diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_137.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_137.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_137.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +* Also, technology becoming more sophisticated means fewer individuals able to build those kind of systems - a smaller talent pool. + + > *Only a few people out there really have the technical competency to design these features. Way less than 10.* – [Haim Bodek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haim_Bodek) - [sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFQJNeQDDHA&t=168s) + +* Citadel gains an advantage by cornering the market on talent, depriving the market of people who can build these systems. + +**Basically, Citadel's technology is in the business of deterring competition.** + +* Better technology not only allows Citadel to "beat" their competition head-to-head in trades, it also allows them to capture more volume – meaning less volume for everyone else. +* This becomes a destructive cycle for competitors: + * Less volume -> Less revenue potential -> Less attractive to investors/clients -> Less capital to invest -> Less attractive to talent -> Competitive disadvantage -> Less volume captured +* ...and becomes a virtuous cycle for Citadel: + * More volume -> More revenue potential -> More attractive to investors/clients -> More capital to invest -> More attractive to talent -> Competitive advantage -> More volume captured + +Citadel is leveraging their technology to manage risk, but is also preventing other firms from acquiring the assets (capital, infrastructure, intellectual property, personnel) required to compete against them. + +And if you haven't noticed, addressing every competitive risk has *one* outcome: +&nbsp; + +>!*A monopoly.*!< + +*** + +#3.4: Twin Kingmakers + +So, have you figured it out? Did you see what the key ingredients are for winning a trade and beating risk? + +There are two (*remember these* - and technology addresses both of them): + +**INFORMATION** + +* All of the modeling & pricing is about getting the RIGHT information – the right risk assessment, the right price, the right timing… +* …while LOSSES are all about WRONG information - the timing was wrong, the price was wrong (bitch), the risk assessment was wrong. +* Whoever has the better actionable information is in position to win. Every time. + +**SPEED** + +* Every transaction operates on a “first across the line” system: the first accepted quote wins. + * It doesn’t matter if a better quote arrives 1 nanosecond after a transaction is completed. +* Also - the first across the line IS the information: the winning quote becomes a trade and prints to the tape. +* So being the fastest to quote can win the transaction (first across the line) AND can bend the information (tape) to your favor before the opposition can react. + +&nbsp; + +Pretend that you could freeze time. At that single moment the [quotes in transit from the exchanges are also frozen.](https://i.redd.it/bv8yqzgilud71.png) + +If you were positioned at both ends of the quote line, you could gain superior **information**: + +* You know where a quote is headed and when it will arrive. +* You know which was the highest/lowest price. +* You also know how a given price will change (up or down). + +(This gives you *advance knowledge* for your plays.) + +If you could also ACT while time was frozen, you would enjoy superior **speed**. You could use the above information to: + +* Cherry-pick the price/exchange combo that met your goal: + * Buy at the lowest price / sell at the highest price + * Use the best exchange (transaction structure, order type, reporting speed, etc.) + * Benefit from up/down price movements +* But since your actions affected your situation, you could also: + * Buy/sell shares ahead of demand + * Change the price to your favor (buying in a way that moves the price higher/lower) + * Affect opponent’s positions, risk equations, etc. +* ...and so much more! + +This is called ***latency arbitrage***, or, profiting off of a delay in information by moving faster than the information travels. As long as you could move faster than your opponents you would enjoy a severe advantage in the markets ([OODA loop, anyone?](https://fs.blog/2021/03/ooda-loop/)), and… + +…you could create **control** and **certainty** in your transactions. + +&nbsp; + +*Fortunately this doesn’t happen because exchanges are a competitive, level playing field...* + +&nbsp; + +*...right?* + +*** + +#3.5: The Anointers + +Exchanges are for-profit. And these days, clients demand more than just a venue. [A lot more.](https://i.redd.it/db8oemaarzc71.png) + +* It turns out that exchanges now only make a minority of revenues from “exchanging”... +* ...and the majority of their revenues come from related services: [NYSE](https://i.redd.it/53i3oscerzc71.png) | [Nasdaq](https://i.redd.it/p0ow7k7ta3q71.png) +* So, "other services" are exchanges’ primary business now. + +*Wait… did you just say “exchanging” is no longer the EXCHANGES’ main business? What are these “other services”?!* + +* Let’s take a look. Hmmm…. + * NYSE doesn’t really [mention much](https://i.redd.it/ixfb1oom83q71.png) + * Let’s look at [Nasdaq](https://i.redd.it/99g7b8vgjjp71.png) + +*”Colocation" and "microwave technology”? What are those?* + + * [Huh, here’s colocation...](https://i.redd.it/vytcf9sge0d71.png) + * ...and [microwave technology.](https://i.redd.it/axtvp3bkd0d71.png) – [sauce](https://dailyhodl.com/2020/01/19/algorithmic-trading-from-microwave-technology-to-colocation-and-neural-networks/) + * Looks like the exchanges are selling *information* – data feeds and real-time information – and *speed* – faster access to transactions. + +&nbsp; + +*[Holup](https://c.tenor.com/l-ahhNsT778AAAAd/hold-up-tf.gif)… the exchanges are selling INFORMATION and SPEED?!* + +&nbsp; + +Yes, the NYSE and Nasdaq are selling the ingredients to win transactions because, [guess what makes more money than exchanging?](https://i.redd.it/f8v960e677q71.png) + +*Whhhh... how can they do that!? Who are they selling it to!?* + +* NYSE does not disclose their client list +* Nasdaq only mentions they don’t have any clients who account for “more than 10% of their revenue” (*…so we can assume one client makes up for 9+% of Nasdaq’s revenue, lol. Wonder who?*) + +But we can figure out some key microwave dish factors. Let’s do some maths: + +* [Here](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/Wireless_Connectivity_Fees_and_Charges.pdf) is the NYSE price sheet for microwave usage. [Here](https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/productsservices/trading/colo/nasdaqcmemicrowavefaqs.pdf) is the one for Nasdaq. +* The top package at NYSE – the US largest exchange – costs **~$0.09 per second** (at 20 trading days/mo). +* That requires **421,200 shares traded @ $0.005 profit per share traded, per day**. +* This is the cost for the fastest speed – not regular “slow” trades (i.e. you need to do enough fast trades to justify your need for speed, lol) + +**No, I’m sure it’s a long list of companies that can profit from 400,000+ shares/DAY at** ***extra fast*** **speeds on a** ***single exchange.*** + +&nbsp; + +The gamers here know what this means: + +&nbsp; + +>!*Exchanges are running trades as “pay to win”*!< + +>!*...selling the ingredients to win trades with - which gives more money to win even more trades with, which gives them more money to win even more...*!< + +>!*[here's a visual](https://i.redd.it/p3hpwtfae3q71.png)*!< + +&nbsp; + +But wait, there’s more! + +* Since it is a major source of revenue for them, exchanges know EXACTLY how their customers are using their services. +* So they know how Citadel operates and what they are doing with their systems… +* …and they know that Citadel – moreso than any other player – has influence in other products and exchanges (it’s literally why they need the microwave technology)… +* …as well as having access to other OTC channels, such as dark pools and ATS’s… +* …and are internalizing transactions at a massive scale. + +That’s one part. Then, when you remember that the NYSE also... + +* Provides Citadel with MM powers that further allows price-affecting activities +* Equips Citadel with 1 of only 3 DMM roles – in exchange for fees – which has [far-reaching powers over securities’ prices, beyond an MM’s](https://i.redd.it/n16pu83yiw571.png) +* ...in addition to selling bulk microwave access to Citadel, + +…the whole picture starts coming together. + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel, and Virtu, have all the tools to influence securities’ prices.**!< + +>!**Because the exchanges are providing it to them, so they can each increase their profit.**!< + +&nbsp; + +Don’t believe me? Maybe you should believe [one of the guys who set up Citadel’s systems.](https://i.redd.it/4gm6jijdkbp71.png) + +&nbsp; + +[WHAT THE FUCK](https://i.redd.it/pb3kfhpkeud71.gif) + +&nbsp; + +“Free market” + +&nbsp; + +[Note: this barely touches the subject of high frequency trading (HFT), which there is plenty to [read about](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6z8rs/recommended_reading/) (I’ve mentioned him a lot, but I can’t recommend u/dlauer enough. Check his tweets). What’s important to note is that the exchanges in some instances make **more money from selling speed/info than from the transaction itself**. The Nasdaq even mentions in their 10-K under “Conflicts of Interest” that **it oversees one of the primary channels/standards of data distribution** – WTF.] + +*** + +#3.6 The Throne Room, II + +So that order on the screen: + +* *420 shares of $DOOK at $6.969 – bid* +* *Wat do?* + +Naturally, you set up a system that profits from latency arbitrage. You front-run transactions. You [internalize](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/internalization.asp) as much as possible. Not only because internalization doesn’t incur exchange costs, but because you can influence the price even more, moving specific transactions either to lit exchanges or off-exchange (OTC) to your advantage. + +* Most MM transactions have tiny, well-measured risks. The vast majority of their trades are quickly closed, avoiding exposure. +* The impact of these is also incredibly small: fractions of a penny, either profit or loss. +* However, taken in aggregate, **a volume** of trades (especially at speed) can influence a security's price. +* And since your entire business is tied to the micro-variance in prices, if you can push prices - even in minute ways - you can grow your profits. +* Have I mentioned that MMs can hold their own positions? i(.e. they can hold securities for as long as they want to(. Holding a position or [delaying a trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrh013/liquidity_providers_and_market_makers_and_how/) for even a few fractions of a second could net even more profit, especially if you are gently directing it in near-undetectable ways. + +But… + +&nbsp; + +...there’s still risk. + +&nbsp; + +Other players can still win transactions. Holding a position exposes you to potential downside. And Citadel is still exposed to market wide events. + +&nbsp; + +* *So… what now?* + +&nbsp; + +[*Soooo.... you ready for the good stuff?*] + +*** + +#3.7 The Subjects + +Taking a step back - the “market risks” Citadel still faces are not iMpOSsIbLe unknowns: + +* The risks are unintentional groupings of trades, buying and selling products at prices and times that Citadel didn’t anticipate. +* Usually the risks are other players blindly acting in lockstep or changing positions: + * it's banks and brokers, who are following instructions of their large investors + * or they are responding to the whims of their “retail” client interests. +* Citadel needs to account for these risks. + * While they have other ways of keeping track of large investors (***more on that later***)... + * ...**Citadel has no retail clients.** + +So how can Citadel get ahead of retail trends? + +&nbsp; + +Think. + +* If Citadel… + * …internalizes more volume than most lit exchanges, + * controls for risk with sophisticated technology, + * constantly takes the other side of trades due to MM responsibilities, and + * handles a volume comparable to the Nasdaq, +* ...then, all that’s missing is a broker. + +Maybe, maybe, maybe... + +* Citadel could sign up a broker in such a way that... +* ...clients believe they are dealing with the broker... +* ...but are actually interacting with Citadel,... +* who "acts" like the market and executes all of the orders. + * (Citadel could use them as their little "control bubble" of retail clients) + +**So could Citadel use a broker as a "cutout" to access retail clients?** (Since they already have everything else they need.) + +&nbsp; + +>!*This is* ***Payment for Order Flow*** (PFOF)!< + +>!(But it's more than just paying for clients - read on)!< + +&nbsp; + +“Payment” means Citadel is paying brokers to route transactions to them, so they “own” the orders. + +* Citadel gets the *transactions themselves* (i.e. is obliged to fulfill), plus the retail information. + * These transactions have already been "won" by the vendor (Citadel)… + * …which provides Citadel additional volume, profit, and price control… + * …and takes yet more market share from the competition, because the PFOF demand never hits the open market (i.e. completely non-competitive) – it can be internalized. + +* (And of course, even though it has total control over the orders, Citadel only acts in the best interest of the clients... + * ...and would never [maximize profit](https://jp.reuters.com/article/us-usa-stocks-probe-exclusive-idUSKCN0Y11CJ)… + * …at the [expense of the client!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/opphr6/shitadel_caught_delaying_orders/)) + +**It’s a monopoly in the micro, as Citadel moves toward a monopoly in the macro.** + +But it's also *really profitable.* Citadel discovered that they get much more out of PFOF: + +* *Speed:* Citadel gains *entire seconds* of transaction time (remember, they are used to dealing with 1000x less). Or it can disregard speed altogether, because it has "won" the transaction as a foregone conclusion. + * You or I might not care if our personal transaction took .5 of a second or .8 of a second, or even 2 seconds. Citadel does. +* *Information:* with enough retail volume, Citadel can anticipate retail trends. +* *Certainty:* since PFOF uncovers retail behavior, it removes an upstream risk; they’re less likely to get caught off-guard in their plays. + * PFOF means Citadel can likely anticipate retail *better than their competitors.* +* *Control:* since PFOF orders are not going to the competition, Citadel can exclusively reap the benefits of these transactions - to the disadvantage of the rest of the market. (Not to mention that it makes hiding other nefarious activity easier... ^^C^F^D ) + +There are many benefits of PFOF for Citadel. + +&nbsp; + +But you wanna know what Citadel is ***really*** getting from PFOF? + +&nbsp; + +>!***Leverage.***!< + +&nbsp; + +Citadel isn't paying for order flow because it doesn't want to compete, **it's paying for orders so others CAN'T compete.** + +* Citadel “owning” the volume is a foregone conclusion that the competition CAN’T beat them on. +* So competitors won’t have the technology to handle the volume, because there is no volume to take. + +***THERE IS. NO. VOLUME. FOR. COMPETITORS.*** Citadel is sucking the air out of the room. + +Think about it. All of the issues apes are having with long wait times for DRS – it’s because of Citadel’s PFOF: + +* Brokers are contractually obliged to send trades to Citadel, but +* they are also operationally dependent on Citadel (their systems are integrated with Citadel’s fulfillment), +* and they are also financially dependent on Citadel’s PFOF revenue, +* while there is no competitive replacement available. + +It’s like Amazon vs. Sears, where Sears is 30 miles away and everything costs $5 more. Or the Sears went out of business because everyone was buying from Amazon. + +* (don’t mean to hit a sore spot, just an analogy) + +*But… but surely the brokers can do* ***something?*** *Don’t they have their own trading desks? Couldn’t they go to Virtu?* + +* Why would you go to Virtu if they are a slightly worse offering and are also aligned with Citadel (i.e. exposed to the same risks)? It’s paying the same for less. +* In house? You cut back on your trading resources when you signed up for PFOF, so it’s not there anymore. Because why would you have your own trading infrastructure when Citadel does it better *AND PAYS YOU FOR IT*? + * (...not to mention that having your own trading desk makes you a [*competitor* to Citadel on exchanges.)](https://c.tenor.com/iI6e0e3gv6cAAAAC/house-of-cards-underwood.gif) + +&nbsp; + +This is Citadel's gameplan for capturing the transaction market: **creating dependencies.** + +* **Brokers** become dependent on Citadel to fulfill the trades (operationally dependent), but ALSO on revenues from PFOF. +* **Prime Brokers** become dependent on product selection and availability via Citadel Connect +* **Exchanges** become dependent on Citadel for their best-in-class MM services +* **Exchanges** become DOUBLY dependent on Citadel for their revenue in "other services" (since "exchanging" isn't their primary business now) +* **The market** becomes dependent on Citadel's technology to fulfill industry-wide volume +* ...and **countless clients** depend on Citadel simply for transaction execution + +&nbsp; + +By securing the volume it has through either PFOF, client dependencies, market dependencies, technology, or exchange relationships, Citadel has achieved a critical mass where... + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel has a** ***de facto*** **monopoly, where the entire financial system relies on them**!< + +>!***and Citadel [is actively leveraging it](https://i.redd.it/56xpgp75paq71.png)*** - [sauce](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pv76ic/how_citadel_restricted_trading_by_weaponizing/)!< + +&nbsp; + +Dennis Kelleher captured this reality perfectly in [his congressional testimony:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNhhfTUrU88) + +> There's a risk on the infrastructure side and there's a risk on the institution side... if Citadel shut down today, even for a day, that means 26% of all US equities volume in 8,900 listed securities would stop. [Citadel] executes 47% of all US-listed retail volume, it represents 99% of the traded volume of 3,000 listed options. To say that the system would work perfectly fine if all that evaporated today... you're going to have a systemic event." + +&nbsp; + +Yeah, and I’m just gonna [leave this here.](https://i.redd.it/exrtjnuxsvq71.png) + +&nbsp; + +##[WHAT. THE. FUCKING. FUCK.](https://c.tenor.com/YdluX9Iz5ccAAAAC/south-park-eric-cartman.gif) + +*** +*** +#3.8 Summary + +**TL;DR** Citadel has achieved a *de facto* monopoly through market dependencies: + +* Citadel alone has the technology and risk management infrastructure to handle its share of market volume. +* Citadel continues to capture market share by playing - and winning - a "pay to win" system set up by exchanges, via their exclusive technology and paying for boosts to speed and data. +* Citadel is also expanding its foothold across institutions, via its offerings and patronage,... +* ...or by strong-arming competitors out, either directly with PFOF, or indirectly via scarcity. +* Across the board, exchanges, prime brokers, brokers, and financial clients depend on Citadel either for key revenue or for basic operations including executing trades. +* The market is increasingly exposed to Citadel's risks. Currently, the financial sector has no answer for what happens if Citadel shuts down. +* Thus, Citadel has created a *de facto* monopoly, or duopoly including Citadel's aligned partner, Virtu. + +&nbsp; + +This is all prelude to part 4. + +#And if you thought this was crazy, part 4 is where shit gets ***W I L D*** + +*** + +#Oh, and I'm pretty sure Citadel wants you to forget about DRS. No biggie, just keep on forgetting about DRS. +I have 1k to start with and am hoping for suggestions on what to put into it. I’m hearing SCHD, O, and QYLD are all good options. + +Any suggestions would be appreciated! +We don't need to see the same piss poor 'journalist' hit piece about how retail has fatigue 50 times in one day, it's not big news that shitty journalists in the pocket of big finance are constantly trying to discredit us. + +You're padding their metrics by clicking this shit and posting it here. Providing them ad revenue and giving it legiticimacy, that's how propaganda works, if you shout loud enough for often enough then even a stupid idea will be believed, just ignore this garbage. +Hi all, I was watching a CNBC video on Hydrogen energy and was wondering what everyone's thoughts on hydrogen energy and their viability is? I'm not really sure what companies are invested in it, so if anyone has any good pointers they would be much appreciated. +So, I have a little more disposable income after receiving a promotion and a raise. I save a lot of my salary into safe investments (index fund), but I’m now looking to invest a small amount (around £100 a month) into more asymmetric bets. Things with a low cost, but potentially massive upside. I have considered a few things like crypto, investing in Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and US penny stocks. Are there any other ideas anyone on here has? Am open to anything honestly, it can even be non-financial. +All year we have been getting tweets from Ryan Cohen about poo. + +💩 = DUMP = DOOMP +(A double O in English is a U sound) + +The Deep Out Of Money Puts (DOOMP) is the most prominent naked short strategy we are seeing on GME. + +I think RC is trying to urge us to pay attention to the DOOMP cycles. + +Now I don’t know much about the options cycles but u/bobsmith808 is saying that T+2 and C+35 is important. + +Jan 21st was the most recent cycle date and T+2 was big and shocked the markets, VIX went to 39, BTC dropped 25% down to 6month lows of 32k with Stocks hit hard too. Conversely, GME hit resistance after several weeks of losses at a low of 93, after dropping from a high of 250. That’s significant. + +March 1st is C+35. I’m not gonna make any speculations on what might happen. I am convinced however, that this date will also be significant. Dlauer seems to feel next week too and even Elon rejoined the conversation, do we need any more figurehead certainty than that? + +My tits have been jacked for over a year now. With this 💩 realisation and next week dates my tits have suddenly grown hands and they are jacking me off! Let’s fucking gooooo + +Edit 1: Added 💩= Dump = DOOMP + +Edit 2: Corrected to C+35 for calendar days. +Question for the veteran algo traders about the impact the Wash Rule has on your tax bill. As algo traders I assume we transact many hundreds or thousands of trades per year, and over the course of a year we’ll trade many of the same instruments repeatedly, many of which will be losing trades. Which stands to reason that most (maybe all) our trades are “wash trades”. If I understand correctly, we are taxed on our GROSS earning, and not the net earning because we can’t deduct our losses. + +This article in Forbes about a guy who netted only $45,000 in earnings, but has an $800,000 tax bill! has me a little worried. + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaharziv/2021/03/26/robinhood-trader-may-face-800000-tax-bill/amp/ + +He bought and sold the same stocks many times over and sometimes incurred some big losses. But despite his drawdowns he is taxed on every single gain but can’t include his realized losses. Unbelievable, but true. + +This seems like something algo traders must surely come up against given the frequency of our transactions and the amount of our realized losses. How do you reconcile the “profit” you earn with a massive tax bill? How can algo trading even be viable for non-professionals if the tax exceeds the profit? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +DFV aka RoaringKitty aka Keith Gill is in the middle of some legal stuff so he can't outright talk about GME. When all that's done and over with, I'd like to have him do an AMA with this community. I've got a burning question to ask and I'd seriously love to hear it directly from him. The question is, "When are you from?" + +*EDIT Awwwwww thanks everyone. From the awards to all the upvotes. I just wanted to say thank you, all. Much appreciated. It put a smile on my face* + + +*EDIT 2 Whoa! Over 3.5k upvotes. Again, thank you all! Listen up, this isn't some ruse to get anyone to sell. Not FUD. I'd be willing to wait until after the MOASS. If DFV didn't do an AMA, I'd be fine with it. If he did an interview, I'd watch. If he wrote a book, I'd buy it and read. If he said nothing at all, I'd still be ok. My question is silly but the underlying question for me would be, "How'd you figure this all out?"* + +*EDIT 3 Grammatical errors* +I think the subject line says it all but just filling up space here. Remember how they try to make retailers feel stupid and inadequate. Retailers found a great trade, stayed within the rules and actually helped uncover how broken the system is, but they are the bad guys. +A big development in the Tata Group, throwing Tata Sons into another power struggle? + + [https://www.livemint.com/companies/people/nclat-restores-cyrus-mistry-as-executive-chairman-of-tata-group-11576662522616.html](https://www.livemint.com/companies/people/nclat-restores-cyrus-mistry-as-executive-chairman-of-tata-group-11576662522616.html) + +&#x200B; + +* The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) today restored former Tata group Chairman Cyrus Mistry as executive chairman of Tata Group +* It said that the tribunal has also held the appointment of N. Chandra as executive chairman illegal. +* The Tatas have the time file an appeal against the order in four weeks as the tribunal said the restoration order will be operational only after four weeks +So before the weekend CNBC aired naked shorts. Whilst they could have cut to another camera or ads etc or just left the camera on the dude they went to a long shot of this woman with a memeable face. And it was memed. + +Now Murdoch's fox is interviewing 'one of us'. The rest of the media are following up with stories. + +These are the same media who wouldn't mention gme a month ago. Ignored it rising, shouted about the dips. Not once have they been on our side and they never will be. Billionaire owned, billionaire run. Billionaires narrative. + +They know we don't trust them, they've tried every trick and we did not falter. Now they're trying to gain trust, spinning a little of the narrative we love. It's blown up. They're going to spin this against us. They will run the naked line until midweek and then they'll have investigations that find no naked shorts. Counter DD and more FUD to pick off paper apes. + +(Edit: meant to say here about spinning naked narrative on other tickers, but the wrinkle smoothed out. ... Why do you think you're seeing lists of 50 tickers that BANKS have banned shorting on. I've never the fuck heard of half of them... FUD. Repeat after me. ONLY GME. HODL) + +I have seen posts and comments talking about the woman, how she's secretly a hodlr and one of us. Because she tweeted something by dfv and said meow. Wow 1 fucking retweet and suddenly the face of the biggest FUD machine is an ape? The fuck she is. It was an act, and you're buying into it. + +Do not believe them. Do not trust them even when they tell the truth. They're the fucking wolves, and they're putting on their lambskin Clara to trick you. + +Not financial advice. I just hodl, wait and eat crayons. +Hedgies can’t win. The huge drops weren’t working. Now they seem to be trying the slow bleed but that lets the normies start to feel more comfortable getting in at these elevated prices. +I was in some financial trouble and out of sheer desperation, I went to my only option loans2go and they offered me a loan of £1000 with an insane amount of repayment equaling £4000 paid back over 18mths at £57 per week. + +&#x200B; + +Well, I tried to repay the settlement early but was still needing to pay nearly £4000 so I just stopped paying it and it then defaulted + +&#x200B; + +So about 6 months later I tried to make an agreement with them telling them I would pay £2000 and call it quits to just get them off my back. I thought this was acceptable as I'd already paid back over £300 so they would have earned £1300 interest in 6 months. But obviously, the absolute scammers that they are they wouldn't accept. + +&#x200B; + +Well, How glad am I that they didn't because I took it further and went to the financial ombudsman? + +&#x200B; + +Now, I am going to suggest that you all do this because I am pretty sure anyone desperate enough to use this company will have some defaults or CCJ's on their credit reports. + +&#x200B; + +The financial ombudsman ruled that they shouldn't have given me the loan and loans2go should have done more research into my financial situation as it was clear from what they could see on my credit report that I was struggling financially. + +&#x200B; + +The ombudsman ruled that I only need to pay back the money I borrowed with no interest and loans2go have to remove any negative remarks from my credit file. + +&#x200B; + +So please, if you have used this company, please get in touch with the ombudsman as this crooked outfit is so very close to getting shut down so play your part in hammering the final nails into their coffin. + +&#x200B; + +Now imagine they just accepted my offer in the first place i'd have been out an extra 1300 and still had my defaults. + +It feels so good to finally get one up on these crooks. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I just want to add, that this isn't a debate about the rights and wrongs of me signing this agreement. I know I shouldn't have as does every single person that gets one. + +&#x200B; + +I`d put everything into starting a new business as a genuine last chance of a decent income and some happiness. I was 35, had over 20 jobs and I never found one I could bring myself to do every day. I'm not good with routine through various issues I have that I will not discuss here. +Something happened that had the potential to ruin it all so I got the loan and I signed it knowing I'd struggle to pay it and I'll admit that was stupid of me. + +&#x200B; + +My concerns came when I started reading more and more reviews of the people that are getting these loans. + +Loans2go are literally the only company in the country that are loaning to these people. +They has one demographic in mind and it is people that no one else will loan money to because no one should be loaning them money. + +Most these people are getting them for things like feeding their kids. Proper desperation and being taken advantage off for it. + +It's about the company existing and playing a part in the fight against them by sharing my shitty story. 👍 +What things have you found are the best ROI in the space? Veneers? Botox? Personal trainers? Personal stylists? Regular manicures? + +Obviously these things aren’t important to everyone but for those here that have gone down that path what do you recommend and what do you regret? +Obviously, for long term investing, there's never a better time to invest than "right now" and timing the market is something of a fool's errand. But I'm curious about what signals or strategies more experienced long term investors use when putting more money in. + +Do you ignore the market entirely and just invest at specific intervals? Or are there signs/trends that you look for first? +With the ability to buy fractional shares and no cost to purchase, is there any logic to buying daily? + +I have $10,000 I plan to invest into my ETF portfolio over the remainder of the year. There are 117 trading days left in 2021. Does it make sense to buy $85 every trading day to cost average? Would it be better to do it weekly/monthly? + +I'm open to all thoughts and ridicule. +Hey all. + +I'm currently 28, and I want to start investing asap. +Been reading a lot about different options, but for now I'm set on ETF's (60 to 80%) and individual stocks in companies which I know well / believe in for the remainder of my portfolio. So far I only have a bit of VWCE (I'm based in EU) + +As for ETF's, it looks almost too good/safe to be true, so I've been reading a lot about the possible risks, and what I found was mainly: +1- a lot of different options, some lesser known ETFs can be quite shady. However if I'm sticking with the most known ones this should not be a problem. +2- there are theories who say that if a lot of people would move from individual stocks to ETF's this would impact what they call 'price discovery' which comes from people buying and selling a certain stock (depending on the supply/demand the stock price will vary). If everyone is just investing on ETF's the underlying stock prices might not be accurate and eventually lead to the collapse of the ETF (?) + +Mainly on this 2nd point, what are your thoughts? +I must say I don't have enough knowledge to fully understand how this would collapse the ETF's and how likely something like this would happen. + +Thank you! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +**This post is not my work, I'm merely reposting it from another source which I will link at the bottom. This post deals with lottery winners, it is quite old(2008), so not all information may still be applicable. That being said, there's a lot of still good info in here I believe Apes should see! This is in no way financial advice.** + + +Congratulations!  You just won millions of dollars in the lottery!  That's great. + +Now you're fucked. + +No really. + +You are. + +You're fucked. + + +I've seen this question (what to do if you win the lottery), a few times on ARFCOM.  Amusingly, it recurs quite often.  I posted a similar article to this one "back when" but I've updated it with some actual stories and slapped it in GD because, well, why not? + +Keep in mind: IAALBNY (I Am A Lawyer, But Not Yours).  Consult professional advisers before spending your hard earned lottery cash. + +It's long.  There are no cliff notes.  But if you just want to skip the biographical tales of woe of some of the math-tax protagonists, skip on down to the next line in bold. + + +You see, it's something of an open secret that winners of obnoxiously large jackpots tend to end up badly with alarming regularity.  Not the $1 million dollar winners.  But anyone in the nine-figure range is at high risk.  Eight-figures?  Pretty likely to be screwed.  Seven-figures?  Yep.  Painful.  Perhaps this is a consequence of the sample.  The demographics of lottery players might be exactly the wrong people to win large sums of money.  Or perhaps money is the root of all evil.  Either way, you are going to have to be careful.  Don't believe me?  Consider this: + +Large jackpot winners face double digit multiples of probability versus the general population to be the victim of: + +Homicide (something like 20x more likely) +Drug overdose +Bankruptcy (how's that for irony?) +Kidnapping + +And triple digit multiples of probability versus the general population rate to be: + +Convicted of drunk driving +The victim of Homicide (at the hands of a family member) 120x more likely in this case, ain't love grand? +A defendant in a civil lawsuit +A defendant in felony criminal proceedings + + +Believe it or not, your biggest enemy if you suddenly become possessed of large sums of money is... you.  At least you will have the consolation of meeting your fate by your own hand.  But if you can't manage it on your own, don't worry.  There are any number of willing participants ready to help you start your vicious downward spiral for you. Mind you, many of these will be "friends," "friendly neighbors," or "family." Often, they won't even have evil intentions. But, as I'm sure you know, that makes little difference in the end. Most aren't evil.  Most aren't malicious.  Some are.  None are good for you. + + +Jack Whittaker, a Johnny Cash attired, West Virginia native, is the poster boy for the dangers of a lump sum award.  In 2002 Mr. Whittaker (55 years old at the time) won what was, also at the time, the largest single award jackpot in U.S. history.  $315 million.  At the time, he planned to live as if nothing had changed, or so he said.  He was remarkably modest and decent before the jackpot, and his ship sure came in, right?  Wrong. + +Mr. Whittaker became the subject of a number of personal challenges, escalating into personal tragedies, complicated by a number of legal troubles. + +Whittaker wasn't a typical lottery winner either.  His net worth at the time of his winnings was in excess of $15 million, owing to his ownership of a successful contracting firm in West Virginia.  His claim to want to live "as if nothing had changed" actually seemed plausible.  He should have been well equipped for wealth.  He was already quite wealthy, after all.  By all accounts he was somewhat modest, low profile, generous and good natured.  He should have coasted off into the sunset.  Yeah.  Not exactly. + +Whittaker took the all-cash option, $170 million, instead of the annuity option, and took possession of $114 million in cash after $56 million in taxes.  After that, things went south. + +Whittaker quickly became the subject of a number of financial stalkers, who would lurk at his regular breakfast hideout and accost him with suggestions for how to spend his money.  They were unemployed.  No, an interview tomorrow morning wasn't good enough.  They needed cash NOW.  Perhaps they had a sure-fire business plan.  Their daughter had cancer.  A niece needed dialysis.  Needless to say, Whittaker stopped going to his breakfast haunt.  Eventually, they began ringing his doorbell.  Sometimes in the early morning.  Before long he was paying off-duty deputies to protect his family.  He was accused of being heartless.  Cold.  Stingy. + +Letters poured in.  Children with cancer.  Diabetes.  MS.  You name it.  He hired three people to sort the mail.  A detective to filter out the false claims and the con men (and women) was retained. + +Brenda, the clerk who had sold Whittaker the ticket, was a victim of collateral damage.  Whittaker had written her a check for $44,000 and bought her house, but she was by no means a millionaire.  Rumors that the state routinely paid the clerk who had sold the ticket 10% of the jackpot winnings hounded her.  She was followed home from work.  Threatened.  Assaulted. + +Whittaker's car was twice broken into, by trusted acquaintances who watched him leave large amounts of cash in it.  $500,000 and $200,000 were stolen in two separate instances.  The thieves ~~attempted to~~ spiked Whittaker's drink with prescription drugs in the first instance.  ~~Whittaker was violently allergic to the drug used, and likely would have died given the distance to the nearest emergency room, and the lateness of the hour, but,~~ unfortunately ~~he did not~~ consumed the drink containing the narcotics.  The second incident was the handiwork of his granddaughter's friends, who had been probing the girl for details on Whittaker's cash for weeks. + +Even Whittaker's good-faith generosity was questioned.  When he offered $10,000 to improve the city's water park so that it was more handicap accessible, locals complained that he spent more money at the strip club.  (Amusingly this was true). + +Whittaker invested quite a bit in his own businesses, tripled the number of people his businesses employed (making him one of the larger employers in the area) and eventually had given away $14 million to charity through a foundation he set up for the purpose.  This is, of course, what you are "supposed" to do.  Set up a foundation.  Be careful about your charity giving.  It made no difference in the end. + +To top it all off, Whittaker had been accused of ruining a number of marriages.  His money made other men look inferior, they said, wherever he went in the small West Virginia town he called home.  Resentment grew quickly.  And festered.  Whittaker paid four settlements related to this sort of claim.  Yes, you read that right.  Four. + +His family and their immediate circle were quickly the victims of odds-defying numbers of overdoses, emergency room visits and even fatalities.  His granddaughter, the eighteen year old "Brandi" (who Whittaker had been giving a $2100.00 per week allowance) was found dead after having been missing for several weeks.  Her death was, apparently, from a drug overdose, but Whittaker suspected foul play.  Her body had been wrapped in a tarp and hidden behind a rusted-out van.  Her seventeen year old boyfriend had expired three months earlier in Whittaker's ~~vacation~~ house, also from an overdose.  Some of his friends had robbed the house after his overdose, stepping over his body to make their escape and then returning for more before stepping over his body again to leave. His parents sued for wrongful death claiming that Whittaker's loose purse strings contributed to their son's death.  Amazingly, juries are prone to award damages in cases such as these.  Whittaker settled.  Again. + +Even before the deaths, the local and state police had taken a special interest in Whittaker after his new-found fame.  He was arrested for minor and less minor offenses many times after his winnings, despite having had a nearly spotless record before the award.  Whittaker's high profile couldn't have helped him much in this regard. + +In 18 months Whittaker had been cited for over 250 violations ranging from broken tail lights on every one of his five new cars, to improper display of renewal stickers.  A lawsuit charging various police organizations with harassment went nowhere and Whittaker was hit with court costs instead. + +Whittaker's wife filed for divorce, and in the process froze a number of his assets and the accounts of his operating companies.  Caesars in Atlantic City sued him for $1.5 million to cover bounced checks, caused by the asset freeze. + +Today Whittaker is badly in debt, and bankruptcy looms large in his future. + +But, hey,  that's just one example, right? + +Wrong. + + +Nearly one third of multi-million dollar jackpot winners eventually declare bankruptcy.  Some end up worse.  To give you just a taste of the possibilities, consider the fates of: + +Billie Bob Harrell, Jr.: $31 million.  Texas, 1997.  As of 1999: Committed suicide in the wake of incessant requests for money from friends and family.  “Winning the lottery is the worst thing that ever happened to me.” + +William “Bud” Post: $16.2 million. Pennsylvania. 1988. In 1989: Brother hires a contract murderer to kill him and his sixth wife. Landlady sued for portion of the jackpot. Convicted of assault for firing a gun at a debt collector. Declared bankruptcy.  Dead in 2006. + +Evelyn Adams: $5.4 million (won TWICE 1985, 1986). As of 2001: Poor and living in a trailer gave away and gambled most of her fortune. + +Suzanne Mullins: $4.2 million. Virginia. 1993. As of 2004: No assets left. + +Shefik Tallmadge: $6.7 million. Arizona. 1988. As of 2005: Declared bankruptcy. + +Thomas Strong: $3 million. Texas. 1993. As of 2006: Died in a shoot-out with police. + +Victoria Zell: $11 million. 2001. Minnesota.  As of 2006: Broke.  Serving seven year sentence for vehicular manslaughter. + +Karen Cohen: $1 million. Illinois. 1984.  As of 2000: Filed for bankruptcy.  As of 2006: Sentenced to 22 months for lying to federal bankruptcy court. + +Jeffrey Dampier: $20 million. Illinois. 1996. As of 2006: Kidnapped and murdered by own sister-in-law. + +Ed Gildein: $8.8 million. Texas. 1993.  As of 2003:  Dead.  Wife saddled with his debts.  As of 2005: Wife sued by her own daughter who claimed that she was taking money from a trust fund and squandering cash in Las Vegas. + +Willie Hurt: $3.1 million. Michigan. 1989.  As of 1991: Addicted to cocaine.  Divorced.  Broke.  Indicted for murder. + +Michael Klingebiel: $2 million.  As of 1998 sued by own mother claiming he failed to share the jackpot with her. + +Janite Lee: $18 million. 1993. Missouri.  As of 2001: Filed for bankruptcy with $700 in assets. + +Mack Metcalf: $65 million. Kentucky. 2000.  As of 2001: Divorced.  As of 2002: Sued girlfriend for $500,000 claiming he was drunk when he gave it to her.  Sued by wife for child support.  As of 2003: Died of alcoholism.  As of a few months later in 2003: Second wife bought a mansion with the money, collected dozens of stray cats and died of a drug overdose immediately after moving in. + +I could go on quite a bit. + +&#x200B; + +**So, what the hell DO you do if you are unlucky enough to win the lottery?** + +This is the absolutely most important thing you can do right away:  NOTHING. + +Yes.  Nothing. + +DO NOT DECLARE YOURSELF THE WINNER yet. + +Do NOT tell anyone. The urge is going to be nearly irresistible. Resist it. Trust me. + + +1. IMMEDIATELY retain an attorney. Get a partner from a larger, NATIONAL firm. Don't let them pawn off junior partners or associates on you. They might try, all law firms might, but insist instead that your lead be a partner who has been with the firm for awhile. Do NOT use your local attorney. Yes, I mean your long-standing family attorney who did your mother's will. Do not use the guy who fought your dry-cleaner bill. Do not use the guy you have trusted your entire life because of his long and faithful service to your family. In fact, do not use any firm that has any connection to family or friends or community. TRUST me. This is bad. You want someone who has never heard of you, any of your friends, or any member of your family. Go the the closest big city and walk into one of the national firms asking for one of the "Trust and Estates" partners you have previously looked up on http://www.martindale.com from one of the largest 50 firms in the United States which has an office near you. You can look up attornies by practice area and firm on Martindale. The top 50 firms by size are: + +Baker & McKenzie +DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary +Jones Day +White & Case +Latham & Watkins +Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom +Sidley Austin Brown & Wood +Greenberg Traurig +Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw +Morgan, Lewis & Bockius +Holland & Knight +Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr +Weil, Gotshal & Manges +Kirkland & Ellis +Morrison & Foerster +McDermott, Will & Emery +Shearman & Sterling +Hogan & Hartson +Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham +Reed Smith +Oâ€📷Melveny & Myers +Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld +Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker +Foley & Lardner +Fulbright & Jaworski +Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton +Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman +Dechert +King & Spalding +Bingham McCutchen +Wilson, Elser Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker +Winston & Strawn +Squire, Sanders & Dempsey +Hunton & Williams +Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher +Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe +Bryan Cave +Vinson & Elkins +Ropes & Gray +Proskauer Rose +Heller Ehrman +Alston & Bird +McGuireWoods +Simpson Thacher & Bartlett +Baker Botts +Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal +Debevoise & Plimpton +Nixon Peabody +Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison +LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae + + +2. Decide to take the lump sum. Most lotteries pay a really pathetic rate for the annuity. It usually hovers around 4.5% annual return or less, depending. It doesn't take much to do better than this, and if you have the money already in cash, rather than leaving it in the hands of the state, you can pull from the capital whenever you like. If you take the annuity you won't have access to that cash.  That could be good.  It could be bad.  It's probably bad unless you have a very addictive personality.  If you need an allowance managed by the state, it is because you didn't listen to point #1 above. + +Why not let the state just handle it for you and give you your allowance? + +Many state lotteries pay you your "allowence" (the annuity option) by buying U.S. treasury instruments and running the interest payments through their bureaucracy before sending it to you along with a hunk of the principal every month.  You will not be beating inflation by much, if at all. There is no reason you couldn't do this yourself, if a low single-digit return is acceptable to you. + +You aren't going to get even remotely the amount of the actual jackpot.  Take our old friend Mr. Whittaker.  Using Whittaker is a good model both because of the reminder of his ignominious decline, and the fact that his winning ticket was one of the larger ones on record.  If his situation looks less than stellar to you, you might have a better perspective on how "large" your winnings aren't.  Whittaker's "jackpot" was $315 million.  He selected the lump-sum cash up-front option, which knocked off $145 million (or 46% of the total) leaving him with $170 million.  That was then subject to withholding for taxes of $56 million (33%) leaving him with $114 million. + +In general, you should expect to get about half of the original jackpot if you elect a lump sum (maybe better, it depends). After that, you should expect to lose around 33% of your already pruned figure to state and federal taxes.  (Your mileage may vary, particularly if you live in a state with aggressive taxation schemes). + + +3. Decide right now, how much you plan to give to family and friends. This really shouldn't be more than 20% or so. Figure it out right now. Pick your number. Tell your lawyer. That's it. Don't change it. 20% of $114 million is $22.8 million. That leaves you with $91.2 million.  DO NOT CONSULT WITH FAMILY when deciding how much to give to family.  You are going to get advice that is badly tainted by conflict of interest, and if other family members find out that Aunt Flo was consulted and they weren't you will never hear the end of it. Neither will Aunt Flo.  This might later form the basis for an allegation that Aunt Flo unduly influenced you and a lawsuit might magically appear on this basis.  No, I'm not kidding.  I know of one circumstance (related to a business windfall, not a lottery) where the plaintiffs WON this case. + +Do NOT give anyone cash. Ever. Period. Just don't. Do not buy them houses. Do not buy them cars. Tell your attorney that you want to provide for your family, and that you want to set up a series of trusts for them that will total 20% of your after tax winnings. Tell him you want the trust empowered to fund higher education, some help (not a total) purchase of their first home, some provision for weddings and the like, whatever. Do NOT put yourself in the position of handing out cash. Once you do, if you stop, you will be accused of being a heartless bastard (or bitch). Trust me. It won't go well. + +It will be easy to lose perspective.  It is now the duty of your friends, family, relatives, hangers-on and their inner circle to skew your perspective, and they take this job quite seriously. Setting up a trust, a managed fund for your family that is in the double digit millions is AMAZINGLY generous. You need never have trouble sleeping because you didn't lend Uncle Jerry $20,000 in small denomination unmarked bills to start his chain of deep-fried peanut butter pancake restaurants. ("Deep'n 'nutter Restaurants") Your attorney will have a number of good ideas how to parse this wealth out without turning your siblings/spouse/children/grandchildren/cousins/waitresses into the latest Paris Hilton. + + +4. You will be encouraged to hire an investment manager. Considerable pressure will be applied.  Don't. + +Investment managers charge fees, usually a percentage of assets. Consider this: If they charge 1% (which is low, I doubt you could find this deal, actually) they have to beat the market by 1% every year just to break even with a general market index fund. It is not worth it, and you don't need the extra return or the extra risk. Go for the index fund instead if you must invest in stocks. This is a hard rule to follow.  They will come recommended by friends.  They will come recommended by family.  They will be your second cousin on your mother's side.  Investment managers will sound smart. They will have lots of cool acronyms. They will have nice PowerPoint presentations. They might (MIGHT) pay for your shrimp cocktail lunch at TGI Friday's while reminding you how poor their side of the family is.  They live for this stuff. + +You should smile, thank them for their time, and then tell them you will get back to them next week. Don't sign ANYTHING. Don't write it on a cocktail napkin (lottery lawsuit cases have been won and lost over drunkenly scrawled cocktail napkin addition and subtraction figures with lots of zeros on them).  Never call them back. Trust me. You will thank me later.  This tactic, smiling, thanking people for their time, and promising to get back to people, is going to have to become familiar.  You will have to learn to say no gently, without saying the word "no."  It sounds underhanded.  Sneaky.  It is.  And its part of your new survival strategy.  I mean the word "survival" quite literally. + +Get all this figured out BEFORE you claim your winnings. They aren't going anywhere. Just relax. + + +5. If you elect to be more global about your paranoia, use between 20.00% and 33.00% of what you have not decided to commit to a family fund IMMEDIATELY to purchase a combination of longer term U.S. treasuries (5 or 10 year are a good idea) and perhaps even another G7 treasury instrument. This is your safety net. You will be protected... from yourself. + +You are going to be really tempted to starting being a big investor. You are going to be convinced that you can double your money in Vegas with your awesome Roulette system/by funding your friend's amazing idea to sell Lemming dung/buying land for oil drilling/by shorting the North Pole Ice market (global warming, you know). This all sounds tempting because "Even if I lose it all I still have $XX million left!  Anyone could live on that comfortably for the rest of their life."  Yeah, except for 33% of everyone who won the lottery. + +You're not going to double your money, so cool it. Let me say that again. You're not going to double your money, so cool it.  Right now, you'll get around 3.5% on the 10 year U.S. treasury. With $18.2 million (20% of $91.2 mil after your absurdly generous family gift) invested in those you will pull down $638,400 per year. If everything else blows up, you still have that, and you will be in the top 1% of income in the United States. So how about you not fuck with it. Eh? And that's income that is damn safe. If we get to the point where the United States defaults on those instruments, we are in far worse shape than worrying about money. + +If you are really paranoid, you might consider picking another G7 or otherwise mainstream country other than the U.S. according to where you want to live if the United States dissolves into anarchy or Britney Spears is elected to the United States Senate. Put some fraction in something like Swiss Government Bonds at 3%. If the Swiss stop paying on their government debt, well, then you know money really means nothing anywhere on the globe anymore.  I'd study small field sustainable agriculture if you think this is a possibility.  You might have to start feeding yourself. + + +6. That leaves, say, 80% of $91.2 million or $72.9 million. Here is where things start to get less clear. Personally, I think you should dump half of this, or $36.4 million, into a boring S&P 500 index fund. Find something with low fees. You are going to be constantly tempted to retain "sophisticated" advisers who charge "nominal fees." Don't. Period. Even if you lose every other dime, you have $638,400 per year you didn't have before that will keep coming in until the United States falls into chaos. Fuck advisers and their fees. Instead, drop your $36.4 million in the market in a low fee vehicle. Unless we have an unprecedented downturn the likes of which the United States has never seen, should return around 7.00% or so over the next 10 years. You should expect to touch not even a dime of this money for 10 or 15 or even 20 years. In 20 years $36.4 million could easily become $115 million. + + +7. So you have put a safety net in place. You have provided for your family beyond your wildest dreams. And you still have $36.4 million in "cash." You know you will be getting $638,400 per year unless the capital building is burning, you don't ever need to give anyone you care about cash, since they are provided for generously and responsibly (and can't blow it in Vegas) and you have a HUGE nest egg that is growing at market rates. (Given the recent dip, you'll be buying in at great prices for the market). What now? Whatever you want. Go ahead and burn through $36.4 million in hookers and blow if you want. You've got more security than 99% of the country. A lot of it is in trusts so even if you are sued your family will live well, and progress across generations. If your lawyer is worth his salt (I bet he is) then you will be insulated from most lawsuits anyhow. Buy a nice house or two, make sure they aren't stupid investments though. Go ahead and be an angel investor and fund some startups, but REFUSE to do it for anyone you know. (Friends and money, oil and water - Michael Corleone) Play. Have fun. You earned it by putting together the shoe sizes of your whole family on one ticket and winning the jackpot. + + +You 'da Man (Woman). + + +[https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/-/5-749519/?page=1](https://www.ar15.com/forums/general/-/5-749519/?page=1) +My SO and I both work fulltime and make decent money (~$130k household income). We both save a significant portion of our money towards retirement (~30%). We have a healthy emergency fund ($30k) and additional savings ($20k) towards buying a new house. + +We have no debt other than a mortgage on our current place ($200k). + +A maid service would cost us around $200/month which could easily fit in our budget. I just feel like it should not? Like, I'm 29. I'm able bodied and can clean my own place...but I'd love not to. Is it wasteful to spend so much on this service? Can we really afford this? +Hi there my first post here on realestateinvesting. +I have two LLC companies. The first is registered as real estate investing company and second one as a general contractor. I'm planning on buying properties for renovations (flipping) with the first company as an investor. And I want the second company to be the contractor to fix the properties and bill the first one for the labor and materials. +Both companies are llc and I'm the owner and the only employee. +Is this legal by the IRS and any other laws? +Thanks for any help. + +Add: +Thanks for the help. I forgot to add that the two companies are classified as S corp with Irs so I'm mainly trying this for more tax write off. I have a good accountant too and I think it might work good. Some of you may have a lot more experience than me in this kind of matters so I'll appreciate every advice 😌 +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +MY TDA experience after seeing the previous TDA post: + + +I called TDA to ask if there were going to be any tax repercussions from the split. The "lovley" gentleman I spoke with, Kyle, was very rude and abrasive. When i asked him about the recent splivvy, he spouted off some nonsense about the Compliance department being the one with the answers and they wont be in till Monday. He then told me i needed to contact GameStop's investor relations page and I told him I have and that they were telling me to contact my broker. I asked to speak with a supervisor and he told me he wouldn't know anything either and was in a meeting and would call me back. The Supervisor actually did call me back and we had a very interesting convo. He was very nice and curious as to what was happening. I referred him to the 8K GameStop had filled on July 6th, and the IRS form 8937 they also filled regarding the dividend, and the GameStop Investors relation pages saying to call your broker. Originally the supervisor told me yes, this would be a taxable event. I again ask him to check the fillings and after a brief review he said he was unsure what was going on, that this should not be a taxable event. + + +He then told me something I found very interesting. He told me he has been in the business for a very long time and he was curious as to why GameStop did the divvy in the way they did, that he has hardly ever seen a splivvy done like this and there has to be a reason they issued it the way they did. While no concrete evidence, it was a hopium injection. + + +Supervisor then asked me what other stocks have recently split so he could do some research. I told him Amazon, Google, and Shopify. A few moments later he came back and was just as dumbfounded as I was and he needed to go up the chain of command to the Compliance Department and would be calling me back Monday after 830am. + + +The supervisor was very impressed and congratulated me that I had looked at the 8k and 8937 form and was elated that I wasn't one of the many calls they had been receiving from the popcorn stock about uninformed, wrong information floating around on the internet and how I was able to point him to the actual fillings the brokers look at for this type of information. + + +Ill make an update on this post on Monday after I talk with the supervisor again. Also, I want to thank this community for making me appear to be an informed investor, as all the information about the fillings I found here, at home, on Superstonk. So apes, pat yourself on the back for being informed investors and not like popcorn stock. + + + +Good morning you glorious Apes!! Time for an update! + +Just got off the phone with Erick, the supervisor. This is a non taxable event! He checked with the compliance department and for TDA there is no negative repercussions from the the splividend. Thank yall for being lovely. +We know many brokers were told it was a forward stock split. + +We know the DTC filed it as a forward stock split. + +So why did the DTC accept all the stock from Computershare? + +If Ryan Cohen/Gamestop want to show the DTC as incompetent or corrupt, all they have to do is force the DTC to explain this. Or to provide brokers with the stock as they were supposed to. + +In either case, the DTCs actions on this has put a spotlight on it, and it’s going to be difficult for the DTC to explain it away… +Because the buyer didn’t want to exercise their option. It really is that simple. It’s not that deep + +Edit: gotta love that every thread turns into an intellectual dick measuring contest. “AckShulLy” +I am someone who has spent over a decade in finance, first in a hedge fund and then in private equity + +If you want to understand what it is going on. You have to understand that the largest driving force in the background in which you are operating in is the shift from active managers to passive managers. The vanguard crowd has been winning for more than a decade and now we are at a point where nearly all new money entering the market comes in the form of passive ETFs and index funds. + +And here is where the fun begins. millennials and new investors have a extreme preference for passive management while baby boomers largely invested in active managers. So in the past few years, all new money entering the market is passive and all old money leaving the market is active. Hedge fund and mutual fund managers are shedding AUM while the likes of vanguard and ETFs have been gaining AUM. + +So why does this matter? + +Well, the old operating model of securities analysis was predicated on value judgements. If a stock falls 20%, your money manager tasks a analyst to runs a DCF/comps analysis, and tells you it is undervalued by 10% based on the latest assessment, and that the fund should buy some shares. The old buy low sell high with a dash of analysis added in. That was how things use to run anyways. But in the world of passive investing, price becomes the only judgement as to whether it should be added or subtracted, there is no analysis of valuation metrics, fundamentals of the business or even if it is a fraud or not. There are no analysts digging into the company, calling up suppliers, doing channel checks. It is just pure automation, stock goes up, it gets reweighted high, buy. Stock goes down, it gets reweighted down, sell. The market has become dumber over time. And the people who do the work do not get paid for it, because more and more of the market is passive. So undervalued things remain undervalued, and overvalued things get more overvalued. + +There are essentially three players left in this market, of which only two are active investors. You have the passive money, which now drives 90%+ of the market. You have the small remaining active investor base, who have been shedding AUM and are desperate to hold on to their jobs and are forced to actually follow indexes to avoid getting fired, and what their doing which is arbitraging value, no longer pays off. Then you have people like WSB and stocktwits, where people chase momentum in everything from large tech to chinese frauds. What you are seeing today is the two remaining active groups fighting to control the flows of the passive money (who simply follows whichever side has more momentum). + +This is why we are in a world where TESLA can go up valuation by 10x despite revenue only increase by 15%. We are in a world where large cap gets larger. We are in a world where a bunch of degenerates gambling on FDs, which then drives gamma covering by market makers will create an escalating feedback loop in which passive money piles in, making it into a self fulfilling prophecy. + +So thank the Bogleheads, you have the keys to the Asylum. You are now running the trillion dollar global equity markets. The memes are now real and you are now the captain of Wall Street. + +Edit: to all the morons who keep saying I am wrong because passive is not 90% of the market. Yes it’s more like 60-65(Active) 35-40 (Passive) right now. But what drives price action is the marginal buyer and seller. The total market doesn’t matter worth shit. Grandma with her 20 shares of Ford she plans to gift to Timmy 10 years down the line doesn’t move market price today. 90%+ of the marginal Flow of money today is passive and that sets the price. + Okay so after doing my due diligence (Seeing the ticker in Commsec's biggest movers one day) I decided to invest $1400 into LRS sometime early last year at 0.07 a share. Have been following it off and on since then, I guess im completely autistic or something because didnt they recently come across 220M tonnes of someshit that people will pay for? Im not a fucking rocket scientist or anything and have no idea how much the shit is worth but lets say they make a $1 profit off each tonne after production / Mining costs that would net that 220M profit? (im assuming profit margins will be alot higher anyway). Is there something i'm missing here? can someone please explain why its trading at like a 50m market cap, cheers. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Reference price: **$4,092.31** + +[Data will be sourced from CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ethereum) + +**FILTERING CRITERIA: 1w, USD, Linear Chart, Close Chart** + +Winning results will be based on the price **at 12 pm PDT on November 1st.** Results of the prediction will be revealed **between 11:59 AM PDT and 11:59 PM PDT the day after the prediction date.** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/qedasu) +Yesterday, the Wormhole bridge one of Solana's biggest bridges lost $320m in a hack. Within hours, a trading desk Jump Capital agreed to replenish the entire amount so that the liquidations calamity is avoided. The loss of the peg due to the hack could have sent the network into cascading liquidations arising out of leveraged positions. In stepped a VC to save the day. + +[Lost $320m? Thats fine.. we got you covered. ](https://preview.redd.it/adhsxhuefqf81.jpg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed759f03c763a7cfd07d8bb35a03cff7aa3921d) + +The fact that VCs are ready to cover these kind of losses shows that the entire Solana "ecosystem" is just one big sham propped up by these same VCs. They dont want their baby to die just yet. Apparently Jump Capital owns a significant stake in Wormhole and is ready to sink such a huge amount to cover losses. + +In Solana, the top 1.34% of addresses owns 99% of the circulating supply. Most of the supply was sold to early VCs and insiders at a massive discount to retail. Insiders and bad actors like Chamath have publicly joked about using Solana as a vehicle to play their pumps and dumps out, leaving retail to hold the bags when the sham unfolds. + +VCs dont just sink in $300m to save the day, unless they have already taken out 50x that amount - that is what Solana has enabled them to do already. + +So a buncha SOL Shills be like hurr durr even ehtirium had hacks and was saved by fork. Well the DAO hack was solved by cryptography solutions (forking), not by VCs stepping into save the day. If you think both are the same, you clearly understand NOTHING about crypto whatsoever. The DAO hack and the hard fork took over a month to assess, propose solutions and resolve. It wasnt an overnight fix, like what solana is known for. + + +When Solana goes down - over night fix. + +When bridge hacked? - overnight fix. + +How long will Solana depend on overnight fixes to bail the network out? + +Edit: The mental gymnastics of SOlshills is just incredible. They have clearly consumed all the kool aid in the world to be supportive of this kind of institution manipulation. Yes, other projects also have VCs, and Eth projects have also been hacked. Yet none of the ETH projects have been bailed out in this manner by VCs and institutions. I have been extremely critical of ETH too. There is virtually a hack a day on Eth due to poor code or implementation or bugs, but none of the ETH project hacks have been "replenished" by institutions. If an ETH projects gets hacked and people lose money, well you are shit out of luck. As evidenced by hundreds of hacks and scams before. + +The first major Solana hack, and less than 24 hours later the institutions propping up solana claim they are bailing everyone out. If this is not the least bit suspicious to you, then you are just being slow boiled alive. + +Solana itself is a long term pump and dump that is devoid of any decentralisation and fundamentals except a bunch of whales propping it up. The tokenomics of every single Solana "ecosystem" project is puke worthy - from Serum to Raydium, Bonfida, Saber etc all have massive supply in the hands of a few, an incredibly high FDV and a low float and funny unlock mechanisms - perfect conditions for institutions to keep dumping on hapless retail investors like the ones supporting Solana in the comments here who dont understand anything about crypto or finance. +I’m jacked to the fuxking TITS. + +I love that guy. His writings are actually so well written. Can’t wait mate. Have a great day apes and remember not everyone has the greatest timing, that doesn’t make them a shill or compromised. I’ve let it wash over me. 10milli is my personal floor. + +Happy 4/20 - blaze it 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +NINJA EDIT: I do not know u/atobitt - rather I am a fan of the way he writes and presents English. + +He replied to me in a comment. I took it as “”DD coming soon.”” + +That’s all. + +I personally love you all. + +Don’t get hyped about 4/20 being a GME date, but remember - ALL SHORTS MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST COVERRRRRR!!!!!! + +💎💎💎💎❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💎💎💎💎💎 +**This is not financial nor investment advice. These are ideas and opinions for information purposes only.** + +*This post will read bottom to top. It's easier for people to refresh the page and see edits at the top* + +**Historical supports and resistances:** + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 156.5, 162.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 253, 256.5 + +**Edit 18 4:00PM:** + +Ending around 141.04, down 10.94%. Bit of a rally that kicked us up, allowing us to end around 140. + +See you all tomorrow! + +**Edit 17 3:41PM:** + +The apex of the wedge forms around Friday now. I've adjusted it. + +https://preview.redd.it/ijpt86uupss61.png?width=2129&format=png&auto=webp&s=a452007564a0a3d0b3998ca47533e2cdbe132c10 + +**Edit 16 3:35PM:** + +A crazy push on around 290k volume. We're settling down again and consolidating. Possible bull flag? + +https://preview.redd.it/ukakb55voss61.png?width=2140&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c93c35f20795f07a3ad8899d0d86f4d6f0f3e4c + +**Edit 15 2:59PM:** + +Power hour stream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJSDhyH60bU&ab\_channel=WardenElite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJSDhyH60bU&ab_channel=WardenElite) + +**Edit 14 2:32PM:** + +If we exclude the 9 million dollar put bar, seems Puts are helping push the price down today. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/8gh4j7qndss61.png?width=2476&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9edcc3f2d6d91f1b797166ea27fa347f9ff765d) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/ckverz8udss61.png?width=2262&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f158348319003b135494db78556a036e65032d1) + +**Edit 13 2:20PM:** + +https://preview.redd.it/a6z79ao1bss61.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=5469b9223eda38f315da1e1a9e3863340379dc59 + +**Edit 12 12:32AM:** + +Will be back in about an hour, got a quick meeting. I'll be streaming at 3PM during power hour. + +**Edit 11 11:55AM:** + +Funny thing about Calls. During the crash of 1987, people holding some Call options actually saw their options go UP in value. Even though the stock moved against their Calls, the Implied Volatility was so high that they actually made money lmao. + +**Edit 10 11:40AM:** + +As you can see, my Calls are printing negative money ;) + +Broader market taking a pretty heavy hit. Mostly tech stocks. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/006vfrmwirs61.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=756d7c18707833c7c657e1bb5201845f8f24ed45 + +**Edit 9 11:23AM:** + +TTM Squeeze not quite ready yet for a squeeze signal. IV is edging higher. We can expect to see more sideways trading until the second half of the week. + +https://preview.redd.it/xogm1x7egrs61.png?width=2168&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e560a12a824a0551ec8e43609bdbe1a61305b1d + +Typically, TTM Squeeze, when it gives a buy signal, will have red dots. Right now we see green, and we can possibly see a transition to red in the near term. Red dots happen when the Bollinger bands (grey) move inside the Keltner Channels (black). It's a sign of consolidation and potential energy buildup before a squeeze. + +[Picture from Mastering the Trade by John Carter](https://preview.redd.it/ml9ihedlgrs61.png?width=796&format=png&auto=webp&s=766aab5c2f10d411efdc7763232a0daa99d03094) + +**Edit 8 11:19AM:** + +Expect more sideways trading midday. + +**Edit 7 11:14AM:** + +On stream I went with an upside breakout. We are edging up, but not quite a breakout. + +**Edit 6 10:43AM:** + +Descending wedge, higher probability of a break to the downside, perhaps 132.5. + +https://preview.redd.it/570fa0jp8rs61.png?width=2142&format=png&auto=webp&s=94707c0e74beac0e0782dfad58875a39c206148f + +**Edit 5 10:17AM:** + +9 million worth of Puts sold. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/cskdoeb24rs61.png?width=2449&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4081c2b4752f02066064d4a2283cce3120983b8) + +**Edit 4 10:09AM:** + +Nothing alarming right now. No major red flags. + +**Edit 3 10:08AM:** + +Small mean reversion happening. Bounced at 140.39. + +**Edit 2 9:59AM:** + +Sell volume has picked up. SSR is triggered again. Hard floor of 120, but I don't think we'll hit it. + +https://preview.redd.it/2qlwq1fu0rs61.png?width=2139&format=png&auto=webp&s=1707722375a0accb785571ddbe90a11a417c63a9 + +**Edit 1 9:31AM:** + +<250k first minute candle. Low volume day? + +# Begin Reading Here + +Gooooooood morning my space astronauts! + +Hope everyone had a restful weekend. It's going to be a turbulent few days, so strap in your seatbelts, keep your hands tucked at your sides, and prepare yourself mentally for a rollercoaster of a week. + +I'll be streaming daily as usual: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo5nm9tQIRE&ab\_channel=WardenElite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo5nm9tQIRE&ab_channel=WardenElite) + +My Monday streams are more focused on lecture. I'll be going over how swing traders setup for a squeeze play, why GME looks like it's near ready for a squeeze, and how to play Call options during a play like this. I'll also go over margin calls, and examine what a margin call could look like by studying Viacom. + +# Premarket Analysis + +As you can see, we are near the support of a wedge that is weeks in the making. + +https://preview.redd.it/iiijn50ntqs61.png?width=2140&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc6459d6ae21b4fda7cb4d13255aa5f9eec3dbb6 + +Seems we are net sideways in the premarket. I wouldn't be surprised if we dip to 155 sometime this morning before a bounce. + +https://preview.redd.it/y5lfuxleuqs61.png?width=2132&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc907146691c6df31559788be604f4444f29f964 +Making my first big jump. Currently my biggest unit is an 8 Plex and I am under contract to close on a 84 units at $35,000/unit. Going through the DD and all that and just SCARED that I am missing something big and going to lose my A@@. + +Anyone else have these feelings on their first big purchase! +I live a few hundred yards down the street from a club. Golf membership is $600/mo, social is $250/mo. Social gets access to the pool but its only open memorial day thru labor day. I golf a few times a year but i'm no good. We have winter here so no golf from Nov thru Mar. I think there is an in-between membership that gets like 10 rounds of golf/year. I'm thinking these would be tough checks to stroke in the middle of winter, unless the social aspect is worth it. My wife & I are 40ish with not much to do during the day when kids are in school. +There seems to be some ambiguity in the precise outcome if shareholders DRS a huge number of shares to ComputerShare. It would be nice to get the definitive answers, but I'm not sure we need it. + + + + + + + +Look at the share price since the DRS wave started (Wednesday to Friday), we've seen the price tick upwards. We're up 11.5% this week. + + + + + + + + + + +I think it's important to keep pushing for everyone to DRS their shares. This puts buying pressure on the brokers and the SHF. My guess the DRS push is forcing brokers that benefit from margin account to go out on the lit exchanges and by GME shares, so they cover the loaned shares that are transfered to CS. Also, some apes are buying more GME shares, because they want to keep their existing shares ready for MOASS and buying more to help the DRS momentum. Also, international apes are buying more (me included) because a lot of international brokers don't allow transfer of existing shares to CS, so we are buying more with brokers like IBKR that do allow international DRS. +I’m currently an individual contributor at a large (non-FAANG) software company. I’ve spent my entire career here, from intern, spanning a bit over a decade (I’m early 30s). According to levels.fyi, my current position best aligns with Google’s L6, Facebook’s E6, or Microsoft’s level 66. I report directly to a VP, whose other IC direct reports are L7-equivalent. I’m on track for promotion to L7-equivalent (potentially this year, realistically next year) and have been told that I have L8-equivalent potential. + +On one hand, staying with one company has given me a lot of advantages. For my current level, I’m on friendly terms with a disproportionate number of the most senior engineers in the company. I have opportunities to present at company-wide and external/customer-facing events. I find the technical work I do fulfilling and enjoy working with the set of tech leads I delegate to. + +However, bureaucracy and politics are starting to wear me down. I don’t spend nearly as much time working directly with code as I’d like. And I’ve been here so long that I’m suspect I’m under-compensated despite better-than-average raises each year (salary is ~$250k, which is just above the midpoint for my payband, and total comp is ~$475k). I think it's time to make some sort of change. + +My net worth is around $1.5mm plus a stake in passive partnership (currently hard to value, potentially trending to $0, but ~$250k pre-pandemic) and some crypto (~$500k depending on the day). Call it $1.5mm stable plus $.75mm very-high-risk. My spending is currently ~$100k/year. + +I’ve been trying to limit lifestyle inflation, but ultimately, my goal is a comfortably fat retirement (potentially for more than just me). As a wild ballpark, I’d like to have enough for ~$200k+/year spending, so I figure I’ll need ~$5mm NW. + +I feel like I have a wide range of paths ahead of me: + +1. Continue on this trajectory. I’m working 45-50 hours/week, which is a bit higher than I’d like. I’d aim for L7-equivalent in a year, L8-equivalent 3-5 years after that, and retire a few years later. Call it retirement in ~8 years. I see early warning signs of burnout, which I suspect is the biggest risk with this option. +2. Take my foot off the gas and relax. I could drop to ~35 hours/week on my current product and do my best to just ignore the politics. Or I could transfer to some officially-funded low-pressure side project and focus on writing code. This likely means just getting small raises, small equity grants, and on-par bonuses, so my math suggests that this would shift retirement out to ~12 years. +3. Find something intrinsically fulfilling, even if it doesn't pay well. Hop to a non-profit or something. Live off whatever small income that provides while my nest egg grows. This might mean working for ~20 years, but maybe it wouldn't feel like work. +4. Hop companies. I’m writing so little code these days that I worry this would be a gamble. I have a clear reputation where I’m at, and a large [internal] commit history I can point to; I implemented some key parts of several products, so no one thinks of me as an “armchair architect”. Rebuilding that trust in a new environment while I’m rusty seems like it’d be stressful, and hurt my work/life balance. Best case, I think this could give me a pay bump without derailing my promotion timetable too significantly, potentially getting me to my goal even faster than (1). Worst case, it may add a lot of stress but give me a time table closer to (2). [But maybe some of this is just imposter syndrome?] + +I've tried modeling this by looking at the total free time I'd have over the rest of my life (based on actuarial tables) and giving free-time-when-young a higher weight than free-time-when-old. That's steering me towards (2) as while I end up working about 50% longer than (1) in terms of calendar time, it's only 25% more hours and I wind up with about the same amount of "weighted" free-time. + +Shifting from (1) to (2) definitely feels like the wrong career move, but I suppose that's why this is a /r/fatFIRE post and not a generic career question. I also can't help but feel like I'm leaving money on the table here, especially considering how many people in the industry opt for (4). What other factors should I be thinking about? + +---- + +I have verified my income, employer, and most of my $1.5 million in stable assets with mods, and I have messaged /u/WealthyStoic to request verified post flair. +Hi folks, +trying to educate myself here after a life lived in financial illiteracy. +I'm a 38 oddjobber/artist based in Germany, haven't saved any money ever or paid to any pension plan, but don't have any debt either and know well how to live frugally. I keep thinking, it's time to put something aside, and being selfemployed it's all on me to figure it out, and it's somewhat daunting. I keep hearing about these magical passive index funds that eventually amount to something if you don't touch them for a really long time, but I wonder if I should have a more traditional retirement savings plan first like it says in the FAQ...I mean I can't really sock away more than €100 a month in the near future at least, but I figure I gotta start somewhere! +I'm not sure if anyone else has been tracking this closely but as a young professional who is excluded from Roth Contributions I highly relied on the "back-door" Roth strategy. As a self employed individual I also have set up a Solo 401k to take advantage of the Mega back door strategy to get ahead for retirement for the first time this year (which looked like a huge waste of time right up until today). I am thrilled to see these provisions have been dropped in the most recent version of the BBBA Bill and look forward to seeing more details about this being dropped in the coming days. + +Edit: Linked article + +[Retirement, Mega Roth Provisions Dropped from Reconciliation Bill](https://www.asppa.org/news/browse-topics/retirement-mega-roth-provisions-dropped-reconciliation-bill?fbclid=IwAR2SL0iNwAccCbRjYcRCVk0o2O-8B2Bytohb75FAqCLExWWMc0qfXPMYI30) +Hi UKPF, + +Do any of you have a Costco subscription and think it’s worth it? There is a Costco reasonably local to me and I qualify for membership but am unsure of how much use it actually is. + +From my perspective it seems like it’s a massive version of Lidl? But happy to stand corrected on that point. + +Did already try searching this sub for relevant info but the last similar thread was a bit out of date from 7 years ago). + +Thanks! +Text translation: This is a warning from Americans. Do not trust this business with your money. They have done a lot of harm in America. They have committed fraud and say there are good. They are evil. +**Series Intro: (I am getting increasingly worried about the amount of warning signals that are flashing red for hyperinflation- I believe the process has already begun, as I will lay out in this paper. The first stages of hyperinflation begin slowly, and as this is an exponential process, most people will not grasp the true extent of it until it is too late.** I know I’m going to gloss over a lot of stuff going over this, sorry about this but I need to fit it all into four posts without giving everyone a 400 page treatise on macro-economics to read. Counter-DDs and opinions welcome. This is going to be a lot longer than a normal DD, but I promise the pay-off is worth it, knowing the history is key to understanding where we are today.) + +&#x200B; + +# This is a continuation of [Part 4.0](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/png8nu/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)- If you haven't already, PLEASE go back and read the prior sections before continuing. + +# + +*I want to caveat the below by stating that I do not think a potential hyperinflation in the U.S. would look the exact same as Weimar Germany. We have had 100 years of technological and social advancement, and thus it would manifest very differently today. The 1920’s German hyperinflation is a worst-case scenario, but it is vital to understand the history to analyze the similar situation which our nation faces.* + +&#x200B; + +# Hyperinflation Begins + +&#x200B; + +As 1921 dragged on, the fiscal situation continued to worsen. **The German Government faced an impossible situation: they could either choose to hike taxes to over double their current rates (which were already high due to tax hikes authorized during wartime), which would most certainly cause a political revolution in Germany and potential default; or they could continue to print their deficits, and hope that the Allies wouldn’t seize German assets or that the rising cost of living would cause food shortages and riots. They continued down the path of money printing, unaware that they were steering their country ever more rapidly into the abyss.** + +In March 1921, [France occupied German ports](https://www.businessinsider.com/weimar-the-real-story-of-the-devastating-collapse-that-haunts-the-eurozone-today-2012-10#during-the-war-the-german-government-used-extensive-propaganda-to-hide-the-inflation-from-the-population-2), due to increasing frustration on the side of the Allies of the Germans’ inability to pay. The Rhine ports of Duisburg, Ruhrort, and Dusseldorf were seized, which further reduced the ability of exporting businesses to sell their products, driving their shares down on the exchanges. The next month, another devastating blow was dealt as the Commission finalized the determination of Germany’s War reparations. Adam Ferguson continues: + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 36\)](https://preview.redd.it/pfugql21jvn71.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce6d0320415afcd9ca98226d78811c7dcede2b5e) + +With the political situation becoming more volatile, large banks and wealthy Germans began to sell their marks on the foreign exchange. At the beginning of the negotiations, this had begun as a slight trickle, as most educated Germans believed that the Treasury officials would right the ship, balance the government budget, and be able to pull Germany out of the quagmire. + +&#x200B; + +But, as the situation deteriorated through 1920 and 1921, bankers, speculators, merchantmen, and wealthy industrialists all began dumping marks on the exchanges, further driving down the value of the mark and thus increasing the import prices of foreign goods for Germans. **By July 1921, the German merchant banks began ordering foreign exchange traders to sell all holdings of paper marks- at any price that was bid.** + +&#x200B; + +Soon, the general public joined in. Anyone with any excess wealth held in marks took them to the exchanges to sell and convert to more stable currencies, further adding to the dumping of marks on the exchange and crushing its value in foreign exchange markets. Capital had begun fleeing the country en masse. + +&#x200B; + +Meanwhile, inflation continued to soar. As the Treasury continued to spend, it found that the prices it was paying for goods and services (worker pay, food, oil, coal, steel, etc) kept rising, which in turn increased the amount of money the Treasury itself needed to spend just to keep the government running. + +&#x200B; + +**This increased demand for new currency fell on the Reichsbank, who readily printed it into existence and handed it to the Treasury- thus representing ANOTHER devastating feedback loop that would lead to an exponentially increasing money supply.** + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 46\)](https://preview.redd.it/gjz452dyivn71.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba20eecf3614d8a820fa5d014a1c7bcaad20d3da) + +&#x200B; + +Furthermore, as seen above, the Tax system could not keep up. The bankers and the wealthy industrialists had already moved the bulk of their wealth overseas or into foreign currencies, and the middle class, squeezed by the ravages of inflation, had no patience for any increase in taxation. + +&#x200B; + +**Like most industrialized nations, the government collected most taxes on a yearly basis, but with inflation growing past 100% by the winter of 1921, the annual taxes were basically a moot point.** If the government charged an individual with a 100 mark tax liability, and he paid it a year later, it would only be worth approximately 16 marks or so- and the longer he deferred it, the less he would have to pay (in real terms). + +&#x200B; + +Other sources of government revenue, such as railway fares, patent fees, coal taxes, and import duties, were fixed at low pre-war levels. The large and complex German bureaucracy made changing these fees extremely difficult, and even when they could adjust these fees, they could never raise them fast enough or often enough to keep up with inflation. + +&#x200B; + +When the government needed taxes the most, the population began a mass program of tax evasion, due to both anger at the current incompetence of the Weimar government and the rapidly rising inflation. **Thus, the government had no response but to continue to increase their request for printed notes from the Reichsbank, as all other sources of financing (taxation and borrowing) were slowly being cut off.** + +&#x200B; + +[\(Hyperinflationary Positive Feedback Loop\)](https://preview.redd.it/b8310dw8jvn71.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7af063ca7ad75da2a72bd661e6120644e706086) + +&#x200B; + + **European bankers soberly concluded that it was impossible for Germany to continue to pay her payments to the Entente, and sooner or later she would have to declare herself bankrupt.** The state of the mark on the foreign exchanges continued to deteriorate. It had somewhat stabilized in mid-August at 310 to the pound, but had sped downwards to over 400 by mid-September, and was still going down. (pg 45). + +&#x200B; + +**By October 1921, the state of the budget was sombre. In terms of paper marks, the sum of the governments’ ordinary expenditure plus the reparation payments to the Allies was more than 191 Billion Marks. The revenue from the previous budget and new taxation proposals of July would only amount to 152 Billion Marks. (pg 49, paraphrased).** + +&#x200B; + +In November, a buying frenzy had begun. Seeing the steady decline of the mark, throngs of people rushed to stores to buy out their stocks. Cash accounts were emptied at the banks, and safety deposit boxes were stripped of all contents except gold and silver as prices began to skyrocket in terms of paper marks. Store shelves were stripped bare, and black markets of food and manufactured goods quickly developed. British Embassy Councillor Addison observed the scene: + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 57\).](https://preview.redd.it/3mlgo77gjvn71.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=00000cabb201283b0675f05e355c76d829bba382) + +&#x200B; + +That same month, mass strikes began across the country. In Berlin for instance, Addison reported that he had to work in his office in semi-darkness due to a strike of municipal electrical workers. + +This strike was only broken by a promise of wage increases all around, involving an extra expenditure of $400 million marks, pushing the State budget even further underwater. He commented “the impossibility of the working classes to obtain even obvious necessities except at exorbitant prices, coupled with severe winter setting in, might lead to serious trouble.” (pg 58). + +The mark, already in serious trouble, dropped to over 1,300 to the pound in late November. Food riots began taking place in Berlin. + +&#x200B; + +[\(Lines of Shoppers outside Grocer, 1922\)](https://preview.redd.it/4r9vz8xjjvn71.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=73675d36f334a96e284e7dbcbffbf5773fdc8f8a) + +&#x200B; + +With essential goods shortages becoming more and more frequent, people began lining up in queues hours before stores opened. Those who had the means hoarded dozens of pounds of food, saving much of it for their families and selling any extra on the black markets for exorbitant profits, as black market prices were often 30% higher than in-store. + +To the anger of the beleaguered Germans, foreigners of all stripes began to pour in and purchase everything off the shelves. French citizens poured in by the thousands, as even the common working man could now afford items in the high-end boutique stores, due to the favorable exchange rates. + +Europeans from all around wined and dined in the most exclusive restaurants, buying out all the finest entrees and cakes. Workers could only helplessly watch from the windows as the citizens of the victorious nations now rushed in to engorge themselves on cheap German goods. + +The first few months of 1922 offered no reprieve. Food prices continued to soar, and theft in stores became commonplace. By the end of March, the prices had soared another 50% compared to the previous December. + +Gambling on the stock exchanges became rampant. As capital continued to lose value daily, the opening of the stock exchanges became a national pastime, with hundreds of thousands of Germans, from bellboys to cab drivers, dumping any extra funds into the exchanges in some hope of keeping up with the rapid inflation. + +The favorites were firms of heavy industry, of steel, coal, or iron, as well as agricultural production or clothing manufacturers- really anything that dealt in real goods. The clearing houses were days behind in settling trades as the volumes were soaring to levels never seen before. + +&#x200B; + +By July 1922, Mr. Seeds, the Consul-General in Munich, wrote to say that his chauffeurs’ weekly expenditure on food alone was now more than 550% more than than a year ago. Rarer items, like butter and marmalade, could not be had for less than 8 times their price the previous year, and could only be found on the black markets, which were outlawed by the Congress. + +The foreigners who had bought up entire stores full of goods now set their sights on German real estate. Prices for land were soaring in terms of marks, but even they could not keep up with the rapidly rising exchange rate- this meant that in terms of foreign currency, the price of homes was actually falling. Wealthy French, Italian, British, and Japanese businessmen began buying up swaths of real estate for literal pennies on the dollar. + +**The wealthy took advantage of the rapid collapse by taking out massive loans to buy assets, as the real value of the debt collapsed due to the rampant inflation. Hugo Stinnes, an industrialist and multi-millionaire, became infamous nationwide, as he built a manufacturing empire which held one-sixth of the country’s total industrial production.** + +**He saw his debt payments for his factories inflated away as the Reichsbank’s printing presses continued to churn out marks in ever increasing quantities during 1922.** He justified inflation as a means of guaranteeing full employment- It was, he maintained, the only way whereby “the life of the people could be sustained” (pg 74). + +Lord D’Abernon, British Councillor to the Ambassador in Berlin, wrote in his entry for July 10, 1922: + +“The whole sky is overcast and gloomy. The fall of the mark continues- today it is at 2,430, or about half the price of a month ago. Prices are rising, and will soon be double the level of June 1, wages and salaries must be adjusted. Adjusted to what?” (pg 81). + +In the four weeks of July the index of wholesale prices had risen from 9,000 to 14,000, another monthly rise of over 50%. The Frankfurter Zeitung recorded that wholesale price of goods had gone up by 139 times since before the war; of leather and textiles by 219 times. An egg which had once cost 4 pfennigs now cost 7.20 marks, a 180-fold increase. A bank clerk’s annual salary, would therefore only keep his family alive for about a month. + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 85\). ](https://preview.redd.it/i8swmql1kvn71.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=54321e66c68083a271b75c81642f4ee72754ceb8) + +&#x200B; + +The excessive rise in the cost of living put more and more pressure on employers. **Government officials were granted a 38% salary increase on August 1, and workers an additional 12 marks an hour- a further burden of 125 Billion marks on the State budget.** There were no plans to meet this besides a 50% increase in railway fares and another increase in postal rates, which only provided a fraction of the needed revenue. + +To say that the inflation was ravaging the middle classes was an understatement. The German Ministry of Education came out in early 1922 stating that they found the average school child two years behind in development, both physically and intellectually, due to the lack of available bread and milk, as well as the children being pulled out of school to work to provide for their families. + +In wealthy neighborhoods, lower- class mothers were seen searching the garbage bins for discarded food, in hopes of finding their children something to eat. The fate of the elderly, was far worse however. Their fixed pensions and savings held in government bonds had been inflated away, so much so that some could not even afford a single apple. With no salary, they had no way of keeping up with the skyrocketing costs of living. Many began to starve and beg in the streets. ([pg 87](https://imgur.com/gallery/Eew6vSN)) + +**Meanwhile, the politicians continued to deny that the printing press was the cause of their woes.** Dr. Rathenau, the Minister of Reconstruction, began to claim that a *rise* in the value of the mark should immediately worry the populace, as any strengthening of the mark against other currencies likely would cause increased bankruptcies across all major industries as debts become comparatively more expensive to pay. The Chancellor echoed this note: + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 89- milliards means billions\)](https://preview.redd.it/8rwy9f3bkvn71.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=988c76a19719ba9102b2c85be75577979ecd2805) + +&#x200B; + +It was no surprise that with real wages plummeting, bribery and corruption became rampant. Workers at the patent offices would demand large cash bribes, sometimes of 1,000 marks or more, to file patents, and government officials of all types began adding exorbitant fees which they personally collected instead of sending to the State coffers. + +The only people living with any comfort were those living off the country- farmers, ranchers, and the like had the readiest access to real values, and their products, primarily food, continued to rise in price, increasing their profits. Any land debts they owed were evaporating before their eyes- a mortgage of 7 years’ standing had been 399/400ths paid off by inflation alone. **The end of August 1922 marked another grisly milestone, as the mark plunged past 9,000 to the pound- more than 3 times its level just two months prior (108).** + +Those who owned land, houses, manufactured goods, precious metals, and raw materials were the only ones whose wealth remained intact. For all others, the mark’s plunge by this time had destroyed virtually all of their wealth. + +On September 9 1922 the financial authorities announced that in the previous ten days 23 billion marks had been printed and distributed, representing 10% of the total circulation of paper in the country. The newspapers recorded, “**The daily production of the Federal printing press has now risen to 2.6 Billion paper marks. In the course of this month it will be increased to 4 billion paper marks per day, at which figure it is hoped the shortage of money will definitely be overcome**” (pg 111). + +&#x200B; + +[German CPI](https://preview.redd.it/im9x03ejkvn71.jpg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd8eeef62504185a738ad419e8307f6cb896059) + +In October 1922, the situation continued to worsen. The mark seemed to enter a state of free fall, falling from 9,000 to 13,000 in a matter of weeks. September’s 26-mark litre of milk became October’s 50 mark litre. Butter at 50 marks a pound in April could only be had now for 480. The price of a single egg had also doubled, to 14 marks. At the end of October, the mark had slid again, to over 18,000 to the Pound. + +The disparity between the rise of the cost of living and the rise in wages had now become very marked. Whereas the former had gone up by about 1,500 times, the wages of the miner- the best paid worker in Germany- had gone up by barely 200 times. With the mark in Mid-November at 27,000 to the pound, and prices following course, even the highest paid workers were unable to purchase the barest necessities of life. The others- especially those on fixed incomes, suffered accordingly (113-114). + +&#x200B; + +[\(117\)- Money Velocity Increasing](https://preview.redd.it/upx21a7wkvn71.png?width=805&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b8ecfdcf68c31752c74c3b43bf7ef76321210f6) + +&#x200B; + +Social and political unrest continued. Hatred of all foreigners, but especially Jews, became widespread, as the popular explanation was that the Allies and the Jews were collaborating together to manipulate the exchanges and drive the mark ever downwards. The newspapers, goaded on by government officials anxious to drive the public anger away from themselves, propagated and supported these theories. + +In the third week of November, there were serious collisions between police and crowds of angry workers across Germany after they demanded a 100% wage increase and threatened to strike. In Dresden there was a fierce outbreak against the cost of living, with provision shops looted and damage estimated at 100 million marks. This was followed by a noisy display of xenophobia in front of the hotels which housed the foreigners- whose presence in the country was commonly supposed to be the cause of the rise in prices. Food riots followed in Braunschweig and in Berlin. + +Mr. Seeds’ chauffeur still instinctively regarded the mark as being as good as gold, failing to realize how desperately sick it had become. His records in December reported that milk which had cost him 78 marks a litre in the first week of November cost him 202 marks a month later. Butter had risen from 800 to 2,000 marks a lb, sugar from 90 a lb to 220, eggs from 22 each to 30. Meat of any kind was practically unavailable, as sausage skyrocketed to 1,400 marks per lb. + +&#x200B; + +# 1923- The Year of the Wheelbarrow + +&#x200B; + +Even more monetary chaos was yet to come. The French, Belgian, and Italian members of the Reparation Commission, with Britain dissenting, decided on January 9th, 1923, that Germany had been in voluntary default on her coal and timber deliveries under the peace treaty. + +There was then no legal way from preventing Poincare (French Commissioner) from carrying out his threats of invasion. On January 11th, French and Belgium forces crossed the border and seized the Ruhr “for the purposes of securing deliveries”, beginning a formal occupation of the valley. The French Prime Minister warned that sanctions and “coercive measures” would be used if necessary. + +&#x200B; + +[\(French soldiers entering The Ruhr\)](https://preview.redd.it/glcc6yw2lvn71.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb5dc598a2e5676a3ad31fc982870ea869f60cb8) + +&#x200B; + +The Ruhr Valley represented the beating industrial heart of Germany, and accounted for the vast majority of her manufacturing power. The populace there, many of which were war veterans with undying patriotism for the fatherland, began a mass campaign of passive resistance, called “Ruhrkampf”. Hardly anyone worked; hardly anything ran. Coal mining was halted. The population there - 2 million workers, 6 million souls- had to be supported by the rest of the country. + +The German economy was now called upon to subsidize an open-ended strike, and denied the most important domestic products and raw materials- coal, iron, and steel- and was also robbed of its substantial earnings from the Rhine-Ruhr exports. The Exchequer (Treasury) was itself deprived of all the normal tax revenue from a huge portion of the nations’ industry, as well as the coal tax and railway fares. All railway lines within and out of the Ruhr were shut down, as workers refused to operate them, and in some cases, blew the tracks up (122). + +&#x200B; + +[\(127\). ](https://preview.redd.it/5z6t4jlblvn71.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc25a98f6ca800e6317fde26046d3c10a412f85f) + +&#x200B; + +**The significance of the loss of the Ruhr cannot be understated. With her industries no longer producing, and millions out of work, refugees from the Ruhr flooded into the rest of Germany. Goods shortages became even more severe as thousands of farms and factories in the Ruhr were left unattended. Fewer goods being produced meant that prices had to rise even more to account for the shortages.** + +Hemingway, visiting from France, recorded in March 1923 for the Toronto Daily Star that champagne cost 38,000 marks a bottle, and lunch 3,500 marks. + +In March, April, and May of 1923 the government’s income was less than a third of its expenditure. The state of the budget continued to worsen. The Reichsbank, printing out trillions of marks a day, began to run out of ink. + +**The officials resolved, therefore, to only print the markings on one side of the bill to save ink. They then ordered periodicals and newspapers to cut down issuance so that their ink and paper could be appropriated for use by the printing presses. Between May 1st and may 31st the mark fell from 220,000 to 320,000 to the pound. The 1st of June was celebrated with the issuance of the first five-million mark note (pg 137).** + +Petty crime, the crime of desperation, was flourishing. Pilfering had of course been rife since the war, but now it began to occur on a larger, commercial scale. Metal plaques on national monuments were removed. The lead was beginning to disappear overnight from roofs. Petrol was siphoned from tanks of motor cars. + +Barter was already a usual form of exchange, but now commodities such as brass and fuel were becoming the currency of ordinary purchase and payment. A cinema seat cost a lump of coal. Shirts were priced in potatoes. “The Middle Ages have come back,” a German remarked. (139). + +&#x200B; + +[Wheelbarrows of Cash](https://preview.redd.it/asvlkkuflvn71.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a1bd0dda3dfcce36ff4ed6c54a536e79ce892c8) + +There were stories of shoppers who found that thieves had stolen the baskets and suitcases in which they carried their money- leaving the money itself lying on the ground. Workers who had collected paychecks monthly just a few years before, now demanded daily payment- and they brought wheelbarrows with which to pick up their cash. + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 142- A Milliard here means a Billion\)](https://preview.redd.it/7238snbtlvn71.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba25bcbe5898c640f58192870c2e2694fd16d71) + +&#x200B; + +Prices for everything exploded exponentially higher. The announcement of the exchange rates via the radio became commonplace in shops, as shopkeepers wanted to be updated every minute. Shoppers who walked in to buy cheese, for instance, found that the cost had risen from 6,000 marks to 8,000 marks per pound by the time they left the store. + +Tradesmen could not know how to establish prices, and often simply shut up shop. Cafes began requiring down payments on coffee as the price would double in an hour, and the owners wanted to be sure the customers could pay. + +The sickening truth that was beginning to set in was that as prices rose, the demand for money itself rose. With nearly all food prices upwards of 10,000 marks per pound, the country needed billions of marks per day of new notes to satisfy these prices. They were stuck in a vicious cycle that seemed to drive them ever further into the depths of monetary destruction. + +**During the last days of June 1923, the mark sank from 600,000 to 800,000 to the pound, as the Reichsbank, desperate for foreign currency, was printing marks wholesale and selling them in order to purchase other currencies on the exchange. A month later, the mark would trade at 5,000,000 to the pound.** + +Companies began to pay workers in shoes, or leather, or anything else they could get their hands on. Many businesses began to refuse accepting marks altogether- unless they had ready means of getting rid of them immediately. The Reichsbank, running out of paper, requested all forms of paper be turned in for use by the presses. + +&#x200B; + +[Ratio of Paper Marks to Gold Marks](https://preview.redd.it/g9pengv1mvn71.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=020bfc5bdbfee9ac9647b64721c7b7c742aa430b) + +Pay raises became daily occurrences. Those firms and cities that did not comply faced mass rioting and looting of their businesses. The demand for money continued to exponentially increase, with one company in Coblenz reporting that it needed $300 Billion marks in cash on Monday in order to stave off riots from the union workers. + +The Reichsbank in early August promised to print locally a trillion marks per day- 2,500 times that which had been printed daily 8 months before. Again the government ordered price increases of 400% for railway fares, and 140,000% increases for income and corporation taxes. A few days later it was proposed to be 600,000% increase. Even if the taxes worked, it would not have reduced the budget imbalance by half (pg 165). + +On August 17, Dr. Havenstein, President of the Reichsbank, stated with pride “Today we issue 20 Trillion marks of new money daily… In the next week, the bank will have increased this to 46 Trillion daily. The total money supply at present amounts to $63 Trillion- thus we will be able to issue, in a few days, 66% of the total prior circulation. Before he spoke the mark was trading at 12.5 million to the pound, within 48 hours it collapsed to 22 million to the pound. + +The state of the people was desperate. **Farmers, seeing the monetary chaos unleashed by the Reichsbank, withheld their produce and meat from the cities. Bakers hoarded their bread, as each passing day they waited to sell, the prices climbed even more.** + +**This created the perverse scenario where farms were filled with food, and barns bursting with produce- but nothing at all to eat in the cities, where mass starvation began.** Looting of grocery markets became commonplace, so they shut down. Tens of thousands began dying of starvation. A general state of famine was unfolding across Germany- as recorded by a British businessman: + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 199\)](https://preview.redd.it/bvd1y8ocmvn71.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=8113f2d882d77d43492b3852e6e324bdaa0765e4) + +&#x200B; + +The Nazi party, unknown to most before 1922, exploded in popularity. On September 2, 1923, 100,000 demonstrators gathered for a rally at Nuremburg, where Hitler stood and launched a virulent attack upon the government, which was about to surrender Germany’s honour to France. Within a week, sometimes speaking 5 or 6 times a day, Hitler was calling for the installation of a national dictatorship. + +The government, hungry for anything that still held value, ordered soldiers to raid cafes in Berlin, forcing customers at gunpoint to hand over all foreign currencies. The soldiers only collected a few thousand dollars worth of money, but the exercise demonstrated not only the futility of the policy, but the desperation of an advanced industrial nation which was unable to find bidders in a foreign market for their marks. + +**British Councillor to the Ambassador, Addison, recorded on September 9th, 1923 that the mark had collapsed from 300 million to the pound to 500 million just in the last 24 hours.** In an act of desperation, everyone, Ministers and the Chancellor included, were hoarding all the food they could, and refused to pay taxes. The only impediment to the distribution of food was the lack of negotiable currency to pay for it. + +By late September, the Reichsbank was printing 3.2 Quadrillion marks per week, an astounding amount which only purchased a measly 5.2 million Pounds. Calculating prices became near impossible, as the dizzying numbers were hard to contemplate. + +&#x200B; + +[\(The cash needed to buy a single loaf of bread, Oct 1923\)](https://preview.redd.it/tmpe58bfmvn71.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=175785e0829d266d3a0807bc11cb6f7813f6ff3c) + +&#x200B; + +The Government’s control of the political, let alone financial situation, was near the breaking point. On September 26th, Stresemann, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, suspended the Weimar Constitution, declared a State of Emergency, and gave executive powers to Herr Gessler, the Defense Minister. The transfer was a formality- Effectively, from then on, for five months, General von Seeckt, Commander in Chief of the Reichswehr (Weimar Army), was the supreme executive power in the land. There were whispers of a military coup in the streets. + +**On October 15, the marks’ rate against the pound passed 18 billion. Six days later, it was at 80 billion. At the end of the month, the total M1 money supply (bills in circulation) amounted to 2,496,822,909,038,000,000- or 2.49 Quintillion marks. The mark traded Oct 31st at 310 Billion to the pound.** + +As November started, a new man, Dr. Schacht was appointed as Commissioner of the Currency. The state of the National Budget was appalling. In the previous 10 days, Federal spending had exceeded revenue by 1,000 times. The financial statements of the State included on every page a reminder that all figures were in Quadrillions. + +**The cost of living index, taking 1914 as 1, had risen from September’s average of 15 million, to 3.6 billion in October, and reached 218 Billion on November 12, 1923.** + +Dr. Schacht ordered the immediate halt of the printing press on November 15. Havenstein, the President of the Reichsbank, was furious. Schacht recorded that all the unissued paper marks then in the hands of the Reichsbank, would have filled 300 ten-ton railway wagons. + +**The mark, already in freefall, had too much downward momentum, and thus continued it’s parabolic decline. 12 Trillion to the Pound on November 15- then 18 Trillion to the Pound just 5 days later.** + +Schacht announced the creation of a new currency- the Rentenmark, which was to be backed by land. + +&#x200B; + +[\(pg 206\)](https://preview.redd.it/4evlmecmmvn71.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=bedeb584615fe50e1104bbcbbfd2f6972ab5b298) + +&#x200B; + +By November 30, 500 million Rentenmarks went into circulation. This finally did the trick- as there was a fixed issuance of notes, and they had been backed by a scarce commodity like land, the people, exhausted from the chaos of the months before, readily switched to the Rentenmark. Prices stabilized, exchange rates normalized, and food started flowing back into the city markets. The new money was accepted, despite the fact that it was an inconvertible paper currency. It was held and not spent as rapidly. + +**The exchange rate from the paper mark to the old gold marks was 1,000,000,000,000 to 1- one Trillion old marks for each gold mark. The previous exchange rate before the war had been 4:1. The total old paper mark note circulation (M1 Money Supply) had ended November at 400 Quintillion.** + +By December, the food shortages had completely resolved, and the political situation stabilized somewhat. The Weimar Republic would exist for another decade, until 1933, when the Nazi Party, led by Hitler, took over the government and permanently suspended the constitution. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Smooth Brain Summary: + +Germany entered WW1 due to a complex web of alliances that dragged it into conflict via Austria Hungary declaring war on Serbia in 1914. + +Millions of men died, and enormous amounts of infrastructure were destroyed. The German state loaded itself up with debts to pay for the war, and spending continued to increase after the War, setting the nation up for a monetary disaster. + +As no financing options were available, the State decided to allow the Reichsbank to print the State deficits, so that they could come up with the money needed to pay reparations payments and keep government services functioning. + +Inflation began soaring in 1921, and devastating feedback loops came into effect. German banks began dumping marks on the exchange, and capital began fleeing the country. Social confidence in the mark deteriorated, and money velocity started to accelerate. Inflation reached into the thousands of percent. + +Furious that they were being paid in ever more worthless paper marks, the French occupied the German Ruhr river valley in early 1923. This was the last straw, as the Ruhr was the industrial heartland. Goods became even more scarce, and prices raced upwards. + +In mid-1923, the mark, already in a hyperinflation, began to go parabolic. Food shortages became common, and riots and political turmoil followed. Radical elements, like Hitler, grew in popularity. + +Things were finally stabilized in late November 1923 with a monetary reset- a new currency was introduced, one that was backed by land, and monetary velocity + inflation finally began to fall, prices stabilized. The seeds were sown for the Nazis’ ascent to power a decade later. + +&#x200B; + +# Epilogue: + +We’ve covered in depth the rapid collapse of the mark and Germany’s descent into the abyss of hyperinflation. The next sections will focus on the United States in the present day, and the dilemma the Fed faces- how to deal with the insurmountable debt levels now permeating the entire American economy and Federal Gov’t- and their ultimate dilemma; whether to destroy the Treasury (by raising rates) or destroy the Dollar (by printing it to oblivion). + +As we continue through this series, I want you to reflect on the factors present in Weimar Germany in 1919 before the collapse, compared to the modern U.S. Of course Weimar is not a perfect analogue to the US, we are 100 years more advanced technologically, more socially progressive, and not under threat of military invasion. That being said, there are important similarities. + +Factors: + +* **Massive, unpayable government debt** +* **Rapidly increasing Federal deficit spending** +* Tax evasion, especially by the wealthy +* Recently lost a costly war +* **Exponentially growing money supply** +* Inflationary Feedback Loops +* **Rising Inflation** +* Increasing political polarization +* **Social and moral decay of the upper classes; decline of institutions** +* **Increasing wealth inequality; Mass amounts of homeless veterans** +* Increasing xenophobia +* End of debt cycle + mass bankruptcies of companies +* **Political turmoil, riots against the establishment** +* Profiteering by wealthy industrialists to buy up huge swaths of real estate +* Banks using backchannels to move capital out of the country +* **Massive loss of industrial manufacturing** (In Germany, due to War/Occupation- in the US, due to China) +* **Shortages of goods** +* **Evaporation of the Middle Classes** +* **Rapidly rising home + asset prices** +* Gambling on the stock exchanges (WSB in general, except GME) +* Rampant corruption and greed in government offices +* Central banks buying massive amounts of government debt +* Politicians’ continual denial of the worsening inflation + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# BUY, HODL, BUCKLE UP. + +# >>>>>>>TO BE CONTINUED >>>>>>> PART 4.2 “AT WORLD’S END” + +&#x200B; + +**(Adding this to clear up FUD- My argument is for hyperinflation to begin in a few years- this is a years- long PROCESS, and will take a long time to play out. It won't happen tomorrow, but we are in the same situation as Germany after WW1. BUY AND HOLD.** + +*Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. From reading my Post I cannot assess anything about your personal circumstances, your finances, or your goals and objectives, all of which are unique to you, so any opinions or information contained on this Post are just that – an opinion or information. Please consult a financial professional if you seek advice.* + +\*If you would like to learn more, check out my recommended reading list [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nSw9odLoExaq0oEBqIHrCK1Xj5KfyjBkGQZ93LTh34g/edit?usp=sharing). This is a dummy google account, so feel free to share with friends- none of my personal information is attached. You can also check out a Google docs version of my[ Endgame Series here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing). If you want a PDF version, [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) made copies of Parts 1,2, and 3 in his Superstonk DD library [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p7fx8w/the_superstonk_library_of_dd_art_books_and/). +Munger doubled down AGAIN, soon big money is starting to flow in, and will prop the price up, everyone else will follow and bring this to 250-350 EOY, this is a once in a lifetime value investment in a country who’s median income is dramatically increasing, Baba is growing as the stock price is decreasing, the future is very bright, with an increase amount of customers, global expansion, while there customer base is becoming richer every year. + +All that aside, the value is PRESENTLY HERE, who TF cares about the future when it’s worth $300 a share now. China won’t destroy a company who it’s citizens rely on. + +They are trading at 16 PE, what a dream + +Why is it so low? Fear. + +Fear of what? China stopping trading or hampering future growth. + +First of, they won’t stop trading, just for kicks… what if they do? Our shares will loose volume drop in value transfer to new exchange and pick right back up. And still reach 300 without any fears left. + +China hampering future growth and breaking them up. Now this is more reasonable, but even if they slow growth, they are still TODAY valued at $300, china wants baba to succeed, they are asserting power over them, not trying to destroy them. It would damage their economy when they are about to eclipse the USA. + +People this is the PERFECT value investment. The fear is all over, overblown and we are at maximum opportunity and a growth stock, in a country in which is drastically growing. + +Foolish to think china will ruin baba. + +See u 250+ easily EOY + +Thank you CMARR!! +Pros: + +-PE of 17, forecasted earnings growth of 14-15% +- Very high ROIC, consistently around 20-30% since 2015 +- Long runway for international growth, doubled their international sales last year, making up 10% of gross sales now +- Solid balance sheet, $312 million in cash with little debt +- Growing Net margin, as DTC channel has doubled as percent of sales since 2018. From 30% in 2018 to 57% as of 2021 +- Could argue for a MOAT, known for high quality products (entire subreddit dedicated for the love of their product lol) +- On the verge of diversifying revenue streams, 39% of sales include coolers and equipment, 59% of sales are drinkware, and expanding into other products + +Cons: + +- gross margin hit by higher freight costs as of late, a big reason why the stock has fallen from highs but likely to be higher long term +- High competition in the industry, including big names such as Hydroflask, Coleman, etc. +- Yeti products are known for quality products, but at higher prices, competition could take advantage of this +- Although small, employee stock purchase plans have increased shares by a couple percent per year +- Failure to create new products that are successful could lead to stagnation, as Yeti products don’t need to be replaced often +- You could argue Yeti products saw massive growth due to pent up covid demand, although growth forecast is still high for the company + +Using their net income last year of $213 million, a conservative earnings growth rate of 10%, a discount rate of 10%, and a last FCF multiple of 16, i come up with an intrinsic value of around $65 a share, giving it about a 35% margin of safety to today’s stock price. If my estimates are more in line with analyst expectations of 15%, the intrinsic value comes out to $93. + +Any thoughts on this company? Although a questionable MOAT, it seems consumers are satisfied with Yeti products. I’d love to see some opinions. +Hi all, + + +Some background information - I run a small data science consulting firm that invests the majority of its profits into a value investment portfolio. In this post I will analyze three of our current holdings, when we purchased these stocks, and why we purchased them. I'm looking forward to any feedback others might have. + +&#x200B; + +**FSI - Flexible Solutions International** + +Market Cap: 29.75M + +PE Ratio: 8.7 + +Yield: 5.8 + +This is a nanocap company that produces various liquid polymers for purposes such as: increasing agricultural crop yield, decreasing required amounts of fertilizer, saving water loss from evaporation, and scale reduction polymers for the oil and gas industry. Many of their products are biodegradable and are good for the environment. + +The company has an extremely strong balance sheet with a debt to equity ratio of 0.11, cash of 6M, 10.6M in PPE including a manufacturing location with rail access. + +The company also has various investments in fertilizer and real estate companies disclosed on their 10-Q which can be found here: [FSI 10-Q](https://fintel.io/doc/sec-fsi-10q-flexible-solutions-international-2020-august-14-18490) + +The company is very attractive because it offers a moat with its unique and technologically advanced products, it has had an average revenue growth rate of 11.5% over the last 5 years, it has significant room for margin expansion (currently net-margin of 12% peak margin of 27.6% in 2017), the high dividend yield (combats inflation for long term holding), and it has a strong balance sheet. + +*Disclosure: Our position was started on April 14th at a share price of $1.69 current average cost of $2.35.* + +&#x200B; + +**TRQ - Turquoise Hill Resources** + +Market Cap: 2.36B + +PE Ratio: 6.4 + +Price to Book: 0.28 + +This is a company that is currently developing the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia. There is significant risk involved in the completion of this mine, however, it represents one of the largest copper deposits in the world which is expected to produce around 3% of the world's total current consumption. Additionally, the lifespan of the mine is in the century range. The mine is expected to produce copper at a price of $0.50 which is considerably less than other mining operations. + +The asset value of the Oyu Tolgoi mine is enormous, on the latest filing TRQ's non-current PPE assets are valued at 10.6B. Much of this is in the ore body, which can appreciate or depreciate due to rising or falling copper prices. + +Why is the company priced so low? Uncertainty is the primary reason. This uncertainty is caused by a variety of currently unresolved factors: + +1. Mongolia - The government of Mongolia owns 34% of the Oyu Tolgoi mine as well as has a royalty agreement with TRQ. This project is one of the first large projects in Mongolia and there is a significant amount of domestic risk. Additionally, there is a significant global geopolitical risk due to the mine's proximity to China. +2. Rio Tinto - Rio Tinto is a \~51% shareholder of TRQ. This has resulted in considerable intercompany disputes and conflicts of interest. +3. Financing - There is currently an MOU between TRQ and Rio Tinto that states only a portion of the upcoming project can be financed and the rest has to be raised via equity offering. When this possibility of an equity offering was announced the share price was negatively impacted. Currently, TRQ and RIO are in arbitration over the additional required financing. +4. Power Supply - There was considerable confusion and indecision in regards to the construction of a powerplant to run the Oyu Tolgoi operations. This seems to have resolved with the government of Mongolia offering to construct a power plant in exchange for long-term power purchase agreements. + +So as it can be seen there is an immense amount of risk and uncertainty involved in this project. Our investment was based purely on the sheer size of the assets. + +More recently, there have been some positive catalysts to the project. The first being the near resolution of the power supply question, the second being recent statements from TRQ's CEO Ulf Quellmann in relation to the financing of the project. Ulf has stated that he believes that debt financing makes more sense. These are some of the first public statements by the CEO in many months. The interview can be seen here: [Ulf Quellmann Debt Interview](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2020/12/04/disputed-oyu-tolgoi-copper-mine-can-support-more-debt-turquoise-hill-ceo.html) + +Why we chose to invest in this company is due to our prediction of rising inflation combined with current low rates. We believe it is very likely the project will be entirely financed at the current near-zero interest rates. The ultra-long-term scale of the project means that accumulation of debt now for an asset beyond comprehension in scope is a hedge against inflation. Additionally, copper demand will rise as more electrification happens in emerging and frontier economies. + +Additionally, near-term current rising gold and copper prices combined with strong current cashflow may make the uncertainty around financing significantly less of an issue. + +There is incredible risk involved in investing in TRQ due to the reasons listed above so aware of this and perform analysis. + +*Disclosure: Our position was started in June of 2019 at a post split share price of around $13 our current average cost is $11.45. For a significant amount of time, this position was down >50% (Ouch!).* + +&#x200B; + +**NL - NL Industries** + +Market Cap: 234M + +PE Ratio: 14.5 + +Yield: 3.21 + +This is a holding company that owns various stakes in chemical industrial companies and component manufacturing operations. + +This company is very interesting in that it has a complicated structure involving owning a portion of a parent company that owns a portion of NL along with additional companies. + +There are three main companies that are of interest in the analysis of NL Industries. + +1. Kronos Worldwide (Ticker KRO) this company produces titanium dioxide, which is mainly used in paints and coatings. NL Industries owns 248M in KRO stock. +2. CompX (Ticker CIX) this company produces locks, security equipment, and marine parts. NL Industries owns 149M in CIX stock. +3. Valhi (Ticker VHI) this company is a holding company similar to NL Industries it holds shares in KRO and Basic Management Inc./The Landwell Company. It also owns 82.8% of NL Industries. A chart of this circular ownership tree can be found on page 4 of [Valhi's annual report](http://www.valhi.net/static-files/0d0c32e5-aa09-45e7-98b3-04679a5f6638) The value of NL Industries owns 20.6M in VHI stock. + +There is an additional 129M in cash on NL's books as well as 26M in marketable securities. This means that the stock and cash value of NL is 572.6M compared to a market cap of 234M. + +There is currently considerable outstanding litigation to NL Industries due to their prior participation in lead mining and lead paint manufacturing. There is a detailed legal timeline seen in Valhi which shows many of the cases are dismissed or favorably settled. + +Due to the previously calculated cash and stock assets and an assumed maximum liability of 200M as detailed in NL Industries annual report, we believe this means that NL Industries is trading at a minimum of 37.2% below fair value and a maximum (zero liability losses) of 59.1% below fair value. + +While I have read many articles that are far more exuberant in their NL price targets, we believe that the security is significantly undervalued given its significant portfolio of high yielding stocks and large cash reserve. The yield is also considerable. + +*Disclosure: Our position was started in July of 2020 at a price of $3.38 our current average cost is $3.60.* + +\-------------------------------------- + +Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on these, and discuss any other ideas. Please note that I am not a financial advisor and this should not be taken as investment advice. It is just some research you should make your financial decisions yourself. + + +Regards, +JN +joseph@riaforce.com +Can I just say how sick I am of seeing tone deaf 'advice' like this on car-related vent posts??? + +I have been dealing with on and off car problems with different vehicles for about the last three years. Every time I go out to start my car, I get a little twinge of anxiety and I'm just like.... please be good and turn on. + +I know I'm not the only one. + +Do people think we enjoy this feeling?? Like fucker, don't you think if I could **afford** a new car thats what I'd be driving?? New cars are $20k+ and that's just money many of us DON'T HAVE. We are forced to drive whatever we can afford, and many times, what we can afford isn't very good. + +Then there are those that are like "jUsT taKe puBLiC tRaNsPoRtAtiOn!" + +Here's the thing. Here in the US, there are a lot of places where public transportation is unreliable or nonexistent. I live in a rural area where there is no bus line, no train, and no uber service. The ONLY way I am getting to my job 50 miles away is to take a car. + +And don't fucking tell me to move to the city closer to work. I can't afford that any more than I can afford a new car. + +God I could really go on and on about this because I have a lot more to say on this subject but I have to leave for work soon so I'll leave it at this. + +Please cross your fingers for me that my car starts up and doesn't throw a check engine light today. + +***Edit: Thank you kind stranger for the award!*** + +***Edit: Wow....I had no idea my little early morning vent would blow up this much! Thank you for the awards and for all the comments, it's nice to know there's so many other people who just get it.*** +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This entire post represents my personal views and opinions, and should not be taken as financial advice (or advice of any kind whatsoever). I encourage you to do your own research, take anything I write with a grain of salt, and hold me accountable for any mistakes you may catch. Also, full disclosure, I hold a net long position in GME, but my cost basis is very low, and I'm using money I can absolutely lose. My capital at risk and tolerance for risk generally is likely substantially different than yours.* + +So today was rough for those in the GME trade. I, for example, cracked jokes in the comments to my last post about how my remaining GME holdings went from new Lexus money, through Corolla money, and briefly delved to the depths of used golf cart money. At one point I mentioned maybe ending up with a Razor scooter in the end, but luckily ended the day with Polaris RZR type money instead. + +I wasn't paying attention to the pre-market action, but right the start of normal market hours it looked like an avalanche of panic selling. Looking back at the chart, seeing the consistent downward march of price, the gap down into early pre-US market, immediate drop at 7am pre-market, it shouldn't have been too surprising. Likely a number of people who are unable to trade pre-market were just watching their numbers move in the wrong direction for hours before they got the chance to bail, and that's what happened immediately once the option was available. + +In my previous post I had identified $150/$148 as what I thought might be the "retail line of defense". Given the immediate open below, there was no solid support or consolidation around any level, though some hyper aggressive buying put the floor in at $74.22 at around 10:45. I'm honestly not sure what to make of that remarkable move. Likely it staunched the bleeding somewhat, repairing retail morale temporarily. Once that parabolic arc slammed into the LULD halt, price action reversed and resumed a steady march downward. + +So, where does that leave things at this point? With respect to a squeeze, which I've been asked about quite a bit over the past few hours, my concern is the unlocking of so much float, given what I have to interpret as heavy panic selling. As I covered in the Market Mechanics post, locking of liquid float is paramount and today was certainly not a help in that regard. That being said, as I pointed out in that post, locking up the float gets cheaper at lower prices, so we shall see what happens over the next few days. + +So what's next? I don't know, and no one else does either. Yes, that tired old answer I give in just about every post. The thing is, it's true. The events over the past couple of weeks have certainly reinforced that fact to me. + +As with yesterday, I've been variously accused of being a short side hedge fund shill and a long side pumper and dumper, which again I take as indicating a healthy balance. One thing I promise is that I will call it like I see it, and admit to any mistakes I make. + +# Knowledge and Responsibility + +Watching events unfold today had me thinking quite a bit. About the debates across this sub and others, the media, etc. As I've mentioned previously in comments, my purpose in creating this account was to try to help provide some information, education, and a space for healthy discussion for in particular all of the newer traders that were flocking to this particular trade. I've been very happy to read the numerous comments and messages from various people who have expressed that they feel they've been able to learn quite a bit in a very compressed timeframe due to the intensity of focus on the situation. + +I have been told by some that rather than discuss this trade or the mechanics behind it at all, I should simply flat out tell people to stay away because of the risk, and speak of it no more. I have to admit, I was conflicted about this, because the risk is very high, as I've always stated. + +That being said, I believe that participation in the market is one of the most important rights people should have, and equal participation in the market requires knowledge, transparency, and information. You are all free to make our own choices. Whatever others may say, You *will* make your own choices. At least we can try to help each other make those choices with the best information we have available. + +Hah, I managed to keep this post at least a little shorter! As mentioned previously, I will probably have to keep it that way for a while due to real life responsibility. Thank you all in advance for the great discussion. + +Man, rocket rides can sure be bumpy, but it's been the most interesting week in the market I've ever seen. Let's see what the day brings! + +Good luck in the market! +Do both you and your partner work? How do you find it? Would you rather only one of you worked? I'm asking because I kind of like someone but she's the type who doesn't want to work and now I'm wondering how common that is? I looked at the stats and only 46.9% of women work so it's not unheard of, right? +TLDR: Cohen dropping breadcrumbs from Arlington VA to Culver City CA to Florida. All roads point to Wu Tang. + +**Tweet:** + +https://preview.redd.it/8czdl9unqpw81.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b5420c43505c32168fc0f96365db67a83fbfea2 + +**Culver City, CA.** + +**Home of MGM Studios:** + +https://preview.redd.it/fyzngp0uqpw81.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ed966959f98910d5d36a4e973761d8c3defe75d + +**Wu Tang:** + +https://preview.redd.it/vk2xshmwqpw81.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=8832b19193847a486e098503f88c320428ba6beb + +&#x200B; + +[PleasrDAO and unnamed sponsor showing off the goods](https://preview.redd.it/jtef0011rpw81.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=044044b006500d583fee9e9b15a1fe47ac96b739) + +https://preview.redd.it/8wxefq25rpw81.png?width=317&format=png&auto=webp&s=942d748ebcdcb77affecb9fb242e0c98ff1bc067 + +Looks a whole lot like Cohen's hoodie... from the **Culver City** tweet..... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2cm8kax8rpw81.png?width=431&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b2262e809c854deeb7b3f229d6184aea5c1070e + +&#x200B; + +[741 baby. 74 members for 1. Cohen.](https://preview.redd.it/5g4lftv0spw81.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=1735ac3ab3b44a1ec05268b98fdf8169d226cb22) + +**For the skeptics:** + +This isn't the first time he used a location and "thumbs up emoji" to tag an important location to the GameStop location he was at: + +https://preview.redd.it/l1q4hpljrpw81.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a7e441853caf27ed991bf7f3ec8c8376e298a17 + +Interesting similarities so far... + +**It gets weirder..** + +[Cohen quite literally taking a step outside of brick and mortar](https://preview.redd.it/hejlfy0orpw81.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=0212b4477ad7573e25d6c52e11a7cad6d95f73ee) + +On that same date GameStop's lead NFT engineer tweeted this, during this time is when NFT staff was being moved to Miami to ramp up product development.. of probably something big. + +[MF is ready to deliver](https://preview.redd.it/c9hgkcztrpw81.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ae05bf061e1e91500b62df05a8c50562e5673d3) + +**Structure of how PleasrDAO acquired the Wu Tang Album:** + +[See that lil guy top right?](https://preview.redd.it/8n4l7fg9spw81.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=050d27ddec6efef7368d33a0722229d13a7fd12d) + +https://preview.redd.it/pgop336dspw81.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4b60ff9c3609af3f67fd9ec7fcd430190430b27 + +[Our mans Kagy was wilding before being told to pump the brakes a little](https://preview.redd.it/y0zh9pmnspw81.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=54465eb47c5b65d8bd104b517c864c1eeb8dac73) + +https://preview.redd.it/tb5esqnbspw81.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f8fb2aa559a6c4e13985a33248411a3ee14c5b9 + +**Snowden NFT** was used in the swap/loan...interesting.. + +**You mean the Snowden that tweeted about GameStop EXACTLY 365 days after Cohen's letter to the board?** + +https://preview.redd.it/xbjpbspxspw81.png?width=442&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbdeb2596c4348921e961aa07f21c07253d19373 + +https://preview.redd.it/3kd48qzzspw81.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=681e0fdc62af8e3d7e7dccdb711a6be76a0d9982 + +**"But but but cream was hacked"** + +maybe, maybe not, maybe something else entirely.. + +https://preview.redd.it/y0j1cog3tpw81.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7cd08bf0d64d8992ed23f6994eb8854cd1078d8 + +**Same hack date (article is a day late on reporting), Cohen tweets this:** + +https://preview.redd.it/88ccuqu5tpw81.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6ffe12ff16e73f2e137ba550aca33d63815b165 + +https://preview.redd.it/d868bb5dtpw81.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=a880edecf2794725be5cfda96ecad4ddce0dea5b + +**Later that week Kagy tweets this:** + +https://preview.redd.it/0nvftophtpw81.png?width=334&format=png&auto=webp&s=73ddcd59b918b6772e0c73f63494c213edebd811 + +(FLorida: Cohen Tweet / Flo Rida Game Time: Kagy) + +Fucking **GAME TIME BABY.** + +&#x200B; + +PleasrDAO stated they want it to accessible to the world, pending RZA approval. + +&#x200B; + +Personal speculation: + +I'd assume they show the world reluctant to the tech of NFTs the power of them. + +Album cannot be monetized...legally. + +BUT if they fractionalize it into an NFT and allow listening access via NFT verification it would slap the world in the face who say "theres no use case for NFTs" + +Exclusive access to it, verified by immutable NFTs..while **never even monetizing it!!** + +Issuing it as an NFT dividend would be a cherry on top. + +CHEERS, **WU TANG FOREVER.** +"Buffett's logic is that someone who invests in a S&P 500 index fund, by definition, will match the market's performance. + +On the other hand, "active investors" as a group will also deliver average investment performance over time -- that is, some managers' investments will do well, and others won't. However, when you add in the cost of actively managed investment options, particularly hedge funds, the result is that the average hedge fund will underperform the market. + +From the results of his bet, which competed against five funds-of-funds that represented hundreds of individual hedge funds, it appears his logic was sound. In fact, Buffett estimates that 60% of all the fund-of-funds gains went toward management fees. + +Buffett's main point is that when managers charge high fees, the managers may earn tremendous profits -- but investors won't. Therefore, the best investment most people can make, whether they're wealthy or just have a few hundred dollars to invest, is a low-cost index fund such as the one Buffett used for his bet." + +http://www.fool.com/amp/investing/2017/02/26/warren-buffett-just-revealed-the-best-investment-m.aspx +Hello everyone, + +Over the last few months, I have been working on a UK student loan repayment calculator. My main motivation for creating this calculator, when so many already exist, is that all of the existing calculators I have come across are often lacking in a number of things. For instance, none of the existing ones let you factor in any extra monthly payments you might want to make to see how they affect the scale of your repayments. Furthermore, they often do not account for future changes in repayment thresholds and do not let you add future incomes to account for big jumps in income (after all, your salary does not tend to increase linearly). Existing calculators I have come across also only let you provide details for one loan, when some people might have two or three. And other smaller issues I have come across. + +The main aim of this tool is to ideally equip you with (almost) all information you might need to help you make a better and more informed decision around the repayment of your loan. + +I would love to hear any feedback around how useful this tool is and what changes I could make to make it even more beneficial for everyone. + +Alongside the calculator on the home page, there is also a **Student Loans Explained** page which covers some more in-depth examples to try and get across the scale of repayments depending on your income in an easy-to-understand manner. + +You can find the tool at: [http://yourslrc.co.uk/](http://yourslrc.co.uk/) + +It is still being worked on and I have a list of things I would still like to add, but it is already at a stage where I think it can start benefitting people. + +Thanks for checking it out! + +# EDIT: You can adjust both the income and repayment threshold annual growth under 'Show Advanced Options' + +# If you have more than one loan, you can add them by clicking on 'Include Another Loan' +I'd personally say that I adhere closest to the Austrian School, and I expect that most of the big world economies are set to go through a serious case of stagflation. What are your thoughts? + +Edit: Obviously you can feel free to use time-frames longer or shorter than two years. +So unlike some of the guys on WSB I'm not stupid enough to think that there's a free money glitch in the market somewhere, hence my question is where I'm missing something: from my understanding, selling OTM covered calls on stocks you'd golf anyway can't result in an actual loss, ignoring missed capital gains of course. Is that true? You'd always get the premium and the worst that could happen is selling shares at an unexpected high price, sounds like too good to be true to me but I can't see any obvious error in my thinking. Am I right or do I belong to WSB +Polkadot enables cross-chain security rather than requiring it of network users. That is its primary, defining, and distinguishing feature. + +Its technique to deal with the decentralized problem is great. I just read [this ](https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/manta-acala-successful-in-crosschain-transfer-of-parachain-assets-2832867)today, and it discusses the success of Web3 privacy hub Manta Network and decentralized finance platform Acala's cross-chain parachain asset transfer. + +DOT is another good project that has been around for a while and has big goals for the future. It is definitely one to buy and hold. + +Hello I am 26 year old I recently got into a car. I got into a Mercedes Benz 2019 fully loaded worth 50k the original owner paid and got it for 36k with 18k miles on it due to their financial issues full warranty on it and currently pay 500 a month. I been thinking of selling it so I can save more money a buy a cheaper car in the 15-20k low range still will make 500 dollar payments on it to pay it off fast. I currently have a buyer for the Mercedes for 34,5k my bank wants 37.2k the total pay out I’ll loose 2700 should I do it and just save and recover the lost ? Or wait and sell it for the full value of 38k on edmud and kbb private seller price with it being low in Milage and full warranty still +Lately I’ve been seeing lots of posts and pages on Twitter from “dividend investors” who, over time, build their yearly dividend payouts to tens of thousands of dollars. While not inherently better or worse in terms of growing a nest-egg, I feel like psychologically, that type of feedback loop – seeing dividends paid/shares DRIP every quarter – would suit my sensibility, but I don’t know how to begin. + +Hypothetically, if you wanted to begin a dividend stock portfolio with $10k in cash, how would you go about it? Would you let it grow in a TFSA or RRSP, and why? Is there anything you recommend I read or listen to that touches on the theory and practice of dividend investing? + +For the record, all my current investments are in growth ETFs, but again I find myself attracted to dividend stocks for at least a portion of my portfolio. I lack the knowledge and experience to get started. +What has your annual income been? Or is there an amount that you should for per day? Right now I have a full time job so I only shoot for about $200-$300 trading options. That comes out to about $50k-75k a year which is plenty of extra “side income” for me. + +At what point did you realize “yeah I can quit my job and do this full time”? + +How do you deal with health insurance and not getting any 401K matches? +I strongly believe that Price Action trading is one of the best, if not the best trading setup. + +Adding volume in your setup can improve your odds significantly. + +In this short article, I'll talk briefly about the most common relations between price and volume. This is a very vast topic, so I'll try to keep it light. + + +1. Price increases and volume increases. + +This is a sign of a strong uptrend. A trend backed by volume is very strong as the demand is more. + +If you're a trader, you'll have to ask yourself, "is this up move backed by volume?" If it is, it will be very strong and long lasting. + + +2. Price decreases and volume increases. + +What if the stock is in a downtrend but the volume is increasing? + +It is an indication that heavy selling is going on and the stock will remain in a downtrend. There are small up moves/retracement and huge selling is done on the top. + +And the trend continues. + + +3. Price increases but volume decreases. + +This is called a divergence. When price is in an uptrend but the volume decreases, it's a sign that the trend is likely to reverse. + +This does not mean that you should short the trend, all it means is that the trend isn't strong (cause it's not backed by volume). + +If there's a double top or a major resistance zone, it could mean that the price will reverse. + + +4. Price decreases and the volume decreases too. + +This is sometimes a good sign for the trend. It means that the heavy selling /dumping is completed and the bottom is near. + +Of course, this isn't a guarantee and it doesn't mean that you should start buying. Wait for a confirmation. But it means that the trend is getting weaker. + +. + +These were the 4 common scenarios. There are more scenarios like, if the price increases but volume stays flat or if both price and volume stay flat or if volume decreases but the price stays flat. + +To keep the article short and simple, I've mentioned only the 4 basic scenarios. + +Volume analysis isn't so simple, you'll have to look much deeper into it. You can also try delivery percentage analysis if you're into swing trading. + +-Vikrant C. +I just happened to stumble upon a big sub I USED to frequent regularly, and I was pretty surprised to see how combative the comments are over there. Them them calling us conspiracy cultists vs. us calling them shills & bought out. + +Literally nothing good comes out of this. Don't poke them. If that sub really is bought out by bad actors, I promise you that sub is not the end of their influence on this site. Reddit admins have tools to know where you frequent and in what order, if they see a large amount of users from one sub posting to another sub, they can shut it down for brigading, even if there is no explicit posts suggesting to do so. + +Buy & Hold, that's it. Everything else is noise and does everyone and this sub in particular no good. +Fidelity Investments, Square Inc. and several other financial firms are forming a new trade group that aims to shape the way bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are regulated. + +The Crypto Council for Innovation will lobby policy makers, take up research projects and serve as the burgeoning industry’s voice in championing the economic benefits of digital currencies and related technologies. Crypto investor Paradigm and Coinbase Global Inc., which operates a cryptocurrency exchange, also signed on as initial members of the group. + +The council’s launch comes as prices of many digital assets have surged, drawing in new mainstream investors and the banks and brokers that serve them. Earlier this year, the total market value of bitcoin, the most popular digital currency, touched $1 trillion for the first time. + +Still, the market’s future remains far from settled. Advocates have argued that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology that supports them have the potential to create jobs and extend financial services to consumers everywhere, at little or no cost. But policy makers and regulators around the world will play a critical role in shaping the path forward. + + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/fidelity-square-coinbase-launch-bitcoin-trade-group-11617710402 + + +Hi guys . + +What are the best vehicles to target a short on the CAN Real Estate market. + +Both on Toronto exchange and US markets. + +&#x200B; + +Leveraged ETFs and ETFs. + +Residential builders on the high-end . + +Their suppliers. + +Banks possibly locals with considerable exposure to single builders. + +&#x200B; + +From r/stock some ideas are HRED REK SRS Brookfield [https://ibb.co/72Nq4tD](https://ibb.co/72Nq4tD) (which one?) +"If it's too good to be true, then it's too good to be true" + +&#x200B; + +I've been doing this for almost a year now, and I can have a few strategies that are profitable (CAGR >40% w/ sharpe ratio > 1.5 over a decade). This probably isn't anything compared to what some of you all can make, but it is significant for me. This data is coming from quantconnect's backtester, which takes into account slippage, fees, etc. + +&#x200B; + +But that had me thinking--what's the catch? Why isn't everyone doing this? Why were any of these sites (quantconnect, quantopian, etc) even created in the first place? If these educators know so much about financial markets and can teach creating successful strategies, why are they wasting their time when they could be making the strategies themselves? What am I missing? +&#x200B; + +I implore everyone to check out the new token $ebsc + +&#x200B; + +They listed on coin gecko yesterday with over 1500 ⭐️ already + +&#x200B; + +This token has a real solid dev team and are in the process of developing a best in class launchpad, they are dropping a video tonight explaining the full details of this element of the eco system but this will offer real utility projects a podium to launch on. + +&#x200B; + +They are also setting up a first of its kind hedge fund specialising in early crypto assets . This has never been done before and will launch this month with details dropping over the next week. + +&#x200B; + +Fund one already has made 20X for its investors. + +&#x200B; + +They are also in the process of creating a bespoke education platform for holders to educate holders to become real investors so they can navigate the crypto space with confidence. + +&#x200B; + +New website is in development and will launch next week with preview on Monday + +&#x200B; + +Coin market cap will list any day now + +&#x200B; + +Here is a video below explaining the project + +[https://youtu.be/bCDaXtlVCa4](https://youtu.be/bCDaXtlVCa4) + +&#x200B; + +Don't miss out + +[https://earlybsc.com](https://earlybsc.com) + +&#x200B; + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x01a78db633940579e15e7bdb8edfee8ecdea4522](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x01a78db633940579e15e7bdb8edfee8ecdea4522) + +&#x200B; + +[https://t.me/ebsctoken](https://t.me/ebsctoken) +My partner has been employed at a Fidelity Branch for over 8 years and he's never seen anything like this. + +In his team meeting this morning, management was talking about how corporate is updating the UX/UI of the website and app to meet the needs of Reddit Investors. I'm in Graphic Design/Web Design and I've been telling him for years that Fidelity's website sucks. + +They are reading letters from apes saying "we love your company and philosophy but please change user interface, app, etc" and now Fidelity is making these changes. + +Fidelity received A LOT of business from the RobintheHood exodus and they have employees following the GameStop threads to take feedback from apes on how to improve UI. + +Please be aware that we are being watched and that we have a voice. We have strength in numbers and we can make a difference on multiple levels. It's more important now than ever that we stay focussed and continue to pump out exceptional DD. + +AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! + +**Edit: Best way to make suggestions for improvements is to provide feedback on the app or on the website. Each webpage of Fidelity.com has an option to add feedback, and make it specific about the page you’re on. “I’d like to see X displayed as Y on my position page” as an example. It’s great they are looking at Reddit but, they take feedback seriously and direct feedback through the app or website is the efficient way.** + +https://preview.redd.it/yjhbpk4incy61.png?width=1331&format=png&auto=webp&s=f59bd684d72ff95a90bc58d7784cc5115b8ca6b8 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Edit: Great suggestion from** u/inYOUReye + +They should put an "ask the experts" in which questions can be asked like "What the shit just happened to the volume" and get an educated reply! Would make it instantly the most valuable platform for GME and other popular stocks. + +**Edit 2: From** u/ZeroV + +Good. Hopefully the updated mobile app doesn't restrict the number of characters you can input in the buy/sell field for a limit order. Right now it caps at 999,999.00 + +There's ways around it, but who likes extra steps. + +**Edit 3: From** u/cwarfield3\*\*wise words.\*\* + +With all the attention these communities are getting, as always, remember to stay respectful and keep posts semi appropriate. No more karma mining, reposts, spamming, etc. I personally want to commend all the apes who have learned to use proper grammar and spelling. You the real mvps. + +**Edit 4: From** u/duhbird410 + +Oh lord I hope it's less cluttered. It's such a mess I hardly look at the app unless I absolutely need too. + +**Edit 5: From** u/esandez + +It would be nice to be able to get in there being from Europe too + +and u/RyanMcCartney + +Make it available in the UK + +**Edit 6: From** u/Careless_Employ5866 + +See if you can get them to allow us to route through IEX. Unless they recently did, I haven't checked in awhile. + +**Edit 7: From** u/ptr-zk + +As a long time Fidelity user, and UX/UI Designer, here are a few items that need the most attention: + +* Feed tab needs a refresh, or a rethink entirely. If anything the first tab should be an overview, maybe including hot news articles relating to your assets, but with more emphasis on the users portfolio. Less emphasis on marketing CTAs and such. By default. I know you can customize your feed but most will not. +* Robinhood’s ease of use it largely due to what and how information is presented. The ability to instantly view buying power or lifetime profit is a win. +* Accounts tab should have a default account selected and should incorporate a chart. Also when tapping a symbol under positions, there should be a ticker page not just an overlay. One with charts and high level information, along with all other information. +* Activity page: History needs the ability to hide dividends. + +There are many others but these seem to be fairly important to improve the overall experience. Also, no image backgrounds plz! + +**Edit 8: From** u/Skinsfreak88 + +Make it so you can apply for accounts, margin, etc on business accounts without having to send in a paper application. + +**Edit 9: From** u/King0494 and many others. + +A WeBull like interface would be 🔥🔥 + +**Edit 10: From** u/HazyLifu + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fidelityinvestments/) + +this sub has actual Fidelity team answering posts/making posts. They implemented the higher sell limit just the other day. + +**Edit 11: From** u/Frostcrest + +1. The OPTION of real-time overall charting like robinhood. In case a moving needle isn't your thing, the ability to turn it off. Gives me anxiety sometimes +2. ***I solely use Robinhood for the options UI.*** If I am selling calls on my Fidelity or Vanguard stocks, I look up the options price on the RH app specifically, and then buy the option +3. **Cost Basis is a difficult concept when you're a new trader,** especially around options and I feel everyone is kinda behind the curve on that. I feel if FIDELITY is going to make some UI improvements that offer not only PARITY to the current platforms, but vastly improve it, cost basis reporting and management is the way to go + +**Edit 12: I'm seeing a lot of requests about Options. Here's one from** u/imonsterFTW + +You guys are doing a great job taking feedback. Already a fidelity customer for years now but RobinHood made buying options so much easier. If you guys could work on a simpler/cleaner design for options trading that’d be amazing. I couldn’t even figure out how to find them for a day. + +**Edit 13: From** u/BigAd7581 \- I agree! It's the only reason I still have the RH app. + +Hopefully they can add a real time stock watch that updates on the second (not minute) so I can finally delete RH off my phone. + +**Edit 14:** A lot of Dark Mode requests for the app/site, they have it on the app now but I would love to have it on the website. + +**Edit 15 Might be the most important comment so far:** u/matthieumatthieu + +I'm hoping they have good dynamic server provisioning for the all of the increased traffic and during the moass! + +**Edit 16:** I’m going to compile this list and send it to the [Fidelity.com](https://Fidelity.com) Feedback section tomorrow morning. +I was comparing 1K on United and Delta Diamond. Looks like getting to 1K on United is far easier by just spending around $15k (15k PQP) while Delta has this massive 120k MQM requirement. Sure you can cut down 60k in MQM by using the Reserve card but it takes a lot of flights to hit the remaining 60k MQM. + +Was thinking come January, just purchasing a RT international business flight on United to hit the PQP requirement and enjoy 1K it for 2023 + 2024. + +Am I missing something here? Is there any concierge services where I can purchase diamond status on Delta (and possibly other airlines)? + +Are there any special commercial airlines programs? + +Wish there was a program where I can just buy top status on all major airlines (or alliances) just for the perks and not worrying about xyz. + +EDIT: Thanks for the responses everyone. Ok-Fondant-5492 mentioned PassPlus on United and this is similar to what I was looking for. I guess looking more into corporate level memberships at these airlines. + I know there are many apps for budgeting, but not sure if there are apps for net worth tracking. + +Are you using any apps, if so which? What were your considerations e.g. privacy, data? Or are you just using old school spreadsheet? + +Would you share any tips how you do this, what are the things you track, how often etc. Thank you! +Guys, how long have we been doing this? The bull target is $1069 (niiice) without a squeeze. The bear case is $300 if the NFT marketplace gets delayed or is a flop. + +Doesn’t it seem strange to anyone that all the infighting is happening right as this report drops?? We have seen this before. + +I personally believe u/criand was well intentioned. But it has happened before where someone who was superstonk famous was compromised. Again - I don’t think the Pomeranian is compromised - but it is not impossible for that to happen. Perhaps he had a good idea and the SHF’s saw an opportunity to exploit it to create FUD. That said… + +If you want to play with options, go for it. If you don’t know what you are doing you will likely get hosed. Even if you do know what you’re doing, it’s a dangerous game specifically with GME because of the manipulation we know exists. Sure it could add buying pressure, but at what cost? + +The DD has not changed. It has gotten only more solidified. + +Do your own research. For me, I’m gonna buy and hold. And DRS (only reason I haven’t fed the bot is because I don’t want to post a picture showing my position for privacy reasons). + +Edit: Link to report +[GMEdd Report](https://gmedd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/GMEdd-GameStopValuation-16Nov21-1.pdf) + +Edit: damn - lots of love on this. Totally not expected. Thanks yall + +Edit: After seeing u/criand ‘s post this morning ([Criand Clearing the Air](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvtmxm/clearing_up_some_things_about_options_and_how_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ) I am even mire confident that he was well intentioned. Read this. And lets all stop slinging poo at each other and instead refocus our poo slinging efforts on the SHF’s. +Alberta here, my picks would be + +GH - Gambling + +BEI-UN - Residential REIT based in Calgary + +VET - Oil is made in ground + +SU - Then you make oil into stuff + +PPL - Then you gotta get oil places + +EFX - And sometimes oil stuff needs service + +CP - HQ in Calgary, trains ! + +CPX - Utility, Edmonton, they laid me off! + +MTL - Trucks! Okotoks! + +T - HQ is in Vancouver but it was founded in Edmonton, and is anything more Albertan than leaving for BC when you get successful? + + +The same way SafeMoon popularized the redistribution to holders feature we see being used today by almost all defi tokens… EverRise has a chance to do the same with their proprietary automatic buyback feature and pave the way for other tokens to implement this feature… + +The way this works is a 6% transaction fee is stored in the contract and used to buyback coins through pancake automatically. The transaction is triggered after ever sell…. With this brilliant coding, you will never see 2 sells in a row! + +Why should you invest in Everrise? + +EverRise token holders are not only benefited through static rewards but also by the Buy-Back process of the contract. As part of Buy-Back process, contract takes care of buying back some of the tokens and burn them whenever a sell happens. In a nutshell, 98% of the time, you will not see 2 sell transactions at any time and there will never be three sell transactions continuously at any time. + +​​ + +Telegram: [https://t.me/everriseofficial](https://t.me/everriseofficial) + +Website: [https://www.everrisecoin.com/](https://www.everrisecoin.co/) + +Chart : [https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC7D43F2B51F44f09fBB8a691a0451E8FFCF36c0a](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xC7D43F2B51F44f09fBB8a691a0451E8FFCF36c0a) + +Buy on PancakeSwap : [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc7d43f2b51f44f09fbb8a691a0451e8ffcf36c0a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x6FCd82B45784A245AE85ca31ab54cc5302999392) +**TLDR WHEELS ARE ROLLING BABY** + +Fellow shareholders, + +FIRST THINGS FIRST + +PLEASE WELCOME [EDDRICK](https://imgur.com/a/e4Qkf3J) + +HEDGIES YOU THINK YOU ARE PRYING EDDRICK FROM MY CLUTCHING GRASP FOR LESS THAN [SIXTY FIVE FUCKING MILKY](https://gmefloor.com) + +YOU ARE BATSHIT FUCKING INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + +EDDRICK BRINGS THE TOTAL MEMBERSHIP OF OUR LOVING WATER FALL COMMUNE TO 400.989!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + +AS WELL PICKED UP [NHL 22](https://imgur.com/a/cGpXhvu) THE SON FEELS CONTROLS ARE DEGRADED FROM 21 BUT I SEEM TO DO BETTER AGAINST HIM THEREFORE I REVIEW IT POSITIVELY + +SECOND THINGS SECOND + +A) Options are shill shit. + +B) Shill price targets are shill shit. + +THIRD THINGS THIRD + +My documents and filing fee have all made it to the Delaware Court of Chancery and the case is being docketed right now. I have confirmed as much with the kind and patient folks at the Register in Chancery. + +After the case is docketed, it's assigned to a judge. I will hear more, including getting a case number, once that happens. + +**I will provide the case number and other info, like a hearing date, as soon as I know it.** + +My apologies for the delay, which was due to a mix-up on my part. For anybody taking notes to file a case of your own, here are two additional documents needed: + +[Form of Order and Motion to Expedite](https://imgur.com/a/nbPF9NX) + +This form replaces the Motion to Expedite from my previous post. Though the language on the forms is similar, it seems to be important that this document's title includes the words Form of Order. + +[Supplemental Information Form](https://imgur.com/a/OroitW3) + +Onward and upward. + +[Addressing FUD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qw5ree/last_week_ujasonwaterfalls96_submitted_a_document/hl1xrn0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) + +**TLDR WHEELS ARE ROLLING BABY** + +*Disclaimer: My name is JASON FUCKING WATER FALL. I'm not subject to an NDA or any kind of equivalent gag order regarding issues within GME's milieu. I haven't received information indicating an unreconciled number of ballots or votes cast in GameStop's 6/9 shareholder election exceeded the number of outstanding shares. I haven't received information indicating GameStop has been legally prevented from taking action projected to cause a systemic market event. I haven't received information indicating that the number of beneficial GameStop shareholders exceeds the number of outstanding shares. Epstein didn't kill himself and I won't either. I once touched Owen Hart's sweaty bicep as he walked out with Jim Neidhart at a house show. I have never met or knowingly spoken to Ryan Cohen, Matt Furlong, Michael Recupero, Mark Robinson, Tess Halbrooks, Greg Marose, Deep Fucking Value, Ken Griffin, Vlad Tenev, Steven Cohen, Maxine Waters, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, PFTCommenter, or Ariana Grande.* +The picture of the books: + +https://i.imgur.com/JqQGyNG.jpg + +Picked them all up for around $80. Not sure if I am missing any other decent titles or aspects of the market like Forex or Index etc but I am open. I have a ton of free time and thankfully I am a very fast reader though I will be taking my time and not rushing though these. I did notice there is a lack of books on actually going though the process of opening an account, software to use, navigating market sites and so on. + +Just need to know any suggested order of reading these. +As I'm sure many of you have noticed, the number of members has gone up a little bit recently. The side effect is that the daily thread now tops 3000 comments per day. This means that it becomes harder to understand and follow. + +&#x200B; + +As a side effect, the mod team have decided to open up a poll on the question of splitting the daily thread. + +The current plan is: + +1. A Pre-open thread. From 6PM to 9:40AM +2. An open Market thread. From 9:40 to 6PM. + +&#x200B; + +The main idea of this is that it will make it easier to seperate plans from activities, plus deal with clutter. It is likely, but not confirmed that the Pre-open thread will recommend sort by best and the Open Market sort by new to let you keep up with the madness. + +&#x200B; + +In addition, on account of people bailing on important bans about important business (i.e the price of stonks). New Ban bets require you to have 500 Karma minimum. i.e that account better not be new. Other bets will require 1000 Karma. Also, other than tattoos, anything requiring functions, parts or fluids is going to be looked at very askance by the mods. Also, obvious ban evasion will be looked upon dimly. + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/ll1sjw) +**This is not financial nor investment advice. These are ideas and opinions for information purposes only.** + +*This post will read bottom to top. It's easier for people to refresh the page and see edits at the top* + +**Historical supports and resistances:** + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 156.5, 162.5, 172, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 253, 256.5 + +**Edit 27 4:10PM:** + +Odds of a discount tomorrow is 90 - 10. **This is an educated guess. Not a certainty.** + +**Edit 26 4:01PM:** + +Ended around 178.24, down 3.39%. Overall IV seems to have bottomed out. Not bad! + +The options calculator code from today's power hour stream. + +[https://pastebin.com/15syqnAk](https://pastebin.com/15syqnAk) + +**Edit 25 3:07PM:** + +**9:50am-10:10am I meant\*** + +**Edit 24 2:56PM:** + +**Hop on my power hour stream and I'll explain how I know about tomorrow's discount!** + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvhxEULG34w&ab\_channel=WardenElite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvhxEULG34w&ab_channel=WardenElite) + +**Edit 23 2:49PM:** + +Listen up my beautiful apes. **There will likely be a major discount at 9:50am-10:00am tomorrow! Could go as low as 162, then it should recover quickly!** + +## 🏷️ 🏷️ 🏷️ 🏷️ + +**Edit 22 2:46PM:** + +Is it just me or did Wall Street DDOS [https://www.optionsonar.com/](https://www.optionsonar.com/)? + +**Edit 21 1:55PM:** + +The volume is so low that this is trading like a penny stock again. Look at all these gaps between the candles! + +https://preview.redd.it/2wrvk1yfisr61.png?width=2146&format=png&auto=webp&s=f142c71d8c1f6bbe122fe3f2daed1d8ca8cb36a1 + +**Edit 20 1:19PM:** + +Holy pepperoni pizza. The deep ITM calls are back. Expect a great 5-10% discount tomorrow morning at 9:50 am! + +[Data courtesy of https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/4nc0issybsr61.png?width=2475&format=png&auto=webp&s=720ed773e81735df4774948ae7e4989fef338046) + +**Edit 19 1:18PM:** + +This is the formula for calculating an option price "C". You can basically take the current price of options on the market, and do an iterative search to try and guess the volatility. The volatility affects "d1" and "d2". + +[https:\/\/www.wallstreetmojo.com\/implied-volatility-formula\/#:&#37;7E:text=The&#37;20calculation&#37;20of&#37;20implied&#37;20volatility&#37;20can&#37;20be&#37;20done,search&#37;20by&#37;20trial&#37;20and&#37;20error.&#37;20More&#37;20items...&#37;20](https://preview.redd.it/szeok562asr61.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=a51ef17b9c05953cd26effce0f059b5bcc87c6a4) + +* C is the Option Premium +* S is the price of the stock +* K is the [Strike Price](https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/exercise-price-strike/) +* r is the [risk-free rate](https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/risk-free-rate/) +* t is the time to maturity +* e is the exponential term + +So if you plug in all those numbers and know what C is, you can guess the IV and plug it into the equation until you get the right C. + +`def calc_d1(self):` + +`return (m.log(self.S / self.K) + (self.r_dec + self.v_dec**2 / 2) * self.t_yrs) \` + +`/(self.v_dec * m.sqrt(self.t_yrs))` + +`def calc_d2(self):` + +`d1 = self.calc_d1()` + +`return d1 - self.v_dec * m.sqrt(self.t_yrs)` + +&#x200B; + +That's code for how I calculate d1 and d2. + +Where + +`self.t_yrs = time_to_exp_days / 365` + +`self.v_dec = annual_vol_pc / 100` + +`self.r_dec = risk_free_rate_pc / 100` + +Don't worry it can be a bit confusing. I'll cover it on stream and explain how it works. + +**Edit 18 12:50PM:** + +So a lot of my posts revolve around Implied Volatility. I figure you guys would be interested in learning how to calculate it and understand what causes IV to go up or down. + +**I'll be extensively covering how IV is calculated in depth during my power hour stream today.** It's a bit involved so I will use my whiteboard to go over how it all works. + +I'm currently working on a script that can calculate option premiums and IV. It can also print out the greeks. Will include this in my stream if I get it fully working. + +**Edit 17 12:32PM:** + +Pretty bullish bet for mid may. + +https://preview.redd.it/n7wp97zk3sr61.png?width=2273&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc365ffd2a0a59ccc9b1ef99f128cf5533ba012 + +**Edit 16 12:30PM:** + +A block of 300 strike calls came in, lemme take a look. + +**Edit 15 12:18PM:** + +New support added at 179. Haha at this rate I will have listed every single price GME has ever been at ;) + +On a more serious note, you can use a percentage based method and even bollinger bands to narrow in on 1 support that you think it will reach for the day. The multitude of lines are just there as options. It's ultimately up to the technical analyst to pick the ones that are significant for the day. + +**Edit 14 11:54AM:** + +IV seems to have bottomed out today. Very interesting... seems to have trouble going any lower. We're nearing pre January levels of IV. Ignore the weird gaps in volatility. That's caused by after hours trading. What I think has caused the uptick in IV is the moderately fast move downwards today. Remember that volatility goes up when the price moves fast. It's still rather slow today, but relatively faster than historical movements. + +https://preview.redd.it/e1y8atxswrr61.png?width=2201&format=png&auto=webp&s=0656daf6944b9d7755ddf44840491baac4435993 + +If we zoom out to a larger timescale, it would be pretty exceptional if we can drop down to circle 1's IV. However it seems like with the current level of volatility, we might be bottoming out at the same IV as circle two from before the January squeeze. + +https://preview.redd.it/vypy77caxrr61.png?width=2173&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f048a7c032f545ddd211f7de71373671a7a7bb + +**Edit 13 11:46AM:** + +My in depth analysis for the day: + +\-----------------> + +*Bows. Thank you. Thank you.* + +**Edit 12 11:32AM:** + +Broader market turning around, headed downwards. Even though GME has negative beta, downwards market moves still tend to drag it down. It's more during PM and AH that GME inverts the market. What happens is HFTs go short biased during broader market downtrends, so GME can follow the broader market during HFT only trading hours like midday. + +https://preview.redd.it/06h9shkzsrr61.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6bce5c111fc7e8b2e87610038f05e11fd6c641 + +**Edit 11 11:17AM:** + +You know I just noticed something about OptionSonar. They added this watermark. I swear this wasn't here in the past like maybe a week or two ago. + +Must be because some people including me forget to link the data below the screenshot so people get confused where this data is coming from (I'm sorry optionsonar!!! I promise I will promote your product ;) It's honestly really great.) + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/w596xit9qrr61.png?width=2503&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f70dc40255f35f4a4bfa35ebc0bee94bb6ebf0) + +**Edit 10 11:13AM:** + +As for 500 strike calls, these are 2022. Someone sold this **below** the bid. Long term bearish bet that the stock will remain below 500. It could be used as a part of a more complicated options strategy. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/lo1vwbjhprr61.png?width=2284&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b00dd7239f7146a87ec7b6bcf3bc441bbbe121e) + +**Edit 9 11:11AM:** + +These are November strike Calls, $440. Long term bullish bet. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/3wpz6jj7prr61.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3bfd9365063b1d08ecb251ca27895698b162713) + +**Edit 8 10:59AM:** + +Most of the downward movements today are on extremely low volume. I remember 2/24 was like this until things picked up mid day. From a technical perspective, it makes the most sense for long side to keep the IV crush going through the week. + +Could we see a larger move this week? It's possible because IV is already so low, however keep in mind that Max Pain for this week is higher than next. A larger move next week would make a lot more options expire worthless. Perhaps those large Put purchases yesterday was a setup for a 4/16 battle. + +**Edit 7 10:26AM:** + +Hovering around 180, possible support at 176.5 below. + +https://preview.redd.it/7vgz2is3hrr61.png?width=2136&format=png&auto=webp&s=43eccea2ccf97c00ba3061f0f991b88e7c250c5b + +**Edit 6 10:20AM:** + +Nothing crazy in terms of options. 250k worth of 200 strike calls. They seem to have been sold on the bid. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/6wjf75h3grr61.png?width=2483&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab2ab74c6c0f24dae630079552d058f5ceddcd44) + +**Edit 4 9:49AM:** + +The classic sideways arrow. + +https://preview.redd.it/cqf2cubjarr61.png?width=2126&format=png&auto=webp&s=417bf6e1a550f84c1016234af96d721f9b3383d7 + +**Edit 3 9:42AM:** + +New support added at 180.5. + +**Edit 2 9:32AM:** + +First minute candle, around 250k volume in WeBull. It's shaping up to be a low volume day. Perhaps volume will kick back in during power hour. + +**Edit 1 9:28AM:** + +It's seriously trading like a penny stock, crazy low volume in premarket, sitting in the hundreds. + +# Begin reading here + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/r1gd9eub6rr61.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=012cf555405e7c39f65e09f002df5ed0f13c7836 + +Gooooood morning my fellow apes! + +It's certainly been very quiet yesterday. The lowest volume all week sitting at around 6 million. It's interesting to me that it's always on a Tuesday that we see some of the lowest volume trading days. On 2/24, a Wednesday, the stock exploded after a 7 million volume trading day. + +Will we see some action today? Well let's find out. + +I'll be streaming on [https://youtu.be/Vas9FymxdCk](https://youtu.be/Vas9FymxdCk). + +# Premarket analysis + +No major gap up or down. We've just dropped to a lower support in the premarket. Broader market, S&P500, is also down in the premarket. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ol6b25yd6rr61.png?width=2138&format=png&auto=webp&s=567a35bcb2f9af7ed3edd82b3ecfc3674e0df631 +In the week ending March 28, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 6,648,000, an increase of 3,341,000 from the previous week's revised level. This marks the highest level of seasonally adjusted initial claims in the history of the seasonally adjusted series. The previous week's level was revised up by 24,000 from 3,283,000 to 3,307,000. The 4-week moving average was 2,612,000, an increase of 1,607,750 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised up by 6,000 from 998,250 to 1,004,250. + +See report [here](https://www.dol.gov/ui/data.pdf). +I am an engineer and have an interview for a back-office position at a large Asset Manager. They expect me to do some research about capital / financial markets and just to know whats generally going on in the industry. + +I know the relevant press and I spent hours going through the news. But is there any site that offers a recap / overview of what is going on the last 2 years, about the drivers / challenges etc... just to get a grasp and do some extended research on specific topics after that? + +Any other tips on what I should read about when it comes to "industry-knowledge"? +What's up Fat FIRE fam (first post for me)- I compiled a list unique countries to travel to in each given month of the year. Once I pull the trigger, I plan to do an epic trip like this around the world to be at specific events in different countries. I find the idea of travel motivates me to keep going hard. + + +Would love to crowd source other experiences and ideas, and hope my list is helpful! Please share the month, country, and reason for being there! + +**January:** Norway- Northern Lights. + +**February:** Switzerland- Skiing in the Alps. Alternative: China- Chinese New Year Celebration. + +**March:** India- Holi festival. + +**April:** Japan- Cherry Blossoms. + +**May:** Czech Republic- 3 week long music festival in Prague, perfect weather. Alternative: Monaco for F1. + +**June:** Tanzania- the great wildebeest migration to Kenya. + +**July:** Croatia- Yacht week 2 -8th, ending at Ultra Music Festival Croatia July 8th - 10th + +**August:** Scottland- Edinburgh Fringe Festival + +**September:** Middle East & Northern Africa- perfect weather and low tourist season. + +**October:** Germany- Octoberfest (I know it starts in Sept but it ends early Oct). Alternative: Mexico- Dia de los Muertos. + +**November:** Tailand- Loi Krathong and Yi Peng festivals with lanterns released into the sky. + +**December:** Chile- Hiking Patagonia, then go bring in the new year in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. +Just bought my first house and figuring things out as i go. Never heard this method but it kind of makes sense. Is there any negatives to this? Yes an offset with card would seem more convenient but like he says you pay for an offset and also wouldn’t get the points from spending on the credit card +Hey y'all, + +Currently renting in Austin, TX and I've decided to take the plunge into RE and decided I want to 'house hack'. I'm already pre-approved for an FHA loan and am linked up with an agent, who house hacks as well. + +However, from what I'm seeing, most of the duplexes that are in the areas I would live in are all 400k-550k. I've put these properties through dealcheck.io and the cash flow is always negative. + +I realize the market is hot and has been hot for some time, bought I thought with some persistence I'd be able to find a deal at some point. + +The units in these duplexes I'm looking at do not seem to rent past $1300, so even with some updating (which the houses in the 400k range usually need) I still don't think I can make it work. + +I know there are other ways of making money from RE (appreciation, amortization, etc), but it seems like most people will not buy a property without positive cash flow. + +Am I better off just looking at single-family homes? + +I'm still very much in the information-gathering/learning phase, so your responses are appreciated. + +"This is the next Ethereum! new wallet next month, this is going up!" + +Market crash = "LOL Buy the dip!" + +If bad market news = "Lol it's fake/oh it's happening again/can't wait for cheap coins" + +Everything is spin, pump, hold, buy. + +One gigantic investor echo chamber. Sorry I just needed to cut through the horseshit for 10 seconds.. continue the pumping. +As we await confirmation of the stimulus bill, it's hard to imagine how much room the market has to run without some kind of correction. It's days like today where we continue to see the stimulus bill get steadily price in and once the gavel hits in Washington I suspect much of it will already be reflected in the market. Now the one thing that could bolster this rally forward is additional positive vaccine news, whether that be improved distribution or another candidate coming forward with an additional vaccine. My top 5 holdings are Shopify, Salesforce, Pinterest, Apple, and Nvidia so I am not feeling guilty shaving profits off the top, albeit gently. I continue to remain a very longer term investor and am always hesitate to sell but raising 5-10% cash is what's called risk management, the market doesn't always go up. I'm always risk on but you'll never make money if you don't take profits and have cash on hand waiting for that market correction. I never claim or try to time market moves but we should all live by the philosophy of buy low and sell high, and right now we are high. + +&#x200B; + +Seacow +Or surprisingly well for the pay / include great benefits such as company car etc. + +As an example; my friend works as a BT engineer and said “it’s super easy, way more fancy than it sounds” He has a company van and works 3 nights a week on £50k annually after 2 years (30% bonus for nights) +I’ve seen a number of recent threads here on divorce and it made me wonder whether the fat crowd were more likely to get divorced than average. I also think of many high profile leaders in business, many who are divorced (eg Musk, Gates, Bezos). + +In many cases in the business world, it looks like a couple who married fairly early in a person’s career and their life/persona changed over the course of the success of their business. + +For the fat crowd, we’re obvious not at that tier but I wonder if some of the same principles apply. According to some online resources, common factors include: + +* big disparities in income earned +* emotional distance due to one person spending most of their time on their business / physical separation from traveling +* emotional distance from 2 people working all the time + +Financial freedom also eliminates situations where couples need to stay together in order to afford a house and raise kids. + +I’d like to hear anybody who’s gone through this or people who’ve found a different positive path (eg fatfire allowed people to spend more time together). + +This is also instructive for the people here who are about to get married/asking about prenups/heading toward fatFIRE to hear the possible outcomes down the road. +Was the bear market then way worse? Is this one worse? Were the despair levels like now? How long did it take to finally start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? + +Would love to hear some insight and perspective from those that were around for comparison, thanks! +WOW! What a 24 hours it has been for $Lildoge! + +We launched at 5pm UTC and already touching 2500 holders! Market cap is really low for what is in place the next few days! + +We welcome you to join over 3500(non botted) of the community in the telegram below in links! We have a big marketing push coming in the next week, now is your perfect entry. We are about to pull something big! + +📢Whats incoming you ask?📢 + +Poocoin ads(imminent), for two weeks straight! + +Coingecko listing- (Imminent!) + +CMC Listing- Fast tracked! + +We have twitter influences all over the world joining the team to help push this! + +Youtube Influences + +Don't sit and watch on this one, you will have the biggest regret over the coming week. We aren't sitting on our hands here, we are going to send this bigger than any Doge yet! Watch and learn! + +Any question, join the telegram and ask away! Devs are active through, in text and voice chat! + +Thankyou, Lildoge Team x + +This isnt your normal BSC rubbish, this is a real time with actual marketing and a plan for the future with #lildoge! + +📊 Tokenomics 📊 + +\-Total Supply = 1,000,000,000,000 -Presale 46.25% = 462,500,000,000 -Private 4.5% = 45,000,000,000 -Liqudity 46.25% = 462,500,000,000 -Marketing Wallet 2% = 20,000,000,000 -Airdrop 1% = 10,000,000,000 + +💰Tax💰 + +\-6% to Holders (Rewards for HODLing) -6% to Liquidity Pool (Creates a rising price floor) -3% to Community Wallet (Will be used for Buy Backs, Burns, Marketing and Donations) + +CONTRACT - 0x6a350b5d1110f8c8044c31eddee1773592def9b4 + +📲 Social Media + +📩 Telegram: [https://t.me/officiallildoge](https://t.me/officiallildoge) + +🌐 Website: [https://lildogebsc.com/](https://lildogebsc.com/) + +💻 Twitter: [https://twitter.com/lil\_doge\_bsc](https://twitter.com/lil_doge_bsc) +Disclaimer: I'm a MSc student in CS and this is for a homework, so my experience in finance, markets and trading is definitely limited. + +For a homework we were told to predict if a company's closing stock price for the day will rise, stay or go down. This is defined as if the rate of change in closing price between two adjacent days is larger, smaller, or within 1.5%. We should do this for 20 companies for 5 days. + +We can use any approach so I went for the "intuitive" approach of using linear regression on the closing price for the previous day and the dates to predict the price for the next day. I also read that in short term markets tend to be mean-reversing so I add a variable that represented the moving average for the past 20 days. For data I gathered roughly 700 closing stock prices for each company using an API for YahooFinance. I predict the price from the next day and then depending on how much it changes I classify it as rise, stays, or decreases. + +I used linear regression with L2 regularization (a few different values for the regularization coefficients but they didnt change much) and trained different regressors using the date, the price from previous day and the moving average from previous days as data, combined in linear ways. I also did some runs without date as an input variable. + +I also compared against predicting a random value for raise, stay or decrease (equal probability of 1/3) or skewed towards growth (since that's a common factor for stock prices) with a mean, std and skewness calculated from the values for all the 20 companies stock prices time-series. + +For testing I fitted the regressor using values up to a certain date and then predicted the next one. Repeated 500 times, so for the first regressor it would use all values - 1, but for the 500th one it would use all values - 500. + +Disclaimer 2: I'm pretty sure this methodology is probably sub-optimal so I welcome better ideas for how to test something like this rather than just split into x\_train and x\_test with certain percentages since I don't think that applies for this case where I just want to know results for the next item in the series. + +Anyways, results (averaged over the 500 runs) were as follows: + +Mean random accuracy: 0.34070000000000006 + +Mean skew distribution accuracy: 0.4109 + +Mean linear regression prediction accuracy: 0.5107 + +The linear regression was without date. With date this value went down, and the different values of alpha for regularization didn't change that much tbh. + +Conclusion: Changes in stock market from day to day have (almost) no correlation at all with previous values; the linear regression model's always predicting either raise or stay at least from what I'm seeing, and since that's what you mostly see that explains the higher prediction accuracy than completely random. + +Personal comments: I'm pretty sure there must signal, but it must come from a far-away source that is not in the stock price itself. For example I read a case of some guys that were looking for an expert on computer vision to help detect oil leaks in the middle east using satellite imagery to use as signal for predicting stock prices. I imagine there must be many similar analogies for other industries, including NLP data. + +Overall, more than anything about time-series themselves, I learned a lot about this incredibly fascinating world of trading, and hope I can keep learning to one day trade for real. +This past year I hit and exceeded my FIRE number. Currently NW at 9M and I am 36M with family (1 child, 1 planned) in a VHCOL city. This was attained through a tech IPO where I have one year left on vesting my initial grant which NPV would bring me another 2.5M. Yes, I'm very fortunate. Yes I'm happy to go fuck myself and make you all sandwiches. + +Here's the thing, I love this company, I love these people. The work and conversations are interesting. But I'm also just done. I founded my own company before and vastly prefer to do my own thing again. I'd like to move back to directly creating value instead of managing and hiring all the time. I've realized that a big part of moving into big tech was to get financial security and learn how the big guys do it. I've done that and now am ready to move on. + +It shouldn't be hard to stick around for a year to pull in 2.5M but I'm finding it exceedingly difficult for a couple reasons. + +1. I don't really care about money. I've never been a scoreboard person. I viewed earning as a 'get your chores done first so I can go out and play' kind of thing. Emotionally I feel like I've done my chores and now it's time for me to do whatever the hell I want and resisting that impulse is HARD because why shouldn't I? + 1. I also don't even know what I'd do with that next 2.5M. Best representation I have is # of years not working at current expenditures but that's not motivating when my current portfolio is more than sufficient for my current COL. + 2. My reasoning to fully vest my initial grant is because I feel that I already earned that equity with my past 3 years of effort. I was in a position to make a lot of large strategic decisions and we're benefitting from those now. My current position and next year of growth are decisions that have minimal impact in comparison and are mostly tactical. Since I know I'm going to ultimately leave I'm not interested in advocating to be in a position to make bigger impact decisions. +2. Integrity. I hate phoning it in. I've told my boss directly that I'm really not interested in letting my team or the company down in this next year and that I'd rather leave then risk that happening. However, If I can't get myself motivated to stick around for a year I'm going to be constantly conflicted about it which means letting down the people around me. I'm strongly not interested in a legacy of shining star for the first 3 years and then a flameout for my last year. + 1. For those of you in FAANG and similar. I know you can coast at Director level to some extent but it's exceedingly hard to coast when you care about the people and you're in a position to do fix their problems. IMO tech companies are eating the world because their internal operations/culture strongly induce forward progress even when you don't feel like it. +3. Exploit vs Explore algo. I've exploited as much as I care to in the world of Tech. I've learned how we do things in this industry and seen what higher in the ladder looks like and don't care to get there. I've been pushing myself for a decade to get here and now I'd like to allocate most of my cycles to exploring other creative pursuits and ways of doing things. Why shouldn't I get started on this immediately? +4. Belief that I'm still young enough to do young people things but not for much longer. Getting in great shape and going heli skiing? Still could. Becoming an adept mountain biker and doing a season out in Moab? Still could. My suspicion is over the next few years I'm going to be shifting into maintaining health instead of having a window to be in the maximal condition to do interesting physical things. I'd love to hear from the 40+ crowd if it feels like these doors closed or stayed open longer than you expected. + +**Ask**: I'm in a cushy position so I'd like to attack this from both angles: + +Pro staying and vesting: + +* how can I better appreciate the value of another 2.5M+. Did you adjust your FI goals upwards after you hit the original? What was motivating about it? What didn't matter in hindsight? +* how can I minimize the cost of a year of my life? how can I maximize the benefit of this year while still needing to be allocated to a job I'm not motivated by but requires full attention? + +Pro leaving and exploring: + +* How does that 2.5M not matter if I've already achieved my FI goals currently? After leaving will I discover new things that require more money that I'll regret not being in a position to go after? +* What windows start closing in your late 30s which limit your opportunities to explore life to the fullest? What areas will I miss out on if I don't start moving on them now? + +Thanks for any thoughts you have. The obvious response is "life is too short to do anything you don't want to do" but I'm looking to get a bit more nuanced in what I might be missing here. Writing and publishing this to this group has been helpful in itself so thank you for existing as a community. +We are, by all intents and purposes, in a market crash. I believe its going to get a whole lot worse.. but still.. the market has crashed by any metric. + +Even if MM are trying despirately to change the definition of the word "recession". + +So why have'nt we seen any margin calls yet? Hedgefunds long positions are far in the reds.. and what I've understood, much of the collateral for their bets are the long positions, or have I misunderstood something? +From SEC (source: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-22/s70822-20147032-312610.pdf - check fifth page from bottom or something like that): + +___11/2/2020 Swap Counterparty 5 SC5 Basket 1 Custom Basket Swap -$1,037,418,675.95___ + +Questions: + + +1. Is this us? Counterparty 5 SC5 basket 1? + + +2. They roll them every two years (are there other durations?), yes? + + +3. Meaning, is this an action having to be done today (reroll/close) since it was opened 2nd Nov 2020), or is it more like a window opening today, where they have a certain amount of days/weeks to reroll/close? + + +4. As $1b was for x amounts of GME at prices of ~$2.7 apiece (EDIT: this is the adjusted post-split price, i was wrong sorry), it means todays renewal/close has to be renegotiated for about 10x higher price. + + +___Do CS have to fucking pay up $~10b today for position closes, or reroll these positions for another two years, when DRS rate will ensure that two years later, they cannot mathematically be closed? Who would accept being the counterparty of that shit? Roflmao - and they call us regarded!___ + + +Very exciting! + +___EDIT:___ If one adds other counterparties, ("6" and "3" respectively, in addition to "1" above), across Nov 2-3 2020 there were _more than $2b worth of swaps on this particular custom basket_. + + +But before you get hyped, refer to my question #1: is this us? Others have said so, i dont have time to read a 200p PDF. Is there a way to know, or can it be deduced from e.g. correlating swap sizes and dates with GME movements? +The fed has fucked up. Inflation wasn't transitory and their favorite measure, core PCE, is the highest it's been in 4 decades. + +Now they have to look like they are fighting inflation by raising rates and tapering asset purchases. They are talking quite a big game right now. Many fed officials are talking about a fed funds rate at 3-4% and several are even mentioning balance sheet runoff. + +I'm here to tell you they are completely full of shit. We won't even get close to 4% fed funds rate this cycle. And that's because as a nation we are increasingly dependent on low interest rates to finance the national debt (as well as private debt). + +That's because the national debt has absolutely exploded over time. Debt to GDP has increased from 30% in the 70s to 125% now. + +https://preview.redd.it/767ffk2tx5b81.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b3beaabaa8f5ffdb07d31b660c0341055d61945 + +&#x200B; + +This massive increase in the debt means that interest payments on that debt increase as the fed raises interest rates. Thus every hiking cycle for the past 40 years has resulted in a lower and lower peak fed funds rate before the market breaks and the fed capitulates and begins easing again (aka the money printer kicks into high gear). The last peak in 2018 was a fed funds rate of 2.25-2.50% before markets plunged 25% in the 4th quarter. + +https://preview.redd.it/sn4shjqky5b81.png?width=1226&format=png&auto=webp&s=31e9984d76d5aab315817cb563733df3e8662e14 + +But the debt is even higher now than it was in 2018, so we know the next ceiling will have to be lower as well. I've analyzed this by looking at the average of the fed funds rate and the 5-year treasury yield and multiplying this combined rate by the national debt. + +If we assume both rates increase in tandem by 25 basis points per quarter, and the national debt goes up a paltry $300 billion quarterly (its been going up much faster than this recently), then we will cap out at just 1.25-1.50% this cycle. Likely in the 2nd quarter of 2023. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rmvaredrw5b81.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=75bb7bc23243c9f151daddc8aa979a71eb799680 + +&#x200B; + +So when markets are crashing after only the 5th rate hike, and inflation is still running at over 5% annually, just know that the fed is going to capitulate and save the markets by easing again. + +This is a big problem, because you need treasury yields to get above inflation expectations in order to encourage savings instead of spending to stop inflation. In the 70s, with debt to GDP at only 30%, we were able to do just that. It wasn't painless (look at the recession of the early 80s), but we did it. With inflation at 5-10%, we can't even get close to stopping it without absolutely decimating the stock market and the economy. + +So the fed is trapped. They are going to have to choose between switching to easing and saving the economy and stock market, or continuing to hike in an attempt to kill inflation, but also causing the great depression 2.0 in the process. I'm confident they will choose to save markets and stop fighting inflation as the tradeoff, which means that the inflation trades at that point will be going absolutely bananas. + +And that's because the US will finally be embarking on monetary policy akin to a banana republic by lowering rates while experiencing high inflation. + +So make sure you get YOUR bananas over the next year to prepare for this utter bullshit of a ride that the fed is about to take us on. For me that means precious metals (specifically silver via PSLV and physical, not SLV which is a bullshit ETF). I also like platinum and uranium a lot as well. For others it could mean other commodities, energy plays, or real estate. Or even just buying a whole bunch of shit before it goes up in price. + +Good luck my friends, this is the end game! +I’m looking into buying a mixed-use building in Philadelphia that has a commercial unit on the ground floor, as well as two residential units above it. + +Is there anything I should know about this scenario specifically before putting in an offer? One of the two residential units is already leased, and I plan to live the one that is currently unoccupied. + +The monthly expenses not including maintenance come out to about $3600 a month. The unit currently being leased brings in $1650 a month. If you set aside an additional $1650 I can pay myself back for my unit, and I figure I can get at least the same $1650 for the commercial, this looks to me like a slam dunk positive cash flow. Is there something I’m missing? Is commercial rent usually lower than the residential rent? Is it difficult to get commercial tenants? This is in an in-demand neighborhood. + +Appreciate any help as I don’t have much commercial experience. +Node-TS, AWS serverless configuration, React & Firestore for my db (for now). + +My reasons for Typescript + React is based upon familiarity and the lean mindset of getting to market. + +AWS serverless as it’s cheap/free and a lot of fun for me to architect out. I’ve roughed in my infrastructure, which looks like: + +Semi-automated infrastructure: + +AWS Event -> Lambda (pull list of stocks tracked) -> SQS them individually (~1,600 tickers tracked atm) -> lambda (iexcloud api to get latest, query db for x amount of past data, calculate + map for charting + save the latest, &, finally, if signal -> SNS (text or email) + +I’m considering more modularity in the second to last step. I do have in mind a fully automated variant, but I’m not there yet. + +I hope my nerding out is fine. All of this is a a lot of fun to think & read about! +As you probably already know, we have hardly any opportunities to vote in Europe. Now there was in the proxy documents of Game Stop on page 10 point 7 the hint regarding Broker Non-Vote. **We urgently need a feedback from Mr. Carl Hagberg**. My Apebro /u/Pristine_Physics_857 has already asked the question to Mr. Carl Hagberg, but we need more upvotes here. + +Link: [**https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8qq8v/official\_ama\_carl\_hagberg\_retail\_shareholder/gxl3ogg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf&context=3**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8qq8v/official_ama_carl_hagberg_retail_shareholder/gxl3ogg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +Euroapes would be happy if you upvote the question diligently. I am sure you are also very interested in the fact that our shares can finally be counted and that we also have a decisive weighting. Even if we cannot vote directly, the recording of the number of shares is the decisive factor for all of us. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you very much. Apes together strong. +A new ETF designed to bet directly against Cathie Wood’s flagship fund comes not a moment too soon for her growing band of skeptics. +All eight of the exchange-traded funds at Wood’s Ark Investment Management dropped in July and almost all have seen net outflows, with a day’s data still to be gathered. +With a clutch of speculative tech stocks including Spotify Technology SA falling out of market favor, the US$22.5 billion ARK Innovation ETF (ticker ARKK) is now trading in the red for the year. It’s a reversal from the standout performance in 2020 that earned Wood both fame and a mountain of assets. +Now ARKK is the target of the Short ARKK ETF (SARK) that will deliver the daily inverse performance of the famous fund, according to a Friday filing to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/12/surge-in-layoffs-is-unlikely-to-help-profits-no-matter-what-the-market-thinks.html + +Companies have cut some 30 million workers, but that may not be enough to help profit margins. + +The obstacles include lower profits, falling demand and uncertainty around the coronavirus. + +Stocks have rallied about 30% off their March lows even amid terrible economic data and gloomy earnings prospects. + +For the first quarter, earnings are on track to fall 13.6%, according to FactSet. Forecasts for the rest of the year see a 40.6% drop in Q2, a 23% decline in Q3 and 11.4% in Q4 +I began a refinance process on a property 4.5 months ago and they're still not done. They ran into another snag this week that wasn't caught early on and their favorite quote without fail is "we should hear back next week" about it. Every banker, lender, and investor I've spoke with says these should take 30-45 days tops. I've lost potential business deals because this funding has not become available as it should have. I'm electing to sell the property outright now instead of a refinance because I believe I would have better luck getting cash in the bank sooner that way versus dealing with this group anymore. + +The lender is through Cardinal Financial Company DBA Peoples Home Equity. The lender and myself are located in ND, property is located in WA. Any thoughts to the regulatory board I can report them to? It will only be a ding on their account, but man has it messed with my FIRE plans... They have 4.5 months worth of "work" into my file, can they demand restitution for spinning their wheels? +To my apes and apettes! + +Tomorrow is the day that gamestop will pay off their senior notes for 2023. They will be paying cash to rid themselves of debt, this is insanely bullish. + +Here's the link to the official annoucement: [Gamestop Announces Voluntary Early Redemption](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-senior-notes-0) + +After tomorrow, when the debts have been paid, the company is legally allowed to discuss partnerships and plans for the future, so buckle up! + +&#x200B; + +Just a quick side note to everyone. + +Remember, we've seen a lot of price action on GME, A LOT of price action. We've seen swings of literally hundreds of dollars on random days, we've seen volume dry up faster than my girlfriends entry hole, we've seen the MSM attack Gamestop relentlessly. Yet we're still sideways trading at $170+. + +Gamestop hasn't really released any information about their plans or future ideas. Gamestop has given the least amount of information possible and yet we're still at way over $150 per share. Gamestop just released 3.5 million shares on to the market without ANYONE knowing! Patience my young apes, patience and we will be rewarded. + + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Rockets Rockets Rockets + +Diamonds Diamonds Diamonds + +Apes Apes Apes +It's often said that if you raise corporate taxes, business will leave for another state/country. What actually happens to the original state/nation's economy when this happens in the short and long-term? Do we have any real world examples? + +Do the outcomes differ depending on the population of the country or the size of its economy? (For instance the U.S. compared to Iceland) +Hello world 👋 +I hope you all had a fun day, looking at GME hitting 200 US-$ again! +As far as I can tell, US after hours closed at 216, let's see where Germany opens 😁 + + +Current price "115 minutes in: 211.93 US-$" + +FAQ: + +Where do you get our numbers from? +- +I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +Why are your numbers different from the ones I'm seeing online? +- +My banking app shows me the best price that I can sell for right now...it compares Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Xetra and "Direkthandel" (meaning "direct exchange"). +That's why my movement may differ from your sources online. + +I don't trust those germans, look at what they did in the 20th century...can I get another source? +- +Sure, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Can you post the volume too? +- +I can't see the volume on my banking app but you can find it online or probably in my comments, since some friendly apes talk about it often. +But remember how low the volume is in the US pre-Market and we're talking pre US pre-market here so I think that the volume doesen't reeeeally matter this early into the trading day. + +Why are you doing this every day, what's the point of posting these numbers, since the volume is nothing compared to the one in the US? +- +I think that it's less about the numbers, it's to show that every minute of every day, there is an ape who's holding GME. +Look through the comments, there are people from all around the world just wishing each other a good morning, how awesome is that? +I think that this feeling of camaraderie is crucial, it's good to know that I'm not the only one liking this stock. +I'm holding since november and I will continue to hold for my brothers and sisters. +We are not a union, we are all individuals who like the stock, but we're still family! + +Starting:                  214.00 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 213.76 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 213.82 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 213.88 US-$ + +20 minutes in: 213.88 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 213.88 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 213.88 US-$ + +35 minutes in: 214.06 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 214.00 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 214.43 US-$ + +50 minutes in: 214.31 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 214.31 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 214.12 US-$ + +65 minutes in: 214.00 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 213.45 US-$ + +75 minutes in: 212.66 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 209.50 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 212.00 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 211.69 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 211.20 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 210.60 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 211.20 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 211.93 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 211.93 US-$ + +The US-Premarket is about to open so that's it for today 🇺🇸 +Much love to all of you and let's give 'em hell today! +My dad passed away in January. He left me with a 111k in insurance. After paying funeral expenses and giving my grandmother money (10k) I am left with around 82k. It’s in a TCA account that builds interest. I’m a nurse and right now I make 26 an hour although I’m planning to move and make about 5-7 bucks more within the next 6 months since I’m more comfortable with that. I also do travel nursing every once in a while and can make around 2k-5k per week if I decide to take another contract. A friend also passed and left me with insurance money (17k) and I have 9k left after paying off most of all my debts (except my car). + +I want to find a way that’s not extremely risky to invest this money and build more. So maybe I can enjoy my family more and work just PRN. I don’t want to stop working entirely at all, just have money building up over night so I can enjoy myself more but I’m not sure how to go about it. I wanted to put some in a Roth IRA as well but not sure how to go about that. I’m only 24 so I have no clue what to do. Any advice would be much appreciated. +Having saw a post of r/Australia of what is your favourite sign of a Cash-Up Bogan, I am curious as to what ppl on this subreddit observe & perceive as signs of Stealth Wealth & Old Money in Australia? +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +# flair links + +[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22) **|** [**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22) **|** [**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22) **|** [**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22) **|** [**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22) **|** [**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22) + +[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22) **|** [**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22) **|** [**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&) **|** [**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22) **|** [**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) **|** [**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22) **|** [**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22) + +[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22) **|** [**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22) **|** [**SuperstonkBot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22) **|** [**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1) **|** [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) + +# important links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +Banner Contest is live! 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And much like the FIRE wisdom of not trying to put people on our financial pathway, they might briefly mention their diet or fitness program but they don’t push it on me. + +I am making some early progress on improving my diet and hope to incorporate an exercise regimen as well. I consider this as something I need to take a deep dive into learning more just as I have for years with FIRE (although now I am more on autopilot with FIRE related things) + +My question: do any of you have another “FIRE equivalent?” Other life hacks you don’t share with others outside of an internet bubble, things you believe improve your life substantially? +Hello, + +I am 17 years old and in a few months i will be turning 18. I am planning on investing my savings ( around 2500e ) into ETFs for a long time horizon ( at least 15-20 years ). I was wondering how are other people, who went for long term positions in ETFs, doing. Did you meet your expectation you had when you started to invest for a long run? Is there any knowledge you´ve gained over the years you wish you would have had at the beginning? Did you have to take your investment out for any reason or were you able to stay invested ? + + +I am currently still learning as much as i can over ETFs. From what I have learned so far i would like to invest in 5ETFs to set my core investment and maybe and a few individual stocks such as Microsoft or coca cola. The 5 ETFS I meantioned should consist of 1 Global Stocks ETF, 1 US ETF, 1 Fixed income ETF and the ETFs VLUE and SIZE from Blackrock. The Equity ETFs should form around 80 - 90 % of the core portfolio with the rest invested in Bonds ( Fixed income ETF ). As i mentioned before, my initial invesment should be around 2500e and i am planning on adding extra 200e every month for at least the next 2 years, after that i will most likely move out of my parents house and my expenses will rise significantly. + + +I am mainly looking for answers to the questions in the 1st paragraph, but any advice or opinions on my strategy is more than welcome. +I am a completely new and no NOTHING about Forex. For those who have become successful and/or understand forex trading, if you could go back in time and start over to gain the most ground where would you start? +I was just on the phone with Fidelity transferring some more shares to Computershare and I asked the lady if they're still getting a lot of these requests and she said, "It's actually slowed down significantly this week." + +If you're on the fence about Computershare, read the DD and don't delay! + +Edit: I love hearing the stories of everyone that's waiting for shares to move to another broker before DRSing. Gives me hope that this lull in DRS might have been caused by the bad brokers holding up the transfers. + +Edit 2: Any apes that are calling Fidelity for DRS transfers today, can you ask a similar question? Maybe the person I talked with was off the first three days of the week or something? +While doing some research on buying paper gold, I came across the Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs). They offer multiple benefits over gold ETFs like fixed interest income, no tax on capital gains if held till maturity, etc. All the articles describe SGB to be superior than gold ETF/digital gold, which makes sense given the benefits. + +However, none of the articles I read mention that the prices of SGBs are higher than gold ETFs for same quantity of gold, I thought all of them follow the price of spot gold. Is there anything I am missing here? + +Price of SBI Gold ETF: [https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/gold-etf/sbimutualfund-goldexchangetradedscheme/SBI16](https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/gold-etf/sbimutualfund-goldexchangetradedscheme/SBI16) + +Price of HDFC Gold ETF: [https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/gold-etf/hdfcmutualfund-goldexchangetradedfund/HDF02](https://www.moneycontrol.com/india/stockpricequote/gold-etf/hdfcmutualfund-goldexchangetradedfund/HDF02) + +Price of SGB 2021 series: [https://stableinvestor.com/2021/03/sovereign-gold-bond-price-history.html](https://stableinvestor.com/2021/03/sovereign-gold-bond-price-history.html) + +EDIT: Found a really helpful guide on purchasing SGBs from secondary market [here](https://www.personalfinanceplan.in/buy-sovereign-gold-bonds-stock-exchanges/). Insightful and answers many other questions I had. +So, I am not a struggling ape, although I do work hard for a living. + +Today, however, for the first time in my 25 year career, I have lost my job. (Happy to provide proof to mods if needed). + +I am struggling emotionally guys. I feel worthless and lost. I know I can find another job eventually, but I felt like such a failure telling my wife and kids before they left for their school / work. On my kids birthday too. + +Really, so much suck...... + +I just needed a place to vent. No need for any charity. I just needed to scream "virtually" + +"FUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" + +&#x200B; + +Edit for an update: I want to thank you all for the awards and words. Honestly I dont need the awards (save your money for GME) and I wish my first gold was on a more positive post. But thank you all very much. + +Second update: Doorbell rang for a delivery. And guess who showed up but my Bananya from Gamestop. Timing couldnt have been more perfect as I really needed the hug. I am gonna cuddle with it until I have to give it up to my kid :) + +Last edit: This community has brought me a lot of laughs and tears today. What we do in this group is so far beyond the Stonk and I dont think people see that. With that said I have spent a lot of the day trying to keep up with replies and I need to step away to take some time to reflect. If I didnt respond to you, please know it isnt because I dont appreciate you. I really, truly, do +I was thinking that to curtail excessive consumption of a resource, let's say gasoline, we could make gasoline very cheap for the first 30 gallons per month. However, the gasoline that you buy after the 30th gallon gets taxes substantially higher until the 50th gallon, and after the 50th gallon, it gets taxed even higher. + +This is sort of a consumption tax that happens to be a progressive tax and not regressive. It penalizes people who drive inefficient cars, who live very far from where they work, and who, in general, "hogs up" all the gasoline. + +Why aren't taxes like this not used for other commodities, like: + +* electricity +* foods +* water +* clothes +* airplane journeys (like allow the first 10,000 miles to be purchased very cheaply, but it's much more expensive after that)? +**TLDR** + +GME is consistently among the top 5 traded stocks on Fidelity’s platform, landing ahead of many other tech giants. Among popular stocks, the buy to sell ratio for GME is very clearly the highest. Diamond handing, defined as buying and holding, is most pronounced on days when the price dips are largest, and the behavior has recently risen to new extremes (buy to sell ratios in excess of 9 to 1). Heavy short selling coupled with a spike in buy orders from retail suggest that GME short sellers have managed only to deepen the pit they are in. + +**Update based on comments** + +There are a few trying to dismiss the entire analysis by pointing out that, on any given day, the volume of shares for sell orders can exceed the volume of shares for buy orders. In other words, there can be a favorable buy to sell ratio but more actual selling than actual buying. + +Fair enough. It is not a pattern that can be sustainable or remain true over a meaningful window of time though. Think about how shares available to be sold are acquired in the first place. Answer: It is through buy orders. Individual investors must first purchase shares in order to one day sell them. It does not really matter if on some random day sell volume happens to exceed buy volume despite a favorable buy to sell ratio. The pattern is not sustainable in the long-run and it gets washed out in the end. Consider the simple table below. + +*Roommates who decide to invest in the same stock and each make 1 trade per day or less* + +|Roommate|Volume - Day 1|Volume - Day 2|Volume - Day 3|Net End Volume| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|All-In Andy|\+5|\+1|0|\+6| +|Piecemeal Peter|\+1|\+1|\+1|\+3| +|Trader Tommy|\+10|\-9|\-1|0| +|All 3|\+16|\-7|0|\+9| +|Buy to Sell Ratio|3:0|2:1|1:1|3:1| + +You might say, "Whoa...look at day 2. A favorable buy to sell ratio but there was a net sell off!" Fine. But when you look at the net outcome for all the days, in this little corner apartment of the market at least, there will always be a net increase in volume (i.e., shares owned) whenever the buy to sell ratio is above 1 to 1. And that's the real, bigger point! The math always holds--you can try until you are blue and the face but you will never create a table /scenario in which there is a net sell off within this particular corner of the market. + +**Background** + +Each day, Fidelity provides a list of the 30 [most traded securities](https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml) on its platform. The list is based on total orders, not total volume. Screenshots are regularly posted, particularly on days when GME experiences a significant price drop. There are two general observations: + +* Retail interest in GME is high. It is frequently one of Fidelity’s most traded securities +* Retail trade orders are clearly weighted toward the buy side—recently reaching a ratio of 9+ buy orders for every 1 sell order. + +[Figure 1 - Top Buy and Sell Orders on Fidelity | December 14, 2021](https://preview.redd.it/1xl250dpfp581.png?width=1342&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5f07439ea3e934cc9ea02b166e68d779188127d) + +To my knowledge, no one has systematically studied patterns in this data. I used the [Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml) from Internet Archive to obtain Fidelity’s daily list for 193 out of 240 trading days (so far) in 2021 (or 80% of trading days). I intend to use the data to help update my (flawed) work on calculating minimum short interest on GME, but I thought some people would be interested in what I found in looking at the data by itself. + +**GME is consistently one of the most traded stocks on Fidelity** + +On 80% of observed trading days in 2021, GME has featured in Fidelity’s list of most traded securities. As shown in Figure 2, its string of absences was concentrated in October and November. Retail interest in GME has since rebounded, concurrent with a steep drop in its stock price. + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 2 - Daily Rank of GME on Fidelity's List of Most Traded Securities | 2021](https://preview.redd.it/391evmkxfp581.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=75d13829eb10e9544ad370f3e47603421686c4a3) + +While, on average, GME is the 11th most traded stock on Fidelity in terms of orders, it has also been either the most or second-most traded stock on almost 1/5th of trading days in 2021. Using the number of days listed among the top 30 securities and the average daily rank, I calculate GME as the 5th most traded stock on Fidelity’s platform—ahead of Amazon, Microsoft and other tech giants. Table 1 provides a summary of the 10 most consistently traded stocks throughout 2021. + +[Table 1 - Most Poplar Stocks on Fidelity Based on Order Data | 2021](https://preview.redd.it/eiqgarnngp581.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6795e12ec8eb047b520881a189464992070b7b9) + +**Diamond handing is most apparent on days when the price dips are large** + +Days in which GME’s price decreases more see a higher proportion of trades that are buy orders. Moreover, the % of buys and the ratio of buy orders to sell orders are significantly higher for GME than for the other stocks that commonly feature in Fidelity’s list of most traded securities. + +[Table 2 - Buy Pressure by Daily Loss \/ Gain; GME vs Other Top Securities | 2021](https://preview.redd.it/0l4s19xapp581.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=7859ce36b7b2e98d4aa962e088259fa34bfd336f) + +[Figure 3 - Histogram of Buy to Sell Order Ratios](https://preview.redd.it/cw5kiw8jjr581.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fdfe0b4b2b0f81289430a6b68449702f232740f) + +**Diamond handing is reaching new extremes** + +Despite—or more accurately because of—the significant drop in GME’s price over the past couple of weeks, retail investors have substantially increased both total order volume and buy order volume. Figure 4 is restricted to days in which GME’s price dropped 5% or more in 2021. It reveals that total orders have increased substantially in recent days concurrent with the dip in GME’s price. Moreover, the ratio of buy orders to sell orders has never reached higher than it has in recent days. + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 4 - Buy to Sell Ratios on Days GME's Price Drops 5&#37; or more | 2021](https://preview.redd.it/2zlcs2w1hp581.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8ae251d19ae7e2f71008287dc74993c5f567ba0) + +**Desperate acts and an accelerated demise** + +It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. For 12 months now, whenever financial services institutions have colluded to lower the price of GME, the result has been an uptick in retail sentiment coupled with holding and fresh spikes in orders to buy. Rather than evolve to the situation (in truth, doubling down may be the only option) those who are short GME are now making another sustained push to lower the price by flooding the market with shares (most definitely through naked synthetic short sells) in a vein attempt to shake off retail investors. Though the price may have temporarily dropped, the larger result is simply more shares in the hands of diamond-handed apes and a deeper pit for those foolhardy enough or otherwise compelled to put themselves on the sell side of these trades. + +&#x200B; + +[Figure 5 - GME Buy to Sell Ratios Over Time | 2021](https://preview.redd.it/kd40k8shhp581.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=0183f9498ca5c59ca1605d169efaa1f2a86fbf0e) + +Assuming those shares will be DRS’d, recent acts also accelerate the demise of these institutions. Price discounts = more shares in the hands of retail = more shares DRS’d = a quicker path to locking the float. The past two weeks have more than a hint of desperation— “GameStop has not been this oversold in many months so stay away you retail dummies!”. + +DRS scares them. Apes educating family and friends scares them. Apes and others shopping at GameStop for the holidays scares them. And Ryan Cohen and the business transformations (plural) underway at GameStop scare the absolute living heck out of them. Buckle up. + +**Disclaimer** + +This is not financial advice. I am not a financial professional nor am I qualified to offer financial advice. This study has not been peer-reviewed let alone ape-reviewed. Inform yourself and make your own financial decisions. + +**P.S.** + +If anyone has or knows how to obtain the data for dates I am missing, I would love to chat with you. + +© u/bobbobberstein +Hi all, + +Just wanted to thank everyone on the forum over the year providing me support. + +Just a bit of a background on me, 27m I had a bad gambling addiction for most of my life, never saved, went through massive depression with a breakup and turned to alcohol, Decided I wanted to change things in 2020 and saved through the flowchart and your help, saw a therapist and stopped gambling and limited my drinking to sociable levels. I’ve now managed to save up to 17.5k in a year with 10k in my LISA and 7.5k in my emergency fund which I don’t feel is a lot but better then nearly being in debt last year at this time. This would of never happened without your help and support. I’ve also managed to buy some nice Xmas presents for the family for once which has made me feel positive after the year we’ve had. + +Thanks everyone and hope 2021 is better for all of us! +PROOF http://imgur.com/a/0EaHH + +I am not: + + +* Giving trade advice. + + +* Giving trade setups. + + +* Selling anything. + + +* Asking for anything + + + +I don't have a fancy degree or much knowledge of economics but I practised for nearly a year on a demo account and read all I could on forex and once I felt I had a strategy that worked for me, I deposited real money and just took the plunge. + +I've been trading for 1.5 years, I'm 28 and now earn on average £4000 a month. My single biggest loss was £4700 and my single biggest win was £21,000 on Brexit. I am making this thread not to brag but to try and answer any questions you may have about trading forex as a hobby or as a career. + +**I am not affiliated or sponsored by FXCM** + +**EDIT - I'm pretty busy now so I won't be able to answer anymore of your questions. Thanks to those of you who posted and I hope I was able to answer your questions. Best of luck to all of you!** +Hey everyone, + +I've had some spare time to develop a personal project of mine. This project attempts to predict whether a company will beat or miss earnings based on the financial data from the previous quarter, sentiment analysis, or stock price movement. This project is still in the very early stages of development. + +Even if you have no interest in the project, I have some good tools for web scraping [zacks.com](https://zacks.com) or gathering 10Q/10K documents from the SEC. If you're interested, please check out my github repo: + + [https://github.com/alexanderpei/DeepEarnings](https://github.com/alexanderpei/DeepEarnings) + +This is my first project using Python and Git so please forgive some errors. + +Also please let me know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. Take care! +Compared to similar countries do you think Australia's tax treatment for those earning $180k and above is about right? For an OECD country its pretty much right on the average but we all know a lot of wealth is tied to property here. I've seen some interesting strategies on going abroad for 2 years, paying off your PPR and then coming right back and plugging right back into our system and having your PPR exempt from CGT. + +I'm Western Australian but somehow not involved really with the FIFO sorts and I have a lot of Engineer/Banking friends that think FIFO has normalised high tax brackets since those jobs are location dependent and they can't (or won't) take their talents (as easily) abroad. They seem to think most talented Australians are doing a 'tour of duty' in Singapore or similar and Australia's getting some serious brain drain because our tax system on high earners is scaring everyone except FIFO workers off. I'm all for paying one's fair share, I just want some more opinions for a better perspective. +One of the world’s wealthiest hedge fund managers has lost millions of pounds after shares in the owner of British Airways took off. + +Karma is a bitch. HODL Apes + +Full story here. + +[https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/hedge-fund-king-ken-griffin-loses-millions-on-british-airways-bet/ar-AASso9Y](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/hedge-fund-king-ken-griffin-loses-millions-on-british-airways-bet/ar-AASso9Y) +I’ve been retired for 2.5 years now, and I pop in here from time to time to tell people how things are going. I do it because I am encouraged to do so (by you nice folks) and I like to share what I learned so far. Feel free to ask me anything you like. + + +[My first post - a 1 year in reflection + FIRE story](https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/b2bfko/fire_1_year_in_a_few_reflections/) + +[And my 2 year follow up here]( https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/etgc2q/fire_2_years_in_a_few_more_reflections/) + +I’m a patient person, a future-oriented person, and these characteristics helped me to persist in the long-term planning I did when I was working towards FI/RE. It helped me hold on to my investment in crypto as it soared (Stick to your plan, man: I took some profits, which is how I jumped the queue to FIRE earlier than expected and with more than I needed, though I was heavy on the FI/RE path before that). + +I am also a semi-rational person (I think), who has played out a number of scenarios in my head many times. In fact – I had to do that to feel confident to retire in the first place. What if ____ (fill in catastrophic thing) happens?… each time I figured out how I would survive and most of the survival plans fell out to: keep cool and sit tight (a couple of them included “and go back to work.”) Considering how the stock market and economy in general are cyclical, I had gone through the “what do you do when there is a crash and your net worth drops significantly?” (note the crash part is not “if”, but “when”). The answer, as previously mentioned, was “sit on the porch and watch your sunflowers grow.” + +There was a conversation in (I think) one of my posts last year where after the market had dropped a small amount I mentioned I had just chilled through it (while others flipped out and panic-sold and were then kicking themselves) and someone on here snarkily replied “well, wait until you see a REAL drop, then we will see what you do!” + +Well Snarko VonSnarkington, this post is for you. + +As you might recall, the month of March was brutal, with many days showing huge losses in the stock markets. Not only did the market drop precipitously but my historically uncorrelated asset bitcoin shit the bed as well (a universal rush to cash?) leaving me just over $1M poorer net-worth-wise. + +My portfolio consists of real estate (my old house that I now rent out), index funds, and bitcoin. I outright own my current house (sold my bond funds to buy the house) and a piece of shit truck that I love. I also own a cat free and clear. + +So what did I do as my portfolio took a double barreled shotgun to the face?!?!? Not a goddamn thing. Ok, that’s a lie. I loss-harvested 90k worth of index funds which have since recovered and then some. I held tight. I held strong. I built shelves for my workshop out of salvaged lumber. + +Psychologically I have to say I felt off – it was not fun, and it was not Zen (though I tried brother, I tried). I had to argue with myself “well, this is one of those situations that test your mettle, meboyo…” and “wow, how is this going to play out… nervous… yuck…” but even though I experienced emotions, there was never even the option in my mind to sell in order to protect capital. It never appealed to me as a wise option and I had no compulsion to do so. For years I have made an informed decision to commit to this strategy I believe in, and damnit I am going to stick by it. I own my house. I know how to cook. I have health insurance and a rainy-day fund. I am retired, by design, because I stick to the plan until it no longer makes any sense – and this was a case where it looked like things were going to be ok (maybe it will take 3 years, but ok nonetheless). I had no idea we would see a stock/crypto recovery so quickly. + +By the end of this August when I updated my monthly spreadsheet, I had crossed back above where I was just before the crash. As of last week my net worth is 10% higher than it was before the crash. I also used the confusion in the marketplace in April to buy a beautiful old house to live in (and it has a huge detached workshop!) in a new, lower COL city (with cash, at a discount). + +Who the hell knows what happens next with this economy, politics, health, meteors, and the old Gods of Cthulu, but I’ve got one “been there, done that” under my belt now and I feel like I played it well by not playing at all. If anyone is looking for me, I’m out back in the workshop, making smoke and dust and a general mess as I teach myself woodworking and metalworking to enhance my primitive art constructs. + +Feel free to ask any questions, and when shit gets weird, remember to breathe. + +**Edit: [Highly Demanded Cat Pic](https://i.imgur.com/a/CHMbdvd)** +I spoke up today at work in a small team huddle. I asked my boss' boss about something borderline illegal that the company did and lied about. I have known for a while now, others know as well but no one spoke up. FIRE has allowed me to get over the fear of losing my job and spoke up. I feel so much better after speaking up + +Thank you for sharing your journey and motivated me to do the same. So happy that I can share with someone about this small achievement. + +Edit it wasn't that climatic. I simply asked "can we address x" and the response was meh. I was just really really happy I could speak up for once and wanted to share. not whistleblower worthy and I would rather spend my time finding another job at a more honourable company. +It's not from *Intelligent Investor*, although that's a great book. It also nowhere to be found in *Security Analysis* or *Wealth of Nations,* despite this trio being one of the best bargains per page in compounding knowledge. + +It's a whopping 7-page long Chapter from *One Up on Wall Street*, by Peter Lynch + +**Chapter 5: Is this a good market?** ***Please Don't Ask*** + +I don't want to spoil a great chapter packed with down to earth, easy to understand wisdom regurgitating a bunch of gems. Spend the 10 minutes and read it yourself. + +The advice and experience is as timely today as when published (1989). Many of the worries are so spot on, this chapter could be mistaken for an article written last week. +So I am an accounting major but I will need another 26 credits after I graduate to become a CPA. I was thinking about getting a second Bachelors in economics since I would only have to take probably 30 more credits. The economics major at the two schools im looking at only requires calc 1. But if I take Calc 1 and 2 and I’ve already taking business stats and applications would that be sufficient to apply to a PhD program? I know the math is extremely important and most suggest calc 1-3 and real analysis but would the two bachelors degrees + working full time in an accounting firm for a couple years possibly trump that? Hope I’m not sounding stupid here I just want everyone’s thoughts on this. Thanks. +You do have an FAQ section, but it doesn't give a clear answer to this question. It mentions that women may be inclined to choose lower paying majors because of societal gender roles, however that is not necessarily sexist. When we discuss the gender gap in terms of economics, the only thing that matters is whether men and women are paid the same for the same work, social pressures to choose different careers are another topic entirely. + +So, can someone give a straightforward answer whether men and women are paid the same for the same work or not? Link studies that control for ALL factors, meaning that they compare a man and a woman who are identical in every single way except for gender. +Thomas Piketty says inequalities are on the rise. Hans Rosling says the opposite. + +Being an ignorant about economics, who am I supposed to trust and why ? +EDIT: Thanks for all of the input, guys! I was expecting to get one or two replies if any. I won't be able to reply to everyone but I'll be sure to read them and take them into account. Thank you! + +_____ + +Throwaway account so I don't reveal anything that can be tied to me. + +Anyway, I'm a single 25 year old man with a decent full-time job. I've never lived alone, I'm currently renting at my folks'. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford a decent apartment or mortgage with my job. After seeking advice from friends and family, I've gotten almost exactly half-and-half suggestions for either option. I was hoping to get all the input I could before I made the decision, so I'd appreciate any advice. + +I've pieced together some information regarding the decision: + +* Mortgages (altogether in my area) run from around $500-800 (the house I'm currently interested in is $650/mo FWIW) +* Property taxes are ballpark $800/year for my preferred "range" of houses +* Rent (altogether in my area) runs from around $900-1200 +* That is, a $800 mortgage would be a fairly nice house whereas a $900 rental would be a small apartment or a sketchy neighborhood. I'm willing to spend about $700-900/mo on either rent or mortgage. +* If I were to buy a house, the expenses (barring buying furniture, things breaking, emergencies, etc.) would be equal to or slightly higher than just renting an apartment. +* I have no credit. I've heard that no credit is better than bad credit, but, I've heard that in my area most landlords/realtors will take a decent job and clean record as a "replacement" unless you're after an immaculate place which I'm not. +* I don't plan on moving out of the area at all within the next five years, *maybe* within the next 10 years, and likely will after 10-15 years. In my area, you can break even or slightly profit on a house after 5 years, and almost certainly will within 10 years. +* I plan on smoking trees, so, I'd prefer a house for this reason. Medical state and I have a card, but I don't know that neighbors/landlords would respect that. Even if they do tolerate it, I don't wanna be *that guy*. +* However, I enjoy the non-commitment of an apartment. I.e, if I don't like the neighbors or landlord, I can rent someplace else or choose to buy. +* I enjoy the concept of being able to renovate and "improve" a house however I like. +Looking to add more monthly divedend stocks atm, currently hold some AGNC but looking to diversify and add to it so any suggestions would be great, thanks ! + +Edit: Thank you for all the responses, gonna be doing some research on some of these and hopefully find some to add to my portfolio, thanks everyone ! +I’m 22, working for a company doing inside sales support on 58k +. I’ve been in this Job 6 months today. Previously I was working another job on 45k + super for 6 months prior. Recently I’ve been offered another Job at 72k + super. I’m nervous about the affects of Job Hopping from the past 18 months. Any advice? Pro’s and con’s? Would love to know others experience with Job Hopping. +Today was a bit of a shit show for a lot of the idiots on here including myself so i figured i might give some background on my situation so some of you don’t feel so alone on your losses. I started my yolo journey by throwing 3k into the market around mid 2019. It wasn’t a lot for me but i had no idea what i was doing so it felt risky. Anyways i quickly lost half of it and proceeded to top up my brokerage account and try again over and over losing more and more. I made some small gains in the early half of 2020 but from September onwards i quickly lost all of those gains and sat at around 20% down overall at the end of 2020 with my portfolio being worth about 25k. Long story short i am now 22% down on all 7 of my holdings with my smallest percentage loss being 14% and my biggest being 44%. I have lost money on every single trade i have made since September. In truth the money i am down is not the worst part for me. It’s the slow drip over the past few months that hurts and makes every day a bit shit. I bought IXR last week and am already down 29%. Anyway i understand that i am actually an idiot and i do just have a gambling problem but i figured this may offer some consolation to someone on here. Just know you aren’t alone. I have made a promise to myself that i absolutely will not put anymore money into the market from here on out. I am also seriously considering selling off all my positions and going full recovery mode in an ETF so i can look away and have some peace of mind for a bit. So yeah thats about it. + +TLDR: DLC 🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Hello all, I have just finished "The Candlestick Bible". Had it in my bookmarks for a few months but never read it. Just had some free time yesterday and read it in one evening. For anyone who is still looking for a strategy or wants to learn price action, that's the only book you will ever need. +Highly recommend! + +Share your thoughts if you have already read that book. :) +Hi everyone, Andreas M. Antonopoulos here. + +I'm fundraising for Dorian Nakamoto, the person named in the newsweak article. + +I have no idea if this person is Satoshi, though it seems increasingly unlikely. However, it doesn't matter either way. If this person is Satoshi, then the funds are a small "thanks" and won't make much of a difference. + +However, if this person is not Satoshi, then these funds will serve as a "sorry for what happened to you", help with medical bills his family is facing, any legal bills they may incur, or anything else. Most of all, it serves to soften the damage caused by irresponsible journalism and to demonstrate the generosity and empathy of the community, which I know is huge + +Here's how it will work. I will collect donations to a single bitcoin address, posted below, with the following rules: + +- Donations accepted until the end of March. +- At the end of March, donations will be converted to USD and delivered to Dorian Nakamoto. +- If the donation is rejected by Dorian, then the funds will go to a charity of his choice +- If he doesn't want to choose a charity, funds will be donated to the Electronic Frontier Foundation +- Any funds sent after the deadline, will be donated to Dorian at a later date, or a charity of his choice or EFF as above. + +After the end of March, I will make my best effort to contact Dorian and deliver the donations in USD. I will document as much of that process as possible to prove the donations were delivered, as long as that documentation does not affect Dorian's privacy. + +The blockchain will provide transparency of all funds donated, which will not move from that address until the funds are delivered to the intended recipient based on the rules above. + +Donation address: 1Dorian4RoXcnBv9hnQ4Y2C1an6NJ4UrjX + +Check the fundraising progress here: https://blockchain.info/address/1Dorian4RoXcnBv9hnQ4Y2C1an6NJ4UrjX + +EDIT: Find the donation address and the terms, signed by my PGP key, at the pastebin below + +http://pastebin.com/4MHvpaeN + + +UPDATE - April 9th, 2014: + +I am in contact with Mr. Dorian Nakamoto and I will be delivering control of the funds to him, in person, within the next 3 weeks. I will post an update once this is done, as verification. + +The 10% of people early in on meme coins are not here to be your friend, and the only joke they are laughing at is luring newcomers into a cleverly designed marketing trap to dump on them. I honestly just feel bad for a majority people here talking the talk, thinking they are clever for owning fartbucks or whatever cringe shit is trending. It's like all the old movies where a group of high-school jocks pretends to be nice to the loser only to turn on him in front of the whole school in the end. + +If you are here to make money....stop investing in bullshit. The rare cases you are shown of people making money are all a part of the plan. You are being spoon fed memes and laughed at. You are the meme. +Long story short, I got into a bit of trouble (I disagree with them religiously), and now they don’t really want anything to do with me. I’m moving out in January for college—originally they were going to help me pay for it but obviously they will no longer be helping me. Thankfully they’re letting my stay in their home until I move out. +I work 2 part time jobs but I really only get around 10ish hours a week bc scheduling at both places is horrible. +My parents have helped me with everything up until this point (car payment, insurance, phone bill, groceries, etc). I have college tuition pretty much handled bc my grandpa gave me a savings fund (not too much money, but should probably cover it for around 2ish years). +I’m actually pretty excited to be starting life for real, although I wish it would’ve happened on better terms with my parents. +Does anyone have any advice for me? My mom literally used to do my laundry for me prior to this because she thought I “would mess up” if I did it myself. And now I have to pay all of my bills and rent and stuff, so although I’m excited I’m pretty much terrified as well. Literally any tips or advice would be so much appreciated. I want to do this the right way! +As stated above, I'm 27. Lived in an apartment for 3 years as of May when the lease is up. + +Just paid off my car (7500 left, 2015 Honda covic with 70k so should be set for a few years) only debt left is 2400 school loan, which is frozen and I will pay when it isn't anymore, and about 5 years at 220 a month on another school loan. I pay this right to my mom as it is tied in home equity refinance, so paying that off early isn't really a simple solution. + +I have about 10k in savings after the car and small school loan are gone, and 7k in 401k. I make about 65k a year as an accountant, so should only go slightly up from here. Just normal phone bills electric 600 rent besides the above, no crazy spending habits or anything. + +I want a house bad. I hate apartments. I think with the first time home buyers help, id be able to make 10k down payment or so and cover closing costs. Obviously I'll save a few thousand before May, but any advice on swinging this house and making it happen without going completely broke? + +Or am I too ambitious and need to wait a year? I might have a buddy or my uncle rent a room to help. Talk to me my financial geniuses of reddit! +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/25/coronavirus-family-doctors-face-pay-cuts-furloughs-and-supply-shortages.html + +In 2016, primary-care physicians fielded 54% of all patient visits to doctors' offices. + +Primary care receives less than 7% of total U.S. health-care expenditures. + +The coronavirus pandemic is now threatening to push already tight budgets into the red. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Did a ton more research and I want to get the good news out in front of your day – Single share ETFs DO NOT have a short position component to them. They are a 100% synthetic product, nothing but swaps. Same as a regular run of the mill inverse ETF. As such, there still seems to be no vehicle to include a short position in an ETF. And that means, the mechanism discussed last night which I have been dreading for over a year, is in fact *still* not in practice. Rejoice! + +Of course, for those of you who were around last night, enjoy sharing in my night terrors from this day forward, now knowing what might yet still be waiting for us just beyond the horizon. + +Have a great day! + +[Being wrong has never felt so good](https://preview.redd.it/nocl2qa19tk91.jpg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a608bf949cc8c0f2f2e826db7f02b8218760c48) +# " Once that CUSIP changes, the naked shorter has no apparent way to close out the naked short position. No stock under the old CUSIP number exists anymore; it all automatically converts to the new CUSIP. " + +**UPDATE AT BOTTOM: CUSIP CHANGE IS INCONCLUSIVE TO FORCE NAKEDS TO COVER. LOOKS LIKE WE NEED CRYPTO DIVIDEND FOR THIS STEP. EXPLANATION BELOW.** + +# Why a Reverse Merger is the Golden Bullet: + +*(if on mobile, scroll right on table)* + +|Theorized MOASS Catalyst|Benefits GME Company|Benefits GME Shareholders|Benefits Ryan Cohen|Shakes the Shorts| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Monetary Dividend|NO|YES|YES|NO| +|Crypto-Dividend|NO, possible litigation|YES|NO, because he wants to buy more GME|YES| +|Stock Split|YES|YES|YES|NO| +|Reverse Merger|**YES**|**YES**|**YES**|**INCONCLUSIVE**| +|Merger With SLGG|YES|YES|NO, because he wants to buy more GME|**INCONCLUSIVE**| + +**A Reverse Merger will:** + +1. put more cash on the Gamestop Balance sheet +2. allow Ryan Cohen to take control of \~+20% total of Gamestop and be the single most powerful shareholder +3. change the CUSIP, which forces naked shorts to cover as they can not prove a borrow +4. reward shareholders extraordinarily + +&#x200B; + +**Ryan Cohen has always indicated his interest in achieving significant influence over GME:** + +>Please be advised that RC Ventures is not interested in receiving a lone seat on GameStop’s ten-member Board. It is not enticing to become an isolated stockholder advocate on a Board that has overlooked years of digital revenue opportunities and presided over massive value destruction without assuming full accountability. We want GameStop’s leaders to do their jobs and implement a strategy for bringing the Company into the 21st century. + +**In the RC Ventures and Gamestop Agreement RC Ventures has reserved the right to acquire 19.9% of Gamestop. If Ryan is taking full control he wants a bigger stake.** + +[RC Ventures agreement with Gamestop:](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119380521000031/e620202_ex99-1.htm)(i) acquire, seek or propose (publicly or otherwise) or agree to acquire, beneficial ownership, directly or indirectly and acting alone or in concert, whether by purchase, tender or exchange offer, through the acquisition of control of another person, by joining a partnership, limited partnership, syndicate or other group, or through swap or hedging transactions or otherwise, any securities of the Company or any rights decoupled from the underlying securities of the Company that would result in **RC Ventures (together with its Affiliates and Associates) owning, controlling or otherwise having any beneficial ownership interest in or aggregate economic exposure of more than 19.9% of the outstanding shares** of Common Stock; provided, however, that RC Ventures agrees that, immediately upon RC Ventures (together with its Affiliates and Associates) acquiring beneficial ownership, or becoming the beneficial owner, of 20.0% or more of the outstanding shares of Common Stock without prior Board approval, (A) RC Ventures (together with its Affiliates and Associates, as applicable) shall be considered an “interested stockholder” of the Company as defined in Delaware General Corporation Law § 203 (“DGCL 203”) (but, for this purpose, replacing 15% in such definition with 20.0%) as if the 203 Approval referred to in Section 3 had not been granted and (B) the Company shall be subject to the restrictions on any business combination (as defined in DGCL 203) with RC Ventures (together with its Affiliates and Associates, as applicable) as an “interested stockholder” enumerated in DGCL 203 for a period of three years following such time RC Ventures (together with its Affiliates and Associates) came to beneficially own 20.0% or more of the outstanding shares of Common Stock; + +# ******************************************[Naked Shorts Can't Stay Naked Forever](https://theintercept.com/2016/09/24/naked-shorts-cant-stay-naked-forever/) + +Knight Capital was Market Maker (Sound familiar): + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vub7ik7gm3271.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=85fdeb561ca51c4afb0682d3194c74c0b11f9419 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/br71fwhmm3271.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=27767aca67fb72b2f6f1c7e22b26a46173b4384e + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kb7gc4sum3271.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=269820c1b1bd2a5c355ce17b8d112439b4a9ed73 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/slus6koxm3271.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7263674efeb621fe69e373636cbe73ef6e1280e + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ru824im6n3271.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=32c89441a1712f266f67d87f5e11d934df26883d + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** A Market Maker can bury their Naked Shorts even if the CUSIP changes but it will show up on their balance sheet as an ever-ballooning obligation. Financial regulators SHOULD be able to note this and 'hopefully' they will do their jobs. + +Any short that IS NOT a Market Maker can not escape the cussip change if their short is naked. + +# Normal Reverse Mergers result in GREAT GAINS + +[With GME we may see the greatest Reverse Merger gains in history](https://preview.redd.it/d5oo7x6qn3271.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=c174ae58c0d2c5e326bcb2d8168eb0deb4a766c6) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Comparison of SPAC returns to Shells, note this article is very old \(2009\) but it still demonstrates how much of a positive catalyst Reverse Mergers can be](https://preview.redd.it/09an7rvwn3271.png?width=779&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a81ed8a9e93a5fbb0a98d98acf431a33652e87c) + +Source:[https://greenbackd.com/2009/10/07/shell-out-for-shells/](https://greenbackd.com/2009/10/07/shell-out-for-shells/) + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT: How are your options affected by a corporate action:** + +**Since people are asking...**[https://www.schwab.com/public/file/P-3951800/INF57995\_114923.pdf](https://www.schwab.com/public/file/P-3951800/INF57995_114923.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nmb9pvle06271.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cedb59564a3e8cc71ea826e29589da7805d58ed + +**EDIT 2: eToro and Stock Merger:** + +**Since people are asking...**[https://www.etoro.com/customer-service/help/1561213922/what-happens-if-my-stock-is-affected-by-a-corporate-event-such-as-a-delisting-or-merger/](https://www.etoro.com/customer-service/help/1561213922/what-happens-if-my-stock-is-affected-by-a-corporate-event-such-as-a-delisting-or-merger/) + +&#x200B; + +>Seems like eToro will sell at merger price: + +"*If you hold stock positions in a company that is acquired as part of a merger:* + +>All open positions will be closed at the merger deal price, and any profit or loss incurred from these trades will be reflected in your Available balance. +> +>In cases where the value of the new stock is greater than the original stock, you will receive the notional amount of the acquisition terms, based on the difference between the last rate traded before the original stock's delisting and the value of the new stock. This amount will appear as a dividend in your account statement." + +But what is happening here is a reverse merger... so I am totally unclear how this broker would take care of this instance. + +In a normal merger the target company gets acquired for a set price, so this explanation above makes sense. But we are looking at a reverse merger and I could not find anything on eToro about it. + +&#x200B; + +**\*\*TLDR:\*\*** + +A Reverse Merger is the only real MOASS Catalyst which is best for EVERYONE (except any naked shorter). The DTCC rules protect the bad actors from the good but these rules will not themselves trigger any short covering, Gamestop et al MUST be the catalyst. + +Only Market Makers can escape covering on a CUSIP change by burying their naked short obligations in their balance sheet as "Sold by not yet purchased" liabilities. Financial regulators/auditors should notice this ballooning liability and do something about it. + +Of course any hedge funds which are not market makers can not escape covering their naked shorts. Game theory suggests that any hedge fund which has a chance of surviving covering a small GME short position will do so at first opportunity. + +Legitimate shorts will also seek to cover as stock performance after a Reverse Merger is almost always quite dramatically positive. They may choose to re-enter at a later date/price. + +Reverse Mergers are also not controversial and completely OK with the SEC while a crypto dividend may open Gamestop up to litigation. It also does not allow Ryan to accumulate more of Gamestop at pre-moass prices, so a reverse merger is the golden bullet. + +**If we are right you are about to see the greatest return on your shares in financial history** + +Remember... + +10 x gains are boring and happen all the time + +100 x gains are great + +1000 x gains are history (This is DFV at today's prices) + +10,000 x gains have happened for early investors in big companies and in digital tokens + +It is not wrong to imagine yourself so lucky to be at the center of the greatest MOASS ever conceived. + +Remember Gamestop is transforming into a digital ecosystem for developers, publishers, content creators, players with it's own NFT and digital currency that will support ownership. We're ever living in a more and more digital world and digital game assets are a win for the developers, the studios, the content creators, the players and collectors... and the platform that facilitates this. Gamecoin will be a game changer. We are at an iPod moment. Remember to buy back in and support this legendary turn around with our hero at the helm. + +**Step 1:** Reverse Merger, RC gets more control and his stake doubles at pre-MOASS prices + +**Step 2:** Issue crypto dividend and blow up the Last Standing Market Makers + +**Step 3:** Profit??? + +EDIT MAY 31st, 2021:**STRATEGY THEORY UPDATE**After some good DD, and some bad, it seems it is inconclusive that a CUSIP change will require Naked Shorts to be covered or resolved (Thanks Dr T et al). + +This does mean that **STEP 2 will likely be very necessary to force them to cover (Crypto Dividend)** however many may begin covering if they even suspect it is coming- so an announcement of Gamecoin could still spark similar price action. + +A merger with RC Ventures is still the best vehicle for Ryan Chohen to acquire more equity in Gamestop AND pump Gamestop with more Cash. Mechanism is RC Ventures is basically a shell investment vehicle loaded with cash and Game would acquire them for equity. In this updated theory GME ticker would stay around since Gamestop is the acquirer, if indeed the change does not solve the problem. This also might be beneficial for some GME holders in eToro etc who were confusing people with their merger procedure. + +Now remember that a merger of this type would bring more cash to Gamestop and naturally the value of GME would go up. It would also be bullish as fuck if RC doubled down again and bought more Gamestop at current prices (which would be the terms of that merger). So you can still imagine it's possible this in itself may cause a rush to cover and the MOASS could begin. I still do not know what it would take for Citidel to get margin called by their brokers but I suppose this could still be a mechanism for MOASS, however I think they may be able to buy sufficient time, maybe naked short more, and a crypto-dividend is the only way. + +Remember: **We are in a completely fraudulent system! It must be remade!** + +&#x200B; +And it’s true! How many shit stocks are out there that they never bother to mention? But this one? Can’t bash it enough. It just sucks soooo bad, they cannot stress enough to never buy it - and definitely sell it if you’ve already made that terrible decision… Because obviously they really care about you! 😊 + +This is all actually *strong* confirmation that we are winning. +**Current Market Cap**: $8,927,540 Marketcap (15/04/21 6:00 PM - Now rapidly rising) + +Hello r/CryptoMoonShots, we’re back with big news to talk about Fox Finance $FOX 🦊🦊🦊! + +**What is it?** + +$FOX finance is an auto-staking token on the Binance Smart Chain, which grants rewards for its holders. Each transaction (buy and sell) incurs a 12% transaction tax from which 6% goes to liquidity and 6% distributed to holders according to their stake. + +Liquidity is locked on a daily basis rolling for 4 years. + +1T daily burn for the first 50 days. Additional regular burn of liquidity to try and keep as close as possible to 10% circulating supply. The burn address is also a "HODLer" so it gets a share of the 6% tax based on its stake which is currently about 4% - but this will grow exponentially.Check the burn wallet on BSC scan: [FOX (FOX) Token Tracker | BscScan](https://bscscan.com/token/0xFAd8E46123D7b4e77496491769C167FF894d2ACB?a=0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001) + +We are really starting to notice the momentum now, and the number of FOX wallets and numbers participating with our social media has really started to take off. We moved RAPIDLY from 10k to almost 20k HODLers expected today! + +On April 5th, we hosted an AMA ("Ask me anything") on our Discord where our great leader and founder L1sak revealed his public identity and told us to expect FOX FINANCE to be granted LLC public entity status within days! After becoming increasingly disenfranchised with the current state of the cryptocurrency culture and with BSC in particular, his vision is to legitimize the space and offer holders a project that is legal, trusted, open and offering lucrative investment opportunity whilst also giving back to the environment and the natural world. + +We’ve minted >40 NFTs on Binance Smart Chain so far on our own FOXNFT contract, and will be doing more and more in the coming weeks as we build up our NFT market and platform. We’ve teamed up with 3D and AI artists to really make a huge mark in the NFT space, and for our Trustless Donation Pipeline. [Check out the ones distributed today here](https://imgur.com/a/sIuFdRm)! + +Our model incorporates a constant flow of "FOX IN ACTION" campaigns on our website foxfinance.io. Wallet-drop prizes are awarded for all holders who perform certain tasks like charitable giving, planting trees or using metal straws instead of one-use plastic. Our founder hopes in the medium-longer term to streamline these campaigns and integrate them into iOS and android App development to make this more accessible for the general public. #foxinaction + +We have recently become integrated with Trust Wallet (logo showing) and you can add integration with Metamask by visiting https://foxfinancebsc.github.io/watch-token/ + +With today’s announcements, we have CG and CMC locked and are moving forward quickly toward whitelist on 1Inch, the leading DEX Aggregator! This is an exciting step toward further legitimacy and to offer a reliable alternative to PancakeSwap for buying and selling FOX with innovative tools. + +I'm a HOLDer since the start and have volunteered as an admin and dev, which I have to say has been a pleasure and it's one of the most buzzy and active communities I have had the pleasure of joining. + +We are pairing up with influencers and content providers (with thorough no-bot screening) from all over the world and expect a constant stream of marketing via Twitter, TikTok, Youtube and Google Ads alongside other exciting possibilities we are not ready to announce yet. + +**SAFE?** + +Liquidity is locked: https://deeplock.io/lock/0x3027AD7781700A03496613377152dBa78C38fa55 + +This is no pump and dump. The owner did not take advantage of the ATH, and the admins are all HODLing with everyone else. We really want to see this coin grow and to fund our tech roadmap to make this a real project for change. + +**ROADMAP PLANS** 📈 + +Here’s what’s on the horizon: + +NFTs - We have two different types of NFTs. One is a standard, mass-minted NFT that we hope to use for HODLers, airdrops etc. These have launched and are already being offered to FOX contest winners via our social media campaigns. These include fun things like FOX graphics and GIFs. The other type of NFT we want to start pushing very soon are more unique and include things like 3D printable FOX content, AI art, and more collectible style FOX merchandise. I'm really excited about this one! + +Charity Matching and Escrow - This is important to us. It’s how we plan to get money to the organizations that need it for our mission. We’re working on escrow contracts and other possibilities for collecting FOX donations, possibly with matched by liquidity from NFT auctions. We are working with our legal team to get this approved and in place as soon as possible. These donations will go directly to charitable wildlife and environmental organizations, possibly through The Giving Block, a crypto donation provider. We have several community members who have already donated to WildlifeAidUK, World Wildlife Fund and Saveafox. Our ultimate goal here is a Trustless Donation Pipeline, funneling automated sales of digital merchandise as NFTs through to wildlife charities with full transparency and no human intervention. + +Admin Dashboard - Right now things like Airdrops and prize disbursements aren't easy on BSC. It's mostly done manually with wallet to wallet transfers or interactions through the contract done by someone with credentials. The goal here is for us to have a dApp that combines contracts and web3 code to make it easy to do mass airdrops, awards, NFTs, etc. + +**Website: FOXFINANCE. IO** + +Contract address: 0xFAd8E46123D7b4e77496491769C167FF894d2ACB + +Telegram: https://t.me/foxfinancebsc (>6000 members!) + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/foxfinancebsc #FOXINACTION + +Discord: https://discord.gg/9XZNnTnhqp + +bscscan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb#balances + +How to Buy: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb (slippage 12-15%) + +Chart: [BogCharts](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb) + +**DYOR** - this project was only released on March 16th and remains in an early stage of development. We have an organized and dedicated team working to consistently deliver on our roadmap promises, but it would be reasonable to expect higher market volatility at this early stage. We have built a large level of ground-level support, legitimacy and technical roadmap completion BEFORE listing and we hope that today's recognition will be an explosive force multiplier for FOX value growth! We have listened to the community regarding requests for an audit to be completed, and this is currently one of our top priorities - we will announce further news on this in telegram and discord. Please be aware that there are other tokens with a similar name listed - please be sure to use the correct contract address or direct link above. +This may be a stupid question but in my area home prices are up through the roof right now. My friends just tried to buy a house that before covid would have gone for $400k or so. Now it's above 6, my friend offered $30k extra and got turned down because there were 35 other applicants. Condos are at least 75% the price they were a few years ago. + +While the market will cool off, I feel like practically the only way that housing stock will increase (and prices drop), is slowly as older people who own homes die or retire to other places. I'm not sure how someone who just dropped $600k+ on a house is going to go back to renting any time soon. + +So, even though obviously people are buying for covid-related reasons, isn't this a bad investment long term? I feel like a lot of people are going to try to sell their house in 10, 20, or 30 years and realize that the price hasn't gone up, if at all... +I've been looking at investment properties for the past 6 months and literally none of them make any sense. It's mainly been around California. I have a $500k pre approval for a mortgage, but I can't find any numbers that make sense. + +I'm considering looking at Cleveland. What do you guys think? Should I wait or look in a new market? +Hearing about the excellent DD that has quietly been deleted from reddit in sneaky ways is very troubling. Powerful people are using money and influence to attack freedom of speech. I propose that authors repost their amazing work of some of the classics backed up here: + +[Library ](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +So it can be upvoted to r/all to get it more exposure. This has the added bonus of giving these authors more of the delicious karma they deserve. Most importantly it sticks it to the criminals who improperly deleted it in the first place. + +Kudos to DD writers and the apes who do an excellent job backing things up. 🦍❤🦍 MOASS is inevitable! +I am a software developer not yet near FIRE, but I am approaching some semblance of FU money, with a bloated savings account and a decent chunk of change invested in various tax advantaged accounts. This month, I earned a good review at work, and decided I could start to coast a bit more and try to focus more on my mental health. However, my boss had a different plan. Suddenly, I have more pressure than ever to deliver multiple projects yesterday, and am at a loss for how to respond. + +How do you use your FU money in practice? In my experience, at least 50% of bosses want to push their employees to give their jobs 110%. I always imagined when I got to this point that I would be able to coast with a more comfortable 80%-90% effort, but it seems most bosses put pressure on their employees to be as productive as humanely possible by any means necessary. The pressure has really started to affect me and I have considered quitting, but since quitting would delay my FIRE date, I would prefer to keep my job with a slightly reduced workload. I also have some fairly specialized skills on our team, which has resulted in me being the only person on our team able to deliver certain projects. I thought this would be good leverage too, but I'm not sure my non-technical boss will truly appreciate this fact until I'm gone. + +How do you utilize your FU money to make yourself more comfortable at work, without setting yourself up to get additional pressure from your boss or labeled as an underachiever/candidate for the chopping block? +There seems to be some ambiguity in the precise outcome if shareholders DRS a huge number of shares to ComputerShare. It would be nice to get the definitive answers, but I'm not sure we need it. + + + + + + + +Look at the share price since the DRS wave started (Wednesday to Friday), we've seen the price tick upwards. We're up 11.5% this week. + + + + + + + + + + +I think it's important to keep pushing for everyone to DRS their shares. This puts buying pressure on the brokers and the SHF. My guess the DRS push is forcing brokers that benefit from margin account to go out on the lit exchanges and by GME shares, so they cover the loaned shares that are transfered to CS. Also, some apes are buying more GME shares, because they want to keep their existing shares ready for MOASS and buying more to help the DRS momentum. Also, international apes are buying more (me included) because a lot of international brokers don't allow transfer of existing shares to CS, so we are buying more with brokers like IBKR that do allow international DRS. +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgyYFQmdRyY + +This is of course assuming you know what you are doing, and still follow the value-based investment approach, but this is in contrary to most investment advice I've seen on reddit, which generally encourages buying index funds to reduce risk. What do you think? + +EDIT: Oops, just realized I misspelled his name, maybe I'm getting hungry. +Let me preface this by saying that if you put 1000$ into bitcoin back when it was first released, you are probably very rich today. But let's not let that distract from the fact that it makes you somebody who wired 1000$ to an anonymous person on the internet, in exchange for some magic beans. + +These days you're probably stupid not to have money invested in crypto, but just keep in mind that it's almost entirely based on speculation, and a lot of your success is based on pure luck. **Everybody is a genius investor in a bull market**. The people you see posting here acting like seasoned investing gurus, are more often than not people who just happened to get lucky a few times. Have fun with your Baron Rothschild memes, acting like every person who invests in crypto is going to become a millionaire. + +This is not the first time in history when a generation of young people have jumped on a wild speculation train and gotten rich. During the height of the dotcom bubble, people had the exact same attitudes. "25% returns in a year? Those are scrub numbers. Anything less than 100% is unacceptable!" We all know how that ride ended, and this ride shall too come to an end. Whether it ends in a major bust, or it becomes a mainstream financial tool dominated by Wall Street, this ride will come to an end. Enjoy the great returns while you can. + + +Hello community, + +im going to start off by saying that this is a risky investment like all early investments on BSC. But the upside potential is massive. So only invest what you are willing to lose. + +There is a project called Interplanetary which will be listed on PancakeSwap in several minutes. Get in the telegram chat to get more info. + +The dev seems pretty based. He is transparent and listens to the communtiy. + +I would say get a bag and see where this might bring you... + +&#x200B; + +Interplanetary Token dont miss this up. + +📷 + +Every gain you have ever made, is going to pale in comparison to this. + +That is all i am going to say, read below and join us on our mission to kiss Geoge Washington ($1). + +🪐 Interplanetary Token 🪐 + +(Join for information + Announcements Closer to Launch) + +You want GAINS, join us and we will get you gains. + +you want Lambos, join us and we will get you Lambo's + +This is the one, that you don't want to miss!! + +Forget the Moon, we're headed for Planet X. + +&#x200B; + +Nombre del token - ROADMAP + +&#x200B; + +· Conceive Token + +· Social Media Presence + +· Break through the $1/token barrier + +· Report findings to Satoshi Nakamoto + +· Ascend to legendary meme coin status + +· Buy Lambo + +&#x200B; + +Join the biggest coin launch of 2021 + +&#x200B; + +TOKENOMICS + +🚀 Supply 5000000000 + +🚀 Burnt tokens 221000000 + +🚀 Team tokens 0% + +🚀 Liquidity locked 32 years by dxSale + +👨‍🚀4% of every tx redistributed to holders + +👨‍🚀4% of every tx added to liquidity. + +&#x200B; + +Set slippage to 10% min + +&#x200B; + +Contract: + +[https://bscscan.com/address/0xe61b86b8398e0fefa2097a1bcf9f5cf47e0d2484](https://bscscan.com/address/0xe61b86b8398e0fefa2097a1bcf9f5cf47e0d2484) + +Pancakeswap: + +[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xE61B86b8398e0fefa2097a1Bcf9F5Cf47E0d2484](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xE61B86b8398e0fefa2097a1Bcf9F5Cf47E0d2484) + +📈 Poocoin : + +[https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xE61B86b8398e0fefa2097a1Bcf9F5Cf47E0d2484](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xE61B86b8398e0fefa2097a1Bcf9F5Cf47E0d2484) + +🪐Website - [https://www.interplanetarybsc.com/](https://www.interplanetarybsc.com/) + +🪐Telegram - [https://t.me/Interplanetarytoken](https://t.me/Interplanetarytoken) +I understand liquidity in the property market isn't the same as the stock market. That being said, over say a long period, could the housing market collapse like the SP500, such as homes sell out at 20-30% discount? +Despite my spending all weekend trying to identify a single names source to support Evergrande making the payments on their overdue bonds, I’ve only found anonymously sources flimsy crap from the likes of NYT, Reuters, CNN, and Bloomberg. + +TLDR: just watch the video then +https://youtu.be/RhQpZH3uaHM + +There is literally nobody willing to go on record to say these payments were made. Meanwhile HSBC, UBS, and Nomura are in the press suddenly going bullish on China. I’ll give you one guess which banks are most exposed to Chinese Developers. + +We saw the same theme play out in 2007 when the banks unloaded all of there “AAA Rates” MBS on unsuspecting clients and didn’t tell the truth about what was really in those bonds until the last of that dogshit was off their own books first. + +I’d love to be wrong about this, but if the payment was really made, why would nobody be willing to go on record and say so? There is literally no reason to demand anonymity. There is however incentive to push the false narrative to give themselves more time to dump those toxic bonds. + +There is however one person, Dr Marco Metzler of German research firm DMSA who’s willing to go on record that the payments were NOT made. According to Dr Metzler, HSBC has $18 Billion in exposure to Evergrande alone and a $196 Billion portfolio of Chinese corporate loans (admittedly, that numbers seems too high to me to be real). But there is certainly plenty of incentive there to spin a phony story to cover up what would be one of the largest bankruptcies in history. +They literally just inserted themselves out of nowhere into this saga. The fucking audacity of this bitch ass company going public with a lawsuit. Then mere moments later RC nukes them with a tweet and now there are swaths of people working day and night toward uncovering every single dirtbag maneuver they've facilitated. + +Its actually incredible how retarded they are. I aspire to be soo retarded. Who's the dumb fuck who thought filing a public lawsuit was a good idea? Who is the absolute mailbox who thought to themselves, "Ya know what would help BCG, is if we inserted ourselves into the greatest movement of all time which strives day and night toward uncovering illegal and unethical business practices". + +Ah yes BCG, a consulting group, who consulted themselves to become a massive target down wind to some of the most relentless and informed retail investors literally of all time. Who we now know has ties to Shiddydel and has "consulted" multiple business just year(s) before bankruptcy. + +Its like some puke brained executive just woke up last week and thought, "Im gonna go ahead and just vaporize all of our careers". + +And just when I thought things couldn't get any spicier. + Let's be honest here. Most of us here because we're tired of working as a wage slave and not being able to afford a car or a house. Crypto is our only hope to afford nice things and living life as we want. +I want to meet more people both for professional and personal reasons. I work in tech, I'm doing all right, but at some point I may want to raise money for my own thing or just meet people I can work with or invest with. + +In terms of leisure, I'm interested in the arts and would love to be part of that community. + +I feel like I can reach out to people and chat with them, but not sure what's the best way to go about maintaining those relationships afterwards. I don't really have an ask for them right now, just want to meet people and have them think of me when interesting things come up. + +Some of these folks live all over the world, so inviting them over is not an option. Plus that's a lot of work. + +What do you all do? Just text folks regularly with interesting articles or do you personal newsletter or something else? +hello all... + +I work in the I.T field for a M.S.P (Managed Service Provider) + +I recently accepted a position with another company I currently make 50k at my current position. my new position wants to offer me 75k. I have my employer notice the other day, and he recently asked if it's possible to counter the offer. I am meeting with my boss on thursday. to discuss. + +i really love my current job. The people,the work and all. I hear a lot on Reddit these situations are never good, because they will start looking for your replacement soon after because it puts a bad taste in both employee and employers mouth. + +I would like to know from people with "Experience" on how situations like this have worked out for you. + +thanks all + + +Update1: had a meeting with my boss today. he offered me 100k if I stayed.WOW!! i brought up the point of these kind of situations dobt seem to go well bc it puts a bad taste in peoples mouth. he said that woubt happen. + +he brought up the point of not wanting to spend money to find someone,training them, and see if they are a culture fit. it would be cheaper to keep me. I stated I love working there but + +I asked of I could get a employment guarantee for a year or something like that. they did not want to out it in writing. that was a bit concerning to me. stated I would think about it. + +This is a pretty big decision. freaking crazy. I have till the end of the week to think about it. +So just a warning: unpopular opinion of the day (but it's just that, an opinion)... I don't think that getting married in today's world is worth it, with the huge rise in the average costs of weddings (apparently £30k+) and ever increasing divorce rates (apparently 42%). I don't see how being married changes your life enough to warrant this amount of financial burden, particularly for young couples today who are struggling to save to buy a home. I understand why past generations did this, as sex before marriage and living together before marriage were culturally inappropriate, but (unless you're religious) that's not the world we live in today. When you wake up the day after getting married, what in your life has really changed, apart from a massive bill to pay and a significant risk of losing a lot of your assets if you ever break up. + +&#x200B; + +So two key points here: + +**1) The cost of the wedding** + +Spending £30,000 on one day seems absurd. Even if you went cheaper and spent half or even a third of that, even £10,000 on essentially a party that's over in a day just doesn't seem worth it. + +I know of quite a few couples who have put all of their savings (that have taken them years to build) into their wedding and then had to continue to rent/live with parents for many years whilst building back up their savings to buy a house. And with property prices increasing dramatically, the actual cost of delaying getting on the ladder because of a wedding can be more than the cost of the wedding itself! + +&#x200B; + +**2) The risk/cost of divorce** + +As Bill Burr says, if you were jumping out of a plane and the guy handing you the parachute said "there's a 42% chance this parachute won't open" would you still jump? + +I've been with my partner for over 10 years, we own our home, have a healthy household income, and we plan to stay together for as long as possible. But we're also realistic in the knowledge that life is long and situations and people can change and this may not always be the way, despite how strongly we feel now. We'd hate to think that if we ever broke up that we'd have to hand over a lot of our money to divorce lawyers and make a painful situation even worse. And for me personally (as I have a lot more assets than she does) I'm worried about losing half of my assets if we ever broke up - in fact, she could meet someone else, leave me, break my heart, and take half of my assets. Why would I (or anyone) agree to this? + +&#x200B; + +So, am I missing something? Why do so many people in today's world still choose to take on this massive financial burden? Are there significant financial (or other) benefits of getting married that I'm not considering? + +I really don't mean to sound negative, and again this is just one guy's opinion. I'm eager to hear others' views and am staying open minded! In fact, given the societal pressures to get married, I'd love to be convinced to do so! +I invest and don't mind the small gains. I look on this sub every now and then and see some of the losses you people make off options going from 100k to 0 in an hour. How do you people deal with your decisions? How do you all still have a house? I just don't understand, so many questions that I need answered. If I lost 50k in a day I would legit be broke, homeless, and would be selling everything I have to stay afloat. Where do you all work at, do you all make 200k+ a year from your job? Are you all surgeons and lawyers? Wtf +*Is this it?* + +If this thought didn’t dart through your mind as BTC flash crashed and the media ran with the story, you were either in a coma or should be checked for a pulse. + +As we await the long foretold alt season that will rain lambos on us oh-so-early folks, there are always whispers that this is more like Game of Thrones where the prophecies are made up, the points don’t matter, and everyone wishes the ending wasn’t so rushed. + +But after a wild weekend of corrections and rebounds, it looks like we’re getting right back on track meaning this is an excellent time to start snapping up emerging assets and those that proved resilient to market conditions. + +**As a new multichain charting service with limit order functionality, CryptoKek will provide utility whether people are tracking a new ATH to sell the top, or are looking to keep their gains safe through stop losses.** + +In spite of public perception due to the wild success of DOGE (not as much liquidity backing it as you think, don’t get caught up in market cap hype) cryptocurrency continues to gain more sophistication and, with mass adoption, will continue to season old investors and bring in new holders sparking innovation through the increased potential for gains and competition. + +If you’re going to survive this topsy turvy market, you’re going to have to have the absolute best support and spend your time efficiently when exploring newer markets and blockchains where the biggest gains are. **By partnering with Rubic, a $36M market cap darling enabling projects to trade cross-chain, whether it’s Ethereum, BSC, MATIC, or TRON** (all incredible projects that will each find their own success as we move continue to progress into a multiblockchain ecosystem) you can stick to one reliable set of charting tools without wondering what trading features are or aren’t available on a new platform. + +Just rely on CryptoKek and its public team that has accomplished so much already since having started development in 2020 Q3 with a full working product, governance features powering their DAO ensuring there’s no wasted overhead costs on management, and a pledge to stay **ad-free** to ensure maximum user satisfaction, which is what ultimately drives market leadership when it comes to services tailored for consumers. + +With an extensive roadmap, BSC implementation currently being wrapped up and Rubic cross-swaps and limit orders coming next, there is a lot of room to run for this **absolutely tiny $6M market cap**. Compared to **DexTools, an ad-riddled and stagnant asset at $60M,** this is a potential killer especially once the aforementioned implementations come into play. From there, it could be lights out as CryptoKek becomes the leading chart-service for a more sophisticated, less shitcoin-driven, multichain world. + +**So as a low-market cap service-driven token with a working product, CryptoKek has all the upside of a complete moonshot while maintaining a fantastic price floor in case speculative bubbles give way to a crash that only respects utility.** For me, with the uncertainties that face us, this is going to be one of my favorite safe harbors as we look to maximize the bull run and minimize the bear market. + +Website: [https://cryptokek.com/](https://cryptokek.com/) + +Kek Chart: [https://keks.app/t/0x3fa400483487a489ec9b1db29c4129063eec4654](https://keks.app/t/0x3fa400483487a489ec9b1db29c4129063eec4654) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/cryptok3k](https://t.me/cryptok3k) + +Medium: [https://cryptokek-com.medium.com/](https://cryptokek-com.medium.com/) +*Is this it?* + +If this thought didn’t dart through your mind as BTC flash crashed and the media ran with the story, you were either in a coma or should be checked for a pulse. + +As we await the long foretold alt season that will rain lambos on us oh-so-early folks, there are always whispers that this is more like Game of Thrones where the prophecies are made up, the points don’t matter, and everyone wishes the ending wasn’t so rushed. + +But after a wild weekend of corrections and rebounds, it looks like we’re getting right back on track meaning this is an excellent time to start snapping up emerging assets and those that proved resilient to market conditions. + +**As a new multichain charting service with limit order functionality, CryptoKek will provide utility whether people are tracking a new ATH to sell the top, or are looking to keep their gains safe through stop losses.** + +In spite of public perception due to the wild success of DOGE (not as much liquidity backing it as you think, don’t get caught up in market cap hype) cryptocurrency continues to gain more sophistication and, with mass adoption, will continue to season old investors and bring in new holders sparking innovation through the increased potential for gains and competition. + +If you’re going to survive this topsy turvy market, you’re going to have to have the absolute best support and spend your time efficiently when exploring newer markets and blockchains where the biggest gains are. **By partnering with Rubic, a $36M market cap darling enabling projects to trade cross-chain, whether it’s Ethereum, BSC, MATIC, or TRON** (all incredible projects that will each find their own success as we move continue to progress into a multiblockchain ecosystem) you can stick to one reliable set of charting tools without wondering what trading features are or aren’t available on a new platform. + +Just rely on CryptoKek and its public team that has accomplished so much already since having started development in 2020 Q3 with a full working product, governance features powering their DAO ensuring there’s no wasted overhead costs on management, and a pledge to stay **ad-free** to ensure maximum user satisfaction, which is what ultimately drives market leadership when it comes to services tailored for consumers. + +With an extensive roadmap, BSC implementation currently being wrapped up and Rubic cross-swaps and limit orders coming next, there is a lot of room to run for this **absolutely tiny $6M market cap**. Compared to **DexTools, an ad-riddled and stagnant asset at $60M,** this is a potential killer especially once the aforementioned implementations come into play. From there, it could be lights out as CryptoKek becomes the leading chart-service for a more sophisticated, less shitcoin-driven, multichain world. + +**So as a low-market cap service-driven token with a working product, CryptoKek has all the upside of a complete moonshot while maintaining a fantastic price floor in case speculative bubbles give way to a crash that only respects utility.** For me, with the uncertainties that face us, this is going to be one of my favorite safe harbors as we look to maximize the bull run and minimize the bear market. + +Website: [https://cryptokek.com/](https://cryptokek.com/) + +Kek Chart: [https://keks.app/t/0x3fa400483487a489ec9b1db29c4129063eec4654](https://keks.app/t/0x3fa400483487a489ec9b1db29c4129063eec4654) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/cryptok3k](https://t.me/cryptok3k) + +Medium: [https://cryptokek-com.medium.com/](https://cryptokek-com.medium.com/) +Long story made short, I told some co-workers that I made about 400 euros by investing in bitcoin. Now this is a tiny amount of money, but it has not stopped some of my colleagues from asking me to share my gains with them. One of them is getting married and he suggested that I should give him a generous cash gift. Another one said that I made a promise to give him some profits a few months ago when bitcoin was at 3000 euros. I don't ever recall making such promises and even if I did, I'm not legally bound to give him anything. + +I basically told all them to get lost (cuss words left out from this post) as I was the one taking a risk with my money and not them. Had things gone south nobody would have offered a helping hand and yet when profits are made everyone expects a share just because they simply know your name. +There were a couple of people who only asked for help on how they can invest in bitcoin and I gladly pointed them to a number of exchanges. + +Now Imagine if instead of a measly 400 euros, I made thousands or hundreds of thousands, the situation would have been far, far worse. + +TL;DR: No matter how much money you make in Bitcoin don't tell anyone about it. Just explain the benefits of block-chain technology and stop there. +Hey everyone hopefully you everyone is having a great day. I wanted to say that i’ve stopped using high leverage (1:300, 1:400) and now i use (1:1) and honestly trading has become much easier, i feel like i’m off the radar and sharks can’t detect me, i wish i would’ve done this sooner it would’ve saved me a lot of money +How do I make my estate, will, access to my bank accounts, and transfer of real property easy for them? I have heard a lot of nightmare stories about this and I don’t want to have that happen to them. +I'm currently on 110k a year & when I look at what I can afford in Sydney it's basically a studio in a semi decent location for around 550k to 600k. The Melbourne equivalent can be had for about 250k. I just don't think a studio in Sydney is worth the equivalent of 10 years of intense saving, and I am not the most responsible person out there - I hate full time work, and at any time am only a few bad weeks away from quitting. I work in IT so if I moved to Melbourne I could get a job with similar pay. I need to keep my current job for the next 2 years & within that time I could save a 50% deposit. I think Sydney is the best city in Australia, but I want to be free more than anything else - should I look to move? +Newbie here, came over from r/personalfinance. + +Due to the pandemic and economic slowdown, my almost-63 year old father was recently laid off from his engineering firm. He's in good enough financial shape that while, even though he was planning on working until 65, he's probably not going to look too hard for another job. Fortunately my mother has been a public employee nearly her entire career so has a nice pension, and they've generally made solid financial decisions so they'll be fine. My dad also faced pay cuts during the 2008 recession, but did not lose his job at that point. + +Watching them go through this experience has pushed me more towards the goal of retiring by the time I'm 60 (or at least have the option). I keep hearing about the struggles people in their 50s and 60s have to find new jobs if laid off, and recessions only make that more difficult. Going through two recessions/economic slowdowns (not sure if we're technically in a "recession" yet this time) before I'm 35, I want to do whatever I can to set myself up for security for the future. I'd hate to be 61/62, lose my job and feel forced into a job I hated or not be able to find anything at all. + +Just curious if other Millennials have had similar thoughts on early retirement based on the economic landscape of our early career years? +How were your stocks this week? What you buying and selling? What were your best plays? + +Remember this is a community to learn. + +**Downvotes are discouraged** + +**Sort by New to find the best daily play** + +Add 🚀🚀🚀 if you serious +**Introduction** + +Lumber prices have currently settled at $1275, but have hit as high as $1468 this week. For context lumber was in the 300s a year ago which translates to a 300% growth in the past year alone. + +**Outlook on Lumber** + +In reality a lot of these lumber companies should be doubled or even tripled what they were in 2018. One may argue that these prices are not sustainable hence the analysts and the market not giving CFF and other lumber players appropriate multiples. But I believe 800+ lumber is here to stay. In 2018 lumber was averaging $400 so who’s to say the share prices shouldn’t be doubled what they are. Yes I understand that production has decreased due to covid but the elevated prices are making up for that. + +Let me bring your attention to this quote by Paul Quinn who is an analyst representing RBC. *"If you had lumber prices at this level in 2018, the share prices would be double what they are right now, but they’re not because investors are worried."* This was said when lumber was in the 600 to 700 range and now we’re seeing lumber prices hit record levels well above 1000. + +A few articles linked for those who don’t want to take just my opinion: + +['Frenzied' lumber market touches new record amid wild swings](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/frenzied-lumber-market-touches-new-record-amid-wild-swings-1.1595920) + +[What soaring lumber prices mean for your home renovation](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/what-soaring-lumber-prices-mean-for-your-home-renovation-1.5404001) + +[Lumber prices soar, but logs are still dirt cheap](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/lumber-prices-soar-but-logs-are-still-dirt-cheap-1.1592619) + +**Factors that are driving lumber prices** + +Something that a lot of people forget is that wood is sustainable. We are shifting to a more eco-friendly environment and climate change is finally getting attention. + +A lot of more people are working from home and have been deciding to take on a home project whether that be to build a deck, a fence or renovate your house as a whole. + +Immigration is increasing as well since vaccines have been rolling out and the pandemic is getting under control. + +At the start of the pandemic many mills were closed due to outbreaks and supply was low. It will take a while for supply to catch up with demand for lumber prices to return to normal levels. + +**Why CFF is my pick** + +Established in 2008, Conifex Timber Inc. is a growth-oriented publicly traded Canadian company operating in one of the richest fibre baskets in North America: British Columbia’s northern interior. + +* Conifex breaks even at $360 - $400 lumber. Lumber is now at $1200 - $1400 which increases margins significantly. +* They’re trading at a discounted price/book as the average Price/book for industry is 1.87, but if CFF was trading at a 1.87 P/B then the current share price would be $4.69 +* The curtailment of their mill in Q2 and power plant outage in Q4 suppressed their growth and as a result have hindered the stock price. Meaning that conifex is undervalued since both weren’t running at full operating capacity. +* Management has implemented an NCIB in November to repurchase shares to be cancelled. In fact, 922,800 shares have already been bought back so far. +* Their share price is down in the past 5 years but I see a turnaround coming. They sold all of their US sawmills to eliminate a lot of their debt and now with the one mill they are doing much better than before in terms of lumber production to sales. +* 1 year return is above 400% and growing just look at Resolute Forest Products, RFP. There is still room to grow. + +**Price Targets by Analysts (12 months)** + +* CIBC’s Hamir Patel has a price target of $3 as of April 13, 2021. This is based on an average of $650 lumber and an Ebitda forecast for 2021 of 48 million. +* Raymond James has a price target of $3 as of April 7, 2021. +* RBC’s Paul Quinn has a price target of $3 as of March 4, 2021. This is based on an Ebitda forecast for 2021 of 44 million. + +These are conservative price targets as you can see that $650 lumber is half of what lumber futures are pointing to right now. Not to mention that the power plant is not being valued properly by analysts as they have completely ignored it in the valuation. It should be calculated through a sum of the parts valuation. SOTP definition by Investopedia: *a process of valuing a company by determining what its aggregate divisions would be worth if they were spun off or acquired by another company.* + +Either way I expect them to raise their price targets after Q1 earnings are reported as they have been consistently doing so in the past year. + +**Catalysts** + +* Q1 Earnings call is scheduled for May 11, 2021 after close. +* Share buybacks decrease share float each month. +* Speculating that there may be a dividend. +* Lumber prices are forecasted to be $1000 in May 2022, [Link](https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/agricultural/lumber-and-pulp/random-length-lumber.html) +* When the market is correcting investors will be looking to value plays like these +* Lumber duties have been lowered from 20.2% to 8.9% as of December and that will factor into future earnings reports. (The high duties was a huge factor into lumber stocks dropping after 2018) + +**Risks** + +* A majority of their sales are in USD meaning their revenue is sensitive to price fluctuations in CAD to USD. When the Canadian dollar is strong we are looking at less revenue than when the USD is strong +* Highly cyclical industry, Q2-Q3 contain the most amount of sales made and operating capacity is close to maximum +* Lumber prices are at a level that isn't sustainable to most. +* They have one sawmill and one powerplant, so if something bad were to happen to these then sales would be affected dramatically. Ex. curtailment or power plant outage +* Management. As the stock price has done poorly and shares have been significantly diluted throughout the past 10 years + +Remember to do your own research as CFF is just my pick. It's difficult to determine which lumber stock will offer the most growth but IMO all of them in the sector will do just fine. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/16/retail-sales-june-2020.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard + +U.S. retail sales were expected to rise by 5.0% in June, after soaring 17.7% a month earlier. + +This is breaking news. Please check back for updates. +We figured if we are going to drop $8000 over the course of a year (possibly all in a few months) is there a great credit card that would be worth the rewards? Possibly something that could help pay for a portion of our honeymoon to Scandinavia (flight or hotel). + +We don’t need to put our wedding on a credit card as we have saved up and could pay cash. We both have great credit. + +Also please save all wedding lectures about it being a waste of money to yourself. We do very well and 8k is modest for what we are getting. + +Thank you!! + +Edit 1:: I didn’t expect this to blow up. Thank you all for the advice. A few things I’d like to say. + +Thank all of you who broke down the numbers for me! I have a lot of great options. This has been my first really positive experience on reddit. + +I’d like to clear up some things people didn’t read correctly in my post: + +-I am not taking out any loans!!! I have the money and could pay it all in cash right now. I tutor as a hobby and side income and it has been very profitable over the last few years. This wedding is being paid for by my enjoyment of teaching children math. + +-I am not going use any referral links so stop sending me messages with them + +-I understand some people think weddings are a waste of money. But this money is literally extra and I’m not sacrificing a shred of happiness, time, or other expense paying for it. My fiancée and I are very excited to celebrate our love with a small group of family and friends modestly and intimately. + +Edit 2:: + +-I will post to r/churning on Wednesday when I’m allowed (they are strict) +- the main venue cost has already given us a 25% discount so asking for a deeper cash discount is greedy. Though we might do that for some other stuff. + +Edit 3:: +- mod from r/churning reached out directly to me because of the popularity of this post. So thank you all (even the assholes) for making this post as big as it became + +-the Internet is filled with some really mean people who have sent me really mean messages. Sorry my wedding budget (which is super cheap) has offended so many of you. + +-luckily the internet is also filled with super amazing people who have been super helpful!!! I even gave my first silver to someone who deserved it. + +Edit 4: Thank you for the silver whoever you are! Although this post has been locked due to all the sour grapes in the bunch, I’m still receiving messages from very helpful people. + +And for all who are mad I’m getting married/spending/existing... the nice people that have commented/messaged out number you all by a large margin :-) + +THANK YOU ALL!!!! +Hey r/Forex. Been a while since I've made an actual post. I still think 90%+ of the posts in here are a toxic wasteland, unfortunately. That being said, I wanted to share one of my entry tips with all of you. This is especially helpful given the dramatic increase in volatility we have seen across the currency markets. + +This isn't technical, there's no magic chart pattern or indicator. Rather, it is a concept. From what I've seen posted here, a common struggle is "where and how do I enter the trade?". This is a big question... and it can separate the analysts from the traders. How often have you had a view that xxx/xxx is going up/down and in fact... it does just that? The only problem is, you weren't onboard the trade. You either missed out entirely, or you chased it and bought the high/sold the low. + +The title for this post isn't just clickbait, this is in fact what market makers do. I have to emphasize this point once more, this is NOT a technical strategy. It is a different perspective on risk management that the retail crowd is largely unfamiliar with. I'm going to use point form to cover this concept from now on: + +Don't (DO NOT DO THESE THINGS): + +\- Think of your entry as an all-or-nothing proposition + +\- Think that you must shoot your entire shot all at once + +\- That there's a perfect point at which you must pull the trigger, and if you miss this point then you miss the trade + +Do: + +\- Split your risk allocation for a specific idea into different parts (for example if you want to risk $100,000 notional value on a USD/JPY trade, split your entry into 4 parts. Maybe that means each tranche is 25k, maybe it means that you go 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k) + +\- Be a scale down buyer and a scale up seller + +\- Pick bands in which you want to take action. For example if you think USD/JPY is a buy from 108.5 to 110, then pick a band in which you will be a buyer. Maybe it is between 108.5 and 108. That gives you a lot of room to stack orders (whether these are limits or market orders is up to you). The best case scenario is that all your orders get filled, and you have a fantastic overall average price point. The worst case scenario (other than simply being wrong) is that only your initial order is filled and price starts running away. Remember, you'll always be too light when it is going your way and too heavy when it is going in your face. + +\- This also works on the way out when you want to exit. You can scale out of the trade, just as you scaled into it. + +This takes a lot of pressure off in terms of "sniping" an entry. I hear that term a lot, and it drives me crazy. Unless I'm hedging my options in the spot and I'm scalping for small points here and there, I'm not looking for a "sniper" entry. I'm looking for structural plays. Other hedge funds, banks, central banks, they're not dumping their entire load all at once. + +This approach allows you to spread your risk out across a band rather than being pigeonholed into picking a perfect level. It allows you to improve your dollar-cost average with clearly defined risk parameters. Unless you are consistently getting perfect entries with zero drawdown, this method just makes so much sense. The emotional benefit is incredible, as you don't have to worry about the price moving against you. Obviously you pick a stop where your idea is simply wrong, but otherwise this should help you remain (more) relaxed. +My employer, a large UK flowers and gifts manufacturer and supplier, is supposed to make non-salary sacrifice pension payments into our L&G workplace pension scheme every four weeks. The pension payments have always been late; however, now there are eighteen weeks on unpaid pension contributions. + +On top of that, for eleven weeks last year they did not make the employer part of pension contributions (I still received the employee part of pension contributions, as well as tax relief applied by L&G). Also, the most "recent" uplift of contributions to L&G was made incorrectly, and I lost out on tax relief that L&G applies as they had uplifted the payment as employer contribution to which no tax relief applies, instead of split employee and employer contributions. + +I have kept careful records of it all and know exactly how much of unpaid pension contributions they owe me. + +I have been contacting my employer's payroll department every few months, but they keep making excuses and promises. The reason they say they are behind is because of shortage of staff and too many different pension schemes to handle. + +After all this time, I am at my wits' end. Do I really need to beg them? I feel like such a nuisance already, I only make slightly above the minimum wage, but this money is meaningful to me. + +I have been understanding, I have asked nicely, I have quoted the law to them (as per my own research!), I have asked to contact the trustees (they ignored this request). Nothing. No joy. They keep fobbing me off. + +Is there anyone knowledgeable in the legal aspects of managing a workplace pension scheme and employer obligations who could advise me on how to approach them? I need something effective, that would make them sit up and take notice, and finally sort this mess out. + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated. What kind of letter should I write? Nothing I've done so far has worked. +Now, I'm not the brightest spark, and, as much as I love pointlessly gambling my house deposit away on speccie miners, I'm kinda sick of seeing people who *actually* know what they're doing *actually* making money over a couple of years because they did some **research.** + +So, new year, new me: where do I start? I've got a few hours spare every week, and would like to start reading/exploring some things that will assist me with making slightly more informed choices when it comes to punting on stocks here. I don't want to become an expert, just less.....well, stupid. + +If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears. +Today I lost all my gains from prior week from one single trade. I got too cocky winning 5 days in a row and I thought I could predict the direction of the market without looking at my technical indicators. All the indicators told me not to take the positions. I ignored them and brought 100 puts on SPY. I paid the price. Lost 5.2k. +I've been wanting to write this for awhile and figured with the recent market turmoil and people social distancing (redditing), now might be a good time to reach some open minds. + +Real Estate investment is always downvoted to oblivion in this sub so please consider if this isn't for you, it doesn't mean it's not helpful to someone. This post is for anyone that is willing to consider real estate as part of their portfolio. + +I'm talking about holding physical real estate with a bank loan or mortgage. If that's not for you, consider REITs. Personally, I don't own any REITs since I own physical real estate but they have consistently proved to be less volatile and more profitable than total market indexes. [Average REIT Returns vs Stocks Over Long Periods](https://www.reit.com/news/blog/market-commentary/comparing-average-reit-returns-and-stocks-over-long-periods) + +In truth, physical real estate is one of the most powerful and accessible tools for people with common jobs to build wealth. I don't need to rehash why, as hundreds of articles have done before. [Why Real Estate Builds Wealth More Consistently Than Other Asset Classes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidgreene/2018/11/27/why-real-estate-builds-wealth-more-consistently-than-other-asset-classes/#69a0ba2a5405) + +Lastly, below's an illustration of a recent change I made that I hope resonates with the younger FIRE community. I went from living in a shared 2-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom apartment, and am saving an extra $1296 per month doing it. How so? I invested $62k and bought a multi-family home, living in one unit and renting out the other 3. Don't have $62k for a down payment? You probably qualify for a FHA loan for 3.5% down. Below is my expense breakdown for the first month of ownership. My only regret is not doing it sooner... and cashing on in the current 3% 30-year fixed mortgage. + +[https://imgur.com/a/uCtkRVG](https://imgur.com/a/uCtkRVG) + +There's lots of advice about churning credit cards, cut out cable, reduce their cellphone bill, etc for a few hundred bucks a year. What about looking at your unused or underutilized assets. In this real estate focused post, that could mean renting out and extra room or garage. + +While I love my VTSAX for it's simplicity and returns, I expect this investment will have 2-4x the returns of VTSAX and add diversification to my portfolio. + +Edit: I should add I've been a landlord for 8 years but this is my first owner-occupied property. I stand by the fact I have 9 units and have done nothing but collect rent and place 2 tenants in the past year. I'm not living in some fairytale where I don't understand the work required. + +There's also already a fair amount of people warning others about the dangers and pitfalls. Good, everyone should know the risk and it's not for everyone. + +I should add the 2-4x VTSAX is largely based on leverage home appreciation. Cash flow is more in line with 1-1.2x VTSAX and requires some work. +Getting a good job, paying off your debts, living cheaply, and saving as much as you can is straightforward advice, but it has always been hard for to me follow it without having something to visualize. So I started doing all of my budgeting on my own in MS excel and I’m using it to help me visualize my financial decisions and plan out my strategy to retire early. Here’s the total breakdown of how I have spent every dollar I’ve earned over the last 6 years. By keeping my expenses super low I was able to pay off my debts pretty quickly and my credit score spiked to over 800. + +http://imgur.com/WEPAfry + +Another great thing about budgeting on my own is that I can plan out the future easier. Here’s my projected spending into year 2030. + +http://imgur.com/HRhyANF + +If you're interested, here’s how I gather the data to make these spreadsheets: + +http://imgur.com/a/zbWa2 + +And here is a link to my spreadsheet template if you want to start your own budget for 2017: + +https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B92GKguKvy0ANy10M3huRW1oWlU/view + +Disclaimer: This is a cross-post from /r/financialindependence that I'm bringing here based off the attention the post received on my budget/chart layout. For more discussion on the original post feel free to follow this link: + +http://np.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/5guewh/my_journey_from_60k_college_debt_to_115k_net/ + +edit: grammar + President Joseph Biden signed an executive order directing the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to [extend its federal eviction moratorium through March 31.](https://www.abc15.com/news/national/bidens-executive-orders-will-extend-student-loan-pause-rejoin-who-stop-border-wall-construction) + +The protections had been set to expire January 31. +I feel like I see it all the time, people arguing for gold to be used as a backing to the currency. "Every dollar has to be linked to a piece of actual gold in a vault somewhere" thus giving the money itself real value. + + +I would argue that gold is marginally more valuable than money (it does have its uses in electronics, other than that I can´t see any improvement over electronic currency). That real value people keeps mention is to be honest the same real value that money currently have; The value WE give it. A person is willing to work a full month knowing he/she will be given either a lump of gold or a paycheck. What is the difference? + + +Then again I used to keep getting these thoughts about the economy as a whole as something going down the toilet because we no longer produce anything anymore (Swede here, very few industries left.) and that that somehow would be our doom because you have to produce things that has real value, right? Financial advice, designer clothes, interior design, entertainment, landscaping, none of that has any real value (clothes arguably has value, but the design mark up doen´t). Things like a roof, heat, medicine and food, those are some things that hold true value to us as we could literally die without it. + + +So is the economy fucked now that the things we produce with actual value accounts for less and less of the total GDP of the world? I´m starting to think it really doesn´t matter. As long as money is moving our personal financial situation is not affected negatively as a result of our societies producing the "wrong" goods. There are no wrong goods, as long as someone is willing to pay for it, it has value and that can help someone to put food on their designer table. +As far as I´m concerned, necesseties aside, we could all work in a cinemaplex selling pop-corn to eachother. +Obvisously, I have not concerned my self with the environment at all here. Just vomiting out my thought on an electronic paper, getting ready to jump in my car to go to the mall and keep this world afloat. +Considering Berkshire Hathaway is sitting on a record hoard of nearly 150 billion dollars, what do you think Buffetts next move will be in an upcoming market downturn? + +He has been writing to his share holders saying he won't let Berkshires cash hoard go above 150 billion and that he is looking for an elephant sized deal. + +Just curious what others are thinking would be a good match for Berkshire? +So, I’m pretty new to this, and I’ve learned a few basic things. Good price to earnings, steady increasing revenue, buying back stock consistently, good balance sheet (low debt). + +I saw eBay recently down there at a P/E ratio of 3.5; their revenue and profits are increasing steadily with time, they’re buying back a ton of stock, the balance sheet looks decent. + +As far as my view of the company as a whole, being a member of the millennials, having used eBay many times, I don’t see anything wrong with them. They are and have been basically the same company for years — a market place for buyers and sellers.. + +I see them now as a smaller Amazon without a distribution network of their own. Seeing how people are viewing AMZN (p/e) of ~90 at the time of writing, I think eBay might be low because of obscurity, rather than their fundamentals. + +Can someone talk me out of not going in heavy on this? +Why is it that we can’t identify a bubble? We can identify price and value. Is it because future growth might justify the prices, and we can’t predict that future growth? Still it seems there must be a price that future growth could not realistically justify. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +For the past couple of months Ive been working on a bellwether indicator for the stock market. I used insights from behavioral economics, an alternative dataset and AI to turn this in to practice. Below I worked out the thought process behind the indicator which I wanted to share and bounce ideas off. + +&#x200B; + + The thought proces behind the indicator is divided in to the three components already mentioned, a behavioural psychology part, an alternative big data part and the AI part. Or just scroll down to see the final result compared to the S&P 500. + +**The psychology part** + +The fact that you are more cautious when you just witnessed an accident is called availability bias in the school of behavioural finance. It describes the notion that people judge the probability of something happening more likely when an example more easily comes to mind. So for example you probably overestimate the probability of a shark attack when you have just read about in the news. You could argue that the same goes for economic principles. People are more likely to believe inflation is coming when the news is full of it. Or that a recession is coming when everyone is tweeting about it. Or that a stock is going up when its all over Reddit. Point is that news can drive the market, rather than just report or follow on it. In this respect also the recent work of Nobel Prize winner Robert Shiller is relevant. His book Narrative Economics describes how stories can propel economic events. But how can one assess what people are reading, or what news they are exposed to? This is where alternative data and AI play their part. + +**The alternative data part** + +Traditional finance data is usually nice to work with, it is clean, nicely structured and most data is readily available. Unfortunately that is also it’s drawback, since everyone is looking at it, it is hard to gain an edge. Alternative data however usually is instructed and messy, but it is unique. One of the largest alternative data sources is the internet. Terabytes of data are generated every minute and with this indicator we want to take advantage of that. + +Therefore I created a dataset with financial news articles from well know websites, financial tweets and other sources of financial news combined to one large dataset with unstructured alternative data. With this data we can see to what news investors are exposed to. And here is the cool thing, if we think about our behavioural flaws discussed in the first part, we can make a prediction as to where investors’ availability bias is headed to. Put differently, is we know if investors are reading more negative or positive news, we can try to predict if their investment decisions will be positive (i.e. long) or if they will be negative (i.e. short). Unfortunately going through all this data and seeing for every news article, tweet etc whether it’s positive or negative is quite undoable. But here is the good news, we can let a computer do that and that is where the AI part comes in. + +**The AI part** + +AI is getting smarter and smarter almost daily it seems. And more importantly, big AI libraries are available to everyone with a computer running Python. Google (TensorFlow) and Facebook (PyTorch) are so kind to make their AI libraries open source, which puts some really powerful tools at the tips of your fingers. In this case we will let AI do two tasks: + +\- Read headlines (ML zero shot sentiment classification) + +\- Predict returns over a certain horizon + +For this paper we will only discuss the first task, the next one is for another post. + +To summarize the first two steps, first we discussed how people are influenced by what they read, second we showed that with alternative data we obtain what they read. The next (and hardest) part is actually reading and classifying. Since we have about 1000 daily news articles we have to let a computer to this, which we do by means of AI/Machine learning. We can use a model that is trained to classify a string of text as either optimistic (scoring it with a max of +1) to pessimistic (scoring it with a minimum of -1). How we do this is quite technical and will be explained in a different post, but the end result is a dataset of more than a million articles classified from +1 (optimistic) to -1 (pessimistic). Now the final step, checking whether the theory we proposed in the first part holds any truth when checking the data. + +**Tying it all together** + +So to recap, academic research shows how news can influence investor sentiment, we have alternative (big) data that contains all this news, and we have a computer that can interpret that news faster than any human can. You can check out how this graphically looks on: + +[https://www.alternative-analytics.eu/indicators/](https://www.alternative-analytics.eu/indicators/) + +&#x200B; + +The dashed line shows the S&P500, the other one our sentiment indicator. The vertical axis shows sentiment (negative to positive) and the horizontal axis is time. You can clearly see how sentiment was already decreasing before the market collapsed under COVID fear. Interestingly you also sentiment improving before the market recovered. So at the least we can see from that this plot that there is a relation between our indicator and S&P stock prices. This shows how new technology and improvement in AI is giving us a new way for looking at the market. +Hi new here and to investing. + +Was listening to a podcast (either uk investors magazine or investors chronicle), which an investor (manager of a large fund, focused on divdened stocks) was talking about National Grid and them putting money into it, for the below reasons + +A stead increase in divedened payments, year on year, staying at approx 5%, + +Risk adverse as they are always needed, with no competition, + +And some sort of growth expected as we move towards a more electric society. + +Was wondering if any others of you have suggestions for stocks like this which are risk adverse (know there is always risk) and have a nice steady dividend. + +Looking to stick to UK investments so I have a base knowledge with what I'm investing in, but would consider others + +Outside context, looking to buy a house after my contract is up 18months so bulk of money is going into a LISA with the 25% government bonus. Can you really beat a 25%return? + +But will be looking to top the limit so will have some money to invest but obviously will likely sell them up for the deposit, thinking high safe dividend stocks would be good for this length of investment as they just have a better then current interest returns, and it's not long enough time to overcome any bumps in growth companies +I have owned a couple properties for a few years now. I have spent those years doing improvements and maintenance myself. I have found with a little ambition and the rectangle of knowledge there really isnt much that someone can't tackle themselves. Obviously certain safety related tasks should be left to the professionals but most of the time that isnt the case. For instance last night a tenant mentions they cant get the water to shut off in the shower. They had to shut it off in the utility closet at the service valve. Told them I would be there first thing this morning. Stressing about it last night and then doing research before even looking at it it sound like a shower valve canister. I go there this morning and sure enough the canister is bad. A 5 minute youtube video and an $86 canister (thanks covid supply chain economics) I put the new one in and good as new. + +Now I have no professional training at all. All self taught and using building codes, books, manuals etc. Everytime I fix something I gain confidence and ability to tackle stuff myself as opposed to paying someone and arm and a leg to get to it eventually. Tenants appreciate it because I can take care of stuff quickly and most of the time successfully. + +Basically I am saying for all the owners you can do this yourself. You dont need to pay someone and cut into your profits. Its incredibily enpowering when you do as well. I know there are some people who dont want and dont have to deal with it themselves and that is great too. I know for me personally I view it as a dollar I am not paying someone else is a dollar in my pocket. + +Has anyone else gone through a similar evolution where they do things now that they would never dream of doing before? +>Monthly Account Inactivity Fees EliminatedDear Client, + +> +>While many of our clients actively trade or maintain substantial equity in their account, we have decided to eliminate our monthly inactivity fee so there are no impediments to maintaining an account with IBKR. +> +>Effective July 1, 2021, you will no longer be charged USD 10 for not maintaining a minimum balance or transaction activity for account \[ \]. This change will be reflected in your August 2021 account statement. + +> +>Our decision to remove inactivity fees aligns us with industry standards and reflects our ongoing commitment to provide clients with [low-cost trading solutions](https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=1338) . +> +>Interactive Brokers + +Good news for all canadian options traders +1) Selling ATM puts + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/n6ggo7/quick\_tip\_the\_wheel\_whats\_delta\_got\_to\_do\_with\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/n6ggo7/quick_tip_the_wheel_whats_delta_got_to_do_with_it/) + +2) Selling OTM puts + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/a36k4j/the\_wheel\_aka\_triple\_income\_strategy\_explained/](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/a36k4j/the_wheel_aka_triple_income_strategy_explained/) + +Which one works best for you? +Because the general stock market is arguably overvalued to at least some degree, I think it is more important to consider the downside risk at the moment. The reason I have rotated more into dividend and value stocks and ETFs is to be in a better position to protect the great gains I have made from growth and tech stocks the past ten years. + +I am not saying there is going to be a crash or a bear market in the next year or so (nobody can time these things), but I do think we are more likely to experience this compared to average market valuation conditions. If we do experience this, I think that the current free cash flow of a company will be very important, and dividend stocks generally have better free cash flow and valuations. I still think that growth is better over the very longterm, but I think that a lot of the growth names have run up too much in the past few years. And there are some great dividend companies out there that still have good growth prospects ahead of them, and are not that overpriced. +Because the general stock market is arguably overvalued to at least some degree, I think it is more important to consider the downside risk at the moment. The reason I have rotated more into dividend and value stocks and ETFs is to be in a better position to protect the great gains I have made from growth and tech stocks the past ten years. + +I am not saying there is going to be a crash or a bear market in the next year or so (nobody can time these things), but I do think we are more likely to experience this compared to average market valuation conditions. If we do experience this, I think that the current free cash flow of a company will be very important, and dividend stocks generally have better free cash flow and valuations. I still think that growth is better over the very longterm, but I think that a lot of the growth names have run up too much in the past few years. And there are some great dividend companies out there that still have good growth prospects ahead of them, and are not that overpriced. +I'm trying to buy/build a house in regional Victoria right now and it's the most depressing thing ever. Prices keep soaring and any time I see anything doable Its already under offer. I can read countless articles about *why* the housing market is exploding right now but none of these articles say where that leaves people in my situation who don't own a home already. Do I wait out this seemingly never ending inflation or do I buy whatever I can get my hands on and try to ride the wave? This is so depressing. I never dreamed I would earn 150k a year and not be able to afford to live in a decent house in these shitty crackhead towns in northern vic. Help. +Fidelity Investments, Square Inc. and several other financial firms are forming a new trade group that aims to shape the way bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are regulated. + +The Crypto Council for Innovation will lobby policy makers, take up research projects and serve as the burgeoning industry’s voice in championing the economic benefits of digital currencies and related technologies. Crypto investor Paradigm and Coinbase Global Inc., which operates a cryptocurrency exchange, also signed on as initial members of the group. + +The council’s launch comes as prices of many digital assets have surged, drawing in new mainstream investors and the banks and brokers that serve them. Earlier this year, the total market value of bitcoin, the most popular digital currency, touched $1 trillion for the first time. + +Still, the market’s future remains far from settled. Advocates have argued that cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology that supports them have the potential to create jobs and extend financial services to consumers everywhere, at little or no cost. But policy makers and regulators around the world will play a critical role in shaping the path forward. + + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/fidelity-square-coinbase-launch-bitcoin-trade-group-11617710402 +&#x200B; + + [https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/corona-beer-takes-a-hit-from-coronavirus-as-brand-image-suffers-1.1396526](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/corona-beer-takes-a-hit-from-coronavirus-as-brand-image-suffers-1.1396526) + + + +The novel coronavirus has an unlikely victim -- one of the world’s most popular beers. + +Corona has become the subject of memes and videos shared on social media as the toll from the virus climbs worldwide. Reports of an increase in online searches for “corona beer virus” and “beer coronavirus” show the Mexican beer hasn’t been able to escape the association. The so-called purchase intent among adults in the U.S. has plunged to the lowest in two years, according to data from YouGov Plc. + +The damage has become more severe in recent days as infections spread. Shares of Corona-maker Constellation Brands Inc. dived 8 per cent this week in New York. Corona’s buzz score -- which tracks whether American adults aware of the brand have heard positive or negative things about it -- has tumbled to 51 from a high of 75 at the beginning of the year, YouGov said. + +Corona, which derives its name from the Sun’s corona and has nothing to do with the virus, is the third-most popular beer in the U.S., according to YouGov rankings. Guinness is first and Heineken is second. + +Another reason for the drop in purchase intent could be the perception of Corona as a summer beverage associated with beach holidays, YouGov business data journalist Graeme Bruce wrote in an article published Wednesday. It therefore has substantial seasonal fluctuations, he said. +Talking to my dad the other day, he mentioned that last year was his first time hitting the out of pocket max on his health insurance. He broke his shoulder, my step-mom broke a vertebrae and stepbrother tore an ACL. I think his OOP max was around 12-15k or something and he was able to cover everything without too much hassle because he had planned for it. Made me realize I needed to up my emergency fund by about 1500 over the next couple months to make sure I’d be covered. +https://www.barrons.com/articles/kodak-stock-generic-drug-ingredients-government-loan-51596031726 + +Stock halted at $50.66 it opened around $17 this morning and you could buy it near close at $2.75 Monday July 27 2020. + +1000 shares cost you less than $2800 currently valued at $50,660 (assuming you could sell) +I have heard all large yachts cost about 2x the price in maintenance over a long period of time. If i retired into a trawler for a decade at 50, I would need 3m for the boat maintenance etc before standard retirement funds. Anyone have experience with this? How much do yachts cost to maintain? + + +Assuming I recoup 5-700k from it a decade later, I’m tenuously assuming a yacht is gonna cost me roughly 300k a year +I’m in the US. I’m familiar with the basics of a short squeeze. What’s the plan from here? My only investments have been 401k so trying to decide if I should jump on this boat or if it’s too late. When is MOASS expected to happen (roughly speaking)? What happens if the hedge funds can’t afford to buy back the shares? + +EDIT: misunderstood some other posts I read and the comments here have been super helpful. Edited the questions in my post to avoid potential misinformation on my part. +Me: 31/F, fully employed, $3,145 net take home each month + +I have been slowly working my way out of credit card debt for the past three years. With a little over one year of payments left to go on my $20K debt consolidation loan, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. + +With that, I have been closely monitoring where my money has been going this year. I am very good about tracking how my money is distributed (bills, rent, loan payments, etc) but have never been good about tracking what I have been spending my money on. In looking at my spending habits in January, February, March, April, and now May I have confirmed what I already knew in my head... I spend a shit ton of money eating out. In January, I spent $400 eating out on just breakfast (coffee) and lunches alone. In February, close to $500. Same goes for March and April. I was way down in May because I made a conscious effort to not eat out so that I could save up for a trip I took. It helped a lot. + +I took a look at my calendar and found that I miraculously have ONE lunch appointment on the calendar and no breakfast appointments in June. This means I have an opportunity to save money by eating breakfast at home and packing my lunch every day. + +I know this seems so simple but I haven't always been good about this. My work culture is such that people eat out a lot, I meet with people over coffee or lunches frequently, and so on. Some of that I get reimbursed but a lot of it is just eating out with coworkers. I live in a mid-sized city, so lunches cost anywhere from $10-18/lunch. Not terrible, but like many of you know, that adds up! + +I'm excited to challenge myself this month and hopefully save a butt load of money. This money could be better spent either in savings account (that's dismal right now) or paying off loans. + +Thanks for reading. I really feel like I am starting to make a turn in how I manage money and am so looking forward to financial freedom in the very near future. My June goal to not eat breakfast or lunches out will help give me the boost I need and hopefully, become a habit of mine. + +**EDIT (6/1, 8:40AM EST):** +Wow! I wasn't quite expecting that type of response! A couple of things I learned from you. + +* Scaling back or cutting the number of meals you eat out can make a big difference financially. +* It can also make a difference health-wise! +* It's important to be strategic about when you eat out, especially when it comes to work and colleagues. Even though you aren't going out and buying lunch, don't exclude yourself from group situations if possible. +* When meal planning, variety is key. Some of you mentioned getting bored with the meals you were making at home and as a result, would slip up and buy food. +* r/mealprepsunday was mentioned several times as a resource for planning. +* Really examine why you're in debt to begin with. And once you pay off that debt, consider investing the money you no longer are using to pay down debt. Your future self with thank you! +* More than anything, it's about having realistic goals and making sure you aren't setting yourself up for failure. + +I very much enjoyed reading all of your responses, tips, and well-wishes! It has given me great motivation for today - Day 1! For breakfast I had Cheerios at home. I packed myself a lunch and headed to work where I am now sipping a free hazelnut coffee. + +I look forward to catching up with you all at the end of the month. For my own purposes, I will be keeping a daily log of what I spend (including non-food related items), what I meal prep and eat, and what noticeable changes I see. I've never had a "blog" so to speak, but I might consider starting one so I can share all of this with you later this month. Any suggestions you have for sites would be most helpful! + +CHEERS! + +**EDIT (6/2, 9:03AM EST):** +For those of you that are interested in following along, you can find my notes [here](https://kbsaves.wordpress.com). It's a little scary to put myself out there like this, but I'm committed to the challenge *and* the accountability. Happy day 2 to those of you that are joining me this month! +For context I’m 31M and I live independently in shared accommodation in Leeds. I pay just under £420 a month, which includes all bills. I find this situation uncomfortable due to sharing a kitchen and bathroom with 3 random strangers. + +This causes me to often eat while travelling to and from work as I lack kitchen access a lot of the time. I’ve estimated that I waste between £400-£500 a month on eating out as I can’t cook at home. + +I bring home a little over £2000 a month currently working in Leeds City Centre. Salary is £30,550. + +I rented this place, accepting a lower quality of life with excessive commuting so that I could save for my first, and hopefully only home. I currently have just over £20,000 in a Lifetime ISA. However recent government failures have caused mortgage rates to increase massively, I had been planning to buy a £150,000 home or less. Now I won’t be able to afford anything close to that, unless I save for an even bigger deposit (my goal was £25000, now it’d need to be over £40,000 for similar monthly mortgage costs). + +Based on the above information. Should I move to an apartment alone? I’d have to pay bills and I’m looking at below £700 a month rent. +It’s only about 3% yield and sure it’s got a low MER (0.06% from what I’ve seen) but why is it so popular? + +I’m a dividend investor myself but find it can sometime be better to invest in individual stocks when going for dividends +As the title says, Facebook has lost hugely since the meta rebranding and since they announced their metaverse ambitions. Some part of the loss is also due to other factors such as new Iphone and EU privacy changes, but a large part wall street simply doesn't believe in the metaverse plan. + +The question then is, are facebook ready to take a loss while the metaverse is being built, or do you think they will soon announce the closure of the project? Did meta actually have a solid business plan for this investment, or is it just the misguided dreams of their nerdy founder who wants to see himself as the overlord of a new digital world? +Hi folks, + +Market rent in my class B neighborhood is far less than 1%. Houses here easily go for \~$300k, and yet, my agent was able to pull a list of all of the successfully rented properties from the MLS, and they're going for $1800-2000/month. Why wouldn't these be going for $3k/month? This is a pretty solid neighborhood with great schools, only a stone's throw from class A territory. + +I was able to secure 1% rent on my class C property - paid $145k for it, got it rented for $1450. Why on earth is a much better community with better schools, amenities, etc., only renting for a measly $500/month more? +So I got a new job today. Its in a cozy office. No back breaking work like I experienced with Amazon. Great. I was so happy to leave my old job I didn't ask how much pay was. I honestly dont care as long as its full time, I can make it work. So when I get home, my mom had already texted me congratulations. When I told her I was hired. She asks me what kind of job it is. I respond Call Center. She immediately starts saying "Oh no thats awful". She asked what company its for and I respond that I don't know bc its a third party company; I'll find out on my first day more info. She begins the interrogation with do you even know how much you'll be paid? I responded, "No but there are opportunities for growth in Health Insurance Agent positions early next year" She repeats in a problematic tone, "Early next year?" Its November and that is reasonable for me. She begins talking negatively about my new job and how its probably minimum wage. And I straight ups ask her, "do you want me to quit?" Because she is dwelling on these negatives. She responded that I am always this way. And she is literally always talking bad about any company I work at. And this is why I never stay at a job for long bc my mom bashes any opportunities I get. She is really negative. I'm trying to be optimistic but honestly there is always a problem in her point of view. She should be happy that I am trying to make an honest living. Im really trying to be positive but I'm already really hurt that she is bashing my new job. I feel like such a failure bc clearly this new job is just not good enough. Its how every new opportunity that I get starts. She talks bad about it until I feel defeated and quit. I will try to remain positive. + +Update: I re-read the job post on Indeed. I applied to so many different jobs that I didn't notice it. It pays above minimum wage. I am going to use this as a stepping stone to get to my goal career in health insurance. I read some company reviews. They said its a great job to get started in the Medical insurance field. +#TL;DR (at the top this time) + +With the specific wording used by The SEC in their recent FOIA response, they may as well have just confirmed that the raw vote count in June was greater than the number of shares outstanding and that the DOJ is actively investigating naked shorting on GameStop and pursuing criminal prosecution. Buckle up, Fucklehead. + +#Predicting the SEC's FOIA Response... + +Good morning, apes! Three weeks ago, I wrote [this DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qx62z0/reading_between_the_lines_what_can_we_learn_from/) examining the verbiage of the initial response the SEC sent back to /u/automatedcharterer's FOIA request for the raw vote count from GameStop's annual shareholder meeting in June. In the DD, I proposed that several logical conclusions can be drawn from the similarities in wording of the SEC's response and the wording of their own written FOIA policy: + +1. Gamestop handed over the raw vote data to the SEC as part of their regulatory investigation, the SEC found evidence of criminal wrongdoing and handed the investigation over to the DOJ who currently maintains the record as a material piece of evidence in that investigation. +2. Whomever they're investigating—probably Kenny—has not been informed of the existence of this evidence. +3. The raw vote total would only be material evidence in a criminal case if it is greater than the total number of shares outstanding, which would prove that illegal naked shorting occurred on Gamestop. +4. If we accept that the vote total in JUNE was greater than the number of shares outstanding, it also effectively confirms that we own the float and then some and that shorts hadn't closed their positions at that point. + +I highly suggest reading the whole post to follow my train of logic and see for yourself just how closely what they wrote in the FOIA response letter matches their written policy. + +Most importantly, I outlined the following criterion to judge whether the conclusions I had drawn in the post were accurate and predicted how they would need to respond to confirm them: + +> If /u/automatedcharterer + receives a response "indicating that **the Office of FOIA Services was unable to locate or identify any responsive records"**, we know they used an exclusion which would basically prove this entire thesis. + + +#...And Getting it Right Almost Word-for-Word + +Well, yesterday was the day I'm pretty sure only I and /u/automatedcharterer had been anxiously awaiting. [The SEC's final response on the FOIA request is in.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rcrrr5/sec_foia_response_to_the_question_of_the_raw_vote/) And well, I won't say I didn't tell you so (emphasis mine): + +>This letter is in response to your request, dated October 18, 2021 and received in this office on October 19, 2021, for any information about the actual shareholder vote count that was released in the June 9, 2021 8-K report for Gamestop. Any investigation into the total submitted votes in the months around that time. Based on the information you provided in your letter, we conducted a thorough search of the SEC’s various systems of records and consulted with SEC staff, but **did not locate or identify any information responsive to your request.** + +As you can see, their response matches almost exactly what I said we would need to see in order to confirm the conclusions drawn in my last DD. My tits have never been more jacked. But just in case what you've seen so far isn't enough to convince you, I went ahead and did a search for the phrase "locate or identify" in all of the SEC's FOIA documentation and it appears ONLY ONCE, in the same section where it describes the only circumstances in which it consults with the DOJ before releasing information. + +*On a personal note, after the research I put in on my last post, I thought the case was extremely compelling that the SEC has already done everything they can and is no longer involved in the investigation now that it's moved to DOJ. I think all the evidence points to that at this point and their final FOIA response here is basically confirmation of that. So maybe cut Gary Gensler a little slack. I understand wanting someone to blame in all of this, but I think directing that at GG or anyone in the SEC is totally misguided here. At every step of the way since taking the chairmanship, his statements have been extremely pro-retail. I suggest if you're stuck on the idea that he's one of the bad guys in all of this, you take a step back and be willing to challenge your assumptions and see the bigger picture: There is a 0% chance that he would have indicated that he handed this over to DOJ if/when he did, and he would have no power of his own to do anything past that point. His current silence on the issue is much more likely to be a positive for us than a negative.* + +**Edit: As multiple users have pointed out, Bloomberg put out a release shortly after I posted this about a DOJ probe into predatory shorting. In other news, I do not work for Bloomberg.** +To continue discussion + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qbwsy7/6543gamestops_twitter_banner_is_a_countdown/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +There is a theory on descending number of working days in between GME Twitter banner updates. + +I for one counted all days, so basically last one was on 19th Oct, the next one in my theory is due on 23rd of Oct. + +1st Oct - nr 6 + ++7 + +8th Oct - nr 5 + ++6 + +14th Oct - nr4 + ++5 + +19th Oct - nr3 + ++4 + +23rd Oct - nr2 + ++3 + +26th Oct - nr1 + ++2 + +28th Oct - nr 0 - BINGO + + +What else ends on Friday, the 28th of October? Gherks options rollover period ends. + +I think the 28th, along with every day before and after, should be the HYPE days. + +Monday, November the 1st - Q4 for GME starts - something something is due to happen in Q4..NFT go time. + +Meanwhile, DRS your shares. + +Moon! +OK, I want to buy a car that is roughly 40k. + +Currently I have 38k in 80/20 split personal Vanguard account. + +I have 30k in High Yield Savings. + +And I have 80k in single company stock from work. + +What is the best place to pull the money from to buy said car? + +This is assuming I cannot get a 0% loan for the car and I would like to not have to deal with a payment month to month. Also, I can probably get a better deal for the car with paying cash. + +Another complicating factor is that I will most likely upgrade my house in the next year. Currently we have a 340k note on a 500kish house with a really good low rate. So the new house will probably need some cash influx to keep the payments down. + +Made a throw away account to keep some anonymity. + +Thanks! +**MAJOR EDIT: This post has been debunked. After a significant amount of discussion with several other users (including u/dlauer) an assumption I made about a section of the data has made both this post and a additional DD (Out of Gas DD) I worked on yesterday incorrect. It sucks to be publicly wrong when both of these posts got a lot of attention, but when you do DD's sometimes you will be wrong. I am changing this now as I am (unfortunately) not able to reconcile that error. I made the post, I should have done a better job of checking the data. Rather than letting this sit overnight as I am about to head to sleep, I would implore a moderator to switch the flair and have sent a request for this to happen. I will leave the post up as it is though, as failure helps us apes improve.** + +So u/xpurplexamyx pulled some FINRA data on June 2nd ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nr2gbi/hank_needs_you_part_ii_hank_the_data_shepherd/h0embxg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nr2gbi/hank_needs_you_part_ii_hank_the_data_shepherd/h0embxg/)) and I went digging into this for the data that was there for GME. It goes from the week of January 4th to April 26th. So unfortunately, it’s a bit outdated, but that’s what we have to work with. This is the OTC data. + +**TLDR** +We get to look at all the different groups potentially wrapped up in this mess. Spoiler alert, it is probably more major groups than you think. + +I also have the Excel sheet of the FINRA data, and I think I got it working below to share it safely. Looking into some solutions for that - you can also copy the information from u/xpurplexamyx's post into Notepad and import it into Excel fairly easily. [Google Sheets Link Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTDsp8OjIwT_1eEMH72AgXFGMZJBgCtS0cD80UJPDAcWafeWx_6Jbfx_jkduRiV1Kap24PSfrp2zVUu/pub?output=xlsx) (first time doing this but I believe it should safely share - it's an Excel file download) + +**TLDR DONE** + +I examined the data to review who traded the most GME each week and there were five consistent companies that consistently appeared in the top 5 for Total Weekly Share Quantity. Depending on the week they are in different orders. + +* **Citadel Securities LLC** +* **Virtu Americas LLC** +* **G1 Execution Services LLC** + +But that’s only 3, you said there were 5. I did. Check out these images. + +[https://imgur.com/SBUQPbe](https://imgur.com/SBUQPbe) + +[https://imgur.com/6JufxgW](https://imgur.com/6JufxgW) + +[https://imgur.com/GnQP60P](https://imgur.com/GnQP60P) + +**The other 2 groups DO NOT INCLUDE A NAME. Their Market Participant Name is BLANK.** It is impossible to know 100% if this is only two separate groups but I would argue that since they consistently show up throughout the FINRA data we are looking at 2 mystery companies that are trading an absolute ton of GME every week OTC. One of these blank spots is ALWAYS the top spot, while the other seems to fluctuate between position 3 and 4. + +**These five positions (two blanks, Citadel Securities, Virtu Americas and G1 Execution Services) account for around a total of 82% of the trades carried out OTC.** (thanks for u/Gandos123 for pointing this out!) Including these groups, there are around 33 regular participants. Which means the other 28 entities only carried out 18% of the OTC trades. + +Edit - the blanks may be classifying other info - if you examine other tickers they add up to 50% of trades. But the numbers aren’t that important for this post. + +So who the fuck could these two blank groups be. I suspect this is also intentionally left blank, but why would it be left blank? Could be deliberate foul play? Could be a legitimate error? Could be a FINRA regulation? + +So I went looking on FINRA’s website to see if there was a rule about this. Turns out there is. If a firm lacks a market participant ID (MPID for short), then the field is intentionally left blank. (for more on these check out [https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/market-transparency-reporting/trade-reporting-faq](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/market-transparency-reporting/trade-reporting-faq) under Section 104 and [https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regm-user-guide](https://www.finra.org/filing-reporting/regm-user-guide)) The firm could also break the rules and not report their MPID if they wanted for a small fine (ugh). The full MPID list can be found [https://otce.finra.org/otce/mp-list](https://otce.finra.org/otce/mp-list). + +**The full list of participants trading GME *ON A WEEKLY BASIS* in the FINRA report from January 4 to April 30 is listed here.** There were a few other small fry that showed up, but not for many shares or more than a week or two. + +* BIDS BIDS ATS – likely belongs to **BIDS Trading L.P.** (they have multiple MPID’s but BIDS is one of them) +* **Citadel Securities LLC** (multiple MPID’s but IEQY is one of them) +* CODA CODA – likely belongs to **Coda Markets Inc.** (they have multiple MPID’s but CODA is one of them) +* **Comhar Capital Markets, LLC** (their MPID is YKNA) +* CROS CROSSFINDER – likely **Credit Suisse Securities** (their MPID is CROS) +* DBAX SuperX ATS – likely **Deutsche Bank Securities** (they have multiple MPID’s but DBAX is one of them) +* **De Minimis Firms** (THERE IS NO MPID HERE, small firms that do less that 200 trades per day get grouped up together as De Minimis Firms https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/finra/2019/34-86315.pdf ) +* EBXL LEVEL ATS – likely **EBX LLC** (their MPID is EBXL) +* **G1 Execution Services, LLC** (multiple MPID’s but ETMM is one of them) +* IATS IBKR ATS – likely **Interactive Brokers LLC** (their MPID is IATS) +* ICBX CBX– likely **Instinet, LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but ICBX is one of them) +* INCR Intelligent Cross LLC – **Intelligent Cross LLC** +* ITGP Posit – likely **ITG INC.** (they have multiple MPID’s but ITGP is one of them) +* **Jane Street Capital LLC** (multiple MPID’s, JSJX is one) +* JPBX JPB-X – likely **J.P. Morgan Securities** (they have multiple MPID’s but JPBX is one of them) +* JPMX JPM-X - likely **J.P. Morgan Securities** (they have multiple MPID’s but JPMX is one of them) +* KCGM Virtu Matchit ATS – likely **Virtu Americas LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but KCGM is one of them) +* LATS The Barclays ATS – **Barclays Capital Inc.** (they have multiple MPID’s but LATS is one of them) +* MLIX Instinct X – likely **Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, and Smith Incorporated** (they have multiple MPID’s but MLIX is one of them) +* MSPL MS Pool (ATS-4) – likely **Morgan Stanley and Co. LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but MSPL is one of them) +* MSRP MS RPool (ATS-6) – likely **Morgan Stanley and Co. LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but MSRP is one of them) +* MSTX MS Trajectory Cross (ATS-1) – likely **Morgan Stanley and Co.** LLC (they have multiple MPID’s but MSTX is one of them) +* **National Financial Services LLC** (their MPID is XSTM) +* Robinhood Securities, LLC – likely **Robinhood Financial, LLC** (multiple MPID’s but HOOD is one of them) +* XSTN CrossStream – likely **National Financial Services LLC** (their MPID is XSTM) +* SGMT SIGMA X2 – likely **Goldman Sachs and Co. LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but SGMT is one of them) +* **Stockpile Investments Inc.** (their MPID is STKP) +* **Two Sigma Securities, LLC** (multiple MPID’s but OHOS is one of them) +*** UBS Securities LLC** (multiple MPID’s but UBSS is one of them) +* UBSA UBS ATS – likely **UBS Securities LLC** (they have multiple MPID’s but UBSA is one of them) +* **USTK Ustocktrade Securities** (multiple MPID’s but USTK is one of them) +* **Virtu Americas LLC** (multiple MPID’s but VALR is one of them) +* **Wolverine Securities, LLC** (their MPID is WSEA) + +So there’s the list of companies that have sent info to FINRA about their OTC trading. But we still have our missing companies right. Did you catch it? One of the major hedge funds involved in this entire mess is not listed here. + +**Melvin Capital is not on the list.** Given their central role in all of this, I would suggest they are potentially one of our BLANK parties. Given that Citadel had to publicly send them some funds, my guess is they are player numero uno EVERY SINGLE WEEK here. They are probably holding some HEAVY BAGS. Since they had an MPID, I suspect it’s deliberate we do not see them here. (MLVN and MSMM are the MPID’s for Melvin Securities LLC) + +The other group I am unsure of. I’ve looked through Bloomberg posts from these dates and can’t find a huge amount of institutional changes. There are a few groups I have in mind, but no real data to back this up. + +**EDIT ADDITION** +If you examine other tickers than GME, the blank spaces are accounting for around 50% of the trades. Do the blanks mean something else entirely? Maybe buy or sell side of trades with the listed firms? The data is pretty shitty in terms of numbers, but I don't think this changes the DD I am posting here. The numbers aren't really the focus of the DD anyways, but the list of potential involved parties. +**END ADDITION** + +I know apes have looked heavily at Citadel and Melvin and their activities surrounding all of this, but I think it is time we spent some more time on some of these other groups that have been juggling GME around in OTC pools for a four month period as the largest stock fraud that’s ever occurred played out. + +Though more recent data is not available, it’s likely many of these groups are still stuck juggling weekly, perhaps more digging into them might yield some additional info. + +How well can we trust the exact numbers here? I’m not sure, *especially with the House of Cards revelations that some of these groups hold FINRA’s investments*, but **I think we can trust that the groups trading are correct as they don't like to waste money in fines if they don't need too.** + +**EDIT:** So I forgot that Melvin applied for confidential treatment of some positions, then got denied for Q1. Then they reapplied for Q2 to hide their positions again (which went through), but will likely be denied again in a bit. I suspect it's even more likely that they are the top blank. + +A lot of people have commented Point72 as the third group - great idea - I skimmed the MPID list and didn't see them on there, so that may be correct as groups without an MPID can be listed as blank. + +Also, I've seen a lot of comments that Susquehanna isn't here - G1 Execution Services is a subsidiary of Susquehanna. Credit to u/Emergency-Monk-7002 for the link. + +Final point of this edit, I didn't put this in the post originally but have received a few messages about Bank of America - they are a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch I believe (BOFA is one of Merrill's MPID's) and Merrill Lynch is on the list. + +EDIT 2: An Excel File Link is now available. I believe it should share safely/anonymously now. [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTDsp8OjIwT_1eEMH72AgXFGMZJBgCtS0cD80UJPDAcWafeWx_6Jbfx_jkduRiV1Kap24PSfrp2zVUu/pub?output=xlsx). If you click this it will download the Excel file. + + +**EDIT 3: Someone asked who FINRA was and I put it in a comment. But at this point they might as well be the Financial Institution Not Regulating Anything.** + +EDIT 4: Added a small note about how concentrated these OTC trades are in the top 5 entities. + +EDIT 5: To any mods who see this while I'm asleep, there might be a discrepancy in the numbers on this which I'm not sure what to make of after discovering it. Since after chugging through way more numbers ON OTHER TICKERS THAN GME in the Finra data, the blanks are accounting for exactly 50% of the data on each ticker. It is possible that the blanks could be accounting for the buy or sell side and the other listed groups are the opposite side of those trades, however this is poorly labelled and tough to decide which it is since it's the Market Participant Name that's blank and there is no label for whether it's a buy or sell. Whether the blank groups at the top is an entity or some odd tally/subtotal of trades, it isn't exactly clear from what's here. + +Regardless, I don't think it changes the point of the DD post here as I did indicate I wasn't super confident in FINRA's numbers originally since reading House of Cards. FINRA does have rules that names can be redacted/not included, firms could omit them, etc. + +Most importantly, the main point of this post is that **the groups listed here have been participating in OTC trades for over 4 months from January to the end of April and the data shows it. It's fairly likely they are tangled up in this mess one way or another. We should continue to expand who we are looking into.** + +Cheers all! + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +This happened a few months ago but it still shocks me a bit. + +It started out around noon. I got an email saying someone tried to reset my password. I ignored it. + +Hours later I got a call from someone pretending to be from venmo; very professional sounding. Said they had a breach on my account and asked about me authorizing a payment for a few hundred bucks and that I should've gotten an email about someone attempting to get in and that they were successful. I of course said no, and was a little alarmed for a second but decided to play along. + +They had tried to spoof venmo's number I think. All except the last digit of the number were the same, I know because I googled it while on the phone. + +What really set me off was them saying I needed to reset my password to some password they were giving me in order to reverse that "fraudulent charge." At this point I decided to play dumb and messed with them for a bit, kept them on the phone for a good 5-10 minutes by pretending I didn't know the layout of the app and was trying to do what they said. I eventually got bored, told them I knew it was a scam. The man got angry and hung up on me. + +It was obviously a scam in the end but I've never seen one they elaborate. Took them actual prep to try and reset my password so I'd get an email so I was on alert, then to call later acting like there was in fact a breach. + +Edit: holy cow this blew up😂 thanks for the rewards +My mom just died from cancer. I am 24 and live with parents (now just dad). My mom supported the family financially and my dad is unemployed. My dad and I know little about finance. Most likely we will both have to depend on my low income—I stopped applying for/taking jobs other than freelance work when things got crazy with my mom. + +I have questions if anyone can help with any (please lmk if there is a better subreddit for some of these): + +- Where can my dad and I get affordable **health insurance?** We no longer have any as we were on my mom’s employer plan. As soon as I’m able to get a full-time job I will switch over, but in the meantime what insurance is good for self-employed/low-income/Texas? Looking into Medicaid and Marketplace but first time reading about it, not sure which is better or if there are other options for us. + +- My mom has a joint **bank account** with my dad—we assumed nothing changes here in that he’ll still be able to access everything, but recently heard that banks may freeze an account if a joint account holder has died? Is this true? This would be a nightmare obviously. Not sure my mom had a will if that makes a difference here. + +- Other than life insurance, what other financial institutions(?) might we need to **contact** to get affairs in order? + +- We both still need to file **taxes**. Does my mom’s death affect how my dad should file (maybe next year)? + +- **Medical bills.** I’m assuming my mom's health insurance is still supposed to cover everything up till she died. Does her death affect how we should pay off these bills? + +- Are there unemployment/low-income/deceased spouse/current covid etc. **benefits** either of us can apply for? + +- I’m just lost—I’m sure we are forgetting/unaware of some important things we need to do in the wake of my mom’s death. Is there anything else we should do to take care of things financially/otherwise? + + +--- +Edit: + +Our social worker from the hospital called, and I mentioned we no longer have health insurance—she's now sending over a few resources to help navigate legal/financial things. Will update here with links later if I feel it may be useful for others. I thought social workers offered emotional support only, so never mentioned we were having trouble navigating other things. So glad I asked this time (thanks for suggesting!). + +**Some things I saw come up that I can clarify:** My dad isn't fluent in English, nor particularly young, which makes finding work hard. After my mom became disabled from cancer, I communicated with medical facilities/insurance etc. It was a quick, aggressive cancer and an emotional time; we prepared some things, missed others. The rest of our family can't offer much logistical help because they’re on another continent and don’t know how things work in the U.S. + +For now, our savings and hopefully my mom’s life insurance will help us for a little while without income. For the long-term, I’m hoping it won’t be too long before I find something full-time and/or pick up freelance work again, but with CoVID it’s hard to tell. + +Thanks everyone so much for the advice, resources, and kind thoughts so far! I'm still going through replies and am really touched by the response. +I(M23) have been day trading for a while now and im already daydreaming about quitting my day job. I know we're in a bull market and that this level of growth is unsustainable. + +I'm definitely not quitting my job immediately although I dream of the day I can wake up and realize i dont HAVE to work today. + +I can make some omelets and cream cheese bagles, watch American dad and go for a walk. +Then make a couple of trades and enjoy the rest of my day. I dream of this day. But for this to become a reality I need to do the hard work now and learn as much as I can. + +My current win percentage is 72% using price action and volume analysis. I also started to have a better win percentage using the 3 minute candles as opposed to the 1 minutes. + +What i need to work on is my risk management because I tend to "wait out" losing trades instead of cutting my losses. + +But here are my rules for the day I can write up my resignation letter. + +1. Have a piece of mind account with a 18 months worth of expenses. (Around 22k) + +2. Have an 85% win rate + + +Any other rules I should add? +That’s it. Really it has me excited. $80 drop within 2 weeks? Yeah right man this is the dip be for the RIP! + + + + +No room for disappointment either since it’s the last month of Q4! + +Godspeed and let’s make a change! + + + + + +Character Limit: DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS. +Previous post was removed due to excess reports. + +https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf + +Unemployment report blows out expectations lead by job gains +in leisure and hospitality, construction, education and health services, and retail. + +Nearly 2.5M people who were temporarily furloughed have returned to work. Labor force participation up 0.6% +Good morning everyone, happy Tuesday :) + +*This list is geared towards day trading. With the small cap stocks especially, I am typically in and out very quickly, only occasionally longer than 5 minutes, usually faster scalps.* I am also constantly watching the candlestick charts and observing price action and volume, and you should be doing the same if you want to trade these stocks. Always have a plan when you enter a trade (for profit taking and for taking a loss), and use proper risk management. + +**Stocks Over $10** + +* Gapping UP: ANVS, KMPH, FTCV, FUTU, BEKE, GRWG, CCIV +* Gapping DOWN: MARA, RIOT, CAN, GME, AMC, CLSK, FCEL + +**Stocks Under $10** + +1. CANF: Leading gapper this morning but couldn't find a catalyst for today. Seeing strong volume and price action in the premarket. Just be cautious and don't chase trades, as this could get a bit extended. +2. SVRA: Gapping up after closing public offering yesterday, as well as a price target upgrade. Seeing decent volume and okay price action in the premarket. Seems to have found premarket support at 2.14. +3. WIMI: Gapping up on a couple different news catalysts. I'll want to see volume pick up a bit more. +4. AZRX: Gapping up on momentum from yesterday, as well as a news catalyst. Seeing decent volume in premarket, but I'll want to see it pick up a bit. +5. ENZ: Gapping up after earnings/guidance. Price action showing some weakness at the moment, I'll want it to show some strength. +6. XNET: Gapping up after reporting earnings. Seeing some weakness in price action at the moment, so I'll want to see this trend reverse. + +Stocks are looking at a mixed open, but green overall. SPY is trading just below 397, and we could see a further push to new ATH. I'll be watching UVXY to play any volatility we may see. After seeing a bigger pullback yesterday, Bitcoin is currently trading at 54,900. Bitcoin-related stocks are down in premarket, and I'll be following them throughout the day. Tech stocks are doing well in premarket, and should see strength during the day if the market doesn't roll over. There weren't a whole lot of opportunities on the small caps watchlist yesterday. **Don't feel the need to force trades**. There will always be another opportunity. There is nothing wrong with sitting back and watching, and maybe running your stock screener again in 10 minutes or so. We need to be disciplined in our trading, and trading off your emotions is not disciplined. + +Remember to use proper risk management, make sure you size appropriately for your account, and have a plan for every trade you enter. Happy trading everyone :) + + +The original and official [r/SatoshiStreetBets](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatoshiStreetBets/), founded by David Gilbert, is launching SatoshiSwap on BSC; the first ever Decentralized margin trading protocol. **Token: SWAP.** + +**1 - $10M burn TODAY** + +**2 - 40% token lock TODAY** + +**3 - CMC pending** + +**4 - CG pending** + +**5 - #SafemoonSwap pending** + +**6 - 2nd massive burn announced for next week** + +**7 - Staking in 2 weeks** + +**8 - Dex w/10x margin trading (Q1)** + +**9 - Secret Utility TBA** + +**10 - Has its own dog #derpytoshi** + +[**www.SatoshiSwap.net**](http://www.satoshiswap.net/) + +**All the benefits of decentalization** + +\*Buy on PancakeSwap now + +\*No KYC – Jump straight in, with no registration verification or KYC/AML required + +\*Non-custodial - You are 100% in control of your funds at all time and there is no trusted third party involved in the process. Your keys and your funds! + +\*Decentralized Governance - Once the SatoshiSwap project reaches maturity the DAO will direct all aspects of development and governance through a probable flair voting scheme + +\*Decentralized price oracle system – This is no reliance on external third parties for price data (e.g. no chainlink, no centralized nodes) + +\*100% on-chain - The entire margin trading system is deployed on unbreakable smart contracts with no centralized components + +\*Tokenized Composable Positions – Margin positions are tokenized as composable NFT’s enabling in the future to be built on top of the protocol (DeFi lego bricks) + +\*Margin trading + \*Swapping + \*Lending + \*Liquidity providing + +\*Audited smart contracts + \*Battle tested defi components + +\*Insurance fund + +\*Experienced developers + + + +**SatoshiSwap token: SWAP** + + This will be a multibillion dollar market cap in the near future🕺 + +**NO TAX** on this coin. So can be listed at tier 1 exchanges (hint hint). + +Website: https://satoshiswap.net/ + +Telegram: https://t.me/SatoshiSwapOfficial + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/SatoshiStBets + +Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SatoshiStreetBets +EVERYONE GET IN HERE + +Z1Ps latest announcement has them partnering with Facey. Their last big partnership was with eBay, in which we saw a yuge jump in share price. +$10 by Chrimbo still on the cards? +Isn't that the meaning of middle class? + + +EDIT: Meant 1996 in title + + +Please don't downvote, i'm new to economics and would genuinely +like to know why this is a bad thing. + +link: http://money.cnn.com/2016/06/28/news/economy/americans-believe-economy-is-rigged/ +From the get go me and my SO agreed we would send our kids to private school. I'm confident that while they're under our roof they won't be exposed to any of the negative effects a lot of wealth can bring. But when they start up at the private school and are exposed to other families/kids I am concerned the spoilt/privileged effect might rub off on them from other kids or families. How do people combat this? +Everytime I try and reserach a coin I'm just berated by fan boys in echo chambers. I wanna hear it all, some of these people are delusional. This was inspired after watching the tron live stream. Give it to me straight, what coin do you hate the most and why? Please let the hate out. +I’ve read conflicting views on whether one should have an emergency fund (3-6 months on expenses) or just throw money into index funds of stocks/bonds because having money just sit in the bank is wasteful. What do you guys think? + +I’m currently a college student if that matters. +I was listening to a podcast discussing the impact of rising interest rates on mortgages and the housing market in the United States and Europe. The hosts mentioned several times that fixed rate mortgages are rare in Europe, and in Britain its common have a fixed rated for only 2-5 years. Why is this? Why aren't fixed rate mortgages more common in Europe, and what impact does that have on the European housing market in comparison to the American housing market? +The Finance Ministry is likely to provide income tax relief to the middle class in the upcoming Union Budget 2020-21, according to two senior government officials. + +A series of discussions have been held within the government to promote economic growth and a reduction in the tax burden is seen as having a direct impact on boosting consumption. + +An official said the Finance Ministry is learnt to have firmed up plans under which the tax adjustment is likely to be planned in a manner that the effective tax burden of the middle class effectively comes down by about 10 per cent of their overall tax outgo for the year. + +What this could mean is that the tax structure may be tweaked in a manner that if tax outgo for an individual is Rs 1 lakh in a year, then the person may see an effective reduction in his tax outgo by around Rs 10,000. + +... + +... + +In another possible move, the government is learnt to be considering tax incentives to individuals for buying home. An official said that since real estate is a key sector and has the biggest multiplier effect on the economy, there could be benefits targeted for new home buyers. + +Link to the full article: https://indianexpress.com/article/business/income-tax-relief-for-middle-class-incentives-for-new-home-buyers-likely-6203508/ + + + + +Personal view: + +This is highly unlikely that they will cut so much taxes, especially after cutting the corporate taxes. If she does, I will never complain about Shanta Tai. +Those who have watched the movie The Big Short will probably remember Michael Burry pointing out that before every recession fraud rates go up, this has been true for every recession/depression starting from 1929. + +The same has already started at least for UK and India. Financial fraud rates are at an all time high. But due to excessive quantitative easing by central banks the markets are totally immune as of now, I am kind of worried what is going to happen, if those indicators turn out to be true. I just started earning and have already started investing in stocks. + +Since my last post drew a lot of flak for not providing data, here are some sources: + +[https://www.experianplc.com/media/news/2020/fraud-rate-rises-33-during-covid-19-lockdown/](https://www.experianplc.com/media/news/2020/fraud-rate-rises-33-during-covid-19-lockdown/) + +[https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/debit-credit-card-rules-changed-from-this-month-set-limit-switch-it-off-when-you-don-t-use-11601630769802.html](https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/debit-credit-card-rules-changed-from-this-month-set-limit-switch-it-off-when-you-don-t-use-11601630769802.html) + +[https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/banking-finance/bank-fraud-24-directors-of-ghaziabad-bank-booked-for-embezzling-around-rs-100-crore/2087899/](https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/banking-finance/bank-fraud-24-directors-of-ghaziabad-bank-booked-for-embezzling-around-rs-100-crore/2087899/) + +[https://thewire.in/tech/financial-fraud-rising-because-of-more-digital-payments-ajit-doval](https://thewire.in/tech/financial-fraud-rising-because-of-more-digital-payments-ajit-doval) + +[https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2020/09/28/covid-related-fraud-schemes/](https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2020/09/28/covid-related-fraud-schemes/) + +[https://www.dqindia.com/growing-popularity-gift-cards-becoming-attractive-target-fraud/](https://www.dqindia.com/growing-popularity-gift-cards-becoming-attractive-target-fraud/) +I originally wrote this for the options betting sub, but the mods took it down within minutes... + +I know a lot of people here already know most of this, but I am sure not everyone is reading this sub daily anymore, and may have missed some of this info. + + + +Matt Furlong the $GME CEO, stated the following last August during earnings; + +**"After spending a year strengthening our assortment, infrastructure, and tech capabilities, we're now focused on achieving profitability, launching proprietary products, leveraging our brand in new ways, and investing in our stores,"** + +I'm not going to cover everything we already know about the above( increased product offerings immensely, two new distribution centers, new GME branded products, stock options for employees etc) + +For the first time in 3 years GME's foot traffic is higher than pre pandemic ( as of October), and with the release of God of War, MW2, Pokemon Scarlett, increased PS5 inventory 400% YoY etc , and many others this coming Q4 is looking pretty good( also notably GME's best cyclically quarter because of the holidays) . See below: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fpuc5r5ysr0a1.jpg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f883b9de757a0156509e5792f8bbdf9309c2b272 + +&#x200B; + +[Pokemon Scarlett Launch yesterday](https://preview.redd.it/mrz7hc10tr0a1.jpg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf503374a6881f352ccfe73b82105c764277f40) + +&#x200B; + +GME started a brand new offer new offering for its Pro member's recently; spend $200 and get a free NFT on their marketplace. Now before you blast this as some sort of gimmick; keep reading.... + +&#x200B; + +[GME NFT PROMO](https://preview.redd.it/z8mluh12tr0a1.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d37b75ee6a1b82d1e0c6a1d04f5d9a82edc4516) + +GME not too long ago air dropped( sent out a free NFT) to the first 5000 users of their NFT marketplace. Those users received this [NFT Pin](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x8a1967f5f93da038ad570a5244879031d010b8efa5c95eadcdf7df0f8cfbd25c) . + +80 ETH in trading volume currently, 650 ish sales, ranging from .245 to .09 ETH( $300 to $100 USD roughly). [Sales Data](https://explorer.loopring.io/nft/0xdcf8ff6b4de163873066118a8eeec9e68c93e284-0-0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184-0x8a1967f5f93da038ad570a5244879031d010b8efa5c95eadcdf7df0f8cfbd25c-10) + +So I don't know about you, but even my 6 year old son told me to buy $200 from GME, as it could potentially be 100% free in the end. Either way there is a chance for a decent size discount, as there is a large GME community that can't get in on the original promo( people overseas without local stores, or those who simply missed it etc). Also there are a lot of crypto speculators too. I've personally made 700% on my 7K investment into the GME marketplace so its definitely a place where you can make money. + +I believe GME will use this same incentive structure to gain more market dominance in both the video game & collectable industry. For example if GME convinces Sony to sign up at their marketplace and offer an NFT collection, GME could bundle this collection as free incentive to those who purchase a God of War PS5 bundle through GME. This would give GME a huge edge over other competitors. Sony would be incentivized to become a creator here, as they would make a royalty on every NFT sale, and they already have a fleet of digital image designers etc, so it would take very little leg work. Furthermore, and more importantly Sony would then have access to every secondary customer's wallet address, and be able to offer direct coupons or other incentives to those secondary customer that they might never have contact with. It could reel in a lot more business for Sony. I was NEVER into crypto or NFTs before GME for example. A lot of people simply will want to collect these Sony NFTS outside of monetary gains too. I have 150+ now, and some are just neat to have, just like all my Marvel cards when I was a kid in the 80/90s. I make lot of money, so its peanuts to me. My wife has 100K worth of american girl stuff, don't under estimate people's willingness to collect stuff; its human nature. Don't forget GME also gets a cut of each NFT transaction too, a double dip here on top of the original PS5 bundle sale. + +Once other businesses take note of this, many more will start reaching out to GME, and I believe GME will start basically selling their NFT marketplace services to other industries; just like they did with the [Saw Movie Game](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/saw) . It will then more importantly cross link with their marketplace, like IMX is doing with their video game NFT customers( video game developers). A centralized hub that will increase the liquidity drastically( necessary for an type of exchange to operate, and be profitable). GME has the customer basis for this, as they have noted is one of their largest assets. + +Speaking of IMX, they have now finally integrated with the GME NFT marketplace. + +[https://nft.gamestop.com/games](https://nft.gamestop.com/games) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9489s084tr0a1.jpg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71cd3725f9dadf38bf39f72cbc92974d5b5771a5 + +5 million worth of trades in the first week with only 6 game collections + +The owner of IMX; [u/robbieimmutable](https://www.reddit.com/u/robbieimmutable/) mentions, " + +"More than half of these logos didn't exist 3 months ago. Immutable is onboarding web3 games at a record pace in the middle of a bear market. " + +All of these games will be going on to the GME marketplace. IIRC something like 1000+ games are in the works. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/00c1pra5tr0a1.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b1c9af071eb5907f2b2b130d1ce617a4c8cd01 + +I am sure out of 1000+ there will be something for every type of gamer. Furthering GME's bottom line, some of the NFT collections are cross useable between platforms, incentivizing even more trading. + +[Cyber Crew](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/cybercrew) and many other GME NFT collections are now doing this. + +[Cyber crew in Kiraverse game](https://twitter.com/KiraverseNFT/status/1573069779832905731?s=20) + +All of this combined with reducing store leases( 4573 down to 2963), and closing all stores in Switzerland in Q1 2023( so not yet), I expect GME to become profitable in the next 6 to 12 months. + +In 3-4 more weeks we will know more on their Q3 earnings call. If they have reduced their cash burn rate from finishing their tech investments, its going to start to get spicy. Consecutive profitable earnings would be a first in 3 years I believe, and if all of the above works out; I foresee a lot of institutional buy ins. With the float mostly owned by retail who will not sell( as proven by [DRS](https://www.computershared.net/) 8-k sec filings) this is going to make the January sneeze not even registerable on the 5 year chart.... +What happens to ETFs owned by Vanguard, Invesco, SPDR, etc if those firms go the way or Lehman Bros or Merrill Lynch? + + +Totally get it if most of you check out after reading that sentence + + +It’s something that’s been bugging me ever since people started encouraging me to invest in index funds. I don’t know what happens to the ETF if the owning firm liquidates. + + +Totally understand this is improbable, but it’s not impossible. I doubt any of us thought wall street fixtures like Lehman Brothers would go away one day back in ‘04. Is there any guide for what happens if the companies of the ETFs go under what happens to those of us who own the equity +Original post can be found in the german sub "Spielstopp" (All credits to: [u/ronk99](https://www.reddit.com/u/ronk99/)) + +Hello fellow apes, + +as my german friend ( [u/ronk99](https://www.reddit.com/u/ronk99/) ) has not enough karma to post it here, I'll do it for him. He tried to place a limit-order for our / his most loved stock. After noticing that his limit order was deleted and he contacted the support afterwards, they spoke of "corporate actions" that can occur when a company is planning a possible dividend and the limit order is deleted due to possible volatility in order to protect his invested capital. + +&#x200B; + +Translation of the original support text: + +*If a corporate action is pending for a company, all open orders on its shares are automatically deleted.* + +*This is a protective mechanism that is intended to prevent the unintentional triggering of orders due to spontaneous and strong price outbreaks. You can easily set the order again, there will be no additional costs.* + +\--- + +Translation of the definition of a corporate action: + +*What is a corporate action?* + +*Corporate actions are events initiated by a publicly traded company that may have a direct or indirect impact on shareholders. For example, an announcement of dividends paid on a company's shares would have a direct financial impact on shareholders, while share splits to facilitate trading would have an indirect impact.* + +Source: [https://capital.com/de/kapitalma-nahmen-definition](https://capital.com/de/kapitalma-nahmen-definition) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w0bp2vykjzs71.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af52949f27736766a623276979b193e60e52ad56 + +https://preview.redd.it/kflyuuykjzs71.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8f9cd2bc9db4afbb89f227556cfd1de9d479cc + +https://preview.redd.it/mos0dvykjzs71.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a0e04739c2ac44c01b44bb2c135bb15e51ca25 +I graduated college 5 months ago and started working a full time job in June. I like my coworkers and I get paid really well($60k/year), but I look around at all the cubicles and think to myself “is this it?”. My job is at a huge corporation and I hate it. I was depressed for a month thinking that this is the route I chose. Then I heard Gary Vee for the first time, and I was fired up. I stopped watching Netflix and wasting my free time. I started learning more what my passions are and what I want to do. I don’t want money to be the reason why I stay at a job. I opened up a seasonal Halloween online retail store a month ago, and have done $5K in sales so far with 48% profit margin. I’m honestly so happy with knowing that I can grow my knowledge and pursue working for myself one day. My parents tell me to slow down and just work my 9-5 because I’m only 22, but I feel like if there’s a time in my life to mess up then it’s now. Again, happy to join this subreddit! +I need some inspiration from people that made a living from trading. My question is, are there any traders that actually live from trading only? All I need is to hear a positive answer from people that are actually successful. +If I'm being honest I don't what to do or where to post this, I'm about to loose everything even money I don't really have because I asked for a loan. + +Here is what happened through my broker I bought in Facebook before the earning results, the executive assigned to me has proven successful up until this point and I alw prepared to loose something, but now it's been days, and Facebook keeps dropping, my loss at this point is 15K, I have a total of 30k in my account, half is mine and the other half is loans, the rollover is killing me each day, and it doesn't feel like the stock will go up any time soon, I don't have any margin left to open new trades to start compensating, I'm almost tempted to just close it with a 15k loss before it keeps dropping I loose everything. At least I will pay for the loans. Does anyone has any advice, what can I possibly do?? +Being a day trader for about 2 years. I still struggle to get a balanced schedule for studying, research, back test and trading. + +How do you people do it ? + + +Edit: Thank you everyone for responding my question. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +I’ve considered a few different models for paying myself an income to live off of. I do tend to perform better and stay committed with quickly adjusting incentive, so I’m trying to think of the best model to pay myself while also encouraging long term growth / compounding. I’ll share some of the models I’ve considered, and ask, how do you decide how much to transfer to yourself each week/month? + +1. 0.33% of entire portfolio transferred out per month (this works out to 4% annually, reflecting the “4% SWR rule”). As the portfolio grows, so does my income. The income would be stable and change very slowly but encourage me to let the portfolio compound and grow, instead of rapidly increasing my lifestyle based on any short term success I may have from selling options. Each $100k = $330 per month distribution. + +2. Withdraw a percentage of collected monthly premium (maybe 50%?) Would probably need some criteria here to make sure the premium included is only on positions that have a favorable cost basis. + +3. Withdraw a flat amount monthly that covers expenses. Subjectively Increase the amount that I draw when I feel comfortable doing so, and don’t increase lifestyle until then. + +4. Some kind of combination of the above. +It seems like there are a decent amount of younger people on here (College/High School Age) more and more which is great! As a 26 y/o who has been on the path for 5 years now I wanted to provide some tips for younger people as they begin this journey. I don't have the experience of people who have FIRE'd per se, but I think I can help explain what worked for me. + +1. Learns the basics + +Personal finance and investing is an awesome thing to get into because you can dig as deep into it as you want or stay at the surface level. There is a reason why some of the smartest investing minds in the world (Warren Buffett) read for hours on end. The finance world evolves, markets change, and the way people behave with money moves around. With that being said, you need to learn the basics. What are the basics? + +“Spend less than you make, invest the difference” + +Spend – Create a budget. Fixed expenses and then fun money. + +Make – Get a job that allows you to save a little bit of cash + +Invest – Dollar Cost Average, 401k, Roth IRA, brokerage account, withdrawal rates. + +It will be easy to go down a rabbit hole when reading about personal finance to the point where it might even intimidate you. Learn the basics and get started. There are plenty of free online resources that will help you understand best practices like which % of your budget towards certain items and how to invest. You have some time to iron out the details. The worst thing you can do is not start. + +2. Keep it simple: Index Funds + +Index funds. Index Funds. Index Funds. + +I don’t know how else to say this but I would recommend you start off with index funds. I know it isn’t what /r/stocks or /r/wallstreetbets is going to tell you but index funds will allow you to get a piece of the pie without the risk of individual stocks. The worst thing that could happen to you is you throw a grand in a stock based on a tip on Reddit and you get wiped out to the point where you don’t even want to invest in the market anymore. + +Hey competitiveduck, that is great but how do I avoid the FOMO of all these tech gains? + +Understand that cycles happen. “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered”. Look into the top 10 companies by market cap for each decade. Companies come and go. I am not anti-stock at all. I recommend that people play around with stocks to avoid FOMO but only once they have enough in index funds to where compound interest takes over. I didn’t buy a single share of stock until I had >100k invested in index funds and even now it is a small % of my larger portfolio. + +3. Get the money + +Get the money. You have to be selfish in your career at this point when your expenses are fairly low and you don’t have the responsibilities of a family. Change cities, change jobs, change companies. Get money. If you are all about starting a low-level job in a company with the idea that in 30 years you might be the CEO great, but there is only 1 CEO job for a reason. Maximize earnings in your 20s as much as you can, invest, and wait. If you don’t believe me, look up videos or pictures of what happens at 65 based on when you start investing. The difference in net worth is staggering. Get money. + +4. It easiest to compare yourself to others post-college + +I’m not sure there will ever be a time in your life where it is easiest to feel bad about yourself than right after college. You go from everybody playing the same game in college to now everybody is in separate leagues and playing a different sport. You have a friend in law school in debt up to their ass, you have a friend crushing it at Google, you have a friend struggling to figure things out and there might be you just hoping to get enough money for guac at Chipotle. Understand that you don’t need to be anywhere else than where YOU think you need to be. Life tends to even itself out. + +“Comparison is the thief of joy” + +5. Keep in touch with friends and take care of your body + +To echo on the last point, good friends are hard to come by the older you get. Try and keep in touch with them as much as possible and plan trips to see them. Some of my best friends still are my college friends. Use them as a base but don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and explore new people. + +In regard to staying in shape, there is no sense in retiring early if your body isn’t able to do things you want to do. Plain and simple. + +6. Do what works for you, not what works in a spreadsheet + +You are going to hear about all the ways you can tinker with your investments or take on debt and theoretically it works in a spreadsheet, but spreadsheets aren’t rooted in reality. Some of these include how it is easier to put less than 20% down on a house because interest rates are so low and invest the difference, or how you should invest 80% of your paycheck to tap into investing. Morgan Housel has a way of investing and I think it is great in that you should invest in a way that “helps you sleep at night” and in a way that you can do it consistently for decades. Do what works for you. + +7. This isn’t a get rich quick scheme + +Understand the game that you are playing. Investing Twitter and TV networks react to daily moves in the market. You aren’t in it for the short term, you are in it for the long term. If you are in your early 20’s you probably have a 30-40-year time horizon. Think of all the crazy world events that have happened in the last 30-40 years alone. COVID, 08 Financial Crisis, Iraq War, 9/11, Dot Com Crash, and then the 1987 Market Crash. All of those “world is ending” type events have led to a 9.42% average return before inflation. To tap into the power of compound interest you need to stay in the market for a long period of time. + +“Interrupting a favorable power law is the worst mistake you can make as an investor.” – Naval + +8. Read the top posts on this subreddit but be aware of survivorship bias + +The fact that you are in this subreddit is a great start. Use the resources in the wiki to learn about investment options and what works for other people. Learn about people who have achieved FIRE and how they got there. Most of the time it is a bumpy road with kids, large one-off expenses, buying a house, changing careers, etc. Like the stock market, it is rarely a smooth ride. However, there is a lot of survivorship bias in here about people who have achieved FIRE. For every person who has achieved it, there are probably 10 who have given up, ruined a relationship, or became miserable due to extreme saving. Please understand that this is a grind and if you aren’t happy now with the hopes of being happy 30 years ago, I’d advise you to take a step back and read the below post. It is essential reading. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/58j8pc/build\_the\_life\_you\_want\_then\_save\_for\_it/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=usertext&utm\_name=financialindependence&utm\_content=t5\_2t34z](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/58j8pc/build_the_life_you_want_then_save_for_it/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=financialindependence&utm_content=t5_2t34z) + +Best of luck on this adventure. It is a challenge but one that is rewarding with time. This is a great community of people. +This happens to me every few weeks as my investment accounts grow. + +I'll be in a really shitty meeting and think, "that's it! I'm done! I'm wasting my life! This is stupid! I'm out of here! I'm going to retire at 36 and be done working forever!" + +Two hours later: hey, this is kind of a cool technical problem. Let me read a bit more on it. Oh cool, we shipped a new feature. I like working. +So I was having a frank conversation with my boss about the rising costs of a lot of things. I mentioned something along the lines of "I barely have money left for food and other things." + +She thought I was lying so asked me to break down my expenses, which I did. Rent. Health Insurance. Car Payment. Credit card and other personal loans. Phone and Internet bills. Water and Sewage. Electricity. After all that, I end up with about $150-200 left per paycheck (I get paid monthly). She said that's "more than enough" to buy food and other things. + +Sure, for food, maybe. My last month's costs for food and other daily necessities were about $250 (single person cooking mostly at home). And that was with me being frugal so I was still $50 over what I could afford. I'm still working on buying cheap and eating healthy at the same time. Worse is I heard that food costs will increase again next month. So what about savings? Or extra money for emergencies? Or even just small luxuries like shopping? I told her that if I spent all of my money on food then I won't have all of that. That's when she told me, "people usually budget for that." + +But, with what money? Or is my way of thinking wrong? Do I really have to budget more? + +Edit: Thanks everyone. I'm (or was) pretty close to my boss and we always talked about everything (being the only two women in the office). So, to be honest, I didn't think too much of it until some of the comments mentioned how my boss didn't need to know my financial information. And in hindsight it was a stupid move to share everything. I've been looking for a new job close to a year but unfortunately the work opportunities in my area are dim and, even if there are other jobs, they pay basically the same. I'll probably have to move to a bigger city to find a better paying job but that's another honest discussion with myself for that commitment. Either way, for now, I'll stop sharing my personal info to my boss as much as I can and continue my lowkey job search. + +Edit 2: Thank you all again for the helpful comments. I now understand that it was an idiotic move to share my finances with my boss. Some have asked about my credit card/personal loans. Shamefully these bills are from when I was jobless for nearly two years due to the pandemic. I quickly went through my savings and used my credit cards to pay for rent and other stuff to survive. No I didn't have family to rely on which really sucked. The personal loans were also money I had borrowed from friends and other people. So now that I got a job, majority of my income goes to paying back these debts. I work in hospitality and get paid $2200 a month. I will definitely look harder to finding a new job. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +**This is not financial nor investment advice. These are ideas and opinions for information purposes only.** + +*This post will read bottom to top. It's easier for people to refresh the page and see edits at the top* + +**Historical supports and resistances:** + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 156.5, 162.5, 172, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 226, 230, 234, 243, 250, 253, 256.5 + +**Edit 27 4:10PM:** + +Odds of a discount tomorrow is 90 - 10. **This is an educated guess. Not a certainty.** + +**Edit 26 4:01PM:** + +Ended around 178.24, down 3.39%. Overall IV seems to have bottomed out. Not bad! + +The options calculator code from today's power hour stream. + +[https://pastebin.com/15syqnAk](https://pastebin.com/15syqnAk) + +**Edit 25 3:07PM:** + +**9:50am-10:10am I meant\*** + +**Edit 24 2:56PM:** + +**Hop on my power hour stream and I'll explain how I know about tomorrow's discount!** + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvhxEULG34w&ab\_channel=WardenElite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvhxEULG34w&ab_channel=WardenElite) + +**Edit 23 2:49PM:** + +Listen up my beautiful apes. **There will likely be a major discount at 9:50am-10:00am tomorrow! Could go as low as 162, then it should recover quickly!** + +## 🏷️ 🏷️ 🏷️ 🏷️ + +**Edit 22 2:46PM:** + +Is it just me or did Wall Street DDOS [https://www.optionsonar.com/](https://www.optionsonar.com/)? + +**Edit 21 1:55PM:** + +The volume is so low that this is trading like a penny stock again. Look at all these gaps between the candles! + +https://preview.redd.it/2wrvk1yfisr61.png?width=2146&format=png&auto=webp&s=f142c71d8c1f6bbe122fe3f2daed1d8ca8cb36a1 + +**Edit 20 1:19PM:** + +Holy pepperoni pizza. The deep ITM calls are back. Expect a great 5-10% discount tomorrow morning at 9:50 am! + +[Data courtesy of https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/4nc0issybsr61.png?width=2475&format=png&auto=webp&s=720ed773e81735df4774948ae7e4989fef338046) + +**Edit 19 1:18PM:** + +This is the formula for calculating an option price "C". You can basically take the current price of options on the market, and do an iterative search to try and guess the volatility. The volatility affects "d1" and "d2". + +[https:\/\/www.wallstreetmojo.com\/implied-volatility-formula\/#:&#37;7E:text=The&#37;20calculation&#37;20of&#37;20implied&#37;20volatility&#37;20can&#37;20be&#37;20done,search&#37;20by&#37;20trial&#37;20and&#37;20error.&#37;20More&#37;20items...&#37;20](https://preview.redd.it/szeok562asr61.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=a51ef17b9c05953cd26effce0f059b5bcc87c6a4) + +* C is the Option Premium +* S is the price of the stock +* K is the [Strike Price](https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/exercise-price-strike/) +* r is the [risk-free rate](https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/risk-free-rate/) +* t is the time to maturity +* e is the exponential term + +So if you plug in all those numbers and know what C is, you can guess the IV and plug it into the equation until you get the right C. + +`def calc_d1(self):` + +`return (m.log(self.S / self.K) + (self.r_dec + self.v_dec**2 / 2) * self.t_yrs) \` + +`/(self.v_dec * m.sqrt(self.t_yrs))` + +`def calc_d2(self):` + +`d1 = self.calc_d1()` + +`return d1 - self.v_dec * m.sqrt(self.t_yrs)` + +&#x200B; + +That's code for how I calculate d1 and d2. + +Where + +`self.t_yrs = time_to_exp_days / 365` + +`self.v_dec = annual_vol_pc / 100` + +`self.r_dec = risk_free_rate_pc / 100` + +Don't worry it can be a bit confusing. I'll cover it on stream and explain how it works. + +**Edit 18 12:50PM:** + +So a lot of my posts revolve around Implied Volatility. I figure you guys would be interested in learning how to calculate it and understand what causes IV to go up or down. + +**I'll be extensively covering how IV is calculated in depth during my power hour stream today.** It's a bit involved so I will use my whiteboard to go over how it all works. + +I'm currently working on a script that can calculate option premiums and IV. It can also print out the greeks. Will include this in my stream if I get it fully working. + +**Edit 17 12:32PM:** + +Pretty bullish bet for mid may. + +https://preview.redd.it/n7wp97zk3sr61.png?width=2273&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc365ffd2a0a59ccc9b1ef99f128cf5533ba012 + +**Edit 16 12:30PM:** + +A block of 300 strike calls came in, lemme take a look. + +**Edit 15 12:18PM:** + +New support added at 179. Haha at this rate I will have listed every single price GME has ever been at ;) + +On a more serious note, you can use a percentage based method and even bollinger bands to narrow in on 1 support that you think it will reach for the day. The multitude of lines are just there as options. It's ultimately up to the technical analyst to pick the ones that are significant for the day. + +**Edit 14 11:54AM:** + +IV seems to have bottomed out today. Very interesting... seems to have trouble going any lower. We're nearing pre January levels of IV. Ignore the weird gaps in volatility. That's caused by after hours trading. What I think has caused the uptick in IV is the moderately fast move downwards today. Remember that volatility goes up when the price moves fast. It's still rather slow today, but relatively faster than historical movements. + +https://preview.redd.it/e1y8atxswrr61.png?width=2201&format=png&auto=webp&s=0656daf6944b9d7755ddf44840491baac4435993 + +If we zoom out to a larger timescale, it would be pretty exceptional if we can drop down to circle 1's IV. However it seems like with the current level of volatility, we might be bottoming out at the same IV as circle two from before the January squeeze. + +https://preview.redd.it/vypy77caxrr61.png?width=2173&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f048a7c032f545ddd211f7de71373671a7a7bb + +**Edit 13 11:46AM:** + +My in depth analysis for the day: + +\-----------------> + +*Bows. Thank you. Thank you.* + +**Edit 12 11:32AM:** + +Broader market turning around, headed downwards. Even though GME has negative beta, downwards market moves still tend to drag it down. It's more during PM and AH that GME inverts the market. What happens is HFTs go short biased during broader market downtrends, so GME can follow the broader market during HFT only trading hours like midday. + +https://preview.redd.it/06h9shkzsrr61.png?width=290&format=png&auto=webp&s=da6bce5c111fc7e8b2e87610038f05e11fd6c641 + +**Edit 11 11:17AM:** + +You know I just noticed something about OptionSonar. They added this watermark. I swear this wasn't here in the past like maybe a week or two ago. + +Must be because some people including me forget to link the data below the screenshot so people get confused where this data is coming from (I'm sorry optionsonar!!! I promise I will promote your product ;) It's honestly really great.) + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/w596xit9qrr61.png?width=2503&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f70dc40255f35f4a4bfa35ebc0bee94bb6ebf0) + +**Edit 10 11:13AM:** + +As for 500 strike calls, these are 2022. Someone sold this **below** the bid. Long term bearish bet that the stock will remain below 500. It could be used as a part of a more complicated options strategy. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/lo1vwbjhprr61.png?width=2284&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b00dd7239f7146a87ec7b6bcf3bc441bbbe121e) + +**Edit 9 11:11AM:** + +These are November strike Calls, $440. Long term bullish bet. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/3wpz6jj7prr61.png?width=2280&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3bfd9365063b1d08ecb251ca27895698b162713) + +**Edit 8 10:59AM:** + +Most of the downward movements today are on extremely low volume. I remember 2/24 was like this until things picked up mid day. From a technical perspective, it makes the most sense for long side to keep the IV crush going through the week. + +Could we see a larger move this week? It's possible because IV is already so low, however keep in mind that Max Pain for this week is higher than next. A larger move next week would make a lot more options expire worthless. Perhaps those large Put purchases yesterday was a setup for a 4/16 battle. + +**Edit 7 10:26AM:** + +Hovering around 180, possible support at 176.5 below. + +https://preview.redd.it/7vgz2is3hrr61.png?width=2136&format=png&auto=webp&s=43eccea2ccf97c00ba3061f0f991b88e7c250c5b + +**Edit 6 10:20AM:** + +Nothing crazy in terms of options. 250k worth of 200 strike calls. They seem to have been sold on the bid. + +[https:\/\/www.optionsonar.com\/unusual-option-activity\/GME\/latest-trades](https://preview.redd.it/6wjf75h3grr61.png?width=2483&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab2ab74c6c0f24dae630079552d058f5ceddcd44) + +**Edit 4 9:49AM:** + +The classic sideways arrow. + +https://preview.redd.it/cqf2cubjarr61.png?width=2126&format=png&auto=webp&s=417bf6e1a550f84c1016234af96d721f9b3383d7 + +**Edit 3 9:42AM:** + +New support added at 180.5. + +**Edit 2 9:32AM:** + +First minute candle, around 250k volume in WeBull. It's shaping up to be a low volume day. Perhaps volume will kick back in during power hour. + +**Edit 1 9:28AM:** + +It's seriously trading like a penny stock, crazy low volume in premarket, sitting in the hundreds. + +# Begin reading here + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/r1gd9eub6rr61.png?width=510&format=png&auto=webp&s=012cf555405e7c39f65e09f002df5ed0f13c7836 + +Gooooood morning my fellow apes! + +It's certainly been very quiet yesterday. The lowest volume all week sitting at around 6 million. It's interesting to me that it's always on a Tuesday that we see some of the lowest volume trading days. On 2/24, a Wednesday, the stock exploded after a 7 million volume trading day. + +Will we see some action today? Well let's find out. + +I'll be streaming on [https://youtu.be/Vas9FymxdCk](https://youtu.be/Vas9FymxdCk). + +# Premarket analysis + +No major gap up or down. We've just dropped to a lower support in the premarket. Broader market, S&P500, is also down in the premarket. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ol6b25yd6rr61.png?width=2138&format=png&auto=webp&s=567a35bcb2f9af7ed3edd82b3ecfc3674e0df631 +10 year treasury record low (.936). + +REPO (14 day) Markets are over subscribed. IF the FED didn't step in rates would have been 10%+. + +COVID 19 hasn't even really begun to get rolling. + +FED .50 bps drop didn't do shit. + +Deutsche Bank, HSBC might go under this year. + +Feels like the wheels might come off this wagon. +A few months ago I started futures trading because I am not interested in long term investing. I had X dollars. +After a few weeks I started making quite good profits which allowed me to almost double my deposit to 2X + +I became overconfident. I didnt put stop losses and this is what killed me. + +One time there was a liquidation that put me to a position of about 0.2X, which deeply scarred me because of my stupidity, but I never lost motivation because I knew that if I could generate profits like that before, I theoretically could recover. + +Then second liquidation arrived today. I have lost everything. I am extremely angry at myself, at my stupidity. I want to disappear. + +I cant imagine telling anyone from my family about this. That was a considerable amount of money + +What do I do? +In a dramatic yet somewhat ironic move, Apple announces that they will close all retail stores *outside* of China: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/14/coronavirus-apple-to-close-all-stores-outside-of-china-until-march-27.html + +Not sure how much this will impact short term revenue. Online orderings would still be available but I am guessing accessories and wearable sales would drop meaningfully. +My goal is to retire early so it's nice to hit this milestone early on in my career. + +I'm 33 and just about to celebrate my 10 year anniversary of being employed. Plan is to retire around 40-45 and then focus on my hobbies. + +I don't bring in a ridiculous salary but have had a high savings rate and good luck with returns. I'm frugal so I can maintain a decent savings rate despite living in a relatively expensive northeast suburb. My rent is $1850 as an example although I split that cost with my Fiancee. + +According to the ss.gov website, my gross income average since I started working has been $70254. I started at $45,000 when I graduated in 2008. It's doubled since then and now I can finally pump more money into individual accounts. It's pretty awesome to have a portfolio that's probably equal to my actual net income after taxes. The power of compounding! + +I max out the 401k and Roth IRA each year with index funds. Index funds make up about 65% of my investment income and the rest is individual securities. I've had a great run with some individual picks that have driven results quite a bit(UNH, MKL are my two biggest holdings and I bought a bunch of UNH in the 20s all the way up to the 100s). I actually sold a bunch of UNH when it became too big a part of my portfolio in the 130s and now it soared all the way up to 220. Risk management can sometimes come at the expense of returns but I'd rather not how so much exposure to one stock. Still hold a good portion of their stock though and like the company. I've also played around with options a bit but in a very small way. Again most of my money is in index funds so my overall returns haven't been that far above the S&P 500 although I've eclipsed it a little bit. + +My strategy has been to follow a strict investment plan since I started although I only got serious about tracking my asset allocation closely in the past few years. My investment plan also allows me to hold up to 10% max in cash as part of my portfolio when I can't find any good deals out there. I always have money flowing into the market though via bi weekly 401k contributions. + +I'm pretty amped to get there so early due to the crazy bull market we've had and am not worried if there's a move in the other direction. I'm still likely 10+ years out and plan to keep pumping money in for a while so lower prices are better for me from a long term return perspective. + +Just wanted to say YAY and show everyone that it doesn't take a ton to make things work as long as you're consistent. + + + + + + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Fellow Superstonk member [u/nmorgan81234](https://www.reddit.com/user/nmorgan81234/) was denied their FOIA request. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oflfs3/foia\_appeal\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oflfs3/foia_appeal_update/) + +This request pertained specifically to documents involving GME and the January event. + +The FOIA request was denied because of this: "Exemption 7(A) authorizes the witholding of "records or information compiled for ***law enforcement*** purposes, but only to the extent that production of such law enforcement records or information... could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement proceedings." + +Read those words again carefully. **If there were no law enforcement proceedings then they wouldn't have had a reason to deny the FOIA request.** + +I believe that we have been granted insight by reason of deduction from this request. + +If there's any legal broskies out there who'd like to chime in on this, please have at it. + +Your gonna get REKT frogman. + +Edit 1: Further to the SECs legal authorities. + +"While the SEC itself may not be able to bring formal criminal charges as an administrative regulatory agency, it does commonly partner with the FBI to aid in criminal investigations. When the FBI becomes involved, the stakes in any investigation are elevated far beyond fines and civil penalties. The feds can take immediate and severe action to charge individuals with [federal crimes](https://www.iannfriedman.com/criminal-defense/federal-crimes/)." [https://www.iannfriedman.com/blog/2019/march/can-i-be-charged-with-a-crime-by-the-sec-/](https://www.iannfriedman.com/blog/2019/march/can-i-be-charged-with-a-crime-by-the-sec-/) + +Edit 2: There's some pushback over the idea that the SEC is not law enforcement agency. I'll admit, i'm not sure anymore now. But if they are, they sure suck >!ballz!< at it. + +Edit 3: Leave it to a u/OrginalCanadian to crack the case. Looks like it is considered an LEA. I think? + +[https://www.sec.gov/enforce/how-investigations-work.html](https://www.sec.gov/enforce/how-investigations-work.html) + +So there you have it, it really is their job and it feels like they are mucking it up. +Business Insider: + +> President Donald Trump is "obsessed" with Amazon, a source told the news website Axios, and is eyeing legal means to go after the online retail giant. + +> According to the Axios reporter Jonathan Swan, Trump believes Amazon is a negative force for smaller, locally owned retailers and wants to find a way to curtail the company's dominance in online shopping. According to Axios' sources, he is considering a change to Amazon's tax status or a crackdown down through antitrust rules. + +> The Supreme Court is already considering a case that could give states more power to collect sales tax on online retailers. + +> While Amazon already imposes the applicable state sales tax on goods it sells, when a third-party seller uses the platform, it is up to that seller to collect sales tax. Many third-party sellers on Amazon do not collect those taxes. + +> Trump hasn't been shy about his distaste for Amazon and its CEO, Jeff Bezos, previously tweeting that the retailer is hurting the US Postal Service and attacking Bezos for his ownership of The Washington Post. + +> "Amazon is doing great damage to tax paying retailers," Trump tweeted in August. "Towns, cities and states throughout the U.S. are being hurt - many jobs being lost!" + +> Concern over Amazon's effect on the American retail landscape is widely held. But Trump's grumblings about the company's relationship with the US Postal Service seem unfounded, given that much of the USPS' financial woes come from funding mismanagement, pension obligations, and the non-package side of its business. + +> According to Axios, Trump has also soured on Amazon in part because fellow real-estate developers have complained to Trump that the company is helping to kill off brick-and-mortar retailers and malls. + +> Axios said the president did not have a clear plan to go after the company yet. + +> Following the report, Amazon's stock fell roughly $64 a share, or 4.3%, in premarket trading to $1,433.05 a share. + +http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-amazon-wants-tax-antitrust-change-jeff-bezos-2018-3 +I am no longer sure FatFire is a worthy goal for us and wonder how to get my partner aligned or find my motivation. + +Age - Early 40s +Net Worth - 6M excluding primary home ( 1.8 mortgage on a 2.5M value) +Annual Income - 225k ( me) plus 2-2.5 M(spouse), both tech. +Annual Expenses - 300k ( VHCOL. mortgage plus private schools being the big ticket items) +Fire goal - 300k annually (private schools will be replaced by long term care for parents at some point) + +Spouse and I had a salary differential of 2-3x until recently. We were chugging along happily towards our Fire goals with a CoastFire lifestyle. We have young kids and had equitable household responsibilities. +Spouse got an awesome work opportunity, majorly increasing his income. It came with a cost I did not anticipate. Work pressure is heavy (14 hrs work days). Covid happened, we decided to prioritize his work over mine if required but I continued working full time . With health risks, we are avoiding getting help. I am burnt out as the primary caretaker plus home manager plus work. Spouse thinks the easy answer is my quitting, but the last few months have taught me I need to think of something other than diaper changes and cooking. +Spouse and I have not had much time with each other over the last year, our marriage is hurtling towards troubled zones. While I do not worry about separation ( cultural reasons) , I do feel the love we had is lost. Spouse thinks this is a temporary state. But even pre COVID , we hardly had any time with 2 careers. +I have started believing that pulling back from the ‘Fat’ part of our goals and having spouse back on a CoastFire lifestyle will be better. +Looking for external perspective, Thank you! + +EDIT: Thank you very much for all the insight. Specially appreciate the personal experiences shared. +I am calmer - taking a break from work, working on finding help and a counselor for myself and trying to carve out time with the husband. + +Relationship issues aside, couple of FIRE related milestones in this whole situation : +1) First time discussing ‘Do we have enough’ +2) Talking about how we visualize ‘RE’ to be + +Anyways, thank you again for taking the time to share your wisdom with me! +https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/ipo-watch-fintech-wise-could-go-public-as-soon-as-this-week-154234868.html + +>Fintech Wise could make its stock exchange debut in London as early as this week via a direct listing in a move that could value it at up to £9bn ($6.4bn). + +>"Wise's public market debut will be a landmark moment for the payments app, which now boasts more than 10m customers and transfers £5bn on their behalf every month," the report said. + +>There was no clarity regarding exact timing or valuation, although Sky sources said it would be at least £5bn. + +Could be an interesting one. Have been a fan of Wise for a long time, but never actually needed to use it, so I don't have the full picture. Almost everyone I know that sends money abroad uses it though. +Hello all! + +Well...you're going to want to strap in for this week, things didn't go so well and it looks like they will be getting worse before they get better. + +# Key Statistics (Overall) + +NOTE: I am using TradesViz which is so fantastic HOWEVER, the win rates are calculated based on trades and not executions. For instance, if I trade the same ticker over and over again, and have a 70% win rate on those trades BUT I have one big bad losing trade that counters all of the wins, it will appear as a 0% win rate. + +Again, reminder that the overall data is going to take quite some time to balance out as the first several weeks served as a testing period where I would do a lot of 1 share and very low leverage trades in an attempt to practice my strategy and the usage of the software. I would focus more on my weekly statistics to gauge my progress so far. I imagine by the end of this year, my overall statistics should be balanced. + +Account Net Worth: $60,838.03 + +Unrealized P/L: ($1,406) + +Realized P/L: $16,270.24 + +Average P/L Per Week: $2,324.32 (Note: This is based on when I started using real leverage around Week 6) + +Average P/L Per Day: $285.82 + +Win Rate: 60% + +Profit Factor: 2.276 + +# Positions + +https://preview.redd.it/ug5lhxg51h971.png?width=683&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b310cad5ea63916f1f24085804690b9c5a219d3 + +# Overall Statistics Images + +https://preview.redd.it/h2u4tsgd1h971.png?width=1338&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09d4698d239c8aeebff35b7065391d0d1be0c32 + +https://preview.redd.it/agebb95h1h971.png?width=1351&format=png&auto=webp&s=083c11e86a3e5a83c7fe43b3c7b4925c77dfa3b4 + +https://preview.redd.it/it7vzuti1h971.png?width=1238&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b2991662c88daa79b29a041a43c1e5596269f1e + +https://preview.redd.it/575ccvkk1h971.png?width=1233&format=png&auto=webp&s=52258cd6aad78f5e038cc97b4a152964f47e65ee + +https://preview.redd.it/gne84hyl1h971.png?width=1237&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3eb927cac96adab3627e055224eac0acbcc08d7 + +# Week 13 + +Well...This was...not excellent. I took some pretty significant losses this week and didn't take significant profits when I had the opportunity. I am a man filled with regret this week. The sad part is...my day trades were actually really, really good. It was my swing trades and cashing out of losing positions that really hurt. Here's the kicker...one of the parts was literally...a fat finger. + +If you are more interested in the day trades feel free to click the hyperlinks on each day and see what trades I took. Pretty awesome returns, but I wasn't using a whole lot of leverage since all of my money was tied up elsewhere. + +Basically, day trading was great this week, things started turning south on Wednesday. When I literally fat fingered a massive mistake and closed my SPCE position for a loss which I absolutely did not want to do. + +Then Thursday, after taking an unnecessary loss I realized it was probably time to take necessary losses, so I closed out my meme spec plays as the catalysts and TA I was watching became invalidated. + +Friday arrives and SPCE is mooning pre-market. I decided not sell the $10,000 I had in gains but instead I decided to average down on calls expiring next week. + +I'll provide more detail on each day. + +P/L: ($2,264.13) + +Win Rate: 65% + +[Monday 06/28](https://www.tradesviz.com/viewday/uLDmHrRQ) + +P/L: $876.67 + +Win Rate: 83.33% + +I had a good day trading SPCE (if you haven't noticed it's one of my favorite stocks to trade). Most of the P/L came from this but I had successful trades on a few other tickers, but again, I wasn't using enough leverage even though the percent returns were fantastic. It was very sad to see that trend all week. I was having 6-9% trades but I was using barely any money, and I mean some of these trades I was using as little as $500. I won't talk about that again, just as you look through the trades understand it would have been an absolutely enormous week if I trusted myself on stocks other than my swing trade stocks. + +[Tuesday 06/29](https://www.tradesviz.com/viewday/QxkPr0nF) + +P/L: $484.65 + +Win Rate: 85.71% + +Another great day trading. Awesome percent returns but again same issue I mentioned above. + +[Wednesday 06/30](https://www.tradesviz.com/viewday/Oeh7zz6I) + +P/L: ($2,784.85) + +Win Rate: 70% + +This was the day of the fat finger. Again, I was having a fantastic day trading away and for the first time I decided to trade multiple stocks at the same time, turns out, I'm definitely not ready for that. Although I was successful in doing so, I made a huge mistake by clicking close on SPCE when I meant to close out of a scalp. So yes, I took a $3000 loss on a stock that I wanted to hold and yes, the very next day it ran up 25% and I would have made a great sum of money without ever realizing any losses. Very unfortunate, but I suppose lessons were learned. + +[Thursday 07/01](https://www.tradesviz.com/viewday/u6tRoZXX) + +P/L: ($2,334.13) + +Win Rate: 35.71% + +After accidentally taking a loss on SPCE I decided it was time to clean up shop a little bit. If I was going to realize losses on stocks I didn't even want to, then I should probably realize losses on stocks that I should close out of. I closed out of virtually all of my losing positions that I was holding as the catalysts and TA have become invalidated. The good news is, these updates don't quite reflect everything that is happening since I have things going for weeks at a time but only report on weekly events. What I mean by that is I have been selling AMC CC's for the past several weeks, so all the loses I realized on the stock were covered. + +Today was not a great day for trading all together for me. Even if I didn't close out of those positions, I would have had a red day. + +[Friday 07/02](https://www.tradesviz.com/viewday/n3GPF1Cn) + +Win Rate: 100% + +P/L: $70 + +My, my, my....this was just...depressing. Well, I decided to load up on SPCE shares and calls just before close just in case they decided to announce the test flight after hours. Well, that's precisely what happened and I woke up to being incredibly ITM. I was up over 20% on my shares and 300% on my calls, roughly showing $10,000 P/L. But as you can tell from my P/L I have above...I did not cash out. + +Why? Well, I have been following this stock for a year now and everything has been leading to this moment, the moment where Richard Branson goes to space himself. That moment is next weekend. + +So, when the market opened, I anticipated a sell the news event but what happened I did not see coming. My absolute biggest mistake was not selling my calls right at open, that should have been done, no brainer. I was just so sure that it was just a pullback and we were going to seek more upside on this two decade long news that has finally arrived...I was terribly mistaken. + +The stock plummeted, giving back all of the gains it received from the news, and putting me in the red after being up $10,000. I said if it fell under $50 I would have to consider selling and re-entering. But every single bounce that came, I swore it had to be the bottom, after all, SPCE reached $60 on a random test flight announcement earlier this year and that didn't even have Branson nor did they have FAA approval. My PT was $70. + +A hard lesson was learned here, I have yet to be in this position. Normally, I had either sold way to early and I'm bitching about how I need to hold on longer and really juice my wins. But I have yet to go this positive and then just give it all back. + +So, next week is going to be extremely interesting for me. If you noticed, my calls are now severely punished and will likely be worse next week. So I did something I typically avoid, I kept adding to a losing position. I refuse to believe that after this news, it would just give back all of it's gains, it actually looks like SPCE conducted an offering and that was a majority of the selling pressure. That being said, I kept averaging down my calls every chance I could get. Especially once it found the floor. + +We will see next week, I will hopefully at least be able to get my money back as I expect an extremely volatile and bullish week for SPCE, but it would be sad to have picked the right stock at the right time and played it wrong to just walk away with nothing. + +# Psychology + +The biggest thing for me this week was outside factors. I am an entrepreneur and the stock market is meant to be the vehicle for me to raise capital for the businesses I am building out. One of these businesses is getting very close to being ready to go and I need a large sum of capital to pull it off. I was a pig on Friday. $10,000 is literally 1/6 of my account size, to look that in the face and say "nah" is something that I can't believe I did. + +I started breaking a rule that I actually don't typically break "Hit singles, not homeruns". Normally, when I trade it's literally all singles, hell, they are bunts. I take profits so fast it's ubsurd and almost always miss out on a significant amount of upside. + +I think I saw this as my "opportunity" where I was going to make so much money it would be life changing and I let that blind me to the point where I completely went against my entire strategy and everything that has helped me maintain success up to this point. + +I certainly have learned this lesson the hard way. I would like to say it's over now, but I have already doubled down on all my positions, so next week is going to be a week of pain or rejoice. If it doesn't go my way I will likely be reporting my 3rd week of losses and the sad part is, all of the day trading in between is perfectly fine. I just keep giving back all of my gains via massive swing trades that I am managing poorly, and by managing poorly I literally just mean I'm not realizing gains when I should be. + +# Software + +TradesViz is still crushing it, loving what I am seeing and they updated the new feature I was super excited about so I will post a screen shot for that: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/eg9cn1mr6h971.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fcb8bf39eb0d1761a143c88de8bc03d53613f27 + +I'm still using TradeStation and I don't have many complaints because I can't tell if it's just operator error. I need to take some time and just do a software day and get really familiar and comfortable with my setup. I really can't have any fat finger days that lose me money on accident. That is so incredibly noobish and I hope you will never see me report anything like that ever again. + +# June Overview + +Well, my first full month of using decent leverage is complete. Here's how it turned out: + +https://preview.redd.it/tsknwql87h971.png?width=1293&format=png&auto=webp&s=f709509b02af7187575e650a0462715b17ca8e51 + +https://preview.redd.it/q6wj0pab7h971.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=1181351776730beea5e63e605db39d41162459fc + +https://preview.redd.it/inrhjwyd7h971.png?width=927&format=png&auto=webp&s=46629e61a82515ac32b0ffaac15a84c0b28e20c9 + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR:** Lol. That's literally all I can do at this week. Fat finger for a $3k loss + not cashing out a $10k gain and watching it fall into the red, meanwhile doubling down on the way down. Next week is either going to be glorious or brutal, I'm sure you will all enjoy next weeks post either way. +$KODI is the next generation of BNB auto-redistribution tokens. Not only will $KODI provide its holders the luxury of earning passive income (BNB) by simply holding KODIAK tokens, they’re bringing the first ever Entertainment Hub to the BSC network! + +🎙 **Entertainment Hub** + +The BETA launch will include a 24/7 Radio which will be bringing you everything entertainment such as podcasts, music, and much more! This will provide an eventual revenue stream that will directly benefit $KODI holders down the road. + +Tokenomics Breakdown + +💰 **Max supply**: 100,000,000,000 + +💠 **Tax Fee**: 13% + +♻️ **BNB Redistribution**: 7% of all transactions have BNB auto-redistributed to $KODI holders. Auto-claimed every 60 minutes + +🔐 **LP Allocation**: 3% of all transactions go to liquidity pool + +💎 **Sell Fee**: 3% extra to all sells with 2% to the BNB dividend pool and 1% to LP + +🐳 **Anti whale/dump lock**: Sells are restricted to less than 0.1% of the total supply + +📱 **Marketing and Development**: 3% tax goes to a separate marketing BNB pool. A marketing wallet with 5% of the total supply will also collect BNB. + +🕹 **Sweep Widget**: the SweepWidget tool will be used to hold contests to give all TG members a fair chance at earning a spot on the presale. + +Token Launch + +🦄 **Unicrypt Presale** + +**Details**: + +Thursday August 5th, 2021: 16:00 EST + +**Soft cap**: 300 BNB **Hard cap**: 450 BNB + +As many veterans in this space know, bots tend to fill up a DXSale presale before any regular investor has a chance to blink. This translates to the DEX launch since the contract is available beforehand and can negatively impact a projects potential (via immediate dumps). KODIAK is going to launch on Unicrypt Network to minimize this issue to further ensure the projects success! + +KODIAK token is a place where all crypto enthusiasts bear-long! + +🔥 Come join the TG for your chance to earn a spot on the whitelisted presale! SweepWidget will be used for competitions to give all members a fair chance at earning their spot! Launches August 6th, 2021! + +——-Additional Links———- + +🤖**Sweepwidget :** [https://sweepwidget.com/view/28374-vf3utig2](https://sweepwidget.com/view/28374-vf3utig2) + +🌐 **Website**: [https://kodiaktoken.com](https://kodiaktoken.com/) + +📬 **Telegram**: [https://t.me/kodiaktoken](https://t.me/kodiaktoken) + +🐦 **Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/KodiakToken?s=20](https://twitter.com/KodiakToken?s=20) + +📸 **Instagram**: [https://instagram.com/kodiaktoken?utm\_medium=copy\_link](https://instagram.com/kodiaktoken?utm_medium=copy_link) +One of my greatest fears is looking or feeling stupid, and this often keeps me from raising my hand and asking questions in class. + +If you think about it, this sub is trying to do something almost impossible: Hundreds of thousands of people are trying to learn about pretty complex financial market stuff in ever more detail and depth – far beyond what the average person probably ever even thinks about at this point. This has the potential to be intellectually intimidating, especially if there are other people who seem to know it all. + +But by calling ourselves apes, we have fostered an atmosphere that genuinely celebrates an initial lack of understanding and that embraces asking questions and growing wrinkles. + +This atmosphere lowers the barrier of asking questions and avoids a situation in which everyone else appears to get it, so that nobody wants to be the one person who doesn’t get it. Instead, people here achieve better understanding and are more confident in their understanding, and as a result, are also more confident in the MOASS and more likely to diamond hand. + +For example, yesterday, I asked a question on a post about an assumption used in an estimate that I didn’t understand. A kind fellow ape took the time to explain it to me, and I was genuinely grateful and happy to have learned something (kudos and a heartfelt thank you at this point to all the apes that help others understand!). + +Others (looking at you, media) may make light of people calling themselves apes and deride this as self-deprecating, but I would argue that they don’t understand the impact that acknowledging our imperfect knowledge has on actually building solid collective knowledge. This sub’s atmosphere is an amazing asset that we shouldn’t underestimate. + +TADR: This sub is basically engaged in a hard af immersive econ class. We’re writing the textbook and the class atmosphere could not be better. + +To the lovely people about to comment that they truly are clueless apes just here for tendies, thank you for your service. + +Disclaimer: I have seen references to situations in which people didn’t want to answer basic questions and called shill. I have not seen this in person but let me know how prevalent this is and what you think the implications are. +This is more of a philosophical question toward life. There is saying that goes " do what you love and you will never work a day in your life". + +So I guess my question to those that have "made it" financially speaking is how did you get there? + +Did you start a business? + +Get a high paying job ? + +Make wise investments? + +Were you passionate about what you were doing, or was it all just a means to an end? +https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1579982/000110465921042507/tm2110363-5_497.htm + +https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1579982/000110465920129560/tm2031206-1_485bpos.htm#a_additionalrisk + +- Specify risks of investing in SPACs +- Remove limit on ADRs, warrants, preferreds, etc +- Remove 10% limit on investing of assets in single firm, up to 30% now +- Remove limit on investing in 20+% of a single firm's shares + +Seems to allow them to make even bigger bets on specific plays, i.e they were previously capping Tesla at 10% of their holdings in ARKK as it grew. Not sure how I feel about anything being allowed to run to 30%. + +Edit: "Supplement dated March 26, 2021", no it's not from November, the original prospectus is. +**I've been mainly lurking for a few years and in my opinion, there are currently a few issues regarding this subreddit:** + +&#x200B; + +* too much publicity + +WSB was originally a small community of autists wanting to make big gains with smart plays. Today WSB is more like an open discussion board, that's all over the news, and everyone can join and try to make some gains. It's good to have a decent amount of players here but let's keep the information to ourselves and off the newspapers and CNBC. There is only a limited amount of gains to be made, let's keep the gains to ourselves and the boomers away. Also, what was the point of expanding to Twitter? + +* too many new wannabe autists + +WSB is on the frontpage of reddit like every other day with memes, and it attracts a lot of new members. Those new members aren't true autists and they clearly have hard time adjusting to our culture. This has caused attacking certain parties that we don't agree with, pump and dump schemes, lots of stupid posts and upvoting them, that nobody would have upvoted 6 months ago and so on. In general this is much more like a meme subreddit now, even when we are approaching the most important earnings week of the year. A good portion of the new members don't even understand the last sentence. + +* this isn't WallStreetMemes, this is WallStreetBets + +Anyone who's been here longer than 3 months, knows that we used to have much more useful posts or gain/loss porn in the frontpage of WSB, now it's mainly memes. It's fine to have memes here and there but most of them are just low quality karma farming memes and they get old real fast, unlike loss porn. I bet anyone who has been here longer than a year, would like to see people tattooing stupid shit, drinking piss, GUH their wife's boyfriend's savings away, and just see people act like the true autist they are, rather than these boring new memes. + +&#x200B; + +**How to fix this?** + +1. We had the rule for not allowing posts to be in r/all for like a whole 10 minutes back in the days, and I think we need that back. If someone is a true autist, they will find their way here regardless. +2. Keep the WSB inside the WSB. No Twitter, no news, no sucking Cramer's dick to get to CNBC. We already have enough autists here to be a big player in financial markets. We don't need SEC to do us what your wife's boyfriend does to your wife. +3. GME to the moon +4. WSB needs to be kept under control. True autist never attacks anyone, we just troll people, make tendies and jerk to loss porn. It's pretty simple and if you can't accept it and follow the rules, you deserve to get banned. +5. Let the new members become true autists, absorb our original culture, and I think WSB can be like it used to be. But if we constantly have a lot of new wannabe autists coming in, they are gonna take this sub over and there's nothing we can do. + +&#x200B; + +positions: + +pronebone, 156 shares of TSLA, 80 shares of GME, lots of leap calls and smaller positions +I have inherited $140grand. I want to make it grow for the next 3 years before either buying a house or starting a business. What are the best ways to invest with least amount of risk? tbh I’ve never been that smart with my money. +My uncle is single in his 40s now , has accumulated 1 crores , Owns a house ( 1cr market value) , no liability and he wants to retire now . + +I made his retirement plan like this : + +75 lakhs in short term debt fund , 8% annually = 6 lakhs = 50k monthly for his expense . + +25 lakhs will be deployed in a multicap fund in a period of 2 years i.e 1 lakh per month , for further growth . + + +He has already 5 lakhs in fd as emergency fund. + + + +What are your thoughts ? Any changes you guys recommend . +I am incredibly bullish on Meta at current valuations, and have deployed about 20% of my capital into the stock. + +I'd like to hear from those who disagree with me. Why is this a bad idea? +Hey all, I recently created a basic stock screening file based on the intelligent investor. I was a bit surprised to find a few big names there, but one that really stuck me was Intel. +Is it really a bargain rn in term of Graham? And within his principles +[Article.](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/02/09/amazon-reportedly-launching-a-delivery-service-for-businesses.html) + + + + Amazon is gearing up to launch a delivery service for businesses, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. + The service is called "Shipping with Amazon" and will see the tech giant picking up packages from businesses and delivering them to customers. + Shares of FedEx and UPS were sharply lower in pre-market trade. + + +I've seen the obvious staples in the investing world such as Warren Buffett etc who make huge gains from dividends, but I'm yet to see/hear an example of an average everyday human who has patiently grown their dividend investments over the years and can now live comfortably knowing their finances are covered. + +If you live off dividends, what's your story with it? How long did it take to finally start dipping into your dividends and how long ago did you start? +I’ve been taking a look recently at MCD and how well they are at consistently paying out their dividend. Pretty good dividend yield IMO and they have been paying out for 45 consecutive years. I also like the real estate aspect because they receive consistent revenue streams from rent. What’s everyone’s pros and cons as McDonald’s as a long term dividend play? Thanks! +ULTRA EDIT: Huge thanks to u/davegtturbo who literally scrapped through a recording of the entire day of TV to find the original archive. Never have I seen more retarded work in my life so thank you my brother. + +part 1 (8:20am) - https://streamable.com/itg5o9 + +part 2 (8:21am) - https://streamable.com/a032gu + +part 3 (8:22am) - https://streamable.com/ehm7ah + +part 4 (8:23am) - https://streamable.com/g7r98b + +ALSO : +https://youtu.be/teQY6xIyvps?t=155 +him being equally sus about Tesla in the same interview which was taken down. Only available in this review video on Youtube + +------------------------------------------------------- + +The media interview used to be a 4-5minutes video about GameStop, where he explicitly says “GameStop” and now it’s been cut everywhere to be a 2 minute video with no mention of GameStop. + +Go check it out for yourselves, we’ve all seen it by now from CNBC. They changed it! + +A) wtf sus shill omg + +B) did anyone record the OG footage? + +EDIT: + +Link 1: altered video + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVBdyYynDNE&feature=youtu.be + +Link 2: a 4-5 minute segment of another topic on the same interview. Clearly they had no problem keeping this one 4-5 minutes long! + +https://youtu.be/Qk8x_638aIg + + +EDIT 2: + +I emailed CNBC about it and I’ve taken screenshots which prove the tampering such as time stamps which no longer make sense. I also commented on the YouTube video with hopes to shed some light on this... + +EDIT 3: I FUCKING FOUND [IT](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/squawk-pod/id1480890290?i=1000509705599) + +The episode is 21 minutes long.... all the other ones are 40 minutes long. My god they completely nuked this off the face of the earth. +I love this sub-Reddit and folks are smart from a traditional investing sense but it seems very odd to me that almost everyone is continuing with their asset allocation as “business as usual”, expecting recent gains to continue, and/or overestimating their position on FIRE like this is a “normal” environment. Almost every key metric is historically at extreme levels (valuations, sentiment, debt/GDP globally, ETC...). Also, any negative outlook here quickly gets down-voted. I think this is very interesting... please don’t take this as a negative post - that is not my goal here but appreciate your feelings about this. + +UPDATE: after 62k views and over 600 comments, my views above seem correct overall in terms of the positive sentiment on this thread and vast majority not changing their allocations at this time. +Here in the U.S., hundreds of thousands of people are currently being told to evacuate their homes. Millions more are being advised to prepare "go kits" so they are ready to evacuate if necessary. Most of the time, these advisories suggest that you have copies of your "important papers" to bring with you. But it's a little hard to imagine what these would be. The courthouse already has a copy of my deed. The insurance company has an online version of my policy. What are the "important papers" I should have in my car when I'm driving away from the disaster? +Hey everyone, + +&#x200B; + +I was hoping to see if a phenomenon I have been seeing is city specific or also happening elsewhere. + +&#x200B; + +I try to keep up with market rates monthly. Furthermore, I have noticed a huge increase in rent prices in C or lower properties but no such increase in A or B. In fact, the rents are very similar at this point. I am hoping someone who has been in this business for 10+ years can chime in with what they think may be going on and if they have ever seen something similar happening. +It was supposed to be easy, they said. + +Back when I was but a young trader, deep in my truly wilder swing-trading days (last month) I had grown quite fond of picking up whatever shitcoin was being plugged on this front page. + +FWD, BOSE, HODL, PIG, whatever seemed even mildly legitimate was fine by me. After all, I’m supposed to be rewarded just for being on BSC, a place where few dare roam. As long as I get enough different coins, eventually I’ll strike gold. + +But hours went by. A full day even. And I didn’t have my fortune. So I started selling off all these coins that I honestly hadn’t even really done a lot of homework into. It just wasn’t worth spending all day checking this stupid SAFEMOON, and honestly, what does PBOM even do? + +Oh yeah and LIGHT? These transaction fees are completely outrageous, 11%? Sorry, no way, doesn’t work for a swingie like me. Lucky for me, it just 3x’ed, so I’m out. + +The next few days unfolded like a nightmare that wouldn’t stop. If I had only been battered to that point, I was surely broken as PBOM and SAFEMOON enjoyed their nice 100x ride. And Lightning? Well, Lightning made another leg up, and another leg up, and another leg up. I stopped paying attention after a while and vowed to forget the price I sold at. + +I honestly still don’t remember, but I know it was more than two weeks ago. So, considering it’s at $.34 currently, and it was $.03 just two weeks ago… well, safe to say, I’ve been Bogged. + +So why the hell would I buy back in? Is it because I’m a FOMO buying SOB whose doomed to stay forever poor? How could I go back to Lighting after I abandoned it due to its lackluster website and because I couldn’t understand what problem it was solving through it? + +Well, for starters, I’m a changed man looking for smart long-term holds and to enjoy the pleasures of a full nights sleep again. I’m no longer a swingie begging to be punished by the  Lightning Protocol’s holder-friendly system. **And while I’ve changed, the market and Lightning have changed even more drastically than I could have imagined.** + +As anyone who has a pulse on BSC has noticed, we’ve entered the era of the useless deflationary asset. Memes, NFTs, whatever even mildly interesting asset they can pitch to convince you they’re not selling a complete pile of garbage. + +But Lightning’s **not fucking around** like that. No, Lightning has cut off its dead weight, hiring a brand new **designer who previously worked with Google** to give a level of presentation that matches **Lucas, the founder and lead developer of Lightning, and his previous experience working as a software engineer for Allianz.** + +Lightning has moved onto rebrand completely with a revised whitepaper in the works and a focus on their upcoming **Lightning Incubator, the Lightning Protocol now serving as the engine for the ecosystem**. While there are many launchpads looking to help legitimize the Wild West that is BSC and put an end to the ceaseless rug pulls, most have just ended up as disappointments providing IDO’s that flounder after listing or are just copycat ideas of things already on Ethereum. + +Knowing full well that it only takes a handful of failed launches to shake investor confidence, Lightning is determined to create an ecosystem of success for each project it brings on. With its network of promoters and project partners, Lightning will be rolling out their Lightning Incubator so they can act as a true angel investor seeing each project through to completion well after their IDO. + +This dedication to ensuring each and every project is a success and one that truly disrupts the space is what will separate it from the low-effort launchpads out there that are only looking for the next project to dump on their investors. After all, if those companies were serious about it, they’d be offering these types of incubation services, **much like Polkastarter, which was at $.20 in November and is now at $4 for a 20x.** + +We all know someone is going to step up and be the **leading incubator on BSC** (of which several can succeed) so why not trust the developer who was forward thinking enough to create an entire system around dynamic fees creating what Lightning calls “Deflationary Elasticity.”  Through paying holders frictionless yield on rebasing, it’s basically big brain for rewarding holders and punishing swingies. + +And Lightning definitely understands marketing, if you’ve seen an AMA with Lucas you’ll come away impressed, and its role in providing exposure to a project as well as the importance of real functionality, which is why they’re already working to get Lightning listed on a CEX to bring in even more eyes. + +**So if you want presale allocations for projects selected by this team**, basically the surest way to maximize gains during the bull market and survive through the bear market, you’re going to want to scoop up Lightning now. **You’re going to need to hold LIGHT if you want to be sorted into the best tier for the highest allocations, currently separated into Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.** + +But don’t worry if it turns out you’re not in their highest tier. **Each tier will have access to a share of an airdrop of 1% of the IDO’s token**, and the dev has committed to decreasing the requirements of Lightning holdings over time due to the deflationary nature of the token. + +So don’t be like me and miss out on this opportunity because you don’t understand the rebasing or the transaction fees. Just set that slippage high, swap for some Lightning, and let the team do the work for you in picking projects and making gains. Because besides being well-positioned at a $23M market cap, there’s still time before you’re stuck like me, buying at 10x the price I first saw it at, whenever it hits POLS ‘s current $250M market cap. + +**Tl;dr -** Lightning has rebranded and reinvented itself into a full ecosystem designed to help new projects flourish through it’s Lightning Incubator, and to keep holders happy through the tokenomics of its Lightning Protocol. With a strong team that has experience from Google and Allianz, they will be launching IDO’s with only projects designed to change DeFi from BSC, not copy Ethereum, as they become the leading incubator on BSC. LIGHT holders will be placed into tiers allowing for IDO token airdrops and presale allocations. Lightning is at $23M, most similar competitor is POLS at $250M. + +Website: [https://lightningprotocol.finance/](https://lightningprotocol.finance/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/lightningprotocol](https://t.me/lightningprotocol) + +Medium: [https://lightningprotocol.medium.com/](https://lightningprotocol.medium.com/) + +PancakeSwap: [exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b9c3df47f3326fbc0674d51dc3eb0f2df29f37f](http://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x7b9c3df47f3326fbc0674d51dc3eb0f2df29f37f) + +CoinGecko: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/lightning-protocol](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/lightning-protocol) +My whole portfolio is VOO but I want to add some dividend investments for compound growth. Is SCHD the most recommend? Its safe as its an ETF but 3% still doesnt seem like much. +Update : I woke up this morning to a flurry of responses. I am taking my time to carefully read through and consider each piece of advice. People have suggested reconciling with my parents. I will wait for a week or so for things to calm down, and simultaneously show that I can be a responsible adult through my actions. Thank you all for the amazing responses. This thread has been as much a source of comfort as it has been a great resource. + +Hey everyone. Using my throwaway account because I don't want to be recognised by potential peers. + +I am an 18 year old student from Hong Kong. Because of plagiarism, I will not graduate from High School. My parents, and rightfully so, have decided to kick me out of the house in six month's time. I am at a loss and completely regret my actions, but am ready to do whatever it takes to get myself back on track. I've got a few questions. + +1. How do I find a job? I have no qualifications except for a high school education (of which I did not graduate), so I'm referring to low-pay jobs like janitorial work perhaps. + +2. Where can I find a place to live? This isn't a plea for someone to take me in. Rather, does anyone know of a way to acquire cheap shelter. + +3. How am I supposed to set up a bank account, manage money etc. My school never offered a course that gave advice on how to handle money. I know as much about this as a 12 year old would. + +I understand that some of the questions I have posted may have answers online. I will be doing my own research whilst waiting for replies on this thread. Additionally, the position I am in isn't the most common, so I thought it would be a better idea to post it on a forum like reddit where I could explain my circumstance. + +I am not asking for pity, I deserve these consequences and understand I have to live with them. Rather, I am looking to get on my feet. + +Thank you so much for any responses + + +Edit : I refrained from stating the type of education I'd received, as I did not want to provide another opportunity to be identified. However, enough kind people have suggested looking for a transfer. I am not in a position to transfer schools because I received a private school education, and thus a transfer would mean having the financial means necessary to pay for the education. On another note, posting this thread has been a great decision. I've just been feeling lost for the whole day, but the advice given has shown that with enough work I can get back on my feet. Thank you so much everyone. + +Edit 2 : It's getting quite late where I live. I'll make sure to read all the responses when I wake up tomorrow. Once again, I am extremely grateful for everyone's help. +What the title says. This high-market-valuation situation isn't going to change despite all the warning cries of value investors, until and unless the US gov stimulus stops and it begins to unwind/extricate itself from the financial markets & banks. So, my question is, how will that happen and what will The Great Unwinding look like when it does? + +• what is the effect on markets when bond/corporate bond-buying by the Fed ceases, and who loses and who benefits (this may involve tracking individual companies to short/buy based on their debt and credit facilities utilization)? +• what is the effect on markets when windows close on Cares Act related loans and grants, and who loses and who stands to benefit? What do we look for there? I've read an article that said no one knows what companies will actually be solvent and which will not because that info is currently hidden behind the loans and grants. +• what is the effect on markets when the window closes on Cares Act related unemployment benefits, and which stocks stand to lose and which stocks stand to benefit (bank/credit stocks lose & defensive Wal-mart style stocks benefit?)? +• what is the effect on markets if this new stimulus package proceeds, as they suggest it will, in mid to late July? +• how will The Great Unwinding of the most massive stimulus ever affect inflation and what are the factors that can tip us to inflation or deflation? (This is very relevant to me because investing in some foreign stocks as a hedge against a big inflation move of the USD is a part of my strategy)? +• what is the true risk of downside so long as the Fed and the US gov has its stimulus hat on? What factors, if they exist, could defeat the US gov's attempts to prop up market values during this time and are they so-called "tail-risk", "black swan" events like a new SARS-CoV emerging while SARS-CoV2 is still in pandemic mode? + +I don't know about anyone else but being on top of these questions seem more relevant to my investment decisions for the rest of the summer & early Fall than the things that value investors typically look at. As far as coronavirus infection factors, I think every investor is looking at those, so I think analyzing the stimulus and how The Great Unwinding might go down is the only thing I feel I haven't gotten a handle on. I think it would be cool if reddit get good at analyzing this aspect of our current market situation. + +Any suggestions? +Righto, you've all been doing it again. + +&#x200B; + +We have had rockets, red days, YOLO's, an oddly heartfelt [Dear Diary](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m86ce5/trading/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post, more Koala's adopted than you can shake a stick at, shit talking a plenty and a truckload of new bets to round it all out. + +Y'all are getting better at tagging a **Mod** for your demented gambling and *proof or ban* calls, just another friendly reminder ''Mods'' **DOES NOT** summon us. + +We like it when you call us by name, any mod is fine, all roads lead to a paddlin.... + +&#x200B; + +Oh, a little side note from the **Mod team**. + +Just cause it ain't a penny does not immediately make it a shit pick. Tell that to the folks with the $9 APT buy ins...Or the people who bought APT Warrants for $4. + +Also, someone telling you your stonk is shit does not mean they are a '*shorter*', seriously learn what the fuck it actually means. If you think everyone who says your pick is garbage is a shorter, you have a sore misunderstanding of what judgement is. If you call someone a (shudder), Down-Ramper on this sub expect a paddlin, take that shit back to hot crapper. We like people to have opposing views, in theory it makes us look slightly more intelligent when you can see just a whisker past your own smooth brain. Besides, we keep telling people to look into Options and Warrants, those things that mean you make money when something implodes in price. + +&#x200B; + +Ok mod rant over, so without any further ado lets get through the madness and fuck off too enjoy the weekend.... + +&#x200B; + +**HIGHLIGHTS** + +&#x200B; + +\- **64,000 + members**. Again, fuck me. + +&#x200B; + +\- Auto-Mod has some sass. Mention Hot Crapper, Motley Fuckwit or the Dildo producing mining speccie and you'll see why. + +&#x200B; + +\- Speaking of Dildo's, you retards managed to make [DLC the #1 mentioned Stonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m7nl6l/dlc_officially_asx_bets_most_mentioned_stock_top/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on the Sub. + +Its funny, its beyond stupid and its completely incomprehensible that anyone could construe this as financial advice. + +&#x200B; + +\- Admittedly, the collective senses of the **Mods** have been dulled over time, (you can only be exposed to so much degenerate shenanigans before you go a little numb) but we were stoked to see all the Koala donations over the last few weeks, culminating in the [Koala Donations making the news](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m8sfv4/asx_bets_in_print_in_the_australian_boomer_review/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +We also had a go at totaling up the collective good vibes, you can check it out [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m9uspj/since_the_charity_flairathon_began_we_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +\- An [Open question the the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m615bt/open_question_to_the_moderators_what_are_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) popped up. We assumed any open question to us was going to be sexual, but turns out this one was stonk related. **Mod** chat was collectively a little disappointed it wasn't more racy, but then disappointment from the **Mods** is about normal for anything vaguely sexual. + +&#x200B; + +\- We also had the [ASIC Interview post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb3bfq/the_fuzz_are_here_asic_and_rasx_bets_q_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for all y'all who missed it. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/noobinvestin has been at it again, this time with a [100K DEG YOLO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m8c6ur/100k_on_deg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). This user has some big boy table plays in the market across a few tickers now... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Steph_Cape came through with some astounding [Loss Porn](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mclkdr/no_lube_used_on_this_pounding_that_hardcore_nxl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), consolation prize for all that red was a new porn-star alias Flair. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Hussysmurf has been getting creative again, this time with a little [Birthday Video celebration.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m56qne/happy_birthday_you_beautiful_degenerates_xox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Smurfs videos are always quality and this one is no exception. + +&#x200B; + +\- Apparently [Stonk jogging](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb7os9/the_unofficial_asx_bets_monthly_afternoon_jogging/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a thing now. AFR, SBS, etc... you heard it here first, its all those damn redditors are talking about. Looking forward to seeing how you credit the originator, u/Mutated_Cunt into a mainstream news article. + +Puts on Mainstream Media..... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**NEW BETS** + +&#x200B; + +\- u/ninenet909 has made a bold bet, stating that [EXR will touch $1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m3cyi6/weekend_thread_for_general_discussion_and_plans/gqqpggi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by December 30th or they will shave a line down the middle of their head. We have not yet finalized a length of time for said line to remain in-situ, suggestions are welcome in the comments section but the minimum is 72 hours. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/blaze7736 has bet **XST** will be above 2c by the end of the month or they will buy [the dildo stock](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m56h12/market_open_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gqz6s78?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Another potential T20 holder on the horizon. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/nextFloat says **XST** will touch 1.9c by the end of the month or they will take a [week ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m634se/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gr45a0r?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), as with all touching we hope its inappropriate. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/luner124 took the contrarian side, saying if **XST** touches 2c (inappropriately or otherwise) before the [end of the month](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m634se/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gr6jz2x?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), they'll take a weeks ban and admit stonks do only go up. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/peglegsmeg stated **IXR** will be [.6 in 2 weeks time](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m6ug3z/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gr7zigu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or they get banned for a month, time to get drilling... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Dark_Raiden_ believes **PUR** will hit 10c within the next 2 weeks or they will take a [1-month ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m6ug3z/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gr81gn9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The suspense will no doubt cause some trauma for this user. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/crookgypsy claims **ADX** will hit 1.4c by [mid year](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m6ug3z/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gr8bsvg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or they will take a months ban. + +Who can know why? + +&#x200B; + +\- u/JDK-Ruler made an alternate bet so they didn't have to buy **CBA**, instead opting for [DW8 to hit 0.15 before April 8th](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/macnrz/anyone_bought_into_cce_sustainable_energy/grt0mc5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or they will be exiled to the ban netherworld. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/itsdankreddit is back on the bike, chancing a [weeks ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb8u5b/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/grwmxwp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to crush the hopes of u/nomadnobad's target buy in, with u/Benny90210 jumping [in on the action](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb8u5b/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/grwspbp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +&#x200B; + +\- u/FameLuck claims **BPH** will get the approval by 31st of May or they will cop a [1 year ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lxbdeh/i_have_used_this_picture_before_but_its_more/gpml9ts?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). They have also specified that they will buy $5k of **BPH** by [next Tuesday](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mcs6z7/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gs6chqk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) or be banned. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Sperlo86 is riding high on the **Air-tasker IPO**, claiming it will be [$2 by the end of the Week](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbsu70/higher_it_goes/gs06yqu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). There is a 2nd part to this bet, with a further claim it will be [$5 by the End of April.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbsu70/higher_it_goes/gs06yqu?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +We shall see if they make it past part one.... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/toolman2019 has taken the contrarian route for **ART**, desiring a weeks ban if it is [still over $1 by weeks end.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbzm15/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gs119d8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Some potential time off to ''*reassess their life in general*'' I believe... + +&#x200B; + +\- Contrarian betting seems to be the flavour of the moment, when u/ChalkyAus bet a week off with an [RAC Thursday announcement](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbzm15/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gs0u9pw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), u/Mitchuation immediately went the opposite saying they will take a weeks ban if the [Announcement arrived.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbzm15/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gs0vxq3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Yaals has come through with a last minute bet, [EXR to high a high of .42 Friday or ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mcs6z7/premarket_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans/gs5934u?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**BANS** + +&#x200B; + +\- u/BonerBoi_69 has been given a Ban for an alleged [koala theft](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m5d911/in_light_of_recent_activity_in_wsb_i_adopted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Markma1989 has been banned for failing to come through on a [Proof or Ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m94285/i_wonder_when_will_qantas_go_rocket/grktshq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We considered doubling the ban length because it was for fucking Qantas, but going mad with power isn't on the menu this week. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/fact_not_salty_tears has been banned for a violation of **Rule 9**. + +We take that shit seriously folks... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/SlattKingThugger was banned for failing to come good on a [Proof or Ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb11ii/i_placed_my_second_trade_today_at_idt_boys_bought/grvbrde?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +\- u/TheMikeMurphyShow was banned for failing a call for [proof or ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mb5dic/bloody_hell_anyone_worth_than_me/grwd9cm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) over some tasty loss porn. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Electrical_Drummer_9 has been banned for ignoring a proof or ban on a [BRN buy in](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mabag7/if_only_i_wasnt_such_a_brn_pussy_and_dropped_more/grs4w7z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +\- u/intadimensionaldisco has been banned for a month after a [false claim post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mbehih/ihldw8exrother_which_to_long_term_hold/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +\- u/AussieVikingr was requested a ban after confusing **RNU** with **RSG**, some time was required to check google earth and discover there is actually a whole world out there... + +&#x200B; + +In case you can't read Greek, Easter cometh and with it, a multitude of **LKE** tards departing for quiet time or dyeing their hair purple unless we have a Easter miracle and it cranks up to the $1 mark. Though if you do read Greek, odds are Easter isn't for another Month. + +&#x200B; + +Also, [u/WistfulWhiskers](https://www.reddit.com/u/WistfulWhiskers/) & [u/FL0wstonks](https://www.reddit.com/u/FL0wstonks/) The end of April will be here before you know it and we shall be talking soon..... + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** + +Το Πάσχα προσεγγίζει τους παίκτες που υποστηρίζουν το **LKE** +Ripple labs has been funding "research" along with government entities to spread propaganda against Bitcoin and mining. + +In 2021, they funded a hit piece that claims energy prices for consumers in New York has increased by $6 per month because of mining. + +[Claim: Mining drives up household electricity bills](https://preview.redd.it/m0ta2tae4xb81.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=8079d16b0fde7bc74ebd204d4362ff823da26d3f) + +Surely its not the soaring costs of natural gas that is driving up electricity prices, but mining? + +[Since June 2020, Natural gas prices have gone up by 350&#37; in the USA \(Henry Hub natural gas futures rolling contracts\)](https://preview.redd.it/iprxvhfj5xb81.jpg?width=2610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4da2516b82eb585706d4d1af417320b5b82889e) + +[Not just in USA, in UK, natural gas is at decadal highs. ](https://preview.redd.it/v2gl6rmx3xb81.jpg?width=3094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dae03fee6dfbbfaf58df82519db809462d01254) + +Surely, electricity prices that consumers pay have nothing whatsoever to do with inflation, or soaring gas prices that are in decadal highs.. but is due to bitcoin mining?! + +Crude oil WTI futures are currently at 84, for comparison it was around 56 in Nov 2019 (pre pandemic). The last time WTI was above 80 was all the way back in 2014. Increasing crude oil natural gas prices, along with inflation that is at multi-decade high is not the reason for increase in household electricity, but its bitcoin mining that is responsible.. + +[Thats according to this study funded by Ripple in collusion with the Department of Treasury. ](https://preview.redd.it/a4z5aqnyaxb81.jpg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6656489541bece07a0e9b83837d42345157f987c)... The same Department of Treasury headed by another well known Bitcoin hater Janet Yellen, who earned $7m as "speaking fee" from the same banks she is supposed to regulate but has tried to stifle Bitcoin and crypto at every opportunity. + +Research with "financial support" is nothing but propaganda, especially when it's funded by a competitor to bitcoin that lobbies with the government. Ripple continues to be a centralised premine scam created to enrich its founders. + +Ripple has also cozied up with the likes of WEF, the very organisations Bitcoin was created as a fuck you to. [https://www.weforum.org/organizations/ripple](https://www.weforum.org/organizations/ripple) + +As its price and narrative around the shitcoin has stagnated, Ripple is resorting to dirty political tricks to get a leg up. As usual, they will fail. + +The narrative that bitcoin mining companies cause increase in electricity bills in NY is rubbish, as the largest BTC mining companies in New York produce their own energy. Infact the last one to start mining in NY is a hydro electric plant that was unused for years, before they started mining Bitcoin last year. + +[https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Mechanicville-hydro-plant-gets-new-life-16299115.php](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/Mechanicville-hydro-plant-gets-new-life-16299115.php) + +The other large mining company Greenidge Generation also produces its own energy. + + +Edit: Buttcoin losers in comments say "reee bitcoin move to POS or govt will ban it" + +Yeah not too bright, the whole point of Bitcoin is that it cant be banned unlike the proof of stake shitcoins you support that can be created out of thin air at the press of a button and shut down at the press of a button. + +Another one who is literally a war monger calling for Ukraine invasion but pretends to care about global e-waste. Lmao. Bitcoin haters are really a funny bunch + + +Edit: Ripple shills keep brigading and claiming where is the paper, of course if you are as bricked as a ripple fan boy you need to be spoon fed everything. Well here is the paper: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3779720 + +And if you open up the first page of it, says + +> **Benetton and Compiani acknowledge financial support from Ripple’s University Blockchain Research Initiative.** + +i.e this whole "paper" is nothing but a hit piece propaganda sponsored by a competitor + +The other writer of this paper is Adiar Morse, who conveniently works for the Dept of Treasury under Yellen: + +https://newsroom.haas.berkeley.edu/prof-adair-morse-joins-biden-administration-as-a-treasury-department-deputy/ + +Seems like natural career progression - collect funds from Ripple to publish propaganda against Bitcoin, and get hired by Yellen who has been promoting propaganda against crypto for years now. Nothing to see here. + +Final Edit: Jjust look at the number of freshly created "Tin" accounts that have popped up in the comments to shill for XRP. Didnt realize 2017 left so many bag holders. It must be real miserable with these heavy bags that are at 1/3rd of their 2017 ATH, while almost every other coin has gone up hundreds of % and made new highs this cycle. Thats what happens when you become exit liquidity for mccaleb, garlinghouse etc. + +Lol at the shills shouting "REEE ripple is a company XRP is decentralised token". They really did you good with this one small trick. +Thats also the reason garlinhouse drives a shiny car while you are down 50% on your shitcoin investment. + +The D in XRP stands for decentralised. It was always a premined scam token and will always be one. Thousands of tin bagholders wont change this. +Right now I've been trying my best to get as many 30-year loans before rates go up. So far I've managed to get about 4 properties with a lender within the last few years, however, I'm fearful of what's going to happen when the rate hikes kick in and maybe the economy starts to fall apart... if that happens. + +I have enough cash in the bank to keep buying, but am unsure if it's the smart thing to do. Does anyone ever feel nervous having a new debt especially if you've been buying in 2020-2021? If we did enter a recession would rents go down? + + +My properties do cash flow well currently. +I was pulled aside by my boss yesterday and I was told that I had 30 days to find a new job, either internally or externally. My position is being eliminated, so it has nothing to do with my performance. I've been in shock since then and afraid of what will happen over the next 30 days, as well as what I should do in case I don't get a job by then. + +As the title says, I've also been counting on tuition reimbursement to pay for at least part of grad school, so if I continue school, this will be a major blow to my finances; even if I get a new job at the same salary (which seems unlikely for various reasons - according to Glassdoor, I'm actually overpaid in my position), I probably won't get the same tuition reimbursement benefit, so it's effectively a huge pay cut. + +I was fortunate enough to sell a condo earlier in the year, leaving me with a sizeable emergency fund - I could live at my current standard of living, minus fun money, for a year off of savings if I had to, but I'd really rather not drain my savings like that, especially because the money was also my backup grad school fund. My apartment is my biggest expense by far and I'd be willing to downsize if the lease breaking fee wasn't so big (\~$3000). I can post my budget if it would be helpful. I use YNAB religiously. + +I also have pre-existing medical conditions that require medication daily, and I'm afraid of losing my insurance. + +I'm based in Michigan if that makes any difference. I already looked up unemployment payments and it's abysmal. + +What are the best things for me to do over the next 30 days, and if the worst case happens, 31+ days from now? + +Edit: I woke up this morning to this post having exploded. Thank you so much to everyone that has offered advice - even if I haven't responded directly, I'll read every single comment. +Hello all, + +I made a post two weeks ago about an idea I had and a lot of people were interested. Basically, my friend and I built a screener that selects the stocks that rank highest in momentum (12m-1m price return), quality (high ROA, low D/E) and value (low P/E, PB, P/CF, P/S). We built the screener because finviz and others do not let you select the stocks that are in the top 10% cheapest and 10% highest momentum. We have the data for global stocks, but I decided to make my first post about US stocks only. + +So here's the list of the 10 stocks ranking highest in momentum, value and quality (There were 25 stocks in my screener but I took the 10 stocks with the highest momentum): + +&#x200B; + +|Name|Ticker|D/E Ratio|Price Return 12m -1m|P/E Ratio|ROA| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc.|SPWH|1.56|\+190%|10.34|10.62%| +|Lumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc.|LL|1.19|\+187%|15.29|8.16%| +|Educational Development Corporation|EDUC|0.29|\+168%|11.86|15.44%| +|Escalade, Inc.|ESCA|0.23|\+157%|10.59|17.43%| +|MarineMax, Inc.|HZO|0.67|\+154%|11.08|10.67%| +|Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.|NUS|0.50|\+145%|13.60|10.82%| +|Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc.|MDRX|0.17|\+118%|3.48|21.85%| +|Williams-Sonoma, Inc.|WSM|1.10|\+118%|18.70|13.57%| +|SIFCO Industries, Inc.|SIF|0.81|\+117%|3.58|12.13%| +|Haverty Furniture Companies, Inc.|HVT|0.92|\+109%|11.14|10.56%| + +&#x200B; + +Obvisouly, no one should buy any of these stocks only because they rank well in a few metrics, but I feel like weekly/monthly discussions about the stocks ranking highest in different ratios could be interesting for investors. Also, most of these stocks are small caps that aren't known by many, so it's a great way to learn about new companies. + +If you have any question/suggestion, please let me know! +I have no idea what specifics to include so I’ma just list some stuff that may be helpful: + +0 debt + +22M in Nashville, TN + +Will be expected to live at home for a few months before I decide to live with roommates in an apartment + +$30/hr, Roth IRA already maxed, going to match company’s 401K, and whatever left over will be going towards personal trading of ETFs + +What other things do I need to consider? +At some point between now and expiry, I expect some sort of pop similar to GME, hoping it at least hits 20. Allows me to take advantage of some good IV/premium while waiting instead of buying a call watching it decay. GLTA. + +&#x200B; + +UPDATE: + +I have bought out of this position. After contemplating things, I realized that the reason I got into selling premium isn't just for premium but to take advantage of it during volatility. As I watched the price of BBBY bounce around, I realize that I should be doing what I enjoy most and got into this for in the first place, to play the swings, sell CSPs at the low, CCs at the high, so I closed out this position with a gain of about 3%. If I felt that BBBY was going to increase in a more linear fashion I would have held; I'm still bullish, but now I'll just do my normal method of playing the swings upward, hopefully. Sorry to get everybody's hopes up watching this play out. + +https://preview.redd.it/xg331pdqnwg91.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7fe5890750e3f1cf66c793494915eb9bdfe6463 +This is my first full year of employment and I did not know over contribution was a thing (why do they even let me keep putting away money?) what do I do now? + +Edit: found out that I've been taxed on everything over the limit + +Edit 2: All of you have been really great and I appreciate all the support and help everyone has given me, I had no idea the depth of my ignorance, and I cannot state the depth of my gratitude. You are all heroes, thank you all so much for everything. +I've been thinking about posting this for a while, but haven't really had the courage to do so. + +There's been many posts throughout the years wondering where all the posts from normal people and/or blue collars are. + +Well - here is one. + +(I don't write particularly well, I'm just very matter-of-fact). + +&#x200B; + +I went to a vocational high school and enrolled in Plumbing / Pipefitting. + +I graduated in 2007 in a dead economy. + +I was unable to find work as an apprentice, but eventually found work at a local plastics manufacturing company in the tool & die shop. + +&#x200B; + +I was paid $11/hr as an apprentice to mold makers and to do facility maintenance work for the shop. + +I worked 10 hours Monday - Friday, and a half day Saturday. + +I was entitled to 401K and tutition reimbursement (with no payback requirement or term of service). + +Matching contributions were frozen until the economy started to pick up, but I contributed as much as I could. + +ESOP company, so I got profit sharing (based on my salary) every quarter, which I never spent and put into a separate account. + +These amounted to 4 additional paychecks every year (if we did well). + +&#x200B; + +I enrolled in a community college which had an Engineering transfer program. I had to take a lot of remedial math courses to get up to speed because of my High School program. + +I took advantage of tuition reimbursement, and then took the reimbursements and put them into a Roth or Brokerage at the end of each semester. + +I remained at home and paid my mother $300/mo for my room. + +I drove a car I bought for $4000. + +&#x200B; + +I'll get blasted for living at home, I'm sure, but it was mutually beneficial. + +I was raised by a single mother who worked 60 hour weeks to keep a roof over our heads (I have a brother). + +There was no inconvenience. Working the hours I was working and going to school part time meant I basically needed a bed. + +If I wasn't at work, I was in the library, in class or sleeping. I did take a couple vacations/trips during this time during school breaks, but they were not extravagant. + +I learned to be very efficient with my time. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I left this job in 2012 making $13.25. + +I joined a field service company maintaining specialized industrial equipment as a greenhorn for $17/hr (I was 23). This came with a company vehicle. + +I traveled all over New England and am based from my home address. + +The majority of our work is in greater Boston, which meant I was home everyday. + +I finished my Associates Degree program in engineering in 2014, and was given a pay raise to $25.00. + +At this time, I moved out (25). I lived with a girlfriend for a while (split costs), with a friend for a bit, and then eventually got my own apartment. + +&#x200B; + +My Community College had transfer agreements with some private colleges and the state university system. + +I was accepted into a few for Mechanical Engineering, but it didn't really seem to justify leaving my job over. + +I enrolled in a night program for Engineering Technology at the state university. + +&#x200B; + +401K (6% matching), and tuition reimbursement strategy remained the same. + +I completed my Bachelor's in 2019, and was bumped to $34/hr. + +&#x200B; + +I currently remain with this company and was recently given a raise to $43/hr and primarily work on projects and technician development. I remain in the field and get my hands dirty on a regular basis, and no, my body isn't beat. + +I work anywhere from 28-60 hours a week depending on the season, but am guaranteed 40 hours of pay per week. + +&#x200B; + +I wish I kept more data, but the strategy that worked the most for me was just saving whatever extra money I got and then putting whatever raise I got straight into my 401k. + +If I didn't have it, I didn't miss it. + +At the end of every month I took whatever was left in my checking account and transferred it into my brokerage account. + +I'm still living on around $35-40K a year, but I'll treat myself - I just don't require much. I'm super minimalistic, but a couple of years ago I bought a personal vehicle, not important but it's a totally unnecessary expense. + +&#x200B; + +Currently single and 32 years old. + +&#x200B; + +Balances: + +401k - $238k (target date funds) + +Roth - $77K + +Brokerage - $92K + +Plain old cash - $25K + +Total: $432K + +&#x200B; + +This past year my mother passed away, so I just recently moved back into her condo which was about 2/3 paid off (approx 180k, which I'd be entitled to half, but for now my brother and I are going to keep it). She left no debt. + +&#x200B; + +So now I guess I'm over $500k, but I'm not really counting the condo as of yet. + +&#x200B; + +Feeling pretty good heading into the future. + +Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, you can do it too. +https://www.federalregister.gov/agencies/securities-and-exchange-commission + +Could use some wrinkly brained apes to decode and let us know of this helps us at all. /u/Leaglese usually does a fantastic job! + +Edit: Misspelled Legalese’s username. Fixed. + +Edit 2: Dumb Ape. No Spell. Username Hard. Sorry /u/leaglese +DeFi on Solana is being wiped out, so to speak. + +At the start of the month, TVL on the chain was close to $1bn. Now it has crashed to $280m and is out of top 10. + +[Top chains by TVL](https://preview.redd.it/0raskafxsy0a1.jpg?width=2756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d18b20ac03a626477e0b8a0165746f858f6a07) + +&#x200B; + +[The crash has been nothing short of spectacular](https://preview.redd.it/hyzlggc1ty0a1.jpg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bcae429cdd013059abcc52c55aff0d0acaa5e6) + +At the peak of the bull run, Solana boasted close to $10 BN in TVL. Now it down to 2.8% of that. Absolute carnage. + +Solana has been plagued with one disaster after another - first the numerous chain halts, then the revelation that one team was responsible for most of TVL by creating double entries, now the final nail in the coffin has been the implosion of Sam, brining with it the downfall of the chain he shilled so much. Many exchanges are cutting down on exposure to Solana, Even stablecoins are migrating liquidity to other chains + +Do you think this chain can pull itself together after all the fiascos? +Yes - I know every single downside of owning a boat ... but I'm here in South Florida and I love being on the ocean as does my wife. + + +We are going to shoot a lot below our budget for our first boat down here - thinking 240 Vantage/ 280 Vantage / Outrage Boston Whaler but a bit overwhelmed with the choices. Thought process behind the Whaler is the resale value in 2 years or so if we want to trade up. + +Anyone ever buy down here/ own one of these boats? Must haves for resale/ value / fun? Things we don't need on it? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +Microsoft Teams overtakes Slack with 13 million daily users - [https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/11/20689143/microsoft-teams-active-daily-users-stats-slack-competition?fbclid=IwAR2GXLxrH-0u7b81a3vCQHrsw86RMRuld9yDvPUp17Li7nRpCtJZenE\_s8I](https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/11/20689143/microsoft-teams-active-daily-users-stats-slack-competition?fbclid=IwAR2GXLxrH-0u7b81a3vCQHrsw86RMRuld9yDvPUp17Li7nRpCtJZenE_s8I) + +&#x200B; + +Slack stock drops 3% - [https://www.google.com/search?q=slack+stock&oq=slack+stock&aqs=chrome..69i57.1008j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=slack+stock&oq=slack+stock&aqs=chrome..69i57.1008j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) +I’m sure you have all seen or heard about this by now. Amazingly, 36 hours later and at least on my feed, nothing about it on SuperStonk. + +Our marketplace was down almost all day Friday. + +Loopring was up on an almost 365 day cycle of incessant selling. + +Someone who wasn’t retail had to buy tens of millions of tokens on Friday. + +And someone didn’t want you to buy LRC at the same time. + +Not only was this a multi-faceted, collusion by criminals, but it was also a financial terrorist act directed at you, at this company, and it’s partners. + +It seems to me like no one cares or wants to spread the word though. +This is not financial advice, obviously. + +So I would like to start by saying that all of this is public information. I started from the company's Linkedin address posted in the message being sent to the redditors: + +[https://www.linkedin.com/company/lifewatermedia/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/lifewatermedia/) + +The founder of the company is named Ty Hoffer (Tyson Clay Hoffer): + +[https://www.linkedin.com/in/ty-hoffer-079365b/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/ty-hoffer-079365b/)\\ + +[https://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/Houston/tyson-clay-hoffer/36784041.aspx](https://www.corporationwiki.com/Texas/Houston/tyson-clay-hoffer/36784041.aspx) + +It seems that this is not Ty's first rodeo, he was the President of a company called Winning Media LLC (there is no Linkedin page for this company, but I found the actual website): + +[http://anotherwinningtrade.com/?page\_id=5](http://anotherwinningtrade.com/?page_id=5) + +\--- + +Article from Barron's from 2019 in which it's illustrated how Winning Media LLC was paid between 60K-100K to pump up the stock price through articles which contained statements which “encouraged investors to purchase the stock of the Company" . Some shady shit going on here. + +[https://www.barrons.com/articles/marijuana-retailer-medmen-paid-for-article-that-promoted-stock-51551797945](https://www.barrons.com/articles/marijuana-retailer-medmen-paid-for-article-that-promoted-stock-51551797945) + +\--- + +Wanna know what stock has TD Media LLC (Life Water Media) pumped in the past, and for what price? Check here, at the bottom of the page in the Legal Disclaimer section: + +[https://stocknewstrends.com/heres-how-the-smart-money-is-investing-in-the-coming-lithium-supply-crunch/?utm\_source=InsiderFinancial&utm\_medium=paid&utm\_campaign=EEMMF](https://stocknewstrends.com/heres-how-the-smart-money-is-investing-in-the-coming-lithium-supply-crunch/?utm_source=InsiderFinancial&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=EEMMF) + +or + +[https://www.finimize.com/wp/partners/tdmedia/](https://www.finimize.com/wp/partners/tdmedia/) \- bottom of the page + +and THE MOTHERLOAD which seems to contain a copy of the disclaimer of their services + a shitload of pumped stocks together with the prices for pumping those stocks: + +[https://bittpress.com/disclaimer/](https://bittpress.com/disclaimer/) + +\--- + +Now... I suck at investigative journalism, but if somebody who is actually good at this wants to look through this information and see what else they can find, please go ahead. It's getting late here and I must get some shut-eye. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Okay, this blew up, I did not expect it to get so many updoots. Thank you for taking the time to read. I feel absolutely disgusted of what I've found and what I've read in this post: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mscsb5/putting\_shills\_on\_blast\_a\_concerned\_biznessman/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mscsb5/putting_shills_on_blast_a_concerned_biznessman/) + +I knew that paid shills and FUD spreaders were a thing, but I did not expect this to be an actual fucking business, operating without any shame, out in the open. And please keep in mind, this is JUST ONE COMPANY facilitating the manipulation of stock prices through untruthful articles and paid influencers. JUST ONE. This is a profitable business model that doesn't require any special skills or knowledge, so I imagine there are thousands if not tens of thousands of such companies operating around the globe (I have no proof though...). + +For a company like Citadel, which has almost unlimited amounts of money, it would be as easy as flipping a switch to engage with all these companies and hire an army of shills and FUD spreaders to spread misinformation and ultimately cause panic amongst GME holders. + +I'm not saying Kenneth the 3'rd and Citadel are doing this. I'm saying that if they wanted to, it would be extremely easy, convenient and effective. + +Well, unfortunately for them, we are retards with a lot of free time and a vendetta against injustice and lies. And so, I will do my DD. I will spread the knowledge to my fellow apes. I will not trust any one person, one news outlet, one youtube channel. I will switch sub after sub in case they are compromised, and in the end I will win. + +Because hedgies... no matter what you do, how many marketing companies you pay, how many influencers you get on your side, I WILL NEVER SELL MY GME FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN 20 FUCKING MILLION GOD DAMN DOLLARS. And although I am just a drop of water in the ocean, the ocean is made of water drops just like me. + +I'll end with an article from the SEC, admitting this is a problem and calling them fraudsters. However at the end of this article you will find the picture below: + +[https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia\_rumors.html](https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/ia_rumors.html) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gkpxgqqacpt61.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=3095cc76e24338325b4e10f9056d938b3c833aba + +EDIT 2: From u/catima (thanks for researching this!!!): + + +>Tyson Hoffer = Co-founder of Life Water Media since 2020 +Tyson Hoffer = president of Winning Media LLC since 2002 +> +>Winning Media LLC feature in this 2015 paper from Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting: [https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=acc\_facpub](https://digitalcommons.wcupa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1018&context=acc_facpub) +> +>In a public disclosure of the source of revenues for a stock promoter, TribecaInvestments, Inc. reported a total of $1,442,500 in campaign revenues from Winning Media over 10 months in 2013 for 46 different tickers (p. 332). +> +>The paper finds that "Nevada corporations dominate pump and dump promotional campaigns... While this practice is technically illegal, it is the state corporate law that influences or governs the liability against these managers. The Nevada Effect contends Nevada state law is, by design, lax in this area and facilitates these behaviors (CFM 2014)." +> +>That's basically all I've found so far, nothing unexpected but Ty & friends have been doing this for years. + +&#x200B; +Title says it all! I'm not interested in how much you invested since you are already invested but why did you over leveraged yourself in crypto? + +Did you do so to have a shot at buying your dream house, retire early and enjoy life delicacies? + +A hedge against inflation and hate that your money in the bank is feeding ruthless greedy [jnsert insult] + +You totally believe in the crypto revolution and already see prices in Satoshi and Eth gas fees + +It was your best shot at getting rich scheme ? + +Be honest and just spit it. + +Regardless, I really hope you make it dude! +Hi Theta Gang, this is going to be a long and somewhat cathartic post, so if you keep scrolling I won't blame you. That said, I think transparency and honesty is always important with your trades, and after a week like last week it's good to step back and see the big picture, so here's some things I learned playing $GME and losing $5K, or about 20% of my portfolio. If you've been in the game long enough, none of this will be new, but for the new influx of TG players I hope this is useful to you. + +Some background: Like many of you, I got into trading/investing because of the pandemic. Working from home and bored, I found WSB and RobinHood, and after losing a few grand buying puts *immediately after* the big crash, I found Theta Gang, and have never looked back since. Returns in 2020 were about 33% - nothing spectacular during a bull market, but I was also learning the ropes, and got my account to $25K. I keep an options journal [here](https://www.thetagang.com/hispanicatthedisco), though most of my gains came from holding and selling tech stocks. + +**1.) Stick to your rules - always.** I set a rule to never dump more than 20% of my portfolio into risky plays, and during the GME hype, it's the ONLY thing that saved me. It was the difference of losing a few months of gains versus blowing up everything I've worked for so far. + +**2.) The hardest part of trading isn't understanding diagonal spreads or reading SEC filings, it's learning to manage your emotions.** Waking up and seeing a sea of red in your portfolio is brutal. I was distracted from work, and sleep was hard to come by. But losses *will* happen, maybe not as large-scale as our WSB brethren, but enough to hurt. IF you can stomach the roller coaster and come out on top, that's half the battle. + +**3.) Even when you're right you can lose.** This one's not just about GME. Time and time again, I see blowout earnings reports, and the stock down after-hours. Profit-taking, unmet expectations, whatever. A thesis can be rock solid, and be completely wrong at the same time. + +**4.) Echo chambers are dangerous.** You'll always find some article, DD, or analyst that will confirm your bias. Until they return to their regularly scheduled programming, WSB will likely remain a virtual bubble, and I don't blame them. If I was down $1 million, I'd want to believe too. But hearing the other side, the flaws in your thesis, will keep your head out of the clouds. + +**5.) The Market Makers play dirty, and there are forces at play traders will never see.** Personally, I think hedge funds are a dying breed. As financial literacy increases, less trust is being placed in these institutions, and brokerages (yes, like RobinHood) are creating a generation of investors that *fundamentally* behave differently, thanks to the fast, free flow of information and stocks being as easy to order as tacos on Postmates. There's no going back. Still, I said *dying*, not *dead.* Big firms and banks still hold a lot of money, and will pull and move the market to their will because *that's their literal job*. It's not transparent, fair, or ethical, but for now that's how the game is played. + +Lastly, I'll say - Gains are only a means to an end. I was planning on using some of my GME gains (all gone now) on buying a nice dress for my gf. Yet, this weekend when I visited her for the first time in weeks, I was glued to my phone checking Reddit, looking at futures, and doom-scrolling through Twitter. The irony is almost too much. + +I'm taking a small break from the market just to decompress and recover sanity, and I'd encourage anyone in a similar boat to do the same. +An affluent middle-aged man rear ended me yesterday. I was stopped at a yield waiting for my opportunity to turn. There isn't a timeline where it wasn't 110% his fault. + +He dicked around with getting me his information. Ended up giving me an invalid insurance card. I don't like getting the police involved- BUT I SHOULD HAVE. He was aggressively begging to not go through insurance. He said my car "isn't worth that much". + +I drove a '95 Ford Explorer I bought for $1500 while I put myself through college. I was embarrassed by that car for 4 years every time I pulled on campus and saw everyone's nice cars in the lot and then there was my absolute shit wagon. In June when I finished my bachelor's degree and started my FT job in my field, I bought myself a 2017 Ford Focus so that I could drive to my new job with dignity. That car is now torn to shit in a body shop for anywhere from 30 days-9 months depending on parts. It "isn't worth that much"- That car was everything to me. + +I drove myself to the ER in shock. Had concussion symptoms within 10 minutes. Was there for over 8 hours. Never got a bed. My "bed" was a chair in the hallway because all of the rooms were full. The ER doc when she finally saw me kept apologizing because even 6 hours later I was still crying from the neck pain. + +I looked him up out of sheer curiosity and saw that he's absolutely loaded. Senior VP investment broker for a commercial real estate firm. + +I have spent all morning shuffling from body shop, rental place, on the phone with police and both insurance companies. Instead of taking the muscle relaxers and resting like I'm supposed to. Worried about my time off work. Telling my husband to stay at work so we're not both fucked missing time. + +I'm exhausted. Half of my stressful morning could have been avoided had I simply told that asshole to stop talking over me and called the police myself. I was trying to be nice. Civil. I spent an hour this morning crying thinking this guy doesn't have valid insurance. + +Don't be civil. Don't be nice. Be smart. What is a minor inconvenience and pennies to this asshole was potentially my entire livelihood and how I get my kids from A to B. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Someone posted this thread https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/79ao1d/catalonia_considering_cryptocurrency/ and it was found that Cointelegraph is posting fake news as seen here https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/924442083691151361 + +This should be unacceptable in the community. +I get it. Stocks payout via dividends are good and all for passive cash flow. However, isn’t capital appreciation via stock buybacks inherently superior in every single possible way? + ++ You can mimic dividends by just selling your appreciated stocks + ++ you can realize gain whenever, meaning you enjoy more tax flexibility as you can time when you are at lower income bracket. While dividend forces your hand to realize your gains then and there + ++ the company that tend to pay dividends enjoy more stability and usually have no more room to grow when compared to the average company. Therefore lower risk premium in the long term, dragging down returns. + +I would love to hear this subreddit’s opinion as to why you guys love dividends so much. +I'm going to have a little cash on hand in about 5 months and I like the idea of plowing it into a rental property. Everything in my part of the US is absurdly overpriced (and I think due for a correction) and I'm a little unnerved by the idea of being a landlord from far away. Where would you folks spend $180k cash right now or would you at all? Is it better to sit tight and see what the market does? +I currently work landscaping for $15/hour part-time under the table since the company I work for is new. The company is obtaining a tax license soon and the owner asked me if I want to continue to be paid under the table or if I want to be on the books -- it is up to me. + +Any advice as to which option I should choose? +[Post 1: Basics: CALL, PUT, exercise, ITM, ATM, OTM](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdft5z/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_1_of_4/) + +[Post 2: Basics: Buying and Selling, the Greeks](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdg9xc/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_2_of_4/) + +**Post 3a: Simple Strategies** + +[Post 3b: Advanced Strategies](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hgp05y/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_3b_of_4/) + +[Post 4a: Example of trades (short puts, covered calls, and verticals)](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hlb9ns/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_4a_of_4/) + +[Post 4b: Example of trades (calendars and hedges)](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hu8uh9/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_last_post_part/) + +`---` + +Ok. So I lied. This post was getting way too long, so I had to split in two (3a and [3b](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hgp05y/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_3b_of_4/)) + +In the previous posts [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdft5z/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_1_of_4/) and [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdg9xc/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_2_of_4/), I explained how to buy and sell options, and how their price is calculated and evolves over time depending on the share price, volatility, and days to expiration. + +In this post 3a (and the next [3b](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hgp05y/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_3b_of_4/)), I am going to explain in more detail how and when you can use multiple contracts together to create more profitable trades in various market conditions. + +Just a reminder of the building blocks: + +You expect that, by expiration, the stock price will … + +... go up more than the premium you paid → Buy a call + +… go down more than the premium you paid → Buy a put + +... not go up more than the premium you got paid → Sell a call + +... not go down more than the premium you got paid → Sell a put + +**Buying Straight Calls:** + +But why would you buy calls to begin with? Why not just buy the underlying shares? Conversely, why would you buy puts? Why not just short the underlying shares? + +Let’s take long shares and long calls as an example, but this applies with puts as well. + +If you were to buy 100 shares of the company ABC currently trading at $20. You would have to spend $2000. Now imagine that the share price goes up to $25, you would now have $2500 worth of shares. Or a 25% profit. + +If you were convinced that the price would go up, you could instead buy call options ATM or OTM. For example, an ATM call with a strike of $20 might be worth $2 per share, so $200 per contract. You buy 10 contracts for $2000, so the same cost as buying 100 shares. Except that this time, if the share price hits $25 at expiration, each contract is now worth $500, and you now have $5000, for a $3000 gain, or a 150% profit. You could even have bought an OTM call with a strike of $22.50 for a lower premium and an even higher profit. + +But it is fairly obvious that this method of buying calls is a good way to lose money quickly. When you own shares, the price goes up and down, but as long as the company does not get bankrupt or never recovers, you will always have your shares. Sometimes you just have to be very patient for the shares to come back (buying an index ETF increases your chances there). But by buying $2000 worth of calls, if you are wrong on the direction, the amplitude, or the time, those options become worthless, and it’s a 100% loss, which rarely happens when you buy shares. + +Now, you could buy only one contract for $200. Except for the premium that you paid, you would have a similar profit curve as buying the shares outright. You have the advantage though that if the stock price dropped to $15, instead of losing $500 by owning the shares, you would only lose the $200 you paid for the premium. However, if you lose these $200 the first month, what about the next month? Are you going to bet $200 again, and again… You can see that buying calls outright is not scalable long term. You need a very strong conviction over a specific period of time. + +**How to buy cheaper shares? Sell Cash Covered Put.** + +Let’s continue on the example above with the company ABC trading at $20. You may think that it is a bit expensive, and you consider that $18 is a more acceptable price for you to own that company. + +You could sell a put ATM with a $20 strike, for $2. Your break-even point would be $18, i.e. you would start losing money if the share price dropped below $18. But also remember that if you did buy the shares outright, you would have lost more money in case of a price drop, because you did not get a premium to offset that loss. If the price stays above $20, your return for the month will be 11% ($200 / $1800). + +Note that in this example, we picked the ATM strike of $20, but you could have picked a lower strike for your short put, like an OTM strike of $17.50. Sure, the premium would be lower, maybe $1 per share, but your break-even point would drop from $18 to $16.50 (only 6% return then per month, not too shabby). + +The option trade will usually be written like this: + +SELL -1 ABC 100 17 JUL 20 17.5 PUT @ 1.00 + +This means we sold 1 PUT on ABC, 100 shares per contract, the expiration date is July 17, 2020, and the strike is $17.5, and we sold it for $1 per share (so $100 credit minus fees). + +With your $20 short put, you will get assigned the shares if the price drops below $20 and you keep it until expiration, however, you will have paid them the equivalent of $18 each (we’ll actually talk more about the assignment later). If your short put expires worthless, you keep the premium, and you may decide to redo the same trade again. The share price may have gone up so much that the new ATM strike does not make you comfortable, and that’s fine as you were not willing to spend more than $18 per share, to begin with, anyway. You will have to wait for some better conditions. + +This strategy is called a cash covered put. In a taxable account, depending on your broker, you can have it on margin with no cash needed (you will need to have some other positions to provide the buying power). Beware that if you don’t have the cash to cover the shares, it is adding some leverage to your overall position. **Make sure you account for all your potential risks at all times.** The nice thing about this position is that as long as you are not assigned, you don’t actually need to borrow some money, it won’t cost you anything. In an IRA account, you will need to have the cash available for the assignment (remember in this example, you only need $1800, plus trading fees). + +**Let’s roll!** + +Now one month later, the share price is between $18 and $22, there are few days of expiration left, and you don’t want to be assigned, but you want to continue the same process for next month. You could close the current position, and reopen a new short put, or you could in one single transaction buy back your current short put, and sell another put for next month. Doing one trade instead of two is usually cheaper because you reduce the slippage cost. The closing of the old position and re-opening of a new short position for the next expiration is called rolling the short option (from month to month, but you can also do this with weekly options). + +The croll can be done a week or even a few days before expiration. Remember to avoid expiration days, and be careful being short an option on ex-dividend dates. When you roll month to month with the same strike, for most cases, you will get some money out of it. However, the farther your strike is from the current share price, the less additional premium you will get (due to the lower extrinsic value on the new option), and it can end up being close to $0. At that point, given the risk incurred, you may prefer to close the trade altogether or just be assigned. During the roll, depending on if the share price moved a bit, you can adjust the roll up or down. For example, you buy back your short put at $18, and you sell a new short put at $17 or $19, or whatever value makes the most sense. + +**Assignment** + +Now, let’s say that the share price finally dropped below $20, and you decided not to roll, or it dropped so much that the roll would not make sense. You ended up getting your shares assigned at a strike price of $18 per share. Note that the assigned share may have a current price much lower than $18 though. If that’s the case, remember that you earned more money than if you bought the shares outright at $20 (at least, you got to keep the $2 premium). And if you rolled multiple times, every premium that you got is additional money in your account. + +**Want to sell at a premium? Sell Covered Calls.** + +You could decide to hold onto the shares that you got at a discount, or you may decide that the stock price is going to go sideways, and you are fine collecting more theta. For example, you could sell a call at a strike of $20, for example for $1 (as it is OTM now given the stock price dropped). + +SELL -1 ABC 100 17 JUL 20 20 CALL @ 1.00 + +When close to the expiration time, you can either roll your calls again, the same way that you rolled your puts, as much as you can, or just get assigned if the share price went up. As you get assigned, your shares are called away, and you receive $2000 from the 100 shares at $20 each. Except that you accumulated more money due to all the premiums you got along the way. + +This sequence of the short put, roll, roll, roll, assignment, the short call, roll, roll, roll, is called the wheel. + +It is a great strategy to use when the market is trading sideways and volatility is high (like currently). It is a low-risk trade provided that the share you pick is not a risky one (pick a market ETF to start) perfect to get create some income with options. There are two drawbacks though: + +* If the share dropped too much, you are stuck with it. + +You will have to be patient for the share to go back up, but often you can end up with many shares at a loss if the market has been tanking. As a rule of thumb, if I get assigned, I never ever sell a call below my assignment strike minus the premium. In case the market jumps back up, I can get back to my original position, with an additional premium on the way. Market and shares can drop like a stone and bounce back up very quickly (you remember this March and April?), and you really don’t want to lock a loss. + +Here is a very quick example of something to not do: Assigned at $18, current price is $15, sell a call at $16 for $1, share goes back up to $22. I get assigned at $16. In summary, I bought a share at $18, and sold it at $17 ($16 + $1 premium), I lost $1 between the two assignments. That’s bad. + +* If the share goes up too fast, you missed some opportunity for gain, potentially big gains. + +You will have to find some other companies to do the wheel on. If it softens the blow a bit, your retirement account may be purely long, so you’ll not have totally missed the upside anyway. + +A short put is a bullish position. A short call is a bearish position. Alternating between the two gives you a strategy looking for a reversion to the mean. Both of these positions are positive theta, and negative vega (see part 2). + +Now that I explained the advantage of the long calls and puts, and how to use short calls and puts, we can explore a combination of both. + +**Verticals** + +Most option beginners are going to use long calls (or even puts). They are going to gain some money here and there, but for most parts, they will lose money. It is worse if they profited a bit at the beginning, they became confident, bet a bigger amount, and ended up losing a lot. They either buy too much (50% of my account on this call trade that can’t fail), too high of a volatility (got to buy those NKLA calls or puts), or too short / too long of an expiration (I don’t want to lose theta, or I overspent on theta). + +As we discussed earlier, a straight long call or put is one of the worst positions to be in. You are significantly negative theta and positive vega. But if you take a step back, you will realize that not accounting for the premium, buying a call gives you the upside of stock up to the infinity (and buying a put gives you the upside of the stock going to $0). But in reality, you rarely are betting that the stock will go to infinity (or to $0). You are often just betting that the stock will go up (or down) by X%. Although the stock could go up (or down) by more than X%, you intuitively understand that there is a smaller chance for this to happen. Options are giving you leverage already, you don’t need to target even more gain. + +**More importantly, you probably should not pay for a profit/risk profile that you don’t think is going to happen.** + +Enter verticals. It is a combination of long and short calls (or puts). Say, the company ABC trades at $20, you want to take a bullish position, and the ATM call is $2. You probably would be happy if the stock reaches $25, and you don’t think that it will go much higher than that. + +You can buy a $20 call for $2, and sell a $25 call for $0.65. You will get the upside from $20 to $25, and you let someone else take the $25 to infinity range (highly improbable). The cost is $1.35 per share ($2.00 - $0.65). + +BUY +1 VERTICAL ABC 100 17 JUL 20 20/25 CALL @ 1.35 + +This position is interesting for multiple reasons. First, you still get the most probable range for profitability ($20 to $25). Your cost is $1.35 so 33% cheaper than the long call, and your max profit is $5 - $1.35 = $3.65. So your max gain is 270% of the risked amount, and this is for only a 25% increase in the stock price. This is really good already. You reduced your dependency on theta and vega, because the short side of the vertical is reducing your long side’s. You let someone else pay for it. + +Another advantage is that it limits your max profit, and it is not a bad thing. Why is it a good thing? Because it is too easy to be greedy and always wanting and hoping for more profit. The share reached $25. What about $30? It reached $30, what about $35? Dang it dropped back to $20, I should have sold everything at the top, now my call expires worthless. But with a vertical, you know the max gain, and you paid a premium for an exact profit/risk profile. As soon as you enter the vertical, you could enter a close order at 90% of the max value (buy at $1.35, sell at $4.50), good till to cancel, and you hope that the trade will eventually be executed. It can only hit 100% profit at expiration, so you have to target a bit less to get out as soon as you can once you have a good enough profit. This way you lock your profit, and you have no risk anymore in case the market drops afterwards. + +These verticals (also called spreads) can be bullish or bearish and constructed as debit (you pay some money) or credit (you get paid some money). The debit or credit versions are equivalent, the credit version has a bit of a higher chance to get assigned sooner, but as long as you check the extrinsic value, ex-dividend date, and are not too deep ITM you will be fine. I personally prefer getting paid some money, I like having a bigger balance and never have to pay for margin. :) + +Here are the 4 trades for a $20 share price: + +CALL BUY 20 ATM / SELL 25 OTM - Bullish spread - Debit + +CALL BUY 25 OTM / SELL 20 ATM - Bearish spread - Credit + +PUT BUY 20 ATM / SELL 25 ITM - Bullish spread - Credit + +PUT BUY 25 ITM / SELL 20 ATM - Bearish spread - Debit + +Because both bullish trades are equivalent, you will notice that they both have the same profit/risk profile (despite having different debit and credit prices due to the OTM/ITM differences). Same for the bearish trades. Remember that the cost of an ITM option is greater than ATM, which in turn is greater than an OTM. And that relationship is what makes a vertical a credit or a debit. + +I understand that it can be a lot to take in. Let’s take a step back here. I picked a $20/$25 vertical, but with the share price at $20, I could have a similar $5 spread with $15/$20 (with the same 4 constructs). Or instead of 1 vertical $20/$25, I could have bought 5 verticals $20/$21. This is a $5 range as well, except that it has a higher probability for the share to be above $21. However, it also means that the spread will be more expensive (you’ll have to play with your broker tool to understand this better), and it also increases the trading fees and potentially overall slippage, as you have 5 times more contracts. Or you could even decide to pick OTM $25/$30, which would be even cheaper. In this case, you don’t need the share to reach $30 to get a lot of profit. The contracts will be much cheaper (for example, like $0.40 per share), and if the share price goes up to $25 quickly long before expiration, the vertical could be worth $1.00, and you would have 150% of profit without the share having to reach $30. + +If you decide to trade these verticals the first few times, look a lot at the numbers before you trade to make sure you are not making a mistake. With a debit vertical, the most you can lose per contract is the premium you paid. With a credit vertical, the most you can lose is the difference between your strikes, minus the premium you received. + +**One last but important note about verticals:** + +If your short side is too deep ITM, you may be assigned. It happens. If you bought some vertical with a high strike value, for example: + +SELL +20 VERTICAL SPY 100 17 JUL 20 350/351 PUT @ 0.95 + +Here, not accounting for trading fees and slippage, you paid $0.95 per share for 20 contracts that will be worth $1 per share if SPY is less than $350 by mid-July, which is pretty certain. That’s a 5% return in 4 weeks (in reality, the trading fees are going to reduce most of that). Your actual risk on this trade is $1900 (20 contracts \* 100 shares \* $0.95) plus trading fees. That’s a small trade, however the underlying instrument you are controlling is much more than that. + +Let’s see this in more detail: You enter the trade with a $1900 potential max loss, and you get assigned on the short put side (strike of $350) after a few weeks. Someone paid expensive puts and exercised 20 puts with a strike of $350 on their existing SPY shares (2000 of them, 20 contracts \* 100 shares). You will suddenly receive 2000 shares on your account, that you paid $350 each. Thus your balance is going to show -$700,000 (you have 2000 shares to balance that). + +If that happens to you: **DON’T PANIC. BREATHE. YOU ARE FINE.** + +You owe $700k to your broker, but you have roughly the same amount in shares anyway. You are STILL protected by your long $351 puts. If the share price goes up by $1, you gain $2000 from the shares, but your long $351 put will lose $2000. Nothing changed. If the share price goes down by $1, you lose $2000 from the shares, but your long $350 put will gain $2000. Nothing changed. Just close your position nicely by selling your shares first, and just after selling your puts. Some brokers can do that in one single trade (put based covered stock). Don’t let the panic set in. Remember that you are hedged. Don’t forget about the slippage, don’t let the market makers take advantage of your panic. Worst case scenario, if you use a quality broker with good customer service, call them, and they will close your position for you, especially if this happens in an IRA. + +The reason I am insisting so much on this is because of last week’s [event](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/young-robinhood-trader-kills-himself-over-730000-loss). Yes, the RH platform may have shown incorrect numbers for a while, but before you trade options you need to understand the various edge cases. Again if this happens to you, don’t panic, breathe, and please be safe. + +This concludes my post 3a. We talked about the trade-offs between buying shares, buying calls instead, selling puts to get some premium to buy some shares at a cheaper price, rolling your short puts, getting your puts assigned, selling calls to get some additional money in sideways markets, rolling your short calls, having your calls assigned too. We talked about the wheel, being this whole sequence spanning multiple months. After that, we discussed the concept of verticals, with bullish and bearish spreads that can be either built as a debit or a credit. + +And if there is one thing you need to learn from this, avoid buying straight calls or puts but use verticals instead, especially if the volatility is very high. And do not ever sell naked calls, again use verticals. + +The [next](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hgp05y/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_3b_of_4/) post will explain more advanced and interesting option strategies. + +`---` + +[Post 1: Basics: CALL, PUT, exercise, ITM, ATM, OTM](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdft5z/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_1_of_4/) + +[Post 2: Basics: Buying and Selling, the greeks](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hdg9xc/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_2_of_4/) + +**Post 3a: Simple Strategies** + +[Post 3b: Advanced Strategies](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hgp05y/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_3b_of_4/) + +[Post 4a: Example of trades (short puts, covered calls, and verticals)](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hlb9ns/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_part_4a_of_4/) + +[Post 4b: Example of trades (calendars and hedges)](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/hu8uh9/how_to_not_get_ruined_with_options_last_post_part/) +Today is the first time I feel bearish about AAPL. It's a money making machine but stock goes higher because of future earning / innovation potential and not because of how successful the company in the past. The headwinds include: epic trial, chip shortage leading to reduced iPad shipment and reduced future revenue, and possibly reduced iPhone 13 shipment due to no breaking changes. + +In addition to all these, already highest market cap in the market and inflation fear looming the tech sector. Since AAPL is such a big part of many indexes, the downward of indexes will affect AAPL a lot. Also, three top car division executives just left AAPL and it does not seem AAPL has made much progress in the car business which could be next big growth area for AAPL. + +Among a dozen of professional analysts, only 2 are bearish and last week New Street’s Pierre Ferragu gave a $90 price target EOY. No major banks have downgraded their outlook for AAPL and the consensus median is $160, average is $157.10, high is $185. + +What do you think about AAPL? + +Update: glad I did not open short position yesterday lol +I'm just wondering how regular people on regular incomes afford sydney? + +I'm from a smaller city in aus and I genuinely don't understand how to people, earning regular incomes, afford to pay for a house and live in Sydney comfortably. + +Are people living pay check to pay check? + +I'm 30 years old and would love to live there, but it doesn't seem to make financial sense for me because my family isn't from there and can't get help and would live a pretty uninteresting lifestyle based o what I could afford + +Edit: so far no one has really been able to give a concrete answer eg I get paid x amount, y amount goes towards mortgage, leaving me to live off z amount and save so much per month +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +The SEC needs to step up and get rid of all the things that are ruining the system. The HFs and DTCC let this situation get this bad and they need to pay. Cmon GG, make some moves. Atobitt is revealing some deep shit so your work is done for you. + +&#x200B; + +I'm honestly pissed. But I'm holding. I will hold as long as I need to for these HFs to be destroyed. +Just relax….this can go up all day and then they literally push it down to below what we opened….if your heart is racing now, imagine when it actually goes to 1k+, anything before that is meh. I know a lot of you haven’t been in since below $40, but take it easy. Be Zen, we’re not there yet, might’ve not even started. + +Shoutout to my brother/sister apes that held down to $40 and back up! + +Edit: for those of you saying “let people be happy”, or “no shit it’s not the moass” it’s a tiny run up and we have a lot of new apes. Many have not seen it go up $20 and have no idea if this is moass or not. Others put their entire life savings into this and don’t know where to go. If you’ve been in this for a while, it might seem obvious to you, but not them. I also see cringey post at times and wonder ugh, here we go again, but then I remember, not everyone has been in it a long time. We have 660k+ members, remember that and move on. + +Edit 2: Getting some hate for this post. Seems like some of you apes are tired. Stay strong, there’s new baby apes… stay humble and remember Ape don’t fight Ape. Stay hyped everyone, stay calm, and we’ll take off eventually. + +Edit 3: didn’t think this would blow up so much. Really just wanted the new apes to take it easy, enjoy the moment, and not get discouraged when crime is afoot. But a big thanks to everyone for the Internet points and I was glad to briefly chat with some of the other $40 apes. +Immutable X is a layer 2 system for building and transferring NFTs cheap and quickly. Without layer 2, building and transferring NFTs is like the state of Texas trying to process mail with 5 post offices in the entire state. **Layer 2 is necessary.** + +The way assets move between marketplaces and blockchains is by securing them with **encryption**. + +[Quantum computers can brute force attack modern encryption schemes with its raw processing power](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00339-5) \- allowing it to attempt many more passwords or keys than a conventional computer due to its processing units being able to exist in a state of *superposition -* allowing the CPU to test many solutions at once. + +Every computer system is vulnerable to these types of attacks - [and they could be widespread as soon as 5 years.](https://www.verdict.co.uk/todays-encryption-crackable-by-quantum-computing-in-five-years-73-of-cybersecurity-pros-say/) Banks, governments, crypto - everything. + +**Except Immutable X.** + +Enter [Starkware](https://starkware.co/stark/). Starkware is a company Immutable X has worked with to build it's secure encryption scheme *(zero knowledge proofs, zkSTARKS)* that will be used for verifying data for its marketplace. + +That encryption scheme will be the first ever **quantum-resistant encryption scheme** used for ~~transaction data and financial data.~~ a large-scale, multi-asset marketplace. + +[The NSA has been working on a quantum computer for breaking encryption since at least 2014.](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/nsa-working-on-quantum-computer-to-break-any-encryption/) Other countries and companies have been doing the same. Multiple technology standard committees in the US have declared the need for quantum-resistant encryption since at least 2015. + +Technology like the type that Gamestop will be utilizing in its NFT marketplace is the type of technology the US needs to stay protected and relevant in the *very near future*. + +There are likely many, many more things happening behind the scenes than people realize. In Gamestop, there's a lot more at stake than just it's investors money. **The US has a deep economic and strategic need to see Gamestop succeed.** + +Let that sink in. +[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/house-prices-break-250k-market-shows-signs-losing-steam/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/consumer-affairs/house-prices-break-250k-market-shows-signs-losing-steam/) + +The average house price in the UK has risen 7.5% since October last year. With the median household income standing at \~£30k houses now cost 8x average earnings. This means even if lenders are willing to offer 4x salary mortgages (£120k), buyers will need a £130k deposit. + +Are we reaching an affordability ceiling? Will we see a slow down or correction in 2021/2022? Will we see mass layoffs when furlough comes to an end in March? At the same time the stamp duty holiday comes to an end. Will the end of mortgage holidays result in mass defaults? Will the market see an increase in supply when the older generation passes on their wealth and their children wish to sell their houses to split the inheritance? + +Or will the dream of owning continue to drive up prices, with people normalizing spending larger and larger percenatges of their income on housing? Will the demand for home offices and greater space for home working justify higher prices? Will cities outside of London see prices rise due to greater flexibility of remote working? + +What are everyones thoughts? +Greetings folks, I'm from Lebanon where the minimum wage is now less then $40 due to hyperinflation. + +I'm one of the lucky ones to earn a salary of around $90 as a graphic designer, however I think there's a lot of opportunity in the crypto space to earn some supplementary income. + +Banks are dysfunctional here, so I can't make use of freelance websites. + +Also I feel guilty and gross when "mining" moon on this sub so that's out of the equation I think for now. + +Thanks in advance! +Hello friends! In case you don’t know, I currently work at a credit repair company and I just want to spread a piece of information that I think more people need to know: + +If you get an email/phone call/ text/ letter from some kind of company (it could be a car company, a loan company, credit car company doesn’t matter) saying that you’ve been “pre-approved” that literally means nothing. It’s purely just them using a good marketing tactic. + +The literal meaning of “pre-approved” is “at a stage before approval”. Which is the stupidest thing ever because anyone could be pre-approved for anything. Technically I am pre-approved to be the President of the United States. + +“Pre-approved” is a meaningless statement in the credit world, meant to lure people into applying for things. Which if you have bad credit, applying and getting denied for things just makes it worse. Don’t fall for it. + + +EDIT: Hey guys, so I’ve got a lot of people telling me how wrong I am, which is fine. The thing is is that yes, some companies will actually pre-approve you in the sense that you are guaranteed to receive whatever it is you’re applying for. I would like to emphasize though that that is NOT the vast majority of cases. + +You can just google pre-approval and come up with the same thing I just told you. + +The thing that I want for you all to take away from this is DO YOUR RESEARCH. Get informed, know what you’re applying for. Read the fine print. Ignorance is how people get their credit screwed up, don’t let that happen to you. + +A lot of people are rooting for big exhanges like Binance and Kraken to freeze Russian people's crypto account. + +This is plain bullshit. If you're rooting for this then you have no single fucking idea what crypto actually is. + +Crypto = Freedom. + +Freezing a specific country's citizens account because of their dictator president decided to go for a war is bullshit. + +There are millions of people in Russia who don't want a war and hate Putin. You can't hold those people accountable because of their dcitator president's decisions. + +Crypto is for the people. Crypto is Freedom. No matter what. + +P.s. Fuck Putin +We are in Massachusetts though I'm not sure what other information I should be including here. But I'm asking for advice on what I can do to help in this situation. + +She was a stay at home mom and only has a high school diploma. She has off and on part time job experience but nothing full time within the last 20 years. + +She's frantically searching for a job and even has an interview as an office assistant next week but is freaking out that she can't pay the July bills. + +I moved back in with her and am starting a funded PhD position in September at which point I can contribute more directly to the finances. I'm working now but not making enough to contribute much more than paying the water bill or her phone bill every month. + +I guess I'm here to ask people more experienced than me what we can do to make sure my mom can live at least comfortably from now on. + +Edit: some more information that seems pertinent is that + +1. She owns the house +2. She knows she needs to work but is more worried about building up a retirement account +3. I will be contributing around 500 a month +4. We live in a lower cost of living area than Boston + +Edit 2: Holy Moly! You guys really came through with solid advice! I expected maybe like 10 replies! Thank you all so much for this help! +Hey yall- I've been learning for the past few years that a big part of why I had so many troubles saving and budgeting were because i had little to no financial literacy. I didn't know much about bank accounts, savings, loans, student loans, making a budget, ect. + +&#x200B; + +I started dating this amazing woman who didn't grow up poor, and i was astonished to find that a huge difference between our saving and spending habits came from the fact that she was taught about finances at an early age. Where i spend money on food because i get scared ill go hungry she buys what she needs and saves. Where i cant always see how spending 5$here and 110 $ there is bad she counts every dollar, and as such can really save. + +&#x200B; + +This kind of inspired me- i started learning about different financial terminology, the basics of budgeting adn saving, and other stuff- the truth is that i learned SO MUCH. I'm still not in the best place financially. I have no savings- I am only starting to pay off debt, but in the end even the small steps im taking is making a huge difference. so in the spirit of this i want to share what i've learned because maybe itll help someone. + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Banking 101 + +Ok so, banks may seem like the most basic thing ever- but the truth is for a long time i didnt even want a bank account, it seemed like a useless way to store money that i needed and way gonna use. Plus overdraft fees terrified me. Turns out I was holding myself back quite a bit. + +&#x200B; + +Important definitions: + +* **Bank:** a financial establishment that invests money deposited by customers, pays it out when required, makes loans at interest, and exchanges currency. +* **Credit union: t**ype of financial co-operative. They're nonprofit-making money cooperative whose members can borrow from pooled deposits at low interest rates. +* **FDIC:** The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (**FDIC**) is an independent federal agency insuring deposits in U.S. banks and thrifts in the event of bank failures. They insure that in the event of a bank failing you get some of your money insured. +* **Annual Percentage Yield** – APY is the amount of interest you’ll get on the money you have deposited in your bank account each year. It’s the amount the bank pays you for keeping funds in their account. used for savings accounts. +* **Deposit:** The cash you put into a bank account, the bank holds this money for you and either holds it or invests it. +* **Balance:** How much money is in your account +* **Available Balance:** How much money you actually have access to +* **Overdraft**: When you take too much money out of an account and your balance is negative. Banks sometimes have fees for this + +SO with all that out of the way... + +# Why have a bank account? + +The truth is in today's market you don't always need one. Before when i didn't have one i would cash my cheques directly for about 3$. The teller at the store knew me, and sometimes would let me get an extra 10 or 20$ in advance, knowing that id have a cheque for her later. As i started earning more though I also realized a few things: + +* Building a credit history: people need to know you, wanna get an apartment? need credit. wanna get a cerd? a loan? anything? credit. +* Banks keep money safe: its not safe to carry around 100s of dollars. This seems obvious but the anxiety i felt coming home with cash in my bag was ridiculous. Not only that my apartment got broken into and my computer stolen- what if they'd found my cash too? +* Its actually more convenient: Wanna buy shit online? done. Wanna use plastic for everything? done. wanna do literally anything that requires a card? done. +* You can save: So eventually the hope is that youre making more money than youre spending. Its used to be that if that happened i would just spend that too. But no- a savings account actually allows you to keep that money away, safe, where you need it for emergencies or whatever. + +Ok so all of that probably seemed really obvious. It wasnt for me and maybe i'm a dumbass, I get that. So finally lets talk about... + +# Opening an account + +&#x200B; + +First- Bank or Co-op? + +Big banks have the advantage of convenience and the ability to be everywhere, that said Co-ops tend to be more family friendly, you get to know the community, are much more personal, and usually have better loans. Honestly here its all about preference. I have an account with a local Co-op, which gives me access to a lot of great offers- but i also have a bank account with a big bank. The big bank u use for checking, the co-op for savings. It works for me. Look at what you have nearby and what they require and choose what fits you best. + +Second you need to choose what type of account, for the sake of this guide we'll talk about checking and savings. + +|Checking account|Savings account| +|:-|:-| +|Used to store money, pay bills, get a card, write cheques|Used to store money long term, save money, build an emergency fund| + +So once youve identified what kind of account youll be getting you need to figure out where you want to open one- so what should we be looking for? + +&#x200B; + +Checking: + +* Look for accounts that have no monthly fees. You dont want to lose money by paying a fee every month jsut to store money in the account. +* No overdraft fees. Right now theres a wide enough selection that you can get an account with no overdraft fees- protecting you from the RIDICULOUS fees that can come with an overdraft. +* Good online presence. The truth is nowadays having a convenient way to look at your accounts wherever is super amazing and useful. Even my tiny co-op has an app. + +Savings: + +* Look for higher interest/APY the higher the more they pay you for keeping your money in there +* Look for accounts with no monthly fees. Seriously, youre already giving them your money dont let them keep it. +* Mobile deposits. For those of us who get paper cheques its nice to just snap a pic. +* No transfer fees. Most of the time you open a checking and savings account together- you can only transfer money out of a savings account a certain amount of times a month before they start charging you, this is due to federal regulatory stuff- keep an eye on it. + +So now youve found some account you like with banks you think are ok- whats next? + +&#x200B; + +To open an account you need a minimum deposit- this varies depending on your bank. Some require just 1.50$ others 25$, others 50$ I suggest writing whatever your deposit is as money lost and ALWAYS keep that minimum there. That said i can never do that, but hey- dont be like me, be better than me. + +&#x200B; + +So what now? + +&#x200B; + +Thats it, thats this guide. Note that there are many other checking accounts, savings accounts, money market, IRA, and a bunch of other bullshit. The truth is that when your poor that shit is out of our league. just having a good checking and savings account is a huge step for a lot of us- so with this guide i wanted to start there. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks yall, let me know what you think and i hope this can help someone. +I have been able to get 10 year CAGR of Indian Stocks listed in NSE. I was not able to find 15 year and 20 year CAGR. Anyone has any idea where some websites show 15 year and 20 year CAGR. +What do you think, any niche sub sectors in your mind, or you believe that increasing duties on Chinese, Korean chemicals is just a temporary dangling of carrots? + +Edit: along with chemicals, pleas include "APIs" sector also in your consideration . Thanks +For months, nothing happened on any front. Everything crabbed. Sure X jumped a few bucks and Y had a decent month, but nothing exploded. It was all contained in a vat of redundancy with the hopes that: + +A) People would lose faith and jump ship + +B) people would simply lose interest and take their meager gains to buy a nice dinner or a new pair of shoes + +Nothing happened. They had time on their side and tried to capitalize on it by letting time do the work. + +Fast forward to now. You have crazy shit popping off and doing ridiculous things while generate ridiculous returns. This would be confusing had many people not pointed out that this would happen MONTHS ago. This would be concerning had people not explicitly stated that this VERY THING would happen EXACTLY as it is happening. It’s soothing and extremely satisfying knowing that every major piece of DD was right. These “meme stocks” are going off, and I mean exploding. They’re plastered all over the news with no explanation other than “Reddit stocks go up”. No research, no DD, just “Reddit stocks up”. All of them. + +Except for GME, that is. + +Ask yourself why? Why is GameStop left off the list? Why is nobody covering the copious amounts of DD and research behind GME and instead plastering “zOMG meme stocks up!!!!” All over the place? I hate to beat the proverbial dead horse, but it is THE distraction to end all distractions. You need to understand this. Nothing happened for months and now, suddenly, meme stocks are takingthefuckoff? The week before the shareholder meeting where vote counts will be revealed? Do you believe in major, major coincidences? + +Let the others have their runs. Let them enjoy their gains. Everything you see from these other “meme” stocks will be an afterthought when the main event starts; these are simply openers, warm-up acts. It’s the final act of desperation preceding the coup de grâce. + +Hold on and hold tight. I’m not shaken. I am ready. I recommend that you prepare yourselves as well +The coin market just crashed as much as 40% in some popular coins and 25% drop in the main coins. This all started at almost exactly at midnight EST. So this leads me to speculate that someone was margin called today (or the day before) and had until midnight tonight to get the funds. Midnight comes and they must of not had the funds and got liquidated. If this is true I think moac might have just started and next week will be a blood bath. +News have mentioned this a few times that people will get back to consuming instead of saving and that the overall economy will go up. + +They never seem to give any details though, like which sectors specifically, perhaps the hospitality and travel sectors, however they make up a negligible amount of UK GDP. + +So keeping this in mind, do you believe we are going to have a boom in economy post-Covid and if yes, which specific companies would you invest in? +News have mentioned this a few times that people will get back to consuming instead of saving and that the overall economy will go up. + +They never seem to give any details though, like which sectors specifically, perhaps the hospitality and travel sectors, however they make up a negligible amount of UK GDP. + +So keeping this in mind, do you believe we are going to have a boom in economy post-Covid and if yes, which specific companies would you invest in? +Are you still adding recovery stocks to your portfolio? If so, what types? Cruises? Airlines? Hotels? + +I've been heavily investing in them since March / April. Having seen considerable returns on them, I'm contemplating doubling down. Interested to hear what stocks you're still buying. +I am just getting started with real estate and I'm trying to develop my strategies. I'm trying to decide how much cash to keep in reserve for unexpected expenses or vacancies. Any advice is appreciated. +Hello everyone, + +&#x200B; + +My parent's have recently decided to retire; This means that they are looking to sell the house. Before they sell it to a random buyer, they have offered it to all of the children at a pretty incredible price (500k to us from a 700k valuation). None of my 2 other siblings were interested so it is falling to me. + +&#x200B; + +I was very interested in getting in to real estate investing, but there are four factors that make me very hesitant in this situation: + +&#x200B; + +1.) I currently live in California, the house is in Massachusetts. This means I would likely be hiring a property manager. + +2.) I am eventually interested in moving to Massachusetts and living in this home; is this viable once the home is made into an investment property or is it too difficult to get a tenant to leave? + +3.) This is a large (4bd3ba) house and is relatively pricey for the area. Is there a significant market to rent out this type of property? + +4.) I am (at least I feel) too young and inexperienced for a property this valuable. I am only 23. I am, however, married and have a combined income of around 200k/yr. + +As of now, my plan would be to hire a property manager and attempt to rent the property out for around 4-5 years. After this time frame I should be able to find a job in the area and move back to raise kids of my own. + +If you have any advice or were ever in a similar situation I would absolutely love the input. Thanks! +As an American, a pipe dream of mine has always been to own a second, modest home in France and live there for 3-4 months per year. I've been running potential numbers lately to see how realistic this dream might be, and I think I could eventually make it work *only if* I can rent it out while my family isn't there. + +I would likely purchase something close to the Alps, so skiing would be the biggest draw. I would probably end up doing short-term rentals through something like Airbnb with a solid property manager. + +Has anyone ever done something like this? What sort of returns do you target? If I could generate enough rental income just to cover the mortgage, I'd be happy, but I'm curious if there is an industry standard. + +Thanks in advance! +Hello! I am working with my attorney on the creation of an LLC/transfer of the property into it (closing my first property today). We noticed on the closing docs the callout of changing ownership could result in calling of the total loan. My mortgage broker who is a friend of mine says that is standard for investment properties, and that everyone just transfers them anyway since the note holder isn’t notified. He also mentioned if found out I would just transfer ownership back to myself. Is all of this true? What is the best course of action? Any help is greatly appreciated!! +when talking to some people it's amazing how many have just totally shunned the market and stayed out since 2008. A friend I recently spoke to makes good money, is an Engineer and says the market is rigged so he wants no part of it as he says markets can crash and he can lose it all. Another co-worker said he has expenses and just can't afford to invest in the market - guy makes six figures but has a big mortgage and kids expenses. + +Who here stayed out of the market and is willing to admit it LOL? When I mention stayed out I mean had significant amounts in cash rather than investments until the late '17 or later. +Soo i’m a day trader that plays mostly options, i hardly own shares or invest in mutual funds, ETFs, long term stuff like that. I have a 401k through my job, but that’s it. + +I’m looking into setting up my 2 year old daughter financially. When she turns 18, I want her to be better off than I was when I turned 18. + +I’m looking for advice on what stable long term investments i can throw a 300 or 400 at monthly for 16 years that will yield good returns. I know nobody can predict the future but I have 0 knowledge when it comes to long term investments + +Any input is appreciated +I have about $10k I’m looking to use in my Schwab account to save for a down payment in the next 5-10 years. I’ve seen a lot of recommendations for total stock market, information technology, and semi-conductors ETFs. Any in particular that you are excited about for growth in the next 10 years? +Are any economic theories reproducible or provable? Just from my vantage point, there doesn't seem to be much hard science when it comes to economics. Show me some proofs. + +**Edit** Thanks for all the replies, even the disagreements are interesting. Special thanks for the book recommendations. +Just a thought, would love opinions on it. + +I see a lot of people bemoaning the fact that they didn't make as much as they realized they could have if they had waited to sell covered options. The truth of the matter is that we will almost never optimize a trade and will always leave some amount of money on the table. + +Instead of regretting the fact that a stock has blown past your covered call, remember that when you sold it you decided it would make you enough money to satisfy the risk you felt like you were taking by buying 100 shares. + +I'm all about the movement, but I'm not in this as a charity, I'm in it to make a lot of money and to ideally do it with as little risk as possible. So I for one won't be disappointed by 100% weekly returns, even if means I could have made 200% by holding out a little longer. + +Disclaimer, I own several BANG shares and plan on selling CCs weeklies on them. +What is everyone's take on a recession coming and fast? + +Historically there are some excellent indicators that almost always precede recessions. + +A few of them are the title of this thread. Additionals are that the dollar is rising (global recession, money is flowing into the US like a giant sinkhole because the rest of the world is imploding, too) and worse, Gold is rising. + +Gold is near a top and won't come down. The reason this is bad is because rates are higher, so the "real rate yield" should be lower - assuming inflation is staying the same or decreasing. + +For Gold to be going up means someone feels the pressure of inflation. Negative real rates are increasing, not decreasing, in spite of the rising rates. + +What happens when the FEDs have to take the 3-months and spike it by 25%? God forbid 50%? Which I think we will find out this next week that the FEDs intend to do a first rate hike of 0.50% and 4+ hikes. Conservative estimates have crept from 3 to 4 (CNBC), with middle estimates at 4-5 (El-Erian) and high estimates of 7 rate hikes (JPM). + +I forget who said 8 hikes, I think it was Peetry from Interactive Brokers who basically spelled out that the Balance Sheet of the FEDs is a total disaster. + +EDIT - for the losers who just say "here we go again". + +2018, 20% market correction, $600 Billion dollars per year required to be reduced from Balance Sheet. FED had to stop the program early to avoid recession near middle of 2019. + +Today - to get Balance Sheet under control today. FED targets ***$1 TRILLION PER YEAR*** reduced from balance sheet. +I’m 30 now with debt (personal loans). I finish paying off 1 out of 2 loans in February. That would free up $700 per month of my budget. However, I do want to finish up a course and get certified that will definitely move me up in my career, guaranteeing a higher salary. And by 31, I’ll be able to start saving that $700 a month for my emergency fund. And then by 32, I’ll hopefully have a higher paying job with my certificate and have paid off the other final loan. And THEN I can finally start investing. And I could probably invest $1,500 per month by then. + +Does this sound too ambitious? I feel like I’m so late to the game, and I can’t even enter it right now. Feeling discouraged… + +Edit: I don’t live in America. +I worked for a company last year for a short time and instead of paying me weekly, they paid me too lump sums - two months and three months worth of wages. This meant I paid a lot more tax then what I would have if it was paid weekly. + +This also meant I got a healthy tax refund back this year so go me right?? + +Well, I am also self employed as a photographer and get family tax benefit / carers allowance for my three children (middle one with ASD & ADHD). + +This is income tested so each year I over estimate my income and then centrelink checks my actual income when I do my tax return. They then pay me a lump sum which is mostly family tax benefit supplements. + +I got both in my bank account today. + +I go to log in to internet banking and access is denied. I call BOM and am transferred to their fraud department. +I quickly id myself and think, what's the issue here? + +The snarky woman started asking me how I got a centrelink payment and a tax return? Seriously this is pretty common for many families! + +She then informs me that my account is locked until they confirm it with the ATO which could take up to 10 days! + +I am actually dumbfounded. I understand they need to check suspicious activity but as I identified myself and confirmed I knew what the payments were - to then imply I did something wrong and question my integrity- i am furious! + +I am my families only source of income so freezing my account for up to 10 days is going to be extremely hard on us. + +We have a home loan, credit card, both my partner and I have a business and personal account with bank of melbourne and have done for years. I am turely furious. + +Has this happened to anyone else? +Most commercial public banks - sbi , pnb and private ones - kotak , icici , hdfc + +Are all offering max ~ 5 % annualized returns on fd + +How come this bank IndusInd offers 7 %? +How is it possible that a large cap bank can offer 40 % premium to it peers? + +What is it doing exactly to generate those returns which the big ones cant? + +If one does put in a big corpus what are the chances of the bank defaulting? + +I dont know but this big a premium looks shady . + +Is it another Yesbank in the making? + +And lastly being this risk seeking can be rewarding or destructive? +This and the many Christmas to come it will just be me alone and I cannot be happier. + +I just put my Christmas decorations up. It may just be fairy lights and some tinsel on my houseplant but I feel well chuffed. + +I may not be able to afford a tree or much else but I'm happy. Here's to no more homeless in 2020 or ever again. +Be Careful about the $40 DD that’s circulating + +I know we’re all apes, but let’s be human for one second and use our advanced brains: + +The post circulating claiming that hedgies can cover under $40 is bullshit and just trying to spread FUD that we LOSE when they drop it below $40 tomorrow. + +1. The original thread does some fucking INSANELY detailed DD, but he doesn’t understand you can’t cover with Puts? Almost as if the guy wrote an insanely long DD post to convince people that he’s smart and to listen to him without critically thinking... + +2. RANDOM Accounts are copy and pasting that post everywhere on r/wallstreetbets, r/wallstreetbetsnew, r/gme etc... These accounts then make some happy supporitive replies on any comment that agrees. They avoid any questioning regarding puts not being able to cover shorts. + +3. The timing is just fucking weird. They drop the price around $40, this dude somehow comes up with this insane DD based on data from 3 days ago and drops it today, right before the first day the close is $40. + +4. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/ln9d2m/regard_the_last_dd_on_why_40_matters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +5. The OP of the $40 FUD post, doesn’t once call himself a re tard or reference his favorite flavor of crayon. what the actual fuck. + +Let’s be clear. They cannot cover shorts with puts. + +Hopefully, I’m wrong about his intentions and this post helps keep the price above $40. BUT if it drops below $40, then don’t be a little paper handed bitch who believes the lies from that DD. Nothing changes, they still need to cover. Just because it’s a long post and has a lot of numbers doesn’t mean you nod and repeat after him. We are apes, not parrots. + +If it looks like a hedgie using sketch tactics to make you scared and sell, if it sounds like a hedgie using sketch tactics to make you scared and sell, it’s probably a hedgie using sketch tactics to make you scared and sell. + +Remember what DFV said today... +“I like the stock” + +Quite frankly, I agree with him and will be holding 💎🤲 + +Not financial advice. I am legitimately retarded and my favorite crayon flavor is magenta +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Didn't think I'd say this after last winter, but I am actually at an average loss again (bought in over a year ago). + +Fuck it. I'm in. Selling now makes zero sense. I believe in Ethereum, and I'm holding it regardless of if we moon or if we go straight to the bottom. Haven't sold any yet and I don't intend to. +I called TD Ameritrade to vote my shares for the upcoming proxy vote since I was unable to do it online under the shareholder library [screencap](https://i.imgur.com/e1p1vD3.png) + +A nice man named Josh told me since it's not showing up on my account, I would just need my control# which he was able to provide and directed me to (www.proxyvote.com) to vote my shares. + +I hope this is helpful to anyone who wants to (and should) vote their shares for the upcoming proxy vote. + +Update: [I voted!](https://i.imgur.com/ER83v36.png) + +Re-Edit: There are 2 websites for the vote. One from the broker (https://www.proxydocs.com/branding/962080/edocs/2021/brokers/) which takes you to proxyvote.com and another from the issuer/Gamestop (https://www.proxydocs.com/branding/962080/edocs/2021/issuer/) which takes you to https://www.proxypush.com/evote/GME/login. + +Either will work. + +Edit: Some brokers may not have the control#'s available yet. Please don't harass broker employees who are just trying to help. + +Edit: Adding proxyvote.com phone# 1-800-454-8683 + +[TO THOSE QUESTIONING THE CREDIBILITY OF THE VOTING SITES](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwxsl5/proxyvotecom_how_to_vote_your_shares_if_your/gvm6t0s/) thanks to /u/tetrine +We bought a property in Calgary, AB in 2021, and it looks like we might have to move closer to the city center. + +This is mainly to avoid a long commute to a specialized school that my special needs son need to attend. + +My understanding is we can sell our current property after two years and not pay capital gains tax. The question that I can't find out a definitive answer for: is this based on the closing date of the sale? + +Any other pointers would be appreciate. Thank you tons. +I worked for other people until three years ago when I decided to start my own business. Things took off quickly and I made around $5M+ in these three years. Company is still active, doing well, generating at least $100,000 in monthly profits. I managed to hire some people to help with day to day now leaving me to focus on the bigger picture. Unfortunately I can’t sell the company, it’s a niche business where I am the biz, it’s all about the connections, almost no financial barrier to entry. I go, business goes. So I plan to work another 2-3 years as it is still very profitable and worth my time. + +Now, the RE is where I get worried. I really want to do it. I have been saying this even before I made my money. The plan was always retire at 35 with $5M in the bank. But I am worried that I don’t know how. I live in Eastern Europe and I don’t my trust financial advisors here. I opened an investment account with a Swiss bank, put $800,000 in there but they charge a lot. And all these talks about incoming downturn make me worried to just invest in index funds. To top it off, my income is in $, most my cash is in $ but all my expense is in euro. I don’t know when to change to Eur. $ still gives good bond income if I decide to do but my currency risk is huge. For now I am ok as $ became stronger so I did ok keeping it but what’s next? + +Anyway, sorry for the rant. I got the FI part, now just need to figure out how to safely do the RE bit +This is now the buzzword in r/cryptocurency. I do get, that a lot of people entered the market to be millionaire in a fortnight like say CryptoNick or Trevon James (Yeah, these people have damaged the credibility of the millennials who invest in Crypto), but to be so salty as to call the entire space an outright scam is actually Self Denial. DYOR is the most "stated" and least "used" term in cryptocurrency. Rightfully, with just a bit of common sense, people wont even spend a penny on bitconnect. + +I do agree that >1000 projects wont even come to fruition. But apart from a few, if we look at the top 50, well, I can say, atleast 20 of them are pretty massive projects. In an entirely new ecosystem, thats developing, even if we end up getting 10 projects that serve the world some good, would that not be awesome? + +The Bears are ruling the market, but they wont rule forever. The boom continued from November to say, mid January, and it seemed never ending. This too will end. + +Here I would try to lay down some of my opinions for all the doubts and FUD that media propagate: + +1. NOT BACKED : Fiat, you will find is essentially backed by IMFs Currency Basket. The Currency Basket in itself is backed by Fiat. Thus, ultimately it pegs the whole concept of Fiat down to single entity, Trust. USD has major stronghold on the basket. This ultimately leads to a situation wherein the Currencies of other countries too, are to an extent pegged to USD, which we know is prone to whims of the FED. + +Bitcoins underlying value is in the used Protocol. Bitcoin as such is just a protocol, using a distributed, decentralized ledger and a POW based consensus mechanism for its existence. Same for ethereum, the ether protocol. While people might argue, whats the REAL asset underlying , remember its the same logic used by Brick and Mortar shops against Amazon. + +2. NOT GREEN : Lets calculate the entire energy spent by the Banking corporations, plus the energy consumption for Fiat printing, and the energy consumption for maintaining the security , and add to that the devaluation impact of fiat, and devise a parameter. Now lets compute the entire energy required for maintaining the Cryptosphere, and subtract the deflationary impact of a fixed total supply. I think Green Bankers will wet their pants in fear if such a study is conducted. + +If you hate POW, Crypto communities are working their ass out for POS, which if proven secure like POW, will end this debate forever. + +3. High Transaction Fees and Lack of scalability : This is a problem. To have utmost decentralization, low transaction fees, and high scalability all at the same time seems impossible. An optimum solution will be there. Probably we will have to do away some decentralization and security for purpose of efficiency. We are already seeing solutions like Nano, Cardano, Lightning Network. Its interesting to find out where we end. + +4. Terrorism : Bitcoin is used for Drugs and Terror Funding. Internet is used for Porn. Sound synonymous? You decide. + +5. Lack of faith in the technology : When i see most of the cryptocurrency subs, its all about "when will we break even" Or "Am selling all this since its going to zero". Try speaking logic, they will spew Venom. As if buying Bitcoin at 20k dollars and keeping it in Bitconnect was the collective fault of the crypto community. Although am just over 7-8 months in this market, i can tell the only secret to make some money here, is your Conviction. Read the whitepaper, check the team, think about it, rate it. If you cant rate it DONT invest in it. Just like I dont keep Monero, simply because i fear regulatory crackdown might come hard on it. I might be completely wrong. But then, as long as you dont have the Conviction, you will end up losing. Always, yes always, dollar cost average while buying, and take profits, if you have doubled or tripled. Set the goalposts, and dont keep on changing them. Never buy all at a time. Never sell all at a time. +Just curious for those of you that own your home outright.How Long?How much did you initially owe?Any tips? + + +Edit\* Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for commenting. I've enjoyed reading your stories and learning about each of you. Very interesting to see what everyones thought process is like on this topic! +Ya, I get it. Dips are buying opportunities. And bear markets present potentially great opportunities. And I know some of you mean it when you say you hope it keeps going down. But I don't think a huge continuous slide down is good for crypto long term. I'd rather not have prices drop 50% or 85% more. At whatever price you buy, up means profit. So, I am going to go against the trend and say I hope the market shoots up like crazy and doesn't go down further. I am ready for my downvotes now. 😆 +I think it’s just because I had an automatic payment every week for a year, it was extremely stressful. Now I have a habit of checking my bank account 3 times a day just making sure nothing put me in the negative. I haven’t had any automatic payments set up for 6 months but it’s still a habit. To be honest I want a new bank account that isn’t linked to anything so I don’t have to worry. +Hello, I live in Mexico and I was checking this big Mexico's company [ALFA A](https://es-us.finanzas.yahoo.com/quote/ALFAA.MX/) they are know for selling food similar to Tyson and they also sell a lot of plastic like PET. + +I say that it seems too good because the market cap of the company is 2851 millions dollars and the company has 1616 millions dollars in cash, also the company made in cash from operations 1476 millions dollars. By just adding those metrics (and without looking further into the future the company ) I got 3092 million dollars with is bigger than the current price! + +Of course I didn't subtract CAPEX from cash form operation but even with that seems too good. + +But I can't stop felling that I'm missing something, one thing that I think is happening is that the plastic business is on decline but even If I remove the whole plastic business with made them about 600 million dollars, and I do the DCF it is still a good investment. + +Also maybe the low value comes form the debt they have of 5833 million dollars. +Hi, I am almost done with Benjamin Graham's The Intelligent Investor and I am slightly confused about the relevance of book value. It is obvious that book value is the core "value" of the stock or security in question but after looking through about a hundred different companies I have found that they sell from 5 to 20 times their book value. This leads me to question not the idea of book value itself, but it's use as a criteria as an essential criteria. I would definitely buy a company that I believe to be safe if it was under book value but I am starting to doubt that it is essential that the price be below some low multiplier of book value. According to this article [here](https://levtheendofaccountingblog.wordpress.com/2019/04/06/04-06-19-new-is-the-market-to-book-ratio-still-relevant-yes-but/), book value makes more sense when we include R&D and SG&A expenses because they are investments into the company which have not yet brought a tangible asset. This seems like the reverse idea to the philosophy of value investing, since you are investing in something that happens in the future. Warren Buffet himself said that book value is dead but I am confused on how this is the case, since the argument is that you are investing for assets in the future (the opposite of value investing). So this begs me to ask, is book value still relevant and why? +When I'm evaluating a stock, I try to keep it simple. These are the measures I use and the questions I'm trying to answer with them, picked from a variety of materials over the years. I make no claims to whether it's better than anyone else's way, it's just the way I do it. If you think I'm full of it, let me have it. I'm a grown up, I can take it. + +Quantitative + +* Book Value - Does the company have enough assets to cover its debts if it has to shut down tomorrow? +* Debt to Equity - How big is the company's debt in relation to its assets? Is it using debt sparingly or is it borrowing from Peter to pay Paul (so to speak)? +* Return on Equity - Is the company efficiently using its assets to generate revenue? +* Profit Margin - Is the company spending money efficiently to generate revenue? +* Owner Earnings - Is the company generating value for its investors? +* Retained Earnings - How much profit is the company keeping? + +Qualitative Trends (5-6 years) + +* Is the company increasing, reducing, or maintaining its debt level year over year? +* Is the company increasing its profit margins year over year? +* Is the company increasing owner earnings year over year? +* Is the company increasing the amount of profits paid back to investors via dividends? +* Is the company share price increasing in excess of its retained earnings? + +Valuation + +* Discounted cash flow based on historical owner earnings with some assumptions on how the growth rate tapers over time. Is the company trading at a discount or a premium? + +This is just an initial screen and the thresholds between good and bad can be highly contextual based on each person's understanding and risk tolerance. There are \~10,000 companies operating in the US (according to the SEC) and trying to evaluate all of them is not something I have time for even with automated tools. It's a heuristic to focus on the interesting opportunities. Next is reading filings and trying to find out why the price is lower than I think it should be. +So basically, my mom passed away when I was 16 and I've been on my own ever since. I've had zero real world financial guidance as my mom was sick through my teens and she was a single mom of 2 kids. I couldn't keep up with bills and used credit cards to survive for a couple years. I've always only been able to afford the minimum payments so I've never really made headway paying them off. I was okay like that for a bit until I took a huge pay cut and couldn't make it anymore. I took out several payday loans over the last year and am in way over my head. I also had a huge lapse in mental/physical help (diagnosed borderline personality disorder and manic depressive) and it basically led to a total shut down where I just stopped paying my bills for months in order to survive off my paycheck and just feeling completely lost /hopeless, coupled with wasting money in unhealthy coping mechanisms. I'm now roughly $4000 in debt with 3 accounts in collections and 4 delinquent loans, one of which I just got a court summons for and I'm freaking out. I can't afford to pay everybody. Please help me start in the right direction. +I'm in Colorado, 22 years old and I make about 28k a year. + +Edit: I am currently in treatment for my disorders and I am getting married in 2 months if that affects anything. Also changed to $4000 bad typo to make + +Edit 2.0: IM SO SORRY THAT I CANT REPLY TO EVERYONE. I am so overwhelmed with the support I'm receiving. From resources to donation offers and partners in mental health. I honestly expected one or two replies. I'm getting a plan together and feel so much more confident in tackling this. Thank you all so much. +This is for people who try and chase 1% more than FD and think debt funds are not too risky. Tata corporate bond fund NAV down almost 30%. Not discouraging to invest in debt funds it’s just that some people assume that its less risky but you never know. + + +[Tata corporate bond fund direct NAV](https://i.imgur.com/n1revGD.jpg) +Hello fellow IndiaInvestment Redditors, +I just received an email & SMS from NSDL on margin pledge initiated by my Broker / DP on my behalf. That too on a Saturday (3rd Oct, 8:03pm) when Friday was a trading Holiday (2nd Oct). + +Do you think: + +* Is my stock broker involving in illegal activities (like Karvy) or +* do you think my account is hacked or +* do you think this is just phishing. +* it's just routine, I don't need to do anything. + +NSDL says that I am requested to take action. I don't trade in futures or options. I have a very small portfolio of shares which I purchased long time ago (15 years ago). Don't do any trading with this account. So it's not my action. + +Here's my email with links & account numbers removed: + + +>Dear **<Correct Name>**, +> +>\\n +> +>Greetings from NSDL !!! +> +>\\n +> +>Dear Demat A/c holder, you are requested to take action on the margin pledge request initiated by your Broker/DP on your behalf for your demat account number **<Correct Number with few digits hidden>**.\\n +> +>\[Click here\] to get more details. +> +>\\nRegards, +> +>\\nNational Securities Depository Limited ([www.nsdl.co.in](https://www.nsdl.co.in) ) +> +>\\n +> +> +> +>Disclaimer: The information contained herein is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). If you have erroneously received this message, please immediately delete it and notify at [NSDL-helpdesk@nsdl.co.in](mailto:NSDL-helpdesk@nsdl.co.in). You must not directly or indirectly, use, disclose, distribute, print, or copy any part of this message. +> +>\\n +> +> +> +>Note: This is an auto generated email, Please do not reply. +So I’m planning on selling a couple positions for a tax loss, but I’d like to sell an ATM put with an expiry over 30 days out. Will this make it a wash? + +My accountant needs to look into it further and I need to do this tomorrow. Wondering if anyone has sold a put with a further expiry on a stock they took a loss on for tax purposes without creating a wash. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Congratulations to Apes around the world who are now the proud owners of 4x the number of shares that they had yesterday. +I'm sure many of us had resigned ourselves to a certain number of X's in our position size, and are pleased to have jumped to the next tier. +While the total value of our positions remains roughly equivalent across the split, this event is nonetheless exciting. + +Of course, the SHFs couldn't resist attacking the price directly at open, could they? +I consider it to be the 'missing' short attack from Wednesday, where they exceeded the Critical Margin Theory line but we didn't see a steep sell-off. +It is of little concern. +Apes *know* that nobody is selling just ahead of the split by dividend, and it's exactly the kind of fuckery that they've been engaging in anytime the price exceeds their margin limits. +The SEC may ignore such behavior, but we see it clearly for what it is, and each incident strengthens our resolve. +When the MOASS destroys these market manipulators in a spectacular fashion, the evidence of their crimes will be laid bare as we advocate for true market reform. + +Many of you know that I write these words ahead of market open, and I can honestly state that I have no idea how the split-by-dividend will affect GS2C. +I expect GS2C to open at 1/4 the price with 4x the shares. +Please be patient if there are errors in my updates today, as I may need to adjust values unexpectedly. + +Today is Friday, July 22nd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$38.66 / 37,91 €** *(volume: 42203)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $38.67 / 37,92 € *(volume: 41460)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $38.58 / 37,82 € *(volume: 39678)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $38.61 / 37,85 € *(volume: 38946)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $38.69 / 37,94 € *(volume: 37532)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $38.78 / 38,02 € *(volume: 36955)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $38.69 / 37,93 € *(volume: 35198)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $38.80 / 38,04 € *(volume: 34659)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $38.62 / 37,87 € *(volume: 34330)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $38.60 / 37,85 € *(volume: 33902)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $38.62 / 37,86 € *(volume: 33015)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $38.76 / 38,00 € *(volume: 28520)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $38.75 / 38,00 € *(volume: 25369)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $38.66 / 37,91 € *(volume: 23821)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $38.70 / 37,94 € *(volume: 22193)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $38.79 / 38,03 € *(volume: 19078)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $38.78 / 38,02 € *(volume: 18685)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $38.78 / 38,02 € *(volume: 17655)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $39.06 / 38,30 € *(volume: 13973)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $38.99 / 38,23 € *(volume: 13136)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $38.98 / 38,22 € *(volume: 11408)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $39.08 / 38,31 € *(volume: 10412)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $39.06 / 38,30 € *(volume: 7471)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $39.14 / 38,38 € *(volume: 5117)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $39.06 / 38,30 € *(volume: 3375)* +- 🟥 US close price: $153.47 / 150,48 € *($152.50 / 149,52 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0199. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Customers in California, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana and New Hampshire will be able to trade bitcoin and ethereum through the app beginning in February, Robinhood announced Thursday. In the meantime, all customers can now track prices and receive alerts for 16 cryptocurrencies on the app. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/25/stock-trading-app-robinhood-to-roll-out-bitcoin-ethereum-trading.html +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Hey everyone! I just wanted to share some charts I colored on to give you conifrmation bias on all of these bullish Theories. \*I am retarded and eat crayons\* + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 day chart](https://preview.redd.it/8a97gpn9a9i81.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f6dd57c5f2231ec0aa5944a46972aec2f9ab1af) + +GME has been slowly climb up after it broke out of the descending channel it has been in the last several week. + +Right now it is at the top of the bolinger band indicating that a bull run is upon us. + +MACD (purple) is trending up and about to be positive (bullish) + +Stochastics (pink) is flatening and looks like its going to go up with the the MACD + +Accumulation and Distrobution -A/D (orange) this is trending up + +Aroon Oscillator (blue) is also trending up + +The PSAR (the little blue hash's above and below the candles) has flipped confirming this bullish trend + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 week](https://preview.redd.it/u2m8ericb9i81.png?width=1442&format=png&auto=webp&s=56d96c64fd5451c0378fff400e656e06608f8f23) + +The purple circle is showing something I think is very imporant on the MACD. The last time GME was positve on the MACD on the 1 week chart was 5/24 last year before a big run up. I believe when this flips positive we will be seeing GME have HUGE gains. + +Given how everything is I think the PSAR can flip over next week! + +Stochastics (pink) is trending up and diverging + +A/D (blue) is trending up + +and Aroon osc is trending up as well + +&#x200B; + +For those that are unfamiliar with the indicators I use here they are. + +**Bollinger Band** \-is a technical analysis tool defined by a set of trendlines plotted two[ standard deviations](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/standarddeviation.asp) (positively and negatively) away from a [simple moving average](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sma.asp) (SMA) of a security's price. + +Bollinger Bands were developed and copyrighted by famous technical trader John Bollinger, designed to discover opportunities that give investors a higher probability of properly identifying when an asset is oversold or overbought. + +**Parabolic SAR** attempts to give traders an edge by highlighting the direction an asset is moving, as well as providing entry and exit points. This can find potential reversals in the market price direction of traded goods such as securities or currency exchanges. It is a trend-following (lagging) indicator and may be used to set a trailing stop loss or determine entry or exit points based on prices tending to stay within a parabolic curve during a strong trend + +**Moving average convergence divergence (MACD)** is a [trend-following](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trendtrading.asp) [momentum](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/momentum.asp) indicator that shows the relationship between two [moving averages](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/movingaverage.asp) of a security’s price. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period [exponential moving average](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/ema.asp) (EMA) from the 12-period EMA. + +The result of that calculation is the MACD line. A nine-day EMA of the MACD called the "signal line," is then plotted on top of the MACD line, which can function as a trigger for buy and sell signals. Traders may buy the security when the MACD crosses above its signal line and sell—or short—the security when the MACD crosses below the signal line. Moving average convergence divergence (MACD) indicators can be interpreted in several ways, but the more common methods are [crossovers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crossover.asp), [divergences](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/divergence.asp), and rapid rises/falls. + +**A stochastic oscillator** is a momentum indicator comparing a particular [closing price](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/closingprice.asp) of a security to a range of its prices over a certain period of time. The sensitivity of the oscillator to market movements is reducible by adjusting that time period or by taking a [moving average](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/movingaverage.asp) of the result. It is used to generate [overbought](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/overbought.asp) and oversold trading signals, utilizing a 0–100 bounded range of values. + +**Accumulation/distribution indicator (A/D)** is a cumulative indicator that uses [volume](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/volume.asp) and price to assess whether a stock is being accumulated or distributed. The A/D measure seeks to identify [divergences](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/divergence.asp) between the stock price and the volume flow. This provides insight into how strong a trend is. If the price is rising but the indicator is falling, then it suggests that buying or accumulation volume may not be enough to support the price rise and a price decline could be forthcoming. + +**Aroon indicator** is a [technical indicator](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/technicalindicator.asp) that is used to identify trend changes in the price of an asset, as well as the strength of that trend. In essence, the indicator measures the time between highs and the time between lows over a time period. The idea is that strong uptrends will regularly see new highs, and strong downtrends will regularly see new lows. The indicator signals when this is happening, and when it isn't. + +The indicator consists of the "Aroon up" line, which measures the strength of the [uptrend](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/uptrend.asp), and the "Aroon down" line, which measures the strength of the [downtrend](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/downtrend.asp) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: Every indicator I use is Bullish and showing that GME is going to go up + +TARD: Moon soon + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ceys0fzbg9i81.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=81795e0955f853edd35f82bca91f29efecbf9672 + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I like this data u/RocketTraveler pointed out + +"I’ll add that the weekly MACD is looking prime to flip next week from the **negative territory**. This adds more energy/momentum than if it simply flips while already in positive territory. + +Last May we had a flip in positive territory. The last time we flipped on the weekly from negative territory was all the way back in April 2020 at $4 per share. + +If we moved from $180 to $345 on the “weak” cross, imagine how far we’ll move from the current cross " + +&#x200B; + +Update 2/17 + +&#x200B; + +[This is the 1 week.](https://preview.redd.it/sndan8zojhi81.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=df21c9a3ef1873dbc2d376b3d84f2146d1c322af) + +My analysis is on a weekly basis. nonething has changed and everything still looks extremely bullish +My wife is living with cancer and doesn't have long left to live, we're both 35. She is (otherwise) healthy, active, loving her life, and does not want to die. We really love our life together. She was diagnosed in Jan 2020, and it progressed to incurable in Dec/Jan 2021. + +I have a good flexible public sector employer and she is self employed/SEISS/accessing benefits. + +A few months ago her medical team signed a DS1500 form which gave her access to a range of DWP benefits very quickly ("you’re living with a terminal illness and your doctor or a medical professional has said you might have less than 6 months to live"). + +We're thinking about her private defined contribution pension and wondering we could contribute some of our savings to it (using her unused allowance this/previous years), take advantage of the tax relief, and then withdraw the whole lot under the 'life expectancy less than a year' rules. This could give us a little extra money that we didn't realise we could access. + +The value of her assets will not get anywhere near inheritance tax levels, and we're married. + +She has a life insurance policy that pays if she lives (and dies) beyond January 2022, for £70k. We have a mortgage of £168k, affordability OKd/calculated on my salary alone. + +It's a terrible situation, and planning for death when young is so sad, but we're trying to not shy away from it and deal with things before she gets ill. + +All advice greatly appreciated (even non pension advice). +Here's the video first: + +--- + +###[I UNCOVERED A BILLION DOLLAR FRAUD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzbBi0agLNg) + +--- + +To summarise the actions of John Karony, the CEO: + +Enacted the 100% tax honeypot, covered by myself [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/tuumsi/safemoons_v1_100_tax_results_in_the_theft_of/), but the major story ^(as ^though ^tens ^of ^millions ^of ^dollars ^stolen ^isn't ^a ^big ^story) is that he had a deal with the Crypto Exchange Bitmart, who ran their own version of Safemoon's "tokenomics" (10% buy and sell tax) - so what they would do is redistribute 5% to holders themselves, and then send 5% of transactions to Karony which Karony was supposed to add to the liquidity pool. + +####Except he did not + +He appears to have kept it. + +--- + +So what this means is that all the people that have gone blue in the face telling us that John was cleaning house, getting rid of all the bad apples.. well he was just as crooked as the rest of them. Truly a den of thieves. + + +##Birds of a feather flock together + +What's mad is laying it all out... + +* **Kyle** who copy-pasted the contract kept withdrawing from the Liquidity Pool even while claiming you couldn't and that Safemoon was "rugpull resistant" +* **Thomas** who lied about his Ripple job offer, lied about his development credentials and continually siphoned funds from the liquidity pool into his own wallet +* **John** who constantly claims Safemoon is the evolution, sets up dodgy deals with Bitmart and creates the V1->V2 honeypot + +It just goes on and on. Every week a new stone is unturned and people find more and more filth and scum. + + +But it just slides off the back of the criminally-deluded Safemoon Army. Today has seen three wallets sell $500,000 between them, and we're only a few hours after the wallet released. The whales are not happy about this, but the casual holders? + +Here are some quotes from their sub... + +> Buy the DIP, Safemoon to the moon, if you sell you, then you is a low life. LOL Dimond hands baby. We will be rich in 5 years. People fud bitcoin and look where we at 10 years later. Buy the Dip and you will be rich in 5+ years. + +>1 billion volume is coming...We will be on all major exchanges soon. Love these tasty dips. + +# + +> Just watched, it's bad on so many levels. But he's at least good at editing. He makes a lot of arguments but fail to provide any proof. + +#MY DUDE HE LITERALLY GAVE YOU THE BLOCKCHAIN TRANSACTION HASHES IN THE VIDEO MY DUUUUUUUUDE. + +# + +> The Video is pure conjecture and open-ended opinions that leads the watcher (by the nose) to form an opinion off of nothing; but it sounds good. + +# + +> He's just after clicks and is trying to profit from spreading fud about safemoon for his own financial gain and popularity, nothing more + +# + +> I made my mind last year. I have a goal to achieve and every new wave of fud and dip that comes after is only a great way for me to buy more. + + +# + + +This is the biggest heads-in-sand moment I've ever witnessed. When will they wake up? When John is in jail? When Safemoon is 0.00000000000000001? Or is that just another great buying OP? Fuck a rubber duck. +So I've been trading for 3 months now. I actually started pretty solid making 900 USD on the first month, sadly my second was a disaster and ended up losing 7k in forex trying to get easy money (obviously). I took 2 weeks off to think about what I was doing and decided to get in again but trying to actually follow some rules and working on analysis etc. I ended red this month losing 1k more, almost all my moves went the other way around, I tried following the trend, looking for support and resistance but almost always ended up going the other way around. I feel frustrated because when I lost 3k I was about to close my account but I ended up trying once more and ended up much worse.I am a very young professional. The money I lost represent about 6 months of savings, since I live alone and earn a lot I am able to save about 2k per month, that's why I'm not broke already. I am thinking into moving to a more passive way of savings and just put money every month in a company that invest for me with about 4% return per year. Do you guys think this is a wise decision? Maybe save that money and actually buy some real stocks instead of speculating in the market?I could have bought a Bitcoin in September and I would have made literally 10k... + + +Edit - Thank you all for your comments (except the ones losing their mind for the extra "o" in losing). This community is sincerely amazing +PSA: DO NOT USE A SELL MARKET ORDER DURING THE SQUEEZE!! USE A LIMIT SELL!! + +the squeeze is inevitable and while we are quibbling about the floor I figured this was probably the most important information FOR ALL APES TO KNOW. During the squeeze, I would be shocked if all the bid prices magically vanish. Why is that relevant? if the price is climbing rapidly and starts hitting 1k, 10k, 100k, 1m, 10m, etc and you apes start getting really excited, you're thinking hmM MaYbE I ShOuLd SeLl now, and then press the big red sell button on your app, what happens. simply: the order gets filled at the highest bid, well if the hedgies are being liquidated on market orders but the retail buy order of 255$ is still sitting there even though the displayed price is $69696969 guess what. you just sold at 255$. !!!! bUt tHe pRiCe was 69429420! but you decided to use a market order. A limit order is a type of order that Guarantees the price is filled at that level or better, so if your limit order is 10mil you will not get filled for a single share below that (but you may get higher sell prices :)) this is also literally what the "ask price" is, limit orders sitting there waiting. Now some of you might be scared, now this is mostly fine because of gap filling, if someone does this it will trigger 1 hell of a halt but the continual market orders from the hedgie liquidation will continue filling back at the millions, this will simply increase the number of halts we experience. but most importantly you just sold at 255 NOT 10m so be careful out there apes. The sell limit order is like a triple-layered condom, protect yourself during the squeeze. + + + +For anyone with a broker that currently doesn't offer sell limit orders, I believe it to be a very good idea in your own interest to look into other brokers that do offer sell limit orders and consider transferring or opening another account and buying there. don't want to see people miss the squeeze cause of a shitty broker. + + +TL: DR USE A GODDAMN SELL LIMIT ORDER OR YOU WILL RESET THE SQUEEZE AND MISS OUT ON TENDIES + + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, I Just like the stock and the people in the community &lt;3 +Hey guys. Need some help. So I work for water utility. I’m an water operator. My current base salary is about $81,000 with the amount of OT I get pushed it into $93,000-95,000. I recently applied for for an engineering position and I got the job. Thing is they offered $86,000 after I countered there first offer of $84,000. Positive of position switch would be hybrid schedule be able to take my son to and from school. Out of the elements. Negatives would just be the OT I’m leaving behind and extra money. Let me know what you think. Thanks + +Just wanted to update everyone. Not sure if you all will see this. But I countered with $88,000 and they accepted my offer and will be joining the department. Thank you guys!! +Anyone doing anything on BBBY? WSBs Reddit going nuts over it. I ended up buying some calls at open this morning and closed it for $1000 profit. Not my usual play but two and half free shares of spy is good for me. +Hey guys like the title says I want to sell maybe one or two covered calls tomorrow and was looking for some input. + +I bought a few hundred shares of a stock last March with a cost basis of $2.12 and it’s now sitting at $46 a share which I think is over priced. Usually I would sell but I’m about a month away from being able to pay long term capital gains and have decided to hold until at least then. While I’m waiting I’m thinking of selling some far OTM calls around 60ish expiring end of March, here’s my reasoning + +Cost basis - $2.12 +Share price - $46 +Strike price - $60 3/26 exp +Premium collected - about $325 per contract + +Worst case scenario it goes above $60 and I keep premium and sell for $60 a share (I would be ok selling for 60) + +Best case scenario it expires worthless I keep +premium + +Did I get this right or are there some holes in my plan? I would love feedback good or bad + +Thanks! +As above. I'm planning on moving from home relatively soon, next year or so. I've been researching on things that I feel like I need to know about. Renters insurance, credit history, and stuff like that. + +But me being woefully inexperienced in renting on my own and the unexpected costs that go into it, I wanted to ask what are some unexpected costs when it comes to renting a house or an apartment for the first time, that younger people might over look or not even know about? + +On mobile so sorry about any formatting issues if any. + +Edit: After getting a couple of responses here and there, I feel much more confident about this. Thanks. +The more I read into causes of the 2008 housing crisis, the more it appears that responses can vary wildly depending on the political inclination or beliefs of the responder. + +For example, a typical Democrat response is that the crisis was mainly caused by the banking system due to deregulation, failure of risk management, predatory lending and securitization such as CDO's which further amplified the issue. + +On the other hand, I've seen great arguments made on the opposite side saying that government involvement was primarily what caused the recession due to legislation aimed at making housing more affordable for the lower class. This ultimately resulted in lower lending standards and allowed for a subprime bubble to form. This school of thought would likely say that regular people are to blame too for overextending themselves and taking on these loans which they were not actually able to afford. This [CBS article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/heres-what-really-caused-housing-crisis/) nullifies this theory by presenting data which shows that most of the subprime loans were actually made by private banks, not government-backed institutions. + +Another separate great analysis by the [Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission](https://fcic-static.law.stanford.edu/cdn_media/fcic-reports/fcic_final_report_wallison_dissent.pdf) shows yet again opposite data which shows that federal-backed loans made up a much higher percentage of subprime loans (see pg. 16) which conflicts with the CBS data. + +All in all, I am left feeling very on the fence with what to actually believe. As with all things, I am sure the answers is gray and lies somewhere in the middle. + +How can one wade through all the political crap and get a non-biased view of what's truly at cause? +So i just finished my first year of undergrad, and im kinda lost. I had to declare my major in the beggining of the school year, and i choose econ and compsci without haven taken courses in either of those two classes before, because why not. I found that I enjoyed both my majors, but i have no fucking clue what kind of jobs or internships I can get into once I graduate; to be honest outside of being professors I have no clue what econ majors actually do; I just chose this major because I liked the freakonomics podcast. + +Please help. +I was always under the assumption that increasing the money supply (unless done slowly) would likely increase the inflation rate as there's now more money available wo wouldn't past X dollars be worth less, in other words shouldn't inflation have gone up. + +Take a look at this Wolfram Alpha Chart of M2 vs. Inflation rate. + +. [https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=USA+money+supply+vs.+inflation+rate](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=USA+money+supply+vs.+inflation+rate) + +&#x200B; + +What's going on here. +Hello, today that all the alarms of the bankruptcy of Evergrande went off I remembered my research on Tether, all I am going to say now is a compilation of my research and other people. + +I know it has nothing to do with GME, but it seems like a very important thing that people are overlooking. + +I just wrote it, I have written it quite fast, taking part of my notes. Not everything is explained in the best way, but I think it is necessary for people to get an idea of ​​how serious the situation is. If people are interested I will write a longer version with much more detail about Tether. + +>Tether (USDT) is a stablecoin, a type of cryptocurrency which aims to **keep cryptocurrency valuations stable**. Tether is used by crypto investors who want to avoid the extreme volatility of other cryptocurrencies while keeping value within the crypto market. + +# But why is Tether important? + +Well tether is the 4th largest [marketcap](https://coinmarketcap.com/es/) cryptocurrency with almost $ 74billions. But tether is important because of the liquidity it brings to the cryptocurrency market, 60% of BTC transactions are made through tether. + +[https:\/\/www.cryptocompare.com\/coins\/btc\/analysis\/USDT](https://preview.redd.it/jg47lerojuy71.png?width=471&format=png&auto=webp&s=89aa68292fcb00225a52e92a196d98e4d445e196) + +At higher, most cryptocurrency futures are in USDT, that is, USDT is the currency to which the rest equates. + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Now that we more or less know what Tether is and what its function is in the market, we enter the interesting part of the matter. I'm only going to get into the issue of what's behind the 1: 1 value with the dollar, I'm not going to get into the issue of bank fraud. + +# How does Tether stay on $1? + +How Tether holds its value at one dollar has increasingly become a source of controversy. Tethers are supposed to be issued by Tether Limited ‘one for one’ when a customer deposits US dollars. The value of Tether in dollars (USDT/USD) does fluctuate but tends to remain very close to one. + +But what if it wasn't equated 1: 1 to the dollar? + +Tther recently got a [fine](https://www.cftc.gov/PressRoom/PressReleases/8450-21) from the CFTC for lying about its reserves. Only 27% of the days have enough reserves to match 1: 1 with the dollar during the period 2016-2018 + +https://preview.redd.it/wscuxrxkluy71.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3de793da698ce7c37e6a2ddb83c44636153f7ed + +If this already seems absurd to you, you just have to look at what has happened to the tether marketcap during the last year + +https://preview.redd.it/06qoyvixluy71.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=71a1ea67a1f7998876b464181da713924e0da844 + +# RESERVES REPORT + +After this and the great pressure to which Tether was subjected, Tether made an audit by a company from the Cayman Islands with 5 workers. The [reserves report](https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tether_assuranceconsolidated_reserves_report_2021-06-30.pdf)made as of March 31 is this. + +https://preview.redd.it/bhl9m3zwmuy71.png?width=558&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a6c2bf11f64d6a8553fac3bf52cd997cb115963 + +To begin with, it is obvious that there is no 1: 1 parity with the dollar, but not even close. Although if it is true that it has state bonds that I am also very sure. But in that there is no problem, the problem is when we look at the amount of commercial paper that it has, 30 $ billions the commercial paper is what Blackrock handles ... + +# Where are the commercial papers from? + +And now you will say, and why this cares if they are safe?. But this is where China and the Chinese real estate sector come in, because the rumors, which rather than rumors are unconfirmed truths, say that this commercial paper belongs to the Chinese real estate sector (which I assume that everyone already knows that it is not in very good condition). + +I know that no one likes Jim Cramer, but at the end of September he [affirmed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxbJJ-TFR8s) that this commercial paper for Tether was from Evergrande, Tether released a statement later (What they werre going to do but say yes and ruin the company or deny it and we'll see what we make?). + +# WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? + +And all this stuff, why? Well, let's imagine that the rumors are true and that the commercial paper that supports the parity of USDT with the dollar, that loses value or that even is not paid. I don't have a clear answer to what will happen next, but I know it could be very, very bad, the cryptocurrency market would become illiquid, there would be a total panic, there would be a tremendous wave of liquidation of BTC and ETH ... + +\------------------------------------------------------------- + +And in the Fed's November financial stability report, they talk about the risk of stablecoins to the economy in general. + +[Change stablecoin for Tether ;\)](https://preview.redd.it/o9x475lwpuy71.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a3daf73a0a05deb6632becfcfba445186170f16) + +And they also put it as a top5 possible cause of a shock in the economy + +https://preview.redd.it/unf1u7l4quy71.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ecb00084c99a26f2fd6b0b2720b686b85b96c74 + +&#x200B; + +I know that it does not have much to do with GME, but since I believe that this is a family and we share all the DD that we can, to learn and help each other it seems to me a very important issue so that so little is said. + +And that if you have found it interesting, I can make another post to explain it better and with more details + +BUY HOLD AND DRS + +## 🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀🚀 🚀🚀 🚀🚀 + +EDIT: This picture is not mine, I found this in twitter, but even so I AM NOT AFFIRMING THAT THE COMMERCIAL PAPERS ARE FROM EVERGRANDE, that are rumors, there is nothing confirmed, I know that tether said no, but they are liars with $ 980 million in fines + +I think it would be worth as TLDR + +https://preview.redd.it/w4v10qj33vy71.png?width=1237&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5d80a1d1e289a26e101e63065d3667b224e428e +***NOT. FINANCIAL. ADVICE.*** + +*(Re-posting this again. I previously posted it at an ungodly hour for most Apes, so was requested to share again.)* + +I have seen quite a few posts recently about The Motley Fool's business model, and decided to look a little more under the hood. From what I can see, they may have quite a direct connection with Citadel, and potentially enjoy a symbiotic relationship with them (through an important middleman). Here is what I found... + +**Citadel's' relationship with Interactive Brokers** + +Interactive Brokers launched their "free" service - IBKR Lite - in late September 2019. Of course not free, because it is using the payment for order flow model, targeting retail customers, in exchange for Citadel getting huge amounts of valuable trading data. + +Who do Interactive Brokers receive the majority of their payment from for these payment for order flow transactions? None other than Citadel Securities, with a payment received of $0.005 per share traded...which I am sure adds up to a hefty sum earned overall since that time. + +More details here: https://www.elevatecapitaladvisors.com/news/20191007 + +So just how much does Interactive Brokers rely on Citadel for this IBKR Lite service to work? Well, they are required to disclose some of this information - as they themselves have stated on their website: *"U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules require all brokerage firms to make publicly available quarterly reports describing their order routing practices."* + +The most recent of these 606 filings to the SEC is from 2020 Q4, and available to download here: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/ibkr606Reports/IBKR_606a_2020_Q4.pdf + +I am not going to do all the sums, but you will see one thing very clearly and easily: almost all positive payments they receive are from Citadel Securities and Virtu Financial. So this IBKR Lite product would not be viable without payment for order flow from Citadel and Virtu, as they pretty much supply all the revenue to Interactive Brokers. + +**Interactive Brokers' relationship with Motley Fool** + +Motley Fool has several subsidiaries within their overall business. Another user posted about Motley Fool Asset Management earlier, but let me introduce another one of their entities, Motley Fool Wealth Management: + +https://foolwealth.com/ + +Their pitch to investors is: *"All of the Foolish investment philosophies you love — none of the day-to-day investing hassles you don't. Learn how we can help you protect and potentially grow your wealth."* + +They are by no means a small buy side firm - they have assets under management of over $2.2Bn. And anyone who would have kept an eye on The Motley Fool website would see that the holdings in their funds are pretty much most of the stocks that get picked (in their pay service) or pitched (in their free newsletter): + +https://whalewisdom.com/filer/motley-fool-wealth-management-llc#tabholdings_tab_link + +Note that the way they manage customers' funds are through something called Seperately Managed Accounts (SMA). These are a type of financial product that has been around for decades, but not typical of most reputable buy side firms. Here is the explanation of what these are from the Motley Fool Wealth Management website: *"Separately Managed Account is simply a private portfolio of individual securities that is actively managed by a professional investment firm."* + +Now the thing which especially caught my attention is what happens if you hand over your money, for Motley Fool Wealth Management to take care of on your behalf using an SMA. They have made it very clear that the only way to become a customer is by also concurrently opening an Interactive Brokers account: + +https://foolwealth.com/info/about/terms-of-use + +*"Brokerage and custody services for our SMA Program is handled exclusively by Interactive Brokers, LLC (“IB”). Accordingly, as a condition of participating in the SMA Program, you must be an IB account holder or open and fund an account with IB."* + +Additionally, they have made it very clear that all the custodial and brokerage fees for trading fees are to paid by the customer to Interactive Brokers (on top of the usual fund management fees, that is): + +https://mfwm.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022466332-What-Fees-Are-Associated- + +*"In addition to the management fee you will pay to Motley Fool Wealth Management, you will be responsible for the trading and account level fees that are charged by Interactive Brokers (IB). Typically, those account fees include: Commissions of $0.0035 per share of stock traded."* + +Another Ape with a wrinklier brain than mine could probably go through the 13F filings data available on +WhaleWisdom, to figure out how much trading of assets Motley Fool Wealth Management are doing each quarter. And from there to work out just how many millions of dollars of trading fees that Interactive Brokers receives as a result of this trading activity (by default). + +However, just looking at the top 5 holdings changes in 2020 Q4, it seemed to be in at least the magnitude of hundreds of millions of dollars that Motley Fool Wealth Management were trading in or out of the fund. All of which is only possible through Interactive Brokers, and all of which is to be paid by their customers to Interactive Brokers... + +**So, what's the connection then?** + +Well, Interactive Brokers appears to me to be in the middle of a three-way with Citadel and The Motley Fool. On the one hand, their payment for order flow service for retail is pretty much only possible because of Citadel. And the Motley Fool Wealth Management business model also has a very close financial relationship with Interactive Brokers as well. + +At the very least, it is publicly available information that there are significant amounts of money flowing between two sides of the triangle. That is, between Citadel and Interactive Brokers, and between Interactive Brokers and Motley Fool Wealth Management. This much is clear. + +So only one degree of separation between The Motley Fool and Citadel...with potentially Interactive Brokers in the middle. Given how much Interactive Brokers are benefitting financially from the relationship with both The Motley Fool and Citadel, it is not a stretch of the imagination that they facilitate some interaction between the two. + +Given how much anti-GME sentiment is expressed, on almost a daily basis, on The Motley Fool site...could the unseen hand of Kenny G be playing a part? (This is purely speculation and conjecture on my part, and I have no evidence to back up this claim. But just an observation of some potential influence that could be possible, through the obviously close contacts between these three companies.) + +**TL;DR** + +Interactive Brokers receives significant sums of money from both The Motley Fool (through their Motley Fool Wealth Management subsidiary) and from Citadel Securities (through their IBKR Lite payment for order flow product for retail users). + +There is certainly a possibility that they facilitate some interaction between the two, with Citadel potentially directing some of the content in The Motley Fool's paid and free publishing. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I'm looking to buy a house at $4.5M (EDIT: It's in the Bay Area, so it's basically a \~2500-3000 sq ft home built later than 2000 in a good school district). Here is my (simplified) financial situation: + +* $600k income per year +* $1.5M in cash +* $4M in IRA account. Several decades away from retirement age + +So far, the cheapest financing option I've found is at Citibank, where I can put 25% down ($1.125M) and finance the rest at 2.625% for 30-year fixed if I move over $2M of assets (IRA account). + +Talking to a couple of other banks, the rates are not lower, and if they are (like Wells Fargo), they require a 30-35% down payment, which I can't afford unless I take an early distribution from my IRA. + +Are there other banks that will be willing to take only a 20% down payment? Or any non-traditional loans? I know people take margin loans, but my net worth is mostly in my IRA, so that probably won't work. +Looking at the world people really don't care what goes on in the background. Our phones and trainers are made by exploited child workers. We buy en mass from unethical companies like Nestle, Shell etc. I know exactly how Amazon treats it workers yet I buy things from there every week. + +I hear it echoed on here quite often that x crypto is no good because it's too centralised. The reality is that most consumers don't really know what that means or why it's good or bad. Even if they do most people will still happily choose a cheaper product without caring about that too much. In an ideal world the decentralised cryptos would win but we need to face the fact that in the future some of the most popular cryptocurrencies will likely be centralised. +Hello apes! Let's take a look at all the T+21 dates this year so far and the closing price of the day before. (The last five had a Ryan Cohen tweet the day before) + +https://i.redd.it/omt4c4gwt4771.png + +Closing price of the day before: + - Jan 22: $65.01 + - Feb 23: $44.97 + - Mar 24: $120.34 + - Apr 23: $151.18 + - May 24: $180.01 + - Jun 24: **$219.34** + +[Me tomorrow morning](https://gyazo.com/d908ea84adbe48414ced88ab7f1ec759) + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +This is an embarrassing situation I got myself into. I want to share for anyone considering a payday loan. + + +My first payday load was $700. When my checks would come in I had other bills I needed to pay first and just paid interest. I paid this loan off finally after 14 weeks. Total of $980 in interest. + +After that loan was paid I needed some more cash for bills a few months later. $1,000 payday loan. Again, when my checks came in, other bills had to be paid. Took 20 weeks to pay it off. $2,050 paid in interest. + +Total of $3,030 paid in interest for a $1,700 dollar loan. + + +Just don’t do it. I would have been better off paying every single bill late and just paying a late fee. I felt desperate at the time but getting those loans did not help. I have a lot of shame around money and took these loans so I wouldn’t have to call those I owed and tell them I had to pay late. + + $3,030 down the drain to save myself from a few moments of embarrassment. +I just read some post on here that a WSB user just got a Bloomberg terminal and has no idea how to use it. + +Is this the biggest scam in finance? $25k a year for what? A computer from the 90s? Does the Bloomberg terminal just print money for you? Do they know where the market will go or something? What does this thing do? What is the secret? Why does is cost more than my capital losses yearly? It all seems so surreal to me. + +Why not just yolo the 25k into robinhood instead so you can day trade and just yolo tesla and spy options? I don’t understand? Seems like the biggest retards pay for this just to still have a portfolio deep in the red. +Recently, Kobe Bryant wrote a letter to his younger self. Out of everything, he warned his younger self to INVEST in family, not to PAY for family. It's especially poignant with all of the threads here where a poster has family that expects him/her to bankroll them in some fashion, just because they can. Someone with more reddit acumen than I should add it to the related Wiki indexes. I think it would especially poignant in the "Windfall" link. + +http://www.theplayerstribune.com/kobe-bryant-letter-to-my-younger-self/ + +>When your Laker dream comes true tomorrow, you need to figure out a way to invest in the future of your family and friends. This sounds simple, and you may think it’s a no-brainer, but take some time to think on it further. + +>I said INVEST. + +>I did not say GIVE. +My wife and I have decided on our retirement plan very early in our careers (we are in our 20s). At a very high level, we want to retire on a very large plot of land, 50+ acres, out in the country. In what is today a rural area, there are dozens of plots this size for \~$2k per acre. + +I am looking for the pros/cons of jumping on this now, and just holding the land and making payments on it until we intend to use it. My logic for this is that, in 20 years, this much contiguous land might not be available due to sprawling development, or it will be significantly more expensive. + +My father, a mostly SFH investor, thinks this is a bad idea, because there's nothing on the land to depreciate for tax purposes, and any appreciation will only result in larger and larger tax bills for something I'm getting no utility out of. But I'm wondering if I can lease the land to hunters and/or farmers who need hay to hedge some of these expenses until I'm ready to build on it? And, in the unlikely event our retirement plan changes, I'd imagine we could sell it and at *worst,* break even. + +Open to any and all comments ranging from "do it" to "you're a moron." +**UPDATE: I received this from the Board of Education (previous owners) "I am told by the previous superintendent that the yellow pipe was for natural gas. The red pipe was for fuel oil. He stated that he is pretty sure they removed the fuel oil tank years ago."** + +I purchased a 2-acre parcel at a city tax deed sale that an elementary school was previously located on. The school has since been demo'd. + +Is anyone able to identify what these 3 pipes sticking up out of the ground are? One of them is painted yellow which leads me to believe it is natural gas related but nothing in the area was flagged when I called 811 so now I am not so sure... + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated! + +Photos: https://imgur.com/a/x9eucOz +I've seen a number of posts in the sub describing good ways to trade money for time, experiences, and opportunities. As net worth increases, it makes sense to outsource things you don't enjoy doing. + +What do you continue to do yourself that you could easily pay to outsource. What's your motivation? Do you think it'd change if you increased NW by 10x? + +&#x200B; + +* Washing / working on cars. I like a shiny and clean car, and it's fun to do a simple wash or a thorough detail. Don't have time to work on cars much, but still do basic oil changes as a way to connect with the hobby +* Cooking. Eating out is fun, and I'm not the best cook, but it's healthy and satisfying to put together a hot, home cooked meal +* Line drying laundry. It's good for the environment and a fun activity for young kids + +I'm at 5MM investable assets. I enjoy all of these things and I find them almost like meditation. It's like a brief break to turn off my brain and do something physical and in the present. I'd like to think that I'd still enjoy these things independent of my net worth. +So a couple weeks ago I found out I was going to be receiving quite a fat chunk of money. I've been wheeling individual stocks for a little over a year now but never had the cash on hand to wheel much more than $10-$20 stocks without eating a huge chunk of my cash. + +I'm putting most of the money I'm receiving into a regular retirement account but some of it (about $34k) I'm taking in cash. I was thinking about either wheeling QQQ or just buying 100 shares and selling 20 delta calls on it, using the premiums to buy more QQQ, but I'd like to hear from the community. + +Edit: the 34k is after tax, not pre tax + It may say there are shares available to short tomorrow but they are all FAKE. Every share has been shorted and shorted again. DTCC is making fake shares available to allow the shorters to keep shorting the price down. They have been doing it for months. So NO the DTCC is NOT OUR FRIEND. Yes they are passing rules but they have been trying to help the hedge funds win for months. Only because we HOLD and dont SELL is this going to MOASS. The DTCC and DTC and SEC should all be disolved after this. They having been allowing MASS NAKED SHORTING FOR MANY YEARS and are responsible for thousands of businesses going bankrupt and many millions of people losing thier jobs. And YES they know EXACTLY how many shares of each company are out there. They have computers. They are the ones reconciling the trades. THEY KNOW. How would they know how many shares the shorters have to buy back when margin called if they did not know how many shares have been shorter and conterfieted? +October 2020 the avg house cost 23 Bitcoins. + +October 2021 the avg house cost 5 Bitcoins. + +Home prices are down 78% over the past year. Anybody know why the housing market crashed over the past year? +I recently needed to know what the hell was going on with my Taxes. Nothing online could help and I was navigating through dial tones for a long time. + +1. Before you call, make sure you have all of the information that you need. + \- Social Security cards and birth dates for those who were on the return you are calling about. + \- An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) letter if you don’t have a Social Security number (SSN) + \- Filing status – Single, Head of Household, Married Filing Joint or Married Filing Separate + \- Your prior-year tax return. We may need to verify your identity before answering certain questions + \- A copy of the tax return you’re calling about + \- Any letters or notices we sent you +2. **The IRS telephone number is 1-800-829-1040**, and they are available from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday thru Friday. The best time to call is early in the morning. +3. The first question the automated system will ask you is to choose your language. +4. Once you’ve set your language, do NOT choose Option 1 (regarding refund info). Choose option 2 for “Personal Income Tax” instead. +5. Next, press 1 for “form, tax history, or payment”. +6. Next, press 3 “for all other questions.” +7. Next, press 2 “for all other questions.” +8. When the system asks you to enter your SSN or EIN to access your account information, do NOT enter anything. +9. After it asks twice, you will be prompted with another menu. +10. Press 2 for personal or individual tax questions. +11. Finally, press 4 for all other inquiries. The system should then transfer you to an agent. + +I found this online and hopefully it helps ;) + +EDIT: Original Site I found this from: https://amynorthardcpa.com/how-do-i-reach-a-real-person-at-the-irs/ +From SEC (source: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-22/s70822-20147032-312610.pdf - check fifth page from bottom or something like that): + +___11/2/2020 Swap Counterparty 5 SC5 Basket 1 Custom Basket Swap -$1,037,418,675.95___ + +Questions: + + +1. Is this us? Counterparty 5 SC5 basket 1? + + +2. They roll them every two years (are there other durations?), yes? + + +3. Meaning, is this an action having to be done today (reroll/close) since it was opened 2nd Nov 2020), or is it more like a window opening today, where they have a certain amount of days/weeks to reroll/close? + + +4. As $1b was for x amounts of GME at prices of ~$2.7 apiece (EDIT: this is the adjusted post-split price, i was wrong sorry), it means todays renewal/close has to be renegotiated for about 10x higher price. + + +___Do CS have to fucking pay up $~10b today for position closes, or reroll these positions for another two years, when DRS rate will ensure that two years later, they cannot mathematically be closed? Who would accept being the counterparty of that shit? Roflmao - and they call us regarded!___ + + +Very exciting! + +___EDIT:___ If one adds other counterparties, ("6" and "3" respectively, in addition to "1" above), across Nov 2-3 2020 there were _more than $2b worth of swaps on this particular custom basket_. + + +But before you get hyped, refer to my question #1: is this us? Others have said so, i dont have time to read a 200p PDF. Is there a way to know, or can it be deduced from e.g. correlating swap sizes and dates with GME movements? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Are you guys reducing your cash position? + +I have about $60k cash for rainy days but starting to feel like they are just rotting away due to inflation. +Is there anyone doing cross-exchange arbitrage on crypto? What strategies are you following and is it possible to really backtest cross-exchange strategies in crypto ; ex lags in trade execution can eat theoretical profits +I don't understand why the Tesco share price dropped over 20% mid Feb. I get that the special dividend reduces the value of the company, but the consolidation was supposed to offset that so the value of each share remained the same, as explained on the Tesco website: https://www.tescoplc.com/investors/shareholder-centre/shareholder-meetings/ + +This drop in price therefore looks irrational, particularly given that Tesco has done very well during the pandemic + +Can anyone explain? +A lot of some of the most popular stocks were down. My SMT was down a ridiculous amount. Was it just by chance that loads of people were selling all at the same time, or was there some event or news which caused this? +Basically my question is; To recover my investment long term, should I wait for crypto to recover or invest the remaining part in a ETF? + +Just keeping my post short, because the details don’t really matter :) +\*Obligatory, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. All investors must do their own research and come to their own conclusions. Do not follow along blindly, question everything, including my work. + +**TL;DRS** + +Citadel's main hedge fund, Citadel Enterprise Americas LLC, registered a shell company, Ceamer Finance LLC in the middle the sneeze. It began its relationship period with Citadel Enterprise on 1/27/21 at 7:00 PM and registered its LEI at 10:29 AM on 1/29/21. Ceamer issued bonds shortly thereafter that were swallowed up by Guggenheim and a couple insurance and retirement funds from what can be found in available data. The data is very obscured though and there is not much available information on Ceamer or their bond issuances. Ceamer Finance II LLC had its LEI registered on 7/14/2022, just days before the record date for the GME split dividend. Its possible (but cannot be proven) that at least some, if not all of the GME short positions are hidden in Citadel Enterprise, and the above information would further support that theory. + +# Ceamer Finance LLC + +[Citadel Enterprise Americas, LLC](https://www.advratings.com/company/citadel) **(CEA)**, which is one of Citadel’s largest hedge fund tentacles, registered a shell company right in the middle of the sneeze. See here: + +https://preview.redd.it/f9whrouhqx3a1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f4fbf152aee23348071e91892d463f09ab3cf7 + +[Ceamer Finance LLC LEI](https://lei.report/LEI/549300KGM6NOF0Q0GA88) + +Ceamer Finance LLC had an initial relationship period with CEA beginning on 12/31/2019 and closed on 12/30/2020. + +Ceamer began a new relationship period with CEA at 7:00 PM on 1/27/2021… Rewind... 7:00 PM on 1/27/2021… Ceamer then submitted its LEI registration on 1/29/21 at 10:29 AM. Crazy timing right? Must be purely cohencidental. + +Unfortunately, that's really all we can find out about the company aside from some filings showing the Ceamer bonds, and the curious legal address information that we'll touch on later. + +# Ceamer Bonds + +Ceamer kicked out a bond or two sometime in the first quarter of 2021, could have been immediately, or it could have been later in the quarter. There is no way of knowing as there is barely any available information on this company, let alone it's bonds. + +There is also no way of knowing how big of a bond was issued, just breadcrumbs of information. The most information I have obtained from the few insurance and retirement firms reported to be holding these bonds is that this debt originated before 3/13/21 with 3.69% - 6.92% coupon rates, Goldman Sachs is listed as the vendor on one of the bonds, and they have maturity dates of 12/31/24 and 3/22/31. + +The breadcrumbs also show us that [Guggenheim](https://www.guggenheiminvestments.com/firm#:~:text=Guggenheim%20Investments%20is%20the%20global,income%2C%20equity%20and%20alternative%20strategies), once again, loves Kenny’s D ebt, as I showed [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ry51l6/cloverfield_i_the_banks_are_cutting_up_selling/), regarding Citadel Securities’ loans being cut up and sold to mutual funds/ETFs/pensions (retirement funds) as collateralized loan obligations (CLOs are the cousins of CDOs) and syndicated loans. Citadel Securities is the market maker tentacle of the company. Their $3B 2/2028 Notes were refinanced and upsized $500M on 1/28/21 in a transaction led by 5 time felon JPM. + +Let’s also not forget about the $600M Notes of [Citadel Finance LLC](https://www.lei-identifier.com/leicert/549300BQL283NCR7P163/) (registered 12/28/2020, this is a “financing vehicle” tentacle for the Citadel Funds [that bailed out Melvin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rgodx5/according_to_sp_global_ratings_these_are_the/)) that was issued March of 2021. Even though Guggenheim isn’t invested in these notes, the timing of the notes is important. + +Guggenheim accounts for all Ceamer Finance LLC bond NPORT filings since these bonds were issued, about $56M worth. That doesn't mean they're the only investors though, just the only investors required to report their investment. CEA or Ceamer Finance II LLC are listed as the issuers of these notes and Ceamer Finance LLC is listed as the description of the investment. The furthest maturity date of the Ceamer debt in the Guggenheim filings was for 2038. Here's the Edgar search: + +['Ceamer' SEC EDGAR Search](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522Ceamer%2522&dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-01-01&enddt=2022-11-30&forms=1%252C1-A%252C1-A%2520POS%252C1-A-W%252C1-E%252C1-E%2520AD%252C1-K%252C1-SA%252C1-U%252C1-Z%252C1-Z-W%252C10-12B%252C10-12G%252C10-D%252C10-K%252C10-KT%252C10-Q%252C10-QT%252C11-K%252C11-KT%252C13F-HR%252C13F-NT%252C13FCONP%252C144%252C15-12B%252C15-12G%252C15-15D%252C15F-12B%252C15F-12G%252C15F-15D%252C18-12B%252C18-K%252C19B-4E%252C2-A%252C2-AF%252C2-E%252C20-F%252C20FR12B%252C20FR12G%252C24F-2NT%252C25%252C25-NSE%252C253G1%252C253G2%252C253G3%252C253G4%252C3%252C305B2%252C34-12H%252C4%252C40-17F1%252C40-17F2%252C40-17G%252C40-17GCS%252C40-202A%252C40-203A%252C40-206A%252C40-24B2%252C40-33%252C40-6B%252C40-8B25%252C40-8F-2%252C40-APP%252C40-F%252C40-OIP%252C40FR12B%252C40FR12G%252C424A%252C424B1%252C424B2%252C424B3%252C424B4%252C424B5%252C424B7%252C424B8%252C424H%252C425%252C485APOS%252C485BPOS%252C485BXT%252C486APOS%252C486BPOS%252C486BXT%252C487%252C497%252C497AD%252C497H2%252C497J%252C497K%252C497VPI%252C497VPU%252C5%252C6-K%252C6B%2520NTC%252C6B%2520ORDR%252C8-A12B%252C8-A12G%252C8-K%252C8-K12B%252C8-K12G3%252C8-K15D5%252C8-M%252C8F-2%2520NTC%252C8F-2%2520ORDR%252C9-M%252CABS-15G%252CABS-EE%252CADN-MTL%252CADV-E%252CADV-H-C%252CADV-H-T%252CADV-NR%252CANNLRPT%252CAPP%2520NTC%252CAPP%2520ORDR%252CAPP%2520WD%252CAPP%2520WDG%252CARS%252CATS-N%252CATS-N-C%252CATS-N%252FUA%252CAW%252CAW%2520WD%252CC%252CC-AR%252CC-AR-W%252CC-TR%252CC-TR-W%252CC-U%252CC-U-W%252CC-W%252CCB%252CCERT%252CCERTARCA%252CCERTBATS%252CCERTCBO%252CCERTNAS%252CCERTNYS%252CCERTPAC%252CCFPORTAL%252CCFPORTAL-W%252CCORRESP%252CCT%2520ORDER%252CD%252CDEF%252014A%252CDEF%252014C%252CDEFA14A%252CDEFA14C%252CDEFC14A%252CDEFC14C%252CDEFM14A%252CDEFM14C%252CDEFN14A%252CDEFR14A%252CDEFR14C%252CDEL%2520AM%252CDFAN14A%252CDFRN14A%252CDOS%252CDOSLTR%252CDRS%252CDRSLTR%252CDSTRBRPT%252CEFFECT%252CF-1%252CF-10%252CF-10EF%252CF-10POS%252CF-1MEF%252CF-3%252CF-3ASR%252CF-3D%252CF-3DPOS%252CF-3MEF%252CF-4%252CF-4%2520POS%252CF-4MEF%252CF-6%252CF-6%2520POS%252CF-6EF%252CF-7%252CF-7%2520POS%252CF-8%252CF-8%2520POS%252CF-80%252CF-80POS%252CF-9%252CF-9%2520POS%252CF-N%252CF-X%252CFOCUSN%252CFWP%252CG-405%252CG-405N%252CG-FIN%252CG-FINW%252CIRANNOTICE%252CMA%252CMA-A%252CMA-I%252CMA-W%252CMSD%252CMSDCO%252CMSDW%252CN-1%252CN-14%252CN-14%25208C%252CN-14MEF%252CN-18F1%252CN-1A%252CN-2%252CN-2%2520POSASR%252CN-23C-2%252CN-23C3A%252CN-23C3B%252CN-23C3C%252CN-2ASR%252CN-2MEF%252CN-30B-2%252CN-30D%252CN-4%252CN-5%252CN-54A%252CN-54C%252CN-6%252CN-6F%252CN-8A%252CN-8B-2%252CN-8F%252CN-8F%2520NTC%252CN-8F%2520ORDR%252CN-CEN%252CN-CR%252CN-CSR%252CN-CSRS%252CN-MFP%252CN-MFP1%252CN-MFP2%252CN-PX%252CN-Q%252CN-VP%252CN-VPFS%252CNO%2520ACT%252CNPORT-EX%252CNPORT-NP%252CNPORT-P%252CNRSRO-CE%252CNRSRO-UPD%252CNSAR-A%252CNSAR-AT%252CNSAR-B%252CNSAR-BT%252CNSAR-U%252CNT%252010-D%252CNT%252010-K%252CNT%252010-Q%252CNT%252011-K%252CNT%252020-F%252CNT%2520N-CEN%252CNT%2520N-MFP%252CNT%2520N-MFP1%252CNT%2520N-MFP2%252CNT%2520NPORT-EX%252CNT%2520NPORT-P%252CNT-NCEN%252CNT-NCSR%252CNT-NSAR%252CNTFNCEN%252CNTFNCSR%252CNTFNSAR%252CNTN%252010D%252CNTN%252010K%252CNTN%252010Q%252CNTN%252020F%252COIP%2520NTC%252COIP%2520ORDR%252CPOS%25208C%252CPOS%2520AM%252CPOS%2520AMI%252CPOS%2520EX%252CPOS462B%252CPOS462C%252CPOSASR%252CPRE%252014A%252CPRE%252014C%252CPREC14A%252CPREC14C%252CPREM14A%252CPREM14C%252CPREN14A%252CPRER14A%252CPRER14C%252CPRRN14A%252CPX14A6G%252CPX14A6N%252CQRTLYRPT%252CQUALIF%252CREG-NR%252CREVOKED%252CRW%252CRW%2520WD%252CS-1%252CS-11%252CS-11MEF%252CS-1MEF%252CS-20%252CS-3%252CS-3ASR%252CS-3D%252CS-3DPOS%252CS-3MEF%252CS-4%252CS-4%2520POS%252CS-4EF%252CS-4MEF%252CS-6%252CS-8%252CS-8%2520POS%252CS-B%252CS-BMEF%252CSBSE%252CSBSE-A%252CSBSE-BD%252CSBSE-C%252CSBSE-W%252CSC%252013D%252CSC%252013E1%252CSC%252013E3%252CSC%252013G%252CSC%252014D9%252CSC%252014F1%252CSC%252014N%252CSC%2520TO-C%252CSC%2520TO-I%252CSC%2520TO-T%252CSC13E4F%252CSC14D1F%252CSC14D9C%252CSC14D9F%252CSD%252CSDR%252CSE%252CSEC%2520ACTION%252CSEC%2520STAFF%2520ACTION%252CSEC%2520STAFF%2520LETTER%252CSF-1%252CSF-3%252CSL%252CSP%252015D2%252CSTOP%2520ORDER%252CSUPPL%252CT-3%252CTA-1%252CTA-2%252CTA-W%252CTACO%252CTH%252CTTW%252CUNDER%252CUPLOAD%252CWDL-REQ%252CX-17A-5) + +In total, there is about $74M in loans that I've been able to find between the Guggenheim NPORT filings and the insurance/retirement reports. + +[Filed 2021 - 2022](https://preview.redd.it/wdopmb7vqx3a1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e352f0a1f91af023538103c4b362cf5071ffc81) + +# Ceamer Finance II LLC + +On July 14th, 2022 CEA registered another shell, Ceamer Finance LLC II. The issuer of some of the Ceamer Finance Notes listed above: + +https://preview.redd.it/tguib6a1rx3a1.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9ced2a6f4a22ed663820cde3c4369636ba88093 + +This just so happens to be 8 days [after GME announced the stock split by way of dividend](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-four-one-stock-split) and 4 days before the record date. + +# Hiding in Plain Site + +Another interesting note, there is both a “legal” address and a “headquarters” address for these LLCs. The headquarters address lists CEA’s Chicago residence for Ceamer Finance and the new Miami headquarters for Ceamer II, but the legal address lists this for both: + +https://preview.redd.it/mmtgg5x5rx3a1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=a699e61a9f25ca3b29e0a0faa35453f45624a4d7 + +This is the same legal address as [CSHC](https://opencorpdata.com/lei/5493003L1TTLSPDRMU94), the daddy of the Citadel octopus, as it is the [owner](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_116797.pdf) of more than 75% of Citadel Securities. Which also happens to be the same legal address as [Blackrock Capital Holdings, Inc](https://opencorpdata.com/lei/5493007UCDU4QX1ZZI35), many other [Blackrock companies](https://opencorpdata.com/lei?q=corporation+trust+company+blackrock), and many other [similar companies](https://opencorpdata.com/lei?q=corporation+trust+company). This post isn’t about Mega.corp though, so I’d encourage you to check out this series by u/Slyver12, [Will the Real GME BBEMG Please Stand Up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owpfc3/will_the_real_gme_bbemg_please_stand_up_part_1/) + +Another good read is this Possible DD written by u/ElCappucino, [The Open Back Door, in Plain Site](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qee8gp/the_open_back_door_in_plain_site/) stating that Citadel shifted or originated their GME short positions to CEA because CEA is a hedge fund and has all sorts of accepted reporting exemptions... The creation of Ceamer in the middle of the sneeze by CEA, the creation of Ceamer II just before the record date of the dividend spilt, and the bond issuances of these shell companies, would seem to further corroborate this theory. My speculative opinion is that these are financing vehicles for CEA who needed liquidity injections for the sneeze and the split dividend, but it can’t be proven without the books. + +Speaking of books, + +DRS is the way to stop the fraud 💜 + +Tanks fo reedin + +Additional Source Links, PDF files for Insurance and Retirement filings containing Ceamer or Ceamer II bonds: + +[https://www.sfgcorpmarkets.com/cmc/financialinformation/3-31-2022%20GAC%20Assets.pdf](https://www.sfgcorpmarkets.com/cmc/financialinformation/3-31-2022%20GAC%20Assets.pdf) + +[https://www.sammonsfinancialgroup.com/docs/default-source/sammons-financial-group-documents/2021-q1-nac.pdf?sfvrsn=cb38a993\_2](https://www.sammonsfinancialgroup.com/docs/default-source/sammons-financial-group-documents/2021-q1-nac.pdf?sfvrsn=cb38a993_2) + +[https://dbr.ri.gov/media/25086/download](https://dbr.ri.gov/media/25086/download) + +[https://www.rsic.sc.gov/\_documents/Reporting/2021-annual-report.pdf](https://www.rsic.sc.gov/_documents/Reporting/2021-annual-report.pdf) + +[https://www.wiltonre.com/wp-content/uploads/Texas-Life-Insurance-Company-2021-Annual-Statement.pdf](https://www.wiltonre.com/wp-content/uploads/Texas-Life-Insurance-Company-2021-Annual-Statement.pdf) +Isolated college town with a population of ~250K. Said duplexes are more tailored towards the local working class (part of town they’re in) per the agent. Some of the duplexes are owned by an IRA trust from what I understand. + +EDIT: Since everyone is asking, I am speaking of Lubbock, Texas. Make sure you read all the details in my post as it seems some of you are missing crucial info I provided. +🚀🚀🚀HODL 2.0 FAIR LAUNCH!!!!!!!🚀🚀🚀 + +🔥HODL Tokens mother of all updates!! ⬇️⬇️ + +♻️No Gas fees for anyone!!!!!!♻️ +(All gas fees will be reimbursed and paid by Hodl 2.0) + +💰 HODL 2.0 investors are earning FREE $BNB every day 💰💰💰💰💰 + +🖊 💥Signed contract with exchange already!!!!!!! First exchange launching within 1 week of HODL 2.0 launch 🚀 + +💰Minimum 2% of exchanges buy and sell tax goes straight to our central BNB pool from each exchange!!!!💰 + +👉Upgrades ⬇️ + +💯 Fibonacci pool to make the reward pool sustainable and less volatile 💯 + +💫 Automatic BuyBacks will be burnt creating stability of the price🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 + +💲Earn Daily Rewards in BNB by simply holding💲 + +🤝 No need for division of large and small investor pools since there will be no gas fee for anyone! We are all just “HODLers.” 🤝 + +💰 Automatic compounding with slider. Choose how much to reinvest vs. claim as BNB daily!!!!!! 50% of reinvestments gets burned🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 + +🔑A tiered taxation of BNB pool which will be distributed in the following ways: + +❤️ 5% of BNB tax straight to a charity wallet to be donated to various charities world wide 🌎 + +🧳 0.5% to giveaway wallet for huge giveaways throughout the month! ☀️ + +♻️The rest of the tax will go straight back to the BNB pool💥 + +👉Controllable sell bot to diminish sell pressure on command. + +✅ Every transaction is taxed 10% with the below distribution :- + +💸 4% - BNB pool +🌊 2% - Liquidity pool +➡️ 2% - Reflections back to holders +⬆️ 1% - Buybacks +🧩0.75% - Marketing +👨🏼‍💻0.25% - Team + +💥dAPP Released before token launch💥 + +Updates!! + +✅Exchanges signed and ready to go within days of launch +✅ Liquidity locked +✅ Certik audit applied for +✅ Live on Pancake Swap now +✅ CMC applied for +✅ CoinGecko applied for +✅ Anti Whale mechanism +✅ Gamification launched +✅ Mothership tax generates additional income streams from each and every exchange + +CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x5788105375ecf7f675c29e822fd85fcd84d4cd86 + +Learn more :- + +TG: https://t.me/hodlinvestorgroup + +Web: http://HODLtoken.net +We are thinking about moving out of the inner west area, to somewhere where is still a train or metro line but hopefully more affordable. A house with 4 bedrooms would be nice. + +Went to a Castle Hill auction today. Really nice house on a 470m2 land with 4 bedrooms, swimming pool, around 10 years old and in really good condition. During the inspection the agent told me a price guide of around 1.6 million. Other houses in the area were sold around 1.5-1.6m a few months ago. + +There were a lot of people at the auction today. At least 40 people bidding in the garden, more audience inside the house. + +Opening bid was 1.6m. Second bid 1.7m. Third bid 1.8m. It passed reserve price around 1.82m. Bids slowed down around 1.95m and the house was sold for 2.02 million. + +The first bidder bought the house. He was bidding aggressively, always overbidding. We had no chance. + +We stay in our apartment for a "bit" longer. :-D +Hi all, + +I'm wanting to teach my self a new skill and given my previous work experience in analysis feel Forex trading would be a good fit. + +I'm working my way through Babypips (great site) and also some youtube videos to help break things down. + +There's a couple of bits I can't quite get my head around and hoping someone can simplify it for me. + +EUR/USD + +1. If I believe that the Euro is going to fall against the USD then I would commit a "buy" order. +2. If I believe that the USD is going to fall against the EUR then i'd Sell. + +What I can't grasp is how do you make money in this process? If I buy at say 1.18612 and this then goes to 1.19000 how have I made 288pips? + +Have I made this by having the trade open at 1.18612 and then closing it when it hits 1.19000? By selling does this make money in reverse? + +Sorry if i've got this all wrong, just trying to get my head around it. + +Thanks + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Than you all for your replies, it's helped me understand a lot more and get my head around it! +-A message to the regulatory bodies- + +The fraud has been exposed to the world and handed to you on a silver platter. Yet 7-3 buy sell ratio keeps the price trading sideways for months. How the fuck do you explain this in a way that doesn’t frame the free market RIGGED. + +I am done with US capital markets and will continue to use my voice and my platforms to share and expose the fraud that has been committed. + +Rich vs poor, and there are more poor than rich in the world to fight you. + +Your all a fucking waste to society and you’ll die without ever having a purpose. Think about that. When your kids look to learn more about their parents they will see a digital footprint of all the crimes you committed against society. They will be ashamed of the person they were raised by. +The few times I've posted on here, I've been met with some really helpful comments and feedback from some lovely people, but I've noticed something, the mere mention of crypto currency on here gets people all fired up? + + +So just out of curiosity, Why? +This is my second attempt at posting this ranking to this sub, this time without any hyperlink to anything! Some of you may already know of this since I have reached out to a couple of (hundreds of) you after profiling you since about the start of March. To summarise, I created a webapp that tracks users' DDs and the stocks' performance since the first time they talked about it. Due to some data constraints, price data only goes back a year so this list is not exhaustive but it is the first-pass best effort :) . + +At the time of this post, 837 users have been profiled for 1048 tickers. The ranking is based on a simple scheme: + +Higher return average + more tickers > lower return average + more tickers \~= higher return average + fewer tickers > lower return average + fewer tickers + +You can find the original post I made as well as the webapp/full ranking on my post on smallstreetbets. Sub rules mean I can't link to anywhere (even another sub) so you'd have to scroll down to comments. This ranking has been filtered out to include only those who regularly post on pennystocks. + +1. [/u/trevandezz](https://www.reddit.com/u/trevandezz/) at 1060% for 8 tickers +2. [/u/TheBazaarTrades](https://www.reddit.com/u/TheBazaarTrades/) at 204% for 26 tickers +3. [/u/FatalComplex111](https://www.reddit.com/u/FatalComplex111/) at 771% for 6 tickers (this is a difficult one to include since his stocks are borderline penny) +4. [/u/CaptainWeee](https://www.reddit.com/u/CaptainWeee/) at 348% for 10 tickers +5. [/u/Kierik](https://www.reddit.com/u/Kierik/) at 560% for 6 tickers +6. [/u/Printer84](https://www.reddit.com/u/Printer84/) at 194% for 13 tickers +7. [/u/belac1804](https://www.reddit.com/u/belac1804/) at 265% for 7 tickers +8. [/u/Boardathome](https://www.reddit.com/u/Boardathome/) at 833% for 2 tickers +9. [/u/01gzim](https://www.reddit.com/u/01gzim/) at 196% for 9 tickers +10. [/u/Kusiroll](https://www.reddit.com/u/Kusiroll/) at 129% for 13 tickers +11. [/u/butthoofer](https://www.reddit.com/u/Butthoofer/) at 760% for 2 tickers (Honourable mention due to no3) + +There is a large degree of variation in the upside for penny stock users, so I highly suggest digging deeper into the distribution of returns and see if there's consistency to get a better picture. + +Obligatory last note: my post on smallstreetbets nearly crippled the database but I fixed some of the shittest SQL queries so it should be able to handle more traffic this time, but if there's a sudden surge in traffic it would still slow down the site significantly. Happy investing! + +Edit: Link in comments. +I was just on the phone with Fidelity transferring some more shares to Computershare and I asked the lady if they're still getting a lot of these requests and she said, "It's actually slowed down significantly this week." + +If you're on the fence about Computershare, read the DD and don't delay! + +Edit: I love hearing the stories of everyone that's waiting for shares to move to another broker before DRSing. Gives me hope that this lull in DRS might have been caused by the bad brokers holding up the transfers. + +Edit 2: Any apes that are calling Fidelity for DRS transfers today, can you ask a similar question? Maybe the person I talked with was off the first three days of the week or something? +Bank Holiday ends next month, Job keeper ends next month (unless you’re unfortunate enough to still meet the newer requirements for job keeper in which case you couldn’t afford one let alone two mortgages anyway if you had an investment property as well) and current jobless rates data where I’m positive quite a few home owners are in that data. + + + +Personally I believe many home owners of both personal and investment properties are hanging on by a thread. At current interest rates the Job Keeper is probably just enough to cover a mortgage (maybe) early super withdrawal got you covered for a little bit as well maybe, but September the bank holiday ends your loans will be calling with compounded interest, a lot would have been living on credit and borrowed time to cover the difference but once the banks come knocking for their money I’m certain a lot of defaults and a lot of “investment” properties will hit the market at the very least. + + +I have close friends that work within the big 4 lending and doing corporate comms and from what is currently happening behind the scenes and new modelling data they’re doing things are not looking good based on things they’re currently working on to “brace” themselves for the sell off that’s coming. Even data shows almost 500,000 mortgages, worth a total of $175.6 billion, were put on hold as at 19 June according to the Australian Banking Association (ABA) so I can only assume since then far more have been added and then you have the jobless rates on top and you can only imagine how many jobless are home owners as well, there’s so much data out there already I just feel price drops and the bubble popping much sooner than we think is on the cards, here is another article but there’s heaps out there and data to back it. https://mysunshinecoast.com.au/news/news-display/a-million-aussies-unable-to-afford-their-homes,64131 + + +So let’s think about this for a minute, what comes next when you’re up against it? You can work with your bank to keep climbing up the mountain but you’re still going to need to pay, you can extend your mortgage but this will most definitely push up your interest as well and you’re still going to need to pay or you might be able to switch to interest only repayments but you won’t even dent your actual home repayment doing this and you’re still going to have to pay, lastly you can switch to fixed rate interest which will lower your repayments a little but again you still have to pay it. And if you’re a home owner who has lost their job and were getting the soon to expire gov support + bank holidays, well, you can’t do anything there’s only two options here, find a new job real quick or sell up. + +My point is no matter what people in hardship choose to do you have to pay something and if they can’t afford to because they were propped up on government support and a bank holiday which is ending next month and combine this with new jobless rates data where most certainly a lot of home owners are in this mix of data well you can only assume the inevitable which is bulk homes being sold off on the market I would think a whole heap especially “investment” properties will be up for grabs in the coming couple of months and with this the market will be somewhat flooded and prices will have no choice but to fall, to what degree I can’t say but putting everything together I can’t see this wet dream of property prices magically going higher and limited market stock being on the cards for some time due to the way the economy is at the moment just can’t see it happening. + + + + +Edit: So this blew up a little, wasn’t really expecting that and wanted to say thank you lots to the kind stranger for the gold! + +Also wanted to say the conversation is below is pretty fantastic, lots of actual good thought out comments and conversation I’ll read through it all after work. +Hello FatFire, I'm in my early 30s and recently been presented with an opportunity and I would like to hear your opinion. I live in a HCOL area and have been recently approached from a friend who works at a startup. + +The startup has recently closed their Series B at $25m with likely more dilution on the way. The company seems to be primed to be successful as there has been a consortion formed around them. The company is now worth $40m post valuation. + +They're around 5 years old now, but have recently found product market fit, so revenue is lacking. It was described to me as a straight burn for the next year. + +They've offered me: +Base: $160k, equity 0.06% (options) + +I currently make: +$250k total compensation + +Would you folks do it? At first glance, the equity portion doesn't seem to be enough for the risk I am taking. But, I'd like to hear what the community thinks. + +Thank you, I'm grateful for your insight. + +Edit 1: Thank you all again for the very insightful responses and helping me navigate this opportunity. +And put $76 in it. All of my bills are paid. +I get paid again on the 10th and plan to put another $80 in. +I’m on fire and just wanted to share. + +Edit: I do have some credit card debt with a paydown plan taking me to the end of 2020, and a few small personal debts to friends and family, but I merely didn’t want to delay this step towards an emergency/rainy day fund. + +Second edit- wow a silver and a gold! My first ever! This seemingly small decision to open a savings account has such a powerful impact and I hope others will be inspired to make a small step to move towards their financial dreams too. +I just always hate having to say "sorry it isn't in the budget right now" or something along those lines, when I do people always feel bad or try to buy it for me which makes me feel incredibly embarrassed even though the generosity is appreciated. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them + +E: Thank you all for the amazing responses! All the advice is very appreciated and there have been so many great ideas, this has been so helpful and made me feel much better. + + +Hello Folks – joined r/thetagang a few months ago and have been learning invaluable knowledge from this forum lately, I am glad to be part of this group. Here to get your honest feedback, suggestions, please….. + +I am an enterprise architect at a major software firm making roughly around $175K/- per annum. but have been actively planning for retirement in the next 5 years. and putting the below plan in motion very recently. + +Deployed 1M cash ( between IRA & Personal) accounts and do the below for next 3-4 yrs. + +1 – 60% of the portfolio will be in SPY, IWM, QQQ, TQQQ, FAANG – ( Buy and HOLD/do WHELL as needed based on VIX and market volatility ) + +2 – 30% of portfolio for WHEEL, with quality stocks which really wanted to own if I get assigned. ( I don’t venture out on meme stocks in general. If I do, I won't risk more than 1K per trade.) + +3 – 10% of Portfolio for the Rest – Buy naked options, STOCKs, etc., + +Of course, that’s the max allocation. But at any given point I am planning to have enough liquid cash based on VIX, suggested by /TastyTrades .( couldn’t find the video to post here ☹ ) + +The goal in the next 3-4 years is to make ***at least 120K on average,*** ***consistently*** before I go ahead with my plan to quit my job and do full-time trading. sounds reasonable ? or am I NUTS? +hello fellas. i have about 77 shares of SCHD and today i sold about $1700 of AY and $1000 of GM. i am looking into spending these $2700. should i buy more shares on SCHD or what do you guys recommend? i am interested in ETFs but if you guys have any regular stocks i’m all ears! +Hello everyone, + +I probably should post this in r/depression too, but I figured I would try here. + +I started working for county job back in 2015 and worked there for about 10 months and a vendor position opened up from which I was making 14.30 an hour to 18.00 an hour. The company is based out of a large city 120 miles away from the site I maintain. I have to maintain around 13,000 devices within warranty for 26 sites in the area. Hours I work is 52 weeks of the year 5 days a week roughly $37,500 a year. + +I have to use my car to pick up laptops or work on computers onsite which I get 45 cents a mile. + +Well I have been at the company for a year and a half today and have worked my ass off and worn my car pretty badly over time too. In the past year I have had 3 managers go in and out. 3 Months ago I asked for a raise and my manager which is a really nice guy but everything even over his head on these things said "There are no raises consider this a stepping stone" I confirmed this with research people have been within the company for over 5 years without raises. + +Living is rather expensive for me since I live in an expensive area and take care of my disabled mother. Rent is 1150 a month and bills including insurance and car payments add an additional $800. Only reason why we have been on top is since my mother gets a disability check for 725 each month. Currently have 10K in savings for emergencies and moving. + +I have been searching on dice and indeed and other job sites +For the last 3 months I have been looking for a job. I have a BS in information management and cyber security. My CompTIA security+ & A+ and over 7 years in information technology, but I never get phone calls back on resumes. It seems like imp stuck in a hole I can’t dig out of. + +Edit: this exploded ill respond to everyone in the morning. Thank you for your suggestions and help! + +Edit2: Thank you everyone for your responses. It means allot to me that so many people care and can reason with my current problems. I have started to work on my resume and am continuing to work on my CCNA and other suggestions people have offered. + +Hello Apes! I was looking at charts tonight, examining SPY behavior in prior market crashes, when it occurred to me to look at the 2007-2008 "housing crash" with the VW chart overlaid with it. + +What I saw kind of blew my mind. + +Here is the chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/jCWsxLnl/ + +SPY is shown here as weekly candles. VW is the line chart in orange. + +The peak of the SPY bull market prior to the bear market starting was in October 2007. You can see on the chart, how the SPY candles peak in Oct 2007 and start heading downward gradually. Note that this coincides with the first significant VW price increase around the same time as shown here: +https://www.tradingview.com/x/q2LHeXRx/ + +There a few periods of dips and peaks in VW, and SPY continues to fall, but the next point of interest is in October 2008, when SPY really tanks and VW simultaneously explodes in the famous VW squeeze (ostensibly caused by Porsche locking the float), as shown here: + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/K3VlQ6ky/ + +The final "idiosyncratic coincidence" to note is that it is not until after the VW squeeze that SPY chills out and finally begins the economic recovery. Pretty much at the exact same time as VW chills out as shown here: + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/aOFSrDh2/ + +I do not believe the timing of these events is a coincidence. That being said, I've seen The Big Short just like all of you and I was told the sub-prime mortgage crisis caused the global financial crisis of 2008... + +I suspect (with little evidence thus far except the awfully suspicious chart correlations and our knowledge of the epidemic of short selling) that the 2007-2008 crash was actually triggered by financial institutions being over-leveraged in a *number* of ways, not just mortgage CDO's. + +I submit that they were likely short *multiple* stocks (not just VW) and that there were likely other spiking/volatile "basket stocks" similar to what we see today. I would like help finding these other spiking stocks in 2008 if they exist. + +I also submit that we have been lied to about the true cause of the 2008 crisis. There obviously was a subprime collapse, but I suspect their underwater short positions were also at least partially to blame for the credit crunch in big banks, if not the true prime cause. + +This would explain Jon Stewart's eternal lingering question of why the banks were bailed out and not the citizens that held the mortgages. BECAUSE IT WASN'T THE MORTGAGES THAT WERE THE REAL PROBLEM. It was a cover to bail out banks who were underwater on insane short positions exactly like what we're seeing today. + +Any help researching this to support or debunk this thesis is greatly appreciated. I'll be working on it too, as I have time. + +Edit: Another fun tidbit I forgot. [Here is a CNN article](https://money.cnn.com/2008/10/28/markets/markets_newyork/) reviewing the important stock events of 10/28/2008, the day VW peaked and became the most valuable company on the freaking planet. Notice anything missing from the article? Nothing to see here folks. Nothing to see here. + +Edit 2: Here's AAPL as one control. https://www.tradingview.com/x/IyZLerA0/ You can enter your own comparisons in Tradingview if anyone wants to try more...but I tried a few random tickers and got nothing that looked like VW so far... + +Edie 3: u/bluntzlightbeer, who doesn’t have enough karma so you know what to do apes, sent me this smoking gun. **Lehman was backing the VW shorts**: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-volkswagen-hedge-idUSTRE49U66J20081031 and an archive link: https://archive.ph/NFG1J + +Steve Cohen of Point 72 was on the losing side of the VW trade, see here: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sc4u7i/_/hu4tnsk/?context=1 + +Both WSJ and Bloomberg had articles that morning mentioning naked shorting and saying Lehman was brought down in part by naked shorting: https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sc4u7i/_/hu4mm8x/?context=1 + +##**WEN MOON** + +A friend pointed out to me that on the SPY/VW Chart, this point looks an awful lot like where both SPY and GME are today. It's pretty tit jacking cause look what VW does just after this... + +https://www.tradingview.com/x/j0VggMcu/ + +Also, my BRK indicator is looking very good. See my history for that post if you missed it a couple weeks ago :) My tits are jacked af. +Not really sure about how to go about claiming my property here. I’ve had this sitting in my closet since my parents found it a few years back. + +Also not sure how to value it. At the time of the gift, it was 5 shares of Coca Cola. However, the stock has split twice since then, so theoretically it should be 20 shares. Since Coca Cola is worth $51 right now, I would think this certificate is worth at least $1,000. + +However, I’m also wondering about how dividends would be handled. Am I technically also entitled to dividends paid out over the last 27 years? + +Any help is greatly appreciated! + +UPDATE + +Things are looking good! + +After an hour on the phone with Fidelity, they were useless and provided no help. In fact, the guy I was talking to knew less about this than I do (mostly thanks to the knowledge shared below) + +Next I called the Computershares phone number that was listed on the Coca Cola shareholder services website. They were able to use my social security number and childhood address to locate the old account. Turns out there is actually an identical block of 5 shares of a Coca Cola that they show in my name as well! Not sure if this is because of the split, or if there’s more money out there that I just don’t have the physical certificate for. Computershares confirmed that the account has a zero balance because the funds were escheated by the state of North Carolina (a few of you warned me of this possibility, so thanks). + +Thankfully, NC does NOT automatically liquidate stocks! Their website explicitly states that if I would like to reclaim my shares I can submit a claim and they will transfer ownership back to me. Plan is to call them and submit a claim tomorrow! +Many of you may know what the SIM swap scam is, however, I did not, and unfortunately, I got the opportunity to learn the hard way on Christmas Eve. If you're not going to read the rest of this, here's the quick take-away: If you unexpectedly receive a text message from your mobile carrier providing you with a PIN, do NOT ignore it. Call your provider immediately and take action because someone is likely trying to gain temporary access to your number (or someone else's on your plan) and the damage they can cause is far-reaching. + +My wife and I began receiving texts and voicemail from T-Mobile on Christmas Eve morning. The texts would include one-time PINs, and the voicemail was from T-Mobile representatives apologizing for getting disconnected. Each time, we would call T-Mobile and speak to a representative and inform them that someone was trying to gain access to our account. And each time, the representative would assure us that there is no way it would happen due to the notes and flags they were putting on our account. I was even laughed at the 4th time I called when I got put on the line with the same representative I spoke to the 2nd time, as she thought it was silly that I was so concerned. When I asked why this person would be working so hard just to swap a SIM, I was told it was probably so he/she could make international calls on our account. +On our 5th call, in the middle of anther one of these assurance speeches, it happened. My wife's phone lost service. I interrupted the T-Mobile representative and informed her, who in disbelief began the process of routing the SIM back to my wife's phone. Roughly 5 minutes later my wife is back online, but there's a big problem: she can no longer sign in to our Wells Fargo account. That's when it clicked for us: he spent all day trying to get access, got turned down countless times until one bad T-Mobile representative granted his request, just so that he could use our number to reset our Wells Fargo password. The fact that it was Christmas Eve evening when it all went down likely wasn’t a coincidence either as Wells Fargo and T-Mobile storefronts were all closed, and getting help wasn’t easy. +Fortunately, we caught it just in time and we were able to get Wells Fargo on the phone and our accounts locked down. The only actions he was able to take was to move money across multiple accounts into one, with the intention of making an ATM withdrawal (according to a Wells Fargo employee familiar with this scam). +We spent the better part of the day after Christmas undoing the damage: closing and opening Wells Fargo accounts, turning back on online access, switching mobile providers, …etc. I’m left feeling vulnerable. Despite all our calls and our warnings to T-Mobile, they still let the fraudster in. Immediately after we locked down our Wells Fargo account, as in not even 2 minutes afterwards, I was back on the phone with T-Mobile, because they had “someone on the line who wants to swap SIM cards and I just need to get your permission to go ahead”. I felt helpless because obviously T-Mobile was doing nothing to prevent this from happening. When I suggested that we shut the whole thing down and cancel our T-Mobile account entirely, going without service for the remainder of Christmas Eve and Christmas day, I was informed that while our representative could do that, she couldn’t ensure that the fraudster wouldn’t be able to call in and turn everything back on. +We ended up making it out okay, and it appears that after the fraudster realized he wasn’t going to get anything out of our Wells Fargo accounts, he moved on. I’m not sure at all that switching to a new carrier will prevent this from happening, but due to T-Mobile’s response, or the absolute lack-there-of, I felt I had no choice. I want to make others aware of this as we might have had more options had we known what was going to happen when we first started receiving unexpected texts and voicemail from T-Mobile. Please do take it very serious and act quickly if you suspect this is happening to you. + + +Sold last week for a nice profit after seeing it rocket, bought again at .55 without thinkin itd rocket again on nothing but here we are same profit margin again so thinking to sell on open to lock in before it drops again. + +Id there a pending announcement to explain the 15% today? +Interested to hear what are your “must haves” in your dream home? Obviously no wrong answers here - it’s all personal preference! + +Could be a location area (eg. beach views) or a specific feature of the house itself. Some examples: kitchen with an island bench? big backyard or a veggie patch? A man cave? Walk in wardrobe? A pool? + +Share what features you personally prioritise when looking for a home! (Preferably something that’s part of the house, not a piece of furniture you add to it) + +EDIT: you all have such fabulous ideas and wants and needs! I hope you all get your dream one day! +Google pays billions of dollars to other companies -- Apple, Samsung Electronics, etc. -- to keep its search as the default option on phones and in browsers, something the Department of Justice (DOJ) believes creates an illegal dominance over the search market. + +Deals like this ensure companies like Apple stay out of the search business. The practice has gone on for years. Google, at one point, paid Apple between $8 billion and $12 billion annually to appear as the default search engine on iPhones and other Apple devices, according to a law suit filed in 2020. + +DOJ attorney Kenneth Dintzer didn’t disclose the amount Google spends to remain the default search engine on browsers and U.S. mobile phones, but described it as “enormous numbers,” reports Bloomberg. + +“Google invests billions securing defaults, knowing people won’t change them,” Dintzer told Judge Amit Mehta during a hearing in Washington, admitting that Google buys “default exclusivity because defaults matter a lot.” + +In 2019, Google began giving Android users in Europe a choice to select a provider to power a search box on their device's home screen, and as the default in Chrome when installed. The changes complied with a competitive European Union ruling. The EU fined Google, saying it had an unfair advantage by pre-installing its Chrome browser and Google search app on Android smartphones and notebooks. + +The change gave users with a phone running the Android operating system and Chrome browser an option to customize and personalize their device, choose and change their search engine based on their preference. It included selecting the apps to download. + +Google, for example, added private, decentralized search engine Presearch as a default option on all new and factory-reset Android devices in the U.K. and Europe. + +Since Google added Presearch 2021, its daily searches have grown from about 200,000 a day to more than 4 million, said Alex Carrabre, head of growth at Presearch. “At the peak it was 6 million per day in the past 20 months,” he said. “It’s just in the Europe economic area.” + +Carrabre estimates Android has about 70% of smartphone market share in Europe, which means there’s strong potential for the fledgling search engine to grow its user base. + +Google’s private contracts with companies like Apple, and Samsung form the basis of the DOJ’s antitrust lawsuit, which alleges the company has sought to maintain its online search monopoly in violation of antitrust laws. + +The trial isn’t expected to start until next year. Thursday’s hearing was a daylong tutorial where each side laid out its views on Google’s business. + +[https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/377584/google-exclusivity-and-dojs-battle-over-search.html](https://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/377584/google-exclusivity-and-dojs-battle-over-search.html) + +The DOJ says Google (Alphabet, Inc: GOOGL) creates an illegal dominance over the search market by paying billions of dollars to other companies to keep its search as the default option. How do you think this news will affect GOOGL's trading price? Do you agree that it is illegal? +For the most part, alts are down. Some, however, are up. A handful of recent ones (such as Raiden) are substantially up. + +**At the time of writing:** Raiden is up 3.55x vs USD, 3.27x vs ETH, and 3.18x vs BTC. + +This isn't a "low market cap, low volume" pop either. We're talking about serious volume, serious market cap. (~$117m Market Cap, $5m+ 24 Hour Volume) + +**Context:** I've spent the last 11 years as a technical analyst for a major investment bank. My expertise is on micro cap stocks ($50-$300m market cap). I'll be the first to say... crypto is a new world, many of the old rules do not apply. That said, some of the underlying fundamentals are obvious and **definitely** still apply. The factors behind the Raiden pop is especially obvious. + +**Disclaimer:** This is a purely technical analysis. I have no opinion on the long term view of the project. I am simply analyzing the market fundamentals that contributed to the pop. + +##Here are the primary principles that contributed to the pop, I'll analyze why these occurred below. +* **Large Institutional Holders:** In my view, this is the single most important metric for whether or not a coin is going to pop. (It doesn't matter if the institutions buy in on the ICO or the exchange). Large holders mean that a sizable number of buyers are holding long term, which decreases the amount that is available for sale. It also means that very large buy orders on the exchange make the price rise very quickly, and stay there. They are less likely to sell due to short term news, and they insulate the price floor since they typically place buy orders slightly under market. +* **Post ICO Interest from retail investors:** Will everyday people continue to buy on the exchange after the ICO? + +## So, why did this happen. How can you predict this in upcoming ICO's? + +*(Note, Some of these factors are shortsighted. BUT this is how institutions think. My wall street friends bought into Raiden (and other ICO's) for the factors below* + +**Understanding if Institutional investors will buy:** + +* **Team** - What are the credentials of the team? Did they come from a top university? Have they sold a company before? What is their track record in the space? Are they transparent? Have they raised venture capital before? Can you read press about them online? Have they done speaking gigs? When you're giving someone money, you want to make sure they have their reputation on the line. If the above signals hold true, then it's less likely they'll act foolishly with the funds. + +* **Market Size** - Is this something that, if successful, will have a large market size. Most large scale investors would rather a 5% chance of 100x growth than a 50% chance of 5x. They have a diversified portfolio, so they don't care if they lose. When they win, they want to win big. + +* **Traction** - Does the project have a product? If not, does the project have actual customers lined up? Have those customers publicly spoke on behalf of the product? + +**Understanding if retail investors will buy:** + +* **Idea** - Is this something that resonates with an individual. Is this something people want to exist? No matter who you talk to, people buy stock (and ICO's) that they can resonate with the use case. This is actually one of the most important analysis when determining the number of retail investors a traditional IPO will have. + +* **Protocol Level** - People in Ethereum like to back protocols, not companies. Raiden is working on a protocol level solution for ALL of Ethereum. Unless a project solves a protocol level solution for the real world. This is about as big as it gets. More retail investors = more word of mouth spreading after ICO, more holders, faster price rise. + +* **Exchange Demand** - Are people saying they'll wait to "buy on the exchange?" This actually gives a tipping point to larger caps. Many people think caps over "$10m" just "won't fill". Some don't. Some do. But the larger cap ICO's have tons of people "waiting to buy when it hits the exchange. If you can find a large cap that WILL fill, you've found a goldmine. + +* **Presale** - In the wake of Salt and other ICO's that sold too much during presale, did the ICO have a presale? If it did, fine, but are those investors locked up? Is the amount raised presale disclosed prior the public sale? What was the discount? Is it small? Were the investors limited to value added investors only? If, and only if, ALL of these things are true, presales are fine. If any of them are not true, be weary of the project. + +**Here's things that matter, but matter less than the above:** + +* **Small Cap** - I know this is a highly highly contentious point. These days, everyone want's small caps. People want small caps so they'll "pop" on exchanges. Unfortunately, we are past this. If you go look at the ICO's that have performed the best since ICO, many of them DID NOT hit their cap. (Example: District0x. Raised only 20% of their $50m, cap, up 2x since ICO) +* **Macro Market** - Right now, alts are down. The market doesn't like ICO's... But look at Raiden, it's one of the biggest pops, and it's not a great time for ICO's. + +## So, who is next? Why? + +* **[Blockstack](https://blockstack.org/):** Going through CoinList, VC's have already invested. Tons of funds already in. Big vision. Large number of long term holders. Solid founders. **ICO:** Tomorrow +* **[Bloom](http://hellobloom.io):** Founders raised VC before. Founders are: Stanford, Thiel fellows, YC. Equifax hack. Actual tech. Joey Krug is advising. Accepting US means easy to fill cap. Global appeal. Community Whitelist. **ICO:** November 30th +* **[Props](https://propsproject.com):** YouNow has a ton of institutions backing them. Great set of advisors. Product has a ton of mainstream appeal. Gets support of a big company. **ICO:** November 20th +* **[Orchid](https://orchidprotocol.com/):** A16Z and DFJ backing, Huge space. Big mainstream appeal. Polychain, Metastable. Raised $4.7m already. **ICO:** TBD + +**Tl;dr:** Look for an ICO that will have institutions buying in. You can generally tell if the founders map the stereotypical founder than investor in Silicon Valley/Wall Street would want to back. Look for ICO's that solve protocol level solutions. Look for ICO's that are transparent. Be very skeptical of the presale. Focus more on the idea/team, less on the cap. + +*Edit 1: Disclaimer:* Raiden is the first (and only) ICO I have invested in to date. I am a very large holder for the reasons listed above. I do not have an opinion either way on if it will continue to rise. I am also well aware that some of the advice in this post goes against the "standard" crypto advice that's been circulating in this thread. I still stand behind everything above. + +*Edit 2: Added my suggestions since people keep asking for them* +So my strategy is very low-frequency and I still like to manually review when it finds a signal before making the trade. Currently that means I have to be at my computer to check it, but does anyone know of good Python libraries to handle notifications? Text/e-mail alerts maybe? + +Right now it seems like the best solution may be running the script on my phone itself but I'm sure my battery would not appreciate that. +As title states, I have a washer which is not working and the company who is supposed to fix it, sent someone to look, and now wants to give me money, instead of paying for the repairs. I dont think this is fair. Over the phone I asked what my options were, and they did not mention anything other than taking the (imo) small payout of $390. I feel like they dont olny owe me a washer, they owe me a working one under warranty till June 2020. What are my options? Please help. I have a feeling that is have a choice here and they are not being fully transparent with me. + +Edit : I'm am away from home and do not have paperwork where I am, I knownthisnwpuld answer so many questions. +Washer is frigidaire, 4.5 cu feet capacity I believe, sold to me by a very large company that sells these types of things in the USA. Do not want to give out their name for witchhunt rules possibly being triggered. +I am slowly reading through everyone's responses and cannot thank all of you enough for submitting your input. Thank you all. +Was just wondering now that growth is pretty beat down if you guys have any recommendations for growth stocks I could do some DD on? + +Thanks in advance! +Like Peter Lynch says all the math you need you learn in 4th grade. He also says value investing is really about how much you can stomach. That being said, do you guys have any methods you use to keep your head straight when things go super red? I just started buying stocks last year and aside from one stupid play which cost me about 2.5k in losses, I’ve been picking solid stocks and have faith in them. One thing I’ve noticed is that I get psyched out when I find something decent and it starts taking off. I’ve convinced myself now to put it on a watchlist for at least as long as it takes for me to do DD. What I’ve found is there’s far more things that have not panned out than that would have if I jumped on them. + +Overall I’m disappointed in my loss but I definitely deserves it as I was playing it like a casino. I chalk it up as a stupid tax/lesson learned but in a way it is really good to learn that lesson early as I am only 23 and have time to make up for it. + +Basically if you find value how much do you gotta rush into it usually? +Many advise not to tell anyone about newfound wealth. Unfortunately, it seems both friends and family heavily suspect I am wealthy. + +I think there are a few reasons: + +* The company which made me wealthy had a very high, very public value assigned to it. +* In the excitement of 2022 I let one parent know I might retire if things continue to go well and I suspect they told my siblings and other parent. +* I took a gap year from my career and traveled (which I am still on 1+ years later). + +From what I can tell, the cat's out of the bag. I deeply care about my relationship with these people and am committed to maintaining them over my lifetime. I almost feel like it would have been better to be upfront because right now everything is just rumors and suspicion. I worked very hard (combined with luck of course) to get to this point. I don't think I have anything to be ashamed of. + +So at this point, does it make sense to be straightforward with everyone? I am thinking of using visits during the US holidays as an opportunity to set the record straight. I am thinking of letting people know that my hard work has indeed paid off. I don't plan to get specific on the level of wealth (~$10m range at ~35y/o). + +Others who didn't or couldn't keep things quiet, how did you handle this type of situation? What went well? What went wrong? How did people react to you confirming their suspicions? + +Thanks in advance. +https://nsandi-corporate.com/news-research/news/new-year-premium-bonds-boost-nsi-increases-rates-across-several-products + +>Premium Bonds customers are set to get a welcome New Year boost with an extra £80 million in prizes up for grabs from the January prize draw, with an increase to the prize fund rate from 2.20% to 3.00%. + +>Alongside this, effective from today, NS&I has also increased interest rates across several of its other variable products. + +>The change to the Premium Bonds prize fund rate is the third upwards change that NS&I has made this year, with the prize fund rate tripling from the 1.00% it was at in May 2022. The changes will see the January 2023 prize fund hit an expected £299,572,750. + +>The odds will stay fixed at 24,000 to 1, with the changes meaning that customers will have more opportunities each month to win high value prizes, with more than three times as many prizes worth £100,000, £50,000, £25,000, £10,000 and £5,000 available. + +>More than 570,000 customers holding Direct Saver and Income Bonds will benefit from today as the interest rate on both products increases from 1.80% to 2.30%. The rate on Direct Saver is now at its highest level since the account was launched in March 2010, whilst the interest rate on Income Bonds is the highest it has been since February 2009. + +>NS&I has also increased the interest rate that it pays on its Investment Account from 0.40% to 0.60%. +If you’re awake rn you’re early + +https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xcbc1ce4a9f18c6e8a0a328708ba6ab484f84bb47 + +*bark* *bark* +The latest in doge-related meme coin technology, $POODL, has arrived! + +$POODL is an adorable, yet powerful, meme token. It applies a 2% tax on all transactions. 1% of each transaction is distributed to all $POODL holders for being good boiz. The other 1% is burned. +This means one thing and one thing only: as $POODLs become scarcer, your percentage of the supply increases. +$POODL-NOMICS! +$POODL has a max supply of 100,000,000,000,000: + 25% to presale + 25% allocated for marketing + 25% to Uniswap liquidity + 25% allocated for community fund (meme contests/shilling contests/burn) +Why $POODL? +I mean… + +He is a little upset you had to ask. +Liquidity will be locked immediately upon listing. Meme contest will be live directly after launch. Memes must be tweeted and then posted in the $POODL telegram chat for review. + +$POODL TOKEN ADDRESS: 0x56a980328aee33aabb540a02e002c8323326bf36 + +Join us! +https://t.me/Poodl +There has been an influx of misinformation on all online forums. On WeBull, I see commenters seeing short squeezes going on EVERYWHERE - including stocks with under 20% short interest. We have here an influx of retail investors. Many of them have never had a penny in the stock market before. Many of them don't understand the situation beyond what the price reflects at the moment and think that every dip is a short ladder...what's worse, many of them are vulnerable to emotional trades, having put in more than they can afford to lose but without the conditioning many traders develop after years of seeing the ups and downs. + +Not everything is a short squeeze. + +Not everything is a conspiracy theory (although the recent $SLV situation given Citadel's positions is very suspect - infer what you will) + +There is no set date for the squeeze - There is NO set date for shorts to have to cover unless market conditions force them to. + +The only way to win this, is to hold. Turn your share lending off if your broker allows. Ride the ups and the downs. Set you limit sell much higher than the market value - this will influence the price. + +Most importantly, understand: a true short squeeze will happen if shorts are FORCED to cover their positions at whatever the current price is. This is not the same as contract expiry - they are two different things. + +Short sellers have likely been covering as much as they can on every dip, to cover themselves. This is because shares are still being traded. + +Don't sell. We need to limit the supply. If you're in over your head, take a deep breath and do what is best for you, we'll take the burden off your hands. It will take time, but once the shares are in 💎🤲💎 we'll win. + +Edit: I am not a financial advisor - you should not use any of the information contained in this post to make financial decisions :) +I've been paying my deceased brother's mortgage for 14 years. We lived in the same home together before he passed away and I still live there, that's why I continue to pay. The loan is completely in his name and I tried to talk to the company before but they wouldn't unless I had the death certificate. I never did that and now it has been 14 years. The home is in bad shape, what would happen if I just left the home? + +FYI, this is a throw away account. + +Edit: Here is some additional information, thanks for everything so far. + +-Live in a small rural town in souther Virginia. +-The home is a trailer home where I pay lot rent in a trailer park. +-The amount owed is +$27k with an 11% interest rate. +-The value of the trailer home may be around $14k-$17k. +-I pay the mortgage to the bank and I pay lot rent to the trailer park. +-We're low income, never had a will, have just been working all my life and family wants to help out and get me out of the home. + +Edit #2: Appreciate all the responses. I'll look to get a lawyer to review the lot agreement I have with the trailer park and to see what the consequences are of paying the mortgage for an additional 14 years. From the looks of it, I'm not liable for this loan but I will verify. +It is a sound investment principle for an investor to build a few rules called the avoidance rules . I have only one . I do not invest in PSU / Promoter Entities + +Any small retail investor should have a few arbitrary rules or heuristics . Here is the beauty of avoidance rules , they are not in place to make you a profit , they are in place to safeguard your capital . + +For those who believe rules need to be banded by backtest and logic , here is the funny thing , rationality has bounds it is limited . To be human is not to be fully rational . + +Walking under a ladder may have a .000000001 % probability of falling under your head but hey it’s your head . Ergo the old adages, don’t walk under a ladder . Don’t stand behind or in front of a horse . + +If the continuing saga of IRCTC is any lesson , that rule made after the UTI fiasco is still working beautifully after 20 years . +My monthly online spends hardly exceed 10/20k per month. So I usually do not document each transaction every month and rely only on the bank statements. However, most of these statements never mention the actual vendor but the payment gateway through which the transaction was effected. + +In this case, how do you manage to trace back the vendor through the said gateway and document the expense +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/us-industrial-production-slumps-in-second-quarter-2019-07-16 + +> The U.S. factory sector declined in the three months ended in June, the second straight quarterly decline, the Federal Reserve said Tuesday. +> +> For the second quarter, production was down 1.2% after a 1.9% decline in the first three months of the year. Manufacturing fell at a 2.2% rate in the second quarter after a 1.9% drop in the first three months of the year. +> +> For June, industrial production was flat, slightly below the 0.1% gain expected by Wall Street economists. +> +> Compared to 12 months earlier, industrial production rose 1.3%. +> +> Capacity in use slipped to 77.9% in June from 78.1 in the prior month. +I don’t know what else to say- title sums it up pretty well. This sub is becoming the epitome of buy high sell low. Everyone talks about how they wish they bought x or y asset “back when it was cheap.” Now things are getting cheap again and instead of staying level headed people are just losing their minds. But it’s funny to me, because it’s people lump sum investing into solid investment during conditions like these that end up walking away as millionaires. + +It’s funny also how so many were smug and dismissive about anything that wasn’t an overhyped large cap tech stock and now that’s those are imploding people have no imagination what else to invest in. + +- work hard to maintain an income that affords you enough to invest. Not easy but this should be your priority + +- DCA all the way down and then continue DCAing on the eventual return up + +- Put most of your money in global market index funds. Only put a small part of your portfolio towards stocks you do great DD in + +If you are young and do these things- you’ll walk away a millionaire. + +Or don’t and doomscroll Reddit until you’re feeling FOMO in the next bull market. +Finally pulling the trigger on retirement today. + +I (48) have been working at roughly the same position (in IT) for 24 years. I have been through the company going bankrupt, getting bought out several times, tons of rounds of layoffs that missed me, and even a layoff that hit me. But I made it through unscathed and gave my official notice at the start of this month. I was offered a contract position for 10 hrs/week, but the rate was not enough for me to get past the "still tied to the idea of work". I just didn't want to be thinking about work when I wasn't getting paid for it and I have not been the best about that in the past. + +I'm married with no kids, though my wife had to retire a few years ago due to health issues. I never made the salary that I was probably worth and no where near what I see on some posts here, but I was normally able to save quite a bit of it. + +Overall, I have been extremely lucky. I was fortunate enough to graduate college with no debt. Eventually moved to a LCOL city (rent was about $325/mo when I left in 2011). Managed to find a job that made it through the dot com bust and Great Recession and everything else. I was also fortunate enough to get a decent (Edit : $700-800k) inheritance back in 2015. + +When I graduated I knew that I wanted to retire early, but never really had a true plan. To be fair, I'm not sure that I do now. I was mainly focused on saving the most I could. Probably the biggest impact to my net worth was having a decent amount of cash during the 2008 crash and buying S&P on the way down. And obviously, the run up since then. + +The figures : +Taxable account - $1,522,000 +Retirement Accounts - $1,413,000 (Spread between rollover IRAs, Roth IRAs, and an inheritied IRA) +Spending is about $35,000/yr +We own our home and car, so no debt other than credit cards that are paid off monthly. + +For health care, we're planning to stick with COBRA for the end of the year and then switch to ACA. We want to keep our same insurance so as not to reset our out-of-pocket expidentures thus far. + +Things I would have done differently : +Don't try day/position trading during the dot com bubble. I didn't lose money, but I missed a lot of gains. +Discover the three fund portfolio earlier. My taxable account allocation is not where I want it, but tough to fix that and take the capital gains hit. + +For the future, I don't really have a set of plans. I do want to do more hiking, do some strength-training (I'm too weak), and probably look for volunteer opportunities. My wife and I also want to find some place that can be final home, since we're in an area that is not elderly-friendly. + +We'll see how well retiring works in this economy. We have a decent amount of cash and "safer" investments. So long as things improve in five years or so, I think we'll be okay. Hopefully it works out. +I know many of us here are confused by the apparent disconnect between the market and real boots on the ground economy. A report just came out showing over 20.5 million Americans lost their jobs in April. We're now at a a top level unemployment rate of 14.7%. The Dow is up over 350 points as I type this. + +What CNBC and other media outlets won't tell you in their hacky "[Why the stock market is up even with historic job losses](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/08/why-the-market-is-up-even-with-historic-job-losses.html)" articles, is that quite a few public companies can weather the storm, while many main street businesses will close permanently. In other words, large corporations are essentially "buying out" these small businesses in the long run. Throw in automation and an increasingly specialized workforce, and we are witnessing the acceleration of the 4th industrial revolution, which ultimately benefits Wall Street. + +While everyone's distracted with bitter partisan politics, global mortality leaderboards and the usual nonsense in popular media, the largest wealth exchange in history is going completely unnoticed right under our noses. I don't think many of us plebs can appreciate the magnitude of what's going on. If I was a conspiracy theorist, which I most definitely am not, I would say they couldn't have dreamt up a more perfect scenario for the wholesale theft of main street businesses. + +I don't have time to get into the numbers, but that's the gist of it. The smart money knows this. While we may see more dips in the coming months, you can be sure the corporate titans will come out on top as they always do. +#TL;DR: (from the last 3 paragraphs below: + +>However, an indirect approach tends to weaken the path of least resistance before slowly overcoming it. The most effective way is long-term investors slowly accumulating and holding thus drawing the MMs out of its defenses making them as naked as their short position. This is war so this slow accumulation and holding for the long term easily achieves the desired effect to force MMs to cover and knock off the tactics or bury themselves deeper. + +>The MMs when caught will especially use every trick and tactic in the book to get a Bear Raid thus playing on the individual fear of most people. The MMs feel they have information and position advantages over the investors as long as the holding of the stock is in weak hands or short term holders. Since they are OTC BB MMs who believe all OTCBB companies are not worth investing and management is ineffective regardless what is happening within the company.Furthermore, MMs know they are in the position to impose a great deal of influence in OTC BB stocks trading when it suits their needs. + +>This inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long. Now this does not mean just any company but to effectively nail the MMs, Longs must find the great company on the floor and accumulate long before the MM tactics and games begin. + +***Hmmm…is it just me, or did we, a bunch of independent, rando investors, find a great not-just-any company in GameStop (that has a blindingly bright very-near-future), and a great DeepFuckingValue stock in GME that we all just happen to independently like?*** + +# = = = = = = = = = + + +Hey, apes. The post below was made over 8 years ago in another sub. + +It was reposted here a couple times almost a year ago, but since then MANY new GME apes have joined who’ve never seen it but ABSOLUTELY should, and I think all of us that have seen it would really benefit from taking another read through. + +Cheers, and I’ll see you all on Monday! +-E2 + +P.S. MOASS is TOMORROW (yes, even on the weekends! ;) + +# = = = = = = = = = + +#Original post, word-for-word, begins below: + +# = = = = = = = = = + + + +Market Maker Speaks Out: Ways of a Market Maker + +Author: **Unknown** + +Date: **Unknown** + +Source: [link](https://archive.ph/0lPfa) + +_______ +>#Market Maker Speaks Out: Ways of a Market Maker +> +>I was an OTC MM for about 10 years ending in the late 80's. Since then I have been strictly an investor. Since I have not been that up to date in MM rules I will only make statements that I feel fairly confident are still accurate regarding these activities. By and large most MM don't have a clue nor do they care to learn, about the fundamentals of the stocks they trade. + +>They just try to make orderly markets. When dealing with BB stocks it is very easy for a MM to get trapped into being short in dealing in a fast moving market. Reason being; most of the MM's in this stock are what are called "wholesalers" this means they don't have retail brokers "working" the stocks. + +>So they have to rely on what's known as the "call" from larger retail houses. If a "Big" retail firm like an E-trade calls up a market maker to purchase say 5,000 shares of a stock, they expect to get an "execution" from that market maker. If he turns them down, or only gives a partial then the "Big" firm will go to another MM. + +>If this second MM "fills the order" then that "Big" firm has a moral obligation to continue to give future "business" in that stock to that MM who performed (his life blood). This will go on until he "fails" to perform and so on. + +>Contrary to popular opinion the "Big" firms Do NOT neccessarily go to the "Low Offer" to fill a buy order (Or high bid for a sell). They "Go" to who they think will perform to fill the order and expect that MM to "match" the "low offer" in the case of a buy (bid in the case of a sell). Even though this MM might in fact be the "high bid" and not really want to sell any more. + +>As a wholesaler he must perform or he will get a reputation as a "non-performer" with the "Big" houses and will cease getting "calls" which means he will soon go out of business. I mentioned above that this activity is very significant to BB stocks. I say this because most of the trades in these BB stocks are "unsolicited" and are done through discount houses. + +>With the above groundwork laid, let me try to explain how market makers get short even if they like the Company; Lets say that a stock (shell) has been lying quietly at $.25 bid $.50 offered. A limit order comes into one of the MM's to Buy at $.50 for a thousand shares. Prior to this trade that MM may be "flat" (neither long or short any shares). He fills the order and is now short 1,000 shares. He may raise his bid hoping to find a seller to "flatten" out his position. But before he realizes it a wave of buyers have come in and cleared out all the $.50 offers. Now the stock is $.50 bid .75 offered. Here comes that "Big" firm he just sold the 1,000 shares to at .50 with another bid for 1000 at .75. He makes this print. Now he is short 2,000 at an average of .625. The market keeps moving and now its .75 bid 1.00 offered. Now he has to make a decision. +> +>Just like investors, MM Hate to take a loss. So 9 times out of 10 he will now sell 2000 at 1.00 making him short 4000 but with an average .81. At this time he would love to see a seller at .75 so he can cover his short and make a few bucks. + +>But instead the market keeps moving up. Now it is 1.00 to 1.25 and here comes the buyer again at 1.25. He doesn't want to lose the call so now he needs to sell 4,000 at 1.25 to keep his break even point above the bid. Now he is short 8,000. Market moves up to 1.25 bid 1.50 offer here comes the buyer now he feels he must sell 8000 here because "stocks don't go up forever". +> +>Now he is short 16,000. And so on and so on. If the stock keeps moving up, before he realizes it he could be short 50k or 100k shares (depending how big his bank is). + +>Finally the market closes for the day and on paper he may look all right in that his "break even" price may be around the closing price. But now he has to figure out how to entice sellers so he can cover this short. It is important to note that if this happened to one MM it has probably happened to most all of them. + +>Some ways MM's entice sellers; Run the stock up with a "tight spread" in a fast market, then "open" up the spread to slow down the buying interest. After it has "cooled off" for a little while lower the offer below the last trade right after a small piece trades on the offer then tighten the spread so that the sellers feel they can take a "quick profit" by "hitting the bid" on the tight spread. + +>Once the selling starts the MM's will walk it down quickly by only making small prints on the way down with the tight spread. Another way is by running the stock up in the morning, averaging up their short then use the above technique to walk it down in the afternoon. + +>Hopefully after doing this for several days, it will demoralize the buyers. The volume will dry up and the sellers will materialize thinking that the game is over. + +>Contrary to popular opinion, MM usually Do Not Cover in Fast moving markets either Up or Down if they are short. They Short More. They usually try to cover after the frenzy is out of the market. There are many other techniques they use but the above are the most popular. + +>This technique works about 9 times out of 10 particularly in a BB market. However that is because 9 out of 10 BB stocks are BS. Remember what I said above. Most MM's don't have a clue as to the value of a Company until they get trapped. If the Company has solid fundementals and a bright future. Then the stock will do very well. And the activity that caused the situation will prove to even help the future stock activity because it created an audience." + +>**Market Maker's Operating Procedure** + +>The savvy long-term investors never chase stocks up. For the most part that is momentum players and daytraders where most of it or what follows is dumb money. Instead the long-term investors use a couple of simple strategies in order to position themselves. One is to find a stock no one immediately sees has huge potential and accumulate. Long-term investors are not interested in trading against the public mind or the dumb money. That's where the majority of the money can be made but even more can be made if the base of a stock is held extremely strong by investors. However the second is not to doubt the research which is the underlying basis for going long and holding. + +>More and more investors are winning the game nowadays despite all bashers that float through the Internet that has become part of the game. Floor traders of market makers often watch CNBC, news wires and bulletin boards in order to follow the market during trading session. OTC BB market makers (MMs) don't use fundamental and technical analysis. However, what they do realize is a lot of dumb money does use this newest nitch charting or TA (Technical Analysis) to run a stock either up or down. To the MMs this is like taking candy from a baby. Simply they will paint the tape and use whatever tactic to affect the charting bands. Thus the public and dumb money they will have eating out of their hands. Effectively the MMs can show a strong stock growing weak by manipulating the close price in order to generate selling volume, delaying trading time to manipulate trading activities, or even stalling the ask without honoring orders to hold a stock price. + +>MMs follow a simple code of business when making a market in a stock especially an OTC BB. That is the level that stocks will seek that yields the most volume. Now this is very important because they make money on the volume buying at the bid and selling at the ask. In other words, by making the market they are buying low and selling high. Now smart money adheres to that rule, so do all the market makers. They could careless whether the stock is at $83 or at $0.23. All they care about is the action thus being able to sell stock at the offer (The high) and buy stock at the bid (The low). To increase their profitability, they make the spread as great as possible on as many shares as they can especially if the volume falls off. + +>When they have mostly all "buy" orders, that's not the price that's going to yield the most volume. They need both buy and sells to get the maximum action. Remember, MMs play the volume. If the volume decreases and there are mostly Buys that become a one way volume, Buy volume. So what they do is let the stock run up to a price where it runs out of steam. They fill all the buy orders there that they can and then comes the pullback one way or another naturally or induced. During the pull back they can buy tons of shares and flip them to those averaging down or trying to catch the bounce. At some price, the stock will be relatively stable and yield the most volume. Now that is the average price you will see + +>The average price is the point where a stock seeks a level where MMs can profit on the most volume. So during the day that is the price that MMs and momentum/day traders want to see the stock at. Why? Because they know the public and dumb money was chasing the price thing up. Most of the time, the MMs love a flurry of Market Orders which is a dead sign of an artificial run or momentum. Merely it is money in the bank for them. Most get hung in a momentum or day trade or by the tactics of Market makers, who are in the business to screw the public every chance they get and the NASD is not going to do anything about it. They are merely making the market liquid is there reasoning. + +>The market makers have created an added complication to the OTCBB's chaos of the already volatile intra-day price movements created by dumb money, momentum and day-traders. MMs can not relate to long-term holders in the OTC BB. That makes absolutely no sense what so ever. They feel a large percentage of trades in the OTC BB market consist of short-term or day-trades, MMs merely view the barrage of buy and sell orders as relatively neutral to the market. How they figure it is when the average dumb money buys shares in a company, the MMs feel or rather know with some certainty it is very likely that dumb money will want to sell back those shares relatively quick on the slightest drop. + +>Now somewhat comfortable with this logic the MMs merely short sells into the buying and attempts to take the stock down in an effort to "shake out" the weak. Since it is tough to know for sure whether a move is the beginning of a trend, or a routine shake out, this type of deception works quite well for the MMs. What the long-termers do to a stock is surprise the MMs because instead of falling the shorting has no effect and the price goes up. Now that puts the MM at selling low through shorting and thus having to buy high in order to cover. + +>Boy, when this happens, the MMs are not very happy campers. The investors and traders are supposed to be doing that no them. Now it becomes time to pull out every trick and tactic in the book in order to attempt to get a Bear Raid at every dollar mark or percent from where the stock started. Could be a penny in smaller priced securities? What MMs do is give you a chance to make a small amount of money for your momentum and day trading style by shorting it at these levels and trying to get a bear raid each time. Each failure is compounding the MMs short position so they let it go to the next level. Now come more deliberate tactics MMs use to coerce Bear Raid or panic selling. + +>Once the MM is caught short and the strength of the buy is overpowering the MM will want to cover his short position. So the MMs call up one of his friendly MMs and says some like "the weather is sure rough today." The MM along with the other "friendly MM initiates a down tick about the same time. Now this can also be done with a certain amount of shares such as an infamous 100 shares flag. This down tick gives the illusion of weakness designed to hopefully begin the bear raid of selling. The fickle, fearful, day trader, momentum and short term begin to sell out allowing the MM to cover his short position at lower prices. They will move it down quickly to get it to a price of least financial damage. Problem they have is long-term investors in the OTC BB. They start accumulating and buying comes flying in when they take it too far thus the MMs took it to the point of volume again and not only investors the other MMs step in the make money on the spread. + +>Alas the poor MM does not get to cover. Now comes various tactics like stalling, boxing, or even locking the Bid and Ask for a while. + +>Of course, MMs aggressively deny any sort of collusion designed to fix quotes or spreads, but a recent SEC investigation tells another story. + +>MMs have a vast resource of tactics and it would take probably more than my lifetime to figure them all out. + +>So how do investors somehow manage to overcome the obvious deception in OTCBB arena? One answer is indirection trading style by going long which the MMs do not expect. In the war between investors and public companies on the OTC BB vs the MMs, if the MMs have all the advantages due to position or other factors, direct confrontation such as momentum or day trading hitting the stock is a definite death sentence. + +>However, an indirect approach tends to weaken the path of least resistance before slowly overcoming it. The most effective way is long-term investors slowly accumulating and holding thus drawing the MMs out of its defenses making them as naked as their short position. This is war so this slow accumulation and holding for the long term easily achieves the desired effect to force MMs to cover and knock off the tactics or bury themselves deeper. + +>The MMs when caught will especially use every trick and tactic in the book to get a Bear Raid thus playing on the individual fear of most people. The MMs feel they have information and position advantages over the investors as long as the holding of the stock is in weak hands or short term holders. Since they are OTC BB MMs who believe all OTCBB companies are not worth investing and management is ineffective regardless what is happening within the company.Furthermore, MMs know they are in the position to impose a great deal of influence in OTC BB stocks trading when it suits their needs. + +>This inherent power of position enables the MMs to move the markets at any time up or down. As a result, the only way to draw them out of their favorable position is going long. Now this does not mean just any company but to effectively nail the MMs, Longs must find the great company on the floor and accumulate long before the MM tactics and games begin. + +>"Market Maker Speaks Out: "Ways of a Market Maker" Author: Unknown +____ +I’m 30, I’ve been living pretty frugally so I’ve maxed out my 401K and Roth IRA for the past 5 years, so my retirement fund is about $100K. I was reading how much I need to save to retire, some sources have listed in the $2+MM range, but is this too much? The average life expectancy in the US is 78, so if I retire at 65, I need about 13 years of living expenses and if I own a home and have no mortgage, I can live on about $1500/month. I saw the average social security payout is about $1500/month, so why do I need something like in the millions to retire? + +I also figure I’ll be working till 65 because I mostly work now and wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I didn’t work, so no plans to retire early. + +Thanks! +I'm not talking about wealth managers, property managers, accountants, agents, etc. — the people you retain the services of when your personal wealth or personal brand is in some sense a business of its own, to help run said business. + +I'm rather talking about lifestyle helpers: personal assistants, domestic workers, caterers, chauffeurs, stylists, etc. People who do your "chores" for you, or who do the research to optimize decisions in your personal life for you. People whose employment means that you have more time in the day to dedicate to doing what you want. + +There's one level of wealth where it'd make sense to employ these workers, but not directly; rather, sharing them with others, or contracting with a service that employs them. + +There's another, higher level of wealth where it'd make sense to employ such workers exclusively for yourself. + +What are these levels? (Probably measured in wealth relative to local cost-of-living, rather than absolute wealth, as such helpers cost more in countries with higher costs-of-living.) + +Also, if you're someone who has reached a level where you *could* comfortably employ such people, but you don't — why don't you? (I assume everyone has some household chore — e.g. cooking — that they like doing as a way to relax. But any reason other than that?) + +For background: I was raised middle-class, in a culture where employing domestic help is basically unheard of outside of the upper class. Despite being increasingly wealthy, I'm still mostly stuck in that mindset. So this is an out-of-context problem for me. A person from a culture where domestic help is something almost everyone retains might think this is a silly question. :) +I want to set up a scholarship to give out every year. It won’t be much now but I’m hoping as I grow in my career, I can start to put more into it. + +I remember being in 12th grade and somehow getting a small scholarship at graduation from the local soccer organization. I’m thinking of something along those lines, although I am open to setting up one for people to apply to from all over. + +Does anyone have any good resources on how to even begin this process? +https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-19-59.pdf + +Main updates: + +**Contribution Limits** + +- 401(k)/403(b)/most 457 plans/Thrift Savings Plan increases to $19,500. +- Catch up limit for employees 50 and older rises to $6,500 from $6,000 +- SIMPLE contribution limits goes up to $13,500 from $13,000. +- IRA contribution amount remains the same at $6,000 + + +**Income Limits** + +- Single IRA income limits when covered by a workplace retirement plan phaseouts increased to $65,000-$75,000 from $64,000-$74,000 +- MFJ IRA income limits when covered by a workplace retirement plan and the spouse is making contribution phaseouts increased to $104,000-$124,000 from $103,000-$123,000 +- MFJ IRA income limits for the spouse not covered under workplace retirement account increased to $196,000-$206,000 from $193,000-$203,000. +- MFS who is covered by a workplace retirement account did not receive a COL adjustment and remains at $0-$10,000 +- The income phaseout for taxpayers making Roth IRA contributions is now $124,000-$139,000 for singles and HoH, up from $122,000-$137,000. For MFJ, the phaseout is now $196,000-$206,000 up from $193,000-$203,000. MFS remains flat at $0-$10,000. +- The income limit for the Saver’s Credit is $65,000 for MFJ, $48,750 for HoH, and $32,500 for singles and MFS. Increase of $1,000/$750/$500 respectively. + + + +Everyone basically knew the 401K limit would go to $19,500 but it was a surprise the IRA amount remained at $6,000. +I was in a car accident a few days before my 18th birthday, ended up totaling my old Jeep Cherokee and was in need of a new vehicle. My dad is in prison and my mom makes minimum wage, so financial assistance from either of them has never been an option. + +I had $1000 from highschool graduation burning a hole in my pocket, and I needed a good commuter car to drive ~100 miles round-trip for work everyday. I decided on a 2015 Subaru Legacy; private seller and had to finance on a 4 year loan with high interest. + +For the past 17 months I have thrown every spare penny at my loan, trying to tackle it as fast as I could. I am in happy tears today as I put the last payment down on it and it's officially all mine! + +Edit: Thank you to everyone for the awards and kind words! I really appreciate ya'll sharing this milestone with me. Here are a couple methods I used to tackle my loan: + +•Plasma donation - my local plasma center was running a promotion for $700 in 8 donations; all this money went towards my car loan, and I kept on giving for an average of $90 a week (which also went toward my loan) +•Twice a month payments - When I was able, I would make two payments for the full amount of my monthly note. This helped speed up the payoff tremendously. +•Cash - I dont normally carry cash, so when I received cash/checks for holidays/birthdays, I went to the bank and deposited directly into my loan account. I wouldn't allow myself to put it in checking because I knew it would benefit me more towards my loan. +From the age of 18 I started gambling. Worst decision I ever made. I got addicted, spending all my wages in the first few days. As many of you on here have experienced, It’s something that you must stop and go cold turkey completely to get out of. I am now happily 1 year bet free (gamstop is amazing) and trying to recover from the financial hits I took from the silly decisions made. With no real sense of money value, I got myself into a substantial amount of debt for someone of a young age. Now being 21 I am ready to have this paid off forever and I want to learn the basics of personal finance through some solid advice. I was fortunate to be partially bailed out by a close family member, with the promise to pay every single penny back, on the terms I get myself back on track. +I will be completely honest with questions and follow the most solid plan according to you lovely bunch. Let’s get into it shall we? + +_____ + +I am currently in an apprenticeship and get paid on the 22nd of each month with a basic rate of £1176.16 after taxes and pension. I work a second job on top of this taking home at least £120 a week. So this adds up to - £1650 Minimum monthly take home. I also get a bonus of around £500 in March. + +My monthly bills come out on the days after I get paid before the end of the month. + +_____ + +Monthly outgoings: + +£250 to family member / £3500 balance + +£170 Car finance / £9000 balance +Stupid decision buying this car. But I’m stuck with it now and it’s cheap to run. (Zero tax, good on fuel) + +£167 insurance - 8 months remaining +Insurance is high due to an accident with some debris in the road. + +Loan 1 Ikano - £54 / £600 balance (2% interest) + +Loan 2 Halifax - £95 / £2841 / 41 months remaining / £3895 if paid over full term +1 month arrears that I am currently appealing with them due to a payment holiday blip on their side last year. + +CC #1 Barclays - Balance £198 / Limit £200 +“Simple standard rate p.a: 25.78% (29.1% compound equivalent)” + +Phone Bill - £44 monthly +I am aware this can be cheaper and I will look into this promptly. + +Gym - £30 monthly +I’d like to keep this as it is my small escape. + +Fuel - £160-200 monthly +Dependant on different factors. + +Netflix/Prime - £15 monthly + +Rent - £100 monthly + +Klarna - £79 owed for car parts end of November +Car service due end of November - £100 + +_____ + +Experian credit score: 419/999 + +_____ + +I should also mention I have £1600 coming in one go from some overtime in my main job this month. With the £120 weekly from my second job. I really can’t work anymore as my spare time is for studying and coursework! + +I believe that is everything! I am willing to try anything and follow any good plan. + +Please help me, this is in my mind every minute of the day. + +Thank you. + +TL;DR - Gambling debt ruined my teens, want to enjoy my early 20’s debt free. + +Persistent Gamblers if you are seeing this - [Gamstop](gamstop.co.uk) +I started trading in high school. Like most I was ready to start making bank so I could make a pool of gold coins and dive in like Scrooge McDuck (always thought that shit would hurt like a MF). As I continued learning, I got to a stage where before entering a trade, I would present it to my mentor for feedback. He would ask probing questions to ascertain my disposition, management plan, PnL targets, research, etc. Then he asked me a question that for whatever reason triggered the weight of placing the trade. + +Does this trade stand a chance against firms and institutions with billions of dollars in resources and traders who've been doing this for 50 years? + +He didn't exactly mean it literally, although derivatives do have a counter party. What he was impressing upon me was to slow down when forming trades. I would dig bunches up and want to start establishing positions to make that money -fast. He wanted me to understand that at no matter what point I was at in my trading career / understanding, that there is a wealth of knowledge out there that I haven't hit the surface of. + +The rigor in the trade screening made more sense. I began to shape a very comprehensive trade checklist: TA Disposition, FA Dispo, Trade Structure, Risks to trade, News/earnings, liquidity metrics, Profit targets, Loss target / management, scaling procedures, supporting positions, impact on portfolio - we'd go through it all. I still do this today and think it has saved me from more than one shitty trade. + +The next lesson was mindset in learning. Will share soon. +This is a request for Coinbase to do like Airbnb did and give their customers the option to participate in their IPO. + +Proposal: give customers the option to buy up to $20,000 of Coinbase stock at IPO price. + +I have a strong feeling that Coinbase will be pressured by Wall Street against this idea. Please upvote if you agree with this. + +This is about an even playing field. We do not want to see the traditional IPO with bankers buying the stock at IPO price and selling it at a 50 percent or 100 premium to the general public. + +We the users who have contributed to Coinbase’s success deserve this. + +EDIT: to all those who say this isn’t technically possible... AIRBNB just did this 2 weeks ago at their IPO. I know because my friend (who is a host and not an accredited investor) bought 150 shares at IPO price. + +Want proof? Okay: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/10/airbnb-hosts-profit-from-ipo-pop-spreading-wealth-beyond-investors.html + +Edit: Apparently Uber and Lending Tree did something similar at their IPO as well + +Edit: noticed that the Coinbase CEO is actually on Reddit : u/bdarmstrong - Please make this happen Brian! +Stocks surged to the highest levels since early March after promising early results for an experimental vaccine sparked speculation economies could snap back quickly. Crude oil advanced and yields on Treasuries rose. + +The S&P 500 jumped 3.2% after Moderna Inc. said its vaccine tests yielded signs it can create an immune-system response in the body. Companies that would benefit from a return toward more normal economic activity rallied. Carnival Corp. surged 15%, while Delta Air Lines and Live Nation Entertainment climbed more than 13%. Energy producers popped 7.5% and real-estate firms added almost 5%. + +The risk-on rally comes as more economies around the world and within the U.S. ease restrictions that created one of the steepest downturns since the Depression. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell stressed the central bank has more ammunition to combat weakness. The Stoxx Europe 600 jumped the most since March, while indexes in Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea all posted modest advances. + +“Powell addressing that the Fed is not out of ammo combined with positive vaccine trial data has set the markets off to the races,” said Matt Miskin, co-chief investment strategist at John Hancock Investment Management. “It just shows that sentiment can change so quickly in times like these.” + +Gold traded at its highest price in seven years before retreating, while West Texas oil rose above $30 a barrel for the first time in two months as producers in the U.S. and elsewhere continued to cut activity. + +While Powell said the U.S. economy’s recovery could stretch to the end of 2021, he added that policy makers are “not out of ammunition by a long shot.” Several European countries ended bans on short selling, as they continued to report the lowest number of daily deaths from the virus since March. + +“The market is very tied to measuring the success of these economic reopenings,” said Jeffrey Kleintop, chief global investment strategist for Charles Schwab & Co. “A successful vaccine would really make those reopenings very successful. The market is excited about that news although it would be a long time until the vaccine is developed.” + +Edit: forgot to add link to [source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-17/pound-slips-asian-stock-futures-trade-mixed-markets-wrap?utm_source=url_link) +Most vets are pretty bad at personal finance (we apparently think an average student loan debt of $170K and a starting salary of 60K is a good idea..) but as I lurk here quite a bit I've seen a few posts with questions about veterinary bills, insurance, etc so I thought I'd share some of my thoughts from behind the scenes. + + +First off, yes, veterinary bills are expensive. Do bear in mind that vets are actually expected to provide modern medicine at a fraction of the cost of human medicine, even when the procedures are the same or similar. + + +That being said, part of the reason that veterinary bills aren't more marked up is that the vast majority of the time, payment is expected at time of service. Routinely you will be asked to leave a deposit of 50% of the estimate if you are hospitalizing your pet, and then pay the rest when h/she is discharged. I hear this advice tossed around here a lot, "Ask for a **payment plan**. Most vets do payment plans". I have worked at practices in four states and I have never seen a vet clinic that routinely offered payment plans. + + +The truth is that many vet clinics are small businesses that are not set up to offer payment plans. If they didn't get paid, they couldn't keep their doors open. They would need whole separate staff to administer payment plans, plus eat the cost of clients who bailed on their payments. This would likely drive up costs for the rest of the clients. Other clinics belong to a few nationwide corporations, and they've probably even stricter about not offering plans as a part of corporate policy. The few times I've seen payment plans were exceptions for trusted long-term clients, or a few cases that slipped through the cracks and we didn't have any other option. + + +There are **wellness plans**, which are a completely different animal and do not address medical care for sick pets. + + +The exception is that the vast majority of clinics do accept **CareCredit** and highly encourage you to apply for it in case of emergency. You do need to have decent credit to qualify. If you don't qualify on your own, consider co-applying with a parent or family member. Make sure to pay your Carecredit bill in full before the promotional interest-free term is up, (there is no penalty for early payment), or you will be charged interest backdated to the beginning of the loan, which is awful. + + +What about **pet insurance**? There are a lot of pet insurance companies out there, some with good plans, others not so good. I would say that if you have between $3000-5000 in an emergency fund specifically for your pet, then you most likely do not need insurance. Some of my clients have "lucked out" in the sense that they got insurance for their dog when he/she was a healthy puppy, and then developed some sort of chronic condition that needs multiple tests, follow-up tests, medication, etc, and they submit all of those claims to insurance. I have heard good things about Trupanion, which generally pays out 70-90%. I've heard that Pet's Best provides excellent coverage - 100% after a deductible, but has expensive premiums. In general, though, you will most likely pay more for insurance than you will get out of it. I prefer the $3-5000K emergency fund - that should cover most serious illnesses, emergencies, and surgery (you may need to adjust this upwards if you are in an expensive COL city). Anything above that and you are probably in referral/specialty territory and may need to explore other options. + + +So what are your other **options**? If you are looking at an expensive vet bill that you can't afford to incur, you should always ask your vet if there are other options. We are very used to getting this question. There are a few exemptions where there really only is one treatment, and it is a matter of life and death. Generally speaking though, if a client tells us they have financial concerns/constraints, we will try to put together an alternative plan, either one that foregoes some of the diagnostic tests and relies on empirical treatments, or a less intensive treatment plan that still has a reasonable chance of success (outpatient treatment vs hospitalization, for example). If you are at an emergency/specialty center, you will most likely be able to get a less expensive option at a general practice / regular vet if it is appropriate and can wait. If your vet won't give you another option, feel free to seek a second opinion. + + +One of my vet school interview questions actually asked me what I would do with a patient who has been hit by a car and has a broken leg, if the owner doesn't have money. This is for illustration purposes, but can be adapted to other situations. What I would say is: + + +1) ideally, getting the leg fixed by a surgeon + + +2) if that's not an option, amputation of the leg is much less expensive and can be performed by most general practitioners + + +3) if that's not an option, consider surrendering your pet. Some humane societies/animal shelters, depending on their resources, will take in pets with injuries or conditions that can be treated if they will still be adoptable pets with a good quality of life. Everywhere I have worked, almost all the doctors and nurses have at least one pet that they got in a situation like this. Sometimes they have connections with rescue groups as well. + + +4) humane euthanasia. I love pets. I think they're family. But do I think that only people with $3-5K to drop on their dog should be allowed to have pets? No. Shit happens. There are lots of dogs and cats that live their whole lives without anything major happening; I only have to see them for routine vaccines. But if something terrible does happen, sometimes euthanasia is the best or our only option. We can take comfort in the fact that we gave a pet a good, loving home, and prevented them from needless suffering and neglect. + + +So on from that depressing topic. What are some things you can do at home to make sure your pet is the healthiest and avoids many preventable vet bills? + +**Preventative health care** + + +1) Keep your pet at a healthy body weight. If you think your pet might be fat, they probably are. More helpfully, here is a body condition chart for cats: https://www.wsava.org/sites/default/files/Body%20condition%20score%20chart%20cats.pdf +and dogs: https://www.wsava.org/sites/default/files/Body%20condition%20score%20chart%20dogs.pdf + + +Keeping them lean is about 99.9% diet.. I've heard so many times this winter, "Oh well he's fat because of the weather, we aren't walking as much". Then reduce his meal portions accordingly! This actually costs *less* money. Can't say the same for any other medical treatment/advice. It doesn't matter how much exercise your dog gets if there's a never ending bowl of food available for him. I recommend feeding two portioned meals a day. Preventing obesity reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injury, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, urinary tract problems etc. + + +2) Brush your dog's teeth! Especially if they are a smaller breed, or one of the poster children for bad teeth: dachshunds, chihuahuas, yorkies.. Bigger dogs seem to get away with less dental care, whether it's because their teeth fit better in their jaws, genetics or that they usually enjoy chewing on things that mechanically cleans their teeth. Either way, I recommend at least regularly examining your dogs teeth, especially the ones in the back. Daily (or at the very least every other day) toothbrushing is the most effective way to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, and save thousands in dental bills over the course of your dog's life. + + +Edit: yes, you should also brush your cat's teeth, if possible. Probably best to start when they're young! + + +If you don't have a pet yet, seriously consider rescuing rather than buying. Purebred dogs are incredibly overpriced and a lot of them tend to have health problems that mixed breeds don't. Purebred dogs from puppy mills/pet stores are the worst: birth defects from inbreeding, parasites, infections, etc.. If you have your heart set on a puppy, shelters regularly have puppies up for adoption, and will have already been fixed, which saves you a $300-500 surgery, and had a bunch of vaccines. If you have your heart set on a purebred, do research what their common health problems are and make sure you are equipped to deal with them. + + + +Second edit: another money saver: it's always fine to ask for a written prescription for your pet's medications, or ask to have it called in to a human pharmacy if sold there. you can check certain websites to see what the prices of the medication would be. If the med isn't listed, it's probably a veterinary-only drug that must be sold through the vet. As far as online pharmacies, I have mixed feelings about them. They are not necessarily subject to the same regulations as brick and mortar pharmacies. Their products may not be covered by the manufacturer's guarantee. Some of the products we've seen on there -- their manufacturers actually only sell direct to veterinarians, so those products are either stolen or counterfeit. I have no problem with saving clients money by writing prescriptions to be filled elsewhere, but I am a little leery of the online ones. +There is nothing more telling than Apex and Ally going after the very tools apes are using to take down the hedgies. The price doesn't matter, they've overplayed their hand, and all you have to do is hold on to your moon tickets and wait for the ride to commence. + +They would NOT be going after DRS if they did not have a motive to do so. That motive is stopping the MOASS. DRS is the only way. Do it as fast as you can through any remaining transfer agent that allows you to get your shares there. Who knows how long we have left before brokers shut us down completely. + +Time to get off the sidelines, apes. We are in a war against time and filth. It was always going to get worse before it got better. + +Forth Eorlingas. +I am so overwhelmed. I don't know where to start. So much contradicting advice. + +\- I just read Rich dad , poor dad - what do people think of this book. It left a sour taste in my mouth +[https://www.reuters.com/technology/twitter-has-legal-edge-deal-dispute-with-musk-2022-07-09/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/twitter-has-legal-edge-deal-dispute-with-musk-2022-07-09/) + + WILMINGTON, Del, July 8 (Reuters) - Twitter Inc **(TWTR.N)** has a strong legal case against Elon Musk walking away from his $44 billion deal to acquire the U.S. social media company but could opt for a renegotiation or settlement instead of a long court fight, according to legal experts. + +Delaware courts, where the dispute between the two sides is set to be litigated, have set a high bar for acquirers being allowed to abandon their deals. But target companies often choose the certainty of a renegotiated deal at a lower price or financial compensation rather than a messy court battle that can last for many months, three corporate law professors interviewed by Reuters said. +T'was the night before MOASS'mas and if you're too jacked to sleep, I have something to keep you jacked until Market Open. + +Following up to my post from last week, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ngp969/may_19th_update_on_the_marriedput_forensic/). + +If you haven't already that, this business about Married-Put-Remnants and Irrational-Puts won't make much sense, so go catch up and then pop back here after, kthxbye! + +**Last week, on Days of our Lives Buying and Hodling ...** + +We saw about 75k Irrational Puts expire. Poof! Gone. Where did they go? + +What we did *not* see Monday morning was an additonal 75k Irrational Put options get opened up, that's for sure. What we *did* see yesterday and today, was a nice well-distributed build up of Irrational puts all across the board, spread out like sand on a beach. Totally innocuous. + +**Pop quiz hot shot!** It's 2:30pm on a Tuesday, GME is ripping faces and chewing bubble-gum, boosters firing from $180 to over $210! What do you do? + +*Buy put options at a $30 strike for this Friday.* + +What??? No. Why on earth would anyone buy that crap? It's worthless. *Irrational*, if you will. ;) But that's exactly what happened today. And a lot more of it. + +(Note: Some of todays largest put option trades were late afternoon, low-strike, low-cost and interestingly, not out of the *PHLX* exchange! Aha!) + +**Naked Naked Naked ... Pop Pop Pop** + +I've been watching the low-strike put options open interest to see how it changes day-to-day. Here is a comparison of today to yesterday, a snap-shot of some Irrational Puts popping into existence: + +**Option Expiry Date:** May 28th + +**Strike** | **OI May 24** | **OI May 25** | **Delta** +:--|:--|:--|:-- +$10.00 | 348 | 363 | 15 +$20.00 | 137 | 205 | 68 +$30.00 | 603 | 756 | 153 +$40.00 | 501 | 647 | 146 +$50.00 | 296 | 704 | 408 +$60.00 | 457 | 404 | -53 +$70.00 | 759 | 813 | 54 +$80.00 | 327 | 395 | 68 +$90.00 | 185 | 493 | 308 +$100.00 | 3,006 | 3125 | 119 +$110.00 | 1,027 | 954 | -73 +$120.00 | 806 | 901 | 95 +$130.00 | 560 | 973 | 413 +Sum | 9012 | 10733 | +1,721 + +With GME soaring, the cost of most of these low-strike options dropped to super-cheap levels. You could pick up puts at even a $130 stike for just $0.23 cents! Looking over the distribution of puts at strikes today, we saw widespread increases all the way up to about the $130 strike. So it would seem that whoever programmed the algo to distribute these evenly doesn't want to pay more than about $0.25 per contract. + +If the Hedgies have a budget of about $0.25 max for Married Put contract, let's take a look at the following week's Op Ex to see if we see the same pattern of evenly distributed puts added today for low-strike options. + +**Option Expiry Date:** Jun 4 + +**Strike** | **May 24** | **May 25** | **Delta** +:--|:--|:--|:-- +$10.00 | 134 | 134 | 0 +$20.00 | 83 | 92 | 9 +$30.00 | 270 | 291 | 21 +$40.00 | 186 | 233 | 47 +$50.00 | 424 | 476 | 52 +$60.00 | 262 | 278 | 16 +$70.00 | 76 | 102 | 26 +$80.00 | 58 | 62 | 4 +$90.00 | 77 | 114 | 37 +$100.00 | 361 | 466 | 105 +$110.00 | 239 | 315 | 76 +$120.00 | 260 | 389 | 129 +$130.00 | 174 | 224 | 50 +Sum | 2604 | 3176 | +572 + +Yup. + +And we see even more of these Irrational Puts added to June 11th Op Ex contracts, more added into the Hedgie perennial favorite the July 16th contracts and a few more in the Jan 21, 2022 contracts. (Refer to previous post for the last analysis I did for these last two dates.) + +Every day we are seeing more and more of these Short-Term put options come into existence, about 4-5,000 per day representing about 400 to 500,000 shares. + +**What does all this mean?** + +Short Interest continues to be hidden in Long-Term Low-Strike Put options as well as low-cost Short-Term put options. + +In my previous post I did an analysis using a new criteria for what an Irrational Put is, a contract for $0.10 or less with high IV. Looking at today's newly minted put contracts, these are getting up to the $0.25 range on the high-end, although the *majority* remain clustered below $0.10 there are some few being added at even these higher ranges most likely due to some semi-random algo trying to hide these puts here without accidentally making it totally obvious that they have some specific allocaation. + +**What about the puts that expired last week?** + +Yes indeed. What about them. + +Nothing. They expired. + +After yesterday and today's powerful confirmation of the T+35, T+21 theory, I am inclined to think the Hedgies just stuck the Market Maker with them. Legally, the Married-Put is used to justify the creation of the Naked Short, the two allow the MM to remain 'neutral'. Ok, but what happen's when those Naked Shorts are still out there and the Put contract that was balancing them out expires? *The MM has to cover them.* + +Not straight away, the day after Op Ex (the following Monday) begins the T+35 part of the FTD cycle. They will cover those shares 35 days hence. + +The MM's are out there covering Naked Shorts on the 35th day, which would start spiking the price action so the SHF need to create *more* Married-Puts to create *more* Naked Shorts to again push GME down. + +Today, GME shot up 20% and the Short Interest *increased*! The MM's are buying to cover which is spiking the price and the SHF continue to drive it down with Married-Put Naked shorts. The SHF have *not* started covering, still just kicking the can another 35 days down the road. + +**Implications for Short Interest** + +I had previously estimated SI using Married Put remnants at 172%, but now that we are seeing Irrational Puts being created *daily*, that estimate is very, very low. There are way more Irrational Puts in existence, *including Short-Term puts and also expired puts* than I had accounted for. By the time I finish adding all of it together the Short Interest is going to be north of 340% at a minimum. + +Each week as these Short-Term Irrational puts expire, they are kicking off a batch of FTD's that need to get covered ~35 days later. Expired yeah, but the impact they had on the price action when they were first created persists, with GME trading sideways for weeks and weeks on end. Eventually they get covered (often at a lower price) and new Naked Shorts are created to replace them. In the meantime, every Monday a huge new batch of Naked Shorts is being created and *juggled* in a huge T+35 day loop. + +Last week the equivalent of over 7.5M shares worth of puts expired. That doesn't mean every week they have been creating millions of Naked Shorts, but if they want to keep the price action from rising, sufficient Naked Shorts need to be created equal to the total retail buying pressure. How much is that? We'd need to go count all the expired Irrational Puts since Jan to get an estimate. If we knew, we could better estimate the true SI and the MOASS peak & geometric mean. Data from Jan did indicate this practice of using Married-Puts increased by 10x after Jan 28th. + +I really hope Cohen just comes out and tells us how many shares are outstanding. That would be easier. :/ + +**Sources** + +[Original Post on Married Puts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgj0j1/the_naked_shorting_scam_revealed_lending_of/) + +[DTC-005 Original Doc](https://zenodo.org/record/4718936/files/005%20-%20SEC%20SR-DTC-2021-005-2%20-%20submission%20of%20rule%20finding.pdf?download=1) + +[Share Borrowing Program](https://smithonstocks.com/part-7-illegal-naked-shorting-dtcc-continuous-net-settlement-and-stock-borrowing-programs-have-loopholes-that-facilitate-illegal-naked-shorting/) + +[Barchart Options](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/GME/options?expiration=2021-05-21-m&moneyness=allRows) + +[Stonk Tracker](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com) + +**Required** + +🚀🚀🚀 +Post it if you have it, because all I have seen are the clarification from GameStop and the clarification from one of the EU regulators. What I have not seen, despite the constant bombardment of memes and citations of “DTCC committed international securities fraud”, is evidence from a broker that they were instructed by the DTCC to break the law. You know, something that would stand up in court? + +So where the fuck is it? I’m asking over a month later, because despite my being on here hours at a time each day, and politely asking the mods for clarification on the “evidence”, it seems there is none. So post some and help a brother out. + +Otherwise we should stop accusing them of fraud (as much as I want to fuck them over like they have me). Let’s be fair, rational, and always ask questions. Especially if accusations require evidence. + +Thank you and have a great weekend 💜 + +Edit 1: great conversation. Still lots of misdirection, FUD, gaslighting and ad hominem bullshit to sift through. There is one gem below, which looks promising. I’m currently trying to research FC02 v FC06, ~~and if it should be FC06 and this screenshot on Twitter can be validated and verified somehow, it does look like legal evidence~~. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x4uv9m/proof\_the\_dtcc\_committed\_international\_securities/imy68td/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x4uv9m/proof_the_dtcc_committed_international_securities/imy68td/) + +Edit 3: [This thread marked as possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whup7y/clearing_up_the_recent_misinformation_about_the/) and not debunked by mods, states that FC-02 is correct. If that is the case, the link above is incorrect on the FC-02 bit, but does show the "Stock split" portion. ~~So I'm still looking for~~ Would this evidence ~~that would~~ stand up in court? Something that shows the DTCC fraudulently instructed brokers to unknowingly or not, to commit crime. [u/sharkopotamus](https://www.reddit.com/user/sharkopotamus/) says that *"As you can see, the function code is correct (FC 02), but the Processed As field is incorrect. Processed As should have been "Stock Dividend," instead of "Stock Split.""* **So we are looking for documents that support FC02 + "Stock Split" or anything that is FC06.** Good stuff fam. + +Edit 2: I was thinking, the more you see “the DTCC has committed fraud” the more likely you are to accept it as fact, and move on. The less likely you are to continue digging for evidence. + +Edit 4: clarifications + +Edit 5: first snek, 2:20am 💜 +I read claims recently that there are "psychological barriers" below which Tesla could not fall. At one point, the "barrier" was claimed to be $1,000. Then $900. Most recently I saw claims it was $700. + +There clearly are no barriers. Some folks try to make them sound more real by giving them names like "support level". + +I am really bullish about Tesla as a company, but really bearish about the price. If it hits $160, I will start buying, and then DCA from there down. +Hello there, hope you all are well! + +As the title says, I'm interested in moving to another country such as Germany, but the second options are also Austria, Slovenia, and Switzerland and I'm looking for some friendly suggestions from the people that live over there. Just to be clear my plan is to stay there for a while, so I want to become a citizen of that country, get the papers, buy an apartment, etc. + +Basically, I work as a producer and my income is around 5-7k € a month, it has been that way for about 1.5 years already without any drastic changes, I'm self-employed and I've registered a company in my own country but I'd like to move to a different country since I'm not happy here. + +So, my plan was to close my company here, move to another country and register legally my business there, buy an apartment via mortgage loan and live there, I'd still earn the income I mentioned above since my business is online. + +I'd really appreciate it if anyone from any of these countries could write me in as many details as possible about tax rates including VAT, living prices, bills, apartments, etc.. so I can find my best solution. Also, things such as getting papers for citizenship and if the country provides any financial help with starting small businesses for young people - that info would be appreciated as well, some other helpful Infos (i have no debt atm, no children, no wife, own a car 20k€ and have savings 20k€; I'd sell the car when moving so that'd be around 40k€ in savings in total). + +Thankful in advance! +http://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-surging-ranks-of-americas-ultrapoor/ + +http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/six-ways-america-is-like-a-third-world-country-20140305 + +http://www.wsj.com/articles/third-world-america-1446594670 + +http://www.salon.com/2013/12/10/look_at_the_stats_america_resembles_a_poor_country_partner/ + +http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/u-s-now-third-world-country.html + +http://www.city-data.com/forum/economics/2242426-america-becoming-third-world-country.html + + + +GAMESTOP i have heard from Dr Trimbath, Wes Christian, and Lucy Komisar that all of this will really only end with you. All 3 of these experts have stated that you and only you as the company can fix this. There is little i can do as investors to fix the synthetic shares that have flooded the market. I am buying more and Hodling, but the people manipulating the system have bags of tricks and loads of money that they can use to screw us investors. + +Dr Trimbath did a recent interview stating again that you are the only one who can fix it. She stated that you accepted your proxy vote because you got the results you wanted even though there were tons of your investors who complained that they did not get to vote along with the high likelihood of a huge overvote tally. You could have easily stated that you would reject the vote because of investors not being able to vote and that you recieved way to many votes, but you elected to accept them. + + I still have trust in GAMESTOP and its management. I am very excited in the direction the company is headed! I really like the Stonk! But I am sick and tired of the manipulations going on as investors! And I am counting on you to remedy these manipulations soon for the sake of your company and your investors. + + I am patiently waiting on a statement to your investors on the matters of why lots of investors did not get to vote (manly EU and UK), what the total number of votes was, if there were to many votes, and what is going on with the SEC investigation. + + I have stood by you through thick and then, and all came to the rescue when things were looking grim. You have teased me with your tweets and replies, but now is the time to let me as an investors know that you have my back + + 🦍🦍🦍 + +Edit: sorry for putting we, as I was speaking for everyone. This was wrong of me and I am sorry for doing this. I have edited my post and changed to I to reflect this as my personal opinions. + +Note: this is by no means intended to be fud! I'm all in as I really like the stock and the direction its headed, just tired of it getting manipulated down below what I think its true value is. All these experts have stated it will take gamestop to fix this and I have faith they will!!! + +Note 2: thanks for apes who stated it was good for them to accept vote so Cohen got ceo and new board. Now they can get to work!!! Makes me feel better as to why they didn't reject it!!! +Seems zippy out of love from this sub, used to be the first love and start of ASX_Bets meme any og still out there? +Or am the only one who buys the dip +If you were to make an ETF only portfolio that pays monthly and gives the highest yield, what ETFs would you use? + +I would think QYLD, JEPI, and SPHD could be a core foundation. Any other ETFs that would qualify for this type of portfolio? Would you consider any bond funds (like Pimco)? + +EDIT: SPHD, not SCHD +I’m old enough to know I should educate myself before I start spending money. Also old enough to know that the current climate is a good time to invest. The problem is that I feel unprepared to do that. How can I get up to speed quickly so I can start to trading? +Hey friends, + +I keep hearing bonds have no return and aren’t worth it now. Wouldn’t this make it the best time to get them, when they are low? + +I’m looking to diversify between various indexes: stocks (USA/foreign/emerging), bonds, TIPS, commodities, REITS, crypto. + +Can anyone lend me any advice. +Also anyone know a good bond and TIPS Index? + +Thanks so much!!! +Where do I even begin. + +I’m currently 24 and have recently (3 months ago) changed jobs to what I thought was going to be a much better chance at a career with progression. + +For context, I have no degree/any actual useful skills on paper. + +I spent the last 4 years working at a minimum wage customer facing retail job (storage company) which had monthly bonuses too but they weren’t guaranteed. I hated the job and was severely overworked and underpaid/not appreciated. + +I finally built up the courage to make a change for myself and applied for lots of “better” jobs. I got an interview and took the job as it sounded great and was offering more money (after the first 6 months probation) than my previous dead end job. + +All started well, but 3 months in I have realised I cannot perform well in this role. It’s a high paced sales role making outbound phone calls to sell insurance. I essentially am sitting at home (WFH) for 7.5 hours saying the same sentences over and over and over again. It’s so mentally draining. + +I’ve been looking for other jobs online but cannot find anything as I’m coming to the realisation that I am a pretty useless person when it comes to work. I have no qualifications other than school. No relevant experience in any decent sectors of work. + +I currently rent with my girlfriend (£1050 pcm + all other bills) she earns more than I do currently but wouldn’t be able to pay everything on her own. + +This has made me feel so useless and stuck. For my own mental health I feel like I need to leave this current job as every day is getting harder and harder for me to take it. My problem is that if I do quit, it could take me months to find another (better?) job again and even then it’s likely going to be the same kind of job due to my limited skills. + +At this point I am genuinely feeling so trapped in my situation that it is making me want to end it all. + +How can I progress career wise or at least get my foot in the door in a decent working industry? + +It feels like my destiny is full of retail jobs with no skill needed or “sales” jobs where my only ‘skill’ is having a voice to read a script with. + +Tbh I’m not sure why I’ve even written all of this out but any advice at all would be appreciated. + +*EDIT* Wow thank you so much everyone, I really appreciate all of the responses. They are coming in a little too quick for me to respond to everybody but trust me I am reading every single word and taking it all in. + +I’ve also had lots of people PM me with more advice, so thank you again and apologies if I haven’t replied to you yet! I wasn’t expecting such a large amount of support and help. + +You are all life savers! +My mom is 70 and lives in NC. She never had access to the bank account and she never learned how to pay bills. My dad made her quit her job 52 years ago when they got married, so she doesn’t have any retirement money of her own. Just before he passed, she was able to get some usernames and passwords to various things like the bank account, an email, the phone and internet services, etc. However, he had dementia, so all of the information is pretty scrambled and some passwords are incorrect. + +She is completely lost, so I am flying out tomorrow to try and help her sort things out. Currently, it’s my understanding that she has basically no money. He didn’t have life insurance, and the balance in the bank is low (I’m not sure exactly *how* low, but I’m pretty sure they were barely scraping by off his social security). She is just finding out about open credit accounts with debt. I’ve been told she does not have enough money coming in monthly to pay the mortgage. I will be getting all of the financial information when I get there (incoming/available funds vs expenses), so I will be able to more accurately describe the situation tomorrow or Monday. + +Since this is time sensitive and I can only get a week off work to help her, I am looking for any advice in advance regarding where to start so I can go at this in a focused, organized, and efficient manner. I have never dealt with this before and have a million questions. How can I find out where he may have any extra money stashed? Can I find out if he owned any stock? If he had a will and it states she is to inherit his belongings, how do I go about getting everything in her name and how long does it generally take? Is she now responsible for his credit card debt? Is there any government help she can get in this situation and if there is, who can I call to get that process started? + +EDIT1: I’ve obtained some information on the house and his debt. The house is owned jointly. It is my understanding that ~~50% of the house then goes to his estate, and the other 50% is my mom’s.~~ He had taken out a 2nd mortgage on the house. He owes 88k on the first, and 35k on the 2nd. I estimate the house to be worth about 200k. If the house is sold ~~and 100k of that is my mom’s and the other 100k is dad’s estate, then all 100k from his estate would go toward the 123k owed and she would be responsible for the 23k left on the mortgage? Then the 77k she has left after that is hers? Or, would they require her to pay 50% of the 123k owed on the mortgages since it is joint debt (61k) leaving her with 39k and 39k left in dad’s estate to pay off his other debts?~~ then she would be able to pay off the 123k debt and end up with around 70k (but also now need to find new living arrangements) + +Also, it’s my understanding that debt in his name only (like a credit account without her name on it) is not her responsibility and the creditors can take the money out of his estate before it is distributed to his kin. If there is nothing left to his estate, then the creditors are shit out of luck, and she is only responsible for paying any joint debt? + + +EDIT2: I’m heading to bed for now so I can wake up at 4am to fly, but I am so thankful for each and every word of advice. I will continue to read through everything on the plane tomorrow. You are all wonderful people, thank you again!! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Market Watch just named Naples #1, Venice-Sarasota-North Port #2 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-no-1-emerging-real-estate-market-in-america-also-has-some-of-the-nations-best-beaches-11643296664 +Imagine a token with the appeal of SafeMoon, Axie, and PancakeSwap--all rolled into one. Look no further than $StarShip. Replicating the tokenomics of SafeMoon, while adding the use case of a decentralized exchange, wallet and NFT game, StarShip is about to blow the minds of all early investors. At just $2.4M market cap, StarShip is CRIMINALLY undervalued and at an exceptional entry price. Celebrities and large investors alike are taking note, with influencers such as [Hard Factor](https://twitter.com/HardFactorNews/status/1390353818634833920) [Sam Pepper](https://twitter.com/sampepper/status/1390076976434610176), [Trinidad James](https://twitter.com/Trinidadjamesgg/status/1390397432735965191), and [Uno the Activist](https://www.instagram.com/unotheactivist/?hl=en) hopping on board the StarShip launch. + +**Groundbreaking Features** + +🎮StarShip NFT Game -- Beta anticipated in Q3/early Q4 with NFT creation and graphic design courtesy of former Blizzard and World of Warcraft artist Carlos Chinesta. You can preview artwork for the game and NFTs on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/StarShipBSC/status/1393617858219978753) and [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/eliteportraits) + +💵StarShip Wallet -- Expected in Q3. The standard 0.2% cryptocurrency transaction fee will go towards the StarShip liquidity pool + +📈LaunchPad DEX -- Expected THIS quarter. Trading fees to go to liquidity! Newly launched coins will be backed by Starship, further increasing its value. + +🛍StarShop -- Load up on your favorite StarShip gear including hoodies, t-shirts, beanies, and mugs! Coming soon! + +**StarShip Vital Statistics** + +✅ Total supply: 20,000,000 + +✅ Burned token: 600,000+ + +✅ Transaction Fee: 10% + +✅ 5% Redistribution + +✅ 5% Auto Liquidity + +✅ 3,300+ holders + +✅ Liquidity Locked + +✅ Solidity Audit Passed + +✅ Listed on CoinMarketCap THIS MORNING + +🌕 Contract: 0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805 + +💥 Join our Telegram, ask away, DYOR and enjoy!💥 + +\_\_\_\_ + +**StarShip Approved Socials** + +🧭 Website: + +[https://starshipbsc.finance](https://starshipbsc.finance/) + +📧 Telegram: + +[https://t.me/StarShip100](https://t.me/StarShip100) + +🐦 Twitter: + +[https://twitter.com/StarShipBSC](https://twitter.com/StarShipBSC) + +📷 Instagram: + +[https://www.instagram.com/starshipbsc](https://www.instagram.com/starshipbsc) + +\_\_\_\_ + +💢 STARSHIP Contract: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805](https://bscscan.com/token/0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805) + +📈 Chart: poocoin.app/tokens/0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805 + +🎩CoinMarketCap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/starship/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/starship/) + +🦎CoinGecko: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/starship](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/starship) + +🥞 Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x52419258E3fa44DEAc7E670eaDD4c892B480A805) +Some context - my parents were both first gen immigrants and even though they are now comfortably FAT, have had basically 0 lifestyle inflation over the past 20 years. Until recently going out for us meant burritos at taco bell a 4-5 times a year. Biggest lifestyle change has been shopping at Trader Joes instead of \*Food Maxx. + +&#x200B; + +Job and salary defined you personally. Summer vacations were SAT camp or college courses. Academics and earning potential were emphasized above all else. I managed to study mechanical engineering (which I love) instead of computer science. Since it was still engineering, my parents paid for three years of college, which I’m enormously grateful for. Eventually though the combination of parent’s pressure and regularly interning in CS led me to a FAANG job which I don’t love but don’t despise. + +&#x200B; + +My issue is while I grew up rather independent and assuming I’d get no support from my parents, I was handed a decent trust fund at 21. I haven't touched it at all but just knowing it is there is sort of undermining my previously financial - centric motivations. I love the outdoors and like to cook, but don’t party much, have no kids, no mortgage, no expensive hobbies, and really don't have much to spend FAANG money on. Option 1 is stay tech another 10 years and maybe make the same amount of money I’ve been given. Grew up in the bay so some small pipe dream of building a startup if I find something that really motivates me. Option 2 is start working or go back to school for something I passed up on during the grind. + +&#x200B; + +Its been hard to unlearn decades of scarcity mindset so I’ve been starting with scaling back at work, reading, and traveling a little. Maybe start volunteering once stuff starts opening up. I used to build things all the time, so might find a small maker space and get back into that. Eventually I’d love to move to a field that is more personally satisfying but giving up the cushy environment at FAANG is still terrifying. + +&#x200B; + +* What can I do now to explore all the stuff i’ve missed out on? +* Many of my friends won’t be giving up on the FAANG grind any time soon. Should I be worried about not being able to relate if I’m getting out? +Everything just feels off, high inflation, elections coming up, China housing bubble, pretty poor earning...yet everything is going up. Seems like a massive bull trap. + +Anyone else in the same mind or are we really on the way up again? + +Edit: I feel like I need to clarify, as I'm receiving hateful DMs for some reason? I never mentioned my portfolio or my positions, you've just assumed I've sold.....the purpose of the post was just to get a bit of an overview on market sentiment... thanks + +Edit 2: starting to really enjoy the conversation now, some meanfuly responses with new information to consider. I would say around 20% saying bullish, 20% saying bearish and 60% saying it doesn't matter, DCA. + +Thank you to everyone that engaged in polite discussion. 😊 +People have been saying GME has been following the overall market for weeks now, but they've just been keeping it between $24 and $27.75. Could we be getting near to a market crash, and they're just trying to keep it stable +TLDR: + +Recently,four market rules were proposed which truly threaten Citadel and Virtu’s method of making money and also threaten the influence they are able to exert over both the market and Wall Street itself. Litigation has already begun and the fight will become intense. As you’ll see, these rules address problems made very clear by the events surround Jan 28, 2021. The causes of these rules and the popular support that has made them possible extends right back to the sneeze. **The issues they address were directly and clearly raised in the congressional hearings about GameStop, and an examination of the events shows a clear thread from Citadel/Robinhood and the sneeze to right now.** + +Citadel, Virtu, and others threatened by these rules WILL act to stop popular movement against it and will do everything they can to kill momentum and disengage individual investors like you. Our job is to make sure that doesn’t happen. Our job is to make sure they lose. + +LFG. + +We will begin... at the beginning + +&#x200B; + +# Game Stopped + +*"Citadel, with its expansive role in our capital markets, may pose a systemic risk to our financial system.”* + +\- Maxine Waters, Chair of the Financial Services Committee (i.e. the bosses of the SEC), with the understatement of 2021. + +Our memories might be growing fuzzy about the events surrounding Jan 28th, 2021, so let me help you a little bit. There were two hearings held about GameStop, and I'll be focusing on the one that took place on [March 17th, 2021.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imRzHXRq80I) + +The new market rules stem *directly* from the testimony given in the hearings following the sneeze. If you'd like to see the whole thing again, the transcript is [here](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-117hhrg44343/html/CHRG-117hhrg44343.htm) (just CTRL+F for things like "payment for order flow" and cycle through what you find). I'll also link you to the video of the hearing. Here's a good exerpt ([video of testimony](https://youtu.be/imRzHXRq80I?t=1052)): + +*"Payment for order flow presents an undeniable conflict of interest. While it may enable free commissions and explicit cost, there are implied costs we feel everyone ignores. While payment for order flow is legal, we have long wondered how it possibly could be.* ***How can a broker, charged with the duty of getting its clients the best available prices, do so by selling the clients' orders to sophisticated high-frequency trading firms, who, in turn, will make billions of dollars trading against these orders?****"* + +That's something to keep in your head: these firms, Citadel chief among them, make *billions* off this business model. This means big money, which they need to keep the circus going. This is important. + +&#x200B; + +Dennis Kelleher of Better Markets [also highlighted the problems with PFOF](https://youtu.be/imRzHXRq80I?t=2288): + +*"...retail investors are virtually guaranteed to get the worst execution. That written testimony and those slides demonstrate that the markets are not a level playing field. They are rigged to advantage the sell side against retail investors, pension funds, and the buy side generally. But* ***these markets are too often a wealth extraction mechanism to enrich the few at the expense of the many."*** + +Note the focus on "best execution". We see that certain tools, such as control over order flow and dark pool tick size exceptions, grant wholesalers like Citadel an unacceptable amount of control over prices and make them billions in the process. Later in the hearing, Kelleher goes on: + +*"So they are claiming, and Mr. Tenev said in the last hearing, \`\`We got price improvement. We do great for our customers.'' According to what? It is according to the NBBO, but the NBBO only reflects about 40 percent of total orders, in the least liquid market that there is at the time right now, which is the LIT markets. And Mr. Arnuk is right. It doesn't include odd lot and it doesn't include, by the way, hidden trades, also 20 percent of the market."* + +He is calling out Robinhood, and by extension Citadel, on their bullshit. Citadel and their ilk LOVE to talk about how they get retail the best prices and do amazing for retail and blah blah blah; this is part of why commenting is so important - we have to be there to call bullshit. And if you read into the testimony at that hearing, you'll almost exclusively find experts also calling out that bullshit. + +As I went through the testimony, I found that the four new rules recently proposed by the SEC, the "massive market overhaul", do in fact stem directly from the events of Jan 28th, 2021. The very same issues brought up in the hearings about GameStop are being addressed by these rules. The very same. And together, those four rules not only threaten Citadel's ability to make money hand over fist, but threaten their ability to control market prices, and by extension market participants themselves ("Don't trade against me or else"). + +We see them discuss tick sizes: + +[At multiple points, the effect of sub-penny tick sizes came up. In dark pools, they can trade between pennies and make a lot of money. That should end. There is a proposed rule about this now. ](https://preview.redd.it/yywlf5ksue8a1.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0799308b2c247f82f44f6cec386ea634b535d1e) + +And we see things like better disclosure of price improvement/etc, and order-by-order competition: + +[TLDR: Robinhood, Citadel, and others are constantly bullshitting about how much they are improving prices so they can keep the circus going.](https://preview.redd.it/xp60sehcve8a1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=34f7b40957a2654fdf4a4e02ec37764f80e9679d) + +As we will see, the four new rules speak directly to these issues. Citadel's control of execution and its ability to package retail orders and ship them off to dark pools is a major problem and (of course) a major source of $$$ for them. So dismantling this structure is important. The development of the approach to do this took a long time. + +Let's have a short catch-up, shall we? + +&#x200B; + +# The Timeline So Far + +**MARCH, 2021:** [Congressional Hearings held.](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-117hhrg44343/html/CHRG-117hhrg44343.htm) As we just saw, there were issues discussed regarding PFOF, order execution, order competition, tick sizes, and more. + +&#x200B; + +**APRIL, 2021:** [Gary Gensler appointed chair of the SEC.](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-65) + +&#x200B; + +**OCTOBER, 2021**: [Gensler floats banning PFOF](https://www.investopedia.com/sec-considers-banning-payment-for-order-flow-5199447) + +&#x200B; + +**DECEMBER, 2021**: [SEC unlikely to ban PFOF](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/sec-unlikely-to-ban-payment-for-order-flow-68191998) + +1. *"Changing best execution rules is more likely than a ban of payment for order flow*\*"\* +2. *"Improved disclosure regarding execution quality for transactions is more likely and would be preferable to a ban on payment for order flow"* +3. *"The SEC's regulatory agenda published in fall 2021 indicated that it might address these topics. It included a proposed rule on equity market structure modernization — including order routing and best execution."* +4. *"The SEC may not get to the issue this year because Chair Gary Gensler is far too ambitious in the scope of his regulatory aims."* Got to give it to this article... they called things pretty accurately. + +&#x200B; + +**FEBRUARY 2022:** [Gensler gives an interview to Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2022-02-03/sec-s-meme-stock-response-coming-next-week-gensler-says-video) in which he dropped the bomb about dark pools that some of you may remember: *“In the equity markets right now, if you place a retail market order, 90-95% do not go to the lit exchanges … they go to wholesalers. They don’t have order by order competition. Part of that is because of PFOF.”* + +He also said: *"...basically a lot of our market right now is dark, it’s not in the lit markets, it’s dark and going to wholesalers, and how do we get more transparency and* ***competition in the market***\*, and so each feature is on the table, whether it’s something called the\* ***minimum increment or tick size*** *… and* ***how the order routing works***\*, and yes that includes not just PFOF but possibly … exchange rebates. It all fits together.”\* Gensler is clearly thinking about and working on the issues covered in the GameStop hearing. Note: at this point Dave Lauer was mostly blogging on his company's website and wrote a review of this interview [here.](https://www.urvin.finance/blog/dissecting-the-recent-gary-gensler-interview?ss) + +&#x200B; + +**MARCH 2022**: Dave Lauer starts We The Investors and writes a letter about PFOF for Gensler. [70,000 of us sign it](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-pfof-sign-on) and this gets Dave an audience with Gensler about PFOF. + +&#x200B; + +**JUNE, 2022:** [Gensler unveils plan to overhaul Wall Street stock trading.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/wall-street-regulator-spell-out-push-overhaul-stock-trading-sources-2022-06-08/) *"Investor advocates praised the SEC's plan, which would be the biggest shake-up of U.S. equity market rules in over a decade. But financial industry executives quickly blasted the plans, saying they could hinder commission-free brokerages from serving more investors."* + +&#x200B; + +**JUNE 2022:** [Doug Cifu, CEO of Virtu Capital ("the other Citadel") starts publicly freaking out over Gensler's comments.](https://fortune.com/2022/06/13/virtu-ceo-sec-payment-for-order-flow-pfof-auction-model-stock-trading/) + +&#x200B; + +SEPTEMBER, 2022: [The SEC rules out banning PFOF.](https://www.investopedia.com/sec-won-t-prohibit-popf-6742632) You may remember the freak out around here at that time. But, a closer look at the events surrounding these rules (e.g. what you're doing right now) reveals that PFOF *is* getting dismantled, but in a way that is at least somewhat protected from litigation. And Virtu / etc. have indeed been threatening litigation about this. Remember: [Wall Street has laywers. Good ones. And if you step outside those lines, they'll sue you. And win.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Eyo0u4_sYI&t=258s) So the SEC needs to be careful about how they approach this. The last thing any of us want is a quick ban on PFOF that gets reversed, setting precedent and fucking shit up. + +&#x200B; + +**NOVEMBER, 2022:** [Doug Cifu continues publicly freaking out over the coming rule changes.](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/virtu-ceo-alarmed-by-sec-effort-to-overhaul-stock-trading-rules-1.1841381) *"Cifu has been a vocal critic of the SEC’s attempt to change the current market structure, and devoted much of his third-quarter conference-call commentary to the agency’s efforts."* + +&#x200B; + +**NOVEMBER, 2022:** [Doug Cifu sues the SEC over the coming rule changes.](https://www.reuters.com/business/virtu-sues-us-sec-securities-regulator-over-records-request-2022-11-29/) Notably, [Virtu requested things from Dave Lauer's meeting with Gensler.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z8ymb4/turns_out_that_pfof_petition_did_something_virtu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +**DECEMBER, 2022:** [The SEC finally proposes the rules.](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-sec-vote-proposal-overhaul-stock-market-rules-2022-12-14/) [SEC market overhaul to boost exchanges, hurt brokers.](https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/research-and-markets/sec-market-overhaul-to-boost-exchanges-hurt-brokers/) + +&#x200B; + +DECEMBER, 2022: [Citadel breaks its media silence to tell you that these rules are no good and should never happen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV14L5k1vzc&t=300s) + +[oh no](https://preview.redd.it/1wlosfmmcf8a1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=17446796fbca36a942b7216f0433340efabc0098) + +# "Massive Market Overhaul" + +So given that these rules are receiving so much pushback from Citadel, Virtu, and other lovers of PFOF... what are they? + +Dave Lauer wrote some good summaries of the rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zlupr4/massive_market_structure_changes_and_direct/). For convenience I'll provide some of the blurbs below: + +1. **Regulation Best Execution.** This one addresses how Robinhoods and Citadels just bullshit their execution quality to say "look we're doing so good for retail" when they're just shaving pennies and making a fuckton of money off degrading the quality of our buys and sells. + 1. Fact Sheet: [https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96496-fact-sheet.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96496-fact-sheet.pdf) + 2. Summary: Finally, Regulation Best Execution would establish a best execution standard (the SEC does not have one - only FINRA does), and this standard would hold brokers that engage in “conflicted transactions for or with a retail customer” to a higher standard. + +&#x200B; + +2. **Order Competition Rule.** This one addresses PFOF most directly and seems to be the workaround to the "if you ban PFOF we will sue you into the ground" problem. Competition is what the SEC must encourage, and PFOF stifles competition to the detriment of investors, so... + +1. Fact Sheet: [https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96495-fact-sheet.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96495-fact-sheet.pdf) +2. Summary: ***The proposal to enhance order competition would effectively end internalization and wholesaling as we know it***\*, although it wouldn’t end it completely. They’re basically saying that from now on, when a retail broker gets an order, unless it’s executed at the midpoint, that order has to be sent to an auction facility (it can be on-exchange or off, but the bar for running one off-exchange is very high) where anyone can compete to fill the order. Only if the auction fails can the order be executed by an internalizer.\* + +&#x200B; + +3. **Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders.** This rule addresses the penny shaving. We've all seen the screenshots of GME bids/asks out to 4 decimal places. Bye bye to that. + +1. Fact Sheet: [https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96494-fact-sheet.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96494-fact-sheet.pdf) +2. Summary: *The most important part of this is the tick size changes. Today, internalizers have a regulatory advantage over exchanges - they can execute orders at any pricing increment - that’s why we see so many 1 mil price improvement trades and prices that go out to 4 decimal places.* ***These changes would end that practice...*** + +&#x200B; + +4. **Disclosure of Order Execution Information.** More stuff to prevent bullshitting about "order execution quality". + +1. Fact Sheet: [https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96493-fact-sheet.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/34-96493-fact-sheet.pdf) +2. Summary: *Changes to Rule 605 that will modernize execution quality disclosures, and extend those disclosures to retail brokers. Brokers will finally have to publish standardized execution quality metrics that we can use to compare how good of a job they’re doing at executing orders, and what kind of execution quality they’re getting from their counterparties.* + +&#x200B; + +# IN CONCLUSION... + +Collectively, they dismantle the ability of wholesalers like Citadel and Virtu to dominate retail market orders, make billions by shaving pennies, and exert influence over prices and by extension other participants in the market. + +If these rules pass as-is, Citadel could lose critical funding it needs to keep the circus going. As we are aware, their financial position is pretty precarious. Citadel could also lose the power and leverage they need to control prices. This is big shit. + +We have until **March 31st, 2023 to comment on these rules.** So there is time! Lauer said he'd be helping people with comments this time, which is a good development and I hope he does a great job. So stay alert for DD and stay aware of what is going on with this. And when the time comes, COMMENT. + +From what I can tell our commenting is having a real impact on how things are progressing and the overall narrative about the stock market - more on that in a future DD. + +Don't underestimate these 4 new market rules!! + +# BUY HOLD DRS BOOK SHOP COMMENT + +Thank you for reading! +The WenMoon team has proven that they are here to stay and to continue taking major strides in the progress of the WenMoon project. The majority of the large meme coin projects are down and WenMoon is using this as an opportunity to make **BIG** moves. The team is currently focused on getting listed on new exchanges to increase accessibility to new investors and to leverage the marketing of the exchange. The dev team is also working to build out its first of a series of applications to add real utility to the token with the initial design rolling out this week. These are major project drivers that could potentially 10-100X the project from here, not just a quick shill, or a one-off influencer post. + +Most projects see significant growth from listing on exchanges, the run up to our first exchange helped us 30X in a couple of days. BiBox is a much larger exchange so we're anticipating strong growth, which gives you the chance to hop in now while it's still early. + + +🚀🚀 WenMoon Token 🚀🚀 + +Telegram Chat: [https://t.me/WenMoonTelegram](https://t.me/WenMoonTelegram) + +15% tax on transactions is automatically redistributed to holders! Big gains for holders. No quick pump and dumps. Token burn every 100 holders. + +Contract Adress: [0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797](https://bscscan.com/token/0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797) + +Live Website with info: [https://wenmoon.space](https://wenmoon.space/) + +Listed on pancakeSwap[https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797) Use 5% Slippage and make ending digits end in 000's (Ex. 500000, do not do 5130942) + +📈Chart: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/2E3UH3wU](https://discord.gg/2E3UH3wU) + +DYOR! See you on the Moon! Diamond Hands! 💎 +**Note:** This is not financial advice, just sharing some research I have done on some shares I own. I have included links and charts – please verify yourself, if you have an interest to look into any of this information in more detail. Also, I am an Ape who does dates – I don’t live by them, but they are certainly something that keeps me going. And even if they don’t turn out, the long game of BUY and HODL will win in the end. + +&#x200B; + +# 0. Preface + +Yesterday I saw a post on another sub by u/JaboniThxDad that piqued my interest. As background reading, you may want to go into his posting history and check that out. His TL;DR in that DD is as follows: + +*T+21 exists. I believe it gets reset at the completion of every ATM offering. Our next has been moved up to July 22nd and it lands right as I believe we're going to be sitting on the edge of space as a result of a July 14th spike.* + +However, one point that troubled me was why January 13th came to be ‘Day Zero’ for the theory. This was certainly when the share price started to go parabolic, but GME had already been squeezing since last summer. So I decided look further back into the past, and what I found was both surprising AND tit-jacking. + +&#x200B; + +# 1. The Long Squeeze + +Most of us Apes, including myself, got into this trade in late January. However there were others (not just DFV) that had already seen their investment in GME stock pay off quite nicely, even before the “sneeze”. If you look at the 1-year chart, can see that the increase in share price started in mid-August: + +&#x200B; + +[GME share price in the last 12 months](https://preview.redd.it/psbq9m7yvra71.jpg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba39c60fe8ddb8300fbbbb755c1e5c384c44d306) + +So what happened in mid-August? Of course that was when the whole narrative surrounding GME changed, when Ryan Cohen decided to acquire a stake in the company. This news came out in the media at the end of that month, as the actual filing with the SEC by RC Ventures was on August 28th. However as you can see in that SEC filing, the actual share purchase took place a few days before that, on August 18th: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000670/rc13d-082820.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000670/rc13d-082820.htm) + +I am going to use this as my ‘Day Zero’ for this DD, as what I have found points to this act being the first of the hidden T+35 dates that I mentioned. But before that, let’s look at a more familiar cycle which I think also started due to RC Ventures taking a stake in GameStop… + +&#x200B; + +# 2. The Standard T+21 Cycle + +There has been a lot of discussion about this cycle, so I first want to see how accurate it has been as a predictor for upward movements in the share price. There is some conjecture as to when this cycle began, but as I am using August 18th as ‘Day Zero’, let’s see what the impact has been on the share price since then. I have calculated the price movement by the end of the 5th trading day after the T+21 date, as I feel this better shows the impact on the short term share price than just on that particular date: + +&#x200B; + +[5 day impact of the T+21 cycle](https://preview.redd.it/nwjlpp82wra71.jpg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd46f1bb3006184a49c8814f1d9eb49da59adab) + +As you can see, the “old” T+21 theory had a slow start but has had an impressive track record since then. To summarise: + +* Since ‘Day Zero’, T+21 has provided positive momentum on 8 out of 11 occasions (72% success) +* If including only November onwards, those numbers are 8 out 9 (89% success) +* Of course the most recent T+21 date, on June 24th and its aftermath, did not keep with the pattern + +&#x200B; + +# 3. Hidden T+35s: RC Ventures and ATM Offerings + +What I found is that there appears to be some other T+35 which also have a positive impact on the share price.. These are the following three categories + +* Category A: RC Ventures share acquisitions + 35 Calendar Days +* Category B1: Announcements of Early Redemptions of Senior Notes + 35 Calendar Days +* Category B2: Completions of Early Redemptions of Senior Notes + 35 Calendar Days +* Category C1: ATM Announcements + 35 Calendar Days +* Category C2: ATM Completions + 35 Calendar Days + +In categorical and chronological order, the specific events I am referring to are as follows: + +***Category A*** + +RC Ventures purchases 5,800,000 shares on August 18th: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000670/rc13d-082820.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000670/rc13d-082820.htm) + +RC Ventures increases its holding to 6,215,326 shares on August 28th: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000673/rc13da1-083120.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000673/rc13da1-083120.htm) + +RC Ventures increases its holding to 6,500,000 shares on November 16th: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.htm) + +RC Ventures increases its holding to 9,001,000 shares on December 17th: + +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119380520001571/e620151\_sc13da-gamestop.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000119380520001571/e620151_sc13da-gamestop.htm) + +***Category B*** + +Early Redemption worth $125 million, announced on November 10th and completed on December 11th: + +[https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-senior-notes](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-senior-notes) + +Early Redemption worth $216.4 million, announced on April 13th and completed on April 30th: + +[https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-senior-notes-0](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-voluntary-early-redemption-senior-notes-0) + +***Category C*** + +ATM offering of 3.5 million shares, announced on April 5th and completed on 26th April: + +[https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program) + +ATM offering of 5.0 million shares, announced on June 9th and completed on 22nd June: + +[https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-0](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-program-0) + +Let’s see how these T+35 events perform, in the 5 trading days from each T+35 date: + +&#x200B; + +[5 day impact of the \\"Hidden\\" T+35s](https://preview.redd.it/ynn20duqwra71.jpg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0e205d889727a00af8439d1800a56516cf75816) + +As you can see, these T+35 dates had a marked impact on the share price: + +* Since ‘Day Zero’, 9 out of 10 occasions have provided double digit percentage gains (90%% success) +* Only one such date failed to provide very positive momentum for the stock +* The next two T+35 dates are coming up, on 14th July and 28th July, as a result of the most recent ATM offerings + +&#x200B; + +# 4. Aren’t These Just Random Dates Within The T+21 Cycle? + +Good question, as that is what I was wondering myself i.e. whether I am incorrectly attributing cause and effect. However, what I found was in fact this: + +* In most cases, the T+35+5 days periods were happening a few days *before* the T+21 dates i.e. if anything, T+21 was building on gains that the T+35s had already provided +* The start of the T+21 cycle falls smack bang in the middle of the initial two dates in August when RC Ventures first bought GME shares +* I conjecture the SHFs saw Papa Cohen’s move as a threat to their plan, and started heavily shorting the stock at that time, thereby falling into the T+21 cycle from August 24th onwards +* 24th June is one of the few T+21 dates that are not surrounded by some T+35s, hence possibly why the SHFs were able to prevent this days from being a green candle + +&#x200B; + +# 5. Some Additional Confirmation – Movie Stock + +I know that some of you Apes feel this other stock should not even come into the frame, but I happen to believe they have been heavily shorted as well. So I was thinking that if the above theory is correct, similar actions and announcements made by the movie company could also have corresponding price "Hidden" T+35 upticks on that stock as well. Here is firstly what the T+21 price action on that stock has looked like (note that as it is being manipulated in the same way, the T+21 dates have actually been the same as for GME): + +&#x200B; + +[5 day impact of the T+21s on the movie stock](https://preview.redd.it/j8r92616xra71.jpg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca6368ba3d1dfd33edccfc8fa074669921ba385) + +And here some similar actions taken by the movie company to GameStop - note that I cannot paste links, as they contain the name of the stock: + +***Category A*** + +* $100 million in debt funding received from Mudrick Capital, announced on 11th December and completed on 15th January +* $230.5 million funded through sales of stock to Mudrick Capital, announced and completed on 1st June + +***Category C*** + +* ATM offering of 164.7 million shares, announced on 25th January and completed on 27th January +* ATM offering of 43 million shares, announced on 27th April and completed on 13th May +* ATM offering of 11.55 million shares, announced and completed on 3rd June + +As before, here are the effects these news annoucements have had on the stock price: + +&#x200B; + +[5 day impact of \\"Hidden\\" T+35s on the movie stock](https://preview.redd.it/gpwridghxra71.jpg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658a53ea9b238eb9e3e9b1359c2a5a2974b3a309) + +As you can see, again very positive impacts on the share price 35 calendar days after each was announced. In particular, the huge Gamma Squeeze the movie stock enjoyed in late May / early June was when a number of these T+35s and T+21s were all grouped together at the same time… + +&#x200B; + +# 6. What Next? + +It appears to me that these T+35s are in many cases feeding into the T+21s, rather than the other way round. And as u/JaboniThxDad said in his DD, that the timing of many of them is very interesting... For both GameStop and the movie stock, in fact. As you can see, we have some huge dates coming up for GME in the next couple of weeks: + +* T+35 for the announcement of the 5.0 million shares ATM offering on July 14th +* T+35 for the completion of the 5.0 million shares ATM offering on July 28th +* These are sandwiching the next T+21 on July 26th + +This is precisely the kind of grouping we saw in January and May, and also the conditions the movie stock had before it Gamma Squeezed in early June. So I would not be surprised if things become even more fun as we head into the second half of July! Of course if not, then I just keep BUYING and HODLING...same as I have for months now. + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR:** RC Ventures getting into GME in the first place, early redemptions of senior notes, and the two ATM offerings all appear to have created their own "Hidden" T+35s. These also appear to be more reliable and have a bigger impact on upward momentum of the share price than the standard T+21 cycle dates. In many cases, they have preceded the T+21 cycles dates, and the most impactful have been when T+21s and the "Hidden" T+35s have been grouped together (further confirmed by the movie stock having the same trends). The next such grouping of various T+35s and T+21st are coming on July 14th, July 26th and July 28th, so we could have some very positive price action soon... +There are a handful of us in this community that genuinely care about Economics,Accounting Infrastructure and the concept of blockchain and comparable future technologies. + +There will always be memes because people are just that. You have created something that's changing the world and you need to get comfortable with the fact that you are inevitably going to comes across all personalities. Such is life. + +Please do not put the project down because a few people are mocking and simply along for the ride. Think back to the mid-90s when the commonwealth said Quant was dead. + +Please be patient for the sake of us all and continue doing what you do best. + +Alternatively, if you believe there are ways for folks to get involved who have a strong opinion, share with the community. + +Ryan +I never feel like I'm saving enough. + +I make about 60k per year at my regular job and that basically gets eaten up by bills (mortgage, car insurance, gas, utilities, food, etc). Then I also work a second job almost everyday that makes me an additional 2k/month. + +I save and invest the 2000 per month from my second job, but is this good enough? And at what cost? I never have any free time and I feel like I'm wasting my life. + +I am 30 years old, fwiw. +How much are you all saving and at what age? + +I just feel like by the time the mortgage and bills are paid, there simply isn't enough left over. +Due to the way reddit works, there's a lot of 'hivemind'-like discussion that goes on, where only one view is upvoted and the rest is downvoted. + +To make good investment decisions, please consider all views and not just one, before making a decision that could have a significant impact on your financial wellbeing and livelihood. + +Buying on the dip is risky. Although everyone pushes the idea that timing the market is impossible, please don't recklessly continue to buy, chasing your losses if you cannot afford to do so. + +Sometimes there are times where the market will drop temporarily and go back up, and there are other times where it will drop and continue to drop. There's a reason why people say don't catch a falling knife. + +If this fall keeps going, there is a very real possibility that we might be headed for a recession, which means some people may lose their jobs. Take this into consideration before buying into the dip. + +Do you have enough money to last a few months of unemployment **considering** the amount you are planning to invest to 'buy the dip'? If no, seriously reconsider your investment decision. +I will start off by saying I am 22, have a really good job for my age, and things look good for me. I was approved for a 230k home loan, but it keeps going higher. I originally thought about buying a home I could live in for +20 years, and be pretty strapped for cash and be paying over 1,200 a month. Lately I started thinking why not just buy a much cheaper home, be much more financially free, and buy a much better home later down the road. Which is the best approach? +*I hope this type of post is alright, and if you feel inclined to a share a story from your life, please do.* + +I was 7 years old, in the grocery store with my dad and brother. We were buying groceries for the month and items for school lunch. Everyday at school I ate generic brand pop tarts and generic brand apple sauce, paired with water from the drinking fountain in a Dixie cup. At school, I got teased by some girls for having the Walmart brand instead of the name brand Pop Tarts. When they asked why I didn't have name brand Pop Tarts, I didn't know. I didn't know they cost more. So at the store, I asked my Dad. + +*"Hey Daddy, can we get the actual Pop Tarts?"* + +*"No, alwayssunnyinupstate, not today."* + +*"Why not? Pleaseeeee."* + +*"No, alwayssunnyinupstate."* + +*"But Dad, I really want th-"* + +*"Fine! We can fucking get them, and then we will be living on the fucking street because you needed Pop Tarts! I hope you're happy!"* + +He threw a box of name brand Pop Tarts in the cart and I started sobbing. + +*"No Daddy, I am sorry, I didn't realise. Please put them back, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."* + +I was filled with anxiety and shame, one box of Pop Tarts must mean we are dollars away from losing it all, the house, the car, groceries. One box of Pop Tarts caused my Dad, who was my hero and my best friend, to scream at me. I did not want to be the reason we were homeless, over Pop Tarts. I didn't mean to be so selfish, I just didn't want to be teased anymore. + +Now that I am an adult, I look back on that moment and reflect on it with the hindsight of learned experience. One box of Pop Tarts was most likely not going to set us into homeless, and my father should not have yelled or put our poor financial situation onto my 7-year-olds shoulders. This was only the beginning of the blame being pushed onto myself and my sibling, and to this day my father and I have a strained relationship due to years of verbal abuse. + +But as an adult who now lives in a low-income household, having to pinch pennies every-single month, having to budget every single item exactly and having little to no wiggle room with the money I work my ass off for, I see why he snapped. I have snapped many times, to my partner, to my family, at myself. I cannot purchase a cup of coffee from Dunkin' freely, and that type of financial stress is something I feel mentally and physically. Having to hold it in, pretending I am fine at work and around others when my thoughts are consumed by dread and all I want to do is scream. + +I feel as though I am in the process of drowning but being teased by a few breathes I can manage here and there to keep myself alive. Unsure whether to keep trying to stay afloat or just let myself drown. +An article (in French) posted in *le devoir* reporting that the online brokerage run by Desjardins is moving towards zero commissions. Looks like the pressure to match its closest competitor is forcing the move to happen fast. + +source: [https://www.ledevoir.com/economie/631530/termine-les-frais-sur-les-transactions-sur-la-plateforme-disnat](https://www.ledevoir.com/economie/631530/termine-les-frais-sur-les-transactions-sur-la-plateforme-disnat) +Pretty straight forward, if I were to hypothetically work half a year in one country and the other half in another, in which one should I be filing my taxes? Do I have to file all of them in one country, or do I have to file taxes from different jobs in each country respectively? How does it all work if you worked in more than two countries? Sorry if it’s a stupid question, I just couldn’t find much info online. +A lot of questions in [this post about a million missing puts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otn94a/can_anyone_explain_the_over_one_million_put/) reference what I call the Voltron Fund and its machinations. Here's my original post (launched it on mod drama day, bad timing for visibility, but now the technical wizards are starting to find the machinations behind the fund): + +[Ultimate Wargame Theory: The Beginning - Total Return Swaps, RRPs, and the Voltron Fund](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojh2eh/ultimate_wargame_theory_the_beginning_total/) + +https://preview.redd.it/c68byuqfp5e71.jpg?width=486&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01846f87ad99690ff0dc83402176615292b83779 + +Put simply, we now know the game isn't against a single entity (Shitadel), but against a global financial network with ties that go far outside the financial world. It means that we're in this until margin call wipes them all out, and they're going to balance the books for as long as they can until one side breaks. + +There is no "sending risk back to the original firms" really, just a massive, ongoing shell game that moves assets between (potentially) hundreds of companies in order to control margin. + +# Analogy in a Game + +[Responding to this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otn94a/can_anyone_explain_the_over_one_million_put/h6x5hdn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Think about it like this: you and three friends (Swill, Joe, Nancy, and Rohit) have 25 pennies each. + +Every minute, The Great Marge comes and takes five pennies from the group at random. If anyone drops below 16 pennies, everyone loses. The only exception is if a player reaches 0 pennies, the game can go on. + +Players can freely trade and give pennies amongst themselves. + +**Turn 1**: The Great Marge comes and takes five pennies from Joe. All good. + +Swill 25, Joe 20, Nancy 25, Rohit 25. + +&#x200B; + +**Turn 2:** The Great Marge comes and takes five pennies from Joe again, bad luck! That would put Joe at 15 pennies and the game would be lost. So Rohit gives Joe one of his pennies + +Swill 25, Joe 16, Nancy 25, Rohit 24 + +&#x200B; + +**Turn 3:** The Great Marge takes 3 pennies from Swill and 2 from Nancy. Easy turn, and Joe even adds a couple of pennies from his pocket (illegal, but allowed). + +Swill 22, Joe 18, Nancy 23, Rohit 24 + +&#x200B; + +**Turn 4:** The Great Marge comes and starts to take 5 pennies from Joe again. Joe is out of illegal pennies, and Marge seems fixated on him, so the rest of the group tells Joe to take a hike. Joe distributes all his pennies among the remaining players BEFORE Marge takes them and issues an angry press release about stupid reddit traders. The game continues, with one less player. + +Swill 28, Nancy 29, Rohit 30 + +&#x200B; + +Notice how the remaining players are even stronger than when they started, despite there being less overall pennies and players in the game? Voltron Fund was designed like this just like an end boss should be. It gets stronger as you hit it, not weaker, until finally you break through and defeat it. + +Notice how there have been 4 turns, which should have been a loss of 20 pennies, but in reality only 13 are missing? SHF tricks, delays, loopholes. + +However, the game goes on, and the Great Marge will continue to come and take pennies. The players can't find new pennies fast enough to cover for Marge, but they can whittle down the players one by one to delay the end of the game. They're hoping to find a save point before the last pennies are taken. + +The most powerful save point would be retail selling their shares, which is why they put so much focus on making that happen. As long as Apes hold, though, that door is locked and the game continues. + +What the Voltron Fund research shows is that this is a long, rich battle that isn't going to be won by share recalls or other mechanical closing catalysts. This is, and always has been, a technical short squeeze against the largest portfolio in history. The bad guys (bag guys?) thought they were squeeze proof because of their vast network and resources, but there's always one weakness in any castle wall. + +We are the uruk-hai running the mine at those walls. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1xkt0wj7p5e71.jpg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6d06edd4ce84f844130c3fca8e826192df5241 + +This is why zen and patience are necessary. There could come a day when all these funds are all exactly one penny above margin call, and that day will be just like any other. They'll borrow and short attack, they'll shill, we'll party. But the NEXT day they will collectively only have a four penny balance, and The Great Marge will come asking for five. We will know that day when it comes. + +Until then, it's just Buy and Hold. + +Hope this helps. + +Love, + +Blanderson +With the cost of housing skyrocketing over the last couple of years, finding a bargain of a house became basically impossible with $1m+ houses becoming the norm. How many of you have mortgages of that size and freaking out over the rate decisions? + +Personally, I have a pretty recent $1.2m mortgage on a PPOR and not stressing too much but if that rate gets to 7% + it'll be pretty nasty. + + +* Since Kraken is operating (since 2011) they have never been hacked +* They have a live customer support 24/7, with real humans who will help to solve your issue within minutes +* SEC and other authorities are trying to force Kraken to shut down certain products and they put a fight to still list coins like Monero +* In the Ukraine-Russia conflict, they didn't ban Russian users. +They donated to Ukrainian government, gave all Russian transaction fees to Ukraine and gave Ukrainian citizens all 1k of BTC +* They implemented a Poof of Reserves technology, which enables the users to verify the coins actually exist on the exchange +* Kraken founder and CEO Jesse Powell warned and advised users to get their funds off exchanges, even though it might hurt their own company +&#x200B; + +[ Pin-ception: When there is just too much important stuff that needs to be seen. ](https://i.redd.it/js9xj6eqeye71.gif) + +# 🚨 = New + +&#x200B; + +[ New here? Start with these: ](https://preview.redd.it/dbsjter1fye71.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aba7975660e1d97d57a13042403b7f235a8fc1b) + +🚨 [**A Non-Exhaustive New User Intro to GME**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4aa7o/a_nonexhaustive_new_user_intro_to_gme_pinception/) + +[**Rules - Superstonk's rules, please read before submitting content to Superstonk**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +[**FAQ - Foundational knowledge for the GME Saga**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +&#x200B; + +[ Important announcements from the mods: ](https://preview.redd.it/84oilnc6fye71.jpg?width=1895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64dfc307f3d509af03da5491aff6cf28c3461eea) + +**Karma Requirements -** + +As many of you know our sub's Karma requirements are quite strict; too Strict, many would say. We are constantly evaluating the risk/ reward of lowering the requirements so stay tuned for updates. **The submission requirements are currently as follows:** + +Posts: 4800 Karma / 240 Days | Comments: 1200 Karma / 120 Days + +🚨 **Superstonk Awards Contest** **- Closed, winners to be announced ASAP (Sorry for the delay, I took some much needed time off - B\_T)** + +https://preview.redd.it/9dufumklfye71.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c10f6c01f6075acb13e1a44eaa2cd4fa1b2a179 + +**The Puzzle Pieces of Quarterly Movements -** u/Criand + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the\_puzzle\_pieces\_of\_quarterly\_movements\_equity/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +🚨 [Daily Stonk August 31st](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pf3g38/the_daily_stonk_31_aug_2021/) \- [u/Blazlyn](https://www.reddit.com/user/Blazlyn/) + +Keep up to date on the latest GME saga news. This day, brought to you by Blazlyn + +[**Quanting a SeptemBRRRRRR to RememBRRRRRR**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pdqncw/quanting_a_septembrrrrrr_to_remembrrrrrr/) \- u/MyPlayProfile"I will be connecting some dots, both new and old, providing detailed quantitative analysis, speculating on what I believe happens next with the GME stonk and explaining why and how I have put money at risk on that speculation" + +[**So you need a little confirmation Bias**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox2r2o/so_you_need_a_little_confirmation_bias_its_been_a/) **-** u/anonfthehfs + +"Keep Strong. Apes are right. You are sitting on a winning lotto ticket. The numbers have been drawn and you won..... Now everyone is trying to convince you that you didn't; just so you don't collect your winnings. They are throwing every obstacle in your way but you hold that winning ticket. The price of the stock and their manipulation can only last so long.......and at the end of the day if you held.... you will change your family's life!" + +[**Guides for routing through IEX**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p2ewq9/a_brokers_guide_to_iex_routing_including_how_tos/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) \- [u/HelloYouBeautiful](https://www.reddit.com/user/HelloYouBeautiful/) + +"The goal is to compile a list of brokers who do IEX routing, along with a link to some DD which shows how to route your trades through IEX with each listed broker. " + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/pwgktespfye71.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=371cdc8de323752306c0bef5997f2534671487a7) + +[**God Tier DD - Compilation of Important DD of the past**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) \- u/jsmar18 + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4aa7o/a\_nonexhaustive\_new\_user\_intro\_to\_gme\_pinception/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4aa7o/a_nonexhaustive_new_user_intro_to_gme_pinception/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[**Tools of the Trade**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p1q4kv/tools_of_the_trade_pinception/) **-** u/jsmar18 + +"Welcome to tools of the trade, where you can find all the handy links you need to do your research, find previous DD and more. + +This will be a living post and updated regularly with your recommendations and feedback" + +[**The GME Masters Guide**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- [u/Blanderson\_Snooper](https://www.reddit.com/u/Blanderson_Snooper/) + +"TL;DR: A chronologically and topically organized guide to the DD that explains the situation at hand and the history of the Apes' contributions to one another. This can be used to quickly get new Apes up to speed, or to confidently shoot down FUD and leave evidence for those who find the comments and posts later." + +[**Gamestop.com - For all your shopping needs**](https://www.gamestop.com/) + +[**GameStop Corporate - News, Info, Filings, etc.**](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +&#x200B; +I haven't used it but just found it online, thought it was worth sharing. + +https://firedating.me + +Looks like they have stats available also: https://firedating.me/open +Microsoft shares fell 3% in extended trading after the software maker reported fiscal fourth-quarter results that failed to reach Wall Street consensus. + +Here’s how the company did: + +Earnings: $2.23 per share, adjusted, vs. $2.29 per share as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +Revenue: $51.87 billion, vs. $52.44 billion as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +During the quarter, Microsoft reduced its quarterly guidance for income and revenue because of changing foreign-exchange rates. CEO Satya Nadella said employees will get pay increases, and the company introduced services to help customers deal with security incidents. + +When management lowered earnings expectations, though, it didn’t factor in other issues that could hurt results. + +Technology industry researcher Gartner said earlier this month that logistical disruptions in the quarter had dragged down PC shipments, a key input for sales of Windows operating system licenses to device makers. Plus, macroeconomic worries that hurt revenue growth for advertising-driven social-media companies Snap and Twitter could rub off on Microsoft. In 2021 the company generated $10 billion in advertising revenue before traffic-acquisition costs. + +Microsoft shares have sold off 25% so far this year, compared with a decline of 17% for the S&P 500 U.S. stock index. + + + +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/26/microsoft-msft-earnings-q4-2022.html +## Preface + +One [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pam30m/the_melvin_capital_misdirection) I’ve posited over the past few months involves Citadel and Point72’s $2.75 billion-dollar cash infusion having actually been collateral for securities lending and the notion Reddit and Retail Investors were intentionally used as scapegoats by these entities in pursuit of confidential filing approval by the SEC. + +While I still stand by my theory a couple of it’s shortcomings have since dawned on me that portray an even more cohesive, cynical explanation of events when taken into account. + +### Shortcoming #1 +A failure to recognize that Melvin Capital itself, like Reddit and Retail Investors, has been a manufactured scapegoat since early January 2021. + +### Shortcoming #2 +The inability to have identified Gary Cohn’s involvement in the acquisition of Melvin’s assets as part of a Private Credit Repayment scheme. + +### TLDR +This post will expand upon how I came to these conclusions and explain why I believe it’s plausible that Melvin has only been a shell of it’s former self over the past year. + +## Background + +In December 2020 Robert Rasamny was [appointed](https://www.ai-cio.com/news/gamestop-woes-keep-plaguing-melvin-capital/) Melvin Capital’s new Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). Not much was made of this at the time but it just so happens that Rasamny also serves as General Counsel and CCO for a Cayman Islands exempted Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) named [Cohn Robbins Holdings Corp](https://www.cohnrobbins.com/home/default.aspx) that was recently [incorporated](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1818212/000121390020026085/f424b40920_cohnrobbins.htm) by none other than **Gary Cohn** - the 11th Director of the National Economic Council, former President and COO of Goldman Sachs and [ally](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-07-31/goldman-sachs-s-cohn-says-sac-capital-is-a-great-counterparty-) of Point72’s Steve Cohen. + +The timing couldn’t have been more peculiar given Cohn Robbins’ stated purpose: + +> “We were formed for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities (a “Business Combination”).” - [SEC - March 31st, 2021](https://sec.report/Document/0001213900-21-019199/) + +And description of activities through the end of December 31st, 2020: + +> “We have neither engaged in any operations nor generated any revenues to date. Our only activities from inception to December 31, 2020 were organizational activities, those necessary to prepare for the Initial Public Offering, described below, and, after the Initial Public Offering, identifying a target company for a Business Combination, at the earliest.” - [SEC - March 31st, 2021](https://sec.report/Document/0001213900-21-019199/) + +Meaning Cohn Robbins identified a target company for “Business Combination” during the same timeframe that Rasamny, a Cohn Robbins employee, was appointed CCO of Melvin Capital. + +Compounding these overlaps is the fact that on February 16th, 2021 Rasamny filed his first [quarterly report](https://sec.report/Document/0000905718-21-000248/) on Melvin’s behalf and in doing so changed the filing agent to the law firm Lowenstein Sandler for their first time ever. This stood out to me because one of Lowenstein Sandler’s managing partners, Steven Skolnick, was accompanying the Credit Suisse employee responsible for Archegos’ prime services risk at the time of his death while boarding a [chairlift](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfu27h/chair_37_and_a_series_of_unfortunate_events/) in Colorado on February 13th, 2020. It was only a few days after this employee’s tragic passing when Archegos’ risk profile exploded - changes later said to be the result of inexperience by his replacement. + +Which is also one of the reasons why I find the fact Credit Suisse being the sole book-running manager for Cohn Robbins to also be interesting. + +## Hypothesis + +SPACs, like Cohn Robbins, have become popular among investors who practice what’s known as [Private Credit Repayment](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/easy-exit-spacs-spell-quick-repayments-for-private-credit-63130191). + +And based on: +1. The timing of Melvin’s CCO changing from Evan Cohen to Robert Rasamny +2. Cohn Robbins’ business model and activities through December 31st, 2020 +3. Gary Cohn’s pre-existing relationship with Steve Cohen of Point72 +4. Lowenstein Sandler being a common thread between Melvin, Cohn Robbins, Credit Suisse and Archegos and +5. Cohn Robbins book-running relationship with Credit Suisse + +I found myself wondering - was the [issuance](https://sec.report/Document/0001213900-21-009032/) of shares by Cohn Robbins on December 31st, 2020 simply their way of acquiring Melvin Capital’s assets for the purpose of Private Credit Repayment? + +I think so, and while reviewing another [one](https://sec.report/Document/0001319244-21-000095/) of Cohn Robbins’ ownership acquisition statements from December 31st, 2020, I recognized another interesting connection - this time in conjunction with Millennium Management - that seems to provide further evidence of this theory. + +Millennium Management is run by Israel Englander - the [highest paid](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/22/-25-highest-paid-hedge-fund-managers-earned-record-setting-32-billion-in-2020.html) hedge fund manager in the world - who, as recently as 2017, has had to [settle](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2017-203) with the SEC over illegal short selling. Since December 31st, 2020 Israel Englander has beneficially owned 6,292,199 Class A Ordinary Shares of Cohn Robbins and due to this figure being so close to the 6 million-shares worth of puts listed on Melvin’s quarterly filing from [February 16, 2021](https://sec.report/Document/0000905718-21-000248/) I decided to take a closer look at Millennium’s filings. + +What I found was that both Melvin and Millennium’s filings from May 17, 2021 display the same weird error message on the SEC’s website: + +- Melvin [5/17/2021](https://sec.report/Document/0000905718-21-000700/) +- Millennium [5/17/2021](https://sec.report/Document/0001273087-21-000006/) + +And since May 17th, 2021 all of Millennium’s quarterly reports have included a message that states: + +> “Certain holdings included in this report involve discretion exercised by other relying advisers of the Institutional Investment Manager that are not separately identified on this report. In addition, certain holdings included in this report are reported in the holdings reports of other institutional investment managers that may be deemed to have investment discretion over such holdings, but on whose behalf the Institutional Investment Manager does not file holdings reports.” - [Millennium Management - November 11th, 2021](https://sec.report/Document/0001273087-21-000016/primary_doc.xml) + +With Melvin’s subsequent filings providing [no details](https://sec.report/Document/0000905718-21-001492/primary_doc.xml) either. + +All of which leads me to believe that Melvin Capital is no longer the “Melvin Capital” we were made to believe was led by some illustrious trader: + +> “Obviously, Gabe Plotkin, by reputation, one of the best money managers of this generation” - [Ken Griffin - February 18th, 2021](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/robinhood-ceo-testimony-transcript-gamestop-hearing-february-18/) + +Instead, I propose that Melvin is actually just a “zombie hedge fund” being propped up and used as a sacrificial lamb while it’s former assets, the backwash of Credit Suisse dealings between Archegos and Greensill, are continuing to be sliced and diced behind the scenes by individuals who’ve been formerly convicted of financial crimes. + +## Conclusion + +Like I said, the plotkin thickens and this novel chain of events is even harder for me to comprehend while taking into consideration the credit being repaid could be realistically tied to [Credit Linked Notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r4vyay/the_criand_connection_and_credit_linked_notes) invested in by those seeking to profit off COVID-19 induced bankruptcy events and [people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qsbfmz/gamestop_sears_and_the_cancellation_of_bill_gates/) who claim to be helping society, not destroying it. + +Trading is a tough game, don’t you think? + +— + +Just a Retail Investor, not a financial advisor. +There used to be a guy on here who used to post an index of all stocks by % premium, anyone know where he went? + +I'm looking for some new stocks to sell some cash covered puts on. Any ideas? +The quality of DD lately has become horrendous. I wouldn't be surprised if most of it came from hedge funds, trying to get people to buy in so they can drop the bag somewhere along the way. I have a theory, that banning the word "Squeeze" would remove the shit quality DD, in hopes of seeing some good, retarded plays, based on shit that may, or may not happen in the future. + +Like for example, SPCE is a retarded YOLO play, but there's an idea about its future. Gun stocks would be another retarded play if you were betting that CPI numbers will lead to raiding of stores, as people become desperate for supplies. However, most of the shit on it is "bUY sHorT SqUeezE IncOmINg!!1!" when the reality is that they want the price pumped up because now they have their position opened so they can make a quick buck. The amount of scrapers running over this reddit is so crazy that I could probably say "Buy PLTR shares, short squeeze incoming", and scrapers would be bought in within seconds, even if PLTR had 0% short interest. + +Thus, I petition a temp ban of the word "Squeeze" in discussion, except for exceptional cases, where short interest is at 80%+ (This number can be negotiated). My bet is that DD quality will skyrocket, and if I could buy calls on it, I would be YOLOing on OTM ones, as far out as they go, because right now, DD is at an all-time low, so much so that I just skip the post. +People who say that Alibaba is a popular buy right now are wrong. The stock has been going down for a while now, so general sentiment is bearish. However, it would be correct to say that it is very popular amongst value investors. Charlie Munger, Mohnish Pabrai and other well known value investors have bought the stock, it is often analysed on value investing YouTube channels, and is popular in forums such as this subreddit. Often it’s difficult for most people to find value until after the fact, but BABA is very much on the radar of most value investors. + +My question is: + +Have there been any stocks that in the past were similar to BABA? By that I mean stocks that were generally unpopular but it was an open secret that value investors loved them (either super investors or people like those in this subreddit). I don’t mean that they have to be Chinese, that they have to be growth stocks etc. + +Follow up questions: + +What happened to the prices of these stocks? +How long did it take for them to reach fair/over value (or for it to be obvious that they were value traps)? +Why was the general sentiment bearish? +Why did value investors love them? +What can we learn from them? +How can we apply what we have learned to BABA? +Newer to value investing, I was wondering what are people's thoughts on QCOM as a value play? I ran a DCF and a DDM and came up with a fair value in the mid $200s. Would love any thoughts! +[https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/big-six-poised-for-earnings-bonanza-as-bad-loan-fears-subside-1.1606796](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/big-six-poised-for-earnings-bonanza-as-bad-loan-fears-subside-1.1606796) + +In advance of next week's earnings announcements, the street is bullish on banks + +> For Canada’s big banks, the blockbuster earnings beats they reported back in February may be a tough act to follow. But that doesn’t rule out a strong set of fiscal second-quarter results – and another leg up in share prices – when the banks report earnings next week. +> +>... +> +> Analysts who cover the banks say the credit recovery story is still very much in place. Some have boosted earnings estimates and price targets on bank stocks, saying they see another post-earnings rally coming. +When RC sold his BBBY stake, Dennis Kelleher immediately accused him of orchestrating a pump and dump, called for the SEC to investigate him and claimed he should testify under oath. + + +[https://twitter.com/DennisKelleher/status/1560648797381767169?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/DennisKelleher/status/1560648797381767169?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) + + +Well, fast forward to August 25th and guess who Better Markets is bringing on as Senior Fellow? One of the slimiest pieces of crap at JP Morgan Chase: + + +[https://twitter.com/DennisKelleher/status/1562839444574445573](https://twitter.com/DennisKelleher/status/1562839444574445573) + + +I still see some positive sentiment on Dennis and Better Markets, so I just wanted to remind everyone whose team they're truly on. I know we've had Dennis in some AMAs previously and I used to be on his side myself, but just remember: he's a member of the club and we aren't. +I saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/user/fatfiresub/comments/suo5mx/rfatfire_survey_now_that_were_over_250k_members/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) advertisement recently, with the title "[r/fatFIRE survey, now that we are over 250k members, please fill out this survey so that we can understand who is a part of our community](https://www.reddit.com/user/fatfiresub/comments/suo5mx/rfatfire_survey_now_that_were_over_250k_members/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)". This seemed like some scam, because: + +1. Why would anyone pay for reddit ads for this - just post it on the subreddit. +2. The user who posted it does not seem to appear to be a mod of this subreddit, though I'm not too sure. + +Just thought I'd warn people of this potential scam - in case someone was about to fill out the survey subconsciously if/when it comes in their feed, and they don't notice it's an ad. The form does look pretty benign, so idk what use a scammer would make out of this either. +Is there a better job market for business phd's or economics phd's basically? I'm also just interested in whether the market for economics phd's for academic tenure-track positions is oversaturated. If anyone has links to any articles about that, that would also be great!! +I'm a sophomore in college and might major in Economics (BA). I've read online that those with just a Bachelors in Economics don't get paid, on average, that high. If that's the case, are there chances that someone with a Bachelors in Economics can get paid $90,000 or more? On the other hand, others have told me that an Economics degree is one of the most unemployed majors. If I'm interested in studying Economics then should I major in it or major in something else (if the negatives are true)? +This might be, a little bit of an ask, but I was looking for a roadmap on how I as law student who has nothing to do with economics should go about self learning it. I can understand if it's a little too much to answer it here but I am really curious and thought this would be the best place to ask. Apologies for the inconvenience ! +So I'm writing a novella: gold has been discovered on the moon and has flooded earth, so the value of gold comes down-- right. Now I also need the value of silver to go up and for it to become the new gold. Is it plausible to have people start to invest in it, making the value of it go up? I somehow need/want it to be linked to government issued pensions (I'm from the UK, does America have govt pensions? If not, ah well, it's set 300ish years into the future). I basically need elderly people to suddenly become super rich from the rise in silver.... +I'm new to investing myself at 36 and wanting to help out my dad who is 67 and has never invested, but does have a relatively small nest egg (100k-150k?) from a lucky property sale. + +I want to help him get set up with passive income and it feels like div investing is a good option for him, but I don't where to begin. + +Questions I have - Should he get set up with an IRA? Which type? What portfolio diversity is best at his age? (Any ticker tips?) Can he realistically depend div income to help him through retirement? + +Some additional details - This nest egg is all he's got in the bank. He is getting a small monthly social security payment. And he also has some rental income from a small rental property. + +Forgive me if I left anything out. Really appreciate any advice you can give. +With AI expected to be career killers even in areas such as the medical field with radiology, or other fields like engineering, it doesn't seem like many of the traditional career fields will be safe from either limited availability or complete extinction. +Hearing about the excellent DD that has quietly been deleted from reddit in sneaky ways is very troubling. Powerful people are using money and influence to attack freedom of speech. I propose that authors repost their amazing work of some of the classics backed up here: + +[Library ](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +So it can be upvoted to r/all to get it more exposure. This has the added bonus of giving these authors more of the delicious karma they deserve. Most importantly it sticks it to the criminals who improperly deleted it in the first place. + +Kudos to DD writers and the apes who do an excellent job backing things up. 🦍❤🦍 MOASS is inevitable! +If a thief values my cell phone at $300 and I only value my cell phone at $200, does his stealing my cell phone when I am not watching increase social welfare if nothing else in the economy changes? +Out of the loop on this one. Trying to get a fair response to the argument (often from various leftists) that claim the Tragedy of the Commons is a myth, or that it's actually an indictment on Capitalism and not communalism. + +Thanks +https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/britain-stole-45-trillion-india-181206124830851.html + +This article basically calculates how much did the British tax the Indians, divides it in periods, and then multiplies by a compound interest of five percent. + +Is it accurate? Is this sufficient evidence to prove that colonialism was a net negative for the Indians? + +Thanks in advance +He doesn't give a shit, and he doesn't understand half of what Wall Street is about. People have accepted, that banks and rich fucks run the world, and they are not really angry about it. They have accepted the premises of the ruling elite. Their labor is worth much, much more than the money they are getting paid, and most of the population sees the current inflation as something that "just occurs sometimes". The markets, and by that, the entire world economy is privately owned. The Federal Reserve, who holds the right to print the most powerful currency (the US dollar) is owned by big banks and other shady entities. + +The "regulators" and the rating agencies like Standard & Poor's are also privately owned or just straight up corrupt. There is nothing worth saving in the current system. + +If you're in this game for the tendies, you're welcome to sell at a high price. I will hold on to my DRS'd shares until the markets are fair and blockchain based. + +Please hodl to take down Wall St. and send some fucking clowns to jail. I don't think there will be another shot at this. Make it count. + +Sorry for the drunk rant. +We're coming to the end of our fix period and have a remortgage locked in at a favorable rate (2.2%) for 2 years, but due to changes in personal circumstances, we're considering instead moving to a bigger house which has been a medium-term goal for some time. + + +We're looking to move to a house worth nearly double our current property, so the increase in monthly payments based on interest is a bit shocking at the current rates for a 5-year fix (3.5%), although it is affordable. + + +Family/friends are convinced that now is a bad time to move, with high mortgage rates & recession fears, and would be silly to sacrifice our locked-in rate given rates have jumped. + +My counterargument is that we are ready to move and can afford the current rate and will lock in a 5-year fix to weather any potential short-term drop in house prices (praying we won't be in negative equity after 5 years). I feel they are trying to effectively time the market, which could leave us in a worse situation. + + +Although it may feel like we'll be paying a lot of interest, it will enable a house purchase that fulfills our goals which could potentially be out of reach if we defer for a few years (assuming house prices keep rising). Furthermore, we're leveraging our money more than we currently are, so any "smaller" increases will be more profitable than our current property? + + +To summarise, what I consider pros/cons: