diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_12.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_12.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_12.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Join to see chart and contract +Whilst i have only been part of this community for what feels like a short few months (9 i think? i dno). I have been lucky enough to ride a few waves and at this point im making a bit of coin. + +Nothing extravagant and im not retiring from my day job any time soon - but its certainly giving me a bit more financial stability. Not to mention - the biggest thing - this community is actually awesome. + +Ye some of you are cucks and stock pumpers but genuinely i have met some awesome folk here. + +I feel very lucky to be able to make some coin and i want to give back. + +So im making a pledge - when my portfolio hits $100k (currently at \~71k) i will be donating $10k to charity. + +I will be giving 5k to a non-profit group called Batyr - who do fantastic work volunteering at schools to aid young people with mental health issues. (in the name of a friend who committed suicide a few years ago) + +and ill give another 5k to the (legit) charity with the most upvotes in the comments. \[inb4: "i need 5k send it to my paypal"\] + +**MODS take note - if i dont post receipts after hitting my milestone - 1 yr ban me.** + +At any point Mods may ask to see my portfolio to see if ive reached the milestone and ill post an image with a timestamp. (or something) + +This isnt a - look at me im so charitable tickle my dorsal fin and let me fuck your wife please - post.Im genuinely hoping that other people when they hit their milestones will consider giving back to their communities - if they can. + +if this dies and gets downvoted to fuck - so be it... im keeping my pledge + +Godspeed retards. buy the dip. HODL HARD. z1p to hit $10 by easter. 🚀 + +Stinkyfatwhale out 🐋💕 + +PS: sorry if the wrong flair +Saturna just got listed on CMC. After finding support at $6M, get in before it’s too late + +Cryptocurrency has been a devilish game as of late, trapping both bulls and bears into what feels like an eternal struggle, rocketing up to give you hope, and crashing down to test your faith. + +Through this, the memecoin market has certainly had its fair share of difficulty, the rush of day trading slipping as the market falls into a malaise. + +Luckily, the Saturna team has been hard at work throughout the crash and has been working on delivering several new developments that will prove exactly how you turn profit even in bearish conditions. + +With the **NFT Marketplace** fully underway, and a number of talented artists already onboard, $SAT is building the type of infrastructure necessary for the rebuild of BSC and, as the network inevitably blows back up, should see the benefits of redistribution. + +You see, these liquidation events, while damaging for short-term confidence, offers not only bullish opportunities to **buy the dip**, but to get in on assets that could benefit from traders rethinking their portfolios. + +So with **today’s CMC listing**, Saturna is going to take advantage of this quickly recovering market. These tailwinds should propel the price and popularity to new heights. + +Since it just happened you’ll see a fast-moving and resilient project like this begin to capture not just the interest of the network, but of all of cryptocurrency. + +You only need to look towards ERC-20 memecoins for an idea of what emerging out of a correction can do for you. **The ones who kept at it are well into the billions.** + +Oh and when mass adoption actually occurs? Forget about it. + +So **enjoy the dip at $6M** while you can for a token with over **50k holders**. Enjoy the merchandise soon to arrive as well as new team members coming on to further the reach and influence of Saturna. For a token less than a quarter old, this is still only the beginning. + +CoinMarketCap - [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/saturna](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/saturna) + +Website - [https://www.saturna.co/](https://www.saturna.co/) + +Telegram - [https://t.me/saturna\_TG](https://t.me/saturna_TG) + +PancakeSwap - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44) +The US is facing massive debt and a high central bank balance sheet as a result of massive government stimulus during Covid. + +But China, with even more people, has shut down on several more occasions. + +I would assume their government is providing some form of benefit, similar to the US, but how has this not broken their system/economy? +I just received a voicemail today that said there was a "tax fraud pending against me" and that I should call back immediately before "I get arrested". Please be cautious as these are scams. If you **ever** have questions regarding your taxes, go to the place you filed them and start there, then go to the IRS **directly**. Pro-activity is viewed highly to the IRS and you can alert them you received a call you believe to be fake. +I've spent so much time studying the market and what not. I've been on fire more often than not. Today I traded over 400K within a certain stock. I use Charles Schwab for the broker and made significant profit off these trades. + +All of the sudden I cannot execute trades anymore. Call the broker and got hit with a good faith violation with possibly a free ride violation in the account tomorrow. It's not guaranteed but I should know soon. Regardless, all the time I have spent studying the market I had no idea how much you could get burnt by the broker. I have a strong chance only settled cash trades can be executed for the next 90 days. If you're interested in day trading do all you're research and not just the market. I had no idea how much I could get shut down on my most profitable day ever by the broker. + +Edit (Full Details): https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/mn6bfx/updated_lesson_good_faith_and_free_ride/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 +For example, last week there was an obvious pump and dump of a stock called nerds on site that was posted here. Everyday there’s some new micro cap That people latch on to. + +The formula is the same, inundate people with information even though most of it is irrelevant and not important e.g. names of managers and CEOs. Who cares about that? Most of it is to give the illusion of DD. I imagine it’s the same formula that people have been using since the 80s to pump and dump garbage stocks. + +The pumps and dumps usually coincide with trivial announcements To also give them legitimacy. + +I think this subreddit would be significantly better if those posts were filtered or micro cap posts blocked in general. This subreddit is filled with noobs who are easy fodder for pumpers and dumpers. It’s easy money from people that are just learning. + +The majority are going to lose people money, and for the most part I hardly consider it real investing. It’s more gambling and all of it should belong in pennystocks where there’s no illusion. +https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/stock-markets/decoding-nse-chitra-ramkrishnas-mysterious-guru/article65046366.ece/amp/ + +She claims that she was guided by an invisible, shape-shifting Himalayan Yogi who could manifest any where at will and who guided her management decisions. What in God's sweet name, was SEBI doing, and how did the NSE Board greenlight her actions? + +What's actually going on? It's obvious that the Yogi bit is a coverup and she's being fed this by her handlers. What a joke our financial markets are. 🤷‍♀️ + +An excerpt from one of his emails about "managing" the FinMin, PMO and FIs: +"We need to make noises on self-listing by knocking on the doors of FM, PMO Somanathan, Cabinet Secretary, Economic Advisor, and finally the PM. These are not difficult as you think we must do two people in a mix at a time Kanchan will evaluate as per MY will. ‘Straw knows when to be a capillary and when NOT to.’ Kanchan is the straw and I will be the suction force for this and you will vomit all that is required as always. After doing rounds intermittently we must sound SEBI that ministry is also pressing for listing even if we need to do these adjustments..(self Listing),” said an email dated December 4, 2015 from the ‘yogi’ to Ramkrishna. +This is a throwaway account, just in case, but I'm a 27 year old with pretty good credit (>750). I currently live at home and only make \~$40k a year. Our family needs to move since the house we are in is too expensive for us to continue staying at, so we are trying to sell the house ASAP. Once sold, my parent are trying to buy another smaller, cheaper house. The catch is, they want me to be on the mortgage. From what I understand, it seems that I'm to apply for the loan since my credit history is better, but my parents would be making the monthly payments and the down payment towards the house. I'm not sure if they can buy a house if it's not in my name. They also stated that before applying for a loan, they would pay off my student debt with the money they get from selling the house. + +My parents want to be able to leave the house for me to live in after, but honestly, I don't plan on living with my family after 2 more years. My siblings will also (hopefully) be out of the house in 2 years due to potentially going to college. + +I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, but any advice or input would be appreciated since I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. I do plan on sitting down and having a more detailed discussion with my parents since it seemed like they glossed over a ton of details, but if you have any suggestions as to what topics I should touch on, I'd greatly appreciate it. + +Thanks for reading. + +**edit**: I've read through all the comments, and you guys have been really helpful. Thanks for taking the time to write me a comment. + +After doing some estimated head math, I think my parents *should* be fine on their own after selling the house/paying off old mortgage, but do you guys have resources to share to prep me better for all this house buying stuff? I want to have a better idea of how it all works, not just for myself, but maybe I'd be able to help my parents see if there are better options for them. + +So I’m relatively new to investing and a lot of people have been telling we to be wary of the ark funds and cathie, as people before who have been trying to beat the market have always failed. + +So my question is, have past actively managed funds like the ark funds straight up crashed, or did their growth just slow down to around the level of large index funds like VTI? +Jim Cramer has made 21,609 stock picks in the past 5 years! Let that sink in for a moment. Here is one person, making buy/sell/hold recommendations on more than 2,200+ different stocks across all types of industries. On average, he was making more than 20 picks per episode of his show \[1\]. This is a staggering number of picks to be made by one person! \[2\] + +While we can all argue about his expertise in making recommendations on such a wide array of industries and companies, what I wanted to know was: + +1. **How accurate were his recommendations?** +2. **Would you have made or lost money if you followed them?** +3. **Can you beat the market following his picks?** + +So it’s high time that we put Cramer to the ultimate test and end the debate about his usefulness once and for all! + +https://preview.redd.it/6q6ap2kfev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=51192225abdf6508dea124119e5590896276f108 + +**Analysis** + +The data about all the stock picks made by Cramer are available [here](https://madmoney.thestreet.com/screener/index.cfm) \[3\]. The picks are classified into five segments (Buy, Hold, Sell, Positive/Negative mention). I have calculated the return for each segment separately \[4\] so that we can know what to focus on if we are trying to replicate this strategy. + +Since Cramer frequently contradicts his own picks and is mainly focused on short-term trades, I am only analyzing the stock returns for the following periods \[5\]. + +a. One-day + +b. One-Week + +c. One-Month + +Given that Mad Money (Cramer’s Show) airs after the market closes, I have used the opening price of the next day for my calculations. (I.e If Cramer makes a recommendation on Thursday night, I use Friday opening price as the base for my calculations) + +All the data used in the calculations are shared at the end. + +https://preview.redd.it/tbf06m0hev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e78ab934bedffa8e5eeb150152cd1fb8347b3fd + +**Results** + +https://preview.redd.it/v6gvmnthev981.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=614b9ab6f4a85c14d843807d2d8ebd88c8a6d7ff + +1-day performance of Cramer’s recommendations is excellent! On average, the Buy and Positive mention stocks went up by 0.03 and 0.05% respectively, and sell and negative mention stocks went down by 0.1 and 0.02%. + +Another interesting fact is that ***you would not have lost money*** if you followed Cramer’s Buy recommendations. Across the time periods, his Buy recommendations have on average netted you positive returns \[6\]! + +His sell recommendations did not pan out so well. Even though they dropped in price the next day, over the next week and month, they returned inline or even better than his buy recommendations! + +Given that there is a counter-intuitive trend in the returns, let’s calculate the accuracy of his calls. + +https://preview.redd.it/vf1gy9tiev981.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=d496d4b71dd0374b46b66caaa85ad3ba2e8b51e8 + +Here I am assigning a call as correct based on price change. If he gives a buy recommendation, I expect the price to go up and vice versa. As we can see from the chart above, his recommendations only do slightly better than a coin-toss. Even this only holds for short-term and buy recommendations with long-term sell recommendation performance dropping below 50% \[7\]. + +While this narrow edge over the 50% mark can be used by algo-traders who have the ability to trade a large amount of stocks, if you are an average investor listening in on a Cramer show and hear about a stock recommendation, you might as well toss a coin to see if you should invest or not! + +Finally, it’s time we pit **Cramer against the market**. Do his recommendations beat the market? + +https://preview.redd.it/5pk26mkjev981.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=889fe3bdd9d7068b86d5a17b03e0deceecde4db1 + +Oh yeah! I was as surprised with the results as you are. I ran the numbers again and then one more time but got the exact same result! Cramer’s Buy recommendations beat the S&P 500 by a factor of 10 for the **one-day time frame**. But, if you held the stocks for anytime longer, you would have underperformed the market significantly. + +Before you go daytrade on his recommendations you should know that the numbers we are seeing here are heavily influenced by outliers. If you miss out on the top 1% of recommendations (\~110 stocks out of the 11,000+ buy recommendations he had made), your **1-day return would be -0.062% instead of +0.034** \[8\]. + +https://preview.redd.it/1ej85aknev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=223b90cb57c0bda4e030cf6233458bc34fc083c7 + +**Limitations of the analysis** + +The analysis has some limitations that you should be aware of before trying to replicate the strategy. + +1. As the astute among you might have noticed, if you sum up all the stocks used in the analysis it would only come to 18.5k. I removed \~15% of the overall recommendations as either they did not have stock data present in Yahoo Finance/Alpha Vantage or the price data did not match with the one given on the Mad Money website. +2. The data is obtained from the Mad Money website itself. I haven’t manually verified if the calls recorded on the website are in fact an accurate representation of the calls made by Cramer in his show. The below statement is given in their description and I am taking them on their word. + +>We are impartial in our recording and simply log exactly what was said. We do not interpret the calls. If a call is vague or in question we simply won't list it. + +https://preview.redd.it/wuk8u5lnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=15286d3dbe30cc6b18ef09af5e52e0fd24970635 + +**Conclusion** + +No matter the public opinion on Cramer, we can generate excellent 1-day returns following his buy recommendations (even beating the market in doing so!). Whether it’s due to his superior stock picking ability or whether it’s simply due to self-fulfilling prophecy \[9\] (as he has a wide audience who will act on his advice) is yet to be known. + +I would bet on the latter as, if the extraordinary one-day returns were in fact due to his superior stock-picking ability, the returns should have held over longer time periods, and also his sell recommendations would not have ended up performing better than his buy recommendations as we are observing here. + +It only makes sense to listen to his advice if you are a day-trader or an algo-trader who is trading a large variety of stocks over short periods of time. For everyone else, just sticking to the S&P 500 would give you better returns over the long run! + +https://preview.redd.it/zw7h6tknev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=68e289b2aed1b6a276520e96e30e81c7784014ed + +**Data** + +Excel file containing all the Recommendations and Financial data: [**Here**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d0mooS_qsfePXChEDq2IDov_of_TFvD1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111668650548288730122&rtpof=true&sd=true) + +**Live tracker** containing the performance of Cramer’s 2021 picks: [**Here**](https://rows.com/market-sentiment/my-spreadsheets/untitled-spreadsheet-3-5C58Ix9kx1ixB0cM52DWZi/live) \[10\] (I will be updating this file regularly so that you can see his performance in real-time whenever you want to!) + +https://preview.redd.it/cdgg3jlnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c34dfee4ea6452780a9e9d7e7aa1abdcb0f8e90 + +**More Interesting Reads** + +From this week onwards, I am including one or two blogs or articles I really enjoy and hopefully, you can discover new and interesting content! + +[**More to that**](https://moretothat.com/)**:** This is by an illustrator called Lawrence Yeo who breaks down really complicated topics into easy to read articles with fun illustrations. [**The Nothingness of Money**](https://moretothat.com/the-nothingness-of-money/) was one of the best articles I have read last year and if you reading just one article this year, it should be this one! + +[**Econometrics**](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/)**:** If you like the charts I make, you are going to love Econometrics. They present long-term perspective about how digital assets are shaping financial markets with the help of really interesting infographics. [To buy or not to buy](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/p/ecoinometrics-to-buy-or-not-to-buy) was an excellent article about what is the right time to buy into a Bitcoin dip. The chart below showcases their ability in data visualization and breaking down complex ideas! + +https://preview.redd.it/cd0euaztev981.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=927d591ea7b3f3c305021b9525bbf7da0e190ba8 + +https://preview.redd.it/o57f5xlnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=255e4471038ec603f83e7ca8f16dc8639bdd60fe + +**Footnotes and existing research** + +**\[1\]** For those who don’t know, Cramer makes his picks in a CNBC show called [Mad Money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Money). Cramer himself defines the show as something which should be used for speculative/high-risk investing and not for your retirement portfolio. + +**\[2\]** For comparison purposes, an equity research analyst [covers only 10-25 companies](https://whatforwork.com/jobs/equity-research-analyst-sell-side/). + +**\[3\]** It’s not in an easily usable format. I had to parse the data from the webpage using Python (Beautiful Soup) - I have shared all the data used in this analysis as an Excel and Rows file at the end. + +**\[4\]** I did not calculate for Hold as he only made 27 hold recommendations, which is lower than what is required for a statistical significance. + +**\[5\]** In my [last post about Jim Cramer](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mtehdq/i_analyzed_all_700_buy_and_sell_recommendations/), there was a lot of controversy around how I calculated the time period. So here is the detailed version about how the time period is considered. For One-Day returns, we are considering that we will purchase the stock the next trading day after the market opens and then sells it at the end of the trading day. For weekly and monthly returns, I am using adjusted closing price since across a week or month there can be stock splits as well as dividends. + +**\[6\]** This can also be attributed to the market rally we have experienced over the last 5 years where a large majority of stocks went up. + +**\[7\]** 50% benchmark might be controversial with a lot of you (I agree given that if we are in a bull market there is more than a 50-50 chance of a stock going up tomorrow) → My rationale here is standing today looking at a stock, there are only two things that can happen tomorrow. It can either go up or go down. I assign equal probability to both given anything can happen tomorrow. The market can turn bearish, positive or negative news about the company can come up, etc. If you have a better logic for a benchmark, please do suggest! + +**\[8\]** But to be fair to Cramer, this is applicable to all types of Investment strategies and hedge funds! The performance of a few of the stocks in your portfolio will finally end up heavily influencing the returns of your overall portfolio. → Think of Tesla incase of ARK and FAANG in case of S&P 500. + +**\[9\]** There is some [existing research](https://scholarship.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/handle/10066/588) that deep dives into this topic. + +**\[10\]** Since it’s a live tracker using data from Alpha Vantage, the calculation is done slightly differently than in the analysis (in the live tracker I had to use the closing price on the day of recommendation instead of the opening price of the next day). I will be updating it to follow the same process as the analysis as soon as I get info from Alpha Vantage. +I recently graduated university and quit my part time job so I can trade full time. I’m in no rush to get a job with my degree since my long term goal is to make my full time living by trading, I’ve had this goal for a while now. Only problem is, I don’t know what resources to use. Where can you find resources to educate yourself about trading? Certain books? Certain websites or channels? Anything. I have all the time in the world and I fixed my sleep schedule and wake up early before the market opens. But I seem to find myself just blankly staring at my laptop screen or watching a dinky YouTube video about trading. What are effective resources to use to get better at trading? + [🚀ROCKETBOYS🚀](https://rocketboys.io/) + +>**Biggest Project of the year!** +**Launchpad - Rug and Bot-free** +**Combining the most successfull tokenomics into one project** +**Lambo giveaway!** + +&#x200B; + +**Launching on PancakeSwap on the 14th of July!!** + +> +After a complete success of our public sale on our own website we can safely say not a single bot managed to get in and we are now really to launch this amazing project on pancakeswap! + + + +**Launch** + +📣 14th July = PancakeSwap Launch (8pm BST) + +**Countdown to launch:** [https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20210714T20&p0=78&msg=Rocket+Boys+-+Launch&font=slab](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20210714T20&p0=78&msg=Rocket+Boys+-+Launch&font=slab) + +&#x200B; + +**Links** + +⭐️ Website: [https://rocketboys.io/](https://rocketboys.io/) + +⭐️ Telegram: [https://t.me/rocketboysofficial](https://t.me/rocketboysofficial) + +⭐️ Telegram: [https://t.me/RocketBoysAnnouncements](https://t.me/RocketBoysAnnouncements) + +⭐️ Whitepaper: [https://rocketboys.io/#whitepaper](https://rocketboys.io/#whitepaper) + +&#x200B; + +🚀 There are a few current giveaways that are live until Wednesday 14th of July: + +>⭐️ Diamond Rolex for best killer Shiller +> +>⭐️ Shiller of the day: 1 Presale allocation +> +>⭐️ Tiktok of the day: $100 +> +>⭐️ Tweet of the day: $100 +> +>⭐️ Telegram comment of the day: $100 +> +>⭐️ AMA Question of the day: $100 + +&#x200B; + +**Launching The Boys To The Moon** + +>Rocket Boys! – Launchpad ecosystem with next-gen tokenomics! +Rocket Boys aims to be a disruptive force in the crypto space with it’s state-of-the-art launchpad. +With a high barrier for entry, new projects will be reviewed thoroughly and made to dox in front of the Rocket Boy committee before approval. +Stringent anti-bot measures on the platform will solidify the launchpad as the “fix-all” for todays problems with the launchpads on the current market today +Rocket Boys core value is to make sure that investor(s) funds are safe from any sort of scam/rug-pull. +Rocket Boys platform will work on a quality over quantity basis. Therefore, projects launching on the platform maybe weeks apart, but fully vetted. +This project is being offered by the community, for the community. +In addition to the launchpad the project has incorporated best of features from previous projects to offer a all in one project, which no other project has offered in the crypto space thus far. +• Auto buy-back bot (“Rocket Bot”, as named by the community) +• BUSD rewards +• Lamborghini giveaways + +&#x200B; + +📝 Rockenomics + +>📣 5% Buyback +> +>📣 3% redistribution in BUSD +> +>📣 2% Marketing +> +>📣 2% Development +> +>📣 2% Selling tax adding to liquidity +&#x200B; + +|TICKER|SECTOR|DIV YIELD %|ANNUAL DIV|5YR PERFORMANCE| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|JNJ|HEALTHCARE|2.56%|$4.04|51%| +|TSM|TECH|1.17%|$1.39|421%| +|RIO|MATERIALS|5.52%|$4.64|220%| +|AGM|REAL ESTATE|3.54%|$3.52|212%| +|ALLY|FINANCIAL|1.76%|$0.76|378%| +|CMCSA|COMM. SERVICES|1.83%|$1.00|82%| +|SBUX|CONS. CYCLICAL|1.80%|$0.45|148%| +|WMT|CONS. DEFENSE|1.60%|$0.55|123%| +|PAYX|INDUSTRIALS|2.54%|$2.48|107%| +|AWK|UTILITIES|1.37%|$2.20|129%| + +&#x200B; + +Its diversified, plenty of growth and after backtesting almost never had a losing year since 2009 + +&#x200B; + +What do yall think +I think, and this is just my personal opinion, that people shouldn't chase high dividends in dying industries like Oil etc. While dividends are high in Oil companies, you have to consider, where will this company be in 5 to 10 years? Dividend investing doesn't make sense unless you are going to let that snowball keep rolling and becoming bigger and bigger over years. Oil companies FCF, earnings, revenue are all decreasing but the dividend is left to attract investors. In 3-5 years, most oil companies won't have the financial capability to pay a 5% dividend, and the share price will be under $10 so you can't cash out and turn a profit. This is my personal opinion, you can always have your own. Sorry for the long post, I think this needed to be addressed. +Got a huge raise and can finally start having money left over after bills. It feels surreal but I signed the paperwork yesterday. I even celebrated with a potluck with my friends. I still feel like someone's gonna tell me it's a dream but it'll feel real soon enough :) +It strikes me as odd that these markets are dominated by "contracts", which in the main result in the user not really getting what they want. I appreciate that a commitment to a product makes the suppliers income more secure, but how is it not almost monopolistic that you have an array of companies which, although different, offer more or less the same products which tie you in to something you don't neccessarily want, and yet most people buy. Annecdotal evidence suggests that most people have parts of a calling plan they don't want, or their ISP's "unlimited internet" results in them being placed on a fair usage policy and so on. Is this not indicitive of how little sway a consumer has over the market? Why does the law favour this situation, and why have no companies taken steps to address this with simple on point service provision, with no contract and customisable options? The homogeneous nature of the cell phone market (which is almost like for like, give or take $5 on some contracts) and the similarity of ISP packages surely is not a natural market formation? Does this represent a lack of power on the part of the consumer? +I know you all know me for my memes. But it might surprise you to know I dont lose all my money!!! I will briefly explain in this post some newb traps and how to hopefully avoid them. + +1. Trusting internet randos. Dont fucking do it. 98% of the fuckers on hotcopper will lie to your face for 5c. Until you learn how to judge what a company is worth dont take advice from someone you cant walk up to and punch in the face for losing you 10k. + +2. Blindly following valuations. There are many brokers out there and some of them do good work. However there are many out there that are **PAID** to write good reviews about a company. Sure there are no lies there but that doesnt mean they are telling you the whole truth. Dont get me started on fucking morning star quantitative. + +3. Not knowing how the stock market works. Seems basic but i have seen people trade who dont know what the morning auction is. Or the closing auction. Or why some companies open before others. Or why liquidity matters. Or why buying a penny stock miner after it went up 2500% in a day is a stupid move. Or how a conditional order works. Or what an option is. Or what an ETF is. For fucks sake read the sidebar and ask questions before you lose grandma's inheritance, or your wifes shoe money. We will call you retarded but we will help. + +4. Getting fooled buy easily faked metrics. If i put a 50k order in for xxx in pre open and it looks like it is going to shoot up 30% and then a bunch of autists jump on and i remove my buy order and put a sell order in instead I have just manipulated the market. Guess what? If i can do that with 50k imagine what an institution can do with 20 bots and 1 million dollars. You cannot be faster then a bot. You cannot out money a bank. You are not smarter then the analysts. Your advantage is that you are working with smaller packages of money. You wont move the market, because you cant. But 100% of $1000 is still pretty good. However i would take 2% of $4,000,000 over that 100% anyday. Buy orders disappear. Sell orders can be reloaded. Numbers can be easily manipulated. Dont trust anything or anyone. Shoot your cat, its a warren buffet spy bot. + +5. T+2 trading or YOLOing more then you can afford to lose. Unless you have a great idea of the market sentiment, micro and macro environment of the stock you are trading, insider information about any upcoming announcements, a crystal ball that works or even visions from the future i would **NOT FUCKING GAMBLE WITH MONEY I CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE** + +5. AGAIN DONT FUCKING DO IT + +6. Fucking with shit you dont know shit about. if you are a medical professional and you know your fancy science words go right ahead an get into med stocks. If you dont know what copper is used for but you just threw your 2nd mortgage into xyz the copper miner/lube emporium you might lose your money and never know why. + +5. Falling prey to FOMO. I know its exciting watching someone post gains porn. Dont jump on that meme stock at an all time high... you might make money but chances are you will lose it. + + +There are lots of other newb traps but there are a few of the obvious ones. I fell for most of them before i worked out what was going on. The best way to make money on the stock market is to not lose it all in the 1st 2 weeks. +ARKK has dipped severely back to its price circa 2019. Despite this, if you look from 2016-2019, you can see that someone who had invested in the fund would have 3x their money. Wondering if anyone is still bullish on this fund for the future and if anyone is buying the dip. +Last night I posted a bit of a half asleep cry for help in the daily thread. After a few red days I cashed out about a week ago and my life has been a mess. Driving around the suburb at night with my dog, unsure what I was meant to be doing or where I was meant to be going. Not even a trip to KFC could sort my head out. + +I saw a property online recently, standard half a mil, the entry price for the area I want to move into. I was doing the sums and, at the rate I’m saving, I won’t have a deposit for another 6 years. It feels like just yesterday I was on the precipice of living my life by the pool in my white linen shirt, lambo in the driveway and my wife’s mouth firmly wrapped around someone else’s cock. Now I’m here, counting pennies in my dollarmite account like a fucking 7 year old. + +Is this what years of economic management prioritising the needs of the rich has gotten us? A median house price going from 3x the average wage in my parents lifetime to 8x the average wage today? A life of servitude to a job that affords you mere survival? I’ve had enough. + +I’ve taken all my pretty pennies and I’ve thrown them back into four stocks I trust: BRK, AGE, EXR and PDN. Now, I’ve deleted the commsec app. As of this post, my phone will be snapped in half. I’m out. I don’t want to know. I can’t spend my life staring at the screen, willing the numbers to ignite my future dreams. At some point, I’m going to have to come back. I’m giving myself a month, but if it works for me, I’m staying out. Maybe my stocks blow up? Maybe I die? I don’t care anymore. +So I’ve read about the MM for how banks work dozens of times. And every time I’ve done research I’ve read dozens of conflicting information. Some people say it’s true, some people say it’s a theory; some people say it’s an outdated model to explain banking and that a new model is being taught. It also seems highly controversial which, I honestly don’t understand why. + +Can someone provide context? +This is a followup [to this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/realestateinvesting/comments/m6axcv/can_i_write_off_eviction_moratorium_as_charity/):. + +For a quick summary, my tenants lease ended and they stopped paying rent and utilities in September of last year. They refused to move out or file for assistance. They refuse to let third parties into their apartment to do pest control or make repairs. My property manager believes their son (not on the lease) is selling drugs at the property, but we cannot prove it. + +Roughly 3 months in I got a court case, in which the tenants waved the CDC declaration at the judge and the judge ended the hearing. The tenants followed none of the requirements on the CDC declaration. The second hearing was 7 months in, and the judge told them they had 15 days to comply with the CDC declaration or they would issue a writ of eviction. 15 days later the judge issued a writ. 15 days after that the constables showed up to evict. The tenants showed them the CDC declaration, and the constables didn't evict. + +I asked the lawyer if they could explain the situation I was in to the constables and remind them that the CDC doesn't decide laws, that judges do, and it's just the polices job to enforce the laws. She said she has been doing that for months and it hasn't helped. She asked me to escalate my case to a superior court, which I am now doing. Her best case estimate for a resolution was a month. +He probably has the most subs among the finance youtube space. For months in 2021 he had been saying inflation would inflect down in September/October 2021 and there would be an end of year rally. So he loaded up on call options in August to prepare for it. Then adjusted his timeline to Jan-Feb 2022. He sold out of several stocks in November. Then went all in last two weeks of December thinking there would be rally in Jan 2022. Just a couple days ago he was still super bullish saying stuff would rebound. Made a video slamming Bill Ackman for shorting market in March 2020. And blamed "the suits" for manipulating the market. He went from that to suddenly selling out of 99.9% of his portfolio and is now shorting the market. He saying he wants to get back in around March 2022 since he thinks that is when max pain will be. He apparently told his course members in private he sold at least a day before he told his public viewers. + +I watched his channel off and on but never took stock advice off him but kept seeing red flags before this. Such as how his watchlist was filled with speculative stocks. He bought DOCU in the midst of its earnings dip around $180 saying it was an overaction. He also bought COIN on day 1. So that is a shame he went from preaching buy the dip to panic selling to try to time the market. +Facebook posted there earnings today with an income growth of 35% from 2020 to 2021 but after hours the stock has fallen nearly 20%. So you see this as a buying opportunity? +Well, weren't those last two minutes of today's trading exciting! Wut Happened?? Crime happened. + +Wut Crime? Banging the close. + +Banging, sounds sexual, maybe the SEC might actually be into this 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🍆? But wuts "Banging the Close"? Well, according to the CTFC - + +" **Banging the Close**: A manipulative or disruptive trading practice whereby a trader buys or sells a large number of futures contracts during the closing period of a futures contract (that is, the period during which the futures settlement price is determined) in order to benefit an even larger position in an option, swap, or other derivative that is cash settled based on the futures settlement price on that day. " + +But that says "futures", GME is a stonk. Yes, GME is a stonk, but the principle still remains true, especially given the derivatives/options on GME are at levels that exceed the shares in existence. Well, real, authentic shares at least. + +&#x200B; + +But, there was a index rebalance, maybe that was it? Well, yes, GME stonk is moving from the S&P 600 to the S&P 400 tomorrow, the stonk needed to be bought and sold by ETFs/Mutual Funds. By 3:50 PM EST on 8/3/21, a report was published by the NYSE stating GME has a large order imbalance of 2,196,034 shares on the buy side to account for this. + +&#x200B; + +[Screenshot of NYSE News from Schwab Street Smart Edge Trading Platform](https://preview.redd.it/y36bqzjgg7f71.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b15017e91fdeac6117805f69095d250c1b993fb) + +What happened next was crime. Even the obsolete, basic data available for "dumb money" apes can prove it. How? Simply Looking 👀. + +&#x200B; + +According to the data from [Market Chameleon](https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/GME/Stock-Price-Action/VWAP), the regular session for GME trading on 8/3/21 had 3,100,172 shares traded, and 1,097,377 shares traded in the final 10 minutes of the trading session. Yes, 1/3 of the days volume occurred in the final 10 minutes. See below - + +&#x200B; + +[Market Chameleon Screenshot of 8\/3\/21 GME Trading](https://preview.redd.it/l67hbjgvi7f71.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=a89766acdcd4375c75b76879a2738aa86debfba8) + +&#x200B; + +Notice that crazy candle on 3:58 PM EST on 8/3/21 on the GME Chart? Hard to miss. Wut happened? + +* Between 3:50 - 3:57 PM EST, GME traded 604,866 shares, and the price rose about $5/share from 154 to 158.89. This makes sense, considering NYSE said 2,196,034 shares needed to be purchased based on the order imbalance, and when there are more buyers than sellers, the price should rise (although GME is trying it's best to disprove this theory). +* During the last two minutes of the day, 492,491 shares were traded, all being dumped on bids, to tank the price nearly $7/share to close the day of 8/3/21 at $152.75/share. These trades were not purchases, but rather sales, otherwise the price would not have printed on the bids, or below the bids, for the last two minutes of trade. +* The buying between 3:50-3:57 was almost perfectly offset by the selling in the final two minutes, which on a typical day is expected by now by the market ~~manipulators~~ makers, and GME closed on the day with what was likely still around 2 million shares of order imbalance on the NYSE. +* After hours, more than 10 million shares were traded, one block consisting on 6.6 million shares at 152.75, off exchange in a darkpool, or ADF. +* From 3:58 PM EST, 1,105 option trades were made, totaling 3,566 contracts. No way the MMs/HFT algos behind the closing bang had anything to do with this massive increase in option trading, right? + +So, wonderful regulators and SEC, I ask you, are you going to look into who "banged the close" to drop the price $7 in 2 minutes, what accounts those 3,566 option contracts that traded during the same time belong to, and did the party/parties involved in the bang turn around and fill an order for 10 times the volume after hours at the lower price? Thank you in advance for doing nothing, other than adding another chapter to the story of how the SEC has failed to do anything it was created for. See you again tomorrow. + +Edit 1 - Adding some clarification to help answer/address some of the comments/questions- Over 2 million shares needed to be bought after 3:50 pm to balance the nyse order book. 600k shares were purchased from 350 to 357 pm est, and this buying caused price to rise. The last 2 minutes, however, 500k shares were sold, taking the price back down. The volume needed to bring nyse back into balance never materialized during the 10 minutes after the imbalance was reported, only about half the volume needed appeared, yet almost half that volume was selling, not buying. I find it impossible the 500k of share sales was a bona fide trade, since this occurred prior to the buy imbalance being settled. So either someone banged the close, or they failed to report the 1.6 million share purchases to close the imbalance to the tape to justify a bona-fide sale of 500k shares in the final 2 minutes. Blatant fuckery, even if it somehow wasn't banging the close to get a better moc price for the after hours index rebalancing trades. +I received a job offer out of college as a System Support Engineer with a company in my area. The pay scale started at $X and I was offered $X. The scale increases by experience. I have worked in a similar job through college for 1.25 years, and it should qualify as this experience is a main reason the new company hired me. + +My issue: I have no idea how to quantify this, and I am comfortable with the lowest pay offered. I know I am worth more, but right out of college, I'm fearful that the company will not see it that way. I have no problem being direct if that's what it takes, but I'm not sure how to get there. Any advice, or similar situations would be greatly appreciated! + +Thanks in advance guys and gals + +UPDATE: THEY CALLED SOONER THAN PLANNED. I asked for 11% and told them I would be comfortable meeting somewhere in the middle, and they accepted 11%! You guys rock. Thank you for all of the help! + +UPDATE 2: I am happy with the outcome, but I should have stood my ground and asked firmly for what I want. There is some very valuable advice in these comments to anyone else in this situation! Thank you so much to all users who chipped in advice. im ready to be a big boy!! +Since almost all of us are in the red let's at least console ourselves in knowing we aren't alone...So honestly how much are you DOWN from your investment total $ put in vs approx current total value of your crypto portfolio + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9ymlw4) +Hello fine chaps, + +This is largely aimed to Youtubers and Online Bloggers. I have watched a couple of Youtubers online valuing company and I find it FRUSTRATING. I am new to the investing game, I don't have much money to invest in but I am just trying to learn on the side. + +It always seems that a lot of these people are only concerned with financials and NOTHING ELSE. Today, a fellow redditor asked for recommendations on value investing channels similar to a specific channel they have been watching and having watched one of the videos, I am incredibly disappointed. This particular channel (might be very successful in what they do) happened to have analysed the financial numbers, came up with some rigid metrics of their own liking and kept on making their own blanket assumptions about why they fared better or worse in a particular year or quarter. I mean you would find the answers to it if you went on to read CEO interviews, earnings call, 10-K statements, news articles etc? + +I find arbitrary guidelines to investing such as low P/E, low debt to equity or 1.0 current ratio, a bit meaningless without context. It seems no one is interested in talking about how the company is doing, what do they make, what's their 5 year strategy, how good are they at generating sales etc. No narratives or story telling when it comes to valuation. + +I get that financial fundamentals underpin the whole philosophy of value investing. However, there seems to be a complete absence of abstract thinking behind those numbers. +I have extensive experience with public company shareholder meetings. + +There has been a lot of discussion about the statement made that "There are present at this meeting in person or by proxy more than the majority of all shares that are entitled to cast votes". This statement was made by the secretary at the meeting. + +# TL;DR: This was a standard statement made for the meeting to be valid. + +**WHY DID THE SECRETARY SAY THAT?!** + +It is part of his script for the meeting so that they have on record that quorum was met so the meeting could be validly held. + +What is quorum? A quorum is the answer to the question: "How many stockholders need to vote for the shareholder's meeting to be validly held". + +From the proxy statement, here are the quorum requirements (bolded by me): + +>**6. What Constitutes a Quorum?**A quorum of common stockholders is required to hold a valid annual meeting of stockholders. Unless a quorum is present at the annual meeting, no action may be taken at the annual meeting except the adjournment thereof to a later time. **The holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock entitled to vote at the meeting must be present or by proxy to constitute a quorum.** All valid proxies returned will be included in the determination of whether a quorum is present at the annual meeting. The shares of a stockholder whose ballot on any or all proposals is marked as “abstain” will be treated as present for quorum purposes. If a broker indicates on the proxy that it does not have discretionary authority as to certain shares to vote on a particular matter, those uninstructed shares, constituting “broker non-votes,” will be considered as present for determining a quorum, but will not be voted with respect to that matter. + +[https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4) page 10 + +Does that language look familiar? Yep. + +**DOES THIS MEAN THERE WASN'T OVER VOTING?** + +**NO.** This has nothing to do with over-voting. This is required for the secretary to say in order to properly conduct the meeting. + +**BUT THEN WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!** + +It means that the shareholder meeting was validly constituted to conduct the business that it meant to conduct. It meant that the shareholder approvals made at the meeting are valid. + +That's it. + +Don't spread FUD or drama about this. It's nothing more than that. + +EDIT 1: I've seen a couple different questions or comments stating that over-voting would have made the meeting invalid. I'm not sure where the source of that came from, but too many votes would not make the process invalid. In fact, Delaware law (GME exists under Delaware law) even contemplates that there might be over voting for public companies that is corrected by the inspector of elections. ([https://delcode.delaware.gov/title8/c001/sc07/index.html](https://delcode.delaware.gov/title8/c001/sc07/index.html), section 231(d)). + +The quorum statement is purely procedural to ensure the meeting is valid. This has nothing to do with over-voting and this does not confirm that there was or was not over-voting. +I have a feeling I have misunderstood economics: If my business starts doing really well does that mean someone else is losing customers to me and suffering? Or does the economy more or less stay the same because I’m now buying more things? Thanks. + +EDIT: I'm grateful for such thoughtful posts - given me things to think about. +I read about this a while back on /r/personalfinance. Geico doesn't advertise it and makes it really hard to get, but they will give you an 8% discount on car insurance premiums if you hold at least one share of BRK.B, since Berkshire-Hathaway owns them. They offer 8% discounts for a lot of professional and trade associations and the shareholder discount doesn't stack with those. + +It took me a while to get the discount. I called them after my biannual premiums went up this year. The CSR I talked gave me a really weird answer and said that they used to offer it, but it was taxed. I e-mailed them a few days later and they told me that I was eligible for the Berkshire-Hathaway shareholder discount and that I should go online, go to the discounts page, go to group discounts, and select "Berkshire-Hathaway Shareholder" from the menu. But it didn't appear in the menu. + +So I e-mailed them again. The CSR who read the e-mail replied and said that he had added that discount to my policy. He didn't even verify that I was a shareholder. It wasn't even pro-rated, I received a refund on my credit card for 8% of the full premium. + +Anyone know of any other good non-dividend discounts or perks? If you hold MMM and pay them $30 in November, they apparently send you a gift box with a bunch of their new products. I'm sure others are out there. + +EDIT: It works for car insurance, but it doesn't for renter's insurance. I don't know if it works for their homeowner's, motorcycle, umbrella, and other insurance policies. +Wtf? Has everyone lost their sight of the goal? +20 m is the floor. Why get excited for a 10 dollar rise in price? Why congratulating people NOT selling at 200? As if anyone was thinking of selling? SMELLS like FUD to me. Please dont upvote those posts claiming this fantasy. + Gamestop GME short sellers have lost $443.4 million so far this month. $GME is among the top 10 most unprofitable stocks for short sellers during July 2022. All GMErs out there, are you still long? + +Shares of GameStop (GME) - Get GameStop Corporation Report are trading higher again in June, helped by catalysts such as the launch of the company's NFT marketplace and a stock split. + +In fact, GameStop shares have managed to outperform the S&P 500 so far this year. And they've also managed to cause big losses for short sellers who insist on betting against the stock. + +According to a report published by S3 Partners on July 21, GameStop has been among the top 10 most unprofitable stocks for short sellers during July 2022. So far this month, short sellers have already lost $443.4 million on GME. + +https://preview.redd.it/m5kxjxpcibe91.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=b97d39d0f443169c97b62e6c8180e382adbe644f + + It's worth noting that, compared to the many large-cap companies on the list, GameStop's average borrow fee is incredibly elevated — 32%. + +Borrow fees are the amount that short sellers must pay to "borrow" shares of the stock and open a short position. + +However, following the report and GameStop's 4-for-1 stock split, fees reached a sky-high 126%: + +Read the full article: [https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/gamestop-stock-short-sellers-take-a-beating-in-july](https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/gme/gamestop-stock-short-sellers-take-a-beating-in-july) + +Gamestop GME short sellers have lost $443.4 million so far this month. GME is among the top 10 most unprofitable stocks for short sellers during July 2022. + +All GMErs out there, are you still long? +BTI, MO, PM are 3 tobacco firms that I currently track. I find them all to be extreme value plays ( cheap on metric base and are all companies that get consistent cash flow year after year ). What are your thoughts on the matter +I had a roommate completely destory his life thanks to one of these scams, so I'm admittedly biased against them. But they don't belong here at all. + +They're designed to target the poor by luring them in with hope, and then just waste so much of what little money they have. + +If someone promotes one of these scams they should, in my opinion, be immediately and permanently banned. + +If you want a specific list I recommend Wikipedia's list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multi-level_marketing_companies Although I did notice a few are missing, such as Pink Zebra. + +r/antiMLM is another good resource + I am a uni student who made some money in the recent GME dramas (about 28k). I have no idea about the first thing about capital gains tax. I'm not asking someone to tell me everything I need to do now, but if anyone could help me out with pointing me in the right direction I would really appreciate that. + +1. How much do you pay on capital gains? +2. Do losses I have made on other trades affect the rate of tax I pay on the gains I have made? +3. If I put the money back into stocks do I need to take account of the gains tax I will need to pay before I do so? +4. How do I pay them? I've never made enough money to go over my tax-free allowance before, so this will be my first time paying taxes. + +I appreciate this may sound very naive but like I say, I really haven't got a clue what I need to do here, so if anyone could point me to some good resources or answer any of my questions I would really appreciate it. Cheers. + +I used eToro and then an ii trading account. + "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC . "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP , all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. +EDIT: Opening an account with Fidelity and then initiating the transfer from your old broker to Fidelity through Fidelity means they can enforce the 3 day rule better. + +EDIT: Partial transfers also lessen fees and speed up transfers for some broker to broker transfers + +A transfer from broker to broker must be completed in 3 days under Finra rule 11870, putting more pressure on the PFOF broker’s margin and leverage. They can’t stall and buy time like they are with DRS requests. We should all know by now that PFOF brokers ARE NOT our friends. They are trying to fuck with DRS as much as they can, don’t let them. + +If Fidelity doesn't receive shares in due time they can then force a buy in from the PFOF broker once the transfer goes through and they need your shares to DRS + +This slams the PFOF broker as they either have to give Fidelity some of their limited supply of real shares or are forced to buy them now putting pressure on their balance and risk levels AND they lost a customer. + +From there Fidelity have the fastest DRS times and they have gained a happy customer and damaged a competitor and the DRS train to full float starts moving faster. + +If this information stops being suppressed and enough apes learn why to do this then the DRS train picks up speed and 741 comes along quicker + +741 - US Code that pertains to Broker-Dealer Liquidation and Bankruptcy. These brokers will crumble and be liquidated and the first BIG dominoes towards MOASS will fall. + +GET out of these AT RISK SCUMMY PFOF BROKERS and make your shares REAL and under your name. Speed the process to DRS up and send a big FUCK YOU to your PFOF brokers by transferring to Fidelity first and then DRS. + +Shills love to downvote this topic. + +Full DD on this: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q5t3c9/important\_drs\_info\_if\_you\_use\_a\_pfof\_broker/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q5t3c9/important_drs_info_if_you_use_a_pfof_broker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Not Financial Advice. I’m REDACTED +Starbucks is down 23% since its all-time high at $126/share, so I decided to take a look at the fundamentals and attempt to assess the fair value. Based on my valuation, the fair value per share is $70.14. + +[https://youtu.be/wvviMJ26kh4](https://youtu.be/wvviMJ26kh4) + +Fundamentally, I don't see any other way for Starbucks to grow apart from opening more stores. I don't see a high probability of the company making a huge innovation that pushes the price significantly up. + +Key points for the last 5 years: + +\- Increased presence mainly in China + +\- Increased the debt by $10b + +\- Decreased outstanding shares significantly (1.423b --> 1.173b) + +\- Annual revenue growth - 7% (signs of a steady growing / mature company) + +\- Operating margin - 16 to 17% (except 2020) + +I ran the following assumptions through a DCF model: + +\- Revenue growth 12% for the next year (recovering from the pandemic and the lockdowns), then 6% in the next 5 years, a little bit below the historical growth) + +\- Operating margin of 17%, later growing to 18% + +\- WACC of 5.74% --> Incredibly low as the volatility was not high and the cost of equity is relatively low + +The outcome is as follows: Revenue to grow 70% in 10 years and reach $48.7b and the value per share is **$70.14.** + +I could be wrong, so below are a few scenarios: + +&#x200B; + +|Revenue / Op. margin|16%|18%|20%| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|1.7x ($48.7b)|$61.0|**$70.1**|$79.2| +|2x (58.7b)|$70.8|$81.4|$92.0| +|2.3x ($67.9b)|$82.6|$94.9|$107.3| +|2.5x ($72.8b)|$97.3|$100.4|$113.5| + +I'd like to get your thoughts on the company and see if there's anything significant that I'm missing from my assumptions. +It has come to the attention of the Moderators of [/r/ASX\_Bets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets) and [/r/Ausfinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ausfinance), the FB "ASX Stock tips" and other members of the Australia Investor community that there has been discussion within the Coalition government of Australia (contrary to the advice of the apparently non corrupt regulators) of permanent changes in the legal structures of Australian public company disclosure laws. [These laws, hereafter referred to as "The let financial criminals avoid punishment" laws, or "Director Crims paradise", have the objective of reducing the requirement and liability of company directors in event that meaningful disclosure of news does not occur in a timely manner to the investing public.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-18/continuous-disclosure-laws-watered-down-permanently/13163854) Effectively turning what is already extremely weak enforcement against financial criminals to become almost impossible to enforce. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +While some relaxation of laws during the COVID-19 pandemic were reasonable on practicality reasons, the "Director crims paradise" laws appears to exclusively be oriented around allowing and encouraging criminal behaviour, which is not acceptable from a government enforcing law and order. Insider trading is already seen as a chronic issue within Australian securities by many people, including the retail investor community (Mums, Dads and 22 yr old idiots alike). Creating an inside and an outside, often sorted by existing wealth, not investor ability. [The inside are able to obtain information prior to it being made publicly available. This is either by personal and business contacts, or by the corrupt practice of providing early knowledge to larger investors, on the basis that this will provide outside returns to these individuals.](https://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/study-exposes-insider-trading-on-australian-stock-market) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +If none of the above practices are present, then why are the laws being relaxed? Even the /r/ASX_bets autist can work out that one of the easiest ways to make prosecuting the guilty harder is to take away the already flimsy laws that require them to act in a slightly less dodgy manner. If permitting more corruption is not the aimed objective of the Government, then why is liability being reduced? Why pass the "Director crims paradise" to allow criminals that steal money from citizens of Australia and be held non accountable? It is not ideal that we are currently dependent on the private sector as the main enforcers of fraud protection, but given the extremely suspicious reduction in funding for ASIC over the last decade (i.e the "Defund the police of the rich" concept) that is all that is left. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The major function of company directors is to provide guidance to the company on behalf of it's owners, the shareholders. Described by the Australian Financial Review as " Handsomely paid directors, stewarding vast amounts of capital ", the directors also have a responsibly to provide information to the shareholders they represent, their bosses. Directors are well paid individuals, in exchange they are held to a significant legal liability in order to ensure that they act in a sound manner and to ensure that those under their direction act in a sound manner. While there are exceptional circumstances in which these individuals, who hold themselves as highly skilled professional may make errors, they should be held to account when it moves outside of a true error into "conveniant error" which is expected to happen in future. If they leak, provide information or quietly sit on disclosure so "those in the know" have the ability to exit or enter their positions, they should be held accountable. The burden to prove that delays were not malicious should be made harder, not softer. Otherwise the rot in the capital markets will continue and the respect of the markets will weaken. Some say this is due to rising director insurance costs. We ask if an increase in the price of fire insurance would lead to a ban on firefighting, or if it might be better to ban making houses out of cardboard and gunpowder. [Similar moves to reduce the insurance burden on those who hurt others have ended in disaster.](https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2016/november/christopher-duntsch-dr-death/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +It is suggested that members of [/r/ASX\_bets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_bets) , [/r/Ausfinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ausfinance) and our investing compatriots together begin to make it clear that allowing and encouraging criminals should not be policy of a government in this country. Make this an issue on your non reddit Social media. Contact your Federal member of Parliament (it does work, just ask a boomer with 4 investment properties) and your senators. Do it by phone, by letter and by email. If corruption is not the goal, then don't make rules stopping corruption weaker. If you are a member of the Liberal Party, ask your local branch why crooks are being allowed to fleece party members with the allowance of your leadership, behaviour that will surely cost them votes. Don't pretend this is something about one side of politics or the other, this is bad policy that excessively helps the guilty, nothing more. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +This isn't a political group, we'd rather spend our time looking at good Stonks, too bad that will be harder with these changes. This group is focused on the market and wants to know that others have as much information as us. We don't understand why the government started this. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +TLDR. Your rockets are at risk. It might be time to fight. +I've spent so much time studying the market and what not. I've been on fire more often than not. Today I traded over 400K within a certain stock. I use Charles Schwab for the broker and made significant profit off these trades. + +All of the sudden I cannot execute trades anymore. Call the broker and got hit with a good faith violation with possibly a free ride violation in the account tomorrow. It's not guaranteed but I should know soon. Regardless, all the time I have spent studying the market I had no idea how much you could get burnt by the broker. I have a strong chance only settled cash trades can be executed for the next 90 days. If you're interested in day trading do all you're research and not just the market. I had no idea how much I could get shut down on my most profitable day ever by the broker. + +Edit (Full Details): https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/mn6bfx/updated_lesson_good_faith_and_free_ride/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 +The current appreciation of house prices is crazy. The announcements of 2% deposits seems like it will just make things worse (more demand, without more supply). It seems like houses are getting further out of reach of the majority of the population. This trend is troubling. + +As an example, I'm almost 30, I'm able to save 11.5K per quarter. I get a salary of 108K( somewhat above the median ). I don't really have anywhere to cut costs, apart from rent which I'm actively trying to reduce. Saving at this rate is very difficult and is not sustainable. + +At current savings rate (unsustainable): + +[Based on random sample suburb from Sydney. This is based around current ludicrous appreciation.](https://preview.redd.it/ga4u21vfym071.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=5308606e0d3e0801a528ee5128fb13892b73484a) + +I will cross the threshold needed for a deposit. However, with a more sustainable savings rate the deposit curve simply runs away (roughtly $6520 per quarter savings, from another reddit poster): + +[Based on random sample suburb from Sydney. This is based around current ludicrous appreciation.](https://preview.redd.it/dqi4z07sym071.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=b089edadab45031670afaae9b54b88a6067ac103) + +For someone who is paid quite well, this is a disturbing curve. It shows that it is very difficult to get to a 10% deposit (at current rates, and especially for those less fortunate). The governments solution to have people increasingly indebted seems totally heartless. Pushing more and more mortgage stress onto younger and younger generations. With no wage growth I'm not sure how the vast majority of people not yet in the market still has hope in this regard. + +So much of Australia's wealth is tied up in housing. This isn't exactly productive use of our resources. We could be using it to invest in local businesses, start-ups and technology. But instead, we are using it to put rising pressures on a market that is forever clamping the spending power of younger generations. This will lead to generations of people who couldn't afford to start businesses with upfront capital requirements (usually the scalable types). + +In the attempt to save for a home, I am inadvertently priced out of having children. As an engineer, working remotely is difficult to impossible. As engineer, working from home in an apartment is vastly impractical (due to equipment). I am not alone; my friends and family are experiencing them a similar problem. This is just my experiance, most have it tougher. + +Currently, about 32% of households are renting (source 5), in 1994 this figure was 25.7%. + +A fair go for all Australians is a wonderful mantra. However, each generation ownership has dropped significantly (source 6). The trend is concerning. + +[Ownership rate by birth cohort when they were 30 to 34 years old \(source 6\).](https://preview.redd.it/usqow5uc2n071.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef5f74a369710bc5e7da081fe1220786d0147ed) + +Clearly, this is a concerning trend. It is not at all a fair go for all Australians, instead it is a cost for being born more recently. Compounded by decreasing wage growth and it obvious that the younger you are, the more difficult it is to live here. Declining opportunity outside of our established cities is saddening and forcing people into property markets they cannot reasonably afford. + +Edit: I have various things that make saving easier for me. This doesn't make me feel better, it makes things worse. I know my situation, this is hard. I know I'm fortunate, which means others have it harder. The trend indicates future generations will have a tougher time still. + +Edit: Removed the 12% lines from the graphs, it was unnessary and distracting. + +Edit: Change opening sentance as people comment before finishing reading. + +Edit: Replaced list with graph. + +Sources: + +1: [https://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Job=Electronics\_Engineer/Salary](https://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Job=Electronics_Engineer/Salary) + +2: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/wage-price-index-australia/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/wage-price-index-australia/latest-release) + +3: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/consumer-price-index-australia/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/consumer-price-index-australia/latest-release) + +4: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/residential-property-price-indexes-eight-capital-cities/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/residential-property-price-indexes-eight-capital-cities/latest-release) + +5: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/housing-occupancy-and-costs/2017-18](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/housing-occupancy-and-costs/2017-18) + +6: [https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/home-ownership-and-housing-tenure](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/home-ownership-and-housing-tenure) +Hi everyone, infrequent poster and dividend ETF investor. Currently my portfolio only consists of monthly paying ETFs ( like SPHD and PGX) and I was looking for recommendations or ideas to begin adding stocks in sets of three that would pay one dividend a month, every quarter i.e. Stock 1 pays January, 2 pays February, 3 pays in March, repeat. + +Any and all recommendations welcome! + +Edit: Thank you all for the recommendations, and keep them coming! + + I do want to clarify a point to a comment I saw down below. The reason I'm looking for individual stocks now is for a slightly larger focus on growth. I went the ETF route first as a foundation for my portfolio in order to provide diversity, stability, and reliable monthly income. Now I'm looking to expand from this solid core. + +Edit2: holy shit thanks guys. Tons of new names I've never heard of to look into. To clarify another point I'm seeing alot, this portfolio is separate from my high risk/reward portfolio focused on growth. Over there I have names like Tesla, Palantir, Disney, Lockheed Martin, etc. This dividend portfolio is a counterbalance to keep me focused on the VERY long term. +"After the Great Recession, we went through a decade in which economic life was defined by a lack of demand. Now, after the COVID recession, we’ve entered a period in which economic life is defined by a lack of supply” +That’s it. That’s my vent. There are some people on Reddit that just do not get it and it shows. What’s worse is they think that they *do* get it and feel compelled to tell people what they’re doing wrong. It’s obnoxious. +[Article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/wap.business-standard.com/article-amp/markets/sebi-tweaks-mf-compensation-circular-ahead-of-implementation-on-oct-1-121092001185_1.html) + +Key personnel of AMCs to have 20 percent of their CTC mandatorily invested in the AMCs funds. The rule goes live next month. + +Seems like a good move from SEBI + +Edit: Based on the discussions, it seems that SEBI hasn't thought this through and the same is being echoed by the industry. + +[Article](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/analysis/mutual-fund-houses-irked-as-skin-in-the-game-rules-set-to-kick-in/articleshow/86409547.cms?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ETFBMF) +Hello! Recently had a tenant move out that had two kids that did a bunch of damage to many of the walls. She had a handyman fix and patch the holes, but the entire unit needs to be painted because of it. + +We are unsure whether this is something we should be docking the security deposit for. I’ve heard before that some landlords repaint every time a tenant moves out and some don’t if it’s still in great condition. + +Is this considered normal wear and tear and give the tenant their full security deposit back? Or should we dock them for the costs we’ll have to incur? Below are a few pictures + +Edit: tenants were there for 22 months. Higher end unit in a nice area. There are 5-7 walls that look similar. Because it’s so excessive we have to paint the entire unit basically. Not just a few walls. I assume it’ll take $1,000+ in paint and 50-80 man hours. + +[Pictures of interior](https://imgur.com/a/bctQ3r0) +Missed Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, Avalanche? THIS is the next big ecosystem. + +&#x200B; + +The FINAL token unlock JUST happened, no more supply will EVER be released. This dump is a huge buying opportunity before smart contracts and ecosystem come into the play. This is going to be the next big ecosystem in crypto. + +&#x200B; + +10x Developer Productivity + +100x More DeFi Security + +1000x More Scalability than: Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Elrond, Near etc. + +&#x200B; + +The very high level of staking, tremendous excitement following the Olympia launch, and upcoming Alexandria mainnet release – combined with a strong community makes Radix a Unicorn. + +&#x200B; + +And guess What? This is the perfect time to buy into the project, the excitement and future plans of the team will ensure that the token moons! + +&#x200B; + +This is the Cardano, Solana, Polkadot Killer with potential to scale up to 1 million tx/s and more. Linear scalability with increased node count. + +&#x200B; + +Buy eXRD Now and Thank me later! 😉 + +&#x200B; + +Reasons to buy: + +&#x200B; + +\- Low Marketcap for a Layer 1 + +\- Next BIG crypto ecosystem + +\- HIGH Staking APY (up to 36%) + +\- Hidden Gem Project + +\- World Class Team + +\- Will list on Tier 1 exchanges soon + +\- Strong network and quality investors + +&#x200B; + +JOIN THE GROUP & ENJOY THE PARTY: [https://t.me/radix\_dlt](https://t.me/radix_dlt) + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://www.radixdlt.com/](https://www.radixdlt.com/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/RadixDLT](https://twitter.com/RadixDLT) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/WkB2USt](https://discord.gg/WkB2USt) + +CoinMarketCap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/radix/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/radix/) +Hello, fam. Older ape here. I am not one to make posts. I religiously stick to comments unless I feel I have something useful to add. And those put contracts in Brazil feel like a big deal to me. + + +Now, I'm not a numbers guy. Even when I played poker five workdays I relied on instinct and guesstimates more than exact math. I've done alright by it, but apologies if this is not hard material. + + +What do we know: + + +1) Shorts have been kicking the can delaying closing their shorts in the hope of retail losing interest. + + +2) There's been a lot of new regulations that *theoretically* make it harder to kick the can. + + +3) Put contracts for 100 million shares of GME appear on a Bloomberg Terminal for Constancia Investimentos and Kapitalo Investimentos, filed in MARCH. + + +Now, I don't pretend to know WHY these put contracts are in Brazilian institutions. I'm sure any ape could speculate and come to the same candidate answers -- liability in case moass, extradition, kicking the can but with even more crime, you name it. It's fuckery, what flavor, your guess is as good as mine but fuckery all the same. I suspect that when the moass is said and done these companies will be linked to the known shorts CITADEL, POINT 72, MELVIN CAPITAL and SUSQUOHANNA. And regulatory agencies will say they didn't know. + +So let's get the word out. Because something about this FEELS desperate to me. Like they had to have those puts and they didn't have any convenient place to put it and shoved 'em in Brazillian shell companies or something similar. + + +We don't even need to know the reason. If word gets out, this info makes the rounds, the hivemind of the internet will figure it the fuck out. It almost always does. Furthermore, people like a mystery. It will get them involved and invested emotionally and maybe after that financially. + + +And the SEC will never have the luxury of saying they didn't know or didn't look at it. + + +Thanks for making it this far. My brain is smooth but my heart is in the right place, and I felt like sharing. + + +Power to the players, the wrinklies, and cheers to some deep fucking value. + +**EDIT 1)** https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otszbz/this_compliance_officer_previously_worked_at/ + +Thanks to u/broccaaa for pointing us to Ivan Padilha and his past at ENRON. + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otqvmh/constancia_investimentos_ltda_kapitalo/ + +Thanks to u/El_Patron_1911 for these connections. + +https://i.redd.it/1cv0jl3464e71.png + +Thanks to everyone's favorite Pomeranian u/Criand for this thorough explanation. This pupper has more wrinkles than the old dudes running Wall Street. + +**EDIT 2**: + +https://imgur.com/a/Gn2S6ph + +Complete known list of companies that are short GME provided by u/bobsmith808 +For some time now I could tell there was a huge disconnect between the reality of Day Trading for a living and what I would read here on Reddit. I am here for one reason - to help people. Anyone who has read my post on how I began can see that I know how difficult this journey can be for others. Life is difficult enough as it is, so if I can save someone time, money and frustration, I am happy to do it. + +Throughout my time here I have seen many traders prosper, some of which I now trade with everyday. There has been an incredible amount of support and amazing stories I've heard from many of you and I appreciate them all. + +Still, I also noticed that almost every post is also met with an incredible amount of vitriol and cynicism. I would always chalk up those response to people who have tried their hand at Day Trading and failed. To some extent I am sure that is true. But lately, reading through some comments on recent posts I have realized that something else is going on here. Not only on this sub, but on most subs dedicated to trading. + +First, let's back up a bit to Day Trading for a Living. For us, Day Trading is a career. Just like any other career, except with this one you get the freedom of being your own boss, and the security of knowing that as long as you have an internet connection you have a source of income. And to be secure in that you better know how to trade in a down market as well as a surging one. Many of us have had successful careers before this, some of us have only done this and nothing else, but either way I can confidently speak for others who do this for a living when I say - there is nothing else we would rather do. It is an amazing job, truly. It is also one of the hardest skills to learn (but that was another post). **Still - to us - it is a job.** + +There are traders that make over $50k a week and have for a long time, and there are traders that are perfectly happy making $2K a week, and everyone in-between. The notion of being consistently profitable is a given, not a question. And we don't care *how* profitable you are, as long as you make a living with it. In fact, it is in bad taste to ask a trader how much they make, although I do get why new traders ask all the time - they want to see if the potential reward is real and worth it. + +So when we say we Day Trade for a living and are consistently profitable, it isn't bragging, it is just what we do. Just like any other profession. Some of us trade alone, but most of us trade with others in one community or another, and share trade ideas, analyze trades at the end of the day and help each other prep for tomorrow's action. I am on the west coast (which does suck a bit), so I am up around 5:30am and monitoring the pre-market action. At 6:30 to 7am I typically just watch the market, and rarely make a trade in the first 30 minutes (although I do know this is where momentum traders find many of their best trades, it is just not how I like to trade, although there are always exceptions). From 7am to 1pm, I trade consistently throughout the day. From 1pm to 3pm I am reviewing the trades from that day with other traders - especially the trades that didn't work. And then finally from 3pm to 5pm I am prepping for tomorrow. + +And then I come on here, and it is very clear that there exists two worlds of trading. In this world on Reddit, many of the traders are new - most likely drawn into trading because of some combination of the pandemic keeping them at home and the allure of meme stocks which have gotten a lot of attention. And yes, you also have a lot of people who have tried trading and failed, but still remain interested enough to read these subs. What results is a tremendous amount of cynicism - the notion that Day Trading is anything but pure luck is scoffed at, any success is met with demands of proof, and every piece of advice is criticized for some reason or another. *This isn't to say there also aren't some brilliant criticisms that I've read here, and justifiable cynicism, there is - and thank god there are, otherwise these subs would be intolerable.* + +Also what many here don't seem to get is that asking a successful Day Trader to show proof after every successful trade or trades is like asking a lawyer to constantly send photos of her Law Degree every time she says she is a lawyer. And yes, I do compare the two. I used to be a Professor of Sociology, I went through graduate school, I know what it is like to write and defend a dissertation and be on the tenure track at a university, and I can tell you now without hesitation that learning/mastering Day Trading is harder. No contest. Btw, imagine being a lawyer and coming on to a sub about being a lawyer, and reading comments from people who aren't even lawyers themselves that say, "There is no way to actually practice the law, it's impossible because it is all subjective. You're full of shit. Let me see your last winning case file!" Yeah, that how many of us feel when we come on here. It is pure insanity to see people every day say what you do for a living doesn't and can't exist. Especially when you've been doing it for many years. + +Obviously there are a lot of people on here that are full of shit, but one look at their profile and posting history should make it fairly easy to tell who is and who isn't. Overall though, just look at the advice given - either it makes sense or it doesn't, either take it or don't. Spending your time attacking the person giving it is pointless, criticize the post, not the poster. + +Still when I suggest a trade concept that I have used thousands of times over many years, and have a well-defined win rate with that concept, only to see a bunch of responses that say, "This will never work and here's why...." I try to answer each and every one of those comments as patiently as possible, but yes, sometimes the urge to say, "WTF are you talking about?!?!?!" is a bit hard to resist. + +For all people who are new to trading, or have dabbled and recently got more interested in it, please know that a majority of what you see here (and especially on YouTube) is *NOT* Day Trading. Day Trading is not just momentum trading in the first hour, it isn't just on stocks under $10, and it isn't luck - it involves a vast number of strategies that involves going long, shorting, options, option spreads, and yes, swing trading as well. ***Our goal is to consistently make a profit, which means consistently hitting singles.*** We won't ignore the home run, but it isn't what we set out to do with each trade. Our lives and the lives of our families depend on us reaching a minimum $ number every month. + +Our trades can last anywhere from 15 seconds to 5 days, we know when to enter and exit, and what method to use. *Anyone can be profitable on any given day, but to do this for a living you need to be consistently profitable.* The methods used to do that often seem to conflict with the mentality of people who read/post on these boards. Their goal seems to be to try to make as much money as possible, despite the increased risk. I urged you to ignore those that do not pay their bills with Day Trading and listen to those that do. *If you check my profile, I have posts on how to get started, tips, strategies, and personal reflections - if you are interested I hope you give them a read.* + +But mainly you should realize that there is an entire world out there of Day Traders. From what I can tell the average successful Day Trader took 2 to 3 years to get to the point where they can confidently make a living doing it. Most have one skill they excel at (I trade with some traders that are incredible scalpers, others who are masters at day trading options, others that kill it using option spreads, traders that crush the futures market, as well as amazing short-sellers) but despite their specialty, all of them are able to trade across various strategies and in bull or bear markets (yes I know we are in a 10+ year bull market). Some use stop-losses (primarily momentum traders), most do not and use mental stops on their trades to stay flexible with a shifting market. Our "watchlist" changes every 5 to 30 minutes, and we trade everything from SNDL to AMZN. One thing we all have in common is we **never look at our P&L while in a trade.** Yes, we have our targets. But when we exit a trade it is based on the price action, not the P&L. + +So be careful to not believe that what you read here is the actual world of Day Trading, it is not - but that world does exist. I hope to see some of you in it one day, because trust me, it's much nicer than this one. +Please note: title is tongue-in-cheek. This is basically just an oft-overlooked path. + +1. Become a podiatrist. All you need is a 3.2 GPA and sub-500 MCAT (vastly lower than med school admissions standards) +2. Get a low-paying job as a private practice associate ($100-200k). Sure, you could make $200-350k as a hospital-employed podiatrist but you want actual money, not a 8-5 gig for a hospital system. +3. After you've learned the ropes, start your own practice in an area with low density of podiatrists. Even a mediocre podiatrist will statistically earn an average of $300k+ as a solo practitioner (e.g. $100/pt visit \* 25 pt/day \* 5 days/week \* 50 weeks/yr \* 50% overhead = $312k). This is all in a 35-45 hr/week schedule. +4. Hire an associate podiatrist. A busy associate will produce $700k and you will probably pay them $200k if you're a higher-paying practice. After overhead, you will earn $150k/yr from them. + +Now, if you stay full time, you will earn $450k/yr in a LCOL area working 40 hrs a week, without being a genius or particularly lucky. + +If you want a nice lifestyle, scale back to 2 days a week and still earn $275k/yr. +So yesterday I posted about **FINRA ADF** showing up as the primary exchange for GME trades over the past 6 trading days (and likely much longer). The thing is, FINRA ADF is not currently in operation... + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/muzj4o/finra\_webmaster\_no\_brokerdealers\_currently\_using/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/muzj4o/finra_webmaster_no_brokerdealers_currently_using/) + +u/koreanjc had a great post about this a little over a week ago [FADF - A Dark Pool](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpebkz/sells_through_the_major_exchanges_buys_through/) + +While looking into this, I realized that the GME Bloomberg Terminal data is missing between 31.4% and 38.9% of GME daily trading volume from 4/13 - 4/20. + +That's **19,411,389 missing bananas** over just 6 trading days. Only 70 million GME-issued bananas are supposed to exist... + +If you add up the **total missing volume** \+ **ADF volume**, you will see that **over 69%** of GME bananas are being reported as trading off exchange (FINRA ADF, which is reportedly not in operation - again see my post from yesterday), or completely missing (a deeper, darker pool that even Bloomberg can't see?). + +**40,126,778 GME bananas** were traded over 6 days, and even Bloomberg, which costs $24,000/year, has no idea where they are. + +I'm not a finance guy, or a stock guy - I'm an ape. I can't really do math, but luckily Excel does the math for me. + +I don't play options, but if I had call options for 4/16 or 4/23, which are each worth thousands and thousands of dollars, I would certainly want to know what unknown entity is keeping the price of GME at this $160 threshold by hiding **40,126,778 bananas** from making their way to the exchanges. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR** \- each day, over **69%** of GME bananas are either missing, or being routed through "**FINRA ADF**", which is not currently operating. Someone is hiding your GME bananas to artificially manipulate the GME stock price from mooning. The rocket is fueled for take-off. Can anyone find out what is going on with the missing bananas? + +&#x200B; + +[Data from Bloomberg vs Actual Daily Volume. So many missing bananas...](https://preview.redd.it/l99esaqx6ku61.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae83b5e7419aee5d21c56d1b9097547256292c66) + +[Missing bananas? 3\/24 Tweet from DFV \(sorry for the Play icon\)](https://preview.redd.it/ngb10due3ju61.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bf37a2fcedac225ed3f4ad85a4e53cf4d6c5a5e) + +[DFV Tweet](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1374710669321379846?s=20) from 3/24 + +&#x200B; + +[4\/22 will be Wild after green reversal?? Had to include it...](https://preview.redd.it/eu1jd5kt3ju61.png?width=115&format=png&auto=webp&s=826018eb1c3d7ddd74c1491f42479092c12b4faa) + +[DFV Tweet](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1380611475757236226?s=20) from 4/9 + +&#x200B; + +Thanks again to u/Ravada for the daily Bloomberg Terminal drops. All Bloomberg images were taken from his posts. + +**Bloomberg Data** (just look at the middle of the screen for FINRA ADF and Total Volume): + +[4\/20 - 1,802,127 missing bananas + 1,431,221 through ADF = 69.4&#37; of daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/sx63arftyiu61.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=0076326f40b790d15864bcde4fb70799d179e3cc) + +[4\/19 - 3,900,530 missing bananas + 3,425,731 through ADF = 69.6&#37; of daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/8gx474l8ziu61.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2a935951a7279fd3766248c36c2ffb6e8bc641c) + +[4\/16 - 2,031,239 missing bananas + 1,783,408 through ADF = 73.1&#37; daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/ep3s2xwgziu61.png?width=1916&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b0689af51c054df7604bde3091433c46df61788) + +[4\/15 - 2,640,551 missing bananas + 2,935,255 through ADF = 70.9&#37; daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/ai2hd7zpziu61.png?width=1917&format=png&auto=webp&s=97d05ee07b8b58bda58c9dda363e94890d55f801) + +[4\/14 - 6,641,202 missing bananas + 8,792,903 through ADF = 73.0&#37; daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/thtw1hjxziu61.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b9464859b6c8c64c63ab270e095145ac659bffd) + +[4\/13 - 2,395,740 missing bananas + 2,346,871 through ADF = 69.6&#37; daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/vmyusr240ju61.png?width=1918&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f0ee235649298692a0f7f4b440ed350e3855739) + +**Edit 1**: Daily GME Volume + +[Source: nasdaq.com. Why is the actual daily volume so much different than reported Bloomberg volume? Where are the missing bananas?](https://preview.redd.it/xmdt1gno6ju61.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c721c4ce442ca8d63f34c498a67b2109de57373) + +**Edit 2**: Edited the Excel sheet to reflect the Nasdaq daily volume (I had used a different source, which had slightly different Total Volume data). + +The total missing bananas **increased** from 19,285,389 to **19,411,389**. Also edited the missing banana data for each Bloomberg terminal to reflect Nasdaq. Thanks u/2008UniGrad + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 3**: Added Bloomberg Terminal from 4/21 (below) and added updated Excel sheet to reflect 4/21 data (also below). Updated total missing bananas to reflect 4/21 data. + +**Total missing bananas** for last 7 trading days = **20,798,855 bananas** + +**Total missing bananas** \+ **ADF** for last 7 trading days = **42,644,089 bananas** + +[4\/21 - 1,387,466 missing bananas + 1,129,845 through ADF = 66.5&#37; daily volume](https://preview.redd.it/df9izysqdlu61.png?width=1915&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5960f70a1fa3f1f1af5c7e8f0fc20c084083241) + +[Data from Bloomberg vs Actual Daily Volume. Added 4\/21 data to running total from last 7 trading days.](https://preview.redd.it/d5x9s2haflu61.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb42fd8003b3e1f93080a461520aeb11f55beeca) +TLDR: GameStop will issue a carve-out of GME Entertainment, this will be all of the things not associated with traditional e-commerce products. This will issue new stock/tokens onto their blockchain exchange. This precedence was set by the Slack lawsuit ($WORK), and requires a tombstone pr announcement and a share recall/count happens after announcement. I would guess as a dividend they would also issue shares/tokens of GME-E to existing shareholders. Shorts are fucked and brought into the daylight using blockchain tech. Oh and pretty sure I figured out the infamous ice cream cone tweet :) + +We know that GME's hire posts have had "carve-out experience" in them, here are some examples of this: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aqd7fut7fqq81.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8e3ed747e816b473474a3b43f4aa3af30de4af6 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6yhd0h6cfqq81.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=14a563247474305987f05ea6abe89d51f51c032b + +https://preview.redd.it/8ax0kf6cfqq81.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=743606fc3ab6884ff62b134d331f19ac5d45ab85 + +What does a DPO have to do with a potential GME carve out? What is a DPO? Well mainly carve outs are a way to increase funding for growth companies, typically they are offered as an IPO or a DPO. Essentially the carve-out is usually offered to the public to generate cash and if the carve-out doesn't fit the mold of the parent company's underlying infrastructure. Issue shares/tokens on exchange for cash basically. Some prominent examples of companies who have DPO'd are Slack, Spotify, and Ben and Jerry's (at origin). + +So how is all of this potential carve-out->DPO associated with Slack ($WORK)? Well they just lost a lawsuit against retail because they did not protect their restricted stock and they could not trace the lineage of the shares offered during their DPO. They lost. We won. The burden of proof is on the DTC and they just fumbled a HUGE lawsuit for blockchain tech to take control of securities. We have legal precedence to use blockchain if we think the system is not working fairly in our favor. The number one issue was TRACEABILITY..MASSIVE WIN. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nnfk08vtfqq81.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=08791cc8e78e882320cf91719a067d4cf3aa4052 + +Also Cohen tweets about WORK are picking up traction.. his initial one had this sub going crazy down the rabbit hole of slacks lawsuit. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7w6oaf4yfqq81.jpg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68150ad294cd0ea5a41f3dc6762d7d8fe8afcf47 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/2ny7g16agqq81.jpg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8520ca46b193b028d77717bb6886edb6ef573ef8) + +TLDR of lawsuit: Slack didn't protect restricted stock and couldn't trace it and their retail investors got fucked because even the DTC couldn't trace them. If only there was a blockchain exchange that could house this carve-out security......... oh shit. + +So a DPO of their carve-out seems to be the plan. How would it be initiated? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tkp25vl1hqq81.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4638a27cf1478222d15fdc44894ca386b986ff9 + +Remember this lil guy? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jom9oaa7hqq81.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d19605b015dc5ad704ff96b8c8be4ef993cada7 + +I wonder who the first person to issue a DPO was, maybe the apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/178q81sbhqq81.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fc2f52a57ebfde2e448b0e6c3c03c451aac5a75 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nf6evaifhqq81.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fdd8120c75ca26629b6d1f20a8dac1d2a137b64 + +GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. First one to ever do it was B. Cohen who started an ice cream business. BEN COHEN/RYAN COHEN + +Wait a second? I think i remember a tweet from our beloved chair about a cone... everyone tweaking about how an ice cream cone was tied to cycles theories like bro what the fuck r u talking about? I'd guess this is it given his tombstone tweet was posted in the same timeframe. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hwb0z3zjhqq81.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=e325c275ee4ae5f9cd87d20e849b5e4b290b2374 + +Also in the tombstone generator Cohen inserted his name as the death date, god mode. + +He is when they die, he is the end game. and literally used a website called "TOMBSTONEBUILDER" he's literally screaming at us "WE ARE GOING TO DPO YOU LOVABLE IDIOTS!" + +Post added for more weight: + +I remember Larry Cheng posting about understanding your customer base as a way to fine-tune how to generate cash whether it be DPO or IPO. Customers that a apart of a loyal customer base (us) usually DPO 9 times out of 10 compared to an IPO. I remember something about exponential growth curves as well that ties into this but cannot find it. + +Hedgies are so fucked, blockchain will be implemented in a DPO, we will all be rich. + +Edit: just realized the sugar daddy tweet as well. Like 50 years ago they were on the verge of bankruptcy (tootsie) and the owners essentially went door to door and had a grass roots movement that had retail almost take them completely private. They became registered shareholders. To this day 75% of all holdings are still retail/non insider. DRS YOUR FUCKING SHARES OR GET LEFT BEHIND!! + +To add more speculation that is entirely just speculation. Maybe they will also issue some of these targeted companies on there as well. Toys R Us/ BBBY/KOSS. + +60s music and pillow fights is BBBY and KOSS -sonographic record of Beatles saved their company? -will they be issued on exchange too? + +7 for 1 offering could also tie into this DPO/Issue as well? (TINFOIL not connected at all besides cohencedence in time) + +&#x200B; + +LAST EDIT: + +A FUCKING STOCK SPLIT ON SAME DAY I FINALLY POST THIS YOOOoOooO. ISSUE MORE SHARES, LET THEM DO THEIR FRAUD EVEN MORE, THEN PUT IT ON BLOCKCHAIN AND WATCH THEM SCRAMBLE FOR EVEN MORE SHARES. LETS GO. + +WAGMI <3 +I turn 18 in July and I will have access to $123,000. I was wondering how to make it work for me and what I should do initially, when I have access to it. +I feel like half the posts on the sub are people asking for broker advice. Obviously without doing any research since the options in EU are limited and speak for themselves. +Can we either remove these low effort posts or refer to a Q&A section? + +Edit: well this blew up. I agree that there should be a place to ask questions but i would also like to incentivise new traders to do their own research. An overview on this subreddit with basic info that allows users to make a decision seems like the way to go. Mods? +So I recently started an experiment which I intend to keep pursuing for at least a few more months. + +My strategy is called the Triple Income Strategy and is an options strategy based around wheeling dividend paying stocks. + +Here are the steps: + +1) Identify a dividend-paying company with favorable metrics that you wouldn’t mind owning shares of (ex: blue chips like JNJ, MRK, BMY, KO, PEP, O, etc.) + +2) Sell a cash-secured put at a 0.3 delta 30-45 DTE (date to expiration) ON A RED DAY and for a strike which you believe to be below fair value + +3) If the strike expires OTM, use the premium collected to buy shares of either the same dividend stock you sold the option on or another dividend-paying security + +4) If assigned, sell weekly CC at or above the strike price if a reasonable premium is possible until you are assigned. SELL THESE ON A GREEN DAY. + + +5) Use the covered call premium to buy more dividend shares + +Hence, you get income from CSP, CC, and normal dividends on top. + +I recently used this to sell 5 $22 puts on MPW for a net of $500 premium. I got assigned at a market price of $20.93. Current loss = 0.07*500. + +I am comfortable with owning MPW at these levels. + +Now looking to sell $22-23 covered calls on a bounce. + +My put premium in the above scenario alone secure me nearly 3 quarterly dividend payments on their own. + +Will keep updated with trades. +This is not limited in scope to people who invest in lumber ETF's like WOOD. + +There is a lot of uncertainty around inflation, supply shortages, and corporate profits. To try to figure out what the hell is going on, I looked into the "first" real commodities shortage that made the news - lumber, a year ago. + +[LBS](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/commodities/lbs) is currently near May ATH's. Keep this in mind. + +* Now it's pretty obvious lumber shortages were due to [Wildfires on the west coast](https://www.capitalpress.com/ag_sectors/timber/why-is-there-a-lumber-shortage-in-the-u-s/article_70382602-54fc-11eb-a16b-934c0ae1c18f.html) (No ad [version](https://web.archive.org/web/20210202010056/https://www.capitalpress.com/ag_sectors/timber/why-is-there-a-lumber-shortage-in-the-u-s/article_70382602-54fc-11eb-a16b-934c0ae1c18f.html)), wiping out wood supply at the source. + +* Or is it? Lumber shortages were actually because of [COVID-19 restrictions](https://fortune.com/2021/03/20/lumber-prices-2021-chart-when-will-wood-shortage-end-price-of-lumber-go-down-home-sales-cost-update-march/) at the sawmills, without a doubt. Sawmills are working at reduced capacity - we should see declining profits for these folks. + +* Actually, it's due to the [mountain pine beetle](https://web.archive.org/web/20210702170646/https://qz.com/), which infested BC forests, causing massive effects of damage and causing forests to need to regrow. + +* No, really. It's actually not a supply-side issue at all - lumber prices got here through [massive demand coming from people creating at-home workspaces](https://www.probuilder.com/blog/look-lumber-prices-supply-side) and moving out to rural areas. + +* That's nonsense, obviously. The real contributor is [US tariffs on wood import from Canada](https://web.archive.org/web/20210519002332/https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-are-home-prices-soaring-11617834557), which has been plaguing us for years. + +* But these reasons are all wrong, of course. The *real* reason there's a shortage is because of [chemical shortages](https://www.woodworkingnetwork.com/news/woodworking-industry-news/chemical-shortages-limited-freight-capacities-reduce-wood-adhesive) from Texas winter storms leading to a [shortage of resin](https://wjactv.com/news/local/lumber-prices-skyrocket-as-shortage-continues), which is integral for plywood. + +* Ha - fooled ya. It's nothing to do with lumber production, it's actually all [transportation related](https://cnr.ncsu.edu/news/2021/05/lumber-shortage/). + +### Why should I care? + +Even if you're not personally invested in lumber, there is a really concerning reason to care about it. + +The vibe you should get above isn't "gee, that must have been a perfect storm." It's that no one actually knows what the hell is going on, and why we're basically back to ATH's a year after the "shortage" has been resolved. + +Articles will look for a plausible reason, latch onto it, and feed it to you as if it's obvious. The above should make it abundantly clear that there was **no** consensus or transparency into why lumber evaporated for months on end. + +While sawmills were working at "reduced capacity", the combined net profits of the five largest publicly traded North American lumber producers (Canfor in British Columbia; Interfor in British Columbia; Resolute Forest Products in Montreal; West Fraser Timber in British Columbia; and Seattle-based Weyerhaeuser) somehow... [jumped a staggering 2,218%](https://fortune.com/2021/11/18/sawmill-profits-soared-bursting-lumber-bubble-bringing-them-back-down/#:~:text=For%20the%20third%20quarter%20of,down%2069%25%20to%20%241.1%20billion.). Take from that what you will. + +Keep this in mind with prices going up across the board. +I modeled Netflix growth over the next 10 years and computed a DCF valuation to estimate Netflix fair value. **Netflix fair value is 250$ per share based on my calculations**. + +My assumptions: + +* average revenue per user will double in all geographies over the next 10 years +* North America paying users will increase at 5% CAGR over the next 10 years. Growth in EMEA will be 6%, LATAM 7% and APAC 8% in the same period. +* Net income marging will increase gradually in the next 10 years, from 17.2% to 20%. + +&#x200B; + +Full analysis: [https://youtu.be/utBITI6OiR8](https://youtu.be/utBITI6OiR8) + +&#x200B; + +Would love to hear your feedbacks if you have worked out the fair value of Netflix and what are your toughts on current valuations. + This is a tough game. Even the pros get slayed. This fund manager took his own life earlier this week. From $20B down to $1B. He was a hardcore value investor in a world that currently favors growth stocks (and rotating back into value). + +Here's a piece on his fund from MS. + +[https://www.morningstar.com/.../behind-the-rise-and-fall...](https://www.morningstar.com/articles/708457/behind-the-rise-and-fall-of-an-esteemed-value-shop) + +What I took away from this: + +1. you don't need to be a professional wall street guy to be a good investor +2. don't over subscribe to any investing ideology (eg. growth, value, small cap, etc.). be able to be pivot and be flexible to adapt. +ChubbyFired about 2.5 years ago. Moved to the beach and have an awesome beachfront condo. Downsized from a massive house, gave away 95% of our belongings and live life with no baggage now. + +Find it interesting that with the means to have whatever I want, I want nothing. Even thinking about buying things stresses me out from the perspective of more stuff equals more problems and clutter in my life. + +How did that switch get flipped? I think it had something to do with coming to terms with all of the stuff we had accumulated along our lives that we had to get rid of when we downsized. The realization that all the things we owned actually provided negative value to us. +Hey Everyone, + +I am not sure if this belongs in here but needed some advise. + +Some background info - I am an Indian and follow Hindu religion. These are festive period for us. Diwali is around the corneras well. +I live in Ontario, Canada. I am renting an apartment owned by Drewlo Holdings. + +In my culture, swastika is one of the most auspicious religious sign, which we draw on our door to welcome god into our house. + +My mother had drawn swastika on the door a couple of days ago. Today, I was visited by property manager asking me to remove the sign because, according to her this is nazi sign. I felt very offended and discriminated as without asking me what is the sign or why do i have it on my door, she is accusing me of displaying nazi sign. + +Once i corrected her that this is not a nazi sign but this is a swastika sign which is religious for me, she then goes and says you cant paint anything on the door. Sign which has been drawn is using temporary color which is called kanku (another religious ingredient) and in no way it can damage the door or paint on it. + +I am told, I will be getting a letter from her not sure which kind but, I am hoping i dont get notice to vacate. Has anyone encountered any situation like this before, also, I am not sure if i should complain anywhere. +If you are a paying platform member, you probably know what I mean. + +If you are not, I will try to summarize it and maybe this will serve as a warning for other people eyeing with his platform. + +I have been paying for his research platform for two years now (1000+ USD in 2 years). I liked him on youtube, liked his investing philosophy, he seemed authentic, he said smart things and I learned a lot from him and also I felt like his expensive platform gave some value to me because he explained his reasoning. (although he didn’t update it too regularly so I was already somewhat disappointed) + +He always communicated his buys and sells shortly after he did them and he always described in detail why he did what. But about a week ago he sold all his positions from his “model portfolio” without saying a word and only let his subsribers know after the fact. + +When people asked him why, he literally just said that it was for “personal reasons” and because he wanted to restructure his platform in order to give us more value and he wanted to start a completely new portfolio. (He did not specify what he meant by more value AT ALL) + +So when people were asking him in the comments his answers were that “Thanks for sharing”, and he “already explained it” (meaning these vague “explanations” above) and than he entirely disabled the commenting option on the topic and also on some of the stocks that were in this model portfolio and were significantly down. + +Since I was so frustrated by this shady behavior I was checking youtube if other people complained (they did.) So when I saw that Sven replied to these (I think pretty fair) questions that “Thanks for your input” or “The explanation is only for the platform members” I got upset because he didn't explain this to platform members, he had to ban commenting because of it and now in the public he acts like he did which is just clearly dishonest. + +My theory is that he had a good couple of years with his stocks when it was a bull market and he needed these good returns to sell his platform. So since most of the stocks in his portfolio declined 25-55% in 2022 he wasn’t able to SELL and market his platform on these bad returns so he just simply started a new portfolio which he already proudly shows in his youtube video thumbnails with 1 mn USD. + +He was always preaching about long-term investing and long-term mindset, so even though his stocks were down, why didn’t he stick with them? + +Why couldn’t he communicate clearly with his subscribers? + +Why was it necessary to sell the current portfolio to start a new one? I’m pretty sure he has lots of money from his expensive platform members, why not start it with that money while keeping the long term portfolio? Or why not start a new one with smaller amounts? + +And I mean, how shady is BANNING the comment section and than acting in the public like he shared this information with the platform members when he didn't??? + +Does any platform member know anything else about this? + +And what do you guys think? + +Sorry if I’m rambling a bit, but this made me so disappointed in him. I thought he was one of the good ones, but now he seems pretty unauthentic and scammy, only in it to make himself rich and get new customers, and not caring about the people who payed him the money he now has... +Big Short investor Michael Burry warns US stocks are heavily overvalued & poised to tumble. Noted the S&P 500's price-to-sales ratio has nearly doubled in 10yrs. + + What do you think? +[analysis link here ](https://budgetmodel.wharton.upenn.edu/issues/2020/9/14/biden-2020-analysis) +Shouldn’t debt go up if the government spends more than it takes in? +The minimum wage was raise in 2009, and multiple times throughout history. Why was it a good idea then? Why do people say raising it now would destroy the economy? +&#x200B; + +# Preface: + +If you do not recognize the title of this post, I highly encourage you to read what came before, as the material contained within this DD is a direct follow-up to The Castle of Glass. It’ll make what comes next far easier to understand, as this shit runs deeper than Kenny G’s rectum after the pounding he’s taken over the last 9 months. + +**GC1 -** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ok2e0b/a\_castle\_of\_glass\_game\_on\_anon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ok2e0b/a_castle_of_glass_game_on_anon/) + +Where in GC1, I described to you the ***‘what’****,* this follow-up is here to show you the ***‘how’***. The former was insightful in providing us with the general direction that the company has been heading towards. A solution that would not only eradicate those who made the greatest mistake in shorting the company *but nearly every other financial entity that played their role in it.* + +Yet, understanding the solution is only half of the equation. Make it through to the end and you’ll see ***why I waited 2 whole-ass months to drop this thermonuclear watery shitfart on these Shortbus scum***. **So fasten those fkn helmet belts and unbutton your nip pouches. Where GC1 is me to my wife, what comes next, is most certainly her boyfriend.** + +# Phase I - The Foundation + +In asking how RC and Co plan to execute their order 66, you must first understand why any of the following is even worth considering. In doing so, we have to take a look back to Overstonk.com and see precisely what they did and why it worked for them. Not from my own words, but those of the CEO of the company, Robert Byrne and Dale Kimball the judge who dictated the ruling in the company’s favor in regard to their blockchain-based dividend that squeezed their own company. + +In 2017, Byrne held a live presentation discussing the functionalities of Blockchain and why it prevails over the dumpster fire we currently call our stock market. This fucker was onto something...but just ***how much was he onto?*** After watching the whole presentation there are two specific moments in which he explains just this. [https://www.deepcapture.com/2017/07/patrick-byrnes-cato-institute-luncheon-address-cryptocurrency-the-policy-challenges-of-a-decentralized-revolution/](https://www.deepcapture.com/2017/07/patrick-byrnes-cato-institute-luncheon-address-cryptocurrency-the-policy-challenges-of-a-decentralized-revolution/) + +**12:00 min mark**: in his discussion of the **DTCC** and an entity known as **Cede and Co,** he asks the crowd to raise their hand if they own any stock in a publicly-traded company in America. A rhetorical question, to which he follows up by stating the following: + +**“All of us with our hands up are incorrect. none of you actually own any stock, you legally do not own any stock, I’m going to show you what you own. All of the shares are owned by a company no one’s ever heard of, they own 98% of the corporate stock. They generate a share entitlement, basically what a casino would call a marker, what you and I would call an IOU”. He compares the stock to a polaroid, “you put the stock here, you take a photo and we trade the polaroid.** + +Here’s a frame by frame of the chart he uses, broken down into 4 segments as to how this process proceeds. Follow 1-4. Don’t judge my fkn arrows, 15 attempts each to get those right. + +https://preview.redd.it/9mh9dwag3cm71.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbab2dd8a6ad50dfb877870173d499ecf2d78fd8 + +1. Creation of the entitlement of the OG share, i.e IOU. +2. Movement of IOU into the DTCC and the exchange process between funds and the IOUs. +3. Distribution to clearing brokers (yellow circles), he states is, “directly plumbed to the DTCC. Besides them, there are about 3,500 other firm brokers plumbed into them”. “You have a hub and spoke system where spokes become the hubs of new spokes”. +4. He then states, “***these share entitlements are scattered through the system and there isn't a 1:1 relationship between the share entitlements and the underlying shares, and that's what I freaked out about 12 years ago. Its fractional reserve banking without a reserve requirement”*** + +Let's all take a moment of silence to look at that last picture. That’s our market. Right now. The dumpster fire. Visualized. Lmao and they think we're idiots. That shit show circus carnival is so ridiculously convoluted, it’s no wonder why it’s been so easy for them to get away with their fuckery for decades within it. + +Above, he brings attention **to the problem**. Shortly after, he discusses the ***solution.*** This is where shit gets interesting. ALSO, before some dingle comments some headass shit about it lol, **coins =/= NFTs, the only link they share is the Blockchain platform they run on, as discussed next.** + +A platform he describes as allowing, “peer-to-peer value-exchange, ***without central institutions, disrupting the central institutions doing it for us now and adding TRUST into the equation”*** + +**17:30 min mar**k - He describes the alternative to the current dumpster fire, through the utilization of a hardware wallet-based ***ledger,*** which adds a new level of security in protecting your assets and keeping fuckery at bay. **The concept is explained below, but HODL onto it for later as it’s going to play a fat dicken role when we get to** ***NFTittiesssss.*** + +1. He notes it as being “cryptographically protected, as well as ***public and transparent.”.*** In the act of settlement, money acts as coins on the ledger and the stock becomes diff kinds of assets on that ledger. +2. In proceeding with the transaction, you take the currency, w/e it may be, from the boomer (left) and exchange it with an asset from the Chad (right). + +https://preview.redd.it/j1svgxfi3cm71.png?width=636&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdc28205a8c0943b012d7f57893d06bfaf20948 + +***Damn..doesn’t that seem a metric fuckton of a lot easier than that circus shitshow carnival displayed above? It’d be a real tragedy for anyone who profits dearly off the current dumpster fire’s fuckery, if a company were to take this to the next level…*** + +* To further validate the efficiency of this system, Byrne further states the following, ***“And there are no opportunities for mischief.*** ***Imagine a version of wall street that can't be cheated, that all kinds of mischief that people have gotten up to can't even be done in this world. A version of WS governed not just by regulators, but by laws of mathematics and cryptography. A friend of mine said they’ll have to come up with a new name for it, ‘lols’”.*** + +# Phase II - A Historical Precedent + +We’ve discussed the CEO, now comes the court filing and the response given by the Judge. Credit for discovering the video I’ve described above and the following information goes to [u/Minuteman\_Capital](https://www.reddit.com/u/Minuteman_Capital/). He encountered a similar level of suppression when releasing this insight 2 months back, to GC1. Within his post, he provides the direct court filings which substantiate the precedence for the ruling decided in Overstock's favor. But truly you must see the words of the judge for yourself to believe this shit. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6si8c/how\_overstocks\_squeeze\_was\_a\_twopart\_squiz\_court/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6si8c/how_overstocks_squeeze_was_a_twopart_squiz_court/) + +Here are the 4 counts filed against overstock which would later be dismissed by the judge - + +[ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/o6si8c\/how\_overstocks\_squeeze\_was\_a\_twopart\_squiz\_court\/](https://preview.redd.it/te5eapjl3cm71.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce8674dd3d5ec843152632782cc97745ebccd66) + +Source: [https://ecf.utd.uscourts.gov/doc1/18315209043](https://ecf.utd.uscourts.gov/doc1/18315209043) + +Full case documentation: [https://ecf.utd.uscourts.gov/doc1/18315114807](https://ecf.utd.uscourts.gov/doc1/18315114807) + +Minuteman\_Capital’s translation (***Critical to note he states that he is not giving any form of financial advice, is not a registered securities agent of any kind, nor is this any form of legal advice)*** + +https://preview.redd.it/8j0x77eq3cm71.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=30fa4a04c1daf081809dc11b664aa4b443922d9e + +* Personally, it reads pretty damn similar to his breakdown. One thing I specifically want you to pay attention to is the final statement I underlined in red, in regard to the Judge’s statement higher up. **That part is critical to keep in mind, as it provides solid backing into how GME is very likely able to substantiate their** ***own*** **move with a similar approach.** + +At this point, you should have a decent understanding of ***the Foundation that yeets us to the next dimension,*** *as well as* ***the Precedent to execute such a move.*** In phase III we will be discussing ***the method of execution.*** \*If you made it this far...\*well first, I’m proud of u :’), secondly, ***hold onto ur fkn helmets cuz shit is about to get wild AF.*** + +# Phase III-a: D.A.O-NFTs + +Many of you may already know what NFTs are but here’s a refresher, and another concept that is absolutely critical for you to keep in mind and understand, known as DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). Why do you need to know both of these? Because they are directly linked to one another, and the first part of the answer we’re looking for. + +(I’m directly highlighting shit from this fantastic fuckin page and I have no desire for redundancies. Also, this saves word count for me #finesse) + +**NFTs and DAOs for Ape level comprehension -** + +https://preview.redd.it/tjk3dsxs3cm71.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=6181cd9a9ecccd7f225e5b08e2f0a3a4516bf1d8 + +[https://www.interaxis.io/blog/explained-nfts-daos-coexist/](https://www.interaxis.io/blog/explained-nfts-daos-coexist/) + +Seriously...**read that shit if you just skipped down to this paragraph lol.** Continuing...now that you understand the link between these two, the question begs, ***what in cinnamon toast fuck am I getting onto?*** + +# Phase III-b + +To answer this, I need to provide some insight into a company a few of you may have heard about already, known as Loopring, which is known as “An open-sourced, audited, and non-custodial exchange and payment protocol. + +https://preview.redd.it/5tomjdhy3cm71.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8678b0792fcafe893c7f2d320617cb87635ed1bf + +# Keep the above in mind, I’m going on a slight detour that is essential to discuss, it will all tie back in VERY soon + +Well fuck me over and call me Kenny G..\*\*you don't say….\*\*You know..this kind of rings a fat fucking bell, what was that prospectus statement I described in The Glass Castle OG post?.. Link to Prospectus: [https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#toc](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#toc) \- Beginning at page 15 + +https://preview.redd.it/wxg0ivc04cm71.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec25fa7479276981549c255f3a4dc2e68efd3188 + +\*\*Oh boy…\**so the NEW dealer can resell the* ***NEWLY ISSUED series of securities, for which there is NO currently established market***. Well isn’t that something...b/c last I checked...\****LOOPING isn’t just some company capable of doing literally this...they’re quite literally THE company that has direct links to Gamestop. THE company for which Gamestop is likely planning to utilize in its release of an NFT marketplace.*** + +# Phase III-b continued + +Don’t believe me? Peep this fuckin glorious ape’s post I caught wind of a few days back…[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfr12h/the\_link\_between\_gamestop\_and\_loopring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfr12h/the_link_between_gamestop_and_loopring/) + +[u/Comprehensive\_Hawk19](https://www.reddit.com/user/Comprehensive_Hawk19/) \*\*- “\*\**I can see a link that may indicate that Gamestop do plan to release an NFT marketplace on Loopring. I stumbled across the ENS domain* ***gamestop.loopring.eth”*** + +* [***https://preview.redd.it/9f6bok5l5vk71.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=f44dc35953e5f028d9c87fcc8822dc76669e0d41***](https://preview.redd.it/9f6bok5l5vk71.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=f44dc35953e5f028d9c87fcc8822dc76669e0d41) + +\*\*“\*\****The controller of this domain is the contract 0x269635DF1C17f24e15E27786f0C28C3DD409B3D2”*** + +* [***https://etherscan.io/address/0x269635df1c17f24e15e27786f0c28c3dd409b3d2***](https://etherscan.io/address/0x269635df1c17f24e15e27786f0c28c3dd409b3d2) + +\*\*\*“\*\*\**The only transaction sent to this smart contract wallet is from*[***0x381636d0e4ed0fa6acf07d8fd821909fb63c0d10***](https://etherscan.io/address/0x381636d0e4ed0fa6acf07d8fd821909fb63c0d10) ***(Owned by Matt Finestone, Head of Blockchain at Gamestop)*** *on 27th May 2021. (Well after he moved from Loopring to GameStop)”* + +* [***https://preview.redd.it/ezk4cnjg7vk71.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=34bc5398d3c3ae854290b6dc0b494fddde7c5c02***](https://preview.redd.it/ezk4cnjg7vk71.png?width=1256&format=png&auto=webp&s=34bc5398d3c3ae854290b6dc0b494fddde7c5c02) + +https://preview.redd.it/13rsp9w24cm71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05f122572316e474d3c23d2ffc51800f4022847 + +[u/Comprehensive\_Hawk19](https://www.reddit.com/user/Comprehensive_Hawk19/) you are a fucking G of an ape, I commend your work, sir. Well done..and apes, **you didn't think I just threw in that D.A.O - NFT connection for shits and giggles did ya?** Well, guess what type of classification Loopring also falls under\*\*? Decentralized. Autonomous. Organization.\*\* But I fancy more evidence. *So how about we go to an entity that many of you would* ***least expect to further validate this information?*** **That’s right. The fuckin S E C.** In my search to learn more about re*securitization*, I would stumble across this page [Statement on Digital Asset Securities Issuance and Trading](https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/digital-asset-securites-issuuance-and-trading) and within the source list, find the following document [*https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf*](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/investreport/34-81207.pdf) + +What is this dickslappin page? **The holy. Fuckin. Grail.** It’s an 18 pg document discussing an investigation on one of the *very first D.A.O entities, literally called* ***The D.A.O***\*.\* Though now defunct due to an ‘attacker’ utilizing an error in the code to siphon money out of the crowd-funded company (\*\*willing to bet this was done by none other than the fucboys currently deep in shit water..\*\*lol that's just me though), these funds would be returned to the original investors via a ‘hard-fork’. + +Fewer retard words, more tit slapping evidence though. After going through the entire document, here are a couple statements you’ll find interesting - + +https://preview.redd.it/592sbym44cm71.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9044e1c985123640a25a0d8ff76dc19b47d4cd1 + +We aren’t looking at this shit because of the crowd-sourced company called *The D.A.O* in the discussion here, but **instead,** ***the premise behind its concept. The same fuckin premise which current D.A.Os are founded upon***...literally go back up and read them again and compare if you need to. Only difference? + +**The concept is being** ***validated by the dingleberries that ‘regulate’ our market***. Also, notice any terms I talked about in **Phase I?** How about the *utilization of a fkn* ***LEDGER?*** Yeah...I told you that fucker Byrne was onto something..but.. + +**I came here for another reason.** At the very bottom of the paper document, **Section D**, which discusses the qualifications for an exchange that is ***separate from that of ‘stock exchanges’ we know of currently.*** + +**Section 3(a)(1)** of the Exchange Ac**t defines an “exchange”** as ***“any organization, association, or group of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which constitutes, maintains, or provides a marketplace or facilities for bringing together purchasers and sellers of securities or for otherwise performing with respect to securities the functions commonly performed by a stock exchange as that term is generally understood*** … .” 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(1). + +https://preview.redd.it/f2dy0ns64cm71.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a7b72de1f5f959c628c09a9eac41d03976ecfad + +So, how many coincidences is it going to take this time? 6? 9? 69? Let's throw in one last thing. One last part. You’re almost done, and so are **they.** There remains only **one last thing.** + +The thermonuclear dickslap of a move across any shortbus hedgefund and Co member out there, priority-mailed directly by Gamestop’s excellent delivery services. + +# Phase IV - The Fragmented Castle. 7 4 1 + +Everything I’ve shown you thus far has led to this final phase. The final act. The answer which I believe has been staring us in our face, as to how it all goes down. In part 1, I left you apes with a statement as follows - "simplicity...simplicity in a complex situation, is leaving the complex situation entirely. Their system and all of its cracks, cannot be unseen, nor undone. To replace a system that is so evidently flawed with its complexities requires a simple solution\*, leaving it behind entirely, and creating something new.\* + +If you noticed this, then the immediate question to ask is ***how does one simply leave a rigged game?*** + +The answer has been in front of us for so long. The same way the zombie stocks had been, yet we apes forgot how to do simple math. What I show you from here, I leave to ***each and every one of you to decide what you believe***\*\*.\*\* ***How many coincidences does it take, before what you see, is no longer such a thing?*** + +So I offer you the insight brought forth to me by an ape that played a pivotal part in deducing the following, all I did was follow his trail. That number isn't a date. It isn’t some ruling. It isn’t anything other than a **simple equation.** + +**721 + 20 = 741.** Let's rewrite that one more time… **erc721 + erc20 = 741. The equation equivalent to** ***Anti-life***, ***that is...of every single short-sided entity***\*\*.\*\* The bridge that gaps between **this market..and the next.** Apes and apettes, the ***Castle of Glass*** *does not simply disappear. No, I’d argue…when it comes crashing down, that it shatters into* ***millions of pieces***\*.\* ***Millions of fragments.*** + +A concept that is an **F-NFT.** The ***fractionalization of Non-Fungible Tokens.*** + +In their prospectus filing GME states that if the entities that were positioned in completing their role as depository *failed at their task*, they would issue *new* global security. **Singular global security** ***retaining the value of the entire float***\*\*.\*\* Condensed down into a singular conduit. One such as **erc721.** + +*Why* erc721 though? I’d argue...because *it* ***IS*** **the bridge.** This singular, *novel, global security...retaining the* ***entire value of the float*** **is the security existing on a new game. One distanced from the fuckery and manipulation running deep through the veins of the current market as we know it.** + +But equating the float to singular global security begs the question. ***How*** would you redistribute such a thing? **Resecuritization, tokenization, and most importantly...fractionalization of erc721 smart contracts into derivatives, in a sense.** Fragmenting this NFT into **an equivalent amount of erc20** ***tokens***\*\*.\*\* ***Each is unique and unlike any other.*** Holding the ability to be more than *just a dividend.* **Holding true...real value. The value can be utilized for so much more. Limits uncapped.** But alas, my word is only just that. Mere words. I encourage you to **see for yourself.** + +https://preview.redd.it/rc0926394cm71.png?width=486&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a78750e213ddadb22f3e60baf040388e0fec18d + +https://preview.redd.it/7lmjvuu94cm71.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=69d21ad6632cb5ad3366b203073b036ccde99c1f + +[https://acceleratedcapital.substack.com/p/the-broken-mirror-an-overview-of](https://acceleratedcapital.substack.com/p/the-broken-mirror-an-overview-of) + +***What kind of entities holds the power to execute such a move?*** + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/6tcqq73c4cm71.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=85f49c43b59ce027a9a675928071d4e9b13a0414) + +[https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/counterfactual-wallet-nfts-on-loopring-229d38a3c28a](https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/counterfactual-wallet-nfts-on-loopring-229d38a3c28a) + +That’s right, an entity such as Loopring. I’ll even go as far as saying that it *doesn’t HAVE to be Loopring* who acts as such a mediator in this move. Though the evidence is hard to ignore, the thing to realize is ***how this process occurs and which type of entities are capable of executing it***\*\*. D.A.Os,\*\* specifically those which are **A.M.Ms** and thus fall under the **A.T.S exemption,** as per the S.E.C. + +The king of 69D chess went as far as ***trapping these dipshits into a position he KNEW they would take***. This is *what* the whole premise of the last prospectus was. Gametop *knew* that Shortbus and Co would take the last 5 million share offering and utilize it for *continued fuckery...instead of covering.* **The thing about those shares though? They came with some serious strings attached.** Gamestop specifically stated that *if and WHEN* they decide to issue an alternative type of payment to their investors who bought those shares (principle, dividend, interest, etc)...that **those would HAVE to be paid down the line.** ***IF the respective entities FAILED at completing such a task, their actions will trigger GMEs trap card.*** I.e their ability to ***reissue global security equating to the entire float through another platform. A platform that need not have ANY ties to the current exchanges nor the fuckery within it.*** + +**The kind of global security could do such a thing?** ***A smart contract such as erc721 can be fractionalized into TOKENS through a D.A.O Automated Market Maker. Once distributed, it would equate to the release of the thermonuke...one which the shorts set off themselves. A share recall to follow in suit, and a squeeze not ONLY on one market...but two.*** + +The bridge between the old world and the new...but these aren't my words, they're **his -** + +https://preview.redd.it/0whijxud4cm71.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce62a0b6f8ec8100b14fb0261623ce166c1f4c47 + +Let's ask ourselves: What has Ryan Cohen said, that has gotten an All-star executive team from the world's leading companies, a team of leading nft/defi/blockchain experts to drop everything they were doing without a second thought to work for *Gamestop*?” I know we've all asked ourselves this question many times over many months. Consider how stunning it can be how *oblivious* the outer world is to what is going on with GME, and let's ask ourselves why would some of the most elite business executives and defi devs, on top of their respective sections of that outer world that is so oblivious, come to work for a company the outer world seems utterly certain will fail. **Might** it be that he described GMEs plans to pioneer the first major corporation moving its core business and downright equity securitization to blockchain/defi, which would irrevocably change the world forever and also probably trigger the short squeeze? + +\---------------------------------------------------- + +TL;DR (edited): I get it, it's still long but remember how far you had to scroll to even get here lol. Everything below is backed and validated by evidence and links. Don't trust my ass tho, I can lie. Verify for yourself apes! + +**Phase 1** \- I provided insight from the CEO of Overstock himself via a video breakdown in which he explains the current problem with our markets, i.e the fact we don't own a single share in anything, but ***a 'marker' of them***. Discussed his explanation of **Cede and Co (contains OG shares)**, they get sent off to the **DTCC (marker shares),** which then trade down the line through **brokers, market makers, hedge funds, and so forth,** until they reach **you**. It's a shitshow carnival. The solution, as per the CEO, is based in the E.t.h blockchain and he explains its efficiency. (video is from 2017). + +**Phase 2 -** Broke down the court filings for the overstock short squeeze and why the appointed judge pretty much said fuck you, to the hedge funds that tried to take the company to court on bs charges. The precedent for the judge's decision lays the groundwork for why *GME* can not only do the same but has an even greater argument to take similar action. + +**Phase 3 -** Broke down of **D.A.O (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and NFTs.** As well as how **they are** ***directly linked***. Followed up by introducing a D.A.O known as Loopring, which is the next generation of protocol fo**r layer 2 E.T.H blockchain,** and acts as an **A.M.M (automated market maker)**. Provided evidence for their ***direct link to Gamestop and how the latter is planning to utilize them for their new marketplace.*** This is done through revisiting the prospectus language last seen in GC1, along with the **S.E.Cs** ***own*** **documentation as to why it is something they allow.** + +**Phase IV - The holy fuckin grail. The true meaning behind 741 = erc721 (smart contract) + erc20 (fractionalized token) = 741.** This is the execution. The ender of the first game and the start of **New Game +.** GME traps shorts through their 1st share offering of 5m shares which had massive strings attached. The minute those were shorted, HF = fukt. **GME states they can issue new security on a novel market if the depository in control fails to issue out an alt payment sent out to their investors. Since they shorted the shares...they would be forced to get em back. Which they can't. So either the D.T.C does a recall or GME leaves, and the recall happens on its own. erc721 = global security holding valuation of the entire float, but existing on E.T.H blockchain. It is the bridge over. erc20 = a fragment of erc721 equal to not just the OG float...but** ***also every other synthetic created held by apes.*** **It can be dished out on the new market, in which the announcement alone of...would trigger the squeeze, not on one market...but** ***two.*** + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT I:** Before assessing the following, credit goes to u/mockute_lithuania for bringing this comment to my attention made by a user on the Loopring forum. **More importantly, the** ***MOST credible statement we could possibly need for this DD.*** **Assess the tweet for yourself, and look at the** ***date upon which it was done.*** + +As you're reading this, I need you guys to imagine the Independence Day hype speech and apply its context to our current situation. + +https://preview.redd.it/7n8gk3zcman71.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e155510593609c344d973ed572766684bcd5c91 + +https://preview.redd.it/lblkb9x9man71.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=598d79d9b18b4471129e65e2fe7a0ca1f73d716e + +Direct link to Mockute's comment and additional links. The example below can also be found in this thread and is stated at the end of u/SuckerPrayer's statement. Excellent breakdown btw. Everything prior is what I have elaborated on in this post. The below example, is simply, ***further validating evidence of the power contained within, the NFT.*** + +https://preview.redd.it/6mwqgn0lman71.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=608cfcfe2d277f9c1fc8cca519a9c1d26b572e0a + +***'I may have been early, but I'm not wrong' 😎🚀✨*** + +**EDIT II:** Seems about the right time to drop your first expansion pack to the DD, no EA bs, from the apes for the apes. Did I mention, those lego tweets? let's make a little bit more sense of them, shall we? + +First, assess this extremely wrinkle-brained apes DD of the N.F.T/blockchain functionality, [u/broken-neurons](https://www.reddit.com/user/broken-neurons/). To whom that provided this users post in the comments, thank you. This was dropped \*\*2 months back. (\*\*Below it you'll find a description from a link used earlier as well that I threw in). + +https://preview.redd.it/x21qqh768qm71.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae477539dfd8003d53246aebd5bd0b2cc5a2c16 + +Now that you have an idea of how creators can **come together...the curveball follows in suit.** + +https://preview.redd.it/0us1tatg8qm71.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=66ddfacccbbf889a5468f1f4457fb2476bfad2d2 + +Credit for the top two tweets: [u/JAlectrk](https://www.reddit.com/user/JAlectrk/) Well done sir. As per his post, he states "***legos don't hurt, when they're NFTs*****🤔**". I'll have to agree with him on that statement...and **RC's.** 🚀 + +Credit for the bottom DD: [u/digi-transformation](https://www.reddit.com/user/digi-transformation/) Thanks for bringing this to light bud. Apes, you might want to see this for yourself, excellently written and backed with evidence. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pg5cw7/lego\_partnership\_confirmed\_one\_of\_gamestops\_top/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pg5cw7/lego_partnership_confirmed_one_of_gamestops_top/) + +Almost forgot, I breathe out of my mouth and walk on all 4s up stairs. None of this is financial advice. Game On, Anon 😎 +I’m new to the stock market, and I see everyone talking about VTI as the ETF that makes your money work and worth every penny invested. Sometimes, it sounds to me as: “It doesn’t matter how high the current price is, it will only go up, never down, you won’t buy at its peak!”. + +This makes me wonder when a downtrend starts? It can’t be possible for fund to get positive appreciation almost every year and forever. There must a risk there, there’s no such think as “no risk, high rewards”. + +Otherwise, we all could put our emergency funds in ETF like it and be safe to cash out when we need it. + +Can someone explain to me as if I’m a 5 year old child? 😁 +I don’t know if this kind of post is allowed, apologies if not. Background: My parents never had much money, old/small house, bought everything at thrift stores, no vacations etc. However, I and siblings all had a custodial account set up when we were born. We’d get stock gifts from grandparents for holidays/graduations. We’d talk about the stock market and how our accounts were growing. I also started working on the family paper route (when those were a thing) as soon as i could fold/wrap so Ive had some kind of small, steady income for as long as I can remember + +Every couple months my parents would tell me my dividends came in and asked me if I wanted the cash spending money or deposit it to my brokerage and buy some stock. Getting a dividend check as a 6 yr old felt like a normal part of life until I brought it up causally to my friends at school one time and you can imagine how that conversation went + +Well I’m 25 now and that account has had some big winners over the last 25 yrs, and some unbelievable growth over the last 5. I’m basically on-track to retire early because of it. Not because of anything I did but just because they had the foresight to set me up for financial freedom. Thanks for reading. +All it took was a little APE dividend, a little BBBY squeeze, a GME halt here and there, and suddenly all attention is off how the DTC lied to brokers, initiating a \*solely\* forward split when they SHOULD have performed a forward split \*with the shares granted\* via dividend. To which, GME confirmed that CS confirmed that they sent all the remaining shares to the DTC... Where the shares at? + +EDIT + +Hey all, I love you but please stop giving me awards for this low-effort shitpost. Instead, give the awards to the real DDers, the Criands, Golden Cross guys, the Einfachmans, sideways trading guys, logarithmic guys, Dorito of Doom guys, and all the other homies. + +1. I made this post to keep securities fraud at the forefront of everyones minds, because SHF have a history of coordinating crazy market shenanigans in order to divert retail attention. The fact that the securities fraud should be legally provable means someone should see legitimate Cell time. +2. The subject matter involving some brokerages is being talked about in other posts (including today) +3. New folk may not be aware of all the hedgie tactics + +I'm an individual investor + +I like the idiosyncratic stock + +Buy, hodl, DRS + +Edit 2: + +Kenny I'm in no way suicidal or threatening self-harm, calm your bed posts + +Also added the \*\*'s around contextual edits + +FINAL EDIT: + +Apparently I'm unable to report the report about my alleged 'self harm' via the 'Abuse of the Report Button' option, even though I link the post appropriately. Don't bedpost me, bro +Questions: + +1. Should we contact our mortgage and credit card companies and see if they can help us? or will that cause more issues, that I don't know about? +2. Are there programs for people that lost their jobs with the mortgage companies or credit card companies? Can you tell me what to expect? +3. EVERYTHING IS DUE in 3 days, on the 15th. +4. What do we pay first, what can we let go until we are back on our feet? + +Backstory: + +After 10 years, my husband went in to work yesterday and was told that "effective immediately" his position no longer exists in the company. He had to clean out his office, leave the company phones, and he has to return the company cars and all other company items by Friday. They did not offer him a severance pay, and our insurance was cancelled, and he will be mailed his final paycheck in 2 weeks. + +This came completely out of the blue, with zero notice. They just re-structured the company and they could replace my husband's salary with 3 new workers. + +When my husband was hired on, they gave both him and I nice cars to drive, a gas card, unlimited phone plans with the latest phones etc. It was a good package. For 10 years, he was very successful and never got reprimanded or written up. + +Now, we are left in shock, trying to figure out what to do financially until we figure everything out. + +We have a backup car - we just need to get it registered and get a new battery and new tires. + +We have 5 long term rental properties - 2 of which are currently un-rented due to major remodels and 1 Vacation Rental that has been very successful, but has remained empty for the last 4 months - and we can't seem to get that rented at any price - but that is a different story. And we have our primary home. - So, right now, we have income from 2 of our 3 properties. That is it, after my husband lost his job. + +We have NEVER missed a house payment or credit card payment in over 25 years, our credit score is in the mid 600's because of our debt ratios. + +We have about 12k in mortgage payments each month, and another 8k in credit card payments, and 3k on loan payments. + +The mortgages are our highest priority. All of our properties cash-flow, and we are easily able to cover our mortgages, except for the 2 in the middle of remodels. + +We have credit cards in both of our names and both of our business names, most of which are maxed out due to the remodels, but would have been paid back within a few years after the remodels were completed. + +We can't pay everything without the 10k. We have workers working on the remodels. + +We don't have a clue how to begin to handle this. + +Do we call our Mortgage and Credit Card Companies and tell them what happened, and try to work with them? Or will that start a domino effect, and we will be in a worse situation. + +Today is the 12th, and everything is due on the 15th. + +PLEASE! Give us some guidance. I feel the clock ticking and I don't want to make a mistake. + +I anticipate, it will take him a few months to find a comparable job. + +I have been working full time on the remodels with our workers for the last few years. I can get one finished immediately, and the other one is going to take a few more months. But I can't see spending any more money until my husband finds another job. + +If you have ANY practical ideas - I would so welcome them! + +Thank You! + +xoxox + +Kai +Reading a lot of the posts here can be somewhat discouraging when you look at the income levels of some of those down the FatFire path. I'll use myself as an example : + +Early forties, 25 years of experience (started as a teenager), Director level IT engineering, Fortune 50 company. All in cash comp \~$220k/year. I'm crushing it in my career...consistent top quartile performer. I have the personality for Sales, but my passion for engineering keeps me as connected to the 0s and 1s as I can be. + +What the hell am I doing wrong? I keep reading about kids twenty years younger pulling down $500K a year. I am getting a late start on the FatFire journey...should I be jumping ship to increase income? What company profile should I target for a significant change in salary? + +This may not be an appropriate question here...but there might be many people in a similar situation. +Is Tucker right about the economy? "inflation will get much worse, only way out of inflation in all history is recession" + +my question is why is recession the only way out of inflation? What does happen in recession time that calm down inflation? +Welcome to + +Scrooge Coin + +PREPARE TO BE AMAZED! Buying NOW could change your financial future forever. LITERALLY! + +ScroogeCoin cryptocurrency is a rewards coin that gives its holders 8% $BUSD reflections, a Crypto Pegged one-to-one with the USD. This single feature is so important that it makes ScroogeCoin a front runner among all the cryptocurrencies. ScroogeCoin will also focus on a play to earn gaming feature primarily focused on Texas Holdem and Slots initially. We believe the gaming deflationary crypto coin is a trillion dollar market and we plan on being #1 in this space. BUY NOW. This will be a REAL LIVE play to EARN casino. ONLY HOLDERS can access. We will have Beta launched in Q2 2022. + +4% of every buy and sell transaction is automatically added to Marketing. The tokens collected from the fees are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the Scrooge Coin contract. The contract is coded so that the BNB in the marketing contract will be utilized as marketing expenses OR to purchase Scrooge Coin and burn. We are very serious about marketing efforts to further grow the community of the coin. The reason for the coins in the marketing pool initially is to increase the marketing efforts for holders drastically in the beginning. + +With every transaction, 2% of tokens are automatically transferred to the PancakeSwap liquidity Pool. ScroogeCoin also +maintains a buy-back reserve from where the tokens are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the ScroogeCoin contract. + +The desire of ScroogeCoin is to create a new distribution of wealth back to the people holding the digital property instead of flowing into corporate entities. We believe that the reflection token is a trillion-dollar market. We want to be the #1 coin and community in this market. Our P2E Casino and gaming is going to revolutionize crypto LITERALLY. The time to buys is NOW. + +JOIN OUR GROWING COMMUNITY + +Website: https://www.scroogegold.com + +Instagram: scroogecoinbaby + +Twitter: scrooge_coin + + +Telegram:http://t.me/scroogecoingold + + +I just lost 36k on robinhood during the downturn of the last two weeks. I feel numb so far. I don't know how my mental health is gonna hold up. + +I am trying to find a way to cope with the loss. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I'm a bit concerned, that this guy is trying to scam me. From what I've read about cashiers checks, they are generally regarded as safe but can take up to a week for a bank to determine if a check is fraudulent. And by that time I may have already given the guy myself. It seems really sketchy that he won't pay any other way. In my opinion, if he has the funds in his bank, he should be able to at least pay in cash. +It's been a pretty dumb year for investments. But our money managed to keep working and getting paid. + +I'm shooting for at least $3.50/hr for 2023. + + Happy holidays and cheers to us all! +Our investigation into unusual lending data is ongoing, but here are some preliminary findings thus far. GameStop $GME was not the only affected stock, but is the most prominent stock that exhibited unusual data. + +This week has seen several stocks show similar patterns of extreme increases of booked stock loans that subsequently disappear: $MULN on Monday; $SLB on Tuesday; $NIO and $CRO on Wednesday; $GME, $BKR, and $ISRG on Thursday. + +We share details and findings in an effort to be as transparent as possible, and will not tolerate abusive comments directed at our team. The alternative would be to silently ignore these issues, which would be a disservice to our users and the broader trading/investing community. Trolls will be promptly ignored or blocked, while we are glad to engage in honest, reasonable discussions with investors around questions and concerns that may arise around our data. + +Our platform covers literally millions of data points every single day, and our team cannot manually review them all. When valid issues emerge, we work with our data partners to investigate and implement additional checks and alerts that are designed to flag data that is potentially incorrect. + +All of that being said, we continue to investigate and will share more information as soon as feasible. Like the trading community, we are trying to find the answers and will explain our findings as best we can. +A new round of budget is being tabled in the parliament today. + +#### Link to Live Updates: + +- [Official Budget Live website](https://budgetlive.nic.in/) +- [Live Stream on YouTube](https://youtu.be/94aOjakOCD0) + +#### Other Links + +- [r/India budget thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/l9udwo/union_budget_2021/) + +- [ClearTax Update Thread](https://cleartax.in/s/budget-2021) + +- [CNBC Budget Updates](https://www.cnbctv18.com/economy/union-budget-2021-live-news-updates-fm-nirmala-sitharaman-8160551.htm) + +- [LiveMint Updates](https://www.livemint.com/budget/news/union-budget-2021-live-updates-nirmala-fm-sitharaman-budget-speech-highlights/amp-11612144454923.html) + +NOTE: + +- No political discussions here, there are other communities that might be more suited for this. Only focus on how it can impact economy, and your pockets! + +- No misinformation or FUD. If you claim something has been announced, which actually hasn't, and intentionally try to flame-bait people; expect to hear from the moderators + + +EDIT: This comment is being updated by u/srinivesh with summary so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/l9uujh/union_budget_2021_live_discussion_megathread/glkcv6d/ +That was Milton Friedman's view. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B\_nGEj8wIP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_nGEj8wIP0) + +Within the first 10 mins in this video Friedman says inflation is caused solely by government printing money. Nobody without a printing press can cause inflation, it is solely a monetary phenomenon. Further, he argues that 'there has never been inflation without government printing money - and government printing large amounts of money has never not caused inflation' and shows charts to show the correlation (around 10 minute mark). + +&#x200B; + +Questions: + +Is this true or a fringe belief? + +If it is true (or mostly true), why the confusion about the cause of current high US inflation (like Russia or corporate greed)? + +Wouldn't it be directly attributable to the Fed printing a lot of dollars since Covid started? +# 🌐Look what I found – one of the most popular memetokens on Cardano’s sidechain – “Milkomeda”! It’s an incredibly good opportunity for someone who is bored of BSC! 🌐 + +**Join the community of this amazing token to stay up to date with the latest news:** + +[https://t.me/EarnADAada](https://t.me/EarnADAada) + +💲 **Where to buy $EADA from? Milkyswap with 13% slippage!** 💲 + +[https://www.milkyswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=0xAE83571000aF4499798d1e3b0fA0070EB3A3E3F9&outputCurrency=0xe032a3b3efe2e9ed287d9465a9f0b5a6cd77cb5b](https://www.milkyswap.exchange/swap?inputCurrency=0xAE83571000aF4499798d1e3b0fA0070EB3A3E3F9&outputCurrency=0xe032a3b3efe2e9ed287d9465a9f0b5a6cd77cb5b) + +📈 **Chart link:** + +[https://dexscreener.com/milkomedacardano/0x5609f373de1b41e41489b78964e20c2b9a0bde7a](https://dexscreener.com/milkomedacardano/0x5609f373de1b41e41489b78964e20c2b9a0bde7a) + +♻️ **Contract address ADA Milkomeda:** + +0xe032a3b3efe2e9ed287d9465a9f0b5a6cd77cb5b + +👉 **What is EarnADA actually?** + +EarnADA ($EADA) is one of the first and currently most popular memetoken which is available on the new Cardano’s sidechain Milkomeda. It launched on 1st April and is currently having an amazing uptrend! + +👉 **What features and important news about $EADA are there currently?** + +🔥Automatic rewards in Milkada + +🔥Smart liquidity feature - The liquidity is always the same size compared to the market cap. Never too small, never too big! + +🔥Cardano is very promising and we are very early on Milkomeda! + +🔥We are close to being the #1 meme coin on Milkomeda! + +🔥Metamask users can purchase it, as Milkomeda is EVM compatible! + +🔥Starting MC on April 1st was 250$, now over 130k$! + +👉 **How can I buy it?** + +\- Get ADA on an exchange. + +\- Download NAMI wallet and make a new wallet. + +[https://namiwallet.io/](https://namiwallet.io/) + +(You don't need to remember the seed phrase if you just use it to transfer to Metamask) + +\- Send from your NAMI wallet to your Metamask address + +\- Configure Metamask: + +[https://milkyswap.gitbook.io/milkyswap/the-project/milkomeda/configuring-metamask](https://milkyswap.gitbook.io/milkyswap/the-project/milkomeda/configuring-metamask) + +It should arrive within 5 minutes, and you can trade just as you always do with Metamask. + +👉 **Another option to buy is to use bridge!** + +[https://cbridge.celer.network/#/transfer](https://cbridge.celer.network/#/transfer) to bridge BNB to Milkomeda, it will also add gas (please wait a few minutes), then use https://milkomeda.muesliswap.com/swap to swap to ADA. + +👉 **There is even another option to buy!** + +To buy EarnADA, preferably send ❗️MilkADA❗️ to the token contract, you get a slightly better rate than on Milkyswap: + +0xe032a3b3efe2e9ed287d9465a9f0b5a6cd77cb5b + +Make sure you are on Milkomeda network + +💎**Tokenomics:** + +📍Buy transaction fee: 10% + +Rewards for holders: 6% + +Marketing: 3% + +Burn: 1% + +📍Sell transaction fee: 20% + +Rewards to holders: 12% + +Marketing: 6% + +Burn: 2% + +**🔗 Join the community and feel the great vibe!** + +EarnADA’s team has provided a few social platforms to engage and interact with the community and learn about the upcoming events. You can also contact the team on their social platforms to ask questions about the project. I have done it myself and they are flawless in their responses. + +🌐 **Website:** [http://earnada.io](http://earnada.io/) + +📱 **Telegram:** [https://t.me/EarnADAada](https://t.me/EarnADAada) + +🕊 **Twitter:** [https://twitter.com/ada\_earn](https://twitter.com/ada_earn) + + +Inspired by this post ["Do you ever feel very alone and people can't empathize..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/ytlfnt/do_you_ever_feel_very_alone_and_people_cant/) , I've seen many posts and comments directly or tangentially related to the issue of how your relationships with others can change as you achieve affluent financial independence. + +Just before the world shut down, we moved our primary residence [from a \~1800 sqft townhouse to a 7900 sqft home](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/ewjz5b/comment/fg5jj2r?utm_source=amp&utm_medium=&utm_content=comment_timestamp), with an [update after 9 months.](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/jsegt2/first_big_boi_haus_9_months_later_lessons_learned/) We're approaching the 3 year mark and a lot has changed. + +First though, we still wouldn't cut a single square foot out. I'm steadfast in my belief that those who complain they found a 4000+ sqft home too large with spaces they never use, likely had a house that was poorly laid out. Homes like this typically have spaces like formal dining areas used twice a year, or unnecessary home offices etc., that otherwise gather dust. We use every common space every day, and the guest rooms have been incredibly busy with friends and family visiting. Every day I appreciate the space we have, all of the recreational activities we're able to do with small children, and how sane it's kept us with all of the lockdowns. We have a very large floor dedicated only to fitness and recreation, and if anything I could have used even more space. + +If you listened to this sub, you would think that it's common knowledge and a rule-of-thumb that you should never buy more than 4000sq ft or less or you won't use it, this could not be more false. Do be sure before you purchase that you understand the 1% maintenance rule, if it's an $8,000,000 house, budget $80,000 per year, but understand it tends to come in waves rather than a constant yearly expenditure. Also insurance can fluctuate wildly from year to year, so shop around every time it comes up for renewal. With no claims, underwriters have tried increases of 30-40% annually, while others who were not competitive the year before will come back at times lower than their previous years quotes. + +One other note that I was warned of in my original post, you will have a target on you and your house by tradespeople. Get three quotes for every job where possible, ensure you state to the tradesperson you do not pay for time off-site (unless agreed to as part of the quote), and be ready to have to play hardball when you inevitably run into unethical billing practices. + +Pro-tip: invest heavily in home security systems, it will pay for itself several times over, and ensure all hourly-rate bills conform to the time spent on property. I would estimate in my area >75% of bills are radically inaccurate, typically in the range of 50-100%+ more than the time spent on site. We've been billed for days we could prove that a company was not on-site at all, and only after it's been conclusively proven will they unhappily adjust bills. It could be gross negligence in billing, or outright fraud. At this point I typically negotiate a fixed price unless it's something small, but recently 2 hours of a plumber on-site was billed as 3.5 for a minor issue. When this was pointed out to the company, their reply was essentially "oops". + +One other entirely unanticipated benefit, the neighbors we now have are incredible. It took a while to meet them as we almost immediately went into lockdown after moving in, and in spite of the fact that my wife and I are in our early and mid-30s respectively compared to almost everyone else being 50-70+, we have never met more fun, interesting and engaging people. Everyone in our small community (two small private streets) knows almost everyone else, and I've never been in a place where people walk up and chat with eachother every day. My two-year-old loves walking down the street and waving to all of the people he knows. It was definitely not the neighborhood of my childhood, which was by all accounts a pleasant lower-middle class place, where people were friendly but mostly kept to themselves. + +One of my now closest friends is 60, I'll call him Steve, and he's a fund manager. We had a number of chats on the street initially which turned into every week, then bought new hottubs as a package deal together while those were hard to find, split a big crane bill, and use the good tradespeople we come across for the variety of home maintenance issues that come up (things like getting outdoor stonework stained, electrical issues, etc.). Steve is one of those people that is in a high-pressure position but never shows it, and while being one of the most understated and disarming people, you know he gets what he wants. I once asked Steve how he deals with what I find to be infuriating situations with work, or tradespeople at the house, and he said "u/Civil-Milk, the only difference between you and me, is that you're 35 and I'm 59. When I was younger, running one of our first businesses, I was famous for losing my cool in meetings when people weren't performing. I would yell NO NO NO NO NO then lose it. Then I got older." This advice was cathartic, and I get some form of it every time we chat. Even our wives have commented that although at the start you might not see us as similar, we are oddly in many ways the same in spite of having very different careers and being several decades apart in age. + +Now why I linked the posts above. After moving into this house, things with some of our friends changed drastically. People we've known well for a decade, our relationships shifted. While our respective lifelong friends who've known us since gradeschool are essentially the same, a lot of the other relationships changed. Some friends who are quite successful in their own right, who have always been more into high end stuff, like fashion items, bags, etc. would come over and were very critical of our furniture and appliances (sparse due to the pandemic supply-chain disruptions at the time), and were not at all sympathetic to some of the issues we were having (constantly suggesting we just pay more to sort it out, for example, suggesting staging our home while we wait for non-essential furniture to arrive). It was pretty shocking to hear, since we have never been showy people, and had honestly thought our close friends at the time would have just been happy for us. Some seemed almost happy when the real-estate market slowed with the lockdowns after we had made a significant purchase just weeks before, commenting on how the market was softening, etc. Things we would never say to someone, and of course, now that the market has far overshot the average price when we bought (currently 40%+ per square foot), it's mostly silence on that front. + +We ended up becoming more and more distant from some friends. One day, while Steve and I were out on the driveway and I had been thinking about this for a while, and I asked him "Steve, did your friends dramatically change in your 30s?" and he asked what I meant and I just said that a lot of the people I had been friends with I felt like I was drifting from, and I can't tell if I'm just an asshole. + +Steve looks me dead in the eye and says "u/Civil-Milk, was this your first big house?" "Yeah actually our last place was pretty small." "Everything is different now. Your relationship with a lot of your friends will never be the same. You are the same person, but how they will see you now, whether you like it or not, will change forever."  Steve also commented that it was a really important thing to discuss, because he felt no one discusses this, but it happens to virtually everyone in this situation. + +I told my wife right away, because I had been saying almost the same thing [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/ytlfnt/comment/iw55x02/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment (by u/just_some_dude05, hope your child is better now) alludes to at the end, because I had asked my wife a few times are we sure we aren't just assholes, because there was a clear pattern with a few groups of friends. We're definitely more at peace with it all now and have simply moved on, but remain cordial with everyone. + +There have definitely been changes in familial relationships, but that's probably a post for another day. + +In summary, your relationship with others will change as they find out you have more success or money. Oddly, this doesn't affect new people we've met regardless of their background, as they've never known us any differently. This has had little effect on people I've known since childhood, I can only imagine because they know the whole story of where we came from and what we've done to get here (they were the friends who were genuinely happy for us), but it did seem to have the most pronounced effects on the relationships from people we had only met in our college years, the people we started hanging out with in the years just before we 'made it'. We also had kids, which has it's own challenges as far as maintaining some friendships given you can no longer as easily stay out late, travel spontaneously, etc., but this does seem very separate. Finally, there have been changes in the relationships with family members, but that would be a whole other post. + +On the plus side, for every friend we've drifted from, we've made several more, both our age, and oddly now retirement age. Don't listen to anyone who tells you people in more affluent neighborhoods tend to keep to themselves, while it could be true in some places, we have the best neighbors and neighborhood vibe I've ever seen. +Hi guys. I always read that "the first $100.000 is a bitch" but you have to do it. After that, with the right mindset, it will take off". Either it's true or not, at what point in your portfolio you felt that your portfolio started to "fly"? Thanks +Long time lurker, first time poster. I landed a remote role as a contract developer such that my annual base compensation is 1cr+. Till now I was earning 20lpa as a salaried person with PPF and MF as the investment options. I used to file my own taxes and never talked to any CA. My family (extended family also) is also all service class and they do not have a CA as well. In a nutshell we are very simple middle class folks living in govt housing minding our business and writing exams to land jobs. + +With the new contract there are so many changes that I am at my wits end as to where to begin. Till now I have collected some information but I am laying it out here to discuss with the community. I thought of putting this in bi-weekly thread but I felt this can serve as a generic information post for folks looking to invest largish amount of money. I am going to update this with more information as I find. + +It would be great if the community can contribute the questions I should ask myself or Google around to make a path to success. + +Few questions I am looking at: + +1. As a contractor I would serve as a professional. I won't have any of the usual tax saving schemes like PF or 80C. My ITR will also change from ITR-1 to ITR-3. What are the tax saving instruments which I can employ? + +2. Does making a large investment in real estate sound good in the changed scenarios when I will be remote always? Till now I never thought I could buy a house in next 5 years. + +3. I will need to get tax audits and maintain a Leger books. !?!?. I want to get a CA. Does online platforms like clear tax provide these services? + +4. Is this money large enough to consider getting a portfolio management service? I have heard they give decent returns but require huge amount of commitment from the investors. (Typically 50L) + +5. My contract says that I get esops(~150k USD vested in 4 years) as well but how does that work when I am not an employee. + +What else should I be thinking of? + +Tl;Dr Suddenly landed a dream job with 1cr base salary and 1cr esops. Don't know what to do. + + +Edit1: For folks asking the company name - I understand that this is a nice opportunity and you like to give it a shot. There are many developers better than me and more suited for the role. But I think I am the only developer from this part of geography working for this small startup and it would look really bad on me and (India in general) if they see 100s of inbound emails looking for job opportunity. I would also end up disclosing my identity if I share the company name. But I do want to help and hence I suggest keep your github and linkedin polish and try finding a niche. Keeping an online presence is good and it increases surface area of getting lucky. I hope you understand my reservations on disclosing the company name/github ID. + + +Edit2: Guidance/Skillset - I received a number of messages regarding what skill set should people acquire and what courses they can do. I am not an expert and there is no special skill set I have which helped me land this thing. I can tell what language I work with: Go, Python, Javascript. Technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, Git. Area of interests: Trading, Compilers, Optimization. College: Tier-1. Reiterating that I landed this by luck and no specific preparation, knowledge etc. +I have no experience with bitcoin. My daughter was messing with my phone (she's 1.5) and somehow purchased $800 worth via cashapp. How do I handle this. I'm not really in the crypto market, and that wasn't really money allotted to investment. Rn it's at $784. Any advice? +I think that might be the most outraged I’ve ever been, it continues to stick in my craw. And for me that’s the day everyone on the other side of this trade signed their own symbolic death warrants. I will never back down or give in to that sort of tyranny in the supposedly free United States. +Today is the day! After what has been a 5 month struggle of getting a tenant out of a unit , I am finally (legally) changing the locks today to mark the end of an era. + +I write this in hope that you don't make the same mistake I did, which was simply trying to avoid the eviction route to save myself from spending thousands on legal fees. Instead, I spent thousands on legal fees AND I lost rental income for 5 months. You don't have to be an experienced investor to do the math here: I fucked up. + +Quick background on me: I've acquired about a dozen doors in the last 3 years and felt like I was getting the hang of things. I typically use a more flexible approach when collecting rent in order to build a "positive" relationship with the tenants, and so far it had worked pretty well. No evictions until this gem came along... + +**TL;DR**: **I waited too long to evict someone, then COVID-19 prevented me from evicting them** + +1. \[10 days past due\] Tenant gives me a sob story, I give them a grace period to get current +2. \[25 days\] Tenant pays overdue rent partially, promises another payment by the first week of next month along with next month's rent +3. \[40 days\] Tenant won't respond to email, phone has been disconnected. Won't answer the door. \*Attorney enters the chat\* +4. \[41 days\] Tenant magically responds to attorney's notice to perform or quit and draws up a very specific plan to make up the overdue rent (now two months). Her lease was expiring this month anyways, so we agreed to put the payment plan in writing on a new lease and have it go into action next month. +5. \[50 days\] I send her a request to fill out tenant application. I require this for all tenants that are resigning long term leases, and with it comes an application fee. She freaks out having to pay the application fee, and basically says "see you in court". (weird thing to freak out about ... but okay) +6. \[51 days\] Attorney files paperwork for eviction proceedings with the city +7. \[60 days\] Tenant is served, court date is set. Tenant continuously sends my attorney and I emails about how we're "racist", etc. +8. \[70 days\] Court clerk "forgot" to file the paperwork by deadline, despite defendant being served in time. Court date gets pushed back two weeks. Ok whatever, at this point what's another two weeks? (LOL) +9. **\[80 days\] While all this is going on, COVID-19 has become a global epidemic. My local municipality shuts the city down along with its court system. The mayor puts a moratorium on any eviction proceedings until further notice (FUUUUUCK). I get a notice from the court saying my court date has been pushed back** **TWO MONTHS. There is nothing I can do, besides wait for COVID-19 to blow over!** +10. \[81-120 days\] I drink a lot +11. \[121 days\] Court emails my attorney, saying that the court date has been pushed back another 30 days due to COVID-19 +12. \[122-139 days\] I drink some more +13. \[140 days\] I get a notice from the utility company that the tenant's services have been transferred to another address. (Maybe a light at the end of the tunnel???) +14. \[141 days\] I email tenant, requesting her to drop off keys as we can see she has moved out. NOPE! According to her, she's still living there, and "if anyone comes in without a warrant they will be shot!" (FUUUUUUCK AGAIN). Another tenant in the building tells us that they saw her moving stuff out a few days prior +15. \[142 days\] Attorney and I decide to post an "abandonment notice" which gives the tenant 10 days to respond that she is still living on premises. Per my state's law, if a tenant fails to do so, and there is clear evidence that the tenant is no longer living there, then the property is surrendered back to the owner. She again responds with a nasty email about shooting anyone that comes in without a warrant +16. \[150 days\] As I am preparing to enter the property in a few days to check for signs of abandonment with police accompanying me for safety, she sends me an email that she has moved out, left the keys in the unit. And says "thanks for the free housing" and we drop the case. /end + +And finally, for some good karma, the place was left in surprisingly good shape. I had to do routine cleaning and patch some drywall here and there, but no shit smeared on the walls. No sinks clogged and overflowing. It's going back on the market today. + +So in conclusion, don't hesitate on evicting somebody because of the cost. IMO you should budget for legal issues, just like you do for capex, vacancy, etc. It's not an "if", but a "when" type of thing. +Hi everyone! I am Brad DeLong. I am about to publish a book, Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Long 20th Century, 1870-2010 <[bit.ly/3pP3Krk](https://bit.ly/3pP3Krk)\>. It is a political-economy focused history. Ask me anything! + +The long 20th century—the first whose history was primarily economic, with the economy not painted scene-backdrop but rather revolutionizing humanity's life every single generation— taught humanity expensive lessons. The most important of them is this: Only a shotgun marriage of Friedrich von Hayek to Karl Polanyi, a marriage blessed by John Maynard Keynes—a marriage that itself has failed its own sustainability tests—has humanity been able to even slouch towards the utopia that the explosion of our science and technological competence ought to have made our birthright. Whether we ever justify the full bill run up over the 150 years since 1870 will likely depend on whether we remember that lesson. + +Friedrich von Hayek—a genius—was the one who most keen-sightedly observed that the market economy is tremendously effective at crowdsourcing solutions. The market economy, plus industrial research labs, modern corporations, and globalization, were keys to the cage keeping humanity desperately poor. Hayek drew from this the conclusion: “the market giveth, the market taketh away: blessed be the name of the market.” Humans disagreed. As genius Karl Polanyi saw, humans needed more rights than just property rights. The market’s treating those whom society saw as equals unequally, or unequals equally, brought social explosion after explosion, blocking the road to utopia. + +Not “blessed be the name of the market” but “the market was made for man, not man for the market” was required if humanity was to even slouch towards a utopia that potential material abundance should have made straightforward. But how? Since 1870 humans—John Maynard Keynes, Benito Mussolini, Vladimir Lenin, and others—have tried solutions, demanding that the market do less, or different, and other institutions do more. Only government, tamed government, focusing and rebalancing things to secure more Polanyian rights for more citizens have brought the Eldorado of a truly human world into view. + +But ask me anything... +&#x200B; + +Throwaway because numbers. + +I've been on this FIRE journey since I was 18. I've done pretty well for myself so far and am on track to retire by 40. But, I royally fucked up this week. This is just a reminder to everyone who can hopefully learn from my mistakes: never, ever let people find out how much money you have. Hide it at all costs & don't trust anyone. Also, I need advice. + +My mom was in town the other day and, while I was at work, I let her chill at my apartment before an appointment she had. That morning, I was working on some papers for a visa application. For the application, I have to account for my current income and assets ($115k/yr, $525k) and also include copies of my account statements. Those papers were on my desk in my bedroom in plain sight. + +I didn't think about it until she called me yesterday and flat out told me that she saw the papers on my desk. Then, she started crying and told me in very clear terms that she expected help. She then laid out (in detail) all the financial problems that she and the rest of my family were having. I honestly didn't know what to do or say so I just hung up. + +Yes, because I am socially inept and can't handle confrontation like that, I hung up... and ignored the next 4 calls and 5 texts she sent. I also ignored the calls from my siblings and aunt. So I am thinking that she talked to the rest of my family about this and told them that I am now ignoring her. $525k is basically an unlimited amount of money from her perspective and my family thought that I was just as poor as they are so, I get it? I understand how much of a shock that would have been for her. But, I wish I wasn't so careless. I had no idea she would go snooping in my bedroom. + +I don't know what to do now. I don't plan on ignoring my family forever and I can't talk to any of my friends about this so.... what would you do? OR if anyone here has actually dealt with a situation like this, advice on a way forward is greatly appreciated. I just feel like I've now become the family bank and everyone is going to constantly ask for a bailout. +From what I know, they believe the value of their currency, USD for example, will be worthless, which makes sense. But how would gold or silver gold be more valuable as a currency in an apocalypse? +So, twelve days ago, my great-grandma had a stroke. My grandmother, my legal caregiver, went to the local hospital (a ripe two hour drive away) and has stayed there ever since to ensure that the doctors don't take her mom off life support. My aunt, my other caregiver, and her kids went with her. + +So long story short, I'm home alone. I've been home alone for over ten days and have had to take care of the family's two sheep, two goats, five dogs, three cats, six large birds, dozens of chickens/ducks/quails/guineas, two horses, and a rabbit to boot + +The people taking care of me don't know when they'll be home. They're not gonna let the doctors let my grandma die so they're gonna stay there until she dies naturally or recovers, which could be months. I've expressed my concerns through text and have only been met with "I don't knows" and the like. They've come home twice (for a couple hours) just to check on things but aren't making money themselves so they haven't been able to help. + +I'm basically taking care of a house and all these animals alone at 17. + +I'm not sure what to do. Eventually bills will start popping up and the animal are already low on food. + +I have a weekly shift at McDonalds to fund myself, but in the area I live, the bus to town runs very rarely so taking full time hours isn't an easy solution. + +I go to school as well since a school bus goes through my area. (though I'd be willing to drop out if needed) + +TL;DR: Fending for myself, as well as dozens of farm animals, for an indeterminate I make almost no money and live in a rural area. + +**EDIT:** Thank you for your replies, I'll read them all and respond when I'm out of school in a couple hours! + +**UPDATE:** Thank you all for replying, I'll try to get through as many as I can but I honestly did not expect this to blow up like it did. Anyway, I talked to my family and while they're not returning home, my aunt has come back with cat and dog food so the animals won't starve for now. She says she doesn't know how much longer they will be gone but don't anticipate it being months like they originally thought. I'm going off her words here. I also talked to my manager and am getting three evening shifts this week over my usual weekly one, so I'm not gonna be completely broke. The bus rarely comes through but I'm fine killing time in town if it means more money coming in. I won't drop out of school either. I was just panicked and assumed I'd have to work full time. I'll update more as events unfold +Being a fatfire forun, i am curious what this community thinks of this. Many of our posters/subscribers have different safety/security issues and concerns than the average person. A person like him would be extremely difficult to just disappear with no signs, even in a place like China + + Elom Musk or Jeff Bezos just disappearing would be next to impossible here. + +This is crazy. + +Jack ma missing](https://au.news.yahoo.com/jack-ma-missing-232138645.html) + +https://nypost.com/2020/03/25/richard-burr-sued-for-dumping-stocks-ahead-of-coronavirus-panic/ + + +The lawsuit accuses Burr of violating the STOCK Act, a 2012 law that bans members of Congress from profiting from non-public information they learn on the job. Burr was one of just three senators to vote against the law. +According to efficient market hypothesis ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficient-market\_hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficient-market_hypothesis)) the price of an asset represents all available information. + +I have got my feet wet with some algorithmic trading in the past, developing algorithms myself and also using algorithms made by other people. One thing I realized: Every algorithm that presents itself as respectable is of the trend following type, meaning some upward or downward trend is given from the outside and the algorithm makes the small optimizations in between. I have tried working out an algorithm to discover trends but I have failed to devise anything reliable. + +Now back to the efficient market, if (nearly) all the information is already influencing the price then any information synthesis relying on market data is kind of already priced in. + +If you are not relying on insider information there is, imo, no way to have an algorithm that gives reliable long term returns! + +My question therefore: Can Algorithmic Trading even work in an efficent market? +Earlier today Coinbase made a “transparency post” naming about 50 assets that they are planning to list on their exchange. Most of them are illiquid shitcoins that no one can figure out why they are even listing in the first place. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/42pb31wkc7t81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dc7ecdf375b30f55f3d82565bf39284dbbfa2b6 + +A bunch of people on Twitter went digging on-chain and found out that there is an insider that has been buying massive positions in these tokens, which have all obviously skyrocketed after the announcement. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/alanstacked\/status\/1514026523430424579?s=21&t=e9d5EKQ8hH0MLQTe4Ongwg](https://preview.redd.it/473ifxcnc7t81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758acc72cbfa1d75ce0fb70edc2eb5765e2ceb6e) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/cobie\/status\/1513874972552355846?s=21&t=e9d5EKQ8hH0MLQTe4Ongwg](https://preview.redd.it/5bqkixqsc7t81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7b48676d1b118d6eb76f2d2bc946d94a96afc8) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/zachxbt\/status\/1513915728671526913?s=21&t=e9d5EKQ8hH0MLQTe4Ongwg](https://preview.redd.it/aonnyk3zc7t81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de895270bc23c94551ccbc6a6061a511a0c8277) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/scruffur\/status\/1491119583104991232?s=21&t=e9d5EKQ8hH0MLQTe4Ongwg](https://preview.redd.it/tecr3c73d7t81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f08274d664a5857731dae2c70ecbdb202d508b) + +This is blatant corruption and insider trading. Yet the SEC won’t do shit about this and instead prevents a Bitcoin ETF from existing or bans US residents airdrops. This is why we can’t have nice things. + [https://imgur.com/a/1tt3vOY](https://imgur.com/a/1tt3vOY) + +Tenant sent me the pic. I went there and knocked on the condo upstairs. + +Sure enough, the old guy's bathroom is flooded. He didnt know what to do, I had to shut off his toilet water pipe. + +But now that it leaked downstairs to my unit, his insurance is gonna pay for the fix, right? +Basically the title. The current treasurer of the sorority I was in in college emailed my mom yesterday and said I have a past due balance of $400 and said it would be sent to collections if it wasn’t paid. I called the national headquarters to get it sorted because it seems odd and they claimed the balance spans a year a half and includes the semester after I graduated. I contacted some other members and they said the same thing happened to them. One of them asked for an itemized bill and the treasurer said she didn’t have that information and only knew the amount. + +I went to college in Missouri and it appears their statue of limitations for debt is 10 years. I don’t want to be a shitty person and not pay if I owe something, but my sorority was legitimately crazy about paying your bill, even if it was a week late - so I don’t see how I could have been late my entire last year of college and owe money after I graduated. + +So I’m thinking about just not paying it. If they don’t even have an itemized bill would they have enough information to send me to collections? Would someone even buy an old bill that’s not even that much money? + "I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC . "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP , all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election. +Work in a large ASX listed org that went through a wave of redundancies after COVID. + +* I joined said org on a package of 115k +* After a year or so, they started advertising for a manager type role. After 3 months they didn't secure a candidate and so they offered me the role given I was already doing the tasks that were required of this role at 125k. I accepted after being told it was a difficult time and there was very limited room for negotiation. +* I later found out that the role had been marketed to candidates in the 145-155k salary range. I know this to be the case because I bumped into a candidate (also a former colleague) who rejected the role because the salary was below par for industry +* Livid after learning this I decided to start applying to competitor orgs and have this morning secured a role at 175k +* Given my current org couldn't fill the role after 3 months for 145 - 155k range, If I take this role they will need to lift their salary range for the role to 170-180 anyway with the difference being they'll find a candidate that knows nothing about the business and will need to be brought up to speed + +Lessons: + +1. Don't believe HR +2. Do your research and know what you're worth +3. It doesn't pay to be loyal + +Keen to hear of other similar experiences + + +\*\*EDIT - Thank you all for your comments. After reading them it seems like I've been living under a rock and that this happens a lot more than I thought or was aware of. I definitely made mistakes and I certainly could have done my research and also challenged HR. +It is not a great investment , but back in 2009-11 I invested in BAC between $5.00-8.00 range. I own it in multiple accounts, but in one account I got 6,999 shares over 2 years period of time. I was receiving only 0.2 shares initially(dividend cut). As of today, I have 14,335.098 shares of BAC in that account because of DRIP.Over first few years it was hardly 10 shares per quarter. I am now getting 300-400 shares per year. Looking at all the past drips, I am surprised at how fast it grew recently. + +I only invest in value stocks as I get quite nervous buying at market highs. DRIP helped me a lot because of more shares I get for a given amount. + +Just sharing to let others know that it can happen. +They will become worthless in a few years. I understand some of the NFT projects but 99.9% of them are totally usuless and over-hyped. NFTs might be one of the biggest disappointments in the future. +I'm just at a loss for words.. + +Background - I have been with my current employer for 4 years, First promotion in year 2. I wasn't actively seeking a job, but was approached by a head hunter in April for a role in an established company of a similar niche. I got through the interview and they offered me twice my current salary after some negotiation. Had an official employment offer sent to me and everything. It was a huge bump and a good career move, even though it involved a relocation and considerable risk due to COVID. + +I did like my current job and company, they have always been supportive of my risk taking and it paid off for them financially. We have great benefits and operate in the glove industry (yes the company is making record profits). I had a good relationship with my superiors and so I personally spoke with my superior about the offer so as to not surprise them with a sudden resignation tender. They immediately negotiated a counter offer (which is on par with my new employment offer), saying that our company is doing so great and I will be risking a lot of stability and they were planning on promoting me anyways. + +After all that convincing I decided to stay and rejected the other offer, I was due to be promoted and my raise was scheduled according to our corporate timeline (July is when all promotions /salary adjustments take place). And now, a day before July 1st, I was told that my promotion has been suspended until further notice due to "difficult market conditions". Its a bit complicated but my company (glove division) is owned by a mother company who also owns a chemicals division (they are doing badly). They could only offer me a special "allowance" which is about 16% of my current salary until my promotion is confirmed. BTW, they offered it as an allowance instead of basic pay probably because they would have to pay an additional 16% of my basic towards a retirement fund. + +So now I'm stuck here seething with resentment because I gave up a great career move for an empty promise. I feel like such a fool for trusting what I once thought were great employers and a great company. At the same time I hate myself for complaining because I know a lot of ppl are struggling to make ends meet. Guess I'll end my rant here, thanks for reading. Have a good day everyone +Welcome to Godfather BTC - The Greatest BTC Return Coin on the market! + +&#x200B; + +This project is lead by Safu Dev Biggie Smalls, a well known and trusted member of the Binance Smart Chain Community. Biggie is known to have spent 10 BNB rewarding DIAMOND HAND investors who bought into his previous project. Now, with the community eager for his next endeavour, he presents you with Godfather $BTC! The Godfather of Binance Smart Chain has arrived and he is a generous man, rewarding those loyal to him with 12% BTC reflections! + +&#x200B; + +Tokenomics + +&#x200B; + +🚛 Supply : 1,000,000 + +♻️12% will be distributed to holders in BTC rewards 💰💰 + +💰 5% will be distributed to LP. + +📣 5% will be distributed to marketing wallet. + +&#x200B; + +Max buy : 1% of total supply - Can be raised on community Vote + +Max Wallet; 1% of total supply - Can be raised on community Vote + +Max sell : 1% of total supply - Can be raised on community Vote + +&#x200B; + +Require 2500 tokens to be eligible for rewards + +&#x200B; + +Twitter ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +[https://twitter.com/GodfatherBTC](https://twitter.com/GodfatherBTC) + +&#x200B; + +Website ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +[https://godfatherbtc.com/](https://godfatherbtc.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Telegram ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +u/GodFatherBNB + +&#x200B; + +Based Dev ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +Creator of RicFlairBTC & Toddler Pancake. Will doxx himself 75k MC. + +&#x200B; + +LP Locked ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +[https://mudra.website/?certificate=yes&type=0&lp=0x4df8d235be41316a65b424cc33d991dcfe53cff5](https://mudra.website/?certificate=yes&type=0&lp=0x4df8d235be41316a65b424cc33d991dcfe53cff5) + +&#x200B; + +Contract Verified ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +[https://bscscan.com/address/0x33f3454f61d09d8521c3b02bb0d293cc21893623#code](https://bscscan.com/address/0x33f3454f61d09d8521c3b02bb0d293cc21893623#code) + +&#x200B; + +Contract ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +0x33f3454f61d09d8521c3b02bb0d293cc21893623 + +&#x200B; + +BTC DISTRIBUTED ✔️ + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Join us now to become the biggest superpower token to reign over BSC! +I recently learned that most student loans in the US are federal loans. Being from Sweden, I always assuemed that they where private loans and that complaints concerning interest rates etc. where because private banks would need to profit off of these loans. A lot of the education in the US is privatized, so I just assumed the same for loans. + +This also made me very confused when hearing the calls to abolish student debt, and I wondered why no one ever brought up the question of just having a public alternative with lower interest rates and better conditions. But now I feel even more confused, since the loans where apparently federal the whole time... + +For reference, Swedish student recieve student loans from a government agency. The interest rate is set by the government every year, and is based on cost of borrrowing over the last three years (I believe). Since the government borrowing rate is currently negative (-0.05%), student loan interest rates are currently 0.16%. The risk is considered extremely low, since most people end up being able to make more money after finish college and thus are able to pay back. + +From what I've read the interest rate in the US is similarly set by the government, but I had a hard time finding what the decision is based on. The government borrowing rate is 0.72% if I'm reading correctly, so they should be higher than in Sweden, but why are they as high as 4%? Do they have a different base or different risks attached to them? Size of debt seem to be larger in the US (max debt in Sweden is currently about $45k), does that affect interest rate? + +Sorry if I'm not using the correct terms or if I'm misunderstanding, I don't know if these terms translates to eachother perfectly between languages. Also obligatory English as a second language apology in case of spelling/grammar errors. +I frequently see this statement as a comment on on this subreddit or in political commentary elsewhere: "Corporate taxes aren't paid by corporations, they're passed onto consumers with higher prices or employees with lower wages" or some statement along those lines. This makes intuitive sense to me and I'm not arguing it. + +But aren't all taxes passed on to another party in some sense? For instance I have income taxes and payroll taxes removed from my paycheck, money that I otherwise would've spent as a consumer or invested. However, I've never heard anyone say "People don't actually pay income taxes, they just get passed onto businesses with reduced consumer spending". + +Why make this point when it comes to the corporate tax rate but not other taxes? I can't imagine any taxes existing in vacuum, surely they must all affect prices or spending, or investment in some way. +For the sake of this question let's skip the legal ambiguity and assume Biden has the power to do this. Tomorrow he signs an executive order canceling the entire federal student loan debt portfolio (about $1.6 trillion). + +What happens? Would there be a ripple effect on private businesses? Households? Foreign countries? How would this affect inflation? Would it weaken the US dollar? + +Most Redditors would support this, but I can't help but think there would be some pretty negative unintended consequences. +Shockingly high, wondering what the % would be if they had been able to buy homes at 40%-50% less than what they ended up paying. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/63-of-millennial-homeowners-regret-buying-home-survey-213314873.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/63-of-millennial-homeowners-regret-buying-home-survey-213314873.html) +I need advice and resources. His mom is moving to Florida with her new husband and baby. I won custody and am looking for advice and resources to help and make a low income father's life more manageable. Anything helps, thanks for the replies. +Didn't expect this to blow up like it did. Thanks to everyone who replied. I really appreciate the support. +Okay, what the fuck. We all apply cutting-edge technology and robust statistical methods to the same markets as everyone else. Why aren't there more successes? How is it that even those perceived to be the upper echelon of finance, quant funds, still don't even beat benchmarks? + +Honestly, it looks like there is no alpha to be found at all, anywhere. Quant, fundamental, distressed, whatever. When someone devotes years of their life and education towards something, usually the end result is skill and mastery. What's the catch we aren't seeing? Hell, even most professional Poker players can get a consistent edge over bad players. What makes the markets so difficult? What makes it so interesting to try? + +Obligatory: My portfolio is pure beta, so no, I'm not a sore loser. +I feel like it’s a valid question that deserves discussion. Do we really own it? A substantial part for sure, retail as whole still probably multiple times over, but Superstonk? It doesn’t seem so sure for me any more… If we as Superstonk owned the float multiple times over, it would have been DRSed already, would it? What am I missing? On the other hand, all the shorted shares have to be somewhere…. so? (I’ve DRSed 98% my XXX myself, with just a few at broker to sell on the way down at gmefloorish levels). + +edit: fatty fingers +https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/millennials-aren-t-socialists-they-re-just-poorer-than-their-parents-20201215-p56nil + +Anyone who is genuinely interested in why young people are moving to the left should look at the pyramid of credit that underpins the Australian economy. + +To read the Centre for Independent Studies' report on the Millennial embrace of socialism in the dying days of 2020 is to experience something of a time warp. Published about the time Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was beginning her run for office in 2018, the document opens with the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, and was clearly intended to shock. +Chock full of esoteric graphs and sweeping platitudes, the libertarian think tank attempts to boil down what 1003 people born between 1980 and 1995 told their interviewers while answering a handful of leading questions. + +Participants were asked things such as, “Do you think capitalism has failed?” or “Are ordinary workers worse off today than they were 40 years ago?”; eventually the gotcha component consisted of a snap history quiz. In an effort to measure the participants' familiarity with “socialism” – a term never clearly defined – subjects were asked what they knew about figures like Mao Zedong and Vladimir Lenin but curiously not whether they had heard of Union Carbide or Bhopal. When the results inevitably came back showing a lack of familiarity, the authors wrote off the “youth” flirtation with socialism as little more than ignorance. + +“For a variety of reasons, youth are far less aware of socialism’s role in some of the greatest catastrophes in human history and have begun to view it benignly,” the report said. +With this, the authors perhaps revealed more about themselves than they intended. Even in victory, roughly three decades after the fall of the Soviet Union, they were still penning reports about their long-vanquished foe as if they were still mourning the loss of a sparring partner. It was as if hand-wringing about “cancel culture” was not as satisfying. +Anyone who is genuinely interested in why young people are moving to the left needs to look elsewhere – and a good place to start is the pyramid of credit that underpins the Australian economy. + +Australians, it may surprise many, are some of the most indebted people in the world – though the exact ranking depends on which measure is used and how the numbers are cut. The most recent OECD figures show the ratio of Australian household debt to net disposable income stands at 217 per cent – meaning the average household owes twice what it makes in the year. Measured relative to gross domestic product, the Bank of International Settlements puts Australian household at 119 per cent – second only to the Swiss. + +All that debt is beginning to weigh on the intergenerational transfer of wealth. If the social compact has been underpinned by the promise that each generation will do better than the last, a Grattan Institute report from 2019 shows that may no longer be the case. + +Guaranteed wage rises meant inflation would gradually eat a person’s debt over time, today flat wages mean debts grow. + +What they found is that the future young people face is bleak. On balance they are working more insecure jobs for longer, earning less at the same age than their parents were, spending most of their money just trying to survive and are more likely to hold debts than assets. +When it comes to housing, those aged 35 to 64 in 2016 took on twice as much debt as those of a similar age were doing in 2004. Meanwhile, home-ownership rates among young people aged 25 to 34 have fallen to 20 per cent, down from 60 per cent in 1981. + +Things are even more bleak when read alongside two other Productivity Commission reports released in mid-2020. Together they show how those who have come of age since the 2008 global financial crisis – triggered by massive fraud in the mortgage-backed securities trade – have watched their incomes decline by 2 per cent while they are locked into more unstable, more insecure jobs over their lifetime. + +When people feel as if the social compact has been run through a shredder, they start looking for alternative ideas about how to run things. + +How well a person fares in this world depends largely on class. Those whose parents own their home outright can always rely on the bank of mum and dad if they run into trouble or need help buying a house. Those left to rely on a wage have a much harder time as they work harder for longer, are paid less over time and are more likely to inherit their parents’ mortgage than the family home. + +Should they run into trouble, they are forced to go into debt or rely on a social security system paid at a level below the poverty line – or both, if the Australian government’s illegal robodebt scheme is any guide. If guaranteed wage rises once meant inflation would gradually eat a person’s debt over time, today flat wages mean debts grow and there are fewer ways to escape them. + +The issue with this is not about morality, but the inherent fragility that is being built into the economy. As a growing array of debts drive more people into precarity, it becomes more likely that when push comes to shove – such as a global pandemic or correction in the housing market – that everyone suffers. If history is any guide, what happens next is best summed up with a joke told by Brown University Professor Mark Blyth while explaining the Brexit vote and the advent of Trump. +“It’s a no-win scenario until elites figure out that at the end of the day, as I like to tell my American hedge fund friends, the Hamptons is not a defensible position,” Blyth said. +  +“The Hamptons are a very rich area on Long Island that lies along low-lying beaches. Very hard to defend a low-lying beach. Eventually people will come for you.” The same might be said of Point Piper, the pricey harbourside Sydney suburb – home to former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull – that sits on a peninsula surrounded by water in the 16th-most overvalued city in the world. + +The important point, however, is that when people feel as if the social compact has been run through a shredder, they tend to start looking for alternative ideas about how to run things. +Given the deal they are currently being offered, if young people really are embracing “socialism” – however the term is used and abused – it should come as a shock to no one. + +What exactly do they have to lose? +I'll try to skip the stuff you will see all over the headlines: + +* Greg and Ajit were at the front table with Buffett and Munger but didn't speak much +* Buffett's opening statement was shorter than usual and kinda all over the place (very unusual) +* Buffett's hand shakes uncontrollably as he hold's up one box from the 11 tons' of See's candy on location +* Buffett's annual letter was printed before the $40+billion spending spree end of Feb-MidMarch (Buying opportunity came as a surprise to them too) +* NO Berkshire shares were repurchased in April (probably b/c they spent so much on OXY and Allegheny) +* Buffett kept making analogies to farm land. (kinda wouldn't be surprised if BRK starts buying some) +* Very little talk about inflation. Finally when asked, Buffett says nobody knows what inflation will be next year or 10 years from now +* Best Question of the night imo - Why are you losing out to Union Pacific and Progressive? Greg dodges the question and Ajit basically says Progressive does everything better than Geico (Buffett jumps in and says Ajit has added more value to BRK than the entire market cap of Progressive) +* Greg says they deal with BILLIONS of cybercrime attacks daily +* Buffett says he doesn't want to say anything that will get Berkshire in trouble a few times through the day (Seemed really guarded in his responses) +* They don't like passive ETF/fund managers pressuring them to change board/corporate structure +* Buffett warns about how tribal people are acting. He doesn't think it's good for society + +Overall, I was most disappointed that Buffett didn't walk through some value investing insights like he normally does. No balance sheet walk throughs or earnings/cash flow examples this year. Just a lot of "This is what we bought because it was cheap" sort of talk...I guess that's perfect for this sub after all. +https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/28/investing/carl-icahn-hertz-bankruptcy-loss/index.html + +"Carl Icahn believed in Hertz right up until the end. And it cost him $2 billion. Icahn was the largest shareholder in Hertz, which filed for bankruptcy late Friday night". +I recently read an article that suggested that 3x leveraged ETFs (or even higher) make perfect sense as a long-term investment: http://www.ddnum.com/articles/leveragedETFsandDCA.php + +What do you think? +This is where my logic lead me, but The Great Depression was ended with massive gov't spending, on public projects, so there is a mistake in my train of thought somewhere, i just dont know where. +From what I have seen, historically, reinvesting your dividends leads to significantly greater returns vs not reinvesting them. Why are so many people proponents of giving up the extra compund growth from reinvested dividends? + +I understand the appeal of having "passive income" but to me it seems like stealing money from your future self. Unless I have a gross concept error on what living off dividends really entails, I can't help but think people are too enamored with "free money" to consider the gains they are giving up as a consequence. + +Edit: My question stemmed from a concern that dividends were being portrayed as a form of passive income before retirement, I understand that once you are no longer working you have to have a way to continue to support yourself and your family. Nowadays there is so much hype about trying to find more ways to make money outside of your a job, and personally I think that while you're still working dividends should be considered passive investing (kind of like 401k matching) rather than passive "income". + +So a better and slightly different question is, why do so many people like the idea of having 100% of living expenses covered by dividends? It almost seems like it contradicts the idea of having a diversified portfolio. Would it not be better to withdraw a set amount from a diversified portfolio rather than relying solely on dividends? +Something about no financial advice or whatever, I don’t know, I’m not from the US we don’t enable corporations to fuck us over for posting on a message board. Miss me with that shit. + +I have a background in economics, specifically game theory. I am qualified at the postgraduate level. Take what you will from that. + +Diamond Ape Rocket Rocket Rocket Moon + +**TL;DR:** Every time you ask yourself how wall st could’ve been so stupid and reckless, understand it’s because they are stupid and reckless. They’ve been conditioned to be this way. We will win because their business model is outdated. + +Let me fill you in on the greatest lie ever told by wall st: + +**They are smarter than you.** + +They believe it, and most of the developed world believes it too. + +So why do we all believe they are smarter than us? Well, just like we have confirmation bias in our sometimes shitty DDs, both wall st and main st are being fed confirmation bias daily about how much smarter than us they are. + +They are not smarter. They just play a different game. + +**There are two games being played:** + +1. The first is the game that we (used to) believe that we were playing: + +We are in a free market, the market is regulated at least somewhat to the extent that it is fair, there is no collusion and no conspiracy, because conspiracy theories are for idiots that live in their wife’s boyfriend’s basement. + +2 . The second is the game that we are actually playing: + +The market isn’t even nearly free or transparent. Win by any means necessary, **the only thing that matters is that you win**. Lie, cheat, steal and manipulate as much as you can afford to, because that increases your chances of winning. That’s the Nash equilibrium. + +Here’s the thing though, everyone has played this game for so long that wall st lost sight of the fact that they have political, financial, informational, professional, and legal advantages, and so did we. They take these advantages for granted, as if the playing field is even and they’re winning fair and square because they're just smarter. + +A little proof: After they colluded to turn off the retail buy button in late Jan, Steve Cohen of Point72 tweeted “Trading is a tough game . Don’t you think?”. As if this blatantly illegal market manipulation was a fair part of the game. + +**So why will we win?** + +To answer that question, let me tell you a little story about Encyclopedia Encarta: + +In the mid-1990’s Microsoft started an encyclopedia called Encarta. They employed all the right incentives. They paid professionals to write and edit thousands of articles. Well compensated managers oversaw the whole thing to make sure it came in on budget and on time. A few years later another encyclopedia started - A different model - Do it for fun. No one gets paid a cent or a euro or a yen. Do it because you like to do it. Now 10 years ago if you had talked to an economist … anywhere … and said ���Hey, I’ve got these different models for creating an encyclopedia - If they went head to head who would win? 10 years ago you could not have found a single, sober economist anywhere on planet earth who would have predicted the Wikipedia model. This is the Titanic battle between these two approaches. This is the Ali-Frazier of motivation, right, this is the Thrilla in Manila, alright - Intrinsic motivators vs extrinsic motivators - Autonomy, Mastery & Purpose versus Carrots & sticks - And who wins - Intrinsic motivation, autonomy, mastery and purpose - in a Knockout. + +I’m sure you can see the similarities. + +So while they have all the advantages that Encarta did. We have the trump card: **each other**. Yes, that’s all we’ve ever had, and we’ve just realised that’s all we need. Literally a few subreddits with some transparent information sharing and a meritocracy of ideas is all that’s needed to bring some of the most powerful people on earth to their knees… + +Don't get me wrong, we have big players on our side too, but we were the catalyst. + +If that doesn’t explicitly demonstrate how unfair the game is, then I don’t know what else I can tell you. The game was so unfair for so long that their strategy became reckless enough that a few people buying and holding will FINISH THEM. We know it, it’s just a matter of time until they do too. + +They played their cards this way because that’s the way all players taught them to play. + +To be fair, their track record has been outstanding, until now. +Shockingly high, wondering what the % would be if they had been able to buy homes at 40%-50% less than what they ended up paying. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/63-of-millennial-homeowners-regret-buying-home-survey-213314873.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/63-of-millennial-homeowners-regret-buying-home-survey-213314873.html) +&#x200B; + +* Since June 30, I’ve tried to post this no less than 10 times across multiple GME subreddits (I’ve lost count tbh) **as well as my own profile** +* Every single time I do, the post gets removed, and I don’t get any reason why- absolute Reddit silence, even on my own profile +* I KNOW it’s NOT Superstonk mods or Superstonk automod filter or any other GME subreddit mods/automod filters (I can 100% prove it, and I will once post is live...EDIT: here's the proof: [https://archive.ph/pgE68](https://archive.ph/pgE68)) +* I’m now attempting to post screenshots first and will be replacing the screenshots with the post text and direct links that you see in the screenshots (**with some important edits/additions, FYI**) as soon as the post is live/visible + +# TITLE IS THE MAIN TAKEAWAY: The EXACT SAME current reported public float of 99.74 million GME shares showed up on WSJ EXACTLY 3 years ago TO THE FUCKING DAY on June, 30 2019, and we need to figure out why + +So here’s what to expect next: If the post actually goes live and stays up, I’ll be leaving the screenshots in the post, but at the bottom. All text to replace the screenshots will be at the top as the post should have gone live in the first place. If it’s getting removed because of fuckery, then fuck fuckery. + +# Here goes: + +# = = = = = = = = = = + +# EDITS: + +* ***1*** + * ***ALL OF THE FOLLOWING BETWEEN THE "Synradern" COMMENT SCREENSHOT AND THE BLOCK OF*** 🟣 ***PURPLE CIRCLES IS THE POST I ATTEMPTED TO MAKE NUMEROUS TIMES BUT WAS REPEATEDLY REMOVED. AFTER THE BLOCK OF*** 🟣 ***PURPLE CIRCLES ARE THE SCREENSHOTS I USED TO GET THIS POST LIVE*** +* ***2*** + * u/Region-Formal **just posted** [**HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vsuijd/to_back_up_uexpensivetwo8128s_post_yesterday/) **(*****"To back up Expensive-Two-8128's post yesterday about Public Float in Jul 2019 possibly being identical to current reported "glitch" of 99.74M, I found a more official stock website (than just a random Seeking Alpha user comment) that also contains the same market data \[See comment below for link\]"*****) confirming with another source that the public float did in fact report as 99.74 million in June of 2019** +* ***3*** + * **Make SURE you check** u/throwawaylurker012**'s comment** [**HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vs9az1/comment/if00n5y/) **re: timing of dividends ending for other companies and what that could potentially mean for this find re: GME** + +# = = = = = = = = = = + +https://preview.redd.it/zx9jjoc6kt991.png?width=2254&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc759345d087300f0caa606a6f65df13693c0302 + +# TL;DR: + +Basically the title: The EXACT SAME current reported public float of 99.74 million GME shares showed up on WSJ EXACTLY 3 years ago TO THE FUCKING DAY on June, 30 2019, **and we need to figure out why.** + +# = = = = = = = = + +&#x200B; + +# Most of us have seen [THIS POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vo6lnt/multiple_sources_reporting_gme_public_float_now/) “Multiple sources reporting $GME public float now 99.74M, exceeding shares outstanding @ 741Trey on Twitter ⏳💣” by OP u/2breel + +* When OP's post went up this past Thursday, June 30, I was reading through comments and decided to archive some of the MSM's market data sources that currently report a factually impossible GameStop public float of 99.74 million shares...it's always nice to be able to document fuckery, amirite? +* So I started Googling “gme” + “public float” + “99.74” +* But there were too many random search results because the information was already everywhere online being discussed, especially on Reddit and Twitter... + * *NOTE: Here are the 2 current GME pages I did find and archive- both obviously show GameStop's public float 99.74 million share we're all now aware of:* ***WSJ:*** [***https://archive.ph/C4990***](https://archive.ph/C4990#selection-4689.0-4693.7:~:text=Public%20Float,99.74%20M) *…and…* ***MarketWatch:*** [***https://archive.ph/KF00p***](https://archive.ph/KF00p#selection-4203.0-4216.0:~:text=PUBLIC%20FLOAT,99.74M) + +# + +# ...That’s when I narrowed my search w/ “-reddit”, and found THIS: + +# + +# On May 21, 2019 DOMO Capital President/Founder Justin Dopierala posted a GameStop article on Seeking Alpha: + +* The article was titled **"GameStop: Activists May Swarm"** +* **\[ Article Archive Link HERE:** [**https://archive.ph/rBgJn**](https://archive.ph/rBgJn) **\]** + * *Seeking Alpha link here:* + * [*https://seekingalpha.com/article/4265504-gamestop-activists-may-swarm*](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4265504-gamestop-activists-may-swarm) +* At first, I couldn't understand why this Seeking Alpha article from May of 2019 kept coming back in my **verbatim** Google search results when what I was trying to find was *a unique GME data event that happened 3 years later on June 30, 2022* +* I thought maybe it was because Seeking Alpha might be using a live metric field for the public floats of companies, and they just allow that field to be auto-populated per whatever changes are fed to it from data/metadata sources + +&#x200B; + +# But then I figured it out: 2 months after DOMO Capital's GameStop article was posted, Seeking Alpha user "Synradern" made the comment from the screenshot above on July 18, 2019: + +* **Direct link to comment here:** + * **\[** [**https://archive.ph/rBgJn#selection-7631.3-7687.21:\~:text=Synradern,05%3A20%20PM**](https://archive.ph/rBgJn#selection-7631.3-7687.21:~:text=Synradern,05%3A20%20PM) **\]** +* **Text of the comment:** + * \*\**“I looked on* ***WSJ*** *which has short interest info. GME had 47.83 million shares sold short* ***AS OF*** ***\[JUNE 30, 2019\]****. There were 102.27 million shares outstanding.* ***PUBLIC FLOAT OF 99.74 MILLION***\*.\* (all emphasis my own) + * *They just bought back 12 million bringing the numerator down to about 90 million. So I would guess that at least 50 percent of the float is short currently.****”*** +* **THIS MEANS:** + * The Seeking Alpha article from May of 2019 kept coming back in my **verbatim** Google search results **BECAUSE** what I was trying to find was **NOT** ***a unique GME data event that happened 3 years later on June 30, 2022*** + +&#x200B; + +# Running list of questions- let's add to this and dig DEEP: + +*This question list is not exhaustive- I’m just brainstorming here. If anyone has any questions that also need to be asked please let me know and I’ll add them to the list!* + +&#x200B; + +* **Question 1:** + * What could possibly have caused the **EXACT SAME PUBLIC FLOAT OF 99.74 MILLION** (that we're seeing **NOW, AS OF/SINCE JUNE 30, 2022**) to show up EXACTLY 3 years ago **TO THE FUCKING DAY** on **WSJ**? +* **Question 2:** + * Because it’s extremely likely that many other market sites/platforms reported this same public float number when WSJ did 3 years ago: Does anyone have the ability/access to look up this specific 99.74 million share public float historical info for each month of 2019? + * I think we should be looking from approx. Jan/Feb through at least Aug of 2019 on GME on all available market sites/platforms- June 2019 is obviously the absolute minimum money shot I’m hoping we can find + * If ANYONE can drill down and find this same info (WSJ included), PLEASE Document it: List the link in the comments AND archive it at [https://archive.ph/](https://archive.ph/) (even if all you can do is screenshot it, and archive *THAT*…evidence is evidence!) +* **Question 3:** + * June 2019 is just a couple months after GameStop issued it’s last dividend: $0.379999995 issued on March 29, 2019 + * Then on Tue, June 4, 2019, GameStop announced they would eliminate the quarterly dividend, “effective immediately, to save about $157 million a year” (sauce: [https://archive.ph/3f4d1](https://archive.ph/3f4d1)): + * Was GameStop’s announcement ending the dividend a big fucking green light for financial criminal hedge funds & their ilk to ramp up naked shorting, causing the reported public float to balloon soon after? +* **Question 4:** + * Was there some sort of technical data/metadata reporting change due to the dividend ending that caused the systems to feed out this 99.74 million share public float? (A figure that, maybe was supposed to be kept hidden? Or possibly a figure that maybe they even weren’t aware would feed out?) +* **Question 5:** + * Could there be some current 2022 technical data/metadata reporting change that just took place behind the scenes to prep for a potential dividend being turned back on? +* **Question 6:** + * Link to a Google search of news around that time (Jan 1, 2019 - Aug 31, 2019) is ***\[*** [***\[HERE\]***](https://www.google.com/search?q=%22gamestop%22&biw=1728&bih=959&sxsrf=ALiCzsYxX3Yguj1HZp5p4rNzkI0CXC7raQ%3A1656885761150&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A1%2F1%2F2019%2Ccd_max%3A8%2F31%2F2019&tbm=nws) ***\]*** + * Do any articles from around that time (see Google search link above) contain hints at what might’ve been taking place behind the scenes that the headlines needed to create false cover for? +* **Questions 7-41:** + * *TBD per post comments/discussion* + +# + +# This cannot be a coincidence: + +* I mean, *maybe* it can...you know, like the laundry list of other gLiTcHeS that repeat exactly every 3 years and all /s +* Consider all the things that can happen to increase and reduce the public float size of a company over 3 years’ time +* **Consider all the things that** ***HAVE*** **happened w/ GameStop's public float size over all this time…and then it shows up 3 years later to the day at exactly 99.74 million shares** ***again***? + +&#x200B; + +# Right…no fucking way this is a coincidence + +# + +# Running list of additional info around this time in 2019: + +* ***Potentially helpful context for anyone digging into this…I'll list more bullet points if anyone finds general info that should be added:*** +* **Bullet Point 1:** + * The price of GME at the time was between $5.47 (June 24) & $5.52 (July 1) +* **Bullet Point 2:** + * Here’s WSJ’s historical chart for June 2019, showing 170+ million total shares traded: + +https://preview.redd.it/oscph10wsx991.png?width=3456&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f9a92b774b07d91a81bf1e8f6524ced608535a3 + +* **Bullet Points 3-???:** + * *TBD per post comments/discussion* + +# = = = = = = = = + +***Quick Note re: SA user "Synradern":*** *I’ve got more background info I’m collecting that I believe is meaningful enough to add to the post- will do so ASAP* + +# + +# + +^(🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣) + +&#x200B; + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/aus487e8kt991.jpg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c61e67d55e032253beaedc3d5bc840fa978eaf8 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/p8emfw0dkt991.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aea5d4b8d663bc999eaee9c268dc31d3bcbb4fb + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rod03pmfkt991.jpg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554d2f2a2abba5a7e4dac140d55262d8363df4f9 + +https://preview.redd.it/mx4k3xbskt991.jpg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ab5961b726dcbc88c472eb8251029418b0a3e4 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/il65ij7ukt991.jpg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a896f07233f58ad6d10b23a0febc4a34c98dac + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ltd5u8bwkt991.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd6809517041d314cb163db46c8cbf8a1d3d99a +Let's start with Pabrai. His PIF4 fund in the last 14 years has underperformed S&P by 300% cumulatively. That's not a typo. + +Look at Ruane, cuniff (Sequoia fund), huge underperformance + +Same with Bill Miller, Einhorn (last several years) etc. Klarman, Guy Spier are even worse. + +Even Buffett underperformed in last 5,10 years to S&P. + +&#x200B; + +There is so much fascination on the CAGR since inception. If you do a gamble on couple of accounts and return 50-70% in first 1-2 years, and then severely underperform S&P over the next 10-15 years, th e returns since inception will show over performing S&P. In reality, you've done worse for almost 99% of your LP. This is what Pabrai & others do. + +A big con game. +I'm a socialist (or, some flavour of one) and I often hear people try to blame all of Africa's problems on the west and the legacy of colonialism. But I have my doubts about this. So what are the accepted explanations among economic theory and research for the poverty of Africa relative to Europe (and North America and the West Pacific) +I'm a socialist (or, some flavour of one) and I often hear people try to blame all of Africa's problems on the west and the legacy of colonialism. But I have my doubts about this. So what are the accepted explanations among economic theory and research for the poverty of Africa relative to Europe (and North America and the West Pacific) +&#x200B; + +[Emoji eyes on June 18, 28, 29](https://preview.redd.it/jpdy9nt0geb71.png?width=175&format=png&auto=webp&s=49f197fdbd847b3a8e18f63c5fb7652956305a9f) +Holding a 1000 shares @ .82 + +Been on a great run last month. Balanced off a little to end the week.. + But, do we feel this is going to be where it sits now for a few months or until they announce their next partnership. +Or.. +Will this have another surge before summer regardless of PR +Or +Was the run a pump and should we expect a drop ? +Bit of a different post than the usual, since I’m not looking to invest money for FIRE. + +23m, located in US. My company recently got acquired through a merger and I am now sitting on low 7 figures of the new company stock. As soon as I am given the green light, I am planning on selling. + +I’m trying to use up to 2 million to create a way for my parents and younger brother to have a passive income stream of around 50k per year. My brother has a disability and will not ever be able to work a job that provides. My parents are currently employed, but are old and should be retiring soon. They don’t have much saved up (maybe 100k). + +Ideally this income would have good cash flow, or at least semi regular cash flow so I can lend them money from my salary and recuperate it within a year (ideally a month). + +I’m not looking for a definitive answer, just would love to get an idea of how people who are already fatFIREd (or on their way to it) got their first 50k of passive income. + +Edit: Really thankful for all the responses and awards! + +Got a lot of DMs asking me how I got here, figured I’d answer that here: + +To clarify, I did not sell my own company. I was an early employee at a startup. +>[The Wedbush analyst Dan Ives has now announced in a study that according to his estimates 650,000 Cybertrucks have already been pre-ordered – even though the production start is scheduled for the end of 2021 at the earliest. The large number of pre-orders is not unusual for the e-car manufacturer, and many pre-orders were also received for the Tesla Model 3. The analyst from Wedbush Securities adds that Tesla should deliver 175,000 to 200,000 cybertrucks in its first full year of delivery, i.e. 2022, in order to sufficiently satisfy the demand.](https://gryffintrading.com/2020/07/03/wedbush-analyst-teslas-cybertruck-is-said-to-have-already-received-650000-pre-orders/) + +Honestly Tesla just keeps coming out with good news, and Battery Day is now scheduled for september with probably even more good news. I Regret buying puts pretty hard tbh +You are all being played by Jihan. + +We are going down because Jihan, who owns Bitmain (a BTC mining company) said they will hardfork Bitcoin. + +It is important to note that Jihan and CnLedger spreaded fake China Ban Bitcoin in the past. Remember January 4th? Or all those other countless times? That doesn't work anymore. So now they're spreading BITMAIN HARDFORK! +It's all FAKE. + +There won't be a hardfork. The last few days he will report that they have decided to go against it. A hardfork will make Jihan go out of business. Besides, this is like the 2nd time the guy has said there will be a hardfork but he hasn't delivered at all. Most likely your coins are being bought up by him and his friends. + + +EDIT: I think it's important for new users to know about this trend and the big manipulation game that is being played here, so please consider upvoting to get this noticed more. + + +They don’t seem to understand that being able to go to see a mental health therapist/counselor is pretty much a luxury right now. I am beyond stressed and depressed but I can’t do shit about it because all our money is tied up with our overpriced rent, utilities, etc. can’t get on food stamps or Medicaid because according to them, we “make too much”. + +I’ve had Betterhelp suggested to me but I can’t afford that either. And even places that offer sliding scale as an option still want a good amount per hour. + +Mental health care (and health care in general) shouldn’t be a luxury. I shouldn’t have to be rich just to afford it. I haven’t been able to see a doctor or even a gyno in 15+ YEARS. God knows if something major is going on. And I keep getting denied for disability because according to them “my hands still work”. + +I’m just tired. +EDIT: Updating to include Wes Christian as a reviewer. + +I have officially finished the HOC part II and submitted it to Dr. T, Wes Christian and Dave Lauer (u/dlauer) for review. They are welcome to share among their peers, as well. + +I have shared this document with the MOD team and asked them to keep it hush-hush until we receive feedback. They can give their impression, but not any detail. + +That being said, it is a 24 page word document explaining how big the House of Cards truly is. Instead of trimming out vital information, I have decided to double-drop parts II & III at the same time once I have feedback from the experts. + +I appreciate everyone being patient and ask for you to give our experts the time they need to fully review the findings. This is important and I appreciate all of their efforts to make the story airtight. + +💎🚀 +I live in a third world country and even 2 dollars a day can definitely change my life in a long run. but i can't do most of the surveys since they usually require KYC. are those games that give you crypto for playing actually work? i even couldn't withdraw my BAT earned with Brave since it also needs KYC. + +Edit: Thank you everyone for the suggestions! you all have my upvotes. + +Edit2: Man I've been upvoting and answering you guys for the past hour or something i think! thank you all so much you helped me a lot! i wanted to continue but it's 23:15 here i have to sleep and wake up early. + +I'll continue upvoting everyone tomorrow! agian, thank you all! +Sup apes, (refer to edit 8 for updated downside target, i looked at my levels wrong, and want you to have accurate information) + +hooooollllyyyy fuck what a day + +Lower your pitchforks please, I know we broke below the "impossible" 219. First of all, this isn't financial advice, I'm quite literally retarded and use crayons to predict where a stock will go. + +Here's yesterday's prediction if you missed it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw84nw/elliot\_waves\_and\_gme\_why\_tomorrow\_should\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw84nw/elliot_waves_and_gme_why_tomorrow_should_be/) + +Buckle up, this isn't gonna be short, I'm going super in depth for you guys cause I've never been more jacked... + +I'm not gonna lie, the drop caught me off guard a bit, but its because I wasn't looking big enough... Here's a view of my previous charting, where you can visualize the "cycle" waves with the white lines (SS from yesterday as I already drew new waves): + +&amp;#x200B; + +[previous wave cycle deemed invalid](https://preview.redd.it/nu57b3620i471.png?width=2130&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=b2d4faafbe982b59a78faca5802787a3dfc3abe9) + +So why am I excited? Originally I was looking at the previous movements as cycle movements, where i thought the move from our low on 3/24 (last earnings) was a 5 wave CYCLE, but todays price action showed be that that whole move to 344 was actually just a wave 1 within that cycle, and today was wave 2..... completed... + +wave 3 is the longest and most explosive wave of the 5, and were about to fucking start it... + +So how do we verify all of this? First of all, really quick, here are basic EW rules (just inserting a screenshot from wikipedia cause It's way better than my explanation) + +&amp;#x200B; + +[RULES](https://preview.redd.it/yxm65lyh0i471.png?width=2222&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=884987dc185e8d149c5a10e5af5cccff290c7b8d) + +I want you to look at wave 4 specifically, as this is why I am redrawing. notice how 4 can't retrace into the territory of 1? Well the top of my previous 1 was at 218.93, which is why I said it should theoretically be impossible to break below this. HOWEVER, since we did indeed break below (hit a low of 211), this invalidates that wave structure, forcing me to tHiNk OuTsIdE tHe bOx here... + + +Just so you know, the price targets I outlined (to the upside at least) are invalid now, as I had to redraw the cycle set. that being said, the new price targets to the upside are so fucking juicy you might just kiss me... + +&amp;#x200B; + +Also, I'm gonna be referencing the rules of the waves pretty frequently in this post, so feel free to reference the rules above\^ + +&amp;#x200B; + +Try not to get too jacked, this is just the 3rd cycle wave illustrated, just take a look... + +&amp;#x200B; + +[you done fucked up kenny g](https://preview.redd.it/79c7helw0i471.png?width=2790&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=c45f3505b373416fd1992e055b4997f8bfcab086) + +I believe that Gamestop did indeed start their 5m share offering today, or at least some of it, but im not gonna speculate on that, I'm just the waves guy. So how can we confirm that today was a cycle 2? Let's take a look... + +Remember how wave 2 targets 61.8% of the entire wave 1 right? Here are the fib targets from the bottom to the top of my newly drawn cycle 1: + +[for reference, the 61.8 level here is 213.24](https://preview.redd.it/417c93wi2i471.png?width=2794&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=48a2bb785c13520bf97359d8dd7684b8f97d7d33) + +BAM!!! WAVE 2 CONFIRMED! Now refer back to EW rules, or if you're a good ape and did your homework, you already know that wave 3 can't be the shortest wave, and often is the longest and most powerful of the 5 wave impulse... + +So, assuming that 213 is the bottom of our cycle 2 (pretty confident in this, possible we retrace to 177.51 **but super fucking unlikely imo,** given the nature of the bounce at 213) + +Okay, so wave 3 can't be the shortest, what happens if it doesn't hit the 1.618:1 target? (in this case it is 586.1) + +It has to hit, at the minimum 1:1 of wave 1. If it doesn't reach this target, the wave is not finished. This means **at the very minimum**, this cycle 3 should target 442.83. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[100, 123.6, and 161.8 are initial targets, could go even higher depending on wtf happens](https://preview.redd.it/t86shmnn6i471.png?width=654&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=13ad3017df11e41b39a1ad5084140e4e8766f0a1) + +Do note though, these are CYCLE targets, I am in no way saying that we will see 442 or 586 tomorrow, BUT these are the bigger targets to watch for as of now. To give more precise targets for the waves within this cycle (intermediate, minor etc) I will need for at least an intermediate "1" to complete, so likely by tomorrow I'll be able to pinpoint more precise intraday/daily/weekly targets for your viewing (and buying) pleasure. + +disregarding EW, another reason why I'm excited about today's drop is a GAP UP from 6/1. If you've been following me for a while, I always point out gaps, and their significance. You can visualize the gap below by the green box. + +[GAP](https://preview.redd.it/bb0kpyqw3i471.png?width=2794&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=b7367e92992e4f1dbad19092a6f1fe92de6ddd77) + +If you've been following me since march, this is how I was able to predict the 350 to 180 drop, but that was before I knew EW theory. now that this gap is filled (we have one on the daily chart as well that was also filled today, doesn't matter as much as that "gap" only appears on the daily, meaning the price action filled the areas in the after hours/pre market. We can determine this by looking on a 4hr chart. You can compare the daily and the 4hr below: + +&amp;#x200B; + +&amp;#x200B; + +[daily](https://preview.redd.it/q2bt447d4i471.png?width=2752&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=805569daf92319355a1190fba0504fe6cda49a3a) + +[4hr](https://preview.redd.it/dwdne3qe4i471.png?width=2800&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=5eda9a0e497aba537505f5decc7df9d34cba5bba) + +See the difference? + +Anyways, not too significant, just worth noting. In any scenario, a gap fill is a great indicator to switch direction and play the reversal. + +alright, you should be jacked now. Not only do we (appear) to have confirmation of cycle wave 2 completion (61.8% of wave 1), but this newly drawn cycle fits into my super cycle target a lotttttt better... + +for reference, my super cycle is visualized by the yellow lines. Given that this is the beginning of our 3, the price targets seem to line up a lot better with the original super cycle drawing... If anything, the super cycle wave 3 will finish even higher than initially predicted: + +&amp;#x200B; + +&amp;#x200B; + +[jacked to da max](https://preview.redd.it/9xbm9nb35i471.png?width=2674&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=a07e92c36d8cd41568a81da81df48613946ee1b7) + +I dont even really trade technical patterns anymore, but I couldn't ignore this beautiful cup and handle forming... + +&amp;#x200B; + +[checks out](https://preview.redd.it/hejg8rxc5i471.png?width=640&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=5bed0a39da33eb7aac0d330d6befd921b757e3cd) + +This lines up with the wave 2 bottom, cup and handle patterns are very bullish, bias confirmed. + +If you want me to update this post tomorrow in real time let me know, I had fun nonetheless, it was cool adapting in real time and reconstructing an analysis. I feel super privileged to be learning this theory on such an erratic situation, and to all the haters, you can't argue with human nature. This shit works. + +Oki I think I'm done. Thanks for trusting me and giving me a platform to try and spread a skill I've been trying to put into action. I'm no expert by any means, to be completely honest I've only been studying this theory for about 3 months, and am nowhere near an expert. + +TLDR: 213 looks like the very bottom, hard to deny that today was a cycle wave 2. It was rough to watch, but when you take a step back and look at where we are, it's really hard not to be bullish. I have trader friends that absolutely hate GME and have zero faith in it, even they said they're buying today...Buckle up my friends, we all know what happened after the last earnings call... to be completely honest, if price action is as similar to march 25 (which mind you was also the bottom of a "2") tomorrow should be face ripping 🚀 + +BUY AND HODL!!! I emptied the rest of my ammo in at 238 today and couldn't be more jacked! + +Edit: holy shit I made the front page of all of Reddit… thank you all so much for the love ❤️❤️ to the fucking moon 🚀 + +Edit 2: great comment by u/ricecooker8055BH + +“((1)) Apr13 low 132=>((2))=>((3))=>((4))=>((5)) Jun8 hi 344 ==> MINUTE ((i)) + +The drop from Jun8 hi 344 to Jun10 low 211 ==> MINUTE ((i)) + +The next wave MINUTE ((iii)) is considerably/extremely bullish. + +Why? + +Elliottician dream is to identify this wave known as THIRD OF THIRD IMPULSIVE RALLY (within MINOR WAVE 3). This is the DEADLY TSUNAMI WAVE that hit Sumatra, Indonesia; Phuket, Thailand in 2004 and Fukushima, Japan 2011. You don't want to go against this KILLER WAVE. + +There will be a lot of ARCHEGOS body bag when this unfold. Really? Based on DD we read, and with the measured objective 555/766/978, I don't know how many HF can survive it if MARGIE CALLING. + +What's gonna trigger it? Probably SEC, DTC I don't know. + +I know it's confusing...LONG STORY SHORT...this is fking BUUUUULLISH! BUY&HOLD 💎🙌🏻🦍💪🏻 + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀” + +edit 3: Morning, looks like I was correct in this analysis, 213 does seem to be the bottom of our cycle 2... confirmation in that alone is enough for me to be happy with today.I'm still waiting for a bigger intermedia movement to really have an idea of the targets, but based off this mornings price action, this is what I'm watching as of now: https://imgur.com/auYvUMj also thank you all so much for the support on this post, really does mean the world <3 + +edit 4: lol im literally dead broke, but i deposited another $80 into my TD (i hold xxx on fidelity, only x on td) to buy my last (till i get paid) share at 231... these prices won't last! + +edit 5: I feel like there were a few misconceptions from my post, first of all, In no way do i expect to hit 500+ today. The targets outlined are CYCLE 3 targets, but I haven't seen enough movement to draft intermediate waves and so on... ALL I CARE ABOUT is that 213 is the bottom of wave 3 (within 3 within 3, uber bullish), that in itself is huge. + +Edit 6: there’s no truer pain than watching your favorite stock dip and not having liquid funds to buy the dip 🥲 give em hell for me + +edit 7: about to hit the gym, probably not gonna update for a bit... we seem to be holding above 213, though for clarify, if we do happen to break below, its not the end of the world by any means. EW theory here is valid so long as we dont drop below like 110 ish (bottom of cycle 1) in this subset, so anything under 213 would be ideal to buy.making an ASSUMPTION here in that GME isn't done with their 5m offering (I believe i read somewhere the offering has to be under 255/share? someone correct me if im wrong)... Just remember that every short piling onto this mess is gonna get squeezed out very, very soon. Technical indicators are probably gonna trigger algo buys soon, as we are nearing oversold territory + +edit 8: holy fuck, just another reason why you shouldn't listen to me, im so retarded (I was probably high in all honesty) when I wrote this and i looked at my fibs as 213 being the 61.8 level to watch... but i am retarded... the proper level is 201... so keep a strong eye on that for a bounce: https://imgur.com/dmywYOA (okay now im acc leaving, the TA wasn't sitting right with me so i took a closer look, and voila... user error smh. Sorry for confusion, I'm just an ape (look CLOSELY at how the retracemnt is drawn, from the low on 3/24 to the high on 6/8... these are the PROPER ratios to reference, Irdk how I missed that yesterday +Welcome to the ETH Daily Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here. Please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or support issues. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior **should be reported** and redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To visit this thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +* For newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum, you can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](http://bit.ly/2rMAXmq). + +* **[EXPERIMENTAL]** - To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hi everyone from a Berlin couple! + +Let us give you our current situation. We are a couple living in Berlin. We are currently renting a 1-bedroom apartment for 500€ (a 6-year-old contract :) ). + +Our combined income is around 7.5K€ per month net. Our cost of living is around 2K which means that we have around 5K to invest per month. + +So far, we have been investing it all in VWRL ETF. We have around 120K€ in this ETF and 30K€ in cash. We know that we are cash-heavy, but we enjoy peace of mind, so we are willing to eat the inflation cost. + +Our plan is to keep investing as we are right now, and retire in our 40s. + +And now we come to the question. Everyone around us is taking these huge 500K+€ loans and buying apartments. + +To buy the same apartment that we are currently living in (which is an old building, outside of the city center) would cost us around 300K€ (the one next door was sold last month), which, for me, doesn't make any sense when the rent is only 500€. The current rent for neighbors below us that moved in last year is around 700€, so even for them, we are not sure that it would make sense. + +We don't have kids yet and will be able to stay in this apartment for at least 4 more years. + +Could someone explain to us the financial benefits of owning an apartment in Berlin? We went through the numbers, and we just can't figure it out. The paperwork costs are around 10%, which means that you are immediately 10% in the hole. You also need to pay taxes on the apartment, fix things, maintain it... Furthermore, you need to pay taxes on gains when selling it. Even when taking into consideration a low-interest rate (\~2%) and leveraging half a million euro, returns are not that great compared to the risk. + +Rents are of course rising as well, but once you find an apartment and move there your rent is pretty much frozen after 2 years of living. Renters' rights are also pretty good in Berlin. So we just can't wrap our minds around why would we put all our savings and more in a concrete box in Berlin. + +Is there something that we are missing? +*Final Edit: Today (Sep 14) Yahoo changed the data - as expected.* u/flaming_pope *has written* [*this post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnzf76/peaking_behind_yahoo_curtain_analyzed_past_year/) *going deeper into how Yahoo changed the data.* + +*Edit #6: Yesterday (Sep 13) on 3:15PM Benzinga had published an article - if you can call it that - full of conflicting information and the cheapest and laziest T.A. on the internet. I found out about this* [*through this post*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnmeze/wut_doin_benzinga/?sort=new) *by* [*u/Literally\_Sticks*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Literally_Sticks/) *In this "article" they have given the 249.51m float number as seen on yahoo and the other sources. This article was then changed around 4:22PM EST. The article now reflects the float of GME as 46.5m - which is wrong again! As of 4:54PM EST (right now) Yahoo has not changed their data. The float there is still 251.49M shares. If it was Yahoo that was giving the data to others, Yahoo data would have changed before Benzinga. Clearly this is not the case. This data is coming from somewhere else.* + +*Edit #5: I've checked the Nasdaq Share Radar SF1 data and I'm certain that this is the data set Yahoo Finance and Stockanalysis are both tracking. Unfortunately float data is not on here. If anyone with software and investigative skills wants to help, please try to find out where* [*https://www.alphavantage.co/*](https://www.alphavantage.co/) *are getting their data from and if you can find the float data anywhere on there.* + +*Edit #4: Owner of stockanalysis responded! In the original question there was nothing about GME but they still filled in the blanks! - I'm going to go ahead and call this bullish.* + +*Question:* [*https://i.imgur.com/sTX7yiF.png*](https://i.imgur.com/sTX7yiF.png) + +*Response:* [*https://i.imgur.com/s4jhPsQ.png*](https://i.imgur.com/s4jhPsQ.png) + +*Edit #3: For those that are curious - the exact share count in Yahoo. Brought to you by the simple brilliance of* u/CocaineAndCreatine *-* [*https://i.imgur.com/Voq9IVC.jpg*](https://i.imgur.com/Voq9IVC.jpg) + +*Edit #2 : A third source has emerged! Courtesy of* u/hfrahmann. [https://i.imgur.com/zg8W9qK.png](https://i.imgur.com/zg8W9qK.png) + +*Edit : Stockanalysis has changed as well. Now it's showing 248.48m.* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# First things first. FACTS. + +**GameStop Shares Outstanding with data, dates and sources.** + +There are multiple declarations made by the company to the SEC and by Matt Furlong. I've gone through all of them and I'm fast forwarding to September 1, 2021. + +GameStop 10-Q shows 76.49m shares outstanding as of September 1, 2021. [Here's the link.](https://news.gamestop.com/node/19256/html) It's on the top, right under the GameStop logo. + +&#x200B; + +[This is the most recent data. We're taking this number into account.](https://preview.redd.it/g1u0ydwisxm71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b65671dfd97eb291676b8916fda13aa58eb210d) + +Yahoo Finance also shows this data. So we know that Yahoo Finance shares outstanding data is correct for sure. This is a fact. + +&#x200B; + +[ IT FUCKING CHANGED AS I WAS WRITING THIS DD](https://preview.redd.it/4qxix8fhtxm71.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=e802c6a79e89401355f120411fa4999d484fe965) + +That's right! I began writing this DD when the declared float was 248.48m. I went to get a screenshot for this DD and it fucking changed. Now it's 249.51m. + +*A glitch that continues to glitch and somehow not unglitched for almost 2 days? Nah.* + +Also others have determined the funkiness using the Balance Sheet data on Yahoo Finance. Let's do some basic smooth brain arithmetic to confirm. + +[Let's play with some numbers!](https://preview.redd.it/la1wq5dbxxm71.png?width=415&format=png&auto=webp&s=6de379efd390b30aedb2825405a33a7a1d748a55) + +$1,720,000,000 / $5.64 = 304,964,539 shares + +304,964,539 x 0.8218 (minus insiders) = 250,619,858 FLOAT + +Today's number was 248.48m (1.03% difference from 250m number above)... + +...until it changed to 249.51m less than an hour ago... (0.50% difference from the 250m number above) + +Rounding errors. I'll allow it. + +&#x200B; + +All the bears and the doubters would say "It's a glitch!" so another source was needed. + +u/zinko83 found it - see for yourself - [https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/gme/statistics/](https://stockanalysis.com/stocks/gme/statistics/) + +[It is 4:24 PM EST September 11, 2021 and this is the data from stockanalysis.com](https://preview.redd.it/wde3aqi0oxm71.png?width=391&format=png&auto=webp&s=a65076c3c1df1cbd361055c9df819671d9a9e396) + +124.61 million float. This is same as the number we saw from Yahoo Finance yesterday. [Here's the wayback link.](https://web.archive.org/web/20210910124841/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) + +Where does [stockanalysis.com](https://stockanalysis.com) source their data? [https://stockanalysis.com/data-disclaimer/](https://stockanalysis.com/data-disclaimer/) + +&#x200B; + +[New things to learn : Sharadar SF1 dataset and Quandl](https://preview.redd.it/pin49ue03ym71.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=2655ee2f658f442bd46dd4bb8f35f7b797b8190f) + +A google search on Quandl and Sharadar SF1 data set leads us to [https://data.nasdaq.com/databases/SF1/data](https://data.nasdaq.com/databases/SF1/data) + +[Let's dig in. ](https://preview.redd.it/qmx7sn663ym71.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6bb4bc7d894b39ce5d1d1b95e0da5cf3ae9993c) + +Now this is where I get stuck because I don't have a subscription to the Nasdaq. If anyone here does and wants to share the data that would be amazing. + +&#x200B; + +[This is the data Stockanalysis \(and probably also Yahoo Finance\) is using.](https://preview.redd.it/mfysjxeyiym71.png?width=1532&format=png&auto=webp&s=6da2bf7c20fe813295b02e5cb32479c75012a7c3) + +# WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? + +This is the crux of the issue. The only thing that matters. How many shares are REALLY out there?How many shares do these motherfuckers have to buy back? This is the question they *can't* let us know the answer of. This is their Achilles heel, the fucking hole in their Death Star. + +By the way, something else to think about. If there are actually more than 250m shares of GME out there (of course there is - at least a billion imho) what does that make GameStop's valuation? 45 billion dollars. What do you think about *this* valuation Mr. Chukumba? Considering how much they shorted it, it's still cheap. + +&#x200B; + +# FUD PATROL : TINFOIL SOUP + +Yes, take everything with a grain of salt. Check everything. These people are masters of shitfuckery. I *am* fucking paranoid. Just do your own DD and make your own independent decisions. This *might* be them using a 400IQ giga-brain strat and giving us a number so we think the squeeze is over after this many shares have been bought. This is possible. For me personally, that doesn't change anything. I will keep checking all the data and learning everything I possibly can. + +# TL;DR + +It's not a glitch. It's a calculation made using real data on a database and it's changing because the underlying data is changing. This data is being used by more than one source. If anyone can find more sources, please share. This might be new regulation forcing an accurate count of shorts. + +The idea that someone fat-fingered a number that results in this is ludicrous. The idea that this is a glitch and has not been fixed for almost 2 days now it's preposterous. + +&#x200B; + +Have a wonderful day/evening/night, wherever you are in the world. You are a part of history. I raise my glass to you, fellow GME holder! +Long story short: I was completely convinced of ZIP's upside and threw the kitchen sink at it. + +I bought it in small parcels, up and down, over the entire course of the pandemic. I'm still holding but I'm now down over 80% or over $40,000. At one point my holding was worth nearly $80k, now it is worth around $5k. + +Additionally, I had to pay over $5k in CGT last year because I had locked in gains before reinvesting them. So it's no exaggeration to say I lost 100% of my investment. + +I can't provide a convenient screencap of proof because the ticker changed, but I can show a mod my trades if need be. + +Anyway, that was literally my life savings. So this is just a PSA to keep an emergency fund and maybe diversify at least a little. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. +What would happen in the US If most citizens stopped or refused to pay their credit cards, health bills, mortgages, student loans etc..? + +Would the economy crash or would the government step in? +I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what's going on with the options, and why shorts weren't worried about the share deliveries from contracts expiring tomorrow. While trying to work it out, I've been waiting for the quarterly SEC Filing from Melvin, and we finally got it on Feb 16. + +On 2/16/21, Melvin reported a 6,000,000 share Put holding on GME. That is how they planned on covering this, and how I've been saying the shorts could have wormed their way out of this calamity every time someone posts "they had no way out!"... Yah, actually they did, sadly... + +Filing: https://fintel.io/so/us/gme/melvin-capital-management-lp + +So, I went digging in the time machine to see what contracts were available on the option chain as seen on 12/31/20... + +And come to find out, the strike max on any contracts (even all the way out to 2023) was $40 max. + +https://i.imgur.com/PAvhWw9.jpg + +Now, here's where I smelled the Fuckery cooking... + +On 1/27/21, CNBC reported that Melvin capital closed out their short position that Tuesday (the 26th), for "a huge loss". + +Tuesday would be the delivery date for the 1/22/21 options after T+2, so it makes sense on the surface... + +Except that the highest strike price option available for purchase on or before 12/31/20 was $40... And 1/22/21 closed at $65.01... + +There is zero way for any options that Melvin owned in December to have exercised to cover his shares on the 26th. + +If Melvin went to market to buy the shares outright, 1/26/21 closed at $147.98. Even if he covered every share at max price, $147.98 x 6,000,000 (the number they were hedging) would only equal $887,880,000... + +So, why the $3bil injection of funds? + +Routers claims that Melvin started January with $12.5bil in capital and that it dropped to $5bil capital during the GME run, and ended at $8bil to close the month after the $3bil Citadel/P72 bailout. + +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-retail-trading-melvin-idUSKBN2A00KW + +If they closed out on that Tuesday for $880mil, where did they lose the extra $7.5bil at?... + +Even if they only hedged half their bet, and had 12,000,000 short positions to close, it would still only be $1.8bil on that Tuesday. (Much closer to the $3bil bailout, admittedly) + +They would have had to have been short ~24,000,000 shares to lose $3bil... So why only hedge 6,000,000 of it? + +Here's where it gets extra deep into the Fuckery... + +The option contracts available on 12/31/20 go from: + +2/12/21 +2/19/21 +4/16/21 + +They jump 2 months between contracts, and February 19 is the last exercise date available from a 12/31/20 purchase until April. + +https://i.imgur.com/Ut6rpea.jpg + +And the highest strike available to buy was... you guessed it... $40. + +Tomorrow is the last day until April for those old $40 Put/Call options to finish in the money. + +Any firm that tried to hedge their shorts with puts, even with max strike contracts, loses their Put options if the price finishes over $40 tomorrow. + +GME short % of volume was 26% Tuesday, 23% yesterday, and 21% today. + +One out of every Four shares sold this week has been a short... and now we know why. + +If GME finishes over $40 tomorrow, any firm that was trying to cover their shorts through $40 Put options from December (or before) would be stuck buying shares to cover until April. + +Any theta gang Call seller that posted $40 max strikes to collect Premium in December is also on the $40 line this week... But they'd need to purchase shares, or lose them if they were covered and still own them (theta gang sold their shares at $400 knowing they could buy them later for less, trust me...) + +Now, I do realize that Melvin held 6,000,000 shares worth of options, and that there's less than 20,000 open interest (less than 14,000 now that I look... Over 4,000 have been taken off the chain in the last 48 hours...), but this explains the mad dash to $40... + +The calls don't want to get exercised on, and the puts want their shares. They want it to $40 so badly, they've shorted an extra 8,000,000 shares this week alone. + +What I don't understand is why those 1,800,000 shares are *so* important... + +We had 24,000,000 in volume today. They could easily snipe 2mil shares in the course of a day or two... + +...Unless all of the volume these last few weeks has been entirely the funds trading back and forth, and there's a LOT less public float than we thought... + +There was a post earlier of a level 2 order page being constantly hit with 1 share and 0 (yes zero) share orders. + +I'm starting to think that they are trading volume back and forth at the third/fourth decimal point with each other. Retail brokers can only do shares in two-decimal prices, ie $420.69... but market makers and the exchanges go to the third and sometimes fourth decimal point. The firms could be trading back and forth, on the books so it affects volume, at a decimal place that retail isn't allowed to access. + +Brokers and market makers have a responsibility to give buyers the best whole-cent price, but scalping the spread is how the market makers take profit from order flows and how you get zero commission trades. + +It could also be used as a loophole to keep retail from buying the shares that the firms are swapping. If the bid is $419.99 and a firm is selling at the price of $420.0005, but it would cost a retail buyer $420.01 (since we can only deal in whole-cents), it would allow another firm to snatch the shares ahead of retail between the spread. They would just enter a buy limit down to the .0005 decimal point, and take whatever small $420.00 shares are listed on the order book with it. + +It would only cost $500 to add 1,000,000 in volume to the trading day at $0.0005/share (plus whatever shares they bought ahead of it). + +I've been watching the level 2s from three different brokers, and there's never more than 20 orders total on the books for GME at any given time (and at least two of those are $6969.69 meme asks). Retail isn't selling, and I've never seen a 100k sell order on a book from an institutional holder. So the volume is coming from somewhere we don't have access to, even though it's counted in the daily trading volume... + +I'm starting to think they are spoofing volume to make the market think shares are trading, when the pool is virtually dry in reality. + +This shit keeps getting weirder... + +To close: I actually do think Melvin is out. His Put volume that is no longer seen on the option chain, and his cash infusion both point to that happening. I do think others are fighting to finally dig themselves out of this hole, and tomorrow is their last chance... and I think they've been digging themselves deeper to try to make that happen. + +460,000 shares are up for Call assignment if it stays above $40 tomorrow, and 1,370,000 Put shares don't get delivered if it stays above $40 tomorrow. That's $72,000,000 in shares that are being fought over just at the $40 mark... + +(Another 1,200,000 put shares deliver under $48, and another 1,300,000 deliver under $50) + +What I don't understand though... GME hit $48 during DFVs opening statement, and then we got hit with 4,000,000 short sale orders over the course of the rest of the day (finra). + +Who shorts $160,000,000 to secure $72,000,000 in options? Interest on shorts rose from 1.08% Tuesday to 1.35% today. They've been adding more shorts by the day. Why are they shorting it so hard right after a mini-squeeze just happened and they *know* we aren't selling? + +Open interest for $40 Puts on 2/26/21 drops off a cliff to 2,600 open contracts. There is something very special about this weeks options, but I don't have the entire picture of what or why yet... + +(2 week delays in reporting are garbage for knowing the market today...) + +Unless they know the shares aren't really there on the market to buy... + +Oh, in other news, Jane Street just reported owning 1,500,000 in GME call shares and 1,070,000 in Put shares... + +Https://fintel.io/so/us/gme/jane-street-group-llc + +Jane Street Capital was the market maker that helped save the bond ETFs last year during the crash. When they step in to a large position, there's often a reason behind it. + +I don't think this story is done being written yet... + +I'm starting to think that those options are the last chance to get shares out of a dry pool... + +~~ + +Edit for Tl;dr: + +I think there's no shares on the market and the funds have been spoofing volume. + +The 2/19/21 options are the last options available to exercise from before the squeeze until April. + +The highest strike available on those contracts at the time was $40. + +Jane Street has 2.5mil in shares through option contracts somewhere on the chain. Jane Street is known for helping market liquidity during "Oh Fuck" situations. + +This is affecting the market way more than just GME... We just haven't seen how or why yet... + +~~ + +Edit: there is discussion about sold to open puts not being required to list on the 13f. Melvin's Edgar for the position shows that it has 6,000,000 shares of Class A voting power at a price per share of $18.84 per share. The stock closed on 12/31/20 at $18.84. It seems to be showing ownership. + +Melvin's position doesn't matter to the date/strike timeline and that's why I left him out of the Tl;dr, but if someone could explain to me how a bought Put would have voting authority, I'd like to learn for future research reference... + +https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1628110/000090571821000248/xslForm13F_X01/infotable.xml +This has been a crazy ride. Wow. I can't even begin to explain but I will try to. + +It started a little less than a year ago when I heard a candidate at work tell me about Ethereum and how it was going to change the world. On a whim I took out a medium sized loan from my 401k and invested it into ETH. + + In that time I have invested in ICO's, and other Alt coins like IOTA. I even ran Crypto Currency Slack group for a while. I became a household name under another screen name that was notorious for the amount of IOTA and ETH I held. + +Today me and my wife got married. I sold off my Ethereum, Dragonchain, Iota, Golem, and Substratum. I am now set for life and crying a bit while typing this. + +It is so bitter sweet. Everyone here can reach their moon. It is possible. Believe in the technology. I know I do, just at this time in my life, I would rather have the tangible money. I was able to pay off our cars, our house, the student loans and set up a trust fund for my future children. + +I am speechless. HODL. Hold on to dear fucking life, and know that the future of ETH is brighter than the light from a thousand suns. + +Peace out nerds. +I don’t even feel like this needs to be said as I feel like 99% of us are all on the same page on this one, but recently a website and twitter handle has been plugging an ‘Ape Festival 2022’ in Vegas backed by some big names involved in GME or another certain movie stocks on twitter. + +This is either some Fyre Festival 2.0 shit or in my opinion, potentially something more sinister by SHF to try and create a narrative of retail manipulation. WE ARE NOT A COLLECTIVE GROUP OR ORGANIZATION, WE ARE INDIVIDUAL INVESTORS THAT JUST LIKE THE STOCK. + +I am not going to name said people who look to also be promoting the event as I have no proof that they are involved or receiving any type of compensation outside them being tagged, retweeting and promoting said event, but its worth pointing out seeing as they have a collective following of around 500k\~ followers. + +As I said, at best its in my opinion a blatant cash grab and possibly even a scam, at worst a potential move by SHF to establish a narrative that we are a collective group of investors manipulating the market. + +The DD is done. Don’t give these guys any of your money. + +Edit: Glad to see u/rensole covered it in The Daily Stonk going into much more detail than myself so check that out. Seemed to be well on top of it before me. Try to avoid going to the actual website and giving them clicks :) +> Several customers of online brokerage platform Groww got a rude shock, finding their investments in liquid schemes redeemed without their authorisation and re-invested in a New Fund Offer. +> +> Kanika Gupta, one such affected investor, said that her entire investment in ICICI Prudential Mutual Ultra Short Debt Fund Direct was switched to a new ICICI Flexi Cap fund without her knowledge on July 12. Incidentally, the NFO of ICICI Flexi Cap closed the same day. + +https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/markets/stock-markets/unauthorised-switch-leaves-mutual-fund-investors-in-shock/article35476572.ece +Imagine that you could lock all your assets into an 8% (edit: nominal, and see edit comment below too) risk free annual return for the rest of your life. Would you (1) take it or not, (2) are you fatFIRE or not, and (3) what's the reason for your answer? + +Curious as to how answers to this will vary depending on if fatFIRE or not. Will share my answer too in a while among the other responses so as not to accidentally influence anyone with my opinion. + +Edit: Clarifications on my dream scenario based on questions asked below are: + +---It's a theoretical question only + +---US type country (ie, not one that's apt to see hyper inflation like Argentina/Venezuela) + +---nominal returns + +---the 8% return is pre-tax (aside from whatever % you might have currently in a Roth IRA or equiv)...imagine you're holding a growth stock that doesn't pay dividends...would grow at 8% and taxes owed on profits when you decide to sell) + +---your assets remain 100% yours to eventually be inherited, but can also be sold to pay for your living expenses or buy a yacht or whatever else you'd like but then 0% return on that portion going forward...(so you wouldn't be handing the assets off to some annuity company) + +---all the assets you had would grow at 8% nominal, risk free (home, vacation home, rental properties, stocks, VC investments, coin collections, art, pokemon cards, your stash of gold or silver...) + +---Current assets only; you're not allowed to leverage the sh_t out of things in this low interest rate environment and make your own money machine! + + +Edit #2: Great discussion occurring here on both sides of the 8% topic for the most part, with a lot of solid points made; thanks. I only joined this sub about two months ago, and I’m thrilled to be able to have these kind of back & forths. This subReddit definitely moves at a higher level of $ knowledge than others that are somewhat similar. It’s a blast being able to talk about serious fat money topics with others that enjoy it too! +Hello, + +I'm from Egypt, and we were hit so hard with economic crisis and Egyptian pound devaluation earlier this year. so I was trying to escape and got a good offer in Scotland, UK. But now it looks like GBP is also devaluating so fast and the UK looks unstable for me. I'm not sure if I should reject the job offer or just try it out (I've never worked outside Egypt before). + +The job offer is for £75k, I would have my wife with me and she'll start looking for a job. + +I know that none of us have a crystal ball but I'm a real loss here so any insights would be appreciated. I'm afraid I reject the offer and things turn out better in the next year or so and I start regretting. +Remember the first couple of times the „news“ called GME holders idiots, rioters, dangers, gamblers, lunatics on all of that? I remember being angry in the beginning. + +Well, now they gave that feeling to GG by cutting up his words and misrepresenting/altering his message. I think they are throwing every poker chip they have at this problem, right now. Even CNBCs and other MSM losing most of its viewership and trust mid-term is preferable for Ken and his friends to losing this bet. + +Let that sink in. That is the magnitude of what is happening. They are willing to permanently lose their best tool of control over the unwashed masses for this. They just pissed on the SEC chiefs shoes in public and he posted those 2 missing minutes HIMSELF, in his own Twitter soon after. + +I can’t argue with anyone saying that there is little hope for the SEC actually stepping up and doing it’s job to stop Shitadel and friends, but I hope they will. Now that Gary Gensler actually makes public appearances I think we’ve entered a new phase. He openly states that they are looking at the market structure very closely. Wait who is the Market Maker for almost half of all retail volume? Get fuk Ken. + +TLDR: I have hope that Gary Gensler might actually be pissed about the massive corruption is happening, which he himself just felt at the hands of CNBC. The old story he must’ve believed of “the finance industry will regulate itself” is completely dead now and the winds of change are blowing. HODL to the moon 🚀🚀🙌🏻💎 +I am glad so many of you have found my posts helpful in the past. Here are some thoughts on how to make a better forum here for everyone. These aren't "mod" suggestions, but rather things all of us can do to make this a better resource for Day Trading. + +**1) Yes, Day Trading is Real.** If you don't think Day Trading & Technical Analysis is real, believe it is luck or a way suckers lose money - then why are you on a forum for Day Trading? Whether you believe it or not, many people are successful Day Traders, making it their career. You have every right to be wrong, but going from post to post telling people that Day Trading is bullshit on a forum dedicated to Day Trading just wastes everyone's time. + +**2) Stop** **Saying 90-95% of Day Traders Lose Money**. Do you know where those statistics come from? Studies done by places like the Brazilian Stock Exchange, which is a highly manipulated market, using a very small sample size. Or the ESMA (European Securities and Market Authority) which requires brokers to report all account info - which means that if you put in a little bit of money, tried Day Trading once and lost, and then closed the account - this gets counted as a "losing Day Trader". Does this mean that most people make money Day Trading? No, of course not. Like I always say, this shit is hard. But most either; give up early because they were never really serious, try some scam method and lose, or think it is going to be easy so they drop it when they find out it isn't. What percent of Day Traders that put in the work/effort wind up losing money? No idea, nobody has done that study - but it certainly isn't anywhere near 90-95%. + +**3) Not Everyone is a Shill.** I get the cynicism, I do. Many people are trying to push scams on those desperate for help. It is a shitty thing to do. But it has gotten to the point where experienced traders can't even recommend something that has worked for them. If someone suggests a good accountant or lawyer to you, does it mean they work for those firms? No, it just means that they have tried them and liked them. It should be pretty easy to tell the difference. However, since it isn't always clear, I recommend that anyone suggesting a service simply put the following - "*I in no way - work for, own, or otherwise financially benefit from this resource I am recommending.*" (oh and btw - I in no way - work for, own, or otherwise financially benefit from any resource I recommend) This may seem like a small point, but I know a lot of people are reluctant to suggest services publicly as they generally get attacked for being a "shill" or banned from mods, which is a shame because the one thing new traders really need are quality resources. + +**4) You're Not A Guru.** If you started trading anytime after March of 2020, your experience is valuable and your story of the Day Trading journey you took can certainly help others BUT **you are not an expert.** Stop acting like one. There is a lot of quality advice you can give people - what worked for you, what didn't - but you're not a guru. Until you are consistently profitable, month after month, and actually pay your bills with your Day Trading income, you shouldn't be trying to teach others how to make a living Day Trading. + +**5) Meme vs. Day Trading.** This whole Meme stock division is ridiculous. Why? Because this is Day Trading. The distinction is mutually exclusive. If people want to risk their money buying and HODL GME or AMC, fine - let them. I don't criticize people who go to a casino (I would be a hypocrite if I did), so if you would rather buy a bunch of shares of GME and hold them rather than play blackjack, who am I to say you shouldn't? A discussion on whether or not Meme stocks follow the rules of technical analysis and qualify for Day Trading is one worth having (I believe they are more difficult to Day Trade, but others do it quite well). There should be no antagonism between Meme traders and Day Traders. EDIT: Some Meme traders put in an extraordinary amount of DD and effort into their picks / decisions. My over-generalization of all Meme traders as “gambling” is incorrect. While many *are* gambling, some are very astute investors. + +**6) Just Google It -** New Traders - stop asking questions that are a Google search away. If you ask any experienced Day Trader they will tell you - you can spot the person that is going to be successful at this and those who aren't, simply by the questions they ask in the beginning. Day Trading is hard work - it takes years to get good at it, putting in 60+ hour weeks of work, constant studying and research. It is definitely not a field that is kind to people who are mentally lazy. It is one thing to ask an experienced trader how useful they find EMA's, it is another thing entirely to ask them what an EMA means. Look it up. If you still don't understand it then ask someone, but put in some effort. + +**7) This is Not the Way.** Your way is not the only way to trade. Some people make most of their money in the first hour of trading using momentum methods, while others like less volatility that comes from mid-day trading. Some use options and other stocks, and still others, spreads. Showing people how your method works for you is great, but telling people it is *the only way* to trade is not. + +**8) You Know What Day Trading Is, Right?** This one should be obvious but sadly, it isn't. If you are on a forum for Day Trading, try to understand what Day Trading actually is first? We usually don't hold stocks for more than a few hours, sometimes less than a few minutes (sometimes less than a minute). It doesn't matter if this is a bull market or a bear market, every day is a different market for a Day Trader. We don't use Fundamentals as it doesn't matter what the long term growth prospects of a stock is to us. Of course many of us also swing trade and some of us are investors as well, but this forum is about Day Trading. This is about going long on NVDA Friday morning only to be shorting it in the last hour of trading. + +**9) Nobody Owes You Anything.** Stop asking people for proof. Either their advice is good or it isn't, either take it or don't. If someone on here posts that they are a successful Day Trader and give good advice, I am going to appreciate what they said, if they give bad advice, I am going to argue what they said. Trading forums on Reddit is filled with photoshopped account statements showing huge gains or significant losses. Fortunately, I have gotten to know some of you and now trade with you everyday, which, in the end, is the only way to ever prove you are what you say. But the never ending cycle of posting, being asked to provide proof, giving a picture of your account statement, being told it is fake, and then doing it all again on the next post is ridiculous. Also, nobody owes you a damn thing. You're not owed proof just as the poster is not owed your belief. Either the post is of quality and useful or it isn't. If you don't find it useful, then move on or argue it. If you do, than it doesn't matter. + +**10) It is the Method not the Amount.** I get it. You want to know if you can actually live off Day Trading. Fine - yes, you can. Now stop asking people how much money they made/make. To begin with, it is tacky. Secondly, they can easily lie (also see #9 above). Also, it doesn't matter. What does matter is; their win percentage, their profit ratio, their risk/reward, and their money management (i.e. % of portfolio on any one trade). The magnitude of their wins/losses is dependent on their own financial circumstances and should have no bearing on their advice. Someone with $5K could have a great trading method and make a few hundred dollars a month, while someone with $500K could have shitty method and lose $10K a month. The method matters, not the amount. + +If everyone followed these ten rules, this forum would be an amazing place for traders to learn, exchange ideas and improve their Day Trading. I hope some of these resonated with you and together we can make this community a great place for everyone. +Yikes + +Lots of yall hit home. + + really good advice in here, thanks everyone. + +Such a shame I lost everything in that boating accident! + +get some btc while it's still cheap +I’m not talking financially, we all can do the math. I’m talking mentally “made financial independence”. + +I’ve been FIRE for 5 years and Fat FI for 3+. I got bored and bought a business then sold it last summer. Now I just coach high school freshman basketball in a good program where I’m seen as a competent 51 year old that knows the game. + +Yesterday, my freshman (14/15,year old boys) basketball team lost to an inferior opponent. I couldn’t sleep until 4am when I realized “I f’g made it.” +There’s an intersection where I live where there’s a Shell and an Arco across from each other. Every time I’ve been there, the Arco has had lower prices than the Shell. How does the Shell station stay in business? +From 2-4%, rental yields are one of the lowest in the world. + +In USA, its usually 8-12%, that too with 2% home loan rates. + +if you are getting only 2-3% of the total property value's worth of rent in a year, it is far less than FDs (6%) and stock index funds(11-13%) + +add maintenance, taxes on rent, etc. you are basically loosing money. + +After 20 years, most apartments turn into pretty bad shape. their resale value drops and so does the rent (who would pay top rent for a 20 year old apartment) ? + +So why do IT sector folks keep buying apartments on EMI in bangalore if the EMI itself cannot be paid using rent (say EMI is 25k, rent is just 12k) + + +[https://www.99acres.com/articles/99acres-insite-5-best-localities-to-earn-high-rental-returns-in-bangalore.html](https://www.99acres.com/articles/99acres-insite-5-best-localities-to-earn-high-rental-returns-in-bangalore.html) +As the pandemic appears to be easing, at least in the UK, there is much talk of ‘opening up’ and ‘revival’. This may be the case for some industries, but the world (and perhaps the markets) are largely ignoring the rumbling crisis in global shipping that took root last autumn and shows no signs of improvement. + +I run a business that imports containers of freight from the Far East into the UK each year, here is what I’m seeing: + +Throughout 2019 we were paying around $1750 for ocean freight from our most used Chinese port into the UK. **This rate is now in excess of $10000.** This shows few signs of [improvement](https://en.sse.net.cn/indices/scfinew.jsp). If you sell cheap items that take up a lot of space in containers that has huge ramifications for product cost. It’s easily possible that item price may double or more just because of increased shipping cost alone. + +The Suez issue in March isn’t to blame per se, but didn’t help. In April over half of our planned shipments were cancelled or delayed. Shipping lines are operating around 10% ‘blank sailings’ (where the whole sailing is cancelled), where there is a successful sailing it is hugely capacity constrained and historical ‘guaranteed space’ contracts with shipping lines are just being ripped up. There is also a huge shortage of physical containers to load stock into. + +**In my opinion many retailers will find that a large amount of their stock will not arrive this Christmas.** I’m sure many suppliers are not yet making customers aware of this possibility. The issue is that the capacity problems don’t just create a short term issue, they create a huge global backlog. When so much consumer spending is seasonally tilted to Q4 each calendar year this situation just doesn’t work, everything breaks. If Christmas stock arrives on December 26th it’s pointless. The supply/demand situation in shipping has no chance of returning to any sort of ‘normal’ this year, so stock will just not arrive on time in many cases. + +**What does this all mean? The obvious result is high inflation of consumer prices on many imported goods.** The official inflation predictions do not match my live experience. + +There is a desperation from retail to regain lost sales caused by the pandemic. Not only are sea freight rates unfathomably higher than before, but because retailers are so desperate to make up for lost sales it has meant that production areas in the Far East are having a bumper year of huge orders, with demand pushing item prices up (in our case) 40%-50% for stock and end customers (the retailers) left with no choice but to accept increases, often in our case with no clear picture of what the final cost will be (the delivered price we quote currently includes a ‘variable’ shipping rate to be stated at the time of shipment, whenever that is). I’m having conversations that effectively go: + +Customer: ‘We’re relying on this stock to help us bounce back from covid, we’ve been closed for months and footfall is minimal’. + +Importer: ‘Ok, we’re going to have to charge you 50% more than last year, plus a shipping supplement, and we don’t know when it will arrive’. + +Customer: ‘Well, we have no choice…’ + +Order your Christmas presents now! What does this mean for the markets? Who knows, but everyone seems to be largely turning a blind eye to an issue that’s already gone too far to prevent. +&#x200B; + +[Congratulations u\/woke0rthadox!! 🖼🏆 Resident Ape Artist Extraordinaire! ](https://preview.redd.it/ypoy3m3fyru61.jpg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775dff2c4e72baf6b99f2e1dbc858dd1a6f8753e) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[\\"See you next week, San Diego. Thanks for stopping by ... \\"](https://preview.redd.it/7u7256sp6su61.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc5b3ad2568bc62632161848c2f6a5255ab29853) + +... and stay tuned... an **Ape Art Gallery** is on the way - a vartiable Musée d'Ape - to showcase all 128 banners (and more)! And a number of other fun sub-initiatives in the works too. 🖼🖼🖼 + +**Thank you** to everyone who participated, apes, ape artists, and mod apes for all your work and your tremendous contribution to this beautiful congregation of apes! 🙏🦍 + +**Profit to the People! Power to** ***you*****, Players!** 💎✊ +There's a lot of talk about "Buy and Hold" strategies. In real life, I rarely see people holding a stock for 10+ years. I am curious to see if other people around here have held a security for 10+ years. In particular, here are some questions if you have held stock for 10+ years + +* Why did you invest in that particular stock? +* What made you hold the stock for 10+ years? +* If you'd like, please share the stock name. Otherwise, please talk about the industry + +If you'd like to share another security you held, like a Mutual Fund, please feel free to share with us. +[Hello Superstonk](https://i.redd.it/y39nj0kvo2671.gif) + +#Preface + +I became bothered by a question a few months ago. The GME saga started with MAJOR fight in the financial landscape between Team Citadel vs. Team Other (Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.), and Superstonk is here now because of Team Other getting Ryan Cohen on the board at GME, then “retail” landed on the scene, now Apes, etc. But this ONE question always bothered me: + +>**What did Citadel do to piss everyone off? WHY would they want to give Citadel the most epic beat down in financial history?** + +So I spent some time looking into that because it *must* be good and... + +***HO BOY, GET YOUR POPCORN, I’VE GOT SOME GOODS TO SHARE WITH YOU AND IT’S GONNA BE JUICY*** + +*** + +Note: this is a strategy post. u/atobitt and u/criand focus on macro topics about Citadel’s structure in the overall market, but this series is going to be about financial industry strategy. I have a master’s degree in business and specialize in strategy and operations. While I don’t have direct experience in finance per se, I really enjoy finding the “hows” and “whys” behind what businesses do. + +Also, I’ll give shout outs to the Apes who did relevant DD before this. Parts of this are my own discovery, parts are building on the work of those who came before :) This is an overall picture. + + +Symbol indicators: + +* \[] - request for link to relevant DD (r/Superstonk DD posts or legitimate sources) + +*** + +#1.0: Introduction +**The Price of $GME is artificial.** Prior posts ([1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mn0q9q/theory_all_the_pieces_pt_1_the_anatomy_of_the/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ms9z0n/theory_all_the_pieces_pt_2_the_deep_end_of_the/)) have covered how Citadel and other players in the market have greedily, illegally conspired to change the price of stocks for their own profit. While Citadel’s criminal price manipulation of GME represents a failed scheme to fabricate shares for profit, this was only a small corner of a much larger body of activity. ***Citadel’s overall activity shows a plan to monopolize markets worldwide and control securities transactions at the exchange level***. + +Yep. + +Buckle up :) + +*** + +# Key Term + +**Market Maker (or “MM”)** – a special role in a stock exchanges around the world. An MM’s primary role is to provide liquidity, or “to make sure there are shares available to buy if people want them” as well as “make sure there is a buyer if people want to sell.” Exchanges need it: liquidity makes for easy buying and selling. + +* A MM is the intermediary for almost any securities transaction. It is positioned between the exchange and the brokers/dealers/funds that do not have access to the exchange, or they use the MM to do the buying work for them, lol. Or the MM is positioned on the other side of a transaction, supplying the securities in demand. +* A MM is always in a position of risk. They are constantly in a place to be on the losing side of a transaction if they “guess” wrong. +* Note: Citadel has many branches, but it’s two major branches are its hedge fund and its MM. I will be referring only to its MM activity. + +*** + +#1.1: Plus Ultra + +Take a moment to marvel at how Citadel has installed themselves in [so many markets around the world](https://www.fi-desk.com/market-structure-meet-the-new-market-makers/). **They are Market Makers and/or liquidity providers in nearly every major exchange on earth:** (*Note: my undersrtanding of a liquidity provider is that it’s a bit like a less-powerful MM*) + +[Citadel Securities own splash page](https://i.redd.it/tolp2scxfw571.png) + +* US/North America: NYSE, NASDAQ, CBOE (not even going to bother with links here, you know they’re there), [Toronto](https://www.tsx.com/trading/toronto-stock-exchange/order-types-and-features/market-maker-program/market-makers-list?id=5) +* Europe: [London/Ireland](https://www.financemagnates.com/forex/brokers/citadels-technology-arm-posts-30-decline-in-2019-revenue/), Amsterdam[], Frankfurt[] +* Asia/Pacific: Hong Kong, [Singapore](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-citadel-singapore/citadel-securities-hedge-fund-citadel-to-open-new-office-in-singapore-idUSKBN25K08J), Sydney [], Shanghai [] +* (Apologies on missing links, I’ve saved so many links through this whole drama that I can’t find some of my sources anymore. And this is not the full list, this is only what I could put together for this post.) + +Citadel is truly an intmidating company based on the position it occupies in markets worldwide. + + +#1.2: E Pluribus Unum + +So WHY has Citadel strived to achieve such a large footprint across the globe? + +***Because there is a flaw in the markets across the world: it depends on Market Makers.*** + +* Exchanges are set up to have several Market Makers providing liquidity. +* So the Market Maker has responsibilities for supply and demand of a given security. +* It’s an essential service so exchanges empower MMs with exclusive powers and responsibilities. + +Take a look at the exclusive powers the NYSE gives its DMMs (like a “Super” Market Maker): +[From the NYSE DMM page](https://i.redd.it/n16pu83yiw571.png) + +* MMs have *Superpowers* and wield immense control over securities. +* Exchanges rely on incentives for winning bids (coupons) as a way of creating competition and fair prices at the exchange. + +**MMs are intended to be balanced by competing against each other** + +* ...so that the customers (brokers) can get the best value, and the Market Makers are financially rewarded for their service... +* …but that means the MMs are competing for as many transactions as possible on the exchange. As much as their risk can allow. + +**So the better the MMs are at managing risk, the more control they have over the exchange (because they capture more of the transactions)** + +* And there are advantages for MMs who perform better and capture more volume – they can leverage the volume to achieve better prices and capture even *more* transactions. +* You’ve probably seen this chart, but it shows the size that MMs have become: +[Citadel is almost as big as the CBOE – the main options exchange for the US](https://i.redd.it/idkn9cchpn571.png) + * (Citadel, Virtu, and G1 are all MMs.) +* The important part about that graphic is the NYSE, NASDAQ, and CBOE volumes *include the transactions with Citadel and Virtu*. + +**The MMs are becoming (or already are) bigger than the exchanges themselves. And the exchanges depend on them.** + +* Furthermore, the exchange is limited – to a certain location, structure, set of regluations, list of securities, etc. Almost all exchanges are for profit. +* But if the exchange provides no security that can’t be bought on another exchange, then the exchange needs to compete on best price - or else it's revenue goes away. +* And exactly *who* at the exchange offers the best price? +* But a Market Maker is free to engage in **multiple** exchanges. So if a financial product is available in one exchange, but not another, and an MM is in both exchanges, then the Market Maker can offer it because it a separate entity (if it legally can). +* And the Market Maker is free offer their best price at multiple exchanges, or even directly. + +**What advantage does the exchange itself have? They can’t provide *anything* that the Market Makers themselves can’t/don’t provide.** + + * *As an analogy, if you are used to shopping for separate items across several stores – food at the farmers market, clothes at the mall, etc. – a company like Amazon or WalMart will have an advantage by selling the same items for a comparable price in one convenient place.* + +It’s “malls” vs. “Target/WalMart/Amazon/Costco” all over. We all know who won that one. + +#1.3: Man o' War + +I mentioned “volume” earlier – that is going to be key here. + +* Market Making is already very risky, but the size of the established players make it prohibitive for new entrants. A new MM would need significant advantages to compete against Citadel, Susquehanna, and Virtu who will have superior positioning, expertise, technology, market understanding, funding, risk tolerance… + +> “The way to think about Citadel is as the Amazon of trading,” says Spencer Mindlin, a capital markets technology analyst at Aite Group. In an industry that relies heavily on technology, Citadel has forged ahead by playing “a game of scale. **You reach a point where it’s impossible for others to compete,**” he says. [emphasis mine] - [Quartz](https://qz.com/1969532/how-ken-griffins-citadel-transformed-financial-markets/) + +Backstory: + +* In the early 2010’s Ken tired to make Citadel an investment bank and failed (lol).... +* ...but it ended up being one of those “lemons to lemonade” things for him. Because Ken realized that other MMs were *banks*, which were a major disadvantage. You see, *Banks* were encumbered with “regulations”, “capital requirements” and stupid “investors”. But Market Makers didn’t need a bank, so they didn't need to have those pesky constraints. +* Then Ken stopped trying to be a bank. Which meant he could capture the MM market. +* Citadel went on to buy out competing Market Maker assets from [Citi](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/05/16/citadel-securities-buys-citi-market-making-assets/84437638/), [Goldman Sachs/IMC](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/citadel-securities-reaches-preliminary-agreement-to-acquire-dmm-unit-from-imc-301149075.html), and [KCG](https://www.tradersmagazine.com/departments/brokerage/citadel-purchases-kcg-dmm-business-becomes-1-on-nyse/) to grow his market share and reduce compeition. +* And now, **the Market Maker field is NOT competitive.** The number of DMMs in NYSE has **decreased** over the years. +* Citadel has heavily “leveled-up” and is bar none THE biggest player on the field. + +**This is why Citadel is in so many exchanges. Successful practices can be copied from one exchange to the next, with market advantages and rewards that scale.** Why shouldn’t Citadel be a MM in every major exchange on earth? + +* But you realize what this means, right? + +***The exchanges have become commodities.*** They are necessary for fulfilling their role as a securites selling venue, but have no unique value to themselves. + +>”**We already have 16 stock exchanges, over 30 ATSs and handful of market maker SDPs**, do we really need the banks to further fragment liquidity?” [emphasis mine] - [Themis Trading](https://blog.themistrading.com/2020/12/14434/) + +The TRUE value to the market is a firm that spans multiple exchanges and offers the breadth of securities available at competitive prices. + + +#1.4: The Commonwealth + +***But, but -- what about compeition? What about Virtu, G1, and the MMs in other countries? I thought you said this was a cOmPEtITivE field.*** + +It’s true, Virtu & G1 do “compete” against Citadel. But they have an... “interesting” relationship which prompts some theories and requires further investigation. + +* First, Citadel needs to maintain the appearance of a free market to avoid antitrust lawsuits. They also need other Market Makers to offload the transactions that they are unwilling to take. A duopoloy or even triopoly is fine as long as they control the market. +* Second, from Virtu’s perspective (*they’re the largest competitor so I’ll use them here*), it doesn’t make sense to go head-to-head directly with Citadel on transactions – Citadel has better positioning and a technological edge. +* And directly competing with a superior opponent would be expensive for Virtu. However, they would stand to **profit from joining with Citadel** if they took the same positions as them. +* And wouldn’t you know it, Apes have discovered that Virtu and Citadel are doing the *exact same things* across many tickers. Here are 2 famous ones: [MAX-D](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nyxs1f/learn_from_the_past_when_they_didnt_care_to_hide/), [GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nr6urb/i_look_up_top_brokers_for_gme_year_to_date_and/) [Any more Apes want to do asset comparison between Citadel & Virtu? CALLING SUPERSTONKS MOST QUANTED] (s/o to u/BadassTrader, u/JustBeingPunny, u/Sti8man7) +* That said, Virtu could still compete *indirectly* - they would need to find a niche where they could gain an advantage and separate themselves from Citadel… +* ...and oh look Virtu seems [very focused on client experience](https://s21.q4cdn.com/422114427/files/doc_presentations/2020/09/Virtu-Financial-Presentation-Sept-2020-Draft-v3.pdf), where Citadel is focused on product and market position. + +**So Virtu is disincentivized to directly compete against Citadel, and is incentivized to coordinate with and complement Citadel.** + + +Monopoly much? + +#1.5: The Crown Jewel + +If you STILL believe that being a Market Maker IS competitive and that exchanges are NOT commoditized, and that Virtu and Citadel are taking the same positions for non-collusive reasons (“*Exchanges are the pumping heart of a free economy! Of course EXCHANGES have control and NOT the Market Makers, the Market Makers are just making the plays they see are winners*”), and you need even more convincing… I have bad news. + +**About 9 months ago the MEMX exchange opened.** + +*Why is that a big deal? Who opened the exchange?* [*Let’s check the MEMX website...*](https://memx.com/) + +* [Oh.](https://i.redd.it/ujeiloi5dw571.png) + +* **Citadel and Virtu** (and some other players you might recognize) *OPENED THEIR OWN EXCHANGE.* + +* [Yeah.](https://i.redd.it/0kxh46xwcw571.jpg) + +“*But, but – they wouldn’t open their own exchange to profit at the expense of the market, would they?*” + +* [*On the MEMX own splash page*](https://i.redd.it/gff2fr1edw571.png) + +* “*MEMX will represent the interests of its founders*” - MEMX.com + +* So, **founders first, everybody else after.** FROM. THEIR. OWN. FUCKING. SPLASH. PAGE. + +“*But, but – maybe it’s just a small side thing and it’s not really going anywhere?*” + +* [Right. Yeah. Sure.](https://i.redd.it/owqyk8kxdw571.png) + +“*But, but – wouldn’t that piss off the other exchanges? They would want to attack the MEMX founders in some way, right?*” + +* [Yup.](https://i.redd.it/hknpksgdew571.png) + +**Exchanges have become so commoditized and Market Makers have such an entrenched advantage that the dominant Market Makers have opened their own exchange, MEMX, whose primary purpose is to serve their interests at the expense of other exchanges.** + +"Free market." + +#TL;DR + +**Citadel is/was moving to monopolize securities transactions at the exchange level.** + +* Market Makers have the most control over transactions at exchanges. +* Citadel is the largest Market Maker across exchanges worldwide (*can't find the sauce []*). +* Citadel has more power than the exchanges do, offering more products, more ways to purchase them, in more venues than the exchanges. +* Citadel has even started its own exchange in September 2020, which is growing rapidly. +* MM Competition is deterred from directly competing with Citadel - they have too much influence, and competitors are incentivized to coordinate with Citadel, not compete. +* The number of MMs have decreased in major exchanges while Citadel's market share is growing. + +**Structurally speaking, Citadel is in a position to directly control the price of many securities and transactions at the exchange level.** + +#And that's not even all of it. Part 2 coming soon... +The Sonar Platform is a multi-chain analytical tool, which presents its users with an interface that tracks social network/influencer trends, vets contract code, price charts, creates price action alerts, executes orders, as well as feature other innovative and unique solutions, including the implementation of artificial intelligence for investments. + +The Sonar Platform intends to serve as a crypto analysis one-stop-shop and provides users with all the necessary tools and information need to make smart investment choices and to reduce the likelihood of traders falling for rugpulls and honeypots. + +✅ Techrate audit complete +✅ Listed on CMC +✅ Listed on CG +✅ Doxxed Founders Team +✅ Real Use Case (Utility alt coin) +✅ Q3 Roadmap complete in 1 month + +Sonar Token ($PING) Distribution: + +✅Wallets locked in a multi-sig vault✅ + +\-Total Supply: 4,000,000,000 +\-Team Tokens: 4% (Vested monthly) +\-Development/Marketing: 4% + +————————————————————- + +🥂It's our one month anniversary celebration! Join us at 4pm UTC on 7/21 for a video AMA with the founders for a special announcement live on Twitch and Youtube 📢 + +———————————————————— + +Socials: + +✉️ Telegram: [https://www.t.me/sonar\_official](https://www.t.me/sonar_official) +📷Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/sonar\_token/](https://www.instagram.com/sonar_token/) +🐦Twitter: [https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09](https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09) +⭕️Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform) +🎮Discord: [https://www.discord.gg/7kuNHxZeCP](https://www.discord.gg/7kuNHxZeCP) +🎥Tiktok: [https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/](https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/) +📽Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew) +👫Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425](https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425) +🌐 Website: [https://www.sonarplatform.io](https://www.sonarplatform.io) +Sadly my parents recently passed away. Unexpectedly and without a transparent plan regarding their estate. (If you haven't set up your own trust or confirmed with your parents that they have everything in order I recommend you do.) I actually wanted to keep their house but once I learned the size of their debt I had no choice but to sell. After paying off the debt, I will likely be left with $500k - $600K. + +I'm 40. Have a $450K mortgage at 3.625%. No other debt. $300K in retirement savings. + +I'm trying to determine what the best thing to do is. Should I use this money to pay off my Mortgage? Allowing myself to put more in savings each month. Or am I better to just invest the whole thing for retirement now? Or possibly a bit of both? Maybe pay down some of the loan and refinance to a 15yr and put the remainder in my retirement account? I'm having trouble knowing what would earn more in the long run. + +I'm sure there are a lot of variables that need to be taken into consideration, but if there are any thoughts or suggestions on what direction I should take and what questions I should try to answer for myself to make a decision, I would appreciate it. +I know the apes who write the posts about not panicking and not setting dates etc etc have our best interests at heart, but at some point you got to realize that no one is nervous, no one is selling and no one is tired, and if they are... WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE!! Anyone who has come this far and is now wavering because of a few predictions that didn't come true are PAPER HANDS and we don't want them here. They will only hurt us during the MOASS so I say let them be scared and unsure and let them bail if they so choose. But flooding the feed with these virtuous posts about staying calm and not leaning into expectations is just annoying. I'm sorry if this an unpopular opinion but its starting to get out of hand. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Tired is referring to tired of holding out of fear of the MOASS not happening. But of course we are all very very tired of the bullshit and market manipulation, or late night video game sessions, both acceptable tired states. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: Wow, this got way more attention then I expected, the shear amount of up-votes should be a clear indication that apes are front lining this battle and are absolutely pre-pared to go the distance. LOVE YOU ALL +I turned 26 today. This is the first age I’ve ever hit that I wanted to slow down! + +I’m running a great business, doing about 500k profit per year, which I’m extremely lucky to have + +But sometimes I struggle with gratitude and just overall happiness levels + +I know we’ve got some smart people in this thread who have lived in my shoes, what’s one piece of advice you’d impart on me? +Hi everyone, a econ major here. I'd like to share a little reflection I have been developing the last weeks + +As I take deeper courses of macro and micro I see a trend in the way that economics are taught around the world. We start from hiper-simplified models with assumptions that don't resemble reality to make these conceptual frameworks easier to learn right? Then as you take more advanced courses we incorporate more variables to the models with mathematical tools so they can be more exact. + +Why does this happens? Because econ is a social science and we can't have the degree of accuracy that natural sciences like physics, why? because our subject of study (humans) and the related variables can't be controlled or tested. (I guess you'll all agree with this) + +Now, I think in the academia and the people in high positions of economic policymaking there's a confirmation bias in terms of confronting our models with reality. Every time that a major crisis occurs there's a heavy review in the mainstream economics theories that dominated the field. This seems to be a natural issue in the history of any science as when something is proven false we should move towards other foundations, but of course it's quite hard in our field as we can't "prove" statements as other sciences do. + +I feel like there's a strong confirmation bias among influential economists as we try to make the reality more like the model and not the opposite (which is what you would expect in other science). + +If you agree with the last statement then what are the causes? I will try to propose one: + + +It's a very well known fact that many of the students that enter graduate programs of econ come from non-economics backgrounds, such as math, physics, statistics, engineering, etc. These people in their backgrounds studied hard science where they have an exact degree of accuracy in predictions and can test the variables that influence the phenomenons. Ofc that isn't the case in econ, but they keep the same mindset. Then you have them in high positions in academia, central banking, international organizations or government and they think they understand situations that we simply can't (and again, that's why there are reviews of mainstream economics every time we have a crisis and why there's this ridiculized conception that economist always fail when predicting anything). + +Finally, if my explanation is correct, what are the political implications of this? I think that it might be that we should move towards higher degrees of economic freedom as the intervention decisions that economists do are made without the proper information and therefore distorsionate market equilibriums. + +What do you think? I'm wrong? why? +Globally inflation is high. House prices are soaring still. I don't see how this can continue. How long can this continue do you think? + +Pre covid, I thought things were looking a bit rocky as we were essentially due a recession but looking back, relative to today, it looked normal. +Competition is great for consumers but as a TSLA holder should you be concerned? It's seems like every day some car manufacturer is adding an all-new EV to their lineup. And I'm just wondering what Tesla is doing about this competition to ensure it continues to dominate the EV market space? + +It's like when Apple came out with the first smartphone, they didn't do enough to keep Samsung and other makers from copying their tech. I just feel like Tesla could do more to keep the competition at bay.. +Good evening guys. I hope this finds you all well. I’m currently freaking out because my dad recently told me that he has no 401k and about 30k in saving going into retirement. I really want to help him maximize his money by helping him put it in the correct channels but I’m not sure where to begin. Any and all advice would be much appreciated! + + +EDIT: My dad is not sure when he is going to retire, but he is around the age when retirement is something he must consider. I’m looking for any advice about the different investment channels he should look into at this age. (i.e. Roth IRA, high yield saving, etc…) + + +EDIT 2: I’ve been see a lot of people asking how this could happen. My dad is an immigrant who came hear at the age of 43. He went to an associates program and at the age of 47 finally became a registered nurse. He then sent a lot of his money back home to help out his two younger brothers. He has NO debt, but as said previously he does not have much in savings. + + +OCTANS is a jet-fueled rocket ready to liftoff! The project is composed of nearly 20 members who are fully doxxed and on payroll with a strong parent backing company (Capital Games Portugal). The full-time team is made up of developers, graphic designers, public relations officers, marketing personnel, NFT onboarders and moderators intent upon unleashing something never before seen in the world of crypto or gaming. The Octaverse! If you’re searching for a low marketcap project with a solid team and vision with massive upside potential, then look no further. + +The Octaverse is an all-encompassing and self-sustaining digital ecosystem set to be the driving force propelling both the use case and utility of the token. The Octaverse will include a physical item marketplace with a variety of licensed gaming peripherals from Disney, Star Wars, Marvel and DC Comics. Also included within the Octaverse will be a tri-tiered NFT marketplace and the ability to use the token as a collectable currency within actual video games. The vision behind the token is to create an ever expanding world of utility and use case scenarios behind it. The worlds of crypto and gaming are set to collide in an innovative way never before seen! A solid and steadily evolving foundation for success is currently being laid. Grab your seat now and hold on for a galactic journey! The patient ones with diamond hands will truly be rewarded. Become an Octanaut today! + +🕹️ BSC Contract Address: 0x86c3e4ffacdb3af628ef985a518cd6ee22a22b28 + +🕹️ High Quality Whitepaper available on our official website + +🎮Buy directly with Octaswap from our official website + +🎮 CERTIK AUDIT completed with Skynet activated + +🕹️ 63k holders and counting + +🕹️ Listed on Whitebit Exchange + +🎮 OCTANS NFT MARKETPLACE IS LAUNCHING OCTOBER 4TH! + +🎮 Clothing Store live and taking orders! + +🕹️ News articles with TechTimes, Cryptocurrenciesnews UK, TechBullion, Fintech Zoom and BitcoinMarketRecap published + +🕹️ Full scale marketing campaign set to kick off + +🎮 See the parent backing company’s (Capital Games Portugal) headquarters on our official YouTube page + +🎮 See a video teaser of our upcoming NFT Marketplace on our official YouTube page + +🕹️ Two platformer video games in development you can use the token within + +🕹️ Listed on Coingecko, CoinMarketCap, Blockfolio, Coinstats and many other coin ranking sites + +🚀 More listings, partnerships, and sponsorships to come! Join us on our socials below + +Website: https://octanscrypto.com + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/octans\_octa + +Telegram: https://t.me/OCTA\_OCTANS + +Discord: https://discord.gg/XVS8FfUgYc + +YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OctansOCTA +[Photo of the gold bar](http://imgur.com/b2Al4NP). I have no idea if the serial number or seal I covered up are secure, so my apologies if this is a terrible photo + +I looked around for any advice about selling gold and APMEX, local coin collectors, and /r/pmsforsale were all recommended. "Cash for gold" stores were universally panned. + +However, since I'm interested in eventually throwing this money into an index fund (maybe even a gold ETF) I was wondering if there's an easier way to liquidate this directly with a bank. + +Any help is really appreciated since I've never held more than a single silver dollar in my hand before. Thanks! + +Edit: wow this blew up! Thanks y'all. To clarify a few things: yes my grandparents are Chinese, but no they don't care about the gold bar remaining physically gold. They're much more interested in the grandkid becoming a doctor, so if reinvesting the gold bar helps that, they're fully on board :) +After two years of lawsuits, a court finally unsealed key evidence from the FBI’s 2020 investigation of North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr for allegedly trading stocks based on nonpublic information. + +Public records at the time show that Burr abruptly liquidated more than half of his and his wife’s equity holdings in February of 2020, when most of the world had yet to focus on the looming coronavirus crisis. + +Burr was ultimately not charged with breaking any laws, but the newly released records show FBI agents believed Burr had committed insider trading and securities fraud. + +The most compelling new evidence is the flurry of calls and texts between Burr, his wife Brooke Burr, her brother Gerald Fauth and Fauth’s wife that took place on the same days that both the Fauths and the Burrs sold off hundreds of thousands of dollars of stock right before the market plunged. + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/06/unsealed-fbi-docs-reveal-a-flurry-of-calls-amid-burrs-stock-trades.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/06/unsealed-fbi-docs-reveal-a-flurry-of-calls-amid-burrs-stock-trades.html) +Had a blockage in a drain pipe. It was so bad snaking didn't work and got an estimate of $2,500 to dig and replace. got a few more estimates that were around the same range $2k-$3k. +I asked the original plumber, the one who attempted to snake it, how far down the line the blockage was. Then I proceeded to spend the evening digging it out myself. Had a plumber replace the line for $250 a grand total of $2.25k savings in exchange for 3 hours of digging. + +Edit: call 811 before you dig. +This thread will be automatically stickied weekdays at 8:30am, and unstickied at 9:15am. + +Megathreads are now posted automatically based on a few factors, including: + +* Mentions by comment count, weighted by comment novelty and score +* Accounts of users mentioning, weighted by age, posting history, and previous mod actions +* Stock volatility, volume, and market cap + +This isn't an exhaustive list, but to prevent this from being gamed, we cannot share the exact weightings or specifics. + +These megathreads exist to consolidate conversation about interesting topics and make things easily accessible and enjoyable for all. + +**Please do your part in making these threads decent. Don't troll. Don't spam. Don't spread divisiveness (calling others shills / bots).** +I'm seeing all these posts about "Did I buy at the worst time?" +The reality is, that you'll be paying off the home for 30 years so just chill out, when that 30 year has passed, you'll be so far along in the journey that it won't matter. + +Did you buy the home to live in or make some investment over the years? The reality is we all need a roof over our heads, and if you bought well done. Don't worry about the articles. +I always see people refer to SCHD as the golden egg for dividends yield. +Everyone here invest in SCHD. +Yes, even you (probably). +Many people tend to compare other ETF's to SCHD performances. + +But why? +I understand it's a great fund. +I understand it gives good dividend yield +I also understand it had a solid growth record. + +Yet, it's not the only worthy ETF out there. +There are so many others. + +So why SCHD became the facto for dividends yield? +It's almost feel like a meme at this point. + +I also see folks who put all their savings into SCHD. +Aren't you scared to put everything in one ETF? That sounds super risky. +I always hear that its a crap degree, you cannot use it for anything, you cannot get a job. You learn nothing of any use. + +But on the other hand many of the richest people on earth have economics degrees and the average salary seems to rival many stem fields. + +I dont get it. + +I like economics but im absolutely warned away from studying it at every turn. + +Why is this ? Is it really that bad ? +So recently, I found out that my grandparents have been renting out the two other units in their triplex for $900 a month, far, *far* under market value for a unit in Portland, Oregon, USA. It's not in the suburbs. It's in the city proper. The triplex takes the form of an upstairs unit, a middle unit, and a basement unit. They live in the middle one and rent out the top and bottom ones. I felt their story is worth sharing, although I'm not sure if this is the right place. Please let me know if it's not! + +My grandmother immigrated from China to the United States in the 1960s fleeing the Cultural Revolution. She and my grandfather worked as grocery store clerks for 40 years, despite my grandfather having a degree in mechanical engineering, because the language barrier meant he couldn't sit for the state engineering board exam. They put my father and two aunts through college. Originally, the house they bought was a duplex, having only the upstairs and the middle floor, with them sharing the mortgage with another family. That other family eventually sold my grandparents the other half of the duplex for $100,000 (decades ago, can't remember exactly when I think in the 90s). They later added the basement to make a triplex. + +Now, they own the entire house free and clear and rent out the top and bottom units. An old lady lives on the top floor with her son, who has since moved out, but she keeps renting it. My grandparents charge her $900 a month and have raised the rent one time (it used to be $850) in the past ten years. The bottom unit was listed for $950 and rented out to two young men. + +The market rate for a two-bedroom flat in their area is 50% more than what they're charging. When they reviewed applications for the bottom unit, they only wanted to rent to working-class people. + +When I asked them why, they said that it was because when they came to America, they were poor too, and they felt like they were giving back to the community by renting out the units at far below market rate. I told them that they could be making a lot more money, and my grandmother said (translated from Chinese): "I don't need more money. I'm old and retired, and the house is paid off. Between your grandpa and I, we get around $2,000 a month from pensions and Social Security. A few hundred dollars more a month won't do us any good. Even if we have a boatload of money, that money only lasts one lifetime. When I pass on, I won't get to take any of it with me. We already have enough to live comfortably, so why charge more?" + +Anyway, that's all I wanted to share today. Never posted before in this sub so sorry if it doesn't go here. +Abbott Laboratories has got he ticket to produce test kits with 5 min results. +$ABT + +[source](https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-fda-approves-major-breakthrough-in-fight-against-coronavirus?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mattwalsh) +Well hot damn... + +Interesting find when it comes to dividend-paying stocks and short sellers. Turns out one of the best ways to punish a short seller is to issue a dividend through cash or stonk.... + +Why you may ask? + +Because the short seller is now responsible to pay the dividend to the person they borrowed the share from.... Not only does this apply to cash dividends, but stock dividends as well. When a short seller borrows the stock from a lender, the lender still owns that share. So when a company starts declaring a dividend, guess who's on the hook ...yup..... + +The short seller is already making payments based on the borrow rate for the security. Now they've got to find even more cash to make payments to the share lender in lieu of the dividend.... f\*cking ouch. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n1y76mdaitq81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bd1db4ab0eb93f4a727731fb6e70dc71b914b3f + +The news of this event is super bullish for long term investors because it helps form a tighter relationship to the company. However, it's really effective in encouraging short sellers to close their positions when they are already being smashed by rising prices. + +From my understanding, these rules apply to both cash and stock dividends. While paying the borrow fee to hold the short position, the short seller will also have to pay the cash dividend, or make payments in lieu of the stock dividend. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/finance.zacks.com\/avoid-short-sale-dividend-payment-8493.html](https://preview.redd.it/9k9xswpzitq81.png?width=684&format=png&auto=webp&s=3445e750baac347137b99438789d591f324cfcd8) + +&#x200B; + +So not only does this news generate hype for long term investors, Papa Cohen & friends also dropped a ticking time bomb on the short sellers' doorstep. + +https://preview.redd.it/ycz3hqfljtq81.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc29cb63b28c594003568b4cbd9a47ff2b055952 + +Who is eligible for the stock dividend? Basically anyone that buys stock before the declaration of the ex-dividend date. This is one of the main reasons why the stock price rises before the dividend is declared. If you're an existing shareholder, or purchase new shares before that date, you're in the money. + +However, this also butt f\*cks any short seller who shorted the stonks before that date. A stonk dividend is one of the best ways a company can force short sellers to.... + +https://preview.redd.it/mivj7s7nktq81.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=37c4d19236660a281a43704798d10c217f63f887 + +Close their positions.. + +Wanna know how stock splits and stock dividends are different? Splits don't affect short sellers- dividends do. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4pmrrdk5ltq81.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ab9b38662ad13dda90ad883961461b000905d39 + +Yes, Ryan.... Yes they are. + +&#x200B; + +DIAMOND.F\*CKING.HANDS + +\#GMEtotheMOON +Hello reddit, + +**First let me preface with this**: + +I know there is a plethora of "Milestones" and "I just made my first $1 in dividends" posts. However, at the same time, those can be motivating. I don't usually talk about my personal finances because well.....they're personal. Plus, I'm a humble dude and don't ever want someone to compare themselves based on others self worth. + +**Nitty Gritty for those that don't want to read any further**: + +Portfolio size: $296,570 + +Projected Dividends/Year (always subject to change): $10,001\* (a portion is in my ROTH) + +Yield: 3.37% if my math is correct + +Currently: Investing $2,015 minimum/month automatically, more as I can.**\*\*\*\*** *(Definitely not the amount I have invested each month since day one!!)* + +This is not my net worth. That is a bit more than I want to talk about really and want to limit it to my investment portfolio, especially since this is r/dividend not whatever sub that people brag about themselves in. + +&#x200B; + +**Details:** + +I have been investing since I was 23. I am currently 36. I am in the military (enlisted, not fancy O type), my wife is a teacher. Let me tell you, it hasn't always been green numbers in the positions and I didn't really come into a solid financial plan until, well, fairly recently. No one taught me this stuff, they don't teach it in schools. Most of us have to fumble our way through on our own. I started off with mutual funds and didn't know much of anything. Then got into single stocks and tried my hand at being smarter than the market and buying and selling quickly. It was dumb. One of dozens of examples involved owning $3,000 worth of Amazon and sold it for a couple hundred bucks at $119/share price (if you do the math, that was a **$96,000 mistake**). I did the same thing with Google, Netflix, you name it. + +I began reading quite a few more financial books and started working on my strategy. I came across Little Book of Big Dividends by Charles Carson and Automatic Millionaire by David Bach and it really inspired my strategy. I quickly set up automatic bank transfers and opened a direct stock purchase plan with Duke Energy ($DUK). I focused mainly on growth and stable companies then, not necessarily just looking for dividends. + +I made a few great plays and as any normal human, a few blunders along the way. Most recently, I bought $GE in my ROTH at what I thought was a great price point of $14.50 or something. My mindset was like many, "Huge company, been around for ages, dividend aristocrat, this is a great price and will certainly bounce back in no time" -- WRONG. Had to DCA over several years to bring the cost basis down and miss out on having that money in better spots in the biggest bull market year I have been a part of. Fortunately, after a few years, I'm back in the green and will probably finally let go. + +Over the past couple years, I have shifted to much more dividend focused investing. Some of my largest holdings are, but not all inclusive: + +Single companies: + +$ABT ; $ABBV ; $COP ; $DUK ; $AAPL ; $MA ; $T ; $O ; $VZ ; $MO ; $BTI ; $GE (YUCK) ; and a few more, but whatever. + +ETF's: + +$DIV ; $PGX ; $SCHD ; $PFF + +I continue to look for value and not end up buying turds that take forever to get out of, but most months, I add to $DIV, $SCHD, and $PGX, as well as any opportunities that may arise. + +**In conclusion (if you were bored enough to read this far):** + +I am nothing special. This is not some major extraordinary "achievement". There are much smarter and more successful people out there. I am simply posting this for those that feel overwhelmed and might believe they will never see any results. I never really set any "milestones" or anything, but when I added up passing $10K, it seemed pretty cool. If I play my cards right for the next few years, I will retire and get a pension, then a further down the road have access to my ROTH and TSP. My plan is to have my dividends augment my pension and then find a job that I ENJOY doing, not a job that I have to do to survive, ya know? There's something really appealing to that idea and I'm sure other military folk can certainly relate with that sentiment. + +Anyways, it's a long road, I'm still on it, but at least I'm not alone, neither are you. +My fiancée has about $10,000 of Roth IRA contributions that he can withdraw penalty free for a home. + +Unfortunately we are being out bid left and right and although we didn’t want to have to do this, it seems like a last ditch option. + +I’m afraid housing costs will only continue to go up, so is the $10,000 setback really a setback in the grand scheme of things? +So a bunch of huge investment firms have been going crazy on real estate recently, buying up 1000s of properties. It's not just happening in the US, same thing in Canada and Europe as well. Here are some articles about it. + +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/if-you-sell-a-house-these-days-the-buyer-might-be-a-pension-fund-11617544801](https://www.wsj.com/articles/if-you-sell-a-house-these-days-the-buyer-might-be-a-pension-fund-11617544801) + +[https://www.foxnews.com/media/blackrock-investment-firms-killing-dream-home-ownership](https://www.foxnews.com/media/blackrock-investment-firms-killing-dream-home-ownership) + +[https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/11/what-happens-when-hedge-funds-buy-up-neighborhoods/](https://thefederalist.com/2021/06/11/what-happens-when-hedge-funds-buy-up-neighborhoods/) + +[https://www.dw.com/en/house-prices-wall-of-money-hits-european-real-estate/a-57765308](https://www.dw.com/en/house-prices-wall-of-money-hits-european-real-estate/a-57765308) + +[https://coredevelopment.ca/avanew/single-family-rental](https://coredevelopment.ca/avanew/single-family-rental) + +What do you think the reason behind this is? Should people trying to FATFIRE lean more into real estate? I think they expect a large increase in property values if they are comfortable paying above asking. +The advice 'do what you love' is lazy and inappropriate for 98 percent of young people. + +I'll focus this on those that are going on to tertiary education to keep it simple. + +I dont know how people think telling a 17-18 year old who has just about finished High School with almost ZERO life experience to do something they love is 'good advice' it is lazy and I have always told students to do what will allow them to love their life and use two examples of something 99 percent of people who are 'adults love' money and holidays if you do a job that allows you to make lots of money and have regular amazing holidays then you 'dont have to love your job' that is just a bonus in reality few people end up loving their job the ones that do are generally Movie stars, Pro Athletes, etc which less then 1 percent of ppl will realisticlly end up doing - hey if you are the end Chris Harmsworth power to you but it is odds on you are not. + +it is no wonder so many people drop out or go no where with useless degrees (unless you do post grad) such as Arts, Science, Bioscience, Psychology etc meanwhile accumulating a large HECS debt. + + +The BEST advice would be do what is going to allow you to have the 'best life' that includes money, potentially enjoying work, having spare time, time off for travel, family, low stress, good work colleges or at least a non-cut throat environment etc over whatever one is passionate about because odds are no matter what you choose you wont 'love your job' in 5-10-20 years time. + + +i actually know 'very few people' who truly love their job however most of them picked what they 'thought' they would love at a young age because that is what they were told to do. But once they finished training/studying it wasnt what it was cracked up to be or the conditions ie unpaid over-time, abuse, stress etc made the job unlike-able over time. + +im not saying money is 'everything' i know a few top earners with loads of mental health, family issues etc due to working long hours, stress etc however they to mostly 'chose a career they loved' but it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. In fairness they are at least rich...but no one is told to look at 'what life' will be like in the future. + +But From the bulk of what I have seen is those who 'earn in the top 5 percent regardless of if they like their job. Generally like/love their lives they aren't stressed about money, have amazing holidays, have nice marialitic things cars/boats/beach houses, go out to nicer places etc they generally have a better 'quality of life' despite not necessarily loving their job. + + +that's my unpopular opinion. +I read somewhere that the 40 hour work week was supposed to be for one person per household. + +I would assume that, at first, dual income households saw a big advantage over single income households (on average). But eventually dual incomes became the norm, prices rose, and then it was expected in many ways. + +Is that why Boomers are looked at as doing so well, because they hit the sweet spot where women were working and getting paid well but it wasn't yet quite so expected and necessary like today, because they hadn't been doing it for long? +I can appreciate those strategies and all the commentary here about them. I really can.... but it would also be nice to hear some other strategies that have been consistent for people. + +Also by strategy I mean going beyond ‘I sell verticals’ and let’s get into the weeds of your set ups. + +I will even go first! + +My strategy (which many of you will hate btw): + +Sell 7 to 12 delta call spreads with 2-3 dte in the SPX when the rsi is above 40. When below 40 and IV is typically higher I will do the same with put spreads. I usually am doing $50 wide spreads. No real science to the width, just helps with buying power and ultimate loss back stop. I do this 3 to 4 times a week. Very little management needed. Works out to be about 3’ish% roc per trade. + +I have been doing this for years and it’s been an amazing money maker. I was ‘lucky’ enough to be short calls into COVID and really have not had more than $4K loss on a single trade on say $30k of buying power. I have never been close to max loss in a trade since the short strike is already at the 10 delta area. Good years I make $100k+ not so good years I have made just shy of $70k. I have not had a losing year yet... famous last words! + +So that’s one of my go to strategies I use consistently. + +Now lets hear yours!! +I've been using them without a problem since 2016 then suddenly they disabled my account on 22th October without a further notice. +I've sent them many tickets regarding my account their answer was "Your account under review" and they've been Ignoring me since then. + +October 24 Portfolio +https://i.imgur.com/KeasGmQ.jpg + +November 09 Portfolio +https://i.imgur.com/ev9159y.png + +Disabled +https://i.imgur.com/at2l3dc.png + +Proof of access (Still disabled) +https://i.imgur.com/fsZyjwd.png + +Ticket #290258 +I'll update this thread If It's resolved. + +I'll reward 10% back to the community as a gift for supporting my case once this Is resolved. + +*Update 1#:* +I appreciate a lot the support I'm receiving I'm overwhelmed really! +And for those who's calling me fake I'll prove them wrong once my account Is enabled.. +and I have a question for you why would I fake such a story? + + +*Update 2#:* +Bittrex Requested additional documents yesterday, I've sent them what they requested + +I'm waiting their reply.. +It's getting closer guys and I'll keep you updated once my account Is enabled! + + +*Update 3#:* Still no news from Bittrex, Account still disabled. +https://i.imgur.com/6yr5ZPf.png + +*Update 4#:* Still blocked and my Slack account Is deactivated as well.. +https://i.imgur.com/AgL3MRD.png + +I was barely managing our new rent increase, and I thought we were going to be ok with cutting back on a few more extras. But this… this could be my 13th reason. There’s no reason for it to be this high. There’s no lights on during the day because of the heat as it is.(all our windows are blacked out to keep some cool air inside) I don’t run big appliances except for laundry on Saturday night . Our ac stays set at 76 and that doesn’t help get the indoor temp below 81 during the day, but I can’t turn it off and risk heat exhaustion. And what makes less sense to me is the usage!!! Less than this time last year and almost triple the amount. I have 4 kids that return to school in less than three weeks, and the little bit I was able to save for back to school is going to have to go toward a light bill! I’m so angry. I don’t even know what to do anymore. The thought of being homeless again after 6 years of fighting to get where we are now…the hours and hours I wasted working overtime instead of spending time with my kids…all for nothing! I give up + +Update: after getting some sleep finally, I was able to find some more information on the insane charges this month. +Base rate : $0.070/kWh +PCRF: 0.075/kWh this is charged to pay back the cost to generate power and can change month to month. +33 days billed +3156 kWh used. +With that being said-I think I am angrier at the fact that I feel the power company is double dipping- and they’re essentially charging every one twice-so this is bullshit. But they were nice enough to have a list of resources that might help with the costs that they’ll accept. And they do offer average billing so I will definitely ask about it on Monday when I call them. +I just had a huge increase and was almost in excellent and than I paid my car loan off and dropped 30 points. Literally makes no sense. Oh you just lost a huge debt and a bank can’t make money off you? Here drop a bunch of points. +I ask because of the constant ‘don’t time the market’ refrain on this sub. If you’re planning on retiring in 5, 10 or 15 years - perhaps worrying about an upcoming crash isn’t all that stupid… + +So, for people with time horizons of 10 years or less, how do you decide whether or not to invest at when the current fundamentals are so inflated? +I was looking into the adverse effects of QE on the American economy and I was looked at the Japanese economy as a comparison. + +I don't understand why Japan has so much government money in its system and hasn't experienced high inflation? + +When comparing this to America will the results be comparable? +I have an opportunity to invest in a restaurant. I think it's a bad idea and will very likely not invest but would like to discuss it if anyone here has experience in the food industry. + +It's not a high end restaurant backed by a michelin starred/celebrity chef or anything, it's being opened by a group of 4 friends and will probably be in the $$ price range. + +What I'm sensing though is that food prices are going through the roof. I think beef alone is up 30% this year and I see many restaurants struggling and closing right now as fewer people go out to eat due to real economic slowdown and perceived fears of further inflation and economic recession. + +They seem to think that it's a good time to open a restaurant because renting a space is cheap... but it's cheap because of mass vacancies which can't be good for restaurants either, right? Also, I see "help wanted" signs at almost every single business I go to, and for the first time in my life I'm seeing signs at restaurants saying "apologies for the delay, we're understaffed" + +What are people's thoughts on the current state of restaurants? I think $$$$ places are doing fine because rich people still have money to go out, but normal restaurants are suffering in my opinion. +After paying for all of my inspections coordinated by my realtor and securing funding from my credit union, my realtor informs me that the sellers have backed out of contract based on that they haven’t received my earnest money. They have accepted a back up offer for only 10k more. + +My earnest money was wired to my realtor as soon as the our purchase agreement was signed by the seller. + +My realtor is now telling me that the seller wanted too much in the first place. I’m pretty pissed considering the seller was going to pay for some of the repairs, and the property was a solid investment. + +What is my recourse? How do I recoup my costs for the inspections? + + +Update 1: it seems that I sent my realtors brokerage company my earnest money and no one sent it to listing company. Here is where it is specified in the PA which listing company is to receive the EM: https://i.imgur.com/DLsSv3k.png + +Updates 2: I’ve contacted and explained the situation to a Realestate attorney to make sure I’m not being taken advantage of. + +My realtor has agreed to reimburse me for all the inspections and will have a check for me this week. I think I’ll have to find a new, investor friendly and tech savvy realtor. +**TL;DR:** The Sharpe Ratio is an excellent tool to assess risk-adjusted return on an investment. 4 cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Dash, Monero, and Bitcoin Cash) all have Sharpe Ratio’s over 2, which signals a good investment per risk involved. + +## The Long Version + +How many people have told you that cryptocurrencies are too risky? A fraud? A +Ponzi Scheme? + +**Bitcoin has increased over 1,500% over the last year**, but none of this is +new. Cryptocurrencies have been on a tear unlike anything we have ever seen…just +look at how it compares to the various bubbles of the past: + +*Full Disclosure: not calling it a bubble…just providing context!* + +[Comparison of Bitcoin to Past Bubbles](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1250/1*8rJh4eLCMoTZ-ZrUp1JAIQ.jpeg) + +But you…you are a **savvy investor**. + +Outsized gains tell us nothing except **something increased from a little to +alot**. + +## Total Returns are not adjusted for risk + +Let’s take the following quiz…one is the right answer, but you won’t be graded +for it. + +**Which of the following investments would you rather be in?** + +1. Crypto A started at $1, went to $500, back down to $1, back up to $600 +1. Crypto B started at $1, went to $100, to $300, to $600 + +Both investments have the same return, but which would you choose? + +I’ll give you some ti…oh you already have an answer? You choose #2? + +**Exactly.** + +Most investors look at total returns over various timeframes — one-day, +one-month, one-year— when evaluating an investment. **These returns are +misleading since they aren’t adjusted for risk**. + +Just look at the example above —Crypto A made a massive return on the initial +investment, but that does not mean it was a compelling investment opportunity. + +> “Using volatility as a measure of risk is nuts. Risk to us is 1) the risk of +> permanent loss of capital, or 2) the risk of inadequate return.” — Charlie +Munger + +If only there was a better way… + +## What is the Sharpe Ratio? + +[The ELI5 Version of the Sharpe Ratio](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1250/1*bsWK2jozQar9k7ZwQCrgeg.png) + +The Sharpe ratio is a measure used heavily in the finance world for calculating +risk-adjusted returns. + +The calculation solves the issue of misleading total returns by taking the +average return earned above the risk-free rate per unit of volatility or total +risk — an absolute measure of risk. + +Investors can directly compare multiple investments and evaluate the amount of +risk taken on to generate the same percentage points of return, **which makes +for a much fairer comparison**. + +While this does make for a much better comparison, you are smart and know that +even though something may have a higher Sharpe Ratio, that does not indicate it +is less volatile…the higher ratio actually indicated that the investment +risk-to-reward profile is much better or proportional vs. another. + +So for this article, I will show you how to implement the Sharpe Ratio in the +wonderful world of cryptocurrencies. + +## Top Cryptocurrencies by Sharpe Ratio + +With your new, sweet investment tool, you can calculate the Sharpe Ratios of top +cryptocurrencies. + +But because I love you (and to save time), I went ahead and did it for you: + +[Top 12 Cryptocurrencies by Sharpe Ratio](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1250/1*mRR09Qh9t2zsJKWdyOCCgA.png) + +Not surprisingly, Bitcoin ranks as the top risk-adjusted earning cryptocurrency +from the top 12. Even though Bitcoin is very volatile, the returns have matched +the craziness. + +What is interesting to me, is all the way at the bottom — our dear friend NEO, +aka the “Chinese Ethereum”. A Sharpe Ratio of 0.03 in an industry of 1s, 2s, 3s, +and a 4 is honestly…terrible. But a large portion of this is due to NEO +stumbling out of the gate after getting listed on Bitfinex, with returns of +-18%, -13%, and -24% in the first 10 days of trading. + +## My Gift to you — a tool to automatically calculate Sharpe Ratio + +A post from me would not be complete without a tool for you to utilize what we +just talked about. + +The spreadsheet pulls in the top 12 cryptocurrencies from the Bitfinex exchange, +and calculates the Sharpe Ratio for each. + +The user can modify the risk free rate, calculations, and any of the currencies +currently being pulled. + +**First time install** + +The tool is nice and simple to use. It requires about +2 minutes to setup, then after that you are good to go. + +1. Make of copy of the worksheet: [Click +Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JDfiBAAJm9Iu1LC_31jTJHje1W4XDTeQd8vW6ErzMYM/copy) +1. Install the [Spreadstreet Google Sheets +Add-in](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/spreadstreet/fghpmppcbabgnpekploacbjijhppnkpp?authuser=0) +1. Follow the instructions and log-in to the add-in +2. Formulas in the sheet should update + +## RESOURCES + +Download the add-in: +[https://spreadstreet.io/tools/google-sheets-add-in](https://spreadstreet.io/tools/google-sheets-add-in) + +Help: [https://spreadstreet.io/docs](https://spreadstreet.io/docs) + +First time install and login: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLjtPR4T2bg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLjtPR4T2bg) + +Bitfinex Candles endpoint help: +[https://spreadstreet.io/knowledge-base/bitfinex-api-candles-endpoint/](https://spreadstreet.io/knowledge-base/cryptonator-api-complete-ticker-endpoint/) + +## RELATED POSTS + +[A Super Simple Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Spreadsheet for Finding Mismatched +Prices](https://medium.com/@spreadstreet/a-super-simple-cryptocurrency-arbitrage-spreadsheet-for-finding-mismatched-prices-a6e8b12dd8b0) + +[10 Statistical Price Predictions for 10 +Cryptocurrencies](https://medium.com/@spreadstreet/10-statistical-price-predictions-for-10-cryptocurrencies-b8167f076d5d) + +[High-Flyers and Shitcoins: What I Learned from Analyzing CoinMarketCap Data in +Google +Sheets](https://medium.com/@spreadstreet/high-flyers-and-shitcoins-what-i-learned-from-analyzing-coinmarketcap-data-in-google-sheets-d581dde5e225) + +[7 Smart Ethereum Price Prediction Methods for +HODL’ers](https://medium.com/@spreadstreet/7-smart-ethereum-price-prediction-methods-for-hodlers-7f08aad60cb1) + +## ABOUT THE AUTHOR + +John Young is the founder of Spreadstreet.io, former Financial Analyst for a big-ass company, and runner-up in the 6th grade spelling bee. He would have invested in Google if he knew about it...and had any money. + +He is the author of the Spreadstreet blog, which has over 3 readers (not a typo). He hopes to hit 10, but honestly writing is a lot of work. + +Big Short investor Michael Burry warns US stocks are heavily overvalued & poised to tumble. Noted the S&P 500's price-to-sales ratio has nearly doubled in 10yrs. + + What do you think? +Age 55. No debt. 401k hit 900k today and I am kind of psyched about it, but I can't tell anyone I know. + +If I told friends, family, or coworkers it'd just piss'em off. Can't tell my wife bc I'm divorced. If I told my kids it would make them crazy, and they would not understand what it takes to save that much or what the savings actually mean. + +So here I am posting under a throwaway account to share with a bunch of strangers... +I’m in a bit of a predicament and put myself into a bad position and just need some advice on the best way of clearing this debt. I have a personal loan which I needed to take out earlier in the year as I didn’t have an emergency fund and needed the cash quick. + +It’s with my bank which is on 12.9% APR and costs me £224.74 per month over 4 years. Ive been paying this off since June 2021 and the settlement figure is currently at £7,790.03 + +I’m 23 and feel like I’m doing alright with earning currently, but the monthly costs are eating at me trying to save as much as possible. Take home is £2650 and outgoings are £970 per month. I’m working on reducing these outgoings by switching providers, gyms etc. + +I’ve started a side hustle in March and been saving as much as possible through work and have just under 13k to my name. + +I have considered paying this off in full but ideally want to buy a house within the next year or two and it kind of feels like resetting with my savings if I was to do it all in one. Would I be better off paying it in full or overpaying to say £500 a month total through my earnings and clearing the debt within the next year whilst still saving a smaller amount? + +May seem like a simple answer to some but it’s just constantly on my mind and playing with me. Any advice is really appreciated. +https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc-an.htm#SR-NSCC-2021-801 + +We now need NSCC-002 to be approved for the changes to be implemented. The deadline is for an SEC response to NSCC-002 is 5/8, but effectively 5/7 because of the weekend. + +Here's my post with the complete timeline: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n445l7/timelines_for_nscc801_and_nscc002_approvals/ + + +Edit: It is worth reading Section III of the [SEC statement](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc-an/2021/34-91770.pdf). The SEC supports the change on many levels, which is good news for NSCC-002. +I often use the theta gang wheel strategy by selling cash secured puts close to at-the-money and I like to see where I can get some bang for my buck. A quick scan of the list will tell me what IV is looking like for certain stocks and when earnings is coming up and whether or not I want to do a weekly theta YOLO for earnings. + +Here's some of the top tickers from this weekend. Instead of making a full list of tickers ranked by IV, I'll share some of the more common tickers mentioned on the internet. + +# High IV Tickers List + +\*Some of the market cap data is off, so always double check before entering any plays! + +|Ticker|Market Cap|Stock Price|IV (%)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|GME - Gamestop Corpor...|4.45B|$61.38|588%| +|AMC - AMC Entertainme...|1.96B|$6.82|254%| +|MARA - Marathon Patent...|1.43B|$22.25|201%| +|RIOT - Riot Blockchain...|1.58B|$23.23|186%| +|SOLO - Electrameccanic...|709M|$8.71|175%| +|FUBO - fuboTV Inc|3.3B|$48.55|167%| +|SPCE - Virgin Galactic...|12.7B|$53.93|165%| +|DGLY - Digital Ally In...|99.6M|$2.67|159%| +|TLRY - Tilray Inc - Cl...|3.43B|$25.73|157%| +|BLNK - Blink Charging|1.92B|$53.01|156%| +|NNDM - Nano Dimension ...|148M|$14.81|156%| +|SBE - Switchback Ener...|1.27B|$40.39|153%| +|WKHS - Workhorse Group...|4.89B|$40.65|146%| +|QS - QuantumScape Co...|9.34B|$44.59|146%| +|SRNE - Sorrento Therap...|3.67B|$14.03|146%| +|ACB - Aurora Cannabis...|2.53B|$12.85|144%| +|OSTK - Overstock.com|3.96B|$92.68|138%| +|BB - BlackBerry Ltd|7.45B|$13.30|137%| +|JMIA - Jumia Technolog...|0|$61.16|130%| +|APXT - Apex Technology...|546M|$15.39|130%| +|APHA - Aphria Inc|5.28B|$16.68|125%| +|CRSR - Corsair Gaming ...|4.16B|$44.94|124%| +|RIG - Transocean Ltd|2.16B|$3.50|122%| +|ARCT - Arcturus Therap...|2.08B|$84.68|120%| +|PLTR - Palantir Techno...|50.1B|$33.80|119%| +|LAZR - Luminar Technol...|7.28B|$33.30|117%| +|NKLA - Nikola Corporat...|9.06B|$23.65|116%| +|COTY - Coty Inc - Clas...|5.85B|$7.63|115%| +|HYLN - Hyliion Holding...|2.41B|$15.64|113%| +|GSX - Gsx Techedu Inc...|0|$89.81|112%| +|AI - C3.ai Inc - Cla...|0|$145.51|109%| +|CODX - Co-Diagnostics ...|436M|$15.36|104%| +|DASH - DoorDash Inc - ...|0|$180.93|103%| +|LMND - Lemonade Inc|8.19B|$145.53|103%| +|FSLY - Fastly Inc - Cl...|11.6B|$113.08|99%| +|PLUG - Plug Power Inc|30.9B|$66.14|98%| +|BBBY - Bed, Bath & Bey...|3.23B|$26.57|97%| +|PSTH - Pershing Square...|6B|$29.75|96%| +|GRWG - GrowGeneration ...|2.15B|$58.00|96%| +|CRSP - CRISPR Therapeu...|12B|$169.29|95%| +|GLUU - Glu Mobile Inc|1.58B|$9.16|94%| +|CRON - Cronos Group In...|4.32B|$12.06|94%| +|APPS - Digital Turbine...|7.87B|$87.04|93%| +|SFIX - Stitch Fix Inc ...|5.18B|$81.94|92%| +|M - Macy\`s Inc|4.68B|$15.04|91%| +|UPWK - Upwork Inc|6.29B|$51.49|91%| +|NIO - NIO Inc - ADR|88.3B|$56.51|91%| +|XPEV - XPeng Inc - ADR...|22.8B|$46.98|90%| +|PRPL - Purple Innovati...|2.32B|$38.20|88%| +|ABNB - Airbnb Inc - Cl...|118B|$194.03|88%| +|ENPH - Enphase Energy ...|24.4B|$194.39|87%| +|HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|462M|$26.80|86%| +|CNK - Cinemark Holdin...|2.34B|$19.86|86%| +|CGC - Canopy Growth C...|16.1B|$43.11|85%| +|RKT - Rocket Companie...|2.5B|$21.64|84%| +|DBX - Dropbox Inc - C...|7.85B|$24.73|82%| +|SNOW - Snowflake Inc -...|15.5B|$304.42|81%| +|FVRR - Fiverr Internat...|8.84B|$273.36|79%| +|HOME - At Home Group I...|1.59B|$24.46|79%| +|NCLH - Norwegian Cruis...|5.31B|$24.64|78%| +|LL - Lumber Liquidat...|862M|$29.98|78%| +|ZM - Zoom Video Comm...|120B|$417.85|78%| +|SEDG - Solaredge Techn...|15.8B|$309.04|77%| +|W - Wayfair Inc - C...|21.1B|$288.97|77%| +|IQ - iQIYI Inc - ADR...|16.9B|$23.32|77%| +|PENN - Penn National G...|20B|$128.81|75%| +|CLDR - Cloudera Inc|5.35B|$17.07|75%| +|BYND - Beyond Meat Inc...|10.6B|$168.61|74%| +|MRNA - Moderna Inc|69.7B|$176.05|74%| +|FROG - JFrog Ltd|6.13B|$66.59|74%| +|CVNA - Carvana Co. - C...|13.5B|$287.87|74%| +|X - United States S...|3.65B|$16.61|74%| +|DKNG - DraftKings Inc ...|25B|$63.70|73%| +|CCL - Carnival Corp. ...|23.5B|$21.26|73%| +|BIG - Big Lots Inc|2.06B|$55.85|73%| +|TWTR - Twitter Inc|45.2B|$56.63|73%| +|NOK - Nokia Corp - AD...|2.78B|$4.21|73%| +|U - Unity Software ...|34.8B|$129.51|72%| +|SHAK - Shake Shack Inc...|4.51B|$117.01|71%| +|SAVE - Spirit Airlines...|2.92B|$29.96|71%| +|Z - Zillow Group In...|36B|$156.81|70%| +|NET - Cloudflare Inc ...|26.3B|$85.21|70%| +|BIDU - Baidu Inc - ADR...|94.1B|$268.90|69%| +|ETSY - Etsy Inc|29.1B|$231.43|68%| +|OXY - Occidental Petr...|21B|$22.43|67%| +|UAA - Under Armour In...|8.54B|$20.68|67%| +|LB - L Brands Inc|13.7B|$49.52|67%| +|GPS - Gap, Inc.|8.47B|$22.55|67%| +|SE - Sea Ltd - ADR|112B|$257.35|66%| +|ROKU - Roku Inc - Clas...|55.8B|$438.75|66%| +|TTD - Trade Desk Inc ...|35.9B|$852.17|66%| +|CHWY - Chewy Inc - Cla...|44.1B|$110.39|65%| +|CHGG - Chegg Inc|13.2B|$101.94|64%| +|AAL - American Airlin...|10.4B|$17.16|63%| +|ZS - Zscaler Inc|29.1B|$215.97|63%| +|DDOG - Datadog Inc - C...|23.9B|$114.36|63%| +|CREE - Cree, Inc.|13.1B|$118.28|63%| +|CZR - Caesars Enterta...|14B|$83.01|62%| +|PTON - Peloton Interac...|37.9B|$149.10|62%| +|RCL - Royal Caribbean...|16.1B|$71.35|62%| +|FEYE - FireEye Inc|4.85B|$21.25|61%| +|SMAR - Smartsheet Inc ...|9.31B|$76.31|61%| +|PINS - Pinterest Inc -...|50.7B|$81.68|61%| +|LYFT - Lyft Inc Cls A|16.4B|$53.09|60%| +|ESTC - Elastic N.V|14.6B|$166.05|60%| +|SNAP - Snap Inc - Clas...|94.8B|$64.29|60%| +|TWLO - Twilio Inc Clas...|56.1B|$396.72|59%| +|YETI - YETI Holdings I...|6.35B|$72.33|59%| +|TDOC - Teladoc Health ...|41.3B|$284.81|59%| +|SQ - Square Inc - Cl...|102B|$239.38|58%| +|TSLA - Tesla Inc|808B|$850.20|58%| +|TEVA - Teva- Pharmaceu...|13.4B|$12.24|58%| +|ZNGA - Zynga Inc - Cla...|11.5B|$10.68|57%| +|DISH - Dish Network Co...|16.4B|$31.32|57%| +|MGM - MGM Resorts Int...|16.9B|$34.36|56%| +|DOCU - DocuSign Inc|46.7B|$249.68|56%| +|SHOP - Shopify Inc - C...|155B|$1281.80|56%| +|EAT - Brinker Interna...|2.99B|$65.60|55%| +|F - Ford Motor Co.|45B|$11.44|55%| +|UBER - Uber Technologi...|103B|$58.45|55%| +|WYNN - Wynn Resorts Lt...|12.6B|$117.23|53%| +|UAL - United Airlines...|12.3B|$42.17|53%| +|MELI - MercadoLibre In...|95.7B|$1914.52|52%| +|VALE - Vale S.A. - ADR...|91.2B|$17.22|52%| +|SPLK - Splunk Inc|27.5B|$169.93|52%| +|EXPE - Expedia Group I...|19.2B|$141.86|52%| +|TAN - Invesco Capital...|4.93B|$116.58|52%| +|GM - General Motors ...|77.9B|$54.31|52%| +|SPOT - Spotify Technol...|56.2B|$310.14|52%| +|HAL - Halliburton Co....|16.8B|$19.05|51%| +|JD - JD.com Inc - AD...|150B|$96.41|50%| +|CRWD - Crowdstrike Hol...|42.1B|$223.22|50%| +|OKTA - Okta Inc - Clas...|34.3B|$281.03|50%| +|AMAT - Applied Materia...|92.4B|$101.11|50%| +|PBR - Petroleo Brasil...|23.2B|$11.01|50%| +The only time I do is if someone smokes and drinks and complains that they can’t afford to feed their children. Apart from that, I couldn’t care less how other people spend their money. +Given the information you have today, if you have to select 5 companies to hold for 10 years without looking at it, which companies will you pick? + +PS. I am well aware that you can always change your mind, correct your mistake as new information comes in, but this hypothetical question is quite useful for brining out the most conviction stocks we have, so I always like to ask people this +I have $224,069 in savings and would love some advice on how to grow it into $1,000,000. I have been weary about making risky investments and big spending, which has got me to where I am, but since I am in my early 30s and still have the energy and motivation, I am open to making bigger moves with some risk if it means the potential for reaching that $1000000 goal! +Don't trade they say. + +Don't try and time the market they say? + +think long term they say! + +I also took the money I saved for HS for my daughter because I got tired of making .22 interest every month and bought UPS at $205. It was already down 15% off it's high and was paying a 3%+ dividend. + +what could go wrong? I don;t need the money until next year. + +safe, blue chip company, buy on the 15% pullback + +re-iterated earnings + +increased divided + +It's $169 today, I,m down another 15% lol + +I'm about to sell everything and go to cash, so I guess the bottom is close. +After months of coding my trading bot I finally launched it last week and it made profit for 3 days that it ran. After reviewing the code I found a bug that makes the bot do pretty much the opposite of what it is supposed to do. Bug fixed and we are back in business - loosing money more efficiently and without emotional attachment. +Recent news has all been positive and there's about 4% profit margin at the moment. + +Sales growth is 'only' expected to be between 10% and 15% for FY22, far slower than in previous years: but that's with 7bn in sales. 200m cash reserves and far stronger business model compared to competitors like Boohoo. + +But the share price has been going down steadily over the past few years and even after great results during COVID, the price tumbled again. + +What am I missing here? +Like title states. + +Working on a house at the moment, and had intentions to rent it out eventually. But seeing how prices have gone up I'm tempted to sell for a pretty penny. + +But then I think, I can sell for about 94% of its value (lose 6% on realtor fees etc) and taxes of course. + +OR I could get a heloc for 90% of the value. Keeping me with a cash flowing asset AND the funds I want. + +Why would I sell over a heloc? +I had a roommate completely destory his life thanks to one of these scams, so I'm admittedly biased against them. But they don't belong here at all. + +They're designed to target the poor by luring them in with hope, and then just waste so much of what little money they have. + +If someone promotes one of these scams they should, in my opinion, be immediately and permanently banned. + +If you want a specific list I recommend Wikipedia's list: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multi-level_marketing_companies Although I did notice a few are missing, such as Pink Zebra. + +r/antiMLM is another good resource +Jim Cramer has made 21,609 stock picks in the past 5 years! Let that sink in for a moment. Here is one person, making buy/sell/hold recommendations on more than 2,200+ different stocks across all types of industries. On average, he was making more than 20 picks per episode of his show \[1\]. This is a staggering number of picks to be made by one person! \[2\] + +While we can all argue about his expertise in making recommendations on such a wide array of industries and companies, what I wanted to know was: + +1. **How accurate were his recommendations?** +2. **Would you have made or lost money if you followed them?** +3. **Can you beat the market following his picks?** + +So it’s high time that we put Cramer to the ultimate test and end the debate about his usefulness once and for all! + +https://preview.redd.it/6q6ap2kfev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=51192225abdf6508dea124119e5590896276f108 + +**Analysis** + +The data about all the stock picks made by Cramer are available [here](https://madmoney.thestreet.com/screener/index.cfm) \[3\]. The picks are classified into five segments (Buy, Hold, Sell, Positive/Negative mention). I have calculated the return for each segment separately \[4\] so that we can know what to focus on if we are trying to replicate this strategy. + +Since Cramer frequently contradicts his own picks and is mainly focused on short-term trades, I am only analyzing the stock returns for the following periods \[5\]. + +a. One-day + +b. One-Week + +c. One-Month + +Given that Mad Money (Cramer’s Show) airs after the market closes, I have used the opening price of the next day for my calculations. (I.e If Cramer makes a recommendation on Thursday night, I use Friday opening price as the base for my calculations) + +All the data used in the calculations are shared at the end. + +https://preview.redd.it/tbf06m0hev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e78ab934bedffa8e5eeb150152cd1fb8347b3fd + +**Results** + +https://preview.redd.it/v6gvmnthev981.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=614b9ab6f4a85c14d843807d2d8ebd88c8a6d7ff + +1-day performance of Cramer’s recommendations is excellent! On average, the Buy and Positive mention stocks went up by 0.03 and 0.05% respectively, and sell and negative mention stocks went down by 0.1 and 0.02%. + +Another interesting fact is that ***you would not have lost money*** if you followed Cramer’s Buy recommendations. Across the time periods, his Buy recommendations have on average netted you positive returns \[6\]! + +His sell recommendations did not pan out so well. Even though they dropped in price the next day, over the next week and month, they returned inline or even better than his buy recommendations! + +Given that there is a counter-intuitive trend in the returns, let’s calculate the accuracy of his calls. + +https://preview.redd.it/vf1gy9tiev981.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=d496d4b71dd0374b46b66caaa85ad3ba2e8b51e8 + +Here I am assigning a call as correct based on price change. If he gives a buy recommendation, I expect the price to go up and vice versa. As we can see from the chart above, his recommendations only do slightly better than a coin-toss. Even this only holds for short-term and buy recommendations with long-term sell recommendation performance dropping below 50% \[7\]. + +While this narrow edge over the 50% mark can be used by algo-traders who have the ability to trade a large amount of stocks, if you are an average investor listening in on a Cramer show and hear about a stock recommendation, you might as well toss a coin to see if you should invest or not! + +Finally, it’s time we pit **Cramer against the market**. Do his recommendations beat the market? + +https://preview.redd.it/5pk26mkjev981.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=889fe3bdd9d7068b86d5a17b03e0deceecde4db1 + +Oh yeah! I was as surprised with the results as you are. I ran the numbers again and then one more time but got the exact same result! Cramer’s Buy recommendations beat the S&P 500 by a factor of 10 for the **one-day time frame**. But, if you held the stocks for anytime longer, you would have underperformed the market significantly. + +Before you go daytrade on his recommendations you should know that the numbers we are seeing here are heavily influenced by outliers. If you miss out on the top 1% of recommendations (\~110 stocks out of the 11,000+ buy recommendations he had made), your **1-day return would be -0.062% instead of +0.034** \[8\]. + +https://preview.redd.it/1ej85aknev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=223b90cb57c0bda4e030cf6233458bc34fc083c7 + +**Limitations of the analysis** + +The analysis has some limitations that you should be aware of before trying to replicate the strategy. + +1. As the astute among you might have noticed, if you sum up all the stocks used in the analysis it would only come to 18.5k. I removed \~15% of the overall recommendations as either they did not have stock data present in Yahoo Finance/Alpha Vantage or the price data did not match with the one given on the Mad Money website. +2. The data is obtained from the Mad Money website itself. I haven’t manually verified if the calls recorded on the website are in fact an accurate representation of the calls made by Cramer in his show. The below statement is given in their description and I am taking them on their word. + +>We are impartial in our recording and simply log exactly what was said. We do not interpret the calls. If a call is vague or in question we simply won't list it. + +https://preview.redd.it/wuk8u5lnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=15286d3dbe30cc6b18ef09af5e52e0fd24970635 + +**Conclusion** + +No matter the public opinion on Cramer, we can generate excellent 1-day returns following his buy recommendations (even beating the market in doing so!). Whether it’s due to his superior stock picking ability or whether it’s simply due to self-fulfilling prophecy \[9\] (as he has a wide audience who will act on his advice) is yet to be known. + +I would bet on the latter as, if the extraordinary one-day returns were in fact due to his superior stock-picking ability, the returns should have held over longer time periods, and also his sell recommendations would not have ended up performing better than his buy recommendations as we are observing here. + +It only makes sense to listen to his advice if you are a day-trader or an algo-trader who is trading a large variety of stocks over short periods of time. For everyone else, just sticking to the S&P 500 would give you better returns over the long run! + +https://preview.redd.it/zw7h6tknev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=68e289b2aed1b6a276520e96e30e81c7784014ed + +**Data** + +Excel file containing all the Recommendations and Financial data: [**Here**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d0mooS_qsfePXChEDq2IDov_of_TFvD1/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111668650548288730122&rtpof=true&sd=true) + +**Live tracker** containing the performance of Cramer’s 2021 picks: [**Here**](https://rows.com/market-sentiment/my-spreadsheets/untitled-spreadsheet-3-5C58Ix9kx1ixB0cM52DWZi/live) \[10\] (I will be updating this file regularly so that you can see his performance in real-time whenever you want to!) + +https://preview.redd.it/cdgg3jlnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c34dfee4ea6452780a9e9d7e7aa1abdcb0f8e90 + +**More Interesting Reads** + +From this week onwards, I am including one or two blogs or articles I really enjoy and hopefully, you can discover new and interesting content! + +[**More to that**](https://moretothat.com/)**:** This is by an illustrator called Lawrence Yeo who breaks down really complicated topics into easy to read articles with fun illustrations. [**The Nothingness of Money**](https://moretothat.com/the-nothingness-of-money/) was one of the best articles I have read last year and if you reading just one article this year, it should be this one! + +[**Econometrics**](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/)**:** If you like the charts I make, you are going to love Econometrics. They present long-term perspective about how digital assets are shaping financial markets with the help of really interesting infographics. [To buy or not to buy](https://ecoinometrics.substack.com/p/ecoinometrics-to-buy-or-not-to-buy) was an excellent article about what is the right time to buy into a Bitcoin dip. The chart below showcases their ability in data visualization and breaking down complex ideas! + +https://preview.redd.it/cd0euaztev981.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=927d591ea7b3f3c305021b9525bbf7da0e190ba8 + +https://preview.redd.it/o57f5xlnev981.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=255e4471038ec603f83e7ca8f16dc8639bdd60fe + +**Footnotes and existing research** + +**\[1\]** For those who don’t know, Cramer makes his picks in a CNBC show called [Mad Money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Money). Cramer himself defines the show as something which should be used for speculative/high-risk investing and not for your retirement portfolio. + +**\[2\]** For comparison purposes, an equity research analyst [covers only 10-25 companies](https://whatforwork.com/jobs/equity-research-analyst-sell-side/). + +**\[3\]** It’s not in an easily usable format. I had to parse the data from the webpage using Python (Beautiful Soup) - I have shared all the data used in this analysis as an Excel and Rows file at the end. + +**\[4\]** I did not calculate for Hold as he only made 27 hold recommendations, which is lower than what is required for a statistical significance. + +**\[5\]** In my [last post about Jim Cramer](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mtehdq/i_analyzed_all_700_buy_and_sell_recommendations/), there was a lot of controversy around how I calculated the time period. So here is the detailed version about how the time period is considered. For One-Day returns, we are considering that we will purchase the stock the next trading day after the market opens and then sells it at the end of the trading day. For weekly and monthly returns, I am using adjusted closing price since across a week or month there can be stock splits as well as dividends. + +**\[6\]** This can also be attributed to the market rally we have experienced over the last 5 years where a large majority of stocks went up. + +**\[7\]** 50% benchmark might be controversial with a lot of you (I agree given that if we are in a bull market there is more than a 50-50 chance of a stock going up tomorrow) → My rationale here is standing today looking at a stock, there are only two things that can happen tomorrow. It can either go up or go down. I assign equal probability to both given anything can happen tomorrow. The market can turn bearish, positive or negative news about the company can come up, etc. If you have a better logic for a benchmark, please do suggest! + +**\[8\]** But to be fair to Cramer, this is applicable to all types of Investment strategies and hedge funds! The performance of a few of the stocks in your portfolio will finally end up heavily influencing the returns of your overall portfolio. → Think of Tesla incase of ARK and FAANG in case of S&P 500. + +**\[9\]** There is some [existing research](https://scholarship.tricolib.brynmawr.edu/handle/10066/588) that deep dives into this topic. + +**\[10\]** Since it’s a live tracker using data from Alpha Vantage, the calculation is done slightly differently than in the analysis (in the live tracker I had to use the closing price on the day of recommendation instead of the opening price of the next day). I will be updating it to follow the same process as the analysis as soon as I get info from Alpha Vantage. +I have no debt personally but my mom’s mortgage (200k) and a tiny bit on some cars. I also inherited a residual income of 40k a year. What’s the best way to invest this money? + +Currently I have 22k in one retirement fund, and also 3k in a traditional IRA, I’m thinking I should open a Roth IRA next? I also have $833 in an HSA that I was planning on using for lasik eye surgery. I make around 55k. + +I have 25k in a regular Wells Fargo savings. SO has around 8k and he makes 45k a year, also has no debt. We have kind of (very) long term but extreme life goals (international travel, engagement ring, wedding, new construction house). We are 1 and 2 years out of college and only have a year of experience in our jobs, and minimal life experience. Especially in managing finances. Our expenses are our rent and utilities about $1600 split between us 2, we don’t have car payments or pay car insurance. + +What is some general advice on how to invest? I don’t know where to begin. My main goal is to make sure my mom has a healthy emergency fund, and to make sure we don’t spend more than a return. +The rule I call 5=1 where if you cant buy something 5 times, you cant afford to buy one. Ex I see a laptop I want. I check the price and its 1000 dollars, so I need 5 thousand dollars to be able to afford one. Sorry if this isn't relevant to the sub. +36 married with 1 kid (we're considering more) +8M net worth (5M invested and 3M equity in a 4M home). We rent the 'guest house' on our property for about 50K/yr that nicely covers our housing costs. Could easily downsize to 2M in a less trendy neighborhood and be equally happy. + +Earning 600-700K and my partner earns 150k, not that we need it but we both stand to receive low 7 seven figure inheritances one day but we decided to not factor that into any of our decision making. + +Total cost of lifestyle currently is about 150k and especially since my partner wants to keep working (but even if they didn't) I'm confident I could pull the trigger on a fatFIRE now. My partner is completely supportive. + +I own my own consultancy business which I built from scratch over the last 6 years after leaving a job where I did exactly the same kind of work for someone else (and hated it) for about 130k/yr. I enjoyed the experience of building the business but while it continues to grow the money is no longer motivating and I'm both bored of the work which I no longer find challenging and tired of the stress. What's more every minute it pulls me away from my family I'm thinking to myself 'something is seriously wrong with my priorities'. + +The catch - the nature of my work depends entirely on me being the face of the business. I can easily find positions for all my staff but I can't count on them ever returning if I do. My clients will need to quickly head elsewhere and are also unlikely to ever return. If I do this, it is for good. The golden goose will be cooked. Also, going back to work for someone else is not a reality I am willing to face. + +What I'm struggling with the most is that I've been working without interruption since even before I left highschool. Had another business (tiny by comparison, but paid for my school) during college; I can't remember a time when work (whether I enjoyed it or not) didn't consume most of my waking hours. Life is short, I want to enjoy it but will being FIRE'd lead to me being happier for the next 30 years compared to the alternative? Looking to hear from anyone else who took the plunge at a similar age. How was the transition and how do you look back on it years later? + +EDIT: WOW I'm overwhelmed by all the incredible comments. Thank you everybody! To answer/address a few: +-I would gladly entertain selling my business or transitioning it off to an employee but it doesn't lend itself well to that; every contract is a one-off that is referred to me personally. Most clients would not be satisfied if they were asked to deal with someone else; I push hard to delegate as much as I can to my staff. Anyone who would be perceived as satisfactory in my place is already a competitor. There is a significant experience paradox barrier to entry, not entirely insurmountable but a real barrier it could take years to overcome. +-Cutting down hours sounds very appealing! I have been locked into the mentality of don't say 'no' to (good) new bueiness because that will cost you the opportunity to say 'yes' in the future. If pulling the plug is already on the table, what do I have to lose? Just booked off every Friday for a couple months, let's see if I can stick to it. + +@jovian_moon & @SnooTangerines240 thank you both in particular, you've given me a lot to think about. @jcarter593, excellent advice I wish it were applicable to me. +I keep hearing about this and wondering if its true or false. They claim that rich countries buy resources from developing countries and those rich countries manufacture. This manufactured goods are significantly more expensive than the resources they bought from thus they get more money than those poorer countries. While the rich countries wealth grows very fast the poor countries grow at a slow rate since they dont manufacture. Is this true? Another question I am gonna add. What can these poorer or developing countries do to get richer? +Late last month, INR 714 were deducted from my PayTM wallet for a Zomato order even though I hadn’t placed the order. This was the second time this had happened to me — the first time was in January and the reversed charged was reversed. Anyway, this time it happened I contacted both Zomato and PayTM on Twitter and let them that I had not placed that order or authorised that transaction from my wallet. What do you know, both of them failed to offer an adequate response that offered even a moderately acceptable response. Both of them said something to the effect of ‘The service has been delivered. Not our problem. Contact the other company’. + +I eventually dropped it with Zomato, because I figured this was more of a PayTM concern since a random stranger was able to use my PayTM wallet without the requisite authorisation. Every time I texted them they sent me the following: + +“We would like to inform you that your transaction of Rs.714.0 to Zomato media Private Limited under order \[Order number\] was successful. Kindly note that the delivery of products or services solely depends on merchant's service and delivery policy. So, we request you to coordinate with Zomato media Private Limited for confirmation of services/product delivery. We have noticed that you have linked your wallet with the merchant. In case you want to view or make changes to any linked app or subscriptions on your Paytm account, kindly follow the steps below” + +I eventually wrote to the Ministry of Electronics & IT and was asked to write to PayTM’s cyber cell first and then advised to report the matter to MHA’s Cyber Crime cell in case Paytm refuses to address the problem. + +So, I wrote to PayTM’s cyber cell. I kid you not, they sent me the same reply I mentioned above for over a week. I tried explaining to them in every possible manner that I had not authorised this transaction or offered access to my wallet to the person who had placed the aforementioned order. Of course, they continued to ignore every piece of information and proof I provided and instead gave me the same reply every single time. Made me want to tear my hair out, honestly. + +Anyway, a week later, I turned to MHA to report the problem. It has been a couple of days. Does anyone know how long this could possibly take to be addressed? I have removed all my card details from my Paytm wallet of course, but unfortunately I am still compelled to use it because my employer routes the food coupons-thingy through Paytm now or I would have deleted my account the first time it happened. So, for now, I am stuck using the food wallet amount pretty much as soon as it is credited for the fear of it being misused yet again. + +Also, any advise for how to deal with this further? + +**Edit 1: Added screenshots** + +Here are some screenshots. + +1. [Payment notification](https://imgur.com/a/ov86DyU) +2. Zomato reply: [1](https://i.imgur.com/HOjhr8e.png) | [2](https://imgur.com/a/h9COO8K) +3. [Further details shared by PayTM](https://imgur.com/a/UTML1mY) + +P.S.: This is the first time I am posting images to Reddit. Please let me know if am going about it wrong. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 2: Some updates:** + +1. Wrote to my HR to let them know about the issue with PayTM. Received a "contact your bank" kind of reply from them. So, there's that. + +&#x200B; + +2. Got a call from PayTM cc today -- for the first time since this shit started and my God, to say that conversation was infuriating is a massive understatement. The executive didn't know why it took so long for them to call me about this, said he only received this today -- you know, instead of saying he will try and find out. Tried giving me the same BS about how my PayTM wallet can't be deducted unless it is linked to Zomato and stuff. Told him had he or anyone else in the team cared to read anything I have said since 21 March, they would know this was not placed from my Zomato account. I then explained it to him again and told him I never received an OTP. As soon as he heard the OTP bit, he told me I wouldn't receive an OTP if my account was already linked. Of course, I explained to him again that if he would have paid attention to what I am saying that that wasn't the case and that I never received an OTP at any point that I couldn't account for. Also, told him that a complaint with MHA's cyber crime division had been filed. Also, told him he should make his seniors listen to this call so they can see how God awful a job he was doing -- the guy was endlessly defensive and instead of patiently listening to what I had to say, he continually kept talking over me. Gave me the same BS explanation everyone from PayTM has been giving thus far, even after I told him that I had clearly said in my emails that this explained NOTHING. + +&#x200B; + +New update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/mkftre/unauthorised_transaction_from_paytm_wallet_for_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +&#x200B; +Hello All, + +I obviously can’t share this with anyone I know so putting it out here anonymously since I have a question and am also happy . Me and hubby are 30 and 29 respectively . We just hit 500k USD in net worth last month . We both live and work in Canada (greater Toronto area ). Reason for USD net worth is that we studied and worked in USA for 4 years before moving here so a lot of investment accounts are still in USD. We just bought a new house here in GTA ( about 600k in value ) and paid 20% down . I have never spoken to friends about savings and net worth but assumption is that we are doing ok . Most of my friend circle is of software engineers so I assume everyone’s very well off lol . My question is - we have about 300 k in USD , which I consider a safe strong currency . Should we look at converting or hold onto it ? Usd to cad has gone as low as 1.24 in the last 2 years to as high as 1.45, it’s a tough choice to make . Thanks and looking for some suggestions genuinely 😊 +This is something that isn't very intuitive to me. Think finance, corporate law, and medicine. (At least in the US.) What is the economic explanation for why prestigious, high-paying jobs often require people to work 80-hour weeks? [And I'm not just speculating. The more people get paid, the more they tend to work.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/americans-now-view-40-hou_n_888231) If money has decreasing marginal returns, wouldn't we expect the people with the highest incomes to work the least? Maybe it costs high-income people more *not to work* than it does low-income people? So there's a greater opportunity cost for high-income people when it comes to leisure. + +So yeah, what would a labor economist say? + +EDIT: Here's a different way of approaching the question. Instead of asking why people take jobs that require 80 hours a week and pay $200k, let's ask why employers offer jobs that require 80 hours a week and pay 200k. Why is one person doing that job more productive than two people each working 40 hours a week getting paid $100k? +The article: + +Bed Bath & Beyond Chief Financial Officer Gustavo Arnal was found dead on Friday after falling from a NYC building. +His death came less that two weeks after he was named in a federal class-action lawsuit for insider trading. + +The lawsuit claims Arnal and activist investor Ryan Cohen collaborated in a "pump and dump" scheme to artificially inflate the company's stock. + +The Bed Bath & Beyond Chief Financial Officer Gustavo Arnal, who was found dead on Friday after falling from the 18th floor of a New York City apartment building, recently was named in a lawsuit accusing him of fraud. + +The incident occurred less than two weeks after the executive, 52, was named in a federal class-action lawsuit on allegations of federal securities fraud, insider trading, and breach of fiduciary duty, according to court documents. + +His death also comes just days after Bed Bath & Beyond announced it is shuttering 150 stores and slashing 20% of its corporate staff. + +Arnal is cited in the suit along with activist investor and GameStop chairman Ryan Cohen, who the lawsuit claims collaborated with the CFO in a "fraudulent scheme to artificially inflate the price of Bed Bath & Beyond's publicly traded stock." + +The suit, filed in United States District Court for the District of Columbia on August 23, claims that Cohen and Arnal provided "materially false statements regarding the financial condition and holding situation" of Bed Bath & Beyond for their financial benefit. The lead plaintiff is investor **Pengcheng Si**. + +"The defendants, knowing that the information they disclosed was false, took advantage of the inflated stock price and used fraudulent and misleading SEC filings to sell all their [Bed Bath & Beyond] shares and options at artificially inflated prices to unsuspecting and innocent public investors and then retained control of the profits," the suit states. + +On August 18, both Arnal and Cohen sold shares of the company, with Arnal selling more than 42,000 shares for an estimated $1 million, and Cohen selling the entirety of his 9.8% stake through his firm, RC Ventures, causing shares to plummet. + +The lawsuit claims Cohen — who is also the co-founder of Chewy and chairman of GameStop — approached the CFO about his "pump and dump" scheme in March 2022, and "convinced Gustavo that their plan would be a mutually beneficial one." + +"Under this arrangement, defendants would profit handsomely from the rise in price and could coordinate their selling of shares to optimize their returns," the lawsuit states. + +Arnal allegedly worked with JPMorgan, which is listed as a defendant in the suit on claims the bank "aided and abetted" the plan by "enabling Cohen to use JPM's accounts to effectuate such transactions and otherwise launder the proceeds of their criminal conduct." + +The lawsuit further notes Cohen's involvement in similar plans, such as elevating GameStop to "meme stock" status. + +"Cohen has historically employed pump and dump schemes to raise much needed capital and has ignited several meme stocks to jaw-dropping heights," the lawsuit states. + +Spokespeople for Bed Bath & Beyond and RC Ventures did not immediately respond to Insider's request to comment. +Here you can find the publication: [BaFin - Aktuelles - GameStop](https://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Veroeffentlichungen/DE/Meldung/2022/meldung_2022_08_02_gamestop.html;jsessionid=6718D126425080BD1AD3C6C26C55F6A3.1_cid502) + +and on Twitter: [Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht auf Twitter: „Aus aktuellem Anlass informiert die BaFin in diesem Thread über Aktien der #Gamestop Corp. $GME #GME (1/5) https://t.co/GULpT70mbG“ / Twitter](https://twitter.com/BaFin_Bund/status/1554435590824902658?t=f1u77-Vf1nr-YmFuo3KVaQ&s=19) + +&#x200B; + +Translation: + +"Due to current occasion BaFin informs in this thread about shares of #Gamestop Corp. $GME + +GameStop Corp. resolved a stock split in the form of a stock dividend at the beginning of July. BaFin has - also due to some indications from investors - **instructed the custodian banks to ensure the deposit of the new shares.** + +**Technically, however, the capital measure has so far been treated by the relevant data providers as a stock split and not as a stock dividend**. On July 29, 2022, however, individual data providers had changed the type of corporate action to a stock dividend, but reversed this on August 1, 2022. For individual custodian banks, this may require a purely technical recalculation, but this should be implemented within a few days. The holdings of old and new shares already held in custody by these banks will not be affected by this recalculation." + +&#x200B; + +We Germans are loud and it seems to have an effect! Bafin has closed pornhub and acted surprisingly quickly! +Based on the [short sell list](https://www.asx.com.au/data/shortsell.txt) there was almost 1.4 million Brainchop shares shorted on Friday last week (probably from earlier in the week too) that should be finalised by Monday. + +This will leave us WITHOUT the big manipulators of the stock price, letting the stock run free. + +As that Darude guy posted earlier (and seems to have deleted) there has been more articles posted by the Greek University clarifying Brainchip's involvement with NASA. + +A tweet was also uncovered by a leader of the greek military where he retweeted a post from Brainchip last week. + +We are opening green, and if there is an announcement, we are hitting $1. + +If we don't end green at close of market Monday, I'll take a 1 month ban. +I know you shouldn’t look at P/E in a vacuum, but I’m a bit of a scientist myself, and when something becomes so massive that it has its own gravitational pull, that’s when I start to ignore this rule of thumb. + +1,700 is -insane-. People were saying Tesla was overbought (still is, imo) at 350 P/E, and now we see it tumbling. + +I mean, CHWY’s number look great. They have a great trajectory. I feel like the company is headed in a good direction, but there is SO MUCH optimism priced in that I can’t justify it and I’m pretty sure I want to buy long term puts on it. + +Someone teach me something that I don’t know. +*Welcome new viewers to Superstonk! Hope this hits* r/all. This post provides a fantastic overview of the GME opportunity from start to finish, and as much as some of it is a review to wrinkle-brained apes, there should also be some new information in here for all apes through the links and latter commentary. See you on the moon! + +&#x200B; + +**If you aren't familiar with 'GameStop, Ticker GME' beyond what you see in the media, you may want to take a closer look. GameStop may be the investment opportunity of a lifetime - both for the likelihood of a coming squeeze and for it's long term potential!** + +&#x200B; + +>Part 1: If you aren't familiar with 'GameStop, Ticker GME' beyond what you see in the media, you may want to take a closer look. +> +>Part 2: Short positions were *not closed*. Short interest (SI) was reduced, failures to deliver (FTDs) were hidden, and price suppression was achieved - through manipulative derivative strategies. +> +>Part 3: $GME: An Illiquid Stock, Hard to Borrow, High Reported SI & FTDs +> +>Part 4: GameStop's NFT Marketplace & Ecommerce Transformation +> +>Part 5: Planned stock split by way of stock dividend. Plus a potential Crypto/NFT spin-off or digital dividend = Checkmate + +&#x200B; + +Here is some information around the potential in Gamestop. This is not financial advice. + + DISCLOSURE: * Information contained in this email has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable in nature. No representations or warranty, express or implied, is made by as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. All opinions and estimates contained in this email are subject to change without notice and are provided in good faith but without legal responsibility. This is not financial advice, and neither I, nor any other person, accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this email or the information contained herein. * + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# Part 1: If you aren't familiar with 'GameStop, Ticker GME' beyond what you see in the media, you may want to take a closer look. + +GameStop: I like this stock – a lot. Please note if you consider investing – due to inferred market manipulation, this stock should currently be treated as a speculative investment, and you will need to do your own due diligence to decide whether this stock is appropriate for you. GameStop’s stock can exhibit extreme price volatility, but I am of the personal belief that relative to other publicly traded stocks with similar characteristics, the fundamental valuation of this company should be much greater - *conservatively* $350 - $450 without manipulation and higher within the next few years as it moves towards it’s e-commerce objectives (currently trading around $166.00). A great long term value investment. + +On the upside, I also believe this stock has an opportunity for an ***historic*** squeeze! A once in any lifetime opportunity. Underpinning this it is believed that there has been mass market manipulation perpetrated. The following is information that I have put together to provide a snapshot of information leading to these beliefs. There is some great fact-based information and due diligence shared, along with some educated theoretical information. + +If you are interested in making an informed decision around this stock you may want to delve into the information and resources provided below, and I would suggest (re)watching ‘The Big Short’ (2008 subprime crisis movie) and the documentary ‘The Inside Job’. These movies highlight, among other things, the corruption within our financial markets: market makers, bankers, and government officials. They also highlight shortcomings in market regulations and the huge issues surrounding our derivative markets – which has become exceedingly ominous leading into 2022. \[[Wall Street’s Naked Swindle](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/wall-streets-naked-swindle-194908/)\] + +https://preview.redd.it/lmh50tbldjr81.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=38ebdadaa5e247e458fd3fad17277fc2a6592e6b + +* Companies are generally shorted when it is believed that their stock price will fall (to be able to buy the stock back at a lower price), and high short activity is often associated with an attempt to short a company into bankruptcy. For GameStop, the market for physical game media went into a state of decline with the introduction of digital and downloadable games, and GameStop’s directors at the time failed to respond to the changing landscape, GameStop's financials were deteriorating and noticeable shorting of Gamestop began escalating through 2017 to the 2020 Covid-19 period, in what appears to be an attempt to bankrupt the company. The company's shares would hit a record low of $2.80 in April 2020. However, as retail interest was piqued, there was a resounding belief that the company could turn itself around and speculation of a 'short squeeze'. The price of $GME appreciated and hit an all time high of $483.00 on January 28, 2021. +* The Securities and Exchange Commission [report released October 14, 2021](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) supported that there was no short squeeze in January (price appreciation was the result of regular buying pressure), and that short positions were only marginally covering during the buying period Jan 19, 2021 to Feb 5, 2021. This has left market participants with extensive short positions in the position of having to cover in a raising $GME price environment at significant losses. +* GameStop has approximately 76 million shares issued, yet had approximately 220% of it’s tradeable float outstanding in January 2021 (FINRA short interest as declared in Robinhood court documents). The rule of thumb is that short interest as a percentage of float above 10% is pretty high and above 20% is extremely high. High short interest like this affirms that counterfeit shares have been created and exist illegally. Due diligence (DD) supports that the short interest has been manipulated and hidden through derivative strategies such as options, swaps, leaps and futures; and that the true short interest could now realistically be sitting higher than 300%. +* Due diligence also illustrates how market participants are manipulating and attempting to control the price of GME through continued shorting, high frequency trading, controlling the media narrative, internalized trades, and other manipulative trading strategies. \[Note: *None* of this DD has been debunked, and much of it is evidenced by previously documented official complaints to the SEC, along with reports from the SEC, citing similar strategies used in the past against other companies.\] +* GameStop’s business’ fundamentals have improved dramatically with net sales of $6.011 billion for fiscal year 2021, an 18% increase compared to $5.090 billion for fiscal year 2020. They have expanded their product catalog to include a broader set of consumer electronics, PC gaming equipment and refurbished hardware; made significant and long-term investments in the Company’s fulfillment network, systems and teams; and have established new offices in Seattle Washington and Boston Massachusetts, which are technology hub talent markets. +* Since the ‘Sneeze Squeeze’ in January 2021, e-commerce giants have sacrificed executive talent to GameStop, with [hundreds of talented executives](https://gmedd.com/transformation/gamestop-bags-chewy-vp-of-engineering/) leaving thriving tech companies like Chewie and Amazon for GameStop. With Ryan Cohen as the new Chairman of the Board and a new [technology focused board of directors](https://news.gamestop.com/corporate-governance) (June 2021) GameStop now has a unified leadership fully committed to two long term goals: ‘Delighting Customers & Delivering Value for Stockholders’. GameStop now have a balance sheet of around $1.27 billion in cash with virtually no debt. +* GameStop is the largest video game retailer worldwide; They have undergone a radical strategic transformation, expanding their business model to compete and thrive in an era of mobile gaming and digital downloads, and have been busy reinventing themselves as a major ecommerce player. To date, GameStop has announced partnerships with Loopring and Immutable X, and GameStop's NFT Marketplace has been announced for launch by the end of Q2 2022. +* The Marketplace will be powered by Loopring L2. GameStop, in partnership with Loopring, has the opportunity to cement itself at the forefront of this new paradigm and become the destination for global digital economies. Immutable X is the back end of GameStop's marketplace, helping create NFTs and to bring onboard hundreds or thousands of game studios using their $100 million joint fund to build on the new technology platform ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fne4XMhtVf4&t=235s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fne4XMhtVf4&t=235s)). This partnership outlines a 2 year milestone objective of $1.5 billion and $3.0 billion in combined primary sales and secondary market sales transactions within 24 months of launch. +* Gamestop has a revolutionary, dedicated diehard shareholder base that is Direct Registering Shares (DRS) and exposing the manipulation of market makers and short hedge funds to the broader retail market. Current Short Interest and FTDs is over 24% (as publicly reported, excluding the hidden derivative based manipulation of additional SI & FTDs) , and the tradeable float is shrinking daily pushing borrowing costs higher and making it more expensive by the day for market participants to maintain their short positions. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jykhg1kmdjr81.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=adb2b59caf8fafcdd3fa1476309de2e7f712a2cb + +# Summary + +GameStop has a huge advantage over startup tech-companies as it enters the ecommerce metaverse, ‘quietly making their actions speak louder than words’. With the footprint of 4,573 stores in 14 countries, and over 55 million PowerUp reward members within its ecosystem which can be leveraged for new revenue streams - as GameStop moves forward with its ecommerce and NFT marketplace the potential for this company rivals market giants like Amazon, Apple, and Meta (Facebook, Instagram etc). GameStop is not an ordinary stock, nor is it a failing brick-and-mortar retail chain like Wall Street previously thought. It is a very well financed, established growth company, with grand plans in the foreseeable future. + +The current price of $GME is demonstrably manipulated and significantly undervalued. ***Simply put - the price of $GME is wrong*** **- and will continue to be wrong until the manipulation of the stock is eradicated and the short positions are** ***closed*** **- not just** ***covered***. As short positions are forced to buy and close out their positions at the market 'ask' price, and in the event that retail owns the float and investors hold out on the sale of their shares we could have not just a ‘Short Squeeze' - but the 'Mother of all Short Squeezes' (MOASS). + +&#x200B; + +# Part 2: Short positions were not closed. Short interest (SI) was reduced, failures to deliver (FTDs) were hidden, and price suppression was achieved - through manipulative derivative strategies. + +>Part 1. It was consumer sentiment that started the 'sneeze squeeze' last January - not hedge funds covering. +> +>Part 2: Short positions were not closed. Short interest (SI) was reduced, failures to deliver (FTDs) were hidden, and price suppression was achieved - through manipulative derivative strategies. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/too38h/wondering\_what\_all\_the\_hype\_is\_about\_gamestop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/too38h/wondering_what_all_the_hype_is_about_gamestop/) + +&#x200B; + +# Part 3: $GME: An Illiquid Stock, Hard to Borrow, High Reported SI & FTDs + +>GameStop's recent 10k shows the weighted averaged diluted Common Shares outstanding for GME at 72.6 million. *Less Insiders*: 12,612,303 = Float of 59,887,697. *Less:* Direct Registered Shares (DRS Estimate): 12,507,016 = 47,380,681 Float. *Less* Illiquid Institutional Unknown: 13,716,541, Mutual Funds: 7,957,066, ETFs: 6,690,476. This represents a remaining liquid float of only approximately 19.0 million shares - *but* there are currently 21.45 million shares borrowed (sold short that need to be bought back). Ortex *reported* short interest is at 24.23%. Average cost to borrow 15.1%. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tot0zi/in\_6\_days\_764m\_shares\_of\_gme\_were\_traded\_there\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tot0zi/in_6_days_764m_shares_of_gme_were_traded_there_is/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ut4d86/gme\_100\_utilization\_day\_71\_via\_ortex/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ut4d86/gme_100_utilization_day_71_via_ortex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \[Edit May 19\] + +[https://www.computershared.net/?bot=drsbot](https://www.computershared.net/?bot=drsbot) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqsslh/there\_are\_71119269\_more\_shares\_loaned\_than/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqsslh/there_are_71119269_more_shares_loaned_than/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tk9jk8/dd\_rolling\_borrows\_haircuts\_annual\_slds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tk9jk8/dd_rolling_borrows_haircuts_annual_slds/) + +&#x200B; + +***Estimating Retail Share Ownership:*** Excludes Institutional, Insider or other types of ownership. + +* [https://i.redd.it/zwtz4i3c65h71.png](https://i.redd.it/zwtz4i3c65h71.png) +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t78n39/fresh\_google\_consumer\_surveying\_suggests\_830mm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t78n39/fresh_google_consumer_surveying_suggests_830mm/) + +&#x200B; + +# Part 4: Gamestop Marketplace & Ecommerce Transformation + +The global gaming market is forecast to be worth $256.97 billion by 2025. Back in 2019, this figure was around $151.55 billion. Gaming industry stats show that the industry is forecast to grow at a rate of 9.17% from 2020 to 2025. GameStop is exploring block-chain technologies, including an NFT marketplace, which could provide massive, untapped revenue streams. For example, OpenSea, which has a fraction of GameStop’s customer / member-rewards base, was recently valued at over $10bn based on its NFT marketplace alone. GameStop will be a beneficiary of Loopring’s revolutionary “Layer 2 Rollup” technology, which will greatly eliminate “gas fees” and reduce the cost of NFT transactions. + +From GameStop's posted job descriptions (four plus months ago): + +"At GameStop, we want to transform the way millions of players gear-up to game by offering a wide-selection products at competitive prices at your fingertips. We are a Fortune 500 company with an omnichannel customer experience that spans digital ecommerce, 4,500+ retail stores globally, and we are in the middle of a digital transformation. We're at an inflection point...want to develop our own intellectual property and take this company in a direction that's driven by technology. + +GameStop is in the midst of a game-changing metamorphosis, transforming from old school into a modern company that is driven at its core by technology. As you may have read in the news, our mission is to make GameStop the e-commerce leader in our space, and we’re looking for software engineers with bold ideas to lead the way. Is all the hype for real? OH yeah! Get in on the action NOW and join a winning team that knows eCommerce while we’re laying the foundation for the next generation of an iconic company. We’re building a passionate, diverse, multidisciplinary team of world-class designers, who are ready to transform how players shop and experience GameStop." + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s7lx2b/new\_combining\_the\_job\_descriptions\_tell\_us\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s7lx2b/new_combining_the_job_descriptions_tell_us_a/): + +[https://medium.loopring.io/gamestop-nft-marketplace-powered-by-loopring-l2-6cdb9289d937](https://medium.loopring.io/gamestop-nft-marketplace-powered-by-loopring-l2-6cdb9289d937) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sm3of4/gamestop\_loopring\_official\_social\_media/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sm3of4/gamestop_loopring_official_social_media/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t6x7ih/gamestops\_nft\_future\_official\_update\_sneak\_peek/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t6x7ih/gamestops_nft_future_official_update_sneak_peek/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqaxak/gamestop\_nft\_and\_gamestop\_wallet\_trademarks\_were/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tqaxak/gamestop_nft_and_gamestop_wallet_trademarks_were/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uqnukd/gme\_entertainment\_llc\_has\_filed\_for\_four/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uqnukd/gme_entertainment_llc_has_filed_for_four/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skrm0s/nft\_market\_dd\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skrm0s/nft_market_dd_update/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s7akd6/gamestops\_nft\_marketplace\_is\_going\_to\_be\_bigger/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s7akd6/gamestops_nft_marketplace_is_going_to_be_bigger/) + +&#x200B; + +[ Projected GMV of $3.7bn over the next two years supports GameStop’s stated sales metrics in their agreement with Immutable. Credit u\/smdauber ](https://preview.redd.it/tndoccgodjr81.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8b62248ab240be476e3ec824f2904802a0503a4) + +[ I project GameStop’s marketplace GMV to hit $1.025bn in 2022 and $2.7bn in 2023. Credit u\/smdauber ](https://preview.redd.it/hzrq9jzqdjr81.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee2d20b5c7859ff60457dc99fb6c35aced7da651) + +&#x200B; + +# Part 5: The planned stock split by form of a stock dividend. Plus a potential Crypto/ NFT Spin-off / digital dividend = Checkmate + +**Stock Split:** + +On March 31, 2022, GameStop Corp. (the “Company” or “GameStop”) announced its plan to request stockholder approval at the upcoming 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) to increase authorized shares of the Company’s Class A common stock with the intention to approve a stock split in the form of a stock dividend. + +The Company’s definitive proxy statement relating to the Annual Meeting includes additional details regarding the Charter Amendment, as well as the record date, date and location of the Annual Meeting. + +*Worth the read:* + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u1j1gd/its\_a\_stock\_split\_in\_the\_form\_of\_a\_stock\_dividend/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u1j1gd/its_a_stock_split_in_the_form_of_a_stock_dividend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mqn97y/an\_explanation\_of\_why\_a\_dividend\_andor\_share/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mqn97y/an_explanation_of_why_a_dividend_andor_share/) + +[https://investor.gamestop.com/node/19686/html](https://investor.gamestop.com/node/19686/html) + +**Crypto / NFT Spin-off:** + +GameStop could spin off their NFT Marketplace division issued as NFT units'. Shareholders would receive an NFT 'unit(s)' for every $GME share(s) they own. Any market participant that holds a short position in GME would need to provide an NFT 'unit' for their counterfeit shares - which of course they don't have. *If the NFT 'unit' is issued by GameStop is 'non-transferrable for a specified period of time' in such a way that shorts cannot substitute a cash equivalent for the unit offering - the shorts will be forced to cover! R.C.'s 'Checkmate'!* + +From GameStop's Prospectus: [https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873\_24](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873_24) + +"We may issue units from time to time in such amounts and in as many distinct series as we determine. We will issue each series of units under a unit agreement to be entered into between us and a unit agent to be designated in the applicable prospectus supplement. When we refer to a series of units, we mean all units issued as part of the same series under the applicable unit agreement. + +We may issue units consisting of any combination of two or more securities described in this prospectus. Each unit will be issued so that the holder of the unit is also the holder of each security included in the unit. Thus, the holder of a unit will have the rights and obligations of a holder of each included security". These units may be issuable as, and *for a specified period of time may be transferable as, a single security only*, rather than as the separate constituent securities comprising such units." + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjz2i3/an\_nft\_spinoff\_for\_moass\_re\_immutable\_x\_licensee/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjz2i3/an_nft_spinoff_for_moass_re_immutable_x_licensee/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tszhia/gamestop\_is\_planning\_on\_dpoing\_gmee\_onto/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tszhia/gamestop_is_planning_on_dpoing_gmee_onto/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tv9pm7/ryan\_cohen\_killer\_of\_the\_shorts\_tesla\_overstock/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tv9pm7/ryan_cohen_killer_of_the_shorts_tesla_overstock/) (edit added april 3) + +&#x200B; + +*Tesla stock split by way of dividend:* + +[ Credit u\/Money-Maker111 ](https://preview.redd.it/e2duh8wudjr81.png?width=1058&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9c398b77274c9cb9fca1bac34f70e86e18581ab) + +**Supply & Demand: $GME** [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uoe2lr/how\_gamestops\_stock\_tests\_the\_limits\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uoe2lr/how_gamestops_stock_tests_the_limits_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0zrni/burning\_cash/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0zrni/burning_cash/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------ + +# Resources: + +**How the GameStop Hustle Worked, June 22, 2021.** How hedge funds and brokers have manipulated the market. By Lucy Komisar, Investigative journalist and Winner of Gerald Loeb Award, the major US prize for financial journalism: [https://prospect.org/power/how-the-gamestop-hustle-worked/](https://prospect.org/power/how-the-gamestop-hustle-worked/) + +**When corporations own the media:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9rbHpA\_6W4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9rbHpA_6W4) + +**Short sellers influencing the media and controlling the GameStop narrative**: [https://upsidechronicles.com/2021/09/05/how-wall-street-short-sellers-are-trying-to-control-the-gamestop-narrative/](https://upsidechronicles.com/2021/09/05/how-wall-street-short-sellers-are-trying-to-control-the-gamestop-narrative/) + +There are several instances with documented proof of media manipulation, and their spreading and creating FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) around GameStop. If you look into the ownership of the country’s largest newspapers and media outlets, you will find market makers, hedge funds and big money corporations - which have their own agendas - own and influence these companies. Ask yourself, why has the media been so intent on communicating GameStop is a poor investment choice – for 12 months straight!? Why are they so concerned to advertise and advise against this company? + +CNBC cut and removed the following statement from an interview with Gary Gensler, the new SEC chairman. Gary Gensler responded by tweeting a video clip of the deleted statement from his interview: “We must guard against fraud and manipulation, whether from big actors, hedge funds, or elsewhere. We are taking a close look at market structure to ensure our capital markets are working for investors”. + +CNBC also tried to steer the narrative away from Citadel during the congressional hearings into Gamestop and Robinhood. The only part they edited out was the ten minutes and eighteen seconds of the hearing that targeted Citadel and Robinhood (between hour 2:37:34 and 2:47:52). + +&#x200B; + +**Interactive Brokers' interview with CEO Thomas Peterffy:** Brokerages cut off buying but allowed selling, a precedent setting move that prevented GameStop's squeeze in January and exposed a systemic risk in our markets: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4jdShG\_PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4jdShG_PU) + +**The corruption of the SEC, over decades and till today, June 6, 2021:** [https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2021/06/the-corruption-of-the-sec-over-decades-and-till-today/](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2021/06/the-corruption-of-the-sec-over-decades-and-till-today/) + +**Wall Street veteran Charles Gradante:** Calling out naked shorting of GameStop and the subversive strategies used by hedge funds: (listen from 3 min 30 sec) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OChaTm0To1U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OChaTm0To1U) + +&#x200B; + +**Gaming Wall Street:** Producer interview about the market manipulation and criminal activity surrounding GameStop: [https://youtu.be/zZMKpcn4FSk](https://youtu.be/zZMKpcn4FSk) | [https://gamingwallstreet.org](https://gamingwallstreet.org/) + +**How Wall Street Cheats The Stock Marke**t | The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcasts | [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4RaSiGWHbPJVulK10l-KfH4woDEBorCJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4RaSiGWHbPJVulK10l-KfH4woDEBorCJ) + +**SEC filing:** **Richard Evans presentation on ETF SI and FTDs:** Naked short selling or operational shorting? How naked shorting can be hidden through the clever use of Authorized Participants of ETFs : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncq35zrFCAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncq35zrFCAg) + +**ETF Short interest (SI) & Fail to Delivers (FTDs)**: [https://jacobslevycenter.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ETF-Short-Interest-and-Failures-to-Deliver.pdf](https://jacobslevycenter.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/ETF-Short-Interest-and-Failures-to-Deliver.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +**Valuing GME:** \[Note: There are several methods for valuing a company, and analyst values will vary.\] + +*Morningstar analytics* sets $GME Price Target of $315: Quantitative Fair Value Estimate represents Morningstar’s estimate of the per share dollar amount that a company’s equity is worth today. The Quantitative Fair Value Estimate is based on a statistical model derived from the Fair Value Estimate Morningstar’s equity analysts assign to companies which includes a financial forecast of the company. [https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/gme/price-fair-value](https://www.morningstar.com/stocks/xnys/gme/price-fair-value). + +*Intrinsic value analysis* on GameStop: [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gamestop-ordinary-stock-nor-failing-brick-and-mortar-retail-michal](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gamestop-ordinary-stock-nor-failing-brick-and-mortar-retail-michal). + +&#x200B; + +**Tweet from Gamestop.** Note that the reddit community refers to themselves as ‘apes’, going to the moon with the MOASS (Mother Of All Short Squeezes): [https://i.redd.it/p7ivyuap6jy61.jpg](https://i.redd.it/p7ivyuap6jy61.jpg) + +&#x200B; + +***Estimating Retail Share Ownership:*** Excludes Institutional, Insider or other types of ownership. + +* [https://i.redd.it/zwtz4i3c65h71.png](https://i.redd.it/zwtz4i3c65h71.png) +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t78n39/fresh\_google\_consumer\_surveying\_suggests\_830mm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t78n39/fresh_google_consumer_surveying_suggests_830mm/) + +&#x200B; + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# For Fun: + +Wall Street Pharaoh: GameStop Soundtrack: [https://youtu.be/JgrSfDppVuc](https://youtu.be/JgrSfDppVuc) + +The Big Squeeze: [https://youtu.be/YhREEtWfeUQ](https://youtu.be/YhREEtWfeUQ) + +HOLD - The Gamestop Saga Soundtrack - The Real DMT: [https://youtu.be/D\_zFBnYdZiM](https://youtu.be/D_zFBnYdZiM) + +&#x200B; + +\--------------------------------------------- + +# Reddit Library of Due Diligence, Art Books, and Periodicals + +[https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +GameStop’s e-commerce NFT Marketplace; NFTS and Blockchain + +GameStop’s transformation, fundamentals, and prospects + +How Hedge Funds bet against you using 13F and derivatives + +Darkpools, Payment for order flow (PFOF) & Internalizing trades + +Naked short selling (illegal, but rampant in our financial markets) + +Direct Registration of Shares (DRS) - Removing shares from the DTCC and preventing the manipulation + +The GME MOASS & Infinity squeeze theology + +ETFs, FTDs (Fail to Deliver) and Short Interest + +The derivatives market and how 2008 is repeating itself + +Shareholder proposals + +The Federal Reserve and their recent 11.23 trillion dollar bail out of banks and their derivatives exposure + +Ask Me Anything (AMA) Videos and transcripts with industry professionals + +&#x200B; + +# Other References: + +Market reform advocacy led by you, for you [https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy) + +Why invest in GameStop? Computershare and Direct Registration of Shares (DRS): [**WWW.DRSGME.ORG**](https://www.drsgme.org/) [*https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when\_you\_wish\_upon\_a\_star\_a\_complete\_guide\_to/*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + +&#x200B; + + Opinions and illustrations only. Not advice. Always conduct your own DD and make an informed decision that is right for you. + +&#x200B; + +*Edit April 5: Updated commentary in Part 1 on talent acquisition, adding hyperlink to executives. Added reference to 'digital dividend' in Part 5. Updated number of stores to 4573 for 2022 from 2021’s 4816.* + +*Edit April 9: Added ecommerce component with commentary to Part 4 Marketplace. Consolidated job posting quote credit to* u/Qwertygolol *with the post added as the first resource link*. + +Edit May 19: Updated Ortex link data and added link on recently filed trademarks. Added supply and demand link after tesla chart. +Hi guys, +Has anyone of you pondered over running Zomato Kitchens as an investment and money generating stream? Would like to know your views. Zomato's terms are 1. Need to have plot of 2000-3000 sq. ft. 2. Will need to invest 35 lakhs at the beginning. The company promises a monthly guaranteed income. Has not quoted any definite figure. I understand that income varies depending on locality and demographics. How about running it in tier-2 city, rapidly developing locality? + +Edit 1 : Guys, I am overwhelmed with your responses. I had not imagined that you would pour out your soul in this discussion. Even a big thank you is not enough to express my gratitude. If I fail to respond to any response please do not think I did not read your response. Reading, thinking, analyzing and appropriately answering your queries is a big task for me and hope you will forgive me in case I fail to respond. I request you to keep bombarding me with queries. Finally I will compile a list of all queries so that this whole discussion will ease the work for all of us when we ponder over this option in future. + +Edit 2 : Here is the list of questions that every newbie must go through before holding talks with zomato folks. All the credit goes to the guys who have participated in this discussion. I will refine this list and avoid redundancy, but here it is as promised. + +For potential franchisee/cloud kitchen owner +What is the business model? Are they asking for a royalty cut from the revenues or is it a fixed franchisee fee every month? You mentioned guaranteed income - how does that factor in here? + + Will the kitchen be run by Zomato or will it be run by you? The rest of the questions are more relevant if it has to be run by you. + + Does Zomato have a good supply chain to ensure fresh ingredients are delivered to you every day? + + How much staff are you expected to retain? How many managers? + + Will they help train your staff to ensure consistency in food preparation? + + Do you have pricing control over menu items? + + Are you contractually obliged to run the cloud kitchen for certain times and during certain days (example holidays)? + + How does Zomato handle complaints from customers about food quality/safety? + + What are the cost of permits in your city to run a kitchen? + + +If things go well, Zomato has ALL the data and can easily usurp your business by opening a competing "cloud kitchen". This could be via company support OR even a regional manager leaking info to his friend. It's generally good to see if they have non-compete, i.e. won't allow another cloud kitchen in 3KM Radius serving same cuisine or something? + + While we order from these places, we see high markup. How much of that is Zomato vs left on table for food provider? + + Will they further take money from you for promotions etc? (on top of their regular per order cut). + +What is the cuisine? North Indian fare has 35-40% food cost, Chinese has 20-25%, South Indian has 15-20% etc + +Finally, who runs the show? + +Are they asking for a royalty cut from the revenues or is it a fixed franchisee fee every month? You mentioned guaranteed income - how does that factor in here? + + Does Zomato have a good supply chain to ensure fresh ingredients are delivered to you every day? + + How much staff are you expected to retain? How many managers? + + Will they help train your staff to ensure consistency in food preparation? + + Do you have pricing control over menu items? + + Are you contractually obliged to run the cloud kitchen for certain times and during certain days (example holidays)? + + How does Zomato handle complaints from customers about food quality/safety? + + What are the cost of permits in your city to run a kitchen? + + + How irreplaceable are you in the chain and for you- if not Zomato then who ? + + How the revenue chain ensures that you are paid reasonably enough. + + What are clear cut real world measurables and rules which you MUST adhere to. 3.1 -- how many months or weeks from when you open, the full fledged SLAs kick in. 3.2 -- how often these rules change 3.3 -- any control/say given to you to get one or two rules specific to you. 3.4 -- any penalty if you want to back out for the owner within a year or some small duration from opening. + + +For a normal investor : +Is this your only source of income? If you have another income source that can take care of your basic expenses then the ability to take risk goes up significantly. + + +What is a ballpark figure of monthly income? + +Does the 35 lakh investment represent all/major part of your savings? In other words - what would your finances look like if your investment were to be a total loss? + +Do they expect you to own this plot? Then you have to consider its opportunity cost too. Is it rented? Then who bears the rent and this 35Lac covers security deposit etc or not? + +What is the revenue sharing/ profit sharing model? + +What is the demand for delivery/take away in your immediate neighbourhood? + +Will you serve Zomato customers exclusively or does your contract let you tie up with multiple aggregators or reach out to customers directly yourself? If you are not allowed to serve customers outside Zomato's network then that represents a high degree of risk. + +Precautions while running the show :: + How helpless as a franchisee owner you can get in a legal battle. Remember the cars24 fiasco when they rented places in metros and unable to pay the rent and then highly unreasonable arm twisting with owners. + + This guaranteed income is equivalent to the real estate world's rent clause in case of delayed possession. You would hardly get anything. + + Penalties in case you want to come out. + + Usually in the agreememts there are negotiable and non negotiable clauses, which are totally dependent on your negotiation skills, do you possess them. + + Are they sharing some demographic data with you for your area in leiu if 35 lacs initial investment. + + Will you have to sign a non compete in case you decide to come out of this or transfer/sell thr e franchisee to someone. + + Do you have any choice of vendors while setting up and running the kitchen -- like flooring/roofing/cleaning/metal-sheeting/exhaust/utensils/cooling/freezer/periodic maintenance/packaged-raw-materials etc etc. + + Majorly cctv footage sharing will be huge clause. They might have some AI machine watching and checking for wrong patterns. +Full Credit to u/HeyItsPixeL one of the best DDs I’ve ever read + +GUYS HOLD I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH + +(9:51AM): THEY ARE SHORTING $GME VIA 63(!) DIFFERENT ETFS** + +**EDIT2 (10AM): 0 SHORTS AVAILABLE FOR $GME RIGHT NOW. THEY BORROWED OVER 2,100,000 SHARES TO SHORT FOR YESTERDAY AND TODAY**! ([https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme](https://fintel.io/ss/us/gme); [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME)) + +**IMPORTANT EDIT(5)(10:41AM):** CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) ROSE 10 % AND THE WHOLE MARKET IS TAKING DIPS RIGHT NOW. That's exactly what happened back in January in the first Gamma Squeeze. Good sign! + +&amp;#x200B; + +THE BIGGEST ONES: + +ETF 1: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/VIOV](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/VIOV) \- 15.000 SHARES SOLD SHORT + +ETF 2: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/RWJ](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/RWJ) \- 4.500 SHARES SOLD SHORT + +ETF 3: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/XRT](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/XRT) \- **450.000** SHARES SOLD SHORT + +ETF 4: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/VIOG](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/VIOG) \- 6.000 SHARES SOLD SHORT + +ETF 5: [https://iborrowdesk.com/report/IJR](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/IJR) \- **350,000** SHARES SOLD SHORT (Thanks to u/ [JoeCitizen1984](https://www.reddit.com/user/JoeCitizen1984) for the find!) + +EDIT6: **XRT GME holdings increased from 3% testerday to 9% today. XRT IS ALMOST 200 % SHORT SOLD ATM** ([https://www.etfchannel.com/symbol/xrt/](https://www.etfchannel.com/symbol/xrt/)) + +EDIT7(12:21AM): CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) ROSE 16 % AND THE WHOLE MARKET IS TAKING DIPS RIGHT NOW. That's exactly what happened back in January in the first Gamma Squeeze. Good sign! + +EDIT8(13:43AM): CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) ROSE 25 %!!!!! Also: TECH Stocks are in deep red again. Propably Hedgefunds sellings other assets to prepare for a huge buy of GME. + +EDIT10(2:45PM): I added up all of the shorts at the opening! 18,363,000 (18 Million, yes!) Shares were sold short at the beginning of the market. The Hedgies are fucked. + +EDIT11(3:30PM): CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) ROSE 40 %! + +&amp;#x200B; + +Here are the ones they are using as well: + +* VTWV +* VCR +* IUSS +* VTWO +* EWSC +* PSCD +* SFYF +* SYLD +* RALS +* FNDB +* VBR +* IJS +* NUSC +* SLYV +* SPSM +* SLY +* FLQS +* IJT +* GSSC +* SLYG +* VXF +* NVQ +* VB +* SAA +* BBSC +* OMFS +* STSB +* SSLY +* SCHA +* PBSM +* UWM +* VTHR +* TILT +* SPDR +* HDG +* AVUS +* DFAU + +&amp;#x200B; + +Also: **They borrowed 1,500,000** $GME Shares **to short yesterday (**[**https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME**](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME)**)**, but there was no huge drop off or sell volume that would indicate, that they already shorted those. That means, they are now using those shorts as well as the ETFs. + +&amp;#x200B; + +TL;DR: Millions of shares being sold short today, trying to get people to panic sell. DATA IS FROM 9:45AM. + +Edit: Holy shit guys thanks for the support make all of WSB see this + +Credit to u/HeyItsPixeL +“The definition of “rich” is having passive income greater than your burn. My dad and his wife receive about $50,000 a year from dividends, pension, and Social Security, and spend $40,000 a year. They are rich. I have a number of friends who earn between $1 million and $3 million, with several children in Manhattan private schools, an ex-wife, a home in the Hamptons, and a lifestyle fitting of a master of the universe. They spend most, if not all, of it. They are poor. By the time you’re thirty, you should have a feel for what your burn is. Young people are 100 percent focused on their earnings. Adults also focus on their burn.” + +From Scott Galloway, The Algebra of Happiness. + +I thought this was a great way to put it and belonged well in the FIRE philosophy. + +Edit: many are taking this as a request to change the Webster definition of “rich”. Galloway is, as many rightfully pointed out, describing the concept of financial independence. This is purely a provocation to illustrate that in his experience financial independence is more likely to make you feel rich than a lifestyle you can only afford by running the hamster wheel. By literal standards, of course making millions of dollars a year classifies you as rich. +If you look at the volume of options OTM on 4/16/21 you will notice that it is much higher than any other time throughout the history of the stock. + +It is my belief that DFV knows that Shitidel has no long positions in GME and only has calls/puts and shorts on GME. When your options expire OTM and you have not other positions in the stock but shorts you literally have NOTHING....... + +It makes sense as to why the shorts have been dragging it out this long. You never give up on an option until it expires. If there’s a chance there’s a chance and you still have skin in the game. But if your options expire OTM and you have no long positions in the stock (which Shitedel does NOT) you have no leg left to stand on and no more skin in the game. Nothing else you can do but cover your short positions. + +This also might be why you see Shitedel working all weekend and all hours of the night. They don’t have any skin left in the game and they don’t have any more legs to stand on. They have nothing left to fight for. + +The week of April 16, 2020 the stock was $4.85 per share and going down. Why not buy you puts then for a year (Doesn’t matter it’s going Bankrupt right) which all leads to 4/16/21. I think DFV knows this information and matched their puts with calls and being that he on the winning side of the equation he exercised his options and quadrupled down. He knows Shitedel no longer has any skin in the game and no longer has anything to fight for. The stock is not going bankrupt and they no longer have ANY positions on GME.. + +Before they lost their option positions they were able to use a technique called ARBITRAGE. Which basically means simultaneous buy and selling of stocks to take advantage of differing prices of the same asset. In a sense they could use the options they had to manipulate the price. NOW THEY DON”T HAVE THAT ABILITY AND DEEP FUCKING VALUE KNOWS IT!!!!! + +In 2017 Hedge funds started shorting Toys R Us and in 2018 of March they went bankrupt. Looks like it take about a year to win if you’re a hedge fund. + +LINKS: + +[GME PUTS OTM on 4/16/21 MASSIVE AMOUNT ](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com) + +[PRICE HISTORY OF GME FROM A YEAR AGO](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history/) + +[ARBITRAGE AS A TACTIC TO MANIPULATE PRICE](https://thehedgefundjournal.com/the-options-landscape-for-hedge-funds/) + +[WHY HEDGIES THOUGHT BUYING PUTS AT THIS TIME A YEAR AGO WAS A GOOD BET](https://i0.wp.com/slopeofhope.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/origpurch.png?ssl=1) + + +TL:DR Hedge funds have been fighting because they had a leg to stand on with their PUT options. They expired OTM last Friday and now they don’t have anything left in the stock but their shorts. They cannot use Arbitrage to manipulate the price anymore because they not longer have a position in GME. DFV knows this and went stride for stride with them and is on the winning side!!! + +FEEL FREE TO POKE HOLES IN THIS BUT DAMN ITS KIND OF OBVIOUS!!! + + +EDIT 1: I don't know what the fuck is going on with all the awards. I'm just a fucking idiot who thought of this on the treadmill. I have not awarded a single award but god bless it I have't ever seen so many. + +I guess it's not bad for my first "these/DD attempt" 🤷🏻‍♂️ + +EDIT 2: I POSTED THIS COMMENT "I don't think they have enough to keep fighting. And I speculate that DFV knows that better than anyone." AND GOT THE ALL SEEING EYE AWARD WITH THE SIMPLE COMMENT "YES". +Take it for what it's worth. + +EDIT 3: I POSTED THIS COMMENT "Kind of scary how obvious it is.... LOL" I GOT THE ALL SEEING EYE AWARD WITH THE COMMENT "VERY SCARY" +By now we all know that Venezuelan economy is completely destroyed, thanks to an Inflation rate more than 53 Million percent since 2016. My question is, how did it reach to this point? + +Most people say its political in nature. Socialists (as in actual socialism) restricted capital generation while printing money to fund exorbitant government spending. + +But anyone with more than 2 braincells would know that printing money will cause the money to lose value unless it is balanced with equal capital generation. So what exactly prompted the Venezuelans to print money like no tomorrow? + +Secondly, one of the largest factors of this money printing was huge deficits Venezuela was running. Currently, the US is running similar deficit levels and debt levels, and with each adding dollar to the national deficit and debt, the investor confidence is waning off. Now I fear that this may also prompt US government to print money like no tomorrow, like it did in 2020 to combat COVID-19. Printing 30% of your entire money in circulation obviously will cause massive inflation, and I don't want to end up like Venezuela. + +Would this happen in US as well. + +Lastly, why can't countries keep the currency fixed? Why is it that what costed $1.00 in 1976 now costs me $5.07 in 2021? Why can't the government keep the price at $1? I.e. 0% inflation? Is it because we all gave up on gold standard? +The Sonar Platform is a multi-chain analytical tool, which presents its users with an interface that tracks social network/influencer trends, vets contract code, price charts, creates price action alerts, executes orders, as well as feature other innovative and unique solutions, including the implementation of artificial intelligence for investments. + +The Sonar Platform intends to serve as a crypto analysis one-stop-shop and provides users with all the necessary tools and information need to make smart investment choices and to reduce the likelihood of traders falling for rugpulls and honeypots. + +✅ Techrate audit complete +✅ Listed on CMC +✅ Listed on CG +✅ Doxxed Founders Team +✅ Real Use Case (Utility alt coin) +✅ Q3 Roadmap complete in 1 month + +Sonar Token ($PING) Distribution: + +✅Wallets locked in a multi-sig vault✅ + +\-Total Supply: 4,000,000,000 +\-Team Tokens: 4% (Vested monthly) +\-Development/Marketing: 4% + +————————————————————- + +🥂It's our one month anniversary celebration! Join us at 4pm UTC on 7/21 for a video AMA with the founders for a special announcement live on Twitch and Youtube 📢 + +———————————————————— + +Socials: + +✉️ Telegram: [https://www.t.me/sonar\_official](https://www.t.me/sonar_official) +📷Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/sonar\_token/](https://www.instagram.com/sonar_token/) +🐦Twitter: [https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09](https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09) +⭕️Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform) +🎮Discord: [https://www.discord.gg/7kuNHxZeCP](https://www.discord.gg/7kuNHxZeCP) +🎥Tiktok: [https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/](https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/) +📽Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew) +👫Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425](https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425) +🌐 Website: [https://www.sonarplatform.io](https://www.sonarplatform.io) + Atobitt made some great DD. House of Cards 1-3. Everything Short. Classics. However, part 2 and 3 of HoC felt *incomplete*. No offense to the man, no offense to the data. I think it is spot on, i think we all know what to do. HODL. + +But, I am here to add this, somewhat controversial, somewhat illuminating piece of information. I hesitate to post this because I don't want to insinuate there are other plays. There are not. i want to be clear- this is in no way intended to diminish, nor will it, your desire to do nothing more but BUY AND HODL. Ready for it? it's not even much of a surprise... + +its not just GME. + +Several Hedge Funds like Citadel, Melvin, Highfields, etc... develop a significant position in certain companies they like. The big boys. Now, when Atobitt said it was the Everything Short he fucking meant it is the EVERYTHING SHORT. So for the sake or brevity, i will only focus on a select few. namely,we are going to be discussing some rather interesting connections between amazon, netflix, target and GME and the like. This is going to be a bit of a swim, so please bear with me. let us dive in + +Recently, Netflix has been rumored to be entering the video game industry. [https://www.polygon.com/22447410/netflix-executive-games-expansion-the-information-report](https://www.polygon.com/22447410/netflix-executive-games-expansion-the-information-report) + +And, as you know, Amazon recently purchased MGM studios. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/26/amazon-to-buy-mgm-studios-for-8point45-billion.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/26/amazon-to-buy-mgm-studios-for-8point45-billion.html) + +Now i am sure it doesn't take a few crayons to see our big boy GME is in the video game industry, and little brother AMC, is in the movie biz. Okay. I see that connection. Let's divert a bit and look into some other connections. i turn your attention to Kevin Turner [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.\_Kevin\_Turner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._Kevin_Turner): + +"Kevin Turner is an American businessman and investor who is currently the chairman of Zayo Group and the vice chairman of Albertsons/Safeway .He previously served as the COO of Microsoft from 2005 to 2016. Prior to joining Microsoft, Turner was the CEO of Sam's Club and the CIO of Walmart. He is also the former Vice Chairman of Citadel LLC and CEO of Citadel Securities " + +wow okay, citadel connection, sure. but what's Zayo Group? From: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/were-hedge-funds-flocking-zayo-190533381.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/were-hedge-funds-flocking-zayo-190533381.html) + +"The largest stake in Zayo Group Holdings Inc (NYSE:ZAYO) was held by Senator Investment Group, which reported holding $205.5 million worth of stock at the end of September. It was followed by Citadel Investment Group with a $162.9 million position. Other investors bullish on the company included Kensico Capital, Zimmer Partners, and Hunt Lane Capital.... \[most\] stocks had an average of 21.25 hedge funds with bullish positions and the average amount invested in these stocks was $365 million. That figure was $1248 million in ZAYO's case." + +Okay! that's a fine connection there. Who is Senator Investment Group, though? + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hedge-funds-aren-t-crazy-234734875.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hedge-funds-aren-t-crazy-234734875.html). + +" **VICI Properties Inc. (NYSE:VICI)\[**[**https://viciproperties.com/about-us/**](https://viciproperties.com/about-us/)**\].** At Q3's end, a total of 37 of the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey held long positions in this stock, a change of -37% from the previous quarter. .Soros Fund Management with a $419.8 million position. Other investors bullish on the company included Senator Investment Group, Citadel Investment Group, and Point72 Asset Management. total hedge fund interest was cut by 22 funds in the third quarter." + +Okay, im going off the rails a bit. My point is, all of these Hedge funds are obviously connected. And all of them, have their fingers in a few different pots. Now lets get back on track. Now senator Investment group has large holdings in Amazon and Five Below. [https://whalewisdom.com/filer/senator-investment-group-lp](https://whalewisdom.com/filer/senator-investment-group-lp), among many others. I started looking into their competition and found something odd. + +Now i apologize, i will be referencing a lot of charts, so please google them yourself. Look at the chart for FIVE stock- it has had significant growth year after year but has followed GME chart inversely, every spike for GME correlates with a dip. This will be true for many, many other stocks. I started looking into other Brick and Mortar Companies and comparing charts. i found quite a few. Again, for sake of brevity, i will be focusing on a few. + +FIVE, AMAZON, Walmart, Dollar Tree- their competition is other retail brick and mortar stores. CVS, Rite Aid- their competition is pharmacies. however, target recently partnered with CVS pharmacy in 2015 for their own stores. Amazon recently wants to enter into brick and mortar pharmacy or add them to whole foods. [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/26/cvs-walgreens-shares-fall-on-report-that-amazon-may-open-pharmacies.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/26/cvs-walgreens-shares-fall-on-report-that-amazon-may-open-pharmacies.html). + +target and CVS was interesting to me, because check Citadel's institutional ownership of CVS over the years-. [https://formthirteen.com/filers/0001423053-citadel-advisors/holdings/126650100?quarter=2020-12-31](https://formthirteen.com/filers/0001423053-citadel-advisors/holdings/126650100?quarter=2020-12-31). Notice the spike in 2015 prior to Target announcing CVS agreement? + +Citadel has also created a bunch of call/put LEAPS throughout the years on Rite Aid- CVS competition. [https://fintel.io/so/us/rad/citadel-advisors-llc](https://fintel.io/so/us/rad/citadel-advisors-llc). Citadel is also very bullish on Amazon. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-ken-griffin-bumps-stake-123655840.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/billionaire-ken-griffin-bumps-stake-123655840.html). Griffin even stated at one point he was considering moving Citadel's headquarter's because of Amazon [https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/14/ken-griffin-says-hes-less-likely-to-move-citadel-to-nyc-after-amazons-heartbreaking-exit.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/14/ken-griffin-says-hes-less-likely-to-move-citadel-to-nyc-after-amazons-heartbreaking-exit.html). + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +edit- further info i forgot to add from CVS + +[https://www.hstong.com/news/detail/20090104245156133](https://www.hstong.com/news/detail/20090104245156133) " Of the funds tracked by Insider Monkey, D. E. Shaw's D E Shaw has the number one position in CVS Health Corporation (NYSE:CVS), worth close to $218.8 million, comprising 0.3% of its total 13F portfolio. Sitting at the No. 2 spot is Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management, with a $218.6 million position; the fund has 0.4% of its 13F portfolio invested in the stock. Some other professional money managers that are bullish encompass Ken Griffin's Citadel Investment Group, Phill Gross and Robert Atchinson's Adage Capital Management and Ken Griffin's Citadel Investment Group. " + +[https://www.fi-desk.com/chang-reported-to-leave-aqr-for-citadel/](https://www.fi-desk.com/chang-reported-to-leave-aqr-for-citadel/) " Citadel has confirmed that Isaac Chang, the head of trading at AQR Capital Management since 2016, will join the Citadel hedge fund in September as the firm’s first head of execution trading for fixed income. Chang’s work history combines trading on the buy-side, sell-side and high frequency trader (HFT) market making, via his position prior to AQR as global head of fixed income, currency and commodities (FICC) at HFT firm KCG, now Virtu, and in US interest rates electronic trading at Goldman Sachs.. + +&#x200B; + +VIRTU Financial is a marker maker similar to citadel. if you google virtu and "fined" you will find many violations, one for this in particular- [https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/brokerage/finra-slaps-175000-fine-at-virtu-for-not-offering-best-execution/](https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/brokerage/finra-slaps-175000-fine-at-virtu-for-not-offering-best-execution/), something our good friend Robinhood recently got in trouble for [https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-321](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-321) + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +Now, Amazon bought Whole Foods a few years back. Whole Foods largest competition is Albertson's. What's interesting is Albertson's was going to merge with Rite Aid until the deal was killed after immense pressure from a certain hedge fund, Highfields Capital. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2018/06/27/a-big-investor-opposes-rite-aids-albertsons-deal-amid-flat-pharmacy-growth/?sh=55f37f9c37fe](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2018/06/27/a-big-investor-opposes-rite-aids-albertsons-deal-amid-flat-pharmacy-growth/?sh=55f37f9c37fe) + +Some more connections here: [https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-deal-for-whole-foods-true-genius-hedge-fund-2017-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-deal-for-whole-foods-true-genius-hedge-fund-2017-7). "genius move" they called the acquisition. Remember when They killed the Rite Aid deal, and Target bought CVS? + +\[[https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/7-best-long-term-stock-picks-by-morgan-stanley](https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/7-best-long-term-stock-picks-by-morgan-stanley)\](Currently, Target's shares are trading at $51.70 and are expected to reach $64 by the end of 2012....Jonathan Jacobson's [Highfields Capital Management](http://www.insidermonkey.com/hedge-fund/highfields+capital+management/172/) doubled its stake in TGT during the third quarter to nearly $300 million.) TGT is in the top 50 of Citadel's holdings. [https://docoh.com/company/1423053/citadel-advisors-llc](https://docoh.com/company/1423053/citadel-advisors-llc) + +Now, Look at the stock charts for Rite Aid (RAD), and compare it to GME. Interesting. + +Now, more digging led me to find these same connections with Lowes/Home Depot. As well as BBBY and Walmart. DLTR. All of these charts, and dozens and dozens of others have the same chart patterns as GME or inverse if they are insider owned by hedges. Look at 5 yr charts and see the changes over time. Also, Circuit city was acquired and tanked by Highfields. And many, many others are currently involved. Literally, EVERYTHING that stands in the way of a long bet by these hedges are SHORTED. + +# Wanna know what's even scarier? All of the money maker stocks connected to these hedges only started printing cash AFTER the 2008 crash- almost as if they pivoted their strategy to this. + +&#x200B; + +WHAT THIS MEANS + +TLDR: What appears to me, is that several hedge funds have placed large bets on their precious money making stocks, and have over the years been systematically bankrupting, manipulating, and sabotaging the competition of the acquisitions being made for their babies. Target wants a pharmacy? destroy rite aid, place calls on CVS. Netflix wants gaming? Short GME. Amazon wants to buy movie studio? short the movies. Amazon bought a grocery chain? prevent their competition from ever growing. Rinse, repeat. + +GME is the one that stood against them and is fucking them up royally. However, what this means is that there is not one bomb. There are dozens of mini-GME's littered around the market. If GME goes off, the systematic margin calling will cause mini-short squeezes all over on these stocks. If you check recent SEC ownership filings, these hedges have been reducing or closing their positions in these shorted stocks like Rite Aid and Lowes (and many, many others). They are disarming these mini-bombs before the big one goes. The longer we hold, the more we buy, the closer they get a cluster bomb. We have not one Asteroid called GME heading to the Earth, but a meteor shower of smaller rocks following quickly behind. + +We will not have an entire market implosion. if the GME squeeze is an event that occurs over weeks, we will have the long-manipulated stocks experiencing a sudden boon with these squeezes like GME and AMC have and have benefitted from, breathing new life into these failing companies through the expense of banks, hedges, and the US Federal govt. + +Through their destruction, we shall have creation. + +# Ragnarok is upon us. + + +*Audio reading thanks to /u/tyrant_tyra for those that don't want to read. https://youtu.be/0Az%5C_91MJh-4* +$FETCH is the operating asset of the MoonRetriever project that will help people find new safe coins!!! + +After a successful presale they have officially launched on pancake swap. Whales already sold and this is going to the MOOOOON!!! ATH 5 million $ at the time of writing which is literally minutes after launch with over 1500 holders. + +This project is all about safety, read their litepaper, their platform will let you track wallets, check for rugs, market trackers, token lockers and an ILO Kickstarter. + +Seriously guys, don't miss your chance to get in early on a project that really has shown their passion for coins, whose only goal is to make investing in cryptos safer, and that will hopefully help thousands of people, if not millions!!! + +Locked Liquidity, Renounced Ownership, and most Importantly DOXXED TEAM MEMBERS, really shows these guys are serious about this project and want to take it far. + +# WOOF TO THE MOON!!! + +&#x200B; + +TOKENOMICS: + +43% Initial burn + +Token type: Deflationary + +Total supply: 1 Quadrillion + +Total transaction fee: 10% + +Transaction fee detail: + +\- 5% of all transactions redistributed to all holders of FETCH + +\- 5% of all transactions redistributed to liquidity + +Presale supply: 53% + +Team Tokens: 8%, spread amongst 8 team members vesting in chunks of 0.1% each every week, to guarantee team commitment. + +&#x200B; + +LINKS: + +&#x200B; + +[Telegram](https://t.me/MoonRetriever) + +[Website](https://moonretriever.com/) + +[BSC scan](https://bscscan.com/token/0x8bfc1c564E4490790DFac641C9a0FecD3f91F584) + +[Locked Liquidity](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancakev2/token/0x8bfc1c564E4490790DFac641C9a0FecD3f91F584) + +[Renounced Ownership](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x998a08eedfac51775d8f3d70b5df7f255d0cf8e9707fabca46294cae13d1db36) + +[Locked Team Tokens](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1&add=0x269885c38DA81ac2ddA3f567Ccf3CfF9539C589b&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC) +I've been playing around with a couple of tools (linked below) and it seems like an optimal strategy would be to invest in VOO or a dividend stock that performs even better, then rebalance as needed into income ETFs later. Even favorites like O, JNJ, PEP, and MCD all underperform compared to VOO. + +I feel like I'm doing something wrong by arriving at this conclusion. Someone please educate me. + +https://www.dividendchannel.com/drip-returns-calculator/ + +https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio +*⚜️I am NOT a financial advisor and this is NOT financial advice. If you read this post and still YOLO into DOGE, I wish you hella profit. Your success will never affect mine.⚜️* + +I’ve seen a lot of members in this sub argue back and forth why Dogecoin is a good investment. + +I’ve even seen a user state “Dogecoin will be #2 soon. People literally don’t understand the value of memes. Humor will never get old nor go out of style”. + +Now before the Doge army downvotes me into oblivion, let me explain myself. + +Bitcoin has a supply limit. No coins can ever be added above 21 million, so it is considered a good store of value. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin is inflationary and has no supply limit. Each minute, 10,000 Doge is added into the network. At this rate, miners add more than 5 billion coins per year.   + +Think about that. Each minute, 10,000 DOGE have to be bought just to keep it at the same price. + +Now I know what you might be thinking; Doge is only $0.45, that only equals $4500 per minute! What you do not think about, though, is the fact that this crypto has no utility. Yes, it can be spent, and yes, it is pumped by Elon Musk and Mark Cuban. But other than that, it really isn’t utilized. You know why every person I know is invested into it in the first place? To make money. That’s it. + +To compare, let’s take the US Dollar. This sub knows that the USD has been a much less than optimal store of value over the years. Let’s compare the inflation rates to Dogecoin. + +From 1913-2021, the US Dollar has had an average inflation rate of 3.10%. (Has been MUCH worse since COVID, but that’s besides the point.) + +With Dogecoin’s supply addition protocol, the inflation rate over the past years has been 4.68%. Now of course the set amount added is static, so theoretically the inflation rate would decrease over time, but this is still less than optimal. + +I made this post to protect the new ones entering this space and being attempted to throw a substantial amount into DOGE. If your goal is to make a long term investment, look elsewhere. + +Now don’t get it twisted; I’ve made money from DOGE too. But it is a short term interest coin and a pump and dump coin - I believe it should be treated as such. + +Lastly, this isn’t a comparison to any other coin. I’m just providing a bit of information to those new members who flock to any coin shilled to them. + +I wish you all the best, and please research coins before you throw money into them. + +Cheers🐶 + +*Edit 1: I did this to save people from a risky investment. I didn’t say DOGE was a bad short term investment, just a bad long term investment. If you can ride the hype and make money, why wouldn’t you do that?? I just provided some tokenomics :)* + +*Edit 2: Read some of these comments. People have insulted me, insulted my intelligence, said I was just jealous, called me a liar, etc. I’ve also received multiple threats from people both posted on here and sent to me privately. I still wish the best for these people and truly hope they get to a better place mentally, regardless of how much money is at stake...* +Hi All, + +Now that the we are just 7 days away from the shareholder's meeting scheduled for 6/9 I wanted to share some thoughts on what we can possibly expect from the meeting itself. + +Gamestop confirmed the meeting for 6/9 at 11am EST and will conclude at 11:15 EST. Dont expect any big announcements during the meeting especially since its only 15 minutes. What usually happens in these meetings is the company will announce the PRELIMINARY results to the proxy vote. They wont announce the vote count because it simply wont be finalized yet by then (more to come on that later) they will know which items passed the vote and what didnt and thats pretty much all they will tell us. After announcing prelim results of the vote I would expect Sherman to have a few closing comments maybe hype up the earnings later that day but thats pretty much it. Remember the meeting is only 15 minutes. Link to announcement below + + +https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-first-quarter-fiscal-2021-earnings-release + + +So your probably thinking what about the vote count and when will we get those juicy numbers? Well I looked back at last year's meeting and what they did was 4 business days AFTER the meeting Gamestop filed a form 8-K with the SEC disclosing the finalized voting numbers which I linked below. I also took a screen shot of the most relevant part which is Gamestop announcing over 42 million votes tallied for a total of 66.4% voter turnout. So this is the filing we will all be waiting for and we know this year voter turnout will be much closer to 100% with votes counts potentially reaching the 100s of millions. And for that very reason we will probably see a delay longer than 4 business days for when final voter results are released. + +https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/349495b7-542f-4501-921c-320746dabbba + + +https://imgur.com/G0cczeE + + + +So now that we know not to expect the vote count at the shareholders meeting and that it will likely by delayed by at least 4 business days expect Citadel and friends to take advantage of this. They know our tits are jacked and that we are beyond hyped to get the voting results so they could use this delay to launch another major short attack. If the numbers are as bad as we are speculating then this is likely their last chance to shake as many paper hands as they can before Ryan Cohen drops the potential nuclear bomb that is the voting results. + +In short (TLDR) Dont expect voting results at the meeting or any big announcements for that matter. Final vote counts last year took 4 business days to release this year could be the same. Buy, Hold, Vote. + +EDIT: u/warheadhs pointed out that the 8-K is due 4 business days after the meeting so it wont be later than that. Still expect hedgefund fookery + +EDIT 2: u/humanslime shared a great table showing all the voting results from past years and wanted to include https://i.imgur.com/liOka98.png + +EDIT 3: u/greysweatseveryday made a good point that gamestop will know the final results at the meeting because the votes would have already been counted. I agree with this but when looking at last year where the election was a contested one and very close for that matter the actual vote numbers weren't shared at the meeting. Whatever Gamestop ends up doing this year dont be disappointed if vote numbers aren't shared until the 8-K filing + +EDIT 4: Some of you in the comments pointed out that Wes in the AMA today mentioned that share counts can easily be fudged or swept under the rug if they exceed existing share amount. Dont pin your hopes on exuberant vote counts if thats the case! + +EDIT 5: A lot of you have been asking what about other announcements like new CEO, NFT, crypto div, ect. These can literally be announced at anytime. While its possible they might have a something extra to announce at the share holders meeting I would think it's more likely we get something at the earnings call instead later hat day at 5pm EST. Remember Gamestop has been making most of their recent announcements either before or after market close and earnings call is after hours. IF NO ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE MADE THEN WE JUST SIMPLY CONTINUE TO BUY AND HOLD SIMPLE AS THAT. +What's up, Theta Gang! I've been running the Wheel Options Selling Strategy very successfully for a few years now, and I decided to start a brand new account with $100,000, dedicated purely to running this strategy, for a series I'm doing. + +I've been browsing this subreddit for a long time now, and based on what I've seen, I'm definitely a much more conservative Premium collector. I know some people here aim for at least 1% per week, and often much more. I aim for 1-2% per month. While that may not sound so exciting, I think it's much more sustainable long-term. + +Without getting into the "timing-the-market" debate, I think stocks are overvalued and I would love to buy shares much cheaper than their current market prices, so I give myself pretty significant downside buffers in all of my trades. That may not always be the case, but it fits my current outlook and risk tolerance. + +I'm going to be tracking all of my trades. Trade #1 and #2 were in another portfolio, so technically the first trade in my new $100k portfolio is titled "Update #3." + +Here is a gallery of my first 10 trades with a bunch of information that I like tracking: +[Wheel Portfolio Updates 1-10] (http://imgur.com/a/PP9lNH2) + +Would you guys be interested in me posting updates here every week or so? I'd love to hear any comments, questions, or suggestions. + +*EDIT* Ep.2 is up! https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/j5pzrc/my_101406_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/ + +*EDIT* EP.3 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/ja1feg/my_102627_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.4 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jecdew/my_102729_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.5 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jip1rg/my_103696_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.6 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jmxnqq/my_103948_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 + +*EDIT* Ep.7 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jr7sbw/my_103372_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.8 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/jvh5n8/my_103692_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +*EDIT* EP.11 is up! +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/k8z1uh/my_107170_portfolio_revealed_wheel_options/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +So by money I don't mean like 1000$+ week, just evn 20-50$ a week for a bunch of hours, simple jobs like doing translations, writing subtiles, wich don't require speaking directly, like just accepting a submission for some simble jobs. + +Wich websites would you reccomend +Term insurance rates are set to increase by 20-30% from 1st Dec 2021. Main reason is covid, as insurers have seen much higher claims and need to regain profitability. + +If you haven't got a term insurance yet, and you have or foresee dependents and liabilities in your life, now is as good a time as any to get one. + +**The basics: what is a term insurance?** + +You can read all the details in the [wiki](https://www.indiainvestments.wiki/start-here/insurance-policies/life/term-insurance). Just covering the important stuff here: + +I like to think of it as a reverse lottery. You can buy a term insurance cover for say Rs. 10k a year where you are covered for Rs. 1 cr for the next 30 years (assuming you are 30 today). This is similar to buying a lottery ticket every year for next 30 years. + +However, in this case you don't want to win the lottery coz you'd be, well, dead. It would be a solace for your family that you got this insurance cover, but you'd be dead. OTOH, if you survive the 30 years, congratulations! You got thru your working life, hopefully cleared your liabilities and survived to tell the tale! Just kiss your premiums goodbye, because they were like that lottery ticket. + +**When should you get it?** + +Many people say you should get it only when you create a liability, like a loan or a child. But I feel people should get it far earlier, like maybe a year or two into their first job. You need to have a job to get insurance though, it is not offered to students. + +You should definitely have it in place before you turn 35, because your may develop some lifestyle conditions which may cause the same insurance to cost more. In the worst case you may be denied outright. + +**How much should you get?** + +Conventional wisdom is 10x your contribution to household expenses + sum of all liabilities you have (education, home, auto, credit card, etc.) For people in their 30s and beyond, this calculation makes sense because they are your reality. If you are in your 20s, you can default to a 1-1.5cr cover, or however much you can afford and an insurer is willing to give to you. + +**By when should you pay?** + +Insurers offer various payment terms. The cheapest (and the best for you) is to pay every year for the entire period of the policy. The best for the agent is you pay it in 5/10 years, which bumps up the commission. If you go thru an agent, they are likely to suggest limited payment options over the full payment options. + +**Agent / direct:** + +There will be a slight increase in going thru an agent, but IMO its worth it. Right now I'm seeing insurers asking a lot of questions and making the customer do additional tests if they declare that they had tested positive for covid-19. Having an agent will make your life easier atleast in the co-ordination with the insurer. + +edit after reading comments: you may need an agent if your case is complex. Some examples I saw were being on a ship, recovered from a critical illness, currently going thru medical issues, etc. Do your own research before you buy, but don't shun the concept of agents. + +**Riders:** + +Most riders like critical illness, accidental death, return of premium etc. do not make sense for anyone except the insurer. + +There is one insurer to my knowledge who offers Accidental permanent total or partial disability rider which in theory makes sense. However, conventional wisdom is to buy disability insurance separately. + +&#x200B; + +Any further questions in the comments below. + +&#x200B; + +News source for rate increase: [link](https://www.livemint.com/insurance/news/munich-re-plans-to-raise-term-insurance-premiums-by-up-to-40-key-details-11635829714242.html) + +&#x200B; + +edit: thank you all for 250 upvotes! Will keep putting up useful stuff like this. + +Buried somewhere below is an excellent comment by u/onebatchone which thoroughly deserves its own post. [Link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/qvsu68/comment/hl3q5u4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +Disc: I am an insurance agent. If you want any help in buying a policy, or even free one-on-one advice, DM me. +I am 27, financially literate (I think), have a good income, yada yada. I usually have a very positive outlook on humanity and life, but we're seeing that climate change, pandemics are likely gonna occur in more frequency and severity. Bless the corrupt politicians around the world, I don't think they will do what's necessary before it's too late. + +This has got me thinking that maybe I should invest less and splurge more - if I like/want something and can afford it, I should buy it without second thought. + +I know some of you would have thought about this, and I would love to know how it's changed your investment contributions, mindset, lifestyle, etc. +The anthropologist David Graeber's book "Bullshit Jobs" describes how out of all of our jobs, an enormous amount are pointless, non-productive jobs that contribute little or nothing to society or even the firm. A lot of his information seems to be gathered from surveys and talking to people about their jobs, what they do on a daily basis, and their opinion about how important their job is. Such jobs exist in the public sector, although, from what I have gleaned (I have not read the book), Graeber seems to stress that these jobs are located (primarily?) in the private-sector, particularly in the corporate world. His typology of bullshit jobs via Wikipedia: + +1. flunkies, who serve to make their superiors feel important, e.g., receptionists, administrative assistants, door attendants +2. *goons*, who act to harm or deceive others on behalf of their employer, e.g., lobbyists, corporate lawyers, telemarketers, public relations specialists +3. *duct tapers*, who temporarily fix problems that could be fixed permanently, e.g., programmers repairing shoddy code, airline desk staff who calm passengers whose bags do not arrive +4. *box tickers*, who create the appearance that something useful is being done when it is not, e.g., survey administrators, in-house magazine journalists, corporate compliance officers +5. *taskmasters*, who manage—or create extra work for—those who do not need it, e.g., middle management, leadership professionals + +So, my question is: what can we do (through policy?) to eliminate the tendency to have an abundance of bullshit jobs? +i just gave my alevels economics exam and this question has left a lot of the students divided with the answers so i would appreciate it if someone could help me understand this. +Hello everyone, + +What a wild ride this has been.. + +I'm writing this post to let everyone know I will be stepping down from my MOD position with r/Superstonk. This was a decision I spent much time making and am doing so to restore balance to my personal life. I commend the MOD team because they truly are super heroes and deserve a giant pat on the back. I've made some really good friends with them and it's like ripping a part of my heart to make this decision. + +At this point, I've been out of the loop with many of the MOD decisions and actions because I haven't been attentive. My job is extremely demanding and I am forced to stay up all night if I want to continue writing DD. I truly feel like I've made my point with my prior DD and would only be pushing for more fame if I continue driving forward. At the sake of my health, my family, and my job, this is ultimately what is best. + +I f\*cking love this sub. This is not goodbye, it is me acknowledging when to pass the baton and allow the growth to continue. It makes me happy knowing that I built a rung in the ladder of this sub's accomplishments, and I'm proud to let people stand on my shoulders going forward. + +Finally, this is not the last you'll see of me. I've been working with a couple of different documentaries and believe they truly represent our movement. I am still a shareholder of GME and have only bought- never sold. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w3ewifykuwn71.jpg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8023be49b05ac58e35f358d980da8354ef7e42c + +I am proud of us. + +DIAMOND.F\*CKING.HANDS + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lfz3m2cduvn71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d91b9d39e067b443a219cdd4a025c0a833cb0 +Hello everyone, + +What a wild ride this has been.. + +I'm writing this post to let everyone know I will be stepping down from my MOD position with r/Superstonk. This was a decision I spent much time making and am doing so to restore balance to my personal life. I commend the MOD team because they truly are super heroes and deserve a giant pat on the back. I've made some really good friends with them and it's like ripping a part of my heart to make this decision. + +At this point, I've been out of the loop with many of the MOD decisions and actions because I haven't been attentive. My job is extremely demanding and I am forced to stay up all night if I want to continue writing DD. I truly feel like I've made my point with my prior DD and would only be pushing for more fame if I continue driving forward. At the sake of my health, my family, and my job, this is ultimately what is best. + +I f\*cking love this sub. This is not goodbye, it is me acknowledging when to pass the baton and allow the growth to continue. It makes me happy knowing that I built a rung in the ladder of this sub's accomplishments, and I'm proud to let people stand on my shoulders going forward. + +Finally, this is not the last you'll see of me. I've been working with a couple of different documentaries and believe they truly represent our movement. I am still a shareholder of GME and have only bought- never sold. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w3ewifykuwn71.jpg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8023be49b05ac58e35f358d980da8354ef7e42c + +I am proud of us. + +DIAMOND.F\*CKING.HANDS + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lfz3m2cduvn71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d91b9d39e067b443a219cdd4a025c0a833cb0 +tl;dr: Bought a small 2-bedroom unit for 200k in Adelaide. Saved 80k for deposit by working 3 fast food jobs concurrently (50+ hours a week) and going to uni full-time. + +**Firstly, why?** + +There’s a LOT of information out there saying why you *shouldn’t* buy property at a young age. But for me, I was interested in buying as I would prefer to spend money on a mortgage rather than paying the same amount in rent. It’s not something I would recommend to everyone but I am happy with my decision as it fits my personal circumstances. + +**Secondly, HOW?** + +I’ve been saving for a deposit since I was 15 so my savings rate varied a lot (at first I was only earning $9 per hour), but usually I tried to save about 2k per month. My expenses were $300 per week ($150 in rent as I live with 3 other people), $50 on food and $100 towards bills / petrol / rego / etc. Sometimes I will spend more on food if I’ve had a difficult week but I try to save as much as I can. + +Being a low-income, single person on an unstable, casual income (with full-time uni study as well) meant that saving for a deposit took a LOT of hard work. It meant working an 8 hour shift at one restaurant and then going straight to an 10 hour shift at another restaurant and then going to home to study for an exam the next day. It meant surviving off leftover fries and 3 instant coffees a day rather than spending money on food. It meant taking the bus for 2 hours (and watching uni lectures at the same time, of course) instead of buying petrol. + +Technically, you are not supposed to work at more than 1 fast-food place at a time (because they are competitors), but I just didn't tell my bosses. It was a bit tricky to make sure all my shifts were at different times, so I had to do a lot of swapping shifts and moving things around. + +Right before I applied for the loan, I got a promotion at one of my jobs, to a management position, so I had 1 full-time job only (otherwise I wouldn’t have been approved). + +**How did you work so much while also attending uni?** + +I barely attended any physical tutorials or lectures. I just studied at home (usually between 2am-5am after getting home from work), submitted my assignments and that was that. + +**That sounds terrible!! Didn’t you burnout? Don’t you want to enjoy your youth?** + +No. I’m a machine, baby. + +Ha ha. Just kidding. Yes, it was bloody EXHAUSTING (working 14 hour shifts without any breaks, food or water), but overall, I’m glad I did it. I genuinely loved my job (working in fast food is HARD but it’s also really rewarding) and I love knowing that I’m paying off my own mortgage rather than paying off someone else’s. + +**Do you have any tips for other young people in a similar situation?** + +Firstly, comparison is the theft of joy. While I was busy busting my ass to buy a tiny unit with barely any windows, I also have a few friends who’s parents bought them a house, despite never having paid for anything or worked a day in their life. It can be easy to feel frustrated at this, but keep at it! It’s impossible to be “behind” in life when nobody starts from the same place. + +Secondly, there’s a reason why “make a budget” is at the top of every one of those “how to buy a house” articles on Domain. I like to track my actual vs planned expenses on Excel (I love Excel) to see where I can save money. I’m also a big fan of repayment calculators. + +Thirdly, do your research on the property market. Real estate agents and banks were VERY rude and condescending (because of my age and occupation), so coming prepared will show them that you mean business! Often real estate agents would refuse to talk to me or give me one-word answers which I thought was quite rude. Research as much as you can and come to your bank appointments prepared with all the necessary documents. You want to make it EASY for them to approve your loan. Make sure you understand the property buying process and know how to make an offer. + +Personally, I didn’t bother with a broker as I did lots of research on the best home loan for my situation and then just went directly to that particular bank. + +**To clarify:** (Edit) I have a fantastic life. I love my job, it gives me real purpose and joy. I have a beautiful girlfriend, who I see everyday, and amazing friends, who I see at least once a week. + +I do have hobbies. I go for a run everyday, which I love, and I'm studying French. I do really well in university and have won several awards, including a scholarship. Before the pandemic, I travelled overseas several times a year, which I love. + +For me, everything was worth it. I love my little apartment and it's been so fun to decorate it and invite friends over. I love having my own space. +I wanted to start a discussion on a common misunderstanding of thetagang. The main thing that people are missing in this subreddit is how important volatility is to the game we play. You aren't going to suddenly make money because you've swapped teams and are selling the positions that you lost money on before. It isn't that easy. That isn't the point. + +**This is the game we are playing:** + +We can either + +1) Sell an option that has a 90% chance of making $1.11 + +or + +2) Buy an option that has a 10% chance of making $10 + +In both cases, if you do this ten times you end up with $10. Most new traders are focusing on the probability of profit. They like that juicy 90%. Who doesn't want a 90% chance to win?! But if options are priced perfectly related to their chances of success as they are in this case above, there is no game to play. You are just flipping coins. Over a large sample size, you end up making your $10 every 10 plays no matter which side you are playing. + +**So where is the edge?** + +The rub is that the prices are based on **volatility**. The BSM model that options are priced based on gives a solid explanation of why, but I don't want to get into the weeds. In summary, volatility is the dependent variable. (We backsolve for it after supply/demand decides what an option is worth) Theta is independent. It is known. It is priced in. Theta is not your edge. Very often I see comments about how traders are winning now that they have an advantage due to theta decay. This is not the case. Theta is just the mechanism by which your option loses value. We don't care about that. We care about **what the value is in the first place.** + +This value (aka the price) is set based on how likely it is that an option expires in the money. How much extrinsic value it has. How much IMPLIED VOLATILITY it has. + +**Ok, so IV is the part of the option price that gives me an edge? How is that?** + +Because "implied" volatility is just that. It's an educated guess. And we often guess wrong. Over the course of options history, we have been overestimating how much the underlying will swing over a given period of time. That is, we have accredited MORE implied volatility to options than their actual realized volatility ended up being. The underlyings didn't move as much as we thought on the whole since options were invented. + +So if an option is priced based on what we think the volatility will be and then the volatility ended up being less... Well dang, the option was overpriced. ***Selling products for more than they are worth is awesome and buying products for more than they are worth sucks.*** This is why selling options over time has been more profitable! + +**Back to our example** + +In the above example, those percentages are what the market THOUGHT would happen. But in reality, it ended up that selling option 1) had an 93% chance of making 1.11 and buying option 2) had a 7% chance of making $10. To make it clearer, I illustrated below + +1) Sell an option that has a ~~90%~~ 93% chance of making $1.11 + +or + +2) Buy an option that has a ~~10%~~ 7% chance of making $10 + +**Thus, the seller ends up on top.** + +This is why volatility indexes are important. Pay attention to IVR and IV%ile to check your edge! Volatility is actually relatively low overall right now. This means that we could be underestimating how much the markets will move. I am not making any predictions of if that is true, but I will go through our example as if it were. If this were the case, our implied volatility is actually LESS than the real volatility. Now that means our options are actually all underpriced. Buying underpriced things is way better than selling underpriced things obviously so that would make this a buyer's market. Now, + +1) Sell an option that has a ~~90%~~ 87% chance of making $1.11 + +or + +2) Buy an option that has a ~~10%~~ 13% chance of making $10 + +**And the options buyer gets the edge!** + +The important take away is that YES the probability of winning is still absolutely in the hands of those selling options. 87% is way greater than 13%. But on the whole, if you made thousands of these trades, the buyer's of options would actually win in this scenario. They have the edge. + +Can you still sell premium when IV<realized volatility. SURE! And you'll still be right the vast majority of the time. However, you could have been using the capital to buy options instead and though you would still be wrong the vast majority of the time... your winners would more than make up for your losers because of the error in valuation. + +**TLDR: Volatility is where our bread is buttered. Not theta. Don't let our misnomer confuse you :)** + +(This was modified from a comment I made a couple weeks back. I kept seeing the same misunderstanding so wanted to post it as its own thread to allow for more discussion for both myself and everyone else to learn from.) + +Happy to take any questions or challenges to my understanding! + +I'm still learning all of this too. I've only really been dedicated to this for a couple months, but I felt like I should share what I learned here to give back to the forum community. I don't work in finance, I'm not a financial advisor, this is just for fun. +Seeing things in hindsight makes you feel dumb, but the real truth is that back then nobody saw it coming. Only few, very few people really believed in BTC as a store of value or whatever. If you could go back in time and told people in 2010 that in 2021 hedge funds, S&P500 companies and even insurance companies are buying billions worth of BTC at 40k+ USD and using it as a store of value, everybody would just see you as the tin-foil hat person, laugh at you and call you mad and delusional. + +This is the reason why I generally feel bad for those "two pizzas are now worth X millions" posts, as if the people who traded BTC for goods in the old days could predict the future. As such, the moment your holdings were at 10x your initial investment, very, very likely you would have sold as well, or just bought that awesome thing you could suddenly acquire with magic internet money. + +That being said, do not punish yourself with the "if I had" thinking. Invest what you can and hold while you can. Taking profits is not a bad idea as well. +TLDR: Citadel has two algorithms. SmartProvide and FastFill. They use these two algos to facilitate latency arbitrage. Effectively knowing there will be a difference between true price and the price its trading for and take advantage of the discrepancy for personal profit. The also route non-beneficial orders to off-exchange so their algos continue to work how they want. These two algorithms scalp pennies on the dollar over and over. So I ask, how can a private company that relies on latency arbitrage for personal profit NOT have any conflicts of interest for best available price throughout the entire market? How can they say the represent retail when they steal from us every minute of the day? + +**Those discrepancies are not just made of money out of nowhere. They are effectively STEALING our best available price so that THEY can keep it. And these slimy fucks govern the entire U.S. markets???** + +**We need to demand open source information to see whats behind these algorithms, currently only 15 total employees know what makes up these algorithms yet Citadel can still have full rights to market-making the vast majority of all U.S. trades on and off exchange, while also stealing from said traders.** + +\#CitadelSteals + +\#CitadelOpenSource + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9ldk91d2ru091.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=b03fde6eca5ce86bfb19213d89c273fe771a5f89 + +https://preview.redd.it/l1rbn5yuru091.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=510ee88d397c9b0896d0ee8235c04e81857645dc + +**Glossary Needed to Understand Write-Up:** + +**Arbitrage:** The simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in the asset's listed price + +**NBBO:** Best available (lowest) ask price. Best available (highest) bid price. NBBO is essentially the best current value for your trades. + +**Algorithm**: A procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act as a precise list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based routines. + +**Off-Exchange:** Low regulated private exchange only big players have access to where they can trade blocks of securities/contracts at a time without any effect on price discovery. Not lit exchange like NYSE / IEX etc. + +**IEX:** The Investors Exchange. Founded in 2012 in order to mitigate the effects of high frequency trading (HFT). Every trade on IEX hits the lit exchange directly for best available price. No scalping no arbitrage. + +**High-Frequency Trading (HFT):** High-frequency trading, also known as HFT, is a method of trading that uses powerful computer programs to transact a large number of orders in fractions of a second. It uses complex [algorithms](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/algorithm.asp) to analyze multiple markets and execute orders based on market conditions. Typically, the traders with the fastest execution speeds are more profitable than traders with slower execution speeds. + +**SIP:** U.S. Securities Information Processor. It consolidates all 16 exchanges. It also consolidates all 30+ dark pools quote prices and market data into one off exchange data set. + +[SIP Explained](https://preview.redd.it/fomxpipuhu091.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c20ccd2845edd718063b9e620f6b9bd44aeac91) + +&#x200B; + +**"The Citadel Settlement, Off-Exchange Market Makers, and Giant Brokerages - Columbia University Law"** + +(Source: [https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#\_ftn5](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn5)) + +This key settlement is the only piece on the internet that goes into detail with how these algorithms work. And they prove Citadel does not facilitate best price for traders, in fact they go out of their way to ensure they do not. + +"The settlement focused on two algorithms—or, in the industry lingo, “algos”—with the monikers **FastFill** and **SmartProvide**, which were run by Citadel’s wholesale market making unit. Both algos were triggered by price discrepancies between the consolidated and private data feeds, i.e., the “official” market data distributed by a designated Security Information Processor (“SIP”) and more detailed and inherently faster market data products offered by exchanges themselves...the very existence of such trading strategies, which may be classified under the umbrella of **“latency arbitrage."** + +ELIAPE: SIP=what it should trade at, they have PFOF and other data advantages so they can pull data from the other exchanges and know price movements by the millisecond. They scalp these differences which always leaves them with the gains and retail with the difference lost. + +**Okay time to dive into the algo structures, its nothing crazy technical, but the functions are damning for conflicts of interest in every sense.** + +https://preview.redd.it/etas5sf0tu091.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d154206d00d8df5335fd91d7a48f674c3dd46a + +&#x200B; + +**FastFill Explained:** + +“\[C\]ontemporaneous with determining to internalize the order at the SIP NBB \[National Best Bid\] or NBO \[National Best Offer\], as applicable, FastFill sent a proprietary order to the market in an effort to execute for itself at a price better than the SIP NBB or NBO, as relevant.” + +"substantial number of smaller orders fared worse because of FastFill in that there was sufficient liquidity displayed in the market to fill all or most of such orders at a price better than the SIP NBB or NBO, as applicable." + +**ELIAPE:** They see price going up and the consolidated data (SIP) isn't reflecting it yet, so they front run buying before the gains happen. In general smaller liquidity stocks and retail buying is basically fucked by this algorithm and almost always gets scalped for a loss to retail. + +The same situation happens but opposite for selling. SIP is high but their data shows low so they sell high before price is "realized" on SIP. + +The delay between your buys and sells being executed is time for Citadel to steal your money. + +&#x200B; + +**SmartProvide Explained:** + +"Turning to SmartProvide, this algo had a number of interesting twists. As its pivotal feature, SmartProvide converted marketable orders into nonmarketable orders, which could have been motivated by Citadel’s deliberate decision to capture liquidity rebates offered by exchanges. Moreover, this algo introduced significant time delays. More specifically, an order could end up being “displayed for up to one to five seconds, depending on the size of the order,”[\[9\]](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn9) and this timeframe is much longer than a typical delay of less than one *millisecond*, i.e., one thousandth of a second, for the consolidated data feed compared with faster private data feeds." + +**ELIAPE:** They are purposefully filling orders off-exchange that could be speculated to be the ones that are not profitable for their FastFill structure, no one knows what is making these algorithms route things off exchange in fully liquid markets. Off-exchange was used to help facilitate trades for illiquid markets/stocks.. Soo why are fully liquid stocks/markets making up of over 60-70% dark pool routing? Oh yeah and **A DELAY OF UP TO 5 SECONDS WHEN NORMAL TRADES ARE IN THE MILLISECOND RANGE.** + +&#x200B; + +"In other words, this algo went beyond a simple data feed arbitrage, and, as one might speculate, it probably involved additional predictive number-crunching and HFT-style market structure shortcuts. Ultimately, despite being advantageous to some orders, SmartProvide led to a subset of orders “receiv\[ing\] a price that was worse than they would have received” in the scenario of immediate execution.[\[11\]](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn11)" + +**ELIAPE:** Citadel is likely purposefully routing certain orders off-exchange and creating their own latency arbitrage so that their HFT can take advantage of the price discrepancies while also not affecting/ruining their SmartFill algorithms that are scalping as well. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hatuo7evpu091.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0004ac8e2937cfb4ae5b1a80cfbe3474ef8e0d + +They essentially are creating arbitrage to scalp, and causing illiquid markets on purpose so that their spreads can be greater and they can take more. + +&#x200B; + +**When scummy Goldman employees and Virtu employees agree with you then you know how fucking fucked Citadel is:** + +[https:\/\/www.protocol.com\/fintech\/citadel-iex-sec-lawsuit](https://preview.redd.it/kzp6jyo1pu091.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e0b71c40650b8f18077666ab2405f5f5c9a227) + +&#x200B; + +**Citadel Being Sued For (not getting) Best Price On Purpose:** + +https://preview.redd.it/r0mj7r0onu091.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=088e43b8013650b3ce35bfa3aa66a7a26ea16741 + +Now Citadel controls the majority of lit trades, even topping the entire NASDAQ in trades. Also they control over 50% of all dark pool trades. + +&#x200B; + +**Other Options:** + +IEX. IEX has been shown to increase discovery price in retail investors much more than citadels market making abilities. Because they completely take out any HFT. If Citadel is using latency arbitrage and off-exchange routing algos to their advantage all of those "discrepancies" are quite LITERALLY our price discovery being shoved into the shadows and these lawsuits prove that. + +&#x200B; + +**WE NEED TO DEMAND OPEN SOURCE TO FASTFILL AND SMARTPROVIDE** + +**THEY CANNOT KEEP STEALING OUR MONEY AND OUR PRICE DISCOVERY.** + +**#CitadelSteals** + +**#CitadelScandal** + +**#CitadelOpenSource** + +&#x200B; + +Special thanks to u/swede_child_of_mine for letting me know about this case. + +Cheers +Last week was a big week for me in the markets. My portfolio witnessed the biggest single week gain its ever had and a new portfolio milestone was hit (>$300k). 🙌🥳 + +The week' s daily paper (unrealised) gains were: Monday = $12,545.93, Tuesday = $7,587.27, Wednesday = $6,053.2, Thursday = $13,480.17 and then **Friday = $16,944.7** + +**Total week gain of $56,560.56 😲😀** + +The **portfolio grew** from $249,404 **up by 22.48%** to hit a new milestone of **$308,140.9** over the 5 last trading days. + +[Aug 30th to Sep 4th Performance \(sharesight\)](https://preview.redd.it/m2g8cnqbjel71.png?width=1575&format=png&auto=webp&s=97eeb62045c8f9d0c623b0d60f5d05348308738e) + +Most members on here would already know I have been very bullish on the Uranium☢️ outlook and it is almost a year to date that my deep dive into researching the industry and market led to me starting to build up positions in uranium equities. Over a year I have built up the uranium portion to now occupy a total of **45% of my entire portfolio** across **7 uranium equities** (6x on ASX and 1x on NYSE). \*Portfolio breakdown below\* + +Along with uranium there have been some other big strong performers that have resulted in the following portfolio gowth and performance of : + +* **1Month (Aug-Sep21**): + **28.1%** (+ $67,254.26 ) (growth plus gains) + +&#x200B; + +* **1Yr (Sep 2020-2021)**: + **142.9%** (+ $180,181.77 ) (growth plus gains) + * 63 buys, 29 sells = 92 trades + * portfolio from: $126,056 to $289,259 + $16,978 = $306,237 + +&#x200B; + +* **2Yr (Sep2019 -2021)**: + **236%** (+ $215,199.48) (growth plus gains) + * 96 Buys, 42 Sells = 138 Trades + * Portfolio from: $91,118.32 to $306,237 + +[1 Month Portfolio growth + friday 3rd sep](https://preview.redd.it/0oi9df64ofl71.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=94a1aa650ae30fea0e02d7f29f08f3b3bf831a0e) + +[1Yr Portfolio Growth + Friday 3rd Sep](https://preview.redd.it/zm9ojk22tfl71.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd4e388ecd72de5cf3fbc9268c1d78f6dbafdfea) + +[2Yr Portfolio Growth + Friday 3rd Sep](https://preview.redd.it/cn12i4b4tfl71.png?width=903&format=png&auto=webp&s=5be7cad87f81df74f84d76a144f56cdfd4f8d3d9) + +# Brief Investing History + +* Started investing in 2015: Purchased Woodside as the very first holding as a good dividend paying bluechip share made sense, right. +* The very next stock I purchased was 88Energy (88E). So I had just under $5k in my portfolio and it was made up of 50% Woodside and 50% 88E. + * The same 88E that has been selling the same story for the last 7years. AND it was getting covered back then by Next Investors under "The Next Small Cap" group. + * Learnt some strong lessons from that one. As I imagined many more have recently learnt the same lessons. +* From 2015 to Feb 2020 I built up my portfolio to almost the $100,000 milestone - $75k invested with about $20k in growth. Some bluechip shares (FMG, WPL, WAM) and about 60% growth stocks. +* Then Covid in March 2020 saw my portfolio go from \~$95k to half that at \~$42k at its lowest. +* I decided to move funds around and doubled down on some stocks (Afterpay was bought at $9-$12), Wesfarmers was purchased @ $30 as everyone in lockdowns were going to officeworks, bunnings, liquor stores and buying things online (Catch) all owned by Wesfarmers. and a few penny punts were taken. +* 2020 following covid crash resulted in the best year date to make money in the market. Everything recovered and then doubled. +* From May to August 2020 I started my deep dive into the Uranium market and there was a clear opportunity that would be unfolding from 2021 through to 2024 +* From August I started bringing in new funds and selling old stocks and poor performers to start buying up uranium equities. +* Started with LOT, then BOE, then Deep Yellow Options and PEN. In February 21 I bought Bannerman and then from March have been topping up most holdings before buying Dennison Mines on the US exchange and then most recently Elevate Uranium (EL8) back on ASX. +* Other strong performers over the months and year: APT, LPD, GDA, VML and WBT + +# Current Portfolio Make-Up & Weighting + +[Current Portfolio Holdings](https://preview.redd.it/yh5okqg7zfl71.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=c36d246793420dbd45f40ecf0e637cc6e5e0aab8) + +# What I'm looking Forward to + +* **Uranium** over the next 2-3 years. Short to medium term will be wild +* **Rare Earths** \- particularly Vital Metals +* **Lithium**: Lepidico is currently drilling near mine and have already identified hits of rubidium, ceasium, lepidolite (lithium micas) and Uranium (YES LPD might have uranium as well) +* **Semiconductors and memory**: Weebit Nano - leaked commercial agreement with SkyWater Technologies should be finanlised this week. Weebit has been one of my longer holdings since $0.27/share and I have continued to purchase options. +* **Beer**: Good Drinks Autralia (Matos, Gage Roads and Atomic) - expanding out from WA to Eastern states. record beers sales year on year and new venues being built around country +* **Gold**: In true punt form I have taken a small bet on a sub $10mill market cap gold explorer in high risk jurisdiction of Ethiopia. I have researched the geo teams past success and pin 100% reliance on them to do it again. I have given **MEgado Gold** a timeline of 12months (June 2021) to see how the exploration drilling unfolds and if they can prove up a the start of a decent resource. Their share price has been testing the last 3 months, but it is only the beginning of their exploration works, so I will let it unfold for it self. + +# Lessons + +* 10x baggers aren't found, they're held +* Buying the dip or on red days takes discipline +* There is no need to ever chase stocks or FOMO. There is always opportunity +* Need to spend atleast 1hr per week per stock to keep on top of it +* On position sizing: every position should have potential to move your whole portfolio if they work big. You need to win big when you are right. + * % gains don't mean anything significant if you haven't positioned yourself significantly +* There is no shame in losing money on a stock. Everybody does it. What is shameful is to hold onto a stock or buy more when the fundamentals are deteriorating +* Set a plan and a strategy for when to take profits. Without a plan you are just throwing money in and have no idea when it will come out. Usually it doesn't. +* Difference between trading and investing? Investing - your intention with every purchase is to hold. Trading - your intention with every purchase is to sell. +* Patience is the most underestimated skill and most time-frames we predict rarely work out. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for the kind words from those who have enjoyed my uranium posts. + + If you have jumped into Uranium from some DD drop a comment below of how its going +Title says it all. + +This is another tool they'll use. They even have Cramer airtime to spew his nonsense. They throw in a line about how some guy cant remember the last time he had a job. They'll use this movie to make we the investors out to look like we bit off more than we can chew. And for optics sake they'll probably cover some disadvantages that retail has... But NOTHING in the trailer covers what is actually going on. Thus, it is evident that this is just another tool for the powers that be to warp our image and paint themselves as innocent. + +No mention of naked shorting. +No mention of DRS. +No mention of people lying under oath. +No mention of Ryan Cohen and his power team transforming the company. + +They want to keep playing this fucking game? + +Lol okay sure. Cause we're still winning, we're not fucking leaving, and we don't need to release some bullshit movie to help our cause. + +Edit: This is just my advice from a personal standpoint. Do as you wish, I'm not actually trying to tell anyone they can't. + +The point of the thread was - since this is likely lip service for MSM and to control the narrative - that by not watching it, it may help to let it fall flat, and by watching it just supports the shit enterprises that boost false narratives. I know you folks won't be swayed by this garbage. + +Edit 2: I'm not suicidal folks. But thanks for your concern. +So I'm confused , why are there so many long running supply chain disruptions almost a year on after the height of the pandemic? Where it's chips for cars, bicycles, kayaks, etc. you name it any manufactured goods appear to be having all sorts of delays.. + +I could see some industries (Take bicycles, the pandemic cause people to seek alternate exercise, and created a surge), but many other industries, probably had consistent demand.. + +Is there some other underlying reason why these issues are taking such a long time to resolve themselves, has the entire world been running on "just in time manufacturing" or something like that? +Came across this article. An interesting look across generational viewpoints and what a 'rich life' constitutes. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-15/how-much-money-do-you-need-to-be-wealthy-in-america +I made a [post about a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/81fx7e/i_31f_think_im_ready_to_quit_my_job_and_go_work/) about wanting to quit my $85k job, with $500k saved, and my plan was to work part-time at Starbucks to get health insurance. I was wondering if I was insane. I realized, after reading all the comments, that I was a little insane/stupid for wanting to do that. That day, I deleted the Word doc file which contained my resignation letter, and decided to update my resume to look for a new job instead. + +The following Monday (the day I originally planned to quit) I got in touch with a prominent employment agency in the area and had a 20 minute talk with a recruiter that afternoon. Within that week, the recruiter got me set up with 3 interviews for various finance jobs in my city. One was part-time and the other 2 were full-time roles that I found interesting because they weren't traditional finance jobs...they were quasi finance/IT roles. + +Out of those 3 interviews, I got 2 offers last week - an offer for the part-time job and an offer for one of the full-time positions. I accepted the full-time position. I chose it because it comes with WAY better benefits than my current job, more flexibility in the hours, less over time, work from home 2 days a week, and I also got a salary bump from $85k to $98k. + +I'm going to give my 2 weeks notice tomorrow...good riddance. I can't wait to leave this job. I now feel a renewed yearning to work. I'd had it up to HERE with the traditional office environment in my current job and all the crap that comes with working in an office. I realize that's the real reason I wanted to abandon working. I think this job change will make working more enjoyable and I won't be miserable. I'll at least have that pink cloud experience that comes with starting a new job. With my current job, it got to the point where I would start every work day with thoughts like: I don't wanna be here today, this sucks, these cubicles are starting to look more like prison cells, etc. + +So that's my update. I don't know if I'll truly be happier with this new gig, but I'll give it a year and who knows...maybe I'll be one of those people that love my job. Maybe I'll still hate working and I'll consider quitting again a year from now. Who knows. I'm pretty optimistic, though. I'd really like to grow my stash to around the $1 million mark in order to RE comfortably without forcing myself to make lattes part-time, for peanuts, just to get health coverage. + +Bonus win for me: I selected a start date further out so that I'll have enough time to finish out my 2 weeks, decompress for 1 week, travel for a few weeks (where? not sure yet), then decompress for 2 more weeks before I start working again. +Hello everyone, + +What a wild ride this has been.. + +I'm writing this post to let everyone know I will be stepping down from my MOD position with r/Superstonk. This was a decision I spent much time making and am doing so to restore balance to my personal life. I commend the MOD team because they truly are super heroes and deserve a giant pat on the back. I've made some really good friends with them and it's like ripping a part of my heart to make this decision. + +At this point, I've been out of the loop with many of the MOD decisions and actions because I haven't been attentive. My job is extremely demanding and I am forced to stay up all night if I want to continue writing DD. I truly feel like I've made my point with my prior DD and would only be pushing for more fame if I continue driving forward. At the sake of my health, my family, and my job, this is ultimately what is best. + +I f\*cking love this sub. This is not goodbye, it is me acknowledging when to pass the baton and allow the growth to continue. It makes me happy knowing that I built a rung in the ladder of this sub's accomplishments, and I'm proud to let people stand on my shoulders going forward. + +Finally, this is not the last you'll see of me. I've been working with a couple of different documentaries and believe they truly represent our movement. I am still a shareholder of GME and have only bought- never sold. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w3ewifykuwn71.jpg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8023be49b05ac58e35f358d980da8354ef7e42c + +I am proud of us. + +DIAMOND.F\*CKING.HANDS + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lfz3m2cduvn71.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=178d91b9d39e067b443a219cdd4a025c0a833cb0 + + +I lost a ton of money today (not everything, I was diversified, and use cold storage, but enough to hurt). I'm one of the margin traders that took a hit (and yes, knew the risks). I want to take a minute to explain the thought process, learning, and why I actually think it is a good move that GDAX elected not to roll back the transactions. But also an ask for GDAX to help protect themselves. + +**Here's what happened:** + +After the Status ICO fallout, I made a (....correct ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...) assumption that Ethereum/USD on GDAX would see a flash crash. The thesis was: new investors would get spooked by the network slowdown, those that converted to ETH to get into the ICO but didn't get in would be looking to diversify back out, and BTC was steadily rising against ETH with heavy volume. Because of those factors, I assumed there would be a relatively large market order dump that would blow out stop losses. + +So I got greedy and chose to place speculative limit buys down the order book on margin between $280 and $200, with a liquidation price below $50. My thought process was that if Ethereum managed to hit $50 with over 100k Eth on the order books before I could react, Ethereum itself would have had a critical issue rendering it worthless, or basically that my entire position would be worthless anyway. + +I saw the crash, and saw the fills, and thought "yes!" followed by an immediate "NO!" when the margin call liquidation order followed 2 seconds later. The price had gone below $50. + +I did not account for the market's ability to be moved like that, but I should have. + +After GDAX halted trading, I began speculating on what could have occurred. It was either a glitch, or someone placed a $30M+ market sell order. I didn't think it was a glitch. But it also didn't have to be that big of a sell order. + +Thinking through it, I started to put together that GDAX's election to increase margin limits two days ago equated to a large increase in overall leverage on the buy side. The increase in margin availability most likely brought the average liquidation price for margin calls much closer to market price if new margin positions were opened on the 19th with a ~$40 drop in price and everyone still long. That made it significantly easier for a large market order to trigger sells on leveraged positions which created a domino/chain reaction all the way down the order book. As each margin position was forced to liquidate, it ate up buy orders, which sent the price down more, triggering more liquidation orders, etc... all the way until the price hit $0.10. + +**But here's why GDAX is not at fault: ** + +GDAX's marketplace and platform behaved exactly as it should have. How GDAX's margin product functions is clearly spelled out. The increase in available leverage to the general market was a variable I should have noted and accounted for in risk-mitigation--it was communicated. + +Therefore, it is not GDAX's fault. I would not expect them to roll back the transactions, and nor do I think they should. Whether they would was a question mark while trading was halted, but confirmed when trading resumed followed by an email to margin traders. + +In using margin, I weighed the likelihood of a drop below my margin call against the upside of using it. I got that probability wrong (did not account for the increase in overall leverage and the possibility of a large holder willing to risk a few million dollars on a market sell order). + +**Why transactions should not be rolled back for anything other than a software error:** + +A lot of limit buy orders were put in place and filled by the flash crash. These limit buys were in place and filled to GDAX's terms and conditions. When an order is filled, it is final--as it should be. Rolling a filled order back breaks the integrity of GDAX's promise. + +However, there are two things that GDAX could have done to mitigate the damage: Margin Calls and a Circuit Breaker. I believe a Margin Call can (and should be) done, but a Circuit Breaker is a bad idea. + +**Why GDAX can't offer a margin call (yet):** + +An area of thought to think about is whether or not GDAX could have offered margin calls on their margin product. A margin call is a request for more funds to be added prior to a complete liquidation of assets to cover. A margin call would have saved a lot of people's asses in this case. + +However, doing so shifts liability over to GDAX, and it's simply not mature enough to stomach that kind of risk. For example, if the crash was from a critical flaw in Ethereum's code and GDAX waited to liquidate to give traders time to add more funds, it opens itself up to defaults on those funds. Someone could say "the check is in the mail" and then just walk away. + +If GDAX has that kind of risk, it opens itself up to insolvency. As a crypto-supporter, this would be catastrophic. GDAX represents one of the few fiat to Crypto-currency converters in the United States. A decentralized exchange can really only ever handle crypto-to-crypto. So we need GDAX, Gemini, and other fiat-to-crypto exchanges to remain as solvent as possible. + +**How GDAX could offer a margin call instead of auto-liquidation:** + +I think margin calls (giving the option to make good on the capital requirements to maintain the position) would be the best way to go. This alone would stop a domino liquidation effect on one large market order. It would be more difficult for a whale or a collusion of whales to force liquidation and buy back at the bottom of the order book because it would give the buy side more time to react to the price movements. Basically, it would make doing what happened today a hell of a lot more risky to the large seller. + +I think GDAX could offer margin calls by working with a third party insurer and passing the cost of those premiums to Margin Traders (increase the cost to maintain margin, and pass those funds to an insurer as premiums to ensure the debt). A 24 hour window prior to forced liquidation would mitigate the impact of the liquidation domino chain we saw today. How that works: GDAX does a deal with a much larger insurer to cover the default risk on margin calls. If a trader defaults on the margin call, the insurer makes GDAX whole while the account is passed to collections (since GDAX does do KYC). The insurer will make a premium even through flash crashes, but shoulders the risk of the entire ecosystem crashing AND margin traders not being able to cough up the loan (which isn't as bad as it sounds, again, because of KYC). + +Additionally, GDAX could in theory tell which crypto-currency accounts are owned by their traders in cold storage and use that as proof of ability to make good on a margin (which would have saved my ass). For example, if I had 100 Eth in GDAX, but 1,000 BTC in cold storage, GDAX could safely know that I have the means to immediately cover the margin call, and let me keep my position through a flash crash. That, or just authing a massive charge on my credit card on file. Either way, it's possible to de-risk it for GDAX. + +Finally, even without margin calls, GDAX could at least use the BLENDED market price of the top exchanges to trigger their margin calls instead of just its own platform. That would mitigate the risk of market manipulation inside of their ecosystem that triggers massive sell offs. The problem is that GDAX is acting as BOTH a "broker" and a "market," so the price can be arbitrarily influenced by actions they take to set off forced liquidation. I do NOT think they did this, but I am saying that is is possible when their platform has auto-sell triggers that rely on just their own order book. + +**Why GDAX could but should NOT introduce a circuit breaker:** + +A circuit breaker is used in public exchanges to halt trading if the price drops too fast in too short a period of time. Cryptocurrency is volatile. We have to accept volatility for access to the increase potential. I believe creating a circuit breaker would actually open the door to even more market manipulation than it solves. This is because we have people that have the capability to buy and sell the ENTIRE order book. This effectively gives them an “on/off” switch for the exchange. + +**Why I think Margin Trading is super dangerous (well, even more dangerous than previously thought, now, in it's current form), but is ultimately a good thing to have available to the market:** + +Margin increases both gains and losses. Margin traders are willing to risk more to gain more. The additional capital provides increased liquidity for everyone. Margin traders using margin on crypto pretty much have to have 100% faith in the long term price viability of the underlying asset (which I do have) and be willing to stomach massive paper losses relative to fiat. It also enables hedging overall positions with less capital requirements, and is useful. It also allows you to trade against the assets in your portfolio without keeping all of it on the actual exchange. (In my case, I didn't trade above my actual balance, but used margin to trade against some of my portfolio sitting in cold storage to reduce Mt. Gox risk)... that is/should be the primary utility of it in cryptocurrency's case. The point is though: it IS useful. + +But DON’T trade on margin (now), just don’t. The probability of the main Cryptocurrencies going from $300 to $0.10 for 24 hours is low (so a margin call would make it an order of magnitude safer). But the probability of one of them going from $300 to $0.10 for 2.4 seconds is actually high (much higher than I thought), as we’ve seen today, and the power to do so is available to many of Crypto’s whales. + +**Final thoughts and suggestion for GDAX:** + +While I don’t think GDAX is necessarily accountable or responsible for what took place today, I do believe they should review those transactions with a fine-tooth comb before processing withdrawals for those accounts and perhaps invite a third party auditor to review the transactions that took place. + +The SEC’s definition of “Market Manipulation” includes *“…rigging quotes, prices or trades to create a false or deceptive picture of the demand for a security.”* While GDAX most likely isn’t accountable, and the “security” aspect of cryptocurrency is a gray area, some of the entities involved in this trade MAY be accountable. For example, if the large market seller colluded with limit buyers to prop up the depth of the order book, and those limit sellers pulled their orders right before the market sell with knowledge it was coming—THAT would probably go into the realm of “Market Manipulation.” + +A 3rd party data scientist with access to GDAX’s tokenized API history could probably figure the above out pretty quickly by analyzing order patterns. Additionally, there was a reddit post yesterday from someone claiming to take credit for the previous dip. He/She claimed to be the agent that made the first dip and said his/her group would basically be causing another one tomorrow. I can’t find that post now (as it was probably deleted), but if anyone can vouch that it existed or took a screenshot, that’s basically another indicator that this could be market manipulation. They should at LEAST make damn sure no GDAX/Coinbase employee with access to internal data (specifically margin exposure) had any connection to the sell order. + +I am not suggesting a hold on funds and a 3rd party forensic audit to get my money back. I took a risk, knowing the risk. I’m suggesting GDAX does this to protect the overall health of cryptocurrency. + +The events of today basically wiped out a significant portion of trading accounts that (self-identified) as either High Net Worth individuals, Money Managers, or Financial Consultants. My guess is a bunch of margin accounts lied to get access to margin (in which case, the SEC is going to have a problem with GDAX’s KYC process if they complain). But that’s not the scary part. + +The scary part is that the traders that did legitimately have entitlement to access to margin got wiped out too (a $0.11 margin call on a $300 asset that can wipe out an entire position doesn’t come around THAT often). Those guys know enough to see what I see—high probability of market manipulation/collusion in today’s events. + +So, I would be VERY surprised if the SEC didn’t get formal complaints from lawyers, opened up an investigation, and came after GDAX. I would also be very surprised if GDAX didn’t get a few lawsuits opened up around lax fiduciary responsibility in exchange governance (But a lawsuit won't come from me--I just want one our primary fiat exchanges to stay alive). I would want GDAX to be able to handle those inquiries perfectly and absolve quickly by showing an “over and above” audit of the people and transactions involved in the crash, preferably self-initiated. We (as those that support and believe in cryptocurrency’s trans-formative potential) can’t lose GDAX. + +And think about it: the people trading on GDAX that are most likely to have the connections, know-how, and clout to form a class action lawsuit just got their accounts wiped out. If we lose one of the primary exchanges for new crypto-traders entering the market, we’re going to set back adoption by a mile. + +Mods need to re-sticky the CS guide ASAP, but that aside, use your tiny walnut sized brains for just a second and strain until your ears bleed till you can form a wrinkle around this one idea: this past quarter we have BOMBARDED this sub with cries, pleas, demands and guides on DRS and Computershare; it was within this past quarter that we decoded RC's tweets on the issue and he has NOT ONCE SINCE posted ANY other relevant cryptic hints that might pertain to CS--he knows we got it. At this point it's not about figuring it out, it's about everyone doing their part, getting off their ass, and registering their shares NOW. I 100%'ed by shares months ago thinking I had to get on this quick because I knew back in early fall that this was the final blow. + +&#x200B; + +Those of you who are still suspicious, or too lazy, or too hesitant: JUST FUCKING DO IT. + +It is painless. It is quick. It costs nothing but time and a small fee only if you're buying new shares. + +**THEY HAVE LESS THAN ZERO REASON TO MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT REGISTERED SHARES UNLESS IT WAS A DIRECT MESSAGE TO US THAT WHAT WE ARE DOING IS WORKING, AND AS A COMPANY THEY STAND TO BENEFIT IN NO WAY BY INCLUDING THAT IN AN EARNINGS REPORT, WHEREIN SUCH A STATEMENT HAS NEVER BEEN MADE PREVIOUSLY.** + +DRS now. You have no excuses left. This is it. YOU WILL BE LEFT BEHIND OTHERWISE. As we've seen with Fidelity, it's no longer an option of "convenience". It is the only way this happens. + +EDIT: I'm adding this particular line because I'm seeing a lot of this in the comments--if anyone smarter than myself can teach or provide DD on how people can transfer their 401k or other holdings to CS, please do so here! + + +**2nd EDIT: THE CS GUIDE HAS BEEN RESTICKIED ON THE FRONT PAGE, THANK YOU MODS!** +I’m honestly still processing this, it doesn’t feel real? I come from a low socioeconomic family and when I was around 9 I befriended my elderly neighbour. She was lonely and had no family in Australia, and I wanted to escape my toxic home life. We ended up spending a lot of time together (which I was made fun of for by friends and family). +She developed dementia when I was 15. When it became dangerous for herself and others her affairs were taken over by a guardianship board due to having no family. I was only 16 so I didn’t really know what was happening or even have a say. In the end she was put into a pretty good nursing home and had her estate put under trust. +I continued to visit her even though it was confronting at times. She passed away this year and I was notified that I am the beneficiary to her estate and when I turn 25 it’s all mine (currently 22). I wasn’t really surprised since she had eluded to it a few times. +I wasn’t given any figures due to legal processes that take 3-6 months to consolidate the estate or something. But to be honest I didn’t mind because it gave me time to process things. +Well, today I got a letter in the mail that contained the assets of the estate. I was thinking maybe 100k but not getting my hopes up. I go straight to the bottom of the page and it says $501,256. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn’t breath for like 30 seconds. I had to quadruple take. +This is life changing. I can hardly believe it. I feel kind of delusional since this is just so crazy. Before anyone tells me, no I won’t be telling anyone. Thankfully I’m not naive when it comes to people. If any of my family members found out they’d expect 20k each. +First of all, I’d like some advice on how to prepare for this type of windfall. I’m pretty good with my finances. I have a great credit score if that even matters in Aus. I don’t have a very strong consumerist or materialistic mindset. I’d say I’m very frugal for my age group. In fact money isn’t really a motivator for me. Kind of ironic. +And second of all, if anyone has had a similar experience with inheritance in their mid twenties I’d really appreciate some wisdom or guidance. +Hi, + +This is more of a banking question than an investment one. I know that European banks have a safety limit of 100k Euro per account. So, I'm wondering how does millionaires store their money in the bank. Do they use multiple bank accounts? Any insights? Thanks. + +Let's assume they have more than 2 million in Bank after all investment. +Location: Germany. +By now I'm sure you've seen [my exchange](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1447907953193861120) with Gasparino on Twitter, but just in case: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lmk2nqvd02t71.png?width=244&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a48ea5a3eafd5b858b84b805e8f017b63e2e37f + +Of course, I think this is the most important tweet of the thread, and it's been really amazing to see the community support efforts at increasing transparency of markets and getting rid of corrupt practices like PFOF: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vnnkharn02t71.png?width=249&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdbcd84d149d754104de07891dd375d826355fd6 + +Charlie offered up some ice cream for someone who could show PFOF is bad for pension plans: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/i1xo6grs02t71.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=80d03c24c5b8751b5142d724effd2b670ab4de4f + +So here it is - spreads for the ENTIRE market are wider by 25% OR MORE. That costs pension plans, mutual funds and even retail investors money. And it makes any figures that cite "price improvement" a joke - because the improvement is being measured by the MMers against a spread that is wider due to THEIR actions! + +https://preview.redd.it/co9tx1z012t71.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff12d528eb51dc37b07a2cbf43effa2dec9a345f + +https://preview.redd.it/w6hafad112t71.png?width=832&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e5e81f69f4d5deff833ac01a2580f36bd8d317 + +It's also meant that [execution costs in the US are higher](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/which-country-has-most-liquid-equities-market-alexander-gerko/) than other countries when you adjust for company size: + +https://preview.redd.it/wh6kcz1912t71.png?width=2037&format=png&auto=webp&s=380e3763602d4aa3593d9fbff4618738adbb935f + +That's from a study by XTX Markets, one of the largest HFT firms in the world: + +>As you can see, after controlling for the company size, instantaneously available lit liquidity in US equities market is inferior to Tokyo Stock Exchange and Europe, and even to Korea for small stocks( below 1 bln USD free float).  +> +>In fact for small stocks the conclusion is strongly in favour of concentrating all liquidity onto a single CLOB, as both US and Europe do badly there, and even FTT in Korea doesn’t affect this conclusion. + +PFOF, among other "market features," is damaging pension plans, repeatedly, day after day. And it leads to more complexity and isolation of retail orders, which keeps those orders from interacting with the market, and confines them to interact only with OTC market makers (e.g., Citadel and Virtu). +It has come to the attention of the Moderators of [/r/ASX\_Bets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets) and [/r/Ausfinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ausfinance), the FB "ASX Stock tips" and other members of the Australia Investor community that there has been discussion within the Coalition government of Australia (contrary to the advice of the apparently non corrupt regulators) of permanent changes in the legal structures of Australian public company disclosure laws. [These laws, hereafter referred to as "The let financial criminals avoid punishment" laws, or "Director Crims paradise", have the objective of reducing the requirement and liability of company directors in event that meaningful disclosure of news does not occur in a timely manner to the investing public.](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-18/continuous-disclosure-laws-watered-down-permanently/13163854) Effectively turning what is already extremely weak enforcement against financial criminals to become almost impossible to enforce. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +While some relaxation of laws during the COVID-19 pandemic were reasonable on practicality reasons, the "Director crims paradise" laws appears to exclusively be oriented around allowing and encouraging criminal behaviour, which is not acceptable from a government enforcing law and order. Insider trading is already seen as a chronic issue within Australian securities by many people, including the retail investor community (Mums, Dads and 22 yr old idiots alike). Creating an inside and an outside, often sorted by existing wealth, not investor ability. [The inside are able to obtain information prior to it being made publicly available. This is either by personal and business contacts, or by the corrupt practice of providing early knowledge to larger investors, on the basis that this will provide outside returns to these individuals.](https://www.anu.edu.au/news/all-news/study-exposes-insider-trading-on-australian-stock-market) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +If none of the above practices are present, then why are the laws being relaxed? Even the /r/ASX_bets autist can work out that one of the easiest ways to make prosecuting the guilty harder is to take away the already flimsy laws that require them to act in a slightly less dodgy manner. If permitting more corruption is not the aimed objective of the Government, then why is liability being reduced? Why pass the "Director crims paradise" to allow criminals that steal money from citizens of Australia and be held non accountable? It is not ideal that we are currently dependent on the private sector as the main enforcers of fraud protection, but given the extremely suspicious reduction in funding for ASIC over the last decade (i.e the "Defund the police of the rich" concept) that is all that is left. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The major function of company directors is to provide guidance to the company on behalf of it's owners, the shareholders. Described by the Australian Financial Review as " Handsomely paid directors, stewarding vast amounts of capital ", the directors also have a responsibly to provide information to the shareholders they represent, their bosses. Directors are well paid individuals, in exchange they are held to a significant legal liability in order to ensure that they act in a sound manner and to ensure that those under their direction act in a sound manner. While there are exceptional circumstances in which these individuals, who hold themselves as highly skilled professional may make errors, they should be held to account when it moves outside of a true error into "conveniant error" which is expected to happen in future. If they leak, provide information or quietly sit on disclosure so "those in the know" have the ability to exit or enter their positions, they should be held accountable. The burden to prove that delays were not malicious should be made harder, not softer. Otherwise the rot in the capital markets will continue and the respect of the markets will weaken. Some say this is due to rising director insurance costs. We ask if an increase in the price of fire insurance would lead to a ban on firefighting, or if it might be better to ban making houses out of cardboard and gunpowder. [Similar moves to reduce the insurance burden on those who hurt others have ended in disaster.](https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/2016/november/christopher-duntsch-dr-death/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +It is suggested that members of [/r/ASX\_bets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_bets) , [/r/Ausfinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ausfinance) and our investing compatriots together begin to make it clear that allowing and encouraging criminals should not be policy of a government in this country. Make this an issue on your non reddit Social media. Contact your Federal member of Parliament (it does work, just ask a boomer with 4 investment properties) and your senators. Do it by phone, by letter and by email. If corruption is not the goal, then don't make rules stopping corruption weaker. If you are a member of the Liberal Party, ask your local branch why crooks are being allowed to fleece party members with the allowance of your leadership, behaviour that will surely cost them votes. Don't pretend this is something about one side of politics or the other, this is bad policy that excessively helps the guilty, nothing more. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +This isn't a political group, we'd rather spend our time looking at good Stonks, too bad that will be harder with these changes. This group is focused on the market and wants to know that others have as much information as us. We don't understand why the government started this. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +TLDR. Your rockets are at risk. It might be time to fight. +So this is doing my head in. I've been manually intraday trading/scalping crypto futures for a while, but lately the **vast** majority of the time I enter a trade, the market moves in the other direction within a couple of minutes at most. + +And if I decide a losing position is bleeding too much and close it, again almost immediately the market turns around, even if I've been holding for many hours or longer. + +It's become almost comical. If you looked at a 1-minute BTC futures price chart, invariably I bought at the peaks and sold at the troughs. I have a running joke now with friends that I'll let then know when I'm selling so they should buy. + +Of course it's possible that I'm just a really crap trader, but if so, I'm so crap that inverting all my trades would be hugely profitable. And that can't be right. + +I'm trading liquid futures on OkEx and very rarely trade more than 10 btc of futures at a time, so I'm no whale. + +Anyone else experienced this or have any thoughts? I'd really like to understand better what's going on. On the one hand I can't imagine my trading volume would have any much effect on the whole BTC derivs market, and yet I can't deny what I observe. Perhaps even a small nudge can be enough to swing things around? And why is it always in the opposite direction?! + +It's worth mentioning that I had a very successful few weeks up until the last 5 days or so (not at all new to trading, but don't typically trade this product manually). I don't think I've changed anything much other than perhaps increasing trade sizes a bit. Almost seems like the market has somehow 'adapted' to insignificant-me trading, in such a way that I now mostly lose. I can't figure out how that would work in practice though. +I’m 14 years old and In need of a income. I don’t want anything crap that gives you like 2 cents per 40 min survey. I also don’t have a big social media following so I can’t do those click to earn ad things. +Found on SEC.gov: + +Subject: [File No. S7-08-08](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-08-08/s70808-144.htm) +From: John Drombosky + +March 27, 2008 + +Let's see…You're asking for public comments about naked short selling and a proposed anti-fraud rule you propose to implement? + +What's wrong with you folks? Naked short selling of securities, is someone selling something he/she does not have, does not have any "borrowed" shares to back up the short sale, historically does not even have a plan to cover because the hope is the manipulation it causes typically drives the targeted victim out of business so no cover is ever required. + +You're asking if it's OK to enact a rule that prohibits THEFT? Have you never been to an ethics training session? + +Something like a prohibition of theft should be a no-brainer, regardless of your position at the SEC. And by the way, the way naked short selling is done, it constitutes counterfeiting of securities, since the broker/dealers who participate in this practice assure the victim-buyer that yes, the share exists, even if it's just an electronic marker in the buyer's account. It's a fake share that was created out of thin air. And the result when done en mass, is to drive the price per share of the target company into the cellar. (ever hear of cellar-boxing?) + +Naked short selling robs the investors of their money, in exchange for something that never existed in the first place. The investor doesn't even know the share doesn't exist when the purchase is made. But in spite of the investment being made in a company that should have potential, the price per share keeps going down as the manipulation continues. The company doesn't get the revenues for these naked short shares sold. The company loses operating revenues. And most times, the company is forced out of business. + +When the company goes under, the naked shorts never have to be covered, and the crooks who sold these fake shares never even have to pay taxes on these ill-gotten gains. + +Where is your common sense? Of course nakes short selling should be illegal. In fact, there are already criminal statues on the books for grand theft. (many naked short schemes net the perpetrators millions of dollars and more) + +The SEC needs to enforce the laws that already exist, that prohibit market manipulation. The Secret Service should be involved since this activity constitutes counterfeiting of securities. The Department of Justice needs to be involved to prosecute those (even in the SEC) who condone such activities. The SEC is, after all, supposed to be protecting the investor against such crooks who rig the securities system against the investor. + +Most of all, the FED needs to be involved, because the penalties are already on the books for compensating individual investors against such fraud, such as naked shorting securities. If I read it right, the FED guarantees compensation to harmed investors, to the tune of a dollar per share MINIMUM. The penalties involve a formula to extract payment from the perpetrators, backed by the FED to ensure full payment, which includes a multiple of the trading price per share, plus a dollar, times the number of days the naked short share failed to deliver. + +On top of that, if the naked short activity is a coordinated effort among broker/dealers and the DTCC, CEDE and Co, and SEC, RICO laws kick in which allow for triple damages to the injured investor. + +The laws are already on the books, and you want to know our comments concerning your new proposal about naked short share selling? How about "enforce your rules and laws already on the books?" + +In reading the other comments, it surprises me how many other companies are in the same situation as the company I own stock in. This problem is PERVASIVE, and appears to be SYSTEMIC in the security exchanges. I assumed that it was just a practice common to the micro-cap companies. Well, I was wrong. And your failure to act before now, with laws already on the books is even more egregious + +I am a shareholder in several companies that were naked shorted off the exchanges. But one in particular did not go bankrupt like so many others did. CMKX was the trading symbol on the Pink Sheets. Our corporate attorney tried to present evidence of 2+ TRILLION naked short shares, during the administrative hearing to revoke CMKX. He was kept from presenting such evidence. The proof exists. + +CMKX requested the initial decision to be enforced, revoking the trading status of CMKX. This locked in the naked short position. Many of the shareholders now own certificates of ownership. Documented proof of what is claimed to be the naked short in our company. DO YOUR JOB + +By the way, CMKX was revoked because of the failure to file financial statements with the SEC. How, may I ask, can a CEO of any company legitimately sign off on financial statements, knowing that a significant naked short position exists? That naked short position affects the financial statement. A huge naked short position affects the financials in a HUGE way. Signing off on financials, places the CEO in jeopardy if those financials are flawed. + +I submit Urban Casavant was in a no-win situation. Turn in signed financials, and he's in trouble for flawed financials. Don't file financials, and his company gets revoked. (in most cases, revocation results in a corporate bankruptcy, in which case the naked shorts go away.) Well, CMKX got revoked, and we didn't go away. It's time for your to do your job + +My understanding, is that if presented with evidence of a crime, you become obligated to investigate to determine the merits of that evidence. Instead, prior officials simply discounted the evidence by denying the existence of naked shorts, saying it was meerly an excuse to complain about a stock that didn't increase in value. + +Times have certainly changed. Naked short sales do exist now, don't they? Well, the proof of 2+ trillion naked short shares still exists in CMKX. I don't think you need to wait for this proposed rule to become effective. You already have the rules and laws on the books to open your investigation, and go after the perpetrators of what seems to be the largest example of naked short selling in the history of the exchanges. + +To continue ignoring the naked short position of CMKX is to exagerate your dereliction of duty in pursuing the criminals who continue to rob the small investors of this country. + +Finally, I recall President Bush proposed modifying the Social Security system, to permit individuals to invest in the stock market, rather than invest in the Social Security system, as a way to bolster and protect the system. Can you imagine the debacle if investors put their social security money into your stock exchanges, only to have it evaporate because of naked shorting market manipulation and fraud? Please, if you would, explain to the President why his Social Security Reform plan won't work + +Comments on the naked short selling anti-fraud rule? How about, on the way to passing this new rule, you go back and begin enforcing the rules you already have against market manipulation, counterfeiting securities, and fraud? How about explaining how REFCO can have millions of dollars on their balance sheet for shares "sold but never purchased"? And perhaps even explain how it is NevWest can get off with a minimal fine for millions of dollars in questionable transactions of CMKX securities, and the seller, can get off scott-free? + +Come on, guys. DO YOUR JOB. This rule-making exercise you're going through might make for good press releases, but it's just one more rule in a BOOK of rules to prohibit the same activities. DO YOUR JOB. + +**Edit: I tweeted this post to the SEC and GG. I encourage others to do so as well. If you’re too lazy to type anything, feel free to steal mine:** + +Hey @SECGov, Reddit is now finding letters on your website, dating back over a decade, begging you to DO YOUR JOB, and calling out specific instances of fraud on a MASSIVE level. Why did this go ignored? bit.ly/Marketfraud @GaryGensler #DOYOURJOBSEC #GME #GameStop $GME +"If you students of America go to these elite business schools and law schools and they learn corporate finance the way it’s now taught and investment management the way it’s now taught. And some of these people write articles in the newspaper and other places and they say, ‘Well, the whole secret of investment is **diversification**.’ That’s the mantra. They’ve got it exactly **back-ass-ward**. The whole secret of investment is to find places where it’s safe and wise to **non-diversify**. It’s just that simple. **Diversification** is for the know-nothing investor; it’s not for the professional." - **Charlie Munger** + +"I just, I never for a moment believed this balderdash. Why **diversification? Diversification** is a rule for those who don’t know anything. Warren calls them ‘know-nothing investors’. If you’re a ‘know-nothing investor’ of course you’re going to own the average. But if you’re not a know-nothing investor, if you’re actually capable of figuring out something that will work better, you’re just hurting yourselves looking for **fifty** when **three** **will suffice**. Hell **one** will suffice if you do it right. One. If you have one **cinch**, what else do you need in life." - **Charlie Munger** +Hi, I’ve been a gambler- I mean… forex trader for 7 years now. I’m an account manager for 2 prop firms, a MQL4/5 developer, and have done some consulting for a couple minor forex education companies. Thought I’d share some insights I wish I knew sooner. With how volatile the economy is and with inflation making it difficult to make ends meet, now more than ever I think forex can benefit the population. Disclaimer: I ain’t the smartest guy. I have no formal education on forex. I’m self taught and there’s plenty of gaps in my knowledge. Take all of this with a grain of salt. + +**Insight #1:** When I was new to forex I traded as many pairs as possible. Learned all the correlations and indexes. I did not want to miss out on any trade opportunities. This resulted in me doing waaaaay more work than necessary. Today I only trade XAUUSD. It’s all I need to turn a profit. I passed the prop firm evaluations only trading gold. Since it’s all I trade, I’m very familiar with it. I highly recommend choosing just 1-2 currency pairs and master them. Specifically, I recommend XAUUSD. Love it. + +**Insight #2:** Stop paying for broad general forex education. I gained more benefit from courses that focused purely on trading strategies rather than explaining what a pip is. + +**Insight #3:** It is very possible to “crack the code.” I HIGHLY recommend learning MQL4/5. This is how I passed my first prop firm test. Even if you make a simple TP/SL bot or a script that sends you a mobile notification when certain market conditions are met, it’ll make trading much easier. I was able to piece by piece convert my strategy into code. And now I honestly feel like I have the easiest job in the world because I have a bot that does the heavy lifting for me. There’s lots of information on the internet about MQL4/5. + +**Insight #4:** Use MT4’s strategy tester and or backtest AT LEAST 2 years of price data before going live. (I backtested 15 years of data before applying to the prop firms). Think you’re onto something? Convert your strategy into code and backtest the last couple years. (Preferably more years than less). You’ll learn really quick whether your strategy works or not. Or maybe it almost works and just needs some refinement. I wish I started doing this sooner. I didn’t start doing this until year 6 of trading. In the last year I’ve done more refinement than I have in all my previous years combined. You’ll quickly find where the markets were most volatile. Those are the best times to backtest to see if your strategy works during those times. From my experience, if your strategy was profitable during the worst months, it’ll be profitable for any month. Don’t pay for MT4 price data, it’s free if you just Google for it. + +**Insight #5:** It’s okay to take breaks. After year 2 I quit for a year. Then came back, quit again for a few more months. I kept trying and failing a lot over a span of a few years. Around year 5 is when things changed for me. After awhile you know what works and more importantly, what does not work. + +**Insight #6:** Don’t quit your day job/find a day job you like. I still coach kids 4 days a week even though financially I don’t need it. Coaching kids was my job before forex. It’s easy to become detached from humanity if all you do is forex. Go outside. Serve your community. Donate your money and time. It’s good for your health. Feel free to disagree with me here, this is just my opinion. + +**Insight #7:** Don’t strategy hop. Find a strategy that works for you and stick to it. I’m guilty of buying a course on a new strategy, backtest ~3 months of it, get super hyped up, pay $1000 for a prop firm and fail because I combined the new strategy with previous strategies. If you want to combine strategies, backtest it first. If strategy 1 is 80% accurate and strategy 2 is 90% accurate, that doesn’t mean together they are 85% accurate. If you combine them it will usually end up being less than 50% accurate. I don’t have a mathematical explanation why, but this has been my experience. It’s kinda hilarious when I think about it. + +**Insight #8:** I’ve yet to find a free indicator that works. MA’s and ADX have practical uses when combined with other variables. I use those two to measure market volatility. But I don’t recommend going through all the free indicators on TradingView. I spent countless hours doing that. If someone develops an indicator that works, it won’t be free. + +**Insight #9:** Even if you use an EA, it still requires technical analysis. Heck, my EA only works cause I’m constantly adjusting its settings based on my technical analysis. So if you use an EA, don’t expect it to be hands free. + +**Insight #10:** Less is more. Back when I traded purely manually without an EA, I had the best results when I only aimed to win 1 trade a day, 3 days a week. Find your threshold for over trading. My threshold was 1 trade. If I lost, I was done for the day. If I won, I was also done for the day. It makes things less stressful. + +If I think of more insights I’ll post them here. If you have any questions feel free to comment. There are no dumb questions. It’s late here in California, I’ll do my best to answer your questions tomorrow when I wake up. Hope this helps! + +Mods, I think I followed all the rules. Please let me know if I need to modify my post. + +Edit 1: I’ll go more in depth on my strategy in the morning. Almost 1am here in Cali, gonna get some rest. +So I currently live in Miami, Florida and I got accepted into Florida State University. I have earned Florida Bright Futures which is a scholarship that covers 100% of the tuition and even give some money for books. I have a 4.22 gpa and I got a 29 on the act. My dad broke the news to me yesterday that he is more than likely going to lose his job within a few months and I have no clue what to do as my grandma was also recently diagnosed with breast cancer and she’s now living at my house and is slowly deteriorating right in front of my eyes. I really, really want to go to FSU but all signs are pointing to me having to stay in miami and going to community college, which will be free. I have looked into scholarships but the deadline to pay the deposit for enrollment is may 1st and most scholarships that I can apply for come out later. + +EDIT: thank you all so much for the many comments and i’m not gonna lie this is my first real reddit post and there’s a lot of people asking things, so i’m going to cover the main ones that i’ve seen. a main one is i need to pay for room and board and a meal plan, though i don’t actually need live on campus, I don’t have a car so it would probably just be overall easier for me to be able to just live on campus. Then my plan has been set for about 3 years and it was to: +1. go to fsu and major in psychology with a prelaw track +2. go to law school and take out loans cause those are inevitable +3. hopefully either start my own practice or find a firm that I can join +4. practice, preferably, family law and be able to make a living to support myself and my family + +Another thing is if I don’t go to FSU, I will be going to Miami Dade Community College, so no matter what I am going to go to college, it’s just whether I go up to FSU or MDC. I will get a job at whichever college I go to so I can have money and I have about $1,000 saved up but that’s not nearly enough to truly help with FSU at the moment. +I spend $3100 per month (on average). But in Jan-March, I spent $3900 per month. Yikes. Some of the spending was out of my control, some of it was impulsive (don’t be mad at me, Dave Ramsey!) + +Overspending by $2500 is normally bad, mmk. + +But the power of **paying myself first** saved my butt. + +401k – automatic. + +Roth – automatic + +HSA – automatic + +Savings – automatic + +Every month, I put away $2K+ without ever seeing it. + +So even though I overspent by $800 each month, I still made progress during those months. + +All because I pay myself first. + +Just a quick anecdote that might inspire you to pay yourself first and provide that all-important safety net. +A little background, 23 year old dude from Singapore with IT background (Ethical hacker), friend introduced me to Forex which he eventually quit but I didn't. I love challenges and now I plan on taking up Forex trading as a career apart from my passive income jobs. + +When I first started trading, I was frustrated! I had so many unanswered questions, why do I keep getting stopped out? Why are my profits so low? Why was my trades always going opposite only once I opened. Is my broker trading against me? So I paused and walked away from the charts for a few weeks, in that break I took it upon myself to understand more about Forex before opening the charts again and here is what I learned. Mind you, I did not buy any course or Indicators! All I did was read articles on the internet, watch a ton of YouTube videos and tried almost all indicators . + +&#x200B; + +**Here we go, my tips. These are based on my views** + +1. UNDERSTAND BANKS AND BIG FINANCIALS INSTITUTIONS MOVES THE MARKET - No retail traders will be able to move the market like how the Big Banks move the market. You need to understand how banks move smart money and dumb money.(Will explain more later in the post) +2. STOP SEARCHING FOR THE HOLY GRAIL - No indicators is going to tell you where is the best entry or best exit. They often lag and are behind time so by the time you enter a trade, the trend has already moved a certain percentage causing you to lose precious pips that you could have gotten as profits. Instead look at the charts to search for "low risk, high probability trades" (Will explain more later in the post) +3. LOOK OUT FOR NEWS (fundamentals) - Big impact news move the markets with big moves, don't get stopped out because you entered at the wrong time without knowing that there is a high impact news in a few minutes/hours. It might hurt your account badly even through you have a stop-loss. Understand the nature of the news and how it will impact the currency. +4. DO NOT CHASE PROFITS - Chasing profits will be the number one reason you blow your account because no amount of money will satisfy you, you will always want more. Trust me, I've been there and done that . Instead start looking at percentage earned and loss, because in Forex you need money to make money. Lets say you have a target of 5% a month, with a $1000 account that is only $50 and doesn't seem significant but do that with a $100,000 account and you will get $5000 every month. I think you will get it by now. You can't just open a $1000 account and expect to be a millionaire in 1 month. Greed will take over you and you will blow every account you open. +5. DO NOT OVER LEVERAGE YOU ACCOUNT - By over leveraging you will be able to open larger lot sizes and you will feel good that you can use less money to earn more profit! Then you will start trading, say you profited your first trade and you feel good about yourself. Profited your second trade and feel even better. So you go bigger in the third trade, and guess what? You lost this trade. And this one loss is enough to wipe out your whole $1000 account. +6. MORE TRADES DOES NOT GIVE YOU MORE PROFITS - As a trader you should understand not every trade will turn out positive, there will always be negative trades. And at times you can have more negative trade than positive but still end up with profits at the end of the week? This is where quality over quantity trades comes in play. Lets say for example you had 4 losing trades and 2 winning trades, your losing trades are 2% each and your winning trades are 8% each, add them up and you will still have 8% profit. This is also a very important part called risk management. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND RISK MANAGEMENT ELSE YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN FOREX. +7. NEVER CHASE THE MARKET - Markets move 24/7 from Monday 5 AM to Saturday 5 AM (Singapore time, GMT+8). There will be plenty of opportunity to enter the market. You don't always need to have an open position during this time to feel like a trader. Smart traders look for the best opportunity to enter the market at certain levels. Missed an opportunity, don't worry! There will always be another opportunity, trust me! By chasing the market and always trying to open a position, it will only cause you to blow out your account faster. +8. PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE - I can't place more emphasis on this point. Once you have analysed the market and placed your trade, be patient and let the market work for you. By you sitting at the screen 24/7, the trade is not going to go by your way magically. Remember Bulls will Profit, Bears will profit, only Pigs will get slaughtered! Don't let greed eat you alive. + +================================================================================================== + +Now lets talk about the "low risk, high probability" trades and how I trade. Trading is easy, if you take some time to understand it. + +&#x200B; + +How I trade? That's a simple question. I use supply and demand together with fundamentals. I keep my charts clean off indicators. I know I know as soon as I say supply and demand, some of you are going to be like supply and demand doesn't exist in the currency market. But I hope you understand this are my views. + +**Supply and Demand** + +Supply and demand levels are zones that tend to be tested again and again till its broken creating another level for supply and demand. You are basically trading against the trend and I know people will be scared and think I'm dumb for saying. But once I learned this theory and started practicing it, I kicked myself in the bum for being so dumb all this while. This zones are also known for when banks throw large amount of money into the market. Bank traders do not have their screen cluttered with tons of indicators like retail trades who is just in search for the holy grail. They practice supply and demand. Let me put it in a easier context, It is basically buying a currency at wholesale and selling it at a retail price. People always practice this everyday in life like buying more of a certain item just because it is on discount at a supermarket but I don't understand why they neglect it when it comes to Forex. It is no different here in the markets. I am not going to say no more, as I want you to google more about it and understand it yourself, that is the best way you will learn better. Watch YouTube videos, read articles, see how bankers trade, understand why they place the trade. + +Also understand that there is no supply and demand in lower time frame like M1 or M5, its just noise. For myself, I use H1/H4/D1. + +I make 100-200 pips per week and that is enough for me currently, Remember don't be greedy. + +However when there is news events, supply and demand may be ignored due to the nature of how fundamentals affect the market differently. Understand the difference and with that I have came to the end. + +Remember to treat yourself once in awhile when you do good each month, You will enjoy trading better. Let me tell you the best part about trading, is that you can work from anywhere in the world, be your own boss and never be pressured by anyone. + +If you have made it this far, I thank you for taking your time to read this thread. This may be your first step to success. + +&#x200B; + +**HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AND HAPPY TRADING** + +================================================================================================== +Taxes are about $1500, and they owe another $6k in back taxes. The house itself is a bargain, in an oversaturated market, and an obvious diamond - even with a gut remodel. + +Would it be better to wait and see if it goes into foreclosure, or just lowball them? I've never owed money, so I'm clueless to what happens when you get behind on your taxes. +I had a bad job ($65k in a HCOL area) and debts for most of my 20s and 30s and wasn't able to save at all ( literally $0 in savings), but finally got a decent gig in late 2017 and started paying debts and saving. I'm now 37 and make $110k and should continue to. I've managed to pay off all my student loan and credit debts, max out my Roth IRA for 3 years and am over $20k there, have $20k in a 401k, have $20k in a traditional IRA, and have nearly $30k in savings. I continue to max the Roth, max my 401k at 6% (3% match), and put $1,200 into savings a month to buy a house next year. + +I know I wasted a lot of prime earnings years and have guilt about it, but how far behind am I if I keep up my current pace? +Can we create a rule to stop the following posts? + +"What do you think about x company. I like it. What's your thoughts?" + +Maybe I'm a grump, but I feel they add 0 value to the subreddit. + +Please, at least do a brief summary of what you like about it. +By subsidize I mean that America invests in r&d for medicine, and the rest of the world is able to "piggyback" off of it. + +I recall this being said before as an explanation to the high healthcare costs in America. I'm pretty sure I've seen JEP articles about this topic, but I'm unable to find them anymore. +The anti-FIRE? + +https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/13/style/saving-less-money.html + +> The World’s a Mess. So They’ve Stopped Saving for Tomorrow. + +> Many adults under 35 are throwing financial caution to the wind. It’s all about saving less, spending more and pursuing passions. + +> “We’re not wired to save. We’re wired to consume. If you have an exciting vision of the future, those are the people who aggressively save for retirement. If you have an apocalyptic vision of the future, why would you save for it? Of course you wouldn’t.” +The current appreciation of house prices is crazy. The announcements of 2% deposits seems like it will just make things worse (more demand, without more supply). It seems like houses are getting further out of reach of the majority of the population. This trend is troubling. + +As an example, I'm almost 30, I'm able to save 11.5K per quarter. I get a salary of 108K( somewhat above the median ). I don't really have anywhere to cut costs, apart from rent which I'm actively trying to reduce. Saving at this rate is very difficult and is not sustainable. + +At current savings rate (unsustainable): + +[Based on random sample suburb from Sydney. This is based around current ludicrous appreciation.](https://preview.redd.it/ga4u21vfym071.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=5308606e0d3e0801a528ee5128fb13892b73484a) + +I will cross the threshold needed for a deposit. However, with a more sustainable savings rate the deposit curve simply runs away (roughtly $6520 per quarter savings, from another reddit poster): + +[Based on random sample suburb from Sydney. This is based around current ludicrous appreciation.](https://preview.redd.it/dqi4z07sym071.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=b089edadab45031670afaae9b54b88a6067ac103) + +For someone who is paid quite well, this is a disturbing curve. It shows that it is very difficult to get to a 10% deposit (at current rates, and especially for those less fortunate). The governments solution to have people increasingly indebted seems totally heartless. Pushing more and more mortgage stress onto younger and younger generations. With no wage growth I'm not sure how the vast majority of people not yet in the market still has hope in this regard. + +So much of Australia's wealth is tied up in housing. This isn't exactly productive use of our resources. We could be using it to invest in local businesses, start-ups and technology. But instead, we are using it to put rising pressures on a market that is forever clamping the spending power of younger generations. This will lead to generations of people who couldn't afford to start businesses with upfront capital requirements (usually the scalable types). + +In the attempt to save for a home, I am inadvertently priced out of having children. As an engineer, working remotely is difficult to impossible. As engineer, working from home in an apartment is vastly impractical (due to equipment). I am not alone; my friends and family are experiencing them a similar problem. This is just my experiance, most have it tougher. + +Currently, about 32% of households are renting (source 5), in 1994 this figure was 25.7%. + +A fair go for all Australians is a wonderful mantra. However, each generation ownership has dropped significantly (source 6). The trend is concerning. + +[Ownership rate by birth cohort when they were 30 to 34 years old \(source 6\).](https://preview.redd.it/usqow5uc2n071.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef5f74a369710bc5e7da081fe1220786d0147ed) + +Clearly, this is a concerning trend. It is not at all a fair go for all Australians, instead it is a cost for being born more recently. Compounded by decreasing wage growth and it obvious that the younger you are, the more difficult it is to live here. Declining opportunity outside of our established cities is saddening and forcing people into property markets they cannot reasonably afford. + +Edit: I have various things that make saving easier for me. This doesn't make me feel better, it makes things worse. I know my situation, this is hard. I know I'm fortunate, which means others have it harder. The trend indicates future generations will have a tougher time still. + +Edit: Removed the 12% lines from the graphs, it was unnessary and distracting. + +Edit: Change opening sentance as people comment before finishing reading. + +Edit: Replaced list with graph. + +Sources: + +1: [https://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Job=Electronics\_Engineer/Salary](https://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Job=Electronics_Engineer/Salary) + +2: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/wage-price-index-australia/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/wage-price-index-australia/latest-release) + +3: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/consumer-price-index-australia/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/consumer-price-index-australia/latest-release) + +4: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/residential-property-price-indexes-eight-capital-cities/latest-release](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/economy/price-indexes-and-inflation/residential-property-price-indexes-eight-capital-cities/latest-release) + +5: [https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/housing-occupancy-and-costs/2017-18](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/housing/housing-occupancy-and-costs/2017-18) + +6: [https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/home-ownership-and-housing-tenure](https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-welfare/home-ownership-and-housing-tenure) +Hi Guys, + +Saw today that MGC Pharmaceuticals listed on LSE in the AIM market as the first UK listed company operating in medicinal cannabis. + +What are your thoughts? Think this could go big or is market dominated by the US already? +Yes, I’m in this market to make profit but I want to do that with legit projects not f#cking dog coins with no vision, technology or even any sort of back up. + +&#x200B; + +For real, how can people invest this blindly in something that has no back up what so ever. It’s literally hype driven and that’s it. + +&#x200B; + +Would much rather invest in coins with real technology behind them like ETH and ADA or any coin that has real intrinsic back up like Aurum’s gold backed tokens. Or old and very stablished coins like BTC. + +&#x200B; + +These meme coins and a fad and won’t be around for too long… +Welcome to to the Baby Squid Games, having much success in the past, we are now bringing a whole new concept to the NFT’s Earn Axie Infinity Shards by holding $SQUIDS and earn $SQUIDS by holding our NFTs! + +With the Casino in progress & NFTs being created, we’re set for an amazing month at Baby Squid! [https://i.ibb.co/M2ZVq5Q/axssquid.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/M2ZVq5Q/axssquid.jpg) + +With our platform you can passively earn Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) without needing to stake your tokens as our automatic dividend system pays out 5% in rewards on an interval of 3-6 hours to the holders. + +Baby Squid Game NFT’s will be our collection of baby squids in all of their different forms and player numbers. We plan on releasing 456 players for collection 1. + +Baby Squid Game Liquidity is locked for 6 months with the unicrypt app. + +**📊Tokenomics:** + +Total supply: 1,000,000,000 $SQUIDS + +12% Buy & Sell Tax (with 5% rewards paid in AXS) + +6% Marketing + Liquidity + +1% Buyback, Burn & Rise + +USA/UK based team with doxxed founder! + +🎈Full contract audit from StaySAFU live today! (30/10/21) + +**Total Holders: 1800 HODLs** + +📝Contract Address: 0xea88d713af5d742dbcafc4b0360b59a8b3e34d6b + +Find out more about BABY SQUID GAME by accessing the following links: + +💻Website: [https://babysquidgames.com/](https://babysquidgames.com/) + +✈️Telegram: [https://t.me/babysquidsgames](https://t.me/babysquidsgames) +As the title suggests, I am planning to retire by 40. I don't want to end up like my brothers (low income family with no financial planning). + +I am hoping that there are people here who have this figured out and can give me some ideas to plan it. + +Please include "Must do" and "Don't do" pointers. + +Also, refrain from giving advise discouraging retirement by 40. + +Thanks in advance! +Being American and not being able to afford healthcare is one of the cruelest fates that one can have bestowed upon them. When you have health problems and can't afford healthcare it's awful. Here's what you'll go through... + +You'll develop a healthcare problem and you can't afford to go to the doctor. So what you'll do is you'll spend all day googling your symptoms. You'll get about 5 different possible diagnoses. Some may be mild and some may be very serious so this will cause you great anxiety. You may even try to go to Reddit forums to try to get a better idea of what's wrong with you. However this is a waste of time because people will just simply tell you to go to the doctor (which you can't afford). + +Then if you can actually find a way to afford health insurance then you have to take a day off to go to the doctor. You have to do this because most doctors operate on bankers hours which is probably the same schedule you work at your job. Many times the doctor won't be able to diagnose you. So then the doctor sends you to a specialist. Then specialist almost can never diagnose you without really expensive tests. In fact often times they have to run multiple tests to diagnose you. + +Constantly you're losing money and you're infuriating your employer by taking this much time off. So now have to find a way to both afford these doctors, afford the insurance (often with sky high deductibles) and you have to afford the sky high tests that doctors require. Healthcare is a nightmare if you're poor in the USA. +Well, that was unexpected. They did have a blow out quarter though: + +Q4 sales topped $100 billion for the first time: $125.56 billion vs. $119.70 billion expected and $87.44 billion year-over-year + +EPS: $14.09 vs. $7.34 expected - which is insane as well. + +I'm gonna need a day to grasp this. What the hell Jeff. + +Edit: Bezos will transition to Executive Chair, and Andy Jassy will take over as CEO. Jassy is currently AWS CEO. + +> “Amazon is what it is because of invention. We do crazy things together and then make them normal. We pioneered customer reviews, 1-Click, personalized recommendations, Prime’s insanely-fast shipping, Just Walk Out shopping, the Climate Pledge, Kindle, Alexa, marketplace, infrastructure cloud computing, Career Choice, and much more,” said Jeff Bezos, Amazon founder and CEO. “If you do it right, a few years after a surprising invention, the new thing has become normal. People yawn. That yawn is the greatest compliment an inventor can receive. When you look at our financial results, what you’re actually seeing are the long-run cumulative results of invention. Right now I see Amazon at its most inventive ever, making it an optimal time for this transition.” + +[Source](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-reports-4q-2020-earnings-results-152012181.html) +French Connection Finance has booked a PLATINUM booth in the most prestigious crypto expo in the world! + +FCF representatives will be attending CRYPTO EXPO DUBAI 2022 on March 16-17. They even have a 20-minute on-stage presentation that will broadcast FCF and FCFPAY to the world! + +Another exchange listing has been confirmed for the 3rd week of February! This will bring huge exposure to the project. + +REBRANDING is imminent! In order to avoid any confusion whatsoever regarding the fact that FCF is 100% a utility project, a new corporate image is about to be revealed. The utility launch marketing plan will also begin in earnest in the days and weeks to come. + +Over 500 Merchants have already signed up to accept crypto payments for their goods and services through FCFPAY! + +$FCF is a revolutionary token developing a crypto payment gateway called FCFpay. It integrates with the two biggest e-commerce platforms – WooCommerce & Shopify. But FCFpay doesn’t stop there… The flexible API allows it to be integrated into practically any existing payment system, even in physical retail stores! In fact, a large proportion of the first merchants to use it will be physical stores. + +Imagine paying directly with crypto! You will soon be able to shop online or in person, and spend your crypto gains without having to send them to the bank or use a “crypto credit card” that is actually just swapping your crypto for fiat. Crypto is about to fulfill its true purpose as the CASH of the internet! + +FCF Pay will, for example, allow you to buy flowers with BNB and order food with Cardano (or any other crypto)... just about any combination you can imagine, and all without requiring you to use a traditional offramp, such as a centralized exchange. + +This will allow FCF to unite the $4 trillion-dollar online shopping industry with the cryptocurrency world. This unification positions FCF to lead the way towards mass adoption and secures the future of FCF as an essential crypto technology! + +That’s why their motto is “EMPOWERING CRYPTO”! + +$FCF was already listed on 4 exchanges over a period of just 4 weeks! LBANK, HOTBIT, COINSBIT AND LATOKEN… and there are more to come! A new exchange listing has been confirmed for February. + +The payment gateway will incentivize adoption by featuring a fee structure that is lower than PayPal and credit card processing companies. + +Live Beta testing is underway right now! You can even go and try the early beta for yourself on the FCF merch store. + +Every payment gateway transaction will also induce a buy back and BURN mechanism in FCF, thereby increasing the value of your FCF by reducing the overall supply! + +$FCF rewards holders with BNB dividends based on trading volume (5% of each transaction goes to the dividend pool and is distributed proportionally) AND from a portion of transaction fees once + +FCFpay is launched. Yes, you will earn dividends on every payment gateway transaction! This safeguards your investment from bear markets by establishing a second source of dividend revenue! Imagine receiving a portion of the $4 trillion-dollar e-commerce industry simply by holding FCF! + +As a great cherry on the cake, FCF has launched an NFT collection, The FrenchFellas! The collection is based on our spiritual leader, Gotto the French Bulldog. + +The Dev is always active and always OVERDELIVERS. + +Dev is Doxxed, KYCd and a Certik audited! + +Medium: [https://medium.com/@fcf/fcf-pay-january-4th-abd34c2d7ee7](https://medium.com/@fcf/fcf-pay-january-4th-abd34c2d7ee7) + +The FrenchFellas NFT! You can win up to 140 000$ by minting: [www.frenchfellas.com](https://www.frenchfellas.com) + +Website: [www.frenchconnection.finance](https://www.frenchconnection.finance) + +NFT Website: [www.Frenchfellas.com](https://www.Frenchfellas.com) + +Contract: 0x4673f018cc6d401aad0402bdbf2abcbf43dd69f3 + +Telegram: [https://t.me/frenchconnection\_bsc](https://t.me/frenchconnection_bsc) +Welcome to + +Scrooge Coin + +PREPARE TO BE AMAZED! Buying NOW could change your financial future forever. LITERALLY! + +ScroogeCoin cryptocurrency is a rewards coin that gives its holders 8% $BUSD reflections, a Crypto Pegged one-to-one with the USD. This single feature is so important that it makes ScroogeCoin a front runner among all the cryptocurrencies. ScroogeCoin will also focus on a play to earn gaming feature primarily focused on Texas Holdem and Slots initially. We believe the gaming deflationary crypto coin is a trillion dollar market and we plan on being #1 in this space. BUY NOW. This will be a REAL LIVE play to EARN casino. ONLY HOLDERS can access. We will have Beta launched in Q2 2022. + +4% of every buy and sell transaction is automatically added to Marketing. The tokens collected from the fees are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the Scrooge Coin contract. The contract is coded so that the BNB in the marketing contract will be utilized as marketing expenses OR to purchase Scrooge Coin and burn. We are very serious about marketing efforts to further grow the community of the coin. The reason for the coins in the marketing pool initially is to increase the marketing efforts for holders drastically in the beginning. + +With every transaction, 2% of tokens are automatically transferred to the PancakeSwap liquidity Pool. ScroogeCoin also +maintains a buy-back reserve from where the tokens are converted into BNB and securely locked and stored in the ScroogeCoin contract. + +The desire of ScroogeCoin is to create a new distribution of wealth back to the people holding the digital property instead of flowing into corporate entities. We believe that the reflection token is a trillion-dollar market. We want to be the #1 coin and community in this market. Our P2E Casino and gaming is going to revolutionize crypto LITERALLY. The time to buys is NOW. + +JOIN OUR GROWING COMMUNITY + +Website: https://www.scroogegold.com + +Instagram: scroogecoinbaby + +Twitter: scrooge_coin + + +Telegram:http://t.me/scroogecoingold +Thinking about non profitable companies that provide high demand services. Uber, Deliveroo, Just Eat and all the others. + +They entered as challengers to the market, but have failed to make their business model work at a time when they are in peak demand. + +Can the market simply just not provide enough for the gig economy to legitimately exist? + +Do investors pay for this as a privilege to society? + +Can they ever really make a profit? +I saved up for this bitch for almost 3 years and placed the order this morning. I was happy for about 10 minutes and then it consumed me. I kept thinking back to the days where I could barely afford food, was drowning in debt, and couldn’t put more than a couple of bucks worth of gas in my car. It took me years to crawl out of that hole and the nightmare of having to live that way again had me physically shaking. + +I just called them up and cancelled a few minutes ago and have never felt so good about myself. Thank you to all those who post on here about your situations, it kept me in check today and hope someday it will do the same for you. + +EDIT: Some folks were wondering about the model. So here it is: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Jackson/USA-Signature-Misha-Mansoor-Juggernaut-HT6-Electric-Guitar-Daphne-Blue-1500000208344.gc?rNtt=Jackson%20usa%20misha&index=2 +I don’t have an economics background, so I’m looking at this as a layman. + +For decades, central banks have been lowering interest rates as a way to cut more slack for the economy and incentivize economic growth. The problem is we abused this tool box because we didn’t raise rates properly when times were good so now credit is too cheap. Central banks have also printed money to artificially stimulate crash periods and avoid short term pain. This has caused our money to become devalued. + +We’re at a crossroads now, where we have printed so much money that inflation is running amuck and causing serious threats to household financial well-being. People in amazing careers cannot buy homes because of high asset prices. The poor and the working class who live off their pay checks are seeing a real reduction in their purchasing power. We’re due for an update from the Fed this week, and every indication is that inflation will be 7% or more. + +There are essentially two options. Accept high inflation or raise interest rates. As much as I don’t believe in the Fed, I also can’t see a situation where they allow the masses to become impoverished at the expense of home prices or the stock market. Raising interest rates means a painful recession for workers and higher borrowing costs for those in debt. But they can’t take their foot off the pedal because otherwise inflation will destroy price and wage controls and we become Venezuela. Doesn’t this essentially ensure a crash? +Below is my analysis of Palantir. While deeper analysis is possible, the goal is a concise elevator pitch, in line with what Peter Lynch recommends when making decisions to buy or sell. I included everything that *I thought* should satisfy a curious investor. + +## Summary of Operations + +Palantir provides software platforms to governmental and commercial enterprises in the U.S. and its Western allies. These allow their customers to track, input, analyze, interact with, and make decisions based on their customer’s data. It is adaptable to the customer’s needs, whether identifying positions of IEDs in war, understanding consumer purchasing habits, or following the movement of pieces that assemble a jumbo jet. Palantir helps enterprises of many shapes and sizes achieve new levels of efficiency with data-driven decisions that would be difficult to perform independently, if at all. While their platforms can be installed and operated within a company’s own hardware or cloud system, Palantir also boasts a subscription-based cloud network that is readily accessible to any of its users. + +In 2021, Palantir produced positive cash flows for the first time, with **$321 million in free cash flow**. The company declared **$424 million in** ***adjusted*** **free cash flow** (after adding back cash paid for taxes on stock-based compensation). I’m not really sure how they justify this. + +## Strategy + +Palantir has three phases in building customer accounts: Acquire, Expand, and Scale. + +* **Acquire:** This is the opening phase. Typically this involves a pilot program with the new account. Palantir’s staff is deeply involved and usually operates at a modest loss as it courts the customer and familiarizes it with software. The customer enjoys minimal risk and obligations. The goal is simple customer acquisition (think Thiel’s PayPal paying people to join that platform). +* **Expand:** After the Acquire phase, Palantir seeks to increase the sale of its software and service throughout that account, while also perhaps leveraging this relationship into the creation of new accounts with adjacent enterprises that have a relationship with the main account. There is usually still a modest loss here but an increase in revenue. +* **Scale:** The account reaches maximum saturation of software sales, increasing revenues further. Costs decrease to cover simple maintenance and support, as the customer is usually very self-sufficient in use of software and has it customized to meet the data needs of their enterprise. The account becomes a profitable relationship for Palantir at this point. + +The length of these periods is not set in stone and can vary wildly based on the account. Palantir expects that successful navigation through stages can take several months, maybe even a few years. + +## Growth and Future + +As of 2021, Palantir is successfully cash flow positive. This is good because relying on debt and the sale of equity is unsustainable. Now it must learn to sustain its growth with is own cash. One change that Palantir noted in its 2020 annual report was the expansion of sales staff to get their products to customers more quickly. Positive cash flows and a 70% increase in total customers prove the wisdom of this investment. + +In Palantir’s own words, they have no obvious competitors with the kind of product they offer. They claim their main competition is *the* *customer*, who may attempt to develop their own internal platforms. It’s possible that other tech giants could spawn a similar product line as what Palantir offers. Given the lengthy process of courtship in maturing new accounts, Palantir may prove cyclical in its growth trends. + +As technology continues to permeate society because more people are acquiring computers and because of the emerging Internet of Things, this means that there will be more data points that needs to structured, monitored, analyzed, and utilized for efficiency. Palantir, therefore, has a growing market for which it will be a leading provider of a platform that performs this very work. + +## Valuation + +* Growth Assumptions: 15% first 5 years; 10% second 5 +* **Intrinsic Value Per Share: $2.65** +Ok so free college for all is a bad idea because it is a handout for the rich. + +How to make college more affordable? + +[https://educationdata.org/average-cost-of-college](https://educationdata.org/average-cost-of-college) + +it is tens of thousands of dollars per year +Unless people are suddenly not scared to spend their money, Im not sure how a 1900 point jump is justified...I get giving banks and businesses money keeps them from going bankrupt but that doesn’t increase or even stable their revenue and if stocks are going up but business activity isn’t doesn’t that just mean P/E is just inflating? +This correction HAS been needed and it just happens that the South Korea FUD was the catalyst. + +Having a correction is also a psychological "fix". After a long bull run, if there isn't a correction, we start to become sceptical which in turn creates weak hands on the first sign of "FUD". + +After a correction, a new "bottom" price is created and in our heads we think "Ok... now that's correction is out of the way, we can increase again... so let's buy up". + +EDIT: Seems everyone has a different opinion on what a "correction" actually is. How long is a piece of string eh? +I first posted this in poverty finance, as I’m a long time Detroit native, and many would consider me disenfranchised. + +In 2013 my mother and I purchased a house for the family for $15,000. We had a rent-to -own agreement and paid the property off fully by 2017. We also have put about $60k over the past 8 years into the home, putting the total physical investment right around 75k. Since then, the the property’s value has increased exponentially. I know I purchased the home when the market was at a record low, and I know since the pandemic my home is most likely at peak value. + +Collectively my mother and I make slightly over 30k. I don’t live with the family, but we engage and work together daily. The fact that it’s valued at 425k makes me inclined to sell while the markets up. + +Any thoughts? This has been an extreme morale boost for the family after decades of mediocrity. If I sell the house my plan after taxes and fees is to purchase a smaller home for the family and take out 20k for survival to hold us over. though the last decade has been rough I’m very close to making 40k a year, in 7 months I will finish my current apprenticeship building irrigation systems. My field I fell into is craft/sustainable cultivation and agriculture. + +My mother tutors and cares for my siblings. + +I figure i by another house with cash, repair my credit as I assimilate into my new job, repair my credit/clear debt and then look into acquiring a rental duplex. After this, my plan is to just take it slow and try to build up my real estate portfolio. + +Then again, my ideas/calculations could be totally wrong for my situation. + +Any pointers or advice is greatly appreciated. Im young I don’t know what I’m doing, I wanna give my sisters and brothers something different. Peace and love. +Like many others on this sub, I am heavily invested in technology, growth, disruptive innovation, healthcare and clean energy, AKA everything that has been getting slaughtered over the past few weeks. To make matters worse, I mostly bought the vast majority of my portfolio in early February when valuations were at all time highs. I couldn't have picked a worse time to buy in if I had a time machine and a desire to lose money. + +In spite of my recent poor timing, I do consider myself somewhat of a knowledgeable investor. I have been following the markets for nearly half a decade thus far even though I haven't had the capital to invest myself until very recently. + +My goal with this post is to share several reasons why I am optimistic about the markets and my investments in the near future, despite my seemingly terrible timing of the market, which I believe will be of little importance by this summer. + +This reasoning is not based on any specific company or ETF, but is rather a top-down zoomed out look of the overall market and economy. I will however pay particular attention to the Nasdaq, which is the exchange in which most of the companies that have been hit the hardest in the aforementioned sectors are traded. + +So without much further ado, here are five reasons for my optimism: + +**#1: Inflation** + +There were a lot of inflation fears throughout late February and early March due in large part to concerns that the injection of money into the economy via the $1.9T stimulus bill would plummet the buying power of the dollar. However, the Consumer Price Index report this past week alleviated some of those fears and showed that we're in better shape than we expected. The core consumer price index, which excludes volatile food and energy costs, increased 0.1% from a month earlier and 1.3% from the prior year. The overall CPI rose 0.4% from the prior month and 1.7% from a year earlier, a Labor Department report showed Wednesday. The median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of economists for the month-on-month change in the CPI was for a 0.4% gain. The core measure was projected to rise 0.2%. [source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-10/measure-of-u-s-core-consumer-prices-rises-less-than-forecast) + +**#2: Bond Yields** + +The Treasury had a pretty successful bonds auction and this stabilized the bond yield, which was probably the biggest driver of the recent correction. To make a complicated topic simple, the price of a bond is inversely related to its yield. When one goes up, the other goes down. If there is high demand for US government bonds, the price of the bond will go up, meaning the yield on that bond will go down. This is an established economic principle. When the yield suddenly increased at a fast rate 3-4 weeks ago, it caused huge fears that equities would no longer be the best place to invest cash. To explain this, if the yield is high, it becomes more tempting to invest in. If you had 100 investors each with $1000, maybe 5 of them would invest $50 into bonds if the yield is 1%, however if the yield increases ever so slightly to 1.15%, then you may find that you now have 7 of those 100 investors who are now interested in investing an average of $70 into bonds. This may not seem like a huge deal, but any money that goes towards bonds is money that isn't being invested in equities. Anyways, the US Treasury recently auctioned off its bonds, and the demand for them was better than expected. As we all know, when demand is high, that means price will be high, and using the aforementioned principle, if bond price is high, that means bond yield will be lowered. [source](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/10/us-bonds-treasury-yields-climb-ahead-of-february-inflation-data.html) + + +**#3: VIX Fear Index** + +Much of how the market performs is based on investor sentiment. For the two above reasons, sentiment was recently not incredibly optimistic, even though the drivers of this lack of optimism are not exactly very convincing. One way to look at market sentiment is to use the VIX, which is a fear indicator based on whether options traders are buying put or call options. In brief, the VIX goes up if there is more fear in the stock market and it goes down if there is less fear, so as investors, we ideally want the VIX as low as possible, because it means that there is relatively more confidence in the markets. How does the VIX measure fear? It examines the options markets. If there is an increasing number of options traders buying put options (meaning they are shorting the market), then sentiment must indicate that people think the market is going to go down and there is a lot of fear in the market, causing the VIX to increase. If there are more people buying call options (meaning that traders are long on the market), then the VIX goes down. Ideally we want it under 20 and right now it's at around 20.7, down from like 29 less than two weeks ago [source](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/%5EVIX/) + + +**#4: Nasdaq Futures** + +This is less of a convincing data point, but a data point nonetheless, but Nasdaq futures have been trending up. Since March 3rd, they're gone up 600+ points from ~12,300 to ~12,950. Futures trading are similar to the VIX, basically they are forward looking derivatives that can be used to examine market sentiment. As futures trend up, it correlates to overall increased faith in the market, in this case the Nasdaq. Keep in mind, futures are not the greatest indicator, but they are an indicator. It's important to note that futures can change in a second and be drastically different at market open. However, in spite of not being the most ideal indicator, they are at last moving in a direction that you want them to move in. [source](https://www.investing.com/indices/nq-100-futures) + + +**#5: Technical Analysis** + +From a technical analysis point of view, the QQQ, which is an ETF that tracks the top 100 companies traded on the Nasdaq, has broken through key resistance levels and then found support at those previous resistance levels, which is an indicator of a bull run to come in the near future. Technical analysis can be a very helpful tool for analyzing trends in a stock or an ETF. I could speak for hours about all kinds of nuances with technical analysis, and some investors are technicians whose entire careers are based on this strategy of analyzing markets. To put simply what I want to point out, there are things called support and resistance lines. Basically, a resistance line, is a sloping line that represents a price at which a stock struggles to surpass. The stock price rises and nears the resistance, but when it gets close, it typically faces resistance (hence the name) and begins to drop. Surpassing a resistance line is a very good sign of an impending bull run. Once a resistance line is broken through, that same line then becomes a support line, which is sort of the opposite of a resistance line. Support means that when a stock price is falling, it will near the support price and then rebound up. Basically, the price has dropped to a point that is low enough where now investors want to buy the stock and because of their demand the price increases. When a resistance line (a price the stock struggled to surpass) becomes a support line (a price that the stock doesn't drop below) that is a good sign that we may be ready for a bull run. + +Well, this exact thing just happened to the QQQ. $315 was roughly the resistance price that QQQ was struggling to get above since mid-February when it began dropping, but it managed to break through that last Thursday going up as high as $319, then it turned that $315 into support on Friday when it fell to $314 but didn't continue and closed at $315. Full disclosure, I may be a bit premature on this, and many technicians may want to see a bit more proof that this isn't a bull trap and that $315 is truly a support level, and I think that's fair to say, and would be something to look out for on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Once support is reached at $315 and QQQ begins to increase above that again, the expectation becomes looking out for higher highs and higher resistance levels as the bulls start running. + +For the source on this, I will link a fantastic video of a technician who walks you through the Nasdaq candlestick charts and explains what I just did in much more detail [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52RbTnrarEk) and [source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5z-Po2TfCEk&t=844s) + +**CONCLUSION** + +For all of the above reasons, I expect that over the month of April, which is historically a good month for the Nasdaq, we will be pleasantly surprised by what we see in the market, and that the bull run will continue. **Of course I am not a financial advisor, and this is not financial advice, this is simply a deep dive into what my personal opinion of the market is and what the future may hold. I encourage everyone to do their own research on this issue and form their own opinions** +Here is why I think Fatcake is solid investment. + +Fatcake is a yield-generating contract on BSC with **utility**. Not only does each transaction reflect 10% redistribution as CAKE to holders **every hour automatically**, but the team behind Fatcake is also working on a social media platform. + +**The platform** + +The social media platform will be called Frosting Social, which is a subscription-based social media platform, that empowers creators to take ownership of their content and be credited for their work, while they take 100% of their earnings home. Yes, you read that right.The current ETA for the Beta launch is September the first. + +On top of that, the team behind Fatcake is largely doxxed and consists of experienced designers, web developers and marketeers. + +**Brand ambassadors:** + +The team has a large network of influencers and celebrities who will be brand ambassadors for Frosting Social. Soon, more will be announced. + +**Genius tokenomics:**3% is returned into the marketing wallet in CAKE, this means that the team does not have to liquidate tokens to increase marketing funds and the chart stays unaffected. + +**Tokenomics:** + +🔥 10% redistribution in Cake🔥 2% Auto liqudiity🔥 3% Marketing + +**What’s in the oven!** + +💻 Frosting Social, a decentralized social media platform in development. *ETA September 1st 2021*⚠️ GoldFarm partnership announced!💹 Staking⚠️ Sustainable solution to the dividend token in development!✅ 🪙 CMC listing imminent, currently in review! + +**What’s been baked!** + +✅2,500+ $FATCAKE holders +✅No min holding requirement to earn $CAKE rewards! +✅Website Update [https://fatcake.club/](https://fatcake.club/) +✅Fatcake rewards tracker / dashboard launched [https://fatcakerewards.netlify.app/](https://fatcakerewards.netlify.app/) + +✅23K+ followers on Twitter +✅5K+ Telegram members +✅📸 6 Frosting Social Brand ambassadors(more to come)! +✅📰 FatCake & Frosting as seen on Fox, NBC and more. + +✅🔥 $27k burnt +✅🥞 $200K+ in liquidity +✅🦎 CoinGecko listed +✅ Winner of CoinMoonHunt + +**LINKS** + +🍰 $FATCAKE 0xb7dba4c673bedb174dc3ff7ec65d17c863d39b16🥞 PancakeSwap [https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swapinputCurrency=0xb7dba4c673bedb174dc3ff7ec65d17c863d39b16](https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb7dba4c673bedb174dc3ff7ec65d17c863d39b16)📊 +DexTools ([https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x6612879d031846723ecf7322afb4f3a97a045dc2](https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x6612879d031846723ecf7322afb4f3a97a045dc2)) +🐦 Twitter [https://twitter.com/FATCAKEtoken](https://twitter.com/FATCAKEtoken) +ℹ️ [https://fatcake.club/](https://fatcake.club/) +I have no background in macroeconomics. In fact, I'm in healthcare. However, this is what I've gathered in all of my 3 months of investing, learning more about econ and finance than my own field. You tell me what you think and where we stand. The title of my post... pretty much sums up my thoughts. If I made any mistakes, please let me know. After all, I'm a smooth 🧠. + +# 1. S&P 500 inflation-adjusted earnings yield 🔥 + +You may have seen this picture from this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/niem73/sp_500_inflationadjusted_earnings_yield_falls/). It's the **S&P 500 inflation-adjusted earnings yield that's now falling below zero, setting a 40-year low**. The last times it fell below 0 were in 2008 (housing bubble), 2000 (dotcom bubble), 1987 (Black Monday), 1973 (recession). And it's going under again. Here's [another post about it, with Crescat Capital's letter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nil0ww/sp_500_negative_yield_crescat_capital_letter_may/) Essentially, impending boom ? + +https://preview.redd.it/jgvo3ctrpb171.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=6417c2f97f4dbbdfb4c114fff9abfa1b0fe034f8 + +# 2. The Repo Market 💣 + +It's been all the talk lately. Lately, the Fed has been conducting reverse repo operations at higher and **higher** amounts. On May 20th, we hit the 5th highest ever with $351B and 48 participating counterparties. + +Then on **May 21st, reverse repos reached $369B with 52 participants!** Compare this to two weeks ago where we had less than half that amount, $155B on May 6th. Here's a chart showing reverse repos from January til today. Notice the exponential increase ? Ya, shit is fucked. + +https://preview.redd.it/cf707nbxpb171.png?width=793&format=png&auto=webp&s=a804fd59f761970edd40cf1a76b2ca4e8fb5ac65 + +Data from: [https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/temp](https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/temp) + +Edit: 05/25: reverse repo @ $432.96 billion. + +If you are not familiar with the repo market, I recommend reading this: [The Imminent Liquidity Crisis & Reverse Repos Usage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhepn1/the_imminent_liquidity_crisis_reverse_repos_usage/) or watching George Gammon's YouTube video (Repo Market Rates Turn Negative). + +Wat mean? Means there is too much cash in the system and not enough collateral (like treasury bonds). It means there's an imbalance between dollars (which are essentially IOUs) and whatever is backing the dollar's worth. + +Why imbalance ? + +* Quantitative easing (money printer go BRRRR) +* Rehypothecation (the same treasury bond being lent to A for 10k, who lent it to B for 10k, who lent it to C for 10k, ... but there is only 1 treasury bond and now 30k was lent.) +* Probably more reasons + +So now, nobody wants $ (except you and I) and all of these institutions want treasury bonds. And as of May 21, **treasury bonds have a negative interest rate!** Source: [https://www.dtcc.com/charts/dtcc-gcf-repo-index](https://www.dtcc.com/charts/dtcc-gcf-repo-index) + +[U. S. Treasury \< 30-year maturity \(371487AE9\).](https://preview.redd.it/fbzehm75rb171.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=860034b8555e891462abedd4753be32043dfece4) + +In other words, banks and institutions want these treasury bonds so bad, they're ready to pay (lend) what it's worth and pay some more cash to get their hands on it. + +&#x200B; + +# 3. Crypto Correction / Crash ⚡ + +The crypto market dropped $1 trillion in the past 2 weeks ($700 billion last week and \~$300 billion the week before if I got my facts right). The leading coin went from \~$59k to \~$30k and all other coins followed. + +So there's a LOT of differing opinions on this matter, on why it happened... Elon Musk, China, etc. Let's agree that it was probably a combination of everything. It also seems that the leading coin followed a textbook Wyckoff distribution, essentially a method to fleece retail investors (yet again!). + +[Huge volume spike on May 19th. Very sus](https://preview.redd.it/hynaaywmrb171.png?width=1759&format=png&auto=webp&s=d70c230eed55df463d46d74b763ae978fe064896) + +[The sell off occurred mostly between 8:50 - 8:55 AM EST and continued til 9:10 AM on May 19th.](https://preview.redd.it/kmksmruzrb171.png?width=738&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ce95a840845a0178cd303acf4acef3b938192bc) + +What happened on May 19th ? Oh, right! OCC had previously issued a letter to members notifying them of temporary increase in deposits for clearing fund size totaling [$588M due at 9:00 AM on 5/19/2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nftyg4/occ_has_issued_a_statement_to_all_clearing/). So, let's all agree the crash was caused by a combination of **everything.** + +[Many coins were affected 6 days ago. Screenshot by u\/incandescent-leaf ](https://preview.redd.it/n8lb7266sb171.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2400092f719b7759f880782309592d56db1f66f) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: + +* Here's an interesting DD that could shed some light on these crypto whales: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkde38/bitcoin\_address\_activity\_appear\_to\_mirror\_gme/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkde38/bitcoin_address_activity_appear_to_mirror_gme/) +* It's also interesting how Goldman Sachs now considers the leading coin as an asset class. The timing is what's most intriguing. Last weekend, crypto had another big sell off. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-is-officially-a-new-asset-class-goldman-sachs-103540636.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-is-officially-a-new-asset-class-goldman-sachs-103540636.html) + +# 4. Commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) 🏬 + +According to Fitch Ratings, US CMBS delinquencies ticked up in April for the first time since October 2020, mostly from hotels and regional malls. + +https://preview.redd.it/9uq512i9sb171.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=eda234c027d79eb6d1318e5036dde2b2aa7f1538 + +Source: [https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/us-cmbs-delinquencies-tick-up-in-april-for-first-time-since-october-2020-07-05-2021](https://www.fitchratings.com/research/structured-finance/us-cmbs-delinquencies-tick-up-in-april-for-first-time-since-october-2020-07-05-2021) + +I don't know about you, but this suuure reminds me of something... and this don't look good. + +🚀🚀 Edit 🚀🚀 + +*Thank you to* u/Due-Mountain-9044 *for this:* + +In his interview and in his new article, Ryan Grim calls CMBS a BIGGER problem than the 2008 housing crisis: + +* Article: [https://theintercept.com/2021/04/20/wall-street-cmbs-dollar-general-ladder-capital/](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/20/wall-street-cmbs-dollar-general-ladder-capital/) +* YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRHwhvUc54A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRHwhvUc54A) +* Podcast: [https://theintercept.com/2021/04/23/deconstructed-whistleblower-financial-crisis/](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/23/deconstructed-whistleblower-financial-crisis/) + +# 4.1 Mortgages 🏠 + +*Thank you to* u/plasticbiner *for also pointing this out:* + +New Report From Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Finds Over 11 Million Families At Risk Of Losing Housing (March 1, 2021) + +[Source: https:\/\/www.consumerfinance.gov\/about-us\/newsroom\/new-report-from-consumer-financial-protection-bureau-finds-over-11-million-families-at-risk-of-losing-housing\/](https://preview.redd.it/jvx7x1an3b171.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=1574c782f2610c6712f6605be9bc02cade2d0bd9) + +🚀🚀End of edit 🚀🚀 + +# 5. Banks, hedge funds, and the Fed working 24/7 🏦 + +We've seen the night pics and enjoyed them. Quite the norm nowadays, but quite unusual still. + +[https://preview.redd.it/tw0ubnrays071.png?width=1902&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7fae2895a00a4292eb6c22b3cf92fbbb9d6cccb](https://preview.redd.it/tw0ubnrays071.png?width=1902&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7fae2895a00a4292eb6c22b3cf92fbbb9d6cccb) + +But wait! There's more. Not only do they have to deal with the stock market, the repo market, CMBS, paying their employees for overtime... they're also losing money with fines. + +* UBS, Nomura fined $452 million by the EU. Bank of America, Credit Suisse Group AG and Credit Agricole were fined about 28.5 million euros last month. Source: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubs-nomura-unicredit-fined-452-100701721.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ubs-nomura-unicredit-fined-452-100701721.html) +* Since January 2021 up until today, the SEC has awarded \~$163.2 million to whistleblowers. Whistleblowers get 10-30% of the money collected, which means someone is bleeding from $544 million to $1.632B. +* And then the petty fines by the SEC that I won't list. Chump change for them. + +There's also weird or bad news every week : + +* The European Bank Issues Financial Stability Warning. [Reddit post on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nh913m/the_european_bank_issues_financial_stability/) +* In Mexico, [BBVA closes 867 branches and 1 million credit cards.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhgrt5/closing_867_bank_branches_and_a_million_credit/) In Spain, they closed 530 branches. +* Banks are planning on launching a pilot program where they will issue credit cards to people with no credit scores: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/jpmorgan-others-plan-to-issue-credit-cards-to-people-with-no-credit-scores-11620898206](https://www.wsj.com/articles/jpmorgan-others-plan-to-issue-credit-cards-to-people-with-no-credit-scores-11620898206) +* Not to mention the margin calls already happening on [Wall Street as reported by European financial news](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/) +* Much more... won't dig further. It's 1:30 am lol + +🚀🚀 Edit 🚀🚀 ^(I'm back at it 3 days later) + +Here are a few more articles to make you go "Hmmmm 🤔" + +* Right after supposedly great earnings, Morgan Stanley sells $6 billion worth of bonds, following JP Morgan which sold $13 billion of bonds. Goldman Sachs also issued $6 billion of bonds. Source: [https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/morgan-stanley-joins-bank-bond-bonanza-with-three-part-sale-1.1592121](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/morgan-stanley-joins-bank-bond-bonanza-with-three-part-sale-1.1592121) +* Over-leveraged Archegos Capital Management cost Credit Suisse $4.7+ billion in losses. Morgan Stanley dumped $5 billion in shares in Archegos' stocks before fire sale. Nomura losses could be as much as $2 billion. Source: [https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/06/morgan-stanley-dumped-5-billion-in-archegos-stocks-before-fire-sale.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/04/06/morgan-stanley-dumped-5-billion-in-archegos-stocks-before-fire-sale.html) and [https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/investing/wall-street-hedge-fund-archegos/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/29/investing/wall-street-hedge-fund-archegos/index.html). Keep in mind Archegos was just a small family firm. How many more are there ? +* Italian bank collapses on exposure to Greensill and GFG. Source : [https://www.ft.com/content/c02a6e97-5505-4d4a-933f-a0e934ca6eda](https://www.ft.com/content/c02a6e97-5505-4d4a-933f-a0e934ca6eda) + +🚀🚀 End of edit 🚀🚀 + +On top of that, the CEOs of all major US banks have to testify before Congress this week on May 26th and 27th. Source : [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-15/wall-street-bank-ceos-called-to-testify-before-congress-in-may](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-15/wall-street-bank-ceos-called-to-testify-before-congress-in-may) + +How often does this happen ? Since 2008, they were called twice to testify before Congress according to above article. + +# 6. The rich divorcing and/or selling stocks 💔 + +So Bill Gates divorced and Gabe Plotkin divorced ? Huh. Weird... + +[Wow. That's a lotta shares. A week before the tech sector dumped.](https://preview.redd.it/npk8r7sisb171.png?width=1843&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0027e7f8aff470b5261852c4c9d77eca4e3380) + +[Mark Zuckerberg selling his FB shares. Goes all the way back to February.](https://preview.redd.it/zaru329qsb171.png?width=1851&format=png&auto=webp&s=e454d39dc0c95a2b9774b013d988be25ff038d3f) + +[Google too?](https://preview.redd.it/f2ouo5l4tb171.png?width=1852&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab00893677a8db4726d740bef4520169e1e5896e) + +Source: [finviz.com](https://finviz.com) + +Edit: + +* Let's not forget Warren Buffett and his company Berkshire Hathaway sold most of their bank shares (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, M&T Bank, PNC Financial, Synchrony Financial, Wells Fargo, US Bancorp, and BNY Mellon) during the past 5 quarters. Source : [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/warren-buffett-dumped-goldman-sachs-jpmorgan-and-other-bank-stocks-last-year-they-ve-now-surged-to-record-highs-meaning-the-investor-left-billions-on-the-table/ar-AAKc7Dr](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/warren-buffett-dumped-goldman-sachs-jpmorgan-and-other-bank-stocks-last-year-they-ve-now-surged-to-record-highs-meaning-the-investor-left-billions-on-the-table/ar-AAKc7Dr) + +# 7. The domestic market and the international markets 📉 + +Let's look back at the past 2 weeks. + +[05\/19 by u\/CryptoFX1](https://preview.redd.it/duhmxe5itb171.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c6bfde6a2be1b567cdb1452511b99cc9bfc9872) + +[On May 12, Nikkei Bled. Only 1&#37; Away From the Low of Jan 28. by u\/incandescent-leaf ](https://preview.redd.it/geupg0nmtb171.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f07d1be7f95801e2515e780313342ce1d5e2d6f) + +[\\"Taiwan Stock Exchange Index just wiped out YTD gains. This is abnormal. Very likely that it will also affect the US markets \(though many can argue that this is actually a reflection of the US markets, and I would agree\)\\" by u\/\_atworkdontsendnudes](https://preview.redd.it/yylsva8stb171.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d60431874a4b4df632980e526b9af812ada31d7f) + +* [Asian markets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nahhak/asian_markets_are_tanking_once_again_following/) and [other international markets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nafv9y/international_markets_are_doing_super_well_honest/) are tanking, following another day of decline in the US markets (May 12-13) + +Ok, the market has had its green days here and there. But overall, it's been pretty unusually red, right ? Yeah, also, all of this could be unrelated. Could be a coincidence. What do I know ? You be the judge. + +# 8. The media 📰 + +Usually very biased or bought out, but there are some exceptions like this article: [Are we on the verge of a new financial crisis?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncgojw/are_we_on_the_verge_of_a_new_financial_crisis_the/) The GameStop case, the signals of Hedge Funds and the rise of crypto. + +What's concerning is that even "biased media" is warning of inflation, hyperinflation and an impending crash. No links, just go on YouTube. If they're talking about it, we know shit's about to hit the fan soon... + +Edit: + +* Ever doubted media manipulation ? Remember this video ["Independent" media using the EXACT same words](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbpusp/if_you_ever_doubted_media_manipulation_remember/) and this video of the 2008 crash: [Not a single expert/spokesperson mentioned the true cause of the crash; Mortgage Bonds.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbrl8h/watch_this_video_of_cnbc_during_the_2008_crash/) +* Remember "Bear Stearns is fine" back in 2008 ? Cramer says he's confident inflation will not end up crushing US economy. Source : [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/cramer-says-hes-confident-inflation-will-not-end-up-crushing-us-economy/ar-AAKl951](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/cramer-says-hes-confident-inflation-will-not-end-up-crushing-us-economy/ar-AAKl951) +* Motley Fool agrees, as per their "38 reasons you don't have to fear a stock market crash" article: [https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/05/23/38-reason-you-dont-have-to-fear-stock-market-crash/](https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/05/23/38-reason-you-dont-have-to-fear-stock-market-crash/) + +# 9. GameStop 🎮 + +I think you know what I'm thinking of. Let me just repeat this. We have played the game while following the rules. We played against players that had cheat codes in an unfair game, designed for us to lose. Yet, here we are. + +Buy, hodl, and vote fellow 🐈 & 🦍& 🐜. I appreciate you all. The rest can fuck right off. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + + Edit: alright, who the f reported me ? Seems like the shills don't like this. To everyone else, I am perfectly happy with my life 😉🤑 + + Edit 2: I guess I was too subtle. I was reported for self-harm and potential suicide. Let me make it clear, I have absolutely zero thoughts about this. I love my life, even if it's a mess. + + Also, thank you all for the awards and kind feedback! Was not expecting to gain so much traction. "Controversial" title is a reference to the movie The Big Short. Some of you (superstonkers) caught on. + + Lots of great input and good discussion in the comments. + + A few people questioning my sources and my background. Listen... forget it. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +# 10. The flurry of new rules and regulations 📝 + +* Let's not forget Gary Gensler, Chairman of the SEC, was sworn in on a Saturday (April 17, 2021). [Why the Weekend Swear in Ceremony for Gary Gensler is of Significance](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtikm9/why_the_weekend_swear_in_ceremony_for_gary/) +* Also interesting how the DTCC, OCC, ICC, and NSCC have been implementing new rules and regulations like crazy in such a short time-span. Below is an overview of them (credits to u/MATTATI2005). And here's [another great DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ngru15/the_flurry_of_rules_before_the_storm_dtc_icc_occ/) tying them in with the FTD cycles of GME. + +https://preview.redd.it/hdabo7p6vc171.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=d089ca7c3e1d9cf27bfdb9ed0762f9b036c4b643 + +* Michael J. Burry, famous for seeing the early signs of the 2008 crash and making bank, also got shushed a few months ago, deleting his Twitter account. In his profile, he linked this, only to remove it 1 day later: [https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/ins-and-outs-of-collateral-re-use-20181221.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/ins-and-outs-of-collateral-re-use-20181221.htm). Here's a great DD explaining how Michael Burry Handed us the Missing Piece on a Silver Plate, [How Financial Institutions Using US Treasury Securities Nearly Caused the Market to Collapse and What Does it Mean for Us](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mil875/michael_burry_handed_us_the_missing_piece_on_a/) + +# 11. Margin debt 💵 + +FINRA Margin Debt is at a current level of 822.55B, up from 813.68B last month and up from 479.29B one year ago. This is a change of 1.09% from last month and 71.62% from one year ago. Source: [https://ycharts.com/indicators/finra\_margin\_debt](https://ycharts.com/indicators/finra_margin_debt). Thank you to u/CapoeiraCharles who reminded me of this. + +https://preview.redd.it/szaksdemvb171.png?width=1154&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8b26435ab2e534370f322600c2a7ffa1098ce13 + +https://preview.redd.it/9ot4jz0nqb171.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fe3c5cad336c78e6aa3846438430e3f4d94a8ff + +# 12. More charts 📉 + +I'm just going to leave this here. You be the judge of what this all means. Credits to u/peruvian_bull. + +https://preview.redd.it/b5k88sr7pb171.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=76a3b153b728898635c81fa78de60d775554210b + +# 13. Final words 💎 + +My goal is **not** to incite panic but to share data and encourage discussion. Without knowledge, where would we even begin, let alone be prepared ? Imo, this is what makes r/superstonk great. It's like a hive mind of 300k+ people sharing info. + +To those who are panicking, I believe US banks insure up to $250k for each account. The comment section below is quite informative as well. + +Are all the points in my post correlated ? Maybe, maybe not. Saying they are would be speculation. However, each point was based on facts and I think that's what matters. The rest is up for you to decide. + +This is not financial advice. If I missed anything, please let me know. + +🚀🚀🚀 +A month ago I applied for a small loan at Wells Fargo for the 1st time ever to consolidate some small bills. They denied the loan. I went to a local Credit Union and they gave me the loan. Today I signed up for a checking/savings account at that Credit Union and canceled my accounts with Wells Fargo. Couldn't be happier to stop doing business with a crooked ass corporation. + + +The Bonfire has been lit. + +This coin has absolutely crazy moon potential. + +It's a community-owned token. Rug-pull proof (ownership-renounced, liquidity burned). + +It has hit up to $75M in just three days, +THATS UP 50M FROM JUST YESTERDAY!!!!!! + +Only three days old, the community has responded in turn already paying for a PooCoin ad and are currently looking at getting a billboard in Times Square. Seriously, they got a quote for $5k already. + +Dedicated wallet with donations that have already reached $25k, donated by the community within 12 hours! + +It's still super early, and has potential to go up to $500M market cap by TOMORROW. + +Most big whales have already dumped, and now we are more community based and PUMPING! + +I got my bag. Will you? +Its still super early!!! + +Sitting by the comfy bonfire ;) + +Website - [www.bonfiretoken.co/](https://www.bonfiretoken.co/) + +Telegram - [t.me/BonfireTG](https://t.me/BonfireTG) + +PancakeSwap - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) + +Chart - [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) + +Our own subreddit - [https://reddit.com/r/BonfireToken/](https://reddit.com/r/BonfireToken/) + +Twitter - [https://twitter.com/token\_bonfire](https://twitter.com/token_bonfire) + +BSCScan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://bscscan.com/token/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) +I (26F) work in property, and I’m currently on a base salary of around $42,000 plus super, bonuses & commission. Last financial year I earned around $10,000 in bonuses and commission. + +I absolutely love my job. I work from home, I get along really well with my boss, my days and hours can be flexible, I get to see some spectacular properties (I just love houses), I go for walks during the work day and have a pretty cruisey lifestyle. + +Most of my friends earn at least $20,000 more than me per year and sometimes I really take it to heart. I struggle with mental health issues so working from home has been a literal lifesaver at times, but sometimes I get really disheartened about the money side of things. I feel like I’m so far behind and I need to catch up. + +I would like to know if anyone has gone from a high paying job they didn’t enjoy, to a lower paying job that they loved? + +I’m trying to remind myself that the grass is not necessarily greener with a higher salary. + +Edit: I know I can get another job with my skills and experience with a base salary of $65,000 - but it would mean really disappointing my boss, working 9-5 in an office and losing a lot of my work/life balance. + +Edit II: Thank you for all your responses, some were very helpful and kind, some not so much. I will be seeing out the financial year where I am and will be asking for a raise in my base salary. At EOFY time I will reassess what is important to me. Right now with my mental health battles, making a big job change for only $20,000 is unrealistic. +I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that’s ever encouraged someone else to make good financial decisions and to save up an emergency fund. It’s thanks to advice like yours that I’ve built up a 3-month emergency fund and almost immediately after reaching that goal I have to go under for surgery that costs my out of pocket maximum. If it wasn’t for the emergency fund I’d be stressing out and going into debt to take care of the expense. + +So to all of you still working on your financial plans I highly encourage building up that emergency fund because you never know when life is going to throw you a curveball. + +And thank you all for sharing your advice. + +Edit: The surgery was a success and I’m on my way to recovery. Thanks, financial planners! :) +# 📱The team from Revival token are launching their new governance token Vival with a presale this Friday, 26th November along with their own DEX on Saturday which will allow users to stake, farm and much more! 📱 + +**Join the community of this amazing new token by joining their original projects telegram:** + +[https://t.me/revivaldefi](https://t.me/revivaldefi) + +**💲How to buy Vival token? 💲** + +Kindly wait for the pre-sale to start this Friday, 26th November. The hour is still yet to be announced. + +Holders who have 5 billion $RVL will be whitelisted. They will have 1 hour to buy, then presale will be open if the hardcap is not reached already. + +**💲Where to buy the existing Revival ($RVL) from? Pancakeswap! 💲** + +[https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x7eaee60040135f20f508a393ca400ded339d654e](https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x7eaee60040135f20f508a393ca400ded339d654e) + +👉 **What is Vival token?** + +$VVL is the partner token to Revival and is developed to enable ease of access to the Revival system as well as provide additional rewards and abilities to holders. Holders of $VVL are taken in as family members of the Revival DeFi ecosystem given a say in the direction that the ecosystem takes. + +Vival is low supply and is tax free allowing for trades and transfers to take place without losing any of your position. Take charge in the future of DeFi with Vival! + +👉 **Give me some information about the team of Vival!** + +✅Same team from Revival, as it is part of their ecosystem + +✅Core team doxxed and active 24/7 + +✅Official partners of DessertSwap finance + +✅Huge community events and giveaways + +✅Games, movie nights + +**📈Revival ($RVL) Address BSC:** + +0x7eaee60040135f20f508a393ca400ded339d654e + +**📈Vival ($VVL) Address BSC:** + +It will be released before the presale + +**🌟Is their other project $RVL listed on Coinmarketcap or Coingecko? Yes! Both! 🌟** + +[https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/revival/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/revival/) + +[https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/revival](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/revival) + +**💎Tokenomics of Vival:** + +Initial Supply: 2,500,000 + +Tax: 0% + +**🔗 Join the community and feel the great vibe!** + +Vival token’s team has provided you with few platforms where you can engage and communicate with other people in the project. There you can get in touch with the team and ask them anything you want! I did it myself and they responded flawlessly. + +**🌐 Website**: [https://revivaldefi.com](https://revivaldefi.com/) + +**📱 Telegram**: [https://t.me/revivaldefi](https://t.me/revivaldefi) + +[**🎮**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/pyw3w0/welcome_to_the_minififatoken_doxxed_dev_90_burn/)**Discord**: [https://discord.gg/revivaldefi](https://discord.gg/revivaldefi) + +**🕊 Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/RevivalDefi](https://twitter.com/RevivalDefi) +I still live with my parents and pay $500 in rent. I have a $220 car payment with $120 car insurance.My credit card limit is $3,000, but I only spend $500-600 a month and pay it in full. Am I doing ok? + +Edit: My goal is to buy a condo around $200k. I don't have big fancy goals like some people, I just want to live life day by day and I'm happy with that. + +Also, for people asking about my job, I work at an Amazon Fresh warehouse. +Sup apes, (refer to edit 8 for updated downside target, i looked at my levels wrong, and want you to have accurate information) + +hooooollllyyyy fuck what a day + +Lower your pitchforks please, I know we broke below the "impossible" 219. First of all, this isn't financial advice, I'm quite literally retarded and use crayons to predict where a stock will go. + +Here's yesterday's prediction if you missed it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw84nw/elliot\_waves\_and\_gme\_why\_tomorrow\_should\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nw84nw/elliot_waves_and_gme_why_tomorrow_should_be/) + +Buckle up, this isn't gonna be short, I'm going super in depth for you guys cause I've never been more jacked... + +I'm not gonna lie, the drop caught me off guard a bit, but its because I wasn't looking big enough... Here's a view of my previous charting, where you can visualize the "cycle" waves with the white lines (SS from yesterday as I already drew new waves): + +&amp;#x200B; + +[previous wave cycle deemed invalid](https://preview.redd.it/nu57b3620i471.png?width=2130&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=b2d4faafbe982b59a78faca5802787a3dfc3abe9) + +So why am I excited? Originally I was looking at the previous movements as cycle movements, where i thought the move from our low on 3/24 (last earnings) was a 5 wave CYCLE, but todays price action showed be that that whole move to 344 was actually just a wave 1 within that cycle, and today was wave 2..... completed... + +wave 3 is the longest and most explosive wave of the 5, and were about to fucking start it... + +So how do we verify all of this? First of all, really quick, here are basic EW rules (just inserting a screenshot from wikipedia cause It's way better than my explanation) + +&amp;#x200B; + +[RULES](https://preview.redd.it/yxm65lyh0i471.png?width=2222&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=884987dc185e8d149c5a10e5af5cccff290c7b8d) + +I want you to look at wave 4 specifically, as this is why I am redrawing. notice how 4 can't retrace into the territory of 1? Well the top of my previous 1 was at 218.93, which is why I said it should theoretically be impossible to break below this. HOWEVER, since we did indeed break below (hit a low of 211), this invalidates that wave structure, forcing me to tHiNk OuTsIdE tHe bOx here... + + +Just so you know, the price targets I outlined (to the upside at least) are invalid now, as I had to redraw the cycle set. that being said, the new price targets to the upside are so fucking juicy you might just kiss me... + +&amp;#x200B; + +Also, I'm gonna be referencing the rules of the waves pretty frequently in this post, so feel free to reference the rules above\^ + +&amp;#x200B; + +Try not to get too jacked, this is just the 3rd cycle wave illustrated, just take a look... + +&amp;#x200B; + +[you done fucked up kenny g](https://preview.redd.it/79c7helw0i471.png?width=2790&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=c45f3505b373416fd1992e055b4997f8bfcab086) + +I believe that Gamestop did indeed start their 5m share offering today, or at least some of it, but im not gonna speculate on that, I'm just the waves guy. So how can we confirm that today was a cycle 2? Let's take a look... + +Remember how wave 2 targets 61.8% of the entire wave 1 right? Here are the fib targets from the bottom to the top of my newly drawn cycle 1: + +[for reference, the 61.8 level here is 213.24](https://preview.redd.it/417c93wi2i471.png?width=2794&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=48a2bb785c13520bf97359d8dd7684b8f97d7d33) + +BAM!!! WAVE 2 CONFIRMED! Now refer back to EW rules, or if you're a good ape and did your homework, you already know that wave 3 can't be the shortest wave, and often is the longest and most powerful of the 5 wave impulse... + +So, assuming that 213 is the bottom of our cycle 2 (pretty confident in this, possible we retrace to 177.51 **but super fucking unlikely imo,** given the nature of the bounce at 213) + +Okay, so wave 3 can't be the shortest, what happens if it doesn't hit the 1.618:1 target? (in this case it is 586.1) + +It has to hit, at the minimum 1:1 of wave 1. If it doesn't reach this target, the wave is not finished. This means **at the very minimum**, this cycle 3 should target 442.83. + +&amp;#x200B; + +[100, 123.6, and 161.8 are initial targets, could go even higher depending on wtf happens](https://preview.redd.it/t86shmnn6i471.png?width=654&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=13ad3017df11e41b39a1ad5084140e4e8766f0a1) + +Do note though, these are CYCLE targets, I am in no way saying that we will see 442 or 586 tomorrow, BUT these are the bigger targets to watch for as of now. To give more precise targets for the waves within this cycle (intermediate, minor etc) I will need for at least an intermediate "1" to complete, so likely by tomorrow I'll be able to pinpoint more precise intraday/daily/weekly targets for your viewing (and buying) pleasure. + +disregarding EW, another reason why I'm excited about today's drop is a GAP UP from 6/1. If you've been following me for a while, I always point out gaps, and their significance. You can visualize the gap below by the green box. + +[GAP](https://preview.redd.it/bb0kpyqw3i471.png?width=2794&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=b7367e92992e4f1dbad19092a6f1fe92de6ddd77) + +If you've been following me since march, this is how I was able to predict the 350 to 180 drop, but that was before I knew EW theory. now that this gap is filled (we have one on the daily chart as well that was also filled today, doesn't matter as much as that "gap" only appears on the daily, meaning the price action filled the areas in the after hours/pre market. We can determine this by looking on a 4hr chart. You can compare the daily and the 4hr below: + +&amp;#x200B; + +&amp;#x200B; + +[daily](https://preview.redd.it/q2bt447d4i471.png?width=2752&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=805569daf92319355a1190fba0504fe6cda49a3a) + +[4hr](https://preview.redd.it/dwdne3qe4i471.png?width=2800&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=5eda9a0e497aba537505f5decc7df9d34cba5bba) + +See the difference? + +Anyways, not too significant, just worth noting. In any scenario, a gap fill is a great indicator to switch direction and play the reversal. + +alright, you should be jacked now. Not only do we (appear) to have confirmation of cycle wave 2 completion (61.8% of wave 1), but this newly drawn cycle fits into my super cycle target a lotttttt better... + +for reference, my super cycle is visualized by the yellow lines. Given that this is the beginning of our 3, the price targets seem to line up a lot better with the original super cycle drawing... If anything, the super cycle wave 3 will finish even higher than initially predicted: + +&amp;#x200B; + +&amp;#x200B; + +[jacked to da max](https://preview.redd.it/9xbm9nb35i471.png?width=2674&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=a07e92c36d8cd41568a81da81df48613946ee1b7) + +I dont even really trade technical patterns anymore, but I couldn't ignore this beautiful cup and handle forming... + +&amp;#x200B; + +[checks out](https://preview.redd.it/hejg8rxc5i471.png?width=640&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=5bed0a39da33eb7aac0d330d6befd921b757e3cd) + +This lines up with the wave 2 bottom, cup and handle patterns are very bullish, bias confirmed. + +If you want me to update this post tomorrow in real time let me know, I had fun nonetheless, it was cool adapting in real time and reconstructing an analysis. I feel super privileged to be learning this theory on such an erratic situation, and to all the haters, you can't argue with human nature. This shit works. + +Oki I think I'm done. Thanks for trusting me and giving me a platform to try and spread a skill I've been trying to put into action. I'm no expert by any means, to be completely honest I've only been studying this theory for about 3 months, and am nowhere near an expert. + +TLDR: 213 looks like the very bottom, hard to deny that today was a cycle wave 2. It was rough to watch, but when you take a step back and look at where we are, it's really hard not to be bullish. I have trader friends that absolutely hate GME and have zero faith in it, even they said they're buying today...Buckle up my friends, we all know what happened after the last earnings call... to be completely honest, if price action is as similar to march 25 (which mind you was also the bottom of a "2") tomorrow should be face ripping 🚀 + +BUY AND HODL!!! I emptied the rest of my ammo in at 238 today and couldn't be more jacked! + +Edit: holy shit I made the front page of all of Reddit… thank you all so much for the love ❤️❤️ to the fucking moon 🚀 + +Edit 2: great comment by u/ricecooker8055BH + +“((1)) Apr13 low 132=>((2))=>((3))=>((4))=>((5)) Jun8 hi 344 ==> MINUTE ((i)) + +The drop from Jun8 hi 344 to Jun10 low 211 ==> MINUTE ((i)) + +The next wave MINUTE ((iii)) is considerably/extremely bullish. + +Why? + +Elliottician dream is to identify this wave known as THIRD OF THIRD IMPULSIVE RALLY (within MINOR WAVE 3). This is the DEADLY TSUNAMI WAVE that hit Sumatra, Indonesia; Phuket, Thailand in 2004 and Fukushima, Japan 2011. You don't want to go against this KILLER WAVE. + +There will be a lot of ARCHEGOS body bag when this unfold. Really? Based on DD we read, and with the measured objective 555/766/978, I don't know how many HF can survive it if MARGIE CALLING. + +What's gonna trigger it? Probably SEC, DTC I don't know. + +I know it's confusing...LONG STORY SHORT...this is fking BUUUUULLISH! BUY&HOLD 💎🙌🏻🦍💪🏻 + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀” + +edit 3: Morning, looks like I was correct in this analysis, 213 does seem to be the bottom of our cycle 2... confirmation in that alone is enough for me to be happy with today.I'm still waiting for a bigger intermedia movement to really have an idea of the targets, but based off this mornings price action, this is what I'm watching as of now: https://imgur.com/auYvUMj also thank you all so much for the support on this post, really does mean the world <3 + +edit 4: lol im literally dead broke, but i deposited another $80 into my TD (i hold xxx on fidelity, only x on td) to buy my last (till i get paid) share at 231... these prices won't last! + +edit 5: I feel like there were a few misconceptions from my post, first of all, In no way do i expect to hit 500+ today. The targets outlined are CYCLE 3 targets, but I haven't seen enough movement to draft intermediate waves and so on... ALL I CARE ABOUT is that 213 is the bottom of wave 3 (within 3 within 3, uber bullish), that in itself is huge. + +Edit 6: there’s no truer pain than watching your favorite stock dip and not having liquid funds to buy the dip 🥲 give em hell for me + +edit 7: about to hit the gym, probably not gonna update for a bit... we seem to be holding above 213, though for clarify, if we do happen to break below, its not the end of the world by any means. EW theory here is valid so long as we dont drop below like 110 ish (bottom of cycle 1) in this subset, so anything under 213 would be ideal to buy.making an ASSUMPTION here in that GME isn't done with their 5m offering (I believe i read somewhere the offering has to be under 255/share? someone correct me if im wrong)... Just remember that every short piling onto this mess is gonna get squeezed out very, very soon. Technical indicators are probably gonna trigger algo buys soon, as we are nearing oversold territory + +edit 8: holy fuck, just another reason why you shouldn't listen to me, im so retarded (I was probably high in all honesty) when I wrote this and i looked at my fibs as 213 being the 61.8 level to watch... but i am retarded... the proper level is 201... so keep a strong eye on that for a bounce: https://imgur.com/dmywYOA (okay now im acc leaving, the TA wasn't sitting right with me so i took a closer look, and voila... user error smh. Sorry for confusion, I'm just an ape (look CLOSELY at how the retracemnt is drawn, from the low on 3/24 to the high on 6/8... these are the PROPER ratios to reference, Irdk how I missed that yesterday + A friend of mine\* in his mid-twenties has received £20k in benefits arrears after years of delays and appeals. The benefits system isn't designed for a person to have savings, in fact you aren't allowed to have over £6k in savings without being penalised through Universal Credit. Because he received this money in arrears due to their mistake, he has 1 year from the time he got it to spend it (about 5 months left now) before they will count it towards his savings - at that point, if he still has the money his payments would be cut off and he would have to re-apply once he had spent it. + + +They count capital, investments, and real estate towards that 6k. Personal possessions don't count. + + +He is disabled, but roughly 1/3 of the time you couldn't tell. 1/3 of the time he's barely able to function, and another 1/3 he can kind of scrape along. He can't work or go into higher education. + + +He doesn't drive, and probably would not be able to, so he can't buy a car. He also doesn't have much interest in traveling, so expensive trips won't do. + + +Right now he lives with his parents who give him what support he needs, and he contributes to bills. He'd like to own his own place where a carer could come by once a day for a few hours or something like that, but unfortunately 20k is not nearly enough. There is possibly an option of buying a nice camper van or something like that, but then there's the question of where can he put it, utilities, is it close enough to the services he needs, etc. + + +His only real hobby is gaming. He doesn't have expensive tastes, and in fact really struggles to spend money that he doesn't need to spend (probably coming from a lifetime of having next to no income). Even spending somewhat extravagantly from his perspective, after 6 months he has barely made a dent. He has never had any more than a few hundred pounds at a time, and honestly has no idea how to spend this money short of giving it away. + + +He has had a tough life up to this point. Ideally he would be able to spend this money in some way that would put him in a better life position. Ideas? + + +\*He hasn't asked me to post this, some details are changed to protect his identity. +When I hit my FI number in a windfall, those who were close to me and knew about the number said things like, "Wow, this is so cool -- now you can do what you love." Or, "this must give you a lot of freedom." + +So, what I'm wondering is, can folks share some positive stories on how they are using their fat status to do what they love? Moments when you have to pinch yourself because your new life is so much better than the old one? I'm especially interested in things that aren't related to spending the fat stash -- instead, just a change in how you spend your time given the freedom that being fat affords. I'd especially love to hear from verified folks. +&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;🧠 SMOOTH BRAIN 🧠 + +&nbsp; + +LISTEN UP YOU DRIBBLING SMOOTHBRAIN. DO YOU WANT A FUCKING LIFE STORY HERE OR DO YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME MONEY YOU COLOSSAL MIDWIT? WELL THEN STOP READING THIS SHIT AND READ THE SHIT BELOW, FUCKNUTS. THIS SHIT ISN'T GONNA WAIT AROUND WHILE YOU WORK OUT HOW TO TELL YOUR ASS FROM YOUR ELBOW AND CLICK THE FUCKING BUY BUTTON. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? + +&nbsp; + +NOT DUMB ENOUGH FOR YOU? THIS SHIT FOR BRAINS DEV JUST GOT A FUCKING SMOOTH BRAIN TATTOO. AND HE POSTED THE FUCKIN VIDEO ON TELEGRAM + +&nbsp; + +STEALTH-LAUNCHED! + +&nbsp; + +✅ **Community project** + +✅ **ZERO dev tokens** + +✅ **Renounced ownership** + +✅ **LP tokens burned** + +✅ **Devs fucking based** + +&nbsp; + +12% BNB automated redistribution - No claim required. YOU DONT EVEN NEED TO GO TO A SHITTY WEBSITE TO CLICK + +&nbsp; + +2% added to liquidity. THIS THING IS MORE SOLID THAN YOUR SKULL + +&nbsp; + +Anti-Whale = Max wallet ownership of 1.5%. ANTI-IDIOT WHALE DEVICE ACTIVE - FUNDS ARE SAFU + +&nbsp; + +Devs doing daily AMAs. JOIN THE VOICECHAT AND WE CAN ELI5 IF YOU'RE TOO MUCH OF A DUMBSHIT TO READ + +&nbsp; + +CA, PooCoin, Proof of LP Burn and Renouncement in the Telegram. IF YOU WANT MORE INFO JUST LEARN HOW TO READ AND JOIN + +&nbsp; + +**AMA SUMMARY:** + +>1: Poocoin Ads are up! + +>2: Confirmation to the group that BNB rewards will grow with volume.. + +>3: Suggestions to target the Chinese market.. we targeted a Chinese group earlier today called ‘Chinese Crypto Club’ +and it reached 1.6k views.. we will also look into more exposure within the Asian markets. + +>4: Dashboard on website. You can now check your auto bnb rewards on the website. + +>5: Coin-gecko and Coin Market Cap applications will be completed and sent. Expected listing very soon. + +>6: Confirmation that we are still the shittest shitcoin around and we always will be 🤑* + +&nbsp; + +STOP DROOLING ON YOUR KEYBOARD AND ​JOIN THE TELEGRAM YOU MOUTHBREATHING IDIOT​ + +&nbsp; + +BIG ANNOUNCEMENT LATER TODAY - THE MOST DEGENERATE OF FUCKING DEGEN FEATURES NEVER BEFORE SEEN IN CRYPTO. JOIN TO FIND OUT. + +&nbsp; + +TG = https://t.me/smoothbrainbnb +Personally, I love the idea of wheeling options. It just makes sense and seems to have a safe win rate when the underlying doesn't go to zero on CSPs, but I wanted to link to this backtest: + +https://spintwig.com/spy-wheel-45-dte-cash-secured-options-backtest/ + +It not only shows the wheel doing worse on multiple backtests vs buy and hold, it also shows that the 50% max profit exit strategy (popular on this subreddit) is worse than hold until expiration. + +I know I will probably get torn up about this post, but the only backtesting I see on this subreddit is linked to a small Tasty Trade backtest of the wheel, so I wanted to open discussion to a different source. +$FETCH is the operating asset of the MoonRetriever project that will help people find new safe coins!!! + +After a successful presale they have officially launched on pancake swap. Whales already sold and this is going to the MOOOOON!!! ATH 5 million $ at the time of writing which is literally minutes after launch with over 1500 holders. + +This project is all about safety, read their litepaper, their platform will let you track wallets, check for rugs, market trackers, token lockers and an ILO Kickstarter. + +Seriously guys, don't miss your chance to get in early on a project that really has shown their passion for coins, whose only goal is to make investing in cryptos safer, and that will hopefully help thousands of people, if not millions!!! + +Locked Liquidity, Renounced Ownership, and most Importantly DOXXED TEAM MEMBERS, really shows these guys are serious about this project and want to take it far. + +# WOOF TO THE MOON!!! + +&#x200B; + +TOKENOMICS: + +43% Initial burn + +Token type: Deflationary + +Total supply: 1 Quadrillion + +Total transaction fee: 10% + +Transaction fee detail: + +\- 5% of all transactions redistributed to all holders of FETCH + +\- 5% of all transactions redistributed to liquidity + +Presale supply: 53% + +Team Tokens: 8%, spread amongst 8 team members vesting in chunks of 0.1% each every week, to guarantee team commitment. + +&#x200B; + +LINKS: + +&#x200B; + +[Telegram](https://t.me/MoonRetriever) + +[Website](https://moonretriever.com/) + +[BSC scan](https://bscscan.com/token/0x8bfc1c564E4490790DFac641C9a0FecD3f91F584) + +[Locked Liquidity](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancakev2/token/0x8bfc1c564E4490790DFac641C9a0FecD3f91F584) + +[Renounced Ownership](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x998a08eedfac51775d8f3d70b5df7f255d0cf8e9707fabca46294cae13d1db36) + +[Locked Team Tokens](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1&add=0x269885c38DA81ac2ddA3f567Ccf3CfF9539C589b&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC) +But I love it. + +It’s incredible. As platforms that enable us to do our own investing and make our own decisions become more and more popular, so too do the pleas from the money managers that are losing our generations’ business. + +‘If you don’t use an advisor you’ll retire x percentage less wealthy’; ‘lower fees don’t always mean better returns’. These threats make me feel like I’m taking to a used car salesman. We’ve done our research, and we choose lower MER. The audience they are speaking to has already moved on. We don’t need to buy your investors’ corvettes. + +Also, fuck you RobinHood +Hello fine chaps, + +This is largely aimed to Youtubers and Online Bloggers. I have watched a couple of Youtubers online valuing company and I find it FRUSTRATING. I am new to the investing game, I don't have much money to invest in but I am just trying to learn on the side. + +It always seems that a lot of these people are only concerned with financials and NOTHING ELSE. Today, a fellow redditor asked for recommendations on value investing channels similar to a specific channel they have been watching and having watched one of the videos, I am incredibly disappointed. This particular channel (might be very successful in what they do) happened to have analysed the financial numbers, came up with some rigid metrics of their own liking and kept on making their own blanket assumptions about why they fared better or worse in a particular year or quarter. I mean you would find the answers to it if you went on to read CEO interviews, earnings call, 10-K statements, news articles etc? + +I find arbitrary guidelines to investing such as low P/E, low debt to equity or 1.0 current ratio, a bit meaningless without context. It seems no one is interested in talking about how the company is doing, what do they make, what's their 5 year strategy, how good are they at generating sales etc. No narratives or story telling when it comes to valuation. + +I get that financial fundamentals underpin the whole philosophy of value investing. However, there seems to be a complete absence of abstract thinking behind those numbers. +Missed Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, Avalanche? THIS is the next big ecosystem. + +&#x200B; + +The FINAL token unlock JUST happened, no more supply will EVER be released. This dump is a huge buying opportunity before smart contracts and ecosystem come into the play. This is going to be the next big ecosystem in crypto. + +&#x200B; + +10x Developer Productivity + +100x More DeFi Security + +1000x More Scalability than: Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Elrond, Near etc. + +&#x200B; + +The very high level of staking, tremendous excitement following the Olympia launch, and upcoming Alexandria mainnet release – combined with a strong community makes Radix a Unicorn. + +&#x200B; + +And guess What? This is the perfect time to buy into the project, the excitement and future plans of the team will ensure that the token moons! + +&#x200B; + +This is the Cardano, Solana, Polkadot Killer with potential to scale up to 1 million tx/s and more. Linear scalability with increased node count. + +&#x200B; + +Buy eXRD Now and Thank me later! 😉 + +&#x200B; + +Reasons to buy: + +&#x200B; + +\- Low Marketcap for a Layer 1 + +\- Next BIG crypto ecosystem + +\- HIGH Staking APY (up to 36%) + +\- Hidden Gem Project + +\- World Class Team + +\- Will list on Tier 1 exchanges soon + +\- Strong network and quality investors + +&#x200B; + +JOIN THE GROUP & ENJOY THE PARTY: [https://t.me/radix\_dlt](https://t.me/radix_dlt) + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://www.radixdlt.com/](https://www.radixdlt.com/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/RadixDLT](https://twitter.com/RadixDLT) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/WkB2USt](https://discord.gg/WkB2USt) + +CoinMarketCap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/radix/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/radix/) +(Closest post I found was [here…](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/vzlkhj/what_do_you_say_to_someone_if_they_ask_if_youre_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +) + +I’m 40 and out of the rat race. Picking up the kids or going to events I find myself constantly asked “so what do you do”. + +I always say “I own a company that does x”. But then I have to talk about it and honestly I don’t have any input there anymore so what I say is becoming increasingly vague and irrelevant. Also, it just bores them right off the rip as they don’t care to understand. + +What do you typically say when asked “what do you do”? + +I don’t want to come across arrogant or ungrateful for my situation. (I’ve also worked hard and risked a lot to get here). + +Thanks +Seeing things in hindsight makes you feel dumb, but the real truth is that back then nobody saw it coming. Only few, very few people really believed in BTC as a store of value or whatever. If you could go back in time and told people in 2010 that in 2021 hedge funds, S&P500 companies and even insurance companies are buying billions worth of BTC at 40k+ USD and using it as a store of value, everybody would just see you as the tin-foil hat person, laugh at you and call you mad and delusional. + +This is the reason why I generally feel bad for those "two pizzas are now worth X millions" posts, as if the people who traded BTC for goods in the old days could predict the future. As such, the moment your holdings were at 10x your initial investment, very, very likely you would have sold as well, or just bought that awesome thing you could suddenly acquire with magic internet money. + +That being said, do not punish yourself with the "if I had" thinking. Invest what you can and hold while you can. Taking profits is not a bad idea as well. +I’m sure this time is toughest for those of us who don’t fit the account requirements of this sub who are feeling alone and stressed out. + +Someone PM’d me asking if I thought $GME would actually go back up to $400 (Duh of course it will) so I assumed he was a bot, but after checking his account I saw he was supporting $GME a week prior to the new karma requirements. Turns out he was just a stressed German bro who needed someone to talk to since he put all his savings in and has been holding since $289. I want you guys to know you ARE NOT ALONE and you’re in our 💛 & 🧠 too!! Just keep holding brethren, and BUY THE DIP! 🚀🚀💎🙌 + +Edit: I love all of you guys/gals, sorry I can’t get to every PM but I’m trying my best! + +Edit2: Stop giving me awards and use that $$ to buy the dip!🚀🚀🚀 +Link to the legal filing + +[https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv10156/525729/74/](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/new-york/nysdce/1:2019cv10156/525729/74/) + +Credit to u/josepham28 for pointing me towards this documentation. + +Once again, deduce whatever you want from this... + +Derpsy out. +&#x200B; + +[Banner Submission by u\/0net](https://preview.redd.it/sudowwngh6w61.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=758798c50e2c0bd0446216c96f3782a74d65d252) + +# Good Morning Superstonk! + +Happy Friday!! + +Did everybody enjoy the [AMA](https://youtu.be/fGVY2Kco8ng)!?! + +# 🚨UPDATE🚨 [Transcription Now Available!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[Superstonk Live!](https://preview.redd.it/g1g3j87i18w61.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=e66af7bdfea22e60a6b80c9f04b47d78cffd7cee) + +**If you haven't yet, you need to** [**watch the AMA**](https://youtu.be/fGVY2Kco8ng) **with Dr. Susanne Trimbath** that was streamed live on our new Non-Monetized Superstonk Live YouTube channel! I know I'm not the only one that felt like this was a turning point in the GME Saga; A pivotal time in this longer-than-anticipated journey on the GME rocket. Apes have finally found someone that knows the inner workings of the belly of the beast, and she confirmed that our suspicions were correct (tits=JACKED!) and that APES ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. I don't know about you, but after hearing her talk about fighting this corruption for almost 30 years, I saw a light in her eyes and a spark in her spirit that could only have been caused by 1 thing... + +# Apes! + +&#x200B; + +Dr. T has been screaming at the walls of Wall Street about naked short selling and the need for reform for the last 30 years. Nobody cares. Not enough people understand. She says there are very few people in the world that have the capacity and the willingness to learn and understand this big of a picture. Can you believe it? Dr. T basically said even the smoothest brained apes are still among the smartest in the world! + +Several members of the mod team have also been working on putting together a "DD" of sorts, of all the talking points from the AMA. We are doing everything we can to make sure this information is preserved and available to all apes around the world! Because without the support of every single ape in this jungle, none of this would be happening right now. It doesn't matter if you're a lurker with a single share, or a regular poster with 1,000, we are all members of this community that made this progress possible. Pat yourselves on the back, apes!! + +[I'm the pink one duh 🦄](https://preview.redd.it/j5kt2abzy7w61.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c17dddf6dbfc919b349d053da3aa0575aaf7a2c) + +# Speaking of teams, I would really like you to meet your team that made this possible! + +u/Bye_Triangle, u/Luridess, u/Leaglese, and u/Cuttingwater have all been working tirelessly on the back end, doing everything from transcribing the audio to creating the Summary DD. This is a labor of love and they are dedicated to making this information available to ape nation to share far and wide. Where is the gospel without a scribe? + +u/StonkU2 was point person to actually speaking to Dr. T and arranging the AMA. This might not have come together if not for Stonk's help. He was pretty critical to making it happen. Don't let him tell you otherwise. (He will.) + +u/Atobitt was our Chuck Todd. He did an ***outstanding*** job remaining composed, respectful, concise, engaging, and overall just made apes everywhere proud. Way to go Ato! 💪 + +u/Redchessqueen99 was our Producer. Some of you may have seen when the first link didn't work, and last minute she had to create a new link to then share with the (waiting) public. And that was done within *seconds.* I saw several remarks on the professional quality of the production as a whole. That's thanks to our fearless leader, Red. 💖💖 + +And of course all the other mods that work to keep Superstonk a fun place to hang out and talk bananas. This is the best corner of the internet thanks to the support from viewers like you! Thank you! + +So since we're all hyped and hopeful and not gonna get anything done today anyways.... + +# 🚀🚀🚀TGIF LET'S SKIP WORK AND JUST GIVE AWAY FLAIRS TO CELEBRATE HOW AWESOME SUPERSTONK IS!!!!🚀🚀🚀 + +&#x200B; + +[Drop a comment for your flair!](https://preview.redd.it/f6vrfcupn7w61.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3bfb193be8e722afae30e82363752ed86b23a33) + +I didn't get to get to a lot of you [last time](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mydiyk/flair_megathread_and_a_sneak_peek_announcement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and I'm sorry!! I also gave some of you some frickin stupid and senseless flairs because idk what I'm doing! But I've been practicing swinging the almighty mod sword and I'm ready to party. 🐈🍌💎🙌🚀 + +HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! + +**:Cracks knuckles: LEEERROOOOOOOY JEEEEENKIIIIIIIIIIINNNS** + +&#x200B; + +Edit: 10:40 AM NYSE Time: Comments are now locked and the post is unstickied to make way for the AMA Summary. I love you apes!! 💖🦄🚀 + +&#x200B; + +[**Where to buy Naked Short and Greedy By Dr. T**](https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy) +Good morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole, + +I like lamp + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gikzky62gps61.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=5571204728f26a6951e985656b5a8e52df0ab4c1 + +None of this is financial advice, I'm just an ape who found a typewriter with an internet connection + +# Melvin's story + +So a lot of people have been talking about this one, Melvin is down 49% etc etc. + +[Remember this video from Cramer?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lvpvic/dont_let_the_shills_and_bots_downvote_this_cramer/) + +Now let's look at the news article [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-hedge-fund-melvin-capital-205342159.html) + +"Melvin Capital, the hedge fund at the center of the GameStop trading frenzy, lost 49% on its investments during the first three months of 2021, **a person familiar with the matter said on Friday**. " + +A PERSON FAMILIAR... ok sorry but I'm not believing this until I see some filings backing this claim up, just like Cramer said in the video that a hedge fund manager would create a narrative which was beneficial for them. + +How is this beneficial for them? I would have no clue, but I would argue that they will find a way to make this beneficial. + +The thing is when it comes to companies they can't make false claims, but if they "leak" information to the press, those liable claims are gone as it was an "anonymous source" and they can still push a story without having to worry about any SEC/governmental litigation . + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4zol8g87jps61.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a83b3223f7282c9a112e4182af012bfbe8c167 + +So when a news story comes out that feeds into your confirmation bias you should be just as sceptical about it as if it where to go against it. remember they know we would love to see a story like this and this could also help them spin a narrative that they want for example: + +Melvin closed their short positions due to 49% loss + +49% loss forces Melvin capital to take long positions which where short + +And these are just two examples from the top of my head. + +So again use Critical thinking and think, who would benefit from this, how would they, why would they do this, what could the possible outcome be of that? + +Again it's fully possible this entire story is real, but I personally don't trust it to be factual + +Just keep an eye out I feel like there is a "melvin covered" story coming so stick with what we know, hodl. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k7vmomepips61.jpg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356c77d01dcde26d4e7445e903e6d165cda6b563 + +Now this part is fully gut feeling. + +For some reason I've been getting the back of my neck standing on edge, I personally feel there will be some new FUD coming something that will require the sub to DO SOMETHING FAST. + +So everyone I know most people have a kneejerk reaction and want to help. + +There isn't a sense of urgency, so if someone comes here saying HEY DO THIS NOW! please don't. + +Question everything and everyone, be kind to one and other and continue to be civil, and move slowly and carefully. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xx72njrhlps61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b586e6ae8d7f4951530e90e34d98117546ba9d + +DFV's latest tweet, just look at this beauty! + +now let's go over this for a bit, + +Exercise none - will cash the difference between the strike price and the current share/price at the termination date + +Exercise some - only partially execute (order) his options + +Exercise all- Buy the full option chain, aka buy all 50k at market. + +If you want to add to the vote feel free to chime in if you'd like to. + +I personally hope he'll exercise all of them, just imagine if he'd bought 500 at the press of a button, I'm actually wondering what would happen if he exercised the 500 order at once as one block, he'll get them for 12$ a piece so... for me it's a no brainer, if you could pay 1/10th of the current price or less to get something worth the same as the current stock would you? because I would + +Will DFV? yeah most likely he bought at 45$ so why wouldn't he get it at 12$ + +&#x200B; + +**Addendum:** because people keep speculating, no this will most likely not affect the share price at the market as these options where "hedged" a long time ago, it would just give our boy DFV some more shares for a better price then just at the market price. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mr8iqmvtmps61.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6379db0037f84cca2be7eb37858a6181134c1d4e + +# “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” + +― **Tendieman Tzu,** **The Art of War** + +So what's with it? + +[Check out this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mou8ww/ken_griffin_exposed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +It gives a more in depth look in who Kenny really is. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1oayh7cfnps61.jpg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37eb3ddc1e4ede85be56db55ea4dc0d2e0b26ae + +# The FTD DD + +A lot of people have been messaging me over the past week saying "THE FTD DD IS GONE" + +Nope relax guys, the site owner was updating the website and it's back online and updated to V14 + +Feel free to check it out [here](https://iamnotafinancialadvisor.com/DD/GME/og/GMEv14.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +[expect it. always.](https://preview.redd.it/7jt5w88xops61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb67015f5974d0413671089411d03421859e967) + +# It's the BOAAAARD! + +Awesome writeup [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mop9pu/%F0%9D%97%9A%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%A6%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%97%BD%F0%9D%98%80_%F0%9D%97%98%F0%9D%98%85%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%B0%F0%9D%98%82%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%98%83%F0%9D%97%B2_%F0%9D%97%97%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA_%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) going a bit more in depth on who is on the board, and it's always good to know the company you are investing with and who the people are who run it. + +because the people who run it define the company. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jnxes2muops61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=82452e0bed0503ba58c72eae05d33434bb14cf21 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ed7sjb30pps61.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8d961a85debc644de6e11d383fb4c82af9bdbdf + +Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day I will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/](https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/) + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1](https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1) + +[https://twitter.com/warden\_elite](https://twitter.com/warden_elite) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +And I'll be posting updates as they happen here: + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: + +[https://careers.gamestop.com/en-US/job/analyst-security/J3V0R174DZHKP9C5FVQ](https://careers.gamestop.com/en-US/job/analyst-security/J3V0R174DZHKP9C5FVQ) + +GME want's to add crypto? + + + +DDITIONAL SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE + +* Blockchain, cryptocurrency, or non-fungible tokens +* Machine learning or artificial intelligence +* eCommerce +* Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) +* eSports or competitive gaming +* Malware analysis and/or reverse engineering +* Threat intelligence + +&#x200B; + Xeggex Exchange +The world's most advanced crypto to crypto trading platform. No KYC No Fiat Just Crypto To Crypto. + + +📷 About Xeggex Exchange + + +FAST - Our exchange runs on some of the fastest servers in the industry and include comprehensive DDoS Mitigation to protect us and guarantee up-time stability. + + +SECURE - We take our security very seriously. We provide cold storage, two factor authentication, live backups , encrypted wallets and much more. + + +SUPPORT - We take pride in our quick responses and resolutions. Our team is available every day of the year. We are always ready to answer questions or resolve any issues. + + +📷 Xeggex - We're all about privacy, financial freedom, and your right to pursue financial independence! +Xeggex Token - Save 25% on your trade fees when you hold XGX in your account and elect to use XGX to pay for fees. + + +📷 IMPORTANT LINKS + ⁃ Website : [https://xeggex.com/](https://xeggex.com/) + + + ⁃ Telegram : [https://t.me/xeggex](https://t.me/xeggex) + + + ⁃ Twitter : [https://twitter.com/xeggex?s=21](https://twitter.com/xeggex?s=21) + + + ⁃ Reddit : [https://www.reddit.com/r/XeggexTalk](https://www.reddit.com/r/XeggexTalk) + + +\- Contract : [https://bscscan.com/token/0x3405465121748857bb7a01d57f8f9e8570fb19b1](https://bscscan.com/token/0x3405465121748857bb7a01d57f8f9e8570fb19b1) + + +Xeggex Exchange - No Limits +Sorry if my question is not clear from my title. To me it seems like it would be most economically efficient for microsoft to just sell their new xboxs at a higher price for the first few months. For example why not release the xbox series x at 1000, 750 after two months, then 500 two months after that. It seems like structuring pricing this way would get rid of scalpers. Clearly people are willing to pay high prices to be the first to have access to a new console but since microsoft is only selling the console at one price it gives room for scalpers to jump in and grab some profits. It seems like this money would be better off in the hands of microsoft than in the hands of scalpers and the effect on the consumer would be the same. I dont understand why microsoft doesnt take advantage of this. +I came across Spectra7 while scanning for volume on the OTC markets site and found that in the past few days there had been a bit more action with this company. I wanted to try and find a company to invest in that hadn’t yet really taken off. I have been a lurker for a while and just gained enough karma to post here. I have never done DD to this extent before (nor posted anything like this to Reddit), and thought I would do a bit of a dive and post it here for feedback, and for your information since I have not seen much posted about this company (maybe that is for good reason?). Please let me know what you think. If you think this stock is a no-go, please elaborate to help broaden the discussion. + +**Spectra 7 Microsystems Inc**.: Is a high performance analog semiconductor company targeting large, high growth markets in virtual reality (“VR”), augmented reality (“AR”), data centers, and consumer connectivity. It trades under SEV on the TSXV. + +The Company’s family of products features a patented signal processing technology used in the design of “active” cables and specialty interconnects which enable longer, thinner and lighter interconnects for VR, AR, in data centers, and for consumer connectivity products. The Company holds approximately 55 patents relating to its products. + +**Products:** + +**Virtual Reality (VR)** The Company’s next-generation VR products include the VR7050 which the Company believes to be the industry’s first chip capable of enabling lightweight, ultra-thin active interconnects for gesture recognition and motion control backhaul. + +**Augmented Reality (AR)** The Company has also developed AR products that provide similar benefit to the VR Products on thinner, shorter ‘wearable’ interconnects. + +AR-Connect™ is an AR interconnect product line that is powered by the Company’s patented wearable network signal processing technology. The Company believes its patented AR-Connect™ is the industry’s first integrated cable, connector and embedded chipset product line for AR vision systems and wearable computing devices. + +**DreamWeVR™** + +DreamWeVR™ is an extensive product line targeted at next generation 4K Ultra-HD and 5K resolution VR and AR platforms for gaming, health care, architecture and business telepresence applications. The product line includes four new chips (VR8181, VR8050, VR8200 and VR8300) featuring SpectraLinear™ technology, new VRspecific connectors and three new head-mounted display (“HMD”) interconnect configurations to support highbandwidth (up to 50Gbps), near-zero latency VR HMDs and AR glasses with reduced weight and complexity. + +**Data Centers** + +GaugeChanger™ is an innovative and disruptive silicon technology that allows copper to extend much longer lengths without the cost and power penalty of optics that are used in data centers today. It works equally well at 25 Gbps NRZ and 50 Gbps PAM-4 enabling new connector standards of 100, 200 and 400 Gbps. At present, optics are the primary alternative for data centers seeking high speed, at lengths longer than a few meters. GaugeChanger™, however, extends the life of copper with interconnects that are as fast and as thin as fiber, but at dramatically lower cost and power consumption. + +**USB 3.2 consumer interconnects** + +The Company’s active VR8050 and VR8051 chips are the industry’s first for ultra-thin implementations of USB 3.2 consumer interconnects, reducing the conductor cross section by up to 90% compared to passive cable implementations. Applications for this interconnect implemented with the new Type-C connector include ultra-thin laptops, tablets, mobile devices, solid state disks and wearable computing devices. The resulting ultra-thin cable enabled by this new Spectra7 technology allows the cable to transfer data at supercomputer speeds (up to 10 times faster) with a plug shell or over-mold and cable strain relief dimension that is thinner than the mobile device itself, a critical dimension when implementing Type-C connectors in tablets and smart phones, and up to 90% lighter than passive cable conductors that would need to be much larger in diameter. + +**Manufacturing** + +Spectra7 outsources their manufacturing. Typically technology is designed and manufactured in North America with end assembly in Asia, with shipping occurring from Hong Kong. + +**Overall Financial Performance:** + +Revenue has decreased for the three and nine months ended September 30, 3030 by $1.1M and $3.1M respectively (decrease of 79% and 82% over the same periods in the previous year). Revenue and earnings in the past year have been pretty dismal. The MD&A mentions Covid as a possible reason for this decrease. The document also mentions that most of their business comes from two clients. They must be actively trying to increase their customer base and offices in the US, Canada, Ireland and China position them well for this. They have many outstanding shares (>500M) and really need to start turning a profit and getting some consistent revenues (this is a penny stock after all). + +MD&A Q3 is here: [http://www.investorx.ca/Doc/2011301512441698](http://www.investorx.ca/Doc/2011301512441698) + +Q3 Interim Financial Statement: [http://www.investorx.ca/Doc/2011301510367481](http://www.investorx.ca/Doc/2011301510367481) + +Corporate Powerpoint: [http://www.spectra7.com/CorporateOverview-11-13-2020.pdf](http://www.spectra7.com/CorporateOverview-11-13-2020.pdf) + +**Latest Press Release** + +There was a flurry of [press releases in Q3 2020](http://www.spectra7.com/news) and most recently there were some announcements about [upsizing of private placement and closing of final tranche](http://www.spectra7.com/upsizing-privateplacement). With the net proceeds from the private placement, Spectra7 intends to repay convertible debentures, support revenue growth, pay interest on outstanding debentures and use the funds for other general corporate purposes. + +**Management Board** + +The Management board is composed of members having been part of the company for at least 3 years. They all have extensive experience in the semiconductor industry. + +In July 2020, the CFO Darren Ma resigned. He had been in that position since November 2017. He was replaced by interim CFO Dave Mier, who happens to be the former CFO who retired in 2017 (and had served since 2015). + +According to Simply Wall St., in the past year, there have been many more shares purchased by insiders than sold. + +&#x200B; + +|Time|Shares sold|Shares bought| +|:-|:-|:-| +|0-3 months|0|**13,388,550 shares** Approx. CA$401.7k| +|3-6 months|**258,684 shares** Approx. CA$5.2k|**3,425,240 shares** Approx. CA$85.6k| +|6-9 months|0|**52,875,200 shares** Approx. CA$1.3m| +|9-12 months|**462,091 shares** Approx. CA$6.9k|**40,622,400 shares** Approx. CA$609.3k| + +**From** [**TSXV**](https://money.tmx.com/en/quote/SEV) + +**Share Price** (as of market close on February 17, 2021) – $ 0.05 CAD + +**Listed Shares Outstanding (common shares)** – 592,717,66 + +**Market Cap** – 32,599,47 + +**Employees** \- 40 + +**Ownership Breakdown (from Simply Wall St.)** + +**Insider Ownership** – **25.6** + +**Institutions – 2.6** + +**Hedge Funds – 8.8** + +**General Public – 62.7%** + +**Investment Highlights:** + +\-Large, addressable markets in VR/AR and data centers, which in aggregate are expected to reach over $9 billion in 2023 + +\-Market leader in the consumer VR/AR market, Spectra7 currently has dominant market share of active copper cable PC-based VR platforms + +\-Significant traction in the data center market leading to commercial revenues later this year and driving long-term growth + +\-Tier 1 customers and end users include Foxconn, Facebook/Oculus, Luxshare-ICT and Amphenol, among others + +\-Capital light business model enables 60%+ long-term gross margins and near-term profitability + +\-New, experienced management team has a proven track record with similar semiconductor companies disrupting the cable industry + +**Industry Overview:** + +Cables – they connect systems together, and connect consumer devices to systems. Copper cabling is ubiquitous and has a very large end market. + +**Market Opportunity** – passive copper cables limit applications (can’t transmit high-speed data reliably over long lengths). Optical cables have the ability to carry a large amount of bandwidth over a larger distance and at higher speeds, but they have high upfront costs and can have energy inefficiencies resulting in high energy costs. + +**The Solution** – Active copper cables are thinner and lighter than passive copper cables, and are more energy efficient than optical cables, while still capable of transmitting high-speed data. + +Spectra7’s proprietary high performance analog silicon solution is the market-leader technology for active copper cables. + +**Data Centers** – High growth and high margin opportunity – the market is growing and being driven by cloud services, artificial intelligence, deep learning, 5G rollout, and big data growth. Active copper cable solutions utilizing Spectra7’s chips are used to connect servers, racks and computing infrastructure within a data center. Over 90% of hyperscale data enter interconnects require cables between 2-7 m and can be addressed with Spectra7’s GaugeChanger technology. As data center connection speeds approach 400G-800G, Spectra7’s chips offer up to 10x reduced power usage compared to optical cables. This results in energy savings. + +**5G** – Spectra7’s active copper cabling technology can replace expensive optical interconnects. Spectra’s active copper cable supports eCPRI and Ethernet, can extend up to 12 m, can operate in temperatures from -40 C to 85 C, and is lower cost, lower power and lower latency. + +**Risks/Challenges** + +\- Can Spectra7’s active copper cabling technology gain traction against other forms of cabling commonly used in data centres (e.g., fiber optic)? + +\- Will Spectra7 be able to make inroads in the 5G space? + +\- Will Spectra7 be able to build up a steady revenue stream and improve its financial situation? + +**Moving in the right direction** \- In October 2020, a number of press releases and a white paper were released detailing how Spectra7 is working with Molex, Foxconn, and Luxshare to help deliver cable and connection solutions to clients. Tencent is also currently using Spectra7’s data center technology and is testing more products to use in the next generation deployments. + +There is is a place active copper cabling in data centers and 5G infrastructure, and there are other applications for Spectra7's technology like in the VR and AR space. This seems like the ground floor for this company and hopefully they can build some momentum from here. + +**Some more information**: + +CEO on Tencent Partnership (Dec 2019): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WumQR-bwumM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WumQR-bwumM) + +Stock news re: Non-brokered private placement: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp9MD8wJgzs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yp9MD8wJgzs) + +Conference talk with good background: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjbIwF\_mnoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjbIwF_mnoA) + +Copper and Fibre optics Cabling can work together: [https://www.colocationamerica.com/blog/data-center-cabling](https://www.colocationamerica.com/blog/data-center-cabling) + +**My position:** 2000 shares bought at $0.05. + +**Investor Relations Inquiries** + +I have been in touch with Investor Relations at Spectra7 and here is our correspondence so far. I have asked another question about whether there are any upcoming press releases or contracts. I will update when I get an answer. If you have any other questions I encourage you to send them an e-mail. + +**Q: Are some data centers still using copper over fibre optic cabling?** + +A: Yes, In certain cases.. as copper is more energy efficient in short ranges. + +**Is Spectra7's technology able to work along with fibre optic cabling? Can data centres currently using fibre optic cabling retrofit to active copper cabling relatively easily, and is this a market Spectra7 is targeting** + +A: The ideal Data Centre will have a combination of fibre optic and active copper cables. Fibre optic for fast speeds at long ranges, and active copper for fast speeds at shorter ranges. There is huge cost to retrofit existing data centres because they cannot afford the downtime of the servers, however active copper is a lot more energy efficient which will help save millions in energy costs for the data centre operators. Therefore it is in their best interest to use our products in all cases where they are able to do so. + +**Q: Is Spectra7 targeting only new runs and new data centres?** + +A: The biggest opportunity is for new data centres, and expansions of existing + +Please do your own DD. + +Edited for formatting and added Q&As from e-mail correspondence with IR@spectra7.com +Heya Stonkers! + +You can **VOTE** with your GameStop shares for the upcoming shareholder meeting on June 9th. The final deadline to vote is June 8th. + +It is important that you cast your vote, because this can prove that there ARE more shares floating around than what GameStop has issued. This means that if the amount of votes CAST exceeds the FLOAT. A.K.A **Hedgies. Are. Fuk.** + +**Gamestop's Board of Directors is urging everyone to vote as soon as possible.** + +https://preview.redd.it/t01rkfo0li171.png?width=842&amp;format=png&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=c784448e5d641a9194d2e8f1fa0cfb3610760fcf + +\---------------------------------------- + +**HOW Do I VOTE?** +*Click on these links below to view how to vote through your brokerage* +*(You must be a shareholder on or before 4/15 to be eligible to vote)* + +* EToro + +1. You should have received an email with information regarding the voting procedure and how to vote! + + + +* Fidelity: + +1. Navigate to Fidelity.com and Log In +2. From the Portfolio Summary page, click ‘Statements’ +3. Select ‘Proxy Materials’ in the white menu at the top of the page. The following page will show all current available securities you are able eligible to vote on. +4. There will be a ‘Vote’ link in the ‘Status’ column if you are able to participate. +5. The link will take you to an independent Fidelity-affiliate website. There, you’ll be able to vote, review meeting agendas, and see related documents/learning materials. +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mspe40/how\_to\_proxy\_vote\_gme\_with\_fidelity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mspe40/how_to_proxy_vote_gme_with_fidelity/) + + + + +* TDAmeritrade +CallTDA @ (800) 669-3900 (Trade Desk) + +1. Enter your account info, then select option 4 +2. Say something like “Hello, I am calling because I own a handful of GameStop shares and I am interested in getting my control number that I can use to vote on proxyvote.com regarding the upcoming shareholders meeting” +3. The rep will likely do one of two things; either transfer you to the proper department for them to give you that info, or they themselves will chat to that department internally to get the control # for you. In my case, the trade desk rep chatted to the department internally and got my control number for me within about 20 minutes. +4. Once you have your control #, it’s off to the races. Visit [www.proxyvote.com](http://www.proxyvote.com/), enter your 16 digit control #, then vote on the list of things. It’s about 5 or 6 things, with recommendations from the board on what they suggest. +5. You’re done! +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mx27pq/proxyvote\_instructions\_for\_td\_ameritrade/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mx27pq/proxyvote_instructions_for_td_ameritrade/) + + + + +* IBKR + +1. You should have received an email with your control number and a link that automatically takes you to a website that allows you to vote. + + + +* XTB + +1. Contact their support, email, or call them asking for your control number to vote for using your GME shares. + + + +* Saxo Bank + +1. You should contact their support and they will guide you on the procedure of getting your control number. + + + +* TradeStation + +1. You should have received an email with a link that takes you to a page to vote! + + + +* BinckBank (Deadline to vote Friday May 28th 12:00) + +1. Mail to klantenservice@binck.nl with subject: Incident 2346 + * Your Binck Account Number* + +2. Alternatively, you can call them at 020 606 2666 + + + + +* Degiro + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n63w7l/important_how_to_vote_with_degiro/ + + + +* SoFi + +1. They should have sent an email regarding your proxy materials. If you haven't seen it, contact them! + + + +* Chase + +1. They should have sent an email regarding your proxy materials. If you haven't seen it, contact them! + + + +* Stash + +1. Contact their support and ask for your control number for your GME shares in order to vote for the upcoming shareholder meeting. + + + +* Schwab + +1. Log in, go to services tab, click "corporate actions". On the corportate actions page, click "Proxy Events". On proxy events page click on "vote" + +2. Alternatively you can also call them by following the guide here: +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n3weyj/schwab_how_to_get_your_control_number_and_vote/ + + + +* Avenue (Brazilian) + +1. Call broker + + + +* Wells Fargo + +1. Should have recieved an email from them, if you haven't make sure to call them and ask for your control number. + + + +* BNP PARIBAS / SMARTBROKER + +1. You should receive an invitation for the vote in your (mail) account. From there you can request your right to vote for free! + + + +* SwissQuote + +1. Contact them and ask about voting for GME. https://www.swissquote.ch/url/contact + + + +* DIRECTA SIM (Italy) + +1. To obtain your code you must submit your request to the customer service via email at directa@directa.it + + + +* - DNB (Norway) + +1. To vote contact corp.acts@dnb.no + + + + +* - Fineco + +1. Contact them by emailing, or calling them + + + +* - Passfolio + +1. An email should have been sent with the proxy link to vote. + + + +* - Firstrade + +1. You should have received an email from them regarding how to vote. + + + +* - M1 Finance + +1. You should have received an email from them regarding how to vote. + + + +* Vanguard + +1. You should have received an email with your control number and a link that automatically takes you to a website that allows you to vote. + + + + +* TradeRepublic +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/nh24t9/tr\_affen\_k%C3%B6nnen\_w%C3%A4hlen/?utm\_source=share&amp;utm\_medium=web2x&amp;context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/nh24t9/tr_affen_k%C3%B6nnen_w%C3%A4hlen/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=web2x&amp;context=3) + + + + +* Comedirect + +1. Use the contact form and demand the proxy statement. You will be able to find it after a few hours/days (maybe after the weekend) in your Postbox. Alternatively, you can call them +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncg06m/german\_broker\_comdirect\_finally\_allows\_to\_vote/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ncg06m/german_broker_comdirect_finally_allows_to_vote/) + + + + +* WEBULL + +1. You should have received an email with your control number and a link to: [https://www.proxyvote.com/](https://www.proxyvote.com/) Contact Webull if you don’t have it. + + + +* Ally Invest + +1. You should have received an email from id@proxyvote.com + + + +* Interactive Investor + +1. Call or Email them to get information on how to cast your vote. + + + +* Interactive Brokers + +1. if you have a cash account and disabled the lending then you will get your documents. Otherwise, contact them. + + + +* Stake + +1. You should have received an email with a link to vote from (SAY) (GameStop Corp) + + + +* REVOLUT (DriveWealth Partner) + +1. You should have received an email with a link to vote from (SAY) (GameStop Corp) + + + +* E Trade + +1. You should have received an email from id@proxyvote.com + + + +* Wealth Simple + +1. Contact a customer service representative by going to Settings -&gt; Help -&gt; Chat with us +2. Tell the representative that you are interested in getting the control number for your GME shares so that you can vote. +3. They will respond with a control number (multiple control numbers if you have multiple investment accounts with GME) and a proxyvote link where you will enter your control number for each investment account and vote. + + + +* TD Direct Investing + +1. Call the investing 1 800 number and request control number to provide proxy vote for upcoming shareholders meeting. + + + +* Scotia Itrade + +1. The same as TD Direct Investing above ^ + + + +* IG Trading + +1. IG Trading says you should follow the protocol linked here. https://www.ig.com/uk/help-and-support/investments/share-dealing-and-isas/do-you-offer-proxy-voting + + + +* Questrade + +1. Contact support and request proxy voting, takes 2-3 business days by email! Alternatively, you can also submit an account request, and you'd get it by mail. + + + +* BMO + +1. Contact support and request control number, takes 2-3 business days by email! + + + +* RBC + +1. Arriving by snail mail! + + + +* Q Trade + +1. Arriving by snail mail! + + + +&amp;#x200B; + +* RobinHood + +1. Check the email you received from RobinHood for further instructions + + + + +* CashApp + +1. You should have received an email with a link to vote from (SAY) (GameStop Corp) + + + + +*(Comment down below if I have missed your brokerage, and I will add it)* +\---------------------------------------- + +**If you haven't received your control number, make sure you...** + +* Check your broker inbox for proxy info ✔ +* Check your email ✔ +* Send a message via your broker help/chat interface ✔ +* Call your broker and request your control number ✔ +* Look around the comments and other posts to see if any resources have been shared that might help you in your search ✔ +* Check your broker's website for an FAQ- Many have a landing page with GME specific proxy info ✔ +(*Thank you* u/PinkCatAcid *For This)* +\---------------------------------------- + +**Misinformation ALERT:** + +\- The only apes who can vote the DAY OF the shareholders meeting are the ones who PREARRANGED it with GameStop and will be there IN-PERSON. Shills will try to convince you otherwise. All proxy votes MUST BE in by June 8th, or they WILL NOT be counted. Like GameStop, Superstonk encourages all apes to vote as soon as possible. + +\- Phishing Links from bad actors are being spread around, make sure to input your control number in a website provided by official channels **ONLY. (GameStop Corporate Website OR Links From Your Broker)** +\---------------------------------------- + +**DeadLine To Cast Your Vote: Tuesday, June 8th, 2021** + +\---------------------------------------- + +**Voted Flair** + +**(StonkU2):** + + - Want a “🦍Voted✅” Flair? Automod will hook you up! Just type !apevote! And - BOOM - you get a flair, and you get a flair, and YOU get a flair. Everybody Votes? Everybody gets a Flair! + +- If you attempted to vote with no success, +type: !novote! + +- Please note for all apes who own GME but are feeling left out by the voting flairs... you can now type !newape! and receive your own flair: ✅ New 🦍 + +*Please note, this will overwrite any current flair in place. If you already have custom flair, but also want the voted or attempted vote flair, just tag* u/Bradduck_Flyntmoore *in the comments below!* +\---------------------------------------- +**Final Notes** + +**Please note that the board recommends you vote for ALL** + +If you see an ape without the flair, ask them if they have voted, and encourage them to vote! + +**Ape Help Ape!** +\---------------------------------------- + +If you have any questions about voting, do comment below and the mods will do their best to answer! + +Thank you. +# FOR NEW PEOPLE: Please use this [link](https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html) for the most condensed instructions! This Superstonk post might be very confusing for you lol sorry + +[yes, that's Santa Ape and a Baby Ape on their back](https://preview.redd.it/5fgxd4e6bpx71.png?width=1800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b053a31af510e98ccf078a43cafb3dad3eb272de) + +**TLDR: Superstonk Apes are donating Toys, Money, & Time to Marine Toys for Tots and we’re bringing GameStop to families this Holiday 2021!** + +&#x200B; + +# Main goal is to buy toys at GameStop and donate to TFT! + +Deadline for toys is December 10! + +# Monetary Goal is $741,420.69! + +Deadline for money is Dec 24! + +**Link to our fundraiser:** + +[https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html](https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html) + +**NOTE:** The local TFT donation campaigns go through the salsalabs.org domain rather than the main TFT website. You can verify this by going to the sites of the local TFT chapters if you’re concerned. + +Also, this is the ONLY LINK we will ever use. Please be careful of fake/phishing links that come from anywhere besides Superstonk. + +**USER FLAIR:** + +[If you want this flair then please comment !VGH! under another !VGH! comment so it keeps the thread streamlined.](https://preview.redd.it/hgmyufkxy8081.png?width=234&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eb64d497a9fa3382157924ab02488ee8c5264e3) + +# [VGH Update 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qsf355/very_gmerry_holiday_update_1_5916992_of_74142069/) + +* Committee Members List +* International Apes clarification +* Donating Time (Phase 2 and 3) + +# [VGH Update 2: Welcome to Pallet Town](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvfl04/a_very_gmerry_holiday_update_welcome_to_pallet/hkwp6bn/?context=3) + +# Texas Apes! If you would like to help them sort this influx of toys coming in, you can literally just show up at 3800 Irving Mall 0900-1800 local Texas time Monday-Friday. You'll see a banner. + +https://preview.redd.it/dkkuah9x79081.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=bebc8ffda361644483cade8714be4358e74c47a7 + +# [VGH Update 3: Photos from the Irving TFT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvynvo/i_was_wrong_for_ignoring_ubuttfarm69s_vgh_project/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) 😲 + +https://preview.redd.it/dd6cip42e9081.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=c57ae5c21e019864675810f59217a061c06ba3e8 + +# VGH Update 4: THE FINAL COUNTDOWN + +[We've got a DRSbot! Deadline is Dec 10 for toys and Dec 24 for money!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r6iuw8/vgh_update_4_the_final_countdown_deadlines_dec_10/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Buckle up, Apes, cause Superstonk is slapping some rocket boosters onto Santa’s Sleigh this Holiday Season and we’re helping GameStop deliver toys to Toys for Tots and bringing smiles to a lot of families! + +**NOTE:** All mentions of “We” in this text refers to the INDIVIDUALS on Superstonk who have arrived at their own SEPARATE conclusions as INDIVIDUALS. There is NO collective attempting to collude or influence GameStop’s stock. + +https://preview.redd.it/ou5o4r2dbpx71.jpg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20b07598e425a1e9abaeb800adef847765676c94 + +# Why did we choose Toys for Tots? + +The main question we asked was “How can we help GameStop AND our greater communities?” + +Because of their merchandise selection, going with a Toy Drive was the most effective way of achieving this. + +We chose Toys for Tots because they have a national system established for organizations to donate and it was the most effective way of utilizing our resources from the Superstonk Apes to promote the welfare of the general public. + +EDIT: GameStop has also [partnered with Toys for Tots in the past](https://static.fox4news.com/segment/player-frame.html?site=fts&station=kdfw&source=amp&props=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) (news clip from 2018). + +We also felt that a Holiday initiative would be the perfect cherry on top of an amazing year. All of these philosophies culminated into Superstonk’s Very GMErry Holidays fundraiser. + +https://preview.redd.it/cv85z4roymz71.png?width=712&format=png&auto=webp&s=c29e75e4f06313250841a5adab53bf5ab12edbf3 + +# This fundraiser is gonna have three different ways you can donate: Toys, Money, & Time. + +First is **Toys**. We have been in contact with BOTH GameStop and Toys for Tots and they have helped us with the logistics process. The plan is to purchase the Toys from GameStop’s online store and ship it directly to a TFT distribution center. I think you’ll be really excited to know that we found an easy solution for this. The merch will mostly ship out of [GameStop’s Gravevine, TX center to the Local TFT branch in Irvine, TX](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/2200+William+D+Tate+Ave,+Grapevine,+TX+76051/3880+Irving+Mall,+Irving,+TX+75062/@32.8836341,-97.0815469,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x864dd52c003fdd41:0xc0048804a9a3bcd1!2m2!1d-97.0980899!2d32.9167042!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e822d2540c2bf:0x8559c01260e06ee7!2m2!1d-96.9984601!2d32.8388186). It’s literally a 15 minute drive. More details in the PLAYER TUTORIAL... + +[i sure hope i put the right addresses into the maps lmayo me smoothbrain](https://preview.redd.it/vtrnxs9gbpx71.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=635baa70ac2b81ff57f0a598a9fc69cef5f8ca6e) + +Second is **Money**. We set the goal at **$741,420.69** for well, very obvious reasons 😂. When we look at the number of people on the subreddit and also at the enthusiasm many of us had for a fundraiser, we think this goal is absolutely achievable. Please note, this part of the fundraiser does not directly benefit GameStop because this money goes directly to Toys for Tots. + +Just so everyone is clear on this: **NO MONEY is ever received by any Ape involved. It all goes directly to Toys for Tots and their website at the time of donation.** This Superstonk organizing team will have NO access to your personal information submitted with your payment. All of that goes directly from you to TFT. This was a core tenet of this fundraiser. We want no conflicts of interest and we want to protect your identities. + +For donating **Time**, Toys for Tots informed us they have partnered with GameStop in the previous years. This year, because of a lack of manpower, TFT is unable to support the thousands of GameStop stores across the US without additional volunteers. For the system to work, someone has to bring the box to the store and then return the box to the TFT location once it’s full. This is where Apes SWING IN. You can coordinate between your **Local Toys For Tots Chapter** and your **Local GameStop** to establish, monitor, and collect Toy Drop Boxes. And then other Apes can drop off their toys! (UPDATE: Right now there's no national guidance for the stores so it's kinda up to the Store Manager if they want to accept the boxes. Some of you will have success and some won't FYI.) + +[actual footage of Apes swinging in \(shot on Banana Phone™©²\)](https://i.redd.it/ruilksiibpx71.gif) + +# Some big things to address: + +First, THIS ENTIRE FUNDRAISER IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY and if you choose to participate, you are doing so on your own free will. No one is here forcing you to donate and anyone belittling you for that choice will be banned accordingly. Ape No Fight Ape! Be Excellent to Each Other! + +Second, yes, this is A LOT to ask of this community. But if there is ANY community in the world who could come together and raise $741,420.69 AND ALSO help support our local communities, it’s the APES. Because there’s something I know and believe to my core, and that is the Apes are good, decent people who wish to share our goodwill and fortune to others. **As individuals, WE NEED TO BE the change EVERYONE wants to see in the world!** + +[This Chairman Remix was brought to you by a MEME TEAM of Apes. I find it quite poetic that this was created by a GROUP of Apes, rather than one individual. I love you guys 😭🥰](https://i.redd.it/s57d8ghlbpx71.gif) + +If you choose to participate in VGH then please remember that you will be representatives of all Apes, Superstonk, & GameStop too! Be cool, respectful, and patient and don't give us a bad name. + +# We are doing important work here! Be proud! Apes Together Strong ✊🏼 + +[\(Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A\)](https://preview.redd.it/q1rr7ptgspx71.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba24c2f0f07583268726b83b3e86303975aada3b) + +**IMPORTANT: This is a girthy DD so PLEASE read the instructions for full clarity and don’t just assume, cause we’ve got a lot of Apes and we could easily overwhelm Toys for Tots!!** + +# #1 - How to Donate Toys + +Note: We can't send items that requires something else to use (like Headphones, video games, gaming systems). Video games donations are difficult because of the specificity of matching with systems that the family may or may not have. So do NOT send them video games, but video game RELATED products and toys are still cool). + +**TOY GUIDELINES:** + +What kind of toys can I donate? + +* NEW +* un-wrapped +* preferably around the $10 or above price range +* books are also needed (children receive 2 toys each; 3 books count as ONE gift!) +* homemade toys are also accepted + +What kinds of toys are **NOT allowed**? + +* used toys +* toys that look like realistic weapons +* toys with candy or food +* toys with chemicals (i.e., experimental labs, acid, crystal projects, etc.) + +What ages of children are eligible to receive toys? + +* ages 0 to 12 years +* gifts for ages 0-2 are in great need + +**TOY DONATING INSTRUCTIONS** + +* With these guidelines in mind, find a toy on the GameStop website that fits those parameters. During checkout, fill out your payment information as you normally would. (EDIT: We are searching for a solution for International Apes to donate) +* Fill in the following information for the SHIPPING ADDRESS exactly as it appears + * Toysfortots Gamestop + * 3880 IRVING MALL + * Between Macys-Dillards on backside + * IRVING TX, 75062 + * For the phone number, I put my own. I have a Google Voice number that I use for shopping to avoid spam calls to my main number. The number just goes to GameStop anyway so I'm not worried about it personally. + +[I used my personal phone number cuz it's GameStop lol](https://preview.redd.it/j74gq2213fy71.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=a24964eac17997833bc311a62e41ad5d41723aa9) + +* **NOTE:** This shipping address is for the [Fort Worth, TX chapter of TFT](https://fort-worth-tx.toysfortots.org/local-coordinator-sites/lco-sites/default.aspx?nPageID=100&nPreviewInd=200&nRedirectInd=3) which is only miles away from GameStop’s Grapevine, TX distribution center. If we start to overwhelm this TFT chapter, then we’ll reach out to the other chapters near GameStop’s other distribution centers. +* (Fun fact! GameStop was actually the one who reached out to this TFT chapter and provided us with this amazing convenience! By doing this, it also helps to keep the physical store shelves from being depleted for their non-Ape customers. It’s a win-win-win! Thanks GameStop!) + +# #2 - How to donate Money ($741,420.69). + +https://preview.redd.it/szznn77xspx71.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=99dcd4c9a0589367cc65fd2cf083baffa39f9d4f + +**Pay online (US Apes):** + +* Go to [https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html](https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html) +* Press the big red DONATE button. +* Fill out the required card information with your legal information (Don’t put a fake name in “Name on Card”). + +\*\*\*\*POTENTIAL DOXING WARNING\*\*\*\* If you wish to remain anonymous to the organizing team, please fill in ANON APE for First and Last Name in “Your Info” for anonymity. + +* Click the Submit Donation button. + +https://preview.redd.it/zbktyhcyspx71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=3148179a76e1bc6b30221ca9efe838c4c91d5a1a + +* Share your donation on Superstonk with the “Very GMErry Holidays” flair, if you wish. +* Share your donation on social media with the hashtag #VeryGMErryHolidays, if you wish. + +# 3 - How to donate Time (and Toys in person). + +https://preview.redd.it/c3ndyh10tpx71.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=3da58d4c6fc53ffb78f3dd6a96bb004c3b07e5e3 + +TFT is working with severely limited manpower and they need our help! + +They will probably ask for volunteers: + +* Assisting in the transportation and storage of toys; +* Assisting in our local warehouse; +* Assisting with meals... and much more. + +# Get in touch with your local TFT chapter and see what they need. + +* Select your **State** From the List. + * [Alabama](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Alabama) [Alaska](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Alaska) [Arizona](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Arizona) [Arkansas](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Arkansas) + * [California](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=California) [Colorado](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Colorado) [Connecticut](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Connecticut) + * [Delaware](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Delaware) + * [Florida](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Florida) + * [Georgia](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Georgia) + * [Hawaii](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Hawaii) + * [Idaho](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Idaho) [Illinois](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Illinois) [Indiana](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Indiana) [Iowa](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Iowa) + * [Kansas](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Kansas) [Kentucky](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Kentucky) + * [Louisiana](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Louisiana) + * [Maine](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Maine) [Maryland](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Maryland) [Massachusetts](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Massachusetts) [Michigan](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Michi) [Minnesota](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Minnesota) [Mississippi](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Mississippi) [Missouri](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Missouri) [Montana](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Montana) + * [Nebraska](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Nebraska) [Nevada](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Nevada) [New Hampshire](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=New%20Hampshire) [New Jersey](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=New%20Jersey) [New Mexico](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=NEW%20MEXICO) [New York](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=New%20York) [North Carolina](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=North%20Carolina) [North Dakota](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=North%20Dakota) + * [Ohio](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Ohio) [Oklahoma](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Oklahoma) [Oregon](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Oregon) + * [Pennsylvania](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Pennsylvania) + * [Rhode Island](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Rhode%20Island) + * [South Carolina](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=South%20Carolina) [South Dakota](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=South%20Dakota) + * [Tennessee](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Tennessee) [Texas](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Texas) + * [Utah](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Utah) + * [Vermont](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Vermont) [Virginia](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Virginia) + * [Washington](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Washington) [Washinton D.C](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=DISTRICT%20OF%20COLUMBIA) [West Virginia](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=West%20Virginia) [Wisconsin](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Wisconsin) [Wyoming](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=Wyoming) + * [GUAM](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/toys-city-county.aspx?txtState=GUAM) +* Find your nearest **Location** on the drop-down list. (This is your local TFT Chapter) +* Click "**MENU"** in the upper right. (You must be at your local chapter page) +* Select "**Get Involved/Volunteer**.” Here you will find: + * Contact info for this Chapter + * Additional Information + +# Coordinate your own local Toy Drop Box + +Please don't volunteer if you can't commit! It’s a big task and we will depend on you to deliver. NO FTD’s! + +* I own a local business. + * Get a box from TFT and set it up in your own shop! +* I don’t own a local business. + * Contact your local “GameStop Store Leader” and see if they’d be willing to host a toy box. You would act as the middle man between your GameStop and your local TFT chapter. + * You will need to get the box from TFT, bring it to GameStop (or other store), and then deliver the box back to TFT once it’s full or time has expired. + * If you have your own business then you will just contact your local TFT chapter directly and set it up in your own shop. + * Once you’re set up, send a private message to [u/I\_DO\_ANIMAL\_THINGS](https://www.reddit.com/user/I_DO_ANIMAL_THINGS) with the following info (he’s an Ape, Marine veteran, and a team member on this fundraiser): + * Store Name + * Full address of the location + +**We’ll only share the store location on Superstonk and it will not be connected to your username. Specific Ape/Store associations will NOT be shared.** + +# [UPDATE ON DONATING TIME (Phase 2 and 3)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qsf355/very_gmerry_holiday_update_1_5916992_of_74142069/) + +# Donate Toys in person + +* Follow the instructions above on how to find your local TFT chapter then find a box location and put it in the box. + +[this is what they generally look like](https://preview.redd.it/j6podf1gtpx71.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=82a9ad9526ffc277a861f38a678cd52b3c41b427) + +# FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) + +**Is this considered MARKET MANIPULATION or COLLUSION?** + +No, the organizers of this event are not trying to affect the GameStop stock nor its price. Our goal is to provide toys to children by buying from our favorite store. Yes, we are encouraging people to shop at GameStop, but what is the difference between this and a normal TV commercial telling you to buy from their store? Black Friday commercials even tell you to do that on a specific day! The goal here is to bring happiness to families by combining our individual resources to do something meaningful in the world. If you’ve got a problem with that then maybe, idk, recalibrate your moral compass? + +&#x200B; + +**Marine Toys for Tots Information:** + +About -- [https://www.toysfortots.org/about\_toys\_for\_tots/toys\_for\_tots\_program/default.aspx](https://www.toysfortots.org/about_toys_for_tots/toys_for_tots_program/default.aspx) + +The basic mission of the Marine Toys for Tots Program is to collect new unwrapped toys and distribute those toys to less fortunate children at Christmas to help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children. Toys for Tots has worked with GameStop in the past. They have a great track record and they need help on the local level. + +CharityWatch.com Rating: B+, Top Rated Status\* + +[https://www.charitywatch.org/charities/marine-toys-for-tots-foundation](https://www.charitywatch.org/charities/marine-toys-for-tots-foundation) + +\*Top-Rated Status Groups included on the CharityWatch Top-Rated list generally spend 75% or more of their budgets on programs, spend $25 or less to raise $100 in public support, do not hold excessive assets in reserve, have met CharityWatch's governance benchmarks, and receive "open-book" status for disclosure of basic financial information and documents to CharityWatch. + +&#x200B; + +**How does it work?** + +*(From* [*https://www.toysfortots.org/about\_toys\_for\_tots/how\_toys\_for\_tots\_works/Default.aspx*](https://www.toysfortots.org/about_toys_for_tots/how_toys_for_tots_works/Default.aspx)*)* + +Local toy collection campaigns begin in October and last until mid to late December. Toy distribution also takes place mid to late December. Members of the community drop new, unwrapped toys in collection boxes positioned in local businesses. Coordinators pick up these toys and store them in central warehouses where the toys are sorted by age and gender. At Christmas, Coordinators, with the assistance of local social welfare agencies, church groups, and other local community agencies, distribute the toys to the less fortunate children of the community. Over the years, Marines have established close working relationships with social welfare agencies, churches and other local community agencies which are well qualified to identify the needy children in the community and play important roles in the distribution of the toys. + +&#x200B; + +**Where is the money going?** + +None of the Apes involved with this will ever see a penny. The money goes straight to TFT so there can be no conflicts of interest. + +&#x200B; + +**Can I donate by check?** + +Yes, but mailed Check donations WON’T count towards our Very GMErry Holidays tally 😢 + +Make check payable to: + +Marine Toys for Tots Foundation + +Mail to: + +Marine Toys for Tots Foundation + +18251 Quantico Gateway Drive + +Triangle, VA 22172 + +&#x200B; + +**Is the money going to GameStop?** + +Clearing up some confusion: The money goal isn’t going to GameStop. I literally wrote that in the original piece: + +https://preview.redd.it/0bcy060369081.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6ff215eba729781cde75328d40fbde80cbaf493 + +&#x200B; + +**How do you pronounce “GMErry?”** + +It’s pronounced Merry. Because real G’s move in silence like lasagna. + +&#x200B; + +**When filling out the application to volunteer, the first line asks for a group/association name. Are we putting Superstonk?** + +No, just volunteer as your own individual self, a member of your local community. If you want to talk to people about GameStop then by all means, but do not feel pressured to do anything on our behalf. And thank you so much for volunteering! + +&#x200B; + +**Can we work with Toys for Tots Canada?** + +We looked into it and unfortunately, it’s two completely different executive boards and logistics chains. If we were to try to do TFT Canada, we’d basically have to start from square one on another program and that’s just biting more than we can chew right now IMO. Sorry for the disappointment. + +How do I apply to become a TFT household (request to receive toys)? + +[https://www.toysfortots.org/request\_toys/Default.aspx](https://www.toysfortots.org/request_toys/Default.aspx) + +&#x200B; + +**I’m a non-US Ape, how can I donate Money?** + +We currently don’t have a great way for international apes to donate to the money goal unless they wish to donate to TFT directly using PayPal. This method does NOT add to the VGH total, but it does help families so we want to advertise the option. If you can come up with a solution to this problem, please let us know! + +* **Pay online (non-US Apes)** +* Go to [https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/Default.aspx](https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/Default.aspx) +* Scroll down to the Paypal portion and click it and then complete the instructions. + +&#x200B; + +**Can we support other causes within Superstonk?** + +This is a tough one. We’ve got a lot of Apes with a lot of passions and a lot of causes we can support. Wherever you want to give your money to this Holiday, Superstonk cheers you on and celebrates the giving nature of the Apes! But for advertising on Superstonk, we feel focusing 100% of our efforts towards our **Very GMErry Holidays** fundraiser will best fulfill our goals and we will unfortunately remove all other fundraisers. Please be aware that we have spoken with the mods at [r/ApePhilanthropy](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApePhilanthropy/) and they will happily support the discussion and promotion of other charities and causes. We apologize for any disappointment you may feel, but we hope you understand this difficult decision we had to make. + +&#x200B; + +**Is there anything I should be worried about?** + +Yes! We are cautious of any fake links and campaigns that will try to phish for your information in the name of this Fundraiser. Please ONLY use the link found on this Reddit post to make your donation. + +[https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html](https://marinetoysfortots.salsalabs.org/2021marinetoysfortotscrowdfunding/p/VeryGMErryHoliday/index.html) + +[“We live in a cynical, cynical world”...“I think in this age, optimism is a revolutionary act”](https://preview.redd.it/x7ttximntpx71.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e504df6e22f298c1122fe100217b75538e23de) + +# WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU APES (THIS SECTION WILL BE UPDATED) + +1. SHARE THIS FUNDRAISER! + 1. Here are some amazing graphics for this event! Pick whichever that you like and share with the link! + 2. [https://imgur.com/gallery/DJYi51G](https://imgur.com/gallery/DJYi51G) + 3. [https://imgur.com/a/Zxjg2LS](https://imgur.com/a/Zxjg2LS) +2. Coordinate those local boxes! + +# THANK YOU! And please let us know if you have any questions! Let's have a Very GMErry Holiday! +Long time growth investor, but switched my focus to dividends in Nov of 2019. I lost focus after a year of dividends investing and shifted back to growth. In March, as Tech started losing steam, decided to focus on dividends again. Focused mainly on adding more shares of QYLD, NUSI, and O. + +As May started my main goal was to acquire shares of more NUSI and O. + +I was able to add 39 shares of NUSI, and now have a total of 105.69 shares. However, I did not add a single share of O.. instead added shares of BST (BlackRock Science and Technology Trust), BSTZ (BlackRock Science and Technology Trust II), PSEC (Prospect Capital), and PAA (Plains All American Pipeline). + +Thanks to owning 105.69 shares of **NUSI**, I received $18.55 in dividends. + +125.25 shares of **PAA** got me $22.54 in dividends. + +20.99 shares of **BSTZ** got me $3.39 in dividneds. + +12.93 shares of **BST** got me $2.92 in dividends. + +44.01 shares of **PCF** got me $3.43 in dividends. + +For June, I will refocus on adding more positions in O. Currently, have 63.9 shares and would like to have at least 75 shares. Also, want at least 50 shares of BSTZ and PCF and 25 shares of BST. + +**---** + +&#x200B; + +Here’s a quick breakdown of some of what I received in May. + +&#x200B; + +**---** + +M1 Total value: \~$25K with May total dividends: $27.97 + +Largest dividends came from **O (Realty Income Corp.)** $8.37. + +&#x200B; + +**---** + +Fidelity (Rollover IRA + HSA) Total value: \~30K with May total dividends: $37.96 + +Largest dividends came from **ABBV (AbbVie Inc.)** $13.01 + +&#x200B; + +**---** + +Ally (Roth IRA) Total value: \~$31K with May total dividends : $52.02 + +The largest dividends came from **AAPL (APPLE Inc.)** : $13.48 + +&#x200B; + +**---** + +Robinhood Total value: \~$15K with May total dividends : $58.38 + +The largest dividends came from **PAA (Plains All American Pipeline, L.P.)**: $22.54 + +&#x200B; + +**---** + +Looking forward to June's numbers since QYLD will pay out 2 times! Currently own 186.25 shares between taxable and non-taxable accounts. My wife also has 55.18 shares. + +I know some of you hate this kind of post about announcing “I received $x.xx in dividends”, but I wanted to share my progress, provide some motivation, and give ideas for potential investments. +29 yr/male/single got into some bad habits. no excuses. trying to get back on track with my life. have $400 in savings. able to save 100 to 150 monthly. ideas and suggestions appreciated. +I got pulled into the hype back in June and went all in with 800 shares @ $50. Haven't bought any since but I've been selling weekly covered calls since November. + +Last week when it was still floating at $15-16, which it has been for months, I sold weekly covered calls for 18$. Well stock blows up to 20$. Ok, so I roll them to May for $22 thinking such a rapid spike will lead to a pull back on monday (today), right? And now I'm looking at a f'n 50% spike in 1 day!?!? Closes at $29.40?!!? Now my CCs are 8-10x what I sold them for. If I was going to break even or profit, I'd let them get called away no problem. But not when my average is $50. + +As far as I can tell, I'm left with a few options: + +1. Let it ride out and expire or get called away. I could get lucky and see it drop back to 20 and then could buy back my CCs. +2. Roll it out 1-2 YEARS at $50 strike, then I would be breaking even, and wouldn't care if they get called away, even if stock would be at $5000 + +Any thoughts? I would buy them back now, but I don't have that kinda cash laying around. I might just try to buy back 1-2 contracts and let the rest get called away. + +Edit: Guys guys guys... I know I made a dumbass mistake messing around with meme stocks. I'm not asking you if I made a mistake. I'm asking how I can lose THE LEAST $ in this situation? + +&#x200B; + +April 7th update: Well amc dropped to under $19 today. My calls went %20 GREEN today. I'm in shock that just 5 trading days ago, my calls read -1400% loss. Now it's +20% profit... I bought half my calls back, and rolled half to a strike I don't mind selling at. I wonder if anyone sold $20 covered calls while it was at $30. they would have profited like 1500%.... +I have just received the email enquiring regarding my interest (Full disclosure.... I am) probably by virtue of being an enthusiastic customer keeping Wingstop on the Heliport Trading Estate in business single handedly. + +Anyone else going to get amongst this? Of course they don’t yet make a profit, have circa £110 million of debt and yet are still touting £7 billion as a potential valuation. + +Do I need my head examined by a qualified professional or if I repeat the mantra “Future earnings” will that help me sleep better at night? + +*** Edit *** + +General consensus is that fundamentals are poor and this is a punt. I’m a gambling man with capital to blow, let us see how the situation develops. +Three part question. Genuinely curious. + + +1. What's something you learned or realized after becoming a millionaire? +2. What's something you learned or realized after becoming a multi-millionaire? +3. What's one piece of advice you would give to someone working towards (1) and (2)? Doesn't have to be about how to get to million(s). Can be about work, relationships, health, life in general, etc. +Hi, + +Are there any sensible bag holder strategies to reduce loss when premiums are very low? + +Asking as a WISH bag holder @11.26 (originally 13 but averaged down to 11.26). + + +Yes, I know, don’t invest in meme stock etc. but this is a general question and not WISH specific. +I have always read and followed the teachings of benjamin graham. The intelligent investor is one of my favorite books. But a month ago I found a group based around speculation and the next 🚀 going to the moon. Well to make a long story short i wiped out 100% gain from a 8 month investment to being negative 25%. Hardest lesson ever learned. I'm sticking with value investing and the ways of obi-wan-kenobi I mean benjamin graham. I had the hardest time pulling the trigger on it because it went against everything I have ever read. But the moon was just so tempting. I went away from value investing to pure speculation and lost huge. Lesson of this story is I'm retarded and glad to be here. +GameStop has announced a dividend stock split. Does this presumably mean the company is offering new stock via a dividend and the share price won’t divide / dramatically decrease as is the case for a stock split like google & Amazon? +Hi all, I recently bought 100 shares of at&t for the dividend payments. For some background, I made quite a lot of money off of gme and other “meme stocks,” but I quickly saw those gains disappear when I started options trading (I know, I’m a newbie, what was I thinking?) I am back to about 10% up from my starting point and decided to buy those at&t shares, along with some BAC. Currently 18 and I am focusing most of my efforts into attaining my engineering degree currently. What are your thoughts? Should I start building a dividend nest egg right now? Or, should I invest in some more growth stocks? Thanks! +Edited: I realized the past year I spent a ton of time looking at option chains, monitoring positions, and hoping to collect premium every month. Learning all the basic technicals as well. Only to have my gains for the past year mostly wiped out just recently. The time, effort, stress isn’t worth it. Also the impact on work and how much time I spend all day and night looking at it. Moving all my funds to target funds and going to set it and forget it. + +It was fun to learn, but not worth the physical toll. Best of luck to the rest of you. +Saturna just got listed on CMC. After finding support at $6M, get in before it’s too late + +Cryptocurrency has been a devilish game as of late, trapping both bulls and bears into what feels like an eternal struggle, rocketing up to give you hope, and crashing down to test your faith. + +Through this, the memecoin market has certainly had its fair share of difficulty, the rush of day trading slipping as the market falls into a malaise. + +Luckily, the Saturna team has been hard at work throughout the crash and has been working on delivering several new developments that will prove exactly how you turn profit even in bearish conditions. + +With the **NFT Marketplace** fully underway, and a number of talented artists already onboard, $SAT is building the type of infrastructure necessary for the rebuild of BSC and, as the network inevitably blows back up, should see the benefits of redistribution. + +You see, these liquidation events, while damaging for short-term confidence, offers not only bullish opportunities to **buy the dip**, but to get in on assets that could benefit from traders rethinking their portfolios. + +So with **today’s CMC listing**, Saturna is going to take advantage of this quickly recovering market. These tailwinds should propel the price and popularity to new heights. + +Since it just happened you’ll see a fast-moving and resilient project like this begin to capture not just the interest of the network, but of all of cryptocurrency. + +You only need to look towards ERC-20 memecoins for an idea of what emerging out of a correction can do for you. **The ones who kept at it are well into the billions.** + +Oh and when mass adoption actually occurs? Forget about it. + +So **enjoy the dip at $6M** while you can for a token with over **50k holders**. Enjoy the merchandise soon to arrive as well as new team members coming on to further the reach and influence of Saturna. For a token less than a quarter old, this is still only the beginning. + +CoinMarketCap - [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/saturna](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/saturna) + +Website - [https://www.saturna.co/](https://www.saturna.co/) + +Telegram - [https://t.me/saturna\_TG](https://t.me/saturna_TG) + +PancakeSwap - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44) +Apartment living is very common in highly developed countries/ cities. Luxury apartments too like those in NYC. It’s simply because of density. And as Australia grows in size ( population) people should really change their mindset to living in apartments instead. There simply isn’t enough land for everyone to own houses, and the scarce houses with land will be very expensive. + +That’s not to say the government has done a good job with the current housing crisis though. The biggest failure IMO is not developing cities fast though and building up enough good properties. Inventory has been declining way before the pandemic +https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/technology/trump-wechat-tiktok-china.html + +The tiktok ban will probably result in the sale of TikTok to Microsoft. The wechat ban is going to be much more complicated. + +The executive order appears to include a ban on any financial transaction with Tencent. Tencent investments include reddit. +Cross-posted from /r/BTC. As many as possible in the crypto space should be educated. + +Here is his post: + +https://np.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/7obot7/all_my_cryptocurrency_stolen/ + +Here's where we find out how he was scammed. The scam Ledger Nano (bought on Ebay) came with a "scratch off" paper, to reveal the seed words. With a real Ledger Nano, the seed words are generated by the device. + +https://np.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/7obot7/all_my_cryptocurrency_stolen/ds8khhw/ + +Some other people have come across the same scam: + +https://np.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/7i12x5/latest_ledger_nano_s/ + +https://np.reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/7i12x5/latest_ledger_nano_s/dqvdulw/ + +Picture of the fake "scratch off" paper with seed words. + +https://imgur.com/DsICkge + +Pictures of the scam instructions: + +https://imgur.com/a/pw9L0 + +Brutal scam. + +Hello world, this is the unpaid media news you were waiting for. + +Headline of the day: GME is up 8.17% on no news, start asking yourself why. + +For more information, browse this sub. Ask yourself why a stock rises on no news and try to inform yourself about the stock market and the companies you are invested in. + +Have a good week and don’t forget to DRS. + +See you soon on the moon. 🦧❤️ + +Edit: Webull just updated to 8.19% (thanks to u/Gifou). + +Edit 2: There was a GameStop news today ([GME news](https://www.macobserver.com/news/randy-teele-joins-gamestop/) ) thanks to u/BluPrince. Make up your own mind if this is why GME rose 8.19% today. +Doesn't cronyism fuel an economic oligarchy, which leads to difficulty for new businesses to enter and thrive in the market, bringing down economic freedom or am I missing some key-understanding? +Y’all I have never made this much money in my life. I don’t know what it’s like to be able to put money in savings only to not have to pull it out almost immediately. This is life changing. I am so excited. + +EDIT: Wow I wasn’t expecting this to blow up- THANK YOU for all the upvotes, the awards and the excellent advice I’ve received!! + +To answer some of your questions, I took this position back in March, as an assistant in an administrative/ accounting type capacity. I’d had about five years of related experience. My immediate supervisor abruptly resigned in June, and I stepped in to fill the role. In the process I discovered hundreds of thousands of dollars in discrepancies (which I have managed to mostly correct.). My initial salary offer (the 2k raise) was made before these problems came to light and it was supposed to take place at the beginning of the year. + +I am not rich by any means not even after the increase- I went from making low five figures to mid range five figures, but the increase is probably all the more significant because it boosts me and my kids from “low income” into “living wage” territory. It’s thrilling for me to see some light at the end of the paycheck-to-paycheck tunnel after years of being dead broke and unable to even afford normal basics. + +Yes I am paying this forward already (see my comment history for details). + +And yes- I am meeting with the company’s financial advisor (they provide one free to employees) to determine my best course of action moving forward as I don’t have much experience with saving successfully. I am determined to build a nest egg and buy a house as soon as I can. +Considering there are many huge companies (Walmart, Amazon) that manage an amount of resources comparable with many small countries or states, do this companies face the same calculation problem that Mises and Hayek proposed, as planned economies? + +I know that this big companies work within the context of a market, but so do countries who do (or did) central planning. I'm guessing that big companies with big supply chain ought to do the same. How do they solve this problem? + +Thanks! +# 🎮 Game Stop 🛑 Power to the Apes + +[You stay stonky, San Diago.](https://preview.redd.it/ki5gi2o2qk271.png?width=849&format=png&auto=webp&s=14d8d6340fdeaeb6a31770af0351c9a74b2c7338) + +# Moderator Promotions + +I am so very happy to announce that we have promoted two moderators to Full Permissions. This effectively puts them in the same moderator power level as u/rensole and u/redchessqueen99. While Reddit's hierarchy still remains the same, these two will now have access to Community Settings and Full Permissions, giving them the ability to adjust site settings, give moderator awards, add and remove mods, and much more, but overall will be seen as top authorities in the moderator team. + +* [u/Bye\_Triangle](https://www.reddit.com/u/Bye_Triangle/) + * BT been with us since [r/GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/) days (he wrote the r/GME FAQ) and has been a critical mod at r/Superstonk. His steadfast work ethic, dedication to the community, strong skills and relationships with the other mods, and his ethical stature are all key aspects of why we feel this promotion is warranted. He has also been very active in our mod chat, and has helped to keep the peace and mediate disagreements for the betterment of all mods and the community at large. +* [u/Pinkcatsonacid](https://www.reddit.com/u/Pinkcatsonacid/) + * Pink has been dedicated to this subreddit since her addition as mod. She has become a beloved friend to many of us, and I think she brings invaluable insight and purpose to the mod team as well as the community. She has demonstrated her worth time and time again with tireless work ethic, dedication to the ape community, and close relationships that no doubt will strengthen them both as it emanates outward to the rest of us. + +[Apes Together Strong](https://preview.redd.it/uc3wcx5tok271.jpg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed62b2f34bf0426b372e99eafbcf9c8f5c4e4af) + +I think this could also mark an evolutionary transition for [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) in terms of moderator structuring and the scope of the sub itself. When [u/rensole](https://www.reddit.com/u/rensole/) and I were at [r/GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/), all mods had Full Permissions. This actually caused a lot of issues since some mods abused those permissions, and it effectively led to the migration from the sub. As a result, we have been very careful with who we give permissions to in an attempt to prevent catastrophe. It's worked so far, but we feel it is time to expand permissions to those deserving. + +u/Bye_Triangle and u/Pinkcatsonacid have tirelessly worked for the growth and integrity of r/Superstonk, and I have come to trust them and love them as fellow apes and friends in this journey. I have no qualms promoting them both to Full Permissions admin-level roles. We hope they can assist us heavily in acting as authorities for the sub and in leading the mod team and ape community as a whole into the future. This is very much deserved, so please make sure to give them serious congratulations. 💎💎💎 CONGRATULATIONS 💎💎💎 + +# MOASS Defense + +Over the past few months, as far back as my tenure at r/GME, there have been questions about the MOASS and how we would protect the sub in the event of a cataclysmic series of events. Ever since, we have been working with a special team of wrinkle-brained apes, and the mods, to develop a solution to this inevitable outcome. + +I am proud to announce that this solution is finally ready for implementation, and today it received a majority-vote from the r/Superstonk mod team, and is therefore approved and now being implemented. + +This plan will address the following concerns: + +1. How will we defend against the onslaught of new members from the MOASS? +2. How are we going to protect against incoming FUD attacks? +3. How do we discourage a sub split effort? +4. How do we allow those hurt by age/karma limits to remain included? +5. What has Red been alluding to for the past two months? + +To answer these concerns, we have worked diligently to come up with a multi-faceted plan that will no doubt secure the subreddit for the foreseen future. But first, I should introduce you to a little secret we mods have been keeping from you all... don't worry, we kept it secret for one particular and very important purpose: to study unsuspecting shills. + +[My cat on my laptop: \\"I'm in.\\"](https://preview.redd.it/7iomr9b6pk271.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=96e57d4a390575613e487e76ff99d68e41c03d36) + +P**lease read this message:** + +Greetings to all Ape-Kind! I’m u/grungromp. + +Strap in. We’ve got a lot of text to get through. + +Back in March, some Apes who have some brain wrinkles about behavior got together with some Apes who know how to use computers real good to try and develop a method of countering the invasion of nefarious actors trying to spread FUD to our community. We contacted the mods on r/gme to see if the project would be of worth and u/redchessqueen99 responded with emphatic support. Upon the Great Ape Migration to r/Superstonk, she invited us to continue our work with her direct involvement here. + +With the behind the scenes view we were given of the sub, we’ve been working over the past three months to put together a system of shill detection. We wanted this to be the proverbial headshot, and needed to make sure we limited collateral damage to Apes, while also not giving shills time to adapt. We sincerely wish we’d been able to be faster about it, but we were literally generating this project from the ground up, as (to our awareness) no one has ever attempted something like this before, or even had the need to. + +Before we describe the project, we’d like to offer you a bit of insight into what we’ve been seeing with the sub over the past week to establish the need, if it hasn’t already been obvious to the average Ape. + +The age and karma restrictions were originally put into place on r/superstonk on April 25. This prohibited comments from accounts under 30 days old, and posts from accounts under 60. We realized this meant that on May 25th, accounts that had been created on and around the day the restrictions were put in place would be able to start a massive FUD campaign. + +We were right. + +In the last week, the amount of accounts posting in the sub whom we have been able to identify as shills has increased at least 8 times. Where we were seeing 3 in 100 suspicious looking posts and accounts at times previously, over the past week that number has jumped to 24 in 100. + +With that in mind, we have decided that now is the moment to make our stand. + +We’d like to introduce you all to **Satori**. + +[Shorting shills since 2021.](https://preview.redd.it/072qgrnnck271.png?width=2084&format=png&auto=webp&s=791923e8726db74fc069a80ad400717cc306b1b0) + +One of the greatest advantages the hedge funds have had over us during this entire process is the ability to manipulate the market by using technology that we don’t have access to. High frequency trading and algorithms have put a pretty massive finger on the scales to tip the markets in their favor. That is why we feel that Satori is so important and could be such a boon to the Ape community. This evens the playing field, giving us the advantage of advanced technological analysis on our home court. In essence, this allows us to “Short the Shills.” They have no idea that this is coming. And they are not prepared. + +A few points of import about Satori and it’s capabilities + +* As with our analysis of GME as a stock, Satori functions almost entirely with publicly available information. Every possible publicly seen feature of Reddit is included to some degree. While we do utilize some privileged information from the Moderation team, that is the extent of our data gathering. We do not have access to private chats, ip addresses, or anything that is not available to public view. +* Satori is designed to analyze every single poster in r/Superstonk and generate a confidence interval of how likely they are to be a shill. The higher the score, the more likely the account is a shill. That information will be given to the Mods in order to inform their plans and decision making. It will not be public information. However, it is important to note that the system is designed to identify bad actors based on their actions. Just because an account hasn't posted anything shilly YET doesn't mean they never will. Therefore, a low “Shill Score™” is not considered a guarantee of Ape-ness. Do not assume that anyone posting has been granted an “all clear.” +* As is the case with all human activity, shilling isn’t a black and white issue. There is a chance of error on both ends, both shills that will go undetected as well as real Apes who are flagged as suspicious. It’s a truth that we’re aware of, and we’ve taken as much time as we could to be as accurate as possible. We have worked with the mod team and recommended several steps for mitigating this after implementation. + +[ Satori \(覚, \\"consciousness\\"\) in Japanese folklore are mind-reading monkey-like monsters \(\\"yōkai\\"\) said to dwell within the mountains of Hida and Mino. ](https://preview.redd.it/cyfxillrgk271.png?width=953&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1983c2fbefe8b7fb1d54224ea47687d86869ba8) + +* Satori is NOT designed to detect and identify negative sentiment toward GME. It is NOT designed to shut down criticism of the stock or DD. It is NOT simply a method to amplify any echo chamber effect. Continue to doubt, research, and criticize, as has been the mantra of our community since its inception. Our only aim is to contribute to making r/Superstonk a platform where Apes can freely discuss GME and share memes by counteracting bad actors who want to disrupt our community for nefarious purposes. +* We are aware that transparency and sharing of information is an essential part of the Ape community. However, we are not going to be revealing the specifics of our tech, nor the metrics which it uses to analyze the content of the sub. This information may come out eventually, likely post MOASS, but if we were to give specifics in order to make an appeal to the idea of transparency, we would be handing a manual to the shills on exactly how to behave to hide from our mind reading monkey machine. Please understand that Satori has been tested and vetted in hundreds of iterations to arrive at this point, and that the Mods have seen and approved of our methods and will keep oversight over every change and decision. +* We will leave it to u/redchessqueen99 and the mod group to describe the implementation process and how the technology will be utilized. But know that our team’s tits are jacked to levels unheard of before at the fact that we finally get to deploy our virtual psychic primate. + +[ \\"I see... I see... I see a lot of shadow marketing companies freaking out.\\" ](https://preview.redd.it/31z3goqzgk271.jpg?width=343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b77ee83ae72fca8accdb3bd9ca0c96b4ccf1829) + +While we have yet to use Satori for sweeping changes on the sub, the mod team has already utilized it at various points. In smaller instances, Satori has already been used to see and identify FUD campaigns, target suspicious users, and plan specific moves and posts within the community. While those instances have been helpful, we recognize the potential for what Satori is capable of is so much greater, and now is our time to utilize it to it’s capacity. + +With all that new information presented to you, we do have one small request. This is brand new. There will be some bumps along the way. We’ve done our best to see and plan for every possible outcome, but we are aware that we will have missed some things. It will be a bit messy as we get things up and running. You have our promise that we will continue to refine our processes and do whatever is needed to ensure this community has the protection it deserves in the face of what we’re dealing with. + +We don’t mean to wax hyperbolic, but this may be one of the most powerful pieces of technology developed in history that deals specifically with community analysis and management. It’s been grassroots created by Apes, for Apes, and, to our knowledge, no one else has ever developed anything like this. Apes are now in possession of an asset that gives us autonomy and power that few other online communities have ever come close to harnessing. We’ve taken punch after punch from the hedgies; shills, infiltrators, propaganda, media manipulation, and market manipulation. Our team could not be more proud of the way this incredible community has taken every blow and got back to our hairy, prehensile feet. + +But now? We have a way to counter punch. Hard. And we will do it with a nuke dropped off our rocket as we leave Earth’s atmosphere on our way to the stars. + +In the words of Ryan Cohen: R.I.P. Dumb Asses + +Apes Strong Together + +Buy. Hodl. Vote. Fight. + +\--- + +**Note from** u/redchessqueen99\*\*:\*\* + +Satori was created and developed by a team that was largely kept private for over two months now. This team includes [u/catto\_del\_fatto](https://www.reddit.com/u/catto_del_fatto/), [u/grungromp](https://www.reddit.com/u/grungromp/), and [u/Captain-Fan](https://www.reddit.com/u/Captain-Fan/). I have personally worked with them since before the r/Superstonk migration from r/GME, and can say they have become some of my most trusted friends. + +u/catto_del_fatto was also added awhile back as a mod to incorporate moderator-level data into the information-gathering aspects of Satori, thus allowing the mod team to talk to him directly and help provide shill data for the system. Catto has officially accepted a full-time mod role with general moderator permissions, and we are looking forward to continuing this project and fostering a deeper relationship between the Satori team and the moderator team. + +TL;DR: r/Superstonk has an intelligence division. + +[Asta la vista, baby.](https://preview.redd.it/nechp7j0dk271.jpg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6ba796a7eef2dc785b89595ae5bdf855969ffd) + +# The Plan + +* **Increase karma and age filters** + * Posts : 60 days / 500 karma ---> 120 days / 2000 karma + * Accounts will need have been created earlier than February 1, 2021 + * Comments: 30 days / 250 karma ---> 60 days / 500 karma + * Accounts will need to have been created earlier than April 1, 2021 + * Note: Superstonk Migration was April 4, 2021 + * These limits will need to scale as time progresses; until the MOASS; while we hone and implement this program for total effectiveness. + * These limits will be implemented on June 1, 2021 sometime throughout the day. +* **Activate** ***Satori*** + * The immediate goal of Satori is to make sure that true apes are not locked out due to the increased restrictions. However, bans are an automated capability. + * "Mod-bots" will be added to the mod team and given approve and ban permissions, and then programmed to automate the approval or ban process via a generated list of users. + * u/Satori-Blue-Shell is currently the only mod-bot added and is actively Approving members + * APPROVALS - All users who were created after the Blip (end of January) and are not on the high risk list of users, with be added to the Approved Users in waves. By being added as Approved Users, they will bypass the karma and age filters. This will actively allow MORE true apes to participate in the sub. + * BANS - Mods will receive spreadsheets of high risk users, where they can approve or deny users, and then these lists will be implemented for automated implementation. +* **Mods will officially now be allowed to Approve users they trust in addition to Satori** + * Previously, we did not allow approving users because we suspected some foul play associated with that. Now, however, due to the sheer volume of approvals, we feel confident that we can add this to our arsenal of methods to protect apes in r/Superstonk. +* **Minimize Fallout** + * This plan prioritizes the positive aspects of Satori over the negative, and allows mod oversight on the bans process. Halting Satori is as simple as removing permissions from the mod-bot. + * Many of you who couldn't post due to age and karma limits, will now will be able to, once added to the Approved Users list. If you are not added, please be patient, as we are currently approving in waves. + * This will incentivize good behavior, because apes will not want to lose their approved status, or will want to earn it in the first place. Overall, we are essentially making it harder to post and comment on Superstonk, and then rewarding loyal apes with approvals that allow them to post or comment without any restrictions. + * Therefore, I am convinced this will make r/Superstonk a better experience for true apes, while making it a nightmare for the imposters and shills. + +*Please note that Satori does not have access to private chats, discords, or other private aspects of your account and it is currently limited to Reddit. We only scan publicly available content as well as what can be seen from a moderator perspective, which primarily includes removed posts and comments. We respect your privacy, and are merely utilizing the same levels of intel used against us to even the playing field.* + +[Shillpocalypse \(by u\/grungromp\)](https://preview.redd.it/broy2hwpck271.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4e50c469e37c5bb980c02927d5ed0bb10f0b761) + +With two new admin-level mods to help keep oversight, and with such an incredible software creation by the Satori team, we are poised to not only defend against the constant FUD, shills, and MOASS popularity, but also to remain a secure and reliable source of knowledge sharing - forever. + +I don't want to say we will never end up like r/wallstreetbets ... but we'll never end up like r/wallstreetbets. Satori is the first of many projects that utilize modern technology to advance our capabilities as a subreddit. I am excited for some of the other projects already in the pipeline. Stay tuned - this is definitely as exciting as it sounds. + +# Latest News You May Have Missed + +* [**Voting Information**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlpz4h/your_votes_are_important_the_time_to_vote_is_now/) \- You can **VOTE** with your GameStop shares for the upcoming shareholder meeting on June 9th. The final deadline to vote is June 8th. +* [**Official AMA Question Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np7tmd/official_ama_question_thread_for_lucy_komisar_and/) for Lucy Komisar and Wes Christian **-** Wednesday June 2, 2021 at 4:30 PM Eastern +* New Awards: + * [**The Superstonk Award**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlz1ph/the_superstonk_award/) \- Can be gifted by any member for 500 coins (sub receives 100 coins) + * **Moderator Award:** [**Not-A-Cat Golden Bananya Award**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/noex1z/announcement_new_community_moderator_award/) \- Can be gifted only by moderators for 1800 sub bank coins, which gives the recipient Premium (700 coins per month, plus perks. + +# To the Moon! + +I hope you all had a great weekend and a great Memorial Day holiday. Let's pack our bananas and buckle up, because this rocket is starting to smell a LOT like rocket fuel. I still haven't sold a single share of $GME, and I plan to HODL until Andromeda. + +Let's also remember to be kind to each other. Ape not fight ape. Apes together strong! + +We're almost there. Let's go 🚀🚀🚀 + +[Art by YoungbloodAA](https://preview.redd.it/za5vhcbupk271.jpg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34e38a843f573c5b4ec4b5d615567fa7b92f81b) + +TL;DR: u/pinkcatsonacid and u/Bye_Triangle are now Full Permissions mods. Karma and Age limits are going way up, but basically Shillnet is approving users in periodic waves based on behavior over the past few months. Approved users bypass karma/age limits entirely. Sub is secured for MOASS. Pack your not-a-cat bananyas. +Bought Honda Civic 2019 brand new from a dealer 2 years ago and drove ~45000 miles. +Dealer wants to buy it back. +KBB instant cash offer is 17 435$ which is almost the price i bought it for (17 500$). Trade in value for very good condition is 18 411$. + +Crazy part: KBB instant cash offer from Feb 2021 is 12 812$! + +Is it a good idea to sell it and get something way cheaper? Old toyota or honda preferably. As i have to commute just twice a week. + +Car is not paid off yet though. Planning to use most of the money to cancel CC debt and put aside for savings. +I just came across the following quote by Warren Buffet and it really struck me. I'm a mid-twenties Bay Area tech worker, grinding it out (like most folks here), on my way to fatFIRE. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 7 years and have been feeling very lonely and depressed. When we were together we were inseparable and when we broke up I had hoped we could remain in touch, but now she won't talk to me, except for logistics reasons. I'm realizing how painful it can be to be really alone and how useless money is at solving that problem. + +Anyway here's the quote. I figure it is relevant because much of the talk on this sub is about choosing a number and what that number can buy you (hint: not love). I'd like to hear if anyone has any thoughts. + +> "Basically, when you get to my age, you'll really measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you. +> +> I know people who have a lot of money, and they get testimonial dinners and they get hospital wings named after them. But the truth is that nobody in the world loves them. If you get to my age in life and nobody thinks well of you, I don't care how big your bank account is, your life is a disaster. +> +> That's the ultimate test of how you have lived your life. The trouble with love it that you can't buy it. You can buy sex. You can buy testimonial dinners. You can buy pamphlets that say how wonderful you are. But the only way to get love is to be lovable. It's very irritating if you have a lot of money. You'd like to think you could write a check: I'll buy a million dollars' worth of love. But it doesn't work that way. The more you give love away, the more you get." + +-Warren Buffet +Anyone who invests in crypto, whether an old holder or a day treader, has a vested interest in the democratization of crypto. + +This implies that every day there will be new converts who will need to learn, who will have questions answered a thousand times, who will make mistakes a thousand times made etc. + +To treat with condescension, with rudeness, with that stinking humor of "sir I know everything" is not a sign of intelligence: you are just a worthless human unable to rejoice that another human is entering a field that you master. + +That you are bitter, it's sad and pathetic, but at the limit we can understand: in this case keep malicious comments for you. If what you said isn't going to help anyone, stay silent. + +Here it was a little rant because I'm tired of seeing "old crypto investors" allowing themselves toxic comments that do nothing good to anyone, with the sole aim of satisfying their twisted egos online. + +&#x200B; + +And welcome to all NEWBIES : D + +&#x200B; + +Edit : Thank you for the rewards, but above all thank you for the positivity of your messages ... if it can help a single newbie to dare to ask his question without being afraid of being demolished, mission accomplished :)) + +Edit 2 : we are on the front page. If it can help people take the crypto leap and come and ask for our help, we will have won something worth all the cryptos in the world. +So I have been getting mail recently from the IRS claiming that I owe the federal Government almost $20,000.00 from the 2014 tax year. + +There’s just one problem with that though: I was in high school in 2014, and I made less than $2000 total that year. + +I think they may have gotten me confused with my dad who has the same name as me. My dad and I don’t talk anymore, but I know that he hasn’t done his taxes in about four or five years. + +I have tried calling the IRS, but they were very unhelpful. Saying that I needed my dads tax information to verify that the balance is his..... but he has no tax information. + +What should I do? Is there an in person office I can do in to to state my case? This really is inconvenient as it is a mistake on their part, but now I am having to do the work to clean it up. +My boss, the owner of the company I work for, is very FAT and has been for as long as I’ve known him. We are starting some work out of state and I’ve been told many times that his private jet is fair game for work travel any time once we get going. + +I have never set foot in a private jet so I don’t know the proper etiquette or really anything about using one. I have heard or read a few things like + +-don’t bring too much baggage and hog the cargo area + +-let the owner enter the plane and sit first so he gets his preferred seat + +Beyond that I am at a loss. I would dress like I’m at work which means jeans and a button up shirt. Do I need to be more formal? Should I be bringing snacks or drinks for others on the plane? I am clueless! +I read about this a while back on /r/personalfinance. Geico doesn't advertise it and makes it really hard to get, but they will give you an 8% discount on car insurance premiums if you hold at least one share of BRK.B, since Berkshire-Hathaway owns them. They offer 8% discounts for a lot of professional and trade associations and the shareholder discount doesn't stack with those. + +It took me a while to get the discount. I called them after my biannual premiums went up this year. The CSR I talked gave me a really weird answer and said that they used to offer it, but it was taxed. I e-mailed them a few days later and they told me that I was eligible for the Berkshire-Hathaway shareholder discount and that I should go online, go to the discounts page, go to group discounts, and select "Berkshire-Hathaway Shareholder" from the menu. But it didn't appear in the menu. + +So I e-mailed them again. The CSR who read the e-mail replied and said that he had added that discount to my policy. He didn't even verify that I was a shareholder. It wasn't even pro-rated, I received a refund on my credit card for 8% of the full premium. + +Anyone know of any other good non-dividend discounts or perks? If you hold MMM and pay them $30 in November, they apparently send you a gift box with a bunch of their new products. I'm sure others are out there. + +EDIT: It works for car insurance, but it doesn't for renter's insurance. I don't know if it works for their homeowner's, motorcycle, umbrella, and other insurance policies. +YouTube for example is full of people trying to teach you how to profit from stock trading, what is the point of wasting time micro managing stocks when index funds exist? Am I missing something? +So I follow Geekyranjit, basically he reviews tech gadgets on youtube. He made a video saying you shouldn't buy expensive stuff you can't afford on EMI. I found this advice to be really good, but I m a noob in investments, so I am not sure how it works in real world (I m still a student). So I would like to hear your opinions and advice on this, since I ll start earning soon. +Posting for some motivation and advice. My fatfire ambitions need to be paused. + +Work at FAANG. Been here for just over 1 year. I am actually glad that they let me go. I have been frequently burnt out, horrible team, and had the worst year in my life so far. Really worried about my career, family and ability to fatfire, since high paying jobs are not that easy to come by. + +Fortunately my wife makes 260K per year, but we live in a VHCOL with 2 kids, we cannot afford our lifestyle, mortgage etc.. with one salary. + +Edit: sudden lifestyle inflation big house recently, kids at private schools. + +I am getting 70K worth of severance. Not worried about supporting our family in the short term since we have enough savings. + +I am thinking of talking 4 months off to recharge and get my health back. However, I am worried about employability since it’s a red flag to leave FAANG in one year when everyone else want to get there, my resume is filled with <18 month stints. I thought I would stay at FAANG for a long time but it did not work out. +Any advice welcome. +Let’s be real peeps, University is all about making money, for the University. It was on the news last night that a lot of kids were being offered uni spots weeks before ATAR was released. + +Personally, this is an obvious cash grab - lock them in young and they get average $30k per student who goes ti University. + +Kids, you’re 17, 18 whatever it is, coming out of high school. There is NO rush going to university. Do it if you know what you’re doing. But if you’re unsure or a non decider, don’t go signing up for $30-60k debt just because you don’t know what else to do. + +This is the beginning of your life choices as an adult. They won’t tell you. But really think if uni is the place for you. +I was fortunate enough to buy a home before the real estate market went bonkers. + +I look at how crappy trying to get a home is for normal people right now and I really feel for them. + +I'm not very knowledgeable in economics, but I just don't understand how prices could ever go back down to rational levels. + +The way my uneducated and ignorant mind sees it, the Canadian housing market is almost like what gold used to be to currency, because mortgages have been subject to stress testing and stricter rules like that. With stock markets plunging up and down constantly real estate seems like a safe place to put wealth for it to grow. + +Can anyone explain how it's ever going to be possible for young people to get a home in the future without some kind of government intervention into the equation, like council homes in Scotland? + +I just don't see how the 4 bedroom 90s house that's now selling for 627k in my area goes back down to 450k ? +What could cause that to happen, and if it did drop down like that again wouldn't that mean we were all in big trouble in other areas? + +EDIT + +There have been a lot of great discussions and back and forth in this thread, with a lot more respect and empathy for each other than you normally see online. + +Whatever happens with real estate in Canada and the struggles that will come, just reading how understanding and open people are to each other about this makes me feel better. I learned a lot from everyone's answers and I appreciate everyone who contributed to making me less dumb today. +I'm being offered nearly 5% for 1 year by CIBC. It seems really appealing with all the uncertainty in the market right now. Whats a good reason to stay in the market instead? +Paramount Global (PARA) is my largest non-index position by far, because I’ve concluded that it’s significantly undervalued and being disregarded by the market. Here are some numbers to support my quantitative analysis: + +FCF 2018: 1.26B +FCF 2019: 0.88B +FCF 2020: 1.97B +FCF 2021: 0.6B + +Assuming the following: + +required rate of return of 10% + +average FCF growth rate of 8% which is what we’ve seen recently, and + +an average price:FCF ratio of 27.68, which is what I’ve calculated based on market cap:FCF ratios over the past several years, + +a discounted cash flow analysis would yield a fair value of $33.77 billion, or $51.96 per share. + +As for the qualitative side of analysis, PARA, formed by a merger of Viacom and CBS, owns broadcasting rights for a variety of sporting events through CBS, many channels including Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, and BET, the streaming services Pluto TV and Paramount+, as well as Paramount Studios, which has the rights to many hits such as Star Trek, Top Gun, and Yellowstone (which streams on Paramount+ and currently has spin-offs in the works). + +The merger between the two sides of the business seems quite sensible, and the broadcasting/film production businesses provide more than enough cash flow to fund the high-growth streaming businesses. In total, Pluto and Paramount+ have 63.7 million subscribers, rivaling Disney+’s 87.6 million. Also notable is the rapid gain in market share: Paramount’s subscribers grew by 1.7 million in Q2, a 10.9% annualized increase. + +Morningstar agrees with my analysis - its fair value estimate is $58 per share with a narrow moat rating. + +Is there a qualitative issue here, some problems I’m not seeing on the balance sheet, or just a market distaste for the company/industry? What am I (along with Morningstar) missing that the market sees? + +At the time of writing, PARA trades for $25.21, implying a 51.5% discount to fair value if I’m correct. + +Disclaimer: I am a financial advisor, but not *your* financial advisor. The contents of this post are for general informational purposes only and do not reflect an analysis of your financial situation or the suitability of securities mentioned. + +EDIT: added qualitative description and improved formatting +Tesla's current market cap is over a trillion USD. Let's put that in perspective, shall we? That's significantly higher than all these car makers combined: + +**Car makers** + +* Volkswagen +* Toyota +* Audi (part of VW) +* BMW +* Mercedes +* Škoda (VW) +* Seat (VW) +* Peugeot (Stellantis) +* Citroen (Stellantis) +* Renault +* Opel (Stellantis) +* Alfa Romeo (Stellantis) +* Fiat (Stellantis) +* Jaguar (Tata) +* Mini Cooper (BMW) +* Land Rover / Range Rover (Tata) +* Cadillac (GM) +* Chevrolet (GM) +* Chrysler (Stellantis) +* Dodge (Stellantis) +* GMC (GM) +* RAM (Stellantis) +* Jeep (Stellantis) +* Buick (GM) +* Tata +* Daihatsu (Toyota) +* Lexus (Toyota) +* Nissan +* Datsun (Nissan) +* Infiniti (Nissan) +* Dacia (Renault) +* Lada (Renault) +* Lancia (Stellantis) +* Vauxhall (Stellantis) +* Smart (Mercedes) +* DS Automobiles (Stellantis) +* Abarth (Stellantis) + +**Makers of sports and luxury cars** + +* Porsche (VW) +* Bentley (VW) +* Lamborghini (VW) +* Bugatti (VW) +* Maybach (Mercedes) +* Maserati (Stellantis) +* Alpine (Renault) +* Rolls Royce (BMW) + +**Makers of commercial trucks** + +* Scania (VW) +* Man (VW) +* Navistar (VW) +* Caminhões e Ônibus (VW) +* Freightliner (Mercedes) +* Western Star (Mercedes) +* Mercedes Daimler Trucks & Buses +* Fuso (Mercedes) +* Hino (Toyota) +* Tata Trucks + +**Motorbike makers** + +* Ducati (VW) +* BMW +* Tata Motors + +&#x200B; + +**Market caps (in billions of USD, in today's currency exchange rate):** + +* VW Group 104,73 (96,49 EUR) +* Stellantis 45,6 (42 EUR) +* Nissan 18,16 (2320 JPY) +* Renault 7,34 (6,76 EUR) +* GM 60,95 +* BMW 56,33 (51,9 EUR) +* Tata 20,72 (1580 INR) +* Daimler 83,94 (77,34 EUR) +* SinoTruck 3,27 (25,63 HKD) +* Toyota 288,41 (36850 JPY) +* **Total = 689.45** + +&#x200B; + +Keep in mind that many seemingly unknown brands are large elsewhere in the world, far from your geographical location. For example, Hino is nowhere to be seen in Europe or USA, but Hino is larger than Scania or Freightliner which are dominant in Europe and USA respectively. Lada and Dacia are massive in and around Russia, but virtually unknown elsewhere. And so on. + +And yes, there are other measures than market cap, but the point remains the same. And let's not forget that Cathie Wood (ARK) has a +50% (1500 USD/stock) as a bear case scenario for Tesla. You can't make this stuff up 😅 + +I've heard and looked into claims that "Tesla is so much more than a car maker", "they are not a car maker", "Tesla will dominate the market" etc. Just wait until reality check says hello to this valuation... + +Edit: it is also noteworthy that car reviews nowadays frequently prefer other electric cars to Tesla. I've seen multiple reviews which prefer Ioniq5 (a significantly cheaper car) to Tesla Model Y. There are many other examples. Tesla hasn't really had any direct competition in the past. Real competition is just starting to show up now and the competition is clearly competent. + +Here is what I think will happen: + +* Microsoft stock was very hyped around 2000. It reached 58 USD in Dec of 1999 and crashed soon after. It took 17 years to recover. That's in nominal terms, so recovery was even longer. +* Another good example is Ericsson, one of world's leading makers of telecom equipment. It still is -90% since it's highest point during the hype. +* There are plenty of other examples both old (Radio Corporation of America) and new. Tesla will be next. 💸 +[Settlement website](https://www.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/) + +[Eligibility checker](https://eligibility.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/en/eligibility) + +[FTC.gov press release](https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/cases-proceedings/refunds/equifax-data-breach-settlement) + +You can receive a minimum of $125, more if you had to spend time freezing your credit or suffered financial losses. Claims are open until January. + +Edit: there seems to be some confusion on being eligible for the cash settlement if you "don't have credit monitoring". I assume most readers here have something like Credit Karma, which is free and does indeed provide credit monitoring. + +Edit 2: obligatory thank you for gold! +[Link to the full article (1 min read)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/01/amazon-plunge-pushes-valuation-below-1-trillion-first-time-since-2020.html) Amazon stocks dropped another 5.9% on Tuesday after falling for five straight days. It closed at their lowest price since April 2020, wiping most of the gains made during the pandemic surge. The recent sell-off was triggered after Amazon gave a disappointing Q4 forecast and expects sales growth to be lower in the coming holiday season. Similar to other big tech peers, Amazon has struggled this year from economic slowdown. The company has been forced to scale back after expanding dramatically during the pandemic. So far this year, their stocks dropped 43% and is on track for the worst year since 2008 when it plunged 45%. + +**Check out** [**investorsnippets.com**](https://investorsnippets.com) **for more bite-sized news like this straight to your inbox for free.** +Cross-posting here from /r/PMTraders since it may be relevant to some of you. + +**The Results** + +I’ll start with the result: I lost $60-65k each in my PM account and the IRA account, for a total of -$125-130k. + +[Here’s my Portfolio Margin account YTD](https://i.imgur.com/pTKed3X.png) + +[IRA /ES losses](https://i.imgur.com/QxkH1pE.png) + +**The Intro** + +Below is my retrospective for my roughly 2 week period trading Calevonlear’s strat. Note that this will include a view of my mentality over this period as well as I believe it's relevant to the strategy execution. + +To be very clear, I'm in no way trying to blame /u/calevonlear here in the slightest. I read his notes, I thought it was an interesting and promising strategy that I hadn't encountered before, I misjudged my actual risks, and I'm not very good at day trading futures which exacerbated my losses. My own actions and decisions resulted in my losses. I only reference him because he's the one I learned the strategy from. + +I'm sharing my experience in the interest of knowledge-sharing as a warning about what I now think is the *actual* worst case short-term scenario for this strategy. + +I had seen his strat around and followed the performance for a few months. I liked the most recent iteration, the /ES 7DTE ATM strat on paper, especially since it was something he mentioned being an intentional choice so that even his wife could trade it from the phone if he weren’t able to. It sounded very mechanical, and I was comfortable with what I *thought* was the max drawdown of the strategy. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t. What I thought would be a week-long test just to get a feel for trading ATM puts through some light market oscillations turned out to be a strategy that trapped me. + +I wrote up my notes [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/PMTraders/comments/pv341e/september_25_2021_weekend_thread_what_happened/hed8ix5/) on 9/26 after scouring all his comments. + +**Quick strategy summary** (read the above link if you want more) + +* Selling 7-9DTE ATM puts on /ES to maximize extrinsic value. + +* BTC at $250 per contract which can be 15-25% depending on IV, but is a 10 point move at open. + +* If the market rises, ‘leapfrog’ and sell another /ES at the next $5 strike. You’ll have 2 strikes open and a 3rd opening when the first closes. + +* If it falls, sell one every 10 point fall, up to 6 strikes max, creating a ‘cascade’ of puts. + +* On a bigger fall, “Freeze” your portfolio. Once delta reaches 0.9 on all your puts, short /ES contracts to neutralize delta. Buy them back on the way back up. + +* Add a 7th put once there’s a rebound by filling the 5 strikes above the lowest put and leap from to help with recovery. Even an 8th is technically possible. + +* At 0DTE roll any ITM puts out to 7-8DTE. + +**Sizing** - His original sizing recommendation was 1 ‘set’ of contracts per $250k NLV. I went safer here and did 1 set in a $500k account and 1 set in a $750k account. *This was still way too aggressive imo.* I think $1M is more appropriate per set. + +/u/Neverstoplearning2 commented something that turned out to be incredibly central to why this strategy fails, and that’s the delta hedge. Unfortunately at the time I didn’t fully appreciate how right he was. He said: + +>The real problem is juggling with ES shorts, **because right after I buy back a short it goes down again..** So forget about trying to time and like Cale stated a hedge is going to cost you but it does help to limit losses of course and that is why you really should try to maintain your delta. + +Let me introduce you to whipsaw with leverage. + +**The Action** + +I’ll be sharing screenshots from the IRA at TW as its imo easier to see the trades, but the same exact trades were executed in the PM account. The $5k difference in eventual losses was the result of a mistake in the PM account where I ended up with 2 short puts at 4465 by accident. I thought it wasn’t a big deal, unfortunately the market reversed and I got trapped with both. + +On the first day, the strategy worked as expected, [with some easy profits](https://i.imgur.com/LSIWwgA.png) + +Then the market fell a tiny bit. [No worries, those are exactly the conditions I wanted to test this in](https://i.imgur.com/XqtUihY.png) + +But then it kept falling. [A lot](https://i.imgur.com/F05fCN3.png). Which felt like a lot more due to the leverage of this strat. I had to [start hedging the very next day](https://i.imgur.com/BILCeSl.png ) as my puts hit 0.9 delta. + + +And now we get to the real problems. + +There are two things working against this strategy, one small, one huge. + +1. It’s very easy to get trapped in a 7th put on a fake bounce back that just taps above your lowest strike. + + +2. There’s no good mechanical way to put on and take off the delta hedges when the market decides to jump up and down right in the zone where your puts are hitting 0.9 delta and you have to delta hedge to prevent catastrophic loss with all the leverage you now have. + +What happened over the next few days is the market would trigger me to put on my delta hedges. Then it would bounce up enough that I needed to take those hedges off to participate in a bounce back, except then it would reverse course again and re-trigger my delta-hedge zone. And the market just sat there for days, [bouncing up/down](https://i.imgur.com/qFllxMO.png). + +I was losing money on the way down, hedging, losing money on the hedges when the market started bouncing (which was 7 /ES contracts, which is a LOT of notional) un-hedging, and again losing money on the way down on my high delta short puts. It sucked. It was affecting my ability to do any work during the day. It was affecting my sleep. + +[Trades](https://i.imgur.com/DaUvUyG.png) + +[Continued](https://i.imgur.com/k4SB0MM.png) + +I went on PTO around this time and you can see on 10/01 I put on an 8 contract hedge after adding 4320 and 4340 short puts earlier that day. I was literally agonizing over whether a bounce would occur and I’d participate, or I’d go to sleep and wake up to a -$100k loss. I had to make the call and put the delta hedge on to be able to sleep. Turns out I did that at 4266, which 6 points off [the absolute low](https://i.imgur.com/ieGhuww.png), followed by another large bump the next day that I completely missed out on. + +After a few days of that whipsaw and my losses mounting, I lost my cool and tilted. I realized all I was really doing was day (and night) trading futures. The short puts were a complication that didn’t really add much value. So I leaned into it - I was sleep deprived and not thinking super clearly at this point. + +Observe that all these trades were the same day, and observe the contract sizes increasing as I got frustrated with getting whipsawed and tried to more directly day trade futures while *also* hedging the puts. + +[Day Trades 1](https://i.imgur.com/YGMtrHY.png) + +[Day Trades 2](https://i.imgur.com/yOp4Tjb.png) + +[Day Trades 3](https://i.imgur.com/HuTGcYP.png) + +My more leveraged PM account suffered a max drawdown of -18% during this 10/6 day trading spree, bouncing back to about -12.5% by EOD. In the IRA I bounced back to -8.5%. + +The following day I realized I had absolutely no edge here. This month would be the first month I had ever had a loss in my PM account, due to not trading my strategy. [I pulled the plug](https://i.imgur.com/3Hhcxnh.png) because I realized my only strategy here was praying the market would bounce back before it blew up my account. That’s just gambling. + +I measure a strategy by its performance during the worst times. It doesn’t matter how much money a strategy makes if it blows up the account during a drawdown. + +Unfortunately, that’s this strategy’s weakest point. It requires you to market time and day trades /ES futures contracts with massive leverage to prevent catastrophic portfolio loss. That’s my weakest point as a trader. I specifically sell premium because constructing a net premium-selling portfolio is more forgiving toward market timing. So in the moment when my portfolio is most vulnerable, this strategy compounds my weaknesses instead of relying on my strengths. + +**What could I have done better?** Many, many things. + +1. There was no point trying this in both the PM and IRA. One would have more than sufficed. + + +2. I could have tried this brand-new-to-me strategy on /MES instead to greatly reduce leverage and learn just as much. + + +3. I misjudged the true max-drawdown. I had estimated the drawdown per strategy would be the loss on 6 puts from 0.5 delta to 0.9 delta when I put the hedges on. If the market kept dropping, no problem, my losses were “frozen” in place until the market bounced back. Then I’d unfreeze my account as the market recovered and “leap-frog” to recover faster. + + That is *not* the worst case scenario for this strategy. The worst case scenario is the market dropping to the zone where your puts hit 0.9 delta and then bouncing around there for days on end, whipsawing you back and forth as you try to hedge and unhedge with short /ES puts, which is just day trading and market timing. It can also trap you in an extra short put than you expected for additional leverage and extra pain when a bounce is just temporary. + +4. I should have pulled the plug on the strategy the moment I realized #3. This was a failure to control emotion. I *know for a fact* I can’t successfully day trade futures. I’ve proven that to myself many times before and paid for it. As soon as I realized the hedging aspect of this strategy was much less mechanical than I initially thought, I should have bailed. That would have been a much more manageable loss of 7-8%. + +I’m glad I did pull the plug on the strategy when I did. Not because it was good timing - it wasn’t. If I just held through the pain and dealt with the drawdowns, I would have recovered most of my losses at this point and been close to flat after today’s rally. I’m glad though because I realized all I was doing was gambling with massive leverage in a trade I had no control over. The market could have just as easily dropped another 5%, or whipsawed for 2 more weeks in the same range, both of which could have been disastrous depending on *timing*, and I’ve already proven that’s not something I’m good at. + +**Any positives?** + +Yes, I think so. [Here are my monthly portfolio returns in the PM account going back a year](https://i.imgur.com/RxafGAI.png). I like to take brief notes on notable things affecting my P/L. Over the last 3 months I’ve had weak returns as I had a “bad feeling” about market structure and kept my BPu at 10% max while staying delta neutral. + +Ironically after that I leveraged up with this strategy and the market walloped me. Oops. + +The above experience of having 3-5% portfolio swings on 1% market moves has reset my risk tolerance. You can see in my original account NLV graph at the top that I was becoming more and more risk-averse, reducing volatility of returns, at the expense of reducing returns. I believe this experience snapped me out of that, and I’m once again more willing to find a healthy balance of volatility of returns. + +Secondly, I’ve been meaning to trade more futures contracts, especially in IRAs at TW, to leverage SPAN margin, but I’ve dragged my feet on it. TW allows for SPAN margin in their IRAs but has about 2x the BPR on those positions as in a Reg-T or PM account. After these losses, I now have a very good understanding of how TW treats IRA SPAN margin during larger moves. + +Similarly, I also generally like the simplification of underlyings and the 1256 contract tax treatment for my PM account, so I’ll seek to use futures contracts more to my benefit there as well. + +I also might consider longer DTE ATM contracts on specific equity underlying I’m very bullish at. I think there’s potential value in increasing my delta when I have high conviction on an underlying. + +I will not be trading ATM contracts with massive leverage though, that’s for sure. +How many hours do they work? Do you pay them by the hour, trip? Do you choose the type of vehicle do they drive? + +What’s the cost and what are the overall benefits (yes obviously they make it easier to get around, but maybe things we don’t consider)? +Accounts are tweeting out a scam directing people to send them bitcoin, all of Apple’s tweets have disappeared. + +https://twitter.com/northmantrader/status/1283501933907587073?s=21 + +Wonder what would have happened if this occurred in trading hours. +In the sense that every time the debt of governments gets passed on to the next, who borrow even more and this cycle continues. Won’t this cycle collapse sometime? + +* I am using a different meaning for Ponzi btw than the original one. +Since almost all of us are in the red let's at least console ourselves in knowing we aren't alone...So honestly how much are you DOWN from your investment total $ put in vs approx current total value of your crypto portfolio + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9ymlw4) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +US-based situation, and I know income tax varies from state to state, but let’s assume capital gains of assets held long-term are taxed at 20% and income from salary is taxed at roughly 1/3rd of your gross pay check. + +What is the argument for capital gains being significantly lower? Is it because this amount is already much bigger than income every year? To encourage investment instead of consumption? Belief that private allocation of capital is more socially optimal than govt spending? +I will start off by saying this is not financial advice and I don't give a fuck what happens to my money. + +So we're all aware Jeff Bezos is heading to space on July 20th. + +My plan is to buy the July 23rd expiry FD puts on July 19th. + +In the event that the Bezos bros go boom I'm gonna say AMZN will drop. + +I know this is dark but there is no way in hell this type of thing is "priced in" + +TL:DR +Casino Longshot betting on Jeff Bezos' death + +TL:CR + 🎰 🚀💥⚰ 💰💰💰💰💰 + +**UPDATE: +Looks like Richard Branson is rushing to beat Bezos into space over the July 4th weekend. Some things should not be rushed, space flight is one of those things. + +And for that reason I will also be buying FD puts on SPCE + + https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/25/space-race-richard-branson-virgin-galactic-vs-jeff-bezos-blue-origin.html +Saw this in /r/business today: +https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/nev95x/wells-fargo-is-trying-to-bury-another-massive-scandal + +So I went to this [page of the FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/financialinstitutions) to get more information on credit unions. + +Can we have another credit union discussion? WF is my main bank (pay checks go there) and I'd like to close my account in favor of a credit union. + +~~**EDIT**: Not sure what the best flair is. Opinions?~~ Looks like somebody added "Saving" to it. + +**EDIT 2**: Credit to /u/Pony5000 for posting the article [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/business/comments/6o00n3/wells_fargo_is_trying_to_bury_another_massive/?utm_content=comments&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=business) +*edit: The use of "we" in this post is used as a placeholder to describe the individual investor making their own individual decisions and coming to their own individual conclusions that just coincidentally happen to align with other individuals conclusions and actions.* + +*Rather than write that down every time, I just put the letter W and E together to create the acronym:* + +(**W**)hen individuals (**E**)ducate themselves and come to their own conclusion. + +If that acronym is too hard to remember, feel free to go with: (**W**)etail (**E**)nvestors - credit to u/Shtev + +For those unaware the use of the term DRS stand for Directly Registered Shares at Computershare (aka, owning the share in your own name, instead of your broker owning the share and giving you "beneficial" ownership of it) + +Find out more here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7/drscomputershare\_megathread\_112022\_ira\_special/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yjawq7/drscomputershare_megathread_112022_ira_special/) + +# The 3 BILLION Dollar Subreddit + +One subreddit with 841,000 members has put their money where their mouth is and locked up almost $3,000,000,000.00 worth of shares in GameStop. This being done by only 200,000 Computershare accounts. + +We are currently at 87.5 MILLION SHARES DRS'D. As the amount of shares pushes towards 100M one single subreddit will have registered approx. $3 Billion worth of GME (based on $30 avg. per share) in their own names, claiming ownership and preventing brokers from lending out the shares they own. + +Read that again, Three Billion Dollars. One subreddit, 3 BILLION US Dollars.... + +Let that sink in for a moment. + +# The Event Currently Unfolding Before Our Very Eyes + +This is not some pipe dream, theoretical possibility that would be a neat thought experiment in an economics class. + +This is a very real thing that is currently happening in our markets that has never happened before, ever. + +There is a race to lock up the entire float of GameStop shares and it is not slowing down. No one ever predicted individual investors would be able to come together in a way like this. + +People from all over the globe, have decided to take a stance against the unfair market practices used by Wall Street against us, our friends, our family members, and our fellow humans every day to protest and there is finally a way for anyone to actually take part in making a difference, no matter how small or large that contribution may be. + +Every individual share registered by someone matters. As we get closer and closer to that 100% of shares locked moment, the FOMO to register will kick in as others see the reality of what is happening and more and more people will take it seriously and race to get their shares registered in their name. + +We have passed the date for your shares to be counted on the next quarterly report(Q3), but now is the time to get a jump on getting counted in Q4. + +# A New Type of Bullish Indicator Emerges + +Financial institutions, individual investors, hedge funds, etc. all use a large amount of different indicators from mathematical formulas/algorithms, financial reports, earnings statements, to social media sentiment, and more to determine what moves to make. + +But now a new indicator has emerged. + +**The DRS indicator** \- Aka, the % of float directly registered by all individual investors combined (Which GameStop has been including on their official quarterly reports). This indicator has a direct relation with simple supply and demand mechanics. + +This indicator lets other potential investors see the determination and belief other individuals have in regards to a company's future(as long term investors have done their homework, and decided that they want to own the share personally, taking full control over their portion of that company). The more shares registered in ones name, the more determined the companies investors are to ensuring the company succeeds in it's plans for growth. + +This mass of dedicated investors not only help the company by preventing market makers and brokers from lending it's shares to short sellers, they also help by creating a community with experience from all walks of life to comb through every aspect of the company to continue to give you, the investor, up-to-date and well researched information about where they are going, what they are doing, and how things effect them. As well as provide the company with suggestions on how to improve. + +# The Community + +I know if I never knew about GameStop and stumbled upon a stock with a supply of shares slowly being whittled away and a community to provide any piece of information I desire, I certainly would intrigued. + +And as a board of directors/management in a company, I would be thrilled to have such an active investor base dedicated to helping my company succeed. I would be sure to always check wherever those investors may be(in this case, SuperStonk) to ensure I am up-to-date on anything that may be helpful. + +This entire saga has been an example of what a difference the individual really can make if we all come together and agree on something to create positive change in the real world. + +It has also highlighted the generosity in humans. + +So many people have poured many of their personal hours of free time into helping in so many different ways. From researching, educating, sharing information others may not have access to, providing support/offering a helping hand to those in need, lifting someone up when they are down, creating and sharing art/memes, being kind to each other, and so much more. + +And for that, I want to thank each and every one of you for doing your part in making a positive difference, no matter how big or small. It all adds up. + +# Make it Known + +The Direct Registration of GameStop's Shares movement is real, it is happening, and I urge you to make yourself, and those around you aware of what is happening. + +Tell your wives, moms, dads, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great grandparents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, bosses, acquaintances, enemies, lovers, mistresses, local Wendy's drive-thru employees, your mechanic, plumbers, bank tellers, waiter, and whoever else you may stumble across in the day. + +The line is only going up, and it is just a matter of time before 100% of the float is locked up. + +[87.5M Shares Directly Registered and counting... https:\/\/www.computershared.net\/ ](https://preview.redd.it/dyq7vhuxdcx91.png?width=1631&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3738cc08c1fc8bbacb10e58d0a8605c6d33f48f) + +Show me ONE individual investor that would NOT be curious to see what happens when we hit 100% registered. + +The thought of actually making it to 100% is EXACTLY what is going to make every one around the world buy at least 1 share of GME and DRS it. + +We are on the verge of making something happen that was never imagined to be possible and you can have a front row seat when it does. + +If you want to help others understand the important of directly registering their shares and help them with the steps on how to, I want to plug [https://www.drsgme.org/](https://www.drsgme.org/) as it gives a good overview of the reasoning behind DRS and has guides for every broker out there to help others DRS as easily as possible. + +Now, lets make the title of this post outdated. Next goal, the 5 Billion dollar subreddit, then 10, then 20, and so on. + +&#x200B; + +# TLDR: ONE SUBREDDIT HAS REGISTERED 3 BILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF SHARES OF GAMESTOP IN THEIR OWN NAME AND IT IS NOT SLOWING DOWN. + +I want to also bring attention to the fact that the number of shares DRS'd also provides some mathematical insight into the theory(**truth**, but lets call it a theory for the sake of staying unbiased) that more than the entire float is already held by individuals in normal brokerages. Have a look at the survey this guy is doing to try to extrapolate ownership numbers from the % people have registered: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yfrofm/a\_simple\_logical\_and\_conservative\_explanation\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yfrofm/a_simple_logical_and_conservative_explanation_to/) + +It's also another testament to the people in this community willing to offer up their personal time to provide helpful information and education to others! +I went to file my taxes yesterday the same way I have done for several years, with the TurboTax free file. I noticed a few things that I thought I'd share: + +When I got to the section for the child and dependent care credit, the software kept telling me that I don't qualify. I knew that I still qualified for the credit so I googled it. Turns out, when you enter your W2 at the beginning for you and your spouse, it defaults both of them to one persons name (so it appeared that I made too much money for the credit, while my husband had no income). As soon as I went back and assigned one of the W2 to my husband I qualified for the credit, which boosted my refund by $600. + +Because I filed for a specific credit, TT software said I needed to pay the $39.99 as the free software didn't cover one of the forms I'd need done to file. I was already finished by this point and was getting money back so I figured ok, I'll pay it, and that I will just file by hand next year. TT gave me the option to pay this fee out of my refund, saying something like "no need to reach for your wallet, we can just take this from your refund". Nowhere on this page did it indicate that there would be a fee to do so. When I was completely done and ready to file, TT asked me to consent to the charges and hit submit. I noticed that the fees suddenly went from $39.99 to 79.99 and I didn't understand why until I searched the internet and found dozens of complaints from last year. Apparently TT is charging an extra $39.99 in order for them to take the original fee from your return with very little explanation and quite deceptive language on their website. I paid the original fee with my credit card and filed without issue. + +I know this is a bit strange and I am not trying to blast TT in general, but I do think it is fair that people be aware of these fees and quirks of the software. Hope this helps someone! + + + +EDIT: WOW Silver! Thank you kind stranger! + +This is by far my biggest post on Reddit! I've compiled some of the resources suggested but it appears that the most popular free tax filing this year is Credit Karma. + +In USA: +The VITA Program: https://www.irs.gov/individuals/free-tax-return-preparation-for-you-by-volunteers +Description of this program in the top comment, thanks u/meowmeowmeow_meow + +IRS Free File: https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free +This is the place to start for free filings, particularly if you're going to stick with TurboTax (which I do not recommend). There are many other options on this site though and it is a valuable resource the IRS provides. + +Free Tax USA: https://www.freetaxusa.com/ +This was suggested by many commenters + +Credit Karma Tax: https://www.creditkarma.com/tax +Also suggested by many commenters + + +In Canada: +Simpletax: https://simpletax.ca/ + +I really hope all you beautiful people get the most of YOUR MONEY back that you possibly can!!! + + +I don't know if this subreddit is appropriate for what I'm posting but I needed to share this with someone. + +Over the past few years, I have been struggling with paying off my credit card dues. (Not exactly struggling since I have been paying off a sizable chunk each month so as to not impact my credit score but you all know how credit card debt is.) + +It all started when I had to make credit card payments for a few things during the time of my wedding a few years back. At the time, I though "No biggie! I will just pay everything off with my next paycheck." But then, there was a medical emergency in my family and a few more personal setbacks. Long story short, few months after my wedding, I was looking at credit card debt of >1 Lakh. Not to mention I also have a ongoing mortgage. But by some miracle, I am able to pay that off regularly. + +I was not exactly struggling financially. I have been making few investments in some short term and long term mutual funds. Also tried to create a few deposits to save for a rainy day. But the debt was still a little unsettling. Also, I was aware that paying minimum dues on credit cards is a very bad idea. + +So I decided to pay 10k each month for my credit card and set aside a few in savings. But personal setbacks kept happening and I ended up accumulating more debt than I paid off. + +Then this year, COVID happened. Things looked bleak. But I managed to switch into high gear and reduced all my spending and just cut off all unnecessary purchases. + +The moment market returned to somewhat normal status, I sold off shares and mutual funds that were in the green. Accumulated any savings I had made over the years and finally paid off all my debt. :) + +I feel so relieved now. It's like a huge weight has lifted from my shoulders. I know I withdrew my money from the markets too early but atleast, I am credit card debt free. I still have the mortgage to worry about but that's ok. I still have some money invested. Now I can focus on saving more and over the period of time pay off the principal on my mortgage. + +Now things look a lot better for me financially. I am much smarter with my investments. Debt is not necessarily in a bad thing but you have to be careful about not falling into the credit card debt trap. +For years, the crypto community has pointed to government control over fiat money as the reason Bitcoin needs to exist. People need an asset that they know can't be arbitrarily printed or controlled by corrupt governments. + +And after 12 years, this narrative is taking hold. The financial industry is starting to take Bitcoin seriously, investors and large corporations are putting Bitcoin on their balance sheet to reduce their dependency on the behavior of the US federal government. + +**But the next fight is upon us.** + +This week, the common folk of the internet discovered their power. They discovered that by working together, they can challenge the powerful entities of Wall Street. + +And Wall Street hates it. + +As of right now, Robinhood and most other trading products are in "reduce only mode". + +Wall Street has decided that you're not responsible enough to buy the stocks that you like, so they've taken away your stock buying privileges. + +Of course, hedge funds will still have access to GME and AMC. But not you. + +**This is why Bitcoin is only the beginning of this revolution.** + +It's not simply enough to be able to custody your own assets. You need to be able to trade them, to lend them, to leverage them. You should have access to the same financial instruments that the rich people on Wall Street have access to. + +**This is why we need DeFi** + +Nobody can turn off Uniswap. Nobody can turn off Aave. Nobody can turn off Synthetix. + +Nobody can tell you that leverage-longing some shitcoin is irresponsible and you're not allowed to do it. + +**This can be our moment.** + +Thousands of people, from WSB to Twitter, have just been deplatformed, just for wanting to invest their money as they see fit. + +Let's show them the future. Let's show them a world where finance is not owned by any government or hedge fund or billionaire. + +A world where, as long as you're not hurting anyone, you're free to use your money however you like. +My father has been with HDFC from past 18 years and been a it's credit card user from past 15 years. + +So, he is using a regalia card and bank levied membership fees even though the purchased criteria was satisfied. + +Customer care rep was rude when we ask to reverse the fees. + +For, and please read it carefully, we had to write a complaint asking the fees to be reversed and then it was reversed. + +Now, the bank says GST can't be reversed don't know why. + +When I haven't paid the fees, then why should I pay the GST. Simple question. + +Have written a complaint to the bank and will update it here. + + +But, tbh, HDFC bank isn't what is used to be. + +Digital outages, unnecessary charges, introducing extra fees on no cost emis. + +I too had a similar exp with HDFC when I opened a account with them, they gave me a debit card, without my knowledge, having a fees of 600 + GST. + +Also, the banks are charging ridiculous amounts for a fucking debit card. + + +The only good thing about HDFC bank can be it's shares. But, considering how the bank is now a days, it may also loose it's sheen. + + +Edit - SBI cards reversed both my fees and GST automatically after one month. +So, banks saying GST has been paid, sounds bullshit to me. +Today marks the anniversary of the baby sneeze where we all got a peak behind the curtain of corruption, deceit and lies that are the inner workings of the “free market”. + +Having been an investor since early January 2021 it would be an understatement to say what a journey this has been. From what was a simple fundamental value play started by Michael Burry, introduced to ‘the sub that cant be named’ by the legendary DFV has lead to a year of growth in my own personal knowledge around market trading, market structure, fact checking and emotional intelligence. + +None of this would have been possible without the selflessness of so many other shareholders who also like the stock. From those who spend hours writing DD, making memes, scouring SEC forms and even just helping out those baby apes with less knowledge. + +I feel so grateful that I can call myself an ape because I have seen first hand the kindness and generosity that Gamestop shareholders have. As much as there have been bad eggs who have tried to paint a bad picture, from corrupt mods, shills and the just plain ignorant. + +Big thank yous to; + +Papa Cohen + +GME sub + +Jungle + +House of Cards DD + +Glass Castle DD + +GME DD . Com + +The Apes who can’t comment or post yet + +The AMA hosts and guests + +Reverse Repo + +Reverse Repo chart guy + +Diamentehande guys + +Ban Me Guy + +Meme Lords + +ELLIOT WAVES GUY + +Exponential floor guy + +The retired knights of new + +Rick Of Spades and cake guy 😰 + +GMEFloor guy + +Peruvian bull - dollar end game guy + +DOMO + +Crayon Eaters + +Sideways Trading Guy + +Todays the Day guy + +Todays the Day Starfish + +Highway Sign guy - Mr Boost + +Pigeon Facts Guy + +Charles Payne + +Cucumber Girl + +Sock drink guy + +ScrollWheeler + +POTATO_IN_MY_ASS + +Drone guy - MonkeeInTheSky + +Gary Gensler + +Plane Tracker guy + +Option Data explainer guy(s) + +Gherkinit + +HomeDepotHank + +Satori + +Jackie Welles + +GME New York Billboard Guy + +Houston Wade + +2:45 guy + +WetDirtKirt + +SEC + +Dave Lauer + +Computershare Staff + +Dr Trimbath + +DFV + +Atobitt + +PinkCat + +Criand + +Runic Glory + +Rensole + +Mirfster + +Buttfarm + +FridayFlair Guy + +All our mods - old and new + +[This Legendary Diamond Hands Bastard](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/) + +Im sure there are many others so sorry if you’re not coming to mind 🥺 (post a comment and I’ll add them) + +#TLDR; At market close tonight I invite you all to join me from around the world and raise a glass (doesn’t have to be alcoholic) or a joint or whatever to the stock that I like in honour of the journey that shutting the buy button off has taken us on. + + +P.S this is not hydration advice + +. ✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀 r/Superstonk       ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .               .       🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚               + +# #buy #hold #drs + +#GME GO BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR + + +EDIT: This got more traction that i thought it would, so.. +# HERE’S TO OWNING THE FLOAT AND A DEEP FUCKING CHEERS TO ALL OF Y’ALL + +EDIT 2: Mods, some apes are requesting a marketclose thread for them all to toast each other later, can this be done? + +EDIT 3: Mods have proposed, if you want to share photos of drinks at market close then post them here, see you all at market close! + +✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀 r/Superstonk       ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .    ��          .       🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚               + +✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀 r/Superstonk       ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .               .       🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚               + +✦             ˚              *                        .              .            ✦              ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍                  ,       .             .   ゚      .           ☀️  . ,       .                                                                                           .           .             .                                                                                        ✦        ,               🚀 r/Superstonk       ,    ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍               .            .                                             ˚            ,                                       .                  .           .        .     🌑              .           .               ˚                     ゚     .               .       🌎 ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ,                * .                    .           ✦             ˚               + +#Cheers to you all here at market close + +Post photos (imgur links?) of you toasting those above, whether it be alcohol, coffee, milk , water, weed, or even an empty diamond hand 💎 + +Post cheers in your comments in your languages and also to each other, and also for the apes that cant comment here. + +Thank you all for getting involved! + +#HERE’S TO OWNING THE FLOAT AND A DEEP FUCKING CHEERS TO ALL OF Y’ALL! +I know many people had money during 2020, saw the crash but thought it was going lower so they didn't buy in. Then when it started going up they still didn't buy because they missed the bottom or they became convinced a second crash was coming and the lows would be revisited and they'll have their chance to buy. + +Well we know how that turned out.. they might just be thinking this recent correction is the infamous second crash they've been predicting all these months. + +I know there's a lot of uncertainty going on in the markets recently and you'll find plenty of doom and gloom stock market articles on the internet if you look for them.. You might be looking at this recent correction combined with reading doom and gloom headlines and gleefully rubbing your hands thinking to yourself "I knew my time would come, now I just need to wait a little bit more and then I'll buy, probably close to the bottom". + +But this will almost certainly be a terrible mistake, and it would be the same terrible mistake you made last time. I get it, psychologically you want to buy at the cheapest possible price so you get the biggest return AND you lower your downside loss potential. It's very attractive and the temptation to try and time the market sucks you in, you become so fixated on not losing money and buying the cheapest price that you end up never making money either because you never pluck up the courage to actually buy in the first place. + +--- + + +I have a friend who pulled his money out of the S&P in 2008 at around the 1000 point market (a 30% loss) to try and buy in lower, and while the market did in fact go lower, he was unable to time the bottom because he waited too long and was too greedy. To this day he still has not bought back in... Not because he thinks the price is going back to 1000, but because he is so bitter that he made this mistake he just cannot bring himself to pay the now 250% - 300% increased price. + +At first he waited, then he waited some more and after a few years he lost interest because the price was so much higher than when he sold, especially when the price went past the previous ATH, he completely gave up on the stock market as being a viable investment and instead put his money in a savings account. I've not seen or spoken to him for a few years but I know him, there's no way he would have bought into the market, he was too bitter. + + +So what's the moral of this story / rant? Don't be like my old friend... Don't try to time the bottom. Don't be greedy. Just accept the discount that's on offer and buy in, then if it drops more, buy some more using your salary. Because if you don't, you're very likely to be stuck in the perpetual cycle of waiting for a correction that you end up inevitably missing the timing anyway. + + +And I know there are some people who will read this, or posts like it, and they'll tell themselves they are right and they can time the bottom but however strong your conviction, just know that you are almost certainly going to miss the bottom, so why bother trying? +On my local news station they claimed there isn’t a recession imminent in the United States because credit card spending is 10% higher. I would assume high credit card spending would be a red flag? Why not focus on what is being paid off or bank account balances? +Thank you! +I’m outraged. + +How dare the market be closed on Monday. It’s not even her goddamn birthday. Queensland lists it as the 4th of October, which is obviously correct, it’s the bloody Queens Land after all. + +As if it’s not bad enough I have to wait for Saturday and Sunday to drag by every week, but this week I have to wait for MONDAY as well, without even getting the benefit of a day off myself. + +Fucking Southerners making up bullshit holidays. + +What the fuck am I supposed to do all day at work without the market to pass the time? Crypto? Go get fucked + +FML +Hedge fund manager Cliff Asness of AQR Capital Management has revealed a short position on AMC. He claims that “meme stock maniacs” won’t do anything significant in response. + +AMC Entertainment (AMC) - Get AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. Class A Report stockholders and short-selling hedge funds are on a collision course. Skeptical that retail investors can withstand bear market pressures, hedge funds have been betting against meme stocks in an attempt to capitalize on the fatigue of meme stock fanatics. + +Read the full article: [https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/amc/cliff-asness-hedge-fund-is-short-selling-amc-stock-and-theyre-daring-apes-to-take-them-on](https://www.thestreet.com/memestocks/amc/cliff-asness-hedge-fund-is-short-selling-amc-stock-and-theyre-daring-apes-to-take-them-on) + +AMC is up 34% since hedge fund manager Cliff Asness shorted AMC and stated: "I dare all the meme stock maniacs to try to hurt us." Do you think he has already been squeezed out of his short? +A couple days ago, I created a post on the European fire sub [ asking for advice on how to move forward with 150k euro NW at 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/i1ogfx/31_yo_guy_needs_some_advice/) + +And then I stumbled upon this US fatfire post [Any women here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/i2yblq/any_women_here/) + +> I am a man but my wife makes 75% of the HH income. She makes about $800k. $310k Salary and the rest is cash bonuses (company is a large financial institution that is private). No college degree for her. Completed HS by CDRom/remote learning. Started working on websites aged 16 as she was part of a cult (her mom joined when my wife was 12) + +How + +> Likewise , my wife makes about triple what I make 200k vs 650k & I couldn’t be happier. We feed off each other’s success . + +Can + +> and her own modeling career she’s pulling close to $350,000, working for no one but herself. + +Someone + +> For the record, I'm 28, DINK, NW ~2.1m, and find the lifestyle fairly MCOL beyond housing which is high, generally more "quiet" than Cap Hill but we like it a lot. + +Reach + +> Woman here. I work in tech and am the primary breadwinner. (Used to make ~2x husband, now the gap's larger due to him recently starting a business). Not FI yet, but nearing 1M NW at 29/31. + +this + +> Hi! I’m in tech and I pull in around 300 and my husband is in comms and makes about 200. + +before + +> Yes - SO and I contribute 50/50. We both make a little over 400 a year + +30 + +> I’m an employed female physician and my husband is a self-employed real estate consultant. I make about 75% (~400) of the household income. + +in + +> We aren’t close to FatFire yet or maybe ever, but around $500k gross joint income. I’m mid a 30s woman + +Europe + +> Just crossed 1M here a few months ago so looking forward to seeing the growth really accelerate (still contributing 300k/year as well) + +You will never get this salary in Europe. Not in a million years and I'm getting frustrated. I have a feeling that in the states you do a master (loans ofc) and you don't take drugs you are earning 300k in corporate America for the rest of your life. Either as a dev, lawyer, PM, engineer, doctor etc. + +I have a master's in IT and a master's in law + one PhD, years of experience in different fields, I speak 4 languages and I can only dream about salaries like 300k USD. I pay 42-45% income tax, cars are twice as expensive, I was maybe 2 times in the hospital and enjoyed this "free healthcare". I think even the directors or c-suite in my company are not earning more than 300k euros. + +It is so unfair. Sorry for my rant. +Twitter shares fell as much as nearly 10% early Monday before paring some losses and trading down 6% by midday. + +https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/01/11/tech/twitter-stock-trump-account-suspended/index.html + +Looking at the stock prior to any of the recent events, it hasn’t really shown excessive growth since it’s IPO. Interested to see if this is a good buying opportunity or this stock is stagnant and has a low chance of competing with the rest of big social media companies? +You can download the Peachfolio app right now, for free, from Google Play Store or Apple App Store. The app has been downloaded almost 20k times and has hundreds of 5* reviews! Download it yourself and see why BSC traders love it.  + +This team just does not stop delivering - Peachfolio has huge upcoming milestones!   + +The addition of the Ethereum chain on August 28th!  Just 12 days away!  A huge step towards Peachfolio becoming the multi-chain tracker and analysis tool of choice for the entire crypto community.  + + +The launch of Peachfolio web app - growing the Peachfolio ecosystem. Dropping in September! Transition seamlessly between your phone and desktop. + + +They also have a massive new partnership on the way.  This will be revealed soon!   + + +Not to mention the $PCHF token utility upgrade - unlocking Peachfolio Pro features to holders. The tiers for this are now announced.   + +Alongside these tremendous milestones will be a major marketing push.  News on this will be released very soon. + +Do you trade on the BSC or Ethereum?  +Do you want an easy way to track your trades?  +Peachfolio is the wallet tracking app that you have been waiting for - it makes tracking your DeFi portfolio easy! + +Connect multiple wallets, filter tokens, check your portfolio value, see profit and loss, and get accurate prices - even on just launched tokens!   + +Currently all pro features are unlocked, giving the BSC community a taste of the app’s full capabilities. Soon, you’ll need to hold $PCHF to access these seriously powerful Pro features, but the basic tracking functionality of the app will always be free.  + +They have just added five new languages and have five more incoming, massively increasing the user base of the app.  + +Peachfolio recently linked up with BSC NFT marketplace HoDooi. Opening up a huge new base of users to the peachfolio experience. HoDooi are one of the biggest names in DeFi and recently auctioned an NFT of boxing champion Tyson Fury for nearly $1million!   + +DeFi trading just got peachy:  +https://youtu.be/Ie04l0BMbds  + +Key Details: +Contract: 0xc1cbfb96a1d5361590b8df04ef78de2fa3178390 +Ticker: $PCHF + +www.peachfolio.app + +https://twitter.com/peachfolio + +https://t.me/peachfolio + +https://www.reddit.com/r/peachfolio/ + +https://github.com/Peachfolio/V1-Beta/issues + +Join the #peacharmy now! +Hello, and sorry in advance because this is a long one. + +--- + +**tl;dr: Technical Analysis has some value, but don't base your trade on only TA. It tells you about how the markets collective psychology is, and that is the aspect you're looking for. It sets you up to see potential movements and understand why they might happen in a way that a fundamental analysis won't.** + +--- + +We need to talk about technical analysis, and it's place in investment decisions. This is a sub about *trading*, and I don't want to sit idly by while this sub brainwashes itself into a HODL and forget-mentality, shutting its eyes to information that flies by. + +On this sub, there's a widespread and accepted attitude that even looking at charts and attempting to derive any meaning from the price action, is utter hogwash and a fools errand. Since nobody knows where the price is going, looking at historical events to determine the future must be a waste of time, surely? Drawing fancypants triangles and lines between point A and B, only to land at a place that confirms your bias seems like a counterproductive venture, so why bother? + +Well, yes. You're not wrong. But that is not the purpose of technical analysis, at least that's not the way the tool should be used in my opinion. There is no doubt that fundamental analysis beats out technical analysis in order of importance before any investment decision. But where technical analysis beats out fundamental analysis, is explaining the collective psychology of the investors in the market you're analysing. How they behave isn't necessarily related to the intrinsic value of the currency itself, but more connected to human psychology (*which is the sole reason bubbles exist - if psychology wasn't an issue, everything would be correctly priced way more often*). And the price action of the currency thus doesn't always operate rationally. + +**Let's dive right into it.** + +--- + +> [This](http://imgur.com/y0LU16y) is the basic shape of a generic Harmonic Pattern - *or a triangle, if you will*. +> +> Looking at it out of context like that, it looks like something you'd see in any tarot-foreseers arsenal. How can these mean anything at all? Well, we're in luck because Ether today is a *perfect* example of the driving psychology that shapes these patterns! +> +> [This](http://imgur.com/xlEApJy) is an image of the movements of Ether since the start of may, 1.5 month ago. It's a pretty bullish run up, before we took a tumble down today. + +* "[X](http://imgur.com/wY3zw29)" - This is the start of the bullrun, people invest here because they see the currency being worth more than it's current market price. +* "A" - This is the current ATH. People sell now for various reasons, but among them are uncertainty, profit taking, fear etc. For whatever reason, the bullrun loses momentum and reverses. + +> Now this is where it gets interesting. + +* "[B](http://imgur.com/wx0Vhto)" - a point that the market again decides the currency is worth more than it's market price. So it attempts another run up. But this doesn't happen at random times - retracements often (*but not always!*) follow the [fibonacci ratios](http://www.investopedia.com/articles/technical/04/033104.asp) (38%, 50%, 61% and 78% most notably), and pivot around these. You might've seen me or other people talk about the "61% level of support" etc - and that refers to these levels. And these levels go from top to down because we're measuring the *retracement* of a prior movement. The prior movement is from point X to A, and how far down it goes before it reverses is what we're looking for. + +> In these patterns, there are certain rules and ratios to differentiate between them. Generally you can sort them by bearish or bullish, but the aforementioned fibonacci levels also differentiate between the different ones. Ones of these rules, is that point "C" will retrace between 61% to 100% of the AB leg. So I've drawn up that [here](http://imgur.com/CNM9YeY). +> +> Now you might ask, where does psychology tie in with this? We're getting there. If you look at the last picture once more, you'll notice that C either is a double top (*if it retraces 100%*), or a lower high (*as in the image*). These are bearish signals. Now remember that people thought the currency was undervalued at "B", so generally there's bullish sentiment in this pattern. But for now, people are seeing signals indicating a selloff, and that's what they're reacting to. + +* "C" - from this point the market sells off, and goes down below point "B". As the market was before willing to buy at this level, if we get a higher low than we had at X, it's generally respected as a reversal indicator. And people who sold at [C might see this](http://imgur.com/w8EXGFP) and buy in again at D. + +* "D" - this point depends upon how the other points played out, and how you approach it will vary from ~~situation to situation~~ pattern to pattern. The rule of thumb is to be *prepared* for a *possible* reversal, and then decde for yourself if you have enough information to take a position based on that information. And yes, basing this decision solely on technical analysis is the controversial part. *It hasn't been proven to work better than the flip of a coin*. So why do people trade with this sketchy concept? + +> *Because we're not trying to predict the future*! We're trying to find reasoning behind historic events (*past market movements*), and common events that can happen because of them. We're mapping a potential upcoming event, and preparing ourselves for that event - to not be taken by surprise, and left behind by the market. And when was *more information* ever a bad thing when it comes to making informed decisions? I'm not saying that there's informative predictions about where the price will be, but there's definitively information about how the market reacts to be read. + +> So, why am I saying that Ether is a perfect example of the validity of triangles and socalled "technical analysis"? Well, concider what we've seen in the daily chat today. People saying it's a bargain to buy now, people screaming to get out because it's gonna drop - wildly different thougths about what is going on, but definitely proof of the following: + +* A will to buy the currency now. +* An idea that the currency is overvalued, and needs to drop further. + +> +> Doesn't these two reflect pretty well in [this shape's A and B points](http://imgur.com/H5c580W) as well? And with that said, is it really so unthinkable to *just keep your eyes open* for potential reversals in zones that are based on this pattern? After all, no investment decision has been made yet. You're just one step ahead because you can now understand and rationalize what you're seeing. It's not just blood everywhere, it's the psychology of the group pushing the price. +> + +--- + +Now taking this line of thought into Ether - we've seen a will to push up to A, and an event that drove the price down. There's people still thinking Ether is way underpriced, so a will to push up is still present. Therefore it's natural to expect a reversal at some point (*I'm treading the line now, I know - in the "real world", what moves the price is the fundamentals. But this is so early all we have now is adoption/speculative value*). Based on this, I'm just [drawing these lines](http://imgur.com/Bxh0oap) to see where the different patterns would have a reversal happen. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but these patterns are backtested and they occur often enough to be as valid as any other pennant, head / shoulder, flag etc. For that reason, I draw them up such that in the event they follow through from X to A to B to C (*without invalidating / breaking any ratios*), I will not be taken by surprise if the market soars after a reversal I missed (*the reason the market soars in that case is not because of a pattern, but the pattern does a good job of laying out for you what happened that you missed out on (in terms of psychology))*. Because I gathered information leading up to that event, I could hopefully have been prepared. + +We're still far away from making the decision to take a position - but there's definitely a language here, and understanding it takes away a lot of the irrational fear of feeling your net worth plummet for no reason, and an urge to pull out your money. + +--- + +I'm gonna stop right there, because I'm quite sure I've already bored you to death, even though there's so much to say about TA. And no, you're not getting a juicy prediction from me. I'll be happy if just a single one of you have given at least a passing thought to the concept of technical analysis by the end of this. + +edit: and seeing as I write slow af, [this is the potential reversal zone](http://imgur.com/c9B6NWm) for C in the event that this were to proceed to validate as a harmonic pattern. If we were to drop down below B again, that just means the first B wasn't the actual reversal, and as long as it is within the 38-78%, it's still a valid B. + +edit 2: And if we aren't going to bea the previous ATH, [this is the reversal zone](http://imgur.com/VWWhfDj) for C. + +Disclaimer: + +* I am obviously not a professional, nor am I affiliated with any professional financial institutes. +* I, like most here I believe, have positions in Ether. +* I am not offering financial advice. +There is a large liquidation watch on Solana's Solend protocol, where a whale has deposited 5.7M SOL ($170M and borrowed 108M USDC and USDT borrowed. This alone accounts for a huge % of borrowing on Solana, and now this position is under a liquidation threat. + +The whale is not closing their position. In most protocols like Compound, or AAVE, Maker etc, this will result in an onchain liquidation. Infact we have seen many such large liquidations on AAVE And Maker recently, and everything has worked as expected. + +However such a large liquidation in an illiquid market and unstable network like Solana is likely to have vastly damaging consequences. Solana network has already gone down and halted half a dozen time. + +The Solend team explains what could happen to the network: + +>This could cause chaos, putting a strain on the Solana network. Liquidators would be especially active and spamming the liquidate function, which has been known to be a factor causing Solana to go down in the past. +> +>**Letting a liquidation of this size to happen on-chain is extremely risky.** DEX liquidity isn’t deep enough to handle a sale of this size and could cause cascading effects. Additionally, liquidators will be incentivized to spam the network in an effort to win very lucrative liquidations. This has been known to cause load issues for Solana in the past which would exacerbate the problems at hand. + +So to prevent this, they are proposing to literally steal the user's funds and execute OTC trades: + +>Grant emergency power to Solend Labs to temporarily take over the whale’s account so the liquidation can be executed OTC and avoid pushing Solana to its limits. This would be done via a smart contract upgrade. Emergency powers will be revoked once the whale’s account reaches a safe level. + +When shit starts to implode, all the true colors of decentralization comes out. + +These shitty protocol are run by fly by night cowboys who learnt basics of economics during the bull run. They put their users are risk by running terrible protocols that do not think about all the edge cases...because who cares about risks right?! + +And during signs of distress, they resolve to seize user funds. +I was on wsb when it went crazy, and again on gme. I still view those, but my participation is limited. When those dramas happened, it was uncertain which spin-off sub would emerge from the ashes. + +Superstonk, the founders, and the moderators have exceeded all of my expectations. In my opinion, superstonk is the evolution of all of the others. They respond to FUD and shills so fast I hardly notice them. When i do, as pinkcatsonacid has said, it's that apes are smart enough to spot them and call them out. + +I don't think they need constant advice or proposals, as their judgement has been pretty fucking good! + + +Edited: removed my agree question. This was not meant to beg for yogis. If you truly don't think they've done well, then we just disagree. +I am referring to this [investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/040715/were-there-any-periods-major-deflation-us-history.asp#:~:text=There%20have%20been%20several%20deflationary,again%20between%201865%20to%201900.&text=of%20the%20country.-,The%20most%20recent%20example%20of%20deflation%20occurred%20in%20the%2021st,economists%20as%20the%20Great%20Recession) article, in which they say deflation was worrisome to economists from 2007 to 2009, because they thought it would lead to a prolonged recession. + +It is my understanding though, that deflation would increase the purchasing power of people and decrease the price of goods and services. So how could that be a bad thing? What am I missing? + +Edit: Thanks for everyone who contributed. This is actually a lot for me to take in and understand, I am going to have to read and re-read this thread to truly understand. I appreciate the thoroughness. +The unfurling of BW3 was a success! I have \~130k shares total spread across 7 accounts, at around a 7-dollar avg. + +Total gains if I close right now come out to \~130 000 x (10.66-7) = 130 000 x 3.66 = $475 800 USD + +$475 800 USD x 1.33 (USD to CAD conversion) = \~$632 000 CAD GAIN + +I am in shock. + +I will be trimming soon, but I will also keep a core position. Haven't figured out the specifics yet. To me, this is an insane long-term opportunity as well, so I won't sell everything. In my opinion, this stock has 100x potential if everything goes according to plan. I will sell a portion to lock in some gains though. + +LET'S FKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO + +Edit: Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ylvgis/selftrained\_in\_autism\_1m\_cad\_asts\_yolo\_max\_margin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ylvgis/selftrained_in_autism_1m_cad_asts_yolo_max_margin/) + +Kept over 10k shares as my core position. Sold everything else for a pretty respectable gain. Green is a good colour, I am not complaining. Earnings today, let's see what happens. Net worth comes out to a little less than 900k CAD. Me being a millionaire was short-lived lmao. Dw, I have my eyes on some things to short on max margin next. I think I can reclaim my millionaire status again soon if everything goes well 🙏 + +Will watch $ASTS like a hawk. I will buy again if we go back down to regarded prices. + +Cheers. Hope y'all make money. + +Edit #3: New positioning. Check the link out if you want! Also thank you all for your kind words. I'm sorry I couldn't get back to all of you. I didn't think I would get this much interaction, and I am a bit overwhelmed by the number of DMS and comments I have gotten. Love you all and wish you all the best!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/yvdlow/now\_short\_on\_max\_margin\_i\_believe\_the\_bear\_market/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/yvdlow/now_short_on_max_margin_i_believe_the_bear_market/) + +[This shows my share count in my 3 largest accounts. The price hasn't been updated yet because the market hasn't opened.](https://preview.redd.it/yx9fp7jj1xz91.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e118a6dfe06787510e490a5f94e0970f834989f5) + +&#x200B; + +[Pre-market price](https://preview.redd.it/1zipii7z1xz91.png?width=563&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c656c2378b13d2a85eee5786bc1997ba953ac8) +I think a problem a lot of economics students face is that there is a monopolist market when it comes to YouTube channels. I am talking about Economics Explained. This seems to lead to dead weight loss as many of us go unsatisfied as he is not great when it comes to original takes and theoretical knowledge. It would be a huge help if someone could point me to a good economics YouTube channel and make the market more competitive. + +Thank You +&#x200B; + +# If you are buying dogecoin because: + +1. *You are doing it for short term profit (Which is a risky game you are playing)* +2. *You are doing it for fun* + +&#x200B; + +**I'm okay with this because you understand the dynamics involved.** + +&#x200B; + +# But if you are doing it for long term profit... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vmrn8qo7hxu61.png?width=1095&format=png&auto=webp&s=777bb4a5f8341d8f310854ffe3f743bc21205477 + +**Lets examine this:** + +&#x200B; + +Note: I calculated this when dogecoin was at $0.32 several days back (this might not reflect the price when you read this) + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dogecoin](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/dogecoin) + +&#x200B; + +* **Although there are many factors that drive Cryptocurrency price, this is a general way to calculate what the price of a cryptocurrency is going to be.** + +https://preview.redd.it/kbiy1nrzhxu61.jpg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902c50332aa269726b18b8ad1ad399c90f362d25 + +&#x200B; + +* **When you are dividing, if the top number is higher, the answer will be a higher number.** +* **When you are dividing, if the bottom number is higher, the answer will be a lower number.** + +https://preview.redd.it/7stufha9ixu61.jpg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=321c77a9ee07dc367175896d00a2f7e1df7f2f20 + +* **In order for the Market Cap (Top Number) to go up, many people would have to buy dogecoin**, but many people understand this is a meme coin or a pump/dump coin. They are using this as short term profit or self entertainment because there is no long term adoptation compare to other crypto currency projects. +* **In order for the Circulating Supply (Bottom Number) to go down, they would have to stop mining dogecoin**, but there is 14.4 Dogecoins being produced in one day which is 5 Billion Dogecoin a year. + +&#x200B; + +* **If you want DogeCoin to be $10** based on the circulating supply we have now, then the **Market Cap would have to be 1.29 Trillion** *(Note: I calculated this several days back, so the number might be even higher now)*, **that's if DOGECOIN STOPPED MINING and NEVER MAKE ANYMORE!** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y8uj7wpnkxu61.jpg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51bad19cb85914a73423e7e106f224b6fabc6133 + +&#x200B; + +* **How big is a 1.29 Trillion Market Cap? How much would it need to reach $10?** + +https://preview.redd.it/z0x2clr2mxu61.jpg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d106a23320cfb6d4aedce9742171525939e4ebc2 + +* **Dogecoin would have to overtake Facebook and Tesla!** + +&#x200B; + +**Once again, this is if Dogecoin stopped mining right now and produced no more Dogecoin supply, but Dogecoin will produce to infinity, it will not stop producing because there is no cap.** + +&#x200B; + +**This is like trying to mop a wet floor that has a water leak and the water leak will never stop leaking. Yes, you can recruit more workers to mop the floor, but at some point the workers will quit and leave, then you are left mopping the water by yourself and eventually you will drown in the water.** + +&#x200B; + +**Take your mop and go home!** + +&#x200B; + +PS: I'm NOT posting this in Dogecoin subreddit. I will get stoned to death. +>**Vodafone Idea** share price tumbled over 16 percent intraday on August 4 after Vodafone Chief Executive Officer Nick Read said the telecom major will not be infusing fresh equity into debt-ridden Vodafone Idea (Vi). +> +>Read made the comments during a conference call with investors on July 23, Business Standard reported. +> +>"We as a group try to provide them as much practical support as we can, but I want to make it very clear, we are not putting any additional equity into India," he said, as quoted by the publication. + +[https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/vodafone-idea-shares-tumble-16-after-vodafone-ceo-rules-out-fresh-equity-infusion-7275101.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/markets/vodafone-idea-shares-tumble-16-after-vodafone-ceo-rules-out-fresh-equity-infusion-7275101.html) +The company survives on data mining and with new Apple's data privacy policy and upcoming similar law from Google, Facebook is going to go under a very difficult path. New generation doesn't use their flagship product and their new products are notoriously lame. VR never took off, WhatsApp has its own issues and only Instagram seems to be doing fine currently. + +How will they hold onto their trillion dollar valuation? I'm not sure why Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Scheme has Facebook instead of Apple in their portfolio. + +As a person who's invested in this scheme, this bothers me a little. Is anyone more informed care to explain this move of theirs? +Preferably one that's more story-like narration. I've been listening to some podacats that talk about the 2008 crisis, dot com bubble and really enjoyed those and would love to listen to a podcast where that's the kind of thing they talk about. +Pocket Doge - Moon Mission Confirmed! - Real Utility, Low MC, P2E this Week, Ready to Explode + +Pocket Doge is a BSC token focused on a safe environment to invest in and trust. Already released are 3 video games, and 3 music videos. Two new games with P2E in beta and will be out before October. In addition an NFT platform that focuses on artists, singers, writers, independent game developers and musicians maintaining control of their projects and a new distribution method.  + +Partnerships with big marketing potential have already been completed, and more are always being worked on. Betting, staking, and swaps are coming soon. Multi-reward token offering BNB, BUSD, CAKE, ADA, ETH, USDT, RISE, and BurningMoon. More tokens are added as new partnerships with legitimate projects are developed.  + +The entire core team is KYCd and the contract has been audited by SolidProof, over a month old with low MC. The team do frequent video chats.  +The vision is help make DeFi what it’s supposed to be - a place where anyone with ambition can find financial freedom without worrying about scams. + +Website: https://www.pocketdogetoken.com/ + +TG: https://t.me/pocketdoge + +Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hDc65w1tuE + +Game: Here +Pocket Doge - Moon Mission Confirmed! - Real Utility, Low MC, P2E this Week, Ready to Explode + +Pocket Doge is a BSC token focused on a safe environment to invest in and trust. Already released are 3 video games, and 3 music videos. Two new games with P2E in beta and will be out before October. In addition an NFT platform that focuses on artists, singers, writers, independent game developers and musicians maintaining control of their projects and a new distribution method.  + +Partnerships with big marketing potential have already been completed, and more are always being worked on. Betting, staking, and swaps are coming soon. Multi-reward token offering BNB, BUSD, CAKE, ADA, ETH, USDT, RISE, and BurningMoon. More tokens are added as new partnerships with legitimate projects are developed.  + +The entire core team is KYCd and the contract has been audited by SolidProof, over a month old with low MC. The team do frequent video chats.  +The vision is help make DeFi what it’s supposed to be - a place where anyone with ambition can find financial freedom without worrying about scams. + +Website: https://www.pocketdogetoken.com/ + +TG: https://t.me/pocketdoge + +Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hDc65w1tuE + +Game: Here +Perhaps I just don't understand the rational basis for this, but I cannot understand how companies, and in the macro sense, economies are expected to grow, by ever increasing margins, without limit. The planet can only sustain so much life and only has so few resources. As economies continue to grow, isn't the world just accelerating rapidly to a point where all resources have been exhausted and all markets are saturated? And what then? + +What drives the model for perpetual growth? And what makes economists and politicians think it makes sense? + +The relentless pursuit of profit growth does not always provide value. I would argue it drives responses such as decreased quality, cheap labor, and planned obsolesce as companies continually seek new ways to "grow" their profits once market saturation has been achieved. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Last year was my first year in investing since 2013. It was easy. Profits were coming from all over. + +Starting this year, I maxed out my TSFA and decided to try my hands at beating the market once again. I started with a medium risk portfolio, something I didn't want to tinker with. However, the more I was on Reddit, the more I began reading, the more I began trading, the more money I was losing. + +I work remote and can check Reddit, Twitter, and my Questrade account whenever I feel like it. Over the last week and a half, I realized I was spending more time doing this instead of working! + +Reading posts about huge gains (and huge losses), DD's (with thousands of upvotes), and wallstreetbets, has been exhausting. I'm sure I'm not alone. + +My goal was to originally make a portfolio that I didn't have to touch but I slowly began drifting away from that goal. + +**Confirmation bias** is rampant here, I see it all the time. People asking if they should hold X hoping for someone to say 'yes' or by joining a company's subreddit where everyone's bullish, etc. It even had an affect on me. + +Stock picking takes a toll, I realized I don't have the time to do it. It also affects my work-life balance. + +I recently went back to the basics and my original strategy of ETFs and holding only 4 individual stocks (one being Apple). Sure, I'll probably miss out on 10 baggers but the peace of mind I get from not having to open up reddit and read all the time makes up for it. + +**How has the market recently affected you're day-to-day life? Have you taken any steps to fix things?** + +P.S. If you're on Twitter and want to block some of the financial noise, I recommend the extension Minimal Twitter. + +&#x200B; +[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/qxeym8/buying_copper_stocks_now_that_prices_are_taking_a/) post about copper miners just hit the top of this subreddit, and it's a good example of the obvious astroturfing effort that's going on. + +Take a look at this account's [post history](https://www.reddit.com/user/KatheKnuth/submitted/) and you'll see a common pattern: a few karma-farming posts from a couple of months ago that invariably come in subreddits like /r/aww, /r/nextfuckinglevel, /r/MadeMeSmile, /r/funny, etc. Then nothing, then a submission to a stock subreddit. Anybody with experience moderating subreddits can pick this out as a bought account immediately. This is an extremely common pattern where people build up some easy karma on a clean account and then sell it for use in various promotional campaigns. + +Take a look at the post content and you'll see a pattern that will repeat: one or two paragraphs of content-free 'analysis' about events in whatever mining sector, then a series of 'pitch' paragraphs where they link to a random junior miner and include the ticker. Presumably this is an attempt to pump/draw attention to these stocks. + +I've been noticing this happening in /r/investing and /r/stocks over the past few months, here are a few examples that I picked up in just 15 minutes by searching for recent posts about 'mining', 'copper', 'gold', and other such keywords. On each of these posts note the exact same post framework and then click on the username -> 'posted' tab to see the exact same type of post history. + +* [/r/investing, 2 days ago, 'junior mining'](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/qvx11z/is_investing_in_junior_mining_stocks_worth_it/) +* [/r/investing, 8 days ago, 'copper'](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/qqs5bp/coppers_current_situation_is_concerning/) +* [/r/investing, 1 month ago, 'gold stocks'](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/qb8e3y/going_big_on_some_gold_stocks/) +* [/r/investing, 1 month ago, 'gold mining'](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/q8le51/investing_in_gold_mining_stocks_after_the_recent/) +* [/r/investing, 1 month ago, 'mining companies'](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/peh0q5/mining_companies_and_engaging_with_communities/) +* [/r/stocks, 4 days ago, 'copper prices'](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/qudym9/why_do_copper_prices_still_go_down_despite_the/) +* [/r/stocks, 16 days ago, 'copper and lithium'](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/qlsbil/im_about_to_invest_in_some_copper_and_lithium/) +* [/r/stocks, 1 month ago, 'copper prices'](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/q3vsf4/will_the_recent_fall_in_copper_production_affect/) + +This is just quickly scanning over posts in these two subreddits over the past month - it's been going on longer than that and I'm guessing is probably in other investing-related subreddits as well that I just don't see. + +Anyway, I don't have any personal opinion on the stocks or sectors in question, but I do feel it's good to point this out and to remind everybody that when you're reading stuff on Reddit you are not necessarily reading agenda-free or good faith discussions, you are being marketed to. So be suspicious about this stuff. Not sure how much the moderators can realistically do but maybe good for them to be aware of this as well (/u/MasterCookSwag, /u/dvdmovie1, /u/kiwimancy) +yet when it's down 3% i get notified immediately. There needs to be fairness rules with the alerting/notifications that these broker apps use. it needs to be fair for both up and down. Tell me brokers are trying to encourage paper hands without telling me brokers are trying to encourage paper handed bitches. + +edit: (RIP Inbox: also this made front page it seems) +TLDR: Citadel has two algorithms. SmartProvide and FastFill. They use these two algos to facilitate latency arbitrage. Effectively knowing there will be a difference between true price and the price its trading for and take advantage of the discrepancy for personal profit. The also route non-beneficial orders to off-exchange so their algos continue to work how they want. These two algorithms scalp pennies on the dollar over and over. So I ask, how can a private company that relies on latency arbitrage for personal profit NOT have any conflicts of interest for best available price throughout the entire market? How can they say the represent retail when they steal from us every minute of the day? + +**Those discrepancies are not just made of money out of nowhere. They are effectively STEALING our best available price so that THEY can keep it. And these slimy fucks govern the entire U.S. markets???** + +**We need to demand open source information to see whats behind these algorithms, currently only 15 total employees know what makes up these algorithms yet Citadel can still have full rights to market-making the vast majority of all U.S. trades on and off exchange, while also stealing from said traders.** + +\#CitadelSteals + +\#CitadelOpenSource + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9ldk91d2ru091.png?width=691&format=png&auto=webp&s=b03fde6eca5ce86bfb19213d89c273fe771a5f89 + +https://preview.redd.it/l1rbn5yuru091.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=510ee88d397c9b0896d0ee8235c04e81857645dc + +**Glossary Needed to Understand Write-Up:** + +**Arbitrage:** The simultaneous purchase and sale of the same asset in different markets in order to profit from tiny differences in the asset's listed price + +**NBBO:** Best available (lowest) ask price. Best available (highest) bid price. NBBO is essentially the best current value for your trades. + +**Algorithm**: A procedure used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act as a precise list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware- or software-based routines. + +**Off-Exchange:** Low regulated private exchange only big players have access to where they can trade blocks of securities/contracts at a time without any effect on price discovery. Not lit exchange like NYSE / IEX etc. + +**IEX:** The Investors Exchange. Founded in 2012 in order to mitigate the effects of high frequency trading (HFT). Every trade on IEX hits the lit exchange directly for best available price. No scalping no arbitrage. + +**High-Frequency Trading (HFT):** High-frequency trading, also known as HFT, is a method of trading that uses powerful computer programs to transact a large number of orders in fractions of a second. It uses complex [algorithms](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/algorithm.asp) to analyze multiple markets and execute orders based on market conditions. Typically, the traders with the fastest execution speeds are more profitable than traders with slower execution speeds. + +**SIP:** U.S. Securities Information Processor. It consolidates all 16 exchanges. It also consolidates all 30+ dark pools quote prices and market data into one off exchange data set. + +[SIP Explained](https://preview.redd.it/fomxpipuhu091.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c20ccd2845edd718063b9e620f6b9bd44aeac91) + +&#x200B; + +**"The Citadel Settlement, Off-Exchange Market Makers, and Giant Brokerages - Columbia University Law"** + +(Source: [https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#\_ftn5](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn5)) + +This key settlement is the only piece on the internet that goes into detail with how these algorithms work. And they prove Citadel does not facilitate best price for traders, in fact they go out of their way to ensure they do not. + +"The settlement focused on two algorithms—or, in the industry lingo, “algos”—with the monikers **FastFill** and **SmartProvide**, which were run by Citadel’s wholesale market making unit. Both algos were triggered by price discrepancies between the consolidated and private data feeds, i.e., the “official” market data distributed by a designated Security Information Processor (“SIP”) and more detailed and inherently faster market data products offered by exchanges themselves...the very existence of such trading strategies, which may be classified under the umbrella of **“latency arbitrage."** + +ELIAPE: SIP=what it should trade at, they have PFOF and other data advantages so they can pull data from the other exchanges and know price movements by the millisecond. They scalp these differences which always leaves them with the gains and retail with the difference lost. + +**Okay time to dive into the algo structures, its nothing crazy technical, but the functions are damning for conflicts of interest in every sense.** + +https://preview.redd.it/etas5sf0tu091.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=50d154206d00d8df5335fd91d7a48f674c3dd46a + +&#x200B; + +**FastFill Explained:** + +“\[C\]ontemporaneous with determining to internalize the order at the SIP NBB \[National Best Bid\] or NBO \[National Best Offer\], as applicable, FastFill sent a proprietary order to the market in an effort to execute for itself at a price better than the SIP NBB or NBO, as relevant.” + +"substantial number of smaller orders fared worse because of FastFill in that there was sufficient liquidity displayed in the market to fill all or most of such orders at a price better than the SIP NBB or NBO, as applicable." + +**ELIAPE:** They see price going up and the consolidated data (SIP) isn't reflecting it yet, so they front run buying before the gains happen. In general smaller liquidity stocks and retail buying is basically fucked by this algorithm and almost always gets scalped for a loss to retail. + +The same situation happens but opposite for selling. SIP is high but their data shows low so they sell high before price is "realized" on SIP. + +The delay between your buys and sells being executed is time for Citadel to steal your money. + +&#x200B; + +**SmartProvide Explained:** + +"Turning to SmartProvide, this algo had a number of interesting twists. As its pivotal feature, SmartProvide converted marketable orders into nonmarketable orders, which could have been motivated by Citadel’s deliberate decision to capture liquidity rebates offered by exchanges. Moreover, this algo introduced significant time delays. More specifically, an order could end up being “displayed for up to one to five seconds, depending on the size of the order,”[\[9\]](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn9) and this timeframe is much longer than a typical delay of less than one *millisecond*, i.e., one thousandth of a second, for the consolidated data feed compared with faster private data feeds." + +**ELIAPE:** They are purposefully filling orders off-exchange that could be speculated to be the ones that are not profitable for their FastFill structure, no one knows what is making these algorithms route things off exchange in fully liquid markets. Off-exchange was used to help facilitate trades for illiquid markets/stocks.. Soo why are fully liquid stocks/markets making up of over 60-70% dark pool routing? Oh yeah and **A DELAY OF UP TO 5 SECONDS WHEN NORMAL TRADES ARE IN THE MILLISECOND RANGE.** + +&#x200B; + +"In other words, this algo went beyond a simple data feed arbitrage, and, as one might speculate, it probably involved additional predictive number-crunching and HFT-style market structure shortcuts. Ultimately, despite being advantageous to some orders, SmartProvide led to a subset of orders “receiv\[ing\] a price that was worse than they would have received” in the scenario of immediate execution.[\[11\]](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/#_ftn11)" + +**ELIAPE:** Citadel is likely purposefully routing certain orders off-exchange and creating their own latency arbitrage so that their HFT can take advantage of the price discrepancies while also not affecting/ruining their SmartFill algorithms that are scalping as well. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hatuo7evpu091.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0004ac8e2937cfb4ae5b1a80cfbe3474ef8e0d + +They essentially are creating arbitrage to scalp, and causing illiquid markets on purpose so that their spreads can be greater and they can take more. + +&#x200B; + +**When scummy Goldman employees and Virtu employees agree with you then you know how fucking fucked Citadel is:** + +[https:\/\/www.protocol.com\/fintech\/citadel-iex-sec-lawsuit](https://preview.redd.it/kzp6jyo1pu091.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e0b71c40650b8f18077666ab2405f5f5c9a227) + +&#x200B; + +**Citadel Being Sued For (not getting) Best Price On Purpose:** + +https://preview.redd.it/r0mj7r0onu091.png?width=530&format=png&auto=webp&s=088e43b8013650b3ce35bfa3aa66a7a26ea16741 + +Now Citadel controls the majority of lit trades, even topping the entire NASDAQ in trades. Also they control over 50% of all dark pool trades. + +&#x200B; + +**Other Options:** + +IEX. IEX has been shown to increase discovery price in retail investors much more than citadels market making abilities. Because they completely take out any HFT. If Citadel is using latency arbitrage and off-exchange routing algos to their advantage all of those "discrepancies" are quite LITERALLY our price discovery being shoved into the shadows and these lawsuits prove that. + +&#x200B; + +**WE NEED TO DEMAND OPEN SOURCE TO FASTFILL AND SMARTPROVIDE** + +**THEY CANNOT KEEP STEALING OUR MONEY AND OUR PRICE DISCOVERY.** + +**#CitadelSteals** + +**#CitadelScandal** + +**#CitadelOpenSource** + +&#x200B; + +Special thanks to u/swede_child_of_mine for letting me know about this case. + +Cheers +#I"M A FUCKING RETARD (SORRY NEXT INVESTORS) + +[LINK TO UPDATED POST IS HERE](https://old.reddit.com/user/Mutated_Cunt/comments/moqm5e/the_next_pump_a_comprehensive_analysis_of_the/) + +Okay, I was building the spreadsheet tracking the performance of Next Investor stocks using Google Finance to track the total return, and I've just realized I made a fucking critical mistake. + +In short, its the classic programming error of missing your list index by 1, this meant that my Total Return calculation was actually the end of day return. This means that every single number you see with a percent sign in a table in my original post is fucking mis-indexed by 1, that's why the 5 minute return is so low, that's actually showing the price of the stock before the pump. Fuck me. + +I've double triple checked everything else, which I'm willing to stand by still. All the red circle plots are legit, but if I was smart enough to look closely at my total returns plots, I'd realize what a dumb cunt I am. + +&#x200B; + +This re-analysis has shown that buying Next Investors stocks, even 1 hour after the email has been sent, would have netted you \~20% return. All Hail Next Investors. + +&#x200B; + +For a live tracking of the performance of their email recommended stocks, check [this spreadsheet here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hsy0Q2f60x3w4EUShxi7a2b6iyr_rWAeEpCB7hJPCP8/edit#gid=1191708562) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +TLDR: I've been studying cyber security for a LONG time, it's my job to be skeptical. You don't get a TLDR. You need to read this and think smarter. + +.......................................................................... + +So it's all over our front page, a coordinated attack. Yep. RadioAtBlossoms is NOT an ally. Let's get into it, but first apes need a lesson. + +So what is the purpose of disinformation? + +It is to give the gentlest of pushes to cause the maximum amount of disruption. That word is *key*. Not destruction. Not damage. *Disruption*. + +In destruction, there is rebuilding. +In damage, there is recovery. +In disruption? There is *only chaos and confusion*. +