate a borrow to start this whole chain reaction. + +And if they do this ex clearing or intra broker, they end up net 0 at the end of the day and no FTD's are recorded. What was the dark pool trade data for GME again? 400% of the float or something? + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6h8hncncrxu61.png?width=702&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=afd75eb6663121aa86b70488ca930d6cc026a6ab + +https://preview.redd.it/w7889qxbjxu61.png?width=723&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=56e5b26a737121adb05753c0858df40cbb4823f8 + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fyk4rjhelxu61.png?width=732&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=8d54aff4d121c4d45ef8c47cdbcee4e6389185dc + +The left part is relevant to the upcoming shareholder meeting. it speaks for itself but luckily it's a simple system...just throw away the extras you don't need. + +The right side....Holy shit! The CNS settles 96% of all trades! And if your net 0 for the day, The DTC couldn't give 2 fucks what your doing. They don't even seem to care about the FTD's in the CNS system because unless the member requests a buy in, they don't even want to know about it. How the hell does a company with 1M shares have 27M FTD's?????? + +&amp;#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hkb0qpubnxu61.png?width=738&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=eed9340db0b79a4f2c42b0fd1f441a697a2fb532 + +Ok last bit. The DTC doesn't know what the fuck is going on as it only gets the daily net report from the NSCC. The brokers and market makers trading in the dark pools are the ONLY ones who know how fucked they are at the end of the day and why would they tell anyone. I see a couple of familiar names in there as well who got in trouble for failing to mark orders correctly as long or short. + +The worst part about this whole thing is that the big boys are fucking around in their bedroom while the Daddy SEC just wants to read the morning Rensole news and drink their coffee in peace. We are like the neighbours banging on the door complaining about the noise and no one is answering. I think we just kick in the door at this point. + +Link to full article + +[https://csbweb01.uncw.edu/people/moffettc/about/Research%20Papers/IIJ-JOT-BROOKS.pdf](https://csbweb01.uncw.edu/people/moffettc/about/Research%20Papers/IIJ-JOT-BROOKS.pdf) + +As usual, the real DD will be in the comments so please discuss, correct and criticise! + +*Edit: Thanks for the awards guys. No sure what they do but i'll show my wife and hope she's impressed. I have to go to bed now (2am here) but please post any questions and i'll try and respond tomorrow. 🚀* + +Edit 2: I’ve had a few questions about Rule 204 so I’ll address it here. I don’t want to write the response here as it’s too long. https://imgur.com/gallery/MmmIkaK +Hi guys. I'm deputy business affairs editor at The Economist and until recently was energy and commodities editor. + +We've just published a Technology Quarterly on how to reach net-zero carbon emissions (which you can read here https://www.economist.com/technology-quarterly/2018/11/29/what-would-it-take-to-decarbonise-the-global-economy), so feel free to ask me questions about the merits of a carbon tax, what it will take for governments to spend enough to tackle climate change or anything else you want to know—particularly on the link between energy and climate + +Proof: https://twitter.com/theeconomist/status/1071165976090169344 + +Update: That's all! Thanks for your interesting questions +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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They’re 1099ing me on the whole amount at purchase price. Waiting on the contract to be sent over. + +Is this real life? + +**edit**: Thanks for all the interest! I really love this community. + +Lots of good talk about taxes, yes they are thing, yes I know that, yes I’m prepared for it. It factors into my thinking. (I have a boating accident planned exactly 12 months from now!) (edit: surprisingly many people don’t recognize that’s a joke...) + +More importantly though, the two biggest things that recently convinced me I just had to do this, and I want to share, are: + +1) I bought something on Amazon with Bitcoin using https://paywithmoon.com/ and the process was as exciting as the first time I downloaded a song with Napster. (Edit edit: this is definitely not the company I work for btw, someone clever suggested that) + +2) I also read the piece “Masters and Slaves of Money” by Robert Breedlove (https://breedlove22.medium.com/masters-and-slaves-of-money-255ecc93404f) and it finally clicked: if someone can manufacture something for nothing and then get you to exchange your life for that thing, then you are a slave. It was true when the Europeans made aggry beads to buy Africans for the slave trade, and its true when the Federal Reserve and the Commercial Banks create monetary units by just pushing a button. Like a conscientious objector simply cannot fire a weapon, I simply cannot trade my time for slave money ever again. +I am a partner in a large commercial real estate asset. It has been under property management for 20 years by the same property manager - an individual person (not a pm company). Now we are selling the asset. The property manager is also a licenced broker. She is saying that unless we agree to allow her to broker the sale for 5%, she will walk from managing the property, and not provide buyers with any necessary information. Is this kosher? Legal? Maybe she is within her rights and I just don't like it? + +Edit: PM's sister has a stake in the investment. PM is executor of sister's estate. +The search for where we move to has become more constrained due to family issues. We may end up living a fair distance from mountains and skiing, two of my biggest recreational pastimes. Land and homes are a LOT cheaper, so there are some benefits. + +But on a Fatfire budget, we should be able to travel for recreation. A couple weeks a season maybe. Timewise and in terms of cost, a flight isn't a big deal, but not being able to just casually hit the trail or slopes is a downer (i.e. having to plan a trip). + +Trying to think this through, anyone in this kind of lifestyle? +I was short many unhedged TSLA weekly puts with a strike price of 280 and panicked when I saw the price keep dropping and dropping at the open. When it hit 340 or so this morning I closed. Didn’t roll or consider taking assignment because of all the weakness it’s shown lately. + +Feeling stupid because the price settled down at around 1030 and instead of losing a few hundred, I lost several thousand on the trade. + +Lesson: don’t trade in the hour after the market opens. + +Is this the right lesson to learn from this? +I’m not too well versed in what this means for a company, but some brief reading has me in a panic, and seems like my company is getting ready to go insolvent. Is this the likely outcome? Is it common for companies to do this but still continue operating and survive? How long does it take for this process to play out? + +I appreciate any help. I love my job, I’ve considered it a dream job, and know that I won’t make nearly as much somewhere else. +**About** + +Over a year ago my 2 friends and I started working on a financial literacy app that teaches the ins and outs of personal finance in a way that people actually love: on their phone. Gamified. Broken into bite-sized chunks, with reward incentives embedded. + +I'm the Chief Design Officer at Zogo, so my responsibility is surrounding the user experience and overall design of the app. I'm always eager to hear thoughts regarding the design, so let me know! + +Zogo is 100% free.. **you can download it on [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zogo-get-paid-to-learn/id1474636588) or [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zogo.child)**. The only requirement is that you have a U.S phone number to sign up with (sorry, it's not available outside the U.S at the moment). + +**How can we pay people?** + +Usually, we partner with financial institutions like banks or credit unions and they sponsor their local community. However, for the next few days, Zogo is sponsoring ***everybody*** who downloads the app.. and that means you earn rewards for learning finance! + +**Future updates** + +Currently, we only offer gift cards as a reward. Our gift cards are for major brands like Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks etc. Within the next couple months we hope to include more rewards like charity, gift cards, and special offers.. + +It would look something like [this](https://i.redd.it/hxhz6sfo9xw51.png). + +So you'd be able to exchange your pineapples for awesome rewards. + +--- + +Thanks for reading, **I'm happy to answer any questions that y'all might have, and feedback is always appreciated as well :-)**. I contacted the mod team before posting and they had no issue with sharing our education app. + +I'm excited to hear y'all's thoughts. + +Happy learning! + +Download on [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zogo-get-paid-to-learn/id1474636588) or [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zogo.child). +I'm looking to buy a house at $4.5M (EDIT: It's in the Bay Area, so it's basically a \~2500-3000 sq ft home built later than 2000 in a good school district). Here is my (simplified) financial situation: + +* $600k income per year +* $1.5M in cash +* $4M in IRA account. Several decades away from retirement age + +So far, the cheapest financing option I've found is at Citibank, where I can put 25% down ($1.125M) and finance the rest at 2.625% for 30-year fixed if I move over $2M of assets (IRA account). + +Talking to a couple of other banks, the rates are not lower, and if they are (like Wells Fargo), they require a 30-35% down payment, which I can't afford unless I take an early distribution from my IRA. + +Are there other banks that will be willing to take only a 20% down payment? Or any non-traditional loans? I know people take margin loans, but my net worth is mostly in my IRA, so that probably won't work. +I'm not sure where to start and kind of overwhelmed to tears... + +It's really embarrassing and i made a throw away account just to talk about this. + +I'm 27, my husband is 31. Our kid is 2. Together we make 45k a year. He works 50 hours at a labor job i work 20 in fast food. We have no education beyond GEDs, not because we're unintelligent, but unfortunate life circumstances and our own poor and rash decisions. + +0 savings, 0 assets, 1 crappy old car. + +We have very poor credit (student loans, hospital debt, 1 or 2 unpaid bills and who knows what else. No credit card debt or loans) i don't know how to find out how much debt we're actually in. + +We live paycheck to paycheck and today i had to borrow 300$ from my 21 year old college student brother to make rent. I feel like we've hit rock bottom. + +Truly we are the epitome of failure. + +How do I start to turn this around? Looking for tools, calculators, apps, search terms, books, a saint who will look at our budget, anything at all. I'm not trying to throw a pity party I'm just looking for some direction because trying to analyze this on my own when i don't even know where to start is driving me into a panic attack. + +Thank you anyone for any words you may have. + + +Update: + +Thank you everyone for your responses, this has been a HUGE help! Im headed to bed as i work in less than 7 hours but my homework for tomorrow: + +Call Comcast and try to renegotiate. If not, then cancel and use our phones. + +Call Sprint and talk to them about hubby and i downgrading to save on those phones and phone insurance. We'll finish the rest of the leases for my brother and mother in law but cancel after those are through (in 4 months) + +Come up with a cheaper meal plan for a month. + +Figure out the exact total of my debts (not sure where) + +Start tracking spending on Mint and EveryDollar + +Look into David Ramsey! + + +Long term, I'll be looking for cheaper rent near my husband's job. + +Thank you everyone! + + +UPDATE 2: + +Hi everyone! Thank you for all the comments you've been Soo helpful and at times eye opening! We've got a budget for our current income but within the next few weeks were going to make some big changes to increase income. Today i found out there's an Aldi being built and opening a few minutes away from my husbands job and they pay 3$ more that what i make now. I got my current job by bothering my manager until i got an interview, I'll do what it takes to get this one and look for evening or overnight so my husband can watch our daughter. Managed to get our internet bill down (we were paying for services we didn't know we had and didn't use that's why it was so high) + +Thank you again for the inspiration! I haven't had a chance to watch David Ramsey videos but kiddo's going down for a nap so I'll do that now! + +Also downloaded mint, EveryDollar and Buxfer and playing with them all to see which is the easiest to use. + +I took a lot of notes and just wanted to say how much i appreciate everyone for being compassionate and not judging us (except the rude messages to my inbox but it's Reddit lol) + +I downloaded credit karma and will hop on the computer and try to request me credit report. Not much showed on credit karma except one thing so I'm not sure why my credit is so low. + +Also!!! I did speak to the borrower defense line with the dept of edu (the for profit school i went to is in the middle of litigation so id applied for forgiveness a couple years ago) and they told me it's still in process but my loans should be in forbearance which explains why they didn't show up on credit karma! + +I want to move my kid back into my room and offer that room to my brother for a very small rent since he's desperate to move out of my dad's but doesn't want to spend a lot on rent as a college student. But i don't want to insult him like "hey move in we need your help!" Any thoughts on that idea? + +With the current new algorythm posts and that we are due to a breakout, i want to remind everybody take all the information with a grain of salt and dont trust everything. + +Don't act rash and lose a bunch of money only because something predicted didnt come true. +First of all, sorry for my english and second dont judge me. +Well, my dad is a rich men, he is in a very good position, lives a frugal life, we have his things that like, His little expenses that make him happy. + +He is the best dad i could have, he teach me everything i know about money and life in general. +I am not a spolet kid, i work and live by my own, i struggle with money because of my low salary job. + +I dont expend in dumb things, i just have a little job with little salary. I share rent with my best friend and the two of us are in university. + +Now, here comes the problem. +My dad is going to pass away, i am staying with him this days to pass His last days togheter, i cant stop crying over this, he is my personal hero. +The thing is that i am going to inherit. + +He come to talk to me about this, i didnt want to talk about something like that, but he tell me how much was going to be, 60% for me, 40% for my sister of all that he have. +I know about money, but literaly, i dont know what to do with so much money. + +My rent is one hundred dollars a month, in my country the tenants pay the hao, that are 50 dollars, gas, water and electricity are 25 dollars, food another hunderd (we are two and whe pay 50/50) and really, i dont go out, i dont own a car because my work Is near my house, and also the university, healthcare is paid by my dad, this is because he paid it with the company, that way is cheaper, is not it will be 100 dollars just for my and that way is just 20 dollars. +And university is 50 dollars. + +Now i will count my expenses as if i was alone and not sharing rent and paying the 100 dollars healthcare, i find one more cheap but my psychiatrist (I suffer from chronic depression) does not accept other health insurance. + +I expend 5k a year, and day after day it become cheapper because of devaluation of national currency. + +Know, what can i do with my inherit? + +I was thinking of buying houses in usa and let then to rent, +Is this a good idea? Having houses to rent? I should give money to a money mannager and let them invest the money? + +I think about buying 4/5 houses for rent, i am just looking for cashflow, not a crazy one, 2k a month is a lot here, and the 2 apartments i saw gave me that, the others are for saving money, i dont know what to do. + +I dont need/want a crazy life style, i want to keep my normal life, but i am scare of loosing the money in a dumb way, i am smart, i am doing two carrers in the university, but i dont know, i dont want to waste all that my dad create and left for us, also, i want to have the feeling that my own my stuff with my hard work, dont get my worng, I am very grateful to my dad and I appreciate everything he has done for me, but i want to earn my things with my job and carrer, so i am not going to live like if i am rich or if i deserve it, but i dont want to do worng with that. + +Any advice? + +I will not give an exact number, but we are talking about an eight digit number +A comment I made in the daily was put on another sub and promptly dragged through the mud for it's passion. Despite the vitriol, I think it's healthy to be challenged and to hear the other side, so I have been doing so by reading what little GME-specific counter-DD exists. + +Ultimately, the most coherent counterthesis says we are wrong because the data is accurate, the financials of the company are accurately reflected by the market value, and that keeping the data inaccurate and avoiding investigation requires a massive coordinated conspiracy. + +After all that happened in 2009, I think we should know better than that. + +This is not to say that I believe "everyone is lying". Nevertheless, every institution works in it's own self-interest to paint their financial standing in the most positive light. Even while they were figuratively on fire, Credit Suisse postured their recent begging as an investment opportunity. At the very least, we can expect every accounting team to make the debts look as small and the assets as large as possible, wherever possible. + +Furthermore, data is frequently wrong. We just saw Ortex smooth-talk their way out of holding themselves accountable for publishing bad data by blaming an unnamed source providing dirty-writes of uncommitted loan data. Is this explanation true? I suppose they don't have a reason to lie. But it goes to show that all information is dependent upon the quality of data it derives from, and that the providers will downplay or dismiss inaccuracies because their business is hurt by them. + +But we must also remember: sometimes institutions *do* lie, and there *is* a conspiracy. Enron was generally considered a bulwark institution of considerable wealth, when in actuality it was dead broke. This was known only to a handful of people, while the market valued the company according to the available data. Arthur Andersen, Enron's "independent" auditor, was literally paid to look the other way, signing off on Enron's doctored financial statements that they then submitted to the SEC. + +Enron no longer exists, their shareholders wiped out. Arthur Andersen, their name forever tarnished, rebranded themselves as Accenture. The SEC, of course, had no clue there was a problem until the implosion. + +So. Where does this leave us Gamestop believers? In speculative territory, contradicted by the available data. But that's not necessarily something to be worried about. After all, growth investing is the belief a thing is worth more than other people think it is. + +Why do I believe this? + +When I read up on Bain Capital and what they did to Toys R Us, I was forced to enter the mindset of this type of predatory investor. What they see is a vehicle through which to extract wealth, not by making it successful or parting it out, but by *burdening others with the debt they take on.* They use the good name and credit of the company to take out loans and issue stock, then put that money into their own pockets. They even short shares of the very stock they issue, which they never have to buy back because the company eventually collapses under this debt and must declare bankruptcy. Creditors and shareholders are left holding the bag while Mitt Romney and friends eat caviar in the Hamptons. + +Such investors see these kinds of "investments" as a free money hack, and it works. They have been perfecting this craft for decades. + +I absolutely believe that such investors, globally, saw an oncoming pandemic that would ravage traditional retail companies, thought of this free money, and sold as many shares that their lenders would let them borrow. Hell, it's an obvious play. Get in, loser, we're going to nuke retail from orbit. + +For their part, lenders have already demonstrated that they don't really weigh risk if they have an insurance policy in place: what they call a "hedge." The end of the rope that led to the Great Financial Crisis was when AIG, the insurance company that backed pretty much everyone against catastrophic loss, went insolvent from payouts on failed MBS contracts. It was simply not considered that this venerable institution would not be able to pay out. So, contrary to the available data, those low-risk assets suddenly became anything but and all hell broke loose. + +Swaps, insurance policies and other such complex derivatives and two party agreements simply aren't included and factored for appropriately. If anything, they are used as instruments to make financial positions looks stronger than they actually are. Their presence, and the risk of their default, certainly weren't factored for in 2008. Why would today be any different? All that regulatory change that happened in the aftermath? + +The shares outstanding of almost every company are far beyond what have been issued. We know this because votes are "trimmed" by external third parties as part of every corporate election. For some reason, we don't get to see this data. I think that data would be incredibly valuable, but I guess that's just one of the things we should ignore even though all other data is complete and accurate. But visible or not, what this really comes down to is that there are more shares in brokerage accounts and mutual funds than are issued OF VIRTUALLY EVERY STOCK. The question is: how many? + +I find it rational to believe that even if the data is fairly accurate to what is being reported, the data itself is incomplete, restricted to painting the best possible picture. I also find it rational to believe that it doesn't take a massive conspiracy to manipulate or hide data, just a handful of entities with similar interests or mistaken assumptions. + +As for MOASS. During the chaos of 2009, a common refrain from the experts was "nobody could have predicted." But that is not true. I myself followed a blog written by Duncan Black, known by the pseudonym Atrios, that aggregated and issued opinions on what he lovingly called "Big Shitpile." For almost two years, he followed the developments of MBS and CDS contracts, and how the game of musical chairs was unfolding. He *definitely* saw a problem; the only thing he got wrong was underestimating the scale of the damage when everything collapsed. + +All throughout Black's writing, the general consensus was that everything would work out via the magic of capitalism. The sudden collapse of CountryWide and the parceling out of it's assets was seen as a *good thing*, because the market solved that problem on it's own. But as we now now, CountryWide was simply the canary in the coalmine. A few short months later, Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers both collapsed simultaneously, which is when George Bush got on TV to tell us everything was fine but that we had to do something *right fucking now*. + +What the GFC ultimately boiled down to was an elaborate chain of contracts that collapsed when one link finally broke under the pressure. Based on my belief that way more share obligations exist than there are shares themselves, and a continuing depletion of the shares available for trade, I think it is very, very likely a similar chain of contracts exists that will collapse in a similar way. + +It isn't a matter of the Money Police kicking in the door and saying "Freeze, this is a bust." Toothless regulators are asleep at the wheel, maybe even steering things wrong, so there will be no help there. Rather, as with all financial collapses, it's about a cascading lack of trust. + +Long before all shares are spoken for via DRS, but as the supply dwindles and it has become obvious that our weird little corner of the internet is locking the float, institutions are going to look at each other and say "What exactly is it we are trading? How are we going to fulfill our obligations without the actual asset?" + +When lack of faith sinks into a market, a couple of fundamental things happen. + +First is hoarding. I don't trust that anyone will actually give me back the thing I lend them, so I'm just not going to lend it out at all. Such assets become precious commodities when lending seizes up. In a traditional money crisis, this is when wise heads on TV say "cash is king" and the people around them nod vigorously. + +Second is that debts get called in, or as we like to say around these parts, Marge Comes Calling. I am no longer willing to let you "roll" the balance of debt, or I significantly increase your collateral requirements, because I don't trust you to deliver what you owe. If you default, I foreclose in whatever manner we have arranged in the contract. + +Which leads us to the big question: WHY HASN'T THIS HAPPENED YET? + +Look to part two. Foreclosure means I take your bags as well as your assets - the debt doesn't go away. In a traditional money crisis, I can eat the loss if I have that much in reserve. Otherwise, I pass that loss along to my shareholders and/or creditors and say "thems the brakes", and the cycle continues. But owed shares can't just be eliminated that way, especially when the share you owe is sitting as a +1 in somebody's Fidelity account. + +Look at what happened to Credit Suisse. We don't have all the details yet, but we do know that - at least in part - the default of Archegos left them with bags so heavy it made them parcel themselves out to the highest bidder. This is absolutely the worst case scenario for a lender. As they say, if you owe a billion dollars, it's the bank's problem. So the theory is that they are all taking a bite of a big shit sandwich they created to prevent catastrophe. That would look something like, say, FINRA waving reporting and margin requirements. They would do this so that foreclosures - and the chaos they would entail - don't occur. + +To those that claim such collusion can't happen and is just conspiracy theory, this is exactly what J.P. Morgan got competing banks to do in the Panic of 1907, when United Copper's collapse threatened to destroy all of them. The story goes that he tricked those guys in to meeting, then locked them the conference room and wouldn't let them out until they all came to the same conclusion and ponied up some cash. Then, to finish it off, he wired Teddy Roosevelt directly and made him walk back his antitrust promises - the whole premise of his candidacy - to allow the deal to go through. + +These guys are just that powerful. + +So you don't think something similar happened in January, 2021? Interesting. + +As for me, I don't think these share lenders covered. I think they just *covered it up.* + +What I believe is that way, *way* too many shares were sold, first to overzealous short sellers through traditional lenders, and then to rabid retail investors via "market makers", and now those shares reside as longs in a variety of accounts. Keep in mind, there were only about 50 million shares of GME to go around at the time. That's really not a lot when you think about how much traction this thing got, first from the "let's Toys R Us this shit" crowd, then later the retail mob. But rather than worry about delivering those shares, banks came to an agreement to use the nominal value and some sort of collateral as a placeholder, and called it good. To take the heat off, maybe run some fake campaign about silver. Maybe inject a diversion play for a different stock using retail's terminology. Have their mouthpieces at investor newsletters to tell folks it's over. Hell, maybe even use the political capital of a major broker willing to play along to encourage investors to direct their "shares" there. + +A few institutions got in way too deep to paper over, though, and some of those old contracts are coming to an end. Now we see the aftermath of that trickling up. And glitches, of course. Glitches everywhere. + +I feel confident the lack of trust between these institutions will only get larger as apes continue to DRS, because you can't simply print your way out of share obligations. They will start to wonder: what happens when one of their clients tries to DRS a share that they cannot source? + +Eventually, someone is going to act in their own self interest and start hoarding and calling in debts. I think how that will manifest is some shitty broker will tell their clients, "We are closing your GME positions because we can. Read the EULA." They won't tell you it's because they are being defaulted upon, but that's what will be. + +And that's when things will start to happen. Fast. + +So. To anyone reading this who happened upon the comment I made that got screenshotted and posted to another board for a cheap laugh, I will reiterate: they don't really know who they are dealing with, and neither do you. This isn't some sort of threat or braggadocio. This is me telling you that the rationale you believe I *should* have isn't what drives me. Yes, rational investors might cash out and move on because of lost opportunity costs. I might have done so in the recent past, and likely would with any other investment. I have indeed acted on the principle that some profit is better than no profit in my 25 years of investing. + +What you mistake for delusion is actually well thought out. While my personal thesis is not backed by the data - data openly acknowledged as flawed, data we continually see restated - it *is* backed by historical precedent and similar patterns I have witnessed in my own short life that led to global financial disaster. + +What you think is "coping" is a change in perspective and goals. + +Will it work out the way I want? Will anything happen all? I don't know. But this investment, this little movement, is the best way I have seen in a long time to deliver a message about the system that takes advantage of me and people like me. Voting doesn't work. Even if the votes are counted correctly, the limited choices we have are all paid off and beholden to guys like Ken Griffin. Protesting doesn't work. If the message starts to resonate at all, the storm troopers and the pepper spray come out. I've had that unfortunate experience that in person. + +I understand the mindset of those I suspect I am playing against. My actions are meant to hold to account those kinds of capitalists who profit through deception, who borrow without the intent to pay back, and who destroy things people work hard to create and enjoy for a small-minded, cold-hearted profit. My actions are meant to hold those that facilitate those kinds of capitalists to account as well. If what I suspect is true, and it plays out like I hope, such people will have a much, much harder time with such schemes going forward. + +Yes, it's far-fetched and idealistic. That's the whole point. +https://preview.redd.it/tuxse98n5y791.png?width=1051&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d2fbadae870d81e7115085b9fc7820475372608 + +I have seen a few polar opinions on Starbucks but I struggle to understand why, I read on here that "It's just a coffee shop" which is far from the truth. In this post I want to go over some thoughts on Starbucks, take a look at the financials and key metrics and get opinions on whether you think it is a good purchase at its current price. + +**Overview** + +For starters, globally Starbucks has more than 32,000 stores, but these stores are not the only source of revenue that Starbucks has. It also has canned beverages, merchandise and beans that it sells in retail outlets and online across the world. Lets also not forget the [over $1 Billion](https://www.businessinsider.com/starbucks-says-over-1-billion-is-sitting-on-cards-2022-5?r=US&IR=T) that are currently sat on customer gift cards, which [Starbucks is taking advantage](https://thehustle.co/starbucks-gift-cards-financing-borrowing/) of by using it's customers as creditors. + +In the UK and across Europe you can walk into any shop, be it a small shop on the corner of a street or a huge retail outlet, and find some kind of Starbucks product that is for sale. The brand is huge, globally known and still has room to expand, with the [management expecting to have 55,000](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/starbucks-is-set-to-soar-on-reopening-and-expansion-plans-2021-04-02) stores globally by 2030. + +**Financials and Metrics** + +**Revenue** + +looking at the revenue of Starbucks you can see consistent growth, the only slight wobble was a result of the various lockdowns across the word as a result of the pandemic. + +[Revenue Growth Chart](https://preview.redd.it/t2potouj6y791.png?width=1650&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab1b0774c8f7aa93227703a28dfcb249df1da179) + +[Revenue Growth](https://preview.redd.it/399f0zov6y791.png?width=2564&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2247107f0f60a58814b3474fc48554427be7417) + +If we take a look at earnings per share, we can also see consistent growth, growing from **1.38** in 2014 to **3.56** in 2021. + +[Earnings per share](https://preview.redd.it/3b5w0fp67y791.png?width=2591&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4d308e49b4a281bb2c462d499c3cb3dc88c1877) + +**Dividends** + +Dividend metrics look good with a decent dividend, solid pay out ratio and room for growth. There is also a solid history of dividends being paid out, although not consistent growth, still consistent dividend payments made over the last 30 years. + +|Metric|Value| +|:-|:-| +|**Dividend Yield**|2.62%| +|**Payout Ratio**|0.50| +|**Dividend Per Share**|$1.92| + +&#x200B; + +[Dividend History](https://preview.redd.it/bbrfgpol8y791.png?width=2477&format=png&auto=webp&s=982a0708fe2360dd53a5b8ede61e9a75ee021fd8) + +**Debt & Cashflow** + +Starbucks has a current TTM net debt of **$ 17.15 b** and a free operating cashflow of **$ 4.52 b.** Starbucks has manageable levels of debt and a healthy cashflow that is more than capable of sustaining a dividend. + +|Metric|Value| +|:-|:-| +|Debt / Assets| **1.30** | +|Current Ratio| **0.83** | +|Free Cash Flow Per Share| **3.14**| + +**Price** + +Starbucks' price has dropped significantly and it could be an interesting time to start dollar cost averaging into it. It's current price is at **$78.11** and is down form an all time high of **$125.97.** + +&#x200B; + +[Starbucks price](https://preview.redd.it/yuzty93nay791.png?width=1310&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f3de3ea78bd951d8558315544057c030a3c373d) + +Overall I am seriously contemplating dollar cost averaging in to STBX, what are other peoples thoughts on it? + +Metrics, charts & Data from [**Heydividends**](https://heydividends.com) **& Google.** +I keep seeing newbies posting comments and posts where they are worried about the ‘dip’ from 1700 to 1500. They are worried that their $200 fraction of ETH that they bought a couple days ago has now lost a small percentage of its value. + +I also see people talking this ‘diamond hands’ bullshit that I can only guess is spinning off of the GameStop hypetrain. + +Listen newbies, it’s awesome to have you here. You’ve picked a worthwhile place to invest your money. Just please remember these two rules: + +• Never invest more than you are comfortable losing. +• Be patient and invest for the long term. + +There’s a saying from Warren Buffet about the stock market and it is transferable to Crypto as well: + +The [crypto] market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient. + +Just research the different projects and gradually and consistently invest money into the ones that you believe have merit. You won’t be rich overnight, but if you diversify among projects you believe in and you consistently buy in, you’ll ride the wave of success and you can significantly grow your money more than nearly any other investment vehicle. + +Understand that crypto is volatile. Next week it could be at $300 or it could be at $3000. If you just gradually buy in, you can buy more when the market dips and be better off in the long run. + +Have a view to get rich in 7-10 years, not in the next 7 days. + +Also, don’t buy Doge. Jesus Christ, I can’t believe I have to say that, but just don’t. There’s plenty of better places to invest your hard-earned pesos. +From Credit Suisse’s latest global investment returns yearbook, Generation Z’s earnings from stocks and bonds will be significantly lower than those of previous generations. + +https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/03/15/young-people-stand-to-make-dismal-returns-on-their-investments + +“They estimate that baby-boomers (defined here as those born 1946–64), Generation X (born 1965–80) and Millennials (born 1981–96) have all earned average real returns of at least 5% on equities and at least 3.6% on bonds. The authors then forecast what Generation Z might expect to earn in the coming decades. To do this, they assume that the real return on equities will be equal to the inflation-adjusted return on a risk-free asset (represented by Treasury bills), which they estimate at -0.5%, plus a “risk premium” for buying equities of about 3.5%, for a real return of just 3%. For bonds, the authors assume the current, negative real yields on the index-linked variety. All of this adds up to annualised returns for Gen Z of a mere 2% on a 70:30 portfolio of stocks and bonds—not even a third of the historical return of the baby boomers (see chart). These guesses could prove too pessimistic, but perhaps not dramatically so.” + +Sorry for the paywall, I can’t get past the first part if anyone happens to have an account and can post the full article in the comments. + +As a young investor, this isn’t too encouraging. What do you think? Just looking to start a general discussion. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[Daily Discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22&sort=hot) | [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot +) | [Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22&sort=hot) | [Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22&sort=hot) | [Education & Data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22&sort=hot) | [News & Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22&sort=hot) | [MEGA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22&sort=hot) | [Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&sort=hot) | [HODL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) | [Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22&sort=hot) | [Fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&sort=hot +) | [Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22&sort=hot +) | [Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22&sort=hot) | [Art & Writing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22&sort=hot) | [Stonky Pets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22&sort=hot +) | [Daily News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Daily%20News%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot) | [SuperstonkBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22&sort=hot) | [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=hot) | +| [Moderator](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot +) | [Red Seal of Stonkiness](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +If every subscriber of this sub donated 1 dollar we would have more than enough money to run a 2 second add that just says “Buy Bitcoin”. Massive advertising to 111 Million people. +The penalty is Beijing’s toughest action to date in its campaign to tighten supervision of the country’s internet Goliaths. + +Beijing’s market watchdog began investigating Alibaba in December for potential antitrust violations including preventing merchants from selling their goods on other shopping platforms. On Saturday, the regulator said its investigation had concluded that Alibaba had hindered competition in online retail in China, affected innovation in the internet economy and harmed consumers’ interests. + +Alibaba said in a statement that it would accept the penalty “sincerely” and would strengthen its internal systems “to better carry out its social responsibilities.” + +Skepticism about the clout of large internet companies has been on the rise in the United States and Europe, too. Western regulators have repeatedly fined Goliaths such as Google in recent years for various antitrust violations. But such penalties generally have not changed the nature of the companies’ businesses enough to mitigate concerns about their power. + +Source: New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/09/technology/china-alibaba-monopoly-fine.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/09/technology/china-alibaba-monopoly-fine.html) + +Wallstreet Journal: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/alibaba-hit-with-record-2-8-billion-antitrust-fine-by-chinas-market-regulator-11618018830](https://www.wsj.com/articles/alibaba-hit-with-record-2-8-billion-antitrust-fine-by-chinas-market-regulator-11618018830) +Investors should ride through volatility in the crypto space by buying shares of Coinbase, according to Goldman Sachs. + +Analyst Will Nance initiated coverage of the cryptocurrency exchange on Monday with a buy rating, saying in a note to clients that Coinbase is the best way to gain exposure to cryptocurrency ecosystems. + +Coinbase went public through a direct listing on April 14 and, after an initial pop, its shares have struggled. The stock rose above $400 during that first day of trading, but on Friday closed near $224. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/24/coinbase-stock-initiation-goldman-sachs.html + +More from SA + +* Goldman Sachs analyst Will Nance initiates coverage of Coinbase Global (NASDAQ:COIN) with a Buy rating partly on its business model that "thrives on elevated cryptocurrency volatility." +* That volatility has been on display in recent weeks as seen in crypto swings as evidenced in bitcoin's wild ride. This morning bitcoin rises to $37.6K but had dropped as low as $31.1K on Sunday. +* COIN stock rises 3.0% in premarket trading. +* Sets price target at $306; implies a 36% upside potential for stock based on Friday's closing price of $224.35. +* Nance also likes COIN's leverage to an ecosystem with strong growth driven by increasing adoption of digital currencies, its consumer platform with strong customer acquisition trends and rapidly growing institutional business, and its opportunities to add additional features and capabilities. +* Though the continued success or failure of crypto as an asset class will ultimately determine COIN's future, "we believe COIN represents a blue-chip way through with to invest in the development of the ecosystem," the analyst writes. +* Points to COIN's careful approach to regulatory compliance, crypto-native technology stack, and role as an innovation hub for new crypto endeavors. +* Nance's Buy rating is more optimistic than the average SA Author's rating of Neutral (6 Bullish, 5 Neutral, 2 Bearish) and aligns with the average Wall Street rating of Bullish (6 Very Bullish, 1 Bullish, 4 Neutral). +* Last week, Coinbase snagged an Outperform rating at Wedbush helped by its "first mover" advantage. + +Goldman bought the dip. +bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-02/tesla-is-dropped-by-climate-fund-that-s-beaten-97-of-its-peers + +> “We don’t see upside,” Thomas Sorensen, who manages the Nordea Global Climate and Environmental Fund, said by phone on Thursday. “What’s needed in cash flow generation to get to the current valuation -- we don’t see that happening.” + +> “It’s going to be a race to the bottom for the whole industry,” he said. “In this big transition period, it’s very tough to point out the winners and the overall profitability of the sector. The risks are too high.” + +> Nordea’s 332 million-euro ($390 million) fund, which had previously owned Tesla, now chooses to back suppliers, such as German chipmaker Infineon Technologies AG. And with a proprietary universe of 1,200 companies with a total market capitalization of over 5 trillion euro, the Copenhagen-based fund doesn’t feel it needs to stick to the big names. +Tether is usually reports its supply on their official website once every day, at an inconsistent time. That's why you can see stairs like this on a market cap chart: + +[Tether market cap in the past 7 days - not counting the depeg it's the same as the supply](https://preview.redd.it/dymvdlxi03091.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=098410d180c50328cbe0103ebc98317c3d72f917) + +If you go to their website you can see their current circulating supply with the same latency: + +[The last update date is not true - it's actually May 14 and the supply exactly the same as it was 3 days ago](https://preview.redd.it/1vtvjvqez2091.png?width=1298&format=png&auto=webp&s=390553ce99b2cdb44d12eb745cf9b3505c77c9aa) + +So they're not only not reporting the supply, but they're also lying about updating it. The only reason why would they do that is because their supply fell significantly in these 3 days and they don't want more people to follow. If they didn't hide the 8B that dropped during 5 days, how much are they hiding from these 3 days? + +Tether is getting more and more shady with everyday. They will probably try to buy back some of the withdrawn Tether with their reserves, decreasing their actual reserves and shooting themselves in the foot further. Of course Tether collapsing is not a good thing, many people will lose their money and a crypto crash will follow. Under any circumstances, don't hold Tether. +In the past I’ve always been fairly relaxed, and even though my career hasn’t been a huge success, I’ve been fairly comfortable money wise. + +My salary is £27,000 per year, and I have a fairly safe job working in credit control at an insurance company. I also luckily have £50k saved (from living at home for years), which I could use towards a deposit. I have since moved out however as I got a job in a different part of the country. I live near the Milton Keynes area now, so it isn’t super cheap but it’s possible to get a 2 bed flat for £160-180k. + +I’m approaching 30 and over the past couple of years my life has changed quite a bit. I met a girl, and things moved faster than expected after she got pregnant after we had been together for about a year. + +I’m in the situation now where I am suddenly responsible for myself, my partner and a child, and it is mentally overwhelming. My partner lives about 5 hours away at the moment but the plan is for her to move here as I want to be part of my child’s life ASAP, and the relationship generally is strong. Also, I want us to be together as a family. + +My partner however, doesn’t really have an education past GCSEs and has only really worked a selection of minimum wage jobs. + +I’m honestly feeling some pretty intense pressure at the moment. I feel now if I mess up then the consequences would be terrible, and we are basically going to have to rely on my wage. There are no family living nearby me, so childcare costs rule out the idea of my partner working anytime soon more than a few hours a week. + +I’ve also been having trouble sleeping occasionally and have been getting headaches more often. + +Has anyone else had to deal with a similar situation, or for any advice for me? I would appreciate it. I’m not looking for sympathy and I know there are a lot of people who would probably say I’m an idiot for getting into this situation. I’m just looking for advice at this stage however rather than reflecting on the path I went down. Thank you! +This might even be a conservative estimate, but let me state my reasoning. + +ETH will likely overtake bitcoin as the primary currency. This is hardly speculation, as we are seeing the effects of the flip already. There is undeniably a lot of interest in bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, and bitcoin will not meet the demand, and it seems ETH is primed to absorb the demand. + +Bitcoin was still at over 80% market share in March, and in just 3 months it dropped to 40%, mostly in favor of ETH. I think the cryptocurrency market is a 'winner takes most' market, as the only way to get a reliable store of value is for most of the market to agree on one coin to store their wealth in. The other coins also have value, but since many coins are created daily, the value would be diluted too much to get a reliable store of value, for this reason most people will agree on one currency to use as a main store of value, this is currently bitcoin, but the shift to ETH is inevitable at this point. + + I think it is therefore not unreasonable to expect ETH to be responsible for 80~90% of the cryptocurrency value. + +It is hard to predict what the total cryptocurrency market cap will be by October, but my very cautious estimation is that t will be **at least** 150 billion (it's over 100 billion now, up from 25 billion in march). But it might easily be far higher than this. + +Based on this, ETH will trade at at least $1200 by October. But honestly I would not even be surprised if it would break even $3000 before the end of the year. + +This might seem like a bubble and a ridiculous prediction, but honestly, this is just ETH absorbing demand that is umet by bitcoin. The growth will be totally natural and organic even though it will **seem** like a bubble. + +Media will likely only cause even more hype, which I did not even factor in. Get ready for a massive wealth shift. + + +# MoonMoon just got listed on CMC today! [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moonmoon/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/moonmoon/) + +**My last thread:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/n13bqw/moonmooncash\_2\_cexy\_listings\_in\_just\_one\_week/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/n13bqw/moonmooncash_2_cexy_listings_in_just_one_week/) **covers the major reasons WHY** **I think this is a real moonshot.** + +JUST 1 week following their launch, the community and MoonMoon team has accomplished the following: + +1. **Burned more than 60% of TOTAL token supply from transaction taxes & initial burn** +2. **Got listed on CoinGecko & Livecoinwatch** +3. **Listing on CoinMarketCap** +4. **2 CEX Listings: Bibox & HotBit** (hello asian market!) +5. **Been shilled by major Crypto influencers via Twitter/Tiktok** (Pentoshi, Maren Altman, Wolf of Bitcoins, Lilmoonlambo and more) +6. **Verified BSCScan Contract:** [https://bscscan.com/token/0x0e0e877894a101Ad8711AE3A0194Fa44Ca837a79](https://bscscan.com/token/0x0e0e877894a101Ad8711AE3A0194Fa44Ca837a79) +7. **Listed on Trust Wallet & Delta** (soon to be on Blockfolio) +8. **Announced** [**Moonstarter.cash**](https://moonstarter.cash/) **their IDO launchpad, where they will soon launch the first IDO** +9. Community made instructional vid on how to buy MoonMoon on PCS (warning ASMR alert): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RnK\_iEg\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22RnK_iEg_Y) + +If you're an OG moonie, recently bought in, or are just curious about the project, **feel free to discuss MoonMoon below and ask any questions you have** ITT :) + +These are some major achievements in just 9 days since launching. + +Currently sitting at $15M mCap and I see this reaching at least $100M in a swift amount of time... + +Last milestone to hit this Q2 is launchpad and their first IDO which will need participants holding MOONMOON tokens. This is going to be massive for them, the communtiy is POPPIN and has produced some real awesome stuff ([www.mooncurrencies.com](https://www.mooncurrencies.com) chart tracker and tons of hilarious memes) + +# Website: [www.moonmoon.cash](https://www.moonmoon.cash) +Might be better suited to fattravel but this sub has a lot more traction. My wife and I are getting a week fully away from the kids (3 yo twins) for the first time the first week of August. + +Price isn't a factor, what would you do with one week finally free with no kids. We are coming from NE US and the one week is travel time included, we can't choose the week has to be first week of August. +Does anyone else wake up on Sunday with an internal gut feeling of anxiety for the work week to come? Even with a US (3) day work week, I always feel my Sunday has a cloud over it. I can never fully enjoy the day as I’m already worried about everything I have to do this upcoming week and even more worried since it’s a short one, since I have to rush everything. + +Every Sunday I’m reminded the freedom FI and potentially RE would give me. It’s a weekly shove to trust the process and stay on the course. + +I’d imagine my Sundays would eventually feel like Friday nights, where I can know I control the week ahead. + +Oddly enough I even like my job/coworkers and industry, it’s just the pressure of being forced and obligated to do certain things. + +Cheers to everyone’s journey, let’s keep our eye on the prize. + +👊🏼 +Apologies for the clickbaity headline, but I am pretty sick and tired of hearing people say GME is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY. I politely disagree + +If we assume an average human lifetime to be 80-100 years, that means a GME-like event happens once every 80-100 years, which is incorrect. + +This is not a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY + +This is a ONE-TIME opportunity + +Let that sink in + +An event like this has never happened before, nor will anything like this happen again. The largest transfer of wealth, the David vs. Goliath to root out corruption, the global bonding, these alone show that nothing of this caliber has ever happened before + +Could this be a Once in a Millennium Falcon opportunity, maybe probably I don't have enough knowledge to comment on that. I hope and pray more events like this happen in the future, but based on the information I currently have, this is a ONE-TIME opportunity + +Say it loud and clear + +THIS IS A ONE-TIME OPPORTUNITY + +HODL like our motherfucking miniscule human lives depends on it. Be ready to liftoff, and love to all my apes. I'll see you all amongst the stars 💎🙌🚀🚀 + +EDIT - HOLY SHIT THANK YOU FOR THE AWARDS - all of them including the Gold, Plat, and All-Seeing Eye given anonymously ;). This post was just my opinion, please save your money for either more GME (Not financial advice, I like the stonk) or for people doing valuable DD. +My kid needs $7000+ in dental work. And needs to see a private paediatrician who charges $500+ per appointment. And she needs to eat gluten free, which is crazy expensive. Ok, I’ll start doing food deliveries while looking for a part time job. Oh great, now my car is making weird noises despite just spending $1000 on the fucking thing 2 months ago. Oh and now I have a suspicious lump that’s going to need looking at and knowing my luck is probably cancer. For fucks sake. +Theoretically, how much capital would you need to generate 10k per month in passive income? What would you invest in? Multi-family, SFH, commercial, etc.? What would your plan be? +I’m interested in real estate investing and would like to learn more while maybe finding a good book or two along the way. + +It doesn’t have to be a real estate investment book but something that helped you in a way that impacted your first rental property. +I’ve seen a few posts recently linking to a site to search for a suitable union. All of my results look like they cost around £15 a month. + +Has anybody ever paid for a union and felt like it was worth it? I work in tech and tend to change jobs frequently, what benefit would a union bring to me? + +Obviously the RMT are all over the news and I think a lot of people support the strike. With the inflation and cost of living crisis I can see more unions planning industrial action in the near future. +Hey gang, + +So I have a mystery on my hands and I'm just trying to figure out if I'm retarded or if there's actually some shit going on here. + +[Some wiggidy wild funky bullshit up in here](https://preview.redd.it/87bnxsmge1u71.jpg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dad8bda85bbc5748c50d0787834521487372ef6) + +So we know that a fuck ton of puts have just expired on Friday. An amount that would cover the short selling of SEVERAL TIMES the whole fucking float over. From our fundamentals, we should start seeing dramatic (I keep using descriptive words, ngl I'm not that credible. I'm a high school dropout who's scraping to finish 2 associates rn) price action after T+2 of expiry. + +So I go to look at swaggy stocks to see what's up this week. + +[This is the options expiring on 10\/15](https://preview.redd.it/vm8lvny8f1u71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc1d0ba7f6e542b977657266bb17008e2ce43c27) + +&#x200B; + +[This is 10\/22](https://preview.redd.it/oq1eggfff1u71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=515b67bcfca9a08a318b9bd83ad0448137daa6be) + +&#x200B; + +# If, BIG FUCKING IF, we continue to see price suppression, the question I raise is whether or not calls are being wash sold between SHF's and just left to die worthless in order to create price suppression + +My hope is that someone's going to comment with a good explanation of what these options are actually doing, because in reality options shouldn't actually affect the price, right? What should affect the price is the act of buying and selling the stocks from those contracts when they are exercised. +Has anyone here used wealthsimple tax and what are your thoughts on it/comparisons to other platforms? I’ve used turbotax but since I currently have a TFSA and cash account on wealthsimple trade Im thinking about maybe giving wealthsimple tax a go. +Hello everyone! I am 23 years old and recently got my first full time job. I have been looking into creating an ETF portfolio for a taxable brokerage account and my RothIra account. I have been reading the posts on the sub for the past couple of weeks but wanted to get some additional opinions. + +&#x200B; + +For my taxable account I was thinking about something pretty aggressive. + +40% - VOOG + +20% - VGT + +20% - ARKW + +10% - WCLD + +10% - ICLN + +&#x200B; + +For my RothIra I wanted something fairly aggressive but with somewhat of a balance as well. + +70% - VTI + +30% - VXUS + +&#x200B; + +I was also thinking about just putting the RothIra as 100% VOO but was unsure if that would be too aggressive or if it would be better if I differentiate a bit from my taxable account. + +&#x200B; + +All thoughts and opinions are welcome. Let me know if I can improve on anything. Thanks! +Morningstar weights QQQJ 73% mid cap, 24% large cap and categorises it as a mid-cap growth ETF. + +Mid-cap companies are generally between $2B and $10B market cap, but out of 100 holdings, the largest (by market cap, not constituent weight) 84 holdings in QQQJ are over $11B. + +Other mid-cap ETFs I've looked at like VO (which admittedly tilts large) have very few constituents in the $2-10B range. IVOO is a notable exception with less than 10% of its constituents over $11B. + +I guess the broader question is do many purportedly mid-cap companies hold a majority of constituents that should strictly be considered large cap? +So every ETF has some management fees out there, like TER or similar. It's usually below 1% as well. But when and how are those fees being paid? For example what if someone buys a single ETF unit with 1% TER on Monday just to sell it on Friday same week? +Question for the group, when i was in my 20s, my mentor recommended i invest in QQQ, XLY, IEMG and continue to contribute over the years. + +Im now 33, and feeling like two US sectors and 1 INTL emerging markets is risky, and am trying to build a lazy portfolio, bringing in VTI and VXUS as we all know and love. + +Im running into some questions on diversification and allocations, as the idea of equal exposure to sectors doesn’t seem relevant anymore because technology is converging into all sectors. (Example, people say invest in “energy”, and recommend green energy QCLN/ICLN, but thats still “technology” the “energy” makes up about 1%) + +Im trying to figure out allocations, but i continue to be overweighted in technology sectors. + +VTI vs. QQQ- +I understand vti is more diverse, but the top holdings basically are the same as qqq, just less. Why should i continue to build vti, if qqq is still diverse but in stronger sectors? + +VXUS vs. IEMG +Again, vxus is very diverse and more of a total international market, whereas iemg focuses on asia/latin america. But vxus top sector is “financial”, “iemg” is “technology”, my thinking is iemg is still a better pick as technology will continue to converge, especially with the green industrial revolution, which technology will still lead. + +My question is why should i start contributing to vti and vxus, when i can get better growth staying in the converging sectors (technology)? Curious if anyone is having the same questions? +Hi all, + +I got a job in Ireland, and I moved here with my girlfriend, who is working remotely for a Spanish IT company. However, her company is paying taxes for her in Spain even though HR told her to change her tax residence to Ireland, and for me that doesn't make any sense. We're aware of the double taxation agreement which would avoid paying taxes twice, but what is not very clear to us is how she has to declare her income with regard to the Irish government. My questions are: + +* Does she have to enroll in Revenue? Does she need a PPSN? +* Does she have to pay taxes in Ireland? I guess the double taxation agreement would avoid this. +* Does she have rights for medical care in Ireland? + +I've enquired Revenue online/phone several times but no answer. + +Many thanks for your time. +Hi Everyone, + +I am reaching out to the community because I would like to enter a business venture with a friend of mine and I don’t know how to formalize the arrangement to make sure everything is above board and everyone is properly taken care of. + +So here’s the situation. + +I have to capital that I would like to put to use. I’ve decided I’d like to try my hand at real estate. However, I have absolutely no experience whatsoever. On the other hand, I have a potential business partner who has experience but no capital. + +I would like to propose to him the following arrangement: I put up all the capital, he takes the lead for all the work and we share all profits. + +Let’s illustrate with a hypothetical situation: + +· I put in 100 of capital with which we buy an asset for 75 then renovate it for another 25. + +· At the end of the operation we sell it for 150 + +· I take back my initial 100 and we then split 50/50 the profit of 25. + +· At the end, my partner goes home with 25 and I go home with 125. + +Of course if we end up selling the asset for 90 then I go home with a loss of 10 and my friend doesn’t take home anything. + +How could we formalize this agreement ? Ideally, the solution should allow for some flexibility (like if capital is added by either party during the renovation process). + +Thanks ! + +&#x200B; + +Edits: + +• FYI I'm from Belgium. + +• Additional context: My hypothetical partner has bought 3 properties that he renovated and now rents out. They all cash flow. He just bought his own home and his now building up capital again for his next purchase. He's expecting he'll have enough capital in about 12 to 18 months. +Ok, so I've been trying to figure out RC's next move. There are some interesting things happening right now. + +We have the Etherium coin with a date of July 14th 2021. + +That date means something, we are just not sure what the date represents. Is it a day that Gamestop announces a dividend? Or is it the day that a dividend that is released? Or is it just a random date to make the Hedgies sweat? + +One of the bases I am working with, and I might be wrong, is that there needs to be at least 10 business days notice between the announcement and the official release of the dividend in question. If some better ape knows that rules on this, please point them out to me, I saw this somewhere but I'm not able to find it again. + +If the 14th is the date of the announcement, then obviously nothing is going to happen tomorrow, because nothing will have been announced. + +If the 14th is the planned date for the dividend release, then things get interesting. + +Going back to my theory of 10 business days between announcement and release, we have to do some quick math. + +Normally, Gamestop would announce on July 4th, which is both a weekend and a national holiday, so they can't. Which means if they are going to announce it, it's happening either July 1st or July 2nd. + +However, the National Holiday throws a kink into this. If July 4th falls on a Sunday, doesn't that make the Monday immediately after or the Friday before (Depending on where you live...) the replacement holiday? Which, if true, means that there is one less business day to work with. + +That means that the 2nd is off the table if they want to make the 10 business days timeline. And if the second is off the table, and they are targeting the July 14th date for the dividend release... then they have to announce the dividend tomorrow on July 1st. + +This really falls in line with everything RC has been doing, especially if you look at Furlong, who left Amazon as the head of their Australian operations to take over as Gamestop CEO. Furlong is going to get $16,500,000.00 in Gamestop stock as part of his signing package. And that amount of stock is calculated by the closing price at the end of June, which is today. + +So, I think tomorrow should be the day that Gamestop announces the crypto dividend. Which should, if not launch us, at least start the engine. + +I don't feel bad for the Hedgies, but our Elliot Waves guy is about to have his mind blown I bet. + +If anyone sees a flaw in this logic, please point it out. + +**TLDR: If Gamestop is announcing the crypto dividend tomorrow, and they are looking to give 10 business days notice between announce and release, then the announcement has to come tomorrow due to the July 4th holiday carry over.** +Disclaimer, posting on a throwaway due to privacy concerns. + +Hopefully this can help somebody out! + +I was always told that I needed a college degree to amount to anything. I feel like this is a pretty common belief in today’s society. I tried the whole college thing and it wasn’t for me. I ended up failing out only after a year and a half. At that point in time I wasn’t thinking about the future, but after several years of working as a server and/or retail, I came to the conclusion that “this is it for me”. + +I tried going back to school two more times, but both ended in the same result. Me not showing up to classes and racking up additional student debt. Once again, I found myself serving people. I did “move up” in the server world — not to a new position or anything, but each year I’d end up at a better establishment than the last. + +I’ll note that each time I got hired at a new restaurant, I never provided a two weeks notice (do not recommend doing what I did here…). This resulted in the initial 3 of 11 jobs I was FIRED from (at least in my adult life). + +Luckily the restaurants I worked at were not too picky on who they hired. I interview well, and would generally consider myself a ‘people person/pleaser’. At this point in time, customer service was my only skill that had any experience behind it. + +After working years in the food and beverage industry, I needed to make a change. My feet were killing me after pulling double shifts with maybe a couple smoke breaks here and there. I also just knew that there was no way I could do this forever. + +Computers always interested me and when I initially enrolled in college I was going for a CS degree. I was always the go to “Tech Guy” for my family and friends. By no means did I have any relevant coding/IT skills at this point. It was just an interest/hobby of mine. + +With that said, I decided I wanted to get into IT… somehow… + +I started throwing applications out left and right to any entry level help desk job on Monster (this was before Indeed, Linkedin, and Glassdoor all blew up). I got a few interviews, but never got hired. + +I needed to get my foot in the door. I only had customer service experience so my options were pretty limited. Luckily, a very notable tech retailer hired me (10.50$/hr)! I was ecstatic. I busted my ass here and actually got internally promoted 2x. I ended at 15.00$/hr. Ultimately, I was fired for doing some pretty terrible shit that I shouldn’t have been doing, but that’s a whole different story. + +Anyway, I worked there for about 2 and a half years. After getting fired I basically hit rock bottom. I hit the bottle way too hard. Couldn’t find another job. This went on for a year and I was living off of student loans that I took out for classes that I had no intention of going to. It was literally just a source of income. + +Thankfully, my parents decided to take their adult kid back home for a second chance. + +I lived with them for the next year. I took this time to get my shit together. I quit drinking (7 years sober now). I lost a lot of weight. And started dating the girl that I’m currently married to with our first kid! + +I started job hunting again. I was back on the entry level help desk search. After a month or so, my parents told me that I should really just take any job, as it would be better than no job at all. + +I expanded my search yet again to customer service with a tech twist. I knew I could very likely get a job as a server again, but I just dreaded the thought of that. + +I ended up getting a contract job as a billing/technical agent for a game company (8.25$/hr). My customer service skills came in handy here. Also my years of being the ‘tech guy’ helped out as I knew enough — nowhere near enough for an entry level certificate like an A+. But this job really didn’t require the most extensive knowledge. However, I will say it was still EXPERIENCE, which is the name of the game here. + +I ended up getting laid off as the contract expired and I was not picked up as a full time employee. But at least I had a year under my belt. + +The job search started again. I ended up getting another contract job for a field support technician for local schools (12.00$/hr). I worked here for year. This was my first ‘real’ IT job. I took in as much as I could and made sure to do my absolute best, despite how shitty the job really was. I won’t get into the little details, but it actually sucked… but again… EXPERIENCE. I ended up getting laid off after 9 months as the contract expired. + +This lead me to finally get that golden entry level help desk job (16.50$/hr). I had learned enough about the basics of Windows and standard computer hardware between the last two jobs (I will note, that an A+ certificate should be enough to get an entry level help desk position like the one that I had). Also, all of my years of customer service experience definitely helped in getting the job. Not sure how most help desk jobs are, but this one was more or less a call center. + +Again, I made sure to the absolute best that I could here. I received 2 promotions within the department and ended up making 22.50$/hr when I left 1.5 years later. + +Finally, I was looking for a job while being gainfully employed. What a nice change. I actually had room to negotiate pay. I ended up leaving the previous job strictly due to pay as I had basically hit the ceiling (unless I wanted to get some IT certs). + +I found another help desk job for a medical system. I started here at 26.50$/hr. I ended up staying here a year, but got burned out. Again, it was very call center like and the grind was REAL. I’m talking at least 70 calls per day. Most were just end users wanting password resets… barely anything of actual IT substance. + +I decided to dedicate my nights after work to search for a different job that would be more interesting and a better culture fit. The medical system job team were mostly people who have been there for decades. + +I found a network security company and they were hiring. I did not feel confident in my abilities/experience to get this job, but it seemed like a very good culture fit. I researched the company a lot. I looked at all of the job requirements and started trying to teach myself things that were listed. + +I ended up getting an interview and spent many hours preparing. All of the preparation came in handy as I ended up getting the job (30$/hr). I received a couple promotions within the department and ended up at 35.50$/hr. + +Which leads me to now where I recently accepted a position for Technical Account Manager at 127k/yr within the same company. + +I mainly wanted to write this up because I want people to know that “if I can do it, anyone can”. I only have a high school degree. I still have 0 IT certifications. I was fired from almost everywhere I worked prior to getting sober. + +Definitely a cliche, but it’s really just about never giving up and always seeking out opportunities. As much as you may hate your current job, you’re still gaining experience. You can position that experience in your next interview for something new. + +I’m not going to lie, this was not an easy path to get to where I am today. I had a lot of failures and rejection, but I just never let that stop me from moving forward. On that note, it was nowhere near impossible. + +I’m open to answer any questions! There’s definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. +Full article at [https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/estonia-e-residency-should-you-set-up-your-company-in-estonia](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/estonia-e-residency-should-you-set-up-your-company-in-estonia) + +A lot of clients have come to us with the idea of setting up a company in Estonia. Let's look at how the Estonia e-residency works, who should apply, whether it makes sense from a tax and compliance point of view. + +Let's get started! + +## What is Estonia e-Residency? + +Estonia e-residency allows foreigners to obtain digital residency in Estonia, without actually living there. + +E-Residency enables digital entrepreneurs to start and manage an EU-based company online. + +* Estonia is the first country to offer e-Residency – a government-issued digital identity and status that provides access to Estonia’s transparent digital business environment. +* E-Residency allows digital entrepreneurs to manage business from anywhere, entirely online. + +**As an e-Resident, you'll be able to:** + +* Establish and run a company online +* Conduct your banking online e.g. make electronic bank transfers +* Have access to international payment service providers +* Digitally sign documents (annual reports, contracts) within the company as well as with external partners +* Verify the authenticity of signed documents +* Encrypt and transmit documents securely +* Declare taxes online + +## How to apply? + +Estonia e-Residency's website has some excellent information on how to apply alongwith a series of explainer videos. Linking to the website [here](https://e-resident.gov.ee/). + +## Why would anyone want to apply for Estonia e-Residency? + +Having an Estonia based company can definitely have it's advantages including: + +* Ease of doing business +* Being a EU company might appear to be more reliable than an Indian company +* EU regulations might be easier for business's to operate than Indian regulations + +The main reason is of course **perception**. Being an Europe (EU) incorporated company can definitely be a significant positive for a lot of startups and businesses. + +**Advantages for startups:** + +* Easier fund raising +* International investors may be more willing to invest in an EU incorporated company rather than Indian company +* Easier access to US and Europe markets + +**Galactic Note:** If you are a startup or an investor and need assistance with [deal advisory](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/deal-advisory), feel free to contact us. We're happy to help! + +## What about tax? + +A LOT of people are under the impression that if they set up a Company in Estonia, India will not tax their income. Unfortunately, tax laws don't work this way. + +Let's break this down into parts: + +**A. Tax in Estonia** + +This is why everyone is considering Estonia - There is **no corporate income tax** on retained and reinvested profits. + +This means that Estonian resident companies and the permanent establishments of foreign entities (including branches) are subject to **0% income tax** for all reinvested and retained profits. + +If you do distribute dividends, a 14% tax applies. This also seems more reasonable to people than the \~25% plus tax at [slab rates](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/tax-rates-individual) on dividend in India. + +**Note:** Tax is 14% on dividend, only if distributed to a legal person. Otherwise, tax is 20%. + +Dividend paid to Non-Residents is not even subject to withholding tax. + +**B. Tax in India** + +Unfortunately, this is where things start falling apart if you look at this from a tax point of view. + +Bear with us, we're going to get slightly technical. Feel free to ignore the actual provisions and just read our Galactic summary if you don't want to understand the technicalities. + +**Residency in India and Place of Effective Management** + +**Provision** Section 6(3) of the Income-tax Act is reproduced below: *A company is said to be a resident in India in any previous year, if— (i) it is an Indian company; or (ii) its place of effective management, in that year, is in India. Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause "place of effective management" means a place where key management and commercial decisions that are necessary for the conduct of business of an entity as a whole are, in substance made.* + +**Galactic Summary** + +Accordingly, the Estonian Company might be considered Resident in India, considering that a person is residing in India controls the entity and all key management and commercial decisions shall be made in India. + +**Provision** + +However, CBDT vide Circular No. 25 of 2017 has clarified that Place of Effective Management (“POEM”) provisions shall not apply to a Company having turnover of INR 50 crores or less in a Financial Year. + +**Galactic Summary** + +Now, if your turnover exceeds INR 50 crore, this doesn't affect you. + +However, if your turnover is less than INR 50 crore, POEM rules might not apply to you and the Estonian company may not be considered Resident in India. + +Note that the aforesaid circular may be repealed in the future. In case said circular is repealed, the Estonian Company shall be considered a resident for Indian tax purposes. + +Before you start thinking that this is a great idea, let's come to the next problem: + +**Business Connection in India** + +**Provision** + +Section 9(1) of the Act provides Income that shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India, irrespective of place of receipt of Income. + +*The following incomes shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India :—* + +*(i) all income accruing or arising, whether directly or indirectly, through or from any* ***business connection in India***\*, or through or from any property in India, or through or from any asset or source of income in India, or through the transfer of a capital asset situate in India.\* + +***(Emphasis supplied)*** + +Explanation 2 to Section 9(1)(i) *inter-alia* states the following + +*For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that "business connection" shall include any business activity carried out through a person who, acting on behalf of the non-resident,—* + +*(a)* *has and habitually exercises in India, an authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the non-resident or habitually concludes contracts or habitually plays the principal role leading to conclusion of contracts by that non-resident and the contracts are—* + +*(i) in the name of the non-resident; or* + +*(ii) for the transfer of the ownership of, or for the granting of the right to use, property owned by that non-resident or that non-resident has the right to use; or* + +*(iii) for the provision of services by the non-resident* + +**Galactic Summary** + +The Estonian Company shall be deemed to have a Business Connection in India, considering that an Indian Resident may have the authority to conclude contracts on behalf of the Estonian Company. + +Accordingly, the income of the Estonian Company shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India and shall be **taxable in India**. + +This is probably the worst case scenario - tax rate for foreign companies in India is **40%** (plus surcharge and cess). + +**Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement** + +Before you scream India and Estonia have a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (Tax Treaty), read our [article on how a DTAA works](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/how-does-a-dtaa-work). + +Now, it is a settled position in law that the provisions of the DTAA override the provisions of the Act, to the extent more beneficial to the assessee. + +Let's see if there's any shelter available under the India-Estonia DTAA: + +**Provision** + +Article 7 of the India-Estonia DTAA deals with taxability of Business Profits. Extract is reproduced hereunder + +*The profits of an enterprise of a Contracting State shall be taxable only in that State unless the enterprise carries on business in the other Contracting State through a* ***permanent establishment*** *situated therein. If the enterprise carries on business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed in the other State but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.* + +***(Emphasis supplied)*** + +Article 5 of the India-Estonia DTAA provides that + +*The term "permanent establishment" includes especially:* + +*(a) a place of management* + +**Galactic Summary** + +The above provisions would indicate that the Estonian company has a permanent establishment in India. Accordingly, there is no relief available under the DTAA in this specific instance. + +The whole of the income shall be attributable to the Permanent Establishment in India. Accordingly, the whole amount shall be **taxable in India**. + +Note that the above implications are oversimplifications based on a direct reading of the law. In some cases, it might make sense to set up a company in Estonia. There's definitely ways of structuring this for tax efficiency. Feel free to [contact us](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/contact-us) if you need assistance. + +For a lot of people, there may be other ways of structuring their business in India itself. If you are one of these people, feel free to contact us. Our team of experts are always happy to help! + +&#x200B; + +Tell us if you're interested in more articles relating to Estonia's e-residency. We might do a few caselets and examples to aid in understanding if there is enough interest. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I read an article earlier about Michael Burrys investing approach. He mentioned that he’s a true value investor inspired by Graham and Warren. + +He also mentioned that he tends to ignore P/E ratios and thinks that return on equity is both ‘deceptive & dangerous’. + +He prefers looking at EV/EBITDA. Any idea why he would prefer this over P/E? +AMZN's revenue is almost 4x BABA's revenue (386B vs. 109B) + +AMZN's operating expenses grow about 20B year over year compared to BABA's around 5B year over year. + +Net income: +AMZN - $21.33B +BABA - $22.98B + +Crazy how BABA looks like a definite home run, but question is.... how accurate are BABA's books. + +I know there's a lot more into just simply looking at these numbers, but the comparison is just quite ridiculous to ignore. + +Thoughts? +I just posted to anyone who wanted to know. + +Personally I have been holding Baba from $220 price and this gave me green light to buy even more especially because the price dropped significantly so my margin of safety is now even larger. +For example, + +Costco and Target. Costco is a great growing business, but it is trading at insane valuation. On the other hand, Target is a good stable business that is trading around FV, or to some degree undervalued. Target has a higher upside, but Costco has the stability upside of consistent growth. In this case, which type of business you find more attractive to invest in? +I have about X amount of ETH (which is more Crypto than I ever thought I'd possess) but only a few hundred dollars of BTC, amongst some investments in a dozen other Crypto. + +I’ve always felt more bullish on ETH but is it worth converting a few thousand to BTC? + +Even if BTC hit $500k in a few years I can’t help but think the potential ETH profits would be higher. I guess one benefit would be in case ETH completely plummets but I just find that very unlikely. + +Anyway, I'm not yet at the pointless 500 character count so here's a list of my top 3 favourite pokemon:- Pidgeot- Ninetales- Jigglypuff + +edit- A lot of people have warned me of scammers... so I have changed 6 to X. I hope this calms everyone down + +edit #2- sigh.... /s + +edit #3- calm down people. Ready for me to reveal how many dms I have received? Two. Two dms… Both were jokes. No scams. +If you retired early, what were some of your surprises (positive or negative) that really affect you? (Not sure if this is the best sub for folks that have arrived, vs. those who are still trying to get there.) *Edit to expand the topic audience a bit:* and if you're contemplating post-retirement topics like this but aren't there yet, what do you worry about that others might help you think about? + +The post is intended to be a "here are some meta things to think about as you plan." The username is a new account, alluding to the dog that chases cars and is bewildered about what to do once it finally catches one. + +For me: + +* I knew I was unhappy working, but didn't realize how deeply. A couple months after retiring, I had the first really good solid sleep in years and woke up without the dread of the day. Huge freaking weight off. Probably should have changed jobs far sooner for something that I might have been happier working for longer... but the job ticked the boxes of "financially on track..." which felt valuable at the time. Health is improving, relationships are improving, et cetera... +* There are awkward conversations with peers and especially older workers about "So, what do you do?" Ummm… I volunteer a lot? "Oh, between jobs?" So far my main go-to is "I'm taking a couple years off and seeing how it goes, and doing some re-training to new interests." +* Some awkwardness with family. So far my siblings haven't directly expressed that they're mad about me getting out early, but I don't think they're happy looking ahead at working the next 15 years in comparison (or more.) +* A little over a year into retirement, I'm still having trouble shifting from "not enough" to "have enough" mentality. Unlike another recent poster with the "spend it if you've got it," I still have to stop myself from agonizing over tiny financial decisions to get on with the big ones. I'll spend 20 minutes to save $2 comparison shopping, or put off getting something I really need because "is it really worth $20?" Or spending on fees/taxes to do that portfolio re-balancing I know I really should be doing... I know this sounds more like a lean conversation, but I see lot of parallels with Buffett - drive an old car, live in a relatively simple house, but we do a lot of travelling and other activities. +**Preface:** After hearing the mainstream media tell me for the hundredth time that COVID was to blame for inflating the housing market, I started to do some research about 6 months ago. I know this isn't exclusively about GameStop, but everything connects. + +If you want to know exactly why the housing market is experiencing record highs and where it stands in relation to the rest of the economy, here it is. + +\[Please keep the comment section bipartisan. If you can’t do that, I recommend you stop reading now. If shills try to spark political debate, downvote them. This information is important and I don't want to see the post get deleted because a few people can’t be mature and civil. Remember, this is not a political debate, it’s a class war. Leave your differences aside.\] + +**Here’s the information I put together on the state of the housing market:** + +To get an overall, full picture of the current state of our economy as we get closer to MOASS, I started researching the housing market and to figure out the reason why it is at a record high right now. The media keeps reporting it is mostly due to the pandemic, but they ultimately claim that experts cannot explain *exactly* why. I believe that MSM has been using the pandemic as an excuse as to why the markets are not functioning properly, more than most people think. + +If you’re new to investing, a booming housing market seems like it is a positive thing and a possible sign that the economy is improving, that is not the case here. The housing market has most likely hit a record high in reaction to the upcoming economic crash. Extremes are hardly ever a good thing in economics. The system is always trying to find an equilibrium. Therefore, a healthy market will provide slow growth, while extreme highs and lows are traditionally a sign that it is not functioning properly. + +If you’ve paid attention to the overall economy, not just GME related data, you’ll see that we have extreme highs and lows across the board. From interest rates to reverse repo operations, crip-toe, hedge fund asset sells-off, or bond sales — record highs and lows everywhere. These are all correlated to the upcoming market crash. + +**Background of Housing Market** + +Like I previously mentioned, the media has repeatedly reported that the reason is mostly due to the pandemic, but ultimately claims that experts cannot explain the extreme bull run. It's also not the *only* reason mentioned, but it's the most common explanation I've heard so far. + +If you have not been following the market, when I say extreme, I mean ***extreme***. Although the market seems to have cooled a bit in the past couple of months, activity in the past year has been extremely irregular. Houses are selling INCREDIBLY fast right now. If you’ve never bought or sold a house before — it typically is on the market for about 30-60 days. However, in our current market, houses are being sold within HOURS, in some cases. Most sellers are reporting that after only a couple of days on the market, they have received dozens of offers, all of which are all tens and thousands of dollars over their asking price. Some buyers are even throwing out incentives, such as all-inclusive vacations, to make their offers more appealing and help them stand out among the other bids. + +*Bloomberg recently reported, "the median price for a single-family home in the U.S. rose the most on record in the first quarter of 2021, as buyers fought over a dearth of inventory, according to the National Association of Realtors."* + +The pandemic explanation did not sit well with me for a variety of reasons. And lately, it has seemed like a blanket excuse to justify why markets may not be functioning properly. + +After only scratching the surface of the situation, I found that—in true shill form—market experts and the media are not reporting an accurate explanation as to why we are experiencing such unusual activity within the housing market. It goes far beyond the pandemic. + +It was disturbing to read that Robert Shiller, a Nobel-Prize-winning economist, said there is no "clean explanation" as to why the housing market is so hot. (Source: [Robert Shiller: Home prices will fall and cause](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robert-shiller-home-prices-to-fall-and-cause-some-pain-103750858.html)[ some pain'](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/robert-shiller-home-prices-to-fall-and-cause-some-pain-103750858.html).) I have never received a Nobel Prize in economics, but I can definitely list a few more accurate reasons why housing prices have gone up so much, that are far less speculative than the “because of the pandemic.” + +**Explanation of Housing Market Recent Performance** + +What I found was that the major leading causes include: Lumber, Interest Rates, Inflation, and Increased Supply *Not* Demand. + +Robert Shiller did briefly mention the cost of lumber in the article, but when I Googled "housing market going up," I had to read through 3 pages of results to find any other article that suggested the rising price of lumber and plywood have contributed to the sharp increase in housing prices. \[Also, in the article I did eventually find, the author was, of course, quick to note that you shouldn't worry — price increases reflect housing-specific issues, not an early sign of inflation! *Phew*!\] + +While high lumber prices aren’t exactly a secret, I have not heard an accurate explanation as to *why* lumber prices are so high right now. That’s pretty crazy considering it’s the most significant reason why housing prices are experiencing record highs. In fact, the ***only*** explanation the media has given is — you guessed it — the pandemic! + +While the pandemic has definitely contributed, the price of lumber has largely skyrocketed because of the deliberate actions of the US Government. **Even before the pandemic, the lumber market was incredibly sensitive to demand shocks and after the pandemic began, increased demand became even more of a concern due to labor shortages.** The artificial inflation started with the previous administration and continued into the current administration. + +**How Tariffs Have Affected the Housing Market:** + +**(TL;DR of Tariffs Imposed on Canada:** Canada produces a majority of lumber used in the U.S. After the President was inaugurated in 2016, he imposed higher tariffs of up to 24%, which increased the price significantly. Canada could have still profited with the increase, however, imports declined significantly when the region lost 15% of its total output capacity due to insect infestation and wildfires.) + +· **According to the chart below, the price already started rising in 2016.** The rise began after the 2016 election. One of his most widely known campaign promises was to impose more favorable trading terms for the U.S. + +· **Leaked Documents showed the U.S. would include lumber in renegotiations.** In November 2016, CNN obtained a leaked memo from the upcoming President’s transition team showing that the new President was being advised to include the softwood lumber dispute during any renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and to get more favorable terms for the United States. + +· **This was a big deal because Canada has historically been the largest foreign source of lumber consumed in the United States**. It has accounted for as much as 96% of US softwood lumber imports as recently as 2015. + +· **On April 25, 2017, the administration announced plans to impose duties of up to 24% on most Canadian lumber**, charging that lumber companies are subsidized by the government. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/83526kyeqo881.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=04f51a1c88fa31003fe696300aed685681fc85ae + +· **After Imposing high tariffs on Canada, prices experienced significant volatility.** Since Canada has traditionally supplied a large portion of lumber, the U.S. struggled to keep up with demand on its own after lumber imports fell drastically from Canada. + +· **After a brief stint above $600 in April 2018, lumber quickly tumbled down to sub $250 levels.** Prices were given a temporary reprieve after the National Association of Home Builders NAHB pressured the U.S. government to reduce its tariffs on Canadian lumber imports. This caused a number of sawmills to shut down. The resulting decreases in production capacity (supply) were estimated to be around 3 billion board feet. + +· **Leading up to the Pandemic Canadian imports have declined for a reason other than the higher tariff.** Although Canadian mills could have produced lumber profitably at $400 per thousand board feet or less even, and the addition of 9% tariffs wouldn’t have prevented them from matching or beating any price a U.S. producer would seek, imports to the U.S. declined significantly when 15% of its total output capacity was lost due to timber losses caused by insect infestation and wildfire. + +· **This decline occurred while annual U.S. demand for lumber has increased by more than 2.5 billion board feet.** Builders in the U.S. can’t buy enough lumber to meet demand, irrespective of the prevailing tariffs. As demand ultimately outpaced supply, and lumber prices broke $1,000 per thousand board feet. + +· **The U.S. government did temporarily reduce its tariffs on Canadian lumber**, but these measures appear to be an example of too little, too late. + +Higher tariffs were not only responsible for higher lumber prices, they also suppressed activity in the U.S. homebuilding industry, fewer construction jobs, and fewer options for homebuyers. Even before the pandemic, producers knew that the lumber market was incredibly sensitive to demand shocks. After the pandemic began, increased demand became even more of a concern due to labor shortages, which cut production even further. + +**Future Effects of Tariffs:** + +Analysts are now warning that lumber prices could reach a flashpoint, where affordability becomes so limited that demand suddenly falls off. This has led the National Association of Home Builders to ask the current administration for a temporary pause on Canadian lumber tariffs, which currently sit at 9%. + +It’s clear to see that lifting tariffs would most likely stabilize prices. The President has a lever that could successfully cool prices, however, the administration currently has no such plans to do so. + +There are a couple of reasons why he probably won’t lift tariffs: + +· Undermining efforts to rebuild domestic manufacturing and create jobs at home. + +· Despite what critics say and what most believe is the best solution, he doesn't want to use a magic wand to immediately stabilize prices. + +What’s not clear, however, is why the current administration announced that they are considering ***doubling*** Canadian tariffs, despite the meteoric rise in prices and demand for wood and construction costs (Source: [Yahoo! News](https://news.yahoo.com/biden-administration-could-double-canadian-100000824.html)). + +Although the U.S. and Canadian do have a long-lasting trade war, our two nations have a good relationship, overall. And the reason the previous administration raised tariffs in the first place is likely based on false claims — U.S. lumber producers filed antidumping and countervailing duty complaints, claiming Canada unfairly subsidized and dumped lumber in the U.S. After the Commerce Department imposed the tariff in 2017, Canada took the case to the World Trade Organization, which has rarely voted in favor of the U.S. Commerce Department’s claims. + +**Carbon Market Pays Southern Pine-Growers** ***Not to Cut*** + +On top of raised tariffs, lumber prices are being driven up by a government incentive that has limited on more than 5 million acres of U.S. forests. Companies such as Microsoft, Royal Dutch Shell are paying timberland owners to leave trees standing. Essentially, pine growers get paid for their timber (which increases the price), however, in order to reduce emissions, the payment is in exchange for *not* cutting their trees down. + +Lawmakers want to give a push, too, especially when it comes to including mom-and-pop timber owners. Senators from wooded states last week put forth the Rural Forest Markets Act, which would guarantee loans up to $150 million for companies and nonprofits that help small landowners tap into carbon markets. + +It’s *very* concerning that our government believes that consumers and homebuilders should be the ones to bear the burden of supporting the cost, by relying on U.S. growers who currently can’t compete. + +Also, with no plan in place to stabilize prices, it’s hugely irresponsible and dangerous we’re creating proposals to help low-income and minority first-time homebuyers move into homes they can’t afford. When the housing market crashes, it basically traps them in a mortgage without the possibility of actually building equity. I’m not an expert, but most of the programs reduce down payments or offer grants programs allowing states to provide cash for down payments, closing costs, or fees that result in lower mortgage rates. (Source: [The Wall Street Journal](https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-carbon-market-pays-southern-pine-growers-not-to-cut-11618911180)) + +**Mainstream Media Blame Factors** + +Mainstream media also reported that low mortgage rates contributed to the abrupt housing boom. While the 30-year fixed mortgage is experiencing a record low, they most likely had very little to do with the abrupt housing boom. During the pandemic and throughout the past year, it has reached a record low **17 TIMES**. + +On that note — Interest rates have reached record lows because there is too much liquidity in the market. In 2020 alone, the Federal Reserve printed more than 40% of the dollars already in the US economy, and in the past year, the money supply in the United States increased more rapidly than we have ever experienced in history. In the past, we've traditionally seen slow, steady growth. + +Rates are low because the FED painted themselves into a corner. If they stop printing money, the market crashes. If they raise rates, the market crashes. Despite inflation concerns from major banks, the Fed has yet to begin tapering back their QE policy. Instead of printing money, the FED has, instead, been using reverse-repos to keep the market from crashing. This is what happens when you mess with the natural flow of things. The system is trying to find its equilibrium and it's causing weird oscillations all over the place. + +While I don't disagree that the pandemic has also contributed to the high demand for houses — many renters *are* leaving expensive cities for affordable areas and that the increased ability to work from home — it is not the main factor that created demand. + +**The ultimate cause of the housing boom: There was never a lack of demand; There was a lack of supply.** + +In the first 6-8 months of the pandemic, the housing market experienced record-breaking decreases in sales as Americans were staying home to avoid getting sick. It wasn’t until the price of lumber started rising that we began to see the home sales volume rise to the highest the U.S. has seen since 2006. The volume increase resulted in a price rise of 24.7% between June and July. + +As the COVID cases subsided, lumber prices simultaneously reached record highs and drove up home prices to record highs. The rapid price increase was the stimulant that caused homeowners to start listing their homes again, after a supply drought in the market due to the pandemic. + +Since it was lack of supply that caused low sales volume, the demand for housing still existed within the marketplace and built up throughout the pandemic. However, the buildup in demand was not reflected in housing prices. This is because housing is a unique market. Unlike the stock market, commodities, retail, etc., for a large percentage of purchases, it is required that the product meets the exact needs of a buyer and there are many different components that can affect a buyers’ decision. For instance, even if there were 5-10 houses on the market in a specific town, that doesn’t mean those houses will be bought immediately — purchasing a home is often the most expensive in a person’s life, so buyers are going to take the time to find a home that is right for them. They are not going to choose from a limited supply if, in that supply, those homes do not meet their needs. + +**Other factors propping up the housing market** + +The price of lumber has had a significant impact on housing prices rising, but even though prices are falling, and will continue to fall further in the coming months, as sawmills increase production, housing prices still remain out of control. + +In mid-June, the cash price per thousand board feet of lumber fell from $1,113 to $211, according to industry trade publication Random Lengths. That's down 27% from its $1,515 all-time high on May 28. "We are in a free fall," Andy Goodman, CEO of Sherwood Lumber, told Fortune. In [the lumber futures market](https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/agricultural/lumber-and-pulp/random-length-lumber.html), prices are down even more—dropping 47% since going above $1,700 on May 10. + +Buying sprees from large institutions, the ones mentioned here before being Zillow and BlackRock, are impacting liquidity in the market. This post is a lot to take in, so I’ll save this for Part II since there have already been posts on here that go into this. + +**TL;DR: The housing market is its own bubble, aside from everything else going on in the economy that is leading up to a crash. Mainstream media continues to blame the pandemic for record-high housing prices and keeps telling us there is no clear reason for the abrupt significant increase in demand, but it's a lie. This post explains why prices are so high and how the housing market relates to everything else going on in the economy right now.** + I bought my property in April 2019, and lived in it until end January 2021, therefore it has only been used as my primary residence for 21 months. + +I am currently renting it out for a year lease, and I plan on renting it out again for another year. After the second year term has ended, I plan on making the property my primary residence for three months, so I am in the "2 out of 5 years" category. + +I plan to sell by April 2024. + +I am reading that if I had lived in it for the entire two years prior to renting it out for 2 years, and selling it in 5th year... I would be fully exempt from capital gains. + +But because I am moving back, I am no longer fully exempt. How true is this statement? Did I do myself a disservice putting the property on the market this soon? + +Thank you + +Where I am reading this: [https://www.merriman.com/wealth-preservation/planning-on-moving-back-into-your-rental-in-the-future-read-this-first/](https://www.merriman.com/wealth-preservation/planning-on-moving-back-into-your-rental-in-the-future-read-this-first/) + +Section: + +1. **If you live in your home for two years and then rent it out for two years before selling it, you qualify for the full exclusion amount due to meeting the use test by having lived in the home for two out of the last five years before the sale and meeting the ownership test.** +2. **If you rent out your property for two years and then move back in for two years before selling it, you must prorate your exclusion because the exception to periods of non-qualifying use only applies to portions of the five-year use test period that occur after the last date that the property is used as a principal residence \[26 U.S.C. § 121(b)(5)(C)(ii)(I)\].** +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-18/gabe-plotkin-s-melvin-capital-to-wind-down-funds-after-losses](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-18/gabe-plotkin-s-melvin-capital-to-wind-down-funds-after-losses) + +&#x200B; + +The GameStop saga got featured as the reason that started the fund's ultimate downfall. + +1 down, many more to go 🚀🚀🚀 +https://twitter.com/tree_of_alpha/status/1494951540339187714?s=21 + +For context this is the account of Mr. White Hat. The vulnerability in question could have allowed the white hat hacker to change the order prices of cryptocureencies listed on Coinbase (think he can out any price for any crypto he wants and buy or sell BTC ETH at any price he wants). Not wouldn't have affected just Coinbase. Many DeFi projects also use Coinbase as a price oracle... so something like this happening could have triggered an extinction event to all crypto markets, possibly liquidating tens of billions, maybe a hundred billion dollars. + +Mr. White hat wasn't joking when he said this was potentiallytially market nuking. The person who fixed optimism critical vulnerability was awarded with a $2 million bounty. No matter where you stand, this vulnerability was much bigger and it's impact could have been massive. + +Coinbase being Coinbase, deemed fit to reward our hacker with $250k, and there wasn't even any epic item to go with it. 3/10 would not do this quest again lmao. + +This also shows a classic human behavior. You'd skim on $50 worth of protection all the time but when you suddenly smash your head on the pavement and be bed ridden for the rest of your life you're gonna wish you didn't forget your protective gear. But of course you only appreciate your protective gear when you're bed ridden. When nothing happens you think even $50 is too expensive, maybe you could haggle it down to $9.69. + +Kek. +[https://www.paperdigest.org/2020/04/recent-papers-on-algorithmic-trading-high-frequency-trading/](https://www.paperdigest.org/2020/04/recent-papers-on-algorithmic-trading-high-frequency-trading/) +Futures already jumped to green territory after being -200. + +If you’ve been playing this game for longer than 4 months, you know stonks always jump after a big crash. You won’t even need to ban me if DOW doesn’t jump a few hundred points, I’ll leave with a tie around my neck. If you bought the top, you got what you deserved. If you bought the dip today, well done retard. + +Positions- AAPL 125c 9/18 +Portfolio- 15 Tesla shares , 20 FB, 20 MSFT, 40 AAPL + +Edit 1: 8:46am Future up 183 points. Suck it. +Edit 2: 10:23am I may have mid calculated. +Edit 3: 10:50am Just ban me already +https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split/?n + +The most important sentence in the GameStop news: + +> Stockholders may want to make their brokerage firm aware if they recently moved shares to the Company’s direct registered list, as we have been informed this move could ***impact a firm’s distribution of shares***. + +Keyword: ***impact*** + +Instead of being distributed the dividend shares, most brokers are being told by the DTC to operate a simple split. This will impact their accounting. Consequently, this will impact their business. + +Until now, only stakeholders were victims of the massive amount of synthetics. + +With this splividend event, ***brokers who were told to do a split are HURT!*** Their business is impacted, and they should not be happy with this. Now, brokers have a very good reason to pressure the DTC into doing things correctly. The splivi is aligning the brokers' interest with the investors' one: A PROPER ACCOUNTING OF GME SHARES + +So what do? We were told what to do: + +> ***Stockholders may want to make their brokerage firm aware*** if they recently moved shares to the Company’s direct registered list, as we have been informed this move could impact a firm’s distribution of shares. + +We "***may want to make our brokerage firm aware***" that they could be impacted by recent DRS activity if they did not receive the shares from the DTC (which is the case for most). + +It's good to put pressure on brokers. Instead of harassing them and calling them liars, ***make them aware*** that they are getting fucked by the misleading instructions from the DTC. + +Exactly as Germany's financial regulatory authority BaFin said today, once they are aware they will expect shares from the DTC. Once made aware, ***they will do the job***. They will pressure the DTC. They will ask for a proper accounting of GME shares. + +If your broker was told to do a split, tell them this: + +---------------------------------------- + +Dear Mr, dear Mrs, + +I am contacting you because BROKER's own accounting of securities may be impacted by a recent financial event. This could also impact your business as a major broker. + +GameStop (CUSIP Number: 36467W109) operated a split in the form of a distributed stock dividend on July 21, 2022 + +8-K form: https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/99aee59e-55a4-48b9-8b55-e5e66eb0cb74 + +8937 form: https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/1764b8e4-0e1d-41a6-b502-8c5ab7604dc8 + +In a recent official communication, GameStop confirmed that the distributed shares (3 for every 1 in existence) were correctly issued to its transfer agent (Computershare), which has confirmed it subsequently distributed the appropriate number of shares of common stock to DTC for allocation to brokerage firms. You should have received from the DTC 3 shares for every 1 share held in your own accounts to operate the stock split properly. + +source: https://news.gamestop.com/stock-split/?n + +Many brokers were told to operate a regular split. However, GameStop's legal forms and recent communication clearly shows that the split is in the form of a stock dividend, which is entirely different from an accounting point of view. Only shares distributed from the DTC should be considered as valid for this split. Without them, a broker's own accounting of shares could be impacted. + +Germany's financial regulatory authority BaFin recently confirmed this for all German brokers. + +source: https://twitter.com/BaFin_Bund/status/1556561133514985473 + +I believe you would like to maintain a proper accounting of your shares. I would suggest you to contact the DTC to ask them for your fair amount of shares in order to operate the GameStop's 4-1 split as it was instructed. + +Please use the official GameStop's documents provided in this email when doing so. + +I remain at your disposal for any information, + +Yours, +Mr Ape + +---------------------------------------- + +You are not ASKING them. You are TELLING them. You ***make them aware*** that they are getting fucked by the DTC. + +---------------------------------------- + +I am 100% DRS but I already sent this message to Degiro and IBKR, since I still have an account with them. + + + +EDIT: to those saying that I don't realize brokers make up the DTCC board, yes I do. + +Only a handful make up the board of DTCC. [From this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjjpwb/broker_master_list_of_splividend_confirmations/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share), u/NebulaPlague counts approx 58 brokers apes are in relation with all over the world. This is our lever. + +Also, am I saying brokers are our friends? No. Am I saying they never did anything wrong during the GME saga? No. Am I saying we should forgive them? Also no. + +I am saying they are hurt by the DTC wrong instructions, and this is an enormous lever to use in order to corner the DTC. I simply suggest you send a message to your broker to make them aware, SHOWING them the GameStop official documents and TELLING them how they can be impacted if their customers DRS after a vanilla split. + +EDIT2: [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wju2xs/dave_responded_to_me_and_it_feels_neat_drs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) from u/odinthedoge where big Dlauer says it's only a problem for brokers if vanilla split shares get DRS'd. + +So in priority, let's inform the brokers that 1. did a vanilla split and 2. allow DRS +Apes studied psychology at the University for Retarded Inverse Psychology. We showed diamond hands and the level of retardness that his PhDs in psychology couldn't predict. + +After the long period of hodling, I am sure a lot of hedgies now understand: "Apes are not leaving, neither they are selling." I suppose we can see more suggestions like: "Sir, they do not want to sell, they just buy and DRS more, we are in deepshit, maybe we should close our short positions and try to survive with severe losses!?" +They should be some kind of human, so I am sure this situation shaked their stubborn "digging deeper grave" tactics and we just need one bigger domino to fall down to bring the whole system to the liquidation underworld. +First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank every single person on WallStreetBets for their undying support over the years. Whether you post here everyday, only lurk, or visit occasionally, your loyalty has helped this community grow to on the brink of a million subscribers. It seems like only yesterday that the subreddit's banner was [celebrating 300k subscribers](https://i.imgur.com/3aXPJ2f.png), and here we are nearing an historic milestone. Similar to our adolescence passing in the blink of an eye, I'm still shocked by how quickly this moment has come. None of this would have been possible without all of you guys and gals. + +The recent surge in growth has sparked many complaints from the regular members. Many of which have chosen not to post or comment as often due to the decline in quality of both comments and posts made by new members. Change was demanded, and many users have even called for drastic actions to help keep the spirit of the subreddit alive. + +As such, I regret to announce that WallStreetBets will be going private at 1 million subscribers. This decision was not an easy one. Founder of WSB u/jartek and the rest of the moderator team have discussed this at length since December of last year, with not much progress being made until recent events. + +We may or may not open to the public again, but you do have a chance to still view the sub once we go private by following the instructions below: + +___ + +#If you would like to continue viewing r/WallStreetBets once it is private, you must be an approved user/submitter. + +#We are limiting the number of approved users to 50k, or until we reach a million subscribers, whichever comes first. + +#Comment below to be added to the list. + +Do not message the moderators, whether individually or by modmail, to be added after we go private. Your request will be ignored. Thank you again for everyone's support. +I compared three Nifty 50 Index funds on Zerodha Coin. There are differences in the CAGR. These are underlined in the image below: + +[Fund Comparison: UTI vs. Navi vs. Tata (imgur link)](https://imgur.com/a/MGAAaKD) + +What causes this difference in the CAGRs? Is it tracking errors? + +As a follow up, which Nifty 50 index fund is the best? +I mean it varies personally. Just wanted to know much you need. + +1. Real Estate Property + +2. Real Estate Rents + +3. Fixed Deposits + +4. Mutual Funds + +5. PPFs + +6. Dividends + +7. Remaining +1. If anyone of you invest in REITs what has been you learning? +2. What the things to check before investing? +3. What is an ideal % of your portfolio that you should invest? +4. I saw a video of Mr Warikoo and he suggested three investments - Embassy, Brookfield and Mindspace - are there any others available? + +Update: + +Links to all REITs available: + +1. [https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/embassyofficeparksreit/EOP](https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/embassyofficeparksreit/EOP) +2. [https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/brookfieldindiarealestatetrust/BIR](https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/brookfieldindiarealestatetrust/BIR) +3. [https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/mindspacebusinessparksreit/MBP02](https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/construction-real-estate/mindspacebusinessparksreit/MBP02) + +For Taxation: + +[https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/reit-taxation](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/reit-taxation) +I posted a survey a few of days ago about the net worth distribution in this group. We got a good amount of data, but eventually the the post was removed (not sure why exactly, but it's OK). Below are the aggregated survey results. + +[https://imgur.com/a/w8VHuCG](https://imgur.com/a/w8VHuCG) + +The way I had laid out the choices, I'm not surprised that there was not a nice bell curve distribution, still it's very interesting. +I recently moved out of my parents house and got a new full-time job making 40k a year. With current expenses (rent, car, gas, utilities, ect), I will have about 1k leftover every month. + +At my previous job, I was putting 15% in a 401k and managed to get about 18k out of it. I currently have 15k in my checking account. + +ATM, I need to work 30 days before I'm able to put money into their 401k but once it's available, how much should I be putting in percent wise with still making enough to have a healthy savings account? + +Edit: age 25M +My family is in some financial trouble. +Background: we purchased a home for 540k. In a great great area, prices are steadily rising. Currently owe 360k +In 2017 we took out a Home equity line of credit for 75k to do a gut rehab of the kitchen and other home improvements. ( at the time we were expecting a 60k influx of cash in 2018, but that didn’t happen). +Also, I’m a health professional who opened a practice. Huge financial investment which I know will pay off in the long term, but right now I bring home just enough to cover our mortgage, utilities, food, kid stuff ( we have 3). +We are living beyond our means. We are always on time with out mortgage, but we can’t make a dent in our heloc, we have 8k in CC debt that we can’t pay, I’m falling behind on student loans, our credit scores suck and I can’t invest anything into my business cause with crappy credit you can’t get a business loan. I feel a crushing sense of dread. I think my house is probably worth $650k ( on the low end) now and I feel like our best option is to sell the house. Take any profits we have any pay off all debt and maybe buy some into my business and rent an apartment. My husband thinks that selling this house is crazy since it’s value will continue to rise, and that there are a lot of hidden costs that I’m not thinking. He doesn’t have an alternative plan to get out of this debt. I’m horrified and embarrassed to be in this situation, but I can’t see any way out. What would you do? +I mean, it makes sense in the end and they are dirt cheap right now. I do understand the problems coming with options and I do understand that I eventually lose everything on those calls, but let's be real: the cost e.g. for GME Feb18'22 240.0 Call are $490 right now. It's not exactly life changing money and those translate to "only" three shares. Let's give it a try, if really some run is going to happen in the next days or weeks, I am possibly converting those to shares in the end. Who knows, I have written this money off for now. But it seems to be pretty clear to me that sufficient "long" power is somehow bound to options. + +Addendum as it hit front page: I am DRSing my shares (300, yes, just like the movie, how poetic!) as well, but it simply takes ages as a German. +I’ve noticed this subreddit seems to heavily skew towards tech workers and otherwise highly skilled employed professionals, so I would be curious to see what business owners and self-employed users do for a living! + +Business owners: what does your business do? How much revenue does your business generate? How much do you personally make? +I think the news from towel last night regarding the liquidity for towel company is going to cause a run up. Last time towel ran, GME jumped. + +On 5th Aug, Towel stock started its run from about $8 to $12. This was followed by GME running from $39 to $45 on the 8th Aug. + +On the 16th Aug, towel stock started to run about $16 to $28. On the same day GME ran from $39 to $42. + +With the towel 'rumour' released as soon as market closed last night and premarket action (up 15% at time of writing) we might expect a run with GME in the next 1-2 days. It looks like they have prepared to control that run with the 2.9mil shares borrowed yesterday- it seems like the pattern has occurred twice already and therefore maybe about to occur again. + +It could be that we expect some volatility in the next days- happy times. This is also lining up with OPEX.Oh and btw Dez nutz. + +EDIT 1. This post was instantly down voted. +EDIT 2. 2.9mil is a lot of shares- would be 700,000 pre split. It could be that towel is gonna go fucking parabolic and so they gonna need a big cannon to control gme. I guess that the higher one rips that more they need to pressure the other lower- or vice versa. + +https://preview.redd.it/8tg2peypimj91.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357d7ed3f7102e446b68a89d48e8805ccebd4695 +So check it out ... I have some call options that are doing some very funny shit today. Very funny shit! They are showing massive, outsized daily gains, making my portfolio balance look way better than it should. THEY SHOULD NOT BE SHOWING THESE HUGE DAY'S GAINS $$$. This is especially true of $FLWS, which doesn't even have any bids ... and why is $NOK showing a massive dollar gain (that's hitting my portfolio balance), but 0.00% Change? Something's super fuckey! + +**Is someone avoiding a margin call by artificially inflating daily options values?** + +So throughout the day, these crazy daily gains have been snapping on and off ... it's almost like the daily gains on options values are being manipulated for balance sheet health ... turning it on when needed. So I thought ... hmmm ... I wonder if there's any correlation with the people holding these calls on $NOK and $FLWS (and likely many others doing the same funky shit today), and the people short $GME, as expressed by holding puts. + +https://preview.redd.it/wgjy4ycw9iy81.png?width=2848&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffb138d528e22c88af44b95d26193b7b2a89b95f + +So here are the top holders of $GME puts ... pay note to the yellow highlighted assholes ... + +https://preview.redd.it/k6ygffokaiy81.png?width=1690&format=png&auto=webp&s=5269c9badd951131c3c31117e0336b21bdefa10a + +... because those motherfuckers are also holding calls on $FLWS ... + +https://preview.redd.it/df9dopb8biy81.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7205e32ed1f753ed835f28e8703e169fbf854c1 + +... and $NOK; a shit ton! + +https://preview.redd.it/kgsy5qw9biy81.png?width=1594&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e85cb72da3eb69c1614d2cc45219b49873e2d5 + +Big deal, you might say. They are hedge funds, and they hold call and puts on everything. + +Well, in the case of $FLWS, the ONLY institutions holding calls happen to be among the top put holders on $GME ... crazy, right? ... there's not a single institution holding $FLWS calls except for institutions holding a ton of $GME puts. Now how can that be? Swaps? Basket stocks? + +What about $NOK ... + +https://preview.redd.it/i66g4lgwbiy81.png?width=1596&format=png&auto=webp&s=0237206c0c4452d032b9571ed4f67b56bbf4bff3 + +Also crazy, right ... among the 34 institutions holdering Calls on $NOK, the largest of those also happen to be the top holders of $GME puts. Probably a coincidence, right? + +Another thing ... $NOK was a part of the 2021 Restricted Securities List, and $FLWS is a top position in $XRT ... another coincidence, I'm sure. + +So this business with mispriced options is not new, but I thought it had either stopped or at least slowed down after I had reported the issue to my broker and the SEC. I wrote a ton about this about a year ago, and then the phenomenon had dramatically slowed down ... in fact, it had almost disappeared (at least, among the shit options I was holding). + +Check it out: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbjckf/stress\_tests\_are\_easy\_with\_cheat\_codes\_may\_13/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbjckf/stress_tests_are_easy_with_cheat_codes_may_13/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfczb2/even\_more\_cheat\_codes\_so\_much\_options\_fuckery/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfczb2/even_more_cheat_codes_so_much_options_fuckery/) + +Well, it looks like the shit show has returned. I guess desperate times call for desperate cheating. + +One way to keep Marge at bay ... inflate the value of your millions of calls. +I’m nearing retirement and have much of my portfolio in VTI. Looking to increase income and reduce volatility, knowing there may well be some tradeoff on the upside. Just now dipping a toe into these 2 subred faves. +Disclaimer - I am sorry for all the people who have lost their jobs this last 12 months and suffered, I am conscious I’m in a position where I should be incredibly thankful and definitely am. I try to give back where I can. + +I’m terrible with money and always have been, I’ve successfully started a new job where I asked for double what I was earning and somehow got it. Now I’m on 140k with 60k HECS and 6k on credit card, and have no idea where to start or what to do. + +Any advice, all I’ve found searching is a flow chart +**Discovering FIRE** + +I found this subreddit circa 2011-early 2012, mid-way through college, and I’ve hung around here with sometimes-changing usernames ever since. Today I wanted to add my story to the sub in case it benefits anyone else. + +In my college days, I saw graduating and joining the corporate world for [insert majority of your life here] as a daunting and depressing thought. That was my original motivation. Following MMM’s blog which had just blown up, I schemed that upon graduation, if I saved up about $300k over a 5 or 6-ish year period, that would provide a 4%-rule withdrawal of $12k per year, which could be enough for me to be LeanFI (vlcol). But “to be safe” I would maybe go as far as saving $500k, depending on how long I could tolerate working. That would give $20k/yr in 4%-rule withdrawals, which seemed an excessively high amount for me. I don’t believe those numbers anymore; Today my opinions on that have changed. + +**Starting Point** + +Fortunately, in 2014, thanks to a combo of scholarships and family, I was able to get through school debt free with my masters in accounting, and an internship before my last year of school even allowed me to graduate with about +$5k cash to my name (netted to nothing due to ~5k car debt). Starting from zero was a massive benefit in starting balance compared to most of my peers who graduated with debt, and I realize how fortunate that is. + +**Working Years** + +I worked the first few years as a CPA and after that transitioned into a finance role. Over the last 7 years, I’ve averaged $69k/yr in post-tax income ($80k pre-tax) and a ~65% savings rate on that number. + + + +Year | Starting NW | Ending NW | Post-Tax Income | SR % +---|---|----|----|---- +2014 | 500 | 12129 | 19,010 | 73% +2015 | 12,129 | 53,801 | 44,233 | 62% +2016 | 53,801 | 103,848| 57,551 | 61% +2017 | 103,848 | 154,515 | 54,532 | 74% +2018 | 154,515 | 187,135 | 61,239 | 55% +2019 | 187,135 | 271,493 | 71,635 | 60% +2020 | 271,493 | 404,115| 103,070 | 70% +1H 2021 | 404,115 | 500,000 | 108k (~54k YTD) | ~70% + +The last three years expenses have been $27k->$28k->$29k. There was a step up in 2018 which was then alleviated by raises at work. + +Rent-wise, I lived at home the first 4-5 months (2014), then got my own place for $425/mo in a rough part of town. Years 2-4 my rent was about $650/mo in smaller place but nicer area. The last three years I’ve lived with my SO and our combined rent is $2100, and I pay majority of that (in 2021 I’ve paid all of it). This has been the main source of expense creep for me – my expenses have been pretty flat otherwise. + +**Where am I today** + +With today’s market close and paycheck, I’ve hit a personal milestone at $500k in networth, entirely in investments/cash, although I suppose my car and other ‘stuff’ is worth another 10k+ or so if I included it (I don’t). I see myself as nearly FI assuming continuation of the same lifestyle I’ve been living. + +I feel the need to disclaim that none of this was the result of crypto or any other one-off situation/windfall, other than a $10k inheritance I received in 2016, which I included as income above. This has all been the boring route of saving + S&P 500 index investing, with a few individual stocks thrown in (BRK.B being the main one, and recently a few other minor dabbles) which have in aggregate under-performed the S&P 500. Warren B has sadly not beaten the index for me. + +Current assets: + +* S&P 500 Index: 73.0% + +* BRK.B: 12.5% (Accumulated in 2014-2015 in taxable account) + +* Amazon: 8.3% (A recent add late last year) + +* Cash: 6.2% (Down payment for a house next month) + +**Do you feel like you sacrificed/deprived yourself to do this?** + +I’ve never felt that way. I did basically everything I wanted to do during this time including eating out most days, traveling very frequently (almost all on CC churning points), etc. My expenses may appear surprisingly/miserably low to a lot of people here who live on the coasts, because I live in a very low cost of living area in the midwest. For example, COL calculators say to scale up my #s by 40% to get Chicago equivalent, or by 190% to get Manhattan equivalent. I’m actually moving next month to somewhere even cheaper for lifestyle reasons. + +I mentioned my lower rent earlier - Couple that with a paid off used car, and hobbies that are mostly video games/biking/weightlifting/reading, and you don’t have many expenses, even with eating out. This is one thing that has been relatively consistent for me since the start: I’m naturally a laid back minimalist, and my happiness doesn’t correlate much with spending. A good day for me in my 20s was video games + takeout food + biking or lifting. + + +But, some of this changing with age. + +**Looking forward - what next?** + +A 55 year old version of myself travels back in time to visit 30 year old me. + +Senior: *Hiya kid how you doing?* + +Current: *Saving for FI, nevermind that, how are you doing?* + +Senior: *Rich, very rich* + +Current: *Ah it worked, the high savings rate pays off!* + +Senior: *I am worth millions – and you are still trying to pad my bank account a little more? Come on, think about it, look after your present self – don’t sacrifice your youth to help out some middle-aged millionaire.* + +Current: *Wait, before you go, have you got any tips?* + +Senior: *Sure – same as if you ask any 50-something guy what he should have done in his younger years* + +Current: *And that is?* + +Senior: *Live a little.* + + +My nest egg goal the last few years has shifted to $1m, and my drive to reach it has decreased. I project $1m will take 4-5 years from here, even accounting for relaxing the gas pedal. My career has gotten progressively more enjoyable as I’ve moved up, so I don’t have as much inner motivation to quit cold turkey anymore – at least for now. I'm wary that can change. + +I expect between now and $1m I will get a house, get married, have kid(s). Those things may inflate my already-inflated goal. + +Existentially I think my focus is increasingly turning more to the non-financial. I don’t fully know what that looks like from where I stand now. I may take a gap year(s) to try on FIRE in my mid-30s, to try out the other side for a stretch once I have ‘enough’. Probably primarily to be a stay-at-home-dad and raise my kid(s) as well as possible during their most formative years. Or balance with some sort of in-between, more relaxed work-from-home type role. Similar to how the sub has evolved over the last several years compared to early days, like a growing proportion of you, I don’t subscribe as hard to the 100% work or 100% no-work dichotomy anymore… although if I had to pick, the latter is still preferable! + +**What would you do differently?** + +1. On balance, accounting is a pretty decent, safe and stable career path. But the compensation in this field is very backloaded onto the late years that are at least 10 or 15 years in (partner, CFO, etc). I started at a Big 4 Accounting Firm for $50k/yr, and ~15 years in to that career you can be making $300k-$1M/yr if you sell your soul right. But you start pretty low - you don’t hit 100k in my city until 5-7 years in of busting your ass. This does not really line up optimally with the idea of getting in-and-out in 10 years or less (or even 5 as I had first planned). + +* Fields with higher starting salaries seem better suited, like engineering, certain trades, pharmacy, or of course tech, although every career has its cons too (e.g. pharmacy). + +* However, my accounting/finance background did help equip me to think through my personal finances, so there’s some non-salary related benefits there too, and it’s also well suited to transitioning into relaxed part-time or gig work if I want that when I’m older. + +* If anyone younger than me is reading this – Big 4 auditing/accounting is also becoming a more commoditized, margin-compressed, automated trade, so I think it will be a progressively less desirable path for you than it was for me. + +2. I would have taken a little more risk in my investing. That’s easy to say with hindsight after a bull market, but in general I think that there’s something to be said for temporal-shifting some of your equity risk from later in life (where a dip near or after your retirement date could mean years more of working) to earlier in life, by running a more risky or even slightly leveraged portfolio in your early years. Think 100% stocks/0% bonds -> 125% stocks/0% bonds (or just slightly more risky stocks). Or even real estate. + +* This could be applied to career choices too, but for me personally I don’t know what different career I would have been suited to, and I didn’t when I was younger either. + + +That's it; thank you for letting me share - and thank you to all who I've learned from over the years here. +I know that the number of meme coins that gets shilled here every hour can be overwhelming but if you are anything like me and want to invest in something that safely makes you smile in a couple of months, I sincerely believe that your best bet at the moment is $SAFEMOON + +Here are my reasons: + +1. The community. Many underestimate the power of a positive and passionate community. We all saw how r/wallstreetbets community rallied to push GME stock price to hundreds of $$$ in defiance against powerful hedge fund firms of wall Street. I see the same passion and determination in members of the $SAFEMOON community, Only this time, there are no hedge funds to try to stop the price from soaring. + + +2. BSC fee over ETH gas fee all fucking day! Whether you are buying 10$ or 10,000$ worth of $SAFEMOON, you don't have to hurt your wallet in gas fees because it is on the binance smart chain network. Lots of projects are moving out of ETH network to BSC network because of the high gas fees. + + +3. 5℅ Burn and 5% token distribution: I don't think I need to talk too much about this. You buy and HODL, then watch the magic happen whenever anyone buys or sells. CRAZY right?! The millions of coins that keeps accumulating in my wallet every time I take a look just feels goddamn good! Compare this to HOGE (Also a good community driven coin) that distributes just 1% to holders, 5% is a mouth-watering sweet deal for a coin with this level of momentum. + + +4. It's not even listed on any exchange yet and it's already the NUMBER 1 most viewed coin on CMC. Imagine when it gets listed on popular exchanges. The devs and community are actively working on this right now with WHITEBIT exchange being almost certain at this point. + + +5. Read 1 - 4 again. See you guys on the moon + +Here is a detailed instruction from another user on how to buy $SAFEMOON using pancakeswap https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/m47t7t/safemoon_will_be_the_hoge_of_bsc/ +Newbie day trading and lost 10k today with the market going up on what seems to be a bear day. Cannot sleep and sad..how do you all know what indicators to watch to determine if the day is up or down? +Article : https://www.livemint.com/news/india/how-india-s-growth-bubble-fizzled-out-11574004165054.html + +Reading this article sounds scary. I am wondering how much of it is true. +Have always been a goal of mine to earn $2000 a week. I can live so comfortably with that kind of money. +I’m new to this sub, and have been flabbergasting about how much some of you guys earn… + +Currently I’m 21, in my first year of uni. Bachelor of Business and planning to major in accounting. However after lurking through this sub I’ve realised that accounting isn’t the most highest paid field. + +Do you successful people have any tips you want to share? Would mean the world to me. Thanks! + +Edit: THANKS EVERYONE, I DID NOT EXPECT TO GET THIS MANY REPLIES. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. +Hello folks. This is just a friendly ape to ape to say that you might want to hold off quitting your job the day you sell your shares. Why you might ask? While that day will be exciting! You don't technically own that money until the trade is confirmed for two days, T+2. I am personally going to wait to submit my resignation letter till the day I get my trade confirmation email so that I know those commas in my account are mine and there was no fuckery abound! Keep it up apes! + +HODL. VOTE. 💎🙌🚀 edit: BUY!!! +Hello friends of reddit! + +I'm a young stupid kid in my early twenties looking to get started into real estate investments. Some general information about my financial situation. I have a pretty solid history of credit with a good mix of credit lines, low revolving balance, and on time payments. I currently work at a regional bank in customer service, and I'm almost finished with a degree in accounting (paid for by my job). Finally, I currently hold my real estate sale persons licenses in my home state. + +My philosophy is to enjoy the journey and embrace the struggle of learning a new skill. I really enjoy learning about the real estate industry, and have a passion for investments in general. I feel competent in my investments strategies in the stock market. However, real estate investing seem more difficult to master, down right intimidating. I've been reading around and clearly there are some very skilled people in this sub. That being said, what advise would you give yourself if you could start all over again? What mistakes could you have avoided if you did some more research? what mindset shift have you had since you gained experience? Finally, what was the moment that everything clicked for you? I can't wait to read your responses, and hear about your journeys! +I am a newbie, so detailed explanations are appreciated. + +&#x200B; + +**Case in point:** + +On Sept. 7, Apple introduced its third-generation 5G smartphone, the iPhone 14 series. It also debuted its Apple Watch Series 8 smartwatches and second-generation AirPods Pro wireless earbuds. Apple stock rose 0.9% on the news. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.investors.com/research/apple-stock-buy-now/](https://www.investors.com/research/apple-stock-buy-now/) +************ +UPDATE: + +I contacted my HR department as well as my leave company. HR is opening a case with payroll to make sure that I will be paid through the proper channel and how to proceed with repayment. + +HR rep was super supportive and more than willing to help. Leave company is aware of the issue and says it’s possibly resolvable with back pay. + +The HR representative apologized for the managers mess up and assured me he was on top of it. He empathized with me and understood that covid, a medical leave AND incorrect pay, is a lot. Which I appreciated a million. + +Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their knowledge and good vibes. You’re all my hero’s today :) + +****** +Had to remove to stay anon + +I received multiple voicemails this week from scammers posing as an IRS employee threatening to file a lawsuit against me. I should have recognized this was a scam!! The voicemail went : “this is Internal Revenue Service the reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file please call immediately on our department number 413-252-2505 I repeat 413-252-2505 thank you…” + + +I called the number back and after a few seconds the recording began: "hello thanks for calling the international revenue services how may I help you? + +Just as I started speaking, the message continued ..."hello.....hello can you hear me???" + +And just like that I replied , "Yes ma'am I can hear you fine" + +The line was silent and I replied, "hello!?? Can you hear me? + +No answer.. just a voice recorder on the other end.I called back and ... NOTHIN it wouldn't connect + + +Contact TIGTA to report the call. Use their “IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting” web page or call 800-366-4484. +Report it to the Federal Trade Commission. Use the “FTC Complaint Assistant” on FTC.gov. Please add “IRS Telephone Scam” in the notes. +If you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS directly at 1-800-829-1040. +Avoid e-mail phishing attempts +# Goal of this Post + +I want this post to share my story on how I achieved FI. I don't want to focus on the individual line items in my budget or my investment allocation, because this is covered in so many other posts, but what I want to do is describe various aspect of my journey, filled with excitement, failure, and all sorts of unknown. I hope that I can help some people who are at various stages of their journey gain some tips and get reassurances that you can and will fail, but you can pick yourselves up and succeed. I've broken up the post into my background and four themes of Luck/Chance, Stumbles, Dedication, and Thrift to outline how each of these affected my path to FIRE. + +# Background + +35, renter living in near a HCOL US city, SINK, and don't plan to ever have any kids. I'm a 2nd generation immigrant raised in a middle to upper middle class lifestyle. I have not received any inheritances and did not have any trust funds, but I certainly grew up in a household with good parenting and financial stability. As of January 1st, 2019 my NW is $1.1M and I plan to live off a \~3% withdrawal rate - I'm a bit risk averse, so I want a lower rate in case costs go up, stock market goes down, etc.  + +*Disclaimers: I have worked very hard, but 100% acknowledge that I've been very privileged with my upbringing and support I've had from friends and family in additional to many lucky circumstances I've had. In fact, in my first section, you'll see all of the ways that I my FI journey has been filled with chance/luck that helped me get to where I am today.* + +# Luck + +*Luck Definition - I know there was a recent thread that generated a lot of discussion about luck and I'd like to address what I mean by luck. To me, luck is any factor that is 100% out of your control including, but not limited to, genetics, socio/economic environment, or simply crazy things that happen in life. Yes, everyone will have various lucky and unlucky things in life, but I think it is a disservice to assume that people are dealt an equal hand and their success is simply built upon their dedication and hard work.* + +**Born in the USA -** Both my parents were independently able to escape the same war-torn, third world country and successfully immigrate to the US. I can't do each of their stories justice in this post, but it's safe to say that either could have died or never it made over to the US. As an adult, I visited their home country and saw the staggering amount of poverty and it made me realize how different my life would have been if my parents didn't make it out and I was born there. My first stroke of luck in life was simply the fact of winning the birth lottery and being born in the USA. + +**In my DNA -** My parents have always commented that I've been a saver ever since I was a kid. There is a great home video of me at 5 years old getting a $20 bill and I was super excited to put it into my piggy bank - saving just came naturally to me. Where many of my friends' families would go out to eat and go on yearly trips to Hawaii/Disneyland, I was also raised with a modest lifestyle with home-cooked dinners almost every night and our summer trips would be road/camping trips at nearby State/National parks. + +**College Rejection -** I was rejected from all 3 of my "reach" schools - Harvey Mudd, MIT, and CalTech and ended up going to my safety school, a solid top 50 national public university an hour drive from home. At the time I was upset, but in retrospect getting rejected was probably one of the best things to ever happen to me. With part time jobs, lots of merit and need based financial aid, and the fact that the school tuition was only $5K/year (compared to $35K for MIT), I was able to graduate with no debt. + +**Parents Divorcing -** This was very sad at the time, but ultimately what was best for my both parents and my siblings. An unexpected benefit of the divorce was that my college costs got reduced significantly. Through the divorce, my mom got a house which was fully paid off. Because of the illness that she had at the time, she wasn't working which meant no income outside of alimony/child support. The way FAFSA rules were written, my financial aid numbers ended up looking crazy bad (good) and I got a significant amount of need based financial aid even though she was relatively secure. I obviously wouldn't want anyone's family to get divorced, or so sick that they couldn't work, but it was a stroke of chance that all those things coalesced which resulted in me getting huge amounts of need based financial aid on top of my merit based financial aid.  + +**Falling into my Job -** I've been at my current (and only post-college) job for 11+ years and I was literally within an hour to not even applying. I had applied to a number of places but didn't apply to this company because I literally didn't want to write a cover letter. My friend who wanted me to apply, asked me in the computer lab 45 minutes before the application was due to apply because he really thought I would be a good fit for the role, so I wrote the cover letter in 15 minutes, submitted the application and after a series of interviews, I ended up getting the job! It's crazy to think that without my friend or being 45 minutes later, I could have had a MUCH different outcome. + +Also I was tremendously lucky on where I ended up taking my job. I had grown up and went to school in the same area, so I really wanted to move somewhere else for a change of pace. After receiving my offer, I asked to be staffed in "a large coastal city" which had work in the resources/energy industries and they ended up offering me the current city that I live in. I didn't know what I wanted at the time, but looking back, I feel very fortunate that the recruiter picked the city I'm now living in. It really happened to match what I value also is a HCOL city that I could get a high base pay and have a high savings rate. + +# Stumbles + +**"The Talk" -** After some generic training I go to work with a client in an area I really had zero experience. For fresh collge graduates, work at my company is pretty much all "trial by fire". After a few weeks of work, my supervisors pulled me aside and had a private conversation that can be summarized with "hungn3, we brought you onto this role because we thought that you can do the work, but so far you haven't demonstrated that you are able to do it". + +SHIT. I already felt like I had imposter syndrome, but now they validated that I wasn't doing a good job. This was the first time in my life that I was not successful in something that I did and it was a rough hit to my ego. But I buckled up, worked extra hard, was very meticulous with my work, asked for help from my peers/supervisors, and eventually made it through that project successfully. I wasn't going to get ranked at the top of my peer group that first year or two, but I kept my job through the Great Recession in 2008/2009 when people were getting fired left and right. + +**Betting Against the Market -** I was convinced the world was going to end in 2008/2009 after reading all sorts of doom/gloom blogs and kept on reading more stuff to confirm my position. I "invested" $25K in an ETF with a ticker of SDS. For those unfamiliar, SDS is a ETF that is a derivative and attempts to track *2X the INVERSE of the S&P500*.  I bought it in 2009 in the $80-$115 range and didn't sell it off until 2012 when it was around $12. I felt stupid, especially since I had literally read "The Bogleheads Guide to Investing" less than a year earlier. I thought I was smarter than everyone else and could beat what was shown to be statistically/empirically better. + +**Fear of investing -** After losing money by making terrible investment decisions, I basically went into turtle mode and decided not to invest in anything outside of my 401K and my discounted company stock purchases for over 3 years. I ended up with over $200K in cash sitting in a savings account making less than 0.5% before I finally pulled the trigger to put it back into the stock market. I missed out on tons of growth opportunity because I was scarred from making terrible individual stock choices. + +# Dedication + +**The Corporate Ladder Grind -** I've only worked at one company in the 11 years since graduating and work in the IT industry but am not a software developer. I didn't have a typical 9-5 job and often put in nights and weekends during critical phases of the project sacrificing a lot of the "life" in the work/life balance equation. At one point on a large project, I was on a call with India at 7AM-8AM, worked at the office from 8AM-10PM, got on call with India from 11PM-midnight and then went directly to bed. This was repeated every day over multiple weeks and wore me down. Since then, I've found that I've been able to enforce boundaries better and ensure that I have a better work-life balance, but my job is still a lot of work and stress. Within 9 years, got 3 major promotions, saw my salary increase from $66K to $182K, and I went from someone who struggled to provide quality deliverables to a person who people seek out for their specific industry/software expertise. + +**The Travel Grind -** In my job, I'm required to travel 100% of the time and I have travelled for work for over 10 years, which means flying out and being at the client site from Monday through Thursday. Several sacrifices include not seeing friends/family as often, missing midweek events, and also spending so much of my life on a plane/airport/hotel. The George Clooney movie "Up in the Air" really resonated with me and I knew that I couldn't do this life forever and needed to downshift at some point before burning out and turning into Ryan Bingham + +I'm both a data and airplane nerd, so I've tracked every flight in my life which you can see at this link: [https://openflights.org/user/hungn3](https://openflights.org/user/hungn3) + +***My Fun Flying Facts:*** + +* Miles flown: 1,339,400 +* Times Around the World: 53.8X +* Times to the Moon: 5.6X +* Times to Mars: 0.039X +* Time Spent on a plane: 138 days (24 hours/day - not including airport time, getting to/from the airport, delays etc) + +# Thrift + +**Intentional "Homelessness" -** I got an offer to work on a project in NYC for a year.  For most people, that would mean flying coast to coast twice a week. Instead of paying rent despite being so home so seldomly, I instantly decided that instead of paying for more expensive hotels and flying back/forth every week, I would save my company money and myself a ton of money by living in a paid corporate apartment in Midtown Manhattan. I got to explore NYC for an entire year, trying new food, meeting new people, and seeing new things. After that project, I ended up continuing my "homeless" lifestyle by doing one of the following: + +1. Staying at the hotel at my client site and exploring the city where I was working +2. Flying to my home base city and crashing with friends on couches.  I'd compensate them by taking them out to nice dinners and/or cash for staying a few nights before flying back to work. +3. Taking "flex trips" to other locations around the US and the world (see below for more details) + +I stayed "homeless" for about 5 1/2 years, so I got to save a hefty amount by not paying a much rent during that time. + +*Note - I use the word "homeless" in jest, and do not want to imply that I was anywhere remotely close to experiencing what real homeless people or those living with housing insecurity do.* + +**Flex Trips -** One of the biggest perks of my job was that I was able to take flex trips to other destinations as long as the cost of the trip was less than or equal to flying home with any excess paid out of my pocket.  I'd have a "Go-Bag" packed under my desk at my client site that I could grab if I wanted to go do a weekend trip. I'd take buses, trains, or even plans to explore places for a weekend. One of my crazier trips was to take a long weekend trip to Belgium and being right back at work on Monday morning. I haven't taken advantage of this much in recent years because I want to re-focus on family/friends, but earlier in my career, I took full use of this perk by traveling all over the US and the world with heavily subsidized flights. + +**Miles and Hotel Points -** With all the travel for work, I've accumulated a very nice stash of both airline and hotel points. Where many of my colleagues would use points on business class flights, I couldn't justify that when I could get 2X the number of flights flying economy.  When I did book flights with points, I was able to find great flight plans to maximize my points. One example of "hacking" a United Airlines award ticket by using open jaw flights, a stopover, a layover, and careful planning. I got the following flight itinerary all for 80K points + $150 in taxes which on paper is worth about $1000, but I got way more than $1000 value out of it: + +* SEA>FRA 23 hour layover to visit friends in Germany +* FRA>IST 10 day stopover to visit Turkey +* IST>NBO 31 day trip across 7 African countries +* JNB>SFO Flight back to the US + +**Per Diems** \- As a perk for being on the road, I get a post-tax per diem and can pocket anything I don't use. I would maximize my savings by eating breakfast at the hotel and doing things like meal prep and/or eating frugally while travelling on the road. My per diem varied between $32-$52 per day depending on my travel location. The approximate benefit ends up being \~$8000/year in post-tax dollars or $13,000 in pre-tax dollars.  I absolutely would have spent less on food if I didn't travel, but for people who eat simple food and can figure out other frugal food options, you can pocket a bunch of the per diems. + +**No Car and Modest Housing -** To get around, I walk, bike, use mass transit (trains, busses), and will do Lyft/Uber for anything else which the other options don't easily allow. I also will occasionally get a rental car for a long weekend to do a road trip, but that is infrequent. As for my housing, I live in an older (1970's) 2BR apartment that I share with someone. Would I love a nice new layout with new hardwood floors, in unit laundry, and updated countertops? 100%! But with what I'm paying, I've determined that getting all those extra items fall into the "luxury" category and my space is very functional and large enough to host many friends over for various get-togethers and the location of my place is very walkable to most of the things I need. I was recently at home with my mom and watching shows like Property Brothers and House Hunters, and I couldn't help but laugh at what people deem as "mandatory features" for their home. + +One thing that I'd like to comment that people often get wrong about HCOL cities is focusing so heavily on the cost of housing. Of course you want to minimize costs where possible, but it should be to reach a global minimum, not a local minimum. The point I'd like to make is that you really need to factor in **the total cost of transportation and housing** when deciding where to live, especially since most HCOL areas have relatively good mass transit options. If you can pay an extra $300/month for a better located apartment/house, it might cost you less when you factor in your time, the costs of owning cars, paying for transit etc. + +Also, it is possible to have access to most of the benefits of a HCOL city, without actually living directly in that city. In my case I'm about a 30 minute train ride into the city and will often go to meet up with friends, get dinner, etc., but pay significantly less rent than those who live in the city. + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR:** Life is complicated and there is no "one" path to success, nor are any of the paths clear.  I had a lot of luck, stumbled along the way, dedicated a lot of my time towards achieving FI via my career, and found many ways to save money.   + +&#x200B; + +I hope you enjoyed, and please leave a reply if you have any comments/questions! + +&#x200B; + +***Update #1:*** + +People wanted some numbers for salary/networth/budget so here they are. I still suggest you read the body of the post as that has a lot of good info :-). + +# Salary and Net Worth History + +|Year|Base Salary|EOY Net Worth\*|Δ Net Worth|Notes| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|2007|$66,000|$10,700|\-|Partial year| +|2008|$67,300|$33,403|$22,702|| +|2009|$67,300|$31,241|\-$2,162|Housing Crisis| +|2010|$82,300|$54,944|$23,703|Promotion| +|2011|$89,000|$138,628|$83,683|| +|2012|$113,500|$243,254|$104,627|Promotion| +|2013|$124,400|$372,300|$129,046|| +|2014|$130,300|$500,712|$128,412|| +|2015|$154,000|$590,299|$89,587|| +|2016|$181,700|$762,297|$171,998|Promotion| +|2017|$181,700|$1,026,641|$264,344|$1M club| +|2018|$181,700|$1,100,714|$74,073|Reached 3% FI| + +\* May be inaccurate due to general unreliability [Mint.com](https://Mint.com). + +Net Worth only includes base salary but does not include bonuses, 401K match, ESPP discount, per diems, or any other bonus/perk I may have received. I didn't track my savings rate, so I don't have a breakdown of amount saved vs. investment gains. + +# Spending + +People seemed interested on my spending and how I could keep it to \~$33K. Below is my actual 2018 spending along with my FIRE budget. I had to go to the ER in 2018 and get a few CT scans, so I had a surprise $2000 bill. I would say this isn't typical, but I treat it more as a random one time expense. 2018 total costs roughly reflect the average spending each year + +|Year|Rent + Utilities|Fun|Food|Travel|Clothes|Health|Transportation|Gifts|Other|Total| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|2018 Actual|7858|3880|5786|1832|1390|3744|703|809|5330|31332| +|FIRE Budget|9000|4200|6000|4800|600|1850|1800|600|4800|33650| + +Note: Healthcare will be kept low with ACA subsidies by planning of capital gains/losses and I have low transportation costs because I don't own a car and I ride my bike/use mass transit. + +***Update #2:*** + +Wanted to address a few common questions that came up in a single update instead of commenting in each post. + +**Are you really FI?** \- Yes. Based on my spending rate today (see above) I generate enough with a 3.0% WR and I actually think I'm being a bit conservative given various CFIRE and other simulation tools. Some people may consider it leanFIRE simply based on my spending rate - I see the definition of <$40K on the leanFIRE subreddit, but this is probably for a family, and I'm spending $33K as a single person. **I feel like I've got a pretty damned good life with my current level of spending.** Maybe you can't enjoy life with that much, but I certainly can! + +**Will you retire early? -** I currently plan to take some time off my job (either LOA or quitting) and see where things go. I feel pretty comfortable to RE on my current savings. However, it doesn't mean this is my final decision - that's the beauty of FI, you have the freedom to change your mind pretty easily! My future could include more work, such as going back at the same compan/type of company with more conditions/constraints (part time/less travel), doing short term independent consulting work, finding other work I might enjoy more, or continuing the RE path. + +**Free time?** \- I plan to just do a lot of relaxing, hanging out with friends more, dating, rock climbing, cooking more, and catching up on my video game/board game/movie/tv/book backlogs. I'll be looking to also volunteer for a variety of 2019 and 2020 elections. +I've seen a lot of comments from people wondering why shills are working for hedge funds, after reading the DD because it's pretty clear they're going to be out of a job very soon. + +I actually put some thought into the situation after this exchange and I believe it's a common misconception. The majority of shills out there on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube aren't Citadel interns or hired off of LinkedIn. + +[I probably wouldn't have told this dude I'm an XXXX holder, but I was 3-4 glasses wine glasses deep. Whatever, mistakes are made.](https://preview.redd.it/cjblj3zmd8371.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c0c4b574f1bb0fade79185e233b5f393e6a55d) + +# My Shill Theory + +The float is made up of two types of apes: + +**(a) Apes** \- Moral apes, dedicated 100% to bringing down hedge funds. + +**(b) Apes** \- Greedy apes that are willing to either hedge their bets *in case* MOASS does not happen (*oh, it's happening*) OR because they know whatever FUD they're told to post isn't going to work and they're double-dipping, perhaps to fund more shares for themselves. There may even be more of these apes than we think, they just simply weren't asked to shill. + +The percentage of (b) Apes is a significantly lower percentage overall, but I do believe they exist. After receiving these messages I realized that I DO have this option. Greed is a very powerful influence in the decision-making process. Although the choice I made was the moral one, I do think there are more apes out there than we think that did not make that same choice. + +I'm willing to bet that recruitment and compensation work just like a pyramid scheme. + +Below is a reply I received from a shill accidentally breaking character. The DD that I linked wasn't actually DD at all. I spammed r/wallstreetbets with a link to a job description recruiting shills ([here's what was in the link](https://imgur.com/a/MtkC2ru)) to prove they were among us. I was disguising it because it was when WSB was going through the coup and I didn't want to get blocked. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0mxf7hood8371.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9ca7c57ab769f48651277efb93408c7440f73b + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** I've received 50% downvotes on this post for the first 5-30 minutes. As it gained traction, my upvote percentage went up. Therefore, I suspect that the majority of them came from the hundreds of random users that followed me in the past couple of months. Shills are following top posters to slow down their post traction. + +**Edit #2:** To all those who think this might be a troll, a couple of apes (u/ceguy86, u/advencik) found the company: [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059) + +I don't think these are trolls. I think the Reddit accounts are fake, most of the info is fake, and they even create the messages to look shiesty, so when apes post this shit calling them out, people will assume it's fake. Troll posts are probably even created in r/GME_meltdown, so shills can just blame them. But if the ape decides to accept the offer and actually goes through with assignments, they probably receive random payments through a random Venmo account or Crypto app so it can't be tracked. + +This is the best explanation I can think of. If you're going to cry troll, offer another theory as to where they're all being recruited from. It's crazy we can't pinpoint how they're getting hired considering there are so many of them. +I've seen a lot of comments from people wondering why shills are working for hedge funds, after reading the DD because it's pretty clear they're going to be out of a job very soon. + +I actually put some thought into the situation after this exchange and I believe it's a common misconception. The majority of shills out there on Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube aren't Citadel interns or hired off of LinkedIn. + +[I probably wouldn't have told this dude I'm an XXXX holder, but I was 3-4 glasses wine glasses deep. Whatever, mistakes are made.](https://preview.redd.it/cjblj3zmd8371.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=99c0c4b574f1bb0fade79185e233b5f393e6a55d) + +# My Shill Theory + +The float is made up of two types of apes: + +**(a) Apes** \- Moral apes, dedicated 100% to bringing down hedge funds. + +**(b) Apes** \- Greedy apes that are willing to either hedge their bets *in case* MOASS does not happen (*oh, it's happening*) OR because they know whatever FUD they're told to post isn't going to work and they're double-dipping, perhaps to fund more shares for themselves. There may even be more of these apes than we think, they just simply weren't asked to shill. + +The percentage of (b) Apes is a significantly lower percentage overall, but I do believe they exist. After receiving these messages I realized that I DO have this option. Greed is a very powerful influence in the decision-making process. Although the choice I made was the moral one, I do think there are more apes out there than we think that did not make that same choice. + +I'm willing to bet that recruitment and compensation work just like a pyramid scheme. + +Below is a reply I received from a shill accidentally breaking character. The DD that I linked wasn't actually DD at all. I spammed r/wallstreetbets with a link to a job description recruiting shills ([here's what was in the link](https://imgur.com/a/MtkC2ru)) to prove they were among us. I was disguising it because it was when WSB was going through the coup and I didn't want to get blocked. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0mxf7hood8371.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9ca7c57ab769f48651277efb93408c7440f73b + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** I've received 50% downvotes on this post for the first 5-30 minutes. As it gained traction, my upvote percentage went up. Therefore, I suspect that the majority of them came from the hundreds of random users that followed me in the past couple of months. Shills are following top posters to slow down their post traction. + +**Edit #2:** To all those who think this might be a troll, a couple of apes (u/ceguy86, u/advencik) found the company: [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/04189059) + +I don't think these are trolls. I think the Reddit accounts are fake, most of the info is fake, and they even create the messages to look shiesty, so when apes post this shit calling them out, people will assume it's fake. Troll posts are probably even created in r/GME_meltdown, so shills can just blame them. But if the ape decides to accept the offer and actually goes through with assignments, they probably receive random payments through a random Venmo account or Crypto app so it can't be tracked. + +This is the best explanation I can think of. If you're going to cry troll, offer another theory as to where they're all being recruited from. It's crazy we can't pinpoint how they're getting hired considering there are so many of them. +I'm 24 years old, and on a £30k salary. + +I have a standard current account and a saving account, that I put a lump sum of my salary each month. + +&#x200B; + +I've read a lot about the importance of investing now, but struggling to find the best account / product to use. + +I was reading an article that stated if I save £20 a week as a 24years old, by the time I'm 65, with compound interest, this will equate to something near to £650k. (Unsure if these stats are 100% correct - but the idea still stands) + +&#x200B; + +I've looked into MoneyBox, but wondered if there was better options on the market. Thanks! +With the current new algorythm posts and that we are due to a breakout, i want to remind everybody take all the information with a grain of salt and dont trust everything. + +Don't act rash and lose a bunch of money only because something predicted didnt come true. +Hi All, + +Like many other investors, I rapidly became overwhelmed with the uncertainty in the future. Consequently I decided to focus in on what we know now with high probability. Essentially this is assuming all fiscal / monetary policies as currently enacted and consensus estimates on COVID-19 mitigation (i.e. gradual resumption of normal commerce after mid to late Q2). See more detailed assumptions later. + +&nbsp; + + +Some facts going into the analysis: + +* 2019 saw a ~30% gain in the S&P 500, however corporate earnings were nearly flat. Consequently, the 30% rise in the S&P 500 was due almost entirely to increases in valuation, i.e. stock investors paying more for future earnings +* The OECD had projected in September 2019 3.0% Global GDP growth and 2.0% for the US. This was already a deceleration of global growth from 3.6% worldwide in 2018 and 2.9% in the US. +* US Manufacturing, according to the ISM and IHS Markit surveys, weakened through most of 2019 (although showed a slight rebound near the end of year) +* US Business investment also declined through much of 2019, potentially due to the "trade war" between the China & the US +* US Consumer spending remained robust throughout 2019, although also appeared to decelerate near the end of 2019 / early 2020. +* US households had modestly de-leveraged as a % of GDP since 2008, and the debt servicing costs (due to lower interest rates) were at historic lows at the end of 2019. It’s worth noting the changing composition of household debt, with strong increases in student loan and auto debt while mortgage debt decreased. Housing debt peaked at ~$10 trillion in 2008, compared to slightly less than ~$10 trillion at the end of 2019. However, non-housing debt peaked at ~$2.7 trillion in 2008, while by 2019 non-housing debt stood at $4.2 trillion +* US Corporate debt stood at record levels as compared to GDP: ~75%. This debt had also deteriorated in ratings with the largest percentage in history rated as slightly above junk (BBB) +* The US deficit for fiscal year 2019 was estimated at ~$1 trillion pre-COVID +* The bulk of net inflows from 2016-2019 into US equities have been driven by stock buybacks. Since 2009, companies have spent ~$5 trillion in share buybacks + +&nbsp; + + +In short, my analysis is that the US economy entered 2020 with modest to low growth prospects. While consumer spending and household debt servicing costs remained bright spots, modest wage gains coupled with high housing, education, and healthcare costs presented a mixed picture. Both business investment and manufacturing activity were subdued, although hopes for a "Phase 1" trade war seemed cause for modest optimism. + +&nbsp; + +With those facts as background, here are my baked in assumptions for the following analysis: + +* The OECD nations + major developing countries (China, etc.) modestly resume normal economic activity in mid to late Q2 + +* There is no vaccine or "miracle drug" until late 2020 / 2021 +* Stimulus from major central banks globally prevents an immediate financial crisis or severe market distortions (e.g. the corporate credit market seizing up) +* Additional fiscal stimulus measures, while substantial, do not exceed the original stimulus bills (e.g. the $2.2 trillion US bill) +* The COVID-19 lockdown contributes to a severe recession in Q1/Q2 2020 in most countries, but the easing of lockdown measures + stimulus leads to modest to substantial recovery in Q3 2020. + +&nbsp; + + +Alright, onto the main event. Here is what I think is "baked" into the future assuming the above events: + +* Dramatic increases in sovereign debt levels. The US alone is estimated to run a deficit of ~$3-4 trillion depending on the severity and duration of the recession. With global debt levels already at records highs, it is unclear what effect these substantial debt levels will have (deflation, inflation, stagflation, no effect?) + +* Severe budget deficits in US state & local governments. Increased spending on unemployment insurance and healthcare expenditures coupled with decreased revenues will force states to significantly cut their budgets. These cuts will include layoffs of non-essential employees. +* Increased pressure on Euro zone economies, particularly Italy. Italian economic growth remained anemic in 2019 at 0.3%. With the complete lockdown of the Italian economy (which began in the economic engine of Northern Italy), Italy will likely face dramatic declines in GDP and correspondingly large government deficits. Northern Eurozone countries will be faced yet again with difficult choices with regards to Italian debt. Pressure from northern Eurozone countries on Italy risk furthering inflaming public opinion and leading to a separatist backlash. +* Negative to zero growth in US consumer spending in 2020. Despite the enhanced unemployment insurance, stimulus checks, and corporate / small biz loans I believe it is unlikely that consumer spending will rebound in 2020. Consumers will prioritize on paying off debts, rebuilding savings, etc. due to the economic uncertainty. Furthermore there is permanent demand destruction in certain sectors, e.g. consumers are unlikely to replace all of their canceled vacations, restaurant visits, shopping excursions, etc. The "wealth effect" will work in reverse as many high income households see drops in both their investments accounts as well as variable compensation: bonuses, pay raises, RSUs, stock options, etc. +* Unemployment will remain substantially elevated over its early 2020 low of ~3.5% through 2020. As in 2009, many corporations will "do more with less" in lieu of hiring during uncertain times. Small and medium sized businesses will face substantial revenue losses in 2020 and will focus on cutting costs to remain solvent. +* Manufacturing and business investment will remain weak in 2020. Manufacturing will continue to stagnant due to sluggish demand for automobiles, aircraft, and other durable goods. Businesses will focus on preserving cash, paying down / refinancing debts, etc. due to weak global demand +* The US Federal Reserve will continue to support markets with QE and other monetary policy measures. +* Increased likelihood of a change in US presidential administrations. In early 2020 the Democratic party appeared poised to nominate a progressive, divisive candidate in Bernie Sanders. By April 2020 Joe Biden, a center-left candidate, had secured the nomination. At the same time, the US economic outlook had substantially deteriorated. While the economy is likely to improve in the June-November timeline, it is unclear if this recovery will be substantial enough to allow President Trump to run on a message of economic recovery. The increased likelihood of a Democratic presidential administration is a corresponding decreased likelihood of further US corporate tax cuts. +* Dramatic decrease in stock buybacks in 2020. Companies will focus on preserving cash and reducing debt levels. +* Significant deployment of "dry powder" from cash rich corporates and private equity firms (which have ~$2+ trillion in unallocated funds). These funds will look for opportunities in distressed credit, M&A, and other opportunistic areas +* Continued low oil prices in 2020. While a modest recovery is possible, the magnitude of demand destruction for oil, the unraveling of Opec+, and the continuing impact of American shale drillers will contain price growth. +* Continued China - US tension. There is little sign of a thaw in relations, and a hard line against China is one of the few popular bi-partisan issues in US domestic politics. Initial discussions to suspend Chinese tariffs during the crisis seem to have stalled. +* Emphasis on supply chain resiliency / diversification. Between the US - China trade war and the COVID-19 outbreak, OECD companies will face both investor and political pressure to diversify their supply chain away from China. This will bolster the slow and gradual shift that was already underway due to increasing Chinese labor costs and the perception of an opaque, unfair legal regime. In the short term this will drive up costs (China is a manufacturing hub for many reasons beyond cheap labor) which will either compress corporate profits or raise consumer prices. +* Unlike 2009, there does not appear to be a new global engine of growth. China seems justifiably concerned about exacerbating their debt situation with massive fiscal stimulus. India was already experiencing a recession, and other major economies like Nigeria, Indonesia, etc. do not have the per capita purchasing power to stimulate global growth. Many of these countries are also suffering from the collapse in commodity prices and the flight from emerging market bonds / equities. + +&nbsp; + + +I hesitate to forecast the future, because obviously there is significant uncertainty. However, my personal base case is that an immediate "V-shaped" recovery in asset prices is unlikely. For asset prices to reach or exceed 2020 levels would require corporates to either substantially increase earnings in mid to late 2020 AND investors to value future earnings at the same high levels of 2020. However, it is worth noting that the record low interest rates (and corresponding bond yields) and monetary easing could in theory drive investors into equities, real estates, private equity, etc. as the only option for positive returns. My personal base case is a sluggish recovery in mid to late 2020 with asset prices remaining volatile to shifts in sentiment. With the Fed stabilizing markets, a widespread global depression seems unlikely but could occur if high global debt levels trigger widespread corporate bankruptcies or some form of "stagflation". Another unlikely, but possible case is that the world emulates Japan after the early 1990s and experiences a long period of slow asset price decline as corporates deleverage, credit availability declines modestly, and no new global engines of growth emerge. + +&nbsp; + + +Thoughts? + +&nbsp; + + +Edit #2: Adding in how to know I'm wrong + + +One thing that occurred to me is that since this analysis is slightly bearish, I should proactively offer some data points that would indicate I'm wrong / overly pessimistic: + +* Rapid recovery in US consumer spending in Q3 / Q4 2020 to pre-COVID levels +* Rapid return to pre-COVID employment, ~3.5%, by Q4 2020 +* Increased US business investment / manufacturing activity in Q3 / Q4 to supplement or replace consumer spending +* The rapid return of the US corporate debt market which enables large stock buybacks in Q4 2020 onward +* Corporate earnings growth compared to late 2019 (i.e. not simply quarter on quarter comparisons against the likely awful Q1 / Q2 numbers) +* Massive US government infrastructure projects / other stimulus programs that generate demand and boost US household incomes + +Edit #3: Some people have correctly pointed out that India was not in a recession in 2019. Apologies, I should have said that growth had decelerated over 2019, with Q4 2019 growth estimated at ~4.7% compared to GDP of ~7% in 2018. I think my larger point stands that India's economy did not appear to be trending in a positive direction, and given their per capita income of ~$1700 4.7% is not sufficient to dramatically improve global growth. + +Sources: + +* https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2019/11/30/the-stock-markets-25-gain-is-totally-due-to-higher-valuations-and-not-earnings/#3a67eab022ba +* https://www.oecd.org/economy/oecd-sees-rising-trade-tensions-and-policy-uncertainty-further-weakening-global-growth.htm +* Business Investment: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/W790RC1Q027SBEA +* Consumer spending: https://www.bea.gov/system/files/2020-03/pi0220_hist.pdf +* US Debt: https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc.html +* $400 expense: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-06-04/the-400-emergency-expense-story-is-wrong +* Corporate Debt: https://www.blackrock.com/institutions/en-us/insights/investment-actions/assessing-risks-in-bbb-corporate-bonds +* Corporate Deb #2: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-13/for-battered-junk-bond-market-an-old-risk-grows-louder-each-day +* Stock buybacks: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/29/goldman-says-there-are-three-big-stock-buyers-that-will-keep-the-record-rally-going.html +* India Growth: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/indicators/moodys-cuts-indias-gdp-growth-forecast-to-5-6-for-2019/articleshow/72520706.cms?from=mdr + +&nbsp; + +Edit: My first gold and silver, thank you kind strangers! +Hey guys, I know some people already do this themselves manually by comparing Google Trends and Stock prices to find some sort of common trend, so I built this app to put them both on the same page and make it easier to accomplish! + +&#x200B; + +Link: [http://stockvstrend.herokuapp.com/](http://stockvstrend.herokuapp.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Also, this tool is Open Source! + +I hope you find this useful in some part of your investment strategy and of course, let me know if you find any bugs, have any suggestions or comments! +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/181NsEF1W0c0nNjhS5o\_v6PnOvTnpLwUnZgOwCP-1flE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/181NsEF1W0c0nNjhS5o_v6PnOvTnpLwUnZgOwCP-1flE/edit?usp=sharing) + +Got my WSB tuition and owed 88k, took a break for a month and started using a new strategy starting in December 2020. Here is the recovery graph from a few days ago: [https://i.imgur.com/b2wxePw.gif](https://i.imgur.com/b2wxePw.gif) + +Noticed NVDA was pretty rangebound back then for months, so decided to pretty much sell anywhere from $15-20 OTM put credit spreads two weeks out with ALL my capital. Sprinkled in some TLSA, AMD, and high IV plays like CRSR and GME, and here we are now with a $233k profit (from the bottom). Here is where my WSB smooth-brain kicked in: I was so confident on NVDA not dropping past my strikes that I doubled down by using the credit I got from my initial spread and selling more put credit spreads with it.... so this is more like /r/thetagangbets. + +**NOTE:** I am NOT suggesting this to be done at ALL. I essentially have been YOLO'ing my entire capital with each trade, and am overleveraging here by recycling my credit into more spreads. Just want to share and see what kind of discussion comes out of this. + +Shared an older version of this template in the past, decided to update it with a copy of my current trades (Note: won't be updating this in real time, real trade log is in a different acct, but feel free to copy and adapt as you like!) +MILLIONAIRES. YES, EVEN YOU JOE FUCKHEAD WITH YOUR 1.2 SHARES. YES EVEN ME WITH MY 2+ SHARES. MILLIONAIRES. + +Fucking say it out loud. “MILLIONAIRE.” + +This will be the ONLY bone life will ever fucking throw at us. The odds of the events leading up to this happening are ASTRONOMICAL. LETS TAKE BACK THE DOLLAR. I genuinely believe I will be a millionaire. I genuinely believe we can do this. We can do this. + +WE CAN DO THIS. + +FOR YOUR LOVED ONES. FOR THOSE THAT CANT HELP THEMSELVES. FOR THOSE WHO ONLY HELP OTHERS. FOR THE CHILDREN. FOR THE ELDERS. FOR THE COMMUNITY. FOR US. FOR YOU. FOR ME. FOR GAMESTOP. POWER TO THE PLAYERS. POWER TO US. POWER TO THE APES. + +WE CAN AND WILL BE MILLIONAIRES. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS HODL. + +DO. NOT. FUCK. THIS. UP. IT WILL TAKE ALL OF US. + + + + +TO THE MOON YOU BEAUTIFUL BASTARDS + +EDIT: NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE +I actually just really fucking believe in decentralization, **freedom of speech**, censorship resistance, and democracy. + +The charts, the price, talking with you all is a lot of fun for me. But: I care about these fundamental human rights more than the price of ethereum. I think Ethereum and other decentralized projects such as IPFS will help pave the way for censorship resistance in the future, and have already begin to. IPFS is not necessarily censorship resistant however there is research being done to make it moreso. The more attention directed towards this decentralized computing space the better. Ethereum and Bitcoin have played a huge role in helping move the needle. + +Countries like China and Turkey are using technology to oppress, torture, kill and censor their own people. **We need encryption and decentralization projects so we can fight back**. Ethereum isn't a 401k alternative, it and it's ecosystem of apps and similar projects **are all a big fuck you to human rights abusers like the Chinese Communist Party. + +also mandatory: + +# **[fuck](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2021/country-chapters/china-and-tibet) the [chinese](https://www.nytimes.com/news-event/hong-kong-protests) communist [party](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-55794071) and [those](https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/break-their-roots-chinese-authorities-torture-rape-uighur-women-20210419-p57kez.html) who [enable](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/taiwan-says-request-drop-word-country-preceded-biontech-vaccine-deal-collapse-2021-05-27/) and [support](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/media-censorship-china) it**. + +I would gladly sell all my ETH for $1 and give up my life to replace them-- the biggest threat to human civilization-- with a democratically elected government who truly represent the chinese people and their best interest. +35M married with no kids yet, working as a senior tech lead for a FAANG. Pay is great. Work/life balance is fantastic. NW is at 5M. Entrepreneur all-in type personality but failed two startups as a cofounder in 20s. Now own 8M worth rentals and growing. NW went up by 2.5M last two years alone which made my after-tax pay a petty 10% of total annual NW growth. Never talked about personal finance with peers but know my peers are all younger HENRYs living in luxury apartments doing YOLO everyday without any savings. + +I feel very disconnected with my peers. I don’t care promotions. I don’t care career development. I just need this comfy job now for getting loans and reaching my 10M NW sooner so I can full time doing RE management and investment. I get lots of joy from working, especially towards something meaningful. But now I feel I am wasting my time and potential at this job. + +Anyone experiencing similar things in their career? Any tips to rekindle my motivation? +**Floki Inu, or FLOKI, is going to be the next SHIB (or bigger).** + +**That's a legit 100x potential... and it can do 1,000x if Elon Musk shills it hard.** + +**This is due to the Elon Musk Factor:** + +**On June 25, Elon Musk tweeted, "*****My Shiba Inu will be named Floki.*****"** 👀 + +**This tweet led to the Floki Inu meme coin being created.** + +**We all know that Elon controls the meme market:** + +* **Elon sent Doge from about $400 million to ATH of $80 billion+** +* **He pumped $SHIB 1,000x** 🚀 **without directly mentioning it (just by talking about Shiba Inus).** + +**FLOKI on the other hand was mentioned directly by Elon and will be the name of his Shiba.** + +**It's almost guaranteed at this point that Elon will be shilling FLOKI as hard as DOGE. 🐶** + +**Elon has always been consistent (in his support for Doge and Shiba Inus) and when he says he will be naming his Shiba Inu FLOKI, you can count on it.** + +**Quick facts about Floki Inu:** + +* **It owns the "FLOKI" on both CMC and CG.** ✔️ +* **Has utility; Just partnered with CryptoCart and is one of the few cryptos to be supported by them to purchase things on Amazon, Netflix, Apple, PlayStation, and 1,700+ stores (using their proprietary "crypto to gift card" tech).** ✔️ +* **Liquidity locked for 100 years+ on BSC and ETH.** 🔒 +* **Over $2 million LP each on both ETH and BSC — which makes it easy for whales to ape and also very big compared to other meme coins.** ✔️ +* **As seen in Forbes, Seeking Alpha, IBTimes, CryptoSlate, etc.** ✔️ +* **Regularly ranked above DOGE and SHIB for social engagement by LunarCrush (reminds me of SHIB in the early days before 1,000x).** ✔️ +* **Only major dog meme that is cross-chain and has a working bridge.** ✔️ +* **10 - 12% slippage on both ETH and SBC.** ✔️ + +**If SHIB did over 1,000x in weeks because of Elon Musk casually talking about Shiba Inus... FLOKI, which he has mentioned directly, and will name his dog after, is pretty much going to do 100x.** 🚀 + +**And it's just $50 million market cap right now (much smaller than SHIB and other meme coins).** 📈 + +**Website:** [**https://theflokiinu.com/**](https://theflokiinu.com/) + +**Dextools (BSC):** [**https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xb372ea0debcc8235c2374929028284973e4f5e26**](https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xb372ea0debcc8235c2374929028284973e4f5e26) + +**TG:** [**https://t.me/FlokiInuToken**](https://t.me/FlokiInuToken) +I was thinking about this when doing our taxes the other day. My wife and I only work three days a week each at the moment while the kids are young, and I think I initially overestimated our income to Centrelink and we will get some childcare money back. + +At the moment, we don't have loads of disposable money, but we have enough to get by and importantly, we have enough time so that the kids don't have to be in childcare every day and we don't pay too much in tax. + +Obviously, we could work more, earn more and have the kids in childcare longer, but then we would pay more for care and would see them less. + +Do you think there is a salary sweet spot for families with young kids? If so, what is it? +With the highly-anticipated release of the Gamestop NFT hopefully in the near future, I have reason to believe that there is BLATANT FUCKERY AFOOT with the Senate and the [White House](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oyxejb/white_house_comes_out_in_support_of/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=web2x&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;context=3) right now. + +Sen. Mark Warner and Sen. Rob Portman have slipped in [this amendment](https://twitter.com/jerrybrito/status/1423429377459736577?s=21) into the newly written $1-Trillion bill for infrastructure. These amendments may seem harmless and complicated to those of us who don't know much about cryp t03. DO NOT BE FOOLED. If passed, this amendment would effectively restrict/destroy the innovative industries that are going to be working with the upgraded Ethereum 2.0 Blockchain in the United States - as the upgrade switches from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) . That includes our beloved NFTs if a dividend is released. WTAF! + +Link to an informative video from a wrinkle on the subject: [youtube.com/watch?v=JEF8dwF36qY&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;ab\_channel=CharlesHoskinson](http://youtube.com/watch?v=JEF8dwF36qY&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;ab_channel=CharlesHoskinson) + +From what it seems, the government doesn't understand the consequences that these new rules would have on investors and innovators alike if they are implemented... Either that, or they are purposefully trying to keep digital currency centralized in order to protect the banks and institutions from doing what they do best (Naked Short Selling). Whatever the reason may be (it's definitely the latter), the ramifications of this bill are "sweeping and massively damaging" according to the executive director of the Blockchain Association - Kristin Smith. Regardless, they are targeting Ethereum and other digital currencies, the Senate is framing it as a way to reduce tax evasion in the cryp t03 markets. + +Call for Action: REACH OUT TO YOUR SENATORS [https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm](https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm) LET THEM KNOW THAT IF THEY VOTE YES FOR THE WARNER-PORTMAN-SINEMA PLAN THAT YOU WILL MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT GET RE-ELECTED FOR OFFICE + +Even easier: [https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/stop-the-senate-from-sneaking-through-total-surveillance-of-the-crypto-economy/](https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/stop-the-senate-from-sneaking-through-total-surveillance-of-the-crypto-economy/) + +I have the smoothest brain out of all of you fucking morons and we really need more discussion about this in the comments down below. + +Shout out to u/TempMobileD for bringing this to my attention. He has stated "anyone who runs an ether node would be forced to conduct KYC, which isn’t possible. Therefore running a node would become illegal. The whole thing is totally bananas, and not our favourite kind." + +Edit: u/Philbojbaggins pointed out in the comments that we also need eyes on the Wyvern Amendment. Listen, i don’t know jack shit about crypto or blockchain or DEFI or KYC, all i know is that i don’t want the government or the banks to have power over that shit. I want Gamestop to rocket to alpha centauri and be the greatest company in the world. I would really appreciate a DD on this matter. + +[HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ozaeo2/e_t_h_is_under_attack_senate_votes_tomorrow/h7ynn5s/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;context=3) is a comparison between the proposed amendments in the comments. Thank you Philbo. + +Edit 2: [Matt Finestone head of blockchain at gamestop liked this tweet](https://twitter.com/banklesshq/status/1423503086459359235?s=21) + +Edit 3: [Jordan HODLberg liked this tweet](https://twitter.com/iamdcinvestor/status/1423489581920489476?s=21) + +EDIT 4: CHECK[ MATT FINESTONE’S LIKES](https://twitter.com/finestonematt?s=21) ON TWITTER + +EDIT 5: [FOOBAR RETWEETS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ozaeo2/e_t_h_is_under_attack_senate_votes_tomorrow/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) + +EDIT 6: [Amendment proposal would not take effect until 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ozdynx/critically_important_psa_gamestops_potential/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). Sorry i completely missed this tweet earlier. + +EDIT 7: [TWITTER POST FROM FOOBAR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ozfwuy/2023_effect_if_passed_but_extremely_important_due/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf). You don’t have to listen to me - listen to the nft team themselves. Taking a few minutes of action is all you need to do to support the stock. We cannot disappoint our fellow europoors depending on us. Taking action will only help ensure the NFT goes smoothly in the future. + +THE VOTE IS HAPPENING TOMORROW, LETS MAKE SURE GME NFT TEAM’S HARD WORK DOESN’T GO TO WASTE +**What are FTDs?** FTDs are Fails-To-Deliver, meaning that when it was time to settle the trade, the seller couldn't provide the asset that they had "sold" 2 days ago. Small numbers of FTDs are present in many securities, but large numbers of FTDs are associated with naked shorting. Since naked shorting is by definition selling something you don't have, it can be pretty hard to deliver on time. + +**What is DFCF?** Well, DFCF is a pretty boring-looking ETF. It holds 3 types of assets: US Treasuries, mortgage-backed securities, and corporate bonds. It would be nothing at all out of the ordinary if not for the way it has been behaving since its creation on 11/16. + +**Why should we care about DFCF?** I believe DFCF may be one of the most brazenly nakedly shorted securities ever. One merely has to get to the first line and see that *99.7% of day 1 trading volume FTD'd* to realize that something is massively wrong here. + +The "Min FTD %" column is the most conservative possible fraction of that particular day's volume that ended up FTDing on T+2. The actual value could be and is much higher on many days, because some FTDs will be created on the same day that others are closed, but since we can only see the daily total we can only be certain that FTDs are created on days when the total goes up. This is why some days are 0, even though it is extremely likely that some or all of those days created FTDs as well. + +Note that FTDs only show up on T+2, which is why the FTD % column reflects the FTDS for 2 days later. + +Date | DFCF FTDs | DFCF Volume | Min FTD % | Notes +------|--------------|----------------|--------------|-------- +11/16|n/a|586542|99.7%|Fund starts trading +11/17|n/a|204533|31.1%| +11/18|584864|31158|54.2%|**The entire volume of day 1 trading FTDs** +11/19|648416|17586|82.3%| +11/22|665304|10985|34.9%| +11/23|679888|28847|0%| +11/24|683720|26685|0%|Threshold listed as soon as it possibly could have been +11/25|n/a|n/a|n/a|Thanksgiving +11/26|2925|19603|.020%|**Magically, 680k FTDs are cleared on 20k volume** +11/29|1349|204783|34.8%|Spike at 10:48 +10% and back, most action DFCF ever had +11/30|1743|128043|74.9%| +12/1|73059|123536|95.0%| +12/2|168903|35827|0%| +12/3|286230|54514|0%| +12/6|15655|58123|6.66%| +12/7|8683|84785|3.26%| +12/8|12553|75669|81.1%| +12/9|15319|319720|83.2%| +12/10|76673|77459|0%| +12/13|342561|130651|43.1%| +12/14|3934|64783|0%| +12/15|60247|55454|18.9%| +12/16|12310|39927|41.5%| +12/17|22818|74337|0%| +12/20|39396|34741|0%| +12/21|17352|116748|0%| +12/22|1991|392286|6.92%| +12/23|1392|235832|33.4%| +12/27|28522|57969|0%| +12/28|107240|244170|0%| +12/29|13984|149657|1.84%| +12/30|1759|194918|unknown| +12/31|4507|15293|unknown| + +Minimum number of trading days above 80% FTD rate: 5 + +Minimum number of trading days above 95% FTD rate: 2 + +For comparison, MEME, another new ETF (edit: which currently holds 3.37% GME), so we can see that this abundance of day 1 FTDs is not normal. MEME, like DFCF, did indeed go on the threshold list as soon as it could have (actually one day later), but does not show the same absurdly high daily FTD rates. + +Date | MEME FTDs | MEME Volume | Min FTD % | Notes +------|--------------|-----------------|--------------|-------- +12/8|n/a|81814|2.99%|Fund starts trading +12/9|n/a|57254|30.6%| +12/10|2446|60516|16.7%| +12/13|19942|25591|1.39%| +12/14|30064|16865|0%| +12/15|30420|18286|0%| +12/16|30197|13061|0%| +12/17|22640|16729|0%|Threshold listed +12/20|1209|8921|7.49%| +12/21|127|11183|0%| +12/22|795|4311|.557%| +12/23|679|3404|0%|Last day on threshold list +12/27|703|3008|0%| +12/28|28|3493|0%| +12/29|28|18514|0%| +12/30|24|5237|unknown| +12/31|0|7087|unknown| + +**What does this mean?** It certainly looks like someone is using DFCF to aggressively short the housing market, US treasuries, and corporate debt. So like most of the economy. This looks to me like a big player is realizing the crash is coming and trying to get ahead of it, just like Goldman Sachs and others did in 2008. + +**What happened on 11/26**, when somehow 680k FTDs were cleared on a day that saw less than 20k total volume? 11/26 just so happens to be Black Friday, a half day of trading when the S&P was down over 2% and was one of its worst days in months. And it's not the only day we saw more FTDs cleared than trading volume, it happened again on 12/6 and 12/14. + +I attempted to find any other references to this in any media and came up with nothing at all. There were a few puff pieces that mentioned DFCF as a promising new fund and said nothing substantive. Think about that for a moment. 99.7% of the day 1 trading of a new fund was likely fraudulent, and nobody noticed? **Why am I, a rando on the internet, finding this rather than "investigative journalists" or the SEC?** It's from the SEC's own documents, the very least they could do is read them. + +One of the aforementioned puff pieces was [this interview posted 12/20.](https://www.morningstar.com/articles/1071492/2-new-etfs-we-like) The point of the article is to say nothing substantive but pump 2 ETFs, DFCF and SCHY. It was also not the only MSM article that put DFCF and SCHY in the same breath. Gee, I wonder if SCHY might be getting aggressively shorted as well? SCHY just so happens to have gone on the threshold list on 1/12, and was also on it from 12/9 to 12/16, and at many other times since it was created in April 2021 + +Also, SEC, I know you guys aren't interested in doing your job, but seriously? 99.7% of the volume on day 1 failed to deliver and trading was allowed to continue like nothing happened? No public statement or initiation of an investigation? Why did I have to dig through the threshold list and FTD filings in order to find out about this? + +**The current system allowed trading to go on for weeks after 99.7% of volume on day 1 was fraudulent and has yet to take any substantive action about this.** + +Extra special bonus speculation time: ~~I remember months ago a series of DDs that pointed to a short squeeze in the treasury market.~~ Edit: derp it was u/atobitt's [The Everything Short.](https://old.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) What if that's what's going on here? These ETFs could be used as a proxy for shorting treasuries in the same way that XRT and others are used as a proxy for shorting GME. + +**TL;DR** + +Someone is likely using DFCF and probably other ETFs to aggressively short large sectors of the economy, getting ahead of the crash just like Goldman Sachs and others did in 2008. + +Edit: I have looked at the data for several other ETFs, and have yet to find any that display the same absurd immediate burst of FTDs as DFCF did. Even SCHY, the other suspicious one from the articles and threshold list gradually eased into FTDing after it began trading in April. + +Edit 2: And just for the record, DFCF is still on the threshold list as of 1/18, which means the high FTDing is ongoing, so expect to see an update to this at the end of the month when additional FTD data are released. + +Edit 3: All FTD data comes from the SEC's website, [here.](https://www.sec.gov/data/foiadocsfailsdatahtm) Volume data was taken from Active Trader. +One of the things we talk about often is how volatility is mean reverting. The historical average of the VIX is 15, and while it might seem like a long time since we were there, it was just a couple of years ago. This morning the VIX is 18 and if you have been selling pretty much any option under the sun over the past month, you have been making bank with the combination of theta decay and volatility collapse. + +But it's important from a portfolio management perspective, that you should not force trades, and only try and take what the market gives you. My utilization right now is down around 15%. That's definitely on the low side, but it allows me to be in a great position to put on new positions if and when volatility spikes again. + +I know there's a lot of people out there looking for new trades/positions, and asking what to do when the premiums all seem to suck and the IVR of everything you usually trade is down in the basement, but another part of trading is having patience and waiting for the right opportunity to go in heavy, and now is not that time. + I know that Michael Burry, who predicted the 2008 recession, has said that he thinks it is a "dangerous bubble" and that he is expecting an "epic crash." + +Do you agree? Moreover, is it reasonable to expect S&P 500 ETF return rates to continue averaging \~10.5% in the future? +Self admitted dumb ass here. So on 16 Oct I bought $20K of $PTON and $20K of $NIO (buy high sell low, amirite?). + +Both have pretty much shit the bed as soon as I bought. + +Do I sell for about a $2800 loss and go learn how to trade or do one or both of them have some near term upside so I hold a bit longer and go learn how to trade? + +New and humorous ways to tell me I’m a dumb ass are always welcome. +So I understand that in order to retire, you sort of need a career to retire from. If you inherit wealth, what should be the mindset of retiring? Is there a level of work that is optimal for you and society to feel that you "deserve" to retire? I'm mostly interested in starting a conversation about how we feel about inherited wealth and what it means to enjoy life while not working directly to benefit society. Also, even in retirement do wealthy people feel they have a societal role in managing their wealth to allocate capital efficiently? +&#x200B; + +[https://preview.redd.it/0c1wlapvver61.jpg?width=1629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01743a9c62812e50660f8ae3629c6a3246a7e638](https://preview.redd.it/0c1wlapvver61.jpg?width=1629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01743a9c62812e50660f8ae3629c6a3246a7e638) + +# HOLY SHIT! + +Dear Apes, + +I decided to do some homework today. I know some of this is not new information but I contacted my broker and started asking questions. This was the part I found shocking...(I'm removing the reps name so not to get them in trouble) and that I had no idea that I couldn't call back my shares or even have a vote in the proxies .... + +14:58 **TD**: \*I can remove your margin for you. That would allow you to have the ability to vote in the proxies.\* + +14:58 **Anonymous**: I still would like to know the answer about switching over from margin to cash and if that would cause my shares to be recalled, if they are lent out short + +14:59 **TD**: *It will* + +14:59 **Anonymous**: wait are you saying I wouldn't have been able to vote in the proxies if I stayed on margin? + +14:59 **TD**: \*And you would then have the ability to vote the proxy.\* + +14:59 **Anonymous**: Wait wait go back, are you saying that if I stayed on margin, would I not been able to vote in the upcoming proxies? + +15:00 **TD**: \*If you stayed on margin you would not. Correct.\* + +15:01 **Anonymous**: interesting. so you are saying all those people who are on margin accounts, they don't actually get to vote in the annual meetings? + +15:01 **TD**: They would not have a vote if they were on a margin account. + +# Breakdown: + +**If you are on margin, not only are your shares able to be lent without your consent (Basically, you gave them consent when you signed up for margin) BUT that you can't recall your shares for the Annual meeting, nor will you have the right to vote in the proxies. Also, people have been asking, I have a zero margin balance and extra cash sitting in the account and this was still the conversation.** + +&#x200B; + +**I knew about the lending of shares but I didn't realize you can't even vote or recall your shares on margin.** I'm sure most of you all didn't realize that part either. I know some of you are annoyed I hadn't switched but I have a feeling I'm not the only one. I know there was DD that told everyone to switch to cash, but I know I didn't. I doubt that I'm the only Ape who didn't switch over to cash either because I thought I wouldn't be able to trade options. Well guess what, I confirmed with them. You can still buy options on cash only. + +# From this conversation, if your shares are sold short on your margin account....this would force your broker to actually call back the shares lent short. If everyone was to call or message their brokers this week, and to switch to cash only, if your shares were lent out they would recalled. You would also be allowed to vote in the upcoming Proxy vote. + +**At this point, if you are on Margin you don't have any rights as a GameStop shareholder and your shares are definitely being used as ammo against any long shareholder of GME. I had no idea that I couldn't recall my own shares or even not have my vote counted on margin.......OH SHIT!** + +&#x200B; + +I switched today. Will you ensure your shares are yours for the upcoming vote? All you have to do is call or message your broker to switch you over like I just did. + +&#x200B; + +To anyone saying this isn't DD. I called up and confirmed for Apes how the process works. In an edit I will include every brokers number and directions on how to do it. **If anyone has made the switch from margin to cash before, please help the community out by posting directions on how you did it and which broker!!** + +&#x200B; + +==================================================================== + +**Edit 1:** Some people are saying to not make the switch until the meeting has been announced. Personally, I already did it but you all do whatever you want. **The main thing I want is for Apes to be aware of the power to call back shares lent short by our brokers is only done by switching to a cash account and that you will not have voting rights unless you make that switch.** + +**Edit 2:** For those of you annoyed, because you all switched back in Jan, I'm sorry that I didn't do it. I thought it was going to effect my ability to trade options and I have 2 brokerages that I was dealing with/switching over. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only ape who didn't make the switch back then. But we do have an opportunity to spread this message around and get every ape the ability to vote/recall their shares. + +**Edit 3:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l2n5wv/most\_of\_you\_are\_helping\_the\_gme\_shorts\_and\_you/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l2n5wv/most_of_you_are_helping_the_gme_shorts_and_you/) + +This was linked to me. I never read it until now. It only have like 5k upvotes at the time and I wasn't following WSBs as often after my ban for "Copying and pasting DD" on WSB during the run up. + +============================================================================== + +# How to Instructions gathered from you guys: + +# TD Ameritrade: + +[GodOfThunder39](https://www.reddit.com/user/GodOfThunder39/)[16 minutes ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mktkdj/holy_shit_you_must_read_this_actually_important/gthsuod/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +On TD Ameritrade... + +Click on My Profile->General at the top + +On the right side, it should say "Margin Trading None" + +If it says something else, then you should get it changed. + +[masterexec](https://www.reddit.com/user/masterexec/)[6 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mktkdj/holy_shit_you_must_read_this_actually_important/gtic0zn/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)·*edited 5 hours ago* + +Well. I just got off the phone with TDA and was told in no uncertain terms that it made no difference whatsoever if you have a margin account or cash account, they **DO LEND OUR SHARES. PERIOD.** The only way you can prevent lending is to request physical certificates held in YOUR NAME, and was told that it can cost anywhere from $200-$700 depending on the company(stock). Then the issue becomes trading (selling) you will have to send them back to them to initiate a trade ( sale). I don’t know how this can be legal, but it was absolutely clear that is what they are doing. 100% clear they are lending shares. + +**Edit: if you are with TDA, you need to call to confirm yourself. I’m livid.** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +&#x200B; + +# WeBull + +[NugQuest](https://www.reddit.com/user/NugQuest/) + +WeBull users remember: it will take approximately 6 business days on a best efforts basis to switch from margin account to cash account. During this time, you will **NOT** be able to trade or make a withdrawal. + +***Edit\* Add-On*** + +You can turn off the lending program on WeBull though. Not sure if that helps or not but the more you know. + +**How to change from Margin to Cash WeBull:** + +1. Go to the Home page +2. Click \[Account\] Tap +3. Scroll down to find \[Change Account Type\] +4. Submit your application + +*Please note: This function is supported on our mobile app only, not on desktop.* + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +[You\_Still\_Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/You_Still_Reddit/)**💎🙌** + +On the app = Got to: Your account(middle button at bottom), click More, Account Details (scroll to bottom, “cash” or “margin” shown here), Change Account Type, then click “Exit Now” under “share lending program” and follow the prompts. + +Edit: [u/khashi1](https://www.reddit.com/u/khashi1/) steps for Webull, account status is also in this menu to see if you have a cash or margin account. + +[You\_Still\_Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/You_Still_Reddit/)**💎🙌** + +My Webull was also set to cash account so I thought I was good. **Turns out, they have a “share lending program” that you HAVE to opt out of. It automatically enrolls you when you setup the account.** + +&#x200B; + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# IBKR: + +[alias\_\_grace](https://www.reddit.com/user/alias__grace/)[3 hours ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mktkdj/holy_shit_you_must_read_this_actually_important/gtiqia2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +If someone already posted this, please disregards and kindly give your karma to the first 🦍 + +IBKR Web: + +Log in (duh) > Settings > Account Setting > Configuration (right side of screen) > Click the cog next to "Account Type: Margin" > Downgrade to Cash + +IBKR Mobile: + +Log in (again duh) > Account Management > Account Settings > Configuration (scroll down a bit) > Click on the cog next to "Account Type: Margin" > Downgrade to cash + +NB: You will need to settle any owed cash + any short positions (🙄ffs) if you have them as they are not allowed on Cash accounts. + +And boom 🚀 + +Buy. Hodl. Moon. + +from [mpg111](https://www.reddit.com/user/mpg111) via [/r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk) sent just now + +Correction to IBKR: you don't have to convert to cash account, it should be enough to turn off participation in „Stock Yield Enhancement Program“ - there is a setting for that. + +&#x200B; + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# EToro: Got a message that said that you all don't get to vote. If that is true please DM me or comment letting me know. Need to confirm. + +# + +# [Wardvvhzn](https://www.reddit.com/user/Wardvvhzn): I can't seem to send you a picture, but got an answer in my email. This is what I received: "Please note, after reviewing in your inquiry below, with our team leaders, please note that we do not support the meeting, since you are not the actual owner of the stock" So no one on eToro can actually vote + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Fidelity: + +[Born\_Departure\_8180](https://www.reddit.com/user/Born_Departure_8180) + +Fidelity - can’t switch to cash online need to call and switch did mine today and asked, you can only apply for margin online not switch from margin to cash.... they haven’t allowed that feature yet. Hope those helps! GME TO THE MOON + +Also for those that don’t know, on fidelity easy way to tell if you are on margin account If you see a white circle with a black “M” next to your quantity of stock, your shares are on MARGINCASH=NO “M” next to quantity + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +# Robinhood: + +from [wuzzzat](https://www.reddit.com/user/wuzzzat) via [/r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk) sent 24 minutes ago + +Robinhood app, click the "person " icon on bottom right, then the 3 lines at top right. Choose "investing" at the top. Go all the way to the bottom and click "day trading options". You can downgrade to cash account there. I think that does it. Someone please confirm + +&#x200B; + + 1. alternative instructions for iphone + +by [u/ShowMeTheMoney7373](https://www.reddit.com/u/ShowMeTheMoney7373/) + +on iphones this is all i could find + +1. settings (top left 3 horizontal bars) +2. help +3. contact support +4. trading +5. description: (1.)(a) i would like to switch to a cash acct. (2) (must also add these 3 issues otherwise they will receive an email asking these same questions and it will take longer): (b) confirm that you have $0.00 in unsettled funds and no pending transactions (c) your feedback on why you no longer want robinhood instant (d) your understanding that you might not be able to re-upgrade to RH Instant at a later date. +6. they will send an email confirming once it has been changed over to a cash acct + +2. android might additionally require disabling options + +by [u/ShowMeTheMoney7373](https://www.reddit.com/u/ShowMeTheMoney7373/) + +back to android phones. they also have to disable options trading as it is only available for instant and gold. to remove + +1. tap the person profile +2. tap menu icon- 3 horizontal bars +3. investing +4. options trading +5. remove options trading + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# E-Trade: + +from [dnatterSD](https://www.reddit.com/user/dnatterSD) via [/r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk) sent 15 minutes ago + +ETRADE UPDATE + +Just got off the phone with ETRADE support. These are as close to their words as I could recall. + +1. If you are on a margin account your shares **"may"** be lent out, but **"typically"** unless you using your margin they do not lend them. +2. Even if your shares are lent out the **owner of record** "me" would still **have/maintain** the voting rights. +3. In order to remove the margin from my account:a. **Must** have all trades settled. aka T+2b. **Must** "call" ETRADE support **800-387-2331** and request to have your margin removedc. The margin removal will take **1 business day** to remove and account will be unable + +Hope this helps. + +# + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +# Stake (hellostake) : I've never heard of it but if someone can write it up that would be helpful + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Trading 212: + +from [Vimalathasan](https://www.reddit.com/user/Vimalathasan) via [/r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk) sent an hour ago + +So for Trading212 If you have a ISA account, it's against the UK law to lend out your share But in regards to voting They don't have the option set up yet and they don't have a timeframe as to when they will get it done so essentially if you have Trading212 you cannot vote. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +# Degiro: Need information +I started one of these threads here [almost 4 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/3ot4mh/unpopular_opinion_thread/). A lot has changed since then, so I figured it is time for another one. +*We never sent any tokens to Vitalik.* + + +---- + +**Dogira** +-- + +---- + +Site: https://dogira.net (new!) **Telegram, Discord, and Buying instructions can be found inside here!** + +Subreddit: /r/Dogira + +TX for DexTools/Uniswap/Etherscan: `0xe9bd6ddc2b13f46715382f74534950e004399d10` + +---- + +* Growing fast; currently < $30mil in Market Cap + +* Core Team are active, friendly, and well-versed + +* Audited, and approved by War on Rugs. More Third-Party Audits currently being planned. + +* Project Leads are doxxed. + +* Community are super friendly and engaged - very reminiscent of old Doge. + +* Partnered with FEGToken, Bingus, and Vira-Lata Finance + +* First batch of investment NFTs already made & delivered, generating $35k in income and re-paying over $50k to hodlers! + +* Heavy focus on further NFT ecosystem expansion, and creating Blockchain Native Gaming services + +* CEX Listing budget due for expansion following Liquidity Lock expiring, talks ongoing with large exchanges. + +---- + +NB: I am a core member/developer with the Dogira team. Everything in this post is as biased as it can possibly be. I don't only like the coin, but I also contribute to it, and am vested into it. Always DYOR, and never accept **anything** you read on reddit as financial advice. + +..and never send your tokens to the money skelly. +Today my partner and I went to bid in our first auction. We were hopeful. We’ve been in the market a few months and felt ready to tackle an auction after placing a few private offers. + +The range was 630k - 690k. + +We were happy to go to 710k. We felt confident. Finally a house we loved that was within our price range. + +The bidding begins and we are blown out of the water within 2 seconds flat. I’m not even kidding. “680! 700! 720! 740!” + +Just like that. We were out. Didn’t even get to throw a bid out there. Can’t even cross that off my bucket list. + +It sold for 835k - almost 200k over the reserve. Couples and families in the crowd were as shocked as we were. + +So I’m calling out to all FHBs that have been in the same situation but have since managed to find a house. What were your experiences like? In need of some hopeful/happy stories because this process is getting tiringgggggg! +So I’ll start by saying that I’m 18, have about $30,000 in personal savings and have a full ride to my local community college. I have no need for my money liquid for the next two years and was looking to invest in real estate. I use a robo adviser for managing my stocks and bonds, however with how unfavorable the economy is right now, I was to look at appreciating long term investments such as real estate. + +Aside from educating myself more on buying real estate, what are your thoughts on this? What do you recommend? What have your successes and failures been when it came to making similar decisions? + +Really any feedback is appreciated. + +Respectfully, + +FoodStaindTupperware +Tbh I can’t stand living with my mom anymore and I want to move out when I’m 18. I have a job that pays $13.20/h and I work 1 hour a day after school ( I get out of school pretty late). Plus, I work 4 hours a day on non school days (excluding weekends). Can y’all help me start the process now? +https://www.ft.com/content/ce87f48a-7208-11e5-9b9e-690fdae72044 + +I wonder, do billionaires whose wealth is initially mostly through their massive ownership of one stock start selling as soon as possible in order to diversify? +I look at gamestop on Twitter. They're ready. Everything is done/almost done and i, a shareholder, am their biggest asset by far. + +They know this x 10. + +I'm not just the "best" shareholders because I'm hodling, I'm the best because i know my company (and that scares the shit out of "professional investors"). + +Rn they need a hype push (out of our bubble) to bring the nft simplicity to the youner gens and beyond. + +Maybe to just remind ppl what gamestop is without sounding like a rando trying to get people to FINALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON.... if they don't by now they won't till its too late. + +I need to think like an investor. Not just link DD and leave it to them. Explain why I'm excited or why I need this. Sell the nft marketplace like its the last door I'm knocking on before I go home. + +What could this do for the poor dude thats 6 months away from losing his house? What could it do for teachers? Etc. Etc. Etc. + +I am the media. + +Mainstream media is dying and it's obvious to me that what replaced it was fb Twitter insta etc. + +This is not financial advice nor is it a call to action, its just what I see when I'm looking at what gme is putting out there. + +Toodles 🏴‍☠️ +With all the talk around GME/meme stocks and bitcoin/Doge/crypto, wanted to get a sense of how many people are jumping on the short-term bandwagon there vs sticking true to a simpler investment strategy. + +I've been a fan of 3 fund portfolios (linked below why I like them), and variations of them. Opting for funds that are diversified and low cost. + +**Personal investors** \- are you sticking to your original investment goals, or getting enticed by these flash-in-the-pan types of investments? + +**Investment advisors** \- are you struggling to keep people focused on the long term with all this noise right now? + +[3 fund portfolios](https://www.juststartinvesting.com/3-fund-portfolio/) +This is a project I developed myself, I hope that is not against any rules. +# Backtesting in Jupyter Notebooks +My main language for creating strategies is Python and I use Jupyter Notebooks a lot, but what I was always missing was a backtester that integrated well with that approach. The last few weeks I built one that is able to run backtests in Jupyter Notebooks and show pretty plots while it's doing it. This is a work in progress, but it is already used by a few people I have shared it with - who have given really valuable feedback. I want to improve this project, which is why I'm sharing it here, as more users = more use cases & feedback. I'm still developing it, so *there may be breaking changes*, although I will try to keep them to a minimum. + +## [Github Repo](https://github.com/MiniXC/simple-back) +## [Quickstart & Docs](https://minixc.github.io/simple-back/intro/quickstart.html) +*There might be some funky formatting in the documentation in some places, I'm working on fixing that.* + +## A few Key Things +* it is called *simple*-back for a reason, it is designed to offer a simple and quick way to run your backtests, at the trade-off of not being as accurate as e.g. Quantopian. +* it is built for open and close prices instead of intra-day data +* it is built to support adding external data, and ideally takes care of time leaks for you (or at least makes it harder to have them) +* it is much faster than Quantopian & others (mostly because it does not use intraday data), but returns are still within 10% of their results when tested on multiple strategies with daily trades at open and close, over multiple years (I will add a post with details to the docs soon) - getting closer than 10% might not be possible, as they use data that is not available for free +* per default, it caches everything persistently, making your backtests faster as soon as you have requested the underlying price data at least once (it uses yahoo finance for prices, but you can extend a class to include your own data) + +## What I Want to Add +In the future, I want to make the backtester more friendly to use with strategies that use external data + machine learning, mainly because those are important for the strategies I'm working on. If you want any feature to be added, I opened up a feature tracker here: https://simple-back.featureupvote.com/ + +I'm still actively developing this, so there could be significant changes down the line. I'm happy with the core API for now though, which is why I am sharing it here. If any of you end up using it and have questions or feedback, you can DM me any time or upen up an issue on the GitHub Repo: https://github.com/MiniXC/simple-back/issues + +## Machine Learning & External Data +Edit: I just added an example of [how to use simple-back with machine learning & external data](https://minixc.github.io/simple-back/adv/data_sources.html) In the example, we use /r/worldnews "headlines" to predict the next day's price change of the S&P500. Of course this doesn't result in a profitable strategy, but hopefully it can be a good starting point. I'm not super happy with the API for external data yet, I'm keen on any suggestions on how to make it more straightforward to use. + +Edit2: I had no clue so many of you would be interested in this with so many backtesters already out there! I want to release bi-weekly from now on (with the next one adding a better way to generate training samples & targets for ML) until I can tick all the major points that are still on my todo list for this project. I don't think I will post on here again (don't want to spam this sub) - if you want to be notified of updates, [here is my twitter](https://twitter.com/cdminix), or just check the repo now and then :) +All of us have at least once wished we had made a similar play to the one that [turned $17 into \~6M](https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/21/05/21076574/he-invested-17-in-shiba-inu-now-he-has-almost-6m) or had gotten into the [right crypto at the right time.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/06/millennial-dogecoin-millionaire-on-being-paid-in-dogecoin.html) It’s not like we are alone in this thought process - there are more than 1.7 million people right now trying to find the [next crypto moonshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/). For those who are out of the loop, a moonshot is something that has a low probability of becoming extremely successful \[1\]. + +While it’s definitely nice to be the guy who made the correct play, what I wanted to understand is, how likely are you to pick the next big coin? After all, there are more than [2,400 dead coins](https://www.coinopsy.com/dead-coins/#other) that were part of someone’s moonshot not that long back. When a coin is dead, we would end up losing almost 100% of the capital that we invested in it thereby breaking the cardinal rule of investing. + +>*Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1 -* ***Warren Buffet*** + +While Warren Buffet might not be the best example for the crypto world, his advice holds true just as well in all investing spaces - Once you lose your capital, it’s game over. So in this deep-dive, let's see how the less popular cryptos have performed over the years, whether it makes sense to invest in them, and finally, would you have made better returns just by investing in the top cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum?! + +### Data & Analysis Methodology + +All the data used in the analysis has been collected from coinmarketcap.com. Their data is available going as far back as 2014. I collected the price, market cap, and the symbol for all the coins listed in coinmarketcap on Jan 1st of every year from 2014 to 2022. There were only 67 listed coins in 2014. The list has grown to more than 3,000+ as of Jan 2022. All the data and my analysis are shared as a Rows sheet at the end. + +The analysis is fairly simple and I have intentionally made the strategy straightforward so that it’s easy to replicate. We will be comparing the performance of the Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with the next 90 based on the total market cap of the coin. + +[The end of 2017 was definitely some wild time to be in the Crypto space.](https://preview.redd.it/ie9owd9mylv81.png?width=895&format=png&auto=webp&s=4830cb8e014e559cb2754b8f514a90a7f1787ac1) + +I have limited the analysis to the top 100 coins because of two reasons + +1. Even now, close to 95% of the combined market cap of the crypto market is contributed by just the top 100 coins. Adding to this, it becomes more and more difficult/riskier \[2\] to invest in coins having low market cap due to platform and liquidity issues. +2. There are hundreds of new coins that are being launched every day. It’s almost impossible to keep track of all the coins and realistically do proper due diligence before investing. So for practical feasibility, I am limiting it to the top 100. + +### Results + +Before we jump straight into the return calculation, it’s interesting to see how the crypto market has changed over the years. + +https://preview.redd.it/m0fng8moylv81.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=98fb3edb350696ab03e9136c7b2eaf3ab9f46336 + +In the first few years where crypto was becoming mainstream (2014 to 2017), the top 10 currencies dominated the overall market cap contributing close to 99% \[3\]. Also, during crashes, we can observe a massive shift in capital allocation from Altcoin to Bitcoin → 2017 was one of the best bull runs (barring 2021) where we can see that Bitcoin only contributed to \~39% of the market cap. But once the bear market set in (2018-19), the allocation to bitcoin proportionally increased until the 2021 bull run. + +#### Creating a Crypto Index + +To answer our initial question → Whether it’s better to invest in the top 10 most popular cryptos or the other 90 relatively lesser-known ones, we will be creating an equal-weighted index \[4\]. + +We have two people Alan and Charlie who want to get into the crypto market in 2014, but both are following a slightly different approach. + +Alan will invest only in the top 10 most popular currencies. Every new year, he will go and check the top 10 cryptos by Market Cap and then equally invest between the top 10 cryptocurrencies. Charlie, on the other hand, will do the exact same thing with the only difference being that instead of the top 10, he will invest in the 90 next biggest cryptocurrencies. + +They continue to do this over the next 8 years and now it’s 2022 and it’s time to see who has performed better. + +[Returns shown here are till Jan 1st, 2022](https://preview.redd.it/5u10wctsylv81.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=aacb02399d50dbd1d1874aba631a97dc354dbaab) + +Would you look at that! Alan who has invested in only the top-10 cryptos did vastly better than Charlie who went for the riskier play of investing in the not so well known currencies. The top 10 cryptos on average performed 5x better than the next 90 and 2x better than just investing in Bitcoin. What’s even more interesting is that Charlie would have done 2x better just putting his money in Bitcoin - Ouch! + +#### Survival + +If you are wondering why Charlie is getting the lowest return in spite of taking the most risk\[5\], it’s because you are forgetting Rule 1 of investing - To not lose your initial investment. + +https://preview.redd.it/mmntwr9vylv81.png?width=714&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c69754b5cbf65bc865d87a11ea5116baf9f5a70 + +The probability of survival of a coin is extremely skewed towards the top 10 currencies. As you can see, over 80% of the top 10 coins from 2014 are still in existence today compared to only 26% of the rest. This trend keeps repeating over the years and your capital would have been decimated. Once it goes to zero, there is no way for it to come back up as any gain on $0 is still 0! + +#### Moonshots + +Finally, we come to what we are all here for! What are our chances of actually hitting a moonshot following this strategy? + +[I have defined a 100x return as a Moonshot](https://preview.redd.it/j8oiifewylv81.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=fec161da3968b773bb1f96eca3da9c114da48cd9) + +Well, your chances of hitting a moonshot are also much higher following the top-10 strategy. Overall, you had a 1 in 10 chance of getting a 10,000% return compared to the 1 in 30 chance of the riskier next-90 strategy. + +The above chart also shows another interesting stat → Out of the 500+ cryptos that we analyzed, less than 4% of them ended up becoming a moonshot. Think about that for a min - Of all the cryptos you are likely to hear about (*as there is very less coverage if it’s not in the top 100*), only 3-4% of them end up giving you those insane returns. You have similar chances betting on a single number on the Roulette wheel. + +https://preview.redd.it/23hva9qyylv81.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf4c72e5515d1c77faa01aa82b29eaf590c6289 + +As you can see, of all our moonshots, Ethereum investment in 2016 ended up returning the most at a whopping 397,548%! + +### Limitations + +It’s important to understand the limitations of the current analysis before trying to replicate it. + +1. **Data** \- As I discussed earlier, all the data is from coinmarketcap and I have assumed a coin is dead if it’s not listed in the following year’s data. This analysis is only as strong as the quality of input data \[6\]. I have done extensive QCs but feel free to play around with the raw data to see if I missed something. +2. **Base Effect** \- The market is considerably different now than it was in 2015-17. There is more awareness as well as penetration. So the future growth might not be as explosive as the one that we observed in the past decade, so you should be realistic about your return potential +3. **Intra Year Returns** \- The current analysis only considers returns based on Jan 1st of every year starting from 2014. If we pick another date within the year, we might get slightly different results as there might have been ATHs and ATLs within the year which we are not capturing. + +### Conclusion + +>*It's not whether you're right or wrong that's important, but how much money you make when you're right and how much you lose when you're wrong — George Soros* + +I started the analysis thinking that investing in the not-so-popular currencies is bound to give better returns as it’s more likely they are undervalued due to lower publicity and hype associated with them. + +But, as we saw from the data, in the case of crypto it’s much more profitable just to invest in the top currencies. It’s like the case where being in the game is much more important than trying to hit it big and striking out! + +***If you liked this post, you might like my other analysis on Crytpo:*** [How to consistently make returns from the Crypto market by using Dollar Cost Averaging](https://marketsentiment.substack.com/p/crypto-dca?s=w) + +&#x200B; + +**Data:** All the data used in the analysis [**can be found here**](https://rows.com/market-sentiment/my-spreadsheets/untitled-spreadsheet-3-7fuGkqeJVN8gkvISEezt43/live) *(it’s a treasure-trove of information IMO as you can filter based on the rank, price, market cap - however you like it. All I ask is that if you can find a better strategy based on this data, do let us all know!)* + +&#x200B; + +**Footnotes** + +\[1\] The [word](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/moonshot) itself is derived from the Apollo 11 spaceflight project and is often used to classify something that seems almost impossible. + +\[2\] Extremely small coins are more likely to face liquidity issues, consolidated ownerships, and rug pulls. + +\[3\] For comparison, the top 10 companies in S&P 500 only contribute <30% of the index and that itself is considered to be extremely skewed by some analysts. + +\[4\] An equal-weighted index is where we invest equally regardless of the market cap of the crypto. All the famous indices like S&P500 are market cap-weighted - i.e, bigger companies get a bigger chunk of your investment + +\[5\] I mean the 2,000% return is no joke → S&P 500 barely gave a 100% return over the same period. It’s all relative, eh! + +\[6\] [Garbage in, garbage out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_in,_garbage_out) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I thought about how to structure this for a bit and whether to do separate DD on companies like LKE, LRS, POS and RAC for example, or to just point out flaws that the majority have in common which I consider red flags. I decided to go with just one post and explain why I personally don’t like the companies in general as I think the DD would start to get repetitive for quite a few reasons, the first is I don’t understand all the different mining grade/details which I have explained a few times and is why I generally stay away from mining stocks in general, as it takes me much longer to analyse the numbers than say retail. Also, the DD would have common traits which ill mention below and if I’m not going to break down each company individually then what’s the point, but lastly my analysis and DD shouldn’t affect your opinion to buy/sell a stock, because presumably you’ve done the research and understood the company. + +Ultimately a lot of these companies come down to what are the chances they achieve what they say they will achieve and is it in a realistic timeframe? Of course, there’s companies out there which will achieve their goals and make it rich then get acquired by a large miner, but there’s also plenty which don’t. So, figuring it out is where the skill comes into it, but rather than break all that down and pretend I understand each company back to front lets just do some basic issues. + +Cashflow- + Okay let’s start with the most obvious one, but what I consider one of the most important and it’s the fact in general they all bleed cash pretty fast. I’m sure there’s exceptions to every point here, but I’m talking in general and not about 1 specific company. But to prove a point and cherry pick let’s use LRS because they put out their quarterly recently, a lot of people on here were quick to notice cash is going down fast and a cap raise will likely be needed as production at one of their 1000 mining sites isn’t going to start soon. Just as an example, lets compare this to LKE and POS who have much more cash and in terms of bleeding are not doing it across 500 mines and they have a very concentrated portfolio. Even though POS just announced a cap raise its more likely to be beneficial to shareholders as the capitals not getting spread so thin. + +Pump/dump- +Okay this one is the easiest to do on reddit and happened everywhere during the retail investing boom end of last year/start of this year. We had companies like fish guts getting pump and dumped, we had trickle organising a pump and dump (for a speccy miner LUL), 88e, 9sp, MTB, VML (Yes, I know some of you hold it, but it went up 100% in a month and is since down 39%), PLL last year…okay the list goes on and on. My point is not that all speccy mining stonks are bad, but that majority of them are so small that one hint of great results and the stock becomes easy to pump on social media and people flock to it presuming someone with influence pumps it. To cherry pick an example lets look at MEG, /u/Calculated-Punt posted a DD explaining the pros and cons on the 22nd of June, within 2 days the stock was up 50% on a spike of volume along with mass comments about it in the daily for the 2 days. It has since come all the way back down to where it started, and even though he may not have intended to pump it this shows how quick people will buy something based on someone else’s DD and pump/dumps are an easy way to lose money. + +Management- This is probably the 2nd most important but one that never gets mentioned somehow, managements previous successes matter a lot, because it at least creates some track record and by default gives them a couple extra bonus points. POS CEO Peter Harold for example was a co-founder of Panoramic resources which the company started at 10cents a share and got up to $4 at their peak during the GFC funnily enough, he has a podcast episode with Marcus Today if anyone is interested in listening to him. The stock has since come crashing back down to 18cents and fell off a cliff if you look at their chart all time. Now he is the main one I know of due to the podcast, but if you want to learn about your CEO a google check is usually enough and it only takes 10 minutes, and you can find out a lot of info usually. + +Lack of debt- +There is a reason the majority of these companies don’t use debt and they more or less don’t have much choice. If the company gets bogged down in debt early on before any sign of production appears then that’s a lot of capital, they now need to put away for interest (which is going to be quite high) and long term it is not good for the company. The issue here is similar to the cashflow issue which is how many cap raises should you expect? A company is going to burn money in a speculative stage we all know that but maintaining a decent share price is important to investors. So, do you take advantage of a pump like so many do? Do you hold out until earnings, or do you do what LKE did and use options, so investors think its some dream deal, when it’s the same essentially. + +Timeframe- +This is one which should be considered highly with any speccy stock and is a minor reason for why I just avoid them in general. The timeframe the company gives for when production should be started is important, a simple yet funny experiment is graphing a bunch of speccy miners and look at the historical pump and dumps and see what was going on. For LKE, LRS, 88e they have all been around for several years and have seen the share price rise on hopes and then fall back down. Now ultimately some are going to succeed and not crash back down which is why we haven’t heard of them. But understanding when management expect production and quickly scanning through a few annual reports can be of a big help to see if this has remained consistent. + +The odds are low hence you need to buy more to get the rocket- It is certainly possible to just buy 1 or 2 speccy mining stocks and they be the ones who hit production and rocket, but usually you need to choose quite a few because predicting which one will rocket next is almost impossible unless you have a great understanding of the companies or are great with understanding the numbers. Also, if you put all your eggs in one basket the opportunity cost is insane if you are wrong, whereas if you pick a few and one rockets then all of a sudden it becomes worth it which we have seen quite a few times from people posting their portfolios. + +To understand the companies is not that easy- +I have said it a few times already in this post, but I don’t understand speccy mining numbers in terms of grading/production needed to make the company realistically profitable and successful. Now if you have a Geology degree this is probably the easy part for you, or if you have dedicated your time to it, but I don’t look at these companies or have much interest in commodities, so I don’t understand them. That’s why basically all of these points come from a fundamental level, because as I mentioned at the start it comes down to if the company can achieve what they set out to do, and I am in no position to say whether I think its realistic or if the quality is good enough or blah blah…Circle of competence essentially. + +Get rich quick- + A lot of these companies offer a way to essentially get rich quick if everything goes well and the share price follows, which is great in theory but why not just do this with boomer stonks? PME, GNC, CSL, APT, FMG and so on, you could have had great returns from these companies, especially FMG who has done great from the commodity boom. The risk is much less, and the reward is lower, but you don’t need to find many of these kinds of companies very often to become rich overtime. Now if you are just gambling then that’s different and then Goodluck, especially if you have some expertise in the field! + +Okay okay, yes, I have just bashed the shit out of speccy mining stocks so let’s look at from someone else’s perspective and why they might be good. If you are happy with a high amount of risk then they are a choice, but so are options for large caps. Also, I understand it’s much more interesting to watch a stock go up 10-20% in a week than 1-3%, especially if you are holding the company that rocketing, so if you have a high-risk tolerance and a solid understand of speccy miners then it’s a choice. But once again I don’t see how the majority of our sub can have a great understanding and not just be involved in pump and dumps, 88e for example. + +Is this post Bias, 100%, yes. I don’t like them and as such the negatives to me stick out a lot more and its hard to come up with positives except for the occasional company that rockets due to achieving their goals. This post is not designed for you to hate speccy stonks, but rather to hopefully consider these fundamentals a bit more next time you look at buying them and not just listen to the next mining DD. Because even though the person may believe in the stock it doesn’t mean the share price is justified and it may be a long term hold not some short-term boom expected. + +This is all my personal opinion and I’m sure there’s quite a few of you out there who understand the numbers behind grading/production needed and the timeframes who can provide multiple counter examples as with anything stock related. But next time you see a DD on a speccy mining stock or any DD check for the negatives because there’s so many out there that don’t highlight the negatives and paint a blatantly bias picture, more so even than this post. Compare /u/Nevelo or /u/Calculated-Punt DD’s which highlight the negatives in some detail and are of high quality to…well I’m not going to shit on anyone directly but other posts where there’s no to very little mention of negatives. + + +No idea what to flair this so ill leave it up to the mods +The dev team from ROOTKIT $ROOT on ETH, led by ProfessorKronos, found a way to utilize the locked liquidity from underneath a price floor to benefit holders. Liquidity is injected to buy back again and again, and recycle value. + +This token is designed for buy and hold, so there is a tax on sales and basically no tax on buyers. It can be bought on PancakeSwap V2, with 0.5%-1% slippage to buy. Sell slippage resets to 16% when a buyback occurs to prevent dumping, then gradually falls to around 7% over the course of 5 days. + +These tokenomics mean that the token is designed to ALWAYS GO UP with a very stable price. You can look at the chart and see that there has not been the typical huge pump and crash seen in many BSC tokens. Strategic buybacks are used to kill dips, increase upward momentum, and create a price floor that is always rising. + +The most exciting part is that the dev team has a plan to construct an entire upToken ecosystem, with ROOT as the governance token and upBNB as the hub token of future BSC upTokens. + +Initial liquidity was raised though a Market Generation Event MGE. The fairest way possible to launch a token. Designed to protect against whales and bots. If a token doesn't launch through an MGE, then they're missing a trick. + +Huge crypto influencers are already in on it, including: + +Pentoshi - [https://twitter.com/Pentosh1/status/1387112573116502020](https://twitter.com/Pentosh1/status/1387112573116502020) + +CryptoGodJon - [https://twitter.com/CryptoGodJohn/status/1387233042582757382](https://twitter.com/CryptoGodJohn/status/1387233042582757382) + +ImNotTheWolf - [https://twitter.com/ImNotTheWolf/status/1387247565926662153](https://twitter.com/ImNotTheWolf/status/1387247565926662153) + +ROOT did a 25x. upBNB is a more efficient version with 10x the amount of holders (4500+). Now is the time to buy as the dev team prepare for the next round of mega buybacks. The vault is loaded with BNB to be spent..... Don't miss out! + +👉 Contract: 0x1759254EB142bcF0175347D5A0f3c19235538a9A + +👉 Buy here: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1759254eb142bcf0175347d5a0f3c19235538a9a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1759254eb142bcf0175347d5a0f3c19235538a9a) + +👉 Chart: [https://dex.guru/token/0x1759254eb142bcf0175347d5a0f3c19235538a9a-bsc](https://dex.guru/token/0x1759254eb142bcf0175347d5a0f3c19235538a9a-bsc) + +👉 CoinGecko: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/upbnb](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/upbnb) (though is being corrected) + +👉 Telegram: [https://t.me/rootkitfinance](https://t.me/rootkitfinance) + +👉 Medium: [https://rootkitfinance.medium.com](https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/) + +👉 Twitter: [https://twitter.com/rootkitfinance](https://twitter.com/rootkitfinance) + +👉 Team site: [https://rootkit.finance](https://rootkit.finance/) + +👉 Discord server: [https://discord.com/invite/CcAjXXdwxZ](https://discord.com/invite/CcAjXXdwxZ) + +👉 More info on revolutionary tokenomics: + +[https://rootkit.trydiscourse.com/t/the-apes-guide-to-rootkit-finance/13](https://rootkit.trydiscourse.com/t/the-apes-guide-to-rootkit-finance/13) + +[https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/introducing-upbnb-137412cae72](https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/introducing-upbnb-137412cae72) + +[https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/the-power-of-a-price-floor-86fa74b59bd1](https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/the-power-of-a-price-floor-86fa74b59bd1) + +[https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/developing-the-uponly-ecosystem-4a538f121b8c](https://rootkitfinance.medium.com/developing-the-uponly-ecosystem-4a538f121b8c) +Last fire survey I read, seemed like most folks had a target amount of 2M, which would throw off 60-80k / yr in income. + +Most of you are making a trade off to fatFIRE later, in order to have more spending power. My question is 'what does that buy you?' + +I mean, there are the obvious things. A bigger house, a nicer car, fancier vacations, private school, etc. I wonder though, it seems very easy to wind up buying more for more's sake, and has diminishing returns on wellbeing . It also feels like at a certain level it starts to isolate you from the middle class, into more 'exclusive' circles that are frankly, less fun to be around (I'm projecting, I admit). +I'm really not a fan of Peterson, but his argument about the inevitability of inequality, which he refers to as the Pareto Principle, is both fascinating and quite terrifying. + +His argument essentially goes like this: Within any given system, the gains from creative enterprise and improvements in efficiency/technology will always go to a small minority. The success of this minority will eventually compound, resulting in a system in which a tiny minority is exponentially successful, even though as a whole, the system progresses linearly. + +To me, there are a few implications of this law, if it is true: If the success of a small minority increase at an exponential rate, while as a whole the system progresses only linearly, the minority will come, eventually, to own nearly everything. We can see this trend in history and today, where 26 people own half the world's wealth \[1\]. Or within the US, 3 people own as much as the bottom half of the population \[2\]. This has to reach a breaking point. When wealth inequality gets high enough, the whole political economic system will become so unstable that it will come crashing down on our heads. + +In other words, the inevitability of inequality implies that revolution, or mass chaos and destruction is also inevitable. And we can also see this playing out in history. The Haitian revolution, the Cuban revolution, the French revolution, might all be seen as an effect of the Pareto distribution principle. + +&#x200B; + +What I believe to be the answer: Peterson says this law is inevitable, yet we can mitigate this effect by diversifying the "nature of the game" to make success more accessible, to more people. To me this means an utter decentralization of power and wealth, so that the parameters within which this inequality takes place are drastically reduced. If we believe this Pareto Principle to be true, the absolute WORST thing we can do is have a world which is globalized, interconnected, and interdependent; in such a world, this point of singularity, of saturation, where the system becomes unstable and breaks down, would lead to a catastrophe of apocalyptic scale. It is far better, not only for state to become self sufficient, but for cities and neighbourhoods to become the units of international relations. This way inequality is severely limited, perhaps so limited that it does not even become unstable. + +&#x200B; + +I would at some point like to write a scholarly essay on this topic but for the time being I'd like to hear some thoughts on my thesis, and specifically the Law on which I am basing it. + +&#x200B; + +1. [https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jan/21/world-26-richest-people-own-as-much-as-poorest-50-per-cent-oxfam-report](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jan/21/world-26-richest-people-own-as-much-as-poorest-50-per-cent-oxfam-report) +2. [https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2119052/three-richest-people-us-own-much-wealth-bottom-half](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2119052/three-richest-people-us-own-much-wealth-bottom-half) +Is there a masterpost detailing all the inefficiencies of the healthcare market? + +Healthcare is an industry that is drowning in information asymmetries, perverse incentives, tragedies of the commons, externalities, and moral hazards, right? + +There are certainly many ways in which it deviates from an idealized market model, but have all those ways been identified? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Very curious if there are any fatFIREes based in Japan. High income taxes, high inheritances taxes, lack of economic growth, and necessity of speaking Japanese to enjoy all the conveniences no doubt make it an unlikely choice for many here. On the plus side, Japan offers incredible food, good health care, great public transportation, dense cities (that are very clean and safe) with tons of cultural activities, low crime, and generally an elderly-friendly environment. +Has anyone here done it? Any advice or regrets? In my case, my family speaks both English and Japanese and we would not have any visa issues. We have experience living in Japan and some family in Japan. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Dormant for many long months. And on the back of no news, and what I can only assume is a rumour, it's jumped ~20% today. + +Anyone got any ideas? Am I being manipulated by the lock dick of the institutions again?!? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Not a collapse, regulations. Venezuela is launching their own crypto mainly to sidestep US sanctions. I am certain I am simplifying the country's motivation. However, what do you think the chances are western government's ban Cryptos? Will they only ban specific ones or will it be a blanket ban? What are you doing to prepare for this outside chance? Is this a non issue? I do think government's will continue to move in regulating this industry to a point where it becomes a burden to own cryptos over their fiat bullshit. Am I being crazy? + +In a what if scenario where a blanket ban is put in place what do you think the outcomes will be? What are some of the ways to avoid having to sell your Cryptos? VPN? Cold storage? + +Thanks in advance for your insights. +The cat is finally out of the bag (literally)[.](https://i.imgur.com/KgV7WZ8.jpg) The chads over at $Bingus and $Dogira are collaborating to raise money for animal charities by auctioning off some very limited edition NFTs. Considering the humongous reach all of their influencers have, expect to see this plastered absolutely everywhere in the cryptosphere - and maybe even the news! + +See here: [https://twitter.com/BingusToken/status/1398354072579739651](https://twitter.com/BingusToken/status/1398354072579739651) + +Dogira collaborated with Vira-lata on a similar project recently and raised a staggering $50,000 to animal charities in Brazil. The combination of Dogira’s background in NFT marketing and Bingus’ influencers reach, I expect this to reach places never thought possible. Bingus has already raised $50,000 for charity by themselves, which is an amazing achievement. With this, I’d expect them to *at least* double that figure. Bullish. + +I don’t know about you, but knowing that cryptocurrencies like Bingus and Dogira are doing wonderful things for charities globally really warms up my cold, dead heart. + +If I'm honest as well, the market isn’t great at the moment (especially for BSC coins). That said, all of the above makes me **incredibly** bullish. These couple weeks have been a massacre for low-cap projects, yet Bingus and Dogira still have their heads down and are constantly delivering. I’m so excited to see what they do next. + +On another note: Bingus has also just collaborated with Bingus Official (as in, the real Bingus Official on Instagram) and has launched a new line of merchandise for all to enjoy. Seriously it looks great, you can find it over at [https://bingusofficial.com/](https://bingusofficial.com/). Some of the profits get sent straight into the charity wallet as well, so it’s even better. + +Anyway I'm gunna pick up some more whilst it’s still discounted. DYOR, obviously, but check out their site, see the donations they’ve already made and come to your own conclusion. This is high conviction for me. + +# Tokenomics + +**3% slippage needed** + +**1% goes to charity | 1% is burned | 1% is auto-sent to all $Bingus holders** + +Holders: 17,841 + +Market Cap: $3.1m + +^(at time of posting) + +# Links + +**$Bingus website** [bingus.io](https://bingus.io/) + +Telegram: @/bingus\_token + +[**Discord**](https://discord.com/invite/qKdZdd558F) + +[**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/) + Hi there, im 33 and my net worth is roughly $390k. I have about 150k in cash/liquid (the rest is either invested in ETFs or earmarked for my Emergency / Operating funds). I’m not great with finances and have no idea how to proceed. + +I’m considering either a) putting it into the market b) buying a condo/house or c) a mixture of both. I have no idea which direction to go but here are some relevant pieces of info. + + +1. I live in Los Angeles +2. I have no family nor do I have plans for one in the next 5 years. +3. I have no debt +4. I have filled an emergency fund and operating fund +5. Currently renting at $2300 per month but would love to level up (whether that be renting a more expensive place or looking to buy something) +6. I know that I dont have much buying power in the LA market with $150k. +7. Based on my budget, It looks like I can afford to put up to 14k per month into some combo of investments/savings/rent/mortgage payments (depending on how I slice it). + +What would you do in this scenario? Should I try to buy a small condo? Should I say screw it and just invest in the market and keep renting? +Hey retards, I missed you all. Glad to be back online after my year long hiatus. I've been to rehab, I've lost custody of my kids, lost my house. However I still found a way to play. I've been shoulder to shoulder with all of you through this mess. I've been hammering way OTM weekly calls in volume. This is the most fun I've ever had. + +Through the madness of this past week of trading I've managed to claw my way back from oblivion. $GME has done a couple 10 baggers for me this week alone. I love you all and I'm happy to see you all again. So many new faces. I'm proud of each and every one of you. + +I'm currently holding about $50,000 in calls on $SLV ..and $15,000 in OTM weeklies on $GME. Rookie numbers I know, but I just got my legs back. I'll be running again in no time. + +LETS FUCKING GO! GAMMA SQUEEZE UNTIL THEY BEG FOR MERCY! + +EDIT: Thank you for the outpouring of love and support, It is actually giving me goosebumps reading through the comments. I feel like I just came home. I'm going to bed but I'll try to keep up and respond to everyone. God speed and have a BEAUTIFUL FUCKING FRIDAY! + +EDIT #2: I didn't think this post would blow up like it did, I don't have the time to go through every post and thank you all individually while deep dicking the market with OTM calls so just know that if you post here I can promise you I read your words and took them to heart. + + +EDIT #3: I literally cannot smoke enough weed to calm down right now. I feel like I have rocket fuel in my blood. + +Closing thoughts: My calls on $SLV (Ishares silver trust) are going to be the biggest fuck you to the entire banking sector when Precious metals squeeze and bring down fucking JPM and all the fucking twats who are trying to hide inflation behind the curtains while they raid your fucking pockets. FUCK THOSE FAT CAT MOTHER FUCKERS + +***None of this is investment advice. This is my own personal commentary and opinions on the fucked up state of the market.*** + +https://preview.redd.it/jtff068f2ae61.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b63bf21b7082ce17d83ff3aba7eab84ca2e3f81 +I've gotten wealthy enough that if I really want to buy something, I can afford to buy the best version of it. And I never thought I'd say it, but it's getting kind of bland. + +It's like every time you get the best, it gets a little less satisfying. I knew lifestyle inflation would kick in and I'd inevitably be compelled to upgrade over time. But what I didn't realize is that each upgrade feels less and less special. Like a drug addiction, you're upping the dose but the high is never as good. Going from Burger King to a Michelin star restaurant is a revelation; going from Le Bernardin to Noma is barely noticeable. + +I've been thinking about doing a 'luxury detox' to try and bring some of that amazement back. The idea would be to just take the things I like to indulge in and live a few months with decidedly mediocre versions of them. For example, instead of my stereotypical rich guy 911, I'd daily drive the family minivan for a month. It's not torture by any means - just a reset to remind me of how good the Porsche is. + +Many people talk about cutting their SWR if the market tanks or downgrading on luxuries they don't care about, but my motivation isn't financial. I just want to keep that feeling of wonder that these high end experiences used to trigger. + +I know it sounds ridiculous. To paraphrase my wife: "So you're rich and you want to LARP as a poor person so you can enjoy your rich person things more?". + +I mean... yeah. If it works. Anyone else done something like this? +I have heard criticism that a single laffer curve is a gross oversimplification of multiple taxs but could this not be solved by having multiple ones? Or is there something more fundamentally wrong with the concept? + +Also, if the concept does hold water, where are we (the US or UK) on the curve? Do we have much room to move for additional spending? +This is extra "bonus" money, I already have a sizable portion in long term buy/hold where i'm normally wheeling on ~1.2m margin or secured by cash depending on what's going on. + +Risk exposure is medium on this, with a goal of doubling it in a year. Let's say Dec1 2022. + +If I pick your strategy and it gets >50% in a year I will straight up send you 1% of the profits. + +edit: spelling is hard on mobile + +Apologies for not picking a strategy yet... was sick all day Sunday and have been reviewing today. +Has anyone ever heard of “Private Banking”? + +My bank (Scotia) offered me private banking which seems cool, but the costs is $75 per month. I don’t get fees for any bank accounts for me, my wife and kids, and get fees waived for my credit card. Anyone know if this is a good deal or what are competitive fees? $75/mth seems high to me. +If you have a large position in a lightly traded stock what is the best way to exit? The average daily volume is not much more than the position size. Use TWAP or VWAP indicators? Something else? +>[This is breaking news. Please check back for updates.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/robinhood-will-allow-limited-buying-of-restricted-securities-friday-gamestop-jumps-after-hours.html) + +>Shares of GameStop, AMC and others jumped in extended trading on Thursday after Robinhood said it will resume limited trading. + +>"Starting tomorrow, we plan to allow limited buys of these securities. We’ll continue to monitor the situation and may make adjustments as needed,” Robinhood said in a statement. + +>GameStop shares rebounded in after hours trading following the Robinhood decision. The shares gained 28% to $247 in extended trading after closing down 44% to $193.60 during regular hours Thursday. + +[CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/robinhood-will-allow-limited-buying-of-restricted-securities-friday-gamestop-jumps-after-hours.html) +[Looking at 2 beds under 70k, there seem to be loads](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/find.html?locationIdentifier=REGION%5E1295&minBedrooms=2&maxPrice=70000&radius=1.0&sortType=1&propertyTypes=detached%2Csemi-detached%2Cterraced&primaryDisplayPropertyType=houses&includeSSTC=false&mustHave=&dontShow=sharedOwnership%2CnewHome%2Cretirement&furnishTypes=&keywords=). + +If a couple with a average salary of [58k as 29k is the average](https://www.findcourses.co.uk/inspiration/articles/average-salary-uk-2018-14105) waned to buy a house, they could pay it off in 2 years ish. Would they then be able to pretty much live a slightly lavish/non-furgal life due to more disposable income? Are there any cons to living up north? +I am back renting. Shout out to everyone enduring the Rightmove/Zoopla circus check every morning, the anxiety inducing block viewings, the hiked up rent on crappy apartments. Good luck if you're going through it yourself during the festive season, it's been quite the seasonal experience. + +I'd like to ask for your kind wisdom on how to best save money with central heating, which utilities are best to switch to, cheapest broadband options, and any other wonderful money saving tid-bits you wish to offer up. + +Thanks in advance. +"Our rise is just, theirs isn't". + +It's a sentiment that sounds absurd, but many of us believe to be true. + +If it is, then we have to wonder what these massive pop-signals mean for ETH: + +#5, Bitcoin Gold, 6B Cap.: A joke gone right for the pre-mining devs. +#11, Eth Classic, 2.5B Cap., $26: Poloniex-created pump and dump / dead ETH chain from 3 forks ago with no dapps +#13, EOS, 1.3B Cap, Zero Product from a Cayman owned shell company with a year long ICO. +Bitconnect (Ponzi Scam) in the top 30 while real projects like Request (not invested, but we can all read the potential) sit in the 100+ section. + +A LOT of money needs to either come out of this market, or be redistributed. The market needs to mature, and that hasn't happened organically yet in this field where one token keeps it value while the rest of the market collapses. + +It's been more like the rusty ol' Bitcoin Core chain sinks all ships before we move to recover. + +So ETH heads, what does their bust look like and how does it not sink our ship? +Hello Apes! Nice to "meet" you all. We love you, and we are here to make sure your wants/needs are represented on the Hill and at the Agencies. You should be proud that YOU APES are the ones who "Ripped the Curtain Back" as DK says in *Gaming Wall Street.* And as much as you need us fighting for you, we need you, too! Let your voice be heard – APES ARMY UP – and start flooding the SEC with Comment Letters. Go to our Get Involved page: [https://bettermarkets.org/get-involved/](https://bettermarkets.org/get-involved/). We've posted upcoming rules that are important to retail investors, a summary of those rules, along with a downloadable template to get you started. Dave Lauer's website also has resources to learn how to file at [https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy). Don't feel intimidated! No need to have a wrinkly brain like DK or our other SMEs to submit one. + +*Edit: This post was submitted by staffer Natalie Shotts, but please know Dennis is seeing and reading your comments.* + +https://reddit.com/link/td7th9/video/zawu2u27t5n81/player +I’m currently 19 years old and I work as fiber optic lineman making 80-100k a year based hourly. I have a fiancé that makes roughly 30k annually and we both have newer vehicles, I’m 38k in debt( just recently bought vehicle) and she is 12k in debt. We have no other debt other then those two vehicles. And I do not have a credit card currently. + +My question is, should I pay off the vehicles in a year? Which is possible for us due to saving and income. Or should I keep the payments for the credit score (currently at 680 with no credit card). I would like to be debt free but I would also like to get a mortgage in the upcoming years. Any helpful advice? + +Update: interest rate is 3% on vehicle, I have 17k currently saved in a basic savings account, and I make 6-8k monthly with only 2.3k monthly bills if I really pull it in tight. Current vehicle payment is 650/month + +Update #2: I want to thank everybody for all this advice about everything. I’m going to run the numbers but as of right now I’m going to continue to make the truck payments as usual so I can save all my money and invest every penny I have. I will also be getting a credit card with preferably a cash back option and use it very intelligently so I can build credit just in case I need a small loan to assist in buying the house. I intend to be debt free in 5-8 years. Because not all debt is bad debt and I make enough and have enough saved up to cover anything that could happen for an emergency. Feel free give any other pointers and or tips. All numbers should be above. +I’m currently 19 years old and I work as fiber optic lineman making 80-100k a year based hourly. I have a fiancé that makes roughly 30k annually and we both have newer vehicles, I’m 38k in debt( just recently bought vehicle) and she is 12k in debt. We have no other debt other then those two vehicles. And I do not have a credit card currently. + +My question is, should I pay off the vehicles in a year? Which is possible for us due to saving and income. Or should I keep the payments for the credit score (currently at 680 with no credit card). I would like to be debt free but I would also like to get a mortgage in the upcoming years. Any helpful advice? + +Update: interest rate is 3% on vehicle, I have 17k currently saved in a basic savings account, and I make 6-8k monthly with only 2.3k monthly bills if I really pull it in tight. Current vehicle payment is 650/month + +Update #2: I want to thank everybody for all this advice about everything. I’m going to run the numbers but as of right now I’m going to continue to make the truck payments as usual so I can save all my money and invest every penny I have. I will also be getting a credit card with preferably a cash back option and use it very intelligently so I can build credit just in case I need a small loan to assist in buying the house. I intend to be debt free in 5-8 years. Because not all debt is bad debt and I make enough and have enough saved up to cover anything that could happen for an emergency. Feel free give any other pointers and or tips. All numbers should be above. +I have 4 kids (7, 4, 3, and 2) and my wife is out of the picture. We’ve lived at my mothers (rent free) for about a year. I’ve paid off about 15k worth of debt and am almost completely out of debt (just have student loans). I can save about $1100 a month. My credit score is making a huge turn around. So how do I make my lemons into lemonade? + +I’ve really been thinking of buying a duplex and renting it out till my children are older and we can move out. I’ve also considered investing in stocks, or trying to become part of an investment club. I really have no other ideas. I’ve never been in a position of being in the green (not even sure if that’s the right expression). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. +One theory I've heard as to why home prices soared this year is it was partly due to the money printing. The Fed was using this newly printed money to buy billions in MBS each month. They are slowing down those purchases and will stop sometime in March. + +&#x200B; + +Will this have any affect on home prices? + + +I know raising interest rates could slow down home price increases (in theory) but I'm not sure about the Fed tapering their MBS purchases. Couldn't banks/investors simply sell their MBS to Fannie/Freddy instead? + + +Any insight into the Fed's taper actions affecting home prices would be much appreciated. Thanks!! +&amp;#x200B; + +[STAG](https://preview.redd.it/f48fv3v5n6a81.jpg?width=2697&amp;format=pjpg&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=ceb4d470609bbae2d7150a999ac61c892958af11) + +* Intro + +STAG industrial is a Real Estate Investment Trust focused on the rental of single tenant warehouses and offices. STAG primarily focuses on the development of warehouses. STAG owns all of their assets under management. Holding over 517 properties spread across the United States with 103.4 million in warehouses and offices. + +Bill Crooker, President and CFO, said on the Q3-21 earnings call: + +“The broad-based demand for our assets is robust and has resulted in numerous instances of available space being backfilled immediately with minimal to no downtime “When adjusted for immediate backfills, retention was 77.7% for the third quarter and 89.8% for the year. Cash same-store NOI \[net operating income\] grew 2.9% for the quarter and 3.4% year-to-date. This metric continues to be a high watermark for STAG, driven by strong rental escalators, cash leasing spreads, and lower average downtime per vacancy.” + +Rent escalators are now more important than ever with inflation kicking into high gear with CPI numbers rising. STAG is well prepared to adjust to the risk of inflation and the pandemic is not a threat with the near 90% retention rate and low down time when they are looking for new tenants. + +STAG is well diversified geographically with their top 10 cities comprising 46% of their portfolio. More importantly STAG is diversified well across different companies and different sectors. Big names such as Amazon (3.8%) FedEx (1%) Ford (.7%) Costco (.7%) within their top ten, Amazon being their biggest renter. + +The demand for industrial real estate has only grown as our economy demands for more online shopping and large facilities required to hold/produce large amounts of products. The industrial market is estimated to grow exponentially, upwards of 10x as large businesses focus on online shopping and warehouses to hold large quantities of goods. + +* Concerns + +Concerns with STAGs recent acquisitions are currently heavily leveraged in debt. I would anticipate them to slow down and pay off their debt before focusing on growth again. Their current debt is sitting at 2.03 billion which has their total debt to equity at 67% and their debt to free cash flow at 15.27. Their current cash is 44.06 million so I would anticipate building up their cash while paying down their debt which would leave little to no room for large acquisitions. + +* Reasons to be bullish + +With the acquisitions that have been made by STAG it is easy to anticipate dividend growth from them because as a REIT they are legally obligated to pay out 80% of their net earnings. Many people will avoid REITs because of the higher taxes that you face with their dividends but the huge advantage of REITs is that they pay no corporate taxes as long as they maintain their high payout ratio. Your dividends aren’t being double taxed by the government which is an advantage to being able to earn more in dividends even if its at a higher rate. + +STAG released a statement covering the topic of their solar development on the rooftops of their warehouses. + +BOSTON, Nov. 12, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- STAG Industrial, Inc. (the "Company") (NYSE: [STAG](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/stag-industrial-announces-new-solar-systems-in-illinois-and-massachusetts-301172332.html#financial-modal)) today announced the groundbreaking of its first onsite solar installation in Illinois, and its fifth solar installation in Massachusetts. Facilitated by Black Bear Energy in partnership with STAG, and developed by Green Street Power Partners ("GSPP"), these systems have an aggregate capacity of 3.5 MW and will generate over 4.4 million kWh of electricity annually - the equivalent of powering nearly 361 homes with solar. With the addition of these sites, STAG now hosts over 13.5 MW of solar nationally. + +STAG’s ability to innovate new sources of income to maximize their square footage makes me hopeful for their future in continuing to be a well diversified cash cow. Not only are they collecting rent but they are generating long term income from the solar network they are developing within their portfolio. + +* Dividends + +STAG currently has 7 years of consistent dividend growth. STAG only has grown the dividend by a mere 1.4% per year average raise by $.01 per year from 2017-2021. I would anticipate the yield to increase over the next 12 months but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a large increase in the near future as history would be on the low end. STAG is a monthly payer but that has little to no impact on the stock and is just a nice feature if anything. I am cautiously optimistic on STAGs dividend growth as I expect it to grow when the company slows down to pay down debt and rebalance their books. + +* Shares + +Their Earnings per share have increased so I am not worried about share dilution. The shares have been diluted over the past 2 years but that is typical for a REIT in order to build up cash for acquisitions which they have used appropriately. + +* Conclusion + +“Industrial real estate demand is expected to increase by 850 million square feet, to 14.8 billion square feet, by 2023.” Deloitte Insights **The Future of the Industrial Real Estate Market.** I am bullish on the growth of the market and I am not concerned about STAG in a high inflation economy with rent escalators built into their leases. I think the innovation is there for the company to use their cash well to build for decades to come. I am not impressed with the dividends but STAG makes up for it in capital appreciation. I strongly believe STAG is a buy and hold and is fairly priced at $45.31 at the time of this article being written. + +Please give me feedback on this analysis and I look forward to your comments + +I own a long term position of STAG and this is not financial advise and my opinion on a publicly traded company. +I'm seeing a lot of posts today about buying the dip and how today is different than 2018 because of increased adoption and more advanced tech, mainly in L1s. I hate to break it to you, but none of that matters. Have a look at this: + +https://preview.redd.it/y9221orvlhd81.jpg?width=2786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6877e80aa8975d8c8aa86f82c5f9972fc6222dc + +**EDIT: The chart cuts off at 2016...which is apparently making some people think there was a bear market sometime after 2016. Let's have a look:** + +https://preview.redd.it/0us34zsk3jd81.png?width=2108&format=png&auto=webp&s=79de6ff34018315c748a2e743caef0ca3b277c65 + +**There was no bear market. There was a relatively small crash in 2020 as everyone panicked over Covid. That's not a bear market. This picture also shows you that it's even worse, the market has been absolutely parabolic for almost 2 years.** + +That's the S&P 500 index. Notice something? Every ten years or so there's a severe downward correction which lasts 1-2 years. In the early 2000s it was the tech bubble, in 2008/9 it was the mortgage crisis. As you can see here, we've been in a sharp uptrend for over 10 years now. This uptrend has been fueled not in small part by record low interest rates. This is turn has resulted in parts of the market being hopelessly overvalued, a prime example being Tesla. + +Now look at the crypto charts, specifically the top 50 alts. Most of them have had absolutely face melting pumps over the last 18 months. Do you think that's just going to keep going up? Their valuations are now so ridiculous that 'crypto market caps' are basically a meme, completely detached from reality. Of course market caps are hardly ever a true reflection of what company is worth, but they are a reflection of the amount of speculation in the current market. Just to look at a few: + +Cardano MC $36 billion, doesn't have fully functional smart contracts, lots of promises while continually underdelivering, if at all. + +Solana: MC $30 billion, has been unusable for the last 48 hours, has suffered multiple outages over the last 6 months which lasted up to 17 hours. + +Dogecoin: $18 billion MC....don't think I need to go into more detail on this one. + +Ethereum: $288 billion market cap, supposed to disrupt the global banking industry (along with everything else), meanwhile it costs $200 for a simple ERC20 token swap. + +BTC: $665 billion market cap, supposed to be the future of digital store of value, meanwhile, has lost more than 50% in value over the course of 2.5 months. + +etc.... + +The point is that these market caps aren't a reflection of the current states of those projects, but rather their promised states at some future point in time. Unless that point in time is very close as in a few months away, that's not sustainable. I personally don't think that point in time is very close, as almost nothing in crypto currency works as advertised. + +**What would a multi year global bear market mean for crypto?** + +\- BTC bleeds more than stock market + +\- ETH bleeds more than BTC + +\- Alts will bleed even heavier than ETH and a good number will never recover. You have to remember something very basic here: if an alt your holding loses 90% of its value in the bear market, it has to pull a 10X just to get back to its previous price. + +**Further complication:** + +DCAing into projects is obviously the way to go in a bear market, but it becomes more difficult to predict what projects will have merit the longer the bear market continues. Will your favourite project still be relevant in 2024 or will it be replaced by something that hasn't even launched and won't until 2023? The longer the bear market lasts, the more likely that outcome becomes. Do lots of research, try to keep up with the tech developments in crypto. The next Solana or Luna is probably being planned as I write this. Try to find it. +I am pretty sure I know the answer to this one but am wanting someone else to confirm so a family member can read it from someone else. + +&#x200B; + +Family member A gets a lot in benefits, DLA, her husband carers, including some means tested benefits, the job lot due to her health. + +She has reached the age where her pensions have started writing to her regarding cashing in amounts. + +&#x200B; + +Family Member B has recently bought a house and is renovating it but its slow progress. + +&#x200B; + +To speed it up Family Member A has suggested cashing in her pensions and gifting it to Family Member B. + +I pointed out that she should really not do this as the lump sum being in her account for 1 second would count as her having that amount and take her well over the amount to qualify for any means tested benefit. + +She suggested it going straight into Family member B's bank account. I said the pension company would never do this and if they did family member B would be taxed to hell. + +&#x200B; + +I've had this conversation 10+ times with family member A and it does not get through. Can anyone else confirm that I am correct (or even if I am wrong) just so I can show family member A as she thinks I am wrong. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 13:40: + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for the responses guys pretty much confirming what I assumed. I have shown A these posts and I think she gets it now. Family Member A for reference is not yet state pension age but is above 55. + +&#x200B; + +Its a pity seeing her mental and physical health declining, hence the genuine need for DLA. The thing is she used to be very knowledgeable on subjects like this having spent most of her career in a Council Tax recovery department (The ones who chase council tax debts from attachment of earnings stage to taking it to magistrates courts stage). This is just another sign of her declining capacity. + +&#x200B; + +Again thank you guys. + + +About to go 100% XEQT and find it motivating to see people who do the same and have a huge account balances! + +Would love to get some replies to see everyone else’s progress and consistency! +Welcome to $MoonPirate! With over 85,000 strong holders and a market cap of only $8.8M. First exchange has been signed and paid for. Rum is being distilled. IPA being released next month. Governance voting currently ongoing to pick flavour of first energy drink! + +&#x200B; + +Some of their deliverables so far have included: + +\* PirateSwap launched (investors can purchase MoonPirate directly on their website) + +&#x200B; + +\* Pirate Wallet Tracker launched (view how much your holdings are worth and how much you have gained by simply holding) + +&#x200B; + +\* Get Nok Distillery (California, US) Service Agreement Signed, Sealed and Delivered and MoonPirate Dark Rum (with a hint of coconut – as voted by investors) is 3 to 5 months away + +&#x200B; + +\* Catchment Brewing Co (Brisbane, Australia) – MoonPirate Tropical IPA 4 weeks away. Launch Party will be held at venue for those who can make it + +&#x200B; + +\* Updated Roadmap incoming including the expansion of the MoonPirate ecosystem (including $RUM native token which is going to be pretty crazy) + +&#x200B; + +\* Governance Platform LAUNCHED! (your MoonPirate holdings will dictate your voting potential) + +&#x200B; + +\* Now on CoinGecko and CMC, Add this to Blockfolio, Stocktwits & Delta + +&#x200B; + +\* Weekly Live Video AMA’s (including founder, community manager and communications manager) + +&#x200B; + +\*On top of that, we have NFT’s, charity donations (Pirate Party kids cancer charity), billboards including Times Square New York, weekly Pirate Chronicles (medium articles) and more.\* + +&#x200B; + +Be sure to check out EVERYTHING on the website, which is being updated on a daily basis. + +&#x200B; + +\*Remember this is 100% rugproof (LP Tokens 100% burnt, ownership renounced, 2 x audits)\* + +&#x200B; + +\* Telegram: [https://t.me/MoonPirate](https://t.me/MoonPirate) + +&#x200B; + + Contract: 0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 +For example, at my local Dillons I get 4xFuel Points for buying gift cards (normally $1=1 fuel point, 100 fuel points = 0.10 cents off/gallon at participating gas stations). I'm getting ready to purchase $156 of stuff off Amazon tonight. By going and getting a Amazon gift card for $156 at Dillons first, I get 624 fuel points (so 0.60/gallon discount), and I usually put 18 gallons in. So I'm getting $10.80 in savings (which is 6.9% of the Amazon purchase) on my gas fill up off the Amazon card alone, not counting my other fuel points I've earned. This works with any gift card they sell - Walmart, Target, etc., meaning if you give gift cards out for Christmas, you keep the fuel points, + +In addition, if you're looking for a simple way to save up for a bigger purchase but aren't great at saving up, you can purchase set value gift cards along the way - say, every paycheck buy a $25 or $50 gift card, and then you'll get the fuel points along the way plus have the money put away in the form of gift cards if you're looking at a larger purchase. This is of course for short term saving only! + +You can purchase the gift cards with credit cards, giving you the fuel discount plus your credit card rewards, to maximize your savings. + +Edit: this got big. Regarding the debate below on 'can you buy gift cards with credit cards', that seems to vary by state and possibly company. Where I am, it works fine, however if you're unsure where you are, it's probably worth checking before you buy.[receipt showing points/card](https://i.imgur.com/0nzt1oC.jpg) I purchased my gift card using cash, since I'm carrying a balance on my credit card already. I have purchased before with a CC, but it was not time in my CC cycle to buy with a CC again. + +Edit 2: saw this blew up overnight, so I added the photo from my trip this morning. I bought milk & a Amazon gift card for $160 for easier math. Not shown on the receipt is a 50 fuel point survey, which will also bring down my gas cost. + +Edit 3: several people in the comments have pointed to the Amex Blue card for giving you 6% back on grocery store purchases. There are lots of good comments & ideas below, thanks everyone! For context, my grocery store and gas station are 3 short blocks away, the max fuel discount is $1.00/gallon, and I fill up a 19 gallon tank once a week (although of course I usually only pump 18 gallons in, I'm not pushing a SUV to the pump!) +[https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/sp-500-nasdaq-futures-fall-social-media-stocks-lead-declines-2022-07-22/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/sp-500-nasdaq-futures-fall-social-media-stocks-lead-declines-2022-07-22/) + + July 22 (Reuters) - S&P 500 and Nasdaq futures fell on Friday, with social media firms and companies that sell online ads leading declines after Snap Inc missed quarterly revenue targets. The Snapchat owner's shares plunged 29.8% in premarket trading as it declined to make a forecast and said record-high inflation and increasing competition hurt advertising demand. Nasdaq futures fell the most among its peers, with Meta Platforms Inc [**(META.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/META.O) and Alphabet Inc [**(GOOGL.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/GOOGL.O) involved in online ad tech dropping 4.8% and 2.9%, respectively. Twitter Inc [**(TWTR.N)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/TWTR.N) shed 2.1% before reporting its quarterly results, while Meta and Alphabet were set to post their earnings next week along with other Big Tech firms including Apple Inc [**(AAPL.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/AAPL.O), Microsoft Corp [**(MSFT.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/MSFT.O) and Amazon.com Inc [**(AMZN.O)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/AMZN.O). Investors are bracing for the slowest ever global revenue growth for the social media sector as intensifying competition from TikTok and Apple in advertising threaten to compound economic woes in the second quarter. +Over a month and $24K is in limbo, can't trade, can't withdraw. Their system just gives some stupid error, like "null" and a red line, without any other details. + +Multiple tickets, opened, escalated, tried to write everywhere to them on social media, no response. + + +Anyone else experience a similar issue? Is there any chance to get the money back? Do they just ignore all tickets and try to pocket all the money before they close shop for good? + + +*Edit: thanks reddit, we did it! Got my ticket resolved and the account fixed, and immediately exchanged all in ether/BTC and withdrew to a hardware wallet.* +Counterfactual NFTs contracts have just been added to the [Loopring Protocol GitHub](https://github.com/Loopring/protocols/pull/2579) through a pull request! The PR has already been approved by Daniel! + +What is [counterfactual wallet](https://blogs.loopring.org/counterfactual-wallet-nfts-on-loopring/)? This is a critical step for implementing a user friendly NFT marketplace. This feature allows users to "try out for free" with a temporary wallet that functions in many important ways similar to a real smart wallet. Once the user decides they want to a pay a one-time fee to create their wallet, they can do so later. This critical feature is required for GameStop to launch their marketplace and widen the [conversion funnel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_funnel) of user adoption as much as possible. **This key feature will crush all competition in the NFT marketplace space, allowing GameStop to become the first bastion to capitalize on the mostly untapped NFT market.** + +It's quite likely for GameStop to supply all their PowerUp users with a counterfactual wallet. That way all PowerUp users can simply go to [nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com), browse, purchase and create NFTs entirely for free without any extra setup steps required. To me this seems like an obvious choice for Ryan and company, especially given the PowerUp call outs back from [RC's letter to GameStop's board](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf) where he specifically mentioned the number of PowerUp rewards members as a point of interest. It matches Ryan's strategy to use past success as a springboard to focus on launching the next step. Almost a literal brick by brick approach! + +https://preview.redd.it/1rfrk5sxf9181.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f26a9843ffc52f98b6dee002ebf8d19e5f44c15 + +This is a fairly big PR with over 1k lines of code, currently with a request for dong77 to review the changes (Daniel, the Loopring creator). Edit: UPDATE - Daniel approved the PR! Updates to the Loopring Protocol are *not as common* nowadays as opposed to the Loopring SDK. The last update to the Protocol was Sep 7th, about two months ago. This is a rather big new feature! As a reminder to those curious, the Protocol repository on GitHub contains the code for smart wallet and smart contracts, as well as their base protocol implementation of their DEX (decentralized exchange). + +https://preview.redd.it/362ybb3g59181.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e16e96ad4586fdd81b1b52c5049c03fc31e2f4b + +Some key points from browsing the pull request (please note I'm not a Loopring expert and am learning this just like the rest of you, so please point out any errors or info I may have missed): + +* A new user can start with a counterfactual wallet for free, to try out the entire NFT marketplace. +* Users can receive tokens onto their counterfactual wallet. +* Counterfactual wallets can be funded. +* Users can actually mint a few new NFTs with a counterfactual wallet. That means **without paying any fees a user can hop onto the marketplace and make an entirely NEW NFT**! + +Here's some info directly from the PR's documentation. + +>Everybody on L2 automatically has his/her own NFT contract for free that can be used to mint NFTs. The address of this NFT contract is \`NFTFactory.computeNftContractAddress(owner, baseURI)\`. In the simplest case \`baseURI == ""\` so there is no data that needs to be shared publicly to be able to create the NFT contract by calling \`NFTFactory.createNftContract(owner, baseURI)\`. **\*\*Anybody\*\*** can call this function to create an NFT contract for an account. When this contract is created is not important, it just needs to be created when somebody wants to withdraw an NFT associated with this counterfactual NFT contract to L1 because it acts like a bridge between L1 and L2. +> +>**Should be simple to understand for users**:- The user puts his NFT on IPFS and gets an IPFS hash in return (per NFT!)- The UI calculates the counterfactual NFT token contract address and shows it as the default option to mint NFTs to for his account- The NFT is minted with the counterfactual NFT token contract as the token address and the IPFS hash as the NFT IDThe NFT is now fully functional on L2 and the only cost was the NFT mint price on L2. +> +>If \`baseURI != 0\` it's a bit more complicated because that data is not publicly known by default before the NFT contract is created. So to be able to know how to show the NFT on L2 this data need to be made public somehow (well, at least for them to work on a general block explorer, could be part of the offchain data field in a block, but this of course also costs some gas). But the option is there if minters don't want to use the IPFS hash as the NFT ID and still have the full flexibility to store whatever data they want in the NFT ID like they can in normal NFT contracts. +> +>This is really just mainly for people that want to mint a couple of NFTs for as cheap as possible. Creators doing serious collections with thousands of NFTs will probably want to use their own contract anyway. + +Take a look back to gamestop's [nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com) website. What do we see? Three steps for their plan. Turns out they are finalizing the implementation of step 2!!! + +1. **Power to the players** \- Play to earn gaming monetization model +2. **Power to the creators** \- Streamlined UX for creating NFTs and putting them up onto a marketplace +3. **Power to the collectors** \- Buying/selling/HODL'ing NFTs as a consumer or investor + +[This counterfactual NFT minting is the critical piece to implement the \\"Power to the Creators\\" step! LETS FUCKIN GOOOO](https://preview.redd.it/n2fqk38ic9181.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1fa97935444ea2dc6f37643bebec49a24e36f2c) + +And now... + +https://preview.redd.it/92a7a6my3a181.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4691df33ac259321306e251807911a4ab320a28 + +ANNOUNCEMENT SOON??? 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I called about my upcoming mortgage payment. I said I heard about this Evergrande coupon thing that I wanted to take advantage of so I could lower my payment to $80/ month (.0004%) on my outstanding loan. + +Turns out the coupon is only good if you committed the required amount of financial crime. +Most experienced investors here know not to rely much if at all on Zillow's "Zestimate" for analyzing property comps. However, it's important to note how much more badly Zillow has muddied the waters with their foray into buying and selling properties themselves, as this account of how they now raise and lower Zestimates based not on comparables anymore, but rather what they want to sell their own inventory for shows: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/qaboqa/comment/hh3isxv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 +Few beers deep, but felt the need to share my experiences as a first home buyer in Brisbane in the current market. + +We were first looking at the start of the year, and after many open homes were able to get an offer accepted on a place in Banyo. Unfortunately the timing was not great, with COVID hitting around the same time. We ended up not going through with that house, with some concerns about our incomes and with the rather grim outlook on the housing market in a locked-down, COVID world. + +After waiting til September/October to dive back in, we discovered the market had done none of the crashing it was expected to do. + +We've kept an eye on the market since February. As it stands, there's been minimal stock on the market in our price range ($550-650k) pretty much since COVID hit. + +For all the doom and gloom throughout the year, it seems as though none of the predictions have come to fruition. Between government and RBA intervention, the Brisbane market is a nightmare as a first home buyer. + +The market (in the $500-700k bracket at least) is low in stock, leading to a frenzy for interested buyers. + +As a recent example, we put an offer in on a basic highset 3 bedroom house in Keperra. A house that would be worth high $500k's at the best of times is now being sold closer to $650k. The house had 15 offers received after the 1st open home on it's first weekend on the market. + +We've spoken to a few real estate agents, who annecdotally have said even they think the prices being paid for some properties are well above what they are worth. It seems like FOMO is well and truly in play in Brisbane. + +I don't really share this as advice as such, more my experience - but would perhaps say that any potential buyers in Brisbane may benefit from holding off for the new year when new stock hits the market - as it stands, it's a bloodbath and people are paying well in excess of what properties are worth. +I originally wanted to buy a nice BMW M3 😋, but recently I have realized that Investing my money is a much better idea. Btw I can also probably get another 10k in the coming year so I really need to start thinking about where my money will go. + +Edit: I will most likely go to college for close to nothing because my parents have already saved for my college and I am going to a state school which is very cheap compared to a private school. +Typical disclaimer: I am retrieving Finra ADF (OTC dark pool) data from Fidelity using Time & Sales and running it through some spaghetti code I threw together for analysis purposes. As always, if you notice any errors in my data please point them out as **I am prone to making mistakes and I'm no wrinkle brain**. + +For additional information, and understanding how I am doing all this, [please read my post from last week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7ahcl/found_something_funky_on_the_dark_pools/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I highly recommend reading my last post because it will better frame what I'm about to present. + +**SOMEONE IS FUCKING AROUND WITH DARK POOL TRANSACTIONS!** + +**A large amount of 1 share size transactions are being channeled to the dark pools outside the NBBO and sometimes in excess of $3!!!!!** + +Here is GME Finra ADF data: + +https://preview.redd.it/kdu1zgiwxay61.png?width=869&format=png&auto=webp&s=43740f0564aafa5d153e18c46d188fd4adb1c83e + +https://preview.redd.it/fdkicgiryay61.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=e09d447aa3f254afa1a2eb317b2fc69b75fd2a56 + +Here is GME from 9:30-10am for NYSE exchange. + +https://preview.redd.it/9c49x1b8cby61.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=d22e41812e24cb4a12599553c6f91884eb747a95 + +u/dlauer Since you may have missed my post from Thursday, I invite you to shed some light on what is happening. Currently, this appears to be evidence of price suppression combined with price gouging of customers through the use of OTC dark pools. At minimum, someone is executing trades through the dark pools outside of the NBBO and in violation of reg NMS. It happened for the first time (that I've ever witnessed) on Thursday 5-6 and is again actively happening right now! + +~~I have not verified whether~~ Other stocks are being manipulated the same way they were last Thursday. + +Edit: + +I checked AMC to see if it's happening again to other stocks and found that it is: + +https://preview.redd.it/vjt9k79p9by61.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=82cd5eee8b45a45f2f13dd7d844fbe0cf31e3157 + +Edit3: + +https://preview.redd.it/yqqlbb87pdy61.png?width=1327&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb722bfed151095071b87ca38a8a08190f730e7e + +Here is the cumulative data for today (5-10). **It appears whatever was happening ceased before 12:00ET.** Suspicious that the timing coincides with when my post started getting traction. I'm not gonna jump to conclusions though. + +Here's a chart with the corresponding impacts outlined: + +https://preview.redd.it/3qmnaevrpdy61.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=94f0147f151688926bee9e2f4f5096292477ee90 + +Large frequency transaction prices: + +9:30AM-11:00AM - Above Asks + +* $161.755 (9:30:12ET - 9:43:11ET) +* $157.525 (9:43:21ET - 9:43:22ET) +* $157.31 (9:43:27ET - 9:58:22ET) +* $154.09 (9:58:44ET - 10:13:10ET) +* $154.02 (10:13:27ET - 10:28:20ET) +* $153.845 (10:28:39ET - 10:43:22ET) +* $151.155 (10:44:05ET - 10:58:08ET) + +11:00AM-12:00PM - Below Bids + +* $154.02 (10:16:05ET - 10:22:05ET) +* $150.955 (10:58:34ET - 11:13:20ET) +* $151.38 (11:13:46ET - 11:28:18ET) +* $152.25 (11:29:23ET - 11:37:57ET) + +Here's the number of transactions at each of the above price points. I may need to look further into $154.02 since it appears on both sides and is almost a wash in transaction count. + +https://preview.redd.it/700s34mfwdy61.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=f49c073fccc97a8b3103f8d75b42e32fc49cd2bd + +Edit4: Analyzing delay from NBBO. + +[Here is my google doc for analyzing time delay from closest NBBO price vs execution](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PQPaQSRMHMPT20hYVKKTG7_QIGG1WIXKoR-6X1G8B6I/edit?usp=sharing) + +The 1st tab contains all the transaction data from 9:30am-10am including all exchanges. Use this to confirm what I'm reporting and verify if I'm making any mistakes. + +The following tabs contain data from the closest NBBO timestamp and then the corresponding batch of transactions including all the outside NBBO orders in order to match that NBBO. + +* $161.755 + * Row 56 - 9:30:02ET - Begin NBBO + * Row 409 - 9:30:36ET - Last entry within that NBBO + * 34 second delay +* $157.525 + * This batch appears to have a corresponding supply of matching NBBO range +* $157.31 (The Dark orange highlights are NBBO price ranges permissible for $157.31) + * 1st noticeable gap + * Row 682 - 9:43:53ET - Begin NBBO + * Row 3601 - 9:47:37ET - Latest entry within that NBBO + * 3:44 delay + * 2nd gap + * Row 4095 - 9:48:24ET - Begin NBBO + * Row 13590 - 9:58:22ET - Last entry within that NBBO + * 9:58 delay (almost 10 minutes!) + +Edit5: I'll pick this up in the morning. I'm exhausted. + +&#x200B; + +Edit2: + +[Dave confirms manipulation is "without a doubt" happening and is "shockingly rampant"](https://youtu.be/AYct0XX0uTU?t=1949) + +[Dave states in regards to dark pools "You cannot trade outside the NBBO. That is the rule in US markets."](https://youtu.be/AYct0XX0uTU?t=3502) It's either 610 or 611 and is the "backstop for best execution" & "you cannot get outside of the protected quote." + +[242.610 Reg NMS - Access to Quotations](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/242.610) + +[242.611 Reg NMS - Order Protection Rule](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/242.611) + +I have now watched Dave's AMA 10 times and probably will need to watch it another 10 times. + +~~I am beginning to suspect, since he says that he "cannot say a ton about that" (when discussing manipulation), that he may not be able to provide insight or clarity into this situation due to other reasons. I hope that I am wrong and I sincerely hope that he chimes in eventually. For now, however,~~ **I will begin compiling my data to prepare a submission to both the SEC & Finra.** + +Edit6: + +I've spoken with Dave and he does not see these trades outside the NBBO in their data. He suspects the transaction data that Fidelity is providing is probably inaccurate. My next step is going to be calling Fidelity and inquiring about the quality of their data. I'm sure Dave is correct, but I still intend to do the due diligence of learning how Fidelity acquires their data and the accuracy of it. Per his recommendation, getting quality SIP data will cost \~$750/month - which is something I'm honestly not prepared to fork up at the moment. Thanks again, u/dlauer & team, for taking the time to investigate this for me and for providing suggestions. I greatly appreciate the help. + +&#x200B; + +I'd also like to sincerely thank everyone for commenting & awarding this post to help get traction. I will be updating it throughout the day once I finish with the data. + +[Here is my post from last week covering the first occurrence of this market-wide manipulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7ahcl/found_something_funky_on_the_dark_pools/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; +With so many people people fleeing the city, I was thinking of purchasing a studio / one bed as a long term investment as there has been a lot of inventory going on the market. Would keep it 5 years at least (or much more). + +Looking to spend 400-600k & would ideally want to make a super low ball offer (20-30 percent lower than list. Would look to rent it. + +Has anyone tried to purchase in NYC? Is pricing flex with everyone moving out? Also - imagine if may be hard to rent at first too... + +Just wanted to pick someone’s brain who may be doing this during Covid? +For months there was a lot of buzz going around the deployment of EIP-1559, and now that it is live, I feel like it didn’t really live up to what people expected from it. Sure, ethereum’s price rose to 60% in 30 days and right now ethereum miners are hoarding a record $70B in ETH following the EIP-1559 activation. + +While it is still a [blockchain network is significantly revolutionising the crypto ecosystem](https://www.investingcube.com/ethereums-eip-1559-a-pace-setter-for-deflationary-tokenomic-models/), I am honestly a little bit discouraged because while i know it isn’t about lowering the gas fees, I thought it was going to help in making it more predictable. It’s been some time and in my perspective I haven’t seen any changes tbh. It’s funny to see how people were going crazy over it talking about how it will lower gas fees and bring a shit ton of benefits but all i have are failed txs. + +I feel like all these craze over EIP-1559 really hyped it up so now that it’s live, what it’s bringing seems lacking. Or maybe I am just wrong and it is still to early to see and come up with conclusions. +I/ we have been struggling y’all….last week I decided to update my resume. Today I had an interview for a WFH full time position. I was hired on the spot, and they provide all the necessary equipment ie: complete computer set up/ head seats/ webcams. They also provide three full weeks of paid training, full benefits, and commission on top of all of it!! The starting pay is low but with room to grow to a much higher salary! It’s also a chat support position for a phone company. + +This is it 🎉 with what I will bring in as a monthly income all of our basic needs will finally be met! No struggle to buy groceries, no float this bill till this next month, and no more stress of poverty. My heart is so full! + +You can do it! Hang in there!! (I know Reddit hates emojis but I had to) +For those unfamiliar, the Japanese stock and property markets by 1989 had run up to absurd valuations (the Nikkei 225 hit a Shiller CAPE of 80) and then collapsed, never to recover. I used to think this massive bubble proved you can’t just buy and hold ignoring all fundamentals and valuations, but recently came across this: https://ritholtz.com/2017/10/japan-greatest-bubble-time/ + +Key takeaways: + +> Never underestimate how far people can take the markets to the extremes. This works in both directions. The pendulum swings back and forth but always seems to go further than most would assume is possible. + +> **Valuations don’t work as a timing tool. If you tried to use them in Japan you probably would have gotten out of the market a decade before the peak.** It’s easy to say this in hindsight, but there were few scenarios where the late-1980s real estate and stock market valuations could have been validated going forward. + +> Diversification, as always, is the key to avoiding a blow-up. The entire point of diversification is to avoid having your entire portfolio in a Japan situation. The global stock market has done just fine since 1990 **even when you include Japan in the results.** + +Other assets you might’ve deiversified into that would’ve saved you: Japanese government bonds, Japanese small cap and value stocks (the Nikkei 225, as name suggests, only has mega caps), and foreign real estate. +I want to share my story with the community so that it doesn’t happen to you. I will never forget how awful my experience was with Wells Fargo, and after 17 years they have lost me as a customer. + +There is a short version of my story, and a longer version for those who want all the details. + +The short version: Online scams, fraud, and identity theft are seriously on the rise in our country. It’s not only because of Covid, its because criminals are getting better at stealing our information and using card swiper inlays, hacking and fake phishing scams that look legitimate. This is the first thing you should understand as a person who does any kind of banking, with any institution. + +Last month, someone in Florida pretended to be me and took a fake check to a drive-through ATM, with my faked signature on it. She was able to take out over $1200 CASH from Wells Fargo, without an ID presumably, and definitely without my social security number. How the bank allowed her to do this, I have no idea. 24 hours later the check was identified as “unreadable” and Wells Fargo removed the amount from MY savings account, plus a $12 fee for the unsuccessful transaction. I found out very quickly since I received an email confirmation. + +I immediately filed a claim. THIS is important: most banks will refund their customers right away for Fraud of this nature, while they investigate the issue. But Wells Fargo is unique in that they do not have this policy - they will investigate the claims before they refund the money, and there is no guarantee of the outcome of their “decision.” Banks are supposed to complete the investigation after 10 days. Wells Fargo promised this, but what actually happened is they simply dropped my claim in a complete customer service mess. + +Wells Fargo lost my claim number, then when I called to follow up, they kept passing it on to different “Claim managers” like a shell game, generating a new number every single time. I spent over 10 hours on phone calls with Wells Fargo to try and get the issue resolved. Everyone I spoke to said they couldn’t help me, and would transfer me to another representative - that representative would also say they couldn’t help me, and would transfer me again. I was promised over 5 times by 5 different individuals that I would get a phone call back with an update, but that never happened. Nobody would answer the simple question of what was happening with my case. I was lied to, insulted gaslit, and avoided. I was even hung-up on. I had a little help from an in-branch visit, but even that banker ended up lying to me. + +Ultimately, I had to get an attorney involved in speaking with the bank’s executive team, and even THEN the executive team lied to us on the phone. Mysteriously after the attorney phone call, they refunded the money in my account. After that, I moved my assets to another bank and closed everything with Wells Fargo, for good. I had a theory that the fraud happened WITHIN the bank, meaning someone who works there committed white collar crime in cooperation with an identity scammer. How else could someone take out over $1200 cash without proper identification and other critical material, in a different state than where the account is based? It probably was outside fraud, but still... + +If you get scammed or become a victim of fraud - which there is a higher chance now, than ever - you want to feel like you are in good hands. You want your money to feel secure and safe. This is NOT the case with Wells Fargo, they seem to be running a skeleton crew on their customer service and they have been in the bad press for years now. + +The long version of the story - Some more details I would like to add for those who want to know how truly awful my experience was: + +When the issue first happened and I filed a claim on May 14th, I was told by someone in the executive office of customer service (you would think that would be a pretty high-up person) that I would be contacted by a Fraud specialist within 2 days, that I would receive a resolution within 10 days, and that I would receive a call from the Identity Theft team. I was also told that over the weekend, they would be working to change my bank account numbers to avoid future theft. + +NONE of those things happened. + +I had to go to a physical branch to change my bank account numbers as a precaution against future theft - at that point I wasn’t sure I would leave Wells Fargo or not. When I did this, I worked with a banker who we will call “Adam.” Adam promised to look into my claim to see if it was being worked out, I was still out over $1200 waiting for it to be returned. + +After this visit (and 10 days after the fraud) Wells Fargo called to ask me if I wanted to change my bank account numbers - HELLO, I already did this days ago, I’m not waiting so that more fraud can take place! They still did not have any information on my actual claim, and getting my money back. It had been 8 days. They said they had nothing on record for it. + +I received an email regarding the fraudulent transaction, telling me the actual branch in Jacksonville Florida where it happened - the email was a “customer service survey” to ask how I liked my experience there. HAHA, too bad it wasn’t actually me! So I called that branch in Jacksonville to tell them someone had come in there and committed fraud against my account. The banker said there was nothing he could personally do. + +I even received a physical copy of the bad check in the mail, sent to me from Wells Fargo. There it was, somebody’s forged signature and creepy handwriting on a check made out to “me.” I emailed this to the Wells Fargo fraud team, but I got no response. + +Day 10 - I decide to follow up with Adam at my branch. He calls corporate on my behalf and tells me that it looks like they have identified the fraud as being legitimate fraud and that I should get my money back in the next two days. He said “I will give you a follow up phone call tomorrow to see if they have refunded it.” He also said that if I didn’t have a refund in two days, that I should send him an email to follow up. He said over and over again what a pleasure it was to work with me, that if I need anything whatsoever, he was just an email away. He legitimately sounded happy that he had helped me out, and I really thought he had. + +Well, you guessed it: the money never came in. Adam never called to follow up, as promised. So I emailed him. He NEVER emailed back. + +Is this what CUSTOMER SERVICE means? I am sure I don’t even need to share more, but there is more, so I’m going to share it: + +I was tired of being jerked around for weeks, so I got on the phone with additional counsel to try and get some answers. We were passed on to 5 different people. One individual in the executive office, Candace, promised that she would be taking on the case from thereon out. She promised an email within 2 hours. No email from Candace as promised. + +So we called back and finally were put in touch with a Michael, who was for some reason now managing the case (I don’t understand what happened to Candace?). Michael also promised to email us with a confirmation, so we waited on the phone to make sure the email went through. + +Michael then pulled a classic: “My computer isn’t working, I’m going to have to restart my computer and end this phone call. Then I can restart everything and send you an email.” He promised to do so. + +We really wanted to believe he wasn’t lying. But after the phone call ended, we never got an email, so yes, he was lying. + +End note: There are additional injustices and unbelievable acts of incompetence that I experienced in my dealings with Wells Fargo. I understand that someone reading this might be an employee of Wells Fargo and a loyal customer. I understand that not all employees of Wells Fargo are liars, or incompetent, but unfortunately so many of the people I dealt with behaved in this manner that I cannot forgive the greater institution. + +Wells Fargo has been in the spotlight for the last several years for huge scandals involving fake bank accounts, white collar crime, fraud cases such as mine, and botched loans. They have had massive issues with their corporate culture and have a revolving door of CEO’s. Its sad, but truly I think this is the worst bank in the country and they are not the same institution as they were 17 years ago when I first opened my account. +The title says it. + +&#x200B; + +In addition , point to discussion - I have seen previously that when people were pulling the shares out of robinhood their position was transfered by the fractional shares. Now , webull is blocking all actions with the GME. I think all the shitty PFOF brokers will somehow convert the position into fractional, to delay the inevitable. + +I think we should list all of that crap. + +EDIT2:Interesting though [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w53xov/comment/ih5vmq4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)What if those brokers who instantly 'had' our shares last night are the ones synthezising them? And those who really have them need the time to get them? by u/ [**b4st1an**](https://www.reddit.com/user/b4st1an/)and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w53xov/comment/ih5xxpm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)I am just confused as to how people were getting there shares in some of the brokers before i got mine in ComputerShare. Many of the official statements from Brokers mentioned the 26th for there distribution. There definitely just adding number onto accounts © u/BornAbility5254 + +EDIT3 : Dudes and dudettes, I am having problem modyfing the table because I have to work + +Spreadsheet deleted-> it was not anonymyous! + +Feel free to add yours -> this spreadsheet is anonymyous. + +EDIT1: Adding table + +|Entity|OK/NOK|Comment| +|:-|:-|:-| +|IBKR|OK|Delivered| +|Cortal Consors|NOK|Not yet delivered| +|Wealth simple|NOK|Takes up to 6 days| +|Freetrade|NOK|Nothing yet| +|Revolut/Drivewealth|OK|For some delivered| +|Deutsche Bank|(?)|You receive three additional shares for every share in your portfolio after hours 21st of July. The new shares will be registered as entitlement shares with a blocking period. After receiving the shares we lift the block. **The delivery is not happening before 26th of July.**| +|Fidelity|OK|Delivered| +|TD Ameritrade|NOK|Not delivered| +|ETORO|OK|The thing is, they shouldn't have these shares yet if Computershare is still distributing them to registered holders first. If anything this proves they just put a number in a database and don't have to locate the shares for you.| +|Freetrade|ok|\-| +|HL|NOK|by 27th| +|Saxo|NOK|Not delivered| +|Swedbank|NOK|Not delivered| +|Degiro|NOK|Not delivered| +|Vanguard|NOK|not yet delivered| +|Interactive Investor (UK ISA|NOK|not yet delivered| +|Merrill Edge|OK|Delivered| +|ETRADE|OK|Shares delivered| +|CashApp (Drivewealth)|OK|shows 4x shares at pre-split prices| +|Flatex|ok|Delivered| +|Cmc markets|NOK|they're waiting on their custodian to deliver which is BNP Paribas.| +|Trade Republic from Germany|OK|Susquehanna is an investor of them| +|Onvista|OK|| +|Scaliable Capital||Mon 23th| +|mBank(KBC Broker)|NOK|| +|ING DiBa|OK|delivered| +|stake|OK|delivered| +|WeBULL|NOK|Banned activities| +|Trading 212|OK|They had a link to an explanation section that didn't even mention dividends.| +|Nordnet|OK|delivered| +|TDA|?|split price per share but didnt give me any! So my $ balance is now 1/4 what it should be!!| +|Schwab|OK|Delivered| +|Cortal Consors|OK|delivered| +|Nordea Finland|OK|price not updated yet.| +|Boursorama|OK|delivered| +|comdirect|OK|delivered but I suspect only syntetic shares (comdirect was faster than cs) ©8aplus| +|Merill Lynch|NOK|Not delivered| +|DKB|OK|Delivered| +|ING diba , Germany|OK|Delivered| +|Citibank|NOK|Not delivered| +|German Postbank , retail division of Deutsche Bank|OK|Delivered| +|Chase investments|OK|Delivered| +|Swissquote|OK|Delivered| +|BGL BNP Paribas|NOK|Not delivered| +|Tiger Brokers Singapore|OK|Delivered| +|LHV PANK ESTONIA|OK|Delivered| +|Erste Bank|NOK|Not delivered| +|Questrade|NOK|| +|TD canada|NOK|Not delivered| +|Firstrade|NOK|Not delivered| +|Sofi|OK|delivered| +|DISNAT|NOK|Not delivered| +|Scotia iTrade|NOK|| + + + + +EDIT 4: Hey everyone , I was out . I will update table according to the feedback. +Something that's brought me a good deal of success is to skate where the puck is not going. I'm a contrarian by nature, and a big Peter Thiel fan. + +I've noticed that the act of entrepreneurship itself has become vogue. Everyone's an 'entrepreneur' and people are participating in a sort of cargo cult by repeating the actions they see successful people taking: raising money, having an office, doing talks, etc. Most of them fail, of course. + +The fact that entrepreneurship is now stylish turns me off from it. That means we probably have way too many businesses being started, way too much competition for talent and capital, and frankly too many copy-cat ideas. + +What is the contrarian approach to entrepreneurship itself (rather than any one business model)? Ideas floating around in my mind: + +\- If there are too many businesses and too few talent, just focus on your career. (Which I am, currently, to great success.) + +\- Rather than start a business, invest in one that's starting. That of course requires high quality deal flow, which is hard to get where I live. + +\- Rather than start a business, just invest generally -- stock market, real estate, crypto, etc. I'm already doing this. +Looking beyond the (often misleading) headline figure, here are the typical standing charge and unit rates for the new price cap: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/check-if-energy-price-cap-affects-you + +Standing charges have gone up by 1p per fuel (to 46p for electricity and 28p for gas), while the kWh rate for electricity has increased by 86% from 28p to 52p, and the kWh rate for gas has more than doubled from 7p to 15p. + +ETA: These vary by region; Money Saving Expert will have the full list on this page once they've got it ready. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/utilities/what-are-the-price-cap-unit-rates-/ +So my parents thought it would be a great idea to drop me out of 7th grade to homeschool me. I am now in the 10th (at 15) grade and they have yet to start. My parents go to work and I just sit at home and play video games (I live in Idaho BTW). Is this even LEGAL!? It's been three years and I've done nothing!! Please help, I'm worried I'm going to grow up with no education or skills and will be homeless and fucked. Should I convince them to put me back in highschool or should I wait and get my GED at 18? Thank-you. + +PS we live in a hotel does that make it worse? +Worked at FAANG as a new grad, left to do startup, netted low 8 after selling, wondering can I go back to FAANG at a director level? For example having a 1m+ TC at one of those positions? Undergrad is Stats at Ivy, worked as SWE at FAANG, and was co-founder as startup. + +I can Leetcode (actually practice a lot with my son!) and was in a CTO role at the startup. I am not a great engineer compared to the engineers I hired, and I don't enjoy day to day coding. But high level I am good, have a great understanding of DS&A. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Follow the golden rule. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Referral to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread is encouraged for deeper altcoin discussions. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly_general_discussion_april_01_2017/). +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/65n8z6/monthly_trollbox_thread_15apr2017/). + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Edit: For UK apes! iWeb has since confirmed they can transfer ISA GameStop shares to ComputerShare. They were bullshitting me before when they said the couldn't. DRS! + + +Sorry for the wall of text, just copied and pasted the transcript. This conversation is amazing: + + +Edit: An ape told me off for not making the broker clear at the start. It's iWeb, owned by Lloyds Banking Group. + +&#x200B; + +Me: + +Hi I'd like to Vote my share now that the window is open to do so +stock: GME +what is the control number? I will do it myself rather than have iweb do it for me +Agent +Hi, you are unable to do this yourself we have to pass this vote on for you +If you provide me with your personal reference number I can log this for you +Me +one sec.. +Agent +Sure +Me +are you sure about this +i'm pretty sure I can do it via investorvote.com +by punching in my control number there +Agent +I have just requested some info on this but from my knowledge we do it on your behalf +Me +ask them how iweb does it. surely iweb is also just punching in the control number themselves +regardless i'd like my control number +thanks +Agent +Is it Game Stop you are enquiring about? +Me +yes +Agent +Thank you for waiting. I'll be with you in just a moment. +Me +ok +Agent +Hi, in this case, we no longer guarantee ability to get that information on control numbers so would not be able to provide that info to you and we dont do voting on US Stocks. +I apologise for the inconvenience +Me +??!! +Agent +the reason for why is that US stocks are held externally and can then can be held by 3rd parties from there, it takes a long time to get the info and there is no guarantee would be able to get it even with a long lead time, there was a big issue with GME last time around and caused a lot of complaints, that was the point at which stopped Voting on US +Me +so how did i vote on these shares last year via iweb if you dont do voting on US stocks +Agent +The reason we have stopped voting on US shares is due to the complications which came about from the previous Gamestop vote +Me +interesting info. so basically you have just confirmed what Dr Susanne Trimbath has been saying all along; that brokers (even boomer brokers like yourselves) are screwing over retail by not vote counting properly +Buy, Hold, DRS! +thanks for your help +Agent +I apologise for the inconvenience , this is a business decision that I have no control over and can't over rule unfortunately. Is there anything else I can do for you? +Me +no problem i am not blaming you personally at all. i should thank you for the confirmation. have a great day! + +End Transcript + +&#x200B; + +This is a boomer broker. no PFOF or cfds. They get paid on fees. they are owned by a bank that has half a TRILLION assets under management (took Mark Cuban's advice.) They are as straight as a broker can be. They are literally saying they changed their rules because of GME. They straight refuse to vote on these shares. They are saying that they don't have the control number, because they can't get it, because it's a fking mess behind the scenes with the absurd numbers of synthetics, rehypothicates, FTDs and god knows what else. They don't have the shares; they refer to a third party who holds them (DTCC i see you!) + +&#x200B; + +Note: + +I have the majority of shares in ComputerShare so I'm good and I voted on them there. But I kept some in my boomer broker because a) they were in a tax wrapper and I couldn't transfer them unless I sell b) I'm fine with the notion of selling these at phone number prices and leaving the CS shares in the infinity pool - coz fk em, that's why. + +&#x200B; + +DRS is the fking way!! Dr Trimbath you were 100% right and my boomer broker confirmed it! Moon soon! + +Edit: Multiple comments asking who the broker is. It says it multiple times in the transcript - iWeb. This broker is owned by Lloyds Banking Group. + +Edit2: I edited an now it's turned into a complete wall of text. Damn you reddit! +This post is simply putting few facts together and my own interpretation of what it means in the Squeeze to come. This is not a financial advice, just the opinion of a humble Ape with couple of wrinkles. + +Mods, please review and flag as appropriate. Apes, feel free to comment, correct or debate. At the end of the day this is my opinion, not better than any of yours. + +In this post, I am going to cover what is happening to the VIX, what is happening with the 10 Year treasury note, its link to inflation, and why all this is the beginning of the end of the GME saga, and I believe the squeeze is getting closer (no dates provided if that is what you are after, sorry). + +**The VIX** + +The VIX measures the volatility in the market, or how mad people think things are going to get. Since the beginning of the week, the [VIX is up 40%](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EVIX?p=%5eVIX&.tsrc=fin-srch). This reflects that the market is expecting a lot of uncertainty with more radical price movements. You can in this post [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/naucr8/did_i_hear_that_right_margin_call/) that even the smart money in Half Time doesn’t know whether to buy industrial or sell industrials. People do not know what they need to do. So increased uncertainty, hence increase volatility. In that video they even talk about margin calls, adding nervousness in the system, but I will cover this a bit later. + +Remember few weeks back, someone bought 250k contracts of a 25/40 July call spread on the VIX. That was a 40m bet that the market would go crazy. At the time, it was speculated that this bet would be Dr Burry himself (would fit well on his way of investing) just before closing his twitter account. We will never know for sure, but someone with big pockets believe the market is going to go nuts. In the last couple of days, there has been a lot of unusual activity in the call options for the VIX, suggesting things are not going to get any more quiet, but even more volatile. (PS: I own X contracts of that 25/40 call too, printing over 40% as I write). + +Net, the market is expecting a lot of volatility. + +**The 10 year note** + +Here you may need to grow a wrinkle, I hope I can ELI5 this. + +The 10 year is basically the “risk free” asset against which any investment decision is made. I can invest in something, with an increased risk vs doing nothing, and that risk premium needs to be worth compared to the risk free asset, meaning the 10 year (or any US government bond like 30Y, 5Y…). + +Since the beginning of the week, the 10 Year note as lost 7% of its value (the 5Y 13%!). that means the 10 year interest rate has gone up from 1.6% to 1.7%. the higher the interest rate, the lower the bond price, as cash flows over time are brought to today’s value with a higher discount rate. + +Interest rates go up with 3 main drivers. Inflation, how risk free is the risk free asset itself and the FED. + +· **Risk Free**: there is not such a thing as risk free asset. Any security would have 2 components of risk, systemic risk and specific risk. Very often in those useless congressional hearings, they talk about systemic risk, “hedge funds represent a systemic risk to the market”, “banks need to be well capitalized to avoid systemic risk”... Systemic risk is the risk of the system going to shit, the economy to collapse altogether…in other words, 2008. The fact that the 10 year note premium (its interest rate) goes up, is a reflection of increase risk in the system: “if risk free asset becomes riskier, then I want more return for my investment”. This links with the explosion of VIX: people perceive more risk in the system because of increased volatility expected, VIX goes up, interest rates go up. + +· **Inflation**: inflation in macroeconomics is closely linked to interest rates. There are several type of inflation, but to keep it simple, if the amount of goods and service is the same in an economy but there is much more Dollars in circulation, then all goods and service will become more expensive, by simple supply and demand. A controlled inflation is good for an economy to grow, too much inflation dilutes people’s buying power and overall economy competitiveness in the international markets (high inflation countries see their currency devaluate). When inflation goes up, then your interest rates go up, as saving in your bank account at the reference interest rate should allow you to keep buying the same goods in a year time than today. How are your steemies doing? Over the last year, the US as created 30% of its debt, meaning, it has put a lot more dollars in the economy to recover from the pandemic, so naturally, inflation is increasing. look at the evolution of any commoditiy in the recent weeks. Last week, the announcement came of inflation being at 4.2% (which is twice what healthy inflation of around 2% would be). + +· **Enters the FED**: The [FED mandate](https://www.richmondfed.org/publications/research/economic_brief/2011/eb_11-12) is to drive full employment and maintain stable prices, so basically sells or buys bonds (issues or buy debt back) to put or remove liquidity in the system to ensure the economy can create growth, jobs and inflation is controlled. Last year, it pumped a lot of liquidity for the economy not to collapse, so effectively FED manipulates interest rates to deliver on its mandate. Inflation is a major risk for the FED, if inflation spikes, the FED will remove liquidity buy selling bonds and if inflation is low, it will buy bonds back and put money in the system. In the current context, FED continues to buy debt to fuel the economy with liquidity and manipulates the interest rates to avoid inflation. Problem is inflation is growing beyond where it should be, so sooner or later the FED will have to stop buying bonds and actually sell some back. Demand and supply, interest rates will up go, and more importantly for GME, bonds price will go down. + +I am sure you all have read [u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/user/atobitt/) post of [The everything short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/). There is a very important chart there about the collateral used in the repo market, where 67% of the collateral use for margin is US treasuries, and I am assuming most of it is the 10Y or the 5Y. + +Also, here is a very interesting chart published by the WSJ on how margin debt works, and more importantly how much balances in [margin](https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-margin-debt-works-11615136400) accounts are. The number, 800 Billion dollars. + +Let’s put it all together, shall we? + +There are 800b in margin accounts, 67% of that uses US treasuries as collateral, US treasuries went down this week by 7% (assuming all 10Y, if combo of 5Y and 10Y it would be even more). + +So simple math 800 \* 67% \*-7% = 37b… that is the amount, give or take few billions, that the banks have asked or are asking investors to put back to maintain their margin accounts….margin call hedgies!!!! + +So what do they need to do? Sell their long positions to cover that margin call…so what would happen to the markets, they will drop…which is what has been happening this week to S&P (-4%), Nasdaq (-5%) with companies like Tesla losing 13% this week, ARRK – 8%... + +And here is where the domino starts. Not only hedgies need to put 7% more cash to cover their margin account, their long positions are also dropping 5% (in average, assumed), which in return means the banks will ask for more collateral, since the systemic risk is increasing (VIX), the current collateral is losing value (increase rate for the 10Y) and the value of their holding is declining. + +Add to that the fact that companies’ valuations (so the multiple of their sales or cash flows which reflect their market price) is based on the risk free asset for comparison, the higher the 10 year interest rate, the higher the premium needed to riskier assets (think of tech stocks with little profits and little cash flow today but higher expectations for the future), so the more the valuation of the company (its price) is overvalued when the 10Y goes up, so this will drive further corrections in the market. + +The DTCC knows all this, hence why (I believe) they have been in a hurry to pass a lot of rules to protect themselves and made a liquidity test last month. Normally they only do that once a year, yet [today they will do another one](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/n8s41o/dtcc_doing_another_liquidity_test_wasnt_the_last/). They are nervous, so back to the VIX. + +There starts the domino for GME. As hedgies get margin call, sell long assets, stock price goes down, their remaining assets lose value and one or many will go bely up. Banks would have to liquidate that fund archegos style, closing their positions, making the price in the market to further drop, which increases the margin requirements for the remaining HF….vicious cycle. The weaker HFs will start falling. Considering the large amount of shorts in GME (with married puts so shorts made out of thin air) the moment one HF short GME and gets liquidated, it will trigger the buying pressure in the stonk. That will be the catalyst we need. + +Worth pointing, AMC and GME are in the same boat. Not sure we have done the same level of diligence in AMC on how the FTDs are being hidden, but clearly the their price action is very similar, and so were their cost to borrow back in Jan with the first mini squeeze. Look at the cost to borrow of AMC today….it is up to 80%, similar to the level of January. We do not see the same in GME because of all the fuckery on the married puts and dark pools, but it is clearly an indication that something is about to go boom. And if AMC goes to the moon, soon after or at the same time GME will do the same. + +We are up for a ride, and I sense the take off is getting closer. + +TL;DR: + +Volatility is exploding, market is nervous. + +Interest rates are increasing, because of market inflation and increased risk (volatility) + +Bonds are losing value on interest rate increasing, collaterals are worth less. Margin calls are happening. + +It is a matter of time for the weaker HF to go belly up and trigger the MOASS. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: Thanks all for the awards + +Edit 2: fellow Ape posted as well on repo market and margin, confirmation bias for me. calls:[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european\_financial\_news\_is\_reporting\_major\_margin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/) +I’m new to the wheel, and I’m looking to see how it has worked out for everyone. Can we post profits/loss from the last year using thetagang strategies? +What I want to know is if there's any Conflict of Interest kinda rule pertaining to this or if it was just the fund manager's call. If it's the latter, are the AMCs so independent of the banks they share name with that they're not worried about the signalling? +Relatively new to MF and so far I've been invested into Axis Bluechip, Canara Bluechip, Mirae Asset Tax Saver and L&T N50 funds for about 1.5 years. My horizon for investment is around 15 years. I'm looking to add US exposure and I've seen PPFAS Flexi Cap & MO funds loved quite a bit. + +Since I'm already large cap bluechip heavy with my existing funds, should I stick with a pure US fund like MO? + +Also would ETFs be a better route than FOF? Main concern being liquidity since the fund will have obligation to buy if I decide to sell, although I dont see the allure of US market waning in the near future. Any advice is appreciated ! +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/24/apple-investor-warren-buffett-traded-in-his-flip-phone-for-an-iphone.html + +Warren Buffett has finally upgraded to a smartphone. + +Once a fan of the $20 Samsung SCH-U320, Buffett is now using Apple's latest model, but to make calls. + +Berkshire Hathaway owns roughly 5.5% of Apple. +As per title. + +I see a lot of posts and news articles about wage growth being stagnant and crawling etc. From what I can understand (no business or economics background), wage growth is there to keep up with inflation. If wage growth is less than inflation then I'm basically getting paid less every year. So ELI5 what would happen if the other extreme end were to happen i.e. wage growth significantly outpaces inflation? TIA. +According to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the personal savings of Americans totaled $626 billion in Q3 of 2022, marking a substantial drop from the $4.85 trillion in Q2 of 2020. + +&#x200B; + +Savings are now below even pre-pandemic levels. + +&#x200B; + +Here’s the blunt reality: White-hot inflation continues to deplete savings. And it doesn't help that economic growth has been sluggish while companies announce major layoffs. Living paycheck to paycheck has become the norm. +In 2013 the Cyprus government has closed banks and confiscated 6.75% from accounts with less than 100k euro, and 9.9% from accounts with 100k euro and above. + +If your government would do this to you, would you be upset and angry? + +You saved up money, worked your arse off for it, and here they are closing your access to it in one moment and taking a big chunk because of their incompetent failure to run a stable monetary system. + +Now imagine this happening to you EVERY YEAR. + +This is inflation. They have done this to you YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. + +They are taking from you without you noticing, and just because your government currency stays in the same amount, it doesn't look like you're actually losing something. + +THEY ARE SYPHONING YOUR TIME AND EFFORT. YEARLY, MONTHLY, DAILY. + +no need to be upset. what's done is done. + +opt out. own your time. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +(originally shared within the jungle... realized I should probably share here too, but there is no cross-posting with this sub) + +I reached out to the WA state finance regulator after getting jerked around by Ally and Apex (re: DRS my GME shares stuck in my IRAS). I didn't expect anything to come of it, but I was pleasantly surprised to get a call last week from the investigator assigned to my case. + +I had an awesome conversation with her and helped her understand some of the broader concerns I have about the market behavior/manipulation around GME. She seemed genuinely interested and asked some very thoughtful questions. + +She reiterated that her office is "like Switzerland", but shared that she's seen so much financial fraud recently that she has taken her personal retirement money OUT of the stock market. I can only imagine what she's seen - we're only seeing the angle that GME has given us...this is her JOB. + +I think we're on the right track! + +Please contact your State Finance Regulator and share your concerns about GME! They really will look into it! This is how Purdue Pharma was taken down - not by the federal government, but by scrappy state AGs working together. The more eyes we can get on GME the better! + +[https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/how-do-i-find-my-states-bank-regulator-en-1637/) +Why???? **Because they can't have a 10 million billionaires.** + +Warren Buffet quotes and my responses: + +&#x200B; + +# “Our favorite holding period is forever.” + +&#x200B; + +* *Buy, DRS, Hold.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# "If you aren’t willing to own a stock for 10 years, don’t even think about owning it for 10 minutes." + +&#x200B; + +* *I just like the stock. It's been a fun year so far. I mostly hung out with a bunch of like-minded folks who like the same stock I do. I wonder how much Kenneth Griffin, Citadel CEO, who lied under oath, will age in the next 9 years? Truthfully, it's been pretty easy on me considering I haven't had any margin calls, I haven't had to shut down any hedge fund departments in my house, and I am not among the most hated group of individuals on earth (although MSM says otherwise). I wonder if Warren Buffet believes you should never go short on a stock you aren't willing to go short on for the next 10 years?* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# “The most important quality for an investor is temperament, not intellect.” + +&#x200B; + +* *Dumb money.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# "I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." + +&#x200B; + +* *They already know we buy, DRS, and hold. The proof is in* ***D****r.* ***R****uth's* ***S****ex for dummies and the GME earnings reports. No matter the price action, everything that scares normal investors,* ***hasn't worked on us.*** *So what happens when they can't make a certain group of investors fearful? It breaks them. They've never seen this before, EVER. Retail is the whale. This is why we have a huge MSM backlash. The whale can't keep gobbling up more shares, can't get bigger, can't keep growing. Day in and day out you can see MSM telling the world how dumb you are, how wrong you are, how you are going to lose your life savings. One day they say most of retail is selling (as DRS goes up) and the rest of us should too! The next day we watch cocaine rants from ex hedge fund TV personalities about how we are so dumb that we didn't sell when all the signs said sell. So which one is it? Are we selling or are we too dumb to sell? It seems like MSM is* ***fearful*** *of you....so be greedy.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# "Today people who hold cash equivalents feel comfortable. They shouldn’t. They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value." + +&#x200B; + +* *GME is my savings account. Not investment advice, but* ***my*** *dollar is currently losing a % of it's value each month. I have been living check to check my whole adult life (saving maybe a few $100 a month, depending on if I bought my kids name brand cereal or the generic) and was conditioned and taught to hold onto my depreciating money for dear life, under a mattress or in a bank account. Meanwhile, banks and Wall Street have used our savings to make trillions. With that said, I'm used to holding onto shit that loses value, it's all I've ever done. Now you want me to be scared?* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# “When trillions of dollars are managed by Wall Streeters charging high fees, it will usually be the managers who reap outsized profits, not the clients.” + +&#x200B; + +* ... see above. This is where they want us to keep our money. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# "The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient." + +&#x200B; + +* *BUY, DRS, HOLD.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +I posted this a few months ago and find it interesting after seeing that video about Meme stock holders being the problem, because they do not know when to stop holding.... + +&#x200B; + +https://reddit.com/link/ulu87q/video/wlx36dxg1hy81/player +Hi everyone. + +So I’m 62 and my wife is 61 and we are getting near retirement. + +- We originally bought our home for $200K and it’s appreciated to $500K since then. House is paid off. + +- To simplify our lives, we were thinking of selling our house and buying a condo with 20% down. Condo would be roughly $300K. + +- The rest of the money would sit in a Vanguard Mutual fund (VTTVX) short term. + +The condo would have significantly less upkeep and insurance is cheaper. The interest we’d make on pulling the money out would pay for our mortgage payment. + +Other data points: + +- $240K loan at 2.75%. +- Property Taxes are ~2% +- HOA is $200/month. But insures everything exterior, lawn maintenance, and includes internet+tv. + +*edit* the question itself! + +- Does this make financial sense? It seems like a no brainer but I’m not sure if I’m missing something here. + +Thanks for your help in advance! +I’ve rented the same place for 10 years, this year the house was sold to a new owner and we renewed the lease in August. + +Right off the bat, he increased my lease from $1700 to $2400. + +Today he also sent me the real estate tax bill and told me to pay for it. It’s $2253, completely unexpected expense. + +I’ve never had to pay for this, is this common practice? There was also no upfront notice at all about this. I live in MA. + +In August I tried to talk to him about the rent increase and he said either pay or if you don’t leave the property I’ll have you evicted at your own expense. Very rude person and I’ve never in my life been late to pay my lease. I regret renewing but at the time it was so short notice I didn’t have time to find another place and decided to stay here for another year. Sorry for this bit of a rant I’m so upset about this. + +Edit: I just looked at the bill again, $2253 is only for the first 2 quarters of the year.. +Tomorrow is my bday so I'm pretty pumped to not only share this day with RC's dad, but also with the ever anticipated earnings release. This may be fueling my faith in an amazing announcement. But if you think about it, from his prospective, why would he have anything less than stellar results if he decided to share that announcement with his dads bday. I know this has been said before about this decision. Just so jacked about it! Needed to echo here I guess lol sorry + +*EDIT* Many people are talking about being ready to be hurt again. I want to make a point to clear up some confusion. I am not expecting nor referencing a special moass button to be pushed, or some cataclysmic announcement to be said. What I am pumped for is, YET ANOTHER, great quarter earnings report I am pumped about numbers only. Both the revenue and the drs numbers. That is it. I could care less about a dip after the call, or any price action as an immediate result for that matter. Because it means nothing. As an investor, my concern is the numbers. As all of yours should be as well. This is what defines a company's success. Not just share price. The price is fake af right now and means nothing. It's like going back in time and not being satisfied buying Google at 50 when you wanted it at 35. Looking now, did either really matter? Until the price isn't fake anymore, it means nothing. I revel in the numbers. So stop whining about being disappointed by a dip or that RC doesn't hit some magical moass button. Even if he could. He wouldn't. He's been telling us since the beginning that he is RESULT ORIENTED, and wants his actions to be seen and not heard. Thus his silence. These actions are measurable, and they are measured in the earnings. So be pumped for that. Not some silly announcement that is gonna "scare" shf into closing. That's not how this works. Once the results beat the tipping point, it won't be a matter of scaring them with facts, and data, and proof of lies. The computers will liquidate and do our job for us. RCs job is to make the company successful. And there is only 1 catalyst to this and that's the SUCCESS OF THE BUSINESS. That's how you best shf. That and drs of course lol +I saw the other post about cost of kids and wanted to throw my experience in. I'm at a FAANG company, and a few friends there were talking about how they would never send their kids to private school despite easily affording it. + +As someone who went to one of the best public high schools in the country, I feel that the benefits of going to a top private school is understated. $30-40k for 12 years is probably too hard of a sell, but I think it's worth it for high school. + +The main issue with all public schools is a lack of resources and support. It ends up being a dog fight for scraps. Despite my high school being top of the country for activities like debate or for many sports, the students had to raise money for tournaments and events. Last I checked, the debate team is severely in debt (this is with the few rich parents already heavily subsidizing costs). They will only send the best two or so teams. This means that unless you're amazing from day one, or are willing to stick along despite being sidelined continuously until you get lucky, you'll drop out. I remember day one of many club meetings being packed with 40+ kids. Two weeks later, it was whittled down to 10 kids. You are forced to commit hard and early to one/two activities. This would be way worse for less competitive high schools since they have even less resources. + +This permeates to all events and scholarships. The school wants the best to succeed and will allocate resources accordingly. This means a few prepared students end up monopolizing most of the resources. A good parallel would be UC Berkley: beginner CS lectures are so packed that there aren't even enough seats in the lecture halls. That number drops significantly. Despite being one of the best CS research schools, very very few actually get to enjoy the benefits, compared to schools like Stanford or MIT where it's much more accessible. + +Quality of education is a bit more subjective. I've had amazing teachers, but way more horrible ones. In my original state, # years worked gives teachers precedence. That meant there were lots of terrible teachers simply was in the system a long time. The administration is thorny and often unfriendly. My friend decided to take a gap semester in high school after getting a prestigious research position that even top college students competed for. He nearly was failed due to some weird rule and the principal not caring until a backlash. My private school friends mostly have the opposite experience. + +Another point is with colleges. I'm going to save the talk about going to a top 5/top 10 college, but to most this would be important. My high school could be considered a feeder for Ivys compared to most schools in the country but it's still not great compared to some private schools. Colleges are leery to accept more than X students and hard caps the numbers. Some private schools send like >70% of their class to Ivies and one private school in my area infamously would send 2/3 of their class to the same Ivy. There are other benefits like college counselors having special relationships with admissions offices and whatnot. You'd have to shell out tens of thousands on private college help to achieve the same results outside the system. + +My last point would be the catch-all of culture. Diversity and being in touch with the "real world," is pretty important. I went to an Ivy and balked at the amount of clueless private school kids. At the same time, there were a lot of grounded kids. What I can say is that, either just being originally rich or the school culture cultivates a certain mannerism. I don't know how to fully describe it, but the ease and style of interaction with high society and authority. The best word is "scheme," but it's more subtle and less insidious. I find that this is immensely useful for recruiting, networking, and any negotiations that I didn't understand. There is also the general culture of learning. My high school was immensely cutthroat whereas most of my private school friends had a more relaxed time. The relationships made in these schools is also helpful, Andover/Exeter relationship sometimes even trumps Harvard/Yale. + +I don't regret my experience, it's made me a tougher and scrappier person as a result. At the same time, it was brutal and not many people can thrive. The privileges granted to private school students personally felt very significant. Obviously, do your research and know your kids. This is one data point, grass is greener etc. Using a throwaway since my friends also browse this sub. +I mean all big brokers igbank, icmarkets, pepperstone offer metatrader that include all the betatesting data and tools to code and pass orders. The software even enables u to optimize the code and u can from within the same software rent and publish ur robot (expert advisor) on a VPS for 15usd per month. +What am i missing? Is there any flaw? + +Please enlighten my mind +Cheers +[https://www.dw.com/en/starbucks-bans-staff-from-wearing-black-lives-matter-t-shirts-accessories/a-53784831](https://www.dw.com/en/starbucks-bans-staff-from-wearing-black-lives-matter-t-shirts-accessories/a-53784831) + +Does news like this scare you away from SBUX with such a big movement happening? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: [https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/starbucks-changes-policy-to-allow-black-lives-matter-t-shirts](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/starbucks-changes-policy-to-allow-black-lives-matter-t-shirts) STARBUCKS NOW CHANGES POLICY THIS MORNING TO ALLOW BLM T SHIRTS AND PINS +As I’m 5-8 years away, I’ve recently pulled back on equity stocks and ETF. Given how volatile the markets are, and the geopolitical state of the world, I’m trying to preserve my capital. + +With interest rates moving upwards, GICs are looking more attractive. Yes, inflation but at this point, it’s about lowering risks. + +That said, are there extremely low risk ETFs with a better return? +Good morning from Berlin everybody, another exciting week ahead of us, let's get it! 😏 + +For anyone asking where I get my numbers from: I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +If anyone wants another source, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! + +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Starting:               154.11 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 153.46 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 152.35 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 152.35 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 152.35 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 152.70 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 152.76 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 153.23 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 153.29 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 152.93 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 152.93 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 152.99 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 153.05 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 153.05 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 153.23 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 153.52 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 153.87 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 153.75 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 153.52 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 153.58 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 153.58 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 153.70 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 153.75 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 154.34 US-$ + +The US pre-market is about to open so that's it for me today! 🇺🇸 +I hope you all have a great start in this maybe very exciting week. +Much love to you all and let's give 'em hell! 😁 +Yesterday Meal Venezuela gave 1,719 pounds (780 kilos) of food to people in need in my community. This was only possible thanks to you contributions through cryptocurrencies. I'm extremely happy for the results of this project that is being able to give more food every time. More than 1 ton of food has been given in a few weeks. Hundreds of people in my community has been able to receive bags of food. + +I want to let you know that we have a new website where you can read a bit more about the project Meal Venezuela https://mealvenezuela.org/ + +You can also follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/MealVenezuela + +Some pictures! + +[https://i.redd.it/1krqvf6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/1krqvf6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/2grv5k6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/2grv5k6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/8f3xso6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/8f3xso6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/1e2ge07goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/1e2ge07goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/h824l87goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/h824l87goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/l1ppys6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/l1ppys6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/h0t9mv6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/h0t9mv6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/jurfxs6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/jurfxs6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/no33nz6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/no33nz6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/mqcz5q6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/mqcz5q6goys61.jpg) + +[https://i.redd.it/t6jpoq6goys61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/t6jpoq6goys61.jpg) + +If you wish to help with cryptocurrency donations to buy food, please send funds to any of our addresses. Thank you so much for helping us! + +Bitcoin: 16w9PsTMKGsd9u4wuGN6WV1tcQNrQBEQmU + +NANO: nano\_14mbf65xexhii4f8st6wmh3oqjpfd97fbfykqb9o1j81dn8ynszrbq9p594o + +Cardano: DdzFFzCqrhsiCjpHozf2qfwzjJiESoNaAiEXQZxMgLExcVcUoQWXt27GvnL39vj7pgrv2qYkxct9SoYUBeszogGsgTVk5Sf6oJvR9MMy + +Bitcoin Cash: bitcoincash:qrvg7ygrlxks9qnps74h2lflr3eaukr5gs95ywujdc + +Dash: XtyggxgFeUzBkSYwsHsiFYcLaT4immJJ8P + +Bitcoin SegWit: bc1qun795pt5d5wdrtu5hhd44rhxmvkmnjxqd3m496 + +Ripple (no TAG required): rD9ZAoVpE9SRZ451MQqXSePzWboVEceeAM + +Ethereum: 0xa0f86b2fbbabc064261fc6e49ecaf6342a87c141 + +Litecoin: LTfNEeUcJDVUpYHzquFSFvvq47PCeYaAbo + +BAT: 0xde9cbdc86fe1d737ffb7e063b77de941108965c8 + +DOGE: D5Co6S764mNLTrNfRphX3rfY33ryFT5zsh + +BNB (no MEMO required): bnb1r7dxqmzsdnwq5k2tt7jntckedgpmsp6rdlnvfw + +Polkadot: 14B1S3GqLrMy6oLNfukYmzbMy48b5sV7mRjQRBktWNqvGzQh + +Smart Chain: 0xF08fCfe47B948aC86ba4a627e926366f846F6714 + +Monero: 83nHWVWX1Ka9vXyZ9Yp9cnEHUGVdXZBMKAKaoxnbWgZRd6nk9mTvrJJMBLKW4CxBCn3K5LbqgjhVzNqGezkwzaRCUv4VKnr + +Chainlink: 0xa0f86b2fbbabc064261fc6e49ecaf6342a87c141 + +Zcash: t1aVLKnymhwFpsA4SHUJj4EsRfmY19dCXnf + +Hedera hashgraph: 0.0.156734 + +BANANO: ban\_1e1hkw4yjcsk15ptngktg1nzrwoq68wuzuz18bg3ukdathgznn6tqk5x7rdn + +AVAX: X-avax1j2cnse8kyas3kjtz22wlcl86ehyxfnvxh8mrny + +ALGO: AV5MVN4VLYPDHFDO67W7TNYD2ESCOIXVIQ2QVGHPZ4KCIOS45V5EBWH5H4 + +XLM: GBFP3PDQDERIVCERF5K3NGJDB3JC3NABT3HNJOMHPGDMCJYKYXIDHG5P + +DGB: DFeEegHET954fpjydgPY2rqsmggoGsDjVA +I know this is going to be a controversial topic so I ask everyone to be open minded. + +I recently bought a duplex that is need of major foundation work. There is one Section 8 tenant living in one of the units but I'm going to not renew her lease due to not wanting her in the unit while the repairs are being done. + +I'm grappling with the moral dilemma of being part of the gentrification problem. She's going to have to move further away from the city and will probably have to pay more anywhere else. I'm considering renting to her at another unit of mine but I would be giving up $400-$500 per month by doing so ($1300 rent instead of $1700/$1800). + +I know financially it doesn't make sense I shouldn't worry about it but I wanted to get others' thoughts? +TA;DR +Formal complaint with BaFin about splivvy fuckery results in official, written response claiming my shares were delivered. Only for accounting reasons is the splivvy "shown as a stock split industry wide" which is also due to the fact a splivvy would've been a taxable event in Germany (i.e. be glad you didn't have to pay taxes?!?). Still in conversation with them. + + +My fellow simians, + +After BaFin (German SEC) made an official statement with regard to the splivvy fuckery going on (in which they essentially told German brokers to get their shit straight or else...), I contacted my German broker cumdirect, to get confirmation that I received real shares and a splivvy and to ask where the shares came from. +Btw. if anyone is up in arms why I still use a broker, I don't really. I left less than 1% of my position with cumdirect and ibkr exactly for this kind of thing to see what happens and what can be unearthed from it. 99% of my GME position have been DRSed since last year. + +Cumdirect answered "No splivvy, stock split, we confirmed several times with WM Datenservice (who all brokers in Germany rely on apparently), stock split was the correct process". + +I figured no sense in arguing with them and directly put in a formal complaint with BaFin, since this 100% contradicts their official statement from a few weeks ago. + +To my surprise, BaFin actually answered me and also took my complaint serious. To my even bigger surprise, I used the complaint as a 2 for 1 to also get BaFin to speed up the DRS process of my fake splivvy shares because I had first feedback from cumdirect indicating they are trying to drag this out for months, yet again. A year ago, I tried the same thing with BaFin and was met with the usual "not our responsibility, we can't give legal advice, file a formal complaint with your bank/broker". This year they completely took it to heart and actually applied pressure on cumdirect who immediately changed their tone, apologized and promised to process my transfer asap. Weird ... + +Anyway, the response to my formal complaint at BaFin came in a timely fashion and in a formal and serious tone. +The lady told me that a) my broker confirmed to her that I received my new "young" shares and b) that the splividend is "economically leaning on a share split" and is "being portrayed industry-wide as a stock split". Which would be purely for accounting reasons because, for example, a splividend would be a taxable event in Germany (i.e. be glad you don't have to pay taxes pleb?!?)... + +The response honestly left me a bit dumbfounded. I explained to the lady (and am currently awaiting a response) that a) how can she confirm that I received my shares if a stock split was carried out (for whatever reasons) instead of a split dividend and no one is willing to confirm or deny if the shares were delivered by the DTCC? +And b) I do want to pay my taxes and have not given anyone my permission or instruction to get creative with their accounting to minimize my tax exposure... + +I told her that from where I stand the first thing to clarify is a simple yes or no answer: Did the DTCC deliver shares for the split dividend to the EU clearing house (Clearstream) or its subsidiaries like WM Datenservice? +If yes, then why was a stock split carried out contrary to the company's instructions and who gave the order to do so? +If no, was the entire industry that BaFin is supposed to supervise, knowingly or un-knowingly complicit in this scam (i.e. just sleeping on the job or sth more nefarious)? + +I am in the meantime in contact with the major financial crimes unit of my provincial police, who were very interested and complimented me on being so informed but said they would await the response of BaFin to my current inquiries and to contact them after I received it. +I am also trying to get in touch with the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (finance ministry) who is the supposed supervisor of BaFin. To my dismay they disconnected me several times by phone today without talking to me properly. I will try again in the coming days and if all fails will have to write them a letter that might take months to get a response... + +/EDIT +In case anyone feels "trust me bro" vibes here, I am prepared to upload or copy/paste the official statements from BaFin (mail correspondence) but would like to finish the process before doing so. Also might use an alt-account to post that because I am honestly not sure how much exposure of my real person is safe in all this ... + +/EDIT 2 +Sorry to dillute this with one of those "my oscar moment, thank you for the gold kind stranger" -things.But +I've been on reddit, mostly lurking, for over a decade. And while reddit was/is a great place online on its own, for various reasons, I do wanna point out that Superstonk is something absolutely special to me. +I have not posted and/or commented much over the last decade but may have gotten gilded or a bestof nomination once or twice. +But I have NEVER received as much overwhelming support/positive feedback as with this post here on superstonk. + +One of you crazy bastards even gave me reddit Premium. PREMIUM!!! I mean that means I can get into that fancy subreddit only the PREMIUM 1% have acces to, innit? After all these years .... The lounge... + +And the last few years got me so fucked up that my first thought when I realised someone gave me PREMIUM was: +"Am I getting shilled here or sth?" +... + +Like did I accidentally say/do sth that actually helps this becoming another Epstein scenario? +I never had that many upvotes ... + +But I don't believe so. +I don't believe this will be another Epstein case, where it is painfully obvious what insane injustice is happening in the world, yet it gets "twice suicided" and then simply forgotten with the next crisis rolling around the corner. +We made it through the Rona and are about to make it through the Ukraine bullshit as well. I believe this time will be different. +I believe this time, too many are watching because we have the Internet, we have reddit, we have Superstonk. +I believe in you guys, and myself. +I believe in GME, DFV, Cohen, Drs. Trimbath, our boy Dave, the banana in the ass guy, you know it's too many to list, and all are equally important. +I believe this is too big to sweep under the rug and this will result in change, in reform, in betterment. +And hopefully, at least some form justice... + +Thanks for all the gold and with your leave, good simians, I shall make my way, posthaste, to the lounge where I will pull up a stool next to Obama and Bernie and try to get them into a conversation with Snowden. All while Woody is trying to get us back to talking about rampart for the rest of the evening. + +Cheerio! + + +/EDIT 3 +This is obviously not financial advice, nor advice on how to obtain reddit PREMIUM. +I like the stonk, DRS, HODL +>Disclaimer: Not Financial Advice, I am not a Financial Advisor [.](https://preview.redd.it/f9nhhit3yo971.jpg) + +# BEFORE READING + +IMPORTANT LINKS FOR NEW MEMBERS TO r/superstonk + +* [APE Security Protocol (how to secure and protect yourself online)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsgv3d/ape_security_protocols/) +* [DD Beginners Guide Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) + +Feel free to use the contents of this post however you want + +* Don't worry about asking for permission to: + * Copy it / cross-post it / translate it / refine it / Use it in your own posts + * Do whatever you want + * Translations: I have had a few of my DDs translated at this point, and figured I would note that, if you do wish to translate it into another language, feel free to send me a link to your post after it is finished and I will link it at the top and do my best to distribute to the broader audience Leave a comment if you have any questions +* If you prefer Chat or do not meet karma requirements, you can hit me up on chat as well + +# SERIES PREFACE + +>WIP portions will be linked in the future, but I have included the high-level frame of what will be covered (subject to change) + +## Part 1 - The Key Market Concepts that Make The MOASS Possible and Other Important Terminology - YOU ARE HERE + +* Stock/Securities Concepts +* Trade Positions +* Market Participants +* Important Market/Trade Mechanics +* MOASS Breakdown of "How" + +>This Part overlaps a lot with content in The [MOASS Thesis Summary DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nletnn/gme_the_mother_of_all_short_squeezes_moass_thesis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (The MOASS Summary goes into a little more depth on the GME Thesis so it may be a good read if you have not checked it out in the DD Beginners Guide Menu), but includes some refinements + +## Part 2 (WIP) - MOASS Mechanics, Landscape, Atmosphere, and Tactics: What "Normal" Looks Like in the Months/Weeks Leading to MOASS + +* Tactics + * MSM Propaganda + * Community Infiltration + * Price Manipulation + * Steganography +* Mechanics + * Loopholes + * Patterns and Cycles +* What does Normal Look Like (Expectations to set) + * Price Movement + * MSM Content + * Shill Activity + +## Part 3 (WIP) - MOASS Mindset and Ways to Navigate + +* Think Critically +* Understand "Why" You Believe in Your Thesis and the Basics "How" the Thesis is Possible +* Don't be afraid to ask questions to become learned + +# INTRODUCTION / INTENTION OF POST - PART 1 + +Part 1 of this DD series is intended to break down the main market concepts that make the MOASS possible. These are all Fundamental Concepts that are not unique to GME. + +These terms are key to understanding the MOASS Thesis and speculated value of a GME investment. Hyperlinks to [Investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/), "the world's leading source of financial content on the web", have been included for most market terms and concepts and it is recommended to check them out if they are not clear. We will be breaking down some of the more complex terms and concepts within the post and framing them within the context of GME. + +Table of Contents for Key Concepts + +1 Stocks Concepts + +>1.1 Share/Stock +> +>1.2 Counterfeit Synthetic Shares +> +>1.3 Outstanding Shares +> +>1.4 Restricted Shares +> +>1.5 The Float +> +>1.6 Shareholder Vote + +2 Trade Positions + +>2.1 Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock +> +>2.2 Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock +> +>2.3 Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock + +3 Market Participants + +>3.1 Retail Investors +> +>3.2 Institutional Investors +> +>3.3 Market Makers +> +>3.4 Prime Brokers (Broker Dealers) and Brokers +> +>3.5 Clearinghouses +> +>3.6 Mainstream Media (MSM) + +4 IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS + +>4.1 Fails to Deliver (FTD) +> +>4.2 Margin +> +>4.3 Margin Calls +> +>4.4 Margin Calls Who Calls Who +> +>4.5 Short Squeeze + +# 1 - STOCKS CONCEPTS + +## 1.1 - Shares/Stock + +[Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#shares) are the smallest unit of a Companies [Stock](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-shares-and-stocks/#stocks) + +* Stocks and Shares are often used interchangeably +* Technically "shares" would represent how many of a specific company's stock, where buying multiple "stocks" would main that shares of multiple company's were bought + * ex. I bought 2 stocks; 10 shares of GME, and 60 shares of CHWY +* There are different [classes of shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/class.asp) that are distinguished on their voting rights, sales charges, and other factors + * Classes of shares have relatively complex dynamics, but I will not go further into them here, as it is not as relevant to GME + +## 1. 2 - Counterfeit Synthetic Shares + +Counterfeit [Synthetic Shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/synthetic.asp) are the financial instruments that get produced through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) + +* Not to be confused with [synthetic options](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/08/synthetic-options.asp) positions which are legal/legitimate trade strategies that "simulate" the profits/losses as if the trader actually held those shares, or legitimate Synthetic shares produced by legal shorting that produce a synthetic long off of a borrowed long (the long would exist twice) +* Synthetic shares entitle the owner to all of the same rights as an investor owning a non-synthetic share +* Cases where there is an excessive amount of synthetic shares point to the possibility that a stock is being abused or manipulated +* Cannot be easily measured due to limited public transparency at the Market Maker and Prime Broker level +* A great read on Counterfeiting [https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) + +## 1.3 - Outstanding Shares + +The number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) encompasses the amount of issued shares held by all shareholders (both private and public) + +* It is possible for there to be more shares outstanding through Naked shorting, which produces Synthetic shares +* The number of issued AND synthetic shares outstanding is very difficult to measure, as they are only recorded on the books of the market makers generating synthetic shares and the prime-brokers they trade through + * These parties are not incentivized to be transparent and actively obscure these numbers, as the practice of naked shorting excessively is fraudulent and illegal + +## 1.4 - Restricted Shares + +[Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) include the number of issued shares held by insiders of the company + +* These shares are not publicly traded on the stock market + +## 1.5 - The Float + +[The Float](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/floating-stock.asp), or Floating Stock is the number of shares of stock that are available to be publicly traded (the number of [Outstanding shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outstandingshares.asp) minus the amount of [Restricted shares](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/restrictedstock.asp) that are owned by insiders). + +* In theory, the number of shares owned by [retail investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/retailinvestor.asp) and [institutional investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) should not exceed the float +* GME’s float total is currently \~[56.89 Million](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics/) shares (as of 6/10/21) + +# 1.6 - Shareholder Votes + +[Shareholder Voting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/votingright.asp) is a right extended to shareholders holding shares in the stock that entitle the owner to vote on cooperate policies + +* Examples of what votes are cast for + * Appointment of directors + * Executive compensation + * Dividend adjustments +* [Overvoting (info in the middle of this page)](https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/proxyprocess/proxyvotingbrief.htm) + * When there is an overvote (like GME on 6/9), the votes will be normalized to a number based on the amount of shares that are held by DTC + * The official 8K form cannot be officially submitted with an overvote + * When this happens, the SEC and Company are notified + +# 2 - TRADE POSITIONS + +## 2.1 - Long Position - Buying/Selling Stock + +When an investor buys a stock they are considered [long](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/long.asp) on it (this is the type of position most people associate with trading stocks) + +* Not to be confused with a [long-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longterminvestments.asp) investment +* In other words, holders of long positions have a **positive** number of shares +* To [close](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/closeposition.asp) a long position the owner would sell their shares on the stock market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a long position is: + +1. Buy the stock +2. Hold it until the price of it increases to a desired amount +3. Sell it for a profit + +## 2.2 - Short Position - Shorting/Covering Stock + +When a short seller shorts a stock they hold a [short position](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) on the stock, or owe the party they borrowed from however many shares they shorted + +* Not to be confused with a [short-term](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shorterminvestments.asp) investment +* Investors with short positions effectively are *in debt* or *owe* the number of shares that they have shorted and can be considered ***negative*** on the stock +* To close that position, short-sellers must buy a number of shares equal to the size of their short position (buying to close a short position is known as [covering](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp)) +* Short positions must be reported to regulators (unlike naked short sales) + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a short position: + +1. Borrow a share owned by a lender +2. Sell the stock that was borrowed +3. Gaining the cash based on the price it was at the time it was “shorted” +4. Pay interest as a percentage of the stock's value +5. Since this is a percentage the cost of interest increases if the stock's value increases +6. Hold the position until the price has dropped to a desired price +7. Buy the stock on the open market +8. Ideally the stock is bought back at a lower price than originally borrowed for so the investor can pocket the difference +9. Return the share back to the lender + +## 2.3 - Naked Short Position - Naked Shorting/Covering Stock + +[Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) effectively allows a Short Seller, working with a market maker, to short a stock using a without having a borrowed share like normal short selling + +* Naked short sales do NOT have to be reported the same way as normal "Short Sales" and can be "hidden" + * Failures to Deliver the shares that were "fake-borrowed" to the buyer are on of the main ways to find evidence of naked shorting +* Due to a loophole and lack of oversight by regulation, Naked short selling can be used to manipulate the price of certain stocks + * This type of trade illegal outside of specific situations involving Market Makers +* Naked shorting was targeted for tighter regulation during the financial crisis of 2008 but enforcement has unfortunately not been effective in preventing it from manipulating the market + +Basic flow of obtaining/closing a naked short position (kind of complex and involves two specific parties for 2 initial trades called a married put) + +1. A Short Seller "A" buys 100 shares from a Market Maker "Z" who can technically sell them without locating them + 1. Market Maker is Naked Shorting the stock, and the Short Seller is receiving 100 synthetic shares +2. Short Seller "A" now buys a [Put Option](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/putoption.asp) (1 options contract is worth 100 shares) from Market Maker "Z" who is the [writer](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/writing-an-option.asp) of the put (Writing a put does not require the writer to have the shares on hand) + 1. Writing/selling a put nets +100 shares to the Market Maker, which results in the -100 shares that were naked shorted to be neutralized, so the Market Maker no is at a neutral position (Market Makers generally try to remain net 0 on trades + 2. Short Seller "A" now has 100 shares that can be short sold (they "borrowing" the synthetic shares the Market Maker effectively printed out of thin air), and one put contract that they can make money on as long as the price goes down +3. The steps or the short seller are basically the same as a normal short sale now (2.2 steps 2-8), however, interest from the Short seller does not need to be paid to a lender (no one is formally lending it) + 1. The premium from the put being purchased from the Market Maker is how they benefit + 2. Short Seller "A" now has a short position that they can cover simply by buying 100 shares, which would cancel out the synthetic short position + +# 3 - MARKET PARTICIPANTS + +## 3.1 - Retail Investors + +* Retail Investors, also known as individual investors, are your average investors (not a company or organization) +* Referred to as the "Dumb Money" by Wall Street and the "professional" financial community +* Reddit communities +* u/DeepFuckingValue (@TheRoaringKitty on Twitter) + +## 3.2 - Institutional Investors + +[Institutional Investors](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/institutionalinvestor.asp) are organizations that invest on individuals' behalf + +* Examples of Institutional Investors + * Endowment Funds + * Commercial Banks + * Mutual Funds + * Hedge funds + * Pension funds + * Insurance companies + +Notable institutional Investors involved in the GME Saga so far + +* RC Ventures LLC (LONG) + * To Apes: Ryan "Buckle Up" Cohen, AKA GameStop Chairman, AKA Bringer of SHF Tears 🥰 + * To SHFs and Market Manipulators: [Doom](https://youtu.be/-kWeB4IJ7sA) +* BlackRock (Long) +* Vanguard Group (Long) +* Fidelity (Long) - May not have an active position on GME Specifically +* Melvin Capital (Short) +* Shitadel Advisors (Short) +* Point72 (Short) + +## 3.3 - Market Makers + +[Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp) can be Hedge Funds, Brokers, or Prime Brokers, who, rather than investing and holding long or short positions, they profit by ensuring there is [liquidity](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/liquidity.asp) in the market buy simultaneously submitting buy AND sell orders close to the current price (they play both sides of the market and must always have shares to buy and sell) + +* Market Makers ensure that if some another investor wants to buy or sell shares near the current price of a stock, there is a corresponding buyer/seller on the other side of the trade offering to trade (for availability essentially) + * They will normally offer to buy at an amount that is a bit lower (generally fractions of a percent away) than the last price a share was sold for, or sell at a price that was a bit higher than the last price a share was sold for + * Ex. Lets say current share price is $200$; A Market Maker might have a buy order for 100 shares at $199.75, and have sell orders for 100 shares at $200.25, so assuming both of those trades execute, they net $50 on those 100 shares ($0.50 \* 100 shares) + * Generally, Market Makers intend to remain Net Neutral on their positions, making money based on volume traded, rather than holding positions long enough for them to increase or decrease + * They employ [High Frequency Trading](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/high-frequency-trading.asp) systems (computers) and algorithms to facilitate trading +* When you buy and sell stock those trades are often trading between you and a market maker +* Market makers get "special rules" that enable them to keep liquidity in the market when there is low liquidity + * Naked shorting is one of the options Market Makers have when navigating a trade that other investors do not have + +**Notable Market Makers** + +* Shitadel Securities + * While part of "Shitadel" this organization is separate from the Hedge Fund (Shitadel Advisors) +* Virtu Financial +* Credit Suisse Securities +* Deutsche Bank Securities +* Goldman Sachs and Company + +## 3.4 - Prime Brokers (Broker Dealers) and Brokers + +A [**Prime**\-**Broker**](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) is a bundled group of services that investment banks and other financial institutions offer to hedge funds and other large investment clients that need to be able to borrow securities or cash in order to engage in [netting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/netting.asp) to achieve [absolute returns](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/absolutereturn.asp) + +* [Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/broker.asp) vs [Prime-Broker](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) + * A broker is an individual or entity that facilitates the purchase or sale of securities, such as the buying or selling of stocks and bonds for an investment account. A prime broker is a large institution that provides a multitude of services, from cash management to securities lending to risk management for other large institutions. +* While Brokers often route trades through [Market Makers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketmaker.asp), MMs also through and receive margin from Prime Brokers + * The Prime Broker is who would Margin Call Shitadel if their short position gets too large or they bleed too much capital +* Retail investors trade through and receive margin from Brokers (not Prime Brokers) + +# 3.5 - Clearing Houses + +[Clearinghouses](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/clearinghouse.asp) are intermediaries between buyers and sellers + +* Finalize transactions +* Regulates delivery of assets +* Reports on trading data + +# 3.6 - MSM (Mainstream Media) + +Though not a traditional market participant (as in they are not trade/financial entities) the [MSM](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/media_effect.asp) is worth noting due to its role in influencing the financial atmosphere and landscape + +* The MSM (specifically the Financial Media in this case) overall is motivated through sponsors and through ratings + * They often cover topics based on what their sponsors want them to cover, and/or those that are more likely to draw many viewers +* The Financial Mainstream media comes in many forms + * News Articles + * Blogs + * Television + * Newspaper + +# 4 - IMPORTANT MARKET/TRADE MECHANICS + +## 4.1 - Failures to Deliver (FTD) + +[FTDs](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/failuretodeliver.asp) occur when a buyer of a stock ends up not having the money to purchase the stock that they traded for OR, **when a short seller does not own the stock at the time of settlement** + +* FTDs are one of the main check-balances to naked shorting, so very high amounts of Failures to Deliver are indicative of this + * Spoiler: GME has tons of FTDs reported +* FTDs are supposed to be covered within a specific time period in order to avoid violation of regulatory rules + +**Cycles** + +>Our understanding regarding the "rules" of T+21 and T+35 Cycles was constructed in [The SECs Key Points About Regulation SHO](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm) + +T+21 Cycle + +When there are Failures to Delivery that are not satisfied by the required time period (T+4 for Short Sales and T+6 for Long Sales, a Market Maker must satisfy the FTD within 13 days following the T+4/6 + +* If it was for a long sale that Failed to Deliver, T+6 (7 Days including the trade day) plus another 13 consecutive days (14 Days including the failed settlement day), amounts to 21 days (this is where the T+21 Cycle comes From) + +T+35 Cycle + +If a FTD passes through T+21, there is a maximum time of 35 calendar days after the initial trade date that the firm clearing the trade must pre-borrow (purchase) the share to satisfy the FTD + +* In theory, to avoid breaking the rules, Failures to Deliver must be satisfied some time within 35 Calendar Days of the trade date + +## 4.2 - Margin + +* [Margin](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margin.asp) is basically credit that that an investor can use to buy more stock +* When you buy on margin you must stake the assets you have already purchased with your own cash as collateral +* The amount of Margin you can have depends on the value of your collateral +* The value of your collateral and cash but meet the margin requirements in order to continue to buy on margin +* Keep in mind the value of your collateral can change if the price goes up or down and if the value of your collateral/cash drops below the margin requirement you will received a [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) Another way to think about it: + +1. Imagine I have $1,000 in stock +2. You obtain a personal loan for another $1000 +3. To get the credit you stake your $1000 in stock (if you default it goes to the lender to cover your debt) +4. You buy $1000 more stock with that loan (you now own $2000 in stocks, half in cash half on margin) +5. You will pay interest on the $1000 on margin but if your investment makes more money than the interest then you are still profiting +6. If your investment turns bad (lets say the price of your stock falls 50% and you are left with $1000) your lender can forcibly close out your positions (everything you bought in cash and staked as collateral along with what you bought on margin so that they can get the $1000 they loaned you back) + +## 4.3 - Margin Call + +* A Margin Call is a notice indicating you have a specific amount of time to deposit enough of your own funds to meet your margin requirement (if you cannot meet the requirement the lender is entitled to sell all of your holdings to recover what you borrowed + +**Margin Examples:** + +>This is a slightly complicated scenario that can be a little hard to follow. Give it a few reads if it doesn't make sense the first time, but basically, Margin is a credit line that you can use to buy more assets (effectively a loan backed by collateral and cash in your own account). If you buy assets with it, you have to pay back what you borrowed, whether the value of your investment goes up or down (if the investment goes up in value, you make more than you normally would, but if the investment goes down in value, you lose more than you otherwise would have without margin). +> +>This gets even more (or less maybe) complicated when you have short positions AND long positions, like most institutional investors. To have short positions, I still need to have margin, but I do not need to use it to buy stocks, It can act as a buffer if I have a short position on a stock that is increasing in value (with a short position, if the price of something I short goes up, I am losing money), and if it gets too high, it can run against my margin line, causing a margin call. + +**GAIN: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes up to %25 per share, and I sell all 20 shares, I just profited $500 (+$25 on 20 shares) + 1. In this case, closing the position clears me from the margin debt, as I am no longer using it in an open position + 2. If I had not used margin, I would have only walked away with $250 in profit ($25 per share on 10 shares), but instead I made $500, and paid back the credit, plus a little bit of interest. +5. Yay. + +**LOSS: Long Positions** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin (so as long as stock XXX stays above $80 a share, then I will not get a margin call for being below the requirement) +3. I then choose to use the margin, buying 10 more shares of stock XXX for $100 each, so I now have 20 shares of stock XXX, valued at 100$ a piece +4. If the price of stock XXX goes down %25, bringing the value per share down to $75 a share, the value of my total position is now $1500, and the value of my non-margin assets is $750, which is below the margin requirement (keep in mind, I borrowed $1000, so that is still the amount I have to pay back) +5. My lender will give me a margin call, indicating I have two business days to deposit 50$ into my account in order to meet the margin requirement + 1. If I have the cash to deposit the extra $50 would take my assets to $800 ($750 in stock XXX + 50$ cash) + 1. If the price of stock XXX recovered to above $80 per share, it could also satisfy the requirement + 2. If I do not have the cash to deposit, then I am in trouble, as after two days, they are allowed to liquidate (sell) the assets I bought with my own money, as well as the assets I bought on margin + 1. Let's say this happens, all my borrowed assets are sold first to cover my $1000 loan (since the price of stock XXX was only $750, it only covers $750 of my $1000 margin line + 2. I now have $750 left in assets of Stock X, but I still owe money from margin, so my lender is entitled to sell $250 work of my shares in order to get their full $1000 back + 3. I am now left with $500 total ($750 in 10 shares of stock XXX - $250) +6. Not Yay + +**LOSS: Short and Long Positions** + +**THIS IS THE RELEVANT ONE TO GME** + +1. Imagine I have $1000 in stock XXX (let's say 10 shares worth $100 each) +2. My broker may lend me margin credit line equal to the value of my assets (so $1000 in margin), and let's say they give me a margin requirement of $800, meaning that the value of my non-margin assets (the ones I bought with my money) must be above $800 in order to keep using margin +3. Instead of using the margin to buy more, I instead short 10 shares of stock YYY which is at $50 a share currently (giving me $500 in extra cash), which I use to buy 5 more shares of stock X + 1. I am now long 15 shares of stock XXX valued at $1500 and short 10 shares of stock YYY valued at -$500 (negative $500) for a net value of $1000 + 2. No margin is actively committed to open positions, and I am still using my $1000 +4. Now, lets say a short squeeze happens involving stock Y, causing the price to skyrocket to $200 per share + 1. My short position is now -$2000 (10 shares of -$200 each) +5. My net account value is now $-500 ($1500 - $2000) which is now using my margin, and because my account's value is no longer above $800, I no longer meet margin requirements so I get a margin call +6. If I cannot balance my account, the lender will liquidate my $1500 in stock XXX in order to pay the -$2000 I owe, leaving me with -$500 left in debt + 1. I have now defaulted, as I cannot pay the $500 +7. Now that I have defaulted, the lender who gave me margin owns my short positions, meaning they are now short whatever was left + 1. The lender can now navigate the short positions however they want (they can hold them and hope the price goes down, and cover to close them, or they can close them immediately, costing them the whole $500 I still owed) +8. GUH! + +## 4.4 - Margin Calls Who Calls Who + +Margin calls happen at levels 1-4 when the cell to the left cannot meet margin requirements + +* Broker Margin Calls Retail Traders +* Prime Brokers Margin Call Brokers, Hedge Funds, and Market Makers +* The NSCC Margin Calls Prime Brokers +* Defaults roll up left to right + * If Retail Trader defaults, Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Broker, Hedge Fund, or Market Maker defaults, the Prime Broker must take on their leftover positions + * If Prime Broker Defaults, the NSCC must take on Position + * If the NSCC Defaults, the Fed must take on the position + +|Level 1|Level 2|Level 3|Level 4|Level 4| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Retail Trader|Broker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Market Maker|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| +|x|Hedge Fund|Prime Broker|NSCC (DTCC)|Fed (JPOW)| + +## 4.5 - Short Squeeze + +A [Short Squeeze](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp) is a market event that occurs when there is a large short position on a stock whose price rapidly increases higher than expected, normally due to a catalyst + +* During the short squeeze, the losses of those who have short positions continue to increase higher it goes + * Since they **owe** shares, the cost to cover their position increases depending on how high the price goes (there is theoretically no limit on how high a stock can go) +* As market participants who are short on the stock buy to cover, supply decreases and demand increases, causing the price to increase even more rapidly +* While short sellers are scrambling to cover their positions, the rapid price change may entice investors who are not short on the stock to buy it in order to make a quick profit + * Again, lowering supply and increasing demand + +# TL;DR + +>Obligatory TL;DR (Closest thing to one is section 5) + +# 5 - MOASS Breakdown of "How" + +The main point of the post is to read and understand section V, but here is section IV to act as a TL:DR + +1. Toxic Market Participants have built up massive [short positions](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/short.asp) made through [Naked Shorting](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nakedshorting.asp) +2. Retail caught on to this strategy and discovered it can backfire if the company being shorted does not go bankrupt, especially if shares are bought and held indefinitely +3. Rules and regulations have implemented by the DTCC and its subsidiaries have been geared towards preventing market collapse, as well as to minimize the ability to perform illegal trades (naked shorting) +4. The SEC is also doing more to enforce compliance with the "rules" +5. The manipulators are at the mercy of a vicious trade cycle (T+21/35 FTD Cycle) that is forcing those with naked short positions to perform actions to [cover](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortcovering.asp) (buy back shares that are short), or risk regulatory consequences +6. This act of rapid covering drives up the price, making it more expensive to cover during the next cycle if the share price continues to increase week over week +7. Eventually, the prices of GME will get so high that prime brokers will have no choice but to [Margin Call](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/margincall.asp) these participants which most likely will not be meetable due to the nature of [Short Squeezes](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortsqueeze.asp), causing them to default and be forcibly liquidated +8. The [Prime-Brokers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp) will then take on the position, and if the Prime Brokers cannot cover them and also defaults, the NSCC will be next to attempt to settle all positions left over based on their [Recovery and Wind-down Plan (p42)](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/policy-and-compliance/NSCC_Disclosure_Framework.pdf) +9. If NSCC cannot afford to close everything with the money reserved for this type of situation, they the Fed must navigate the remaining positions (potentially via printing money/bailout) + +# Stay Tuned for Parts 2 and 3 + +Part 2 (WIP) - MOASS Mechanics, Landscape, Atmosphere, and Tactics: What "Normal" Looks Like in the Months/Weeks Leading to MOASS + +* Tactics + * MSM Propaganda + * Community Infiltration + * Price Manipulation + * Steganography +* Mechanics + * Loopholes + * Patterns and Cycles +* What does Normal Look Like (Expectations to set) + * Price Movement + * MSM Content + * Shill Activity + +Part 3 (WIP) - MOASS Mindset and Ways to Navigate + +* Think Critically +* Understand "Why" You Believe in Your Thesis and the Basics "How" the Thesis is Possible +* Don't be afraid to ask questions to become learned +* FUD +If the goal is income and to never get assigned the shares in the first place, the put ratio spread is superior. Once your short puts get tested, the embedded long put spread is in the money allowing you to roll down and out your naked short put further out of the money with more of a credit. The down side of the ratio spread is more legs so more commissions (unless using a commission free platform) and you take in slightly less credit than just selling a naked put. Once the puts are tested, take off the long spread and your are left with one naked put that you can then wheel from there. It just offers a little more down side protection then starting with the wheel to begin with. Off course with all selling premium strategies the underlying must be liquid with high IV for strategy to work. + +\*Edit: If you do get assigned I would argue selling the call ratio spread with100 shares would be better than just a covered call. + +\*Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVvCH\_KK1AA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVvCH_KK1AA) + +\*Edit: starts at 8 min. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFQpXqiZHyY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFQpXqiZHyY) +After reading this: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p8o9bg/the\_sec\_do\_not\_want\_the\_moass\_to\_happen\_ryan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p8o9bg/the_sec_do_not_want_the_moass_to_happen_ryan/) + +Thought I'd do a little bit of digging into CMKM and what is going on. + +&#x200B; + +**Why compare them?** + +There's a LOT of similarities between the hedge funds' tactics used back then and now. And by similarities I mean it's FUCKING IDENTICAL. Really. Remember the estimations of the absurd number of shares that might be existing? Compared to the 2.35 FUCKING TRILLION shares from CMKM that's still a way to go. + +Oh and do you know the damages they had to pay? + +[https://steemit.com/news/@sadcorp/the-s-e-cs-3-87-trillion-dollar-lawsuit-cmkm-diamonds-inc-761e67945b1d](https://steemit.com/news/@sadcorp/the-s-e-cs-3-87-trillion-dollar-lawsuit-cmkm-diamonds-inc-761e67945b1d) + +*There is currently a $47 trillion Lien in operation against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board.* + +Yes, you read that right. It's 47 T TO THE FUCKING RILLION. + +(if the link doesn't work, try the google cached version.) + +&#x200B; + +**What's different?** + +CMKM was basically a shell company, trading as a penny stock. It got to a point where SEC used it to catch the perpetrators at the expense of the investors. The company ended up bankrupt after a while and no real public interest or knowledge was shown. Almost 0 public pressure, plus the SEC head at that time seems to have been involved in a way. Also, CMKM's board was a bit shady too. + +GME will not go bankrupt. The public pressure and awareness is insane. While I don't trust GG or the SEC until they do something, THEY HAVE PUBLICALLY acknowledged the fuckery in GME (in some way or another, but the important thing is that they did it). GME's board and leaders are certified, verified wrinkles who have a history of HIGH success in ALL their fields. + +The shorts can only win if GME goes bankrupt. That's it. And this is an impossibility. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy?fbclid=IwAR2C9aTFgbyLYzfUzWtV9XXryJUrNeY1oMAGyybxFM5citd9QRpr2DJ\_62A](https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy?fbclid=IwAR2C9aTFgbyLYzfUzWtV9XXryJUrNeY1oMAGyybxFM5citd9QRpr2DJ_62A) + +The FOIA document from 2011 from the SEC, related to the case: + +[https://www.sec.gov/foia/docs/votes/2011-11.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/foia/docs/votes/2011-11.pdf) + +244 pages to it's gonna take a bit to skim through it + +&#x200B; + +There's quite more: + +The Second Superseding Indictment + +[https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/cmkm\_second%20\_superseding\_indictment.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/cmkm_second%20_superseding_indictment.pdf) + +Can't copy paste because it's an old pdf, but to HIGHLIGHT a few stuff: + +*"The majority of the hundreds of bilions of registered shares were distributed in hundreds of stock certiticates without restrictive legends to the conspirators and 11 nominees, associates, alter-egos and straw-chasers. By routing the unregistered shares through one or more nominees, the conspirators disguised the nature of the transactions, the affiliations of the purported purchasers, and invoked Rulel44 and Regulation D to fraudulently claim exemptions from registration".* + +And that is just IN THE FIRST PAGES. It goes on. + +&#x200B; + +Below is the First Superseding Indictment + +[https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/CMKM%20Superseding%20Indictment.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/CMKM%20Superseding%20Indictment.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +And Press release: + +[https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/CMKM%20Indictment%20News%20Release.pdf](https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/usao-nv/legacy/2013/05/23/CMKM%20Indictment%20News%20Release.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +And another FOIA document WITH the people involved: + +[https://www.governmentattic.org/4docs/SEC-FOIA-Logs\_2008-2011.pdf](https://www.governmentattic.org/4docs/SEC-FOIA-Logs_2008-2011.pdf) + +And who do we have here? A familiar name indeed: + +[Kenneth \\"Kennyboy\\" Griffin](https://preview.redd.it/61518yfhkpi71.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=98db27728cbf18faad97cb65211f4c2d34e72f86) + +But wait, there's more: + +[Steven \\"Stevie Hard Game\\" Cohen](https://preview.redd.it/7g0dro4nkpi71.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=c70d1050911d3ce28048472ebc727647002e75ed) + +I am not sure HOW or IF they are/were involved or what the fuck happened. But, isn't it a bit too much of a coincidence for them to be involved in the same fuckery they pull now? And TOGETHER? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +It started back in 2007. Now, 14 years later, it's still in court. Here seems to be a recent update to it: + +[https://www.justice.gov/usao-nv/victim-witness-assistance/us-v-john-edwards-et-al-cmkm](https://www.justice.gov/usao-nv/victim-witness-assistance/us-v-john-edwards-et-al-cmkm) + +&#x200B; + +Some other docs I found related here. Some less formal: + +[https://www.scribd.com/document/177287208/OPERATION-TRUTH-CMKM-Clarification-and-Update?fbclid=IwAR2S6vSGvOF7tSiATt8\_SRnKS0E1mwD22LmudjaHV49cyTXmpKg-rKW1TTA](https://www.scribd.com/document/177287208/OPERATION-TRUTH-CMKM-Clarification-and-Update?fbclid=IwAR2S6vSGvOF7tSiATt8_SRnKS0E1mwD22LmudjaHV49cyTXmpKg-rKW1TTA) + +[http://www.cmkm.info/CMKM-BRIEF-HISTORY-OF-SEC-CORRUPTION-2010-06-08.pdf](http://www.cmkm.info/CMKM-BRIEF-HISTORY-OF-SEC-CORRUPTION-2010-06-08.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: For anybody doubting the absurd number of shares GME might have and how high numbers go, even those numbers are conservative. Hold on to your fucking tits. + +Hedge funds use the same fuckeries back then as they do now. + +&#x200B; + +I'll correct any misinformation if pointed out, just in case I said something wrong and was not aware of it. I'm fucking retarded so yeah. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I can dig deeper but if this doesn't seem necessary, I won't. + +This isn't a DD, but more of an information gathering that might be helpful to us. + +/u/atobitt + +/u/criand + +/u/dlauer + +(Sorry if it's bothersome, but this looks like the kind of thing wrinkles like you can make more sense of. And it's way too similar to current events to ignore. If I did overstep, then I'll just go back to my cave). + +&#x200B; + +Edit: + +Found a working chart of it + +[https://www.stockwatch.com/Chart/Advanced/U/CMKX/20](https://www.stockwatch.com/Chart/Advanced/U/CMKX/20) +Many people here have pointed out that this selling seems artificial, multiple brokers report overwhelming buy orders, etc. The official data are in complete agreement with that. S3 and Ortex data are estimates, but FINRA data (from which the bimonthly official short interest reports are generated; this is the best there is) have shown that for the last five days, more than 50% of shares sold have been sold short: + +[http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210202.txt](http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210202.txt) (search GME; see also [2/1](http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210201.txt), [1/29](http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210129.txt), [1/28](http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210128.txt), [1/27](http://regsho.finra.org/CNMSshvol20210127.txt)) + +[https://nakedshortreport.com/company/GME](https://nakedshortreport.com/company/GME) (pretty plot, though the data are slightly different from the official data given in the links above; both sources confirm that short volume has been > 50% total volume over the last five days, including today) + +As an aside, according to that second website, ["if you see more than 20% of your overall volume initiated short on a daily basis... you may be under \[a naked short\] attack."](https://nakedshortreport.com/how-to-detect-short-trades) SEC, a little help, please? + +In any case, the day before Robinhood and other brokers instituted the restriction on GME share and option buying was the last day that more than ***50%*** of *all GME shares sold* were not sold short. Shorts have been going in even harder on their shorting while they know buying is difficult for us. We win if we hold. + +This is pretty definitive that shorts are causing the current crash, and they definitely haven't covered when doing so. It's mathematically impossible for shorts to cover if more than 50% of all shares sold in a day were sold short. Shorts are instead continuing to double down. GME will eventually rise, especially if Cohen and friends give some good news anytime soon (e.g., official company roadmap released, Cohen and friends buying the remaining shares they can, etc.). It will rise regardless of good news because shorts don't want to pay interest forever if a stock trades sideways. And as soon as all of us can buy an unlimited amount again, we can squeeze them once again. + +I've shared FINRA data on here before and gotten some questions which have at this point become predictable, so I'm going to answer them below. + +# Couldn't shorts open their position and cover by the end of the day? + +No, because more than 50% of all shares were sold short, there were not enough shares for them to cover the shares they sold short even if every single share purchased other than a short share today was sold from a long to a short. It's mathematically impossible. They had to add at least around 10% of the total volume each of the last five days to their short position (most days had about 55% of shares sold short (some even more), and 100 - 55 = 45% not sold short; 55 - 45 = 10% more shares sold short than shares sold long). And I know that I bought more over each of the last few days, as did you glorious autists, so it was probably more than 10% of the total volume they were adding per day for each of the last five days. + +# The total volume from those websites is less than the day's volume that my broker or another site tells me was traded + +Yes, that's because FINRA only records data from specific markets/exchanges, not all of them. Although the total volume is less than what is sold over the entire market, the *ratio* of short sales to total shares sold is representative of the entire market, because they pull from the biggest exchanges. As mentioned above, FINRA is also the highest quality short data; the official bimonthly short data that is published is by FINRA pulling from these same data. These data are accurate. + +&#x200B; + +Edit to add: I am not a financial analyst and this is not financial advice. Make up your own mind about everything. Also, I am long GME. + +**Edit 2/3/21**: Short volume was over 50% of total volume today too. Hold, beautiful retards, hold. 💎 👐 + +**Edit 2/4/21**: Short volume was again over 50% of total volume today. Hold, beautiful retards, hold. 💎👐 + +**TLDR:** Shorts have added a retardedly large amount of new short positions over the last five days. Keep holding, don't sell, and when you can buy more buy more. **GME to fucking Orion's belt 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀** +Now that Bitcoin is officially recognized as a form of currency in El Salvador Tesla is required to accept that form of payment under Art 7 + +"every economic agent must accept bitcoin as payment when offered to him by whoever acquires a good and service" + +How the turntables have turned... + + + + + +*Emphasis on the COMEDY tag* +Hey there! + +My employer offers a 100% match on a 529 plan, up to $2000. I'm not planning on having kids, and I was curious if it made sense to take advantage of the match anyways. + +From what I've read, disbursements not used for education have their earnings taxed at your current rate + a 10% penalty. Even with the taxes and penalty, it seems like this is a smart option given the 100% match. In other words, I could use this like a savings account my employer matches. + +Does this make sense? Are there any scenarios I'm not thinking through? + +I'm already maxing out a Roth IRA, and I'm contributing 11% to my company's 401k (6% by me, 5% maximum match by the employer). + +Thanks in advance for any advice! +This happened the day after my bday. I had a text from USAA claiming there were fraudulent charges in California from my debit card. This isn't the first time my information was compromised. A number that popped up as USAA called me asking me if I wanted to dispute these charges, so I agreed. It never occurred to me this wasn't USAA. They had the scripts, they used the right words to lull me into safety. The next day they did a follow up call about my debit card. The previous scammer told me they would be shipping out a new debit card for me, this other follow up person was confirming if the card had gotten to me (there never was a new card, this was part of the scam.) They asked for various information about my account, even sent one time text codes as USAA would've. + +By the next day they cleaned out my savings and checking. Sending it to various banks and withdrawing them. Even had time to go to a restaurant and order drinks with it. I called USAA to do some damage control, they reset my security info, and I may have to call Social Security as well. but I'm afraid I'll never see that money again. At least, thats what my anxiety is telling me. That was all of savings. It wasn't much, but I was on the verge of using it to start a new life for me and my family. + +Ultimately they said they would do an investigation that would last for about 3 business days and to call them on Wednesday. I'm heartbroken and I feel so insecure and invaded right now. + +EDIT: Thank you for all of your responses. This has been a hard lesson, one that will mot be soon forgotten. I WILL be filing a police report as some people have suggested. And I do hope this will be a cautionary tale for others like me. Thank you all so much. I will update what the bank does once I've had some closure on the matter. + +FOLLOW UP: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/u7fctc/follow_up_to_i_fell_for_scammers_posing_as_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +The manipulation and corruption is so blatant I have no idea how US markets will recover after this. And don't come at me with that bullshit about being patient because the SEC is silently investigating. Guess what, while they silently investigate people have been loudly losing millions for months. We might be diamond handing GME but we are not the only people in the market. For everyone of us they are probably hundreds that have paper handed GME or any of the other stocks that are actively being manipulated. After MOASS there's no snowflake in hell that will convince me to invest in any US market. Buckle up and see you on the other side. Hodl! +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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Check out. + +**User profile**: Age \- 26 Years | Monthly Investment \- INR 10,000 | Investment Horizon \- 3\-5 Years + +**Financial Goal**: Receive INR 1 Lakh every year + +**Assumption**: You will start investing in 2018 + +**Risk Profile**: Moderate to High + +While I will specifically answer this question, I will detail out the process for the benefit of every reader of the answer. + +**Steps for creating a financial plan**: + +* **Step 1: Goal Determination** + +Writing down a clear, achievable goal is probably the most important step of financial planning. + +* **Step 2: Risk Tolerance Assesment** + +It's often the neglected aspect of financial planning. Any return is possible. You can even get 1 Cr by just investing INR 1000 in a year. However, the problem is the immense probability of losing your capital. For example, you invest INR 1000 in the online betting website or poker website such as add 52, but in these case, the risk of losing the money is close to 100&#37;. + +* **Step 3: Asset Allocation** + +Broadly speaking, your investment options are guided by two factors \- investment horizon and risk appetite. + +* **Short\-term goals** \(less than a year\): Invest in safe instruments such as bank deposits and company deposits. +* **Medium\-term goals** \(2\-5 years\): Use relatively safer debt schemes such as liquid funds. +* **Long\-term goals** \(5\+ years\): Invest in equity mutual funds or stocks. Go for the latter option only when you have sound knowledge of stock market. + +One of the best options for a beginner to investment in are mutual funds because they offer a number of advantages: + +* Low minimum amounts +* Diversification +* Paperless investing +* Withdraw anytime \(in most cases\) + +To understand the different types of funds, check this detailed [mutual funds investment blog for beginners](https://sqrrl.in/blog/invest-mutual-funds-for-beginners/). + +* **Step 4: Mutual Fund Selection** + +Selecting the right mutual fund is the most overwhelming task in the entire process. Starts by applying quantitative parameters such as AUM, Market Cap Up, Fund Manager Vintage, Expense Ratio, Exit Load, Portfolio Yield, Credit Quality & Duration History. And after putting over schemes into this funnel, shortlist the ones that match your financial objectives. + +* **Step 5: Portfolio Review** + +While you shouldn't be worried by daily ups and downs of your investment value, you should, however, track your investment on a regular basis in order to make intelligent changes. Further, you should make changes in your asset allocation as your risk profile and goal changes. + +For example, if your job situation becomes shaky or you come into an inheritance, it might be time to revise the plan. + +Generally, people struggle to re\-balance on two accounts: + +* **First**, it's psychologically difficult to take money out of asset class or fund that is performing well, and +* **Second**, we are lazy. + +However, as past performance isn’t always an indicator of future performance, you should regularly track and make changes in your portfolio in order to adhere to your risk\-return tolerance level. There are a lot of free tools available to check your portfolio status. You can[ free app Sqrrl to track your investment](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.sqrrl.app.sqrrlapi). + +**Recommendations for different possible cases:** + +As risk tolerance and the number of years you want to receive INR 1 Lakh every year is missing, here are recommendations for different possible cases: + +**Case 1: Medium Risk Tolerance** + +Assumptions: + +* Investment period: 5 years +* Invest in diversified equity mutual funds with a target return of 12&#37; return on an average +* After the 5 years, investment of corpus in low risk in debt fund earning 8&#37; annum + +*In this case, you can enjoy INR 1 lakh every year for 13 long years :\)* + +Here is a list of top performing diversified equity funds you can invest: + +* IDFC Classic Equity Fund \- Reg \- Growth +* Aditya Birla Sun Life Advantage Fund \- Growth +* DSP BlackRock Equity Fund \- Reg \- Growth +* Franklin India Prima Plus \- Growth +* HDFC Equity Fund \- Growth + +You can also try [top mid\-small cap funds for a kicker.](https://sqrrl.in/blog/top-mid-small-cap-funds-2018/) + +**Case 2: High\-Risk Tolerance** + +Assumptions: + +* Investment period: 5 years +* Invest in SIP to target return of 15&#37; on an average +* After the 5 years, investment of corpus in low risk in debt fund earning 8&#37; annum + +*In this case, you can enjoy INR 1 lakh every year for 16 long years :\)* + +Here is a list of SIP with the 1\-year return as on April 2018 where you can invest: + +* SBI Emerging Business Fund \- Growth: 19.43&#37; +* Axis Midcap Fund \- Growth: 19.38&#37; +* SBI Magnum Global Fund 94 \- Growth: 15.33&#37; +* Axis Long Term Equity Fund \- Growth: 16.54&#37; +* UTI Equity Fund \- Growth: 13.89&#37; + +Of course, you can also invest in direct mutual funds to earn higher returns. Direct mutual funds are zero\-commission funds. You can learn the difference between [Direct and Indirect funds here](https://sqrrl.in/blog/direct-mutual-funds-everything-you-need-to-know/). + +You can also try [top mid\-small cap funds for a kicker.](https://sqrrl.in/blog/top-mid-small-cap-funds-2018/) + +**Case 3: General retirement planning** + +Assumptions: + +* Investment period: 24 years \(from 26 years to 50 years\) +* Invest in diverse asset classes with a mix of equity and debt \(high weightage of equity \) to target return of 12&#37; on an average +* After the 26 years, investment of corpus in extremely low risk in debt fund earning 5&#37; annum + +*In this case, you can enjoy* ***INR 1 lakh every month*** *for 29 long years :\)* + +In general, my suggestion for you will be �� don't chase huge returns. You might end up losing your own money. As retirement age approaches, investment portfolios tend to incline towards more conservative investments, like bonds and money market funds, to better safeguard the nest egg. + +Check out the [details of retirement planning here](https://sqrrl.in/blog/how-to-build-the-best-retirement-plan-in-india-2018/). + +I hope I have answered your questions. In case, there is still any doubt feel free to drop your query in the comments. + +Read the complete post here \- [https://www.quora.com/How\-should\-I\-start\-investing\-in\-mutual\-funds\-if\-I\-want\-to\-start\-with\-10\-000\-rupees\-and\-fetch\-1\-lakh\-every\-year/answer/Samant\-Sikka?share=70200796&srid=Culq](https://www.quora.com/How-should-I-start-investing-in-mutual-funds-if-I-want-to-start-with-10-000-rupees-and-fetch-1-lakh-every-year/answer/Samant-Sikka?share=70200796&srid=Culq) + +📷 +Time to weigh up if it's best to cash out with performance and capital gains implications considerred. + +https://preview.redd.it/7e12la8i5cq71.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=12648d6711515a9968f272d73475f37f49bc08dc +I'm a 21 year old college student. I made over 40k this year as income. My parents pay $0 towards my college tuition. I am **not** a dependent and I told my parents not to list me as one, but surprise surprise they did anyways. + +I tried filing my tax returns on H&R Block and the IRS rejected it. How do I override being claimed as a dependent? Besides the fact that I actually am not a dependent, my calculations also show that I would get so much more money back as a non-dependent, which is why I don't want to be claimed as a dependent. + +**EDIT:** Thank you guys so much for your support. How much money would my parents get from claiming me as a dependent if they earn below 20k per year? I would lose about 1.3k from being claimed as a dependent. Would they get more than 1.3k? + +**UPDATE**: thank you all so much for the help. I don't live with my parents, I live on-campus and am on my school's provided health insurance. I'm going to just let my parents claim me as a dependent. They can just keep the whatever money they'll get from it. They need it more and it's not worth the trouble of mailing it, sorting things out with the IRS, etc. +Personally I’m still holding a small position on Enbridge but sold everything else on the nice upswing we’ve seen past few days. Can’t justify keeping money in a sector that’s about to have the carpet ripped out from beneath its feet (again). This is only 3 weeks in to what will be months and months of trade war. The oil sands are shooting out a hailstorm of crystal balls for us right now. +Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, if there's a better subreddit or thread please let me know. + +I am 24F and my bf is 27M. We've been dating for around 8 months and just recently had some serious conversations. We both are dating with the intent of finding someone to marry, see ourselves getting married within the next 5 years, and feel that we want to marry each other. He lives paycheck to paycheck but as far as dates and things go we don't do anything fancy and split things pretty much 50/50 so money hasn't really been an issue. However, now that I have learned some details about his financial situation and we have discussed a long term future together, I want him to make some changes. + +I am currently a student but will graduate in 1.5 years and make around 100k. I am in a very fortunate situation where I have a car and will have a house (all paid off) and am debt free so my only expenses will basically be food and utilities. + +He makes around 50k and lives outside his means. For instance his apartment is much nicer and bigger than he needs- its 1440/month (not including utilities). He bought a brand new truck with terrible mpg that he pays 500/mo for. He has 20k in student loans, 6k in credit card debt, and 3k in savings. He pays the minimum balance on his loans and card every month. + +If we had not discussed living together and getting married in the not-so-distant future, I would have been more inclined to be like "whatever, it's his money, he can do what he wants with it". However, the prospect of combining our incomes means that I'll essentially be paying for his financial decisions. Idk if it's selfish but my reasoning is why should I have to pay for your debt if you could have? These are my requests: + +* His lease is up soon. He expressed wanting to find a cheaper place to live (currently 1440/mo). I sent him some links to places that around 1000. He doesn't think they're nice/big enough. He is unwilling to live with roommates (even with his own bedroom) and bring his costs down even further to \~800. I think he should suck it up and live more modestly. +* I think he should put his 3k savings towards paying off his 6k credit card debt. I get the concept of an emergency fund, but his debt is growing faster than his savings are. I think he should pay off his credit card first. +* He has gotten into buying vintage clothes at thrift stores and flipping them on eBay. I wouldn't mind if he was doing this because it's a hobby he enjoys, but he said his main motivation for it is to make side income. With the costs for shipping, time and gas to drive around to these stores, shop, and ship things out, I don't think it's worth it. He probably makes $75/mo from it. For the same amount of hours he spends doing this, I think he would make a lot more in a part-time retail/service position. However if I said to look into getting a part time job for side income, he would probably say it is beneath him. +* We planned to go on a vacation during my spring break that would be about $800/person. This was before I learned about his finances. He really wants to go on a vacation because he hasn't in a long time, but I think he should put that money towards his credit card debt instead. We could also do a smaller, shorter road trip for \~$200 instead of flying somewhere. +* Overall just spending frivolously on stuff he doesn't need or could get a cheaper alternative. I don't want to be controlling and say hey don't buy that and I'm not saying he has to deprive himself all the time, I just wish he was smarter with his money. For example, he broke his lamp and bought a new one for $60. You could easily get a cheaper lamp for like $10. Another example is he bought a pair of sneakers and is planning to resell them for \~$100 profit. With that profit he intends to buy himself another pair of shoes he wants, whereas I think he should put the money towards his debt. + +Basically I just want an outside opinion on if these requests are reasonable to make or how to make these requests in a manner that is non-confrontational. I haven't brought any of this up yet because we haven't been dating too long and only recently had serious discussions. If things work out and we get married, sure I would have enough money to pay off his debts no problem. However I think I would resent him. I know I am only a student, but I have always chosen to live modestly- cheap apartments with roommates, working during school and over holiday breaks, modest car, etc. I want someone who is willing to make the same sacrifices and give up some luxury for a couple years so that we can have money for more important things later, like saving for retirement and college for kids. + +Thanks for taking the time to read and thanks in advance for any advice :) + +**tl;dr- Bf and I recently had serious discussions about getting married in a few years. He has about 26k debt + car payments and I have no debt. When I graduate school and start working, I will have enough money to pay off all his debts in a couple months. But I don't want to if I don't have to. How do I convince him to live more frugally to pay off his debt?** +Imagine co-writing the [New York Times](https://web.archive.org/web/20210127230008/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/business/gamestop-wall-street-bets.html)' biggest piece on class warfare in a decade and completely missing the fact that poor and middle class investors are doing this out of a sense of survival and spite. + +Thank you Matt Phillips and Taylor Lorenz for enacting the same level of distain for us as the hedge fundies our tax dollars bailed out after the Great Recession. + +You mischaracterized both the type of people involved in this action (literate, engaged, working poor to middle-class) and the action itself (is it greedy to spend our paychecks wringing dry hedge funds who daily manipulate the markets in milliseconds while we are forced to drop a few bucks here and there and hope for the best?). + +There is a palpable elitism at play here, and a deeper concern that rests not with those risking real money during a pandemic for the shot at a better life but for the goddamn MMs and collective arbiters of financial advice and financial institutions beneath whose thumbs we've been placed to squirm long enough. This is a handful of stocks we're using to kneecap some idiot short sellers and you're insinuating that we're about to collapse the whole system. + +We're not. We can't. These motherfuckers can, and have. We're fighting for a piece of the damn pie. + +Make up whatever story gets you the headline, "[above the fold](https://twitter.com/TaylorLorenz/status/1354635872180662273)," as you so deliciously revel in bragging about. I hope you both learn from this. Because you didn't even bother to spend any time here listening to what these working folks have been shouting into every post on the board, shouting on Twitter, on Facebook, into our phones as we watch the stock green dick rocket every hour on Robinhood: "THIS ISN'T ONLY ABOUT THE MONEY!" + +HOLD! HOLD! HOLD! + +edit:words +edit 2: I don't actually hope it's your last stories; I'd rather you learned from the experience. +We've all seen how this news is affecting crypto - as Ukraine keeps getting pushed further and further toward being conquered by Putin all of our favorite assets are being driven down and we are all losing our asses unless we had the foresight to short a month ago. + +Here are a few questions I would like to ask any Russians on this sub: + +1) What is the overall sentiment toward this invasion in Russia right now? + +2) What percentage of people you know have (or had I guess, based on the legality of it now) crypto in Russia? + +3) Do you think most Russians actually approve of Putin or does he not actually have a 100% approval rating like the Kremlin suggests? Does crypto factor into this for you? + +4) In your opinion, what would the best outcome for Russia be in this situation? + +5) If you could move to any country on the planet (including staying in Russia) where would you go? Would crypto factor into your decision? + +I realize you might fear for your lives in answering these questions honestly but I am genuinely curious and if you are brave enough to answer honestly you might get a few moons as a tip. +With the market showing a hint of revovery, ULTRA is looking primed for a nice pump. Many whales are already starting to accumulate more ULTRA at these dirt cheap prices. + +&#x200B; + +Marketing is slowly being accelerated, and CeX listings are getting closer and closer. In the past couple of weeks we've seen Ultra mentioned by TikTok and Youtube influencers and even in multiple MSM publications. More influencers are on the way and more marketing methods are being explored for further expansion, including Social Media Advertising such as FB ads. + +&#x200B; + +On the technical side, there are a lot of things in development that are getting closer to release, such as a staking dApp and a unique NFT marketplace. As we're getting closer to 50k holders, we're also getting closer to the inception of Project Titanium Ice, which the devs are teasing to be HUGE! Website V3 has just been released and it's looking beautiful, you can check it out below. + +&#x200B; + +UltraSafe lives up to its name of being Ultra Safe. The devs are doxxed, and the token has already been audited twice, once by Solidity Finance and once by CertiK, where it was deemed to be safer than even SafeMoon! + +&#x200B; + +Join the community: + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://ultrasafe.finance/](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) + +Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultrasafe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ultrasafe/) +**THE RICO case has never looked more clear in my eyes...** + +Some people are defending Susquenhenna's low cash positions - let me tell you something... $6,000 cash for a giant investment firm aint right. If it doesn't look right, or smell right... it probably aint right... + +**P.S This post is focused on reported cash - not account receivables, for all we know they could all owe each other money...** + +[This is not right \^ Do they have $1.3bn in securities borrowed? IN ASSETS](https://preview.redd.it/f39ajs8kvkl81.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=7534122301a1f0541de401855f3c8d6a39d8e1d6) + +**Then $1.2bn in securities borrow - or sold short. Listed in Assets -** + +Sourcy source: [https://sec.report/Document/0000881182-22-000001/](https://sec.report/Document/0000881182-22-000001/) + +Lets look at Jane Street... Jane Street is another big market maker... + +[Jane Street has $12.2 million](https://preview.redd.it/ars6bwl4wkl81.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=12f37e2ec838aa1e0eef05c78688dedfed80a1cf) + +**The Jane St is not reported in thousands... why is this? I did say they have $12bn in some other comments but upon further review have discovered Jane St does not report in thousands and they have $12.2Million cash.** + +**((speculative bonus bullet: Jane ST is reporting this way to appear bigger... its an odd way to report and someone going over this stuff quick would think they had $12bn in cash like I did in some lost comments out there) its manipulative in my opinion... ))** + +sourcy source: [https://sec.report/Document/0001572095-22-000002/](https://sec.report/Document/0001572095-22-000002/) + +**Virtu....** + +[Virtu has $661million in Cash](https://preview.redd.it/1ez2672rwkl81.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=05ab092582353f75cf0036621cb8acdcc4c388ef) + +**AGAIN, SECURITIES BORROWED - $1.3BN - AND ITS IN THE ASSETS...** + +sourcy source: [https://sec.report/Document/0001457716-22-000005/](https://sec.report/Document/0001457716-22-000005/) + +**Citadel...** + +[Ken has $546million in cash...](https://preview.redd.it/1cyr7hm1xkl81.png?width=893&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff4217b23a61793a41fb5d34bfb518f8204ef879) + +**Ken sold short $73bn and as we know he is negative $65bn or more at cost - when he actually tries to buy the GME he will go bankrupt almost immediately imho... the only thing keeping Ken alive is selling more synthetics every day -** + +&#x200B; + +[The market makers control 99&#37; of the trades... ](https://preview.redd.it/pghnrywgxkl81.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=f51f08d014a88a23d5cb896deb7dcd478e8c8ec8) + +Everyone has the same chart as schwab - + +[https:\/\/us.etrade.com\/l\/quarterly-order-routing-report](https://preview.redd.it/m7ny4do90ll81.png?width=861&format=png&auto=webp&s=3deb84b8ce70b13e8c68e5d1e5c41345e6ddd3e2) + +**No seriously, they all use the same report... its like it came from one super computer algo... its like here... heres your free money... we use your assets in our super computer...** + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/cdn.robinhood.com\/assets\/robinhood\/legal\/RHS&#37;20SEC&#37;20Rule&#37;20606&#37;20and&#37;20607&#37;20Disclosure&#37;20Q1&#37;202021.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/s9esfgni0ll81.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=7458042cd7c964e03b3fee345c065bdf96c633ef) + +I do think Citadel runs the main algo... the participants all help the algo use them to move funds around and swindle retial- this is speculative but come on... same formatting on all the reports? + +This is SEC rule 606... oh yeh the SEC knows all about it... lol... fuckers... + +[https://www.sec.gov/tm/faq-rule-606-regulation-nms](https://www.sec.gov/tm/faq-rule-606-regulation-nms) + +[https://content.schwab.com/drupal\_dependencies/psr/606/2021-Q4-Schwab-Quarterly-Report.pdf](https://content.schwab.com/drupal_dependencies/psr/606/2021-Q4-Schwab-Quarterly-Report.pdf) + +[Major Index's are down 7-13.5&#37; YTD... ](https://preview.redd.it/cigghm2zxkl81.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf82507e087a0b69e594a9d80e919f9001f45432) + +Once the markets start to tank next week these market makers are going to have to sell. SUS can't even pay staff with the cash on hand... they literally have to sell to keep the lights on. + +[The FED is about to start unloading this... ](https://preview.redd.it/k2vbdlt5ykl81.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b09a82ea48336ea2630ab3075c81605ce3f0c1) + +The FED has already started to shrink its Balance Sheet - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t6q3x6/the\_new\_fed\_numbers\_released\_on\_march\_2nd\_show/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t6q3x6/the_new_fed_numbers_released_on_march_2nd_show/) + +**TL:DR: The Major Market Makers are the case for RICO... I would not be surprised if they one day discover the super computer... works on all of those market makers - to siphon money from retail to those "mostly" private co's... It seems that now the Gravy train has run out... that the market can't go any higher... I think that this crash is going to be really really big... they know this and thats why they have tried so long to suppress it. The situation the markets are in is very scary and if I didn't have GME DRS I wouldn't know what to do... thanks for listening to my talk... NOT FA** + +**They all owe Billions in securities sold - its a giant scam about to collapse - market Makers are reporting their short sold securities as assets - wtf - Virtu for $1.3bn, ken has $73bn sold short and SUS has $1.2bn in securities sold short - they are listing these as assets -** + +**They have no where near enough Cash to cover the securities they sold short and the market is about to go in to a wild free fall - these firms are toast....(remember they have long positions also)** + +**The one thing people always say is... "but those market makers are properly hedged" bitch please... Ken is negative $72.5bills... its a fugazi...** +Do you think compagnies use their intangible assets to hide their debt? + +I checked the financials of a successful private company from my hometown. They recently have opened a couple of stores internationally. + +But something doesn't seems quite right. The net income is 2.7 billion, yet total liabilities is 19 million ! +I suspect they try to hide their debt by inflating their intangible assets, since they are valued 4 times the tangible assets (they sell tangible good only, their only real tangible asset should be their brand). + +What do you think? Is it a common practice for compagnies to try hiding their debt to the bank by overpricing their assets? This way it would look like they have enough to cover their liabilities, even though their intangible assets are illiquid. + +I'd love to know what you think of this theory. Since I'm a begginer investor, I'd like to avoid falling for accounting tricks. +It's hard finding value in this market, but there are pockets. I've been buying when the price is attractive and selling when things get a bit overvalued. Problem is some things I've sold have then exploded upwards to really crazy valuations, good companies but crazy prices. + +Will this market ever return to sanity? Is it time to just delete the sell button, buy good companies and be prepared to hold things even at crazy valuations? Hard to justify holding, but lots of sellers remorse when you realize how much gains were missed out on as valuations exploded. +I have: +1. Learn to earn +2. Beating the street +3. On up on wall street +4. The intelligent investor +5. The little book that beats the market + +What order should i read them in to get the best results. +I have: +1. Learn to earn +2. Beating the street +3. On up on wall street +4. The intelligent investor +5. The little book that beats the market + +What order should i read them in to get the best results. +Hi, +I’ve been with my current employer for 16 months. I’m employed on a full-time salary. + +Recently I’ve been made aware through employees that have now left the company that my employer hasn’t made any contributions to employees super in just under two years. +Because my fortnightly payslips include the payments, I hadn’t thought to check until now. +I received a letter from my super that stated that my super insurance cover would cease on July 1 because I had not received any contributions in 16 months and they thought I was no longer employed. When I called my super, they told me that unless my employer makes a contribution within 28 days, they couldn’t do anything to keep my cover open. + +Numerous employees including myself have raised this with my employer who have said “This is an ATO matter now so we can’t comment on the process or give you a time frame for when the payments will be made” + +This is obviously distressing. There are approx 80 employees at my company, anyone who has gone directly through the ATO has been made “redundant” or bullied into quitting. +I’m not in a position to be unemployed but I also have a feeling the company might go into administration & due to much outstanding debt, there will be no money left to pay employee benefits. + +Is there anything I can do to help myself get my super back without putting a target on my head? +Is it true they can’t comment due to the ATO now investigating it? +What are the outcomes of the investigation? +[Listen to the full conversation](https://youtu.be/Ax4iRYD_Cw0) + +Demetri Kofinas speaks with Chief Investment Officer of Hayman Capital Management and founding member of the “Committee on the Present Danger: China,” about the gathering threat posed to Western, liberal democracies and open societies by the Chinese Communist Party. Kyle explains how the CCP and its state champions have been using US capital markets to fund the development of China’s armed forces, the threats posed by a Chinese operated 5G network, as well as concerns about the acquisition and use of Americans’ genomic data by the Chinese government. Kyle also goes into detail about his thesis on Hong Kong, its peg to the USD, as well as the fragility of its banking system. Additional topics include the “reeducation camps” and reports of organ harvesting in Xinjiang, the Chinese social credit system, the Federal Reserve Repo market, and Kyle’s outlook for the macroeconomy. +My parents purchased a home ~30 years ago, have refinanced and have X in equity, but want to sell soon. Original price may be 160k, sale may be 800k. My understanding is there’s a capital gains tax on gains over 500k, so they’d pay that on 800k - 160k - 500k = 140k worth of gains. + +My question: if my dad dies before they sell (high possibility), is my mom single, and only allotted the 250k allowance? So cap gains taxed on 800k - 160k - 250k = 390k? +I happen to live in a vacation destination and have an extensive family background in vacation real estate, so from the beginning real estate was my plan for FIRE. Right out of grad school, I lived with my parents for 2 years, saved like crazy, and bought my first property in 2018. + +I bought that property for $362k. First year (2018) it grossed 35k. With a lot of DIY I have made some good improvements & rental incomes have steadily increased. This summer it will gross over 60k. It is cash-flowing but I put 100% of profits (plus extra from my own income) into improvements & paying down the mortgage aggressively. Vacation rental rule of thumb in this market is that once mortgage is paid off, you can expect to pocket about 50% of gross after all expenses. My goal is to have that mortgage paid off within 10 years. + +This spring I had saved another down payment and living with my parents was getting old, so I purchased a second property with the intention to live in it basically forever. (my career is remote, I can live anywhere and I like the beach, what can I say). I paid 397k for it in March 2021. Been paying minimums on that mortgage because it's such a low interest rate. + +So my FIRE plan was simple: keep working & saving aggressively, buy rental properties as I save up more down payments, pay them off from rental income and build a portfolio to replace my employment income, manage all of it myself to cut costs, and then eventually hopefully (at least partially) retire by 45. Hope for some steady appreciation in property value to supplement net worth. + +But this spring something insane happened, and keeps happening in vacation real estate markets all over. The market went absolutely and totally bonkers. I am not kidding. My mother has been the leading real estate agent in this county for over a decade and her mind is blown by what is happening. She knows this market better than anybody on the planet, so when I talk about valuations know that I'm getting my info from her. My house that I bought for 397k? It was worth 50k more than that on the day of close. I could get 500k for it today and probably start a bidding war. The rental is worth well over 600k, nothing like it has come on the market in the last week so it's hard to say. There is no inventory and properties have 20+ offers the day they go on the market. Then sell for 10-20% over asking. Nothing appraises but somebody is there offering cash so they sell anyways. Prices are going PARABOLIC and it's terrifying. + +Then last week a certain computer company announced that they are building a huge new campus in the nearest large city, and I know that is only fuel on the fire. + +Clearly this is a bubble. My instinct is to sit tight, keep paying down the mortgages and stick to the plan. But is that really the best use of this new capital that's fallen into my lap? If I sell something I pay capital gains on either property. And then what do I do with that money? The stock market is bonkers too right now. I have to pay bubble prices if I try to buy something else locally. And buying an investment property elsewhere defeats the purpose of my "live local to rental properties so I can manage them myself and save $" plan. Plus vacation markets all over are going nuts like this. But at the same time if somebody handed me a check for $500k right now, I don't know that I'd go buy more real estate, so is that a sign that I should be pulling some cash out? + +Anybody have advice? If my goal is retire by 45, do I keep my head down or try to capitalize on this windfall? + +**tldr: crazy market tripled my net worth overnight, not sure what is the best choice in terms of FIRE** + + +Stats: (not as amazing as some here, but working on it slow and steady) + +31, 90k salary, 100k in retirement accounts, ~80k in savings accounts (this is mostly business capital for planned renovations, I flipped a condo and made a bit of cash to put into the rental property & primary home this winter) + +I max my IRA and my 401k gets 5% + 4% match. + +mortgage 1: owe $250k @ 4.5%, worth 600k+ + +mortgage 2: owe $310k @ 2.75%, worth 500k+ + +otherwise debt free. +If my next paycheque doesn’t come in, I could still have a roof over my head for another month. This sub is a great resource and your stories continue to inspire me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep moving forward and thanks for all the help. +In most/all countries I have checked, dividends are taxed around 20% whereas earned income can be 40-50%. + +It seems like earned income should be taxed less, since you have to work harder for it, and the labor that produces it most directly increases economic productivity. + +Sorry if this isn't the right sub. If there's a better one where I can understand this question, please let me know. +Hello Reddit, + +I'm a 23 year old guy from Belgium. I started to work full time in March of this year. Here is my financial situations right now: + +* I still live at home and i'm **saving 1000€ each month** right now. (I would like to get this up to 1200-1500€ but i have planned an expensive holiday and i just spend too much money on food...) +* I **earn about 2000€ each month** after taxes and i don't have real expenses right now except for lunch at work which usually is a couple of euros and my gym membership which is 43€/month. (and the occasional gift for my girlfriend :D) +* My **car, laptop, phone with subscription etc. is all payed for** by the company. +* I also have **private pension savings through my company** but maybe i should look into pension saving myself as well since i can deduct 30% of what i save from my taxes. (This tax reduction only counts for savings up to \~1000€/year) +* When this month (August) is over i'll have **10.000€ in a regular savings account** at my bank. This is my emergency fund of which i could easily live off for a year at the moment. +* I also have another **savings account at the bank with 1000€** which is money i would allow myself to use when i would want to make a big purchase (think: computer, spending a weekend with my girlfriend somewhere, some expensive toy...) This is actually sort of my emergency fund right now since i don't have big expenses anyway. +* Over the last couple of months i have **invested 3000€ in to crypto currencies** (80%+ of which is bitcoin). This is **worth 4500€ at the time of writing**. This is all money i am prepared to lose and i'm planning to keep it at least 5 years. (Right now it is stored on Coinbase but i'm planning to eventually put it on a hardware wallet so it is safer) +* I'm **not planning to rent or buy a home for the next 4 years** because my girlfriend has still at least 3 years of studying ahead of her. (in the next 4 years i could easily save another 50.000€ but i'm counting on at least 60.000€) +* I've already did online **research on the stock market** myself as well as take a small basic fundamental analysis course. + +This is what i would like to do: + +* Start investing in the **stock market**. (I've already created an account at Degiro, which looks like the best option for me) +* I would like to focus on **dividend investing** because I eventually want to generate a nice passive income stream. +* Thinking of **starting of with an accumulating ETF** since Degiro has some ETF's which can be bought without fees. + +This is what i am thinking about right now and this is also where I would like some thoughts and input: + +* I want to start and put at least **1000€/month in the following ETF**: ISHARES MSCI WOR A (IE00B4L5Y983) + * Why? + * It is an accumulating ETF so i don't have to worry about reinvesting + * I can buy it on Degiro without purchasing fees + * It has a low operating cost of 0.20%/year + * I'm planning on **investing about 10.000€ in this ETF** over the coming months +* I don't want to only ever be invested in this one ETF for the following reasons + * I would like to **diversify more**, this etf is 60%+ US Stocks and i feel like the american stock market is pretty highly valued right now. + * I want some **higher yielding single stocks** as well. + * I Belgium **the first 600-800€** (have to look in to the details) **of dividends received are tax free** so i feel like i should take advantage of this by investing in single high yielding good dividend stocks as well. + * I'm thinking about eventually having this ETF (and maybe 1-2 others to diversify) counting for **50% of my portfolio** and the **other 50% would be single stocks**. +* I'm **not thinking about bonds right now since i'm still young**. Maybe i eventually start a pensions savings account myself in which i will focus on bonds since my regular investing account will be all stocks. +* **Should I wait till after the Brexit due date** of October 31 since a hard Brexit could maybe bring a world wide financial shock wave with it?